4 UC-NHLP B M tDM fiDt 1 -^^ L C / ^ c 1 A cSw^*.-.^-^ // C ^ c^ i.^^^<^^^^^ V- a-* "7 r r^c Chicago and the Constitution, REPORT TO THE CIVIC FEDERATION. uL.c^ B. AlvLEN FROST, ROBERT McMURDY, HARRY S. MECARTNEY. Committee. 0. 0. BAHHANO a MklM PRINT. Cmwmo. O i\ J /-* J n • • • • OUTLINE OF CIVIC FEDERATION COM- MITTEE REPORT. The report deals with the question of amendment or convention. It schedules some changes in the constitution suggested heretofore by various become so diseased as to need practical re-creation, there is no other use for it. It takes the i>osition that all needed Qiicago or local reforms can l)e had under one amend- ment, and submits the form of the Qiicago amendment last offered in the assembly simply for the purposes of testing this question, and affirms that if adopted it would l>e valid. It affirms, secondly, that such an amendment could validlv be i)laced as a sq>arate and additional article to the constitutic^n : and, thirdly, that it could l)e addetl thereto as a separate section. It names seven lawyers of Chioag(i to whom the re- |X)rt, and the arguments api)cn(le(l. have l^een submitted, and states that their conclusions, whether confirmative or negative u|)on the three proji»)sitions al)ove. will be given out when received. In case the views of these lawyers Ik- scriouslv divergent, it |K)ints out a metluxl of having the matter tested in the Supreme Court early in the commg session of the assembly by obtaining an advisory (^punon ui)on the subject, and in time for another step to l>e taken bv the assemblv in ca^c of nn :u1vor