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VOL. II. SOLD BY A. & C. BLACK, DOUGLAS & FOULIS, LONGMANS cfc CO., . TRiJBNBR & CO., . PARKER & CO., MACMILLAN & CO., A. THOM & CO., Edinbdkoh. London. Oxford. Cambridge. Dublin. CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SCOTLAND PRESERVED IN HEK MAJESTY'S PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, LONDON. EDITED BY JOSEPH BAIN, F.S.A. SCOT., MEMBER OP COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL ARCH^OLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, MEMBRE CORRESPONDANT ^TRANGER DE LA SOCliT^ DES ANTIQUAIRES DE NORMANDIE. VOL. 11. A.D. 1272—1307. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE LOEDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER majesty's TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE DEPUTY CLERK REGISTER OF SCOTLAND. H. M. GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE, EDINBURGH. 1884. PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY NEILL AND COMPANY, EDINBURGH. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction, ........ Schedule op Records, ....... Table op Contemporary Kings and Governments of England and Scotland, ....... Calendar, ........ Appendix : — I. Description of Seals appended to certain Homages, II. Original Documents, III. Catalogue of Detached Seals, {Plates I. to V. follow page 540.) Index, ...... Corrigenda, ..... PAGE ix Ixi Ixii 1 531 535 537 561 714 464233 INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. ^HIS, the second volume of the Calendar of Documents relating -^ to Scotland, preserved among the Public Records of Eng- land, embraces the entire reign of Edward I., — a period full of events of great importance in the history of the two countries, — beginning with the last years of the peaceful and beneficent reign of Alexander III., and ending while the two nations were engaged, one for conquest and the other for independence, in the arduous struggle which, after many vicissitudes, was to end in firmly seating Robert Bruce on the vacant throne of his ancestors. The reign of Edward L, so far as it relates to Scotland, may be divided into six periods — the last thirteen years of the reign of Alexander III., five of the nominal reign of Margaret of Norway, the two years' Interregnum during the Competition for the Crown, John Balliol's disastrous four years' reign, the second Interregnum of ten years, and lastly, the short period from the coronation of Robert Bruce till the death of Edward I. Beginning then with Alexander III., we shaU find that the documents calendared fully bear out the character assigned to him by Lord Hailes : — ' His conduct towards the neighbouring ' kingdom was uniformly candid and wise. He maintained that ' amity with England \'vhich interest as weU as relation to its * sovereigns required ; yet he never submitted to any concessions VOL. II. & X INTEODUCTIOK 1272-75. ' wMcli might injure the independency of the kingdom and Edward I. ' Church of Scotland.' (Alex. IIL) The first document ^ is a remonstrance by him as to encroach- ments on his rights in his Cumberland manors, addressed to Eleanor Queen of Henry III., who is called 'the late,' some rumour of his death having doubtless reached Scotland, though that event did not occur till 16th November, nearly seven months after the date of the letter, 22nd April 1272. As \vdll be noticed from many other documents,^ the privileges of the Kings of Scotland in these and their Tynedale possessions were grudgingly admitted, and closely watched by their brother sovereigns. On 27th August 1274, Edward I. issued a writ ^ commanding 17 5l. to be paid to his royal brother-in-law from the issues of Durham, for the stated expenses of 100s. daily, allowed of old to the Scottish kings coming to the English Court ; in this instance the cost of his attending the coronation at Westminster. Soon after, in Michaelmas Term^ the same year, Edward ordered the Barons of Exchequer to ascertain what balance was due to Alexander of his consort Queen Margaret's dower of 5000?., that it might be settled. There is nothing to show, however, that it was ever paid.^ After above twenty-four years of married life, Queen Margaret died at the comparatively early age of thirty-five on 26th February 1274-75.^ Her grace and beauty are still the subjects of Scottish tradition. Only three weeks before her death she had obtained from her brother a special favour for Elizabeth de Quincy Countess of Buchan, who was in an interesting situation, releasing her from personal attendance before him to receive her share of her father's heritage.^ This loss made no change in the friendly relations between the brothers-in-law. Alexander continued to maintain his own public rights, as well as those of his subjects. He was in the custom of making journeys through his kingdom to see that justice was administered ; and thus we find him, from ^ No. 1. pounds, and the balance due two years before 2Nos. 17, 44, 133, 146, 147, kc. the death of Henry III., was 2000 marks. 3 No. 19. (Vol. i., Nos. 1848, 2580.) *No. 25. ^Forduu, ed. Skene, i. 305. •The dower was originally in marks, not ^No. 40. INTEODUCTION. XI Elgin, on 15tli August 1275,^ urging the release of a vessel and 1275-77. her crew, belonging to Alexander of Argyll, arrested at Bristol on Edward I. suspicion of piracy ; from Stirling, on 24th October thereafter, ^ ®^' '' informing Edward I., in answer to the latter's complaint regarding pirates,^ that they would be judged according to Scottish laws ; from Eoxburgh, on 14th November after,^ asking the English King's favour in the business of Alexander the Steward, — whose case (rather a complicated one) is stated by himself to Edward I. in singular terms,* ending with a familiar proverb ; and lastly, from Brechin, 29th December,^ as to an aid demanded by Edward within Tynedale, on which the Scottish King says he must advise with his magnates. A document without date, evidently of the same year,^ sums up his demands, with Edward's replies. His mother, Mary de Coucy the Queen Dowager, appears about this time, on one occasion on pilgrimage to Canterbury (24th February 1275-76)/ at another, crossing seas^ (26th December 1276). The next year or two saw much correspondence between the Sovereigns on the subject of Scottish encroachments on the March between their kingdoms at Tweedmouth near Berwick,® of which the Bishop of Durham had complained as an infringe- ment on his liberty of Norhamschyre. Lord Hailes remarks^*' that the subject of these solemn negotiations was probably nothing more than a salmon fishery. It may, however, have been some matter of greater moment. Berwick-on-Tweed was then a place of great commerce. The Chronicle of Lanercost^^ calls it a second Alexandria; its merchants and their extensive transactions appear often in the present Calendar ; and few who see it now can realise what it must have been in the time of Alexander IIL, when many of the greatest ecclesiastics and nobles of Scotland had houses within its walls. The question of the homage to be rendered by the King of Scotland for the lands and tenements which he held in England forms the next subject of discussion between him and Edward, and after preliminary protests and safe conducts had been 1 No. 55. 5 No. 62. ' No. 82, 90, 93, 94, 95, 104. 111. 2 No_ 59 « No. 63. " Annals, 1277. 3 No. 60. 7 No. 67. " P- 1S5. ) * No. 61. * No. 84. xii INTEODUCTIOK 1278-79. adjusted, the precise terms of whicli do not very clearly appear/ Edward I. the King of Scotland rendered homage, in respect of these lands, '^ at Westminster on 29th September 1278, one of his greatest nobles, Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick, son of the future Com- petitor, swearing fealty on his behalf.^ An instrument on the Patent EoUs, dated on 17th of October, declaring that the King of Scotland offered homage at Tewkesbury the day before, but as Edward had not his Council, he deferred it to London, is somewhat inexplicable. The date is undoubted, as the original is extant as well as the enrolment.^ The Assize Roll of Alexander's justices errant in Tynedale in 1279,* commonly called the ' Iter of Werk,' is a unique example of such a document under the reisfn of a Scottish kinor. From the references to earlier rolls of Tynedale in the title deeds of the ancient family of Swinburne of Capheaton,^ there must have been others ; but all have disappeared with those of Scotland proper. Its chief value is perhaps genealogical, but it also affords evidence of the close similarity of the laws of the two countries at that date. An inquisition, unfortunately much dilapidated,^ reveals a glimpse of the singular law of combat on the Marches called * Handwarcelle,' whereby the ownership of stolen goods (in this instance a mare) was decided, it does not appear whether by the principals alone or champions in their behalf. Cognate to this March question is the singular privilege noticed in the inquisition on the death of Baldewin Wake, baron of Lydel,^ whereby the men of Roceland and Salom in Scotland had free pasture and right of fowling in the fields of Arthuret in Cumberland; a relic possibly of the days when Cumbria and Strathclyde were under one ruler. During the period we have been traversing, we see little of the royal children of Scotland. A few of their letters to Edward I., however, are still extant. In the first of these,^ Prince Alexander, 1 Nos. 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, ^ Hodgson's Histonj of NorthumherUnd ^26. part iii. vol. i. pp. 10-18. ' ^o. 127. 6 xo. 183. ' No. 128. 7 jfo 208. * No. 168. 8 ifo, i5g INTEODUCTIOK xiii a boy of sixteen, writes (29tli March 1279) in very affectionate 1279-84. terms to his ' most hearty uncle,' asking his favour for Sir Ingram Edward i. de Umfi'aville. In another,^ perhaps a year or two later, he ^^^^' ^^^'^ writes expressing equal interest in his uncle's family. In both of these letters he says that, having no seal of his own, he uses that of his guardian, Sir William de St Clair. He appears to have successfully interceded about this time for Nicholas de Veteri- pont of Tynedale.- The next event in his life was his marriage to the daughter of Guy Count of Flanders, who had a safe con- duct for her passage through England on 11th August 1282,^ the marriage taking place doubtless soon after. The Prince is said to have died at Cupar in Fife, on 28th Januar}^ 1283-84,^ shortly after which date the Count sent a suitable escort to conduct his widowed daughter back to her own country.^ Only one letter of his sister, Margaret Queen of Norway, appears.^ She ^Tites to her uncle in most affectionate terms, and, like her brother ha\"ing no seal, uses that of her ' chamberere,' Dame Lucy de Hessewelle. She married, a year earlier than her brother, Eric King of Norway ;" and though only in her twenty- first year, her husband was seven jeais her junior.^ She pre- ceded her brother to the grave,^ leaving an only child Margaret, who, on 5th February, immediately after her uncle's death, was acknowledged by the magnates as heiress of Scotland, in default of issue of her grandfather or his son.^*' Even at this long interval of time, few wiQ read the letter written by the bereaved King to Edward I., on 20th April 1 284,^^ with its expressions of his overwhelming sorrow and grateful thanks for his brother-in-law's sympathy, without a touch of human feeling. Though lq early middle age, having been bom in 1241, he had lost wife and ckLlcben, and being the only son of an only son was without a near male relative to succeed him. 1 Xo. 204. ^ No. 197. 2 Xos. 205, 217. i ^ Hailes' Annals. 3 Xos. 220, 221. " Fordun, ed. Skene, i. 307. The CTiron. * The day of his birth, according to the La/iercost, p. Ill, says she died thirty days Chronicle of Lanercost, p. 111. after him, in February. 5 Xo. 247. " 1^0. 248. 6 No. 185. " No. 250. xiv INTRODUCTION. 1284-86. He reminds Edward that tlie heiress apparent of Scotland was an Edward I. infant girl, and seems to bespeak her granduncle's protection (Alex. III.) £qj. jjgj. ^ needful. The Scottish King, with prudent foresight, married again, his second consort being Joleta daughter of Eobert (IV.) Count of Dreux, the head of a princely house, whose ancestor was Eobert called ' the Great,' third son of Louis le Gros King of France. On 19th August 1285,^ a safe conduct issues from the English Chancery for herself and her brother John, to go through England to Scotland, and (ominously as it proved) to return within a year. Long before that year was out the marriage was dissolved^ by Alexander's melancholy death on the clijSs between Burnt- island and Kinghorn in Fifeshire, where he was thrown from his horse over a precipice (still called the King's Craig) and killed on the spot, on 19th March 1285-86. With him expired the direct line of the Scoto-Pictish kings, traceable (with one break, the daughter of Malcolm II.) in the male line from Kenneth MacAlpine in the ninth century.^ More than this, the kingdom, which had attained under the wise reigns of his father and himself a high degree of prosperity, was ere long to experience the disastrous effects of civil disorders, retarding its progress for generations. It will be proper, before going farther, to take notice of the evidences of trade during his reign, for we shall find that these are few and far between during the turmoil of the War of Independence. On 10th November 1273, three merchants of Aberdeen who had freighted a vessel from that port to St Omer with wool, timber, and hides, and had been plundered by Englishmen off Yarmouth and the Kentish Coast, ^ No. 273. of Montfort into the house of Brittauy, and 2 Queen Joleta re-married Arthur (II.) Duke John de Montfort, Duke of Brittany, was her of Brittany, by whom she had six children, eldest son. L'Art de Verifier les Dates (torn. In a Chronicle cited by Lobineau, Hist, de 11, p. 467; tom. 13, p. 217). There is a curious Bretagne {vol. ii., 362), a daughter, Biancha, account of her proceedings after Alexander is recorded as born to the Duke and his wife III.'s death, in the Chronicon de Lanercost, p. Yollandis, 'formerly Queen of Scotland,' in 117. 1300. Joleta or Yolanda broi;ght the county ^ Skene, Celtic Scotland, vol. i. INTRODUCTION. xv were ordered to have restitution.^ Tliey had not been satisfied, 1274-86. however, by 28th August 1274, when the constable of the Ed^^I^i. Cinque Ports is ordered to see to it instantly.- A trader of ^'^^^' ^^^'^ the Lord of Argyll, touching at Bristol and arrested on suspicion of piracy, was released in 1275, through the intervention of the Scottish King.^ Philip de Ridale, a great Berwick merchant, and another, whose vessel, bound for Dieppe with wool, &c., had been plundered by a pretended salvor ofi" the coast of Lindseye, were ordered redress on 11th May 1276.* In August of the same year we find a landowner of the latter district, sending to buy horses at Stirling fair.'' In 1278-79, a London trader to Scotland has a protection for a year.^ The extensive intercourse between Scotland and the port of Bordeaux is shewn by a long process, which must have begun some years before Alexander's death, not ending till the reign of John Balliol, whereby a Gascon merchant, John Mazun (or Massun), claimed a large sum^ for wines, &c., supplied to the Court of Scotland, and asserted that, besides delaying payment till his credit at home was destroyed, the Scots cheated and imprisoned him. The aff'air involved the two Kings in cor- respondence in 1284,^ besides petitions from the mayor of Bor- deaux,^ and the creditor,^'* then in a Scottish prison. He seems to have threatened to annoy Scotsmen in his own country, for, on 27th March 1286, he gives security to abstain from so doing," and has a safe conduct to go with an oflicial to Scotland to recover. ^^ In 1288 the executors of Alexander III. complained that he was arresting Scotsmen's goods in England for his debt.^^ Lengthy proceedings, apparently with no result, took place before commissioners who sat at Carham on the March, in February 1288-89.^* His case slept during the Interregnum, but, on 1 Nos. 9, 10. 8 No. 252. 2 No. 20. 9 No. 255. 3 Nos. 55, 63. i« No. 264. " No 74. " No. 295. 5 No. 79. 12 Nos. 297, 299. « No. 151. 1-^ Nos. 353, 360. 7 The sum claimed was 2197?. 8s. Foedera, » No. 359. i., 787 (Record edition). xvi INTEODUCTTON. 1285-94. John Balliors accession it was made a handle for one of Edward I. Edward's imperious mandates to his vassal King, who was ^Mar^aret"' Summoned on 2nd April 1294/ to appear and answer at West- Jolm Ealliol.) Tninster to the Gascon's demand. The executors of the late King explained^ how the final payment would have been made but for the creditor's own conduct, and with this the afi"air disappears from record. In a very curious letter without date,^ in old Castilian, a Spanish shipmaster relates to the Scottish King the misfortunes of his vessel, driven far out of her course on the Western Islands, and the treacherous conduct of an island chief, who may perhaps be identified with ' Alan MacEotheryk,' whose son appears on the Ragman Roll. The particulars of the cargo, given in Norman French, are interesting.* We may now pass lightly over the next three periods — the reign of Margaret of Norway, the Interregnum during the Com- petition, and the reign of John Balliol.^ From the grave of their lamented Sovereign at Dunfermline, the magnates of Scotland who had assisted at his obsequies, headed by the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, addressed the King of England on the 29th March 1286,^ consulting him as the nearest in blood to their infant Queen. 1 Nos. 685, 686. from the public records, but from other sources, 2 Nos. 687, 688. while the present work embraces all docu- ^ No. 288. ments in the former rejiository connected with ■* No. 289. Scotland, it necessarily follows, that occasion- ^ These have been fully illustrated in several ally Mr Stevenson's labours are supplemented important works, official and non-official, by additional notices. It is also to be borne viz : — Hailes' Annals of Scotland, Rymer's in mind, that when that gentleman, and Sir Fosdera, Sir Francis Palgrave's Domments and Francis Palgrave before him, perused the Records relating to Scotland (1837), and the originals, these were in a very different state Rev. Joseph Stevenson's Documents illus- of repair from their present condition. Under trative of the History of Scotland (1286-1306), the careful management of nearly two genera- published in 1870. The documents printed tions of able public officials, these documents in these works, being given at length and in have been repaired and mounted, rendering it the original, are merely noted briefly in this sometimes possible to make out words and volume for the sake of continuity. Here dates which baffled these learned persons, the editor must express his obligations to the Some however have become illegible by their valuable work of Mr Stevenson. From the gradual decay since they were printed by Sir nature of the book, however, which, as its title F. Palgrave. bears, consists of ' Selections, ' taken not only ^No. 292, INTEODUCTION. xvii Six Guardians were shortly after (llth April) appointed by 1286-90. the convention at Scone, in name of the infant, including these Edward I. two bishops,^ and under their government the affairs of the ^^NoSr*{^^ kingdom were conducted on the whole much as during the late reign. The King of England, naturally enough, was desirous to embrace the opportunity of uniting the two realms by the marriage of his son and grand-niece, and with this object many negotia- tions took place between his envoys and those of Norway and Scotland during the year 1289,^ ending with the important Treaty of Salisbury on 6th November,^ and the Papal bull of Nicholas IV. permitting the intended marriage.'* He had procured an earlier bull from the late Pope, Honorius IV. (on 27th May 1286),^ granting a general dispensation for all his children to marry within the forbidden degrees. To smooth proceedings, he had also lent the King of Norway 2000 marks in 1286,^ and his energetic envoy, the Bishop of Durham (pro- bably not long after that date) granted the considerable sum of 400Z. in annuities to Norwegians of rank, till the Queen attained the age of 15.^ He wrote urgently to Eric^ on 17th April 1290, to hasten the arrival of his daughter in England, a request which had been already made to Eric by the Guardians on 17th March." On that day they had signified their consent to the marriage under their common seal,^° Edward having bound himself to them in a penalty of 3000 marks, unless their Queen arrived by All Saints' day.^^ The important marriage treaty at Brigham on the Tweed next followed,between the English Ambassadors and the magnates and community of Scotland, duly ratified by Edward at Northampton on 28th August 1290.^^ The princijDal person- ages had appointed procurators,^'^ the King of England had with paternal interest despatched a great vessel from Yarmouth, victualled with delicacies in the spirit of the age,^^ to bring the young Queen to her realm ; and all things seemed to point to a 1 Fordun, ed. Skene, i. 310, 319. 8 No. 423. 2 Nos. 382, 383, 386, 387, 388, 389, 391. 9 No. 417. 3 No. 390. " No. 416, 4 No. 392. " No. 428. 5 No. 298. 12 No. 450. 6 No. 293. 13 No. 448, 449. 7 No. 445. " No. 464. xviii INTRODUCTION. 1290, liappy issue of his anxious negotiations at the Court of Rome and Edward I. elsewhere, attended as they had been with heavy expenses.^ (Margaret of orway.; ^^ ^^^.^ ^^^ prospect of a happy alliance between the two nations, while messengers were hurrying through the land mth accounts of the arrival of the young Queen and her father in Orkney,^ and the magnates of Scotland were assembled at Perth to deliberate upon the negotiations which were in progress with the King of England, and to make arrangements for receiving ' the child of so many hopes,' ^ a doleful rumour spread through the land that she had died before touching the shores of her kingdom. On 7th October 1290, the Bishop of St Andrews reported it to Edward L, and urged him to take steps to prevent disorders.* The Bishop mentioned that at the instigation of cer- tain persons,^ the Lord of Annandale had unexpectedly come with a formidable retinue to Perth. In the Competition for the Crown, to which we now direct our attention, Rymer's Foedera and Sir Francis Palgrave supply the bulk of the documentary evidence, printed at great length. The Foedera embodies the entire proceedings from the time when Edward I. met the clergy and nobles of Scotland at Norham in May 1291, to his final decision in November 1292, adjudging the Crown to Balliol. This famous document, known as the Great Roll of Scotland, was drawn up by Master John de Cadamo (or of Caen), an apostolic notary, in a narrative form, embodying the successive instruments, which were written from day to day, as the business proceeded, by another official, Master Andrew de Tang, clerk of the Diocese of York. As these last sometimes give expressions and facts differing from the Great Roll, the narrative in this Calendar has been taken from them, with great brevity of course, and the differences pointed out. 1 Nos. 463, 464. Bergen, in whose arms she died, brought her 2 Nos. 456, 457, 463, 464. body back to Norway, and the King her 2 Fadera, i. 741. father, after satisfying himself that it was his *^o. 459. From a very interesting paper daughter's corpse, caused her to be buried in the Proceedings of the Scottish Antiquaries, beside her mother on the north side of the vol. X. p. 403, by Joseph Anderson, LL.D., choir of Bergen cathedral. we learn that the Princess died (but was not ^ Lord Hailes conjectures that the Bishop buried) in Orkney — that Bishop Narwe of of Glasgow is here pointed at. INTRODUCTION. XIX Sir Francis Palgrave has given, with one or two exceptions, 1291 the responses by twenty-two of the religious houses to Edward's Edw^ i commands on them to furnish evidence touchino- the two kino-- (Inten-eg- ^ ^ ° num.) doms;^ as also the pleadings of the Competitors/'^ These also have been stated here with the utmost succinctness. In Mr Stevenson's volumes we have the instruments connected with the administration of the kingdom of Scotland by the four sur- viving Guardians, the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, the elder Com}^!, and James the Steward — to whom Edward had added a fifth, Brian fitz Alan of Bedale — all derivino- their powers ex terminis from him in his assumed capacity of over- lord,^ The extracts from the Chronicles were read at the first meet- ing on 10th May.'^ They contain a curious mixture of historical facts and monkish legends. One, that of Chester,^ is not in Palgrave, and has an interesting account of the circumstances attending the death of St Margaret Queen of Malcolm Canmore. That following it, of Faversham,® gives some particulars which, from the state of the document, escaped the acute eye of Pal- grave — Arthur's victories at Duglas water over Colgrim and the Saxons and Scots, and the Scots and Picts besiesfinof his sick ' (DO nephew Hoel in the city of Alcluyd, when they fled to the isles of Lennox — and over Gilla . . . nurias, an Irish king, and his bar- barians. That of Carlisle^ seems most strictly historical of all. The undated preliminary appeal to King Edward by the seven Earls of Scotland,^ will be remarked as being distinctly \M:itten in the interest of the Lord of Annandale, from whom, in Pal- grave's opinion, the very subservient letter to the King® probably emanated. Balliol has been singled out by common fame as more obsequious than the others, which pliancy is said to have gained him the Crown. But those who read the various instru- ments^° wiU probably be of opinion that all were alike prepared 1 No. 478. 7 p. 116. 2 Nos. 512, 513, 514, 515, 607, 608, 609. s j^Tq 455^ s Nos. 496, 499. » No. 481. * No. 475. 10 Nos. 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 488, 489, « P. 113. 492, 497. 6 P. 114. XX INTEODUCTIOK 1291. to accept Edward's decision, and receive the Crown at liis Edward I. hands, num )°' Besides the homages made to Edward as overlord on Holy- well Haugh, on 13th June 1291/ by the Guardians and twenty- seven other Earls and Barons of Scotland, it was ordered by the Guardians that the same submission should be made by all, clerical and lay, who would have been bound to make it to a living King of Scotland.^ This was done, apparently to a limited ex- tent, for in the existing document,^ there are little more than two hundred names, made up of three bishops (Dunblane, Aber- deen, and Ross), twelve abbots and priors, the heads of the two military orders, three prioresses, and Maria Queen of Man, two earls (Stratherne and Ross), thirty-six barons and knights, eighty- two burgesses of Berwick with the mayor, and seventy of Perth. Among the claims of the Competitors,* there is a remarkable variation in that of John Comyn. In the Great Roll, he traced his descent from Betlioc, daughter and heir of Dovenald, son of Duncan, son of Crinan, i.e., Donald Bane King of Scotland, younger brother of Malcolm Canmore. In the original instru- ment here calendared, he traces it from Hextildis, daughter and heir of Gothrik, son and heir of the above Donald. The former of these genealogies is supported by a charter of Henry III. in 1261,® confirming to John Cumyn's father the extensive Tyne- dale lands which had been derived from Hextildis, his ancestress, wife of Richard Cumyn, and styled daughter of Huctred son of Waldef.^ This Huctred or Uctred (the same as Gothrik) appears as a great landowner in Northumberland in the Pipe Roll of Henry I.^ It does not seem to be known who he was, but as his father, Waldef or Walleof, must have been a contemporary of Donald Bane, the royal descent of Comyn must have been through the latter's daughter Bethoc, the mfe of Huctred. It is unnecessary to pursue in detail the well known story of the proceedings which ended in the decision by the King of iNo. 499. ^ Vol. i., No. 2287. 2 No. 508. ^ These, however, are said in that charter to 3 No. 508. have been the heritage of Huctred. ^ No. 507. 7 Vol. i.. No. 13. INTEODUCTIOK xxi England, on 17tli November 1292, in favour of Jolin Balliol as 1292-94 King of Scotland,^ the latter's subsequent fealty and homage,^ and Edward I. the instruments by his magnates and the official notary attesting B%mS) it.^ His first royal act was the release to Edward I., on 2nd January 1292-93,^ of all obligations undertaken by the latter to him or his people while Scotland was in his hands. All these were carefully deposited at Westminster on the 16th of the same month ,^ with a notarial protest by the King of England, reserving his full right to hear appeals from Scotland. The new King soon learned that this was to be a very operative clause. In April he writes to his overlord, deprecating being summoned on the justice eyre in Yorkshire ; ® and though Edward freed him of the large sum of 3000/., due for the relief of his late mother's English lands, permitting the balance of less than 300?. to be paid by easy instalments,^ and made other conces- sions of a like nature, an instrument was taken as to his refusal of justice to a burgess of Berwick and Macduff of Fife,^ and he was summoned in person to answer at Westminster to the claim of the persevering Gascon merchant, John Masson, already noticed.^ Possibly to propitiate a powerful friend, we find him on 20th June 1294, giving the Bishop of Durham and his successors in the see, a considerable yearly revenue and church patronage in Tynedale, and a grant for Life of the entire Cumber- land manors belonging to the Scottish Crown. ^° The Berwick burgesses made great complaints of English interference with their shipping,^^ which was supported by a letter from their King to Edward, 2nd July 1294.^^ Edward being on the point of war with France, summoned Balliol and eighteen of his magnates to join him WT.th their forces, in London on 1st September the same year.^^ Balliol having entered into negotia- tions with Philip IV.,^* evaded the demand, and Edward probably was not then prepared to enforce it. But Balliol may have sent 1 No. 649. 6 No. 668. " No. 696. 2 Nos. 650, 652, 653. ' No. 670. ^- No. 697. 3 Nos. 654, 655. ^ ^^^ ggO " j^q. 695. 4 Nos. 657, 658. ^ Nos. 685, 686. " Fcedera, i. 822. 5 No. 660. " Nos. 691, 692, xxii INTRODUCTIOK 1294-96. to excuse himself, as on 23rd August 1295/ Edward wTites to Edward I. ^^^^ i^ I'^ply, by ' Henry of Aberdeen/ ^ Balliol's envoy, saying BiUiol') ■^^ ^^^ committed his views to him vivd voce. This was soon followed, however, by the seizure of Balliol's and all other Scotsmen's lands in England, on 16th October,^ a step, doubtless, fully justified in Edward's eyes, by the subsequent discovery of the alliance between Balliol and Philip, dated 23rd of same month,* and by the letter from Balliol, at length goaded beyond endurance (without date, but evidently at the same period),^ in which he recites the injuries sustained by himself and his sub- jects, and renounces his allegiance, with the homage extorted by violence. The records contain but slight allusion® to the Scottish invasion of Cumberland by Balliol's army on 26th March 1296, under the Earl of Buclian, their repulse at Carlisle on the 28th, and their inroad into Northumberland on 8th April, when Hexham and Corbridge were burned and the country wasted.^ Early in February previous, Edward had summoned his forces to meet him at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and was on his way to Scotland,^ apparently reaching the borders by the end of that or beginning of next month. ^ Here he drew from the obscurity (j^erhaps the prison), where he had remained for upwards of fifty years, Thomas, the bastard son of Alan of Galloway, who had once been desired as their lord by the men of Galloway,^" rather than that their country should be parcelled out among the daughters of Alan. It is likely he had been kept by Balliol and his father, as a formidable rival, in honourable captivity, and Edward may have designed restoring him to his father's possessions, or the Balliol part of these, as he granted the Galwegians their old liberties at Thomas's instance, and likewise sent him to Carlisle castle to be near his country." We hear no more of him, and probably he did not long survive, for he must have been a man of great age. Another circumstance of some interest may also be here adverted to. The King of 1 No. 714. 7 Hemingburgh, ii. 101. No. 843. ' Probably Bishop Henry Cheyne. ^ jfog_ 726, 727. ' No. 718. 9 Nos. 728, 729. * Nos. 719, 720, 721. i» Wyuto«Ti, ed. Laing, ii. 242. = No. 722. 11 Nos. 728, 729. 6 No. 829. INTEODUCTION. xxiii England, who had reached ' Werk ' (which the editor takes to be 1296. Werk on Tweed) by the 17th March or sooner, must, to all Ed^i. appearance, have there received the homages rendered on the B/mon 14th of March by ninety Scottish landowners, headed by the Earl of Lennox.^ The year is not given, but as we find among them the name of Patrick de Graham, who fell at Dunbar on the 28th April 1296, we conclude that it must have been at this time. These persons probably foresaw the inevitable issue of the contest, and with one or two exceptions, none of their names occur in the list of the 130 prisoners taken at Dunbar and sent to Enghsh prisons.^ With the exception 'of this last-mentioned document, and several others of the same tenor, ^ a report on the damage done by the English army, which crossed the Tweed at Coldstream on 28th March, ^ and an order by the King at Ber- wick, on 2nd April, that Sir Eobert Clifford keep the Marches with 140 men-at-arms and 500 foot,^ we have no information here regarding the capture of Berwick and the battle of Dunbar. These must be learned from the chroniclers of the time, who relate the story mth various degrees of accuracy. A Placita roll of the army, which shows the strict discipline maintained,^ gives, in conjunction wdth the numerous homage deeds which now begin to appear, a pretty full itinerary of Edward I. in Scotland, from 21st March to 28th August 1296. These homage deeds, of which about seventy originals are still in exist- ence, more or less decayed, occasionally having the seal attached, begin with that of James the Steward of Scotland " at Koxburgh castle, on 13th May, followed by that of his brother John, two days after.® On referring to these and the others, in the text of Palgrave, it will be found that those who had rebelled, or were specially connected with Balliol, are made to abjure any allegi- ance to him; the others simply swear fealty to Edward as King of England. The reign of Balliol was now over. On the 2nd July 1296 1 No. 730. * No. 733. ^ No. 737. 2 No. 742. » No. 734. » No. 740. s Nos. 743, 744. « No, 822. xxiv INTRODUCTION. 1296. he granted under his Great Seal at Kyneardyn the instrument^ Edward I. Confessing his sins against his liege lord, and delivering up to Ballion ^^^^ ^^^ realm and people. "While Fordun/ on the authority of Baldred Bisset, the Scottish envoy at Rome, avers this to have been a forgery, there is no doubt of the genuineness of another instrument^ by which, on the 7th of the same month, Balliol, in the churchyard of Stracathro in Forfarshire, renounced his treaty with Philip, and three days later, in Brechin castle, resigned his realm, people, and royal seal, to the Bishop of Durham on behalf of Edward.* For ten years the unhappy realm was without a king ; though the successive Eegents, Wallace, Comyn, and others, professed to hold office on behalf of King John, in their correspondence with the French King. The document ^ discovered under the title ' Gardroba. Inven- ' toria jocalium de diversis annis r. r. Edw.,' is of no little value, as being, so far as the editor recollects, the only direct evidence on record that, in addition to a number of jewels, relics, &c., found in Edinburgh castle, a great coffer and two small coffers, with divers writings and memoranda found there, were, on I7th September 1296, transferred from Berwick-on-Tweed to London, and deposited in the Warcbobe at Westminster. It may be fairly surmised that these comprised many, if not all, of the old Records of Scotland. The incident forms an appropriate close to the reign of Balliol. In touching on the documents during this second Inter- regnum, probably the best known by name at least, is the cele- brated Ragman Roll,^ an invaluable record of the landowners of Scotland at a time for which no other data of equal value exist. There are three copies of it,'' from one of which (No. 88) Prynne printed copious extracts, not always correctly. The Banna- tyne Club, fifty years ago, printed (the editor thinks) from the 1 No. 754. 5 i^To_ 840. 2 Fordun, ed. Goodall, ii. 218. « No. 823. 3 No. 821. 7 ]S[os. 88, 89, and 90 of the Toivcr Misccl- ■* The iustrument of 2nd Jul}' is not recorded laneous Rolls, all in the handwriting of on the Ragman Eoll; while that of 7-lOth July Andrew de Tang, is there at full length. This tends to strengthen the suspicion against the former document. INTRODUCTION. xxv same Eoll as Prynne, giving also the limited homages of 1291, 1296. already referred to.^ Edward I. In this document there are recorded, first, the several homages ^ num.)^" by the bishops, barons, and chief men of Scotland, made during King Edward's northern progress after Dunbar ; and secondly, the more universal homages made at the Parliament of Berwick-on-Tweed on 28th August the same year, when all these persons took the oaths again, with the addition of the dignified churchmen, the earls, barons, knights, burgesses, and whole community of Scotland. From the extreme north of Scotland to the Rhinns of Galloway in the south, and from the Western Isles to the Lothians, the landowners of Scotland, great and small, were summoned. There are, allowing for duplicates, nearly two thousand names enrolled ; and, as the counties to which they belonged are generally referred to with much care, it is sometimes possible, notwithstanding the anti- quated forms under which they appear, to identify the names with those of still existing places or families. It would occupy too much space to consider it from all its points of view ; but it may be observed that some names are repeated more than once, and others omitted. Notably among these last are the Bishops of St Andrews and Dunkeld, and Sir John de Soulis, three of the four Commissioners who negotiated the treaty between Balliol and Philip of France.^ Bishop Fraser probably felt that this was too serious an ofience to be lightly passed over by Edward, and remained in France, where he died next year.^ Nor are the Bishops of Moray, Brechin, or Dunblane to be found.* The name of Simon Fraser will be looked for in vain, though he swore fealty at a later date, 13th October, the same year,^ and, on 28th May 1297, came under a very solemn oath, under the guarantee of his cousin. Sir Richard Fraser, in Edward's own presence at Bramber in Sussex.'' He served under Edward's banners in Flanders,^ to that King's great pleasure,^ and after serving him 1 No. 508. Prynne's work is very scarce, * Caithness and Ross were then vacant. and the Bannatyne edition of the Ragman ''No. 849. Roll consisted of a very small impression. " No. 885. 3 Fcedcra, i. 830. '' No. 952. 3 On 20thAugnst 1297. Keith's Scottish BisJwps. - No. 980. . VOL. II, C xxvi mTEODUCTIOK 1296-97. with more or less constancy for some years, he revolted in 1302, Edward I. again came to peace with Comyn, but revolting, finally, with numO^" *^^ "^^^^ ^^ Carrick, was executed not long after Wallace. Eobert de Keith, too, is not to be found, who, we shortly learn,^ was accounted so dangerous a foe, that Edward sent him from Carlisle castle far into the interior of England ; and yet afterwards Keith became and remained one of his firmest adherents. Such anomalies meet the reader at every step through these records. One bright exception is the patriot Wallace. Though there are three Waleyses of Ayrshire on the Eoll, his name is not there, and there can be no doubt of the fact that, as he said on his trial, he was never a liegeman of England. Thus, though this Eoll is not printed for the first time, there is much to be found in it by those who study it in conjunction with other documents in the Calendar. In addition it may also be here pointed out, that, as all the homage seals now remaining in the Chapter House are for the first time systematically described in their actual state, whether still on the deeds or detached, and are often grouped together by the original strings, this affords a new means of identifying, with more or less accuracy, probably not far from one-third of the parties to the . original homages. This will be dealt with a little more fully as we proceed. The tranquillity of the country did not last long. The mere fact that besides the three high offices of Governor, Treasurer, and Justiciar, many others were filled by Englishmen, could not fail to be irritating to an independent people. The writ of 31st January 1296-97,^ ordering the Governor to forbid anyone to leave the kingdom, points at disturbances, possibly those in which Wallace first came under the notice of the authorities ; and the messages from the King of England to nearly sixty Scottish earls and barons, both north and south of Perth, on 24th May 1297,^ to be communicated to them vivd voce by 1 Nos. 1U7, Ills. 2 No. 871. 3 ^o. 884. INTEODUCTION. xxvii Cressingliam and another official, probably related to securing tbe 1296-97. peace while he was absent in Flanders, whither he went late in Edward I. August the same year. To the like effect were the ample powers n^um.^f' entrusted to Henry de Percy and Eobert de Clifford, about June of that year,^ and his thanks to several Galloway magnates for their good offices about the same time.^ The editor cannot, from the records, give any new evidence as to the incidents in Wallace's career which led to the armed rising that ended in the Scottish victory at Falkirk, or verify the romantic stories related by Henry the Minstrel, with one exception — the slaughter of the sheriff of Lanark. The Chronicle of Lanercost^ distinctly attributes the origin of the rising to the Bishop of Glasgow and the Steward. The fact that the sheriff of Lanark was killed during this period, appears incidentally in an inquiry made about Michaelmas 1304,* as to money in the official custody of the late Hugh de Cressingham, which had gone amissing after his death at Stirling, and had been, it was stated, placed in Werkworth castle in August before his death for fear of the Scots, ' who had begun to rise against the King * [of England], and had killed the sheriff of Lanark.' ^ His name is not given, and so must be looked for elsewhere. Andrew de Livingstone was sheriff of Lanark for the year 1296, when he accounts for 80^. of its issues.^ The same Andrew, as a Lanark- shire freeholder, appears on the Kagman Eoll, and in May 1297, he is among the barons south of Forth to whom Edward I. sent a verbal message. ^ From this date he occurs no more — and as the insurrection must have come to a head about this time, the probability is that he met his death attempting to put it down at Lanark. ^ At any rate, Sir Andrew (who was ancestor of the ^ No. 887. however, like a Scottish territorial designation, ' No. 894. and as the Livingstones possessed Mousebriggs 3 P. 190. and other lands near Lanark, Andrew may, * No. 1597. after all, be the person intended by the Min- ^ P. 418. strel. The editor is aware that Fordun calls "P. 264. him William de Hesliope, 'Anglicus,' and that '■ No. 884. in a MS. {Add. MSS. Brit. Mus. 8S35, fol. 42), 8 So far as they have been examined hither- cited by Mr Stevenson, in Documents illustra- to, no name resembling the ' Heselrig ' whom live of Sir William Wallccce, his life and Blind Harry calls sheriff of Lanark, has been times, 1841 (Maitland Club), he is called discovered in the Endish records. It sounds, William de Hesebregg. But Fordun wrote XXVlll INTEODUCTION. 1 296-9 7. Earls of Linlithgow and Calendar) and another Livingstone, Sir Edward I. Archibald, who was sheriff of Stirling and Linlithgow and held num.)" other offices, along with Sir Alexander de Abernethy, were steady partisans of Edward L The energetic measures of Percy and Clifford soon brought the Bishop of Glasgow and other magnates to terms. -^ These were the Earl of Carrick, the Steward, John his brother, Alex- ander de Lindsay, and William de Douglas ; and the Earl agreed, under security, to deliver his young daughter Marjory as a hostage for his loyalty. "Wallace, however, declined to submit, and with his adherents retired to Selkirk forest, as we learn from a letter of Cressingham to the King, written from Bermck on 23rd August.^ Douglas was put in irons in Berwick castle, the reason assigned being that he had not fulfilled his agreement.^ He was never liberated, but was soon transferred to the Tower.* He was alive there on 6th November,^ but must have died shortly before 20th January 1298-99, when his widow has a writ for the dower lands of her first husband,^ which had been seized along with those of Douglas. The state of Scotland, though unsettled, cannot have been thought dangerous in the summer of 1297, as Edward left for Flanders in August, taking with him many of the barons and knights of Scotland, who had been released from prison on condition of serving against France.^ But there is no doubt there were disturbances in the far north, in the districts of Moray and Eoss, set on foot or fomented by Andrew de Moray, in May, who shortly afterwards joined his forces to Wallace and fell at the battle of Stirling. So much is leaxned from several letters to the English King in July of this year,® written nearly a century after this time, and the i At Irvine, in Ayrshire, 7th July 1297. document cited by Mr Stevenson is only a Nos. 907, 908, 909, 910. modem copy, of one of the Cotton MSS. 2 jj^q^ gig. which was destroyed in the fire of 1731. The writer of the original, which was a register of events by some officer of the city of London (and a very curious document), was probably not conversant with Scottish surnames— or the copyist may have misread the name as 3 Nos. 918, 919. * No. 957. 5 No. 960. 6 Nos, 1054, 1055. " Nos. 937, 939, 940, 942, 944, 948, 952. 8 Nos. 917, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 931, he has some others. This MS. has been lately 932. The most interesting of these are per- printed in vol. i. of Chronicles of the Keigns haps the two from the Constable of Urquhart of Edw. I. and Edw. II. (Rolls series.) castle. INTRODUOTIOK xxix by the Bishop of Aberdeen, the Earls of Buchan, Mar, and 1297-98. Strathearn, Sir Gartnet of Mar, and Sir Eeginald le Chen, who Edward i. were all actively engaged in his service at the time. (Wallace.) A historical error seems to have been committed regarding this Andrew de Moray, and as one of the bearers of this name was a distinguished man, and died Eegent of Scotland for David 11. , the present is an opportunity for setting it right. Lord Hailes, — then, of course, without the full information from records that is now before us, — whom all others have followed, calls his father ' Sir * Andrew Moray of Bothwell,' and ' the only baron who adhered ' to Wallace ' ; and says that after his fall at Stirling, \yallace ' took as his partner in command the young Sir Andrew Moray ' his son. Now, though of the same stock, neither of them was 'baron of Bothwell' in 1297. The then titular lord of Bothwell (for Edward had confiscated the barony) was Sir William de Moray, who swore fealty, 28th August 1296,^ along with twenty-one of the greatest magnates, immediately after the churchmen. He was the heir of Walter de Moray, lord of Bothwell in the time of Alexander III., and the manor of Lilleford, in Lincolnshire, belonged to them.^ He appears to have been compelled to live in England, in Lincolnshire, and in poverty, deprived of his great estates, as shewn by Edward's order on Exchequer,^ that sustenance be allowed him, under which he receives 25l. from the sheriff at Michaelmas 1299 ; and he died, probably in England, before 10th November 1300.^ Sir Andrew de Moray ' knight,' and his son Andrew de Moray 'esquire,' were both made prisoners at Dunbar in 1296. The knight was sent to the Tower, and the esquire to Chester castle, on 16th May 1296.^ The latter had either been ransomed or escaped to the north, but the father was certainly still a prisoner in the Tower when the battle of Stirling was fought.^ ^ Bagman Roll, p. 196. He had formerly - No. 725. done so as Sir William de Moravia ' the rich,' ' No. 1053. in 1291 (p. 125), an epithet given, the editor * No. 1178, Iim. p. m. believes, to distinguish him from the three ® No. 742. other Sir Williams, of Drumsargard, Sand- ^ No. 960. ford, and Tullibardine. XXX INTRODUCTION. 1297-98. His son Andrew had a conduct to visit him on 28th August Edward I. ^^^^^ year/ which he cannot possibly have used, as he, not his Gmrdkn) ^^^^^^'j ^^^ undoubtedly killed fourteen days afterwards at Stirling. His father must have died between 6th November 1297 and 28th November 1300, still a prisoner. These two Andrews, father and son, being thus accounted for, who was the Sir Andrew de Moray of BothweU, brother-in-law of King Eobert Bruce, and Eegent of Scotland ? He was the son of the younger Andrew de Moray, killed at Stirling. This is made clear by the inquisition post mortem^^ already referred to, taken on the death of Sir William de Moray (evidently of Bothwell), whose heir in some lands in Berwickshire, held of the Earl of March,^ is found to be a child named Andrew ' son of Andrew ' de Moray, slain at Stirling against the King,' who was son of the late Sir Andrew de Moray ; further, that this boy was two years old at the last Pentecost, i.e., born about Pentecost 1298, rather more than eight months after his father's death. What the precise relationship between this boy and the head of the house was, is not stated, but it is clear he was the only Andrew living in 1300, and the nearest heir. If so, the Kegent was a man of only forty years of age at his death in 1338, instead of the veteran approaching seventy, as hitherto supposed, and his wife. Christian Bruce, was much older than himself. In fact, her son Donald earl of Mar, the Regent who fell at Dupplin in 1332, must have been older than his step-father Moray.* ^ No, 961. addressed to the mayors and commons of 2 No. 1178. Liibeck and Hamburg on 11th October 1297, 3 Whereby they had escaped confiscation dated at ' Hadsington ' in Scotland, respecting with the barony of Bothwell. freedom of trade between these towns, and * It is seldom that dates so exact can be got Scotland now delivered from the English. This at so remote a period. This discovery will was first printed by Lappenberg in his edition also explain why he never appears till late in of Sartorius's Urkundliche GcschicMe des Ur- the reign of Eobert I. Had he been the com- sprimgesder deutschen Hanse{Kaja\:)UXg,\%Z()), rade of Wallace, he would have been senior to ii. 188, and also by Mr Stevenson, in the Douglas and Randolph, and at least equally Wallace documents (already cited), p. 159, entitled to take a leading share in the councils with a facsimile from the archives of Liibeck. of his country. Whereas he only became pro- The other is the protection cited by Heming- minent on the death of these eminent men. burgh vol. ii. p. 144, granted by Moray and It is true that two documents may be cited to Wallace to Hexham, dated 7th November prove that an Andrew de Moray was alive 1297. This we only know from his pages, the after the battle of Stirling. The first of these original being non-existent. Besides, in one is a letter by Andrew de Moray and William MS. of Heniingburgh, Moray is called ' Alex- le Waleys, leaders of the armies of Scotland, 'ander.' The statements of the inquisition INTRODUCTION. xxxi There is little in the Records touching the English defeat at i29V-98. Stirling bridge. A writ issued in the name of the English King Ed^J^ i. by the Prince of Wales on September 1 2th, when the result was (Wallace, of course unknown/ orders the Earl of Surrey, who had been superseded by Brian fitz Alan as governor before the King left England,^ to remain till the country was settled. Another on 24th September, repeated the command, and ordered the sheriff of York and thirteen northern barons to join Surrey with their forces instead of coming to London.^ Surrey had by this time retreated as far as York,^ and the whole of the border counties, as far as Newcastle on the east, and Carlisle on the west, were over- run by the successful Scots,^ though they were repulsed before these fortified towns. The burgesses of Roxburgh relate in their petition to Edward how they were surprised and only escaped with their lives. ^ An irregular force, however, like that under Wallace, could not long maintain the ofi'ensive, and as Edward was known to be on his way back to England, and reinforcements had been ordered^ to the number of about 30,000 foot, besides the military tenants, confidence was restored, and the Earl of Surrey is found again at Roxburgh on 16th February 1297-98,^ the King of England also issuing a writ on the 17th March^ from Canterbury, three days after landing, thanking his forces in Scot- land for their good services, and saying he was hastening to join them. After his victory at Falkirk on 22d July 1298, organised resistance being at an end, the King of England, having established a garrison in Stirling castle,^° departed by the western Marches. While at Stirling, and afterwards at Carlisle and other places on the March (which he traversed leisurely during post-mortem are, however, precise, and cannot ^ No. 941, be traversed : — Et dicunt quod Andreas de ^ No. 946. Morrevia, 'interfectus apud Strivelyn contra ^ No. 947. 'Dominum Regem,' filius quondam Domini ^ Nos. 954, 971, 1021. Andree de Morravia, habuit quemdam filium ^ No. 958. legitime procreatum qui commoratur in Mor- ^ Nos. 956, 984. ravia inter inimicos Domini Regis, cuius nomen ^ No. 973. est Andreas ut credunt. Est propinquior * No. 974. heres eius. Et fuit etatis duorum annorum ^^ No. 1002. Lord Hailes states that the ad Penthecostem anno r. r. E. xxviii. castle, as well as the town, was burned by tlio ^ No. 945. Scots on their retreat. {Annals, sub. anno. ) xxxii INTEODUCTIOK 1298-99. September and October, by Jedburgh and Werk to Berwick),^ Edward I. be bestowed various Scottish livings, chiefly in the dioceses of Andrews ^^ Andrews and Glasgow, on English clerks. He remained at Earl of Newcastle-on-Tyne during November, and both while there, and John Comyn previously, gave directions as to the munitions and garrison of Guardians.) Edinburgh, Berwick, and the castles on the Marches.^ Provision was also made for forays from the difi'erent garrisons to keep down the Scots ;^ prominent among those engaged being Sir Simon Eraser, whom Edward styles " his friend and liege." His hereditary lands were formally restored to him in March follow- ing^ by Edward's special grace. In December 1298, an advance of three months' pay was made to the Earl of Surrey, four other Earls, and Henry Percy, for an expedition into Scotland with .500 heavy horse,^ and about the same time, foot to the number of 8000, were ordered to be provided by the Earl of Carrick and some Galloway chiefs, and the northern and midland counties of Eno'land.*' The year 1299 opens with a permission by Edward to negotiate the exchange of ten prisoners of rank with the Scots,' for an equal number in England. These are probably the prisoners alluded to in the letter to Edward from his constable of Eoxburgh castle on 20th August that year,^ which relates the curious story, learned by his spy, of the quarrels among the nobles at the election of the Bishop of St Andrews, the Earl of Carrick, and John Comyn as Guardians, at Peebles a day or two before. The Scots patriots were now raising their heads again, and were negotiating with Philip of France, who seems to have been desir- ous, despite Edward's positive refusal, to include them as his allies in the truce of June 1298.^ Edward made strenuous efibrts to apprehend the Scottish envoys on their return voyage,^*^ with- out success. The late King of Scotland was delivered to the Papal envoy 1 Nos. 998, 1000, 1008, 1013, 1017. « No. 1049. 2 Nos. 1014, 1015, 1016, 1018, 1019, 1022, ^ j^o. 1062. 1025, 1026, 1028. « No. 1978. s Nos. 1032, 1034, 1036. s Nos. 990, 993. 4 No. 1061. , io]^o 1071. 5 No. 1044. INTRODUCTION. xxxiii at Wissant in France, on the IStli July, by the constable of 1299-1300. Dover, who took a formal receipt for his person.^ He had been Edward I. brought a few days before from the Tower to Edward at Canter- ^^itS^ews,^' bury, under a very meagre escort.^ ^^^\ 9^ Though Edward, on 1 8th September, ordered a levy of John Comyn i-xT junior, 16,000 loot to assemble at Newcastle-on-Tyne by 24th Novem- Guardians.) ber, for a Scottish invasion,^ his barons refused to advance ; and though he postponed the muster till 13th December at Berwick,* he was obliged to desist from his intention, and leave the castle of Stirling, then besieged by the three Guardians,^ to its fate. It surrendered shortly after, with its garrison of ninety men,^ after enduring considerable privations.^ The English forces at this time held no part of Scotland beyond the Forth ; and even in the south the castles of Bothwcll and Carlaverock were held by the Scots. ^ In the second of the documents last referred to, the constable of Lochmaben tells the King of England that he had secured the head of Robert de Coningham constable of Carlaverock, and set it up on the keep of his fortress. The slain man was a nephew of the Steward of Scotland. This shews the ferocity of these Border forays into which the war had degenerated. An undated document^ assigned to this period must be placed one, perhaps two years later. Early in 1300, Edward gave large orders for provisions to be forwarded from England and Ireland, to Berwick and Skinburness near Carlisle, by Midsummer, and h&,ving ordered 16,000 foot to muster at Carlisle, joined them with his son and his barons, and after taking Carlaverock castle,^" marched through the borders of Galloway, reducing it to partial submission." He remained during the autumn months at Carlisle and the castle of La Rose,^^ staying a week at Dumfries (October 23-30), 1^08.1079,1080. 'The Siege of Carlaverock,' edited by Sir 2 No. 1072. Harris Nicholas in 1828, gives no precise 3 No. 1092. account of the numbers of the besieging army. * No. 1111. There are 87 banners named, each having 5 No. 1109. of course, a certain number of men-at-arms. 8 No. 1119. The poet gives 3000 as the number of these, ^ No. 1949. but takes no account of the foot, 8 Nos. 1093, 1101. " Nos. 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151. « No. 1121. 1- Nos. 1153, 1155, 1161, 1168, 1172. 1" Nos. 1145, 1146. The interesting poem xxxiv INTRODUCTION. 1301. where lie ratified the truce granted to the Scots at the mediation Edward I. of France, till Pentecost 1301.^ The documents (the first of Aiid?ews, which is unfortunately mutilated)^ shew that there was a force (Srick^ of 100 horse and 300 foot in the English 'pale,' as it may be John Comyn called, Under the warden, and also indicate the limits of the junior, Guardians.) district. In the north the English held Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stirling, and Kirkintilloch castles as an outer line, with Both- well to command Clydesdale. On the east, Diiieton, Dunbar, and Berwick-on-Tweed. Along the Border, Eoxburgh, Jedburgh, Hermitage-Soules, and Lydel ; Lochmaben, to command Anuan- dale, with Dumfries, Carlaverock, Dalswynton, and Tibbers for Nithsdale, and the outlying post of Botel in Kirkcudbright for Galloway. By a return in February preceding,^ the garrison of Edinburgh numbered 347 of all ranks with 157 horses. The castle and county of Dumfries, with Lochmaben, and Annandale, were held by 70 men-at-arms, and 200 foot.* Berwick-on-Tweed was held by 30 men-at-arms and 200 foot^ ; and Jedburgh and Eox- burgh by 30 men-at-arms and 130 foot.*' Hermitage and the Mote of Lydel were in the hands of Sir Simon de Lindesay, with what number of men is not stated.^ In a roll for the last month of the year,^ we learn that Carlisle was besieged by the Scots for a month in November and December 1297, after the victory of Stirling; and also between 20th July and 2nd August 1298 ; which latter attack shews perhaps an attempted diversion in favour of Wallace and his army, who were being crushed at Falkirk. Twenty-one unfortunate Galwegians had been placed by Surrey in Carlisle castle in 1297 as hostages, ten of whom had died, and the others were still there. The letter from Philip of France, bespeaking the Pope's favour for Sir William Wallace, was probably written, either in this or the end of the previous year.^ The truce having come to its natural termination at Pente- 1 Nos. 1163, WCA. « Nos. 1172, 1174. 2 Nos. 1164, 1165. 7 No. 1173. 3 No. 1132. » No. 1179. 4 No. 1170. " No. 1184. E No. 1171. INTEODUCTION. xxxv cost 1301/ and the attempts of the French to renew it having i30i. failed, to Edward's evident satisfaction,^ the barons having also Edward I. supported him in the celebrated letter from Lincoln, in which ^^j^^^dr ^^ ^^ they denied the Pope's jurisdiction in temporal matters, and his ^^^\ ^^ power to decide as to the rights of the King of England over John Comyn . Scotland,^ he made ready for another campaign. He ordered the Guardians.) Northumbrians to be on the alert against the enemy,^ and levies of 12,000 foot to meet him at Berwick-on-Tweed at Midsummer.^ The Prince of Wales being now sixteen years old, his father resolved to give him an independent command, and ordered the Earls of Lincoln, Lancaster, Gloucester, and Arundel, and twenty other barons and knights, to meet the Prince at Carlisle with their forces, on the above day, ' that the chief honour of taming the pride of the Scots ' (so the writ runs), might accrue to the young leader.^ Great provision of victual was also made from England, Wales, and L^eland, to be brought to Berwick, Carlisle, and the Isle of Arran in Scotland.^ The two armies entered Scotland shortly after Midsummer, the Prince's force marching by Dumfries ^ into Galloway, where he made or was rejDorted to have made, in September, a pilgrimage to the shrine of St Ninian at Whithorn.^ Though preparations were made for him at Ayr and Turnbery castle, and he had proceeded as far as the water of Cree, where he was on the 1st and 2nd October,^" he had returned to Carlisle by the 5th, ^^ remaining there till towards the end of the month ;"^ and we hear no more of him till he is found with his father in Linlithgow on 30th December. ^^ The reason for his force not proceeding into Ayrshire was the very unsettled state of the district, as we shall presently see. Turning to the King's division of the army, there are much more definite data as to its number and movements on the original Pay Eoll.^^ ^ No. 1194. ing St Niiiian's image to New Abbey, and its 2 No. 1198. miraculous return the same niglit to Whit- 3 No. 1188. horn, No. 1225. This Saint's day, it maybe * No. 1194. observed, is 16th September. 5 No. 1202. " Nos. 1233, 1235. 6 No. 1191. " No. 1239. 7 Nos. 1192, 1193. ^- Nos. 1242, 1248, 1249. 8 No. 1212, 1224. " No. 1270. 9 See the letter of the sheriff of Peebles to " No. 1229. Edward I., with its account of the Scots remov- xxxvi INTEODUCTION. 1301. There were about 6800 foot, and a troop of about forty hobelars Edward I. and foresters from Koxburo^h and Selkirk. They were paid at Andrews, Berwick, on 12th and 14th July; at Selkirk, on 25th ; at Peebles, Srrick ^^ ^^^ August; at Cambusnethan, on 18th August; at Both well, John Comyn q-^ g^jj September; and at Dunipace, on 29th. Their route is junior, ■"■ ^ Guardians.) thus clearly marked, up the valley of the Tweed to Peebles, then across Tweed and up Lyne water towards Carstairs and the valley of Clyde, passing near Biggar, perhaps halting there on the march. ^ The cavalry force is also given on a horse roll for the same expedition.^ On his march Edward granted a charter (at Peebles on 10th August)^ of the late Sir William de Moray's barony of Both well, &c., to Aymar de Valence, though the castle was then in the enemy's hands. He must have received several disturbing pieces of news in his progress. The warden of Lochmaben castle, writing on lOtli September, reported his repulse of an attack on that fortress l)y a strong Scottish force, under Sir John de Soulis and Sir Ingram de Umfraville ; * and three days later, the constable of Roxburgh gave him further news of this same army.^ On the 14th of the same month a serious mutiny in the garrison of Berwick-on-Tweed, owing to the men being in arrear of pay, was reported to him by its constable, and though it was put down, from the lucky chance of the money arriving, yet the leaders concerned were dissatisfied at the distribution.^ A dispute between his lieutenants in Rox- burgh, as to the division of booty taken from a band of robbers there, was also referred to his decision.'' And finally, a letter written on 3rd October, from the constable of Ayr, reporting an attack by the Scottish force in great strength, on Turnbery and Ayr castles,^ must have caused him anxiety for the division under his son. With considerable strategy the Scots had got into his rear, and from their retreat in the mountainous district 1 Traditions of this march must have lingered of the year 1301, as its entries begin 28th July among the Clydesdale peasantry, and not un- 1301, and end February 1301-2. likely gave rise to Blind Harry's wild romance ^ No. 1214. of the battle of Biggar. * No. 1220. 2 No. 1190. This document is inadvertently » jq-g. i221. placed too early in the Calendar. It should ^ No. 1223. have been j)lacedatthe end, not the beginnirjg ^ Nos. 1226, 1227. * No. 123C. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii lying between the head of Nithsdale, Kirkcudbright, and Carrick, 1301-2. were endeavouring to separate the two English armies. But the Edward I. Ayrshire garrisons maintained their ground/ and Edward after ^"^Andrews^* visiting Glasgow,^ where iron and coal were bought,^ and takino- Earl of ■r, . Carnck, Bothwell Castle early in September,^ prepared to secure his hold John Comyn on the country by wintering at Linlithgow. A letter from an GuardTans.) official at Roxburgh, shews the forces keeping Selkirk Forest, and their arrangements for watching the Scots in Galloway, as well as the urgent need of money. ^ A carefully drawn up statement^ shews the numbers of the English army with the King in Scotland on 8th October, exclusive of the Prince's division, their daily, weekly, and yearly pay, and the like details of five castles (that of Carstairs now first noticed) and the forest of Selkirk. From Linlithgow, in November,'' Edward ordered additional stores from Ireland to be delivered at Skynburness and Ayr for the Prince, and to supply Lochmaben and Dumfries. He also built a house for himself at Linlithgow;^ and had large quanti- ties of hay shipped at Newcastle for the port of Blackness on the Forth.^ Additional levies of 4900 foot were ordered to march for Linlithgow on New Year's day ; ^^ but, by a later writ,^^ they were reduced to 1400. He received a New Year's gift from the Queen by the hands of Sir Aymar de Valence, ^^ and on 26 th January ratified another truce with the Scots till St Andrew's day the same year, obtained at the mediation of France. ^^ About the beginning of February 1301-2, Edward set out for England, and on the 12th was at Roxburgh castle, where, under his own eye, indentures were executed by the wardens of Edin- burgh, Roxburgh, Berwick, Jedworth, Linlithgow, Bothwell, and Ayr, for the keeping of these places till Pentecost.^* Sir 1 No. 1293. " No. 1261. 2 Nos. 1216, 1217. " No. 1267. 3 No. 1271. 12 No. 1280. * No. 1235. 13 Nos. 1282, 1284, 1285. The ratification, ^ No. 1230. however, expressly declares that the King does ^ No. 1241. not recognise John Balliol or the Scots as ^ No. 1260. allies of France. » No. 1262. " No. 1286. ^ Nos. 1264, 1266. xxxviii INTEODUCTIOK 1301-2. Alexander de Balliol of Cavers undertook the forest of Selkirk Edward I. witli thirty men-at-arms, binding himself to find 600 foot on four Andrews days', and 1000 on eight days', notice^ for its defence. He was Sick entrusted also with the building of the new pele of Selkirk,^ for John Comyn losing which, a year later, he afterwards got into temporary dis- Guardians.) grace with Edward.^ Sir John ntz Marmaduk, with twenty men- at-arms, had charge of Renfrewshire (or Strathgryfe, as it was then called) till Easter.^ The Earl of Ulster, and other Irish magnates were warned to provide 500 heavy cavalry, 1000 hobelars, and 10,000 foot for the Scottish war.^ Although the Earl of Carrick was still one of the Guardians in name, a Galloway homicide is pardoned by Edward on 16th February at his request ; ® and by the end of April following he had, with some of his Carrick tenants, been received to peace/ In singular contrast to his actual position, the letter of King Philip, addressed to him and John Comyn junior, as * Guardians ' of Scotland for King John,' dated 6th April 1302,^ will be read. In it Philip encourages the Scots in their resistance to Edward, and hints that he is devising means to help them, but for safety prudently commits further details to the bearer, William, bishop of St Andrews, their feUow Guardian. The year 1302 seems to have been, on the whole, inactive. The English retained the various fortresses and districts already stated as being in their hands. Particular details are given of the constables and garrisons of these and their other munitions till Christmas,^ and we see the progress of the new works at the peles of Linlithgow and Selkirk. On 4th August Edward granted a charter of privileges to Berwick-on-Tweed.^° And on 15th of that month six Scotsmen were allowed to go as envoys to France with the French Ambassadors." A truce till Easter 1303, was concluded on 25th November, with France,^^ but it appears that the Scots were not included. 1 No. 1287. 8 N-o_ 1301. No doubt seized when the - No. 1288. Bishop of St Andrews was captured, some 3 Nos. 1344, 1349. years later. •* No. 1290. « Nos. 1317, 1321, 1324. = No. 1295. 10 Nos 1314^ 1315_ " No. 1291. 11 No. 1331. 7 Nos. 1302, 1303. '= No. 1333. INTEODUCTION. xxxix With the New Year of 1302-3 the Scots again took arms, 1302-3. and invaded the English possessions/ Comyn the Guardian had Edward I. been joined by Sir Simon Fraser about August preceding.^ The ^^^^nSews^*^ battle of Eoslin, on 24th February, in which they defeated Sir J^iin Comyn junior, John de Segrave, receives little notice in the Kecords.^ Guardians.) Edward, being now disengaged from foreign wars, bent his whole force to subdue Scotland. On 9th April 1303, 9500 foot were ordered to muster at Eoxburgh by 12th May, from York, Nottingham, Derby, Lancaster, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland.* Besides these the Earl of Carrick was requested to bring men-at-arms, and 1000 foot of Carrick and GaUoway, and Sir Richard Siward 300 foot of Nithsdale.^ The pay roll of this army for both years, 1303 and 1304,^ supplies data for approximately estimating its numbers. The levies ordered from Ireland have been already referred to.' Two fortified wooden bridges had been constructed under the King's direction at Lynn Regis, at great cost, for the passage of the army across the Forth, and were shipped for Scotland under escort of a fleet of thirty vessels in May ^ ; and engines of war, stores, &c., had been despatched to the north. ^ In the face of these formidable preparations, the Scottish envoys maintained their negotiations in France, though duped by Philip's fair words, and on 25th May wrote to Comyn, en- couraging him and the community to strenuous resistance. ^"^ Edward and his army reached Perth by the 11th June." While there, the Scots (of GaUoway probably), broke into Annan- dale and the Marches of Cumberland with a strong force, and the array of the latter county and Westmoreland, with a force drawn ^ Nos. 1341, 1342. Ulster did not exceed 500 men of all ranks, 2 No. 1317. Without notice, it appears, except for a few weeks in July, when nearly for he carried off the horses and armour of a 3500 Irishmen were paid whUe awaiting a fair comrade at Werk Castle, who had an allow- wind to Ireland. Of these 2600, or more, ance from Edward I. to replace them. were foot, 500 hobelars, and 300 knights and ^ No. 1347. esquires. Sir Nigel Cambel was one of the * No. 1351. earl's knights in the early part of that year. 5 No. 1356, =* No. 1375. « No. 1599. » Nos. 1366, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, ^ It appears from a Wardrobe book of this 1377, &c. year, 32 Edward I. {Add. MSS. Brit. Mus., lo No. 1363. 8835), that the contingent under the Earl of ^^ No. 1368. xl INTEODUCTION. 1303-4. from both sides of the Marches, was summoned to repress Edward I. them/ Andrews * The Earl of Carrick was at this time in English pay and asso- Johp Comyn ^i^ted with the English warden of Annandale.^ He also held the jumor, ^ Guardians.) office of sheriff of Lanark,^ and a little later (9th January 1303-4), was in command of the English garrison of Ayr.* The chief event of this year was the capture of Brechin castle about the beginning of August,^ to which there are only some incidental references, shewing the Prince of Wales' presence there, ^ and that Edward brought his engines by sea to Montrose ^ and stripped the lead off the cathedral of Brechin for them, but afterwards restored it ; ^ and after marching his forces as far as Kinloss in Moray, from which he turned back on 10th October,^ reached Dunfermline soon after, where he spent the winter. Here he was joined by the Queen, who came by Tynemouth, where she stayed probably from the end of June till 26tli September,^*^ reaching Norham castle by the middle of November. ^^ Though New Years' gifts by her Majesty and the Countess of Holland are recorded as presented to the King at Dunfermline, on 1st January 1303-4,^^ she cannot have arrived there till the 18th or 19th January, as she only started from Berwick on the morrow of Hilary. ^^ The Household EoU of the Prince of Wales for this entire year ^* contains many entries of interest. The imposing array of clothes, armour, and other effects with which he took the field ; his losses at dice, considerably exceeding the value of his library ^^ or his oblations at Mass ; ^^ his gifts to those who amused him or suffered from his jokes ; " his present of an Arts' gown to a successful tilter ; ^^ and the costly cope presented by him to a Spanish Cardinal ; all contributed to swell the sum total for the year of 5653?. 35. 5|d 1 No. 1374. 10 Nos. 137C, 1380, 1381, 1394, 1398. 2 No. 1385. " Nos. 1411, 1414. 3 No. 1420. 12 2^o_ i434_ •» No. 1437. 13 No. 1438. 5 No. 1434. 1* No. 1413. « Pp. 366, 36S. IS P. 368. 7 No. 1386 i« P. 364. 8 No. 1687. " P. 369. "No. 1401. '^^ Ibid. INTEODUCTIOK xli junior, Guardians.) William earl of Ross, a prisoner in the Tower since 1296, 1303-4. was released in September tins year.^ The details of his escort Ed^^i i. and journey of eighteen days to Berwick-on-Tweed, and of the ^^And?ews^^ cost of his armour, give an illustration of the manners and "^^^^ ^.*^^^^y" customs of the times. ^ Though in winter quarters, the King of England did not encourage idleness. He ordered carpenters and other workmen to be sought for in the Lothians, and sent to Dunfermline to prepare for his intended siege of Stirling,^ the last remaining stronghold in native hands. To harass those Scots who kept the field, he sent a cavalry expedition across the Forth to the neighbourhood of Stirling under very stringent orders as to secrecy.* And in the beginning of January 1303-4, Sir John de Botetourte, justiciar of Galloway, organised a very strong expedition of nearly 3000 men, to make a foray on the Scots in the south-west.^ Aymar de Valence had been treating for some time with Comyn and his allies to bring them to Edward's wiU,® and had been at Linlithgow and Glasgow in September, where he had borrowed 20l. from a canon on the King of England's business.^ Later on, in December, the patriots being about Perth, messages were exchanged between Edward and them,^ and after some further delay, and attempts to mitigate his rigorous^ conditions, from which, severe as they were, some were absolutely excepted, the Guardian and his followers laid down their arms at Strathorde on 9th February 1303-4,^'^ leaving Stirling castle to its fate. Wallace, whom the King of England declined on 3rd March to receive, except on terms of unconditional submission, still kept aloof somewhere in the upper parts of Stratherne or Menteith.^^ At this very moment, the Earl of Carrick and Christopher Seton were actively engaged in Edward's service, the latter in the garrison of Loch- maben,^^ and the Earl in pursuit of the patriots,^^ for which he 1 No. 1395. 2 Ibid., No. 1401, 1403, 1416. ^ Nos. 1408, 1412, 1414. * No. 1-432 5 No. 1437. « Nos. 1392, 1393. 7 Ibicl. VOL. II. 8 No. 1419. 9 Nos. 1444, 1445, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1451. 10 No. 1741. " Nos. 1462, 1463. 12 No. 1464. 13 No. 1465. d xlii INTRODUCTION. 1303-4. j^g^^j ^^ especial letter of thanks from Edward. On 20tli Marcli Edward I. 1303-4, Sir John de Menteith was appointed sheriff and (Bishop of St Andrews, constable of the shire, town, and castle of Dunbarton.^ Alter junior, holding a Parliament at St Andrews at Mid Lent, to which he Guaidians.) g^j^j^Qj^g^j ^j^^ Scottish magnates, 2 Edward decided to besiege Stirling;^ and sat down before the castle on 21st April.* From that clay till its surrender three months later, he personally directed the siege, for which extensive preparations were made," and every precaution taken to prevent supplies to the garrison.^ Lead for the engines was also stripped from all the churches in the district, care being taken however to leave the altars covered.^ The Earl of Carrick, who had succeeded by his father's death to his English estates, actively assisted, for substantial reasons.^ The lands of many Scotsmen who had come to Edward's peace were restored to them,^ prominent among these being the Bishops of St Andrews and Dunkeld and others of the late envoys to France. ^*^ The goods and chattels of Sir William Oliphant the constable, and the garrison of Stirling were given to a recreant countryman." To judge from the scarcity of jDrovisions among the besiegers,^^ the garrison must have been in great privation. At least thir- teen engines and a 'war wolf of novel construction battered their ramparts,^^ and Greek fire was showered on the de- fenders.^* They surrendered unconditionally on St Margaret's day (20th July), only twenty-five persons being named in the instrument attesting the surrender, along with the governor, though there seem to have been others still within. ^^ A curious fact is mentioned in a letter on the day the castle fell, that Edward ordered that none of his people should enter till it was struck by the 'war wolf,' 1 No. 1474. 8 Nos. 1493, 1495, 1510, 1540, 1546, 1548. 2 Nos. 1461, 1468, 1471, 1480. » Nos. 1*481, 1535, 1538, 1544, 1584, 1594. 3 No. 1477. 10 Nos. 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531. 4 No. 1519. "No. 1517. 5 Nos. 1482, 1483, 1486, 1491, 1498, 1499, ^" Nos. 1552, 1553. 1500, 1524, 1536, 1539, 1554, 1556, 1559, ^^ No. 1599. 1589. 14 No. 1569. « Nos. 1489, 1515. is No. 1562. 7 No. 1504. INTPtOUUCTION. xliii possibly to see its effect/ The garrison were all despatched 1304. to English prisons particularly named. ^ Edward I. Edward remained some weeks in the neighbourhood,^ and refmuni) probably feeling that while Wallace remained at large, his work was incomplete, held out inducements to some of his late associates to capture him.* He was at the Abbey of Holyrood on 16th August,^ at Pentland the next day,® and Eddleston on the 19th;' from which he must have made a rapid march through Peebles, Traquair, and Selkirk, to Jedburgh by the 20th or 21st,® resting at Yetham in the Cheviots till the 24th.^ An account of the expenses of his portable chapel while in Scotland, shews his simple personal habits.^" The household account of the Prince of Wales, beginning 20th November 1303, ending abruptly with a lost mem- brane on 19th April 1304,^^ illustrates his separate campaign in Perthshire, and gives the names of many in his train ; among them Edward Bruce, the future King of Ireland. ^^ It is pleasing to turn from these military records to two unique documents giving (though from an enemy's hand not the less valuable) the only in- formation we have of the internal condition of the country about this period. The first of these ^^ is an account by the Escheator south of Forth in the years 1302, 1303, and 1304, and relates to the counties of Lanark, Peebles, Ajt, and Dumfries, and the district of Annandale. In Lanarkshire there are returns of the Crown demesnes of Cadzow and the Vale of Clyde, ^* of the Bishop of Glasgow's burgh and barony, the burghs of Lanark and Ruther- glen,^^ and the lands of the Comyns, Maxwells, and others. In Peebleshire those of the same bishop,^® the Crown demesnes of Traquair and others,^^ and of Sir Simon Eraser and his retainer 1 No. 1560. In the British Museum Ward- book in the British Museum, gives many de- robe account, already referred to, it is stated tails of his halting places, both before and that an ' oriole ' was made in the King's house after the siege of Stirling. at Stirling, that the Queen, the Countess of ^ No. 1594. Gloucester and Hereford, and other ladies of ^^ No. 1580. the Court, might seethe assault of the castle. ^^ No. 1516. 2 Nos. 1567, 1572, 1668. ^^ p, 394. 3 Nos. 1570, 1573. " No. 1608. -* No. 1563. " Pp. 424, 427, 428. ^ No. 1576. 1^ Pp. 424, 428. 8 No. 1578. ^« P. 425. 7 No. 1579. " Pp. 424, 425, 428 » Nos. 1580, 1594. The Wardrobe account xliv INTRODUCTION. 1303-4. Simon cle Horsebrok.^ In Ayrshire those of the burgh of Ayr, Edward I. the burgh lands^ of Irvine, and the baronies of Dalmellington, ^^mrm?" Ochiltree, and others.^ In Dumfriesshire those of the royal demesnes, and the burgh of Dumfries. In Annandale those of the towns of Lochmaben and Annand, with many provostries, mills, &c.^ As the names of places are mentioned with much detail, this adds to its value. The other document ^ is a compotus by the same officer and his colleague of an extent made of all the royal lands in Scotland from Sutherland to Galloway, between April 1304 and February of the following regnal year. Though the receipt was large (nearly 1400?.), the expenditure exceeded it by nearly 400/., but as part of the document is much destroyed the details are not distinct. Beside land and burgh farms, it contains accounts of customs and arrangements for their collection at various ports. The ruined state of Stirling after the siege is shewn by the issues for the year being only 4s.*' The two officials who made this valuation had a strong armed escort during their labours, which regularly mounted guard at night.^ This year 1305 witnessed the capture of Wallace, when, the Records do not say, but probably not long after 21st May. Lord Hailes says that a prisoner, Ralph Haliburton, offered his aid in discovering him. This receives confirmation from the fact of this man's name being scored out of a list of prisoners in England, at that date.^ Before this time Edward de Kethe had received a gift from the King of England of whatever he might gain in pursuit of his patriot countryman.^ There are very few notices in the Calendar to add to the little that is known of Wallace's real history, outside of the poem of Henry the Minstrel. Whether he is the William le Waleys, whose companion is accused of robbery at Perth, in June 1296,^° the editor cannot say. He appears to have cut off the supplies of the English garrison of Stirling about St Bartholomew's day 1299.^^ By an inquisition held immediately after his execution, regarding Michael de Miggel, a Scotsman who had been in his company. 1 Pp. 424, 428. 5 No. 1646. 9 No. 1424, 2 Pp. 425, 428, 6 P. 440. 10 P. 191. 3 Ihid. 7 P. 443. " No. 1940. " Pp. 426, 427. 8 No. 1668. INTrtODUCTIOK xlv it was found that Wallace had kept this man, who had tried to 1305. escape twice, by force, and in fear of his life/ Edward I, The commission for his trial on 18th August marks the close ^ num)''' of his career,^ his execution taking place on the 23rd.^ King Edward's harsh treatment of him seems due to personal resentment, for while he had never sworn allegiance, those who had repeatedly violated their fealty were pardoned, favoured, and even trusted. The King of England now made what he doubtless thought was a final settlement of Scotland,^ appointing his nephew, John of Brittany, Warden, with subordinate officers. The sheriffs of counties, with one or two exceptions, were Scots, the castles were committed to Englishmen, or Scots in his interest, and several persons were punished by banishment for certain periods. Orders were given for the courteous treatment of Scottish magnates and others passing through England,^ and the High Steward made his submission at West- minster.*' Rewards were bestowed on the captors of Wallace, and on Sir John de Menteith,^ who, it is right to point out, was at that time and had been for a year before the capture, an official in the English interest, being sheriff and constable of Dunbarton. With the spring of 1306 dismal news reached King Edward, the murder of Comyn and rebellion of Bruce. That an appear- ance at least of trusting Bruce was maintained till this event, is shewn by a writ, dated 8 th February, two days before the murder, acquitting him of a debt due by his father.® By the 24th of that month Edward had heard the news at Itchenestoke in Hampshire.'' With his accustomed energy he appointed Aymar de Valence, ^ No. 1689. tis doom. In the long summer day there was 2 No. 1685. amiale time for this. It is not likely he was 3 Stmo's Chronicle. It has been doubted brought back, on a subsequent day, from whether this is the correct date, as he was prison, in order to start from Westminster only tried on 23rd August at Westminster. Hall. It is to be remembered, however, that his * No. 1691. sentence was, to be drawn from the palace of ^ No. 1698. Westminster to the Tower, from the Tower to ^ No. 1713. AUegate, and so by the middle of the City to '' No. 1730. the Elms (at Smithfield). The probability is, » No. 1743. therefore, that immediately after sentence he " No. 1747. v.'as carried off straight from Westminster to xlvi INTRODUCTION. 1306, Henry de Percy, and Robert de Clifford, to put down the Scots,^ Edward I. intending himself to follow, notwithstanding his infirmities, with (Interreg- j-^^ son.^ The seamen brineinsf provisions from Ireland were com- num.) & & r manded to keep the high seas, and not to approach the Ayrshire or Galloway coasts, the seat of the rising.^ He gave the Annan- dale estates of Bruce to his son-in-law Humphrey de Bohun earl of Essex,* those in Durham to Robert de Clifford ^ (with a part subsequently of Christopher de Seton's estate), and com- mitted his other English lands to various persons,^ keeping the manor of Writtle for himself.'' The earldom of Menteith was given to John de Hastings and Edmund his brother,^ that of Lennox to John de Menteith,^ of Carrick to Henry de Percy, and Athol to Ralph de Monthermer ; ^^ and doubtless many other patriots lost their lands, of which there is no record. At no period of his life is the fiery energy of the King of England more apparent than in these last eighteen months of his life. The writs, often only drafts, are altered and interlined to express his wishes more clearly. He urges his lieutenants to action," expresses his gratitude to God for their successes,^^ orders that no terms be kept with the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, but unconditional surrender, ^^ adding his earnest mshes for their capture, and his pleasure on hearing one is taken ;^* gives orders to destroy the lands of ungrateful Scotsmen, but to honour the loyal, ^^ and put to death enemies taken in arms, with certain special exceptions, on whose fate he is to be first consulted. ^^ Such are a few of the contents of the letters despatched while Edward was slowly making his way to Scotland in June 1306. The Prince of Wales, leaving his father on the Marches, entered Scotland in July, and we find him on the 1 3 th of that month announcing to Aymar de Valence the surrender of Loch- 1 No. 1754. 8 No. 1771. 2 No. 1763. 9 No. 1786. 3 Nos. 1753, 1763. lo Hemingburgli, vol. ii. 257. •* Nos. 1757, 1766, 1842. It is for this " Nos. 1773, 1777. reason that so many of the Annandale papers i"- No. 1780. are in the Duchy of Lancaster collection. The i^ No. 1777. heiress of the Bohuns married Henry IV. ^'' Nos. 1785, 1786. 5 Nos. 1776, 1894. ' is Nos. 1782, 1787. ■ «Nos. 1767, 1804. '« No. 1790. 7 Nos. 1804, 1816. INTEODUCTIOK xlvii maben castle two days before,^ and saying that lie will hasten 1306. to Perth. He was at Forteviot, within a few miles of it, on Edward I. 1st August,^ and at the end of that month or beginning of ^ ° ^^^ '' next, the. castle of Kildrummy surrendered to him, as the jubilant letter of 13th September, giving the names of several of the prisoners, relates.^ Among the chief of these were the King of Scotland's brother [Nigel], Sir Robert de Boyd, Sir Alexander de Lindesay, and others not named. Nigel Bruce was executed, after trial by a special commission, at Berwick.* How the other two escaped a like fate does not appear. The Countesses of Carrick and Buchan, Maria and Christina the sisters, and Margery the daughter, of Bruce, were taken in the sanctuary of St Duthac, at Tain, by the Earl of Ross, and delivered to Edward.^ They were placed in strict confinement, three of them in 'kages.'^ The Earl of Athol, Simon Eraser, Christopher Seton, and others of note, were executed, the two former at London and the last at Dumfries.^ The Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow and the Abbot of Scone, were sent under a strong escort to the castles of Winchester, Porchester, and Mere in Wilts, being treated with the utmost rigour, and placed in fetters.^ He of St Andrews attempted to clear himself of complicity in the murder of Comyn, but his solemn assurance procured him no favour from the incensed King,^ and had he and the others been laymen, they would have forfeited their lives. ^*^ He was interrogated on apprehension, like a felon, by commis- sioners at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and forced to acknowledge many charges — violation of his oath as a Privy Councillor for one, and the secret indenture with the Earl of Carrick" (on St Barnabas day 1304), which was found with other compromising documents, in his possession. ^^ Charges against him and the two other churchmen were drawn up to be submitted to the Pope.^^ 1 No. 1803. » Nos. 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1824. 2 No. 1809. " Nos. 1780, 1781. 3 No. 1829. " No. 1799. * Hailes, referring to Trivet and Matthew of " No. 1817. Westminster. ^' Nos. 1818, 1822. 5 Ibid., referring to Barbour and Fordun. ^'^ Nos. 1827, 1828. « Nos. 1850, 1851. ^ Hailes, referring to Trivet and Matthew of Westminster. xlviii INTRODUCTION. 1306. The Bishop of Glasgow made a request to Edward to be Ed^^I. enlarged in England, till the 'ryote' of his countrymen was (Eobertl.) p^^ clown.' The Bishop of Moray saved himself by flight to Orkney, where the King of England endeavoured to persuade Haco, King of Norway, to arrest him,^ without success. In addition to these stern examples of vengeance, one may be added, hitherto it is believed unknown.^ On 4th August 1306, a special commission at Newcastle-on-Tyne sentenced to death, without trial, fifteen Scotsmen and one Englishman, taken in arms, with one exception, on the field of Methven, which, if we accept the date in the indictment, was fought on Sunday the 26th of the previous June.* Edward's instructions (drawn up by himself at Laysingby near Carlisle, on the 1st of August) were express, that none should be allowed to answer. It cannot be doubted that they aU met their doom.^ Among them were Alexander le Skyrmyshour, created by Wallace hereditary standard-bearer of Scotland, and John de Seton, ' Englishman.' The latter was captured in Tibbers castle, near Dumfries, and was indicted for aiding in Comyn's murder, and making prisoner the sheriff' of Dumfries, Richard Siward. From his style of ' Englishman,' he was probably a brother or near relative of Christopher Seton, who was tried as a native subject of Edward. We must now turn to the central figure — the new King of Scotland. After his defeat at Methven, Bruce and his small band of adherents, escaping into Athol, lurked for some time there and in the West Highlands, enduring much hard- ship, from which, when reduced to the extremity of famine among the hills, they were at length rescued by the Earl of Lennox, who till then thought King Robert had been killed at Methven. They then made their way by sea to Kintyre, where Angus of the Isles received them into his castle of Dunaverty, at the extreme south of that peninsula. Fearful of treachery, ^ No. 1825. leaf sewed to a Yorkshire Assize Roll, with - No. 1907. which it has no other connection. 3 No. 1811. This was pointed ont to the * The 19th June is the date given by Lord editor by Mr William Brown, barrister-atdaw Hailes. of Lincoln's Inn, a diligent student of the ^ j^q 1823. antiquities of his county, York. It is a fly- INTRODUCTION. ' xlix Bruce remained only three days within its walls, and with his 1 306-7. followers crossed to Rachrin, an island thirteen or fourteen Edward I. miles to the south-west, about four miles from the north coast ^'^ of Ireland. From the Eecords we learn that King Edward acknowledged directly the important services of John of Argyll in pursuit,^ and that the fugitive was followed so closely by his enemies that Dunaverty castle was under siege on 22nd September,^ and had been invested probably some days before. And it is clear his island refuge had been discovered, for on 29th and 30th January 1306-7, there are orders for Hugh Biset and his fleet to join Sir John de Menteith and Simon de Montacute in pursuing Robert Bruce and his accomplices and destroying their retreat.^ On 1st February Edward ordered the sheriff" of Cumberland to despatch vessels well manned and armed to Ayr, in search of Bruce, and assist his Admiral, who was at sea on the same duty.^ Thus rumours of his return to Scotland (which Barbour says was in early spring), may have preceded the actual event. But it is somewhat un- accountable that Bruce was permitted to remain undisturbed, to all appearance, in Rachrin from September tiU January. It was within the territories of the powerful family of the Bisets of the Glens of Antrim, who were warm adherents of Edward I., and though the currents and races of these stormy seas are proverbial, they could be no obstacle to hardy mariners. He may, therefore, have been for these mid-winter months, in some more distant refuge.^ For Barbour asserts that on reaching Carrick in spring, he for the first time learned the disasters and executions of his friends, from a lady a 'ner cosyn' of his own in that country. The desertion also of some of his principal adherents, the Earl of Menteith, Sir Patrick Graham, and others, in Novem- ber preceding, was then probably first made known to him.^ 1 No. 1830. ions. It has been overlooked that Fabyan 2 Nos. 1833, 1834. (ed. 1559, p. 148) and other English chroniclers ^ Nos, 1888, 1889. circumstantially assert this, though Dr Jamie- * No. 1893. son in his additional notes to Barbour (Book 5 Now that we know the alliance between II.) treated it as equally fabulous with the the Braces and the royal house of Norway to Norwegian marriage, be a fact, it is far from improbable that Bruce ^ Nos. 1849, 1852. did betake himself to the Norwegian domin- I INTEODUCTIOK 1306-7. He must also have then heard of the total defeat of the force Edward I. of 700 Irishmen, brought to his aid by Thomas and Alexander (Robert I.) j^^^ brothers, which was cut to pieces on landing (9th February) at Lochryan, by Dougal Macdowall, when the heads of his brothers and Sir Eanald Cra^^ord and other leaders, were placed on the gates of Carlisle.-^ Even his resolute spirit might have quailed at this news, and not less at the unknown dangers yet before him, while he was to be hunted for his life among his native hills. Whatever may have been the exact date of Bruce's reaching Carrick, early in February the Enghsh King must have beheved in his arrival, for he writes from his sick-room at Lanercost on 6th and 11th February, ordering a distinct report from Aymar de Valence and his other officers at Ayr, of their doings against the Scots, to be sent to him by a trustworthy messenger, as he believes they are concealing the real state of matters, and have done so badly they do not wish him to know the truth. ^ At this point Barbour confuses dates, saying that the prisoners from Kildrummy were brought to Edward at Burgh-on-Sands, on his death-bed (July 1307), when he ordered them all to instant execution. Whereas, as we have seen, Kildrummy was taken nearly a year earlier, in September 1306. But his romantic account of Bruce's pursuit by Aymar de Valence with a cavalry force, and John of Lome (or Argyll) with 800 men 'and ma,' and a bloodhound that once belonged to the fugitive King, is borne out so far by the warrant of 1 9tli July, under the seal of Sir Aymar, then at Dalmolin near Ayr, for pay to Lome, who with 800 foot, and 22 men-at-arms was then guarding that town.^ So, too, is Barbour's narrative of the failure of Aymar de Valence's attempt to surprise Bruce in his retreat at Glentrool.^ On 20th February 1500 Border foot were mustered at Carlisle to pursue him, and on 19th March 1000 from Lancaster, with 1500 more from Cumberland and Westmoreland;^ while it is otherwise certain that from 12th February to 3rd May he must have been ^ Chronicle of LanercQst, p. 205. Nos. 1905, ■* A wild mountain lake in the upper part of 1915. Kirkcudbright. - Nos. 1895, 1896. s j^Qg 1902, 1913. » No, 1957. INTEODUCTION. li in a most critical position. On the side of Nitlisdale, Sir Jolin 1306-7. Botetourte the warden, was in pursuit with 70 horse and 200 Edw^ I. archers. On that of A5n'shire, Sir Aymar de Valence with 700 (^°^^^*^^-) archers was on his track. Sir Robert de Clifford, with a small detachment, kept guard at the water of Cree ; and from Carlisle, 70 horsemen and 40 archers, with 300 Tynedale men under Sir Geoffrey de Moubray, were sent by the English King himself to Glentrool in special search of Bruce, between 10th April and 3rd May.^ A map of the district will show how near he must often have been to his enemies, and that his escapes must have been often narrow. He did, however, extricate himself from the toils, and by the 10th of May (according to Barbour), defeated Sir Aymar de Valence at Loudon Hill, on the border of Ayr and Lanarkshire, nearly thirty-five miles to the north. The date of this action is given by the English historians ^ as about the end of March, but Barbour's date is supported by two letters, without a year, but dated 15 th May. In the first of these,^ from Carlisle, King Edward's anger at the retreat of the Guardian before 'King Hobbe' (as he calls Bruce) is mentioned; also that he had reviewed his cavalry (400 men) decked with leaves, on AVhitsunday, and was very merry. The writer adds a curious fact that James of Douglas had sent to be received, but on seeing the English forces retreat [at Loudon Hill] he had drawn back ; showing how desperate Bruce's prospects must have been before this success. The second letter,^ from Forfar, gives the rumours about Bruce that possibly had been brought from the same fight, and his improved prospects, and the expectation that he njight come that way.^ From its mention of King Edward's possible death, the editor, with some hesitation, has assigned it to this period, though neither the writer nor person addressed are named. The action of Loudon Hill was not decisive in its effects, for the English operations were going on in a few days after ; a foray from Dumfries, in the direction of Cumnock, being ^ No. 1923. ^ BarLour says such was his intention after - Hemingbiirgh, ii. p. 265. Trivet, i. the battle, and that he crossed the ' Mounth ' p. 413. to attack the Earl of Buchan and other enemies 3 No. 1970. in that quarter. But he places this a year too -• No. 1926. early. lii INTEODUCTION. 1307. arranged for on 16th May by the Treasurer (the Bishop of Chester) Edward I. ^t Dumfries, who had come from Lanark the day before.^ Bruce (Eobertl.) |g g^^^j ^^ j-^g^^^ defeated Ralph de Monthermer within three days after Loudon Hill, and besieged him in Ayr castle, but to have retired on succours approaching. ^ On 1st June, Aymar de Valence, then at Bothwell castle, orders 300 foot for Earl Patrick at Ayr, and workmen for the repairs of the castle.^ He was at Ayr himself ten days afterwards,* from that time till Edward's death, making expeditions into the neighbourhood in search of his late opponent. He was, early in July, on another foray to Carrick and Glentrool ; ^ about Ayr from 17th to 19th July ; ^ in the Glenkens (Kirkcudbright) on the 24th ; ^ by the 31st he was back at Skeldon on the Doon, above Ayr ; ^ and was still at Ayr with many knights, Clifford, Hastings, &c., in that month or August.^ These writs seem to indicate that Bruce must have been in that district, not in the north of Scotland, at this time, for the Warden would hardly have remained to pursue an inferior foe. With the death of Edward L the greatest danger had passed away, and Robert Bruce's career was thenceforth one of steady progress, though toilsome years were to pass before he secured his throne, even by the all but unanimous recognition of his own countrymen.^'' A few words must be said on the seals in the text and Ap- pendices I. and IIL There are contained in this volume descrip- tions of the seals, still extant to the number of about 860, that were attached to the original homages of Scotsmen in 1296. Of these there are about 20 duplicate and borrowed seals, besides a few of Englishmen who had an official connection with Scotland at that time, but all, with scarcely an exception, are of that period. 1 Nos. 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1933. » No. 1961. - Hemingburgh, ii. 265. Trivet, i. 413. '" A strong national feeling is traceable ^ No. 1935. among the commons of Scotland. While most * No. 1938. of the magnates, as fear or interest influenced ^ No. 1942. them, were by turns the adherents or opjion- ^ Nos. 1954-1957. ents of England, the ' mesne men ' and com- ' No. 1958. Though seventeen days after mons seem to have steadily refused the induce- the King's death, this letter is given as in his ments held out to them to submit (Nos. 1908, ' 35th year.' 1909), and were ever ready to rally round the ^ No. 1959. standard of indopeudeuce. INTEODUCTIOK liii The seals (86 in number) which have been autot5rped^ by Mr 1296 Charles Prsetorius are, generally speaking, of excellent design, in a superior kind of wax, many having been appended to im- portant instruments at the time of the Competition for the Crown, or to single homages.^ The five plates containing these are numbered at the beginning of Appendix III. Many of those that follow are also very good, quite equal in execution, but being often joined on tags or strings, were not found suitable for the autotype process. As a rule, the general homage seals are impressed on olive-green coloured wax, and at first sight seem rudely executed. But on careful examination they are extremely interesting, and shew a considerable amount of, we may believe, native art in the designers. The characters of the animals and birds depicted are true to nature, and many of the devices and designs are curious. Many are not armorial, exhibiting the devices of a flower, a shrub, a rabbit, or a bird. A stag's head cabossed, a hunting horn, a star and crescent, are also common. A considerable number, above 100, have bafiled the decipherer, and still remain a subject for conjecture. As they have been described with every possible care, shewing how many are attached together, they may be identified by a comparison with the names on the Roll, and a process of induction. By this means many have been definitely, some conjecturally, ascertained.^ The surname of the homager is not always the same as that on his or her seal, and what is singular, seals appear to have been lent, for in several instances the same seal occurs more than once in a homage. It will be noticed on examining the EoU, that the homages were at first made singly by imjDortant persons from May to July, and thereafter on 28tli August they were made in groups, more or less in number, beginning with the churchmen and magnates, after which landowners, both great and small, are found 1 Of the same size as tlie originals. (2 vols., 1850-66). If, as not unfrequently 2 The seal of Walter Steward earl of Men- happens, his readings differ, it must be remem- teith (PI. iv. 6), is probably the earliest in the bered that he has had the great advantage of present collection, dating between 1258-1290. deliberate and careful comparison of the seals ^ The editor has to acknowledge the assist- with the names on the Ragman Roll, and this ance derived from the previous labours of Mr in the groups often identified with the remains Henry Laing in his Catalogue of Scottish ScaJs of the original homages. liv INTRODUCTION. 1296, on the same deed. The seals were probably first affixed, and each made oath in turn touching his or her own seal, after the manner still in use in the execution of English deeds. It is believed that the placing these seals in juxtaposition to the Ragman Roll will supjDly a want long felt by more than one eminent Scottish antiquary. It has been found impracticable, for the reasons stated above, to make a separate index to them. Where identified or conjectured, however, a reference has been placed to the seal after the name of the owner. The subject of seals being cognate to that of genealog}^, reference may now be made to some genealogical questions on which the documents in the Calendar throw light. Two of some historical interest have been already adverted to. We discover probably the last appearance of Alan Durward, so prominent in the early years of Alexander III., as still in 1274-92. possession of the castle of Bolsover, on 25th August 1274.^ It may be noticed that in Nicholas de Soulis' claim to the Crow^n (in the Great Roll) a slip is committed ; his mother, Ermegarda, being there apjoarently called the daughter and heir of Alexander III. Whereas, it will be seen in the original instrument, that his mother was daughter of Alan Durward, who had married a daughter of Alexander II. Soulis' mother was thus the niece of Alexander III. This partly supplies a missing link in the Durward genealogy. A later Sir Alan Durward is found holding office at Inverness in 1291-92;^ and Thomas Durward of Angusshire is on the Ragman Roll. Alexander III., as the Scottish overlord of the late Walter de Lindesay of Lamberton and Kendal, is found on 23rd September 1274,^ certifying that the re-marriage of Cristiana his widow, to Walter de Percy of Kildale, took place in his kingdom. On 14th June next year, Edward I. condoned Percy's trespass for a fine of 80 marks. ^ The memorandum as to the descendants of Waldeve of Allir- ^ No. IS. 3 No. 23. 2 No. 560. ■» No. 52. INTEODUCTION. Iv dale, younger brother of Gospatric (II.) and Dolfin, is a singular 1274-79. document.^ It does not appear what was the object of bastardis- ing these elder brothers, or entering into the fabulous details as to Ranulph de Meschinis having received the earldom of Karliol from WiUiam the Conqueror. In some respects, the latter portion especially, where it treats of Cospatrick of Bolton, and what follows, it is almost identical with the Chroiiicon Cumhrice,'^ but the beginning is quite different. Some historical persons are how- ever named, and there seems no reason to discredit the assertion that Duncan King of Scotland married Ethelreda the daughter of Earl Gospatric (I.). The Molecastres and Penningtons of Cumberland appear to have held Gyffyn in Coningham, probably a grant to one or other family from the de Morvilles.^ Robert de Brus of Annandale, afterwards Competitor, had married as a second wife a Cumberland heiress, Cristiana de Irby, before 1279.^ They often appear in the records from this date. The surname of Lokard or Lokarde (found in Dumfries- shire, in William the Lyon's reign, ^) occurs as one of seven co- parceners, mostly Scottish, in the barony of Levington in Cumberland.^ In the inquisition on the death of John ^i^etjunioi' of Glenarm, whose three co-heiresses are all married to Scotsmen, the island of Rachrin, the future refuge of Robert Bruce, occurs among his possessions.^ In the Assize Roll of Werk in Tynedale, details are given of the Comyn family in 1279, showing that John Comyn of Tynedale (father of him whom Bruce killed at Dumfries) had a younger brother John Comyn junior, who was portioned in Thorne- ton in Tynedale.^ This younger John appears once again as Sir John Comyn 'le joen,' in 1297,^ in contradistinction to his elder brother, there styled Sir John of Badenoch as the head ^ No. 64. ^ Vol. i. No. 105. Hence perhaps Locardebi. 2 Dugdale mon. i. 400, old ed. (Wethcral « P. 37. Priory). 7 No. 163. 3 No. 133. 8 p_ 51, 4 No. 146. 9 No. 963. IvL INTRODUCTION. 1297-1303. of the family. It also appears that this younger Sir John had a uterine brother Robert and a sister Alicia, shewing that his mother, whose name was Alicia,^ must have married another Comyn.'* This Robert was doubtless the uncle Sir Robert who was killed at Dumfries with his uterine nephew.^ It may also be pointed out here that an entry on the Close Rolls establishes the fact, much discussed in the history of the Earldom of Menteith, that Isabella countess of Menteith, wiie of William Comyn of Kirkintil- loch, was not, as often caUed, the daughter of Walter Comyn, but of John Russel, the English knight, who was the second husband of Walter Comyn's widow, the elder Countess of Menteith.^ Another piece of evidence about this once great family is afforded by the inquisition on 30th December 1303,* taken before the deputies of the Earl of Carrick, then sheriff of Lanark, wherein it was found that Sir John Comyn (who is styled ' grandfather of Sir John Comyn then living ') gave the land of Dalserf in Clydesdale in frank marriage with his daughter to Sir William de Galbrathe, by whom it was given to his own son William and the latter's wife Willelma, daughter of the late Sir William de Douglas, and the four co-heiresses of these last inherited — the eldest being a daughter Johanna, mother of Bernard de Cathe,^ then living. While Dalserf was known to have been an early possession of the Comyns, these details of relationship to the Galbraiths and Douglases seem new. Cristiana de Valoignes, the heiress of Panmure, appears at Berwick, 10th August 1291,^ attending to her affairs. Having been married in 1215 she had reached a great age. 1 p. 54. 3 No, 466. 5 Keith (?). 2 No. 1747. •* No. 1420. ^ No. 511 * The following tree will make this more clear : — Sir John Comyn =(1) Alicia=(2) . . . Comyn. of Tyndale, t before 1279. 1. II. III. I I William Comyn = Isabella John Comyn y Alianora, John Comyn Robert, Alicia. (of Kirkintilloch) Russel. (of Badenoch and sister of ' le joen ' t at Dumfries, t s. p. 1290-1. Tyndale), Com- | King John de (alive 1297). 1305-6. petitor. I Balliol. t c. 1303. I John Comyn = Johanna, t at Dumfries, sister of 1305-6. Aymar de Valence. INTEODUCTION. Ivii On 11 til March 1285-86 Edward I. consented to a marriage between John the heir of Athol and a daughter of Sir William de Soules.^ Eric King of Norway, after a lapse of ten years from the death of Margaret of Scotland, his first Queen, took as his second, Isabella daughter of the elder Kobert earl of Carrick, in 1292. The inventory of the valuable robes, jewels, plate, and two crowns, delivered at Bergen, 25th September 1293,^ by the envoys of her father for her use, is new. If the mother of Thomas Eandolph earl of Moray was, as she is usually called, Isabella, then there were two sisters of the same name. They may have been the children of different marriages. An interesting point in the pedigree of the Douglases occurs in the sheriff's return for the lands of Scotsmen in Essex, seized by Edward I. in 1296.^ William de Douglas held lands there in right of the wdfe whom he abducted at Tranent — Alianora de Ferrars — as dower from her first husband, and among other properties seized was a son of his named Hugh, said to be nearly two years old, and born in England. This boy lived to be for a short time the head of the family, after the death in Spain of his more eminent half brother ' the Good ' Sir James. From a petition for exchange of prisoners on 7th April 1299^ it is learned that Marie, successively Queen of Man and Countess of Stratherne, had married a third time, an Englishman, Sir William fitz Waren. She was a daughter of the house of Argyll,^ and died before 10th October 1303.*^ The Kneage of the family of Seton, which rose to high rank in Scotland, is illustrated by several documents. In the first of these, John de Seton is found on 4th July 1291, accompanying Edward I. by his special order to St Andrews.'' On 6th October 1294, the same John perhaps, (for he had lands in Yorkshire), becomes surety for John Comyn, who had committed an assault on the doorkeeper of Exchequer.^ By 11th September 1299, he was dead, leaving lands in the counties of Cumberland and York, 1 No. 285. 4 No. 1062. ^ No. 501. 2 No. 675. 5 p_ 124. 8 ifo. 702. ^ P. 173. 6 No. 1117. VOL. II. « Iviii INTRODUCTION. his son Christopher being his heir, who was twenty-one years of age on 25th March of that year.^ By later documents, it appears that the father left a widow named Erminia.^ Chris- topher was thus only twenty-eight when he was executed in 1306. Eobert de Coningham, the slain constable of Carlaverock castle,^ was probably the same who appears on the Ragman Roll as of Ayrshire. The connection between him and James the Steward of Scotland, whose sister was his aunt by marriage, is new to the editor.* Sir John the Stew^ard, next brother of James the High Steward, who fell at Falkirk in 1298, and is generally styled ' of Bonkill,' can only have been so in expectancy, through his marriage to the heiress, Margaret de Bonkill. For Sir Alexander de Bonkill, her father, was alive till shortly before 27th April 1300, when an inquisition of his Cumberland lands was taken, where it is found that his daughter and heir Margaret remains with the enemy in Scotland.^ His widow, Crestiene, petitioned Edward I. for dower on 7th June afterwards.^ Margaret, his daughter, became the wife of Sir David de Brechin before 7th July 1304, when she and her husband are received to the King's peace.' She was dead before September of that year, when a dispute is recorded in the Register of John de Halton bishop of Carlisle, as having taken place regarding the presentation to the church of Ulvedale in his diocese. It is there stated that her heir by John Steward was a minor, that she had married David de Brechin under a Papal dispensation, and had issue by him, and that he sur- vived her. (9th Report of Commissioners on Hist. MSS., App. p. 181 h.) At p. 337 a question of some interest in Scottish heraldry is suggested by two seals there described. It has hitherto been supposed that the armorial bearing of three cinquefoils was con- ^ No. 1091. Eobert I., from whom he had charters of the 2 Nos, 1841, 1861, 1904. Ayrshire lands of the la Zouches and de 3 No. 1101. Ferrers. * There is no mention of it in Douglas's ^ No. 1135. Nothing is said of her being a Peerage of Scotlaiid (art. Glencairn). The widow. Eobert de Coningham who swore fealty to ^ No. 1139. Edward I., is there said to have declared for ^ No. 1.^84. INTRODUCTION. lix fined at that period to the family whicli afterwards took the sur- name of Hamilton. A seal in the Chapter House collection (App. in., 157) bearing this charge, has accordingly been attributed to Walter fitz Gilbert, their ancestor. The original homage to which it and four others have been appended, has perished, but it can be identified on the Ragman Roll (p. 198), by these four seals, the inscriptions on which are distinct, while on the fifth (that under notice), the words ' s' valteri dweam,' can be read with some difiiculty, but certainly not Walter fitz Gilbert. AU five belong undoubtedly to a homage by persons from eleven difi'erent counties, on which the name, not of Walter fitz Gilbert, but of Walter Duraunt, a Dumfriesshire landowner, occurs. In another homage (p. 199), Walter de Burghdon of Roxburghshire appears, his seal (App. III., 2 (15) ) bearing a single cinquefoil. In 1302 a knight of the same Christian and surname was sherifi" of Lanark and constable of Carstairs, and in that capacity his seal (p. 337) is appended to his indenture, and bears three cinquefoils. That of Sir William de Duresme (or Durham) sheriff of Peebles (ibid. ) ^ bears three cinquefoils on a bend. These coincidences are some- what remarkable. The de Burghdons were a Northumberland family, from which county some have thought the Hamiltons also came. Several references occur, illustrating the connection of the Campbell family with Ayrshire. Robert de Kethe, who appears to have been a speculator in wardships,^ complained that Sir Nigel Cambel had taken possession of the ward of the two daughters of Andrew de Crawfurd, which the complainant had bought from John BaUiol while King. Sir Nigel appears further to have married the younger of these daughters, and Crawfurd's estate seems to have been the barony of Longemertenock in Ayr- shire (p. 425). Sir Nigel is found afterwards in possession of the ward of the heir of Hubert de Multon,^ with the King of England's license to marry the widow. He was dead before 25th 1 He seems to have been a Scotsman too, quite different, but this miglit easily be the being claimed as the ancestor of the Dur- case, for arms were not then fixed, hams of Largo, in Fifeshire. Their shield is - Nos. 1406, 1409, 1983. ^ j^o. 1289. Ix INTKODUCTION. October 1305/ when the ward of his son, a minor, is given to Sir John de Dovedale. It has generally been said that Sir Nigel Cambel married one of the sisters of the Earl of Carrick. If so, she must have been an earlier wife than either of these ladies, or the Colin Cambel, Bruce's nephew, who is named by Barbour as being rebuked sharply by his uncle for his rashness in the Irish campaign of 1317, could hardly be the son of this Sir Nigel, who is the only knight of that name occurring in the records at this date.^ In June 1304,^ Sir Patrick de Dunbar son of the Earl of March, receives a cask of new wine for his wife. Lady Ermigarda, then pregnant. This marriage is hitherto unknown, and it is uncertain who the lady was. If this Patrick was he who suc- ceeded his father in 1309, and was the last of the line of earls named Patrick, the only wife assigned to him is the celebrated Black Agnes, daughter of Thomas Randolph earl of Moray, whom he married about 1323. Many of the documents in this volume are undated, and those often not the least valuable as tending to throw light on the acts and motives of some of the chief persons of the time. This has caused much thought and labour in endeavouring to fit such writings into their proper places. Some perhaps could now be more properly placed, though, on the whole, the editor thinks they have been arranged with a fair approximation to chrono- logical sequence. The editor has, in concluding, to repeat his acknowledgments to the Master of the Rolls, and Sir William Hardy, the Deputy- keeper, for the great facilities afforded him in consulting the Public Records under their charge, as well as to their assistant officers, Mr Selby especially, who is always ready to solve a difficulty when such occurs. J. B. London, October I8S4. ' Nos. 1628, 1717. daughter Isabella was Queen of Norway. - There is a Mestre Nigel Cambel of Ayr- The term 'Mestre' would rather imply that he shire on the Ragman Roll, who was also an was a churchman, envoy of the senior Earl of Carrick, when his ^ No. 1549 SCHEDULE OF EECOEDS EXAMINED. EXCHEQUEK. CHANCEEY. QUEEN'S BENCH. DUCHY OF LANCASTER I No. of Rolls, &c. / Pipe Eolls, 1-35 Edward I. . . .35 Chancellor's Eolls, 1-15 Edward L . . 15 Originalia „ 1-21 „ . . 19 Memoranda ,, (Q.E.) 1-35 Edward L . 31 „ (L.T.E.)l-20 „ . 17 Miscellanea, (Q.E.) 1-35 „ . — „ (Q.E. Army) 1-35 Edward I. — (Q.E. Wardrobe) 1-35 Edward I. — „ Treasury of Eeceipt 1-35 „ — Liber ' A,' Chapter House. Paper Documents, Chapter House, 7 Portfolios . v.y. \ Scots Documents, „ ... — / Patent EoUs, 1-35 Edward I. . . .37 Close „ „ „ . . . 35 Charter „ 2-35 „ . . .34 Fine „ 1-28 „ ... 28 Liberate „ 1-35 „ . . .35 Chancery Files, 1-35 . . . H bundles Inquisitions post mortem, 1-35 Edward I. Tower Miscellaneous Eolls, Portfolio No. 459. Papal Bulls (Alexander IV.-Clement V.) . 170 Eoyal Letters. Miscellaneous Portfolios, Nos. 11, 41, 474. Parliamentary Petitions. V Writs of Privy Seal (Tower) . . 17 bundles Assize Eolls, Northumberland, Cumberland,^ Westmoreland, &c. ... J Charters . . . . .3 vols. Grants (in boxes) *A,"B,' &c. *^* It has been considered unnecessary to include the Rotuli Scotice- in this Calendar, as these Eolls, which begin in 1291 and end in 1516, have already been printed, in an edition of 1000 copies, under the direction of the Eecord Commissioners in two volumes folio., Lond. 1814-19. TABLE OF THE CONTEMPOEARY KINGS and GOVERNMENTS OF ENGLAND and SCOTLAND from 20th November 1272 to 7th July 1307. A.D. 1272 1307 England. Edward I. Close of the reign of Edward I. Scotland. Alexander III. Margaret of Norway. Interregnum. John Balliol. Interregnum. SirWm. Wallace (Guardian), The Bishop of St Andrews, the Earl of Carrick, and JohnComyn, junior, (Guardians.) Eobert Bruce. Beginning and Length of Reign. 8th July 1249 (to 19th March 1285-86.) (to October 1290.) 1290-1292. 1292-1296. 1297-1298. 1299-1303-4. 25 March 1306 to 7 June 1329. CALENDAR. CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SCOTLAND, HENEY III, 1272. 1. Alexander [III.] King of Scots to Eleanor Queen of England. April 22. Complains of the conduct of William de Leyburne, seneschal of Ingle- wood Forest, in respect of the amerciaments, fines, escheats and profits of his manors, lands and men in Cumberland, with the forest pleas, which had been long ago granted to his father Alexander [II.] K. of Scots and his heirs, by the late H[enry] King of England. Eequests the Queen to lay the matter before the K.'s council, and reply in writing. Having come on pilgrimage to St Cuthbert of Durham, he has not his Great Seal with him, and appends his Privy Seal. Durham, 10th of the Kalends of May, 23rd year of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1957.] No seal. ]\[uch blackened and defaced with galls. EDWAED I. [Nov.] 2. Memorandum :— That the K. permits Elena la Zuche, who is about to set out for Scotland, to appoint three attorneys till Michaetmas next. \Close, 1 Edw. I. m. 11, dorso?^ Dec. 12. 3. Mainprise by the executors of Nicholas de Bolteby, viz., Adam de Bolteby his son and heir, David de Ascell (AtholJ), and Eobert de Saint Oswalter, to pay the K. on the morrow of the Puri- fication all his debts. [Witness, E. de la Leya,] Westminster. \Memoranda, Q, K, 1 Edw. I. m. 3, dorsoi\ 1272-73. 4. The K. to John de Eeygate his escheator idtra Trent. When Jan. 15. he took in the hands of the late K. Henry, the lands of Helewysa de Levyntone, who was wife of Eustace de Balliol, on account of her death the late K. at the request of Thomas son of Thomas de Multon of Gilleslande, one of her heirs, commanded the escheator to hold an inquisition as to her lands and heirs, whereby the K. understands that she held in capite by baronage, and that Thomas is her heir in VOL, IL A CA.LENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. part thereof, and has obtained a writ of seisin. Eustace has intimated to the K. that he had living issue by his said wife, ' seen of men 1272-73, ' and baptised,' whereby her lands belong to him for life by the law of England, and has asked remedy. The K, unwilling to injure Eustace, commands the escheator to inquire, and if the facts are so, to give him seisin of all his late wife's lands, and the ' mesne profits,' chiefly as he ought not to suffer damage or loss through Thomas's act- ing by 'subreption' of the court. Westminster. [Close, 1 Edu\ I. m. 10. '] Feb, 12, 5, Huntingdon: — The Abbot of Gedeworthe gives 20s. to have an assize before G. de Prestune, [By the hand of W. de Merton, Chan- cellor. Westminster.] \_Finc, 1 Edio. I. m. 34-] 1273. 6. The K. commands the Treasurer and Chamberlains to pay April 28, Thomas Scot, messenger, 5s. for his expenses going with letters to the King and Queen of Scotland. Given by the hand of Eobert Burnelle. Westminster. [Liberate, 1 Edw. I. m. 4-] Aug. 2. 7. The K. commands payment to his clerk, Thomas de Mymmes, of 35 marks for his expenses going to Lincoln, York, Durham, and Carlisle, and from thence to Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, to promulgate the sentence pronounced by the Pope upon Gwido de Montfort. Given by the hand of Eobert Burnelle. Westminster, [Liberate, 1 Echo. I. m. £] Aug. 23. 8. The K. grants safe conduct to Eichard son of Philip, Laurence Scot, and Nicholas de Wygenhale, who have gone to Scotland to visit the threshold of St Andrew the Apostle ; till Michaelmas next. [St Martin the Great, London.] [Patent, 1 Ediv. I. m. 5.] Nov. 10. 9. The K. to his Barons and bailiffs of Winchelsea. It has been shewn to him on behalf of Thomas Ker, John of Aberdene, and Walter de La Bothe, merchants of Aberdene, that while lately on a voyage from Aberdene to St Omer in their vessel freighted with wool and other goods, John Adryan of Winchelsea, at sea near Yarmouth, took from them 56| sacks of wool, 5^ 'dacres' of ox hide, 150 salmon, 200 ' bords ' of oak, a trussel of deer's hide, and lambs' skins, and much other merchandise, and still detains these at Winchelsea, besides beating and evil entreating them and their servants, so that the lives of some were despaired of. And as Thomas and John have sworn on tlie Gospels that the wool and others belong to themselves and other merchants of Aberdene, and were shipped there, and that no Fleming or other subject of the Countess of Flanders is con- cerned in same, the K. commands that they have restitution of their goods without delay, to be carried where they will, except to Flanders, Westminster, By W. de Merton, the Chancellor, 10th November, 1st year of hisreicjo. [Chaneery Miscellaneovs Portfolios, RELATING TO SCOTLAND. Edward I, 1273. Nov. 10. 10. The K. to the Bailiffs of the Abbot of S. Augustine of Canter- bury, at Garesendene. Thomas Ker, John of Aberdene, and Walter de La Bothe, merchants of Aberdene, complain that on their voyaoe from that port to S. Omer, with their vessel freighted with wool and other goods, Henry Kenteys of Garesenden took away 22 sacks of wool and other goods, at sea near Garesendene, and still detains them at that town to their damage. As Thomas and John have sworn that the wool and goods belong to themselves and other mer- chants of Aberdene, where shipped, and that no Fleming or subject of the Countess of Flanders is concerned therein, the K. commands the bailiffs to restore the goods, to be taken where they will, except to Flanders. By W. de Merton, the Chancellor. Westminster, 10 Nov., 1st year of his reign. [Chancery Miacellaneous Portfolios, No. -^.] Dec. 16. 11. Agreement between the K. and Sir John de Burgo, senior ; — whereby the latter granted to the K. and his heirs [inter alia] the manor of Whateleye in Nottingham, under reservation of his own liferent. The K. also making him a special grant for life of 300/. of land. London. [Patent^ 2 Edio. I. m. 24-] 1273-74. 12. Warwick : — John Comyn of Newbolt gives a mark and a half March 1. for two writs. By the hand of W[alter] de Merton, the Chancellor. St Martin the Great, London. [Fine, 2 Eclw. I. m. 30.] 1274 13. Nottingham : — A view having been made with John de Balliol's After executors for all his debts to the K., on Wednesday next after the Easter feast of the Translation of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr, for the Term. time while he was K. H[enry's] sheriff in the counties of Notting- ham and Cumberland, and had the keeping of the K.'s mills under Nottingham Castle, viz., 40/. per annum, and all his other debts — and crediting in the view the tallies, writs, and all other allo- cations they could demand, they owe de claro 156/. 75. \\d. Eichard de Foxton, seneschal of Devergulla de Balliol, the principal execu- trix of John, is bound to the marshal for the said debts. He has a day to satisfy the K. at the quinzaine of St Michael. [Memoranda, Q. B., 1 ii- 2 Ed IV. L m. 21.] April 18. 14. Alexander de Balliol, who is going abroad, has a protection till the Nativity of the Blessed Mary next. Westminster. [Patent, 2 Edv\ I. m. 19.] May 7. 15. The K. to William de Boyville, his escheator ultra Trent. Understanding that the lately deceased Ptobert de Eos son and heir of Robert de Eos of Werk, held the castle and manor of Werk of Eobert de Eos son and heir of William de Eos of Werk, by gift and feoffment of Eobert de Eos father of the said William and Eobert, and it does not appear that he held anything of the K. in cainte, whereby the custody of said castle and manor should belong to the K, the K. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. commands that Eoberb be allowed to hold seisin by permission of his lieutenants till his arrival in England, and meanwhile the 1274. escheator to make diligent inquiry if the deceased Eobert held any- thing in caintc and what, and report to the K. Westminster. [Close, % Edw. I. m. 5.] June 11. 16. Extent of the manor of Kyrkeby in Kendale, with the castle, [under writ, dated Westminster, 20 April preceding, directing the K.'s escheator ultra Trent, to make an extent of the lands of the deceased Eobert de Eos of Werk, both of his own heritage, and that of Margaret his wife], made on Monday next, after the quinzaine of Holy Trinity, before William de Boyville, the escheator, in the 2nd year of the K.'s reign, by Thomas de Lancastre, Eichard Gilpin, John de Kenetemere, Eoger de Bronolvesmede, Ealph de Pacton, Thomas de Colland, Benedict Gernet, Eoger Kap'us, Eobert de Stirkland, John de Mideltone, Eoger son of William, William de Friysbank and AVilliam son of Alexander, who say that the castle of Kyrkeby, in Kendale, with parks, vivaries, herbage, and 'cista' therein, is worth one year with another 10 marks. There are in Kirkeby in demesne, 160 acres of arable land, each worth yearly with meadow M.\ total ^'os. Id. The vill of Kirkeby, with enclosure, is worth yearly 10 marks. A water mill, the moiety whereof per- taining to this part, with the moiety of the mills of Eispetone and Appeltweht, is worth 28 marks yearly; whereof Alan de Sutton receives 50s. yearly, and Adam de Lancastre 20s., for their lives. The moiety of the fulling mill of Kirkeby, formerly extended at 10 marks, is now 8 marks, as the tenants of John de Bella Aqua (Bellew), in Kenetemere, who married Laderina, one of the sisters and heirs of Peter de Brus, do not make suit at said mill, as of old in Peter's time. The moiety of the mill of Pactone, formerly extended at 10 marks, is now 9 marks, as William de Wynd, set up a mill at Grarig to its damage of 1 mark yearly. The mill of the hospital is worth yearly 60s. The moiety of the raill of Dylaker is worth yearly 10s. The fishery of Fors, 6 marks. The demesne of Helsintone, 210 acres, with meadow, each worth ^d. yearly, with emendation of the grange, herbage of the ' hay a' with forestery and dead wood felled, U. 13s. id. Tenant's farm in Helsintone, 64s. \M. From sheep 'goldor'(?) there, 3s. The farm of Henry the reeve of Helsintone, 20s. The farm of Grenerig, 54s. And from ' gold ' there, 6s. M. The farm of Adam de Eiboyers, M. That of 'Hagayl, 6/. 3s. From ' gold ' there, 5s. From a meadow called Eispetunhenge, containing 9 acres, each worth Vld. yearly. From the herbage of Adam Brun, 16s. yearly. From the farm of William Sauser, 3s. M. From that of Beausoncrayte (?), 7s. From that of Stanleye, 70s. From demesne there, 46s. From 'goldis' there, %s. From a close at Hoon (?), \2d. From the farm of the vill of Stirkeland, 00s. From ' golds ' there, 3s. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. Edwaed I. The meadow of Leychilde, 6s. The farm of the vill of Schilqimrtrig 505. The farm of tenants under the wood, 48s. The farm of 1274. Hotun, 110s., and from 'golds' there, 6s. From moieties there, viz., the mill, lOOs.^ The farm of tenants in the forest, together with Schewreshale (?) and Oxinholme, 11/. 6s. 9d. Herbage there, 5 marks. From Adam son of Henry, for a shealing and 2 acres of land, 3s. Freeholders paying 71. 4s, 3d., and two year old hawks, 2s., and 2 pairs of gilt spm's, lod., and gloves. Id., and 6 crossbows, lOd., and 12 arrows, 2d., and 4 lbs. of pepper, 40f/., and 4 lbs. of cumin, 4t?., and a lb. of wax, 6d. The forests of Kidale with Satsondoff, and Becmelbrid and Carkerdale, are worth 14/. 13s. 4f/. The farm of Gresmere, with moieties of the mill and of the fulling mill, sheep ' goldarr,' moors, fishings and brewery is worth 71. 17s. 3d. The farm of Langedon, moiety of the mill and herbage of the forest, are worth 3/. 18s. 8k/. Crostweyk in demesne is worth 22s. lid. The farm of Crostweyk with herbage, 'goldis' with brewery, and the mill, 11/. 15s. lid. From the moiety of Mynerholm, 3s. Ad. From the farm of Adam Chefdor, 3s. ' Eoger's Island ' in Wynendemere is worth 12d. From small fishings above Kirkeby half a mark. The freeholders of Westmerland pay 104s. -id. The Court of Kendale worth one year with another and formerly extended at 20/., is now 18/., being lessened 40s. by the purparty of John de Bella Aqua. From stallage, small herbage, pannage with honey and squirrels, 102s. Total, 197/. 17s. 3|f/. The jurors say that said manor has fallen in the purparty of Margaret de Eos, the last born daughter and one of the heirs of Peter de Brus, and is held of the K. in ccqnte. [Inq. if. m., 3 Edw. I. No. 26.'] Much defaced by galls. Aug. 27. 17. The K. commands Galfrid de Neville and Guychard de Charrun to inquire whether Alexander K. of Scotland, and his men of Penrith and Salkeld, were wont to have common pasture in the K.'s park of Plumpton, enclosed in the time of Henry his father or not ; and if so, by what metes and bounds ; and whether they have ' husbote and ' heybote ' in the K.'s forest of Englewod, or not ; or estover in said forest, and at what time, and of what kind. Windsor. [Patent, 2 Edvj. I. m. 8, dor so.] Aug. 25. 18. The K. to the Sheriff of Derby. Having granted to Alan Dur- ward the castle and manor of Bolsover during pleasure, commands him to deliver the same to Alan. Windsor. [Patent, 2 Edw. I. in. 12.] Aug. 27. 19. The K. commands the keepers of the Bishopric of Durham, out of its first issues, to pay A[lexander] K. of Scotland 175/., for his expenses during 5 weeks ; viz, 100s. daily coming to Westminster at the K.'s mandate and thence to his own country. Westminster. [Close, 2 Edw. I. m. 5.] CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 20. The K. to Stephen de Pennecestre, constable of his castle of Dover and custos of the Cinque Ports. The K. lately commanded him 1274. to see that the wool and merchandise of Walter de la Bothe and other Aug. 28. merchants of Aberdene, seized by John Adrian at sea near Yarmouth and carried to Winchelsea, and still withheld from said merchants by certain persons, were delivered to tliem, wliich he has hitherto neglected to do in contempt. The K. learning this, and instigated by the K. of Scotland, straitly commands the constable to see his former mandates at once obeyed. Windsor, 28th August, 2nd year of his reign. IChancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^i.] Sept. 13. 21. The K. has taken the homage of Walter de Corry, cousin and one of the heirs of Helewisa de Levynton wife of Eustace de Balliol deceased, for his portion of her lands held in capite, and restored him the land salvo jure altcrivs, and William de Boyville, escheator ultra Trent, is commanded to give AYalter seisin in terms of the partition lately made between Walter and his coparceners, retaining in the K.'s hand the shares of Piichard de Kirkebride who is under age and in the K.'s custody, and of Patrick de Sutheyk, till further instructions. Windsor. [^Fine, 2 Ef/w. /. m. 10.] Sept. 14. 22. The K. commands payment yearly to Walter de TothuUe, chaplain celebrating divine offices in the church of St Margaret, AVestminster, for his dearest sister Margaret Queen of Scotland, 60s. for his stipend so long as he officiates in the aforesaid church ; as he was wont to draw at exchequer in the time of K. H[enry] of renowned memory. Windsor. [Liberate, 2 Edw. I. m. Jf,, and State Paper Office, Privy Seals, Bundle II.] Sept 23. 23. Alexander [III.] K. of Scots to the Iv. As it is a duty to attest the truth, he signifies that with his assent, Cristiana widow of Walter de Lyndesay, has married Walter de Percy within his [Alexander's] kingdom. Lochcumberay, 23 September 26 of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1277.] Sept. 26. 24. Inquisition [under Writ dated Westminster 25 June previous] at Carlisle, on Wednesday next before Michaelmas in the 2nd year, before William de Boyville, escheator idtra Trent, whether Robert de Eos of Werk died seised in the manor of Cargou, or merely by demise from Sapientia widow of William de Carlisle, junior, by William Armestrangh', Adam de Tynemue, Walter de Bampton, Pilchard de Berwys, Geofifry son of Ivo, Eobert son of Ivo, Adam son of Lylias, Alan de Eosywyne, Eobert de Ettardby, Adam de Camera, William de Varetheby, and William de Mikiltwayt, who say that he neither held of the K. in capite, nor by demise from the said Sapientia ; but that he died vest and seised therein as of fee, and held of Sapientia, paying to her yearly a hawk or a silver mark and doing foreign serv- DELATING TO SCOTLAND. 7 Edward I. ice for her to the K., viz. 32d. of cornage to the Exchequer at Carlisle. The chief messuage with curtilage and garden is worth 3s.; 79 acres 1274. in demesne, each worth l'2d. ; 3^ acres and J a rood of meadow, each worth ISd. ; 14 bovates of land are each worth 95. There are cottars paj'ing for their messuages and curtilages 27s. 7d. There are free- holders by charter, paying 3s. 6d. The mill is worth 4/. The fishings are worth 60s. There are 5 acres of ' forlandis ' worth 5s. The widow of said Robert de Eos is dowered therein. Append their seals. [Inq. p. m. 2 Edw. No. 26.] No seals. Michaelmas 25. The K. commands the Barons to examine the rolls of Term. Exchequer, and of the wardrobe of K. H[enry], and certify under seal how much is in arrear to the K. of Scotland of those 5000^. which the said K. Henry granted to him when he married Margaret the K.'s sister ; tliat the K. may do right regarding the balance. {^Memoranda, L. T. E., 1 & 2 Ediv. I. m. 1, d.orso.'] Oct. 11. 26. The K. to the Barons of Exchequer. As the late K. gave to Alan Durward who holds the manor of Bolsover for life, 12 marks of tallage imposed on the men and tenants of the manor, the K. commands that they be freed thereof. Tower of London. [Close, 2 Edw. I. m. 3.] [Circa 27. Patric de Sutheyk one of the heirs portioners of Helewisa de Oct. 13.] Levintone deceased, who held of the K. i)i capite, appoints Walter de Twynham to receive his share. [Westminster.] Walter de Twynham, another of said heirs, appoints Eudo de Beauchamp to receive his share. [Close, 2 Ediu. I. m. 4, dorso.] About same 28. Partition of the heritage of Helewysa de Levintone : — date. (1.) The part falling to Eobert de Hampton [consisting of the capital messuage of Skelton, with garden and other lands and rents specified in detail], 13/. 18s. od. (2.) The part faUing to Patric and Pioland de Carrik [in detail], 13/. 18s. 7d. (3.) The part falling to Walter de Twynham [consisting of land in Unthanc, Staffold, Botecastre, and Skelton in detail, not summed up, but probably], 13/. 85. 7d. Note that the chiirch aclvowsons and knight's fees, and the dower of Eobert de Paveli's wife, who was formerly wife of Richard de Levinton, are not divided. (4.) The part falling to Eichard son of Eichard de Kirkebride, who is under age [consisting of the manor of Levintone, with garden and other lands, in detail], 13/. 18s. 5d. CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. (5.) This part is assigned to Walter de Corri [the details amouut to] 13/. 18s. 2,d. 1274. (6.) This part must be assigned to Patric de Sutheyc, Kyrkandres, [and others in detail not summed up, probably] 13/. 14s. lid. {Close, 2 Ed IV. I. in ^, dor so, in 3 schedules.] Oct. 16. 29. Northumberland : — G. de Charrnn and W. de Northburg are appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by Constancia widow of William de Duglas, against Nicholas Pun- charde and others, concerning a tenement in Billesdone. [West- minster.] [Fatcnt, 2 Edw. I. m. 4-, dorso,] ^ Oct, 20. 30. Northumberland : — Constancia widow of William de Duglasse, gives 2 marks for a writ ad terminum. Westminster. She also gives half a mark for an assize to be taken before O. de Charrun and W. de Northburg. (Oct. 21.) [Fine, 2 Edu\ I. m. 5.] Oct, 20. 31. The K. commands the Barons to allow the executors of Eustace de Balliol, formerly Sheriff of Cumberland and keeper of Carlisle Castle, in his debts at Exchequer, 200/. which he laid out, besides 304/. 14s. lid., in the keeping and munition of said castle during the disturbance and war in the kingdom, and in knights' and sergeants' pay there ; viz., 2 knights, each at 2s. daily ; a sergeant with a barbed horse at 12^/ ; 14 esquires, each at 6d. ; 9 crossbowmen on foot, each at od. ; and 36 archers on foot, each at 2d. ; viz., from the close of the 47th year of K. Henry till the feast of St Lucia Virgin, 49th year of same K, for one year and 70 days; and also for the expenses of Hugh de Balliol, Guido de Balliol and other knights, divers sergeants-at-arms with barbed horses, esquires with breast- plates, foot crossbowmen and archers, at different times coming in aid of the munition of the castle, and while there, for said time ; and also the cost of 15 archers on foot there for 25 days after the said feast of St Lucia, year foresaid, while the said Eustace came to Court to deliver the castle ; of all which he rendered an account in the late K.'s wardrobe, as attested by Eustace's rolls, long ago transmitted by the late K. to Exchequer. And after such allowance of 200/. they are to enrol the other 304/. 14s. lid, of surplus, unless an allowance and enrolment has been made by the late K.'s writ for Eustace in his life, or afterwards for his executors. Westminster. [Liberate, 2 Edtv. I. m. 2.] Oct. 25. 32. As Alianora widow of Koger de Quency earl of Winchester, is dead, the K. commands the escheator of Ireland to take all her lands there in the K.'s hand. Westminster. Similar writ to the escheator ciira Trent, for her lands there, and those which she held in dower of the late Earl's lands. Ibid. [Fine, 2 Edw. I. m, 3.'\ EELATING TO SCOTLAND. § Edward I. 33. Compotus of Geoffry de Neuband, [for the issues of the Bishopric of Durham, from 20th August till 12th November 1274 next year.] Nov. 13. To A[lexaiider] K. of Scotland for these 100s. a day which he draws from the K. on each coming to England, at the K.'s mandate, assigned to him by the K., from the issues of the bishopric, for his expenses at the K.'s coronation, 175^.; by the K.'s writ. [Pvpc, 2 JEJdic. I. rot. 18, dorso.'] Nov. 13. 34. Inquisition made at Traqueyr on Tuesday next after the F. of S. Martin, 1274, whether Agatha Spick has right to a house and pertinents in the vill of Traqueyr. The jurors, William the Smith, Thomas Andrew Suerwyn, Gilbert Mandewel, Kichard Euffus, Thomas of le Scheie , Thomas Bunting, Gilbert of Ormeston, William son of Gilmor of [Ormeston, Eichard ?] the Miller, Eoger of the Mount, say that Agatha had this right, that Eobert Spick her brother bought said house and pertinents from Lady Ada wife of the late Sir Henry de Brade, by charter, and died seised therein. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] Partly obliterated. Dec. 3. 35. The K. to his escheator ultra Trent. Having lately taken the homage of Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Eobert de Hamptone and other co-heirs of the late Helewisa de Levyntone wife of Eustace de Balliol, and restored the same to them, salvo jure, and having commanded the then escheator to appor- tion the lands taken in the K.'s hand on account of the death of Eustace de Balliol, and give the heirs seisin — and understanding by the complaint of some of them that he had not made the division properly, and these have asked the King to equalise the shares, commands the escheator to extend and divide the lands equally. Clyve. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 2S.] Dec. 3. 36. The K. to his escheator citra Trent. Signifies that he has taken v the homage of Margaret de Eerariis countess of Derby, eldest daughter and one of the heirs of Eoger de Quency earl of Wynton, for her purparty of the lands lately held in dower by Alianora de Vaux, late countess of Wynton, widow of the said Eoger ; also of Elena la Zusche, another daughter and heir of the said Eoger for her purparty, and restored to them their portions, according to the partition lately made between them and the attorneys of Alexander Comyn eart of Buchan, and Elizabeth his wife, the third daughter of the aforesaid Eoger ; and commands him to give seisin to the said Margaret and Elena, in terms of the ' schedules herewith enclosed,' retaining that 10 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. of the Earl and Countess of Buclian, till they do homage. Clyve. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 25.] 1 974 -^^^^ schedules are appended, three containing the partition by lot, and t]ie otlier two being letters or instructions to the escheator. They are much blackened with galls, but the capital messuage of Suhou cum Eynesbiri, with garden, vineyards, vivary, and others, is allotted to the Earl and Countess of Buchan ; those of Schepesheved and Chinnoure being divided between the Countess of Derby and Elena la Zouche. Dec, 28. 37. The K. commands the Barons of Exchequer to allow the late keepers of the bishopric of Durham 175/., paid by them to his brother and liege A[lexander] King of Scotland, for the 100s. ^:>cr extern drawn by him on each visit to England at the K.'s mandate, which the K. assigned to the King of Scotland for the expenses of his journey to the coronation. Woodstock. [Liberate, 3 Edw. I. m. 12.] 1274-75. 38. Northumberland: — Robert de Hampton accounts for two years past, and John de Lythegreines for this year, — in lands granted to the K. of Scotland in Tindale, £10. [Piije, 3 Edw. I. rot. ^.] This grant repeated annually till the roll of the King's 12th year ; when all such grants throughout the kingdom were enrolled in a separate roll, and ordered to be read at the sheriff's yearly accounting at Exchequer. [Jan. 31.] 39. Cumberland: — G. de Charrun and "VV. de Northburg are appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by the Prior of the Church of the Blessed Mary of Carlisle against Alexander King of Scotland, and others, concerning common pasture in Soureby. [Overtone]. [Patent, 3 Edw. I. m. 32, dorso.] \/ Feb. 5, 40. The K. at the prayer of his brother and liege Alexander K. of Scotland, and his sister M[argaret] Queen of Scotland, his consort, of his special grace, grants to Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, that as Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of the late R[oger] de Quency earl of Wynton, is pregnant and near her delivery, she may remain in Scotland, and not come personally to the K. for her heritage ; and the K. will restore to her husband his wife's share of her father's succession at his next coming to the K. Caveresham. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 24-, dorso.] Feb. 17. 41. John Armestrang has a protection to endure for a year. Wyndsor. [Patent, 3 Edw. I. m. 30.] 1275. 42. The K. to his escheator idtra Trent. Having taken the April 30. homage of Rolland de Kerryk the husband of Matillidis, cousin and one of the heirs of Helewisa [de Levynton] for his wife's share, and delivered it to them, and the escheator having since, on account of RoUand's death, taken the land on the K.'s hand to Matillidis' great loss, the K. commands him to restore the same to her, with all issues since Rolland's death, as she has done homage. Westminster. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 18.] KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 11 Edward T. 43. Essex and Hertford : — The sheriff is enjoined to free Eichard de Brus from the demand made on him for 238/. lis. 7ld., and release 1275. his avers, '&c.,' and to distrain Eoberto de Brus his father to pay the Easter said sum by the morrow of the Nativity of St John Baptist. Term. {^Memoranda, Q. B., 2 & 3 Edio. I. m. 9, dorso.'\ May 3. 44. The K. commands his escheator ultra Trent, to restore to Alexander] K. of Scotland all his lands, which he had taken in the K.'s hand on account of the death of Margaret the K.'s sister, ]ate wife of said K., with all their issues, to be held salvo jure Begis et alterius cufuscunquc. Westminster. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 17.] [About 45. Cristiana de Maulea, who is going beyond seas, empowers beginning Peter son of John, and Eobert of Eeltham, to appoint attorneys in her of May.] name for a year. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 17. dorso.] May 10. 46. Nicholas Corbet came in the K.'s chancery and appointed Nicholas de Yetham and Eichard de Hoyland, or either of them, to prosecute before the K. his purparty of the heritage of Avelina, late wife of Edmund the K.'s brother, of the heritage of Muntfichet. Westminster. [Close, 3 Ediu. I. m. 17, dorso.] May 19. 47. The K., considering that his late father granted to John Comyn 200/. of the fines and amercements and other issues of his Justices errant in Cumberland, permits same to be levied at the next justice eyre and paid to John. By the K. and Council. West- minster. [Patent, 3 Edw. I. m. 23.] May 23. 48. The K. grants to Alexander earl of Buchan, that Thomas de Kynros and another may appoint and remove attorneys at pleasure, for two years from Ascension Day ; and that the Earl and Elizabeth his wife be free of common summons in all countries where they have lands, The Earl appoints these attorneys to receive his wife's purparty of her father's lands. The K. empowered the said Thomas to receive attorneys on behalf of the said Countess in all her pleas with like powers. Westminster. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 17, dorso.] May 26. 49. The K. commands his escheator idtra Trent to allow Alex- ander de Balliol and Alienora de Genovere his wife to hold the castle of Mitforde, as they formerly did. Westminster. [Close, 3 Edw. I. m. 15.] May 28. 50. Writ empowering the K.'s escheator idtra Trent to sell or lease from year to year, to John Comyn, the ward of the lands and the heir of Eichard son of Eichard de Kirkebride lately deceased, at present in the K's hand, with any other wards that may fall to the same. Westminster. [Originalia, 3 Edw. I. m. 16. See also Originalia, 4- Edw. I. m. '29.] 12 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. 51. Inquisition (under writ dated Westminster 10 May previous) made at Carlisle on the morrow of Holy Trinity, in the K.'s 3rd year, 1275. before Philip de Wylghoby, the K.'s escheator ultra Trent, by John de June 10. Ireby, Alan de Brunfeld, Thomas de Laugrig, Eichard Buche, Eudo de Skirewyt, Geoffry de Eagton, Eobert his brother, William de Ulvisby, Eeyner de Kircosuuald, Adam de Thorisby, Eichard de Beruys, and Uctred Franciscus of Kircosuuald, who found that Eobert de Warthewyc sub-escheator in the county of Cumberland has ejected V Sir Eobert de Brus and Christiana his wife, from certain lands in Gamelesby and Glassanby, and afterwards delivered five parts of same to Eobert de Hampton, Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Patrick de Suthayc, Patrick Trumpe, and Matildis widow of Poland de Carrig, the heirs of Helewysa wife of Eustace de BaylloU; that Eobert and Cristiana had arraigned a plea of novel disseisin against the sub-escheator and others, and recovered seisin of said five parts ; and that the said Sir Philip still detains in the K.'s hand the sixth part of the foresaid lands by reason of Eichard son of Eichard de Kirkebryde, another of Helewysa's heirs, who is still a minor. They append their seals. [^Inq. p. m. 3 Ediv. I. No. 4^6.] Seals gone. The K. on 20 June commands the said 6th to be delivered to them, saving the heir's right when he comes of age to challenge same. [Close, 3 Ediu. I. m. 9.] June 14. 52. The K., for a fine of 80 marks made by Walter de Percy of Kyldale, payable in moieties at Candlemas and Midsummer following, has pardoned Walter's trespass in marrying Cristiana widow of Walter de Lindeseye without the K.'s leave ; and the escheator uU)'a Trent is commanded to restore them their lands. Westminster. Memorandum: — John de Vescy guarantees the debt for Walter. [Fine, 3 Echv. I. m. Ql. Originalia, 3 Edvj. I. on. 19.] Juno 20. 53. Mabilia de Chaumpayne, about to set out for Galloway, appoints Eobert de Styvecle her attorney for 3 years. [Close, 3 Edw. I. 111. 12, doTso.'] >/ June 21. 54. The K. signifies to the Treasurer and Barons that of his special grace he has permitted Eobert de Brus to pay his debts at Exchequer by equal moieties at Michaelmas and Easter next. Westminster. [Fine, 3 Edw. m. 18.] Aug. 15. 55. Alexander [III.] K. of Scots to the K. Informs him that he has learned that certain men of a Baron of his, Alexander of Argyll (de Argadia), touching at the K.'s port of Bristol, were arrested there with their vessel and goods on suspicion of piracy. But that the K. may see they are the writer's liegemen, he sends the names of some — first Master Alan, the ' gubernator ' of the vessel ; another is Gilfolan Kerd, and their comrades, names unknown at this date. Begs the K. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 18 Edward I. to cause the bailiffs of Bristol to permit the men freely to depart for Scotland with their goods. Elgyn, 15 Aug., 27 of his reign. {Tower 1275. Miscellaneous Bolls, No. *^'.] Michaelmas 56. Eobert de Bruis is commanded to send all the rolls of / Term, whatsoever justices he has in his possession, under his seal, to the Exchequer at Westminster. [Memoranda, Q. B., 3 & 3 Edv.\ I. m. I] Michaelmas 57. Alan de Chartres is permitted to pay the 405. he owes the K. Term because he is not yet a knight, one moiety at Easter, and the other at May next. [Memoranda, Q. B., 3 & 4. Edu\ I. m. 3.] Oct. 22. 58. The K. to G. de Charrun and W. de Northburg, Walter de Swethope having shown how in the last disturbance of the realm, and after the peace of the late K. had been proclaimed, Gilbert de Umfraville imprisoned him in his castle of Hirbotel till he extorted a fine of 100 marks, and after the late K.'s death, and the K.'s peace had been proclaimed while he was yet beyond seas, Gilbert, by his wife Elizabeth, and his men, extorted 10/. from the complainant, by threats of burning his house and goods, pulled down his house in Doctrees, and, cutting out the timber, did his will with it, and drove two heifers of Walter's and their sequela, from his common pasture, to his forest of Eedesdale, and marked them with his own ' iron brand,' and yet detains them. And since the K. has taken Walter, his men, lands and possessions under his protection, Gilbert so disquiets and afflicts him, that though formerly he could entertain his visitors hospitably, he has now scarcely sufficient for himself and his children. The K. compassionating the complainant's state, and willing to do justice, commands them to hold an inquiry, and dispose of the com- plaint according to law. Westminster. [Pcdent, 3 Edu\ I. m. 5.] Oct. 24 59. Alexander [III.], K. of Scots to the K. Has received his letter regarding the plunder of some merchants by sea-robbers, who were said to have refuge in Scotland. Has caused his justiciars, sheriffs, ♦ an others to make strict inquiry, and will do justice on the trans- gressors when found, according to the laws and customs of his own realm. Strivelyn, 24th October, 27th of his reign. [Borjal Letters, No. 1316.] Nov. 14. 60. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Earnestly entreats him to show favour to Alexander Steward of Scotland, in the business which the latter's messengers the bearers will declare viva voce ; on whose behalf he has already written. Giving such effect to his inter- vention that the Steward may rejoice thereat. Eoxburgb, 14 Nov., 27 of his reign. [Boijal Letters, No. 1278.] U CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 61. These are tlie demands of Alexander the Steward of Scotland, to our lord the K. of England by his messengers. 1275. The Steward relates how he bought from ' mi sire' Edward, now Nov. 14. K., the ward of the land of Skipton in Craven, for 1500/. sterling, then held by Sir Simon de Montfort, and as Sir Edward wished the Steward to have immediate seisin, he caused him to grant his letter patent, binding himself to pay 500/., but not having [the ward] has not yet paid a penny. Nor could the Steward have seisin, for Earl Simon did not hold the ward for more than a year after the sale, to the Steward's great damage. The Steward came to the country and paid to 'mi sire' Jon le Bretun 1061/. 16s. sterling; and to a ' vallet ' whom Ingeram had, 400 marks to pay merchants at the fair of Lynn, by view of ' misires ' Eou Dunyung and Williame de Salynis. Meanwhile he was attorned by * mi sire' Edward to pay 300 marks to Sir Eichard de Bedeford ; who lent them to him on condition, that if not paid at a certain day and term, he should lose all he had paid for the ward of Skipton. Having granted his letter to Eichard to this effect, 200 marks were duly paid to Eichard, but the third 100 could not be, for the Steward's letter had been delivered to ' mi sire ' Edward, who did his will with the ward under the above condition, but did not refuse the Steward's messenger, for he was attorned also to pay for ' mi sire ' Edward to Benard Nicholas and Arnulph Griffin 66 or 68 'livres,' which money was never paid by the Steward, in misprision by him of ' misire ' Edward and the merchants. It must also be remembered how the Steward on his way to England to ' mi sire ' Edward, to agree with said merchants for the debt, was robbed between Blye (Blyth) and Tuckisford of nearly 500 marks sterling, and lost all his horses and harness, and was detained by Eobert de Wyleby till he got a fine from him. But since this is all passed, the Steward, who has spent and lost much about this ward, humbly prays our Lord the K. for his grace in a ward or marriage to him or any of his children that he be not a loser. ' Kar pleder ne went, mes le resun bust.' He puts himself in the K.'s grace and asks a written answer by the messenger. Norman French. [Eoijal Letters, No. 1788.] Dec. 29. 62. Alexander [III.] K. of Scots to the K. He has received his letter as to collecting the aid for him within his liberty of Tyndalle, but cannot reply thereto plainly without first consulting his magnates. Will do so as quickly as possible, and send his answer. Brechyn, 29th December, 27th of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 1317.] [1275.] 63. The K. of Scotland's Betitions :— First. The ward of Sir Henry de Hastinges' lands within the liberty of the earldom of Huntingdon, as freely as his predecessors held it by their charters. Let him shew them. Second. Regarding the [manor ?] of Wheteley in Nottingham RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 15 Edwaed L ' the process whereof we deliver to you,' Let Mm shew the same. .... 1275. Third. Eegarcling [100 acres and more ?] of his land enclosed in the park of Plumton Fourth. Regarding the park of Morton closed by Thomas de Norman vile, in circuit about 10 'leucas,' wherein the men of his manors in Cumberland had common with their swine all the year, in wood and plain, or lawns, except in the fence month. Afi^mrs to have heen enclosed, as the K. had the escapium of the K. of Scotland's animals taken in the lawns. Fifth. Regarding the 100s. daily which the K. of Scotland is wont to have on all his visits to the K. of England's Court, and stay there. He does not come at the K.'s mandate, hut to do his devoir to the K. In the above petitions the K. of Scotland seeks, with his justice, grace and favour. He also asks for his men : — First. That Alexander de Ergadia's vessel, captured with goods at Bristol to the value of 160 marks, be released. Granted, as it seems right. Second. For a burgess of Lethe in Scotland poinded in ' Le ' Hulle ' for Sir John Cumyn, by John de St Nicholas and Robert de Mikelgate, burgesses of York ; who lost thereby 100^. sterling. Let him le delivered as seems just. Tliird. That the Charter by H. K. of England, of happy memory, to the burgesses of Berwick, be confirmed bf the K. The K. will do what is fitting. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Much defaced. [Circa 64. [Memorandum regarding the Descendants of Waldeve lord of 1275.] Allirdale, younger brother of Gospatrick (II.) and Doliin, and of his nephew William fitz-Duncan earl of Murray.] Earl Cospatryk, formerly earl of Dunbar in Scotland, had a brother, Doliin earl of Northumberland, who, both being bastards, had a legitimate brother Waldeve, and a legitimate sister Etheldreda. Waldeve and Etheldreda were of one father and one mother. After Ranulph de Meschinis came to England with William Bastard the Conqueror, that King gave him all the land from the place called Rere Crosse upon Staynmora, as far as the river towards Scotland called Sulewaht [Solway] to the true marches there between England and Scotland. And the said Ranulph was then created Earl of Karliol. Ranulph gained the forsaid Waldeve as an ally on account of the war between the Scots and England, as he was a Scotsman, and gave him for his service the whole Barony of Allerdale, from the place called Wahtelpole as far as Derwent, saving to him- self all his venison. 1/ 16 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. jf The said Waldeve gave to Odard de Logys seneschal o£ Eanulph cle Meschinis, the vavassory of Wygetona with its townships and their 1275. pertinents, for his service, doing to him the service of cornage, 'forynsec,' pannage. Odard founded the church of Wygetona in said forest. jf Waldeve also gave to Melbeht, his servant who came into the country with him, the whole vill of Bramfield, saving to himself the advowson of the church. To Waldeve succeeded his son and heir Alan, who was under age V and in the ward of K. David of Scotland, who held the land of Cumbria (for there was war between K. Henry, not yet King, nephew of said David, and son of the Empress Matilda, and Stephen the King, uncle of the aforesaid K. Henry), and on obtaining majority obtained all his father's land in Allerdale. jf Alan had a bastard brother on his father's side, by name V Cospatryk, to whom he gave the township of Bolton within the forest, and Bastenthwyt outside the forest, and Hestholm in Derwen- watre. If And the said Alan gave, with the ' corpse present of his son,' the Holy Eood of Karliol and the church of Aspatrik, and the service of the ancestors of John de Brayton in the same forest, and the church of Crosseby, and the fourth part of the said vill which Uhtred formerly held ' in the forest and out forest,' the church of Hyrby, and the service of Ysac de Yrby's ancestors in Ysacby. jf The said Allan superenfeoffed his knight Utred son of Lyolf, in the vill of Aylewardby, which Thomas de Louther and Peter de Dayncurt now hold. jf And William fitz Duncan, formerly earl of Murreve [Moray] nephew of said Alan, begotten of Etheldreda sister of his father Waldeve, succeeded to Alan. jf The said William held the whole barony of Allerdale, except Palmcastr' which is land in the forest at present, on account of the war moved between the K. of Scotland and the said William, who had espoused Alicia de Eumeley daughter of Robert de Rumeley lord of Scyptona, who had formerly espoused the daughter of William de Meschinis lord of Couplande. jf The said William begot of his said wife William ' the Boy of * Egermund ' who died in minority ; and three daughters, the first of whom, Cecilia, was married, with the honour of Scyptona, to William the Gross earl of Albemarle, by the foresaid Henry, then King of England, being in the K.'s custody as a minor; and the second, Amabillis, was married to Reginald de Lucy with the honour of Egermund, by the K. in her minority ; and the third, viz., Alicia de Rumeley, was married to Gilbert Pypard of the K.'s household, with the Honour of Cokermu, by the K. in her minority. jf William fitz Duncan's son thus dying in minority, the three RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 17 Edward I. daughters were in ward of K. Heary, grandfather of K. Henry [III.] who DOW lately was. The eldest, who was married to William the 1275. Gross earl of Albemarle, was succeeded by Hawysia her daughter and heir, to whom William de Fortibus earl of Albemarle succeeded, and to him William who lately was'. And to him succeeded Avelyna his daughter and heir, whom the Lord Eadmund, brother of the illus- trious K. Edward, espoused. Avelyna [is] dead without an heir. The second, Amabyllis, v/ho was married by the K. to Beginald de Lucy, was succeeded by Eichard de Lucy, to whom have succeeded Amabillis and Alicia de Lucy. The third was married by the K. to Gilbert Pypard, who died without an heir; and the K. H[enry IL] died, and Richard his son was afterwards created King and went to the Holy Land. And Queen Elyanora his mother married the said Alicia to Bobert de Curteney, knight, her ' coguatus,' who held the whole Barony of AUerdale all K. Eichard's life, and in K. J[ohn's] time, until he died vathout an heir. And it is to be noted that when the war v/as moved between the King of Scotland and William fitz Duncan (the father of Cecilia, Amabillis, and Alicia), Eoger Goky, who was with the K., presented himself and begged from him for his service the land of St Hilda in Ingylwode, which the K. gave him of the heritage of these sisters, and he held it for almost 30 years and more. And at the close of his life he became a ' conversus ' of the Abbey of Holm, and before his death they [the monks ?] came to K. J[ohn], who granted it to them as the said Eoger Goky formerly held it, Eobert her husband being alive. So that for the present no right should pass. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, iVo.*f .] Perhap-s a statement by the monks of Holmcoltrani, see vol. i., Ko. 615. 1275-76. 65. As E[obert] bishop of Dunblane in the K.'s presence om- Feb. 14. powered Eobert Eobery, and William son of Walter de Eotingtone, to appoint attorneys in his name in all his pleas, the K. of his special grace commands his bailiffs and others accordingly during the Bishop's life. By the K. in presence. Queryntone. [Patent, J^ Edw. L m. 30.] Feb. 14. 66. The K. grants to Eobert bishop of Dunblane freedom for life from sheriffs' turns in the wapentakes of Brokolvestowe and Eiseclyve in the county of Nottingham, and that he be quit of two * advents ' yearly due by him in said county. Poltone. [Patent, Jf, Ediv. L m. 30.] Feb. 24. 67. Maria Queen of Scotland, mother of the K. of Scotland, has a safe conduct to England to visit the threshold of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr till the Feast of St John the Baptist nest. Banuebiri. [Patent, \ Edw. I. m. SO.] VOL. II. B 18 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. 68. Elena la Zusclie, who is going to Scotland, empowers friars Geoffry and Thomas of Brackele to aj^point attorneys on her behalf, 1275-7G. till Easter next, and for a year after. Bannebiry. [Close, 4- Ediv. I. m. Feb. 24. 15 dorso.] 1276. 69. The K., of his special grace, grants leave to Eobert de Eos March 30. with his own hounds to hunt the fox in all the K.'s lands in Holder- nes till Pentecost next, but not to take the K.'s large game, nor hunt in other men's warrens. Sixle. [Close, 4- Ediv. I. m. 13.] [April 6.] 70. Northumberland : — Two justices are appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by Alan de Ormistone against Eobert de Halielaude bishop of Durham, and others, concerning a tenement in Twyshille. [Lincoln.] [Fate7it, 4- Edio. I. m. 27, dorso^ April 18. 71. Inquisition [under writ of ' diem clausit extremum,' dated at Lincoln 6th of same month, addressed to the Sheriff of Cumberland the K.'s escheator there], on Saturday next after the octave of Easter in the 4th year of the K.'s reign, at Carlisle, regard- ing the lands held by Johanna de Stuteville ; made by Eobert de Crogelyne, Eeyner de Kircoswald, William de la More, William de Neuby, John de Eoberdby, Eobert de Ettardby, Eobert de Lascelle, Henry de Aldinscales, Adam de Levington, John de Stapilton, Adam de Torisby, and Adam de Tynemue, before Sir E. de Hampton, sheriff and escheator aforesaid ; who say, that the said Johanna held the Barony of Lydel of the K. in capite. The capital messuage there is worth 5s. Id. In demesne, there are 74^ acres and a rood of land, each «7orth IQd. Total, 62.s. 2>^d. There is a ' claustura ' of herbage, worth 1 mark. Eight bovates of land, each worth 4s. &d. Total, 36s. Also ' forlandes ' and assarts outside of the forest, worth 8/. 15s. 0|^?. Likewise cottars, paying 13s. M. The bakery and brewery is worth 12s. The fishing is worth a mark. Also the mill is worth 13/. 6s. ^d. The advowson of the church of Eston is worth 10 marks. The freeholders pay 2s. A^d. Likewise from plough services, 4s. If At Arthureth there is no capital messuage. There are 70 acres and half a rood of land in demesne, each worth 12fZ. Total, 70s. l\d. The farmers there hold 31 bovates of land, each worth 3s. 6^f/. Total 109s. 9^rZ. The * forlandes ' there are worth 61s. 2d. The cottars pay o2s. &d. There are 6^ acres of meadow, worth 18s. Also free- holders, who pay 9s. bd. The brewery is worth 7s. Plough services, 6s. The mill is worth 13Z. 6s. 8d jf At Stubhille there is no capital messuage. There are 27 acres in demesne, each worth 8fZ. Total, 18s. There are 24 bovates, each worth 2s. 8^fZ. Total, 65s. The cottars there pay 13s. 2d. There is a meadow paying 6s. And ' forlandes ' worth 15s. Also the services of free men, 2s. jf At Eandolf-levington there is no capital messuage. There are in demesne 33^ acres 1^ rood of land, each worth 12d; total, 33(?)s. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 19 Edward T. lO^d. There are 30^ bovates, each worth 2s. 6d; total, 76s. 3^. The ' forlandes ' return 10(?)s. O^d. The cottars pay 15s. Sd. The 1276. brewery returns 8s. 2d. The carriages are worth 6s. 8d. The free- holders pay 3s. od. The marsh is worth 12d. And the mill, 9/. ff There is a ward there in Bracanhille. In demesne 14 acres worth 20s. And 10| bovates, each worth 2(?)s. Total 42s. The cottars pay 4s. 8d. ; and the freeholders 5s. 8d. jf There is a forest at Lydel, wherein is an assart with herbage, called ' Haytwayt,' worth 24s. lid. There is another assart with herbage, enclosed (?) within a hedge, called ' Mortwayt,' worth 34s. 6d. And another called 'Crosefeld,' worth 4/. 13s. 5^d. Another with herbage within a hedge, called ' Katkledy,' worth 4/. 2s. 6d. Also another en- closure within a hedge, called ' Standgarthesyde,' worth 72s, 5^d. Also another called ' Laugland,' within a hedge, worth 33s. 2d. A free man holds an assart called ' Brundscale,' worth half a mark. There are also in the forest, an assart with herbage, called ' Gresse- ' hope,' worth 4/. 10s. 4c/.; a close called ' Baylli,' worth 63s. 2d. ; another called ' Quelpedale,' worth 35s. 7d. ; another called ' ISTethyrbaylli,' worth 6/. 9s. 3|rf.; another called ' Catgarthe,' worth 50s. ; another called ' Eaburne,' worth 62s. 6d. ; and another called ' Wygarthe- ' twayt,' worth 4/. 7s. 2d . A fulling mill, worth 8s. ; and a water mill, worth 9^. 68. 8d. jf In the city of Carlisle, 6 burgages worth 16s. were held with the above lands by Johanna in capite of the K. by corn age ; paying yearly at the exchequer of Carlisle, 56s., and suit to the county of Cumberland. Sir Baldewyn de Wake, son of the said Lady Johanna, is her nearest heir, and is of full age and more. They append their seals (all gone). [Liq. p. m. 4 JEdiu. I. No. 4.9.'] By three extents attached to the foregoing, .Johanna appears to have held • Kirkeby Moresheved, Cotingham, and other manors in Yorkshire, and the advowsons of five churches, besides many ' bondi.' May 5. 72. The K. confirms the grant by Agnes de Balliol, to her son Ingeram de Balliol of her land in Eoxton, from the Feast of St Barnabas Apostle, 1275, for five years thereafter, as contained in the writing between them. Westminster, [Fatent, 4 Edw. J. m. 25.] May 10. 73. Margaret de Ferariis countess of Leycester, who is about to set out by the K.'s leave for Scotland, has letters of protection. Westminster. [Patent, 4 Edw. I. m. 26.] May 11. 74. The K. to Alexander de Montfort and Guido Gobaud. Philip Eidale and Patric le Escot, merchants of Berwick, have shewn to the K., that while their vessel, laden with wool and other merchandise, was on its voyage to Dieppe, it was driven towards the coast near Sutton in Lindeseye, when Adam de Arderue suggested to the master that his ship and cargo must be lost, without his advice and aid ; whereon the master agreed to give a fourth part of the goods 20 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. if Adam removed and stored the remainder safely for the above merchants' use. Adam removed the cargo to the value of 92/. where 1276. he pleased, leaving the remainder in the vessel without guard; whereon the men of the adjacent parts carried it off. As the master had no power to do so without leave of the owners, the K. commands Alexander and Guido to hold an inquiry and do justice. West- minster. [Fate7it, If. Edw. I. m. 23, dorso.'\ y • May 12. 75. The K. to his Barons of Exchequer. As his late father gave Isabella de Brus in exchange for her share of the earldom of Chester, by charter, which the K. has inspected, the manors of Writele and Hatfelde in Essex, with the half hundred of Hatfelde, for service of a knight's fee only, and they demand from Eobert de Brus her son and heir 100/. for his reKef, as if he held a barony, the K. commands them, after inspecting the charter and satisfying the K. for the relief as therein, to free Eobert from the 100/. and make an enrolment accordingly. Westminster. [Close, I^ Edw. I. m. 11 ; Memoranda, Q. R.,3 <&: 4 Edw. I, m. 7.] June 3. 76. Alexander de Balliol, who by the K.'s leave in going beyond seas, has a protection till the feast of Candlemas next. Westminster. [Patent, J/, Edw. I. m. 21.'\ June 9. 77. The K to J. de Eeigate and W. de Northburgh. John Comyn has complained that Thomas de Whitewelle and Thomas de Carlisle of the town of Newcastle-on-Tyne and other malefactors, carried off his wheat, wines and other victuals, both at Tynedale and in a vessel within the said port of Newcastle, to the value of 200/. and have done him much damage elsewhere in the county. The K. commands them to hold an inquiry and do justice. Westminster. [Patent, 4- Edw. I. m. 19, dorso.'\ June 17. 78. Alexander le Tayllur, valet of Alexander] K. of Scotland, has a conduct to take six of the said K.'s horses from London to Scotland for his use ; till the Feast of St Michael next. Aldingburne. [Patent, i Edw. 1. m. 19:\ Aug. 14. 79. As the K.'s valet William fitz Glaye is sending his servants to the instant fair of Stirling, to buy horses and other animals for his use and bring them to the parts of Lindeseye, the K. commands that there be no hindrance in bringing the aforesaid ' avers ' to England. Seleburne. [Patent, If. Edw. I. m. i/.] Sept. 14. 80. Maria Queen [Dowager] of Scotland, has letters of safe conduct coming to Canterbury on pilgrimage, remaining there, and returning to Scotland ; till Candlemas next. Boy tone. [Patent, ^ Edw. I. m. 10.] [Oct. 1.] 81. Cumberland: — J. de Eeigate and W. de Northburgh are appointed to hold an assize of mortancestre arraigned by Adam son EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 21 Edward I. of Thomas Threpelonde against Aldun de Ireby concerning two acres and a half and a rood of laud in Threpelonde. [Worcester.] 1276. [Fatent, 4. Edw. I. m. 8.] Oct. 26. 82. The K. to the Sheriff of Northumberland. The Bishop of Durham has shewn the K. that though the straight course of the Twede is the March between the kingdoms, and all the land and water on this side thereof is, and has been beyond the memory of man in Norhamschyre, within his kingdom, and^the bishop's Liberty, yet the justiciars and bailiffs of the K. of Scotland, with a multitude of the men of Berwyk, have crossed the said river at Twedemuthe, and hold courts and outlawries on land once covered by the sea and waves, as if the same belonged to Scotland. And some of the bur- gesses of Berewyk lately took a servant of the bishop within his Liberty, and imprisoned him at Berewyk, to the prejudice of the Crown and the bishop. The K., having admonished the K. of Scot- land to rectify the above matters, commands the sheriff, if amends be not made, to arrest all Scottishmen passing through or staying in his bailliary till satisfaction be made. Westminster, 26th Oct., 4th of the K.'s reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 127^:] See also three letters, Edward to Alexander [III.], 21st OctolDer, 4th of his reign (1276) ; 4th Feb. 5th of his reign (1276-7) ; and 8th May there- after ; and one from the Scottish to the English K. about same date on same subject. \Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. -^^.J Dec. 12. 83. Writs of military summons to 178 tenants in caiyite to meet Foedera, i. 537. the K. at Worccstcr in the octaves of St John Baptist next to repel the invasion of Lewelin son of Griffin, Prince of Wales. The following [among others] summoned: — Gilbert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus ; Alexander Comyn, Earl v of Buchan ; Eobert de Brus of the valley of Annand ; Eobert de Eos of Belvere; Eoger de Lasceles; William de Lindesi; Alexander son of John de Balliol ; William de Eos ; Alexander de Balliol, lord of Chileham ; Nicholas Corbet ; Peter de Eos ; Baldewyn Wake ; Hugh Lovel. Windsor. \Glo&e, 5 Echo. I. m. 12, dorso^ Dec. 26. 84. M[aria] Queen of Scotland has safe conduct beyond seas and Foedera, i. 540. back. Cyreuccstre. {Patent, 4- Ediv. I. m. 26.] 1276-77. 85. [Wardrobe account of Philip de Wylugheby from 4th Nov. 57 Henry III. (on which day the K. arrived at the port of Trapolim) till St Luke the Evangelist's Day a°. 2°^^°.] He accounts for 2 cups of gold with feet; weight, 61. 2s. lid.; one of which given by the K. to the Queen of Scotland, weighs 40s., [Pi2)e, 6 Edw. I. rot. 2i:\ 86. London : — [Account of Stephen de Eddesworth from the Feast of St James, 52 Hen. III., till Sunday the Feast of St Hilary following.] 22 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. For the expenses of a messenger bringing to the K., then engaged in Scotland, rumours eoacerning the state of the city of London, 10s. 1276-77. [Pipe, 5 Edw. I. rot. 18, dorso.] Hilary term. 87. Dervorgilla, widow of John de Balliol, is permitted to pay the 30/. due to the K. of 40/. wherein she was amerced before the justices itinerant at ' the Stone Cross ' ^ for a default, by moieties at the quinzaines of Easter and Midsummer next, and Robert de Wamell, citizen of London, became security. [3£emoranda, L. T. R., Jf, & 5 Edio. I. m. 3,'\ 1277. 88. Inquisition (under writ, dated York 4th of same month) made March 31. at Stokesle before the K.'s escheator citra Trent, on Wednesday next after the F. of the Annunciation of the B. Mary, in the K.'s 5th year, by William de Hestynges [and 11 other jurors] who say that William Cosyn of Levyngthorp's lands in Levyngthorp, 14 acres, extended to 7s. yearly, were taken in the K.'s hand in the time of the former escheator, as he found that the said William remained in Scotland after the K.'s proclamation that all Englishmen should leave. But that he remained on account of weakness of body, being 90 years old, and in danger of death if he had returned, and they believe he never bore arms against the K. He died at Giseburn in Cleveland in the 4th year of the K.'s reign. Append their seals. [Seals lost.] [Inq. ];>. m. 5 Ediv. I. No. 71.] Easter term. 89. Hertford : — Recognisance by John de Gisors, citizen of London, to William Comyn of Kilbride, for 100/. sterling, 20/. payable at the Feast of Holy Trinity next; 30/. at Michaelmas thereafter; and 50/. at Easter following. Afterwards he appointed William of Hecham of Essex, or Reginald of Kelbride, as his attorneys to receive the money. [Memoranda, L. T. B., J/, & 6 Edw. I. m. 5.] April 18. 90. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. He will attend to the wishes contained in his late letter, and send one of his lieges to him on Sunday next after the F. of Holy Trinity, being unable from arduous ajffairs to do so sooner. Who will treat regarding the controversies on the March according to the laws, usages and customs hitherto in use. Asks the K. if the day named will suit, and to inform him quickly. Neither now or hereafter will he do anything to injure the eminence of his Majesty. Forfar, 18th April, 28th of bis reign. [Boijal Letters, No. 1958.] J April 20. 91. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. He had lately received his letter informing him that Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, and Elizabeth his wife, one of the heirs parceners of the late Roger de Quency earl of Wynton, asserting that Elena La Zuche, another of said heirs, had got a larger share of her father's lands than of right fell to her lot, had sued her in the Scottish courts to her damage, and to the ^ In the Strand. KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 23 Edward T. injury of the K.'s dignity and Crown. He had not not heard of the matter before, but would make full inquiry of the Earl, and 1277. stop such proceedings by him or others in future. Begs the K. not to be displeased at his tardy reply, for reasons assigned. Ky near din, 20th April, 28th of his reign. [Royal Letters, Ko. 1280.] [1277.] 92. Alexander Cumyn earl of Buchan, Constable of Scotland, to / Soon after the K. He has received his letter desiring him to desist from any plea April, against Lady Elena la Zuche a co-heiress of the late Sir Eoger de Quency earl of Winton, regarding her heritage. Although the case between them in the K. of Scotland's Court was ready for judgment, yet to his own loss he has respited it at the K.'s command till he explains matters more fully, [No date or place.] [Toiver Miscel- laneous Rolls, JSlo. -f^.] 1277. 93. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Informs him that on June 15. Sunday in the octave of the Holy Trinity last past, he sent certain of his lieges duly empowered according to the tenor of his former letter. On which same day came Master Eoger de Betun and Sir Alexauder de Kirketun bearing the K.'s letters, which he received at Eoxburgh on the Monday following. From these, and his messengers' verbal explanations, he learned that some had given the K. to understand that things were on a different footing. Wherefore he replied to the messengers, that he would send his own envoys and return an answer on the said matters and others by them with all haste. That the K. is not to be anxious or ' moved ' on that account, or to give credence to any ' sinister ' reports ; as he is ever ready, and has been, to preserve the K.'s liberties and rights unsullied as his own, and as the K. has promised to do in regard to the latter. Eoxburgh, 5th June, 28th of his reign. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] July 10. 94. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Credence for W[illiam] Fcedera, i. 543. bishop of St Andrews, and others his envoys. Cupre in Fyfe. [Patent, 5 Edw. I. m. 7, in cedtcla.] Aug. 1. 95. Memorandum of interview at Birkenhead between the K. and Foedeia, i. 544. the envoys of the K. of Scotland. [Patent, 5 Edw. I. m. 7, in cedula.] Aug. 18. 96. Alexander K of Scots to the K. He and his children ' dis- ponente altissimo,' are in health and prosperity, as he unceasingly desires to know regarding Edward and his. Asks credence for what William bishop of Brechin, Thomas son of Eanulph, his chamberlain, and Master Thomas de Carnoto, his clerk, or two of them, the bearers, will more fully express to the K. Scone, 18th Aug., 28th of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 1279.] Michaelmas 97. Cumberland : — As the bailiffs of the Liberty of [the King of] Term. Scotland were absent at the compotus, &c., [the sheriff] is ordered to 24 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS / Edwaed L enter the Liberty and levy from the said KiDg's goods and chattels, 200 marks which he owes the K. of two debts ; and to have the 1277. money by the morrow of St Nicholas. \J\Iemoranda, Q, E., 6 & 6 Eclw. L m. 8.'] Oct. 15. 98, Thomas de Kynros, going to Scotland by the K.'s leave, has a protection till the quinzaiue of Easter next. Shrewsbury. [Patent, 6 Edw. I. m. 4-] Nov. 15, 99. Walter de Huntercumbe having by chyrograph demised to Philip de Eydale burgess of Berwick, the moiety of his vill of Lowyk, for ten years from Michaelmas last, the K, confirms the same. Eothelan. [Patent, 5 Edw, I. 7ii. i.] Dec. 3. 100. The K. has taken the homage of William Locard, nephew and heir of the deceased Eobert de Hamptone, and Thomas de Normanville the K.'s seneschal is commanded to give him seisin of his uncle's land, Shrewsbury. [Originalia, 6 Edw. I. m. 1.} 1277-78. 101. ' See the schedule attached for the debts due to the Prior of c. Jan. 14. ' Chartuse.' * The appointed fees ah antiquo in perpetuum.' There are due to the Prior of Chartuse from Selewode of the ancient fixed alms of the K. yearly, 33/. 6s. 8d To the Abbess and convent of Fontevraud, 82/. 10s. id. To a chaplain celebrating divine offices for the soul of the Queen of Scotland, 60s, [Close, 6 Edw. I, m. 16, dorso, in cedida.} Feb. 4. 102. The K, having taken the homage of Ptobert de Pinkeny, son and heir of Henry de Pinkeny deceased, commands the Sheriff of Northampton to give him seisin of his father's lands. Dover. Similar writ to the Sheriff of Buckingham. [Close, 6 Edto. I. m. 13.] [Feb, 7.] 103. York : — J. de Eeigate and W. de Northburgh are appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by the Abbot of Jedburgh against Gilbert de Umfraville and others concerning a tenement in Tronqunne. [Dover.] [Patent, 6 Edw. I. m. 21, dorso^ Feb. 20. 104. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Sends to him William bishop of St Andrews and Sir William de Soules, asking credence for them in the matters which they will more fully intimate on his behalf, and that the K. would deign to signify his wishes in return. Scone, 20th Feb., 29th of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. l!281.] [March 2.] 105. Northumberland : — J. de Eeygate and W. de Northburgh are appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by William de Colevile against Peter de Morthingtone and others concerning a tenement in Spinylstan. [Hentone.] [Patent, 6 Edto. I. m. 19, iorso.] March 19. 106. The K. commands the Sheri£P of Cumberland to respite his RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 25 Edward I. demand on the K. of Scotland for 200 marks : viz., 100 marks due by his father, and 100 marks due by himself, till the K. shall ordain 1277-78. otherwise. Donameneye. [Close, 6 Echo I. m. 11.1 March 20. 107. The K. grants a safe conduct to Alexander K. of Scotland, and his retinue, to come to London, within three weeks from the F. of the B. Michael, Archangel, next, under the escort of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury and York, and the Earls of Gloucester, Lincoln, and Warrenne. To endure till the F. of the Purification of the B. Virgin next. Dunameneye, 20th March, 6th of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 1286.'] March 20. 108. Writ to the Archbishops, bishops, sheriffs, and bailiffs to the above effect. [Same date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1287.] Circa 109. Memorandum by the K. that the escort of the aforesaid K. March 20. of Scotland shall consist of W. Archbishop of York, Primate of England, through his province, and the bishops through whose dioceses the said K. and his retinue shall pass, and J[ohn] Earl Warrenne, H[enry] Earl of Lincoln, and the K.'s other lieges and bailiffs. [HoT/al Letters, No. 1285.] Appears to be a postscript to No. 1286. March 20. 110. Cambridge : — Master Adam of Kirkodbright and Henry his brother give a mark for a writ ad terminum. Donameneye. [Fine, 6 Edw. J. m. 21.] March 20. 111. The K. to Pt[obert] bishop of Durham. W[illiam] bishop of / St Andrews, and William de Soules having come on behalf of the K. of Scotland, the K. expressed to them his will regarding the excesses and outrages committed by Scottishmen on this side of Twede, the right line of which had always been held the March of the kingdoms. The K. signifies to the bishop that if the K. of Scot- land and his men keep on their own side of the river, he is to endeavour to maintain peace. Doneameneye, 20th March, in the K.'s 6th year. [A draft.] [Royal Letters, No. 1275.] [Circa 112. Letters patent of W". Archbishop of York, Primate of England. March 20.] He has by the K.'s precept issued letters of safe conduct to Alexander K. of Scotland and his retinue to come to England. [No place or date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1289.] [Circa 113. Similar letters by the Archbishop, that he had received the March 20.] said K. and his retinue coming to England. [No place or date.] [Roijal Letters, No. 1290.] [Circa 114. Similar letters by G[ilbert] de Clare earl of Gloucester. March 20.] [No place or date.] [Uo7/al Letters, No. 1291.] [Circa 115, Similar letters by H[enry] de Lascy carl of Lincoln. [No March 20.] place or date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1292.] 26 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS / y / Edward I. 116. Edward K. of England to his brother and liege A [lexander] K. of Scotland. He has carefully given ear to the messages which 1277-78. William bishop of St Andrews, and William de Soules, knight, Alex- March 20. ander's envoys, delivered to him, and explained his opinion there- upon to them vivd voce, whereon he asks Alexander to signify his wish. Doneameneye, 20th March, 6th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1282.] 1278. 117. Eecognisances of the term of the close of Easter in the K.'s Soon after 6th year. Northumberland : — Alexander de Balliol lord of Balliol, April 24. is due Bartholomew Jak' and others merchants of Florence, 110 marks sterling, to be paid in three weeks from St Martin's Day next, with power to levy. [Memoranda, Q. R., 5 & 6 Edw. I. m. 13, dorso?[ Easter 118. Northumberland : — The Sheriff to distrain Alexander de Term. BalUol brother and heir of Hugh de Balliol, and to present him at the Nativity of St John Baptist to answer for 300^. due the K. for Hugh's relief of 30 fees and issues [Mertioranda, L. T. R., 5 & Q Edio. I. m. 17?i May 24. 119. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. He has received by his envoys William bishop of St Andrews and William de Soules knight, the K.'s answer on the business between them. To which he and his Council have fittingly replied, and his said envoys send their letter also by Keginald clerk and ' socius ' of the aforesaid bishop, the bearers. Yester, 24th May, 29th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1283?^ Circa 120. William bishop of St Andrews ' in Scocia ' and William de May 24. Soules, knight, to the K. They had shewn the letters of conduct by him and his magnates, entrusted to them, to their own K, and his council The K. [of Scotland] earnestly desires to come to him and do his pleasure in reason. But it would greatly satisfy the people of his realm if he had the usual safe conduct of the English magnates, or at least the K.'s letter, that the coming of the Scottish K. to England should not hereafter injure him or his heirs. Wherefore they humbly beseech the K. to deign to transmit to them the afore- said conduct of his magnates, or at least the other letter, by the bearer, along with letters of conduct in the form of the English Chancery, which they return under the bishop's seal, by the bearer, to be sent back to them by him ; granting therein, if it please him, that the K. of Scotland shall go wherever he pleases in England, and that his escort may be the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Earls of Gloucester, Warrenne, and Lincoln, whom he desires to have. (Addressed) To the illustrious K. of England. [No place or date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1284-] June 5. 121. The K. to A[lexander III.] K. of Scotland. Has received his EELATINa TO SCOTLAND. 27 Edward I. letter acknowledging the writer's reply conveyed by W. bishop of \/ St Andrews and William de Sonles, knight, Alexander's messengers, 1278. who have since written stating their master's views in the business. Is pleased to hear of his prosperity, and sends good accounts of his own, the Queen's, and their children's health. Westminster. [Eoyal letters, No. £770.] June 5. 122. Letters patent by the K. declaring that the safe conduct granted to A[lexander] K. of Scotland to come to England should not tend to the future prejudice of that K. or his heirs. West- minster, 5th June, 6th year of his reign. [Boi/al Letters, No. 1288.] Endorsed there is also a Draft Memorandum on the same subject. June 12. 123. Alexander K. of Scotland has a protection and safe conduct Foedera, i. 658. for himself and his retinue coming to England within three weeks from the Feast of St Michael next. If any of his retinue trespass, or incur forfeiture, it is not to be imputed to their K. if he disavow it, nor is the safe conduct to be thereby injured. (In duplicate.) West- minster. [Patent, 6 Edw. I. m. ii.] In another of the same date the K. commands his bailiflfs to conduct the K. of Scotland and his retinue personally through their respective districts, and W. Archbishop of York, in his province, the bishops of other dioceses, and Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford, John earl Warrenne and Henry earl of Lincoln, and others, are empowered. To endure till the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary next. June 14. 124. The K. to John de Warrenne earl of Surrey. Sends him the form of the safe conduct which he is to grant to the K. of Scotland till the Purification of the Blessed Mary next, which, after executing and sealing, he is to deliver to Reginald de Euhil, the K. of Scotland's clerk. Westminster. \Patent, 6 Edio. I. m. 11.] Similar letters to Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford. Sept. 3. 125. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Asks credence for Eichard Eraser, knight, and Eeginald the clerk, the bearers, in the matters which they will relate vivd voce on his behalf to the K., and to inform him how he is, by the same. Traquair (Trevequayr), 3rd September, 30th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1294,.] Sept. 15. 126. The K. commands that the prices of provisions, &c., be not Foedera, i. 562. unduly raised during the visit of the K. of Scotland to Eno-land. This not to be a precedent, however. Shotewik. [Patent, 6 Edw. L on. 6.] Sept. 29. 127. Homage and fealty rendered to the K. by Alexander K. of v Foedera, i. 563. Scotland ; Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, swearing fealty on his behalf. Westminster. [Close, 6 Edw. I. m. 5, dorso^ Oct. 17. 128. The K. declares that Alexander K. of Scotland came before him at Teukesbiri on Sunday last [the 16t]i], and offered to do bim homage ; but as the K. had not his Council with him, he pro- 28 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. rogned the day for doing homage to London, declaring that such prorogation should not redound to the said K. or his heirs' prejudice. 1278. Coberle. [Patent, 6 Edw. I. m. 3.] [ Eobert farther pled, that as the manor of Gyffyn was iu the kingdom of Scotland, and not in the K. of England's power, he was not bound to answer to a bargain touching it in this court. [Assize Eoll, Cumberland, 6-20 M) Ediv. I. ■i.\-3,m. 13.] Nov. 6. 134. Eichard de Merstone, going by the K.'s leave to Scotland, has a protection for 3 years. Westminster. {Patent, 6 Edxo. I. m. 3.] Nov. 13. 135. As Alexander de Balliol who held of the K. in capite, is dead, Thomas de Normanville the K.'s seneschal is commanded to take his lands in the K.'s hand without delay. Westminster. [Originalia, 6 Edw. I. m. 30. ; Fine, 6 Edw.I. m. 2.] Nov. 29. 136. The Sheriff of Northumberland is commanded to deliver to Alianora widow of Alexander de Balliol, all the lands which she and ^ Coupland iu duplicate Roll. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 31 Edward I. her husband held in that county of her frank marriage, by gift of Alianora the Queen mother, together with all the goods and chattels 1278. thereon, salvo jure cujuslibet. Norwich. [Close, 7 Udw. I. m. 11.] Shortly 137. Precepts issued after the Compotus of Richard de Coleshulle, after Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, rendered at Exchequer Dec. 1. on the morrow of St Andrew Apostle, in the K.'s 7th year, for the 6th. The sheriff is enjoined to distrain the heir and lands of Eichard Lovel for 100/. which he owed the K. for his relief, except 41. 7s. lid. which the sheriff received and allowed in his compofcus. [3femoranda, Q. B., 6 & 7 Edw. 1. m. lo.] Dec. 14. 138. Pleas taken before John de Vaux, William de Saham, John de Metyngham, and Master Thomas de Sodyngton, justices itinerant at Appelby in Westmoreland, on the morrow of St Lucia Virgin, in the 6th year of K. Edward. \in. 1.] The Abbot of Shap (Hepp') summoned to answer to David de Thorthoraud and Oristiana his wife, in a plea to pay them 20 marks in arrear of an annual rent of 10 marks. The plaintiffs say that one Peter formerly Abbot of Shap, and the convent, bound themselves and their successors to pay to one William de Kirketone the first husband of Cristiana, and his heirs, 10 marks yearly at Easter and Martinmas in winter, of which William, and after him John his son and heir, were seised ; and the latter assigned it to Cristiana for her life, and she, and David, after he married her, were in seisin. They have not received it for 2 years past, and are damaged to the extent of 100/. In the Roll of John de Vaux and others, for the following year, it is added that the Abhot appeared and acknowledged the debt. The justices tax the plaintiffis' damages at 6 marks. [7??. 12.] If A day is given to Dervergoyle widow of John de Bayllol, v dorso. Margery de Ferrariis countess of Derby, Ela la Souche, Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, Elizabeth his wife, by their attorneys, plaintiffs, and Ptoger de Clifford and Isabella his wife, Ptoger de Leyburne and Idonea his wife, defendants, in a plea of land, on the morrow of the Lord's Epiphany here, at the plaintiffs' request, as the writs have not yet been returned de Banco, &c. [Assize Boll ( West- mor eland), 6 Edw. I. „J r ^]. Dec. 15. 139. Inquisition (under writ of 'diem clausit extremum,' dated West- minster 13thNov. previous,directed to Thomas de Normanville the K.'s seneschal), made before the Sheriff at Newcastle-on-Tyne on Thursday next after the E. of St Lucia in the K.'s 7th year, regarding the land and heir of Alexander de Balliol ; by Robert de Meneville [and eleven other persons] ; who say that Alexander held of the K. at his death the manors of Biwelle and Wodehorne in the county 32 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. of Northumberland; and in the manor of Biw^lle he held 42 and 11 acres of laud and meadow, both in demesne and bondage, the 1278. 'centena' computed as a hundred, each acre worth 12d. And in homages and services of freeholders, farm worth 14Z. 13s. 3d., and 4 lbs. of pepper. Also a water mill worth, with fishing, 40 marks. In Wodehorne manor 251 acres, both demesne and bondage; each acre worth 12d. Also 7 acres of meadow, each worth 10s. (sic). Also 30 cottages, worth 65s. lOd. He held no land of any one but the K. That John de Balliol his brother is his next heir and is of full age, viz., 30 years and more, and Alexander held by the service of three knights in the K.'s army, they believe ; and doing ward at the castle of ... . [Slightly defaced.] [Liq. p. m., 6 Edw. I. No. 5^ Dec. 29. 140. The Sheriff of Cumberland is commanded to respite his demand on the K.'s beloved brother and liege Alexander K. of Scotland, by an Exchequer summons for 100 marks, till the quinzaine of Easter next. Windsor. [Close, 7 Edw. I. m. 11.] Dec. 30. 141. The K. wishing to do a special favour to his cousin Alianora, the widow, and one of the executors of the testament, of Alexander de Balliol, commands his seneschal Thomas de Normanville to levy one moiety of Alexander's debts to the K. from his goods and chattels, and to deliver the other moiety to Alianora and her co- executors for the purposes of the will ; as the K. will see to that moiety with the next heir of Alexander. Windsor. [Fine, 7 Edw. I. m. 21 ; Originalia, 7 Edw. I. m 1.] [1277-78.] 142. [Compotus of John de London for divers castles and manors of the K,] Windsor: — To three of the K.'s sergeants-at-arms going to Scotland, 20s. ; and to a sergeant-at-arms with a ivooden nose, for his expenses, by the K.'s writ, 2s. [Pipe, 6 Edw. I. rot. 1, dorso.'] 143. Cumberland : — John de Swyneburn (Michael de Neubigginge for him) renders his account. Alexander K. of Scotland owes 100 marks of a fine for a ward, as in Roll 4. He accounts for 100 marks [of a debt] as often above contained. Has paid nothing to the Treasury. The K. pardons him by writ ; and he is quit. [Pipe, 6 Edw. I. rot. 17.] 144. The Prior and convent of Kyrkeham to the K. They com- plain that Aymer, son and heir of Bernard le Haudene of the kingdom of Scotland, has encroached beyond the bounds of the March, settled by the underwritten perambulation, and taken from the lands of their manor of Carham 4 carucates or more, in the king- dom of England, which he holds to their great damage. Whereof they pray remedy. Norman French. [No date. The peram- bulation is recited in vol. I. No. 1699, dated 1 December 1246.] [Inc[. p. on., 6 Edw, I. No. 56.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 33 Edward I. 1278- -79. Jan. 4. Foedera, i. 565. Nov. 3- Jan. 16. / 145. The K commands E[obert] bishop of Durham to punish John de Grendone, a burgess of Durham, who had assaulted Eichard Page, one of the retinue of Alexander K. of Scotland when returning through Durham. Windsor. [Royal Letters, No. 1293. 146. Pleas of assize before John de Vaux, and other justices itinerant at Carlisle, on the morrow of All Souls, 1278. [Extracts^ [m. 11.] An assize inquires who last presented to the church of Bolton in Allerdale, the advowson of which Eobert de Brus and Cristiana his wife claim versus Geoffry de Moubray. Adam de Gesemue, Cris- tiana's first husband, presented one John de Munpellers, his clerk, in the late K. Henry's time, who was instituted, and died parson. On Adam's death, the advowson was assigned to Cristiana in dower. Geoffry appears, and they agree by leave, viz., Eobert and Cristiana acknowledge the advowson to be his, and he grants that they hold it for Cristiana's life. The keeper of the spirituality of the Bishopric of Carlisle is commanded to admit a fit parson on their presentation. [m. 16, Mandate from the K. enrolled — whereby the justices in eyre are dorso^ commanded to admit the Steward of Scotland as their colleague in pleas touching the K. of Scotland not pleadable in the Scottish courts. Another mandate that they restore in integrum the K. of Scotland's Liberty, which they had seized because he did not appear in person before them with his charter to claim it. Another mandate to restore the said K. all amercements, escheats and issues of pleas of his men and lands there, on the present iter. [m. 21.] Writ by the K. commanding his justices in eyre to maintain and defend his brother and liege Alexander King of Scotland, and his men of Penrith, Langwatheby, Soureby, Scottesby, Carlatun, in their liberties under the charter of the King's father. Westminster, 28th Oct. Lith and Eskdale, came by 12 jurors. William of Caterlen and Thomas Gere of Penreth, absconded for larceny, and are of ill repute. Writ of exigent and outlawry. They have no chattels. Attested that they were elsewhere taken by John de Swyneburne, formerly bailiff of the K. of Scotland's liberty of Penrith, and imprisoned. He afterwards took from them 8 marks of fine. Tlie Sheriff to present said John. He also took from one Maurice of Penrith, who broke into Walter of Hoton's chest, and carried off 10 marks, 20s. for peace. Maurice dwells at Penreth. The Sheriff to talie him. [m. 22, jf Concerning treasure-trove : — They say one Adam the Ho3r / dorso?\ found 21 silver pennies of old money unknown in the fields of Soureby, within the K. of Scotland's liberty, which were lately delivered to the justices for their lord the K. ; whereon the Steward of Scotland claimed the treasure for his lord's use under K. Henry's charter. To he spoken about. VOL. II. 34 CALENDAR OF DOCUMEKTS / Edward T. jf Nicholas de Carrik, John son of John de St Michael, Gilbert de Cuningburg', and Hugli C.iffard, slew Piichard BuUok in the field of 1278-79. Cambok, and fled. Are of bad repute. Writ of exigent and outlcmrij. Nov, 3- Nothing known of their chattels, as they are of the kingdom of Scot- Jan. 16. land. Afterwards it appeared by the coroner's rolls that one Editha, Eichard's widow, appealed three of them in the county, and Alan de Lascelles of instigating them. Editha absent. She and her two pledges, men of Erthington, are in amercement. Alan appears and produces a charter of K. Henry, pardoning him and one John Arme- strang, now dead, for said murder. Proclamation being solemnly made and none appearing, Alan has firm peace. Gilbert and Hugh absent and were not attached. Nicholas and John are dead, so no outlawry against them. jf Mathew Eervalle, Eobert son of Alan, Gillemichel of Cross- michael (Crossmyhel), accused of larceny, came and denied and put themselves on the country, de bono et malo. Acquitted. / [in. 23.] jf William, son of Fulco of Lidelesdale, fell of!" a horse into the water of Erthingge and was drowned. No one suspected. Judg- ment, misadventui-c. Value of the horse 10s., for which the Sheriff to answer as ' deodand.' [w. 23, If The jurors present that one John Lewyn went from the country durso.] to Scotland a liege and of good fame, and was there beheaded without suit of any one of this kingdom. One Eichard de Creppingge, the sheriff, took his chattels in the K.'s hand. Lately one Juliana, John's widow, claimed them, [m. 24.] jf [In a long list of those who made default in not attending the first day, and are in amercement], Sandres, the servant of John de Swineburn of Eothecastre, Eanulph de Vaux of Treverman, Sir Walter Corri of Levingtone, Matillidis de Carrig of Levingtone, Sir Baldewin Wake of Lydel, Eoger de Cliv'elaund of Lydel, Sir Walter de Mulcastre of Arthuret, Simon de Lyndeseye of Arthuret. jf [In a list of persons indicted for offences and of those who ' escaped] Alicia o»f Scotland, a robber, escaped from the vill of Neuton-Eeny, and Eemigius de Pokelinton, sub-sheriff under the Earl of Albemarle, levied 8/. from the township for her escape* To answer therefor with Isabella de Fortibus countess of Albemarle, one of the Earl's executors. Aldenestone. Memorandum : — on inspecting the rolls of Eoger de Turkelby and other justices itinerant in the county 31 Hen. III., it was found that Sir Eichard de Levingtone, and William de [m. 27.] Dakre, then sheriff of Cumberland, were sent by them to Alden- stone to hear and determine pleas of the Crown according to the customs of the mine there, and the old liberties of the miners ; and as no mention was made of said mine before the present justices, inqui- sition was made by them before the knights, stewards of magnates, and suitors of the county now assembled, how, when, and by whom, y EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 35 Edward I. the said mine was alienated from the King of England. Who say on oath that this was done by one Ealph de Levingtone, who held the 1278-79. manor of Aldenestone in farm from one Nicholas de Veteripont, Nov. 3- who, when Ealph's lease ended, and the manor was again in his own Jan. 16. seisin, and likewise Eobert de Yetsripont, his son, the present owner, have hitherto continued the said alienation, and the latter permitted the King of Scotland's coroner of Tindale to act, whereas the sergeant of the mine, on behalf of the K. of England, should have acted as coroner by law, as more fully shewn in the Crown pleas of the last iter. They say also that very many evil-doers of Cumberland and elsewhere are harboured there. And when the said Eobert learned that the justices were on their way to these parts, he removed all the evil-doers so resetted, especially one John son of Sireda de Bosco who V killed Adam, son of Adam son of Martin of Laysingby. And as Eobert does not appear to answer to the K., it was decided that the mine and liberty should be taken in the K.'s hand. The justices also order that Sir Hugh de Muleton of Hof, and Eobert de Wardewik should be sent there to hear and determine Crown pleas of the mine that had emerged since the last justice eyre. Who, making oath were sent to Aldenestone on Monday next after the Feast of St Hilary • last to try the same. And in the 5th week after Easter, before the justices at Appelby, Eobert came and acknowledged that the mine belonged to the K, of England, and he claimed nothing therein. Whereon the K. commanded that the record and process should be sent to him in the octaves of Trinity, and Eobert be then attached by the sheriff to answer for his trespass. Eobert and the sheriff being accordingly present, Eobert was delivered by the justices to the sheriff in form. The justices wishing further information, two of their number taking with them the Sheriffs of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and a quorum of knights and good men of these counties,' made stricter inquiry on Eobert de A^eteripont's right, and also the true bounds between Aldenestone and Tyndale, which they viewed and considered by eye-witness in respect that certain bailiffs of the King of Scotland of Tyndale came before them at Carlisle and said that Aldenestone was within the said King's liberty of Tyndale ; by which inquisition it was found that the ancestors of Nicholas and Eobert had no ingress to Aldenestone by any charter of the King of Scotland's ancestors, as they claimed ; but that one Ivo de Veteripont who kept the "mine of — [Here the narrative ends, the next membrane having evidently been lost.] The City of Carlisle came by 12. \in. '27, William of Kirkudbrid slew William Tixtor with a staff ; fled, and dorso.'] is of ill repute. Writ of exigent and outlawry. Has no chattels. They present that the Countess of Albemarle's bailiffs prevent the K.'s bailiffs in the City of Carlisle taking custom at Alyn, as here- tofore. Also that Matillidis de Vans prevents them taking custom 30 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. at Kingesbrigge as wont, Also that Baldewin Wake prevents tliem taking custom in his market of Lydel, as wont. Also he and his 1278-79. bailiffs refuse leave to the merchants of Carlisle to pass with their Nov. 3- goods through Lydel, or elsewhere in his lands, to Scotland, unless Jan. 16. they pay toll both going and returning ; to the city's damage. The sheriff to 'present the Countess and Baldeivin. If Cloths sold contra assisam. [Inter alios] Henry Irngrey, and Alan de Penytone, for so doing, are in amercement. Pleas of the Crown from the corpus ComitatiXs. The jury pre- sent that the barony of Dalston and advowson of the church was an escheat to the K. by one Hervic fitz Maurin, convicted of felony. The late K. Henry gave it to Walter Mauclerk, bishop of Carlisle, 43 years ago. The Bishop holds a certain land near Dal- ston, viz., Cumberdale and Caldecot, but whether it is of the barony of Dalston, or demesne of Carlisle Castle, they know not. As the see is vacant, and the larony in the King's hand, to he spoken about, [m. 32.] J The jury say that the manors of Penreth, Soureby, Langwathe- by, Salkeld, Scotteby, and Karltone were in the late K. Henry's hands as a pertinent of his castle of Carlisle, and the King of Scots now holds them by gift of the late K. ; and his father held 40 years past as they believe. They say that Little Salkeld was demesne of K. Pilchard, who gave the vill to one Adam le Sauser, to be held by service of 6 marks yearly. And the late K. Henry gave that service to one Walter bishop of Carlisle, who afterwards with the K.'s consent enfeoffed the Prior and convent of the Blessed Mary of Carlisle therein ; and the Prior has now proffered a charter attest- ing this. They say also that the isle of Holm Coltram was the demesne of K. Henry senior, who founded that Abbey. The Abbot of Holm Coltram proffers that K.'s charter to this effect. He has also confirmations by Kings Eichard, John, and Henry the K.'s father. That the site of the Priory of Carlisle was the demesne of K. Henry senior, who founded the same in pure almoigne there now 180 years ago, as more fully in his charter. That the vill of Newton Eenny was the K.'s ancient demesne, and one Akena, widow of William de Eenny, holds five parts of it as doWer, and Eobert Burnelle holds the sixth part of the K. in capite, by the service of finding an esquire in the K.'s army of Scotland, with a hawberk and helmet at his own charges for 40 days, for the whole tenement ; and the jury being asked who are William de Penny's heirs, do not know. jf Concerning fees : — They say that Thomas de Multone of Egermuud holds that manor M'ith the barony of Coupelaund of the K. as one fee. The Countess of Albemarle holds the manor of Cokermouth in dower of the K. through the Earl of Albemarle's death. Ahcia de Lucy holds the moiety of that manor in capite of the K. by homage and service. The Countess aforesaid holds in dower the manor of Pabecastre with the moiety of the barony of Allerdale, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 37 Edward I. through the Earl's death, by cornage. Matillidis de Vaus holds the manor of Erthiugtone with the barony of Gilleslaunde of the K. as a 1278-79. fee of two knights. Baldewin Wake holds the manor and barony of Nov. 3- Lydel of the K. by cornage. The Bishop of Carlisle holds the manor Jan. 16. and barony of Linstoke in almoigne. Geoffry de Tyllol holds tlie manor of Scaleby and the barony of Houghton of the K. by cornage. Thomas de Moltone of Burgh holds the manors of Burgh, Ayketone, Kirkeosewalde and the barony of Burgh of the K. by cornage. Wil- liam son of Thomas de Creystoke holds the manor and barony of Creystoke of the K. by cornage. Walter de Wygetone holds the manors of Melmorby, Blachale, and Heyntone, with the barony of Melmorby, of the K. by cornage. William Lokard, Walter de Twynham, Walter de Corry, Patrick de Suthayk, Patrick Trump of Karrik, [ ] wife of Eoland de Karrik, and Ptichard de Kirke- bride, hold the barony of Leviugtone of the K. by cornage. Eichard de Kirkebride is under age, and should be in the K.'s custody ; and his land is worth 121. 16s. 9d. yearly. [Walter de Wygetone here shows his title to the heir's ward from Thomas de Normanville, the K.'s seneschal, through one Eoger Mynot ; and that he had given the heir in marriage by the K.'s leave ; and is ordered by the Court to verify this by the quinzaine of Hilary.] Eobert de Brus and Cristiana his wife hold the manors of y Gamelesby and Glassanby of the K. by cornage. jf Suits withdrawn. These vills were wont to make suit at the county, which has been withdrawn from the time of K. John, by John de Ireby who was of his retinue ; and Eobert de Brus and Cristiana his wife now hold. To he spoJcen ahoiit. jf Those w^ho claim returns, &c., besides the K. : — Thomas de Moltone, lord of Egremund within Couplaunde, has return of writs, and holds pleas de namio vctito and takes wreck of sea everywhere in his lands, and has gallows and takes fines of assize of bread, ' &c,' and he and his ancestors have so had it from the Conquest, '&c.' [m. 32, jT The K. of Scotland claims to have return of writs, and holds do7^so.] pleas de namio vetito and has gallows in his lands, and takes fines of assize of bread and beer ; by the late K. Henry's charter. They say also that all holding of the said K. of Scotland by barony, have gallows in their lands, except Geoffry Tyllol ; from what time they know not. jf They present that the K. of Scotland's bailiffs of Penrith and elsewhere in Cumberland, use the said king's liberties illegally, each bailiff in any of his manors poinding whoever of the country he pleases for the debt of any complainant, though not principal debtor nor pledge ; and this they do both to strangers as well as those who liold of said king. This liberty to he taken in the K.'s hand. And if a stranger is attached at the King of Scotland's court for any delict done outside of his liberty, and the lord of such person attends to 464233 38 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. challenge the court on belialf of his man, he is not allowed, ' &c.' And these were the King of Scotland's bailiffs, viz., William de 1278-79. Swineburue, Eoger de Botencumbe, John de Swineburne, William Nov. 3- de Lyndeseye, John de Capella, Gilbert de Whyteby. Therefore a Jan. 16. trial regarding them. jf The jury present that the King of Scotland's bailiffs will not answer before the justices appointed to hold and decide assizes of novel disseisin and other trespasses, but only before the K.'s justices for all pleas, and thus they hinder justice, and subvert the royal authority. To he sjyoJcen of. jf The jurors of Lyth and Eskedale, and of Cumb', and Allerdale, make a presentment regarding the great destruction in the waters of Edene and Esk and others in the county, of salmon coming up to spawn, and likewise of the young fry going down to the sea. Therefore the whole county, knights and freeholders, unanimously determined that from Michaelmas to St Andrew's day, no net shall be drawn or placed at weirs, pools, or mills, or mill pools, and that none fish in the above or any other waters in the county, with nets ' sterkilds,' or other engine, within said close time ; or without engine. Also that from the feast of the apostles Philip and James till the Nativity of St John Baptist, no net or ' wile ' or ' borache ' shall be placed at pools or mills or mill pools in said waters, nor any net placed at weirs, save by the conservators hereafter appointed, and the meshes shall be wide enough to let the salmon fry through, viz., of four thumbs' length. It is provided also that so often as any fisher or miller, or other person, infringes this provision and is convicted, he shall be sent to the K.'s prison and not repledged, unless by con- sent of the conservators. The jurors likewise attest that Thomas de Moltone of Gilleslaunde, as his ancestors have done from time immemorial, takes fines from all illegal nets in the water of Edene at a place called Pell . . . urg, by view of knights and others appointed to the custody of the waters ; but if the K.'s bailiffs have arrived, then the judgments per- tain to the K. for that turn. To he inquired into. It is also provided that all 'boraches' at mills on said waters shall henceforth be removed, under forfeiture to the K. of 40s. by him whose they are, for each conviction. And there should be no more in these waters than three small nets by custom, the meshes whereof, with a knot, should be of three thumbs' length, for catching lampreys ; and none should fish with these except from the Feast of St Andrew till the quinzaine next before the Feast of St John Baptist. The K., in his castle of Carlisle, shall have one ; the citizens of Carlisle another in their pool at the garden leased to the city for 15^., in which none shall fish without leave of the citizens ; and if more nets are found, they may be put down by the conservators. The jurors present, and the whole county complains, that the Prior of St Bega (St Bees) has- RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 39 Edward L two engines called 'cupe' for catching salmon in his pool of Stayn- burn, where in times past he had but one ; and the other was set up 1278-79. six years ago, without warrant and after the last justice eyre. There- Nov. 3- fore lie is i7i amercement. The Sheriff is ordered to remove the second Jan. 16. ' cupa' at sight of the jury, at the Prior's exiwnse. It is ordered that in each pool of the Edene, Esk, and Derwent, and other waters where salmon may be taken, in mid-stream, by old custom, there shall be a pass wide enough for a sow with her five pigs ; and as the following are unduly narrowed, viz., at Cokermouth, Cambertone, Staynburne, and Wyrkingtone, these openings shall be so enlarged at view of the jury, at the cost of those who contracted them. These are the conservators chosen by consent of the whole county for said waters, viz., Robert de Quyterig, Walter de Bamptoue, Richard de Stokes, Bertin de Turstanfeld, William de Uthardesby, Adam de Tynemuthe, Adam de Thoresby, John son of Elyas, Henry de Sabluns, Robert de Etardeby, Richard Soor, Adam Rud of Brins- cayth ; who shall all make oath before the justices faithfully to discharge their office as above. And if any one die, or become infirm, or unfit for office, the others shall elect another who shall make oath before the Sheriff in his room. The nets and engines found on the waters contrary to the above provisions shall be burned in presence of the conservators. These provisions shall endure in perp&tuuiii to the good of the whole county and others adjacent, [w. 33.] jf They say that William de Boyville, sub-escheator of Master Robert de Clifford, took 5 marks from the executors of Eustace de Balliol, for having administration ; and Henry his clerk took a mark from them ; and likewise at Kirkosewald 9 bushels of wheat. jf And William de Boyville took from some of the heirs of Helewisa de Balliol 6 marks to give them a better part [of the heritage] ; and took 100s. from Thomas de Multone to delay making the inquisition which the heirs of Eustace de Balliol had. To he spoken of jf They say that [among others] John de Swynburne the sheriff, the K. of Scotland's bailiffs, those of the Baron of Kreystok, William Locard, Robert de Brus, Geoffry de Muntbray, Baldewin Wake,, Geoffry Tyllol, Walter de Carrik, and David de Torthorald, have amerced freemen in their lords' courts without their peers and con-' trary to statute. All in amercement. [w?. 33, Kirkosewald : — The jury present that one John del Wod who / dorsoi] slew a man, was lodged in the prison of Laysingby ; and by night, persons unknown from Scotland, rescued him, wounding his keepers, and fled to Scotland. The township followed them with ' hue and cry,' but could not take them. And after the coroner had held an inquisition, Richard de Creppingges held another by ignorant persons, and made them represent as he pleased, in fraud of the vill of 7 40 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Laysingeby, taxing them to make a fiue of 15 marks v/itli him. To le seen alout. Assize Roll{Cumlcrland), 6-W Edw. I. ^i\3.] 24) 1278-79. 147. Pleas at Aldenestone before Hugh de Muletone and Robert de Jan. 16. Wardewyk, sent there by John de Vaux and the other justices itinerant at f Carlisle, on Monday next after the Feast of St Hilary, 7th of the K.'s reign. Simon son of Adam, bailiff, juror. Electors, Walter del Crag, Robert de Blagate, jurors [and 10 other jurors]. [^Extracts.'] J [hi. 34.] Nicholas Prest crossing Tyne water at Gerardesgyle on a feeble horse, fell off, and was drowned. Simon del Bank, first finder, is dead. No one suspected. Judgment, misadventure. Value of the horse 5s., which John de Cokedene, formerly bailiff of the king of Scotland's liberty, received, who is dead, and has no heir nor executors, in the K. of England's power. Therefore from the deodand nichil. And Gilbert de Grendone deceased, the King of Scotland's coroner in Tyndale, usurped that office against the liberty of the K.'s miners of Aldenestone, for it pertains to the sergeant of the mine by the ancient miners' liberties. To le spoken of. / jf William Hyne, driving a stob in the ground to make a hedge in Gerardesgyle, struck it with a mallet which slipped from his hands and fell on the head of one Elewald, who died thereof on the third day after. Misadventure. Value of the mallet ^d. The King of Scotland's bailiffs sent one Odard de Rydeley, his coroner of Tyndale (since dead), to view Elewald's body in prejudice of the miners' liberty. To he spoken of. jf They present that Ralph de Levingtone, deceased, while he held Aldenestone moor in farm from Nicholas de Veteripont, removed the K.'s gallows in Aldenestone mine from a place called Arnesethou to a place called Bales. And Robert de Veteripont, son and heir of Nicholas, does justice there on robbers condemned in his court of Aldenestone, contrary to the liberty of the mine, by what warrant is unknown. To he spoken of. jf The jury [after stating that Robert and his father Nicholas had received and not accounted for the goods and chattels of certain outlaws and robbers hanged and beheaded ; and that they had appro- priated free warren and chace within the mine, by what warrant was not known] present, that Robert had closed a road leading from Aldene- stone to Gossipesgate, where horse and footmen were wont to pass without hindrance, to the hurt of the whole mine. He is in amerce- ment. The road is ordered to he thrown opjcn at Bohert's cost at vieia of the jury. jf They present that Robert, Laurence, and Alan de Veteripont [and others] were absent primo die. Therefore in amercement. ff That Robert ' resetted ' one John de Bosco, a fugitive from Cum- RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 41 Edward L berland, before the justices' arrival. Therefore John to he tried, and put in the ' exigent' for the county. That Eobert resetted no other fugi- > 1278-79. tive or evil-doer. Jan. 16. jf John Baret, taken on suspicion of burglary of the house of Agnes widow of John son of Henry, and stealing the crop of Laurence de Veteripont, and robbing a woman unknown, at Croscrin, and Eobert of Naterys, taken on suspicion of stealing a cow of Nicholas de Veteripont, came and placed themselves on 12 jurors of the mine, and were acquitted. jf John, son of Aldericha, complains that William de Belingham, the King of Scotland's bailiff, imprisoned him for 40 days at Werk till he got a ransom of 20s. from him, and asks amends. William defends, and is acquitted by 12 jurors of the mine. John amerced for afcdse claim. The jurors say that Eobert de Veteripont sent him to prison at Werk, till he paid 20s., because he said he was the K. of England's man. TJierefore a trial as to Rolcrt. jf The Prior of Hexham now has the advowson of the church of Aldenestone by gift of Ivo de Veteripont. It should be in the K. of England's gift. To he spoken of. IP They present that the K. should receive each ninth ' disc' dug by the miners. And each ' disc ' should contain as much ore as a man can lift from the ground. And as to the remaining 8 ' discs,' the K. should have the 15th penny of all the ore sold. The K. shall find at his expense for said miners, a certain man called ' Drivere ' who knows how to separate silver from lead. The jury, being asked the annual value of the mine, say they cannot know till it is working, and as they shall find the ore good. And say that there is ore enough to last till the end of time. That Ealf de Levingtone, the lessee of Aldenestone, first hindered them mining ; and afterwards they began in the time of Nicholas de Veteripont, who in like manner hindered them. [Assize Roll {Cumberland), 6-30 Edw. 1. \ Xs.] Jan. 20. 148. Pleas of juries and assizes taken before John de Vaux [and four others], justices itinerant at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the octaves of St Hilary anno 7 mo. [JEJxtracts.] [m. 4.] jf The Assize inquires whether William Comyn of Kilbride constructed a pool in Neweham near Prestone to the hurt of William de Mydeltone's freehold in Prestone, whereby the water flooded on his meadow and drowned about an acre and a half. William Comyn absent. Amerced, and the assize goes by default. The jury find for the plaintiff. The court orders the pool to he levelled at the defendant's cost, and view of the jury. Damages 2s. \_iii. G, jf John de Leuerhilde appears versus William Comyn and John yj dorso^^ de Graham, in a plea that they assaulted him at Jedeworthe, beat, 42 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS y Edward I. wounded, and otherwise injured him. They and their pledges are absent and make default. The sheriff commanded to distrain and 1278-79. present them at York in the octaves of Trinity. Jan. 20. Tlie township of Feltone came by 12 [jurors], [w. 11.] If Concerning ladies : — they say that Alicia de Balliol is in the V K.'s gift. She is not yet married. They do not answer to the ' capitula ' except as above. [m. 11, The township of Alnewik came by 12 [jurors]. dorso.'] jj' Simon of Scotland, imprisoned at Alnewik for stealing a work- \J horse, by night broke prison, slew Eobert the jailor of the castle and Andrew the thrasher there, took the keys of the castle gate, and opening it, tied to the church of Alnewik, acknowledged his deed and abjured the kingdom before the coroner. The jurors attest that the castle is John de Vescy's. Therefore a trial for the escape against John. Simon's chattels 14ci. ; the sheriff to answer. The jurors in amercement for concealing part of them. John de Vcscy fined SI. for escape {m. 19, dorso). The township of Morpathe on behalf of the county citra Coket came by 12 [jurors]. jf A man unknown was housed at Morpathe with Geoffry and William the mercers of Scotland. The stranger rose through the night and stole their goods to the value of 30s., and instantly fled to Cotinwode, followed by William, who slew him in his flight. Both withdrew themselves and are not miscredited. They may return if ■they loill, hut their chattels are confiscated for flight. They have none. The township of Corebridge came by 12 [jurors], jl' Richard, son of Kichard the smith, killed David de Graham in the town of Corebridge, and fled to the church of St Andrew, acknow- ledged the deed, and abjured the realm before the coroner. His chattels lis. &\d. The town of Corehridge in amercement for not taking him. [m. 12.] jy The jury present that the heirs of Muschampe hold their barony by service of four knights, and making suit to the county at New- castle. Eobert de Eos of Helmeleye holds the barony of Werk by service of a knight's fee and suit as above. Earl Patrick holds his serjeanty in Northumberland by being ' in-borwe et ut-borewe ad merk et mere,' between the kingdoms, paying at the exchequer of Newcastle 30s. and suit as above. \in. 13.] jf The county records that the Prior of Tynemue, the Archbishop of York, Gilbert de Umfraville, the King of Scotland, the Bishop of Durham, ought to receive the ' capitula' of the coroner from the justices sent here ; and according to these to hold pleas in their liberties; whereon the bailiffs of the Prior, the Archbishop, Gilbert and the K. of Scotland came and asked the 'capitula,' which were delivered to them. / EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 43 / Edwakd I. The part of the county on the north beyond the water of Coket came by 12 [jurors]. 1278-79. jf Alicia, widow of Eobert de Coupelande, who appeals in the Jan. 20. county Gervase Avenel, John his son, Gervase his brother, and others, of rape and breaking the K.'s peace, is absent, and only sued at three courts. Let her he taken ; and her two 'pledges are in amercement. John de Brankistone only appeared, who defended and was acquitted. The other defenders are in amercement. [ill. 14] jf Concerning defaults : — They say that Edmund the K.'s brother, John de Vescy, William Comyn of Kilbride, Thomas de Graham, William de Colvile, William de Somerville [and others] were absent 'primo die. Therefore in amercement. IP They present, — that whereas the mid-stream of Twede should be the true boundary between the realms of England and Scotland, the Berwick burgesses appropriate the whole water, and in netting claim the entire solum up to high tide mark, and attachments of water should be made by the Bishop of Durham's bailiffs, or those of the K., sede vacante. [m. 15, jf Dyonisia de Bechefed complains that Eoger de lahou, William y/ dorso.] de Swethoppe, John his brother, Walter de Swethoppe, and others, when she was on the moor of Mildeburne on Monday next before the Feast of St Bartholomew, in the 56th year of K. H[enry], on the royal way there near Opintele bridge, instigated by the said Walter de Swethoppe, carried her off vi et armis to the liberty of Eedisdale, to a place called Ilishache, where Walter was seneschal, where they kept her that night, to compel her to take Eichard his son for her husband, and threatening, unless she consented, to carry her off to Scotland for ever. And as she utterly refused, they carried her off to Gedeworth in Scotland, and detained her there for a day and night, till she was rescued by Master John de Pampingham her uncle, and other friends. But she dared not return to England for fear of Eoger and the others, until she and her friends agreed with one William son of Ealph, chief forester of Eedesdale, for 10/., to conduct her safely through his lord's territory to England. When they had reached Hyrdbotil, Walter de Swethoppe caused them to be attached by the constable of the castle, to find two pledges to answer in the court of Hyrdbotil why she had entered his lord's liberty vi et armis in contempt. And as she did not appear there to answer to the trespass, her pledges were amerced in 10/., which she paid. She claims damages of 200/. The defendants plead that they should not answer, as she appealed them of a felony in the county for said trespass, of which they were acquitted; and being asked if they had anything to say to quash the present accusation ? said No, but referred to the records, where it appeared that she appealed them of an almost similar trespass, on Sunday next after the Assumption of the Blessed Mary, place and year aforesaid, when they were accused of robbing her of a horse, a 44 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. saddle, a robe of ' bleuetto,' value 405. ; but she deserted the appeal before the justices, when solemuly called, wherefore that appeal is 1278-79. dismissed, and she and her pledges in amercement. In the present Jan. 20. case, the Court decides that Eoger and the others except Walter, are convicted as without defence and are sent to gaol. And Dyonisia y recovers damages taxed at [ ]. The aforesaid Walter being asked for his defence, put himself on the country. A jury from both sides of Coket, find that when Dyonisia was returning from Newcastle where she had been in a plea before Master Eoger de Seton, the aforesaid parties met her and her uncle Master Jolm Pampisham on Mildeburne moss, and vi et armis abducted her at Illesale, in the liberty of Redesdale, and carried her to Gedeworthe to compel her to marry Kichard, till she was rescued by her friends. That after her abduction her said uncle went to Walter de Swethoppe and told him what had happened, asking amends. And he dis- avowed the trespass and said he would see amends made, if shewn how. Wherefore the jury acquit him of instigation or counsel. As to his attaching her at Hyrbotil, and the loss of the lOZ., they find that she was rescued at Gedeworthe in Scotland, and being under the K. of Scotland's peace, appealed the above Eoger and others in his court, by judgment of which they were acquitted. But Walter for attaching her and taking the 10/. is committed to gaol, and she re- covers damages taxed at [ ]. [Here the record ends, but in the duplicate roll of John de Metyng- ham, it appears that the defendants made a fine of 20 marks for the plaintiff's damages, and for the trespass 100s.] [m. 16.] jj'. Concerning ladies: — They say that [among others] Agnes de / Vescy, the two daughters of Thomas de Pontechope, and Margaret widow of Eobert de Eos, are in the K.'s gift, and not yet married ; except one of the heirs of Thomas de Pontechope, whom Eustace de Gurlay married without leave of Eoger de Coyners, her guardian on the K.'s behalf. Alienora de Balliol is marriageable, and her lauds are worth 100 marks yearly. And Isabella de Merley is married, by what warrant is unknown. The sheriff ordered to present her ; her land is worth 100/. yearly. jf Purprestures. Three carucates of land in England were occu- pied in the time of William, King of Scotland, grandfather of Alexander now King, near Carham, by Bernard de Haudene and Aymer his sou, which should belong to the Prior of Kirkeham by grant of Walter le Schek [Espec ?], Eobert de Eos's ancestor. It is worth 20s. yearly. The K. can claim nothing there but superiority. They say that half of same was occupied by Bernard and Aymer from the coronation of K. Henry, the K.'s father. If Defaults : — William de Soules [among others] absent primo die, in amercement. (f Of fees : — Gilbert de Umfraville holds the barony of Prodou RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 45 Edwakd I, of the K. in capife by service of 9^ knights' fees. Eobert de Somerville holds the barony of Merley of the K. in capitc by service 1278-79. of 4 knights' fees. Jan. 20. If Regarding rights claimed. They say that Gilbert de Umfraville [m. 16, claims to have return of writs, and holds pleas de namio v^dito, and dorsol] has gallows, and assize of bread and beer, and other pertinents of the Crown, but cannot give life and limb ; by what warrant or from what time they know not. That the King of Scotland holds North Tindale as a liberty of the K., and his writ runs there, and he has gallows and assize of bread and beer, and holds pleas de namio vetito, and has all things pertaining to the Crown ; by what warrant or from what time, they know not. Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus, indicted elsewhere before Geoffry de Agylum and Philip de Wileby on these charges — (1) setting up warren at Babingetone without warrant; (2) attracting to his liberty of Eedesdale pleas of the Crown from Coket moor ; (3) resetting in his said liberty one John son of William, an outlaw in Hexham liberty ; also a notorious robber, one Walter Denyas, with his fellows, in his castle of Prudhoe and at Hyrbotel, and giving him letters of conduct and protection, and appointing one Alexander of Kersterne his conductor, afterwards beheaded, in Walter's company, and receiving 40/. from said Walter for said reset and safe conduct ; (4) and of sending one Simon Sniert and one Benedict Gley to Simondistede outside of his own liberty, to behead one Thomas of Hilon, an approver who had escaped from his prison, and whose head was brought back to Hyrdebotil, and there bung on the earl's gallows, to the prejudice of the K.'s dignity ; (5) and delivering his own gaol without return of the K.'s writ ; (6) and setting up a new sheriff's turn within his liberty of Eedesdale, contrary to old custom ; (7) and of taking one Hugh of Eaperslawe, the K.'s bailiff, and im- prisoning him, by Stephen Pykard, his knight, because he had entered his said liberty to give Bernard de Brus seisin of some land under the K.'s writ; (8) and for having given life and limb to a woman con- victed of larceny, and to one William of Inhou a robber ; (9) and for having de novo taken ' Thourtol' within his liberty from the K.'s men; (10) and for taking redemption of larceny, viz., from one Simon of Crokesdale, 40 marks — and 12 marks from one Eanulph, the nephew of the vicar of Alnetone, and Eoger vicar of same vill, who were taken in his liberty on suspicion of larceny ; who placed themselves on the country, but were released by him before the verdict of the jury. Gilbert appears and denies all charges. (1) As to the warren — Eoger Bertram acquired it from the K., then granted the manor to William de Swineburne from whom he [Gilbert] acquired it ; (3) as to reset of John son of William, outlawed, he knows no such person iu his liberty nor retains any felon there ; (4) as to the beheading of Thomas of Holin, he says he was neither followed nor beheaded by 46 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS / Edward I. him or his men ; (5) as to the gaol delivery, he says that all his ances- tors had such right without ,the K.'s writ, as the liberty is near the 1278-79. Scottish march ; (6) he set up no ' turn ' within his liberty ; if there Jan. 20. was any such, he renounces it for himself and his heirs in jycrpetuum ; (7) he never imprisoned Hugh of Eaperislawe ; (8) nor gave life and limb to any felon ; (9) as to toll — all his ancestors from time imme- morial have taken such at their markets of Hirdbotel and Illesdone, and so does he, and nowhere else, saving that he takes ' transversum ' from Scots men at Illeshawe, but not from English men ; (10) as to Simon of Krokedale, he was acquitted by a jury and died at the K.'s peace ; as to Eoben of Stanhus, he was indicted and arrested in his liberty for simple larceny, and he let him go on pledges till his gaol delivery ; and as he escaped, he took 12 marks from his pledges ; as to Eanulph the vicar of Alnetone's nephew, he trespassed in his forest and was attached at his court, and not appearing, his bailiffs took money from his pledges. And as he is not culpable of the trespasses charged, he places himself on the country, saving to himself benefit from the time of K. H[enry], when these things were done. A jury from both sides of Coket, both of those who were jurors before the aforesaid G[eoffry] and P[hilip], and of those now chosen for the Crown, say on oath that the Earl is not guilty, and therefore he is acquitted. [m. 17.] The burgh of Newcastle-on-Tyne came by 12 [jurors]. David of Norberwick, John of Lambatres, Thomas his brother, withdrew themselves for the burglary of Thomas Abeloc's house. Of bad repute. Exigent and outlawry. No chattels. Andrew Clere of Scotland, and Nicholas his companion, slew Eoger of Goseford in the Pilgrim's Street, in the burgh, and fled. Of evil repute. Exigent and outlawry. No chattels. The burgh in amercement for not taking them. [7?i. 17, Beatrix of Quitefeld appeals in the county Thomas of dorso!\ Wytewel of Newcastle, for sending Alan Leuedyman, John of Aberutstonn, Brun Aleyn, Eoger the parson of Quytefeld, Eichard Faceben, and Peter the groom of Eoger, to rob her house at Quytefeld, of goods to the value of 100 marks. She comes and withdraws. Therefore is sent to gaol, and her pledges, Eobert of Midford and Haulin of Newcastle, in amercement. Thomas is acquitted. The jurors attest that the trespass alleged was done in Tyndale in the kino-- dom of Scotland out of the kingdom of England, and the truth cannot be inquired into here. {^Assize Roll {Northumherland), 7 Edw. I. i\3'\ 36) ■-■ 149. Pleas of juries and assizes held before John de Vaux [and four others], justices itinerant at Newcastle-on-Tyne, in the octaves of Hilary, 7th of K. Edward. 1278-1279 Alexander de Bonkyll, Eobert of Botland, Eichard Ker, Gilbert of Jan. 20. Liddesdale [and eight others], were attached to answer to John de RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 47 Edward I. Hertliwaytone, in a plea, why they, with Cristiana wife of said Alex- ander, Thomas son of Adam of Lilleburne, and Philip le Keu, when 1278-79. the said John had taken Alexander's avers trespassing at Feuewicke, [m. 1, and wished to 'impark' them according to law, vi et armis rescued dorso.] them and beat and injured John's men in charge, to his damage of 201. John had found the beasts feeding in his meadow not yet mowed on All Saiuts' day. Alexander and Eobert of Botlande are acquitted as not present. Eichard Ker and the rest say that the custom of the country is after the ninth hour of day on All Saints' day, it is an open time, and lawful for anyone to feed his avers in unfenced meadows, and they came after that hour and fed the avers along with those of John then in the meadow. John says they came before the said hour. The jury find that the said Eichard and others, except one, forcibly rescued the avers, and beat and evil-entreated one John Horn, v and one Wytyug Godessun, John's men, and also that the meadow is his separable pasture, and not common. They confine Eichard and the others, and assess his damages at 2s. The defendants after- wards make a fine with him for 20s. by pledge of said Alexander. [Assize Roll {Northuiriberland), 7 Edw. /. m. \ [■^.] Eeb. 7. 150. The K. of his special grace has pardoned A[lexander] K. of Scotland 100 marks in which he was amerced before the justices in eyre in Middlesex, for a man of his, buried at Staines without v view of the sheriff and coroner. Woodstock. The K. commands the Barons to examine the rolls of Exchequer, and if they find that the 100 marks demanded from A[lexauder] K. of Scotland are amercemeuts, and not arrears of old debts, then to quit him thereof, by the K.'s special grace ; but if arrears, to respite them till next Parliament. Woodstock. [Memoranda, Q. E., 6 & 7 Edw. I. m. Jf, dorso.'] Eeb. 16. 151. John le Josne of London going to Scotland to trade, has a protection for a year. Woodstock. [Patent, 7 Edw. I. m. '23.'] / Feb. 16. 152. The K. commands the Sheriff of Northumberland to inquire in full county as to the imprisonment of two Englishmen in Newcastle for a murder in Berwick-on-Tweed, and the custom of the March as Foedera i. 566. to fugitives. [Eoycd Letters, No. 1273.] March 3. 153. Isabella wife of William Comyn, who is at present in Scot- / land, having appointed two attorneys in the English courts, the K. confirms them in office for two years. Woodstock. [Patent, 7 1279. Edw. I. m. 22.] March 26. 154.' Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Announces his intention, Foedera, i. 531. after Easter instant, to send his envoys to lay before him vivd voce the acts of the English bailiffs on the Scottish March. Edinburgh 48 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. (Castrum Puellarum), 26th March, 30th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1318.] 1279. March 29. 155. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. Begs him to shew favour to Ingram de Umfraville, the bearer, who is petitioning to have the lands of his late father Eobert de Umfraville. Trevequayr, 29th March, 30th of his reign. \Royal Letters, No. 1959.] Circa 156. Alexander, ' his own ' nephew, and firstborn son of Alex- March 29. ander K. of Scotland, to his ' most hearty ' uncle, the K. Expresses the warmest affection for himself, the Queen, and their children, and wishes to hear of them more frequently. Prays him to grant the petition which Sir Ingram de Umfraville is about to make for the lands of his late father Sir Eobert de Umfraville, on whose, behalf his 'lord father' has also written. Believes that the K. will be glad to hear good news of himself and his kindred. Having no seal of his own, he appends that of Sir William de Saint Clair his guardian. [No seal, place, or date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1299.] April 10. 157. Alexander K. of Scots, to his 'dearest friend' Lord Edmund de Almannia earl of Cornwall. Credence in favour of "Wlilliam] bishop of St Andrews, Ii[obert] bishop of Dunblane, and Sir Patrick de Graham, his ambassadors to the English Court, who will give his views more fully vivd voce. Edinburgh (Castrum Puellarum), 10th April, 30th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. I960.] 158. The K. to his Treasurer and Barons of Exchequer. Signifies April 27. that of his special grace he has pardoned to Alexander] K. of Scot- land, 100 marks wherein he was amerced before the K.'s justices last itinerant in Middlesex, for a certain man of his buried at Stanes without view of the sheriff and coroners ; and commands them accordingly. Westminster. [Close, 7, Ediv. L. m. 8.] May 25. 159. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Begs him to give a favour- able audience to his ambassadors, and not permit his liberties to be violated. Selkirk, 25th May, 30th of his reign. [Royal Letters, Foedera, i. 533. No. 1295.] June 21. 160. The Sheriff of Cumberland is commanded to restore without delay to Alexander K. of Scotland his liberty of Aldestone which he lately took in the K.'s hand by order of the justices itinerant in his county. Canterbury. The justices itinerant in the county of York, are similarly com- manded. The Sheriff of Cumberland is commanded to restore to Eobert de Veteripont, all his lands of Aldenestone taken in the K.'s hands by order of the aforesaid justices. Canterbury. [Close, 7 Edw. L. m. 6.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 49 Edward L 161. The K. of his special grace grants to his beloved cousin Alianora / widow of Alexander de Ealliol, all his lands and tenements in 1279. Kemestone, in the county of Bedford, for her sustentation, reserving July 6. his right to resume the same when he will. Westminster. \_PaUnt, 7 Edio. I. m. 11] July 28. 162. Alexander K. of Scotland to the K. Certain of his lieges lately appointed in presence of the K.'s justices itinerant in Cumberland, Westmerland, and York, having given him to understand that said justices have injured him contrary to English law, he sends Sir John de Svvynebourne, and Eeginald de Eihille, clerk, the bearers, to explain the same vivd voce to the K. and obtain redress from his ' royal discretion.' Durrys, 28th July, 31st of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 1962.] Aug. 10. 163. Inquisition [under writ, dated Westminster, 27th October previous, directing Eobert de Ufford, Justiciar of Ireland, to make an extent of the lands of the late John Biset in Ulster] taken in the vill of Oul on Monday next before the F. of St Lawrence in the K.'s 7th year, before Nicholas bishop of Down, and Elyas de Berkeway, by the following, viz.:— Henry Talebot, Adam de Eidal, William de Logan, William de Chene, Hugh King [and 7 others]. Who say that John Byset, son and heir of the late John Byset, held in capite of the heritage of Eichard de Burgo son and heir of Walter de Burgo in Ireland, 2 carucates of land in Dronach worth 6/., also a carucate in the vill of the Three Fountains, worth 4 marks ; 40 acres in the Milltown, worth 17s. 9|f^. ; 100 acres in Haket's vill, worth 27s. M. ; 2 carucates and 40 acres in Carlcastel, worth 4/. 9s. 4d ; from 80 acres in Carkemechan, held by Elyas de Sandal in fee, 17/. Os. ^Id. ; 2 carucates in the vill of Glenharm, worth 6 marks ; the meadow is worth 2s., and the orchard, 2s. ; the fishery, Qs. M.\ the vegetable garden, 8d ; the rent of hens and wood is worth Qs. M. Also the prises of beer, pleas and profits of court, are worth 40s. Two parts of the mill of Dronache are worth 26 crannocs of flour and 10 of malt. Two parts of the mill of Carlcastel are worth 20 crannocs of flour. Two parts of the mill of Glenharm are worth 12 crannocs of flour. He held also Glenclene and Glenarthac, waste lands, where Irish dwell, worth 7s. M. Eent of Catheriche, 20 marks. The island of Eacry (Rachrin) worth 4/. (?) 8s. 5|d Of the Bishop of Connor in capite, two parts of the land of Psallor with the Castle of Glenharm, and two parts of a carucate in Glenharm, worth 61. 4s. 5^d. and f of a half-penny. Two parts of the mill there worth 24 crannocs of flour. Two parts of a carucate of land in Galactren beyond the water of Bann, of the Bishop of Derry, worth 2 marks. That before his death, he dowered Lady Agatha Byset his step- mother in the aforesaid lands, rents, and mills, besides .... her VOL. II. D oO CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwap.d 1. terce . . . . ; tliat lie hold the lands he had of Richard da Burgo's heritage by knight's service, but they kuovt' not ' quale vel quantum;' 1279. that his nearest heirs are AVilliam de Feuton and Cecilia his wife, Aug. 10. Andrew de Bosco and Elizabeth his wife, and David de Graham and Muriel his wife; those ladies being his daughters and of age. That John By set his father died last vest and seised in the said lands and tenements ; that on the death of John the son, they came into the K.'s hands-, and thereafter into those of Sir Walter de Burgo, formerly earl of Ulster ; who after an inquisition, delivered the land of Psallor and the castle of Glenharm with a carucate of land in the vill of Glenharm, to Eobert bishop of Connor, for 10 marks and a hawk, as the right of his church, as the said John Byset held said land of the Bishop of Connor for 4 marks yearly ; that the Bishop and his present successor held seisin of Psallor for 8 years and more, but not the carucate or the Castle of Glenharm ; that the lands after the Earl's death came into the K's. hand ; that John the son died 19 years ago. That the price of the crannocs of flour increases and decreases .according to the variation. .... but this year a crannoc is worth 20d. [Much stained with gall.] [Inq. p. m. 6 Edw. /., No. 28.] Sept. 10. 164. Alexander K. of Scotland, to the K. Asks credence for what E. bishop of Dunblane, Sir John de Swyneburne, and Eeginald de Eihille clerk, shall intimate on his behalf viva voce. Asks him to signify his own and his children's condition, which he hopes is pro- sperous. Edinburgh (Castrum Puellarum), 10th September, 31st of his reign. [Sli'ihtly mutilated.] \_Toivcr Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^] Circa 165. Alexander K. of Scotland has attorned coram Rcge Adam de Oct. 12. Charletone and Warin de Faunes, in all his pleas in the English courts, for two years from Midsummer last. [Westminster.] [Close, 7 Echv. I. m. 3, dorso.l About end 166. Walter de Huntercumbe and Hugh de Euere have become of October, mainpernors for John de Balliol, to satisfy the K. for his trespass, if any, in doing homage to the Bishop of Durham for Bernard's Castle ; if it is found the homage belongs to the K. Westminster. [Close, 7 Edtv. I. m. 3, dorso, cedtdd.] Nov. 15. 167. The K. takes under his special protection for three years Albert Scot, and his partners of the ' Scotti ' of Placentia, and their goods and merchandise throughout his realm. Westminster. [Patent, S Edio. I. m.27.] Nov. 18. 168. Pleas and assizes at Werke in Tyndale in the octaves of St Martin, 31st year of Alexander K. of Scots, before Thomas Eanulph', Symon Eraser, Hugh de Peresby, and David de Torthoralde, justices itinerant, and others the K.'s lieges. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 51 Edward I. [Extracts.] Assizes and Juries. 1279. Bartholomew Prat claims 10/. of rent [in Haluton ?] against [m. 1,] William de Swyneburne, wherein Reginald Prat his grandfather, whose heir he is, was seised. They agree by leave of court and William gives the plaintiff 40 marks. [m. 1, The jury inquires if John Cumyn senior, brother of John Cumyn dorso.] junior, John de Teket [and seven other persons], disseised John Cumyn junior of his freehold in Thornetou juxta Symunde- burn. John de Teket says after the death of Sir John Cumyn, father of these brothers, he as the K. of Scotland's bailiff and escheator in Tyndale, took the same with Sir John's other lands, in the K.'s hand, and afterwards delivered them under the K.'s writ to John Cumyn senior, his son and heir, who took, and is in, seisin. John Cumyn junior is a minor. Agreed between the brothers that John Cumyn senior gives the younger John 20/. of land in the manor of Thorutone in tenancy till the latter is 21 years of age. He also will pay him 200 marks at Thorntone, in four equal sums at Pentecost next, Martinmas thereafter, and at Pentecost and Martin- mas of the succeeding year. Which 200 marks by consent of Sirs John Cumyn senior and Robert de Rosse, shall be kept by Sir James de Byrun for the younger brother's use, with the issues of the land, till his majority ; when Sir James shall answer for both money and issues to Sirs John Cumyn senior and Robert de Rosse or their heirs, and on failure, may be distrained on his lands in England and Scotland. On the younger brother attaining majority, and discharg- ing his elder brother of all claims on their father's lands, he shall be enfeoffed in the 20/. land in Thornetone, to be held by him and the heirs of his body for the quarter of a knight's fee. If he refuses, he shall forfeit his right, and the writings in neutral hands shall be delivered to the elder brother with the money aforesaid ; saving only two charters given to John Cumyn junior by his father con- cerning Thornetone manor, which shall be delivered to himself. If the younger die in minority without heir of his body, Robert Cumyn his uterine brother, shall have the lands and money above provided on the same conditions in omnibus. If Robert die without heir of his body, the 20/. land shall revert to John Cumyn senior and his heirs. And the 200 marks shall go to Robert's next friends and executors. John Cumyn senior shall be bound also to pay Alicia, Robert's sister, if then unmarried, for her marriage, the value of the said 20/. of land, viz., for each markland 10 marks, on her discharging him of all claim on her brother Robert's lands. If Alicia is married at Robert's death the said John or his heirs shall not be bound to pay her any sum. [m. 2.] William de Belingjam is summoned by the Abbot of Jed- burgh to repair his hays of Heseliside, which are destroyed to the Abbot's injury, for the avers and men of the latter's freehold in 52 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Evelingjam enter "William's hays, and are daily taken and imparked, to bis damage of 20^. They agree, and William pays half a mark. 1279. The Abbot is summoned by William to answer why he refuses him common pasture for 2 workmares with their followers of 2 years old, in his parks of Evelingjam. William is cast for non-specification, and amerced. Thomas de Collanwode and Alicia his wife .... a tenement in Hautwisele [m. 2, The Abbot of Jedburgh is summoned to deliver William de dorso.'] Belingjam, a chirograph which the latter delivered to Nicholas the Abbot's predecessor, on Sunday before Epiphany in the 54th of K. H[enry] and 21st of Alexander K. of Scots, to be inspected. The Abbot pleads insufficient specification, and William is amerced. [Henry] son of Henry de Graham grants to the Abbot and convent of Blanch -land, 5(s.?) yearly in frank almoyne at the Feast of the Assumption of tJie Blessed Mary, from his mill of Symuudeburne, as in the charter of Henry son of Henry de Graham, his grand- father, which they hold. [;«. 4, William de Belingeham, summoned to answer to the K. quo dorso.'] warranto he holds two-thirds of the manor of Bellingeham the K.'s old demesne, says that his ancestors held the same, ' for time beyond ' memory,' of the K. of Scotland's ancestors by service of being his foresters in Tyndale forest ; and thus he claims by said tenure only, and does not wish to implead the K., but leaves the matter to him, and asks his special grace therein. This ylea referred to the K. and his Council accordingly. The Prior of Hexham answers to the K. of Scots in a plea why in disinheritance of that K. and injury of his liberty and regality of Tyndale, he impleaded Robert and Alan de "Veteripont the K.'s men, before the K. of England's justices itinerant in Cumberland and Westmoreland, and still impleads them before that K.'s justices in York, for trespasses in Tyndale, as the K. of Scotland never refused the Prior a writ from his chancery according to English law ; whereby Thomas de Fisburne the K.'s procurator asserts he is damaged to the extent of 1000/. The Prior admits the fact, but says when the K. of England's writ was obtained, the manor of Aldenestone where the trespass occurred was in the K. of England's hand, and thus he could have no remedy otherwise, and offers to prove this by the record and rolls of the latter's justices, at his own peril. Is granted a day for this on the morrow of Epiphany, when he appears and fails to produce his evidence, as the English justices had remitted the matter to the K. of England, who had signified his pleasure to the K. of Scots ; wherefore the Prior averred it was unnecessary for him to produce any enrolment. The procurator of the K. of Scots asks judgment as the Prior has failed to testify the Court. [Some words lost.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 53 Edward I. Attorneys admitted. William de Eoutliclive for John Cumyn junior, versus Sir John 1279. Cumyn and others in a writ of novel disseisin, as he is a minor. [m. 5.] John Cumyn appoints coram Domino Bege, Geoffry de Moubray or John de Swynebiirne in all his pleas on the iter. Laurence de Veteripont appoints Adam Scate versus William de Svvyneburne and others. The Abbot of Jedburgh appoints Odenel de Prenderlath versus Robert de Belingeham. [m. 5, John de Haweltone and Thomas de Thirlewalle are impleaded dorso.] by Thomas Fairbarne (or Fairman), for carrying off vi et armis from Werke on Saturday next before the Feast of St James in K. H(enry)'s 50th year and the 18th of Alexander K. of Scots, 30 oxen, value of each, 10s. ; 18 cows, value of each, half a mark ; a bull, value, half a mark ; 15 other avers, value of each, 5s. ; 200 sheep both wethers and ewes, value of each, 12d., and imparking them at the said Sir John's manor of Sywinescheles, to the -complainant's damage of 100 marks (against John), and 20/. (against Thomas). [The defendants compro- mise, Sir John paying 10 marks of silver, and Thomas de Thirlewalle paying 5, to the plaintiff, by fixed proportions, at the succeeding terms of Purification, Easter, and Pentecost.] [m. 7.] The ' Kalendare ' of Tyndale. [Contains the names of sheriffs, coroners, bailiffs, and jurors since the last iter, for the regality of Tyndale, the burgh of Hautwysel, and the township of Newburgh ; also of ' manucaptors re-entered ' the first day of assize, and of a dozen or more persons found in prison.] [m. 7, The Abbot of Jedburgh, and William de Bellingham agree dorso.] before Sir Thomas Randolf and the other justices on the morrow of Epiphany in the K.'s 31st year, that William shall keep in constant repair the fences of Helelyside [by special boundaries] at the sight of eight good men of the district, who shall make a view yearly in Whitsun week and order what is necessary; and the Abbot shall have common pasture for his avers of Evelingham all the year round, and in the hays during open time, these avers lying at night on the east side of Strikeliscleythe. William also remits to the Abbot and his successors all his right in an annual rent of 13 bolls of meal and 4s. silver, and pasture for 2 mares and their followers of 2 years, in the Abbot's parks of Evelingham ; the chirographs of old made between Nicholas late Abbot of Jedburgh, and William, remaining in full force. The Abbot quit claims to William and his heirs his right of common grazing for 40 mnres and their ' sequela ' of 2 years, in Belingeham, Wardlawe and Grenacres, saving their right of grazing in same vills for 40 cows and their ' sequela ' of a year old, as in the charter of Alan son of Dolfin, William's grandfather, to the church of tlie Blessed ]\Iory of Jedburgh and the canons. [m. 8.] The township of Newburgh came by 12 jururs. 54 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Adam Aydrunken fell out of a boat into the Tyne, and was drowned. Beatrix his wife, the finder, is not suspected. Misadven- 1279. ture. No dcodand, as the boat touched on the K. of England's land in Northumberland. The jurors fined for concealment. Cecilia wife of John Unkutheman of Newburgh, with child, killed herself in her chamber, with a razor. None in the house suspected. Judgment, fclonia de se. Her chattels 17s. 3d. As she had a husband surviving, nothing from these. Nicholas son of Andrew, and John Mubray, coroners, amerced for not valuing them. [m. 8, The jurors present that an unknown thief stole four geese in dorso.] the vill of Newburgh, was taken, and by the decision of Hugh de Eerewithescheles, the coroner, they cut off' his ear. Therefore a trial thereon. Price of the geese, 6d. [m. 9, Robert, the miller of Belingjam, took a boll of meal, value 7d., dorso.] of William de Beliugjam's corn, without leave. As it seems to the justices that he should not be mulcted in life or limb for so small a delict, they fine him a mark. William the marshal of Grendon, accused of treasure found and hidden, acknowledges he found 26 pennies of some old and unknown money, which he at once gave up to the K.'s bailiffs. Acquitted. The treasure given to the justices. [in. 11, Concerning vallets : — Robert de Veteripont, Matthew de dori'V.] Wyttefelde, and Bartholomew Prat, hold entire knight's fees, and are not yet knights. Therefore ci,riicrced. Concerning vallets and girls in the K.'s custody : — Robert son of John de le Waltone is in the K.'s custody, and his lands are worth Al. Os. 8fZ. yearly. Also Alexander son of David de Lyndesey ; and John Cumyn has the custody by the K.'s gift, and the lands are worth 43 marks yearly. William son of Adam Sprot is in the K.'s custody, and his land is worth a mark. Also Richard sou of Richard de le Wra, and his land is worth a mark, [m. 11, Concerning ladies who are and ought to be in the K.'s gift: — dorso.] Alicia widow of John Comyn, whose lands are worth 400 marks yearly, Elena widow of Odard de Rideley, whose lands are worth 9 marks yearly, Avicia widow of Gilbert de Grendone, whose lands are worth 64s. 7d. yearly, Cristiana widow of Adam de Nunewik, whose lands are worth 2| marks, and Margery widow of Richard de le Wra, whose lands are worth 2s. ll\d., ought to be in the K.'s gift, and are married without warrant. To he distrained to ansivcr to the K. for the avail of their marriages. Robert de Insula is distrained to show on the morrow of Trinity quo warranto he claims a boat on Tyne water. Of malefactors in parks and vivaries: — Roger Graunger and William Bene fished in Hugh de Grendone's lake by order of William the 'terrarius' of He.xham, without Hugh's leava At- EELATINO TO SCOTLAND. 55 EowAED I. tachcd. And the Prior of Hcxlimih is distrained to produce Ids canon to ansivcr. 1279. Fishers in fencetirae : — Alexander the miller of Werke, Eichard and Gilbert the millers of Evelingham, John son of John of Nithes- dale, and Eobert Homel, fished in fencetime ; and are in amerce- ment. Hugh de Ferwithescheles made a fine of half a mark by pledge of John de Swynebnrne for his land of Wilimotteswike, which he holds in drengage of Nicholas de Eydeley ; to be held henceforth in peace without hindrance of the K. or his bailiffs by the due service. [m. 11, John Comyn takes toll in divers places outside of the burgh dorso.'] without warrant. To he spoken of. [m. 12.] Master John de Teket found guilty of divers trespasses in office ; and as he took half a mark from Huctred of Linacres because he did not wish to feed the K.'s hounds, he shall answer to the K. for the money. Agnes wife of John Cupre, was killed accidentally by a piece of the mill stone while grinding her corn in the mill of Werke. Misadventure. As the mill is the K.'s, no deodand. Eobert de Belingham leased his demesne land to farmers, and ought to give the 30th vessel to the K.'s mill, but does not. As it is unknown by what warrant, and Eobert is at present in the K.'s service, this to he spoken of to the K. [Much dilapidated ; repaired.] M) \_Assize Boll {Northumherland), 31 Alejc. III. * > 5.] 169. Pleas taken before John de Vaux, and others, justices itiner- ant in the county of Westmerland, on the morrow of St Lucia Virgin, in the 7th year of K. Edward. [John de Vaux's roll.] [Extracts.'] \in. 13.] Derverguilla widow of John de Balliol, Margaret de Eerrars countess of Derby, Elena widow of Alan la Zusche, Alexander Comin earl of Buchan, and Elizabeth his wife, claim versus Eoger de Clifford and Isabella his wife the moiety of the manors of Wyntone, Kingesmedburne, Appelby, Burgh and Kyrkeby Stephan ; and versus Eoger de Loyburne and Idonea his wife, the other moiety of said manors, as their right; and say that one Hugh [de Morvillc] their ancestor was seised therein in the time of K. Henry ' proavus ' of the present K. From Hugh, who died without heir of his body, the right descended to one Eichard his brother and heir; and from him to William his son and heir; and from William, who died without heir of his body, the right descended to one Elena as his sister and heir ; and from Elena to one Alan as her son and heir ; and from Alan to one Thomas as his son and heir; and from Thomas who died without heir of his body, to Elena, Cri'^tiana, and Derverguilla as his sisters and heirs ; and from Cristiana, who died without heir of her body, her purparty descen led to Elena and Derverguilla as her 56 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. sisters and heirs ; and from Elena the right of her purparty descended to Margaret, Elena, and Elizabeth, the present claimants, as her 1279. daughters and heirs, together with the said Derverguilla. [The Court rejects the special pleadings of the plaintiffs, and finally at York on Wednesday next before the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed [Virgin] Mary, in presence of all the parties, finds in favour of the defendants as to the four manors — dismissing the claim under the plaintiffs' writ, and amercing them for a false claim ; with leave to them to procure another writ if they see fit.] [Assize Boll (JFestmerland), 7 Edw. I. ^^Y3.] 1279-80. 170. Cristiana de Maune (Maule) and Alexander de Balliol, the heirs Hilary of Robert de Valoignes, are permitted to pay 40/. due the K., for the Term, portion falling to them of 60/. 1 mark, due by said Robert for the scutage of Wales for 80^ fees, by moieties at Easter and Michaelmas. [31cmoranda, Q. R., 8 & 9 Edw. L m. 4.] 1280. 171. The K. to Master Thomas de Hunsingouere. Writ of ' dedi- [April 4.] mus potestatem ' to receive the attorneys of Dervergulla de Balliol and Thomas Randolf, in the plea before the K.'s justices itinerant at York, between the said Dervergulla, Thomas, Hugh de Eure, and Stephen, parson of the church of Midford, executors of John de Balliol's testament, and Alan son of the Earl (fiz le Cunte), regard- ing a debt of 100/. claimed by the executors from Alan. Gloucester, 4tli April, 8th of his reign. (Endorsed.) The names of the attorneys are Hugh de Foddringeye and Simon de Castro Bernardy. [Cliancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^|.] April 4. 172. The K. to Master Thomas de Hunsingouere. Writ of ' dedimus potestatem ' to receive the attorneys of Dervergulla widow of John de Balliol, in the plea before the K.'s justices at Westminster between her, Margaret de Ferrars, countess of Derby, Elena widow of Alan la Zusche, Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, and Elizabeth his wife, jjlaintiffs, and Roger de Clyfford and Isabella his wife, Roger de Leyburne and Idonea his wife, defendants, concerning the manors of Wyntone, Kingesmedburne, Appelby, and Burgh-sub-Staynesmore, and the moiety of the manor of Kyrkby-Stephan ; and in another plea before said justices, between said Dervergulla, and John de Veer, for a debt of 24/. she claims from him. Gloucester, 4th April, 8th of his reign. (Endorsed.) Dervergulla de Galwithia lady of Balliol, appoints Hugh de Foddringeye, or Simon de Castro Bernardy, attorneys in the plea before the K.'s justices de banco between herself and her copar- ceners, ^/am^t/s, and Roger de Clifford and others in the writ, defen- dants. She also appoints the said Hugh or Lambert de Morton attorneys in the plea before said justices between herself and John de Ver for debt, [nianccry Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. f ^.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 57 Edward I. 173. Inquisition at ChelmersEorde (Chelmsford) on Thursday next after the F. of St Ambrose, bishop, in the K.'s 8tb year, before Eoger 1280. de Clifford, justiciar of the forest citra Trent, by [five verdurers and April 11, twelve free jurors], and by all the K.'s foresters sworn, whether it would be to the damage of the K.'s forest of Essex, if Eichard de Brus had leave to enclose his wood of Horsfrith within the bounds of the forest, and to make a park there, and how many acres the wood contained, and if the deer frequently repaired there, and how far it was from the enclosed forest. Verdict : — that the enclosure would damage the K.'s forest, for the stags and hinds, bucks and does, often harbour there, aud it contains 100 acres by the forest perch, and is 3 leagues distant from the coverture of the forest. \_Inq. p. m., 8 Echo. I. No. 71] May 17. 174. The following have protections while in Ireland : — Hugh Byset, AVilliam fitz Warin, John Byset, and Alan de Logan, West- minster. \^Patent, 8 Echo. I. m. 19.] May 26, 175. The K. for a fine of 40 marks, permits William de Ferrars to hold the manor of Groby in capite, in which Margaret de Ferrars, his mother, has enfeoffed him. Westminster. [Originalia, 8 Edw. I. m. 9,] June 7. 176. The K. permits Eichard de Brus to enclose his wood of Horsfrithe within the bounds of the forestry of Writele, and his adjacent lawns, with a hedge and ditch as a park, and to hold the same free of forest law for ever. Westminster. \Patent, 8 Ediv. I. VI. 14.] [June 26.] 177. Inspeximus by the K. of [inter alias] a charter by his father for the safety of his soul and for the soul of Johanna formerly Queen of Scotland, his sister, confirming to the Abbess and nuns of the Blessed place on Tarente, lands in the manor of Staunton with villeins and ' croftmen ' given to them by that Queen while the manor was in her possession ; dated Westminster, 11th May, 22nd year of his reign : — another by same K. discharging them of all foreign service, and suits due from the manor of Hanford, given to them by John de Mares and Agatha his wife ; dated Westminster, 26th February, 24th year of his reign : — another by same K., for the safety of his own and his ancestors' and his successors' souls, and the soul of his said sister, freeing Matilldis abbess of Tarente and the nuns, of all suits of counties and hundreds, and sheriffs turn, and for election of their Abbess [and many other privileges] ; dated Blaneforde, 8th September, 37th year of his reign. The K. ratifies and confirms the above. Odyham. [Charter, 8 Edw. I. m. 7.] [1274-80.] 178. Alianor, Queen [Motlier] to the K. Prays him to send July 10. letters to the K. of Scots and his son and his other friends, on behalf of the Bishop of Caithness (Katenes en Escoce), clerk of Cardinal 58 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Hugh, ' tke K.'s and her Cardinal.' The Bishop wonld have come to the K. but for the peril of the road, wherefore the Queen begs his [1274-80.] excuse. She sends William de Croft the Cardinal's valet for the K.'s letter on the Bishop's behalf. Winchester, ' le x. jor de JoeyL' [Ruyal Letters, No. V27g\ 1280. 179. Robert bishop of Dunblane has quittance from common Aug. 15. summons in the ^county of Nottingham. York. {Close, 8 Edw. I. m. 3, do7'so.] Sept. 9. 180. Robert de Brus senior came into the K.'s chancery at Carlisle on the morrow of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, and restored to Bernard de Brus all his right in the manor of Exton in Rutland, which he (Robert) held according to the ' dictum of Kenileworthe," drawing thence 40/. yearly in payment of 420 marks, for which Bernard redeemed the manor in terms of said ' dictum ' ; excepting 2 acres of meadow within the park of Bernardeshille, which Robert retains for life, and also reserving to him as chief lord, the due services therefrom. Bernard acknowledged that he was still owing 120/. ; whereof he would pay Robert 40/. yearly. Carlisle. [Close, 8 Edio. I. m. 3, dorso.] Sept. 10. 181. The K. wishing to do a special favour to Dervorgulla widow of John de Balliol, grants to her for this turn, freedom from common suQunonses of the justices errant in the counties where her lands lie, both common pleas, and of the forest. Carlisle. [Futoit, 8 Edw. I. on. S.] Sept. 16. 182. Inspeximus and confirmation by the K. of a charter granted by him while ' in minori statu existens,' at Bernard's castle 13th April, 51 Hen. III. [1267], whereby he, at the instance of Sir John de Balliol, took under his protection the Abbot, monks, and friars of Dundreyuan Abbey in Galloway and their men going to Ireland, and commanded his lieges of Dublin and Drogheda to permit them to buy to the extent of 240 crannoks of wheat and as many of oats or meal, wines, and other victuals for the sustenance of their house. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Patent, 8 Edw. I. m. 5.] July 29- 183. The K. to the Sheriff of Cumberland. Henry Scot, who had Sept. 17. lately bought a mare at the fair of Carlisle honestly from a liege man, complains that John de Wyncheles asserts the mare to be his and had been furtively lifted, and has appealed Henry thereof according to the law of the march of Scotland at Solewathe, by which law, Henry, if he cannot find sureties to pay John whatever sum he estimates as damages for the theft, at his pleasure, even though he was to place them at 1000/., must undergo judgment as though legally convicted. Henry being ready to place himself on the country and purge his innocencC; the K. desiring to do justice EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 59 Edward I. and to be further informed on the law and custom of the March, commands the sheriff to keep the matter m statu quo till his next 1280. arrival in these parts, and then to assemble a jury of the county for the above purposes. Nottingham. July 29- Inquisition on Tuesday next after the Exaltation of the Holy Sept. 17. Piood [Sept. 17] in the K.'s 8th year, at Carlisle, before Alan de Wal[kingham ?], by Eobert de Molecastre, John de Terriby, William de Boyville, Thomas de Neuton, knights ; Alexander de Bouilton mayor of Carlisle, William de Grim . ., the spicer, Eobert the clerk, citizens of Carlisle; Eobert de TylloUe, Eobert de Crogelyne, William de Harlagheston, Adam de Hoton, Eobert de Warthewyk, . . . . , William de Threllekeld, John de Stapilton, William de Wayburtwayt, Eudo de Skyrwyt, Adam de Levington, Adam de Ulvesby, .... Tyrelgh, Symon Dermanne, Stephen de Stapilton, Eobert de Lascellis, Eichard de Bracanhill, and William Ereman; who say, respecting the laws and customs in use in Cumberland, that from a time whereof no memory exists, if any robber in the kingdom of . . . ., he must quickly within the day or night after the robbery, according to the distance of the place where com- mitted, [go to ?] Brunscaythe on the English side, and to Eocheland on the Scottish side, and there publish to them the robbery committed on him, and have his evidence .... And if he finds him within 40 days, he must sue him accord- ing to the law and custom of the March, as follows . . . ., a writ from the Sheriff of Cumberland to the K. of Scotland's Sheriff of Dumfries, that he let him hare ' Handwarcelle ' regarding the robbery (?) . . . ., that he answer to him on whom the robbery was committed, and defend himself by his hand .... [From a time] beyond memory as they have heard from their ancestors, . . . ., was assigned ad hoc by the kings of England and Scotland; and .... will lose, and if he wishes to sue the robber, let the suit be at common law, if he sees fit ; and if ... . the robber of damages to the value of 40/. or 100/. at his will ; and of the said money(?) .... shall be delivered to his enemies to do justice con- cerning him at their will, and if he can find pledges .... and he who is of the English realm shall have a lance, a sword, and a targe, if he wishes, .... the appealed, and his pledges shall answer for two parts of the said money. And if any one of the realm of ... . this be known, he may obtain his remedy from the K. of England's court, and said remedy is granted to many .... county of Cumber- land. They say, moreover, that the law called ' Handwar- ' celle ' touches no person .... of the whole March, if it 60 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. shall have been prosecuted in due mode as aforesaid. They say also that John .... versus Henry Skot in the form of 1280. March law, and therefore regarding the suggestion of the foresaid impetration They append their seals. [Seals gone. Document much mutilated.] [Inq. p. m., 8 Edw. 1. No. 81.] 1279-80 184. Compotus of Thomas de Normanville for the issues of the castle and demesnes of Baumburgh for the K'.s 6 th year. He accounts for 16^. from fisheries on Twede set to farm for said term. [Pipe, 8. Edw. I. m. 28.] [1280.] 185. Margaret, daughter of the K. of Scots to her ' very dear uncle * the K. Tells him she is ' healthy and lively' (saine et haite) by God's mercy, and hopes he will constantly inform her of his own state, which God keep, and his wishes towards her. Having no seal of her own, she seals the letter with that of Dame Luce de Hesse wel her ' chamberere,' and concludes with ' mile saluz.' Norman French. [No seal.] {Uotjal Letters, No. 2602.] 1280-81. 186. The K. to the Barons. As some of the heirs of Valoines are in Jan. 7. England and some in Scotland, whereby they cannot easily arrange how to provide as to their debts at Exchequer, the K., at the request of Cristina de Valoines, one of them, gives them respite till the octaves of Trinity next ; that meanwhile they may deliberate. Walsingham. {Close, 9 Edw. 1. m. 10.] Jan. 18. 187. The K. permits Nicholas de Slan, and Maurice de Murref, attorneys of Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, and Elizabeth his wife, to appoint others. Shuldham. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 26.] Mar. 7. 188. Robert de Pinkeny going by the K.'s leave to Scotland, has a protection till Christmas next. Dounameney. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 25:] 1281. 189. In virtue of a writ dated at St Edmund's, 7th February last. Mar. 27. addressed to William de Saham, — commanding him when he had finished his iter in the county of York to go in person to Derver- gulla de Balliol to hear the recognizance which she desired to make before him regarding certain lands, wherein she had enfeoffed her son John de Balliol, and the K.'s cousin Isabella daughter of Earl Warrenne, his wife, — the jastice attended Dervergulla at Dry burgh in Scotland, on Friday next after the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary, and before him she acknowledged that she had granted by charter to her said son and heir, and his wife, all her lands and rents of Ludingeland, Greater Yarmouth, and Lesser Torkeseye, Totenham [and others], to be held by John and Isabella and the lawful heirs of their bodies, of the granter for her life, and on lier death, of the K. and the other chief lords of the fees ; provided that EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 61 Edwaed I. if John died in his mother's life, Isabella should retain the whole lands during her life, as well as her dower from the said John's other 1281. lands ; and if Isabella thereafter deceased without an heir by the March 27. said John, the whole lands and rents should quietly revert to the said Dervergulla and her heirs ; and if the said John died in his mother's life, seised of all the lands falling to him by hereditary right, the said Isabella should sell no part of the said lands so conferred on her husband and herself, unless in the allocation of dower falling to her at common law. Dervergulla granted warrandice, and declared that if any tenements, advowsons, or others at Totenham or elsewhere were excepted in her charter, they were reserved to herself in perpetuity ; if not, the recognizance should stand, as she did not remember its tenor entirely. [Close, 9 Echo. 1. m. 5, dorso.l Easter Term. May 3. May 5. May 28. May 30. Trinity Term.' July 6. 190. The K. by his writ in the Marshal's roll, commands the Barons to pardon R[obert] bishop of Dunblane 40s. in which he was amerced before the justices de banco for a default. [Me7nora7Lda, Q. E., 8 & 9 Ediv. 1. m. 6, dorso.] 191. Alexander K. of Scotland appoints two attorneys in the English Courts. Kenyntone. {Patent, 9 Edio. I. m. 33.] 192. Alexander de Balliol and Isabella his wife, who are going to Scotland, appoint Nicholas de Eenham and Eoger fitz William of London their attorneys till Michaelmas next, and for a year after. Kenintone. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 23.] 193. The K. at the request of the eldest son of his dearest cousin Alexander K. of Scotland, has pardoned to James de Multon his outlawry for the death of John Armestrang. Westminster. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 17.] 194. The K. has taken the homage of Margery widow of Nicholas Corbet, cousin and one of the heirs of Richard de Montfichet, for the lands she and her husband held of the K. in capite of her purparty of Richard's heritage, taken in the K.'s hands at Nicholas's death ; and restored the land to her. Westminster. [Close, 9 Edw. I. m. 7.] 195. The K. commands the Barons to respite till a month after Michaelmas next, their demand on John de Balliol for 100^. of his relief, at this [Trinity] Exchequer. [Mevwranda, Q. P., 8 & 9 Edw. I. m. 8.] 196. The K. confirms the grants made by Walter de Huntercumbe to Philip de Ridale, burgess of Berwick, of the services due by him to Walter, for the lands of Gateriswyk, and the moiety of the vill of Bollisdone ; and also the grant by said Walter to the Master and brethren of the 'Domus Dei' on the bridge of Berwick, of 11 marks 6s. Sd. of rent from the mill of Hedreslawe and Robert Air of Hed- reslawe. Westminster. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 11.] 62 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 197. Contract of marriage between Eric K. of Norway, and Margaret daughter of Alexander K. of Scots. Eoxburgh, Feast of 1281. St James Apostle, 1281. July 25. (Endorsed in a somewhat later hand.) ' Scriptum cirograpliatum apad Berwyc. Duplicatum ; set alterum eorum fuit missum in Nor- Fifideia, i. 59.3. wagiam ; set fuit reportatum ct submersum cum Nunciis Eegis.' \_Towcr Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^^.^ Sept. 1. 198. William Comyn, about to go beyond seas, appoints as his attorney William fitz Glay. Westminster. Isabella his wife, who stays in Scotland, appoints two attorneys (on 6th Sept.) for two years. Windsor. [Patent, 9 Fdw. I. m. 7.] Sept. 10. 199. The K. guarantees a loan of 40/. to Eobert de Brus earl of Fcpdera, i. 597. Carrick. Windsor. [Patent, 9 Edio. I. m. 7.] Sept. 13. 200. Robert de Brus earl of Carrick in Scotland acknowledges a loan from K. Edward, at London, by the hands of Baruncin Gualteri and others, citizens and merchants of Lucca, of 40/. good new and lawful sterlings, to be repaid at London at the next Parliament of St Michael. Dated Saturday next before the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Rood, A.D. 1281. London. [Liber A. {Chapterhouse), fol. 17 Jp 5.] Michaelmas 201. The K. commands the Barons, as William earl of Mar pro- Term, vided his service in the army of Wales for a knight's fee, to quit him of the scutage. [Memoranda, Q. P., 9 & 10 Edio. I. m. S, dorso^ Oct. 24. 202. Gilbert de Umfraville about to set out beyond seas, has a protection for a year. Westminster. [Patent, 9 Edw. I. m. 5.] Nov. 1. 203. The King for a fine of 100 marks, has granted leave to Ralf fitz William to marry Margery widow of Nicholas Corbet, and also leave similarly to Margery; freeing them from all molestation. Westminster. [Fine, 10 Edw. I. m. 17.] [c. 1281.] 204, Alexander his ' consanguineus,' first born son of Alexander National Mss. of K. of Scotlaud, to his uncle the K. As he is greatly delighted to Scotland, , _ r> j o i. No. i.xv. hear of his health, begs him to send accounts of it oftener, and assures him of his own well-being. Having no seal of his own, he appends that of William de St Clair, his guardian. [No place, date, or seal.] [Poijal letters, No. 1966.] [1281-82, 205. Minute, that the K. at the instance of his nephew Alexander Jan. 28.] son of Alexander [III.] K. of Scots, had restored to Nicholas son and heir of Eobert de Veteripont, the manor of Aldenestone, in the county of Cumberland, to be held of the K. of Scotland and his heirs in the liberty of Tyndal as freely as before the plea between the K. and the said Eobert. Eeserving to the K. and his heirs the mine, and the miners working in same, within said manor, and their RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 63 Edward I. liberties. [A draft of the agreement is endorsed. No place or date.] [Royal Letters, No. 1968.] 1281-82. 206. R. bishop of Dunblane, to E[obert] bishop of Bath and Feb. 15. Wells, chancellor, or his vice-chancellor. Informs him that under the K. of England's mandate directed to him, he had received the attornej^s of Sir Alexander Cumyn earl [of Buchan] and Elizabeth his wife, and caused their names to be endorsed on the K.'s letters, which he returns enclosed. Forfar, first Sunday in Quadragesima, an7io 12817)10. [Somewhat defaced.] [Chancery MiscellccTieous Fo-rtfolios, No. f ]. [Feb.] 207. Alexander Cumyn earl of Buchan, constable of Scotland, to E. bishop of Bath and Wells, his friend. The Bishop is aware that the K. of England lately authorised the Bishop of Dunblane to receive the writer and his wife's attorneys. Begs the Bishop to allow these last to appoint others in their place. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] March 18. 208. Extent of the manor of Lydel in Cumberland, of which Balde- win Wake was seised in demesne as of fee at his death, with its members, Stubhille, Arthuret, Levington, made on Wednesday next after the F. of St Gregory, Pope, at Lydel in the K.'s 10th year, before Master Henry de Bray, by oath of Sir Geoffry de Tyllole, Sir Walter de Mulcastre, knights, John -de Hardegil, Geoffry de Brantingham, Robert de Arthuret, Walter de Ormesby, William Sturiun, William son of Mathew, Alan de Hardegil, Thomas del Fairesche, Hugh de Raburneshale, Hugh de Levington, Richard de Grenehou, Henry de Arthuret, John Cathelen, and Robert son of Adam ; who say that there is at Lydel the site of a castle, containing these ' domiciles,' viz., a wooden hall, with two ' solars ' and cellars, a chapel, a kitchen, a byre, a grange, and a wooden granary, which threaten ruin ; but might now be repaired for 5 marks. Not extended, as they need more yearly keeping up than they can be let for. There are 65^ acres 1 rood of land in demesne, by the perch of 18 feet, rendering yearly 32 skeps and 12^ 'wyndells' of oat meal, viz., each one half a skep, each skep worth one year with another, &s. 8fZ. Note, that each skep contains 16 'windells,' and 16 'windells' make the quarter of a'lond' and a half. Total 10/. 18s. M. There are 2^ acres of meadow in demesne, the acres worth lOd and the half acre 12d. ; total 2s. M. There is a park containing half a league in precinct, wherein 60 oxen or cows may be kept in grazing time, the pasture of each worth %d. ; total 30s. There are no deer there, it being only enclosed for oxen and cows. There is a forest called ' Nichole foreste,' 7 leagues in length, whereof 4 are of 3 leagues' breadth, the remaining 3 of 1 league's breadth by estimate. The pannage of the forest and park is worth SO-s., and cannot be extended 64 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. to more as there are few oaks ; the forest is let, as appears below. The grazing is not extended, for the tenants dwelling therein feed it 1281-82. with their avers, under their right of common pasture. There may- March 18. be sold in the forest of dead wood yearly, without deotruction or waste, 1005, 49 free farmers pay 11^. 14s. 2cl ; and in the forest 139 free farmers pay 87/. 9s. Qd. There are 3 neifs whose rent is 16s. 6f/. All these, both farmers and neifs, must come to the lord's court whenever warned, and thrice by custom. And they of the forest must preserve the nests of sparrowhawks and eagles. There is a bakery in the vill of Lydel, extended to 2s. and no more, for no one hires it. There are 2 water mills, not here extended, but below. Also a fulling mill, extended to 4s. and no more, for it has no wheel. There are some ' breweresses ' who give de suo for licence to brew, extended to 8s. And in the forest likewise, who give 8f/. There is a fishery there extended to 13s. M. There are certain freeholders, hold- ing a land called ' Kaerwyndlo,' and they ml^st plough and reap ; such service extended to 4s. lid. The pleas, profits, vassalages, and grassums of Lydel are extended to 26s. 8(i. There are some 'paupers' there called ' selfodes ' who give de suo to be housed, extended to 3s. 4:d. There are some gresmen in the forest and give de suo for grazing, extended to 12s. 3^r?. There are some who give vassalage, extended to lis. 6d The grassums of the forest tenants are extended at 8/. Mortuaries, Freeholders marchetes, pleas, and profits, are extended at 11. Geoffry de Tyllyol of Lydel. p^QJjert (jg j^ Terete, Walter de Mulcastre, Simon de Lyndesey, Eichard de Crakenthorpe, Geoffry de Brantingham, Robert de Arturet, Isabella Ryote, Thomas de Crofel, Matillidis fitz Stephen, Richard de Kirkebride, John de Eston, Robert de Eston, William de Scalebosk, Robert fitz Herbert, the heirs of Alicia de Netherby, William son of Adam de Karewandelowe, John de Creshope, William Sturion, Agnes de la More, John de Hardegile, Emma fitz Vivian, the Prior of Carlisle, and Richard de Brakenhile, all hold by cornage, and make suit at the lord's mills, and at the court of Stubhille from three weeks to three weeks. Note, that each of their tenants must plough once a year and reap for a day in autumn, which works are elsewhere extended ; except the tenants of the Prior of Carlisle and John de Eston. There are 4 mills in the said forest, extend(!d to 16/.; and another to 8s. ; total, 16/. 8s. There are also in Lydel, Stubhil, Arturet, and Levington, 5 water mills, extended to 50/. Note, that the forest tenants shall keep up the mills within the forest at their own charges with the lord's timber ; and in like manner the tenants of Lydel, Stubhil, Arturet, and Levington, the mills in the bounds of these several townships, except the mill on Eske, which the lord shall keep up at his own charges. The chace of the forest and sparrowhawks are extended to 45s. yearly. There is the advowson of the church of Eston worth 10 marks yearly. There Stubhil. are at Stubhill, a member of Lydel, 22 1 acres of arable land ItELATING TO SCOTLAND. 65 Edward I. each paying half a skep of oatmeal, the half skep extended to 3s. 4:d. ; total, 73s. 4d Walter de Mulcastre pays yearly los. Emma 1281-82. daughter of Vivian pays yearly 12d. There are 23 free farmers, March 18. paying yearly 8/. 15d. Erom autumn services there, 13d. There are 2 neyfs paying yearly 20s. A house in the lord's hand is extended to 4s. Some breweresses there give for licence yearly 12d. Wreck there is extended to 2s. There are some paupers there called 'selfodes' who give de s2io for having shelter, extended to M. Grassums, gresmen, fines, pleas, and profits, extended to 40s. There ATthuret. are in Arthuret in demesne llli acres 1^ rood of arable land, each acre returning half a skep, price id supra; total, 18/. 12s. lid. There are 51 free farmers, whose rents are extended to 19/. 2s. 10^/. There are 4 neyfs paying yearly 61s. 2d. Autumn services there, extended to 9s. 2d. There are 5 acres of meadow in demesne, called ' Halle Enge,' extended to 24s. Breweresses tit supra, paying yearly for licence 7s. At Carlisle 6 tenants hold burgages of the lord, paying yearly 40s. The liberty of the men of Eoceland and Salom in Scotland, of free pasture in the fields of Arthuret, is extended to 7s. The liberty of fowling there is extended to 18f/. The prestation of 'selfodes' there is extended to 8d. Grassums, gresmen, mortuaries, marchets, fines, pleas, and perquisites there are Levingtoii. extended to 100s. There are at Levington, a member of Lydel, 33| acres 1^ rood in demesne, each paying half a skep, value 7tt supra, worth yearly 112s. lid. There are 32 free farmers, whose rents are extended to 12/. 19s. 2d. Autumn services there are extended to 3s. 2d. Prestation of breweresses there for leave to brew is extended to 8s. 2d. ; of ' selfoders,' to 4d. Grassums, merchets, gresmen, fines, pleas, and perquisites, 40s. There are in Brakenhulle 2 tenants, holding 3 bovates of land, who pay 17s. Mte, that 11 bovates of land in Lydel, 11 in Carwendelowe, 24 in Stubhille, 8 in Speregels ; 40(?) in Arthuret, 40 in Levington, 16 in Eston, 8 in North Eston, 4 in Brakenhulle, and 4 in Little Brakenhulle, are held of the lord by cornage, and the freeholders of these lands pay yearly to the lord, instead of said cornage, 56s. And the lord shall answer to the Sheriff of Cumberland for the K.'s use. And they make suit to the lord's court of Stubhill from 3 weeks to 3 weeks, and suit to the mills. And owe ward and relief, and aid to make the lord's eldest son a knight and to marry his daughter. The jurors append their seals. Total extent, 295/. 16s. 2d. (Endorsed) Knight's fees and serjeantcies belonging to the manor of Lidel in Cumberland. William son of Thomas de Craystok holds half a knight's fee in Dreg' in Couplonde. The Lady of Aldingham in Furneys holds half a fee ia Dreg'. Vol. II. E 66 C4LENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. [Holders by coinage.] Piobert de IMulcastre holds the manor of Torpennou (except the 1281-82. sixth part of same), worth yearly 20/. March IS. Eichard le Brim holds the sixth part of the same manor, worth yearly 5 marks. Eobert de la Ferte holds the manor of Brunestache, worth 20^. yearly. Geoffry de Tillol holds the manor of Solporte, worth yearly 20/. John de Eston holds Eston, worth yearly 6 marks. Walter de Mulcastre holds North Eston, worth yearly 100s. The same holds a tenement in Arthuret and Stubhille, worth 60s. yearly. Eichard de Kirkebride holds in Eandulves-Levington, worth 40s. yearly. Benedict de Mulcastre's heir holds a tenement in Brakenhulle, worth 60s. yearly. Eobert de Arthuret holds a tenement in Arthuret, worth 10s. yearly. Eobert de Crawendelowe and his parceners, hold Karwendelowe, worth yearly 10 marks. The heir of Hugh de Folom holds land in Arthuret, worth 40s. yearly. Emma A^ivien holds land in Stubhille, worth 10s. yearly. John Hardegille holds land in Eston, worth 20s. yearlj. Walter de Cormesby holds a tenement in Slamede, worth 20s. yearly. Walter Sturion holds a tenement in Lidel, worth 30s. yearly. Agnes de la More holds land in the same, worth 13s. 4(1. yearly. The church of Eston is worth 10 marks yearly, and belongs to the manor of Lidel. (On schedule.) Value of goods and chattels found at Lidel, 46/. 13s. Sd. [Seals all gone.] [Inq. p. m., 10 Eclw. I. No. 1282. 209. William de Lindeseye acknowledged his debt to Eoger fitz Close of Thomas of 120/., 12/. payable at the Feast of Pentecost next ; and Easter at the Feast of St Martin in hyeme next thereafter 12/. ; and so yearly Term. till paid. [In another hand.] Afterwards Ingeram de Gynes, who has to wife Cristiana daughter and heir of William, paid the whole residue, as Eoger acknowledged before the Barons. [^Memoranda, Q. li., 9 & 10 Edv.K I. m. 11, dorso.'] May 4. 210. [Anonymous] to ' his own' J. de Kyrkham. Informs him that the K., at the instance of the K. of Scotland's son, wishes to respite Geoffry de Mountbray's knighthood for a little, and commands him EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 67 Edward I. to issue the K.'s letter to that effect till the F. of St Michael next. Eecooimends to his good offices the writer's cousin, Sir 11. Estrange, 1282. in his affairs, begging him to think of him as he sees opportunity. • Wykham, 4th nones of May. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^1] May 24 211. The K. having granted leave to Robert de Brus earl of Carrick to send his men to Ireland to buy wines, corn, and other victuals for his use, commands his bailiffs and lieges there to offer them no hin- drance. Hertlebyre. [Patent, 10 Edw. I. m. ll.] [Shortly 212. Robert de Campania, knight, son and heir of Nicholas de before Campania, remits and quit claims to Dervorgilla of Galloway lady June 22.] of Balliol, all his lands in Borg in Galloway, held of her in capite; which lands she held in ward after the death of his father. To be held by Dervorgilla, and her heirs or assigns for ever. Appends his seal. Witnesses : — Sirs Bertram de Cardoness (Kerdernesse), Walter de Twynham, John de Swyneburne, and Robert de Meneville, knights; John de Geuelestone, Michael son of Durant, and Matthew de Eggles, Ralf Basset of Welledone, Simon Basset of Sapecote, and others. [Close, 10 Edio. I. m. If, dQrso.\ June 22. 213. Recognizance made in the K.'s chancery at Chester, by Robert de Campania, on Monday next before the Feast of the Nativity of St John Baptist, 10th of the K.'s reign, ratifying the above quit claim in all points, under a penalty of 208/. 13s. 4d of silver to Derver- gulla or her attorney, within a year after contravening the same. [Close, 10 Ediv. I. m. 4, dorso.] June 22. 214. The King signifies to A[lexander] K. of Scotland and others whom it concerns, that on Monday next before the Nativity of St John Baptist, anno decimo, Robert de Campania came before him in his chancery at Chester, and there remitted and quitclaimed in jperpetiLum to Dervorgulla de Galeweya lady of Balliol, all the lands which he held of her in Borg' in Galeweya in capite, with buildings, homages, and services of free men ; as more fully in a writing made between them. Chester. [Patent, 10 Ediv. I. m. 9.] July 1. 215. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. Excuses the personal Fcedera, i. 610. attendance of his constable and justiciar north of Forth, Alexander earl of Buchan. Scone, 1st July, 33rd year of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1296.] Circa 216. Alexander Cumyn earl of Buchan, constable of Scotland, to July 1. the K. Excuses his personal attendance, but sends Roger his son to Foeaeiu, i. cii. join him against the Welsh. Norman French. [No place or date.] [Pioyal Letters, No. 1297.'] 217. The K. intimates that while by judgment of his court he had 68 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. recovered against Eobert de Veteripont the manor of Aldenestone, as in his county of Cumberland, yet, at the request of his nephew, 1282. Alexander son of Alexander K. of Scotland, he had granted it to July 3. Nicholas son and heir of said Eobert, to be held by him and his heirs of the said K. of Scotland and his heirs in perpetuum ; reserv- ing to himself the mine and miners of Aldenestone and liberty thereof. And he wills and grants that henceforth the manor shall be in the K. of Scotland's liberty of Tindale ; but the miners shall answer to himself and his heirs as they have been wont hitherto for the mine. Chester. [Patent, 10 Edw. I. m. 9; Fine, 10 Edw. I. m. 10.] July 6. 218. Master Beyamundus de Vicia, who by the K.'s leave is about to set out for Scotland, has a protection for a year. Chester. [Patent, 10 Ediv. I. m. 9.] July 12. 219. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. Begs him to excuse Foedera, i. 644. Sir Alexander de Balliol of Cavers, who is occupied with the affairs of John son of the late David earl of Athol, in Scotland. Kynros, 12th July, 34th of his reign. [Ro7jal Letters, No. 1963.] Beginning 220. Guy count of Flanders and marquess of Namur, to the K. of August. Requests a safe conduct for his daughter, affianced to Alexander prince Foedeia, i. 613. of Scotland. [Boyal Letters, No. 1502.] Aug. 11. 221. Safe conduct through the K's realm for the daughter of Guy FoEdora, i. C13. couut of Flauders, on her way to Scotland to marry Prince Alex- ander. Eothelan. [Patent, 10 Ediv. L. m. 6.] 222. Master Adam de Kyrkudbright, parson of the church of Conin- Aug. 15. ton, who by the K.'s leave remains in Scotland, has a protection for two years. Eothelan. [Patejit, 10 Edw. L. m. 6.] Aug. 20. 223. Hugh Byset, who by the K.'s leave remains in England, having appointed as his attorneys in the courts of Ireland, Adam Byset and Eichard le Escot or either of them, the K. notifies his assent. Eothe- lan. [Patent, 10 Edw. I. m. 5.] Aug. 23. 224. Alexander K. of Scots, to his most cordial brother the K. Having received his letter complaining of the injuries done to the K.'s miners of Aldinistone (Alston) by the writer's men, he at once ordered his bailiffs of Tyndale to inform him on the matter, and if found to be as the K. had represented, will make fitting amends. Durres, 23rd Aug., 34th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1319.] Sept. 29. 225. Inventory of the Papal bulls, charters, and other muniments and writings of the K. [of Scotland], viewed by his precept in the Treasury at Edinburgh by Masters Thomas de Carnoto, Ealph de Bosco, and William de Duufres [his clerks], on Michaelmas day 1282. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 69 Edward T. (Endorsed.) 1291 — two schedules making mention of the bulls, charters, and other memoranda found in the K. of Scotland's 1282. Treasury at Edinburgh. [Chapter Rouse (Scots Documents), Portfolio 5, Scot; Ap'^'i, & No. 57.] Foeilera. i. 615. Nov. 12. 226. As William de Lindesi who held of the K. in capite is dead, as the K. has heard, Thomas de Normanville escheator ultra Trent is commanded to take his lands in the K.'s hand. Rothelan. [Fme, 10 Edw. I. m. 2.] Nov. (?) 227. [A churchman] to E[obert] bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor. The writer in high flown language asks the Bishop's attention not only to his own affairs, but also to those of his com- patriot of good memory Sir W. de Lyndesye, who as the Bishop knows, died on ' that expedition.' Who often before starting thereon, urged the writer most humbly to undertake the executry. Which he did, chiefly for the K.'s service, and did all things duly, according to his power, and to an inventory. This inventory, however, being very poor, the K.'s escheator has inhibited all administration till he has the K.'s pleasure. As he [the deceased ?] is bound to ' many poor,' the writer asks the Bishop to signify his pleasure to him and the executors, and likewise the K.'s favour. Eor, having the former he knows no other can grieve him. Eegarding the matter on which the Bishop wrote to him by his monk, he will shortly shew it in earnest in a writ. Is ready to do these and all other things in his power. Wishes his father and lord may flourish 'in eternum et ultra.' [No date.] [Boijal Letters, No. 1751.] 1282-83. 228. York : — John Comyn and Alianora his wife gave half a mark Jan. 12. for a writ ad terminum. Eothelan. \_Fine, 11 Edw. I. m. 23.] Eeb. 17. 229. As William Cumyn of Kylebride is dead, the Sheriff of Essex and Hertford is commanded to take his lands there in the K.'s hand. Eothelan. \_Fine, 11 Edtv. I. m. 21.] Feb. 17. 230. Writ of ' diem clausit extremum ' to the Sheriff of Essex and Hertford, directing an inquisition regarding the lands and heir of William Cumyn of Kylebride in his bailliary. Eothelan, 17th Feb. in the K.'s 11th year. [Soon after.] Extent of the manor of Sawecaumpe made by Henry de Welemon- dale, Walter de Newyke, knights [and 10 other jurors]. Who say that William Comyn held in capite of the K. by the service of a knight's fee, a messuage, which cannot sustain the houses. Also 200 acres of arable land, value 4c?. an acre; total, 5 marks. Also 10 acres of meadow, value 18d. an acre ; total, 15s. 5| acres of pasture, value 6d. ; total, 2s. 9d. Fixed rent yearly, 53s. 8d. Eent of hens and capons, worth 2s. 6d. Also a water mill, worth 1 mark. Pannage of swine with herbage in woods, ^ a mark. In works and customs 70 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 61. Os. Id. View of frankpledge, ^ a mark. He held of Eichard de Ewelle, by service of 2 marks, 160 acres of arable land, value M. an 1282-83. acre; total, 4 marks. 2 Acres of pasture, value 6d.; total, 12d. He has a son John, his next heir, 18 years of age. [Inq.p. m., 11 Edw. I. No. ./7.] ' March 16(?). 231. The K. commands John de Kirkeby, his clerk, to give Richard de Brus full and swift [redress] of the [offences] perpetrated by the villeins of his manor of Wretele, which the bearer will shew him by word of mouth. [Abercon]wey, 16th(?) March, 11th of his reign. [Privy Seeds (Tower), 11 Edw. I. Bundle I. No. 1.] 1283. 232. The K. for a fine of 60/., to bepaid at Pentecost next, has granted ]\I:irch 28. to Jchn de Gysors, citizen of London, the manor of Savecampe belong- ing to the late William Comyn of Kilbryde, in the K.'s hand, as John son and heir of William is under age and the K.'s ward ; for four years from the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary last. Aberconewey in Snaudone. [Fine, 11 Edw. I. m. 20 ; Patent, 11 Edw. I. m. 31.] March 28. 233. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Begs his favour on behalf of Sir William de Soulis, knight, who is prosecuting a plea before his justices in England, regarding the advowson of the church of Stanfordham. Scone, 28th March, 34th of his reign. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] April 4. 234. Extent [in virtue of writ, dated Piothelan, 9th February pre- ceding, directed to the K.'s esclieator ultra Trent, commanding him to extend the manor of Neuham, which the deceased William Comyn ' de Scocia ' (of Kilbride) lately held of the K. in capite, and deliver the same to John de Vescy to be kept during the heir's minority] made a^ Neuham on Sunday next after the octaves of the Annuncia- tion of the B. V. Mary in the K.'s 11th year, by Ptoger do Pyppeleye [and 12 other jurors]. Who say that the chief messuage is worth 5s. yearly. That there are in demesne 440 acres of land by the less hundred, worth yearly 17/., whereof each of 240 is worth 12d. ; and of the residue each is worth 6d. There are of meadow in demesne 50 acres, worth 100s. yearly, at 2s. an acre. There are 24 'bondi,' paying yearly 16/., viz., each 1 mark; and 16 cottars paying yearly 34s. 8d., viz., 2s. 2d. each. The multure of the mill is worth 24s. ; the brewery of the vill, 10s.; total of the manor, 41/. 13s, Sd. ; whereof there is due to the ward of Alnewik Castle, ^ a mark ; to the manor of Tughale, | a mark, and to Walter Camehow by gift of the said lord, yearly, 5 marks, the total whereof is 41. The clear yearly value of the manor is 37/. 13s. 8d. Note, before the said William's death, there was sown 240 acres of the demesne with wheat and rye, for which no rent is due this year. From fees and advowsons of churches there, nothing. The manor is delivered to EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 71 Edward I. Sir J[ohn] de Vescy to be held and to answer therefor according to the extent, till the K. shall otherwise ordain. Append their seals. 1283. [Seals gone.] [Inq. p. m. 11 Edw. I. No. 49.] April 16. 235. [Anonymous] to J. de Kirk'. As there was lately a mandate under the K.'s privy seal to Philip de Eidale, merchant of Berwick, prorogating the term of St Martin (at which Sir Walter de Hunter- cumbe who is in the K.'s service in Wales, should have paid the said merchant £100, under the condition that on failure, Sir Walter's land in Louwyk, pledged to said merchant, should remain with him in fee) till the F. of St Michael next to come ; he is to issue a mandate under the great seal to Walter de Eoburs, who holds the charter of infeftment and writings by consent of the parties, that in the meanwhile he shall not deliver the same to said merchant ; and Sir Walter is to have a protection till the said term; as also Sir Eichard de Horseleye his companion. Aberconway. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. i-' .] April 29. 236. The K. having committed to Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick the custody of the castle and county of Carlisle, commands the Barons not to deliver them to any other till otherwise commanded. And should they have been so delivered, they are with the utmost haste to revoke the same, Given under the privy seal, 29th April, in the K.'s lltli year. [Memoranda, Q. i^., 11 Edw. I. m. 2,dorso.] By a preceding entry on same membrane, the knights and good men of the county had elected Sir William de Boyville as sheriff nnder a mandate from the K. removing Gilbert de Cor wen from office, and had sent liim to the Treasurer and Barons, who had confirmed his election as from the 3rd of May. May 2. 237. The K. has committed to Eobert de Brus earl of Carrik, the castle of Carlisle and the county of Cumberland, during pleasure ; paying therefor yearly to the K. at his Exchequer as much as other sheriffs have been in use to pay for .the same. Aberconwey in Snaudone. Command to Archbishops and others to be intentive to Eobert as constable and sheriff. Also to William de Boyville to deliver the Castle with 'armatures, &c.,' and the county with 'rolls, &c.,' by a chyrograph. [Same place.] [Originalia, 11 Edw. I. m. 5.] May 12. 238. North vimberland : — William de Somerville gives half a mark for an assize. The K. has committed to John de Vescy the custody of two parts of the late William Comyn's manor of Neweham till the heir's majority, John answering at Exchequer for 27/. 15s. ^d. yearly, at which these two parts are extended; provided that § of 4/. due yearly for the castle ward of Alnewik and to the manor of Togehale, and Walter de Cambhou from said manor, shall be allowed to said 72 • CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. John at Exchequer. Thlanrust. [Fine, 11 Ecliv. I. m. 15 ; Patent, 11 Edv.\ I. m. 19.] 1283. May. 28. 239. The K. has taken the fealty of Ingeram de Gynes who has married Cristiana daughter and heiress of William de Lindesi deceased, for all her father's lands held in capite. Dolindalan, [Fine, 11 Edw. I. m. l^.] June 4. 240. Northumberland: — Thomas de Sules and Master Robert de Alburwyke, warden of the house of the scholars of Oxford of Balliol, and John de Normanville, give half a mark for a writ. Aberconwey. [Fine, 11 Edio. I. m. I4..] tluiie 7. 241. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. The bailiffs of his liberties of Tyndale -and Penrith have informed him that Edward's bailiffs, Master Henry de Neuwerk archdeacon of Richmond, and Thomas de Normanvile, knight, possibly in ignorance of his rights, are molesting and making claims on these liberties, on account of the aid lately imposed in England. He asks the K. to command them to desist. He specially thanks the K. for the honours done to his cousin Ingeram de Ginis, knight. Stirling, 7th June, 34th of his reign. [Royal Letters, No. 1320. ] June 14. 242. The K. for a fine of 100/. grants to John de tJlbestone, the custody of the manor of Fakenham Aspes in the county of Suffolk, in the K.'s hand on account of the death of William Comyn of Kylebryde, for four years from the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed ]\Iary last. Aberconwey. [Originalia, 11 Edw. I. m. 12.] Cancelled qtiia inferius ■prope finem rotuli. (Repeated 4tli July thereafter, on m. 22 of same roll.) June 28. 243. Geoffry de Neville, keeper of the K.'s forest ultra Trent, is commanded to give Robert de Brus earl of Carrik, 12 bucks in the forest of Ingelwode by way of gift from the K. Rothelan. [Close, 11 Edio. I. m. 6.] Aug. 4. 244. The K. grants John de Balliol who is going by his leave beyond seas, a protection till the F. of All Saints next. Castle Cuby, 4th August, 11th of his reign. [Privy Seals (Tower), 11 Edv). I. Bundle I. No. 2:] Sept. 11, 245. Robert bishop of Dunblane, about to set out for Scotland, has a protection for two years. Macclesfield. [Patent, 11 Edw. I. m. 11.] [Oct. 13.] 246. SomersetandDorset:— The sheriff isdirectedtodistrain Richard Hoon after. Lovel for 90Z. 18s. 9a. for his relief, and henceforth not to take the oath of his seneschal, but to have his (Richard's ?) body at the day fixed, to answer for his broken oath. [Memoranda, Q. P., 11 tC 12 Edw. I. m. 15.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 73 Edward I. 247. Eaouls Flamens, ' chivaler,' to the K. As the noble man ' Monseignur Alexandre,' the K.'s nephew, late son of the noble Lord [1283-84, Alexander] K. of Scotland, is dead, the writer and ' Mesire' Sohier Jan. 28.] de Bailluel, on behalf of ' Monseignor Guion' count of Flanders, Soon after, are going to Scotland for their young lady, his daughter, widow of the said Prince ; and their lord the Count who was at his ' Pais de Nam' (Namur) at their departure, commanded them to bring her back to Flanders. Wherefore he beseeches the K. to grant by the bearer letters of conduct for the lady through his realm. [No place or date. Faded and obliterated towards the end.] [Boyal Letters, No. 1967.] Feb. 5. 248. Letters patent by the Magnates of Scotland, whereby they Fcedera, i. 638. acknowledge Margaret princess of Norway as heiress of Scotland, failing issue of her grandfather and his late son. Scone, 35th of the K.'s reign. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Portfolio 3, No. SG.] The original lias been in very bad condition, though now neatly repaired ; many of the names printed by Rymer, 1st edition, are now obliterated. 1284. 249. John Comyn and Alianora his wife, who remain in Gallo- Apr. 6. way, having appointed two attorneys, the K. ratifies the same till Easter next, and thereafter for a year. Kaer in Arvon. [Patent, 12 Eclw. I. m. 13:\ Apr. 20. 250. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Thanks him for a long course of benefits, and for his sympathy, transmitted by his messenger friar John of St Germans, which has afforded him great solace in these ' intolerable ' difficulties and troubles which he has sustained and still feels through the death of his most beloved son, the K.'s dear nephew. Eeminds him, that though death has carried off all of his blood in Scotland, one yet remains, the child of his own dearest daughter the K.'s niece, the late Queen of Norway, now under divine providence the heir apparent of Scotland. Much good may yet be in store for them, and death only can dissolve their league of amity. Begs credence for his messenger Andrew abbot of Cupar, and requests the K.'s reply by him. Edinburgh Castle, 20th April, 35th of his reign. [Defaced and blackened, and in parts illegible.] [Royal Letters, No. 3514.} May 5. 251. As Eufemia widow of William Comyn has made oath not to marry without the K.'s leave, the K.'s escheator ultra Trent is commanded to give her dower. Karnarvan. Similar writ to the escheator citra Trent. [Close, 12 Edvj. I. m. 6.] May 18. 252. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. Eegardiug John Mazun, who asserts that the writer is due him for wines, and in consequence of whose numerous ' interpellations ' the K. has twice sent letters to the writer on his behalf, he now declares the truth as he has learned 74 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. it from his lieges. When "Weland clerk of his chamber, on behalf of the Chamberlain, had appointed Tuesday after the F. of the B. 1284. Luke Evangelist at Haddington for payment of divers merchants, May 18. John appeared with his claim. Weland told him to produce certain letters of agreement between him and the writer's Council, duly sealed, when he would pay him forthwith. John, however, declined to do so, whereon Weland asked advice from his companions and other merchants. They advised that unless John first accounted, and then on payment delivered up the letters, he neither could nor ought safely to pay him. So John withdrew only partially paid by his own fault. If the K. will enjoin him to come to Scotland, and account reasonably with the writer's men, as he has elsewhere desired him, he will get his due without delay, the rather that Edward has written on his behalf. Dundee, 18th ]\Iay, 35th of his reign. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^.] Jun. 26. 253. Alexander K. of Scots to" the K. Begs to be informed of the state of his health and assures him his own is good. Sends him by the bearers four gerfalcons, one white, and three grey, which he hopes will be the best he could wish. Hadingtun ' in Scocia,' 26th June, 35th of his reign. \_Royal Letters, No. ^964-.] Beginning 254. Isabel de Baillol to Sir Eobert Burnel bishop of Bath, of Aug. respecting the debts of her lord, who was alleged to be due the K. 300 marks, for which the Sheriff of Northumberland had been [commanded] under the green wax to make a levy on their lands and chattels. Beseeches the Bishop's interference, and for the K.'s letters to the sheriff to leave them and their people in peace till Parliament, that they may know what the debt is, by searching the K.'s rolls ; which they cannot learn from the sheriff or otherwise. Tells him she has written to ' Ma Dame la Regne ' begging her to aid that their debts be ' estales ' to Parliament, and asks him likewise to help. Adds that they cannot have respite from the sheriff if the debt is not paid at Easter, unless by favour of court, and hastily by the bearer. (Addressed) 'Al Eveske de Ba.' [No place or date. Slightly damaged.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios,!^ o. ^.] Aug. 1, 255. Arnaldus Monetarii mayor, and the jurats of the corn- er shortly mune of Bordeaux, to the K. The K. of Scotland owes their after. fellow citizen, John Masson, certain moneys for wine, long overdue, and puts off payment on various accounts, whereby said John is greatly troubled, as for want of the money his whole goods in the city arc exposed for sale by judgment of the court of Bordeaux, and will be sold, unless he recovers from the K. of Scotland before the F. of St Michael next, to satisfy his creditors. They beseech the K. to intercede for payment ; as if longer delayed, tlie said John will be RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 75 Edward L obliged to ' beg for ever.' Saturday after the F. of Sfc Peter ad Vin- cula. [No place.] [Boycd Letters, No. 1970.] 1284 Aug. 12. 256. The K. commands his clerk, Hugh de Kendale, to give Elena widow of Geoffry de Lucy, dower from her husband's lands according to the extent made ; Richard de Brus, to whom the K. had given the custody, having promised to ratify the same. Aber, 24th August, 12th of his reign. [Frivi/ Seals (Toiver), 12 Ediv. I. Bundle I. No. 1.] Aug. 24, 257. The K. to his clerk, Hugh de Kendale. Having, at the instance of his beloved cousin Isabella wife of John de Balliol, given respite to her husband of all his debts demanded by a summons of Exchequer, till the octaves of All Saints next, he is to command the Sheriff of Northumberland at his peril to respect the same, and delay the distraint, if any, made therefor. Aber, 24th August, 12th of his reign. [Privy Seals (Tower), 12 Edw. I. Bundle I. No. 2.] [Sept. 4.] 258. Northumberland : — J. de Reygateand G. Aguillon are appointed to hold an assize of mortancestre arraigned by Richard de Edlingham against Earl Patrick, of Scotland, concerning the manor of Edlingham. [Rothelan.] [Patent, 12 Bdio. I. m. 5, dorso.] Sept. 26. 259. Richard de Brus, to whom the K. lately gave 12 live bucks and does in his forest of Essex, to stock his park, having with his men taken one or two deer beyond the number, by misadventure, the K. pardons them the trespass. Overton. [Cancelled quia in- ferius]. [Patent, 12 Edw. I. m. 3.] Tlie writ repeated on m. 2, giving the name of the park, ' Horsfrith,' and the precise number of deer, viz., two. Karnarvon, 22nd October. Sept. 30. 260. Arrivals of the sheriffs on the morrow of St IVlichael, begin- ning of the loth year. Cumberland: — The Sheriff [the Earl of Carrick] sent John Aide, his servant, with 60/. ; viz., 50/. of the farm of cornage and purpres- tures, and lOZ. of charge. The citizens of Carlisle sent Jordan of Newcastle, bailiff, with 61/. and half a mark of the farm of their town. [Memoranda, Q. B., 13 Ediu. I. m. 32.] Oct. 10. 261. Elena la Zuche, about to set~out for Scotland, has. a protection in England for a year. Aberconweye. [Patent, 12 Edw. I. ni. 3.] Michaelmas 262. Recognizance by John de Tany of his debt of 6/. sterling to Term. Cristiana de Valoynes. Recognizance by Cristiana de Valoygnes of her debt of 20/., to Philip le Taylur citizen of London. She paid and is quit. [Mem,- oranda, Q. P., 12 & 13 Edw. L m. 13.] Dec. 27. 263- Ada, widovy of William de Lyndeseye, about to set out for 76 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. Scotland, has a protection till the Feast of St Michael next, and for a year thereafter, Bristol. 1284. DervorguUa, widow of John de Balliol, who is also going to Scot- land, has similar letters. Bristol. [Patent, 13 Edw. I. m. 31.'\ [Circa 264. John son of the K.'s ' faithful servant,' Bernard le Masson' 1284] burgess of Bordeaux, to the K. Eeminds him that he had very many times pointed out to • him how the K. of Scotland was due him money which he could not procure ; wherefore the K. had written three times to the Scottish K. asking him to pay. To which the latter had replied, desiring that the writer should come to him and he should be satisfied. How he was accordingly despatched with the K.'s letter, whereof he sends a transcript. But on arriving, the Scottish K. and his [people] injured him in many ways, too long to detail ; nor could he get any money, as they cheated him of 200 marks and more, and nevertheless asked ]iim to give them a letter of quittance in full. On his refusing, they put him in prison, where he still is, and will remain till the K. succours him. And they snatched from his hand the K.'s [of Scotland] obligatory letter. Wherefore he beseeches the K. most urgently for the service done by his late father to the K.'s father, to aid him, as he knows for truth, he will never recover his money or his liberty otherwise. Implores the K., for Jesus Christ's sake, to come to his assistance, as he has neither hope, nor aid, nor succour elsewhere. [No place or date.] [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, A^o. *f ^.] 1284-85. 265. Inquisition [in virtue of writ, dated Bristol, 29th December Jan. 7. previous, directed to the Sheriff of Oxford], made by Robert de Hey- ford [and 11 others] jurors of the hundred outside of the north gate of Oxford, who say, that the lady Dervergulla widow of John de Baliol, may enfeoff master Walter de Foderingeye and his fellows, scholars of the House of Baliol, Oxford, students, of a messuage in the suburb of Oxford ; that it consists of three fees, united by the purchase of John de 0, one whereof was William Burge's and owes Id. of annual rent at the F. of St Martin, and Id. of hidage at ' Hockedai,' and the service of a day in August to reap at Hedindon, worth Id. Another fee was John le Wepere's, and owes Ad. of annual rent at the F. of St Martin, and 2d. of hidage at ' Hockedai,' and suit of hundred from 3 weeks to 3 weeks. That suit may be redeemed yearly for 12d. It also owes a day's service to make hay in Northam, value Id., and the service of a man reaping for a day in August at Hedindon, value Id. Also 4il to the high altar in the church of the Blessed Mary Magdalene. The third fee was Nicholas de Kingeston's, wherein he enfeoffed John de Ew with Johanna his daughter in frank marriage, and it owes no service. The whole tenement is held in capite of the K. JVote, that the suit of the hundred aforesaid is due at three terms, viz., when the K.'s writ EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 77 Edward I. comes to be pleaded in the hundred — when a robber is to be tried in the hundred — and when they are summoned to enclose the court 1284-85. for trial. Thus should the suib be held. And if they neither attend nor make essoin, they must not be heavily amerced. The jurors append their seals. Dated at Oxford, on the morrow of Epiphany, in the 13th year. [Seals gone.] \Inq.p.m.,13Edio.I.No.l27.'\ Hilary 266. The K. commands the Barons of Exchequer to respite the Term. demand which they have made on Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, and Kichard de Brus, or their tenants, concerning the assarts of Hathfeld, Writele, and the half hundred of Harlawe, till the next parliament after Easter, and to relax the distraint, if any made. [Memoranda, Q. R., 12 & 13 Ediv. I. m. 4-, dorso.l 1285. 267. Alexander K. of Scots to the K. Was glad to hear of his April 1. health in the letter brought by Tngeram de Ginis the writer's dear cousin. Gives him especial thanks for the assistance afforded to Ingeram in his affairs. Aboyne (Obeyn), 1st April, 36th of his reign. [Boyal Letters, No. 1298.] Trinity 268. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick sheriff of Cumberland, had a day Term. for his compotus on Saturday the Feast of the Translation of St Thomas the Martyr, and was absent the first, second, and third days. There- fore is amerced 15/., viz., for each day's default 100s. and as to the fourth day, at the K.'s pleasure. {Memoranda, Q. R, 13 Edw. I. m. June 20. 269. Northumberland. The Abbot of Melros gives half a mark for a writ of trespass. Westminster. [^Fine, 13 Ediv. I. m. 7.] [June SO.] 270. Northumberland. W. de Burntone and G. de Charrunare appointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by Eobert de Throkelawe against the Abbot of Kelso and others concerning a tenement in Shottone in Glendale. [Westminster.] [Patent, 13 Edio. I. m. 12, dorso.] July 15. 271. The K. to E. bishop of Bath and WeUs, his chancellor. Having granted to Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, 10 bucks in his forest of Ingelwode, he commands the Bishop to issue a writ therefor under the great seal. Ledes, 15th July, 13th of his reio-n. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Aug. 10. 272. Alexander K. of Scots, to the K. His own messengers, William de Soulys justiciar of Lothian and ' buticularius ' of Scotland, Simon Eraser, and Eichard de Stratun, brought him o-ood news of the K. on their return. In sending them again to the K. he gives him assurance of his own health, and requests him to send back by them his wishes regarding the matters they will tell him on 78 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. the writer's behalf. Tuly Mac Argentuly, 10th August, 37th of his reign. {Boyal Letters, No. 1965.] 1285. Aug. 19. 273. Jolenta daughter of Lord E. count of Dreux, and John her brother, have safe conduct coming to England, and from thence setting out for Scotland, remaining there, and returning to their own country, to last for a year. Clarendon. [Patent, 13 Ediv. I. m. 7^] Sept. 10. 274. Dervergulla, widows of John de Balliol, about to set out for Scotland, appoints Master Thomas de Hunsingoure and Thomas de la More, attorneys till the Feast of St Michael next, and thereafter for a year. Wynton. [Patent, 13 Ediv. I. m. S.] Sept. 10. 275. The K. to William de Burnetone and Thomas de Normanville; As there has been a long strife between the Prior of Kirkeham and Ealf de Haudene and his ancestors, whether three carucates of land in Karham, were in England or Scotland ; the K. of his special grace at the request of Alexander K. of Scotland, has assigned them to inquire into the question by twelve knights and other good men of Northumberland, and the like number of Scotland, whom their K. will appoint, to meet on the ground on the morrow of Mid Lent next. And has given intimation of said day to the K. of Scotland's envoys. Wynton. [Pateoit, 13 Edw. I. m. 6) dorso.] Oct. 7. 276. The K. notwithstanding the statute against mortmain, wishing to do a special favour to Dervergulla widow of John de Balliol, grants leave to her to give a messuage in the suburb of Oxford to the master and scholars studying in the House of Balliol there, in jocrpctuum. Wynton. [Patent, 13 Edw. I. m. 3.] Nov. 7. 277. The K. commits to Constancia de Biherne (Beam), formerly wife of Henry de Alemannia, his manor of Whetele for her life, for 110/. yearly; whereof the K. grants to her, in compensation of the 100/. due to her as part of her dower in the manor of High Peak, 100/., and to pay the remaining 10/. at Exchequer by moieties at Easter and Michaelmas. And Thomas de Norman ville, keeper of the manor is commanded to give Constancia or her bailiffs of Tikehulle, the manor and its issues from Michaelmas last. [Memoranda, Q. B. 13 Ediv. I. m. 35.] Dec. 15. 278. The K. has pardoned to Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, and John de Seytone, his knight, their trespass in Inglewode Forest in taking a doe and a red deer ' priket ' when hunting, beyond the ten does which the K. gave to Eobert last year ; for which doe and 'priket' the said Eobert and John were indicted before the justices itinerant on pleas of the Forest in Cumberland ; and the K. commands the justices to acquit them. Forde [Abbey]. [Close, 14- Edw. I. m. S.] DELATING TO SCOTLAND. 79 Edwaed T. 279. The K. pardons to Eoberfc de Brus earl of Carrick, all his trespasses iu the K.'s forest of Englewode to this date. Exeter. And 1285. commands William de Vescy justice of the Forest ultra Trent, if the Dec. 28. Earl has been amerced before him or any of his servants for the said trespass, to quit him thereof, and cancel the record in his rolls. Exeter. [Patent, IJf, Echo. I. m. ^6.] 1285-86. 280. The K. grants to Eichard de Brus the custody of the manors Jan. 1. of Ashby la Zuche in the county of Leicester, and of North Multone in the county of Devon, belonging to the late Eoger la Zuche, till the heir's majority. Exeter. [Patent, 14- Ediv. I. m. ^6.] Jan. 3. 281. Eobert de Brus, who remains in Scotland, appoints Master Adam de Crokedaike, and William de Cumbertrees, his attorneys for two years. Exeter. [Patent, llf. Edw. I. m. 36.] Eeb. 13. 282. Cristiana de Maulia, about to set out for Scotland, appoints two attorneys for a year. Westminster. [Patent, 14- Edw. I. m. '23.'] On 24th February, she has letters of protection for a year. [Ih. m. 21.'] Feb. 17. 283. The K. acknowledges that DerverguUa de Balliol has paid Master William de Luda, keeper of the wardrobe 50 marks ; viz., in the 11th year, 40 marks, and on the 15th February [current] 10 marks ; her fine for the service of a knight's fee in the army of Wales in the 10th year. Westminster. [Patent, 14 Edw. I. m. 22.] Feb. 21. 284. The K. to the Treasurer and Barons of Exchequer. As it appears by inspection of sealed letters patent of Henry, the K.'s father, that he, for the laudable service of Thomas de Kynros, at the request of Margaret Queen of Scotland, his daughter, gave Thomas the redemp- tion of the lands of John de Stoke in Northamptonshire, pertaining to the K. by reason of his transgression at the time of the disturbance of the kingdom, according to the ' dictum of Kenil worth,' the K. com- mands that the holders of the lands be freed of 200/. demanded of them under an Exchequer summons. Westminster. [Close, 14 Edw. I. m. 7.] March 11. 285. The K. signifies his consent to a marriage about to be con- tracted between John de Asceles (Athol), and one of the daughters of William de Sules, in forma ecclesie. Woodstock. [Pate7it, I4. Edw. I. m. 19?^ 286. The Controller's Book of necessary expenses, anno quarto- decimo. [Extraets?[ Dec. 15- At Somerton, 15th December, to Ealph Comyn for cindone bought March 12. for John de Britannia's armour, for tissues and silk laces for same, reins, girths, surcingles, hire of 4 horses from London to Warwick, Wynton, and Eeading, to carry his armour to the tournaments there, leather bought to make ' coreias ' for his new saddles, an iron bacinet 80 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. for said John, sacks for trussing his clothes, and ' flachets ' to cover them, ' guaynepayns,' 'qviirries' hired for him and his retinue, 1285-86. pennoncells of silk and cindone, and for hackneys again hired to carry his armour and baggage from London to Kiugeston, and others bought against the arrival of the Earl from Bedford and Warwick, 7/. Os. Id. [m. £] At Eaton, 25th December, to Ralph Comyn and Hugh clerk of the Market, for the expenses of John de Britannia and retinue by the King's precept at the tournaments of Bedford and Readiug, in food and drink and mending his armour, 18Z. 13s. 5|d [in. 2,dorso.] For 4 iron crooks bought for the curtain ' del Croysneythe,' ^ 4:d. [Exeter, circa 10 th January.] [m. 4-] On Tuesday 12th March, to Sir John de Neele lord of Faleny, for his expenses from Exeter, going to the Duke of Brabant, the Count of Holand, and the Count of Gueldres, on the K.'s message, in food and drink, and himself and retinue crossing and re-crossing seas, 121. ; by the hands of his esquire. [ Wcirdrohe Accounts {Tower), U Edw. /.] March 15. 287. The Mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne, to R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the Chancellor. The Bishop having wished to be informed of the tenor of their late request or mandate to the K. of Scotland, for justice to Hugh of Hecham, merchant, regarding 120/. lately taken from him at sea by Andrew Phipel, man and burgess of said K., of Innerkethin, and of the K.'s reply, they inform him that they have learned from trustworthy persons that Andrew took from said Hugh at sea in Scotland goods worth 140/., wherefore they supplicated the K. of Scotland to see justice done ; but though Hugh has long prosecuted the matter before that K. and his Council, he has recovered nothing yet, as they understand, nor have they any reply to their own letter. A jury of 12 attest the above facts. They append their common seal at Newcastle on Friday next after the F. of the B. Gregory in the K.'s 14th year. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Before 288. John, the 'man' of the King of Castile, and master of the March 19. ship lost at ' Incha Guala,' to K. Alexander. Kisses his hands and feet. Relates that they sailed from Bordeaux for London, and were driven by tempest to the isles of * Hincha Guala,' where they put in at a good harbour and remained 20 hour3(?). Whereon Alan Radric's men came w^ith his sealed letter that the ship should go to a better port, and that he would take care of their goods as his own. When they went to Alan's port, he took all the goods out of the ship, leaving only two men in her. And 'at prim saon ' tlie anchors, cables, and 'moodres' of the ship gave way, and she was cast ashore. And when the ship was broken up (brisea), i The Cross of St Neot. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 81 Edwaed I. Alan took all the goods which were put in safety. ' And Lord, for the great mercy in you, make Alan and his men come before [1285-86;] yOu and tell these things in our presence. And Lord do me justice in your Court (?).' [^Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] Original in Spanish. Much blackened and defaced. 289. The articles which were in the ship; 8 tuns of wine, 300 do^en of ' Korduan.' And 800(?) quintals of ' aln de Duay ' wool dyed scarlet. And 20 quintals of raisins, and 13 quintals of dates, and a bale of silk cloths, and 26 ' licis,' and 26 ' huchis,' and 20 crossbows, 10 of one foot, and 10 ' de turn,' and 10 ' ankers.' And there were of shields, and ' parpoyns,' and ' chapeus de fer,' and lances, to arm 30 men. And the ship was as well found as on anjr Other voyage, and each man had 2 robes, and 20 silk banners with which ' we received Aleyn in our boat,' and [there were] 10 marks sterling, and 700 livres of * tourneys,' and 100.9. of ' burgeleys ' which * we had to spend.' Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 290. The grievances of Eoger rector of Witfeld church in Dur- ham. Before He complains to God and the K. of England that Sir Symon March 19. Eraser and his brother Andrew, sent 32 of their servants, who bound him, and having taken him with his feet tied under the belly of a sumpter horse into Scotland, robbed him of his goods, and at the end of eight days severely wounded him and left him for dead about mid- night in the forest of Selkirk. Meanwhile, Beatrix de Witfeld and her son Eobert cousins of said malefactors, forcibly entered his church of Witfeld, have hitherto kept possession of the same, and are wasting its fruits. Wherefore the Bishop of Durham excommunicated Beatrix and Eobert by name. Under which they have obstinately remained for fourteen years and more. And as the said church is in Tindale within the K. of Scotland's liberty, and these malefactors are cousins of William Eraser, his Chancellor, the rector can get no justice of them. Nor does that King wish them justified by the secular arm, though the K. of England has sent him letters and mandates. These things are public and notorious among the clergy and people through the whole diocese of Durham. (Endorsed) J. de Kirkeham and the Bishop of Durham on the fact. And let there be a writ to the K. of Scotland, as said J. shall arrange. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] Soon after 291. The Prior and convent of Kyrkeham to the K. They pray March 19. that in regard to the lands lately recovered by them by award of Parliament, pertaining to their manor of Karham on the March of England and Scotland, he would grant them such right as in the following ' pleynt ' to the late K. of Scotland : — The K. to the K. of Scotland. The Prior and convent of VOL. II. F CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Kirkeham claim certain Innds and pastures within the pre- cinct of their manor of Karham, against Sir Ralf de Houedene, 1285-86. of Scotland, who has seized them, and, notwithstanding that they possess under solemn inquisitions made by the K. with advice of his Court, wickedly suggests that they are within Scotland, and harasses the petitioners, capturing their cattle and men. Requests Alexander to put a stop to this and make amends, giving them seisin of the lands and pastures in dispute ; also if he thinks himself aggrieved, to send messengers to him fully instructed. And that if this is not done the K. will apply a remedy by advice of his Council. Westminster, 30th May, 13th of his reign. That after this the K. of Scotland, as requested, had sent his messengers to Ledes. And the K. granted to the parties an inquisi- tion by persons of both realms. And Sir Thomas de Normanvile, Sir William de Burncton, and Sir Gilbert de Thorneton were sent to tlie March to hold the same ; but it was delayed by the K. of Scotland's death, and nothing done. Wherefore they now pray the K. to cause the matter to take effect, that they and their church be not spoiled. (Endorsed) Northumberland. Petition of the Prior and Convent of Kyrkeham. Coram Rege. The K. can do nothing at present and wishes letters of Council. Coram Consilio. Let him declare who can consent to the inquisition for the K. of Scotland. [Tower Mis- cellaneous Rolls, No. ^^]. 1286. 292. Letter to the K. from the Bishops of St Andrews and Gins- March 29 gow and others who attended K. Alexander's burial. Dunfermline, Stevenson, i. 4. Friday ucxt after the Annunciation of our Lady, 1286. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4^74-] March 29. 293. Letters patent of Eric K. of Norway empowering his cousin Stevenson, i. 3. Sir Oliver de Monte Spine count of Saresburg, to borrow on his behalf 2000 marks sterling, a.d. 1286, 4th of the kalends of April, 7th of his reign. Tunesberge Castle. [Liher A. {Chapter House), fol. 177. 5.] The loan was made by K. Edward himself, as appears from the several instruments on fol. 178. April 21. 294. Alexander de Balliol about to set out for Scotland, has a pro- tection, till the Feast of St Martin next. Langley. [Patent, 1^ Edw. L m. 18.] April 27. 295. Memorandum : — That John Mazun lately detained in the K. of Scotland's prison, and released on the mainprise of William de Mont- Revel, came into the K.'s Chancery at Westminster on Thursday 27th April 14th of the K.'s reign, and pledged himself that he would EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 83 Edward I. not on account of said imprisonment do damage to any Scotsman ia Gascouy or elsewhere within the power of the K. of England. [Close, 1286. 14, Miv. I. m. 6, dorso:\ May 9. 296. Archebald le Bretoun, about to set out for Scotland, has a pro- tection, till the Feast of All Saints next. Canterbury. [Patent, IJf. Ediv. I. m. 11.] May 27. 297. Safe conduct for John Mazon merchant of Gascony, going to Stevenson, i. 12. Scotland to recover his debts. Westminster. [Patent, 14- Edtv. I. m. 8.] May 27. 298. Bull, Honorius [IV.] to the King, in reply to his petition representing that he could find no equal alliances for his children save within thei forbidden degrees, dispensing with the impediments of affinity or consanguinity within the fourth degree, and legitimating the issue of such marriages. Given at Eome at St Sabina, 6th of the kalends of June, 2nd of his pontificate. [Papcd Bidls {Chancery).'] June 4. 299. Eichard de Etone, the K.'s clerk, going to Scotland to forward the affairs of John de Mascon of Gascony, has a safe conduct. "Westminster. Teste, Edmond earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. [Patent, 14- Edio. I. m. 5.] [June 28.] 300. W^estmoreland : — N. de Stapletone [and three others], are ap- pointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin, arraigned by William de Warthewyk and Marjory his wife, against the Abbot of Sliap, David de Torthoralde and Cristiana his wife, concerning a tenement in Bamptone Patrik. [Westminster.] [Patent, 14- Edw. I. m. 7, dorso.] July 8. 301. John de Swynburne is empowered to receive the attorneys of stevensou.i. 20. DerverguUa de Balliol, in a suit between her and the Warden of the- House of the Balliol scholars at Oxford. Teste, Edmund, Earl of Cornwall. Westminster. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4'^4]- [July 12.] 302. Northumberland : — N. de Stapeltone [and three others], are appointed to hold an assize arraigned by William de Duglas, against Eichard de Brus and others, concerning the diversion of a water course in Dugenham. Westminster. [Patent, 14- Edtv. I. m. 6.] Sept. 2. 303. William abbot of Leicester, about to set out for Scotland, appoints Friar Eoger de Barkeby and Eobert de Babegrave his attorneys for a year, Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Corn- wall, the K.'s cousin. Similar letters to Master Thomas de Stoke, going to Scotland, in name of Master Walter de Haselschaghe archdeacon of Wells, and Henry de Shamutone parson of the church of Addredelye. Similar to Thomas abbot of Cokersande, going to Scotland, in name of Henry de Eaggele and Eobert de Whalleye, till the Feast of the Lord's Nativity next. Similar to DerverguUa, widow of John de Balliol, who remains in 84 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Scotland, in the names of Thomas de la More and Eichard de Fox- tone, for a year. [^Patent, IJf. Edvj. I. m. 4-] 1286. 304. Inquisition [in virtue of writ, dated Westminster, 12tli (?) Sept. 3. July preceding, directing the K.'s escheator ultra Trent to make an extent of the lands of the late Patrick de Sutheyk, that Elizabeth his ■widow might be dowered], made at Penrith on Tuesday next after the F. of the Decollation of St John Baptist, in the K.'s 14th year, before said escheator, by Adam Turp [and 11 others], who say that Patrick held lands and tenements in the vill of Skelton of the K. in cwpitc, viz., a capital messuage, worth nothing. In demesne, 23 acres of land, each worth 12cl. ; 28i acres of land, each worth lOf^. ; 6| acres and ^ of a rood of meadow, each acre worth l^d. Another meadow there is worth Qs. 8d. yearly. Twelve bovates of land, each worth yearly 3s. lOd. Tenants paying yearly for their houses and cottages 26s. l^d. Another tenant holding 13 acres and § of half an acre of land, paying 9s. Id. Other tenants pay for their lands and houses 17s. 5d. A shealing pays at the F. of St Michael 6s. 8d. A waste land, wont to yield 6s. Id., now returns nothing. A freeman holding by charter, pays Id. yearly. His (Patrick's) part of the mill was in his own hand, and worth 40s. His part of the brewery is worth yearly, 6d. These rents are paid at Pentecost and Martinmas, except the shealing, paid at Michaelmas. Patrick held by cornage, paying to the K.'s Exchequer at Carlisle 4s. Syi. He held in the vill of Kirkeandres next Carlisle, 4 bovates of land worth 46s., and paying to the K. for cornage 2s. Ad. He held of Thomas de Multon of Gilles- lande land in the vill of Ayketon by homage, which was wont to yield 26s., now waste and pays nothing. Gilbert his son is his next heir ; they know not his age, as he was born in the kingdom of Scotland, and is still there. They append their seals. [Seals gone.] [Liq.jJ. m. 14 Edw. I. No. 8.'\ Sept. 15. 305. The K. at the request of the Guardians of Scotland, stays Stevenson, i. 21. proceedings regarding the March at Carham till his return to England. Salutes [in Saintonge]. [Clianccry Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 471] Oct. 22. 306. The K. commands his escheator ultra Trent, taking security from Elizabeth, widow of Patrick de Sutheyk, not to marry without licence, and making an extent of the lands, to give her dower therefrom. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. West- minster. [Close, 14 Edw. I. m. £] Nov. 11. 307. The six Guardians of Scotland seek redress from the Guardian Stevenson, i. 26. of England for Sir Andrew de Moray and Euphemia his wife. Hadington. [Mutilated.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4'^4-] Nov. 28. 308. The Justices itinerant in the county of Suffolk are com- manded to repledge the moiety of the hundred of Lodingelaunde to RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 85 Edwaed T. John de Balliol, lately taken by them in the K.'s hand, because John did not come in person to carry the rod before them on their iter, 1286. as he should. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. [Close, 15 Ediv. I. m. 9.] 1286-87. 309. As Richard de Brus who held of the K. m capitc, is dead, Jan. 26. the escheator citra Trent is commanded to take his lands in the K.'s hand without delay. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. Westminster. \Originalia, 15 Edw. I. m. 3 ; Fine, 15 Edw. I. m. 16:\ On lOtb February thereafter the escheator is commanded to cause Richard's lands to be repledged to Robert de Brus his father till a month from Easter next, and then to take them again in the K.'s hand, unless otherwise com- manded. \_m. 4-] Feb. 5. 310. Donecan earl of Eyfe, about to set out for Scotland, appoints two attorneys for a year. Westminster. Teste, Edmund, earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. [Patent, 15 Ediv. I. m. 15.] Feb. 5. 311. The K. appoints Wychard de Charrun to receive the attorneys of William son of Nicholas the mercer of Roxburgh, in a plea in the K.'s Court of New Castle on Tyne, between said William, plaintiff, and Dionisius son of Gilbert of Bywelle, defendant, con- cerning a messuage there. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. 5tli February 15th of the K.'s reign. [Chancery Miscel- laneous Portfolios, No. 11.] Feb. 6. 312. (1) Inquisition [in \ivt-aeoiwritoi diem clav^itextremuni to the K.'s escheator citraTrent, dated Westminster, 25th January previous] made at Writele in Essex, on Thursday next after the Purifica- tion of the B. V. Mary, in the K.'s 15th year, by Richard de Springe- feud [and 11 others], who say, that Richard de Brus held nothing in said county of the K. in capite, but held the manor of Writele of Sir Robert de Brus his father, who enfeoffed him and the lawful heirs of his body for homage and a gold ring, value 2s., or 2s. yearly. Richard died without lawful heirs, as he never married. The said manor is worth in all issues 139/. 17s. 9d. yearly. (2) Inquisition [under same writ] at Totynham, on the 8th February same year, by William Inzeale, Walter Thurkil, John of the Cross, William Lombe, Gilbert Manger, Ashelon the miller, Geoffry the reeve, Walter Grom, William Attemarke, John Attewode, William Arnolde, and Odo Inzeale ; who say that the late Richard de Brus held nothing in the county of Mydilsexe of the K. in capite, but held some lands in Totynham by Sir Robert de Brus his father's gift, who enfeoffed him by charter, to be held by Richard and the lawful heirs of his body. And as he died without such, the lands should return to his said father. He held these lands, and also the third part of Kemeston manor in Bedford, by the service of half a 86 - CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. knight's fee. The said lands of Totynham are worth in all issues • 121. 17s. yearly. The jurors append their seals. [Seals gone.] 1286-87. (3) Inquisition [under same writ] regarding the lands of the late Eichard de Brus, by [12 jurors] who say, that the deceased held nothing of the K. in cajnte in the county of Bedford ; but held the third part of Kemestone manor of Sir Eobert de Brus his father, who infeoffed him (ut s^ipj-a) by the service of a knight's fee. That the said land is worth 35/. yearly. That the land should revert to his father, as Eichard died without heir of his body. [Inq. p. m. 15 Edw. I. No. m] March 15. 313. Bull of Honorius [IV.] to the King. Grants him the papal loBdera, i. 674. tcuth in Scotkud, &c., if he goes to the Holy Land. Given on the ides of March, 2nd year of his pontificate. St Sabina, Eome. [Papal Bulls.] March 16. 314. Eobert de Pinkeny, about to set out for Scotland on his own affairs, appoints two attorneys till Michaelmas next. Westminster. [Fatent, 15 Edw. I. 12.] 1287. 315, The K to his cousin Edmund earl of Cornwall, his Apr. 6. lieutenant in England. Eobert de Brus complains that the lands of his late son Eichard have been seized by the escheator, though they reverted to himself on his death without issue. The K. commands them to be restored. Bordeaux, 6th April, 15th of his reign. [Chan- cery Miscellaneous Foi^tfolios, No. W.] May 15. 316. Eichard Knut, about to go to Scotland, appoints two Stevenson, 1. S5. attomeys till Christmas. Westminster. [Patent, 15 Edw. I. m. 11.] July 5. 317. Lincoln : — Duncan earl of Fife gives half a mark for a pone. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. [Fine, 15 Edw. I. m. 7.] July 19. 318. Inquisition [in virtue of writ, dated Westminster, 7th May loth of theK.'s reign, directed to his escheator w/^ra Trent, command- ing an inquiry by men of the visne of Neuham in Northumberland, as to the age of John Comyn son and heir of William Comyn of Killebride, who had asserted he was of full age] made at Alnwick on Saturday next before the Feast of St James the Apostle, same year, by Sir Eobert de Glantedun, Sir Walter de Edlincham [and 10 others] who say that he is of full age, viz., 21 years and upwards. They append their seals. [Seals gone.] A sirailar inquisition [in virtue of writ, dated Westminster, 10th May, same year, directed to the K.'s escheator citra Trent] was made at Fakenaspes (Suffolk), on 12th July, by 12 jurors, who found that John Comyn, the heir aforesaid, was 21 years of age on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Eood, in the K.'s 14th year [14th Sept. 1286], and append their seals. [Seals gone.] By a writ, dated Queenborough, 22nd March, 16th of his reign, the EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 87 Edward I. K. commands Edv/ard earl of Cornwall, his lieutenant in England, to give the said John Comyn seisin of two third parts of his lands, 1287. and to retain in the K.'s hand the third belonging to his mother as dower, she having remarried without the K.'s licence. [Im. p. in. 15 Echo. I. No. 71.] Aug. 9-11. 319. (1) Inquisition [in virtue of writ of diem clausit extremum, dated Hereford, 25th July preceding, to Thomas de Normanville, the K.'s escheator ultra Trent], made on Saturday, the vigil of St Laurence the Martyr, in the K.'s loth year, at Corebridge in the county of Northumberland, by Eustace do Gurley [and 11 other jurors], who say that John de Hawelton held of the K. in capite the manors of Hawelton, Wytingtou, and Claverworth, delivering yearly to the K. 4 pounds of silver, one moiety at the F. of St Cuthbert in March, the other at the E. of St Cuthbert in September, and paying the K. yearly at the latter day 2s. M, of cornage ; and paying the K. for ever at the end of 3| years, 20s. of fine of court, and following the county of Northumberland from six weeks to six weeks. And that he was seised in demesne in said vill of Hawelton, of 337 acres of arable land, the value of each of 210 whereof is M., and of each of 50, 4d, and of each of 77, 2d. Also he held of meadow therein 24 acres, value of each 18c?. Also a capital messuage with 2 pastures and a walled garden, worth yearly beyond sustaining the houses, ^ mark. Also 10 bondages, each whereof contains 30 acres of land, and returns 19s. M. yearly ; and each ' bondus ' does labour worth 3s. M. annually. Also half a bondage containing 15 acres, returning ^s. M annually ; a cottage there returning 12fZ(?) yearly; a mill, now broken and has not worked for 4 years and returns nothing now, but was wont to return for foreign suit yearly 2s. M. ; the ' intrinsic suit of said vill of ... . due from Wytington, worth 52s. &d. He was seised in demesne of 180 acres of arable land, value M. an acre; and 4 acres of meadow, value 18fZ. an acre. He also held 5 bondages, each containing 30 acres, and returning 21s. M. Each bondage does yearly labours worth 3s. M. Also the moiety of a bondage return- ing yearly 10s. M. and doing labours worth 2()\d. a year. Also 5 cottages, 4 of which return 6d each, and the 5th, od. yearly ; and each of the four does labour in autumn worth 4fZ. and the fifth likewise, worth 2d. There are there 3 bondages let to farm for a tern of years, each returning 18s. yearly for multure and everything else. Also 1 a bondage (?).... 2 marks of yearly rent from the service of Robert de Wotton for the third part of said vill of Wytington, held by him of the deceased. That Walter de Camhow took yearly 20s. of the farm of said vill by an enfeoffment made by said John to llobert de Camhow and his heirs for ever. John held 33s. (?) of the suit of the men of Wytington to his mill there, and for the foreign suit to said mill, U. 6s. M. including therein the suit of the men of Claverworth (?). Also he was seized of the moiety of the vill of Dennum, 88 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. containiug 9 messuages, 170 acres of land, and returning yearly 8 marks; that he held the same of John Marmeduk, by domg no 1287. service to him hitherto, as it is frank marriage. Also of 5 marks of Aug. 9-11. rent to be taken from Cecilia, heir of Hugh de Bolebek. Also he liuld other tenements in fee at his death in the liberty of Tynedale, held by the K. of Scotland of the K. of England, now in the latter's hands, for which the escheator of Tyndale will answer. William, his son, is his next heir and of 40 years of age and upwards. They append their seals. [Seals gone.] Inquisition [under same writ] made at "Werk in Tyndale, on Monday, the morrow of St Laurence the Martyr (year foresaid), regarding John de Haweltou's lands held in capite in the liberty of Tyndale, by John de Warewick, Nicholas de Thorngaston, Hugh Iiussel of Symundeburne, John de Nonewik, Adam de Grendon, Eoger de Hetherinton, Hugh de Migequam, Henry de Bradeley, Eobert del Walton, Adam de Tyndale, Eichard de Thirlewale, and Thomas le Forester of Kokerig, who say that John held in capite of the K. the manor of Schiwynscheles in Tyndale, which used to be held of the K. of Scots by the service of | a mark yearly, and is worth 8/. in all issues yearly. That he also held the shealing of Hayleys of William de Swineburne, by the service of Id. yearly, and its value is bos. Sd., also the shealing of Midilburne of Hugh de Nonewik, doing no service to him, worth yearly 6s. 8d. The said John paid the said K. yearly 1 lb. of pepper for the field called ' le Walfelde,' extended in the manor of Sewinsheles. William de Hauwelton is next heir, and 40 years of age. They append their seals. [Seals gone.] [Inq. p. on. 15 Edio. I. No. 21.] 1285-87. 320. Compotus of Thomas de Normauville of the issues of the late 19th March- K. of Scotland's lands in Northumberland and Cumberland, Michaelmas. for the 14th and 15th years. [Chapter House (Scots Docu- ralgrave, pp. 3-14. mCllts), FoHfoUo 2, No. i.] 1287. 321. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, who remains in Scotland, Oct. 8. appoints two attorneys for a year. Westminster. [Patent, 15 Edw. I. on. 4^.] Oct. 15. 322. The K. to the Abbot of Holmcoltran. Writ of 'dedimus potestatem ' to receive the attorneys of Eobert de Brus and Chris- tina his wife, who are staying in Scotland, in all their pleas in the English courts, for a year. Westminster, 15th Oct., 15th of his reign. (Endorsed) The attorneys are Master Adam de Crokd'[yk] and John Scirlock. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^^.] [Nov. 1 2.] 323. Northumberland : — N. de Stapeltone [and two others], ap- pointed to hold an assize of novel disseisin arraigned by the Abbot of Melrose against Walter de Huntercumbe, concerning a tenement in Hethpol. Westminster, [Patent, 15 Edw. I. on. 1, dorso.l RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 89 Edward T. 324. Writ by the six Guardians to Alexander de Balliol chamber- lain uf Scotland, to pay David de Torthorald, knight, his fee for this 1287. year. Edinburgh. Dec. 7. Attached is a receipt by him to Adam de Boultone and David stevenson,i.39,5i. Arplyn, the reeves of Dunfres. Dunfres. [Chapter House {Seots Documents), Box 100, No. 150.] Dec. 8. 325. Writ by the six Guardians, to Alexander de Balliol chamber- stevenson, i. 40. lain of Scotland, to pay Ingeram de Umfraville, knight, his yearly fee. Edinburgh. {Chcfpter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. im 1287-88. 326. Eecognizance by Eobert fitz Eoger, to Master Walter de [January.] Foderingeye warden and the scholars of Balliol College, for 100^., by 20/. yearly, secured on his lands in Buckingham, Northumberland, and elsewhere. Cancellecl. He paid and is quit, as Master William de Kyrneshale master of said house, acknowledged. [Close, 16 Eclw. I. m. 10, clorso.] Jan. 28. "327. The K.'s lieges and friends in Scotland are commanded to aid John Bisshope and Hugh Wisman merchants of Lynn, who are going to Scotland to reclaim their goods arrested there. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall, the K.'s cousin. [Patent, 16 Echv. I. m. 18.] Jan. 29. 328. Receipt by Ingeram de Umfraville, to Sir James the Steward of Stevenson, i. 45. Scotland by Eeginald of Ayr, clerk, for 20 merks sterling of his fee. Ayr, Thursday next before the Purification. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 14'^.] Hilary 329. William de Grendone parson of the church of Brintone, and Term. William Bate of Groby, executors of the testament of William de Ferrars, swore before the Barons on the 29th day of January to satisfy the King in the quinzaine of Easter next for. his debts. [Memorccnda, Q. B., 15 & 16 Echv. L m. I] March 11. 330. The writer [Anthony Bek bishop of Durham] sends greeting with the blessing of God and himself. On behalf of Sir William Heron, the K.'s servant in the north, he begs that his warrant of essoin be sent without delay, as on the day he should have made it, he was with the writer at Carham on the March of Scotland, to seize some evildoers. Norham. Given on the 5th of the ides of March, 5th year of ' our consecration.' [Royal Letters, No. 2631.] 1288. 331. As friar Eobert de Turville, master of all the houses of the April 13. Temple in Ireland, Scotland, and England, must vacate their rule, being hindered by various matters touching his own house, and by intirmity, and is thus unable to appear in divers pleas in England, the K. permits him to appoint friars Eichard de Hoghtone and Walter de Chaureye as his attorneys till the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. 90 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. [Patent, 16 Edw. /. m. 15.'\ 1288. On 21st June tlie Master has leave to appoint friars Roger tie Eolling and John de Mohun as attorneys. [lb. m. 13.] April 1, 332. As the K. is sending his clerk Master Thomas Cantok to Scotland, to forward his affairs there, all his bailiffs and lieges are commanded to aid him. Westminster. Teste [Edmund earl of Cornwall]. [Patent, 16 Ediv. I. m. IS.] April 25. 333. Eichard Knut, who is about to set out for Scotland, appoints William de Bolteby and Thomas de Hotone attorneys till Christmas next. Westminster. [Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall, &c.] [Patent, 16 Echo. I. m. 15.] May 2. 334. Alexander de Balliol, who is going to Scotland, appoints Eobert Hereward his attorney till Christmas next. Westminster. Teste [Edmund earl of Cornwall]. [Patent, 16 Edio. I. m. 14-.] May 13. 335. The six Guardians of Scotland beg that the bailiffs of Stevenson, i. 50. Tyudale be stopped molesting John Wyscarde of ' le Cars ' in the advowson of Knaresdale church and ward of John Prat, sold to him by the executors of the late K. of Scotland. Edinburgh. [Chancery Miseellaneous Rolls, No. 4-'^4-] June 1. 336. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to stcTcnson, 1. 50. pay Thomas de Clenhill knight, his fee at Pentecost last. Edin- burgh. [Clui'ptcr House {Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 6^ July 2. 337. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 51. pav Johu de Haya knight, his fee at Pentecost last. Perth. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 151.] July 13. 338. The K. commands his lieutenant in England to signify to Stevenson, i. 52. the BislioD of Durham to admit John Wyscard's presentee to the church of Knaresdale in Tyudale. Oloron in By erne. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-'^4-] Aug. 2. 339. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 53. pay John de Soulys knight, 201. for his fee. Edinburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 143.] Attached is a receipt by Sir John, dated Saturday next after the Purifica- tion (4th Feb. 1289-90) at Sa . . . . ton. To this his signet in white wax is appended ; a shield cliarged with three bars, surmounted by a ribbon. Leg. ' [sJouLE ' Aug. 27. 340. Inquisition by 12 jurors in favour of Henry de Aynstrother Stevenson, i. 54. ag heir of his father William, in the fourth part of the lands of Hetherintone in Tyndale. [Inq. p. m. 16 Edw. 1. No. i£] Sept. 1. 341. Alexander de Balliol and Isabella his wife who are going to. Scotland, appoint Pobert de Kemesing, clerk, their attorney till EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 91 Sept. Foedera, ; 1. i. 739. Sept. Stevenson, 6. i. 56. Edwaed I. Pentecost next. Westminster. Teste [Edmund earl of Cornwall]. IPatcnt 16 Echo. I. m. 6.] 1288. On 28tli July 1289, they being still in Scotland, appoint the same attorney till Easter following. [Pat, 17 Edw. I. m. 13.] Sept. 1. 342. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay Stevenson, i. 55. Master John de Kethe his fee of 10/. Edinburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 145.] 343. The K. empowers A[ntony] bishop of Durham to give safe conduct to the ambassadors of the K. of Norway to England. Geytynton. [Zibcr A. {Chapter House), fol. ISO.] 344. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay Sir Alexander son of the earl of Dunbar, 20 marks, arrears of his fee for 1286, Append the seal of the Regency. Edinburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 9 4, No. 5.] Much injured by damp. No seal. Sept. 12. 345. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 57. pay Sir William Cumyn of Kirkintilloch, 10 marks sterling, his fee at Pentecost last. Edinburgh, [Chajjter House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 5.] Sept. 21. 346. Eeceipt by Sir Alexander son of Sir Patrick earl of Dunbar, Stevenson, i. 58. from Eobert Olivere and Symon of Dirlton, burgesses of Berwick, for 12 marks sterling, his fee from the late King of Scotland. Appends his seal. Berwick. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. S.] Injured by damp. No seal. Nov. 17. 347. Pieceipt by William de Dunfres, clerk of the rolls of the Stevenson, i. 62.- royal chapel, from Sir Nicholas de Haya sheriff of Perth, for 20/. sterling. Aj)pends his seal. Perth. [Chaper House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 5.] Much injured by damp ; the fragment of his seal representing St Michael and the dragon, described by Mr Stevenson, is lost. Nov. 19. 348. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 62. pay Ingram de Umfraville knight, his fee. [Injured by damp.] Edinburgh. [CJiapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94, No. S.] Nov. 20(?). 349. The Guardians command the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 64. provide for the necessary expenses of the royal chapel. Append the seal of the Pegency. Edinburgh. [No seal. Much injured.] [CJiapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 6.] End of Nov. 350. The Guardians command the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay Stevenson, i. 56. Sir Alexander, son of Patrick earl of Dunbar, knight, his fee of [10 marks] sterling at Martinmas last past. Append the seal of the Pegency. Edinburgh. [Chcqjtcr House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. -5.] No seal. Much mutilated and injured by damp. 92 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. 351. Eeceipt by Sir Alexander son of the Earl of Dunbar, on Friday next after the Feast of St Clement pope, 1288, to the 1288. Chamberlain of Scotland for his fee of £6, 13s. -id. Appends his Nov. 26. seal. Ednam. [No seal.] [Chaptei' House (Scots Documents), Box 94-, Stevenson, i. Co. N^O. 5.] Dec. 1. 352. The K. commands Thomas de Normanville and Guychard de Stevenson, i. 65. Charrun to hold an inquiry into the claim of John de Massun against the late K. of Scotland, "Westminster. Teste [the Earl of Cornwall]. [Fatent, 17 Edw I. m. 22, dorso. See Royal Letters, No. 1969.] Dec. 1. 353. The K. to the Sheriff of York. Commands him, on the complaint of the executors of the late K. of Scotland, that John de Massun has refused the settlement offered by them, and arrested Scotsmen's goods in various counties, to release such arrestments in his bailliary, and warn parties to appear before the Commissioners whom he had appointed to try the question. Westminster. (Endorsed) Nothing arrested in York for that debt except four horses, value 40s., arrested in Knaresburghe. But John le Mazon received from Sir Nicholas de la Haye, a Scottish knight, 8/. at York for wine sold to him. \_Royal Letters, No. lolO.] Dec. 3. 354. Eeceipt by William Comyn lord of Kirkintilloch, at Roxburgh, Stevenson, i. 67. on Friday next after St Andrew's day, 1288, by the hands of Sir Herbert de Maxwell, for 10 marks sterling, his fee at Pentecost last. Appends his seal. [^Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box. 94, No. 5.] Mucli injured by damp. No seal. [1288.] 355. Sir Hugh de Abernethy begs the K. to give him letters to the Stevenson, i. 69. Pope. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474-] 1288-89, 356. Inquisition by 14 jurors, under writ of diem clausit extremum, Jan. 27. as to the dower of the late Eufemia widow of William Comyn of Stevenson, i. 69. Kilbride, in Savecaumpe. [Inq. j). m. 17 Edw. L. No. 13.] Jan. 27, 357. The K. requests the Guardians of Scotland to arrest William Stevenson, i. 83. ^q Douglas and Alienora de Ferrars wherever found, and send them before him and his Council to answer for contempt. Westminster. [Chancery Miscellaneous Fortf olios, No. ^\]. An original corrected draft. Jan, 28, 358. Writ commanding the Sheriff of Northumberland to seize the lands and chattels of William de Duglas for his contempt in violently abducting and carrying off into the interior of Scotland, Alianora, widow of William de Ferrars, from Elena de Zusche's manor of Tranent, where she was awaiting her dower from the lands of her late husband — and to arrest and imprison himself if he can be found. Westminster, [Originalia, 17 Edw. I. m. 3.] On 14th July after, the escheator iilira Trent is commanded to take the lands and chattels of John Wichard, an accomplice of William de Duglas in the abduction, [m. I4.] PtELATING TO SCOTLAND. 93 Edward I. 359. Memorandum of proceedings in the inquiry [under the K.'s writ] into the claim of John le Massun of Gascony, against the Bishop 1288-89. of St Andrews and other executors of the lateK. of Scotland, held by Feb. 3. Thomas de Normanville and Guichard de Charrun with their Stevenson, 1. 71-8. associate Walter de Cambhou, at Carham on the March of Scotland, on the morrow of the Purification, in the K.'s 17th year. {Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, So. 4'^4-] Circa 360. M. de Hartcla to Sir Thomas de Normanville. [A report on] Feb. 3. the goods arrested in the county of Cumberland for the K. of Scotland's debt to John ' le Macune, ' viz., from the vicar of Eeynepatrick, 16 oxen and 2 avers, value 100s. From John le Spens' and Geoffrey his brother, 8 cows, value .... From Geoffrey le Spens' and William le Tayllor, for 1 boar, 4s. From Eobert Bernois, 26 lambs, value 13s. From Eobert de Hilton 20 (?) lambs, 10s. From Geoffrey le Spens and William le Tayllor, for a little horse, 2s. From Eichard de Capella, 30 lambs, 15s. From Master Adam .... junior, 4 horses, 20s. From Stephen Synagh (?) for sheep, 24s. From William Scut of Brunscayt, 40 lambs, 21s. From Ealf de Har .... for the men of Eobert de Brus, for 16 stirks, 14s. Total, 15/, 13s. And the goods of the Lady de Baylloll, and some others to the value of 10/. in the realm of Scotland were arrested, and by the K.'s writ were entirely delivered .... {Royal Letters, No. 1971.] No place. Macli defaced in parts. Feb. 7. 361. Inquisition by 12 jurors at Bamburgh, as to the dower of the Stevenson, i. 78. late Eufemia widow of William Comyn of Kilbride in the vill of New- ham. [Inq. p. VI. 17 Eclw. I.' No. IS.] Feb. 16. 362. The K. orders au inquiry into the late arrest at Doncaster Stevenson, i. 79. of tlic Bishop of St Andrcws and other Scottish envoys, by the Sheriff of York. Westminster, Teste, Edmund [earl of Cornwall]. [Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. 19, dorso.] March 7. 363. Eeceipt by William Comyn of Kirkintulloch, knight, at Stevenson, i. fo. Linlithgow, on Monday the Feast of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas [12.88], to the Chamberlain of Scotland, by Hugh de Daliel sheriff of Lanark, for 6/. 13s. 4c/., his fee at Martinmas last. Appends his seal. Ijiulithgow. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 5.] A small round seal in white wax, an antique gem ; legend illegible. 1289, 364. Eeceipt by Sir Eichard Eraser for 20 marks as his official Beginning fee ... . [Obliterated all but the name.] of. (Endorsed) ' Eicardi Eraser de xx marc' pro feuda suo de termino Pentecostes auui &c. octavi, et de termino Sancti Martini proximo sequente.' [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 8.] April. 365. E. Knut sheriff of Northumberland, to the Bishop of Ely. Stevenson, i. 85. Having taken the lands of William de Duglas and John Vicharde in 94 CALENDAli OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. his own bailliary for their ravishment of Alianora de Eerrars at Travernent, he learns that John has lands in Tyndale, out of his 1289. jurisdiction. Asks the Bishop, if he wishes Lhcm, to give him written instructions. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Fort- folios, No. VO April 6. 366. Writ of diem clausit extremum on the death of Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, commanding the escheator citra Trent to take his lands in the K.'s hand. Woodstock. {Fine, 18 Edw. I. m. 16.] April 7. 367. The Guardians command the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay Stevenson, i. 86. John dc Haya knight, his fee. Edinburgh. [Much defaced.] [Chapter House {Scots Bocumcnts), Box 94-, No. 5.] ii^pril 8. 368. Warrant to pay 40/., to Ei chard of Norway whom the K. is Stevenson, i. 87. sending to Norway on special affairs. Westminster. [Fatent, 17 Echo. I. m. 30.] April 19. 369. The K., learning thatthe late Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan held no lands in ccqyite, having enfeoffed John his sou and heir seven years and more past, in the manor of Whytewyke and all his other lands in the counties of Leicester and Warwick, to be held of him for half a knight's fee, and that John is 30 years of age and more, has taken his homage, and commands the escheator citra Trent to give him seisin. Stokbrigge. [Fine, 18 Edw. I. m. 15.] April 28. 370. Kobert de Brus earl of Carrick, who stays in Scotland, appoints attorneys for a year. Westminster. Teste, Edmund [earl of Cornwall]. The said Kobert^ and Cristiana his wife, who stay in Scotland, appoint two attorneys for a year. Westminster. Teste ut supra. [Fatent, 17 Edw. I. m. 18 :\ April 29. 371. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain or his Stevenson, i. 87. deputy to pay William de Haya of Lochervire, 20 marks sterling of his fee from the royal chamber at Martinmas last, and Pentecost next. Append the seal of the Eegency. Edinburgh. [No seal.] [Chayter House (Scots Documents), Box 9^, No. 6.] May 3. 372. The K. takes the fealty of William de Yescy brother and heir of John de Vescy deceased, and the escheator ultra Trent is com- manded to give him his brother's lands, taking security for relief, and that he will do homage when the K. returns to England. Saving the dower of Isabella, John's widow. Teste, Edmund earl of Corn- wall. Westminster. [Fine, 17 Edw. I. m. 12.] May 8. 373. John de Balliol who is going beyond seas, appoints two attorneys till Michaelmas next. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall Westminster. [Fatent, 17 Edw. I. m. 18.] ^ An error, tlie Competitor is meant. PtELATTNG TO SCOTLAND. 95 Edwaed I, 374. William de Hay of Lochorvyre acknowledges receipt at Scone on Sunday in the octave of the Apostles Philip and James, 1289 (?), 1289. by the hands of Master William de Cramimd, clerk of Sir Alexander May 8. de Balliol chamberlain of Scotland, of his fee of 10 marks sterling . for the past year. [Chapter House (Scots Documeiits), Box 94, No. 5.] Another receipt of same date, Box 94, No. 5. Fragment of seal in white wax, on tag. A gem, a woman's head in profile to sinister, with diadem (1) and Phrygian cap. Leg. '. . . . CD SVM (?) . . . .' The same seal occurs detached, in green wax, rather more per- fect, in No. 10 oi same box. Leg. '. . . . acia dei s . . . .' No doubt to be read — gracia dei sum quod sum (1). May 20. 375. Writ of ' dedimus protestatem ' to John de Swyneburne to receive the attorneys of Thomas de Hellebek and Avicia his wife in the plea depending in the court of John Corayn of Tyrsethe, between them as plai7itiffs, and Henry de Whyteby and Johanna his wife defendants, regarding a messuage and a carucate of land in Fulvvode in Tyndale. Westminster, 20th May, 17th of his reign. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] May 25. 376. The K., understanding that the late Eufemia widow of William Comyn of Kilbride, held nothing but dower of the heritage of John Comyn, William's son and heir, whose fealty the K. has taken, commands the escheator to give her dower lands, taken in the K.'s hand for her trespass in marrying Andrew de Moray (Murreve) without licence, to the said John, till the K. returns to England. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. Westminster. [Fine, 17 Edw. I. m. 11.] May. 377. The K. commands Walter de Camhou to receive the attorneys Stevenson, i. 88. of the Abbot of Kc'lso in a suit between him and Master John of Bernard's Castle, who claims 46Z. from him, and also to be kept in food and clothes for life. [Westminster.] Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. [Mutilated.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474-] June 16. 378. John Comyn of Buchan who remains in Scotland, appoints two attorneys for a year. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. West- minster. [Patent, 17 Bdw. I. m. IS.] June 20. 379. John abbot of Liudores in Scotland, appoints Adam de Broys and Eobert de Levyntone, his attorneys for a year. West- minster. Teste, Edmund earl of Cornwall. [Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. 18.] July 8. 380. Warrant to receive the attorneys of Dervorgulla de Balliol steveneon, i. 9i. in a suit between her and the Abbot of Lundors regarding the church of Wissindene. Westminster. Teste, Edmund earl of Corn- wall. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4'^4-] July 10. 381. The Guardians of the realm command William de Soulis Stevenson, i. 06. 96 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. sheriff of Eoxburgh, to inquire if William de Heswelle, the bearer, is heir of his father iu the lands of Edilisheuide. Linlithgow. 1289. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^74.] Sept. 1. 382. Master Baymund de Vicia canon of Este, who is going to Stevenson, i. 103. Scotland, has a protection for a year. Reylegh. Master William de Grenefend, who is going in the K.'s service to Scotland, has a protection till Easter next. Eeylegh. The said William, whom the K. is sending to Eome to forward his affairs there, has a conduct iit supra. Eeylegh, [Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. P.] Sept. 3. 383. Protection for Tirricus de Campis Ludi and two others, Stevenson, i. 104. euvoys from Eric K. of Norway. [Eeyleghe.] [Patent, 17 Edw. I. on. 5.] Sept. 12. 384. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain to Stevenson, i. 103. pay Sir Alexander son of the late Patrick earl of Dunbar, 10 marks sterling, his fee at Pentecost last. Perth. [Chapter Mouse {Scots Documents), Box 9^, No. 5.] Sept. 17. 385. John fitz Eobert, in the K.'s presence on Saturday next after the Eeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Eood, asked that Gilbert de Lindeseye's liberties in the manor of Mulisworthe, taken in the K.'s hand for his default in a writ de quo tvarranto, might be repledged. [Close, 17 Edw. I. m. 3, dorso^ Oct. 3. 386. The Guardians of Scotland accredit the Bishops of St Fofdera, i. 713. Audrcws and Glasgow, Eobert de Brus the father, and John Comyn, to treat with the Ambassadors of the K. of Norway. Melros. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol 127.] Nov. 6. 387. Tnspeximus by the K. of the above letters patent, addressed Foeciera, i. 713. to him by the Guardians of Scotland. [Clarendon.] [Pate7it, 17 Edw. I. m. 8. See also lAher A. {Chapter House) fol. 127.] Nov. 6. 388. Inspeximus by the K. [of letters patent by Eric K. of Norway Fcedeia, i. 70G. accrediting envoys on the affairs of his daughter Margaret Queen of Scotland. Given under seal at his City of Bergen, kalends of April, lUth of his reign]. ^; Clarendon. [Patent, 17 Echo. I. m. 3. See also Liher A. {Chapter House), fol. 14.9.] Nov. 6. 389. The K. begs the prelates, magnates and whole community of Fcedeia, i. 719. Scotland to obey the Guardians of that realm. Clarendon. [Patejit, 17 Echo. I. m. 3.] Nov. 6. 390. Treaty between the Norwegian and Scottish envoys and the Foedera, i. 719. Commissioners of the K. of England, regarding the Queen of Scot- land. Salisbury. [Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. 3.] Nov. 6. 391. The K. binds himself to deliver the Queen of Scotland free Fcedjia, i. 721. to her people. Clarendon. [Liber A. {Chapter House) fol. 127b; Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. 3.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 97 Edward I. 392. Bull of Nicholas [IV.] permitting Prince Edward to marry Margaret of Norway, the young Queen of Scotland. Church of St 1289. Mary Major, 16th of the kalends of December, 2nd year of his ponti- Nov. 16. ficate. Eome. {^Patent, 17 Edio. I. m. 4, cedidd.] Foedera, i. 721. Three original copies of thi.s bull are extant in the Public Record Office, and another occurs in Liber A., Chapter IIoaxe,fol. 151 h. Nov. 16. 393. The K. commands the bailiffs of great Yarmouth to pay to John de Balliol 55^. yearly, which the late K. H[enry] granted to Dervorgulla de Balliol in part of her share of the earldom of Chester, and had been assigned by her to John her sou and heir. Linde- hurst. [Close, 17 Edio. I. m. 1.] Nov, 25. 394. Eeceipt by John de Haya knight, on Friday the Eeast of St Stevenson, i, uiKatherine 1289, from the clerk of the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 10 marks sterling as his fee at Pentecost last. Perth. [Injured by damp.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94^, No. -5.] Dec. 30. 395. Alianore Queen of England, to Sir Eichard Knout sheriff of Northumberland, empowering him to procure Lady Isabel de Vescy's dower in the manor of Sprouston in Scotland. Westminster, under her privy seal, 30th December. Norman-French. [No seal.] [Royal Letters, No. 3125.] 1289-90. 396. Inquisition at Witincham regarding the lands of the late Jan. 3. Patrick de Dunbar in Northumberland and his next heir, viz., Stevenson, i. 117. Patrick his son, whose age is found to be 47. [Inq. p. m. 18 Echo. I. No. 22:] Feb. 5. 397. The K. having taken the homage of John de Carlisle son and heir of William son of Ivo de Carlisle, deceased, for his father'.:^ lands held in capite, commands the escheator tdtra Trent to give him seisin. Westminster. [Close, 18 Ediv. I. m. 16.] Feb. 8. 398. Writ of allocate for Thomas de Normanville escheator idtra Trent, of 40 marks paid by him, John de Swinburne's yearly pension of 10 marks from the late Alexander K-. of Scotland, secured on the land of Tyndale, for the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th years of the K.'s reign. Westminster. [Liberate, 18 Edw. L. m. 6.] Feb. 14. 399. John de Warenne earl of Surrey, who is going as the King's envoy to Scotland, has a protection till Midsummer next. West- minster. [Patent, 18 Edw. L. m. 38^ Feb. 15. 400. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain to Stevenson, 1. 119. pay Thomas de Clenhile knight, his fee of 10 marks at Martiumas last. Hadington. [Chapter Rouse (Scots Documents), Box- 94-, No. 5.] Injured by damp and partly defaced. Feb. 16. 401. The K. commands an inquiry whether John Comyn son and st-venson. i. 120. heir of the late William Comyn of Kilbride was in England or VOL. II. G 98 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I Scotland when his father died, and if he left England ' fraudulently to deprive the K. of his marriage. Westminster. 1289-90. (Endorsed) The jurors find that he was at the Castle of Kilbride in Scotland at his father's death and for two years before. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-'^ 4-] Feb. 18. 402. The K. commands inquiry as to the arrest of W[illiam] Stevenson, i. 121. bishop of St Audrews in Yorkshire, on his way to the K. in Gascony ; and also as to the proceedings of John le Mazun, merchant of Gascony. Westminster. [Patent, 18 Ediv. I. m. 37.] Feb. 20. 403. Memorandum : — that certain secret letters touching the affair of Norway were authenticated at London, in the house of E[obert] bishop of Bath and Wells, the Chancellor, on Monday the morrow of the first Sunday of Quadragesima, so that they were not enrolled on the Chancery rolls, nor seen, but forthwith carried to the K.'s Wardrobe, to be there enrolled. [Close, 18 Edu\ I. m. 2.] Feb. 20. 404. The K. commands that A[ntony] bishop of Durham, get pos- Stevenson, i. 122. scssiou of the late K. of Scotland's lands in Penrith and Tyndale, to be held as the K. ordered vivd voce. Westminster. The writ in favour of the Bishop follows, of same date. [Patent, 18 Edw L m. 35.] Feb. 22. 405. Extent of the lands of the late DerverguUa de Balliol, who Stevenson, i. 123. died ou 28th January preceding, in the vill of Kempston. [Inq.p. m. 18 Edw. I. No. 28.] Feb 26. 406. Inquisition [in virtue of writ of diem clausit extremum dated Westminster, 4th February, 18th of the K.'s reign, directed to Thomas de Normanville the K.'s escheator ultra Trent] made at Driffelde on Sunday next after the Feast of the Blessed Peter in cathedra, year foresaid, before Robert de Clif sub-escheator, by William Stabeler of Skir [and 11 other jurors], who say that Lady Dervergilla de Ballol held the manor of Driffelde in capite of the K., in exchange for her pLirparty of Chester which fell to Christiana her sister, who died without heir of her body, and does no service as far as they can make out. She held in demesne 28 bovates of land, each worth 2 marks. There are 4 water mills and a market worth 201. There is a capital manor enclosed, but not enough for its sustentation. There are 13 carucates in socage, each returning of farm 16s. lOd. ; and 7 bovates which pay 14s. 8f r?. There are 61 services of socmen, viz., in ploughing, harrowing, weeding, reaping crop, and carrying in autumn ; extended at 61s. They say that all the socmen remain- ing in socage give a ' merchet ' for their daughters when they give them in marriage. That all the socmen pay socage each for himself for relief when it happens, 16s. There are 4 carucates of land and a bovate in drengage, each carucate 16s. lOd., and for the bovate by EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 99 Edwabd I. itself 2s. l^d. And there are G bovates which pay 12s. only ; and 4 bovates paying Id. only. The tenants in drengage pay for relief when 1289-90. it happens, 26s. 8d. The perquisites of court are worth 20s. Also there are in 'cottage/ 29, whereof all pay 30s. 6d. and half a farthing. Each does three ' falces ' in autumn, value of the service Sd. ; total, 7s. Sd. There are at Kellum 5 carucates of land and 4 bovates, paying 4/. 18s. 7d., and 1 bovate in demesne paying 12s. ; and 3 bovates paying 6s. ; and the labours there are extended to 3s. 8d., and they give relief when it happens as the others of Driffelde. It is said there are in Kelinthorp 6 carucates of land paying 4d. 4s. and suit of court, and giving relief when it happens, viz., 26s. 8d. Also in Besewike 3 carucates, paying 40s., and suit of court from three weeks to three weeks ; and they give for relief 26s, 8d. There is in Brigham a carucate of land in demesne paying 10 marks yearly, and a half carucate paying 5s. 2d., and suit of court ut supra, and gives relief of 16s. Tbere are in Little Driffelde 16 cottages, paying yearly 43s. 8d., and suit of court by three turns of the year at the K.'s writ, and at trying a robber. They say that Sir John de Balliol is son and nearest heir of the said Lady Devorgulla de Balliol, and 35 years of age. The total is 98/. 7s. [Inq. p. m. 18 Ediu. I. No. 28.] Feb. 28. 407. Inquisition [under writ dated Westminster, 29th January previous] held at VVerk in full court before the bailiffs of Tyndale and the keepers of the pleas of the Crown, on Tuesday next after the E. of St Mathias Apostle, in the K.'s 18th year, by Eichard de Thirlewalle, John de Thirlewalle, Thomas Malherbe, Henry de Bradeley, Thomas le Forester, Adam de Tyndale, John son of Ealf, John son of Adam, Symon de Quarenleye, Adam de Grendon, VValdeve de Nunnewik and Walter de Evelingham ; whether John de Fulewodde, in the prison of Werk, for the death of Eobert de le Greneheued, killed him through hatred and enmity or not, and if not, who is guilty. They say John is not guilty; but that as he and Eobert were coming from the church of Hautwysselle towards ' le Huntlande,' a strife arose between John and one Eobert de Chirdene, and Eobert de le Greneheued, coming to part them, hurt himself on an arrow carried in John's hand, and was wounded in the thigh, of which he languished for six weeks. He died by misadventure, for he and John were always special friends before the accident and till his death. The bailiffs of Tyndale, keepers of the Crown pleas, and 12 jurors all append their seals. [14 tags, no seals.] [Chancery Afiscellancous Portfolios, No. |]-.] [Feb. (?)] 408. Scotland : — Eichard Knout sheriff of Northumberland, asks Stevenson, i. 125. a Writ to the Guardians of Scotland, or one of them, for a safe con- duct to and from Scotland. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474.] 100 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 409. Receipt by Thomas de Clenliil kuight, from Sir Alexander Ealliol, by the bauds of Alexander de Glasfrith (?) escheator south of 1289-90. Forth, for 6/. 13s. M., his fee at Pentecost 1288. [Mutilated ; no ]\Iarch 7. seal.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94, A^o. 8.] Stevenson, i. 125. Mar. 10. 410. Inquisition [in virtue of writ of diem clausit extremum, dated "Westminster, 4th February, 1 8th of the K.'s reign], made at Fodringeye on Friday next before the Feast of St Gregory pope, year foresaid, of the lands and tenements of the late Lady DerverguUa de Balliol, by oath of Hugh Chaunpyun of Weryngton [and 11 other jurors] ; who say that DerverguUa held in ccqnte the hamlets of Nassington and Jarewelle, which answer before the justices as one vill, by what service they know not, as she and her ancestors never did any to the K. That the neifs of ISTassington and Jarewelle pay yearly to the K, at the ' great turn' of the sheriff in the hundred of Clyve for fixed fines, 10s. There are at these vills 210 acres of land in demesne, each worth lOd. ; total 9/. lis. 8<^., and 106 acres of meadow, each worth 2s. Bd., total 14/. 2s. 8d.; also 46 acres of pasture, each worth lOd. yearly ; total, 38s, 9d. A watermill with its land and meadow appurtenant, is worth yearly 61. 13s. Ad. The rents of free- men there are worth 37s. 5d. at the Feasts of Pasch, St John Baptist, St Michael, and Christmas. A pound of pepper of rent at the Feast of St Michael is worth 8d. There are ' custumarii ' holding 29 virgates of land, and paying yearly at the above four terms, 41. 6s. 8d. by equal portions. Their works and customs are worth 11/. 7s. 6d. yearly. 46 cottars pay yearly 6/. 20d. at the above terms equally. Their works and customs are worth 2s. 6d. yearly. Pleas and profits of court are worth 20s. yearly. Total 64/. Os. 5d., besides the customary tenants' aid at Michaelmas, at the lord's will. She held also the manor of Fodringeye with its castle, of the K. of Scotland, by the yearly service of a soar sparrowhawk for herself and her coparceners, heirs of the Honour of Huntingdon. There is no profit from the castle on account of the great charge from the costs of the walls, houses, and others within the same. There are at Fodringeye 411 acres and 1 rood of land in demesne, whereof each is worth 9f/.; total, 15/. 8s. B^d. There are 280 [acres] and 1 rood of meadow, each worth 3s. ; total, 42/. Os. 9d. There are 92^ acres of pasture, each worth 3d., total, 23s. l^d. Sixty acres of wood in the K.'s forest of Clyve, pertain to the manor, but there is no profit from sale, as it is in the forest. The pasture in the park there is insufiicient for the deer in it. There is a water mill, worth 36s. yearly. There is a common oven worth yearly 26s. 8f/. The free fishery is worth 20s. Also the rents of freemen are worth 52s. 3^d. at the Feasts of Pasch, St John, St Michael, and Christmas, by equal portions. Customary tenants hold 24 bovates of land, and pay 48s. yearly at the aforesaid terms equally. Their labours and customs are worth 12/. 17s. yearly. Ten cottars pay yearly 20s. at the afore- EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 101 Edayaed I. said terms. Their labours are worth 2s. 6d. yearly. There are also 18 cottars who pay 32s. yearly at the above terms, equally, and do 1289-90. no works. There are 2 freemen who pay yearly at Christmas, 4 capons, price M. Pleas and profits of court are worth 20s. Total 83/. 17s. l^cL, besides aid of the said customary tenants at Michael- mas, at the lord's pleasure. Sir John de Balliol son of the said Dervergulla is her nearest heir, and is 40 years of age. They append their seals. [No seals. Blackened with galls.] [Inq. i?. m. IS Edw. I. No. 28.] March 12. 411. The Guardians of Scotland command "William de Soulys Kationai Mss. of sheriff of Eoxburghe to cause Eichard Knout knight, to appear Six.'°'^' '■ ^''' ^^^°^'® ^^^^ ^^ Edinburgh on Monday before Mid Lent, to answer for illegal poindings against the laws and customs of the March. Sunday, the Feast of St Gregory pope 1289. Scone. [Boi/al Letters, No. 4689.] March 12. 412. The K., having taken the homage of John de Balliol son and heir of Dervorgulla de Balliol, deceased, for all his mother's lands held in capite, commands the esclieator citra Trent to give him seisin, CaTicelled hecause on the Fine EoU. Dunameneye. {Close, 18 Edw. /., m. U.] 413. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Mar. 13(?). pay to Patrick de Graham knight, his fee ... . Eoxburgh, [Much Stevenson, i. 128. injured and repaired.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 6.] March 17. 414. Writ by the Guardians to the Chamberlain of Scotland to Stevenson, i. 132. pay Johu dc Haya knight, his fee at Martinmas last Eoxburgh, [Injured by damp.] [Chapter Rouse (Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 5.] March 17. 415. The Guardians of Scotland command the Chamberlain to pay Eobert Byset knight, his fee at Pentecost and Martinmas last. Eoxburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 133.] March 17. 416. Letter to the King, by the Guardians, prelates, and magnates Fcudera, i. 730. of Scotlaud, assenting to the marriage of Prince Edward and Margaret Queen of Scotland. Given under the common seal used in Scotland, in name of their Lady, Friday next after the Feast of St Gregory 1289. Norman French. [Liber A. (Chapter House), foL 149 a.] Llarch 17. 417. Letter by the Guardianfj of Scotland to Eric K. of Norway, Foedera, i. 731. urging him to soud his daughter insta ntly to England. Norman French. [Liber A. (Chapter House), fol. 150.] [March(?).] 418. Eichard Knout sheriff of Northumberland complains to the Stevenson, 1. 1^7. K. and Council of the harsh proceedings of the constable of Roxburgh Castle against him when obeying the Queen Consort's commands. Norman French. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 474.1 102 CALENDAE OF D0CUME:NTS Edwakd I. 419. The Abbot of Wellebek, about to go in the K.'s service to Norway, has leave to appoint two attorneys till the Feast of All 1290. Saints next. "Woodstock. April 10. The Abbot has also letters of protection for same period; and he, with Friars Geoffry de Feugers and John de Bekingham, and Master Henry de Craneburn, going in the K.'s service to Norway, have letters of conduct for same period. Woodstok. [Patent, 18 Echo. I. on. 33.] April 10. 420. The K. signifies to Eric K. of Norway that he has appointed Foedera, i. 731. Authouy bishop of Durham, his plenipotentiary to treat with him. Woodstock. [Pate7it, 18 Edw. I. m. 33; and 17 Edw. I. m. 4, ccd'idd.] April 14. 421. Inquisition [in virtue of writ of diem clausit extremum dated at Wodestok, 6th April, 18th of the K.'s reign, directed to the K.'s escheator citra Trent] regarding the lands of Alexander Comyn earl of Buchan, made at "Whytevvyke 14th of same month, by Serlo of Thorppe [and 11 other jurors], who say that the said Alexander Comyn held no lands oi the K. in capite at his death, as he enfeoffed John his son and heir more than seven years ago of the manor of Whytewyke and all his other lands in the counties of Leicester and "Warwick, to be held of him by the service of half a knight's fee. That the said manor is worth 100^. yearly. That the said John Comyn is son and next heir of Alexander, and is of the age of 30 years and upwards. They append their seals. [Seals gone.] \_Tng. p. m. 18 Ediv. I. M. 10.] April 16. 422. Henry de Eye and Simon le Sauvage, who are about to go to Norway in the King's service, have a protection till Christmas next. Ambresbury. [Patcoit, 18 Ediu. I. 7n. 33.] April 17. 423. The K. urges Eric K. of Norway to hasten the arrival of his Foedura, i. 731. daughter, the Queen of Scotland, in England. Aumbrisbury. [Patent, 17 Edw. I. m. If,, ccdidd.] April 19. 424. John Comyn earl of Buchan in England, who is going to Scotland, appoints Ealf de Lasceles and Ealf Peynele his attorneys for two years. Stokbrigg. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 33.] April 20. 425. William Servat, merchant of Cahors, who is about to go to Norway, appoints two attorneys for two years. Wynton. The same person, stated to be just starting for Norway, has a safe conduct of same date. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 32.] [April.] 426. Eric K. of Norway requests the K. to command the Guardians and Chamberlain of Scotland to pay the arrears of his marriage. [No place or date.] [Boijal Letters, No. 1303.] May 14. 427. The K., at the request of W[illiam] bishop of St Andrews, grants Ealf Tendman, burgess of Perth, freedom from distraint in EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 103 Edward I. England for 5 years, for- all debts in which he is not principal or guarantee. Westminster. 1290. William de Dodingstone, burgess of Edinburgh, has similar letters Stevenson, i. 153. at the request of Simon [Eraser] brother of the said bishop. [Patent, Ibid. 18 Edw I. m. 30.] May 15. 428. The K. binds himself to refund and pay to the Guardians Foedera, i. 734. of Scotknd at Bcrwick 3000 marks unless the Queen of Scot- land arrives by All Saints day. Westminster. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 30.] May 15. 429. William de Douglas, in prison at Ledes Castle, is released on Stevenson, i. 155. the maiuprize of John de Hastings and others that he will stand his trial. Westminster. [Close, 18 Edw. I. m. 11.] May 16. 430. The K. permits William de Moravia, who remains in Scotland, to appoint Laurence de Petyn and Andrew le Surrees his attorneys for two years. Westminster. [Patejit, 18 Ediv. I. m. 30.] May 24. 431. The K. commands thei Sheriff of Northumberland to repledge Stevenson, i. 154. the lauds and goods of William Douglas and his men seized for his abduction of Alianora de Ferrars, till the quinzaiue of St Hilary next, when the K. and Council will take order therein. Westminster. Similar writ to the escheator idtra Trent for John Wycharde, his accomplice. [Close, 18 Edw. I. m. 11.] May 31. 432. The Bishop of Caithness, chancellor of Scotland, acknow- stevenson, i, 213. ledges rcccipt from John de Leg . . . ., constable of Forfar, of 40^. sterling, for his fee as keeper of the seal(?). Appends his seal, Wednesday next after Trinity Sunday(?). Scone. [Much defaced. No seal.] [Chapter House {Scots Docume7its), Box 100, No. 1^8.] June 4. 433. The K. commits the custody of the Isle of Man to Walter de Stevenson, i. 156. Huutercombc. Westminster. The men of the island are taken under the K.'s protection. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 28.] June 16. 434. The K. appoints six commissioners to inquire into the com- stevenson, i. 157. plaiuts of divcrs Scotsmcu against John le Mazun of Gascony, and his debts to them. Westminster. [Patent, 18 Ediv I. m. £3.] June 20. 435. The K. signifies to the Guardians, prelates, nobles, and whole Stevenson, i. 158. realm of Scotland, that he has appointed the Bishop of Durham and others his plenipotentiaries in its affairs. London. Caiicelled, because the letter was restored by the Bishop of Durham. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 19^ [June 20.] 436. The K. signifies his reply to the petitions lately sent to him at Stevenson, i. 160. Londou by tlic Guardians, prelates, nobles, and whole realm of Scotland. [No place.] 104 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Cancelled, because the letter was restored by the Bishop of Durliam. [Patent, 18 Ediv. I. m. 19.] 1290. 437. The K. empowers A[iitony] bishop of Durham to receive the June 20. men of the Scottish isles to his peace. London. [Fateut, IS Edw. Stevenson, i. 1(!1. J^ 7?^, IQ,] Soon after 438. The inhabitants of the Isle of Man bind themselves to obey June 20. the K. of England as their lord. Given under their common seal at Foedcra, i. 739. the Abbey of Russyn, a.d. 1290. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol. 185.] May 1- 439. Expenses of the Abbot of Welbeck, Master Henry de Crane- June 25. burne, and Henry de Eye, the K.'s envoys to Norway, after they met Stevenson,!. ^^ York ou SS. Philip and James's Day in the 18th year. ,149-153. j-rpj^g envoys had 27 men and 18 horses while at York. They set sail from Hartlepool on Tuesday, 9th May, leaving 11 men and 14 horses behind. On 20th May, while still at sea, the expenses of 9 men going about to seek a house at ' Northeberge' (Bergen ?), and awaiting the great ship for seven days are charged. The 21st and four following days were spent at sea. From 26th May till 6th June they were at 'Nurhberg'; and on Wednesday, 7th June, they set sail for England, arriving at Eaveneshore ^ on the 16th, the remaining nine days being occupied in their journey to report to the K. at London. The voyage out seems to have occupied seventeen days, the home one only ten. On the voyage out they purchased, on the 12tli May, 18 fresh cod for 12d., on the 14th, cray tish and crabs for4f^., and on the 17th, 2 turbots and other small fish for lOd On the home voyage they contented themselves with the ship's stores, laid in at Berghen.] [The original is much destroyed by galls.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474..] Juno. 28. 440. The K. grants to Eobert fitz Eoger the custody of the lands and heir of John son of William Corayn of Killebride, till his majority, and his marriage without disparagement. Havering. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. ^1.] July 12. 441. AYilliam bishop of St Andrews, Robert bishop of Glasgow, and Alan bishop of Caithness, acknowledge, in the name of the community of Scotland, that they received at Sprouston in Scotland on Wednes- day next after the Feast of the Translation of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr, a.d. 1290, the K.'s procuratory of 20th June [recited]. And append their seals. Sprouston. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol. H7 b.] July 31. 442. The Guardians and community of Scotland accredit three Feedera, i. 737. plenipotentiaries to the K. regarding Margaret their Lady and her affairs. Given under the common seal of the Regency, 2nd of the kalends of August. Kelso. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol. 1^9 b.] 1 Ravensbur':' at the moiitli of the Ilumber. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 105 [1290, SteveiT^on, i. 174 '^''''-c 1290. Aucr. 27. Edward I. 443. The Mayor and community of Berwick complain that they have suffered much at the hands of Antony bishop of Durham and his men, as the bearers will acquaint the K. ; and ask redress. [No [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, Ho. 4-'^4-] 444. William de Vescy declares that he promised Alianora Queen of England, that John de Vescy his son should endow his wife Clemencia, her cousin, at the church door with a dower of 200/. of land in the manors of Newesham and Sprouston and elsewhere, but being absent on the K.'s affairs, he was not present at the celebration of the nuptials, and therefore now binds himself to deliver to Clemencia, if she survives his son, 250/. of land in said manors, as dower, and should he predecease his son, or the latter predecease his wife, she shall have dower from their entire heritage in addition. Northampton. [Close, 18 Edw. I. m. 6, dorso.'\ 445. A[ntony] bishop of Durham, having granted annuities of Stevenson, i. 17S.400/. on the K.'s behalf to some Norwegians till Margaret Queen of Scotland attained the age of fifteen, the K. assigns certain manors to him in recompense. Northampton. [Patent, 18 Ecliv. I. m. 9.] 446. The K. signifies to the Guardians of Scotland, and the clergy, nobles, and community, that he has appointed Antony bishop of Durham, lieutenant of the Lady Margaret their Queen and his son Edward, Northampton. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 9.} 447. The K. in fulfilment of his father's gift to John Comyn, of 200/. from the fines and amercements of the justice ayres in Cum- berland, commands the sheriff to pay him 100/., the rest to be levied from the fines of Northumberland. Northampton. Similar writ to the Sheriff of Northumberland. [Close, 18 Edw. I. m. 5.] 448. Prince Edward, with consent of his father, appoints John earl of Warenne his procurator to contract marriage with Margaret Queen of Scotland. Northampton. The Bishop of Durham has a similar letter. Master Henry de Neuwerk dean of York has the like. [Patent, 18 Ed IV. I. m. 9.] 449. The K. appoints plenipotentiaries to treat with Eric Iv. of Norway, respecting the marriage between his son Edward and the Lady Margaret Queen of Scotland. Northamj)ton. [Patent, 18 Edw.- I. m. 9.] Auf. 28. 450. The K. ratifies the treaty at Brigham between his ambassa- Foedeia, i. 735. dors and thosc of Scotland for the marriage of the Prince his sou Stevenson, i. 162. to tlicir Qucen. [Pcttcnt, 18 Ediv. I. m. 9.] AuT. 28. 451. Letters patent by the Bishop of Glasgow, John Comyn, and Foed^ia, i. 737. Alau Mshop of Caithness, envoys of the other Guardians, and the clergy, nobles, and community of Scotland, agreeing to deliver the castles of Auti. 27. Aug. 28. Fa'dera, i. 787, Au2r. 28. Aug. 28. FoDdera, i. 737. Aug. 28. Fcedera, i. 737. 106 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Scotland under certain conditions to their Queen and Prince Edward. Monday next after the Feast of St Bartholomew, viz., 5th of the 1290. kalends of September, a.d. 1290. Norman French. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. <§.] Aug. 28. 452. The K., at the request of his son Edward, grants the Abbot and Stevenson, i. 179. convcut of Melros freedom from distraint except by his special precept. Northampton. [Patent, 18 Eclw. I. m. 11.] Aug. 28. 453. William Servat, his men and merchants, whom he is sending abroad to divers parts with his vessel called ' Cumfort,' which he lately bought at St Botulph's, have safe conduct for three years. Northampton. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 10.] Sept. 1. 454. The K. accredits to the envoys of the K. of Norway at the island of Orkney, A[nthony] bishop of Durham, John earl of Warenne, and Master Henry de Newerke dean of York. Geytington. [Ziber A. {CJuq^ter House), fol. 1^9. See also fol. 150 for another writ.] Sept. 1. 455. The Iv. empowers A[nthony] bishop of Durham to borrow 4000Z. or 5000Z. on his behalf. Geytington. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol. 156 b.] Sept. 1, 456. Eichard de Waldegrave, about to go to Scotland in the K.'s service, has a protection till Easter next. Geytington. [Patent, 18 Ediv. I. m. 10.] Sept. 5. 457. Elias de Hauville, about to go to Scotland in the King's service, has a protection till Easter next. Eokingham. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 10?^ Sept. 18. 458. The Abbot of Wellebeck, who has gone with A[nthony] bishop of Durham to Scotland, has a protection till Christmas next. Rufford. [Patent, 18 Edw. I. m. 10.] Oct. 7. 459. W[illiam] bishop of St Andrews to the K. Reports the Foedera, i. 741. rumour of the Queen of Scotland's death at Orkney, and urges him National Mss. of to come to the March without delay to prevent bloodshed. Saturday, Scotland, i. No. Morrow of St Faith Virgin 1290. Leuchars. [Royal Letters, No. 1302.] Oct. 9. 460. Memorandum :— That on Monday, the Feast of St Denis, in the K.'s 18th year, John de Berwick brought the Papal Bull under- written [the Bull of Nicholas IV. for the marriage of Prince Edward and the ' Heiress of Scotland'], enjoining the Treasurer and Barons to enrol the same. (On margin) On Wednesday thereafter the Prior" and convent of Westminster and other lieges, being assembled in the refectory, the Bull was read over to them, and then brought back to the Treasury. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 18 & 19 Edw. I. m. £.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 107 Edwaed I. 461. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain to pay John de Kethe, clerk of the ' Prebend,' 10/. sterling for his fee 1290. for the year 1289. Edinburgh, [Much injured by damp.] Oct. 15. UJliapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 5.] Stevenson, 1. 201. Oct. 26. 462. William Comyn and Isabella his wife, who remain in Scot- land, appoint William de Erth (Erit) and Eichard de Dalswyntou their attorneys for two years. King's Clipstone, [Patent, 18 Ecliu. I. m. 3.] 1289-90. 463. Eoll of gifts in money given to various persons by the Feb. 27- King from the Eeast of St Edmund the King in the beginning Nov. 20. of the 18th year till same day next year. [JSxtracis.il February 27, at Abyndone, to Thomas of London for the expenses of 3 esquires of the Bishop of St Andrews, who came to London about Christmas this year with 3 girfalcons from their lord to the K., stay- ing in London for 4 days, 12s. lid. [February 28.] To King (Regi) Caupeney of Scotland who came [July.] To Eichard de Beaumont brother of Lady Isabella de Vescy — whom the K. had taken into his pay with 6 horses, on 18th May, in the 17th year, but was only entered on the Marshal's roll for 5 horses — for his sixth horse from said date till 3rd February [instant], viz., 262 days, except 67 days on which he drew ocl. per diem, 48s. M. August 19 : — To Master Eowald, the K. of Norway's cook, in the Easter Parliament this year, 100s. ; to John of Tyndale, the Bishop of St Andrews' messenger bringing letters from his lord to the K. of the report of the arrival of the ' Damsel of Scotland ' in Orkney, 20s. ; to William Playfayre, the earl of Orkney's messenger, bringing letters from Sir John Comyn to the K., of the said arrival, 13s. 4:d. September 27 : — To Eichard of Auclaunde, the Bishop of Durham's groom bringing letters from his lord in Scotland to the K., 2s. ; to Adam of Feltone the Bishop of St Andrews' messenger returning from Court to Scotland, 13s. M. November 16 : — To a clerk of Cardinal Benedict, for writings touch- ing the dispensation of the affair of Scotland, by the hands of Sir Otho de Grandisson at Paris, 10/. tournois, in sterlings 50s. To Lord James de Colonna a Cardinal, by the hands of Sir Otho de Grandisson in the Eoman Curia, 6000 gold florins, 5^ florins reckoned as a mark, 728/. 5s. 6|f/.; to Lord Benedict de Geytan, another Cardinal, by said Sir Otho's hands at the Curia, 4000 gold florins, at same reckoning, 484/. 16s. ll^d.; to friar Mathew de Everspade, another Cardinal, by same hands, 800 gold florins, reckoned ut siqjra, 96/. 19s. 4^f/. ; to Lord Latinus, another Cardinal, by same hands, 108 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1000 gold florins, reckoned ut s^ipra, 1211. 4s. 2d. ; to Lady Clemencia widow of Sir John de Vescy, remaining a great time at Court after 1289-90. his death, for the interim expenses of herself and grooms, 104/. 4& 4f/. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, Wardrobe, No. -^.] A roll of membranes sewed endwise. Several much mutilated. 1290. 464. Wardrobe Account, 18 Edward I. April-Nov. [Extracts.'] April 17 : — To Sir Henry de Eye, clerk, the K.'s envoy to Scotland and Norway, travelling from London to Ambresbury and thence to Hartlepool, by his own hands, 40s. Also for carriage of 10 cloths ' de colore ' (which the K. sent to Norway by him) from St Ivo to Hartlepool, 7 days, 5s. [fol. 5.] May [4] : — To William de Eeltone and Peter de Cornille, the K.'s esquires, bearing certain Bulls as to the K.'s son's marriage, with all haste to the K.'s envoys in Scotland, for their expenses going and returning, 11 days at 4-|f?. each, 9s. For horses hired by the K.'s orders for haste, while their own recruited by the way, 6s. 9f?. \_fol. 5 5.] The expenses of Sir Oto de Grandison and his retinue going to the Court of Rome to obtain the dispensations for the marriage between Prince Edward and Margaret the heiress of Scotland, and others touching the realm, 772Z. IBs. 4d [fol. 7.] Expenses incurred by Mathew de Columbariis the King's butler, going to Yarmouth, freighting and victualling a ' great ship ' there, to bring Margaret the Damsel of Scotland to England, Total cost of victualling and expenses of the ship, 265/. 5s. lid. [Among these, besides supplies of wine, beer, salt meat, hams, dried fisli, 'whale,' beans, peas, &c., there occur 5000 great nuts (walnuts ?) sugar, ginger, raisins, figs, gingerbread, and spices ; banners and penoncells with the royal arms. In a further item of 6/. 8s. 5|c?. charged for shipping part of the wine from London to Yarmouth and attendant expenses, an entry for bolting flour, and making 4 quarters of ' bisquyt,' occurs. The wages of the master and crew of 40 men for 71 days while at Yarmouth before sailing for Norway, and other persons watching the stores on the K.'s behalf, amounted to 101/. 15s. Id. The butler charged 40s. for being as many days at Yarmouth on the business, and returning to London.] [fol. 8 ?>.] Geofiry Peleryn, burgess of Yarmouth, for 10 casks wine for the ship on its second voyage to Norway, at 43s. 'Id. each, 21/. 13s. 4c/. To the same for 1 1 sailors shipped for same voyage, in place of those sick and dead, 12/. Qs. 8c/. To same for wages of the master and 40 sailors for 15 days beyond their pay, 7/. 13s. 9f/. And for 1 barrel of wheat flour for the ship, 20s. And lodmanage, towage, and binding the wine barrels, for 18 weeks, 45s. Total, 43/. 18s. M. [fol. 9.] ' September : — For a basket (?) of twigs bought to hold divers letters touching the Scottish marriage, od. [fol. 11 //.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 109 Edward I. November 15 :— Thomas of London sergeant-at-arms, for expenses of a sumpter horse from the great Wardrobe, and his driver, with jewels 1290. towards Scotland, for 21 days while his money lasted; to find himself, 10s. 6d. [fol. 15.] November : — William Comyn, a boy in the King's custody, with lord Edward the K.'s son, for his boots, breeches, saddles, bridles, and the like, sheets, linen cloths, and necessaries for the whole year, both summer and winter, by the hands of Thomas Coke his servant, receiving the money for him, 40s. [fol. 16.] November : — Master Henry de Eye, the Bishop of Durham's clerk, for his own and the expenses of the Abbot of Wellbeck, Master Henry de Cranburne, and friars Geof!ry de Eougeres and John de Bekyngham of the order of Minors, the K.'s envoys to Norway regarding the marriage, and to bring back the Damsel of Scotland, with a retinue of 18 horses, 30 men and grooms, from 1st May till the 23rd June, 54 days, both included ; and 43 seamen in their vessel for 34 days ; for bread, wine, beer, and other necessaries, besides what they took from stores on board, 971. 14s. 9d. [An account follows of their consumption of stores on board, including, besides salt meat and fish, 2 frails figs and raisins, and a loaf of sugar, and some of the almonds. It is added that all the rest of the stores, except some wine and corn, was rotten.] Expenses of said Henry de Eye and Sir Thomas de Braytoft, and their retinue, going from Newcastle-on-Tyne to Orkney, and return- ing to the Bishop of Durham at Doucaster and thence to Norham, from 15th September till 14th November, 61 days ; including 100s. given by Henry to the abbot of Welbeck, for his expenses coming to York to meet the other env^oys, 14Z. 15s. Z^d. Sir Elyas de Hauville, going with the Bishop of Durham to meet the K. of Norway bringing his daughter, and returning to the K. with news as to her arrival, and of the country, for 50 days, viz., from 2nd September to the last day of October, going and coming, whereof 18 days in Scotland at 3s. per diem, and 32 in England, at 2s. per diem, 118s. Also wages of a man and horse bringing the jewels from the Wardrobe from Newcastle to Scotland, and returning with them from Scotland to Clipstone, from 21st September till last of October, for 31 days, the man at 2d. and the horse at M. per diem 12s. lU. [fol. 16 &.] February : — Sir William Comyn and his ' socius ' at the K.'s fee, for his fee and winter robes this year, by his own hands, 12^. [fol. 31 &.] June 26 : — To the same for his fee and summer robe this year, by Henry de Fersle his esquire, 12/. [fol. S^.] [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 71.] [1290, 465. Appeal by the seven Earls of Scotland and the community of end of.] the realm, against William bishop of St Andrews, and Sir John raiKiare, Comyn, conducting themselves as Guardians. They assert their pp. 14-21. *^ 110 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. privilege of placing the King of Scotland on the throne — complain of the Guardians' oppressions on Donald earl of Mar and the freemen [1290.] of Moray — narrate the recognition of Eobert de Brus of Annandale as next heir to the throne by Alexander II. — admit the Count of Holland's right failing the line of Huntingdon— and relate the restoration by William the Lyon of the earldom of Mar to Morgund M'Gylochery. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 89, No. 22.] Mucli damaged and in parts defaced. No date. 1290-91. 466. The K. commands his escheator citra Trent to give William Jan. 8. Comyn and Isabella his wife seisin of a rent of 12s. in Grocene, which the late John Eussel father of Isabella, whose heir she is, held by knight's service of William de Monte Caniso (Munchensy) of Edwardestone, who took it in his hand on John's death on account of Isabella's minority, and has since retained it, notwithstanding Isabella on her majority offered fealty to him, Assherugge. [Close, 19 Eclw. I. m. 10.] Jan. 18. 467. The K. commands the Treasurer and Barons to acquit Alex- ander de Balliol of Cavers, of 83/. 6s. Scl, paid by him in the Wardrobe at Eothelan on Tuesday next after the Feast of St Edmund Confessor, in the 10th year, his fine for 2^ knights' service in the army of Wales. Assherugge. [Close, 19 Eclw. I. m. 10.] On 8tli June thereafter he is pardoned at Norham an amercement of 10 marks incurred before the justices itinerant in Essex on 12th March 14th of the K.'s reign, (w. 5.) Feb. 18. 468. The K. for a fine of 100/. made by William de Douglas, grants him the marriage of Alianora widow of William de Ferrars. Ambresbury. [Fine, 19 Edio. I. m. 16.] March 18. 469. Nicholas [IV.] exhorts the Bishops and clergy of Scotland to Fcedera, i. 750. give thc tenth of the fruits of their benefices, ordered by the Council of Lyons in aid of the Holy Land, to Edward K. of England for six years, as, notwithstanding his former dangers and many and deep wounds received there from the treacherous hands of an assassin, when his life was despaired of, he purposes again to join the Crusade at the Nativity of St John Baptist 1293. Done at Orvieto, 15th of the kalends of April, 4th year of his pontificate. [Papal Bulls.] ]\Iarch 21. 470. The K. to the Prior and convent of Chester, Eepeats his Stevenson, i. 222. late commaud to inspect their Chronicles, and to transmit any extracts touching England and Scotland by the bearer, without further delay. Eepindon (Eepton), 21st March, 19th year of his reign. [Privy Seals {Tower), 19 Ediv. I. Bundle I. No. 2.] 1291. 471. Nicholas [IV.] thanks the K. for his letters and messages by March 25. Labre Vulpel of Lucca, and for the cope, ' doxal ' for the altar, cloth Fcedera, i. 752. of Silk feather work, and gold ring with emerald stone. Given at Orvieto, 8th of the kalends of April, 4th year of his pontificate. [Pr(pal Bidls.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. Ill Edward T. 472. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain to pay Master William de Dunfries, clerk of the rolls of the royal 1291. chapel, .... his fees of office for last year .... Append the seal April 15(?). of the Eegency. Edinburgh. [Much mutilated. Seal lost.] Stevenson, i. 265. Ecccipt by William de Dunfries, rector of the church of Kynros, to John de Kynros son and heir of Sir John de Kynros, for 4:01., by command of the Chamberlain. Thursday next after St Dunstan the Bishop's day (24th May) 1291. Dunfermelin. [Seal lost. Document mutilated.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 9^, No. <§.] April 16. 473. Writ of summons to various barons and ladies of the Foedera, i. 752. Dorthcm couutics, to meet the K. at Norham in six weeks after Easter next {i.e., on 3rd June) cuvi equis et armis. [Among those summoned are Gilbert de Umfraville, John de Balliol, Ingram de Gynes, Alex- ander de Balliol, Robert de Brus.] Darlington. [Close, 19 Edw. I. m. 7. dorso.'] May 9. 474. Safe conduct for the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, Stevenson, i. 227. and the noblcs and magnates of Scotland, to meet the K. at Norham to treat of the affairs of Scotland, till Friday next after the Feast of St John Apostle cmte Portam Latinam. Norham. The K. declares that this shall not be a precedent to the prejudice of Scotland. Norham. [Patent, 19 Edto. I., m. I4.] The safe conduct repeated on 31st May till Pentecost following. May 10, 475. Notarial instrument : — relating the reading of extracts from Foedera, i. 769-772. the Chrouicles of various religious houses in presence of Parliament. Attested on five pieces of parchment by Andrew de Tang, clerk of York. Norham. [Chapter Mouse {Scots Documents), Box 15, No. 4.] May 11. 476. Notarial instrument: — adjourning farther proceedings in Foedeia, i. 762-3. Parliament till 2nd June. [Chapter Rouse {Scots Doctcments), Box 15, No. 5.] May 16. 477. The K. takes the homage of Muriella widow of William earl Stevenson, i. 22o.of Mar, graud-daughtcr and one of the heiresses of Eobert de Mus- chaump, and commands his escheator citra Trent to give her seisin. Norham. [Close, 19 Edw. I. m. 6.1 The Countess of Mar died before 12th Nov. same year, when a writ of diem clausit extremum is issued from Worcester to the escheator ultra Trent to take her lands. [Fine Roll, 19 Edw. I. m. 1.] April 21- 478. [Eesponses by the various religious houses to the K.'s writs May 20. commanding search in their Eegisters touching England and Scotland.] Friar William abbot of Sautre and his convent, send extracts Paigiave, p. 123 from their records. Append their seal at Sautre on the Vigil of Easter in the 19th year. [Chaioter House (Scots Documents). Box 100, No. 165.] Seal lost ; slit for tag only remains. 112 CALEXDAIJ OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. The Cathedral of Worcester transmits extracts from the 5th, 6th, aud 7th books of Henry archdeacon of Huntingdon ' de Gestis 1291. Anglorum.' Likewise extracts from the Chronicles of Marianus [April 21, Scottus. soon after.] (Endorsed) ' Wygorn. Examinatur et quod novum invenitur pp' mTik irrotulatur.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, Ko. 139.] Label and part of seal in green wax, vesica shape, attached. An ecclesiastic vested, holding a book on his breast, a rose on either side. Leg., ' . . . . GIL PHI . . . .' [Soon after The Prior and convent of Newburgh transmit extracts relat- April 21.] ing the victory gained by King Athelstane over the Scots by the Paigrave, iutercession of St ohn of Beverley, and his miraculous stroke by pp. 115-119. ^jjQ Saint's aid, cutting the rock on the sea-shore near Dunbar. (Endorsed) To the illustrious Edward K. of England, by the Prior and convent of ISTewburgh. [Cha2)ter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 164. a.] Written in a fine text hand. Seal lost. [From religious houses in the diocese of London.] Pai<'vare (-^) Waltham Abbey : — extracts from a ' book called the Brut.' pp. 10.5-110. ^2) The Priory of Holy Trinity church, London : — extracts relative to Athelstane's conquests over the Welsh and Scots — the tribute of 20Z. of gold, 300/. of silver, 25,000 oxen, besides hunting dogs and birds— also Edgar's voyage on the Dee, rowed by six minor kings, and his single combat with Kenneth MacAlpine. (3) Coggeshall : — extracts relating to Siward's victory over Mac- beth, and the transactions between Malcolm and William Eufus. (4) The Abbey of St John of Colchester : — extracts relating to Edward the elder — his grant of Cumbria to Malcolm King of Scots ' for fealty by land and sea ' — William the Conqueror's expedition to Scotland — the death of Malcolm and his son at Alnwick, and subse- quent events among his family. [CJmpter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, Ko. 161] Greatly damaged and mutilated in many places. Endorsement men- tioned by Paigrave now covered np by backing. , Paigrave, p. 85. The Prior of St Martin's, Dover, sends short extracts : — the subjection of the Welsh and Scots to Athelstane — the defeat of Macbeth by Syward, and elevation of Malcolm son of the K. of the Cumbrians as King of Scots — and the marriages of Henry I. to Matildis, of William their son to the daughter of Fulque count of Anjou, and Matildis their daughter to the Emperor of Germany, (Endorsed) To Master Martin, Commissary of Canterbury, by E. prior of Dover. [Has been folded as a letter,] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 179.] [Soon after Malmesbury Abbey : — extracts relating the history of Athel- April 21.] stane and his adventures in the camp of Anlaf (Olave) the Dane — Edgar's triumph on the Dee — the history of Henry I. — his RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 113 1291. April 21- May 20. Pal grave, p. 59. Pal grave, pp. 120-121. Palgrave; pp. 60-67. Edward I. kDightliood, set. 19, by his father, his marriage to Matildis — and giving his own bastard daughter Sibilla to Alexander I. [CJhcqAer House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 1^0.] Battle Abbey. From their Chronicles : — a few notes of the oaths and subjections of the Scottish Kings from the time of Athel- stane till Henry L [Here the document is mutilated. A mere fragment.] [CJiapter House (Scots Docuirents), Box 100, No. ISo.] Eeading Abbey. Begins with the battle of Hastings — relates the slaughter of Eobert ' called Comyn ' and 700 men at Durham — the homage of Malcolm at Abernethy — the building of New Castle on Tyne, by Eobert Curthose in 1081, the division of the Conqueror's dominions among his sons — the death of Malcolm and his son at Alnwick — and the capture of William the Lyon. [Much defaced and mutilated.] (Endorsed) ' Sumptum Cr[onicis] . . . Eadyngens.' Examinatur et nichil novum invenitur.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 155.] Priory of St Mary of Bridlington :-— These extracts relate the transactions with Scotland, &c., from Edward the Elder to the Confessor, including Athelstane's expedition to Scotland as far as ' Dunfoder ' — the subsequent transactions from the Conquest to Henry II., with a full recital of the Convention and fine by William the Lyon and his clergy, magnates, and others — the castles delivered, names of the hostages, and the homage at York in August 1175 — the homage of Eolaud lord of Galloway, and Earl David to Henry II. at Carlivsle in August 1185 — of William the Lyou Johton at Lincoln in December 1200, when he ' swore fealty on the crozier of Hubert archbishop of Canterbury, as there was no sacred book at hand ' — the quarrel between John and William in 1209, because the former had affianced the latter's daughter to the Count of Boulogne without his assent — the peace between them in August that year, which the chroniclers do not specify, ' not being sufficiently acquainted with the details.' (Endorsed) ' Ista sub compendio irrotulantur. Bridelingtone.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 152.] Seal lost. Tag only remains. Document a good deal defaced. Not in Paigrave. Chester : — Chronicles delivered by E. Archdeacon of Chester. [The first, a narrow membrane, contains extracts almost identical with the history of Henry of Huntingdon, from the expedition of Edred younger son of Athelstane to Northumbria and Scotland, when the latter * were subdued without a battle by the terror of his arms, and did fealty,' down to the reign of Stephen, when David K. of Scotland swore fealty to the Empress Matilda, and ' Henry K. of Scotland son of K. David ' became Stephen's man and received from him the burgh of Huntingdon. The second membrane, in a different hand, begins with the VOL. ir H 114 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. Conqueror's expedition to Scotland, and Malcolm's submission at Abernethj' — Lis meeting with William Rufus at Gloucester in 1291. August 1093, when he departed declining to do ' right ' to William April 21- except on the confines of their kingdoms where the Kings of Scotland May 20. were accustomed to do so, according to the judgment of the Primates of both kingdoms — his death with his eldest son Edward at Alnwick, and the death of Queen Margaret within ' three days after,' when having ' called the priests, she entered the church, confessed her sins, ' received the viaticum' and ' freed from earthly fetters, passed to the ' joys of eternal salvation. In life a devout worshipper of charity, ' justice, peace and piety — frequent in prayer, she macerated her body ' with vigils and fasts, endowed churches and monasteries — loved and ' honoured the servants and hand-maids of God, broke bread for the ' hungry, clothed the naked, gave lodging, food, and clothing to all ' strangers, and loved God with her whole heart.' Tbe extracts end with the marriage of Henry I. and Matilda. The third membrane, much mutilated and defaced, is in a hand similar to the first, and appears to consist of notes of the returns from the different houses for the use of the Commissioners or those who drew np the Great Roll] [ChajJtcr House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 166.'] Tliree membranes of unequal size sewn at foot. paitrrave, The Abbot of Favercsham sends extracts from Geoffry of pp. 92-94. Monmouth relating to the fabulous history of Britain — the victory of Maryus the 78th king after Brutus, over Rodrych of Cychya K. of the Picts, to commemorate which he erected a stone in the province called after his name Westmarya, which remains ' to this day' — that Rodrych's people were sent to inhabit Caithness — the victories of Arthur at Duglas water over Colgrim and the Saxons and Scots — and the Scots and Picts besieging his sick nephew Hoel in the city of Alclud, and their flight to the isles of the Lennox (Lumonoy) — over Gilla . . nurias(?) K. of the Irish, and his fleet of barbarians — and how K. Hudwar(?), sixth after Arthur, killed Aydan K. of Scots. He also cites the story of Edgar and Kinad, K. of Scots, from the ' History of England under the name of William the monk of Malmesbury.' (Endorsed) ' Domino Regi de inventis in Cronicis Dioces' Cant'. Faveresham.' [Chciptcr House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 157.] Very greatly mutilated and defaced. PaiKravc, Tcwkcsbury Abbey: — The extracts are taken from the 'History pp. 125-129. Qf Henry the Archdeacon' (Huntingdon), addressed by him to 'Alex- ander bishop of Lincoln,' beginning with the exploits of Edred, and ending with the reign of Stephen, and an account of the battle of North Allerton — then extracts from other chronicles follow relative to the disputes between K. John and William the Lyon, and between the latter's son Alexander and Henry III. in the latter's 27th year. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 115 Edwakd I. (Endorsed) ' Cronic' de Teukesbur'. Md. quod mittantur Cronica in quibus penultimus continetur articulus. Scribatur Abbati de 1291, Teukesbur.' [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 158.1 April 21— Mutilated in parts. Tag and seal gone. May 20. Fragment of a chronicle [greatly defaced and mutilated] in Not in Paigrave. which mention is made of the consecration of William duke of the Normans, as King of England at London — bis burial at Caen — the meeting of John and William the Lyon, 1209, and that in 1221 .... gave Johanna daughter of ... . [Chcqjter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 1S9.] Paigiave, Johu abbot of Evcsham returns under seal such information tip. 89-92. fj.Qjj-^ their chronicles respecting England aud Scotland, as the short- ness of the time allowed him permitted, but as these contain many other admirable acts of the kings of England, a farther search will be made, and, if anything is found concerning Scotland, it will be sent. Done at Evesham, 4th of the ides of March, year foresaid [12th March]. (Endorsed) Nothing new is found in the Chronicles of Evesham Abbey. [Another copy in Normcm French, No. 163.] [Chapter House [Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 160.1 Membrane iniich decayed, in form of a letter. Memoranda : — as to extracts from the ' History of Bridelington [given briefly]; the ' History of Croyland, ' nothing neiv found ; the 'Chronicles of Chester,' nothing to theimrpose; the 'History of Eeading,' nothing newfound ; the 'Chronicles of Malmesbury ' [given briefly]. In the ' Chronicle of Henry the archdeacon of Huntingdon,' viz., from Worcester [given briefly]. In the ' Chronicle of Gloucester which is Marianus Scotus,' nothing neiv, hut agrees vnth preceding. In the 'Chronicle of Teukesbury' [given briefly]. In the 'Chronicle of St Alban's' [given briefly]. For the use of the Commissioners. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 161.1 Another copy with slight variations. [Much defaced.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 166.1 Pal-rave, The Abbey of St Peter of Gloucester : — extracts 'de verbo ad pp. 94-98. < verbum ' from the book of the Chronicles of Martianus Scottus kept there. [Contains ' nothing new,' as observed in the preceding memor- anda. Some passages towards the end taken from Simeon of Durham.] [Much mutilated and damaged.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 167.] May 20. The Prior and convent of the Cathedral Church of Carlisle, Paigrave, * Ws faithful cauous and priests,' acknowledge receipt of the K.'s pp. 68-76. recent writ, and transmit in reply, under their capitular seal, by the hands of the bearer Sir Alexander de Frysington their fellow- canon and precentor of their church of the Blessed Mary of Carlisle, such extracts as they have found among their chronicles and writings. 116 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. [The document, very methodically arranged year by year with — — marginal dates, begins with 904, the latest marginal date being 1221, 1291. though it closes with two documents of later date, viz., the obligation lilay 20. by Alexander 11. and his magnates to keep the peace concluded with Henry TIL at York in 1237, in presence of the Cardinal Legate Otto, and the letter by Alexander and his nobles to Pope Innocent [IV.]' subjecting themselves to papal censure by the hands of any suffragan of Canterbury if they violate their oaths. These are Nos. 1654, 1655, of Vol. I. of the present Calendar, and are not earlier in date than A.D. 1244.] [Extracts.] 1069 : — Cumbria now consists of the bishoprics of Carlisle, Glas- gow, and Whitherne, and moreover, from the bishopric of Carlisle as far as the river Dunde, &c. [Doon ?]. 1138 : — K. David wasted and occupied almost all Northumbria, and seized Cumbria, Carlisle, New Castle, and other towns excepting Bamburgh, when Stephen compelled him to return to his own land, and followed him to Roxburgh. But in summer David again crossed the Tees, when the English met him at Cuton more, and fuught the battle called ' Standard,' with great slaughter of the Scots and many prisoners. 1152: — Henry the Earl, his son, died at Carlisle on the ides of June. 1153 : — K. David, beyond all his ancestors the most noble founder of monasteries, died at Carlisle, 9th of the ides of June. While his body was borne to Dunfermline, the Scottish sea smoothed its waves, but when it left the beach they began to swell again, 1158 : — Henry II. led his army to Toulouse, On his return he knighted Malcolm K. of Scotland at Tours (Turonis). This Henry took Carlisle from Malcolm. 1174: — William K. of Scotland besieged Carlisle, but was man- fully repulsed by the citizens. Soon after, he was taken prisoner at Alnwick on the ides of July, verifying as it seemed, the prophecy of Merlin, ' that a curb forged in the heart of Brittany shall be put in his jaws,' meaning by this, Richmond Castle, held by the Armorican princes, where he was imprisoned. 1201 : — The Scottish magnates swore fealty to Alexander, son of K. William, John, Cardinal legate from Pope Innocent [III.] held a Council at Perth in Scotland. 1216 : — John K, of Eucland died while war was rising all around. Alexander, K. of Scots, besieged Carlisle, and the citizens deli- vered it to to him as John had done them much harm. Shortly after he gained the town and citadel by force. [The extracts close with the marriage of Alexander II. to Johanna of England about midsummer 1221, and the two documents by him and his nobles regarding peace above noticed. Their substance is given, but not all the names.] They append their common seal in chapter at Carlisle, on the morrow RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 117 Edward L of St Dunstan, Archbishop and Confessor, a.d. 1291, and the 19th of the K.'s reisn. 1291. Palgriive pp. 56-58. Palprave pp. 98-104. Palgrave, pp. 77-84 (Endorsed) ' Cronica de Karleolo.' [Defaced in parts. Seal lost.] \_Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 168.] Thomas prior of Bath and his convent, give a short summary of the succession to the English Crown from the accession of the Conqueror to that of Henry II. — the dissensions between the latter and his sons — and the capture of William the Lyon while the K. was praying at the tomb of St Thomas Martyr. But they can find nothing concerning the liberation of the K. of Scotland. (Endorsed) ' It contains nothing to the purpose.' [Much defaced, no seal or tag.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, Ho. 169.] The Canons of the Blessed Mary of Huntingdon, send extracts from their Chronicle, beginning a.d. 834, with the conflicts between the Scots and Picts and the death of Alpin K. of Scots in battle 13 of the kalends of August that year, and giving the succession of the Scoto-Pictish Kings down to Alexander III. Matilda wife of David I. is called niece of "William the Conqueror, daughter of Ivetta (Judith) who was daughter of Earl Lambert of Louns. David I. is said to have built the ' very strong ' citadel of Carlisle, and greatly heightened the city walls. The birth of Alexander 11. on St Bartholomew's day 1198, is mentioned, and the homage done to him by all the Scottish magnates at Museleburgh in his 4th year. [On the margin are notes relating for the most part to English history.] Their common seal is appended, [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 170.] Written in a large text band, the capitals illuminated and paragraplis rubricated ; the marginal notes in blue and red ink. The latter colour has run and is now illegible. Document otherwise defaced. Seal lost. Palgrave considers it chiefly taken from the Chronicle of Mailros. Croyland Abbey : — Their return begins with a list [much mutilated] of the holders of castles in a lost year of Henry II. That King is stated as holding those of Stirling, Edinburgh, Berwick, and Roxburgh ; also the castles of Anant and , , . . which were Robert de Brus's. Richard de Moreville held the Castle of Lauder. A narrative follows of the invasion of Northumberland by William the Lyon, with details of the horrible atrocities committed by his army on non-combatants— the names of his barons captured with him before Alnwick, Richard Cumin, William de Mortemer, William de Insula, Henry Revel, Ralph de Ver, Jordan Fleming, Waldeve son of Baldwin de Biggar, Richard Maluvell — the rebellion of Huctred and Gilbert sons of Fergus of Galloway, their expulsion of William's officers, slaughter of all English and French whom they could capture, and destruction of his castles in their land. The extracts close with the homage and fealty by William, his clergy and barons to Henry at York on 10th August, 1175, ratifying his previous 118 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. convention with the English King at Falaise, recited at length. {^Chajjtcr House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 171.] ]^291. Written on two membranes in form of a roll. Mucli mutilated at Anvil 21— beginning. Two tags and one seal, brown wax, appended. Vesica-shape, ^ ^ with the figure of a bishop standing under a Gothic canopy, holding a ■'■^y pastoral staff in his right hand and a book(?) in his left. Inscription broken. raigiave, Norwich : — The Prior and convent excuse themselves, saying pp. 119-120. that their chronicles containing memorials of ancient times, were destroyed when their church was burned, or then carried off by the citizens. But they send four short extracts relating to transactions in the time of Stephen and Henry II., from a small book of chronicles by .... a monk of their house, which are all they can find regarding the rights of the King's predecessors over Scotland. [Nearly obliterated since printed.] (Endorsed) ' Norwicens". [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. ^^.] May 28. 479. The K., at the K. of France's request, grants Sir Ingeram de Balliol respite of his homage for the manor of Fostone in Leicester, till All Saints next, and commands his escheator ultra Trent to re- pledge the manor to Sir Ingeram. Norham. [Close, 19 Echo. 1. m. 6.] May 31. 480. The K. declares that the coming of the magnates and com- Focdera, i. 755. muuity of Scotlaud, to Norham, shall not form a precedent. Norham. Norman French. [Patent, 19 Hdw. I. m. 1^.] May(?). 481. Letter by a Competitor [not named] stating certain rights of the seven earls of Scotland, arguing that Eichard I. could not Paigrave, p. 21. release the homage of Scotland, and asking favour for himself. Norman French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 16.] No date. Defaced in parts. Paigrave attributes it to the elder de Brus. June 2. 482. Instrument attesting the acknowledgment by eight of the Competitors of the K.'s supremacy, and the excuse by the envoy of , Fccdcra, i. 763. John dc BalUol for his principal's absence. Norham. [CJiapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 17.] June 2-3. 483. Instrument, attesting the acknowledgment by nine of the Focdera, i. 763-4. Competitors of tlic K.'s supremacy, at Upsetelington on Monday 2nd June, and in the church of Norham on Tuesday the 3rd June. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No 12.] This instrument differs in several points from the Great Koll. The names of the Competitors and their order vary, and the narrative is much more succinct. Nothing is said of the absence of John de Balliol on the first day. The chief feature is the recording the Competitors' submission. There is also a curious miscalculation in the day of the month. The day on which the submission of the Competitors was executed, is said in that document to have been Tuesday next after the Ascension, which, according to the calculations in Sir Harris Nicolas and Mr Bond's works, was Tuesday the 5th of June, Ascension Day this year falling on Thursday 31st May. In the foregoing instrument, the notary gives the days as Monday and Tuesdav the 2ud. and 3rd of June. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 119 Edwaed I. 484, Instrument attesting that the King addressed the assembly opposite iSTorham, reserving his right of property as well as superiority, 1291. and the Competitors agreed to receive judgment at his hand — Brus June 3. and de Balliol being ordered to choose 40 commissioners each to Foeiera,i. 76i-766.|jrepare their cases for the K.'s consideration. [Clmpter House {Scots Documents'), Box 16, No. 11.] June 4. 485. Instrument attesting that on 4th June 1291, the nine Competitors assembled in presence of the K., executed a deed [N"o. 492] consenting that seisin of the kingdom of Scotland and its castles should be given to him till after his decision ; he giving security to restore them within two months thereafter ; and that the interim revenues of the realm should be preserved, saving the reasonable expenses of government. Done at Norham day aforesaid, before Antony bishop of Durham, Eobert bishop of Bath and Wells, and William bishop of Ely ; Master Henry de Newerk dean of York, John de Lascy chancellor of Chichester, Sir Walter de Langeton dean of the church of Bruges, and Master John son of Ertur of Caen apostolic notary, and many bishops and nobles of both realms. Attested by Andrew son of the late William de Tang, clerk of the diocese of York, [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 13.] June 4. 486. Instrument attesting the execution on 4th June 1291, by the nine Competitors, of the letters patent [No. 492] delivering to the K. the realm and castles of Scotland. Done at Norham, before Antony bishop of Durham, Eobert bishop of Bath and Wells, William bishop of Ely, Master Henry de Newerke dean of York, Master John de Lascy chancellor of Chichester, Sir Walter de Langeton dean of Bruges, and Master John son of Ertur of Caen public notary, and many other nobles and prelates of either kingdom. Attested by Andrew son of the late William de Tang, clerk of the diocese of York, Who certifies that he carefully compared the original letters. (Endorsed) ' Sextum instrumentum super liberacione possessionis regni Scocie et castrorum, facta domino Eegi Anglie per nobiles regni.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 16.] June 4. 487. David de Torthorald knight, who is in the K.'s service, and the issues of whose lands in Cumberland are forfeited on account of his absence from a grand jury summoned to the K.'s Bench in the quinzaine of Holy Trinity, has a remission. Norham. [Close, 19 Edw. I. m. 6, clorso.] June 5. 488. Florence count of Holland, and the other Competitors for the Fcedera, i. 755. Crown of Scotlaud, agrcc to receive judgment from the K. as Lord Paramount. Append their seals. Norham, Tuesday next after Ascension Day 1291. Norman French. [Chapter House (Scots Docu- ments), No. IS.] 120 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Eight seals in green wax are attached by red and green silken tags inter- woven. All are in fine condition. (1) The Count of Holland's is awanting. 1291, (2) A knight riding to sinister with sword drawn, a plume in his helmet, sal tires on hia shield and housings of horse : ' esto ferox ut leo' (Brus). (3) Shield charged with an orle : ' s' jehan de baillouel.' (3) Shield charged with a maunche : ' s' joh'is de hastinges.' (4) Knight riding to sinister with sword drawn, crescent and star above his helmet, garbs on the housings of horse : ' s' secreti joh'is cumin.' (5) A shield charged with a lion rampant within a bordure bearing 8 roses : * s' dni. patrich DE DUNBAR co'iTis MARC.' (6) Shield charged with a plain cross, sur- mounted by a label of 5 points : ' sigilllum johannis db vect.' (7) a raven not on a shield : ' sigillum nicolai de souli.' (8) A shield charged with 3 water bougets : ' s' willei.mi de ros.' June 5, 489. Letters patent by the Count of Holland, Robert de Brus, John de Balliol, John de Hastings, John Comyn, the Earl of March, William de Vesci for his father, Nicholas de Soules and William de Eos, Competitors for the Crown, agreeing to be bound by the K.'s decision as Overlord. Append their seals. Norham, Tuesday next after the Ascension, 1291. Norman French. (Endorsed) 'Scriptum per quod petentes jus in regno Scocie obligant se ad petendum et recipiendum jus suum coram Rege Anglie superiore domino Scocie, et per quod concedunt quod ipse Rex audiat et terminet jura sua in dicto regno, sicut ei qui est superior dominua Scocie, competit in hac parte.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 8S, No. 20.] Defaced by damp. Only one seal, that of William de Ros, is appended. June 5. 490. The K. commands A[ntony] bishop of Durham, keeper of his land of Tyndale, to pay from its issues Johnde Swyneburne's annuity of 10 marks, granted by the late A[lexander] K. of Scotland. Norham. [Patent, 19 Echo. I. m. 13, ceduld.] June 5. 491. Instrument attesting that on 5th June 1291, in presence of Fojdera, i. 766-7. thc Competitors and other nobles and prelates of both kingdoms assembled in the parish church of Norham, there were, delivered in vi^riting to John de Berwick dean of Wymburne, the K.'s clerk, the names of the 104 commissioners respectively chosen by the K. and the Competitors. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 3.] June 6. 492. Letters patent by the nine Competitors, agreeing that seisin Fcedern, i. 755. of the kingdom of Scotland and its castles should be delivered to the National Mss. of King of England. They append their seals. Norham, Wednes- scot.,i.No.isxi. jg^y after Ascension 1291. Norman French. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 88, No. 21.] In fine condition. Eight seals only, in green wax, similar to those in No. 488 appended ; that of the Count of Holland being lost. That of the Earl of March is broken and half lost. June 6. 493. Instrument attesting that on 6th June 1291 the K. signified Feeders,!. 7G7. to the Competitors and others present, that his final judgment should be given on 2nd August at Berwick-on-Tweed. Norham Castle. [Chcqytcr Ho2'.sc (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 19.] EELATIXG TO SCOTLAXD. 121 Edward I. 494. The Sheriffof Northumberland commanded to summon William Douglas to Newcastle-on-Tyne on Monday the morrow of the octave 1291. of St John Baptist's Nativity next, to answer to Geoffrey de Lucy June 8. for disseising him of common in Faudone. Norham. [Chancery Stevenson, i. 2ZZ. Miscellanecms Bolls, No. 4^4-] June 10. 495. Indenture dated Pentecost 1291, between Sir Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, and Sir John de Strivelyn of Moray, whereby the former leases to the latter all his land within the barony of Invirbervyn, within and without burgh ; to be held by Sir John and his heirs of Sir Eobert and his heirs for five years, for the yearly rent of 16/. sterling, payable at Dundee, and doing all other services except the King's aid and host. And he shall deliver the lands at the end of the lease in ' the same state or better ' than he received them. They append their seals to counterparts at Berwick. [Duchy of Lancaster Charters, Box A., No. 123.] A round seal in green wax appended. Shield charged with 6 mullets of 6 points, 3, 2, and 1. * s' joh'is : de : strivelyn : de : MO. . . .' June 11. 496. Instrument attesting that in the castle of Norham, on 11th June 1291, the four Eegents of Scotland and the keepers of castles, resigned the kingdom and its castles to the K. as Overlord, who thereon restored the kingdom to the Eegents and the castles to their keepers. Thereafter the nobles and prelates present presented to him Alan bishop of Caithness as a fit Chancellor, and the K. appointed him to said office, adjoining to him Sir "Walter de Amundesham his own clerk as socius. Attested by Andrew son of the late William de Tang clerk of York diocese. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 20.] June 12. 497. Indemnification by the K. and the Competitors to Gilbert de FcEdera, i. 756. Umfraville earl of Angus, keeper of the castles of Dundee and Forfar, for delivering the same by the consent of the Guardians. Norham. Norman French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), No. W.] Obliterated in parts. Three seals in white wax only remain ; those of Comyn, de Yesci, and de Eos (as in No. 488). June 12. 498. Instrument attesting that on 12th June 3291, in presence of Foedera,i.768. the clcrgy, uobles, and community of Scotland, the Competitors for the crown, and the four Eegents, assembled opposite Norham Castle beyond the Tweed, in a green field in the parish of Upsetelington, Alan bishop of Caithness, Chancellor of Scotland, appointed by the K., received the seal of the Eegency, and with Sir Walter de Amun- desham his socius, swore to discharge their office according to the laws and custoins of Scotland. Whereupon the Eegents, together with the Competitors and other magnates of Scotland, crossed to the castle to hear the K.'s pleasure. Who signified to them that next day, in the place from which they had come, the clergy, nobles, and 122 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. communities of cities and burghs, should swear fealty to him ; whereon his peace should be proclaimed throughout the whole 1291. realm. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 14^.] June 13. 499. Instrument certifying that on 13th June 1291, the K. in per- Foedeia, i. 768. SOU, appointed Brian fitz Alan associate to the other Guardians of the realm deputed by hiro, and took their oaths of office. The aforesaid Guardians, with 27 other earls and barons of Scotland, swore fealty on the Holy Evangels. Whereon the K. as overlord proclaimed his peace throughout the whole realm, and adjourned the diet to the 2nd of August following at Berwick-upon-Tweed, for hearing and deciding the claims of the Competitors to the Crown. Done opposite Norham Castle tit supra. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 9.'\ June 28. 500. The K., having on Tuesday the morrow of St Barnabas' day last, committed the seal of the Regency of Scotland to A. bishop of Caithness, the Chancellor of Scotland, and Walter de Agmodesham, his own clerk, commands the Chamberlain every four weeks from said Tuesday, to pay the Chancellor .... marks, and Walter 10 marks towards their expenses of office. Berwick-on-Tweed, 28th June, 19th year of his reign. [Mutilated. Seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94-, No, 8.'] July 4. 501. As John de Seytone has set out with the K. for the town of St Andrews by his special order, the Barons are commanded to respite a debt due by William Locarde for lands now in John's hand till the quinzaine of Michaelmas next. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 18 & 19 Edw. I. in. 14, dorso.'] July 9. 502. Receipt : — A[lan] bishop of Caithness, Chancellor of Scotland, Stevenson, i. 238. and Walter de Agmodeshame clerk of the K. of England, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 40/. sterling, their official fee for 8 weeks. Append their seals. Edinburgh, Monday next after the octaves of the Apostles Peter and Paul. [No seals.] Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94, No. 5.] July 9. 503. The K. sends to the Abbot and convent of St Mary, York, transcripts of (1) the submission by the Competitors for the Crown to him, dated 5th June previous, and (2) their letter dated 6th June, consenting that the realm and castles of Scotland be delivered to his custody, commanding that they are to be enrolled in their Chronicles ad perpetuam rei geste memoriam-. Westminster. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), No. 19^ A considerable fragment of the privy seal in green wax attached. Ohv., the K. on horseback, sword in hand ; Rev., the shield of England. July 9. 504. Similar writ, the K. to the Prior and convent of Lewes. [Somewhat defaced and seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 163.] July 15. 505. Receipt by Robert Heron rector of Ford, and Roger Sauvage PtELATING TO SCOTLAND. 123 Edwaed I. clerk, on Sunday next before the Feast of St Margaret Virgin, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 56/. sterling, their fee for two months. 1291. Append their seals. Perth. [No seals.] [Chapter House (Scots Stevenson,!, ns. Bocuiiunts) , Box 100, No. 187.] Aug. 3. 506. Instrument attesting that the K. on 3rd August 1291, in the FoBdera, i 774. chapel of Bcrwick Castle, declared that he and future kings of Engkind should be at liberty to decide the succession to the Scottish Crown within England at their pleasure. [Chcqder Rouse (Scots Docu- ments), Box 16, N'o. 6'.] Aug. 3. 507. Instrument attesting that at Berwick-on-Tweed on Srd Foedera, i. 774-7. August 1291, in prcseuce of Edward K. of England and his Council, met in the deserted church of the Friars Preachers there, and of the nobles and prelates of both kingdoms, and the 104 auditors elected by the Competitors and tlie K, the [12] Competitors presented their claims as follows : — [Claims recited at length.] The claims having been then laid before the auditors, the K., with the Competitors' consent, appointed Monday next after Trinity Sunday 1292, viz., the 2nd June, in same place, for further proceed- ings and bringing matters to a final issue. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. <§.] The genealogy of Comyn is differently stated on the Great Eoll of Scot- land. Instead of from Hextildis daughter and heir of Gothrik son and heir of Donald K. of Scots as here, it is said on the Eoll to be from Bethoc daughter and heir of Donald. There are also considerable differences in the phraseology of John de Hastings' claim. June 24- 508. [Instrument attesting homages and fealty to the K. as over- Aug. 7. lord by the following : — ] Foedera, i. 772-4. June 24. Hcury prior of Coldingham and Sir John de Vans, swore fealty in the chapel of the Castle. Berwick. June 25. Lady Agnes de Bernham prioress of the nuns of Berwick, Peter de Mornigcon(?), John de Bradely and Edmund de Bindingtou (in same place). Berwick. June 27. Sir Alexander deBonkhill knight (in sameplace). Berwick. June 28. Philip de Eydale. mayor of Berwick [and 58 other bur- gesses by name, among them Adam de Dunbar, Adam de Strivelyn, Master Ptoger Bartholomeu, John de Strivelyn], with the rest of the community present, swore fealty in the parish church. Berwick. June 30. Symon de Trydeltone [and 22 others by name] the remainder of the burgesses and others absent on last day, swore fealty (in same place). Berwick. July 5. Sir William de Douglas swore fealty in the chapel of Sir Walter de Lindesay's manor, where the K. was then staying. Thurston (Thurstanton). July 8. Adam abbot of Holy Ptood, and Sir Ptichard Eraser, in the chapel of the castle, where the K. was staying. Edinburo^h. July 12. William bishop of Dunblane, Malise earl of Stratherne, 124 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Geoffry de Moubray, and William de Eotheivan (Euthven) knights, before the Council, in the castle where the K. was. Stirling. 1291. July 12. On same day the K., with advice of the prelates and mag- nates of Scotland there present, settled an ordinance as to homage and fealty to be made by all, both clerical and lay, who would have been bound to make it to a living King of Scotland, as follows: — The Guar- dians ordained that all should make such. Those #io came and re- fused were to be arrested till performance, and those who did not come but excused themselves for good reason, were allowed till next Par- liament. Others who neither came nor excused themselves, were to be more straitly distrained. The Bishop of St Andrews, John Comyn of Badenagh, and Brian fitz Alan, to receive fealties in Perth ; the Bishop of Glasgow, James the Steward of Scotland, and Nicholas de Segrave, at the new Castle on Ayr ; the Earl of Sutherland and the Sheriff of the county with his bailiffs, and the castellan of Inverness, at that town ; but the castellan first to take the Earl's oath, and then with him those of the other officers and others of the county ; and these should be taken within fifteen days after July 13th. William de St Clair and William de Boyville to take the fealty of the Bishop of Whitherne, and thereafter with the Bishop, those of all Galloway. July 17. Ealph abbot of Dunfermlyn, Sirs Andrew Eraser, William de la Haye, Andrew de Moravia, and Constantine de I,ogher sheriff of Fife, swore fealty to the K. then there, some before the greater altar, and others in the chapter house of the monastery. Dunfermline. July 19. John de Moravia, Michael Scot, Aco de Kynros, Eobert Horethe, William de Leghtone, and Thomas Keyr knights, swore fealty in the chapel. Kyngorne. July 22. John prior of St Andrews, Sirs Adam de Eotrefe, William de Maul, Alexander de Abernithy, Hugh de la Haye, Henry de Anstrother, Alexander de Arderne, John de Haye and Eobert de Betune knights, swore fealty to the K. there present, in tlie chapter house of the monastery. St Andrews. July 23. Sir John abbot of Lundors, with Sirs Waltiam de Fenton and Symon de Fraser (?) (Freschele) swore fealty on the greater altar of the monastery. Lundors. July 24. John of Perth [and 70 other burgesses named, among them, Simon Glover, Henry Cirothecarius, Patrick Galythly], swore fealty in the cemetery of the Black Friars, the K. being then in the town. Perth. July 24. Friar Andrew abbot of Coupar, Lady Maria Queen of Man and countess of Stratherne, John le Botiler, and John de Cambron, swore fealty in the church of the Black Friars ; and in the K.'s chamber there. Friar Thomas abbot of Scone. Perth. July 25. Sir John of Argyll son of Sir Alexander of Argyll swore fealty in the King's chamber in the house of the Black Friars. Perth. July 28. Lady Christina prioress of the nuns of Manuel, swore fealty to the K. then there. Linlithgow. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 125 Edward L July 29. Friar John abbot of Newbottle, Ealph master of the Hospital of Soltre, Walter master of the House of Balnecryfe, and 1291. Lady Alicia prioress of Haddington, swore fealty in the chapel of the castle ; and Friar Alexander prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Friar Brian preceptor of the soldiery of the Temple in Scotland, thereafter, in the K.'s chamber in the castle. Edinburgh. Aug. 1. Henry bishop of Aberdeen, Eobert bishop of Ross, William earl of Ross, William de Moravia ' the rich,' and David de Graham knights, swore fealty in a chapel near the K.'s Chamber. Berwick. Aug. 4. Friar Henry abbot of Arbroath, and Sir David de Tor- thorald knight, swore fealty in the deserted church of the Black Friars. Berwick. Aug. 6. The Abbot of Kinloss (Kynglos), and Aug. 7. Sir John de Cantelou knight, both swore fealty in same church. Berwick. \Chapter Hoii&z (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 2.] On the Great Eoll of Scotland in extenso,wiih the witnesses' names present at the several homages, Aug. 7. 509. Grant to Alexander de Ballioland Isabella his wife of a weekly market on Tuesday at their manor of Chileham in Kent, and an annual fair there for eight days, viz., on the eve, the day, and the morrow of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary and five follow- ing days. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Charter, 19 Ediv. I. m. 2.] Aug. 10. 510. As Stephen de Muscamp the 'familiar' of W. Bishop of St Andrews, is constantly occupied in the affairs of the Bishop's household, and cannot discharge his duties as coroner, the K. removes him and commands the Sheriff of Northumberland to elect another coroner. Berwick-on-Tweed. The K. commands A[nthony] bishop of Durham, keeper of his land of Tyndale, to give Walter de Routbury 2 bucks and 4 does in the chace of Tyndale, by the K.'s gift. Berwick-on- Tweed. [Close, 19 Eclw. I. m. 4,.] Aug. 10. 511. Cristiana widow of Peter de Maulea gives half a mark for a writ. [Berwick-on-Tweed.] [Fine, 19 Echo. I. m. 6.'] [Shortly 512. Reasons or allegations propounded by Sir Robert de Brus before for the purpose of proving that he is entitled to the kingdom of Aug. 12. Scotland as nearest heir of the Royal blood. Norman French. Paigrave, pp. 23-26. [Much decayed.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 10.] [Shortly 513. Further arguments by Sir Robert de Brus, closing with the before repetition of the recognition by Alexander II., his bishops, earls, and Aug. 12.] barons, of his right of blood, the writing attesting which under their Paigiavp,pp.26-30.seals lemaius in the Royal Treasury. Norman French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 11.] Very much decayed and damaged. 126 CALENDAR OF DOCUMEXTS Edward I. 514. Further arguments and examples adduced by Sir Robert de Brus in support of his plea as nearest in degree. [Much damaged and 1291. decayed.] Norman French. [Clmpter House (Scots Documents), Box 1, [Shortly No. 13.] before Aug. 12.] 515, Sir Eobert de Brus's further arguments (drawn from the Pope's paigrave, pp. 30-34. deposition of the K. of France) against female succession. Norman [Sliortly French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 4> No. 21.] before Aug. 12.] 516. Appointment given to parties by the King. On 12th Auguso Paigi-ave, p. 30. 1291, in the hall of the castle of Berwick, in presence of the K., of Aug. 12. the auditors appointed by him and the Competitors, and of the raigrave,pp.35-3G.Bishops, clergy, and nobles of Scotland, the Competitors attended; and their petitions being read, with the answers of parties, and reasons severally propounded before the auditors, the K., with consent of the auditors, caused the petitions and process to be sewed up in a bag, which, under the seals of the Bishops of St Andrews and the Earls of Buchan and Mar, was deposited in safe custody in the castle of Berwick. The K. appointed the morrow of Holy Trinity; viz., 2nd June next, to proceed with the business ; and enjoined Sir John de Lythgreynes, Master William de Lyncoln, and Thomas de Fisseburne, taking with them the Abbots of Dumfermline and Holy- rood and the Clerk of the Rolls of Scotland, to examine carefully the K. of Scotland's Treasury, besides monasteries, and other places whereiii it was thought that the writing alleged by the Count of Holland in support of his exception might be found, so as to be ready at the said day, with any others found that should make for the right of any of the claimants. Norman French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box Jf., No. 21.] Aug. 13. 517. Ptalph Basset of Drayton knight, castellan of Edinburgh t:tevenson, i Castlc, ackuowlcdges receipt from Sir Alexander de Balliol the pp. 240, 2C0. Chamberlain and his socii of 40 marks for his 40 days' wages. Appends his seal. Berwick-on-Tweed, 13th Aug. 1291. [N"o seal.] Receipt by same on morrow of St Andrew (1st December) thereafter, for 80^. sterling, for keeping the castle from 6th September till 5th January following. Edinburgh. [Cliapier House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 1S7.] Aug. 14. 518. Receipt : — Roger le Sauvage, clerk, on Tuesday the Vigil of the Stevenson,!. 241. Assumption of the Virgin, from the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 50s. sterling, in part payment of his expenses in the royal chamber. Appends his seal. Berwick. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Small fragment of seal in brown wax. Aug. 15. 519. The K commands A[lan] bishop of Caithness, Chancellor of Scotland, by a writ to the keeper of the forest of Clacmanan, to give EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 127 Edwaed I. Friar Brian cle Jaye preceptor of the soldiery of the Temple in Scot- 1291. land, 4 oaks fit for timber. Chatton. [Patent, 19 Echo. I. m. 7.] Aug. 15. 520. Eeceipt: — William de Boyville keeper of the castles of Stevenson, Dumfrics, Wigton, and Kirkcudbright, to the Chamberlain of Scot- land, for 60 marks of silver, his wages from 28th July last at a mark per diem. Berwick. Another receipt attached by same person, dated Edinburgh, Monday next after All Saints' day, for 20/. received from John de Cramund escheator of the Chamberlain, in part payment. [Chapter House {Scots Boeuments), Box 100, No. 187.] Aug. 16. 521. Letters patent by the K. commanding Alan bishop of Foedoia, i. 761. Caithness, the Chancellor of Scotland, to cause the Chamberlain to pay yearly to each of the five Guardians, 400 marks as his fee of office, from Sunday next before the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and a mark j^er diem to himself from the said date for his own expenses as Chancellor, besides the issues of the seal, which he is to retain to his own use. [This clause as to the Chancellor's own fees scored out.] Alnwick. [Chancenj Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 21 -J Aug. 17. 522. Eeceipt : — Norman de Arci constable of Stirling Castle, to Stevenson,!. 242. "William of Eoxburgh cellarer of Newbottle, for 2 marks sterling for the corn due to the K. for Bothkennar. Appends his seal. New- bottle, Friday next after the Assumption of the Virgin. [No seal.] [Cha'pter House (Scots Boeuments), Box 100, No. 187.'] Aug. 18. 523. Eeceipt : — Norman de Arci constable of Stirling Castle, on Stevenson, i. 244. Saturday next after the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1291, from the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 26/. 13s. M. sterling, as his fee for keeping the castle from 28th July at a mark ijer diem.. Berwick, [Chcqjter House (Scots Boeuments), Box 100, No. 187.] Aug. 18. 524. Warrant by the Guardians of Scotland to the Chamberlain Stevenson, i. 243. for 2ol. sterling, the quarter's salary of Master Thomas de Carnoto (Charteris), late Chancellor, up to St Barnabas' day last. Berwick. [Chapter House (Scots Boeuments), Box 100, No. 52 a.] The seal of the Regency in white wax is appended. Ohv. the Scottish lion and double tressure : Rev. St Andrew on the cross, the field sown •with trefoils. Two letters, ii., only remain of the legend. Aug. 19. 525. Eeceipt by A[lan] bishop of Caithness, Chancellor of Scotland, Stevenson i. 244 to the Chamberlain, for 10/. sterling as his fee from Tuesday next after the Feast of the Blessed Oswald martyr last. Appends his seal Sunday next after the Assumption of the Virgin. Berwick. [Chapter House (Scots Boeuments), Box 9^, No. 6.] Oval seal in yellow wax in 3 compartments ; in upper two a bishop in act of benediction, and the Virgin and child ; in lower a bishop praying. ' SECRETUM ALANI CATAN. . . . ' 128 CALEXDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 526. Indeuture (in duplicate) of the muniments in the Treasury of Edinburgh to be deposited at Berwick by the K. of England's precept, 1291. taken in presence of the Abbots of Dunfermline and the Holy Eood Aug. 23. of Edinburgh, John de Lythgreynes, William de Lincoln, Thomas de :Acts of Pari, of Fissebumc, and William de Dunfres, keeper of the EoLls of Scotland. Scot. i. App. iv. T 1 • 1 nil The Abbots and others aforesaid append their seals on Ihursday the Vigil of St Bartholomew, 1291. Edinburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box3, JVos. 53, S4-] This duplicate is endorsed in a contemporary hand, * Magister Willelmus * de Lyncoln. Indentura de miinimentis captis intus Thesaurarium de ' Edenbiirghe et depositis per preceptum Regis Anglie apud Berewyk anno ' Domini 1291.' It is somewhat faded and illegible towards the end. Another duplicate in Exchequer, much injured by damp, is endorsed 'Pars Domini Johannis de Lythgreynes. ludentura de Munimentis Scocie.' The seals appended to both are gone. Aug. 30. 527. Eeceipt by Adam de Botindone adjoint of A[lan] bishop of Stevenson, i. 24G. Caithuess, Chaucellor of Scotland, to the Chamberlain, for 10/. sterling for 30 days, in part payment of his fees. Berwick, Thursday the morrow of the Decollation of St John Baptist 1291. [Chaptei^ House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No 14-4-] Sept. 3. 528. Memorandum as to the documents found in the Castle of Acts of Pari, of Edinburgh and deposited under seal in the Treasury of Berwick Scot. i. App. V. Castle on Monday next before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary 1291. Berwik Castle. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 58.'] Document somewhat mutilated. Sept. 5. 529. Eeceipt by Eichard de Swethope constable of Aboyne on Stevenson, i. 24G. Wednesday next before the Nativity of the Virgin 1291, to Andrew of Brenach, clerk, on behalf of Sir Dovenald earl of Mar, for 20 marks sterling of the farm of Aboyne. TuUachus Occlethe. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187?^ Sept. 8. 530. Eeceipt by Eobert Heron rector of Ford, at Cavers on Stevenson, i. 247. Saturday the Nativity of the Virgin, to the Chamberlain of Scot- land for his fee of 20/. Cavers. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Sept. 10. 531. . . . Gray(?) castellan of Banff, acknowledges receipt from Eobert son of Henry (?) William the Porter, and Walter Buk called of Botilton, then bailiffs of Banff, of 9/. sterling of the farm of the said vill, of Martinmas, 1290(?). Appends his seal at Banff, Monday next after the Nativity of the Virgin. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187:] No seal. Writing nearly obliterated. Sept. 15. 532. Eeceipt by Patrick le Grant castellan of Clony to Hugh Stevenson, i. de Erthe, Sir John Cumyn's bailiff, for 4/., as his pay for 40 days. 247, 248. Appends his seal. Clony, the octaves of the Nativity of the Virgin. [No seal.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 129 Edward I. Similar receipt by him of same data to same person, for 4/. for 40 days following, from the farms of the ' Abthanya ' of Dul. Clony. 1291. [No seal.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.'\ Sept. 19. 533. Eeceipt by Norman de Arcy knight and castellan of Stirling, fetevenson, i. 275.to the Abbot and convent of jSTewbottle, for 4 chalders of wheat, and 12 marks sterling instead of 6 chalders of wheat, of the farm of Bothkenner. Stirling, Wednesday next before St Matthew apostle's day. [No seal.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Sept. 24. 534. The K, commands his escheator citra Trent, after taking security from Alianora widow of Hugh Luvel [dead before 16th June previous] that she will not re-marry without the K.'s licence, to assign her dower, and to deliver two thirds of the lands to John de Soulys to whom the K. has given their custody till the heir's majority. Devises. [Close, 19 Ecliv. I. m. £] See also a writ on 2nd November for her lands in Castle Gary and others [m. 1.] ; and Fine Roll, 19 Edio. I. m. 3, for the grant to John de Sonles. 1290-91. 535. [Letters of attorney, protection, and safe conduct, connected Dec. 28- with the affairs of Scotland.] Oct. 11. Dec. 28. Eli as de Hauville, about to go there in the K.'s service, appoints two attorneys for a year. Assherugge. Dec. 28. Anthony bishop of Durham, going there, appoints an attorney till Michaelmas next. Assherugge. [m. 25.] Jan. [12.] Thomas Eandolph, Masters William de Pothou, Thomas de Hunsinggovere, Walter de Fodringgeye, Thomas de la More, Peter de Yar', clerk, and William de Falderleye, executors of the will of Dervorgulla de Balliol, appoint two attorneys for three years. Assherugge. Jan. 20. The Bishop of Durham, going there on the K.'s special affairs, appoints an attorney for a year. Assherugge. [m. 22.] March 6. Walter Dekne, burgess of St John's town of Perth in Scot- land, has a conduct for two years wnth his wares. Long Ichinton. March 8. Florence count of Holland has a conduct to come to the K. in England, till Michaelmas next. Bishop's Ichinton. [m 16.] April 13. William son of William Cumyn, staying with the K. in England,has a protectionin Ireland forayear. North Alverton. [wi.l5.] May 13. John earl of Caithness and Orkney has a safe conduct coming to the K., till the octaves of Trinity. Norham. Cancelled. William de Crumbacy, the earl's valet, lately sent to the K., has a conduct returning to his lord, till the Feast of Ascension next. Norham. Cancelled. June 5. Alexander de Balliol and Isabella his wife, remaining in Scotland, appoint two attorneys till Michaelmas next and for a year after. Norham. [m. 14.] VOL. II. I 130 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward 1. June 11. John de Balliol has a protection for his men going to Ireland to buy corn, wine, and other necessaries, and to England to 1291. buy corn, wine, salt, and other necessaries, and take these to Scotland for his use. Norham. June 13. Mark bishop of Sodor, going to Man, has a safe conduct during the K.'s pleasure. Norham. June 15. Richard de Waldeshef, with Edmund the K.'s brother in the Castle of Jedburgh in Scotland, has a protection till Christmas. Norham. June 16. Odo de Kinemunthe has a presentation to the church of St Santan in Man, vacant and in the K.'s bauds, under letters to the Bishop of Sodor. Berwick. Master Alan de Wygetone has the like to the church of St Carber in Man ut supra. Berwick. Roland the chaplain has the like to the church of St Patrick of Dureby in Man ut supra. Berwick. \in. 13.] June 14. The Abbot of Melros has a protection for a year. Norham. June 16. Robert de Ros, in the K.'s service there with the K., has a protection till Christmas next. Berwick. \^m. 12.] William de Ros of Hamelake, the same. Berwick. Robert de Pynkenye, the same. Berwick. June 17. Nicholas de Yoksflete with Roger de Moubray, the same. Norham. June 20. Robert son of Oliver, merchant of Berwick-on-Tvt'eed, has a conduct for his men and wares for five years. Berwick-on-Tweed. June 20. John le Brun of HoUesleghe, an English merchant, has a safe conduct and licence to trade with the ship called ' Godyer' which he lately bought for 31 marks 6s. M. from John le Clerk of Rox- burgh burgess of Berwick, when the K. was there. Berwick. June 2-4. Thomas le Joefne and Jordan his son, burgesses and merchants of Berwick, have leave to trade in England for three years. Berwick. June 24. Geoffry le Cuteler of Berwick-on-Tweed, merchant, who trades to many places, has a conduct for three years. Berwick, June 25. William de Rameseye in Scotland with the Bishop of Bath and Wells has a protection for a year. Berwick. \in. 11.] June 28. Roger Brockur and William his son, the K.'s merchants of Berwick-on-Tweed, who trade to many places, have a conduct for three years. Berwick-on-Tweed. [m. 10.] June 28, John Oter, merchant of Berwick, has licence to trade with his wines, wool, and other goods by laud and sea for two years. Berwick-on-Tweed. July 6. The Abbot of Alnewyk setting out for his general chapter at Premontre, has a protection till the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary next, Coldingham in Scotland, [m. 9.] July 6. The K. requests the bishop of London to institute Master EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 131 Edward li William de Grenefeld his clerk, as first presentee to the church of ■ ^ Parva Lanfare in his diocese. Thurston in Scotland. 1291. July 8. The Abbot of Kewminster, setting out for his general chapter at Citeaux, appoints two attorneys. Hadington in Scotland. July 10. The K. gives Gilbert Sikelfot of Suthoure freedom for three years from assizes or juries. Castmin Puellarurn in Scocia (Edinburgh). July 11. The K. commands Ealf CodoUj bailiff of Serk and Aurneye (Alderney), to give Dennis of Tillebury, clerk of Otto de Grandison, who is in the K.'s service in the Holy Land, the rents of these islands. Linliscu in Scotland, [m. 8.] July 21. The Abbot of Vauday, setting out for his general chapter at Citeaux, has a protection till Martinmas next. St Andrews in Scotland. \in. 9.] Aug. 1. The K. directs 0[liver] bishop of Lincoln to institute Master Thomas Cantok to the church of Herdewyk. Eokesburghe. Aug. 2. Norman de Arcy, with Philip and Eobert de Arcy in the K.'s service in Scotland, have protections for a year. Caldestreme in Scotland. \rii. 7.] Aug. 4. John of Aberdeen merchant of Berwick has licence to trade tvith corn, wine, and others for two years. Berwick-on-Tweed. Aug. 4. H. bishop of Whitherne ' in Ireland' has leave to send vessels to Ireland to buy corn, wines, and others for his house for five years. Berwick-on-Tweed. Aug. 6. The Abbot and convent of Melros have a protection for a year. Berwick-on-Tweed. Aug. 10. Willelma widow of Gilbert Askalok of Galloway, has a protection sine termino. Berwick-on-Tweed. Aug. 13. The K. commands his bailiffs in Ireland and Scotland to permit the men of Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick to buy corn, wine, and other victuals in Ireland and take them to Carrick. Chattou. Aug. 16. John of Douai merchant, sent by John de Soules to France to buy articles for him, has a protection till the Feast of St John Baptist next. Chatton. Aug. 17. Adam de Toftes of Norwich, serving by the K.'s precept in the castle of Eokesburghe, has one for a year. Alnewyk. \pn. 7.] Oct. 11. The envoys of Eric K. of Norway who are coming to Eng- land to the K.'s presence, have safe conduct for a year after the Feast of All Saints next. Berkele. [m. 4.] [Patent, 19 Edvx /.] [Oct. 18?] 536. Eeceipt by Peter Burdet, at Berwick on [St Luke's] .... Stevenson, i. 249. evangelist's day, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, .... for 2hl. 125. 6tZ. sterling. [One-fourth destroyed.] [Chapter House {Scots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 187.1 Oct. 21. 537. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan at Braid on Sunday next after the Stevenson, i. 250. pgfist of St Lukc Evaugelist 1291, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, by Eichard his clerk for 20/. sterling, in part payment of his 132 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd T. wages for the custody of tlie castles of Dundee, Forfar, Eoxburgh, and Jedburgh. Braid. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, 1291. Ko. IS?.] Oct. 22. 538. Eeceipt by Adam de Bodingtone, associate to the Chancellor Stevenson, i. 250. of Scotlaod at Edinburgh, on Monday next after St Luke's day 1291, to the Chamberlain, for 6/. 13s. 4d in part of his fee. [Edin]burgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 5.'] Nov. 4. 539. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan, at Jedburgh, on Sunday next after stcTenson, i. 251. All Saints' day, to Sir John Comyn by his bailiff of Jedburgh, for 112/. sterling, in part of his wages, keeping the castles of Eoxburgh and Jedburgh. Jedburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Fragment of a seal in green wax. Nov. 5. 540. Eeceipt by Alan bishop of Caithness, chancellor of Scotland, Stevenson, 1. 253. to the Chamberlain, for 20/. sterling, in part of payment to be made to him. Edinburgh, Monday next after All Saints' day. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 5.] Fragment of same seal as formerly, in green wax. .Nov. 9. 541. Eeceipt by Eichard de Swethope keeper of Aboyne castle, Stevenson, to Gilbert thc clerk and William called ' Bissope,' on behalf of Sir i.253,2G2. Dovenald earl of Mar, for 13/. 6s. 8d., expenses of himself and his garrison for 40 days. Aboyne. [No seal.] Similar receipt by the same on St Nicholas the bishop's day there- after, for 40 marks of his wages, to Alan de Walchop chamberlain of the Earl. Aboyne. [Cliapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Circa 542. Eeceipt by Eobert Gray castellan of Banff, to Eymer Nov. 11. Cumyn for 8/. sterling, his pay at this term ; viz., 4/. for the thanage Stevenson, i. 255.of Abirkerdor, and 4/. for Convathe. Appends his seal. Banff. [No seal.] Another by same of&cer, dated Banff same date, for 9/., from Alan son of Eeginald, clerk of the Sheriff of Banff, for his pay at same term. [Somewhat defaced.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Nov. 11. 543. Eeceipt by Thomas de Braythoft keeper of the castles of Nairn and Cromarty, on Martinmas day, to Alexander Husband ' propositus ' of luvernairn, from the farms and arrears of said burgh , for 6 marks sterling as his pay. [Much faded.] Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.] Nov. 12. 544. The K., learning that Muriella formerly Countess of Mar, is dead, commands the escheator ultra Trent to take her lands and chattels in hand. Worcester. [Originalia, 19 Ediv. I. m. 24.] Nov. 13. 545. Eeceipt by Norman de Arcy castellan of Stirling, to the stevenscD.i. 255. Abbot and convent of Newbottle, for 10 marks sterling instead of 5 RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 133 Edwaed I. chalders of wheat, from the farms of Bothkennar. Newbottle, St Brice the bishop's day. [No seal. Much faded.] Chapter House 1291. {Scots Documents), Box 100, A^o 187.] Nov. 18. 546. Eeceipt by Henry de Ey clerk to Gilbert the clerk, on Stevenson, i. 256. behalf of Sir Eeginald le Chen the son sheriff of Elgin, for 40/. of his stipend. Elgyn, Sunday in the octave of St Martin 1291. [No 1290-91. seal,] [Chancery 3IisceUaneous Bolls, No. 4-74.] Nov. 20- 547. Compotus of Walter de Langton in the Wardrobe from Nov. 20. 20th November 1290 till 20th November 1291, attested by John de Drokenesford, comptroller. Expenses while the King was in Scotland : — [Bxtracts.] Cost of repairing Berwick bridge [between 2nd June and 6bh August] 4/. 8s. Id. Walter de Agmundesham clerk, assigned to keep the seal of Scotland with the Bishop of Caithness— wages and expenses from 18th June till 5th August, when he was recalled from that duty, 61. 13s. 4d Ealph Basset knight, appointed by the King keeper of Edinburgh castle at 1 mark per diem for himself and retinue, from 18th June till 27th July, 26/. 13s. 4:d. ; Norman Darci keeper of Stirling castle ut supra, 26/. 13s. Ad. ; Nicholas de Segrave keeper of Dumbrethan castle and the New castle on Ayr, at los. per diem ut supra, 30/. ; William de Boyville keeper of the castles of Dumfries, Wygeton, and Kj^kcudbrith, at a mark yer diem; Laurence de St Maur keeper of Jedeworthe castle, at J a mark per diem ; William de Grandisson keeper of Eoxburgh castle, at same rate; John de Guideforde keeping the castles of Aberdeen and Kylkardyn, at a mark^er diem; Henry de Eye keeping the castles of Elgyn and Foreys at same rate; Thomas de Bray toft keeping the castles of Invernairn and Crumbathyn at half a mark per diem ; Eichard de Swethope keeping the castle of Aboyne, at same rate; Eobert de Grey keeping Bamphe castle, at 2s. Qd. per diem; William de Bray- toft keeping the castles of Inverness and Dingwall, at a mark; Patrick le Grant keeping Cloyny castle at 2s. per diem ; and Brian fitz Alan keeping the castles of Forfar and Dundee at los. per diem; all for the aforesaid time, 190/. 13s. 4tZ. Total expenses in the affairs of Scotland, 2925/. Zs. 9^fZ. [Bipe Boll, 21 Edw. I. m. 2^.] Nov. 20- 548. Account of Sir Walter de Langeton keeper of the Wardrobe Nov. 20. for stores provided for Scotland anno xix. not finally accounted for in stevensrn, that year. [Wheat, hogs, &c., for six castles in Scotland.] [Bxch., i.208-213.' Q ^ Miscdlanea, Army, No. i^.] 1291. 549. Inquisition [under writ dated Worcester, 12th of same month] Nov. 23. at Wooler before Thomas de Normanville, on Friday next after St Stevenson, i. 2-57. Cecilia's day 1291, by Stephen de Muschauns, Eobert de Wethe- 134 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. wode ..... Thomas de Hagardistone [and 9 others] jurors ; who find that Muriella, late Countess of Mar held the fourth part of the 1291. barony of Muscamp, viz., the chief messuage of Louwyk, value 5s., 205 acres there at 12d. each ; .... 13 ' husbandi,' each holding 24 acres, and paying 21s. 4d each; 13 cottars, each vi^ith a messuage and 2 acres paying 3s. 8d.; the mill 100s. ; William the smith holding a messuage and G^ acres at 6s. 6d., and doing service besides .... The vill of Bollisdone pays 34s. 3a'. yearl}-- at the two Feasts of St Cutli- bert. The vill of Brankistone pays 16s. at Michaelmas. The mill of Hederislawe is worth 100s., the vill of Hetpole pays fixed rent 109s. Total extent 521. lis. 5d., besides the manor of Eoss in the liberty of St Cuthbert, worth 10/., held of the Bishop of Durham, as the quarter of a knight's fee. Maria wife of Nicholas de Graham, her sister, is next heir and 40 years of age and more. [Inq. p. m. W Edw. I. No. 26.1 Nov. 25. Stevenson, i. 268-259. 550. Eeceipt by William de Boyville knight, keeper of the castles of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, and Wigton, to the bailiffs of the burgh of Dumfries by the hands of Robert de Nam, burgess, for 8/. sterling of their Martinmas farm, for the sustenance of his retinue. Dumfries, St Katharine's Day. A receipt follows by same person dated Linlithgow, Thursday the Vigil of St Andrew, for 60/., received from the Chamberlain and his associate in part payment of wages, along with the said 8/. received from the said burgesses. Linlithgow. [Chapter House [Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.'] Dec. 1. Stevenson, i. 260-261. 551. Receipt by Robert Heron rector of Forde, associate of the Chamberlain, at Edinburgh on Saturday, the morrow of St Andrew, for 20/. sterling, his wages for 40 days. Edinburgh. Similar receipt by the same to the Chamberlain for 37/. sterling in part payment of his wages from Tuesday next after the Feast of St Lambert [September 17], till the morrow of St Andrew, ex- cluding both days. [Chapter House {Scots Docume7its), Box 100, No. 187.] 552. Receipt by Peter Burdet castellan of Berwick at Melros on 63 Sunday next before the Feast of St Thomas apostle 1291, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 43/. sterling, part of his wages. Melros. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] 553. The K,, having taken the homage of Ingeram son and heir of Agnes de Balliol, deceased, commands the escheator extra Trent to give him seisin of her lands. Westminster. [Fine, 20 Edw. 1. m. 16.] Dec. 30. 554. Inquisition [under writ dated Berwick-on-Tweed, 21st June previous] at Werke iu Tyndale before the Bailiff of Tyndale, on the Dec. 16. ttevenson, Dec. 30. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 135 Edwaed L morrow of St Thomas the Martyr, anno xx., by Eoger of Hetherrington . . . ., Eichard le Multergreve [and 10 others] jurors ; who find that 1291. Eichard del Wra was seised in demesne of a messuage and 24 acres in Hetherrinton, held in drengage of Alexander K. of Scotland by the service of 13d. yearly, and they are worth a mark. Margery- del Wra, Eichard's wife, is dowered in a third of the messuage and 8 acres, and the remaining two-thirds of the messuage and 16 acres are worth 10s. Eichard son of the deceased Eichard is his next heir, and will be 21 years of age on the next Feast of the Annuncia- tion of the Virgin. [Inq. p. m., £0 Edio. I. No. 137.} 1291-92. 555. Eeceipt by Peter Burdet constable of Berwick on Friday next Jan. 4. after the Lord's Circumcision 1291, to Philip de Linton, for 13/. Stevenson, i. 267. sterling, part payment of his wages. Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Jan. 12, 556. Charter of inspeximus by the K. of one by Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, whereby the latter confirmed to the church of All Saints of Wrytel a grant by Eichard of Great Badewe to that church at the instance of Friar Algucius its ' custos,' of an acre and a half of pasture in the vill of Writel in frank almoigne for the safety of his soul, and an annual raass in the church on the anniversary of his death for ever. "Witnesses [to Eichard's grant], Master Adam de Crokedake seneschal of the said Sir Eobert de Brus, and others ; [to Eobert de Brus's charter, dated at Hert on the morrow of the Nativity of St John Baptist, a.d. 1288], Sirs John de Setone, Henry de Graham, knights. Master Adam de Crokedake seneschal aforesaid, and others. Westminster. [Charter, 20 Edw. I. m. 12.] Jan. 20. 557. The K., learning that widows of those holding of the K. in drengage in Tyndale, were wont in the time of Alexander, late K. of Scotland, to make a fine for leave to re-marry, commands Thomas de Normanville to take security for such fine from Maria, widow of Nicholas de Eidley, although she is married, and to restore her dower of 100s. Westminster. [Fine, W Edw. I. m. 7 J.] Jan. 20. 558. The K. has taken the homage of Nicholas de Graham husband Stevenson, i. 267. of Maria sister and heir of Muriel, late Countess of Mar, and commands Thomas de Normanville to give them seisin of her lands. Westminster. [Fine, 20 Edxo. I. m. 15.] Jan. 30. 559. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan, on Wednesday next before Stevenson, i. 268. Caudlemas, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 60Z. sterling, in part payment of his wages for keeping the castles of Eoxburgh and Jedburgh. Jedburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Docu- ments), 'Box 100, No. 187.] Ante 560. Eeceipt by Sir William de Braytoft knight, castellan of Feb. 1. Inverness and Dingwall, to Thomas Pimor ' prepositus ' of Inverness, 136 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. for 18/. sterling, part of bis wages keeping said castles. Appends seal. [No seal.] 1291-92. Similar receipt by him to Sir Alan Durward, appointed in place Stevenson, of Sir William de Soules sheriff of Inverness, for 109 marks sterling, 1. 245, 265. ixom 24th August last till Candlemas next thereafter. [CJiapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 1S9^^ Feb. 1. 561. Sir William de Braytoft, knight, castellan of Inverness and Stevenson, i. 268, l^ingwall, appoints liis 'vadlet,' Simon de Camera, to receive his pay 280, 340. from the Chamberlain of Scotland. Inverness, Vigil of the Purifi- cation, 1291. Eeceipt by Simon de Camera the attorney, at Stirling, on Thursday next after St Mathias apostle's day, to Sir Alexander de Balliol chamberlain and his associate, for 26/. 13s. 4cZ., in part of his princi- pal's pay. Stirling. Acknowledgment by Sir William de Braytoft that at Martinmas 1291, he had received by the hands of Elias(?) son of Gilbert(?) .... of Invernarn, 6 marks of Thomas de Braytoft's pay allowed by the Chamberlain in the granter's pay. Invernarn, St Laurence's day 1292. [Much defaced.] [Chaider House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 189.] Feb. 1. 562. Eeceipt by Eobert Heron rector of Ford, associate of the sterenson, i. 2C9. Chamberlain, on Friday before Candlemas, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 11/. 10s. in part payment of his wages of office. Eoxburgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Feb. 2. 563. Eeceipt by Henry de Biche castellan of Forres castle, on Saturday, Candlemas 1291, by the hands of William the clerk to Sir William de Dolays the Sheriff of Forres, for 18/. 6s. 8d. sterling of the farms of the burgh of Forres, for keeping the castle. Appends his seal at Elgin. [No seal.] An obliterated receipt (by same person probably) is attached, dated 1292. [Toiuer Miscellaneous Bolls, No.. y>f^.] Feb. 6. 564. The K, besides the custody of the lands of the late Hugh Stevenson, i. 270. Lovcl, givcs John de Soules the advowson of the church of Storketon manor, till the majority of Hugh's heirs. Westminster. [Patent, 20 Echv. I. m. 22:] Feb. 6. 565. Allowance to the executors of Eichard Knout, late sheriff of Stevenson, i. 273. ^Northumberland, for carriage of wine from Newcastle-on-Tyne to Carlisle, and from Alnemouth to Alnwick ; and freight of a vessel with wine from Berwick to Norh am last year. Westminster. [Liberate, 20 Ediv. I. m. 3 ; and Cha^iicery Miscellancoiis Portfolios, No. 41-] 566. Eeginald le Chen to the K. Informs him that the Bishop of Beginning Caithness(?) has just died, and as the custody of the bishopric belongs of Feb. to the K., begs that he may have it during his pleasure. [Boyal Letters, No. 3204..] No date. Much faded and obliterated in parts. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 137 Edward I. 567. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan, on Sunday next after the day of • St Agatha virgin 1291, to Laurence Leckatha, for 30/. sterling, part 1291-92. of his wages for keeping the castles of Forfar and Dundee. Forfar. Feb. 10. Fragment of seal in green wax attached. Stevenson, Similar receipt by him at Stirling, on Thursday next after St i. 249, 272. Mathias' day, to Sir David de Betune sheriff of Forfar, for 50/. sterling. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.'] Feb. 13. 568. Eeceipt by ' Eawf ' Basset lord of Draytoun, warden of Edin- stevenson, i. 274. burgh castle to the late constable, for 40 marks his wages for 40 days keeping the same. Norman French. [Much faded.] [Chapter Rouse {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Circa 569. Brian fitz Alan represents that the K. lately appointed Feb. 14. Master William de Dunfres chancellor for Scotland; but no order has as yet come to any of the Guardians to deliver, or Master William to receive, the seal, up to Monday before St Valentine's day, whereby justice is delayed. Begs the K.'s commands forthwith, for many letters have come from the English chancery to the Chancellor of Scotland, and the delay causes great damage. [No date or place.] [Eo7/al Letters, No. 1308.] Feb. 22. 570. Norman de Arcy castellan of Stirling, acknowledges receipt from Sir Patrick de Graham sheriff of Stirling by the hands of Laurence of Dunblane burgess of that place, of 106/. 13s. 4c/. sterling, of the farms of Stirlingshire at Pentecost 1291, for his expenses for four ' quarantenes.' Appends his seal. Stirling. {Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Feb. 27. 571. Eeceipt by Nicholas de Segrave castellan of Ayr and Stevenson,!. 277. Dumbarton on Wednesday next after the Feast of St Mathias apostle, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 60/. to account of his wages, for keeping these castles from 6th September till 14th February at , 15s. per diem. Ayr. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] A small fragment of the seal in green was remains ; the charge a lion rampant. Feb. 28. 572. The Guardians of the realm command the Chamberlain to Stevenson, i. 278.pay the cxpcnscs of the retiring keepers of the castles of Wygeton, Kirkcudbright, and Dumfries till the entry of Sir Walter de Curry the new keeper ; and also his salary of 40 marks. Append their own seals. Stirling, Thursday next after St Mathias' day. [No seals,] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No, 187.] Feb. 28. 573. The Guardians of Scotland command the Chamberlain to pay Stevenson, i. 270. Master Eobert Heron rector of Forde 24s. 5d., advanced by him to Sir Walter Curry for expenses at Wigfcon. Berwick(?), Thursday after St Mathias apostle's day. [CImptcr House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] 138 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 574. Eeceipt by Walter de Curry kniglit, castellan of Dumfries, Wigtou, and Kirkcudbright, on Friday next after the Feast of St 1291-92. Mathias apostle 1291, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his Feb. 29. associate, for 10/. sterling, part payment of his wages. Linlithgow. stcTenson, i. 380. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.^^ March L 575. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan on Saturday next after the Feast of Stevenson, i. 281. St Mathias apostle 1291, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate for 23Z. sterling, part of his wages keeping the castles of Eoxburgh and Jedburgh. Linlithgow. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. y<57.] Fragment of seal in yellow wax. March 1. 576. Eeceipt by Henry de Boyville, on Saturday next after the Stevenson, i. 282. Fcast of St Mathias apostle, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his ' adjoint, ' for 28/. sterling, in part payment of the wages of himself and company keeping the castles of Dumfries, Wigton, and Kirkcud- bright. Edinburgh. A certificate is attached, by Brian fitz Alan, that he and all the other Guardians of the realm have authorised payment to Henry de Boyville and his companions of the balance of their wages since the death of Sir William de Boyville. Edinburgh, Sunday after St Mathias ' day. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Beginning 577. Friar E. abbot of Holmcoltran to E[obert] bishop of Bath of March(?). and Wells the K,'s chancellor. The K. lately commanded him to send the Bishop a horse to carry the rolls of Chancery, before the month of the Purification of the B. V. Mary now past. But he had been delayed in Scotland on the affairs of his house till the morrow of St Mathias apostle, whereby, ' as God knows, ' he is at present unprovided with one fit for the work. From the short notice, and the w^onderful scarcity of horses, he begs the Bishop to excuse him at present. But he will provide one, or the price of one, with all haste after the instant Easter. Asks him to send his wishes by the bearer. [No date.] [Boyal Letters, No. 114-0.] March 3. 578. Eeceipt by Peter Burdet constable of Berwick castle, on Stevenson, i. 283, 3rd March 1291, to Philip de Lynton [constable of Berwick], for ' " ■ 14/. sterling of his wages. Similar receipt by him to the constable's clerk for 27/. of his wages, at Berwick castle. Friday, St Mark evangelist's day. Similar for 14/. 3s. Sd. from same in part payment of wages. Thursday before Midsummer day 1292. [Chapter House (Scots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 188.] March 8. 579. Eeceipt by Thomas de Braythoft keeper of the castles of sterenson, i. 283. jjjygj.jjg^jj.j^ and Crumbatliin on Thursday before the Feast of St Gregory pope 1291, to Sir Gervase de Eathe knight, constable of Invernairn, for his fee keeping the said castles, 11/. sterling. Eathe, [Chancery Miscellaneous Molls, No. 4'^4] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 139 Edwakd I. 580. Eeceipt by Henry de Boyville at Dunfres on St Gregory's day to Sir William Cimiyn of Kirkintilloch and Maurice de Stubhil, 1291-92. for 17 marks, part payment of his and his companions' wages March 12. for keeping the castles of Dumfries, Wigton, and Kirkcudbright. Stevenson, i. 284. Dalswyutou. [No scals.] [ChcqAcT House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] March 21. 581. Eeceipt by Eobert Heron rector of Ford, ' adjoint ' to the Stevenson, i. 285, Chamberlain of Scotland, on Friday the Feast of St Benedict abbot, 288,290. ^Q jjjg colleague, for 13/. %s. M., part of his wages. Banff. Two receipts follow by the same person in similar terms ; the one dated Perth, Friday next before the day of SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, for 20/. 13s, Ad. ; the other at Edinburgh, Wednesday next after the same Saints' day, for 25/. sterling. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] March 24. 582. The Guardians of Scotland command the Chamberlain of Stevenson,.!. 285. gcotlaud to pay Eichard Siward knight, 40 marks sterling for keeping the three castles of Galloway and Nithsdale. Append the seal of the Eegency. Edinburgh. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 471] Dec. 7- 583. Eeceipt by Patrick Grant keeper of Clony castle, to Hugh de Mar. 28. Erthe Sir John Cumyn's bailiff in the Abthania [of Dul?] for 4/., his pay for 40 days. Clony, morrow of St Nicholas bishop. Fragment of seal in brown wax attached. ^iTs^riT,' 28.6^'~ Similar receipt by him to same person for 40 days following, for 4/. Clony, morrow of St Thomas Apostle. Fragment of seal in brown wax attached. Similar receipt by him to same person for 40 days following. Clony, Friday after St Valentine's day. Similar receipt by him to Hugh de Erthe Sir John Cumyn's bailiff ' in le Starmonthe ' [Stormont] for 40 days' pay. Clony, Friday next before Palm Sunday 1292. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.] 1292. 584. Eeceipt by Eobert Gray castellan of Banff, to Malcolm Apr. 1. de Ferindract for 9/. sterling, viz., 4/. of the arrears of Convathe, and Stevenson, i. 287. ^QOs. of the ' waytiuga ' of Abirkerdir, by John Lippe, for Martinmas last. Banff. [No seal.] [Chcqjtcr House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Apr. 2. 585. Inquisition [under writ dated Chauton, 18th February previous] as to the age of Gilbert son and heir of Patrick de Suthaik, taken at Carlisle on Wednesday in Easter week anno xx. before theK.'s escheator ultra Trent, by William de Wilton, Eobert de Tympanrun, Simon de Penruddok .... Nicholas le Hunter [and 8 others] jurors ; who find that Gilbert was born in Tinwald in Scotland and was 21 years 140 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. of age on St Thomas the Apostle's day before Christmas last. Asked how they know this ? They say that his age was sufficiently 1292. proved in Scotland, and they know that the lands which he held of the Earl of Buchan(?) were delivered to him on the said Saint's day. [Seals lost.] [Inq. ix m. W Echo. L No. IBS.] Apr. 8. 586. Eeceipt by Norman de Arcy castellan of Stirling to Sir stcveuson.i. 287. pa(;j,j(3]j (jg Q-j^aham sheriff of Stirling by the hands of Laurence of Dunblane burgess, for 26/. 13s. M. sterling as his expenses of a ' quarantene.' Stirling, Tuesday after the Eeast of St Ambrose 1292. [No seal.] {^Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] Apr. 11. 587. Eeceipt by John de Gildforde castellan of Aberdeen and Stevenson, Kincardiu, to the 'prepositi' of Aberdeen, for 113/. 5s. lOd. of the i. 289, 311. iag(^ Pentecost and Martinmas farms of their town as his fee. Aber- deen, ' Friday aforesaid.' Similar receipt by him of same date to Sir William de Meldrum sheriff of Aberdeen, for 33/. Gs. 8d. of same. Similar receipt by him as castellan of Aberdeen on Trinity Sunday thereafter to Peter the clerk of the sheriff of Aberdeen on behalf of Sir Patrick de Berkelay farmer of the thanage of Balhelvy, for 12/. 12d. Another of same date for 22/. 15s. lOd. to Sir William de Meldrum the sheriff by Peter his clerk. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 189.] April 20, 588. Eeceipt by Patrick Grant castellan at Clony, to Hugh de Stevenson, Ertlic Sir Johu Comyn's bailiff in the Abthanya of Dul, for 4/. i. 290, .312. sterling, his wages for 40 days. Sunday next before St Mark evangelist's day. Clony. Similar receipt by him for 3 marks sterling his pay for 20 days. Morrow of Holy Trinity, Clony. [Chajpter House (Scots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 188?^ April 26. 589. Eeceipt by Eichard Suard knight, castellan of the castles of Stevenson, i. 292.Dunif rics, Kirkcudbright, and Wigton, on Saturday the morrow of St Mark evangelist 1292, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 40 marks sterling as his fee for 40 days, Dumfries. [Chancery Miscel- laneous Rolls, No. 4-74-li April 27. 530. Nicholas de Segravc castellan of Dunbarton castle, acknow- stevenson, Icdgcs receipt from Sir James the Steward of Scotland, sheriff of i. 292-293. Dunbarton, by the hands of William the Fleming, of 16/, 13s. 8c/, sterling. Dunbarton, Sunday next after St Mark evangelist's day. Similar receipt of same date to William the Fleming farmer of Dunbarton, for 16/. 13s. 4d sterling. [ChajJter House (Scots Documents\ Box 100, No. 187.] May 1. 591. The K. commands the Sheriff of Kent Juo value and deliver the goods and chattels of the late Isabella countess of Athol to her EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 141 Edward I. husband Alexander de Balliol, who has given security for her debts. Westminster. 1292, Valuation by oath of Eoger of Ensyng, Warin Scot [and 13 others], who say that there were in the manor of Chileham 2 carthorses, each worth 10s. ; 12 stots, each worth 4s. ; 32 cows, each worth 4s. ; 33 swine, each worth 12d. ; 2 sows, each worth 16d ; 10 pigs, each worth 6d. ; 41 sheep, each worth 8d. ; 1 lambs, each worth -id. ; 43 acres sown with wheat, each worth 1| seam, besides seed, 40d ; 35 acres barley, each worth 1^ seam, besides seed, 2s. ; 40 acres peas and vetches, each worth 1 seam, besides seed, 20d.; 21 acres oats, each worth three quarters, value of quarter IQd. ; in Kyngestone manor 5 stots, each worth 3s. ; 60 sheep, each 8d. ; 2 pigs, value 12d. ; in the grange 16 seams of wheat, 5s. per seam ; 10 acres sown with wheat, each worth 1 seam 2 bushels, besides seed 3s. ; ' palmated ' barley, 20 acres, each worth 1-| seam, and seed 2s. ; 20 acres of oats each worth 1^ quarter at 16d. per quarter ; peas and vetches 16 acres, each worth 1 seam, and seed 18d. ; Eidelyngwolde manor, 10 weak stots, worth 2 marks ; 6 oxen, worth 30s. ; 11 sheep, Sd. each ; 40 swine, 8d. each ; in the granary a seam of wheat, 5s.; also 10 seams of wheat there, 5s. ; 56 acres sown with wheat, each worth 1| seam, and seed, 3s. ; 50 acres of barley, each worth 10 bushels, and seed 2s. ; 60 acres oats, each worth 1-^ quarter at 16d. a quarter; 40 acres peas and vetches, each worth 1 seam, and seed, I8d. The same are all delivered to Alexander de Balliol. The valuators' seals appended. Total of the goods 96/. 16s. 5d, [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No, 18 -J A few tags and fragments of small seals attached. May 3. 592. The K., having taken the homage of Gilbert son and heir of Patrick de Suthayk, for his father's lands, commands the escheator %dtra Trent to give him seisin. Culforde. [Close, 20 Edw. I. m. J.] May 5. 593. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan, on Monday next after the Invention Stevenson, i. 2at. of the Holy Eood 1292, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, and his ' adjunct,' for 80/. sterling, part of his wages for keeping the castles of Eoxburgh and Jedburgh. Eedhale. [Cliai^ter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.'] Small fragment of seal in brown wax. May 12. 594. Eeceipt by Nicholas de Segrave castellan of Dumbarton and Stevenson, Avr, on Mouday next after the Feast of St John ante Portam Latinam, 1. 2D7, 301^2. ^Q ^i^g Chamberlain of Scotland and his ' adjoint,' for 40/. in part of his wages. Eeceipt by same, Thursday next after St Dunstan's day to John de Cramund, escheator north of the Scottish sea, on behalf of the Chamberlain and adjoint, for 23/. part payment of wages. Edin- burgh. AuoLher from same to the Chamberlain by the hands of Sir 142 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed T. Ingram de Umfraville, for 40/. "' silver.' Appends his seal. Dun- barton, Sunday the Feast of Pentecost. [No seal.] [Chapter Rouse 1292. {Scots Doeumcnts), Box 100, No. 187.] May 12, 595. Pieceipt by Brian fitz Alan, on Monday next after the day of steTcnson St John arUe Portam Latinam 1292, to the Chamberlain of Scot- i -296, 299. \r^^^ and his associate, for 531. 10s. sterling, in part of wages keeping the castles of Forfar and Dundee. Edinburgh. Similar receipt by him there on Thursday next after the Feast of St Dunstan bishop 1292, to Eichard the clerk, escheator on the' south of Forth, on behalf of the Chamberlain and his associate, of 36/. 105. for these castles. Edinburgh. [Chapter House {Seots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 188.] !May 14. 596. Eeceipt by Eobert Heron rector of Forde, to the Ghamberlairi Stevenson, i. 298. of Scotland, for 24s. 7f/. sterling, advanced to Sir Walter Curry cas- tellan of Dumfries and Wigton. Jedburgh, Wednesday next after the Feast of SS. Nereus and Achilleus. [No seal.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] May 15. 597. Eeceipt by Henry de Bycher castellan of Elgin and Forres, Stevenson, i. 298.on Thursday the Feast of the Lord's Ascension 1292, to Sir William de Dolays sheriff of Forres, for 45/. 12s. sterling as his pay. Elgin. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-74-] May 16. 598. Eeceipt by Norman de Arcy, to Sir Patrick de Graham Stevenson, i. 299. sheriff of StirUug by the hands of Laurence of Dunblane, for 16 marks sterling for his 'quarantena.' [No seal.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] May 22. 599. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan castellan of Roxburgh and Jed- stevenson, i. burgh ou Thursday next after the Feast of St Dunstan bishop 1292, ^^^--^- to Eichard the clerk, the K.'s escheator south of Forth, on behalf of Sir Alexander de Baillol the Chamberlain, and Master Eobert Heron rector of Ford, his associate, for 12/. sterling, part payment of his wages for keeping the above castles. Edinburgh. Similar receipt by him as castellan of Forfar and Dundee on same day to John de Cramund escheator on the north of Forth, on behalf of the Chamberlain and associate, for 40/. sterling in part of his wages. Edinburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187-188.] June 2. 600. Instrument upon the claim to the Scottish Crown by the Foedera, i. ?77. procurators for Eric K. of Norway, and adjournment by the K. with advice of the auditors and entire assembly, of the whole case. Berwick. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 4-] June 2. 601. Proceedings in the Parliament at Berwick-on-Tweed, on the suyenson, i. 313- movrow of Trinity 1292, upon the petition of Eric K. of Norway, by ^^'^- his attorneys Hugucio 'plebanus' of Castellione, Masters Peter EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 143 Edwaed I. Algoti, and Bernard Lodowici, William de Thorngliam knight, and Druo canon of Bergen, for arrears of the dower of his late queen, and 1292. rents of certain lands in security. It was decided that he recover seisin of the lands of Eothiemay, Balhelvie, Bathgate, and Eatho for his life, and be paid his arrears of the rents, under exception, and they should be delivered to good men of Scotland, chosen by him, who should account yearly to him for the same. {^Patent, 20 Edw. I. m. 7.] June 6. 602. Bond to the K. by Johanna de Clare countess of Fife, widow stevensoD, 1. 317. of Duncan late Earl of Fife, in 1000 marks of silver, for his leave to marry. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Liber A. {Chapter House), fol. 185.1 June 11. 603. Eeceipt by Eichard de Swethope castellan of Aboyne, at Stevenson, i. 318. Aboyuc, ou St Bamabas apostle's day, to Alan de Walchop cham- berlain of Sir Dovenald earl of Mar, for 40 marks sterling. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.} June 16. 604. The K. commands the bailiff of Tindale to deliver a messuage and eight acres of land in Werk in Tindale which belonged to the late Hughtred Purveys keeper of the gaol of Werk, and were taken in the K.'s hand on account of the escape of William of Corbrigge a prisoner from Hughtred's custody, to John Purveys his cousin and heir, on proving his propinquity. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Fine, 20 Edw. I. m. 6.] June 21. 605. The Guardians of the realm command Alexander de Balliol Stevenson, to pay Eoger de Burton and Osbert de Spaldingtone who were i. 323, 326. appointed by the King to hear pleas within Scotland, their wages at 5s. sterling each ^^cr die^n, till the 15th June current. Append the seal of the Eegency. Berwick, 21st June 1292. [No seal.] On the morrow of Midsummer Sir Osbert de Spaldington and Sir Eoger de Burton severally acknowledged receipt of 38^. 10s. each, as their wages. Berwick. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188:\ June 24. 606. The K. signifies to the Chamberlain of Scotland that he had Stevenson, i. 3i!4. appointed Mastcr Alau de Dunfres as Chancellor of Scotland, in suc- cession to the late A[lan] bishop of Caithness, his fee a mark daily. Berwick. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94-, No 6.] [Shortly be- 607. Examples produced by Sir Eobert de Brus from the fore succession to tlie thrones of Scotland, England, Spain, and Savoy. June 24.] Normccn French. [Very much decayed.] [Chapter House {Scots PaIgrave,pp.37-9.Z)oCZtmenfe), Box 1, No. 12.] [Shortly 608. The reasons of Sir John de Balliol against the demand of Sir before Eobert de Brus, drawn from the instances of the earldoms of Carrick June 24.] and Athol, and offices held of the Crown. He also narrates the paigrave, rebellious conduct of the Competitor and his son the Earl of Carrick pr. 39-43. during the late Queen's reign. Norman French. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 14-] 144 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. The endorsements given by Sir F. Palgrave have been covered np in mounting the document, which is so decayed and injiired that it could -1 900 not have been otherwise saved. Supposed by him to have been anneied to the following documents, with which it was found. [Shortly 609. Eeply of Sir John de Balliol : — with further arguments against before the cases adduced by Sir Eobert de Brus from Scottish history in sup- June 25.] port of the doctrine of preference given to the brothers of a deceased Paicn-ave, TTino- boforc his issue. \ Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box A, No. ^3.'] 1>I>. 43-51. O I- -^ ^ / • J June 25. 610, Instrument on "Wednesday next after the Feast of St John Baptist, at Berwick-on-Tweed, in the K.'s 20th year, in presence of the K. and the auditors, whereby Sir Eobert de Brus and Sir John dei Balliol in reply to the K. renounced further pleading. Norman French; [Chapter Bouse {Scots Documents), Box 4, No. 22.] No seals remain. These several membranes are very much damaged. June 25. 611. Eeceipt by Nicholas de Segrave knight, to the Chamberlain Stevenson, i. 32&. of Scotland and his associate, for 38^. sterling, for keeping the castles of Dumbarton and Ayr till Holy Trinity. Berwick. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. IS?.] June 26. 612. Eeceipt by Alan de Dunfres chancellor of Scotland, to the Stevenson, i. 3-28. Chamberlain, for his fee as keeper of the seal. Appends his seal. Berwick, Thursday next after St John Baptist's day. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 9^, No. S.] Small oval seal in yellow wax appended. Two birds in a tree. June 27. 613. Eeceipt by Walter de Agmodeshame clerk, to the Chamber- stevenson, i. 32?. lain of Scotlaud, for 47s. Qcl. arrears of his fee while * adjunct ' of the late Alan bishop of Caithness, chancellor of Scotland. Berwick- on-Tweed. Friday next after St John Baptist's day. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 94-, No. 5.] Small round seal in yellow wax, in good condition, device an antique bead. ' s ' walteri de agmodesham.' June 27. 614. Eeceipt by Henry de Ey clerk, castellan of the castle of Stevenson, i. 330. Elgin and Forres, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for S9Z. 12s. 10^. sterling, his wages up to Trinity Sunday last. Berwick. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-74-] June 27. 615. Eeceipt by Thomas de Braitoft, clerk, castellan of the Stevenson, i. 339. castles of luvemaim and Cromarty for 2Sl. 14s. balance of his wages as keeper. Berwick. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4'^4-] June 27. 616. The K. gives leave to John Comyn earl of Buchan to dig in Stevenson, i. 329. the K.'s miuc of the ' Calfe ' of Man lead ore to cover eight turrets in his castle of Crigeltone in Galloway. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Patent, 20 Edw. 1. m. 9.] June 28. 617. Eeceipt by Walter de Curry castellan of Dumfries and Stevenson, i. 331. Kirkcudbright, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 145 Edward I. of 5 marks sterling, arrears of his wages. Appends his seal at Berwick, Saturday the Vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul. [No 1292. seal.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] June 29. 618. Pisceipt by Peter Burdet castellan of Berwick, to the Stevenson, i. 332. Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 131. sterling, part of his wages. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] July 3. 619. Letters patent by certain magnates of England and Scotland Foedera, i. 760. declaring that the King's decision in the claim to the Crown hdc vice in Scotland shall not preclude him hereafter exercising such right in England. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 9.] July 4. 620. The K. having learned that Master Alan de Dunfres chan- cellor of Scotland and his clerk, the associate of Alan bishop of Caithness, the late Chancellor, after the Bishop's death remained in Edinburgh at their own expense for 15 weeks, and after the deatli of William de Dunfres the last Chancellor, for 20 days, awaiting the K.'s pleasure, allows them 2s. per diem each, and commands the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay them. Appends the seal of the Regency of Scotland. Berwick. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box IJf, No. 17.] In fragile condition. Appended by a tag cvA out of the instrument is a fragment of the seal in white wax. Ohv. the Scottish lion and double tressure. Rev. St Andrew on his cross. The field on both sides sown with trefoils. July 7. 621. Alexander of Argyll lord of Lome swears in the K.'s presence Fadeia, L 7C1. qjj ^}^g \^o\j Evangcls to kccp the peace in the isles and outer lands of Scotland. Berwick-on-Tweed. Norman French. [Chapter House, (Scots Documents), Box 96, No. 12.] A small round seal in green wax appended. A shield charged with a single-masted galley without sails or oars, and a hawk(?) at the bow, * S' ALKXANDRI DE ERGADIA.' July 7. 622, Angus ' fitz Dovenald des Isles,' and Alexander his eldest son, Fffideia, i. 76Z. g^g^r in like manner to the K. their lord, to keep his peace in the isles. Berwick. Norman French. [Cliapter House (Scots Documents), Box 95, No. 14.] Only one small round seal in green wax, with a single-masted galley, pennon flying, two hands brailing up sails on yard. ' s' alexandei ' DE ILE.' July 7. 623. Alexander of the Isles ' fuiz Anegus fuiz Dovenald' swears to Foedera, i. 7C1. the K. liis lord to keep his peace in the isles. Berwick. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 95, No. 15.] Same seal as in No. 622, appended. July 10. 624. Charter of inspeximus by the K. of one by K. II[enry] his Stevenson, i. ^'i'^axQQX.-gv?inMdii\iQX , freeing the Abbot and monks of Newbottle, their men, horses, and goods, of all toll and other customs at certain ports of VOL. II. K 146 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. England and Normandy. Bervvick-on-Tweed. [Patent, 20 Ediu. I. lU'. 7.] 1292. 625. Commission to Nicholas de Segrave senior, Osbert de Spalding- July 15. tone, and John de Suthwelle, to hear the complaints of the inhabit- Etcvcnson, i. 334. aiits of the Islc of Man against the K.'s bailiffs there. Berwick. [Patent, W Eclw. I. m. 7, dorso.] July 19. 626. The K. commands the Chamberlain of Scotland to pay Roger Stevenson, de Biirtone and Osbert de Spaldingtone their fees for hearing pleas 1.335,351. ii^ Scotland from 15th June last till Monday the morrow of St Margaret virgin. Chattone. Receipts by both, at Roxburgh on Thursday the day of St Dyonisius confessor, for 9/. 5s. each, their fees for 37 days. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.] ' July 27. 627. Receipt by Patrick le Grant castellan at Clony, to Hugh Stevenson, i. 335. jg Erth, Sir Johu Cumyn's bailiff in the Abthania of Dul, for 5 marks and 40d. for his pay from the morrow of St Aiban martyr till Monday next after James the apostle's day when he delivered the castle to Hugh. Clony, Sunday next after the day of St James apostle. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.] Aug. 7. 628. Inquisition at Werk [under writ dated Berwick-on-Tweed 12th July previous, commanding inquiry whether Johanna wife of John Wischarde daughter and heir of Nicholas de Prendelathe deceased, who held by knight's service of Robert de Ros of Werk, was of age or not] before Walter de Routhebyris, on Thursday next before St Laurence's day 1292, by John of Midelton, Adam Scharpe of Wooler .... John of Molie [and 9 others] jurors ; who find that Johanna as heir foresaid, holds tenements in Somlawe by knight's service and is IS[icholas's next heir and is of lawful age. [Seals lost.] [Inq. p. m. W Edw. I. No. 14.^.] Aug. 7. 629. Receipt by Alan de Dunfres keeper of the seal of Scotland, Stevenson, i. 339. and Adam de Aberbrothoc rector of the church of Machliu, to Sir Patrick de Graham sheriff of Stirling, for 251. sterling, their pay granted by the K. while they remained at the ' Camera ' during the vacancy of the office of Chancellor of Scotland. Edinburgh. Thursday before St Laurence martyr's day. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 151.] A small oval seal in yellow wax remains affixed to a tag ; the abject represented being possibly tbe bag for the seal with 2 pendant tassels. Leg. (illegible). Aug. 20. 630. Receipt by Robert Heron rectoj of Forde on Wednesday Stevenson, i. 345. next after the Assumption of the Virgin, to the Chamberlain of Scotland, for 14/. 10s. IffZ. in part of his wages. Berwick. Two receipts follow by the same person, to the Chamberlain, dated at Roxburgh ; one on St Michael's day, for 42/., the other EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 147 Edward I. on the morrow ol St Michael (30th September), for 18?., in part pay- ment of wages. [Chaiiter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.1 A part of a small seal in brown wax is attached to the latter. Device a heron with an eel in his bilL Aug. 20. 631. The following (among others) have acquittance from summons to common pleas in Cumberland. Creyke. Alexander [de] Bonkil, Eobert de Brus, David de Torthorald, the Abbot of Jedburgh, Walter de Corry, John de Seton. [Close, W Edio. I. m. 3, dorso.'] Aug. 27. 632. Inquisition [under wrib dated Feuham, 17th July previous] taken at Felton on Wednesday next after St Bartholomew's day in the K.'s 20th year by Gilbert of Edelingham [and 11 others] . jurors ; who say on oath that Patrick de Dunbar earl of March and his ancestors held their lands within the county of Northumberland by the service of 30s. yearly payable at the exchequer of Newcastle, doing suit at the county, and paying cornage and fine of court. But whether he should give relief or not, they know not. They say that said Patrick shall be ' inborwe ' and ' uteborwe ' on the March. And that neither he nor his ancestors ever gave relief, from a time whereof no memory runs. Append their seals. [Lost.] [Endorsed] As the jury know not whether relief shoald be given or not, the K. respites it till three weeks from Easter. [Ing^. ;p. m. 20 Echo. I. No. 161] Sept. 28. 633. Eeceipt by Norman de Arcy castellan of Stirling, to Sir Patrick Stevenson, i. 3i7. de Graham sheriff of Stirling for his wages from Trinity Sunday, 134 days, a mark per diem. Stirling, Sunday next before Michael- mas day. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.1 Sept. 28. 634. Eeceipt by Peter Burdet castellan of Berwick, on Sunday steyenson, i. 346. next before Michaelmas, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 42/. 14s. 4d sterling, in part of his wages. Eoxburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187-1 1291-92. 635. Letters of attorney, protection, safe conduct, &c., connected Dee. 12- with the affairs of Scotland. Sept, 28. [Selections.1 Dec. 12. Friar Brian de Jay master of the soldiery of the Temple in Scotland, has a protection without limit. Grenewyche. [m. 28.] 1292. June 10. Alexander de Balliol chamberlain of Scotland, appoints two attorneys till Christmas next. Berwick-on-Tweed. June 15. John Comyn earl of Buchan, appoints Ealf de Lasceles knight, and John de Whytewyk, his attorneys for a year. June 24. Eobert de Brus ' senior ' in Scotland appoints John de Burley and Master Adam de Crokedayk his attorneys for two years. Berwick-on-Tweed. [m. 10.] July 10. Alexander de Ergadia in Scotland, appoints Philip de Lome and William Markefilli attorneys for two years. Berwick- on-Tweed. [m. 8.] 148 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward L July 11. The same has licence for his men and merchants to trade in Ireland, provided they are not outlaws or banished men o£ 1292. the K.'s realm. Berwick-on-Tvveed. July 11. Angus son of Dovenald and Alexander his son have similar letters. Berwick-on-Tweed. July 11. The Abbot and convent of Dundraynan in Galloway have a protection in Ireland for five years. Berwick-on-Tweed. [m. 7.] July 17. William de Batteford in the K.'s service in Scotland, has a protection for two years. Berwick-on-Tweed. July 18, Osbert de Spaldintone, going in the K.'s service to Man, has a protection till Christmas. Chattone. July 19. William de Orforde of Berwick-on-Tweed, merchant, an Englishman by birth, and in the K.'s favour, has licence to trade during pleasure. Chattone. [m. 6.] Aug. 28. John bishop of Winchester, about to come to the K. in Scotland, has a protection till his return. Brustwyk. Sept. 16. Oduenus de Hegrenes envoy of £[ric] K. of Norway, on his way to tlie K. in Scotland, has a conduct till the Feast of St Andrew apostle next. Knaresburglie. Sept. 28. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrik, and Isabella his daughter, have a conduct to go to and return from Norway, till Christmas next. Skipton in Craven, [in. 4.] [Patent, 20 Edw. /.] Oct. 1. 636. Eeceipt by Alan de Dunfres keeper of the Seal of Scotland Stevenson, 1. 349. to the Chamberlain and his associate, for 40/. sterling, his fee till Wednesday next before Michaelmas, viz., 60 days. Roxburgh, Wednesday next after Michaelmas. [Chapter House (Scots Dociv- menis), Box 94., No. 5.'] Fragment of seal in yellow wax, as in No. 629. Oct. 9. 637. Eeceipt by Brian fitz Alan to the Chamberlain of Scot- stevenson, i. 350. land and his associate, for 162/. 5s. 8c/., in part payment of his wages for keeping the castles of Eoxburgh, Jedburgh, Forfar, and Dundee. Eoxburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187 ^^ Small fragment of seal in green wax. Oct. 10. 638. Eeceipt by Ealph Basset castellan of Edinburgh, to the Stevenson, i. 352. Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 13/. 6^. 6f/., in part of his wages from Trinity Sunday till the Feast of St Edward king. Eoxburgh. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 187.] May 11 — 639. Eeceipt by William de Braytoft knight, castellan of Inver- Oct. 11. ness and Dingwall, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 41/. 12s., in part of his wages. Edinburgh. Two receipts follow by same person ; one dated at Eoxburgh, Saturday next after St Dyonisius day 1292, for 40/. ; and i-he other, at Berwick, Monday next after St Luke's day, for 50/. ; both in part payment of his wages from Trinity Sunday till after the day of St Edward K. [Chajyier House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 109.] DELATING TO SCOTLAND. 149 Edwaed T. 640. Instrument in tlie competition for the Crown, closing the argu- ments, and appointing a day for the K.'s decision. [Cliapter House 1292. {Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 10.] Oct. 15. 641. Eeceipt by John de Gildeforde castellan of Aberdeen and Kin- Foedera,i.777-779.cardiue, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 63/, Oct. 20. 6s. M., in part of his wages from Trinity Sunday last. Berwick. Stevenson, i. ^-'-z. '^Chapter House (Scots Documents) , Box 100, No. 189.1 1291-92. 642. Eeceipt by Thomas de Braytoft clerk, keeper of the castles of Sept. 11. — ISTairn and Cromarty, on Tuesday next after the Nativity of the Virgin Oct. 20. 1291, at Eathe, to Sir Gervase de Eathe, for 20 marks sterling, for keeping these castles for 40 days since 4th August. Not having his own, he appends the seal of Sir William de Braytoft keeper of the castles of Inverness and Dingwall. [No seal.] On a file with the four following : — Eeceipt by same person Saturday next after the day of St Lucia virgin 1291, to Sir Gervase de Eathe knight, constable of Nairn, for 2)11. sterling, of the farms and arrears of his bailliary, as his wages for keeping these castles. Appends his own seal and that of Adam of the Bridge, burgess of Nairn, at Nairn. [No seals.] Eeceipt by same, Monday [19th May] next before Pentecost 1292, to same person at Nairn, of lis, to make up his pay. Appends his seal. [No seal.] Eeceipt by same, Monday [18th Aug.] next after the Assumption of the Virgin, a.d. 1292, to the Chamberlain of Scotland and his associate, for 121. lis. in payment of his wages up till Trinity last. Berwick. [No seal.] Eeceipt by same on Monday [Oct. 20] next after St Luke's day to the same persons, for 45/., his wages from Trinity Sunday to the day of St Edward K. next thereafter. Berwick. [Toiuer 3Iiscel- laneous Bolls, No. ^g^.] i292. 643. Letters patent by William earl of Sutherland attesting that Oct. (?) he has made oath to Sir Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale to assist him with all advice and power to prosecute his claim to the throne of Scotland. Appends his seal. [Seal lost.] [Duchi/ of Lancaster Charters, Box A., No. 13,3.] Nov. 3. 644. Eeceipt by John de Gildeforde castellan of Aberdeen, to the Stevenson, i. 356. Chamberlain of Scotland by the hands of Sir William de Meldrum sheriff of Aberdeen, for 25 marks sterling. Berwick, Monday next after All Saints' day. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 188.] Nov. 3. 645. Pleas before Hugh de Cressingham, William de Ormesby, John Wogan, Master John Lovel, and William de Mortimer, justices itinerant at Carlisle, on the morrow of All Souls in the King's 20tb year. 150 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. [Rvtracts.] William le Waleys who had a writ of novel disseisin against 1292. Adam son of Alan of Ulvesby and John son of Adam le Waleys as to a tenement in Ulvesby, asked leave and was allowed to withdraw. Amerced. No pledges as it was by oath. [m. 1.] Henry son of William le Carpenter and Mariota his wife claim versus Thomas de Currewenne, a messuage and 18 acres of land in Wyndscales. Thomas says his name is Thomas dc Gulcwen, not de Currewenne, and asks judgment. The plaintifis are nonsuited and amerced for a false claim, [in. 12.] Master Adam of Kyrkecudbright parson of Edenhale church, summoned by John of Grantham for 37/. 5s. lid., appears by attorney and agrees to pay by instalments of 19/. at St. Hilary next, and the balance at Midsummer following. John pays half a mark for leave to agree. \m. 24.] -_ Geoffry de Moubray complains that Robert de Brus senior and Cristiana his wife, who hold 4 carucates and 600 acres of wood in Boulton ahd Bastingthwait as her dower in the plaintiff's heritage, have cut down 1000 oaks, value of each M., and made and carried off marl from a rood of land in excess of her dower, and to his damage of 300/. The defendants say they have taken nothing but reasonable estovers for 'burning, building, and enclosing,' as entitled. The sheriff in person and a jury of 12 to hold an inquiry in the ground, and certify the justices at Newcastle-on-Tyne on the morrow of Hilary next. Robert de Brus senior and Cristiana his wife complain that Geoffry de Moubray refuses to keep an agreement entered into between Adam de Gesemuthe her former husband, her- self, and Robert de Moubray, Geoffry's uncle, whose heir he is, on the morrow of the Virgin's Nativity [9th Sept.] 12G1, — whereby Roger was to assign to Adam and Cristiana in dower the third of a vaccary and other tenements in Bolton, — to their damage of 20/., and produce the writing. Geoffry by attorney pleads that as their writ is for damages, they cannot recover the freehold under it. Afterwards at Newcastle-on-Tyne, in the 5th week after Easter [29th Mar. 1293], the plaintiffs are nonsuited and amerced for a false claim. \jn. 25.] Nov. 3. Richard de Kyrkebride, with William Lokarde, Walter de Twyu- ham, Gilbert de Suthayk, Nicholas de Aucheuleck (Haghenlek) and Matillidis his wife, Patrick son of Patrick Trumpe, and Walter son of Walter de Corry, sues Robert de Brus senior and Christiana his wife for the sixth part of the half of the manor of Glassanby, which belonged to Helewyse de Aykton the plaintiff's cousin, who died without an heir of her body, wherefore the right ' resorted ' to Euphemia, Margery, Isabella, Eva, Juliana, and Agnes, sisters of one Ralph, Helewysa's father, as her aunts and heirs; from Euphemia the eldest of whom the right came by three descents to Richard. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 151 Edward I. The other plaintiffs do not sue for their five parts. [The defendants - — — appear but the case breaks off.] [m. 25, d.] 1292. Henry Engayne claims versus Eobert de Brus and Christiana his Nov. 3. wife, the manor of Glassanby, except 6 bovates of land and 13s. M. of rent, wherein Gilbert his ancestor was seised in the time of King John the King's grandfather — after him William his son and heir, who dying childless the right descended to Eobert his brother. From him to Gilbert as his son and heir ; and from Gilbert to another Gilbert as his son and heir ; and from him to his son and heir the plaintiff. Eobert and Christiana say that K. John by charter gave the vills of Gamelsby and Glassanby to Odard de Hodalmia (who was the grandfather of Christiana his heiress), for his homage and service, and paying 2 marks yearly for cornage^ and produce the charter. Henry rejoins that K. John had nothing in the manor of Glassanby but a ward, wherefore they cannot disguise the business by the K.'s charter. The charter being viewed in court, which attests the gift, Henry is told he must sue the King if he sees fit. [m. 26.] John de Kyrkpatrik and Margery his wife ordered to shew what right they have in a messuage, 71 acres of land, 20 acres meadow and 40 acres of wood in Torpennou, which they hold for Margery's life, of the heritage of Eichard le Brun and his heirs. As John dwells in Scotland and has no land here but 20s., which he has demised to Geoffry de Tylyol, the same ordered to be distrained in the latter's hands, [m. 39.] John de Seton, summoned to shew qiio ivarranto he claimed free warren in Lambynby, replied that Henry III, by charter in his 51st year granted free warren to one Eobert de Hauton and his heirs, and produces the deed. William Inge for the K. says that John not being- heir of Eobert in the line of consanguinity can make no claim and shews no special fact. At Newcastle, on the fifth week of Easter, John has judgment given against him, and is fined half a mark, \_iii. 76, d] \_Assize Boll, Cumberland, W Edward I. i Y /.] Nov. 6. 646. Instrument reciting the K.'s decision against the claim of Sir tcodeia, i. 777-8. Eobert de Brus. \Cha])ter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 1.'] Nov. 14. 647. The K., at the instance of William de Soules and John de Soules, pardons Eichard de Soules his late trespass in forcibly carrying off Eichard de Tayllur from England into Scotland. Berwick- on-Tweed. [Patent, W Edio. L m. 1.] Nov. 14. 648. The.K. grants to Eichard Eraser the custody of the lands of Btevenaon, j. 367. the late Eichard de Glen, till the majority of the heirs, with their marriage. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Fine, 30 Edtv. I. m. 1; and Cliancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4'^4-] In the latter document, Fraser's securities are Walter de HuntercumLe and Allan de Penigtone. A later endorsement bears that he is now the King's enemy ; and the Chamberlain of Scotland is ordered to levy from his lands, his securities not to be distrained if his means are sufficient for the debt. 152 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 649. Instrument whereby the K. pronounced his decision in favour of John de Balh"ol as X. of Scotland. [Chapter House (Scots Docu- 1292. ments), Box 16, No 5.] rldeTa, i. 780. 650. Instrument attesting the fealty of John K. of Scotland to the Nov. 20. K. of England. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 15.] ' ' ■ ■ 651. The following [among others] are acquitted of summons to common pleas in Northumberland. Eokesburgh. The Abbot of Kelso, J[ohn] K. of Scotland, Eobert son of Gilbert de Umfraville, Alexander de Bonekil, Patrick de Dunbar earl of March. [Close, 21 JEchv. I. m. 10, dorso^ Dec. 24. 652. Letters patent by John K. of Scotland [reciting his oath of fealty on 20th November previous], and appending his seal. New- castle-on-Tyne in England. Norman-French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 31, No. 4-] A large round seal in green wax is attached, still in fine condition. Obv. the K. in chain mail and surcoat, barred helmet crowned, and sword in hand, riding to sinister. The lion rampant and double treasure appear on liis shield and the housings of the horse. Bev. the K. on a richly carved seat, crowned and sceptered, his left hand on his breast. At dexter side a shield with an orle (Balliol), at the sinister one with a lion rampant (Galloway). Leg. on both sides ' JOHANNES t)Ei GRACIA REX SCOTTORUM.' Dec. 26. 653. Letters patent by John de Balliol K. of Scotland, declaring that on St Stephen's Day 'lendemeyn de Noel' 1292, at Newcastle- on-Tyne in England, he had done homage to his overlord Edward K. of England, for the kingdom of Scotland. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Norman-French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 61.] The document, finely written in a round hand, is much worn and decayed. The great seal is gone. Dec. 26. 654. Letters patent by John K. of Scotland, in presence of various Fceuera,i. 782-3. magnates of England and Scotland, attesting his having done homage to the King of England, under their respective seals. New- castle-on-Tyne. Norman-French. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 52.] Finely written in same hand as preceding instrument. Balliol's great seal and all the others are lost. The document is much mutilated towards the end. Dec. 26. 655. Instrument under the hand of Andrew son of the late ■ Foe(icra,K<.<:!(i)ra.'VVilliam de Tang clerk of the diocese of York, attesting the homage, and reciting the K, of Scotland's letter patent both in Latin and French. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 16, No. 7.] Much faded and defaced in parts by damp. Nov. 20.— 656. The Household Eoll of K. Edward from the F. of St Edmund Dec. 27. K. and martyr, the K.'s 21st year beginning, till the same day that year. Walter de Langetone keeper, and John de Drokenesford controller of the Wardrobe. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 153 Edwakd I. [Uxiracts.] ' Korliam :— Thursday, 20th November,— the pantry, 41 12s 1^ • 1292. buttery, 22s. 2d.; kitchen, 19Z. 14s. 6cl.; scullery, 60s.; salsary! 7s. 7id ; the hall, 22s. ; chamber, 12s. 9d. ; the stable, 61. 4s. 8^^ • wages, 71s. 4id Total 40/. 7s. 3d. Wine from stock, 147 sesterces' wax 901b. Wark :— Friday, 21st November,— the pantry, 51s.; buttery, 48s. Ud.; kitchen, 79s. 3U; scullery, 21s. 2|d ; salsary, 4s. B^d.'; the hall, 10s. 4rf.; chamber, 13s. 6d.; stable, 61. I'S^d.; wages, 71s. 4|f/.; alms, 4s. Total, 21Z. 4s. 5d. Wine, 601- sesterces; w^'ax,' 501b. Saturday 22nd November,— total, 201. 2s. 8d. Wine, 94J sesterces ; wax, 561b. Total of three days, 811. 14s. 4d [Weekly totals only from this point.] Sunday 23rd to Wednesday 26th November. Eoxburgh :— Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th November Total week, 191/. 15s. 7ld. Sunday 30th till Tuesday 2nd December. Mersingtone :— Wednesday 3rd till Thursday 4th December. Eoxburgh :— Friday 5th till Saturday 6th December, Total week 211/. 7s. Id. Sunday 7th December. Monday 8th December,— the Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Mary. The K. dined in hall. Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th December. Wark :— Friday 12th December. Forde :— Saturday 13th December. Total week, 226/. 2s. 3|d Chattone : — Sunday 14th December. Tughale :— Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th December. Alnwick : — Wednesday 17th December. Werkworth :— Thursday 18th December. Wodehorne :— Friday 19th December. Hortoue .-—Saturday 20th December. Total week, 206/. 9s. lid. Total of 3 days and 1 month, 917/. 9s. 3d. Sunday 21st December. Tynemouth :— Monday 22nd to Tuesday 23rd December. Newcastle :— Wednesday 24th December. Thursday 25th December, Christmas Day. The King of Scotland djned with the King of England. Friday, 26th December. The King of Scotland did homage this day to the King of England. Saturday 27th December. Total week 503/. 14s. 2^d. Total of the roll [for a year] in money, 14,0337. 8s. 8d., whereof due to divers esquires and others for wages not yet paid, 58/. 6s. l^d. [JExcheqiier, Q. R., Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ^.] A large roll in fine condition. 1292-93. 657. Letters patent by John de Balliol K. of Scotland, releasing Jan. 2. his lord Edward K. of England of all agreements, promises, obligations". 154 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. and others undertaken by him to the granter or the good people of Scotland while in his hands. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 21st of 1292-93. Edward's and 1st year of his own reign. Norman French. [Clucpter roedcra, i. 783-4. House {Scots Documeiits), Box 100, No. 90.1 In fine preservation. No seal. Jan. 2. 658. Letters patent by John de Balliol giving a genelral release to Fopdeia, i. 783-1, Edward I. [This is the original of No, 657, but not in such fine condi- tion.] Besides his own seal, the K. of Scots has caused the seals of William bishop of St Andrews, Eobert bishop of Glasgow, John earl of Buchan, Patrick earl of the March, Gilbert earl of Angus, John earl of Athol, John Comyn, Alexander de Balliol, GeofFry de Moubray, Patrick de Graham, William de St Clair, and Thomas sou of Eandolf, to be appended. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Chapter House {Scots Docu- ments), No. 29.] The seals of K. John, the Earls of March, Angus, and Athol, and John Comyn are gone. The others, in green wax, are in very fine condition with one exception. They are attached to green and red silken strings, which are affixed to the foot of the parchment and sewn in the form of an oval medallion, within which is the owner's name : — (1) A large seal, vesica shape ; beneath a richly decorated archway, as bishop vested and mitred, in the act of benediction with a crook in his left hand. The back ground diapered with fraises ; below, in a round compartment, a shield charged with 6 fraises, 3, 2, and 1. * s' willelmi ' FRASER DEI gra' scottorum ep'i.' Bev. St Andrew on his cross, under an arch ; overhead a hand holding a crown. On either side a shield with the Fraser arms and a crescent and star respectively over each. Below, a bishop praying. ' s' Willi' fraser ep'i sci andree.' (2) Large seal, vesica shape ; a bishop vested and mitred in the act of benediction with crook in left hand. On his right a small bird singing in a bush ; on his left a fish in pale with ring in its mouth. ' s' roberti wischard dei gra' episcopi GLASGUENSis.' Rev. a small gem, Hercules with his club (?). * . . . . ' MEDICO . . . .' (3) Round seal. Shield with 3 garbs, 2 and 1, and a lizard on either side of shield. ' s' joh'is comyn fil' comit' d' botha.' (4) Fine round seal. Knight riding to sinister, sword in hand, plume on helmet and on horse's head, an orle on his shield and the housings of horse. ' &' alexandri de balliolo.' (5) The same shield repeated [possibly one is for his stepson the Earl of Athol?]. (6) On a round seal a shield charged with a lion rampant surmounted by a label of five points. ' s' galfridi DE MOUBRAY.' (7) On a round seal a shield bearing 3 escallops on a chief. At dexter side of shield a boar's head, and at sinister a dog's(?). 'siqillum patricii de GRAHAM.' (8) On a round seal within rounded tracery (upper part broken) a shield chargedwith a cross engrailed (or lozengy) apparently resting on a luce's(?) head emerging at the dexter side, a smaller one at the other. ' . . . . elmi de s'co claro mil . . . .' (9) On a round seal Muthin rounded tracery a triangular shield charged with 3 cushions, 2 and 1. ' sigillum thome randolf,' Jan. 6. 659. The K. annuls the late decision of his justices in eyre in Northumberland in his favour against Nicholas de Veteripont, regard- ing the manor of Aldeneston, held by Nicholas and his heirs of the late Alexander, K. of Scotland, and commands them to deliver the EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 155 Edward I. manor to Nicholas to be held as formerly. Newcastle-on-Tyne, [Close, 21 Echo. I. m. 10.] 1292-93. 660. Indenture attesting that on Friday next after the Feast of Jan. 16. St Hilary, viz., 16th January, in the K.'s 21st year, at Westminster, in presence of the Treasurer, Barons, and Chamberlains of Exchequer, Sir John de Droknesford clerk of the Wardrobe delivered to Master William de Marchia treasurer, and the Chamberlains of Exchequer, the following writings, viz., two of same tenor, as to the fealty of Sir John de Balliol K. of Scotland done to Edward K; of England at Norham on Thursday the Feast of St Edmund K. and Martyr, the 20th year of the K. closing and the 21st beginning ; to one of which there are 13 seals, viz., the K. of Scotland's seal before he had one of his realm, and those of the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, the earls of Buchan, March, Eoss, Menteth, James the Steward of Scotland, Alexander of Argyll, Alexander de Balliol, Patrick de Graham, and William de St Clair ; and the other under the royal seal of Scotland only, done and sealed at Newcastle-on-Tyne 24t!i December last ; item, two writings of same tenor, as to the K. of Scotland's homage done to the K. of England at Newcastle-ou-Tyne on St Stephen's day the morrow of Christmas last ; to one of which twenty-five seals are appended, viz., the royal seal of Scotland, and the seals of the Bishops of St Andrews and Glasgow, the Abbot of Jedburgh, the earls of Buchan, March, Angus, Athol, John Comyn, Alexander de Balliol, Thomas son of Eanulph, Geoffry de Moubray, Patrick de Graham, William de St Clair, Eichard Sywar.I, lugeram de Umfraville, Andrew de Moray, Thomas son of Eanulph, Jilius, David de Torthorald, Michael de Wymes, Eichard Eraser, Andrew Eraser, Symon Eraser, Alexander de Bouekille and John de Strivelyn ; and the other homage is under the royal seal of Scotland only ; item, a writing under the royal seal of Scotland only, whereby the K. of Scotland acquits the K. of England of all writings, agreements, promises, obligations, and penalties whatever made by him to the K. of Scotland or the nobles thereof, sealed at Newcastle-on-Tyne on St Stephen's day aforesaid, and ratifies all the King's acts while the realm was in his hand ; item, a notanal writing attested by Master John of Caen, whereto the seals of the Archbishop of Dublin, the Bishops of Durham and Glasgow are appended, concerning the K. of England's protestation at Newcastle-on-Tyne in presence of his Council, by the mouth of Sir Eoger de Brabazon his justiciar, that he should not be bound by any interim promises made while the realm was in his hand, or hindered from doing justice in aj)peals brought before him from Scotland. The seals of the Treasurer and Sir John de Droknesford are altcrnatim appended, on the date ut supra. Westminster, under the hand of E. de Luda the K.'s clerk. (Endorsed) ' Cirographum liberatum Thesaurario et Camerariis de Scaccario de iustrumentis et munimentis tangentibus fiJelitatem 156 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Domini J. de Balliolo E' Scocie, factum Domino Eegi Anglie Edwardo que Johannes de Drokenesford predictis Thesaurarario et Camerariis 1292-93. liberavit.' [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 95, No.6 ; Liber A. Chapter House, fol. 175 &.] A small round seal in red wax attached to a label cut out of tlie parch- ment : an antique head. Leg., ' missa secreta tego.' Jan. 6. 661. Commission to Eoger Brabazun and Gilbert de Eoubury to inquire who took deer in the park of Berndone, Leicestershire, belong- ind. Shire of Strathlevene : — [including Cambrun, Balineharge, Cokt- stone, Balmedone, and others detailed]. Total, 33/. Shire of Pares : — [including Balmackernis, Wester Eires, Easter Bires, Balnel, brewery of Eires, and others detailed]. Total, 45/. 15s. 6(/. The farms of divers crops : — Balgarvy, Muntfanyn, Auchtermuchty and Easter Chasse. Total, 84/. 14s. 2d. [Exchequer, Q. B., Miscellanea,, No. 9^1.] In a Scottish official hand on rough parchment, in pale ink. 1294. 685. Edward K. of England overlord of Scotland, to his beloved April 2. and faithful ^ J[ohn] K. of Scotland. Summons him to appear at Westminster on the morrow of Ascension day next to answer to tlie claim of John Mazun against the late K. Alexander. [A draft.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ii.] April. 686. The K., as overlord of Scotland, to the Sheriff of North- umberland. Commands him in person to cite the K. of Scotland to appear and answer the complaint of John Mazun at Westminster on the morrow of Ascension next. [A draft.] [Royal Letters, No. 1311.] May(?) 687. W[illiam] bishop of St Andrews to the K. The K. of Scotland on receiving the K.'s letter on behalf of John Macon merchant, had summoned the writer and other executors of the late K. Alexander to his Parliament at Scone, and having heard and fully ^ ' Magnifico jmncipi ' scored out and ' dilecto ' substituted EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 161 Edward I. considered the claim, the writer transmits the reply under seal. [Eoijal Letters, No. 1312.] 1294. No date. Traces of a large round seal in red wax on back. 688. The reply [enclosed with the above] by the executors to John le Mazon, in Parliament. John accounted with'.Weylaund . the Cham- berlain in the late K.'s time and received a large part of his debt. Afterwards with the executors, and receivedjall except 100/., sent to Eoxburgh with his assent. He came there to receive it, in presence of Sir Hugh de Peresby and other good people ; but other merchants came demanding more than his balance, so it was his own fault that he could not receive it. The executors again in Parliament offered him the 100/. on a discharge from him, when the valet of Sir William de Mounrevele came asking that no money be paid to John but to himself for John's debt to his lord. The executors agreed to this if John gave his receipt, which he refused, and moreover said he had had no accounting. If the K. wishes anything else done they beg to know. Norman French. [Boyal Letters, No. 1313.] June 2. 689. Pardon to Eobert de Brus senior of his fine of 100 marks, for Stevenson, i.42'>. his trcspass in taking venison in Essex without the K.'s leave. Westminster, by the K. himself. [Close, 22 Edio. /. m. 9.] June 16. 690. Inspeximus by the K. [of, inter alias, a charter by William de Veteripont with consent of Mahald his wife, to the friars of St Peter's hospital at York, of 4 bovates of land in Mebrune, in almoigne, for the soul's weal of Earl Henry, Fuco and Ivo the granter's brothers, and his father and mother. Witnesses: — Alexander the clerk of Crossebi, Eaulf of the Liberation, Pagan of Langerun, Gillemichel the baker, Alurei the hunter, friar Eaven, William Printanei, Frebald, Walter. Another, by Ivo de Veteripont, to the poor of the Hospital of St Leonard at York' for his soul's weal and those of Hugh de More- ville, William de Veteripont his father, and Matillidis de Veteripont his mother, Eobert his brother, and Isabel de Loncastre the granter's wife, granting Garethorn and the mill [by special boundaries]. The granter offers the deed with his own hand on the altar of the hospital, before Eoger de Bello Campo, Eichard his brother, and others.] Westminster. [Charter, 22 Edw. I. m. 3 & 4-] June 25. 691. Inspeximus by the K. [of a charter by John K. of Scotland to Anthony bishop of Durham and his successors in the see, of 50/. of land anywhere within the liberty of Werk in Tyndale, except in the vill and capital messuage of Werk, with the advowson of the church and chapels of Symundeburne in frank almoigne. Sealed with his privy seal in the absence of his great seal, at the New Temple, London, 20th June, 2nd of his reign. Witnesses : — Master Thomas de Hunsinghore his chancellor. Sirs Geoffiy de Mowbray, Patrick de Graham, John de Soules, Eoger de Burton (and others) knights.] Wyttelee. [Charter, 22 Edw. 1. m. 1.] VOL. II. L 162 CALENDAB OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 692. Inspeximus and confirmation by the K. [of a chirograph whereby John K. of Scotland granted to Anthony bishop of Durham, 1294. for life, his manors of Penrith, Scotteby, Carlaton, Langwathby, June 25. Salkeld, and Soureby, to revert at his death to the granter and his heirs. Witnesses : — Master Thomas de Hungsinghore the K. of Scotland's chancellor, Sirs Geoffry de Mowbray, Patrick de Graham, John de Soules, Eoger de Burton [and others] knights, and others. The New Temple, London, 20th June, 2nd of his reign.] Wyttele. [Pate7it, 22 Edio. I. m, S.] June 27. 693. The K., on the complaint of William of Oreford, William of Culnes, Andrew le Groos and other burgesses and merchants of Berwick, that on Tuesday next after Pentecost last, a Selaud vessel with 36 sacks of wool and other goods of theirs had been plundered of these and 100/. sterling, oflf the sea coast of Ecles in Fleg' in Norfolk, by the crews of five fishing boats, who after evil handling the master and sailors, sunk the ship, commands the Sheriff to make strict inquiry and find where the goods are. Dureforde. [Close, 22 Edw. I. in. <§.] June 27. 694. The K. commands the bailiffs of Harwich, who had arrested sterenson, i. 423.a Flemish vessel chartered by some burgesses and traders of Berwick- on-Tweed, which had put in for refuge on her voyage from Dieppe to Berwick, to keep her safe till further instructions. Dureforde. [Close, 22 Edw. I. m. 7.] June 29. 695. Military summons by the K. as Overlord of Scotland to John FcEdera, i. 804. K. of Scots and 18 of the magnates of Scotland to join him with their forces at London on 1st September against the K. of France. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4^9_] From the Gascon RoU with some additional names. [1294.] 696. The Mayor, reeves and community of Berwick to the K. as June. ruling by Divine providence the three realms of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Inform him that no tongue can tell their anxieties, and that by reason of the dearth of all kinds of grain in Scotland some of their fellow burgesses had shipped grain from abroad, and while off the English coast and ports, the K.'s bailiffs had arrested their ships and cargos to their heavy loss and damage. Their names are William of Orford and others whom the bearer will relate to the K., and their goods and vessels were arrested at Yarnemuthe, Erewell, Blakeney Newcastle-on-Tyne, and elsewhere. Also Sir Alexander de Balliol the Chamberlain of Scotland is due them 44/. ^s. 10|-f/. sterling for ' super expenses/ as appears in a compotus delivered by them to Sir William de Charleton and others auditors of same, formerly the K.'s lieutenants at Koxburgh. They send their fellow burgess Nicholas of Pampesworde as their attorney specially empowered to lay these matters before the K., and pray remedy. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ii.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 163 Edward I. 697. J[olm] K. of Scotland complains to the K. on behalf of the burgesses of Berwick. Neuwerke. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 474.] 1294. July 2. Stevenson, i. 427. 1293-94. Nov. 20- Aug. 16. 698. Letters of attorney, &c., connected with Scotland. [Selections^ Nov. 21. Hugh de Cressingham clerk has a presentation directed to J. bishop of Carlisle to Levyngton church, in the K.'"s hand as Matildis de Carrik, one of the heirs of Helevvysa daughter of Kalf de Levyngtone, has married without the K.'s leave. Westminster. Nov. 28. Alexander de Insula, about to go to Ireland and Scot- land, has a protection for two years. Westminster, [m. 29.] Dec. 8. Albert le ' Escot ' and John le ' Escot ' merchants of Piaceuza have licence to trade in the realm during the K.'s pleasure. Westminster, Dec. 10. Philip de Eydale burgess and merchant of Berwick has a conduct with his goods for a year. Westminster, [m, 27.] Jan. 20. Alianora de Ferrars countess of Derby has the custody of the vill of Makenthleche, belonging to the late Owen de la Pole, and extended to 67s., till the majority of Owen's heir. Estry. [m. 24,] March 1. John Wake, going to Scotland, appoints two attorneys for two years. Walsingham. [^m. 22.] April 20. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, going to Ireland, has a conduct till Michaelmas next and for a year afterwards. Canterbury. April 22. The K. permits John Comyn earl of Buchan to pay his relief of 120/. by moieties at the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, and Easter thereafter. Canterbury, [m. 20.] June 15. Andoenus Huglaci, Bernerus de Borkereye, and Bernard Lodovici messengers of Eric K. of Norway have a safe conduct to England for a year. Westminster. Haquin duke of Norway has a similar conduct for himself, or his messengers, if he does not come. Westminster, [m. 19.] June 30. John Wake is allowed to lease his manor of Lidel and others for seven years. Portsmouth, [m. 14.] Aug. 16. Brachius Gerardi and others merchants of the company of the * Puchei ' of Florence have a protection, while bringing the K.'s money which they have received in Scotland, to London, till All Saint's day next. Portsmouth, [m. 11.] [Patent, '22 JEdw. /.] Sept. 1. 699. The K. of his special grace respites all the debts of whatever nature of Ptobert de Brus earl of Carrick at Exchequer till Michael- mas next and for a year thereafter. Worcester. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 23 Edw. I. m. 4--] [1294.] 700. The K. has given to the Bishop of Glasgow the escheats, wards, CiQxa marriages, church patronages, and all appurtenances of the lands of Oct. 1. Caledere Comitis till the majority of the heir of Duncan earl of Fyfe, under burden of 40/. yearly to William Byset knight by the 164 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I, K.'s grant, tillthe heir's majority. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 1294. 701, The K. as overlord of Scotland to "Walter de Cambok warden Oct. 1. of the county of Fife. As his dear friend the Bishop of Glasgow has begged of him the land of Calder in the county of Fife, commands him to deliver the same at its true value, taking security for the accustomed farm. Westminster, 1st October. [Privy Seals (Tower), 22 Ediu. I., Bimdle 3.] [Circa 702. John Comyn of Scotland 'vallet,' who had been committed Oct. 6.] to the Flete prison and afterwards to the Tower for assaulting John Stevenson, i. 431. Pynimokc doorkecpcr of Exchequer in the execution of his office, and breaking his rod, was freed from prison on the mainprize of John de Seton of the county of York and Walter Cumyn of Scot- land. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 23 Edio. I. m. 11.] Nov. 7. 703. The K. (besides the custody of the lands and heir of Hugh Lovel deceased) wishing to do a farther favour to John de Soulys' gives him the custody of all the lands which the late Eva Lovel held in dower of Hugh's heritage, till the heir's majority. Tower of London, [Patent, 22 Edw. I. m. 5.] Nov. 23, 704. The K. having granted to Isabella de Beaumont lady de Stevenson, i. 430- Vescy a Weekly market at her manor of Karal (Crail) in the coanty of ^^^' Fife in Scotland, on Wednesday, and a yearly fair there for 15 days, viz., Monday next after the octaves of Easter and 14 following days, commands letters under the Great seal to be issued to her gratis. Brustwyk. [Privy Seals {Toiuer), 23 Edw. I., Bundle 4-] 1295. 705, The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. As Adam March 31. Armestrange son and heir of William Armestrange deceased, has done homage and fealty, the K. commands letters to be issued under the Great seal. Aberconway. [Privy Seals (Toioer), 23 Edw, I., Bundle 4--] May 3. 706. Mainprize by Thomas de Hellebek knight of Westmerland, Adam de Twynham of Hertford and Westmerland, John de Gledelawe of Essex, and Kichard de Langwatby of Westmerland, that Adam de Crokdaik knight, and master William de Trby, executors of Eobert de Brus's will, shall discharge all his debts to the K. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 23 Edw. I. m. 35, dorso.] May 17. 707. The K. to John de Langetone his chancellor. Having by letters under the Great seal already committed to E[obert] bishop of Glasgow, the manor of Caledore Comitis, till the majority of the heir of Duncan earl of Fife, he commands that the Bishop have advowsons of churches and all other escheats omitted in the grant. Towyn in Meyronnith (IMerioneth). Privy Seals (Tower), 23 Edtv. I., Bundle Jf,.] 1293-1295. 708. Expenses of Walter de Camehou keeper of Fife, after his Dec. 20- appointment, viz. : — May 22. On the 20th day of Christmas he went to Galloway with the K.'s EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 165 Edward T. writ to the K. of Scotland for his appointment, and staid 12 days, spending 25s. Id. ; in the K.'s 22nd year. On the morrow of the 1293-95. Purification he left Camou for Newcastle-on-Are, and sued the K. of Stevenson, i. 428- Scotland at his Parliament of Lanark for 15 days, before he got a reply. Expended 32s, lOd. From thence he went in search of the sheriffs of Edinburgh, Stirling, Fife, and Perth, for 10 days with the K. of Scotland's writs for seisin of the Earl of Fife's lands ; expend- ing 25s. And after February he had seisin of the castle of Cupar in Fife, and remained there till the Annunciation of the Virgin follow- ing for 21 days, extending and letting the lands, expending 52s. Qd. Expenses from said day going to Caraehou, 5 days, 15s. Zd Expenses of a vallet of the steward of Fife for a month, going to the sheriff of Elgin in Moray with the K.'s writ to have seisin of the lands of Aberbrandaly, and letting them, 33s. 6fZ. ; besides his goods robbed on the way. Total 11/. 9s. Walter's expenses from Pente- cost 1294 till 1295, viz., 3 weeks and 3 days from Midsummer, going and coming, 69s. 8c/. Expenses of John de Ethale and a clerk going to the Lennox to take seisin of the land 'del Glen,' and of Cartcany and Lentebolt, and letting same, 13 days, 23s. 7f/. Note, Sir Patrick de Graham ejected the K. ri et armis from these lands, so he drew no money. Walter's expenses at Cupar in Fife for 94 days from St Leonard's day, 57s. od. Also, towards Calder for 12 days after Epiphany, to let the land to be delivered to the Bishop of Glasgow by the K.'s precept and take security from the Bishop, 38s. 4f/. And from the Conversion of St Paul till 16th February, 23 days, suing the K. of Scotland and the Bishop of St Andrews for their debt of 8/. 5s. 7d. to the K. ; 57s. 7d. (Endorsed) 'Expense Walteri de Camehou de Fyf.' [Exchequer, Q. R. 3fisceUanea (Army), No. ^.] [1295.] 709. [From an official not named] to his ' reverend lord.' The May (?). writer in terms of the K.'s writ directed to him, which he returns - under seal, has taken from Lady Cristiana widow of the late Sir Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, her oath not to marry without the K.'s licence, and also admitted her attorneys to receive her dower from the lands, knights' fees, and advowsons of churches, which belonged to her late lord. Whereon lie asks his correspondent's commands. [No place or date.] [Tov.rr Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^^.^ June 23. 710. Anthony bishop of Durham to Sir John de Langeton chancellor of England. Asks specially for a protection from his creditors for his beloved cousin Sir Robert de Maule, who is about to go beyond seas with him. Dated at ' le Brendewode ' on the Eve of St John Baptist, 11th year of his consecration. [Royal Letters, No. 2536.] Trace of round red wax seal on back. 1295. 711. The K. to John de Langetone his chancellor. As Robert [de 166 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. Brus] son and heir of Kobert de Brus se7iio7^ deceased who held in capite has done homage, he commands letters under the Great seal to 1295. be issued. Aberconway, 4th July(?). July 4- On 5th of same month Master Andrew of St Alban Robert de Brus's clerk, going beyond seas, has leave to appoint attorneys Frivy Seals (Toiver), 23 Ediv. /., Bundle 4,.] Aucr. 10. 712, Eecognizance by Robert de Brus lord of Writel of his debt to Adam del Crokdayk, executor of his father Robert de Brus's will, for 991. 9s. 6d., payable in moieties at the Purification of the Virgin and Pentecost next. Westminster. [Close, 23 Ediv. I. m. 8, dorso^ Aug. 15. 713. Thomas son of Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus, and Master John de Mar his companion, scholars at Oxford, have a protection for a year. Westminster. [Patent, 23 Edw. I. m. 12.] Aug. 23. 714. The K. as overlord of Scotland to his liege John ' the illustrious' K. of Scots. Has heard the matters which Henry of Aberdeen his clerk, the bearer of this reply, has laid before him, whereon he has given his answer to said clerk, who will explain it fully vivd voce. Westminster. [Close, 23 Ediv. I. m. 7, dorso.'] Sept. 23. 715. R. de Retteforde and John de Insula appointed justices to try several assizes of novel disseisin arraigned by Robert de Scardeburgh parson of the church of Coningtone, against Bernard de Brus and others as to tenements there, and by Robert against William de la More chaplain, as to same. Wengham. [Patent, 23 Edw. I. m. 7, dorso.] Oct. 6. 716. The K. commits to his liege Robert de Brus lord of Annan- dale the keeping of the castle of Carlisle. Canterbury. [Patent, 23 Ediv. I. m. 5.] Oct. 15. 717. The K. confirms the grant by Christiana widow of Robert de Brus late lord of Annandale, to Adam del Crokdayk and his heirs in perpetuity, of the vill of Glassanby. Westminster. [Patent, 23 Ediv. I. m. 3.] Oct. 16. 718. The K. to the Sheriff of Northampton. Commands him to take in the K.'s hand all the lands and goods there of John de Balliol K. of Scotland, and all others of that kingdom who remain in Scotland, and to permit no sale of their woods or other goods, but if such have taken place, to arrest and retain the money in the purchaser's hands. Westminster. [Fine, 23 Ediv. I. m. 3.] Similar writs to all the sheriffs of England. [1295, 719. Letters patent by Philip K. of France, reciting the clauses of Oct. 23.] the treaty between himself, with consent of his brother Charles Fcedera, i. 830. count of Valois and Aujou, and John IC of Scotland, for the marriage of Edward the latter's son to the K. of France's niece, and their alliance offensive and defensive against the Kings of England EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 167 Edwakd I. and Germany. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Portfolio A iVo. 6.] 1295. Date and place lost. In Latin. The original of No. 720. Very much decayed and great part in fragments. Oct. 23. 720. Letters patent by Philip K. of France, reciting the treaty Foedera, i. between himself and the ambassadors of John K. of Scotland for the ' ■ marriage of his niece, eldest daughter of his brother Charles count of Valois and Anjou, to Edward eldest son of the K. of Scotland, and their alliance offensive and defensive against the Kings of England and Germany. [The two letters patent of the K. of Scot- land accrediting his ambassadors to France, and empowering them to treat for the marriage are recited. Dated Stirling, 3rd of the nones of July 1295, 3rd of his reign.] Paris. Norman French. Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, ^\.] Oct. 23(?). 721. Letters patent by John K. of Scotland reciting the conditions of the treaty between himself and Philip K. of France, for the marriage between his sou Edward and the latter's niece, and of their alliance offensive and defensive against the Kings of England and Germany. (Endorsed) ' Littera Johannis quondam Eegis Scocie continens processum . . . super confederacionem factam inter ipsum et Eegem Francie.' [Chapter House {Scots Docununts), Portfolio 2, No. 4^.] The place and date are obliterated. Browned by age and in fragile condition. Oct. (?) 722. John K. of Scotland to Edward K. of England. Complains of the injuries inflicted on his subjects, the violent occupation of his castles and possessions, slaughter and imprisonment of the merchants and other men of his realm ; and therefore he renounces the homage extorted from him by violence, and his fealty for his lands in England. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 2, No. 8.] Very fragile, injured and defaced. Dec. 6. 723. The K. to the Sheriff of Southampton. Notwithstanding his late order that the English lands and goods of all Scotsmen who remained in Scotland should be taken in his hand, he commands him to restore those of his liege Eichard Syward. Westminster. [Close, 34 Edw. I. m. 12,] Similar writ to the Sheriff of Northampton. [Cv'ca 724. William de Valence earl of Pembroke, to Sir Walter de 1295.] Langeton the K.'s Treasurer. Begs him to obtain the K.'s command to the Prior of Bynham to receive the attorneys of his son [-in-law] John Comyn and Johanna his wife in all pleas before the justices in eyre in Tyndale, in Northumberland. Also to acquaint him where the K. would be at the close of Easter. That he has sent to Chancery for a writ of common summons at the said eyre for the said John Comyn. Asks the Treasurer to aid in getting it, if not delivered before his letter reaches him. Norman French. [Buyal Letters, No. 1706.] 168 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS ED^VARD I. 725. The K. to John de Laugeton his Chancellor. Understanding t^jiat the advowson of the vacant church of Lilleford in the diocese of 1295-96. Lincoln belongs to him for reasons in the enclosed schedule, com- Feb. 3. mands a presentation under the great seal in favour of Thomas de Milton clerk. Stowe Bardolf. (Schedule.) Dereveregulla widow of David Olifard holds the manor of Lilleford for life by lease from Walter de IMoray, who reserved the advowson of the church, which he, and his heir since his death, have given thrice without challenge. Now Derevere- '•'uUa has sued a writ of quare impedit against William de Moray Walter's heir, unjustly, as if the advowson belonged to the K., because the lands held by Scottish magnates in England have been taken in the King's hand. [No date.] [Privy Seals (Tower), 24- JEdw. I., Bundle 5^ Feb. V?K 726. The K. commands the Treasurer and Barons of Exchequer to sell all the goods of Scotsmen lately taken on their manors, except plouglis, oxen, and similar stock, and apply the proceeds in Exchequer. Grantham. [Close, 24, Ediv. I. m. 10.] Feb. 23. 727. The K. to his clerks John de Langetone his Chancellor, and William de Hameltone. Commands them to hasten the forces appointed to meet him at Newcastle-on-Tyne for Scotland, as much as possible by the appointed day ; and to intimate to the Sheriff of York that neither for assizes, gaol deliveries or any other business is he to hinder the men of his county arriving. Catton. [Privy Seals (Tower), 24 Edv. /., Bimdlc 5.] March G. 728. Letters patent, the K. as Overlord of Scotland to the good niou and whole community of Galloway. Signifies that at the request of Thomas de Galloway he has granted to them all their liberties and customs, as they and their ancestors held these in the time of K. David and of Alan the said Tliomas's father. He will consider as to relaxation or remission to them of siu;h an amount of their rents as will content them, which tliey have also asked by said Thomas. Barnetoue. March 6th, anno xxiiii. [A duplicate.] [Chancerj/ Miscellaneous Portfolios, |-^.] March 7. 729. The K. commands the Sheriff of Westmerland to receive Thomas of Galloway from William de Link' and conduct him to the castle of Carlisle, delivering him to the constable. Burneton. Writ to the constable to receive him from the sheriff, and keep him in safe custody, as Antony bishop of Durham will instruct him ou the K.'s behalf. Burneton. [Close, 24 Edii\ I. m. 9.] [1295-96.] 730. (Endorsed) Pioll of names of magnates and others of Scotland who performed homage to the King of England. March 14. Malcolm earl of Levenax, Sir Patrick de Oggelvye of the county Paigi-ave, pp. of Forfar, Sir Edmund de Rameseye, Sir Michael Scot of Fife, Sir 19^197. jf^i-^jj jg ig^ Haye, Sir Walter de Lundy, Sir John de Cambus. [On EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 169 Edwaed I. margin] 'He did not do homage because challenged by Sir H. de Beaumout.' Sir William de Moray of Sand ford, Sir John de [1295-96.] Berkleye, Sir William de Fenton, Sir Ealf de Campania, Sir Henry de Mondeville, Sir William de Moray of Drumsargard, Sir John de Kyner, Sir David de Berkeleye, Sir John de Cambrun of Balligarnach, Sir John de Strivelyn of Moray, Sir William de Montalt, Sir Adam de Valoignes, Eoger de Mortimer, Walter de Alight, Alexander Eraser, Ealf de Craneston, Angus Maccarawar, John de la Haye, Matthew de Harlawe, Eobert le Fauconer, William de Ineys, Philip de Fyndon, William de Petglassi, Thomas de Balcaski, Walter de Eossi, Geoffry de Eresseley, Andrew le Jugeor, Andrew de Chartres, Eobert de Coleville, Malcolm Crok, John de Cromenoc, Laurence de Grantmont, William Danant, William Wysman, John de Fernboys, John de Abercromby, John de Kynmone'^h, James de Maleville, William de Eotheneyk, William de Lachelys, Walter de AUerdas, William de Gourlay, Nigel de Carryk, Patrick de Graham, William de Lamygton, Walter fitz Eoger, Thomas le Huntere, Ealf de Kynard, Matiir de Guly, Walter de Berkeleye, David le Mareschal, John son of Ewyn MacGilcrist, Alexaoder de Stratou, James de Strabon, Michael de Miggyl, Patrick de Eotheney, Alexander de Ogeston, William de Fendretb, Walter le Mareschal, John de Hibernia, John Manypeny, Eobert de Tnchetorn', Eobert de Tremblee, John Lyp, Eanulf de Keler, John de Cambron, Donald de Ughtreday, William Prat, Adam de Inverpeffree, Eichard Scot, Alan de Carintoly, Thomas Macdoffy, John de Logy, [on margin] 'under age,' Thurstan le Porter of Inretey, Thomas le Porter of Montrose, Edith de Han- ville, Margery de Carkery, Eustace de Goughy, Thomas Lewer, John Megre, Andrew de Goughy, Eeginald Madochy, Michael fitz Patrick. All the aforesaid except John de Cambus did homage to the K. of England on 14th jMarch. [CJiajJter House (Scots Documents), Box ^, No. 10.] 1295-96. 731. The K. to the Sheriff of Cumberland. Learning that Matilda March 17. de Carrick of Scotland has demised to Master John de Bowes certain lands in Kirklevynton for 13 years from the Assumption of the B. Mary last year, and that John took seisin that day, and continued the same till the sheriff cited him under the K.'s mandate as to Scotsmen's lands in England, he commands the sheriff to reinstate John in the lauds, as he has satisfied Matilda. Werk. [Close, 2Jf, Edw. I. m. 9.] March 22. 732. Walter de Beauchamp asks protections for Sir Eoger de Morteyn, William de Tudham of the Isle of Ely, and two others of the household in the K.'s service in Scotland. Written at Werk, Thursday next after ' la Pask Flori.' [Tag. No seal.] 1296. Walter de Beauchamp a.sks a protection for Henry of Berwick March 25. who is in the King's service in his army. Written at Werk, 25th March in the 2'4th year. [Tag. Seal lost.] 170 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. John Lovel signifies to the Chancellor, that he had received from William de Pappeworthe an able-bodied and sufficient man and 1296. barbed horse for the K.'s Scottish expedition ; and understanding About that the Sheriff of Huntingdon and Cambridge has distrained and March 25. sealed up his granges for default of his personal service, he begs that a writ be issued to the sheriff to release the distraint ; further that he would send a respite of debts for himself to the Sheriff of Northampton, by the bearer hereof. [No seal] Same date. E. de Brus earl of Carrick and lord of Annandale prays Sire J. de Langeton the chancellor for a protection for Walter Cryps his baker, going with him to Scotland, as his name had been forgotten on the ' bylle ' last made. Sealed with his privy seal. [Seal lost.] [Chancery Files, Bundle 83^ 1296. 733. [Estimate of damages done by the army at the House of March 28. Coldstream.] Stevenson, ii. Damages done by the K. of England and Scotland at Coldstream on Wednesday next after the Annunciation of the Virgin 1296, estimated by Walter the master and five other friars of that house, sworn and examined before Sir John the K.'s Treasurer, friar Walter his companion, and others of the Council. Total corn taken, [detailed] 50/. Total of beasts taken, [detailed] 62/. 15.S. Item, the orchard was worth in common years 100s. besides the consumption of the house. As it cannot be estimated, it is left to the decision of the Council. Destruction of houses within and without the court, carts, wagons, and timber, 100s. Sum total, 117/. 15s., whereof the house has received 15 qrs. wheat at 10s.; 15 qrs. beans at 7s. 8d. ; and 16 qrs. malt at 7s. by Peris le Clerk's hand, and 6/. in money from the Treasurer. [Deliverance of the Council.] Sir Hugh de Cressingham, treasurer of Scotland will deliver them 700 sheep, to be sent from the county of Athol by Sir liobert Cambron the sheriff, at 8d. each, and 16 oxen at 3s. each of these 40 coming from Athol ; the remaining 24 to go to the K.'s larder. The amount of money, corn, and stock delivered nt snpra 50/. lis. 8d, which Sir Hugh must restore and pay in the Wardrobe. Thus the amount still due them is 67/. ?>s. U. (Endorsed) ' Caldestrem.' [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No, ^2.] [1296.] 734. Ordinance by the K. at Berwick, 2nd April, that Sir Eobert April 2. Clifford with 140 meu-at-arms and 500 foot shall keep the March of Stevenson, ii. 3G. Scotland till three weeks after Easter next, taking hostages of Selkirk forest, the moor of Cavers, the vales of Lidel, Esche, Ewes, Annand, Moffat, Nith, and Galloway, and other lands come to the King's peace. And of all suspected persons. Norman French. [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474-.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 171 Edwaed I. 735. The K. to the Sheriff of Lincoln. Understanding that Thomas de Quinquersteynes and Cecilia his wife have quit claimed 1296. to Stephen Pessim, all Cecilia's dower in the English and Scottish April 4. lands of Ingelram Pessun her former husband, grandfather of said Steplien, in exchange for 22 marks of Ingelram's manor of Berughby, for Cecilia's life, he commands the sheriff to give them the 22 marks while the manor is in his custody under the K.'s mandate as to Scots- men's lands. Berwick. [Close, ^4- Echo. I. rn. P.] April 27 736. [Writs commanding that no adherents of John de Balliol late (and after). King of Scotland be allowed to remain on their English lands Stevenson, ii. — that the samc be seized and inquiry made as to fraudulent alienations.] Writ to the Sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham, commanding that none of these persons or any representing them be suffered to remain on or intromit with the same. Berwick-on-Tweed. Similar writ commanding the Sheriff to inquire into all fraudulent alienations by such persons of their lands since Christmas 1293, and when found to seize the lands. Berwick-on-Tweed. Similar writs to all the sheriffs of England. [Extracts.'] 1. Bedford and Buckingham : — The sheriff returns that he took John de Balliol's lands in the King's hands .... that he had alienated none, and no other of the realm of Scotland held lands there .... Extent of his manors and rents of Kempstone, 32/. 6s. M. Total goods, &c., 37/. 6s. Id. 2. Cambridge and Huntingdon : — The sheriff returns that Jolin de Balliol holds the wards of the heirs of Piobert Byset and William Malerbe in the vill of Albotislee, value 11/. 10s. They are with him in Scotland and their ages unknown. Total, including these, 23/. 13s. ll^d. No goods. 3. Cornwall : — The sheriff returns that neither John de Balliol nor any other Scotsman has lands or chattels there, as he finds by inquisition in full county by knights and other lieges. 4. Cumberland : — The sheriff returns that none alienated their lands, or intromitted with same. Names of those whose lands were seized in the K.'s hand : — Sir Geoffrey de Moubray holds the manor of Boultone, paying 6/. yearly at Martinmas and Pentecost ; besides a water mill yielding 19 skeps of oatmeal given to the cowherds and others for liberations; and the domain lands, 119 arable acres, ploughed by the manor ploughs. Sir Alexander de Bonkill holds the township of Ulvesby paying 9/. yearly. He came to the King's peace and has seisin. William de Gardinis holds land in Lostewaythe, paying 39s. yearly. Maria, wife of Alexander de Cambertone holds the third of Camberton in dower, paying yearly 48s. Thomas de Morileye holds lands in BroghtonR and Alenburghe, paying 2 marks at Pentecost. He is at the King's peace till Easter. 172 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. Alicia, wife of Alan de Roule holds land in Dovanby in dower, paying IO5. 2^d. at Easter. Nothing for last Michaelmas, for it was 1296. not then seized. John de Gevelestone holds the ward of Hoton-Jon, paying yearly 12/, 6s. 8d. Gilbert de Suthayck holds lands in Skelton and Kirkeandres paying 75s, at Easter. Nothing for Michaelmas ut supra. Gilbert de Carlisle holds land in le Dale, paying 15s. yearly. John le Blont holds the moiety of Blencogow, paying 8/. yearly. He had a writ for seisin at Pentecost. William de Moravia holds the hamlet of Hogtone, paying 4/. yearly. Sir Eobert de Tyliolf had the K.'s writ at Pentecost to have seisin. Sir David de [Torjthorald holds Cum[c]rew of Christiana his wife's heritage, paying 6/. yearly. He is dead and she had seisin at Pentecost by the K.'s writ. Sir Walter de Corry holds lands in Kirkeandres, paying 20s. yearly ; also a part of Levigtone, which is burnt and lies waste. Henry de Maltou holds land there from the son and heir of Patrick Trumppe for 9 marks yearly ; also burnt and waste. Iiobert de Eos held the township of Cargo w, burnt and waste. No one holds it. Sir Adam de Swyneburne holds land in Bothecaster and was at the K.'s peace almost till Pentecost. The lands w^ere not taken before. Total, 57/. Os. 6|f/. ; whereof paid to the Wardrobe, 32/. 2s. 5f/., the rest for Welshmen's wages and about the engine. 5. Devon : — The sheriff returns that there is nothing. 6. York: — Names of adherents of Balliol, staying in Scotland whose lands were seized : — -Two-thirds of Driffield (John de Balliol's), 39/. 2s. 8|f/. Ealph de Lascelles married Isabella widow of Michael de Uppesale. She held Uppesale in dower, value 9/. 19s. 9f/. Adam Knout holds Uppesale, &c., till the majority of Michael son of said Michael, value ] 5/. 8s, \cl. ; chattels, 9/. 13s. 8r/. Isabella of South Couton, has lauds in South Couton, worth 60s. 2d. ; chattels, 7s. M,. Geoff'ry de Eriselay has rents of 50s. in Eriselay. Peter the miller of West Erdeslawe, has l^d. of land at Erdeslawe, and goods, 6s. 8d. Syuion de Cresset^yle has a rent at Attereclift in the Wapentake of Strafford, worth 100s. Peter de Eotherfeld holds the manor of Hikeltone of John de Balliol for 2 marks. Eichard son of Matillidis de Dugl', has a bovate in Sproteburghe vrorth 6s. M. Walter son of Thomas de Barkestone has land there worth 5s. William de Eoucestre, who served in Scotland with Richard Sivvard has chattels in Towton(?), with 4/., and a bovate there held for life of Sir William de Stopham, worth 16s. Gilbert de Iselbek who died at Christmas last, had in Iselbek and Daltone land worth 4/. 16s. yearly, held in capite of Sir Eoger de Moubray who then seized them. Gilbert has a son and heir John, who was in Scotland in the Bishop of Moray's service before his father's death, and remains there and has been seised : — Lauds alienated since Christmas 1294, and therefore seized ; — • EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 173 Edward I, Geoffry de Moubray of Scotland had 10/. of laud in the vill of Easkelf which he gave to Alan de Peningeton knight, in exchange for 1296. land which the late K. John gave Alan in Scotland. Thomas Petiwille of Scarborough who was with the Scots at the assault of Berwick and killed there, demised a messuage in Scarborough to Eoger Uthrede and Geoffry de Folketon for a term. Total money taken in the K.'s hands: — lands and rents, 92/. 125. 6^d. ; goods, &c., 17/. 10s. lOf/. In all 110/. 3s. 4irf. 7. Essex and Hertford : — The sheriff returns that the Master of the Temple was due to Alexander de Balliol 40/. yearly for the manor of Chingeford, within the Abbot of Waltham's liberty, and two terms were in arrear. Also the Abbot of Stratford held the manor of Burgstede of Eichard Siward by service of a knight. That Henry de Edrestoue parson of Beuington church, Eoger his brother, a clerk, (who have no lay fees), William le Chaumberlein, Thomas le Messer, Hutting le Parker, and Alexander le Parker, laymen, are Scots by nation and long resident at Benyngton, and their goods and chattels are few. That a son of William Duglas of Scotland, nearly two years old, named Hugh, is in custody of John le Parker at Steb- bing ; but was born in England, and he has arrested him till further instructions. He has seized the above rents, service, and chattels in the king's hand. William Duglas gave a water mill rent of 20s. at Stebbing, of Alienora his wife's dower, to John de Dalham. Extent of the Baliol manor of Hicchin [besides stock], 68/. 17s. Id. [under deduction of 26s. 8f/. of ancient alms to the Preceptor of Dinnesleghe and others.] Extent of Benington [besides stock], 39/. 7s, 4d. Extent of Edward Comyn's manor of Savecampe, he being in Scotland, 16/. 3s. 5d. ; chattels and stock, 36/. lis. But those are the property of Sir John de . . . .ses, who had the manor for seven years from Michaelmas last by demise from Sir William Comyn of Killebride Edmond's father, and Sir John had paid him in advance for the said term. Extent of Welcomstowe, 7/. 13^d., held of the King in capite of the barony of Valoignes by knight service. Demised to Philip de Wyleby for a term of years unknown. The chattels are all his. Edmond Comyn of Scotland has 20s, rent from William le Plomer for a fee in Heyham. Extent of the manor of Stebbinge, 53/. 8s. 7|f/., besides chattels and stock found there on Saturday 22nd October last, when seized by the sheriff for a debt of 100/. due by William Duglas and Alianora bis wife for trespass of their marriage [about 11/. or 12/.]. Extent of Wodeham Ferrers, 16/. 2s. 6^f/. besides goods and chattels seized 2it supra [between 3/, and 41.]. 8. Gloucester : — By inquisition before the sheriff at Berkeleghe, on Thursday before Midsummer 1296, it is found that no one of Scotland has alienated land there. Hugh de Berkelegh knight, a follower of John de Balliol, has 2 marks of rent in fee in the vill of Caunne, 174 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. from a house and carucate there, which Eobert de Draycote, an Englishman at the King's peace, has held for 30 years and more by 1296. hereditary right. 9. Hereford : — The sheriff's return is nil. 10. Kent : — The sheriff returns that no Scotsman but Alexander de Balliol has lands there. That Alexander gave the moiety of the manor of Lodenham to Ralph de Eslyng knight, since the term. He has taken the others in the King's hand. Extent of the manors of Eydling- walde, 211. 3s. 8kl. ; of Hathfelde (about) 15/.; of Northwode, 13/. 14s. %\cl. There is here a capital messuage ' sumptuose edificatum,' but not valued, having no garden or pigeon house. Of Kyngestone, 14/. Os. 10-^f/., less the castle ward of Dover Castle [not valued] ; of Chyleham, 69/. 2s. l^d., less 50s. for the castle ward of Dover and other rents of 50s. Total of his manors 124/. 17s. IM., of his goods and chattels there, 106/. 10s. Sc/. [The rents are largely composed of hens and eggs, besides services, ploughing, sowing, reaping, &c.] 11. Lancaster: — The sheriff returns the lands of Michael son of John de Hole, who dwells in Scotland, a messuage and 47 acres in Langeton, total, 18s. 6d 12. Lincoln: — Extent of Geoffrey de Lyseny's manor in Magna Pantone, 29/. 15s. 2\cl. [This is marked ' de Erancia,' and though sewed to the others he is not named in the sheriff's return.] The sheriff returns that he took John de Balliol's lands in the King's hand, 40/. 8s. 8Jf/., viz., Torkeseye, fixed rent, 36 marks ; in the vill of Alkebarewe, fixed rent, 28s. ; in the vill of Belteforde, 67s. 4^d ; in the vill of Staumforde, 2 ploughgates, 10 marks ; in the vill of Wad- ington, fixed rent 100s. He also once held 20/. of fixed rent in Graham but was not seised for six years past before the day on the writ. Also the manor of Bergheby, which was Stephen Pesson's of Scotland, a 'fautor' of Balliol, 14/. 16s. M., and chattels, value 18/. 10s. Also 10 marks of rent in Magna Lymbergh paid by the Abbot of Newhouse to heirs of Pagan de Helley of Scotland. [These last by the inquisition taken at Caistor before the Sheriff of Lincoln on Monday next before Midsummer same year, were William Eraser son of the late Alexander Eraser knight, and Gilbert Damel, who both have mansions in Scot- land and draw two- thirds of the rent, the remaining third being received by a certain matron called Godava.] 13. Middlesex: — The sheriff returns that no Scotsman holds lands there except John de Balliol, whose lands in Tottenham he has taken in the King s hand. 14. Norfolk and Suffolk :— The sheriff returns that the only Scots- men holding land, are John de Balliol late King, Edniond Comyn, and Geoffrey Talyur, an Englishman dwelling in Scotland, who holds 15 acres in Fakentiam, by gift of William Comyn, worth 7s. 6f/. yearly, all seized in the King's hand. The lands of Edmond Comyn of EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 175 Edward I. Kilbride at Fakeuham Magna, total 251. 3s. 6^d. The half hundred of Ludinglonde and other manors of John de Balliol, 62/. 12^d. 1296. 15. Northampton: — By inquisition at Wytering on Tuesday next after Holy Trinity, 24th year, it was found that Hugh Eidel, who is in Scotland, held the manor of Wytering up to the quinzaine of Michaelmas 1295, 'when he gave it to Geoffry, his son and heir, to be held of the chief lord of the fee for ever. Extent of the castle, manors, knight's fees, and freeholders of Foder- ingeye, 129/. 7s. 7|f/. [10 peacocks at 8d. each, and 18 swans at 2s. are mentioned.] Of Nassington and Jarewelle, 75Z. Os. 11^^. 16. Northumberland : — The sheriff returns names of those dwell- ing in Scotland, and will proceed to remove their servants. John de Balliol, John Comyn the father, John Comyn the son, Eichard Syward, the Abbot of Gedeworthe, John Wychard for John Prat's heritage, John de Stutelington, Adam de Swyneburne, Thomas de Moriley, Aymer de Eotherford, Thomas de Soules, Nicholas de Graham, William de Duglas.. Edmund Comyn, Eobert de Eose Eichard Fresil, Henry de Halyburton, the Abbot of Melrose, the Abbot of Kelso, John de Soraervylle, William de Paxton, Thomas de Stanton, Henry deChartres, who gave his land [of Colden, Avorth 10/.] to William his son, Eobert de Creswelle. 17. Nottingham and Derby : — John de Balliol holds in the vill of Eepynden, lands and rents worth 6/. 3s. 6d. 18. Oxford and Berkshire : — The sheriffs return — nil. 10. Eutland :— John de Balliol held 50 acres in Sondersokeue, given by [John] Earl of Warrenne, to him in marriage with his daughter, uncultivated, except 4/. rent paid in Wissendene. Total 4/. 18s. 20. Salop and Stafford :— \ 21. Somerset and Dorset : — { m, i. -no , ^ 00 o 1 o >lnesherms return — ml. 22. Surrey and Sussex : — i 23. Southampton : — / 24. Warwick and Leicester : — The sheriff returns that John Comyn earl of Buchan held the manor of Whytewyk, which, with its pertin- ents of Swanington, Shepesheved, Merkesfeld, and others, is worth 97/. lis. 6id. ; live stock, &c., 19/. 3s. ; and John de Balliol has view of frankpledge of the townships of Wyluby, Corseby, Akethorpe, Slanstone and Oucheby, except 6 virgates in Oucheby, all taken in hand. 25. Worcester :— The sheriff returns that John de Balliol has no land there. Eichard Syward once held the manor of Cronle, where- in 12 years ago ho enfeoffed John Syward, his brother who is in the King's service in Scotland. [Q. B. Ancient Misc. Sheriff's Accounts, Bundle No. 694. See also Fine Boll, 2^ Edw. I. m. 12.] The extracts often vary from those made by Mr Stevenson. May 13. 737. James the Steward of Scotland having come to the King's 176 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. peace, swears fealty on the Holy Evangels, and especially to aid him ao-ainst John de Balliol late K. of Scotland, and all his abettors in 1296. Scotland or elsewhere. Roxburgh. [Chajjter House (Scots Docu- Paigrave, p. 152. mcnts), Box o, No. 9 ; Ragman Roll, m. 1.] Verj' much decayed and defaced. Seal lost. May 14. 738. The K. at the instance of Lord B. bishop of Albano, cardinal of the Eoman Church, has remitted to his liege John de Greilly, formerly his seneschal of Gascony, all arrears due the K. on accountof his office. Roxburgh. 14th May. [^Chancery Files, Bundle 80.] May 14. 739. Letters patent by the K. appointing Eeginald de Craufurd sheriff of the county of Ayr during pleasure, and commanding all in the sheriffdom on paiu of forfeiture to be inteutive and answerable to him. Roxburgh. 14th May anno xxiiij. \_Cluineery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. f i.] May 15. 740. John the Steward brother of Sir James the Steward of Scot- paigrave, p. 151. land, swears fealty [as in No. 737]. Roxburgh. [Chapter Bouse {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 8 ; Rarjman Roll, m. 1.] Slightly decayed. No seal. [1296.1 741. Protections for the Prior of Coldingham, Sir Ingelram de May 16. G-ynes, and Master William Frere archdeacon of Lothian, and a con- stevcnson, ii. 49. duct for the Abbot of Cupar in Angus. Kelso, 16th May. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-74-] May 16. 742. [Scottish prisoners taken in Dunbar castle committed to the following prisons : — ] The earls of Ros, Athol, Menteth, John son of John Comyn of Badenagh, Eichard Siward, John fitz Geoffry, Andrew de Moray, John de luchemartin, David son of Patrick de Graham, Alexander de Meners (Menzies), Nicholas Randolf son of Thomas Eandolf knights ; sent to the Tower of London. Eoxburgh. Laurence de Strabolgevy, Henry de Inchemartin, knights, William de Kilpatrick of Annandale, Alexander de St Clair, Eobert de Mountecourt, and Alexander Corbet, esquires, committed to Windsor Castle. Eoxburgh. Constantine de Loghore, Michael le Scot, knights, David de Cam- brouu, Mak Beth of Athol, Laurence de Angus, and Walter de Bothergask, esquires, to Wallingford castle. Eoxburgh. John de Glenurchwhar, William de la Haye, Walter de Berkeleyc, knights, James de Meneth (Menteth), Lucas son of Donald of Levenach, John de Cloni of Fife, esquires, to the castle of Berkhampstede. Roxburgh. Godfrey de Ros, John Curri, knights, William Olifat (Oliphant), John de Boterwange, Malcolm de Hadintone, and Duncan le Escot, esquires, committed to Rochester castle. Roxburgh. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 177 Edward I. Adam de Moray knight, ISTicholas de Inverlounan of Inchetor, and David in the Mire, esquires, to Ledes castle. Eoxburgh. 1296. John de Strathbolgevy, David de Ireland, Thomas Cambel, Robert May 16. Comyn brother of John Comyn of Badenaghe, and William de Middelsburgh, esquires, to the castle of Northampton. Eoxburgh. Neteiny(?) de Lecheville, Eichard de Doundemor, knights, Andrew de Suthgarton, John ds Putsurich, Brice le Taillur, and Walter de Laundells, esquires, to Winchester castle. Eoxburgh. William son of John de Moray, knight, Herbert de Morham, Alexander le fiz Gley, Gregory fitz Audoen, esquires, to Eockingham castle. Eoxburgh. John Wyseman, David de Strabolgvy, Eobert de Inchethor, William son of William de Lambingestone, Walter de Edynton, and Andrew de Synton, esquires, to Fotheriogay castle. Eoxburgh. Hugh de Loghore, Thomas de Mouncref, Patrick de Montalt, Mathew de Eyton, Andrew de Moray, and Alan le Mareschal, esquires, to the castle of Chester. Eoxburgh. John de Somerville clerk, Eobert Lovel, William de Eos brother of Godfrey de Eos, William le Mareschal, William de Clopham, and Thomas Byseth, esquires, to Conewey castle. Eoxburgh. William de Newbaut, John de Hastingwayt, Alexander de Belingeham, Godfrey de Eos, and Michael le Scot, esquires, to the castle of Crukyn. Eoxburgh. Tassin de Neubaut, Eobert de Cressewelle, Nicholas Donecan- douesone, William de Lambyngestone, Philip de Eothery, and Eichard de Perysby, esquires, to the castle of Hardelaghe. Eox- burgh. Edmund Comyn of Kilbride, John de Meneteth, knights, Michael Miggel, Walter de Boseville, William Curry, and Eobert de Lethe- ham, esquires, to Nottingham castle. Eoxburgh. Malcolm de Droman (Drummond), John de Cloggestone, knights, Thomas de Alyght, Nigel de Kilpatrick, Eeginald son of Eeginald le Chen, Eeginald de St Clair, esquires, to Kenilworth castle. Eox- burgh. Master William de St Clair, John de Caumbroun knight, Duncan Urry, Malise de Loghis, and John le Graunt, esquires, to Gloucester castle. Eoxburgh. David brother of Patrick de Graham, Henry de St Clair, knights, William de Nethenthyrn (Nenthorn), Gilbert le Barber, esquires, to St Briavell's castle. Eoxburgh. Eichard Sy ward [junior'] and Alexander Comyn knights, John son of Alexander de Moray, John de la More, John de Clogham, and Eobert le Graunt, esquires, to Bristol castle. Eoxburgh. Eichard le Mareschal, Michael le Barber, Eobert de Middelton, and John le Keu, to Montgomery castle. Eoxburgh. Edmund de Eameseye, William Olyfat (Oliphant), knights, VOL, II, M 178 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. William de Loghyn and Eoger Clerk esquires, to Devizes castle. Eoxburgh. 1296. William de Somerville and Hugh de Erthe knights, Simon de Estound}', William de Angus, William le Brun, Cristin de Lard (del Ard), esquires, to Corfe castle. Eoxburgh. John Drummond (Drommed), Eustace de Eettref (Eattray), and German le Fauconer, to Wisbeach castle. Eoxburgh. Alan de Lasceles, Laurence de Longaver, John Page, and Walter Alight, esquires, to Tonbridge castle. Eoxburgh. [""ol in all.] [Close, 24 Edw. I. on. 7 and 6.] [1296, 743. [Warrants to commit 77 of these Scottish prisoners from May 16.] Dunbar to various prisons.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No -41-1 Much faded in parts. Some of the names differ, e.g., Malcolm of Athol, not Makbeth. 1296. 744. The K. to Henry de Bayouse and two others. Directions as May 19. to conducting Scottish prisoners lately taken in Dunbar castle and securing them in fitting places in 25 English counties, and making due provision with the various sheriffs and the warden and sheriffs of London for their escort. Eoxburgh. [Patent, ^J/. Ediu. I. m. 15.] May(?). 745. Walter de Tuke asks Sir John de Langtone the chancellor Stevenson, ii. 52. Jqj. g^ protection for Philip de Botiller, with him in the K.'s service in Eoxburgh castle since the Scottish war began. Norman French. [No date.] [Toicer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-'^4.] June(?) 4. 746. Thomas de Somerv[ille?] swears fealty to the K. Eox- burgh. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. Jf.1 ; Bagman Boll, m. 3.] Much decayed, and one half lost with seal. June 22. 747. Sir Eobert de Cambron of Balligernaghe knight, swears fealty. St John of Perth. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 35 ; Bagman Boll, m. 4,.] Seal lost ; that enclosed with it belongs to a different person and is of much later date. June 22. 748. Hugh de Urre, swears fealty. St John of Perth. [Chapter p^jgrave, p. 165. ff^^^g^ (^^^^^fg Documcnts), Box 3, No. 29.] Decayed. The year doubtful, may be the 25th (1297) ; seal lost. There is another by him (?) as Hugh Urry, at Forfar, 6th July 1296. [Seal lost.] [Chcqjter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 17 ; Bag- man Boll, m. 4-] [1296.] 749. Gilbert de Umfraville attests that he has received Sire Davi Shortly de Betone to the faith and peace of his lord the King of England at before Dundee on the Friday next before ' la Saint Johan.' Appends his June 24. seal. [Seal lost.] [Chancery Files, Bundle 80.] 1 EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 179 Edwakd I. 750. Eobert de Cambron(?) of Balnely knight, swears fealty, with the clause against John de Balliol late K. of Scotland. St John of Perth. 1296. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, JYo. 44 ; Ragman Roll, m. 5.] June 25. Mi;cli damaged and decayed. Seal lost. June 25. 751. Sir Alexander de Abernethy knight, swears fealty. St John of Perth. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 31 ; Ragman Roll, m. o.] Seal in red wax. On the breast of an eagle displayed, a shield charged with a lion rampant, debruised by a ribbon : ' s ' alexandri de abebnethi.' June 30. 752. Sir Kalf de Lasceles knight, swears fealty. [No place. pnigrave, p. 161. ggj^j i^^^-^ [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. IS.] July 2. 753. Sir John de Stirling knight, swears fealty. Clony. [Chapter paigrave, p. 162. J^Q^^gp (^g^^fg j)ocuments), Box 99, No. S3 ; Ragman Roll, m. 6.'] Partly defaced. Seal in red wax. On a chief 3 round buckles : ' s ' JE . . . DE STRIVELYN, CHEVAL'.' Jul}'- 2. 754. Letters patent whereby ' John, by the Grace of God King of Fttdera, i. S41. Scotlaud, ' confesscs his offences against his liege lord and delivers up to him the kingdom of Scotland and its people. Kyncardyn. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 133.1 Damaged and in parts defaced. The Great seal of Scotland in white wax has been appended by a tag through a slit in the deed. Now broken in half. Ohv. the King in chain mail and surcoat, on horseback with sword drawn, riding to sinister. The royal arms of Scotland on his shield and housings of the horse. Rev. the King seated on a throne, the shield of Balliol on his right, that of Galloway on his left. July 3. 755. William de Montalt declares that on the Tuesday next before paigrave, p. 161. ^^^q feast of the Translation of St Thomas bishop and martyr 1296, at Inverness, he came to Sir W. de Haya in the K.'s name to his peace. [Tag. Seal gone.] [Cliapter House (Scots Documents), Box 5, No. 26.] July 4. 756. Pieres de Chaumpayne parson of the church of Kynkel, Paigrave, p. 162. g^ears fealty. Porfar, [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 22 ; Ragman Roll, m. 6.] Seal in red wax. A shield fretty within t\A'isted tracery, a serpent on either side. July 4. 757. Sir William Fraunceys knight, swears fealty. Forfar. Paigrave, p. 16-3. '^Chapter Housc (Scots Documents), Box99, No. 15 ; Ragman Roll, m. 6".] Seal red wax. Device two open hands crossed ; foliage above and below : ' . . . . VIDIVR . EME DONENT '(?)• July 6. 758. Hugh de Moray (Morreve) swears fealty. Forfar. [Chapter Paigrave, p. 164. Housc (Scots Docitmcnts), Box 99, No. 4 ; Ragman Roll, m. 6.] Seal in red wax on tag. Device, a hound pulling down a stag, a tree in back groimd : ' s ' hugonis de moravia ' — rudely executed. July 6. 759. Andrew de Beton (Byetoine) swears fealty. Forfar. [Seal Paigrave, p. 164. lost.] [Chapter House (Scots .Documents), Box 3, No. 20 ; Ragman Roll, m. 7.] 180 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. 760. William Eraser son of the late Sir Alexander Eraser, swears fealty. Eerimell(?). [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 1296. 23; Ragman Roll, m. 7.] July 7. Seal in green wax on tag. Device a label of three points each charged Paigrave, p. 165. with two fraises : ' s ' willelmi fraser.' July 10. 761. John de Moray [Morreff] knight, swears fealty. Montrose. Paigrave, p. 169. [Seal lost.] {Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 23 ; Ragman Roll, m. P.] July 10. 762. John le Mareschal of Tosketone knight, swears fealty. Paigrave, p. 168. Montrose. [Seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 15 ; Ragman Roll, m. P.] July 10. 763. John de Seincler of Hirmanestone swears fealty. Montrose. Paigrave, p. 169. [Seal lost.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 31 ; Ragman Roll, m. 10.] July 10. 764. Herbert de Maxwell knight, swears fealty. (Endorsed) Paigrave, p. 169. Montrosc, 10th July. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 32 ; Ragman Roll, m.. P.] One half of document and the seal lost. Fealty of .... de Maxwell, same date and place (?). [A fragment.] [Box 3, No. 33.] July 10. 765. John Comyn of Badenaghe [senior] knight, swears fealty. Montrose. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 34- ; Ragman Roll, m. 9.] One half of the document and seal lost. July 10. 766. John Comyn of Scraesburgh swears fealty. Montrose. [Seal Paigrave, p. 167. lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 10 ; Ragman Roll, m. 10.] July 10. 767. Nicholas de la Haye knight, swears fealty. Montrose. [Seal Paigrave, p. 168. lost.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 7 ; Ragman Roll, m. 10.] July 10. 768. Alexander de Balliol knight, swears fealty. Montrose. Paigrave, p. 166. [Chapter Ho^Lse (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 27 ; Ragman Roll, m. 9.] Seal in green wax, on tag. Shield charged with an orle ; a dragon with tongue protruded on either side of shield, and foliage at top ; a crescent in the exergue : ' s' alexandri de balliolo.' July 10. 769. The K. to John de Langetone his Chancellor. Wishing to do a special favour to Eoger de Moubray with him in service in Scot- land, he commands an inquiry into trespasses done by malefactors in Roger's free chace of Nidderdale, whereon he has petitioned the K. Montrose, 10th July. [Privy Seals (Tower), 24^ Edu\ I. Bundle 5.] Jul. 10. 770. Godfrey de Ardrossan swears fealty. Montrose. [Chapter Paigrave, p. 170. House (Scots Documunts), Box 99, No. 3 ; Ragman Roll, m. 10.] Defaced. Seal in green wax on tag. Device a four-footed animal on gem : * sigillum secreti ' — rudely executed. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 181 Edward I. 771. Fergus le Mareschal swears fealty. Montrose. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 5 ; Ragman Boll, m. 10.] 1296. Seal in green wax on tag. Device a horse shoe within round tracery. July 10. Leg. (indistinct). i*3,l(n'fl'VG D. 172 rJulyl 11 " '^'^^' Jo^^ of Perth burgess of St John's town, swears fealty. raigrave, p. 172. Lundors. [Chapter Rouse (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 37.] One third and seal lost. July 11. 773. John de Elphinstone swears fealty. Montrose. [Chapter Paigrave, p. 171. Rousc (Scots Documcnts), Box 99, No. 18 ; Ragman Roll, m. 9.] Seal on tag, green wax ; a shield charged with a boar's head couped, turned to sinister ; in chief a fleur-de-lys : ' s' johannis de elphins- ' TUN.' July 11. 774. Nicholas de Eothirford knight, swears fealty. Montrose. Paigi-are, p. 173. [Seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 14; Ragman Roll, m. 11.] July 11. 775. John le Botiller knight, swears fealty. Montrose. [Seal Paigrave, p. 170. lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 22; Ragman Roll, m. ll] July 11. 776. Eaulf de Egglinton and Thomas de Wynchester swear fealty. Paigrave, p. 171. Moutroso. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 2 ; Ragman Roll, m. ii.] Damaged. Two small seals in yellow wax on tags. (1) Device, a hare in her form, or rabbit feeding : ' s' radulfi de eglinton.' (2) Device, a lion(?) rampant : 's' thome de wtnchetre' — rudely executed. July 14. 777. Sir Walter de Scherwinglawe knight, swears fealty. Aber- deen. (Endorsed) ' Challenged, that seal has not his name.' [Seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 11 ; Ragman Roll,m. 10.] July 15. 778. Instrument attesting that Master William Comyn provost of Foedera, i. 842. the churcli of St Mary in the city of St Andrews, and eight others swore fealty and renounced the league with Erance. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Portfolio Jf, No. ^.] July 16. 779. James de Maleville swears fealty. Aberdeen. [Seal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 13; Ragman Roll, m. 12.] July 16. 780. Geoffry de Venali swears fealty. Aberdeen. [Chapter Paigrave, p. 174. House (Scofs Documcuts), Box 99, No. 16 ; Ragman Roll, m. 13.] Round seal in green wax, on tag. Device a lion rampant, fighting with a horned dragon, both erect : ' s' galfeidi de wenali ' — roughly executed. July 17. 781. Hugh de la Haye knight, swears fealty. (Endorsed) Aber- Paigrave, p. 176. deen. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 38; Ragman Roll, m. 14-] Much defaced and seal lost. 182 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 782. Robert le Faukener swears fealty. Aberdeen. [Chapter Home (Scots Documents), Box 99, JVo. 8 ; Batsman Boll, m. 14-] 1269. Seal iu red wax, broken. Device a falcon killing a small bird : July 17. ' s' ROBERTi FAUCUNUR ' — rudely executed. Pal grave, p. 175. July 17. 783. Duncan de Ferndraghe knight, swears fealty. Aberdeen. Paigrave, p. 176. [Chapter Housc (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 9 ; Bagman Boll, m. 14-] Seal in red wax. On a shield within round tracery, 3 wolves' heads on a chief : ' s' maucolmi de frendrau.' From an endorsement, this seal Avas challenged, but allowed by the King. July 19. 784. William de Moravia (Morreve) knight, swears fealty. Aber- deen. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, xVo. 32; Bagman Boll, m. 15.] Seal in red wax in fine condition. On a triangular shield, 3 stars of 6 points, 2 and 1 ; a label of 5 points : ' s' willelmi : r>E : morevia.' July 17. 785. William de Innes (Inays) swears fealty. Aberdeen, p&\erave,i,.m.[Chap)ter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 25 ; Bagman Boll, m. 14-] Seal in red wax on tag. Device a star of 6 points' : ' s' will'i de ynays ' — coarsely executed. July 17. 786. Renaud le Chien knight, swears fealty. Aberdeen. [Decayed. Paigi-ave, p. 175. Seal lost.] [Chafptcr House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 28; Bagman Boll, m. 14-] July 21. 787. John de Maleville knight, swears fealty. Lumphanan. Palgi-ave, p. 177. ["geal bst.] (Endorsed) Sir John de Maleville's letter, whereby J. de Stowe sought the church of Glenbervy. [Chapter House (Scots Documents)^ Box 3, No. 21 ; Bagman Boll, m. 15.] July 22. 788. Thomas de Torthorald knight, swears fealty. Banf. Paigraye, p. ITS. (Eudorscd). Objected that the seal has not the granter's name, though he uses it and says he has no other. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 35 ; Bagmcm Boll, m. 15.] July 26. 789. Instrument, that Robert bishop of Glasgow voluntarily Foedeia, i. 843. reuounccd his league with Philip K. of the French, and made his oath of fealty to the K. Elgin in Moray. Paigrave, p. 350. Qu samc documcnt is a letter addressed ' Sire ' [probably to the Pope], stating that the Bishop of Chester and Sir Ottes de Granzone, who are very anxious that matters should go well, would regret if the K. of England should be prevented attending to the commandment from himself and the Church, in consequence of his being in Scotland. Beg him to take advice, that such hindrance may be removed. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Portfolio 4, ^o. 6'.] July 27. 790. Nicholas de Soules knight, swears fealty. Elgin in Moray. Paigrave, p. 179. [geal lost.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 18 ; Bag- man Boll, in. 16.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 183 Edwakd I. 791. Alexander de Argyll (Ergayel) knight, swears fealty. Elgin "1^295 in Moray. [Damaged. Seal lost]. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), July 27. ^ox 3, No. 3G ; Bagman Roll, m. 16.'\ Palgi-ave, p. 178. July 27. 792. William Wysman swears fealty. (Endorsed) Elgyn, 27th July. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 27 ; Bagman Boll, m. 17.] A mere fragment. Seal lost. July 27. 793. Gervays de Eate knight, swears fealty. [Much defaced. Seal Paigrave, p. 179. lost.] [Chapter Housc {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 30; Bagman Boll, m. 16.] July 27. 794. Thomas de Soules knight, swears fealty. Elgyn en Morreve. Paigrave, p. 180. [Much dcfaced. Seal lost,] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 39 ; Bagman Boll, m. 15.] July 28. 795. John de Montfort swears fealty. Elgyn in Moreve. [Chapter Paigrave, p. 181. Soiisc {Scots Documcnts), Box 99, No. 29 ; Bagman Boll, m. 17.] Seal ill green waxon tag. DeAdce, a falcon killing a large bird (grouse ?) : *ih(?) >rE me mal voisin eyis'(?) — very indistinct. The letters l. c. R.(?) in the field. July 28. 796. John de St Michael knight, swears fealty. Elgin in Murray. Paigrave, p. 182. [Chapter Housc {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 26; Bagman Boll, m.l7.] Seal in red wax attached to tag. Vesica shape, in two compartments. In upper, St Michael, armed with lance and shield, slaying the dragon. In lower, a mounted man with hawk(?) on wrist, addressed by a figure on foot ; (perhaps the prophet Balaam and the angel) : * s' johanis de ' sco MICHAELE.' July 28. 797. Eobert de Tremblay swears fealty. Elgin en Moreve. [Defaced, Paigiave, p. 182. and Seal lost]. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 5 ; Bagman Boll, m. 18.] July 28. 798. Eobert de Normanville knight, swears fealty. Elgin en Paigrave, p. 181. Morreve. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 19 ; Bagman Boll, m. 17.] Defaced and mutilated. Seal lost. July 28. 799. Alexander de Hateleye swears fealty. Elgyn en Morreve. Paigrave, p. 180. [Dccayed. Seal lost.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 25; Bagman Boll, m. 17.] Aug. 2. 800. [Eanulph de Kelor] knight, swears fealty. Kildrummy (Kyndromeyn) en Mar. (Endorsed) ' Kyndromy ii. die Aug'ti, Littera Eanulphi de Kelere.' [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 3 If. ; Bagman Boll, m. 19.] Nearly one half decayed. Seal in brown wax on tag. Device, a cross crosslet fitch e, cantoned with four pellets : ' s' ranulphi t> kelor.' Aug. 3. 801. Obligation by John de Lambertone son of the late Eichard de Stevenson, ii, 79. Lambertone, to deliver to the K., at the castle of Stirling at Michael- 184 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. mas 1296, twelve bolls of good wheat. Stirliug. [Two tags, uo seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-7i.] [1296.] 802. Kauf de Kynnard swears fealty. Kyncardyn en Miernes. Auo-. 4. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. £4- > Ragman Boll, m. 20.] A mere fragment, one half lost. Seal in brown wax, attached to tag. Shield charged with a saltire, cantoned with four crosses : ' s' eadulf de ' KVMARD ' — rather rudely executed. 1296. 803. John earl of Caithness swears fealty. Murkel. [Decayed Aug. 5. and seal lost.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 2^.'] Palgrave, 183. Aug. 8. 804. The K. learning that Alianora widow of Hugh Lovel deceased, has not yet received dower, commands his escheator ultra Trent to assign the same to her without delay. Dundee. [Close, 24- Edxo. I. m. o.] Aug. 24. 805. Mainprize by John de Penkatelen and Henry Hert burgess of Lanark, body for body, that Eauf le Engieys shall answer at law as a man at the King's faith and pease to all having claims against him. Done under their seals at Both well, the 24bh August in the King's 24th year. [Sir F. Palgrave' s Scotch Transcripts, vol. Hi. f. 6 ; Chapter House {Pap)er Documents), Portfolio 5.] Aug. 26. 806. The K. notwithstanding his late mandate as to the lands of Scotsmen, commands the Sheriff of York to restore to Inge! ram de Balliol, parson of the church of St Eumald, all his lands and goods. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Close, 2^. Echo. I. m. 6.] Aug. 28. 807. Similar writ in favour of William Douglas to the Sheriff of Northumberland. Berwick-on-Tweed, Likewise to the Sheriff of Essex for said William. [Close, 24- Bdw. I. on. 5.] Aug. 28. 808. John de Swyneburne, Eenaud de Crauford of the county of Palgrave, p.i53. ^yj,^ g^^ Gilbert dc Glynkerny of the county of Elgyn, Gilbert de Lakenheued (Akenhead) of the county of Lanark, Cristyne de Mar wife of Duncan de Mar of the county of Inverness, Malcolm de Ergadia brother of Sir Alexander de Ergadia, Duncan Cambel des Hies, and Gilberd de Mar of the county of Fife, having come to the King's peace, swear fealty and do homage for their lands. Berwick- on-Tweed. [Seals lost.] [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 12.] Aug. 28. 809. Mathew le Naper of Aghelec, Alisaundre le Sauser of Inverkethyn, of the county of Forfar, [Johan del] Hage(?) of the county of Berwick, Eaufe de Chaumpayne of the county of Wygeton, William Prat, Adam de Gibelcoftone of the county of Fyfe(?), [Eobert] de Oghtergeven of the county of Perth, William de Male- velle of the county of Eoxburgh, John de Hirdmanston of the county of Berwick(?), William le Taillur of Balsh[amwell] of the RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 185 Edward L county of Forfar, [Alexander de Dalmahoy . . . .] of the county of Edinburgh, John de [Cragyn] of the county of Linliscu(?), swear 1296. fealty as above, [the form of oath recited]. [Place and date lost.] (Endorsed in contemporary hand) 'A Beruwyc, xxviii. Aug'. 'Sigiir, xi. deficit 1.' [Chapter House Boxes, No. 210; Ragman Roll, m. 25.] Very greatly defaced. The eleven seals still remain, in green wax attached by as many strings. (1) Device, the Agnus Dei : ' s' alexanderi ' SALSARii.' (2) Device, a bird on a twig (?), star and crescent behind. 's'lOHANis d'laha'.' (3) Au animal coiled within 2 squares interlaced: ' R.E.p.o.s. .'(?). (4) The Agnus Dei, stars in background : ' s' wilelmi prat.' (5) The Agnus Dei, indistinct figm-e above : ' s' ade gibeotstv (?) — rude. (6) Device, a merlin perched on a gloved hand(1), star in background : ' s' ioh'is de hirdmaixston.' (7) Vesica shape, a hooded demi-figure receiv- ing the sacrament(?) ; in a compartment below, a small figure kneeling : * s' will' I. sissoRis.' (8) A heater-shaped shield, 3 mullets on a chief : ' s' alexandri de dalmihoi ' — elegant. (9) De\ace, a winged griffin respecting : ' s' ioh'is de cragvli.' [Attached to this is a contemporary memorandum — ' Maheu le Naper de Aghlek . . . . de Oghtergaven del conte .... Willam de Maleville del counte de Eokesburg', Roger de Barneby']. (10) Device, a lion rampant : ' s' roberti de hvtgavin.' (11) A hare or rabbit feeding : ' s' mathe' de atle' — rude. Words in brackets supplied from Ragman Roll. Aug. 28. 810. Humfrey de Boys knight, Eoger de Kirkpatric knight, Huwe Mauleverer, Gilberd de Jonestone, Huwe de Orre, Cuthberd Makeleinwra(?), Gilberd Maleraghei(0, John de Buneb[y], Fergus [le Mareschal], [Rouland le] Mareschal, Moriz de Esttubbille, Gilberd de Sutheyk, Gilberd de [Karlel, Wauter fitz] Wauter de Cummstun, Thomas [de Coleville], William de Colven, Thomas de Sutheyche, Michael de Cardelnes, [Duncan] fiz Andrew, Nigel fiz Gothrek(?), [Aleyn de Eoffa], Eoger de Dunsqueir, and William de Heriz, of the county of Dumfries, and John [Bard, Nicol Bard], Adam fiz Eoger [de Strathaveyn, Adam de Ardwykeston], William Croket of Cameslank, and Fergus del Schawe [of the county of Lanark], swear fealty as above. [The oath taken by each is recited.] Berwick-on-Tweed. (Endorsed) ' Ista littera plene sigillatur, xxix. sigill'.' [Chapter House Boxes, JSfo. 210 ; Ragman Roll, ni. 32.] Much defaced. 27 seals in green wax remain suspended by 13 narrow [1296.] ribbons of blue and white check, in fair condition. (See Apj}. J., No. 1.) Aug. 28. 811. [Original homage by Adam de Hepe and other men of paigrave, Eoxburgh and Perthshires. 183-5. (Endorsed) ' A. Berewyk ' 28to die Augusti'. Plene sigillat', 96 sigill'.' [Cha2)ter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 1. Ragman Roll, m. 24-.] Greatly defaced and in part illegible. 90 seals, mostly in green wax, a few in red, are still suspended by 19 stout strings ; several broken and damaged and 2 mere fragments. (See Appendix I., No. 2.) ^ Makenaght in Ragman Roll. pp. 186 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I, 812. Symon de H[o]ustou, William le Elemeng, [Huwe] Kenedy, Huwe de Danieleston(?) aud John le Seneschal, knights, 1296. Aleyn _de Glasfrethe, William de Shawe, William de Conyngburgh, Aug. 28. Henry de Manspeth, Robert de la Chaumbre, Aleyn le fitz Nicliol, Marie de Glengevel, Alexander de [Kirconjtolagbe, Grilbert de Kilbride, Eichard de Crelyng, Thomas de Raulfestone, Walter Spreul, Herbert de Gledestau, William Dugalsone, John de Irskyn, John del Glay, William Fin, Adam le Taillur, William de la Chaumbre, John [Pride, Giljes del Estwode, Ughtred Seman, Laurence de Petyn, Henry de Arthurshill, Eobert de Kent, Patrick [de Selvenland, Alexander Akenian, William Crokea of Kilbride, Geffrey de Home and Henry fitz Phelip ' del counte de Lanark,' having come to the King's faith and will, swear fealty as above. [Place lost.] [Chapter House Boxes, No. '210 ; Ragman Boll, m. 28.] (Endorsed) Berwick, 28th August. 12 seals only remain, on four strings ; in green wax and fair con- dition. (1) Device, an acorn and leaves : ' s' giliscie de heesthwit.' (2) Device, foliage : ' s' vctredi, filii semanderal'(?). (3) Device, a crescent, enclosing a star of 7 rays : ' s' galfridi de hom'.' (4) Device, a liedgeliog(?) and foliage : ' s' wilemi thyn '(?)• (5) Oval, strange device and tracery : ' . . . . AGLAY.' (6) Oval, lacertine device : ' s' johanis prid.' (7) Rude device, an eagie(?) displayed : 's' henrici fil' filippi.' (8) Device, atish : ' s' will' f' dugalll' (9) A stag's head cabossed ; between the antlers a small four-footed animal (lion?) passant to sinister : ' s' johannis de ERKyRN'(?)- (10) Vesica shajje, a tree at top, below, a four-footed beast with long ears, impaled(?), small objects in field : ' s' roberti de kent.' (11) Device, a rude fleur-de-lys (1) : ' patric . de . gylfvt.' (12) Device, a fox with paw raised, looking upwards : ' a' alexsandr' acman.' Aug. 28. 813. Richard Brice of Stirling, burgess and alderman of the burgh, Paigrave, p. 157. Lg^^,g^(3g ^f Duublaue, William Servatur, Renaud de Maleville, Eichard Prestre, Eobert le Taillur, Morris le Eus, Gilbert Teket, Adam le fiz Eichard, Eauf le Wrighte, William le Lardy ner, and John of Drylowe, burgesses, and all the community of the burgh, swear fealty. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Compter House {Seots Documents), Box 99, No. 6 ; Bagman Boll, m. 23.] The very fine common seal in green wax, 3J inches in diameter, is appended by fom- stout strings. Obv. The bridge of Stirling with 7 arches, and the Forth below. On the centre of the bridge, the Crucifixion; the Saviour with the nimbus. On dexter side 3 figures with bows, the foremost bending his bow and barbed arrow towards the Cross. On sinister, 3 figures with lances, the foremost darting his lance towards the Cross. A star and crescent above the limbs of the Cross : ' Hic armis brvti scoti : stant : Hic CRVCE : TVTi.' Rev. The front of a castle with triple central, aud double corner, towers ; masonry distinctly shewn. Gateway Avith rounded arch, doubled-leaved gate and hinges, clearly shewn. Trees and foliage on either side. '(^ CONTINET : hoc : in : se : nemws : et : castrvm : strivelinse.' Aug. 28. 814. John of Perth, burgess and alderman of the town of St John paigrave. p. 160. of Perth, Johu SOU of Elchard of Perth, Duncan del Celer, Eichard de [Ne]ville of Perth, Eauf Tundeman, William Alight, John Tresor, RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 187 Edward I. William son of John of Perth, Bernard le Mercer, John Serle of Perth, Donald Brid, Eobert Fuke, Philip Taket, Warin of Whiteby, 1296. Wadyn of Perth, Thomas Wyche, Simon le Glovere, burgesses, and the whole community of the town, swear fealty. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Cha-pter Rouse (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 11; Bagman Boll, m. ^£] Decayed and defaced in parts. The fine common seal, in green wax, 3^ niches diameter, somewhat damaged, is attached by two strings. Ob v. A bunding of five parallel compartments with richly ornamented pinnacled canopies. In the centre one the Baptist in a rough garment reaching below the knee and long hair, holds the Agnus Dei. In each of the others a figure kneels, three with hoods, the fourth without. At the base two dragons : ' . . . . cojimvnitatis . ville . sancti . iohannis . baptiste . de. BERTH.' Rev. A church with three towers, and a side chapel at the sinister ; at the door of which the Saint kneels in prayer. The executioner holds him by the hair, and raises his sword to strike. At the dexter, a woman holds a dish to receive the head. Leg. (same as obverse). Aug. 28. 815. [Alexander] le Barker [provost] of the burgh of Haddington in the county of Edinburgh, John le Escot, [William son of Geffray, Adam son of Fermin,] Adam de Sk[rogges, David de] Penkatlonde, William Bachelor, [William le Barker, Duncan le Ptous, Henry de Ayton, and] John [Crokeschanks] and others, the burgesses and community of the burgh, swear fealty on the Holy Evangels. Berwick-on-Tvveed. [Chapter House Boxes, No. 210; Bagman Boll, m. 23.] Very much defaced — few of the names legible. Those m brackets supplied from the Ragman Roll. The common seal in green wax, 3 inches in diameter, appended by four strings. Device, a he-goat erect, leaping against a tree or large bush. A large bird on the other side of the bush : '»{<. s' COMMUNE. BVRGE>fiUM. DE . hadin' — coarsely executed. Aug. 28. 816. Michael de Wymes, Henry de Haliburton, Anegos Makerathe, Dugald Gregyns, Walter de Eussy, Nichol Makwhesshappe, Maucolom fiz Nichol, Peres de Cokeburne, Andrew le Jugger, Nichol de Vcu- pount of Tyndale swear fealty. [Place and year of reign lost.] (Endorsed) Berwyck, 28th August. [Chapter House Boxes, No. 210; Boll, m. 27.] Much damaged. One seal only in green wax remains, attached by strings. A shield charged with a bend : 's' hexrici de haliburton.' Aug. 28. 817. John abbot of Geddeworth, William abbot of Dryburghe, Paigiave, p. 156. Patrick abbot of Melros, Eichard abbot of Kelso, and their respective convents, swear fealty. Append their common seals. Berwick-on- Tweed. [Cha'pter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 7; Bag- man Boll, m. 21.] Three seals only, green wax, pendant; that of Kelso lost. (1) Small oblong seal, device within round tracery, a horse walking to sinister ; above his quarter a hand(?) : 's' fratris johannis mohel' (Geddeworth). (2) Vesica shape ; an ecclesiastic, holding in his right hand the model of a building, in his left a lance ; back ground of fleurs-de-lys and trefoils : ' si- 188 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 'gillum. a . . . .tis. de. driburch.' (3) Round seal, a dexter hand and arm couped, grasping a pastoral staff in pale by the middle, back ground 2296 of stars and pellets : ' contra sigillum de melros.' Aug. 28. 818. Philip de Fyndoim of the county of Kiiicardine(?) and William Paigiave, p. 155. de [Mastcrjtone of the county of Fife, swear on the Holy Evangels. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Chcvpter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. SO; Ragman Roll, m. S6.] Much damaged. Two seals attached by stout strings, the upper in dark brown wax ; device, a bald bearded human head affroute, above it a cres- cent, and an object(?) protruding from either ear : 's' phillippi d' findun — rudely executed. The lower seal, green wax ; device, a lion rampant, a rose in front : 's' will'i . de . maistertvn.' Aug. 28. 819. Alisaundre le Sauser and Geffrai Caland, bailiffs and burgesses Paigiave, p. 159. of the burgh of Inverkeithing in the county of Fife, Adam le Mareschal, William Ade,^ Peres de Petramy, John del lie, William le fiz Eve, Andreu de Strivelyn, William le fiz Johan, Pv,a,uf le fiz Norman, Johan Bertram, and William de Rydale, burgesses, and the whole community, swear fealty. Append their common seal at Berwick-on-Tweed, 28th August in the 24th year. [Chapter House (Scots Docmnents), Box 99, No. 17 ; Ragman Roll, m. ^4-] The document, somewhat dilapidated, has been ' faced ' since printed. The seal in green wax, appended by four stout strings ; device , a vessel with one mast, rising into a cross: 's' bvrgensivm. de. inverkeith.' A duplicate very much decayed and defaced is in Box 3, No. 48. Aug. 28. 820. Walter the goldsmith burgess and alderman of Eoxburgh, Eichard le Furblur, Richard Vigrus, [Michael le Seeler, William de Boseville, Adam of Myndrum, Adam Knout,] Geofi'ry of Berwick, Adam of Selkirk, Adam Corbrand, Augustin le Mercer, [John Knout,] and the community of Roxburgh, and William de Dederyk, burgess and alderman of Edinburgh, [James of Edinburgh, Walter titz Martin, Walter] le Arblaster, Henry le Scot, John Hog, William le Taillur, Walter of Rypun, [Waldef de la Roche,] William of Leicester, Richard fitz Walter, and John Wyggemore, and the com- munity of Edinburgh swear fealty. Append their common seals. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 93, No. 19 ; Ragman Roll, m. 23.] Decayed and defaced. Seals lost. Names in brackets supplied from Ragman Roll. July 7- 821. Original instrument attesting the renunciation by John K. of Aug. 28. Scotland of his treaty with the K. of France against England, done Stevenson, in the Cemetery of Stracathro (Stronkatherache), 7th July — the u. 59, 77. resignation of his kingdom and people, and of his royal seal, enclosed in a little purse under his privy seal, to the Bishop of Durham on behalf of the K. of England, in the castle of Brechin, on 10th July, — with the submissions of various earls, bishops, abbots, barons, and com- ^ ' Dod ' in the Ragman Roll. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. • 189 Edward L munities of Scotland, on subsequent days down to August 28. — [^Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 17, No. 4--] 1296. This is the original of the document printed by Mr Stevenson, from the National Archives of France. The latter is a very accurate transcript. 1295-96. 822. [Placita Roll of the English army in Scotland.] [Fxti'cccts.] Mar. 21- At Werk, on Wednesday next after Palm Sunday. Aug. 28. William de Wytyngham was attached by John de Wygeton knight, at Bolton, and imprisoned as a Scottish traitor, for absenting himself from his lands to avoid serving in the army against the Scots. And is of afifinity to John ' Eede ' Comyn the K.'s enemy. Acquitted by a jury. [m. 1.] At Berwick, on Wednesday next after the close of Easter (4th April). Gregory de Twyselton, accused by Adam the King's harper of keeping a sword of his which was alienated by Hugh Adam's boy on Friday in Easter week. Says he bought it in open market, and acquitted, [m. 2, d.] At Roxburgh, on Thursday next after Ascension day (10th May). William of Lodelawe, charged by three other soldiers with con- cealing a red horse worth 10 marks, which they found when plunder- ing the K.'s enemies on a manor in Scotland, appears and says it was so weak he could not drive it away. Plaintiffs fined. Michael of Roxburgh, clerk, accused by Walter de Scolton of breaking the door of his chamber, confessed. Amercement pardoned at Sir Hugh de Louther's request. \pii. 3.] Hugh Torold the marshal's bailiff, attached by Robert of Baum- burgh, for falsely imprisoning him on Wednesday after Pentecost, and driving off 119 sheep to his damage of 40s., says he imprisoned him at the suit of Nigel of Grenlawe, Earl Patrick's man, who charged him with maliciously taking the sheep, and he neither justified nor found pledges. Case adjourned till the King's arrival. Hugh finally amerced and plaintiff recovers his sheep, [m. 3, d.^ Augustin le Mercer of Roxburgh, and Agnes his wife, summoned by Alan de Peniton for failure to relieve him of the mainprise which at their entreaty he had given for release of their son Richard, a prisoner in Berwick. Defendants made a fine of half a mark for themselves and their pledges who had failed to appear, [m. 4-, c?.] Pleas and gaol delivery at Roxburgh on Thursday in the week of Pentecost. Aymer de Rotherford sues the marshal for two horses seized by him value 10s., and recovers them. Bobert of Erceldoun and John the hermit, sued by Henry the 190 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS EnwAED T. forester and another, for robbing them on Saturday next after Trinity Sunday, are acquitted. 1296. Elias the shepherd and six others sentenced to he hanged for burning churches and houses, and larcenies in England, [m. 5.] Gaol delivery at Edinburgh and pleas of the army, on Wednesday next after St Barnabas' day (13Ch June). David ap Eenewick, sued by Henry of Lancaster for taking away his horse on Friday last in the field of Edinburgh, to his damage of half a mark, says that he bought it at Carlisle when the Welshmen came to Scotland. Gaol delivery at Stirling, on Tuesday next before St John Baptist's day (19th June). William of Louesdale, captured for breaking prison at Eochester(?), being asked how he escaped ? said by the open door, from defect there, and was in Scotland. Asked if he came to the King's peace there ? said No. Hawjed, Thomas the chaplain of Edinburgh, charged with publicly excom- municating the K. with bell and candle, confessed in the marshal's presence he did so in the King's despite. Richard Guile, for ringing the bell, likewise confessed. They are hoth delivered to the Arch- deacon of Lothian hy order of the K. Gaol delivery at Cluny, Thursday the Vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul (28th June). RalE of Ireland, charged with wounding the charger of Sir John Level the marshal, who had come to pacify the dispute between the Welsh and English in Edinburgh, is sent to prison. Simon tlie chapman and Adam of Kendale, accused by Brydok of Scratburg' of breaking into the church of the 'Nine Maidens' and taking away wool and brass pots his property, worth 40s., are acquitted and the jplaintiff fined. \_m. 5, d."] Gaol delivery at Forfar, Thursday next after the Feast of St Peter and St Paul apostles. Patrick of Ireland, accused by Robert Benediccie of housebreaking, and stealing 3 dozen hoods, value 12s,, on the day before, said that an esquire of the Earl of Ulster's bought and gave them to him to keep, is found (juilty and hanged. Gaol delivery at Aberdeen, Wednesday next before the Feast of St Margaret virgin (18th July). [2 cases decided.] Gaol delivery at Elgyn, Saturday next after St James the Apostle's day (28th July). Thomas Dun accused at the King's suit of stealing books and vestments, said he found the books hidden in the earth. The jury find him guilty of stealing them all in Holy Church. Hanged. [///. 6'.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 191 Edward I. Gaol delivery at Kildrummy, Wednesday the Feast of St Peter ad vincula (Aug. 1). 1296. [Two cases. A man hanged for murder.'] Gaol delivery at St John of Perth, on Wednesday next before St Laurence (8th August). Matthew of York, accused by Cristiana of St John, of robbery, viz. on Thursday next before St Botulph's day, he came to her house at Perth in company of a thief one William le Waleys, and there by force took her goods and chattels, viz., beer, to the value of 35., replies that he is a clerk and not bound to answer. The jury find the charge proved, and he is adjudged to penitence. \in. 6, d.] Pleas of the Army at Edinburgh, on Friday next before St Barnabas the Apostle's day (8 th June). David Gam, accused by Ptichard of Hale of robbing him of a striped supertunic at ' Le Whele,' denies, and says he bought it for 16f?. in the market of Gedeworthe. The jury find he stole it, value lOfZ., and he is sent to jail till he pays a fine of VM. [m. 7.] The King's pleas at Clony, on Saturday next after St John Baptist's day (30th June). Adam le Taillur, Symon of Blye and Sibella his wife, John of Cherlay and Johanna of Carlisle, were charged by Aspedone with robbing him at Kinclevyn of his goods and chattels, worth 40s. to his damage of 20s. They deny, and say that they found him laying crosses on Scottish women, and when they wished to attach him he evaded the suit and left his cloth there, therefore they took them. It is found that they wished to attach without warrant, and so must restore his cloth to Aspedon and be imprisoned till they make a fine with the K. The loomen pardoned; Adam -fined '2s.; Symon 6d. ; John pardoned being a imuper. Army pleas at Forfar, Thursday next after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul (5th July). Alan of Blye, attached to answer to John at the gate of Forfar for stealing a sow, said he bought it in Forfar market for lOf?. from a Welsh- man as boot3^ The jury find Alan guilty, fine l^d. \in. 7, d.] Army pleas at Montrose, Tuesday next after St Thomas the Martyr's day (10th July). Thomas Brun, accused by master Thomas the doctor for on the Morrow of St John Baptist, stealing from his house in St John's town of Perth, a coat of mail, value 20s., a tabard, value half a mark, and a little sack with boxes of ointment, value 100s., to his damage of 100s., denies the charge. The plaintiff absent ; the charge dismissed and he fined. Eemitted at the Earl of Warenne's instance. Alelinus de Wheltone, — summoned to answer to the K. that whereas John Lovel marshal of the army of Scotland, on Monday next after 192 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. St John Baptist's clay at Kynclvyn proclaimed in the K.'s name, that no one on pain of forfeiture, should go before the banner of the 1296. Constable and Marshal, the said Alelinus presumed to do so at Clony, whereon the marshal arrested him and two horses, which he attempted to rescue in the King's contempt, and the marshal's damage of 100 marks, — appeared, and pled ignorance of the proclama- tion, but is found giiilty of the rescue and imprisoned at the King's ivill. \in. 5.] Pleas of the army at Aberdeen, on Monday next before the F. of St Margaret virgin (20th July). John de Morleie, Eobert de Tatessale's marshal, sued by Walter le Fleming for the Abbot of Londors, to restore him 30 animals, value 3s. each, found in his possession, said he bought them from John de Eenham and John de Conan men of the Steward, as they warrant. John de Eenham also calls Gilbert ' le Eede ' of Coul to warrant the sale, who appeared and at first denied, but afterwards acknowledged the sale. The others acquitted. Gilbert committed to prison and died there. [^?^. 8, d.'\ Pleas of the army at Elgyn, Saturday next after St James's day (28th July). William le Franceys, sued by Thomas the clerk of Elgyn for being found in possession of 476 lambskins which the plaintiff deposited in the church of St Mary of Inch, for security against robbers, and had been carried off, said he bought them from some men unknown in Elgyn, last Thursday. They compromise ly leave of court. Pleas of the army at St John, Wednesday next before the Feast of St Laurence (8th August). [One case only, Theobald le Botyler, accused of robbing Theobald de Neville of Catele.] Pleas of the army at Berwick, on Tuesday next after St Bartholomew's day (August 28th). Walter de Huntercumbe, accused by Walter de Ibernia, of, on Monday next before St Margaret virgin's day last, with others unknown, driving away 16 oxen and 10 cows of his, from a moor near Aberdeen on the south, and detaining them to his damage of 100s. Denies, and a trial ordered, [w, P.] John Sampson and Eobert le Eyr of Presfen, were sued by Hugh Dispensar for that, while he had sent his ' avers ' from Scotland to England, viz., 966 oxen, cows, stirks, stots, and heifers, and 2 chargers, all in care of his men, under the K.'s safe conduct by the hands of Sir W. de Beauchamp, the said John and Eobert on Friday next before the Translation of St Thomas martyr, at Presfen, seized and drove them all to Werk castle, and there detained them till the Morrow of St James the Apostle, when they at the King's precept released 800 of the beasts, the chargers, and his men, but EELATING TO SCOTLAND. - 193 Edward I. detain the rest. And he lost one charger value 50^., through the duresse of the said defendants, and his men's services for three weeks, 1296. all to his damage to extent of 100/. The defendant John says that the 'hue and cry ' was raised upon Hugh's men, wherefore he arrested them and the beasts and horses as his duty was, till the cry was discussed in the K.'s court. And after delivery of the avers and chargers to Hugh's men, he got all except two beasts which they refused. Hugh replies he was not bound to do more than shew his safe conduct under the seneschal's seal, which John refused to look at, and still detains the 166 beasts, and he demands an inquisition. John replies he neither saw nor was shewn the said letter, and also demands one. The Sheriff of Northumberland is commanded to assemble ' this instant Monday' 12 jurors, not holding of the castle and liberty of Werk, to make inquisition. Peter, vallet of Robert Uhttrys, William de Throp, Hugh de Eydal, and three others, accused by Eobert fitz Payn, of on Thursday before St Barnabas' day last, violently entering his house in the town of Berwick, late the property of Patrick Scot, extinguishing the fire under his ' torale,' whereby his beer was destroyed, and digging there for treasure ; and also entering his chamber and carrying off his armour to the value of 100s., to his damage of that sum — deny the violence, but own they came with Eobert Uttrys by order of the Warden of Berwick, and neither dug nor took any goods. Inquiry ordered. [ni. 9, d.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 93, No. 15.] 1296. 823. [Roll whereon are recorded the original instruments of sub- May 13- mission and fealty by John de Balliol King of Scotland, with Aug. 28. the clergy, nobles, and community of Scotland, to Edward I., in the 26th year of his reign, commonly called in Scotland The Ragmcm Roll.] [Begins with a statement of the reasons for which the record is drawn up at the King's command.] [m. 1.] May 13, Roxburgh : — Sir James the Steward of Scotland, knight, of his own free will, renounced the league with the King of France, and swore fealty, tacfis sacrosanctis, and kissing the Holy Evangels. May 15. Roxburgh: — John the Steward, brother of the said Sir James, swore fealty, ut supra. June 4. Roxburgh : — Sir Thomas de Somervylle knight, ut supra. June 10. Edinburgh : — Sir William de Douglas knight, ut supra. June 10. Edinburgh : — Walter Logan, ut supra. June 12. Edinburgh : — Robert de Muschance, itt supra. June 17. Stirling: — Sir John de Calantyr knight, and William de Colnehath, ut supra. \m. 2.] June 17. Stirling: — John de Lambirton, Sir William de Rotheven knight. Sir William de Gardino knight, ut supra. VOL. II. N 194 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [Ragman Roll — continued.] Edward I. June 19. Stirling: — Sir Malise earl of Stratherne and Sir Walter de Corri knight, ut supra. [771. 3.] 1296. June 19. Stirling:— Sir Michael de Wemes (Weves) knight,?^^ supra. June 22. Perth : — Sir Robert Cambron lord of Balnigrenach, knight, Sir John de Hay knight, and Hugh de Urre, ut supra. June 25. Perth : — Sir John de Moncrefe knight, ut supra. June 25. Perth : — Sir Robert Cambron lord of Balnely, knight, Sir Alexander de Abernethy knight, 2ot supra, [m. 4-] June 27. Cluny: — Sir Gilbert de Glenkerny knight, saluz, &Q.,ut supra. June 28. Cluny : — Sir Archibald de Levingestone knight, and Eustace de Bikreton rector of the church of Auchtermuchty (Hutre- mokedi saluz, ut supra. \_m. 5.] July 2. Cluny :• — Sir John de Strivelyn knight. July 4. Forfar: — Pieres de Chaumpaigne rector of the church of Kynkel, Sir William Fraunceys knight, and Master William de Kingorne rector of Lyston church, ut supra, [m. 6".] July 6. Forfar: — Hugh de Moray, Hugh Urry, and Sir Andrew de Betoa (Byetoine) knight, ut supra. July 6. Aberbrothok : — Friar Henry abbot, and convent, w^ supra. July 7. Fermyell : — William Eraser son of the late Alexander Eraser, tit supra. July 7. Montrose : — Sir William Byset knight, ut supra. July 7. — In the cemetery of Stracathro (Stronkatherach) at the hour of vespers : — John King of Scotland renounced his league with France, and confessed his sins against his liege lord the King, desiring to be reconciled with him. July 10. Brechin Castle: — The said King John of his own free will resigned his kingdom, his royal dignity, his lands and goods, homages and all rights, saving only incarceration, in the hands of the King of England, together with his royal seal in a purse under his privy seal. July 10. Montrose: — John Comyn earl of Buchan, in presence of the King of England, renounced the league with France and swore fealty, ut supra, [m. 5.] July 10. Montrose :• — Sir Alexander de Balliol knight. Sir John Comyn of Badenagli senior, knight, Sir Herbert de Maxwell knight. Sir John Ic Mareschal of Tosketon knight. Sir John de Moravia knight, swore fealty ut supra, each oath separately enrolled, [m. P.] July 10. Montrose. — Sir Alexander Kennedy canon of Glasgow, Sir Nicholas de la Haye knight, Sir John Seincler of Hurmaneston, Andrew de Chartres, William de Silkesworthe, Alexander de Erth, Sir Hugh Rydel knight, and John Comyn of Scraesburghe, swore fealty separately, ut supra, [m. 10.] July 11, Montrose: — Sir John le Botilier and Sir Nicholas de Rotherford, knights, Ralph de Eglinton, Thomas de Wincester, John I RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 195 [Ragman Roll — continued.] Edward L de Elfingstone, Fergus le Mareschal, and Godfrey de Ardrossan separately, uf supra. 1296. July 12. Montrose :— Sir William de Balliol rector of Kirkepatrik, ut supra, [in. 11.] July 14. Aberdeen :— Walter de Sclierwinglawe, ut supra. July 15. Aberdeen:— Sirs Norman le Lechelyn, Alexander de Lamberton, John de Glenesk, John de Strivelyn of Moray, Patrick de Eggilvyn, John de Garviaghe, William de Cluny, and Thomas Durward called ' le LTsser,' knights of Scotland, Alexander de Straton, Gilbert de Mar, and Sir William Comyn provost of St Andrews, separately, 2it supra. July 16. Aberdeen :— Sirs Gilbert de la Haye, John de Cambo, and John de Kynros le fuiz, knights, James de Maleville, Geoffrey de Venali, and Robert de Elmeley, separately, u,t supra, [m. 12, 13.] July 17. Aberdeen: — Sirs Duncan de Eerndraghe, Patrick de Berkeley, Hugh de la Haye, Reginald le Cheen, John son of Herbert de Makeswelle, and William de Montalt, knights. Sir Hervy de Cram- bathe dean of Dunkeld, John son of Ralph de Petscotyn, Robert de Walghope, Robert le Eaucouer, and William de Inays, and the burgesses and community of Aberdeen, separately, ut supra. [711. I4..] July 19. Aberdeen :— Henry bishop of Aberdeen, Sir John Fleming and Sir William de Moravia, knights, with Sir Walter called ' Blacwatre ' dean of Aberdeen, ut supra. July 21. Lunfanan : — In the King's presence, Sir John de Maleville knight, ut supra. July 22. Banf : — Sir Thomas de Torthorald knight, iit supra, [m. 15.] July 26. Elgyn in Moray : — Robert bishop of Glasgow, ut supra. July 27. Elgyn in Moray: — Alexander earl of Menetethe, with Sirs Thomas de Soules, John Wycharde, Gervase de Rate, Alexander de Ergayel,Alexander Comyn and Nicholas de Soules, knights, ut supra. [The Earl's oath bears that he was released by the K.'s grace from prison, where he was for bearing arms against him, and his earldom was restored]. \7n. i6'.] July 27. Elgyn in Moray : — ' The burgesses and community ' of said city, and one Alan de Morref, ut supra. July 28. Elgin in Moray : — Sir John de St Michael, Sir Robert de Normanville, Sir Dovenald fitz Can, and Sir Adam Gurdon, knights, William called ' Wisman,' John de Montfort, Alexander de Hateley, James son of Godfrey de Ros senior, Reginald de St Michael, clerk, James son of Godfrey de Ttos Junior, Robert de Trembleye, Audomer ■ Comyn, William de Lasceles, and Gilbert de Southeyk, ut su2ora. July 29. Elgyn in Moray: — Henry Cor, John Wychard del Miernes, Andrew son of Godfrey de Ros, Alexander de Hogeston, and William de Tattenel, ut supra. [ m. 17, 18^ July 30. Rothenays in Moray : — William de Rothenayke, ut supra. 196 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [Ragman Roll — coidinueil'] Edward I. July 31. Kildrummy : — Roger called ' Paternoster,' August 1. Kildrummy : — John Tresour burgess of Perth, 1296. August 2. Kildrummy : — Randulf de Kelor, and Thomas de Colley. May 13- [m. 19], Aug. 28. August 3. Kincardine ' sur Nele : ' — Richard de Neucobyry, August 4. Kincardine ' en le Miernes' : — Rauf de Kynnard, August 6. Abirbrothock : — Mark de Clapham — all ut siqora. Afterwards in the Parliament of the nobles and prelates of both realms, held at Berwick-on-Tvveed in the octaves of the Assvmiption of the Blessed Virgin Mary thereafter, the aforesaid nobles, prelates, knights, and others, who had done homage ut suiyra, with those here- inafter named, again renounced the league with France, and did homage as follows : — [■?». 20.'] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Robert bishop of Glasgow, Henry bishop of Aberdeen, and Thomas bishop of Whitherne swore fealty severally, by joint letters patent, form of oath by each recited. August 28. Berwick-on-Tvveed: — John abbot of Sweetheart (Douz- quer), Walter abbot of Passelay, Alisaundre abbot of Tungland, Walter abbot of Dundreynan, Adam abbot of the Holy Rood of Edinburgh, Patrick abbot of Cambuskenel, Gilbert abbot of Kylros, William abbot of Saint Edward of Balmurinagh, Rauf abbot of Dun- fermelyn, Andrew abbot of Coupre, Thomas abbot of Scone, Dungald abbot of Holywood (Seint Boyse), Robert abbot of Holmcoltram, John abbot of Neubotle, Thomas abbot of Lundors, Bernard abbot of Kilwyniu, Brice abbot of Deer, Brice abbot of St Columb, and their respective convents, swore fealty under joint letters, ut sup^a. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — John abbot of Jeddeworthe, William abbot of Dry burgh, Patrick abbot of Melros, and Richard abbot of Kelso, and their respective convents, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — Henry abbot of Abirbrothock, William prior of Canonby, Adam prior ' del Idle de Seint Colmoch,' Pieres prior of Arichattan (Ercattan), Henry prior of Coldinghame, Richard prior of Dureme, Morice prior of Whiterne, John prior of Seint Andreu, Eve prioresse of Hadingtone, Alice prioresse of Manuel, Ada prioresse of Seint Boythan, and their respective convents, ^U siqjva. [yn. 21.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Malys earl of Stratherne, John Comyn earl of Buchan, John Comyn of Badenagh,Dovenald earl of Mar, Alisaundre earl of Menetethe, James the Steward of Scotland, Mau- colum earl of Levenaus, William earl of Southerland, John de Strivelyn of Moray, William de Morref lord of Botheville, Alisaundre Comyn, Brian fitz Alan, Renaud le Cheen, William de la Haye, Nicol Cambel, Phelippe de la Leye, John de Calentyr, Andreu de Monctour, Alisaundre Fresel, Phelippe de Lindeseye, John de Cantelou, and Alisaundre de I.indeseye, knights, jointly, ut supra. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 197 [Ragman 'RoLL~co7itimced.] Edwaed I. August 28. Berwick-ou-Tweed:— Eobert prior of Rostynnot in the county of Forfar and his convent, 2it supra. 1296. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— Patrick earl of the March and Dunbar, Gilbert de Unifraville earl of Angus, Robert de Brus ' le veil/ and Robert de Brus ' le jeovene' earl of Carrick, ut stcpra. [The words in which the King received their homage recited.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— John of Perth burgess and alder- man of the town of ' Seint Johan de Perthe/ John son of Richard of Perth, Dunkan del Celer, Richard de JSTeville of Perth, Rauf Tundeman, William Alight, John Tresour, William son of John of Perth, Bernard le Mercer, John Serle of Perth, Dovenald Bryd, Robert Fouk, Phelippe Taket, Waryn of Whiteby, Wadyn of Perth, Thomas Withe, and Symon le Glover, burgesses, and the whole community of the town, id supra. [7n. 23.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — Richard Price burgess and alder- man of Stirling, Laurence of Dunblane, William Servatour, Reynaud de Maleville, Richard Prestre, Robert le Taillour, Morice le Rous, Gilbert Teket, Adam le fiz Richard, Rauf le Wright, William le Lardy ner, and John of Dryelawe, burgesses, and the whole community, ut supi-a. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — Walter the Goldsmith burgess and alderman of Roxburgh, Richard le Forblour, Richard Vigrous, Michael le Seeler, William de Boseville, Adam of Myndrum, Adam Knout, Geoffry of Berewick, Adam of York, Adam Corbrand, Austyn le Mercer, John Knout of Roxburgh, and all the ' comune' of said burgh, William of Dederyk burgess and alderman of Edinburgh, James of Edinburgh, Walter fitz Martin, Walter le Arblaster, Henry le Scot, John Hog, William le Taillour, Walter of Rypon, Waldef de la Roche, William of Leicester, Richard fiz Wauter of Edinburgh, John Wyggemore, and all the community, ut siqyra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — John Dammesone alderman and burgess of Jeddeworthe, Symon of Rennyngton, Hugh of Lindeseye, Robert le Mareschal, Robert Fremansone, Rauf le Spicer, Stephen le Mareschal, Thomas le Tayllur, Symon le Tayllur, Richard le Clerk, Gwy le Clerk of Jeddeworthe, and Huwe of Watton burgesses, and the whole community, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Alisaundre le Barker provost of the burgh of Hadingtone, John le Scot, William le fiz Gefl'rey, Adam le fiz Fermyn, Adam of Skrogges, David of Penkatlond, William Bacheler, John Derok, William le Barker, Duncan le Rous, Henry of Ayton, and John Crokeshanks, burgesses, and the com- munity, ut sujyra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — William de la Chaumbre bailiff and burgess of Pebbles, John vicar of the church of Pebbles, Adam of Horde, David le fiz Andreu, Nicol of Northincheton, Renaud 198 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [Ragman Roll — co7itm2(ed.'] Edward I. Hardegreypes, John le fiz Walter Gretheuede, Henry Eavesmaughe, Symon le frere Wautier, Symon le fiz Geffrai, Pieres le fiz Geffray. 1296. and Rogier Blynde, burgesses, and the commuuity, iit suj^ra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — John Rabuk and John of Mar, bailiffs of Linlithgow, Andrew le Serjaunt, William 0' the hull, John the porter, Matthew of Kynglas, Henry del Wro, Phelippe of Aberuethy, Gilbert of Hildeclive, William le fiz Ernaud, Michael le Lardiuer, and Nicol le Serjaunt burgesses, and the community of said burgh, Adam Gold bailiff of Montrose, Walter of Eossy, John of Thornton, John fiz Aleyn, Huwe le fiz Maucolum, Thomas CufTok, Phelippe of Logyn, John Trot, Henry of Hakely, Wauter le Mercer, John fiz Adam, and William Strange, burgesses, and the community of Montrose, ut supra. \m. 23.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Alisaundre le Sauser and Geoffrey Caland, bailiffs and burgesses of Inverkeithing in Fife, Adam le Mareschal, William Dod, Pieres of Petrany, John del He, William le fiz Eve, Andrew of Stirling, William le fiz Johan, Rauf le fiz Nor- man, John Bertram, and William of Rydale, burgesses, and the community, v.t supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Henry de Mundeville, Thomas de Coleville, Andrew de Chartres, David le Mareschal, Humfrey du Gardyn, Mariot de Sutton, Patrick de Botyl, Dovenald fiz Can, Wautier de Twynham, William de la Chaumbre, Johnan de Gevelestone, Wautier fiz Richard de Twynham, Stevene de Kilpatrick, Wautier Durant, Matheu de Leghe, Thomas de Kirconnel, Thomas de Bardonau, Robert de Muffet, Rogier de Eaussyde, Duncan de Coningesburghe, Gilmighel Mac Ethe, Macrath ap Molegan, John Murthok, del counte de Dunfres, Johan le Mareschal of Tosketou, Thomas de Torthorald, Fergus MacDowilt, Roland MacGachen, Thomas Maculagh, William Polmaloc, Andreu de Logan, Johan de Meynrethe, William de Champaigne, Dougal Macdowyl, del counte de Wyggetone, Alice de Ormestone, Mariot de Golyn, William de Fenton, Alisaundre de Bonkhille, Johan de Vans, del counte de Edinburgh, Thomas de Somerville, Wautier Logan, Dervorgoyl widow of Robert Carnot, Steven de Roberton, Margaret de Colbanstone, Isabele de Colbanston, Richard le Scot of Murthoxton, Steven le Wafrer, William le Wafrer, Andrew de Levingestoue, Wautier le fiz Roger de Odestone, Hamund de Troup, William de Morref of Romsirgard, Rauf Mauleurer, William de Douglas, Alisaundre de Strivelyn, del counte de Lanark, Huwe Grey, Johan de Seintclerk of Hirdmanstone, and William le Broun of Laweder, del counte de Berwyk, Roger de Almere, Michel de Witton, and Adam de Wytton, del counte de Selkirk, Johan de Mountfort, William de Rammeseye, William de Balliol, Johan le Botiler de Gramund, Alisaundre de Stratton, James de Stratton, Henry de Brade, William de Greulawe, Johan de Lastalryk, Thomas EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 199 [Eagman Eoll — continued.'] Edward I. le Noble, Patrick le Noble, Elice de la Lungemore, Huwe Eydel, Andrew de Cragestone, William de Eos, William le Flemyng of 1296. Seton, Wautier de Longeton, Huwe de Morref, Eauf de Langeton, May 13- William de Drilowe, Huwe de Penicok, Nicol de Knyghton, Edward Aug. 28. de Whitewelle, William Byset, William de Cramund clerk, Aleyn de Lyberton, del counte de Edinburgh, William Freser, Thomas de la Chaundel, William de Maleville, del counte de Pebbles, Eobert de Normanvil, Johan de Strivelyn of Cars, Gilbert Malherbe, and William le Servetour, del counte de Strivelyn, Johan le Botiler, Nicol de la Haye, Eobert Cambroun of Balnygrenagh, Johan de Moncref, Eoger de Methfenn and Maucolum de Glendughred, del counte de Perth, Thomas de la Tour, Eichard de Warwyk, Gilchrist More, Huwe de Kelshowe, Godefrai de Ardrossan, Fergus Fostresone, Mestre Gilbert de Templeton, William Kerre, Eobert de Eos, John de Parys, Dovenald fitz Gilbert, Patrick de Comenaghe, Thomas de Gelghagi, Mestre Neel Cambel, Adam le Taillour of Coningham, Ingram de Umfranville, del counte de Are, Johan de Glennysk, Morgund de Glennesk, Patrick de Oggelville, Eandulf de Keloure, Adam de Inrepeffre, Johan de Kynros, Eauf de Dunde, William de Anand, William de Gurlay of Bagally, Alisaundre de Lambreton, John Haunsard, Eobert de Betuyn, EA^e de Anegos, and David de Breghyn, del counte de Forfare, and John Bruyn del counte de Linliscu, John de Ormestoue, Eobert de Wodeforde, John Lock, William de Boseville, John Normaunt, Andrew de la Gardrobe, Adam de Maxpoffel, William de Hessewelle, Hewe Eyr, Symon de Cresse- ville, Eobert de Hodolm, John de Grymeslawe, Alisaundre de Balliol, and Thomas de Chartres, del counte de Eoxburgh, ttt supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Adam de Hepe, John de Hardene, Eichardde Chesehelme, Wautier de Burghdone, Eobert Grundy of Neu- ton, Eobert Walgh' of Hepe, Thomas de Eoule, William de Farningdou, Eoger de Midelburgh, John Fraunceys of Longa Neuton, Eeynaud de Dolfinestone, William de Eucastel, John le fiz Johan de Anesleye, John de Mareschal, Aymer de Eotherford, Eobert de la Graunge, Aleyn Gurnay, Plielippe Sty ward, Adam de Chathou, Nicol Fausy, William Scot, Marie de Synton, William de Chartres, Eicard le Furbour, John de Lillesclyfe, Symon de Holden, Guy de Denum, John de Etherestone, Ingram de Toftes, William de Bradeleye, Eichard de Flex, William de Toftes, Henry le Chapeleyn, John de Heton, John de Stounesleghe, William de Yetham, Johan de Malkarestone, Wautier Merpym, Wauter de Holcote, John le Mareschal, Adam de Eukelton, William de Preudelathe, Gilbert Moffyn, Gilbert fitz Beatrice, Eobert de Edenham, John le Seneschal of Jeddeworthe, Johan Knout, Adam de Eykelden, Alisaundre Servys, Eobert de Hunteleghe, William de Prendrelathe, Wautier le clerk of Eoxburgh, Adam la Parsone of Souldone, Phelippe de 200 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [Eagman Eoll — contijiuecl] Edward I. Briden, Henry de Hommes, Eobert de Toftes, Adam le Taillour of Cesseworthe, Fresknms de Laundeles, Eogier Corbet, Joban Benogh- 1296. tyn, Johau Comyn of Skreesburgb, William de Faussyde, Eobert de Hauewyk, Patrick de Bleukansone, Tbomas de Jonestone, Gilcrist fiz Patrick, Tbomas de Cokeburne, William Oftherebure, Eobert de Malevile and Bernard de Hauden, del counte de Eoxburgh, Andrew de Betton, Joban de Makeswelle, Synan le Mare, Huwe de Foderingeye, Maucolum de Eosky, Maucolum fiz Maucolum, Joban de Lanyn, Gilmore Maclyn, Joban de Kintowar, Wautier de Kyntowbar, Maucolum de Kynbuk, Patrick de Glendogbrad, Tbomas de Kyngartb, ]\Iestre Matbeu de Mouros clerk, Isaac de Kelwiny, Lorn de Ardebetbey, Tbomas Tutte of Stratberne, .... Prioress of Seint Leonard next Pertb, Eoger de Miggel, Gilbert de Tboruk/ iCilscbyn Gilcrist, Huwe de Balmenagbe, Malis de Moliefard, Ego de Stratbbatbe, Eobert de Stratberne, Monagbe fiz Alpyn, Morice de Tyry, Conan de Betbweder, Margarete le Engleys, Haldan de Emester, William de Llorref of Tulybardy, Maucolum de Stratberne, clerk, of tbe county of Pertb, ut sujjra. [m. £4--] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Jobn de Swyneburne, Eeynaud de Craunford, del counte de Are, Gilbert de Glyukerny del counte de Elgyn, Gilbert de Lakenbeued del counte de Lanark, Cristine de Mar widow of Duncan de Mar del counte de Inverness (Ildernesse), Maucolum de Ergadia, ' frere Sire Alisaundre de Ergadia,' Duncan Cambel del Hies, and Gilbert de Mar del counte de Fyfe, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :—Anneys prioress of Soutb Ber- wick and ber convent, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Isabele Knout del counte de Eokeburke, Joban de Montgomery, Eeynaud Mor of Cragg', David de Waugbe, del counte de Lanark, Margerie Comyn dame de Gurdon del counte de Berewyk, Wautier de Caran del counte de Fyfe, Duncan fiz le Comte de Mar, del counte de Pertb ; Joban Haugbenros del counte de Elgin, Henry Hogg' del counte de Eokesburk, Eve tbe widow of Maucolum de Fernyndraugbe del counte de Abirdene, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Matbeule Naper of Agbeleke, Alisaundre le Sauser of Innerketbyn, del counte de Forfar, Joban del Hage del counte de Berewyke, Eauf de Chaumpayne del counte de Wygetone, William Prat, Adam de Gibelotestone del counte de Fyfe, Eobert de Ogbtergeven del counte de Pertb, William de Maleville del counte de Eokesburke, Joban de Hirdmanestone de counte de Berewyke, William le Taillour of Balshamwelle, del counte de Forfare, Alisaundre de Dalmaboy del counte de Edenburke, and Joban de Cragyn del counte de Linlescu, ut supra, [m. 25.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Wautier Byset, Wautier de RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 201 [Eagman Eoll — continued.] Edward I. Benauelyn, William de Gurleye, Adam de Garuiagh, Wautier de Balernaghe, John de Haneworthe, Phelippe le Mareschal, Eiohard 1296. del Isle, Eobert de Muscaumpe, Aylmer de Haudene, Barthelmeu master of the ' meson de Seint Germeyn,' William le Harpur of ' la Lawe,' Pyeres de Lysours, Symon de Lascalerike, Eobert de Pylemor, William Schelle, Thomas de Boys, Thomas de Catkone, Johan de Crak', Johan le Squier of Whyhope, Andreu de Haldanstone, Eichard de Holastone, Phelippe Walran, Alisaundre Bertholmeu, Eobert de Hedleye, Johan de Cambok, Bernard Frisel, William de Fasingtone, Matheu de Hauthorndeue, John Eraunceys of Benestun, Johan Pygaz of Lyntone, Adam de Fouweldene of Hortone, William de Cornhal, William Avenel, Henry de Ormestone, William Frysel, Aleyn de Wyntone, Thomas de Stratone, Nicol de Prestone, Cristy de Carvant, William de Prestone, Adam de Lynton, Eoger Gomiay, Adam de Lyntone, William de Sideserfe, Eobert de Weepunt, Pieres de Hortone, William fiz Geffiay de Boultoue, Patrick de Hird- maunestone, Adam le clerk of Colgyntone, Ive de Elebotle, Michel de Hale, Friar John master of the hospital of the Holy Trinity of Huwestone, James de Neutone, Huwe fitz Geffray de Elbotle, Wautier de Northberwick, Geftrey de Caldecote, Adam de Eeynfru, Henry de Kidelowe, Wautier de Wederburne, William de Pokeby, Eobert de Langemore and Eymer de Haudene, del counte de Edeneburk, vt supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Philip de Fyndone del counte de Kincardyn, and William de Meystertone del counte de Fyfe, ut supra. August 28, Berwick-on-Tweed; — Huwe de Peuicoke, Aleyn de Lybertone, David de Lybertone, Wautier de Logdone, Eandolf de Loghdone, Huwe Eydel, Gunnyd Brun, Gilbert de Dunmanyn, Edward de Couertone, Johan de Agdokestone, Eichard de Erthe, William de Kynemuthe, Henry de Lysours, and William de Drilawe, ' tenantz le ' Eoi du counte de Edneburk,' Elys le Porter of Eugan, and Eoger le fiz Eichard de Cadroghe, ' tenantz le Eoi du counte de Lanark,' Eichard Fossart of Jeddeworthe, and Eeyner de Clonas ' Lumbard, ' ' tenantz le Eoi du counte de Eokesburk,' William OnthehuUe, Thomas de Caribre, Henry del Wro, Michel le Lardiner, Nicol Seriaunt of Linlescu, Phelipe de Abernyd,' Gilbert de Hildeclyve, William de Kenenmuthe, William le fiz Arnaud, Andrew de Crostone, Adam de Whiteburne, Gilcrist de Whiteburne, Jordan del Orchard, William Bretuu, and John de Kilpuc, ' tenantz le Eoi du ' counte de Linlescu,' Eauf Doghlyn of Hadingtone, Eobert de Eghlyn, Alice the widow of Aleyn de Ormestone, William Pesshun of Tynynghame, ' tenantz le Eoi du counte de Edneburk', Henry de Haliburtone, Huwe le fiz Moyses de Spot, William de Abernithy, Pieres de Prendelgast, Alice widow of Phelipe de Haliburtone, and Margerie widow of Thomas Banysleve 'tenant le Eoi du counte de 202 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS [EaCtMAN Eoll — continued.'] Edward I. ' Berewyk,' Patrick de Maleville, William Perel, Eoger le Mareschal, William de Maleville, William de Crelenge, Wautier Lillok, Thomas 1296. Lillok, Eogier de Mohaut, Eauf ' del pouut de Pebbles,' Huwe of the Leigger, William de Hopkelioghe, Jolian le Naper, Adam le Feiire of Erceldoune, William Porveys, ' tenantz le Eoi du counte ' de Pebbles, ' Johan de Drilowe, Eobert de Norman ville, Jolian de Lambretoue, * tenantz le Eoi du counte de Strivelyn,' Maucolum de Glindoghrede, Johan de Botirgask, Eobert Cambroun of Balnely, Henry de Fresseleye, Teobaud Pictoc, William de Kilmoneth, Eobert de Ostergavene, Thomas Cambel, Alisaundre de Argeyl, Maucolum de fitz Suneyr, Patrick de Eothenayke, Eauf de Gilgirgestone, Johan Ewynsone MacGilcrisb, Eauf de Kynnarde, Gilbert de la Haye, and Johan de Malere, ' tenantz le Eoi du counte de Perth,' and Eve prioress of Hadingtone 'tenant le Eoi du counte de Edueburgh,' Nicol de Trippeneye, William de Scheles, William tenant of Crestone, Johan le Porter of Linlescu, Serle de Dundas, Michel Lardiner, Nicol le Seriaunt, tenantz le Eoi du counte de Linlescu,' Johan de Crauforde, Thomas de Wincestre, Aleyn Waleys, Eobert Boyt, Adam fitz Grimbaud, Nicol de Slanes, and Patrick le Archer, ' tenantz le Eoi du counte de Are, id sujrra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Thomas le Husher (Durward) del counte de Anegos, Wautier Comyn del counte de Pebbles, Wautier de Greydene, Gilbert de Estnesbyte, Adam fiz Nicol, Adam Belle, Thomas le Moiller, Edward fiz Eichard le prestre, Laurence de Morref, Patrick de Byly, and Aleyn Belle, del counte de Berewyke, William de Baudrestone del counte de Linlescu, Emme de Ailmer del counte de Selkirk, Maucolum de Kynespinedy, Eichard persone eglise de Torry del counte de Fyfe, Mestre William de Eotherforde persone del eglise de Lillesclyve, Eichard de Wyttone persone del eslise de Hauwyk, William de Blakelawe, Johan de Lynton, Gilbert Haunches, William de Jarum, del counte de Eokesburk, Eobert de Chartres, Alisaundre de Kethe persone del eglise de Hodolme, del counte de Dunfres, Adam persone del eglise de Lastalrygge, del counte de Edneburk, William vicaire del eglise de Wystone, William le Taillur, Wautier le Fleming, Fynlay de Twydyn, del counte de Lanark, Friar Johan de Sautre master of the chivalry of the Temple in Scotland, Friar Alisaundre de Welles warden of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Scotland, ut supra, [m. £6.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Duncan fitz Avelyn knight, Henry de Vypunt knight, Umfrai de Kilwhowe (Colquhoun ?) knight, William le Fleming, Alein le fitz Avelyn, Morice de Arncappel, Johan Makelmochan, Duncan le fitz Nelgos, and Johan le Naper, del counte de Dunbretan, Johan de Jonestone knight, and Johan le Blunt of Eskeby, del counte de Dunfrys, Hectur Askeloc and Arthur de Galbrathe del counte de Wygetone, Wautier Sproul del counte EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 203 [Ragman Eoll — continued.'] Edward I. de Dunbretan, Eoger de Burghdone of Blakeder, Eauf de Egerhope, Adam Bernak of Hilton, Gregoire de Seiut Cler, Edithe de Golding- 1296. ham, Anneys de Mollesworthe, Eogier le Harpur of Horn,' Eauf de Haudene persone del eglise de Whitesum, William Casfurlonger, Robert Mautalent, Henry de Ellom, Nicol del Despense, and Eobert Cogan, del counte de Berewyk, Donald le fiz Ancol del counte de Dunbretan, Johan de Haukerstone, William le Fraunceys, Johan de Elfinstone, Wautier de Congeltone, del counte de Ednebiirke, Gilbert de Kilbride, Alisaundre de Strivelyn, del counte de Lanark, Henry del Orchard, Mattheu de Gurle, Johan de Graham, Henry le Ferour of Travernent (Gravernen'), Constance de Kyphope, Eauf Eghlyn, William le Mareschal, Henry Ker, Wautier de Berkeleghe, Michael Hippereysone, Aleyn le Littester, Henry del Lardere, Eobert del Fausyde, Johan de Wytelowe, William persone del eglise de Barwe, John de Haukerstone, Eichard Stiwarde of Cranestone, del counte de Edneburk, Gilbert de Dromund del counte de Dunbretan, Henry de Graham, Johan de la Leye, Johan de Setone, Pieres de Graham, Beatrice de Karlele, Adam de Hodolm, Eustace de Boyville, Ive le Messager, Eichard de Setone and James de Torthorald, del counte de Dunfres, Nicol de Baddeby, Johan Oter, William le fiz le Stywarde, Eobert de Spotteswode, del counte de Berewyk, v.t supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— Michael de Wymes, Henry de Haliburtone, Anegos Makenathe, Dugald Gregyns, Wautier de Eussy, Nicol Makwhesshappe, Maucolum fiz Nicol, Pieres de Cokeburne, Andrew le Jugger, Nicol de Yeupount of Tyndale (Tyndaz), ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Duncan de Fernyndroghe knight, Norman de Lesselyn knight, Johan Lyppe, del counte de Aberdeue, Thomas de Morham ' pusnee,' del counte de Strivelyn, Johan Wyght del counte de Lanark, William Bretone del counte de Linlescu, William de Abercromby del counte de Fyfe, Huwe de L^rre del counte de Dunfres, Eoger de Crauford del counte de Are, Thomas le Ewer and Johan de Skene del counte de Edneburk, ut supra, [m. 27. ] August 28, Berwick-on-Tweed : — Johan de Stowe persone del eglise de Gleinkerny del counte de Kincardyn en Miernes, Jone de Laundales, Symon Fraunceys, Eobert du Val de Esk, Eichard le fiz Geffrai de Ekford del counte de Eokesburk, David vicaire del eglise de Foghou, John vicaire de Langetone, del counte de Berewyk, Andrew de Garviaghe, Eichard de Leghendy, Elizabeth de Eossenethe, del counte de Aberdene, Eobert de Graunt del counte de Fyfe, Henryle fiz Arnaud, William Gocelyn, del counte de Selkirk, Johan de Dunbretan persone del eglise de Nig' del counte de Eosse, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— Fynlawe de Hustone knight, William le Fleming knight, Huwe Kenedy knight, Huwe de Danielston (Dalmestone) knight, Johan le Seneschal knight, Aleyn de Glasfrethe, William de Shawe, William de Conynsburghe, Henry 204 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS [Kagman Roll — continued.] Edward I. de Manspethe, Eobert de Iei Chauinbre, Aleyn le fiz Nicol, Marie de Gleugevel, Alisaundre de Kircontolaglie, Gilbert de Kilbride, 1296. Eichard de Creling, Thomas de Eaulfestone, Waurier Spreul, Herbert de Gledestaue, William Dougalsone, Johan de Irskyn, Johan del Glaw, "William Fyn, Adam le Tailliir, William de la Chaumbre, Johan Pride, Gyles del Estwode, Ughtred Semau, Lawrence de Petyn, Henry de Arthurshulle, Eobert de Kent, Patrick de Selvenland, Alisaundre Akeman, William Croketa of Kilbride, Geffrai de Home, and Henry fitz Phelippe, del counte de Lanark, ut supra. August 28. Berwick- on-Tweed : — Adam de Bakepol del counte de Eokesburk, Johan de Hedlam ' southchantour del eglise de Eos,' Thomas de Jar' ' provender' of same church, del counte de Eos, William ' vicaire del eglise de Carnok del counte de Miernes,' Richard de Furdale, Dougal Cambel, Edmund de la Haye, Mariorie de Graham, John Laumansone, Laurence de Flisk, Arthur Cambel, David de Blare, Duncan Cambel, Eobert Gerland, Thomas de la Haye, Eugene fiz Loghlan, del counte de Perth, Wautier Lescot, David Eyr of Stichehulle, Thomas de Fultone vicaire del eglise de Iruuewyk (Innerwick), del countez de Pebbles, Eokesburk, Edneburk, William de Eedepethe del counte de Berewyke, Wautier le Eugleys del counte de Lanark, Thomas de Haytone vicaire del eglise de Cambosneythan del counte de Lanark, and Aleyn abbot of Alnevvyk del counte de Berewyke, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Johan de Eameseye, Adam de Eameseye, Johan fiz Nece de Eameseye, William de Ramseye, William de Kyndelloche, William de Laghmanoveny, William de Lectone, Gilbert de Kymmoke, Ive de Brinsholles, Richard de Lasceles, William de Laskreske, Robert Gernald, Gregoire de Inredovet, Robert de Waghope, Thomas Kayr, Eobert de Orrok, Henry de Aynestrothere, Pieres de Chaumpaigne, William de Petkery, Johan de Cambhou, Bartholmeu de Kyldunham, Johan de Abercromby, Adam de Lumbyny, Patrick de Dundemer, William de Fresseleye, Symon de Orrok, Pieres de Pectarne, Bride fiz Johan, Elys de Orky, Eichard de Balmakemore, William de Kuere, Henry Grey, Ele de Fyfe, Huwe de la Haye, Lambard vicaire de Caral, Henry de Mouimel, Johan de Hadyntone, Johan Fresel, David Arnot, Andreu Balmalkyn, Eichard de Skadughy, Adam Cluny, Isabele Scot, Wauter de Logy, Thomas de Balkasky, Johan de Eandolfestone, Adam de Peticlank', William de la Haye of Drumranaghe, David de la Garderobe, Ele de Ardros, David de Hadingtone, Eobert de Dundafe, Wautier vicaire de Forgrunt, William Doberville and John la Waleys fiz Thomas le Waleys, del counte de Fyfe, ut supra. \pn. ^S.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Dovenal Makachelshou, Nicol le fiz Adam de Dunbretan, Gilbert de Inrelanran, Dovenal Galbrathe of Kilbride, Duncan MacGilchrist of Levenaghes, Dovenal le fiz RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 205 [Eagman Eoll — contimied.'] Edwaed I. Michel More of Levenaghes, Duncan Alpynsone of Augh[in]tulus, Patrick Flemeng, del counte de Dunbretan, Iwyn de Garghille, 1296. Duncan Maggadelfe of Cambroun, Malcolm de Bougheannan, Gilbert de Buthernoke, Duncan Barde, Brice Fynlawesone of Netbolge, Thomas le fiz Maucolum de Garthgeuerone, Eobert Crochet, Eichard Pessun of Strivelyn, Eobert de Irland, Thomas de Montgomery, Gille Eolan le Eons and Eude le 6tz Morice, del counte de Strivelyn^ Gilbert Hauuethe, Fergus Askolo, Gilbert de Hannethe and Thomas de Kithehilt, del counte de Wiggetone, Gilbert Wischarde, Jone de la Haye, Angos de Neucober, Eobert de Kenros, Eichard de Neutebere, Johan de Stratherne, del counte de Forfare, William le fiz Aleyn le Clerk of Louweder, Eobert del Hospital, Eauf Phelippe of Berewyke, Thomas de Selkyrk, Alice de Dunbar, and Eobert de Kynbriggeham' del counte de Berewyke, Eobert de Cribbes, Johan de Bykertone, Michael Scot, Phelippe de Carribber, Johan Cragy, Saer de Dundas,' Gerveys de Longhil, Henry de Dalmehoy, Eichard Ernaud, Huwe de Dursdere, Alisaundre de Purdevyn, Freskin de Douglas, Mariorie del Fairhalughe, and Patrick le fitz Johan le Mareschel, del counte de Linlescu, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed .-—Alisaundre Fossarde of Tynning- ham, David de Tymerham, Eichard le Barker of Tyningham, Gilbert fiz Henry de Tyningham, William de Lessewade, Wautier Scot, Eobert del Brunhus, William le Keu, Gilbert le Messager, Michael le Messager, Adam de Carriz, Eobert del Brunhus, Elys de Obrinkel, and Thomas Walghope, tenantz le evesqe de Seint Andreu del counte de Edneburk, Symon de Listone tenant le evesqe de Seint Andreu del counte de Linlescu, Johan de Lasceles, Mestre Eichard le Keu, Eude de Kynnemuthe, Henry de Taruethe, Marc de Clapham, Andreu Freser, Lambe fiz Austyn de Nibreim and Maucolum de Kyn- spinedy, tenantz levesqe avantdit del counte de Fyfe, Johan de Mor- halle tenant le evesqe avantdit del counte de Perthe, and William le Keu of Knolle tenant le evesqe avantdit del counte, de Lanark,?/,(f supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— Gilbert fitz Poland, Johan de Knoudolyan, Gilbert Maklurke, Mestre Neel Cambel, Johan fiz Eoland, Johan fiz Neel de Carryk, Duncan de Carletone, Patrick Beg, Johan le Clerk, Aleyn de Wynton, Adam le Waleys, Eeynaud de Kilmernou, Arthur de Donon, William de Kathkerke, Eobert le Harpur, Johan de Langemor, Nicol le Waleys, Pieres de Burghe, Wautier de Eos, William fiz Gervays, Gilbert de Conynburke, Eenaud del More, Eoger de Crauford, Huwe of the Blare, Eenaud de Crauford (Trauford) Eobert de Boyville, William fiz Lorence, Aleyn le Flemynge, William Bule, Aylmer le Hunter, Thomas Galfagy, Adam de Horn, Eauf de Eglyntone, Eoger de Eathe, Alisaundre de la Butelerie, Thomas de Cregeyn, Neel fitz Eobert de Dunlop (Dullope) Eobert de Pictone, Adam de la More, Aleyn le Barbur, 206 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS [Ragman Eoll — continued.'] Edwaed I. Gilmor fitz Edward, Eauf Faireye, William de Crauford (Craunford) Wautier de Lyiine, Thomas de Wyntoue, James de Eos, Johan vicaire 1296. del eglise de Garvan, Murchauche de Montgomery, Duncan fitz Gilmor Edward, Eenaud Mor, Nicol de Achithelege, Aleyn de Keres, Symon de Spalding persone del eglise de Ogheltre, Maucolum Lockare, del counte de Are, Eichard Wer, Thomas de Muscampe, Alisaundre de Paunton, Maria de Glangevel, Johan de Maxewelle, Phellipe le Engleys, and Symon del Schawe, del counte de Lanark, Nicol de Corry, Johan de Dordofe, Eaufe de Eryngtone, Symon de la Chaumbre,EobertdeDunbretan,Eobert Freyser, William de Hellebeke, Henry de Gillonby, Giles persone del eglise de Egglesfeyan, Eobert de Perresax, Johan de Kirkepatrike, Thomas Moffet, del counte de Dunfres, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Adam de Barton e, Alisaundre de Bondingtone, chapeleyn, Johan le Harpur, Johan de Eccles, Eobert de Askeby, Eoger de West Lummestone del counte de Berewyk, Patrick de Polewe del counte de Fyf e, Geffrai le fiz Wautier, Alisaundre le fiz Henry de Cavertone, Eoger del Grene, del counte de Eokesburk, Thomas Walghe del counte de Pebbles, Eobert de Elmleghe del counte de Abirdene, Mestre Henry de Strivelyn del counte de Strivelyn, Maucolum MacCuffok, Barthelmeu de Eggiesham, chapeleyn, warden of the New Place of Sanquhar (Seneware) William le Taillur, Patrick fiz Matheu de Partone, del counte de Dunfres, Mabille de Cungiltone, Martyn del Chaundel, del counte de Edneburk, Patrick de Aghleke, Patrick de Morningtone, Pieres Kenyn, William del Grenerige, Fergus de Barde, del counte de Lanark, vt svpra. [m. 29.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Matheu de Grenlawe fiz William de Greulawe, Nicol Campyon, William de Nysebyte, William vicaire del eglise de la Trinite de Berwyk, Wautier de Fentone, Henry de Swyntone, Johan del Park knight, Johan fitz Wautier de Kimmerghame (Kymbregam), Thomas de Creghtone, Eichard Norreys, Aleyn de Elfinestone, Adam de Badby of Lambretone, Henry de Prendregast, Wautier le Moigne, Mestre Duncan de Carrike, Ade de Eraser prioress of Eccles, Nicol de Paxtone, Adam de Lummesdene, Eogier Elyssone, Thomas de Nesbyte, Johan de Southlyntone, Johan le Engleys, Aleyn Dunwythye, Johan le fiz David, Adam Spollarde, Wautier de la Chaumbre, Adam Belle, Johan de Hiltoue, Johan de Bonekel, Adam Mounlande, Eoger de Lummes- dene, Johan Dammesone of Over Aytone, William Pourays, Johan Grithman, William Eauessone, William de Billiugham, Oliver de Eystone, Adam Swyn of Eystone, Adam Sel of Eystone, Thomas Floriesoue, Adam de Lamberton, Adam Collan, Wautier Pieressone, Nicol Lamb, Johan Adamsone, Coleman Wyroke, Huwe de Britherstanes, Eobert de Blakeburne, Johan Ayr of Aytone, Eichard Belle, Wautier de Lambertone, Eichard de Kyngessyde, Aleyn de EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 207 [Ragman Eoll — continued.'] Edward I. Pylmor, Adam Corbet, Mariorie de Dunsier, Eauf Brun, Eliz fiz — — Eobei-t of New Castle, Eobert de Biddesdene, Jone de Nesbyt, Huwe 1296. Giffard, Aleyn fitz Maucolum, Thomas Bonequil, William Lange, Eauf of Trebrun, Adam Sammok of Trebrun, Thomas de Pylmor, Henry de Neythantherne, William le fiz William of Trebrun, William le Feure, Pieres le Litstere, Wautier Jonessone, Nicol Corour, Eoger de Harkars, Aleyn de Trebrun, Mariorie de Harkars, James Giffard, Johan de Chesolm, William de Eytone, Johan de Kynburne, Eobert Eussel, Patrick Alicesone, Adam Frere, Geffray Tsabelsone, Eliz Britun, Symon Malcomessone, William Godeslyme, Symon Coupere, Johan de Kymbrigham, Aleyn Sammokssone, Johan le Waleys of Over Etone, Aleyn de Herteshede, William le Clerk of Wyttone, William de Lambertone, William de Boseville, Eichard de Coldingham, Eobert de Eammeseye, Eobert Grimbalde, Stevene le fiz Johan Heir, Johan Greve of Haytone, Adam de Kirkby, Loel de Liollestone, William le fiz Eenaud de Eytone, William le Mareschal of Morthingtone, Thomas de Harkars, William de Blyth persone of Chirnesyde, William de Swyntone vicaire del eglise de Swyntone, Huwe vicaire del eglise de Aldcambhouse, Eobert de StichhuUe, Nicol Perre of Bonekil, Bernard de Lyntone persone del eglise de Mordingtone, Huwe le fiz Adam de Hiltone, Margarete la fielle Nicol de Eotherforde, Saer le fiz Thomas Freysel, Johan de Lod- ham, Eandolf de Creyes, Johan Gourley, Elyz del Molyn, William de Chattone vicaire del eglise de Ederham, Thomas de Derchestre, del counte de Berewyke, ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Eobert de Hastinges, Adam Pen- denan, Johan Flemyng, Erchebaud de Morref, William de Appel- tone, Johan de Hatale, Johan de Meldon, William Wymondes soue, Laurence Fresel, Johan Hope, Malcolm Erchebaudes sone, Thomas Buntynge, Osbern de Chartres, William Baret, Thomas de Ledyorde, Alisaundre Dudyn, Lorence atte Bure, Nicol Kerre, Andrew le Seeler, Stevene de Glenwhym, Thomas le Louerd, Bernard de Mohaut, Alisaundre de Droghkil, Jacob Freman, Johan Gilberdes sone, Adam Luuely, William le Wache, Cristine Lockarde, Gilbert Darel, Johan Eyr of Mesfennon, Eobert de Threpeland, Stevene de Stevenestone, William de Erthe, William Frisithe, Anabel de Cambos, del counte de Pebbles, Eobert de Betun, Johan de Arrac, William de Muuncrefe, Eichard Muschet, Thomas de Eameseye, David de Enrepeffre, del counte de Anegos, nt supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Johan del Hie, del counte de Berewyk, Patrick de Berkeleye knight, del counte de Lanark, Johan * de Schutlyntone and John Giffarde knights, del counte de Edneburk, William Gobynsckeghe del counte de Are, Adam de Horde del counte de Peebles, ut supra, August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed :— Johan de Garviaghe del counte de 208 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [ Ragman Roll — continued.'] Edward I. Aberdene, Aleyn fitz Thomas de Fultone, Nicol de Fultone, Uctins le Harpur, del counte de Lanark, Johan Skene, Patrick de Skene, 1296. Johan Lyp, del counte de Aberdene, Thomas le Ewer del counte de Edneburk, Johan fitz Randolfe de Fodiche del counte de Fyfe,Wautier Byset del counte de Aberdene, Thomas Purdevyn, Patrick Gilcristes sone, Johan Manuel, Adam Gurdone, Johan de Bondingtone clerk, del counte de Strivelyn, William de Cluny ' chauntur ' of Breghyn, Patrick deBlauntire del counte de Strivelyn, Henry de Strivelyn persone del eglise de Upseteliugtone, Symon de Lichardeswode, Peronel de Veupont, Adam de Ku'ketone, del counte de Berewyk, Cristiane del Grenehevede del counte de Selkirke, Johan Pedgrogeny del counte de Perth, Geffrei le Baxtere of Lossithe, Laurence de Lekathy, Adam fiz David del counte de Forfare, Johan Legun of Rothegle del counte de Lanark, Johan Broun del counte de Berewyk, Thomas de Boghan, Robert Foreman, del counte de Edneburk, Robert de Chattone, Huwe de Hextildespethe, del counte de Rokesburk, William Gardeyn del counte de Forfare, William fiz Andrew de Douglas del counte de Linliscu, Friar Adam ' ministre del ordre de la Triuite de Berwyk,' Patrick Lescot, Cristiane 'atte bothe' of Berewyk, del counte de Berewyk, Friar Thomas abbot of Inchau- frau, lit snpra. [m. 30.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Wautier ' vicaire del eglise de Lichardeswode,' Robert de Douns, Friar William ' mestre de la meson de Seint Austyn ' of Seggedene, William ' Othehille,' Johan de Letham, del counte de Berewyk, Gilbert * persone del eglise de Kilkedavena,' del counte de Perth, Pieres de Dewere, Huwe de Gurleghe, Patrick de Gurleghe 'persone del eglise de Loghorwarde,' Huwe 'vicaire del eglise de Cranestone,' Margarete de Penicoke, Eleyne de Dudingestone, Adam de Lyntone 'le joevene,' Johan Cheen, del counte de Edne- burk, Johan vicaire del eglise de Edenham, Huwe Body, del counte de Rokesburk, Morice Unthanke, William le Clerk, del counte de Lanark, Henry 'vicaire del eglise de Laurinetone,' Robert de Tyndale persone del eglise de Graunt Daltone, del counte de Dunfres, William del Skogges, Patrick del Gyle, William fiz Richard del counte de Pebbles, and Adam ' prior de Cardoyl, del counte de Are,' Nicol de la Despense del counte de Berewyk, Friar Thomas ' mestre de la Trinite de Soltre,' del counte de Edneburk, Aleyn ' persone del eglise de Roule,' Johan fiz Randolfe del counte de Rokesburk, Johan de Lillesclyve del counte de Pebbles, Huwe de Dunom ' persone del eglise de Lybertone ' del counte de Lanark, William ' vicaire del eglise de Laneta,' warden of the ' priorite of Northe Berewyk, Isabelle widow of David le Taillur del counte de Forfare, Wautier Cammays clerk, del counte de Rokesburk, William le Parker 'persone del eglise de Kilmon,' Richard 'vicaire del eglise de Selkirke,' del counte de Perth, Johan de Horredene del counte de EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 209 [Eagman Eoll — continued.'] Edward I. Lanark, Eleyne Papede del counte de Berewyk, Anneys del Crage, William du Gardyn del counte de Edneburk, Wautier del Bate, 1296. Enime Spendeloue, del counte de Lanark, and Johan le Eorester del counte de Berewyk, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Wauter Curry, Henry Crake, Johan de Normanville, del counte de Dunfres, Laurence de Scortone, Johan le Mareschal, Thomas le Mareschal, Symon persone del eglise de Middleby, Adam de Gurle, Eoger de Eainaldestone, John fiz William de Eastfurlange, Thomas de Haunches, Johan de Anne- combe, Eandulf de Derum, Eobert de Merleye ' persone del eglise de Westerker,' Wauter Aumbler, Aleyn ' persone del eglise de Eoule, Thomas de Eillewode, Thomas de Stone, Alisaundre de Hirmanestone, Huwe de Shottone, Alisaundre de Cavertone, Henry de Scortone, Adam de Eoule, Eichard de Perth of Eoxburgh, Eichard Cambays, William de Birhope, Johan Bayard of Hotone, Alisaundre de Max- tone, del counte de Eokesburk, Gode de Wyntone, Eobert fiz Adam de Dreltone, Thomas le Mareschal of Crostorfyn, William de la Eoche of Crostorfyn, Johan de Daventre, Johan de Lambretone, Pieres le Clerk, Isabele widow of Thomas Stiward, Aleyn de Suthstanes, Thomas de Dewere, Huwe Ayer of Calndene, Johan de Haneworte, del counte de Edneburk, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Wauter de Oghterloveny, Adam de Valoyns, Henry de Dundemor, William de Lambretone, Matheu de Balran, Eandulf de Eonays, Wauter de Bikertone, William Franceys, Johan de Cuere, Eichard de Maleville, Morthak de Carryk, Huwe de Loghore, William de Valoyues, Johan de Morref, Johan de la Haye, Johan de Kuere, David de Wymes, Eichard Cuyot, William de Lasceles, Nicol de Soules, Andreu Fresel, Johan Mani- peny, Patrick de Pedglassy, David de . Melkedrum, del counte de Fyfe, Maucolum le Engleys del counte de Perth, Ace de Kynros, Alisaundre de Abirnithy, Alisaundre de He, Gilascope fiz Eouland, del counte de Perth, Margarete de Eameseye, Thomas de Harecarres, del counte de Berewyk, Johan de Lindeseye, Thomas de Soules, del counte de Eokesburk, Wautier Comyn del counte de Pebbles, Gilbert Maccoignache del counte de Dunfres, William Maculaghe del counte de Wygetone, Maucolum ' comte de Levenaux,' David de Berkele, Edmund de Hastinges, del counte de Fyfe, Eobert Cambron of Balnely, David de Breghyn and Alisaundre de Lambretone, del counte de Forfare, Johan Wyscarde, Alisaundre de AUerdashe, Humfrey de Middeltone, Eobert le Fauconer, Michael le Flemyng, Eobert de Trembleye, Johan de Thorntone, del counte de Kincardyn en Miernes, William de Melkedrom, James de Mar and James de Maleville, del counte de Aberdene, Eymer Comyn del counte de Banf, William de Eothenethe, William Wisman, del counte de Elgyn, Johan Prat, Gilbert de Glymcarny, Eouland fiz Aleyn VOL. II. 210 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [RAGMA.N Roll — contimied.] Edward I. MacRotherik, del counte de Innernys, and Gervays Rathe del counts de Innerauryn, saluz, &c., ut supra, [m. <5i.] 1296. August 28. Berwick-on-Twecd : — Richard de Boyvile del counte de Are, William de Kyngorne persone del eglise de Kyltierne, del counte de Tnthernesse, Johan de Aroz, Patrick de Bardonan, Morice Macsalny, del counte de Dunfres, Andreu del Ker del counte de Strivelyn, Laurence de Wedale, Nicol le Chapeleyn warden oH the ' Meson Dieu' of Roxburgh, Adam de Softlawe del counte de Roks- burk, Aylmer de Softlawe persone del eglise de Douglas, Robert de Jeddeworthe ' persone del eglise de Kermyghkel,' del counte de Lanark, Gregorie de Malevile, Henry de Smithetone, Robert de Walughtone persone of the chapel of Walughton, del counte de Edneburk, Margarete widow of Pieres de Lundy del counte de Fyfe, Nicol de Pynkertone del counte de Hadingtone, Johan de Hay tone del counte de Dumfres, Thomas de Hynkerstane, Johan Prendegest, William de Over Eytone, Rauf le Messager, Aleyn de Langetone, Robert de Dunbar, Stevene Eyr of Eytone, Jone widow of Randulf Wiscard, and Robert de Houedene, del counte de Berewyk, saluz, &c., 7/i supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Humfrey de Boys knight, Rogier de Kirkepatrik knight, Huwe Mauleurer, Gilbert de Jonestone, Huwe de Orre, Cuthbert Makelemwyn, Gilbert Makeuaght, John de Bundeby, Fergus le Mareschal, Rouland le Mareschal, Morice de Estubbille, Gilbert de Sutheyk, Gilbert de Carlele, Wauter le fiz Wauter de Gummestone, Thomas de Coleville, Adam Colwen, Thomas de Sutheyk, Michel de Cardelnesse, Duncan fiz Andreu, Dougal fiz Gothrik, Aleyn de Roffa, Robert de Drusquem, William de Heriz, del counte de Dunfres, and Johan Bard, Nicol Bard, William fiz Roger de Strathavenyn, Adam de Ardwykestone, Huwe Croket of Kames- lank, Fergus del Shawe, del counte de Lanark, saluz, &c., ^U supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Michel de Mohaut knight, Ewyn fiz Duncan, William de Mongale, Johan Manuel, Anegos de Aghen- ros, Robert de Redbeghe, Johan de Luvetot, Robert fiz Rauf ' persone del eglise de Seint Cuthbert de Ewytesdale,' Nicol de Camp ' vicaire del eglise de Grenlawe,' Johan de Conevethe ' persone del eglise de Alnecrom,' ' Mestre Walram persone del eglise de Yetham,' Robert de Done 'persone del eglise de Wiltone,' Huwe Urry, Thomas Daberdalgyn, Renaud de Crauford, Johan fiz Johan de Langemor, del counte de Are, Pieres de Montfort, Henry Galighly of Aberdene, Johan de Greyly knight, Wauter Byset, Mauclom de On're, del counte de Abirdene, William de Knokyntynnoue, William fiz Stevene de Arde, del counte de Innernesse, Henry de Prestone, Gilbert le Messager, Michel le Mes- sager, Edward vicaire del eglise de Weddale, Peres de Graham, Richard persone del eglise de Ratheu, del counte de Edneburk, Thomas de Blanerne, Aleyn le Ferur of Kellawe, William Wytherhird, Johan le RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 211 [Ragman Roll — continued.l Edward I. Greyve, Nicol de Lychardeswode chapeleyn, warden of the hospital of Lychardeswode, del counte de Berewyk, Alewyn de Calantir (Kalen- 1296. tyn) del counte de Strivelyn, William Brun of Gamelscheles, Alisaundre fiz William Estreville, William vicaire del eglise de Dunmanyn, Nicol vicaire del eglise de Lessewade, Michel de Ender- kelyn, Mariorie de Sydeserfe, Mariorie de Ricardestone, Robert de Faudene, del counte de Edneburgh, Andreu de Rat knight del counte de Innernay, Maucolum 'frere Alisaundre de Ergayl,' Andreu de Rammeseye, del counte de Ergayl, Stevene le Riche, Johan de Kynemore, del counte de Strivelyn, Thomas de Balnehard del counte de Linliscu, David Muschet del counte de Anegos, Robert de Ravenes- grape, Thomas de Fougheltone, Johan le Mareschal, del counte de Lanark, Thurbrandus de Logan, Johan de Kerdernesse, del counte de Dunfres, Wauter de Merlegh, Johan Corbet, Alisaundre Furbur, Henry del Ferye, Mestre Edmund de Ledham, del counte de Rokesburk, and Johan le fiz Adam de Estnesbyt, saluz, &c., td supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Sir Herbert de Makeswelle, Sir Richard Freser, del counte de Dunfres, Dougal Gotherykessone, Michel Maculagh, del counte de Wygetone, Mestre William de Kynghorn ' persone de Lystone del counte de Linliscu,' Sire William de Mohaut, Sire Wauter de Scherwyntlawe, James de Lindeseye, Sire Alisaundre de Lindeseye, del couute de Rokesburk, Sire Johan de Seint Michel, William de Maleville 'seignor' of Retrevyn, del counte de Rokesburk, Aleyn de Morref del counte de Foreys, Sire Dovenal Cambel del counte de Dunbretan, Laurence de Craumound del counte de Forfare, Sire Michel de Wymes del counte de Fife, Aleyn de Colilawe, Wauter de Lindeseye, del counte de Berewyk, Sire Wauter de Lindeseye, Sire William de Rothevan, Sire Archebaud de Levingstone, Johan de Montfort, Sire William de Rammeseye, Alisaundre de Setone vallet, William de Pilmor, Patrick de Haltone, William de Gourley, del counte de Edneburk, Roger de Mortimer, Johan Curryk, William de Cluny, Henry de la Despense, Johan de Contegarvy, Thomas de Cattone, Adam de Stywardestone, del counte de Perth, Sire Nicol de Graham del counte de Linlescu, and Johan de Baddeby del counte de Pebbles, saluz, &c., ut svpra. [m. 32.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed .-—Johan Pollok, Johan de Derling- tone persone del eglise de Dunlopy, James de Viccie persone del eglise de Edevyn, Mestre Nicol de Mertone persone del eglise de Kynathes, Mestre Johan 'archdeacon of Brechin,' del counte de Forfar, Robert de Montfort del couute de Kyncardyn en Miernes, Andreu persone del eglise de Filorthe, Wautier master of the hospital of Kincardine on Neel, Master William of Dundee persone del eglise de Alnith, Ferghar canon of Aberdeen, del counte de Abirdene, Johan de Aber- kerthe, William of Kirkuthbright master of the hospital of Turrithe, del counte de Banf, Anegos de Rothenek, Wauter Herok dean of 212 CALENDAE OF DOCUME^^TS [Ragman Roll — continued.] EnwARD T. Moray, Austyu vicaire del eglise de Boterethyn, Master Henry of Banf chancellor of Moray, del counte de Elgyn, Marie queen of Man, 1296. Master Hervy dean of Dunkeld, Duncan de Eammeseye persone del eglise de Loghore, Nicol de la Haye persone del eglise de Crol, Thomas de Prestone canon of Dunkeld, Master William Tylliol canon of same church, Wauter de Kergille, Henry de Lematone persone del eglise de Douns, Adam Bernard of Hiltone, del counte de Perth, Johan Rymour, Agnes de Twysel, Anneys la Gynnere, Rauf master of the hospital of Laweder, Dovenal vicaire of Dunkeld, Rauf de Houedene persone del eglise de Whitousne, David persone del eglise de Hiltone, Thomas persone del eglise de Hotone, Thomas de Hunsingoure persone del eglise de Aldhamstoke, Adam Lamb persone del eglise de Foulisworthe, Connel persone del eglise de Camboslanc, Johan de liaddeby, del counte de Berewyk, Morice Lovel persone of the church of Little Cavers (Petyt Cares), Johan de Corvveth persone del eglise de Alnecrom, Phelippe Bruyn, del counte de Rokesburk, James de Crake del counte de Selkirk, Michel of Dundee persone of the church of Stobo (Stubbehoke), Friar Thomas master of the house of the Holy Rood of Pebbles, Master Richard de Bouldone persone of the church of Edilstone, Tliomas Lillok, del counte de Pebbles, Thomas de Dalielle, Huwe de Chastel Bernard persone del eglise de Colbanstone, Master William de Lambreton chancellor of the church of Glasgow, David de Morref persone del eglise de Botheville, Renaud vicaire del eglise de Daliel, Johan Silvestre persone of Dolfinstone, Aleyn vicaire of Glasgow, Master Peres de Tillol persone of Cultre, Robert de Lambretone, vicar of Wallestone, del counte de Lanark, Wauter persone del eglise de Mortone and master of Caldestreme, Pieres de Jarum persone of Killos, Johan vicar of Urres, Wauter de Dernyngtone persone of Partone, Master William de Goseford persone of Castlemilke, Robert de Carsan persone of the moiety of the church of Kircandres, del counte de Dunfres, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Johan de Lindeseye, Robert de Couingham, Thomas Petykreu, Johan de Stevenestone, Adam de Modervale, Osbern de Clivelond, Johan de Coteford, Aleyn fiz Roger de Glasfrithe, William fiz Nicol de Stragryfe, Peres de Carnewedry, Wauter fiz Gilbert de Hamcldone, Peres de Pollok, Henry de Wanewyke, Johan de Wincestre, David de Cressewelle, William Cutte of Strathawan, Johan Brun of Kilbride, Wauter de Stratliavvan, Henry de Wincestre, Stevene de Cormanoughe, Richard le Engleys, Robert de Burghe, David fiz Canan de Carduf, William le Porter, Henry de Foultone, Huwe de Bigge, AJisaundre de Belgaven, Robert Cruk of Fiiigaldestone, Johan Hunter ' de la foreste de Passelay,' Baldewyn de Edmerstone, David Sibbald of Augansouthe, Johan de Anesleye of Crucfut, William fiz Peres de EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 213 [Eagman Eoll — cooitinued.] Edward I. Strathafayn, Adam de Dowan, Eobert de Cribbes, Symon de la Souche, William de Coughran, Peres fiz Gerard de Stragrife,. Huwe 1296. le Hunter of Stragrife, Eicliard le Hunter of Stragrife, Alisaundre de Fowarde, Thomas le Breuester of the forest of Passeley, Eobert le Machun of Strathavan, Philippe de Perthay, Symon de la More of Thangarstone, Thomas le W bright of the Blakehalle, Symon de Aynestone, Adam fiz Matheu of Eugan, Mcol de Benauty, Erchebaud de Harpenfeld, Gilbert fiz Gregoire de Cronrotheryk, Gotherik fiz Matheu de Cronrotheryk, William Knightes sone of Eglesham, Johan del Cragge, Johan Pefcyt del Miernes, Frere William priour de Blauntyr, William de Maghan, Patrick de Maghan, Edmund de Colbenstone, Isabele de Calrewode, Alisaundre Scot of Perthayk, Eouland de Cromkam, Eichard Lawsone of Bigre (Byker), Gilbert de Leppeme, Huwe de Grenhok, Thomas de Clenel, Eogier le Orfeure of Berwick, Adam de Douan, Eichard de Horsleye, William Hardy, William de Elgerik, Gille Homedy, Eogier de Merleye, Patrick de Comenok, Patrick fiz Johan de Boys, Patrick fiz Johan Neivin, William fiz Gode de Seinte fey, Aleyn de Cadiou, Eoger de Glasford, Cristiane Seuelaund of Cadiou, del counte de Lanark, saluz, &c., ut supra, [m. 33.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — Eauf de Lasceles, Adam de Glogge- stone, Huwe de Neutone, Austyn de Morref, Adam de Gibelotestone, Aline de Veepount, Adam de Kirketone, Eichard de Passmander- hulle, del counte de Edueburk, Henry persone del eglise de Monimel del counte de Fyfe, Druwet de Kilbryde del counte de Are, William de Sulby del counte de Lanark, Alianore prioress of Lencludan del counte de Dunfres, Maucolum Wyet del counte de Anegos, Alisaundre de Harcars del counte de Fyfe, Aleyn Fraunceys, Henry Braceor of Jeddeworthe, del counte de Eokeburk, William persone del eglise de Aldham, del counte de Edneburk, Phelippe de Lyntone del counte de Berewyk, David de Betone knight del counte de Forfare, Eustace de Bykretone del counte de Fyfe, Alisaundre persone del eglise de Logy del counte de Forfare, Morice de Ughterardoghe del counte de Ughterardoure, Johan de Sharpestone, Alisaundre de la Garderobe and Alisaundre de Creightone, del counte de Edueburk, Patrick fiz Johan ISTevyn del counte de Lanark, Saer de Dundas and Gervays de Langhild del counte de Linliscu, saluz, &c., iit supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Adam the parson of the church of Eoxburgh castle, Thomas le pestour of Eoxburgh, Thomas Dirland, Maut de Mounceaus, del counte de Eokesburk, Master Mcol de Balmyl parson of Calder Comitis, Johan de Lany del counte de Edneburk, Mariorie prioress of Halistane del counte de Berewyk, William le Parker parson of Killum, Anable widow of Patrick de Graham, Muriele de Inchebeky, del counte de Perth, Eliz de Spot del counte 214 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS [Kagman Roll — continued.] Edward I. de Edneburk, Thomas de Bartone, Johan de Crauuford, del counte de Are, Eufemme widow of William de Hornedene, '\Villiam de 1296. Westone, Joban de Mundeville parson of Moffet, William de Strivelyn, Nicol de Swafham parson of Great Daltone, William de Buskeby del counte de Wyggetone, Andreu fiz Godefrey de Ros del counte de Are, Joban de Setone del counte de Dunfres, Margarete widow of William de Abirnytbyn, Adam fiz Henry de Totberygges, del counte de Berewyk, Johan de Seint Michel del counte de Rokeburk, Joban de Haytou warden of the hospital of St Leonard of Torrens, Rogier de Jar ', del counte de Lanark, William de Hamstede del counte de Elgyn, Wautier de Lagenheuede del counte de Abirdene, William Tornal warden of the hospital of St Cuthbert of Balnecryfe del counte de Edneburk, saluz, &c., id supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Richard Eraser knight, del counte de Strivelyn, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Wautier de Keringtone parson of the church of Dunnotre del counte de Kyncardyn en Miernes, and William de Rouley del counte de Rokeburk, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Friar Huwe minister of the order of the Trinity of Aberdeen, del counte de Abirdene, Marie widow of Huwe de Erthe del counte de Strivelyn, Roese de Chilham and Gilbert de Hanguydeschawe, del counte de Rokesburgh, saluz, &c., ut supra. [??i. 5^.] August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Duncan Bretnaghe and Richard de Kynnard del counte de Fyfe, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tw^eed : — Robert de Paxtone, Henry le fiz Thomas de Prendegest, del counte de Berewyke, Rogier de Foderingeye vicaire del eglise de Kilmor del counte de Ros, William le fiz William de Federed del counte de Elgyn en Morref, and Anneys widow of Henry Lovel del counte de Rokeburge, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed : — Richard de Horsleye del counte de Lanark, saluz, &c., ut supra. August 28. Berwick-on-Tweed: — Anneys de Bonkhille del counte de Berewyke, saluz, &c., ut supra. The attestation by Andrew son of the late William de Tang, clerk of the diocese of York and apostolic notary, certifies, that he was present during the execution of the several instruments of homage and fealty, duly executed by the varions persons and communities named, to which their several seals are appended, and has recorded them ' de verbo in verbum ' with his own hand on these thirty-five jjieces of parchment sewn together, and after collating them carefully with Sir Robert de Osbaldewyk chap- lain, and Thomas de Welleburne clerk, has made certain specified corrections, and verified the whole both at the * sutures ' and at the end by his accustomed notarial sign. [ni. 35.] [Tower Mis. cellaneous Rolls, No. 89.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 215 Edward L Written in a large text hand and in very fine condition, with the excep- tion of the first two membranes, which are frayed and defaced at one side. -.nnc Each homage begins with an elegant capital letter. There are two other copies ; one. No. 88, is understood to be that from which Prynne made his extracts ; the other, No. 90, originally consisting of 41 membranes, accord- ing to the notarial certificate (though one has been since lost), has been the most ornamented, and possibly the principal. It has been, however, more damaged than the other two. All are in the same handwriting. Aug. 25-28. 824. [Inquisitions on the succession to .Elena la Zousche in Scotland, under six writs, directed to the sheriffs of Fife, Dumfries, Ayr, Wigton, Berwick-on-Tweed, and Edinburgh, dated Haddington, 20th August 1296.] 1. Inquisition at Berwick(?), on Saturday next after St Bar- tholomew's day, 24th year, before Sir Walter de Twynham (Tuinam), keeper of the sheriffdom of Wigton, by Sir John de Geuil- histon. Sir Thomas de Thorthorald, Sir Henry de Mundewyl, Thomas M'=Culach, Michael his brother, Ealph de Campania, Eoland Askeloche, Hector his son, William de Polmaloche, Elyas de Lehakis(?), Gilbert Hannay (Hahanith), Dugall son of Gotrich, and Fergus M'^Duhile ; who find on oath that Lady Elena la Zuche, held in capite of the K. the third part of the vill of Mauhinton, in the county of Wigton, by service due in the county of Dumfries. It was worth to her 27 marks yearly. Alan la Zuche is her next heir, and 24 years of age and more. . [No seals.] 2. Inquisition at Berwick, on Saturday next after St Bartholo- mew's day, the 24th year, before Sir Ebert de Spaldinton warden and sheriff of Berwick, by Umfridus de Gardino (Jardine), Bernard de Kethe, John de Parco, William de Abernethy, Peter de Prendyrgest, John de Paxiston, William de Drumsyrgarde, knights ; Master Thomas de Bonkyl, John de Stoteylliugton, John de St Clair, Kobert Mus- canys, Hugh Gray, Alan de Trebrun, and Alan de Cohlan ; who find that Lady Elena la Zuche held i7i capite in the sheriffdom of Berwick, the third part of the moiety of the vill and vaUey of Lauder (Lowedyr), by a knight's service. It was worth to her IIZ. 13s. S^cZ., 5 Ihs. wax, and ^rd of 1 lb. pepper yearly. Alan la Zuche is next heir and 24 years of age and more. [No seals.] 3. Inquisition at Berwick, on Sunday next after St Bartholomew's day, in the 24th year, before Hugh de Louther sherifif of Edinburgh, by Henry de Ormiston, Nicholas de Preston, William sou of Geoffry de Boylton, John Scot, Henry Ferur of Travirnent (Tranent), Waldene de Nortberwic, William de Harlau, David de Pencatland, Gilbert de Drem', William de Sytserf, Thomas de Straton, and Jurdan de Aldamston, jurors ; who find that Lady Elena de la Zuche held in capite in the bailliary of the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, a chief messuage and three carucates of land in the vill of Travirnent, worth yearly 19/. 14s. lOd ; in the colliery there of fixed rent 46s. M. ; and in the mill, 33s. U. ; in the land of Fauside, lis. Id. She held in 216 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. the lordship of Nudreff (Niddry) in capite, 3 carucates with 14/. 16s. 5(7. yearly; and in the tenement of Caldor — Cler, 2 carucates, 1296. worth 61. 13s. 4f?. yearly. Her heir is Sir Alan de la Suche son of Sir Aug. 25-28. Eoger de la Suche, who is 24 years of age and more. They append their seals. [Seals lost.] 4. Inquisition at Berwick on Sunday next after St Bartholomew's day in the 24th year, before Robert de Joneby sheriff of Dumfries, by Sir John de Geueliston, Sir Dovenald fitz Cane, knights ; Gilbert de Suthayk, Ralph de Campania, Adam de Colwenne, Walter son of Richard de Twynham, Thomas de Erbygland, Cudbert MacGilguyn, Patrick M'^Gilbochyn', John de Bondeby, Michael de Kirkedale, and John de Maynreht ; who find on oath that Lady Elena la Zuche held m capite in the sheriffdom of Dumfries, the third part of the vill of Girtun, and of the vill of Sa'nayk'(?), worth 34Z. yearly ; the 6th part of Treuqer and Drumflet, worth 41. Also in the vill of Keltun, a mark land and 1 lb. of wax in all issues. Alan la Zuche is her next heir and 24 years of age and more. She owes 1| knight's service and Jrd of | a knight. [No seals.] 5. Inquisition at Berwick on Monday next after St Bartholomew's day, anno xxiiii., by Robert de Maleville, Thomas Keyr, John de Ramessey, Thomas Sibalde, William de Kindelow (Kinloch?), Adam de Rameshey, Malcolm de Rameshey, Rotheri de Admulti, William de Haberchrumbi (Abercromby), Adam de Valoinnes, Heary de Tarvet, Malcolm de Huctermocdi (Auchtermuchty), Robert de Horock (Orrock) ; who find on oath that Elena la Suchis, died seised ia demesne in the county of Fife of the third part of the lands of Disarde and Strathon(?), worth yearly 71. Qs. 8d. She held in capite. Also the free service of Roger de Schazaury, and the third of | a mark of his fixed rent. Alan la Zuches is her next heir and 24 years of age. He has done homage to the K. for the above and his other lands in Scotland. Oliver la Zuche does the third of a knight's service for the same and for the land of Leuchars (Lokeris). [No seals.] 6. Inquisition at Berwick, on Tuesday next after St Bartho- lomew's day in the 24th year, before Reginald sheriff of Ayr, by ' Syre ' Bernard de Keht knight, Huch de Blare, Rauf de Eglynton, Robert de Petecon, Adam de Horn, Rauf Fayrheych, Robert de Boyvil, Adam de la More, Wylliam Ker, Walter de Lyn, WiHiarn de la More, Nel de Duulopp ; who find on oath that Lady Elena la Zuche held in chief in Conygham in the county of Ayr, the third of the moiety of Irwyn, by the third of a knight's service, worth 61. 10s. 4^(1. and 2s. 2^d. Sir Alan la Zuche is next heir and 24 years of age. The sheriff and jurors append their seals. [Inq. p. m. ^4- ^d'^- I- ^o- ^<^-] Seals lost. Two other inquisitions follow of her English lands. Aug. 28. 825. Alexander earl of Menteith, and Alexander de Abernethy, Stevenson, u. 82. acknowledge a debt to Henry de Percy of 100 marks, payable in KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 217 Edwaed I. moieties at Martinmas and Pentecost next, with' power to levy on their lands in Menteith and elsewhere. Berwick-on-Tweed. 1296. The Abbot of Paisley acknowledges a debt of 40 marks to the Master of the order of Sempyngham, whereof he will pay 10 marks on Thursday next after the Decollation of St John Baptist [30th Aug.] and 30 at Michaelmas, with power to levy on his lands in Lanark and elsewhere. Berwick-on-Tweed. jf He paid 10 as the prior of Mai ton of said order acknow- ledges. [Close, 24- Ediu. I. m. 7, dorso.'] Aug. 29. 826. Agreement on Wednesday the Decollation of St John Baptist, 24th year, at Berwick-on-Tweed, between Cristiana widow of Eobert de Brus lord of Annandale, plaintiff, and Eobert de Brus his son and heir, defendant, as to dower both in England and Scotland. Eobert grants her dower from the freehold of his father in the valleys of Annan and Moffet as in John late K. of Scotland's time ; also in the manor of Hert as she was dowered by the Bishop of Durham. He also grants her the manors of Great Baddow in Essex, and Kemston in Bedford for her life. For which she remits her dower in all the late Eobert's lands in England and Scotland, saving her action against John Eitz Marmaduc for her dower in the manor of Straunton in Herterness. She also grants to Eobert her dower in the rents of the burghs of Annan and Lochmaben, and profits of the loch of Goldmar, for a reasonable exchange in the vills of Eeynpatric and Gretenhou to be assigned to her. She reserves all her dower from her first husband Adam de Jessemuth's land in Great Dalton, but grants to Eobert the presentation hdc vice to the church of Dalton. They append their seals. [Close, 'BJf, Edw. I. m. 7, dorsoi] 827. William de Murray of Tullibardine (Tunybard) owes John de Segrave 20/. to be paid on the quinzaine of Martinmas with power to levy on his lands in Perth. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Close, 'Elf. Edw. I. m. 7, dorso.'] 828. The K. commands his escheator ultra Trent, to deliver to Cristiana widow of Eobert de Brus of Annandale, the manors of Great Baddow in Essex, and Kemston in Bedford, assigned to her as dower in presence and with assent of Eobert de Brus his son and heir. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Close, ^4- Edw. I. m. 4-] [1296, 829. Notarial instrument [or draft of one] reciting the decision Aug.] in favour of John de Balliol — the appeals by his subjects to the Lord paigrave, Paramount — his alliance with France — his invasion of the northern pp. 141, 151. counties — and ' Herodian ' cruelties perpetrated on pregnant women and infants — his burning 200 ' little clerks ' in the schools at Cor- bridge — his defeat — resignation of his crown, and homage and sub- mission of himself and his subjects to the K., and appointment by the latter of a Governor of Scotland. Aug. 30. Aug. 31. 218 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. A Draft of a notary's docquet, and some memoranda are appended. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 76.] 1296. The (iocuinent consLsts of 3 membranes sewn togetlier at the head. [End of 830. ]\Iainprise by Patrick de Dunbar earl of March, Gilbert de Aug.] Umfraville earl of Angus, and others, that Gilbert de Umfraville Stevenson, ii. SI. gQjj of the earl of Angus, shall come in the K.'s will for his contempt in striking Hugh de Louther the K.'s servant in the Parliament at Berwick. [Close, 2If. Edw. I. m. 4-] Sept. 1. 831. Eecognizance by Thomas bishop of Whitherne, to John de Graham citizen of York for 66 marks 10s. to be paid at Michaelmas, with power to levy on his lands and chattels in Dumfries. Berwick- on-Tweed. Similar by the said bishop to Copin le Fleming of York for 8^., one half at Michaelmas, the other on the Assumption of the Virgin. Berwick-on-Tweed. [Close, 24- Edvj. I. m. 6, dorso.] [1296.] 832. Writ to the sheriff of Fife to restore his lands to Peter de Sept. 3. Impetrany of Innerkethene. Berwick-on-Tweed. Stevenson, ii. s9. Similar writs for the following persons : — For John de la Haye, to the sheriff of Berwick ; for Richard Ovyot, to those of Lanark and Edinburgh ; for William de Melgedrom, to the sheriff of Aberdeen ; for William Servatur, to the sheriff of Stirling; for Makerathe Molgan, to the sheriff of Dumfries ; for John le Buteler of Cramond, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Richard Ernaghe, to the sheriff of Aberdeen; for Richard Scot, to the sheriff of Selkirk; for "Philip de Dryden, to the sheriff of Forfar; for Richard Forshard, to the sheriff of Roxburgh; for John de Kynemore, to the sheriff of Stirling; for Alan of the Wardrobe, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Alexander le Sauser, to the sheriff of Fife ; for Henry de Gardino, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Walter son of Roger de Oddestone, to the sheriff of Lanark ; for Thomas de Purdevyn, to the sheriff of Stirling; for Walter de Sherewyndelawe and Alan le Fraunceys, to the sheriff of Roxburgh ; for Peter le Gierke of Nortone, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for John de Baddeby, to the sheriff of Berwick ; for Jordan del Orchard, to the sheriff of Linlithgow ; for James de Melville, to the sheriff of Aberdeen ; for Martin del Candel and William le Bretoun, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Ralf de Keloure, to the sheriff' of Forfar ; for John le Kynpunte, to the sheriff of Linlithgow ; for William de Gobynskeghe, to the sheriff of Ayr; for John de St Clair, to the sheriff of Berwick ; for John le Bluud of Esseby, to the sheriff of Edinburgh; for Alan de Culilawe, to the sheriff of Berwick; for Adam le Muchid(?) of Inrekethyn, to the sheriff of Fife; for Richard de Alnecrum and Stephen le Marchal, to the sheriff of Roxburgh ; for Walter de Drylawe and Master William de Cramund, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Adam Makepoffel, to the sheriff of Rox- burgh ; for Henry Galitlieby, to the sheriff of Aberdeen : for RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 219 Edward I. Michael le Lardiaer, to the sheriff of Linlithgow ; for Patrick of Pedglasy, to the sheriff of Fife ; for John Wysharde knight, to the 1296. sheriff of Stirling; for Simon Spendelove and Walter del Bate, to the sheriff of Lanark ; for Adam de Inverpeffer, to the sheriff of Forfar; for Thomas de Cardies(?), to the sheriff of Peebles; for Thomas de Bartone, to the sheriff of Ayr ; for Gilbert de Hildeclyve, to the sheriff of Linlithgow; for Thomas de Kirkconnell, Walter de Twynham, and Walter Durand(?), to the sheriff of Dumfries; for Thomas le Wer, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Reginald le Lumbard(?), to the sheriff of Roxburgh ; for William Polmadoc, to the sheriff of Dumfries ; for Adam de Lyntone, to the sheriff of Stirling; for Heury Scot of Edinburgh, and Nicholas le Sirjaunt, to the sheriff of Edinburgh ; for Eufemia widow of William of Horndene, to the sheriff of Dumfries ; for Geoffry son of Walter, to the sheriff of Roxburgh. [^Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-74-] Much, defaced aud faded. Many of the names vary from previous read- ings, and some are very doubtful. 1296. 833. The sheriff of Stirling is commanded to give the Master of the Sept. 3. house of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem of Torphichen, three oaks fit for timber in the forest of Kilroy(?). Berwick-on-Tweed. [Close, 2If. Edw. I. m. 4-] Sept. 8. 834. The K. to the sheriff of Cumberland. As John de Geuelestone lately gave to his son Dunegall, the custody of lands in Hoton-Johu, which were William de Hoton's, deceased, till the heir's majority, and he was in peaceful possession till the late mandate as to Scotsmen's lands in England, the K. at Master John de Caen's request, com- mands these to be restored to Dunegall. Berwick-ou-Tweed. [Close, 24. Edw. I. m. 4-] Sept. 16. 835. Indenture as to the early Rolls of the Scottish Exchequer Ayioffe's Galen- found in the castlc of Edinburgh, which were delivered to Sir Hugh dars,p. 337. ^g Cressingham treasurer of Scotland, at Berwick-on-Tweed on 16th No. viii. September, in the 24th year. [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea, Placita., Rentals, &c., No. ^.] Original in form of indenture, size 8 + 6 J inches, much decayed. Sept. 21. 836. Friar William subprior of Jedburgh, and the convent, to the K. They send to him friars Peter Gernon and William de Corbridge their fellow canons, to present friar William de Jar[um] who has been unanimously elected abbot in Chapter, for his assent to the election. Done in their Chapter at Jedburgh, on Friday the F. of St Matthew^ apostle, a° gr^ 1296. [Royal Letters, No. 1251.] Sept. 21. 837. Friar William subprior of the monastery of the B. Mary of Jedburgh and the convent, to the K. Friar John Morel their late abbot having resigned, they had by the K.'s licence, unanimously elected friar William de Jar[um] the prior of their house, a maa in every way fitted, as abbot and pastor, and present him to the K. for 220 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. confirmation of his election. Done in their Chapter on Friday the F. of St Matthew apostle, a° (jr\ 1296. [Royal Letters, No. 1252.] 1296. 838. The K. commands the sheriff of Cumberland to restore her Sept. 25. heritage to Cristiana widow of David de Torthorald, notwithstanding the recent mandate as to Scotsmen's lands in England. Alnwick. Similar writ to the sheriff of Westmorland to restore her dower from the lands of William de Kyrketon her first husband. [Close, 24 Edw. I. m. 3.] 1295-6. 839. [Protections and pardons, &c.] Dec. 17- Dec. 7. Protections for the Bishop of Durham and John de Sept. 30. Warenne earl of Surrey. Protection till Candlemas next for Maria wife of Richard Siward, about to join her husband in Scotland, and her retinue. West- minster, [m. 24-] January 23. For the Abbot and prior of Arbroath (Aberbroyot) returning to Scotland from their late mission to the K. on behalf of the K. of Scotland. Thetford. [m. 18.] March 8. For Alexander de Norham chaplain serving the chapel of the Blessed Mary of Bonyngton and celebrating masses there for the soul of Alexander late K. of Scotland. Burneton. [m. 16.] July 9. Pardon at the instance of Gilbert de Umfraville for Geoffry del Wende of Dundee for the death of Ealph Chepman. IMontrose. [m. 14-] July 20. Protection for 15 days for 300 Welshmen of the Earl of Hereford and Essex, and 20 of William de Breouse's and Bryol Turberville their constable, who have served in Scotland and are returning to their own country. Aberdeen. August 28. Protection till Michaelmas next and a year after for John earl of Caithness. Berwick-on-Tweed. [ni. 10.] September 1. Friar Brian le Jay master of the soldiery of the Temple in England, has leave to appoint Friar John de Sautre and Eobert de Sautre his attorneys in Scotland for a year from Michael- mas. Berwick-on-Tweed. [m. 8.] September 8. Protection in Scotland for Archibald bishop of Moray for two years. Berwick-on-Tweed. September 6. Walter de Agmondesham clerk, presented to the church of Kynros, St. Andrews' diocese. Berwick-on-Tweed. [m. 7.] September 16. Andrew Eraser, about to transfer himself ultra Trent and there remain at the K.'s will, has protection in Scotland for a year. Berwick-on-Tweed. October 1. John Comyn earl of Buchan, staying by the K.'s order in England, appoints Nicholas de la Haye and David de Betun attorneys in Scotland. Morpeth. September 12. For John Comyn of Badenagh, who has transferred himself, his wife and family to England by the K.'s command, till All Saints next. Berwick-on-Tweed. [)n. 6.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 221 Edward I. September 14. For friars William de Jarum, Peter Gernoun, and John de Tytlynton, canons of Jeddeworthe, reporting to the K. the 1295-96. retirement of friar J. late abbot thereof, a ' conge d'elire.' Berwick- on-Tweed. September 16. Andrew Eraser, with his wife and family, has letters similar to those of John Comyn ut supra. Berwick-on-Tweed. September 24. John de "Warenne earl of Surrey, Guardian of Scot- land, to invest Friar William de Jarum late prior, now Abbot elect of Jeddeworthe, with his temporalities, on taking his oath of fealty. Alnwick, [m. 5.] September 30. Adam de Tornergeyth, has a presentation to the church of Egglesmauhy, St Andrews' diocese. Morpeth, [m. J/..'] [Patent, 24 Edw. /.] 1296. 840. Jewels found in Edinburgh Castle. [Sept., [Extracts.'] end of.] In a coffer with a cross ^ are the under written : — First, a fair forcer, wherein are these : — A shrine with arms, broken ; a gilt morse ; a tin cross ; a shrine with griffons ; two cloths of arras ; an alb with the King of England's arms ; a stole and fanun ; a shrine with the King of Scotland's arms, covered with red sindone ; a gilt crook which was the Bishop of Eoss's ; a nut with foot and silver gilt cover, mounted ; a crystal cup with a gilt foot ; a cup all crystal, silver mounted ; three ivory horns ' harnesiata ' with silk and silver ; a ' bugle ' horn ; two little ' costelli de Tammari,' silver mounted ; a little silver gilt cup with a ' mazer ' foot ; a cup ' de Tammari ' with a silver foot ; a nut with silver gilt foot, broken ; a crystal cup with silver gilt foot, broken. In the coffer with L : — First, two ' costelli ' of crystal bound with silver ; a ' mazer ' with foot and cover of silver gilt mounted ; a cup of griffin's egg, entirely broken, silver mounted [scored out] ; a crystal cup with silver gilt foot ; a cup with cover of 'mugetto' and silver gilt foot; a 'picher de mugetto' silver gilt, mounted ; a mazer without a foot, of small value [cancelled] ; a silver boat, weight 9/. ; a pair of silver basons, weight, 6^, ; a pair of silver basons, weight 1175. &cl. [On margin opposite last two entries] ' intrantur in libro.' In the coffer with H : — A great silver gilt cup with foot and cover, weight 11 marks, 2s. 6c?.; [12 silver gilt and silver cups follow of various weights, 3 silver water pitchers, and a silver 'lavatorium ad aquam' — the first and all the others scored out, 'intrantur in libro' and ' restituantur postea in Gardroba ' on margin.] (Endorsed) 'Memorandum : — On 17th September in the 24th year, all the within written jewels were sent from Berwick to London, by the hands of John the ' Candelar ' in three coffers marked as within. And a great coffer and two small coffers with divers writings and 222 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. memoranda found in the castle of Edinburgh, and a coffer with relics found there; and 19 horns ' de bucle ' and a griffon's horn, 1296. delivered in the Wardrobe by Sir Eobert Giffard and Sir Hugh de Eobury, found in a certain priory near Forfare ; and a ' fardel ' with divers things of the Bishop of St Andrews', delivered in the Wardrobe by Sir J. de Swineburne knight, keeper of said bishopric, in the beginning of September ; and a great silver alms dish. All these the said John delivered to Sir John de Drokenford, who deposited them in the Wardrobe at Westminster.' [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea, Wardrobe, No. |§.] On a long narrow membrane. Michaelmas 841. Compotus of Michael de Hartcla sheriff of Cumberland for Term. the issues of Scottishmen's lands from All Saints' day 1295 till Michaelmas 1296 : — He owes 76/, 5s. 4|fZ. He charges himself : — For the lands of William de Gardino of Lostwait at Martinmas 1296, 19s. lOf?. ; the farm of the third part of the hamlet of Camberton, 24s. 4,\d. ; for the farms of Gilbert de Carlyle's lands at la Dale and Teriby, 15s. 6^. ; those of Gilbert de Gletiwin's lands in Bramptone, (^s. \ those of Thomas de Morileye's lands in Broghtone and Alen- burgha, 14s. 4d ; the manor of Adam de Swynburne in Bothecastre, 4/. lis. Id. ; the lauds of Gilbert de Sothehack in Skelton, 67s. 2\d. ; from Gilbert's lands in Kirkeandres, 23s. 4d ; the farms of Geoffrey de Moubray's manor of Boltone, 75s. 9| ^T- 1 -'■^'^- lOO-J Jul. 30- 940. Memorandum :— On 30th July in his 25th year the K. of Aug. 17. his special grace freed John earl of Athol from prison, on the main- VOL. II. Q 242 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edvvaed I. prise of Hugh de Mortimer lord of Castle Eichard in Salop, John ap Adam of Somerset, Guncelin de Badelesmere of Kent, and others, 1297. before Walter de Beauchamp seneschal of the Household; the earl undertaking to deliver his eldest son as a hostage, and to serve the K. beyond seas and elsewhere on pain of forfeiture. Similar for Eichard Siwarde on the mainprise of Anthony bishop of Durham [and others], and delivering his son John as a hostage. Similar by John Comyn son of Sir John Comyn lord of Badenagh, on the mainprise of the Bishop of Durham, Sir John his father, and Aymer de Valence, and delivering his son as a hostage. Similar for Alexander Comyn brother of Sir John Cumyn of Badenagh, Godfrey de Eos, David de Graham brother of Patrick de Graham, John de Glenurhard, Hugh de Erthe, David de Graham son of Patrick de Graham, and Eobert Comyn brother of Sir John Comyn of Badenagh, on the mainprise of John earl of Athol, Sir John Comyn of Badenagh, John de Inchemartin, John le Botiller, John Comyn of Budenagh junior, and Ealph de Esinge. Similar for John de Graunte, Laurence de Angus, Alexander Corbet, Ealph de Graunte, Brice Taillur, Alan de Lasceles, Herbert de Morham, Alexander fitz Glay, William Mareschal, and William de Eos, on the mainprise of John Comyn of Badenagh senior and David de Graham. On 9th August, at Braid (Brede), John Comyn of Kilbride on delivery from prison, swore touching the Evangels, to serve the K. in Prance under forfeiture of life and goods, and to procure a sufficient mainprise before the K. sailed. John de Inchemartin, freed on the Earl of Athol's mainprise to go to Scotland on the earl's affairs, swears touching the Evangels to join the K. in Prance as soon as possible, Odymere, 17th August: — Edmund de Hastinges of Suffolk becomes security that John de Dromman of Scotland shall serve the K. in Prance, and the constable of Wisbeach castle is written to to free him from prison. [Close, 25 Edw. I. m. 7, dorso.'\ Aug. 18. 941. The K. to John de Langetone the chancellor. Commands him to examine the rolls of Chancery of last year and issue letters patent for Brian fitz Alan as custodian of the realm of Scotland, similar to those of John de Warenne earl of Surrey, delivering them to the present bearer. Odymere. [Privy seals (Toiver), 25 Edw. I. File ^.] Aug. 22. 942. Letters patent by John earl of Athol, Alexander de Meygners, and John de Inchemartin, guaranteeing that Sir Laurence de Strath- bolgy. Sir Henry de Inchemartin, Sir William de Moray, Sir Edmond de Eamsay, Sir John de Camburnon, Sir William de la Haye, Sir Walter de Berkeleye, knights, Simon de Hiskendy, John de Irland, John de Strathbolgy, Eobert de Mountour, William Brou, David de Cambernon, Gregor Makenkerd, Walter Dalith, Thomas Dalith, KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 243 Edward I. Nichole Dirlowenan, Malis de Loggy, Walter de Buthergax, Eobert de Inchethor, John Buterwan, Michael Lescot, and Andrew de 1297. Strathgartney (Strugartenay) vallets, shall serve the K. in his army in France or elsewhere. Append their seals at Winchelsea 'le jouedy ' en le jour des utaus Nostre Dame la Virgine Ian de nostre seignur le ' Eoy avauntdit vintisme quint.' [Close, '25 Udiv. I. m. 8, doo^so.] [1297.] 943. Hugh de Cressingham to Sir John de Langeton the Aug. (?) chancellor. Begs a protection for his ' familiar vallet' Lewelin, who is in his company with horses and arms at Berwick. [No date.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Aug. 944. The King's pleasure is that the Scots prisoners delivered to go with him in his foreign war shall find good security without delay, and send to their friends in Scotland to give mainprise before the K.'s lieutenant. And let them write accordingly. Norman French. [No date.] [Eoyal Letters, No. 2508.] 1297. 945. The K. to John de Warenne earl of Surrey. As he under- Sept. 12. stands that the disturbance in Scotland is not yet pacified, commands him to remain till the country is settled. St Paul's, London. [Close, 25 Edw. 1. in. 5.] Sept. 24. 946. The K. to Eobert de Clifford. In consequence of some rumours which have reached his ears regarding the condition of Scotland, he has commanded John de Warenne earl o£ Surrey and Sussex on no account to leave these parts till they are settled ; and enjoins Eobert with horses and arms and his whole power, to join the earl in person and remain in his company for the safety of the country. Teste, Edward the K.'s son. St Paul's, London. Similar writs to Jordan Folyot, also to the sheriff of York and 13 northern barons [who had been summoned to London with their forces to join the Prince of Wales], to join the earl of Surrey in Scotland, instead, with all haste. [Close, 25 Edw. I. m. 5, doi^so.] Sept. 27. 947. John earl of Warenne to Sir John de Langetone the stevetisoTi, chancellor. Reports that he opened the writ to Sir Eeginald le Chen ''• 232. to receive the attorneys of Sir William le fiz Warin, which could not reach Sir Eeginald on account of the war. York. The K.'s writ to Eeginald le Chien is attached to the foregoing, dated Sevenhok (Sevenoaks), 5th August, 25th of his reign. [Toioer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 47^.] 948. Payments at Sandwich in September 25th year. [Extract^. Sept. Sir Edmund Comyn of Scotland has in his company a comrade, eight Scottish knights, and twenty-five esquires, who were in prison in England, and are paid for 12 days in September while staying as •w^ell as crossing the sea ; as they have nothing in hand to spend. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. i^V-] 244 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 949. The K. to his son Edward and his Council. As the Earl of Warenne and Hugh de Cressinghani have written that Sir .Tohn de Vaus 1297. has lately conducted himself well in his service in Scotland, and begged Oct. 5. to serve abroad, and has nat asked his lands back which are in the King's hands, he commands the Prince to do him the same grace as others. Ghent. [Privy Seals (Tower), So Echo. I. File 2.'] 1296-97. 950. [Fines for writs, homages, and lands taken, &c.] June 12- June 12. Essex: — The sheriff to seize the lands and goods of Oct. lo. William de Douglas and his wife. Lenham. [jn. 12.] Northumberland: — Similar as to Douglas's lands there. Lsnhani. July 30. Richard Siward delivered from the Tower to serve the Iv. beyond seas, on the mainprise of Anthony bishop of Durham and 5 others, delivering his son John as a hostage. Westminster. [m. 7.] September 21. Hugh de Cressinghani being reported dead, the escheator citra Trent is commanded to take his lands in the K.'s hand. St Paul's, London, [m. 5.] October 13. J[ohn] bishop of Carlisle appointed keeper of the castle and demesnes, anl Robert de Brus commanded to deliver them. Westminster, [m. 4.] [Fine, '25 Edvj. /.] 1297. 951. Extent made at Hendon [under writ dated St Paul's, London, Oct. 16. 18th September previous] on 16th October in the 25th year [by 12 jurors], regarding the late Hugh de Cressingham's lands. He held nothing of the K. He held some lauds in the vill of Hendon of Sir Richard le Rous, for service of 2 Is. yearly. The chief messuage is worth 2s. ; 240 arable acres in demesue are worth 20s. at '2d. an acre; 9 acres meadow at l%d., worth 13s. 6d. At Finchesleye, there are 27 arable acres held of divers lords for 2s. ^d. yearly, worth 6s. 9fZ. at 'id. an acre. Also 2 acres meadow worth 3s. M. As to his heir they know not, having heard for certain that said Hugh was a bastard. Append their seals [lost]. Total extent 45s. Id. ; deducting rents to divers lords, 23s. 10(/., there remain 21s. 9f?. [Inq. 'p. m., 25 Edw. I. No. 34.] Another inqiiisition attached regarding liis possessions in Suffolk' is greatly defaced and mutilated. Oct. 21. 952. The K. commands restoration of the lands both in England Stevenson, ii. f^ud Scotlaud of Siniou Eraser, Simon de Horsbrok, William Wychard. 230-231. r^^^ Geoffry Ridel, who are in liis service abroad. Ghent. A similar writ for Michael le Scot knight, Richard le Mar(ischal, Richard de Perisby, and Duncan le Scot. Ghent, 25th October. [Priv7j Seeds (Tower), 25 Edio. I. File 2.] Oct. 21. 953. Writs for the late sheriff of Wylts for allowances to Edmund de Ramesye, and William Olyfart, knights, and William de Loghyn esquire, prisoners from Dunbar in Devizes castle, and their two warders, from Sunday next before St Thomas the Apostle's day EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 245 Edwakd I. 1296, till the Nativity of the Blessed Mary last [September 8], when the knights were freed. Westminster. [Liberate, iio Edw. I. 1297. m. i:\ Oct. 21. 954. The K. commands John bishop of Carlisle to pay Henry de Percy 50 marks towards the expenses of his men in the city of Carlisle for its defence against the Scots. [Eccheqiier, Q. B. Memor- anda, 26 Edio. I. m. 109.] Oct. 23. 955. The sheriff of Warwick and Leicester is commanded to allow Isabella Comyn countess of Buchan to fell underwood in the wood of Whitewick to the amount of lOZ. for her sustenance. [Excheqicer, Q. B. Mejnoranda, 26 Edw. I. m. 109.] Afterwards oa 15tli November, she is allowed to sell 101. more. Oct. 23. 956. The K. to William de Ormesby. Having required the magnates of his realm to join Edward his son his lieutenanb in England, at Newcastle-on-Tyne on St Nicholas' day following, to put down the Scottish rebels who have invaded England, he commands him to levy 1000 foot from Northumberland, 4000 from York, and 1000 from Nottingham and Derby, and as many more as he can find. Teste, the Prince. Westminster. Similar levies ordered: — 3000 from Lancaster; 5000 from Cum- berland ; 3000 from Westmoreland ; 3000 from Salop and Stafford ; 1000 from Worcester ; 2000 from Gloucester ; 2000 Welshmen from North Wales ; 4000 from Chester ; 400 from the earl of Surrey's land of Bromfield. [29,400 in all] [Patent, 25 Ediv. I. fart 2, m. 3.] Oct. 23. 957. The K. by his Council at Westminster, 23rd October, has committed to Alianora wife of William de Duglas the manor of Wodeham Ferrers, part of her dower from William de Ferrers her former husband (seized for William de Duglas's offences, who is a prisoner in the Tower of London), worth 16/. 2s. Qd. yearly, she drawing 10/. yearly for herself and paying 61. 2s. 6d. at Exchequer. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Edw. I. m. 63.] Afterwards, on 1st May 1298, tlie K. granted her the manor free of the yearly payment at Exchequer, [m. 67, dorso.] Douglas had been committed to the Tower along with Thomas de Morham and another, under mandate by the Prince of Wales on 12th October. [Close Roll, 25 Edw. I. m. 4.] [1297.] 958. The K.'s 'late' burgesses of Eoxburgh, who were surprised by Oct. (?) the enemy, losing their goods and only saving theiir lives, and took refuge at Berwick and Newcastle-on-Tyne, complain that the bailiffs of these places prevent them baking or making merchaudise for their sustenance, but treat them as strangers ; and pray the K. to rfedress their grievances. (Endorsed) The mayor and bailiffs of these towns are commanded to permit the burgesses of Eoxburgh, dwelling therein, to bake and brew and do other necessaries without hindrance, they doing nothing against 246 CALENDAB OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. the assize ; and to take nothing from them except what other burgesses pay. [Document mutilated.] \_Royal Letters, No. 4-694-] 1297. 959. Adam de Uphal of Vileby begs Sire Eauf de Manton's Oct. (?) advice on a debt of 10 marks due him by the late Sir Hugh de Cressingham. Asks him to say by the bearer, and if he knows by a sign he comes from him, will act on his commands without delay. [No date.] Norman French. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^\^.] Nov. 6. 960. The Sheriffs of London are commanded to pay William earl of Eos, Andrew de Moray, John de Moubray, Nicholas Eandolf, William Duglas, John de Eortone and Thomas de Morham, knights> Scottish prisoners in the Tower, for their sustenance since Michael- mas last, viz., the earl 6d and the others ^.d. a day, and their three warders ?>d. each. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Edw. I. m. 109.] May 28- 961. [Protections, pardons, presentations, &c.] Nov. 14. May 28. For Symon Eraser knight, going to Scotland on his affairs, till St Peter ad vincula. Brembre. [7n. 6.] May 30. The same for David de Breghyn. Maghefelde. June 11. The same for John Comyn. Ospriuge. [?«. 4-] Also for John Comyn earl of Buchan, Alexander de Balliol, Alexander earl of Menetethe, Eegiuald de Crauford , Master Nigel Cambelle, and William Byset. Ospringe. Special conduct for Andrew Eate, the bearer, going on the King's particular business to Scotland, and that he be furnished with horses when required. Ospringe. June 21. Safe conduct for the Prior of Dunfermline, goinji to Scotland by the K.'s leave, till St Peter ad vincula. Westminster. [m. 4.] June 23. The same for Andrew Eraser, going to Scotland on his own affairs in company of John de Warenne earl of Surrey and returning. Westminster, [m. 3.] The same for Donald earl of Mar. These cancelled and repeated below. Safe conduct for Bernard de Bertre, Thomas de Camj)is Ludi, John fitz Eoland, and Gilbert de Orkeney, knights, Bord' le Chaunceler, Bernard fitz Lodowyc, Master Wayland de Stykelowe, and Friar Ivor of the Minors, ambassadors of Eric K. of Norway, coming and returning, for a year. Westminster. [Patent, 25 Ediv I. part i.] July 11. For the Abbot of Cupar and retinue returning to Scotland, till middle of August next. Westminster, [in. 15.] July 16. For Friar John of Cupar going beyond seas on the Abbot's business. Westminster, [m. IS.] July 31. John Comyn of Badenagh till Michaelmas. St Paul's. [m. 10.] August 21. Eobert de Ormesby presented to church of Hawyk by the K., and letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Winchelsea. [m. 8.] BELATING TO SCOTLAND. 247 Edward I. August 28. Safe conduct for Hugh son of William earl of Ros coming to see his father, a prisoner in the Tower of London, till 1297. Michaelmas next. Tunbridge. [m. 7.] The K. enjoined this before crossing seas. Similar for Andrew son of Andrew de Moray coming to see his father there. Tunbridge. For John de Inchemartin going to Scotland to make provision for John earl of Athol, his lord, who is beyond seas with the K., till All Saints next. Tunbridge. November 14 Powers conferred on J. bishop of Carlisle and Eobert de Cliftbrd to receive to the King's peace Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick and his friends, as seems best to their discretion. By the Council. Westminster. [7n. 1.] [Patent, 25 Edw. I. -part 2.] Nov. 14. 962. London : — Memorandum that on 14th November John de Insula, one of the Barons, remembered that Person the Lombard had two horses of the Earl of Menteth's and sold them for 40^. ; and still has in keeping half a cloth of ' colour,' value 8 marks, and two super tunics, value 405. ; for which money, cloths, or their value, the said Person is bound to answer to the K. at his pleasure, [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Ediv. I. m. 1^.] Nov. 26- 963. The K. to his bailiff of Tyndale. Although he lately granted Dec. 6, to the Bishop of Durham the custody of rebels' lands, he commands shortly him to resume the lands of John Comyn of Badenagh, and answer after. for them at Exchequer. St. Edmunds. Much, obliterated in parts. Attached is a letter from the sheriff reciting the first writ, dated Bamburgh, 20th September previous, and as he could not leave his bed from illness he commanded his clerk to deliver to the bishop's bailiffs the lands granted by John de Balliol the late King of Scot- land to the bishop, but knew of none others. Whereon the bishop's bailiffs claimed all in the franchise as the King of Scotland had it, and afterwards on St Simon and St Jude's day, John le Procurator (?) of Symondeburn on the bishop's behalf took Tyrsete manor and all Sir John Comyn of Badenagh's lands. Whereon came .... Belsow, the writer's lieutenant in said manor, to whom the said procurator delivered the K.'s writ dated Thresk, 10th October previous, granting all rebels' lands to the bishop, and demanded seisin of Sir John Comyn of Badenagh's lands, and of all others holding of the bishop in Tyndale, without exception, to which his clerk replied, he could not do so without inquiry. The procurator said that no inquiry should be made in the bishop's franchise, and entered the manor and took the rents for Martinmas, 55/. Also wool from the granges of the K.'s reeve, and the crop since in the K.'s hand. Also Sir Eichard Suard's land and Martinmas rent, 116s. 4.d. He seized also the manor of Symondeburn, Sir Adam de Swynburne's, with crops, the lands of Thomas de la Moryleye and Aymer de Eutherford, four 248 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. carts of manure (fuyl) 6 oxen, 2 cows, a bull, 4 jennets brought to Werk for the K.'s use .... Also the lands of Sir John Comyn ' le 1297. ' joen,' Thornton, Wallewik, and Hethenhalc, and the Martinmas rents, about (?) 48/. 10s. lOd. On Saturday next after St Nicholas' day came the K.'s writ to resume Sir John Comyn of Badenagh's lands. The writer begs instructions by the bearer how to act. Norman French. (Endoised) ' Au Tresorer et au Barons del escheker nostre Seignur ' le Roy pour le Roy par le viscount de Northumbr' par comaundment ' le Roy.' [^Toicer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. %'y^.] No date. A^ery much stained and oLliterated in parts. Dec. (?) 12. 964. Warrant to the constable of the Tower of London to receive Edward son of John de Balliol, Alexander son of the earl of Mar, and Robert de Stratherne, from the household of Prince Edward, and keep them as the Bishops of Ely, London, and Coventry and Lichfield the Treasurer, will appoint. Tower of Loudon. [Close, 26 Edw. I. m. 17.] Dec.(?) 12. 965. The K. commands the escheator citra Trent not to intromit with the lands of the late Hugh de Cressingham, who held none in capite. Tower of London. [Close, 26 Edvj. I. m. l'/.] Dec. 15. ■ 966. Writ of allocate to William Trussel sheriff of Kent, for expenses Stevenson, of 13 Scottish prisoners taken at the battle of Dunbar, in Rochester, ii. 256-259. Ledes, and Tunbridge castles. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 474-] [1297.] 967. Petition of Adam le Armorere and Gunnore his wife, to the Stevenson, K. and Couucil, for redress against a distraint by the parson of Forde ii. 156. Q^^^ Walter de Goswyke bailiti" of Berwick. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4'/'4-] [1297(?).] 968. Cumberland : — Thomas de Ireby shews the K. and Council that Adam de Crokedayk owes him 53/. Qs. 8d. on his bond. Thomas claims by a writ before the justices in Bank. Adam answers that Annandale where he granted the deed, is out of England, and as the K. has a Chancellor and other officers in Scotland, the plainift' should proceed there. The justices will not proceed till they learn the King's pleasure. Thomas, for several reasons wishes to proceed in England, as Adam is equally ' destreignable ' there, and besides all Scotland is an appurtenant of the crown of England. Norman French. [No date.] (Endorsed) The justices are commanded to proceed according to the laws and customs of England. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. "^H-l [1297.] 969. Friar William abbot of the monastery of Jeddeworthe, to the K. Asks credence for Sir Adam de Langchestre their canon, and what he will shew vivd voce on the waiter's behalf. [No date.] (Indorsement) Ingellram of Cologne, for whom the K.'s clemency entreated, twice attempted to kindle fire in the monastery, and stole 2 silk cloths, a Bible, a legend of the Saints, 2 chalices, and other EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 249 Edward I. chiircli ornaments. And when the abbot and brethren interrogated him as to the culprit, confessed his deeds ; and being unwiUing to [1297.] undergo the correction of the order, they charitably at his request gave him letters dismissory, and expelled him from the house. \_Roy<(l Letters, No. (2871.] 1297-98. 970. The K. to John de Langetone his chancellor. Having given Jan. 7. Sir Robert de Feltou who is in his service, the marriage of Patrick son and heir of David de Graham deceased, without disparagement, commands the Chancellor to issue letters in common form. Ghent. [Privy Seals {Tower), m Edio. I. File £] Feb. 5. 971. Writ of allocate for Eobert de BalHol, late sheriff of North- stuvenson, ii. iis.urnberland, for 166/. 14s. b\d. laid out defending ISTewcastle-on-Tyne against the Scots from November last till now. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. J^'rJf,.] Feb. 6. 972. Lancaster: — The sheriff to seize the lands of Henry de Lathum, a rebel and adherent of the Scots. Langleye. [Fine, 26 Fdio. I. VI. 17.] Feb. 16. 973. John earl of Warenne to Sir John de Langetone the chancellor. Asks protections for Sir Thomas de Roshale, Roger de Cheney, and six others, who are with him in the K's service in Scotland. Done at Roxburgh, 16th February in the 26th of the K.'s reign. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No, 11.] Trace of seal, red wax, on back, March 17. 974. The K. to his earls, barons, and other good men in his service in Scotland under the Earl of Warenne. He has returned from Flanders and arrived safely at Sandwich, on Friday after the Feast of St Gregory. Thanks them for their good service against the Scots while he was beyond seas, and begs them to continue these as he is hastening to join them. ' Canterbury. [Patent, 36 Fdw. I. m. 22.] March 17. 975. The K., for his good service in Flanders, grants to Robert de Felton the marriage of Patrick son and heir of David de Graham, de- ceased, without disparagement. Canterbury. [Patent, 26 Ediv. I. m. 22.] 1298. 976. The K., having commanded his dearest cousin Johanna, March 26. wife of John Comyn Junior of Badenagh, to come with her children to London to him without delay, and sent Michael of Carlisle his sergeant-at-arms to conduct them, orders that every aid be given to Michael. Thurrok. The sheriff of Oxford is commanded in person to accompany Michael and bring Johanna and her children to London in safety, without delay ; and if she hesitates or refuses, the sheriff is to com- pel her, and this at his peril. Thurrok. [Patent, 26 Fdw. I. m. 22.] [1297-98?] 977. Memoranda as to necessary works at Berwick-on-TVeed : Feb.-March. bridges, walls, sallyports, and bretasche, &c. Total, 149/. 18s. l^d. Stevenson, ii. 160. [Tovjcr Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4'^4-] 250 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. 978. Fiat for a writ of allocate to John Byroun,lately sheriff of York, for 1071/. 4s. Id. paid out of the issues of his bailliary to the K.'s 1298. receiver in Northumberland, for the expenses of providing defence April 4, there against the Scots, from Friday next after Christmas last, till shortly after.Friday next before Easter thereafter. \^Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4g^9.] [1298, 979. William Biset his vallet to the K. Complains that while he early in.] was in the K.'s service in Flanders, Walter de Eouthbirs, Eobert ' le prestre' of Norham, Eustace of Dureme, and Eobert Stagman, and others of the vill of Norham, tore up the houses on his manor of Upsetelingtone in Scotland beyond the river Tweed, and carried them off to Norham ; and prays redress. Nor7iian French. [No date.] (Endorsed) Let him have a writ from the English chancery to the Chancellor of Scotland, to give redress by the usage of those parts. \Ghancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 1298. 980. The K., besides the lands restored to Geffrey Eidel vallet of Sir May 1. Simon Eraser, who were both with him in Flanders, from affection to Simon whose conduct has pleased him much, and also wishing to do a special favour to Geffrey, commands that the crops and all other issues be delivered to him. Bigrave. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 36 Edw. L m. 55.] May 5. 981. Indenture dated Monday, the Eve of St John ante Portam Latinam, in the King's 26th year, whereby it is agreed between Monsire Aymar de Valence and Mousire Thomas de Berkeley e, to have an accounting for the debt of the former to Thomas from the Gule of August last year till Tuesday the said St John's day this year. Sir Aymar is found clearly due 50/. sterlings for said term for arrears of wages to Sir Thomas, payable at the octaves of St Michael next at London at the Friars' Preachers ; he also acknowledges to have had in loan from Sir Thomas in London before he went to Flanders 15/. 6s. 8c?. sterlings in ready money, repayable to him at the Feast of Trinity next, on demand, under pain of distraint ; and giving Sir Roger de Ingepenne as security. Further Sir Aymar consents that as to the 6/. which Sire Geoffry his chaplain received of Sir Thomas's wages, the King's rolls shall be searched, and if on reckoning the days ac the beginning when ' our horses were valued ' at Winchelsea, up to his departure from Gaunt, it is found they were wrongfully withheld, he and Sir Eoger shall also be bound to refund them at the fore- said octaves of St Michael. Further Sir Aymer is bound to mount fittingly the body of Sir Thomas de Berkele, and of Sir Moriz his son, on this expedition to Scotland during the war, till the octaves of St Michael, if the war lasts so long, and to pay the value of the horses of 3 other knights, and of 6 esquires, if killed on service, as appraised by the King's officers, and on the roll ; and RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 251 Edward I. to pay Sir Thomas for himself 4s. a day, Sir Moriz the same, three other knights 6s. a day, and for the six esquires, 6s. a day; and to 1298, find robes for five knights as before, between this and the octaves of St Michael, he and his knights eating as before in Sir Aymar's ' hustel,' two esquires serving him, and two Sir Morice his son and one for each of the other knights, and three ' vallez de mester' for o 'males,' and he shall lie in the said 'houstel,' and have wine, beer, diet, ' candel,' fire, and litter as before. And when this writing was sealed, Monsire Thomas restored to Monsire Aymarhis bond for 100 marks of silver and more. And Monsire Thomas shall serve Monsire Aymar between this and the octaves of Michaelmas without fee. Sir Aymar and Sir Roger append their seals at Bamptone, day and year ut supra. {Exchequer, T. R. Miscellanea, No. f |.] Two tags, no seals. May 5. 982. As the K. is in the greatest need of money from the heavy burdens pressing on his shoulders, he commands the sheriff of Norfolk to sell as much wood on the lands of Edmund Comyn of Kilbride, as will come to 100 marks or more, and send the price to the Exchequer at York by the morrow of Midsummer next. Westminster. Similar writ to Philip de Wileghby keeper of the said Edmund's manor of Savecamp, to sell all the wood there and send the price to York by the octaves of St John Baptist at latest. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Edw. I, m. 14-] May 12. 983. The K. having commanded the Barons to take the fealty of dementia, widow of John de Vescy ' le fuiz,' as also that of the Lady de Vescy, for their several interests in the manor of Sprouston in Scot- land—the said Clemencia, and also Isabella de Vescy widow of John de Vescy the father, appeared in Exchequer personally on 12th May in the 26th year, when Isabella acknowledged that she held the third part of said manor as dower and claimed no more therein, and did fealty to the K, to whom the reversion belongs on her death, by grant of William de Vescy, brother and heir of John de Vescy her late husband as in his charter [recited at length]. Clemencia declared that she held two-thirds of said manor in dower as part of 2501. of land given her by her husband at the church door by consent of his father William, and claims no more ; and likewise did fealty to the K. ut supra. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 26 Edw. I. m. 4^.] May 26. 984. The K. commands the Justice of North Wales and Griffin Loyth to levy 2000 stout Welsh foot about Snowdon and send them to Carlisle by Wednesday the morrow of the Nativity of St John Baptist, to march against the Scots rebels. York. Similar levies— 400 Welshmen from the parts of Ros and Roynok ; 300 from Maillor Saysneck, Hope, Ingiefield, Dyffryn-Leyth, and Mohautesdale ; 500 from Anglesey; 400 from Bromfield; and 600 from Landuho, Maskyn, Mogheld, and La Pole. [4200 in all 1 [Close 26 Ediv. I. m. 11, dorso.] 252 CALEXDAE OF DOCUMEXTS Edward I. 985. Writ to the sheriff of Warwick to pay ■id. a day, to Malcolm de UrumnioiiLl (Dromaii) knight, and ?>d. to Xigel de Kilpatrick, 1298. Reginald son of Reginald le Chieu, and Reginald de St Clair, esquires. May 28. prisoners from Dunbar in Kenilworth castle, and their warder, od. York. [Close, 20 Edw. I. m. 9.] May 29. 986. The K. commands Nicholas Ferinbaud constable of Bristol castle to remove the fetters of Richard Siward junior, and treat him with leniency, giving him a chamber with a privy cbambLjr; on account of the lato good service of Richard Siward his father in Flanders. York. [Close, 26 Edw. L m. 8.] June 4 987. The sheriff of Essex is commanded to levy fiom the goods and chattels of Robert de Brus, 295/. which he owes the K, by a prest, and 359/. 14s. Id., for divers debts. And to have the money at York on the morrow of St Margaret, to be paid the K. there. York. [Excherjuer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Edu:. I. in. 117.^ [1298.] 988. Ralph de Monthermer earl of Gloucester and Hertford asks June 4. a protection for David Scot, tailor, going with him in the King's service to Scotland. Trace of green seal endoKed. 1298. Similar by Guy de Beauchamp for [among others] Sir Bernard de June 4. Brus knight, going in the K.'s service there. Similar by the Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, for Sire William de Eos and Sire Robert de Swynburue, going with him in the King's service. Done at York, 4th June in the 26th year. [Chancery Files, Bundle 91.] [1298.] 989. Names of the knights setting out with John de Hodelestone to Scotland : — John Elemyng, John de Cornubia; esquires : — Patrick de Collewen, Richard le Waleys, Eobert de Mulcastre, and William de Clifton. [No seal.] William de Carlisle, going in the K.'s service to Scotland, asks protection for William de Kirketon his vallet. [Tag. Seal lost.] [Chancery Files, Bundle 91.] 1298. 990. Instrument attesting that on Friday, 8th of the ides of June June 6-15. 1298, at Provins in the diocese of Sens, Masters John Lovel and John de Selveston special envoys of the K. of England, in the presence and by command of Philip K. of France, delivered their credentials under the Great seal of England, to Master Robert de Pontisera canon of Cliartres. [These recited at length, dated St Edmund, 10th May previous.] After a short deliberation, the K. of France, having graciously accorded audience, the said Master John Lovel, standing, after preliminary remarks on belialf of his master, prof- fered and read to the K. of France and his Council the following ' cedula ' : — [which is in Norman French and recited at great length]. The K. agrees to the truce proposed by the K. of France for himself and RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 253 Edward T. his allies, and the condition as to exchange of prisoners. He refuses to include John de Balliol whom the French envoys call ' IC. of Scots ' or 1298. his p8ople, in the truce, because before the first truce and ever since,' the -Tune 6-15. land of Scotland was and is in his property and possession, and he is seised of the homages and fealties of the prelates, earl's, barons knights, and other nobles, and the entire communities and in'habitants of said land ; nor were they named, as the other allies of France were in the proposals for a truce. If Sir John de Balliol casually made an alliance with the K. of France, which is not admitted, he had no power to do so, as he was in homage to the K. of England. ' Therefore as kings and princes should above all others keep faith, loyalty and truth, the K. begs that no aid be given to the Scots. And'especially as some Scottish knights and others his liegemen and of his household who before and after the time of truce were in his service with banners' displayed, against the K. of France, and have since deserted him he requests that no help or countenance be given them, under the threat that negotiations will be broken off. To shew the strength of his ca,se four public instruments are here recited at length (in Latin) -—(n' The homage of John de Balliol K. of Scotland, dated Newcastle 2fifb Dec 1292 [No. 653]. (2) The fealty of the same, dated at the castle of Norham, 20th November 1292 [No. 650J. (.3) Here i, recited the instrument [No. 821] containing the resignation by John de Balhol of his kingdom and renunciation by him and the cleroy nobles, and communities of Scotland of their league with Philip U) Instrument under the seals of Robert archbishop of Canterbury Anthony bishop of Durham, Richard bishop of London, and Walter bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, attesting the deeds of homage and fealty to the K. by the aforesaid bishops, abbots, priors, earls barons and others of the kingdom of Scotland [recited at length]. In addition the homage and fealty of the burgesses and community of St Andrews is given, St Andrews, 29th August 1296. Also the ' letters of certain 'inhabitants of Scotland' as follows :—' Gillenef ArCillherf Neel 'M^Ethe, Gillecryst i^rEthe, Dungal M'Gilleueras, Duncan M^Gillau 'enan, Adam ArGilleconil, Gillespie M^Euri, Cuthbert M'^Euri 'Kalman irKdW, Michael his brother, Hoen MT.tlie, Cuthbert 'his brother, Achmacath ]VrGilmotha, Michael M°Gilmocha the chief 'men (greinourr,) of the lineage of Clenafren, declare that havincr ' aided John de Balliol late K. of Scotland, in his war and " fole '"enprise" against the K. of England, who is about to send his army ' into Galloway to chastise them, they for themselves and their linea4 ' confess their fault, come to his peace, and swear on the Saints to 'assist him against Balliol and all others ; and have given hosta-es ' Done at Wigeton, Monday'next after St John Baptist's day 1996 - Which various instruments so read by Master John, and by him"an'l his fellow envoy delivered to the K. of France by the hands of Master Robert, the latter in his master's name declared that the K 254 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. of France would observe the truce in all points. The latter afterwards assigned Sunday eight days after the Sunday following, viz., loth 1298. June, at Chateau Thierry (Castrum Terricum), for the English envoys' hearino- his deliverance or response to their propositions ; and they havinc^ requested restitution of their original letters, Master Eobert informed them, these should be delivered on the day of conference. On said day, viz., 17th of the kalends of July, the English envoys arriv- ino- at Chateau Thierry as appointed, and finding the K, of France not there but at the monastery of Consiac in the diocese of Soissons, at three leagues' distance, followed him there ; when in presence of his Council, he announced to them by Master Eobert, that he would observe the truce in all points. But touching the question of the Scots, he would send his own envoys with his response. In reply to the English envoys' requests for restoration of their letters and delivery of prisoners, the K. replied that the former was granted, and as to the latter, he should reply by his own envoys. Done at Consiac before Sir Charles count of Aujou brother of the K of France [and others]. [Two attestations follow — one by James called Grassus of Vercelli public apostolic and imperial notary, the other by John called Bhowss of London papal notary — the latter being the writer of the entire instrument on eleven rolls.] [Chapter House (Scots Dociiments) Box 11, No. 8.] In same collection {Box 4, No. 11), there is a very lengthy document in Norman French stating the K. of England's objections to the Scots being included as allies of the K. of France, printed in Palgmve, j)iy. 250-261, but differing from the above. June 16. 991. John Wake lord of Lidel to Master John de Caam. Asks a protection for Thomas de Wyville who is wath him in the K.'s service in Scotland. AVritten at Clifton, 16th June, 26th year. Norman French. {Royal Letters, No. 3330.] June 26. 992. The K. to John de Langetone his chancellor. As the manor of Neuham, and the lands in Wolvedon, in Northumberland, which Edmond Comyn of Kilbride and Henry de Chartres respectively hold of the Bishop of Durham, are forfeited for their evildoings and rebellion, and should remain in the King's hand for a year and day by law, which forfeiture he has of special favour granted to the bishop, he commands the Chancellor to issue letters under the Great seal accordingly. Alnwick. [Frivi/ Seals {Tower), 26 Edw. I. File 8.1 June 26. 993. Letters patent by Philip, K. of France signifying that a truce had been agreed on between himself and his allies and the K. of England, to last till the morrow of ' la Tyffaine ' next to come and for a year afterwards. That he had authorised an exchange of prisoners, and had also sent special envoys to require observance of the truce towards the Scots, and that their K. and others of his RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 255 Edward L people taken by the English, be set at liberty according to its con- ditions ; and empowering thsm to reply to certain propositions and 1298. requests made by Master John Lovel and John de Salveston the K. of England's envoys, ' Chaaliz, le iuedi apres la feste de la Nativite Saint Jehan Baptiste,' 1298. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 22.] The great seal of France in white wax, broken into 4 or 5 pieces, attached. Obv. The K. on his throne, sceptre in left hand ; right broken off : ' phil- ippus DEI GRAC. . FRANCORUil REX. Rev. Sem6 of fleurs-de-lys. June 29. 994. The K. to the sheriff of Northumberland. Commands him to send him at once 20 or 30 carpenters and 100 ditchers the best he can procure, with their tools. Also to receive his horse from Adam de Riston his vadlet, and keep him in the castle of Newcastle-on- Tyne, giving him daily half a bushel of oats, and sometimes bran and other things needful, and keep him in good condition till the K. returns from Scotland. Also to pay the groom's wages, i.e., 2d. a day, Alnwick. [Prmj Seals {Tower), 26 Eclw. I. File <§,] [1298?] 995. Robert de Brus earl of Carrickand lord of Annandale to Sir July 3. Sir John de Langeton chancellor of England. On behalf of his ' bachelers' Sir John de Wigeton, Sir John de Seton, and Sir Walter Haket, who are with him in the King's service in Galloway, and are approaching the place where the King is, and whose late protection expired at the Nativity of St John Baptist last, he begs a renewal. Offers to do anything the Chancellor commands him. Turnebiry-en- Carrik. Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. %''g^.] Eemains of a round seal in green wax on back. 1298. 996, Transcript (in French) of bull of Boniface [VIII.] to Edward I. Jul. 10, admonishing him to make peace with Philip K. of France, and roedera, i. 897. signifying that he sends two cardinals to him and Philip to promote it. Advising him to cease his war against the Scots, and rather turn his efforts to the recovery of the Holy Land. St Peters at Rome, 6th of the ides of July, 4th year of his pontificate. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 4-5.] July 24. 997. Memorandum : — that Sir Walter de Huntercombe keeper of Edinburgh castle received on this day at the port of Leith near Edinburgh, 100 qrs. wheat, London measure; and 10 casks of wine; likewise 10 casks of salt ; further in same port on Tuesday next after the Assumption of the Virgin, 45 qrs. wheat sent from the K.'s stock at Berwick ; farther 21 qrs. wheat and 30 qrs. oats bought from William de Stonham, merchant of Lincoln ; and 20 qrs. malt bought from John Ede, merchant of Ditton ; and from the clerk of the kitchen 40 oxen. [Summation mutilated.] Further on said 19th day of August, Richard de Wardington clerk, delivered to Sir Walter a great dish and a pitcher for the K.'s alms, to place in deposit. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||, m. 10.] 256 CA.LENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 998. The K. to Jolm cle Langetoue his chancellor. Directs him to issue letters under the Great soal appointing the K'.s clerk, Robert 1298. of Beverley, to the vacant church of Carnemoel in the diocese of June 12- Whiblierne. Northallerton. [Privi/ Seals (Toiver), 26 Edw. I. July 26. File 7.] A similar writ to the Chancellor to present Ealph de Manton to the vacant church of Bothwell in the diocese of Glasgow. Temple Liston, 19th July. [File 8.] Another in favour of Geoffry de Stokes clerk, to the vacant church of Douglas in the diocese of Glasgow. Stirling, 26th July. [File 7.] Another of same date for John de Wynton clerk, to the vacant church of Stobhou in the diocese of Glasgow. [File 5.] Another in favour of Robert de Cotingham clerk, to the church of Sanquhar (Senewhare) in the diocese of Glasgow. Braid, 11th July. [File 8.] [1298(?).] 999. Memorandum of instructions to be given by the King's clerks Aug., begin- to the officers in command at Roxburgh, Jedburgh, and Berwick, as ning of. to forays on the enemy. [Toiver Misccllaneoas Molls, lio. //.74:] Stevenson, ii. 29G-298. 1298. 1000. The K. to John de Langeton his treasurer. Commands him Aug. 4. to present master John Boushe of London, clerk, to the vacant church of Kynkelle in the diocese of Aberdeen. Stirling. [Privij Seals {Tower), 26 Eciw. I. File 8.] Similar in favour of Walter Bedewynde clerk, to the vacant church of Kirkpatrick on Clyde in the diocese of Glasgow. Stirling, 1st Aug. [File 9.] Similar in favour of Robert de Carteret clerk, to the vacant church of Monymel in the diocese of St Andrews, also vacant. Torphichen, 9th Aug. [File 9.] [129S.] 1001. Hugh de Nauntone to his friend Sir Walter de Bedewinde. Aug. 6. Reports liaviug gone to the great man to whom he had been com- mended by his letter, who on learning who sent him, showed him much good will at once, and his desire to please. Will relate their conversation fully at first meeting. His words were full of reason and good faith, and he himself most amiable. The K. was in good health at writing, and has gone to ISTewcastle under Are, and received the homages of great part of his barons of Scotland, which they had very loyally made to him. Has no other news at present. Written at Dumfries, the 6th day of August. Norman French. [Tovjer Misrcl- laneous Rolls, No. ^og.] Trace of small red seal on Lack. 1298. 1002. Memorandum as to delivery of church vestments and furni- Aug. 8. ture, provisions, live and dead stock, &c., to John Sampson constable Stevenson, ii. 299. of Stirling castlc.- [FxcJiequer, Q. R., Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^, m.is:] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 257 Edward I. 1003. The K. commands John de Laugetone his chancellor to issue letters of collation of the vacant precentorship in the cathedral of 1298, Dunkeld in favour of Walter Bakon. Torphichen. [Privy Seals Aug. 10. {Tower), 26 Mw. I. File <§.] Aug. 15. 1004. Indenture dated on Friday the Feast of the Assumption of our Lady, in the King's 26th year, at the castle of Aberkorn in Scot- land, whereby it is agreed between Monsire Eymar de Valence lord of Montinac, and Monsire Thomas lord of Berkele, that the latter's wages shall be reckoned from Monday next after Midsummer day last, till the morrow of the said Assumption ; viz., that Monsire Thomas shall have his ' banere ' of five knights, with six esquires and barbed horses ; and he has released to Sir Eymar the said wages up to 40/. sterlings for the said term, to be paid to him at next ' Chandeloure ' under pain of legal distraint; and he shall take no more wages for himself or his people except the diet of his knights, esquires, their ' gens de mestre,' grooms and horses, and expenses about the country ; as Monsire Eymar and Monsire Thomas have agreed in presence of Monsires Moryz de Berkele, John de Columbers, Nichole de Karren, Thomas de Gurnay, John de la Rivere and William de Wautone. They append their seals to this 'cyrograffe' interchangeably. \_Exclieqiier, Treasury of Beeeipt Miscellanea, No. f §.] One tag. No seal. Aug. 27. 1005. John de St John to Ralph de Mantone, excusing his non- stevenson.ii. 305.attendance at Roxburgh from illness, and begging his good offices for his cousin Sir Richard Siward, who needs money for his house at Tibbers, just begun. Loughmaben. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-U-] [1298.] 1006. Charter by the K. to Alexander de Lindeseye of the castle of Aug. 31 , belonging to James, late Steward of Scotland. Ayr. steyenson, u.30G.[C'hapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 99.1 1298. 1007. Roll of the horses of banerets, knights, esquires, and vallets, May-Aug. not of the K.'s household, valued in the Scottish war in the 26th year. [Extracts.^ William Comyn of the K.'s son's household has a ' powis pomele ' hackney, value 100s. ; Sir Aymar de Valence has a black charger, value 60 marks ; Sir Maurice de Berkeley his knight, had a 'ferrand ' pomele ' horse, worth 30 marks, killed at Falkirk, 22nd July [4 of Sir Aymar's vallets had horses killed] ; Sir Henry de Pinkeny has a bay horse, value 25 marks; Peter de Ridale his valet, has a 'powys pomele' hackney, worth 12 marks; Peter de Lubaud, vallet of Gaillard de Garsak, has a ' rough Hard ' hackney, value 20 marks ; Sir Humphry de Gardins has a black horse with a star on forehead, and 4 white feet, value 12 marks ; William de Gardins his vallet has VOL. n. R 258 CALEXDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. a bay hackney, value 6 marks ; Sir Thomas de Thorferaud (Tor- thorald) had a ' ferrand pomele ' horse, value 100s., died at Ayr on 30th 1298. August; David le Mareschal his vallet, has a blaok hackiiey, value 5 marks; Sir John Kirkpatrick has a black horse, value 10 marks; Friar Edenete, master of the hospital, has a black 'bauzaiii' horse with 4 white feet, value 10/. [Endorsement] 'Sir Robert de Hastangg' sheriff of Eoxburgh, when making sallies against the enemy this year with the gar- rison of the castle, lost two bays and a ' sor bauzan ' horse, value 10/., 20 marks, and 10/. ; Tvo de Aldeburgh, vallet of the gar- rison, lost a dark bay and a gray, value 100s., and 5 marks ; Simon de Hauden, vallet, lost a gray, value 6 marks ; and Adam de Miudrom, another vallet, lost a black, value 5 marks. [19 horses marked on margin of roll as killed at ' la Faukirk ', others elsewhere, or sent to hospital. The names of many Gascons and other foreigners are given. [Uxchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. |^.] A roll of six membranes of unequal lengtli sewn consecutively, and two schedules. Sept. 17-25. 1008. The K. to John de Langetone his chancellor. Commands him to present Master William le Rus clerk, to the vacant church of Auchtermuchty (Ughtremokedy), in the diocese of St Andrews. Carlisle. [Privy Seals (Toiver), 26 Edw. I. File 10.] Similar in favour of Hugh de Burgo clerk, to the vacant church of Stonehouse in the diocese of Glasgow. Stanwix (Staynwegges), 25th Sept. [File 10.] Similar in favour of Thomas de Chelreye clerk, to the vacant church of Parva Yetham in the diocese of Glasgow. Carlisle, 11th Sept. [File lO:] Similar in favour of John de Crosseby clerk, to the vacant church of St Mary of the Forest of Selkirk, in the diocese of Glasgow. Carlisle, 9 th Sept. [File 10 :] Sept. 25. 1009. Grant to Guy earl of Warwick, of 1000 marks of the lands ^aierave, Qf Qeoffry de Mowbray in Scotland (except the manor of Flkford near Eoxburgh), of John de Strivelyn, and the castle of Amesfeld and land of Druugrey belonging to Andrew de Chartres. Carlisle. [Chapter House (Scots Doaonents), Box 98, No. 16.] The Great seal for Scothmd, nearly perfect, in green wax. Ohv. The K. on his throne, sceptre in right hand. Rev. Shield of England : ' sigillum EDWARDI DEI GRACIA REG . . . LIE t)NI HIBERNIE, ET DUCTS AQUITANIE, AD REGIMEN REGNi scociE DEPUTATUM, (running rouud both faces of the seal). [1298.] 1010. List and value of horses killed or dead at Eoxburgh, Stirling, July-Sept, and Edinburgh. Norman French. [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. Stevenson, ii. /'>' / "1 ■266-269. -V-'-V^-J 1298. 1011. Eoll of the horses of banerets, knights, esquires, and vallets, May-Get. of the K.'s household, valued in the Scottish war 26th year. [Fxtrctcts.] Sir Thomas de Morham, a black horse, 24 marks, killed in the battle of Falkirk ; Sir John Botetorte had a white pied charger, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 259 Edwakd I. value 60 marks, killed there ; Guy Botetorte his brother, had a black hackuey, value 8 marks, killed there ; William Boteturte his 1298, vallet, had a bay hackney, value 121., killed there, also a ' ferrand May-Oct. pomele' hackney, died in the county of Carrick, in August, value 8 marks ; Sir Richard Siward has a horse for his own riding by gift from the K. ; Sir Michael le Scot his knight, has a bay horse, value 10/. ; Sir Henry de Beaumont, had a brown bay charger, worth 60 marks, killed at Falkirk ; Sir Simon Fraser has a ' ferrand pomele ' horse for his own riding, by the K.'s gift ; Sir Simon de Horsbrok his knight, had a bay horse, value 12/., killed in Selkirk Forest, 3rd October ; Thomas de Lillou, Sir Simon's vallet, had a bay ' bausan' hackney with four white feet, value 10 marks; Geoffry Eidel his valet, has a bay hackney, value 10 marks ; Eoger de Kerswelle, his vallet, has a black ' bausan' hackney, value 50s. ; Sir John de Drokenesforde has a 'powis pomele' horse, value 30 marks ; [he had 3 knights and 17 vallets including a brother Michael, all mounted ;] Richard Lovel has a ' ferrand pomele ' hackney, value 8/. ; [he had five socii ;] Sir Thomas earl of Lancaster and Sir Henry his brother, have a horse each by the K.'s gift ; William Biset has a fawn hackney, with star on forehead and 3 white feet, value 8 marks; Richard Biset his socius has a ' ferrand pomele ' hackney, worth 6 marks ; John Biset his sociits, has a brown bay hackney, worth 7 marks; Perrot de Gavestone has a bay hackney, value 10 marks ; Giles de Argenteyn, vallet of Sir Hugh le Despenser, has a ' sore ' hackney, with a star in his forehead, value 20 marks, sent to the infirmary on 15th August ; Sir William de Ferrars (Sir Hugh's knight) has a black horse with a star in forehead and 3 white feet, value 70 marks ; Sir Bartholomew de Badlesmere had a ' ferrand pomele ' horse, value 40 marks, killed at Falkirk, 29th June; Sir Eustace de la Hecche had a ba}' charger with a white hind foot, value 100 marks, killed in the battle ; Sir William de Felton had a 'ferrand pomele' horse, value 38 marks, killed at Falkirk ; Sir Robert de Clifford has a ' ferrand pomele' charger, value 45 marks ; Sir Simon de Clifford his knight, a dun horse with a star on forehead, 20/. ; Sir Roger de Kirkpatrick his knight, has a brown bay, value 10/. ; Sir James de Torthorald his knight, has a bay horse, value 10/. ; John de Depe ' trumpator,' has a bay hackuey, value 6 marks ; Sir Peter Amanevi ' Capitaneus de Busche,' has a bay charger, value [not stated] ; Amanevus de Buschi his vallet, has a black liard horse, value [not stated] ; two of his other vallets' horses were killed at Falkirk. [Ninety-two horses in all are marked on the margin of the roll as 'killed at Falkirk,' others at various places, or sent to hospital.] [Exchequer, Q. JR. Miscellanea, {Army), No. |§.] A roll of nine membranes of unequal length sewn consecutively, and two schedules. [1298.] 1012. Letter to the K. as to the thirlage of the burgesses and Oct. 9. bakers of Berwick to the K.'s mills, and their attempts to evade it. ^tsos-m."" Berwick. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 474-] 260 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1013. The K. commands the sheriff of Keut to pay Laurence de Lougaver esquire, a prisoner from Dunbar in Tunbridge castle, 3d. 1298. and his warder 2d. a day. Gedeworthe. [Close, '26 Edw. I. m. 3.] Oct. 14. Similar writ to the sherifl' of Northampton, for Andrew de Sinton, William son of Eobert de Lambinstone, Walter de Edinton, and David de Strathbolgy, esquires, prisoners in Foderingey castle. Werk, 19th October, [m. £.] Oct. 17. 1014. Indenture between the Council and Sir Walter de Hunter- stevenson, combe as to stores and live stock delivered to the latter for the castle ii. 310-312. Qf Edinburgh. To be sent partly by land, partly by sea. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||, m. 2.] [1298.] 1015. Directions by the King for conveyance of stores and driving About live stock from Berwick to Edinburgh castle by Sir Walter de Huuter- Oct. 1 7. combe and Sir Simon Fraser. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), Stevenson, A7>i 22 ,u ? 1 11.310-312. -^^O- 23' "^- ^-J Oct. 18. 1016. Indenture between the Council and Sir Eobert Hastang as to Stevenson, the munition and garrison of Jeddeworth castle, and his pay. ii. 312-314. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||, m. 1.] 1298. 1017. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Having lately Sept. 10- commanded him to collate John de Benestede clerk, to the provostry Oct. 20. which Master William Comyn held in the cathedral of St Andrews, and understanding since that the same should have been called the 'provostry of the K.'s free chapel. of St Andrews,' attached to the royal dignity and exempt from all ordinary jurisdiction, commands him to renew the letters accordingly. Carlisle, 10th September, 26th year. [Privy Seals {Tov:er), 26 Edw. I. File 10.] The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Commands a pre- sentation to be issued to Adam Pouray clerk, to the vacant church of Kirketon in St Andrews' diocese. Carlisle, 10th September, 26th year. [File 11.] Similar on same date for Henry de Craystock clerk, to the vacant church of Aberbuthenot in St Andrews' diocese then in the K.'s hand. Similar for Thomas de Querle clerk, to the vacant church of Eathftu in St Andrews' diocese. Carlisle, 20th September. [File 11.] Similar for Eobert de Maners clerk, to the vacant church of Creegh, St Andrews' diocese, belonging to the K. by reason of the ward of the heir of Duncan late earl of Fyfe. Chillingham, 20th October. Similar for Walter de Wynton clerk, to the vacant church of Tyningham, St Andrews' diocese. Jeddeworthe, 17th October. [File 12.] Similar for Eobert de Askeby clerk, to the vacant church of Eglis- malishou, diocese of Glasgow. Jeddeworthe, 16th October. [File 13.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 261 Edwaed I. 1018. Indenture between the Council and Sir Robert de Hastang as to stores delivered to the latter for Roxburgh castle, the number 1298, of his garrison, and his pay till Pentecost 1299, [Boxheqtier, Q. B. Oct. 21. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^, m. 11.'] Stevenson, ii. 314-316. Oct. 22, 1019. List of archers sent from Berwick to Roxburgh on 22nd October in the 26th year by Sir W. de Beauchamp and Sir J. de Drokenesford. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||, m.. 5.] There are 80 names besides the constable's. Only a few seem Scottish names, — e.g., William Brisbone, Philip Comyn, Henry of Halis, Simon of Cavers. Oct. 25. 1020. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Having granted to Sir Walter de Money all the eyries of ' falcons gentilz ' in his demesne lands in Scotland, for his life, for the yearly payment at the Gule of August of ' deux piers bien affaitez,' he commands him tc issue letters under the Great seal. Chester, in the Bishopric of Durham. [Privy Seals {Tower), Q6 Echo. I. File 13.] Oct. 26. 1021. Writ of allocate to John de Kirkeby sheriff of Northumber- land, for 4/. 2s. 4cd., expended in wood, iron, tin, brass, lard, string, and canvas for a springald made in the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne against the Scots rebels then ravaging the kingdom, in the 25th year; carpenters' wages, 102 quarrels, 40 heads and 40 iron feathers for same; and constructing a platform under the engine; 66s. 5fZ. for 100 boards, 3160 nails to make targets hung at the embrasures of the castle outside of the walls, for protection ; repair of a turret behind the keep, carpenters' wages hanging ' turrells' and trunks round the walls, cutting twigs in Chapwelle wood to bind the same to the walls, making a bretasche beyond the chapel, an engine for stretching crossbows, and a hand mill within the castle ; also 10/. 22|d. to an engineer in the castle from Monday the morrow of Michaelmas till Saturday All Souls' day in same year [30tli September to 2nd November 1297], 34 days at 6cl. a day ; [wages of smiths, a miller, men making ' quarrels,' scaffolding next the kitchen and behind the hall to repair two posterns in the wall, crossbows, 1000 earthen pots to cast lime, a bucket for water, stones for the ' balistae,' 6 men-at-arms, 88 cross- bowmen, and 88 archers, provisions, salt, 24 stirks, 46 oxen, 35 calves (boviculis), 10 carcases, 168 * doggedroves,' 80 gallons beer, 30 cart loads turf, 6 chalders coal, and other necessaries]. Chester near Durham, [Excheqiter, Q. B. Memoranda, 27 Edw. I. m. Jp7, dorso^ [1298,] 1022. The K, and Council have ordered that there shall be 60 men- Oct (?) at-arms and 1000 foot (including 100 crossbowmen) in the town of Berwick in his pay, as arranged by the sheriffs of Roxburgh and Jeddeworthe and Sir Simon Eraser. And let these make no foray on the enemy without an aid from the garrison of 30 men-at-arms and 500 foot. The warden of the town to be leader of this force at one time and the constable of the castle at another, as need may be ; but 262 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. one shall always remain in charge of the castle and town till the other's return. [Excheque7% Q. R Miscellanea {Army), No. 22^ m. 4-] 1298. 1023. [Protections, pardons, presentations.] April 8- April 8. Alexander de Balliol going with the K. to Scotland has Nov. 7. leave to sell wood in his manors of Chileham, Northwode, and Hatfelde, to the amount of 100^. Westminster, [m. 21.] May 28, Nicholas Hastang' is presented to the church of Ayr, under letters to E. bishop of Glasgow. York. [??i. 15.] May 28. Patrick earl of Dunbar is appointed captain of the garrison of Berwick. York. June 1. John de Stok' is presented to the church of "Wygeton, under letters to the Bishop of Whitherne. Wyghton [county York]. [m. 11] June 12. Ptobert de Beverley is presented to the church of Carn- moel, under letters to the Bishop of Whitherne. Northallerton. [7>i. 13.] July 11. Ptobert de Cotingham is presented to the church of Sanquhar (Senewhare), under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Braid, [m. 12.] July 19. Pialph de Manton is presented to the church of Bothwell, under letters to Pt. bishop of Glasgow. Temple Listen. July 15. John de Benstede is presented to the provostry lately held by Master William Comyn in the Cathedral church of St Andrews in the K.'s gift sede vacante [called on m. 9, 'the provostry of the King's free chapel of St Andrews', and the knights, free- holders, and chapter are commanded to obey him]. Temple Listen. July 26. John de Wynton is presented to the church of Stobo, under letters to R. bishop of Glasgow. Stirling, [m. 10.] Geoffry de Stokes is presented to the church of Douglas, under letters to same bishop. Stirling. August 1. Walter de Bedewynde is presented to the church of Kilpatrick on Clyde, under letters to said bishop. Stirling. August 10. Walter Bakun is appointed precentor in the cathedral church of Dnnkeld, in the K.'s hand sede vacante. Torfighyn. August 15. John Boushe of London is presented to the church of Kinkell, under letters to the Bishop of Aberdeen. Abercorn. [7)1. 9.] September 9. John de Crosseby is presented to the church of St Mary of the Forest in Selkirk, under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Carlisle. September 11. Thomas de Chelreye is presented to the church of Little Yetham, under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Carlisle, [on. 8] August 9. Robert de Carteret is presented to the church of Mony- mael, St Andrews' diocese, in the K.'s gift sede vacante, under letters to the keeper of the spirituality. Torphigkyn. September 9. Robert de Wodehouse is presented to the church of Ellon, and letters directed to the Bishop of Aberdeen. Carlisle [m. 6.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 263 Edward I. October 16. Eobert de Askeby is presented to the church of Eglismaleshou, under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Gedevvorth. 1298. [m. 3.] October 17. Walter de Wynton is presented to the church of Tynyngham, St Andrews' diocese, in the K.'s hands sede vaca^Ue, under letters to the keeper of the spirituality. Gedeworth. November 7. Hugh de Burgo is presented to the church of Stone- house (Stanhus), under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Durham. [m. i.] September 20. Thomas de Querle is presented to the church of Eatho, Sfc Andrews' diocese, sede vacante and in the K.'s hands, under letters to the keeper of the spirituality. Carlisle. [Patent, 26 JEdw. /.] September 10. Henry de Craystok is presented to the church of Arbuthnot, St Andrew's diocese, sede vacante, under letters to the keeper of the spirituality. Carlisle. [Patent, 27 PJdio. I. on. 30.] Nov. 10. 1024. Extent [under writ dated York, 20th October previous, Teste W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, the Treasurer] of the manor of Kemestone, lately John de Balliol's and since taken in the K.'s hand, made by the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford [and 12 jurors]. The messuage, with garden, pigeon-house, and vineyard, is worth 26s. 8d. The total annual value [arable, pasture, freeholders, villeins, ' coterelli,' ' molmen,' customary tenants, fishery, and wood] is 33/. 20^f/. The total value of goods and chattels [avers, oxen, wheat in granary and sheaves, rye, meslin, oats, hay and forage, an old waggon, 2s., 116 acres sown with wheat and rye at 2s. 6d. an acre] is 37/. 5s. 6d. Append their seals. [All gone.] [Tower Miscel- laneous Bolls, No. ff f .] Nov. 19. 1025. The K. appoints Patrick de Dunbar earl of March, captain of his forces and castles on the East March of Scotland south of Forth, with special instructions as to making forays on the enemy, when he and the officers under his command see fit opportunity. Newcastle- on-Tyne. [Patent, 26 Edw. I. m. 2.] Nov. 20. 1026. The K. to Ingeram de Gynes and Walter de Teye, or their lieutenants, and their people of Westirkere in Eskdale. Signifies that he has appointed Simon de Lyndeseye captain of those parts, and commands them to be obedient to his orders. Ncwcastle-on-Tyne. [Patent, 26 Edw. I. m. 2.] 1295-98. 1027. Compotus of the Keeper of the Wardrobe and his clerk and Nov. 20- attorney, from the Feast of St Edmund K. and martyr, begin- Nov. 20. ing of 24th year [20th November 1295], when he was appointed, till same day at the close of the 26th year [1298], attested by the Comptroller and his clerk and attorney. [Extracts.] 24th year [1295-96] :— 219/. 6s. 8d. from the Abbot of Gedeworthe, 264 CALEXDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. monies of the papal tenth collected in the diocese of Glasgow and deposited in his abbey ; 37s. of John de Balliol late King of Scot- 1295-98. land's treasure, found in Edinburgh castle ; 44/. 13s. 5d., forfeited money of Scotsmen, found in Cupar abbey ; 46/. 16s. 8d., rents of the Bishopric of St Andrews by the hands of John de Swyneburne and William de Rue, keepers thereof, as the bishop was abroad and against the King's peace ; 58/. of the issues of the Bishopric of Ros while vacant, by the hands of William del Hayghe sheriff of Inver- ness ; and 40/. from said William for the same amount which the King of Scotland should have paid the King of Norway for 100 marks due the latter for some islands of Scotland ; 129/. Os. lOd. of the rents of the Earl of Fife's heir by the hands of John de Swyneburne and William de Rue keepers ; and 224/. 2s. 6d. goods, chattels, land, and rents of fugitives and prisoners in the bailliary of Fife, by said keepers' hand ; 40/. from Walter de Burghdon sheriff of Perth, of its ' issues ; 80/. from Andrew de Levyngeston sheriff of Lanark, of its issues. 24th year [1295-96] :— 14/. 16s. 4d. from David le Grant sheriff of Stirling, from the lands which were Patrick de Graham's and John de Baltaffy's ; 179/. 4s. S^d. from Hugh de Louther sheriff of Edinburgh, of its issues ; 56/. 15s. from Walter Tonke sheriff of Rox- burgh, of its issues ; 60/. from Osbert de Spaklyngton sheriff of Berwick-on-Tweed, of its farm ; 20/. 9s. Id. from Thomas de Burnham constable of Gedeworthe castle, issues of his bailliary ; 16/. 12s. 'Sd. from Henry de Greneford constable of Yestre castle, issues of his bailliary ; and 10s. for the horse of John Keu, a felon, sold by him; 23/. 3s. lOd. from same for 10 qrs. wheat, 32 qrs. barley, 71| qrs. oats, 4| qrs. malt, 4 qrs. oatmeal, and 7 stones wool, issues of his bailliary, sold ; and 35/. 9s. lOd. from Osbert de Spaldyngton for 42 qrs. meslin, 27^ qrs. rye, 17|- qrs. wheat flour, and 22 qrs. oatmeal, sold by him from the King of Scotland's stores found in Berwick castle ; 9/. 19s. issues of the King's mills outside of Berwick ; 25/. 14s. 8*:/. from Robert de Carabroun, value of 40 beeves and 600 sheep which be brought from the county of Athol for the King's use. Total receipt this year 105,323/. 4s. If?. 25th year [1296-97] : — 12/. for lean animals bought in Scotland for the King's kitchen, sold by the sheriff of Northumberland. Total receipt this year 106,356/. 12s. 6^^ 26th year [1297-98] :— 61/. 4s. 9^^^. from John de la Pere bailiff of the town of Dam in Flanders, by Geoffry de Geneville's hands, goods of Scotsmen arrested at ' La Cluse ' and sold by him. Total receipt this year, 39,826/. 15s. ^d. 24th year [1295-96]. Misae: — Expenses of the sons of Lord Edmound' [the K.'s] brother, staying at Mitforde out of the Court, and going to Montrose in Scotland, bringing John de Balliol late King, returning to the King's peace, to the Tower of London in July RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 265 Edward I. and August, and their expenses to Canterbury and elsewhere, and horses and armour bought for them, with the expenses of John de 1295-98. Lancaster and the wives(?) of said sons in necessaries, 428/. 3s. l^d. ; and the expenses of John de Balliol and his retinue, staying at the Tower and Hertford and elsewhere by the K.'s order, between 6th August and 19th November this year, by the hands of Ealph de Berners his keeper, 135/. Os. 6^d. ; Thomas de Snyterby clerk, appointed by the justices and treasurer of Ireland, for the wages of Irish men- at-arms and foot coming to Scotland in the war, and repassing to Ireland, 2598/. 12s. 2d. Total this year 83,648/. Os. ^d. 25th year [1296-97]: — Expenses of John de Balliol and his retinue between 20th November and 5th August, while at Herteforde, 269/. 2s. ; and while staying in the Tower from 6th August till 19th November, 78/. 16s. 9d. Total this year, 119,519/. 9s. 4|d 26th year [1297-98] :— Expenses of John de Balliol, Edward de Balliol his son, and the sons of the Earls of Mar and Stratherne and their retinues, staying at the Tower in company of Ealph de Sand- wyco, 407/. Qs. ^d. ; Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus, 40 marks, and Gilbert de Umfraville his son, 10 marks, of prests ; to [ ] earl of Mentethe in Scotland, a prest to provide armour for the war in Elanders, 29/. 19s. ; to John earl of Buchan, a prest at Westminster, 20/. Total this year [chiefly for the Scottish war], 78,549/. 4s. 6d. [Pipe Uoll, 27 Edw. I. m. 25.] 1298. 1028. Directions by the King as to the number of the garrison Nov. 20, of Dumfries under Sir Eobert de Clifford, and its munition, stores, soon after, engines, &c, {Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||, 7n. P.] Stevenson, ii. 333-335. Nov. 23, 1029. The K. commands the sheriff of Nottingham to pay Michael Miggel and Walter de Bozeville esquires, Scottish prisoners in Nottingham castle, od. each, and their warder, 2d. daily. Newcastle- on-Tyne. [Close, 27 Edw I. m. 20.] Nov. 24. 1030. The K. commands the sheriff of Northumberland to deliver the manor of Faudon, forfeited by William de Douglas, a Scotsman and rebel, to Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus. By the K. him- self. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Close, 27 Edw. I. on. 20.] Nov. 24. 1031. The K. empowers John de Kingeston constable of the castle, and sheriff of the county of Edinburgh, to receive to his peace all the men of the county, except earls, barons, knights, and freeholders whose lands exceed 20s. yearly. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Similar writ to Eobert de Clifford to receive the men of Nithsdale, except as above. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Patent, 27 Ediv.I. m. J^O.] Nov. 25. 1032. The K. commands his good men of Annandale and all others of Lhese marches to the bounds of Eoxburgh, to aid and obey Eobert 266 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. de Clifford, whom he has appointed captain and lieutenant to repress the Scots enemies. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1298. Similar to the K.'s servants and lieges in Cumberland, Westmore- land, and Lancaster. Also to the sheriffs of Westmoreland and Lancaster. {^Patent, '27 Edw. I. m. 4^.] Nov. 25. 1033. The K. appoints his dear knight and liege John de Kyngeston warden of the castle and county of Edinburgh. New- castle-on-Tyne. Walter de Huntercombe is commanded to deliver the castle with armour and victual, and the county rolls and writs by indenture- Newcastle. [Patent, 27 Echo. I. m. 40.] Nov. 25. 1034. The K. commands his friend and liege Simon Eraser to assist Stevenson, ii. Johu de Kyugstouc coustable and sheriff of Edinburgh, who wishes 33G-337. t,Q make a raid, with 20 barbed horses, whenever required by the constable, who has not sufficient force of his own ; and on no account to fail him. Newcastle-on-Tyne. [Patent, 27 Edvj. I. m. 4-0.] Nov. 26. 1035, Extent made at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Wednesday the morrovv- of St Katherine anno xxvij., before Eobert de Balliol sheriff of Northumberland, of the lands which were Thomas de Soules' in le Hogh. . . . Stamfordham [by a jury of 12]. A chief messuage, yearly value 2s. ; 76 acres in demesne at 4r?. each ; 29 acres meadow at 2s. each. [Bondages, cottars, and freeholders are enumerated. There is also a ' torale.' He had no separable pasture.] Total 10/. lid. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^^.] Some twisted tags but no seals remain. The document is much mutilated. Dec. 1. 1036. Arrangements at Berwick for a foray in Scotland, by Sir Stevenson, ii. Walter dc Huntercombe, Sir Simon Eraser, and other officers, with 339-S41. 200 men-at-arms. [Exchequer, Treasury ofP^cceifpt Miscellanea. No. ||, dorso.] Dec. 2. 1037. Memorandum as to a clerk for Edinburgh castle, and a barge stovenson, u. 341. to be givcu to Earl Patrick. [Toiver Miscellaneous Polls, No. 4'^4-] [1298, 1038. Memorandum as to a clerk to the Warden of Berwick, who Dec. 2.] shall attend to supplies for Edinburgh castle. [Exchequer, Treasury •'Stevenson, ii. ^y J^eccipt Miscellcinea, No. ||, dorso.] 1298. 1039. Memorandum as to provisions and stores shipped at Berwick Dec. 3. for Edinburgh castle. [Exchequer, TrecLsury of Peccipt Miscellanea, Stevenson, ii. Zih.No. ||, doTSO.] Dec. 4. 1040. Memorandum of stores for the castles of Edinburgh and .srevensoin, ii. 347. Stirling. [Towcr Misccllancous Bolls, No. 4'74'] Dec. 6. 1041. Indenture as to stores delivered at Berwick for the garrison Stevenson, of Edinburgh. [Tower Misccllcmeous Rolls, No. 4'^ 4-] ii. 348-349. Dec. 12. 1042. The sheriff of Cumberland is directed to take without delay EELATING TO SCOTLAND. . 267 Edward I. from the custody of Michael de Harcla, the manor of Boulton and following tenements, viz., Gilbert Sotheayk's land in the vill 1298. of Skeldon and Kirkeandres, .... de Carlyle's in le Dale and Terry by, Cutbert de Glenewyne's in Brampton, Thomas de Moryly's in Alenburgh and Broghton, and William de Jardine's in Lostewayt and Camberton ; all forfeited by Scottishmen, with the issues, since Michaelmas last. {Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 27 Ediu. I. m. ^, dorso.'] Dec. 13. 1043. Inquisition [under writ dated Durham, 7th November previous] at Dodington, before Eobert de Balyol sheriff of Northumberland, on Saturday St Lucia's day, anno xxvij., by [12 jurors] ; who find that Sir Nicholas de Eoyirforde held the fourth of Dodigton mill, formerly worth 6 marks, now 4 marks ; a toft with garden, destroyed by the Scots, formerly worth 5s., now only \2d., and a toft, formerly worth 5s. now 3s. That Nicholas de Fauside and Loretta his wife held 33 acres 1 rood 1 perch, whereof the acre was worth once 12rZ., but now only 8d That the said Nicholas de Eoyirfurd, Nicholas de Fauside, and Loretta, held the above of Eobert fitz Ealph fitz William, who had them by the gift of Ealph his father, and now holds them of the Barony of Alnwick as the ninth of a knight's fee. They have been in the hands of the K. for two years and more [as the above persons are rebels with the Scots]. [Seals lost.] {Inq. p. m. 27, Edw. I. No. 85^ Dec. 19. 1044. The K. signifies that the under mentioned nobles are to draw for themselves, with bannerets, knights, and others in their company, to the number of 500 barbed horse, 769U. 16s. 8f?. from the subsidy for the Scottish war from the Province of Canterbury, for three months from the day when they commence their march from York to Scotland ; viz., John de Warenne earl of Surrey, captain of the expedition, with 100 barbed horse, 1538/. Qs. 8d. ; Roger le Bigod earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, marshal, with 130, 2000/. ; Ralph de Monthermer earl of Gloucester and Hertford, with 100, 1538/. 6s. 8d.; Humphry de Bohun earl of Here- ford and Essex, constable, with 90, 1384/. 10s.; William de Beauchamp earl of Warwick, with 30, 461/. 10s. ; and Henry de Perci, with 50, 769/. 3s. 4d They have received one-half in advance, and are to draw the other from the collectors of the subsidy at Mid Lent. Therefore the receiver is to pay them no wages of the K.'s money for these three months. But as they are empowered to levy 200 additional barbed horse, these shall be paid wages when fully armed and on the expedition, but not till they have left their own counties. Teste, W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. West- minster. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Edw. I. m. 106, dorso.'] Dec. 20. 1045. The sheriff of Northumberland is commanded to give in the wood of Bivvelle, to William de Feltone keeptsr of the lands of 268 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Thomas de Soules of Scotland, a rebel, in le Hoghe in Stamfordham, 6 oaks to repair his houses there. York. [Close, 27, I. m. 19.'] 1298. 1046. Peter Burdet the K.'s ' panetarius ' acknowledges receipt from Dec. 28. Sir Eobert de Balliol sheriff of Northumberland, of 47 quarters 6 bushels wheat for the K.'s use at Newcastle-on-Tyne, price per quarter, 5s. 6d Appends his seal at .... on Holy Innocents' day, 27th year. Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ll.] Fragment of seal in red wax on tag. Charge obliterated. [1298.] 1047. The Abbot and convent of Jeddeworde and Sir Ivo de Stevenson, ii. 264.^^j(j|3^j.g|-^ ^^ j^j^g Couucil. They offer to keep Jeddeworde castle for o marks a year, till the end of five years, and to repair the houses for same period at 5 marks a year if the K. agrees. [iSo date.] [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-'^4"] sterenson, ii. 265. 1048. Auonymous letter to some high official complaining that the constable of Jeddeworthe disturbed the Abbot of Jeddeworthe and Sir Ivo de Aldburgh in the forest, and asking remedy. [Tower Miscel- laneovs Bolls, No. 4'^4-] ^'^178-81' "■ 1049. Memoranda as to troops for Scotland to be provided by the Earl of Carrick, Gibbon fitz Kan, Donkan Maddowell, Sir Richard Siward and others, from Carlisle, Galloway, Nithsdale, and the northern* and midland counties. Total foot, 8100. [No date.] [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4'/4-] There is another memorandum on same subject, briefer, but more fairly written. 1050. John Wake asks protections for Sir Hugh Wake his brother, Sir Robert db Umfraville, Sir Robert de Tyllol, Sir Robert de Penington, and Sir Baldwin Pycot, knights, also 8 others his vallets, who he attests by his seal are setting out in the Scottish war. [Two tags, seal lost.] Similar by Robert Tony for his retinue, viz., Johan Waleweyn, parson of the church of Little Cressinghara, and two others going with him in the Scottish war. [Tag, no seal.] [Chancery Files, Bundle 91.] Paigrave p. 29S. 1051. Ordinance by the K. as to amending an omission in the Great Roll of Scotland not observed till now, in a most important point, viz., the place where the judgment was given. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 173.] 1298-99. 1052. Adam abbot of the monastery of Holy Rood of Edinburgh, Jan. 7. William formerly abbot, John the prior, Thomas the sub-prior, Simon the precentor, Adam the sacrist, Elias the ' terrarius,' Robert the * granatorius,' Thomas the cellarer, John the almoner, Adam of Karll(?), Robert of Dumfries, John of Glasgow, John of Bolton, Alexander of Dennipais, Alexander of Manuel, Henry of Farelau, Adam of Pentlaud, and Roger of the vill, have sworn on the Corpus Christi iu their chapter, before Sir John de Kingston, keeper of the RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 269 Edwakd I. castle of Edinburgh, and friar William of the order of the Carmelites, to be true liegemen to the K. of England, and said Sir John and 1298-99. his other servants in Scotland. Append their common seal at Edin- burgh, on the morrow of Epiphany 1298. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, iVo. 19.] Damaged by damp. The seal in green wax attached to a tag, is somewhat broken. Represents the Crucifixion ; 2 women lamenting at the foot. A star(]) and crescent above the limbs of the cross. Rudely executed : ' . . L . COMUN .... CRUCIS . DE . EDINB . . . . ' Jan. 8. 1053. The K. compassionating the state of Sir William de Moray, some of whose lands he took after the ' other ' war in Scotland, and some he left in Sir William's own hands, but made him remain in England south of Trent, where he has loyally dwelt, yet has had nothing from any of his lands, commands the Treasurer and Barons to provide him some sustenance till other arrangements. Calthorpe. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, 27 Ecliv. I. m. 26, clorso.'] At Michaelmas following he received 25L from the sheriff of Lincoln, where he was staying. [Excliequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, 27 <£• 28 Edw. I. ] m. 63.] Jan. 20. 1054. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. As Alienora widow of Sir William de Douglas ' who is with God,' has begged the K. for her dower lands from Sir William de Ferrers her first husband, which were seized along with the said William de Douglas's other lands, for his rebellion, he commands the said dower lands to be restored to her. Massingham. [Brivi/ Seals {Tower), 27 Echo. I. File 1.] Jan. 24. 1055. The K., learning that William de Douglas of Scotland, a rebel, is dead, whose own lands, as well as those in wdiich Alianora his widow had dower from William de Ferrars her first husband, were seized, commands restoration of the latter to her. Thetford. [Close, 27 Ediv. I. m. 18 :\ Jan. 29. 1056. The K. commands the sheriffs of London to pay the con- stable of the Tower for the expenses of John de Balliol dwilliug there, 100/. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 26 Ediv. I, m. 110, durso.] Feb. 2. 1057. Robert de Clifford warden of Annandale, to Master Richard de Abyndon the K.'s treasurer at Carlisle. Having ordered that the crossbowmen shall remain at Lochmaben under Sir Robert de Felton's command, he requests that they have fifteen days' pay in advance, to be given to their companions who are coming from Carlisle, that the latter may make provision for all ; and from the areat dearness in this country, that they shall get 3(7. a day each, for at present no ' vivres ' can be got here. Lochmaben, the day of . the Purification of Our Lady, 27th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscel- lanea {Army), No. ^.] Trace of round seal, jfreen wax, on back. 270 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1058. EoLert de Caimtelou constable of Loclmiaben, to Sir Johu de Laugetoiie the cliaucellor of England. Prays him to issue a protec- 1298-99. Lion for William de Wergrave who is with him in the K.'s service. Feb. 2. Done and sealed at Louchmaben the day of the Purification of Our Lady, in the K.'s 27th year. Norman French. [No seal] [Royal Letters, No. ^726.] Feb. 1?>. 1059. Robert de Clifford begs the Chancellor for a protection for John de Castre, who by the King's command is with him on the Marches for their defence. Done at ' Burg sur les Sablons ' 13th February in the 27th year. [Chancery Files, Bundle No. 92.] A fragment of liis seal in green wax appended to a tag. On a shield cheeky a plain fesse. Feb. 20. 1060. The K. gi-ants to his cousin and liege Henry de Percy all the lands in England and Scotland, which formerly belonged to Ingelram de Balliol, deceased, and now devolving by hereditary right on Ingelram de Umfraville the K.'s enemy and rebel. Westminster. [Patent, 27 Fdiu. I. m. 36.] 1299. 1061. The K. of his special grace grants to Simon Eraser all his Mar. 27. hereditary lands in Scotland, lately forfeited by his rebellion and taken in the K.'s hands, but now in his own. By the K. himself. Westminster. [Patent, 27 Ediv. I. m. 33.] April 7. 1062. The K. at the prayer of Mary ' who was wife ' of William fitz Warin, and other friends of prisoners both in Scotland and England, empowers Anthony bishop of Durham, John de Britannia and William le Latimer senior, to negotiate the exchange ' body for body,' of William fitz Warin for Henry de Seintcler, Marmaduke de Twenge for John de Moubray, Robert le Constable for Ertur de Dunhon, William fitz Glay for Johu de Carry, John de Kaleutir for Reginald le Chen, William de Ros for William de Cathecart, Peter de Dun- wich for an esquire of Sir Ertur de Dunhon, Walter de Thorneton for an esquire of Sir William de Cathecart, Stephen le Clerk for Gilbert MacChristi, and Geoffry de Middenhale for William de Anegois ; or make better terms if they can, but as quickly as possible. West- minster. [Patent, 27 Ediv. I. m. 31.] Apr. 10. 1063. The K. grants to Henry archbishop of York the forfeiture of a quarter of a knight's fee, messuage and lands, in Barkeston, held of the Archbishop by Walter son of Thomas de Barkeston, who fought against the K. at Dunbar and still adheres to the Scots. West- minster. [Patent, 27 Edw. I. m. 30.] Apr. 11. 1064. Robert de Clifford to Sir William de Hamilton lieutenant of the Chancellor, asking a protection for William de Wergrave the bearer, his people and goods. Done and sealed at Louchmaben the Saturday next before Palm Sunday in the K.'s 27th year. Norman French. [No seal] [Royal Letters, No. 2892.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 271 Edward L 1065. The K. for the coustant services of Henry le Galeys mayor of London, grants to him and his heirs these houses with *kaya' in 1299. Briggestrete near the Tweed in the town of Berwick, lately burned Apr. 18. and wasted in part by the K.'s foot while there, and forfeited by Ealph fitz Philip; with power to lay out 100 marks in repairs. Westminster. {Patent, 27 Edw. I. m. 30.] Apr. 22. 1066. The K. commands his lieges Patrick earl of Dunbar, and John de Kyngestone constable of Edinburgh castle, to inquire by a jury of Berwick, Roxburgh, and Edinburgh, into the charges brought by Johanna de Clare countess of Fife against Herbert de Morham of Scotland, viz., that while she and her retinue under the K.'s safe conduct were on their way to England, he laid wait for them between Stirling and Edinburgh, and took her by force to his brother Thomas's house of Gertranky, where he imprisoned her because she would not consent to a marriage with him, under her oath to the K. not to marry without his licence, and seized her jewels, horses, robes, and goods, to the value of 2000/., to her grave loss and scandal, and in contempt of the K., who is greatly commoved thereat. They are to make the inquiry in presence of the accused persons, Herbert being brought under safe conduct from Edinburgh castle to the trial, and taken back at its close. Westminster. [Patent, 27 Edw. I. m. 29, dorso.] April 23. 1067. The K. empowers Robert de Clifford his captain of Carlisle to appoint Richard Syward or other fit person as warden of Nithsdale during the K.'s pleasure. Westminster. [Patent, 27 Edw. I. m. 28.] May 11. 1068. The K. commanded his receiver of victuals at Carlisle to deliver to the sheriff of Cumberland 20 casks of wheat flour and 10 casks of wine, to be forwarded to Robert de Cantilupe constable of Lochmaben castle. Teste the Treasurer. Westminster. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 27 Ediv. I. m. 62.] June 27. 1069. Boniface [VIIL] to the King of England. Commands him Foedera, i. 907. to dcsist from liis attempts to conquer Scotland, which belongs to the Holy See, and also to release the Bishops of Glasgow and Sodor and other churchmen. Anagni. [Papal Bulls.] July 2. 1070. The K. commits to William de Molecastre his manor of Boulton in Allerdale forfeited by Geoffrey de Moubray of Scotland, for 10 years from Michaelmas next at the rent of 40/. Teste the Treasurer. Westminster. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 27 Ediv. I. m. 9.] July 8. 1071. The K. to his lieges. Hearing that the Bishop of St Andrews, the Abbots of Melros and Jeddeworth, John de Soules knight, and other Scots enemies, are in Flanders on their return to Scotland and will embark at Dam or thereabouts, he commands every aid to be 272 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. given to William le Jetour master of the ' iieef Seint Gorge,' who is charged to intercept and capture them if possible. Canterbury. 1299. [Patent, 27 Ediv. I. m. 30.] On 10th June previous, similar letters were addressed to the men of Yarmouth on behalf of John le Man master of the shallop ' Nostre Dame de la Eie.' Dover, [m. 22.] On 17th June, for the masters of four vessels of Winchelsea on same business. Wy. [m. 22.] And on 20th August, for two Winchelsea vessels and one of Eye till Michaelmas. "VVocking. [m. 20.] July 11. 1072. The K. having commanded John de Balliol to come to Canter- bury to talk with him on some matters of business, orders the constable of the Tower to send him there, attended by one knight ; giving the K. notice, that when he is near Canterbury he may send to meet and escort him to the city more becomingly. Canterbury. [Close, 27 Mio. I. m. 10.] July 13. 1073. Extent of Sir Eobert de Brus's manor of Writtle before the sheriff' of Essex [by 12 jurors] ; who say, that the messuage with garden, pigeon-house, curtilage, and vineyard is worth 30s. ; 1011 acres arable in demesne, are worth 8/. 10s. 4od., at 4:d. an acre ; 32 acres ' mowable ' meadow, 64s.; 60 acres pasture, 40s., at 8f/. an acre ; fixed rents, 36/. Os. 7d. ; the market 2 marks. Pleas and perquisites of the court and view of frankpledge, 100s. Pannage of the vill and ' lepselver,' 30s., grazing in the parks, and underwood, pannage, and nuts, 8/. ; 26 virgates of customary land whereof the labours are worth 26/.; 13 virgates 'firmar' with said customary tenants who plough yearly 252 acres, value 6/. 6s., at 6d. an acre. They find 40 men to hoe for one day, value 20d. Also 112 labourers in autumn fed by the lord, value 9s. 4:d. Also the farmers mow 36 acres in autumn, worth 9s., at od. an acre. Carriages there are worth 2s. 2d. The tenants of Stane give 6 cocks and 6 hens at Christmas, worth 12c?. The grazing of the enclosures of the vill is worth i a mark. They append their seals, Monday before St Mar- garet's day anno xxvij. Total of the manor 100/. 17s, 5d. [No seals.] [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^f".] July 14. 1074. Extent of Sir Lobert de Brus's manor of Hatfield Eegis made before the sheriff of Essex [by 12 jurors] ; who say that that the messuage with garden and curtilage, is worth 6s. 8d yearly. There are 760 acres arable, worth 19/. yearly, at 6f/. an acre ; 37 acres meadow at 3s. worth . . . . ; 16 acres pasture with head-lands at 12c?. an acre, worth 16s; grazing of the park .... 30s ; fixed rent and farm o'f market and half hundred, 18/.; eight virgates and a half of farmers who must plough yearly . . . . ; carriages of crops with 17 wagons, at 6c/. each .... weekly labours yearly except for 3 weeks, worth 6/. 12s. ; 24 cottars' yearly labour at |c/. twice a week, except for 3 weeks, worth 4/. 18s. ; .... of the vill on St Martin's day, estimated at .... ; common pannage of swine, 15s. ; perquisites RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 273 Edward I. of court and reliefs, 60s. They append their seals at Hatfield Eegis, on Tuesday before St Margaret's day, anno xxvij. Total extent of 1299. the manor 63^. 13s. 4:^d. [Toiuer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^.] No seals. Somewhat faded in parts. July 16. 1075. Extent of the wards held by John de Balliol, late K of Scotland, of the lands of William Malerbe and Eobert Byset, made before Thomas de Gardinis sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, on Thursday next before St Margaret's day, anno oacvij*° [by 12 jurors]. In the vill of Albotesle in the county of Huntingdon, he held of fixed rents 8s. 9d, and of 7 customary tenants' rents due to said William, 4/. 13s. 4c?. payable quarterly. That he held in said vill of Eobert Byset's, a messuage with garden, cartilage, vineyard, and pigeonhouse, worth | a mark ; 30 acres of arable land at M., 20s.; rents of freeholders, 8s. 9d ; seven customary tenants' rents, 4:1. 13s. Ad., payable quarterly. Eobert held the messuage and 30 acres from said William, for 2s. yearly. Total of William Malerbe's extent, 101s. 9d Total of Eobert Byset's, saving the service of two fees, 6/. &s. 5d. The said lands had been taken in the K. of England's hand from the Saturday in Easter week, 24th of his reign. They append their seals. [All gone.] [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. Y/.] July 16. 1076. The K. commands the sheriff of Warwick to receive from the constable of Kenilworth castle, Eeginald le Chen a Scotsman, in prison there, and take him to York by the Feast of St Peter ad vincula next. Canterbury, 16th July, 27th of his reign. [Mutilated.] [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^.] July 16. 1077. The K. commands the following Scottish prisoners to be brought to York by the Feast of St Peter ad vincula at latest, where certain magnates [including the Earl of March and Simon Eraser] will give further instructions. Canterbury. From Corfe castle, William de Angus and Gilbert Macristi, vallets; from Kenilworth, Eeginald le Chien, vallet ; from Gloucester castle, Henry de Seintcler knight; from the Tower, John de Moubray knight; from Eochester castle, John de Curry knight; from Berwick castle, Arthur de Dunone and William de Cathcart, knights, and their two vallets. {Close, '27 Edio. I. m. 10 and 9.'] July 18. 1078. Extent of the lands of Eobert de Brus, taken before the sheriff of Huntingdon on Saturday next before the F. of St Margaret, anno xxvij*" [before 12 jurors]. He has at Caldecote a messuage and garden, yearly value a mark; a windmill, \ a mark; 160 acres arable land at 4d each, 53s. Ad. ; 4 acres of meadow at 2s. each, 8s. ... ; fixed rent of freeholders and villeins, 8^. only; pleas and perquisites of court Adam de Crokdayk holds the aforesaid from Eobert for a term of 8 years for a debt due by the latter. He has in the town of Huntingdon of yearly fixed rent 56s. Total of the extent, VOL. II. s 274 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 15/. 4s. The jurors append their seals. \_Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. Vd^.] Seals gone. Faded in parts. 1299. 1079. Letters patent by Renaud bishop of Vicenza, the Papal [July 18.] envoy, attesting on behalf of the Pope that he had received John de Foeedera, i. 909. BalHol, late K. of Scotland for disposal by his Holiness. Whitsand. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^s^g.] Another copy in which the date is given as in Fcedera. [Same collection, No. ^Vg.] July 18. 1080. Letters patent, Eaynauz bishop of Vicenza, the Papal nuncio, acknowledging receipt at Wissant in France from Sir Robert de Burghersh constable of Dover, of the person of Sir John de Balliol, late K. of Scotland. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 92, No. 36.] Seal in red wax, vesica shape, appended by tag, slightly broken. Ubv. Under a canopy the Virgin crowned, half length, the Holy Child standing beside her. The emblems of the Evangelists in niches around : ' s' ray- NAUDi p'missi .... iviNA Ep'i viCENTiNi.' Rev. Small counter seal, an open book : ' SECRETUM.' July 19. 1081. William le Latymer, the K.'s captain and lieutenant in the Marches of Scotland, commands Master Richard de Abyndon to pay Sir John de Lancastre banneret, with 2 knights and 7 esquires with 10 barbed horses, their usual wages, when at Carlisle on 16th instant and two following days, awaiting a foray on the Scots ; also to Sir John de Hodelstone banneret, with 6 knights, 23 esquires and 122 foot for same duty ; likewise to Sir John Spryng and 2 esquires on same duty from Monday 13th instant and five following days; and to 200 foot from the lordship of Egremont under Sir John de Hodel- stone, on same expedition for one day. And binds himself to repay the whole or part of these if disallowed. Appends his seal at Carlisle, ut supra. [No seal] [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. \\-\ July 20 1082. Warrant for Henry de Appeldreford.late sheriff of Kent, for (or soon monies paid to Adam de Morref knight, a Scottish prisoner in Ledes after), castle, for a year till Michaelmas 1299 ; and to Laurence de Longa- vere esquire, a Scottish prisoner in Tonbridge castle, for same term; to John Curry knight, a Scottish prisoner in Rochester castle, and a warder, wages from Michaelmas 1298 till St Margaret virgin's day thereafter, when Sir John was transferred to York ; and for expenses conducting Sir John and his escort of six men, and hire of four horses for them from Rochester to York, when he was delivered to the sheriff, and pay of other footmen escorting him by dangerous ways for eight days, and returning to Rochester. [Chancery 3Iiscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] July 21. 1083. The K. grants to his sergeant Andrew le Criur, for life, the EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 275 Edwaed I. land in Euledene, county of Berwick, forfeited by Eichard de Golding- ham. Chilton. 1299. Similar grant to Andrew during the K.'s pleasure of the land called Stevenson, ii. 388/ le Hospital, in Hotoue,' couuty of Eoxburgh, forfeited by William le Procuratour, a tenant for life under William de Moray ; saving the right of William de Moray. Chilton. [Patent, 27 Edto. I. m. 17.] July 31. 1084. Eobert de Clifford warden of Lochmaben castle and the valley of Annand requests Master Eichard de Abyndon to pay either in money or victuals, the wages of Eichard le Bret, an Irish ' hobolour retained to spy the passings and haunts of the enemy by night and day, who has been on duty for 6 weeks and 3 days ; lest he take him- self off for want of sustenance. Lochmaben •' la veylle de la gule de Aust,' 27th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. 2g3.] Trace of round seal, red wax, endorsed. [Extracts.] Aug. 3. 1085. Warrant for Nicholas de Cheyne, late sheriff of Somerset and Soon after. Dorset, for monies paid to William de Sumerville knight, Cristinus de Larde (del Ard) and William de Anegos, esquires, Scottish prisoners in Corff castle, and a warder, from the morrow of Michael- mas, anno xxvi'" till Monday next after the Feast of St James 1299, when William de Anegos was transferred to York ; and for Sir William and Cristinus and their warder from said Monday till Michaelmas thereafter ; and the expenses of a clerk, an esquire, and two archers escorting William de Anegos from Corff to York, hire of a horse to carry him, and expenses of a groom going and returning with the horse for ... . days, and expenses of said William from Tuesday next after St James' day till Monday next after St Peter ad vincula. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] Aug. 3. 1086. Warrant for Eobert de Balliol, late sheriff of Northumberland Shortly for 71. 14s., paid for 11 quarters wheat, and 30 quarters oats, after. delivered to John de Pencatlan, late constable of Jeddeworthe castle, who surrendered it to the K. ; and 20s. laid out on receiving 800Z. from the K.'s treasury at Newcastle, to be carried to Berwick and delivered to Philip de Verney keeper of the town, for its munition ; and for 13s. expended in bringing 300/. brought from York by John Byroun the sheriff to Newcastle, to be carried from thence to Berwick and there delivered to the aforesaid keeper ; and for 71. 4s., expended on John de Munbray, Henry de Seyncler, John Curry, knights, Eeginald le Chen and William de Angus esquires, Scottish prisoners delivered to him by the said sheriff of York, on 3rd August 1299 at York, to be taken thence to Newcastle. [Chancery Miscellaneous Port- folios, No. 11.] Aug. 8. 1087. The K. to the custos of the monastery of Kelso and the convent. Friar Thomas de Durham their fellow monk having brought letters patent from their chapter, supplicating the K. that as 276 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. their church is destitute through the continued and voluntary absence of friar Eichard, late abbot, a rebel and enemy, he would grant 1299. a conge d'elire, he therefore permits them to elect a devout abbot and pastor among his lieges. Kennington. [Patent, 17 Ediv. I. m. 16^ [1299.] 1088. Walter bishop of Chester to Richard de Abyndon. As Sir Aug. 17. Eobert de ClilTord is not to remain warden of the March of Carlisle, and no other is to be appointed till the K. arrives, the K.'s pleasure is that the constable of Lochmaben remain in office, and Sir Eichard Siward and the other knights of Annandale and others on duty, remain as at present. Commands him to see that Lochmaben is well provided before winter, as the writer has ordered the constable to aid in carriage. Also that Sir Eichard aud the others have due pay and ' vivres ' for sustenance as he knows how. Written at AUerton, Tuesday after the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. 2^.] Trace of rouud seal, red wax, on back. 1299. 1089. Eobert de Clifford to Master Eichard de Abyndon the K.'s Aug. 24. clerk at Carlisle. Eepresents to him that on the expiry of his ward of Lochmaben castle and the valley of Annand, it was arranged that he should maintain it till his appointment was renewed by letter ; and as he had ordered Sir Aleyn le fiz Waryn to remain with 4 men-at-arms and barbed horses, 5 ' hobolours ' and 9 archers for 23 days after the Gule of August, he requests their full wages to be paid, lest they and others depart to the peril of that castle. -- Lochmaben, 24th August, 27th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^.] Trace of round seal, red wax, on back. June 19- 1090. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Commands him Sept. 10. to issue a presentation in favour of Eoger de Barneby clerk, to the church of Kilmarnock, diocese of Glasgow. Cranebroke. [Privy Seals {Tower), 27 Echo. I. File 2.] Similar for Eobert Eussel of Hyltone clerk, to the church of Balgregy, St Andrews' diocese. Canterbury, 20th July. [File 2.] Similar for Walter Tonk' clerk, to the church of Torreych', St Andrews' diocese. Carlisle, 10th September. [File 2.] Similar for William de Sadyngton clerk, to the church of Poweles- worthe, St Andrews' diocese. Westminster, 2nd August. [File 2.] Sept. 11. 1091. Inquisition before the escheator on Friday next after the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 1299, at Penrith, regarding the lands of the deceased John de Seton in Cumberland, by Adam of Aleynby, Adam Turpe, Adam Armstronge [and nine others], jurors ; who find that he held the third of the manor of Skelton of the K. in capite by the service of cornage, paying yearly the third of 26s. and by homage and fealty. There is neither chief messuage, garden, nor pigeonhouse there. There are 40 acres arable in demesne, each worth 12^., 40s. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 277 Edward T. 12 acres of meadow at lOd. worth 10s. No separable grazing, but 300 acres of common. He draws nothing from it as the tenants of 1299. the vill have it. There are 200 acres wood, from which nothing is Sept. 11. drawn except 'husbot' and 'heybot' by these tenants. There are five customary tenants, each holding 2 bovates and paying half a mark yearly. Total 2| marks. Master Adam de Levyngton holds 30 acres by charter, doing homage and fealty and paying ^d. yearly. Each of tlie customary tenants gives 4 hens at Christmas yearly, 20 hens ; also 40 eggs, total 180 eggs. One Cristofor is son and next heir of John, and at the Annunciation of the B. Mary in the K.'s 27th year [25th March 1299] was 21 years of age. He held also the hamlet of Lambenby by the said service within the manor of Skelton, of the K. in capite. There is no chief messuage there, but 20 arable acres in demesne each worth Sd., 13s. ; 3 acres meadow at 8d., 2s. There are 18 customary tenants at dsAd. each yearly for all services, total 60s. The said John also held 6 bovates of land in the vill of Blencarne of Sir William de Boyville, by the yearly service of 6d. Three customary tenants there hold 2 bovates each of John, paying 5s. each. They append their seals. [Seals lost.] Two others are attached : — (1) at Driffield, on the Nativity of the B. Mary [8th September] 1299, by 12 jurors ; who find that John held nothing in capite in the wapentake of Herthylle in the county of York. But he held in ' Suze Brune' there, 7| tofts and 15 bovates, each bovate and toft worth 13s. 4td., total 10/. He held these of William le Latimer son of William le Latimer, by homage and foreign service, 8 carucates making a knight's fee. Christopher his son and heir was 21 on the last Annunciation. [Seals lost.] (2) at Stokeleye in the county of York, on Monday the Exaltation of the Holy Eood [14th September] same year by 12 jurors ; who find that John de Seton held the manor of Seton of William le Latimer and Lucia his wife as a quarter of a knight's fee, and nothing of the K. The chief messuage and grazing are worth 3s, ; 224 acres in demesne at 6d. each, worth 6/. 12s. ; 5 acres meadow at 2s. each, 10s. ; a watermill 13s. M. [Nine farmers pay 1/. 16s. 4d. for 6 tofts, 24 acres, 3 bovates and 2 ' assarts.'] Total of the extent, 9/. 13s. 8d. Cristofor his son is next heir and was 21 years of age at the Annunci- ation of the Virgin last past. Append their seals. [Seals lost.] [Inq. p. m. 27 Edw. I. No. 8.] Sept. 18. 1092. The K. commands Eichard de Harleghe to levy 500 foot in the county of Salop for the Scottish war, and send them well armed to Newcastle-on-Tyne by the vigil of St Katherine's day [24th November] next at latest. Canterbury. Similar writs for 500 men from Stafford ; 1000 from Derby ; 500 from Nottingham ; 2000 from Lancaster, 4000 from York, 2000 from Cumberland, 1500 from Westmorland, 4000 from Northumberland. [16,000 in all.] 278 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. The sheriffs of the various counties commanded to aid the knitrhts appointed to make the levies. [Patent, 27 Ediu. I. m. ll."] 1299. 1093. The K., in aid of the ransom which James de Lyndeseye his Sept. 23. liege, lately taken prisoner by the Scots, and in Bothwell castle, has made for his release, consents to exchange Michael de Miggel, a Scottish prisoner in Nottingham castle, and commands Robert de Clifford the constable to do so. Ledes. [C7os<3, 27 Ediv. I. m. 5.] [^Extract.'] Sept. 28 1094. Warrant for John Druel sheriff of Northampton for monies (or soon paid to William de Middlesburgh esquire, a Scottish prisoner from after). Dunbar, in Northampton castle, and a warder, from the morrow of Michaelmas [1297] till the eve of Michaelmas [1299]. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No 11.] Sept. 29. 1095. AVarrant for John de Boteturte keeper of St Briavel's castle, and the K.'s forest of Dene, for monies paid to Henry de St Clair knight, William de Nethenthryn and Gilbert le Barber, esquires, Scottish prisoners, from the morrow of Michaelmas in the 26th year, till Sunday the morrow of St James thereafter, when Sir Henry was delivered to the sheriff of Gloucester to be taken to York ; and to the esquires and a warder from last named day till Michaelmas anno ccxvij'"- [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] [Extract.] Sept. 29. 1096. Warrant for Walter de Mollesworthe sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham, for monies paid to James de [Menteth] Lucas son of Dovenald de Lymenathe, John de Clony of Eife, esquires, prisoners taken at the battle of Dunbar, in the castle of Berkhampstede, for a year to Michaelmas day in the 27th year. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] [Extract^ Sept. 30. 1097. Warrant for Thomas de Warblington sheriff of Southampton Stevenson, ii. 307. for mouies delivered to Richard de Dundemore knight, John de Putfuriche and Walter de Landeles esquires, Scottish prisoners in the castle of Winchester, for a year prior to the 29th September 1299. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-74-] [Extract^ Michaelmas 1098. Warrant for Ralph de Shirle sheriff of Nottingham and Derby (or soon for monies paid to .... de Boyville, Michael de Miggel and Roger after), the clerk, esquires, Scottish prisoners in Nottingham castle, from 1st May 1298, till Saturday next before Michaelmas 1299, when Michael was delivered from prison. [Chancery Miscellaneous Port- folios, No. 11 :] Sept. 29 1099. Warrant for John de Broughtone sheriff of Warrick and (soon) Leicester for monies paid to Malcolm de Drummond knight, Nigel after). de Kilpatrick, Reginald son of Reginald le Chen, and Reginald dc Sfc Clair, esquires, prisoners captured in Dunbar castle, in the castle RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 279 Edward I. of Kenilworth, from the morrow of Michaelmas 1298, till 2nd August 1299,275 days, when Reginald son of Reginald le Chen was delivered to 1299. the sheriff of "York ; and for two horsemen conducting Reginald from Kenilworth to York, 4 days going, 1 day there, and 3 returning, and a horse and groom to carry the prisoner, 4 days going and 3 return- ing; and to the remaining prisoners from 2nd August till 29th September thereafter, [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] [Extract.] Sept. 29. 1100. Warrant for Thomas Corbet sheriff of Salop and Stafford Soon after, for monies delivered to Michael le Barber, Robert de Middelton, and John le Keu, esquires, Scottish prisoners from Dunbar, in the castle of Montgomery, from 17th May 1298 till the eve of Michaelmas 1299. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] [1299.] 1101. Robert de Feltone to the K. There is a castle near them October(?), called Carla^erok which has done and does great damages every beginning day to the K.'s castle [Lochmaben] and people. But the Sunday of. next after Michaelmas he had such success that their constable's head was now set on the great tower at Lochmaban. Many are wounded on both sides ; fewer of the K.'s men than the others. The slain constable was called Robert de Conigham, and was the ' vallet ' of the Steward of Scotland, whose sister his uncle had married ; at which loss the Steward is much grieved. The people of Scotland are aware of the alliance between the K. and the K. of France, whereby they are much cast down. Asks him to turn his face to Scotland and they will be discomfited. Begs that the treasurer be commanded to let him have his robes, for never since he was with the K., as God aid him, has he had any clothes, and cannot leave the castle to buy them. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^-^^ No date. Trace of seal, green wax, on back. See App. II. No. 1. 1298-99. 1102. [Homages, forfeitures.] March 6- March 6. Henry de Percy does homage for the lands of Oct. 4. Ingelram de Balliol [of Tours] his cousin, deceased, in the county of Leicester. Chertsey. [m. 23.] April 3. The forfeited lands of John de Balliol in Totenham, com- mitted to William parson of Florencia, paying 20^. yearly at Exchequer. Westminster, [m. 19.] October 4. Cristofor son and heir of John de Seton, does homage for his father's lands, and the escheator ultra Trent is commanded to deliver them. Westminster, [m. 4-] [Fine, 27 Echo. I.] 1299. 1103. Letters patent by the K. granting to his nephew John de Sept. 25- Bretagne all the goods and chattels on the manors of John de Balliol Oct. 9. in England now in the K.'s hand, and the rents, all to be deducted in payment of the 1000/. granted him at Exchequer yearly. Ledes, 25th September. 280 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Letters of privy seal to the Treasurer to give a credence to the K.'s clerk in same business. Ledes, 26th September. 1299. Power of attorney by John son of the Duke of Brittany appointing John Guitardi his clerk and Eichard de Bermingham his esquire, to receive at Exchequer 500/. sterling due him under the K.'s grant at this term of Michaelmas ; also to receive seisin of the manors and lands of John de Balliol in England, and goods thereon. Given under his seal at London, Tuesday, the Feast of St Michael, A.D. 1299. Letters patent by the K. committing, towards payment of his yearly fee of 1000?. to John de Bretagne, the manors of Bywell, Wodhorne, Driffield, vill of Totkeseye, the castle of Fotherin- gay, Toteuham, Kempston [and others], extended to 488/. 14s. ^d. York, 9 th Oct. Writs to the various sheriffs and keepers of the lands to give the attorneys possession from Michaelmas. [^Exchequer, Q.B. Memoranda, 27 & 28 Edw. I. m. 2.] 1298-99. 1104 [Protections, presentations, &c.] Feb.-Oct. February 15. Safe conduct for Johanna wife of Alexander Comyn desiring to speak with her husband who remains in Scotland, till Pentecost next. Westminster. [??i. 36.] February 17. The same for Johanna wife of John Comyn J unio7' of Badenagh, w/ sicj^ra. Westminster. Protection for a year for the Abbot and convent of the Holy Eood of Edinburgh. Westminster. The same for the Abbot and convent of Cambuskenneth. April 7. Amicia widow of William de St Clair, dwelling by the K.'s leave in the county of Edinburgh in Scotland, has a protection for two years. Westminster, [m. 30.] April 10. Protection and safe conduct till Ascension day for Maria de Argayl wife of the K.'s liege William fitz Warin, a prisoner on his behalf in Scotland, going to see her husband. Westminster. April 16. Safe conduct, at the request of friars Hugh de Hertelpol minister of the Friars Minors in England, and William de Gaynes- burgh, for Cecilia Lambe now in Galloway, but coming to dwell in England, with her men and goods. Westminster. April 22. Protection and safe conduct for a year for Johanna de Clare countess of Fife and her retinue going to Scotland and return- ing. Westminster, [m. 28.] June 5. The same for Alexander de Balliol going to Scotland in the K.'s service, till Michaelmas. Dover. [7?^. 23.] July 10. Koger de Barneby is presented to the church of Kilmar- nock, under letters to the Bishop of Glasgow. Canterbury, [m. 20.] July 18. Ealph de Benton is presented to the church of Lowor- warde, under letters to the Bishop of St Andrews. Canterbury, [m. 17.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 281 Edward I. 1298-99. 1299. Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Oct. 22. Stevenson, ii. 317-318. Nov. 1. Nov. 13. Fcedera, i. 915. Nov. 14. Fd.. (Endorsed) ' The men-at-arms in the K.'s pay as within : — ' Sir Montesin de Noillan with 6 barbed horses. ' Sir Arnaud Guillaume de Pugeys „ 4 „ ' Sir Gaillard de Brignak „ 2 „ ' William de Sowe „ 4 „ ' Bernard de Bignoles „ 4 „ ' The number of the men-at-arms and foot to be increased or ' lessened at the K.'s pleasure.' [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army) No. 14.] Nov. 9. 1171. Indenture in similar terms, whereby Sir William le Latimer undertakes the ward of the castle, town, and county of Berwick-on- Tweed till Pentecost thereafter with 30 men-at-arms, receiving 400 marks. Besides having 200 foot for the defence of the town and pele, whereof 50 crossbowmen and 150 archers at [wages and other conditions ^d suprci]. Similar indenture by Sir Piichard Siward, undertaking with a retinue of 10 men-at-arms to attend Sir John de St John as warden of Galloway during his term of office, receiving 40/. for himself and men. Similar by Sir Piichard le Mareschal to attend Sir John with 3 men-at-arms, receiving 10/. for their pay [wages and conditions lit siqyra']. \_Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||.] Nov, 10, 1172. Indenture 10th November, 28tli year, between the K. and Council and Sir Richard de Hastang. The latter undertakes to keep Jeddeworthe castle with his retinue of 10 men-at-arms from this date till Pentecost next, drawing for tlieir pay 40/., and is ask no replacement of horses, during the truce with the Scots. There shall also be at the K.'s daily pay in said castle a bowyer and EELATTNG TO SCOTLAND. 299 Edward I. groom, at 6d. ; a blacksmith and groom, at 5d. ; a carpenter at 4:d. ; a watchman at od. ; also 30 fqot without corporals, 10 of whom 1300. crossbowmen at 3d. each, and 20 archers at 2d. each ; drawing pay as above. Sir Eichard is to be under the command of Sir Eobert de Hastang sheriff of Eoxburgh in all matters touching his district. The K. may increase or lessen the number of the garrison at pleasure. Carlisle. [JSxcJicquer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||.] Nov. 10. 1173. Indenture whereby on 10th November, 28th year, the K. granted to Sir Simon de Lyndeseye the keeping of the castle of Hermitage, the mote of Lydel, and the lands in the valley of Lydel both in England and Scotland belonging to the late John Wake; saving to his widow Johanna her dower ; which lands are in the K.'s hand through the nonage of Sir John's son and heir ; to hold till the Feast of All Saints next to come, Sir Simon laying out in repair of the walls, houses, and others in said castle, 20^. ; also repair- ing the mote and the fosses around ; strengthening and re-dressing the same, and the pele and the palisades, and making lodges within the mote if necessary for the safety of the men-at-arms of the gari-ison ; and to remain in defence of the place and country, and that the aforesaid be kept without detriment, and the people, tenants, and dwellers on the lands be maintained in their rights. Carlisle. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. |i.] Nov. 10. 1174. Indenture on 10th November 28th year, between the K and Council and Sir Eobert de Hastauge ; the latter to be captain, sheriff, and guardian of the castle and county of Eoxburgh, except the punishment and fine of offenders against the truce (to which Sir William le Latyraer is appointed), till Pentecost next, with 20 men-at-arms of his retinue, drawing for their pay 80/., and claiming no replacement of horses during the truce. Besides there shall be 100 footmen in the castle and town of Eoxburgh, 30 of them cross- bowmen at M. each, and 70 archers at 2d. each. Also a bowyer and groom at 6d, a blacksmith and groom at bd. ; a carpenter at M. ; and a watchman at 2>d., receiving wages as above ; the K. increasing or lessening the garrison at pleasure. Carlisle. [Exchequer, Q. JR. Mis- cellanea {Army), No. |f .] [1300.] 1175. Household account of the Prince of Wales(?), in the 28th Oct. 17- year. Nov. 19. \^Extracts.'\ Annan, Monday 17th October, . . Total, 31/. 15s. Id. 'Blakesaghe, Tuesday following' [18th], . „ 29/. 17s. IM. Dumfries, Wednesday following [19th] till Tuesday 'the Feast of All ' Saints,' November 1, . . [Average the same daily.] Karlaverock, ' Wednesday following ' [2nd], Total, 37/. 3s. O^d. Carlisle, Thursday following till Tues- day loth November, . . . [from 30/. to 38/. daily.] 300 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS . Total, 43Z. 12s. 41^. >j 3M. 4s. 2d. • » 35/. 2s. 5id » 30/. 2s. 2rf. J.' 31/. 7s. llc^. ft, much altered in the Edward I. [On margin of Sunday, 6th November,] ' On that day the Queen and others [1300.] ' dined with the King's son, Appelby, Wednesday 16th November Bourgh, Thursday following [17th] . Boghwes, Friday following [18th] Hertforde, Saturday following [19th] [Here the account, which is only a drs figures, ends.] [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. -^.J 1300. 1176. The K. confirms the donation by Philip de Bydale to the Nov. 24. master, chaplains, and poor of the Hospital of ' Domus Dei' of Berwick- on-Tweed, of all his lands and possessions in said town, and adjacent crofts, and in the vills of Chirneside, Wederburne and Quitusum (Whitsome) in Scotland, and likewise in the vills of Tweedrauthe, Bollesdoune, Gateswyke, and Hedereslawe with its mill, within England ; to be held in pure almoigne. Knaresborough. [Patent, 29 Edv). I. m. 33.] Nov. 27. 1177. The K. to the Chapter of St John of Beverley. Returns to them by two of his clerks the Banner of St John, which he had with him in the Scottish war. Aberford. In like manner the K. returns to the Prior and convent of Durham, the Banner of St Cuthbert, by a monk of their house and his own clerk. Aberford. [Close, 29 Edw. I. m. 17.] Nov. 28. 1178. Inquisition [in virtue of writ dated Carlisle, 10th of same month] before the sheriff of Berwick, on Monday next before St Andrew's day, 1300, by John de Penkatlan, Thomas of Heton, Eoger Pepinking. William the miller, Thomas of Est Nesebyt, Alexander the carpenter, John of Bely, Gamelin of Fouleden, Patrick of Lange- ton, Robert of Hoton, Adam Whytehevede of Hoton, and Simon of Morthington, jurors; who found that the late WiUiam de Moray held no lands in capite there, but he held a vill called Kellawe in the county of Berwick of the Earl of March, doing suit at his court thrice yearly ; which contains 5 carucates of land and meadow ; the vill lies waste and the land fallow. They are worth yearly if restored and the land cultivated, 10 marks. He also held another vill called Wedreburne of the earl by same service, containing 6 carucates of land and meadow, from which the ' Domus Dei ' of Berwick has 20 marks yearly. It is worth 40s. beyond that sum, Andrew de Moray, slain at Stirling against the K, son of the late Sir Andrew de Moray, has a lawful son named Andrew, who dwells in Moray among the K.'s enemies as they believe, who is the next heir and was two years of age at Pentecost last. They append their seals place and date id supra. [No seals.] (Endorsed) ' Domino Regi per suum vice comitem Berwyci.' [loiq. p. m. 29 Edw. I. No. 10.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 301 Edwaed I. 1179. Writ of allocate for John bishop of Carlisle, farmer of Carlisle castle [besides amounts laid out on the houses, brewery, bretaches, 1300. new bridges, glass windows for the K.'s chamber and chapel, repairs Dec. 3. of the great hall, the great chamber, garderobe, great and little kitchens, great stable, ramparts, granges, and stone walls around the gates, and cleaning the ditches within and without the castle], for 6^. 10s. 8d. wages of 14 crossbowmen defending the castle against the Scottish army besieging the castle and city from Martinmas till 8th December next following 1297, both days reckoned, 28 days at 4^d. a day ; 22/. 3s. 4d. wages of 95 foot for same time at 2d. a day ; 46s. 8d. wages of 10 crossbowmen for defence of the castle against the Scots from St Margaret's day [20 July] till the morrow of St Peter af? vincida [2nd August] 1298. 14 days at 4d each; 70s. wages of 30 foot for same time at 2d. ; 26s. paid for 8 crossbows 'ad pedes,' and 2 ' ad turnum,' delivered same year at Lochmaben castle to Eobert de Feltone the constable; 7/. 10s. paid for 6000 quarrels delivered to him there ; 18s. Id. spent in setting up and repairing the little engine in said castle [Carlisle] anno xxviii. [1299-1300] ; 7s. 6d. for ropes and hide for the K.'s springalls there and foundation of the great engine, anno xxvi. [1297-1298] ; 98/. 2Qd. allowed to 11 Galloway roen hostages in the castle, sent there by John de Warenne earl of Surrey, the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, from 23rd October 1297 till Michaelmas 1300, 1070 days at 2d. each; [also to the following Galloway hostages from said 23rd October till their deaths in prison, at 2d. daily], 50s. to Laughlan son of Laughlan de Carsan, till his death on 18th August 1298, 300 days; 52s. 4:d. to Dovenald son of Thomas de Carsan, till his death on 1st September 1298, 314 days ; 54s. to Martin son of Ivo de Slethan, till his death on 10th September 1298 ; 57s. 8rf. to John son of William Brunbert, till his death on 2nd October 1298, 346 days ; 59s. 2c?. to Gillepatrike son of Brice son of Make Rori, till his death on 12th October 1298, 355 days ; 62s. 'id. to Ninian son of Thomas Make Rori, till his death on 31st October 1298, 374 days ; 63s. M. to Andrew son of John Make Gille ReuB; till his death on 8th November 1298, 382 days ; 4/. bs. M. to Mathew son of Maurice Make Salui till his death on 20th March 1298-99, 514 days; 119s. M. to Ivo son of Stephen de Closeburn (Killeosberne), till his death on 9th October 1299, 717 days ; and 8/. to John son of Duncan Makehou, till his death on 10th June 1300, 960 days. Also 118s. 4d allowed to Eobert called ' Maistersone,* a hostage there from 28th September 1298 till 8th September 1300, 710 days, at 2d. a day when he was freed from prison by the K.'s precept. And 8/. 18s. 8o'., wages of a groom attending them from 23rd October 1297 till Michaelmas 1300, 1022 days at 2d. a day. Worksop. [Liheraie, 29 Edw. I. m. 4-] On 1st April 1302, these eleven hostages were delivered to John de St John the K.'s lieutenant in Galloway. [Liberate, 13 Edw. I. m. bl. 10s. ; of engineers, carpenters, masons, smiths, miners, and other workmen per diem, 4:1. Total of the K.'s household daily, great flesh, and fish, ' of which we have no stock,' poultry, salsar', carriages, wagoners' wages, ' palfridars ' and sumters, and trifling expenses, 81. 10s. per diem. Total for chaplains, clerks of the chapel, squires of the household without horses, and 24 vallets on foot who came from the munition of Stirling and are attached to the K.'s person, ^^c?- EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 317 Edward T. diem, 60s. Wardrobe necessaries, e.g., oblations, alms, carriages, messengers, making hurdles, carriage of engines, by estimation jjcr 1301. die7n, 10 marks. Sailors' wages per diem, 107s. 3^ Divers costs Oct. 8. and expenses about the K.'s corn and victuals at Berwick-on-Tweed and Edinburgh, and for ships, e.g., portage, ferrying, multure of wheat and malt, and other small expenses, per diem by estimation, 40s. Total ^er diem, 95/. Os. 7d. Total weekly, 665/. 4s. Id. Wages of Sir Walter de Burghdon and 30 men-at-arms [2 of whom are knights] and 80 foot, in Carstairs castle for the custody of the sheriffdom of Lanark, per diem, 46s. Wages of Sir William de Durham with 6 men-at-arms at Peebles for the custody of the sheriffdom of Peebles, j9er diem, 7s. Wages of 25 men-at-arms [4 of whom knights] and 330 foot [60 of them crossbowmenj, an engineer, a carpenter, a mason, a smith, a bowyer, and a watchman, in the castle and town of Berwick-on-Tweed, per diem., 101s. Wa^es of 80 men-at-arms [one a banneret and 2 simple knights], 60 foot [26 of them crossbowmen], a carpenter, a mason, a smith, a bowyer, and a watchman, in the castle and town of Eoxburgh, p)er diem., 48s. M. Wages of 10 men-at-arms [1 a knight], 30 foot [10 of them crossbowmen], a carpenter, a mason, a smith, a bowyer, and a watchman in the castle of Gedeworthe, per diem, 18s. 8d Wages of 24 men-at-arms [2 of them knights], in the forest of Selkirk under Sir Hugh de Audeley, per diern, 26s. Total of the fortresses j9e?^ diem, 121. 7s. 2d. Total „ by the week, 861. 10s. 2d. Total daily, both army and fortresses, 107/. 7s. dd. Total by the week, . . 751/. 14s. 4d Money is also required for the undernoted magnates in the army with horses and arms, viz., for the Earl of Warenne, with whom there is not yet a fixed agreement, but asks prests ; the Earl of Warwick (the same) ; the Earl of Angus (the same, no prests) ; Sir John do Britannia who will draw about Easter these 500/. in arrear of his fee ; Sir Aymer de Valence, who will draw about Easter by agree- ment, 600 marks ; Sir Hugh le Despenser ; Sir Hugh de Veer with whom there is not yet a fixed agreement, but asks prests; Sir John de Segrave (the same) ; Sir Eustace Poer who will draw for his service till Easter 300 marks ; Sir Thomas de Maundeville ; Sir John de Baar with whom there is not yet a fixed agreement, but asks prests ; Sir William le Latimer (the same) ; Sir Henry de Percy (the same) ; Sir William de Eos (the same). For Earl Patrick, who will draw for his service after Easter at Ayr for keeping that sheriffdom, 200 marks. Also as to the replacing of the horses lost and to be lost, the amount whereof cannot be known. There are also due for the wages of 3500 foot up to this date 1600/., which 318 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. must be paid timeously, or they will desert. Also the arrears of the men-at-arms and sailors, of which part should be paid. 1301. Also as to the K.'s son and his company when he joins the K. [Excheq^ier, Q. B. Memoranda, 30 Edw. I. m. ^.] [1301.] 1242. Edward Prince of Wales to Sir John de Langetone the Oct. 9. chancellor. Asks a protection for his 'vallet' Peres de Gresleye, with him in his Scottish war. Under his privy seal. Carlisle, October 9th. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^g-.] 1301. 1243. The K. commands the constable of Ledes castle and the sheriff Oct. 10. of Kent to have Adam de Moray knight brought to York, and then to Berwick-on-Tweed, to be exchanged for William Eidel, a prisoner with the Scots. Dunipace. Similar to the constable of Corfe castle and the sheriff of Dorset as to Sir William de Somerville knight, to be also exchanged. {Close, £9 Edw. I. m. 3 ; and Privy Seals (Tower), File 7.] They had not been exchanged by 1st December. [Glose, 30 Edw. I. m. 18.'\ 1300-1. 1244. [Safe conducts, pardons, &c.] Feb. 18- February 18. Safe conduct for the Bishop of Whitherne Oct. 10. coming from Galloway to England, till Pentecost next. Lincoln. [m. 28.] February 17. Safe conduct for John de Barres knight, envoy of the K. of France to Scotland till Pentecost next. Lincoln, [m. 26.] March 26. Safe conduct for Adam Gurdon and John de Inche- martyn, knights, Masters Nicholas de Balnul and Thomas de Bonne- quil, clerks, of Scotland, coming to Canterbury at this instant quinzaine of Easter, at the requisition of Philip K. of the French, to treat of peace with his envoys. Evesham, [m. 20.] April 8. Safe conduct for their return to Scotland under some other than William le Latimer senior, whom the K. has sent else- where. Feckenham. [m. 18.] May 3. John de St John warden of Galloway, Dumfries, and the adjacent March, empowered to receive knights and middle men of Scotland to peace, as the K. enjoined him vivd voce. Kemeseye. [m. J 6.] May 13. John de Kingeston constable of Edinburgh castle empowered to receive the middle men of Scotland to the K.'s peace. Kemeseye. [7)i. 15.] September 30. Pardon to Henry de Pynkeny for his good service in Scotland, of a robbery in the church of Southwell, Nottingham, of which he is accused by Eobert Nurri approver, detained in the K.'s gaol of Gloucester. Dunipace. [in. 7.] October 10. Adam de Moray knight, a prisoner in Ledes castle, and William de Sumerville knight, a prisoner in Corff castle, are ordered to be brought to York and exchanged for William Eidel, a prisoner with the Scots. Dunipace. [wi. J.] [Patent, 29 Edw. /.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 319 Edward I. 1245. Walter de Beauchamp seneschal of the household, and Ealph de Mantone, to Eichard de Bremmesgrave receiver at [1301.] Berwick-on-Tweed. As the Prince of Wales is coming shortly by Oct. 13. Berwick from Carlisle to join the K,, they command that he and his people be amply supplied with victuals. Written at Donipas, 13th December. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||.] 1301. 1246. The K. commands William Merre constable of Bercham- Oct. 13, stede castle to receive, under indenture from the bearer, Alexander son of Alexander de Balliol, and keep him, but not in irons, allowing him 4d and his warder 2cl. a day. Dunipace. \_Close, 29 Edw. I. m. 3.] Oct. 14. 1247. Letters patent by the K. reciting his credence to Pope Boniface [VIII.] for Walter bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and others, his ambassadors as to treating with the K. of France under their joint reference to the Pope, dated Glasgow, 24th August previous, and giving them full power to grant a truce to the Scots. Dunipace. [Patent, 29 Edw. I. m. 3.'\ [1301.] 1248. Edward Prince of Wales to Sir John de Langetone the Oct. 20. chancellor. Asks a protection for Eotherik Despaigne his chamber- lain who is in constant attendance on him. Under his privy seal. Wederhale, 20th October. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Fort- folios, No. T^V-] Oct. 20. 1249. Edward Prince of Wales to Sir John de Langetone the chancellor. As Master Eobert de Oydisterne his 'fisicien' is going to London for certain matters required for his [the Prince's] body, and returns instantly, he asks a protection for him on returning. Under his privy seal. Wederhale, October 20th. [No seal.] [Chan- cery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. j^.] 1301. 1250. The K. wishing to strengthen the town of Linlithgow with Oct. 20. all despatch, commands the Treasurer and Barons to send there six crossbows ' a tour,' with appendages, and 2000 quarrels ; 12 cross- bows of two feet and 3000 quarrels, and also 5000 quarrels for crossbows of one foot. If they cannot get them all at York or thereabouts at once, they must send to London for them, but mean- while send him what they have, a horseload at least. As he hears there is great plenty of quarrels for crossbows of one foot in the Tower of London, he commands that some of these be sent, if not got elsewhere. Charges them specially to lay the business to heart and see it done. Falkirk (la Veire Chapelle). The writ was sent to John de Drokenesford lieutenant of the Treasurer on 1st November. [Ex- chequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 30 Edw. 1. m. 10, dorso.'] Oct. 20(?). 1251. Memorandum: — James de Moleyns accounts for his ex- penditure in crossbows, bolts, &c., sent to the K. at Linlithgow Stevenson, ii. 438-440. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474.] 320 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS EdwaPiD T. 1252. Robert de Clifford to Sir John de Langeton chancellor of England. Begs him to issue protections for himself and his people, 1301. as Thomas de Sheffeud will shew the chancellor. Done at Brougham, Oct. 29. Sunday next before the F. of All Saints in the K.'s 29th year. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^g.] [1301.] 1253. Hugh Biset to the K. Informs him he is with his fleet in Oct.(?) Bute and Kentire awaiting his orders. [Chancery Miscellaneous Stevenson, ii. i35.Bolls, No. 4-'^4-] Oct.(?) 1254. Engus de Yle to the K., in similar terms to Sir Hugh Stevenson, ii. 436. Bisset's letter. Bcgs the K. to favour the ' sons of Rodric,' and grant them some ' native fee.' [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4''^4-] Oct.(?) 1255. John son of Suffne to the K, Is with Sir Hugh Byseth Stevenson, ii. 437. and the K.'s fleet and awaits the K.'s pleasure. His land of Knap- dale has been taken from him by John de Ergadia on behalf of John de Menteth the K.'s enemy. Asks redress. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 474.] Written by same clerk as the two previous letters. Nov. 11. 1256. [Memorandum as to the garrison and stores in the castle of Dumfries.] [Extracts']. Sir Arnald Guillira de Podio constable of the castle of Dumfries has 4 barbed horses. James de Bruncy and Ferreres de Brusk have 2 barbed horses. Four carpenters, a smith and boy, a bowyer, a baker, a cook, a janitor, a chaplain, a clerk, two watchmen, a washerwoman, four labourers, 12 grooms of the men-at-arms, 17 crossbowmen ; total, 55. For these 55 persons' sustenance from 31st July till Martinmas, i.e., 10th Nov., both days reckoned, 104 days, the constable had 48 quarters 6 bushels of wheat and flour, whereof in the castle in said Sir John's time, 2 barrels of flour and 12s. &d. of bread. From Master Richard Dabyndon of the K.'s store at Carlisle, said 31st July, 5 quarters wheat and 7 barrels of flour. ' Et sic ' habet ultra.' Of wine and beer, 14 casks. Whereof of the stock in said Sir John's time, 1^ cask wine. From Master Richard de Abyndon by R. de Manton's hands, on 31st July, 8 casks wine and 6 quarters ground malt. Three casks still to be accounted for, for which they have received oats ut supra. From Master Richard by said Ralf's hands, 2 quarters beans. Oats for 104 nights for the 6 barbed horses, 39 quarters. Note. — The constable received from Master Richard ut supra 56 sacks estimated to contain as many quarters, from which the 39 must be allowed. To make malt for 3 casks of beer nt supra, 17 quarters. The constable also received of the stock in J. de la Dolyne's time ut supra, 2 bushels salt ; and from Master Richard ut supra, a sack containing 2 quarters salt. He had also from Master EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 321 Edward I. Richard ut supra 30 hogs, 2900 herrings, and 200 hard fish. Item, of the stock in the castle in Sir J. de Doline's time, 2940 herrings, [1301.] and 150 hard fish called 'hakes,' 3 pieces of iron and 6 stones of lard. Item, by E. de Mantou's hands of the purveyor of the K.'s kitchen, 20 carcasses oxen. Of these, 8 shoulders and a side wanting. Item, from said R. de Manton to buy fresh meat and fish and other small necessaries during aforesaid time, 10/. Item, of Sir John de Dolyne's money 4/. There are yet 15 carcases of beef and 20 of mutton required. Master Eichard de Abyndon to send to the castle 10 quarters salt, 10 ' bend' of hay, 6 stones [ ] to make string for the cross- bows. Item, John de Carleton the K.'s clerk of stores to send 10 lb. wax. A letter to Sir Roger de Kirkpatrick, (Endorsed) 'Ordinacio facta pro castro de Dumfres.' [Tower Ifiscel- laneous Rolls, No. f ff.] 1301. 1257. The K. to the lieutenant of the Treasurer, Barons, and Nov. 17. Chamberlains of Exchequer. Having ordered Sir John de St John to have 120 men-at-arms constantly arrayed to make forays on the Scots in Galloway till Easter next; as also 10 men-at arms and 100 foot to garrison Lochmaben, and the like number at Dumfries, he commands them to send a clerk without delay to see to their weekly pay, and also as to the proper munition of these castles with dead stock, corn and wine and other 'vivres,' as he hears they are insufficiently provided. Linlithgow. [Exchequer, Q. B. Meynoranda, 30 Edw. I. m. P.] On 31st December a sharp mandate is issued from Linlithgow command- ing money to be instantly sent to Sir John de St John, who is in great want of it for these garrisons, [m. ii.] [1301.] 1258. Henry de Percy to Sir John de Langetone the chancellor. Nov. 17. As Sir Philip de Lyndeseye is going back to Scotland and will remain as long as the K. does, he begs him to change his protection. Written at Lekyngfeud, 17th November. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. j^J^.] 1301. 1259. The K. to John de Langton his chancellor. Commands him Nov. 18. to prepare letters of credence under the Great seal in ' amicable form, ' to be addressed to the Pope for [Albert] the King's confidential vallet, as to certain matters which Albert will declare to him on the K.'s behalf regarding John de Balliol late King of Scotland, ' oraculo vive vocis,' and deliver them when sealed to said Albertinus. [Linlithgow.] [Much defaced.] [Privij Seals (Toiver), 29 Edic. I. File 8.] Nov. 21. 1260. The K. commands the Justiciar, Treasurer, and Barons of the Irish Exchequer to buy and forward from Ireland for the use of Edward Prince of Wales, by Candlemas next, 2000 qrs. wheat, 2000 qrs. oats, 2000 qrs. malt, 4000 great fish, and 20,000 herrings; VOL. II. X 322 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. whereof to Skynburnesse, for the castles of Lochmaben and Dumfries, 1300 qrs. wheat, 1300 qrs. oats, 1300 qrs. malt, 3000 great fish and 1301. 15,000 herrings; and to his castle of Newcastle-on-Ayr, 700 qrs. wheat, 700 qrs. oats, 700 qrs. malt, 1000 great fish, and 5000 herrings Linlithgow. [Patent, 30 Ediv. I. m. 36,] On 5tli December they are ordered to forward 200 casks of wiae and 20 casks of honey to Skynburnesse for the munition of Dumfries and Loch- maben by same day. [m. 35.] Nov. 21. 1261. The K. commands a levy of 1000 foot in the counties of Salop and Stafford, 500 from each; to be brought well armed to Linlithgow by Walter Beyfin in person, by the morrow of the Lord's Circum- cision, to attack the Scots. Linlithgow. Similar levies ordered: — from York, 1200 men, — viz., 300 from Blakeburnshire, 300 from Hallamshire, 300 from Pykering and Blakhoumoor, 100 from Richemundshire, and 100 from Holdernesse — to be led by John de Heselartone and Eobert Ughtred in person to Linlithgow, by the morrow of Lucia virgin ; from Gloucester and the forest of Dean, 500 under Richard Talebot in person by the morrow of the Circumcision ; from Nottingham and Derby, 900 under Thomas Malet in person, by the vigil of Christmas ; from Northumberland, 1300 under Richard de Horsle and Thomas de ClenhuUe in person, by the morrow of St Lucia virgin ; [4900 in all.] Writs to the sheriffs of the several counties and other lieges to aid in the levies. [Patent, 30 Echo. I. m. 36.] By a writ on 3rd January following, the Yorkshire force is to be levied any- where in the county, and mustered with all haste at York on Friday after Epiphany, to receive their pay and march against the Scots, [to. 34-] Nov. 12-28. 1262. Account of expenses at Linlithgow on the King's house and Stevenson, ii. otliei woiks there. Total, 25/. 4s, lOd. [Toiocr- Miscellaneous 441-W3. jiolls, No. 471] Dec. 2. 1263. Writ for John de Cambhou, son and heir of Walter de Camb- hou late keeper of the deceased Duncan, earl of Fife's lands, for 40/., paid by Walter to William Byset, in lieu of the custody of the land of Caldoure-Coniitis, which had been granted to William but resumed by the K. for certain reasons. Linlithgow. [Liberate, 30 Edw. I. m. 3.] Dec. 7. 1264. John de Cambhou sheriff of Northumberland attests that he shipped for Blakenes near Linlithgow in 'le Mariot' of Scar- borough, Robert of Wyteby, master, 700 ' torkes ' of hay, and paid 4 marks silver in part of his freight of 8 marks. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Thursday next after St Nicholas's day, anno xxx. [No seal.] Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |^.] Dec. 7. 1265. John earl of Warenne to Sir John de Langetone the chan- cellor. Begs protections for John Chaunterel and Perres Chaunterel with him in the K.'s service. Linlitligow, the morrow of St Nicholas in EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 323 Edwaed I. the 30th year. Norman French. [Trace of seal on back.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. yVg'] 1301. 1266. John de Cambhou sheriff of Northumberland attests that Dec. 13. he shipped in the ' Godyer' of Jarrow, John son of Gerard of Jarrow, master, 1360 ' torkes ' of hay for Blackenes near Linlithgow, and paid H. silver in part of his freight of 8/. Newcastle-on-Tyne, "Wednes- day, St Lucia the virgin's day, anno xxix. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. f i.] Dec. 13. 1267. The K. to John de Swynburne [and others], superseding the levy of 1300 foot from Northumberland (to be brought to Linlithgow) till further orders. Linlithgow. Similar writs : — superseding 900 men from Salop and Stafford ; 500 from Gloucester and the Forest of Dean ; 100 of the 1100 to be levied from Blakeburnshire, Hallumshire, Pykering, Blakhou Moor, Eichmondshire and Holdernesse, — the remaining 1000 to come; 700 of the 900 from Nottingham and Derby, — the remaining 200 to come. [Close, 30 Edw. I. m. 18, dorso.'\ [1301.] 1268. Walter bishop of Chester, treasurer, to Eichard de Bremes- Circa grave keeper of the stores at Berwick-on-Tweed. As he was charged Dec. 13. when he left the K., to do some courtesy to Sir Archibald de Livingstone, who has lost all his victual at sea, he commands that he get two tuns of wine and 20 qrs. wheat whenever he asks it. Written at Eoxburgh, Monday next after the Feast of St Lucia. [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^\.'\ 1301. 1269. Letters patent by Philip K. of France, ratifying the treaty Dec. 25. of Asnieres between his ambassadors and those of the K. of England, Paigrave, p. 241. whercby a truce was granted to the Scots at his request. Appends his seal, the day of ' Nouel,' 1301. Saint Bsnoist sur Loire. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 92, No. 3J^; and Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^.] The seal lost, slit for tag remains. Document much decayed and defaced. [1301?] 1270. Edward Prince of Wales to Sir John de Langetone the Dec. 30. chancellor. Asks a protection for Peres Peres and Andreu Peres of Castresertz, merchants of Burgos in Spain, by the bearer, with one for his vallet Eotheri Despaigne. Linlithgow, under his privy seal, 30th December. [Seal gone.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^0-] 1301. 1271. Account of the purchase of iron and coal, and tools made of Sept.-Dec. the K.'s iron, at Glasgow, anno xxix. To a marshal for a great hammer and an iron, Id. ; William of Morpeth for an anvil and an iron bought from him at sight of the marshal, Sir John de Banstede, and others, bs. ; for a great hammer and chisel bought at Glasgow, \2d. ; 3 pieces of iron from divers persons, M. ; an axe, 5d ; other small pieces, 6fZ. ; a plough- 324 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edayaed I. share, M. ; another iron, Zd. ; a pair of ' verterell,' 2d. ; and other small pieces of iron, &^d. ; carriage of a stone to grind the tools, 3f^. ; 1301. 3 bars of iron, Zd. Item, iron (calibe) Id. ; 2 ' piks ' to make 2 great hammers, bought by Master Henry of Gateshead, A.d. ; iron bought by Barneby, \d.; an axe M. ; a great hammer bd. ; for iron (calibe), Id. ; total, 12s. 2^d. For a little anvil for 4 pairs of chisels and a hammer for large and small nails, a ' mattok,' and nails and a long and broad ' benda ' of iron and a cauldron, bought by Master Henry of Gateshead, sraith, 4s. &d. ; for a coffer to put the the K.'s ' utensil ' into henceforth, which Master Hugh the carpenter broke at Both- well, Qd, ; a lock for said coffer, 2d. ; at Dunipace for iron, Id. ; a long iron from the mill, bought by Master Henry, Ad. ; for hire of shovels twice while the K. was at Dunipace, to stow the iron in the ships, by Henry the smith and G. de Wyndsor, M. ; iron bought by Henry at sight of Sir John de Kingestone at Bothwell, 14d ; iron bought at Dunipace from Henry the Ferrier, lOf?. ; Walter the Terrier for iron, bd. ; coal twice bought at Dunipas, Q>d. ; iron bought there, 3d ; coal there, Q>d. ; iron, Qd. ; coal, Ad. ; iron in particles. Ad. ; iron, Id. ; iron, &d. ; iron by Master Henry, Ad. ; breakfast for those who went from Bothwell to Glasgow to seek iron and coal for the K.'s use, 12c?. ; for a ' beche ' bought to make the road for the ' berefroy,' 2d. ; at Dunipace, 10th October, for coal, Ad. ; [remainder much defaced] a vessel for the masons to hold water while they hastened the K.'s chamber at Linlithgow, Ad. ; Henry the smith for 8 seams of coal at Linlithgow, first week of December . . . . ; 3 seams coal for the smith 20th December, 12d. Total, 10s. Id. {^Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea (Army), No. f^.] [1301.] 1272. Robert Hastang to Sir Ralph de Manton. As he has lost many horses in the K.'s service, not yet replaced, and the last one cost him 60 marks, asks him to arrange that he have a horse for his own riding as part of his ' arrerages,' as his vallet John de Chilterne the bearer may find suitable for purchase. Begs him to see to this as he can find none where he is. [Mutilated slightly at end.] Norman Frencli. [Toicer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^^^.] 1273. William de Ferrars lord of Leuchars (Logres), to Sir John de Langeton the chancellor. Asks a protection and respite of debts for his vallet Colyn de Grendale, going with him in the K.'s service to Scotland. Norman French. [No date ] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^l ] 1274. From sa ne to same. For Sir Piers Picot, and Sir Alexander de Harcas his bachelors, going with him to Scotland in the K.'s ser- vice. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.^ No date. Trace of green wax seal on back. 1301. • 1275. Indenture attesting that William de Regate, clerk of the Prince of Wales, received from Sir James de Dalileghe, keeper of the EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 325 Edward I. K.'s victuals at Carlisle, by the hands of his clerk, in the port of Newcastle under Are, and Torneburi, 34|^ salt oxen, 71 bacons, and 1301. 1650 'gross' fish, by the lesser hundred; and a cask and a pipe of salmon, containing 22 dozen. Axq, anno xxix. [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. -^V-J 1276. Memorandum : — that in the 29th year, James de Dalileghe, keeper of the K.'s victual at Carlisle, delivered to Henry de Say, butler of the Prince of Wales, at Carlisle, 38| casks wine. [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. t^j--] [1300-1?] 1277. Adam de Brom and Eichard de Wardynton are sent to Ireland for 3000 qrs. wheat, whereof 2000 in flour ; 3000 qrs. oats ; 2000 qrs. ground malt ; 500 qrs. beans and pease ; 200 casks new wine; 500 qrs. salt; 10,000 hard fish; 5 'lastez' of herring. Of these one-half must be carried to Skynborness, and another half to the isle of Arran. [Chancery Miscellaiieous Portfolios, No. ^Jg.] [1301.] 1278. Alayn de Ploknet to Sir Adam de Osgotby (Hosgotby)' Begs him to give to his clerk, protections for his ' valez ' who are with him in Scotland, viz., John le Eous, Eichard de Grunestede, and John de la Bere, and respite of debts, till he can speak with him, ' for he doubts Scotland much'. Begs they may be sent by this next Saturday when the clerk is to meet him at Durham. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.} No date. Trace of seal, red wax, on back. [1300-1.] 1279. Warrant for payment to Sir Simon Eraser under the ' liberate ' of John de Drokeneford, guardian of ' our Wardrobe, ' of 20/. in part of the sum due by the K., as will appear in a ' bille ' which Sir Symon will shew under the seal of Eauf de Manton the K.'s ' coffrer.' [Privy Seals {Tower), 29 Ediv. I. File 1.] 1280. [Inventory of jewels.] [Extracts.] 1301-2. In the coffer of cloth of gold: — Two silver platters called Jan. 1. ' Lechefrithe' ; a gold goblet with cover, given by the Queen to the King for his new year's gift, by the hands of Sir Aymar de Valence delivered in the Wardrobe at Linlithgow, on 1st January, the 30th year. In a leather iron-bound coffer : — A thorn of Christ's Crown, which was the Earl of Cornwall's, in a silk purse ; dragon's blood in dust in a ' cluttellus ' ; the great ruby which was the Earl of Cornwall's, in a ' clutus ' sealed with the seals of Sir J. de Drokeneforde and J. de Benstede ; the Eed Book called ' Textus ' on which magnates are wont to swear. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea ( Warclrohe), No. ||.] Jan. 23. 1281. Walter de Beauchamp seneschal of the K.'s 'hostel' to the clerk of Sir James de Dalileg', warden of the stores at Newcastle-cu- Ayr. Commands him to deliver for the use of Sir John de Barr' and 326 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Sir Eymeiy de la Brette, 2 qrs. of ' flur,' and for the writer's use 'tomorrow,' 1 qr. of 'flur' and 1 qr. of wheat. Written at Yrewin 1301-2. (Irvine), the 23rd day of ' Genever/ 30th of the K.'s reign. [Chancery Miscellaneous For ff olios, No. ||.] A small fragment of seal, green wax, on tag ; a fesse between 3 martlets in chief and as many in base. Jan. 26, 1282. Eatificatiou by the K. of the terms and conditions to be agreed to by his ambassadors at their meeting with those of France to take place at Mustreul in the quinzaine of Easter next, and grant- ing an extension of the time for bringing the treaty to a conclusion till St Andrew's day 1302, on the conditions of the former truce at Tournay ; but declaring that John de Balliol, styling himself K. of Scots, and the Scots, whom the K. of France treats as allies, are not acknowledged as such. Linlitligow. [Patent, 30 Edav. I. m. 32 ; and see Schedule appended.] Jan. 28. 1283. The K. commands the sheriff of Southampton to pay William de Veupont and Eichard de Dundemor, knights, Elias de Eameseye, John de Putfriche and Walter de Laundeles, esquires, Scottish prisoners in Winchester castle, and their warder, their arrears. Linlithgow. Similar writ to the sheriff' of Somerset for Christin del Arde of Scotland, an esquire, in Corfe castle, and his warder. [Close, 30 Mio. I. m. 17.] [Jan. (?)] 1284. Treaty at Asnieres between tlie ambassadors of Philip K. of paigiave, 241-247. j?rance and the ambassadors of the K. of England, granting a truce to the Scots till St Andrew's day 1302. [ChajJter House {Scots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 127.] Printed by Sir F. Palgrave from a draft. The phraseology is not materially different from the above, which seems to be the original. There appear to have been slits for tags. No seals. [1301-2.] 1285. For the K.: — from the Bishop of Chester, the Earl of Lincoln, the Archdeacon of Eichmond, and John de Berwick canon of York, his envoys in France ; narrating their proceedings with the ambassadors of France, previous to meeting the latter at Moustroil, on the quinzaine of Easter next. Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Transcriptum altime sufferentie concordate apud ' Amyens, viz., .... sufferencie que primo missa fuit Eegi apud ' Linliscu .... A nostre seignur le Eoi Dengleterre par ses messages ' en France.' [Much blackened with galls.] [Chancery Miscellarteous Fort/olios, No. /Jj-.] 1301-2. 1286. Indenture whereby Sir John de Kingestone sheriff of Edin- Feb. 12. burgh undertakes the keeping of the castle and sheriffdom with 30 men-at-arms till Pentecost next, 12 of these being of his own retinue, at 40/. for their pay. Also to have a bowyer, carpenter, smith, and watchmsHi, 20 crossbowmen and 20 archers, at the K.'s pay. Done at EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 327 Edward I. Eoxbargh, 12tli February, 30th of the K.'s reign. [The names are endorsed.] 1301-2, Similar by Sir Eobert de Hastang sheriff of Eoxburgh, for the Feb 12. castle and sheriffdom, with 10 men-at-arms, a bowyer, carpenter, smith, and watchman, crossbowmeu and archers %it supra. Half of the archers to be carpenters and masons, to repair the walls and houses of the castle, at 2d. a day extra while walling. Eoxburgh. Feb. 12. Similar by Sir Edmond de Hastinges, to be warden of Berwick-on- Tweed, with 10 men-at-arms, 6 of his own retinue at 40/., the others [at specified rates jper diem.'] Also 180 foot, of whom 40 to be cross- bowmen, for the garrison of the town ; part of them to be carpenters and masons ut supra. Eoxburgh. Feb. 12. Similar by Sir Eichard de Hastang, to be constable of Jeddeworth, with 5 men-at-arms, besides bowyer, carpenter, smith, and watchman, 10 crossbowmen and 10 archers, one-half to be masons and carpenters, ut supra. Eoxburgh. Feb. 12. Similar by Sir Archibald de Livingstone sheriff of Linlithgow, to keep the town and sheriffdom with 10 men-at-arms for 20 marks till Pentecost. Eoxburgh. A fragment of his seal remains — a Bacchante (?) with a thyi'sis in her left hand; flattened and defaced. Feb, 12. Similar by Sir Aymer de Valence, that besides his own 12 men-at- arms in Bothwell castle, he will find other 5 till Pentecost, at 20/. wages ; and besides these 17, there shall be 13 more in the castle, each at ^d. a day from the K. [The names of William de Swynburne, and 11 other knights are endorsed.] Eoxburgh. Feb. 12. Sir Patrick de Dumbar earl of the March, undertakes the ward of the castle and sheriffdom of Ayr, with 40 men-at-arms till Easter, as in former agreement, and from that day till Pentecost following, with 20, receiving for the latter term 20/. Eoxburgh. [Exciiequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. -f I.] Feb. 12. 1287. Indenture by Sir Alexander de Balliol, to guard Selkirk forest with 30 men at arms at his own cost till Pentecost next. Also to find for the K. or his chief warden of the March, on four days' warn- ing, GOO foot ; and on eight days' warning, 1000 foot, so often as the warden sees need, for the defence of the Forest. Eoxburgh. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||^.] Feb. 12. 1288. Indenture bearing that on 12th February, in the 30th year, at Eoxburgh, it was ordered by the K. and Council that Sir Alexander de Balliol and Sir Eobert Hastang' sheriff of Eoxburgh, be surveyors of the works devised by the K. for erecting the fortress of Selkyrk. And William de Eue clerk shall pay the workmen and attendant expenses. The said Alexander and Eobert, shall each have his clerk at every pay, and note the sums in order to check the K.'s clerk. Masters Eenaud Lenginour and Stephen of Northampton, shall be over the carpentry of said place. The sheriff of Northumberland 328 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. shall be commanded by letter of privy seal to send sufficient carpenters, ' mazons,' and diggers for the work, as Sirs Alexander and Robert 1301-2. shall let him know by letter, and sufficient carriages for the necessary Feb. 12. materials. And Alexander and Robert shall likewise send workmen and carriages from their several bailliaries. Done, place and date aforesaid. One part remaining in the Wardrobe, the other with said Sir Alexander, Sir Robert, and ' William.' Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. \^.'\ Feb. 13. 1289. The K. having granted to Nigel Cambel knight, the custody of the lands in Cumberland belonging to the heir of the late Hubert de Multon, who held by knight's service of the heir of the late Thomas de Multon of Gillesland, a tenant in capite, till the heir's majority, commands the Chancellor to issue letters under the Great seal to Nigel ; also others empowering Margaret, Hubert's widow, to marry him. Roxburgh. [Privy Seals (Toiver), 30 Ediv. I. File 4-, and Patent, 80 Edao. I. m. 28.] Feb, 14. 1290. Sir John le fuiz Marmaduk, undertakes and promises the K. to guard the Earl of Lincoln's lands of Strogrith and country around, with 20 men-at-arms from 15th February till Easter next, his own pay to be 4s. a day ; 3 knights at 2s. and 12 esquires at 12d., receiv- ing a month's pay in advance, and thereafter at the end of each month, the money to be sent to Edinburgh, thence Sir John de Kingston shall send it to Carstairs (Chastel Tarres), to Sir Walter de Bourghdon, who shall send it to Sir John at Eothwell castle. Roxburgh. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f-^.] Feb. 16. 1291. The K. having at the instance of Robert de Bruis earl of Carrick, pardoned Ector Askeloc for the death of Cuthbert of Gal- loway and other offences in Cumberland and elsewhere in England and Scotland, and breaking prison at Carlisle, commands a pardon under the Great seal to be issued. Roxburgh. [Privy Seals (Tower), 30 Edw. I. File 4.] Feb. 16. 1292. The K. to John de St John warden of Annandale and Galloway. Having granted to Patrick de Dunbar earl of March, the forfeitures during this war of all the lands holding of the earl in capite in the realm, by those who still are in arms against the K., commands him to see that no hindrance be offered to him as to any lands within his bailliary. Roxburgh, 16th February, anno xxx. Norman French. [Draft.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ||.] Feb 21. 1293. Letters patent by Patrick de Dunbar earl of March, declaring that as Sir Montesin de Noielan, and Sir Emoun de Mauleye, with all the garrison of Newcastle-on-Ayr, were besieged there by the enemy after his own arrival at the castle, and could no- ways go out with safety, and lost some in their long stay, he commands the clerk of Sir James de Dalilez to deliver to Sir Montesin, 2 qrs. wheat, and 1 qr. oats ; to Sir Emon, 2 qrs. wheat ; EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 329 Edwaed I. to Robert de Necton and Symon de Vilers, 1 qr. of wheat ; to John de Vilers, Owyn de Gales, William de Weston, Matthew de Eye, 1301-2. Eobert de Elington, and John de Wrileg, each 2 bushels of wheat ; to 10 crossbowmen, each 3 bushels of wheat ; and to 11 archers, each 2 bushels of wheat. Total, 13 qrs. wheat, and 1 qr. oats. When Sir Montesin and Sir Emoun are gone, there will remain ^ crossbow- men and 11 archers in garrison, to whom he orders said John to deliver 1 qr. wheat to each crossbowman, and to each archer 4 bushels of wheat. Total, 13i qrs. of wheat, in lieu of their wages. He himself has had for sustenance in the castle by tallies between his servants and said John, 240 qrs. of wheat and 6 qrs. 6 bushels oats. Done at Newcastle-on-Ayr, Wednesday next after ' le Quareme privant,' 30th of the K.'s reign. To William le Mareschal and Eoger his companion, each 3 bushels of wheat. [Chancery Mis- cellaneoiis Fortf olios. No. |^.] The seal on tag gone. Feb. 23. 1294. Writ for the late sheriff of Southampton for monies paid to Eichard de Dundemor knight, John de Putfurich, and Walter de Laundeles esquires,- Scottish prisoners in Winchester castle from the morrow of Michaelmas 1300, till 23rd June 1301 ; to said knight and John from last date, (when Walter was sent to Berwick) till Michaelmas following ; to Lawrence de Eameseye, a Scots prisoner brought from York to Winchester, from 4th October 1300, till 29th September 1301 ; and to William de Vepount knight, and William de Newton esquire, Scottish prisoners transferred from Porchester castle to Winchester on 19th May 1301, till 29th September following. Morpeth. [Liberate, 30 Edw. I. m. 2.] Feb. 23. 1295. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Commands him quickly, with advice of John Wogan the justiciar of Ireland, to take order in the matters referred to in the enclosed schedule. Morpeth. [Schedule. — HxiracL] The Earl of Ulster and other Irish magnates to be summoned to attend the K in his Scottish war, with 500 men on barbed horses, 1000 hobelars and at least 10,000 foot, — and more horse and foot if possible. [Privy Seals {Toivcr), 30 Echo. I. File ^.] Feb. 26. 1296. Warrant for Walter de Mulesworthe, sheriff of Bedford and (Soon Buckingham for monies paid to James de Manetheth (Menteth), after.) Lucas son of Dovenald de Lymenathe and John de Clony of Fyfe, esquires, Scottish prisoners from Dunbar, in the castle of Berk- hampstede, from the morrow of St Michael anno xxvij" (30th September 1299), till the 1st July, anno xxix (1301), each at 3rt. yer diem ; and from said day till 26th February, anno xxx (1301-2), each at 2d. a day ; by the K.'s writ, and the order of the Treasurer and Barons of Exchequer as to the reduction. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 330 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1297. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. Alexander de Balliol, who is in liis service in Scotland, having complained that the 1301-2. escheator ultra Trent has seized the manor of Hugham in Kent, the Eeb. 28. custody of which belongs to him through the minority of the late Eobert de Hugham's heir, who held the manor of Alexander by knight's service, as of the late Isabella de Dovor, Alexander's wife, by the courtesy of England, he commands that letters under the Great seal be issued in favour of the complainant. Chester. [Privy Seals {Tower), 30 Eclw. I. File 5.] March 13. 1298. Writ on the Treasury in favour of Henry de Pynkeny for 100 marks for the manor of Wedon-Pynkeny in the county of Northampton, which he had sold to the K., together with the advow- son of the priory there, and all his knight's fees, homages, and services in the whole realm of England in jperpetuum. Howgate. [Liberate, 30 Ediv. I. m. 2 ; and Privy Seals {Tower), 30 Edw. I. File 5.] March 17. 1299. The K. to John de Langeton his chancellor. The Countess of Fife lately enfeoffed Sir John de Hastinges in certain lands in England, and has agreed with Sir John to get them back with the K'.s leave. He commands the Chancellor, if the enfeoffment was made with his leave, to issue letters under his Great seal re-enfeoffing her in the lands. Bromflete. [Privy Seals {Tower), 30 Edw. I. File J.] 1302. 1300. "Warrant for John bishop of Carlisle, the farmer of the castle April 1. and demesnes there, for 50^. 6s. 6d, pay of 11 Galwegian hostages, sent there by John de Warrenne earl of Surrey, the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, from the morrow of Michaelmas anno xxviii'' ending, till 1st April anno xxx, before the bishop delivered them to John de St John the K.'s lieutenant in these parts, at 2d. a day; and U. lis. &d., wages of a groom serving them, at same rate. [Chancery Miscel- laneous Portfolios, No. ^^-.] [1302.] 1301. Ph[ilip] K. of France to Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick and April 6. John Comyn the son. Guardians of Scotland in the name of K. John, and to the bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, and other magnates, and the whole community, his dear friends, wishes health and hope of fortitude in adversity. He received with sincere affection their envoys John abbot of Jeddwurth, and John Wissard knight, and fully understands their letters and messages anxiously expressed by the envoys. Is moved to his very marrow by the evils brought on their country through hostile malignity. Praises them for their constancy to their King and their shining valour in defence of their native land against injustice, and urges them to persevere in the same course. Piegarding the aid which they ask, he is not unmindful of the old league between their King, themselves, and him, and is carefully pondering ways and means of helping them. But bearing in mind the dangers of the road, and dreading the risks which sometimes RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 331 Edward I. chance to letters, lie has given his views by word of mouth to W[illiam] bishop of St Andrews, for whom he asks full credence. St Germain [1302.] en Laye, 6th April. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.'] (See Appendix II., No. 3). 1302. 1302. Attestation that Patrick Trumpe le fiz came to the K.'s Shortly peace in company with the Earl of Carrick, whose tenant he is; and before. he and his ' aunte Maulde de Carrigg,' who also came to the K.'s April 28. peace, claim right to land in the manor of Levington in Cumberland which has fallen to them by the death of Dame Sarre de Paveley who held ib in dower ; and praying that the K. would grant them the laud at the request of ... . [No date]. Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneoiis Rolls, No. %5i).] Trace of small seal on back. April 28. 1303. The K. having of special favour granted to the tenants of his liege Ptobert de Brus earl of Carrick, their lands in England lately taken for their rebellion, commands his escheator to restore to Patrick de Trumpe and Matillidis de Carrick, two of their number, as attested by John de St John senior, their lands in Levyngton in Cumberland. Devizes. [Close, 30 Edw. I. m. 13.] April 30. 1304. Compotus of the sheriff of Cumberland, on the morrow of the close of Easter anno xxx. [JSxtracts.] 110/. for the munition of Dumfries and Lochmaben castles and neighbourhood anno xxix°, and carriage of victuals ; 30/. for the wages of the foot under Eobert de Clifford against the Scots anno xxvii ; 13/. 3s. to Adam of Canterbury keeper of the K.'s tents, for carrying them from Carlisle to Newcastle in July 1301 ; 60/. 6s. 7d. paid to 2 knights and 32 sergeants Scottish prisoners in Carlisle castle, and a constable and 8 warders guarding them anno xxix ; by the K.'s and Prince of Wales's writs. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 30 Edw. I. No. 71] May 8. 1305. Edward Prince of Wales to Sir John de Langetone the chancellor. Asks a protection for his vallet Martin Schenche, in the K.'s service in Scotland under Sir John de St John, till the quinzaine of St John next. Kenitone, under his privy seal, 8th May, in the 30th year. [No seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. June 11. 1306. Indenture attesting that Robert de Wynepol the K.'s clerk received from Adam de Ethelyngthorp clerk, at Linlithgow in Scot- land, 27th May, anno ocxx°, 20/. of silver, and also on Monday the morrow of Pentecost thereafter, 36/., * K.'s money,' to pay the wages of workmen in the castle of liinlithgow. Done in presence of Archibald de Levingstone, Thomas de Honitone, and Master Adam de Glasham. [Seal gone.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] June 12. 1307. The K. having granted Sir Richard Siward 100/. for the 332 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed L repair of liis castle of Tybres, hears there are still 50^. of this unpaid, which delay is to his great damage, and commands that whenever Sir 1302. Eichard asks the money at the Treasury, he shall get it, having this matter much at heart. Chartham. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, SO Edw. I. m. 16.] June 30. 1308. The K. commands the sheriff of Northumberland, as Master James de St George master of works at Linlithgow requires more assistance, to send him 30 of the best carpenters he can find without delay, providing for their sustenance by the way. Teste P. de Leycester. York. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 30 Edw. I. m. 64-.] July 1. 1309. Petition of Alianora de Ferriers as to rectification of the demand against her for the balance (83/.) of William de Douglas's fine of 100/. for marrying her, as his own lands of Faudon were sufficient security. Respited (in Parliament at Westminster). [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 31 Edw. I. m. 26, doi^so.] July 22. 1310. The K. to John de St John his lieutenant in Scotland. Alianora de Ferrers has petitioned the K. for her dower from the lands of her former husband William de Ferrers in Scotland, which were seized for the rebellion of William Douglas afterwards her husband, also now deceased. He commands that her dower from her first husband be restored. Westminster. [Close, 30 Edw. I. m. 9.] July 25. 1311. The K. of his special grace permits Edmund de Mortimer, in satisfaction of some debts due by him to Isabella de Clare for the marriage of Duncan son and heir of the late Duncan earl of Fife, to demise to her for ten years, 100/. of his rents in Bremesgrave and Norton in the county of Worcester. Westminster. [Patent, 30 Edw. I. m. !d. ; expenses on 2 gambisons of the Prince's, viz., 4300 pieces of gold thread at 8s. M. per 1000 ; 6 ounces silk for pointing, and great and small silk latchets for same in February, 50s. 2d. ; 6 workmen embroidering same with the Prince's arms, 61 days at ?,d. each ; and 4 vallets pointing them, 24 days in January, February, March and April, 116s. M. ; 4 skullcaps for 2 ' chapeaus de fer,' a bacinet with visor, and a casque of the Prince's, made of sindon and silk, latchets and making, 12s. ; for nails, gilt rings to strengthen (muniend') said chapeaux, 16s. 7d ; 2 crests of gilt coiDper painted with the Prince's arms, 44s. ; 4 war swords bought, and for sindon, silk, and gold thread to make belts and scabbards, and gilt mounting them, embroidering them with the arms of Gloucester and Hereford, Ills. 5d ; repairing and painting a shield with the Prince's arms, silk guiges, gilt nails, and clasps, 24s. 4d ; making 4 pennoncels with his arms, of embroidered silk, and fringes and painting four lances for them, 16s. ; 14 ounces of silk of divers colours for pointing a pair of 'trepp' for the Prince, 'j)urfling' and illuminating his arms, a gilt copper crest ^of his arms, parchment, peacock's feathers, 'et factura creste parlicate' [a crest embroidered with pearls?], and other small expenses, 102s. 2|d;" making 42 banners of sindon with the Prince's arms, and 12 of St Edmund's arms, 4s. for each piece ; 12 of St Edward's arms, IM. each ; 12 of St George's arms at M. each ; dying 610 ells of linen cloth of divers colours for same, and other expenses. Total, 31/. 12s. Id. [w. 9, d.'\ Making 4 pennoncells of beaten gold with the Prince's arms for his trumpeters and painting and fringes, 26s. ; a coffer of ' cuir bouilli' bound with iron, for his bacinet, 3s. 4d ; a like case for his crests, 4s. 2d. ; a pair of long coffers for his linen, 32s. 4^d. ; a new pair of great trunks for his iron armour, 8s. ; 4 ' f raers ' of white leather to polish the breast plates, 4s. ; Eicher of Eefham citzen of JiOndon, for an iron oven bought there in June and sent to the Prince to Dundee, 14s. [m. 10.] Expenses of Sir Walter Eeginaldi, sent from Brechin by sea to London and other parts of England, by order of the Prince and Council, to provide victuals and necessaries, and also to receive monies from the Prince's merchants and receivers in England, Wales, and Chestershire, and despatch them to Scotland by land and water ; and 368 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. of his retinue and divers other clerks and esquires, between 16th August and 19th November, 96 days, 45/. 13.s. ; Peter of Mout- 1302-3. pelier apothecary, sent from London to Eoxburgh with electuaries and spices, wax, &c. ; expenses between 28th April and 12th May when he arrived, 15 days at 9d. i^cr diem, lis. 2>d.\ also his own and his servants' expenses making electuaries and medicines during the war from 13th May till 20th November, 191 days, at 4|fZ. a day only, as he ' commoned ' in hall, 71s. I^d. \in. 11, d.'\ The Prince of Wales, for money spent at dice (tales), and other private expenses, viz., .... John de Haustede, money lent to him in November at Holborne, to play with Lord Louis of France, 6s. ; at Cambuskenneth to himself on 10th June, 30s.; by Sir Robert de Haustede's hands at Soltre, on 31st May, 5s. ; by the hands of Richard atte Brome, the Prince's ' vallet de chambre,' at Linlithgow, on 5th ilune, 13s. Ad. ; to Scate esquire of the Earl of Gloucester, receiving money in the Wardrobe on St Laurence's day at Brechin, for money lent to the Prince to play with the Earl, 40s. ; by the hands of Reginald Wafrar at Perth, when the Prince played with divers knights there on the vigil of St John the Baptist, 40s, ; by Sir Robert de Haustede's hands on 16th November at Dunfermline, money lost same day by the Prince playing with the Earl of Hereford, 20s. Total, 32/. 14s. U. To the Prince by the hands of his esquire Perott de Gavastone, at Odyham, to take to him for play on Christmas Eve, 100s. ; and by same at Basing on 10th January, for the Prince, 100s. William le bokbyndere of London for a book, ' The Life of the ' Blessed Edward ' in French, bought from him for the Prince, and divers pictures in same, and binding it in November, 58s. To Papeiay the Prince's fowler for a setter dog (cane cochour), bought at London by the Prince's order, for fowling and hunting, in May, 40s. Payments to many carters for horses and carts lent by English abbots and priors for the Scottish war, sent home from Dunfermline, by the Prince's leave, 11/. lis. [m. 12. '\ Hugh of Bungaye the prince's armourer for 63 pennoncells of the Prince's arms made betw^een 16th August and 19th November, both for household carriages and for the sumpters and grooms ; and likewise to some Scots who have come to the K.'s peace at Perth, to protect their houses and property, at 9d. each, 47s. 3c/. ; also for 2 pair of white spurs for the prince, bought at Aberdeen on 10th September, 10c/. [m. IS.] For the passage of John Dengaignethe Prince's valet de chambre and his grooms bringing 400/. for the household from London to Dun- fermline, across the Forth at Earl's Ferry, &s. 8d. [m. 18, c/.] Cost of the chargers and hackneys bought for the Prince and his household this year, 568/. Q)S. 7c/. The highest priced, a morel with white hind foot and white muzzle, cost 110 marks, [in. 16. '\ RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 369 Edwaed I. [The followiog are occupied with names of the Welshmen and servants of the household, and restoration of horses lost in the Scottish 1302-3. war and elsewhere.] [771. 17 and 18.] Nov. 20- Gifts by the Prince this year : — To Eobert Buffard a fool (fatuus) Nov. 20. by the Prince's gift, for the trick the Prince played him in the water that day (25th February), 4s. [m. 20.] To John of Horpol and his fellow, clerks, wrestling before the Prince at TykhuU, when he arrived there on 28th March, to buy themselves linen clotheS; 2s. 6cl. each ; to Eichard Grandyn of Roxburgh in recompense of his horse killed by the Prince's hounds at Kelso near Eoxburgh, in May, 13s. M. ; to Thomasin le Vilour, John Garsie, John of Cateloyne, trumpeters, and John le Nakarer, the Prince's minstrels, making minstrelsy before him at Neubotel on Trinity Sunday, by his gift, to buy 4 black hoods 'de secta,' 12s. each. Janin le Nakarer the Prince's minstrel, by his lord's gift, to buy a skin to cover and repair his ' nakars,' on 11th April at Stradle, 3s. [to. 20, cl] To Walter of Giselo and Joce his fellow, falconers of Sir J. de Namurz son of the Count of Flanders, bringing 2 falcons from him to the Prioce, and returning to their lord with letters from him, on 7th May, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2 marks each, 53s. 4d To Bestrude and Beruche, Genoese fiddlers (vidulatoribus Geneven'), making minstrelsy before the Prince at Newcastle and Durham on two days in May, on their departure, for their expenses, 20s. each, on 9th May. [m. 21.] To David Gough a Welsh foot soldier of the Prince's, wounded at the assault of Brechin castle in August, and sent home ill on 15th August, 6s. 8d., for his expenses. To Eobert of Assheby messenger of lords Thomas and Edmund, the K.'s sons, the Prince's brothers, coming to Scotland with letters from these boys, for their expenses returning, by his gift at London, 28th September, 26s. 8d. To David vallet of the wife of Sir Alexander Comyn, bringing a palfrey to the Prince from said lady, at Kynlos, on his leaving, 2nd September, 13s. M. [m. 21, d.] To Othelin Ferre the Prince's vallet, by his lord's gift, for an Arts' gown as an acknowledgement made to him for his tilting in Scotland this year, viz., gold and silver thread, silk, sindone, ' carda,' leather, and ' aletti ' and other necessaries, and making same, estimated at 32s. 2d. To Cardinal Peter of Spain, bishop of Sabina, by the Prince's gift, price of a choir cope embroidered with various work and white pearls, bought at London from Lady Cristiana of Enfield, and sent to the cardinal at the Eoman Court by the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield ; delivered by Sir John de Sandale to Lady Cristiana in March, at London, 60/. [m. 22.] VOL. II. 2 A 370 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. Expenses of messengers and couriers this year, to many parts of England and Scotland, 211. M. [Among these,] on 12th August, to 1302-3. Eussell the courier carrying letters from the Prince to Sir Robert de Hastang' constable of Roxburgh castle for his expenses and passage by sea, 4s. ; on 19th November, to Robert of Newentone messenger, carrying letters from the Prince to Sir Robert de Keth to Selkirk forest, for his expenses, 4.s. [m. 34-. to m. 26.] Purchases for the great Wardrobe : — spices, sugar, gingerbread, figs, raisins, dates, besides * white powder' and other things to make electuaries, 99/. 12s. 7d. Table cloths, towels, tent canvas, 95/. 6s. 2d.; 16 mixed cloths of Ghent for the Prince, earls, and bannerets, at 10 marks each ; 12 of same for clerks' robes at 9 marks ; 24 ' rayed' cloths for the Prince's esquires, at 5^ marks each ; 2 for the minstrels at 4^ marks each ; 6 for the Welshmen of the household at 4 marks each ; [and others for inferior servants,] from Terric le Vileyn, merchant of Elanders ; total, 343Z, 6s. 8d. ; 3^ cloths of Persian bluet for the Prince and the earls and bannerets of his suite, against Easter, from same, 19Z. IDs. To same for 16 cloths of clear green for the Prince and suite at 7 marks each ; 3 of same colour for some newly retained knights at 5^ marks ; 13 of clear bluet for his clerks at 6 marks each ; 25 radiated stout clothes for his esquires at 6 marks each ; [and others for inferior persons of the household ;] against the Feast of Pentecost ; and for one mixed rayed stout cloth for the Prince and Earl of Gloucester against said feast ; total, 265/. [m. 28.] To William of Boudone usher of the Prince's Wardrobe for 4 russet cloths of Douai for the Prince and his suite against the feast of Michaelmas, by said Terric's hand, at 9 marks each, 24/. ; to same for a cloth of bluet price 9 marks, and another of rayed scarlet, price 15 marks, bought for the Prince and Sir John de Britannia, for their robes at the Feasts of the Assumption of the B. Mary and All Saints, 16/. 6s. 8d. For 5 cloths of gold and 2 of silk on canvas for the Prince's offerings [besides other purchases of sindon for cushions, counterpanes, and the like], 93/. lis. lOd. Total of these purchases, 1258/. 4s, 4if/. [List of jewels, rings, cups, belts, given to the Queen, knights, and ladies of her court, by the Prince,] 50/. lis. lOd. [m. 28, d.] Sum total of the book, 5653/. 3s. 5^d. (Endorsed) ' Liber Petri de Abytone, Contrarotulatoris Garderobe ' Principis Wallie, de anno regni Regis Edwardi patris sui, tricesimo * primo.' [Exchequer, Q. JR. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. |f ]. In fine condition and beautifully written on 29 folios, on both sides bookwise. 1303. 1414. The K. to Eble de Mountz sheriff of Edinburgh. Commands Nov. 21. him if no master carpenter is with him, to seek out all the other carpenters in his bailliary and a,bout Haddington, and send them at RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 371 Edward L once to the K. with their tools, providing their food. And to write by the bearer as precisely as he can, how many can be relied on. 1303. Dunfermline, under the privy seal, 21st November, 32nd year. Addressed on a tag affixed to back by the seal, ' A Monsire Eble de Montz n're visconte Dedeneborghe par le Eoy.' \_Ej:chequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. |^.] Nov. 28. 1415. Margaret Queen of England, to her beloved clerk Eichard de Bremmesgrave, warden of the K.'s stores at Berwick. Having taken during her stay at Norham 12 tuns of wine for the expense of her household from the stock of the castle, she commands him to deliver a like amount of the K.'s new wine when it arrives. Norham, [A small slip of parchment has been attached on the back by the Queen's signet, addressed] 'A Richard de Bremmesgrave pur Levesque de Durreme pur vyns resceus pur les despens La Eoyne.' [Attached is also a receipt by Eobert ' called Procurator,' chaplain of Norham, dated at Berwick 10th September 1304, for the 12 tuns of wine on behalf of the bishop. Seal lost.] {^Tovjer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. %^.^.] Circa 1416. Account of cost of the armour for the Earl of Ros, by the Dec. 6. hands of Gefrei Merre at Dunfermelyn ' lau xxxi.' For a ' gambessoun ' of which an ' aketun ' was made for the earl, 60s. ; another ' gambessoun ' for him, 40s. ; a ' pissane ' and ' gorger,' 30s.; a chapel de fer,' 30s. ; a 'bacinet,' 8s. ; a pair of 'jamberis ov' ' les wampes,' and a pair of ' poleyns,' 10s. M.\ a ' colret ' of iron, 5s. %d. ; 20 ells of red ' sandal ' at 14(^. an ell, 23s. M. ; 6| ells of white * sandal ' at 18f/. an ell, 9s. 9c?. ; 8^ ells of ' cele vermayl,' at 4d an ell, 2s. IQcl. ; 9 ells of ' worytstede ' at 4<:Z. an ell, 3s. ; silk (saye) bought 2s. 8d ; thread, l^d. ; 4 ells o£ ' aylisham,' lOc?. ; for candles, l^Ul., wages of 6 ' valez ' helping in the work for 8 days, at &d. each daily, 24s. Total, 121. 13s. &\d. Also for a mail coat for the earl's body, bought from Walter de Eye, lOOs. Total, 17/. 13s. M. He received on 11th Nov. 1303, 10 marks ; aud 6th Dec. following lOOs. ; still due him, 6/. Os. 2d. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. 2^.] Dec. 10. 1417. Letters patent by John Botetourte justiciar of Galloway, warden of Lochmaben and Dumfries, to James de Dalileye the K.'s clerk there. As he and others of the Council ordered that 2 bannerets, 9 knights, and 71 esquires, 3 hobelers, 26 crossbowmen, and 100 archers, should form the garrisons at Lochmaben and Dumfries, he commands that their wages, due 13th December in the 31st year, so long as they were on duty, be paid. Written at Lochmaben the 10th December year foresaid. [Excheqiier, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. v.] A small round seal in red wax appended by a tag. Device, a cinquefoil charged with, a saltire lozengy on each flower :*.... .... HA ... . BOVTTOVRT . . . . ' 372 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1418. John Botetourte justiciar of Galloway, warden of tlie valleys of Annaud and Nitli, to Sir James de Dalilegh the K.'s clerk. 1303. Commands liim to pay the wages of 50 men-at-arms, 6 of them Dec. 14 kniglits, 20 crossbowmen, 80 archers, 2 smiths, 2 porters, 2 carpenters, 2 watchmen, in garrison in the peles and castles of Lochmaben and Dumfries on 1st May in the 31st year ; and to account to Sir John de St John for himself, 2 ' bacheliers' and 12 esquires, from 13th December till 30th April ; and to Sir Richard Syward for himself, his ' bacheliers' and 8 esquires, in Lochmaben castle from 1st November to 13th December. Written at Lochmaben 'year and day aforesaid.' [Fragment of seal.] {Exchequer, Q. li. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^.J [1303.] 1419. [Expenses of messengers] : — On 22nd December at Perth, to Dec. 30. Duncan Lightfot going to Dunfermline with letters from Sir Aymer de Valence and Sir John de Benstede to the K. about the business on which they were sent to Perth, V2cl. Item, to Patrick Ryveling going to the K. with their letters on same business, on 24th, 12d. Item, on 25th, to Duncan Smart going with like letters, 12cl. Item, on 30th, to Duncan Lightfot going from Dunfermline to Perth with these lords' letters to the Earl of Ulster as to the answer to be made to the Scottish demands, IM. Total 4s. M. [No date.] [Glmncery, Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |j.] Dec. 30. 1420. Inquisition at Lanark on Monday the morrow of St Thomas the Martyr 1303, by the K.'s command, in presence of Magnus de Stratherne and Nicholas de Benhathe, vicegerents of the Earl of Carrick sheriff of Lanark, by Patrick de Achenlek, Hugh de Galbrathe, Adam the Black, Adam of Dowan, William Casse, John son of the widow, William Crille, Adam the miller, David son of Adam, Laurence son of William, John Littil, John Cabok, jurors ; who say that Sir John Comyn, grandfather of the present Sir John Comyn, gave the land of Dalserfe to Sir William de Galbrathe, in frank marriage with his daughter. It is held neither by ward and relief, nor any other service till the third heir. The said Sir William gave it to his son William in frank marriage with Lady Willelma, daughter of the late Sir William de Duglas ; which ' said Williams' begot four daughters co-heiresses. Johanna the mother of Bernard de Cathe, was the eldest ; to whom the demesne should belong, and Avas at the K.'s peace at her death at Candlemas 1301. Her mother Lady Willelma died after her daughter, in possession of the tenement, within the Feast of the Lord's Nativity 1302. They say that Dalserf was held of the late Sir John Comyn, and now of Sir Ptobert the Constable by the King's gift. The fourth part pays yearly 2>l. Os. M. in all issues. The seals of Patrick de Achinlek and Hugh de Galbrathe are only appended, as the others have no seals. The inquisition is enclosed under Nicholas de Benhathe's seal only, as the seal of Magnus is lost. [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea, No. ff.] Seals lost ; 3 tags remain. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 373 Edward L 1421. The Eishop of Brechin 'in Scotland' prays the K. and council to command his chamberlain and other officers to allow him [1303.] peaceable possession of his possessions, rents, ' canys,' and second tithes which his predecessors and himself enjoy by charters of the Kings of Scotland, which he will shew when required, and power to levy the said kains and tythes, within and without burgh ; and to command the sheriffs of Forfar and Kincardine to answer and aid him and his bailiffs, as in the time of K. Alexander. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) He shews transcripts of K. Alexander's charters under the seals of the Bishops of St Andrews and Dunblane, viz., one of 9 marks in the K.'s domain of Bondington, and another of 18 marks 5s. M. of the farm of the burgli of Montrose (Monross) for the second tithes ' del Mernes.' Coram Rege. The Guardian and chamberlain to enquire as to seisin of the tithes, see the charters, and certify the K. {^Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. '^^.'\ 1422. William de Eeltone attests that Richard de la Chaumbre had a ' morel' baggage horse dead at the Pele of Linlithgow, in the K.'s Slst year. Appends his seal. (Endorsed) R. de Camera. \Chctncerij Miscellaneous Portfolios, ^^0. fi] Fragment of seal, brown wax. A lion passant charged with a baton. [1297- 1423. John del Breetut (?) the King's sergeant in the county of 1303.] Dumfries, prays his grace and remedy. The K. gave him by charter the land of the late Aleyn le Cleirk of Dumfries, who died the K.'s enemy. One William of Penpont comes calling himself Aleyn's cousin and heir, and has a writ of seisin to inherit his land. Learn- ing that Aleyn is bastard, so that he could not inherit, he waives his writ, and brings another in the name of one William Hauwyse who died 30 years before the war began, and claims as his cousin and heir, making no mention of Aleyn le Cleirk who was in seisin for more than 20 years. And as the writ of seisin is for people who were seised before the war, of lands then taken in the K.'s hand, and not to hinder (forbarrer) the writ of mortancestre concerning the death of people 30 or 40 years ago, and the people of these parts dislike any English disinheritor among them by the K.'s gift, so he prays the K.'s grace that he may take the land as the K.'s escheat by reason of the bastardy of the last ' fefi.' [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) To be spoken of with the K.'s council. The K. does not intend that lands be restored by a writ of seisin of this sort, but only lands of which ancestors were seised in the beginning of the war, and occupied by reason of the war, [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^.] [1297- 1424. The K, by his letters patent grants tohis'chier vadlet 1303.] Edward de Keith, all goods and chattels of whatever kind he may 374 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. gain from Monsire Guilliam le Galeys (Wallace) the K.'s enemy, to his own profit and pleasure. Provided however, that if said Edward 1303. by chance under colour of this gift takes anything from other people at the K.'s peace, he shall duly answer to those from whom such are taken. [Toiuer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^g^^^.] No place or date. A draft, slightly mutilated. The surname ' Keith ' has been substituted for ' Brus.' 1425. Michael Jeofne of Sandwick, captain of the ships which came from that port to Scotland, in the K.'s service in the war, to the Treasurer. Monsire Eymer de Valence the K.'s lieutenant on this side the Scottish sea, in the 31st year, is due him by two writ- ings, in a large sum for his own and his mariners' wages, and he has yet received nothing. He prays for a certificate of payment whether Monsire Eymer comes or not. Norman French. (Endorsed) As Eymer de Valence is bound for the K. and his affairs touching the realm, the Council ordain that this writing be entered among the debts of which the Barons of the Cinque Ports are bound to acquit the K. \_Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. f ^§.] 1426. John le Tresur, vallet of the butelrie of Sir Edward the K.'s son, Prince of Wales, to the K. and council. The Prince having asked from the K. for the writer the office of the ' Guage ' and ' Launage ' beyond the Scottish sea, which K. Alexander was wOnt to give to one of his court for service rendered ; and the K. having caused inquiry to be made by the guardian of that side, and it being found in the K.'s gift, and not worth more than 10/. 10s. 4c/., as by the inquests delivered to Sir Eobert de Cotingham, he prays the office may be conferred on him. [N"o date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) The ' Guageria ' is found worth yearly 9Z. 20d, and the K. may give it and the ' Ulnacio ' at his pleasure. The K. ^ grants it at his son the Prince's request, during pleasure. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^.] 1427. James de Dalileye, the K.'s escheator on this side the Scottish sea, complains that the Earl of Dunbar prevents him doing his office in the lands held of him, and levying the goods and chattels forfeited to the K. He is also hindered doing his office within the Lady de Vescy's manor of Sprouston ; and the sheriffs of Berwick, Roxburgh, Dumfries, and Edinburgh interfere with him in drawing the rents and cultivating the lands forfeited, and as to goods and chattels of felons and enemies, notwithstanding the K.'s commandment to them under the Great Seal of Scotland, to aid him, [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) The Earl of Dunbar and Lady de Vescy or their bailiffs to be written to under the Great Seal of England, to desist, and refund such goods and chattels as they have taken from their for- feited vassals, The various sheriffs also, under same seal, to cease RELATING TO SCOTLAND. ■ 375 Edwakd L intromitting in the escheator's office, and refund as above. [Chancery Ifiscellaneous Fort/olios, No. 11.] [1303.] 1428. The Abbot of Jeddeworth prays the K. and council to give him 20 oaks in the forest of Plateir in the county of Forfar, to repair the church and houses of his cell of Rustunothe, in great part destroyed and burned in tlie war. (Endorsed) The K. grants sufficient timber, and a writ to the Chamberlain of Scotland. [Parlia7mntary Petitions, No. 4-^63^ 1429. John de Autry vadlet of the Earl of Lincoln, shews the K. and council, that whereas the K., at the earl's request, gave him by charter all the lands of Thomas du Boys in Scotland, on the day of 'Seynt Jak le Apostel' [25th July] in the K.'s 29th year [1301], when Thomas went against the K. in the Scottish war, and John was seised ; the K. thereafter gave part thereof, viz., the manor of Ogil- face (Uggelfas) in Linlithgowshire, to William Darde [Barde ?] pro- mising to give the petitioner the value elsewhere in Scotland ; and prays the K. to give him such. (Endorsed) The Guardian and Chamberlain to hear parties, and do justice. [Parliamentary Petitions, No. £74-] 1430. Eufemia countess of [Eoss?] to the K. Begs him, as one on whom all her hope and alleviation of her distresses depends, to aid her effectually in some matter depending between herself and William de Culy . . h a native of his realm. Her son Sir W. will shew the K. on her behalf [the whole affair] without conceal- ment of any kind. [No date.] [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 914-6.] Much, mutilated and defaced. 1431. [To the K.] The [anonymous] writer says the Bishop of St Andrews is shewing people a letter under the K. of France's seal. He cannot tell the K. whether it is counterfeit or not. It asserts that there will be no peace between him and the K. of France if the Scots are not included. The people trust in this and the efforts of ' Mestre Baudre' their procurator at the Court of Eome. People say for certain that the bishop is at the bottom of the whole business. [No date.] Norman French. [Royal Letters, No. 2S66.] 1432. Memorandum. — That the K. has expressly charged Sir John de Segrave, Piobert de Clifford, and William le Latymer on their allegiance, that from their leaving Dunfermline with those appointed to attend them in this ' chivauchee' for 2 or 3 leagues from said town, they shall proclaim that none are to dare go with them except those in the underwritten indenture and their own * mednee,' on pain of losing horses and arms, and imprisonment. And when these officers come to the water of Forth, they are to search strictly their followers, and if they find any strangers, to arrest them with horses and harness "and ^end them after the K,, certifying their names, and 376 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward L how and where found, for the K.'s pleasure to be taken. And after these officers pass the Forth, the K. wills, that in some convenient [1303.] place on this side 'les Torres,' they again search their company, and send all found beyond their proper number, with horses and harness, to the castles of Edinburgh (Puceles), or Berwick, whichever is nearest, and guard them till the K. signifies his pleasure. And the K. wishes all their followers on this ' chivauchee ' to be warned of these instructions. ' And God give them life and health.' [Noplace or date.] [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. *^^''.] [1296- 1433. Eobert de Brus, lord of Annandale, attests that Sir William 1303.] Burdet of Louseby and William de Bade we are going with him to Scotland in the K.'s service, and requests protections for himself and them. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.} Seal once on tag, gone. Jan. 1. 1434. [Inventory of Jewels bought, given, and also restored to the King after the death of various church dignitaries between the 25th and 35th years.] [Uxtracts.] A gold cup with foot and cover, weight 535. Ad. ; a gold pitcher, weight 2 marks, both given to the King by the Queen as a new year's gift at Dunfermline on 1st January, 32nd year. A pair of knives with crystal handles, given to the King by the Countess of Holland as a new year's gift there, same day. Jewels found in the castle of Brechin, delivered into the Wardrobe on 12th August in the 31st year [1303]. A silver cup with foot and cover, made after the manner of a chalice. Two forks of silver gilt, and two handles of crystal. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, Wardrohe, No. ||.] Written on both sides of a narrow membrane. 1303-4. 1435. Inquisition [under writ dated Dunfermline .... November Jan. 2. preceding, commanding an enquiry regarding the ancestors and lands descending to William de Chartres, a rebel who had come to the K.'s peace] at Eoxburgh, before the sheriff, on Thursday the morrow of the Circumcision in the 32nd year, by John Normaund, Alain de Gourlay, Adam de Gourlay, Guy de Denhom, Henry del Whommes, John Lok', John del Wyheues, Eobert del Grange, John de Stounesleighe, Henry Scot, Adam de Crake, and Adam Grondy, who find that one Lady Johane de Yescy was lady of the half of the barony of Wilton, which she surrendered to K. Alexander by staff and baton ; and the K. infeoffed Sir Thomas de Chartres and herself jointly. But they say they know nothing about the manner of such enfeoffment, unless they see some muniment declaring it ; they know there was such, but not its tenor. Sir Thomas died in Scotland EELATING TO SCOTLAN-D. 377 Edward I. beyond the Mountains, an enemy to the K., on Tuesday before the feast of St Andrew a year past. The said lady Johane died long before 1303-4. the Scots war, and Thomas remained seised. The half of the said barony is held in chief of the K. by service of the fourth part of a knight's fee, and is worth 10 marks yearly. That the land of Appeltrerig should descend to William de Chartres as the heritage of Agnes de Yesci his mother, who died at the K.'s fealfcy at Appel- trerig at Martinmas two years past. It is held of the regality of Sprouston for a white sparrowhawk or 5 ' souz ' at the donor's pleasure. It is worth 40 'souz' yearly. [Seals lost.] [Exchequer, T. R. Miscellanea, Placita, &c., No. 4^.] Jan. 4. 1436. Inquisition at Pebles on Saturday next before the Epiphany in the King's 32nd year, regarding the late William Malevile's lands, viz., by Walter Lilley, Thomas Li lley, William of Hoppekelyok, Adam Frer, John of Meldone, Eoger Gorman, Gilbert Friser, John Curry, William Wymond, Alan Skot, William Strike, Archibald Ker] Patrick son of Juliana, Laurence Ged, John of Westone, and Adam' of Gouvan, jurors ; who say that said William died on Sunday next after ' Carnisprivium', in the K.'s 26th year, at his faith and peace; that William his son is his next heir, and of lawful age at the feast of the Purification next. That William his father held the land of Hundwalleshope entirely of the K. in the county of Pebles, by service of an archer in his army, and suit at the county of Pebeles. The land is worth 12^. lis. 2d. William de Durem now holds it by the K.'s grant. [Seals lost.] [OhaiJter House Boxes, No. 210.] Jan. 9. 1437. John Botetourte, justiciar of Galloway, Annan, and the valley of Nith, to Sir James de Dalylegh the K.'s clerk. As he intends to make a foray on the enemy, he has retained Sir Eobert de Clifford banneret, with 2 knights and 16 esquires, Sir John de St John banneret, with 2 knights and 13 esquires ; Sir John de Hodele- stone banneret, with 2 knights and 9 esquires ; Sir Eobert Tyllolf and 2 esquires ; Sir John de Wygeton with 4 ; Sir Eichard Brun with 2 ; Sir Eichard de Cleterne and 1 ; Sir John de Denton with 1 ; Sir Hugh de Multon with 3; Sir William de Carlyle with 2; Sir Thomas de Thorthorald with 1 ; Sir Hugh Mauleverer with 1 ; Sir Dovenald Cambel with 2 ; Sir Eobert de Joneby and Sir Simon de Lindsay with 2; Sir Estevene de Killosberne (Closeburn) and 1; and in addition, 42 vallets men-at-arms, 19 hobelours, 2736 foot' with captains and corporals, from Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancaster. Commands him to provide their pay while on said foray ; also to deliver to Sir Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, 20 marks silver, 60 qrs. wheat, 40 qrs. oats, and 2 tuns of wine of the K.'s store in the castle of Ayr, for the wages of the garrison under him in said castle; and to Sir John de St John, 10 marks for his wages due in the Wardrobe. And this letter is to be a sufficient warrant. 378 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Written at Lochmaben the 9th day of January. [Seal gone.] [Hx- chequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^.] [1303-4.] 1438. The [anonymous] writer acknowledges the K's letter at Jan. 11. Berwick this Wednesday next after Epiphany at the hour of tierce, commanding him to hasten the arrangements for the Queen's joining him. Tells him these were already well ordered before receipt of his letter by Sir Robert de C[otingham], and that the Queen awaited nothing but the escort, or would by this time have reached him. When she shewed the K.'s commands to Sir John de Berwick and the writer, the latter by advice of Sir John sent the K.'s letter to Sir Alexander de Balliol and Sir Eobert de Clifford, and the Queen's letters to the constables of Norham and Werk, and Sir Eobert Hastang, constable of Eoxburgh, to tell their people that Sir Eobert de Clifford was going to the K. ; and to the other men-at-arms of this March to attend the Queen at Berwick with horses and arms this Saturday, St Hilary's day, in order that the Queen should have sure escort on her journey as far as Dirltone. She will start from Berwick this Sunday, the morrow of St Hilary, sleep that night at Dunbar, and the next at Dirlton. From whence her escort will return, as the K. had signified he would send an escort to meet her there. Written at Berwick-on-Tweed, ' le unzime jour de Janevoir.' [Writ- ing considerably faded.] [^Tmoer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. \^.] 1303-4. 1439. Compotus of William de Molecastre, sheriff of Cumberland, Jan. 14. on the morrow of St Hilary, [Extracts.'] 501, for 20 waggons and 124 oxen drawing them, bought in Cum- berland, and sent to Eoxburgh in May last with victuals for the K. ; 231. 17s. 4d. for 50 oxen, 120 sheep delivered to Master Nicholas de Carlisle same month, for the K. ; Ills. 2d. expenses of men driving the said waggons, oxen, and sheep to Eoxburgh; and 17s. 4d given to James de Dalilegh for liorse shoes and nails to be carried from Carlisle to Eoxburgh at Pentecost last. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 32 Echo. I. m. 69, dorso.l Jan. 19. 1440. The K. to W. bishop of Chester his treasurer, and Master William de Grenefield his chancellor. John earl of Athol his cousin, whom he has received to his peace, informs him that the manor of Lesnes in Kent, presently in the Queen's hands, descends to him on the death of Johanna widow of Eichard de Dovre. The K. commands them to assemble the justices and his council at York, advise on the Earl's claim, and the Queen's right in the manor, and certify him. Dunfermline. [Privy Seals (Toiver), 32 Edw. I., File 1.] [1303-4.] 1441. [Intercessions] on 27th January for the passage of the Jan. 27. Prince and his army over the bridge of Perth against the Scots : EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 379 Edwaed I. With the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, St Mary, Epiphany, the Angels, St Edmund the K., St Edward the K., St Thomas Martyr, St Cuth- [1303-4.] bert, St John of Beverley, St Wilfrid, St Walstan, St Mercurius. For peace, for those travelling, St George, St Katherine, St Margaret, St. Agnes, All Saints. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. -j^^-] 1303-4. 1442. The K. to the sheriff of Northampton. Henry de Pynkeny Jan. 30. having by charter granted to the K. his manor of Wedon-Pynkeny, and advowson of the Priory there, with all the service of his free- holders there [and 13^ knights' fees held of him], with all his other fees in the kingdom, the K. commands that the holders be distrained to do fealty by the quinzaine of Easter. Dunfermline. Similar writs to the. sheriffs of Bedford, Oxford, and Berkshire, Somerset, Warwick, Essex, and Hertford, for 16^ knights' fees in these counties, \Close, 82 Ecliv. I. m. 14, dorso.] [1303-4.] 1443. As the K. is sending to Edinburgh and neighbourhood Ells Jan. 31. Spot and William Bartholomew to fly two of his goshawks, the writer commands his correspondent to give them an iron-hooped barrel of wine for their expenses, by the K.'s gift. Written at Dunfermline last day of January. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No f ^.] Attached to a receipt is the seal of Elias Spott — a hawk killing a duck. Jan. (?) 1444. The King's directions as to castles, and conditions as to paigrave, receiviug the Bishop of Glasgow, William le Waleys, Sir David de Graham, Sir Alexander de Lindeseye, and Sir John Comyn. [Dun- fermline.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box S, No. 25.] Jan. (?) 1445. Conditions to Scotsmen coming to the K.'s peace before, and Paigrave, p. 278. ^^^j-j^ g^j. John Comyu. [Dunfermline.] [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 123.] 1303-4. 1446. Warrant by Eobert de la Warde, seneschal of the House- Feb. 1. hold, commanding the sheriff of Edinburgh to deliver to the under . written persons, 200 trusses of hay, viz., to the Earl of Warenne and his 4 bannerets, 20 ; to Earl Pateryk, 6 ; Sir Alexander de Balliol, 5 ; Sir John de Segrave and the K.'s seneschal, 30 ; to Master William de Apperle, 4 ; Sir William Martyn, 4 ; Sir Walter de Teye, 5 ; Sir Adam de Welles, 5 ; Sir John de Benefeude, 15 ; Sir John de Drokenesforde, 15 ; Sir Peres de Mauley, 5 ; Sir Walter de Bedewynde and Sir Pvobert de Cotingham and the other clerks of the Wardrobe 10 ; the Chamberlain, ^10 ; the ' children ' and other gentlemen-at- arms of the K.'s chamber, 15 ; to Sir Eustace de la Hacche and other gentlemen-at-arms of Madame la Eeyne, 12 ; to Sir Thomas de Byke- nore and Sir Edmund de Maule, 6 ; Sir Nichole de Boys, with the 4 ' Baneours ' of the K., 6 ; Sir Edward Charles, 3 ; Sir Walter de Kingeston, 2 ; Sir Thomas de Morham, 2 ; Sir Jakes de la Eike, 2 ; Sir John de Loue, 1 ; the sergeants and vallets of the offices of the K.'s hall, 6 ; Master John de Kenle and Master Perres ' le Cirurgien,' 380 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Palgrave, pp. 286-88. Edward I. 3 ; Sir Henry 'le Aumouer' and other the K.'s chaplains, 4 ; total ut supra. Done at Dunfermline 1st February 32nd year. [Exchequer 1303-4. Q. R Miscellanea {Army), No. |f ] [Feb. 1447. It is granted to all who surrender with Sir John Comyn by beginning the 16th of the present February, that they shall save life and limb, of.] imprisonment and disinheritance only. [Dunfermline.] [Chapter Paigi-ave, p. 279. Housc (Scots Docuraciits), Box 6, No. 31.] 1448. [Conditions required] by Sir John Comyn and his followers on both sides of Forth. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. lU.] Trace of pmy seal at foot. There is a duplicate in same box, No. IS4, mucli damaged, bearing an endorsement that the Prince of Wales had agreed to them. Feb. 5. (?) 1449. Proposals between the King's envoys and Sir John Comyn Palgrave, foi' himself and adherents coming to the King's peace, submitted for pp. 279-82. t}jg approval of the K. and council. [Chapter House {Scots Docu- ments), Box 100, No. 110.] Feb. 5. 1450. Edward Prince of Wales to his well-beloved Eichard de Bremesgrave. Begs him to pay the bearer, Ptichard Ballok, the freight for victuals brought to the K. and himself in his ship, as it does not suit him to wait long for his money. Under his privy seal, 5th February. Perth. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f §.] Feb. 6. 1451. Pieport to the K. of negotiations between the Earl of Ulster Paigiaye, and the writer, and Sir John Comyn, with instructions for the pp. 282-83. messenger. Perth. [Chapter House {Scots Docwnents), Box 4> No. 11] Feb. 9. 1452. [Memoranda.] The castle and barony of Durisdeer [or soon (Doresdore) were leased by Sir Ingelram de Gynes to Sir John de after.] Soules, a ' fugitive,' for 12 years, at the Feast of the Ascension anno xxiiij [3rd May 1296]. Sir John transferred his lease to Sir Y/illiam de Conigesburghe. During said term William Jargun burgess of Dumfries, deraigned against said Ingelram 300/. sterling, but released the debt to Sir Ingebam for 160 marks, for which sum the latter again demised the castle and barony to Sir John de Soules for the same term of 12 years, beginning on Ascension day ; as found by the Inquisition. As to the reason for takino; the lauds of Westerker when Sir John was a fugitive. He held them in fee of Sir Ingelram. As to Philipestone. The Inquisition found that said Sir John the fugitive held it from Sir AVilliam de Conigesburghe for a term of 5 years, whereof 3 are expired at Pentecost next. William held it immediately in fee of Sir Ingelram. [No date.] [Chancery Miscel- laneous Bortf olios. No. 11.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 381 Edward I. 1453. The K. commands surcease of a distraint made on John de St John for the debts of his late father, as John is in his service in 1303-4. Scotland. Inverkeithing. [^Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 32 Edw. I. Feb. 10. m. 6, dorso.] Feb. 14, 1454. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Understanding that Bernard of Gipwyz (Ipswich) clerk, whom he lately presented to the church of Garwald, in the diocese of Glasgow, is hindered from possession, he commands the chancellor to hear Bernard's case and see what can be done. Dunfermline. [Privy Seals {Tower), 32 Edw. L File 2.] Feb. 17. 1455. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Having granted safe conducts to John Comyu earl of Buchan, Ingram de Umfraville, David de Brechin, William de Balliol, John Wychard, knights, and William archdeacon of Lothian, and their retinue, horses and harness, in coming through ' his power of England' to his peace, and returning, between this and Ascension day next, he commands letters under the Great seal to be prepared for each forthwith and delivered to the bearer. Dunfermline. [Privy Seals (Tower) 32 Edw. I. File 1.] Similar writ for safe conduct to John de Soules knight, of same date. [File £] Also for James the Steward of Scotland knight, of same date. [File ^.] And the Bishops of Dunkeld and St Andrews. [File 2.] Feb. 19. 1456. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Having received to his peace Sir Esmon Comyn of Kilbride, a rebel in the Scottish war, who has done homage and fealty, he commands that his lands in England be delivered to him by letters under the Great seal. Dunfermline. [Privy Seals (Totver), 32 Edw. I. File i.] Feb. 22. 1457. Inquisition before Sir Archibald de Levingston, sheriff of Stirling, on 22nd February in the K.'s 32nd year, as to the lands of the late Sir John de Calentir, by Thomas le fiz Michel, Adam le fiz Brys, Phelipe Golan, Gefray of Falkirk (de la Vaire Chapele), Symon Vygot, Colyn Croky, Fynlon le fiz Mourin, Dovenald le fiz Eotherik, Michel le fiz Ego, Moris le Forester, Adam Gordon, Adam le Joen, Thomas Longe, Gilbert of Falkirk ; who say on oath that Sir John held Calentir in chief of the K., doing the service of one knight ; the land is worth yearly in time of peace 40^., and now 8/. &s. Sd. He also held the land of Kelynsithe (Kilsyth) in chief of the Earl of Fyfe, doing the service of 10 archers ; it is worth yearly in time of peace 60/., and at present 12/. They say Alwyn son of said Sir John is his nearest ' haire,' and is 28 years of age. [Exchequer, Q. B. Iliscel- lanea, No. f|.] 4 tags. Seals gone. 582 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. [1303-4] Feb. 25. Feb. (?) March 1. March 2. Stevenson, ii. 467-70. March 2. Stevenson, ii. 466-7. March 3. Stevenson, ii. 470. March 3. 1458. [Sir John de Drokeiiesford(?)] to [a person not named.] As he is this season with the K. in Scotland, and for anything he knows will be there all Lent, and has much need of good fish, begs him, if any ' porpoys ' or ' graspoys ' or * lanmprees de Nauntes,' or other * freshes,' come to any part of the Marches where he is, or if any large eels can be found, that he will instantly salt them (poudrer), as well as any smaller eels, so as to last well, and send them to him. Also to salt ' haddoks ' and cod which they take near Newcastle, as soon as they possibly can, and send them quickly to Eichard de Brymmes- grave at Berwick, who will despatch them to the writer at St Andrews ; when the money laid out shall be paid. Eefers him to Sir Elis the writer's chaplain of Bouldone in regard to getting any other good viands and their cost. "Written at Dunfermline the 25th February. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^.] 1459. Memorandum as to envoys sent from the Community of Scotland asking the K. to receive Sir John de Soules to his peace, and the K.'s reply, in which he refers to a conduct given to the Steward of Scotland and .... Menteht. Also as to [Sir John ?] Comyn and his adherents, and the enlargement of certain prisoners, and making changes respecting lands and persons, and relative to the rents of churchmen and other matters. [Chancert/ Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.^.] No date. Greatly decayed aud defaced, and in parts illegible. 1460. John earl of Warenne signifies to Eichard de Brymmesgrave that he has taken this day from the K.'s store of wine at Edinburgh 5 iron-hooped barrels by the hand of Jalke du Cley, of which he requests allowance. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea [Army), No. \^.'\ Round seal, red wax, appended to tag — a shield cheeky. Inscription broken. 1461. The K. to the Earl of March. Expresses much surprize that he let the enemy go, as in the proverb — ' When the war was over, Audegier found his sword.' Instructs him to watch the garrison of Stirling, and cut them off if they sally, and to join him at St Andrews about IVtid-Lent. [Royal Letters, No. 8260.'] A draft — very much interlined and defaced. 1462. The K. commends the Prince of Wales for sending Sir Alexander de Abernethy wuth 40 men-at-arms to Stratherne, Menetethe, and Drypp'. Inverkethyn. [Boyal Letters, No. 2582.] 1463. The K. to Sir Alexander de Abirnithyn. Is greatly pleased to hear that he keeps watch at the fords of Forth. On no account is he to desert his post or receive William le Walays and his men to peace, unless they surrender unconditionally. Kinghorn. [Chancery Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-'/ 4-] 1464. Johne Boutetourte to Master William de Grenefeld the RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 383 Edward I. chancellor. As Christopher de Setone is in the K.'s service, and will remain with him throughout the war, he begs a protection for him. [1303-4] Written at Loghmaban the 3rd day o£ March (?) Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^.] March 3. 1465. The K. to his loj'al and faithful Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, Sir John de Segrave, and their company. Applauds their diligence in his affairs, and begs them to complete the business they have begun so well, and to bring matters to a close before they leave the parts on that side [the Forth]. He urges them earnestly ' as the cloak is well made, also to make the hood.' Aberdour. [Duchy of Lancaster {Royal Charters), No. W3\ The privy seal in red wax, in good condition, appended by tag cut ont of the document. Three lions passant on a rounded shield : ' secretum regis EDWARDI.' 1303-4. 1466. Letters patent by John Boteturt knight, acknowledging March 4. receipt from Ranulph de Benton clerk of the K.'s stores at Linlithgow, viz., for the Earl of Carrick, 1 sesterce wine ; for Sir John de Segrave, b\ flagons : for himself, 1 sesterce ; Sir Eobert de Clyfford, 1 sesterce ; Sir William Latimer senior, 1 sesterce ; Sir John de St John, | a sesterce ; Sir Thomas de Fournival, half a sesterce ; Sir Hugh de Audeleye, half a sesterce ; and Nicholas Malemeins, half a sesterce. Linlithgow, 4th March 32nd year. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. f§.] Signet a cinquefoil, charges indistinct. March 4. 1467. Receipt by Nicholas Malemeins, by the hand of Ralph de Benton clerk, of 3 sesterces of wine at Linlithgow. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea (Army), No. |§.] Small hrown seal appended. Device, a hare riding on a dog. March 5. 1468. The K. commands Sir Nicholas de la Haye to attend the Stevenson, ii. 471. Parliament in St Andrews this next Monday of Mid Lent. Wemyss, 5th March. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4''^4-] March 5. 1469. The K. to the sheriff of Lanark. Among the conditions of the late agreement between his envoys and Sir John Comyn of Badenaghe, all prisoners were to be released, except Sir Herbert de Morham and his father ; ransoms already paid kept, and the balance discharged. The K. hears that Robert de Barde, who lately took friar William de Cokeburgne warden of Blantyr Priory, is distrainino- him and his pledges for ransom, in violation of the treaty. He commands the sheriff" instantly to stop this, and allow nothing of the kind in future in his bailliary. Wemyss (Wymes), March 5th. Similar writ to the sheriff of Roxburgh for Robert de Barde, who was taken by Sir William de Duresme, Itein, to the sheriff" of Peebles. Norman French. [CJiancery Miscellaneous Portfolios No 384 CALEXDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. [1303-4] March 5. Stevenson, ii. 47-2-3. March 11. March 14. March 19. March 20 Stevenson, ii. 474. March 20 March 21 1470. The K. to the Prince of Wales. Commands him to reinforce Sir Alexander de Abernethy at the fords and passes about Drip ; and to send Sir Paign Tibetot, Sir John de Dovedale and the other new knights, for the K, does not see how they could ' more honourably win their shoes and boots.' VVemyss. [Royal Letters, No. o^O^.] 1471. The K. to the Earl of Stratherne. Commands him especially to see that the fords of the Forth and country around be guarded with horse and foot, so that the enemy on the other side cannot injure the people on this at the K.'s peace. And after this business is well arrayed, summons him to his Parliament in as plain a manner and with as few people as he can, leaving the bulk of his forces on the above business. Similar to the Earl of Meneteth and the Earl of Levenax. Also to the Abbot of Dunfermline, Sir Alexander de Abernethy, and William Byset, to come quite alone. Kyncapel, 11th March. [Draft.] Norman French. \Ghancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^\.] 1472. The K. to Sir Alexander de Abernethy. Commands him immediately on receipt, to levy the rents in arrear at Martinmas last of the lands belonging to Sir John Comyn, lately earl of Buchan, in his bailliary, for the use of the K.'s dear cousin and liege Henry de Percy, to whom the K. has given the lands. St Andrew, 14th March. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] A draft. Another draft letter of same date to Sir Alexander as to di'awing the rents, and to aid Sir Henry de Percy [ibid.]. 1473. The K. to the sheriff of Perth. By the late agreement between his envoys and Sir John Comyn of Badenaghe, all prisoners on either side were to be delivered, except Sir Herbert de Morham and his father, free of all yet unpaid ransom. He hears that Sir David de Graham and the brothers de Haliborton lately captured Master Mathew de Kynros, archdeacon of Dunkeld, from whom Sir David took pledges to himself or Sir John de Moubray for a ransom of 200^. sterling ; and they are distraining Mathew and his pledges for the money. The K. commands such distraint if made to be instantly relaxed. St Andrews. [Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Fdiv. I. File 3.] 1474. Letters patent by the K. committing the custody of the 4.castle, town, and sheriffdom of Dunbarton to John de Meneteth. St Andrews. [Toioer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. 4-'^4-] 1475. The K. to Sir John de Kingestone his constable of Edin- burgh. Commands him to see that Master Thomas the K.'s engineer takes in the wood of Neubotel all the timber he needs for repair of the engines at Edinburgh. St Andrew, 20th March. [A draft.] Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 1476. The K. to Alexander de Abernethy his warden between the Mountains and the Forth. Commands him to give all the aid in RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 385 Edwaed I. his power in levying the rents in his bailliary due to Guy earl of Warwick. St Andrews, 21st March, 32nd year. Norman French. 1303-4. [Roijal Letters, No. 2558.] [1303 4.] 1477. The K. to the Bishop of Chester. Announces his intention March 21. to besiege Stirling castle, and commands him to bring in person all steTenson.u. ^]jg mouey he can: and to forward the stores on the sea coast. 4(0-77. " St Andrews. [Royal Letters, No. 3513.] March 21. 1478. The K. to Sir Alexander de Abernethy warden between the Mounth and the Eorth. As Alexander de Balliol of Cavers is at his faith and peace, he commands that his lands in that bailliary be delivered to him. St Andrews. {Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Edw. I. File 2.] March 22. 1479. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Having learned from his letters that Gilbert fitz William fitz Gilbert and Adam Lyder, burgesses of Aberdeen, were taken about St Nicholas' day 1302, at Fyvele near Scarborough, in a ship freighted with clothes, armour, and other goods designed for the Scottish rebels, and imprisoned at York, the K., at the request of his cousin John earl of Athol, commands their immediate release. St Andrews. [Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Edw. 1. File 2.] March 22. 1480. The K. to John of Argyll. Excuses his coming to Parliament Stevenson, u. 477.on accouut of liis sickness. Commands him tt) see diligently to the peace in his neighbourhood. St Andrews. [Chancery Miscellaneous Bolls, No. 4-74-.] March 24. 1481. The K. to ]\Iaster William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Com- mands restoration to Hugh de Penycok, a Scottish rebel w^ho has come to his peace, of his lands and heritage in England. St Andrews, March 14. [Privy Seals (Tower), 32 Edw. L File 3.] Similar of same date for William de Moray of Drumsergard. [File 3.] Similar of same date for Gilbert de Embeldon for his father Eobert's lands in England. [File 3.] Similar for Sir Aymer de Haudene for the lands of Isabel his wife in England. St Andrews, 15th March. [File 3.] Similar for Geoffry de Freshelee for his lands in England. St Andrews, 24th March. [File 3.] Similar to the sheriff of Peebles, for John Ayre's lands there. St Andrews, 13th March. [File 3.] Similar to the Chancellor for Walter de Barkeston and Andrew de Chartres' lands in England. St Andrews, 18th March. [File 3:] Similar to the sheriff of Edinburgh for William de Balliol (Bayll') for his lands there. St Andrews, 13th March. [File 3.] Similar to the Chancellor for John de Tindale for his lands in VOL. II. 2 B 386 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. England acquired by gift of Adam of Haltwhistle chaplain. St Andrews, 21st March. [File 3.] 1303-4. Similar same date for Gilbert de Carlisle for his lands in England. [File 3.] Similar for Nicholas de Graham for his lands in the Bishop of Durham's hands. St Andrews, 23rd March. [File 3.] Similar for John de Somerville for the lands in England, held by- gift of Sir William de Somerville his father. St Andrews, 14th March. [File 3.] Similar for Nicholas de Fausside for his wife's dower-lands in England ; and for Thomas de Selkirk for his lauds in England acquired by gift of Thomas de Moray (Morreve). St Andrews, 16th March. [File 3.] Similar for Eobert de Cressewelle for his lands in England acquired from Johan Daguillon and Johaua his wife. St Andrew^s, 14th March. [File 3.] March 24. 1482. The K. to Eichard de Bremmesgrave keeper of his stores at Berwick-ou-Tweed. Commands him with all haste to send by sea all the victuals in his care to la Blackenasse, with all the hay he has or can purvey around Berwick ; also to brew beer and grind flour and malt, and send to the same place as soon as he can. Under the Privy Seal, 24th March, 32nd year. St Andrews. Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. Vs^-] Trace of seal, in red wax, on back. ]\Iarch. 1483. Letters patent by Eichard of Donecastre acknowledging receipt at Edhiburgh castle in March of 32nd year from Eichard de Wardyngton, clerk, of 14 qrs. 1 bushel oats by Scots heaped measure, and 31 qrs. beans English smooth measure, for the provender of the King and Queen's horses on their way from England to St Andrews in Scotland. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ||.] Fragment of neat oval seal, red wax. Under a rich canopy, the Virgin and Child seated. A figure kneeling at sinister side. [1304.] 1484. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. March 26. Commands letters under the Great Seal to be issued to the Bishop of Durham to restore the church of Haltwhistle (Hautw^ysel) to the Abbot and convent of Aberbrothok, which they held in ijro2)rios usus long before the Scottish war began. St Andrews. [Frivy Seals {Toiver), 32 Ediv. I. File 5.] March 30. 1485. The K. to John de Boutetourte. At the request of Sir Alexander de Balliol, who is with himself, he commands him to respite the matters touching Adam deBurn,' [and 5 others], Alexander's men and tenants in the moor of Cavers, presently depending in his court of Lochmaben, till the Gule of August next. St Andrews. [Privy Seals {Tc/wer), 32 Echv. I. File 3.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 387 Edward I. 1486. The K. grants safe conduct to Thomas de Burgo and Gilbert de Whappelade vallets of Pdchard de Burgo, earl of Ulster, [1304.] going to England to buy victuals for the earl and his people. St March 29. Andrews, 29tli March. Norman French. [A draft.] [Cluincery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^j. ] [Extracts.'] March 29. 1487. The K. to the Bishop of Aberdeen. Having lately given to his cousin Henry de Percy all the Earl of Buchan's lands, as the bishop knows, he commands him to allow no presentation to be made to any church in his diocese, except by Percy. St Andrews, March 29th. [A draft.] Norman French. [Royal Letters, No. 3520.] March 30. 1488. The K. to the Earl of Carrick. Credeoce for John Botetourte Stevenson, ii. whom he scuds to him on business. ^'^-^- Same to Sir John do St John, Sir John de Segrave, and Sir Eobert de Clifford. St Andrews. [Royal Letters, No. £869.] April 1. 1489. The K. to the Earl of Stratherne. Commands him to pre- vent any of his people going to the castle of Stirling, selling or buying provisions or merchandise, holding any communication with the garrison, or carrying victuals to them. Under his Privy seal. St Andrews, April 1st, 31st (sic) of his reign. Similar to the Earl of Menetethe and the Earl of Levenax. Norman French. [A mutilated draft.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |J.] April 3. 1490. The K. to the chancellor [William de Grenefelde]. The Bishop of Chester the treasurer, having represented the inconvenience and danger involved by the Bishop elect of London coming to do fealty to him at present, he commands the chancellor to receive it at York(?). St Andrews, April 3. [Roijal Letters, No. Soil.] A draft, almost illegible. April 3. 1491. Memorandum : — That on 3rd April a° xxxii°, Eobert son of Dauwe master of ' la Seintemariship ' of Alemouthe, with a cargo from Berwick to Stirling, of lead, iron, crossbows, and crossbow bolts, was dispatched by Ptichard de Bremesgrave, at wages for himself and 6 mariners from said day till 19th of same month. [Tower 3Iis- cellaneous Rolls, No. '^^.] Fragment of seal remains. April 3. 1492. Letters patent by the K. for the Ambassadors of the K. of France, now returning through his dominions, commanding them to be courteously treated by his officers. To last till Pentecost next. The K. commands Monsire Eobert de Bourghershe to see that the Ambassadors who lately came to him from the K. of France, have harness and all other things needful for their passage home, so that it be not ' contre lordonance de la monoye.' The 3rd day of 388 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. April, St Andrews. Norman French. [A draft, slightly mutilated.] [Toi'-er Miscellaneous Rolls, No. |f§.] [1304 (?)] 1493. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, to Sir William de Hamel- April 4. tone. Begs him to command the K.'s escheators of Essex, Middelsex, and Huntingdon, to take inquisitions without delay of his lands there on account of his father's death, ' who is with God.' For his love to do this quickly, as he wushes to go to the K. with the inquisi- tions and do homage. Done at Hatfeud in Essex, Saturday next after Easter. Norman French. [PiOi/al Letters, No. 2660.] April 4. 1494. The K. to William earl of Sutherland. Knows his good will, and thanks him much for the good faith he has ever had. Signifies his own desire to do what he can for him in an agreeable manner. St Andrews. Norman French. [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. \^.] Circa 1495. Ptobert de Brus earl of Carrick and lord of Annandale to April 4. the K. Informs him that he has been in London and in Essex where his lands lie, and is still there, endeavouring in every possible way to procure horses and armour for himself and his XDCople, but ' on the faith and loyalty which he owes to God and the K.,' assures him he has been quite unsuccessful in his attempts to borrow for the purpose, or get a penny of his rents. Wherefore he prays the K.'s pleasure in this emergency. [No date.] Normcm French. [lioycd Letters, No. 3U8.] Trace of seal, in red wax, on back. [Fxtract.] April 5. 1496. The K. to the keeper of his forest of Forfar. Commands him to give John bishop of Brechin, or his attorney, 12 oaks fit for timber, by his gift. St Andrews, 5th April. [A draft.] Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |j-.] 1304. 1497. Pilchard rle Wardyngtou clerk received on 5th April a° April 5. xxxii° from Sir Ptichard de Bremesgrave, by the hands of Henry Bullock master of ' la Nicholas ' of Lynn, in the port of Leith near the castle of Edinburgh, 153 qrs. of oats by the 'clean measure ' of Lynn, for the munition of the castle. Edinburgh. Date iit suprct. \Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. Vo^O A fragment of one seal, in red was, tlie Virgin and Child (?) remains. April 6. 1498. Indenture attesting that William Plokenet, master of the ' Leugerebord ' of Berwick-on-Tweed, freighted with the K.'s engines to Edinburgh and Stirling, has been paid on 6th April, wages for himself and his crew of five from 6th to 19th April cmno x^:xii° by Richard de Bremesgrave. Berwick, vt supra. [Small fragment of seal]. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] April 6. 1499. Memorandum : — that on 6th April in the K.'s 32nd year Walter son of Adam of Alemouth, master of ' la Welyfare ' of New EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 389 Edward I. castle-on-Tyne, appointed to touch at Edinburgh and there ship the K.'s engines for Stirling, by order of William de Moutacute, has been 1304. paid at Berwick-on-Tweed by Eichard de Bremmesgrave, for his wages and seven mariners from said day to 19th of same month, both reckoned. [Toioer Miscellaneous Rolls, No. f ||.] Fragment of seal, red wax, attached to tag. April 6. 1500. Memorandum. — That between 3rd January and this day Master Eeginald the engineer received at Berwick-on-Tweed from Eichard de Bremesgrave, 2 engines made at Brechin, 1 called ' Segrave,' 1 called ' Vernay,' 1 called ' Eobynet ;' 16 beams of 1 called Torster/ 18 beams of one which came from Aberdeen; 2 great and 2 lesser ropes for drawing engines ; 2 hausers, 5 little ropes and 1 old rope : 784 stones of lead by the long hundred ; 600 round stones by the short hundred ; all received by Eichard from Thomas de Conting. Also 4 ropes called ' hausers,' and a long rope of 72 ' toyses,' bought at Halieiland ; also 6 white horse hides and 10 pieces of canvas bought at Berwick ; 124 stones of iron bought there .... weighing 15 lbs. Berwick, id supra. [Mxchequer, Q. B. Miscel- lanea {Army), No. f§.] Small red seal ; charge indistinct. [1304.] 1501. The K. to the K. of France. Acknowledges receipt of his April 10. recent letters of credence in favour of Bruno de Verneuil and John de .... ibz, knights, and William de Eive rector of the church of St John in Gravio, clerk, and their verbal communications. Having heard these, he signifies that he has replied both verbally and by letter. Do vary, 10 th April. [A draft], [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. If] April 10. 1502. The K. to the Bishop of Glasgow. Thanks him * dearly ' for giving his clerk P. de Donewyz the prebend of Old Eoxburgh. As the K. is about to send him out of the country on special business, and wishes him put in possession immediately, he begs the Bishop to send his letters of institution by the bearer. Do vary, 10 th April. [A draft.] Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ti.] 1304. 1503. The K. to the sheriff of Fife. Commands him to purvey 80 April 10. oxen, 40 swine, and 100 sheep, the best he can find for the expense of his household, and send them to him wherever he may be this next Sunday, as the bearer will tell him. Weraes. [Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Echo. I. File 6.] April 12. 1504. The K. to the Prince of Wales. Commands him to procure Stevenson, ii. 481. g^g much lead as he can for the siege of Stirling from the churches, &c. around Perth and Dunblane except over the altars. Kinghorn. [Royal Letters, No. 2677.] April 12. 1505, [Anonymous] The writer commands the person addressed to 390 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed T. deliver from the K.'s stores to Thomas le Loug' the bearer, a pair of wheels for a long carriage and the 'coliers' and 'boureux' of such car- [130-1.] riage ; also hay and oats, the best he has, for 4 horses, while with him, each horse to have a ' dysayn ' of oats daily, and he is to see they are well cared for and have what they need. Written at Enderkeythin, 12th April. {^Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f§.] April 12. 1506. The K. to the keeper of his forest of Drom. Commands him to give the Bishop of Aberdeen or his attorney 40 oaks by his gift. Kingorn, 12th April. Similar warrant for 30 oaks for the Bishop, to the keeper of the forest of Kintore. Kingorn. And to the keeper of the forest of Buchan for other 30 oaks for the Bishop. Kingorn. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] April 13. 1507. Letters patent taking under the K.'s protection, William de Soules, his men and their possessions within his realm, i.e. out of the power of the Scottish enemies. Beaupre. [Privy Seals {Tower), 32 Edw. I. File 5.] April 13. 1508. Letters patent by Sir John Botetourt the K.'s lieutenant, acknowledging receipt of 10^. silver from Sir James de Dalilegh by the hands of Sir John de Bix his attorney, for crossbows and quarrels sold to Sir James for the K.'s use for his castle of Dumfries. Written at Lochmaben, 13th April in the 32nd year. [Seal lost.] [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea (Army), No. ^.] April 15. 1509. The K. to his son Edward Prince of Wales, greeting and his ' beneizon.' Commands him to be at Cambuskenneth at the hour of ' tierce' at latest, this Tuesday next [21st April] to speak with him. Inverkeithing. [Privy Seals (Toiccr), 32 Echo. I. File ^.] [1304.] 1510. Letter from the K. to the Earl of Carrick. Thanks him for April 16. sending his engines to Stirling, and asks him to forward the rod of ^'^^4S2-T'"' ^^® great engine if he possibly can, but will send to help him. Inverkethyn. [Much faded in parts.] [Royal Letters, No. 2719.] April 16. 1511. Margaret Queen of England, to Eichard de Brimesgrave. As she is sending to Berwick, Alice her beloved ' lavendere' of her chamber, for her delivery, begs him to look out a good house for her, and see that she wants nothing. Inverkeithing, 16th April. Trace of signet endorsed. Attached are (1) Warrant by the keeper of the Wardrobe of same date ; and (2) Receipt by Walter of Hereford, husband of Alice, at Berwick-on-Tweed, between 20th April and 20th August, 32nd year, for her expenses while lying in child-bed ; viz., 21 qrs. wheat, 8 qrs. malt, 11 qrs. oats, 1 qr. beans, 10 iron-hooped barrels and 3 sesterces of wine ; 22s. 7d., for meat bought from the butchers of Berwick ; 4s, RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 391 Edward I. for bread from the bakers, and 7s. Sd. for beer from the brewers. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. |^.] [13 04. J Fragment of seal brown wax, on tag. April 16. 1512. The K. to his dear son the Duke of Brabant. Has received his letters by the present bearer, asking a safe conduct for Monsieur William de Julers, and has instructed the Chancellor of England to issue such under his Great seal for the said William and his attendants till the Nativity of St John Baptist next. Explains why these cannot be in the form asked by the duke. Inverkethyn. Memorandum : — to make John de Merk' seek the K.'s falcon. (Scored out). [A draft.] Norman French. [Tovjer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. %5^^.] April, 17. 1513. Letters patent by William Francis warden of Kirkintilloch, acknowledging receipt for his garrison from the K.'s stores of 20 qrs. wheat, 13^ qrs. malt, 1000 herrings, and 100 hard fish. Edin- burgh, 17th April, 32nd year. [Seal lost.] [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscel- lanea {Army), No. §|.] April 17. 1514. The K. to Sir Henry Percy. Having appointed his own ' vadlet' William Byset sheriff of Clacmanan, and given him the keeping of the country and orders to strengthen the walls at Tolyal- wyn, for which he is providing, the K. hears Percy's people have come there, and wish to eject him. Wherefore as this will be to the K.'s damage, and grievance of the country people if William is turned out from a place where he has spent money and made provision, he begs Percy ' for his love ' to allow Byset to remain and attend to his duties. Gelalyd (?) the 17th day of April. Norman French. [A draft.] [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^\^.] April 17. 1515. The K. to his vallet William Bisset, Is pleased to learn by his letters sent by John Bisset his brother, how he took the boats belonging to the garrison of Stirling castle. As to the disturbance by Sir Henry de Percy's people of the place where he has settled, the K. has sent letters to Sir Henry thereon, as his brother wiU tell him. Gelald. [Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Edio. I. File 5.] 1303-4. 1516. Ptoll of the controller of the Prince of Wales's household in Nov. 20- the 32nd year of his father's reign. April 13. [Extracts^] Dunfermline : — Wednesday, the day of St Edmund the K., 20th November, beginning of the 32nd year, household expenses, spencery, buttery, kitchen, scullery, salsary, chamber, and all other the K.'s officers, except esquires' wages, 9s. 4|^fZ. [Total of 4 days at same place to Saturday 23 inclusive] 39s. 6r/. Sunday 24th November : — Kinros :— Monday 25th November. 392 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Perth :— Tuesday 26tli to Saturday SOtli November. Total of the week, 31/. 3.s. 4if?. [besides butcher meat; fish, wine, and wax from 1303-4. the King's store]. Perth : — Sunclay 1st to Saturday 7th December. Total week, ut supra, 371. Os. 9d. Perth : — Sunday 8th to Saturday 14th December. Total of the week lU supra, 421. Ss. 2-|. (Endorsed) ' On 12th December, arrived the Earl of Eos with his whole retinue, at the Prince's entire expenses by the King's com- mand.' Perth: — ^Sunday 15th to Saturday 21st December. Total week, besides supplies tit supra, 4:61. 19s. Perth : — Sunday 22nd to Saturday 28th December. Total of the week, besides supplies ut supra 99Z. 9s. 2kZ. (Endorsed) ' On the F. of the Lord's Nativity there dined with the ' Prince the Earls of Lancaster, Warwick, Ulster, Athol, Stratherne, ' and Sirs John de Britannia, Hugh le Despenser, Richard Siward, ' Alexander de Abernethy, and other magnates, both English, Irish ' and Scottish in the army.' There were taken from the King's stores 8J beeves, 40 lambs, 20 ' aberdeens', 12 swans, 2 cranes, and 5 casks 28 sesterces of the K.'s wine. Perth : — From Sunday 29th December to Saturday 4th January. Total of the week ut supra, 59/. 17s. l|fZ. (Endorsed) ' On that Wednesday [1st January], there dined with ' the Prince the Earls of Ulster, Athol, and Stratherne, and all the ' magnates of Ireland and Scotland in the army and at the King's ' peace.* The supply from the King's store was 8 beeves, 12 lambs, 25 ' aberdeens,' 24 stones of cheese, 4 bushels of pease ; of the King's wine 83 sesterces, 4 gallons ' acetum,' and half a gallon of vinegar. Perth : — Sunday 5th to Saturday 11th January. Total week ut supra, 58/. lis. 2d. (Endorsed) ' On that Monday [6th January], there dined with the ' Prince, the Earls of Lancaster and Warwick and. divers other ' knights of his army.' The supply from the King's store was 12 ' aberdeens,' 8 stone of cheese, 2 bushels pease, a gallon of vinegar, 2 casks 18 sesterces wine, half a gallon of ' vergus,' and 4 of ' acetum.' Perth : — Sunday 12th to Saturday 18th January. Total of the week w/ supra, 53/. 6s. 5c/. Perth : — Sunday 19th to Saturday 25th January. Total week ut supra, 50/. 10s. 2^d. Perth : — Sunday 26th January to Saturday 1st February. Total week ut supra, 53/. 4s. Q^d. (Endorsed) ' On that Saturday, viz., 1st February, 16 grooms of the Earl of Eos in the company of the Prince, and at free quarters by the King's command, were paid for 53 days preceding, at 2d. per diem, 7/. 16f/.' RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 393 Edward I. Perth :— From Sunday 2nd to Saturday 8th February. Total of the week ut supra, 61/. 175. 6|d (On margin) The Prince's store begins. 1303-4 (Endorsed) ' On that Sunday, the F. of the Purification, there dined ' with the Prince, the Earls of Lancaster, Ulster and Warwick, Sirs ' John de Britannia, Hugh le Despenser, John de Mohun, William le ' Mareschal, Ptobert de Keth, Eeginald de Chien, and Hugh de ' Cortenay, with divers other knights of his army to the number of ' 60.' [Supplies from the King's store, 21 stones of cheese, li bushels pease, ^ lagena of honey, 3 lagenae of ' acetum,' i lagena of vinegar, 1 of ' vergus.'] (Endorsed) ' On Monday following [3rd] the Earl of Eos went home ' and had by order of the K. and council for his expenses, 21 loaves, ' 18 sesterces of wine, 3 beeves, a sheep, 1^ bacon, 500 herrings, 30 ' cod, and 11 lbs. wax.' ' On the Tuesday after [4th February] there dined with the Prince • the Earl of Pembroke, Sirs Henry de Percy, Eobert fitz Payn, and ' John de Benstede and divers knights.' [Supplies from the Kind's store, half a hundred red herrings, 4 stones cheese, 1 bushel pease, 2 lbs. of ' amydoyne,' 2 flaggons ' acetum,' i flaggou of ' vergus,' and 72 sesterces of the King's wine.] Perth :— Sunday 9th to Thursday 13th February. Kynros : — Friday 14th February. Dunfermline: — Saturday 15th February. Total of the week [besides stores], 47/. 3s. 5^d. (Endorsed) ' On that Monday [10th February] there dined with ' the Prince the King's envoys, viz.. Sirs Aymer de Valence, Henry ' de Percy, Eobert fiz Payn, and John de Benstede, and their retinue, ' who came from Dunfermline to St John's town about the peace ' with Sir John Comyn.' [The supplies from the King's store, 1 shield of brawn, 100 herrings, 1 bushel beans, 4 roes, 2 bushels pease, 21 flaggons ' acetum,' 1 llaggon ' vergus' ; K.'s bread 12s., 2 casks 6 sesterces of his wine. From the Prince's store, 11 bacons, 4 pieces of sturgeon (storion). (Endorsed) ' On that Tuesday [11th February] all the aforesaid ' magnates dined with the Prince.' [Supplies from the K.'s store, 150 herrings, ^ bushel salt, 1 gallon ' acetum,' 1 quart vergus, Kind's bread 5s., 74 sesterces of his wine. Item, 5 qrs. 2 bushels beans for horse provender. From the Prince's stores, 2-^ bacons.] Dunfermline: — From Sunday 16th to Tuesday 18th February. Kynros: — Wednesday 19th February. Perth : — Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd February. Total of the week id supra, 31/. 5s. 8^/. (Endorsed) ' On that Friday [21st February] there dined with the ' Prince, the Earl of Warwick and Sir Hugh le Despenser.' [Supplies from the K.'s stores, 1600 herring, 44 stokfisch, 1 bushel flour, 1 bushel pease, | gallon of honey, 4 lb. of amydoyne, | bushel salt, | 394 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. gallon vinegar ; K.'s bread 2s., and 62 sesterces of his wine. Nine pieces of sturgeon from the Priuce's store]. 1303-4. ' On that Saturday [22nd February] Sir John Comyn with his ' knights and part of his retinue dined with the Prince.' [The supply from the King's store, 1500 herrings, 52 stokfische, a quart oil, 1 bushel pease, | bushel salt, a quart vinegar, 1 quart ' vergus,' bread 4s., King's wine 68 sesterces.] Perth:— From Sunday 23rd to Saturday 29th February. Total week lit supra, 34^. 4s. lO^cZ. (Endorsed) ' On that Sunday there dined with the Prince the ' Earls of Ulster and Lancaster, Sirs John de Britannia and Henry de ' Lancaster, with divers of their knights.' [Besides the day's average supply from the King's stores, there were 14 pieces of sturgeon from the Prince's store.] Perth :— From Sunday 1st to Saturday 7th March. Total of the week id svpra, 40/. 7s. Q^cl. (Endorsed) ' On that Sunday [1st March] the Earls of Lancaster, ' Warwick and Ulster, Sirs John de Britannia, Hugh le Despenser, ' Eustace Poer, and all the knights of his army.' [The day's supply from the King's store, 3600 herrings, 156 stokfishe, 5|- bushels salt, 3| gallons oil, ^ gallon honey, 1| gallon vinegar, | gallon vergus ; bread 9s., 2 casks 10 sesterces of wine, 9 qrs. oats, 36 lis. wax.] Cupar in Fife : — From Sunday 8th to Monday 9th March. St Andrews: — Tuesday 10th to Saturday 14th March. Total week id su23ra, 161. 19s. S^d. St Andrews : — From Sunday 15th March till Sunday 5th April, [while Prince Edward was with the King, the weekly expenses fall to about 60s., being merely the daily pay of the esquires of his household.] Cupar in Fife : — Monday 6th April. For the obsequies here of a companion of Edward de Brus, by the order of the Prince's council, 8 lbs. of wax. Lundors : — Tuesday 7th till Thursday 9th April. Perth :— Friday 10th till Saturday 11th April. Total of the week ut supra, 291. 12s. 8|d Perth : — From Sunday 12th to Saturday 18th April. Total week ut supra, 4:51. 13s. 7^d. (Endorsed) ' On that Tuesday [14th April] the Earls of Ulster, ' Lancaster, and Warwick, Sir Eustace Poer, and divers other magnates ' of his army, dined with the Prince.' Incheafrau :— Sunday 19th April. Total 71. 17s. lOd. [Here the record breaks off, the remaining membranes of the Roll being lost.] [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea (Wardrobe), No. |^|.] A roll of 5 membranes sewed consecutively, clearly written. April 20. 1517. Letters patent declaring that the K. has granted to Gilbert EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 395 Edward I. Malherbe all the goods and chattels of William Olif art, knight, and others, the garrison of Stirling castle in arms against him, wherever [1304] found in Scotland. Tullibotheville. [Privy Seals (Toioer), S2 Edw. I. File 5.] April 20. 1518. The K, to the sheriff of Lanark. As Marie, widow of Mousire Alexander de Stirling (Destrivelyn), has done homage and fealty for her lands in heritage, which she holds of the K. in chief, he commands that she enjoy them in peace. Tullibotheville, 20th April. Norman French. [A draft.] Similar writ to the sheriff of Dumfries. [Chancery Ifiscellaneous Fort/olios, No. 11.] April 21. 1519. The K. to Sir Eobert de Leyburne constable of the castle of Inverkip, and warden of the Earl of Lincoln's lands in Scotland, or his lieutenant. Learning that his bailiffs and people there are neglecting the commands of the K.'s officers in regard to necessaries, especially the engines and stones for the .siege of Stirling, and order is not taken for remedy, whereby the siege is greatly delayed, he commands him, on pain of forfeiture, to arrest at Glasgow all the iron and great stones of the engines there, and forward them to Stir- ling, without any manner of excusation or delay. Before the castle of Stirling. [Frivy Seals (Toiver), 32 Echo. I. File 5.] A draft mucli altered and defaced. April 25. 1520. The K. to his good friend ' Borgeys le frere Pute, marchand.' Is pleased to know by his letter that he has received for the K. the horse which John de Sandale and the sheriffs of London delivered to him. Has commanded the Bishop of Chester the treasurer to take , order with these sheriffs that the horse want nothing. Commands him to keep him in good condition, and speedily inform the K. if he is suitable for him, of what kind he is, his height, age, and colour, and if his teeth are worn or not. Stirling, 25th April. [Chancery Mis- cellaneous Fortf olios, No. |^.] April 26. 1521. The K. to the constable of Dover castle. Understanding that he has distrained Alexander de Balliol for the expenses of the sergeants guarding his son Thomas when he was in ward there, which is not and never was his intention, commands him at once to release Alexander from all charges except those of his son's sustenance. Stirling, 26th April. [A draft.] Norman French. [Royal Letters, No. 3519.] 1304. 1522. Walter de Hakelut' acknowledges receipt at Linlithgow on April 27. 27th April, in the 32nd year, from Kichard de Wardington of the K.'s store, 1 qr. oats, by the precept of the clerk of the Wardrobe. A fragment of red wax signet. Shield charged with 3 hatchets in pale, 2 and 1, a label of 3 points. 396 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Similar by John le Convers for half a quarter of oats. [Same place.] [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. §§.] 1304. Small red wax signet. Sliield charged with 3 maces (?) in pale. 1523. 1523. Eeceipt by Thomas of Bamburgh monk of Durham, custos of April 27. Earnehelande (the Fern island), from Eichard de Bremmesgrave, of a cask of old coloured wine from the K's store, to celebrate mass at Farneheland. Fragmeut of brown seal — a bii-d flying (?). Appended is the warrant from the Wardrobe to give the monks a 'tonel' of the deepest coloured, wine in store. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ff.] [Extract.l April 28. 1524. The K. to the Bishop of Chester. Having determined on some works where he is for the castle of Stirling after the Bisliop's departure, for which carpenters will be much needed, commands him to see how many he can send from the county of York and the bishopric of Durham, as the bearer will tell him. Stirling, 28th April. [A draft.] Normcm French. [Chaiicery Miscellaneous Port- folios, No. ^1] April 30. 1525. Memorandum. — That on accounting with Sir William de Potone knight, for himself and his esquire while he was in the castle and pele of Loghmaben, under Sir John de St John and Sir John Buteturte, till the last day of April anno xxxii° his arrears of pay are 13^. 10s. [Toiuer Miscellaneous Bolls, No, f f §.] A small fragment of seal, in red wax, on tag, undecipherable. April(?.) 1526. Complaints against Sir Maheu de Eedman sheriff of Dumfries. He imprisoned AVilliam Jargon, and notwithstanding a fine of 40s. given for his good will, impressed all the carts in the country, and carried off William's corn to the value of 10 marks and more. And though the K. of his grace, gave William and other good men of Dumfries seisin of their lands. Sir Mathew by ' duresse ' extorted fines from them, some 1 mark, and others more or less, for getting possession. And he and his sergeants seek occasion to grieve and distress the poor people by tallages. When William, who was in the K.'s service guarding the peace of the town, saw Sir Mathew's outrages, and was going to complain to the Guardian and Treasurer, Sir Mathew seized his horse, and keeps it to his damage of 100s. and more. He also took all the beasts that came one market day, to the number of 100 oxen and cows, and afterwards took fines before delivering them, except 5 cows which he sent to Stirling ; 2 of these being taken from a poor stranger Thomas of Hardinstone by name, who had bought them for l&s.; and keeps them still, though his sergeant had 6cZ. to deliver them up. [No date,] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Coram Custode.' EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 397 Edwaed I. [Attached are tlie following, all in same handwriting.] John de Heytone prays remedy from the K, and council against 1304. the said Sir Maheu, who has disseised him of the lands he held of the Hospital of St John, both before and since the war; and has done the same lawlessly and by means of champerty with Makun of Terregles, made at the K.'s last parliament of St Andrews, as con- tained in the following transcript of said champerty. [Transmit.] ' Letters patent by Maheu de Eedeman declaring that as Malcolm of Terregles is due him 100 marks sterling by a recognizance in the K.'s chancery at St Andrews, payable by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas next, he binds himself and his heirs, if Malcolm gives and enfeoffs him in the half of all lands, rents, and debts which he acquires by plea or otherwise in the county of Dum- fries (provided he always goes by the granter's advice), to free him of the recognizance. Appends his seal. Done at St Andrews 28th March, in the K.'s 32nd year.' He also took an ox from John's plough worth 20s., against law. Likewise ejected him from 12 tofts in Dumfries called ' Our Lady's tofts,' which John held in mortgage, and detains them to his damage of 100s. and more. Also from the tofts and burgages formerly of Gilberd le fiz Bel, of which John was possessed before and since the war, and has given seisin of them by means of champerty to John le Espicer, who was never in seisin before the war, nor his father nor mother, brother or sister, nor ' uncle or aunte,' and has done this in the petitioner's absence to his damage of 10/. and more, as if the lands had been in the K.'s hand, whereas John was always of the K.'s party. Noriimn French. Some what defaced and mutilated. (Endorsed) The Guardian of these parts, the Chamberlain of Scot- land, James de Dallileghe and Friar Ealph de Lindesee warden of the Hospital of St John, or 3 or 2 of them, are appointed to hear and determine the case. The Chamberlain of Scotland to issue the appointment under the Great seal of Scotland. [Chancenj Miscel- laneous Portfolios, No. f|.] May 4. 1527. John de Drokenesford keeper of the Wardrobe, to Eichard de Bremesgrave. Tells him quickly to send all the wine lately taken by him at Berwick out of the ' Godebeyate ' of Winchilsea, John Heyron master, to be delivered to the Prince of Wales's butler at Stirling for his household. Says the Prince was informed that the mariners, on asking Eichard if the wine was to be sent, were answered ' that it should not be done.' Whereat he is much annoyed, both at this act and others done against him since he came to Scotland, as people inform him. Desires him to say how the wine was arrested, and how many tuns there are. Also advises him to get 398 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Sir Walter Eeignaud to excuse him somehow to his Lord. Written at Stirling the 4th May. [Exchequer, Q. JR. Miscellanea {Army), No. f §.] 1304 1528. The K. to the sheriff of Perth. As Mathew bishop of Dun- May 4(?). keld has sworn fealty and come to the King's peace, he commands that the temporalities of his bishopric, churches and others, with his private possessions, taken in the K's baud for his disobedience, be restored to him to be henceforth held of the K. and his heirs kings of England. Under the Privy seal 4th May, in the 32ud year. Stii-liug. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 64-.] The day and montli cancelled. A draft; originally to the sheriff of Stirling on behalf of the Bishop of St Andrews. May 4. 1529. Letters for restoration of the temporalities and other posses- Paigrave, 200-201. sious of William bishop of St Andrews, viz., to Sir Richard Syward to deliver the castle and regality of St Andrews — to the sheriffs of Fife, Perth, Forfar, Kyncardine, Aberdeen, Kynros, Clacmanan Banff, Stirling, Linlithgow, Edinburgh and Berwick, for his possessions and churches in these counties. A letter for Master William de Egilsham for the church of Donbervin. [Stirling, 4th May]. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 1, No. 7.] The original draft of one writ — to the sheriff of Fife — is in same collection Box 100, No. 100. See also Box 99, No. 44. May 4. 1530. Memorandum as to [church?] lands and goods to be restored to the Bishop of Dunkeld under letters to be written to the sheriffs of Forfar, Edinburgh, Berwick, Fife, and Clacmannan ; also as to the church and private neyfs taken from him [cancelled.] And letters for restoration of his patrimonial property addressed to these sheriffs ; viz., of Forfar, for the land of Achbranny in Gle[ni]lif ; of Fife, for the barony of Crambeth, and the land of Bolgy ; of Kinross, for the lands he has in Cultcarni and Dolkoyth. Also that Roger son of Walter de Cupun', asks a writ to the Prior of Tinemoutli for seisin of his land of Cupun' as before the war. [This entry cancelled]. That Roger Marshal burgess of Perth, asks a letter of seisin of his burgages there held before the war. That the sheriff of Banff be appointed to assign Master Geoffry .... odbetli canon of Murray, the church of luvyrketheny annexed to his prebend. That Symon de Balelod asks seisin of Balelod, held in fee of the K. in Perthshire. And David rector of the church of Mokersy, in Perthshire, asks seisin of his church, as before the war. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 100, No. 133.] May 5. 1531. William bishop of St Andrews, having come to the King's faith and peace, and sworn fealty, and the K. of his especial grace having restored to him the temporalities of his see, to be held hence- forth of him and his heirs kings of England, declares that having at his consecration and for some time since, drawn the issues without the EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 399 Edwakd I. King's leave, he will answer for these when called upon. Stirling, 5th May 1304. 1304 (Endorsed) The Bishop of St Andrews' letter as to restitution of the issues of his see to the K. of England while it was vacant. [JExcIuquer, T. B. Miscellanea, No. ^.] Small fragment of seal in red wax, on tag. May 6. 1532. John de Westone clerk, attests that there are due Henry de Benteley soldier of the garrison of Kirkintologhe, 4 marks for the restoration of his ' sore bauseyn ' horse lost in the K.'s service. Stirling, 6th May anno xxxii. [No seal.} Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^W [1304.] 1533. As the writer is sending the ' somers' of the K. and Queen to May 10, remain at Berwick until the castle of Stirling is taken or surrendered, he commands his correspondent to provide hay and oats for them. Written at Stirling the 10th (?) of May. [Mutilated.] [Exchequer. Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. f§.] 1304. 1534. Memorandum :— That on 10th May in the K.'s 32nd year. May 10. John de Hauekesley clerk of the Wardrobe, delivered to Sir James paigrave, p. 277. dc Dalilcgh the King's receiver in Scotland, 19 rolls of extents of the King's demesne lauds, and sheriffs' accounts, north of the Eorth, in the time of the Scottish kings, as evidence for surveying the state of the same under a commission to Master John de Weston and Sir James under seal of the Scottish Chancery. Stirling ut supra. [Chapter Rouse {Scots Documents), Box 3, No. 55.] [1304.] 1535. Memoranda as to restitution of lands to John Comyn earl May 4-14. of Buchan, Eoger Comyn, and others. NormanFrench. [Chajjter House pr^Hk. {Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 175.] 1303-4. 1536. [Tools for siege of Stirling castle (?)] March 2- Indenture on 2nd March, 32nd year, that Eichard de Wardington May 15. received in Edinburgh castle from Henry of Kerwardyn vallet of Master Walter of Hereford, mason, 100 'pickes' except 2, 155 ' ameraxes ' and ' stonax,' 10 malles, 6 gavelokes, 200 ' cheseles' and ' pounzons,' 80 ' coignes,' and 100 ' trouelles.' Edinburgh %it supra. [Seals lost.] Similar attesting that said Eichard delivered to William de Montacute 2 ' pikes' . . . . ' stonhaxes.' Also to Sir Peter de Colyng- bourne by Adam of Umbersand's hands on 6th April, 12 mason's ' baches' ; also to Master Giles the mason, 4 chesilles (?) and . . . mal. Similar, that on 15th May (same year) said Eichard delivered to Henry of Kerwardyn 103 'pickes,' 136 stonaxes and ameraxes, 7 malles, 5 gaveloks, 200 cheselles and pounzons except two, 50 coignes, and 100 trouelles. Done at Edinburgh ut supra. [No seals.] [Bxchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f|.] 400 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1537 The K. to William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Hearing that the Bishop of Dunkeld has been hindered by sickness from 1304. coming within the time fixed in his safe conduct, he commands the May 17. same to be renewed till Midsummer next. Stirling. [Privy Seals (Toivcr), 32 Edw. I. File 7.] April 11- 1538. The K. to the sheriff of Berwick-on-Tweed. As Sir David May 19. de Wemes and Margery his wife, Scottish rebels, have come to his peace and done fealty, he commands that Margery's dower lands outside of Berwick town be delivered to them. Kinghorn, April 11. [File 5.] The K. to the sheriff of Fife. Similar writ for Hervi de Strath- anry for his lands there acquired through the infeftment of Johanna de Giblethiston. Kinghorn, April 11. [File 5.] Similar to the Chancellor for John Comyn earl of Buchan, for his lands in England. Stirling, 4th May. [File 6.'] And for John de Drummond and Elena his wife, for the dower- lands of Elena in England. Stirling, 19th May. [File 7.] [Privy Seals {Tower), 32 Edw. /.] May 24. 1539. Walter de Bedewynde acknowledges receipt from Eichard de Bremesgrave by the hands of Roger Delande his servant, at Stirling on 5th May anno xxxii, for the weights of the King's engines, of 27 ' wangas ' of lead ; Item, on the 24th of same month, from Richard by William de Prestone his servant, .of 24 crossbows, four of 2 feet ; 24 ' baudrics' for same, 6050 'quarrels' of 2 feet, and 18,000 'quarrels' of 1 foot, in 9 coffers. Appends his seal. [No seal.] [Tower Mis- cellaneous Rolls, No. ^\^.] May 25. 1540. [Inquisition in the Earl of Carrick's English lands, under a writ, dated Stirling, 1st May 1304.] 1. Inquisition at Hatfield Regis on the morrow of Trinity in the K.'s 32nd year, regarding the lands of Robert de Brus senior, by [ . . . . John the parson's nephew and 11 other jurors], who find that he held the manor of Hatfield cum Broneshobery of the K. in capite as half a knight's fee. Besides easements of houses, curia, and curtilege, value 2s., there is a new pigeonhouse not yet stocked which may be worth 2s. Qd. ; 770^ acres 1 rood arable, by the less hundred at 6d., worth 16^. 14s. ; besides 28 acres mowable meadow, 16 acres grazing, there is a park of 100 acres, by the 'great hundred, with underwood and pannage worth 20s. ; a windmill, 13s. 4d. ; a market leased at 13s. 4d. ; the half hundred of Herlawe, a pertinent of the manor, is let to fee-farm for 4:1. yearly ; fixed rent from the tenants, all free sokemen, 16^. 4s. llf f^. quarterly ; ' grasanese ' at Martinmas, 20s. ; rent of oats at the Annunciation of the Virgin, 10 qrs. at Is. 6d. 15s. ; 5 ploughings at Martinmas, 2s. 6d. ; sokemen's labours from Michael- mas to the beginning of the last month of autumn, 18 weeks, 3822;|, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 401 Edwakd I. at -|cl., 11. 19s. 3|(?., festival days and weeks subtracted ; in last • month of autumn, 480 labours at l|d., 60s. ; pleas and perquisites of 1304. court and view of frankpledge in Pentecost week. 100s. Eobert de Brus son of said Robert, and earl of Carrick, is next heir, and 28 years of age and more. Append their seals. [Seals lost]. Total extent, 60/. ^s. l^cl 2. Inquisition at Totenham on Tuesday after Trinity [May 26th] ut supra, [by 12 jurors], who find that the deceased held there of the K. in capite [a messuage, garden, 100 acres land at 2d., 32 of meadow at 2s. each .... 100 acres wood, worth Qd. each ; rents of freeholders, 42s. 4^fZ., whereof John de Britannia has 4s. 4(i^. yearly ; of neyfs, 62s. M. ; | of a watermill, worth 10s. ; .... pannage called ' Gershase,' 12c/. ; .... 5 cottars and 2 ' molnien ' do 36 labours, 24 worth Is M., and 12 worth 12d.\ They know not by what service he held. Eobert de ^vxxs, junior is his son and next heir, and 30 years of age. Append their seals. [Lost.] Total extent, 14Z. 3s. IM. 3. Inquisition at Writtle (of same date) before the escheator [by 12 jurors], who find that the deceased held that manor in capite of the K. as half a knight's fee. [Besides manor court and curtilage worth 1 a mark, there are 1200 acres by the less hundred at 4f/. an acre, 20/ Two parks with underwood and pannage, worth 6/. ; rents of free sokemen, quarterly, 36/. 35. ; market let at 20s. ; rents of 17 virgates held by sokemen ; 7 virgates held by ' formauni ' for custom- ary service .... ploughing, sowing, hoeing in autumn, reap)ing (96 men one day) pleas of court, view of frankpledge in Pentecost week]. Total, 108/. 17s. 2d. Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, son of the deceased, is his heir, and .... years and more. Append their seals. [Lost.] 4. An inquisition in the manor of Caldecotes and advowson of church, held of the honour of Huntingdon in the K.'s hands, is taken on 6th June, by 12 jurors. Total extent, 18/. lis. 2d. The age of the son is there given as 22 and upwards. [Seals lost], [/wj. p. rn. 32 Edw. I. No, 46.] May (?) 1541. John Comyn earl of Buchan, to the K. John de Balliol late K. of Scotland, before the war began, in recompense of the earl's right in the Galloway lands of said K., of which he had much more than his purparty, and also of the earl's right in the lands which belonged to Thomas son of Alayn de Galloway, gave by charter to the earl and the lawful heirs of his body, (of whom he has none yet), all the lands of his thaynage of Fermartyn and Dereleye, except the burgh and castle of Pyvie (Fyuyn), as in the charter produced in court, a transcript of which is sewed to this petition. And he was seised therein, till now that the K.'s servants have taken and retain them. Whereof he prays remedy. [No date.] Norman French. The said earl farther complains that the said K. for same reason VOL. II. 2 c 402 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. gave him a charter in same terms of 48/. sterling, part of 80 marks which the earl and his ancestors paid to the kings of Scotland for the [1304.] land of Covenache, on condition that the earl and his heirs should relieve him of the tithes of said lands due to the Bishop of A.berdeen, amounting to 8 marks, as by charter produced and transcript sewn hereto. Yet the K.'s servants distrain him for the 80 marks. Whereof he prays remedy. [No date]. Norman French. (Endorsed) ' A writ commanded to the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, ' to make inquisition, examine his muniments, and report to the K. ' at next Parliament.' [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 1304. 1542. Eeceipt by Ambrose de Eenham vallet of Sir William de June 1. Gretham, prior of Halieyland, at Berwick-on-Tweed, to Eichard de Bremesgrave, for 16 qrs. wheat and 24 qrs. malt. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f ^.] Small red wax seal attached to tag. Device, a two-legged monster with wings, long tail, and hart's head. June 10. 1543. The K, commands the Bishop of Durham to restore to the Abbot and convent of Arbroath (Abberbrothok), who have been long at the K.'s peace, the church of Hautwysel, which they held in inoprios iisus long before the Scottish war, but wliich the Bishop is said to have taken in his hand. Stirling. [Close, 32 Echo. I. m. 10.] May 14- 1544. Writ to the Chancellor to restore the English lands of Peres June 12. de Glinquym, a Scottish rebel received to peace. Stirling, May 14th. [File 7.] Similar for Marie widow of William de Maleville, at the K.'s peace. Stirhng, 27th May. [File 7.] Similar for Agnes de Blanctyr a Scottish rebel received to peace, for her dower lands in England. (Same date.) Similar for Eoger Mareschal of Copoun, for his lands in England. Stirling, 18th May. [File 7.] Similar for William Porter's land in England. Stirling, 16th May. [File 7.] Similar for Thomas de Est Nesbit's land in England. Stirling, 12th June. [File 9.] Similar for Eobert de Paxton, for the lands of his grandfather William de Paxton in England. Stirling, 10th June. [File 9.] Similar for Henry de Eynstrother (Anstruther), for his lands in heritage in England. Dunfermline, 19th Feb. 1302-3. [File 20.] [Privy Seals (Toivcr), 32 Edw. I.] ■ June 13. 1545. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Commands letters under the Great seal, ordaining the Bishop of Durham to restore to the Abbot and convent of Kelso the fishery of Wodhorn, which they held long before the Scottish war. Stirling. [Pmixy Seals (Tower), 32 Edw I. File 8.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 403 Edward I. 1546. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. As Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, son and heir of Eobert de Brus 1304. deceased, has done homage and fealty, he commands letters under June 14. the Great seal to be issued according to law and custom. Stirling. [Frivy Seals (Toiver), 32 Edw. I. File 5.] June 16. 1547. "Writ by John de Drokenesford keeper of the "Wardrobe, to Richard de Bremesgrave receiver at Berwick-on-Tweed, to deliver to the Abbot of Dunfermline for his sustenance 50 qrs. wheat, by the K.'s gift. Stirling. (Endorsed) ' Nichil habet adhuc' In the receiver's account for August following : — To the Abbot of Dunfermline in part of his losses while the K. remained there, 20 qrs. wheat, 20 qrs. malt, and a cask of wine. [Fxcheq^uer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No f ^.] June 17. 1548. The K. commands that diligent search be made in the rolls and ' remembrances ' of Exchequer for all debts due there by Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick or his ancestors, and meanwhile that all these be respited. Stirling. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 32 Edw. I. m. 15 ; and Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea, No. ^^^.] A certificate from Exchequer follows, dated York 8th July, that he is owing debts of his ancestors [particularized] 518Z. 5s. M. [m. 17.] June. 26. 1549. Ealf de "Wotton vallet of Sir Patrick de Dunbar, acknow- ledges receipt at Berwick-on-Tweed on 26th June in the 32nd year, from Eichard de Bremesgrave, of the K's store, for the use of Lady Ermigarda consort of said Sir Patrick, as a prest from his due in the "Wardrobe by the Bishop of Chesters ' bill,' of a cask of new wine. [Seal lost.] Attached is a writ of liberate by the Bishop, for Sir Patrick sod of the Earl of March, for the use of his wife ' who is pregnant,' for this wine. Also two other receipts by Ealph de Wotton, one dated 31st August, for 2 casks of wine, 8 qrs. wheat, and 4 qrs. malt; the other 11th September for 8 qrs. wheat and 8 qrs. malt; for Sir Patrick's sustenance. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. M.] A fragment of his seal, red wax, attached to the latter. June 29. 1550. Edward Prince of Wales to the Treasurer and Barons. Begs them to be ' gracious according to reason and right, for his love,' to his friend John le Lungespee in his affair depending before them, so that the suitor may feel his prayer has helped him. Under his Privy seal. Stirling. [Exchequer, Q.R. Memoranda, 32 Edw. F. m. 17.] June 29. 1551. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Commands letters under the Great seal restoring her dower-lands in England granted in the time of the late Alexander K. of Scotland 404 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd T. to jNIiiriella widow of Ranulf le Fauconer, whose fealty he has taken. Stirling. [Frinj Seals (Toiver), 32 Edw. L File 9.} [1304] 1552. The writer, stating that the K. has the utmost need of oats June 29 (?) and beans for his horses, commands his correspondent with all dis- patch to freight a vessel to Stirling with oats and beans, for the K.'s horses have nothing to eat but grass. Wherefore let him hurry the business. [Exchequer, Q. B, Miscellanea {Army), No. f ^.] June 29. 1553. From same to same. Urges him to send all the K.'s stores that he can find in Berwick, in haste by day and night to Stirling, for they can find nothing in these parts. Written at Stirling 29th June. [Exchequer, Q. B. MiscellaTiea {Army), No. f^.] June 30. 1554. The K. commands the sheriff of York to send to him at the castle of Stirling immediately, under command of his vallet Philip de Moreteyn, 40 crossbowmen and 40 carpenters. Stirling. [Close, 82 Edw. I. m. 8.] [End of 1555. Eobert son of William de Lacelles, prays the K. and council INlay or that as he was in the Scots war when the K. passed the ' Mountz,' June.] and his wages are in arrear from Pentecost in the 31st year till Pentecost following, he may be pai,d. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Computet in Garderoba et habeat billam.' [Toioer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. "7^.] July 3. 1556. The K. commands Pachard de Bremmesgrave to send with the utmost haste to Stirling, 500 quarrels for crossbows 'a tour, uerfs, peyl, engleu,' and other necessaries for crossbows, as the bearer will instruct him more fully. Under the Privy seal. Stirling. [Ex- chequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f^,] 1304. 1557. Indenture between William de Burgh' clerk, and Eandolf July 7. de Holm burgess of Berwick, attesting that the former has received from Ptandolf ' entre le terz jour de Feverer et le nofisme jour de Jeun' in the K.'s 32nd year, at Berwick-on-Tweed, salmon for the King's use to the value of 26/. 16s. ' Berwyk le setysme jour de Jeul ' Ian seusdyt.' [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^.] A fragment of the seal of Eandolf, in red wax, is attached. Device, a seal prei^aring to devour a salmon, both in pale. Counterpart, \\dth frag- ment of William's seal, de^dce 2 fish 1 ; in [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. U-] July 8. 1558. Indenture attesting that on 8th July anno xxxii° Eichard de Warthyngton clerk, received in the port of Leith from Sir Eichard de Bremesgrave, by the hands of William de Meresey, master of ' la ' Nicholas 'of Meresey, 11 qrs. of good and pure wheat by the smooth English measure without ' avantage.' Edinburgh. Date ut supra. [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Fortof olios, No. f |.] July 8. 1559. Eeceipt by Walter de Bedewynde at Stirling on 8th July EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 405 ED^YAIlD I. 32nd year, to Eichard de Bremesgrave, by a clerk, for 60 sheaves of steel, eaili containing 30 pieces; and from Sir William de i'elton's 1304:. hands 65 lb. tow for bowstrings, 10 lb. of bowstrings, 10 lb. glue for crossbows, 56 lb. horsehair for springalds in 2 canvas sacks ; and in 4 baskets 400 quarrels for crossbows ' ad turn,' 950 for crossbows of 2 feet. [JSocchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. -^§.] Fragment of seal appended by tag. July 20. 1560. [From Sir Walter de Bedewynde (?)]. Begs the person addressed to provide 40s. (or what he has), and give them to the bearer for an acquittance of the horse and armour of Bernard Dos deceased. As for news — tell him that Stirling castle was absolutely surrendered to the K. ' this Monday St Margaret's day,' without conditions ; but the X. wills that none of his people enter till it is struck with the ' Warwolf ' (tauntqz il eit ferru ove le Lup de guerre) ; and that those within defend themselves from the said 'wolf as they best can. Written at Stirling ut sup'a. Attached is a letter from same officer, Donfermline, 28th February previous, that as Bernard Dos the K.'s sergeant is ill, and must remain at Berwick or thereabouts till better, he is to be sustained from the stores. (Endorsed). Between 4th March and 18th July he had 24 qrs. 6 bushels wheat, 15 qrs. malt. 10 qrs. oats, 4 qrs. beans, and 1 sesterce wine. Also 40s.^by Sir Walter de Bedewynde's letter attached hereto. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f^.] July 21. 1561. Memorandum : — John deSomersete received in name of Peter de Chichester for the K.'s use at Stirling, in ' La Nicolas ' of Mersey, William de la Hache master, 106| qrs. of wheat by the smooth measure without ' avantage ' viz., the measure of the K.'s bakery, and William received for his wages from Peter by Bedewynde's order, 3 qrs. wheat. Note. — Half a quarter was rotten ; witness Sir Ealf the Almoner. Stir- ling, 22st July anno xoacii". [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^i.] July 24. 1562. Instrument relating the surrender of Stirling castle by Sir Foeuera, i. 9G9. Wj^jj^j^-^ Oliphaut the govcruor and 25 of his garrison [named.] Stirling. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 14, No. 11.'] July 25. 1563. Eoll of the Magnates and others at Stirling and elsewhere; Paigrave, pp. q^^ spccial iustructions as to capturing Sir William le Waleys. [Chapter House {Scots Documents), Box 4, A"o. 4--] July 25. 1564. Memorandum. — That William Biset sheriff of Stirling has received from Master John of Pontefract the K.'s lardener, on 25th July anno xxxii", of the K.'s stock found within Stirling cattle, of the provision thereof, 24 carcasses of salt beef. Stirling, date ut supra. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. jf ;].] Small fragment of seal, green wax, attached to tag. Leg. ' . . . . val . . ' 406 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1565. Eeceipt by Robert de Hemeale to the K.'s store at Ediu- burgh, on behalf of his lord Sir Hunifrey de Bohun earl of Hereford, 1304. on Wednesday next after St James the Apostle's day anno xxxii\ for July 29. 96 'stokfish/ 'strefishe' and 'linggefishe.' [CI lancerij Miscellaneous Fort/olios, No. f ^.] Fragment of small seal, green wax. Charged with small lizards or dragons^(?). July 30. 1566. The K. understanding that Sir Edmund Comyu of Kilbride has not yet had seisin of his manor of Eakenham Aspes in Suffolk, which the K. restored to him with his other English lands, in coming to his peace with Sir John Comyn, by reason that the Earl Marechal is already in seisin by the K.'s assignment, commands the Treasurer and Barons ' sanz debat e sanz delay ' to see that Edmund has his rights, and that the earl have land or something eke in lieu, to same amount. Stirling. [Uxcheque7% Q. B. Memoranda, 33 Echv. I. m. 4--] July 30. 1567. The K. to John Sampson constable of Scarborough castle. Commands him to receive from John Balant, master of the ship ' la Katerine' of Saltcotes, William Stote of Dundonald, John of the Hull of Fauside, John le Taillour of Gobysky, and Henry of Stirling, prisoners taken in Stirling castle, and allow them 2d. each daily for their sustenance. Stirling. [Privy Seals {Tower), 32 Edw. I. File 9.] July 1568. Memorandum. — The K. is due to Stephen of Stanham, for 13 dozen lampreys delivered to John of Ponfereyt the K.'s lardener at Stirling, price 5/. 17s. at 9s. a dozen. Carried from York to Stirling by Thomas Broun, by command of the Bishop of Chester and Sir John de Droxford ' le an xxxii.' (Endorsed) ' V. billes amountent lij7. ixs. \yl.' [Attached is a receipt by the said Master John of Pontefract at Stirling in July anno xxxii'' from said Stephen, styled ' mayor of Lincoln,' for the fish, entered in the roll of the kitchen. [Toiver Miscellaneous Foils, No. '^^^.'\ Mark of small oval seal on back. [1304.] 1569. Expenses of John de la Mullier in throwing Greek fire into July (?) Stirling castle. Total, 47s. M. Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneous Stevenson, ii. iSO.J^^Hg^ ^q^ ^7^.] Aug. 4. 1570. [Anonymous. The seneschal of the Household ?]. Letter commanding that against the K.'s arrival at Roxburgh, 200 qrs. of oats be quickly despatched there for the keep of his horses and those of ' Madame la Royne,' the sheriffs of Berwick and Roxburgh pro- viding carriage ; also that 200 qrs. be sent by sea to Newcastle, against the li.'s arrival there. Written at Stirling the 4th August. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army) No. f§.] Trace of red seal on back. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 407 Edward I. 1571. Edmond de Cornubia for his own wages and those of his 2 esquires from 19th May anno xxxi", when his horses were valued, 1304. till 23rd July thereafter, when a horse was valued for Henry Aug. 12. Foillet, who had been killed by the Scots in Achetele, 65 days, at 3s. daily; whereof allowed in the marshal's roll 15d. daily, and here 21d. — 113s. 9d. And for himself and one esquire from 23rd July till 19th November, 120 days, at 2s. daily, whereof allowed in the marshal's roll, 15d, and here 9d. — 4/. lOs. Value of black horse with star on forehead, for his companion, killed as above, 12 marks. Wages for himself and one esquire from 20th November amio xxxii incipie7ite, till 12th January thereafter, on which day a ' ferrand ' horse was valued for Geffry his brother, sent to the infirmary at Dunfermline, 53 days at 2s., whereof in the marshal's roll 15d. and here 9d. — 39s. 9^^. And his own pay from 12th January till 12th August, when he left, 213 days at 12d., whereof 7^d. in the marshal's roll and 4^rf. here — 79s. lO^d. [Eemainder imperfect.] [^Chancery Miscellaneous Fort/olios, ¥o. ^^^.] Much stained and mutilated towards the foot. Aug. 13. 1572. Indenture attesting that John de Lucy sheriff of Cumber- land has received from Eobert de Appelby, vallet of the sheriff of Westmorland, on Thursday next after the F. of St Lawrence, in the 32nd year, Eauf de Co[n]ingham, Henry de Corle of Steven- stone, Adam de Stewardestone, and Cristin le Keu of Stratherne, for safe ward in Carlisle castle under the K.'s writ. Carlisle, day aforesaid. [No seals.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No, '^\i\ Aug. 13. 1573. The K. to his dearest friend. Lord N. bishop of Ostia. Especially commends to his good offices Master Matthew de Kynros dean of Dunkeld, the bearer, and his business at the Court of Eome. Bothkennar in Scotland. Similar for the Dean, to Lord J. cardinal priest of SS. Marcellin and Peter, and Lord G. cardinal priest of St Martin in montibus. [Close, 32 Edw. I. m. 6, dorso.] 1303-4. 1574. [Safe conducts, &c.] Feb. 17- February 17. Safe conduct for the Bishop of Dunkeld coming to Aug. 13. the K.'s peace, till Ascension day next. Dunfermline. February 21. Similar for Alexander and Eichard de Mowbray, clerks. Dunfermline. Also for the Bishop of St Andrews. Dunfermline. Also for John de Soules, knight ; James the Steward of Scotland, knight : John Comyn earl of Buchan ; Ingelram de Umfraville, knight ; David de Brechin, knight ; William de Balliol, knight ; John Wychard, knight; and William archdeacon of Lothian (Loaneys.) Dunfermline, [m. 2^.] April 6. Also for Gilbert son of William son of Gilbert, and Adam Lyder, burgesses of Aberdeen, taken in a ship off Filey near Scar- 408 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. borough, freighted with cloth and arms for the enemy in Scotland, liberated at the request of John earl of Athol. St Andrews, [m. 23.] 1303-4:. January 1, William de Newerk, presented to church of Wissing- dene, in the K.'s hands with the lands of the Abbot of Luudors in Scotland, under letters to J. bishop of Lincoln. Stirling, [m. 20.'] June 16. Safe conduct for a year for Eercard bishop elect of Caithness, going to Eonie on the business of his election. Stirling. The K. signifies his assent thereto to the Pope. Stirling. \in. 16.] July 23. Safe conduct for the Abbot of Cupar in Angus, going to the general chapter at Citeaux. Stirling. \_m. 11.] July 20. The same for Eobert of St Andrews, chaplain of William Comyn, whom the latter is sending to Bononia la Grasse for some of his books — till Christmas next. Stirling. \in. 10.] August 13. The same for Master Mathew of Kynros, dean of Dunkeld, going to Rome on his affairs. Bothkener in Scotland. \_m. 9.] [Patent, 32 Echo. /.] Jan. 22- 1575. [Stores received for the Prince of Wales's household in Aug. 1-1. Scotland, during 1304.] Indenture : — Henry de Loutgarshale, clerk of the Prince's pantry and butlery, receives at Perth from Richard de Bremesgrave keeper of the stores at Berwick, 20 casks and 9 iron-hooped barrels of wine by the hands of Thomas Howard, master of 'la Rose' of Berwick. Perth, 22nd January, 32nd year. [Seal lost.] Similar by same for 45 casks of wine by the hands of Roger Alain, master of ' Le Ballok' of Ipswich. [Seal lost.] Indenture : — Robert Attefenne, master of ' le Skretheby ' of Orewelle, delivered at Perth in Scotland, 32 casks of wine. Done at St John's town, 25th February, 32ud year. [Seal lost.] Similar : — That Andrew Attefelde, master of ' la Godale ' of Mere- seye, delivered in March at St Andrews in Scotland, 27 casks of wine. Done 28th March, 32nd year. [Seal lost.] Similar : — That on 14tli August in the 32nd year, Richard of the isle of Jersey butler of Lord Edward prince of Wales, received at Berwick-on-Tweed from Richard de Bremesgrave, 2 casks and 5 iron- hooped barrels of red wine, 1 cask and 10 hooped barrels of white wine, whereof 4 sesterces are deficient in gauge. [Seal lost.] [Ex- chequer, Q. B. Miscellmiea {Army), No. f §.] 1304. 1576. Indenture that on 16th August, 32nd year, Peter of Aug. 16. Chester clerk of the K.'s pantry and butlery, received from Richard de Wardyntone from the K.'s store, in the Abbey of the Holy Rood of Edinburgh, 6 casks of wine (3 whereof white), deficient in toto 14 sesterces. Abbey of Holy Rood of Edinburgh ut supra. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Arnuj), No. §§.] Curious signet, red wax, attached. A two-legged beast with, tail and wings, head concealed behind a gigantic luiman ma^k, looking to dexter. DELATING TO SCOTLAND. 409 Edward I. 1577. William de Echewyk vallet of Thomas de Umfraville, acknowledges receipt instead of money due said Thomas in the 1304. Wardrobe, of 24 qrs. wheat at 5s. per quarter, and 60 qrs. malt at Aug. 17. 4s. per quarter. Berwick-on-Tweed. \_Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No. a|.] Appended is a fragment of seal, red wax. A bull's (?) head cabossed with mantling, as a crest (?) A small heater shield below with a single cinque- foil. (?) Much broken. Aug. 17. 1578. The K. commands Eichard de Bremesgrave to send to WilUam Biset 2 tuns of good wine from Berwick to Cambuskenneth at the K.'s cost as soon as possible. Under the Privy seal. Pent- lan[d.] Attached is a receipt, dated Stirling 29th December following, by William Byseth for the 2 tuns, delivered in the ' havene' of Stirling by Jack del Glay vallet of Sir Richard de Bremesgrave. [Uxchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No. f§.] Small green wax signet on tag. A bend charged with 3 oak leaves (?) ; a lion (?) passant above, and at one side of shield, the other broken off. Aug. 19. 1579. The K. to Master W. de Grenefeld his chancellor. Encloses a writing sent to him by the bailiffs of the Bishop of Durham's franchise of ISTorham on matters touching Aymer de Haudene and Marie wi-dow of Wiliam de Maleville, and commands him to advise with the Council at York on these, according to the conditions granted to Scotsmen. Eddelston. [Privy Seals {Tower), 3^ Edw. I. File 17.] Aug. 21, or 1580. [Expenses of the K.'s portable chapel in Scotland.] soon after. Wadekyn of the chapel bought at London a leather sack and a trunk to pack the carpets, ' baunquers,' and cushions of the chapel, 17s. Also at Durham 6 'crokes' of iron for the K.'s curtain, and 200 nails, for 14<^. Wages of a groom watching the chapel in Scotland, l^d.per diem, 56s. 4|d A groom for his horses, 20 weeks due, at l^d. per diem. His own shoes for 4 years, 18s. M. At Newcastle for 300 nails and 2 ' boterels ' of ' corde,' 2s. [m. i.] At Newcastle-on-Tyne for putting 2 iron bands on the coffer of the chapel, 14fZ. 8 ells of canevaz, and 6 lbs. of wax to dress it, and pack the vestments within, 6s. &d. Eor a waggon and 10 oxen and 2 grooms to carry the chapel from Dunfermline to St Andrews, 10s. For 2 ells of ' cendal ' bought at St Andrews for an ' esperener ' over the altar, 2s. Carriage from Cambuskenneth to Stirling, 12d. Making 2 albs and 4 'amyz' at Stirling, 4s. M. Portage and carriage by water from Stirling to 'la Blakenesse,' 4 journeys, 2s. For a 'boterel' of 'corde' for the curtain at Linlithgow, the day of the ' Assumpcyon,' 6d Mending a window and a candelabrum in the K.'s chapel at Dunfermline, 2s. \;m £] [The third and fourth membranes give a summary of the expenses 410 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. laid out by Walter le Bonere sub-clerk of the chapel, in incense and other small necessaries, making surplices, and bookbinding, during the 1304. years 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31. And the wages of a groom assisting and keeping the chapel from 19th May anno xxxi° on which day the K. left Eoxburgh, till 21st August anno xxxii° on which day he returned to Jedeworthe, both reckoned, 451 days at l\d. per diem.] Norman French. [The entries are often altered and crossed out.] [CMncery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Aut^. 17-22. 1581. John de Keston's account of expenses for the King's horses going from Pentland to Hertford by the King's orders, in the 32ud year. [^Extracts.'] Monday 17th August, at Muskleburk, fodder for 3 palfreys, a charger, a hackney, and John's own horse, 9fZ. ; 4 bushels of oats at 6|rf, 2s. 2d. ; 4 grooms' wages, 8fZ. ; a farrier, 2d. ; John's own wages, 6rf. ; litter, M. ; repairing the stable, 2d. ; oat sheaves, M. ; candle and trusses, l\d. ; total, 5s. Ahd. Tuesday 18th August, at Pinkerton [the same], 5s. 4|f?. Wednesday 19th August, at Coldingham [the same], 5s. 3|(7. Thursday 20th August, at Berwick (?) [same nearly, with the addition of] two . . . . ? bought for 2 palfreys, for the Lyard * le Drenke' (?) and the Lyard 'le Prince,' 7s. ^d. Friday 21st August, at Fenham [total], 4s. 2\d. Saturday 22nd August, at Togehale [total], 4s. 2d. Six days total, 32s. A^d. ' Proved.' [The daily expenses of forage decrease as they go southwards, the average being 4s.] [BxcJiequer, Q. E. Miscellanea (Uquicium), No. ^^/.] Aug. 23. 1582. The K. for the good service of Henry le Charpenter of Fontyntone in Scotland, pardons his outlawry for the death of William le Bere of Estlyeghe. By writ of Privy seal. Jeddeworth. 23rd August anno xocxii. [Endorsed is a list of 12 sureties. Much decayed.] [Chancery Miscellaneoiis Port/olios, No. jVe-] A\w. 23. 1583. The K. to the chancellor. Commands a pardon under the Great seal to Eoger de Hameltone for his good service in Scotland of all homicides, robberies, felonies, and outlawry, if any incurred. Jeddeworthe. [Privi/ Seals (^Taioer), 32 Edio. I. File 17.] Julv 7- 1584. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. As Aucf. 24. David de Breghyn and Margaret his wife, Scottish rebels, have come to his peace, and David has done homage and fealty, he commands that the English lands of Alexander de Bonkyl, father of Margaret, whose heir she is, be restored to them. Stirling, 7th July. \File lO.] Similar for William de Hessewelle for his lands in England. Yetham, 24th August. [File 17.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 411 Edward I. Similar for Sir Ketel de Letham and Cristiana his wife, widow of Stephen Peissou, for her dower-lands of the latter's heritage, whose 1304 son and heir William is a minor, and in the K.'s ward. Badendath, 12 th August. [File 17.] Similar for Goda the widow, and Isabel and Isabel, daughters of Walter de Hedleye, for their dower and heritage in England. Jedde- worthe, 23rd August, [File 17.] Also for Thomas Walran, for his lands in England. Stirling, 10th August. [File 17.] [Privij Seals (Toiver), 32 Edw. I.] Aug. 24. 1585. Warrant from the Wardrobe to deliver to John of Werdale wine and victuals to the amount of 100s., which the IC is due him for a prisoner he took in Scotland and surrendered to the K. Written at Jeddeworthe ut suyrct. Attached is the receipt by John on 28th August at Berwick-on- Tweed, for a cask of white wine, and 3 qrs. wheat at %s. 8d. per quarter, instead of 100s. [Exchequer, Q. H. Miscellanea {Army), No. 12-J Seal appended by tag is broken. Aug. 25. 1586. [Distribution of the K.'s forage on his departure after the siege of Stirling ?] Robert de la Warde seneschal of the household, to Master John de Westone and other auditors of the account of Sir Archibald de Livingstone sheriff of Linlithgow. Attests that great part of the hay provided by said Sir Archibald and carried to the 'Pel' was expended on the K.'s horses, and the rest put up in ' trusses ' and given to the great lords of the army by the K.'s command. So may be allowed in the account. Written at Wooler, 25th August, 32nd year. Similar same date to the auditors, for Sir Eble de Mountz while sheriff of Edinburgh. [The horses of Madame la Roine consumed some of the hay.] Also attesting that Sir Eble received from him at Dunfermline, Sir Alexander de Lambertoue a prisoner to be kept in Edinburgh castle till sent to England ; and to allow same in his account. Wooler ut supra. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea (Army), No. if] Aug. 28. 1587. Receipt by Robert de Wodehouse, clerk of the K.'s kitchen, at Berwick-on-Tweed, on 28th August 32nd of the K.'s reign, to Sir Richard de Bremmesgrave, receiver of the K.'s victuals there, from the stock, for 7 dozen and 8 lampreys ' de Naunt,' and a barrel of sturgeon. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. f^f. ] A small fragment of red wax seal attached to the tag. A pike(?) in pale. Aug. 31. 1588. Inquisition [under writ dated Linlithgow 12th of same month, commanding inquiry as to the privileges claimed by Robert de Brus earl of Carrick in Annandale, and that the jury be composed of men 412 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. of the counties of Koxburgh and Dumfries] made at Dumfries on I^londay next after the Decollation of St John Baptist in the K.'s 130-4. 32ud year, before Mathew de Eedeman and John de Luscy, by liichard le Mareschal, Mathew del Ecles, Dovenald fitz Cane, Eergous le Mareschal, Eoland le Mareschal, Henry de Mondevyl, Dovenald Cambel, Walter de Twyuham, knights; Michael Macgethe, Patrick Magylboythyn, Gilbert Macmonhathe, Cutbert M'Cane, Walter Danande(?), Walter de Comestone, Thomas de Kyrkconevel, Thomas de Arbygelande, Hugh de Ur, Adam de Fauhope, Thomas Belle, Gy de Denhom, John de Hederstone, Eichard del Fleckes, William del Fausyde, Peter de Hessewel, and John Aliores(?) jurors; who find that the Earl of Carrick has this liberty, viz., that no sherilf of Dumfries or other servant of the K. or his ancestors may enter the bounds of Annaudale to make attachments, summonses, or distraints, nor have they done so for time beyond memory ; but that the K. may choose a coroner from one of the Earl's homagers in Annandale, and issue writs to him direct, w^ho shall represent and answer to the K. and his justices of Lothian at Dumfries; that the earl has these liberties by the ' title of antiquity,' viz., from the time of William K. of Scotland and all bis successors uninterruptedly to this day. They append their seals. [Seals lost.] [luq. jj. m. S2 Ediv. I. No. 11^7 ?[ [1304.] 1589. [Payments to the Mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne August. for munitions of war sent by them to Stirling. \Extract&^ For the wages of Patrick Morselmouthe at 6f?. a day, Adam son of William 'le Ropere,' Henry Bokk,' Alexander Scot, each at 3d a day, and Matildis Scot, at 1\d. a day, sent to Stirling to make ropes for the K.'s engines around Stirling castle, besieged by the IC. and his army; for 8 days from 11th August, lis. 8d; also for 29 'balistae,' 59 bows, 540 arrows, 420 staffs to make arrows, 336 goosewings, 360 feathers, 200(?) arrow heads, and 3 qrs. glue, bought by the K.'s orders to send to Stirling for the assault on the castle, 119s. \\\d. ; small expenses, canvas, ropes, &c., packing the bows, 3s. lOd ; carriage of a cask with the K.'s ' quarrels' found at New- castle, to Stirling, 30s.; baskets for the arrows, straw and hay to roll round the 'balistae,' string and wax to feather the new arrows, \h\d. ; for 5 hackneys carrying the above from Newcastle to Stirling, and a man with them, 29s. ; wages of 4 men making arrows at 4rf. each daily ; and two boys attending them, at M. each, sent to Stirling for 8 days, on 2nd June, 13s. 4d ; carriage of 18 of the K.'s * targes,' 2 great ' balistae ' and engines to stretch them, and a wagon with 5 horses, a great cord to bind the same, and a man with it, to Stirling, 14s. 9rf. ; wages of 10 ' balistarii ' sent by them to Stirling by the K.'s orders, for 5 days, viz., 11th June, at 4f?. each daily, RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 4U Edward I. 13.s. 2d total, 121. 3s. 6d. For making a barge to send to Scotland by the K.'s orders, boards, timber great and small, nails, iron work, [1304.] pitcb, ' tar,' swine's lard, and others, to grease the barge inside and out, red lead and other colours to paint it, 9^. 12s. O^d. ; also carpenters' work on her in February, March, and April [as detailed], 4:1. OS. od. ; a man greasing the barge by task work, 20c?. ; [painters' wages, 1 at 8d. and 2 at Qd. a day] 7s. 4d ; blackening 11 ells of canvas for a sail, and hire of a house for the timber work, 5s. 6d. ; furniture, viz., old sail, canvas, cord, string, anchor, oars, axes, hammers, ' vescells,' &c. 61. 3s. 2^d. ; Lucas de Eedenesse, master, and 9 mariners' wages for 10 days on 1st April, coming to the K. in Scotland, 26s. Id. ; on which day the barge was delivered by the Mayor and bailiffs to Lucas. Total, 22/. 13d Nets and cord for Eeginald the painter at Newcastle, who fished in divers vivaries and tanks in September for the K.'s diet, 26s. 3d. [Other miscellaneous entries follow. Has been enrolled.] [Chancer]/ MiscellancQiis Port- folios, No. ^5-.] 1304. 1590. Eeceipt by Guido chaplain and receiver of Sir Patrick earl Sept. 1. of Dunbar, at Berwick-on-Tweed on 2nd September in the 32nd year, to Eichard de Bremesgrave, for 5 casks of red and 2 casks of white wine for the earl's use. In the receiver's account of victuals delivered in August, Sir Patrick earl of March for his sustenance, by the K.'s precept received 40 qrs. wheat, 40 qrs. malt, 8 casks wine ; and Sir Patrick his son 40 qrs wheat, 20 qrs. malt, 4 casks wine. [Exchequer, Q. B. MisceU lanea Army), No. -^-§.] A fragment of seal, red wax, the head of Medusa (?) appended by tag. Attached also is the treasurers writ to Bremesgrave to deliver to the earl in wines and others, as quickly as may be, to the value of 10^. Sept. 7. 1591. The [anonymous] writer begs that his correspondent will send by the bearer as many salmon ' estope ' as two horses can carry, and that they be ' estope et atire ' in the best manner he can devise, to be at Newcastle-on-Tyne on Thursday in 8 days, viz., the I7th September, without fail ; also to send him same day a horse load of ' saumoun en pain escaward,' so well packed and trussed that the ' pasties ' be kept whole ; and also notify the cost. For he hopes to have the K. at his house of Bouldone ; ' so let the thing be well done.' Written at Newcastle-on-Tyne 7th September. [Ex- chequer, Q. a. Miscellanea {Army), No. -^0.] From a fragment of the seal on back, ' . . . . kenesf . . . . ' the writer is probably John de Drokenesford. Sept. 17. 1592. Inquisition at Perth, on Thursday next after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Eood 1304, in presence of Sir John earl of Athol, warden and justiciar of Scotland from Forth to Orkney, as to the pleas depending between the Earl of Stra theme and Sir John 414 CALEXDAll OF DOCUMENTS Edward L de Mubray, by 'Sirs Gilbert de Hay, David de ^Yemes, William de Clouy, John de Hay, Walter de Ackinhevy, and Marc de Olapbam, 1304. knights, Adam de Hallens, David de Moschet, John de Balfure, Herbert de Kynros, Andrew Franckysman, John de Lany, Eichard. de Fody, Gilbert the clerk, Malcolm de Gatmyelk, Patrick de Glen- dhouchret, Gylcryst de Boffodyr, Brice the clerk, Gylcryst son of Douenald, jurors ; who say that Sir John de Mubray sued Sir Malise earl of Stratherne before Sir John Comyn guardian of Scotland, for ravaging his lands of Mehtven and taking the castle, because his father Sir Geoffry had withdrawn from the K.'s peace in the begin- ning of the war, and Sir John so conducted his case that for fear of greater damnge the earl made a fine with him. They know of no other contract between them. They append their seals, place and date aforesaid. [^Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea, No. ^^.] Many tags ; only one small seal, in white wax ; a shield with a fesse, charges indistinct. Sept. 20. 1593. Writ of privy seal, the K. to Eichard de Bremmesgrave, commanding him to see that the hides, wool, and other things lately arrested by Mestre John de Westone and James de Dalilee at Elgin when there on his affairs, and delivered to Eichard at Berwick, be shipped there in good vessels for Kingston on HuUe as soon as possible, consigned to Eichard Oyselure bailiff of Holdernesse, or his representative. Bouldone, 20th September, 32nd year. Letter of same date from John de Drokenesford to Eichard, telling him to attend ' le plus egrement et le plus queyntement qe come vous unqes purrez ' to the K.'s command in all points. And if by chance they tell him that any of the goods have been sold, bargained, or otherwise removed before these letters reach him, he is to let no acquaintance or favour hinder him closely enquiring in the most secret manner how the business has gone, and reporting to himself, or to Walter de Bedewynde, should he not be at court, that it may be remedied if possible. Tells him so to act in this matter that he may appreciate his diligence and ' queyntise ' as in many others. Written at Boldene ut supra. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^.] 1303-4. 1594. Concerning the lands of Scotsmen restored. March 20- March 20. The K. commands the sheriff of Kent to restore the Sept. 20. lands of William Malherbe to his son Gilbert, late a rebel, whose homage and fealty he has taken. St Andrews. Similar to the sheriff of Cambridge, for Gilbert. Similar to the sheriff of Northumberland, for William de Moray (Morieve) of Drunsergard. St Andrews. Similar to the sheriff of York, for Walter de Barkestone. St Andrews. March 30. Similar to A. bishop of Durham, or his bailiffs of the EELATING TO SCOTLAXD. 41; Edward I. liberty of Norham, for Aymar de Hauden to have seisin of his wife Isabella's land there. St Andrews. 1303-4. March 16. Similar to the sheriff of Northumberland, for Nicholas de Fausside to have seisin of Lora his wife's dower. St Andrews. April 14. Similar to the sheriff of Northumberland, for Gilbert de Embelton to have Eobert de Embelton his father's lands. St Andrews. Similar to the sheriff of Northumberland, for Hugh de Penycok's heritage. St Andrews. Similar to the Bishop of Durham or his bailiffs of the liberty of Norham, for Thomas de Selkyrk to have the lands given him by Thomas de Moray. St Andrews. March 30. Similar to said bishop and bailiffs for Maria, widow of William de Maleville, for her heritage there. St Andrews. Similar to the escheator citra Trent, for Alicia, widow of Thomas de Soules, for the lands of John de Mulcastre her uncle there. St Andrews. March 21. Similar to the sheriff of Cumberland, for Gilbert de Carlisle. St Andrews. Similar to the sheriff of Northumberland, for Edmond Comyn of Kilbride. St Andrews. Similar for Edmond to the sheriffs of York, Essex, and Hertford. May 1. To the sheriff of York, for Geoffry de Ereshelegh. Stirling. To the Bishop of Durham or the bailiff of his liberty of Tyndale, for Henry de Eynestrother, Stirling, May 10. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for Eobert de Cresse- well's land acquired from John Daguillon and his wife Johanna. Stirling. To A. bishop of Durham or his bailiffs of Tyndale, for John de Tyndale's land acquired from Adam de Hautwysel chaplain. Stirling. May 6. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for John de Sumerville's lands held by gift of William de Sumerville his father. Stirling. To the sheriff of Leicester, for John Comyn earl of Buchan's heritage. Stirling. May 18. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for Eoger Mareschal of Copoun for his heritage and land acquired from John Gripedale of Copoun. Stirling. May 16. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for William Porter to have seisin of Alicia his wife's heritage. Stirling. May 26. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for Peter de Glynquym, for the lands of Johanna de Blamyr his mother, whose heir he is! Stirling. June 10. To the Bishop of Durham or the bailiffs of his liberty of Norham, for Agues de Blantyr's dower. Stirling. 416 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. June 20. To the sheriff of York, for Elizabeth Daudre's heritage. Stirling. 1304. June 20. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for Eobert de Paxton and the lands of William de Paxton his grandfather. Stirling. July 10. To the sheriff of Cumberland, for David de Brechin and Margaret his wife, for the lands of Alexander de Bonkil her father. Stirling. July 18. To the Bishop of Durham, for John de Park's land in the bishopric. Stirling. August 20. To the sheriff of Northumberland, for Thomas Walran's land. Jeddeworth. August 24. To the Bishop of Durham, for William de Hesewell's lands in the bishopric. Yetham. September 20. To the sheriff of York, for Elizabeth de Eussithel. Bouldou. October 11. To the sheriff of Northumberland, ''for John de Drummond and Elena his wife's dower there. Briddeshale. August 23. To the sheriff of Lincoln, for Goda widow of Walter de Hedley, and Isabella and Isabella his daughters, for their dower and lands respectively. Jeddeworthe. June 12. To the Bishop of Durham, for Thomas of East Nesbyte's heritage there. Stirling. [Close, 32 Edw. I. m. 13, ceduld.] Sept. 28. 1595. The K. to Eichard de Bremmesgrave. Commands him on sight of these, to send with all haste by one of his most careful and discreet people, the coffers of the Wardrobe, which the K. left in his care at Berwick-on-Tweed on his last journey to Scotland ; as he requires certain things therein immediately, for great matters especially touching himself and his realm. Under his Privy seal, 28th September, 32nd year. Dalton. [Fxchcquer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. -J§.] Sept, 31. 1596. Inquisition [under writ dated Felton 26th August preceding, commanding inquiry into the case of Elena de Prenderlathe, to whom Sir John Wyschard of 'le Kars,' in consideration of 100^. paid by the bishop of St Andrews, had granted 20 marks of his lands of Monilaws for 7J years from the beginning of the Scottish war, of which she had not got possession through his rebellion], taken before Lucas Tailleboys sheriff of Northumberland, on Thursday next after Michaelmas in the K.'s 32nd year, by Thomas of Wetwode [and 11 other jurors], who find that Elena leased from said John the vill of Monylawes for 7| years, but only had it for half a year, drawing 10 marks, as it was taken in the K.'s hands for John's rebellion, and has been for 8J years and still is. It is worth 20 marks yearly. They append their seals. [All lost.] (Endorsed) ' As John has not yet come to the K.'s peace, the K. * wills that it still remain in his hands.' EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 417 Edward I, Attached are (1) Charter by John Wischard lord of ' le Kars,' granting the land to EUota de Prenderlathe for 7^ years, from 1304. Martinmas 1295. Dated and sealed at Monilawes on the morrow of Michaelmas 1295. [Seal lost.] (2) Petition to the K. by Elena 'damoysele iadis la Eeyne de ' Norweye sa nece.' She shews that Sir John Wyschard was due 100/. left to her by the K. of Scotland in his will for her service to the Queen of Norway, and granted his lands {id supra) for 7| years. She was only in seisin for half a year when his lands were taken. At the Queen of England's prayer at Stirling, a writ was issued to the sheriff of Northumberland, which was returned to the Council at York at Michaelmas last. But the Council will not act without the K.'s presence. She prays the K. to let her have the land till the 140 marks in arrear are repaid, for she has had nothing else for the 8 years she served the late Queen of Norway, his sister's daughter, whom God keep. (Endorsed) ' The K.'s pleasure is she have the land till her arrears ' are paid, and then it reverts to the K.' \^Inq. p. m., 3'2 Edio. 1. No. Michaelmas, 1597. [Inquiry as to money in custody of Sir Hugh de Cressing- and after. ham, missing after his death.] The Treasurer having been given to understand that when Hugh de Cressingham left Berwick to go to Stirling castle, all his goods were left at Berwick with Eobert Heron rector of Forde, and Hugh de Eoubiri, and immediately after his death at Stirling, 400 marks of the K.'s money were sent by them to Werkworth castle and delivered to William de Toggesdene the constable, and also 48/. in a pouch, as to which last there is a dispute between Eobert and Hugh, William was therefore ordered to appear at York before the Barons on the morrow of Michaelmas. On which day he appeared, and stated on oath that about 8 days after Hugh's death at Stirling, Hugh de Eoubiri with his grooms only, brought two ' bulgia ' covered with hide, and a coffer for harness sealed and locked, and asked him to keep them ; wherein it was estimated there were 300/., but the witness was informed by others there were 400/. They seemed to be of great weight, for William his son carried them from the great chamber of the castle to an adjoining closet ; where they remained for 8 days, till Hugh de Eoubiri and his grooms came and took them away, whither he knew not, but believed it was to Durham. The Treasurer and Barons wishing to be better informed, resolved that Eobert and Hugh should appear before them at York, the former on Thursday before S. Edmund K. and martyr's day [19th November], the latter on the morrow of St Clement [24th November], and writs for important business were accordingly issued. Eobert, sworn and examined, said he was appointed to keep the K.'s coket at Berwick- VOL. II. 2 D 418 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. on-Tweed, and received from the issues thereof 281/. For fear of the Scots who had begun to rise against the K., and had killed the 1304. sheriff of Lanark, he, with Hugh de Eoubiri's advice, put the money in two leather bags and two pouches, and sent them to Werkeworth castle about the F. of the Assumption of the B. Mary [August 15] before Hugh de Cressinghara's death ; and there in person delivered them to Hugh de Roubiri, who placed them in the treasury of the castle under safe custody of William de Toggesden the constable. After Cressingham's death, on Wednesday after the Nativity of the Virgin following, he (Robert) returned to Scotland in company of the barons who went in aid of the K. to put down the Scots, and received at Durham from Hugh the foresaid bags and money, whereof he delivered 100/. to Walter de Agmondesham for the K.'s affairs, and retained another 100/. till the Treasurer arrived, when he paid this sum at York by tallies. As to the remaining 81/., he says he has had none of it since. Asked if any of Hugh de Cressingham's money or goods came into his hands ? says No. Asked if any such came to Hugh de Eoubiri's hands ? says, That he has heard that Cressingham had goods at the vill of Oerde which he held in lease, and Hugh de Roubiri drove them off after his death, how much he knows not. Asked if he brought or deposited any coti'er at Werke- worth or saw Hugh de Roubiri do so ? says No. Hugh de Roubiri appeared on his day, and deponed on oath that about the Gule of August in the year of Cressingham's death, at Robert Heron's request, he received from him in Werkeworth castle, two leather bags containing he believed 200/. or 300/., but knew not the exact sum, and likewise a pouch of canvas (or two) tied together by a strap, containing he understood about 35 marks. Immediately after Cressingham's death, for fear of the Scots, he carried the two leather bags and money to Durham castle, and afterwards delivered them to Robert when demanded. The two canvas pouches and money, with some jewels of his own, he stowed inside of a sack of his own wool at Werkeworth castle, and never saw the wool, silver, or jewels again ; for the wool was sold, and the valuables and money removed by the keepers of the castle, and Robert fitz Roger's men, when he came there. Asked if he or Robert Heron brought a coffer for harness to Werkeworth before or after Cressingham's death and delivered it to be kept there ? said No. Asked if any of Cressingham's other goods reached his hands ? says No ; but he himself delivered 40s. to one William de Stafford, Cressingham's bailiff in Scotland, to buy oxen for him, and the bailiff gave him to understand that 6 oxen were thus bought and lent to Cressingham at his manor of Orde ; after whose death he took them away by the bailiffs order. That these were not Cressingham's property, unless in loan. [^Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 33 Edw. I. m. 37.] [130-4.] 1598. Nicholas Hastang' prays the K. and council for redress EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 419 Edward I. against the Bishop of Glasgow, who while he was a hostage among the Scots for his brother the sheriff of Roxburgh, had ousted him [1304] from his prebend of Eenfrew and kept up the fruits. The K. at the Sept. or petitioner's prayer, wrote to the Bishop (then with the Scots enemies) Oct. (?) to replace him and restore his goods, to which the Bishop deigned no reply. When tlie K. was last at Jeddeworthe, the petitioner and his friends got a writ to Sir John de Segrave warden of Lothian (Louneys), who finding by a 'solemn' inquisition that he had been duly installed by the Bishop and Chapter of Glasgow, commanded them to allow him possession. But the Bishop has again ejected him unlawfully. (Endorsed) Let him have a writ to the warden of these parts to maintain him unless lawful cause shewn against it. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |^.] 1303-4. 1599. [Pay Eoll of the Army in Scotland and North of England in May-Oct. the years xxxi and xxxii.] [Extracts.'] [This roll of 34 membranes shews the number of foot in the army with which Edward I. overran Scotland, and took the castles of Brechin and Stirling. At Perth on 25th June 1303, there were about 7000 men ; at Inverurie in the Garioch, on 29th August following, there were only about 3760 with the K. Men were drawn from the garrisons of Edinburgh, Berwick, Dumfries, Lochmaben, Kirkin- tilloch and others. Twenty-four archers, called ' the foot of Stirling, formed the King's body guard. The Prince of Wales had a body guard of Spaniards, 7 crossbowmen and 2 with lances.] The first pay is made at Eoxburgh 17th May 1303, to 5500 men \in. 34-] ; by the 31st, 1800 additional foot had joined, principally from Northumberland and Berw^ick [?n.. 33] ; the next pay was at Clackmannan, 13th June [m. 31] ; at St John of Perth, 25th June for 14 days, due 1st June [m. 30] ; atBreghin, on 9th August, for 21 days, due 5th July [in. 28] ; the next at 'Inrory in Gairvyaughe,' on 29th August for [ ] days, due 6th July [ni. 27] ; at Dundee there are sundry payments from 10th to 19th October [711. 26] ; at Dun- fermline, on 12th November, one to Eoger of Sandiacre the keeper of the tent for the coffers and books of the Wardrobe, and the horse carrying the same in the Scottish war, for 120 days from 15th June till 12th November, when he had leave to return to England, 20s. ; on 11th December 223 men of the garrison of Berwick sent to the Prince of Wales at Perth, are paid [?«. 23] ; at same place, on 2nd January 1303-4, prests are made to various captains and their men [m. 22] ; at St Andrews on 21st March following, the army is paid for 14 days, due on 9th September previous [m. 18] ; at Stirling, on 24th April 1304, pay from 23rd September till 20th October 1303, was issued [in. 17] ; on 8th and 9th May prests were made there to certain of 420 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edward 1. the offices for tlieir men [m. 15] ; and wages paid to engineers, smiths, carpenters, plumbers, masons, and ditchers [m. i^] ; and 1303-4. during May and June to a number of men varying from 100 to 200 making fascines for the siege ; on 9th June the general pay was issued there [m. 12] ; on 21sfc June pay to 10 men and a woman making ropes is issued ; also to many carpenters and sawyers making mantelets, and 5 master carpenters and 50 carpenters and 4 pages making a ' War wolf ' \in. 9] ; on 29th June friar Herbert de Kynel 'frater conversus' of Edinburgh, carpenter working at the K.'s chamber at Stirling, receives wages from 25th April till 28th June, at 4d!. a day. The siege ended, on 1st August the engines are shipped. Their names were Lincoln, Segrave, Eobinet, ' le Vikere,' Kyngestone, ' la Persone,' ' le Berefrey,' Linlithgow, Bothwell, the Prince's, Gloucester, Dovedale, Toulemonde [m. 7] ; at Berwick-on-Tweed, on 29th Aug., between 700 and 800 were paid [m. 7rf.] and on 9th September at Newcastle-on-Tyne the last pay is recorded, [in. 5.] [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. %^.] 1304. 1600. Memorandum :— That on 12th October in the 32nd year, Oct. 12. Pilchard de Bremmesgrave received at Berwick-on-Tweed from Ealph le Convers and Ingelram le Charon the K.'s sergeants-at-arms, 136^. 13s. Ad., brought from the Wardrobe to pay Sirs John de Segrave, John de Kyngeston, and Eichard Hastang' their fees for the custody of Lothian, and the castles of Edinburgh and Gedde- worthe. Appends seal [fragment]. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. f £.] Oct. 18. 1601. The K. having pardoned and taken the fealty of Ketel de Letham and Cristiaua his wife, Scottish rebels, has restored her dower from the English lands of Stephen Peysson, her former husband, in the K.'s clerk John de Sandale's custody till the majority of William, son and heir of said Stephen, viz., one third of two parts of a chief messuage in Berghby in the county of Lincoln, [and from various other lands and rents in said vill], and commands the escheator vltra Trent to deliver the same. Beverley. By a writ on 24th October, John de Sandale is compensated for the loss of the dower, 4Z. lis. O^d, one third of the manor, [m. 2.] [Close, 32 Echo. I. m. 3.] Oct. 19. 1602. Compotus of John de Cambhou, sherifi of Xorthumberland, on the morrow of St Luke a?mo xxx. [Extracts.] 101. 2s. expended in sending carpenters to Linlithgow atmo xxix, and expenses of Eobert de Keth, Thomas de Soules, John de Somerville and Cristin de Lard, Scotsmen, and men conducting them from Newcastle to Berwick anno oixx" , and carriage of flour and other RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 421 Edwaed I. victuals to Roxburgh same year. [Exchequer to Q. R. Memoranda, 31 Edvj. I. m. 75, dorso.^ 1304. 1603. Receipt by Walter de Gosewyck mayor of Berwick-on- Oct. 21. Tvreed, on 21st October anno xxxii", to Richard de Bremesgrave, for a cask of wine assigned to him by Sir Walter de Bedewynde's gift. [Gliancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. |^^.] Fragment of seal — an anchor, the hear! a doiible cross potent. Oct. 26. 1604. The K. to Master William de Grenefeld his chancellor. Sends him by the bearer an inquisition lately made regarding certain franchises and customs claimed by Robert de Brus earl of Carrick, in Annandale, commanding him and the rest of the Council to consider carefully the points and advise him thereon. Brustwyk. On 6th November thereafter the K. encloses to the Treasurer and Chancellor a petition by the Earl of Carrick on same subject, for consideration by the Council. \^File 20.] [Privy Seals {Toiver), 32 Edw. L File 19.] Nov. 7. 1605. Receipt by William de Patowe vallet of Sir William de Gretham, prior of Coldingham, for the use of his lord, to Richard de Bremesgrave, at Berwick-on-Tweed on 7th Nov. anno ocxxii°, for 2 casks of wine from the K.'s store there. [No seal.] [Chance?^ Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^.] Nov. 9. 1606. [Roll of early grants by Scottish Kings and nobles, and others, to the Hospital of St Peter of York.] 1. Walter fitz Alan, 'dapifer Regis Scocie,' grants 2 bovates of land in Legardeswode (Legerwood), and a toft and common pasture, in frankalmoigne, for the souls of Kings David and Malcolm, and of his father and mother and predecessors, and the safety of K. William and himself. Witnesses : — Robert Avenel, Robert de Mung[umery], Robert de Cost[entin], Walter de Cost[entin], Henry the chaplain, Gervase Avenel. 2. Alan ' filius Walteri dapiferi Regis Scocie ' [confirms his father's charter]. Witnesses : — Robert Avenel, Gervase his son, Robert de Cost[entin], Henry the chaplain, Robert de Mung[umeri], Walter de Cost[entinJ, Adam de Molle, William fitz Robert. 3. R. son of Dunegal, grants them of his heritage in Dumfries (Dronfres) 2 bovates free of all custom and service. Witnesses: — Gilchrist son of Bruun, and Gilendonrut Bretnach, Gilcomgal MacGilblaan, and Udard son of Uttu, and Waldeve son 'of Gilchrist, and many others. Dumfries. 4. W[illiam] K. of Scots, grants 2| carucates in the territory of Dumfries and Kulenach in frankalmoigne, and freedom from toll and custom for all their men dwelling there except traders. Witnesses : — Joceline bishop of Glasgow, Richard de Morville constable, Robert the chaplain, Robert de Quynci, Hugh de Sigillo, and Richard de Prebenda his clerks, Robert de Bruys Alan fitz 422 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Walter, Rollaud fitz Uctred, Walter de Berkeley chamberlain, William de Lyndsee. Gretenliou (Gretna.) 1304. 5. Alexander [II.] K. of Scots [confirms his father's grant]. Witnesses : — William de Boscho chancellor, William Comyn earl of Buchan, Robert de Ros, Eustace de Yescy, William" de Valoniis, Robert de St German, David the IMarshal, Malcolm the Butler, John de Haya, Robert de St Clair. Acrington [in Lancashire]. 6. Huctred sou of Fergus, signifies to his lord and father Christian bishop of the Galwalenses, that he has granted to God and St Leonard and the brothers of the hospital of St Peter of York, a carucate and toft in Crevequer [Troqueer ?] in frankalmoigne, for the souls of David K. of Scots, Fergus his father, his mother, and all his ancestors. Witnesses : — Christian bishoj) of Galloway, Everard abbot of Holmcoltram, Robert prior of same place, William the cellerar, Robert archdeacon of Carlisle, Robert archdeacon of Galloway, Hubert de Vaux (Wallibus), Robert fitz Trute, .sheriff, Richard his brother, Lohlan son of Huddredy, Peter del Teillos, Richard de Chenay, Richard de Heriz, Robert clerk of York, Radulf fitz Richard, William de la Crespinor (?), Hudard de Hodelma, Gillechad Gillamor, Ralf clerk of Carlisle, Richard of York, Simon brother of Ralf the clerk, William de Briston, Robert Dunbredan. 7. Alan son of Rolland constable of the Scots [confirms the charter of Sir Hutred his grandfather, No. 6]. Witnesses : — Lord Walter bishop of Whiteheru (Candida casa), Lord Galfrid abbot of Dundrennan (Drundrayn), Lord Helias abbot of Tungeland, Sir John the archdeacon. Sir Durand the official. Sir Mathew the deacon. Master Adam de Thorniton, Thomas de Cancia, Thomas parson of Crevequer, Richard parson of Culewen, Martin parson of Kirkcudbright, Master Gervase de Somervile, Master Thomas and others. 8. W[illiam] K. of Scots [confirms the charter No. 6 and a charter by Walter fitz Alan his dapifer of 5s, yearly in Leggardeswode]. Witnesses : — Nicholas the Chancellor, Mathew archdeacon of St Andrews, Richard the chaplain, Richard de Morville constable, David Oliver, William de Haya butler. Clacmanan. Membrane 1 ends here. 9. Robert de Brus to all his men Franks and Angles of the vale of Anant. Grants to the brethren of St Peter of York for his father's and his own souls, and those of his mother wife and children, a house in Lochmaben with its ' mansura ' and land. Witnesses : — Lady Eufemia, Peter de Turp, Ivo de Crosseby, Humfrey del Boys, Robert Albalestor, Robert Malet, William the chaplain, Roger. Nov. 9. 10. Inspexinuis by Robert de Brus earl of Carrick and lord of Annandale, confirming the charter of his ancestor [No. 9 — re sited at length]. Witnesses : — Sirs John de Insula and Roger de Hegham (?) barons of Exchequer, Sir Richard son of Sir John Marmaduck, Sir EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 423 Edward I. Adam de Middeltone, William Herle, Eoger de . . . . , Gilbert de Hertrepole, Eobert de Middelton, and others. Done at York on 1304 Monday next before [St Martin's day] in winter 32nd of the K's reign. These last on a separate membraue, tlie following endorsed on m. 1. 11. William de Eossedale grants his land of Cresope by these bounds: — The fosse of the Galwegians and the 'rivulus' runninfr from thence into Lydel, and on the other side of the fosse straight to the high moor, and so by the watershed of the moor as far as the old way of Eoxburgh, and as said way falls into Cresope from above the shealings which were Eadulf s. If their pasture therein is insufficient they shall have it in his forest, and wood for building, and their swine ' free of padnage.' Witness and consenting, Turgis his son, with these witnesses Eobert de Laferted, William de Heriz, Richard the knight, Huctred son of Liulf, Adam de Bonefeld, Hugh deNuers, Warin Finemuud, Humfrey the chaplain. 12. M[alcolm] K. of Scots confirms the grant to them by Eanulf de So[u]lis his butler, of a plenary carucate of land in his land of the vale of Lydel, as the charter of David the K.'s grandfather attests ; also the land called ' Greohoppa ' which William de Eussendale and Godeheuld his wife gave in alms. Witnesses :• — Hugh de Morville, Eichard his son, Walter fitz Alan, Eanulf de So[u]lis, Turgis de Eussendala, Jordan Heyron. Carlisle. [Two other charters follow from Wybert fitz Hakun and Henry son of Wybert of Carlisle, of houses and land in the city of Carlisle.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 1^5.] Nov. 12. 1607. The K. commands the bailiffs of Scarborough to pay to William Scote of Dundonald, John of the Hulle of Fawside, John le Taillur of Gobysky and Henry of Stirling, Scottish prisoners who surrendered in the castle of Stirling, and were delivered by John Balant, master of the ship ' la Katerine ' of Saltcotes, to John Samp- son, constable of Scarborough castle on 6th August last, 2d. a day each from that date, as the constable has no funds wherewith he can pay them himself. Brustewick. \_Close, 32 Eclw. I. m. 2.] 1302-4. 1608. [Compotus of James de Dalileye clerk, for escheats south of Nov. 20- the Forth, in the 31st and 32nd years.] Nov. 20. County of Lanark : — He accounts for 30s. received from the farms of Over Bondyngton and 40s. from those of Netherbondyngton, by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyu. And for 10 marks received from the farm of the barony of Cambesnaythan by the hands of Master Stephen de Eodberdeston (Eobertou) ; and no more, because the tenants were destroyed by the Irish. And for 81. 17s. 6d. for 13 chalders 1 quarter and 2 bushels oatmeal sold of the fruits of the church of Cambesnaythan, by said Stephen's hands ; price of the chalder 13s. 4d And 40s. of a yearly pension due by the vicar of 424 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Cadihou to the rector of Cambesnaythan, by said Stephen's hands. And for 31^. 5s. received from 46 i chalders and 6 bolls oatmeal sold from 1302-4. the fruits of Cadihou church and the chapel of Maghan, by same hands ; price of the chalder 13s. 4a. And for 43s. 8d. received from the goods of two intestates by same hands. And 9s. for heriets, by same hands. And 26s. 8d. from growing crops on the land of Padvynan (Pettinain) which was Sir John de Makeswelle's, by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyn. And 100s. of the farm of the land of Nenflare which Sir Edmond Comyn held of the K., by said Nicholas's hand for this Martinmas term ; and for Pentecost preced- ing, nihil, as it was then in the hands of the Scots. And for 301. of the farm of the burgh of Rutherglen (Rotheglen), by said Master Stephen's hands ; and the K. condoned to the farmers of the burgh 10^. on account of the inability of the tenants. And for 20/. received from the farms of the burgh of Lanark, by said Nicholas's hands. And 8 marks from the half of the barony of Daliell, by said Master Stephen's hands. And 35s. from the farm of the land of Cartelaud which Simon de Carteland held of the K., by said Nicholas's hands for this Martinmas. Nothing from Pentecost term preceding, as it was in the Scots' hands. And for 48/. 6s. Sd. from the farm of the burgh of Glasgow, by said Master Stephen's hands ; and 40s. of same burgh farm by John de Cane's hand, and no more, because the tenants were dcvStroyed by the Irish. And for 129/. 16s. lOd. of the farm of the barony of Glasgow, by said Master Stephen's hands, and no more, for 105s. of land of that barony lay waste. And 29 marks and 11^ chalders of oatmeal received from the fruits of Cader church, by said Master Stephen's hand. And 11 marks 6s. 8d., received for said chalders sold, at 13s. 4(/. per chalder. Total, 325/. 10s. M. County of Pebbles : — He accounts for 40s. of the farm of the town of Pebbles, by the hands of Robert de Hasting' ; and 46s. 8d. of same were allowed to the farmers to repair the mill, where- with James did not charge himself. And for 30s. of the farm of Westerhopkeliou (Wester Kailzie), which William de Hopkeliou held of the K. ; by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyn and Robert de Hasting'. And 46s. 8d. of the farm of the vill of Horsebrok, which Sir Simon de Horsebrok' held of the K., by the said Nicholas and Robert's hands. And 13s. 4f/. of the farm of the vill of Edrikestone, the K.'s demesne, by Adam Frere's hands. And 10s. of the farm of the vill of Bondington, the K.'s demesne, by said Robert's hands. And 26s. 8d. of the farm of the vill of Esterhopkeliou (Easter Kailzie), the K.'s demesne ; by said Robert's hands. And 26s. 8d. of the farm of the vill of Greuestone, the K.'s demesne, by said Robert's hand. And 20s. of the farm of the vill of Ormeston, the K.'s demesne, by said Robert's hand. And 6s. 8d. of the farm of the vill of Esterscheles the K.'s demesne, by said Robert's hand. And 10s. of the farm of EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 425 Edward T. the land of Farnyhalghe, the K.'s demesne, by Nicholas de Banaghtyn and Eobert's hands. And 13s. M. from the vill of Westerscheles, 1302-4 K.'s demesne, by the hands of John de Schaleby and said Robert. And 20s. of the farm of the vill of Tresquayr (Traquair) which used to do the K/s carriages, by same hands. And 2 marks of the farm of the vill of Inrelethan which used to do said carriages, by said Nicholas and Eobert's hand. And 40s. from the farm of the vill of Quilt', the K.'s demesne, by the hands of said John and Eobert. And 20s. from the farm of the vicar of Pebbles' land, a rebel, by said Eobert's hand. And 20s. from the forfeited crops of William Heron and Eichard son of Hugh, rebels, sold by said Nicholas. And 3s. from the crops of a rebel, Thomas de Donnony, in ' le Sandihalghe,' sold by said Eobert ; and 2s. from his crop sold at Hoperewe by said Nicholas. And 10/. from the farm of the vills of Stubhou (Stobo) and Draych' [Drochill?], which were the rebel Bisliop of Glasgow's, by said Eobert's hands. And 46s. 8d. from the farm of said bishop's mill of Stobo. And 3s. 4d from the goods of a rebel, William de Lidel, by said Eobert's hands. And 10 marks from the farm of the said bishop's vill of Edolston, by said Eobert's hands. And 5s. for the cow of Thomas son of Ealph, a rebel, sold by said Eobert. And 2s. for an acre of land of Adam Stamp, a rebel, sown by said Eobert. And 20s. from the land of the rebel rector of Skirling (Scravelyn), by said Eobert's hands. Total, 39/. 5s. 4d The county of Ayr :— [Received by the hands of John de Jarin clerk]. He accounts for 10 marks of the farm of the barony of Ochiltree (Ugheltre) which lady Eustachia de la Chene held of the K. And for 10^. of the farm of the barony of Longemertenock, which Andrew de Crauford held of the K. And for 10/. of the farm' of the barony of Dalmellington (Dalemeledone), which Fergus le Mareschall held ut supra. And for 8/. 19s. of the farms of the vills of Alloway (Aulewey), Crotton and Corteley, which the burgesses of Ayr held ut supra. And for 25 marks of the farm of the burgh of Ayr, by the hands of- the Earl of Carrick, for the term of Pentecost last. And for 25 marks of said farm, by said John's hands, for the Martinmas term. And for 10 marks of the farm of the land of Grugar which [John de] Logan held, for the term of Pentecost, and 7/. for the term of Martinmas, by same hands. And for 103s. M. of the forfeited goods and chattels of Eobert le Lun"', a felon, by said John's hands. And for 55s. 4d from the farms of Sir Alan de la Souche's and Sir William de Ferrars' lands in Dreghorn (Dregerne), taken in the K.'s hand for their not doing service in his army. And for 18s. of the farm of the burgh of Irvine (Irewyn), by said John's hands, for Martinmas term. And for 25s. received from the crops of a rebel, Patrick de Crauford, by said John's hands. Total, 92/. 14s. The county of Dumfries :— He accounts for 9s. of the farms of the 426 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwabd I. K.'s demesnes of Dumfries, by the hands of John de Bix, for Pentecost last. And for 15/. of the farm of the town of Dumfries, 1302-4. by same hands, for Pentecost and Martinmas terms. And for 23s. received from the farms of Gardona, Aleynton, and Alizland, by same hands, for same terms. Total, 16/. 12s. Annandale : — He accounts for [the following sums received by the hands of John de Bix for the term of Pentecost, viz.,] 16/. 13s. 4f/. of the farm of the vill of Lochmaben ; 66s. Sd. of the farm of the town of Anand ; 19s. 4f/. received for ' Toftmales' of said town ; 44s, Q^d- from the provostry of Kirkpatrick and Gretna (Gretenhou) ; 4/. 10s. 9ld. from the provostry of Eeynpatrick ; 44s. 8d. from the provostry of Neuby ; 15s. 9d. from the provostry of Hurderdale and Prestwode ; 21|d from the provostry of Twathweytes, Mourithweyt, and Daneby ; 3s. 3d from the provostry of Dalton ; for 8s. llff/. from the provostry of Dormont ; 3s. 6d. from the provostry of Mousewald (Mosefald) ; 12f/. from the provostry of Smalham ; 7s. from the provostry of Heghetache [Hightae ?] ; 22s, 7^d. from the farms of the vills of Penresax and Wylanby ; 7s. 8d. from the farms of the vill of Ecclefechan (Eglesfeghan) ; 8s. lOd. from the farm of the land ' del Morhouses juxta Mosefald ' ; 16s. Sd. of the farm of the vill of Logherwode; 3s. 6d. of the farm of the vill of Moffet; and 10/. 8s. of the farm of the valley of Moffet ; and 10/, 4s. 6d. of the farm of the valley of ' Anandale ; ' 4/. 14s. 4f/. of the farms of the mills of Eaynpatrick, Kirkepatrick and Gretna ; and 66s. 8d. of the farm of the mill of Anand ; and 40s. lOd. from the fishery of Anand for the whole year. And 33s. 4d from the farm of the mills of Moffetdale for said [Pentecost] term. Total of Pentecost, 76/. 6s. 9|d Annandale [rents at Martinmas 1303, paid by same hands ; the rents of Lochmaben, Annand, the provostries, and Mofl'at and Annan- dale, &c., id supra, are repeated, and are of the same amount, with these exceptions, — the rent of the provostry of Twathweytes, Moury thwayt and Daneby is ll\d. and 10 qrs. oatmeal. Besides the money rent, as at Pentecost, the provostry of Dalton pays 6 qrs, 1| bushels oatmeal, that of Mousewald 13| qrs. of oatmeal, that of Smalham 4 qrs. 2^ bushels, that of Heghetache 5^ bushels.] He accounts for the farm of the vill of Eokele, 6 qrs. 3J bushels of oat- meal ; 7s. 6d from the farm of the demesne lands of Oseby ; 5s. from that of the grazing of Oseby ; 4/. 15s. of the farm of the meadows of Oseby, by the hands of Sir John Botetourt; 7/. 7s. 4(/. from perquisites of courts from Michaelmas 1302 till Easter last, by said Sir John's hands ; 6/. of the farm of the mill of Annand, by same ; 6/. 13s. M. of the farm of the mills of Eaynpatrick, Kirkepatrik and Gretna ; 33/. 6s, M. for the relief of Walter de Corry ; 1 qr, 3 bushels oatmeal, and 1 qr. 5^ bushels of malt of oats, of the farm of the mill of Hurderdale ; 2 qrs. 5 bushels 1 peck oatmeal, RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 427 Edwaed I. and 2 qrs. 5 bushels 1 peck malt of oats, of the farm of Mousewald mill ; 7 qrs oatmeal, and 7 qrs. malt of oats received from the 1302-4. mill of Dalton, and 6s. from the mill of Logherwode ; 5 qrs. 2^ bushels oatmeal, and 5 qrs. 2^ bushels oat malt, from the mill of Oseby ; 1 qr. 5 bushels and 1 peck oatmeal from the mill of Ecclefechan ; 1 qr. 2 bushels 3 pecks oatmeal from the mill of Penresax ; and 10^. 18f d from 60 qrs. 3^ bushels 1 peck oatmeal sold nt superius at Martinmas, at 3s. M. a quarter. And 41s. 7 Id. for 16 qrs. 5 bushels 1 peck oat malt, sold at 2s. 6d. per quarter. Total of Martinmas, 126/. 15s. d^d. Total receipt of the Valley of Annand. 194/. 2s. 6^d. Total receipt of this 31st year, 668/. 4s. 2f (/. Of which money the said James onerates himself in his compotus while receiver of the K.'s victuals at Carlisle, delivered in the Ward- robe this year. Compotus for the 32nd year. [1303-4.] The county of Lanark.— [Pentecost, 1304.] He accounts for 12 marks 3s. 4r/. of the farms of the vill of Bradewode ; 6s. 8d. from the 'precaria'of said vill ; 3s. M. from the brewery there ; 12 marks 3s. 4d. from the farm of the vill of Wygoteshawe; 11 marks of the farm of the vill of Lawe ; 40s. of the farm of the vill of Bromleye ; 5^ marks of the farm of the vill of Weteshawe, and 2 marks 10s. of the farm of the vill of Belledestan, all the K.'s demesnes, by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyn; and for 6s. 8d. of the farm of the land which was Joce de Scherwenlawes' in ' le Heuedes ' ; and for 61s. 8f/. of the farm of the land called the Park of Maldesleye, the K.'s demesne ; and no more, because the Earl of Carrick took the other half of that term in flour and malt ; and 5 marks of the farm of a mill belonging to the barony of Bradewode ; 4 marks from another mill there ; 10s. of the farm of the vill of Over Bondyng- ton, and 10s. of that of the vill of Nether Bondyngton; and 20 marks of the farm of the barony of Cambusnaythan ; all the K.'s demesnes, by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyn. And for 14 marks of the farm of the K.'s demesne lands of Cadihou ; 6^ marks of the farm of the vill of Ailleston ; and 5 marks of the farm of the ville of Pdcardestone ; 6 marks of the vill of Morynton ; 4 marks of the vill of Magheneler ; 40s. of the vill of Curscalan ; 40s. of the vill of Thinnakes ; 53s. of the vill of Crokedeston ; 26s. 8d. of the vill of Dernegable (?); 5 marks of the vill of Edelwode; all the K.'s demesnes, and by said Master Stephen's hands ; and for 3s. of the rents of 6 cottars in said vill; and for 2s. 6d. of the farm of the half of the vill of Welleshawe, which the aforesaid Stephen holds of the K. ; and 6s. 8d. of the rent of the brewery and bakehouse of the vill of Cadihou ; and 4s. of the rent of the brewery and mill of Dowan (Duand) ; and 3s. M. received from the fishing of the water of Clyde ; and 6s. 8d. of the farm of the vill of Bradenaghton, which 428 CALENDAH OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. W. de Candela holds of the K. ; and 33s. M. of the farm of the mill of Cadihou ; and 4/. 6s. 8d. of the farm of the mill of Duan ; and 4 [1303-4.] marks of the farm of the mill of Kilbolk, all by said Stephen's hands. And for 63s. M. of the farm of the barony of Colbaynestone (Coving- ton), which Sir John de Colbayneston held of the K. ; 100s. of the farm of the land of Nenflare, which Sir Edmond Comyn holds of the K. nt siqna ; and 10/. of the farm of the burgh of Lanark ; all by Nicholas de Banaghtyn's hands. And for 55s. of the land which was Eobert's the son of Cristiana de Cragg', in Daliel, by said Stephen's hands. And for 28s. of the farm of the lands of Cardeland, which Simon de Cardeland holds of the K., by the hands of Nicholas de Banaghtyn. Total of the county of Lanark, 120/. 8s, lOt/. The county of Pebbles [rents at Easter 1304, by the hands of Ptobert de Hasting'.] 60s. from the farm of the town of Pebbles ; 15s. of the rent of the vill of Westhopkeliou which "William de Hopkeliou holds of the K. ; 5s. from the farm of 4 bovates of land which Roger son of Avota holds in Inverlethan ; 73s. M. of the rent of the vill of Horsebrok, which Sir Simon de Horsebrok held of the K. ; 20s. of the farm of the lands of Cusconigfelde which Walter Lillay holds of the K. ; 13s. M. of the farm of the vill of Edrike- stone ; los, of the farm of the vill of Bondington, which William de Bondington holds ; 20s. of the farm of the vill of Esterhopkeliou ; 20s. of the farm of the vill of Ormeston ; 10s. of the farm of the land called *le Farinhalghe' which Simon le Blynde of Pebbles, holds; 13s. 4d from the farm of the vill of Westersheles ; 2 marks from that of the vill of Traquair; 2 marks from that of a land called ' Inverlathan ' ; 2 marks from the farm of the mill of Traquair ; 40s. from the farm of the vill of Quilt ; and Qs. M. from the farm of the land of Kinkeldores, which Sir Simon Eraser held in the barony of Castle Oliver. Total, 19/. lis. 8f/. The county of Ayr: — [Pentecost, 1304, by the hands of John de Jarin, clerk] 5 marks from the farms of the barony of Ochiltree; 100s. from those of the barony of Longe Mertenok ; 100s. from those of the barony of Dalmellington ; 4/. 9s. 6f/. from those of the vill of AUoway Crotton, and Corteley, by the hands of said John and Adam Broun ; 26s. M. from the rent of the land and mill ' del Stair' ; 13s. M. of the rent of the 5 penny land and mill of Siuilde ; 49s. M. from the 5 penny land of Trebathe ; 17s. 4d from the 2\d. land in Polkarn ; 13s. 4d from the 2|d land in Sundrum [Gundrum] ; 26s. M. from the 2\d. land with mill in Gadgirth (Cadegarth) ; 19s. 10c/. received from the 2\d. land of Laghlan; 29s. from the land of Coylton (Culton) ; 2 marks from the lands of Doghran ; and 5 marks from the mills of Syuild, Holm', Culton, and Drag'. And 25 marks of the farm of the town of Ayr; 10/. from the rent of the lands of Grouger which John de Logan held of the Lord de Ferrars ; 17s. 6c/. of the rents of the tenements of Sir William de Ferrars and Sir EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 429 Edward I. Alan de la Suche in the burgli of Irvine ; and 33s. M. from the lands of Doghran, He also accounts for 7 marks received from the [1303-4.] forfeited goods of Adam, son of William de Lambreston a rebel, slain. Total of the county of Ayr, 66/. 2s. 6d. Total receipt of the 32nd year, 206/. 3s. With which money the said James onerates himself in his compotus while he was receiver of the K.'s victuals at Carlisle in this present year xxxii. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, No. ^gV-l Veiy beautifully written book- wise on four leaves of vellum. 1304. 1609. The K. to Master William de Greenfield his chancellor. As Dec. 5. the escheator beyond Trent lately took possession of a messuage, 14 acres of land, and the 6th part of the manor of Kirk Levyngton, which Eobert de Tyllol had purchased in fee without leave, from Patrick de Trompe a tenant in cainte, and the K. understands by an inquisition that the sale is not to his damage, therefore for Kobert's good service in Scotland he pardons him and Patrick, and commands letters to be issued under the Great seal. Brustwick. [Frivy Seals (Tower), 33 Edw. /.] Dec. 6. 1610. Writ for the late sheriff of Warwick and Leicester for monies paid to Malcolm Dromound knight, Nigel Kelpatrick and Eeginald St Clair, Scottish prisoners in Keuilworth castle, and one warder, from 30th September till 3rd February. 1300-1, when Malcolm was delivered to Thomas Paynel ; also to Nigel and Eeginald from last date till 7th April 1301, when Eeginald was delivered to Thomas earl of Lancaster ; and to Nigel from last date till Michael- mas, 1302. Brustwick. [Liberate, 33 Udio. I. m. (?.] Dec. 8. 1611. The K. commands William de Bevercote chancellor of Scotland, to appoint under the Great seal such merchants or other good men as he sees fit to collect at the various ports and towns the K.'s customs, and pay the money to John Ballard, and other merchants of the Society of the ' Bellardi ' of Lucca, who are appointed to make provision for the Great Wardrobe. Brustewick. [Close, 33 Edw. I. m. 23.] Dec. 25. 1612. Charter by Isabella de Beaumont lady de Vescy to the K. of her manor of Crail, with the port ' del Can,' in Scotland, to hold to him and his heirs for ever. Lincoln. Similar grants by her to the K. of lands in the county of Lincoln. [Close, 33 Edw. I. m. 32, dorso^^ [1304(?).] 1613. John de Dautrine shews the Council that the K. gave him by charter at the Earl of Lincoln's request, the manor of Dudding- ' stone forfeited by Thomas du Boys for felony against the K., and he was in seisin. But when he was in Gascony with his lord the earl, Archibald de Levingstone falsely persuaded the K. that the manor was still in his hand, and procured a writ to the sheriff of Edinburgh 430 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. to give him seisin, and got it unfairly. When John came to the siege of Stirling with the earl from Gascony, Archibald kept him [1304(?).] out of his manor. He asks remedy. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) 'He has a charter dated Both well, 9th September, ' anno xxix°. The Guardian is commanded to hear parties and do 'justice to both.' [Tower 3IisccIlaneous Bolls, No. 4^.] [1304.] 1614. The Prior and convent of St Andreu of Scotland pray the K. and his Council to command the bailiffs of St John's town to answer to the petitioners for a mark of the rents of their town and 40s. yearly of ' kane ' of vessels; and also the bailiffs of Dundee to allow them to enjoy peaceably a silver mark yearly of the farms of the burgh as they have been wont to receive ; of which they have charters from King Davy and King Alexander, and are ready to shew them when it pleases the K. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Coram Begc. He shews transcripts of the charters ' under the seals of the Bishops of Brechin and Dunblane. ' Let them go to the Guardian and Chamberlain and shew their ' charters. Inquiry to be made of their rights and seisin, and the ' K.'s ; and let justice be done accordingly. A commission to issue ' from the English Chancery. ' Contra xxix petitiones.' [Toioer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. '^^.] 1615. John de St John to the K. and Council. The K. gave his father Sir John de St John (whose heir he is) all the lands and tenements to which Sir John Balliol succeeded on the death of Dervorgoyl his mother, with fees and advowsons of churches ; under which grant Sir William Latimer ' le peer,' to whom the K. gave the land of Ardrossau, did homage to the late Sir John de St John, who died seised. On Sir William's death, one Sir Thomas Latimer entered into Ardrossan, not as son and heir but as a stranger, and without the petitioner's leave, whose bailiffs disputed his entry. Whereon Sir Thomas went to Court, and persuading the K. that the lands were held in chief of him, tendered his homage in deceit of the Court and to the petitioner's damage, who prays remedy. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Let him distrain for the homage and services in ' arrear, according to the custom of these parts.' [Chancery Miscel- laneous Portfolios, No. 4^.] 1616. Einokl Lumbard, prays the K. that as he has recovered by judgment 9^. of silver, before the constable and marshal in the town of Stirling, against Sir John de Lusse of Levenasse, in a plea of debt, he would command the Chancellor of Scotland or Guardian to make execution, as Sir John de Segrave now Guardian south of Eorth, was then marshal and had the rolls. [No date.] Norman French. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 431 Edward I. (Endorsed) 'John de Segrave as marshal to issue a writ of ' execution. The same to be sent to the Chancellor of Scotland [1304] ' under the Great seal.' [Chancery Miscellaneous Fort/olios, No. t^.] 1617. Alexander Comyn of Buchan prays the K. for reimburse- ment of his expenses while he was sheriff of Aberdeen, which he has held by his grant during war and peace till now. The Lieutenant and Chamberlain are commanded to inquire and certify the K.^ loho will do what is fitting. Also he shews the K. he had a land called Inrafran, held of his brother the Earl of Buchan, who holds in capite of the K., paying 20/. yearly ; and K. Alexander gave him a fee of 20/. yearly till he had land to that amount ; and he prays the K. to guarantee the said 20/. rent to him and his heirs. The K. has had 7io advice on this. Also, as ever since he did fealty and homage at Berwick, he has remained the K.'s liegeman, he prays he may be quit of ransom. When the ransoms are assessed the K. will do according to reason(J). He also prays the K., as in the discharge of his office during the war he may have displeased some of the people of his country, to the K.'s benefit, and now in peace time they may impeach him, that the K. would give him letters of protection to his Lieutenant. The Lieutenant i^ commanded to inquire and do lohat is fitting. [Parlia- mentary Petitions, No. 1653.] 1304. 1618. [File of 32 warrants for payments of wages to soldiers and archers in Edinburgh, Berwick, Kirkintilloch, Jeddeworthe, chiefly of this year. Also for allowances of horses to the constables of Linlithgow, Edinburgh, and Kirkintilloch.] [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^.] To most of these the seal of John de Westone is appended. An oval gem, a woman handing a branch to a man who puts forth his right hand to receive it : ' s' joh'is . de . weston' . subesch' .' To one the seal of Eobert Heron is appended. A heron holding an eel in his bill. 1303-4. 1619. Inquisition at Dumfries(?) .... in the K.'s 32nd year, as to the lands of John de Hirdmanstone — his conduct since coming to the K.'s peace — on what conditions he was received, and who have the lands; by Thomas of Kirk Coneval, Gilmychel M^'Beth, Andrew of Kirk Coneval, Eobert of Moffete, Patrick son of Murk(?), Patrick Proudefote, Patrick Seldeman, Aleyn . . . ., Gilwewel M^Kilguiny, Thomas of Uoleville, Gilmore son of Hutred, and Eeginald son of . . . . ; who say he has conducted himself well, but they know not on what conditions he was received in the sheriffdom of Cal . . . .^^?) He had land called Ardry in the tenement of Preston in Galloway, worth 10/., and Philip Dury(?) now holds it by the K.'s gift and has a charter. [Exchequer, T. R. Miscellanea, No. ||.] Very much defaced. Seals lost. 11 tags. 432 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Palgrave, p. '205. Edward I. 1620. Memoranda as to measures to be taken for the government of Scotland and rewards to the K.'s adherents. [Chapter House {Scots [1304.] Docnmcufs), Box 1, No. 15.] 1621. Alice widow of Walter de Beauchamp prays the K, that as he gave her late husband 500 marks of Sir Edmond Comyn's lands in Scotland, of which Walter died seised, and after his death she was dowered by the K.'s writ for half a year, till the K. restored the whole to Sir Edmond, including the dower, he would please to give her restitution or the value of the dower, with her damages for being disseised for three years and more, amounting to 130Z. and more. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' As her husband, had he lived, could not have retained ' those lands on account of the convention between the K. and John ' Comyn, she cannot have the dower claimed.' [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. %^.] 1622. Alice widow of Sir Thomas de Soules prays the K. to grant her dower from her husband's lands in Staunfordham of which Sir William de Feltone has deforced her. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Let her sue in Chancery, and have a writ against Sir ' William de Felton the holder.' [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ii.] 1623. John de Drokenesford keeper of the K.'s Wardrobe, to Eichard de Bremmesgrave keeper of the K.'s stores at Berwick. Commands him on behalf of the K. to deliver to ' Munsire ' Patrick son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar, in aid of his own and his wife's sustenance, two casks of wine, 10 quarters of wheat, and 10 quarters of malt, by the K.'s gift. Norman French. [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. %V'-] No date. Trace of small seal in red wax endorsed. 1624. The Abbot and convent of Dunfermline shew the K. and Council that they are seised by gift of King David of a town called Kirkcaldy, which they hold as a free burgh, but have no market there. Wherefore l;hey pray the K. that as the said town is one of the most ancient burghs of Scotland, and is ten leagues or more from any market town, he would grant them a weekly market there on Thursday, and a yearly ' f ayr ' in the octaves of Easter, to last for three days. They also shew the K. and Council that as they hold by gift of King David their founder, the land called Muskilburghe in warren, and have other lands which adjoin the sea, viz., Kyngorn, Kyrcaldyn, Nithbren and Focherofe, in which there are and they might have ' coniggers ' and other easements to their great profit, that the K. of his grace would permit them to hold these perpetually in warren. [No date.] Norman Frencli. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 433 Edwaed I. (Endorsed) ' Coram Rege. Habeant mercatum (et) nundinas per iii. dies, Et warrennam sicut petunt.' {Tower Miscellaneous [1304] Bolls, No. 43^^] 1625. To Sir James de Dalile. The writer [some high official] clearly understands the state of Sir James's neighbourhood from Sir John Butitourte's letters, which he has sent with his own, excusing himself from coming, to the writer at Eoxburgh. ' Since better may not be,' he admits his excuses. He is not now going to Carlisle, but direct to York. Would willingly have spoken with him and arranged the state of his district, as he has done and is doing where he is passing. And as Sir James has much to pay, he has written to the sheriff of Cumberland to hand over his ' arrearages ' to him and help to meet his payments. Asks him to report the deficit, and all news of his district to the writer at York by Christmas or the day after at latest, that he may consider what is best to be done. As Sir Richard Syward, who has a great charge for the K., and cannot for good reasons join the writer at present, complains in his letters he needs money and provisions, the writer begs Sir James to aid him with one or other, that he be not forced to retreat from his enterprise for 'notable default' Again requests him to report his doings in this matter and all other things, on the day and place before named. Written at Werk 'now Wednesday.' Norman French. [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. W^.] 1626. [Petitions by the Bishop of Glasgow.] The Bishop of Glasgow ' his chaplain ' prays the K. for the love of God and Holy Church, to confirm the charters and muniments of his church granted by his predecessors Kings of Scotland, that he and his clerks may be paid their ' arrerages.' Also he prays the K. to grant him timber in his forests of Mad- disley (Mauldslie) and Carlug, to make a hall and a chamber of ' recette ' at Castle tarres (Carstairs) and issue his letter therefor to the sheriff of Lanark ; and another to his foresters of Gedeworthe to give him timber to make a ' recette ' at Allyncrom (Ancrum) on the ^ March, where he may meet his servants when necessary. Also he prays the K. to give him the ward of the land of Faring- dun and the heir of John called Burnard, and the marriage of his mother, as vouched by the rolls in the time of Sir Walter de Langeton now bishop of Chester, which vill is now held by Sir Roger Corbet. That he would please to warrant the gift at law, and send his letter to the sheriff of Roxburgh. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' As to the confirmation— the K. intends to provide by ' his Council in Scotland as to its condition, and will have advice ' thereon. As to the alms — the K.'s pleasure is that the Chamberlain ' should do as in K. Alexander's time. Let him have a, writ to the K.'s ' Lieutenant in Scotland to give him timber in the forest of Selkirk 2 E VOL. II. 434 CALENDAE OF DOCUMEJs^TS Edward I. ' and Maddesleye to the number of 50 oaks.' [Parliamentary Peti- tions, M. 3839.] [1304.] 1627. The said Bishop [of Glasgow] petitions the K, as he and his said town of Glasgow have been seised from time beyond memory, of toll from the burgesses of Eutherglen on all goods sold or bought in Glasgow, and they claim franchise under a new grant from the K., that he would permit him to distrain them in his said town to pay as heretofore. (Endorsed) ' Let a writ issue to the Guardian and Chamberlain of ' Scotland to inquire into the facts and certify the K. at his next ' Parliament [these words cancelled], and warn the said burgesses of ' Rutherglen to appear and shew cause against the toll, if they see fit.' [Tower Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^V-] No place or date. Has formed part of a series. Rot. Pari. i. 467a. 1628. Johu de Dovedalc, to whom the K. has given by charter Sir Nichol Cambel's lands in fee, as his son and heir is under age, begs that the K. will give him the ward of the infant's lands till majority, and his marriage. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' The K. grants him the ward and marriage.' [Parlia- mentary Petitions, No. 2892.] Rot. Pari. i. 469a. 1629. To our lord the K. prays his ' hoste ' of Elgyn, Johan de Spauyding' chanon of Elgyn, that he would give him 20 oaks in his forest of Laund Morgund to build his church of Dufius, whereof he is canon. (Endorsed) ' The K. grants his petition.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 4265.] 1630. Alexander de Balliol his own liege bachelor, reminds the K. that after the battle of Falkirk (la Veyre Chapele) he gave him the land of Kirkepatrick in Galloway ; before which he had given no land there, to Sir John de St John. But since after the ' good peace,' the K. gave Sir John de Balliol's Galloway lands to Sir John de St John, viz., Botle and others. And as Kirkepatrick is held in chief • of Botle, Sir John claims it as an escheat, though the writer has been in seisin till now. Prays the K. to order a writ from Chancery to Sir John to desist molesting him. Norman French. [Tower Miscel- laneous Rolls, No. ^9.] No date. Traces of a small seal, red wax, endorsed. 1631. William earl of Eos shews the King that as the ' foreign isles ' of Scotland and their ' cheventeyns ' were quite opposed and disobedient to King John, he commanded him to make war on them, wherein he spent 1000/. and more of his own, but took Louwhelan and the other chieftains and brought them to K. John's will ; for which costs and expenses that King leased him in fee farm the lands of Dingwall (Dinggevaal) and Ferintosh (Ferincostri) at the same rent RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 43( Edwaed I. as in King Alexander's time. Wherefore he prays the King that he may not lose them, as he only got them by gift as above, and not for [1304.] making war on the King who now is. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Inquiry to be made by the Lieutenant and Chamberlain ' of Scotland as to the value of the lands and other circumstances of ' the business, and certify the King at next Parliament.' [^Parliament- ary Petitions, No. 7023.] 1632. Again the said earl having laboured in his ward under the King's commands, especially in these foreign isles, to do justice, and not yet had any allowance for himself or his servants, prays the K. for his pleasure in this matter. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Let him sue the Lieutenant and Chamberlain, to inquire as to these and certify the King.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 7013.] 1633. John earl of Athol prays the K. to supersede his order to deliver the castle of Aboyne to Sir Alexander Comyn till he is better advised ; for the land around it is savage and full of evil-doers, and the K. has no other fortress where the country or his servants may be in safety to keep the peace ; and Sir Alexander has two of the strongest castles in the country already, viz., those of Urquhart (Orcharde) and Tarwedale, and may commit his prisoners to the castle of Aberdeen at pleasure. Besides, the Earl of Eosse and the Bishop of Rosse have informed the earl that Lochlan and his friends have ordered that each ' dawach ' of land shall furnish a galley of 20 oars. Therefore it appears to the earl and others that it will not be good to deliver Aboyne castle to any till they see what Lachlan and his friends will do, the other castles named above being enough for Sir Alexander. (Endorsed) ' The castle to remain till further orders. The K. thinks two are enough for Sir Alexander Comyn.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 275.] 1634. William du Gardyn prays the K, and Council, as he was not in the jBrst Scots war nor since, that he of his grace would grant him seisin of his land of Loughthwayt in Cumberland, not worth more than 5(?) marks yearly, which was taken in the King's hand in the said war when each sheriff of England had a writ to seize the lands of Scotsmen in his bailliary ; for whicli at another time he petitioned in Parliament .... and Sir John de St John was to make inquiry, but though he sued a writ [nothing was done](?). [No date.] (Endorsed) ' J. de Insula appointed to inquire and certify the K. [Much defaced.] [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 3796.] paigrave, p. 297. 1635. Directions by the K. for arrangement of forces in Galloway to protect the people on this side of Cree. [Chapter Rouse (Scots .Documents), Box 6, No. 30 ; a duplicate in Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea, No. ^fi.] 436 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward T. 1636. Sir John de Drokenesford prays the Chancellor for a writ to Walter de Aylesbury and William Mere, bailiff of Eiseuberche, to [1303-4.] find Edward de Balliol his settled pay, viz., i a mark per day. Another writ to Sir liauf de Estoke, to provide robes according to the season for him and his people, as he will find in the rolls, so long as the K. is in Scotland, and gives no other commands. Also a writ to the justices of the forest to let him have his game in the forest of Woodstock as the K. commanded ; and to the bailiff to let him have easements of houses and game in the park there as the King commanded. [Chancery Files, Bu7idle 104-.] \ [1304.] 1637. Morice de Berkelay to Master William de Grenefelde chancellor of England. Asks protection for the underwritten, who are going to Scotland, and to grant them till Christmas, as he intends to remain with 'Munseyngnur de Bretayn' till then; and those which his valet procured at London are only till Pentecost. The names are ' Syr Morice de Berkelay, Syr Thomas de Berkelay le fiz, Syr Thomas de Gornay, Sir William de Wautone, Johan de Berkelay, Geffrai de Hautewyl, Hugh de Gurney, Eauff Adewy, Johan le Walays, Henry de Draytun, Thomas de Byngham, Johan Chawm- penays.' [No date or seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Fort/olios, No. -^h^ [1304-5.] 1638. Appointment of Sir John de Bretayne as the K.'s lieutenant paigrave, p. 292. j,^ Scotland, with the names of the Council to advise with him. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 99, No. 173.]] 1304-5. 1639. Inquisition [under the K.'s writ directed to William de Bevercote chancellor of Scotland, on the complaint of four merchants of St Omer, commanding same, dated Brustwyk, 23rd November previous] made at Berwick-on-Tweed, on Wednesday next after St Thomas the Martyr's day, anno xxxiii, in presence of the Chancellor, Eobert Heron, and Master John de Westone, by Alan of Langeton [and eleven others], burgesses and merchants of Berwick, They found that one John Deudames bought for himself and other merchants of St Omer, in Moray in Scotland, certain goods which he stored in Pluscardyn Priory and other places in Moray aw^aiting his vessels. They were arrested by Master John de Westone and James de Dalilegh, because on their arrival in Moray they found the goods sequestrated in the Bishop of Moray's hands, as the said John who had been drowned in a shipwreck, had died intestate. So they took them in the K.'s hand and at his cost to Berwick, where they remain. These are, 32 sacks wool, value of each 60s.; 3 sacks of lambskins, value of each 2(?) marks; 36 dickers hides, each lis, ; a 'pisa' and a half of lard in a little pipe, 20s. Item, 3 ' packells ' of deerskins, value unknown, as they are almost rotten, and torn by rats. That the deceased and those who now claim are of St Omer, subjects of EELATINa TO SCOTLAND. 437 Edward I. the K. of France. Appeud their seals at Berwick-on-Tweed on 1st January, year ut supra. [Seals all gone.] [Chancery Miscellaneous 1304-5. Portfolios, No. 41 ] Jan. 8. 1640. The K. commands the sheriff of York to restore to Muriella widow of Eanulph le Fauconer of Scotland, whose fealty he has taken, the lands in which she was dowered in the time of Alexander late K. of Scotland, and taken in hand at the war some time ago. Lincoln. [Close, 33 Edw. I. m. 23.] Jan. 13. 1641. The K. commands the sheriff of Northumberland to pay David de Glen, Edward de Anegous, William Dirlande, and Adam de Conyngham, Scotsmen, prisoners taken in Stirling castle, now in the castle of Newcastle-ou Tyne, their wages, as his predecessors have done. Wadington. [Privy Seals (Toioer), 33 Edw. I. File i.] Hilary 1642. Wilts, Berkshire, Northampton :— John de Campania and term. Bichard of Notingham, executors of the testament of Maria widow of William fitz Warin, deceased, formerly Countess of Stratherne, appoint an attorney to receive and discharge a debt of 300 marks which Alan son and heir of said William acknowledged to be owins: Maria, before the Barons. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 33 Edw. I. m. 62, dorso.] Hilary 1643. Northumberland: — The sheriff ordered to levy from the term. lands and chattels of the late William de Douglas as on 18th February, aimoxix, 81/., the arrears of his fine for marrying Alianora widow of William de Ferrars; and to have the money at West- minster on the morrow of the close of Easter, to be paid to the K. By writ under the Great seal. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 33 Edw. I. rn. 81, dorso.] Feb. 3. 1644. Compotus of the sheriff of Essex and Hertford, on the morrow of the Purification. [Extracts.'] 79s. Id., expenses of bringing Laurence of Angus, Hugh Olifar, Walter Olifar, Robert of Reynfru, and William Orm of Kethe, Scots, lately captured at Stirling, from thence to Colchester, some to be sent to Dover, and some to London, and their escort. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 33 Ediv I. rn. 73, dorso.] Feb. 19. 1645. The K to the Treasurer and Barons of Exchequer. Whereas on 18th February, 19th of his reign, William de Douglas made a fine of 100/. for the marriage of Alianora widow of William de Ferrars, and she in ignorance thereof, made another fine of 100/. to marry William, and this was done through the dishonesty and ignorance of the officials ; 43/. 14s. lOd of which first fine were levied from the said William's lands, and 17/. from Alianora's land for the second fine, by the sheriff of Essex, and she is now distrained for the balance of both fines, the K. releases her from her own fine, 438 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. commanding that the amount paid by her go to reduce the other, and the balance to be levied from William's lands, and only from 1304-5. hers if the others are insuflficient. Standon. [Close, 33 Edw. I. m. 20.] April 25- 1646. Compotus of James de Dalileye and John de Westone, Feb. 28. clerks, making an extent of all the K.'s lands in Scotland, both beyond the Scottish Sea towards Orkeneye and on this side in Galloway and elsewhere, in the 32nd year. [Receipts.] Stirling : — From Elias of Whitacre(?), wool(?) merchant at Stirling, custom of 13 sacks of wool shipped at Dundee on 25th April, delivered to Sir W. de Bedewynde, 6/. 10s. Fife : — From Sir Richard Siward sheriff of Fife, keeper of the bishopric of St Andrews, by the hands of John Lambyn burgess of St Andrews, price of timber delivered to Henry Tuk' for the K.'s use at Berwick- on-T weed, 7th May, and delivered to Sir John de Drokenesford, 8/. 16s, Aberdeen : — From Sir Alexander Comyn sheriff of Aberdeen, of the Pentecost issues, 8th June, 10 marks. Bishopric of Caithness : — From Sir William earl of Ros, of the issues of the bishopric of Caithaess and Sutherland, 24th June, 40^. Inverness : — From Alexander Pilche keeper of the castle, of the farms of the town, 24th June, 45s. Elgyn : — From the burgesses for the farms of their town, on 29th June for the Pentecost term, 46s. 8d. Invernairn (Nairn) : — From Gervase the clerk for the Pentecost farms of the sheriffdom, on 28th June, at Elgyn, 10 marks. Forreys : — From Godfrey de Ros, same day, for the farms of the sheriffdom for same term, 61. From same from the burgh farm for same term, 26s. 8d. Kyntorr: — From the burgesses of the vill of Kyntor for the old farms of said vill for Pentecost term, on 5th July, 24s. Invernarn : — From the burgesses of the vill, of the farm of Pente- cost, 32nd year, 50s. Elgyn : — From John de Strabolgy for the ... . farms of Elgyn, on 24th July, 100s. Fermartyn : — From James de Culvena(?) [for the farms] of the theinage of Fermartyn for Pentecost term, 66^. 13s. M. Mountros : — From John Barbitonsor [for the farm] of Mountros, on 20th July, 112s. M. Mernes : — From John de Pollok of the issues of ... . Mernes for Pentecost term, on same day, 13/. 15s. 7d. Aberlothenouc [Arbuthnot?] : — From the tenants of the vill of Aberlothenouc(?) of its farm of Pentecost term, 60s. Dunde : — From the farms of said vill of said term, 32nd year, 33s. M. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 439 Edward I, Perth : — From Sir Eobert Harcars sheriff of Perth, of the issues of his bailliary at Pentecost in the 32ad year, on 25th June, 11, 1304-5. Eosse : — From Sir William earl of Eos, of the issues of his bailliary by the hands of Gervase the clerk, constable of Invernarn, on 27tli August same year, 40^. Perth ; — From Sir Eobert Harcars sheriff, of the issues of his bail- liary, on 30th j^ugust, 10/. Forfare : — From Henry de Prestone, of the issues of the sheriffdom of Forfare at Pentecost, on 1st September, 20/. 85. From same of the issues of his bailliary of same term, 14/. 2s. Sheriffdom of Perth : — From Sir Eobert Harcars sheriff, by the hands of Sir John de Inchemartyn, for the farms of the land of Glen- lioun and the ' Apithania ' of Dul, of Pentecost term in the 32nd year, 06/. 13s. 4c/. From same by same hands of said term, 6/. 13s. 4c/. From said sheriff by the hands of Sir Alexander of Argyll, for the farms of the land of Loghaua [Lochawe?] and Arscodenche, for same term, 26/. 13s. 4c/. From same for the farms of Inchethot, same term, 68s. From same by Martin the procurator's hands for the farms of the land of Aliche for Martinmas term, in the 32rd year, 14/. From same for the farms of the town of Perth for same term and year, 12/. 13s. 4c/. ' Total of the page, 401/. 10s. lid.' [fol. ^.] Forfare : — From the sheriffdom of Forfare by the hands of Sir Alexander de Lambertone, 10/. From John de PoUok sheriff of Forfare, of the issues of the sheriffdom at Pentecost term 32nd year, 56/. Mernes : — From Sir Ei chard de Dundemor sheriff of Mernes, of the issues of the sheriffdom at same term, 25/. Qs. 8c/. Banf : — From the sheriff of Banf, of the issues of his bailliary at Martinmas term, 32nd year, 21/. From same from the farms of the sheriffdom, same term, 9/. lis. %d. Forfare : — From Henry de Prestone sheriff of Forfare, of its issues at Pentecost term, by the hands of John Lab't, 19/. From same, of said issues by his [own hands], 26s. 8c^. Mernes : — From John de Pollok, from the issues of the sheriffdom, 58s. lid. Aberdeen : — From Sir Alexander Comyn sheriff, of the issues of his bailliary at Martinmas term, 37(?)/. 2s. 7c/. From same sheriff for the farm of Fermartyn, by the hands of John de Wrokewardin clerk, 40/. Auchterarder (Uthrardor) : — From Sir Malcolm de Inverpefre sheriff of Uthrardor, of its issues, 100s. From said Sir Malcolm, of the issues of the sheriffdom of Uthrardor and the farms of Glen- dowiche, 58/. Selkirk : — From John de Moffete, from the ward of the Forest on the east side of Tweed, of a fine, 17 marks. From Eoger de Aylemer, 440 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. from the ward of Trequair in said Forest, 17^. 13s. 4f7. From Walter le Corour on behalf of same, for the ward of Selkirk in said 1304-5. Forest, 20^. Lanark : — From the justice ay re of the sheriff of Lanark, by Sir Eobert Logan's hands, Sol. 13s. 4^. Nesebeth : — From Sir Robert de Nesebeth for relief of his land of Daliel at Martinmas term, 5 marks. Mernes : — From the sheriff del Mernes, of the issues of his bailliary by the hands of Robert de Orbet' (?) 171. Banf : — From the sheriff of Banf, of the issues of his bailliary, by the hands of . . . ., at Martinmas term, 411. From same for the theinage of Conebaugh (?) for same term, 24Z. Ferraartyn : — From the Earl of Buchan for the farms of the lands of . . . ., by John de Wrokwardyn's hands, 16^. Jeddeworthe : — From Eobert the clerk, bailiff of Jeddeworthe, for [the farms . . . ,] at Martinmas term, 53s. M. Roxburgh : — From Sir Robert Hasting' the sheriff, for the issues of his bailliary, 22/. 7s. 4d. ' Custuma' : — From the customs of wool, woolfells, hides, . . . from divers merchants, 68/. 14s. bcl. Dumfres : — From Sir Mathew de Redeman sheriff, from the issues of his bailliary, 100s. From said sheriff from the issues of [same ?] ..... 30/. Roxburgh : — From the sheriff, of the issues of his bailliary and the farms of Hassingdeane, by the hands of Sir Alexander de Balliol, of the terms of Pentecost and Martinmas, 32nd year, 50 marks. Berwick : — From the farms of the K.'s lands of Edringtone; Bondingtone, and Latham, 'anno loresente xxxii' 16/. From the farm of the K.'s mill of Edringtone this year by Richard de Bremmesgrave, 26/. 13s. 4:d. From the farms and issues of the town of Berwick-on- Tweed, both customs, fishings, and issues of court, and all other farms in the town, from Easter day this 32nd year [29th March 1301] till the last day of December, anno xxxiii [1304], and small customs to same day, by the hands of John de Ripele and John Verite, clerks, receivers, by view of four bailiffs of said town, 119/. 6s. ll^d. From Cristin son of Louchelan, bailiff of Strivelin, of the issues of said town, 4s. Wool and hides : — For the price of 42^ sacks 2 stones of wool and woolfells, and 37 ' dacres' of ' weak' hides, sold, each sack at 6 marks, and a dacre at 1 mark, found in the priory of Pluskardin in the house of Sir John de Spalding canon of Elgin, the goods of a foreign merchant drowned in a storm at sea and intestate, and taken in the K.'s hands, as the bishop is the K.'s enemy, 195/. From the collectors of the new custom of wool and woolfells in Dundee by the hands of Sir Peter de Brembre, receiver from Deyron Poydras of Norwich, 34s. 4r/. ' Total of this side of folio, 992/. 5s. Sid.' ' Total receipt, 1393/. 16s. I^d: [fol. 1, h.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 441 Edward I, 1304-5. [Discharge.] They account for 16(?) cokets, made to be sent to all the ports of Scotland, one to each, to collect the K.'s custom, 4:1. Also for the wages of . . . ., appointed controller to Sir Robert Heroun collector [of the customs] and farms of Berwick-on-Tweed, at ... . per diem, from the 14th(?) May till 25th December, 33rd year .... days, 11^. 6s. Also to Johude Wrokwardyn . . . ., Aberdeen, and collecting . . . ., Lumbard his clerk, .... at the town of St John of Perth, and [collecting] the K.'s farms there, at 12d. a day from 1st July till the said 25th December [1304], 178 days, 261. Us. To Ivo of Carlisle" keeper of the cokets of the towns of St Andrews and Crail (Karale) for 80 days till said 25th December, at 6d. a day, for his last compotus, 40s. For the wages of 3 messengers in the K.'s service in Scotland, from 7th May last till said 25th December, 233 days, each at 3d. daily and a robe, 8^. 14s. 9d. To divers messengers carrying letters to the K., to Sir Walter bishop of Coventry and Lichfield the treasurer. Sir John de Drokenesford keeper of the Wardrobe, and Sir Walter de Bedewynde cofferer thereof, for same period, 38s. For parchment bought for the rolls, extents, and other letters, and to be divided for the K.'s [affairs?] during said time, 40s. For wax bought for authenticating acquittances, inquisitions, and other writings for same time . . , ., 2(?)s. 6d. To Sir Andrew de Eathe knight, for his debts in the Wardrobe by Sir Walter de Bedewynde's precept 4(?)/. To said Sir Andrew, associated with said James and John to make these extents at 3s. a day, for himself and his esquire from 1st May till 31st December [1304], 184 days, 27^. 12s. To Sir John of Dombrethayn clerk, appointed to keep the cokets of Elgin Inverness, Cromarty, and Dingwall, and collect the farms of those sheriffdoms at 12d. a day for his wages from 20th May till 25th December [1304], 120 days, 11^. ' Total of this side of folio, 99^. 7s. 3d: [fol. 2.] They also account for the expenses of Ealph de Penteland and John de Pollock and 2 grooms, with a clerk, sent from Aberdeen to Montrose to arrest a vessel of the bishop of St Andrews', reported to be laden with rebel merchants' goods, and bring her to Aberdeen, which they did, 66s. Sd. Which merchants and .... were liberated on ... . August [as the bishop had come to the K.'s peace?], and they are his servants . . . ., one of them his clerk. Also the expenses of 2 burgesses, sent from Inverness to a town called Wick(?) in Caithness(?) to arrest a vessel freighted with wool and hides which refused to pay the K.'s customs ; but when they arrived, the merchants escaped by force with the ship, leaving one on shore, who was captured and put under good bail by the custom of the country to answer to the K., 40s. Also delivered to Sir John de Drokenesford keeper of the Wardrobe, by the hand of John Lambyn burgess of, St Andrews, at Berwick-on-Tweed, on 7th May, 8/. 16s. by Sir 442 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwarp I. John's letter. To same by Sir Alexander de Balliol's hands for the farms of Hassingdeue at Pentecost and Martinmas terms, by Sir 1304-5. John's letters, 50 marks. To same by the hands of Richard de .... dington clerk, in October, at Edinburgh, for his expenses 13s. . . cl. by his letter. To same by hands of Adam .... for his debts in the Wardrobe, by Sir John's letter, 16s.(?) . . . d. To same by -Lady Agneta Burdon's(?) hands for ... . due to the deceased Sir John Burdon her late husband in the Wardrobe, .... 20^. To same for these by said Lady Agneta's hands, 12(?)/. 6s. M. Sir Richard de Bremmesgrave keeper of the K.'s stores at Berwick-on- Tweed, retaining in his hands the farms of the K.'s mills of Edrington for Pentecost and Martinmas this year, for divers carriages of said provisions made by the K.'s precept both by sea and land, 26/. 13s. U. 'Total of this part of the folio. 111/. 9s. 4^.' [fol 2, K] To Sir Walter de Bedewynde, paid to ... . de Holtehale the Prince's vallet, . . . . on . . . April, without a letter, 61. 10s. [MS. greatly damaged here for half a page.] To Roger .... a soldier of Edinburgh garrison, for his debts, by a bill of Sir John de Westone, 6/. 18s. 4d. [MS. greatly damaged for 6 lines.] To Peter de Brampton .... of the K.'s household, engaged in the munition of the town of Perth, retaining money due him in the Wardrobe, as attested by Sir Walter de Bedewynde cofferer, in the value of oxen and cows sent from the sheriffdom of Banf by Sir Duncan de Ferrindragh sheriff there, in part payment of the K.'s farms for Pentecost and Martinmas terms last past, 9/. lis. 6d. ' Total of this part of the folio, 613/. 14s. lOf/.' [fol. 3.] To the Abbot of Dunfermline [compensation for lead taken for the siege of Stirling(?). The MS. here obliterated and much damaged for 9 or 10 lines.] Sir Robert Hastang' constable of Roxburgh, his fee, 20/. Thomas de Umfraville constable of the castle and town of Dundee, his fee for same, 20/. Sir Mathew de Redeman sheriff of Dumfries, for keeping the castle and sheriffdom, ..../. Stephen le Bee mariner, carrying the K.'s engines (?) from Stirling to Berwick- on-Tweed, 40s. [MS. again greatly obliterated and damaged.] To Sir John de Sandale chambe-rlain of Scotland, .... at Berwick- on-Tweed by the hands of Sir William .... chancellor of Scotland, on 14th February 33rd year [1304-5], for his .... fee of office, 50/. To same by the hands of Sir John de Segrave the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, for his wages from St Hilary's day, 50/. To same by the hands of Henry de Plokeley clerk, receiver at Berwick-on-Tweed, on the aforesaid 9th January 33rd year, 64/. To same by John de Hedleye's hands, receiver of the money for the munitions of Linlithgow, 10/. ' Total of this side of the folio, 434/. 6s. Id.' [3, verso.] They also account for the wages of 16 men-at-arms, appointed to RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 443 Edwaed L escort the said James de Dalileye and John de Westone, fq^ more safely forwarding the K.'s business ; inasmuch as during the war 1304-5. and the impending siege of Stirling castle, while the men of the parts beyond the Mountains, and in Galloway and Carrick, had not yet fully come to the K.'s peace, without such safe escort they could noways have done the work— from 1st May till 25th December, 239 days, at 12d. each per diem, 1911. 4s. Also to 20 foot escorting them from Aberdeen to Banff in May, 20s. And expenses of 20 foot escorting said James and John from Banff to Elgin .... And expense of divers men, both men at arms and foot, of Sir Eeginald le Cheen escorting them from Elgyn to Inverness, and there staying with them on account of the 'imminent peril' of enemies; and escorting them back to Elgin, 60s. Also the expense of 20 foot watching nightly while said James and John were in the town of Elgin, through fear of some enemies who had not yet come to the K.'s peace, for 14 days in June, 26s. 8d. Also expenses of 20 foot along with Sir Reginald de Cheen's men, escorting said James and John from Elgin to the town of Banff, 20s. Also for 20 foot and 5 men- at-arms escorting them, besides the Thane of Colly (Cowie) and his men, from Aberdeen to the town of Kincardine, 20s. Also for 10 foot from the town of Glasgow to Dumbarton (Dunbrethayn), and staying there four days to watch at night, and escorting said James and John from said town of Donbretan to the town of Renfrew (Rayfru) along with Sir John Walleys and Robert Boyd with 10 of their men-at-arms, 40s. Also the expenses of said Sir John Walleys and 5 of his men-at-arms, and 20 foot, escorting said James and John from Renfrew to Ayr, 40s. Also the expenses of said Sir John Walleys and 10 men-at-arms, 20 foot, and other men of the country, escorting James and John from the town of Are to the town of Wygetone in Galloway, 60s. And of 20 foot from Wygetone to the town of Kirkcudbright (Kirkoudbrithe), 10s. And of 20 foot from Kirkcudbright to the town of Dumfries, and staying there for 7 days in the month of December, watching nightly, 40s. ' Total of this side of folio, 208/. 16s. 8d: [fol. ^.] Also for .... clerks in company of said James and John .... writing the foresaid extent of the K 's lands, and the rolls, and divers other letters in the K.'s affairs, from 1st May to 28th February in the 33rd year, 305 days, each at 12d. per diem, 45/. 12s. Also to Sir Andrew de Rat knight, jp«?^ diem ut supra for his own and his esquire's pay from 1st November till 31st January wmio xxxiii, 92 days, 13(?)/. 16s. Also they account for 35 sacks of wool and woolfells and .... dickers of ' weak ' hides found in the port of Pluscardine .... of John de Spaldyng canon of Elgin [the property of], a foreign merchant drowned at sea, intestate, .... taken in the K.'s hand and carried to the port of Elgin . . . . I. Also for carrying said goods to Aberdeen by sea, 112s.; and carrying them in another vessel from 444 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS EDWAiyD I. Aberdeen to Berwick, 6/. 13s. id. For the expenses of a vallet in ■ charge of the goods for 66 days at 4c?. per diem-, 22s. 1304-5. Also hiring a house at Berwick to store the goods for 9 months 60s. Also to said .... John de Spalding fur housing 7 sacks of the aforesaid wool and 37 dacres of hides in his house, by agreement with the merchant, a cask of wine, value 66s. &d.{l) To the Prior of Pluscardyn for housing said wool for 2 years in the priory, by agree- ment ut stqjra, 100s. To William Wisman and his wife for sustain- ing the merchant's son for 2 years, Al. And for the said boy's expenses to France and buying a robe for him, 13s. 4:d. To [John] de Pentland loading and unloading said wool and hides, per vices, 46s. ^d. Also for .... sacks of said wool ' subarrat ' by said merchant by mainprise of good men, 28 marks, as he paid nothing except the earnest (erras). Also to divers creditors of his at the town of Elgin and parts adjacent, who proved their debts both for the price of the wool and expenses of his son and retinue for the bypast time, 20 marks. Also the expenses of said Master John de Westone and James de Dalileye making the extent of all the K.'s lands, demesnes, burghs, and forests in Scotland, leasing the lands and burghs to fit persons, and drawing the issues ut supra ; and inasmuch as in war time they were at great costs and expenses in food and drink to divers men extending the aforesaid lands and burghs on their great oath, from day to day, under the K.'s precept issued at the time of the siege of Stirling Castle, 200/. ' Total of this part of folio, 327Z. 2s.' 'Total discharge, 1794/. %s. 2d. [4., verso.] [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea (Placita, Rentals, &c.). No. %"^.] Beautifully written bookwise on four leaves of vellum. Two of these are sadly damaged and nearly obliterated in parts. March 5. 1647. Sir Piobert de Hastang received at Berwick-on-Tweed, on 5th March 33rd year, from John de Cley vallet of Sir Eichard de Bremesgrave, 20 qrs. salt by the hands of Eobert de la Vout his attorney, whose seal is appended. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. f§.] Signet in red wax; a shield charged with a lion rampant, double queued, a baton, in fesse through his shoulder. [1304-5.] 1648. John de Westone chamberlain of Scotland to the Bishop of March 20. Chichester the chancellor. Begs a protection for Sir Robert Heron parson of Ford, the controller, who stays constantly in Scotland in the discharge of his office. Written at Berwick-on-Tweed, 20th March. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ^^g.] Trace of seal on back. 1305. 1649. The K., at the petition of the Council, and for the good March 26. services of Alexander de Balliol of Cavers, who has submitted him- self to the K.'s will, has forgiven him for the loss of the pele of Selkirk, of which he became keeper under forfeiture of body, lands, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 445 Edward I. goods, and chattels, and restores all his lands and goods in Enoland and Scotland. Westminster. [^Patent, 33 Edio. I. 'part 1. m. 13.] 1304-5. 1650. The Prior of Coldinghame prays the K. and Council for God February and Saint Cuthbert that he would confirm their charter of free forest or March, and warren from the late King Alexander. Also that he would grant him a fair at Coldingham on St Cuthbert's day in Lent, or on St Ebba the virgin's day [25th August], for 15 days, or for 8 days ; and a market every Wednesday. [No date.] Norman French. (Another hand) 'The chancellor has granted a fair on the vigil and ' day of St Luke, with fifteen days following. (Endorsed) ' Coram Eege. Eex concedit utramque petitionem cum ' ilia clausula ita quod non cedat ei ad nocumentum.' ' Scocia.' [Toiver Miscellaneous Bolls, No. %%^.] March 20. 1651. Inspeximus of a charter dated Selkirk, 16th June 27th of his reign, by the late K. Alexander, to the Prior and convent of Coldyng- hame of free warren and free forest in their lands of Coldynghame. [Among the witnesses to the inspeximus, E. bishop of Glasgow and Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick.] Westminster. [Charter, 33 Edw I. m. 11.] March 24. 1652. Grant to the Prior and convent of Durham and the Prior and convent of Coldynghame, which is a cell of Durham, of a weekly market on Wednesday at their manor of Coldynghame, and a yearly fair, viz., the vigil, the day, and the morrow of St Luke Evangelist, and 12 following days. [Witnesses ut supra.] Westminster. [Charter, 33 Edu\ I. m. 11.] 1305. 1653. Grant to the Abbot and convent of Dunfermelyn in per- March 28. petuum of a weekly market on Thursday at his manor of Kirkcaldyn in the county of Fife, and a yearly fair on Saturday in Easter week and two following days ; also free warren in his demesne lands of Kyngorn, Kircaldyu, Nithbren and Fotheroffe in same county. [E. bishop of Glasgow, the 4th witness.] Westminster. [Charter, 33 Edw. I. m. 10.] March 31. 1654. Writ to John de Sandale chamberlain of Scotland, to pay to J[ohu] bishop of Brechin, 171. 18s. 4:d., and to the Prior of St Andrews. 78/. 16s. 8d., for the value of lead which the K. caused to be stripped from their churches and houses at Brechin and St Andrews. West- minster. [Liberate, 33 Edw. I. m. 6.] March 31. 1655. Writ to John de Sandale chamberlain of Scotland, to pay William de Feltone 138/. 12s. 2^d.; to William le Fraunceis, 70/. lis. 8c/.; and Ebulo de Montibus, 121/. 9s. M. ; arrears of their robes, pay and others while they were in various castles in Scotland. Westminster. [Liberate, 33 Edw. I. m. S.] April 1. 1656. Writ to John de Sandale chamberlain of Scotland, to pay 446 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. the Abbot of Melros 61^. Os. 6d., due him by the K. in the Wardrobe. Westminster. 1305. On 9th April the abbot has another writ for 28/. 16s. [Liberate, 38 Edio. I. on. 5.] [1305.] 1657. Petition by Eobert de Brus earl of Carrick, that the K. Shortly vvoukl give him the lands which Sir Ingram de Umfraville held in before Carrick by grant of Sir John de St John, after he came to the K.'s April 1. peace (and have again been taken in the K.'s hand), on the same terms us Sir John made to the earl in presence of many good people. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Granted, except as to demesnes.' The earl also prays an order on the Chamberlain of Scotland to allow him his expenses laid out on the castle and bailliary of [Are?]. (Endorsed) ' The K.'s pleasure is that he account to the Chamberlain who will pay him from the issues of Scotland. [Parliamentary Petitions, Nos. 769, 770.] 1305. 1658. The K. to John de Sandale chamberlain of Scotland. Wishing April 1. that his liege Robert de Brus earl of Carrick, should account for the time when he had the custody of the castle of Ayr, and the sheriff- doms of Ayr and Lanark, he commands the Chamberlain and James de Dalilege to audit the compotus, and allow the earl his expenses as ascertained, out of the issues of Scotland. Westminster. [Ux- chequer, Q. B. Miscellanea (Army), No. -y.] April 7. 1659. There are due in account to Sir John Boutetourte, warden of the marches of Lochmaben and Dumfries and justiciar of Galloway, for himself, his knights, esquires, and other men-at-arms, during his service there till the last day of April, anno xxxii°, 380(?)Z. 4s. ; and for four horses lost, 76(?)/. 8s. 4d There is no deduction for moneys allowed to him in Exchequer or the Wardrobe for the said term. Appends his seal and that of James .... at London, 7th April, anno xxxiii. [Chancei^y Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. -^|^.] No seal. Decayed and defaced. April 12. 1660. The K. commands the sheriff of Edinburgh to send Thomas de Bosco, in prison there for stealing the K.'s jewels, to the constable of the Tower. Westminster. Similar writ commanding Master Alexander de Bray, a prisoner on same charge, to be sent to Warwick. Westminster. Similar, that John de Mere chaplain, Walter de Wynton clerk, and Elias le Brun be sent from Edinburgh to Wallingford. West- minster. [Close, 33 Echo. I. m. IB.] April 13. 1661. The K. [besides letters to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, and priors of various orders in England, Ireland, and Gascony] as it is a holy and wholesome work to pray that the dead may be loosed from the yoke of sin, begs the Bishops of Glasgow, Whitherne, Moray, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 447 Edward L Caithness, St Andrews, Dunblane, Dunkeld, Brechin, Aberdeen, and Eoss to cause prayers and masses throughout their dioceses for the 1305. soul of Johanna late Queen Consort of France. Westminster. Similar letters to the priors provincials of the Orders of Sd Augus- tine and Blessed Mary of Mount Carmel in Scotland, and the Minister-General of the Minors in Scotland. [Close, 33 Edw. I. m. 16, dor 80^ April 17. 1662. Warrant for Hugli de Eos son of the Earl of Eos, for 20Z. due at Pentecost next. Westminster. [Liberate, 33 Edw. I. m. 5.] April 20. 1663. Warrant to pay 593/. 10s. 8(i.,viz., to Eobert Hastang' constable of Eoxburgh castle, 130/. 9s. l^d. ; to William Eydel knight, 25/. 12s. 8d ; to Henry Pynkeuy knight, 35/. [and the balance to upwards of 20 soldiers of the garrison], Westminster. [Liberate, 33 Edw. I. m. S.] April 24. 1664. The K., considering that John de Balliol late K. of Scotland granted by charter to Dovenald le fiz Kan knight, and the lawful heirs of his body, 10/. land of his demesnes in the county of Ayr, which the K. took in his hand as being unlawfully alienated from the Crown of Scotland, grants to the said Dovenald for life 10/. yearly from the Scottish Exchequer, to revert to the Crown at his death. Westminster. [Patent, 33 Edw. I. part 1, m. 3.] April 26. 1665. The K. for the good service of Eichard de Blakeburne in Scotland, grants to him the ward of that part of the lands of the late John de Montfort in Scotland held in capite, falling to one of his daughters and heirs, and her marriage without disparagement, according to the custom of that country. Westminster. [Patent, 33 Edto. I. part 1, m. d. on his ' bille ' ; and prays the K. for payment out of said ' custume ' as he is totally ' destrutz ' for the K.'s service. Prays also for a letter to the Chamberlain to account with him for his own and his people's stay in Dundee since St Andrew, and still there in the K.'s service. Norman French. [Chancer?/ Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] No date. Trace of seal on face. [1297- 1877. Petition by Pierres de Kirkoswald, who was in Berwick 1306.] castle when besieged, and swam the Tweed to Norham quite naked, Sept. with the constable's letters in his hair, to get aid from the Earl of Stevenson, ii. Wareune, and returned by the same way. He begs the K. to give 228-229. i^i^ ^ sergeantcy for life. [Toiver Miscellaneous Polls, No. 4-74,.] [1304-6.] 1878. To our Lord the K. at his last Parliament prayed Alayn KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 501 Edward I. son of Richard of Corbridge by petition, tliat he might have restitu- tion of a house and three ' shopes ' in Berwick-on-Tweed, which he [1304-6.] held before the town was taken, and have since been in the King's hand, for he is an Englishman by birth, and always at the K.'s faith there, and did his service at the taking said town ; on which petition the K. granted him a writ to Sir John de Segrave and Sir John de Sandale (attached hereto), who made inquiry (also attached hereto under their seals), whereby they found that Alayn was a loyal Englishman, but, nevertheless, they could do nothing, as divers persons were enfeoffed in the house and shops under the King's charters. Wherefore he prays the K. for the love of God that his tenements may be restored. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Let him sue before the King's Lieutenant in Scotland ' and the Chamberlain, and let them call the parties, and if they find ' he was not against the King's peace, notwithstanding the charter, * let the house and shops which he seeks be restored " indilate".' [^Parliamentary Petitions, No. 16 IS.] [1306.] 1879. Eva and Margery de Rotherforde, heirs of ' Monsire Nichol ' de Rotherforde chivaler Descose,' their grandfather, petition the K. for a writ to the sheriff of Northumberland to give them seisin of 100 ' southz ' of annual rent in the mills of Doddingestone in that county, of which mills Sir Rauf le fiz William is chief lord ; in which their grandfather was seised at the beginning of this war and ousted on that account. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Willelmus de Cotts sequitur istam petitionem. Coram ' Cancellario. Scocia.' [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. ^^.] [1305-6.] 1880. Geoffrey de Aumpilford prays the K. that, as he served all through the Scottish war and was maimed of an eye in Carstairs while under Sir Walter de Borondone, and at the beginning of the war lost all he had in Banff castle while constable under Sir John de Pothowe, he would deign for God and the souls of his ancestors, to reward him with some bailliary, constabulary, or forestry in England or Scotland, where he may gain his living. (Endorsed) ' The K.'s Lieutenant in Scotland to provide him in ' some competent bailliary for life, for his maimed condition.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 195.1i 1881. Alisaundre the Queen's ' chaundeler ' prays the K. that whereas he gave him the lands of John ' le Rous ' of Macfothel, comes William de Gourleye and falsely told the K. that he had killed the aforesaid John, who died a year before the K. last came to Scotland, whereon the K. gave William all those lands and tenements — that inquiry on the truth be made and remedy done. (Endorsed) ' The Guardian and Chamberlain of Scotland commanded ' to call parties before them, hear their pleas, ascertain the truth, and ' certify the K.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 198.] 502 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. 1882. The K. to the mayors and bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, and 24 other English ports, forbidding all export of provisions, horses, 1306-7. and arms (except to Gascony), as they will be required for the Jan. 5. Scottish expedition. Lanercost. [Close, 35 Ediv. I. m. 15, dorso^ Jan. 13. 1883. The K. to his cousin Ay mar de Valence his lieutenant in Scotland. As the wife of Maliz earl of Stratherne, and Maliz his son, have written begging an inquiry into the acts and carriage of the Earl who is a prisoner in England, he commands Aymar to do so, as in other cases, and report to him as soon as possible. Lanercost. [Privy Seals (Tower), 35 Edw. I. File i.] Jan. 18. 1884, Acknowledgment by Eobert de Wodehouse clerk of the kitchen, that he has received by the hands of William de Fonteyns, and other valets of the kitchen at different times in July and August 1304, 18,000 red herrings, 1062 ' aberdenes,' the hundred reckoned by 180 ; 8100 ' stocktis,' the 100 reckoned by 120. Appends his seal at Lanrecost, 18th January, 35th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea (Army), No. f §.] Small fragment of seal, red wax, on tag. Jan. 22. 1885. The K. pardons John de Bassingburne, the late sheriff of Essex, for letting Hugh Olifart, a Scottish prisoner, escape from the castle of Colchester while in his custody ; as he pursued Hugh so manfully that he retook and lodged him again in the castle where he now is. Lanercost. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 4-0.] Jan, 23. 1886. Eble des Montz ' chevaler,' acknowledges to have received from Sir James de Dalileghe the K.'s clerk, 10/. sterling for amend- ment of the houses and othjr necessary repairs in the castle of Jedeworthe, Appends his seal at Eoxburgh, 23rd January, in the 35th year. [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea {Placita, Bentals, &c.). No. A round signet in red wax, broken, on tag. A shield hung on foliage, charged with a bend cotised and a label of 5 points ; a wyvern on either side of shield. Jan. 24. 1887. John of Allegate clerk, sub-sheriff of Eoxburgh, has received from Sir James de Dalileghe, 100s. sterling to give earnest for (ad subarrand') some victuals to be bought for the use of Sir John de Britannia the K.'s Lieutenant in Scotland. Eoxburgh. [Seallost.] Symon de Blakesliale constable of Eoxburgh castle, has received from Sir James de Dalileghe, 10/. sterling to be paid for victuals to be bought for the use of Sir John de Britannia the ,K.'s lieu- tenant in Scotland. Also 20/. sterling in deposit under Sir James's seal. Eoxburgh. [Seal lost.] [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea {Placita, Bentals, &c.), No. ^gO^.] Jan, 29. 1888. The K. to the Treasurer of Ireland. Having lately com- manded Hugh Byset with as many well manned vessels as he can EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 503 Jan. 30. [1306-7.] Jan. Edwaed I. procure, to come to the Isles on the Scottish coast and join John de Menetethe in putting down Eobert de Brusand his accomplices lurk- 1306-7. ing there, and destroying their retreat, he commands the Treasurer to give every aid to Hugh in equipping the fleet with the utmost despatch, and to pay the wages of himself and his crews for 40 days from his setting sail. Sends William de Ponton to aid in and supervise the expedition. Lanercost. [Close, 35 Edw. I. m. l^.] 1889. The K. appoints Simon de Montacute captain and governor of the fleet destined for service against the rebels lurking in Scotland, and the Isles between Scotland and Ireland. Lanercost. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 39.] 1890. Eobert de Mauleye sheriff of Eoxburgh acknowledges receipt from Sir James Dalilegh the K.'s escheator, by command of the Chamberlain, of 30Z. sterling, to victual the castle and repair the ruined houses. Appends his seal at Eoxburgh, the [the document ends abruptly]. (Endorsed) ' Sir E. de Mauleye's letter for money received from ' Sir J. de Dalileye escheator, anno xxxv*", 30Z. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Placita, Extents, &c.). No. ^2"^.] Fragment of signet, red wax, on tag. A shield with a bend charged with 3 birds (1). Jan.(?) 1891. The Prior and convent of Lanercost beg the King, having regard to the reduced state of their house and the damages they have suffered by the K. and his attendants, which a great sum would not suffice to restore without perpetuity of something, that in recom- pense of these damages he would grant them the church of Haut- wyselle, which is not worth more than 100 marks a year, and make allowance to the monks of Aberbrothock in Scotland, whose it is ; if agreeable to the K. and his Council. [No date.] Norman French. [Tower Miscelkmeous Bolls, No. %\^.] Shortly 1892. The Abbot of Abrebrothok for himself and his convent after. replies (as commanded) to the K. and Council, respecting the proposed exchange of their church of Hautewyseles, that the K. is ' fundour ' of their house and they have no other head to maintain their rights than him and his Council. Begs the K. to examine their muniments and confirmation of said church from Eome and then to command restitution of the church, of which they have been forcibly despoiled by the Bishop of Durham ; and that it would please him to ordaiu the advancement of their house in some equally certain and profit- able manner, by confirmation of the Pope (la Postoyle). They will be ever ready to obey the K.'s orders for their benefit, for the Abbot is sworn to maintain and not diminish the rights and goods of the house. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) 'Ponatur inter dormientes.' (?) [Toioer Miscellaneous Bolls, No. %5g9.] 504 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed I. 1893. The K. commands William de Mulcastre, sheriff of Cum- berland, and James de Dalileye, to collect all the vessels and empty 1306-7. barges at Skinburness, Whitehaven, Workington, and elsewhere on Eeb. 1. that sea coast, victual and provide them with stout crews, and despatch them towards Ayr in pursuit of Eobert de Brus and his abettors, and destroy his retreat. They are to see to this personally. Lanercost. The K. commands his lieges to give every aid to William le Getur, who with part of the fleet is in search of Robert de Brus ; and if they can by keeping watch, arrest the persons of Robert or his abettors, the K. will be greatly bound to them. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 39.] 1894. Charter to Robert de Clifford for his good service in Scot- Feb, 3. land, of the forfeited lands of the late Cristofor de Seton, a rebel, in Skelton, Aleynby, and Lambynby in Cumberland, reserving to Evmiuia his mother, widow of John de Seton, her dower therein. Lanercost. [Charter, 35 Ediv. I. m. 15.] Feb. 6. 1895. The K. to W. bishop of Chester, his Treasurer. Expresses great wonder at having no news of Sir Aymar de Valence and his forces since he went to Ayr, if they have done any exploit or pursued the enemy. Commands him quickly to order Sir Aymar, Sir Henry de Percy, and Sir John de St John and others he sees, to send a trustworthy man without delay with full particulars of their doings and the state of affairs. And not to forget in his letter to them to say on the K.'s behalf that he hears they have done so badly that they do not wish him to know. Lanercost. [Privij Seals {Tower), 35 Edw. I. File i.] Feb. 11. 1896. The K. to Aymar de Valence. Tells him of his great and not unnatural wonder at hitherto having no news from him how he and other lieges lately despatched to Ayr have succeeded in crushing the Scottish rebels, or following them, or what they purpose doing afterwards. Commands him therefore to write distinctly and clearly by the bearer, the news of the parts where he is, the state of affairs there, and the doings of himself and the others hitherto, and how he and they have arranged further proceedings. For he suspects from his silence that he has so over-cautiously conducted matters that he wishes to conceal his actions. Lanercost. Similar to Ralph de Monthermer earl of Gloucester and Hertford, Humphrey de Bohun earl of Hereford and Essex, John de St John, and Henry de Percy. [Close, 35 Ediv. I. m. IJf., dorso^ Feb. 12. 1897. Payment of divers knights, esquires, and sergeants- at-arms and others making a raid on the Earl of Carrick in Scotland. Lanercost, 12th February, in the 35th year. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 505 Edwaed I. To Sir John de la Ware, sent by the K. on this foray, a prest for his and his esquire's wages .... by his own hands at Lanercost, ut 1306-7. 5W2Jra, 4/. 4s. [The names of about 25 knights, besides others, are given. Amon^ these, Sir William la Zouche, Sir Walter Hakelute, Sir John Bote- tourte, with three knights and eleven esquires; Eenaud Caillau, Julian de Salva Terra. They were 21 days engaged.] Total, lOOZ. 2s. Bi^d. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Army), No. -^|-.] Document much worn and defaced. [1306-7.] 1898. To the K. The writer [anonymous] understanding that John Feb. 15. Logan has raised war and gone to the K.'s enemies, has granted his lands worth 80 marks yearly, to John de la MoUiere the K.'s vallet. He prays the K. to confirm the grant for John's good service. Done at Strathbrock (Strabrok), the 15 th February. Norman French. [Very faint.] \Iloyal Letters, No. 3337.] 1306-7. 1899. Indenture dated Wednesday next after St Valentine's day, in Feb. 15. the King's 35th year, between Sir Humphrey le Bohun earl of Here- ford and Essex, lord of Annandale, on one part, and Sir Bartholomew Denefeud on the other, whereby the latter agrees to serve the earl all his life, in peace and war, on this side and beyond seas, and in the Holy Land if the earl goes there ; receiving robes and saddles as his other bachelors, in time of peace hay and oats for 4 horses, wages for 3 grooms, and his chamberlain dining in hall ; in war time and for ' le turnoi ' hay and oats for 8 horses, wages for 7 grooms, and his chamberlain eating in hall, and sufficient equipment for war and the tourney. For which service leally done the earl has given to Sir Bartholomew in full payment 40 marks land in Annandale for his life, viz., Hotone and Lokardebi, and if they fall short, he will make up the amount elsewhere in Annandale. If Sir Bartholomew fail to perform his service, unless hindered by maimiuo- or sickness, the earl shall resume the land at pleasure. If there is a Crusade, and the earl for any reason cannot go to the Holy Land, Sir Bartholomew may go with another, and essay its recovery, notwithstanding his obligation. They append their seals. Done at Loughmaban as above. [Duchy of Lancaster {Charters), Box A., No. 135.] One seal only remains in green wax, a gem, deeply cut ; a cMd's tkree quarters' face with amulet(l) round his neck. Feb. 18. 1900. The K. commands John de Insula, Hugh de Louther, and Geofirey de Hertlepol to inquire how many of the levies from Cum- berland and Westmoreland, who were ordered to muster at Carlisle, on Wednesday, the Chair of St Peter Apostle next [22nd February] at latest, to set out for Scotland to crush Eobert de Brus's rebellion, had deserted, that they may be condignly punished. Lanercost. [Patent, 35 Echo. I. m. 32, dorso.] 506 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1901. The K., for a fine, pardons Adam de Middeltone his trespass in acquiring a vaccary in Heselspryngge in Cumberland from the 1306-7, late Cristiana de Brus, a tenant in capite, and demising the same to Feb. 20. her for life without licence, and confirms it to him and his heirs. Lanercost. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 32.] Feb. [20.] 1902. The K. commands John de Wygeton and Eobert de White- rngge to levy 200 stout footmen in Cumberland and bring them to Carlisle ' this instant Monday ' to set out in pursuit of Eobert de Brus and his accomplices. Lanercost. Similar writs : — to Alexander de Bastingthweit and Thomas de Louthre for 200 from Allerdale; to John de Denton and three others for 140 from Eskedale and Gillesland ; to Eobert de Tymparon and three others for 160 in Lythe and Alston Moor ; to Alexander de Capella and another for 40 men from Penrith liberty; to John de Eglisfeld and Thomas de Musegrave for 60 from Cockermouth liberty; to Thomas de Multone lord of Egremound for 160 men in that liberty; to Stephen de Eose Doune and Henry de Dalliston for 20 men from the Bishop of Carlisle's liberty ; Eichard de Karleton and another for 20 men from the Prior of Carlisle's liberty; Eobert Lengleys and three others for 500 men in Westmorland [1500 in all]. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 32.] Feb. 24. 1903. Clement [V.] to the King. Eeceived his envoy Sir Eoger Savage (Salvations) knight, and heard his message from the King. Asks credence for said envoy, to whom he has committed his reply especially on the affair of the translation of the monastery of Scone, said to be of the diocese of St Andrew, for which the King has asked, Given at Pessacum, 6th of the Kalends of March, 2nd year of his pontificate ? [No seal.] [Papal Bulls.] [1306-7.] 1904. Ermyne, widow of John de Seton, shews the K. and Council Feb. (?) that she had a writ of ' dowar ' against John Bard of Butterwick in tenements in Estlinton in the county of York, wherein John de Seton was seised the day he espoused her, and thereafter enfeoffed John Bard; and she claimed terce of 6 tofts, a carucate of land, a bovate, an acre, and 18 ' souche ' of rent there ; whereon John Bard called to warrant Cristoffere de Seton, son and heir of John de Seton, who, after summons, made default, wherefore John Bard was adjudged to hold in peace, and Ermyne to have terce from Cristoffre's lands. And directly thereafter, before she could have seisin of these, they were taken in the K.'s hand through his forfeiture, and she has lost her dower and prays remedy. (Endorsed) ' Let her sue a writ to produce the record before Sir Eoger le Brabanzon in a month from Easter.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 7215.] 1306-7. 1905. The K. at the request of Dungall Mac Douyl senior, and EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 507 Edward I. for the good service which he and Dungal his brother have done, grants to Dungal junior the marriage of the daughter and heir of 1306-7. Hugh de Chaumpaigne deceased, a tenant in capite, without dispar- Mar. 1. agement. Lanercost, by the K. himself. James de Dalilegh escheator citra mare Scocie is commanded to deliver the person of the daughter to Dungal junior. \_Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 31.] March 4. 1906. Inspeximus by the K. of twenty [recited] charters and letters patent by David [I.], Malcolm [IV.], William, and Alexander [II.], Kings of Scotland, and others, to the Abbey of Reading and its cell the priory of May. Camboc. For a fine of 201. made before the Council. [Charter, 35 Edw. I. mm. 13 & 14^.] Mar. 6. 1907. The K. begs H[aco] K. of Norway to arrest and send to Fcedera, i. 1010. him the rebel Bishop of Moray, who has been excommunicated by the Pope, and is resetted by some of Haco's subjects in the Isle of Orkney. Lynstock. [Close, 35 Edw. I. m. 12, dorso.] [Nov. 20- 1908. Ordinances by the K. and Council for better assuring the Mar.] peace of Scotland. Agreed that the Guardian take order as to trade(?) in burghs and towns, .... and the justices errant on their eyres be empowered to receive rebels desirous to come to the King's peace ; and malefactors guilty of capital offences to be taken wherever they live by the people of the country ; if not, that 'the hue and cry by horn be raised against them,' and pursuit made till they submit or are taken dead or alive, .... The Guardian to make strict search regarding receivers of such attainted persons. The K. and Council order that all present at the death of Sir John Comyn, or of counsel and assent thereto, shall be drawn and hanged. Those .... found in Scotland without the King's permission, or their resetters, shall be hanged or their heads cut off. All rebels in the war previous to the battle of Methven, or in the battle, or after, and who surrender, shall be sent to such prisons as the K. orders, and not released till the King's pleasure is taken. Those of Eobert de Brus's party, or who advised in any way the rising against the King, by preaching to the people, are to be arrested, ■whether clerks or laymen, and imprisoned till the King's pleasure is known. The poor commons of Scotland, who have been forced to rise against the King in this war, shall be held to ransom as the Guardian shall see their offences require. Tliis ordinance is in three parts, one to remain in the Wardrobe, another with tlie Bishop of Chester the treasurer, and another with Sir Eobert de la Warde seneschal of the Household. (Endorsed) ' Lordonance .... a Lanrecost par le Eoi et son consail ' pour mielz asseurer e garder la terre Descoce, &c., en Ian &c. xxxv.' [CliaiJter House {Scots Documents), Box '2, No. 14-.] In form of indenture, niucli decayed and defaced. 508 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1909. The K. to Ajmiar de Valence guardian and his lieutenant in Scotland. As some persons, he understands, interpret his late 1306-7. ordinance for settling Scotland as too harsh and rigorous, which was Mar. 13. not his intention, he commands him to proclaim throughout Scotland, that all who have been compelled by the abettors of Eobert de Brus to rise against the K. in war, or to reset Eobert innocently by his sudden coming among them, shall be quit of all manner of punish- ment therefor. Carlisle. Similar to James de Dalylegh escheator south of Forth ; to John de Westone escheator north of Forth ; the coroner of Annandale ; the sheriffs of Wigton, Eoxburgh, Berwick, Edinburgh, Dumfries, Inver- narn, Haddington, Linlithgow, Forres, Ughterardre, Dunbarton, Kyncardyn, Deyngeval, Banf, Lanark, Elgin, Stirling, Clacm'anan, Fife, Forfar, Perth, Inverness, Aberdeen, Crombathy, Ayr. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 23.] March 15. 1910. The K. commands the sheriff of York, by view of the Prior of Wattone, to allow IMargery daughter of Eobert de Brus, staying in Wattone by the K.'s order, od. a day for her expenses, from the morrow of All Souls last year, when she came there ; and a mark yearly for her dress. Carlisle, at the petition of the Council. Similar to the sheriff of Lincoln, at sight of the Prior of Sixle, for Cristina widow of Cristopher de Seton, staying in the house of Sixle. Carlisle. Similar to the sheriff of Bedford at sight of the Prior of Chikesande, for Elizabeth widow of Eichard Si ward junior, in the house of Chikesand, from the Nativity of St John Baptist last year. Carlisle. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. on. 29.] March 17. 1911. The K. for his special devotion to the Blessed Mary Magdalene, and the priory of Lanercost founded in her honour, which has suffered much by recent burnings of its houses and robbery of its goods by the Scottish rebels, and also considering his long stay there lately while he was detained by sickness, whereby it has been impoverished and depressed, grants to the Prior and convent the churches of Mitford in Northumberland, and Carlaton in Cumber- land to be held in proprios usus for over. Carlisle, by the K. himself. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 25.] March 18. 1912. The K. to John de Sandale chamberlain of Scotland. Desiring to look to the security of his town of St John of Perth, and the castles of Dundee, Forfar, Aberdeen, and Aboyne (Obeyn), he commands him to see that they are repaired and fortified where needed. Carlisle. At the request of the Council. [Close, 35 Edw. I. m. 11.] March 19. 1913. The K. commands Eobert de Lathum and 4 others to levy 1000 good footmen in Lancaster (150 of whom to be of Henry de EELATTNG TO SCOTLAND. 509 Edward I. Lacy earl of Lincoln's liberty of Blakebnrnshire), and lead them to Carlisle at latest by Saturday next after the quinzaiue of Easter, to 1306-7. pursue Eobert de Brus and his accomplices who are lurking in the moors and marshes of Scotland. Carlisle. Similar :— For a levy of 200 in Eskedale and Gillesland ; 200 in Cumberland; 200 from Coupland and Cockermouth ; 200 from AUerdale ; 100 in Lythe ; Matheu de Eedman and the sheriff of Westmoreland for 300 in that county and Kendale ; Geoffry de Moubray, Eobert de Barton bailiff of Tyndale, and another, to levy 300 in that liberty and bring them to Carlisle by the quinzaine of Easter. [2300 in all.] [Patent, 35 Ediu. I. m. 23.] March 20. 1914. The K., at the request of Margaret Queen of England, FcEdera, i 1012. pardous Geoffry de Coigners for concealing a certain coronet of gold with which Eobert de Brus lately caused himself to be crowned in Scotland. Carlisle. [Patent, 35 Edw. L m. 28.] [1306-7.] 1915. List of gifts and offices conferred on Dougal Macdowall and March, other men of Galloway who captured Sir Eanald de Crauford and Paigrave, p. 318. other Guemies. [Chapter House (Scots Documents), Box 5, No. 4-] 1307. 1916. Warrant by the K. to James de Dalileghe escheator south March 26. of the Eorth to pay from its issues 20/. to John Duraunt, by the K.'s gift. Carlisle. Under the seal of Scotland, 26th March, 35th of reign. [Slit for tag. No seal.] Attached are letters patent by John Duraunt acknowledging receipt of the 20/. in satisfaction of the losses and damages which he sustained when the late K. and his army marched to Galloway and the castle of Carlaverock was surrendered to him. Done and sealed at Carlisle, 21st October, in the reign of K, Edward, son of the late K., the second year [1308]. [Seal destroyed.] [Exchequer, T. B. Miscellanea (Placita, Rentals, &c.). No. ^£^ .] March 28. 1917. The K. to his bailiff of Tyndale. Learning that Alexander K. of Scotland gave John de Swyneburn 10 marks yearly for life, which he drew till that K.'s death from the royal farm of Tyndale, and thereafter from Antony bishop of Durham, as keeper of Tyndale, till the forfeiture of John de Balliol late K. of Scotland, when the Bishop under the K.'s grant of Tyndale, under pretence of anger against John, withheld the annual payment, he commands that it be regularly paid. Carlisle. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 17.] March 30. 1918. Charter to the Mayor, burgesses, and community of Ber- wick-on-Tweed, of their town, with mills &c., within the enclo- sures of the same, and all privileges as in the late K. Alexander's time, under exception of the great customs and amercements, for the yearly reddendo of 500 marks quarterly. Carlisle. [Charter, 35 Edio. I. m. 9.] 1306-7. 1919. [Pardons, &c ] 510 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwaed T. March 16. Safe conduct for P. bishop of St Sabiuus, a Eoman cardinal, returning from his mission to the K. at Carlisle to Eome. 1306-7. Carlisle, [m. 23.] March. March 28. Pardon at the request of Duncan MacDuel to Elyas de Vaus for the death of Nicholas son of Ptobert Goyt of Caldebek. Carlisle, [m. 34-.] [Three other persons pardoned at same request.] [Patent, 25 Echo. I.] 1307. 1920. The K. for the devotion he bears to the Glorious Virgin Mary- April 4. and the relics of the Blessed Thomas martyr and other saints in the church of the Blessed Mary of Carlisle, and in relief of the oppres- sions and losses sustained by the Prior and convent through the Scottish invasions and burnings, gives them the advowson of the church of Soureby in Cumberland, to be held in proprius usus for ever. Carlisle. [Patent, 35 Echo. I. m. 17.] April 12. 1921. Letters patent by John Botetourt, acknowledging receipt for the people of the King's household in his company, of 7 ' toneux ' and a hooped barrel of the K.'s wine at Dumfries, by John de Cave's hands. Written at Dalgernock, 12th April, in the 35th year. His signet iu red wax, appended. A cinquefoil not on a shield, each leaf charged with a saltire raguly. Leg. (broken oflF.) About same Similar for a tonel of wine received at Dumfries. Done at Doncol, time. the .... in the 35th year. [Mutilated and seal lost.] {Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Wardrobe), No. ||.] [1307.] 1922. The writer says that on the Thursday when his correspond- April 28. ent, addressed as ' Sire,' left Carlisle, when he returned there, ' Mon- seiguur ' spoke from that time without delay at very great leisure with the Bishop of Chester, at which he (il) held himself well paid, God be thanked ; and on same day the writer spoke with Sir John Dovedalle, saying that ' you especially greeted him,' and begged him in his correspondent's name that if he heard anything to the latter's damage or touching him, he would inform 'Monseignur' or himself. To which Sir John replied that on their leaving Carlisle he would inform him by letter or verbally as fully as he could, when ' Monseignur ' came to London. The Bishop of Chester shews now great love to ' Monseignur,' and made him dine with him Friday after his corre- spondent's departure quietly in his chamber. Hopes God will keep him and evil entreat his enemies, and that quickly, ' Amen.' Written at Carlisle, 28th Aprih Madame the Queen will dine with the Bishop now Sunday next. Has no further news from Scotland since he left. Norman French. [Toioer Miscellaneoiis Bolls, No. '^^.] 1306-7. 1923. [Memoranda as to expeditions in search of Eobert de Brus.] Feb. 12- [Extracts.] May 3. To Sir James de Dalileghe for the wages of Sir John Butetourte, baneret and captain, 3 knights and their 11 esquire.sand Sirs Walter RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 511 Edwaed L de Beauchamp, Thomas de Leyburne, Walter Hakelut, Eichard de Welles, Gerard de Fresnay, John de Sulleye, William de Sulleye his 1306-7. brother, John Champ vent, Walter de Kingesheued, William de la Zouche, and John de Gay tone, knights, and their 18 esquires, going to Scotland by the K.'s command to make a raid on Eobert de Brus, lately earl of Carrick, from the 12th February anno xxxv*" till 4th March following, 21 days, both reckoned^ the baneret at 4s. 'per diem, each knight, 2s., and an esquire, 12d. Also the wages of Guoti(?) Burewarde and 11 others, sergeants-at-arms of the K,'s household, and also esquires with barbed horses, each at 12d. per diem ; and of David de Percy, Lewelin Troubleth, Thomas le Crouthere, footmen, each at ScZ., and a boy serving them at l^d.jjer diem, going also on the foresaid raid for 21 days ; 77^. lis. 4^^. jf To same for wages of said Sir John de Butetourte captain of divers knights, sergeants-at-arms, esquires, soldiers, and foot, in the valley of Nith, pursuing the said Robert and his accomplices the K.'s enemies, between 5th March and 23rd April [in all 1 baneret, 19 knights, and 51 esquires. Besides the knights above named, there are Sirs Thomas de Bykenore, John le Strange, Edmond Foliot, John Leware, Edmund de Wylington, Warin de Bassingburne, pay ut supra] ; and 7 Welsh archers of the K.'s in Sir John's company for 48 days. Total, 170/. lis. jl' To same for wages of 180 archers on foot (including 9 corporals), going from Carlisle to said Sir John, under Eobert Leawer, who led them to the valley of Nith, for 7 days, on 8th March, and for 167 of them who remained under said Sir John in Nithsdale and Galloway after Eobert Leawer returned, for 7 days on 21st March, the corporal at M., and each other 2d. ]pcr diem. 211. 4s. 8d. jf To the same for John de Warthewyk and three others, captains, and 371 archers on foot, sent by the K's order to Sir Aymer de Valence, and with him from 23rd February till 15th March, 21 days, each captain at 12d. p)cr diem, and others ut supra ; 71/. 2s. Also to Adam Levyngestone clerk, and 53 archers sent to Sir Aymer, from 5th February to 10th March, 34 days, Adam at &d., the others ttt supra ; 16/. 14s. M. Also a captain and 90 archers on foot, sent to Sir Aymer by the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfeld the treasurer, from 26th February to 15th March, for 28 days (sic), wages ut supra ; 15/. To Eobert de Berwyck and 39 archers on foot, sent by the K. to the Warden of Ayr, wages for 10 days on 8th March ut supra; 70s. Also of John de Mertou captain, and 173 archers on foot, in said Sir Aymer's company, from 4th to 7th March, 4 days, wages iit prills; 6/. 4s. 8c/. To same captain and 42 archers for 3 days following, and to him and 36 archers with Sir Aymer for 10 days on 20th March, wages ut prius ; 11. 10s. lOf/. jf To same for Sir John de Wygetone knight, and his six esquires, going to Scotland by the K.'s command, and remaining in Galloway 512 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. beyond the water of Cree (Critlie), in company of Sir Robert de Clifford, on 23rd February, for 21 days, the knight at 2s., and eacli 1306-7. esquire at 12c?. jpe?- diem; 81. jf To same for the wages of Sirs Edmund de Cornwall, Ebulo de Montibus, John de Bykenore, Walter de Fresnaye, John de Wygetone, knights, at 2s. per diem, their 7 esquires at 12d. ; Eobert le Taillorer and 17 soldiers with barbed horses each at 12^?. per diem, Eobert de Bampton and 8 hobelars each at 6d., a crossbowman at 4d, going from Carlisle to Glentruil, and riding in search of Eobert de Brus, from 17th till 30th April, both reckoned, 14 days; and to John de Grey and 32 archers on foot of the K.'s household, and Eichard Picot and 6 men of Eobert Leawer's company going with them on same raid, 33^. If To same for pay of Sirs William de Feltone and John Comyn, knights, and 5 esquires, likewise going on the raid to Glentruyl, against said Sir Eobert, from 18th April to 1st May, both reckoned, 14 days, each ^d supra, 61. 6s. Also of Sirs John de Castre and John de Suleye, knights, and 4 esquires, John de Thirlewal vallet of Sir Adam de Swynburne, with a barbed horse, each receiving tot prius, from 17th to 26Lh April, 10 days, 4/. 10s. Also of Sir John de Landplou knight and his esquire, Simon Franceys, Ealph le Mareschal, John le Taillour, Thomas de Coupeland, esquires of Sir Thomas de Multone, from 19th to 30th April, 12 days, each ^U prius, and 2 footmen with them at 2d. each, 41. 8s. Also an esquire and barbed horse with them for 30 days on 17th April, 30s. j[ To same for wages of 3 captains and 300 archers on foot coming from Tynedale, and staying under Sir Geoffrey de Moubray in Carrick and Glentruyl by the K.'s orders, from 10th April to 3rd May, 24 days, pay as before 66/. [On the back of the membrane is an account (32 Edio. I.) of miscellaneous receipts — corn at Leith and Blackness — repairs at Edinburgh and Linlithgow, expenses of the household — the K.'s horses, &c. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. If.] [1307.] 1924. John de Drokenesford keeper of the K.'s Wardrobe, to James May 3. de Dalileghe or his clerks or lieutenants at Skymbernesse. Commands him on the K. s behalf with the utmost haste to send from the K.'s stores, or buy corn for the purpose, to the castle of Dounfres, 20 casks of wine, 100 qrs. of wheat, and 100 qrs. of malt, or barley to make malt, and in the quickest manner possible, to have the whole ground at Dounfres ' by day and night,' so that the flour, ' and the malt also,' may be ready when needed. Written at Carlisle, the 3rd day of May. Norman French, [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. W-] Written in haste, interlined, and with several erasures. Part of a round seal in red wax endorsed. 1307. 1925. Letters patent by Sir John de Pakenham knight acknow- RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 513 Edward L leclging receipt from Sir James de Dalileghe of 100s, silver, in part payment of a debt wherein his lord Aymar de Valence is bound 1307. to him. Appends his seal. Written at Lanark, 14th May, 35th May 14. year. [Excheqiier, T. R. Miscellanea {Placita, Rentals, &c.), No. ^.] [1307.] 1926. To some high official. The writer gives him the news of his May 15. neighbourhood. He hears that Sir Eobert de Brus never had the good will of his own followers or the people at large or even half of them so much with him as now ; and it now first appears that he has right, and God is openly for him, as he has destroyed all the K.'s power both among the English and the Scots, and the English force is in retreat to its own country not to return. And they firmly believe by the encouragement of the false preacliers who come from the host that Sir Eobert de Bruys will now have his will. And these preachers are such as have been attached before the Guardian and the justices as abettors of war, and are at present freed on mainprise and carry themselves worse than before, boasting in their malice and deceiving the people thus by their false ' prechement.' Eor he believes assuredly, as he hears from Sir Eenaud de Chien, Sir Doncan de Ferendrauth, and Sir Gilbert de Glenkerni, and others who watch the peace both beyond and on this side of the Mountains, that if Sir Eobert de Bruys can escape any way ' saun drey tes,' or towards the parts of Eos (Eoos), he will find them all ready at his will more entirely than ever, unless the K. will be pleased to send more men-at-arms to these parts ; for there are many people living well and loyally at his faith provided the English are in power, otherwise they see that they must be at the enemies' will through default of the K. and his Council, as they say. And it would be a deadly sin to leave them so without protection among enemies. And may it please God to keep the K.'s life, for ' when we lose him, which God forbid ' (say they openly), all must be on one side, or they must die or leave the country with all those who love the K., if other counsel and aid be not sent them. For these preachers have told them that they have found a prophecy of Merlin, how after the death of ' le Eoi Coueytous ' the Scottish people and the Bretons shall league together, and have the sovereign hand and their will, and live together in accord till the end of the world. Begs his correspondent's pleasure in this and all other matters ; and God keep him. Written at Forfar, 15th May. Noi^man French. [Chan- cery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] See Appendix II,, No. 4. 1307. 1927. Warrant in the K.'s name by the Bishop of Chester and May 15, the'Council to James de Dalilegh escheator south of the Forth, to j)ay out of the first wards or escheats falling, 70 marks to Eobert de Kethe the K.'s liege, towards his expenses in the K,'s service, before VOL. II. 2 K 5U CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. any similar grant already made by them. Lanark. Given under the Seal of Scotland. 1307. A minute fragment of seal in yellow wax, on tag. Attached are : — (1) receipt by Eobert de Ket knight, for 26Z. 135. 4d., in part payment of the K.'s gift iit supra. Glasgu, 24th June. Trace of signet, red wax, on tag. (2) Eeceipt by said Eobert for 20/. silver in full satisfaction of 46Z. 13s. 4rf. [70 marks] of the K.'s gift ut supra. Lanark, 28th June. [Exchequer, T. R. Miscellanea {Placita, Rentals, &c.), No. ^gV-] Seal in green wax, destroyed. May 15. 1928. W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, treasurer, to Sir James de Ualileye escheator south of Forth. Commands him on behalf of the K. to pay the wages of the garrisons of the town and castle of Ayr, the town of Lanark, and the castle of Cumnock, as he had just ordained. Done at Lanark, 15th May anno xxxv, under his Privy seal. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. -^{.J A fragment of seal, red wax, remains. Charge, a bird with extended wings. [1307.] 1929. Walter bishop of Chester, treasurer, commands James de May 16. Dalilegh or his lieutenant, guardian of the stores at Dumfries, to give the knights, sergeants, and esquires of the household who are going on this foray, 2 tuns of wine to divide among them. Written at Dumfries, the 16th May. [No seal.] [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ^f .] 1307. 1930. Letters patent by Henry de Percy acknowledging receipt May 17. from Sir James de Dalilee of two iron-hooped barrels of wine of the K.'s store at Dumfries. Given at Dumfries, 17th May, in the 35th year. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Warchohe), No. \ |.] A small fragment of his signet in red wax attached to tag, with a lion rampant. May 18. 1931. Walter bishop of Chester, the treasurer, commands Sir James de Dalile to give Sir Ingram de Umfraville and Sir William de Feltone a tonel of wine, and 10 qrs. wheat and flour to store the castle of Cumnock. Written at Dumfries, the 18th May. [No seal.] Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Wardrole), No. ;^|.] May 20. 1932. Writ to the Chamberlain of Scotland in favour of William de Bevercote the chancellor of Scotland for the arrears of his official fee of 200 marks. Carlisle. Similar to the Chamberlain to pay the Chancellor 20/. over and above his fee, a grant for his expenses going with Aymar de Valence guardian of Scotland, from Berwick-on-Tweed to Inverness, and returning. Carlisle. [Liberate, 35 Edtv. I. m. 3.] [1307.] 1933. John de Drokenesford guardian of the Wardrobe, commands May 20. James de Dalileye or his lieutenant at Dumfries, to give such victuals EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 615 Edward I. as they require to Sir William de Feltone and the others who are about to go to the castle of Cumnock. Done at Carlisle, 21st May. [1307.] [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ||.] 1307. 1934. Compotus of the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, on the May 28. octaves of the Holy Trinity. {Extract.'] S7s. 9d. delivered to Master William Wy chard, a Scottish prisoner in the castle of Sherborne (Schireburne), for his expenses from 1st January last till 31st May following, viz., 151 days, at dd. a day. [Eoxliequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 34- & 35 Ediu. I. m. 94, do7'so.] [1307.] 1935. [From Aymar de Valence to James de Dalilege (?)]. Signifies June 1. to him, that it was agreed in presence of the Bishop of Chester that the Earl Patrick and the other good people at Ayr should have 300 foot, and therefore he must provide their pay. He is also to procure masons and carpenters and bring them to Ayr to repair the castle and houses. Written at Bothwell, the 1st of June, [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea (Army), No. ^^.'l 1307. 1936. The K. commands his escheator ^dtra Trent and the sheriff of June 3. Glamorgan to levy in Glamorgan, which is in his hands by the death of his daughter Johanna, widow of Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and minority of the heir, 500 stout footmen and send them to Carlisle at latest by three weeks from Midsummer, to pursue Eobert de Brus and his accomplices. Carlisle. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. 11.] By two ■writs on 7th June from Carlisle, 500 Welshmen from North Wales under Griffin Thowit knight, and 600 under Morgan ap Mereduc from West Wales, were commanded to be there on same day. June 4. 1937. Compotus of the late sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon on the quinzaine of Holy Trinity, aimo xxxv . [Extract.] 13^. 7s. lOd. expenses of Gervase le Fauconer esquire, a Scottish prisoner in the castle of Wisbeach in the 33rd year, iu the memoranda ; also 10 marks delivered by the K.'s gift to Walter son of the Earl of Eoss of Scotland, a scholar at Cambridge last year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, 34 & 35 Edw. I. m. 96.] June 11. 1938. Letters patent by Aymer de Valence lord of Montignac, the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, commanding James de Dalyle to deliver to Sir Davy D'Asceles (Athol), 3 qrs. wheat, 8 qrs. wheat flour, and 2 tuns of wine ; to Sir John de Mowbray, 7 qrs. 2 bushels wheat, and 6 iron-hooped barrels of wine ; to Malise de Strafherne, 1^ qr. wheat, and 6 like barrels of wine ; to Sir John de Waus, 4 qrs. wheat, and 8 like barrels of wine; to Hugh de Eosse, 10/. silver, 3 qrs. wheat, one tun of wine; to 44 Welshmen, 44 'soutz' and 6 'deniers' — this 516 CA.LENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. letter to be his warrcant. Done at Ayr, 11th June, in the 35th year. [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^.^ 1307. Fragment of seal green wax, on tag. June 12. 1939. Geoffrei de Munrevel ' vallet de la Chaumbre nostra Seignur le Roi' has received 10 gallons of wine at Dumfries, by the hands of Sire James de Dalileye's valet, Robert of Kent. Written at Dumfries, 12th June, in the 35th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscel- lanea ( Wardrobe), No. ^f .] Signet in red wax appended to tag. A shield hung by the guige ; charges, a bend between 6 fleurs-de-lys. Leg. (broken off). June 14. 1940. The K. commands James de Dalilee or his lieutenant at Skymbernesse to give Sir John de Maxwell lord of Karlaverok, or his attorney, a tonel of good wine, by his gift. Carlisle. Under the privy seal, 14th November, 35th of his reign. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ^|-.] June 16. 1941. Indenture attesting that on 16th June anno xxxv, at Carlisle, John Biset cousin of Sir Hugh Biset, bound himself to Sir Simon de Montagu to undertake the keeping of the Isles, and the sea-coast and the arms of the sea towards Cantire, and the other Isles there near this side ' le Moel de Kentyr,' so that the Scottish enemies should not pass out that way ; and to maintain his watch from this till Sunday the morrow of the ' Maudeleynes ' day next [23rd July]; and to have 4 barges constantly on duty, manned (estoffez) by 100 stout men, both armed foot, and mariners, under himself. His fixed wages from the K. for himself and them for said term to be 50 marks, which he has been paid. As the end of the term approaches, either the said Sir Symon, or Sir "William his son, shall take the King's pleasure as to his remaining on duty beyond the fixed term, according to the then state of the war, whether to increase the said force or lessen it, as it shall seem to the K. to be necessary. Norman French. [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. -j^qV-] [Early in 1942. Aymer de Valence the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland to Sir June (?).] James de Dalilegh. Having sent 6 men-at-arms and 300 archers to the town of Ayr to strengthen the castle and secure the country round, while he is on his foray towards Carrick and Glentruyl, commands him to provide their pay and victuals. Also to give 18/. 5s. to Sir Godfrey de Rosse, and 73 marks to Sir Bernard de Kethe, which he borrowed from them and their people for the sustenance of Hugh de Rosse and his ' pitaille,' while they were in the K.'s service about Ayr. Appends his seal. [Exchequer, Q. E. Miscellanea {Army)^ No. 3g3.] No date. Fragment of his seal, red wax, on tag. A portion of the Exchequer tally, with Godfrey de Eosse's name and the year 35, is attached. June 16. 1943. The K. commands James de Dalilee at the New castle on RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 517 Edwaed I. Are, to give Eobert de Feltone or his attorney at the said town of Are, a tun of good wine. Carhsle. Under his privy seal 16th 1307. June, 35th year. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ;^|.] June 18. 1944. Writ for the sheriff of Wilts for 4/. 7s. lOd paid to Eobert Eeynfu, a Scottish prisoner from Stirling in the castle of Old Sarum, from the morrow of Easter, viz., 19th April 1305, till Michaelmas following, 164 days at 2d. a day; 24s. paid for sustenance of 4 waggoners, and 6 horses with 2 waggons, for 12 ' diets,' bringing provisions for the K. from the town of Malmesbury to Carlisle, delivered to the K.'s receiver there, in the 34th year, viz., 2 men and 3 horses, 12c?. 'per diem, 40s, hd. ; the expenses of horse and foot conducting the Abbot of Scone, whom he received on 26th August 1306 from the sheriff of Leicester at Winchester to be imprisoned in the castle of Mere, and the expenses of the Abbot at 4d, his chaplain, l^d., and groom, l^d.per diem, from said date to Michaelmas, 35 days. Carlisle. {Liberate, 35 Ediu. I. m. 2.] June 24. 1945. The K. to E. bishop of London his chancellor. He lately gave to Ealph de Monthermer earl of Gloucester and his heirs, the earldom of Athol in Scotland, which Ealph has given up at the K.'s request, who has granted it to Sir David son of the late Earl of Athol, and has given Ealph 10,000 marks to buy 1000 marks of land by the year where he can, to support himself and his children by the late Countess of Gloucester the K.'s daughter. David is to pay 5000 marks of the sum at terms fixed by the K. and Council, the K. charging himself with the other 5000 ; in satisfaction of which he has assigned to Ealph the ward of all lands taken in his hand in Wales, and the Gloucestershire march of Wales, outside of the earldom, by the death of the Countess and the nonage of Gilbert de Clare son and heir of Gilbert late earl of Gloucester, till the majority of the heir. Ealph answering for the surplus of the ward beyond 5000 marks. Commands letters under the Great seal accordingly. Carlisle. [Privy Seals (Tower), 35 Edw. I. File 4.] June 26. 1946. The K. on the petition of Michael de Harcla, lately presented to the K. and Council at Carlisle, in respect of the order made on him from Exchequer to account for the issues of Cumber- land while he was sheriff, asking a reasonable allowance to be made to him on account of the ravages and burnings of the Scots, whereby the issues could not be levied, commands inquiry to be forthwith made. Carlisle. At the petition of the Council. [Patent, 35 Edw. I. m. Jf., dorso^ June 28. 1947. Writ for the late sheriff of Hereford for 4/. lis., paid to Andrew Wycchard of Scotland, a prisoner in Hereford castle from the morrow of Michaelmas 1305 till Michaelmas following, 364 days, at 3fZ. a day. Caldecotes. [Liberate, 35 Ediv. I. m. 2.] 518 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. 1948. Writ of allocate for the constable of Walingford castle, bailiff of the honours of Walingford and St Clair, for 106^. 6s. 8d., 1307. paid for the support of Edward de Balliol and his retinue from June 28. Tuesday next after the F. of St Ambrose [7th April] 1304 till Friday next after the Feast of St Valentine [19th February] follow- ing, 319 days, at 6s. Sd. a day. Caldecotes. [Liberate, 85 Edw. I. m. •] Trinity Term. Ou same clay he is allowed 14/. 19s. 4d. expenses of William. Olifarcl of Diimplyn, a Scottish knight in prison there from 18th August 1304 tiU 2nd February last, 899 days at 4d. a day. [m. 1.] 1949. [Inquiry by the Barons as to the losses of John Sampson when he surrendered Stirling castle in 1299.] The K. having commanded this by writ dated Dover, 19th July 1305, — John Sampson appeared, and said he held the custody of Scarborough castle under the K.'s commission from 24th April 1292, till 3rd October 1297, at 10/. a year for 5| years, when the K. committed it to Ralph fitz William. He was then due 251. arrears of his fee. On a scrutiny of the rolls, these statements were found correct. He lost in Stirling castle, when he surrendered it by the K.'s order to Gilbert ]\Ialerbe a Scottishman, horses, armour, robes, and others to the value of 61/. 13s. lOd. : — viz., A bay horse, which cost him 13/. 7s. 8d. was eaten for default of other food ; also a ' ferrant' horse which cost him 8/., and a mare which he bought from Gilbert le Braconer for 1 mark, were eaten ; a ' bausan' horse which cost him 40s., and ridden by Sir William Danant towards the K. for news of the castle and the country, was lost at Lundr' ; and a ' Hard' [horse] costing him 4 marks, was lost on a Saint Bartholomew's day when William le Waleys came to take away their supplies. He also lost when leaving the castle, 2 ' aketons,' which cost him more than 40s. ; 2 ' gambesouns,' more than 41., with ' cotes armeres,' 1 ' jupel fey tis,' more than 20s. ; a hauberk and a haberchion, price 15 ' soldz' ; a ' pisane' and ' cape de husfc,' cost him 10s. ; ' jambers quisez' which cost more than 8s. ; a ' chapel de feer,' price 20s. ; a ' chapel de nerfs,' price 40^/. ; gauntlets (gantz de fer), costing him 5s. ; a pair of ' plates,' cost him more than a mark ; a pair of ' treppes,' price 2 marks ; 3 swords, a ' misericord,' and 2 anlaces with ivory handles, price 10s. ; 2 sumpter and 2 hackney saddles, costing him more than 24 ' soldz ;' 2 sacks ' a draps de quir', with ' houces' and appurtenances, price 16 ' soldz' ; a gentleman's bed and all appur- tenances, price 53s. 4fZ. ; 2 robes, ' un falding,' price 30s. ; 2 'naps,' 2 * touailles' price 6s. Sd. ; ' lyngedraps' cut and uncut, price half a mark, ' livres, forcers, besas, lanoir, batin,' barriz, mazre potz darreine,' and ' mult des hustilementz come appent a gentil home,' to the value of 26s. 8d. and more; 2 buckles of gold, price 10s.; 11 gold rings, price 22s. ; 2 ' correys de say' mounted with silver, price 10s. ; 3 silk purses, price 3s. ; 10 silver spoons, price 12s. ; a [canvas] ' tente EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 519 Edwakd I. price 33s. 4:d. and 10s. silver at leaving the castle. When Alexander le Convers brought money for robes then wanted, he had 4 valletz 1307. for whose robes John paid the 30s. which came to him for his robe, and 2s. more to these 4 to keep peace. To divers messengers to the K. in England, 12s. ' par treiz eez' ; divers spies, 9d. ; during the truce between Herbert de Morham and the castle, for hay for the cart and other horses, 14s. ; for beef, 16s. ; mutton, 9s. 5d. ; milk, 5s. ; butter, 9d. ; cheese, 10s. ; flour, 33s. 6d. ; fish, 16s. ; ' canure' and ' lynes' for the crossbow strings, 4s. 5d. [The Barons carefully con- sidering the matter and how John had been maimed in the K.'s service in Scotland, find him entitled besides moneys laid out by him on Scarborough castle, ascertained by a jury, to his arrears and losses ut supra amounting to 149^. 10s. 3d., deducting therefrom 60 marks, the amount of a fine which the K. had assigned to him by writ at Carlisle, of 1st April last ; and appoint him to receive the balance of 109^. 10s. Sd. from the arrears of the papal tenth lately imposed by Boniface VIII., due by the Abbot of St Marys, York. [Exchequer, Q. B. Memoranda, Slf & 35 Edw. I. m. 50.'\ July 7. 1950. The K. has committed to the executors of the testament of William de Hameldon, deceased, the manor of Great Badewe in Essex, forfeited by the Scottish traitor Robert de Brus late earl of Carrick, from Easter last past during the K.'s pleasure, paying 52/. 14s. \d. yearly at Exchequer. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, 34 & 35 Edw. I. m. 5.] Circa 1951. Compotus of Walter de Mollesworth sheriff of Bedford and July 8. Buckingham, in the quinzaine of St John Baptist. [Extract.'] He asks allowance of 104s. ^d., paid on the testimony of the Prior of Chikesand to Elizabeth widow of Eichard Si ward /^m-ior, staying in the house of Chikesand by the K.'s command, for her expenses and dress from Midsummer last year till this last Midsummer, viz., 3d. a day, and a mark for her dress by the year. [Exchequer, Q. R. Memoranda, SJ/. & 35 Edw. I. m. 96.1 July 17. 1952. Letters patent by Geoffray de Durame acknowledging receipt on behalf of his lord Sir Henry de Percy, of a ' tonel ' of wine, by the hand of Alan de Penygton attorney of Sir James de Dalilegh. Written at Are, the I7tli day of July, in the 35th year, [Seal lost.] [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellcmea ( Wardrole), No. ;^|.] [1307.] 1953. [Aymar de ValenceJ to [Sir James de Dalileye]. Commands July 17. him to give the Friars Preachers of Ayr a quarter of wheat and another of barley malt from the King's store. Written at Dalmolin, [Dalmellington?], the 17th August. [Exchequer, Q. R. Miscellanea {Wardrobe), No. H] Signet on back under cover. July 18. 1954. Aymer de Valence guardian of Scotland to James de 520 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. Dalilcgb, conimanding him to deliver to Sir Emery de la Souche and his own people, 16 qrs. of wheat. Written at Are, 18th July. {ExchcqiicT, Q. R Miscellanea (Wardrohe), No. i|.] [1307.] 1955. Aymar de Valence lord of Montignac,the King's lieutenantin [About Scotland. Commands Sir James Dalyley to deliver to Sir Henry de same date.] Seincler and Sir Eobert de Kethe 12 qrs. wheat, and 4 iron hooped- barrels of wine, and let them be at Scheltoun this Monday ' droit matin,' for he is purposed to start for the place where he is going. Written at the aforesaid place [Scheltoun]. [No date.] {Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. ^f .] 1307. 1966. Aymar de Valence lord of Montignac, the K.'s lieutenant in July 18. Scotland, to Sir James de Dalileye the K.'s receiver at Ayr. Com- mands him to deliver to Sir Emori la Souche the seneschal of his household, and Henri his butler, 8 tuns of wine. Written at Dal- molin, the 18th July, in the 35th year of the K.'s reign. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^.] A fragineut of his signet in red wax on tag. July 19. 1957. From same [still as the K.'s lieutenant in Scotland] to same. As John of Argyll and his people are guarding the to-wn of Ayr and parts adjacent, he commands that they be aided with money and victuals while there. Written at Dalmolin, the 19th July. That is to say, for 22 men-at-arms and 800 foot. [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^.] Remains of small seal in red wax on back. "Warrant attached, to deliver 6 qrs. oats to his marschal. Dalmolin, 19th July. July 24. 1958. Eymar de Valence lord of Montignac to Sir James de Alilee or his lieutenant at Dunfries. Commands him to give with all haste to Sir Ingeram de Umfraville and Sir .Alexander de Balliol, a 'tonel' of the King's wine, that they may better do the King's business on the enemy. Written at Glenken, the 24th July, in the King's 35th year. [Seal endorsed under cover.] [Excheqicer, Q. B. Miscellanea ( Wardrobe), No. \^.'\ July 31. 1959. Letters patent by Eymar de Valence lord of Montignac, ' warden of Scotland,' acknowledging receipt from Sir James Dalilee for his own use ' demesne,' of 11 qrs. wheat, a tun of wine, 9 qrs. oats, and 40 ' soutz desterlings,' of the K.'s victuals. Appends his seal [lost]. Done at ' Skeltone sour Douu ' [Skeldon-upon-Doon?], the last day of July, [Exchequer, Q. B. Miscellanea (Army), No. 3g3.] [1307.] 1960. Henry de Percy prays Sir James de Dalilegh for his love to Ciixa give Sir John de Sein Johan 3 ' toneus ' of wine for the garrison of May-July, his castle. No place or date. Seal on back under cover. John de Sein Johan, referring to the above letter, begs Sir James as his especial friend to give good wine to Eobert his clerk the bearer, and suitable for his own use. As he was starting on the RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 521 Edward I. King's business when this letter was written and his seal was ■ packed up in his coffers, he has put the seal of his ' compaegn ' [1307.] thereto. [Exchequer, Q. R. Iliscellanea (Wardrobe) No. ^f.] No place or date. Seal on back in fragments. July (?) or 1961. Aymer de Valence ' warden of Scotland ' to James de August. Dalylegh the K.'s receiv^er. Having ordered Sir John de Hastings, Sir John de Moubray, Sir John de Meneteth, Sir Alexander de Abernethy, Sir David de Brechin, Sir Ingram de Umfraville, Sir John de Graham, Sir William de Vepount, and Sir William de Abernethy, to remain at Ayr to guard the town, commands him to supply them with the K.'s wines and victual under his charge. Also to give Sir Eobert de Clifford a half tun of wine. [Exchequer, Q. JR. Miscellanea {Army), No. ^^.] His signet in red wax appended to tag. Barry of 4, an orle of 6 martlets : * ADOMARI . . . . AL ' [1306-7.] 1962. William le Fraunceys, who was his constable of Kirketou- logh, prays the K. that for his service in said castle he would remember his promise at his pleasure. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' Let the Guardians and Chamberlain provide him in some place where he may be recompensed, and inform the K.' [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. ^^.] Nat. Mss. of 1963. Elizabeth de Brus to the K. Complains that though he Scotland, ii. -^^^ commanded his bailiffs of Holderness to see herself and attend- No. XTi. • r 1 ants honourably sustained, yet they neither furnish attire for her person or head, nor a bed, nor furniture of her chamber, saving only a robe of three ' garnementz ' yearly, and for her servants one robe each for everything. Prays the K. to order amendment of her con- dition, and that her servants be paid for their labour, that she be not neglected ; or that she may have a yearly sum allowed by the K. for her sustenance. (Addressed) ' A Nostre Seigneur le Roi par Elizabeth de Brus.' Norman French. [Royal Letters, No. 2584:] No date. Traces of small round seal, red wax, on back. 1964. Friar Thomas de Houburn his liegeman, canon of St Andrews in Scotland, to the K. Has been at the K.'s alms and grace since he was ousted from his priory of Petinweme by the Scots, and it appears to him that the term is very long, and the canons where he is wish him to stay with them always, if he gets letters dimissory from his chapter. Wherefore he prays leave to go to his said house to see whether he can remain there, and if not, that he may demand conge and letters dimissory to make his profession in these parts. [No date.] Norman French. (Endorsed) ' II semble au Counceil sil plest an Eoi qe . . . saet afi'aire.' [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. 11.] 522 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edwakd I. 1965. W. abbot of Leicester begs the K. to release his house from the burden of admitting and supporting for life William de Pavilluns [1306-7.] lately charged on them, as they are already burdened with friar Thomas de Houburne a canon of St Andrews in Scotland, with a horse and two grooms, at the K.'s command ; with a clerk at the instance of Queen Margaret; and with a 'vallet' for life at the Prince of Wales' request ; and are unable to support any further obligations. [Tower Miscellaneous Bolls, No. "^^^.^ No date. Traces of ecclesiastical seal in green wax endorsed. [1304-7.] 1966. Grant by Eadmund Comyn of Kyllebryde, lord of Fakenham Magna, to Eichard son of Stephen de Abermers of Bernham for his- homage and service, and 14 marks of silver in hand, of Peter Wynthyne of Trostone his ' nativus,' with his whole ' sequela procreata et procreanda,' and goods and chattels, with a messuage and buildings, and 12 acres of arable land ; likewise a sheepfold with a heath and other pastures and easements in the vill, fields, and heath of Trostone, held by Peter of the granter in villenage ; for the yearly reddendo of 12 silver pennies, viz., 6 at Easter, and 6 at Michael- mas. Appends his seal [before eleven witnesses. Tag, no seal.] [Chancery Miscellaneous Portfolios, No. ll.'\ [1300-7.] 1967. Petition by Eobert de Feltone, to whom the K. had given the marriage of Patrick son and heir of Sir David de Graham who died in the campaign of rianders(?) in his company, for remedy, as Patrick had married without his consent and knowledge. (Endorsed) ' Let him have a writ from Chancery to the Guardian of Scotland to do justice.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 3517.'] 1968. Petition by Henry de Pynkeneye that in respect of the heavy expenses incurred by him in fitting up Luffenoke castle for the K. who gave it to him, he may have the said castle, or allowance elsewhere, that he may be in same condition as those in it till he makes his costs good. [No date.] (Endorsed ' Let the Chamberlain find out his costs and certify the K. who will then signify his pleasure. But Sir Ebulo de Montibus is not to be removed from the custody. [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 8054.] 1969. William de Walhope prays the K., as he was in the vessels burnt on Tweed the day of the ' conquest of Berwick,' and in the K.'s service at Dunbar, and ' la bailie de la Vere Chapele ' (Falkirk), and the garrison of Berwick, and of ' Mewros ' with Sir Hugh de Audeleye, and many other journeys, he would do him favour thus. He holds in chief of the K. 30^. of land in the K.'s demesnes in Ireland joining the castle of Dublin, which he would exchange for 20/. land in Scot- land next Jeddeworthe forest, which is only pasture, yielding now to the K. 34 marks yearly ; and he would willingly pay these 4 marks EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 523 Edwaed I. to the K. for all services. The land he asks in Scotland is called Wlleys [Wolflee ?] and Rughope, now worth to the K. 34 marks ; [1300-7.] lying on the marches between Jeddeworthe forest, the Abbot of Jeddeworthe and William de Soules on the other side, and Sir Alexander de Balliol on the fourth side. Norman French. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Non placet regi facere excambium.' {Chancery Miscel- laneous Portfolios, No. 11.^ [1296- 1970. John de Loundres his ' sergeaunt ' prays the K. that as he 1307.] gave him and his heirs 40/. of land in Scotland ' pur son beyn feit,' as yet in the K.'s seisin, which belonged to William Wycharde of Aber- dalgy the K.'s enemy, he would command seisin to be delivered to him. Norman French. [No date.] (Endorsed) ' Let the lands be delivered to him during the K.'s pleasure. [^Tower 3Iiscellaneous Rolls, No. '^f*.] [1307.] 1971. Writ of liberate to the two sons of the Earl of Menteth, and the son of the Earl of Stratherne, of a quarter of an ox, a sheep, sixty herrings, and 4 stock fish. And half a bushel of salt and 40 ' astells ' of firewood. Carlisle. \_Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. %^^.] Marks of a seal endorsed. [1300-7.] 1972. Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus complains to the K. and Council that in violation of his own and his ancestors' franchise of Eedesdale, under which none of the King's officers of justice can enter to do his office there, nor may the inhabitants be impleaded out of the franchise or amerced, except by his bailiffs to his use, Sire John de Lithegreyns and Sire Adam de Crokedayk have summoned them to appear before them at Newcastle- on-Tyne and taken amerce- ments ; and prays remedy, (Endorsed) ' Videatur ordinacio.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 8266.] 1973. Gilbert de Umfraville earl of Angus shews the K. and Council that from time beyond memory his ancestors and himself have warded prisoners within their franchise of Eedesdale in the prison of their castle of Hirbodell, but it is so ' abattu ' by the Scots that prisoners can no longer be safely warded there, and prays the K. to permit him to keep them in his castle of Prudhou in the same county till he can repair Hirbodelle. (Endorsed) ' As these facts are attested before the Council, he has leave to imprison for 10 years in Prudhou castle.' [Much faded.] [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 8249.] [1296- 1974. William de Twynham, parson of the church of St Brigid in 1307.] Ayr in Man, asks a writ to the sheriff of Lancaster for justice according to English law, against Duncan Maccar and William his son, who have forcibly ejected him from his church and goods, and held it for four years and drawn the fruits, to the value of 50/., and 524 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Edward I. his damage of 40 marks, and against the K.'s peace, [Toiver Miscellatuous Rolls, No. *(f(f .] [1296- No date. Endorsement mutilated. 130/.] 1975. [Imperfect at beginning.] [1300-7.] Item: — a letter close in answer from the K. of France addressed to the K. of England, as to an envoy to be sent from his enemies the Scots .... Private letters to Lord E. K. of England, from the Queens of France, Lord E. his brother, Hugh de Ver, and others, and replies by the K., and others sent during the Treaty of Paris as to the delivery of Gascony to be made in the K. of France's hands. [Cancelled.] In a forcer bound with iron ' pert' e cl ' at this mark ' x .' Item : — the K. of France's letter of confederation with the Scots, 23rd October 1295, and other letters and instruments touching the same, and the dispute thereanent between the Kings. In divers pouches various signed letters, formerly extracted by Elias de Jonestone. Processes depending undecided between the K.s of England and France, whereof there is not much hope here of continuance. [Toiver Miscellaneous Rolls, No. f ff.] [1303-7.] 1976. Attestation to the Chancellor by John de Segrave, that Sir Robert le fiz Eauf was in the K.'s service in Scotland in the 31st year, was made prisoner at the battle of Eosselyn, while he [John] was warden south of the Scottish sea. [No date.] [Chancery Files, No. 129.] RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 525 ADDENDA. 1290. 1977. Acknowledgment by John, son of Robert ' le Scot ' and Cris- July 11. tiana Atehallegate of Hecham, that he is the ' servus ' and ' rusticus ' of the Prior and convent of Lewes, born of said Robert and Cristiana the ' serva ' and * rustica ' of said house, and that they may do their will with himself and his whole * sequela,' and the lands and chattels he holds of their favour as their rustic, born and bred in their manor of Hecham. Appends the seal which he carries by favour of his said lords, at London, Tuesday next after the Translation of St Thomas Martyr, a.d. 1290 and ISth of the K.'s reign. [Seal lost.] Chapter House (Pa'per Docuirients), No. 2040.] •' [1299.] 1978. Letter by Eobert Hastangis to the K. He reports the late Aug. 20. inroad by the Scots under Sir Ingram de Umfraville, Sir William de National Mss. of BalHol and others, on Selkirk forest, in Sir Simon Fraser's custody — Scot. ii. No. viii. ^\^Q meeting there of the Bishop of St Andrews, the Earls of Carrick, Buchan, , and Menteth, Sir John Comyn ' le fiz,' aud the Steward of Scotland — their intention to have attacked Eoxburo;h — his spy's account of the dissensions among them caused by Sir David de Graham's demand for Sir William Wallace's lands and goods, as he was going abroad without leaVe — and his brother Sir Malcolm Wallace's objections, when these two knights gave each other the lie, and drew their knives — Sir John Comyn's taking the Earl of Carrick by the throat, and the Earl of Buchan seizing the Bishop of St Andrews — their final agreement that the Bishop of St Andrews, the Earl of Carrick, and Sir John Comyn should be Guardians of the realm, the first having custody of the castles as principal. That on same day [Wednesday previous] they all left Pebbles, the Earl of Carrick and Sir David de Brechin going to Annandale and Galloway, the Earl of Buchan and Comyn to the north of Forth, the Steward and the Earl of Menteth to Clydesdale. The Bishop of St Andrews remains at Stubbowe, Umfraville is made sheriff of Roxburgh, and Sir Robert de Keth warden of Selkirk forest, with 100 barbed horse and 1500 foot besides the foresters, to make raids on the English March ; for which object each lord has left part of his men with Umfraville. Sunday [last] the Morrow of the Assumption of our Lady, the prisoners of Scotland came to Roxburgh; but this day he learned from the enemy 526 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS that those of England would not arrive at the March till the Decolla- tion of St John [29th August]. Roxburgh, Thursday next after the Assumption of our Lady. Norman French. [Defaced at top.] [^Scots Bociimtnts, Piiblic Bccord Office^ [1307.] 1979. [xlnonymous.] The writer says the K. and Queen were well, May 15. but the K. was much enraged that the Guardian and his force had National Mss. of retreated before ' K. Ilobbe.' He intended going to Dumfries, but Scot. ii. No. xiii. jjgt; till after Midsummer. He has sent to London for his tents. The Bishop of Chester went to Ayr, Monday before Pentecost [8th May], to see as to victuals, &c., accompanied by Sir Edmund de Maulay, to be constable of the castle, and John de Somersete as receiver of the victuals from Ireland and England. Sir John de Drokenesford went same day to Lancaster to get foot soldiers, and thence to Skynburness to send victuals to Ayr. David of Athol has come to peace, in what form, unknown. James de Douglas sent and begged to be received, but when he saw the K.'s forces retreat, he drew back. There are rumours of treasonable dealings between • some of the English and the enemy. The K. made his troops ride decked with leaves on Pentecost — about 400, and saw them himself, and was much pleased and merry. Has no other news, for what they hear to be true one day is contradicted the next. Written at Car- lisle, 15th May, Norman French. [^Scots Documents, Public Becord Office:] [1300-7.] 1980. Petition by Richard le Mareschal son and heir of David le Mareschal to the K., for confirmation of 40^. of land which his father wishes to give him by the K.'s leave for his support. Asks it, as he is of the Royal Household. (Endorsed) ' The K.'s pleasure is that he have a confirmation, and ' let a writ to this effect issue from the English to the Scottish ' Chancery.' \_Parliamentary Petitions, No. 5712.] 1981. The Abbot and convent of Melros pray the K. and Council for maintenance of the right and franchises of their church in land in Eskedale, granted by the ancestors of Sir Nichol de Graham, con- firmed by many Scottish Kings and the Court of ' Roume ' in frank almoigne ; but from which Sir Nichol and Sir John his son have ejected their people and imprisoned them, against the K.'s peace. (Endorsed) ' Let them have a writ from the English to the Scottish ' Chancery for remedy.' {^Parliamentary Petitions, No. 5716.] 1982. Petition by the Abbot and convent of Melros, that the K. would confirm their charters of ' feffemeut ' from the Kings of Scotland and others, and grant them timber in Selkirk forest to restore their dwellings which have been burned and destroyed, while at his peace, and protection. (Endorsed) 'To shew their charters to Roger le Brabanzon and his RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 527 ' socii. The K. grants them his protection as to all religious, and 40 ' oaks.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 5709.] [1306-7.] 1983. Petition by Thomas son and heir of William de Melkedrum, a minor, to the K. Prays that he may have an order on the sheriff of Aberdeen for reasonable sustenance till he is of 'lei age'; as the K. granted the ward of his father's lands, &c., to Sir Thomas de Chau- cumbe, who has sold it and his marriage to Sir Robert de Keth. (Endorsed) ' Let him have a writ to the Lieutenant in Scotland, to call parties before him and grant his prayer.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 571i:\ [1306-7.] 1984. Huwe de Champane petitions the K. and Council for 'miti- before * gacioun ' of his relief for his lands in Galloway, according to their March 1. present value, not the old valuation before the Scottish war, as they have been so wasted thereby, that otherwise he must sell them. (Endorsed) ' The Chamberlain and sheriff of Wygeton to receive ' the relief as customary in these parts, either by a new extent or by ' the old register.' [Parliamentary Petitions, No. 3817.] 1985. The charters referred to in No. 1906 are as follows : — For the Abbot of Redynges. 1. Charter by D[avid L] K. of Scots, to E. abbot and Sir Brien- tius, and the convent of Eedingis and the church of St Mary there, of Rindalgros, by these bounds which he himself and William Giffarde, Herbert the chamberlain, and his other men marked out, in perpetual alraoigne for his own, his ancestors', and his successors' souls. Witnesses : — Friar William Giffardo (sic), Gaufrid abbot of Dunfermelin, Edward the chancellor, Walter de Bydun, Nicolas the clerk. Earl Dunecan, Hugh de Moreville, Herbert the chamberlain, Walter de Lindesie, Leod de Brechin, Dunfermelin. 2. Charter by same K., granting to the church of May and prior and monks (a cell of said church of Eedingis), a plenary toft in Beruwic in perpetual almoigne, and freedom for their men thereon from all exactions. Witnesses : — Ernald abbot of Calchoh, Osbert prior of Jedewrt, Walter the chancellor, Hugh de Morville, Walter fitz Alan, Gillebert de Umframville, Walter de Bolebec. Kyngor. 3. Charter by same K., granting to God and the church of All Saints of Mai and the friars serving there, the half of Balegallin, as Gillecolm Macchinbethin and Macbet Mac Torfin and Malmure Thein of Chellin marked out the land, and also common pasture in the 'sira' of Chellin and in the 'sira' of Cherel, and his whole and. Witnesses : — G. bishop of Duncheld, Andrew bishop of Cateneis, and William Giffarde and Earl Dunecan, and Alfwin filius ArchiL Dunfermelin. 4. Charter by same K., to Mai, of Petnewem and Inverrin, which was Avernus's, by their right bounds. Witnesses : — Abbot Gaufridus of Dunfermelin, and Earl Dunecan, and Hugh de Morevilla, and 628 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Edward the chancellor, and Alfwin Mac Archil, and Macbet Mac Torfin. Edinburgh. 5. Charter of same K., addressed to his bishops, &c., and the Gille- serfs of Clacmanec, granting to Achard prior of Mai and the friars, common in the wood of Clacmanec. Witnesses : — Galfridus abbot of Dumfermelin, Edward the chancellor, and Herbert the chamberlain. Dunfermelin. 6. Letters patent of same K., commanding his sheriffs to allow the prior or brethren or clients of the house of Mai to pass free of 'Can' or toll, and buy or sell in his land. Witnesses: — Herbert bishop of Glasgow (Clascu), Andrew bishop of Cateneis, and Ernald abbot of Chegho. Striyelin. 7. Letters patent by said K., commanding his men of the sheriff- dom of Pert, not to withhold their tithes of corn and cheese, &c., from the monks of Rindalgros, a ' place ' of the cell of Mai. Witnes- ses : — Earl Duncan, and Walter the chancellor. Scone. 8. Charter by M[alcolm IV.] K. of Scots, granting the monks of Eindelcros, all tithe of their church, both in the fishings of the waters of Tey and Ern, and of lambs and cheese, &c. Witnesses : — Walter the chancellor, Hugh de Morwille, Nicholas the clerk. Berewic. 9. Charter by same K., confirming to God and the Saints of May, Pennewem and Inverin which was Avernus', by their right bounds, as Mathew the archdeacon and Gillepatric Mach Turfici, and many others marked out Inverin ; also common pasture in the 'sire' of Erdros, as they have in the 'sire' of Challin. Witness: — Hugh de Morwille. Edenburgh. 10. Charter by same K., addressed to the Bishops, &c., and all his good men, Franks, Angles, and Scots, confirming the charters of David his grandfather. Witnesses : — Walter the chancellor, Earl Gospatric, Hugh de Morville, William de Sumerville. Linlithcu. 11. Letters patent of same K., commanding all wdio fish around the Isle of Mai, to give tithes to the monks, as of old. Witnesses : — Walter the chancellor, Walter fitz Allan dapifer, Walter de Lindesia. Dunfermelin. 12. Charter by William K. of Scots, to William, prior and the friars of All Saints of Mai, and the Cluniac Order, all the preceding gifts of his grandfather and brother [recited], and also K. Malcolm's gift of 5 marks yearly of his ' Can ' from ships arriving at Pert ; forbidding any to build on the island, or dig or pasture on the land of Mai ; likewise a mansion and toft in Dunbar, and right of mooring a vessel there with necessaries for their house, given them by Earl Gospatric ; these gifts conditional on there being always 13 Cluniac monks in Mai, and the Prior not removable unless for 'culpa manifesta' known to the K. and the Bishop of St Andrews. Witnesses : — David his brother, Nicholas the chancellor, EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 529 Mathew archdeacon of St Andrews, Earl Waldeve, Earl Dunecan, Eichard de Moreville constable, Walter fitz Alan dapifer, David 01if[ard], Nesiiis son of William, Hugh Eidel, Galfrid de Malevilla. Pert. 13. A charter by same K., confirming liis grandfather's gift of a toft in Berwick. Witnesses: — William bishop of St Andrews, Philip de Valtun (sic) his chamberlain, William de Boscho, William Cumin. Berewic, 4th July. 14. A charter by same K., confirming their freedom from custom, ' Can,' and toll in all ports, and granting them Ad. from the four hawsers (retinacula) of vessels touching in their ports of Pednewein and Amestroder to fisli or to sell fish, and from boats having rudders attached (gubernacula) ; the K. retaining only the ' Can ' of these ports, from which he orders his servants receivers to pay the tenth penny to the monks. Witnesses : — H. bishop of St Andrews, Earl Duncan, Earl Gilebert, W. de Berkele, chamberlain, William de Mortemer, Galfrid de Malev[ile]. Pert. 15. A charter by same K., granting to them Petother by its right bounds in pure and perpetual almoigne. Witnesses : — Hugh his chancellor, Eichard de Prebenda his clerk, Ealph and Walter his chaplains, Philip de Valoniis his chamberlain. Master Henry his clerk, William de Haia, Alexander sheriff of Strivelyn, Eichard fitz Hugh, William Flandrensis, Herbert de Camera. Cla(c)m[annan], 17th of April. 16. A charter of same K., freeing them and all their lands and men from military service (exercitu et expedicione). Witnesses :^^ David his brother, Earl Dunecan, Walter de Bydun chancellor, Walter de Wyndleshor', Philip de Valoniis, Eoger de Valoniis, Eobert de Berchele, Walter de Berchele chamberlain, William de Haia. Eading. 17. A charter of same K., granting them freedom from ' Can ' and toll ; and enjoining that all who touch on their land to fish shall be free of 'Can' and toll and custom on the sale or purchase of fish, except what they are due to the prior and monks. Witnesses : — Nicholas the chancellor, Walter the dapifer, Eichard de Morv[ille]. Edene- b[urgh]. 18. Letters patent by same K. commanding the fishers around the island of Mai, to pay their tithes, &c., as in the time of Malcolm his brother, and before the time of Prior William. Witnesses : — Nicholas the chancellor, Eichard de INIorville constable, Walter fitz Alan dapifer. Edeneb[urgh]. 19. Charter of Alexander [II.] K. of Scots., confirming the gift by his brother Eobert de Londoniis to God and the Saints of Mai and the monks, of Lingoc which was in his waste of Kellin, in pure and perpetual almoigne, saving his service. Witnesses: — William de Boscho his chancellor, William Cumine, Earl of Buchan, VOL. II. 2 L 530 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS. Justiciar of Scotland, David de Haia, William de Muntfichet, Thomas the Durward (hostiarius), Galfrid fitz Kichard, Thomas de Haj^a. Cloniu, 26th March. 20. Charter by same K., confirming the convention between the prior and monks of Mai and Bernard Eraser, whereby the latter demised his land of Dremescheles to them in 'perpetuum. Witnesses : — W. elect of Glasgow chancellor, H. de Strivelin son of the Earl, Walter Byset, David de Hastengys, William de Munfichet, William Byset, Auselm de Camelin '. Strivelyn, 17th August, 19th of the K.'s reign [1233]. The twenty charters here described are printed in full in the ' Eecords of the Priory of the Isle of May,' edited by John Stuart, LL.D., for the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland, 1868. APPENDIX. I. SEALS APPENDED TO HOMAGES.- CHAPTER HOUSE COLLECTION.! 1. Seals appended tu homage No. 810 of Calendar. (1) Device, fore part of a monster, tongue protruded, emerging from -waves: ' s' HVMFRiDi DE Boscc' (2) De^dce, a lion coiled within two squares inter- laced : ' M.O.V.D.R.E.E.T.' (3) In a trefoil compartment, three shields joined at base, each charged with a saltire and chief : ' s' rogeri de kirpatric' (4) Device, a cross moline within two squares interlaced : ' s' thome de colvil . ' K . K:srY'(?). (5) Device, a large dog looking to sinister, above in the exergue the letter ' r ' and 4 lizards approaching, two on either side. (6) A boar's head couped contourne : ' s' hvGoxis d' hvr'.' (7) A gem, a head in profile : ' s' gilberti ' de ionestovn. (8) A shield (charges indistinct) : ' s' mavricii de stobil.' (9) Device, a fir tree(?) : ' s' fergos de le save '—rude. (10) Device, a stag's head cabossed : ' iesvteiteovesek'(?). (11) Within interlaced tracery (device and inscription not decipherable). (12) Device, a lion rampant: ' s' gilb' de ' KARLioLo'(0. (13) A small gem ; device, lion s(?) head in profile : ' predete his.' (14) Seal in form of shield ; device, foliage and tracery, four-footed beast in top : 's' GILBERTI fil'melnechra '(0- (15) In form of a shield ; a small gem with bird(?) : ' s' tome svtheyc' (16) Broken ; a gem, naked figure with spear in left hand : ' de . . . aoh. . T '(?). (17) Device, a mullet : ' s' cvdb' machli- ' viNi'(0 — rude. (18) Device, a squirrel eating : ' s' hvg' croket.' (19) A horse shoe within tracery : ' s' fergvsii le mariscal'(?) — rude. (20) Device, a bird, stars and foliage in field : ' s' rob'ti d' dvnsqyr'(0- (21) Device, a hare or rabbit to siniMer : ' s' rovlandi marscali.' (22) Similar device to dexter : ' s' ' KicHUL BARD ' — rude. (23) Same seal as No. 8 ; the charge is 3 eagles dis- played 2 and 1. (24) Device, a hedgehog feeding, spray of foliage above, and a small animal below : * s' willelmi heris' — good. (25) Curious device, two dogs(?) supporting some small object between them : ' sigillu . . , .' (26) Device, a figure with eight rays bearded barley(?) : ' s' alani d' rogsi.' (27) An ornament of eight rays : ' s' WAii'i f' rogeri,' [Chapter House Boxes, No. 210.'\ 2. Seals appended to homage No. 811 of Calendar, (1) A rose-bush(?) : ' s' ade de hepe.' (2) A tree of four thick branches : ' s' nichol'd' favside.' (2) Two geese(?) drinking at a fountain : ' s' ioh'is . se. . . 'ant'(?). (4) Broken; oval, an eight- rayed figure : 's' pa . . . . cii de glex- 'doir'(?). (5) A crescent enclosing a star: ' esto fidelis.' (6) Same device : * s' RiCARDi DE FLECHis'(?). (7) A Stag's head cabossed, star between antlers ; leg. (illegible). (8) Cross patee, cantoned with foui" stars : ' s' ego strochovn'(?). (9) Fragment, stag's head cabossed : ' . . . chvuco '(?). (10) A heater shield, a boar's head couped contouine, dropping blood: ' s' ricardi de cheiselm.' (11) 1 The ecclesiastical seals in the App. I. and III. are of the nsual vesica shape, those of laymen being round. The exceptions in both cases are mentioned. 532 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Oval, a gem, suLject indistinct : ' . . D vnangel . . . . ' (12) A shield, three bars wavy : ' s' malcolmi norais.' (13) Figure of eight rays : • s' malis de 'tofard'C?). (14) a stag's head cabossed: ' s' hvgon' de foderigay.' (15j A cinquefoil : 's' walteri de bvrdtn.' (16) A six-rayed figure: 's' will' d' •chartris.' (17) a rose(?) : 's' roberti grvndy'(?). (18) Same as No. 9. (19) Figure of eight rays : ' s' marie de sintvx.' (20) A thick bush, a bird on each side regardant : ' s' ADE DE hodolma . . . . ' (21) A very beautiful gem, a figure with rod in left hand, holding a bunch of grapes(?) in right : ' s' ricardi de (?) '. . . . EBVR.' (22) Elegant, within rounded tracery; a shield, charged with a clievron Ijetween three objects (indistinct) : ' s' rob'ti de strath'n.' (23) Pair of open shears, in pale, points up : ' s' walt' de kixtoyir'(?). (24) A goat leaping, a serpent(?) below : ' s' thomae de kyngerth'(0- (25) An eight-rayed figure : 's' iohis d'leliscl.' (26) Fragment. (27) Red wax ; stag's head cabossed, double cross between antlers: 's'valteri mvdeiva . . . .'(/). (28) A star enclosed by a serpent : ' s' roberti walh'(?). (29) A fleur-de-lys : ' s' ade de ' CHATHOV.' (30) A hunting horn, stringed, turned to sinister : ' s' henrici de 'wovMVS.' (31) Oval, an eight-rayed figure : 's' joh' de kintoy . . . .' (32) Red wax ; stag's head cabossed : ' s' gilmore macgylecho.' (33) An eight-leaved flower : ' s' joh'is d' scrasbvro.' (34) A cross of four pine branches, a cone in dexter base point : ' s' will'i d' franingdv.' (35) A lion coiled in two squares interlaced : ' s.e.c.t.a.n.d.o '(?). (36) An eight - rayed figure : ' s' 'roberti d' toftis.' (37) Broken; red wax; hunting horn stringed, turned to dexter: ' s' johannis de l....ni'(?). (38) An eight-rayed figure (fir branches ?) : ' s' ioh'is fravnsays.' (39) A small dog begging : ' adivvaret . . ovEs'(?). (40) Fox carrying dead goose (good) : ' s' . . . . macalpyn'(?). (41) A large fleur-de-lys : ' s' ingrami d'toftis.' (42) A stag's head cabossed, star, and roundel in base ; between the antlers a shield charged with a star within an orle : ' s' ' FRESKIN DE LANDELE8.' (43) A squirrel : ' S' THOME .... ONISTV.' (44) Heater shield; a fesse, a cinquefoil in dexter chief: 's' andree de beitvne.' (45) A monster emerging from sea(?) : ' s' regixaldi de do . . n . ox.' (46) Curious ; a tree supported by two hares, the dexter one beating a cymbal or drum, the sinister playing a pipe ; bird in top, a dog coiled at base : ' s' ' will'i de bradeley.' (47) Gem ; a warrior arming himself, shield at his feet : ' sigillvm rogeri corbet.' (48) Red wax ; female figure touching a tree, bird(?) in top ; leg. (illegible). (49) Same as No. 20. (50) Oval ; in arched compartment a figure, palm branch in right hand, holding in left a scroll with inscription (ixprihe ?) in front of another figure kneeling at sinister ; an eagle(?) with outspread wings in compartment below: 's' will'i d' rucastele.' (51) Same as No. 6. (52) Crescent enclosing star : ' s' joh'is bexavhtin.' (53) White vrax ; a fox erect, with mitre and pastoral stafi", addressing a bii'd in a tree : ' s' hvgox' de balmexaih.' (54) Lion rampant ; leg. (indistinct). (55) Stag's head, couped, looking to sinister : ' s' ioaxis fil' ioaxis.' (56) An oak tree(?) : ' s' . . . . axdeas roberv . . '(?). (57) Damaged ; lion coiled within 2 squares interlaced : ' s' rob'ti de havwic.' (58) Oval ; the Agnus Dei with nimbus : ' s' rogeri de folgav'(?). (59) Oval gem ; a figure holding a small mask(?) : ' s' Petri de latwyre'(?). (60) A rose : ' crede michi.' (61) Si.x- leaved figure : ' s' hexrici capellanl' (62) Eight-leaved figure : ' s' job's ' DE hettvx.' (63) A hawk or raven on ground, stars in back ground : ' s' ' gilberti de torri.' (64) An eagle killing a hare ; leg. (illegible). (65) A stag trippant to sinister : ' sig evaxi mari'(?). (66) An eagle displayed : ' s' aimeri ' de rotherford.' (67) Damaged ; a falcon held in a gloved left hand and arm : ' s' ihoaxxis de malkerst.' (68) An eagle displayed : ' s' kilcrist ' malbrit.' (69) A shield, 3 bars wavy, and a label of 4 points : ' s' malcolmi ' DE RVSKi.' (70) Damaged ; an eagle killing a bird on ground : ' s' jehax de ' MA.CS0WELLE.' (71) Vesica shape, lacertine tracery: *s' roberti . . olet.' EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 533 (72) Stag's head cabossed, a cross between antlers : ' s' . ohis de styks'y'(?). (73) Neat ; stag's head cabossed, the Crucifixion between the antlers : ' s' wil- ' LELMi DE YETHAM.' (74) A fox catching a hare, thistles in back ground : ' s' * YSAAC DE ciNPONT.' (75) A pelican feeding 8 young ones: 's' margarete ' ENGGLis.' (76) Squirrel feeding within 2 squares interlaced : ' s' alani gorley.' (77) Eight-rayed figure : ' s' walteri marpin.' (78) Same device : ' s' gilb'ti ' MOVSEE.' (79) Vesica shape ; St Katherine holding a sword in pale by the point, and a wheel in her left hand, stands before a figure kneeling at sinister : 's' ADE RECTORis DE SOVDON.' (80) Vesica shape ; the Virgin and child in upper compartment, in lower, half figure of a man praying : ' s' sororis thephanie de ederelmarn' — good condition. (81) Vesica shape ; Virgin and child half length ; in compartment below, a monk kneeling : ' ave maria gra plena dns tecv.' (82) Figure of 8 rays : ' s' ade de crildvn.' (83) A cross patee : ' s' gilbert' ' fil' beth'(?). (84) A trefoil : ' s' will' d' lebvre.' (85) Lion rampant (broken) : ' s' rob' . . . . e malevil.' (86) Same as No. 20. (87) Oval ; a, lion coiled beneath an oak tree, a squirrel in the top : ' sigillv ricardi tosicvt'(?). (88) A squiri-el feeding, star, crescent, and pellets in field ; leg. (illegible). (89) A heater shield, 3 horse shoes, 2 and 1, cross crosslets in the field : 's' johannis marescalli' — very elegant. (90) A hare or rabbit feeding, spray of foliage above : ' s' ioh'is * pil'herb'ti d' makeswel ' — neat and slightly broken. [Chapter House, Scots Documents, Box 99, No. 1. 3. [The text of this homage is completely illegible, but from the heraldry of the seals it is probably that of Hugh de Penicok and others, enrolled in the Bagman Roll, m. 26. (Endorsed) ' Linlescu(?), Berwick, Pebles(?), Ergathelya(?), Perth .... A Bervvyk, 28 die Augusti.'] Sixty-six entire seals and 2 fragments are still attached by 20 stout strings. The more remarkable of these are — (1) A tree, a small bird in the dexter branch, an object across the stem : ' s' will'i de haelis '(?). (2) A snake nowed : ' l' ' will'i pvrvais'(?). (3) A lion passant to sinister : ' s' thome de marais.' (4) A swallow flying : ' hevmilime '— elegant. (5) A cross-bow and bolt in pale, star and crescent in field : ' s' wilelm' de monte.' (6) A roebuck running, tree in back ground : ' s' patricii de rothenai.' (7) Oval, in an arched compart- ment, an aged person kneeling before a book ; a bird overhead : ' s' eve de ' cohebvrn.' (8) Bird on a twig : ' s' helie ianitor'(?). (9) Vesica shape, lion passant to sinister : ' s' willelmi de hopcailhov.' (10) Small shield, a cross or pile in base and plain chief: ' s' hvgonis ryedel'(?). (11) Broken; vesica shape, 2 animals, dog and lion(?) ascending a tree : ' s' thom .... regon'(?). (12) Heater shield, barry of 8, label of 5 points : ' s' rob' cambrvn d' balnegh.' (13) A lion rampant, tail contourne : ' s' thome de wynchese' — rude. (14) An ornament of 7 rays : ' s' henrici del wra.' (15) A stag's head cabossed between a star and crescent, a human head between the antlers : ' s' lOHis de kenpvnt ' cl'ici'(?). (16) Heater shield (charge indistinct) : ' s' radulp de kinard.' (17) A horned animal with claws and lion's tail, passant to dexter : ' s' malcolmi ' FiLii svner '(?). (18) A hawk picking out the eyes of a hare(?) : ' s' joh'is de 'CRAVFORD.' (19) A pelican feeding her young: 's' will'i crethvn.' (20) A wheeled ornament of 8 rays: 's' valteri lvlloc' (21) A star of 6 points: ' s' will' de drilaw.' (22) Vesica shape, two birds at the foot of a palm tree regardant : ' s' malcolmi de glen .... '(?). (23) A tree, coarsely executed : ' s' JVRDANi d' gardino.' (24) On a shield, a lymphad with dragon beak, mast rising into a cross crosslet : ' s' alexandri de ergadia.' (25) A rose : ' s' 'walteri de logton' — coarsely executed. (26) A fish in pale: 's' will'i de ' ANIGOS ' — rude. (27) A buck leaping to dexter, acorns below : ' s' gvill'i fil val- 534 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 'teri.' (28) A curlew, foliage behind: ' s' alani walays '— rude. (29) A six- leaved figure : ' s' THOME lillog ' — rude. (30) A stag's head cabossed, a shield between the antlers : * s' will'i de habrnethya.' (31) Vesica shape, 2 figures : ' . . . . HARVDEL .... ' — very indistinct. (32) A crossbow and bolt ; leg. (illegible) — rude. (33) A raven or crow(?) on some indistinct object : * s' nicolai SERViEXTis'(?). (34) A griffin passant to dexter, a curved object in front : ' s' HVGONis DE PENEKOi'(?). (35) A rude cross patee : * s' ioh' de lamb'tv.' (36) Vesica sjiape, a pelican and young(?) : ' s' philippi de abVdy'(?). (37) Vesica shape, the Virgin and child(?) : ' s' isabelle de colbanesto.' (38) Slightly broken ; a long winged l^ird, with slender neck, on a twig : ' s' rogeri de ' MONTE ALTO.' (39) A rougli dog passant to sinister, paw raised : ' s' rogeri d' ' glasfrit.' (40) A gem( ?), two animals with double humps addossed (inscription illegible). (41) A hunting horn, stringed, turned to sinister : ' s' hvgonis de *ligre'(/). (42) Same as No. 37. (43) The same. (44) Oval, the Agnus Dei to dexter : ' s' nicolai de tripaxei.' (45) A rude ornament of 8 rays : ' s' ade ' FiL ' GiLMORi.' (46) Very curious seal, shape of a shield ; a hare blowing a horn, riding on a collared hound : ' s' henrici de faryle.' (47) Slightly broken ; on a shield a bend : ' s' hen .... de halibvrt.' (48) A small hawk or pigeon(?) : ' s' roberti boit.' (49) Vesica shape, 2 large birds on a tree regard- ant : 's' wiLLELMi DE skon'(0. (50) An escallop(?) : 's' edwardi de goverty' — rude. (51) Broken (same as No. 26). (52) Vesica shape, device(?) : ' s' agnetis ' DE ormistvn.' (53) Vesica shape, a long tailed bird regardant : ' s' hauise de 'anesleye.' (54) Vesica shape, a twig(?) : '&' iohane de mtgqul'(?). (55) A rude cross patee : 's' andrie orstvn.' (56) An elegant design ; within triangular tracery enclosed in a circle, a heater shield charged with 3 escutcheons and a label of 3 points : ' s' gilbert' de la hae.' [Chcq-iter House Boxes, No. 210.} 4. [A fragment of homage, of which nothing remains but the place ' Berwick-on-Tweed,' and the year. Probably, from the heraldry, the homage of Adam, parson o£ Eoxburgh castle, and others. Bagman Roll, on. 34-] Fourteen seals in green wax appended on 5 strings. (1) Damaged, a human head in profile : ' s' . . . . olai de lanerk'(?). (2) Vesica shape, broken and defaced, a female figure (?) above, and a person on horseback(?) below ; kg. (obliterated). (3) A woman's head affrontee, with a large curl on each side : ' notemonsecreet . . . '(?). (4) Crescent enclosing a mullet : * s' ade de bonkil.' (5) In a deeply sunk compartment, a bishop holding a cross, stars and scallop shells on either side : ' s' iohannis de mondevile cl'ici.' (6) A head in profile : *s' w . . . .' (7) Vesica shape, in a compartment representing a church with central tower, the Virgin crowned and Holy Child ; beneath is a nun praying : * TV virgenis fili svcvhre marie.' (8) Two squirrels facing each other, a small dog below : ' s' w . . DE wesytonam.' (9) A head in profile within 2 squares interlaced : ' s' iohannis clerici.' (10) An elegant seal, vesica shape ; a lady in long fur-lined cloak standing, holding a shield in her right hand, charge a lion(?), debruised by a ribbon: ' s' margerite de brenesin.' (11) Damaged, a fleur-de-lys : ' s' . . . . cra\'FORt' — rude. (12) Eude ; a spotted antelope(.0 trippant : ' s' walteri .... rr.' (13) Vesica shape, a fleur-de-lys: 's' ' aleisadre . DE . LATANGM.' (14) Vesica shape ; kg. (obliterated). [Chaptei- House Seals, Box 275a.] EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 53^ IL— ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. [1299.] Calendar, No. 1101. [1301.] Calendar, No. 122.5. [1302.] April 6. Calendar, No. 1301. 1. A son trecher Seignur Sir Edwarde par la grace de Deii Ray de Engleterre Seignur de Irelaunde e Duqe de Aquitaigne, son baclieler Eobert de Felton, Saluz honurs e reverence en quant qe il seet e pot. Sire, ie wns face asavcr qe il un chastel pres de nous qe horn apele Carlaverok qe ount fet graunt damage a vostre chastel, e a vos gens, e fount de jour en jour ; mes Sir ie wus face asaver qe ce Uimainge prochain apres Ie Saint Mycliel avomz nous taunt entretaste qe nous avomz la teste lur conestable sur vostre graunt tour a Louchmaban. Gens sunt blessez de luu part e lautre, mes benoit salt Deuz, les voz ne ount si bien noun. Le conestable avait a noun Robert de Conigham e fu le vallet le Seneschal de Escoce, son oncle avait esposee la sorre le Seneschal de Escoce, dount il sunt mult anuye par la perte du vallet. Sire, ie wus face asaver qe les genz de Escoce sunt aparceu de la aliaunce entre wus c le Ray de Fraunce, dunt il sunt mult eshay. Turnez vostre visage en vers Escoce, il sunt desconfit. Pur Deuz Sir voilez comaunder a vostre tresourer qe ie ai mes robes, qe unkes puis qe ie demoray ovekes wus ie ne avoi nul qe si me aide Deuz ie nai qe vestir, ne ie ne puis aler hors de vostre chastel aliurs pur purchaser el. A verrai cors Deu wus comaunde e tuz ceuz qe ws touchent. 2. A treshonurrable prince nostre Seignur le roy Dengilterre de par le seon bacheler si li plet Willam de Dorem. Sire a ceo Lundi prochain a pres la fest Seint Matheu me vent un espie a Peblys hors de la Yalde de Nithe, e me dit certaynement qe lez Escoce qi furent en Gaway le sunt retret vers la Valde de Nithe, e furent ioeo dimayng darrain passe a les Kellys, e serraint le Lundi a pres a Glencarn, mez vers on de iloke se voddraiut treer ne me savoit il my acerter. E sure jeo maundai tauntost a toux vose garneisounez leez novelez qe nous possoms performie vostre ordinaunz e houur cum enz cez houres nous avez mauude, ove laid Dieu. Sire, ieo averoy mes eskuz sur enz de iour en auter, e vous frai a saver lez novelez qe ieo orrai. Sire, mon espie me dit qe lez gens Descoce oierent qe mon seignur vostre fiz fut en pilgrimage vers seint Eineyan, e renuierent la ymage tank a la Novelle Abbey, e len demayn quidant trover la ymage, e fut retorne a seint Rineyan. Sire, a dieu seiez. 3. Ph[ilippus] Dei Gracia Franc[ie] Rex Nobilibus viris Roberto de Brus comiti de Carrick, et Johanni Ciirayn filio, custodibus regni Scotie nomine incliti principis Johannis Regis illustris, necuon venerabilibus patribus episcopis abbatibus prioribus comitibus baronibus ceterisque raagnatibus ac toti communitati regni, dilectis amicis nostris, Salutem et spem fortitudinis in adversis. Discretos viros Johannem abbatem de Jeddwrth et Johannem Wissard militem, universitatis vestre nuncios, sincera affectione recepimus, et 536 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS contenta in Uteris porrectis per eos necnon et ea que ipsorum oretenus solicitndo proposuit, plcno suscepimus iutellectii, moti medullitus ad intime compassionis affectum super calamitosis guerrarum impulsibus quibus statum vestrum et regni Scocie hostile malignitas lacessire non desiit, usque adhuc ad devociouis eximie puritatem et fidelitatis perfecte constanciam, quum ad illustrem Scocie Eegem immobili stabilitate servastis, in cuius fide eo fervencius semper atque coustan- cius vestre siuceritatis integritas viguit; quo personarum et rerum discrimina protulit graviora, et probate stremitatem virtutis, quam in defensione natalis patrie contra adverse iniquitatis nititur jus viriliter et potenter per effectum operis ostendistis, diguis laudibus com- mendantes. Eidelitatem vestrara rogamus et hortamur attencius quatinus ad prefatum Eegem devocionis vestre perfectio imviolabiter perseveret. Sic qe circa defensionem petere sequencia velitis con- tinuare prioribus quod fine laudabili merito debeant principia commendari. Nos enim itinere dilectionis affectum quum ad Eegem regnumque predictos et eius incolas contracte pridem amicitie fedus abolim gessimus non obliti, vias et modos diligenter exquirimus et Balutis concilia cogitamus, quibus circa statum vestrum et regni predicti oportuna remedia properentur. Que propter viarum dis- crimina et diversa pericula, que non nunquam solent in literarum missionibus fortuitis casibus evenire, scriptine committere formi- dantes, venerabili patri domino G[uillelmo] episcopo Santi Audree, ea perfeccius vive vocis oraculo duximus .... mendatui, fidem in hac parte plenariam adhibere velitis. Data apud Sanctum Germanum in Laia sexto die Aprilis. [1307.] 4. Salutz et quaunt qil pest de honours et de chieres amytez. Sire May 15. les noueles de cestes parties sunt yceles, qe a ceo qe ieo puys entendre cuiendar, qe Sirc Eobert de Bruys ne auoyt onkes sa en arere si auaunt la volunte des gentz ne la moyte si eutierement cum il ad ore apar- meymes, et qe ore adeprimes a peart qil ad droyt et qe dieux cure apercement pur luy, desicura il ad ore [desconfit et dejfetz tout le pouer le Eoy ausint bien les Engleis cum les Escoteys, par quel le pouer Dengleterre se est de tot retret deuers lor parties sauns revener, sicum il dient, et le quident certeynement par les noueles et le coun- fort qe les fans prechours qe venont del host lour fount entendre et qe Sire Eobert de Bruys eyt ore sa volunte. Et sunt les prechours ceux qe furent ateyns deuaunt le Gardein e deuaunt les Justices pur prechours et abettours de la guerre, et ore aparmaymes sunt deliures par maynprise qe se portent pys ore qil no firent deuaunt e se glori- fient en lor malice et meynent le peple en tel manere par lor faus prechement, qe ieo croy certeinment si cum ieo ey entendu par Mounsire Eenaud de Chien, Sire Doncan de Ferendrauch, Sire Gilbert de Glenkerni et aulres qe veillent la pees ausint bien de la les Moutz cum de sa, qe si Sire Eobert de Bruys puse echaper nule part saun dreytes ou deuers les parties de Eoos, il les trouera tout preyts EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 537 a sa volunte plus enteremeut qe onke mes ne furent, sil ne pleyse a nostre seignur le Eoy de mettre plus de pouer de gentz darmes en celes parties qe ore ne est, Kar il y sount plusors gentz meement tous ccux(?) ore seuent viure de lor propre biens, qe se tendreut bien et loyalment a la foy nostre Seignur le Eoy sil eyt pouer des Engleis parentre(?) eux, et autrement il couent qil seyent a la volunte des enemys ; et ceo sera la defaute du Eoy e de sun Counsail sicum il dient, et qil ount mortel pehclie de eux lesser en tel mauere sauns "arde cum il sount entre les enemys. Dount fest sa en arere, et Dieux si ly plest teyue la vie nostre Seignur le Eoy ; kar a quel cure qe nous failum de luy qe Dieux defend, il dient apertement qe tous serrent de vne part, ou il lor couent morer ou voyder la terre et tous ceux qe eyment le Eoy, si autre counsail et eyde ne soyt mys entre eux. Kar les prechours Ics funt entendre qil ount trove vers de Merlin, coment apres la mort le Eoy Coueytous les gentz Descoce et les Brutouus qil eutendent par les Galeis se aerderent ensemble, et auerent la souereine mayn et lor volunte, et viuerunt ensemble de vn accord iekes au fin du moude. Vostre volunte Sire, si vous plest me veillet de ceo et de totes autres choses commaunder. Nostre Seignur vous gard et vous doyut bone vie et longe. Escrites a Forfare le XV. jour de Mail III. SEALS CONNECTED WITH SCOTLAND, UN- ATTACHED TO DOCUMENTS OR ONLY TO FRAGMENTS. — CHAPTER HOUSE COLLEC- TION. (L) AUTOTYPED SEALS. 1. Within round tracery, a shield charged with 2 chevrons : * s' malis com' 'de statherne.' (A) 40 ; Plate i. 1. 2. Shield with fesse, in dexter chief a ciiiciuefoil : ' s' andree de bettune.' (A) 19 ; PI. i. 2. 3. Within round tracery, a shield with fesse chequy : ' secretum jacobi ' SENESCALLI SCOCIE.' (A) 10 ; PI. i. 3. 4. Shield with saltire, on a chief 3 roundels : ' s' david de torthorald.' (A) 92 ; PL i. 4. 5. Shield with 3 mullets, 2 and 1, within a bordure charged with 11 roundels(l) : ' s' andree de moravia militis.' (A) 50 ; PL i. 5. 6. An eagle displayed, a garb on each wing : ' s' johannis comyn.' (A) 104 ; PL i. 6. 7. Knight in chain mail and surcoat, sword in hand, riding to sinister, plum in helmet ; saltire and chief on shield and housings : ' esto ferox ct leg.' (A) 32 ; PI. i. 7. [Robert de Brus the Competitor.] 8. Device, two demi-figures holding up a garland, flower between : ' tenet 'MON chapelete MAMOUB.' (A) 46 ; PL L 8. [Unknown.] 9. Shield with 3 escutcheons, within engrailed bordure and tracery : * S' HUGOXIS DE HAIA.' (A) 42 ; PL i. 9. 538 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 10. Shield with 3 garbs, 2 and 1 ; 3 lizards round shield : ' sigillum edmundi < COMIN.' (A) 7 ; PI. i. 10. 1 1. On the breast of a double-headed eagle displayed, a shield with fesse chequy, and lal)el of 5 points, surmounted of a bend dexter : ' sigill' johannis de 'mextet.' (A) 4 ; PI. i. 11. 12. A stag's liead cabossed, a mullet on each side ; between the antlers a shield charged with an orle : ' s' wilelmi de baylol.' (A) 6 ; PI. i. 12. 13. Vesica shape, an eagle standing on a scroll (s' johis) : ' s' joh'is de conveth cleric' (A) 52 ; PI. i. 13. 14. A shield with 6 fraises, 3, 2, and 1 ; a label of 4 points : ' s' simonis ' friser.' (A) 27 ; PL i. 14. 15. A boar's head couped turned to sinister, a star in base : 's' will'i byset.' (A) 2 ; PI. i. 15. 16. On a shield a lymphad willi one mast and 2 men ■within a double tressure ; a rabbit on top of shield, and a lizard at each side :'.... catanie '• — broken. (A) 41 ; PI. i. 16. 17. Within round tracery, a raven : 'sigillum nicholai de souli.' (A) 43 ; PI. i. 17. 18. Within pointed tracery, a shield with a chevi'on between 3 mullets ; ' s' willelmi de MORAVIA.' (A) 45 ; PI. i. 18. 19. On a shield, 3 pales ; a lion passant above and below, and a dragon at each side of shield : 's' joh'is comitis acholi.' (A) 65 ; PI. i. 19. 20. Shield with lion rampant, label of 5 points : ' s' galfridi de moubray.' (A) 61 ; PL i. 20. 21. Shield crusilly, 3 escallops, 2 and 1 : 's' david de graham.' (A) 114; PL iL 1. 22. Shield with 3 lions rampant, 2 and 1, tails contourne : ' s' willelmi ' COMITIS DE ROS.' (B) 16 ; PL ii. 2. {Rev. a gem ; Diana and stag.) 23. Shield with fesse chequy, ribbon dexter : ' s' johannis senescall.' (B) 2 ; PL ii. 3. 24. Shield with saltire, cantoned with 4 roses : 's' malcolmi com' de levenax.' (B) 28 ; PL ii. 4. {Rev. stag's head cabossed ; between antlers, a shield with same charges, cross above : ' sigillum secreti.') 25. Shield with an orle : ' s' jehan de baillouel.' (A) 69 ; PL ii. 5. 26. Shield with 3 escallops on a chief, a boar's head at dexter, and a sow's at sinister side of shield : '■ s' patricii de graham.' (D) 2 ; PL ii. 6. 27. On a shield hung by the guige, 3 garbs, 2 and 1 ; a dragon at each side : ' s' ' joh'is comyn fil' comit' d' BOTHA.' (A) 84 ; PL ii. 7. 28. A shield gyronny of eight ; a dragon at each side : ' s' nicholai cambel.' (A) 93 ; PL ii 8.' 29. Shield with 3 covered cups on a chief: 's' dni johis butteler.' (A) 88 ; PL ii. 9. 30. On the breast of an eagle displayed, a shield with fesse chequy of two tracts, lower edge wavy ; label of 5 points : * s' alexandri comitis de meneteth.' (C) 4 ; PI. ii. 10. 31. Within round tracery, a shield with a cross engrailed ; 3 boars' heads at sides and top : 's' willelmi de sco claro militis,' (A) 110 ; PL ii. 11. 32. Shield -with a cross engrailed: ' s' o'vASii de raht milit.' (A) 119; PL iL 12. 33. A shield with plain bend and label of 5 points : ' s' willelmi biscet.' (A) 76 ; PL ii. 13. 34. Knight in surcoat riding to sinister, sword in hand, crescent and star on his helmet, garbs on shield and housings : ' s' secreti joh'is cvmin.' (C) 43 ; PLii. 14. 35. A shield with cinquefoil pierced, field crusiUy : ' s' gilb'ti d' vfravill' COMES d' angvs.' (D) 9 ; PL ii. 15. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 539 36. Shield witli 3 bars : 's' rob'ti cambrun de balnel.' (A) 79 ; PI. ii. 16. 37. Six shields in a circle conjoined iii base, each charged with 3 round buckles on a bend : ' s' normanni de lecelin militis.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. ii. 17. ^ 38. Within round tracery, a shield with cross raguly : ' s' johannis be barde.' (A) 47 ; PI. ii. 18. 39. A shield hung by the guige, erniine(l) 3 garbs, 2 and 1 ; star at dexter side : ' s' radu . . . e lascelles.' (A) 90 ; PI. ii. 19. 40. A shield with fesse chequy : ' s' alexsandri de . . imesaie.' (A) 67 ; PI. ii. 20. 41. On a shield 3 crescents, 2 and 1 : ' s domini wilelmi de fentun.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iii. 1. 42. A shield with fesse ermine, a fox above, and a hound at either side of shield : 's' reginaldi de crauford.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iii. 2. 43. A hind's head cabossed, surrounded by foliage : ' s' jehan dinchemartin.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iii. 3. 44. Within tracery, a shield with a chevron (damaged) : ' s' patbicii de ' BERK . . . T MILT.' (A) 86 ; PI. iii. 4. 45. Within tracery, a shield with 3 round buckles on a chief, supported by 2 lions, foliage above, and ' w. c' in upper corners of tracery : ' s' willelmi de ' STREVELIN.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iii. 5. 46. Within round tracery, a shield with 3 bars, debruised by a ribbon dexter : ' s' joh'is de soules militis.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iii. 6. 47. Two burrowing animals(?) in fesse, ears of corn around : ' s' gilb'ti d' CHUNISBURG.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iii. 7. 48. Within a c^uatrefoil compartment, a shield with saltire, 3 lizards at top and sides : 's' herberti de makyswel.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iii. 8. 49. On a shield 3 escutcheons, 2 and 1 : ' s' nicholai de haya.' (A) 60 ; PL iii. 9. 50. On a shield a lion rampant, tail contourne, within a bordure charged with 8 roses, elegant tracery round shield : ' s' dni patricii de dunbar com' marc' (A) 59'; PL iii. 10. 51. Within a deeply indented trefoil compartment, a shield with 3 lozenges, 2 and 1 : ' sigilluji thome randolf.' (C) 31 ; PL iii. 11. 52. Within rounded tracery, a shield with a chevron between 3 lions' heads erased, crescent and star at sides : ' s' michaelis scot militis.' Uncat. Seals (3), 43 ; PL iii. 12. 53. A shield with 3 horse shoes, 2 and 1: ' sigillum davi marescalli.' (A) 39 ; PL iii. 13. 54. Within round tracery, a shield Avith a fesse : ' s' tomae de carnoto, « militis.' (A) 64 ; PL iii. 14. 55. A hart's head cabossed ; between antlers a shield with saltire, cantoned with 4 roses, and cross above : ' sigillum secreti. Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iii. 15. [Earl of Levenax.] ^ 56. A shield with an orle vaire (or compone), a plain canton dexter : s 'richardi de stratun.' Uncat. Seals (3), 44 ; PL iii. 1^- 57. Shield with 3 pales : 's' willelm de melledrum. (A) 66 ; PL iii. 17. 58'. A hare in her form : ' SOHOU sohou.' (A) 34 ; PL iii. 18. [Unknown.] 59. A shield with lymphad and 1 mast, dragon head and stern : ' s' alexandri ' de ergadia.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iiL 19. 60. A shield with 3 round buckles on a chief: 's' jehan de streveline ' CHEVAL.' (A) 76 ; PL iv. 1. , tt . q 1 61. A shield chequy : ' sigillum secreti johannis de warren. Uncat. Seals^ Tray 10 ; PL iv. 2. 62. Within round tracery, a shield charged with an orle vaire : ' s' walteri de ' LINDESEY.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iv. 3. 540 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 63. Within round tracery, a shield with 6 fraises, 3, 2, and 1 : ' s' andree ' FRASER MiLiTis.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 5 ; PL iv. 4. 6i. A cock : 's' will'i de presstun.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iv. 5. 65. A shield with fesse chequy and label of 5 points ; 6 eagles' talons project from sides : 's' walteri senescalli comit' de menetet.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iv. 6. 66. Within richly pointed and cusped tracery, the Coronation of the Virgin ; crescent and stars in background : ' s' communitatis de jeddewurthe.' (F) 15 ; PI. iv. 7. 67. Shield crusilly, with 3 horse-shoes, 2 and 1 : 's' johannis marescalli.' (B) 13 ; PI. iv. 8. 68. A shield seme of cross crosslets fitche, a bend charged with 3 escallops : ' s' ' REGiNALDi LE CHEN FiLii.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PI. iv. 9. 69. A sword in pale, point upward, surmounted by 2 keys saltire-wise ; ' s' * wil'mi de grenefeud.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 : PL iv. 10. 70. A shield with a fesse and label of 5 points ; a lizard at each side : ' s' ' ROBERTi DE BETTUNE.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iv. 11. 71. In a trefoiled compartment of rich tracery, a shield with 3 escallops on a chief ; 3 boars' heads in compartments around : ' s' domini nicholay de gram ' MiLiTis.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iv. 12. 72. A shield with a bend between 6 cross crosslets fitche, a star in dexter chief point : ' s' donaldi de marre militis.' (A) 22 ; PL iv. 13. 73. A shield with 6 stars of 6 points, 3, 2, and 1 : ' s' joh'is de strivelyn 'militis.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 12 ; PL iv. 14. 74. Oval gem ; 2 warriors on their knees fighting back to back, with round shields : ' sigillum johannis de lindesey.' (275) 153 ; PL v. 1. 75. An ecclesiastic in cope, with pastoral staff in left hand, and an open book in right; some letters (scus egidius?) overhead: 's' commune civitatis de ' helgyn.' (S B) 70 ; PL v. 2. 76. In central compartment the Virgin Mary standing, a palm branch in right hand, holding a cup(?) Avith left; in 10 compartments around, as many cherubs swinging censers ; a crown overhead ; beneath, a bishop in prayer ; background of stars : ' presulis esto pia memor ascendendo maria.' (S C) 1 ; PL v. 3. 77. A shield with an orle charged with stars ; a label of 3 points ; a dragon on each side : ' s' ingrammi de unfranville.' Uncat. Seals, Tray 10 ; PL v. 4. 78. In upper compartment the Vii'gin Mary seated, nursing the Holy Child ; a cherub with censer on each side; below, a bishop mitred kneeling before an altar and a chalice, over his head a scroll, ' s' abb'is de kelcho : ' ' . . . . ' go tuum natum lactans fac me sibi gratum.' (275) 153 ; PL v. 5. 79. Oval; ahorse walking; above his quarter a hand: 's' fratris johannis ' MOREL.' (S C) 1 ; PL V. 6. 80. On a shield hung from a tree, a lion rampant ; trees on either side of shield : ' parmi ceu haut bois conduray mamie.' (S C) 148 ; PL v. 7. 81. A large rose : 's' comdne burgensium de munros.' (F) 5 ; PL v. 8.' 82. A ge^i, lion's head in profile, open-jawed : 's' thome de bonkil cleric' (275) 153 ; PL v. 9. 83. A boar's head couped erect : 's' hugonis de urre.' (A) 13 ; PL v. 10. 84. A large hound crossing a stream, collar and chain(?) on his neck : ' sigill' ' commune de linlithcu.' (E) 11 ; PL V. 11. 85. A boar's head and neck on a wreath, star in base and crescent above : ' s' 'will'i de ab'crumbl' (A) 16 : PL v. 12. 86. A shield with 3 buckles, 2 and 1, tongues fesse-ways, a lizard at each side : ' s' alexand' de bonkil. Uncat. Seals, Tray 5 ; PL v. 13. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 541 (IL) OFFICIALLY CATALOGUED SEALS. 87. A shield with fesse between 3 birds in chief, and as many fleurs-de-lys in base : * s' reginaldi de crauf'.' (A) 3. 88. A gem, a man's head in profile : ' sigil . . . camera fil' Beatrice.' (A) 11. 89. A shield ermine, hung from a tree : ' s' joh'is de Britannia * (A) 20. 90. A pelican in her piety : 's' will'mi crethvn.' (A) 21. 91. An eight-rayed figure : ' s' agnetis de rose.' (A) 23. 92. On a shield held by an angel behind, a chief with 3 annulets : ' s' ' patricii mak g[ilboian].' (A) 26. 93. A rabbit : ' s' will'i de conisburgh. (A) 33. 94. Shield with a maunche : ' s' joh'is de Hastings.' (A) 56. 95. An oval gem, a lion or tiger passant: ' sigillum secreti' ; 'mich' de ' wymes ' — on tag. (A) 71. 96. Vesica shape, a figure standing with shield bearing the Agnus Dei on left arm ; a shield on each side charged with three pales(?) in chief : ' s' joh'is de ' . . . . senescalli. (A) 73. 97. A shield with bend (charges obliterated) : ' s' thome de soulis.' (A) 78. 98. A ram or goat passant to sinister : ' jhesus nazarenvs.' (A) 89. 99. Shield with fesse between 2 chevronels, a wyvern at each side, tracery around ; on tag : ' s' w. filii walteri.' (A) 94. 100. A chimtera of 4(?) masks : 'tot capita tot sentencie.' (A) 54. 101. Oval gem, three sheejX?) feeding : ' s' evstase le v . . . r.' (A) 97. 102. A shield barry of 6 : ' s' nicholai de soulis.' (A) 98. 103. Shield with lion(?) rampant, Avithin double tressure ; 4 roses outside of shield (flattened) : ' s' alexandri fil' comitis march.' (A) 102. 104. A boar's head couped, erect to dexter : ' s' alex' de hateley.' (A) 105. 105. A gem ; man's head in profile (elegant) : ' s' walteri de agmondesham. (A) 109. 106. The Baptist's head on a charger : ' capud jonis.' (A) 113. 107. A fragment of a large seal, a dexter open hand in pale, a quatrefoil on either side : ' . . . . fil' alwini.' (D) 42. 108. A vessel with 1 mast, sails furled, on the sea, fish swimming : *s' . . . . ' . ethe '(?)— broken. (E) 16. 109. Round ; obv. the Virgin cro^vmed, with the Holy Child, seated ; on each side a head within a circle ; below a bishop vrith mitre and staff giving the bene- diction, a monk in compartment on each side : ' sigillum commune capituli ' ecclesie abir .... sis.' Eev. the Virgin reclining on the ground, St Joseph seated in a chair at her feet, the Holy Child in a manger between them ; above, the heads of an ass and an ox, star over, at base of seal a head within tracery : ' SIGNANT STELLA THEOS PR[eSEPE] PARENS ASINUS BOS.' (F) 7. 110. Obv. A knight on horseback, sword in hand, shield with lion rampant, tail contourne, on breast, repeated on housings ; helmet (broken), plume on horse's head ; leg. (broken). Eev. similar shield on breast of an. eagle displayed : ' SECRETUM FLORENCII COMITIS HOLLANDIE.' (G) 5. 111. In centre compartment the martyrdom of Thomas Beket ; 10 or 12 figures in two others ; beneath, a bishop at prayer (broken and indis tinct) :'.... ' sc'i THOME' (S B) 1. [Abbey of Arbroath.] 112. St Andrew on cross between 2 shields ; on dexter a lion rampant and double tressure ; sinister a lion rampant within tressure, debruised by a ribbon dexter ; in compartment beneath, a bishop praying ; on liis right a shield with orle and saltire, on left one witli orle only : ' s' wilelmi . . . gracia epi sci 'ANDREE.' (SB) 5. 5i2 CALENDAK OF DOCUMENTS 113. St Andrew crowned, on his cross, Agnus Dei above ; on his right a fish in pale with, ring in its mouth, on left a bird and crescent, hand issuing from cloud ; beneath in a lozenge compartment a bishop praying : ' s' Willi' de laberton ' EPi SCI adree' (elegant). (S B) 8. 114. St Andrew on cross between 2 candlesticks, a monk praying beneath : 's' ' JOH'is p'ORIS ECCE SCI andeee i SCOCIA.' (S B) 9. 115. St Andrew on his cross, star below ; an angel on each side holding a candlestick ; a monk in compartment below at prayer : ' s' joh'is p'oris sci ' ANDREE APLI IN SCOCIA.' (S B) 10. 116. A tonsm-ed monk holding pastoral statf in left hand: 'sig' abbis sci ' EDWARDI in SCOCIA.' (S B) 13. [Balmeriuo.] 117. Two large birds resjaecting a cross : ' timete deum.' 118. A boar passant to sinister, a crab(]) below and serj)ent(]) above: 's' ' patricii de blauntir.' 119. The Father with nimbus, enthroned, with uplifted hands, a rod or spear encii'cled by a wreath on dexter, a cross on sinister side ; beneath, a monk pray- ing : 's' 'ministri ordinis sce trinitatis de berwik.' (S B) 15. [Last three joined by strings.] 120. A right hand holding a pastoral stall' in pale : ' contra s' de neubotel.' 121. Round; a left hand holding the like : 'contrasigill' demelros.' (SB) 19. [On same tag with a third.] 122. A church at top ; in centre compartment the Virgin crowned, witli Holy Child on her knees ; below, a head in prayer : ' s' johannis abb' . . . de kam- ' biskinel.' (S B) 27. 123. The Virgin and Child crowned; a monk praying below : 'sigill' prioris ' CANDIDE case.' (S B) 29. 124. Round ; beneath a canopy a bishop vested and mitred, staff in left hand ; an impaled shield below (damaged) ; sinister half 2 birds(?) in chief : ' sigillum ' THOME EPI CANDIDE CASE.' (S B) 30. 125. Obv. the Virgin crowned seated, with the Holy ChUd, 2 cherubs swinging censers ; the heads of a bishop at dexter, and a king at sinister side ; 3 heads in compartments above ; figures in adoration below : ' s' capitli ec . . . . ' marie catanen.' Eev. at dexter an angel holding a scroll: 'maria;' at sinister the Virgin standing, a dove descending from above : ' collegiv . Eos . CHO . . ' . . ai . E SE MARIA ' (broken in half, elegant design). (S B) 46. 126. A left hand gloved, holding a pastoral staff; star and crescent in front : ' CONTRA sigill' DE CULENROS.' (S B) 52. 127. A right hand vested holding a pastoral staff between 2 fleurs-de-lys : CONTRA sigillum ABB'iS DE COPRO.' (S B) 53. 128. An ecclesiastic standing, pastoral staff in right hand, left on breast ; a maniple over his arm : ' sigillum abbatis de deer.' (S B) 54. 129. The Crucifiixion in centre ; above, a church with a low central tower, an abbot beneath at prayer : ' s' radulphi abbatis de dunfermelin.' (S B) 58. 130. An ecclesiastic with a pastoral staff' in left hand, right on breast : ' sigillum abbatis de dundraynan.' 131. A right hand vested holding a pastoral staff, foliage around : 'contra ' SIGILLUM DE HOLMO.' (S B) 60. [Joined with Cupar to a fragment of homage.] 132. A monk praying before an altar and chalice ; in his left hand a staff", holding with his right a cross, on which is the Saviour's head with nimbus : ' s' ' abbatis sancte crucis de edinburc' (S B) 65. 133. A monk ^vith pastoral staff' in left hand, holding an owl(?) on his right : ' s' abbatis de sacro nemore.' (S B) 85. 134. The Virgin and Child at top ; 2 figures in centre ; beneath, a monk at prayer : ' s' abbatis de insula missarum.' (S B) 87. 135. In a vessel with 1 mast and pennon, sail furled, 2 figures seated, the KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 543 dexter one mitred, each holding a pastoral staff erect : ' s' abbatis de insula ' SANCTI COLUMBI.' (S B) 88. 136. A tonsured monk, crosier in right hand and left on breast ; a crescent at right and star at left side : ' sigill' secreti abbatis de jedeworthe.' (S B) 91. 137. The Virgiu and Child ; above, a chiirch with centre and side towers ; a monk wdth crosier, prajing below : ' s' abbatis de killwykyn.' (S B) 93. 138. The Virgin and Child at top, within a church, an angel in each side com- partment ; St Andrew on cross in centre of seal, angels swinging censers around, a monk at prayer below : ' s' thome abbatis d' lundor.' (S B) 115. 139. A priest celebrating mass at the altar : ' sigillum abbatis de passelet.' (S B) 128. 140. A bishop, crosier in left hand, giving the benediction with his right : ' . . . . MARCI DEI GRACIA SODOREN EPISCOPI.' (S B) 157. 141. Bound ; obv. a K. with crown, sceptre, and mantle, seated ; a bishop on right, and another figure on left, raise his mantle showing ermine lining ; behind each is an attendant ; above at right a monk offers the K. an open book, at left a long-haired figure offers a scroll(?) ; below are 3 shields, centre, Scotland ; dexter, 3 pales (Athol) ; sinister 2 chevrons (Stratherne) ; background diapered with stars(?) : ' s' ecce sce trin . . . . is et sci . . chaelis de scona . . . • ' Rev. Avithiu an oval compartment, the Father seated holds the Son on the Cross, the Holy Ghost descends as a dove ; emblems of the 4 Evangelists around outside ; beneath, St Michael overcoming the Devil, on each side an angel with folded wings on a wheel ; richly diapered background of stars ; leg. (same as obv.). (Fine design but broken in parts.) (S B) 158. 142. A monk with crosier in right hand, left on breast : ' s' abbatis de ' dulci corde.' (S B) 161. 143. A hand holding a crosier : ' s' abbatis de tungeland.' (S B) 164. 144. The Virgin and Child under a canopy ; 2 strange figures hold scrolls on each side with inscriptions (illegible) ; beneath in compartment a monk praying : * S' HERVEI de CRAMBETH DECANI ABERDONEN.' (S C) 2, 145. 2 figures (a monk and bishop) in niches below a spire with cross, a bishop at prayer beneath : ' . . . will'i di gra epi dunkelden.' (S C) 35. 146. 2 ecclesiastics in compartments, iudistinct object above : ' s' prioratus * DE rostynoth.' (S C) 108. [Attached to the original homage by Kobert prior of Kostynot and the chanoignes, 28th August 1296.] 147. A fi-agment ; in centre St Michael Avith lance and red cross shield over- coming the Dragon, a figure kneeling at left side ; at top a triple-towered church : 'sigillum abbatis de scona.' (S C) 111. 148. Shield -nith 3 mullets, 2 and 1, within round tracery : ' s' dni johannis ' DE moravl' (S C) 146. 149. A shield with fesse : 's' johannis de malev . . . militis.' (S C) 146. (III.) UNCATALOGUED SEALS. TRAY 1. 150. An eagle displayed : ' s' wil'i d' kyngorn clericl 151. A squirrel : *i crake notis.' 152. A head in profile to sinister : ' capud servi del' 153. Oval ; a peacock walking : ' s' hugonis pecok' — good. All attached to fragment of homage. 154. A gem ; Victory on a car : *s' henrici de graam.' 155. A garb(?) : *s' franci : com . . . (?). 544 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 156. A squirrel : (illegible). Joined by strings. 157. 3 cinquefoils, 2 and 1. [pcrhaj^s] a label above : 's' valteri dwrant'(?). 158. A neat small sbield : ' s' ade de wittona' — defaced. 159. A six-leaved flower : *s' johannis lebvtelor.' 160. Spiles: 's' davit brechin.' 161. A hare or rabbit under a tree : ' s' alexsandri de lamb . . .' All joined by strings. 162. Small shield, indistinct charges : 's' andree de ca[rnot]o. 163. A deer running : 's' micaelis de wittvn.' 164. A lion rampant : 's' wil'i d' gvrlay.' Joined by strings. 165. A fosse surmounted of a bend : 's' will'i flandrensis.' 166. A garb, 4 pellets on either side : ' s' hugonis kinnedi.' 167. The Agnus Dei : ' s' alani de glesfrit.' 168. A lion rampant : ' s' rob'ti de camera.' All attached to fragment of homage. 169. Chalice and hand : ' s' boberti capellani.' 170. Small signet in shield shape ; a squirrel : * prius.' 171. A mastiff barking ; a rose above : ' s' nicolai de pincriton.' 172. Oval ; a squirrel in a tree : ' s' joane vicard.' All joined by strings. 173. Oval ; a hunting horn stringed, rabbit above : ' s' dovenadi macancol.' 174. A seven-leaved flower : ' s' joh's de vitlav.' 175. Oval ; a bird : 's' rogeri de bvrdvn.' 176. Oval ; a head in profile : * s' vil svratter.' All joined by strings. 177. A saltire and chief, the latter charged with a bull's head(?) fesse-ways : 's ' ewstacii de boiwill.' 178. Oval; the ^martyrdom of St John Baptist, 2 women standing by: *s 'will'i . . . .'(?) — spirited. 179. A crane : 's' andree de cranist.' 180. Oval ; a parrot and another bird : ' s' angn . . s . emol(?).' All joined by strings. 181. Oval ; a priest consecrating : 's' nicolai capellani.' 182. A pelican feeding her young on a nest : ' s' radulphi hostiaril' 183. A stag's head cabossed and star : 'timete deum.' All joined by strings. 184. A saltire and (?) in base : ' s' johannis blund.' 185. A wild boar passant : 's' rob' de spottiswod.' 186. Crescent and star : 's'will'de ktmbir[gh]an.' All joined by strmgs. 187. A flower of 8 leaves : (illegible). 188. Oval ; a hunting horn : 's' helias de hoprigkil.' 189. Rude device : 's johis de mor'h'. 190. A squirrel : ' s' alexsand' fosard ' — rude. 191. A rabbit(?) eating the root of a tree : ' s' malcolmi de kimspinod '(?). All 5 attached to fragment of homage (endorsed) ' Nich deficit.' 192. An eight-leaved figure : 's' ade de home.' 193. A sixfoil : 's' johis de rynbachlav '(?). Joined by strings, 194. An eight-rayed flower : ' s' JOHAn' gilmOTAM.' 195. Ten-leaved flower :*.... cuncam.' RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 545 196. A cross patee : ' a' johis naper ' — rude. Joined by strings. 197. 2 chevi'ons on a shield, a quarrel above : ' s' johaxnis otyr.' 198. A lion coiled : 's' duncani fil'(0 avmyl(?) mil.' 199. A saltire cantoned with an animal's head in chief and base, and 2 roses in the flanks : 's' alwini d . . avxk. e(1). 200. Stag's head cabossed ; between the antlers a small animal and fleur-de-lys : 'S' MAURIC' DE ARXCAPIL.' 201. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' mattheus gvr[le].' All attached to a fragment of homage. 202. A gem ; human head (defaced) : 'le seel Fergus.' 203. Hunting horn stringed : ' s' ioha . . s roslirs.' 204. Device a scallop : ' s' edwardi de govert.' 205. Three mullets, 2 and 1, a rose at each side of shield : ' s' will'i de mora via milit' ' — elegant. 206. On a chief 3 covered cups : 's' dxi ioh'is bvtteler.' All attached to fragment of homage. 207. Eight-flowered figure or rose(]) : ' s' patricii d' gilboihin' [of Botyl]. 208. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' randulphi de logton.' 209. A sqiiirrel : ' s' henrici de bard.' 210. A saltire and chief: 's' jehan de kirkpatrik.' 211. A bend between 2 cinquefoils(?) 's' dni joh'is de valibvs.' These 6 joined by strings. 212. Shield (charges indistinct) : 's' walt'i de longton '(?) 213. An orle : 's' wilelmi de baliolo.' 214. Eight-rayed figure : 's' will'i vafrer.' 215. Fox carrying ofl" a goose, and man shooting an arrow, star above: ' s' ade de ' MACHISPOFFIL.' 216. Shield with a fesse and label of 5 points, star in base, lizard at either side of shield : 's' roberti(?) de bettunb.' These 5 joined by strmgs. TRAY 2. 1. Large fragment of a homage, dated Berwick-on-Tweed 28th August, by ... . hem fiz Nece de . ., Gilberd de Kyu . . . ., Eichard de Lasce . ., Johan de Abercrumby, Adam de Lumbyny, Patrick de Dundemor, William de . . . ., Eichard de BalliDakennor, William de Kuere, Hem-i Grey, Ele de A . . . . Hadynton, Johan Fresele, David Arnot, Andreu Balna . . . kyn, .... Eandolveston, Adam de Petytlauh, William de la Haye, .... Dunduff, Wauter vinayre de Forgrunt, William Doberville, e Johan le Waloys: — 1st String. 217. An eight-leaved figure : ' s' will' d' ramesay.' 218. A lion (?) passant (rude) : ' s' ade de lumbenni.' 219. Oval ; device, a fir branch crossed : ' s' rob'tif' rad.' 2nd String. 220. Rabbit below foliage : ' s' will'i de kinlhoi.' 221. Stag's head cabossed, a cross between antlers : 'timete devm.' 222. Scallop shell : 's' joh'is de ramsay.' VOL. II. 2 M 546 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS 2. Another homage, of which nothing remains but the foot and tho year 24, has 22 strings of seals appended : — 1st String. 223. Small shield (charges indistinct) ; lizard on each side : ' s' Willi db * GURLAi ' — neat. 224. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' adami de garviau ' — rude. 225. A hammer in pale : ' s' henrici ferur.' 2nd String. 226. A fleur-de-lys : 's' walt'i d' balerah'(?). 227. A horse shoe : 's' p'gusii marescalli' — neat, 228. A shrub : ' s' henrici d' carding.' 3rd String. 229. A star(?) ; leg. (indistinct). 230. Device, an ass(?) on his hind legs, holding a mask in his fore legs : ' s' nvl- • LVM tale.' 231. A fox(?) charged with a shield, a tree behind ; outer inscriiition : *s' ad ' fil(?) bartholomei ' ; inner inscription : "^ mente gard de renard.' 4th String. 232. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' rob'ti d' moscocamp.' 233. The same : ' s' petri lesuris ' — rude. 5th String. 234. A gem (indistinct) : ' s' roberti de pilmor.' 235. A star : ' s' w . . lecese '(?) — rude. 236. A double-headed eagle displayed : ' s' simoni de lasalric' 6th String. 237. Saltire and chief (charges illegible) : ' s' thome de bois.' 238. Oval ; hawk killing a bird (rude) : ' a' thome de cathkwin ' (?). 7th String. 239. Crescent and star : ' s' jhois de iolvh.' 240. (Obliterated) : ' s' henr' de kidlav.' 8th String. 241. Eight-leaved rose : ' s' philippi de walran.' 242. The Virgin and Child seated on bench ; star of 7 points above and below ; leg. (undecipherable). 9th String. 243. Pelican feeding young on nest : 's' rig' de hvlotistun '(?). 244. A hawk standing on a gloved hand(?) : ' s' roberti de hedlee. 245. A head in profile (gem?) : ' s' galfridi de caldecote.' 10th String. 246. A lozenge ; leg. (indistinct). 247. A lozenge ; leg. (indistinct). 248. A rose(?) : *s' johis de hamevorte'C?). 11th String. 249. A rose : ' s' will'i avenal.' 250. (Defaced) :'.... de ... .' 251. A saltire cantoned with 4 roses(?) within tracery : ' s' ranvlfi de * . . . . VDEN.' 12th String. 252. (Obliterated) : ' s' nichol' de prestdn. 253. An owl : ' s' willi' de prestun.' 254. A star : ' s' will'i de pogli,' PtELATING TO SCOTLAND. 547 IStli String. 255. Oval ; a lioiind running : ' s' joh'is de crake ' — injured. 256. Oval; a fleur-de-lys : ' s' roberti wyppunt ' — rude. 14th String. 257. Same : ' s' will'i fil' ricardi.' 258. A winged griffin : ' sigillum amoris.' 15th String. 259. Oval ; a hawk killing a small bird on tree : ' s' petr . . . de filaliglen(?). 260. A ten-leaved flower : ' s' henrici vecvl.' 16th String. 261. Oval ; the Agnus Dei : ' s' ivoNis de elbotel.' 262. Eight-rayed figure ; ' s' micael d' hail.' 17th String. 263. Oval ; the same : ' s' ade clerici ' — rude. 264. A label(l) of 3 points, each charged with 2 fraises : ' s' wilelmi ' eraser ' — somewhat worn. 18th String. 265. Oval ; the Agnus Dei : ' s' johannis fil' galfridi.' 266. A mullet of 6 points : ' s' tome wanc' 267. A wyvern crowned(?) hearing a shield on its Lack : ' s' henrici de VETRiPONT ' — elegant design. 19th String. 268. A shield charged with a harp(?) : ' s' walraun le harpevr.' 269. Oval ; two birds regarding a star : ' s' walteri de nortberwic cl'i.' 20th String. 270. Eight-rayed star : ' s' allani d' wintvn.' 271. Figure riding on an ass or mule holding a hawk(?) on right arm : 'mis. . * MON , . . .' 21st String. 272. Star, 7 rays : ' s' walti de wed'bvrn.' 273. Lozenge shape ; a bird flying : ' vmilis . . . .' 274. A hawk killing a small bird : ' s' angnete fil' randdlC?) graht '(?). 22nd String. 275. Eight-leaved flower : ' &' andree de haldanistun,' 276. Device (undecipherable). 277. Flower of 15 rays : 's' thome de stratun.' 278. A fleur-de-lys : * s' roberti movest.' 279. An eagle displayed : ' s' johis de sco claro.' 280. Oval ; a lady holding a shield by the guige in her right, and a falcon in her left hand : ' sigill' derworgoyl d' crauford.' 281. Shield shape ; lion rampant ; ' s' johannis de kinros.' 282. Two lions counter rampant : * sig' ade sisoris.' These six joined by strings. 3. Fragment of homage : — Ist String. 283. A raven(?) : 's' johis de CORN al'(]) — rude. 284. A boar's head and neck couped : ' s' will' de ereiit mil '(?) — rnde. 285. A ehief (charges obliterated), 3 lizards at sides and top of shield : ' s' dni ' willelmi de dvglas.' 286. A shield with orle, foliage above and 2 dragons at sides : * s' alexandri * DE BALLIOLO.' 287. Shield (obliterated) in round tiacery : ' s' lonis de seivode mil'(?). 548 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 2ntl String. 288. A hawk reganlant(?), inscription (illegible)— rude. 289. Eiglit-rayed figure : ' s' will' d' ramisay.' 290. Lozenge shape; a wolf (?) passant to sinister, a tree behind: ' s' a;j;dree * d' levingistvn mil.' 291. Oval; the Virgin and Child; monk at prayer below: ' s' gilb'ti de ' Ti:.Mi'[ LETON cl]'ici ' — broken. 292. Stag's head cabossed ; mullet between antlers : ' timete devm.' TRAY 3. 4. Fragment of homage No. 3 : — 1st String. 293. A shield with lion rampant(?) — defaced ; 3 lizards around shield : ' s' ' DVNCAL MCD.VIL.' 294. A pelican feeding young on nest : ' s' joh'is de ormiston.' 295. A castle with 3 towers('?) — broken : '. . . thom. de tv[rri]. 296. Oval ; a fleur-de-lys : 's' el. . abethe latang mo.' 297. Hound pulling down a stag ; leg. (illegible). 2nd String. 298. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' joh'is log.' 299. A crescent enclosing star : ' s' ricardi . . werwic ' — damaged. 300. Device (?):'.... det '(?). 301. A lion rampant on a rose(?) : ' s' willel. mi de heswel.' 302. Coronation of a kneeling figure (the Virgin?) : ' roberti .... nor- * AI anvil.' 3rd String. 303. A horse shoe : ' sigillum davit merschali.' 304. An eagle killing a hare (damaged) : ' s' andrei d' [gardjroba.' 305. A water bouget : ' s' roberti de rois ' — neat. 306. A hunting horn stringed (broken) : ' s' nvG .... ohvae.' 307. Shield with 3 bars, within tracery: 's' RO . . . cambrv' de balli- ' GYRNA . . . LIT . .' 308. A stag trijjpant to dexter : ' iesvs ivdeam dolet.' 5. Fragment of homage : — 1st String. 309. A star of 6 points : ' s' alani Fleming.' 310. A lion rampant : ' s' reginaldi de cravford.' 2nd String. 311. An eagle displayed : 's will'i de mora via' — rude. 312. Device (?) : 's' alexand d' pavntvn.' 3rd String. 313. A fesse chequy between 2 stars in chief and a hunting horn stringed in base : ' s' symeon d'huston.' 314. A fleur-de-lys (?) in pale, between 3 stars of 6 points : * s' ricardi wer' — distinct. 315. Shield shape ; a narrow horse shoe(?) : inscription (illegible). 4th String. 316. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' alexand' b'otil ' — rude. 317. A tree, bird at foot : ' s' simonis de ryna' (?). 6. Fragment of homage : — 1st String. 318. A falcon on an oak branch : 's' johannis de rameseye' — tjood. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 54^ 319. A hare or rabbit at foot of a tree ; bird in tojj : 's' johis de camboc ' — good. 320. A short-winged hawk, wings extended, on ground : ' . . s' johanxis . ,' — broken. 2nd String. 321. A small hawk on a perch in a gloved left hand, 3 roses in field : ' s' ade ' KAMESAY ' — good. 322. A star of 6 points : ' s' bartholom'i(?) de kil . . . .' — rude. 7. Fragment of homage No. 5 : — 1st String. 323. A hare in her form, foliage : ' s' radvlfi de eglintun ' — good. 324. A wy vem ; star in field : ' s' joh'is le pvisne.' 325. Eight-rayed figure : * s' alani de toftz '(?) — rude. 2nd String. 326. Small signet, shield shape, a lion coiled : 'crede jiichi'(/). 327. A wolf or fox, crosier in hand and mitred, preaching to a bird in a tree, a dog, and a rabbit : ' s' randulphi fairete.' 328. A rose : ' s' roberti frvs(?) ' — rude. TRAY 4. 8. Small fragment of homage : — On String. 329. Shield with 2 garbs(?), and a canton dexter over a 3rd ; charges indistinct (stars ?) : ' s' johis de ionestone militis.' 330. Shield with 2 lions passant to dexter, very pretty tracery around shield : ' SIGILLV HECTORIS ASCOLOC' 331. Shield shape ; a shield with hunting horn stringed between 3 roses : 'a' ' WALTERI SPREVLE.' 332. Shield quarterly ; 1 and 4 (apparently) a lion rampant to sinister, 2 and 3 (obliterated), a lizard on each side ; inscription obliterated. 333. A wild boar at foot of tree : ' ave maria gracia' — rude but spirited. 334. Eight-rayed figure : 's' nichol^i F ioser'(0- Joined by strings. 9. Fragment of homage : — ■ 1st Strmg. 335. Bull's head cabossed : ' s' rob'ti de boyvilla. 336. A crescent and star (damaged) : ' s' ricardi d' warwic' 337. Small signet ; a rabbit and some indistinct object below : ' clamorvsi.' 338. (Obliterated.) 2nd String. 339. Cross patee surmounting 4 rays : * rog . walays.' 340. A shield, saltire and chief charged with 3 stars (neat) : ' . . . onis de 'mvlvier'(?). 341. Small signet ; a badger and rabbit fesse-wise, ears of corn arountl : ' s' gilb'ti chvxyse.' 10. Small fragment of homage :— On string. 342. Cross cantoned with 5 stars : ' s'michael' le jiessag.' 343. Signet ; the Eraser shield : 's'axdree fraser militis' — very elegant. 550 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 11. The following 4 fiue signets are attached to fragments of a homage by red and green silk twisted strings : — 1st String. 344. Shield with lion rampant : ' secretum gilberti.' 345. Shield with bend, charged with 3 Cornish choughs : ' s' ROg'i fil' wil'li LE BRABANZON.' 2nd String. 346. 3 round buckles, 2 and 1, on shield : ' sigillum secreti.' 347. A gem ; Bacchus among vines : ' sigillum servi marie.' 12. Fragment of homage No. 3 : — 1st String. 348. Oval ; small shield, an orle(?) between a star in chief and another in base point : ' s' henrici de mundeville.' 349. Oval ; a device like a shuttle(?), in pale between 3 stars : ' s' margar' d' ' COLBANST.' 2nd String. 350. A saltire and chief, trace of stars on latter : ' s' domini hufridi de * GARDINO.' 351. An orle ; 2 lizards at side : 's' ingrami de vnfranvile.' 352. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' stmonis d' cresvile.' 353. Dog(?) at foot of tree, between 2 cinquefoils : ' s' patricii de oggilvile.' 354. Shield charged with beud(0, and label of 5 points : 's' wilelmi biscet.' 355. (Obliterated.) 3rd String. 356. Device, a monster(?) : ' . . . . camera.' 357. Oval ; the Virgin and Child ; leg. (undecipherable). 358. A crow or jackdaw : ' s' rob'ti d' hodolm.' 359. A shield with bend charged with escallops(?), field crusilly : ' s' mor- 'gvndide glenesk.' 360. A duck or gull feeding : ' s' dovexaldi fil' gilberti.' 13. Fragment of homage No. 3 : — 1st String. 361. A squirrel : 's' thome maccvli'(?) — rude. 362. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' alani de lib'tvn ' — rude. 363. Oval ; a lady standing on 2 shields with orles, the Agnus Dei in left hand, right on breast : ' s' patricii nobil.' 364. Stag's head cabossed ; between antlers, shield with 3 piles in point(?) : • SIGILLVM WALTERI LOGAN ' — gOOd. 365. A hawk (or pigeon) on ground ; crescent and star : ' s' hamlin de trvp.' 366. A dog (broken, inscription lost). 2ud String. 367. 3 shields conjoined in base, a chief(?) on one ; no inscription. 368. Shield shape, lion rampant to sinister : ' s' thome de candela.' 369. The Agnus Dei : '&' thome doley'(?). 370. Device, animal(?) in centre, crescent in chief, rose in base, and 2 stars at sides : 's' walteri filii walterl' 371. A crane (as before) : ' s' andree de cranist '.' 14. Fragment of writ, ' Newcastle.' 4 seals appended by green and red silk tags ; those of the Earls of March and Angus to 1st, and Athol and Sir John Comyn to 2nd string. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 651 On the document is noted 'S' Epi Glasguen/ Abbia de 'Gedeworthe, Comitis de Boughan.' 372. A sqiiirrel within interlaced squares : * s' walteri doravmt.' 373. Oval ; the Virgin and Child : ' s' willelmi de cramond clerici.' 374. Eight- rayed ligure : ' s' joh'is d' lastalric' 375. Three horse shoes, 2 and 1, on crusilly field : ' s' lO s marescal.' 376. Stag's head cabossed ; small shield between antlers, charges lost : ' s' ' WILLELMI DE . . . . RYCOL '(?). All joined by strings. 15. Fragment of homage : — 1st String. 377. A boar's head couped, 's' alaxi de libetun '—rude. 378. A boar's head : * s' recardi de erht '—damaged. 379. Oval ; rude figure (St Michael overcoming the Dragon?) : * s' radulfi de ' ECHELAN.' 2nd String. 380. Oval ; an upright staff : * s' davit ra mvlvs.' 381. A rose : ' s' ade de witbvrn.' 382. A hunting horn, stringed : ' s' wilmi ma . . evil.' 3rd String. 383. A tree ; archer at dexter side shootmg at a stag at sinister : ' sigill' willi ' DE kinmonet.' 384. A cross patee, cantoned with 3 roses and a crescent : ' s' joh'is de acdok- ' NISTVN 'C?). 385. A shield ; (charges obliterated) : ' s' thome cambel.' 386. A lion(?) feeding on the hindquarter of a stag : ' s' wilelmi de camera, 4th String. 387. A large dog : ' s' will'i tenavnt.' 388. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' randulphi de logton.' 389. A ten-rayed figure : ' s' koberti peseune.' 5th String. 390. A scallop shell (?) : ' s' henrici .... '—coarse. 391. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' gilbertijvvenis '(?). 392. A lion rampant : ' s' roberti de huttoun.' 393. Stag's head cabossed ; a cross between the antlers : ' saer d' dvndas. 16. Fragment of homage No. 3 : — 1st String. 394. An open right hand in pale : ' s' rolani de ascole.' 395. A right arm with hawk on perch : ' ilcrist mor '—damaged. 396. A star of 6 points : ' s' will' de drilav.' 397. Shield vni\\ 3 buckles, 2 and 1 : * s' alexand' de bonkil.' 398. Shield with 3 buckles on a chief : ' s' jehan de strivelixe cheval.' 2nd String. 399. Oval ; pelican feeding young on a nest : fMER.' 408. (Broken.) 4th String. 409. Oval ; a figure of St Andrew : * s' andree de logen '(?)• 410. Bull's head cabossed : ' s' will'i de boyvile.' 411. Oval ; Virgin and Child seated : 's' will'i servitoris.' 412. A device (?) within rounded tracery, 2 small shields below: 's' rob'ti ' de cokebvrne cl'icl' 413. (Obliterated.) 5th String. 414. A small eagle displayed : ' s' joh'is de . . . .' 415. A boar's head couped : 's' will' de an . . . .' 416. A lion(?) coiled in a flower of 7 leaves : 's' JACOBI de straton.' 417. A lion rampant on a six-leaved flower : 's' ioh' ro . . (?) bvrges ' de ' berw'i.' 6th String. 418. An eagle displayed : 's' will'i de rameseye' — neat design. 419. A dog or lion close coiled : ' wakene me non.' 420. Oval ; the Coronation of the Virgin Mary : 'sigil . . . . e . . ove'l' — (broken). TRAY 5. 17. Fragment on which is written ' S' Thome Eandolf filii et David de Torthorwald, S' Michel de Wymes, Eicardi Eraser, et Simon Eraser ; S' Sym Eraser, Alex de Bonekyl et Johis de Strevely ' : — 421. A lion(?) couchant bearing a cushion on his back, elegant tracery in field : ' s' THOMAS randolf ' — damaged. 422. Shii'ld with saltire and chief, charged with 3 roundels : ' s' david de torthorald.' Attached l)y 2 red and green twisted silk strings with tassels. 423. A lion passant ; a gem : ' sigillum secreti ' [Michael de Wemyss]. 424. Six fraises 3, 2, and 1 : ' s' ricardi eraser.' Similarly attached. 425. The same with label of 4 points ; lizard on each side : 's' SIMONIS friser.' 426. Three round buckles on a chief : ' s' jehan de striv .... eval ' — broken. Similarly attached. (All in green wax, and fine impressions.) TRAY 8. 18. Fragment of liomage: — 427. A hunting horn : * s' THOME levver.' 428. A patriarclial cross : ' s' hugonis de hexteldspehe '(?). Joined by strings. 429. A lean dog coiled gnawing a bone : ' s' johanis life.' 430. An eight-rayed figure : ' s' cristiane de lagrinay.' Joined Ijy strings. 431. The Agnus Dei ; 's' ratricii de billl' 432. Oval ; eight-rayed figure : 's' roberti d' chartris.' Joined by strings. 433. A hunting horn and cinquefoil above : ' s' walteri de . . . .' 434. A hawk on left hand and arm, a star above : ' s' joannis de la shcel.' Joined by strings. RELATING TO SCOTLAND. 553 435. A lion coiled in a flower : ' si repose livn svr la rose'(?). 436. A lion fighting an enormous dragon : ' s' ricardi de wynhov.' Joined by red silk string. 437. Small shield (undecipherable) ; leg. (illegible). 438. Crescent and star : ' s' rob' de pitcon.' Joined by brown and yellow plaited strings. 19. Fragment of homage : — 439. Two birds regardant : ' s' roberti de havmeln.' 440. Oval ; hunting horn, stringed : ' s' henrici p' arnvni.' Attached by plaited strings. 441. An eight-leaved flower : * s' ade de lemor.' 442. A hunting horn, stringed : ' joh' de rat' — rude. Joined by platted green and yellow ribbon. 443. A hound, foliage in background : ' SOHOV nov.' 444. An eight-leaved flower : ' s' will' fresele.' Joined by narrow twisted ribbon. 445. A boar's head (rude) : ' s' JOHS d' ha . . ele.' 446. An eight-rayed figure ' s' thomae de bvcan.' Joined by strings. 20. Fragment of homage : — 447. A raven(?) : ' s' will' coci de knol.' 448. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' henrici d' tarven.' Attached by strings. 21. Fragment of homage : — 449. A lion coiled : ' s' davit de inirpefe.' 450. A gem (winged figurel) : ' s' herberti de SPE]srsA'(?). 451. An arm holding a hawk(1)a cross moline in chief: 's' willelmi vache ' — damaged. 452. A stag running, small shield between horns : ' s' wilelmi de herit.' Attached by narrow green and yellow platted riblion. 453. A swan attacking with outstretched wings ; foliage behind, water below : ' S' HUGONIS FILII WILLELMI DE CRESSINGH . . .' 454. On a gem, a lion rampant : ' vincit leo de tribu judeae.' TEAY 9. 455. Oval ; a rose : 's' johis de a. nird cl'cl" 456. Very neat ; in quatrefoiled compartment a shield, eagle displayed within an orle : ' sigill' ioh's de lavdeles.' Joined by twisted strings. 457. Small shield within quatrefoil, 3 knives in pale : ' s' patricii de sken cl'icl' 458. A cross patee : ' s' oting le harp'e'. Joined by strings. 459. A lion rampant to sinister : 's' walt' de benathen'(?). 460. An eagle displayed (rude) : ' s' walteri beschet.' Joined by red strings. 461. A star : 's' ade bel' — rude. Attached to a fragment witli his and some other names : ' Maucolum de Kynspin. .' &c. 462. A bull or cow : ' s' ricardi de comin . . . '(/). 463. Shape of shield ; a hare running : ' s' wilelmi de aitox.' Joined by red strings. 654 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 464. A shield with 3 garbs, a baton dexter betweenC?) defaced : ' s'. walteri ' CVMYN.' 465. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' alani W . . . . is.' Joined by strings. 4G6. A Catherine wheel(?) : ' s' robr pedrivi . v.' 467. Oval ; a fox and pair of scales : ' s' richart renart.' Joined by strings. 468. A star ; ' s' ade fil' nicol ' — rude. 469. Mullet within a circle : ' s' Robert walb.' 470. A hawkC?) sitting on a left arm holding the jesses : * s' hvgoni francisci. 471. Oval ; figure of 8 rays : 's' johis de kambow'(?). The last two joined by strings. 472. Oval ; a hawk regardant : ' s' lamberti waleis.' 473. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' marci de clapha.' Joined by strings. 22. Fragment of homage 1296 : — 474. A cock walking : ' s' petri de cokebdrn.' 475. A head within tracery : ' s' andree jvdicis.' Attached by a string. 476. A squirrel leaping : ' s' gilb'ti maclurc' 477. Three stars, 2 and 1, not on a shield : 's' wilelmi helebec. Joined by strings. 478. Stag's head cabossed, a cross between antlers, 2 monsters(?) support it : * s' ' PETRI DE AVRGC' 479. Oval ; star of 8 rays, 3 pellets above and as many below ; ' s' johis de ' KAMBOUC' Joined by strings. 23. Fragment of homage : — 480. A hawk(?) on wrist, crescent and star in field : ' s' walteri scoti.' 481. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' ricardi cd'(?). Joined by strings. TRAY 10. 482. A water bird (? gull) : ' s' alani bel.' 483. A lion coiled within tracery : ' sigillum alexandri de keth. Joined by strings. 484. Head of John Baptist on charger ; hand pointing from above : * s' joh'is ' DESCEVM.' 485. A squirrel : ' s' cristiane melor.' Joined by strings. 486. A rhinoceros(?) between 3 stars : * s' alani de fwlton.' 487. A hawk killing a bird, stars in field : ' s' nicholai de fwlton. Joined by strings. 488. Pelican feeding young : ' s' mauricii f' nicol ' — rude. 489. Two lions passant : ' sigillum en ... . ' — broken. Joined by strings. 490. A squirrel : ' s' duncani de carlt ' — good. Joined by platted narrow ribbon to another (destroyed). 491. Oval; two lozenges in pale : ' s' petronille de veteriponte.' 492. Stag's head cabossed, a cross between antlers : ' s' ade d' kirketon. Joined by strings. 493. A shield suspended to foliage, 2 stars of 6 points on a chief ; lizard at each side : * s' joh'is de sco johanne.' 494. Shield with a cross flory : ' sigill' ricardi syward.' KELATING TO SCOTLAND. 555 TEAY 11. 24. Fragment of deed ' apud Novum castrum ' : — 495. On the breast of an eagle displayed, a shield charged with plain chief and fesse cotised(?) : ' s' johannis wogan,' 496. A gem, a griffin ; inscription (illegible). 497. A gem, an eagle with spread wings : ' secretum walteri de langetona.' Attached by red twisted silk strings. 498. A cross cheqny cantoned with 4 lions rampant ; * s' richart le ' barrier '(1). 499. A hawk or raven killing a bird : ' s' thome walchop 'C?)- 500. A hawk (rude) : ' s' wil' coci de knol.' Joined by strings. 501 and 502. Each a stag's head cabossed (illegible motto). 503. A stag running ; bow and arrow behind it : ' s' doncanni bart 'C?). Attached to a fragment of deed by narrow green and yeUow strings. 504. Oval ; Agnus Dei ; inscription (illegible). 505. Lozenge shape, a long legged bird : ' s' ade filii davit.' 506. Oval ; a fleur-de-lys : ' s' roberti porman.' 507. (Illegible.) 508. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' lavrince d' vedal.' 509. Oval ; eight-rayed figure : ' s' steph'ni hair.' Last three joined by strings. 510. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' tome de ybernia.' 511. A head in profile (gem) : ' sigillum elib de spot.' Joined by strings. 512. Eude figure of squirrel (or lion? rampant) : * s' ade de hodvme.' 513. Oval ; griffin (or lion?) passant : 's' roberti de favside.' 514. Oval ; large bird (eagle ?) regardant ; leg. (illegible). Joined by strings. 515. Red wax, broken; shield, a chevron between 3 leaves : 'siG . . . . is * DE INSVLA.' 516. Small red wax signet, a bend charged with 3 roses (or stars). (No leg.) 517. Similar signet, broken ; three foxes (or wolves) passant on a shield : ' . . . . * HVGONIS LO . . . .' Joined on same tag. 518. A rose bush (oval) : * sigill' willelmi rose.' 519. Shield shape ; a stag : ' s' henrici de mansfelt.' 520. A rabbit : ' s' will'i de konisbovrg.' Joined by strings. 25. Fragment of homage : — 521. Saints(?) in 3 upper comi)artments, monk praying below: 's' will' Ml de PA . . . CAPELLANI.' 522. Small neat shield with fesse chequy, label of 3 points, and star (or cinque- loil) in base point : ' s' walt' de lindsey militis.' 523. Oval ; a hand above, consecrating a chalice : 's' will'i to. nan capel.' TRAY 12. 524. A gem, a fine female head : (on tag) * sig' hug' de despenser.' 525. A gem ; device, a monster(?) : ' s' roberti de herlei cleric' 526. A gem, lion fighting with dragon : ' je suy set damur lel.' Joined on tag. 556 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS 527. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' regnal d' kilmernoc' 528. A fe.?se with indistinct charges, Lutwetn 3 mullets: ' s' will'i de cravford.' Joined by strings. 26. Fragment of homage; 'Michael Scot, Filype de Uarriber, .... Purdevyn, Freskyn de Duflf'glas ' : — 529. Lion rampant to sinister : • sigillum secreti.' 530. Boar's head : ' s' gilefevle le rovs.' Attached by strings. 531. Oval ; a rose : ' s' johannis air.' 532. A tiger's head: 's' henrici de eriskin clerici(?). Attached by narrow plaited green and yellow ribbon. 27. Fragment of homage : — 533. Star of 16 rays : 'sigill' r. fil' henrici.' 534. Murder of Beket, 4 figures with drawn swords, 2 striking a kneeling figure before an altar, a monk praying beneath : ' s' simonis de ry.lor'(I). Attached by strings. 535. A lion coiled within a circular tressure of fleurs-de-lys : ' s' henrici de fernindrauth.' On tag : ' sig' Malcohni de Fernydragh.' 536. Within round tracery, a shield with 3 chevrons : ' s' johis de gevei.e- * STON.' TEAY 13. 537. Oval ; a lion rampant : ' s' alani tinctoris.' 538. Oval ; an eagle (rude) : ' s' joh' d' havk'tvn.' 539. Oval ; a shrub (illegible). Joined by strings. 540. A bird (illegible). 541. A dog (defaced) : s' alexandri de pvr[de\tn]. 542. A square bag with massive lock, and hand holding it : ' s' freskyni de • DVGLAS.' Joined by strings. 543. A shield ermine plain(?) chief : ' s' thome doreward.' 544. A stag : 'crede michi.' 545. Oval ; a hand(?) consecrating a chalice (rude) : 's' wil'mi de carviet'(?). Joined by strings. 546. A fleur-de-lys : 's' thome de pv . . . in.' 547. A bird : ' esto fidelis.' 548. A mullet : ' s' will' de dvglas ' [Linlithgow]. Joined by strings. 549. A shield, bold fesse chequy of 3 tracts, and 3 charges in chief: 's' eilnay DE HOVSTVN.' 550. A shield crusilly, bold fesse chequy of 2 tracts: 's' hvgonis de da ■ ' NIELIST.' 551. A crescent and 5 stars : 's' alani fil' nicholai.' Joined by strings. 552. A shield (charges obliterated), within round tracery ; inscription (illegible). 553. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' ade s androtin' '(?). 554. A hawk : ' s' Reginald more.' Joined by strings. 555. An eight-rayed figure : ' s' dvncan mcghilc' 556. A demon with man's head and cock's feet and spurs : 's' dovena]>di f iJi MICHAEL.' PtELATING TO SCOTLAND. 557 557. A rabbit : ' s' dvcaxi f' alfini.' Joiued by strings. 558. A fleur-de-lys ; ' s' henrici d' halard '(?). 559. Shield witb boar's head couped, and fleur-de-lys in chief : ' s' johanxis ' DE PRESTVN.' 5G0. Shield with a bird perched(?) on a rose or star(?) : ' s' wilelmi : fravnseis.' Joined by strings. 561. An eight-leaved figure : 's' thome fil' malcolmi.' 562. Small shield (charges obliterated) : ' s' ricardi pesiun.' 563. A large rose : ' s' alicie de dvnbar.' Joined l)y strings. 564. A crown of thorns(?) : ' s' walt' d' graydn.' 565. A pelican feeding young on nest : ' s' andree fil' ranulphi rimur.' 566. An eagle displayed, surmounted of a fe3se(?): 's' fr'is ioh'is de savtrie.' Joined by strings. 28. Fragment of homage : — 567. A lion or dog's head couped : ' s' ade de gordwxe ' (broken, very fragile). 568. Oval ; St Andrew on his cross ; monk in prayer below : ' s henrici de strevelyn cl'i ; ' ' a n ' on either side of saint. (Broken and fragile.) 569. Oval ; a classical head (the horned Bacchus ?) ; a cross and 2 stars above : 's' PATRicii scot' (much damaged). Attached by strings. 570. Crescent and star ; leg. (illegible). 571. A hunting horn stringed: ' s' morici f' salni.' 572. A gem (female figure) : ' s' alani de langtwne.' Joined by strings. 29. Fragment of homage: — 573. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' r'gdjaldi more ' — rude. 574. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' alani : walys ' (?). 575. 2 heads respecting, a lily between : ' s' joh'is de knodolian.' Attached by strings. 576. A boar's head and neck couped : ' s' gregorii .Oder,' 577. A lion coiled : ' ore pense ne de mal.' 578. A mermaid(?) : 's' walran de colvone'(?). Joined by strings. 579. Oval ; the martyrdom of St Laurence, a figui'e praying beneath : ' s' * LAVRENCII de PETIN Cl'iCT.' 580. A cross moline : ' s' henr'i d' leseel.' 581. Eight-rayed figure : ' s' will' crokitta.' Joined by strings. 30. Fragment of homage : — 582. A lion coiled : ' s' michaelis fil' joh'is alicie '(?). 583. Stag's head (rude), a cross between antlers : ' s' joh'is d' dvxda.' 584. Lion fighting a dragon : ' s' patricii . . lascalrick '(?). Attached by narrow green and yellow strings. 585. Oval ; a large fleur-de-lj's : ' s' mariorie d' fairalhv.' 586. Shield (obliterated) : ' s' joh'is de bikerton.' 587. (Broken in half) an eagle : ' s' . . . . dri averan.' Attached by narrow green and yellow strings. 31. Fragment of homage, marked ' nich defic' : — 1st String. 588. The Leslie shield (6 in a circle as before) : 's' . . . . de lecelin militis 658 CALENDAE OF DOCUMENTS Slid String. 589. Shield within round tracery, 3 charges on chief (obliterated) : ' s' dvncani * DE FERNENDRAVT.' 590. St John Baptist's head on charger, hand pointing down: 's' ioh'is de ' SCEVN.' 591. A shield, fesse chequy of 3 tracts, charges in chief obliterated, supported by 2 lions : ' s' arthuri de dvnnovin.' 592. Lion(?) on a flower (rose ?), very elegant tracery around ; no motto. The last two joined by a narrow green and yellow tag. 593. Crescent and star : ' s' will'i de chatkert.' 594. A lion rampant : ' s' . . . . is DE wenshe .... \1). 595. Two hands crossed, a fleur-de-lys above : ' fey me tent.* Joined by a narrow green and yellow string. 32. Fragment of homage : — 596. A fleur-de-lys cro'mied(?), 2 cross-crosslets in chief and 2 roses in base : * S' DOWENALDI FILII AMEDa'(?). 597. A fox or wolf : ' s' malcolmi nvadeoc' 598. Oval ; an eight-rayed figure : ' s' roberti de(?) anlisy'C?). Attached by strings. 599. A quatrefoil pierced surmounting a saltire : ' s' gilb'ti f' DAvrD'(?). 600. A wild bull's head cabossed, a human head (damaged) between its horns : 's' will'mi de rothirford.' 601. A shield ; lion rampant (defaced) : 's' f'ris alexandri de Welles.' Joined by strings. 602. A fleur-de-lys : ' s' will'i fil' wimvn'(I). 603. A hare blowing a horn, riding on a dog : ' s' joh'is de arrat.' 604. Oval; device(?) : ' s' amabille de cambis' — damaged. Joined by a narrow green and yellow string. 605. A priest robed holding the Sacrament(?) : ' s' rob'ti de [gjedewrd < cl'ic'(?). 606. An eight-rayed figure : ' s' patrit de bardonan'(?). 607. Damaged : ' s' a nri ormiton.' Joined by strings. 608. Interlaced pointed tracery ; ' s' thome d' ravto'(?). 609. Shape of shield ; a hunting horn, stringed, between 2 roses in chief and 1 in base : * s' walteri sprevle.' 610. An eight-leaved flower : ' s' herb' d' gledstan.' Joined by strings. 611. The letter 'k' : 's' alexaxdri(?) de rh '(?). 612. A shield (defaced) : *s' alexandri de strevelin'(?). 613. 2 triangles interlaced : * s' gilberti droman.' Joined by strings. 614. A seal(1) : ' s' gervasii avdvgis.' 615. A hawk on a wrist : 's' johannis d' owasdi'(?). 616. A bird (rude) : ' s' alani(?) lovhrn'(?). Joined by strings. 617. Flower of 8 rays : ' s' will' marscalli.' 618. A fleur-de-lys : 's' radvlfi de eclin.' 619. A squirrel (rude) : 's' walri' d' . . kelat'(?). Joined by strings. EELATING TO SCOTLAND. 559 TRAY 16. 620. A boar's head couped in pale : ' s' mathei de egvas'(?), 621. A lion rampant regardant : ' s' ricardi scoTi' — rude. 622. A crescent and star (damaged) : ' s' will' de fvlarto'.' 623. A hare in her form : ' s' ade de henmerie.' 624. A bird and star : 'b' dovenaldi '(?). 625. Shield (damaged and defaced) : ' s' Nic . . . . Ai de . . . . a ' Joined by strings. TRAY 21. 626. A cross flory : * s' thome de morham.' 627. Oval ; a large fleur-de-lys : 's' sare filie radulfi.' Joined by strings. TRAY 27. 628. Oval; a raven holding an object in his beak : 's ade de fuldain de * FORTO.' 629. A rose : < s' joh's pegas.' 630. 2 birds in a bush : 's' mathei d' havthornde,' UNNUMBERED BOX. Fragment of a large seal. 631. A lymphad with one mast and cordage, sail furled on square yard, on the sea ; 4 men sitting in her : ' s' engusii de i d ' [Angus of Ila?]. INDEX. VOL II. 2 N INDEX. The numbers refer to the paragraphs, except when the page is named. The words " Bann. Glub" following a name indicate that it is so spelt in the edition of the Ragman Roll printed for the Bannatyne Club. Abbot, Sir John, dean of Fife and Fothyrrife, ordered by the Bishop to sequestrate the fruits of the Provostry of St Andrew's (April 1306), 1822. Abjloc, Thomas, p. 46.' Aherbrandaly (Elgin), p. 165. Aberbrothok. See Arbroath. Aberbuthnot church, St Andrews' diocese, English i^resentee to, 1017. Abercromby, John de, (hom.), 730; of Fife (horn.), p. 204 ; 1670. William de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 203 ; seal (PI. V. 12). Aberdalgy, laud of, asked for, 1970. Aberdeen, merchants of, plundered at sea, 9, 10 ; goods to be restored, 20; the ' prepositi ' of, 587 ; engine from, 1500; issues of, by the sheriff (1304-5), pp. 438, 439 ; the K.'s escheators escorted to Banff from (May 1304), p. 443 ; castle, 547, 587, 641, 644. the Bishop of, to allow no church pre- sentations on the Earl of Buchan's lands except by Henry de Percy, 1487; to receive 100 oaks from the forests of Drum, Kintore, and Buchan, 1506 ; his tithes of Covenache, 1541; complaint by the Earl of Athol that his clerks interfere with pleas of his office, and claim 'bygamete' out of his courts, and like- wise clerks indicted though holding lay fees, 1682; claims hissecond tithes and his church of Balhelvi's land of ' StTernan,' 1729. Bishop of, Henry (fealty), p. 125; (hom.), pp. 195, 196; writes to the K. as to insurrec- tion in Moray (July 1297), 920, 921 ; seal (?) (PI. V. 3) ; chapter seal (App. iii. 109). Ferghar (Ferghus, Bann. Vluh), canon of, (hom.), p. 211. Trinity of, Friar Huwe, minister of the Order of the (hom.), p. 214. the Community of (hom.), p. 195. Henry of, clerk of John K. of Scots, bearer of Edw. I.'s reply (23 August 1295), 714. John of, 9, 10. Aberdeen, John of (of Berwick), p. 131 ; mer- chant, safe conduct, 1154. Aberkerdor, the thanage of, 542 ; the ' way- ' tinga ' of, 584. Aberkerthe (Aberkerthor, Bann. Club), Johan de, of Banffshire (hom.), p. 211. Aberkorn castle, 1004. Aberlouthenouc [Marykirk], farm of, (Pente- cost, 1304), p. 438. Abermers, Kichard son of Stephen de, of Bernham, 1966. Abernethy, Sir Alexander de, knight (fealty), p. 124; 751, seal, ib. ; {\\om.), p. 194; of Perthshire (hom.), p. 209; recognis- ance to Henry de Percy, 825 ; his lands iu Menteith, ib. ; expedition to Stratherne and Menteith, 1462; at the fords of Forth (March (1303-4), 1463 ; instructed by the K. only to receive Wallace unconditionally, ib. ; to be re-inforced by the Prince of Wales, 1470; summoned to Parliament, 1471; to levy the rents of Earl of Buchan given to Sir H. de Percy, 1472; and those given to Guy earl of Warwick, 1476; he gives Alexander de B:dliol of Cavers his lands north of Forth, 1478 :, dines with Prince of AA^'ales (Christmas 1303), p. 392; juror, 1670; petitions for his expenses since 1303, keeping Kynkardyn, Forfar, and Perth, &c., with sixty men-at-arms and others (Aug. 1305), 1694 ; warrant for payment, 1701; reports the Bishop of Glasgow's capture (June 1306), 1793; reports finding Forfar castle burned, but has repaired it ; asks aid from the Prince, if required, and the Irish to be pre- vented destroying his men's lands in Fife, &c. (June 1306), 1793; on duty at Ayr (July or Aug. 1307), 1961. Sir Hugh de, 355. Margarete, widow of William de, of Berwickshire, (hom.), p. 214; seal (App. i. 4. (10)). 564 INDEX. Abernethy, Plielippe of, burgess (bom.), pp. 198, 201; seal (App. i. 3. (36)). William de, of Berwickshire (bom.), jx 201 ; seal (App. i. 3 (30)) ; Sir William de, 824 (2); p. 226; on duty at Ayr, (July or Aug. 1307), 1961. Aberutstoun, John of, p. 46. Aboyne (teste), 267. castle, 529; farm o{,ib. ; 541, 547, 603; not to be given to Sir Alexander Comyn, 1633. Abyndou(Dabyndon, Aby tone), Master Eichard de, treasurer at Carlisle, 1057 ; receiver at Carlisle, 1081, 1084, 1088, 1089, 1112; bis compotus (for 1299), 1115, 1116 ; writ to, from the K., 1127 ; baron of Exchequer, associated with John de St John in keep- ing the west Marches, &c., 1133, 1134 ; keeper of stores, Carlisle, 1256 ; has a seven years' lease of Writtel, 1804, 1837. Peter de, 1413, p. 370. Achbranny in Glenilif, restored to Bishop of Dunkeld, 1530. Achetele, affray at (c. 23 July 1303), 1571. Ackinhevy, Sir Walter de, juror, 1592. Acrington [Lancashire] ; Alexander II. grants a charter at, 1606 (5). Adam, David son of, 1420. Henry son of, p. 29. John son of, 407. Robert son of, 208. Simon son of, p. 29 ; 147. Adamsone,Jolian,ofBervvickshire(hom.),p.206. Addredeleye, the parson of, 303. Ade, William, of Inverkeitbiug (bom.), 819. Adewy, Rauf, 1637. Admulti, Rotheri de, 824 (5). Adr3'an, John (of Wiuchelsea), 9. Agdokestone (Addockstone), Johan de, of Edinburghshire (bom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 384); juror, 857. Aghenearne (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Agliengoile (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Aghenkippe (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Aghenros, Angus de (horn.), p. 210. Aghleke, Patrick de, of Lanarkshire (bom.), p. 206. AgmoJesham (Agmundesham), Walter de, adjoint of the Chamberlain, 496 ; takes oath of office, 498 ; his fees, 500, 502 ; adjoint, 547, 613 ; his seal, ib. ; presented to Kynros church, 839 ; chancellor of Scotland, royal letters to, 878 ; chancellor in Scotland (1302), 1313 ; proclaims the truce with France (till Easter 1303), 1333; receives part of money said to have been lost after Cress- ingham's death, 1597 seal (App. iii. 105). Agmodesham, Walter of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Aguillon, G. (justice), 258. Ailleston (Lanarkshire), K.'s demesne, farm of (1304), p. 427. Ailnier, Aylmer [Alemoor], Emme de, of Selkirkshire (hom.), p. 202. Roger de, of Selkirkshire (bom.), p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 407) ; accounts for. ward of Traquair, p. 439. Air, Robert, of Hederslawe, 196. Akeman, Alexander, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal, ib. ; (bom.) p. 204. Alan (Aleyn) [of Galloway], son and heir of Elena de Morville, 169 ; Thomas bis sou and heir, ib. ; Elena, Cristiana, andDerver- guilla, sisters and heirs of latter, ib. son of Waldeve of Allerdale, succeeds bis father, p. 16; a ward of David I. ib.; gives Bolton, &c., to Cospatryk bis (bastard) brother, ib. ; gives the Holy Rood of Carlisle, &c., with his son's 'corpse present,' ib. ; gives Aylewardby to Uti'ed son of Lyolf, bis knight, ib. Brun, p. 46. Lougblan le fiz, son-in-law of Alexander of Argyll, to be received to peace (June 1301), 1204 ; his wife, ib. Master (a pilot), 55. John le fiz, burgess (hom.), p. 198. Robert son of, p. 34. — — Roger, shipmaster, Ipswich, 1575. Alard,Gerveys, of Wiuchelsea, ' Admiral of the Fleet in Scotland, ' reports returns from three Cornish towns as to service, 1357 ; names men to man his fleet, and is as well pleased to have country men as mariners, 1358. Thomas, bailiff of Winchilsea, brings the town's engine in the fleet to Scotland, 1680. Albert (Albertinus), the K.'s confidential valet, credence for, to the Pope, regarding John de Balliol's afi'airs, 1259. Albalestor, Robert, 1606 (9). Albauo, bishop of, Cardinal B., 738. Albemarle, Earl of, p. 34. Earl of, William le Gross, marries Cecilia daughter of William fitz Duncan, pp. 16, 17 ; has Honour of Skipton, ib. ; William de Fortibus, p. 17 ; William his son ib. Countess of, Isabella de Fortibus, p. 34 ; her bailiffs refuse Carlisle customs, p. 35 ; .she holds Cockermouth, Pabecastre, and half Allerdale in dower, p. 36. Albiniaco, Elias de, 887. Albotislee, vill of, p. 171 ; 1075. INDEX. 565 Alburwyke, Master Robert, &c., warden of Balliol College, 240. Alclud (Dunbarton) city of, Hoel, Arthur's nephew, sick and besieged there by the Scots and Picts, p. 114. Aldaraston, Jurdan de, juror, 824 (3). Aldcambhouse, Huwe, vicar of, Berwickshire (horn.), p. 207. Aide, John, servant of the EarlofCarrick, 260. Aldeburgh, Ivo de, vallet (loses two horses), 1007 ; Sir Ivo, 1047, 1048 ; sheriff of the three Lothians (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3). Aldenestone. See Alston. Aldericha, John son of, p. 41. Aldham William parson of, Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 213. Aldingham in Furness, the Lady of, p. 65. Aldinscales, Henry de, 71. Alemannia, Henry de (dead), 277 ; Constance de Beam his widow, dowered, ib. Alemouth, Walter son of Adam of, shipmaster, Newcastle, ships engines at Edinburgh for Stirling, 1499. Alenburgh, p. 171. Alexander H., K. of Scots, born St Bartho- lomew's day (1198), p. 117; homage to him at Muscleburgh, cet. 4, ih. ; recognition by, of Robert de Brus as heir to the Crown, in the Scottish Treasury (1291), 513 ; confirms his father's grant to Vork, 1606 (5) ; gives Crail to Richard de Beaumont, 1670 ; charters to Priory of May, 1985 (19, 20). Alexander III., K. of Scots, to Queen Eleanor, 1 ; his fees coming to the Coronation, 175Z., 19, 33, 37; attests the marriage of Walter de Percy to Cristiana deLyndesay, 23; plea with Prior of Carlisle, p. 29 ; summoned by Prior of Carlisle, 39 ; he and his Queen ask grace for the Countess of Buchan, 40 ; letter on behalf of Alexander of Argyll, 55 ; letter as to doing justice on pirates, 59 ; asks the K.'s favour for the High Steward, 60 ; letter as to aid demanded for Tynedale, 62 ; various petitions by him, 63 ; his horses brought from London, 78; writes to theK. as to the March, 90 ; as to the Earl and Countess of Buchan, 91 ; on various matters, 93 ; sends envoys, 94, 96, 104; his debt to Edw. I. respited, 106 ; safe conduct to him, 107 ; his escort, 109, 112-115 ; letter to, from Edw. I., 116; replies, 119; arrangements for coming to England, 120 ; letter to, from Edw. I., 121 ; his rights saved, 122 ; safe conduct, 123 ; sends envoys, 125 ; rates of provisions fixed, 126 ; does homage and fealty, 127; declaration as to his homage at Tewkesbury, 128 ; with the K., Oct. 27, 130 ; gifts to his harper, trumpeters, and minstrels by Edw. I., 131; letter to Edw. I., 132 ; his servant assaulted, 145 ; his liberties in Cumberland maintained, 146 ; their nature, p. 37 ; his bailiffs' acts questioned by the justices ih., pp. 38, 39; they receive the coroner's cajiitula, p. 42 ; his rights in North Tindale, p. 45 ; pardoned fine for illegal burial at Staines, &c., 150, 158 ; letters from, 154, 155, 157, 159 ; his liberty of Alston restored, IfiO ; his letter to the K. 162 ; sends envoys, 164 ; appoints attorneys, 165, 191 ; marriage contract between the K. of Norway and his daughter, 197 ; 214 ; excuses Alexander earl of Buchan, 215 ; Alexander Balliol of Cavers, 219 ; letter as to miners of Alston, 224 ; inventory of his muniments (1282), 225 ; asks favour for Sir AVilliam de Soulis, 233 ; letter as to Tyndale and Ingeram de Gynes, 241 ; death of his son, 247 ; letter to Edw. T. as to his family afflictions and his surviv- ing granddaughter, 250 ; as to John Mazun's demand, 252 ; sends four girfalcons to Edw. I., 253 ; 255 ; John Mazun's complaints against him, 264 ; letter as to Ingram de Gynes, 267 ; sends envoys to Edw. I., 272 ; named, 275, 287 ; letter to, from a Spanish mariner asking justice, 288 ; charter of forest and warrento Coldingham, 1650,1651; his burial at Dunfermline, 292 ; service of John de Balliol as heir in his Cumberland lands, 664 ; and in Tyndale, 665 ; named, 856 ; executors of, sell presentation and ward in Tyndale, 335. Alexander (eldest son of Alexander III.), letter to K. Edward for Sir Ingram de Um- fraville, 157; to same, 204; intercedes for Nicholas de Veteripont, 205 ; asks respite of G. de Mountbray's knighthood, 210; 217; affianced to the Count of Flanders' daughter, 220, 221 ; his death, 247, 250 ; his widow returns to her father, 247. William son of 16. Aleynby, Adam of, 1091. Aleynton (Dumfries) farm of, p. 426. Algot, Master Peter, 601 ; clerk of Eric K. of Norway, 662 ; sends four hawks to Edw. I. ib. ; who wiites on his behalf to his master and the K. of Scotland, ib. Algucius, friar, custos of Wrytel church, 556. Aliauor, Queen [Mother] to Edw. I., on behalf of Bishop of Caithness, 178. Queen [Consort] of England ; letter for Isabella de Vescy, 395; her emis.sary's com- 5G6 INDEX. plaint, 418 ; William de Vescy's promise to her, 444; the late Queen Consort, 1138. Alicesone, Patrick, of Berwickshire (honi. ), p. 207. Alight, Thomas de, prisoner, p. 177. . "Walter de (honi.) 730 ; prisoner, p. 178. William, of Perth (horn.), 814, p. 197. Alintone, Roger vicar of, pp. 45, 46 ; Ranulf liis nephew, ib. Aliores (?), John, juror, 1588. Alizland (Dumfries), farm of, p. 426. Alkirk, the moor of (Roxburgh), band of twelve robbers captured there 'dead or alive,' 1226 ; names of some, 1227. All Saints, intercession with, 1441. Allegatte, John of, clerk, sub-sheriff of Rox- burgh (Jan. 1306-7), 1887. Allerdale, the barony of, pp. 17, 36, 38 ; 300 men from to pursue Robert de Brus, 1913. Allerdashe (Abberdash, Bann. Club), Alis- aundre de. of Kincardineshire (hom. ), p. 209. Walter de (hom. ), 730. Alloway (Auleway), farms of, pp. 425, 428 ; burgesses of Ayr held, ih. Almoner, Sir Ralph the, 1561. Ancrum (Allyncrom), the Bishop of Glasgow wishes timber to build a 'recette' at, 1626. Richard de, lands in Roxburghshire restored to, 832. Alnemouth, wine sent from, to Alnwick, 565. Alnwick, prison breaking and murder at, p. 42 ; Robert the castle jailor, ih. ; Andrew the thrasher, ih. ; the church of, ih. ; castle ward of, 234, 238; the K. at (17 Dec. 1292), p. 153; Earl of Ros and escort bait horses at, 1403. Abbot of, p. 130. Aleyn, abbot of, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 204. Alonby (Alainby),wreckat,p. 283; 1861, 1894. Alpin K. of Scots' death, p. 117. Monaghe tiz (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2. (40)). Duncan, of Aughintulus, Dunbarton- shire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal, (App. iii. 557). Alston (Aldenestone), the manor, mines, and miners, of, pp. 34, 35 ; disputes as to, between England and Scotland, ih. ; assize at, 147 ; the gallows of, removed, ih. ; the K.'s ninth of the lead WTOught, p. 41 ; the liberty of, restored to the K. of Scotland, 160 ; the lands of, to Robert de Yeteripont, ih. , p. 52 ; restored to Nicholas de Yeteripont, except mines and miners, 205, 217, 659 ; miners of, complaint as to, 224 ; outrages at, p. 29. Altars to be respected in stripping Scottish churches of lead, 1504. Alviothe (Scotland), 1205. Alurei the hunter, 690. Alyn, Carlisle customs at, p. 35. Amabillis (de Rumeli), second daughter of Wil- liam titz Duncan, m. to Reginald de Lucy, pp. 16, 17 ; has Honour of Egermund, ib. Amesl'ekl castle, Dumfriesshire, granted to Eurl of Warwick, 1009. Aniestroder (Anstruther), dues of vessels touching in port of, given to priory of May, 1985 (14). Amyens, truce with France at (25 Nov. 1302), 1333. Ancol, Donald le fiz, of Dunbartonshire, (hom.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 173). Andreu, David le fiz, burgess (hom. ), p. 197. Duncan fiz, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 210. Nicholas son of, p. 54. Anesleye, Johan de, of Crucfut, Lanarkshire ■ (hom.), p. 212. John le fiz Johan de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (3)). Angels, intercession with the, 1441. Anglesey, Welsh levies from, 984. Angus, Earl of, Gilbert de Umfraville, 83 ; delivers up castles of Dundee and Forfar, 497 ; indemnification to, ih. ; attests release by K. John to Edw. I. 658 ; the homage, &c., hy same, 660 ; 713 ; Thomas his son, a scholar at Oxford, ib. ; receives a fealty, 749; his homage, p. 197 ; seal (PI. ii. 15); main- prise for his son Gilbert who struck the K.'s servant in Parliament, 830 ; has 100 live deer to stock Hyrbotel Park, 842 ; manor of Faudon, forfeited by William Douglas, given to him, 1030; p. 226 ; prests to, p. 265; Gilbert de U., his son, ib.; his men of Redesdale's fine for breaking law as to coin, given him by K., 1217; his pay, p. 317; to send men-at-arms and three hundred foot to Roxburgh (April 1303), 1356; allowed to grant 20Z. of land in Redesdale to his son Thomas (7 Feb. 1304-5), 1742; his franchise of Redesdale violated, 1972 ; asks leave to imprison in Pnidhoe castle, as the Scots have dismantled Hirbodell, 1973. Edward de, prisoner, 1641. Eve de (hom.), p. 199. Laurence de, prisoner, 742, 873, ; fretd from prison on mainprise, 940 ; prisoner from Stirling, 1644. AVilliam de, prisoner, 877, p. 178 ; to be exchanged, 1062; to go from Corfe to INDEX. 567 York, 1077 ; at Corfe, 1085 ; expense of his escort to York, ib., 1086. Anjou, Charles, count of, brother of Philip K. of France, p. 254. Fulque, count of, p. 112. Anlaf (Olave), the Dane, p. 112. Annan (Anant), the burgh of, 826 ; victuals and wine watched there, p. 284 ; the 'clocherium' of, ib. ; attack by the Earl of Carrick expected (Aug. 1299), ib. ; Prince of Wales at (Oct. 1300), 1175 ; town farm of (for 1303), p. 426 ; 'Toftmales' of, ib. ; mill of, ib. ; fishery of, ib. ■ castle, Robert de Brus's {temp. Hen. II.),*p. 117. "William de, of Forfarshire, (hom. ), jx 199; seal (App. iii. 415). Annandale, 83 ; hostages from, 734 ; Cristiana widow of the Competitor, dowered in, 826 ; knights of, in English pay (1299), p. 283 ; men of, to obey Robert de Clifford, captain, 1032 ; to aid in strengthening Lochmaben castle, 1112; issues of (1299), 1115; the liegemen of, and Liddesdale, to aid in putting down the Scots insurgents (June 1303), 1374 ; valley of, farm of (for 1303), p. 426 ; compotus of the K.'s demesnes, &c. (1302-4), pp. 426-7 ; the Franks and Angles of, 1606 (9); no K.'s sheriff or coroner can act there, unless a homager of the Earl of Carrick, from the time of William the L}'on, 1588 ; important franchises claimed by the Earl of Carrick, to be advised ou by the Council, 1604. Annecombe, Johan de, of Roxburghshire, (horn.), p. 209. Anstrother (Aynestrother), Sir Henry de, knight (fealty), p. 124 ; of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. William de (dead), 340 ; inquisition of his land, ib. ; Henry his son and heir, ib. Ap Adam, John, of Somerset, 940. Appelby, manor of 169, 172; the Prince of Wales- at (Nov. 1300), 1175; 10 Scottish prisoners there (1300), 1196. John of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Robert de, vallet, 1572, 1805. Appeledreford, Henry de, sheriff of Kent, 1082. Appletone, AYilliam de, of Peebleshire (hom.), p. 207. Appeltrerig, land of, held of the regality of Sprouston for a white sparrowhawk, &c., 1435. Appeltsveht mill, 16. Apperle, Master William de, receives hay, 1446. Arblaster, Walter le, of Edinburgh (homage), 820, p. 197. Arbroath, Abbot and prior of, protection returning to Scotland from mission on behalf of the K. of Scotland (1295), 839; the Abbot recovers Haltwhistle church, 1484, 1543 ; outlaws maintained on his liberty by Sir Duncan de Ferindraut, 1735; objects to exchange of Hautwysel with Lanercost Priory, and complains of the Bishop of Durham, who has taken it by force, 1892. Abbot of, Henry (hom.), pp. 125, 194, 196; seal (App. iii. 111). Mass in the Prince's Chapel there on St Peter ad vincula (1303), 1413. Adam de, rector of Machlin, 629. Arbygelande, Thomas de, juror, 1588. Archdeacon, Sir John the, 1606 (7). Mathew the, 1985 (9). Archer, Patrick le of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 202. Roger, sells crossbows, 1324. s, the K.'s 24, safe conduct for, 1399 ; 90 and a captain join Aymar de Yalence, from the Bishop of Coventry (26 Feb. — 15 March 1306-7), p. 511. Archil, Alfwin filius, 1985 (3) ; Alfwin MacA., ib. (4). Arci, Sir Norman de, constable of Stirling, 522, 523, 533, 545, 547, 570, 586, 598, 633, p. 131. Philip de, p. 131. Robert de, p. 131. Ard, Cristinus del, prisoner at Coife,'' 1085, 1283, p. 178. John del, 923; aids constable of Ur<|uliart castle, ib. ; his son Cristinus a prisoner at Corfe castle, ib. William fiz Stevene de, of Invernesshire (hom.), p. 210. Ardchattan, Prior of, Pieres (homage), p. 196. Ardebethey, Lorn de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200. Ardena, Sir Ralph de, 675. ' Arderne, Adam de, 74. Sir Alexander de (fealty), p. 124. Ardros, Ela de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204 ; un- married, to have her Fifeshire lands, 853. Ardrossan, land of, held of Sir John de Balliol as heir of Dervorgoyl his mother, 1615; granted to Sir William Latimer. senior, ib. ; homage dis[)Uted, ib. 5G8 INDEX. Ardrossan, Fergus de, prisoner Corfe castle, 1668. Godfrey de, (fealty), 770; seal, ib.; (honi.), pp. 195, 199. • Hugh lie, late rebel, to receive back his lands (Oct. 1305), 1696. Robert de, brother of Fergus de A., prisoner, Rochester Castle, 1668. Ardry, land of (Galloway), 1619. Ardwykeston, Adam de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 810, p. 210. Ardyngtone priory, Wharfedale, a nun pre- sented to, 1864. Argailia (Ergadia). See Argyll. Argenteyn, Giles de, vallet of Sir Hugh le Despenser Uiis hackney, sick), 1011. Argyll, Sir Alexander of, his vessel arrested at Bristol, 55, 63, p. 124 ; Sir John of Argyll his son (fealty), ib. ; Lord of Lome, swears to keep the peace, 621; his seal, ib. ; 635; fealty, 791; attests K. John's fealty 600; horn., pp. 195, 202; seal (PI. iii. 19) ; his castles, &c., taken in K.'s hand (1296), p. 225; complaints of his lawless proceedings, 903, 904; Duncan his son, 903; to be received to peace (June, 1301), John his son, ib.; Duncan his son ib., 1204; accounts (for the sheriff) for farms of Lochawe and Arscodeuche (Pentecost 1304), p. 439. Sir John of, his castles, &c., taken in K.'s hand (1296), 884, p. 225; has taken Knajidale from John son of Suffne, and given it to John de Menteth, 1255; excused attendance at Parliament of St Andrews from sickness, 1480; Oweyn his son taken into the Prince of Wales' household for his father's faithful service (in Sept.' 1306), 1830; guarding Ayr and country round with twenty-two men-at-arms and 800 foot (19 July 1307), 1957. Marie de, safe conduct (April 1299) to see William Fitz Warin her husband, a prisoner in Scotland, 1104 ; recognisance to her by his son and heir (Dec. 1299), 1117; dead (10 Oct. 1303), ib. ; her executors, ib. See Stratherue, Maria, countess of, Queen of Man. Malcolm, brother of Sir Alexander de, (horn.), 808, pp. 200, 211. Armorere, Adam le, of Berwick, 967 ; Gunnore his wife, ib. ; petition the K., ib. Manekin the, of London, furnishes bacinets, helmets, &c., for the Prince, p. 365. Arms of St Edmund, St Edward, and St George made for the Prince of Wales' banners, p. 367; his own and those of Gloucester and Hereford, embroitlered and painted on shields, surcoats, scabbards, etc., ib. Armstronge, Adam, 1091. John, p. 34 ; 41 ; slain, 193. William., 24 ; deceased, 705 ; Adam his son and heir does fealty, ib. Arnaldi, William, of Asnieres, takes weapons to Linlithgow, 1324. Arnaud, Henry le fiz, of Selkirkshire (hom.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 440). William le fiz, K.'s tenant, Linlithgow- shire (hom.), p. 201. Arncappel, Morice de, of Dumbaftonshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 200). Arneteshou (Tynedale), gallows at, 147. Arnoldi, William, 312. Arnot, David, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Aroz, Johan de, of Dumfriesliire (horn.), p. 210. Arplyn, David, the reeve of Dunfres, 324. Arran, island of, provisions, &c., from Ireland to be sent there (1301), 1193. Arrac, John de, of Angus (hom.), p. 307; seal (App. iii. 603). Arscodeuche, farms of (1304), p. 439. Arthur, K., conc^uers Colgrim and the Scots at Duglas Water, p. 114 ; the Picts and Scots at Alclud, ib. ; and Gilla . . . nurias of the Irish, ib. ; Hoel his sick nephew besieged in Alclud, ib. Arthuret, pp. 34, 65, 66, 71 ; Scotsmen's rights there, 398, p. 65; water mill at, p. 64. Henry de, 208. Robert de, 208, pp. 64, 66. Arthurshill, Henry de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812, p. 204. Arundel, Earl of, Richard fitz Alan, military summons to attend the Prince of Wales at Midsummer (1301), 1191 ; 1819. Asceir, David de, 3. See also Athol. Askeby, Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom. ) p. 206. Robert de, clerk, 1017 ; presented to Eglismalishou church, 1023. Ashby la Zuche, manor of, 280. Askeloc (Askolo), Fergus, of Wigtownshire (hom.), p. 205. Gilbert, of Galloway, deceased, p. 131 ; Willelma his widow, ib. — — Hectur, of AVigtownshire (hom. ), ]). 202 ; seal (App. iii. 330) ; pardoned a murder, &c., at the Earl of Carrick's instance (16 Feb. 1301-2) 1291. Askeloc, Roland, of Wigtonshire (hom.), p. INDEX. 569 198 ; seal (App. iii. 394); juror, 824 (1) ; Hector liis son, ib. See MacGachen, Eoland. Asnieres, treaty of, ratified, granting a truce to the Scots (till 30 Nov. 1302), 1269 ; treaty, 1284. Aspatrik church, p. 16. Aspedoue lays crosses on Scottish women (?) at Kinclevyn, p. 191. Assche (Cornwall) and two other towns, summoned to equip a vessel for the K. (1303), 1357 ; their reply, ib. Assheby, Eobert of, messenger, brings letters to the Prince of AVales from Lords Thomas and Edmond his brothers, p. 369. Assize Eolls : Carlisle, 133 ; Appelby, 138 ; Cumberland, 146, 147; Northumberland, 148, 149 ; Werk in Tindale, 168. Astleye, Roger de, clerk, receives provender for the K.'s pigs, at Berwick, 1378. Athelstane, K., exploits of, and miracles done by, p. 112 ; invades Scotland as far as 'Dunfoder,' p. 113 ; Edred his son, ib. Athol (Asceles), Earl of, David the late, 219 ; affairs of John his son, ib. ; Edw. I. consents to his son's marriage with a daughter of William de Soulis (1285-6), 285. • Earldom of, case cited against Brus, 608 Earl of, John (de Strabolgy), attests release by K. John to Edw. I., 658 ; his seal(?), ib. ; 660; prisoner, 742; to be liberated from the Tower to serve in Flanders (1297), 930; mainperns various prisoners, 939 ; himself freed, 940 ; mainperns others, ib. ; 942 ; beyond seas with K. (Aug. 1297), 961 ; claims manor of Lesnes in Kent (in the Queen's hands) in right of his mother, 1440 ; 1479 ; dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (Christmas and New Year's day, 1303-4), 1516 ; warden and justiciar from Forth to Orkney (Sept. 1304), 1592 ; prays the K. to suspersede the delivery of Aboyne castle to Sir Alexander Comyn (who has two already) for reasons assigned, 1633 ; warden beyond Forth, writ to Parlia- ment prorogued till the Assumption of the Virgin (1305), 1669; inquisition before him, 1670; further prorogation of Parliament in- timated, 1678; prefers various petitions to the K., 1682 ; allowed 800Z. for expenses of his office, ib. ; manor of Liesnes restored to him, 1683 ; protection, 1688, 1717 ; inquisition on his succession to Lesnes manor, Kent, as heir of his mother Isabella, sister of Richard de Dover, held lately by Johanna, Richard's widow, in dower, 1721 ; commanded to buy site for a new castle beyond Forth, 1722 ; rebels with the Earl of Carrick, and his forfeited manor of Lesnes given to the Queen (22 April 1306), 1764 ; if taken, to be reserved till the K.'s pleasure is known (28 June), 1790 ; seal (PI. i. 19). Athol, John, son of the Earl of, to be produced to the K. (25 Aug. 1306), 1826. the Earldom of, surrendered by Ralph de Monthermer and given to David de Athol son of the last Earl (24 June 1307), 1945. Sir David of, reported to have come to peace (15 May 1307), 1979 ; in K.'s service (11 June 1307), 1938; his late father's earl- dom of Athol restored for 5000 marks (24 June), 1945. Countess of, Isabella (of Chilham), de- ceased, 591 ; her goods to be delivered to Sir Alex, de Balliol her husband, ib. ; extent of same, ib. • county of, oxen and sheep sent from to Coldstream, 733. Atholia, Makbeth of, prisoner, 742, 873. Attefelde, Andrew, shipmaster, Mereseye, 1575. Attefenne, Robert, shipmaster, Orewelle, 1575. Attehallegate, Cristiana, of Hecham, wife of Robert le Scot, ' serva' and ' rustica' of the prior of Lewes, 1977. Attemarke, William, 312. Attereclift (Strafford wapentake), p. 172. Attewode, John, 312. Auchenleok (Achithelege), Nicholas de, p. 150; Matillidis his wife, ib.; of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206. Patrick de, juror, 1420. Auchtermuchty, diocese of St Andrews, 684; English presentee to, 1008. Auclande, Richard of, brings letters from Bishop of Durham, his master, 463. 'Audegier,' Edw. I. quotes a proverb regard- ing his sword, 1461. Audeley, Sir Hugh de, reports to the K. a foray by himself and other sheriff's, &c., on a band of robbers in Roxburghshire, and a dispute as to the prisoners and booty with the sheriflt of Roxburgh, 1226; the sheriff's version of the same aff'air, 1227; Sir Hugh's force to keep order in the Forest of Selkirk, 1230; warden of Selkirk Forest with 20 men-at-arms and 200 foot (Aug. 1302), 1317; 1466, 1969. Audoen, George, sou of, prisoner, 925. Avelina (de Fortibus), late wife of Edm-und the K. 's brother, 46; her heritage of Munt- fichet, ib. Avelyn, Alein le fiz, of Dunbartonshire (horn.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 199). 570 INDEX. Avelyn, Sir Duncan fitz, of Dunbartonshire (horn.), p. 202; seal (App. iii. 198). Avenel, Gervase {temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1606(1); son of Robert A., ib. (2). Gervase, p. 43; John and Gervase his sons, ib. John, p. 284. Robert {temp. "VVni. tlic Lyon), 1606 (1), ib. (2). ■ William (honi.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 249). Avernus held Inveriu {temj). David I.), 1985 (4, 9). Augustine, the Order of, in Scotland, to pray for the late Queen of France's soul, 1661. Aumbler, Wauter, of Ro.xburglishire (liom. ), p. 200. 'Aumoner,' Sir Henry le, and the K. 's chap- lains, receive hay, 1446. Aumpilford, Geoffrey de, who lost an eye in Carstairs, and his all in Banff', asks com- pensation, 1880. Avota, Roger son of, farm paid by, p. 428. Autry (Dautrine), John de, vallet of the Earl of Lincoln, prays a gi'ant instead of Ogil- face manor, 1429 ; petitions for manor of Duddingstone, from which Archibald de Levingstone ejected him, 1613. Awath castle in Ross, Andrew de Jloray at, 922. Aydan, K. of Scots, killed by Hud war, p. 114. Aydrunken, Adam, drowned, p. 54; Beatri.\ his wife, ib. Ayer, Huwe, of Calndeue, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Ayketon, manor of, p. 37, 304. Helewyse de, owner of Glassanby manoi (Cumberland), p. 150; Ralph her father, ib. ; Eupheniia, Marjory, Isabella, Eva, Juliana, and Agnes, his sisters, her heirs, ib. Aylesbury, AValter de, 1636. Aylewardby, p. 16. Aynestone, Symon, de of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Ayr, the Prince of Wales at (autumn 1301), 1233 ; the Earl of Carrick, keeper oi sherifl'dom and castle, 1657, 1658 ; the K.'s escheators there (Oct. or Nov. 1304), escorted to Wygton in Gallowa)', p. 443; the burgesses of, held Alloway, Crotton, and Corteley in cajnte, p. 425 ; county of, compotus for the K.'s demesnes, &c., in, (1302-4), pp. 425, 428-9 ; farm of the burgh of (1303), p. 425 ; (1304), p. 428; A. and Galloway to be avoided by the vessels with provisions from Ireland for Skynburuess (5 April 130G), 1753; flour, to be ground at, to bake for the army (May 1306), 1774. Ayr, the Friars Preachers of, have a gift from Aymer de Valence (17 July 1307), 1953. the new castle on, fealties io be received at, p. 124; 547, 571, 611 ; Edw. I. receives homages at, 1001 ; to make truce as they can (Oct. 1300), 1164 ; provisions sent to from Ireland (1301), 1260 ; threatened by the Scots (Oct. 1301), 1236 ; succours demanded by garrison, ib. ; besieged {ante Feb. 1301-2), 1293; gratuities to the garrison, ib. ; the force in the castle and sheriffdom (1302), 1324 (11), 1337; and town, wages of garrison ordered (15 May 1307), 1928 ; Earl Patrick and his garrison to have reinforcements (1 June), 1935; and castle to be repaired, ib. ; Aymer de Valence sends 6 men-at-arms ami 300 archers there, 1942 ; himself there (18 July), 1954 ; John of Argyll guarding town and country with eight hundred foot, &o. (24 July), 1957. Reginald, sheriff of, 824 (6). the warden of, joined by thirty-nine archers sent by the K. (8 Mar. 1306-7), p. 511. John, of Ay tone, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206 ; seal (App. iii. 531). John, a rebel received, has his lands in Peeblesshire, 1481. Reginald of, clerk, 328. Ayton, Henry de, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. Baa, William de, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Babegrave, Robert de, 303. Babingetone, p. 45. Bacheler, William, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. iJadby (Baddeby), Adam de, of Lambretone, Berwickshire, (hom.), p. 206. John de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 212; lands in Berwickshire restored, 832, 1313. — — John de, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 211. Nicol de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 203. Badewe (Baddow), Great (Essex), granted to Cristiana deBrusfor life, 826, 828; forfeited by Robert de Brus, William de Hamildon's executors hold it (July 1307), 1950. Badewe, Richard of, grant to Wrytel church, 556: confirmed by Robert de Brus, ib. William de, attends the Lord of INDEX. 571 Annandale in the K.'s service to Scotland, 1433. Uadlesmere, Sir Bartliolomew de (his horse killed at Falkirk), 1011. Guncelin de, of Kent, 940. Bakepol, Adaia de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 204. Baker, Stephen the Queen's, 13S1. Bakun, Walter, appointed precentor of Dun- keld, 1023. Balant, John, shipmaster of Saltcotes, carries Scottish prisoners from Stirling to Scar- borough castle, 1567, 1607. Balcaski (Balkasky), Thomas de, of Fife (horn.), 730, p. 204. Balcolmy, Robert de, constable of Crail, 880, 1670. Balelod, Perthshire, land of, 1530; Simon de B. asks same, ib. Balendolaucht, William de, juror, 1689. Balernaghe, AVautier de, of Edinburghshire, (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 226). Bales (Tynedale), gallows at, 147. Balfure, John de, juror, 1592. ISalgarvy (Fife), 684. Balgregy church, presentation to, 1090, 1104. Balhelvy, the thanage of, 587, 601. church, a prebend of Aberdeen, 1729; held ' St Ternai^'s land ' {temp. K. Alex- ander) and has been dispossessed, ib, the Thane of, leases ' St Tertian's land,' 1729. Balineharge (Fife), 684. Balincref (Balnecrefe) land of, Robert de Pinkeny's, 857; mills of, ib.; hospital of St Cuthbert of, ib. ; Luffenoc castle held of B. , ib. ; ' le Cotis' there, ib. ; half of, granted to John de Kingston for life, 1199, 1201. Walter, master of the house of (fealty), p. 125. Balkeuy castle, Andrew de Moray at (1297), 922. Ballard, John, of Lucca, 1611. ♦Ballardi,' the, of Lucca, 1695. Ballegallin, half of, granted to priory of May by David I., 1985(3). Balliol (Bailleul), Agnes de, grant to her son, 72; deceased, 553; Ingeram, her son and heir, does homage, ib. Alexander, 14, 76 ; son of John de B., 49 ; Alianora de Genovere his wife, ib., 83 ; lord of Balliol, 117, 118 ; dead, 135 ; Alianora his widow has her lands, 136 ; inquisition on his death, 139 ; John his brother and heir, ib. Sir Alexander de, lord of Chileham, 83, of Cavers, 170, 192; Isabella wife of, ib.; engaged in John son of the Earl of Athol's affairs in Scotland, 219 ; 294 ; chamberlain of Scotland, warrants, &c., to, 324-391, passim; 341; Isabella his wife, ib.; discharged of fine, 467 ; summoned, 473, 509 ; grant of market and fair to him and his wife at Chileham, ib. ; 535 ; has the goods of his late wife Isabella countess of Athol, 591 ; attests release, K, John to Edw. I., 658 ; his seal, ib. ; attests homage, 660 ; his rent from Chingford (the Templars'), p. 173 ; his lands in Kent, p. 174 ; his fealty, 768 ; seal, ib. ; homage, pp. 194, 199; 855 ; protection, 961 ; allowed to sell wood at Chilham, &c., 1023 ; protection, 1 10 4 ; joins Hugh de Audeley and other officers in a foray on some robbers in Roxburgh- shire, 1226, 1230 ; Alexander his son sent to Berkhampstede castle, not in irons (Oct. 1301), 1246 ; to keep Selkirk Forest with thirty men-at-arms till Pentecost 1302', and to find 600 foot on 4 days' warning and 1000 on 8 days', to defend the Forest, 1287; to be joint surveyor of the works on the castle of Selkirk, 1288 ; recovers custody of a manor in Kent, held by Isabella de Dover, his late wife, by courtesy of England, 1297 ; to be warden of Selkirk Forest and the new fortress there till Christmas (1302), with thirty men-at-arms, 1321 (8); seal, ib.; at Selkirk, 1324 ; has thirty men-at-arms, ib. (3), 1337; to be arrested for misdemeanours (Feb. 1302-3), 1344, 1399 ; not found in Kent, ib. ; released (14 March) on swearing to serve the K. faithfully, and delivering Thomas his son as a hostage, 1349 ; his lands in England and Scotland restored, ib.; 1438, 1446 ; to receive his lands north of Forth, 1478 ; has respite for his tenants' case at Lochmaben court, 1485 ; released from costs of warding his son Thomas while a hostage at Dover castle, 1521 ; pays farms of Hassingdeane, pp. 440, 422 ; petitions as to his land of Kiik- patrick claimed by Sir John de St John, 1630 ; forgiven at the Council's request for losing the Pele of Selkirk (IMarch 1305), 1649 ; warden of Selkirk Forest, protection, 1693 ; going to Scotland, 1717 ; brought from Newcastle to York, 1718 ; holds Chilham by courtesy, 1721 ; at Dumfries, (24 July 1307), 1958 ; his land near Jed- burgh Forest, 1969. See also Chamberlain of Scotland. Alianora de, her lauds, p. 44 ; widow 572 INDEX. of Alexander de B., to have half his goods 141, 161. Balliol, Alicia de, in the K.'s gift, p. 42. Devergulla de, executrix of John de Balliol, 13; 87, 169, 171, 172, p. 31; exemptions to, 181 ; makes recognisance at Dryburgh before an English justice, (1281), 189 ; Lady of B. 212, 213, 214 ; goes to Scotland, 263, 274 ; inquisi- tion as to her messuage in Oxford, 265 ; gives same to Balliol College, 276 ; pay- ment by her, 283 ; suit with warden of Balliol College, 301; 303; her goods arrested in Scotland for John Masson's claim, 360 ; 380, 393 ; her death, 405 ; extents of her lands, ib.; 406, 410; John her son and heir, ib. ; 412, 535 ; her executors named ib. ; 3000;. of her son K. John's relief abated by Edw. I. 670. Edward de, son of John de B. , cost of his saddles, breeches &c. (1296), 858 ; sent to the Tower (Dec. 1297), 964 ; transferred to the Earl of Surrey's custody, 1113; at Wallingford castle (Aug. 1301), 1213 ; allowance 6s. 8d. daily, ib, ; has ^ a mark daily, robes for the season, and game; &c., in Woodstock Forest and Park, 1636, at Wallingford castle (1307), 1948. ■ Eustace de, 4; deceased, 21; executors of, 51. p. 39; Helewysa his wife, ib.; her heirs, ib. ; allowances to his executors for muni- tions of Carlisle castle, &c., 31, 35. Guido de, 31. Hugh de, 31. Ingelram de, parson of St Rumald, lands restored to, 806. Sir Ingram de, of Fostone, 479 ; respite of horn. ib. ; has Foxtone from Agn-es his mother, 72 ; deceased, 1060 ; of Tours, 1102 ; his lands in Leicester given to Henry de Porcy, his cousin, 1060, 1102. John de (deceased), his debts to the K. while sheriff of Nottingham and Cumber- land, 13, 182. John de, heir of Alexander his brother, 139 ; question as to his homage for Bernard's castle, 166 ; Isabella de Warrenne his wife, 189 ; grants to him and his wife by his mother Devorgilla (in 1281), ib.; his relief respited, 195 ; goes abroad, 244 ; his wife petitions the Chancellor for resjiite of debts, 254; respite granted by the K., 257; his Suifolk lands taken for his not carrying the rod in person before the justices, 308 ; 373, 393, 406 ; his age, ib., 410; does homage for his mother's lands, 412 ; 473 ; excuse for absence at Xorham, 482 ; agrees to receive judgment from the K. as Lord Paramount, 488 ; his seal, ib.; 489, p. 130; pleading against Brus, 608 ; cases of Carrick and Athol earl- doms cited, ib.; further pleading, 609; re- nounces further argument, 610 ; decision by Edw. I. pronouncing him K. of Scotland, 649 ; his fealty, 650; acquitted of summons in Northumberland, 651 ; recites his fealty (24 Dec. 1292), 652 ; his royal seal, ib. ; his letters of homage (26 Dec), 653; the same by him before the magnates of England and Scotland, 654; instrumentby notary attest- ing same, 655 ; dines with the K. of England on Christmas day, p. 153; his hom- age next day chronicled, ib. ; instrument reciting the events in his career since he gained the Scottish Crown, and his final surrender and homage, 829; late K., his and lands of others in prison to be retained, 852; p. 225; has a huntsman, page, and 10 hounds by the K. 's leave, 854 ; while K. of Scotland, expelled Englishmen from Berwick, 868 ; his homage, fealty, and renunciation of his Crown, &c., recited to the K. of France by the English envoys (June 1298), p. 253 ; charter of Werke in Tyndale to the Bishop of Durham, 872 ; extent of his manor of Kemeston now in K.'s hand, 1024; his money found in Edinburgh castle accounted for, p. 264 ; brought to the Tower (Aug. 1296), p. 264 ; expenses there and Hertford, p. 265; Edward de Balliol his son, ib. ; expenses in Tower defrayed (Jan. 1298-99), 1056 ; to be escorted from the Tower to speak with the K. at Canterbury (July 1299), 1072, directions as to escort, ib. ; extent of wards held by him, in Huntingdon, 1075 ; received by the Papal envoy at Wissant, (July 1299), 1079, 1080 ; his Galloway lands and the Earl of Buchan's claim, 1541 ; recompense of same, ib. ; seal (PI. ii. 5). Balliol, Isabel de, asks respite of her husband Sir John's debts, 254 ; the same respited, 257. — — Robert de, sheriff of Northumberland, expense of defending Newcastle against t)ie Scots (1297), 971 ; 1035, 1043, 1045, 1046, 1086. Mesire Sohier de, knight of the Count of Flanders, 247. Thomas de, son of Alexander de B. of Cavers, in ward in Dover castle, 1521. Sir William de, rector of Kirkpatrick (hom.), p. 195. Sir William de (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (PI. INDEX. 573 i. 12) ; rebel, invades Selkirk Forest (c. Aug. 1299), 1978 ; ambassador to France (1303), 1363; seal, ib.; safe conduct to, coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4), 1455 ; a rebel received, has his lands in Edinburghshire, 1481 ; safe conduct, 1574 ; late rebel, to receive back his lands (Oct. 1305), 1696. Balliol College, warden of, 240, 301, 326 ; in- quisition as to messuage given by Devorgilla de Balliol to, 265 ; grant of, to Master and scholars of, 276. Ballok, Richard, shipmaster, 1450. • Balmaccancolle (Fife), 684. Balmackernis (Fife), 684. Balmakemore, Eichard de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Balmalkyn, Andrew, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Balmedone (Fife), 684. Balmenaghe, Huwe de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (53)). Balmurinagh, St Edward of, Abbot of, William, (hom.), p. 196 ; seal (App. iii. 116). Balmyl (Balnul), Master Nicol de, parson of Calder Coraitis Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 213 ; Scottish envoy to Canterbury, safe conduct for (March 1300-1), 1244. Balnehard, Thomas de, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 211. Balnel (Fife), 684. Balran, Mathew de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 209. Baltaffy, John de, his lands, p. 264. Bamburgh castle resists David I., p. 116 ; compotus of, 184; inquisition at, 361; Scottish prisoners in, 1668. Robert of, p. 189. Thomas of, monk of Durham, custos of Farneheland, receives deep-coloured wine for Mass, 1523; seal, ib. Bampton, Robert de, with 8 hobelars and a crossbowman, in search of Robert de Bins at Glentrool (17-30 April 1307), p. 512. Walter de, 24, p. 39. William de, juror, 1690. Patrick, land in, 300. BanaghtjTi (Benoghtyn, Benhathe, Benauty), Johan, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2. (52)). Nicol de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 213 ; joint deputy sheriff of Lanaikshire (1303), 1420; accounts for rents, &c., about Lanark, pp. 423-6,427-8, scepe. Wautier de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 459). ' Baneours,' the K.'s 4, receive hay, 1446. Baneth [on the Forth]; wines, kc, delivered there from Berwick (4 Sept. 1303), 1391, Banff castle, 531, 542, 547; to make truce as they can (Oct. 1300), 1164. the bailiffs of, 531. the sheriff of, accounts for the issues and farms (Martinmas 1304), pp. 439, 440; tlie K. 's escheators escorted to Elgin from (May 1304), p. 443. Master Henry of, chancellor of Moray (hom.) p. 212. Bank, Simon del, 147. Bann, the river, 163. Banners, the, of St John of Beverley and St Cuthbert used in the Scottish war, returned (Nov. 1300), 1176. (many) made and embroidered for the Prince of Wales in the Scottish war, p. 367. Banquelle, John de, justice, to try William AVallace, 1684. Banstede, Sir John de, the marshal, 1271. Banysleve, Margerie widow of Thomas, K. 's tenant of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. i. 3 (53)). Barintone, Sir Phelippe de, bachelor, 1789. Bar (Baar), Erard de, brother of the late Henry, count of B., renounces for 500Z. a grant of land in Scotland (20 Nov. 1306), 1855. Sir John de, his pay, p. 317; 1281. Barbur, Aleyn le, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Gilbert le (prisoner), 901, 1095, p. 177. (Barbitonsor), John, accounts for Mount- ros, p. 438. Michael le (prisoner), 1100, p. 177 ; freed, 1379. William, sells lances, 1324. Barde, Duncan, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 503). Fergus de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 206. John, of Butterwick, 1904. Sir John de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 810, p. 210; seal (PL ii. 18); royal message to, 884; inquisition at Lanark of his lands in Strathaven (Jan. 1302-3), 1343; his mother dowered, ib. ; Alexander his son and heir, ib. Nicol, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 810, p. 210 ; seal (App. i. 1 (22)). Robert de, a dangerous rebel, to be trans- ferred from Carlisle to Nottingham castle, 1147, 1148; sent to Gloucester, ib., 1159; ordered to release the warden of Blantyre priory of ransom (March 1303-4), 1469; and to be released himself, ii, Bardonan, Patrick de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 210 ; seal (App. iii. 606). 574 INDEX. BarJonan, Thomas de of Duiiirriussliire, (horn.), p. 198. Baret, John, p. 41. William, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Barge, cost of a, sent from Newcastle to the siege of Stirling, 1589 ; the K.'s, and its furniture, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, applied to works on castles, 1722. Barkeb)', Friar Eogcr de, 303. Barker, Alexander le, provost of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. Richard le, of Tyningham, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 498). William le, burgess, Haddington (hom. ), 815, p. 197. Barkestone, Walter de, p. 172 ; Thomas his father, ib. ; Walter, a rebel Englishman for- feited, 1063; his land in B., ib.; a rebel received, has his land restored, 1481 ; to have his land in York, 1594. Barkiug, the Abbess of, to watch at all hazards an escaped Scots prisoner who has fled to her church of B. (3 Nov. 1306), 1846. Barlock (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Barlochwod (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Barneby, buys iron, &c., for the K. at Glasgow, 1271. ■ Roger de, presented to Kilmarnock church, 1090, 1104. Barres, Sir John de, envoy from France to Scotland, safe conduct for (Feb. 1300-1 ), 1244. Bartholomeu, Master Roger (fealty), 508 ; denied justice by K. John, 680. ■ William, the K.'s falconer, flies his gos- hawks near Edinburgh, 1443. Bartone, Adam de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. John de, to lead men of North Riding to Roxburgh, 1351. John of, juror, 1313 ; lessee of town acres, Berwick, ib. Robert de, bailiff of Tyndale, 1913. ■ Thomas de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 214 ; ■ lands in Ayrshire restored to, 832. Master Walter de, master smith, and his men make iron work of Forth bridges (1303), 1375. Barwe, William parson of the church of, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203. Basculus, tlie crossbowman (a prisoner and horse lost), 1190. Base money, severe penalties and iM-oclama- tion against importers and makers, 1731. Basse't, Sir Raljih, of Drayton, castellan of Edinburgh, 517, 547, 568, 638. Basset. Ralph, of Welledone, 212. Simon, of Sapecote, 212. Bassingburne, John de, sheriff of Essex, pardoned escape of Hugh Olifant from Colchester, as he re-took him (Jan. 1306-7), 1885. Sir Warin de, on foray in Nithsdale against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Bastingthvvait (Bastenthwyt), p. 16 ; plea between Geoffrey de Mowbray and Robert de Brus senior, and wife, as to estovers, p. 150. Alexander de, to levy 200 Allerdale men for pursuit of Robert de Brus, 1902. Bate, Wauticr del, of Lanarkshire (hom.) p. 209 ; lands in Lanarkshire restored to, 832. William (of Groby), 329. Bath and Wells, Bishop of, p. 130. Bishop of, Robert (Burnelle), 206, 207 ; chancellor, 227 ; letter to, from Isabel de Balliol, 254 ; from the K., 271 ; from the mayor of Newcastle, 287 ; 403 ; secret letters touching Norway authenticated in his house, ib., 485, 486 ; letter to, from Abbot of Holracoltram, 577. Prior of, Thomas, sends extracts from Chronicles, p. 117. Bathgate, lands of, 601. Batteford, William de, p. 148. Battle Abbey, extracts from their Chronicles, p. 113. ' Bandre, Mestre, ' procurator for the Scots at Rome, 1431. See Scot, Baldred le. Baudrestone, William de, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 202. Baudewyn, John juror, 1313 ; lessee of town acres, Berwick, ib. Baxtere, Geffrei le, of Lossithe, Forfarshire (hom.), p. 208. Baylli (Lydel), p. 19. Bayouse, Henry de, 744. Sir Robert, sheriff of Cambridge, &c. , 1805 ; John Porthors, his vallet, ib. Bayard, John, of Hotone, Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Beatrice, Gilbert fitz, of Roxburgshire (hom. ), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2. (83)). Beauchamp, Eudo de, 27. Guy de, 988. Roger de, 690 ; Richard his brother, ib. Walter de, 732 ; seneschal of the household, 869, 938, 940, 1019, 1245, 1280 ; deceased, pardon to his executors for escape of two Siiottish prisoners from Gloucester castle, p. 359 ; Alice kis INDEX. 575 widow petitions for dower of Edward Comyn's lands, 1621. Beauehamp, Sir "Walter de, his request for Gilljert de Haye's lands delayed, 1782 ; in pursuit of Robert de Brus, 1923. Sir William de, 1190. Beauleu, Henry, shipmaster, delivers seven prisoners from Stirling at Southampton (Aug. 1304), 1674. Beaumont, Agnes de, mother of Isabella de B., 863. Sir Henry de (challenges a homage), 730; his charger killed at Falkirk, 1011 ; to pro- vide Jedburgh castle, and make no truce (Oct. 1300), 1164 ; 1348, 1670 ; in fee of barony of Grail, 1676 ; pay to, 1762 ; to have the lands, &c., of St Andrews' bishopric north of Forth, and castle, &c. (June 1306), 1780, 1785 ; reports capture of the Bishop of Glasgow, 1786. Isabella de, Lady de Vescy, fair and market granted to, at Grail, 704 ; petitions as to Grail and the ' Can ' there, 861 ; does homage for barony of C. (Dec. 1296), 863 ; her mother Agnes de Beaumont, ib. ; ' dame de Vescy,' has forfeitures in Sprouston, 1348. Richard de, ancestor of Isabella de Vescy, receives barony of Crail from Alexander II. and right of fishings, &c., 1670 ; pledges same to Walter the Steward of Scotland, and goes to the Holy Land, ib. Richard de (brother of Isabella de Vescy), 463. Beaupre, Scotland (?), Edw. I. at (13 April 1304), 1507. Beausoncrayte, 16. Bechefed, Dyonisia de, outrages on, in Redes- dale, pp. 43, 44. Becmelbrid, p. 5. Bed, Thomas del, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Bedeford, Sir Richard de, 61. Bedevvynde, AValter, clerk, 1000 ; letter to, 1001 ; presented to the church of Kilpatrick on Glyde, 1023 ; reports to the K. the backwardness of the people of Cumber- land, &c., in defending the Marches, 1133 ; receives hay, 1446 ; receives ammunition at Stirling (May 1304), 1539 ; receives 60 shenves of steel, bowstrings, quarrels, &c. (8 July 1304), 1559 ; reports surrender of Stirling castle and the K. 's orders regarding it (20 July 1304); 1560, 1593, 1603; cofferer, pp. 441, 442 ; has Robert de Brus's forfeited land in Tottenham, 1767, 1805; seal, ib. ; has forfeited manor of Tottenham during K.'s pleasure, 1837. Bee, Stephen le, mariner, p. 442. Beek (Bek) Master Thomas, bishop of St David's, 667. Beg, Patrick, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Bekyngham, Friar John de, 419, p. 109. Belehaue (Haddingtonshire), 1675. Belestre, manor of, in Tyndale, 1339. Belgaven, Alisaundre de, of Lanarkshire, (hom.), p. 212. Belejaumbe, Ferghard, appointed archdeacon of Caithness (1297), 927. Bellingeham (Belingjam), the manor of (Tyndale), its tenure, p. 52 ; rights in, granted to Jedburgh, p. 53. Adam de, 665. Alexander de (prisoner), p. 177. Robert de, p. 53 ; evades K. of Scotland's dues in Tyndale, p. 55 ; 665. William de, p. 41 ; pleas in Tyndale with abbot of Jedburgh, pp. 51, 52 ; his tenure of his manor, p. 52 ; agreements as to grazings, &c., with the abbot, p. 63 ; Alan, son of Dolfin, William's grandfather, ib. ; his grant to Jedburgh, ib. ; a juror, 655 ; theft from, p. 54. Robert, the miller of, p. 54. ' Bellardi,' the, of Lucca, 1611. Bella Aqua (Bellew), John de, 16 ; Laderina de Brus, wife of, ib. Belle (Bel), Adam, of Berwickshire (hom.), pp. 202, 206 ; seal(App. iii. 461). — — Aleyn, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 482). Gilbert le fiz, late burgess of Dumfries, the holder of his tofts there ejected by champerty, 1526. Richard, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Thomas, juror, 1588. Belledestan, vill of (Lanarkshire), farm of (1304), p. 427. Belvere, 83. Bely, John of, 1178. Bene, William (illegal fisher), p. 54. Benechafe, Walter, late constable of Car- laverock (prisoner), 1162. Benediccie, Robert, p. 190. Benedict, Cardinal ; his clerk's fees, 463. I5enefeude, Sir John de, receives ha}', 1446. Benington, extent of, p. 173. Benestede, John de, 869 ; clerk, royal letter as to collating him to the provostry of St Andrew's chapel, late Master W. Comyn's, 1017, 1023, 1198; Sir John, his charger sick at Linlithgow, 1190, 1280, 1406 ; at Perth 576 INDEX. (Dec. 1303), 1419 ; Jines with Prince of Wales at Perth (4, 10, 11, Feb. 1303-4), 1516; there onK. 's business treating with Sir John Corayn, ib. ; protest as to the seal of the Scottish chamberlaincy, 1667. Benteley, Henry de, soldier of Kirkintilloch, loses his horse, 1532. Benton, Ralph de, presented to Loworwarde church, 1104. • Ranuli>h (Renaud), de, storekeeper, Linlithgow, 1466, 1467; the K.'s clerk, sent to hasten the dispatch of carpenters and ditchers to Dunfermline (Nov. 1303), 1408 ; he reports they decline to come, as they have not been paid for working at Linlithgow, 1412. Bere, John de la, vallet, 1278. AVilliam de, of Estlyeghe, killed, 1582. ' Berefrey, ' the engine, p. 283 ; the K. 's, a road made for (1301), 1271 ; 1599. Bergen (Berghen), Norway, city of, 388 ; English envoj^s at (1290), 439 ; expenses, ih. ; 675. Druo, canon of, 601. Bergheby (Berughby) manor, Lincolnshii-e, Ingelram Pessim's, 735; Stephen Pessun's a Scotsman, seized, 1601, p. 174; forfeited 1838. Berkeleye (Berchele) Sir David de (hom. ), 730; of Fife, (hom.), p. 209. Sir Hugh de, adherent of John de Balliol, p. 173; his land at Caunne, Gloucester, ih. Sir John de (hom.), 730. Johan de, 1637. Sir Maurice de, 1004; horse killed, at Fal- kirk, 1007; going with 11 knights to Scot- land, 1637; pardoned with his father Sir Thomas a fine of 1000 marks for felonies, &c. (11 July 1306), 1801. Sir Patrick de, farmer of Balhelvy, 587; homage, p. 195; is impotent, and has his lands restored, 853. Sir Patrick de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 207 ; seal (PI. iii. 4). Robert de, 1985 (16). Sir Thomas, lord of, indenture to serve Sir Ayniar de Valence, 905 ; Sir Morice his son included in same, ih. ; Sir Aymar de Valence and Sir Thomas account, 981; Sir Morice his son, ih. ; surrendersabondof 100 marks to Sir ' Aymar, i6. ; lord of, agreement with Sir Aymar, as to his pay in Scotland, 1004; for the K.'s graciouspardon of a fine of 1 000 marks on him- si'lf and Maurice his sonat tholastjustice ayre of Gloucester, agrees to maintain 10 men-at- arms under Thomas his son in the Scots war while the K. is there (11 July 1306), 1801. Berkeley, Sir Thomas de, le fiz, 1637; junior, to lead 10 men-at-arms of his father's in the K.'s war against Robert de Brus (11 July 1306), 1801. Walter de. Chamberlain [of Scotland] {temp. Wm. the Lyon) 1606 (4), 1985 (14, 16). Walter de (hom. ), 730, p. 303 ; seal ? (App. iii. 619.); prisoner, 742, 875; to serve the K. abroad, 942: sheriff of Banff" (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); of Kerdaan, was at Strath- orde (Feb. 1303-4), 1741. Berkeway, Elias de, 163. Berkhampstede castle, Scottish prisoners in (1296), 875, 1296. The constable to receive Alexander de Balliol junior, 1246. Bermingham, Robert de, esquire of John de Britannia, 1103. Bernak,Adam,of Hilton, Berwickshire, (hom.), p. 203. Bernard, Adam, of Hiltone, Perthshire," (hom.), p. 212. Bernard's castle, question as to homage for, 166 ; 182. Master John of, his claim on the Abbot of Kelso, 377. Bernardeshill (Exton), 180. Berners, Ralph de, to ]n-ovide for John de Balliol's huntsman and hounds (1296), 854; has charge of John de Balliol (1296), p. 265. Berndone park, Leicestershire, tresjiass in, 661. Bernham, lady Agnes de, prioress of the nuns of Berwick (fealty), 508. Bernois, Robert, 360. Bertholmeu, Alisaundre of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal? (App. iii. 231). Bertram, John, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom.), 819, p. 198. Roger, p. 45. Bertre, Sir Bernard de, 961. Beruche, Genoese fiddler, plays before the Prince of Wales, p. 369. Berwick-on-Tweed, charter by Henry IIL to (noticed), 63 ; a toft in, granted by David L to priory of May, 1985 (2, 13); the mayor and community complain to the K. of the Bishop of Durham, 443 ; bridge of, repaired (1291), 547 ; the mayor and community petition Edw. L, 696; rental of (1296), 866 ; the burgesses and the bakers there evade thirlage to the K.'s mills, 1012 ; engines shipped at, for the K. (29 Sept. 1301), 1230 ; soldiers sent from, to Selkirk Forest, ib. ; question as to grant of 40 acres between town and fosse, common pasture long pertinent to the burgesses INDEX. 577 1313 ; given when burgh was founded, ih.; charter of privileges to by Edw. I., (4 Aug. 1302), 1314 ; the warden to cease interfering in its affairs, 1315 ; the mayor and bailiffs accused of taking toll from London citizens, 1739 ; Queen Margaret at (18 Kov. 1303), 1411 ; farms and customs of (Easter to Dec. 1304), p. 440; charter to the mayor and com- munity of their town and mills for five hundred marks yearly (30 March 1307), 1918. Berwick castle, p. 117; treasury of, documents from Edinburgh lodged there (in 1291), 526, 528 ; memoranda as to fortifications, &c. , at, 977 ; ordinance by the K. as to garri- son (60 men - at - arms and 1000 foot), and forays on the Scots under Sir Simon Fraser, &c., 1022 ; number and daily pay of the garrison, p. 317 ; the garrison object to divide their pay with Roxburgh and Jedworthe, 1223 ; army paid at (July 1301), 1229 ; garrison of castle and town, 1324 (2), 1337 ; the garrison of, to join the K.'s army at Roxburgh (May 1303), 1356 ; castle and town, and others to be strongly fortified against the insurgent Scots (13 April 1306), 1759. constable of, reports submission of the Scots at Irvine, and that he has put Sir W. Douglas in prison (1297), 918 ; has put Douglas in irons, 919 ; [constable] of, reports to the K. a mutiny there, and his measui'es taken to quell it (Sept. 1301), 1223 ; to receive the Earl of Ros and his escort coming to the K., 1401. the Trinity of. Friar Adam, minister of, (hom.), p. 208 ; seal (App. iii. 119). William, vicar of the Trinity church (hom.), p. 206. Geoffry of, burgess of Roxburgh (hom. ), 820, p. 197. Henry of, 732. John de, 460 ; dean of Wymburne, the K.'s clerk, receives names of 104 com- missioners at Norham, 491; canon of York, envoy to France, 1285 ; Sir John de, 1438. Robert de, sent by the K. with 39 archers, joins the warden of Ayr (8 March 1306-7), p. 511. Berwys, Richard de, 24, 51. Besewike (Driffield), 406. Bestrude, Genoese fiddler, plays before the Prince of Wales, p. 369. Bethoc, daughter and heir of Donald, K. of Scots, 507 ; ancestress of John Comyn, ib. Bethweder, Conan de, of Perthshire, (hom. ), p. 200. VOL. 1 1. Beton (Betun, Betlon), Andrew de (fealty), 759 ; Sir Andrew, (hom.), pp. 194, 200 ; seal (PI. i. 2). Sir David de, sheriff of Forfar, 567 ; submits, 749 ; attorney, 839, p. 226 ; of Forfarshire (hom.), p. 213; royal message to, 884. Sir Robert de (fealty), p. 124; hom., p. 199 ; seal (PI. iv. 11) ; of Angus (hom.), p. 207 ; royal message to, 884. Master Roger de, 93. Beverage, Walter, juror, 1350. Bevercote, William de, keeper of the Seal of Scotland (1296), p. 226 ; chancellor of Scotland, to appoint collectors of customs (Dec. 1304), 1611 ; 1639, 1678, 1689, 1696, 1704; re-appointed (Sept. 1305) 1691(1); to appoint coroners, ib. (4) ; the K. directs him to punish importers of base money said to be made in Scotland, 1731 ; and to arrest goods, &c., of certain foreign merchants, who have secretly departed in debt, 1740 ; 1857 ; official fee, and expenses with Aymar de Valence between Berwick and Inverness, 1932. Beverley, St John of, victories and miracles by his aid, p. 112 ; the K. returns the Banner of, used in the Scottish war, 1177. Robert of, clerk, 998 ; presented to Carneraoel church, 1023 Beyfin, Walter, 1261. Bible, a, stolen from Jedburgh Abbey [1297], 969. Biddesdene, Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Biggar (Bigge, Bigre), Baldwin de (1174) p. 117 ; Waldeve his son, ib. Huwe de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Sir Nichol de, baron of Strathaven, 1343. Bignoles, Bernard de, and retinue, 1170. Bikreton (Bykreton, Bigerton), Eustace de, rector of Auchtermuchty (hom.), p. 194. Eustace de, of Fife (hom.), p. 213. Johan de, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 205 ; holds Luffnoc castle and Bynyn of Robert de Pinkeny, 857; seal (App. iii. 586). Richard de, p. 29. W^autier de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 209. Billesdone, 29. Billingham, William de, of Bermckshire, (hom.), p. 206. Bindington, Edmund de (fealty), 508. Birhope, William de, of Roxburghshire (hom), p. 209. Birkenhead, the K. meets the K. of Scotland's envoys at (1277), 95. 2 o 578 INDEX. Biset (Byset, Bysetli), Adam, 223. Lady Agatha (dowered), 163. ■ Cecilia, co-heiress of John Biset jimior, 129 ; wife of William de Fenton, ib. Elizabeth, co-heiress of John Biset /jMiior, 129 ; wife of Andrew de Boys, ib. Muriella (^lulrella), youngest co-heiress of John Biset jimior, 129 ; wife of David de Graham, ib. • Sir Hugh, 174, 223 ; reports to the K. his fleet is at Bute and Ken tyre awaiting orders (Oct. 1301), 1253, 1254, 1255 ; made prisoner by the Scots (Aug. 1302), 1320 ; ordered with a fleet from Ireland to destroy Robert de Brus's retreat in the Isles (29 Jan. 1306-7), 1888 ; 1941. John; 163, 174 ; John Biset /imzor, his son, ib. ; inquisition of the latter's Ulster lands, 163 ; his three daughters and co- heiresses and their husbands, p. 50 ; 129. • John, brother of the sherifi" of Clack- manan, 1515. • John, cousin of Sir Hugh B. , agrees to watch the ' Moel ' of Cantire, and the Isles against the Scots, with a hundred men in four barges (16 June 1307), 1941. Sir Robert, 415. • Robert, heirs of, p. 171 ; extent of his lands, 1075. — — Thomas (prisoner), p. 177. Walter {tem^y. Alex. II.), 1985 (20). Wautier, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 200 ; seal (App. iii. 460). AYauter, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), pp. 208, 210; seal? (PI. i. 15). William (temp. Alex. II.), 1985 (20). Sir William, of Edinburghshire, his annuity of 40?. from Caledere Comitis during the heir of Fife's minority, 700 ; hom., pp. 194, 199 ; seals (PI. ii. 13, and App. iii. 401) ; comes to peace, p. 226 ; 865 ; royal message to, 884 ; (son and heir of late Robert B.), swears to serve against France, 892 ; protection to Scotland, 961 ; complains of damages to his manor of Upsetelington, 979; his hackney, 1011; Richard Biset his socius (his hackney), ib. ; John Biset his socius (the same), ib. ; pay- ment to, 1263 ; summoned to Parliament at St Andrews, 1471; sheriff of Clack- mannan, the K. writes to Sir Henry de Percy not to disturb or eject him from Tolyalwyn, 1514 ; signifies this, and is pleased at his taking the boats of the Stirling garrison, 1515 ; sherififof Stirling, receives 24 salt carcases fouud in Stirling castle, 1564 ; seal, ib. ; receives wine from the K., 1578; seal, ib. ; sheriff and con- stable of Stirling castle (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3) ; to see bridge of Stirling repaired, 1705 ; his fee, 1707 ; to send the bearer of Robert de Brus's privy seal, 1845 ; to bring Master Baldred le Scot on arrival at Stirling castle, to the K. (4 Nov. 1306), 1848. Biskeby (Wigtownshire), 1702. Bisshope (Bissope), John (of Lynn), 327. William called, 541. Bix, Sir John de, attorney, 1508; receives Dum- fries and Annandale rents, &c., pp. 425-6. Blachale, manor of, p. 37. Black, Adam the, juror, 1420. Blacwatre, Sir Walter called, dean of Aber- deen (hom.), p. 195 ; seal ? (App. iii. 109). Blagate, Robert de, 147. Blakebourne, Richard de, serves for his Scottish lands, on forays, 1321 (14) ; 1665. Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. shire, levies from, 1261, 1267; the Earl of Lincoln's liberty, 150 men from, to pursue Robert de Brus, 1913. Blakelawe William de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 202. Blakeues (' La Blackenasse ') near Linlithgow, hay shipped for, at Newcastle (Nov. and Dec. 1301), 1264, 1266; provisions, &c., for the army before Stirling, to be shipped for, 1482. Blakeney, 696. Blakesaghe (near Annan), Prince of Wales at (Oct. 1300), 1175. Blakeshale, Symon de, constable of Roxburgh, receives money for Sir John de Britannia, (24 Jan. 1306-7), 1887. Blakhou moor, levies from, 1261, 1267. Friar John de, 1717. g Blaksale, Adam of, 1395. Blamyr, Johanna de, mother of Peter de Glinquym, 1594. Blanchland, Abbey of, grant to, p. 52. BlanctjT (Blauntyr), Frere William, prior of, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Priory, the warden of, 1469. Agues de, to have her dower lands Norham liberty restored, 1544, p. 415. Patrick de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 118). Blanerne, Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom. p. 210. Blare, David de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 20 Huwe of the, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205; juror 824 (6). Blaye castle, the constable of, 1185; 2 Scottish prisoners with him, ib. INDEX. 579 Bleclings, Ealph of, 1313. Bleiicarne, vill of, 1091. Blencogow, 133; moiety of, p. 172. Blenkansone, Patrick de, of Roxburghshire (horn.), p. 200; seal ? (App. i. 2 (9)). Blower, Thomas le, shipmaster of Wigenhale, carries bretasche of ' middle ' Forth bridge (1303), 1375. Blunde (Blunt, Blound), Adam le, ship- master of Drogheda, 1371. Sir Johu le, Maj'or of London, justice on William "Wallace's trial, 1684; he and other citizens, complain that toll is taken from them at Berwick, 1739. Johan le, of Eskeby, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 184); of Esseby, lands in Edinburghshire, restored, 832. Johnle, holds half of Blencogow, p. 172. Blye, Alan of, steals a sow at Forfar, p. 191. Simon of, p. 191 ; Sibella his wife, ib. Blynde, Rogier, biu-gess of Pebbles (hom.), p. 198. Simon le, liolds land in Peebleshire, p. 428. Blyth, 61 ; certain bailiffs, &c., accused of taking bribes there from the recruits for Scotland to let them go back, 1129. Adam of, 1382, William de, parson of Chirnesyde Berwick shii-e (hom.), p. 207. Bochardeby, Hugh de, Isabella wife of, co-heir of Cristiana de Brus, 1690. Bodingdone, Adam de, 538. Body, Huwe, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 208. Body-guard, theK. 's; 24 archers, the 'foot of 'Stirling,' (1303-4), 1599; the Prince of Wales', 9 Spaniards, 1599. Boffodj-r, Gilcryst de, juror, 1592. Boghwes, the Prince of Wales at (Nov. 1300), 1175. Bokbyndere, William le, of London, price of and binding 'The Life of the Blessed Edward' for the Prince of Wales, 58s., p. 368. Bokk', Henry, 1589. Bolebek, Hugh de, 319; Cecilia heir of, ih. Walter de {temp. Dav-id I.), 1985 (2). Bolgy, land of, Fife, restored to Bishop of Dunkeld, 1530. BoUisdone, the vill of, 196, 549, 1176. Bolsover, castle and manor of, granted to Alan Durvvard (Aug. 1274), 18. Bolteby, Adam de, 3. Nicholas de (deceased), 3. William de, 333. Bolton, John of, monk, 1052. Bolton (Cumbria), p. 16; given to Cospatryk, ih. in AUerdale, church of, 146. ■ manor of. Sir Geoffry de Moubray's, p. 171; 1042; forfeited, 1070, 1143; plea between Geoffry de Moubray and Robert de Brus senior and wife as to estovers there, p. 150. Bondeby, John de, juror, 824 (4). Bondingtone (Bondyngton), Berwick, farms of K.'s lands of (1304), p. 440; rent of 9 marks in, belongs to Brechin, 1421. Nether, (Lanark), farms of pp. 423, 427. Over, (Lanark), farms of, pp. 423, 427. (Peebles), K.'s demesne, farm of, pp. 424, 428. Alisaundre de, chaplain, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Johan de, clerk, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 208. AViUiam de, holds B. of the K. (1304), p. 428. Bonefield, Adam de, 1606 (11). Bonere, Richard, merchant of Dundalk, delivers wine at Whitehaven, 1340. Walter le, sub-clerk of the K.'s chapel, for incense, &c., 1580. Boniface [YIII.] admonishes Edw. I. to make peace with France and the Scots, and aid in recovering the Holy Land (July 1298), 996; asserts that Scotland belongs to Rome, 1069; is willing to arbitrate between the Kings of England and France, but cannot cross the Alps, 1110; the English barons' letter to him, denying the power of Rome in temporals, or to decide the K.'s right to Scotland, 1188; his letter to the K. as to treating with the K. of France, 1189; letter from theK. to, regarding his claims to Scot- land (7 May 1301), 1200; the K.'s credence to, for his envoys, as to truce with France and the Scots 24 Aug. 1301), recited, 1247. Bonkyll (Bonekil, Bonequil), Sir Alexander de, 149 ; Cristiana wife of, ih. ; (fealty\ 508; 631, 651, 660, p. 171; (hom.) p. 198; seal (PL v. 13); royal message to, 884;] deceased, 1135; inquisition of his Cumberland estate (27 April 1300), ib. ; Margaret his daughter and heir a rebel in Scotland, ib. ; Crustieue his widow claims dower, 1139. Anneys de, of Berwickshire (hom.), 214. Johan de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. 580 INDEX. Bonkyll, Margaret, heiress of Alexander de, wife of David de Breghyn (Aug. 1304), 1584. — Thomas, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207 ; seal (PI. v. 9). Master Thomas de, juror, 824 (2); Scot- tish envoy to Canterbury, safe conduct for (March 1300-1), 1244. Tononia la Grasse, 1574. Bordeaux, the mayor and jurats of, petition for John Masson, 255. L'orman, Roger, shipmaster, lesser Yarmouth, in K.'s service, Aberdeen, 1810. Borg (in Galloway), resigned to Devorgilla de Balliol, 212, 214. BorghuUe, Roger de, vallet (with Earl of Essex), 1207. Borkereye, Bernerus de, 698. Bosco ( Bosch o. Boys), Andrew de, husband of Elizabeth Biset, 129 ; 163. ■ Sir Henry de, bailiff of late Sir John Wake, 1144. ■ Humfry del (teni]). "Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (9). ■ Sir Humphrey de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810, p. 210 ; seal (App. i. 1 (1)). John, son of Sireda de, pp. 35, 40. • Sir Nichole de, the K.'s ' Baneour,' receives hay, 1446. ■ Patrick iiz Johan de, of Lanarkshire, (hom.), p. 213. Master Ralph 'de, 225. • Richard de, of Geddeworthe, plea against Earl of Warwick, &c., for tenement there, 1717. Thomas de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 237); royal message to, 884; in K.'s service in Edinburgh castle, 1132 ; a rebel, forfeits manors of Ogilface, &c., 1428 ; forfeits Duddiugstone for felony, 1613 ; in prison for stealing K.'s jewels, Edinburgh, and sent to the Tower (April 1305), 1660. AVilliam de, chancellor [of Scotland] [tern]}. Ale.x. II.) 1606 (5), 1985 (13, 19). Boseville, Walter de (prisoner), 1029, p. 177. • William de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. William de, burgess of Roxburgh (hom. ), 820, pp. 197, 199 ; seal (App. iii. 410). Botecumbe (Botencumb), Roger de, pp. 29, 38. Botel (Xorthumberland), lands in, forfeited by Henry de Haliborton, and Agnes his wife, and given to Robert de Coleville as heir, 1336. Boterethyn, Austyn vicar of, Elginshire (hom.), p. 212. Boterwange, John do, prisoner, 742. Botetorte (Butetoart), Guy, brother of Sir John B. (his hackney killed), 1011. Sir John, constable of St Briavel's castle, 901 ; his charger killed at Falkirk, 1011 ; keeper of St Briavel's castle, 1095 ; his men at Dalswynton, 1324 (13); at 'Holdetoun' in Drumlanrig (25 Feb. 1302-3), 1345 ; warden, absent from Annandale with the K. (June 1303), 1374 ; 1385 ; the Earl of Carrick with him, ib. ; at heavy costs in K.'s service, and his intended foray delayed by want of money (Nov. 1303), 1389 ; captain of Cumberland, &c., Annandale, and the west Marches, 1399 ; justiciar of Galloway, &c. , orders the garrisons of Lochmaben and Dumfries to be paid (10 Dec. 1303), 1417 ; (seal), ib., 1418; is about to make a foray with 3 bannerets, 120 knights and men-at- arms, 19 hobelars and 2736 foot, and orders their pay, with provisions and pay for the Earl of Carrick and the garrison of Aj-r (9 Jan. 1303-4), 1437 ; asks protection for Christopher de Seton, with him in the K. 's service (3 March 1303-4), 1464 ; receipt of wine for himself, the Earl of Carrick, &c., 1466 ; to respite a case touching Alexander de Balliol's tenants of Cavers moor, 1485; has a credence to the Earl of Carrick, 1488 ; receives price of crossbows • for Dumfries, 1508 ; 1525, 1625 ; accounts for issues of Oseby (Annandale), p. 426 ; and for perquisites of courts (1302-3) in Annandale, ib. ; warden of the west Mai'ches and justiciar of Galloway, wages, &c. (1304-5), 1659; (with other justices) fines Sir Thomas and Maurice de Berkelej^e 1000 marks for felony, &c. (1306), 1801, 1819 ; commanded to superintend the mining operations at Dunaverty castle (22 Sept.), 1833 ; banneret, 1897 ; with 19 knights and 51 esquires, and 180 archers, pursues the Earl of Carrick in Nitbsdale (12 Feb.— 23 April 1306-7), 1923 ; at Dalgernock (12 April) receives wine for his forces, 1921 ; at Doncol, ib. ; seal, ib. William, vallet (1 hackney killed, 1 died in Carrick), 1011. Botharme, delivered to Sir Aymar de Valence, 1682. William de, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Bothe, Cristiane atte, of Berwick (hom.), p. 208 ; seal (App. iii. 485). Walter de la, 9, 10, 20. Bothecastre, 28, pp. 34, 172. INDEX. 581 Bot'.ikennar 522 533, 545 Bothergask (Botirgask), Johan de (horn.), P- 202. "Walter de (prisoner), 742, 873. Bothwell castle. James de Lyndeseye, prisoner with the Scots there (Sept. 1299), 1093 ; with barony, given to Aymar de Valence (1301), 1214 ; besieged by the K. (Sept. 1301), 1224; pay of army there, 1229; surrendered (c. Sept. 1301), 1235 ; force there (in 1302), 1324 (12), 1337 ; the treasurer there (13 May 1306), 1768 ; defended for upwards of a year [in 1299 ?] till the garrison starved, 1867 ; the warden 3 years a prisoner with the Scots, ih. mainprise at, 805. church, English presentee to, 998. an engine called, 1599. Botiler (Botillier, Botyler), Godfrey le (prisoner), Tyntagel, 1668 ; escorted from Sherborne to Exeter castle, 1674. Hugh le, prisoner at Brages, 1668. John le (fealty), p. 124. Sir John le (fealty), 775; (horn.), p. 194. Johan le of Cramund ; (hom.), p. 198 ; s al (PI. ii 9.); his lauds in Edinburghshire r ed, 832. of Perthshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 159). mainperns (with others) 7 other Scots- men, 940. PhUip le, 745. Theobald le, p. 192. Botolph, John of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Botindone, Adam de, adjoint of the Chancellor, 527. Botland, Robert of, 149. Botle (Botyl), &c., John de Balliol's Galloway lands, given to Sir John de St John, 1630. Patrick de (hom.), p. 198; seals (App. iii. 92, 207). Sec M'Gilbochin, Patrick. Boudone, William of, usher of the Prince's wardrobe, p. 370. Bougheannan, Malcolm de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205; seal ! (App. iii. 597). Bouilton, Alexander de, mayor of Carlisle, p. 59. Bouldone, Master Richard de, parson of Edilstone, Peebleshire (hom.), p. 212. Boulogne, the Count of, affianced to "William the Lyon's daughter, patre invito, p. 113. Boultone, Adam de, the reeve of Dunfres, 324. "William fiz Geffray de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal? (App. iii 265)^ Boushe (Bhowss), Master John called, of London, papal notary, p. 254; clerk, 1000; presented to Kinkell church, 1023; informs the K. that the parlance with the French at Canterbury is broken off (April 1301), 1198. Bowes, Master John de, 731, Boyd (Boyt), Duncan, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Sir Robert, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 202, seal (App. i. 3. (48)); with his men-at-arms, attends the K. 's escheators from Dunbarton to Renfrew (Oct. 1304) p. 443 ; taken in Kildrummy castle (Sept. 1306), 1829. Boylton, "William, son of Geoffry de, 824 (3), Boyville, Eustace de of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 203; seal, (App. iii. 177). Henry de, 576, 580. John de, overlord of Market-Ireby, 1690. Richard de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 209. Robert de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 335); juror, 824 (6). "William de, 15, 16, 21, 24 ; p. 39 ; Henry his clerk, ih.; 'their malpractices,' ib. ; Sir "William de, p. 59 ; 236, 237, p. 124 ; castellan of Dumfries, "Wigton, and Kirkcudbright, 520, 547, 550 ; dead, 576, 1091. de, prisoner, 1098. Brabant, Duke of, 286 ; the K. acknowledge-j his letter 1512. Brabazon (Brabanzon), Sir Roger de, justiciar 660, 661, 1123, 1904, 1982 ; seal (Ap]). iiv 345). Bracanhille, (Brakenhulle), pp 19, 65, 66. Little, p. 65. Richard de, pp. 59, 64. Braceor, Henry, of Jeddeworthe, Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 213. Brackele, Friar GeoflFry of, 68 ; Friar Thomas of, ib. Braconer, Gilbert le, 1949. Brade (Braid), Brian fitz Alan at (Oct. 1291), 537. Sir Henry de, 34 ; Ada his widow, ih Henry de (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (App. ill 209). Bradeford, Alexander de, juror, 1770. Bradeley, Henry de, 319, 407. John de (fealty), 508. "William de (hom.), p. 199; seal (App i. 2. (46)). Brademothe, Henry de, prisoner, St Brevel, 1668. Bradenaghton (Lanarkshire), vill of, farm (1304), p. 427 ; held of K. by "William de andela, p 28. 582 INDEX. Bradewode, vill of, farms of (for 1304), 'p. 427 ; ' precaria ' of, ib. ; brewery, ib. ; mill of the baroii)', ib. Bramfield, given to Melbeht, p. 16. Bramptone (Bramstone), p. 29. Peter de, of the K.'s liousehold, p. 442. Stephen de, late warden of Bothwell castle, which he defended till starved out, and was a prisoner in Scotland for 3 years, prays a ward, 1867. Brankistone, vill of, 549. John de, p. 43. Brantingham, Geoliiy de, 208, p. 64. Biay, Master Alexander de, in prison for stealing the K.'s jewels, Edinburgh, sent to Warwick castle (April 1305), 1660. Master Henry de, 208. Braydestanes, a member of GifFyn in Scotland, p. 30. Braylcsford, Henry de, to lead men of Derby to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (8). Braytoft, Sir Thomas de, goes to Orkney, Norham, &c., p. 109 ; castellan of Nairn and Cromarty, 543, 547, 561, 579, 615, 642. Sir William de, keeper of Inverness and Dingwall castles, 547, 560, 561, 639, 642. Bray ton, John de, p. 16. Brechyn (Brcghyn), (teste), 62. church &c., of, lead stripped^from, re- stored, 1654. castle, resignation by John K. of Scot- land of his realm, people, and Great seal to Edward I. there (10 July 1296), 821, p. 194; the K. at (4-14 Aug. 1303), 1388, 1389 ; 2 engines made there, 1500 ; a silver cup and two gilt forks with crystal handles found in the castle (12 Aug. 1303), 1434. The Bishop of, prays the K. for his pos- sessions ' canys ' and second tithes, and shews his charters, 1421. Bishops of, William, 96 ; John, has a gift of 12 oaks from Forfar forest, 1496 ; to receive value of lead taken for siege of Stirling, 1654 ; receives lead to replace roof of his cathedral, 1687. Mestre Johan, archdeacon of (horn.), p. 211. Sir David de, of Forfarshire (hom.), pp. 199, 209, seal (App. iii. 160); swears fealty and to serve in Scotland against the K. of France, 883; seal, ib.; protection (1297), 961; at Peebles when the Guardians were elected (Aug. 1299), 1978; goes with Earl of Carrick to Annandale, ib. ; safe, conduct to coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4), 1455, 1574 ; he and Margaret his wife, rebels, surrender, 1584 ; does homage, and English lands of Alexander de Bonkyl, his wife's father, restored to them (Aug. 1304), ib.; p. 416; 1670; trespasses on, in Cumberland, to be tried, 1716; his close at Uvedale broken, 1717 ; asks payment of his expenses keeping Dundee for the K. , 1876; on duty at Ayi- (July or Aug. 1307), 1961. Brechyn, Leod de {temp. David I.), 1985 (1). Breetut, John del, K.'s sergeant, Dumfries, 1423. Brembre, Sir Peter de, receiver, Dundee, p. 440. Bremesgrave and Norton, Worcestershire ; rents in, demised by Edmund de Mortimer to Isabella de Clare, for marriage of the heir of Fife, 1311. Richard de, 1166; K.'s receiver, receipts to, 1180 ; keeper of stores there, 1268 ; provides various castles, 1324; lent his horse to Ralph de Manton who lost it at Roslin, 1347; 1364; delivers victual, 1365 ; springalds and quarrels, 1366 ; 1373, 1378, 1385, 1391; lends his carriage to the Queen, 1411; 1415, 1450, 1458, 1460; ordered to send victuals, hay, beer, and malt hastily to Blackness (March 1303-4), 1482 ; ships crossbows and bolts for Stirling, 1491; 1497; the K.'s engines (April 1304), 1498, 1499 ; delivers engines, &c., for Stirling, 1500; the Queen sends her 'lavendere' to his care, 1511; 1523; accused of rudeness to the Prince of Wales, 1527 ; delivers lead, crossbows, and quarrels at Stirling, 1539;1542, 1547, 1549; to send crossbows, quarrels, &c., with all haste to Stirling (3 July 1304), 1556; 1558, 1.559, 1575, 1578, 1587, 1590, 1593, 1595, 1600, 1603, 1605, 1623, p. 440; retains farms of Edrington, p. 442 ; 1647 ; delivers engines, springalds, crossbows, and other munitions of war to the Chamberlain of Scotland at Berwick (2 Dec. 1306), 1863. Brenach, Andrew of, clerk, 529. Brendewode, le, the Bishop of Durham at (June 1295) 710. Brennuhi, Pady, juror, 1350. Breouse, William de, protection for his 20 Welshmen returning from Scotland, 839. Breryshide, timber given from wood of, late John de Balliol's, to rebuild Corbridge burned by the Scots (Oct. 1296), 843. Bret, Richard le, an Irish hobeler in Annan- dale, 1084. Bretnaghe, Duncan, of Fife (hom.). p. 214. Gilendonrut, 1606 (3) INDEX. 583 Bretoun, Archibald le, 296. Misire John le, 61. William, of Linlithgowshire (hom. ), pp. 201, 203; lands in Edinburghshire, restored, 832 ; seal (App. 1. 3 (19). Brets, custom of the Scots and, prohibited, (Sept. 1305), 1691 (6). Brette, Sir Eymery de la, 1281, Breuester, Thomas le, of the forest of Passe - ley, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Brice, Kichard, alderman of Stirling (hom.) 813, p. 197. Brid (Bryd), Donald, burgess of Perth (hom.) 814, p. 197. Bi'idderhale, Sir Thomas de, chaplain, Stirling castle, 1119. Briden, Phelippe de of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 200. Bridge, Adam of the (of Nairn), 642. of Perth, the Prince and his army pass it against the Scots (Jan. 1303-4), 1441. s, timber, &c., of the, provided for crossing Forth, to be applied for castles, &c., 1722. Bridlington, priory of St Mary of, extracts from their chronicles, pp. 113, 115. Brientius, Sir (of Reading abbey), 1985. Briggate street, Berwick, Ralph Phelipe's burgage in, 1313. Briggestrete in Berwick, houses, &c., there, granted to Mayor of London, 1065. Brigham, marriage treaty there (1290), ratified, 450. Brigham (Driffield), 406. Brignak, Sir Gaillard de, and retinue, 1170. BrinshoUes, Ivo de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Brintone, the parson of, 329. Brisbone, William (archer), 1019. Bristol castle ; Scottish prisoners at (1296), p. 177 ; (in 1297), 906. Briston, William de, 1606 (5). Britannia (Bretagne, Bret&ygne), John de, account of his expenses at tournaments, &c. (1285-86), 286; the K.'s nephew, has a grant of the goods on John de Balliol's English manors, 1103 ; and the rents, ib. ; appoints two attorneys to receive same, ib. ; manors specified, ib. ; son of the Duke of, receipt, 1180 (11); seal, ib.; 1406; dines, with Prince of Wales at Perth (Christmas, Purification, 23 Feb. and 1 March 1303-4), 1516; holds rent at Totenham, 1540 (2); his pay, p. 317 ; has robes of bluet and scarlet for the feasts of theAssumption of the Virgin and All Saints (1303), p. 370, 1637; to be lieutenant and warden of Scotland (Sept. 1305), 1638, 1691 ; to have castles of Roxburgh and Jeddeworth, ib. (5) ; his powers and duties as to the laws, appoint- ment of ofiicers, and removal of disturbers of the peace, ib. (4, 6, 7) ; his letter to the Chancellor's lieutenant, 1693 ; writ of appointment and salary, 1699 ; to pay Alexander de Abernethy, 1701 ; advance part of his salary, 1711 ; has a grant of John de Balliol's English estates, Bywell, Wodhorne, &c. , Fotheringhay castle, and the reversion of Hitchin (10 Nov. 1306), 1853 ; lieutenant in Scotland, supplies and money for him at Roxburgh (24 June 1306-7), 1887; seal (App. iii. 89). Britherstanes, Huwe de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Britun, Eliz, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Brockur, Roger, of Berwick, p. 130 ; William his son, ib. Broghton, p. 171. Brokolvestowe, wapentake of, 65. Brom, Adam de (and another) sent to Ireland for provisions and wines to be shipped for Skymborness and Arran, 1277. Brome, Richard atte, the Prince's vallet de chambre, receives 13s. 4d. for him to play, at Linlithgow (June), p. 368. Bromfield, Welsh levies from, 984. Bromleye, vill of (Lanark), farm (1304), p. 427. Bronolvesmede, Roger de, 16. Brougham [castle] ; Robert de Clifford at (29 Oct. 1301), 1252. Broughtone, John de, sheriff of Warwick, &c. , 1099, 1158. Brun (Broun, Bruyn), Adam, 16. Adam, deputy receiver, Ayrshire (1304) p. 428. Sir Archibald le, 1108. Elias le, prisoner sent from Edinburgh to Wallingford, 1660. Gilchrist son of, 1606 (3). Gunnyd, K. 's tenant Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201. Johan, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 208. Johan, of Kilbride, Lanarkshii'e (hom., p. 212. John le, of Hollesleghe, p. 130 ; his vessel the 'Godyer,' ib. John, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 199. Phelippe, of Roxburghshire (liom. ) p. 212. Rauf, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Richard le, pp. 66, 151. Sir Richard le, to lead the men of Cumberland to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (3) ; on a foray in Dumfriesshire, 1437. 584 INDEX. Bruii, Thomas, accused of robbing a doctor at Perth, p. 191. Thomas, carries lampreys for the K. from York to Stirling, 1568. William le, prisoner, p. 178 ; 877 ; to serv^e the K. abroad, 942. William of, burgess, lessee of town acres Berwick, 1363. William, of Gamelscheles, Edinburgh- shire (horn.), p. 211. William le, of Laweder, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 198. Brunbert, John, son of William, hostage, dies in Carlisle prison, 1179. Bruncy, James de, 1256. Brundscale (Lydel), p. 19. Bruufeld, Alan de, 51. Brunscaythe, on the English March, p. 59. Brunestache, manor of, p. 66. Brunhus, Robert del, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 205 Ms. Brusk, Ferreres de, 1256. Brus (Broys) Adam de, 379. Bernard de, noticed, p. 45 ; redeems Exton from Robert de Brus senior, 180 ; of Conington, 715. Sir Bernard de, in K. 's service in Scot- land, 988. Christine de, sister of Robert de Brus, orders as to her custod}' (7 Nov. 1306), 1851. Cristiana de, widow of the Competitor, deceased (20 Feb. 1306-7), 1901. Edward de, his companion buried at Cupar-Fife (6 April 1304), by Prince of Wales, 1516. Elizabeth de (Countess of Carrick), orders as to her custody, 1851 ; at Holderness 1306-7), 1963 ; petitions the K. to cause her treatment to be amended, or to allow a yearly sum for her support, ib. Isabella de, co-heiress of Chester, 75. Lady Isabella de, Queen of Norway, 675; her wardrobe, plate, ' regalia, ' ' crowns, ' &c. , ib. Margerie de, daughter of Robert de Brus, orders as to her custody (7 Nov. 1306), 1851 ; at Waltone (Yorkshire), allowed for dress 1 mark yearly (15 March 1306-7), 1910. Marie de, sister of Robert de Brus, orders as to her custody (7 Nov. 1306), 1851. Peter de, (of Kendal), 16. ■ Richard de, 43 ; asks leave to enclose a wood, 173 ; K. permits him, 176 ; 256 ; pardoned forest trespass in Essex, 259 ; claim on, respited, 266 ; has custody of Ashby la Zuche, &c. , 280; suit with William de Douglas, 302 ; (dead), 309 ; inquisitions of his lands, of Writtle, Totenham, and Kempston, 312 ; complaint by his father, 315. Brus, Robert de {temp. Wm. the Lyon), p. 117, 1606 (4) ; charter to St Peter of York of a house, &c. , in Lochmaben, ib. (8) ; in- speximus and confirmation of, by the Earl of Carrick (3 Nov. 1304), ib (10). : Robert de (the Competitor), 43, 51; Cristiana his wife, ib. ; ejected from Gamelesby, &c., ib. ; debts respited, 54; to send his debts into Exchequer, 56, 75 ; relief mitigated, ib. ; 83, 133, 143 ; Cristiana wife of, ib. ; owns Gamelesby and Glassanby, p. 37 ; his bailiffs amerced, p. 39; restores Exton to Bernard de Brus, 180; lord of Annandale, has 10 bucks in luglewood, 271; he and his knight pardoned forest trespass, 278; appoints attorneys, 281 ; 309, 312; complaint as to his late son Richard's lands, 315; he and Cristiana his wife appoint attorneys, 322 ; stirks taken from his men, 360; 370; an envoy to treat with the Norwegians, 386; his recognition by Alex. II., 465; summoned, 473; 488; his seal, ib. (PI, i. 7.); agrees to be bound by the K.'s decision, 489 ; grants lease to Sir John deStrivelyn of Moi'ay, 495; his further plead- ings in the competition, 512, 513, 514, 515 ; charter by, 556 ; cases cited by him from precedents, 607; Sir John de Balliol's reply thereto, 608; his and his son's rebellious conduct during the reign of the Maid of Norway, noticed, ib. ; he renounces further pleadings, 610 ; 631, 635, 643 ; the K. decides against him, 646; 676, 681; Cris- tiana his wife, ib. ; their suits with Geoffry de Moubray Henry Engaine and others in Cumberland, pp. 150, 151 ; pardoned 100 marks for forest trespass, 689 ; dead (before 8 May 1294), 706 ; his executors, ib. ; Lady Cristiana his widow dowered 709; she grants Glassanby to Adam de Crokdaj^k, 717 ; agreement as to dower between Cris- tiana his widow and his son and heir, 826; Cristiana his widow has manors of Great Baddow and Kemston for life, 828; inquisi- tion as to lands held by his widow (Cris- tiana de Irby) in Cumberland (14 Sept. 1305), 1690; her co-heiresses (named), ib. Robert de, 'le veil' (hom.), p. 197; (son and heir of Competitor), agreement as to dower with Cristiana his father's widow INDEX. 585 (29 ug. 1296), 826 ; senior (1297) going abroad with the K., 926; commauded to deliver Carlisle castle &c. , to new keeper (Oct. 1297), 950; a levy ordered from his goods in Essex for his debt, 987 ; extent of his manors of Writele, 1073 ; and Hatfield Regis, 1074; extent oflands in Huntingdon, 1078; Lord of Annandale, going to Scotland in the K.'s service, 1433 ; just dead (4 Apr. 1304), 1493 ; inquisition of his lands of Hatfield, &c. (21 May 1304), 1540 ; the Earl of Carrick his son and heir, ib. ; (late Earl of Carrick); 1720; marriage of Alianora his widow given to Thomas de Umfraville, ib.; she marries Richard le Waleys without his license, 1750. Brus. See also Carrick, Earl of. Brys, Adam le fiz, 1457, Buchan, Earl of, Alexander Comyn, 36 ; Elizabeth (de Quincy) his wife, ib. ; their homage superseded for her pregnancy, 40, 48, 83, 91 ; dispute with Elena la Zuche her sister, ib.; his letter to Edward I., 92 ; 138, 169, 172; 187, 206, 207; constable and usticiar of Scotland, 215; excuses service to Edward I. and sends his sou Roger, 216 ; dead, 366, 369 ; John, his son and heir does homage, 369 ; has his English lands, ib. ; inquisition of his lands, 421. Earl of, John Comyn, 424 ; authenticates Competitors' petitions and process, 516 ; Gilbert de Suthayk holds of him, 585 ; has leave to dig lead in Man for his castle of Crigeltone, 616 ; constable of Scotland, 635, 658 ; his seal, ib.; 660, 661; his father Earl Alexander's fine discharged, 667; market and fair granted him, 672; 681; his relief, 698 ; his lands in England seized, p. 175; (horn.), pp. 194, 196; seal (PI. ii. 7) ; 872 ; a prest to, p. 265 ; in England by K.'s order (1 Oct. 1296), 839; swears to serve against France, 888; (hom. ), ib. ; writes to the K . as to insur- rection in Moray (1297), 920, 921; protec- tion to Scotland, 961 ; meets other nobles at Peebles (Aug. 1299), 1978; lays hands on Bishop of St Andrews, ib.; goes north of Forth, ib. ; ambassador to France (1303), 1363; seal, ib.; safe conduct coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4), 1455 ; late Earl, his rents south of the Mounth, to be levied for Henry de Percy, the grantee (March 1303-4), 1472 ; lands restored to (May 1304), 1535 ; has his English lands restored May, 1304), 1538 ; petitions as to his lands in Galloway and Aberdeen, 1541 ; has no lawful heirs of his body yet (May 1304), ib. ; safe conduct, 1574 ; to have his land in Leicester, 1594 ; pays farms of Fermartyn, p. 440; as a Scottish Commissioner agrees to the K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1691; has a gift of 12 hinds, and 50 oaks in the forests of Buthyn and Kintorre, 1709 ; goes to Scotland, 1717 ; forgiven his debts, on account of the loss of Sir John Comyn, his cousin (26 Sept. 1306), 1835, 1847; claims ward of Ralph (an idiot), son and heir of the late Sir Ralph de liasceles, and the lands in Fife he holds of him, 1870. Buchan, Earl of, William Cumine, justiciar of Scotland, 1606 (5), 1985 (19). Countess of, Isabella, allowed to fell timber (Oct. 1297), 955 ; orders as to her custody (7 Nov. 1306), 1851 ; to be in a 'kage,' ib. Thomas de, of Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 446); a juror, 857. the keeper of the forest of, to give the Bishop of Aberdeen 30 oaks, 1506. Buche, Richard, 51. Buchfodyr, Henry de, juror, 1689. Buffard, Robert, a fool, recompensed by the Prince of Wales who played him a trick, p. 369. Buk, Walter (called of Botilton), 531. Bule, William, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Bull, the Papal, for the marriage of the Prince and Heiress of Scotland enrolled, 460 ; publicly read in the Chapter House, West- minster, ib. ; expenses procuring same, &c. , 463, 464. Bullock, Henry, ' shipmaster, Lynn, brings oats to Leith, 1497. r Richard (slain), p. 34; Editha, his widow, ib. Walter, juror, 857. Bulmer, John de, valet, at Roxburgh, 1341. Theophania, widow of John de, 1154. Bundeby (Buneby), John de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810, p. 210; seal (App. i. 1 (?)). Bungeye, Hugh de, the Prince's armourer, 1382; buys armour for him, p. 365 ; makes banners and crests, repairs armour, &c., pp. 367, 368; gives pennoncells to the Scots at Perth come to peace, ib. Bunting, Thomas, 34. Thomas, of Peebleshire (hom. ), p. 207. Burchly, held of Bishop of St Andrews by tenure of baking, 1350. Burdet, Peter, castellan of Berwick, 536, 552, 555, 578, 618, 634; K.'s ' panetarius, 1046. 586 INDEX. Burdet, Sir "William, of Louseby, attends Robert de Bnis of Annandale ou tlie K.'s service to Scotland, 1433. ; Burden (Bourdon), Lady Agneta, debts due to her late husband, Sir John B., paid, p. 442. Sir John de, warden of Berwick ; stores delivered to, 1107 ; constable of Berwick castle, account] of stores, &c., 1118 ; sheriff of Berwick, 1165, 1313 ; to be sheriff of Berwickshire, with 5 men-at-arms, till Christmas (1302), 1321 (12) ; seal, ib.; finds 5 men for Sir John de Segrave's forays, ih. (14) ; late constable of Berwick (Aug. 1302), 1331 ; keeping castle and shire of Berwick, 1337 ; late sheriff of Berwick, his executors have administration (Nov. 1305), 1715. Bure, Lorence atte, of Peebleshire (hom. ), p. 207. Burewarde, Guoti (and 11 others), K.'s sergeants, on raid against Robert de Bnis, p. 511. Burge, William, 265. Burgh, manor and barony of, p. 37. [under Staynmoor], manor of, 169, 172 ; the Prince of Wales at (Nov. 1300), 1175. Burghe, Pieres de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Robert de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 212. William de, clerk, 1557. Burghdone, Roger de, of Blakeder (hom.), p, 203 ; seal (App. iii. 175). Wautier de of Roxburghshire (hom.), p, 199 ; seal (App. i. 2. (15)) ; sheriff of Perth, accounts for its issues, p. 264 ; Sir Walter de, and garrison of Carstairs, number and pay of, p. 317 ; 1290 ; to be sheriff of Lanark and warden of Carstairs Sept.— Christmas 1302), with 30 msp-at- arms and 40 foot, 1321 (6) ; seal, ib. ; (Sept. 1302) his force, 1324 (7), 1337 ; joint justice of Galloway (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2) ; his fee, 1706. (Borondoue), Sir Walter de, constable of Carstairs, 1880. Burghgate (Berwick), 1313. Burghersh, Sir Robert de, constable of Dover, delivers John de Balliol to the Papal envoy, 1080; 1383 ; to see that the French Ambas- sadors return safe across the channel (April 1304), 1492. Burgo, Hugo de, clerk, 1008 ; presented to Stonehouse church, 1023. Burgo, Sir John de, scni&r, grants Whateley manor to the K., 11. Richa d de, 103. Burgo, Thomas de 1486. Walter de, 163 ; Richard his son and heir, ib. See Ulster, Earl of. Burgstede manor, held of Richard Siward, 173. Burley, John de, 635. Burn, Adam de, and other tenants of Cavers moor, 1485. Burnard, John called, of Farningdun ; marriage of his widow, and ward of heir, asked by the Bishop of Glasgow, 1626. Burnelle, Robert, 6, 7. Burnham, Thomas de, keeper of Jeddeworthe castle and Selkirk forest (1296), p. 225; constable of Gedeworthe, accounts for issues, p. 264 ; to bring 40 miners from York to Berwick, 1112. Burntone, W. de (justice), 270, 275, 291. Barton, Roger de, justice ^in Scotland, 605, 626, 691, 692. Burwelle, John de, and other K.'s sergeants, carry 2000Z. to Scotland for Hugh de Cressingham, 900. Busche, Sir Peter Amanevi captain of, (his charger at Falkirk, 1011. Amanevus de, vallet (his horse), 1011. Buselyngthorp, Richard de, 1671. Buskeby (Byskeby, Bann. Club), William de, of Wyggetonshire (hom.), p. 214, Bute, the K.'s fleet at, 1253. Butelerie, Alisaundre de la, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 316). Buterwan, John, to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Buthergax, Walter de, to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Buthernoke, Gilbert de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205. Buthyu Forest, 1709. Butler, Malcolm the (teTTip. Alex. IL), 1606(5). Butterwick, Nicholas of, 1805. Byclier (Biche). See Rye, de. Bydun, Walter de {temp. David L), 1985 (1), chancellor, ih. (2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16). ' By gamete', pleas of, withdrawn by the Bishop of Aberdeen from the Earl of Athol's court, to the Court of Christianity, 1682. Bykenore, Sir John de, on foray to Glentrool in search of Robert de Brus (17-30 April), p. 512. Sir Thomas de, receives hay, 1446; on foray in Nithsdale against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Byly, Patrick de of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 431). Byngham, Thomas de, 1637 INDEX 587 Bynliara, the prior of, 724 Byuyn (Linlithgowshire), held of the de Pinkenys, 857. Byrun, Sir James de, a trustee in Comyn family settlement, p. 51. John, sheriff of York; allowance for defences against the Scots at Christmas 1297 and after, 978, 1086; to lead men of West Riding to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (9). By well (Biwelle) manor, 139; &c., of John de Balliol, given to John of Brittany, 1104; barony of, late Sir John de Balliol's 1120 ; Wodhorne, &c., Fotheringhay castle, and Balliol's other English estates given to John of Brittany (10 Nov. 1306), 1853. wood, oaks given in, 1045; timber felled there for engines, 1162. Gilbert of, 311; Dionisius his son, ib. Cabok, John juror, 1420. Cadegarth. Sec Gadgirth. Cader church, Lanarkshire, fruits of, p. 424. Cadihou (Cadiou), K.'s demesne, farm of (1304), p. 427; rent of brewery and bake- house of, ih. ; mill of, 428. church, fruits of, p. 424; the vicar of, pays 40s. to rector of Cambusnethan, ih. Aleyn de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 213. (Cadroghe) Roger le fiz Richard de, of Lanarksliire (hom.), p. 201. Caen (Caam, Cam), Master John of, apostolic notaiy, 485, 486, 660 ; attests the protest of Edward L, i6. ; 834, 991; lieutenant of the Chancellor, 1693. Caillau, Renaud, in pursuit of the Earl of Carrick, 1897. Cailly, William de, 881. Caithness (Cateneis), colony of Picts sent there, p. 114. Bishopric of, issues of, and Sutherland, p. 438. Bishop of, 'clerk of Cardinal Hugh,' 178. Bishops of : Andrew {temp. David I. ), 1985 (3, 6); Alan (the Chancellor), 432; envoy, 441, 451; Chancellor of Scotland, 496; makes oath and receives seal of office, 498; his fees, 500, 502, 519; to pay the Guardians' fees, 521; receives his own, 525; his seal, ih.; his adjoint, 527, 540, 547; his death announced, 566; successor appointed, 606; 613, 620; Bishop elect of, Fercard, safe conduct to Rome on election, 1574 ; April 1306),' 1752 renounces Papal Bull in certain points, ib. ; chapter seal (App. iii. 125). Caithness, Archdeaconry of, 927. and Orkney, Earl of, John, 535 ; his vallet sent to the K. ib. ; fealty, 803 ; pro- tection for, 839; seal (PI. i. 16). Caland, Geffrai, bailiff of Inverkeithing (hom.), 819, p. 198. Calantir (Calentyr), held in chief, 1457. Alewynde, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 211. Sir John de, homage, 822, p. 196; lands restored to p. 226 ; a prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged for Reginald le Chen, 1062; (deceased), inquisition of his lands Calentir and Kilsyth (Feb. 1303-4), 1457; Alwyn his son and heir, ib, the Lady of, 1180 (3). Calcoh. See Kelso. Caldecot, p. 36 ; 1078; inquisition at, 1540 (4) ; manor, forfeited) by Robert de Brus, 1837. Geoffry de (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 245). Caldor-Cler (Edinburghshire), 824 (3). Comitis, ward of, given to Bishop of Glasgow, 700, 701, 707, 708, 865, 1263. ' Calfe of Man, ' the mine of, the Earl of Buchan has leave to dig lead ore there, 616. Calkane, p. 29. Calrewode, Isabele de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 213. Cambel, Arthur, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 204. Sir Dovenald, juror, 1588; on a foray, 1437. — — Sir Dovenal, of Dunbartonshire (hom. ), p. 211. Dougal, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Duncan, des Illes (hom.), 808, p. 200. Duncan, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Sir Nichol (hom.), p. 196; seal (PI. ii. 8); 847; (Nigel), has ward of Hubert de Multon's land, and leave to marry his widow (Feb. 1301-2), 1289; Sir Nichol (deceased), his lands given to John de Dovedale, and ward and marriage of his infant son and heir (Oct. 1305), 1628, 1717. Master Nigel, envoy of the Earl of Carrick to Norway, 675 ; Mestre Neel (hom.), p. 199 ; of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205 ; Master Nigel, protection, 961. Cambel, Thomas, prisoner, p. 177 ; K.'s tenant, Perthshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 385). (late Dean) to have the temporalities of Cambertone, p. 39; hamlet of, 841. see, having done homage at Winchester (4 | Alexander de, p. 171 ; Maria his 588 INDEX. wife, ib. ; holds ttii-d of Cambertone as dower, ib. Cambhou (Cambo, Cambok), Sir John de of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 195, 201; seal(App. iiL 479). Sir John de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204 ; seal (App. iii. 319); son and heir of Walter de C, repayment to, 1263 ; lieutenant of the sheriff of Fife, inquisition before, 1350 ; leases the ' Can ' of Crail, 1670 ; prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. John de, 1180 (2) ; seal, ib. ; sheriff of Northumberland, ships hay to Blackness, 1264, 1266 ; 1380 ; compotus of (1303) provisions, wine, &c., to Roxburgh, and for the Queen's household, treasure carried to the March, &c., 1398 ; justice, 1710.* Robert de, 319. Walter de [Northumberland], 234 ; of Toghale, 238, 319, 359, 377 ; justice, 682. Walter de, receiver of Fife, 684 > T^arden of Fife, 701 ; expenses of his office in Galloway, Lanark, &c. , 708 ; balance of issues of the earldom of Fife, 865. Cambok (on the Marches), murder at, p. 34. Carabos (Cambus), Annabel de, of Peebleshire (hom. ), p. 207 ; seal (App. iii, 604). Sir John de (homage challenged), 730. Camboslanc, Connal parson of, of Berwick- shire (hom.) p. 212. Cambous, John, killed ip Scotland under Sir John de Segrave, Marie his widow has respite of her fine (4 Aug. 1303), 1388. Camboys, Richard, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 209. Cambridge, Walter de Rqs, scholar at, 1937. Cambrun (Fife), 684. (Cambernon), David de, prisoner, 742, 873 ; to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. John de (fealty), p. 124; (hom.), 730. Sir John de, prisoner, p. 177, 938 ; to serve the K. abroad, 942. Sir John de, of Balligarnach (hom. ), 730 ; juror, 1689. Sir Robert, sheriff of Athol, 733 ; sends cattle and sheep from Athol, p. 264. Sir Robert de, of Balligernache (fealty), 747; (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 307); of Balnigrenach (hom.), p. 194. Sir Robert de, of Balnely (fealty), 750 ; (hom.), p. 194; Robert of Balnely, K'.s tenant, Perthshire (hom.),p, 202; seal (PI. ii. 16); of Balnely, Forfarshire (hom.), p. 209 ; seal (App. i. 3 (12)). CaB-Vtvskenneth (Cambuskinel), the Prince plays at, p. 368 ; is to meet the K. there (21 April 1304), 1509. Cambuskenneth, the secret compact between the Bishop of St Andrews and the Earl of Carrick there (11 June 1304), 1817. Abbots of: (protection), 1104 ; Patrick (hom.), p. 196; John, his seal (App. iii. 122). Cambusnethan, army paid at (18 Aug. 1301), 1229. barony (Lanark), farm of, 1608 ; destroyed by Irish, ib. ; farm of, p. 427. church, fruits of, 1608; pension from vicar of Cadihou to rector of C, ib. Camelin, Anselm de, 1985 (20). Camera, Adam de, 24. Herbert de, 1985 (15). Richard de, K.'s sergeant-at-arms, 1367 ; loses a horse at Linlithgow pele, 1422. Simon de, 561. See also Chambre, de la. Cammays (Camoys), Wautipr, clerk, of Rox- burghshire (hom. ), p. 208 ; clerk of the Bishop of Glasgow, 914. Camp, Nicol de, vicar of Grenlawe (hom. ), p. 210. Campania John de, executor of the Countess of Stratherne, 1117, 1642. — - Nicholas de, 212 ; Sir Robert his son and heir resigns Borg in Galloway to the Lady of Balliol, ib.; under penalty, 213,214 Sir Ralph de (hom.), 730 ; 824 (1, 2). — — See also Champayne. Cam pis Ludi, Sir Thomas de, 961. Tirricus de, envoy from Norway, 383, 386, 388, 390. Campyon, Nicol, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Can (Caan), an impost on fish in the barony and port of Crail, 880 ; inquisition as to, 1670 ; assessment on fish in vessels by tonnage, ib- fitz. Sir Dovenald, of Wigtonshire (hom.), pp. 195, 198, juror, 824 (4); thanked by the K. for his diligence, g94 ; juror, 1588 ; paid annuity, 1712. Cancia, Thomas de, 1606 (7). Candela (Candel), W. de, holds Bradenaghton (Lanarkshire) of the K. (1304), p. 428. Martin del, lands in Edinburghshire restored, 832. See also. Chaundel. 'Candelar,' John le, brings Scottish jewels, writings, &c., from Berwick to London (Sept. 1296), 840. Candida Case, see Whitherne. Canonbv, Prior of, William (hom.), p. 196. INDEX. 589 Cantelu (Cauntelou), Sir Henry de, and retinue, 1132. Sir John de (fealty), p. 125 ; horn., p. 196. Robert de, constable of Lochmaben, 1058 ; stores and wine sent to, 1068. Sir William de, thanked by the K. for his 2 men-at-arms (Sept. 1302), 1322 ; to bring men-at-arms from York to Roxburgh (April 1303), 1356 (6). Canterbury, the Archbishop of, 107, 120. Archbishops of, Hubert (Walter), p. 113 ; William the Lyon swears fealty on his crozier, ib.; Robert, (Winchelsey), p. 253. Adam of, carriage of K.'s tents from Carlisle to Newcastle (July 1301), 1304. Walter of, the Queen's brewer, 1380. Cantire (Kentyr), the isle of, 1834. the ' Moel ' of, the rebel Scots to be watched there by John Biset (16 June 1307), 1941. Cantok, Master Tliomas, clerk, 332, p. 131. Capeles, Roger de, 1119. Capella, Alexander de, to raise 40 Penrith men to pursue Robert de Brus, 1902. John de, p. 38. Richard de, 360. Caral, Lambard, vicar of, of Fife (horn.), p. 204. Caran, Wautier del, of Fife (hom.), p. 200. Cardeland (Carteland), farm of, pp. 424, 428 ; in Scots' hands (Pentecost 1302), p. 424. Simon de, holds C. of the K., pp. 424, 428. Cardene, Adam de, juror, 1689. Cardinal Hugh, 178. Cardoness (Cardelness), Sir Bertram de, 212. ^— Michael de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), 810; seal(App. i. 1. ?) ; p. 210. Cardies (?), Thomas de, lands in Peeblesshire, restored to, 832. •Carduf, David fiz Canan de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Cargow, manor of, 24 ; Robert de Ros's, burnt and waste, p. 172 ; dispute as to, between William de Ros of Werke, and William de Carlisle, 1216. Carham, the March at, disputed, p. 44 ; encroachments on the March at, 144; dispute as to March there to be settled, 275, 291, 305; Bishop of Durham at, seizing evil-doers, 330 ; John Massun's claim discussed there, 359. Carintoly, Alan de (hom.), 730. Carkemechan (Ulster), 163. Carkerdale (Westmoreland), p. 5 Carkery, Margery de (hom. ), 730 Carlaverok castle, the constable slain (1299) and his head on Lochmaben great tower, 1101; constable and 11 of garrison prisoners at Newcastle, 1162 ; Prince of Wales at (Nov. 1300), 1175. Carlcastle (Ulster), 163, the mill, ib. Carletun (Karlton, Carlaton), 146, p. 36. church, given to Lanercost Priory, in propinos usus for its losses by the K. 's stay, &c. (17 March 1306-7), 1911. manor (Lincoln), the Countess of Fife's, 1108. Duncan de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 490). John de, clerk, 1256, 1761. Carlisle (Cardoil, Carlel), city of, charter by Malcolm [IV.] K. of Scots, at (1154-1165), 1606 (12); the'de Stuteville burgages in, p. 19 ; customs and merchants of, hindered, pp. 35, 36; fair, question as to mare bought at, 183; wine sent from Newcastle to, 565; justice ayre at (Nov. 1292), 645. castle and county committed to Earl of Carrick, 236, 237; committed to Robert de Brus of Annandale (6 Oct. 1295), 716; Thomas of Galloway lodged there (1296), 729; the constable of, to receive Henry de Percy and his men in the castle (Oct. 1296), 846; repairs, &c., p. 284; carcases hung in priory, ib. ; repairs and buildings there, and defences against the Scots (Nov. and Dec. 1297), 1179 ; and expenses of 22 Galloway hostages (half of whom died) for 3 years prior to Michaelmas 1300, ib. ; Prince of Wales at (Nov. 1300), 1175; Galwegian hostages in (1302), 1300 ; delivered to Sir John de St John, ib. ; 2 knights and 32 sergeants Scottish prisoners in (1301-2), 1304 ; 4 Scottish prisoners in, 1668 ; Earl Henry dies there (1152), p. 116 ; David I. dies there (1153), ib. ; besieged by William the Lyon (1174), ib.; by Alexander II. (1216), ib.; citadel built and walls raised by David L, p. 117. Bishopric of (1069), p. 116. Cathedral of, the Prior sends extracts from their Chronicles, pp. 115-17. the clergy of diocese of, refuse contribu- tion of a fifth to the K., who orders their lay fees, &c., to be seized, 879. Bishops of : Walter (Mauclerk), p. 36 ; John (de Halton), 698 ; he promised the K. a fifth from his clergy, which they will not pay, 879 ; keeper of the castle, &c. 590 INDEX. (Oct. 1297), 950 ; to j^ay Henry de Percy 50 marks defending Carlisle against the Scots, 954 ; with R. de Clifford empowered to receive Earl of Carrick to the K.'s peace (Nov. 1297), 961 ; as constable of Carlisle, to deliver a hostage to Robert de Clifford, 1106 ; expenses laid out on Carlisle castle, and defence of same against the Scots (Nov. and Dec. 1297), 1179 ; of 11 Galloway hostages in castle for 3 years to Michaelmas 1300, ib. ; and 10 who died there, and 1 freed during same period, ib. ; his damages, &c., at Carlisle castle from the Iv. 's army and other- wise, to be made good, 1187 ; 1196; allowed keep of 11 Galwegian hostages (April 1302), 1300. Carlisle, Robert, archdeacon of, 1606 (5). the Prior of St Mary of, pp. 29, 36, 64; timber felled in his wood, p. 284 ; priory to be got ready for the K. (10 Aug. (1306), 1819. the Holy Rood of, p. 16. Adam, prior of, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 208. Beatrice de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 203. Gilbert de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810 ; p. 210 ; seal (App. i. 1, (12)) ; his lands of La Dale and Terriby, 840; rebel, received, has his Cumberland lands, 1481, 1594. Johanna of, p. 191. Ivo de (deceased), 397 ; William son of (deceased), ib. ; John, his son and heir, does homage, ib. Ivo of, keeper of cokets of St Andrews and Crail, p. 441. Michael of, K.'s sergeant-at-arms, 976. Nicholas de, the K. 's sergeant ; inquisi- tion as to his burgages, and if 40 acres at Bervvick-on-Tweed might be granted to him (30 July 1302), 1313; 1378; receives sheep, &c. , to be driven to Roxburgh from Carlisle for the K. (May 1303), 1439. Thomas de, 77. Sir William de, p. 29; in K.'s service in Scotland, 989 ; dispute with William de Ros as to Cargou, 1216 ; on a foray, 1437. William de, junior, 24 ; Sapieutia, his widow, ib. . . . . de (forfeited), 1042. Carlug (Carluke), forest of, timber granted in, 1626. Carmelite friars, 2, in Edinburgh castle, 1132 ; the Prior and brethren of Order at New- castle to be provided for, as the new forti- fications will destroy their church, &c., 1151; the Scottish, to pray for the late Queen of France's soul, 1661. Carmelites, Friar William, of the, 1052. Camera oel church in Whitherne diocese, English presentee to, 998; given in pro- prios testis to Whitherne bishopric (May 1306), 1772. Carnewedry, Pieres de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Carnok, William vicar of the church of, in Meams (hom. ), p. 204. Carnot, Devorgoyl, widow of Robert (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 280). Carnoto. Sec Chartres. Carpenter, Alexander the, 1178. Alexander le, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Master Hugh the, breaks the K.'s 'utensil' at Bothwell, 1271. William le, p. 150; Henry son of, ib.; Mariota, latter's wife, ib. s, &c. , ordered by the K. from Northum- berland (June 1298), 994. Carrew (Carru), Sir Nicholas de, 1324 (12); constable of Bothwell, 1686. Carribber (Caribre), Phelippe de, of Linlithgow- shire (hom.), p. 205. Thomas de, K.'s tenant, Linlithgowshire, (hom.), p. 201; .seal? (App. i. 3. (3). Carrick, 13 boats well 'hurded,' ordered at Carlisle to ship 170 men-at-arms for, (13 Aug. 1306), 1821. Earldom of, case cited against Brus, 608. Carrick, Earl of, Robert de Brus, swears fealty in 1278 for Alexander IIL,_127; p. 131; borrows 401. from Edward L (1281), 199; 211 ; sheriff and constable of Carlisle, 236, 237 ; has a gift of venison in Ingle- wood, 243 ; accounts, 260 ; has respite, 266 ; amerced for absence, 268 ; pardoned forest offences, 279; 321, 370, p. 148; Isabella his daughter, ib. ; they have safe conduct to Norway (28 Sept. 1292), ib.; Lady Isa- bella his daughter Queen of Norway, 675 ; inventory of her wardrobe, plate, 'regalia,' &c. (Michaelmas 1293), ib.; 698; his debts respited, 699 ; his father dies, 706 ; does homage (4 July 1295), 711 ; debt to his father's executor, 712 ; lord of Writel ib. ; Carlisle castle committed to him as 'lord of Annandale' (6 Oct. 1295), 716; {late Earl), dead (before 4 April 1304), 1493 ; his scutage discharged to his son and heir (8 Feb. 1305-6), 1743. INDEX. 591 Carrick, Earl of, Robert de Brus, as ' Earl of Carrick and lord of Annandale ' goes to Scotland (March 1296), 732 ; ' le jeovene, ' (hom.), p. 197; Matillidis his wife, 850; they appoint attorneys in a plea of dower (Oct. 1296), ib. ; the earl's debts ' attermed ' by the K., 852 ; royal message to him, 884 ; conditions of peace required by him and his confederates (July 1297), 907; received by Percy and Clifford, 908; con- fesses his rebellion against the K. , 909 ; liis seal, ib. ; to deliver his daughter Marjory as a hostage, 910 ; expected at Berwick (Aug. 1297), 933 ; to be received to peace (14 Kov. 1297), 961 ; in the K.'s service in Galloway, and writes from Turnbery to the Chancellor, July [1298], 995 ; troops to be provided by him (in 1298), 1049; meets other nobles at Peebles (Aug. 1299), 1978 ; Sir John Comyn takes him by the throat, ib. ; elected one of the Guardians, ib. ; goes to Annandale, &c., ib.; assaults Loch- maben pele (Aug. 1299), p. 283 ; attack by him on Annan expected, p. 284 ; letter as Guardian to Edward I. (13 Nov. 1299), 1109 ; intercedes for a Galwegian homicide (6 Feb. 1301-2), 1291 ; letter to him and Comyn as Guardians, by the K. of France (6 April 1302), 1301 ; comes to peace with his tenants (28 April 1302), 1302, 1303 ; reported to have gone to Parlia- ment (Oct. 1302), 1334 ; to bring men-at- arms and lOOO foot from Carrick and Galloway to Eoxburgh (April 1303), 1356 ; receives advance of pay by hands of Sir John Botetourte's valet (14 July 1303), 1385 ; sherifi' of Lanarkshire (Dec. 1303), 1420 ; constable of A^'r castle (Jan. 1303-4), 1437 ; letter to, from the K. applauding his services (3 March), 1465 ; has wine from the K.'s stores, 1466 ; letter to, as sheriff of Lanark, from the K. as to release of prisoners unjustly held to ransom (5 March 1303-4), 1469 ; credence to him from the K. for Su- John Botetourte on business (30 March 1304), 1488; begs that inquisition be taken forthwith of his late father's English lands (4 April 1304), 1493; at Hatfield in Essex, ib. ; reports to the K. his inability to find horses and armour for his people or get the rents of his English lands, 1495; the K. thanks him for sending engines to Stirling, &c. (April 16), 1510; inquisition of his late father's lands of Hat- field (25 May 1304), 1540; found heir of his father, Robert de B. senior (25 May 1304), {cet. 28), 1540; {mt. 30), ib. (2); {cct. 22), ib. (19); having done homage and fealty, to have his late father's lands (June 1304), 1546; his ancestors' debts (518?. 55. 8rf.) respited, 1548 ; inquisition as to the privi- leges claimed by him in Annandale (31 Aug. 1304), 1588; the same and his petition sent to the Council for advice, 1604; inspeximus charter by him at York (9 Nov. 1304), 1606 (10); pays burgh farm of Ayr to K.'s escheator (Pentecost 1303), p. 425 ; takes half rent of Maldesleye (for 1304), p. 427; with the K. at Westminster (20-24 March 1304-5), 1651, 1652 ; asks for Ingram de Umfraville's lands, and his expenses keeping Ayr castle, &c., 1657 ; to account for Ayr and Lanarkshires, and castle of Ayr, 1658 ; (at Lent Parliament, 1305), 1691; ordered to place Kildrummy castle in safe keeping (Sept. 1305), ib. (9) ; to give 20 oaks from Laundmorgun forest to John de Spauyding canon of Elgin, 1709 ; and 6 hinds and 25 oaks from Kintorre forest to the Earl of Buchan, ib. ; asks safe conduct for John baron of Graystock, going with him in K.'s service, 1732 ; warden of Tarn away and Laundmorgan forests, 1736 ; discharged of scutage due by his late father (8 Feb. 1305-6), 1743 ; Comyn's murder reported to the K. (by 23 Feb.), 1747 ; forces summoned to put down his rebellion, 1754 ; his castle of Lochmaben, and Annandale given to the Earl of Hereford and Essex, and Elizabeth, his wife, the K.'s daughter (10 April), 1757 ; 1762 ; his lands of Totenham leased to Walter de Bedewynde (1 May) 1767, 1771 ; his manor of Hert in Durham given to Robert de Clifford (26 May), 1776 ; if made prisoner, to be guarded till the K.'s pleasure declared (28 June), 1790 ; late Earl, his forfeited lands. Great Badewe, Writel, and Kempston leased by the K. (14 July 1306), 1804 ; 16 of his adherents hanged without trial at Newcastle- on-Tyne (c. 4 Aug.), 1811 ; copy of his secret indenture with the Bishop of St Andrews (on 11 June 1304), 1817, 1818 ; Andrew, the High Steward's son and heir, delivered to him by the Bishop, and the Mass administered also, ib. ; his castle of Kildrummy and brother, &c. , taken (Sept.), 1829 ; compotus of his forfeited lands in England (Michaelmas), 1837 ; forfeitures of his Annandale tenants given to the Earl of Essex, 1842 ; his privy seal and bearer captured (Oct.), 1845; 5 of his adherents 592 INDEX. Carrick, Earl of, Robert de Brus, cont. — surrender (Nov). 1849 ; Lis wife, 2 sisters, and daiigliter Margerie, sent to prison, 2 in 'kages,' 1851 ; is closely pursued by land and sea by the K.'s forces (Jan.— May 1306-7), 1888, 1893, 1895, 1896 ; expedition (on 12 Feb). 1897 ; deserters punished condignly, 1900 ; 1500 men mustered at Carlisle (20 Feb.), 1902 ; order that all present or assenting to Coniyn's murder be hanged, and Brus's resetters imprisoned, 1908 ; innocent receivers of him excepted, 1909 ; 2300 men mustered at Carlisle to pursue him (19 March), 1913 ; his gold coronet concealed, 1914 ; pursued by a large force, in Nithsdale, beyond the Cree, Carrick, and Glentrool, 1923 ; anonymous letter from Forfar giving rumours of the progress he is said to be making, and requesting aid for the well- affected there (15 May), 1926; 1950. Carrick, the Countess of (Elizabeth de Burgo), orders as to her custody (7 Nov. 1306), 1851. ■ Cuthbert de, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Mestre Duncan de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. ■ Emma de, 1140. Gilcrist de, prisoner, 1668, 1674. Johan fitz Neel de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Matillidis de (of Levingtone), p. 34 ; remarries without leave, 698 ; leases her land in Cumberland, 731, 1140 ; (Maulde) tenant of the Earl of Carrick, comes to peace and has her lands in Cumberland (28 Apr. 1302), 1302, 1303. Morthak de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Nicholas de (outlawed), p. 34. Nigel de (hom.), 730. Patrick de, 28. See also Trumpe, Patrick. Roland de, 28, p. 37 ; ... . wife, ih. ; (deceased), 42, 51 ; Matillidis his Avidow, ih. Walter de, p. 39. Carriz, Adamde, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p, 205. Carry, John de, prisoner in England, to be exchanged, 1062. Cars, 'le,' John Wiscard of, 335. Carsan, Dovenald son of Thomas de, hostage, dies in Carlisle prison, 1179. • Liuighlan, son of Laughlan de, hostage, dies in Carlisle prison, 1179. Robert de, parson of the moiety of Kircandres, Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 212. Carstairs, 1290 ; stores sent from Leith for, 1324 ; number of garrison, ib. (7), 1337. Carstairs, the Bishop of Glasgow wishes to build a hall, &c., at, 1626. Cartcany, in the Lennox, p. 165. Carteret, Robert de, 1000 ; in-esented to Mony- mael church, 1023. Carvant, Cristy de (hom. ), p. 201 ; juror, 857. Carwendelowe (Kaerwendelowe), pp. 65, 66, Robert de, p. 66. Casse, William, juror, 1420. Casfurlonger, AVilliam, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203. Castellione, Hugucio, ' plebanus' of, 601. Castile, the K. of, his man John petitions Alexander III. regarding his ship lost, 288. Castles, the Scottish, to be delivered to the young Queen and Prince of Wales, 451. the K.'s [7], in Scotland south of Forth to be provisioned, &c. (1304-5), 1722. Castle ward, of Newcastle, due from North- umberland, discharged (for year 1302), 1319. Castre, Sir John de, 1059; on raid to Glentrool in search of Robert de Brus (17-26 April), p. 512. Castro Bernardy, Simon de, 171, 172. Castrum Pucllarum. Sec Edinburgh. Cat,' the engine, made, p. 283. Cateloyne, John of, trumpeter, p. 369. Caterlen, William of, (felon) 146. Cathe [ ], de, marries Johanna de Gal- brathe, heiress of a 4th of Dalserf, 1420; Bernard de C. her son, ib. Cathecart (Kathkerke), Sir William de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205; seal(App. iii. 593); prisoner in England, to be exchanged for William de Ros, 1 062 ; his esquire, ib. ; to go from Berwick to York, 1077. Cathelen, John, 208. Catgarthe (Lydel), p. 19. Catheriche (Ulster), 163. Catkone, Thomas de of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 238). Cattone, Thomas de, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 211. Caunne, vill of, p. 173. Caupeney, King (Regi) (of Scotland), 463. Cave (Cane), John de, clerk, 1119; pays part of burgh farm of Glasgow, p. 424; clerk in charge of victuals at Glasgow and Kirkin- tilloch, 1686 ; 1921. Cavers, receipt at, 530. moor, hostages to be taken from, 734. Simon of (archer), 1019. Cavertone, Alisaundre de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Alisaundre le fitz Henry de, of Rox- burghshire (ho.n.), p. 206. INDEX. 593 Cecilia (cle Rumeli), eldest daughter of Wil- liam fitz Duncan, ni. to Earl of Albemarle, p. 16 ; has Honour of Skipton, ih. Celer, Duncan del, burgess of Perth (hom.), 814, p. 197. Cellarer, William the (of Holmcoltram), 1606(6). Cervat, William, merchant of Cawors, 1182. Chaaliz, the K. of France at, 993. Chalder, price of a (in 1303), 13s. id., 1608. Challin (Chellin). Sec Kellin. Chamber, the ' children ' and other gentlemen- at-arms of the K.'s, receive hay, 1446. Chamberlain, fee to, for the K. of Scotland's homage, 683. the, receives hay, 1446. (of Scotland), the, 394-472, 500-530, 536-617, 618-644, passivi ; owes a balance to the burgesses of Berwick, 696. on commission of inquiry into sheriff of Dumfries's opjiressions, 1526 ; seal of, an impression to be kept in Exchequer and Chancery, 1667 ; to take account with the Eai'l of Athol, and allow him 800?. for his official expenses up to Easter 1305, &c., 1682. See Balliol, Alexander de. Hubert the {temp. David I.), 1989 (1, 5). Champvent, Sir John, on raid against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Chancellor, Edward the, {temp. David I.), 1985 (1, 4, 5). Hugh the {temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1985 (15). Nicholas the(ec (Schek), Walter le, p. 44 ; ancestor of Robert de Ros, ib. Espicer, John le, of Dumfries, obtains burgages by champerty from sheriff, 1526. Esterhopkeliou (Easter Kailzie, ) K.'s demesne, pp. 424, 428. Esterscheles, K. 's demesne, farm of, p. 424. Esterton, le, Fifeshire, 684. Estholm, the isle of (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Estlinton (Yorkshire), the late Christopher de Seton's, 1904. Estnesbyte, Gilbert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202. Johan le fiz Adam de (hom.), p. 211. Estoke, Sir Rauf de, 1636. Eston (Lydel), pp. 65, 66 ; North, ib. ; chm-ch of, ib., 64, 71. John de, pp. 64, 66. Robert de, p. 64. Estrange, Sir R., 210. Sec Strange. Estreville, Alisaundre fiz William, of Edin- burghshire (hom.), p. 211. Estvvode, Gilles del, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 204. Ethale, John de, p. 165. Etheldreda, legitimate sister of Gospatric (IL), 64 ; mother of William fitz Duncan, ib. Ethelyngthorp, Adam de, clerk, 1306. Etherestone, John de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), 199. Etoue, Richard de, clerk, 299. 616 INDEX. Ettardby, Robert de, 24, p. 39 ; 71. Euere, Hugh de, 166 ; executor of John de Balliol, 171. Eufemia [de Brus ?] Lad}^ 1606 (9). Eve, William le fiz, burgess of luverkeithing (hom.), p. 198. Evelingham (Evelingjam), Tyndale, the Abbot of Jedburgh's lauds in, pp. 52, 53. Richard the miller of (illegal fisher), p. 55 ; Gilbert the miller of, ib. Walter de, 407. Everspade, Cardinal friar Matthew de, his fee, 463. Evesham, Abbot of ; John, sends extracts from their Chronicles, p. 115. Ew, John de, 265. Ewelle, Richard de, 230. Ewer, Thomas le, of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 203, 208; seal (App. iii. 427). Ewes, the vale of, hostages from, 734. Exchequer, early rolls of the Scottish, delivered to Hugh de Cressingham (Sept. 1296), 835. the Barons of, send regulations for establishment of the E. at Berwick-on- Tweed, 876 ; also transcript of the book ' De Ordinatione Scaccarii,' ih. Extent Rolls, 19 old, and sheriffs' accounts north of Forth, delivered to escheator for new survey of Scotland (10 May 1304), 1534. of K.'s demesnes (1304), pay of escort of 16 men-at-arms attending the two escheators from 1 May to 25 Dec, p. 443 ; additional escorts of foot, &c. , to various places through Scotland, ib, Exton manor, restored to Bernard de Brus, 180. Extraneus. Sec Lestrange, Strange. Eye, Matthew de, 1293. Eyland, Hugh de, keejicr of Jeddeworth castle and forest, and sheriiTdom of Selkirk (1296), p. 225. Ej-ncurt, Edmund de, justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811. Peter de, p. 16. Eynestrother (Anstruther) Henry de, to have his land in Tyndale, restored, 1544, p. 415. Eyr, David, of Stichehulle, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 204. Huwe, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; juror, 1681. John, of Mesfennon, Pebbleshire (hom. ), p. 207. Robert le, of Presfen, accused of seizing Hugh Dispenser's drove of cattle, &c., and keeping them at Werk castle, p. 192. Stevene, of Eytone, Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 210; seal (App. iii. 509). Eyton, Mathew de, prisoner, p. 177; 1114, 1156. William de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207; seal (App. iii. 463). William le fiz Renaudde, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Faceben, Richard, p. 46. Fairbarne, Thomas, p. 53. Fairesche, Thomas del, 208. Faireye, Rauf, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206; seal (App. iii. 327). Fairhalughe, Marjory del, of Linlithgowshire, 'hom.) p. 205; seal (App. iii. 585). Fakenham Aspes, 242, 318 ; Sir Edmond Comyn's lands seized, pp. 174-5; withheld from him by the Earl Marshal, 1566. Falaise, convention of, noticed, p. 118. Falcons, eyries of gentilz, in the King's demesnes in Scotland, granted for life, 1020. gentil, 4 bought in Flanders for the Prince of Wales {71. 19.9. 2d. ), p. 365. Falconer, Gilet the, gets falcons for the Prince, p. 365. Falderleye, William de, 535. Falkirk, horses killed at, 1007, 1011; horses (92) of the household killed there (1298), 1011. the King at (20 Oct. 1301), 1250. battle of, noticed, 1630. Geflray of, juror, 1457. Gilbert of, juror, 1457. Farelau, Henry of, monk of Holyrood, 1052. Farlame, John de, Cristiana wife of, co-heir of Cristiana de Brus, 1690. Farningdun, vill of, the late John Burnard's, 1626; held by Roger Corbet, and asked by Bishop of Glasgow, ib. William de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (34)). Farnyhalghe ('le Farinhalghe '), King's demesne, farm of, p. 425; held by Simon le Blynde of Pebbles, p. 428. Fasingtone, William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201. Fastfurlange, John fiz William de, of Rox- burghshire (hom. ), p. 209. Fauconer (Faukener), German (Gervase) de, prisoner, p. 178 ; 1679, 1937. Ranulph le, Muriella widow of, does fealty and has her dower lands in Yorkshire (granted temix Alex. III.), 1551, 1640. Robert le (hom.), 730; (fealty), 782; seal, ib.; (hom.) p. 195; of Kincardineshire (hom. ), p. 209. Faudoue manor, plea, Geoffry de Lucy and William Douglas as to common, 494 ; Wil- INDEX. 617 Ham Douglas's, given to Gilbert de Unifra- ville, 1030 ; plea as to dower in, 1671. Faudone, Robertde, of Ediuburghsliire (hom.)) p. 211. Faveresliam, Abbot of, sends extracts from records, p. 114. Faiihope, Adam de, juror, 1588. Faunes, "Warin de, 165. Fausyde (Edinburgh), 824 (3). (Fausy), Nicol, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (2)) ; Nicholas de, 1043 ; Loretta his wife, ih. ; rebels, ih. ; a rebel received, has his wife's dower lands in England, 1481 ; late rebel, to have his wife Lora's dower in Northumberland, 1594. Robert del, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 513). Rogier de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 198. William de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200; juror, 1588. Fayresk, John del, 1144. Fayrheych, Rauf, juror, 824 (6). Fealties (of 1291) to Edward I., 508. Federed, William le fiz William de, of Elgyn in Moray (hom.), p. 214. Feltham, Robert of, 45. Feltone, the township of, p. 42. Sir Robert de, has the marriage of Patrick de Graham, 970, 975; commands cross-bowmen of Lochmaben, 1057; con- stable of Lochmaben, reports to the King that he has slain the constable of Carlaverok and cut off his head, 1101; accounts for Annandale issues, 1115; constable of Loch- maben, crossbows and quarrels delivered to, 1179; pay to, 1762; at Ayr (16 June 1307), 1943; complains that Patrick de Graham his ward has married without leave, 1967. William de (esquire), 464; Sir William de (his horse killed), 1011, 1045, 1141; to keep Linlithgow castle and town with 83 men-at-arms, and 100 foot [names endorsed], (Sept.— Christmas, 1302), 1321 (4); seal, ib.; warden of Linlithgow castle, his force, 1324 (9) ; 1388 ; certifies a horse lost in the Pele of Linlithgow, 1422; seal, i&. ; deforces Alice de Soules of her dower, 1622 ; to be sued, ib. ; arrears paid, 1655 ; keeper of Linlithgow pele, his fee, 1707; overlord of Higgely, Northumberland, 1823; on raid to Gleutrool, searching for Robert de Brus (18 April to 1 May), p. 512 ; goes to Cum- nock castle (18-20 May, 1307), 1931, 1933. Fendreth, William de (hom.), 730. Feiiewicke, 149. Fenham, Ambrose do, 1542 ; seal, ih. Fentone, Wauticr de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. William de, of Edinburghshire, 129, 163; Cecilia Byset wife of, ib. ; Sir William de (fealty), p. 124 ; (hom.), 730 ; p. 198 ; seal (PI. iii. 1); lands restored, p. 226; he and Cecilia his wife petition the K. for the third of Ulvyngtone manor in York, her heritage, held by the late Sir Brian Fitz Alan, 1728. Ferete (Ferte), Robert de la, pp. 64, 66. Fergus, Huctred son of, grant to St Peter of York, 1606 (6) ; confirmed by RoUand his grandson, ib. (7) ; and by William the Lyon, ib. (8). Ferinbaud, Nicholas, constable of Bristol castle, 986; to punish if necessary, the crew of a Bristol ship, who had deserted at Dublin going to the Scots war, 1316. Ferintosh (Ferincrostri) leased in fee farm to the Earl of Ross, 1631. Fermartj^n and Dereleye, thaj'nage of, 1541; claimed by Earl of Buchan, ib. ; James de Culvena (?) accounts for Pentecost farms, p. 438 ; farm of (Martinmas 1304), paid by John de Wrokewardin, clerk for Sir Alex- ander Comyn, sheriff, pp. 439, 440. Fermin, Adam son of, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. Fern island, wine given to celebrate mass there, 1523. Fernboys, John de (hom.), 730. Ferndraghe (Fernyndrauch, Ferindraut), Sir Duncan de, of Aberdeenshire (fealty), 783 ; seal, ib.; (hom.), pp. 195, 203; seal (App. iii. 589); his Forfarshire lands restored, 853; sheriff of Banff, sends oxen, &c., to Perth instead of issues, p.. 442 ; keeper of Buthyn forest, 1709 ; accused by Hamelin de Trup of spoiling his lands, 1734; and maintaining thieves in the liberty of Arbroath, 1735 ; in office beyond the 'Mounth,' 1926. Eve, widow of Maucolum de, of Aber- deenshire (hom.), p. 200. Malcolm de, 584 ; seal (App. iii. 535). Ferour (Ferur), Aleyn le, of Kellawe, Ber- wickshire (hom.), p. 210. Henry le, of Travernent (hom.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 225) ; juror, 824 (3). Ferrars, Alianora de ; 357, widow of William de F., 358; violently abducted at Tranent by William de Douglas, ih. ; to be seized in Scotland if possible,- ib. ; 365, 431 ; her marriage granted to William de Douglas, 468; petitions for relief of 83Z. , balance of William de Douglas's fine of lOOZ. for her marriage (1 July 1302), 1309 ; her dower from William de Ferrars her fiist husband's 618 INDEX. land? restored, 1310; widow of William de Douglas, plea as to dower in Faudon, 1671. Feri-ar.^, Margaret de, gives Groby to her son William, 175. William de, receives Groby from his mother Margaret, 175 ; (deceased) ; his exe- cutors, 329; 'the father,' licence for Aleanora his widow [and of William de Douglas] to marry John de Wysham, the K.'svallet(Oct. 1303), 1399, 1400. Sir William de, royal message to, 884 ; (his horse at Falkirk), 1011 ; lands restored to, 1186; lord of Leuchars, 1273, 1274 ; his lands in Dreghorn and Irvine taken in K.'s hand for not doing service, pp. 425, 428; the Lord de F., overlord of Grouger, p. 428. Ferre, Sir Guido, sent to buy chargers and hackneys for the Prince of Wales in Scottish war, p. 365. Othelin, vallet of the Prince of Wales, has an arts' gown for tilting in Scotland, p. 369. Ferrier, Henrj' the, (Dunipace), sells iron to the K., 1271. Walter the, (Duni]iace), sells iron to the K.,1271. Fersle, Henry de, esquire of Sir William Comyn, p. 109. Fervalle, Mathew, p. 34. Ferwitheseheles, Hugh de, p. 54; holds Willi- moteswik by drengage, p. 55 ; 665. Ferye, Henry del, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 211. Feure, Adam le, of Erceldoune, K.'s tenant, Peeblesshire (hom.), p. 202. AVilliam le, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Fienles, Wyllard de, receipt for ling, cod, and stokfish, 1180(12.) Fife, the men of, to be protected against the Irish, 1793. the sheriff of, to procure cattle, &c. , for the K.'s larder en route to Stirling, 1503. Earldom of, extent, 684, 865. Earl of, Duncan, 310, 317 ; (late), 602; Johanna de Clare his widow has leave to marry, ib. ; ward of his land of Calder- Comitis given to Bishop of Glasgow, 700, 701, 707, 708; Duncan his son and heii-'s marriage, transaction as to (1302), 1311. Countess of, Joanna de Clare, charges of abduction and robbery by her against Herbert de Morham to be investigated by the' K.'s command, 1066; protection to Scotland, 1104; her agreement with John de Hastinges granting him various lands for life in security, 1108; her losses, ib. ; to have back her lands pledged to Sir John de Hastinges, 1299, Fife, Edward of, prisoner, 1668, 1718. Ele de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Filorthe, Andrew parson of, Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 211. Findon and Logyn, Hameliu de Trup's lauds, wasted by Sir Reginald Chen and Sir Duncan de Ferindraut, 1734. Finchesleye, the late Hugh Cressingham's land there, 951. Finemund, Warin, 1606 (11). Fish; cod, turbot, &c. , bought at sea by ambassadors to Norway, 439; 'porpoys,' 'gi'aspoys,' 'laumprees de Nauntes,' &c., salted for Lent, 1458 ; large supplies of, to the K. (July-Aug. 1304), 1884. Fischeburne (Fisbiirne), Thomas de, p. 52, 516, 526; to have a rent in Edenham, 1318; justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811. Fiz Adam, John, burgess of Montrose (hom. ), p. 198. Fitz Alan, Sir Brian, appointed associate to the Guardians (13 June 1291), 499; keeper of Forfar, Dundee, Roxburgh, and Jedburgh castles, 537, 539, 547, 559, 567; letter to the K. as to the Great Seal of Scotland, 569; pay to, 575; certificate by, 576; pay to, 593; 595, 599; keeper of castles of Rox- burgh, Jedburgh, Forfar, and Dundee, 637, p. 124; (hom.), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 100); states to the K. the terms on which he will undertake to govern Scotland (Aug. 1297), 935; these also stated by Cressingham, 936; commission to, as Guardian of Scotland, 941 ; receives 2 manors from Bishop of Durham, 1339; 1413; dies seised of the third of Ulvyngtone manor, York, 1728. Walter, ' dapifer Regis Scotie, ' grant to St Peter of York (fc»y). Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (1), ib. (8) ; confirmed by his son Alan fitz Walter, ib. (2) ; and by William the Lyon, ib. (8); ib. (12); charters, &c., 1985 (2, 11, 12, 17, 18). Fitz Andrew, Duncan, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810 ; p. 210; seal? (App. i. 1). Nicholas, 665. Fitz Audoen, Gregory, prisoner, p. 177. Fitz Duncan, William, p. 17; earl of Murray, 64; Etheldreda his mother, sister of Gos- patric (II. ), ib. ; succeeds his uncle Alau son ofAValdeue, in Allerdalo, p. 16; at war with the K. of Scotland, ib. ; m. Alicia de Rumeli, ib. ; his son ' the Boy of Egi'emund ' and three daughters, ib. ; their marriages and descendants, ib. 17. Fiz Eve, William le, of Inverkeithing (hom. ), 819. Fitz Geoffry, Sir John, prisoner, 742. INDEX. 619 Fitz Geoffry, William le, burgess of Had- dington (hom.), p. 197. Fiz Gley, Alexander le, prisoner, p. 177. "William, sends to buy horses at Stirling fair, 79 ; 19S. Fiz Gothrek, Nigel, [Dougal], of Dumfrie.sshire (hom.), 810 ; seal? (App. i. 1). Fitz Herbert, Robert, p. 64. Fiz Johan, Bride, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Sir Richard, 847. William le, of Inverkeithing (hom.), 819. Fiz Marmaduc, Sir John le, to keep the Earl of Lincoln's land.s of Strogrith till Easter 1302, with twenty men-at-arms, 1290 ; his pay to be sent to Bothwell castle monthly, ib. See Marmaduc, John. Fitz Martin, Walter, burgess of Edinburgh (hom.), 820; p. 197. Fitz Maurin, Hervie, p. 36. Fitz Michiel, Sir Rauf le, his men-at-arms mutiny at Berwick (Aug. 1301), 1223. Fitz Morice, Eude le, of Stirlingshire (hom. ), p. 205. Fitz Nichol, Aleyn le, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; p. 204 ; seal (App. iii. 551). Maucolom (hom.), 816; p. 203; seal (App. iii. 488). Fiz Norman, Rauf le, of Inverkeithing (hom. ), 819 ; p. 198. Fitz Partick, Michael (hom. ), 730. Fitz Payn (Paen), Robert, complaint by, p. 193 ; Sir Robert, marshal of Aymar de Valence's army, 1390, 1397 ; indenture to serve Sir Aymar till the Christmas tourna- ment, &c. (Nov. 1303), 1407; dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (4, 10, 11, Feb. 1303-4), 1516 ; there on K.'s business with Sir John Comyn, ib. Fitz Phelip, Henry, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal, ib. ; (hom. ), p. 204. Fitz Richard, Adam le, burgess of Stirling (hom.), 813, p. 197. Fitz Robert, John, 385. Fitz Roger, Sir Robert, 326, p. 365; has a ward, 440 ; finds 2 men for his Scottish lands, 1321 (14); is [with another] to lead the men of Northumberland to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (10) ; at Berwick vnth. a strong force (26 March 1306), 1751 ; (April), 1760, AValter (hom.), 730. Fitz Stephen, Matillidis, p. 64. Fitz Vivian, Emma, p. 64. Fitz Walter, Richard, burgess of Edinburgh, (hom.), 820, p. 197. Fiz Wareyn (Warin), Sir Aleyn le, assists defence of Lochmaben castle, 1089 ; his re- tinue there, p. 283 ; recognisance to his father s widow, Marie de Ergadia, countess of Stratherne, 1117 ; son and heir of William Fitz W., his debt to Maria countess of Stratherne his stepmother, 1642. Fiz Waryn Fouke le, 1384. Sir William, 174, 847; a prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged for Sir Henry de St Clair (April 1299), 1062, 1184; Mary [Queen of Man] his wife, ib. ; safe conduct for her, ib. ; recognisance to her by his son and heir, 1117; his goods, &c., ib. ; Maria (de Argyll) his widow (deceased) fonuerly countess of Stratherne, 1642. Fitz William, Sir Ralph, has leave to marry Margery Corbet, 203 ; raids in Galloway, pp. 283, 284, 365; he and 26 other northern barons summoned to repress the Scots rebels (20 Jan. 1302-3), 1342; he and retinue join- ing Sir Aymar de Valence, not to be allowed to leave as before, 1773; 1879. — ^ Ralph son of Ralph, 1043. Roger, 189. Flaniens, Sir Raouls, knight of the Count of Flanders, 247. Flanders, Count of, Guy, 220, 221; his daughter afiianced (in 1282) to the Prince of Scotland, ib. ; safe conduct for her, 221 ; a widow (1283), 247 ; her father's knights sent to escort her home, ib. Flandrensis, William {fejnp. Alex. IL), 1985 (15). See Fleming. Fleckes (Flex), Richard de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (Ajip. i. 2 (6)); juror, 1588. Fleming, Aleyn le, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 309). B. . . . le, prisoner (Peveuseye), 1668. Coiiin le, of York, recognisance to, 831. Fleming, Sir John (hom. ), p. 195 ; in K. 's service in Scotland, 989. Johan, of Pebblesshire (hom. ), p. 207. John le, merchant, safe conduct, 1154. Jordan, prisoner (1174), p. 117. Michael le, of Kincardineshire (hom. ), p. 209. Patrick, ofDumbartonshire(hom.),p.205. Walter le, p. 192. Wautierle, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 202. William the, 590 ; farmer of Dunbarton, ib. ; of Dunbartonshire (hom.), p. 202. Sir William le, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal (App. iii. 165) ; (hom.), p. 203. William le, of Seton, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 199. Flemyngby, p. 284. Flete prison, John Comyn sent to, for assault- ing the doorkeeper of Exchequer, 702. 620 INDEX. Flisk, Laurence ilc, of Portlishiro (honi.), p. 204. riorencia, William, parson of, has John de Balliol's lands at Totenham, 1102. Floriesoue, Thomas, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Fodringeye (Fotheringaye), inquisition at, 410; manor and castle of, ib. ; great cost of keeping up latter, ih. ; its tenure of the K. of Scotland, ib. ; extent of castle, manors, &c., p. 175. castle, Scottish prisoners in, p. 177, 1013; given to John of Brittany (1299), 1103. Hugh de, 171, 172 ; (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (14)). Rogier de, vicar of Kilmor in Ross-shire (hom.), p. 214. Master "Walter de, scholar of Balliol, 265; warden of Balliol college, 326, 535. Fody, Richard de, juror, 1592. Foghou, David vicar of, Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 203. Foillet, Henry, esquire, killed by the Scots in Achetele (23 July 1303), 1571. Foliot, Sir Edmund, on foray in Nithsdale against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Jordan, and others ordered to join the Earl of Surrey in Scotland, 946. Folketon, Geoffry de, p. 173. Folom, Hugh de, heir of, p. 66. Foltrem-on-Tweed, fishery belonging to Ros- teneth priory, 867. Fontevraud, the Abbess and convent of, 101. Fonte3ms, William de, vallet of the kitchen, 1884. Forays on the Scots ; instructions as to, from Roxburgh, Jedburgh, and Berwick (Aug. 1298), 999; ordinance by the K. as to these when made by the sheriffs of Roxburgh and Jeddeworthe and Sir Simon Fraser, 1022. Forl)lur, Richard le, burgess of Roxburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197. See Furbur. Fordo (Northumberland), the K. at (13 Dec. 1292), p. 153. the parson of, 967. See Heron, Robert. Fordale, Gregory de, juror, 1689. Foreman, Robert, of Edinburghshire (hom,), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 506). Forester, Henry the, p. 189. Johan le, of Berwackshire (hom.), p. 209. Moris le, juror, 1457. Thomas le (of Kokerig), 319, 407. Forfar {teste), 90; 206 (Bishop of Durham). ■ the keeper of the forest of, to give the Bishop of Brechin timber (1304), 1496. second tithes of town and slicriffdom, &c., claimed by Abbot of Jedburgh, 1724 ; issues of (Pentecost 1304), by Henry de Preston, sheriff, p. 439 ; by Sir Alexander de Lam- bertone, ib. ; by John Lab't's hands, ib. Forfar, castle of, 497, 537, 547, 567, 595, 637; reported as burned and destroyed, but since repaired (June 1306), 1793; letter from, with rumours as to the progress of Robert de Brus (15 May 1307 ?), 1926. Forgrunt, Wautier vicaire de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Forreys, Godfrey de Ros accounts for the Pentecost farms of sheriffdom, p. 438; for the burgh, ib. castle, 547, 563, 597, 614. Fors, fishery of, 16. Forshard, Richard, lands in Roxburghshire I'estored to, 832. ' Forster,' engine called, 1500. Forteviot, Prince of Wales at (1 Aug. 1306), 1809. Forth, the fords of, watched by Sir Alexander de Abernethy, 1462, 1463; by the Earl of Stratherne and others, 1471. Fortibus, Avelina de, m. Edmund brother of Edward I., p. 17. William de. See Albemarle, Earl of. Fortone, Sir John de (prisoner), 960. Fortresses, accounts of garrisons and keepers of, in Scotland (1302), 1324. Fossard, Alexander, of Tynningham, Bishop of St Andrews' tenant, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 190). Richard, of Jeddeworthe (hom.) p. 201. Fostone manor (Leicestershire) Ingram de Balliol's, 479. Fostresone, Fergus (hom.), p. 199; seal (?) (App. iii. 202). Fotherose (Focherose), 1624. Fougeres (Feugers), Friar Geoffry de, 419, p. 109. Fougheltone, Thomas de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 211. Fouk (Fuke), Robert, burgess of Perth (hom. ), 814, p. 197. Fouleden, Gamelin of, juror, 1178. Foul tone, Henry de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Fountains, vill of the Three (Ulster), 163. 'Fourth part,' John of 'the,' juror, 1823. Fouweldene, Adamde, of Hortone, Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 628). Fowarde, Alisaundre de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Foxholes, Richard of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Fox ton, Agnes de Balliol's lands of, 72. INDEX. 621 Foxtone, Eichard de, seneschal of Devergiilla de Balliol, 13; 303. France, the K. of, Pope's deposition of, founded on by Robert de Brus, 515 ; his envoys notify the truce to the English and Scottish wardens of the March (Nov. 1300), 1169 ; (seal), ib. ; a letter under his seal shewn by the Bishop of St Andrews, to mislead the Scottish people, 1431 ; credence for his ambassadors acknowledged by the K. (April, 1304), 1501; letters from, to the K. and others, as to his confederation with the Scots (1295), &c., 1975; processes between him and the K., ib. the late Queen Consort of; prayers and masses for her soul ordered in the 10 Scot- tish dioceses and the religious orders there (April 1305), 1661; private letters from, to the K. during the Treaty of Paris, as to Gascony, 1975. the ambassadors of, conduct for (3 April, 1304), 1492. Franckysman, Andrew, juror, 1592. Fraser (Fresel), Ade de, prioress of Eccles, Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. Fraser, Sir Alexander (hom. ), 730, p. 196. Andrew, brother of Sir Simon, com- plaints of him to the K. (c. 1280), 290. Sir Andrew (fealty), p. 124; attests K; John's hom., 660; seal (PI. iv. 4); with his wife and family in England, has a protection (Sept. 1296), 839 ; swears to serve against the K. of France, 896; (seal), ib.; safe con- duct to Scotland, 961. Sir Andrew, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Fife (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 343) ; of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Bernard, demises Dremescheles to priory of May [temi). Alexander II.), 1985 (20). Bernard,of Edinburghshire (hom. ),p. 201. .Gilbert, juror, 1436. John, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Lawrence, of Pebblesshire (hom. ), p. 207. Lady Mary, 1180 (8). Sir Richard, knight (Scottish envoy), 125, 364 ; (fealty), 508 ; has ward of Richard de Glen's land and heirs, 648; attests K. John's homage, 660 ; seal (App. iii. 424), p. 175; of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 214; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 211; royal message to, 884; guarantees the fidelity of his cousin Sir Simon F. (1297), 885 ; (seal), ib. Robert, of Dumfries (hom.), p. 206; seal (App. iii. 328). Saer le fiz Thomas, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Simon (justice), 168; envoy of Alex. III., 272 ; Sir Simon ; complaints of him to the K. (c. 1280), 290 ; (brother of Bishop of St Andrews), 427. Fraser, Symon, attests K. John's homage, 660; seal (App. iii. 425) ; Sir Symon (fealty), p. 124; (of Peebleshire), does fealty and homage (Oct. 1296), 849 ; sick at Christ Church [Hampshire], allowance to(1296),878; swears to serve against the K. of France in Scotland (1297), 885 ; (seal) ib. (PI. i. 14); letter to the K. as to his loyalty and good conduct (1297), 929; has his lands in England and Scotland restored (Oct. 1297),- 952 ; pro- tection to Scotland, 961 ; his conduct la Flanders pleases the K., 980 ; who expresses affection for him, ib. ; (has a horse at Falkirk by the K. 's gift), 1011 ; directed by the K. to convey stores, &c., to Edinburgh, 1015; to make forays on the Scots, in concert with the sherifis of Roxburgh and Jeddeworthe, 1022 ; to aid the constable of Edinburgh on raids when required, 1034; arrangements for, 1036; his lands in Scotland restored by the K. 'sgi-ace (March 1299), 1061; to give directions as to prisoners at York, 1077; warden of Selkirk forest, 1165; in keeping of Selkirk forest for the K. (Aug. 1299) when invaded by the rebels, 1978; payment to, of 20^. due by the K. under his ' bille,' 1279; rebels, and carries off Sir William de Durham's horses and armour at Werk (c. Aug. 1302), 1317; held Kinkeldores (Peebleshire), p. 428; ordered to go into four years' exile beyond seas (at Christmas, 1305), 1691 (10) ; his lands in Selkirk forest bm-ned by Aymar de Valence (June 1306), 1782 ; if made prisoner, to be carefully guarded till the K.'s pleasure is taken (28 June), 1790; his messenger hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. William, the K. of Scotland's chancellor, 290. See St Andrews, Bishop of. William, son of late Sir Alexander F., p. 174; a co-heir of Pagan de Helley, ib.; (fealty), 760; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 194 ; of Peebleshire (hom.), p. 199; seal? (App. iii. 444); of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal ? (App. iii. 264). Fraunceys (Franceys, Franciscus), Aleyn, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 213; his lauds in Roxburghshire restored, 832. John,of Beneston, Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 470). John, of Longa Newton, Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (Ap. i. 2 (38)). Simon, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 203. Simon, esquire, on raid to Glentrool (19-30 April), p. 512. 622 INDEX. Fraunceys, Uctred (of Kirkoswald), 51. Sir William (fealty), 757; seal, iJ. ; (horn.), p. 194. ■yViiliam lo, of Eilinbnrglisliire (horn.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 5G0). of Fife(hom.), p. 209. Sir William, to keep Kirkintilloch castle with twenty-eight men-at-arms and sixty foot (Sept. to Christmas 1302), with the ser- vices of the tenants of the barony on forays, 1321(2); seal, ?'6. ; gets lances and crossbows, and stones for Kirkintilloch, 1324; his fee at Kirkintilloch castle, 1324 (10); warden, re- ceives stores for Kirkintilloch, 1513; arrears paid, 1655; constable of Kirkintilloch, stores delivered to, for fifty-four men of his garri- son (20 Ang. 1305), 1686; late constable of Kirkintilloch, petition by, 1962. William le, in possession of stolen skins at Elgin, p. 192. Frebald, witness, 690. Freman, Jacob, of Pebblesshire (hom. ), p. 207. William, p. 59. Fremansone, Robert, burgess of Jeddeworthe (hom.), p. 197. Frere (Frier), Adam, of Berwickshire (hom.) p. 207. Adam (of Peebles), 1436; accounts for rent of Edrikestone, p. 424; juror, 1675. Master William, archdeacon of Lothian, 741; William 'dictus Frater,' archdeacon of Lothian, submits, and confesses his rebellion (28 Oct. 1305), 1710. Fresel. See Eraser. Fresnay (Freney), Sir Gerard de and retinue, 1132 ; on raid against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Sir Walter de, on foray to Glentrool in search of Robert de Brus (17-30 April), p. 512. Fresseley (Friselay,Freshlee),GeofFry de (hom. ), 730; p. 172; his lands in F., ib. ; rebel received, his English lands restored, 1481; late rebel, to have his land in York, 1594. Henry de (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. i. 3 (46)) ; juror, 1689. William de, of Fife (hom.) p. 204; seal ? (App. iii. 444). Friars preachers of Berwick, claims to Scottish Crown presented in their deserted church, 507; their place, 1313. Frisithe, William, of Pebbleshire (hom.), p. 207. Frismarisco, Thomas de, burgess of Newcastle, delivers crossbows, &c., to various Scottish fortresses, 1324 ; delivers at Newcastle the impignorated jewels of the Earl of Dunbar to the keeper of the Wardrobe (May 1303), 1360. Frithe, Chapel del, Derbyshire, 681. Friysbauk, William de, 16, Frysington, Sir Alexander de, precentor of Carlisle, p. 115. Fulewodde, John de, acquitted of homicide, 407, Fuledeue, Berwickshire, granted by Edward L, 1083. Fulham, Adam of, 1739. Fulwode (Tyndale), 375. Fultone, Aleyn fiz Thomas do, of Lanarkshire (hom), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 486). Nicol de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 487). Thomas, de, vicar of Inuerwick, Edin- burghshire (hom.), p. 204. Furbur, Alisaundre, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 211. Ricard le, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (21)). Furdale, Richard de, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Furness, Alan of, clerk to the sheriff of York, 1805. Furnival (Fournival), Sir Thomas de, to bring men-at-arms from York to Roxburgh (April 1303), 1356 (9), 1466. Fushele, Geoffry de, Scotsman forfeited, 1197; his lands of Fushele granted, ib. Fyn (Fin), William, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal, ib. ; i>. 204. Fyndon, Philip de (hom.), 730; of Kincardine- shire (hom.), 818; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 201. Finlawesone, Brice, of Netbolge, Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205. ' Fyskeresgate, ' the, Berwick, 915. Fyvele near Scarborough, Scottish vessel taken there, with armour, &c. , for rebels (c. 6 Dec. 1302), 1479. Fyvie, burgh and castle of, 1541. Gadgikth (Cadegarth), Ayrshire, rent of land and mill in (1304), p. 428. Galactren (on the Bann), 163. Gairstauge (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Galbrathe (Galbrad), Arthur de, of Wigton- shire (hom.), p. 202. Dovenal, of Kilbride, Dumbartonshire (hom.), p. 204. Hugh de, of Lanarkshire, juror, 1343, 1420. Thomas, p. 29. Sir William de, acquires Dalserf with the daughter of Sir John Comyn, grandfather (of the Guardian), 1420 ; gives it to his son William and Wilelma de Douglas his wife, ib. INDEX. 623 Gales, Owyn de, 1293. Galeys, Henry le, mayor of London, grant to, of forfeited houses in Berwick, 1065. Galfagy, Thomas, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Galighly (Galythly), Henry, of Aberdeen (hom.), 210; lands in Aberdeenshire restored to, 832. Patrick (fealty), p. 124. Galloway, Cristiana, sister of Devorguilla of (died, s.p. ), 406. the men of, the K. grants their privileges and liberties as of old, at Thomas de Gal- loway's request (March 1295-96), 728; the vales of, hostages to be taken from, 734; ten of these die in Carlisle prison (1298-99), 1179 ; the communitj' of, petition Edward I. against a grievous law called ' surdit de 'sergaunt,' 1874. and Nithsdale, the three castles of, 582. See Dumfries, Wigton, Kirkcudbright. (Galwalenses), Bishop of, Christian, 1606 (6). Robert, archdeacon of, 1606 (6). Cuthbert of, killed by Ector Askeloc, 1291. Roland of, homage at Carlisle (1185), p. 113. Thomas de, son of Alan of Galloway, 728; asks privileges, &c., for the men of Galloway from the K. , ib. ; warrant to lodge him in Carlisle castle (7 March 1295-96), 729 ; his lands, 1541. Waldeue of, 133 ; Elena, wife of, ib. Galon, William, 1131. Galwegians, the fosse of the [the Catrail(?), Liddesdale], 1606 (11). Gam, David, convicted of robbery at 'Lc Whele,' p. 191. Gambling (dice), the Prince of Wales's ex- penses (in 1303), p. 368. Gamelesby, vill of, outrages at, 133; manor of, p. 37 ; held by Cristiana de Brus [widow of the Competitor] by grant of late John de Seton, 1690; with Unthank, forfeited by Christopher de Seton, 1775. Gateriswyk, lands of, 196. Garderobe, Alisaundre de la, of Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 213. Andrew de la, of Roxburghshire (hom. ) p. 199; seal (App. iii. 304). David de la, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Gardiner, Robert le, juror, 1675. Gardino (Gardyns), Henry de, lands in Edin- burghshire restored, 832. (Gardyn), Sir Humphrey de (hom.), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 350); Sir Umfridus de, juror, 824 (2) ; (his horse at Falkirk), 1007. Gardino, Thomas de, sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 1075, 1166. Sir William de (hom. ), 822 ; William du, of Edinbm-ghshire (hom. ), p. 209. (Gardeyn), William of Forfarshire (hom.), p. 208. William de, land of Lostwait, p. 171 ; valet (his hackney), 1007; lands of Lost- wait, 841; prays for his land in Cumber- land, 1634. See Jardine. Gardona, Dumfriesshire, farm of, p. 426. Gare thorn and mill, granted by Ivo de Veteri- pont to St Leonard's, York, 690, Garghille, Iwyn de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205. Garsendene (Kent), the bailiffs of, 10. Garrisons of Scottish castles, total number of men-at-arms in the 14 south of Forth (20 Sept. 1302), 467, 1324. Garsie, John, trumpeter, p. 369. Martin (pi-isoner, and horse lost), 1190. Garthgeuerone, Thomas le fiz Mauccolum de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (?) (App. iii. 561). Garvan (Girvan) in Carrick, engines to be sent to H. de Percy at (25 July 1306), 1808. John vicar of, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 206. Garviagh (Garviau), Adam de (hom.), p. 201; seal (A^ip. iii. 224). Andrew de, of Aberdeen (hom. ), p. 203. James de le, a rebel ; his lands asked from the K., 1726. Sir John de (hom.), p. 195; of Aberdeen- shire (hom.), p. 207; royal message to, 884. Gascony, wines of, not shipped, as the Pope is in these parts (May 1306), 1769. Gate, John at the, of Forfar, robbed of a sow, p. 191. Gatmyelk, Malcolm de, juror, 1592 ; Master Malcolm de, juror, 1670. Gateshead, Master Henry of, smith, buys tools, &c. , for the K. at Glasgow, Duuipace, and Bothwell (1301), 1271. Gateswyke, vill of, 1176. Gavastone, Sir Arnald de (his horses sick at Linlithgow), 1190. Perrot de (his hackney), 1011; his esquire, takes 100s. to the Prince of Wales to play at Odyham, on Christmas eve, p. 368 ; and at Basing (in Jan.) lOOs. , ib. Gaynesburgh, Friar William de, 1104; procures evidence in Papal registers important to the K. (Oct. 1300), 1167 ; remains at Rome to represent the K., ib. 624 INDEX. Gaytone, Sir John de, on raid against Kobort de Brus, p. 511. Philip de, sheriff of Warwick, &c., 1326, Ged, Laurence, juror, 1436. Gcddeworthe. Sec Jedburgh. Geese, theft of, in Tyndale, punished by loss of an ear, p. 54. Getfray, Adam son of, of Haddington (horn. ), 815. Pieres le fiz, burgess of Pebbles (hom.), p. 198. Simon le fiz, burgess of Pebbles (hom. ), p. 198. William son of, 857. Gege, Wymund, ship master of Drogheda, 1353. Gelghagi, Thomas de of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199. Geneville, Geoffry de, p. 264. Genoese fiddlers, play before the Prince of Wales at Newcastle and Durham, p. 369. Gerardesgyle (on Tyne), 147. Gerardi, Brachius, of Florence, 698. Gere, Thomas, of Penrith (felon), 146. Gerfalcons, four, sent by Alex. III. to Edw. I., 253 ; the Bishop of St Andrews sends three to Edw. I., 463. Gerland, Robert, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Germany, the emperor of, p. 112. Gernald, Robert, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Gernel, Richard del, 880. Gernet, Benedict, 16. Gernon, Friar Peter, canon of Jedburgh, 836, 839. 'Gershase' ('grasanese'), pannage called, 1540. Gertranky, Stirlingshire, Thomas de Morham's house, 1066 ; the Countess of Fife abducted and imprisoned there, ib. Gervays, William fiz, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Gesemuthe, Adam de, 146 ; first husband of Cristiana de Brus, p. 150. Gettour, William le, to take engines from Edinburgh to Montrose, 1386 ; in search of Robert de Brus, with part of the K. 's fleet (Feb. 1306-7), 1893. Gevelestone (Gevilhistone) John de, 212 ; p. 172 ; has ward of Hoton-John, ib. ; of Dum- friesshire (hom. ), p. 198 ; seal ( App. iii. 536) ; Sir John de, juror, 824 (1, 4) ; gives a ward to his son Dungall, 834. Geytan, Cardinal lord Benedict de, his fee, 463. Goytington, John Comyu of Badenagh and wife and family there (Oct. 1296), 848. Client, cloths of, for the Prince of Wales and household (1303), p. 370. Gibelotestone (Gibelcoftoue), Adam de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 213. Adam de, of Fife (hom.), 809 ; seal, ib. ; (hom.), p. 200. Johanna de, 1538. Giffard, Hugh (outlawed), p. 34. of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207 ; juror, 857. James, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207; his lands restored, 225. Sir John, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 207. Sir Robert, 840. William {temih David I.), 1985 (1, 3). William, prisoner, escorted from Sherborne to Exeter castle, 1674 ; at Launcevetone, 1668. Giffyn in Coningham, the manor of, p. 29; plea as to, between Eobert de Molecastre and Alan de Penintone, ib. Gilberdes sone, Johan, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Gilebert, Earl {temp. Alex. II.), 1985 (14). son of Fergus of Galloway, his rebellion, p. 117. Dovenald fitz, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. iii. 360). Gilbert fitz William fitz, burgess of Aberdeen, released from prison at York, 1479 ; safe conduct, 1574. Gillecrist (Gilchrist), Adam fiz, juror, 1343. Kilschyn, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (68)). Waldeve son of, 1606 (3). sone, Patrick, of Stirlingshire (hom. ), p. 208. Gilgirgestone, Rauf de, K.'s tenant, Perth- shire (hom.), p. 202. Gillamor, Gilchad, 1606 (6). Gilla .... nurias, K. of the Irish, defeated by Arthur near Alclud, p. 114. Gille Homedy, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Gillemichel the baker, 690. Gilleserfs, the, of Clackmannan {temp. David I.), 1985(5). Gilleslaunde, barony of, p. 37. Gillonby, Henry de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 206. Gillyng, Wauter de, asks forfeited land of Hedgeley from the K., 1823. Gili^in, Richard, 16. Girton, the third part of the vill of, (Dum- friesshire), 824 (4). Giseburu in Cleveland, 88. INDEX. 625 Giselo, "Walter of, falconer, p. 369; Joce his fellow, ib. ; bring falcons to the Prince of Wales from Naniurz, p. 369. Gisors, John de, 89. Glantedun, Sir Robert de, 318. Glaptliorne manor, Northampton, the Countess of Fife's, 1108. Glasfrith (Glasford), Alexander de, 409. Aleyn de, of Lanarkshire (horn.), 812; p. 203; seal (App. iii. 167). Aleyn fiz Roger de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 212. Master Andrew de, sequestrator ap- pointed by the rebel Bishop of St Andrews, of the Provostry of St Mary there, &c. (April 1306), 1822. Roger de, of Lanarkshire (horn.), p. 213; seal (App. i. 2 (39)). Glasgow, Edward I. at (22 and 23 Aug. 1301), 1216, 1217; iron and coal bought, and tools made for the K. at (1301), 1271; Aymar de Valence at (9 Sept. 1303), 1392; iron and great stones of the engines there to be at once sent to Stirling for the siege (21 April 1304), 1519 ; the Bishop's town of, claims to be seised of toll from burgesses of Rutherglen, from time immemorial, 1627; barony of, farms paid (1303-4), p. 424; part lay waste, ih. ; burgh farms of, p. 424; tenants desti'oyed by Irish, ih. the K. 's escheators escorted by an armed force from, to Dumbarton, and thence to Renfrew (1304), p. 443. bishopric of, in Cumbria (a.d. 1069), p. 116. the Bishop of, writes to Edward L (29 March 1289) of the burial of his K., 292; to receive fealties (in 1291), p. 124. Bishops of : Herbert (1147-64), 1985 (6) ; Joceline (1175-99), 1606 (4); "W., elect of. Chancellor {temp. Alex. IL), ih. (20); Robert (Wischard), 441; envoy, 451; comes to Norham, 474; attests release by K. John to Edward I., 658 (his seal), ih.; 660; has ward of Caldere-Comitis, 700, 701, 707, 708; fealty, 789; (horn.), pp. 195,196; witnes.s, 872 ; conditions of peace required by him and his confederates (July 1297), 907; received to peace by Percy and Clifford, 908 ; guarantees the Earl of Carrick's loyalty, 910; writes to Sir Hugh de Cressingham (July 1297), 914; expected at Berwick (Aug. 1297), 933; asked by the K. to confirm election to Kelso Abbey, 1105; the K.'s conditions as to receiving him, &c. (Jan. 1303-4), 1444, 1445, 1447; thanked by the K. for giving VOL. II. Peter de Donewiz the prebend of Old Roxburgh (April 1304), 1502; a rebel (1303), farms of his burgh and barony of Glasgow escheated, p. 424; and of his lauds of Stobo, Draych', and Edolston, p. 425 ; ejects the prebendary of Renfrew and refuses redress, 1598; ignores the K.'s letter, ib.; petitions for his arrears, and timber to build houses at Carstairs and Ancrum, and for a ward (1304), 1626; and asks leave to take toll from the Rutherglen burgesses in his town of Glasgow, 1627; with the K. at West- minster (20-24 March 1304-5), 1651, 1652; at Lent Parliament (1305), 1691; the K. gives strict orders for his capture (26 May 1306), 1777; taken (before 8 June), 1780; his temporalities in Dunbartonshire committed to Sir John de Menteth, 1785; his capture pleases the K. almost as much as if it had been the Earl of Carrick, 1786; to be sent straitly guarded as a mere layman to Ber- wick, ib. ; the Pope writes to Edward 1^ about him, 1799; ordered to Nottingham (7 Aug. 1306), 1812 ; the K. commands him to be put in irons at Porchester castle, 1813; his daily allowance, 1814; his escort from Newcastle to Winchester (Aug. 10-24), 1824; his petition to the K. to remain in England till the Scots' ' ryote ' is put down, 1825; charges of perjury and rebellion, &c., against him, 1827; accused to the Pope of swearing fealty six times to the K., &c., 1828. Glasgow, Aleyn vicar of, Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 212. John of, monk of Holyrood, 1052. Glasham, Master Adam de, 1306. Robert of, the Prince's engineer, prepares his engine to assault Brechin castle, p. 663. Glasrog [Glassary ?], the Steward's castle of, taken, 903. Glassanby, manor of, p. 37; disputed between Helewyse de Aykton's heirs and Robert de Brus senior and his wife, p. 150; also between Henry Engayne and Robert de Brus, p. 151; vill of, granted to Sir Adam de Crokdaik and his heirs, 717. Glassertone, land of, given to John de St John senior, 1338. Glay, Alexander fitz, piisoner, 911, 925; freed from prison on mainprise, 940. — — Benedict, p. 45. Jak del, vallet, 1578. (Glau), John del, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal,' i&.; (hom.), p. 204. 2 R C26 INDEX. Hay, William le fiz, keeper of Kirkintilloch castle (1296), p. 225; prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged (April 1299), 1062. Gledelawe, John de, 706. Gledestane, Herbert de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), 812, 204; seal (App. iii. 610). 'Glen,' land 'del,' in the Lennox, p. 165. (Glean), David de, prisoner, 1641; late rebel, submits, 1718. Richard de, the heirs of, 648. Glenarthac, 163. Glencarn, Scots insurgents at (Sept. 1301), 1225. Glenclene (Ulster), 163. Glendale, Shotton in, 270. Glendowiche, farms of, p. 439. Glendughred (Glendhouchret), Maucolum de, of Perthshire (horn.), pp. 199, 202; seal (App. i. 3 (22)). Patrick de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (4)); juror, 1592. Glenesk (Gleinysk), Sir John de (hom. ), pp. • 195, 199; royal message to, 884. Morgund de (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 359), royal message to, 884. Glenewyne (Glenwhyne, Gletivvin), Cutbert de (forfeited), 1042; his land in Brampton, ib. Gilbert de, lands of Brampton, 841. Peres de, a Scotsman, to have his English lands, 1544; and these of Johanna de Blamyr his mother, in Northumberland, p. 415. Stevene de, of Pebbleshire(hom.), p. 207. Glengevel (Glangavel), Marie de, of Lanark- shire (hom.), 812 ; pp. 204, 206. Glenharm (Ulster), 163; the mill, ib.; the castle, ib. Glenken, Aymar de Valence at (24 July 1307), 19.'.S, Glenkerni (Glynkerny, Glymcarny), Sir Gil- bert de, of Elgyn (hom.), 808; pp. 194, 200; of Inverness-shire (hom.), p. 209; in office beyond ' the Mounth,' 1926. Glenlioun (Perthshire), farms of, p. 439. Glentrool (Glentru}'!), in Carrick ; foray there in search of Robert de Brus (17 April — May 1, 1307), by 50 knights and heavy horse, 9 hobelars and 340 archers, p. 512; Aymar de Valence on a foray there (June 1307), 1942. Glenurhard (Glenurchwhar), Sir John de, prisoner, 742, 875; freed on mainprise to serve the K. abroad, 940. Gloggestone, Adam de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 213. Gloucester castle, Scottish prisoners in, p. 177; (Aug. 1297), 938. Gloucester, Abbey of St Peter, exti'acts from their Chronicle, p. 115. and Hertford, Earls of: Gilbert de Glare, 107, 114, 120; Ralph de Monthermer, protections for his attendants, 988 ; his con- tingent and pay (1298), 1044; military sum- mons to attend the Prince of Wales at Mid- summer (1301), 1191; Scate his esquire receives 40s. lent to the Prince to play with his master at Brechin, p. 368; has a mixed rayed stout cloth for Pentecost (1303), p. 370; the K. tells him he is surprised he has done nothing against the rebels (11 Feb. 1306-7), 1896; resigns earldom of Athol to the K. for 10,000 marks (24 June 1307), 1945; his late countess the K. 's daughter, ib. ; their children, ib. an engine called, 1599. Walter of, escheator dtra Trent; com- potus of Robert de Brus's forfeited lands, (Michaelmas 1306), 1837; and other traitor's lands, 1838. Glover, Simon (fealty), p. 124; burgess of Perth (hom.), 814; p. 197. Gobaud, Guido, 74. Gobynsckeghe, William, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 207; lands in Ajnshire restored, 832. Gocelyn, William, of Selkirkshire (hom.). p. 203. Godava, a matron, (widow ?) of Pagan de Helley of Scotland, p. 174. Godeslyme, William, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Godessun, Wytyng, 149. Godisman, John, juror, 1350. Goky, Roger, the hermit of St Hilda, p. 17. Gold, cloths of, for the Prince of Wales' offerings (1303), p. 370. Adam, bailiff of Montrose (hom. ), p. 198. Goldeston, Hugh, shipmaster of Grimmesby, pilots fleet with the Forth bridges to Scotland (1303), 1375. Goldingham, Edithe de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203. Richard de, forfeited, 1083. Goldmar, the loch of (Dumfriesshire), profits of, 826. Goldsmith, Walter the, alderman of Roxburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197. Golyn, ilariot de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 198. Gordon (Gourdon, Gurdon), Sir Adam (hom.), p. 195; Scottish warden of the March, 1169; Scottish envoy to Canterbury, safe conduct (March 1300-1), 1244; as a Scottish Com- INDEX. 627 missioner agrees to K.'s ordinances (Sept. | 1305), 1691; joint-justice of Lothian (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2) ; his fee, 1706; mainprise by [and others] for the Bishop of St Andrews, 1788; keeper of Inverkip castle (July 1306), | 1807. Gordon, Adam, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 567); (of Stirlingshire), juror, 1457. Cosford, held by E. de Pinkeny, 857. Roger of, p. 46. Master William de, parson of Castlemilke Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 212. Gospatrick Earl (II.), 64; Earl of Dunbar, ih. ; called a bastard, ib. ; 1985 (10) ; gives a toft, &c., and right to moor a vessel in Dunbar, to priory of May, ib. (12). (of Bolton), bastard brother of Alan fitz "Waldeve, p. 16 ; grants to, by his brother, ib. Gossipesgate (Alston), 147. Goswyke, Walter de, bailiff of Berwick, 967; mayor of Berwick-on-Tweed (1304), 1603; seal, ib. Gothrik, Dougal fiz (Gotherykessone), of Dum- friesshire (hom.), p. 210; of Wigto^^^lshire (hom.), p. 211; juror, 824 (1). Goverine (Gowrie), the men of, to be protected against the Irish, 1793. Gough, David, a Welshman, wounded at Brechin castle, sent home, p. 369. Goughy, Andrew de (hom. ), 730. Eustace de (hom. ), 730. Gourlay (Gurle, Gurlegh), Adam de, of Rox- burghshire (hom.), p. 209; juror, 1435. Alain de, juror, 1435. Eu.stace de, marries a ward without leave, p. 44; 319. Huwe de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 208; royal message to, 884. Johan, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207 ; late rebel, to receive back his lands (Oct. 1305), 1696. Matthew de (hom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 201). Patrick de, parson of Loghorwaide, Edin- burghshire (hom. ), p. 208. Roger, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201. William de, of Edinburgh.shire (hom. ), 730; (hom.), pp. 201, 211 ; seal (App. iii. 223). William de, asserts he killed a Scotsman, and gets his lands, 1881. William de, of Bagally, Forfarshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 164). Govan, Adam of, juror, 1436. Goyt, Nicholas son of Robert, of Caldbek, killed, 1919. Graham, Alicia de, liferentrix in Balencref, 857; Roger Lelman her husband, deceased, ib. Anable, widow of Patrick de, of Perth- shire (hom.) p. 213. David de, killed at Corbridge (1278), p. 42. David de, husband of Muriella Biset (1279), 129, 163; Sir David de (fealty), p. 125; Sir David de, brother of Patrick de G., prisoner, p. 177 ; mainperns [with others] 10 other Scotsmen, 940; brother of Patrick de G., freed on mainprise to serve the K. beyond seas, 940; died in Flanders with the K. (1297), 1967; Patrick his son and heir man-ies without leave, ib. ; seal (PI. ii. 1). Sir David, son of Patrick de, i)risoner, 742, 901; freed on mainprise to serve the K. abroad, 940 ; meets other nobles at Peebles (Aug. 1299), 1978; asks for Sir Wil- liam Wallace's lands, &c., ib. ; draws his knife on Sir Malcolm Wallace his brother, ib. ; the K.'s conditions as to receiving him and others (Jan. 1303-4), 1444, 1445, 1447; ordered to release the Archdeacon of Dunkeld from ransom (March 1303-4), 1473 ; a juror, 1689. Henry de, p. 52 ; Henry son of, ib. ; his grant from Symundeburne to Blanch-land Abbej', ib. ; Henry de Graham his grand- father, ib. ; Sir Henry de, 556; of Dumfries- shire (hom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 154). John de, accused of assault at Jedeworthe (c. 1278), 148. Sir John de (at Strathorde Feb. 1303-4), 1741; heir of half the barony of Muscamp May 1306), 1770; on duty at Ayr (July or Aug. 1307), 1961. Johan de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 203. John de, of York, 831. Marjory de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 204.- Sir Nicholas de, 549, 558; Maria his wife heiress to her sister Muriella countess of Stratheme, ib. ; her age, ib. ; he.does homage, ib. ; p. 175; royal message to, 884; his lands in AYooler forfeited, 1138; to have his own and his wife's land, 1359; Scottish rebel, 1399; received to peace, has his lands in Bishop of Durham's hands, 1481 ; ejects Melros from their Eskedale lands, 1981; Sir John his son, ib. ; (deceased), inquisition as to his tenure of half the Muscamp barony 628 INDEX. (19 May 1306) 1770; heritage of Maria his wife, grand-daughter of Robert de Muscamp, ib. ; John de Graham their son and heir, ib. ; Maria the widow has her seisin restored, as conjunct fiar, and has done homage (14 June), 1783, 1784; his lands in K.'s hands (May 1306), 1847; seal (PL iv. 12). Graham, Sir Nicol de, of Linlithgowshii-e (horn.), P- 211. Sir Patrick, de, 157, 413; sheriff of Stirling, 570, 586, 598, 629, 633, 658; his seal, ib., 660, 691, 692; deforces the K.'s officers in the Lennox, p. 165 ; (hom.), 730; 872; his lands in Stirling in K.'s hands, p. 264; seal (PI. ii. 6). Patrick de, sou and heir of late David de G.; R. de Feltone has his mamage (1297), 970; 975; Sir Patrick de, surrenders and is sent to prison (Nov. 1306), 1849; in the Tower (8 Nov.) 1852. Pieres de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 203. Peres de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 210. Thomas de, p. 43. Grandison (Granzone), Otto de, p. 131 ; Sir Otho de, 463; dispenses fees to Cardinals in the Roman Court, ib. ; his expenses to Rome for the Papal hull for the heiress of Scotland's marriage, 464; Sir Ottes de, to the Pope (?), 789. William de, castellan of Roxburgh, 547. Grandyn, Richard, of Roxburgh, his horse killed by the Prince of Wales' hounds at Kelso, p. 369. Grange (Graunge), Robert de la (hom.), p. 199 ; juror, 1435, 1681. Grant (Graunt) David le, sheriff of Stirling, p. 264. John le, prisoner, p. 177, 938 ; freed from prison on mainprise, 940. Patrick le, keeper of Cluny castle, 532, 547, 583, 588, 627. Ralph le, freed from prison on mainprise, 940. Robert de, of Fife (hom.), p. 203; prisoner, p. 177, 906. Thomas le, plundered, and maimed of a hand, by outlaws resetted in the liberty of Arbroath, 1735. Grantham, John of, p. 150. Grantmont, Laurence de (hom.), 730. Graper, Peter le, bailiff, Newcastle, brings iron from Lubeck for the K.'s castles, 1398, Grarig mill, 16. Graunger, Roger (illegal fisher), p. 54. Gray (Grey, Grei) Henry, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Henry de, pay to, 1762. Huwe, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 198; seal? (App. iii. 306); juror, 824 (2). Sir John de, 1819 ; with 32 archers at Glentrool in search of Robert de Brus (17- 30 April), p. 512. Robert, castellan of Banff, 531, 542, 547, 584. Robert, juror, 1675. Sir Thomas de, and retinue in Selkirk forest, 1230; 1670. Graystoc, John baron of, goes to Scotland with the Earl of Carrick, 1732. Great Badewe, Essex, committed to the Chan- cellor for seven years (July 1306), 1804, 1837. Great Roll of Scotland, omission in, ordered to be corrected, 1051. Great Yarmouth, 189. Greek fire, thrown into Stirling castle, 1569. Green, cloths of clear, for the Prince of Wales and his suite, at Pentecost (1303), p. 370. Gregj^ns, Dugald (hom.), 816, p. 203. Greilly, John de, seneschal of Gascony, 738. Grim . . . ., William de, p. 59. Greuacres (Tyndale), p. 53. Grendale, Colyn de, vallet, 1273. Grendon, Adam de, 319, 407. Avicia, widow of Gilbert de, in the K.'s gift, p. 54. Gilbert de, 147. Hugh de, p. 54; juror, 1313; lessee of town acres, Berwick, ib. John de, burgess of Durham, assaults an attendant of Alex. IIL, 145. William de, parson of Brintone, 329. William the marshal of, p. 54. Grene, Roger del, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 206. Grenefeud (Grenefeld), Master William de, going to Scotland and Rome, 382; p. 131; Chancellor, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1357, 1358, 1361, 1368, 1390, 1393, 1394, 1400, 1410, 1440, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1464, 1479, 1481, 1484, 1490, 1537, 1545, 1546, 1551, 1579, 1583, 1584; the K. sends him an inquisition and petition as to the Annan- dale franchises, &c., of the Earl of Carrick, for advice, 1604; 1609, 1720; seal (PI. iv. 10). Greneford, Henry de, constable of Yestre, accounts for issues, p. 264. Greneheued, Aymer del, juror, 1681. Cristiane del, of Selkirkshire (hom. ), p. 208;_seal (App. iii. 430) INDEX. 629 Greneheued, Robert de le, inquiry as to his death, 407. Grenehou, Richard de, 208. Grenerig, 16. William del, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 206. Grenhok, Huwe de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 213. Grenlawe, Mathew de, fiz William de G. , of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Nigel of. Earl Patrick's man, p. 189. William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 198. William de, clerk, asks timber in Jed- devvorthe forest to repair his burned houses, 1868. Gresleye, Peres de, vallet of the Prince of Wales, 1242. Gresmere farm, p. 5. Gressehope (Lydel), p. 19. Gretenhou (Gretna), vill of, 826; charter by William the Lyon at, 1606 (4) ; provostry, issues of (for 1303); farm of mill, ib. Gretham, Sir William de, prior of Holy Island (June 1304), 1542 ; prior of Goldingham (Nov. 1304), 1605. Gretheuede, John le fiz Wauter, burgess of Peebles (hom.), p. 198. Greve, Johan, of Haytone, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Grevestone (Peebleshire), K. 's demesne, farm of, p. 424. Greydene, Wautier de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 564). Greyly, Sir John de, of Aberdeenshire (hom. ), p. 210. Greyve, Johan le, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 211. Griffin, Arnulph, 61. Grimbaud, Adam fitz, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 202; seal? (App. i. 3 (45)). Robert, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Gripedale, John, of Copoun, 1594. Grithman, Johan, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Groby, the manor of, 175. Grocene, rent in, William Comyn's and Isabella (Russel) his wife, 466. Grom, Walter, 312. Grondy (Grundy), Adam, juror, 1435. Robert, of Newton (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (17)). Groos, Andrew le (of Berwick), 693. Gross, William lo. Sec Albemarle, Earl of Grugar, land of, farm for (1303), p. 425; (1304), p. 428. Grymeslawe, John de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199. Grunestede, Richard le, 1278. Gualtrei, Barunciu (Lucca merchant), 199. Guardians of Scotland, the, intercede for John Wyscarde of le Cars, patron of Knaresdale church, 335 ; requested by the K. to arrest William de Douglas and Alianora de Ferrars, 357 ; order Richard Knout to appear before them, 411 ; assent to their Queen's marriage, 416 ; urge K. Eric to send her, 417 ; are to re- ceive 3000 marks from Edward I. failing her arrival, 428; warrants, &c.,by orto, 408-475, passim; the five, their fee, 400 marks each, ordered by the K. (1291), 521 ; grant warrant for late Chancellor's fee, 524 ; their official seal, ib. ; warrants by, 572, 573, 582, 605. Guardian of Scotland, the (?), about to attack Renfrew [1300 ?], 1121, Guardians, the three, write to Edward I., offer- ing to cease hostilities (13 Nov. 1299), 1109 ; seal, ib. Guardian, the, [Aymar de Valence] retreats before Robert de Brus (c. 15 May 1307) to the K.'s high displeasure, 1979. Gueklres, the Count of, 286. Guildforde (Gildeford), John de, keeper of Aberdeen and Kincardine castles, 547, 587, 641, 644. Guile, Richard, rings the bell when Edward I. publiclj' excommunicated in Edinburgh, p. 109. Guly, Matiir de (hom. ), 730. Guitardi, John, clerk of John de Britannia, 1104. Gulgas, John, prisoner, Lincoln, 1668. Gummestone, Wauter le fiz Wauter de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 210 ; seal? (App, iii. 99). See Cummstun. Gundrum (Sundrum ?) Ayrshire, rent of land in (1304), p. 428. Gurnay (Gornay), Aleyn (hom. ), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (76)). Hughde, 1637. Sir Thomas de, 1004, 1637. Gyff'oun, Richard, clerk of the sheriff of Lancaster, 1805. Gyle, Patrick del, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 208. Gynes, Ingram de, 209 ; does fealty, 239 ; Cristiana, heiress of William de Lindesi, his wife, ib.; honoured by Edward I., 241; bears letter to his 'cousin' Alexander III. from Edward I., 267 ; (summoned), 473 ; Sir Ingelram de, 741 ; royal message to, 884 ; ordered to obey Simon de Lindesey, captain of Eskdale, 1026 ; with Earl of Essex, 1212 ; leases castle and barony of 630 INDEX. Durisdeer to Sir John de Soules (1296), 1452 ; his debt to a burgess of Dumfries, ib. Gyniiere, Anneys la, of Berwickshire (horn. ), p. 212. Haberchrumbi, William de, juror, 824 (5). Sec Abercromby. Hacale, John, juror, 1675. Hacche (Hecche), Sir Eustace de (his charger killed at Falkirk), 1011 ; 1180(10); seal, ib. ; gentleman-at-arms of Madame la Reyue, re- ceives hay, 1446. William de la, shipmaster of Mersey, 1561; delivers 106J qrs. wheat at Stirling (21 July 1304), 1561. Hachonlek, Patrick de, juror, 1343. Sec Auch- inleck. Haco (Haquin), K. of Norway ; his envoy Snaro (1299-1300), 1181; claims Siidreyar isles, &c. , ib. ; asked by Edward I. to arrest the rebel Bishop of Moray in Orkney (6 March 1306-7), 1907. Duke of Norway, safe conduct to, 698; writes to the K., asking his aid in recovering a loan to his late ' cousin ' Queen Margaret, daughter of Alexander III., 1182. Haddington, John Mazun's conduct at, 252 ; {teste), 253; the Guardians at, 307. the Community of (horn.), 815; the common seal, ib., p. 197. Prioresses of : Lady Alicia (fealty), p. 125; Eve (horn.), p. 196; Eve [de Cokeburne], K.'s tenant, Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (7)). David de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. John de, of Fife (hom. ), p, 204. Malcolm de, prisoner, 742. Hagardistoue, Thomas de, 549. Hagayl, 16. Hage, Johan del, of Berwickshire (hom.), 809; seal, ib. ; p. 200. Hakel}', Henry of, burgess of Montrose (hom.), p. 198. Haket, Sii- Walter, 995 Haket's vill, 163. Hakelut (Haklutel), Walter de, 1132, 1522; seal, ib. ; Sir Walter, in pui'suit of Earl of Carrick (Feb. —April 1306-7), 1897; p. 511. Hakun, Wybert fitz (of Carlisle), grant of houses, &c., in Carlisle to St Peter of York, 1606 (12). Haldanstone, Andrew de, of Edinburghshire, (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 275). Hale, Michel de (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 262). Hale, Richard of, robbed at 'le Whcle,' p. 191. Haliburtone, Alice, widow of Phelipe de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 201. Henry de, p. 175; (hom.), 816; seal, ib. ; of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 201, 203; seal (App. L 3 (47)); a Scottish rebel, 1131; Agnes de Mordington his wife, widow of Philip de Colville, ib. ; inquiry as to their lands in Northumberland, ib. ; her lands forfeited, 1336; Sir Henry de, the K. (?) to send him north of the Mouuth to some one [anonymous] on the K.'s service, 1871. Rauf de, prisoner . . . ., 1668. the brothers de, ordered to release the Archdeacon of Dunkeld from ransom, 1473; the ' six brothers ' de, pray the K. for reward of their sei"vices, 1778; Aymar de Valence commanded to assure them of this, 1782. Halidi, Adam de, juror, 1350. Halieland, 'hausers' and ropes bought at, 1500. the Prior of, receives victuals, 1542. Halis, Henry of (archer), 1019. Halistaue, Marjory, prioress of, Berwickshire (liom.), p. 213; seal ? (App. i. 4 (7)). Hall, John of the, 1313. the sergeants and vallets of tlie K. 's, receive hay, 1446. Hallamshire, levies from, 1261, 1267. Halle Enge (Arthuret), p. 65. Hallens, Adam de, juror, 1592. Hal tone, Patrick de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 211. Haltrere, John le, of Doncaster, provides horse- furniture, hoods, &c., for the Prince in the Scottish war, p. 365. , Haltwhistle (Hautwiscle), pp. 52, 53; the church of, 407; to be restored to Arbroath abbey, 1484; restored, 1543; asked by the Prior of Lanercost from Arbroath, 1891, 1892; forcibly seized by the Bishop of Dur- ham, b. Adam of, chaplain 1481. Hameldon (Hameltone), Roger de, pardone felonies, outlawry, &c., for his good ser- vices in Scotland, 1583. Wauter fiz Gilbert de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. William de, clerk to Edward L, 727; Sir William de, asked to hasten the inquisitions of the late lord of Aunaudale's English lands, 1493; chancellor, 1683, 1684; notice of commission to try Sir William de Waleys, INDEX. 631 1685; 1688, 1697; 1714, 1716, 1719, 1756, 1751, 1760, 1764, 1789, 1802; has a grant for seven years, of the Earl of Canick's for- feited manor of Great Badewe, Essex (14 July 1306), 1804, 1835, 1837; the K. signi- fies to him, he will knight all who come to Carlisle next Candlemas (26 Nov. 1306), 1859; 1864; deceased, his executors have Robert de Brus's forfeited manor of Great Badewe (July 1307), 1950. Hampton, Robert de, 28, 35, 38, 51. Sir R. de, sheriff of Cumberland, 71; dead, 100, 133; Marjory his widow, ib. Hamstede, William de, of Elginshire (hom.), p. 214. 'Handwarcelle,' a March custom in Cum- berland after a robbery, p. 59. Hanepar, clerk of the, to receive issues of the seal of Scotland, 1722. Haneworth, John de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 201, 209 ; seal (App. iii. 248). Hanford, manor of, 177. Hanguydeschawe, Gilbert de, of Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 214. Hannethe (Hannay), Gilbert, of Wigtonshire (hom. ), p. 205 bis ; juror, 824. Hanyngfeld, William de, gets a rebel's land for his service, 1856. Harcars (Harcas, Harkars), Alisaundre de, of Fife (hom.), p. 213; 1274; in K.'s service, 1765. Marjorie de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Sir Robert, sheriff of Perth, accounts for Pentecost issues, p. 439 ; on 30 Aug., ib. ; for Glenlioun and 'Apithania' of Dul (Pentecost), ib. ; for Lochawe and Arscodenche, ib. ; for Inchethot, ib. ; for Aliche (Martinmas), ib. ; and for the town of Perth, ib. Roger de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Thomas de, of Ber^vickshi^e (hom. ), pp. 207, 209. Hardegil, Alan de, 208. John de, 208, pp. 64, 66. Hardegreypes, Renaud, burgess of Peebles (hom.), p. 198. Hardelaghe castle, Scottish prisoners at, p. 177. Hardene, John de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199. Hardinstone, Thomas of, robbed of his two cows at market by the sheriff of Dumfries, 1526. Hard}', William, of Lanarkshire (,liom.), p. 213. Uarecurt, Sir John de, 1108, Harewode manor, the late Warin de Liile's, in K.'s hand, 1864. Harington, Hugh de, parson of Glorston, con- victed of deer-stealing, 661. . Harlagheston, William de, p. 59. Harlawe, half hundred of, 266. Mathew de (hom.), 730. AVilliam de, juror, 824 (3). Harleghe, Richard de, to levy 500 men in Salop, 1092; sheriff of Salop, &c., 1379. Harpenfeld, Erchebaud de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Harper, Adam the K.'s, claims a sword, p. 189; Hugh his boy, ib. Master Elyas le, tenant of Earl of Fife, his lands restored, 853. Johan le, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. John le, of Saulton, p. 226. Robert le, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Roger le, of Horn', Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 203. Uctins(Ughtred)le, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 458); lands restored to, p. 225; has a grant in Berwick, 915. William le, of la Lawe, Edinburghshire, (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii, 268.). Hartcla (Harcla, Arcla), Michael de, 360 ; sheriff of Cumberland, accounts for Scots- men's lands, 841, 1042; justice, 1152; late sheriff of Cumberland, 1946; asks abatement for the Scottish ravages, &c. , ib. Hartlepool, envoys to Norway sail from, 439; expenses there, &c., 464. Harwich, the balifts of, detain a Flemish vessel bound to Berwick from Dieppe, 695. Haselschaghe, Master AValter de, archdeacon of Wells, 303. Hassingdeane, farms of (1304), pp. 440, 442. Hastang (Hastangis), Nicholas, presented to Ayr church, 1023; prebendary of Renfrew, ousted by Robert bishop of Glasgow (while a hostage for his brother, the sheriff of Roxburgh, among the Scots), claims redress 1598. Richard, constable of Jeddeworth, 1165; Sir Richard de, indenture by, to keep Jeddeworth castle till Pentecost 1301 with 10 men-at-arms and 30 foot, 1172; to obey sheriff of Roxburgh, ib. ; joins his brother and other officers in a foray on robbers in Roxburghshire, 1226 1227; to keep Jedde- worth castle with 5 men-at-arms and 20 crossbowmen and archers till Pentecost (1302), 1286; slieiiff of Jeddeworthe with 10 men-at-arms and 30 foot (Aug. 1302), 1317; to keep Gedeworthe castle till Christmas 632 INDEX. (1302), with 5 men-at-arms and 20 foot, 1321 (9); constable of Jeddeworthe, his garrison, 1324 (4), 1337; 1600; late con- stalde of Jeddeworthe, fee (Oct. 1305), 1707, 1714 ; his plea with Abbot of Jedburgh, 1727 ; accused of stripping lead off the Abbey of J. , ib. Hastang, Sir Robert, sheriff of Roxburgh, letter to the Chancellor, 859; p. 225; sheriff of Rox- burgh (loses 3 horses there in sallies), 1007; reports to the K. the proceedings of the insurgent magnates at Peebles, their quarrels, and the election of the Bishop of St Andrews, the Earl of Carrick, and John Vomyn junior as Guardians, and their further arrange- ments (20 Aug. 1299), 1978; indenture as to stores and the garrison of Jedburgh, 1016; indenture as to stores, garrison, and pay for keeping Roxburgh castle till Pente- cost (1299), 1018, 1142; sheriff of Roxburgh, to receive abbot of Kelso (Sept. 1300), 1154; has notice of conditions of truce (Oct. 1300), 1165; sheriff of Roxburgh, 1172; indenture by, to keep the castle and county till Pente- cost 1301 wdth 20 men-at-arms and 100 foot, 1174; reports to the K. , sending spies to watch Sir John de Soules and his force (Sept. 1301), 1221; joins a foray on robbers in Roxburghshire, and dispute with Sir Hugh de Audley as to prisoners and booty, 1226; reports to the K. his account of the affair, and names of some of the thieves, 1227; asks a horse as part of his 'arrearages,' 1272; to keep castle and sheriffdom of Roxburgh with 10 men-at-arms and 40 crossbowmen and archers till Pentecost, 1302, 1286 ; joint surveyor of new works on Selkirk castle, 1287; sheriff of Roxburgh, to have 30 men-at-arms and 60 foot, for Roxburgh castle and town, and part of Selkirk forest (Aug. 1302), 1317; to keep Roxburgh castle till Christmas (1302), with 10 men-at-arms and 40 foot, 1321 (10); seal, ib. ; finds 3 men for his Scottish lands, 1321 (11); his force in Roxburgh castle, 1324 (3), 1327; constable of Roxburgh, to see as to the queen's escort to Dirleton, 1438; sheriff of Roxburgh, pays issues, p. 440 ; and of Hassingdcane by Sir Alexander de Balliol, ib.; his fee, p. 442; 1647; seal, i6. ; paid, 1663, 1666; sheriff of Peebles (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); late con- stable of Roxburgh, 1707; marshall of Berwick (April 1306), 1760. Hastengys (Hastinges), David de, 1985 (20). Sir Edmund de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209; of Suffolk, guarantees that John de Droui- man a Scotsman shall serve the K. abroad, 940; on duty in Annandale (1300), 1125; to be warden of Berwick with 10 men-at- arms and 180 foot till Pentecost (1302) 1286; warden (1302), 1313; to be warden till Christmas (1302), with 16 men-at-arms and 180 foot, 1321 (13); seal (destroyed) ; warden 1337; lands in earldom of Mentethe given to him (before 22 May 1306), 1771. Hastinges, Sir Henry de, ward of, demanded by the K. of Scotland (1272), 63. Sir John de, &c., guarantees William de Douglas, 429 ; (Competitor), 488; his seal, ib.; agrees to be bound by K.'s decision, 489; his claim noticed, 507; lord of Ber- geveneye, his agreement with Johanna coun- tess of Fife, 1108; receives her English and Scottish lands in security and grants her an annuity, ib. ; to re-convey lands to the Countess of Fife, 1299; grant to him of the earldom of Mentethe and the Isles, &c., for- feited by Alan earl of M., a rebel (22 May 1306), 1771; lands given to Edmund de H. excepted, ib. ; earldom of Menteth delivered to him (28 Sept. 1306), 1837; on duty at Ayr (July or Aug. 1307), 1961. Sir Robert de, retainer of the Earl of Oxford, accompanies Thomas de Veer his son to Scotland (May 1303), 1362. Robert de, of Peeblesshire (hom.), p. 207; accounts for K.'s demesnes in Peeblesshire (1302-4), pp. 424-5, 428 saej)e. Hastingwayt, John de, prisoner, p. 177. Hateley (Ha tale), Alexander de, fealty, 799; (hom.), p. 195; seal (App. iii. 104). Johan de, of Pebblesshire (hom. ), p. 207. Hathfelde (Hatfelde), manor, Kent, extent of, p. 174; 1023. in Essex, 75; half hundred of, ib. ; 266; -Regis, extent of (1299), 1074; cum Brones- hobery, 1540; Robert de Brus's, leased to Prior of Hatfeld, 1837; -Peverel, and Ulting (Essex), Gilbert Mauduyt's forfeited land in, 1838; granted to William de Hanyngfeld, 1856. Prior of, leases Robert de Brus's forfeited manor of Hatfeld, 1837; dower of Aleanora widow of Robert de B. senior, excepted, ib. Hauburue, John of, 1313. Handene, Sir Aylmer de, of Edinburghshire bis (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 251) ; rebel received, has his wife Isabel's English lands restored, 1481; matters touching him and Marie widow of William de Maleville, in Norham liberty, 1579; late rebel, to have his wife Isabella's land in Korham liberty, 1594. INDEX. 633 Haudene Bernard le, 144; A3'mer, son and heir of, ib. ; encroaches on the March at Carham, ih.; p. 44; of Roxburghshire (horn.), p. 200. Sir Ralph de, dispute touching March at Carham, 275; encroaches on it, 291. Rauf de, persone of Whitsum, Berwick- shire (horn.), p. 203. Simon de, valet (loses his horse), 1007. Hauekesley, John de, delivers old extent rolls of Scotland to the K. 's Jescheators for their new survey (10 May 1304), 1534. Hauewyk, Robert de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2. (57)). Haughhenros, Johan, of Elginshire (hom.), p. 200. Haukerstone, John de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203 his; seal (App. iii. 538). Haunches, Gilbert, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal ? (App. iii. 599). Thomas de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Haunsard, John, of Forfarshire (hom.), p. 199. Robert (and another) to lead the men of Durham bishopric to Roxburgh, 1351, 1354, 1356 (7). Haustede, John de, lends the Prince 6s. to play with Lord Louis of France, at Hol- borne, p. 368. Sir Robert de, gives Prince of "Wales 5s. for play at Soltre (Nov. 1303), p. 368; at Dunfermline, 20s. lost to the Earl of Here- ford (16 Nov.), ib. Hautewyl, Geffrai de, 1637. Hauthorndene, Matheu de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 630) ; lands restored, p. 226. Hauton, Robert de, p. 151. Hauville (Hanville), Edith de, (hom.), 730. Sir Elias de, 457; goes to Scotland, p. 109; expenses, ib.; 535. Richard de, 1119. Thomas de, 925. Hauwyse, William, 1423. Haveryng, Master Richard de, brings subsidy from Wales, 1154. Hawelton, the manor of, 319 ; messuage and walled garden there, ib. John de, p. 53 ; (dead), inquisitions of his lands in Tyndale, 319; Walter his son and heir, ib. William de, 665. Hawyk, English presentee to, 961. Hawysia daughter of the Earl of Albemarle, p. 17. Haye (Hay, Haia), David de {temp. Alex. IL), 1985 (19). Haye, Edmund de la, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Sir Gilbert de la, K.'s tenant, Perthshire (hom.), pp. 195, 202; seal (App. i. 3 (56)); juror, 1592, 1689; prays abatement of his relief, on account of losses through the war, his mother's dower, and his father's debts — and as the Kings of Scotland wholly remitted it to his ancestors, 1738; a rebel, and his lands asked for (June 1306), 1782; the K. orders them to be burned and destroyed for his treachery and ingratitude to him, 1787. Sir Hugh de la (fealty), p. 124; 781; (hom.), p. 195; of Fife (hom.), p. 204; seal (PI. i. 9). John de {temp. Alex. IL), 1606 (5). Sir John de, 337, 394, 414 (fealty), p. 124 (hom.), 730; p. 194. John de la (hom.), 730; his lands in Berwickshire restored, 832 ; a juror, 1592. John de la, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Jone de la, of Forfarshire (hom. ), p. 205. Sir Nicholas de, sheriff of Perth, 347, 353; fealty, 767; hom., p. 194; Nicol de la, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (PL iii. 9); attorney for earl of Buchan, 839; royal message to, 884 ; summoned to Parliament at St Andrews (March 1303-4) 1468; juror, 1670. Nicol de la, parson of Crol (? Erol), Perthshire (hom.), p. 212. Thomas de {temp. Alex. IL), 1985 (19). • Thomas de la, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. William de, butler {temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (8), 1985 (15, 16). William de (of Lochervire), 371, 374 ; seal, ih. Sir William de la (fealty), p. 124 ; "(hom.), p. 196 ; prisoner, 742, 875; to serve the K. abroad, 942. William de la, of Drumranaghe, Fifeshire (hom.), p. 204; Sir W, de, receives a sub- mission, 755; royal message to, 884. Hay, 200 trusses of, delivered to various magnates and others (Edinburgh, Fv^b. 1303-4); 1446. Hayghe, William del, sheriff of Inverness, p. 264 ; accounts for sum due tlie K. of Norway for some Scottish islands, lb. Hayleys, shealing of (Tyndale), 319. 'Hayning,' le, a wood in Biwelle barony, 1120. Haytone (Heytone), Johan de, of Dumfriesshire 634 INDEX. (liom.), p- 210; petitions the K. against the oppressions of Sir Maheu de Redman sberiir of Dumfries, and produces transcript of a 'champerty' between him and Malcolm of Terregles (April 1304), 1526 ; commission of inquiry appointed, lb. Haytone, Johan de, warden of the hospital of St Leonard of Torrens, Lanarkshire (hora. ), p. 214. Thomas de, vicar of Cambusneythan Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 204. Haytwayt (Lydel), p. 19. Heburne, Sir Thomas de, canon of St Andrews, receives the lead to replace the roof of the priory; at Berwick (Aug. 1305), 1687. Hecham, Hugh of, merchant, plundered at sea, 287. Robert of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Hederslawe vill, the mill of, 196, 549, 1176. Hederstone, John de, juror, 1588. Hedindon (Oxford), 265. Hedlam, John de, subchantor of Ross (hom.), p. 204. Hedleye, John de, receiver, p. 442. Robert de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 244). Walter de, Goda widow of, and Isabel and Isabel their daughters, have restoration of their dower and heritage in Lincoln, 1584; p. 416. Hegham, Sir Robert de, baron of Exchequer, 1606 (10) ; has a seven years' lease of one- third of Kempston manor (July 1306), 1804, 1837. Heghetache [Hightse ?], Annandale, provostry of, issues (for 1303), p. 426. Hegrenes, Oduenus de, envoy of Norway, p. 148. Heir, Stevene le fiz Johan, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. HcUebok, Sir Thomas de, 375 ; Avicia his wife, lb. ; 706. William de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 206; seal (App. iii. 477). Helleville, Sir Gobert de, French ambassador, safe conduct to Scotland (15 Aug. 1302), 1331. Helley, Pagan de, a Scotsman deceased, p. 174; his heirs there, ih. ; Godava, a matron, (his widow ?), has terce of his land, ib. Helmsleie, Robert of, 1313. Helsintone, 16 ; Henry the reeve of, ib. Hemeale, Robert de, receives 96 'stokfish,' Hendon, extent of late Hugh Cressingbam's land there, 951. Henelay, Walter of, 1395. Hexrt I. ; marries Matildis (of Scotland), p. 112 ; William his son marries daughter of Count of Anjou, ib. ; Matildis his daughter m. Emperor of Germany, ib. ; his knighthood,ce<. 19, p. 113 ; his daughter Sibilla m. to Alex- ander I., ib.; inspeximus of his charter to Newbottle, 624. Henry II. at Toulouse, p. 116 ; knights Malcolm IV. (the Maiden) at Tours (1158), ib. ; takes Carlisle from him, ib. ; (fit/5 Empress), the war between him and Stephen noticed, pp. 16, 17. Henry, Earl (of Huntingdon), pp. 113, 114 ; his death at Carlisle (1152), p. 116 ; grant for his soul's weal, 690. Adam son of, p. 5. John son of, p. 41 ; Agnes widow of, ib, Robert son of, 531. Hepe, Adam de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), 811, p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (1)). Henry del, of Roxburghshire (a robber), 1227. John del, of Roxburghshire (a robber), 1227. Herdewick, church of, p. 131. Hereford and Essex, Earl of, protection for his 300 Welshmen returning from Scotland, 839. Earl of, Humphry de Bohun, constable, his contingent and pay (1298), 1044 ; to provide Lochmaben castle and make no truce (Oct. 1300), 1164; 1205, 1207, 1208 ; grants his official perquisites as constable to the K. (till Michaelmas 1301), 1209; 1212, 1565 ; gi'aut to him and his wife Elizabeth the K. 's daughter, of Lochmaben castle and Annandale, forfeited by the late Earl of Carrick (10 April 1306) 1757 ; Great seal, ib., charter by him, as 'lord of Annandale' (25 April), 1766 ; seal, ib. ; grant to, of forfei- tures of rebel tenants of Lochmaben and Annandale (20 Oct. 1306), 1842 ; Great seal, ib. ; the K. is surprised he has done nothing against the rebels (11 Feb. 1306-7), 1896 ; grants land in Annandale to Sir Bartholomew Denefeud, at Lochmaben (15 Feb.), 1899. Master AV alter of, mason, 1536. Hereward, Robert, 334. Heriz, Ralph de, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Richard de(fc;ft2^.Wm. the Lyon), 1606(6). - Richard, of Westirker, prisoner, 1794. 'strefishe,' and ' linggciishe ' for the Earl of I William de {temp. David I.), 1606 (11). Hereford, 1565. ' William de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), INDEX. 635 810; seal (App. i. 1 (24)); p. 210; Sir William de (iu English pay), p. 283 ; his esquires, ib. Herlawe, the half hundred of, 1540. Herle, William, 1606 (10). Hermit, John the, acquitted of robbery, p. 189. Herok, Wautier, dean of Moray (horn.), p. 211. Heron (Heyron), John, shipmaster of Win- chelsea, 1527. Jordan, 1606 (12). Robert, rector of Ford, 505, 530, 551, 562, 581, 596; Master Robert, associate of the chamberlain, payments by, &c., 573- 617 passim; 630; his seal, ib. ; examined as to his dealings with Hugh de Cressing- ham's money missing since his death, 1597; his statement, ib. ; collector of cufetoms, Berwick-on-Tweed, p. 441; Sir Robert, 1639; parson of Ford, constantlyin Scotland, as comptroller, 1648 ; appointed controller of the Chamberlain of Scotland (Sept, 1305), 1691 (1); his fee, 1706, 1802. Robert, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Sir William, essoined, in the Bishop of Durham's company, 330; Marie widow of, who re-married John Cambous (lately killed in Scotland) has respite of her fine beyond 20?. (Aug. 1303), 1388. William, rebel, Peeblesshire, his forfeited crops, p. 425. Herring, red, 1180 (1). Hert (Durham), charter at (1288), 556. Cristiana widow of Robert de Brus the Competitor, dowered in, 826. Henry, burgess of Lanark, 805. Herteshede, Aleyn de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Hertforde, the Prince of Wales at (Nov. 1300), 1175. Herthwaytone, John de, 149, Herthylle wapentake (Yorkshire), 1091. Hertilpol (Hertrepol), Geoffry de, justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811; he and Anna his wife have a grant of the late Christopher de Seton's manor in Durham (4 Oct. 1306), 1841 ; justice, to punish deserters (Feb. 1306-7), 1900. Gilbert de, 1606 (10). Friar Hugh de, minister of the Friars Minors, 1104. Heselartone, John de, 1261. Master John de, clerk, imperial notary, 1818. Heseliside_ (Tyncdale), p. 51; disputes as to grazings there, p. 52 ; agreement as to, between Abbot of Jedburgh and William de Belingham, p. 53. Heslespringshale (Heselspryngge), vaccary in luglewood, held by Cristiana, widow of Robert de Brus of Annandale (1305), 1690, 1901. Hessewel, Dame Luce de, 'chamberere ' of Margaret Princess of Scotland, 185. Peter de, juror, 1588. William de, claims land in Roxburgh- shire, as heir, 381; (hom.) p. 199; seal (App. iii. 301); his English lands restored on his coming to peace, 1584 ; to have his land in Durham, p. 416. Hestynges, William de, 88. Hethenhalc (Tyndale) 963. Hetherintone (Tyndale), lands of, 340 ; laud there held in drengage of the late K. of Scotland, 554. Roger de, 319, 554. Hethpol, 323, 549. Adam of, juror, 1675. Heton, John de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (62)). Thomas of, 1178. 'Heuedes, les,' (Lanarkshire), farm of (1304), p. 427. Hexham, outlaw from, received iu Redesdale, p. 45. the Prior of, p. 29; holds Alston church, p. 41; impleaded by K. of Scots, p. 52; distrained to produce a canon for poaching, p. 55. William 'terrarius ' of, employs poachers, p. 54. Hextildis, daughter and heir of Gothrik, son and heir of Donald, K. of Scots, 507 ; ances- tress of John Comyn, ib. Hextildespethe, Huwe de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 208 ; seal (App. iii. 428). Heybam, fee in, held of Edmond Comyn, p. 173. Heyntone, manor of, p. 37. Heysou, Adam, watcher at Silloth, p. 283. Hibernia, John do (hom. ), 730. Hicchin, the Balliol manor of, p. 173 ; held by Roger Extraneus for life, 1853. Hicham, William of, 89. Higgeley (Hedgeley), forfeited lands in, 1823 ; granted to the K. 's vallet, ib. High Peak, manor of, 277. castle, Scottish prisoners in, 1794. Hikeltone, held of John de Balliol late K. . p. 172. Hildeclive, Gilbert of, burgess, K.'s tenant, 636 INDEX. Linlithgow (hom.), pp. 198, 201; lauds in Linlithgowshire restored to, 832. Hille, Richard del, shipmaster, 1369. Hilon (Holin), Thomas of (approver), p. 45. Hiltone, Alexander de, in Lochmaben pele, p. 283. David parson of, Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 212. Huwe le fiz Adam de, of Bermckshire (hom.), p. 207. Johan de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. Robert de, 360. Hinglis, Richard de, juror, 1343. Hippereysone, Michael, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 203. Hirbottel (Hyrbotel), stocked with live deer from Tyndale, 842. castle, oppressions at, 58 ; p. 43 ; out- law's head hung on gallows at, p. 45 ; the market of, p. 46 ; dismantled by the Scots, 1973. Hirmanstone (Hirdnianstone), Alisaundre de, of Roxbui'ghshire (hom. ), p. 209 ; juror, 1681. John de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), 809 ; seal, ib.; p. 200 ; inquisition on his conduct since received to peace, his lands, &c., 1619. Patrick de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal ? (App. iii. 259). Hiskendy, Simon de, to serve the K. abroad, 942. ' Hobbe,' K. {i.e., the Earl of Carrick), the K. enraged that the Guardian and his forces had retreated before (c. 15 May 1207), 1979. 'Hockedai,' a term, 265. Hodelestone (Hudeleston), John de, 989; Sir John de, banneret, on a Scottish raid, 1081, p. 283; to lead the men of Coupland to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (5) ; to muster the men of Cumberland, &c., against the Scots who have risen in great force on the March, behind the K. (14 June 1303), 1374; ban- neret, and retinue on a foray, 1437. Robert de Johanna his wife, co-heir of Cristiana de Brus, 1690. Hodolm (Hodalmia), Adam de, of Dumfries- shire (hom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 512). Odard (Hudard) de, receives Gamelsby and Glassanby from K. John, p. 151; Cristina, wife of Robert de Brus senior, his granddaughter and heiress, ih. ; 1606 (6). ■ Robert de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199; seal (Ajip. iii. 358). Hoer, Adam the, finds treasure, 146. Hoese, Richard, of Westirker, Eskedale, prisoner, 1668. See Heriz. Hog (Hogg), John, burgess of Edinburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197. — — Henr}^, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200. Hogeston, Alexander de (hom.), p. 195. Hoghe, le, Thomas de Soulis's, 1035. Hoghtone, Friar Richard de (Templar), 331. Holande, Robert of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Holastone, Richard de of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 243). Holcote, Wauterde, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal ? (App. i. 2 (27)). Holden, Simon de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199. Holdernesse, fox hunting in, 69. the bailiff of, to purvey victuals for the army of Scotland (by Midsummer 1300), 1128; levies from, 1261, 1267. Hole, Michael, son of John de la, Scots rebel, p. 174; his land in Langeton (Lancaster), ib. Holland, the Count of, 286. Count of, Florence, his right to Scottish crown, 465; (Competitor), 488; his seal lost,' ib. ; agi-ees to be bound by Overlord's deci- sion, 489 ; writing founded on by him to be looked for carefully, 516; 535 ; seal (App. iii. 110). the Countess of, gives the K. a new year's gift at Dunfermline (1 Jan. 1303-4), 1434. Holm' (Ayrshire), mill of, issues (1304), p. 428. Holme, Ranulph of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313; supplies the K. with salmon, 1557; seal, ib. Coltram, abbey of, p. 17; said to be founded by Henry L, p. 36; the Abbot of, ib. ; the smith at, for horse shoes and nails, p. 284; the cellar at, ib.; wool taken from grange there, 1123. Abbot of, 322; p. 282; petitions for churches, in aid of damages by the war, 1875. Abbots of : Everard {temj). Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (6); Friar R., cannot find ahorse to carry the rolls of chancery, 577; Robert (hom.), 11. 196; seal (App. iii. 131). Robert, prior oi (temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (6). Holtehale, . . . . de, vallet of Prince of Wales, p. 442. Holyrood of Edinburgh, Abbey of, K.'s wine stored there, 1576. Abbot of, 516, 526; (protection), 1104. Abbots of: Adam, fealty, 508; (hom.), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 132); (swears allegiance), 1052 ; common seal, ib. ; William, late abbot, ib. INDEX. 637 Holyrood, John, prior of (swears allegiance), 1052; Thomas sub-prior, ib.; Simon the pre- centor, ib. ; Adam the sacrist, ih. ; Elias the 'terrarius,' ib.; Robert the ' granatorius, ' ib.; Thomas the cellarer, ib.\ John the almoner, ib. the monks of, swear allegiance in chap- ter, 1052. Holywood (Seint Boyse), abbot of, Dungald, (horn.), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 133). Homage and fealty, ordered by the Guardians under penalties (12 July 1291) at Stirling, p. 124 ; names of 40 ladies, &c., of Scot- land who did (15 March 1305-6), 1749. Home (Horn), Adam de, of Ayrshire (horn.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 192); juror, 824 (6). Home, Geoffryde, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal, ib. ; (hom. ), p. 204. Homel, Robert (illegal fisher), p. 55. Hommes, Henry de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (30)). Honitone, Thomas de, 1306. Honorius [IV.], grants dispensation for royal marriages within fourth degree, 298; grants papal tithe of Scotland, &e., to Edward I., 313. Hoon (?), 16. Hope, Johan, of Pebblesshire (hom ), p. 207. Hoperewe (Pebbles), rebels crop sold at, p. 425. Hopkelioghe,AVilliam de, K.'s tenant, Pebbles- shire (hom.), p. 202; seal (App. i. 3(9)); 1436, pp. 424, 428. Horde, Adam of, burgess of Pebbles (hom.), p. 197 ; of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Horethe, Sir Robert, knight (fealty), p. 124. Horm (Orm), William of, Kethe, prisoner, Caresbroke, 1668; dies there, 1672. Horn, John, 149. Hornedene, Eufemme, widow of AVilliam de, of Wyggetonshire (hom.), p. 214 ; her lands in Dumfriesshire restored, 832. Horok (Oi-rok), Robert de, juror, 824 (5), 1670. Simon de, juror, 1670. Horpol, John of, clerk, and another, wrestle before the Prince of Wales at Tykhull, p. 369. Horredene, Johan de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 208. Horses : theK. of Scotland's,sentfrom London to Scotland (June 1276), 78; William fitz Glaye sends to buy, at Stirling fair, 79. the K.'s new, his kind, height, age, colour, and state of his teeth, to be reported to the K., 1520; the K.'s, at Stirling, oats and beans ordered instantly as they have nothing but grass to eat, 1552; the K.'s and Queun's, oats ordered for Roxburgh and Newcastle against their arrival (4 Aug. 1304), 1570. Horse Roll (Falkirk) of those not of the House- hold, 1007; killed at Roxburgh, Stirling, and Edinburgh, 1010; those of knights of the K.'s Household (in 1298), 1011; of the House- hold (1300-1), 1190 ; (550 on roll), one-half died on march and at Linlithgow, &c. , ib. Horsebrok, vill of, farms, pp. 424, 428. Sir Simon de, his lands restored, 952 ; (his horse killed in Selkirk forest), 1011; holds Horsebrok of the K., pp., 424, 428. Horsfrith wood, Richard de Brus's, 173; to be enclosed in park, 176. Horsleye, Sir Richard de, 235, 1261. Richard de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), pp. 213, 214. Hortone, the K. at (20-21 Dec. 1292), p. 153. Pieres de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201. Hospital, le, in Hotone, Roxburghshire, granted by Edw. L, 1083. Master John del, clerk, French am- bassador, safe conduct to Scotland (15 Aug. 1302), 1331. Robert del, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 205. Hospitallers, the English, to be received in Linlithgow castle, 1733. Hostiarius. See Durward. Hotun (Hotone), p. 5. (in Annandale), granted to his knight for life by the Earl of Essex, 1899. Adam de, p. 59, 664. Robert of, 1178. Thomas de, 333. — — Thomas parson of, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 212. Walter of (robbed), 146. William de (deceased), 834; ward of his lands in Hoton-John given to Dungall de Gevelestone, 834. John, ward of,^p. 172 ; 834. Houburn, Friar Thomas de, canon of St Andrews, late prior of Pittenweem, asks leave to stay where he is, if he cannot return, 1964; maintained in the Abbey of Leicester at present, 1965. Houedene, Rauf de, parson of Whitousne, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 212. Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 210. Sec Hauden. Houghton, barony of, p. 87. Household, the K.'s, 20,000 marks ordered from Exchequer for (15 July 1303), 1387. 638 INDEX. Houston (Hustone), Sir Fynlawe de, of Lanark- shire (horn.), p- 203; seal (App. iii. 549). Sir Symon de, of Lanarkshire (liom. ), 812; seal (App. iii. 313). Friar John, master of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity of, Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201. Howard, Thomas, .shipmaster, Berwick, 1575. Hoyland, Richard de, 46. Huctermocdi, Malcolm de, juror, 824 (5). Huctred son of Fergus of Gallowa}', his rebellion, p. 117. Huddredy, Lohlan son of, 1606 (6). Hud war, K., kills Aydan K, of Scots, p. 114. Hugh, Eichard fitz {temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1985(15). Richard son of, rebel, Peeblesshire, for- feited crops sold, p. 424. Hugham manor in Kent, 1297 ; Robert de H. (deceased) held by knight's service, ib. ; custody of his heir, ib. Huglaci, Audoenus, 698. Huk', William de, in charge of Thomas of GalloAvay, 729. Hull, a Leith burgess poinded at, 63. Henry son of, juror, 1581. John of the, of Fauside, prisoner, Stirling castle, sent to Scarborough castle, 1567, 1607, 1668. William o' the, burgess, Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198. Hundwalleshope (Peeblesshire), land of, its tenure and value, 1436 ; held by William de Durem (Jan. 130-3-4), ib. Hunsingouere, Master Thomas de, 171, 172, 274, 535 ; chancellor of K. John de Balliol, 691, 692; parson of Aldhamstoke, Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 212. Hunteleghe, Robert de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal? (App. i. 2 (71)). Hunter, Aylmer le, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Huwe le, of Stragrife, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Johan, 'de la foreste de Passelay,' of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Nicholas le, 585. Richard le, of Stragrife, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Thomas le (hom.), 730. Huntercumbe, Sir Walter de, 99, 166 ; grants by, confirmed, 196 ; 235, 323 ; keeper of Isle of Man, 433, 648 ; accused of cattle- lifting near Aberdeen, p. 192 ; keeper of Edinburgh castle, and three sheriffdoms of Lothian (1296), p. 225 ; receives stores for Edinburgh castle at Leith (Midsummer 1298), 997; indenture as to stores, &c., for Edinburgh ca.stle, 1014 ; directions by the K. how he and Sir Simon Eraser are to convey same, 1015; 1033; to make a foray, 1036; [with another], to lead the men of Northumberland to Roxburgh, 1351, 1356 (10) ; to muster Northumberland against the Scots who have risen in great force (June 1303), 1374; in Angus (1304), p. 365. Huntingdon Honour, K. John does homage for, 679. the canons of, send extracts from Chronicle^ p. 117. — - — Henry archdeacon of, his 'History,' pp. 113, 114, 115. Huntlande, le, Tynedale, 407. Hurderdale and Frestwode provostry (Dumfries- .shire), issues of (1303), \}. 426 ; mill of, ib. Husband, Alexander, 'prepositus' of Nairn, 543. Hutred, Gilmore son of, juror, 1619. Hyne. William, 147. Hynkerstane, Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 210. Hyrby. Sec Irby. Idiot.s, custody of lands of, claimed by the overlord, according to Scots law, 1870. Hishache (llleshache) in Redesdale, pp. 43, 44; toll from Scotsmen at, 46. Dlesdone (Redesdale), market of, p. 46. Impetrany, P-eter de, of Innerkethene, to have his lands again, 832. Inays (Ineys), William de (hom.), 730; (fealty), 785; seal, ih.; (hom.), p. 195. ' Incha Guala' (Inchegal), Spanish ship lost at, 288 ; plundered by Alan Radric, ih. ; islands of, in diocese of Sodor, 1717. Incheafrau, Prince of Wales at (19 April 1304), 1516. Friar Thomas, abbot of (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 134). Inchbeky,Murielde, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 21 3. Inche, John del, petitions the K. for the 'Can' of Crail, 880. Inchemartyn, Sir David de, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. — — Sir Henry de, prisoner, 742, 873 ; to serve the K. abroad, 942. Sir John de, prisoner, 742 ; mainperns 7 other Scotsmen, 940 ; swears to serve the K. in France, ih. ; mainperns (with others) 23 other Scots, 942 ; has safe conduct, 961; Scottish envoy to Canterbury, safe conduct for (March 1300-1), 1244; accounts (for sheriiT) for Pentecost farms of Glen Lyon INDEX. 639 and Dul, p. 439; as a Scottish Commissioner agi-ees to K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1691; sheriff of Perth (Sept. • 1305), 1691 (3) ; mainprise by, to produce the Steward of Scotland's son and heir Andrew, and the Earl of Athol's son John, to the K. (25 Aug. 1306), 1826 ; seal (PI. iii. 3). Inchemurthauc, the Bishop of St Andrews there (15, April 1306), 1822. Inchethot, farms of (1304), p. 439. Inchetorn' (Inchethor), Robert de (hom.), 730; prisoner, p. 177 ; swears to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Inge, William, counsel for Edw. I., p. 151 ; Sir William, a justice, 678 ; joint justice north of Forth (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2). Ingcram, 61. Ingle wood forest, 1 ; rights in ?, 17 ; 12 bucks given to Robert de Brus (1283). 243; 10 given (1285), 271 ; his trespass pardoned, 278 ; the Earl of Carrick's trespass pardoned and fines cancelled, 279 ; timber felled in, p. 284. Inhou, Roger de, p. 43. William of (robber), p. 45. Inrafrau, held by Alexander Comyn of the Earl of Buchan his brother, 1617. Inredovat, Gregoire de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Inrelanran, Gilbert de, of Dumbartonshire (hom.) p. 204 ; seal ? (App. iii. 587). Insulis (Insula, Isles), Alexander de, p. 225 ; ' f uiz Angus fuiz Dovenald, ' swears to keep peace, 622, 623; his seal, ib.; licence to, p. 148; 698; of Perthshire (hom.), p. 209; sends letters to the K., 878 ; letter to the K. reporting doings of some of the Island chiefs, 903 ; another as to Alexander of Argyll especially, 904 ; Juliana his wife's seal, ib. Angus 'fiz Dovenald des,' swears to keep peace, 622; his seal, ib.; licence to, p. 148 ; is with the K.'s fleet in Kentyre with Sir Hugh Biset, 1254 ; asks favour for Rodric's sons, ib. seal (App. iii. 631). Insula (Isle), John de, justice, 715 ; baron of Exchequer, 962, 1606 (10), 1634 ; Sir John del, joint justice of Lothian (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2) ; his fee, 1706 ; justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811 ; justice, to punish deserters (Feb. 1306-7), 1900 ; seal (App. iii. 515). John del, burgess of Inverkeithing(hom. ), 819, p. 198, Johan del, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Richard del, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), ]i. 201. Insula, Robert de, to show right to ferry on Tyne, p. 54. William de (1174), p. 117. Intercessions [at Perth ?] with 20 saints for the Prince and his army passing Perth bridge against the Scots (Jan. 1303-4), 1441. Inverin, granted by David I. to the priory of May, 1985 (4) ; confirmed by Malcolm IV., ib. (9). Inverkeithing, the Community of (hom.), 819 the common seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 198; ' burgesses of, lease the ' Can' of Crail, 880 the sheriff of Fife ignores their right, ib. Inverkip castle, to be besieged, 1224, 1235 Sir Thomas Randolph to be straitly kept there (July 1306), 1807. Inverlathan (lurelethan), the farm of, in lieu of K.'s carriages, pp. 425, 428 ; lands of Roger son of Avota in, p. 428. Inverlounan, Nicholas de, of Inchetor, prisoner, p. 177. Invernairn (Nairn), sheriffdom, farms of (Pentecost 1304), p. 438 ; farm of vill, from the burgesses, ib. Elias son of Gilbert .... of, 561. See Nairn. Inverness, farms of (Midsummer 1304), p. 438; 2 burgesses of, sent to arrest a vessel at Wick, p. 441. castle, 547, 560, 561, 639, 642. the castellan of, p. 124. Invei'peffre, Adam de, of Forfarshire (hom.), 730 ; p. 199 ; lands there restored to, 832. Sir Malcolm de, the sheriff, accounts for Auchterarder and Glendowiche, p. 439 ; deputy of the Chamberlain, holds an inquisi- tion at Perth (Sept. 1305), 1689; sheriff of Clackmannan and Auchterarder, 1691 (3) ; late sheriff of Clackmannan and Auchter- arder, sent to the Tower for rebelling -with Robert de Brus, &c. (Dec. 1306), 1858; allowed to sell his 2 horses, ib. Invirbervyn, barony of, leased by Robert de Brus to Sir John de Stilling (1291), 495. Invyrketheny (Banff), prebendal church, 1530. Inzeale, Odo, 312. William, 312. Ipswich, Bernard of, clerk, presentee to Gar- wald church, Glasgow diocese, hindered, 1454. Irby (Ireby), church of, p. 16. Aldun de, 81. Isac de, p. 16. John de, pp. 37, 51. Thomas de, claims debt under a deed 640 INDEX. gi-anted in Scotland, by English law, 968 ; plea sustained, ib. Irby, Master William de, co-executor of Robert de Brus the Competitor's will, 706. Ireland, the justices, &c., of, to purvey ' hobe- ' lars,' victuals, and wine for the array of Scotland (by Midsummer, 1300), 1128; pro- visions, wine, and fish ordered from, to Skynburufsse near Carlisle, and the island of Arran, for the Scottish war (of 1301), 1193; stores from, for Scottish war, to be sent to Skynburness and Ayr (Nov. 1301), 1260; the provisions from, for Skynburness and Ayr, to be sent to S. only, and the vessels to avoid the coasts of Ayr or Galloway (5 April 1306), 1753. David de, prisoner, p. 177. John de, to serve the K. beyond seas, 912. Patrick of, hanged for housebreaking at Forfar, p. 190. Ralph of, p. 190. Robert de, of Stirlingshire (hom. ), p. 205. (Ibernia), Walter de, his cattle driven, p. 192. Irngrey, Heniy, p. 36. Iron and coal bought and tools made at Glas- gow and Dunipace (1301), 1271. Irskyn, John de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 204. Irwyn (Irvine), the lands of, in Conygham, 824 (6). the capitulation at (July 1297), 908, 909, 910 ; burgh farm of (1303), p. 425 ; rent of the De Ferrars and La Zouche land in, p. 429 ; the seneschal of the Household at (23 Jan. 1301-2), 1281. Isabelsone, Gefifray, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Iselbek, Gilbert de (dead), p. 172 ; his lands there, ib. ; his sou John w ith the Bishop of Moray in Scotland, ib. Isles of Scotland, ' the husbandes and mesne ' people ' of the, to be received to peace (June 1301), 1204. Itinerary of Edward I., Nov. and Dec. 1292, p. 153. Ivetta, Thomas, son of, 1313. Ivo, Geoffry son of, 24. Robert son of, 24. Jak', Bartholomew, Florentine, 117. Jar', Rogier _dc, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 214, Jar', Thomas de, 'provender' of Ros (hom.) p. 204. Jardine, Sir Humphrey de (in English pay), p. 283; his esquires, ib. William de (forfeited), 1042; his land in Lostewait and Camberton, ib. See Gardino. Jarewelle, the neifs of, 410. Jargon, William, burgess of Dumfries, and in K.'s service, complains of extortions and oppressions by the sheriff, 1526. Jarin, John de, clerk, accounts to receiver for rents of Ayr, pp. 425, 428-9. Jarrow, John son of Gerard of, shipmaster, 1266. Jarum, Pieres de, parson of Killos [Kells, Bann. Club], Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 212. Friar William de, canon of Jeddeworthe, 839. William de, of Roxburghshire (hom.) p. 202. Jaye, Friar Brian le. Preceptor of the Temple, gift of oaks to, 519 ; Master of the Scottish Temple, 635; Master of the English Temple, 839. See Temple, Preceptor of the. Jedburgh (Jeddeworthe, Geddeworthe), out- rages at, 148, pp. 43,44; tenement in, claimed against Earl of Warwick, &c., 1717; farms of (Martinmas 1304), p. 440; the Community of (hom.), p. 197 ; seal (PL iv. 7); the foresters of, 1626; forest, timber asked in 1626, 1868; a boundary, 1969. the church of St Mary of, p. 53. Abbey, illegally stripped of lead by Richard Hastang, 1727. the Abbot of, 5, 103, p. 51 ; disputes with William de Belingham as to pasture, &c., and agi-eement, pp. 52, 53, 175; 631; attests K. John's homage, 660 ; seal (App. iii. 136), accounts for the papal tithe of Glasgow, 1027; offers to keep Jeddeworth castle for five marks yearly, 1047; complains of the constalde, 1048; envoy to France (1299), 1071; asks 20 oaks in Plateir forest to repair Rosteneth, 1428 ; granted 20 oaks to repair the church, &c., burned, 1704; petitions for the second tithes of Forfar and Montrose, in money, escheats, &c. , belong- ing to Rostinot, 1724 ; and that Richard Hastang restore the lead of his church, &c., 1727; 1969. Abbots of : Nicholas (deceased a7ite 1279), pp. 52, 53; John [Morel] (hom.), 817; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 196; seal (PI. v. 6); Friar J., late abbot, his retirement reported to the K. (Sept. 1296), 839; Friar William de Jarum prior, elected and pre- sented to the K., 836, 837; vice John Morel INDEX 641 resigned, ib. ; Friar William de Jaiuin, abbot elect, to have temporalities on doing fealty, 839; asks credence for his canon, 969; John, envoy to France (1302), 1301. Jedburgh, Osbert, prior of {temp. David I.), 1985 (2). Friar AVilliam, sub-prior of, presents the Abbot elect to the K., 836, 837. Robert de, parson of Carmichael (Ker- myghkel), Lanarkshire (horn.), p. 210; seal (App. iii. 605). castle, Edmund the K.'s brother in (Juno 1291), p. 130; 537, 539, 547, 560, 575, 593, 637 ; offer to maintain and repair it at 10 marks yearly, 1047 ; the constable com- plained of, 1048; daily pay and number of garrison, p. 317; garrison of, 1324 (4), 1337. Jersey, Richard of the Isle of, butler of the Prince of Wales, 1575. Jessemuth, Adam de, first husband of Christiana de Brus, 826. See Gesemuth. Jetour, William le, to intercept the Scots envoys at Dam if possible, 1071, 1237. See Getour. Jewels, relics, &c., 4 coffers of, found in Edin- burgh castle, and sent from Berwick to Westminster (Sept. 1296), 840 ; inventory of, 1280, 1434. Joen (Joefne), Adam le, 1457. John le, 151. Michael, captain of the vessels from Sandwich, petitions for their wages, 1425. Thomas le (of Berwick), p. 130 ; Jordan his son ih. Johanna, Queen of Scotland, grants for the soul's weal of, 177. Johanna, late Queen Consort of France, masses and prayers for her soul ordered in the 10 dioceses of Scotland and the orders of St Augustine, Mary of Mount Carmel, and the Minorites (April 1305), 1661. Johanna, the K.'s daughter, widow of Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester, dead (before 3 June 1307), 1936. John, K. of England, his death, p. 116. John de Balliol, K. of Scotland, letters of general release to Edward I., 657 ; the same (under the seal, of his magnates), 658 ; indenture as to the writings attesting his homage and fealty, &c. , depo.sited in the Treasury at Westminster, 660; inrinisitions as heir of late K. Alexander in Tyndale, Pen- rith, &c., 664, 665 ; his letter to Edward I., 668 ; Tyndale delivered to him, 669 ; par- doned 3000A of relief for his mother's lands VOL. II. in Scotland, 670 ; his debts at Exchequer attermed, 671 ; homage for his English lands, 679 ; his denial of justice to two of his subjects notarially attested, 680 ; ap- points attorneys, 681; cited to answer to John Mazun's claim at Westminster on the Morrow of Ascension, (1294), 685, 686; his grant of 50Z. land in Tyndale to the see of Durham, 691 ; at the New Temple, ib. ; also of Penrith and five other Cumberland manors for the then Bishop's life, 692; he, with eighteen of his magnates, summoned to London against the K. of France, 695; writes to the K. on behalf of the burgesses of Berwick, 697; letters from Edward L to him, 714 ; his own and his subjects' English lands ordered to be seized, 718 ; his treaty with Philip K. of France, 719, 720, 721; renounces his extorted allegiance to Edward L, 722 ; extents of his lands seized, 736; surrenders Scotland and people, 754 ; and his great seal, ib. ; abjures the league with France and confesses his sins against Edward L , in the cemetery of Stracathro, p. 194 ; and resigns his kingdom and royal seal at Brechin next day, ib. ; late K. of Scotland, named, 856. John (of Crema) Cardinal legate, holds a coun- cil at Perth (1201), p. 116. Peter, son of 45. William le fiz, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom.), p. 198. Joneby, Robert de, coroner of Cumberland, absent from duty, with Prince's Army (Aug. 1301), 1216 ; juror, 664 ; sherifiF of Dumfries (Aug. 1296), 824 (4) ; Sir Robert de, on a foray in Dumfriesshire (Jan. 130.3-4), 1437. Jonessone, Wautier, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Jonestone, Elias de, 1975. Jonestone, Gilbert de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810 ; seal (App. i. 1 (7)), p. 210. - — Sir Johan de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 329). Thomas de of Eoxburghshire (hom.), p. 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (43)). Jugeor (Jugger), Andrew le (hom.), 730, 816 ; p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 475). Jnlers, Monsieur William de, envoy from Bra- bant, conduct for, 1512. Julian, William, father of, inquisition of his land, 1350; Julian his daughter and heir, ib. Juliana, Patrick son of, juror, 1486. Justices, four 'pair' of, appointed for Scot- land (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2). 2 S 642 INDEX. Kaerwyndlo (Karewandelowc, Lydel), p. 64. Ailam de, )>. 64; "William his son, ib. 'Kalendare,' the, of Tyudale, p. 53. Kan, Sir Dovenald le liz, has a 101. annuity from Scottish Exchequer in lieu of land granted him by John de Balliol (April 1305), 1664. Gibbone fitz, troops provided by, 1049. See also Can. Karlatton, 664. Karleton, Kichard de, to levy 20 of the Prior of Carlisle's men to pursue Robert de Brus, 1902. Karliol. See Carlisle. Karir, Adam of, monk of Holyrood, 1052. Karreu, Sir Nichole de, 1004. See Carreu. Katkledy (Lydel), p. 19. Kayr, Thomas, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Kayrus, Roger, 16. Keith (Kethe, Keet), Alisaundre de, persone of Hodolme Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 202; seal (App. iii. 483). Sir Bernard de, juror, 824 (2, 6); repaid money lent to Aymar de Valence (June 1307), 1942. Edward de, valet, has a grant of what he may gain on Sir William le Walays, the K.'a enemy, 1424; Isabella de Synton his wife, hereditary sheriff of Selkirk, 1681 ; they petition the K., ib. ; her descent ti'aced, ib. Master John de, 342; clerk of the ' Pre- bend,' 461. Sir Robert de, appointed warden of Selkirk forest by the rebel Guardians (Aug. 1299), 1978; a dangerous rebel, to be transferred from Carlisle to Nottingham castle (Aug. 1300), 1147, 1148; sent to Bristol, ib., 1159; prisoner, cost of sending him to Berwick (1301-2), 1602; petitions the K. to con- firm the ward of Andrew de Crawford's two daughters, which he bought from K. John, 1406; also for the land of Colbeynstoun which he bought from two sisters before the war (Martimas 1303), 1409; dines with Prince of "Wales at Perth (Candlemas 1303-4), 1516; as a Scottish commissioner, agrees to K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1691 ; a justice north of Forth, ib. (2); his fee, 1706; one of the 4 deputy wardens of Scotland till John of Britanny's arrival (16 Feb. 1305-6), 1745 ; his mainprise with 2 others, for William bishop of St Andrews (22 June), 1788; in K.'s service in Scotland, 1871; in K.'s service (15 May 1307), 1927; paid at Glasgow (24 June), ib. ; at Lanark (28 June), ib. ; with Aymar de "Valence near Ayr (18 July), 1955 ; purchases ward and mari'iage of Thomas de Melkedrum, 1983. Keler (Kelor, Kelloure), Sir Ranulph de (hom. ), 730; fealty, 800; seal, ib.; of Forfarshire (hom.), pp. 196, 199; his lands restored, 832. Kelinthorp (Driffield), 406. Kellawe, vill of, Berwickshire, held by late Sir William de Moray of Bothwell, of the Earl of March, 1178. William de, the K. of Scotland's bailiff, p. 29. Kelliu, the 'sire' of, 1985 (3, 9); the waste- of, ib. (19). Malmure, thane oi[tcmp. David I.), 1985 (3). Kellum (Driffield), 406. ' Kellys, les ' (Galloway), Scots insurgents at (Sept. 1301), 1225. Kelshowe, Hughde, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 400). Kelso, mass before the Prince of Wales, &c. Pentecost (1303), 1413. Abbot of, 270, p. 175; debt and main- tenance for life claimed from him, 377; 651 ; received to peace (Sept. 1300), 1154; to re- ceive back his monk who had been quartered at Norwich during the war, 1744. Abbots of, Ernald {temi). David L ), 1985 (2, 6); Richard (hom.), 817, p. 196; seal (PI. V. 5), a rebel and enemy, abandons his church, 1087; the chapter petition Edward L to elect a successor, ib. ; the custos of, conge d'elire to, 1087. Friar Peter, monk of, allowed to return, 1744 ; being a Gray Friar, the Norwich service did not suit him, ib. Keltun, vill of (GaUoway), 824 (4). Kelwiny, Isaac de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal? (App. i. 2 (74)). Kemesing, Robert de, clerk, 341. Kemestone (Kempstone), granted to Aliauora de Balliol, 161; lands in, held by Richard de Brus, 312 ; extent of, 405 ; John de Balliol's rents, &c., p. 171; granted to Cristiana de Brus for life, 826, 828 ; extent of John de Balliol's late manor of, 1024; one-third of, leased to Roger de Hegham for 7 j'-ears (July 1306), 1804, 1837. ' Kenauthe,' le, pertaining to Roo castle, 847. Kendale, Adam of, 190. Hugh de, 256, 257. Kenenmuthe, William de, K. 's tenant, Linlith- gowshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 383). Kenetemere, John de, 16. INDEX. 643 Kenilworth castle, Scottish prisoners in, p. 177; (1298), 985, llp8, 1326, 1610. Kenle, Master John de, receives hay, 1446. Kenedy (Kennedy), Su- Alexander, canon of Glasgow (horn.), p. 194 ; Mr Alexander, canon of Glasgow, lends AjTuar de ValeQce 20Z. for the K.'s affixirs (9 Sept. 1303), 1392. Sir Hugh, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; p. 203; seal (App. iii. 160); received by the Steward of Scotland, p. 225; comes to K.'s peace (1296), p. 226. Kenneth MacAlpine, combat with Edgar, pp. 112, 114. Kenreston manor (Durham), forfeited by the late Christopher de Seton's rebellion, granted (4 Oct. 1306), 1841; held in dower by Ermina his mother, ib. Kenros, Robert de, of Forfarshire (hom. ), p. 205. Kent, Robert de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal, ib. ; (hom. ), p. 204. Robert of, vallet of James de Dalilegh 1939. Kenteys, Henry (of Garesendene), 10. Kentyre, claimed fby Malcolm le Engleys, p. 225; the K.'s fleet at, 1253. Kenyn, Pieres, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 206. Ker (Kerre), Andrew del, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 210. Archibald, juror, 1436. Henry, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203. Nicol, of Pebbleshire (hom.), p. 207. Richard, 149. Thomas, 9, 10. William of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199; juror 824 (6). Kerd, Gilfolan (a mariner), 55. Kerdernesse [Cardoness], Johan de, of Dum- friesshire (hom.), p. 211. Keres, Aleyn de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206. Kereseye, Adam de, 1222. Kergille, Wauter de, of Perthshire (hom, ), p. 212. Keringtone, Wautier, de, parson of Dunnotre in Kincardineshire (hom. ), p. 214. Kerryk. See Carrick. Kersterne, Alexander of (beheaded), p. 45. KersweUe, Roger de, valet (his hackney), 1101. Kerwardyn, Henry of, mason's vallet, 1536. Keu, Cristin le, of Stratherne, Scotsman, in Carlisle prison, 1572. John le, prisoner, p. 177 ; a felon, his horse sold, p. 264 ; prisoner, 1100, 1379. Philip le, 149. Mestre Richard le, tenant of the Bishop ofSt Andi-ews in Fife (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 481). Keu, William le. Bishop of St Andrews tenant, of Edinburghshire (hom), p. 205; seal (App, iii. 500). William le, of KnoUe, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 447). Keyr, Sir Thomas, knight (fealty), p. 124; Thomas, juror (of Fife), 824 (5). Kidelowe, Henry de, of Edinburgshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 240). Kighle, Henry de, joint justice north of Forth, his fee, 1706. Kil, the men of, at the K.'s peace (Oct. 1301), 1236. Kilbolk (Lanarkshire), miU of, farm of (1304), p. 428. Kilbride castle (Scotland), 401. Druwet de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 213. Gilbert de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; pp. 203, 204. Reginald of, 89. Kildrummy castle, to be placed in responsibl hands (Sept. 1305), 1691 (9) ; just taken (13 Sept. 1306), 1829 ; prisoners' names, ib. Kilkedavena, Gilbert parson of, Perthshire (hom.), p. 208. Kilmarnock church, presentation to, 1090, 1104. (Kilmernou) Reynaud de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 527). Kilmoneth, William de K.'s tenant, Perth- shire (hom.), p. 202. Kilpatric, vicarage of, 1238. Nigel de, prisoner, p. 177; 985, 1099, 1158, 1326, 1610. Stevene de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 198 ; seal ? (App. iii. 210). William, of Vaudemund (? Yau d'Anand) prisoner, 873. See Kirkpatrick. Kilpuc, John de, K.'s tenant of Linlithgowshii-e (hom.), p. 201 ; seal App. i. 3 (15). Kilros, ilalcolm de, freed from Rochester castle to serve the K. beyond seas, 939. Kilroy (?), forest of, oaks from given to Tor- phichen, 833. Kilsyth, held of the Earl of Fife, for service of 10 archers, 1457. Kilwynin, Abbot of, Bernard (hom.), p. 196 ; seal (App. iii. 137). Kimile, Perthshire, 1108. Kined. See Kenneth. Kyncardin (Kincardine) (Teste), 91. (Kylkardyn) castle, 547, 587, 641. on Xeel, Wautier, master of the hospital of (hom. ), p. 212. Kindelow, William de, juror, 824 (5). Kinemunthe (Kynnemuthe), Odo (Eudo) de, p. 644 INDEX. 130; tenant of the Bishop of St Andrews in Fife (horn.), p. 205. Kinemunthe, William de, K.'s tenant, Edin- burghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal? (App. iii. 383). King, Hugh, juror, 163. Kingesbrigge (Carlisle), p. 36. Kingesheued, Sir "Walter de, on raid against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Kingesmedburue, manor of, 169, 172. Kingestone (Kyngestone) manor (Kent), stock on, 591; extent of, p. 174. John de, constable and sheriff of Edin- burgh, to receive the men of the county to peace, 1031; his appointment, 1033 ; Simon Fraser to assist him on a foray, when required, 1034 ; constable of Edinburgh, takes allegiance of the Abbot of Holyrood, 1052 ; with the Earl of Dunbar to hold in- quiry on the outrages by Herbert de Morham on Joanna countess of Fife (April 1299), 1066; his retinue, 1132; 1165 ; has liferent of half the land of Balencrefe from Henry de Pinkeny, 1199, 1201; writes to the K. as to the engines, &c., shipped for him (Oct. 1301), 1237 ; empowered to receive 'middle men' of Scotland to peace (May 1301), 1244 ; at Bothwell, 1271; agrees to keep castle and sheriffdom of Edinburgh with 30 men-at- arms and 40 crossbowmen and archers (until Pentecost, 1302), 1286, 1290 ; to keep Edinburgh castle (Sept. — Christmas 1302) with 41 men-at-arms and 40 foot [names endorsed], 1321 (5) ; seal, ih. ; appointed to survey works at Linlithgow, 1321 (15); sheriff of Edinburgh (1302), his force, 1324 (8), 1337; to provide timber for the engines at Edinburgh castle, 1475; 1600 ; constable (Sept. 1305), 16911(5); fees, &c., 1707; one of 4 deputy wardens of Scotland till John of Brittany's arrival (16 Feb. 1305-6), 1745. Nicholas de, 265 ; Johanna his daughter, ih. Sir "Walter de, receives hay, 1446. an engine called, 1599. Kingorn (Kyngorn), 1624 ; [and others], free warren granted to Abbot of Dunfermline in, 1653. Master William de, rector of Lyston (hom. ), p. 194 ; parson of Lystoue, Linlith- gowshire (hom.), p. 211; seal (App. iii. 150). William de, parson of Kiltierne, Inver- ness-shire (hom.), p. 210. Kininmund, Adam de, of Fife, juror. 1350. Kinkeldores, farm of (1304),'p. 428 ; in Simon Eraser's barony of Castle Oliver, ih. Kinloss, the Abbot of (fealty), p. 125. Kinros (Kynros) {teste), 219 ; the Prince at (25 Nov. 1303, 14, 19 Feb. 1303-4), 1516 ; the 'heritable' sheriff appointed to (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3). Sir Aco de (fealty), 124 ; of Perthshire (hom.), p. 209. Herbert de, juror, 1592. Sir John de, 472 ; John hi.s son and heir, ib.-y of Forfarshire (hom.) p. 199 ; seal (App. iii. 281) ; royal message to, 884. Sir John de, ' le fuiz,' (hom.), p. 195. Malcolm de, juror, 1689. Master Mathew de, archdeacon of Dun- keld, ordered to be released of ransom of 200?., 1273 ; Dean of Dunkeld, commended by the K. to several cardinals at Rome (Aug. 1304), 1573 ; safe conduct, 1574. Thomas de, 48, 98 ; his grant from Henry III., 284. Kintore (Kyntorr), the burgesses account for the old farm (at Pentecost, 1304), p. 438 ; the keeper of the forest of, to give the Bishop of Aberdeen 30 oaks, 1506; 1709. Kintowar, John de, of Perthshire (hom. ), j). 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (31)). Wautier de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (23)). Kirk, John de, clerk, 231, 235. Kirkaldy (Kyrcaldyn), the free burgh of, fair and market asked in, 1623 ; free warren, ih. ; one of the most ancient burghs in Scotland, ib. ; fair and market granted at, 1653. Kirkaudres (Kyrkandres), 28 ; p. 172; 304"; lands in (forfeited), 1042 ; land in, trans- ferred without leave by Christopher de Seton, 1717. Kirkebride, Richard de, 21, 28 ; Richard son of, ib., p. 37; (deceased), 50, 51; ward of his son given to John Comyn, ih. , 50. Richard de (the son), pp. 64, 66 ; his plea with Robert de Brus senior and wife, p. 150 ; Sir Richard de (on a raid in Galloway), p. 283; 1140. Kirkby (Kyrkby), Adam de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207 ; lands restored to, p. 226. John de, sheriff of Northumberland, 1021. Ralph de, clerk, 1119. Kirk Coneval (Kirkconnel), Andrew of, juror, 1619. Thomas de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 198; lands in Dumfriesshire restore to, 832 ; juror, 1588, 1619. INDEX. 645 Kirkcudbnglit(Kirkodbnght) castle, 520, 547, 550, 572, 574, 576, 580, 582, 589. Master Adam of, 110 ; Henry brother of, ib.; parson of Conington, 222 ; parson of Edenhale, p. 150. Martin, parson of, 1606 (7). William of, master of the hospital of Turrithe, Banffshire (hom. ), p. 211. William of (outlaw), p. 35. Kirkeby (K3-rkeby), in Kendale, castle and manor of, extent, 16 ; fulling mill of, 16. — — Moresheui'd, p. 19. Stephan, manor of, 169, 172. Kirkedale, Michael de, juror, Dumfriesshire 824 (4). Kirkeham (Kyrkeham), the Prior of, 144, p. 44 ; dispute as to Carham march, 275 ; petitions the K. as to encroachments at Carham, 291. J. de, 210, 290. Kirketon church, diocese of St Andrews, English presentee to, 1017. Adam de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 208. Adam de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 213 ; seal (App. iii. 492). Alexander de, 93. William de, 138 ; John his son and heir, ib. William de, valet, 989. Kirkintilloch (Kirkontolaghe) castle, garrison of, 1324 (10) ; a raid ordered to be made by, (Sept. 1302), 1328. Alexander de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), 812 ; p. 204 ; his lands restored, 853. Kirk Levyngton, manor of, 731; land in, acquired by Robert Tj'Uol from Patrick de Trompe, 1609. Kirkoswald, pp. 37, 39. Pierres de, swims the Tweed, naked, to Norham, with letters in his hair, for relief of Berwick, 1877. Reyner de, 51, 71. Kirkpatrick on Clyde, diocese of Glasgow, Eng- lish presentee to, 1000. Durand (Dumfries.shire), 1702, 1703. in Galloway, given to Alexander de Balliol of Cavers (c. 1298), 1630. provostry of, issues of (in 1303), p. 426; mill of, ib. John de, p. 151; Margery his wife, ib.; their rights in Torpennou disputed, ib. Johan de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 206; Sir John (his horse), 1007. Sir Roger'de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.). 810 ; seal (App. i. 1 (3)) ; (hom.), p, 210 ; royal message to, 884; (his horse at Falkirk), 1011; 1256; joint justice of Galloway (Sept. 1305), 1691 (2) ; his fee, 1706. Kirkpatric, William de (of Annandale), pri- soner, 742. See also Kilpatrick. Kithehilt, Thomas de, of Wigton shire (hom.), p. 205. Knapdale, land of, 1255. Knapptone, William of, 1313. Knaresdale church, advowson sold to John Wyscard, 335 ; his presentee admitted, 338. Knight, Richard the, 1606 (11). Knockedolyan (Knoudolyan)-en-Carrigg, 1222. Johan de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 575). Knokyntynnone, William de, of Invernesshire (hom.), p. 210. Knout, Adam, p. 172; burgess of Roxburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197. John, burgess of Roxburgh (hom.), 820; pp. 197, 199. Isabele, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200. (Knut), Richard, 316, 333; sheriff of Northumberland, reports seizing Douglas and Wicharde's lands, 365; Sir Richard, sheriff of Northumberland, Queen Alianora writes to him, 395 ; he asks a safe conduct to Scotland, 408 ; summoned to appear before the Guardians, 411; complaint to the K. of his usage by the constable of Roxburgh, 418; payments to his executors, 565. Knyghton, Nicol de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 199. ' Korduan', cargo of, in a wreck, 289. Koule (Coul), Aberdeen, the Countess of Fife's, 1108. Kuere, Johau de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 209. William de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Kyldare castle, &c., granted to Edw. I. by William de Vescy, 895. Kyldunham, Barth.domew de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204 ; seal (App. iii. 322). Kylros, abbot of, Gilbert (hom. ), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 126). Kymbrighara (Kynbriggham), Johan de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Johan fitz Wautier de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 205. Kyme, Sir Simon de, sheriff of York, 1376. Kymmoke, Gilbert de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. KjTiard (Kynnard), Ralf de (hom.), 730; 646 INDEX. (fealty), 802; seal, ib.\ (hom.), pp. 196; of Perthshire, (horn.) 202; seal (App. i. 3(16)). Kynavd, Richard de, of Fife (hom.), p. 214. Kynbuk, Maucoluui de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (12). Kynburne, Johan dc, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Kyndelloche, William de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204; seal (App. iii. 220). Kynel, Friar Herbert de, ' frater conversus ' of Edinburgh, carpenter, works at K.'s chamber Stirling (April— June 1304), 1599. Kynemore, Johan de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 211; his lands in Stirlingshire, restored, 832. Kyuer, Sir John de (hom. ), 730. Kynespinedy, Maucolum de, of Fifeshire hom.), p. 202; tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Fife (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 191). Kyngarth, Thomas de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (24)). Kyngessyde, Richard de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Kynglas, Mathew of, burgess of Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198. Kynkelle, disocese of Aberdeen, English pre- sentee to, 1000. Kynmoneth, John de (hom.), 730. Kynpunte, John de, lauds in Linlithgowshire restored, 832. Kyphope, Constance de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203. Kyrneshale, Master Walter de. Master of Balliol college, 326. Lacy, de. See Lincoln, Earl of. Lader, Richard, prisoner, Stirling, 1668. Laghlan (Ayrshire), rent of land of (1304), p. 428. Laghten, Henri de, of Dumeler in Tweedale, prisoner, 1668, 1674. La Ferted, Robert de, 1606 (11). Laghmauoveny, William de, of Fife (hom.). p. 204. Lakeuheued (Lageuheuede), Gilbert de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), 808, p. 200. Wautier de, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 214. Lamb, Adam, parson of Foulisworthe, Ber- wickshire (hom.), p. 212. Cecilia (of Galloway) and her men, &c., come to England, 1104. Nicol, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. Lambard, Grisius, a merchant of the PuUici, &c., in York, to ba rrested and questioned 1740. Lambatres, John of, 46; Thomas his brother, ih. - Lainberton (Lambretone) Adam de, of Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 206. Adam de, a rebel slain, p. 429 ; son of William de L. (Ayrshire) ib. ; goods of, ih. Sir Alexander de (hom.), p. 195; of Forfarshire (hom.), pp. 199, 209, seal (App. iii. 161); his (Forfarshire) lands restored, 853 ; prisoner in Edinburgh castle (Aug. 1304), 1586; Sir Alexander de, accounts (for sheriff) for Forfar, p. 439 ; a juror, 1670. John de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), 822, p. 209 ; royal message to, 884. Johan de, K.'s tenant of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. i. 3 (35)). Richard de, deceased, 801; John son of, ih. ; to deliver wheat at Stirling castle, ih. • Robert de, vicar of Wallestone, Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 212. Wautier de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Master William de, chancellor of Glasgow (hom.), p. 212. Sec St Andrews, Bishop of. William de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. AVilliam de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Lambynby, John de Setou's claim of free warren disallowed in, p. 157, 1091; forfeited by Christopher de Seton, 1775; 1861, 1894. Lambingestone (Lamygton), William de, (hom.), 730; prisoner, p. 177. William son of Robert de, prisoner, 1013. William son of William de, prisoner, p. 177. Lamby (Lanibyn), Gilbert, juror, 1350. Jolin, juror, 1350 ; burgess of St Andrews, 1646 ; p. 441. Lampreys, nets for catching, restricted in Cumberland, p. 38 ; 13 dozen at 9s. a dozen, sent from Lincoln to the K, at Stirling, 1568. Lanark, Scottish Parliament at (Candlemas 1293-4), 684 ; p. 165. the sheriff of, killed in insurrection of the Scots (1297), 1597; force keeping the shire, 1324 (7); 1337; burgh farm of, p. 424; compotus of county (1303-4), pp. 423-4; (1304-5), pp. 427-9; burgh farm of (1304), p. 428; justice ayre of the sheriff of, p. 440; the Earl of Carrick sheriff of, 1420, 1658; the Bishop of Chester and Council at (15 May 1307) 1927, 1928. INDEX. 647 Lanark, William of, 1119. Lancaster, levy of 2000 men from (Oct. 1299), 1092. Earl of, Sir Thomas (his horse at Falkirk, by the K.'s gift),^1011; military summons to attend the Prince of Wales (at Midsummer 1301), 1191; with Prince of Wales at Perth, &c. (Dec— April 1303-4), 1516; in the Scots war (1306), 1789; the K.'s nephew, pardon of his own and his late father Edmund's debts to the merchants of Lucca (Nov. 1306), 1847. Adam de, 10. Henry of, p. 190 ; Sir Henry de, brother of the Earl of L. , has a horse by the K. 's gift at Falkirk, 1011 ; dines at Perth with Prince of Wales (23 Feb. 1303-4), 1516. Sir John de, banneret, on a Scottish raid, 1081 ; p. 283. Thomas de, juror, 16. Lancestone, to aid with other Cornish towns equipping a vessel for the Scots war (1303), 1357. Landplou, Sir John de, on raid to Glentrool after Robert de Brus (19-30 April), p. 512. Landuho, Welsh levies from, 984. Lanercost, the Prior of, asks Hautwysel church, to compensate their damages (Jan. 1306-7), 1891 ; the Abbot of Arbroath objects, 1892 ; the K. gives the Prior the churches of Mitford and Carlaton (17 March), 1911. Laneta, William vicar of, warden of ISTorth Berwick (hom. ), p. 208. Lanfare, Parva, church of, p. 131. Langchestre, Sir Adam de, canon of Jedde- Avorthe, 969. Lange, William, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Langedon farm, p. 5. Langeford, Thomas de, clerk, prays to be confirmed in Kynkel church, Aberdeen, 1725. Langemor, John de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205. Johan fiz Johan de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 210, Robert de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201. Langerun, Pagan of, 690. Langetone, Aleyn de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 210 ; seal (App. iii. 672) ; burgess of Berwick, 1639. _._.John de, Chancellor, 663; writs to, 705, 707, 710, 711, 72.5, 727, 732, 745, 769, 850, 859, 874, 881, 898 ; to issue Brian fitz Alan's commission as Guardian of Scotland, 941 ; 943, 947, 970, 973, 992, 995, 998, 1000, 1003, 1008, 1017, 1020, 1054, 1058, 1059, 1064, 1090, 1125, 1142; the K. tells him and John de Benstede that the truce with Scot- land is not renewed, to hurry the military summonses, and amend the letter to the Pope (April 1301), 1198 ; 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1222, 1242, 1248, 1252, 1258; to prepare amicable letters of credence to th Pope for Albert the K.'s confidential valet, 1259; 1265, 1270, 1273, 1274, 1295, 1297. 1299, 1305, 1335, 1336 ; seal (App. iii. 454) Langetone, John vicar of, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203; seal ; (App. iii. 455). Patrick of, 1178. Rauf de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. iii. 208). « Sir Walter de, dean of Bruges, 485, 486; accounts, in the Wardrobe 647, 548; keeper, 656 ; Treasurer, 724 ; seal (App. iii. 497. Langhild, Gervays de, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 213. Langland (Lydel), p. 19. Langrig, Thomas de, 51. Langwathby 146, p. 36; 664. Richard de, 706. Lanyn (Lany) Johan de, of Perthshire (hom p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (37)); juror, 1592. Johan de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 213. Lard, Cristin de, prisoner, 877; sent to Berwick (1301-2), 1602. Sec Ard, del. Lardere, Henry del, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 558). Wauter du, of Lichtethe, prisoner, 1668. Lardiner, Michael le, burgess, Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198; K.'s tenant of Linlith w shire (hom.), pp., 201, 202; lands Linlithgowshire, restored to, 832. William le, burgess of Stirling (hom. 813, p. 197. Larmeurer, Symon, prisoner, Exeter, 1668, 1674. Lascalerike, Simon de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 236). Lascelles (Laceles, Lachelys), Alan de, p. 34. Alan de, prisoner, p. 178; freed from prison on mainprise, 940. Johan de, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Fife (hom.), p. 205; juror, 1350 ; seal (App. iii. 434). Ralph de, 424, p. 172; Isabella de Uppesale his wife, ih. ; Sir Rauf de, attorney, 635; (fealty), 752; of Edinburghshire (hom.), P- 213; .seal (PI. ii. 19) ; deceased, 648 INDEX. 1869, 1870; Ralph his son and heir, an idiot, ih. ; holds Balmonethe, &c. , in Fife of the Earl of Buchan, ih. ; ward given to Sir William le Vavasour and questioned by the Earl as overlord, ih. Lascelles, Richard de, of Fife (honi.), \>. 204. Robert de, 71, p. 59. Robert, son of William de, prays his wages for serving beyond the ' Mountz', 1555. — — Roger de, 83. William de (hom.), 730, p. 195. William de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Lascy, John de, chancellor of Chichester, 485, 486. Laskreske, William de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Lastalrygge, Adam personc of the church of, Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 202. Johan de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 374). Latham (Berwick), farms of K.'s lands of (1304), p. 440. Lathum, Henry de, a Lancashire rebel and adherent of the Scots, forfeited, 972. Robert de, to levy 1000 Lancaster men to pursue Robert de Brus (19 March 1306-7), 1913. Latimer, Sir John le, finds a man for his Scottish lands, 1321 (11). Sir Thomas, tenders homage to the K. for Ardrossan, deceitfully, 1615. Sir William le, expenses of raid to Galloway (July 1299), p. 283 ; letter to, p. 284 ; pay, p. 317 ; captain on the March, orders payment for a raid on the Scots, 1081 ; keeper of Berwick, 1165 ; indenture by, to keep Berwick castle, town, and county till Pentecost 1301, with 30 men-at- arms, and 200 foot, 1171 ; senior, cannot escort the Scottish envoys back, 1244 ; to ride from Roxburgh on the Marches with 20 men-at-arms (1 Sept. 1302), 1321 (11) ; his force at Roxburgh, 1324; 'lepere,' in peril of his life at Roxburgh (Jan. 1302-3), 1341; senior, V\.iQQ ; 'le peer' (the late), held Ardrossan of late Sir John de St John, 1615. — — William le, junior, 1091; Lucia his wife, ih.\ strictinstructionsby the K. to him and others going on a ' chivauchee ' from Dun- fermline across Forth to the ' Torres,' 1432; pay to, 1762; Christopher Seton's manor of Lambynby, &c., given to him (26 May 1306), 1775. Latinus, Cardinal lord, his fee, 463. Lauder (Laweder), one-third of the vill and valley of, Alan la Zuche's, 824 (2); castle, Richard de Moreville's (temp. Hen. IL), p. 117. Rauf master of the hospital of, Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 212. 'Lavendere,' Alice, the Queen's, sent to Berwick for her delivery, 1511; Walter de Hereford her husband, ih. ; her 4 months' expenses while in child-bed there, ih. Laumansone, John, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 204. Laundeles (Landeles), Fieskums de, of Rox- burghshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (42)). Jone de, of Roxburghshire (lioni. ), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 456). Walter de, prisoner, p. 177, 1097, 1283; 1294; sent to Berwick, ih. Laund Morgund forest, 28 oaks given in, to rebuild church of DufTus, 1629 ; 1709; 200 oaks given to Reginald le Chen, 1736. Lauren, Davi fiz, juror, 1343. Laurinetone, Henry vicar of, Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 208. La we (Lanarkshire), vill of, farm (1304), p. 427. Lawson, Richard, of Bigre, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Laysingby, prison of, broken, p. 39. Adam son of Martin of, p. 35; Adam his son, ih. Lead for the siege of Stirling, to be stripped from churches, &c. , about Perth and Dun- blane, 1504. Leawer (Leware), Sir John, on foray in Niths- dale against Robert de Brus, p. 511. Robert, leads 180 archers to Nithsdale in pursuit of Robert de Brus (8-21 March), p. 511; returns, leaving 167 in Galloway, ib.; with 6 on raid of Glentrool (17-30 April), p. 512. ' Lechefrithe,' 2 silver platters called, 1280. Lechelyn. See Lesselyn. Lecheville, Sir Neteiny de, prisoner, p. 177. Leckatha, Laurence de, 567; of Forfar- shire (hom.), p. 208. Lectone, William de, of J'ife (hom.), p. 204. Ledes (Yorkshire ?), 291. castle, (Kent), William de Douglas in prison there, 429; Scottish prisoners at, p. 177 ; (1297) 890, 966. Alexander de, keeper of castle and sheriffdom of Dunbarton (1296), p. 225. Ledham, Mestre Edmund de, of Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 211. INDEX. G49 Luilyoide, Thomas de, of Pebblcsshiiu (horn.), p. 207. Leeke, Sir John of, chaplain to the Prince of Wales, 1413 ; Walter de Thorneton, his vallet, sent on the Prince's message to Angus (March 1302-3), ib. Lees, Sir . . . . de, and retinue, 1132. Legardeswode (Legerwood), Walter fitz Alan's grant of 2 bovates, &c. , there, to St Peter of York, 1606 (1). Leghe, Matheu de, of Dumfriesshire (liom.), p. 198. Leghendy, Richard de, of Aberdeenshire (horn.), p. 203. Leghtone, Sir William de, knight (fealty), p. 124. Legun, Johan, of Kotliegle, Lanarksliire (horn.), p. 208. Leg. . . ., Johan de (constable of Forfar), 432. Lehakis(?), Elyas de, juror, 824 (1). Leicester, Countess of, Margaret de Ferrars, 73. See Ferrars. Abbot of, William, 303; asks relief from maintaining a new pensioner, as they are burdened with 3 already, by the K., Queen, and Prince of Wales, 1965. William of, burgess of Edinburgh (horn. ), 820, p. 197. Leigger, Huwe of the, K.'s tenant, Peebles- shire (hom.), p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (41)). Leith (Lethe), port of, 997 ; seal ? (App. iii. 108) ; a burgess of, poinded at Hull, 63. Lekyngfeud, Henry de Percy at, 1258. Lematone, Henry de, parson of Douns, of Perth- shire (bom.), p. 212. Len, Richard of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Ber%nck, 1313. Lencludan,Alianore, prioress of, Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 213. Lenginour, Reginald, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Master Renaud, over carpenters at Selkirk, 1288; takes engines from Edinburgh to Montrose, 1386. Master Thomas, 1237. Lengleys, Robert (with another), to lead men of Westmoreland and Kendal to Rox- burgh, 1351, 1356 (4); to levy 500 West- moreland men to pur.siie Robert de Bras, 1902. Lennox (Levenax, Levenauch), the isles of the, Scots and Picts ily to, p. 114. Earl of. Sir Robert his chaplain presentee to Kilpatric, 1238. Earl of, Malcolm (hom.), 730; (hom.), pp. 196,200; seals (PI. ii. ; 4; iii. 15); royal message to, 884; commanded to see the fords of Forth well guarded, and then to attend Parliament, 1471; to prevent his people 'buying, selling, or dealing with the Stirling garrison (April 1304), 1489. Lennox, Countess of, Margaret, asks the K. for aid against Sir John Comyn and the rebels (Oct. 1303), 1405. (Lymenatlie), Lucas de, son of Donald de L., prisoner, 742, 875, 1096; his allow- ance reduced, 1296. Lentebolt (in the Lennox), p. 165. Leominster, Sir Hugh of, clerk, p. 366. Lepard, Reginald, esquire, p. 365. Leppeme, Gilbert de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Lesselyn (Lechelyn), Sir Norman de, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), pp. 195, 203; seal (PI. ii. 17); sheriff of Aberdeen (Sept. 1305) 1691 (3). Lessewade, Nicol vicar of the church of, Edin- burghshire (hom.), p. 211. ■ AVilliam de, of Edinburgshire (hom.), p. 205. Lestraunge, Sir John, 1373. Roger, has the manor of Hitchin for life, 1853. See also Strange, le. Letham, Johan de, of BerHiekshire (hom.), p. 208. Letham, Sir Ketel de, and Cristiana his wife, widow of Stephen Peisson, Scottish rebels come to peace, have restoration of her dower lands, 1584, 1601. Robert de, prisoner, ]). 177. Lethfy, Thomas de, juror, 1689. liCUchars (Lokris), the Bishop of St Andrews reports death of the Queen of Scotland, from, 459. Oliver la Zuche's, 824 (5). Leuedyman, Alan, p. 46. Leuerhilde, John de, 148. Levington, extent of Wake manor of, 208 ; water mill at, pp. 64, 65; John Wake allowed to lease manor (1294), 698. 28, p. 34; barony of, p. 37; waste p. 172; dower lands of Dame Sarre de Paveley there, restored to the heirs, tenants of the Earl of Carrick, 1302, 1303; lands of, waste from the Scots war, 1402; church, 698, 1861. Adam de, 71, p. 59; Master Adam de, holds part of Skelton (Cumberland, 1299); 1091; (Levyngestone), master Adam, clerk, joins Aymar de Valence with 53 archers, (5 Feb.— 10 March 1306-7), p. 511. 650 INDEX. Levingtone, Helewysa de, 4, 21, 27, 28, 35, 42; daughter of Ralph de, her heirs, 698. Hugh de, 208; freehokler, holds W. Levingtou, 1402. Ralph de, p. 35; removes the gallows of Alstou, 147; hinders the miners, p. 41. Sir Richard de, 28, p. 34; Sarra his widow's dower lands, divided, 1140. Robert de, 379. Levyngthorp, land in, 88. Lewelin (son of Griffin), Prince of Wales, 83. vallet of Sir Hugh de Cressingham, 943. Levver, Thomas (horn. ), 730. Lewes, the Prior and convent of, documents sent to, by Edw. I., 503 ; their neyf and manor of Hecham, 1977. Lewyn, John, AvrongfuUy beheaded in Scot- land, p. 34 ; Juliana his widow, ib. Leya, R. de la, 3. Leyburne, Idonea de, hereditary joint sheriff' of Westmorland, com2}otus, 1196. Sir Robert de, constable of Inverkip, to send iron and stones from Glasgow for the siege of Stirling, without delay (21 April 1304), 1519 ; sheriff and constable of Ayr, to repair the gate and 4 'turelles' (13 May 1306), 1768 ; 1866. Roger de, 138, 169, 172 ; Idonea his wife, ib. Sir Thomas de, in pursuit of Robert de Brus, 1923. William de, 1. Leychild, p. 5. Leye, Johan de la of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 203. (Leytgh), Sir Phelippe de la (hom. ), p. 196; 1131. Liberation, Raulf of the, 690. Lichardeswode, Nicol de, chapeleyn, warden of the hospital of L. , Berwickshire (hom.), p. 211. Symon de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 208 ' ■ Wautier vicar of, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 208. Lichefield, Adam of, keeper of the Prince's lion, pp. 364, 366. Lidel (Lydel), p. 34; market of, -p. 36 ; custom refused to Carlisle at, ib. ; merchants of Carlisle charged through-toll, p. 36 ; barony of, p. 37 ; manor of, knights' fees and serjeantcies of, p. 65 ; barony of, 71 ; forest of, p. 19 ; extent of manor of, 208 ; site of castle at, ib. ; manor of, to be leased by John Wake, 698 ; inquisition at, as to late John Wake's goods, 1144 ; vale of, hostages to be taken from, 734. Lidel, Ranulf de Soulis grants laud in, to St Peter of Yox^itcmp. Malcolm IV. ), 1606(12). William de, a rebel, goods sold, p. 425. Lidelesdale (Liddesdale), Fulco of, p. 34, William, his son drowned, ib. Gilbert of, 149. Sir Nieol de Soulis', 870 ; formerly Lady Johanna Wake's, ib. Liesnes (Lesnes), manor, in Kent, in hands of Johanna widow of Richard de Dovre, claimed by Earl of Athol, 1440, 1682 ; restored to the Earl of Athol, 1683 ; for- feited by the Earl of Athol, given to the Queen (22 April ib06), 1764. Liglitfot, Duncan, messenger, carries letters from Aymer de Valence at Perth, to the K. at Dunfermline (22 Dec. 1303), 1419 ; returns on 30th with letters to the Earl of Ulster, ib. Lilleburne, Thomas son of Adam of, 149. Lilleford church, Lincoln, disputed between Derveregulla Olifard and William de Moray, 725 ; Thomas de Milton, clerk, presented by the K. , ib. ; not vacant, 1104. Lillesclyve, John de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. i. 2 (25)). Lillok (Lillou, Lylley), Thomas, K.'s tenant of Pebblesshire (hom.), pp. 202, 212; seal (App.,i. 3 (29) ; vallet (his hackney), 1011 ; juror, 1436 ; prisoner, Bristol, 1668. AVautier, of Peeblesshire (hom. ), p. 202 ; seal (App. i. 2 (20)) ; juror, 1436 ; holds of the K. , p. 428. Linacres, Huctred of, evades feeding K. of Scotland's hounds in Tynedale, p. 55. Lincoln, the Parliament of, the English Barons' letter to the Pope from, 1188. Bishops of, Alexander, p. 114 ; Oliver, p. 131; 1104; J., 1574. the Earl of, Henry de Lacy, 107, 109, 115, 120 ; has the barony of Renfrew, 1121 ; complaint against his bailiff's, 1183; military summons to join the Prince of Wales (Mid- summer 1301), 1191 ; envoy to France, 1285 ; writes to the K. as to sieges of Both- well and Inverkyp castles, 1224, 1228; sends greeting on capture of Bothwell castle, 1235 ; writes regarding presentee to Tikhille chapel, 1240 ; for 4000 marks, renounces the K.'s grant of the Steward's lands in Scotland (Nov. 1306), 1857. an engine called, 1599. Master William de, 516, 526. Lindeseye (Lyndeseie), the parts of, 79. INDEX. 651 Liadeseye, SirAlisaundre de, of Roxburghshire (horn.), pp. 196, 211 ; seal (PI. ii. 20); held 'le Cotis' of R. de Pinkeny, 857; royal message to, 884 ; confesses his rebellion against the K. , 909 ; (seal), ib. ; guarantees Earl of Carrick's loyalty, 910 ; grant to him of the Steward's castle of .... 1006 ; the K.'s conditions as to receiving him and others (Jan. 1303-4), 1444, 1445, 1447 ; ordered to remain 6 months out of Scotland (Sept. 1305), 1691 (8) ; taken in Kildrummy castle (Sept. 1306), 1829. David de (deceased), p. 54 ; Alexander his son, a ward, ib. ; in John Comyn's custody, ib. • Gilbert de, his liberties of Mulisworthe, 385 ; Sir Gilbert de (with Earl of Essex), 1208. Hugh of, burgess of Jeddeworthe (horn.), p. 197. James de, of Roxbui'ghshire (horn. ), p. 211 ; prisoner with the Scots in Bothwell castle (Sept. 1299), 1093 ; exchange, ib. Johan de, of Lanai-kshire (horn.), p. 212. Johan de, of Roxburghshire (horn. ), p. 209 ; seal (PI. v. 1). Sir Phelippe de (horn.), p. 196 ; with H. de Percy, 898; 1258; in K.'s service in Dumfriesshire, 1345. Friar Ralph de, warden of the Hospital of St John, on commission of inquiry as to charges against sheriff of Dumfries (1304), 1526. Simon de (of Arthuret), pp. 34, 64 ; verbally empowered by the K. to take manor of Tulebotlieville, 886 ; appointed captain of Eskdale, 1026 ; keei)er of Lidel, wastes the goods there, 1144 ; keeper of Lidel and the Hermitage, 1154 ; warden of Lydel and Ermitage-Soules castles, 1165 ; indenture by to garrison and keep up Hermitage castle, the mote of Lydel, &c. , (till All Saints 1301), 1173 ; Sir Simon de, on a foray in Nithsdale, 1437. Walter de {temp. David L, Malcolm IV.), 1985(1, 11). Walter de (deceased), 23 ; Cristiana his widow, remarries Walter de Percy, ib. Sir Walter de, a witness, 847. Wauter de, of Thurston, 508 ; of Ber- wickshire (honi.), p. 211 ; seal (PI. iv. 3). Sir Wauter de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 211 ; seal (App. iii. 522). William de, [temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1606 (4)- Lindeseye, William de, 83, p. 38 ; Sir William (of Kendale), 209 ; Cristiana his heiress, ib. ; his death, 226 ; letter from his exe- cutor, 227 ; Cristiana his daughter and heiress marries Ingram de Gynes, 239; Ada [de Balliol] his widow goes to Scot- land, 263. Liugoc, granted to priory of May by Robert de Londoniis, 1985 (19). Linlithgow, the Community of (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (PI. v. 11). the K. orders crossbows, &c., for, from York and the Tower of London (Oct. 1301), 1250; expenses on the K.'s house, &c., there (Nov. 1301), 1262; coal &c., bought at (1301), 1271; surveyors on works at (12 Feb. 1301-2), 1321 (15); weapons and stores for, 1324; sent to Blackness by water, ib. ; stores in the ' great church, ' ib. ; state of new works there, ib.; number of garrison, ib. (9), 1337; workmen's wages, 56^., paid for the castle (June 1302), 1306; 30 carpenters ordered there, 1308. castle, some of garrison paid, 1714; the English Hospitallers to be received in, 1733. an engine called, 1599. Linstok, barony of, held by Bishop of Carlisle, p. 37. Linton, Philip de, 555. LioUestone, Loel de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Lion, the Prince of Wales keeps a, pp. 364, 366 ; its food, chain, and collar, &c., ib. Liskeard, to aid with other Cornish towns in equipping a vessel for the Scots war (1303), 1357. Lisle, Warin de, deceased, Robert his son and heir a minor, 1864. Listone, Symon de, tenant of the Bishop of St Andrews, Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 205. Lith (Cumberland), 146, p. 38. Litstere (Littester) Aleyn le, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 637). Pieres le, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Littil, John, juror, 1420. Livingstone (Levyngstone), Sir Andrew de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 290); royal message to (May 1297), 884 ; sheriff of Lanark (in 1296) accounts for its issues of, p. 264; [(?) the sherilf killed in the Scots insurrection of 1297, p. 418]. ^ Sir Archibald de (hom.), p. 194; of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 211 ; royal message to, 884; has a gift of wine, &c., to replace his victual lost at sea, 1268; agrees 652 INDEX. to keep' Linlithgow shire and town till Pentecost (1302), 1286; seal, ib.; in charge of works on castle, 1306 ; to keep shire and town till Christmas (1302), 1321 (3); to survey works at Linlithgow, 1321 (15); sheriff of Linlithgow 1324 (9) ; his force, 1337 ; inqnisition by, as sheriff of Stirling, 1457; sheriff of Linlithgow, 1586; hay provided for the 'Pel,' ib. ; accused of ejecting English owner from manor of Diuldingstone on false pretences, 1613. Liulf, Huctred, son of, 1606 (11). Lochawe (Lochaua), famis of (1304), p. 439. Lochcumbray, Alexander III. at, 23. Lochdoon (Carrick), Henry de Percy, at (Aug. 1306), 1819 ; ^vritings and letters found by him there, 1845. Lochmaben, the burgh of, 826; vill of, farm (1303), p. 426; a house, &c., at, granted by Robert de Brus {temp. Wm. the Lyon), to St Peter of York, 1606 (9). castle, to be well provided, 1088 ; extra garrison of, 1089 ; letter from constable to Edw. L, 1101 ; constable of Carlaveroc's head on the great tower of, ib. ; palisade of close to be strengthened, 1112; besieged by Earl of Carrick (Aug. 1299), p. 283; victuals brought to. ib., 284, 1116; munition of, 1337; with Annandale, given to the Earl and Countess of Hereford and Essex, 1757 ; 1766 ; surrenders unconditionallj' to the Prince of Wales (13 July 1306), 1803 ; forfeitures of tenants granted to Earl of Hereford and Essex (20 Oct, 1306), 1842. constable of, 1088. See Feltone, Robert de. Lochryan, the Prince of "Wales at (autumn 1301), 1233. Lock (Loghe), John, of Roxburghshire (horn. ), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 298); juror, 1435, 1681. Lockarde (Loccard, Lokard), Cristine, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207; to have her Peebles and Linlithgowshire lands, 853. Maucolum, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206. William, pp., 37, 39, heir of Robert de Hampton, 100 ; 133, 501, p. 150. Lochlan (Louwhelan); his lawless doings in the Isles, 903; he and other island chiefs, taken by the Earl of Ross, 1631; (Lachlan), said to be preparing galleys, 1633. Cristin son of, bailiff of Strivelin, p. 440. • ■ Eugene fiz, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 204. Lodelawe, William of, soldier, p. 189. Lodenham manor, Kent, p. 174. Lodham, Johan^de, of Berwickshire (honi.\ p. 207. Lodinglaunde, half hundred of, rcpledged to John de Balliol. 308. Lodowici (fitz L.), Master Bernard, 601, 698, 961. Logan, Alan de, (Ireland), 174. Andrew de, of Wyggetonshire (hom. p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 409). John, son of Alan L. (Ireland), 1117. John de, holds Grugar (Ayrshire), of the Lord de Ferrars, pp. 425, 428; a rebel, and his lands given away (15 Feb. 1306-7), 1898. Sir Robert, accounts for the justice ayre of Lanark, p. 440. Thurbrandus de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 211. Walter (hom.), 823; of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 364); royal message to, 884. William de, 163. Loghdone, Randolf de, K.'s tenant in Edin- shire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 388). Wautier de, K. 's tenant, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. L 3 (25)). Logherwode, vill of, farm (for 1303), p. 426 ; mill of, p. 427. Loghor (Lochore, Logore), Sir Constantine de, sheriff of Fife (fealty), p. 124; prisoner, 742, 873; juror, 1670, 1689; .sheriff of Fife (1305), 1691 (3). Hugh de, prisoner, p. 177; of Fife, hom. p. 209; prisoner, 1114, 1156. Logy, (Logyn, Logins), Alisauudre parson of, Forfarshii'e (hom.), p. 213. John de (hom. , under age), 730. Malise de, prisoner, p. 177, 938; to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Odard de, seneschal of Ranulph de Meschines, p. 16; founds Wygeton church, i6. Phelippe of, burgess of Montrose (hom. ), p. 198. Wauterde, of Fife (hom.), p. 204: juror, 1670. William de, prisoner, p. 178; 953. Lokardebi (Annandale) granted to his retainer for life by the Earl of Hereford, 1899. Lombard (Lumbard), Person the, 962. Reynald, marshal, 1395, 1401 ; petitions for execution against Sir John de Lusse 1616 ; lands in Roxburghshire restored to, 832. Lombe, William, 312. Lomeleye, Robert de, 1154. London, the Bishop of, p. 130 ; 964 ; (Elect) INDEX. 653 de, of Linlithgowshire allowed to do fealty at York (?), instead of coming to St Andrews, 1490. London, Bishop of, Richard, p. 253; R. , Chancellor, 1945. .John de, 142. Thomas of (sergeant-at-arms), 463 ; goes to Scotland vdth. jewels for the young Queen, p. 109. Londoniis, Robert de, his charter of Lingoc to priory of May, 1985 (19). Lonesdale, John of, 1395. William of, hanged at Stirling, p. 190. Long, Adam le, of Burnham, shipmaster, carries bretasche of 'lesser' Forth bridge (1303), 1375. Thomas, juror, 1457 ; empowered to receive wheels and harness for a carriage, and provender for four horses, 1505. Longaver, Laurence de, prisoner, p. 178 ; 1013 ; prisoner at Toubridge, 1082, 1157, 1327. Longemertenock, barony of, (AjTshire), farm of, pp. 425, 428. Longemore, Elice de la, of Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 199. Longeton, Wautier de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 199. Longhill, Gerveys (hom.), p. 205. Lonquidelon (Dumfriesshire), 1703. Lony, the parson of, leases 'StTernan's land,' 1729. Loo (Cornwall), and two other towns summoned to equip a vessel for the K. (1303), 1357; their reply, ib. Lorence, William fiz, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Lome, Lord of. See Argyll, Alexander of. Philip de, 635. Lortiay, Sir Henri de, 1390. Lostewaythe, William de Gardino's land of, p. 171. Lothian, Archdeacon of, p. 190 ; William [Frier], safe conduct coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4), 1455, 1574. Loue, Sir John de, receives hay, 1446. Lovel, Annys, widow of Henrj', of Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 214. Hugh, dead, 291, 534 ; Alianora his widow, ib. ; ward given to John de Soulis, ib. ; dower lands of Eva Lovel given to John de Soulis, 703 ; (the late), 564 ; Alia- nora his widow has dower, 804,. Sir Hugh, surrenders, and is sent to prison (Nov. 1306), 1849. John, acknowledges an able-bodied man for the army of Scotland, 732 ; Sir John, the Marshal, his charger wounded in riot be- tween the English and Welsh soldiers, p. 190 ; marshal of the army of Scotland, his ordinance as to the pi'ecedence of the con- stable and marshal's banners, pp. 191-2. Lovel, blaster John (justice), 645 ; envoy of Edward L to France, 990, 993. Morice, parson of Little Caveis, Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 212. Richard (the late), 137 ; his heir to be distrained for relief, ib. Richard, to be distrained for his relief, 246. Richard, son and heir of late Hugh L. , swears to serve against France (1297), 891 ; (seal), ib. ; (his hackney), 1011 ; his horse, 1190 ; finds 2 men for his Scottish land 1321 (11) ; pay to, 1762. Robert, prisoner, p. 177. Louerd, Thomas le of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Loughtwayt, land of, William du GarJyn's, 1634. Louis of France, Lord, plays with Prince of Wales at Holborne, p. 368. Louudres, John de, petitions for land of Aber- dalgy, 1970. Louns, Earl Lambert of, p. 117 ; Ivetta (Judith) his daughter, mother of Matildis, Queen of Scotland, ib. Louther (Lowther), Sir Hugh de, p. 189 ; sheriff of Edinburgh, 824 (3); the K.'s servant, struck by Gilbert de Umfraville in Parliament, 830 ; sheriff of Edinburgh, 912 ; accounts for issues, p. 264 ; a justice, 1152 ; justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811 ; justice, to punish deserters (Feb. 1306-7), 1900; seal (?) (App. iii. 517). Thomas de, p. 16 ; 664 ; to levy 200 AUerdale men to pursue Robert do Brus, 1902. Loworwarde church, presentation to, 1104. Lowyk, the vill of, 99, 549; land in, pledged, 235. Loygiastre, Perthshire, the Coujitess of Fife's, 1108. Loyth, Griffin, to levy Welshmen for service in Scotland (May 1298), 984. Lubaud (Lubat), Peter de, valet (his hackney), 1007,1132, 1677; seal, ib.; constable of Linlithgow (Sept. 1305), 1691 (5). Lubek, iron from, bought for the K. at New- castle (Dec. 1302), 1398. Lucy, Alicia de, pp. 17, 36. { Amabillis de, p. 17. 654 INDEX. Lucy, Geoffry de (deceased), 256 ; Elena his widow, ih. ; Richard de Brus has ward, ih. Geoll'ry de, plea as to Faudon, 494. John de, sheriff of Cumberland, receives 4 Scotsmen in Carlisle prison (Aug. 1304), 1572); holds inquiry on the Earl of Carrick's franchises in Anuandale, 1588. Reginald de, m. Amabillis (de Rumeli), pp. 16, 17. Richard de, p. 17. Sir Thomas de, 1135 ; his court of Aske- patrik, ih. Luda, Sir John de, and retinue, 1132. R. de, clerk of Edward I., 660. ■ Master William de, 283. Ludenham manor (Kent), p. 855. Ludingeland, 189. LufTenoc' castle, &c., held of Balencref, 857; Henry de Pynkenye robbed at, 1332 ; peti- tion as to, b}' Henry de Pynkenye, 1968. Luk', John de, accounts for Annandale, 1115. Luker, Robert of, petitions for burgages in Berwick, 868. Lumbyny, Adam de, of Fife (horn. ), p. 204 ; seal (App. iii. 218). Lummesdene (Lommeston), Adam de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Roger de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Roger de West, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Lundors (Londors), Prince of Wales at (7-9 April 1304), 1516. the Abbot of, claims his cattle, p. 192 ; his lands in K.'s haudis, 1574; has protec- tion, 1717. Abbot of, John, 379, 380 ; (fealty), p. 124; Thomas (hom.), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 138). Lundr', horse lost at (1299), 1949. Lundy, Margarete, widow of Pieres de, of Fife (hom.), p. 210. Sir Walter de (hom.), 730; juror, 1670. Lunfanan, Aberdeen, the Countess of Fife's, 1108. Lungespee, John le, 1550. Lusse, Sir John de, of Levenasse, sued for debt by a Lombard, 1616. Luthegatesale (Loutgarshale), Henry de, clerk of the Prince of Wales' buttery, &c., 1210, 1575. Luuely, Adam, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Luvetot, Johan de (hom.), p. 210. Lyberton, Aleyn de, K. 's tenant, Edinburgh- shire (hom.), pp. 199, 201; seals (App. iii. 362, 377). Lyberton, David de, K.'s tenant, Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 201; .seal (Ajip. iii. 380). Lyder, Adam, burgess of Aberdeen, released from York prison, 1479; safe conduct, 1574. Lylias, Adam, son of, 24. Lymbergh, Magna, rents in, held by Pagan de Helley's (of Scotland) heirs, p. 174; viz., William Eraser and Gilbert Damel, ib. Lyme, the ' Holy Cross ' of, wrecked at Silloth, p. 283. Nicholas de, shipmaster of Drogheda, 1377. Lynn, 2 bridges made there for the K. and his army to cross the Forth (1303), 1375. Lynne (Lyn), Wautier de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 206; juror, 824 (6). Lynton, Adam de, his, of Edinburghshire , (hom.), p. 201; lands in Stirlingshire re- stored to, 832. Adam de, ' le joevene,' of Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 208. Bernard de, parson of Mordington Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Johan de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 202. Philip de, constable of Berwick, 578; of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 213. Lyp (Lippe), John, 584; (hom.), 730; of Aberdeenshire (hom.), pp. 203, 208; seal (App. iii. 429). Lyseny, Geoffry de, p. 174; extent of his manor of Magna Pautone (Lincoln), ib. . Lysours, Henry de, K.'s tenant, Edinburgh- shire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 390). Pyeres de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii.|233). Lythgreynes, Sir John de, 38, 516, 526; justice, 1972. Macakelshon, Dovenald, of Dunbartonshire (hom.), p. 204; seal (App. iii. 596). Macbeth, defeat of, by Syward, p. 112. Gilmychel, juror, 1619. Maccar, Duncan, and William his son, eject the parson of St Brigid, Man, 1974. M'Cane, Cuthbert, juror, 1588. Maccarawer, Angus (hom.), 730. Macchinbethin, Gillecolm (temp. David L), 1985 (3). MacChristi, Gilbert, prisoner in England, to be exchanged, 1062 ; to go from Corfe to York, 1077. Maccoignache, Gilbert, \^ of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 209. INDEX. 655 MacCuffok, Maucolum, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 206. Macdoffy, Thomas (hom. ), 730, Macclowal (Maddowell), Donkaii ; troops pro- vided by, 1049. Dougal, of Wigtonshire (hom. ), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 293); Dungall (or Duncan) senior, marriage of an heiress granted to his brother Dungaliyi. 207. Maldesleye, the park of, K.'s demesne, farm of (1304), p. 427; Earl of Carrick took hall of it, ib. ; forest of, 50 oaks given to Bishop of Glasgow in, 1626. Malemayne, Nicholas, finds a man for his Scottish lands, 1321 (14), 1466, 1467; seal ib. Maleraghe (Makenaght), Gilberd, of Dumfries- shire (horn. ), 810; seal, ib. Malere, Johaa de, of Perthshire (liom.) p. 202. Malest, Sir Robert, 1145. Malet, Robert, 1606 (9). Malet, Thomas, 1261 ; to lead men of Notting- ham and Driffield forest to Roxburgh, 1351. 1356 (8). Maleville, Galfrid de, 1985 (12, 14). Gregorie de, of Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 210. James de (horn.), 730; fealty 779 (hom. ), p. 195 ; of Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 209; lands iu Aberdeenshire restored, 832. Sir John de (fealty), 787; (hom.), p. 195; seal (App. iii. 149). Marie, widow of William de, to have her lands in Norham liberty, 1544, p. 415. Patrick de, of Peebleshire (hom. ), p. 202 ; royal message to, 884. Renaud de, burgess of Stirling (hom.), 813 ; p. 197. Richard (1174), p. 117. Richard de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 209. Robert de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200 ; .seal (App. i. 2 (85^) ; juror, 824 (5). Maleville, William de, of Pebbleshire (hom. ), pp. 199 202 ; seals (App. iii. 382, 406) ; (the late), inquisition of his land in Peebleshire, 1436 ; William his son and heir, ib. AVilliam de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), 809; seal (?), ib. ; p. 200; lord of Retrevyn, Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 211; Marie his widow, matters touching her and Aymer de Haudene in Norham liberty, 1579. Malherbe, Gilbert, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 403); royal message to, 884 ; has a grant of the goods, &c. of Sir William Olifart, captain of Stirling and the garrison, in arms against the K. (20 April 1804), 1517) ; late rebel, to have his father William's lands in Kent and Cambridge, 1594 ; received Stirling castle, when surrendered by the English constable (in 1299), 1949. Thorn a.s, 407. -William, heirs of, p. 171; extent of his lands, 1075. Malkarestone, Johan de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (67); juror, 1681. Mallorre, Pierres, justice, to try William Wallace, 1685. Malmesbury Abbey, extracts from their Chronicles, p. 112 ; Chronicles of, p. 115. provisions brought from, to Carlisle (1306), 1944. William of, his History, p. 114. Malmodan, Andrew, juror, 1350. Malteby, Peter de, vallet (his horse died iu Selkirk forest), 1190. Malton, the prior of, 825. Henry de, p. 172 ; seneschal of Annan- dale, 1115. • the engine called, p. 283. Man, Isle of, committed to Walter de Hunter- combe, 433 ; the men of, protected, ib. ; they do fealty, 438 ; complaints of the men of the, to be heard, 625. — —Queen of, Maria [de Ergayl] (fealty), p. 124; of Perthshire (hom.), p. 212; formerly Queen of, 1180 (5). See also Stratherne, count e.'-.s of, Maria de Argyll. Loraan of, vadlet, 1180 (5). Mancestre, Sir Symon de, 1150. Maudewel, Gilbert, 34. Manefii'ld, Robert of, messengei', ]>. 365. \Ianers, Robert de, clerk, 1017. Manger, Gilbert, juror, 312. Manspeth, Henry de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal (App. iii. 519) ; hom., p. 204. INDEX. 657 Manton, SirRauf de, 959, 998, 1005; presented to Bothwell church, 1023 ; (his charger sick at Roxburgh) and another (died in Selkirk forest), 1190 ; the Coiferer, 1198, 1218, 1245 ; supplies Dumfries, 1256 ; applied to by- Robert Hastang for a riding horse, 1272 ; attests a 'bille' of Sir Simon Eraser's, 1279; 1321; credence for,1399; K.'s cofferer, 1324 ; arranges a foray by Stirling and Kirkintilloch with Sir J. d& Segrave (Sept. 1302), 1328 ; letter to, from Richard Syward (Oct. 1302), 1334 ; sent to Scot- land (Jan. 1302-3), 1342 ; killed at Roslin, (24 Feb.), 1347 ; released the Earl of Dunbar' plate, 1360. Manuel, Prioress of, Christina (fealty), p. 124 ; Alice (hom. ), p. 196. Alexander of, monk of HoUyrood, 1052. Johan (hom.), p. 210. Johan, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 208. Manyjieny (Monipeny), John, of Fife (hom.), 730; p. 209 ; juror, 1350. Mar, Earl of, Alexander his son sent to the Tower (Dec. 1297), 964, p. 265. Earl of, [Donald] authenticates Com- petitors' petitions and process, 516; Sir Dovenald, 629; oppressed by the Guardians, 465; 541; 603; (hom.), p. 196; seal (PI. iv. 13.); witness, 872; swears to serve against the K. of France, 897 ; seal, ib. ; his letter to the K. for Sir Andrew de Rathe (July 1297), 924; has safe conduct to Scotland, 961. Earl of, Morgund M'Gylochery, restored by William the Lyon, 465. Earl of, William (1281), 201; (dead), 477; Muriella his widow does homage (1291), ib. ; dead same year, ib. Countess of, Muriella (dead), 544; inquisition of her lands, 549; Maria her sister and heir, 558; Nicholas de Graham her husband does homage, ib. Cristyne de, wife of Duncan de Mar of Inverness-shire (hom.), 808; widow(?) of Duncan de M. of Invemess-shire (hom.), p. 200. Duncan fiz le Comte de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200. Gartnethe son of the Earl of, writes to the K. as to insurrection in Moray, 920, 921. Gilbertde, of Fife (hom. ), 808, pp. 195, 200. Jamesde, of Aberdeenshire (hom. ), p. 209. John of, bailiff of Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198. Master John de, scholar at Oxford, 713. Richard, juror, 1350. VOL. II. Mar, Senan de, keeping Berwick, 1337. March custom, as to fugitives, at Berwick, 152; inquiry ordered, ib.; complaint by the K. of Scotland as to English bailiffs' acts at, 154 ; law, as to single combat, inquisition as to, in Carlisle, p. 59. Earl of. Sir Patrick, his serjeantcy in Northumberland, p. 42; 'in borwe et ut ' borwe ad merk et mere,' ib. ; 258, 344, 346, 350, 351 ; Patrick the late (1289), 384 ; Sir Alexander his son, ib. ; Sir A's seal (App. iii. 103.); inquisition of the Earl's lands (3 Jan. 1289-90), 396; Patrick his son and heir, cet. 47, ib. Earl of, Patrick de Dunbar Competitor), 488; his seal, ib. ; agrees to be bound by Over- lord's decision, 489; 632, 651 ; his tenures in Northumberland, ib.; 'in borwe et ut ' borwe ' on the March, ib. , 658 ; his seal (PI. 'iii. 10.), 660 ; his liberties, &c.,repledged 674 ; (hom.), p. 197 ; is mainprise for the son of the Earl of Angus for striking the K. 's ser- vant in Parliament, 830 ; has his tenants' forfeitures, 853; his land] in Northumber- land restored (1296), 862; 872; appointed captain of Berwick, 1023 ; a barge given him by the K., 1037; 'captain' on the east Marches, 1025 ; to hold inquiry with John de Kingeston as to outrages of Herbert de Morham on Joanna countess of Fife (April 1299), 1066 ; to give directions as to prisoners, at York, 1077 ; to provide Dunbar castle, and make no truce (Oct. 1300), 1164; conditions of truce notified to, 1165 ; has not yet come to Ayr, to the garrison's surprise (3 Oct. 1301), 1236 ; his pay for keeping Ayrshire, p. 317 ; agrees to keep castle and sheriffdom of Ayr, with 20 men-at-arms (till Pentecost 1302), 1286 ; has forfeitures of his Annandale and Galloway rebel tenants (Feb. 1301-2), 1292; gives gratuities to the officers and garrison of Ayr under him during siege (21 Feb. 1301-2), 1293 ; to keep castle and shire of Ayr with 20 men-at-arms, (Sept. — Christmas 1302), 1321 (1) ; seal, ib. ; his force keeping the shire and castle of Ayr 1324 (11), 1337 ; to join the K. at Roxburgh with his men-at-arms (May 1303), 1356 ; his impig- norated plate, released by the late Ralph de Manton, delivered to John de Drokenes- ford at Newcastle (11 May 1303), 1360 ; ordered to desist molesting the escheator south of Forth in his office, 1427 ; receives ' hay, 1446 ; letter from the K. to him re- buking his inactivity before Stirling, and to 2 T 658 INDEX. join him at St Andrews by Mid Lent (March 1303-4), 1461 ; receives wine, &c., 1590 ; an elected conunissioner, fails to attend Parliament (Sept. 1305), 1691; in ganison at Ayr, to be reinforced (1 June 1307), 1935; 6 men-at-arms and 300 archers sent (12 June), 1939. March, Munsire Patrick son of Patrick earl of, verbal message to from the K., 884; receives victuals and wine for his own and his wife's sustenance, 1623. Guido, chaplain and receiver of the Earl of, 1590; seal, ih. Marchia, William de, treasurer of Exchequer, 660. Mare, John de la, prisoner, 906. Synan le, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (65). Mares, John de, 177 ; Agatha wife of, ib. Mareschal (Marshal) of England, the ; his fee to be ascertained, 1149 ; the Earl, to be given other lands for surrendering Faken- ham Aspes to Sir Edmond Comyn, 1566. Adam le, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom.), 819, p. 198; owns half of Nidy held of the Bishop of St Andrews, 1350; Julian daughter of William, his heir, ih. Alan le, prisoner, p. 177; 1114, 1156. David the (femjt>. Wm. theLyon),1606 (5). David le (hom.), 730; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 198 ; seals (PI. iii. 13 ; App. iii. 303.); of Scotland, claims hereditary 'mar- chacie' from Edward I., 864; wishes to give Richard le M. his son and heir, a 40Z. land, 1980 ; the son petitions the K. to confirm it, ib David le, valet (his hackney), 1007. Elias the, 1132, Fergus le (fealty), 771 ; seal, ib. ; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), pp. 195, 210 ; seal (App. i. 1 (19)), Sir Fergus le, juror, 1588 ; held barony of Dalmellington in capitc, p 425. Gilbert le, of Wygan, brings provisions to the army in Scotland, p. 359. John le, of Dumfriesshire, bis, (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (89)). Johan le, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 211. Johan le, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Sir John le, of Tosketone Wigtonshire (fealty), 762; (hom.), pp. 194, 198; seal (PI. iv. 8; App. iii. 375). John le, the Earl of Lincoln's baOiff in Renfrew, asks aid against the Scots, 1121 ; John called, bailiff of Renfrewshire, 1238. Mareschal, John le, vallet of Exchequer, 876. Patrick le iitz Johan le, of Linlithgow- shire (hom.), 205. Perceval le (his horse sick), 1190. i Phelippele, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201 ; seal? (App. iii. 227). Ralph le, esquire, on raid to Glentrool (19-30 April), p. 512. Sir Richard le, prisoner, p. 177; his lands restored (1297), 952; in K.'s service on the March (1299), p. 284; indenture by, to attend Sir John de St John, warden of Galloway, with 3 men-at-arms (till Pente- cost 1301,) 1171; a juror, 1588; son and heir of David le M. , petitions the K. to confirm 40Z. of land given by his father, 1980. Robert le, burgess of Jeddeworthe (hom. ), p. 197. Roger le (of Peebleshire, hom. ), p. 202. Roger, burgess, asks his burgages in Perth, 1530. Roger, of Copoun, English lands restored to, 1544, p. 415. Roulandle, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810; p. 210; seal (App. i. 1 (21) ; Sir Roland le, juror, 1588. Stephen le, burgess of Jeddeworthe (hom. ) \ p. 197; his lands in Roxburghshire restored 832. Thomas le, of Crostorfyn, Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 209. Thomas le, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 209. XJghtred le, prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Walter le (hom.), 730. William le, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 617.); prisoner, p. 177; freed from prison on mainprise, 940. William le, of Morthingtone, Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 207. Williamle, 1293; Rogerhiscompanion, ?6. Sir William le, dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (Candlemas 1303-4), 1516. Margaret (Queen of Malcolm Canmore) her pious death described, p. 114 ; and saintly life ih. Margaret, Queen of Scotland (sister of Edward L), her mass at St Margaret's, Westminster, 22 ; arrears of her marriage portion of 5000Z. to be paid (1274), 25 ; asks her brother's grace for the Countess of Buchan, 40; dead (before 3 May 1275,) 44; 85, 284. Margaret, daughter of Alexander III., letterto her uncle, Edward 1. 185 ; m. Eric of Norway (1281), 196 ; Queen of Norway INDEX. 659 (dead), 250 ; the late Queen of Norway, her debt of 2800 marks to the merchants of Cahors, 1182; Lady Margaret her daughter, ib. Margaret, Princess of Norway, acknow- ledged heiress of Scotland, 248, 250 ; Queen of Scotland, 388 ; treaty of Salisbury regarding her, 390 ; Edward I. binds himself to deliver her free, 391 ; bull for her marriage to Prince of Wales, 392 ; consent by Guardians, &c., of Scotland to same, 416 ; her father urged to send her, 417, 423 ; penalty for her non-aiTival, 428 ; plenipotentiaries in her affairs, 442 ; annuities, till her majority, 445; lieutenant for her appointed, 446 ; procurators for her marriage, 448 ; plenipotentiaries to Norwa}' thereon, 449 ; marriage treaty ratified, 450; letter reporting her death to Edward I., 459. Margaret, Queen of Edward I., household expeiises, &c., on her way to Scotland (June, Sept., and Nov. 1303), 1376, 1380, 1381, 1394, 1398, 1411 ; list of jewels given to her and her knights and ladies by the Prince of Wales (1303), p. 370 ; at Norham castle (28 Nov. 1303), 1415 ; orders the Bishop of Durham's wine taken by her there, to be replaced, ih. ; sends the K. New Year's gifts to Dunfermline (1 Jan. 1303-4), 1434 ; arrangements for her journey from Berwick by Dunbar and Dirleton, to join the K. at Dunfermline (11 Jan. 1303-4), 1438; sends her ' lavendere ' to Berwick for her delivery (April 1304), 1511 ; intercedes for the concealer of Robert de Brus's gold coronet (20 March 1306-7), 1914 ; to dine with Bishop of Chester, 1922. Thomas le filz (a robber), 1227. Margerie, Gilbert son of, 880. William son of, 880. Maria (de Coucy) Queen Dowager of Scotland, 67 ; on pilgrimage to Canterbury, 80 ; going abroad, 84. Marianus Scotus, ' Chronicles ' of, p. 115 ; kept at Gloucester, ib. Mariota, Hurin son of, 1675. Marisco, Duncan de, p. 29. MarkefiUi, William, 635. Market Hugh clerk of the, 286. Ireby manor, held for life by Cristiana, widow of Robert de Brus of Annandale, deceased, (Sept. 1305), 1690. Markham, Nicholas of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313, Marmeduk, John, 319 ; fitz M, 826 ; (with another) to lead the men of Dtirham to Roxburgh 1351, 1354, 1356 (7). Marmeduk, Sir Richard, son of Sir John, 1606 (10). Martin, Master, commissary of Canterbury, p. 112. Martyn, Sir William, receives hay, 1446. Maryus, 78th K. fi'om Brutus, conquer Rodrych K. of the Picts, p. 114 ; West* marya called after him, ib. Mascy, Richard de, justiciar of Chester, 1150 Maskyn, Welsh levies from, 984. Mason, Master Giles the, 1536. Richard the, Stirling castle, 1119. Masson (Mazun, Macon), Bernard le, of Bordeaux, 264 ; John son of, ib. John, of Bordeaux, his claim on Alex- ander III., and refusal to account, 252 ; the Mayor of Bordeaux petitions for him, 255; states his own case and treatment in Scotland to Edward I., 264, 295, 297, 299; his claim inquired into, 352, 353, 359, his contumacy, ib. ; report on Scottish goods arrested in Cumberland for his debt, 360; (merchant of Gascony), inquiry ordered by the K. into his aifairs, 402; six commis- sioners named, 434; his claims to be heard, 685, 686, 687; his accounting described in a letter from the executors of Alexander III. to Edward I., 688. Mastertone (Meystertone), William de, of Fife (hom.), 818; seal, ib.; p. 201. Mathew, William son of, 208. Maucolum, Aleyn fitz, of Berwickshire (hom. ) p. 207. Huwe le fiz, burgess of Montrose (ho:n.). p. 198. Maucolum fiz, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal? (App. i. 2 (40)). Mauduyt, Gilbert, a Scotsman forfeited, 1838; hanged for aiding Robert de Brus (before 22 Nov. 1306), 1856. Mauhinton, the vill of (Wigtonshire), 824 (1). Maulea (Maule, Maune), Cristiana de, 45, 170, 282. Peter de (deceased), 511; Cristiana [de Valoynes] his widow, ib. Sir Robert de, cousin of Anthony, bishop of Durham, 710. Sir William de, knight (fealty), p. 124. Mauleverer, Huwe, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 810; p. 210; seal (?) (App. i. 1 (5)); Sir Hugh (in English pay in Annandale), p. 283 ; his esquire, ib. ; on a foray, 1437. Rauf, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 198. Mauleye, Edmoud de, sheriif of Ayr, his 660 INDEX. letter with others to the K. as to the Scots' attack ou Tunibiri castle and their threaten- ing proceedings (Oct. 1301), 1236 ; besieged in Ayr, 1293 ; gratuity to, ib. ; receives hay, 1446 ; goes to Ayr as constable (c. 8 May 1307), 1979. Mauleye, Sir Peres de, 1223 ; Sir Robert his brother, ib ; receives hay, 1446 ; justiciar, tries Scottish prisoners, 1811 ; seal (App. iii. 516). Robert de, keeper of Dirltone, 1165 ; Sir Robert de, in Roxburgh castle (12 July 1306), 1802 ; sheriff of Roxburgh, receives 30^. , to victual and repair the castle (Jan. 1306-7), 1890 ; seal, ib. Maundeville, Sir Thomas de, his pay, p. 317. Maunselle, Richard, p. 29. Mautalent, Robert, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203; 1154 ; Cristiana his wife, ib. Maxpoffel (Makepoffel), Adam de, of Roxburgh- shire (horn.), p. 199 ; seal (App. iii. 215.); lands in Roxburghshire, restored to him, 832. Maxtone, Alisaundre de, of Roxburghshire (horn.), p. 209. Maxwell (Makeswelle), Sir Herbert de, 354 ; fealty, 764 ; seal,(Pl. iii. 8.) ; (hom.)p.l94 ; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p, 211; royal message to, &c. (1297), 884. Sir Johan de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 206 ; royal message to, 884 ; his land of Pettinain, p. 424. Sir John de, son of Herbert de M. (hom.), p. 195 ; seal (App. i. 2 (90)). Johan de of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (70)). Sir John de, ' le einzniez,' (at Strathorde, Feb. 1303-4), 1741. Sir John de, lord of Karlaverok, receives a tun ofwine from the K. (14Junel307), 1940. . . . . de (fealty), 764. May, Isle of, fishers around the, to give tithes to the priory, 1985 (11). Priory of, (a cell of Reading abbey, in- speximus of 20 charters to, by the Scottish Kings, David I.— Alex. II., (4 March 1306-7), 1906, 1985; 13 Cluniac monks always to reside in, 1985 (12). church of All Saints of, 1985 (3). Priors of : Achard, 1985( 5); William, ib. (12). Maynreht, John de, juror, 824 (4). Mebrune, lands in, granted in alraoigne, 690. Megge, "William, son of, juror, 1675. Megre, John (hom.), 730. Meldon, Johan de, of Peeblesshire (hom.), p . 207; juror, 1436. Meldrum (Melkedrum), David de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. —Sir William de, sheriff of Aberdeen, 587; Peter his clerk, ib., 644; (hom.), p. 209; seal (PI. iii. 17.), his lands in Aberdeenshire restored, 832; deceased, 1983; Thomas his son, a minor, prays for sustenance, ib. ; Sir Robert de Keth holds his ward and marriage, ib. Melmorby, manor and barony of, p. 37. Melros (MewTos), 1969. the Abbot of, pp. 130, 131, 175, 269, 323 ; privileges to, 452 ; envoy to France (1299), 1071 ; paid money due, 1656, 1666 ; as a Scottish Commissioner agrees to the K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1691 ; his debt to the Pullici, &c., to be arrested, 1740 ; petitions for redress against Sir Nichol de Graham and his son, who have ejected them from their lands in Eskedale, 1981 ; and for timber in Selkirk forest to repair their houses, 1982. Abbot of, Patrick (hom.), 817; seal ib.; p. 196 ; seal (App. iii. 121). Melton, Thomas de, of Coupland, pleas with Dundrennau and Sweetheart abbeys, 1771. Melver, Robert son of Robert de (outlaw) j)ardoned, 681. Meners (Meyners), Sir Alexander de, prisoner, 742 ; freed from the Tower (Aug. 1297), 939; guarantees others serving abroad, 942. Meneville, Robert de, 139; Sir Robert, 212. Meneteth (Menteith), lands of, 825 ; expedi- tion to, 1462. Earldom of, and the isles &c. , given to John de Hastinges, 1771 ; its lands in Perth, Stirling, Ayr, and Dunbarton delivered to John de Hastinges (28 Sept. 1306), 1836. Earl of, Walter Steward ; seal (PI. iv. 6). Earl of, attests K. John's fealty, 660; prisoner (1296), 742; , his armour paid for (1297), p. 265; meets other nobles at Peebles (Aug. 1299), 1978; elects Guardians, ib. ; goes to Clydesdale, ib. ; ordered to see that the fords of Perth are guarded, and then come to Parliament (April 1304), 1471; to prevent his people buying, selling, or dealing -with the Stirling garrison (April 1304), 1489 ; his two sons at Carlisle, 1971. Earl of, Alexander [Steward] (hom.), pp. 195, 196 ; seal (PL ii. 10. ) ; recognisance to Henry de Percy (Aug. 1296), 825; to take in K.'s hand the castles, &c., of Alexander of Ai-gyll and John his son (1296), p. 225; protection to Scotland (Nov. 1297), 961; his horses and clothes (Nov. 1297), 962. INDEX. 661 Meneteth, Earl of, /via.^, i.in-iy a rebel (May 1306), 1771; his forfeited earldom, &c., given to John and Edmund de Hastinges, ib. ; late, surrenders and is sent to prison (Nov. 1306), 1849. (Mentaghe), Colin de, juror, 1689. Gilbert of, a Scotsman (?), in Kirkintil- loch garrison, 1324. James de, prisoner, 742, 875, 1096 ; his allowance reduced, 1296. John de, prisoner, p. 177; the K.'s enemy (Oct. 1301), 1255; Kuapdale given him by John of Argyll, ih.; appointed keeper of the castle, town, and sheriffdom of Dunbarton (20 March 1303-4), 1474; Sir John de, as a Scottish Commissioner (chosen by the K. in lieu of ths Earl of March), agrees to the K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1691; sheriff and constable of Dunbarton castle, ib. (5); his debt of 40Z. to the Ballardi of Lucca, 1695 ; special favour granted to him, 1719 ; lands to be given him, 1730 ; to have the Bishop of Glasgow's lands near Dunbarton, 1785 ; has a grant of the earldom of Levenax (1306), 1786 ; ordered to see that the men of Cantiie supply provisions to the besiegers of Dunaverty casfle (25 Sept. 1306), 1834 ; protection, 1847; ordered, with Hugh Byset, to destroy the retreat of Robert de Brus in the Isles (29 Jan. 1306-7), 1888; on duty at Ayr (July or Aug. 1307), 1961; his seal (PI. i. 11). Robert de, of Bucklyvie, prisoner, 1668, 1794. . . . . , a conduct given to, 1459. Mercer, Augustine le, of Roxburgh (hom. ), p. 820; p. 189; Agnes his wife, ib.\ fined, ib.; Richard their son, ib.; hom., p. 197. Bernard le, burgess of Perth (hom. ), 814; p. 197. . Geoffry the, of Scotland, robbed, p. 42. Nicholas the, of Roxburgh, 311; William her son, ib. Wautier le, burgess of Montrose, (hom.), p. 198. William the, of Scotland, robbed, p. 42. Merecastle, the Abbotof Scone, in ironsin, 1815. John de, chaplain, prisoner, sent from Edinburgh to Wallingford, 1660. William, bailiff of Risenberche, 1636. Mereduc, Morgan ap, captain of 500 Welsh- men, 1936. Meresey, William de, shipmaster of Meresey, delivers wheat at Leith, 1558. Merk', John de, to seek the K.'s falcon, 1512. Merley, barony of, tenure, p. 45. Isabella de, mamed without leave, p. 44. Merley, Robert de, parson of Westerker, Rox- burghshire (hom.), p. 209; seal (App. iii. 525). Rogierde, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Wauterde,of Roxburghshire(hom. ),p. 211. Merlin, the propjhecy of, as to William the Lyon's captiire, p. 116; another quoted as to the Scots and the Bretons, 1926. Memes, the 'second tithes' of, 1421 ; issues of (Pentecost 1304), accounted for, p. 438 ; issues by Sir Richard de Dundemor, ■ sheriff, from the sheriffdom, p. 439 ; from- John de Pollok, ih. ; from the sheriff, issues of bailliary, p. 440. Merpym, Wautier, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (77)). Merre, GefTrei, account of the Earl of Ros's armour, 1416. William, constable, to receive Alexander de Balliol junior at Berkhampste de castle (Oct. 1301), 1246. Merstone, Richard de, 134. Merton, John de, with 173 archers, joins Sir Aymar de Valence (4-20 March), 511. Mestre Nicol de, parson of Kynathes, Forfarshire (hom.), p. 211. Walter de, (Chancellor), 5, 9, 10, 12. Meschinis, Ranulph de, 64 ; earl of Karliol, ih. ; gives AUirdale to Waldeve, ib. William de, lord of Couplande, p. 16. Messager, Gilbert le, of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 205, 210. Ive le, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 203. Michael le, of Edinburghshire (hom. pp. 205, 210 ; seal (App. iii. 342). Rauf le, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 210. Messenger, Geoffry the, 1132. Messengers and couriers, expenses for the Prince of Wales's, in Scotland (1303), p. 370; 3 K.'s, in Scotland (1304), pay of, p. 441; divers, to various persons, ih. Messer, Thomas le, a Scotsman, p. 173. Methven (Mehtven), lands and castle of, 1592. battle of. Sir Thomas Randolph taken at, 1807; 16 prisoners from, drawn and hanged at Newcastle (Aug. 1306), 1811. Roger de of Perthshire (hom.), p. 199; Sir Roger de, juror, 1689. Meynrethe, John de, of Wyggetonshire (hom. ), p. 198. Metingham, John de (justice), 133, 138; p. 44. Michel (Michiel), Thomas le fiz, juror, 1457. Thomas, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. 662 INDEX. Jlililelsburgh (Midelburgh), Roger de, of Roxburghshire (horn.), p- 199. William de, prisoner, p. 177, 1094. Lliddeltone (Mideltone), Sir Adam de, 1606 (10), 1684, 1690; pardoned a transaction with the late Cristiana de Brus (20 Feb. 1306-7), 1901. Andrew de, with Henry de Percy, 1684. Henry de, at Carlaverok with his banner, 1146. . Humphrey de, of Kincardineshire (horn. ), p. 209. . John de, 16, 628. ■ Robert de, prisoner, p. 177; 1100; freed, 1379. . Robert de, 1606 (10). . William de, 148. lliddenhale, Geoffry de, prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged, 1062. Middleby, Symon, parson of, Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Midford, Robert of, p. 46. liliddleham (Selkirk ?), army reviewed at (July 1301), 1229. 'Middling men,' the, of Scotland, to be re- ceived to peace, except magnates, and those privy to Comyn's murder (Ajml 1306), 1755. Miden [Meath ?], the Bishop of, receives the Pope's bull and the K.'s letters thei'eon at Cassel (1 July 1306), 1800. IMidford, Stephen parson of, 171. ]\Iidilburne, shealing of, 319. Migequam, Hugh de, 319. Miggel, Michael de (hom.), 730; prisoner, p. 177; 1029; prisoner in Nottingham, to be ex- changed for James de Lyndeseye,1093, 1098; inquiry (1 Sept. 1305), as to his dealings with Sir William le Waleys, and evidence as to the latter's harsh treatment of him, ■when trying to escape twice, 1689. Roger de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (11)). Mikelgate, Robert de, burgess of York, 63. Mikiltwayt, William de, juror, 24. Mildeburne moor (Redesdale), outrages at, pp. 43, 44. Miller, Adam the, juror, 1420. Ashelon the, 312. Richard the, 34. William the, 1178. Milltown, the, 163. Milton, Thomas de, presentation to Lilleford . church quashed, 1104; William de Moray's, ib. Minch moor, kept free of robbers during Rox- burgh fair; tenure of Hopkeliou, 1675. Mindrom (Myndrum), Adam of, burgess of Roxburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197; vallet (loses a horse), 1007. Giles de, petition of, 867. Minors, the Friars, their claims in Berwick, Roxburgh, Haddington, Dumfries, and Forfar, to be examined into, 856; of Scot- land, allowances to {temp. Alex. III. and John), 860; the Scottish, to pi'ay for the late Queen of France's soul, 1661. Friar Ivor of the, 961. Minstrels, the K. of Scotland's, 131. Mire, David le, prisoner, p. 177 ; freed from Ledes castle to serve the K. abroad, 939. ' Misteus,' the Order of, 1123. Mitforde castle, confirmed to Alexander de Balliol and his wife, 49. church, given in 2)rojprios iisus to Laner- cost, for its losses by K.'s stay, &c. (17 March 1306-7), 1911. Modervale, Adam de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 212. Motfat, vale of, hostages to be taken from, 734 ; Cristiana, widow of Robert de Brus, the Competitor, dowered in, 826 ; vill of, farm (for 1303), p. 426 ; valley of, ib. ; mills of ib. John de, accounts for a fine from Selkirk forest, p. 439. (Mutfet), Robert de, .of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 278); juror, 1619. Thomas, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 206. Moffyu, Gilbert of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (78)). Mogheld, AVelsh levies from, 984. Mohaut (Montalt), Bernard de, of Peebleshire (hom. ), p. 207 ; prisoner at Methven, and slayer of Robert de Tany, drawn and hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811. Sir Michel de (hom. ), p. 210. Patrick de, prisoner, p. 177 ; 1114, 1156. Rogier de, K. 's tenant of Peebleshire (hom.), p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (38)). Sir William de, (hom. ), 730 ; submits, 755; (hom.), p. 195 ; royal message to, 884; heritable sheriff of Cromarty, (Sept. 1305) 1691 (3). Sir William de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 211. William de, juror, 1689. Mohautesdale, Welsh levies from, 984. Mohuu, ' Sir John de, dines with Prince of AVales at Perth (Candlemas 1303-4) 1516. INDEX. 663 Mohun, Friar, John de, Templar, 331. Moigne, Wautier le, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Moiller, Thomas le, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202. Mokersy, David rector of, asks church of, 1530. Molegan, Macrath ap, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 198 ; his lands in Dumfriesshire restored, 832. Molecastre (Mulecastre), the manor of, plea regarding, p. 29. Benedict de, his heir, p. 66. Kobert de, p. 29 ; plea with Alan de Penintone as to Giflyn in Scotland, ib., Robert his son, p. 30; John his son, ib.; Alicia his heir, ib.; pp. 59, 66; in K.'s service in Scotland, 989. Sir Walter de, (of Arthuret), p. 34; 208; pp. 64, 65, 66. William de, 1070; sheriff of Cumberland, his account respited on account of the Scottish incursions (May 1300), 1137; Eichard de Langwathby his clerk, ib. ; has a grant of Boulton in AUerdale for life, 1143; sheriff of Cumberland, asks respite on account of Scottish invasions (Oct. 1302), 1329 ; compotus, 1439; a justice, 1716; sheriff of Cumberland, to collect and man vessels at Skinburness, Whitehaven, and Workington, &c., and send them to Ayr in pursuit of Robert de Brus (1 Feb. 1306-7), 1893. Moliefard, Malis de, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (13)). Molle, Adam de, 1606 (2). John of, 628. Mollesworthe (Mulisworthe), manor of, 385. Anneys de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 203 ; seal ? (App. iii. 180). Walter de, sheriff of Bedford, &c., 1096 1296, 1805; Philip de Herdewyk his clerk, ib., compotus, 1951. Moleyns, James de, account for crossbows, &c., sent to the K. at Linlithgow (Oct. 1301), 1251. MoUiere, John de la, K. 's vallet, has a rebel's land, 1898. Molyn, Elyz del, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Monceaus, Maiit de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 213 ; seal (App. i. 4 (3)). Moncref (Mouncref), David de, messenger from Sir John de Moubray to the K., 1726. Sir John de (of Perthshire, hom. ), pp. 194, 199. Moncref, Thomas de, prisoner, p. 177 ; 1114, 1156. William de, of Angus (hom. ), p. 207. Monctour, Sir Andrew de (hom.), p. 196. Money, Sir Walter de, has a grant of eyries of falcons in the K.'s demesne lands, Scotland, for life, 1020. Mouetarii, Arnaldus, Mayor of Bordeaux, petitions for John Masson, 255. Mongale, William de (hom.), p. 210. Monilaws, land of, leased to Elena de Prender- lathe, by Sir John Wischard, 1596. Monymel, diocese of St Andrews ; English presentee to, 1000. Henry de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204 ; Henry parson of, Fife (hom.), p. 213. Monmouth, Geoffry of, his History, p. 114. Monros, Mestre Matheu de, of Perthshire, clerk (hom.), p. 200. Montacute, Simon de, captain of the fleet to put down the rebels lurking in Scotland and the Western Isles (30 Jan. 1306-7), 1889 ; (Montagu), Sir Simon de, arranges for a naval watch against the rebel Scots off Cautyre and the Isles (16 June 1307), 1941; Sir William de M. his son, ib. Montagu), Sir William de (of Hertford- shire), 1393. William de, 1499, 1536. Montalt. See Mohaut. Monte Spine, Sir Oliver de, Count of Saresberg, 293. Montfichet (Muntfichet), the heritage of, claimed by Nicholas Corbet, 46. Richard de (deceased), his heirs, 194, William de, 1985 (19, 20). Montfort, Alexander de, 74. Gwido de, his sentence promulgated in Scotland, 7. John de, of Edinburghshire (fealty), 795; seal, ib. ; pp. 195, 198, 211; (deceased), 1665; ward and marriage of one of his daughters in Scotland granted, 1665. Pieres de, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 210. Robert de, of Kyncardineshire (hom. ), p. 211. Sir Simon de, 61. Montgomery castle, Scottish prisoners in, p. 177; 1378. John de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 200 ; Sir John de, his lands given to Sir Adam de Swinburne, 1183. Murchauche de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 206. Robert de {teinp. Malcolm IV.), 1606 (1), ib. (2). eei INDEX. Montgomery, Thomas de, of Stirlingshire (liom.), p. 205. Montibus (Mountz), Sir Ebulo de, and retinue, 1132; constable of Edinburgh, ordered to send two engines to Montrose (11 July 1303), 1386; also 60 carpenters and 200 ditchers, with their tools, &c., to Dunfermline (10 Nov.), 1408; report by a third person to the K. that none could be got (18 Nov.), 1412; sheriff of Edinburgh, commanded to send carpenters from Edin- burgh and Haddington, to the K. at Dunfermline (Nov. 1303), 1414; sheriflF of Edinburgh, 1586; receives Sir Alexander de Lambertone a prisoner there, ib. ; his arrears paid, 1655; to lease Westropkeliok (Peebles- shire), 1675; asks for a grant of lands, or the wardenship of Stirling castle, 1723; paid repairs of Jeddeworthe castle (23 Jan. 1306-7), 1886; seal, ib.; in chase of Robert de Brus at Glentruyl (17-30 April 1307), p. 512; to remain constable of LufFenoke castle, 1968. Montour, Robert de, to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Montpelier, Peter of, apothecary, account for electuaries &c. , during 1303, for the Prince of Wales in Scotland, p. 368. Monterevelle, Geoffry de, 1365; seal, ib. William de, 295. Montrose, the Community of (hom.), p. 198 ; seal (PI. v. 8) ; the K. orders two engines and stones to be sent there from Edinburgh castle (July 1303), 1386 ; a rent in, belongs to Brechin, 1421 ; the Pentecost farm of, paid, p. 438 ; second tithes of, &c., claimed by Abbot of Jedburgh, 1724. Moravia (Morref, Morreve, Moray), the freemen of, oppressed by the Guardians, 465. the Bishop of, his * place ' on ' le Nesse' Berwick, 1313; 1639; his' capture much desired by the K. (11 Aug. 1306), 1820 ; chargesof perjury, rebellion, &c.. against him, 1827 ; excommunicated and takes refuge in Orkney, 1907 ; Haco K. of Norway asked by Edward I. to arrest him, ib. Bishop of, Archibald, protection for, p. 839. Master Geoffry. . , . odbith, canon of, to have his prebendal church of Invyrketheny, Banff, 1530. Sir Adam de, prisoner, p. 177 ; at Ledes castle (Kent), 1082 ; 1157 ; to be exchanged at Berwick, for Sir William Ridel, a prisoner in Scotland (Oct. 1301), 1243, 1244. Aleynde, of Forreys (hom.), pp. 195, 211. Moravia, (Morref)Sir Andrew de, 307; Eufemia his wife, ib. ; the Guardians intercede for them, ib. ; married Eufemia Comyn, a widow, without licence, 376 ; attests K. John's homage, 660; seal(Pl. i. 5); (fealty), p. 124 ; a prisoner, 742; (Nov. 1297), 960; dead (before 1300) 1178. Andrew de, esquire, prisoner at Chester, p. 177 ; raises insurrection in Moray (before July 1297), 920,921, 922 ; besieges Urquh art castle, ib.; son of Sir Andrew de Moray, has safe conduct to see his father in the Tower (28 Aug. 1297), 961 ; killed at Stirling, (1297), 1178 ; a boy named Andrew (cet. 2, at Pentecost 1300, his son) ib. ; found to be the heir of William de Moray, ib. ; and dwells in Moray among the K. 's enemies, ib. Archibald (Erchebaud) de, of Pebbles- shire (hom.), p. 207. Austyn de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 213. David de, parson of Bothwell, Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 212. Hugh de, (fealty), 758 ; seal, ib. ; (hom. ), p. 194; (of Edinburghshire) (hom.), p. 199. Sir John de (fealty), p. 124, 761; (hom.), p. 194 ; (of Fife), hom., p. 209; seal (App. iii. 148). John son of Alexander de (prisoner), p. 177 ; 906. Laurence de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202. Maurice de,attorney of Earl of Buchan, 187. Walter de (the late), 725 ; gave Lilleford manor to Derevergulla Olifard for life, ib. ; William de Moray, his heir, ib. Sir Walter de, surrenders, and is sent to prison (Nov. 1306), 1849. Sir William de, appoints attorneys, 430; 'the rich,' (fealty) p. 124 ; holds Hogtone, (Cumberland), p. 172 ; lord of Bothwell, (hom.), p. 196 ; Ughtred le Harpour his tenant's land in Lanarkshire, restored, p. 225 ; to serve the K. abroad, 942 ; (of Bothwell ?) on parole in England (1298-99), 1053 ; allowance to him ordered by the K.,ib.; his tenant's right in Roxburghshire, forfeited, 1083 ; his own reserved, ib. ; Lilleford church, Lincolnshire, in his pre- sentation, 1104; deceased, inquisition of his lands in Berwickshire (Nov. 1300), 1178 ; Andrew de Moray, 2 years old, son of the late Andrew de M., killed at Stirling, his heir, ib. ; his castle of Bothwell and all his lands in Scotland giveu to Aymer de Valence, 1214. INDEX. 665 Moravia, (Morref) Sir Williamde, of Drumsar- gard, (hom. ), 730 ; of Romsirgard (hom. ), p. 198 ; seal (App. iii. 205) ; of Drumsergard, royal message to 884 ; a rebel received, has his Northumberland lands, 1481, 1594. Sir William son of John de (fealty), 784; seal, t6. ; his hom., p. 195, (prisoner), p. 177, 911, 925. Sir William de, of Sandf ord, (hom. ), 730 ; surrenders and is sent to prison (Nov. 1306), 1849. William de, of TuUybardy, Perthshire, (hom.), p. 200 ; seal (PI. i. 18) ; of Tunibard, recognisance by, 827 ; of TuUebardy, royal message to, 884. More (Mor), Adam de la, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205 J seal (App. iii. 441) ; juror, 824 (6). Agnes de la, pp, 64, 66. Dovenal le fiz Michael, of Levenaghes, Dunbartonshire, (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 556). • Gilchrist, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal App. iii. 395). John de la, prisoner, p. 177. RejTiaud del, of Ayrshire (hom. ), pp. 205, 206 ; seals (App. iii. 554, 573). Reynaud, of Cragg ' of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 200. Symon de la, of Thangarstone, Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 213. Thomas de la, 274, 303, 535, 681. William de la, juror, Cumberland, 71. William de la, juror, Ayrshire, 824 (6). William de la, chaplain, 715. Morel, Friar John, resigns abbacy of Jed- burgh (21 Sept. 1296), 837. Moreteyn, Philip de, to bring crossbowmen and carpenters to Stirling from York (20 June 1304), 1554. Moretorb, Moris de, juror, 1350. Moreville, Hugh de {temp. David L) 1985 (1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10); {temp. Henry IL), 169; Richard, his brother, ib. ; William, son and heir of latter, ib. ; Elena, sister and heir of last, ib. ; grant of Garethorn for his soul's ■weal, 690, 1606 (12) ; Richard his son, iii. Richard de, p. 117 ; constable, 1606 (4) ; ib. (8) ; constable, 1985 (12, 17, 18). Morhalle, Johan de, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Perthshire (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 189). Morham, Sir Herbert de (prisoner), p. 177; 911, 925 ; freed from prison on mainprise, 940 ; to be tried for the abduction and robbery of Joanna countess of Fife (April 1299), 1066 ; commands insurgent Scots beleaguering Stir- ling castle (close of 1299), 1949 ; his outrages on the Countess described, 1108 ; his retinue while serving in Edinburgh castle (Feb. 1299-1300), 1132 ; excepted from amnesty with Sir John Comyn (March 1303-4), 1469, 1473 ; his father also, ib. Morham, Sir Thomas de (prisoner), 957, 960; his horse killed at Falkirk, (1298), 1011; his retinue in Edinburgh castle (Feb. 1299-1300), 1132; receives hay, 1446; receipt by 1180 (?) ; seal, ib. Thomas de, 'pusnee,' of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 626) ; abets his brother Herbert de M. in abducting Joanna countess of Fife, 1066 ; his house of Gertranky in Stirlingshire, ib. ' Morhouses juxta Mosefald ' (Annandale), farm (for 1303), p. 426. Moriley, Thomas de pp. 171, 175 ; lands in Broghton and Alenburgh (Camberland), 841; 963; forfeited, 1042. Morin, Thomas, son of, juror, 1681. Morleie, John de, p. 192. Morningtone, Patrick de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 206. Peter de, (fealty), 508. Morpathe, robbery at, p. 42. William of, sells an anvil, 1271. MortejTi, Sir Roger de, 732. Morthingtoue, Peter de, claims Spiny Iston, 105. Simon of, jurior, 1178. Mortimer, Edmund de, demises 100?. of lands in Worcestershire for 10 years to Isabella de Clare for his debt for the marriage of Dun- can,heir of the Earl of Fife (July 1302), 1311. Hugh de, of Castle Richard, 940. Rogerde, ofPerthshire(hom.), 730;p. 211. William de (1174), p. 117 ; {teynp. Alex. II.), 1985 (14); (justice), 645, 886. Mortleye, delivered to Earl of Buchan, 1682. Morton, enclosure in, challenged by K. of Scotland, 63. i Lambert de, 172. Wauter parson of, Master of Caldestreme, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 212. Mortwayt (Lydel), p. 179. Morynton, K.'s demesne (Lanarkshire), farm, (1304), p. 427. Morselmouthe, Patrick, ropemaker, 1589. Mose, K.'s messenger, carries letters to Treasurer of Scotland, 878. Mosefald (Mousewald), provostry of, issues (1303), p. 426 ; farm of mill, p. 427. Motekan, Osbern, clerk at Jeudeworth castle, 1206. 6fi6 INDEX. Moubray (Mowbray, ]^Iubray) A exander de, clerk, safe conduct, 1574. Geoffry de, 146; his bailiffs amerced, pp. 39, 53; hisknighthood respited, 210: (fealty), p. 124; seal (PI. i. 20) ; his pleas at Carlisle with Robert de Brus, senior, and Cristiana his wife, p. 150 ; Robert de Mowbray his uncle, ib. ; attests John K. of Scots' release to Edw.-L, 658 ; seal, ib. and his fealty, &c., 660; Sir Geoffry de, witness, 691, 692; p. 171; 'of Scotland,' his land in Raskelf (York- shire), p. 173 ; his manor of Boltone (Cumberland), 841 ; witness, 872; 1000 marks of his lands in Scotland granted to Earl of Warwick, 1009; is forfeited (1299), 1070; a rebel, dead (before 30 June 1300), for- feited, 1143 ; father of Sir John de M., 1592. Geoffry de, lands in Scotland asked for him by Sir John de M., 1.726 ; Sir Geoffry de, to bring 300 Tyndale archers in pursuit of Robert de Brus (19 March 1306-7), 1913; on duty with them in Carrick and Glentrool (10 April— 3 May), p. 512. John, coroner, Tyndale, p. 54. Sir John de, prisoner in England, 960; to be exchanged, 1062 ; to be taken from the Tower to York, 1077; expenses, 1086; is holding the Archdeacon of Dunkeld to ransom illegally (March 1303-4), 1473 ; (of Methven), son of Sir Geoffry de M., inquisi- tion as to transaction between him and the Earl of Stratherne, 1592 ; as a Scottish Commissioner agrees to K.'s ordinances (Sept. 1305), 1091 ; allowed expenses to and from Parliament, 20Z., 1722; his wishes and petitions laid before the K. as to affairs in Scotland, 1726 ; has the ward of the late John Comyn's English lands (Feb. 1305-6), 1746 ; his clerk asks timber in Jedburgh forest, 1868; on duty at Ayr (11 June 1307), 1938; (July or Aug.), 1961. Richard de, clerk, safe conduct, 1574. Roger de, p. 130; 769; (the late), 1779; John de Moubray his son and heir, though a minor, gets his lands for his good service in Scotland (1 June 1306), ih. Mounlande, Adam, of Berwickshire (horn. ), p. 206. Mounrevele, Sir William de, his valet, 688. Mount, Roger of the, 34. 'Mountafui,' the little engine called, 1237. Mountecourt, Robert de, prisoner 742. Mourin, Fynlon le fiz, juror, 1457. Muchid(?), Adam le, of lurekethyn, lands in Fife restored to, 832. the his Mullier, John de la, throws Greek fire into Stirling castle, 1569. ilultergreve, Richard le, juror, Tynedale 554. Multone (Molton) North, Devon, Roger la Zuche's manor of, 280. Hubert de 664 ; (late) holds of Sir Thomas de Multon of Gillesland, 1289; his heir's ward given to Sir Nigel Cambel, ib.; Margaret his widow has leave to marry Sir Nigel, ib. Sir Hugh de (of Hof), p. 35; 147, 664; on a foray in Nithsdale, 1437. James de, pardoned outlawry at Prince of Scotland's request, 193. Sir James de, in Scotland, 902. Matillidis de, of Gillesland, p. 29. Thomas de, of Burgh, pp. 37, 39. — — Thomas de, of Egermund, p. 36; manorial rights since the Conquest, p. 37 ; to muster the men of Cumberland, &c., against the Scots, who have risen in foi'ce on the Marches behind the K. (14 June 1303), 1374; toj levy 160 Egremond men to pursue Robert de Brus, 1902; Sir Thomas de, his 4 esquires on raid to Glentrool after Robert de Brus, p. 512. Thomas de, of Gillesland, 4 ; Thomas, son of, ib. p. 38; his rights on Eden, ib.; 304. Munchensy (Monte Caniso), William de, of Edwardstone, deprives Isabella Russel, while a minor, of her property, 466. Muncurr, Andrew de, lands restored to, p. 226. Mundeville (Mondeville, Mundewyl), Sir Henry de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), 730; p. 198; seal (App. iii. 348.); a juror, 824 (1); royal message to, 884; a juror, 1588. Johan de, parson of Moffat, of Wyggeton- shire (hom.), p. 214; seal (App. i. 4 (5)). Munpellers, John de, parson of Bolton in Allerdale, 146. Munpinzun, Sir Giles de, sheriff of Norfolk, &c. , sends supplies for the war (1306), 1865 ; Walter de Haunford his clerk, ib. Munrevel, Geoffry de, valet, 1939. Muntcurt, Robert de, prisoner, 873. Muntfanyn, Fife, 684. Murk, Patrick son of, juror, 1619. Murkel, Earl of Caithness does homage at, 803. Murthok, John, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), p. 198. Muscamp (Muschauns, Muschamp), the heirs of, their tenui-e, p. 42. barony of, 549; question as to tenure by the Grahams of one half, 1770 ; Maria INDEX. 667 widow of Sir Nicholas de Graham does homage, and has seisiu as conjunct fiar with her late husband, 1783, 1784. Muscamp, Robert de, Muriella countess of Mar, grand-daughter and co-heiress of, 477. (Muscanys), Eobert de, of Edinburgh- shire (horn.), pp. 193, 201 ; seal (App. iii 232) ; juror, 824 (2). Stephen de, coroner of Northumberland, 510; juror, 549. Thomas de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 206. Sir "William de (for Sir Walter de Huntercombe), finds 10 men-at-arms on forays, 1321 (14). Muschet (Moschet), David, of Angus (hom.), p. 211; juror, 1592. Richard, of Angus (hom.), p. 207. Musegrave, Thomas de, to raise 60 Cocker- mouth men to pursue Robert de Brus, 1902 Muskleburk (Muskelburghe), the K.'s horses at (1304), 1581 ; held by K. David's gift, in free warren, by Abbot of Dunfermline, 1624. Mustreul (Moustroil), treaty of, to be ratified by the K. on conditions, and term extended for concluding same till St Andrew's day (1302); but John de Balliol and the Scots excluded, 1282; report from his envoys as to preliminary proceedings, 1285. Mutiny, of the English troops at Berwick-on- Tweed (Aug. 1301), from want of pay, and measures to quell same, 1223. Muytaundre, the 'country' of, Hamelin de Trup's, attacked by Sir Reginald le Chen and Sir Duncan de Ferindraute, 1734. Mymmes, Thomas de, 7. Mynerholm (Kendal), p. 5. Mynot, Roger, p. 37. Nairn castle, 543, 547, 579, 615, 642. See Invernairn. 'Nak, la,' (Galloway), an ambuscade of the Scots there for John de St John, reported to theK., 1133. Nakarer, John le, and others, the Prince of Wales' minstrels, play before him at New- botel, p. 369 ; John has 35. to repair his nakars, ib. ' Nakars,' a musical instrument, p. 369. Nam, Robert de, burgess of Dumfries, 550. Namur (Namurz), the ' Pais de,' 247. Marquess of. See Flanders, count of. Sir J. de, sou of the Count of Flanders, sends 2 falcons to the Prince of Wales, p. 369. Naper, Johan le, of Dunbartonshire (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 196). Johan le, of Pebbleshire (hom. ), p. 202. John le, late rebel, to receive back his lands (Oct. 1305), 1696. See Paper. Mathew le, of Aghelec Forfarshire (hom. ), 809 ; seal, ib. ; p. 200. Nasard, Henry, K. 's sergeant-at-arms, finds a man for Sir J. de Segrave's foray, 1321 (14). Nassington, the neifs of, 410. and Jarewelle, extent of, p. 175. Naterys, Robert of, p. 41. Nauntone, Hugh de, writes to Sir Walter de Bedewynde, as to interview with some great man upon Scottish affairs, Aug. [1298], 1001, Necton, Robert de, 1293. Neele, Sir John de, lord of Faleny, 286. Neivin (Nevyn), Patrick fiz Johan, of Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 213 bis. Nelgos, Duncan le fitz of Dunbartonshire (hom. p. 202). Nenflare (Lanarkshire), farm of, Sir Edmond Comyus', pp. 424, 428 ; in hands of the Scots (Pentecost 1302), p. 424. Nenthorne (Neythantherne), Henry de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. (Nethenthirn), William de, prisoner, p. 177 ; 901, 1095. Nephew, John, the parson's, 1540. Nesbyt (Nesebeth, Nesbyte), Jone de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Sii' Robert de, his relief of Daliel, p. 440. Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Thomas of Est, juror, 1178 ; his land in Durham restored to him, 1544 ; p. 416. William de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p 206. Nesham ferry on the Tees, 1403. ' Nesse, le,' Berwick, vacant places there, 1313. Nether Bay Hi (Lydel), p. 19. Netherby, Alicia de, the heirs of, p. 64. Nethrelathe (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Nethre reraik (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Neubaud (Neubaut), Geoflfry de, 33. Tassin de, prisoner, p. 177. William de, prisoner, p. 177. Neubigginge, Michael de, 143. Neuby provostry, issues of (for 1303), p. 426 William de, juror, 71. Ncubotel (Neubottle), the Abbot of, 533 668 INDEX 545; charter of privileges in England and Normandy to, 624. Neubotel, Abbot of, Friar John (fealty), p. 125, (hom.), p. 196 ; seal (App. iii. 120). the Cellarer of, 522. Mass before the Prince of Wales in his chapel there (2 June 1303), 1413; Wood, timber from, for engines at Edinbiu'gh, 1475. Neucober, Angos de, of Forfarshire (hom.) p. 205. (Neutebere), Richard de of Forfarshire (hom.), pp. 196, 205. Neuham manor (Northumberland), extent of, 234; committed to Sir John de Vesey, ib., 318, 361 ; forfeited by Edmond Ccmyn for rebellion, 992. Neutone, Huwe de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 213 ; juror, 857. James de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201. • Sir Thomas de, juror, p. 59 ; 664. William de, Scotsman, sent from Por- chester to Winchester castle, 1203, 1294. Reny, vill of, p. 34 ; old royal de- mesne, p. 36, its tenure, ib. Neuwerk, Master Henry de, archdeacon of Richmond, 241 ; dean of York, 448 ; envoy to Orkney, 454 ; dean of York, 485, 486. Neuwerke [on Yarrow], K. John at (June 1294), 697. Neville, Geoffry de, 17, 243. Pieres de, 844. Sir Randolph de, p. 365. Richard de, burgess of Perth (hom.), 814, p. 197. Theobald de, of Catele, p. 192. New Abbey, St Ninian's image brought from Whitherne to, and returns same night, 1225. Newburgh (Tyndale), p. 53. the Prior of, sends extracts from Henry of Huntingdon, and Marianus Scottus,- p. 112. Newcastle-on-Tyne, the K. at (24-27 Dec. 1292), p. 153; the mayor and bailiffs of, 287; cost of defences, engine, bretasche, &c., against the Scots (in October 1297,) 1021; the mayor to make provision for the Carmelites' church, &c., destroyed by the new fortifications (Aug. 1300), 1151; the K.'s tenants in Northumberland released from castle-ward for 1302, on account of losses from the Scots, 1319; the mayor of, delivers crossbows, &c., for various fortresses in Scotland, 1324; the mayor and bailiffs of, send munitions of war to Stirling, 1589; details and cost of same, ib. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Scottish prisoners there (in 1305), 1641, 1668. Eliz fiz Robert of, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Haulyn of, p. 46. John of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Jordan of, 260. Neweham near Preston, 148. Newelathe (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Newenham, Sir John de, receipt, 1180 (6); seal, ib.; in Berwick, 1321 (13). Newentone, Robert of, messenger, carries let- ters from the Prince of Wales to Sir Robert de Kethe in Selkirk forest( Nov. 1303), p. 370. Newerk, William de, presented to Wissing- dene church, in K.'s hands with Abbot of Lundors' lands, 1574. Neweshara manor, William de Vescy's, 444, Newhouse, the Abbot of, p. 174. Newminster, the Abbot of, p. 131. New Year's gifts to the K. : a gold goblet by the Queen at Linlithgow (1 Jan. 1301-2), 1280; a gold cup and pitcher from the Queen (1 Jan. 1300-4), 1434; a pair of knives from the Countess of Holland, ib. Newyke, Sir Walter de, 230. Neyfs, the church and private, of the Bishop of Dunkeld, to be restored, 1530. Nibreim (Nithbren), 1624. Lambe fiz Austyn de, tenant of Bishop of St Andrews in Fife (hom.), p. 205. Nicholas [IV.], bull for marriage of Prince of Wales and Margaret of Norway, 302; exhorts Scottish clergy to give their tithe to Edw. I., going to the Holy Land, 469; thanks the K. for letters and presents, 471. Benard, merchant, 61. ' Nichole forest,' (Lydel), 208. Nicol, Adam fiz, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202. Maucolum fiz (hom. ), p. 203. Nidderdale, the chace of, 769. Nidy, land of, held of Bishop of St Andrews, 1350. ' Nine Maidens,' church of the, robbery at, p. 190. Nithsdale, hostages to be taken from, 734; Scots insurgents in (Sept. 1301), 1225; raids in, against Robert de Brus (12 Feb. — 23 April) under Sir J. Boteturte with 70 horse and 180 foot, p. 511. John son of John of, (illegal fisher), p. 55. INDEX. 669 Noble, Patrick le, of Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 363), Thomas le, of Edinburghshire (horn. ), p. 199; seal? (App. iii. 369). Noillan (Noielan), Sir Montesin de, and retinue in Dumfriesshire, 1170; constable of Ayr, with the garrison, &c., reports the assault of the Scots with 400 raen-at-arms, and 'petail' enough, on Turubiri and Ayr castles, and the non-arrival of Earl Patrick (Oct. 1301), 1236; besieged in Ayr, 1293; gratuity to, by the Earl, ib. Norfolk and Suffolk, earl of, Eoger le Bigod, Marshal, his contingent and pay (1298), 1044. Norham castle, transactions at, in the com- petition for the Crown of Scotland, 479-499 passim; military summonses to (1291), 473; the nobles and magnates of Scotland have safe conduct to, 474; wine brought from Berwick to, 565; the K. there, (20 Nov. 1292), p. 153; the Earl of Warrenne at (Sept. 1297?), 1877; Margaret Queen of England there (28 Nov. 1303), 1415; wine used by her household replaced, ib. ; the constable of, to see as to the Queen's escort to Dirleton, 1438. Alexander de, chaplain, saying masses in chapel of St Mary of Bonyngton for soul of late K. Alexander, 839. Robert ' le prestre' of, 979. schyre, 82. Norman, Rauf le fiz, burgess of Inverkeithing (horn.), p. 198. Normanville, John de (Northumberland), 240. Johan de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ) p. 209. Sir Robert de, of Stirlingshire (fealty), 798 ; (hom.), pp. 195, 199, 202; seal (App. iii. 302). Sir Thomas de, compotus of late K. of Scotland's lands, 320 ; 63, 100, 135, 139, [ 141, p. 37 ; 184, 226, 241, 275, 277 ; 261, 319, 352, 359, 360, 398, 406, 549, 557, 558. Normaunt, John, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; juror, 1435. Norreys, Richard, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. North Allerton, battl of, p. 114. Northam (Oxford), 265. Northampton castle, Scottish prisoners, in p. 177. Master Stephen of, over carpenters at Selkirk, 1288. Nortliberge. See Bergen. North Berwick (Norberwick), David of, p. 46. Waldeue de, juror, 824 (3). Wautier de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 269). Northburg, W. de, 29, 30, 39, 58, 77, 81, 103, 105. Northincheton, Nicol of, burgess of Peebles (hom.), p. 197. Northumberland, invasion of, by David I. p. 116 ; by William the Lyon, p. 117; atrocitiea done, ib. ; names of barons captured with him at Alnwick, ib. levy of 4000 men from (Sept. 1299), 1092. the barons, &c., of, to be ready to attack the Scots when the truce|expires(at Pentecost, 1301), 1194. Northwode manor (Kent), extent of, p. 174 ; 1023. Norway, secret letters as to affairs of, noticed, 403 ; how enrolled, ib. the late Queen [Margaret] of, her 'damoy- ' sele' petitions Edward I., 1591 (2). Queen of, Isabella de Brus, grand-daughter of the Competitor ; inventory of her ward- robe, silver plate, regalia, &c. , 675. ambassadors of, safe conduct, 343 ; safe conducts for the 8, (June 1297), 961. Norwich, Prior of, sends extracts from Chroni- cles, p. 118 ; relieved of Friar Peter, a monk of Kelso, who had returned to K,, 1744. Noteman, John, 881. Nottingham, levy of 500 men from (April 1299), 1092 ; the foot of, alleged to have paid money, to evade serving in Scottish war (1300), 1129. castle, Scottish prisoners in, p. 177; (1297), 911, 1029. Richard of, executor of the Countess of Stratherne, 1642. Nudreflf (Niddry), the lordship of, Alan le Zuche's, 824 (3). Nuers, Hugh de, 1606 (11). Nunewik, Cristiana widow of Adam de, in the K.'s gift, p. 54. Hugh de, juror 319. (None\vik), John de, juror, 319. Waldeve de, juror, 407. Nurri, Robert, approver, against Henry de Pynkeni, 1244. 0, John de, 265. Sec Ew. Oath, to be taken by commissioners in Paiiia- 670 INDEX. ment on affiiirs of Scotland (Sept. 1305), 1691 (11), 1692. Obrinkel (Hopringle), Elys de, tenant of the Bishop of St Andrews, Edinburghshire (hom,), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 188). Odestone, Wautier le fiz Roger de, of Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 198; his lands in Lanark- shire, restored, 832. Oerde (Orde), the vill of [Scotland?], leased by Hugh de Cressinghaui, 1597. Officers, (32) minor, in Edinburgh castle, 1132. Official, Sir Durnnd the, 1606 (7). Of therebnre, William , of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 200 ; seal (App. i. 2 (84)). Ogeston, Alexander de (hom. ), 730. Oggelvye (Oggilville), Sir Patrick de, of Forfarshire (hom.), 730; pp. 195, 199; seal (App. iii. 353) ; juror, 1689. Oghtergaven (Ostergavene), Robert de, of Perthshire (hom.), 809; pp. 200, 202; seal, (App. iii. 392). Oghterloveny, Wauter de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Olifard (Oliver, Olifant), David {temp. Wm. the Lion), 1606 (8), 1985 (12). David, (the late), 725 ; Derevergulla his widow disputes Lilleford church with William de Moray, ib. Hugh, prisoner, 1644 ; at Colchester, 1668 ; escapes from Colchester castle, and takes refuge in Barking church (3 Nov. 1306), 1846 ; pursued and brought back to prison (22 Jan. 1306-7), 1885. Walter, prisoner, 1644 ; at Winchester, 1668, 1672. Sir William, prisoner, p. 177; 953 ; his goods, &c. , and those of the rebel garrison of Stirling, given to Gilbert Malherbe (20 April 1304), 1517; governor, sur- renders Stirling castle, 1562 ; prisoner in the Tower (21 May 1305), 1668. Sir William (the late?) held land, after- wards Sir Richard Siward's j^lre ttxoris, 1873. William, prisoner, Rochester castle, 742. Sir William, of Duppling, prisoner in Wallingford castle (21 May 1305), 1668 ; of Dumplyn, prisoner in Wallingford castle (1307), 1948. Oliver, Castle, Fraser barony of (Peeblesshire), p. 428. Robert (burgess of Berwick), 346 ; the late, 868. Robert, son of (of Berwick), p. 130. On're, Mauclom de, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 210. On the huUe (0' the Hille), William, of Berwickshire (hom.), pp 201, 208 ; seal (App. i. 3 (5)). Opintele bridge (Redesdale), p. 43. Opkeliok, William, inquiry iield as to leasing his manor of Westropkeliok, 1675. See Hopkeliok. Orbet', Robert de, pays issues of Mernes, p. 440. Orchard, Henry del, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 203 ; seal ? (App. iii. 228). Jordan del, K. 's tenant, Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. i. 3 (23)); lands in Linlithgowshire restored to, 832. Orestone, Fife, 684. Orfeure, Roger le, of Berwick, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. . . . . le, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Oreford, William of, burgess of Berwick, an Englishman, p. 148; 693, 696 ; juror, 1313. Orkney, Norwegian envoys at, 454; the Queen of Scotland's death there (before 7 Oct/ 1290), 459; messengers from, to the K., 463.- the Earl of, 463 ; his messenger, ib, Sir Gilbert de, 961. Orky, Elys de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Orm, William, of Kethe, prisoner, froni Stirling, 1644. See Horm. Ormesby, John de, son of William de 0., 881. — — Robert de, brother of William de 0., 881; presented to Hawyk, 961. Walter de, 208. William de, justice, 645; in K.'s service in Scotland, 881; to levy forces in the Northern counties, &c., against the Scots (Oct. 1297), 956. Ormestone (Peebles), K.'s demesne, farm of, pp. 424, 428. Alan de, 70. Alice widow of Aleyn de of Edinburgh- shire (hom.), pp. 198, 201; seal (App. i. 3 (52)). Gilbert of, 34; William son of, ib. Henry de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal ? (App. iii. 267); juror, 824 (3). John de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 294). Orrok, Robert de, of Fife, (hom.), p. 204. Symon de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Osbaldewyk, Sir Robert de, chaplain, collates the ' Ragman Roll,' p. 214. Osberntone (Bothwell), the 'Karavane' at (1300), 1190. INDEX. 671 Osgotby, Sir Adam dc, 1278. Oseby (Annandale), demesne lands of, farm (for 1303), p. 426; grazings of, ib.; meadows of, by Sir John Botetourt's hands, ib. ; perquisites of courts by same, ib. ; mill of, p. 427. Ostergaven, see Oghtergaven. Ostia, Bishop of, N., the K. commends the Dean of Duukeld to him, 1573. Oter, John (of Berwick), p. 130; of Berwick- shire (horn.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 197). Over Eytone, William de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 210. Oul (Ulster), 163. 'Our Lady's tofts,' Dumfries; mortgagee ejected by the sheriff, 1526. Oure lathe (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Oure reraik (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Ovyot, Richard, his lands in Lanark and Edinburghshire restored, 832. Owen, Gregory son of, prisoner, 911. Oxford, earl of, Robert de Veer, sends his brother Sir Aunphouns de Veer and 4 others with Thomas his son, in the Scottish war (May 1303), 1362. Oxinholme, p. 5. Oydisterne, master Robert de, physician of the Prince of Wales, sent to London for medicines (Oct. 1301),;i249. Pabecastre (Cumberland), manor of, p. 36. Packer, John, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Pactone mill, 16. Ralph de, 16. Padvynan (Pettinain), Lanarkshire, Sir John de Maxwell's crops of, p. 424. Page, John, his plea, 133. John, prisoner, p. 178 ; freed from Tun- bridge castle to serve the K. beyond seas, 939. Richard, attendant of Alex. IIL, assaulted, 145. Painter, Reginald the, fishes for the K. , 1589. Pakenham, Sir John de, 1925. Pampesworde, Nicholas of, (of Berwick), 696. Pampingham, Master John de, pp. 43, 44. Papede, Eleyne, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 209. Papeiay, the Prince's fowler, buys a setter dog for 40s. p. 368. Paper [? Naper], John, prisoner, Salop, 1668. See Naper. Pappeworth, William de, 732. Parchment, bought for rolls, letters, &c. (1304), p. 441. Park, (Parco) Sir Johan del, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206 ; juror, 824 (2); late rebel, to have his land in Durham, p. 416. Parker, Alexander le, p. 173. Hutting le, a Scotsman, p. 173. John le, has the keeping of William de Douglas' infant son Hugh, at Stebbing in Essex, p. 173. William le, parson of Kilmon (Killum), Perthshire (hom.), pp. 208, 213. Parliament at Westminster (1305); the clergy, magnates, and representatives elected by Community of Scotland to attend, 1678; held c. 15 Sept., and ordinances by the K., with assent of the Scottish Commis- sioners, for the settlement of the country, 1691. Partone, Patrick fiz Matheu de, of Dum- friesshire (hom.), p. 206. Parys, John de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 199. Passelay (Paisley), Abbot of, recognisance to the Master of Sempyngham, 825. Abbots of: Walter (hom.), p. 196 ; seal (App. iii. 139); A., to the K. regarding the Earl of Lennox's chaplain, 1238. PasseraanderhuUe, Richard de, of Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 213. Pasture, custom as to unfenced, (Northumber- land), 149. Patenesone, Nichole, of Levenax, prisoner, 166, Paternoster, Roger called, (hom.), p. 196. Patowe, William de, vallet, 1605. Patrick, Earl. See March, Earl of. Gilcrist fiz, of Roxburghshire (hom), p. 200. Paveli, Robert de, 28. Pavilluns, William de, 1965. Paunton, Alisaundre de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 206 ; seal (App. iii. 312). Paxiston (Paxton), Sir John de, juror, 824 (2). Nicol de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 214 ; his grandfather William de P.'s English land restored to, 1544, p. 416. William de, p. 175. Paynel, Sir Philip, deceased ; 1867 ; ward of his land and heir asked, ib. Sir Thomas, 1218 ; pay, 1762 ; at Dum- fries, 1792. Peace, intercession for, 1441. Peak castle, 4 Scottish prisoners in, 1668. Pectarne, Pieres de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Pedglassy (Petglasy), Patrick de of Fife (hom. ), p. 209 ; lands in Fife restored to him, 832. 6 72 INDEX. Pedglassy, William de (hom.), 730. Pedgrogeny, Jolm, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 208. Pedneweme, Pennewem. See Pittenween. Peebles (Pebbles), Edward I. there (2-10 Aug. 1301), 1213, 1214; army paid at (8 Aug. 1301), 1229; burgh and mills of, granted to Aymar de Valence (4 Oct. 1306), 1839; he and his heirs heritable sheriffs of Pebbles, ib.; garrison of, 1324 (6), 1337; the rebel vicar of, farm of his land, p. 425; compotus of K.'s demesnes in (1302-3), pp. 424-5; (1303-4), p. 428; town farm of, pp. 424, 428; allowance to repair mill of, p. 424 ; the hospital of, 1C75. the Community of (hom.), p. 198. John, vicar of (hom. ), p. 197. Friar Thomas, master of the Holy Rood of (hom.), p. 212. Rauf 'del pount de,' (hom.), p. 202. Peleryn, Geoffry, (of Yarmouth), 464. Pell .... urg, on Edene, p. 38. Pembroke, Earl of, William de Valence, 724; asks favour for his son-in-law John Comyn, and Johanna his wife, ih. the Earl of. See Valence, Aymar de. Countess of, Johanna de Valence, to send the late Sir John Comyn's son, to be with the royal children at Northampton (4 July 1306\ 1798. Pendenan, Adam, of Pebbles-shire (hom.), p. 207. Penicok,Huwe de,of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; K.'s tenant (hom.), p. 201 ; seal (App. i. 3. (34)); a rebel received, has hisEnglish lands, 1481; in Northumberland, 1594. Margaret de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 208. Peningtone (Penigtone, Peniton), Sir Alan de, p. 29 ; plea with Robert de Molecastre as to Giffyn in Scotland, ib. ; William his son and heir, pp. 30, 36 ; exchanges land with Geoffry de Moubray, p. 173; at Roxburgh (10 May 1296), p. 189 ; security for Richard Eraser, 648; at Ayr (July 1307), 1952. Benedict de, p. 30 ; Alicia his daughter, ib. Sir Robert de, 1050. Penkatloude (Pencatlaud), David de, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815; p. 197; juror, 824 (3). John de, mainprise by (24 Aug. 1296), 805; constable of Jeddeworthe castle, surrenders it (before Aug. 1299), 1086; a juror, 1178; late constable of Jeddeworthe, 1180 (4); at Berwick (1302), 1337. Pennecestre (Penshurst, Kent), Stephen de, 20. Penpont, William of, claims a succession in Dumfries, 1423. Penresax (Annandale), vill of, farm (for 1303), p. 426; mill of, p. 427. Penrith, 17, 146, p. 36, felons at, p. 33; illegal acts by Scottish bailiffs at, ib. , pp. 37, 38; 664. K. John does homage for. and other Cumberland manors, granted by K. John de Balliol, to Anthony, bishop of Durham, for life, 692. Maurice of, (felon), 146. Penruddok, Simon de, juror, 585. Pentland, Edward I., at (17 Aug. 1304), 1578. Adam of, monk of Holy rood, 1052. John de, p. 444. Ralph de, p. 441. Pepinking, Roger, juror, 1178. Percy, David de, footman, on raid against Robert de Br us, p. 511. Sir Henry de, 825; debt to, ib. ; 844, 845; he and his men to be received in Carlisle castle, 846; warden of Galloway and castles of Ayr, Wigton, Cruggelton, and Botel (1296), p. 225; empowered to 'justify' evil-doers in Scotland or their resetters, 887, 898; his pay, p. 317; proclamation by, to the lieges in Cumberland, 899; writes to the K., 902; receives the Bishop of Glasgow and other insurgent nobles to peace (July 1297), 908; writes to the K. from Alnwick (end of July 1297), 913 ; his agreement at Irvine noticed, 933 ; his men defend Carlisle against the Scots (Oct. 1297), 954 ; his contingent and pay (1298), 1044 ; grant to liim of late Ingelram de Balliol's lands, forfeited by Ingelram de Umfraville the heir, 1060; does homage for Ingelram de Balliol's lands, 1102 ; at Leckingfeud (Nov. 1301), 1258 ; he only is to present to churches in the Earl of Buchan's lands in Aberdeen, 1487; the K. begs him 'for his love' not to disturb William Byset, sheriff' of Clacmanan at Tolyalwyn (April 1304), 1514, 1515; dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (4, 10, 11 Feb. 1303-4), 1576; on the K.'s business with Sir John Comyn, ib. ; in Carrick (16 Aug. 1305), 1684; not to be disturbed iu late Sir Ingelram de Balliol's lands (Oct. 1305), 1696 ; appointed by the K. on the west Marches to put down the late Earl of Carrick's rebellion, and the men of Lancaster, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and the west of Scotland to Roxburgh, to obey him on 8 IXDEX. 673 days' warning (5 April 1306), 1754 ; pay advanced to him, 1762; commands pay to knights, &c., at Dumfries (29 June), 1729; seal, i6. ; orders engines, provisions, &c. , to be sent quickly to Girvan (25 July), 1808; the K. is pleased they have been sent to Lochdoon (10 !Aug.), 1819; letter to him ib.; notice of writings, &c., found by him there (Oct.) 1845; commanded to report his doings against the rebels to the K. (Feb. 6- 1], 1306-7), 1895, 1896; at Dumfries (17 May 1307), 1930; his valet receives wine at Ayr (17 July), 1952; 1960. Percy, Walter de, marries Cristiana de Lyndesay . (before Sept. 1274), 23; (of Kyldale), his fine for marrying Christiana de Lyndeseye, 52. Pere, John de la, bailiff of Dam, in Flanders, p. 264. Perel, William, K. 's tenant, Peeblesshire (hom. ), p. 202. Peres, Andrew, of Castresertz, merchant of Burgos, 1270. Peres, of Castresertz, merchant ofBurgos, 1270. William fiz, juror, Lanarkshire, 1343. Peresby (Perysby) Hugh de, justice errant in Tyndale, 168; Sir Hugh de, 688, Richard de, prisoner, p. 177; his lands restored, 952, Perre, Nicol, of Bonekil, Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207, Perresax, Robert de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 206. Persian bluet, cloths of, for the Prince of Wales and household, for Easter (1303), p. 370. ' Persone, la,' an engine called, 1599. Perth, tke Legate of Innocent [III.] holds a Council there, p, 116, fealties to be received at, p, 124 ; 70 burgesses of (fealty), p. 124; the Community of St John of (hom.), 814; common seal, ib., p. 197 ; the town of, to make truce as they best can (Oct. 1300), 1164; mass before the Prince on the Translation of St Thomas Martyr there, (7 July 1303), 1413; the Princeof Wales at (26 Nov. —13 Feb., 20, Feb. — 7 March, 10-18 April, 1303-4), 1516; the Prior of St Andrews claims rent and 'Kane' from, 1614; issufes of, from the sheriff (Pentecost 1304), p, 439; (on 30 Aug. 1304), ib. ; for Glenlioun and Dul (Pente- cost), ib. ; for Lochawe and Arscodenche, ib. ; for Inchethot, ib. ; for Aliche (iLirtin- mas), ib. ; the town of Perth, ib. ; the town of, and castles of Dundee, Forfar, Aberdeen, and Aboyne, to be repaired and fortified (18 VOL, IL March 1306-7), 1912; 5 marks of 'Can' of vessels touching at, given to priory of May {temp. Malcolm IV.) 1985 (12). Perth, John of (fealty), p. 124, 772; alderman of Perth (hom.), 814, p. 197. John, son of Richard of, burgess (hom.) 814, p. 197. Isaac of, in Newcastle gaol, 1710*; late a felon and broke Stirling prison, ib. ; con- victed, ib. Richard de, burgess of Roxburgh (hom, ), p. 209. Wadyn, burgess of (hom.), 814; p. 197. William, sou of John of, burgess (hom. ), 814, p. 197. Perthay, Philippe de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 213.' Pessun (Pesshun, Peyson), Richard, of Stirling (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 562). Stephen, 735; Ingelram Pessun his grandfather, ib. ; his manor of Berughby, Lincoln, ib.; (deceased), 1601; William his son and heir, a minor, ib. ; land in Berghby, Lincolnshire, ib. ; a Scottish rebel forfeited, 1838; Cecilia, his mother deceased, ib. William, of Tynyngham K.'s tenant- Ed inburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 389). Petecon (Pictone), Robert de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 438); juror, 824 (6). Peter, vallet of Robert Uhttr3'S, accused of outrages at Berwick, p. 193. Pethilloch, Adam de, juror, 1689. Peticlank', Adam de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Petkery, William de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 204. Petincreher (Fife), 684. Petitions for forfeited lands in Scotland, (ninety-nine), and responses (1306), 1844. Petiwille, Thomas, of Scarborough, killed with the Scots at Berwick, p. 173. Petother, granted to priory of May by William the Lyon, 1985 (15). Petramy, Peres de, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom,), 819, p. 198, Petscotyn, John de, son of Ralph de P, (hom. ), p. 195. Petykreu, Thomas, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Petyn, Laurence de, attorney, 430; of Lanark- shire (hom.), 812, p. 204; seal (App. iii. 579). Petyt, Johan, del Miernes, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Peynel, Ralph, attorney, 424. Phelippc (Philip) [IV,] K, of France, treaty 2 U 674 INDEX. with John K. of Scots, 719, 720, 721 ; his niece to marry Edward de Balliol, ib. ; Clmrles count of Valois and Anjou his brother, her father, ib. ; the Bishop of Glasgow renounces the league with him, 789 ; gives audience to the English ambas- sadors (June 1298), 990 ; at Provins and Consiac, ib. ; letters patent declaring his assent to the truce, requiring the Scots and their K. to be included (June 1298), 993 ; his Great Seal appended, ib. ; 996; his letter to the Pope on behalf of Sir William le Waleis (c. 1299-1300), 1184 ; he sends envoys on behalf of Scotland to Canterbury (March 1300-1), 1244 ; ratifies the treaty of Asnieres (25 Dec. 1301), 1269 ; treaty granting truce to the Scots (till 30 Nov. 1302), 1284 ; letter to the Guardians of Scot- land, urging them to persevere in defending theircountry (6 April 1302), 1301; credence for his two envoys to England on behalf of the Scots (25 July 1302), 1312. Phelippe, Rauf, of Berwick (horn.), p. 205 ; Ralph fitz, forfeits houses, &c. , in Berwick, 1065 ; late burgess of Berwick (1302), 1313. Richard son of, 8. sone, Adam, of Conyngham, prisoner, 1668, 1718. Philipestone ; held by Sir John de Soules of Sir William de Conigsburghe in lease, 1452. Phipel, Andrew (of Inverkeithing), commits robbery at sea, 287. Picot, Sir Piers, 1272. • Richard, with 6 archers, at Glentrool in search of Robert de Brus (17-30 April), p. 512. Pictoc, Teobaud, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 202. Pierrefonds, the K. of France at, 1184. Pieressone, Wautier, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Pigs, the K.'s, pease and beans for them at Berwick, 1378. Pikard, John, juror, 1350. Pilchys (Pilche), Alexander, of Inverness, joins an insurrection raised by Andrew de Moray 1297), 922; keeper of the castle, pays farms of 'Inverness' (midsummer 1304), p. 438. Pilgrims' street (Newcastle), murder in, p. 46. Pilmor, William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 211. Pimor, Thomas, 'prepositus' of Inverness, 560. Pinkeny (Pyukeny), Henry de (dead, 4 Feb. 1277-78), 102; Robert de P., his son and heir, ib. Henry de, heir of Robert his brother, in lands in Scotland and England (1296), 857; his age, ib. ; does homage as heir of his brother Robert de P., 874; Sir Henry de (his horse at Falkii'k), 1007; grants half of Balenci'efe to John de Kingston for life, 1199, 1201; accused of robbery in South- well church, discharged, being with the K. in Scotland (30 Sept. 1301), 1231; pardoned a robbery in Southwell church (Sept. 1301), 1244; sells Wedon-P. and all his manors in England to the K. for 100 marks (13 March 1301-2), 1298; in Kirkintilloch castle (Sept. 1302), 1321 (2); robbery on him at Luffenok, Scotland, tried at Newcastle, 1332; 1442; paid in Roxburgh castle (April 1305), 1663, 1666; petitions the K. for Luff'noke castle, 1968. Pinkeny, Robert de, succeeds his father Henry de P., 102; protection to Scotland (March 1280-81), 188; going to Scotland (March 1286-87, 314; (Competitor), protection to Scotland (1291), p. 130; deceased, his lands taken, p. 226 ; inquisition as to same, 857 ; Henry his brother,his heir, ib. ; inquisi- tions in his English lands, Wedon, &c., ih. Pittenweem, granted by|David I. to the Priory of May, 1985 (4) ; confirmed by Malcolm IV., ib. (9); the port of, dues granted in, ib. (14). the Prior of, ousted by the Scots, 1964. Placentia (Piacenza), merchants of, 167. Plaeita Roll of the English army in Scotland, (A.D., 1296), 822. Plateir, the forest of (Forfarshire), timber granted in, 1428; near Forfar, 1704. Playfayre, William, messenger from Orkney, 463. Playmelor, manor of, Tyndale, 1339. Plokeley, Henry de, clerk, p. 442. Ploknet, Alayn de, asks protections, &c., for ' he doubts Scotland much,' 1278. William, shipmaster, Berwick, brings the K.'s engines to Edinburgh and Stirling (April 1304), 1498. Plomer, William le, p. 173. Plumpton, the K. of Scotland's right in (?), 17 ; enclosure in, challenged by the K. of Scotland, 63. Pluskardyn priory, foreign merchants' goods, wool, hides, &c., stored there, 1639, p. 440 ; the port of, p. 443 ; the Prior of, for housing same 2 years, p. 444. Podio, Sir Arnald Guillim de, constable of Dumfries, and retinue, 1256. Guilli', Ebulo de, conducts Scottish prisoners from Carlisle to Nottingham castle, 1148. IXDEX. 675 Poer (Pouere), Sir Eustace, his pay, p. 317; witness, 847; dines with Prince of AValesat Perth (1 March, 14 April 1303-4), 1516. Eobert, valet of Thomas de Veer, 1362. William, killed at Urquhart castle (July 1297), 922. Pokeby, William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 254). Pokelinton, Remigius de, p. 34. Pule, la, Welsh levies from, 984. — ^- Owen de la, 698; his heir, ih. Polewe, Patrick de, of Fife (hom. ), p. 206. Polkarn (Ayrshire), rent of (1304), p. 428. Pollard, Nicholas, 881. PoUeworth Poweleswortlie) church, presenta- tion to, 1090, 1104. Patrick de, prisoner, Norwich, 1668. Pollok, Johau de, of Forfarshire (hom.), p. 211 ; accounts for issues of Mernes, p. 438 ; sheriff of Forfar, accounts for issues, p. 439 ; for sheriffdom of Mernes, ih. ; arrests a ship of the Bishop of St Andrews at Montrose (1304), p. 441. Peres de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Polmaloc (Polmadoc), William, of Wigton- shire (hom.), p. 198 ; juror, 824 (1) ; lands in Dumfriesshire, restored to, 832. Polmase, a castle to be built there, 1722. Pontechope, Thomas de, p. 44 ; his 2 daughters, %b. ; one married without leave, ih. Pontefract, Ferminus of, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. • (Ponfereyt, Master John of, K. 's lardener, 1564, 1568. Pontisera, Master Robert de, canon of Chartres, 990. Ponton, William de, sent to prepare Hugh Byset's expedition from Ireland against Robert de Brus (Jan. 1306-7), 1888. Ponyngs, Sir Michael de, 1346. Pope, letter to the (?), 789 ; the, in Gascony (May 1306), 1769. Pcjrch ester castle, the Bishop of Glasgow in irons there (1307), 1813. Porter, Eleys le, of Rugan, Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 201; seal (App. i. 3 (8)). John the, burgess of Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198; K.'s tenant of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 202. Thomas le, of Montrose (hom. ), 730. Thurstan le, of Inretey (hom.), 730. William the, of Banff, 531. Willamle, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. William, his wife Alicia's English lauds restored to, 1544^; p. 415. Porthpighan (Portpira), Cornwall, and two other towns summoned to equip a vessel for the K. (1303), 1357 ; their reply, ih. Portu, John de, account for 2 bridges to cross the Forth (1303), 1375. Porveys, William of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (2)). Post, John, vallet of Sir John Botetourte receives advance of pajj^ for the Earl of Carrick and Sir John (14 July 1303), 1385. Pothowe, Sir John de, in command of Banff castle, 1880. Master William de, 535. Potone, Sir William de, 1525. Pouray, Adam, clerk, 1017. s William, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 206. Poydras, Deyron, of Norwich, p. 440. Prat, Bartholomew, evades knighthood, p. 54. John, of Inverness-shire (hom. ), p. 209. John (Tyndale), his ward sold, 335. John, late a Scottish rebel, to have his lands ultra Trent back (Oct. 1305), 1696. Reginald (of Tyndale), p. 51 ; Bartholo- mew his grandson, ih. William (hom.), 730"; of Fife (hom.), 809, seal, ih. ; p. 200. Preachers, the Friars, of Roxburgh, alms from the Prince of Wales (25 May 1303), 1413 ; of Ayr, gift to (1307), 1953. Prebenda, Richard de, clerk of William the Lyon, 1606 (4), 1985 (15). Premontre, Chapter at, p. 130. Prendregast, Henry de, of Berwickshire (hom. ). p. 206, Henry fiz Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 214. Johan, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 210. Sir Pieres de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 201 ; Sir Peter de, juror, 824 (2) ; (at Strathorde), (Feb. 1303-4) 1741. Prenderlathe, Elena (Ellota) de, inquisition on her claims against Sir John Wyschard of ' le Ears,' for money lent, 1596 ; charter to by Sir John Wyschard, ih. (1); late lady of the Queen of Norway, petition to the K. for her land, *. (2) ; lOOZ. left her by Alex- ander III. in his will, ih. Nicholas de, (deceased) 628 ; Johanna his daughter and heii-ess, ih. ; holds Somlawe, ih. Odenel de, attorney for Abbot of Jed- burgh, p. 53. William de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199, his. Presfen, Hugh do Despenser's drove of cattle 676 INDEX. &c., seized at, and carried ofiF to Werk castle, p. 192. Prest, Jolin, of Pebbles, prisoner, 1794. Nicholas, 147. Prestoue (Galloway), land of, given to John de St John senior, 1338. John de Hirnianston's land of Ardry in, 1619. G. de, 5. Henry de, of Edinburghshire (horn. ), p. 210. Henry de, accounts for sheriffdom of Forfar, and his bailliary (Pentecost 1304), p. 439 ; for same, by John Lab't's hand, ih. ; by his own, ib. Henry de, merchant, London, supplies cart tilts, &c., for the Prince's baggage to Scotland, p. 365. Nicol de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 252) ; juror, 824 (3). Thomas de, canon of Dunkeld (hom.), p. 212. William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seals (App. iii. 253; PI. iv. 5). William de, 1539. Prestre, Edward fiz Richard le, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 202. Richard, burgess of Stirling (hom.), 813 ; p. 197. Pride, John, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal, ih. ; p. 204. Priest, Adam son of the, p. 29. ' Prince's, the,' an engine called, 1599. Pringle. See Obriukel. Printanei, William, 690. Prisoners, exchange of English and Scottish at Pvoxburgh (Aug. 1299), 1978. Procurator, Martin the, accounts (for sheriff), for farm of Aliche (1304), p. 439. Robert called, chaplain of Norham, receives 12 tuns of wine for the Bishop of Durham, 1415. William le, forfeited, 1083. Prodhome, AVUliam, citizen of London, 1739. Prou, William, buys horse litters for the Prince of Wales at Perth, 1382. Proudefote, Patrick, juror, 1619. Provins, diocese of Sens, the K. of France gives audience to the English Ambassadors at (June 1298), 990. Provisions, scarcity of in Annandale (Feb. 1298-99), 1057. Prudhou (Prodou), barony, tenure of, p. 44 ; castle, robbers resetted at, p. 45 ; the Earl of Angus allowed to imprison there, 1973. Psallor (Ulster), 163. ' Puchei ' of Florence, the, bring money froni Scotland to the K. (Aug. 1294), 698. Pugeys, Sir Arnaud Guillaume de, and re- tinue, 1170. See Podio. Pullici and Rembertini, the goods, &c. , of the, in Scotland, to be arrested, as they are evading payment of their debts, 1740. Pulter, Robert, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Puncharde, Nicholas, 29. Purde, John, juror, 857. Purdevjm, Alisaundre de, of Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 541). Thomas, of Sti rlingshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 546) ; his lands in Stirling- shire restored, 832, Purvoys, Hughtred (the late) keeper of Werk gaol, 603 ; lets a prisoner escape, ib. ; his laud restored to his cousin and heir, ib. John, has restoration of land in Werk in Tyndale as heir, 604. 'Pute, Borgeys le frere, marchand,' to take great care of the K. 's new horse, report his kind, age, height, colour, and state of his teeth, 1520. Putfurich (Putsurich), John de, prisoner, Winchester castle, (1296-1302), p. 177 ; 1097, 1283, 1294. Pycard (Pykard), Adam le, prisoner, 1668, 1674. Henry, 'cokin,' 878. Stephen, knight of the Earl of Angus, p. 45. Pycot, Sir Baldwin, 1050. Peter, sheriff' of Nottingham, &c., 1805 ; Robert Foucher, his clerk, ib. Pygaz, John, of Lyntone (hom.), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 629). Pykering, levies from, 1261, 1267. Pylmor, Aleyn de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Robert de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 201 ; seal (App. iii. 234). Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Pynkertone, Nicol de, of Haddingtonshire (hom.), p. 210; seal (App. iii. 171). Pypard, Gilbert, m. Alicia de Rumeli, pp. 16, 17. QuARENLEYE, Simon de, 407. Quatresouz, Thomas, 1197. Queeuborough {teste), 318. Quelpedale (Lydel), p. 19. Quenci (Quynci), Robert de [temp. William the Lyon), 1606 (4). INDEX. 677 Quenc'i, Roger de, Earl of Wynton, 36; parti- tion of his widow's dower lands, ib. ; disputes as to his succession, 91, 92. ' Quer de Lyon,' Gilbert, the groom of Alex- ander of the Isles, carries letters to the K., 878. Querle, Thomas de, 1017; presented to Ratho church, 1023. Quilt' (Peeblesshire), the farm of the K.'s demesne of, pp. 425, 428. Quinquersteynes, Thomas de, 735; Cecilia wife of, ib.; Ingelram Pessun, her first husband, ib. ; her dower, ib. Quitefield, Beatrix of, p. 46. Roger, the parson of, p. 46; Peter his groom, ib. See Whitefield. .Quyterig, Robert de, p. 39. Eabuk, John, bailiff of Linlithgow (hom.) p. 198. Raburne (Lydel), p., 19. Raburneshale, Hugh de, 208. Rachrin, the isle of (John Biset's), 163. Eading (Reading), charter granted there by "William the Lyon, 1985 (16). Raggele, Henry de, 303. .' Ragman Roll,' the, 823. Ragton, Geoffry de, 51; Robert brother of, ib. Rainaldestone, Eoger de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Ralf (Rauf), John son of, 407. Robert fiz, parson of St Cuthbert's church, Ewytesdale (hom.), p. 210. Sir Robert le fiz, prisoner at Rosselyn, 1976. Thomas son of, rebel, his cow sold, p. 425. William son of, chief forester of Redes- dale, p. 43. Rameseye (Rammesay, Ramesaye), Adam de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204; seal (App. iii. 321); . juror, 824 (5). Andreu de, of Argyllshire (hom.), p. 211. Duncan de, parson of Loghore, Perth- shire (hom.), p. 212. Sir Edmund de (hom.),' 730; prisoner, p. 177; 953; to serve the K. abroad, 942; juror, 1689. Elias de (prisoner), 1283. ■ Hugh de, brother of William de R., prisoner, Rockingham castle, 1668; with 7 other Scotsmen taken from Newcastle to . York, 1718; and thence to Nottingham and Derby, ib. Johan de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204; seal (App. iii. 318); juror, 824 (5). Rameseye, Johan fiz Nece de, of Fife (hom.), 204; p. seal (App. iii. 222). Laurence de, a Scots rebul, sent to Winchester castle, 1155, 1159, 1294. Malcolm de, juior, 824 (5). Margaret de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 209. Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Thomas de, of Angus (hom.), p. 207. Thomas de, man-at-arms, Kirkintilloch, 1321 (2). Sir William de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 198, .211, seals (App. ii. 289, 418); of Dalwolsy, royal message to, 884. William de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204; seal (App. iii. 217). William de, prisoner, Stirling castle, 1668. William de (Englishman), p. 130. Randolphe (Ranulf), Johan fitz, of Fodiche, Fife (hom. ), p. 208. Johan fiz, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 208. Sir Nicholas, son of Thomas R. , prisoner, 742; in the Tower, 960. Sir Thomas son of, Chamberlain of Scot- land, 96; justice errant in Tyndale, 168, p. 53 ; executor of John de Balliol, 171 ;.an executor af Devorguilla de Balliol, 535 ; (the father), attests release, K. John to Edward L, 658 ; his seal, ib. (PI. iii. 11); attests K. John's homage, 660; intercedes for an outlaw, 681. Sir Thomas son of, filius, attests K. John's homage, 660; seal (App. iii. 421). Sir Thomas, captured at Methven, to be straitly kept in Inverkip castle (24 July 1306), 1807. Levington, 71; p. 66. Randolfestone, John de, of Fife (hom.), p. 204. Raperslawe, Hugh of (K.'s bailifl'), deforced, pp. 45, 46. Raskelf, vill of, G. de Moubray's land there, p. 172. Rathe (Rat), Sir Andrew de, of the county of Innernay (Nairn?, hom.), p. 211 ; has his brother Gervase de R. 'slands in Scotland, 893 ; bears verbal messages and letters to Edward L (July 1297), 920,921, 924, 931 ; safe conduct for, on the K.'s special business to Scotland, 961 ; aids in making the e.Ktent of Scotland (1304), pp. 441, 443. Rathe, Sir Gervase de, constable of Nairn, 579, 642 ; fealty, 793 ; (hom.), p. 195 ; of Inueraurynshire (Nairn), hom., p. 210, seal 678 INDEX. (PI. ii. 12.) ; his lauds given to his brother Sir Audrew, 893. Rathe, Roger de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205 seal (App. iii. 442). Ratheu (Ratho), 601. church, St Andrew's diocese ; English presentee to, 1017. Richard parson of, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 210. Rathillet, Fife, 684. Rathulyschyre, Fife, 684. Rattray (Rettref), Eustace de, prisoner, p. 178. Sec Rotrefe. Rauessoue, William, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Raulfestone, Thomas de, of Lanarkshire, (hom.), 812, p. 204 ; seal (App. iii. 608). Raven, friar, 690. Ravenesgrape (Ravenesgras, Bann. Club) Robert de, of Lanarkshire (horn.), .p. 211. Ravesmaughe, Henry of, burgess of Peebles, (hom.), p. 198. Ravenshore (Ravensburg), envoys to Norway there, 439. Raygate, Sir William de, the Prince of Wales' clerk, 1211. Reading (Redingis) abbey, extracts from Chronicles, p. 113. inspeximus of 20 charters, &c., by early Scottish kings and others to (4 March 1306—7), 1906, 1985. the church of St Mary of, 1985. Abbot of, E., charter to by David L, 1985. Red Book, the, called ' Textus ' on which Magnates swear, 1280. Redbeghe, Robert de (hom.), p. 210. Rede, Gilbert le, of Coul, dies in prison, p. 192. Redenesse, Lucas de, master mariner, 1589. Redepethe, William de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 204. Redesdale, franchise of, violated, 1972. Redhale, 593. Redman, Sir Maheu de, sheriff of Dumfries, complaints of oppression and ' champerty ' against him to be inquired into by a com- mission (April 1304), 1526 ; transcript of his champerty with Malcolm of Terregles, ib. ; holds inquiry on the Earl of Carrick's franchises in Annandale, 1588; sheriff, pays issues of Dumfries, p. 440 ; his fee, p. 442 ; in Carrick, 1684; to levy 300 Westmoreland and Kendal men to pursue Robert de Brus (13 March 1306-7), 1913. Rni've, Geoffry the, 312. Refham, Richer of, citizen of London, p. 366 ; provides the Prince's lion with food, ih.; sends an iron oven for the Prince to Dundee, p. 367. Regency of Scotland, the seal of, 524 ; used by Edward L 620. Regents of Scotland, the four, deliver the realm and castles to Edward L, 496 ; wait on the K. at Norham castle, 498; take oaths of office and swear fealty, 499. Reginald, clerk of the Bishop of St Andrews, 119. Alan son of, sheriff of BanfTs clerk, 542. Reginaldi (Reignaud), Sir Walter, sent from Brechin to London, &c. , for provisions and money for the Prince of Wales (between Aug. and Nov. 1303), p. 367 ; 1413, 1527. Reygate, John de, 4, 77, 81, 103, 105 ; justice, 258. William de, clerk of the Prince of Wales, receives stores at Are and Torneburi, 1275. Religious houses of England ; extracts from their Chronicles touching Scotland, pp. Ill to 118, passim. Renewick, David ap, p. 190. Renfrew (Reynfru), the barony of, 1121. the K.'s escheators escorted by an armed force from to Ayr, and thence to Wygetone, Kirkcudbright, and Dumfries (Nov. — Dec. 1304), p. 443. Adam de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201. Matheu de, in Stiwardstone, prisoner, 1668, 1794. Robert of, prisoner from Stirling, 1644 ; at Salisbury, 1668 ; Old Sarum, 1797, 1944. Renham, John de, p. 192. Nicholas de, 189. Rennard, the land of, 847. Renningtone, Simon of, burgess of Jedde- worthe (hom.), p. 197. Renny, Newton, its tenure, p. 36. William de, p. 36; Akena widow of, ib. his heii-s unknown, ib. Repynden, Balliol's lands in, p. 175. Res, Griffin ap, and 300 Welshmen for Scot- land, protection (May 1306), 1847. Reston, John de, account for the K.'s horses returning from Pentland to England (Aug. 1304), 1581. Restorm el castle, 4 Scottish prisoners in, 1668. Retteforde, R. de (justice), 715. Revel, Henry, prisoner with William the Lyon (1174), p. 117. Reyne, Madame la, the gentleman-at-arms of, receive hay, 1446. Reynpatric, vill of, 826. INDEX. 679 Eeynpatric, provostry, issues of (for 1303), p. 426 ; farm of mill, ib. the vicar of, 360. Riboyers, Adam de, 16. Eicardestone (Lanarkshire), K.'s demesne, farm (1304), p. 427. Marjory de, of Edinburghshire (horn. ), p. 211. Richard I., noticed, p. 17. clerk of the chamberlain, 537. Galfrid fitz, 1985 (19). Radulf fitz, 1606 (6). "William fitz, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 208. Riche, Stevene le, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 211. Richmond castle, prophecy of Merlin as to, p. 116. the Archdeacon of, envoy to France, 1285. Earl of. Sir John de Bretaigne ; gives Kinkel church to his clerk (1305), 1725 ; appoints John de Moubray warden beyond the Mountains, 1 726 ; cannot enter on office as lieutenant of Scotland till Easter (1306), 1745. See Brittany, John of. shire, levies from, 1261, 1267. Ridale (Eydale, Ridel), forest, p. 5, Adam de, 163. Geofifry, his lands in England and Scot- land restored (Oct. 1297), 952 ; valet of Sir Simon Eraser, his crops restored, 980; (his hackney at Falkirk), 1011. Hugh (temp. "Wm. the Lion, 1985 (12). ■ Hugh de, accused of breaking into a house at Berwick, p. 193. Hugh, of Wytering, p. 175; gives that manor to Geoffry his son and heir (Michaelmas 1295), ib. ; remains in Scotland, ib.; Sir Hugh, of Edinburghshire (hom.), pp. 194, 198; K.'s tenant, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. i. 3 (10)). Peter de, valet (hackney), 1007. Philip de, 74; (of Berwick), 99; burgess of Berwick, grants to, confirmed, 196, 235, 698; donation of lands by, to the Domus Dei of Berwick, 1176, 1313; mayor of Berwick (fealty), 508. "William de, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom.), 819, p. 198. Sir "William, a prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged for two Scottish knights (Oct. 1301), 1243, 1244; paid in Roxburgh castle (April 1305), 1663, 1666, 1751. Rideley, Elena widow of Odard de, in K.'s gift, p. 54. Rideley, Nicholas de, p. 55; (deceased), 557; Maria his widow fined for re-marriage, ib. ; Odard de, 147. Rydlingwalde manor, Kent, extent of, p. 174} stock on, 591. 'Right' (hom. ?), refused by Malcolm Can- more to "William Rufus, except on the March of their realms, as accustomed, p. 114. Rihul, Master Henry de, sub-master of carpenters making bridges to cross Forth (1303), 1375. Reginald de (clerk), Scottish envoy, 162, 164. Rike, Sir Jakes de la, receives hay, 1446. Rillewode, Thomas de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Rindalgros (Rindelcros) granted to Reading abbeyby David I. , 1985; tithes of, in Perth- shire, ib. (7); confirmed by Malcolm I"V., ib. (8). Ripele, John de, clerk, p. 440. Rires, shire of, Fife, 684; brewery of, ib. Easter, 684. "Wester, 684. Riseclyve, wapentake of, 65. Rispetone mill, 16. Rispetunhenge, 16. Riston, Adam de, the K.'s vallet, 994. Rive, "William de, rector of St John in Gravio, clerk, French ambassador, 1501. Rivere, Sir John de, la, 1004. Sir Lorence de la, 1141. Roberdby, John de, 71. Roberdestone (Roberton), Master Stephen de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 198; clerk of Sir James de Dalilegh, delivers money at Kirkintilloch (1305), 1686 ; accounts for rents, &c., of K.'s demesnes in Lanarkshire, pp. 423-4, 427-8, scepe ; holds half of the vill of "Welleshawe of the K. , p. 427. Robert Curthose, builds the New castle-on- Tyne, p. 113. liaurenz son of, 880. William fitz, 1606 (2). Robury (Roubury, Routhbury), Gilbert de, 661. Sir Hugh de, 840 ; examined as to his dealings with the late Hugh de Cressing- ham's money missing, 1597 ; his statement, ib. Robert, 65. "Walter de, 235; grant of deer to, 510; 628, 979. 'Robynet,' the engine called, 15C0, 1599. Roche, "Waldef de la, burgess of Edinburgh (hom.), 820; p. 197. 680 INDEX. Roche, William de la,of Crostorfyn,Edinburgh- shire (hom. ), p. 209. Rocheland, on the Scottish March, p. 59 ; the men of, in Scotland, have rights of pasture and fowling in Arthuret, p. 65. "Rochester castle, Scottish prisoners in (1297), 890, 966 ; the constable of, to ward the Earl of Stratherne in the keep, with certain relaxations (16 Nov. 1306), 1854. Rockingham castle, Scottish prisoners there, p. 177 ; (1297), 925. ■Rodrych of Cychia, K. of the Picts, p. 114; defeated by Maryus 78th K. of Britain, ib. ; his people sent to Caithness, ib. '■ the sons of, the K. 's favour asked for (Oct. 1301), 1254. Rolfa, Aleyn de, of Dumfriesshire (hom.), ■ 810 ; p. 210 ; seal (App. i. 2 (26)). ^Roger (a witness), 1606 (9). 'Roger's island' in Wynendemere, p. 5. Rokele (Annandale), vill of, issues (for 1303), p. -426. Rolland (Roland, Rouland), Alan, son of, constable of the Scots, confirms his grand- father's charter to York, 1606 (7). Gilascope fiz, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 209. Gilbert fiz, of Ayrshire (hom. ), j). 205. ' Johan fitz, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. Sir John fitz, Norwegian envoy, 961. William, 1119. Rolling, Friar Roger de, Templar, 331. Rolls of Scotland, clerk of the, 516. Romeyn, Robert, 'cokin,' carries K.'s letters to the Guardian of Scotland, and sheriffs of northern counties, 878. Ronays (Rereys, Bann. Club), Ralph de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Roo, the castle and burgh of, and others, given in frank marriage by Richard earl of Ulster, to the Steward of Scotland, and his wife Egidia the earl's sister, 847 ; the water of, ib. ' Ropere,' Adam son of William le, 1589. Tios (Rosse), issues of (Pentecost 1304), from the Earl of R., p. 439. the parts of, said to be well affected to - Brus (15 May 1307 (?)), 1926. ' manor of, 549. ■ and Rojmok, Welsh levies from, 984. • — - Bishopric of, rents accounted for, p. •264. the Bishop of, 1633. Bishop of, Robert (fealty), p. 125; Master Thomas of Dundee appointed, 928. Earl of, William (fealty), p. 125; attests Ro.s — continued. K.John's fealty, 660 ; seal (PI. ii. 2), prisoner, 742, 690; directions for, and numbers of his escorttojoin the K. in Scotland (1303), 1395 ; safe conduct, 1399 ; to be received in Berwick castle, 1401; expenses of journey (Sept. 29, Oct. 22), 1403 ; itinerary — London, Sept. 30 ; Dunstaple, Newport-Paignel, Oct. 1 ; Northampton, 2nd; Suleby, 3rd; Leicester, 4th ; Nottingham 5th ; Blyth, 6th ; Shire- burne, 7th; York, 8th-llth; North Allerton, 12th; Durham, 13th; Newcastle, 14th; Mor- peth, 15th ; Bamburgh, 16th ; Berwick, 17th; ib.; costof hisaimour, &c. (Dec. 1303), 1416 ; himself and retinue, with Prince of Wales at free quarters at Perth (12 Dec. — 3 Feb. 1303-4), 1516 ; departs, ib. ; pays issues of Bishopric of Caithness (midsummer 1304), p. 438; issues of Rosse, p. 439 ; shews the K. his services in the isles {tem]). John de Balliol), and that his lands were got for these and not for rebellion, 1631, 1632, 1633 ; warden beyond Spey ; writ to, that Parliament prorogued till the Assumption of the Virgin (1305), 1669 ; for a further term, 1678 ; custos of see, to give tempora- lities of Caithness to Bishop Fercard, 1752; ordered (before 11 Aug. 1306), to capture the Bishop of Moray, 1820. Ros, the Earl of, Hugh his son, comes to see his father in the Tower, 961 ; has 201. 1662, 16 66. Walter son of the, a Cambridge scholar (1306), 1937. the Countess of, commended to the K. 920 ; aids constable of Urquhart castle against insurgent Scots, 922 ; favour asked for her, ib. ; Eufemia, petitions the K., 1430; refers him to Sir W. her son, ib. Andrew de, son of Godfrey de R. , of Ayr- shire (hom.), pp. 195, 214. Sir Godfrey de, prisoner, p. 177; -742; freed on mainprise to serve the K. beyond seas, 940; accounts for Forreys, p. 438; sheriff of Ayr (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); (was at Strathorde, (Feb. 1303-4), 1741; repaid money lent to Aymar de Valence (June 1307), 1942. Hugh de, at Ayr (11 June 1307), 1938; he and his 'pitaille' there, paid, 1942. James de, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206-; Sir James le, prisoner in Carlisle (Sept. 1302), 1329 ; (was at Strathorde, Feb, 1303-4), 1741. James de, brother of Godfrey de R., roj'al message to, 884. INDEX. 681 Ros — contimied. Ros, James de, son of Godfrey de R. senior (horn.), p. 195. James de, son of Godfrey de R. junior (liom.), p. 195. Peter de, 83. Robert de {temp. Wm. the Lyon) 1606(5). Robert de (deceased), p. 44 ; Margaret his widow, ib. Sir Robert de, a trustee in Comyn family settlement p. 51 ; has leave to hunt the fox in Holdernesse, 69. Robert de, in K.'s service in Scotland (1291), p. 130; land in Cumberland taken (1296), p. 172. Robert de, of Ayrshire (hem.), p. 199 ; seal (App. iii. 305). Robert de (of Belvere), 83. Robert de (of Helmeleye), holds Werk castle, p. 42. Robert de, father of AYilliam and Robert de Ros (of Werk), 15. • Robert de (of Werk), 15 ; Robert his son and heir (deceased), ib., 16; extent of latter's castle and manor of Kyrkeby in Kendal, ib. ; Alargaret de Brus his wife, ib., 24. Robert de, of Werk, 628. Robert de, of Werke (deceased c. 1280); Margaret his widow petitions the K. for her dower in Werke in Tyndale, which the Bishop of Durham has taken from her, 1339. Robert de, of Werk, joias the Scots rebels (Dec. 1302), 1335 ; Werk castle escheated, either to the K. or William de Ros, of Hamelak, ib. Wautier de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 205. William de, 83. William de (Competitor), 488, his seal, ib. ; swears to obey Overlord's decision, 489; his seal, ib. William de, of Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 198. William de, prisoner, p. 177; brother of Godfrey de Ros, ib. ; freed from prison on mainprise, 940; Sir William de, 988; his pay, p. 317. William de, prisoner in Scotland, to be exchanged, 1062. William de, of Hameiake, p. 130; lends Werk castle to the King (Oct. 1300), 1160; who promises to restore it at Michaelmas (1301), 1161; of Werke, com- plaint against William de Carlisle (Aug. 1301), 1216; the K. gives him Werk castle, forfeited by Robert de Ros joining the Scots (Dec. 1302), 1335. Ros, William de (of Werk), 15; Robert his son and heir, ib. Rose, Robert de, p. 175. Doune, Stephen de, to levy 20 of the Bishop of Carlisle's men to pursue Robert de Brus, 1902. Roshale, Sir Thomas de, 973. Koskerald (Dumfriesshire), 1702. Rosky, Maucolum de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2 (69)). Rosselin, a borrowed horse lost there by Ralph de Manton (24 Feb. 1302-3) 1347; a prisoner at, 1976. Rossenethe, Elizabeth de, of Aberdeenshire (hom.), p. 203. Rossi, Walter de (hom. ), 730. Walter of, burgess of Montrose (hom. >, p. 198. Rostinot, church of, has second tithes of Forfar, Montrose, &c., by gift of K. Malcolm, 1724. (Rostynnot), Prior of, Robert (hom.), p. 197; seal (App. iii. 146). (Rosteneth), Carmelite priory, their fishery on Tweed, 867; their houses and chui'ch burned, 1428. Rosywyne, Alan de, 24. Rothenek (Rotheney) Anegos de, Elginshire (hom.), p. 211. Patrick de of Perthshire (hom.), 730; p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (6)). William de (hom. ), 730, p. 195 ; of Elginshire (hom.), p, 209. Rotherfield, Peter de, p. 172. Rotherford, Aymer de, p. 175; recovers 2 horses, p. 189; of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (66)); his land in Tyndale, 963. Alargareta le fielle Nieol de, of Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 207. Sir Nicholas de, fealty, 774; (hom.), p. 194; rebel, 1043; holds land, &c., in Dod- ington, Northumberland, ib. ; Monsire Nichol de, Scotsman, Eva and Margery de R. his grand-daughters and heirs, ask their lands in Northumberland, 1879. Mestre William de, persone of Lillesclyve (hom.), p. 202 ; seal (App. iii. 600). Rotherik, Dovenald le fiz, juror, 1457. Rothery, Philip de, prisoner, p. 177. Rothevan, Sir Wauter de (at Strathorde), 1741. William de (fealty), p. 124; Sir William de, (hom.), 822; of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 211. Rothiemay, 601. Rotingtone, William son of Walter de, 65. 682 INDEX. Rotrefe, (Rothtref) Sir Adam de, (fealty), p. 124. Eustace de, juror, 1689. Sec Rattray. Roucestre, William de, p. 172; with R. Siward in Scotland, ib. Roule, Adam de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 209. Alan de, p. 172, Alicia his wife holds dower in Dovanby, ib. Aleyn, parson of, Roxburghshire (hom. ), pp. 208, 209. Thomas de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199. Eouley, William de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 214. Rous, Duncan le, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. Gille Folan le, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 205; seal (App. iii. 530), Hugh le, 1395. John le, vallet, 1278. John ' le, ' his laud of Macfothel dis- puted, 1881. (Rus), Morris le, burgess of Stirling (hom.), 813, p. 197. Sir Richard le, 951. Master William le, clerk, 1008. Routhclive, William de, p. 53. Rowald, Master, the K. of Norway's cook, gifts to, 463. Roxburgh {teste), 60, 93. • marriage contract of Eric K. of Norway and Margaret of Scotland at, (1281), 197. , the K. at, (27 Nov.— 2 Dec, 5-11 Dec. 1292), p. 153; the 'late' burgesses of, petition the K., shewing their losses (Oct. 1297), 958 ; the old way of, a boundary [Liddes- dale], 1606 (11) ; issues of, (Martinmas 1304), p. 440. ^ the Community of (hom.), 820 ; p. 197. castle, in Henry II. 's hands, p. 117; 131, 537, 539", 547, 559, 575, 593, 637; list of 80 archers sent there from Berwick (22 Oct. 1298), 1019 ; daily pay and number of garrison, p. 317 ; English forces there (1302), 1324 (3), 1337 ; the garrison 'daily ' in great peril of their lives, ' (7 Jan. 1302-3), 1341 ; 5 of, paid (Oct. 1305), 1714 ; com- plaint against the constable of, 418. castle, Adam parson of the church of, (hom.), p. 213 ; seal (App. i.4 (4)). Michael of, clerk, p. 189. Thomas le pestour of (hom.), p. 213. William of, cellarer of Newbottel, 522. William of, 1313. Old, the prebend of, given to P. de Donewiz, 1501. Ruby, the Earl of Cornwall's great, 1280. Rucastel, William de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (50)). Rud, Adam, of Brunscaitli, p. 39. Rue, William de, 1141; provider of Edinburgh and Dirleton castles, 1162 ; joint keeper of bishopric of St Andrews, p. 264 ; and of earldom of Fife, ib. ; clerk of works at Sel- kirk castle, 1288 ; Sir William de, keeper of bishopric of Glasgow (Sept. 1306), 1829. Ruffus, Richard, 34. Rugan, Adam fiz Matheu de, of Lanai'kshire (hom.), p. 213. Rughope, near Jeddeworthe forest, 1969. Ruhil, Reginald de, clerk of Alex. III., 124, 125. Rukelton, Adam de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (82)). Rumeli, Alicia de, third daughter of William fitz Duncan, m. to Gilbert Pypard, pp. 16, 17 ; has Honour of Cockermouth, ib. ; m. to Robert de Curtenay, p. 17. Robert de, lord of Scyptona, p. 16 ; m. William de Meschines' daughter, ib. ; Alicia their daughter, wife of William fitz Duncan, ib. Rusky, William, prisoner of war, hanged, (Aug. 1306), 1811. Russell, courier, carries letters from the Prince of Wales to Sir Robert Hastangat Roxburgh (Aug. 1303), p. 370. Hugh, of Symundeburn, 319. Sir John (the late), father of Isabella, wife of Sir W. Comyn, 466. Robert, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 207. Robert, of Hylton, presented to Balgregy church, 1090, 1104. Russendala, Turgis de {temp. Malcolm IV.), 1606 (12). (Rossedale), William de, grants Cresope to St Peter of York {ante 1164), 1606 (11) ; ib. (12) ; Godeheuld his wife, ib. ; Turgis his son, ib. RiTssithel, Elizabeth de, to have her land in York, p. 416. Russy, Walter de (hom.), 816, p. 203. Russyn (in ilan), Abbey of, the Manxmen's fealty at, 438. Rutherglen, the burgesses of, claim franchise from toll on their goods in Glasgow, 1626; warned to show cause, ib. ; burgh farm of, p. 424 ; abatement made by K. to farmers, ib. ; flour to be ground at, to bake for the army (May 1306), 1774. Rye, Henry de, 422 ; the Bishop of Durham's clerk, 439, 464, envoy to Scotland and INDEX. 683 Norway, ib. ; p. 109 ; expenses, ih. ; keeper of Elgyu and Forres castles, 546, 547, 563, 597, 614 ; escheator north of Forth (1296), p. 225; custodianof Elgin and Forres castles, ib., 878. Eye, Walter de, sells a mail coat for the Earl of Ros, 100s., 1416. Rykelden, Adam de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199 ; seal (?) (App. i. 2 (82)). Rymour, Johan, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 212. Eyote, Isabella, p. 64. Rypun, Walter of, burgess of Edinburgh (hom.), 820, p. 197. Rystone, Oliver de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Ryveling, Patrick, messenger, carries letters from Aymer de Valence at Perth to the K. at Dunfermline (24 Dec. 1303), 1419. Sabina, Bishop of, Cardinal Peter of Spain, has a choir cope, value GOl., given by the Prince of Wales, p. 369. Sabluns, Henry de, p. 39. Sadyngton, William de, presented to Pol- warth church, 1090, 1104. Saham, William de (justice), 133, 138 ; takes Deverguilla de Balliol's recognisance at Dryburgh in Scotland, 189. St Agnes, intercession with, 1441. St Alban, Master Andrew of, clerk of Robert de Brus, 711. St Albans, Chronicle of, p. 115. St Andrews (St A., the Apostle), pilgrims to (1273), 8 ; homage of the burgesses and com- munity of, referred to, p. 253 ; the K.'s free chapel of, 1017 ; rents of the bishopric ac- counted for to the K. , p. 264 ; inquisition at, 1350 ; Prince of Wales at (10 March— 6 April 1303-4), 1516; church, &c., of, lead stripped from, repaid, 1654. Bishopsof: William (fe??i;?.Wm. the Lyon), 1985 (13); H. {temp, cod.), ib. (14); William (Fraser), 94; envoy from Scotland, 104, 111, 116, 119; letter from, to Edward I., 120; 121, 157; writes to Edward I.of the burial of his K., 292; an executor of the K. of Scotland, 359; his arrest at Doncaster and inquiry into, 362 ; envoy to treat with Norway, 386 ; his arrest in Yorkshire, 402; favour granted at his in- stance, 427; Simon his brother, i6. ; he and two others act for the community, 441 ; writes to Edward I. reporting the Queen of Scotland's death in Orkney (7 Oct. 1290), 459; sends gir- falcons to Edward I., 463; John of Tyndale and Adam of Feltone,his messengers, i6. ; com- plaint against him as Guardian by the seven earls of Scotland, 465; has safe conduct to Norham, 474; to receive fealties at Perth (1291), p. 124; his 'familiar' removed from coronership of Northumberland, 510; authen- ticates Competitors' petitions and process, 516 ; attests release by K. John to Edward I. 658 ; his seal ; ib. ; 660 ; writes to Edward I. as to John Mazun's claim against the late K. of Scotland, 687; his debt to the K., p. 165; a fardel of his things sent to Westminster (Sept. 1296), 840; William (de Lamberton), meets other insurgent magnates at Peebles (Aug. 1299), 1978; seized by Earl of Buclian in a quarrel, ib. ; elected chief Guardian, remains at Stubbowe, ib. ; envoy to France (1299) 1071; Guardian, letter to Edward I. (13 Nov. 1299), 1109 ; entrusted by K. of France with verbal messages to the Guardians, mag- nates, and community of Scotland (6 April 1302), 1301 ; Ambassador to France (1303), letter to the Guardian, 1363 ; seal, ib. ; at- tests the charters of the Bishop of Brechin, 1421 ; said to be misleading people by shew- ing a letter of the K. of France, as to peace. 1431 ; safe conduct for him coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4,) 1455 ; restoration of his temporalities in 12 counties, and the castle and regality of St Andrews (4 May 1304), 1529 ; having sworn fealty, to answer for issues drawn without leave of the K., when called upon, 1531, 1574 ; his vessel arrested atlloutrose, p. 441 ; liberated (Aug. 1304), ib. ; as a Scottish Commissioner agrees to ordinances by the K. (Sept. 1305), 1691 ; to be one of the 4 deputy wardens till John of Bretaigne's arrival (16 Feb. 1305-6), 1744 ; absolutely refused safe conduct by the K. who orders him to be captured at all hazards (26 May), 1777; the K. dwells on his treachery and orders his temporalities north of Forth and castle of St Andrews to be committed to Henry do Beaumont (8 June), 1780 ; he solemnly asserts his innocence of complicity in the Comyns' murder (9 June), 1781 ; the K. again presses his capture (16 June), 1785, 1786 ; 3 Scottish magnates become bound for him to the K. (22 June) 1788 ; the Pope writes to Edward I. about him, 1799; to be sent to Nottingham (7 Aug. 1306), 1812 ; the K. orders him to be put in irons at Win- chester, 1813 ; his daily allowance, 1814 • copy of his secret indenture with the Earl ofCarrickon 11 June 1304, 1817 ; he ac- knowledges concealing it when made a 684 INDEX. Sr Andrews — continued. Privy Oouucillor, aud his treacherj' to the K. in other matters, doing homage and fealty to Robert de Brus as K., and com- municating Mass to him, &c. (9 Aug. 1306), 1818 ; copy of his sequestration of the fruits of the provostry of St Andrews, &c. , till the Provost did fealty to Brus as K. of Scotland, (c. 14 April, 1306), 1822 ; hisescort froniNew- castle to Winchester (Aug. 10-24), 1821 ; charges of perjury, rebellion, &c., against him, 1827. St Andrews, Prior and convent of, petition for their rents and 'Kane' of Perth and Dun- dee, 1614 ; to receive) value of lead taken for siege of Stirling, 1654; reimbursed, 1687; to have 20 oaks in Clacmaunan forest to repair houses, 1704. John prior of (fealty), p. 124, (horn.), p. 196 ; seals (App. iii. 114, 115). • Mathew archdeacon of {temp. William the Lyon) 1606 (8); 1985 (12). . Robert of, chaplain, safe conduct, 1574. St Augustin of Canterbury, the Abbot of, 10. >3t Bees (Bega), the Prior of, uses illegal means of catching salmon, p. 38. St Benoist sur Loire, the K. of France at (25 Dec. 1301), 1269. St Botoljih's fair, cloths, &c. , to be bought there, 1761. St Boy than, prioress of, Ada (hom.), p. 196. St Briavel's castle, Scottish prisoners at, p. 177; (1297), 901. St Brigid in Ayr, in Man, 1974. St Carber in Man, church of, p. 138. St Clair, the Honour of, 1948. Alexander de, prisoner, 742, 873. Amicia widow of William de, (pro- tection), 1104. Gregoire de, of Berwickshire (hom. ), p. 203 ; seal ? (App. iii. 576). Sir Henry de, prisoner in England, p. 177, 901; to be exchanged for Sir William fitz Warin, 1062; to be taken from Gloucester to York, 1077; expenses, 1086, 1095; sheriff of Lanark (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); mainprise by .(andothers),fortheBishopofStAndrews,1788. (Seincler), John de, of Hirmanestone (fealty), 763; (hom.), p. 194, of Berwick shire (hom.), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 279); juror, 824 (2); his lands in Berwickshire restored, 832. ■ Reginald de, prisoner, p. 177; 985, 1099, 1158, 1326, 1610; delivered to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, ih. Robert de {temp. Alex. IL), 1606 (5). St Clair, Sir William de, guardian of the Prince of Scotland, 156, 204; seal (PI. ii. 11). William de, to take fealties in Galloway (1291), p. 124; attests release, K. John to Edward L, 658; his seal, ih.; attests K. John's homage, 660. Master William de (prisoner), p. 177, 938; escapes from Gloucester castle, p. 359. St Colmoch, Prior 'del idle ' de, Adam (hom.), p. 196. St Columb, Abbot of, Brice (hom.), p. 196; seal (App. iii. 135). St Cuthbert, intercession with, 1441. the Banner of, returned by the K. to Durham from the Scottish war (Nov, 1300), 1177. 's day in Lent, fair asked by Prior of Cold- ingham on, 1650. St Davids, Bishop of. Sec Beek, Thomas. St Ebba virgin's day, fair asked by Prior of Coldingham on, 1650. St Edmund the K., intercession with, 1441. St Edward the K., intercession with, 1441. St Fey, William fiz Gode de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. St George, intercession with, 1441. standards of the arms of, sti'eamers and pennoncells for the vessels with the Forth bridges sailing to Scotland (1303), 1375. Master James de, master of works at Linlithgow, to have carjienters sent from Northumberland, 1308. St Germain en Laye, Philip K. of France writes from, to the Guardians and community of Scotland, encouraging their resistance to Edward L (6 April 1302), 1301; credence from, for his envoys to England on behalf of the Scots (25 July 1302), 1312. St Germans, Friar John of, brings letter of condolence from Edward L to Alexander III., 250. Robert de {temp. Alex. II.), 1606 (5). (Seint Germejm), Barthelmeu master of the 'Meson de,' (hom.), p. 201. St Hilda, laud of, in Ingle wood forest, p. 17. St John, Cribtiana of, robbed at Perth, p. 191. Sir John de, writes to Ralph de Manton on behalf of his cousin Sir Richard Siward, 1005 ; 1124 ; captain and lieutenant of Annaudale, 1126 ; the men of A. to obey him, ib.; Sir John appointed over Cumber- land, Westmorland, and Lancaster, 1127 ; ' le piere,' directions to, from the K. as to his powers on the Marches, 1133; appointed captain and lieutenant there, 1134, 1137 ; grant to, of 1000 marks yearly for life in IXDEX. 685 England till he gets seisin of his Galloway lands, which are ' in war ' and valueless to him, 1153 ; to receive men of Annandale, &c., to peace, 1154 ; to provide Boteil castle and make no truce (Oct. 1300), 1164 ; con- ditions notified to, 1165 ; warden of the March for England, 1169 ; indenture by, to keep the west March (till Pentecost 1301), with 40 men-at-arms, Dumfries and Loch- maben to be garrisoned by 20 men-at-arms and 200 foot, 1170 ; 11 Galloway hostages in Carlisle delivered to him (1 April 1302), 1179 ; stores received by, 1180 (12) ; to restore their Galloway lands to William de Ferrars and Alan la Zouche (Feb. 1300-1), 1186 ; urges Ralph de Manton for his arrears, 1218 ; in Carrick (Sept. 1301), 1222 ; to receive knights and middle men of Scotland to peace (May 1301), 1244 ; the pay of himself and 120 horse, and munition of Lochmaben and Dumfries to be seen to (Nov. 1301), 1257; letter to, 1292; senior, attests submission of the Earl of ■ Carrick's tenants (April 1302), 1303; in K.'s service, 1305; as K.'s lieu- tenant in Scotland to restore Alianora de Ferrars' dower to her (July 1302), 1310; to give Thomas de Fischeburne a rent in Eden- ham (Aug. 1302), 1318 ; the K.'s lieutenant (Aug. 1202), 1321; his force on the March and for Dumfries and Lochmaben, 1324 (1); 1337 ; dead (29 Sept. 1302), 1325, 1331; his son's petition as to his lands in Galloway, 1338 ; his executors to draw rents till Mar- tinmas (1302), 1331 ; the K. gave him all Sir John de Balliol's lands, 1615 ; had a gift of John de Balliol's Galloway lauds after the 'good peace,' 1630 ; seal (App. iii. 493). St John, John de, junior, petitions for pi'otec- tion in his late father's lands in Dumfries- shire and Wigtonshire given by the K., 1338 ; Sir John de, banneret, and retinue on a foray, 1437 ; surcease of distraint for his- father's debts, 1453; 1466, lc25 ; royal credence to him for Sir John de Bote- tourte, 1488 ; petitions for homage due him for land in Ayrshire, given by the K. to his late father Sir John de St J., 1615, 1634 ; agrees with the Earl of Carrick to give him Sir Ingram de Umfraville's lands, 1657; pay, 1762 ; to be paid at Dumfries, 1792, 1819 ; near Ayr (Feb. 6-11, 1306-7), 1895, 1896; to get wine for his garrison (1307), 1960 ; Robert his clerk to see to it, ib. of Beverley, intercession with, 1441; his Banner returned bv the K. to the chajiter from the Scottish war (Nov. 1300), 1177. St John of Jerusalem, the "Warden of (hom. ), p, 202 ; lands held of them in Dumfries, 1526 ; the Prior and brethren ask that their English brethren be received in Lin- lithgow, 1733. Friar Alexander (de "Welles), prior of the Hospitalof (fealty), p. 125; seal (App. iii. 601). St Johnstone. See Perth. St Katherine, intercession with, 1441. St Leonard next Perth, .... Prioress of (hom.), p. 200; seal ? (App. i. 2 (80)). York, the poor of the hospital of, grants to, 690; 1606 (6). Sts Marcellin and Peter, J., cardinal of, 1573. St Margaret, intercession with, 1441. "Westminster, church of, 22. St Martin in montibus, G., cardinal of, 1573. St Mary, intercession with, 1441. in St Andrews, provostry of, seques- trated till Master William Comyn did fealty to the K. of Scotland (April 1306), 1822. of Carlisle, the Prior of, 39 ; Priory church of, receives Soureby church in proprios iisus, to make up its losses by the Scots (4 April 1307), 1920. of Inch (near Elgin), church of, p. 192. Selkirk forest, Glasgow dioCese, English presentee to, 1008. St Maur, Laurence de, keeper of Jeddeworthe castle, 547. St Mercurius, intercession with, 1441. St Michael, Sir John de (fealty), 796; seal, ih. ; (hom.), p 195; of Roxburghshire (horn.), pp. 211, 214. John son of John de (outlawed), p. 34. Reginald de, clerk (hom.), p. 195. St Nicholas church, Newcastle ; inquisition there, 1131. (Berwick), Berwick mutineers summoned to, 1223. John de, burgess of York, 63. St Ninian, the Scots remove his image from Whithern to New Abbey, and it returns same night, 1525; the Prince of Wales on pilgrimage there (Sept. 1301), ib. St Omer, trade from Aberdeen to, 9, 10, merchants of, complaint as to their goods in Moray, and inquisition thereon, 1639. St Oswalter, Robert de, 3. St Oweyn, Jlauf de, 845. St Patrick of Dureby in Man, church of, p. 130. St Peter's Hospital, York, the friars of, 686 IXDEX. grant of "William de Veteripont to, 690; roll of early grants to by Scottish kings and nobles, 1606. St Sabinus, bishop of, P., a Koman Cardinal, returnsfrom Carlisle (1 6 ]\Iarcli 1306-7), 1919. St Santau in Man, church of, p. 130. St Ternan, chapel of, 1729; land of, ib. St Thomas Martyr, intercession with, 1441; the Queen mother of Scotland on pilgrimage to, 6T. St Wilfrid, intercession with, 1441. St Wulstan, intercession with, 1441. Saints, intercessions with many, for the Prince and his army passing Perth bridge against the Scots, 1441. Sale, John de, 868. Salkeld, 664; the men of, 17. Little, p. 36. John de, juror, 664. Salmon and sahnon fry, destruction of, in Cumberland, p. 38; regulations to prevent, and conservators appointed, p. 39; value of sent to the K. from Berwick (3 Feb. — 9 June 1303-4), 26Z. 16s., 1557; 'estope' and 'en 'pain escaward,' 3 horseloads of, ordered for the K. at Bouldone (Sept. 1304), 1591. Salom in Scotland, the men of, their rights of pasture and fowling in Arthuret, p. 65. Salop, levy of 500 men from (Sept. 1299), 1092. Salva Terra, Julian de, in pursuit of Earl of Carrick, 1897. Salvoe, Sir Boniface de, chaplain of Tikhulle, 1240. Salynis, Misire William de, 61. Sammok, Adam, of Trebrun, of Berwdckshii'e (hom.), p. 207. SammokssonCj Aleyn, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Sampson, John, accused of seizing Hugh le Despenser's drove of cattle near Presfen, p. 192; constable of Stirling, stock, &c., delivered to him (Aug. 1298), 1002; 1119; constable of Scarborough, to receive 4 Scots prisoners from Stirling, 1567; has no funds to maintain his Scottish prisoners, 1607; inquiry at Exchequer (13071, into his losses at surrendering Stirling castle (in 1299) 1949 ; 3 horses eaten, 2 lost, armour, weapons, jewels, and furniture, &c., worth 61?. 13s. lOtZ., allowed, ih. Sandal, Elyas de, 163. ■ Sir John de, p. 369; provides a new horse for the K., 1520; the K.'s clerk, 1601; chamberlain of Scotland, fee (1304), p. 442; 1654, 1G55, 1656, 1658, 1666, 1668; Sir John de, chamberlain of Scotland, 1670, 1677; to attend Parliament at Westminster in person, 1678; holds inquisition, 1681; by deputy, 1689; to name sheriff of Ber- wick, 1691 (3); 1699, 1701; to give the Abbot of Jeddeworthe 20 oaks, 1704; to apply a sum to repair Stirling bridge, 1705; to pay fees, 1706; his own, 1707; the fee of John of Brittan}^ 1711; 1712, 1714, 1715; chamberlain of Scotland, instnictions from the K. as to provisioning and repairing various castles and providing sites for two north and south of Forth, &c., 1722, 1724, 1727; deputy guardian of Scotland, 1745; at Berwick (March— April 1306), 1751, 1756, 1759, 1760, 1762, 1765, 1786, 1838; 1802; examines the Bishop of St Andrews at Newcastle as to his secret dealings, while a Privy Councillor, with the Earl of Carrick, and other treacheries to the K. (9 Aug. 1306), 1818; to receive munitions of war (springalds, crossbows, &c. ), at Berwick (2 Dec. 1306), 1863, 1879; to see as to 4 castles and the town of Perth] (March), 1912. Sandiacre, Eoger of, keeper of the tent for the coffers and books of the Wardrobe, 1599. ' Sandihalghe, le ' (Peebles), rebel's crop sold in, p. 425. Sandres, John de Swynebum's servant, fined p. 34. Sandwyco (Sandwyz), Ealph de, keeper of the Tower, p. 265; a justice to try Sir William Wallace, 1684; constable, receives Sir Patrick de Graham in the Tower (8 Nov. 1306), 1852 ; and Sir Malcolm de Inner- pefrrei(7Dec.), 1858. Sanquhar, Sir Henry de Percy at (June 1297), 902. church, English presentee to, 998. Sa'nayk, vill of (Dumfriesshire), 824 (4). Satsondoff, p. 5. Sa . . . . ton, 339. Saunford, Thomas de, 894. William de, vallet, 1346, 1361. Sauser, Adam le, p. 36. Alisaundre le, bailiff of Inverkeithing (hom.), 808; seal ib.; 819, pp. 198, 200; his lands in Fife restored, 832. Master John le, of London, cook, 1395. William, 16. Sautre, Abbot of. Friar William, sends extracts from his records, 478. Friar John de, master of the Temple in Scotland (hom.), p. 202; seal (Ajip. iii. 666); 839. Friar Robert de, Templar, 839. INDEX. 68'; Sauvage, Eoger le, clerk, 505, 518. Simon le, 422. William, approver, aids a Scotsman to escape from Colchester castle (Nov. 1306), 1846. Savage (Salvaticus), Sir Roger, knight, the K. 's envoy to the Pope, 1903. Savecaumpc manor, extent of, 230 ; committed in ward, 232, 356; extent, p. 173; all the ■wood to be sold for the K.'s benefit, 982. Savoy, throne of. Bras cites case of, 607. Count of, Amez, and other English ambassadors declare the trace with France till Easter (1303) ; 1333. Say, Henry de, the Prince of Wales's butler, 1210, 1233; (seal), ib., 1276. Scadughy, Richard de, of Fife (horn. ), p. 204. Scalebosk, William de, p. 64. Scaleby, manor of, p. 37. Scarborough castle, 4 Scottish prisoners from Stirling in, 1607, 1668; the bailiffs of, to maintain Scots prisoners in castle, 1607. (Scardeburgh), Robert de, parson of Conington, 715. Scate, Adam, p. 53. Schadworth, Robert de, vallet, 1347. Schaleby, John de, p. 425. Scharpe, Adam (of Wooler), 628. Schawe, Fergus del, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 810; p. 210; seal (App. i. 1 (9)). Symon del, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), 206 ; seal ? (App. iii, 317). William de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; p. 203. Schazaury, Roger de, juror, 824 (5). Schefeld, Sir John de, 1818; sheriff of Northumberland, 1828. Scheie, Thomas of le, 34. (Schelle), William, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 201; seal (App. iii. 235). (Scheles), William de, K.'s tenant, Linlithgowshire (hom.), p. 202; seal? (App. i. 3 (1)). Scheuche, Martin, the Prince of Wales' vallet, 1305. Schene, near Kingston, the Bishop of St Andrews sworn of the Privy Council there, 1818. Schepeshevede, 36, Sclierwenlawe, Joce de (Lanarkshire), p. 427. Sir Walter de (fealty), 777; (hom.), p. 195; of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 211; his lands in Roxburghshire restored, 832. Sche\vi-eshale, p. 5. Schilquartrig, p. 5. Schirolis, Patrick son of, juror, 1689. Schiwynscheles (Sewinsheles) manor (Tyn- dale), 319; 'le Walfelde,' ib. Schutlyntone, Sir John de, of Edinburgh- shire (hom. ), p. 207. Scirlock, John, 322, Scolton, Walter de, p. 189. Scone {teste), 104, 215; seal of (App. iii. 141). Abbey, case of, under the Pope's consider- ation (July 1306), 1799; the Pope writes about ib. (24 Feb. 1306-7), 1903. the Abbot of, sent from Newcastle to Nottingham (7 Aug. 1306), 1812; his allow- ance daily in prison, 1814; the K. orders him to be put in iron fetters in Mere castle, 1815; expenses of his escort from Newcastle to Winchester, 1824; in prison at Mere, expenses, 1944. Abbot of, Friar Thomas (fealty), p. 124; hom., p. 196; seal (App. iii. 147). Scortone, Henry de, of Roxburghshire (hom, ), p. 209. Laurence de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 209. Scot, Adam, messenger, 878, (Skot), Alan, juror, 1436. Albert le (merchant), 167; of Piaenza, 698. Alexander, ropemaker, 1589. AUsaundre, of Perthayk, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Master Baldred le, comes from beyond seas to Stirling castle and to the K. (Nov. 1306), 1848. David, tailor to Earl of Gloucester, 988. Duncan le, his lands restored, 952. Henry, his case as to a stolen (?) horse at Carlisle, 183. Henry le, burgess of Edinburgh (hom. ), 820, p. 197; lands in Edinburghshire restored to, 832. Henry le, juror, Roxburgh, 1435. John le, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197; juror, Berwickshii-e, 824 (3), 857. John le, merchant of Piacenza, 698. John, son of Robert le, ' servus ' and ' rusticus ' of the Prior of Lewes, 1977. Isabele, of Fife (horn.), p. 204, Laurence, 8. Matildis, rope maker, 1589. Sir Michael (fealty), p. 124; of Fife (hom.), 730; prisoner, p. 177; 742, 873; to serve the K. beyond seas (1297), 942; his lands restored, 952; his horse at Falkirk, 1011; juror, 1670; his seal (PI. iii, 12). 688 INDEX. Scot, Michael, of LinlithgowsLire (horn.), P- 205. Patrick, merchant, 74; his house at Berwick, p. 193; of Berwick (hom. ), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 569). Richard le (hom. ), 730 ; of Murthoxton (hom.), p. 198; seal (App. iii. 621), his lands in Selkirk.shire, restored, 832. Thomas, messenger to Scotland, 6. Thomas, Newcastle, sells canvas, 1324. Warin (Kent), juror, 591. Wautier, the Bishop of St Andrews' tenant, Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 205 ; seal (App. iii. 480). Wautier le, of Pebblesshire (hom. ), p. 204. William of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 199. William le, juror, Ijanark, 1343. Scotland, the K. and Queen of, 6; the K. of, p. 42. the K. of (Alexander III.), accused of con- niving at misdeeds of Simon and Andrew Fraser in Tyndale, 290. • the Queen of, chaplain saying Mass for her soul, 101. the Magnates of, acknowledge Margaret of Norway as heiress of, 248. ' the Damsel ' of, her arrival in Orkney reported to the K., 463; cost of vessel freighted to bring her from Norway, 464. See Margaret Queen- of Scotland. the K. declares that the coming of the Magnates and community of, to Norham, shall be no precedent, 480. the Guardians of (1286) 305; the six, seek redress for Andrew Moray and his wife 307; the six Guardians of, warrants by, 324-391 passim. ■ the Community of, ask that Sir John de - Soules be received to peace (Feb. 1303-4) 1459. memoranda as to government of, and rewards to K's friends (1304), 1620. K. of, the Bishop of St Andrews styles the Earl of Carrick thus. (April 1306), 1822. « muniments of (inventoried in Edinburgh A.n. 1282), 225; indenture as to those found in the treasury of Edinburgh to be deposited at Berwick (a.d. 1291), 526; memorandum as to same (3 Sept.) 528; memorandum as to 3 coffers with writings, &c., found in Edinburgh castle, sent to Westminster (Sept. 1296), 840; roll of Estreats (1296), 853. ordinances by the K. and Council for assuring peace, 1908; abettors of Comyn's murder to be capitally punished, ib., the commons to be gently dealt with, &c., ib. ; relaxation of conditions thought too harsh, 1909. Scotland, Alicia of (a robber), escapes, p. 34. Simon of (outlaw), p. 42. Scotsmen in Gascony, not to be molested by John Masson, 295; lands and goods of all, to be seized in England (16 Oct. 1295), 718; and goods to be sold, 726; extents and returns as to these, 736 ; safe conduct fur. 6, named by French ambassadors, (till Martinmas, 1302), 1331. Scots, the, reported to be scattered (4 Aug. 1297), 934; the, prisoners going abrond with the K., ordered to find security (Aug. 1297), 944; Edward I. objects to their being included in the truce with France (1298), p. 253; have again risen in force and taken castles, &c. (Jan. 1302—3), 1342. ' Scotti,' the (of Placentia), merchants, 167. Scottish ambassadors, the, write from Paris to. the Guardian to resist the K. (May 1303), 1363. prisoners, orders as to, in various English castles (1306) 1850. Scottish women, annuities to, wives of prison- ers in England, 853; petitions by, for lands (1296), 870. war, levies ordered (Oct. 1297), 29^ 400 men, 956; levies from 9 counties ordered (Nov. 1299), 16,000 in all, ta assemble at Berwick on 13th Dec, 1111; from bishopric of Durham, 5000 or 6000, ib.; 16,000 men from Derby, Nottingham, and the 5 northern counties (30 Sept. 1300), 1136; pay roll of the K.'s own army in Scotland, 6800 foot, (July— Sept. 1301), from 10 counties — Byland liberty, Edin- burgh, Berwick, Roxburgh, and Jeddewortk garrisons, Redesdale, Knaresborough, and Tynedale archers, and Selkirk foresters, 1229; 12,000 foot from 9 counties (12 May 1301), 1202; levies of 4900 foot from 7 counties to Linlithgow (before Jan. 1301-2) 1261; partly superseded (Dec. ), 1267; levies from 8 counties, &c., and Scotland, 9500 foot, to muster at Roxburgh (May 1303), 1351; 1356; pay roll of 7000 foot under the K. (May 1303— Oct. 1304), and various places in Scotland where paid, 1599, war (1298), expenses of, p. 265; order of, during truce (Oct. 1300 till Pentecost); army to be disbanded except garrisons, and 100 horse and 300 foot to accompany warden INDEX. 689 inspecting castles, 1164; letter from Rox- burgh to the K. giving details as to distri- bution of K. 's forces, on the March, Selkirk forest, &c., payment of wages, and other matters (Sept. 1301), 1230; daily pay of army, household, fortresses, magnates, &c. (Oct. 1301), 1241; warrants for payments of wages, &c., in 4 Scottish castles (1304), 1618. Scottish war: provisions from various counties, Ireland, and Wales, ordered to be sent to Ber\\-ick and Carlisle (1301), 1192; monies sent from Exchequer to Berwick garrison Sept. 1301), 1228; distributed between the K. 's and Prince's armies, ib. ; Berwick and Lochmaben gai'risons to be helped also, ib. ; stores, &c. , from Ireland to be accelerated to Skynburness, and vessels to keep clear of Dunbarton, Ayr, and Galloway (April 1306), 1763; 200 casks wine also, as none from Gascony can be got, 1769; provisions for Berwick from 10 counties to be sent on to Perth (2 July), 1795; from Cornwall, to be sent to Skynburness or Kirkcudbright, 1796; account of 49 wagons, 186 oxen, avers, &c., sent to Carlisle to carry the K.'s victuals to Scotland (July 1306), 1805. Scote (Stote), WUliam, of Dundonald, prisoner from Stirling, sent to Scarborough castle, 1567, 1607; of Conyngham, prisoner, 1668. Scottesby, 146, p. 36; 664. Scratburg, Brydok of, p. 190. Scravelyn (Skirling), the rebel rector of, his land (Peeblesshire), p. 425. Scriptor, Wniiam the, 1313. Scrogges (Skrogges), Adam de, burgess of Haddington (hom.), 815, p. 197. Scut, William (of Brunscayt), 360. Scutlington, John, 665. Sea-ports, the communities of 13, to be punished at discretion for not sending vessels to the Scottish war (Aug. 1302), 1316, Seburham, p. 29. Seeler, Andrew le, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 207. Michael le, burgess of Roxburgh (hom. ), 820, p. 197. Seggedene, St Austin of. Friar William, master of the house of, Berwickshire (hom.) p. 208. Segrave, Sir John de, 827; lieutenant of the Earl Marshal, 1145, 1150; to furnish Roxburgh [and 4 other castles], and make no truce (Oct. 1300), 1164; his paj', p. 317; with 30 men-at-arms, to make forays from VOL. II. Berwick (Sepl. 1302), 1321 (14); finds 3 men for his Scottish lands, ib.; 1322; his receipt for 100?. the Earl Marshal's fee • du ' veierage,' 1323 ; seal ib. ; strength of his force at Berwick (Sept. 1302), p. 340; the K. orders him to make a foray by Stirling and Kirkintilloch, 1328; warden of Ber- wick castle, 1331; reports Scottish rising (20 Jan. 1302-3), 1342; his land in Strath- aven, 1343; warden of Northumberland, &c., absent with the K. (June 1303), 1374; 1388; captain of Northumberland, 1399, 1409; strict instructions by the K. to him and others, on a ' chivauchee ' from Dum- fermline, across Forth to the 'Torres,' 1432; 1446; in company with the Earl of Garrick (March 1303-4), thanked by the K., 1465, 1466; royal credence to, for John Botetourte, 1488; warden of Lothian, 1598, 1600; south of Forth, 1616; K.'s lieutenant in Scotland, fee (1304-5), p. 442; warden south of Forth ; writ to him that Parliament prorogued till the Assumption of the Virgin (1305), 1669 ; inquisition before him, 1675 ; Parliament further prorogued, 1678 ; 1681 ; a justiciar on trial of Sir William Wallace (Aug. 1305), 1685 ; 1691 ; his official fee till retire- ment, 1707 ; record of conviction by him of a felon at Stirling, 1710; warden south of Forth, to find a site at Polmase for a castle, 1722 ; 1878; attestation by, 1976. Nicholas de, to receive fealties at Ayr (1291), p. 124 ; warden of Dunbarton and Ayr castles, 547, 571, 590, 594, 611; senior, 625 ; lieutenant of the constable of England, 1146. an engine called, 1500, 1599. Sel, Adam, of Rystone, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Seland vessel, a, chartered for Berwick, plundered, 693. Seldeman, Patrick, juror, 1619, Seleby, Richard of, shipmaster, Newcastle, 1718. Selewode, 101, Selkirk {teste), 159 ; army paid at (25 July 1301), 1229; the 'heritable sheriff' appointed (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3). Forest, violent proceedings of Simon and Andrew Eraser there, 290 ; hostages to be taken from, 734 ; daily pay and number of force there under Sir Hugh de Audeley, p, 317 ; 50 oaks given to Bishop of Glasgow in, 1626 ; 40 oaks from, granted to Melros, 1982 ; ward of, east side of Tweed, a fine accounted for by John de Moffete, p, 439 ; 2 X 690 INDEX. ward of Traquair, issues accounted for by Eoger de Aylmer, p. 440 ; ward of Selkirk, issues accounted for by Walter le Corour, ib. Selkirk, castle, stores and weapons for, 1324 ; state of new works there (Sept. 1302), ib. ; garrison, ib. (5); 1337; pele of, lost by Sir Alexander de Balliol (1304-5), 1649 ; ex- penses of pele and stone gateway there, 1722; castle, manor, and forest, &c. , granted to Aymar de Valence (4 Oct. 1306), 1839 ; to pay the alms of former kings of Scotland, ib.; he and his heirs heritable sheriffs, ib.; forfeitures of tenants also granted, 1840. the foresters of, to be thanked for their ' loyal and painful service ' to the K. (June 1306), 1782. Adam of, of Roxburgh (hom. ), 820. Alan of, juror, 1681. Richard, vicar of, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 208. Thomas de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 205 ; a rebel received, has his English lands in Norham liberty, given him by Thomas de Moray, 1481, 1594. Selvenland (Sevelaund), Cristiane, of Cadiou, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Patrick de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812 ; seal, ib.; p. 204. Selveston, John de, envoy of Edward I. to France, 990, 993. Seman, Ughtred, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), 812 ; seal, ib. ; p. 204. Sempyngham, the Master of the Order of, 825. Seneschal, the K.'s, receives hay, 1446. 'Sergaunt, surdit de,' an oppressive law in Galloway comjilained of by the people, 1874. Serjaunt, Andrew le, burgess of Linlithgow (hom.), p. 198. Nicol le, burgess of Linlithgow (hom. ), p. 198, p. 201; K.'s tenant, Linlithgowshire, hom., p. 202; seal (App. i. 3 (33)); land in Edinburghshire restored to, 832. Serle, John, bui-gess of Perth (hom.), 834, p. 197. Servat, William of Cahors, 425 ; privilege to, 453 ; his vessel ' Cumfort, ' ib. Servator, William, burgess of Stirling (hom. ), 813, p. 197; of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. iii. 412); his lands in Stirlingshire restored, 832. Servj's, Alisaundre of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (39). Seton (Seyton), manor of, Yorkshire, held by John de Seton deceased, of William le Latimer and his wife, 1091. Seton, Alisaundre de, vallet, of Edinburgh- shire (hom.), p. 211. Cristina [de Brus], widow of Christopher de, at Sixle; allowed a mark yearly for dress (15 March 1306-7), 1910. Cristofor de, son and heir of John de S., 1091; age on 25 March 1299, 21, ib.; does homage, 1102, 1140; in the K.'s sernce at Lochmaben (March 1303-4), 1464; inqui- sition as to lands of his father's liferented by Cristiana widow of Robert de Brus (the Competitor), &c. (Sept. 1305), 1690; does homage and gets his lands (Oct. 1305), 1697; conveys land in Kirkaiadres to Adam de Twynham without leave, 1717; a rebel, his foi-feited lands in Cumberland given to William le Latimer and Robert de Clifford, 1775, 1776; the 'late' (15 Oct. 1306), ib.; lately drawn and hanged (4 Oct. 1306), 1841 ; reversion of his Durham manor granted, ib. ; held in dower by his mother Ermina, ib. ; late rebel, inquisition of his forfeited lands in Cumberland (29 Nov. 1306), 1861; Ermina his mother's dower, ib. ; his lands held in capite of the K., ib; granted to Robert de Clifford (3 Feb. 1306-7); 1894; transaction as to Yorkshire lands between his father John de S. and John Bard, 1904; his mother Ermyne's petition to the K. , ib. Erminia widow of John de, dower of her son Christopher's land reserved (3 Feb. 1306-7), 1894; petitions the K. as to dower in his lands in Est Linton, Yorkshire, 1904. Sir John de, knight of Robert de Brus of Annandale, indicted for forest trespass and pardoned, 278; accompanies Edward L to St Andrews (4 July 1291), 501; witness, 556, 631; claims free warren in Cumberland, p. 151; fined, ib.; (of York), mainprise by for John Comyn, 702; of Dumfriesshire (hom.), pp. 203, 214; in the K.'s service iu Galloway ^^■ith the Earl of Carrick (July 1298), 995; deceased (before 11 Sept. 1299), inquisition of his lands (Cumberland and Yorkshire), 1091; Christo- pher his son and heir, ib. ; age of, ib. ; does homage, 1102; to answer to the K. for his relief, 1232. the late John de, his transactions in land with the late Robert de Brus and Cristiana his wife, 1690, 1697. John de, going with the K. to Scotland (April 1301), 1195; Sir John de, with the Eari of Essex in Scotland (June 1301), 1205; assists in putting down mutiny at Berwick (Sept. 1301), 1223. INDEX. 691 Seton, John de, 'Englishman,' aids in Comyn's murder, and takes Tibbers castle, a prisoner of war, drawn and Jianged (Ang. 1306), 1811. Richard de, of Dumfriesshire (hom. ), p. 203. Richard de (with the Earl of Essex in Scotland), 1205. Master Roger de, justice, p. 44. Symoun de (with Earl of Essex in Scot- land), 1205. Seven earls of Scotland, the, their privileges, 481. Shamutone, Henry de, parson of Addredelye, 303. Shap, the Abbot of, 138, 300; Peter, late abbot of, 138. Sharpestone, Johan de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 213. Shepherd, Elias the, and 6 others, hanged at Roxburgh for burnings and robberies, p. 190. Sherborne in Dorset, 7 Scottish prisoners from Stirling escorted from, to Exeter castle 1674. Sherere, "William, prisoner, Northampton, 1668. Sheriffs, Scots or English, appointed to the various counties (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); the, of 25 Scottish counties have notice of relaxa- tion of penalties against innocent receivers of Robert de Brus, 1909. Ship, great, to bring the ' Heiress of Scotland ' from Noi-way (April 1290), cost of victuall- ing at Yarmouth, 464. Shireburne, Alan de, presented to St Mary Magdalene's Hospital, Wooler, 1399. Shirle, Ralph de, sheriff of Nottingham, 1098; to levy ' leugatores ' in Sherwood forest (April 1303), 1355. Shotesham, Robert de, 1362. Shottone, Huwe de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 209. Sibbald, David, of Augansouthe (Augansauche, Bann. Club), Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Thomas, juror, 824 (5). Sigillo, Hugh de, clerk of William the Lyon, 1606 (4). Sikelfote, Gilbert (of Suthouse), p. 131. Silkesworth, William de (hom.), p. 194. Silloth, wrecks at, p. 283. Silvestre, Johan, parson of Dolfinstone, Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Simeon of Durham; his Chronicle, p. 115. Simondistede, p. 45. Sissergate [Fissergate ?] (Berwick), 1313. Siuilde (Ayrshire), rent of land and mill of, (1304), p. 428. Siward, Earl, his victory over Macbeth, p. 112. John, son of Richard S., prisoner, 1114; hostage for his father Richard in Chester castle, 1156. (Suard), Sir Richard, 582, 589; attests K. John's homage, 660; his lands in Hampshire restored (Dec. 1295), 723; pp. 172, 173; held Cronle manor, p. 175; gave it to John his brother, ib. ; a prisoner (1296), 742; Maria, wife of, protection for, 839 ; to have an annuity from his lands | 853; his forfeited lands in Northampton restored (July 1297), 930; freed to serve beyond seas, 940; his son John a hostage] ib. ; freed from the Tower (July 1297), to serve beyond seas, 950; his son John a hostage, ib. ; the Bishop of Durham hi mainprise, ib.; his land in Tyndale, 963; his son to be treated with leniency in Bristol castle for the father's good service in Flanders, 986; has begun a house at Tibbers (Aug. 1298), 1005; has a horse by gift of th K. at Falkirk, 1011; troops provided by (1298), 1049; to be warden of Nithsdale, 1067; on duty in Annandale, 1088, 1112; his son John prisoner in Chester castle, 1114 ; prests to Sir R., p. 284 ; 1174; indent- ure by, to attend Sir John de St John, warden of Galloway, with 10 men-at-arms till Pentecost (1301), 1171; to receive 50?. balance of works at Tybres castle (June 1302), 1307; to get advance of his arrears for service in Galloway (Sept. 1302), 1325; writes to Ralph de Manton as to state of his garrison at Lochmaben (Oct. (?) 1302), and the Earl of Carrick going to Parliament, 1334; sheriff of Fife, 1350; to bring 300 foot from Nithsdale to Roxburgh (April 1303), 1356; his retinue in Lochmaben (Dec. 1303), 1418; dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (Christmas 1303), 1516; to deliver castle and regality of St Andrews to the Bishop, who has come to peace (4 May 1304), 1529; wants supplies (1304), 1625; sheriff of Fife, price of timber from bishopric of St Andrews, 1646; sheriff of Dumfries, (Sept. 1305), 1691 (3); justice in Cumber- land, 1716; sheriff of Dumfries, made prisoner in Tibbers castle, by Robert de Brus and others, after John Comyn's murder, 1811; petitions for the dowager his wife's land, 1873 ; seal (App. iii. 494). Sir Richard junior, prisoner, p. 177, 906 ; to be freed of fetters and have a private chamber in Bristol castle (1298), 986 ; in service in Galloway (Oct. 1302), 1334. 692 INDEX. Siward, Elizabeth, widow of Richard, junior, at Chikesande priory, allowed a mark yearly for dress, 1910 ; there (July 1307), 1951. Sixle, the Prior of, in charge of Cristiua, widow of Christopher de Seton, 1910. Skarlet, Elys, 1395 ; Elys his son, ib. Skayre, Thomas, juror, 1670. Skeldon on Doon, Aymar de Valence at (18, 1 July 1307), 1955, 1959. Skelton (Cumberland), 28, 304 ; forfeited, 1042; 1091, 1861, 1894 ; church of, 1861. Skene, Johan, of Aberdeenshire (horn.), p. 208 ; seal (App. iii. 484). Johan de, of Edinburghshire (horn. ), p. 203 ; seal (App. iii. 590). Patrick de, of Aberdeenshire (horn. ), p. 208 ; seal (App. iii. 457). Skeps, a border measure of oat meal, 208. Skineburnays (Cumberland), wrecks at, p. 283 ; (Skeymburness, Skimburuess) ; pro- visions and wine there carried to Annan, p. 284 ; list of vessels delivering provisions from Ireland, ih. ; men and provisions from Ireland ordered there, 1128 ; provisions to be shipped from Ireland there (1301), 1193; sent to, from Ireland (1301-2), 1260. Skipton (Scyptona), in Craven, the Honour of, p. 16 ; the ward of, bought by the Steward of Scotland, 61. Skogges, William del, of Pebblesshire (hom.), p. 208. Skirewyt (Skyrewyt), Eudo de, 51, p. 59. Skort, Robert, Scotsman, suspected as a spy, hanged (March 1300-1), at Carlisle, 1152. Skynnere, Henry, juror, 1681. Skirmyshour (Skyrmyshour), Alexander 'le,' prisoner of war, lianged [kwg. 1306), 1811. John le, and his ' galie ' to victual Dum- fries, 1133. Slamede (Lydel), p. 66. Slan, Nicholas de, 187. (Slanes), Nicol de, of Ayrshire (hom. ), p. 202. Philip de, in Lochmaben pele, p. 283. Slethan, Martin son of Ivo de, hostage, dies in Carlisle prison, 1179. Sinalham (Annandale), provostry of, issues (for 1303), p. 426. Smart, Duncan, messenger, carries letters from Aymar de Valence at Perth to the K. at Dunfermline (25 Dec. 1303), 1419. Simon, p. 45. Smith, John the, Stirling castle, 1119. Richard son of Richard the, (outlaw), p. 42. William the, juror, Selkirk, 34. Smith, William the, Wooler, 549. Smithetone, Henry de, of Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 210. Snaro, envoy of Haco K. of Norway, credence of, 1181. Snel, Robert, 'cokin,' 878. Snowdon, &c., 4200 Welshmen levied from (May 1298), 984. Snyterby, Thomas de, clerk, expenses of Irish soldiers paid by, (1296), p. 265. Sodor, Bishops of: Mark, goes to Man, p, 130 ; seal (App. iii. 140) ; Alan, on visitation of islands of Inchegal (1305), 1717. Sodyngton, Master Thomas de, justice, 133, 138. Softlawe, Adam de, of Roxburghshire (hom.), p. 210. Aylmer de, parson of Douglas, Lanark- shire (hom.), p. 210. Solporte (Lydel), manor of, p. 66, Soltre, Ralph, master of the hospital of (fealty), p. 125. the Trinity of. Friar Thomas, master of the house of, Edinburghshire (hom.), p. 208. Solewathe (Solway), 64 ; March law there, 183; convoy intercepted in by the Scots, 1116. 'Somers,' the, of the K. and Queen, sent to Berwick till surrender of Stirling, to have provender (10 May 1304), 1533. Somersete, John de, 1391, 1561; receiver at Ayr, 1979. Somervile, Master Gervase de {temp. Wm. the Lyon), 1607 (7). John de, lands taken, p. 175; a rebel received, has his lands in Northumberland, held by gift of Sir Vv^'illiam de S. his father, 1481, 1594, 1602; prisoner of war, hanged (Aug. 1306), 1811 ; his lands of Hedgly forfeited, ih. inquisition of same (19 Aug.) 1823. John de, clerk, prisoner, Couwey, p. 177. Robert de, p. 45; holds barony of Merley, ib. Thomas de (fealty), 746 ; Sir Thomas de (hom.), 823 ; of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 198; seal (?) (App. iii. 420); royal message to, 884. William de (temp. Malcolm IV. )^ 1985 (10). William de (Northumberland) p. 43 ; 238 ; Sir William de, prisoner, Corfe castle, p. 178; 877, 1085 ; to be exchanged at Berwick for Sir William Ridel a prisoner in Scotland (Oct. 1301), 1243, 1244, Somlawe, 628. INDEX. 693 Sondersokene, land given in marriage to John de Balliol by Earl of Warrenne, p. 175. Soor, Richard, p. 39. Sorewles, William, citizen of London, 1739. Souche, Sir Alan de la, his lands of Dreghorn and Ii-vine taken in K. 's hands for his not doing service, pp. 425, 429. Sir Emeri de la, seneschal of Aymar de Valence, 1954, 1956. Symon de la, of Lanarkshire (horn. ), p. 213. See Zuche. Soul, Fynny le, of Stirling, prisoner, 1668. Souldon, Adam la parsone of (horn.), p. 199 ; seal (App. i. 2 (79)). Soules, (Soulis), Alicia widow of Thomas de late rebel, to have the lands of her uncle John de Mulcastre, 1594. Sir John de, 339; his signet, ib.; has ward of Hugh Lovel's lands, 534 ; sends to France, p. 131; 534, 564, 647; protec- tion, 681; witness, 691, 692; has grant of late Eva Lovel's dower lands till heir's majority, 703; witness, 847 ; envoy to France (1299), 1071 ; attacks Lochmaben castle (Sept. 1301), 1220; watched by spies, 1221; am- bassador to France (1303), 1363; seal, ib. ; a 'fugitive,' holds Durisdier in lease, 1452; Westerker, ib. ; Philipstone, ib. ; safe con- duct to, 1455, 1459, 1574. Margaret de, petitions for her terce of Liddesdale, formerly her husband Sir Nicol de Soulis', 870. Nicholas de (Competitor), 488 ; his seal, ib. swears to obey Overlord's decision, 489; (fealty) 790; horn., p. 195; seal (App. iii. 102) ; of Liddesdale, 870; Margaret his wife petitions the K. , ib. Nicol de, of Fife (hom.), p. 209. Ranulf de, butler of Malcolm IV. K. of S6ots, his charter to St Peter of York of land in Lydel, 1606 (12) ; witness, ib. Richard de, pardoned outrage, at instance of William and Jolin de Soulis (Nov. 1292), 647. Thomas de, 240, p. 175 ; Sir Thomas de (fealty), 794; (hom.), p. 195; of Roxburgh- shire (hom.), p. 209; seal (App. iii. 97); extent of his lauds, 1035 ; a rebel (1298), 1045 ; sent to Exeter castle, 1155, 1159 ; prisoner sent to Be^^vick (1301-2), 1602 ; deceased, Alice his widow prays for dower in Staunfordham (1304), 1622. Sir William de, envoy from Scotland, 104, 111, 116, 119; letter by, to Edward I., 120, 121; fined, p. 44 ; justiciar of Lothian butler of Scotland, 233, 272 ; one of his daughters contracted in marriage to John de Athol (11 March 1285-6), 285; sheriflF of Roxburgh, 381; ordered to attach Richard Knout for violations of March custom, 411; sheriff of Inverness, 560 ; intercedes for Richard de Soulis 647 ; protection for him and his men (13 April 1304), 1507; his land next Jeddeworthe forest, 1969. Soureby, dispute as to pasture, 39, p. 29; 146; treasure trove there, ib., p. 36; inqui- sition of, 664; K. John does homage for, 679; church given to priory of Carlisle in proprios usus, 1920. South Berwick, Auneys prioress of (hom.), p. 200. Southlyntone, Johan de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 206. Southwell church (Nottingham), Henry de Pynkeny accused of robbery there, 1231. (Suthewelle), John de, 625. Sowe, William de, and retinue, 1170. Soytr, Watere, juror, 1343. Spain, throne of, Brus cites case of, 607. Spalding (Spauyding), Sir John de, canon of Elgin, p. 440; the K.'s 'hoste,' asks timber to build his church of Duffus 1629; p. 443; rent paid for storing wool and hides in his house at Elgyn, p. 444. — — Symon de, parson of Ogheltre, of Ayrshire (hom.), p. 206. Spaldingtone, Osbert de, justice in Scotland, 605, 625, 626, p. 148; warden and sheritfof Berwick, 824 (2); p. 225; 883; sheriff of Berwick, accounts for its farm, &c., p. 264. Spalfot, Hugh, outlaw, 682. Spanish ship, wrecked, list of cargo, 289. archdeacon, the Prince of Wales gives a charger and housings to a, at York (18 April 1303), p. 366. Sparke, John, burgess, lessee of town acres, Berwick, 1313. Spendeloue, Emma, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 209. Simon, lands in Lanarkshire, restored to, 832. Spens', Geoffry le, 360. John le, 360 ; GeofFiy his brother, ib. William del, juror, 1675. Speresels, p. 65. Spicer, Gilbert, sells cord, 1324. Rauf le, burgess of Jeddeworthe (hom. ), p. 197. Spick, Agatha, 34 ; Robert, ib. Spindelestan (Spinylstan), 105; land and mill at, held by Scottish rebels, 1131; lauds in, 69i INDEX. forfeited by Henry de Haliburton and his wife, and given to Robert de Coleville, 1336. Spirit, the Holy, intercession with, 1441. Spollarde, Adam, of Berwickshire (horn.), p. 206. Spot, Eliz de, of Edinburghshire (horn.), p. 213; seal (App. iii. 511.); the K.'s falconer, flies his gos-hawks near Edinburgh (Jan. 1303-4), 1443; seal, ib. Huwe le fiz Moyses de, of Berwickshire (horn.), p. 201. Spotteswode, Robert de, of Berwickshire (bom.), p. 203; seal (App. iii. 185). Spreul, Wautier, of Dumbartonshire (hom.), p. 202; of Lanarkshire (horn.), 812; seal (App. iii. 331); p. 204. Springefeud, Richard de, 312. Sprot, Adam (of Tynedale), p. 54; his son William, a ward, ib. Sprotburgh, p. 172. Sprouston manor (Scotland), dower claimed in, 395, 444; state document received at, 441; granted to Edward I., 895; Clemencia, widow of John de Vescy, has dower, ib. ; Isabella widow of John de Vescy senior has same, ib. ; the ladies de Vescy do fealty for, 983; reversion granted by "William de Vescy to the K., ib. ; barony, forfeitures in, given to the ladies de Vescy, 1348; 1427; Spiyng, Sir John, and esquires, on a Scottish raid, ^1081, p. 283. Spurschute, Nicholas de,' sheriff of Oxford, &;c., 1805; Robert de Schulvele his vallet, ib. Squier, Johan le, of Whyhope, of Edinburgh- shire (horn.), p. 201; seal? (App. iii 2-39.) Stabeler, William, of Skir, 406. Staffold, 28. StafhoUe, John de, 664. Stafford, levy of 500 men from (Sept. 1299), 1092. William de, Hugh de Cressingham's bailiff in Scotland, 1597. Stagman, Robert, of Norham, 979. St;\ir, the land and mill of (Ayrshire), rent (1304), p. 428. Stamp, Adam, a rebel's ground sown, p. 425. ' Standard,' the battle called, p. 116. Staines, fine for Scotsman buried at, 150; remitted, 158. Standgarthesyde (Lydel), p. 19. Stanfordham, 1035; 'leHoghe' in, 1045; land of late Thomas de Soulis in, 1622. church, advowson of claimed by Sir William de Soulis, knight, 233. Stanham, Stephen of, mayor of Lincoln, sends lampreys to the K. at Stirling, 1568. Stanhus, Roben of, p. 46. Stanleye, 16. Stanton, Thomas de, p. 175. Stapelton church (Cumberland), 1861. John de, 71, p. 59. N. de, justice, 300, 302, 323. Stephen de, p. 59. 'Starmonthe, le' (Stormont), Sir John Comyn's, 583. Staunton, manor of, 177. Staynbume, p. 39; the pool of, ib. Staynmora, the Rere crosse upon, 64. Stebbing, p. 173; dower of AlianoradeFerrars, ib. Stephen, K. ; gives Huntingdon to Earl Henry, p. 113; follows David L to Roxburgh, (1138), p. 116. Stevenstone, Johan de, of Lanarkshire (hom. ), p. 212. Stevene de, of Pebbleshire (hom. ), p. 207. Steward of Scotland, the, his right to sit on English assizes, 146; claims treasure-trove for his K., ib. Alexander the, 50; his demands on the K. of England as to Skipton, &c., 61; robbed on his way to England, ib. Sir James the, 328; sheriff of Dunbarton, 590; receives fealties at Ayr (1291), p. 124; attests K. John's fealty, 660 ; his men, p. 192; (his homage and fealty at Roxburgh), 737, 823; (hom.), p. 196; seal (PI. i. 3); p. 225; his 3 retainers named (1296), p. 226; receives others to K.'s peace, ib.; 847; Egidia [de Bui'go] his wife, ib. ; charter to them by Richard earl of Ulster, her brother of Roo castle, &c., 847; conditions of peace required by him and his confederates (1297), 907; received by Percy and Clifford to peace, 908; confesses his rebellion, 909; guarantees the Earl of Carrick's loyalty, 910; expected at Berwick (Aug. 1297), 933; late the, his castle gi-anted to Alexander de Lindesay, 1006; meets other nobles at Peebles (Aug. 1229), 1978; elects Guardians, and goes to Clydesdale ib. ; his nephew killed (1299), and his head set on Loch- maben keep, 1101; ambassador to France (1303), 1363; seal, ib.; safe conduct coming to peace (Feb. 1303-4), 1455, 1459, 1574; James ' formerly,' submits himself and lands to the K.'s will, absolutely, (Nov. 1305), 1713; Andrew his son and heir surrendered to Robert the Brus by the Bishop of St INDEX. 695 Andrews against the K.'s orders, 1818; to be produced to the K. or Aymar de Valence ou mainprise of two Scottish magnates (25 Aug. 1306), 1826; the Steward's sub- mission and homage at Lanercost (23 Oct. ), 1843; grant of his lands to the Earl of Lincoln, renounced (22 Nov. 1306), 1857. Steward, John the, brother of>' Ae Steward, [fealty), 740; seal (PI. ii. 3); his homage and fealty at Roxburgh, 823 ; royal message to, 884 ; confesses his rebellion against Edward I. (July 1297), 909 ; (seal), ih. (Seneschal), John ]e, of Jeddeworth (horn.), p. 199 ; seal ? (App. iii. 96). (Seneschal), Sir John le, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 812; seal ? (App. iii. 96); p. 203. Isabele, widow of Thomas, of Edinburgh- shire (bom.), p. 209. (Styward), Phelippe, of Roxburghshire (horn.), p. 199; seal ? (App. i. 2 (59)). (Stiwarde), Richard, of Cranestone, Edinburghshire (hom. ), p. 203 ; seal ? (App. iii. 179). "Walter the, gives Richard de Beaumont money to go to the Holy Land, 1670 ; Grail pledged to him, ib. ; recovered by his exe- cutors from the K., ib. (Stywarde), William le fiz le, of Berwick- shire (hom.), p. 203. Stewardestone (Stywardestone), Adam de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 211. in Conyngham, Adam de, Scotsman in Carlisle prison, 1572, 1668. Stichhulle, Robert de, of Berwickshire (hom.), p. 207. Stiklawe, Henry de, Earl of Carrick's envoy, 675. Master Weyland de, Norwegian envoy, 675, 961. Stirkeland vill, 16. Robert de, 16. Walter de (with another), to lead the men of Westmoreland and Kendal to Rox- burgh, 1351, 1356 (4). Stirkestoun, John de, finds a man (for Sir . John de Burdoun's land)on forays, 1321 (14). Stirling (Strivelyn) {teste), 59. fair (1276), horses sold at, 79 ; bridge of, destroyed and broken, to be repaired (Oct. 1305), 1705 ; issues of (1304) 4s., p. 440. castle, p. 117, 522, 523, 533, 545, 547, 570, 586 ; stores for, 1040 ; list of garrison (90), at surrender in 1299 to the Scots, 1119; the K. resolves its siege (March 1303-4), 1477; siege of; oats and beans ordered instantly for the K.'s horses, as they have nothing but grass, 1552 ; stores from Berwick also, ' by day and night, ' as they can find nothing there (29 June), 1553 ; 40 crossbowmen and 40 carpenters ordered there from York, 1554; surrendered 'uncon- ditionally,' St Margaret's day (1304), 1560 ; the K.'s directions as to his men entei-ing it, ib. ; instrument as to suiTender and name of garrison, 1562 ; ro'l »" magnates present, 1563 ; stores (salt carcases) found there, 1564 ; losses of its constable when sur- rendered to the Scots (in 1299), 1949. Stirling, the Community of (hom.), 813 ; the common seal, ib. ; p. 197. Adam de (fealty), 508. Alexander, sheriff of {temp. Alex. IL ), 1985 (15). Su- Alisaundre de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), pp. 198, 203; seal, (App. iii. 402, 612); p. 226; deceased, Marie his widow does homage and fealty, and has her lands in Lanark and Dumfriesshires (20 April 1304) 1518. Andrew de, burgess of Inverkeithing (hom. ). 819, p. 198. H[enry] de, son of the Earl {temp. Alex. IL ), 1985 (20). Henry of, his ' place ' on ' le Nesse ' Berwick, 1313. Henry of, prisoner, Stirling castle, sent to Scarborough castle, 1567, 1607, 1668. :'■ i Mestre Henry de, of Stirlingshire (hom.), p. 206. Henry de, parson of Upsetelingtone, Berwickshire (hom.), p. 208; seal (App. iii. 568). Sir John de, attests K. John's homage, 660; seal (App. iii. 426); (fealty), 753; seal, ib.; (hom.), p. 194; of Cars (hom.), p. 199; seal (PI. iv.il.), p. 226; lands of, granted to Earl of Warwick, 1009. John de, of Berwick (fealty), 508 ; restoration of his property in Berwick, asked by his cousin the Dean of Elgin, 1396. Sir John de (of Moray), leases luverbervjTi from Robert de Brus, 495; his seal, ib.; (hom.), 730, pp. 195, 196; seal (PI. iv. 14); sheriff of Inverness (Sept, 1305), 1691 (3). William de, of Wyggetonshire (hom. ), p. 214; seal (PI. iii. 5). Stobhou (Stobo), diocese of Glasgow, English presentee to, 998; rebel Bishop of St Andrews at (Aug. 1299), 1978. (Stubhou), vill of, farm, p. 425; mill of, ib. ; the rebel Bishop of Glasgow's, ib. 606 INDEX. stoke, Johnde, his land in Northampton, 284. John de, presented to Wigton church, 1023. Master Thomas de, 303. Stokes, Geoffry de, clerk, 998; presented to Douglas church, 1023. Richard de, p. 39. Stokesle, 88. Stone, Thomas de, of Roxburghshire (hom. ), p. 209. Stonehouse, diocese of Glasgow, English pre- sentee to, 1008. Stonhara, William de, merchant, 997. Stopham, Sir "William de, p. 172. Storketon church, granted to John de Soulis, 564. Stoteyllington, John de, juror, 824 (2). Stounesleghe, John de, of Roxburghshii-e (horn.), p. 199; seal (App. i. 2 (72)); juror, 1435. Stowe, Johan de, parson of Glenkeirny church, Kincardineshire (hom.), p. 203. Stracathro (Stroukatherache), instrument of renunciation there, by John K. of Scotland, of his treaty ^\-ith the K. of France, 821; in the cemetery of, John K. of Scotland renounces his league with France and asks pardon, p. 194. Stragrife, Peres fiz Gerard de, of Lanarkshire, (hom.), p. 213. "William fiz Nicol de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 212. Strange, Sir John le, on foray in Nithsdale against Brus, p. 511. "William, burgess of Montrose (hom.), p. 198. Stratford, the Abbot of, p. 173. Sti'athaven, the barony of, 1343. (Strathaveyn), Adam [William] fiz Roger de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), 810; p. 210; seal (i. 1 (27)). Wauter de, (of Lanarksliire), (hom.), p. 212. (Strathafayn), William fiz Peres de, of Lanarkshire (hom.), p. 213. Strabolgvy (Strathbolgy), David de, prisoner, p. 177; 1013. (Strathbolgevy), John de, prisoner, p. 177; to serve the K. beyond seas, 942; accounts for Elgyn, p. 438 . Sir Laurence de, prisoner, 742, 873; to sei-ve the K. abroad, 942; 1871. Strabrock, an oSicial at, gives a rebel's forfeited lands (15 Feb. 1306-7), 1898. Strathenry, Hervi de, has his lands in Fife restored, 1538. Stratheme, expedition to, 1462. Earl of, Malise (fealty), 508; Matildis his daughter m. Robert de Tony, 666; (hom.), pp. 194, 196; seal (PI. 1. 1.); reported to have taken the traitor Macdof and his sons, 933; brings 5 others to the K.'s peace (1296), p. 226; his son at the Tower (1297), p. 265; witness, 872; royal message to, 884; asks credence for Sir Andrew de Rathe his messenger to the K. (July 1297), 932; to set guards at the fords of Forth and then attend Parliament, 1471; to prevent his people bujnng, selling, or dealing with the Stirling garrison (c. 1 April 1804), 1489; dines with Prince of Wales at Perth (Christ- mas and New Year's day 1303-4), 1516; his pleas with Sir John de Moubray, 1592; charged with ravaging lands and castle of Methven, ib. ; lieutenant of the warden north of Forth, holds an inquisition (Sept. 1305), 1689; mainprise by, to produce Andrew, the Steward of Scotland's son ixnd. heir, and John, son of John earl of Athol,to the K. (25 Aug. 1306), 1826; imprisoned in Rochester castle at his own cost (16 Nov.), 1854; his statement to the K. and Council, that he joined Robert de Brus under duresse and fear of his life (Nov. 1306), 1862; inquiry commanded by the K. on the petition of the Countess and Maliz the earl's son (13 Jan. 1306-7), 1883; his son at Carlisle (1971). Countess of, Maria [de Ergeyl] (fealty), p. 124. See Man, Maria Queen of; and Fitz Warin, William, Maria widow of. Johan de, of Forfarshire (hom. ), p. 205. Magnus de, joint deputy sheriff of Lanarkshire (1303), 1420. Malise de, at Ayr (11 June 1307), 1938. Maucolum de, clerk, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200. Robert de, of Perthshire (hom.), p. 200; seal (App. L 2, (22)); sent to the Tower (Dec. 1297), 964. Strathgarteney, Andrew de, to serve the K. beyond seas, 942. Strathhathe, Ego de, of Perthshire (hom. ), p. 200; seal (App. i. 2, (8)). Strathlevene, shire of (Fife), 684. Strathmiglo, shire of (Fife), 684. . Strathon (?) land of, 824 (5). Strathurd (Strathorde), the Countess of Fife's, 1108; names of the knights who capitulated with Sir John Comyn there (9 Feb. 1303-4), 174L INDEX. 697 Stratou (Stratton), Alexander j A"} „ „ „ 4 from foot, letter E, between lines 7 and 8, insert Radric, Alan, 288. ' read ^2^ for ^21. 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