3763 W7e / / v^ /' EDUCATION, A POEM: In TWO CANTOS. Written in Imitation of the S t y l e and M a n n ea O F SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. By GILBERT WEST, E/^, CANTO the Firft. Unum ftudium vere liberale eft, quod liberum facit. Hoc Sapientiae ftudium eft, fublime, forte, magnanimum : Coetera pufilla & puerilia funt. Plus fcire velle quam fit fatis intemperantias genus eft. Quid, quod ifta liberalium Artium Confedatio moleftos, verbofos, intempefti- vos, fibi placentes facit, & ideo non difcentes neceflaria, quia fuperva- ;ua didicerunt. Sen. Ep. 88. L IV D N : Printed for R. D o d s l e y in Pall-mall ; And fold by M. C o o p e r in Pater-no ft er-Roiso. 1 75 1. [ Price One Shilling and Six-pence. ] iCill jO ( 3 ) ^r>^ ED U C A T I O N, A ,'i'. p O E M. 7vi. H/j-J**-'— '- ,J*/VV**- -'■"• Infcrib'd to Lady L a n g h a m, Widowof Sir John LANGHAM,Bt. Goodly Discipline ! from Heavn y-fprong! Parent of Science ! Queen of Arts refin d ! To whom the Graces, and the Ni7je belong : O ! bid thofe. Gr^m, in fair Chorus join'd . . With each bright T^/r/z^^ that adorns xhe Mind ! O bid the Mufes, thine harmonious ^Train, - . Who by thy Aid erft humaniz'd Mankind, ttr^ JiMJ - ', Infpire, dired, and moralize the Strain, That doth efiay to teach thy Treafures how t6 gain 1 A 2 ^"^^ 959413 [ 4 ] And Thou, whofe pious and maternal Care, Tlic Subftitute of heav'nly Providence, With tendereft Love my Orphan Life did rear, And train me up to manly Strength and Senfe ; With mildeft Awe, and virtuous Influence, Diredling my unpradlic'd wayward Feet To the finooth Walks of Truth and Innocence ; Where Happinefs heart-felt, Contentment fweet, Philofophy divine aye hold their bleft Retreat, Thou, moft beIov*d, moft honour'd, moft rever*d \ Accept this Verfe, to thy large Merit due ! And blame me not, if by each Tye endear'dj Of Nature, Gratitude, and Friendfliip true, The whiles this moral Thtjis I purfue, And trace the Plan of goodly i* Nurture o'er, I bring thy modefi Virtues into View ; And proudly boaft that from thy precious Store, Which erft enrich'd my Heart, I drew this facred Lore. And •f NurturCy EducatioEfc. [ s .1 And thus, I ween, thus fliall I beft repay The vahied Gifts, thy careful Love beftow'd ; If hnitating Thee, well as I may, I labour to difFufe th' important Good ; 'Till this great Truth by all be underftood ; " That all the pious Duties which we owe, Our Parents, Friends, our Country and our God i The Seeds of every Virtue here below, f* From Difcipline alone, and early Culture grow» « 2's embattledRage. LXXXIX. Then fhall my youthful Sons, to Wifdora led By fair Example and ingenuous Praife, With willing Feet the Paths of Duty tread ; Through the World's intricate or rugged Ways / Conduced by Religions facred Rays; Whofe Soul-invigorating Influence Shall purge their Minds from all impure Allays Of fordid Selfifhnefs and brutal Senfe, And fvvell th' ennobled Heart with bleft Benevolence. XC. Then [ 51 1 XC. Then alfo Hiall this Einblematick Pile^ ^ By Magick whilom fram'cl to fympathizc With all the Fortunes of this changeful ]llc^ Still, as my Sons in Fame and Virtue rife, Grow with their Growth, and to th' applauding Skies Its radiant Crofs up-lift j the while, to grace The multiplying niche s^ freOi Supplies- Of Worthies fhall fucceed, with equal Pace Aye following their Sires in Virtue's glorious Race, XCI. Fir'd with th' Idea of her future Fame She rofe majeflick from her lowly fted ; While from her vivid Eyes a fparkling Flame Out-beaming, with unwonted Light o'erfpread That monumental Pile , and as her Head To every Front fhe turn'd, difcover'd round The venerable Forms of Heroes dead ; Who for their varions Merit erfl renown'd. In this bright Fane of Glory Shrines of Honour found. XCIT. On i 52 J XCII. On 'Thcfe that Royal Dame her ravifh'd Eyes Would often feaft ; and ever as flie fpy'd ^rth from the Ground the lengthning StruSiure rife "With ?iew-placd Statues deck'd on every Side, Her Parent- Bread would fwell with gen'rous Pride. And How with her in that fequefter'd Plain, The Knight a while conftraining to abide. She to the Fairy Youth with Pleafure fain T\\o{Q.fculpturd Chiefs did lhew,and their great Lives explain. ][ -j- Great Lives explain.'] I cannot forbear taking occafion from thefe Words to make my Acknowledgments to the Writers of Biographia Britamica, for the Pleafure and Profit i have lately received from perufing the two firft Volumes of that ufeful and entertaining Work, of which the monumental Stru^ure above mentioned, decorated with the Statues of ^r^^,/ and gocd Men, is no improper Emblem. This Work, which contains the Lives of the mcji eminent Per [on s, ■who havefiouripcd in Great Britain and Ireland, from the earliefi Ages^ down to . y the prefent 'Time, appears to me, as far as ic has hitherto gone, to be execut- ^ ,ed with great 5/'/r/V, Accuracy., and Judgment ', and defer ves, in my Opinion, to be en<:ouraged by all, who have at Heart the Honour of their Country, nnd that of their particular Families and Friends ; and who can any ways af- fill the ingenious and laborious Authors, to render ,s perfcd as poffible, a DeCo-n fo apparently calculated to ferve the Publick, by fetting in the truefl and fulleft L.ight the Charafters of Perfons already generally, tho' perhaps too indiftindly knov^'n •, and reviving from Obfcurity and Oblivion, Examples of private and retired Merit, Which, tho' lefs glaring and oftentatious than the former, are not, however, of a lefs extenfive or lefs beneficial Influence. To tiiufe, who may happen not to have feen this Rcpofitoiy of Britifh Glory, 'I cannot.givc abetter Idea of it, than in the following Lines oiVirgil: Hie manus ob Patriam pugnando viilnera paffi; Sluiaue Sacerdotes cafti, dum Vita manebat ; Sluiqiie pa Vates 6f PhcEbo digna locuti ; Inventas aut i^^ti vitam excoluere/'(?r Artes j f^ulque fui memores alios fecere merendo, Virg- ■'^ii- L. 6, The E ND of the Fir .rr CANTO. f. R RA TA. Stanza XII. L. (J. for Brabes, read Braiei. Stanza XXXV. L. 4.. for rife read rife. BMVERSiTY OF CA.MiroRNIA 000 761 n University Southei Librai