HB UC-NRLF ^ Zi f^ r B M 571 D^E x^v,ii£ .MOJN U£Ci05Fa:il3:— DEPARTMENT OF I^ABOUR iijft— The Hon. W. L. Mackenzir King, C.M.G.,M.r.; Dai-uxY MiNisTaa— -F. A. Acland. COMPARATIVE PRICES CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES 1906-1911 (AGIIICULTDKAL, FISHERIKS, LUMBER AND MINES PRODUCTS) PRINTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT X OTTAWA PRINTED BY 0. H. PARMELEE, PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1911 [No. 366—1911.] 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 DOMINIOIS^ OF CANADA— DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Minister— The Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, C.M.G.,M.P.; Deputy Minister— F. A. Aoland. COMPARATIVE PRICES CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES 1906-1911 (AGRICULTURAL, FISHERIKS, LUMBER AND MINES PRODUCTS) PRINTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT OTTAWA PRINTED BY C. H. PARMELEE, PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1911 [No. 366—1911.] m' ^ ^j ^, N^^ \ \i<^ 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 LETTER OF TRANSMISSION TO MINISTER. To the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, C.M.G., M.P., Minister of Labour, * Ottawa, Ont. Sir, — I have the honour to transmit herewith a report on Comparative Prices of Agricultural, Fisheries, Lumber, and Mines Products in Canada and the United States, during the past five years, prepared in accordance with your direc- tion. All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honour to be, sir. Your obedient servant, F. A. ACLAND, Deputy Minister of Labour. Department of Labour, Ottawa, July 26, 1911. 343042 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Pagk. Letter op Transmission Introduction Tables of Prices Agricultural Products. L GRAINS:—: Wheat, winter, Toronto 16 Wheat, winter, Detroit 15 Wheat, winter, Chicago = 16 Wheat, No. 1 Northern, Winnipeg 16 Wheat, No. 1 Northern, Duluth. 17 Wheat, No* 1 Northern, Minneapolis 17 Whe^t, No. 1 Northern, Liverpool 18 Oats, No. 2, white, Toronto 18 Oats, No. 2, white, Winnipeg 19 Oats, No. 2, white, Buffalo 19 Oats, No. 2, white Duluth 20 Barley, No. 2, Toronto 20 Barley, No. 3, Winnipeg 21 . Barley, feed, best, Boston 21 Barley, malting, Buffalo 22 Barley, by sample, Chicago 22 Barley, extra No. 3, Milwaukee 23 Barley, feed to choice malting, Duluth 23 Rye, No. 2, Toronto 24 Rye, No. 2, Buffalo 24 Rye, No. 2, Chicago 25 Rye, No. 2, Duluth 25 Buckwheat, Toronto ..... 26 Buckwheat, average prices. North Atlantic States 26 Flax-seed, No. 1, Northwestern, Winnipeg 27 Flax-seed. No. 1, Northwestern, Duluth 27 Grass-seeds, — Timothy, Clover, Alsike — Toronto 28-29 Grass-seeds,— Timothy, Clover, Alsike— Buffalo 29-30 Summary of yearly aver^^es of grains 31 XL FODDER:— Hay, timothy, Halifax .' 36 Hay, timothy, No. 1, St. John 36 Hay, timothy. No. 1, Montreal . , 37 Hay, timothy. No. 2, Montreal 37 Hay, timothy. No. 1, Toronto 38 Hay, timothy. No. 2, Toronto 38 Hay, timothy. No. 1, Winnipeg 39 Hay, timothy, No. 1, Boston 39 Hay, timothy. No. 2, Boston ' " ' 40 Hay, timothy. No. 1, New York 40 Hay, timothy, No. 2, New York 41 Hay, timothy. No. 1, Buffalo 41 Hay, timothy, No. 2, Buffalo 42 Hay, timothy, No. 1, Chicago 42 Hay, timothy. No. 1, Minneapolis 43 Straw, baled, St. John 43 Straw, baled, Toronto , 44 Straw, baled. Rye, Boston 44 ii DEPARTMENT OF I^BOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 II. YODD^R— Concluded. Page. Straw, baled, Oat, Boston 45 Strrw, baled. Rye, New York 45 Straw, baled, Wheat and Oat, New York 46 Straw, baled. Oat and Wheat, Buffalo 46 Straw, baled. Rye, Buffalo. 47 Straw, baled. Rye, Minneapolis 47 Straw, baled, Oat and Wheat, Minneapolis 48 ' Summary of yearly average prices of hay and straw : 48 III. DAIRY PRODUCE :- Butter, creamery solids, Halifax 52 Butter, creamery, prints, Halifax 52 Butter, dairy tubs St. John 53 Butter, finest creamery solids, Montreal 53 Butter, creamery prints, Toronto 54 Butter, creamery solids, Toronto 54 Butter, dairy solids, Toronto 55 Butter, creamery prints, fancy, Winnipeg , ... 55 Butter, creamery solids, Winnipeg 56 Butter, dairy, tubs, Winnipeg 56 Bntter, dairy choice, Boston 57 Butter, creamery extra. New York 57 Butter, dairy, tubs, extra, New York . 58 Butter, creamery prints, Buffalo 58 Butter, creamery tubs, fancy, Buffalo 59 Butter, dairy choice to fancy, Buffalo 59 Butter, dairy, fair to good, Buffalo 60 Butter, creamery extra, Chicago 60 Butter, creamery prints, Minneapolis , 61 Butter, dairy prints, Minneapolis 61 Cheese, large, Halifax 62 Cheese, St. John 62 Cheese, Western Coloured, Montreal 63 Cheese, Western, Toronto 63 Cheese, Manitoba, Winnii^eg 64 Cheese, Eastern, Winnipeg 64 Cheese, twins extra, Boston 65 Cheese, N. Y. , full cream, large. New York 65 Cheese, choice to fancy, Buffalo , 66 Cheese, twins, fancy, Minneap>olis 66 Eggs, fresh, Halifax 67 Eggs, selects, Halifax 67 Eggs, strictly fresh-laid, ]\tontreal 68 Eggs, selects, Montreal 68 Eggs, new-laid, Toronto 69 Eggs, storage, Toronto 69 Eggs, fresh gathered, Winnipeg , 70 Eggs, firsts, Boston 70 Egps, selected, Buffalo 71 Eggs, candled, fresh, Buffalo 71 Eggs, storage, candled, Buffalo 72 Eggs, fresh, Minneapolis 72 Eggs, refrigerator No. 1 , Minneapolis 73 Summary of yearly averages, dairy produce 74 IV. LIVE STOCK. ^ Steers, choice, Montreal 78 Steers, export, Toronto 78 Choice steers, butchers, Toronto , 79 Cattle, Western prime, Winnipeg ; 79 Steers, choice export, Winnipeg 80 Steers and heifers, butchers, Winnipeg 80 Steers, good native. New York 81 Steers, prime, Buffalo 81 Steers, butcher, Buffalo 82 Steers, fat, Chicago . "! 82 Steers, prime fat, Chicago 83 Beef, cattle, tops, Chicago 83 Native beef cattle, Chicago, all grades 83 Cattle, native beeves, Omaha 84 TABLE OF CONTENTS iii SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b IV. LIVE STOCK— Concltidcd. Page. Calves, low to high, Toronto , 84 Veal calves, Winnipeg 85 Veal calves, prime, New York 85 Veal calves, £air to good, New York 86 Calves, choice, Buffalo , 86 Calves, good to choice, Chicago 87 Calves, fair to good, Chicago 87 Sheep, Montreal 88 Lambs, Montreal 88 Sheep, export ewes, Toronto 89 Bucks, Toronto 89 Lambs, yearling .' 90 Sheep, Winnipeg 90 Lambs, Winnipeg 91 Sheep, common to prime, New York 91 Lambs, good to choice. New York 92 Sheep, wethers, Buffalo 92 Sheep, ewes. Buffalo 9.3 Lambs, choice, Buffalo 93 Lambs, yearlings, Buffalo 94 Sheep, wethers, Chicago 94 Sheep, ewes, Chicago 95 Sheep, all grades, Chicago • 95 Hogs, select, Montreal = 96 Hogs, choice selects, Torc»nto 96 Hogs, heavies, Winnipeg 97 Hogs, selects, Winnipeg 97 Hogs, medium, New York 98 Hogs, yorkers, Buffalo 98 Hogs, heavies, Buffalo 99 Hogs, butchers, Chicago 99 Hogs, choice to prime, Chicago luO Hogs, mixed, Chicago 100 Hogs, all grades, Chicago 100 Hogs, high and low, Omaha 101 Horses, heavy draught, Toronto 101 Horses, heavy draught, choice, Toronto 102 Horses, agricultural, Toronto 102 Horses, agricultural, fair, Toronto 103 Horses, express, Toronto 103 Horses, drivers, Toronto 104 Horses, saddlers, Toronto 104 Horses, drafters, choice, Chicago 105 Horses, drafters, Chicago 105 Horses, bussers and trammers. Chicago 106 Horses, drivers, Chicago 106 Horses, saddlers, Chicago 107 Horses, carriage pairs, Chicago 107 Horses, drafters, Minneapolis 108 Horses, drafters, choice, Minneapolis 108 Farm horses, and mares, extra, Minneapolis 109 Farm horses and mares, choice, Minneapolis 109 Summary of yearly averages, live stock . . . • 110-111 V. MEATS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS. Beef, forequarters, Halifax 115 Beef, hindquarters, Halifax 115 Beef, western, St. John 116 Beef, hindquarters, Toronto 116 Beef, forequarters, Winnipeg 117 Beef, hindquarters, Winnipeg 117 Beef, hindquarters, Boston 118 Beef, sides. New York 118 Beef, city dressed, New York 119 Beef, native steers, Chicago . 119 Veal, Halifax 120 Veal, St. John 120 Veal, Toronto 121 Veal, Winni|ieg 121 Veal, choice. Boston 122 Veal, city dressed. New York 122 iv DEPARTMENT OP LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 V. MEATS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS-Con«m«fd. Page. Veal, good, Chicago.. 1'23 Veal, f ancj', Minneapolis 123 Mutton, Halifax 124 Lamb, Halifax 124 Mutton, St. John 125 Lamb, St. John 125 Mutton, Toronto , ....; 126 Mutton, Winnipeg 126 Lamb, Winnipeg 127 Mutton, Boston 127 Spring lambs, choice, Boston 128 Choice Mutton, New York '. : 128 Spring lambs, choice, New York 129 Mutton, dressed, good sheep, Chicago 129 Mutton, dressed, Minneapolis 130 Hogs, dressed, Halifax 130 Hogs, dressed, St. John 131 Hogs, dressed, Toronto 131 Hogs, dressed, Winnipeg 132 Hogs, country dressed, Boston ^ 132 Hogs, dressed, about 160 lbs.. New York 133 Hogs, dressed, Chicago 133 Hogs, dressed, Minneapolis . . 134 Turkeys, dressed, Halifax . . . _ . 134 Ducks, dressed, Halifax 135 Fowl, dressed, old, St. John ; 135 Turkeys, dressed, St. John 136 Fowls, dressed, Montreal 136 Turkeys, Montreal 137 Fowl, dressed, Toronto 137 Chickens, dressed, Toronto 138 Turkeys, dressed, Toronto 138 Geese, dressed, Toronto : 139 Ducks, dressed, Toronto 139 Fowl, dressed, Winnipeg 140 Chickens, dressed, Winnipeg 140 Turkeys, dressed, Winnipeg 141 Geese, dressed, Winnipeg 141 Ducks, dressed, Winnipeg 142 Fowls, choice, eastern and northern, Boston 142 Turkeys, choice, dressed, Boston , , . . 143 Fowls, dressed, western dry-packed, New York 143 Fowls, fancy, Buffalo 144 Fowls, fair to good, Buffalo 144 Chickens, choice to fancy, Buffalo 145 Chickens, dressed, fair to good, Buffalo . . , 145 Turkeys, dressed, choice, Buffalo 146 Geese, Buffald 146 Ducks, fancy, Buffalo , 147 Hens, fancy, Minneapolis 147 Chickens, fancy fat, Minneapolis 148 Chickens, spring, Minneapolis 148 Turkeys, dressed, choice and fancy, Minneapolis 149 Ducks, young, Minneapolis 149 Geese, Minneapolis 150 Hams, smoke i, medium, Montreal 150 Hams, medium, Toronto 151 Hams, large, Winnipeg ^ . 151 Hams, western, small, Boston ]52 Harns, smoked, 14 to 16 lbs.. New York 152 Hams, smoked, average 16 lbs., Chicago. ., . , . 153 Bacon, breakfast, Montreal I53 Bacon, smoked, breakfast, Toronto 154 Bacon, long, clear, Toronto I54 Bacon, breakfast, Winnipeg I55 Bacon, long, clear, Winnipeg I55 Bacon, boneless breakfast, Boston 156 Bacon, smoked, boneless. New Vork 156 Bacon, breakfast, fancy, Chicago 157 Pork, domestic mess, St. John I57 Pork, heavy Canada short cut mess, Montreal 158 Pork, clear fat backs, Montreal 158 TABLE OF CONTENTS ^ SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b V. MEATS AND ANIMAL VRODV GTS— Conchtded. Page. Pork, heavy mess, Toronto 159 Pork, backs, plain, Toronto 159 Mess pork, Winnipeg 160 Pork, backs, Boston 160 Pork, mess, old to new, New York 161 Mess pork, Chicago 161 Pork, clear fat backs, Chicago 162 Pork, bean, Chicago 162 Dry salt pork, clear, bellies, Chicago 163 Beef, Canadian plate, St. John 163 Beef, plate, Montreal 164 Beef, extra mess, Chicago 164 Beef, plate, Chicago 165 Beef, extra plate, Chicago 165 Lard, pure, St. John 166 Lard, pure, in tierces, Montreal 166 Lard, compound, Montreal 167 Lard, pure, in tierces, Toronto 167 Lard, pure, in tierces, Winnipeg 168 Lard, compound, in 20-lb, pails, Winnipeg 168 Lard, pure leaf, Boston 169 Lard, prime steam, Chicago , 169 Lard, pure leaf, Chicago 170 Lard, compound, Chicago 170 Tallow, rendered, No. 1 stock, Toronto 171 Tallow, No. 1 stock, Winnipeg 171 Tallow, Buffalo 172 Tallow, prime city, Chicago 172 Summary of yearly averages : Meats and animal products 173-175 VL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Prices paid Pkoducers, Ontario and New York State. Canners' Contract Prices. Peaches, No. 1 180 Pears, Bartlett, No. 1 180 Plums 180 Strawberries 180 Raspberries 180 Gooseberries '. 180 Lawtonberries 180 Grapes 180 Cherries 181 Tomatoes ... . 181 Beans 181 Peas *. 181 Wholesale Prices. Fruits- Apples— St. John, Toronto, New York, Detroit and Buffalo 182-183 Peaches— Montreal, Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit 184 Strawberries, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Boston 185-186 Raspberries, Montreal, Toronto, New York, Buffalo and Detroit 187 Plums, Montreal, Toronto, New York, Buffalo and Detroit 188 Pears, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, New York, Buffalo and Detroit 189 Vegetables— Grapes, Toronto, New York, Buffalo and Detroit 192 Potatoes, St. John, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago and Minneapolis 193-197 Turnips, St, John, Toronto, Boston and Buffalo 197-199 Onions, Toronto, Minneapoli.s and Buffalo 199-200 Lettuce, Toronto and Buffalo 201 Carrots, Toronto and Detroit 202 Celery, Toronto and Buffalo 203 Tomatoes, Toronto and Buffalo 9 Beans, hand-picked, Halifax, Toronto, Boston and Detroit 204-6 366—1 Vi DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 VII. MISCELLANEOUS FAKM PRODUCTS. Page. Flour, Manitoba, high grade, St. John 209 Flour, Ontario, full patent, St. John 209 Flour, winter wheat patent, Toronto 210 Flour, Manitoba, first patent, Toronto 210 Flour, best spring, patents, Winnipeg 211 Flour, seconds, Winnipeg 211 Flour, standard spring patents, Boston 212 Flour, winter patents, Boston 212 Flour, wheat, spring patents. New Ycrk . . , 213 Flour, wheat, winter stra'ghta. New York 213 Flour, fancy blended, patent, Buffalo 214 Flour, winter wheat famiy patent, Buffalo 214 Flour, Minnesota, hard spring wheat, patent, Chicago 215 Flour, standard patent, Minneapolis ' 215 Bran, Halifax " 21G Bran, car-lots, bagged, St, John 216 Bran, Toronto 217 Bran, Winnipeg 217 Bran, Ontario, winter, Montreal 218 Bran, sacked, Boston 218 Bran, sacked, Buffalo . '. 219 Brans, Sacks. Minneapolis 219 Middlings, Montreal 220 Shorts, Ontario, Toronto 220 Shorts, Winnipeg . . 221 Middlings, flour, Buffalo. 22i Middlings, flour, Minneapolis 222 Rolled Oats, Toronto 222 Rolled Oats, Winnipeg : 223 Rolled Oats, BuflFalo 22a Rolled Oats, Minneapolis 224 Maple Sugar, Eastern Townships, Montreal 224 Maple Sugar, Buffal > 225 Honey, white clover comb, Montreal 225 Honey, No. 1, to fancy, comb, Buffalo . 22(J- Summary of average prices of miscellaneous manufactured products 227 Fl8berie8 Products. PRICKS PAID TO FISHERMEN. Fresh Fish— win ■*"*" Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, halibut, salmon, mackerel, herring and swordfish, Canso "^232 Cod, hadd )ck, hake, pollock, halibut, mackerel, herring, salmon, Halifax HT 233 Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, halibut, salmon, cusk, mackerel and swordfish, Bostf)n 234-237 Daily prices paid to fishermen for fresh fish, Boston 238 Summary of average prices paid to fiakermen for fresh fish, ex- vessel 1908-1911 Dry and Green Fish — Dry Fish— Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, Canso 240 Salt Fish— Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, Canso 241 Dry Fish— Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, mackerel, N. S. herring, alewives, Halifax , . 242 Green Fish— Cod, haddock, hake, pollock, Gloucester, Mass 243: Wholesalers' Prices. J-rcsh Fish— ■ -^ Halibut, cod, haddock, pollock, salmon, sdles, Canso 244 Halibut, cod, haddock, herring, mackerel, lobsters, ojeters, Halifax 245-246 Halibut, cod, haddock, salmon, oysters, lobsters, Montreal 247 Cod, cusk, iK)llock, hake, eels, herring, mackerel, lobsters, quahangs, oysters, Boston 248-249 Halibut, cod, haddock, hake, pollock, salmon, mackerel, lobsters. New York ... 250 Prices, wholesale, of fresh whitefish, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and New York 251 Summary of yearly averages, wholesale prices of fresh fish 252- 25§ Frozen Fish — Halibut, eels, herring, mackerel, Halifax 254 Halibut, herring, mackerel, Boston 255 Summary of yearly average wholesale prices for froeen fish 256 TABLE OF CONTENTS VU SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b • Page. Sviokcd Fish — Finnan baddies, Canso . . 256 Finnan baddies, cod, filletts, salmon, kippers, Halifax 257 Finnan baddies, Montreal 258 Kippered berring, Montreal 258 Finnan baddies, salmon, kippers, Boston 259 Finnan baddies. New York 260 Herriner, Canadian, kippered. New York 260 Smoked salmon. Nova Sc30tia, New York 261 Summary of yearly average wbolesale prices of smoked fisb 261 Drv Fish— ' Cod, dry, Halifax 262 Cod, dried ; Montreal 262 Dried baddock ; Montreal 265 Cod, dry; Boston ; '. ....26^-264 Pollock, dry ; Boston 264 Codfisb, dried ; New York 265 Dried Hake ; New York 266 Codfisb, boneless, Canada strip ; Halifax 267 Sbredded cod ; Montreal, New York 268 ScUt Fish- Herring ; Canso and Bostor>cr> oooooOooOO o HO 139 J38 137 136 135 IM 133 132 I3J 130 129 l?6 1 140 139 138 137 136 135 154 153 152 131 130 129 I2e 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 US 1)7 U6 115 H4 )i3 H2 Mi no 109 JOg 107 i06 105 JD4 i05 102 JO? 100 1 96 1 92 91 90 ^t 64 83 82 8) 80 i CAHADIAN PRICES. (DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR IMDEX MUMBER) UNITED STATES PRICES /DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR INDEX NUMBER) - ■ - ,. , / » IE7 126 / » / \ >24 / i \ \ / \ I It? I?0 1 \ ^ 1 \ i^-= t 1 Md H8 II? 116 115 114 113 112 lU 110 109 108 107 m 105 (04 103 102 101 1 96 II 93 92 91 90 89 r? n 84 82 60 1 f 1 j 1 1 } j / / / •^x. ^»* ^\ / \ ,' t / > V \ 1 '\ / . y' N i \ 1 ' ' y \ \ \ / \ ^ 1 1 \ "•""•». ij \ \ tf \ il "*^"«*, y >l ^\ 'J \\ ' f Y\ / \ p \ /i~ '\ "^ L /i * \ \ / * ^ \ / 1 \ /, \ -^-^ r ^ \ t .^_^ / ■*'* . *■ 1 ._. 1 1 8 DEPARTMENT OP LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 (h) The investigation of books of industrial or commercial corporations is a more satisfactory method, provided all the varying conditions as to scale of opera- tions and methods of management are taken into account. This method has been followed with excellent results by the United States Tariff Board in its study of comparative prices and cost of production in the paper industry, portions of which are quoted in the present report. When, however, selling prices alone, and not cost of production, are in question, equally satisfactory results may be obtained more readily by the method noted in (d) below. (c) Use may be made of census^and departmental statistics of values at the point of production, especially in the case of farm products. This method was adopted in many instances by the United States Tariff Board in the Reciprocity report, printed in February, IQll, as Senate document 849, in which in addition to the results of their special and detailed investigations into the paper and woollen industries they embodied materials collated from Census and other Departmental averages. The obvious objections to this method, however, are that the data provided, based as they are in both countries on returns and estimates by local and departmental agents, while sufficiently near the mark to enable broad com- parisons to be made between different sections or different years, are not suffi- ciently detailed and accurate to throw light on commercial transactions where the balance turns on the difference of a few cents either way. This is especially true of statistics of land values drawn from regions subject to property tax. The lack, too, of the grading and classification of the actual market is as great a drawback in this case as in the case of the export and import values method. (d) The standard method, and that which was followed in the previous reports on prices in Canada issued by the Department, and in the similar reports issued by the Bureau of Labour of the United States, is to give quotations of actual market transactions as recorded in trade journals or daily newspapers. This re- course fails only in the minority of instances where no staple market exists. Qualifying Considerations. International price comparisions, even between neighbouring countries with largely similar business methods, are subject to several obvious difficulties. Grades and qualities differ, especially in the less staple commodities, although the differ- ence is frequently not greater than between markets in different sections of the same countries. Selling units and measures of capacity are not uniform, differences occur in market methods, the number of middlemen intervening varies, etc. The endeavour has been made in the present report to ascertain corresponding grades and to note differences in measurement or grade where they can be authoritatively stated. It is obvious, too, that even when comparable prices are ascertained further data are necessary for comparing the economic values of two markets. Transportation facihties, freight rates and commission methods must also be taken into account. Such comparisons, however, vary too much with local conditions to be covered in a general report on prices. The arrangement of the tables under the heading of the several commodities is from east to west, the statistics relating to the Canadian markets being given first. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES OF COMPARATIVE PRICES I. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. (a) GRAINS. (b) FODDER. (c) DAIRY PRODUCE. (d) LIVE STOCK. (e) MEAT6. ( f ) FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, (g) MISCELLANEOUS. IL FISHERIES PRODUCTS. (a) PRICES PAID TO FISHERMEN— FRESH AND DRY FISH. (b) WHOLESALERS' PRICES— FRESH, SALTED AND PREPARED FISH. III. LUMBER PRODUCTS. (a) HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, CEDAR SHINGLES, HARDWOOD AND PINE. (b) PULP AND NEWS-PRINT PAPER. IV. MINES PRODUCTS. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS (a) GRAIN, (i) Wheat, Winter. (2) Wheat, No. 1 Northern (3) Oats. (4) Barley. (5) Rye. (6) Buckwheat. (7) Flax-seed. (8) Grass seeds. 11 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS (a) GRAINS. In interpreting the following statistics it is necessary to remember that the legal measures of capacity and also the grading and inspection standards some- times differ in the two countries. In Canada, the official measured bushel is the Imperial; in the United States, however, the old Winchester bushel, equal to . . 9694 of the Imperial, has been retained. In both countries, contracts for the sale and delivery of grain are deter- mined by weight, unless a bushel by measure is specially agreed upon, the weights varying with the different grades. The Canadian grades below quoted are estabhshed by the Inspection and Sale Act, (R.S. Canada, chap. 99, sec. 1). The IlHnois and Minnesota standards are quoted from the rules adopted by the Railroad and Warehouse Commissions of the tw^o States. Detroit and Buffalo grades follow those of Chicago. Canada: (1) Manitoba: — No. 1 Manitoba northern wheat shall be sound and well cleaned, weighing not less than 60 pounds to the bushel, and shall be composed of at least sixty per centum of hard red Fife wheat. No. 2 Manitoba northern wheat shall be sound and reasonably clean, of good milling qual- ities and fit for warehousing, weighing not less than 58 pounds to the bushel, and shall be composed of at least forty-five per centum of hard red Fife wheat. No. 2 Manitoba oats shall be sound, reasonably clean, reasonably free from other grain, and shall weigh not less than 34 pounds to the bushel. No. 3 Manitoba barley shall include shrunken or otherwise slightly damaged barley, weighing not less than 45 pounds to the bushel. No. 1 Northwestern Manitoba flax seed shall be mature, sound, dry and sweet, and con- tain no more than twelve and a half per centum of damaged seed, and weigh not less than 53 pounds to the bushel of commercially pure seed. (2) Eastern Division: — No. 2 red winter wheat shall be red winter wheat, sound and reasonably clean, weighing not less than 60 pounds to the bushel. No. 2 white oats shall be sound, reasonably clean and reasonably free from other grain and shall weigh not less than 32 pounds to the bushel. No. 2 rye shall be sound, reasonably clean, and reasonably free from other grain, and shall weigh not less than 56 pounds to the bushel. ^ No 2 barley shalLbe reasonably clean and sound, but not bright and plump enough to be graded as No. 1, and shall be reasonably free from other grain, and weigh not less than 48 pounds to the bushel. United States. Illinois: — No. 2 red winter wheat shall be soft red winter wheat of either or both light and dark colours, sound, sweet and clean, shall not contain more than 5 per cent of white winter wheat, and weigh not less than 58 pounds to the measured bushel. All contracts for oats, unless otherwise specified, shall be understood as for "Contract" oats, and on such contracts a tender of No. 1 White Oats, No. 2 White Oats, No. 3 White Oats, or Standard Oats, in such proportions as may be convenient to the seller, subject, how- ever, to the provisions of section 5 of Rule XXI. of the rules of the Board of Trade of the city of Chicago, shall be deemed a valid tender of "Contract" oats; provided, however, that No. 3 White Oats can be delivered as "Contract" oats only at a deduction of five cents per bushel from the contract price. No. 1 white oats shall be white, dry, sweet, sound, bright, clean, free from other grain and weigh not less than 32 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 2 white oats shall be 95 per cent white, dry, sweet, shall contain not more than 1 per cent of dirt, and 1 per cent of other grain and weigh not less than 29 pounds to the measured bushel. Standard white oats shall be 92 per cent white, dry, sweet, shall not contain more than 3 per cent of dirt and 5 per cent of other grain and weigh not less than 28 pounds to the measured bushel. 13 14 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 No. 3 white oats shall be sweet, 90 per cent white, shall not contain more than 3 per cent of dirt and 5 per cent of other grain and weigh not less than 24 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 1 barley shall be sound, plum, bright, clean and free from other grain and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not less than 48 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 2 barley shall be sound, of healthy colour (bright or straw colour), reasonably clean and reasonably free from other grain and seeds, and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not less than 46 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 3 barley shall include slightly shrunken or otherwise slightly damaged barley, not good enough for No. 2, and not scoured nor clipped, shall weigh not leas than 44 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 4 barley shall include barley fit for malting purposes, not good enough for No. 3. No. 2 rye shall be dry, sound, and contain not more than 1 per cent of other grain or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 55 pounds to the measured bushel. Minnesota : — No. 1 northern spring wheat shall be sound, sweet and clean, may consist of the hard and soft varieties of spring wheat and weigh not less than 57 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 2 white oats shall be seven-eighths white, dry, sweet, sound, reasonably clean and practically free from other grain, and shall weigh not less than 31 pounds to the measure bushel. No. 2 rye shall be sound, reasonably clean and reasonably free from other grain, and shall weigh not less than 54 pounds to the measured bu|hel. No. 3 barley shall include all slightly shrunlren or otherwise slightly damaged barley, not good enough for No. 2, and shall weigh nof less than 44 pounds to the measured bushel. No. 1 Northwestern flaxseed shall be mature, sound, dry and sweet. It shall be northern grown. The maximum quantity of field stack, storage or other damaged seed intermixed shall not exceed twelve and one half (121) per cent. The minimum weight shall be fifty- one (51) pounds to the measured bushel, commercially pure, seed Malt. — In Canada, the bushel is of 36 pounds; in the United States of 34 pounds. All Winnipeg quotations are for grain in store at Fort William. Liverpool quotations for No. 1 northern Manitoba wheat are added for their bearing on Canadian prices. In selecting grades for comparison every effort, was made to secure those approximately the same. In the case of wheat, oats and rye the standard grades continuously quoted are the same in both countries. In the case of barley some- what different nomenclature prevails in the standard quotations. The grades quoted herein for Toronto, Winnipeg, Buffalo and Milwaukee, however, are those most extensively used for malting; in Chicago all barley is sold by sample so that all available quotations for that market present a wide range, from feed to best malting. By way of indicating the relative importance of the grain growing sections of Canada, with special reference to the points of comparison chosen, the sub- joined analysis of the crop returns of 1910, as reported in the Census and Statistics Monthly of Canada, for April 1911, is offered. It should be borne in mind, how- ever, in this connection, that in 1910 crop yields were exceptionally light in Western Canada. CROP RETURNS BY PROVINCES, 1910. Province. Wheat. Oats. Barley. Rye. Buck- wheaat. Potatoes. Turnips. Hav and Clover. P. E. Island. Bushels. 615,600 480,000 371,000 1,827,000 17,805,000 41,159,000 81,130,000 6,593,000 Bashele. 6,778,000 5,723,(»00 6,351,000 4^,927,000 128,917,000 41,742,000 61,367,000 23,644,000 Bushels. 159,600 264,00j 73,000 2,547^0 20,727,000 13,82(5,000 3,598,000 3,953,000 Bushels. Bushels.^ 116,900 531,000 1,603,000 1,851,000 3,052,000 Bushels. 4,915,000 6,432,000 7,486,000 21,271,000 20,163,000 2,838,000 2,058,000 2,2-5,000 Bushels. 4,155,000 7,012,000 1,417,000 10,15{),000 70,014,000 800,000 487,000 5G3,000 Tons. 495,000 1,284,000 1,261,000 5,502,000 6,749,000 135,000 23,000 r.7 ofin Nova Scotia. New Bruns- wick Quebec Ontario Manitoba.. . 9,000 308,666 923,000 92,400 49, .300 161,800 Saskatche- wan Alberta Total .. . 14a,969,600 323,449,000 45,147,000 1,543,50() 7,243,900 74,018,000 95,207,000 15,497,000 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED SS'ATES, 1906-1911 15 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Quotations for com are not given in the following, as this grain is already on the Canadian free list, and available Canadian market reports quote United States points c.i.f. or equivalents. Peas also are not covered, not being quoted continuously in United States market reports. WHEAT, AVI!tTE«. Toronto. Wheat, Winter, Ontario : No. 2 White and K*d ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month; quotations from the Toronto Globe and the Canadian MilUr. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. IflO. 1911. January $ c. $ c. 0.78 0.79 -0-79J 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.85 0.8H 0.70 -0-71 0.69 -0-70 0.72i 0.70 0.71 $ c. $ c. 0.701 0.70 -071 0.71 -0-72 0.71 -0-72i 0.72i-O-73| 0.85 0.90 0.87i-0-88 0.86 -0-87 1.00 1.03*-104 0.95"-0-96 $ c. $ c. 0.96 0.97 -0.98 0.96 -0.97 0.90-0.91 0.91 -0.92 0.92 -0.93 0.78 -0.79 0.82 -0.83 0.85^-0.86 0.60|-0.9]i 0.89 -O.ftO 0.93 -0.94 $ c. %c. 0.93H 94 0.98 -0.99 1.06 -1.07 1.07 -1.08 1.21 1.23 1.35 -1.40 1.25 -1.30 1.00-1.02 0.97 -0.98 0.97 -0.98 1.03 -1.04 1.04 -1.05 $ c. $ c. 1.06-1.07 1.07-1.08 1.07-1.08 1.07-1.08 1.03-1.04 0.90-0.95 0.97-0.98 1.06-1.08 1.02 0.87-0.88 0.82-0.84 0.86-0.86 $ c. $ e. 0.85-0.86 February 0.86-0.87 Ma,rch 0.80 AprU May June July 0.80-0.81 0.85-0.86 0.85- SeiJtember October Average •761 •838 •904 1081 •981 •841 Detroit. Wheat, Winter, No. 2 Red ; prices per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Detroit Board of Trade Reports and The Northwestern Miller. ^[onth. January February March A])ril May June Juh August September. . . October November . . . . Decemb-T... Average 1906. 1907. $ c. % c. $ c. $ c. 75 -0 77-0 76 -0 77H> 81 -1 93 -0 91i-0 83J-0 92|-0 97|-1 94J-I 97g-l .78i .79i .78i .82| .03 .991 .99 .92i .99 .06i .oo| .Oli •907 1908. •983 1909. $ c. $ c. 1.041-1. 08i 1.08H.25 1.20 -1.30 1.30 -1.41 1.41 -1.55 1.43 -1.57 1.07 -1.40 1.05^-1.09 1.07 -1.08 1.17^-1.27 1 19i-1.2G 1-309 1910. $ c. $ 0. 1.24 -1.27 1.23 -1.26 1.16i -1.23 1.06 -1.18 1.03 -1.14 1.04i-1.07 1.03 -1.10 0.99^ -1.02i 0.97 -I.02A 0.93^.99 0.91 -0.96i 0.94A-0 »BJ 1 090 1911. $ c. 0.96 0.95f 0.8^ 0.84 0.89i 0.93 .912 16 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Chicago. Wheat, Winter, No. 2 Red ; price per bushel on the first market day each month; quotations from Reports of Chicago Board of Trade and the Daily Trade Bulletin. Month. January February. . . . March April May June July August , September October November December . . . , . Average. * July 1() 1906. S c. $ c. •804 1907. ^ c. ^ c. .72 -0.72J .731-0.74; .731-0.74^ .741-0.75; .79 -0.80J .90 -0.98 .93^-0.95i .89i^-0.90. .9l|-0.94J .941-0.95^ .92|-0 94 J .95g-0-97^ •811 1908. ■S c. $ c. l.OOi-l.OU 0.90|-0.94 0.9Gg-0.99| 0.91^-0.93 0.99|-i.0l 0.981-0.99 0.841-0 86^ 0.891-0.905^- 0.95^-0.97?^ 0. 99^-0. 99f 0.99g- 1.003 1.04 -i.oei ■977 1909. 1 Ooi- 1.071- 1.20^- 1.25 - 1.42^- 1.50 - 1.25 - 1.04 - l.OOf- 1.16 - i.m- 1.16 - $ c. -1.06f -l.OPi 1.22i -1.27i -1.451 -1.53 1.24* ■1.06i -1.02 -1.17 -1.20 -1.1 8i 120 1910. .$ c. $ c. 25i-l 22|-1 1.24 1.2 1.22: 1.18 -1 l.OS^-1 1 00^-1 0.981-0.99^ 1.03 -1.04 1.00 -1 01 0. 961-0. 97^ 0.9U-0.93 0.90"-0.94 1074 1911. $ c. $ c. 0.96| 0.96i 0.88 0.85-i- 0.92| 0.92 -0.93i 919 WHEAT, SPRING, No. 1 NORTHERN. Winnipeg. Wheat, No. 1, Northern price per bushel on first market day of each month; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. Janu£>.ry February March April May June July August September October November . . . . December Average 1906. $ cts. •761 1907. .$ cts. •881 1908. $ cts. 0.711 1.07i 0.73i 1.05 0.74| 1.09^ 0.75| 1.06| 0.80i l.lOf 0.90i 1.10 0.92^ 1.021 0.91|- 1 04| 0.97 0.97| 1.03i 0^97S 1.03i 98g 1.02 0.99i 1039 1085 1911. $ cts. 0-92i 92* 0^88| 0-88 0'9t.i 0-95 •9K COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 17 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Duluth. Wheat, Spring, No. 1 Northern ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Reports of Duluth Board of Trade and the Slinncapolis Market Record. Month. January .... February . March Ajiril May June July Augu.-st September . . October , November . . December . . Average 1906. Cents. 835 81| 791 82i 81| 76| 75; 'H '02 1907. S cts. 1908. •944 > cts. l.lOf l.Ooi 1.07* 1021 1 Oi^ i.osi 1.09 1.18 l.Olt 1.08 1.048 l.lli 1073 1909. § Ct8. 1142 1910. $ Cts. 1.14 l.l2g 1.153 1.15g 1.071 .041-1.051 1.16 1.19| 1.13| 1.09i 1.02" 1.04| 1107 1911. S Cts. ■995 Minneapolis. Wheat, Spring, No. 1 Northern ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Minneaix)lis Chamber of Commerce Reports and the Minneapolis Market Record. Month. January. .. February . . . March April May June July August September. . October. . . . November . . December . . Average 1906. Cents. 81 -84i 78i-8.3i 74|-78| 76|-81i 78^4^ 82i-85i 76i-82 73i-774 69^781 74i-77g iil-m 77|-81g 1907. 982 1908. $c. S c. 1.05§-1.14i l.OU-l.lOl 1.03i-l.\li 0.981-1.03 1.06i-l.lU l.OSg-l.lOi 1.071-1.21 0.99^-1.25 1.00H.05i 1.02^-1.05 1.04H.«8i 1.061-112* 1119 1909. 1910. § c. $ c. 1.07i-l.lH| 1.10 -i.iol 1.12g-1.17l 1.18i-1.29i 1.27i -1.351 1. 281-1. 38| 1.23 -1.35 971-1.44^ 0.97|-1.0l| 0.97i-106§ 1.0l|-1.07| 1.05i-1.15| 1-209 $ c. § c. 1.10§-1.16i 1.10i-1.16i 1.12 -1.16i 1.0^)i-l.m 1.03"'-1.14i 1.024-1.17" 1.13"-1.29| 1.093-1 23 1.09 -1.15 1.02 -1.12* 0.99*- 1.07" l.OOg-1.06 1-144 1911. $ c. $ c. 1.06i-1.07i 1.03 -1.04| 0.96 -0.97i 0.9^-0.933 0.98 -0.99| 0.97H>-99^ •995 366—2 18 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Liverpool, Eng. Wheat No. 1, Northern Manitoba; price per bushel, low and high in each month; quotations from Broonihall's Corn Trade News. Month. January February March April May June J uly August September October ... November December Average. 1006. Cts. Cts. 9-100 ■ 5- 98- 1- 96- 9- 9rr 1- i,7- 90 94-9 931 94-3 9G-1 94-9 94-3 1907. 1908. $ C. $ 0. $ 0. 95G 92-5- 95-5- 94-9- 1.01-4- 1.03-4- 1.04-G- 1.0G4- 1.034- 1.122- 1.21 - 1.277- 1.277- 95 5 97 9G-7 1.95-5 1.07-1 1.089 1.107 1.210 1.32 1.305 1..114 1122 c. 1,277-1.326 1.192-1.265 1.18G-1.295 1.21H-1.2G5 1.253-1.283 1.192-1.223 1.192-1.210 1.2G - 1.259-1.277 1-886-1.229 1.18 -1.204 1.174-1.204 1-205 1909. $ c. $ c. 1.198-1.204 1.223-1.277 i.277- 1.311 1.32G-1.411 1.387-1.417 1.387-1.399 1.320-1.326 1.302-1.326 1.162-1.198 1.174-1.20*. 1.198-1.216 1.284 1910. $0. $ c. 1.222-1.247 1.204-1.235 1.198-1.229 1.186-1.232 1.004-1.144 1.022-1.101 1.101-1.277 1.210-1.259 1.192-1.247 I 1.144-1.198 1.077-1.119 1.077-L098 1.14 1911. 1.090 1.104 1.086 1.080 1.065 1.075 1.083 * Quotations for the first market day of each Press. ith, from Broomhall, cable in the Manitoba Free OATS. Toronto. Oats, Ontario, No. 2 white ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. January, . February. March . . April Mav., . . .June. July August Septeaiber October . . . November . December . Av.-r.ige. . . . •357 43i -44 44 -44.!. 49 -00" 53 -54 48 -48^ 435 1908. Cents 45i 50" 52 47 46 48^ 44 4J 39 38 37i 3» -00 -bOh -53" -00 -0) -00 -45 4G -40 -39 -38A -40" 445 1909. Cents. 38 41 46 45 45i 59 57 53 -39 -42 -47 -45^ -46| -60 -58 54 44i -45 35 -36 37 -38 37 -37i •452 1910. Cents. 35i -mi "' .-39 -00 -S7h -35i -34 -34 -41 -38 -34 39 37 35 33 33 40 37 33 324 -33 33 -34 •357 1911. Cents. 33 -34 32 -GO 31i -32 35 -36 37 -38 339 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 la- SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Oat", Western, No. 2 white ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December . ... Average. . . . 1900. Cents. 32 32i 83| 33 36 37 32i 34 34J m •338 1907. Cents 400 1908. Cents. 35 38 3U 38 S5h .40 35f 40 37g 41 40 42 39 42 38* 41 40 40 m 38.^ 37| 47 45i 36|^ 394 1909. Cents. 37i -00 39 -00 421 _oo 41^ -00 44i -00 53i -00 54 -00 37 -00 33 -00 34i -00 34 -34i 32i -00 •402 1910. Cents. 34i -34* 37 -00 36 -00 41 -00 32 -00 33i -00 34 -00 39f -00 35^ -00 33 -00 32 -00 32J -00 348 1911. Cents. 3li 29 31 344 35 •323 Bnffalo. Oats, No. 2 White ; price per bush 1 on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Northioeatern Miller. Month. January February March April May June July August September .... October November December Average. 1900. Cents. •373 1907. Cents. 3M1 43 48 47i 474 51 48i 544 534 55 51 55 •497 1908. Cents. 544 55 574 57 56 564 5^4 58 54 521-53 514-52 53^ •548 1909. Cents. 52|-53i 54|-55 564-57 574-58 594 634 56 . 51 39i 43^ 44i 44 528 1910. Cents. 437 1911. Cents. 36 36| 34i 33f-34 364 41i 361 366—2.15 ^0 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Duluth. Oats No. 3* ; Price per bushel at Duluth, Minn., on the first market day of each month ; quotations from reix)rts of Duluth Board of Trade. Month. ■January February. . . JVIarch AprD May June July , •• August September October November December Average. 1906. Cents. •316 1907. Cents. 33|' 37 39A 4r 44 404 41 48^ 50 47 46 ■426 1908. Cents. 48 47 494 49i 49 50i 49 56 49 474 46| 474 •491 1909. Cents. 48i 49| 51i 51 1 54 574 50 354 34|-36i 36 -37 37i-3c!4 39^ •437 1910. Cents. 43| 45| 46" 4U 404 36A 38S 38g 34| 3l| 311 32i •383 1911. t Cents. 3U 314 29 304 3l| 35| ■317 *The only grade quoted in official reports. fQuotations from the Minneapolis Record. BARLEY. Toronto. Barley, Ontario, No. 2* price per bushel on the first market day of each Toronto Olohe. month ; quotations from the Months. January February March ... . . April May June July August ^September October Novrmber Decemlxjr Average 1906. Cts. 46-47 494 484-19 5i 524 47 51 50 4f>-47 514 48 •490 19-7. Cts. 50 504 51-54 53 5>i 53-531 54 "^ 51 54 5':-51 65-70 85-90 65-68 ■59'> 1908. Cts. 71-72 73 71-73 60 52-55 55-60 53-55 58-60 58-6) .^-58 55-57 55^-56 •6 7 19r9. Cts. 53-55 00-57 59 64-65 61-62 62-63 6^63 62-63 54-55 55-5.) 57-58 59-60 ■591 1910. Cts. 57-5S 56-57 55-56 53-54 53-54 48-49 .51-52 5L-52 5 -5J 55-56 .'.5-57 5(>-58 54 1911. Cts. 55-58 55-5S 65-67 63-65 ()7-68 65-67 • Scattered quotations for feed barley show a lange 5-8 c. lower than Xo. 2. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 21 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Barley, Western, No. 3 ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month; quotations from. the Winnipeg Commercial and the Manitoba Free Press. Months. 1606. January February March April May June July August September October November.. , . December Average Cts. 38 39 39 38 42 43 42 37i 40 42 42 [12 1907. Cts. 42 42 42 42 44 44 54 54 51 69 62 50 ■496 1908. Cts. 46 56 49 49 50 45 44 47J 48 54 51 46 •487 1909. •517 1910. Cts. 45 48i 48 m 44^ 42 50 47 47 47 47 46i ■466 1911. ^ Cts. 47 56 65 69 572 * Quotations for 1911 from the Northwestern Miller. Boston. Barley, feed, best ; price per bushel at Boston, in the first week in each month , quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January , February March April May , June July, August September October November December Average Cents. 50 50 50 52 50 50 52 51 49 50 52 56 51 Cents. 54 56 70 68 68 80 76 85 76 95 94 85 ■756 Cents. 86-88 75-77 73-75 65-68 69-71 70-72 65-68 65-67 67-70 ■73 Cents. 67-70 72 76 74 75-76 87 75i 68 57 61-62 64 63 Cents. Cents. 80* 70 •773 'Standard 22 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Buffalo. Barley, Malting ; price per bushel, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from The Buffalo Covimercial. Month. 190G. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. ■January February . March . April May June July August September . . . October November. . . . December Average Cants. 46^-56 49 -56 48 -54 47 -52 42 -52 48 -.. 47 -. '. 46 -55 48 -58 50 -60. 52 -60 •513 $ cts. 53- 56 55- 62 68- .. 70- 75 75- .. 82- 85 75- 80 1.07-1.12 98-1.08 1.00-1.15 $ cts. 1.00-1.12 1.00-1.T5 95-1.08 85- 95 82- 90 62- 68 65- .. 60- 65 65- 70 60- 68 60- 68 61- 68 •820 •792 Cents. 65-70 67-71 69-72 67-70 70-.. 80-.. 70-73 66-!! 59-67 61-70 63-70 ■684 Cents. 69 -75 73 -.. 76 -80 67 -71 6^-.. 65 -70 724-76 72 -.. 75 -80 8H-87 •736 Cents. 93- 97 90- 95 96-1.01 1.10-1.19 1.10- .. 93- .. •999 Chicago. Barley, by sample ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Reports of the Board of Trade and the Daibj Trade Bulletin. Month. January . . , February . March April M^ay June... . July August.... September October . . November December 1906. Cents. •4540 1907. Cents. 42- 46- 57- 60- 68 67- 74 68- 75 55- 65 90-1.03 70- 90 84- 94 1908. Cents. 86-96 77-95 75-90 70-84 66-76 60-66 56-63 60-63 59-64 56-61^ 54^1 57-61 .6902 1909. Cents. 59 -64 60 -67 65 -69 62 -69 65^-67 74K6i 62 -67 56 -66 48 -66 48 -66 52 -65 48 -66 •6287 1910. Cents. 55-71 60-70 63-73 52-66 46-64 45-66 48-64 48-68 48-72 56-72 55-75 55-82J •6142 1911. Cents. 73- 89^ 58- 92 70- 98 75-1.08 89-1.14 70- 92 •850 COMPARATIVE PRICES, OKNADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 23 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Milwaukee. Barley, Extra No. 3 ; price per bushel, low and hij?h prices each month ; quotations from the Year Book of the United States Department of Agnriculture. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. tl911. January February March April May June July Augxist , September. . . October November December .... Average Cents. 44 -54 45 -54 43i-54 45"-55 45 -54 48 -56 45^-55 46 -54 45 -54 46 -55 46 -55 49 -55 501 Cts. $ct&. 49 -0.57 52A-0.65 631-0.74 66 -0.74^ 70 -0.85 68^-0.79 62 -0.70 63i-0.87 83 -1.08 72 -1.11 80 -1.00 85 -1.00 Cts. $Ct8. 85-1.05 7&-0.95 75-0.90 66-0.86 64-0.71 50-0.66 60-0.61 59-0 67 55-0. 65i 57-0.66 .58-0. 66i 59-0 65| Cents. 62 -66 62 -66i 63 -67j 63i-68 60"-77 65 -82^ 64^-72 54 -68 58 -68 55 -67 60 -67 64 -70 Cents. 68 -73 67^7H 75 -72 59 -72 *60 -67 61 -67 62 -75 62 -75 67 -74 68i-76 7lJ-82 76 -90 •760 •655 •700 So. $ c, 0.85-0.88 0.84-0.88 0. 89-0. 94 1.03-1.09 1.02-1.08 0.80-0.86 * May to December, quotations for Medium No. 3. Record. 1 1911 quotations from the Minneajwlis Market Diiluth. Barley, feed to choice maltinpf ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Board of Trade Reports and the Minneapolis Daily Market Record. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 35-45 35-45 37^5 37-45 37-45 37-45 41-48 40-45 35-45 37-47 39-49 36-49 416 1907. Cts. $ cts. 36-0.49 36-0.49 58-0.65 52-0.60 56-0.58 70-0.76 58-0.67 45-0.60 70-0.80 75-1.00 65-0.75 45-0.85 1908. Cents. 65-95 65-95 60-80 60-80 60-80 50-60 45-55 48-55 54-59 51-55 5a-69 51-55^ •621 1909. Cents. •585 1910. Cents. 57-65 57-67 59-66 55-64 50-50 50-60 51-60 58-64 62-70 60-68 50-71 51-75 •604 1911. CtlB. $ Cts. 66-0 86 65-0. 87i 61-0.83 81-1.08 •796 24 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 RYE. Toronto. Rye, Ontario No. 2 price per bushel on thefirst market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. January . . . . February March April May June ; . . , . July August September. . . . October November . . December Average 1906. Cents. 70 70 68 67 70 68 62 60 59 65^ 75 70 71 •670 1907. Cents. 70 70 C5-6G 63-64 61-62 70 70 6 1-65 65 75 88-88* 82-82| 704 1908. Cents. 80 80-81 84-85 85-851 87-88 88 88 68 70 80 78-79 73-74 803 1909. 1910. Cents, im 69J-70 66 69-70 72-73 72-73 74 75 75 68 68 74-75 72-73 715 Cents. 70 66-67 67-68 68-69 67-68 67-68 67-68 67-68 67-68 67-68 66-67 60-62 ■670 19n. Cents. 53-60 60-62 63-65 79-80 70-72 70-72 676 Buffalo. Rye No. 2 ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; Quotations from The Northwestern Miller. Month. January. . . February March . . , April May June July August . . . September. October November . December. Average. . 1906. Cents. 72^ 67' 67 662 1907. Cents. 68 71 74 80 83 95 88 86-87 •813 1938. Cents. 90 "' 80 79 80 80 80 •814 1909. Cents. 81 77 m 86 91 94 "86" 73 76 80A 8l| 830 1910. Cents. 83 81 81 77 78 80 84 •814 1911. Cents. 85 84 85 95 •872 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 25 SESSTONAL PAPER No. 36b Chicago. Rye, No. 2 ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Chicago Board of Trade Reports and the Daily Trade Bulk tin. Month. January .... February . . . March April May June July August September. . October . . . November. . December. . . Average 1900. Cents. 65 65 63 60 58 -60 (JO 60 56 -564 554-56 6I| 61 -62 644-65 605 1907. Cents. 02 65 -70 66 -07 67 -70 69 -71 85 -87 85 -86 80 -86 85 -86 86 -88 77 78 -80 •771 1908. Cents. 804-81 80 -81 84 74 -77 81 78 -79 76 75 764 764 744-75 75 -76 (78 1909. Cents. 754 76'-764 79 -794 804-81 85 90 81 -83 74 -764 72 -73 71 -724 734-74 72"-744 ■71 1910. Cents ■778 1911. $ c. Cts. 79 -80 ; 0.81 81 I 0.824 78 -80 85 -86 80 } 78 1.00 75 -76 0.91 -93 74-70 ! 774-78 I 734 i ??* :::•::;.:; 804-8I I •883 Duluth. Rye, No. 2 ; price i>er bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Duluth Board of Trade Reports and the Minneapolis Market Record. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 60 60 59 .56 57 . 57 57 53 53 56 59 61 Cents. 58 60 60 60 64 8I4 80 74 75 -77 80 -84 68 -72 70 -7i Cents. 71 -75 74 -78 74 -78 69 -72 71 -74 72 -76 66 -70 73 724-744 72 -74 68 -71 68 -71 Cents. 68 -71 67 -70 71 -74 72 -75 80 -83 84 -88 73 -76 72 62 -65 64 -67 68 -71 68 -71 Cents. 714-75 75 -784 75 -78 72 -75 70-73 67 -70 . 07 -70 67 -70 68 -70 68 -70 73 -75 714-734 Cents. 74 -76 76 -78 March April May June . , 77 -79 82 -84 86 -88 86 -88 July August October '.'....'..'... . December Average •573 •758 723 •722 ■718 •812 26 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 BUCKWHEAT. Toronto* Buckwheat ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. 51-52 Cents. 52-53 52-54 55-56 57-58 Cents. 62 65^-66 67 67 64^-65 64J-65 65-68 Cents. 56-56i 57-58 59-60 05-66 63-64 64-65 70-75 70-75 70-75 Cents. 52-53 52-53 52-53 51-51^ 51 51 51 Cents. 47 February 47 49-49i 48-49 April May -. 48-59 52-53 J une 50-52 July 60 Au^st October 65 51-56 55-56 November 54-55 70 60-62 56 5a-54 40 47 Average. 517 •574 •628 •634 •505 •495 Nortb Atlantic States. Buckvi'heat ; average farm price per bushel in the North Atlantic States on the first of each month ; quot- ations from the Year Book of the United States Department of Agriculture. * Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. ■ January Cents. Cents. Cents. 71-6 ""72-6 ""' 77-1 774 754 86-8 80-5 8r4 780 77-7 755 Cents. 73-7 Cents. 700 720 70-6 734 710 73-7 780 74-8 72-6 713 659 65-7 Cents. February . . 73 74 75 77 83 86 82 76 74 . 70 69 8 8 1 6 1 8 9 3 6 n March April May June Julv August September October November December ' Average 63 9 71 1 77-6 76 (' 71-6 * In 1910 the North Atlantic States produced 14,260,000 bushels of Buckwheat out of the total United States crop of 17,239,000. The statistics in the above are quoted for their intrins-c interest and not as comparable with market quotations. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b FLAXSEED. No. 1 NORTHWESTERN. Winnipeg. 27 Flaxseed, No. 1 Northwestern ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 190G. January February . . . March April May June July Aufrust September . . October . . . . November . December . . . Average $ cts. 0.96i 1.16 1.06 1.10 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.04 1.03 1.08 1.13i 1.20 107 1907. $ cts. 1-23 1908. $ cts. 116 1909. $ cts. 1.20^ 1.25 1.36 1.35 1.37 1.48i 1.52 1.27 1.321 1.55 1.52 1-38 1910. S cts. 1.81 1.89i 1.90 2.10 2.06 1.60 1.85 2.20 2.25 2.18 2.43 2.30 2.061 1911.^ $ cts. 2.04 2.40 2.40 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.32 * Quotations for 1911 from Canadian Farm. Duluth. Flaxseed, No. 1 northwestern ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Duluth Board of Trade reports. Month. January February .... March April May . . June July August September October November December Average 1906. $ c. 1144 1907. 1 203 1908. 1 231 1909. $ c. 1-451 1910. 2.09 2.16 2 17 2.34f 2.37 2.07 2.10 2.46 2.51 2.415 2.61i 2.53i 2-320 1911. 2.47^ 2.65i 2.64^ 2.49 2.55 2.21 2-505 •Quotations for 1911 from the Minneapolis Daiti/ Market Record. 28 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 GRASS SEED. Note :— In comparing the tables under this heading it should be borne in mind that the yearly Toronto and Buffalo averages do not represent an equal number of monthly quotations, full Toronto stati.stics not being available in published records. For this reason they have been omitted from the summary of yearly averages given at the close of this section, though comparable for parallel months in a considerable number of cases. Toronto. Timothy Seed, No. 1 ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. * Prices per cwt. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. ^ c. S c. 1.75-2.25 1.75-2.25 1911.* January February $ c. $ c. 1.60-2.00 1.60-2.00 1.80-2.00 2.00-2.40 2.00-2.40 .$ c. $ c. 1.50-1.80 1.50 1.80 1.50-2.00 $ c. $ c. $ c. % c. 1.30-1.60 1.30-2.00 1.30-2.00 1.20-2.25 $ c. $ c. 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.00 March 6.50-7.00 April May June 2.00-3.00 7.20 7.20 2.75-3.25 7.20 July August September 1.30-1.60 1.30-1.60 1.30-1.60 1.30-1.60 1.50-1.70 1.50-1.80 1.50-1.80 November, . . December 1.75-2.25 3.80-4.50 Average 1.85 1.64 1.45 1.91 2.66 6 01 Red Clover Seed, No. 1 ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 190H. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ c. $ c. 6.25-7.00 6,25-7.00 6.00-7.25 7.80-9.30 7.50-9.30 $ c. $ c. 7.25-7.50 8.00-8.25 8.00-8.25 $ c. $ c. 9.50 10.00-10.25 10.50-11.00 14.40 14.40 $ c. $ c. 4.50-5.75 4.60-5.75 4.60-5.75 $ c. $ c. 7.00-8.00 7.00-8.00 7.00-7.50 $ c. $ c. 7.25-8.00 7.2.5-8.00 7 25-8 00 March April 10 50 May June 7.20-7.50 10.50 10 50 July August September October 6.50-6.60 7.00-7.35 7.25-7.50 5.00-5.50 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.25 November ' December 8.25 7.50 Average 7.24 7.88 10.78 5.99 7.43 8.58 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Alsike Seed No. 1 ; piice per bushel on the first market day of each mouth ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. 29 Months . 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ c. S c. 5.7i>-6.25 6.00-6.75 6.25-7.00 6.50-7 50 7.00-9.0(» S c. -S c. 6.00-6.20 6.00-6.24 6.00-6.25 § c. $ e. 7.50-8.00 8.0O-8.25 8.25-8.75 12.30 12.30 § c. $ c. 6.90- 7.20 6.90- 7.20 6.90- 7.20 6.90- 7.20 $c. 8 c. 6.50 5.60-5.75 6.00-7.25 $ c. $ c. 7.50- 8.00 7 TjO 8 00 February March 7.00- 8.00 10 OO-ll 'SO April May 10 00-16 50 9. 50-10. 50 10 00 11 .50 July Au^st :::::::.■■■ September 6.00-6.25 6.40-6.60 6.00-6.20 6.00-6.20 7.30-7.50 8.25-8.50 8.60-9 00 8.25-8.60 7.30 7.00-7.50 6.50-6.75 6.50-6.75 6.00 6. CO . October November 6.25- 6.50 7.00 Average 654 7-34 816 7 22 6 18 9-21 Buffalo. Timothy seed ; price per busliel ©n the first market day of each month Buffalo Comviercial. quotations from the Months . 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. January S c. S c. 1.6!) 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.60-1.65 1.70 2.00 . 2.00 1.96 1.90 1.90 1.90 S c. S c. 2.15 2.05-3.20 2.0.5-2.35 2.10-2.35 2.10-2.32 2.25 § c. $ c. "2"30 2.30-2.50 2.30-2.50 2.10-2.30 2.10-2 30 6 c. S c. 1.85-2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.85-2.10 1.85-2.05 1.85-2.05 1.85-2.05 6 c. S c. 1.80-2.20 2.00-2.45 2.00-2.45 2.00-2.10 2.20-2.30 2.10-2.25 2.00-2.50 2.40-3.00 3 25 4. 50-5. 00 4.40-4.90 4.2&-5.00 S c. § c. 4 50-5 CO Februaiy ... 4 50 5 50 March 5 90 6 00 April May 5.50-6.00 5 .50 6 00 June 6 00-6 25 July August September 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.00 1.85-2.00 1.85-2.00 1.85-2.00 October . . November December A\ erage 1-719 2-236 2141 1-969 2-915 5 554 30 DEPARTUrNT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Clover Seed : price per bushel, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buff. Jo tom- raercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ c. 8.25 8.75 8.00 7.25 6.90 6.90 7.00 7.40 7.95 7.93 7.95 7.95 7-712 § c. $ c. 8.40-8.60 8.40-8.60 8.40-8.60 9.50 9.30 9.00 $0. $ c. 'io!56^ii!66 11.00-11.50 13.00 11.40-13.00 11.00-12.50 $ c. $ c. 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 6.10-6.20 6.30-6.40 6.30-6 40 6.70-6.75 6.30-7.00 6.65-7.40 8.50 9.00 8 60-9.25 8.60-9.25 $ c. $ c. 8.60- 9.50 8.30- 9.00 8.20- 9.00 8.00- 8.75 8.25- 9.00 7.50- 7.60 6.50- 7.50 7.00- 8.00 8.50- 8.75 10.00-11.00 9.50-10.00 8.00- 9.25 $ c. $ c. 8.00-9.30 February 9.00 Maich 9.00 A pril 9.25-9.75 May 9.25-9.75 9.00-9.50 Jnlv Sei)tember 7.00- 8.00 6.00- 7.00 5.00- 6.00 5.50- 6.00 9.. 50 9.90 9.60 9 027 December Average 9 141 7-008 8-604 9-255 Alsike Seed : price per bushel, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Com- mcrcial. Montk. 1906. 1907. 190S. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ .c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.10 9.00 8.90 8.50 7.80-8.50 7.75-8.50 7.50-8.50 7.60-8.60 7.00-8.60 $ c. $ c. 7.25- 8.00 7.2.5- 8.00 7.25 7.25- 7.50 7.50- 7.75 7.00- 7.50 $ c. $ c. 8.75-9.75 February io. 66 10.00-10.50 11.50-12.50 10.40-12 00 12.50-13.50 8.50-9 50 March ... April '. 8.50-9.50 9.25-9.75 May 9.25-9.75 June 9.00-9.50 July Aucrust. 7.00- 8.25 8.65 9.00-10.00 9.00-10.00 7.00- 9.00 September 9.50-10.00 9.50-10.00 9.00 9.00 October November Deceml)er Average 10-660 8-403 8-007 9-208 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 31 SUMMARY OF YEAELY AVERAGE PRICES OF GRAINS, CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1906-1911. Commodity . Wheat, Winter. Wheat, winter, Ontario No. 2, white and red Wheat, winter, No. 2, red Wheat, winter. No. 2, red Wheat, Spring. Market. Rate per Bush. 1906. Toronto Detroit. Chicago Winnipeg Wheat, spring, No. 1, Northern Wheat, spring, No. 1, Northern jDuluth Wheat, spring, No. 1, Northern 'Minneapolis Wheat, spring, No. 1, Northem,Manitoba. Liverpool. Oats. Oats, Ontario, No. 2, white Oats, Western, No. 2, white. . Oats, No. 2, white Oats, No. 3 . . Barley. Rirley, Ontario, No. 2 Barley, Western, No. 3 Barley, feed, best Barley, malting I Barley, by sample Barky, extra, No. 3 Barley, feed to choice malting . Rye. Rye, Ontario, No. 2 Rye, No. 2 Rye, No. 2 Rye, No. 2 Flax Seed. Flax seed, No. 1, Northwestern Toronto.... Winnipeg . Buffalo. .. Duluth.... Toronto Winnipeg . Boston Buffalo.... Chicago.. . . Milwaukee Duluth Toronto Buffalo. Chicago Duluth. Winnipeg. Duluth... Cents. 76 83 80 76 79 78 49 41 51 51 45 50 42 1.07 1.14 Rate per Bush. 1907. Sets. 0.84 0.91 0.81 0.88 0.94 0.98 1.12 0.43 0.40 0.50 0.43 0.59 0.50 0.76 0.82 0.70 0.76 0.63 0.70 0.81 0.77 0.76 1.23 1.20 Rate per Bush. 1908. Rate per Bush. 1909. $ cts. 0.90 0.98 0.98 1.04 1.07 1.12 1.20 0.44 0.39 0.55 0.49 0.61 0.49 73 0.79 0.69 0.69 0.62 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.72 1.16 1.23 $ cts. Rate per Bush. 1910. $ cts. 1.08 0.93 1.31 1.09 1.20 1 07 1.08 1.14 1.21 1.28 0.45 0.40 0.53 0.44 0.59 0.52 0.70 0.68 0.63 0.66 0.59 0.71 0.83 0.77 0.72 1.38 1.45 1.00 1.11 1.14 1.14 0.36 0.35 0.44 0.38 0.54 0.47 0.69 0.74 0.61 0.70 0.60 0.67 0.81 0.78 0.72 2.06 2.32 Rate per Bush. 1911. $Ct8. 0.84 0.91 0.92 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.08 0.34 0.32 0.36 0.32 63 0.58 0.77 1.00 0.85 0.99 0.80 0.68 0.87 0.88 0.81 2.32 2.51 Average 1906-11. $ Cts. 0.90 1.00 0.96 0.95 1.00 1.04 1.13 0.40 0.36 0.46 0,40 0.57 0.49 0.69 0.76 0.66 0.71 0.61 0.7L 0.88 0.76 0.72 1.54 1.64 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS (b) FODDER. (1) Hay. (2) Straw. 36b— 3 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. (6) FODDER. The following representative rules for the grading of hay are offered subject to the qualification that there is more variation in the case of fodder than of grain in the application of such standards from year to year and from market ta market: Canada : iNSPEcnoN and Sale Act. No. 1 timothy shall be timothy with not more than one-eighth of clover or other tame grasses mixed, of good colour, sound and well cured. No. 2 timothy shall be timothy with not more than one-third of clover or other tame grasses mixed, of good colour, sound and well cured. XjNrrED States : Chicago Boabd of Trade Regxjlations. No. 1 timothy hay shall be timothy with not more than one-eighth mixed with clover or other tame grasses, properly cured, good colour, sound and well baled. No. 2 timothy hay shall be timothy not good enough for No. 1, not over one-fourth mixed with clover or other tame grasses, fair colour, sound and well baled. No. 1 straight rye straw shall be in large bales, clean, bright, long rye straw, pressed in bundles, sound and well baled. No. 1 wheat straw shall be reasonably clean wheat straw, sound and well baled. No. 1 oat straw shall be reasonably clean, sound and well baled. I 36b— 31 36 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 HAY, BALED. HaUfax. Hay, Timothy ; price per ton on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906.* 1907.* 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. $ c. $ c. $ 0. $ c. $ c. $ c. 19.00-20.00 17.00-1« 00 $ c. $ c. 10.00-12.00 10.00-12.00 10.00-12.00 13.00- 0.00 ■i6!oo^i2!6o 10,00-12.00 10.00-12 00 10.00-12.00 12.00- 0.00 12.50- 0.00 J$ c. $ c. 14.50-15.50 14.00-15.00 14,00-15.00 14.00-15.00 14 00-16.00 12.00-16.00 12.00-16.00 12.00-16.00 11.00-12-00 It. 00-12-00 $ c. $ c. Marnh Anril 14.00-15.00 14.00-15.00 14.50-15.50 13.00-14.00 May .Tnlv Opfohpr 10.00-12.00 15.07 11.55 13.85 * No quotations given. St. John. Hay, Timothy, No. 1, carlots ; price per ton at St. John on the first market day of each month ; quo- tations from the St. John Te'egraph. Month. January February March April May June July August September Octobe.. November December Average, 1906. $ c. $ c. 10.00-10.50 10.00- 10.50 10.00-10.50 10.00-10.50 10.00-10.50 10.00-10.50 10.50-11.00 10.50-11.00 10.50-11.00 11.00-11.50 11.00-12.00 12.^^13.00 10.77 1907. 13.00-14.00 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 17.00 22.00 17.00 15.00-16.00 15.00-16.00 15.00-16 00 16.50-17.00 15.90 1908. 15.00-16.00 15.00-15.00 13.50-14.00 15.00-16.00 13 00-13.50 12.50-13.00 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 13.20 1909. $ c. $ c. 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 11.50-12.50 12.50-13.00 12.50-13.00 12.50-13.00 12.50-13.00 12.50-13.00 13.00-13.50 13.00-13.50 13.00-13.50 12.63 1910. 13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 15.00 17.00 13.00-15.00 13.00-15 00 13.00-15.00 13.00-15.00 12.75 1911. 13.00-15.00 13.00-15.00 11 00-12.00 10.50-11.00 10.50-11.00 10.50-11.00 11.96 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 37 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b : i_ _ _ Montreal. Hay, Timothy, No. 1 ; price per ton on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Montreal Gazette. Months. 1906. 1907. 190 ^ 1909. 1910. 1911. January Sets. Sets! 8 50- 9 00 8 50- 9 00 8 00- 8 50 8 0^-8 50 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 9 50 10 00-10 .50 10 50-11 00 12 00 13 00 13.00-13.50 8 cts. $ cts. 15 00-16 00 13 50-14 00 13 00-13 50 14 00-14 50 13 50-14 00 16 00-17 00 16 00-16 50 16 00-16 50 15 50-16 50 )4 00-14 50 16 50-17 50 17 50-18 00 Sets. Sets, 16 50-17 50 15 00-16 00 15 00-16 00 15 00-15 50 16 50 14 00-15 00 10 50-11 00 12 00-13 00 13 00-!3 50 12 00-12 50 12 00 12 50 12 50-13 00 Sets. Sets. 12 00-13 00 12 00-13 00 11 00-1 e 00 12 50-13 50 12 CtO-!3 50 13 50-13 50 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 12 00-12 50 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 13 00-13 50 Sets. Sets. 13 00-1150 14 00-14 50 15 00 15 00-15 50 15 00-15 50 15 00-15 50 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 11 50-12 00 11 00-11 50 11 00-11 50 11 00-11 50 Sets. Sets. 11 00-11 50 T^ebruary 11 50-12 00 March April 11 50-12 00 10 00-10 50 May 12 00-12 50 June 13 00-13 50 July Auprust ... September October November December Average 1018 15-37 13-93 13 02 13 62 11-75 Hay, Timothy, No. 2 ; price per ton on the first market day of each month Montreal Gazette. quotations from the Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Sets. Sets. 7 25- 7 50 7 25- 7 50 7 00- 7 50 7 00- 7 50 8 50- 9 00 8 50- 9 00 8 50 9 OO- 9 50 9 50-10 00 11 00-11 50 12 00 12 00-12 50 Sets. Seta. 14 00-15 00 12 50-13 00 11 50-12 50 12 50-13 00 12 00 15 00-16 00 15 00-15 50 15 00-15 50 14 50-15 50 13 00-13 50 15 00-16 00 16 50-17 00 S cts. S cts. 15 00-16 00 14 00-15 50 14 00-15 50 13 00-13 50 13 00-13 50 11 50-12 00 8 50- 9 00 9 50-10 10 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 10 00-10 5u Sets. Sets. 10 00-10 50 9 50-10 50 9 OO-IO 00 9 00-10 00 9 00-10 00 10 50-11 00 11 50-12 00 11 50-12 00 10 00-10 50 10 50-11 00 10 .50-11 00 11 00-11 50 Sets. Sets. 11 00-11 50 12 00-12 50 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 00-12 50 12 00-12 50 10 00-10 50 9 00- 9 50 9 00- 9 50 9 00- 9 50 S cts. S cts. 9 00- 9 50 February 9 00- 9 50 March 9 00- 9 50 April 8 00- 8 50 May 10 00-10 50 June 11 CO-11 50 July August September October ... November December Average . 9-045 14-2-<3 11- 771- 1 10-500 11-417 9-58 38 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Hay, Timothy, No. 1 ; price per ton on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. Januaiy. ...... February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. $ c. $ c. 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.50-10.00 10.00 9.50-10.00 10.00 9.50 9.50-lJ.OO 10.00-10.50 11.00 9-472 1907. $ c. $ c. 11.50-12.00 11.00-11.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-13.00 13-50-14.00 13.00-14.00 15.00-15.50 14.04 •234 •265 •268 •275 Eggs, delects ; price per'dozen, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Montreal Gazette. Month. •January February March . . . . . April M!ay.. June July August September October..' November December Averkge 1906. Cents. 24 20 17 -18 17 -.. 15| ^ 16 -16^ 16^ 20 -20i 2U 22 -22^ 23 -24 24 -25 •202 1907. Cents. 26 30 32 17 17^-18 20 20 191-20 22 -23 24 -25 26 -27 26 -27 •233 1908. Cents. 24 -25 25 -26 28 -29 17i-18 16 -16* 18i-19 19 -20 23 -24 23 23 25 25i-26 229 1909. Cents. 28 28 27 -28 20 -.. 19 -19 19 -19 18H9 20 24i-25 25|-26 26^27 28 -28^ 1910. Cents. 28A-29 26|-27 29 -30 19 -20 19 -20 22 -224 21 21 -22 23^-24 25 29 -30 29 -30 •248 1911*. Cents. 28 23 22 -23 21 -22 21^-22^ •248 Quotations for best selected from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. COMPARATIYE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 6! SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Eggs, new laid ; price per dozen at Toronto, on first market day of each month ; quotations from Th ( Canadian Farm and The Toronto World. Month. January February March April May June July August September October... November December Average 1906. Cents. 30-35 23-25 16-17 17 16 17 18-19 18-19 18-19 19-20 21-22 30-.. 209 1907. Cants. 'M) 30 30 -32 18 17 -m 18i 18 -18i 18 19 21 -22 28 -30 30 ■233 1908. 1909. Cents. 30 30 28-29 16-17 17 18-18i 18-19 21-22 20-21 20-21 26-28 28-30 ■227 Cents. 40 32 -33 27 -28 18 -19 19i-20 19 22 -25 25 25 30 -32 35 264 1910. Cents. 35 30-35 30 20-21 18-20 18-19 18 20-21 26-27 27-30 35-40 ■258 1911. Cents. 43-45 33-34 21-22 17-18 16-17 18-19 •252 Eggs, storage; price per dozen in lots on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. January February March.. April May June July August September October November December Average, 169 Cents. 22-23 24 17 24 13-14 24 -25 13 17 m 13| 17 17^18 18 -18^ 17 -174 15i 174-18 18|-19 17 18i-19 20-21 19 24 -25 23 22 -23 •204 Cents. 20 -21 21 -22 21 -22 16 -164 16 -17 17 174-18 20 20 -21 21 -22 22 -23 22 -24 Cents. 25 -26 27 -28 25 -26 18 -19 19 184-19 20 22 23 -24 25 26 25 -26 198 ■230 Cents. 25-26 25 25 19-20 19-20 19-20 19-194 19-20 22 23 26-27 26-28 Cents. 27-28 27-28 16-17 •238 70 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Winnipeg. Eggs, Manitoba fresh -gathered ; price per dozen on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 26 -27 26 -28 23 15 14^-15 16 ]6 -16^ 17 18 -19 20 23 -24 26 •206 1907. Cents. 27 35 35 24 17 -18 174-18i 17|-18 17 17 -18 22 -23 26 -27 27-30 •229 1908. Cents. 27 -30 25-27 21-22 16 14 15 -15^ 14 -14| 16i 18| 20 -23 22 -23 29-32 •213 1909. Cents. 29-32 40 37 -39 18^-20 17 19 19 -19i 17 -17i 17 24-25 24 -26 ■248 1910. Cents. 22 18 18 18i 17 16 23 26 27 ■204 1911. Cents. 28 28 25 Boston. Eggs, firsts ; price per dozen On first market day of each month ; quotations from the Elgin Dairy Report. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February. . . . March April May June July August September. . . October November December Average Cents. 26 -28 19 -20 16 18A-19 171-18 17 -17^ 17 -18 17^18 18 -21 23 -24 25-27 30 -32 •212 Cents. 28 -29 26 -27 22 -23 174-18 171-18 16 -17 16 -16i 164-174 2l|-22 23 25 -27 26 -27 Cents. 26 -27 25 -26 24 -25 Cents. 25 -25^ 23i-24| 25 -26 26 -28 216 •251 Cents. ■256 Cents. 27 -28 22-23 17 184-19 17 231 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA^ AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 71 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Buffalo. Eggs : state, selected, white ; price per dozen on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Bufifalo Commercial. Month. 1006. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. 30 20 17-18 18 18 18^-19 22 23 -24 24 -25 26 -27 32 -33 36 Cents. 34 30 '27 19 -20 19 -20 18i-19 19 21 -22 26 28 -29 35 -36 37 -38 Cents. 32-33 27 24 18 -19 19|-20 22 25 27 -28 30 35-36 40 -42 Cents. 38 -40 38 -39 25 -25^ 22 22 23 25 28 30 32 -33 38 42 Cents. 40 38 28 22^-23 23 24 25 28 -28^ 29 -30 32 -33 40 45 Cents. 38 February 27 -28 March 22 -23 April 18 May 19-19A June 19 July October Averaere •2;?9 •262 •276 •312 •306 •237 Eggs : state, candled, fresh ; price per dozen on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Bufifalo Commercial. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 28 ia-20 16^17 17 18 22 • 20 -21 23 25 28 -30 34 -35 •230 1907. Cents. 32 27 25 18 -18^ |! 23' 26 -27 29 -30 32 -34 19 •242 1908x Cents. 30 25 23 16 ir 19 -20 22 -23 24 -25 26 30 34 -36 •238 1909. 1910. Cents. •280 Cents. 35 -36 35 26 21^-22 22 -22^ 22i 22| 24 -25 24 -25 28 35 -36 40 -42 •286 1911. Cents. 35 26 20 17 Jzt 18 •217 72 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Eggs, storage, candled ; price per dozen on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. . Cents. 19-21 12-13 13 Cents. 24 24 Cents. 18-19 lS-20 10-20 Cents. 25-27 33 , Cents. 26-27 2&-27 Cents. 24-25 February. March 18 15 April May .... July.. Ausfust October 21-22 20-21 19-20 22 22-23 25-26 24-25 25-27 23-25 November 23 24 25-26 26-27 Average •179 •214 •211 •260 •263 •205 Minneapolis. fresh, candled ; price per dozen on first market day of each month. Minneaj^olis Tribune. Quotations from the Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January , February , March April May June, •• July August September.... Oct<^ber November December.. . .. Average Cents. 244 36 14 14 15^ 16 18 18 19 22 26 30 194 Cents. 28 28 19 m ic| 15 144 18 18 21 25 27 •204 Cents. 25 21 19 13 14 14 17 19 18 21. 27i 35 Cents. 30 38 21 18 in 19 184 22 21 23 29 30 204 •241 Cents. 31 27 21 194 23| 22 22 22 2^i 254 28 32 246 Cents. 28 26 17 134-15 •198 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 73 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Eggs, refrigerator No. 1, candled ; prices per dozen on first market day of each mojith ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Months. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. • January February Cts. Cts. 20 Cts. 18 Cts. 27 Cts. 25 24 Cts. 23 21 March April May June July August September October November 22 21 2J 10 23 28 24 25 24 24 December ..... Average •189 •197 •230 •253 •242 •220 74 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SUMMARY OF YEARLY AVERAGE PRICES OF DAIRY PRODUCE, CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1L06-1911. Commodity. J^uttcr .— Best creamery solids Creamery prints Dairy solids Best creamery solids Creamery prints Crea^pery solids Dairy solids Creamery fancy, fresh bricks Creamery solids Dairy in tubs (jobbers' buying price . Dairy choice Creamery solids Dairy, New York State, tubs Creamery prints Creamery, state, fancy, tubs Dairy, choice to fancy Dairy, fair to good Creamery, extras Creamery, firsts to extras Dairy, firsts to extras Market. Cheese : — Large Cheese Western coloured Westerns Manitoba Eastern Twins, extra New York State full cream, large, coloured, best Choice to fancy, full — milk Twins or flats, fancy Eggs.— Fresh Selects Strictly fresh laid Selects Newlaid Storage Manitoba fresh gathered Firsts State seleated, white State, candled, fresh Storage, candled Fresh, candled Refrigerator, No. 1, candled. Halifax , . . Halifax . . . St. John. . . Montreal.. . Toronto , . . Toronto . . . Toronto . . . Winnipeg.. Winnipeg.. Winnipeg . . Boston .... New York. New York. Buffalo .... Buffalo Buffalo .... Buffalo .... Chicago . . . Minneapolis Minneapolis Halifax . St. John . . Montreal.. Toronto . . Winnipeg Winnipeg Boston . . . 1906. Cents. 24 25 21 23 24 23 19 27 22 19 22 23 23 27 25 2i 21 24 22 19 13 New York. Buffalo .... Minneapolis Halifax ... Halifax Montreal . . . Montreal Toronto Toronto Winnipeg. . . Boston Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. . . . . Minneapolis Minneapolis 13 13 13 14 13 12 13 13 17 22 20 21 17 21 21 24 23 18 19 19 1907. Cents, 25 30 23 25 25 25 20 29 19 26 29 27 31 28 26 23 27 26 22 20 23 23 23 20 23 22 26 24 21 20 20 1908. Cents. 27 SO 23 27 27 28 22 29 24 21 25 27 25 29 27 25 22 27 25 21 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 20 20 23 23 23 20 21 22 28 24 21 20 23 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. Cents. 24 25 27 27 28 27 23 21 21 24 25 24 25 27 26 24 24 24 19 23 23 29 31 31 25 27 27 17 17 18 27 29 23 29 31 23 26 29 24 31 33 27 29 31 25 27 30 24 24 27 21 28 30 24 27 29 23 22 25 20 13 13 13 14 13 14 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 12 12 14 13 14 15 16 14 15 17 15 17 14 14 17 16 22 23 22 22 21 27 27 28 24 25 25 26 26 25 23 23 24 25 20 20 25 26 23 31 31 24 28 29 22 26 26 21 24 25 20 25 24 22 Cents. 25 28 22 25 26 25 21 30 25 19 25 27 26 30 28 26 23 27 25 22 20 25 23 24 21 22 23 24 25 22 21 22 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 191l TABLES-AGEICULTUKAL PRODUCTS. LIVE STOCK. (1) Cattle. (2) Calves. (3) Sheep and Lambs. (4) Hogs. (6) Horses. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, LIVE STOCK. As in the case of dairy produce, a considerably larger number of classes and grades of live stock are quoted in the United States than in the Canadian markets, though latterly the difference in methods as between the two countries in this res- pect is diminishing. In covering the two markets for comparative purposes as below, the practice followed has been to give quotations for the higher grades and classes in both countries, though in most cases tables covering the averages of all grades are given. A few quotations for the lower grades will, however, be found, and it is thought that the tables offer representative and comparable figures. The chief difficulty in securing parallel quotations was in the case of horses. Not only are published quotations of horses irregular, especially on the Canadian side, but from the nature of the trade exact comparison is difficult. Each transac- tion in the horse market is an individual deal to an extent that does not obtain in the case of other live stock. Prices, accordingly, when quoted, are almost invari- a,bly found to cover a wide range. To take an average of these, as representing the bulk of sales, is not a satisfactory method, especially where the market is a compara- tively small one. Even this method is not in every case available, owing to the general lack of quotations above referred to both in the daily press and in the farm journals. Accordingly yearly ranges rather than yearly averages are given in these cases ; the quotations from the Chicago Farmers and Drovers Journal^ liowever, present averages not of extremes but of total sales In the case of cattle and hogs, allowance must be made in interpreting the statistics given below for the different methods which prevail in the different markets. The almost universal practice in the United States is to buy on the "fed and watered" basis. At some Canadian points, notably Winnipeg, in the case of all live stock, and Montreal, so far as hogs are concerned, the normal quotations are for stock weighed ''off cars", i.e., before being "fed and watered." It is difficult to estimate what to allow for this difference, but such authorities as the statistics the editors of the Chicago "Breeders' Gazette" the Chicago "Farmers' and Drovers' Journal", and the Buffalo "Daily Live Stock Record" agree in putting the average "fill", in the case of bullocks, at 30 to 40 pounds, the year round. The "Canadian Farm" estimates that in the case of hogs 25 or 30 cents a cwt., at prices now current, should be added to "off cars" figures to make them comparable. In the Toronto market, hogs are sold "fed and watered", but quotations are frequently given "f.o.b. country points". In this connection, the following passing note from the "Cana- dian Farm" of June 16 will indicate the allowance to be made in comparing such ■quotations with prices of stock * 'on the spot' ' : "Toronto and Montreal are following the centres of the west, and hog values have risen to around the |7 mark and past it. This week has seen $7 paid f.o.b. at country points, or equivalent to $7.25 fed and watered at Toronto, as hogs are marketed at East Buffalo and Chicago, and to $7.50 weighed off cars as at Montreal." 78 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 (a) CATTLE. Montreal. Steers, choice ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . , $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 4.50-4 75 4.75-5.00 5 25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.50 6.25-6.37i 5.50-5.8?! 5.50 5.G0-5.25 4.75-5.00 4 75 4.50 $ c. $ c. 4.75-5.00 5.25-5.50 5.00-5.25 5.50-5.60 5.50-5.75 6.25-6.50 6.50-6 75 5.25-5 35 5.00-5.10 4.50-4.75 4.50 4.75 $ c. $ c. 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75-6.00 6.00 6.00-6.25 5.50-6.00 5.75 4.75-5.00 4.90 5.25 5.00-5.25 5.25-5.50 $ c. $ c. 5.75 5.75-6.00 6.00-6.25 6.50 6.75 7.10 7.30 7.25-7.50 5.00-6.40 6.00-6.25 6-25 6.00 5.50-5.75 .3.75-5.50 % c. $ c. 4.50-5.00 5.00-5.25 5.50-5.75 6.50-6 75 March 6 75 April May 6.50-6.75 6 50 June 5.25 5.25-5.50 5.00-5.25 4.75 4.25-4.50 4.25-4.50 4.50-4.75 6.50 July August . . September October November Average 4-931 5-237 5-377 5-468 6 -121 6 -607 Toronto. Steers, export ; price per cwt. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 4.40-5.15 4.65-5.25 4.80-5.15 4.90-5.30 4.90-5.25 5.40-5.90 6.25-6.40 4.90-5 00 4.75-5.25 4.25-5.00 4.25-4.80 4.25-4.70 $ c. $ c. 4.90-5.40 4.90-5.40 5.00-5.30 5.00-5.45 5.50-5.75 5.75-6.25 5.75 4-75-5.05 4.80-5.65 4.50-5.15 4.50-5.00 5.00 $ c. $ c. 5.00-5.25 5.20-5.60 5.10-5.50 5.30-5.60 5.50-6.05 5.80-6.25 5.80-6.25 5-90-6.20 6.00 6.25 5.25-5 75 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 $ c. $ c. 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.05 6.25-6 50 6.85-7.60 7.00-7.35 7.00-7.50 7.25 7.45 6.70-6,90 6.25-6.50 6.00-6.75 5.75 6.15 5.75-6.25 $ c. $ c. 5 25 6 00 4.50-4.75 4.50-5.00 4.80-5.20 4.90-5.25 4.7^5.00 4.75-5.10 4.40-4.65 4.35-6.00 4.25-4.75 4.00-4.65 4.25-4.70 6 00 6 15 March 5 75 5 85 April 5.85-6. 12A 5.75-6.00 5.85-6.00 May June July August September October November December Average . . . 4-70 503 5-21 5.71 6.55 5.88 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 79 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Butchers' cattle, choice steers ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. 1906. 1907. « 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $0. $ c. 4.40-4.60 4.40-4 60 4.50-4.75 4.40-4.65 4.75-5.00 4.65 4.50-4.75 4.40-4.60 4.40-4.65 4.00-4.25 4.25-i.50 4.30-4 50 $ c. $ c. 4.25-4.50 4.60-4.90 4.75-4.90 4.90-5.15 4.75-5.10 5.50-5.75 4.90-5.50 4.75-4.90 4.25-4.65 4.50-4.75 4.75-5.00 4.65 $ c. $ c. 4.50-4.60 4.20-5. 10 4.65-4.85 4.90-5 35 5.50-5.80 5.40-5.80 5.60-5.75 4.75-5.00 4.50-4.75 4.60-4.80 4.50-4.80 4.40 4.75 $ c. $ c, 5.00-5.35 5.15-5.65 5.20-5.35 5,25-5.60 6.40-6.12^ 5.65-6.40 5.75-6.25 5.75-6.15 5.25-5.75 5.75 5.50-6.40 5.35-5.70 $ c. $ c. 5.35-5.70 5.50-5.80 5.50-5 80 5.50-5.80 6.00-6.25 6.50-7.50 6 75-7.10 6.25-6.85 6.25-^.65 6.25-6.40 6.00-6.25 5.85 $ c. $ c. 5 75-6 00 February March April May 4.75-5.25 5.80-5.90 5.60-6.00 5 60-5 80 June 5 75-6 10 July August September October November December .• Average 4-518 4-854 4-952 5-644 6 154 5-691 Winnipeg. Cattle, western, prime, oflf cars ; pric«i per cwi. on first market day of each month ; quotationb from the Manitoba Free Press and the Winnipeg Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. *1911. January, $ cts. 3.25 3.75 4.00 4 25 4.25 4.50 4.25 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.75 3.50 $ cts. 3 75 3.75 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 4.75 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.75 $ cts. 3.25 3.75 4.50 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 $ cts. 3 50 3.50 3 50 3.75 5.00 5.50 4.75 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.75 4.00-4.25 $ c. $ c. 3.50-4.00 4.75-5.00 4.50-1.75 5.00-5.50 5.75-6.00 5.50-6.50 4.50-6.50 5.75 4.50-4.75 4.50-4.75 4.50-4.75 4.50-4.75 $ c. § c. 4 25-4 50 4 25-4 50 March 5.75-6.00 5 25-6 25 May June 5.25 6.60 6.00-6 75 July August September October November December Average . .... 3-83 4-416 4-06 4135 4-96 5396 *1911 quotations from the Canadian Farm. 80 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Steers, choice export off cars ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. * 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. $ c. S c. $ c. $ c. ^ c. $ c. 3.121-3.25 3.65 -3.75 4.00 -4.50 4.00 4.75-5.00 5.00 -5.25 4.75 -5.00 4.00 3.75 -4.00 3.50 -3.75 3.50 -3.75 3.00 $ c. $ c. 3.50-4.75 $ c. $ c. 4.00-4.25 $ c. $ c. February March.. 3.00-3.75 3.75-4.00 3.50-4.25 3.50-4.25 3.00-4.50 4.00-4.75 3.55-3.75 3.50 3.00-3.25 3.50-3.75 3.50-3.75 April 5.00 5.00 5.50 4.50-5.00 4.50 4 00 4.00 4.00 4.00-4.15 May June. 5. 75-6'. 00 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.00 4.50-4.75 4.50-4.75 4.50-4.75 4.00-4.50 July 6.00 4.15-4.25 4.00 3.75-4.00 2.25-3.50 3.50-3.75 August October November Average. . 3.70 3.91 4.08 4.45 4.96 Steers and heifers ; good butchers, price per cwt. on the first market day of each month; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. i 1911. January $ c. 1 c. 2.50-3.25 2.75-3.50 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.25-3.75 3.25-4.00 3.25-4.25 2.50-3.25 2.50-3.25 3.00-3.25 2.50-2.75 2.50-2.75 $ c. $ c. 2.50-3.25 2.50-3.25 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.25 3 50-4.50 4.05-5.25 3.75-4.00 3 75-3.90 3.00-3.25 2.50-2.75 2.50-2.65 $ c. $ c. 2.65-2,75 3.10-3.25 3.00-3.50 4.00 4.50-4.75 4.75 $ c. $ c. 2.75-3.25 3.25-3.75 3.00 3.00 3.50-4.75 4.50-5.25 5.00 3.00-4.00 3.00-3.50 3.00-3.50 3.00-3.50 3.25-3.50 $c.$ c. 3.00-3.75 4.75-5.00 4.50-4.75 5.00-5.50 5.50-6.00 5.50-6.50 4.50-6.50 $ c. $ c. 4.75 February March 5.00-5.25 5.25-5.50 April May June. . 5.75-6.25 5.75-6.00 5 75-6 50 July August September 3.75-4 00 3.75-4.25 3.50-4.00 October November December Average 3.21 3.47 375 3.58 4.70 5 61 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 81 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b New York. Steers, good to choice, native ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . $ c. $c. 4.90-5.50 5.10-5.75 5.20-5.90 5.25-5.90 5.10-5.80 5.10 5.75 5.25-5.95 5.15-5.90 5.25-6.00 5.00-6 00 5.20-6.00 5.20-6.00 § c. $e. 5.35-6.25 5.25-6.20 5.20-G.30 5.25-6.25 5.25-6.25 5.35-6.25 5.75-6.80 5.50-6.60 5.65-6.80 5.35-6.05 4.85-6.25 4.65 6.00 5-806 $ c. $ c. 4.85-5.75 5.00-5.80 5.10 5.85 6.25-7.10 6.2.V7.00 6.25-7.10 6.25-7.60 6.00-7.25 5.50-6.80 5.10 6.30 5.35-6.60 5.50-6.85 $ c. $ c. 5.87-7.00 5.75-6.90 6.00-6.65 6.00-6.70 6.00-6.70 6.25-7.25 6.25-7.25 6.00-6.90 5.85-7.30 5.85-6.95 5.65 7.25 6.25-7.50 $ c. $ 0. 6.25-7.50 5.60-6.75 6.45-7.50 7.25-8.25 7.25-8.15 7.25-8.10 7.10-8.25 6.10-7.25 6.10-7.35 6.00-7.15 5.75-6.85 5.75 €.70 $ c. $ c. 5.90-6.75 5.85-6.fK) 6.10-6.60 15 6 80 February March April May 5 65 6 20 June 5.90-6.50 July August Septem ber October November December A verage 5-506 6-141 6-503 6-944 6 25 Buffalo. Steers, prime ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the BufiFalo Commercial. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November.. .. December Average, 1906. i^ c. $ c. 5.50-5.75 5.35-5.65 5.40-5.50 5 60-5 75 5.40-5.85 5.50-5.75 5.50-5.85 5.50-5.85 5.60 6.15 5.75-6.25 5.60-6.00 5.75-6.25 5-710 1907. $ c. $ c. 5.75-6.00 5.85-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.90-6.10 5.75-6.00 5.80-6.00 6.25-6.50 6.50-7.00 6.50-6.75 6 25-6.50 6.00-6.35 5.60-5.85 6-123 1908. $ c. $ c. 5.25-5.60 6.60-6.00 5.60-6.90 6 75-7.00 6.75-7.10 7.00-7.15 7.25-7.85 6.50-6.75 6 tO-6.50 6.00-6.25 6.30-6.50 6.50-6.75 6-494 1909. $ c. $ c. 6.50-7.00 6. 006.50 6.15-6.40 6.40-6.45 5.6-56.75 6 75-7.00 7.00-7.25 6.50-6.65 6.50-6.90 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.25 6-700 1910. ^ c. $ c. 6.00 7.00 6.25-6.50 7.00 7.25 8.00-8 50 7.75-8.15 8.00-8.25 7.75-8.00 7.50-7.65 7.25-7.50 7.50-7.75 7.00-7.25 6.50-6.75 7-377 1911. $ c. $ c. 6.50-6.75 6.50-6.75 6.50-6.60 6.60-6.75 6.15-6.25 6.30-6.45 6.508 I' 366—0 82 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Steers, butcher (1,050 to 1,150 lbs.) : price per cwc, on first paarket day of each month ; quotations from the BuflFalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February ... March $ c. $ c. 4.50-5.35 4.75-5.25 4.75-5.25 4.75-5.25 4.50-5 25 4.60-5.25 4.50-5.25 5.00-5.25 4.90-5.25 4.75-5.25 4.75-5.30 4.25-4.75 $0. $ c. 4.35-5.40 4.25-5.2) 4.35-5.35 4.50-5.40 4.85 5.40 5 35-5.65 4.50-5.75 4.50-5.75 4.50-5.65 4.50-5.75 4.25-5.25 4.25-5.25 $ c. $ c. 4.15-5.10 4.5f»-5.35 4.50-5.40 5.25-6.50 5.25-6.65 5.25-C.75 5.00-6.50 4.50-4.75 4.50-5.50 4.00-4.25 4.30-5.50 5.00-5.50 $ c. $ c. 5.00-6.00 4.75-5.85 5.00-5.90 5 00-6.00 5.50-6.25 5.40-6.75 5.30-6.75 5.25-6.35 5.75-6.25 6.50-6.50 5.75-6.50 6.0O-6.50 $ c. $ c. 6.00-6.50 5.65-5.75 5.75-6.50 6.00-7.00 6.75-7.75 6.75-7.65 6.25-7.00 6.25-7.25 5.50-6.80 5.75-6.85 5.25-6.25 5.25-6.25 $c. $ c. 5.25-6.00 6.15-6.75 6.10-6.60 April 5.80-6.50 A^v 5.50-6.00 5.60-6.35 July August September October November Average 4.944 5.006 5.210 5.825 6.362 6.050 Chicago. Steers : good to prime fat, 1,300-1.700 lbs. ; price per cwt., in first week of each month the Breeders Gazette. quotations from Month, 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. January February . March , $c. $c. 6. 15-6. .35 * 6.15-6.50 6.15-6.50 6.00-^ 30 6.00-6.25 5.85-6.00 6.00-6.10 6.10-6.40 6.40-6.85 6.60-7.00 6.90-7.25 7.00-7.40 6.40-6.70 t 6.75-7.25 6.50-6.85 6.35-6.65 6.15-6.50 6.40-6.75 6.70-7.15 7.25-7.60 7.00-7.35 7.00-7.25 6.85-7.25 6.00-6.35 $c. $c. 6.00-6.25 + 6.00-6.25 5.90-6.00 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.25 7.15-7.40 8.00-8.40 7.25-7175 7.40-7.80 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.25-8.00 $ c. $ c. 7.00-7.75 : 6 75-7.15 6.75-7.15 6.75-7.15 6.75-7.15 6.50-6.75 6.85-7.25 7.20-7.45 7.40-8.00 8.00-8.50 8.00-9.10 8.25-9 50 $c. $c. 7.50-8.00 + 7.00-7.75 7.50-8.10 8.20-8.65 8.00-8.30 8.00-8.60 8.15-8.75 7.85-8 20 8.00-8.50 7.25-7.95 7.00-7.75 6.40-7.00 $c. $ c. 6.75-7 10** 6.60-6.85- 6 50-6 90 April 6 50-6 90 May 6 20-6 50 June July 6.20-6.50 August September October November December Average 6.422 6.792 7.106 7.462 7.842 6.617 *Prime, 1,850-1,600 lbs. fPrime, 1,300-1,600 lbs. ^Choice, 1,350-1,600 lbs. **Prime, 1,450-1,700 lbs. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES^ 1906-1911 83 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Steers, good to prime fat, 1,250 — 1,450 lbs.; prices per cwt. in first week of each month; quotations from the Breeden' Gazette, Months . January . . February . , March April May June July August September . October . . . November. , December . jg Average 1906. $ c. $ c. *5. 75-6. 00 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.60-5.85 5.6&-5.90 5.50-5-80 5.70-6.00 5.85-6.00 5.80-6.25 6.10-6.50 6.25-6.40 6.00-6.50- 5-954 1907. $ c. 8 c. t5. 90-6. 25 6.40-6.65 5.85-6.25 5.75-6.25 5.65-5.90 5.90-6.10 6.00-6.35 6.60-6.80 6.50-6.75 6.70-7.00 6.25-6.70 5.75-6.00 6 260 1908. $ c. $ c. :5. 50-5. 75 5.60-5.80 5.40-5.60 6.50-6.90 6.60-6.90 6.75-7.10 7.00-7.75 6.50-7.15 6.75-7.35 6.40-6.90 6.50-6.90 6.50-7.15 6-552 1909. $ c. $ c. t6. 40-6. 90 6.25-6.65 6.30-6.65 6.25-6.65 6.25-6.75 6.25-6.50 6.50-6.80 6.75-7.15 6.35-7.35 7.25-8.00 7.00-7.90 7.00-8.00 6-827 1910. $ c. $ c. 1^6.50-7.25 6.00-6.75 6.75-7.40 7.60-8.15 7.60-7.85 7.60-8.00 7.40-8.00 7.00-7.80 7.50-7.90 6.85-7.25 7.00-7.60 6.50-7.15 1911. $0. % c. 6.75-7.10 6.60-7.00 6.50-7.85 6.60-6.90 6.20-6.50 6.20-6.35 6 629 * Choice fat, 1,250-1,500 lbs . f Choice, 1,300-1,500 lbs. I Good, 1,250-1,400 lbs. Monthly top prices (per 100 lbs.) for native l>eef cattle at Chicago for five years, as compiled by the Chicago Farmers and Drovers Journal. Months . January . February . March April May June July August . . September October. . . Novembf r December . Top. 1906. $ cts. 6.50 6.40 6.35 6.35 6.20 t6.10 6.5(' 6.85 6.95 7.30 7 40 *7.90 1907. 7.90 8 cts. 7.30 7. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. .25 ,90 .75 .50 .10 .50 *7.60 7.35 7-45 7.25 t6.35 7.60 1908. $ cts. 6.40 t6.25 7.50 7.40 7.40 *8.40 8 25 7.90 7.85 7.65 8.00 8.00 1909. $ cts. 7.50 t7.15 7.40 t7.15 7.30 7.50 7.65 8.00 8.50 9.10 9.25 *9.50 1910. $ cts. 8.40 8.10 *8.85 8.65 8.75 *8.85 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.00 7.75 •t7.55 8.40 9.50 8.85 * Highest months, f Lowest months. International "show" cattle sold in the auction ring not included in above prices. : Yearly average prices of all native beef cattle sold at Chicago during the past five years, as compiled by the Chicago Farmers and Drovers Journal Year. 1,500 to 1900 lbs. 1350 to J, 500 lbs. 1,200 to 1.S50 lbs. l,a'50 to 1,200 lbs. 900 t.) 1,050 lbs. 900 to 1.9(K) lbs. 1906 % cts. 6.20 6.50 6.95 7.30 7.70 $ cts. 5.85 6.20 6.60 6.90 7.35 $ cts. 5.30 5.80 6.00 6.30 6.95 $ cts. 5.05 5.40 5.55 5.90 6.40 Sets. 4.55 4.55 5.25 5.40 5.90 $Ct8. 5.30 ^ 1907 1908 1909 5.80 6 10 6.35 1910 6.80 366— 6i 84 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Omaha. Cattle, native beeves ; monthly low and high prioes ; quotations from the Year Book of the United States Department of Agriculture. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ... . ... $ cts. S cts. 3.10-5.50 3.00^5.60 3.60-5.60 3.35-5.50 3.50-5.65 3.35-5.70 3.10-6.25 3.05-6.25 2.90-6.40 3.75-6.35 3.25-6.40 3.00-6.85 $ cts. $ cts. 3.10-6.10 3.20-5.85 3.25-5.80 3.80-5.85 3.75-6.10 4.25-6.75 3-25-7.10 3.35-7.30 5.25-7.10 4.2a-7.05 3.50-6.40 3.15-5.70 $ cts. $ cts. 3.75-5.75 2.25-5 55 3.10-7.00 3.00-7.00 3.00-7.05 3.00-8.05 3.50-8.10 2.75-7.00 3.25-7.50 3.30-7.25 3.00-7.25 2.50-6.80 S cts. $ cts. 4.00-7.25 4.00-6.25 4.00-6.95 4.50-6.75 4.75-7.00 5.00-7.00 5.25-7.25 4.50-7.50 4.75-8.00 4.50-8.00 3.75-8.25 3-75-8.25 $ cts. $ cts. 3.75-7.50 3.75-7.40 4.75-8.25 5. .50-8. 00 5.50-8.15 5.00-8.25 4.75-8.25 4.75-8.00 4.50-8.00 4.25-7.50 3.75-7.25 3.75-6.75 $ cts. $ cts. February April May June July August September October November December Lowest and highest . . . 2.90^6.85 3.10-7.30 2.25-8.10 3.75-8.25 3.75-8 25 (h) CALVES. Toronto. Veal calves, low to high ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from th( Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911.^ January. . . February. . March April May June July August. . . September October . . . November . December. Average. c. $ c. 3.50-7.00 3.50-7.00 3.5C-7.00 3.00-6.50 3.50-6.00 4.00-6.00 3.50-6.50 3.00-7.25 3.50-6.00 2.60-6.50 4.00-6.00 $4.97 $ c. $ c. 4.50-6.50 3.50-7.00 3.00-7.25 3.50-7.00 3.00-6.00 4.00-6.50 5.50-6.50 3.00-6.50 4.00-6. ,50 4.50-6.50 2.50-6.50 4.00-6.50 $ c. $ c. 3.50-6.00 4.00-6.50 4.00-7.00 4.00-7.00 3.00-5.00 3.00-5.50 3.00-5.75 3.00-6.50 3.00-6.50 3.00-6.50 3.00-6.50 $ c. $ c. 3.00-6.75 3.00-6.50 3.00-7,00 3.00-7.00 3.00-5.50 3.00-5.50 3.00-6.00 3.00-5.50 3.00-7.00 3.00-6.50 3.00-5.75 3.00-6.25 $ c. $ c. 3.00- 7.00 3.00- 7.50 3.00- 7.50 8.00-10.00 3.00- 6.75 3.00- 6.50 3.0O- 7.00 3 00- 7.75 3.50- 7.50 3.50- 7.50 3.50- 7.50 3.50- 8 00 c. $ c. $5.18 $4.74 $4.63 $5.56 Basis of quotations changed. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 85 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg* Veal calves ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. f Month. 190C. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 3.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 4.00-4.50 5.00 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.00 4.00-4.50 4.00 $c. $c. $ c. $ c. 3.50-3.75 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.(10 4.00-4.50 4.50-5.00 5.50-6.00 5.0O-(5.00 4.00-5.00 3.50-5.00 3 25-5.00 $ c. § c. 4.50-5 00 February March 3.50-5.00 4.00-5.00 5.00 3.00-5.00 5.00-5.00 3.00-4.50 4.25-4.75 4.00 4.00 4.50-5 00 4.50-5.00 April . 5.00-5 50 May 5.00-5.60 5.00-5.50 July "i'.ob^i'.ho 3 75-4.00 3.50-4.00 September October 3.0ID-4.00 3.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 December . 4.50-5.00 4-27 3-50 412 3-96 4-45 5'00 New York.. Veal calves, prime ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from The National Provisioner, Month. I January February March April May June July..... August September . . . . October . . . . . November December Average 1906. $ c. $ c. i,. 50-9. 75 9.25-9.50 9.25-9.50 7.75-8.00 6.50-6.75 6.75 6.25-6.50 7.25-7.50 8.25-8.50 8.75-9.00 8.75-9.00 8.50-9.00 8 163 1907. I c. $ c. 9.25-6.50 9.50-9.75 9.25-9.50 8.75-9.25 7.00-7 25 8.50 8.00-8.25 8.50-8.75 9.25-9.50 9.50-9.75 9.25 9.25-9.75 8-966 1908. $ c. $ c. 9.25- 9.50 9.25 9.25- 9.50 8.50 6.25- 6.50 7.25- 7.50 6.25- 6.50 8 00- 8.25 9.00 9.50- 9.75 8.75- 9.00 10.00-10.25 8-476 1909. $ c. $ c. 10.00-10.50 9.50- 9.75 11.00-11.50 9.50- 9.75 7.50- 7.75 8.75- 9.00 8.00- 8.25 8.75- 9.00 9.50-10.00 10.00-10.25 9.00 10.00-10.25 8-457 1910. $ c. $ c. 11.00-11.50 10.25-10.50 10.50-11.00 10.50-10.75 8.25- 8.50 9.25- 9.50 8.75- 9.00 9.25- 9.50 10.75-11.00 10.75-11.00 7.00-10.75 6.50-10.50 9-844 1911. $ c. $ c. 8.50-10.75 7.00-11.00 8.00-10.50 6.00- 8.25 7.0O- 7.50 7.00- 7.50 8-25 86 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Veal calves, fair to good ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from The Natoinal Provisioner. Month. January February March . April May June July August September October Isl^ovember December Average 1906. $ c. S c. 8 00-9.25 8.00-9.00 7.85-9.00 6.25-7.50 5.50-6.25 6.0(M>.50 5.00-6.00 6.25-7.00 7.00-8.00 7.50-8.50 7.50-8.50 7.25-8.75 7-348 1907. $ c. $ c. 8.00-9.00 8.25-9.25 7.50-9.00 8.00-8 50 6.25-6.75 7.75-8.25 6.75-7.75 7.2.-;-8 25 8.00-9.00 7.75-9.25 7.75-9.00 8.00-9.00 8094 1908. $ c. $ c. 8.00-9.00 7.75-9.00 7.25-9.00 7.25-8.25 5.00-6.00 6.25-7.00 5.25-6.00 6.75-7.75 8.00-8.75 8.25-9.25 7.50-8.50 8.75-9.75 7-677 1909. $ c. $ c. 8.75- 9.75 8.25- 9.25 9.00-10.50 7.75- 9.25 6.50- 7.25 7.25- 8.50 6.75- 7.75 7.50- 8.50 8.25- 9.25 8.25- 9.75 7.75- 8.75 8.75- 9.75 8-4£8 1910. $ c. $ c. 9.50-10.50 8.00-10.00 9.00-10.25 9.25-10.25 7.25- 8.00 8.00- 9.00 7.50- 8.00 8.25- 9.00 9.50-10.50 9.50-10.50 9 0870 1911 $ c. $ c. No quotations. Buffalo. Calves, veaj, choice; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Coviviercial. Month. January February March April May June July August September .... October November December Average. 1906. $ c. $ c. 9.25-9.50 9.25-9.50 9.00-9.50 7.00-7.50 6.50-6.75 6.75-7.00 5.75-6.00 6.75-7.00 8.25-8.50 8.75-9.00 8.75-9.00 8.25-8.50 8-00 1907. $ c. $ c. 9.25-9.50 9.50-9.75 9.25-9.50 8.25-8.50 7.00-7.25 8.00-K.25 8.00-8.50 8.2.5-8.50 8.75-9.00 9.00-9.25 8.75-9.00 9.25-9.50 8-74 1908. $ c. $ c. 9.25- 9.50 8.25- 8.50 8.75- 9.00 7.75- 8.80 6.75- 7.00 6.25- 6.75 6.25- 6.50 7.75- 8.00 8.75- 9.00 9.25- 9.50 8.50- 8.75 9.75-10.00 8-24 1909. $ c. $ c. 9.25- 9.50 9.50- 9.75 11.00-11.50 10.00-10.50 7.25- 7.50 7.75- 8.00 7.25- 7.75 7.25- 8. 00 9.00- 9.50 9.50-10.00 8.75- 9.00 9.75-10.00 905 1910. $ c. $ c. 10.50-11.00 10.25-10.50 10.. 50-10. 75 10.25-10.50 8.50- 8.75 8.50- 8.75 8:25- 8.50 8.75- 9.00 10.00-10.50 10.50-10.75 10.25-10.50 10.50-10.75 9-88 1911. $ c. $ c. 10.25-10 10.50-10 10.25-10 8 00- 8 6.25- 6 7.75- 8 8-96 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Chicago. Veal calves, good to choice, price per cwt. in first week of each month, quotations from the Breeders^ Gazette. 87 Month. 1906. 1907. 190». 1909. 1910 1911. January February March . . April May June July $ 0. $ c. 7.O>-7.50 7.50-8.00 7.25-7.75 6.25-6.75 5.25-5.75 6.50-7.25 6.25-6.50 6.50-7.00 7.25-7.50 7.50-8.00 7.00-7 50 7.00-7.50 $ c. $c. 7.75-8.50 7.50-8.25 7.00-7 50 6.00-6.75 5.25-5.75 6.75-7.35 6.50-7.25 6. 50-7. 50 7.0O-7.75 7.50-8.25 7.00-7.50 6.00-7.00 $ c. $ c. 6.00-7.00 6.50-7.25 6.50-7.25 5.50-6.65 5.25-6.00 5.50-6.25 6.00-6.50 6.75-7.50 7.25-8.00 7.75-8.25 7.50-7.85 6.50-7.25 $ c. $ c. 8.75-9.50 7.25-8.50 7.25-8.75 7.00-7.75 6.25-7.40 7.00-7.75 7.25-7.75 8.00-8.50 8.75-9.25 8.75-9 25 7.75-8.25 8.00-8.75 « c. $ c. 8.75- 9.50 8.50- 9.00 9.00-10.00 8.00- 8.75 7.65- 8.25 8.00- 8.50 8.00- 8.50 8.00-8.35 9.00- 9.35 9.50-10.00 9. 50-10. 25 8.50- 9.00 $0. $ 0. 8.50-9.25 8.25-8.75 8.00-8.75 6.50-6.85 5.50-6.00 August September October November December Average 7 010 7-087 6-781 8-056 8-827 7*630 T'eal calves, fair to good ; prices in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders^ Gazette . Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. January $ c. $ c. 5.50-6.75 6.00-7.00 5.50-6 00 5.50-6.00 4.75-5.25 6.00-6.50 5.50-6.00 6.00-6.40 6. 50-7. 00 6.50-7.50 6.00-6.75 5.50-6 50 $ c. $c. 6.80-7.35 6.50-7.25 6.00-6.75 5.00-6.00 4.75-5.25 5.50-6.40 5.75-6.40 5. 50 6.50 6.00-7.00 6.50-7.25 6.00-6.75 5.00-6.00 $ c. $ c. 5.00 6.00 5.00-6.00 5.00-6.00 4.50-5.50 4.75-5.00 4.75-5 00 5.00-5.75 5.75-6.50 5.75-6.75 6.00-7.50 6.00-7.25 6.00-6.50 $c. $ c. 7.50-8.50 6.50-7.25 6.50-7.25 6.25-6.90 5.00-6 25 5.00-6.75 6.25-7.00 7.0O-8.00 7.25-8.25 7.50-8.25 7.00-7.75 7.00-8.00 $ c. $ c. 8.00-8.75 7.50-8.50 8.00-9.00 7.50-8.00 7.00-7.50 7.50-8.00 7.00-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.50 9.00-9. r>o 8.75-9.50 8.00-8.50 $ c. $ c. 7 75-8 50 February March April .... 7.50-8.25 7.50-8.00 6 00-6 50 May 6 00-5.40 June July 7.25-7.50 August •, September . . .* October November December Average $6.12 $6.19 $5.72 $7.04 $8.13 $7 10 88 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 (c) SHEEP AND LAMBS. Montreal. Sheep ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from The Canadian Journal of Commerce . Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ c. $c. "4;5o 4.50 $ c. $ c. 3.50-4.00 3.25 5,25* 4.00-4.50 4.50-5.00 5.75-6.00 6.00 4.50-4.62^ 4.00 4.00-4.50 4.00-4.25 4.40-4,50 3.50-4.00 S c. $ c. 4.00 4.00-4.25 4.25-4.50 5.00 5.50 4.50-5.00 4.00-4.25 3.50 4.00 3.25-3.75 3.35-3.50 3.75-4.00 $ c. S c. 4.25-4.50 3 75-4.00 4.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.50-6.00 3.75 3.75 3.50-4.00 3.50 3.50-3.75 3.50-3.75 $ c. $ c. 4.25-4.50 4.50 4.50-5.00 5. 50-6. CO 4.75-6.00 5.00-5.50 4.75-5.60 3.50-3.75 3.75-4.00 $ c. $ c. '"4. 50^4! 75' 4.50-5.00 April 5.00-5.25 May Tune 4.00-4.50 July Auerust 3.50-4.50 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.50 3.50-4.25 October . . ... November December 3.75-4.00 4.25-4.50 Average 4.018 4.410 4.124 4.325 4,636 4.833 Sheep and lambs. Lambs ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from The Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ e. $ c. ,1 c. 6.00-6.25 $ c. $ c. 6.00 6.25-6.50 6.50-6.75 7.00-7.25 f. 00-7. 25* 5.50-6.00 4.75-5.00* 4.25* 5.50-6.00 4.50-5.00 4.75-5.00 6.00 $ c. $ c. 5.75-6.00 6.00-6.25 6.50 6.25-6 .50 6.50-7.00 $ c. $ c. 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 7.00-7.50 "i.ho's.oi)' 6.00 4.50-6.00 $c. $ c. February 6.00 6.00 6 00-6.25 March 6 25 6 50 April 6.50-7.00* 6 50 May June. . . . . . July August : . 6.75 6.00 5.25-5.50 5.50-6.00 5.75-6.00 September • October 5.50-5.75 6.50-5.75 6.00-6.00 5.00-5.75 6.00-6.50 5.25-5.50 6.00-6.25 5.75 5.50-6.00 November 6.i6 6.25-6.35 December Average 5.625 6.091 5.798 6.088 6.509 C 300 Yearling. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 89 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Sheep, export ewes ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Olobe. Month. 3906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May $ c. $c. 4.25-4.40 4.50-5.00 4.75-5.25 5.25-5.75 4.75-5.25 4.00-4.50 4.25-4.40 4.25^.50 4.40-4.60 4.25-4.50 4.50-4.90 4.50-4.85 $ c. $c. 4.50-4.75 4.50-5.25 4.75-5.25 4:75-5.25 5.50-6.00 5.50 4.50-5.00 4.25-4.50 4.40 4.40 4. 004. 40 4.00 $ c. $ c. 3.75-4.25 4.50 4.50-5.00 4.75-5.25 4.50-5.25 4.50-5.00 3.75-4.15 3. 75-4. 10 3.50-4.25 3.50 3.50 3.25-3.75 $ 0. $ c. 3.25-3.60 3.75-4.25 4.00-4.50 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.25 4.25-4.75 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.50-3.90 3.50-3.90 3.50-4.00 S c. $c. 4.254.65 4.25-5.00 4.50-5.25 5.00-6.00 5.50-6.50 4.00-5.00 4.00-5.00 4.00-4.40 4.25^.75 4.35-4.50 4.50-4.85 4.50-4.85 4.50-4.65 4.00-4.50 4.25-4.75 4.50-5.25 4.75-5 25 3.50-4 50 July October . ... November December 4.63. 1.71 4.22 4.02 4.74 4.54 Sheejj, bucks ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. $ c. $ c. 1909. $c. $ c. 1910 $ c. $ c. 3.00-3.50 3.50-4.00 4.00-4.50 5.00-5.50 4.25-5.25 4.00-5.00 3.50-4.00 3.00-3 25 3.0O-3.50 2.50-3.75 3.00-3.50 3.00-3.50 1911. January .. $c. $c. $ c. $ c. 4.00 3.50-4.00 $ c. $c. 3.00-3.50 February IVJirch 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.25 4.00-4.50 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.50 . 3.50-3.75 3.25-3.75 3.00-3 50 3 00-3 50 3 00-4 00 April May.... 4.00-4.25 5.00-5.50 4. 004.50 3.50-4.25 3.50-3.75 4.00-4.50 3 00-4 60 3.50-4.25 Julv 2.50-3.00 2.50-2.75 2.00-2.50 2.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 September October 3.00-3.50 3.00-3.50 November T^pppnibpr 3.00-3.50 3.66 3.93 2.52 3.79 3.56 90 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Lambs, yearling ; price per cwt. on first market day ot each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Mouth. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. .Tsinnarv $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ 0. $ c. % G. $ C. $ c. $ c . $ c. % c. March 7.25 6.00-7.75 7.50-8.00 6.00-7.00 5.00 7.50-8.00 6.00-7.50 7.00-8.00 April May 6.66^7.50 6.75-7.25 7.25-7.75 7.25-8.00 8.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 7.25-7.75 7.00-7.25 5.50-6.50 July August 5.00-5.50 October November Average 6-875 6-667 7000 7-563 7-906 5.50-6.50 Winnipeg. Sheep ; price per cwt. on fi market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March ... . April May June July August. September. . . October November . . . December Average 1906. % 0. $ c. 5.50 5 75 6.'75-6.00 6.50 6,00-7.00 6.00-7.00 6.00-7.00 6.00 6 00 5 00 4.50-5.50 4.50-5.50 5.86 1907. $ c. $ c. 4.50-5.50 5.00-6.00 5.00-6.00 5.00-6.00 5.00-6.00 6.50 7.00 6.75 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 5.75 5.25-5.50 5.25 5.50 5.75 1908. $ c. $ c. 5.50-5.00 4.50-5 00 4.50-5.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 5.75 5.25 5.25 4.75-5.50 5.25 1909. $ c. $ c. 5.00-5.50 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00-6.50 6 50-7.00 6.00 5.75-6.00 5.00-5.50 5.2.5-5.50 5.00-5.25 5.00 5.67 1910. % c. % c. 5.00-5.50 5.00 5.00-5.50 6.00-6.25 6.50-7.00 5.50-6.75 6.00-6.50 5.00-5.50 5.50-5.75 5.00-5.50 4.50-5.00 5.58 1911. $ c. $ c. 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.00 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1006-1911 91 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Lambs ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ 0. $c. 5.50 5.75 5.75-6.00 $ c. $ c. 5.50-6.00 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.50 8.00 8.00-8.50 7.00-7.50 7.00 6.50 6.50-6.75 6.50-6.75 $ C. $ 0. 6.00-6.50 6.00 6.50 6.00-6.50 $ C. $0. 5.75-6.00 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.25 5.00 6.00-6.50 6.25-6.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 '6.0O-656' 6.50-7.00 6.50-7.08 $c. S c. 5.00-G 00 5.00-6.00 5 00-6.00 April 5 50-6 00 May 5 50-6 00 5.50-6 00 July Aufifust . 7.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 October 5.50-6.00 5.50-6.00 '"5!75^.66" December 5. 00-6. 00 5.75 6.69 6.16 6.22 6.42 5.62 New York. Sheep, common to prime ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. lyia 1911. January February March $ cts. $ cts. 5.00-6.25 5.25-5.75 5.00-6.00 5.25-5.75 3.50-5.25 3.50-6.50 3.25-5.06 4.75-5.25 5.00-5.50 3.50-4.7^ 5.00-5.50 4.75-5.25 $■ cts. $ cts. 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.60-6.00 3.50-5.25 6.00-6.50 4.62-5.00 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 4.75^.25 4.50-5.00 $ cts. $ cts. 4.50-5.50 4.75-5.25 5.00-5.50 6.25-7.00 3.25-5.50 3.00-5.00 2.50-4.20 3.00-4.50 4.0O-4.50 3.75-4.25 3.50-4.00 4.00-4.50 $ cts. S cts. 4.00-4.60 4.50-5.00 5.00-5.50 4.00-5.40 4.00-5.60 3.75-5.75 3.00-5.00 3.00-5.25 2 50-4 50 2.50^.75 2.50-4.50 3.0O-4.75 $ cts. $ cts. 4.00-5.50 4.00-5.75 7.50-8.00 5.00-7.50 5.00-7.25 3.50-5.50 3.00-4.75 4.25-4.50 5.25-4.75 4.25-4.50 4.25-4.60 4.50-5.00 $ cts. $ cts. 4.00 4.50 4.50-5.00 April 6 00-6.50 May June 4.00-4.25 3.50-4.50 July October November J)ecem*'»er. Average 5021 5028 4-467 5-267 5-046 4-670 92 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Lambs, good to choice ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1{)06. $ cts. $ cts. 9.50-9.75 7.60-8.00 7.35-7.75 6.60-6.90 5.25-6.00 7.00-9.00 6.50-8.65 7.50-8.25 8.25-9.00 7.50-8.00 7.25-7.75 7.25-7.75 1907. 1908. 1909. ^ 1910. 1911. January February March.". April $ cts, $ cts. 8.00-8.40 7.25-7.85 7.50-8.00 8.25-8.85 6.00-6.75 6.50-7.75 7.60-8.00 7.00-8.00 7.60-8.25 7.25-8.00 6.50-7.00 6.40-6.90 $ cts. $ cts. 7.25-8.00 7.10-7.60 7.10-7.75 8.00-8.70 5.25-7.25 6.00-8.00 4.50-6.65 4.50-6.90 5.75-6.45 6.00-6.50 5.90-6 50 7.25-7.35 $ cts. $ cts. 7.50 8.00 7.60-8.00 7.50-8.00 6.75-7.75 6.00-7.50 8.00-9.50 7.00-9.25* 6.00-8.50 5.25-8.00 5.00-7.25 5.50-7.10 6.50-7.75 $ cts. $ cts. 7.50-9.00 7.7&-9.00 8.75-9.90 8.00-9.25 7.00-9.00 8.00-10.00 6. 50-8.. 50 7.50-7.75 7.75-8.00 7.00-7.25 6.50-6.65 6.35-6.60 $ cts. $ cts. 5.00-7.00 5.60-6.10 5.50-4.60 8.0O-10.00 5.25-5.80 June 6.75-7.50 July A.u8rust September October . ... December. 7-681 7-483 6-760 7-294 7-896 6 -575 ^Remaining quotations for ' common to prime.' Buffalo. Sheep, wethers ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Comrturcial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ cts. $ cts. 5.75-6.00 5.85-6.00 6.00-6.20 6.00-6.35 6 00-6.50 5.75-6.751 6.75-6.001 5.50-5.75 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.50-6.00 5.50-6.00 $ cts. $ cts. 5.4G-5.75 5.50-5.75 5.50-6.00 6.25-6.75 6.50-7.00 6.25-6.751 5.50 5.751 5.50-6.00 5.50-5.75 5.50-6.00 5.50-5.75 5.25-5.40 $ cts. $ cts. 4 75-5.50 5.50-5 85 5.50-6.00 7.00-7.50 5.75-5.85 4.75-5.001 4.35-4.501 4.25-4.50 4.75-5.00 3.75-4.00 4 CO-4.25 5.00-5.25 $ cts. $ cts. 4.50-4.85 5.00-5.50 6.75-6.25 6.25-6.75 6.25-6.65 6.35-6.50 4.75-5.001. 5.00-5.25 4.85-5.00 5.00-5.15 4.75-4.85 5.00-5.25 $ cts. $ cts. 5.50-6.00 6.00-6.50 7.00-7.65 8.25-8.50 8.25-8.50 5.00-5.25' 4.75-5.001 5.00-5.40 4.75-5.00 4.60-4.75 4.50-4.75 4.00-4.50 $ cts. $ cts. 5.00-5.25 4.00-4.35 March April May June July 4.50-4.75 5.25-5.40 4.00-4.25 4.25-4.501 August September October November December. . Average. . . .* , . . . 5-944 5-867 5106 5-477 5-868 4 -625 iClipped. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Sheep, ewe3 ; prices on tirst market day of each month ; quotations from the Buflfalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $0. $ 0. 5.25-5.50 5.50-5.65 5.50-5.65 5.50-5.75 5.50-5.75 5.25-5.50 4. 75-5. 00 4.75-5.00 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.25 5.25-5.75 5.50-5.65 $C. $0. 5.00-5.25 5.00-4.25 4.90-5.25 5.50-6.00 6.00-6.25 5.25-6.00 4.50-4.75 4.75-5.25 4.75-5.00 4.75-5.25 5.25-5.50 5.00-5.25 $0. $c. 4.25-4.75 5.25-5.50 5.25-5 50 5.25-6.75 5.00-5.25 4.00-4.25 3.75-4.00 3.75-4.00 4.25-4.50 3.50-3.75 3.75-4.00 4.50-4.75 $ C. $0. 4.25-4.50 4.50-5.00 5.25-5.75 5.85-6.35 5.75-6.25 5.50-6.00 4.00-5.25 4.00-4.50 4.25-5.50 4.25-4.75 4.00-4.25 4.75-5.00 $C. $0. 5.00-5.50 5.25-6.00 6.00-7.00 7.25-7.75 7.00-7.50 4.25-4.75 3.75-4.25 4.00-4.50 4.00-4.50 4. 00-4. 50 4.00-4.25 3.50-4.00 $C. $0. 3.75-3.85 February March April 3.65-4.15 4.00-4.40 4.75-5.00 May 3.. 50-3. 75* 3.75-4 00 July Auffust. September October November "rjpp.prn ber Average 5-362 5 235 4 562 4-977 5 104 4 046 Choice lambs, clipped, price per cwt. fiist week of each month, Commercial. quotations from the Buffalo Month. January.. .. . . . February March April May June July .... August September October November. December , Average 1906. $ c. $ c. 7.90-8.10 7.50-7 65 7.50-7.65 6.90-7.90 6.40-6.50 7.00-7.10 7.75-8.50 7.50-7.75 8.25-8.40 7.90-8.00 7.25-7.40. 7.40-7.50 7 533 1907. $ c. ^ c. 7.90-8.00 7.70-7.75 7.70-7.75 8.40-8.50 7.80-7.90 8.75-8.90 7.75-8.00 7.75-8.00 8.00-8.25 7.85-8.00 6.75-7.00 6.55-6.60 ■815 1908. $ c. $ c. 7.65-7.75 7.35 7.40 7.40-7.50 8.80-8.85 7.50-7.65 6.00-6.15 6.75-7.00 5.75-6.00 6.15-6.25 6.50-6.60 6.00-6.10 7.60-7.75 7 021 1%9. c. c. 7.35-7.40 7.40-7.50 7.90-8.00 8.25-8.50 8.25-8.60 7.90-8.00 8.25-8.50 7.25-7.50 7.5(»-8.00 7.50-7.65 6.85-7.00 7.75-7 90 7-779 1910. $ c. $ c. 8.50- 8.65 8.65- 8.75 9.35- 9.40 10.00-10.10 8.80- 8.90 8.60- 8.75 8.00- 8.50 6.75- 7.00 7.35- 7.50 6.90- 7.00 6.50- 6.60 6.25- 6.35 8-048 1911. $ c. $ c. 6.50-6.65 6.00-6.25 6.15-6.25 7.00-7.15 5.75-5.85 6.90-7.00 6-454 94 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Lambs, yearlings, choice ; price per cwt. in first week of each month ; Commercial. 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 quotations from the Buffalo Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average $ c. $ c. 6.75-7.10 6.00-0.25 6.40-6.60 6.25-6.50 6.00-6.50 6.25-6.50 6.75-7.00 6.00-6.25 6.00-6.50 6.00-6.25 6.00-6.60 6.00-6.25 $ c. $ c. 6.50-6.75 6.25-6.40 6.25-6.65 7.25-7.75 6.50-7.00 7.25-7.75 6.25-6.50 6.00-6.75 6.00-6.25 5.75-6.00 5.60-5.75 5.25-5 50 $ c. $ c, 6.75-6.25 6.25-6.50 6.00-6.50 7.50-7.75 6.25-6.50 5.00-6.25 7.00-7.25 5.00 5.25 4.75-5.00 4.00 4.25 4.00-4.50 5.75-6.25 $ c. $ c. 6.00-6.25 6.25-6.50 6.75-7.25 7.00-7.50 5.25-7 75 6.50-6.75 6.25-6.50 5.50-5.75 5.00-5.50 5.40-5.60 5.00-5.25 5.75-6.25 $ c. $ c. 7.00-7.50 7.75-8.00 8.50-8.75 9.00-9.25 8.00-8.25 6.25. 6. .^0 6.76-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.00-5.15 6.25-5.75 5.00-5.50 4.90-6.00 6-358 6-4125 5-769 6 146 6-658 $ c. $ c. 5.00-5.25 4.75-5.25 5.00-5.50 5.75-6.25 4.25-4.75 5.25-5.60 5-208 Sheep, wethers, good to choice Chicago. prices per cwt. in first week of euch month ; quotations from the Breeders Gazette. Month. January February , March April May June July August September . . . October November December . . . . Average * Clipped. 1906. $ cts. $ cts. 5.60-6.00 6.40-5.^)0 .75-6.00 .90-6.50 .40-5.75* 76-6.16* .90-6 35* .00-6.20* 5.40-5.76 6.1.5-6.40 5.40-5 76 5.50-6.00 5-700 1907. $ cts. 'f cts. 6.60-5.76 6.60-6.00 6.76-6.25 6.25-6.60 6.00-6.30 6.60-6.80 5.60-5.75 6.2,5-5.65 5.40-6.86 6.15-5 50 4.75-5.25 4.40-4.75 5-683 1908. cts. $ cts. 5-002 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 75-5.25 40-5.75 40-6.00 50-6.75 85-^.25* 25-6.76* 4.60-4.75* 4.76-5.25 4.75-5.00 4.60-4.75 4.36-5.00 5.00-6.75 5-390 1910. $ cts. $ cts. 5.75-6.25 6 00-6.60 7.50-8.00 7.25-7.75 7. 25-7. 60* 5.00-5.25* 4.50-4.76* 4.25 4 60 4.35-4.65 4.00-4.25 4.10-4.50 4.00-4.36 5-517 1911. $ jcta. $ cts.. 4.25-4.60 4.10-4.25 4.35-4.65 4.90-5.25 4 00-4.15* 4.50-4.76 4 479 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 95 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Sheep, ewes, good to choice ; prices per cvs^t. in first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders Gazette. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April Mav $ cts. $ cts. 5.25-5.75 5.00-5.60 5.00-5.60 5.40-6.00 4.10-5.75* 5.50-5.85* 5.25-5.75* 4.50-4.85 5.25-5.50 5.00-5.30 5 25-5.50 5.00-5.50 $ cts. $ cts. 5.00-5.50 5.25-5.75 6.25-6 00 5.50-5.a5 5.00-5 75* 6.00-6.75* 5.25-5.65* 5.0O-5.50 5.25-5.60 5.00-5.35 4 50-5.00 4.00-4.50 $ cts. $ cts. 4.40-4.85 4.75-5.25 5.25-5.75 6.00-6.50 5.25-6.00* 4.50-5.00* 3 75-4.00* 4.25-4.50 4.00-4.25 4.25-J.60 4.25-4 50 4.00-4.50 $ cts. $ cts. 4.50-5.00 5.00-5.60 5.00-5.85 6.00-6.75 5.00-5.75* 5. 50-6. 60* 4.25-4.40* 4.75-5.00 4.25-4.50 4.60-4.75 4.25-4.75 4.75-5.25 $ cts. 9 cts. 5.75-6.00 5.60-6.00 7.25-7.75 7.50-8.00 6.75-7 25* 5.00-5.25* 4.25-4.65* 4.0O-4.25 4 10-4.50 4.65-4.00 3.75-4.00 3.75-4.10 $ cts. $ cts. 3.75 4.25 3.75-4.00 4.10-4.50 4.60-5.00 4.60-4.75 June 3.85-4.25 Julv August September October .... November December Average 5-310 5 342 4-765 5 077 5 292 4-283 Clipped. Yearly average prices (per 100 lbs) of all sheep and lambs sold at Chicago during the past five years, as compiled by the Chicago Farmers and Drovers Journal. Years, Native sheep. Western sheep. Yearling sheep. Native lambs. Western lambs. 1906 1907 1908 $ cts. 5.15 5.20 4.60 4.95 6.10 $ cts. 5.30 5.25 4.65 5.00 5 35 $ cts. 6M0 6.00 6.30 6.00 6.30 $ cts. 6.80 6. 85 6.20 7.30 7.40 $ cts. 6.90 7.10 6.45 1909 1910 7.50 7.65 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR (d) HOGS. Montreal. 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Hogs, select, weighed off cars ; prices per cwt. at Montreal, in first week of each month ; quotations from The Canadian Journcil oj Commerce. Month. January February March April May June.... July August . . . . September October November December Average . 1906. $ c. 7.00-7.50 7.50-7.684 7.75-7.88 1907. $ c. $ c. *7. 50-7. 75 *7. 75-8. 00 *8. 00-8. 25 6 75-7.00 7.00 6.00-6.25 *6. 70-6. 85 7.319 *6. 75-6. 85 7.20-7.25 7.25-7.40 7.40-7.50 7.00-7.25 7-75 6.75-7.25 7.12K-37i 6.50-6.60 6 25-6.50 6.60-6.75 5.75-6.00 6.915 1908. ^ c. $ c. 6.50-6.65 6.00-6.20 5.75 50 J5-7.00 .65-7.00 .85-7.00 .25 7.00-7.10 7.00-7.25 6.40-6.60 6.50-6.60 6.681 1909. 8? c. $ c. 6.75 7.40-7.60 7 60-7.65 7.90-8.00 8.25-8.45 8.50-8.65 8.45-8.60 8.50-8.75 8.60-8.75 8.75-9.00 8.50-8.75 8.25-8.50 8.267 1910. ^ c. ^ c. 9.00-9.25 9.00 9.60-9.70 10.75 9 75 10.25-10.50 9.60-9.75 10.25 9 25-9.50 7.25-7.75 7.10-7.25 9.144 1911. 7.90-8.00 7.50-7 75 7.40-7.50 6.75 6.85-7.00 6.665 Off Toronto. Hogs, choice selects ; prices per cwt. f.o.b., at West Toronto stock yard markets, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. January February , March April May June . . .... July August September. . . . October November December . . . Average 1906. $ cts. 6.10 6.50 .85 .25 .15 .30 .50 7.90 6 40 6.65 5.75 6.40 6.812 1907. $ cts. 6.40 6.85 6.90 6.90 6.20 7.15 6.60 6.90 6.25 6.12i 6.00 5.00 6.439 1908. $ cts. 5.70 4.90 5.00 5.75 6.40 6.00 6.40 6.90 6 25 6.25 5.75 6.10 5.950 1909. $ c. $ c. 75-6.00 50-6.75 50-6.75 90-7.15 25-7.50 50-7.75 60-7.75 90 00 95 50 40 7.297 1910. $ c. $ c. 7.75 8.10 8.50-8.60 9.40-9.60 8.65 9.15-9.25 9.00 9.00-9 9.00 8.75 7.25 7.00 10 8.483 1911. $ cts. 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.40 6.00 6 45 6.808 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 97 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b IVinnlpeg. Hogs, heavies ; price per cwt. on the first market day of eacli month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. I ' *Not quoted. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910.* 1911. January' February March April $ c. 5 00 5 25 5 25" 6 00 6 00 6 75 $ c. $ c. 6 00-0 50 6 50-7 00 6 50 6 50 7 25 7 25 7 15 5 50 5 50-6 00 (. 00 5 50 4 00-4 .50 S c. $ c. 4 00-4 50 4 00-4 50 4 00-4 50 4 00-4 50 4 00-4 50 4 50 4 25 4 75 5 50 5 50-5 75 4 75-5 50 4 75 $ c. $ c. 4 75 4 75 5 00-5 25 $0. $ c. 7 00-7 25 7 50-8 00 7 00 7 00 May 5 75-6 00 5 75 July Aut?'ti.'>t October Average 5 71 6 10 4 62 4 90 6 80 Hogs, selects ; i)rice per cwt on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Fne Free Tr- ss. Month. 1906. 1907. 1JX)8. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . February March April May $ c. S c. 6 00 6 00-6 50 6 25 7 00 7 25 7 25 7 50 7 75 7 50 7 75 7 25 7 00 $ c. 7 00 7 25 7 50 7 50 7 75 7 75 7 50 6 50 6 75 6 75 6 25 5 00 § c. $ c. 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 5 50 5 25 5 75 6 50 H 75-7 00 5 75-6 00 5 25-5 50 S c. $ c. 5 25-5 50 •5 75 6 .50-6 75 7 00 7 00 7 50 7 25 7 75 7 75-8 00 • 8 25-8 50 7 50-7 75 7 75 $ c. $ c. 8 00 8 50 8 75 9 c)it 10 00-10 50 10 25-10 50 9 75-10 00 8 25- 8 50 8 50- 9 00 9 00- $ c. $ c. 7 50 8 2.-.-8 50 8 00 7 50 6 75 7 00 July August September October December 7 75 Average 7 00 88 5 68 7 16 9 17 7 64 366- 98 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Neir York* Hogs, medium ; prices per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May June July August ... . September . . . . October November December Average 1906. % cts. $ ets. 80 95 -6 10 75 -6-85 00 25 05 45 35 85 -6-90 00 -7-25 80 -6-90 85 -6-90 6.833 1907. $ cts. % cts. 00 -710 50 -7-60 70 20 -7-30 30 75 75 -6-80 85 -6-90 20 30 90 50 7.038 1908. 1909. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. I •75 6- •10 1' •20 7- •05 7- •15 T •90 8- •20 8- •40 8- •20 8^ •55 8- •75 -695 8^ •30 8- 6.577 •25 •10 ••20 •55 •85 •00 •50 •55 •65 •65 •30 •50 Sets. -7 90 -8^10 -8 60 7.980 1910. 1911. Sets. $ cts. Sets. $cts. 9 05- 9 10 9 25 11 30 11 60 10 00 10 20 10 15 9 35- 9-40 9 90-10 00 10 00 9 35- 9^40 8 25 •80 •65 •85 •55 •60 65-6-70 9.769 7.543 Btiflklo. Hogs, Yorkers price per cwt. on the first market day of each month Buffalo Commercial. quotations from the Month. January . February March April May June July August September October November .... December Average 1906. $ cts. $ cts. 550 600 6-55 6-80 6-80 675 700 6 95 670 695 6-25 6-40 -5 55 -6 10 -6-60 -6^85 -6 85 -6-80 -705 -7^00 -6 75 -700 -6-35 7.034 1907. % cts. $ cts. 65 -6-70 15 -7 20 40 -7^45 05 95 55 50 75 75 -6-60 68o 6-85 15 -7-25 40 -6 50 30 -5 40 1908. $ cts. % cts. 6.731 •60 -470 5 90 6^ 60 -4-65 6 65 -6- •95 -5-00 6 60 -C- •70 -6 75 715 -T •20 -6-25 740 -1- •85 -5-90 730 -1- •90 -7^00 800 -8^ •50 -755 8-25 •00.-720 8-30 -8^ •60 -6-90 8^10 -8- •50 -5-75 7-85 -7- •50 -570 8-40 6.052 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 10 •80 70 25 •50 ■40 •30 40 20 ■90 7.475 1910. ^ cts. $ cts. 8^70- 8 8^65- 8 9 90-10 1115-11 9-80- 9 9 95-10 9-65- 9 910- 9 9-75-10 9-20- 9 8 60- 8 75 8 00- 8 10 9.435 1911. $ cts. $ cts. 8 •40- 8 -50 8 • 15-8 30 7 55-7 60 7 15-7 25 6-30-6-35 6-50-6-55 * Light hogs, 130-180 lbs., for the New York City trade. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Hogs, heavies ; prices per cwt. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. January February March April May June July August . , . . September . . . October November December Average 1906. $ cts. $ cts. 6.564 1907. $ cts. $ cts. 60 -6 15 -7 40 00 -7 75 -6 55 -6 50 50 40 00 50 30 6.666 1908. Sets. Sets. •65 -4 •60 -4 •90 -5 •70 -6 •10 •85 -5 •90 -7 •50 -7 •25 -7 •10-7 •75 -5 •95 -6 6.139 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 10- -6 80 -6 75 -6 25 -7 65 60 -7 40 -8 40 45 -8 45 -8 95 -8 45 -8 7.693 1910. •20 8^ 90 8^ •85 10 35 11 • 9^ •65 9^ •45 9 8^ •55 10 •55 8 •00 8^ •50 7 $ cts. $ cts. •80- 8-85 •80 •20 10 25 •2.5-11 30 •80- 990 •95 •60 •80- 8^90 •20 •75- 900 •30- 840 •65- 770 9.320 1911. 8 cts. $ cts. 8,35-8^40 7-75-790 7 25-7 -40 6^50-6-80 6 20 625 620-6-40 7.117 •' Olilcago. ''' Hogs, butcher weights ; prices per cwt. in first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders Gazette. — 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January .' February $ c. $ c. 5.20 -5.35 5.75 -5.85 6.30 -6.42^ 6.45 -6.52i 6.45 -6.50 6.50 -6.55 6.85 -6.90 G.45 -6.55 6.10 -6.32i 6.70 -6.82| 6.30 -6.40 6.40 -6.47i $ c. $ c. 6.35 -6.40 7.05 -7.10 6.90 -6.95 6.80 -6.90 6. 47^-6. 62^ 6.22^-6.30 6.00"-6.25 'J.oO -6.15 6.00 -6.35 6.40 -6.65 5.45 -5.70 4.80 -5.00 $ c. § c. 4.55 -4.65 4.45 -4.65 4.40 -4.50 6.15 -6.25 5.65 -5.72^ 5.45 -5.55 6.55 -6.65 6.80 -6.90 6.85 -7.00 6.40 -6.50 6.25 -6.40 5.95 -6.15 $ c.$ c. 6.10 -6.25 6,30 -6.40 6.70 -6.80 7.20 -7.30 7.30 -7.40 7.40 -7.50 7.90 -8.15 7.80 -7.95 8.10 -8.20 7.95 -8.15 7.85 -8.00 8.20 -8.35 $ c. $ c. 8.00 -8.75 8.60-8.75 9.90-10.05 10.60-10.70 9.40 -9.50 9.60 -9.67i 9.30 -9.50 8.25 -8.85 9.25 -9.70 8.75 -9.10 8.25 -8.70 7.50 -7.60 $ c. f c. 8.20 -8.30 7.50 -7.60 March April 7.15 -7.25 6.35 -6.75 May June July August September 5.90 -6.05 6.00 -6.17i November . ... Average 6 339 6^284 5-849 7-469 9 099 6-935 366-7i 100 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Hogs, choice to prime heavy ; prices in first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders Gazette. — 19C6. 1907. 1908. 19C9. 1910. $ c. $ c. 8.70 -8.75 8.70 -8.80 9.95-10.10 10. 00-10. KO 9.40 -9.50 9.60 -9.65 9.20 -9.25 8.20 -8.50 9.25 -9.50 8.50 -8.70 8.10 -8.40 7.55 -7.65 1911. January February March $ c. $ c. 5.25 -5.35 5.75 -5.85 6.35 -6.424 6.45 -6 52| 6.45 -6.52| 6.50 -6.55 6.85 -6.90 6.40 -6.50 6.00 -6.20 6.65 -6.77i 6.35 -6.40 6.40 -6.47i $ c. $ c. 6.374-6.42i 7.07|-7.12| 6.95 -7.00 6.80 -6.85 6.47^-5.55 6.22i-6.27i 6.00 -6.10 6.05 -6.10 5.90 -6.00 6.25 -6.35 5.60 -5.70 4.80 -5.00 $ c. $ c. 4.55 -4.65 4.55 -4.65 4.40 -4.52^ 6.25 -6.45 5.65 -5.70 5.50 -5.55 6.55 -6.65 6.80 -6.90. 6.85 -6.65 6.50 -6.55 6.30 -6.40 6.05 -6.15 $ c $- c. 6.20 -6.30 6.40 -6.75 6.70 -6.85 7.25 -7.32i 7.35 -7.45 7.50 -7.55 8.00 -8.20 7.90 -8.00 8.10 -8.20 8. CO -8.15 7.iK) -8.00 8.30 -8.40 $ c. $ c. 8.20 -8.30 7.45 -7.55 7.05 -7.15 April May June July AuQTUSt 6.40 -6.55 5.90 -5.95 6.05 -6.10 Seotember October November T)pf>f»rriV)pr Average 6 328 6-250 5-878 7-532 9 031 6-887 Hogs, good to prime, mixed ; prices in first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders O'xzettc. Month. January February March April May June July August .... . . .September. . . . October November.. . . December Average 1906. c. c. 5.20-5.35 5.70-5.80 6.25-6.321 6.40-6.45 6.40-6.50 6.45-6.52^ 6.70-6.85 6.10 6.30 5.90-6.05 6.50-6.60 6.10-6.25 0.35-0.40 6.227 1907. $ c. $ c. 6.30-6.35 7.00-7.07^ 6.90-6,95 6.75-6.80 0.45-^?.47i 6.20-6.25 6.00-6.15 5.90-6.10 6.00-6.30 6.10-6.30 5.25-5.40 4.60-4.75 6.181 1908. c. c. 4 40-4.55 4.40-4.50 4.35-4.45 0.00-6.10 5.55-5.65 5.35-5.45 6.35-6.50 6.50-6.70 6.00-6.75 6.00-6.25 6.00-6.30 5.75-6.00 5.085 1909. $ c. $ c. 5 80-6.05 6.10-6.35 6.60-6.70 7.10-7.25 7.20-7.30 7.70-8.15 7.60-7.80 8.80-8.00 7.80-7.95 7.75-7.80 8.15-8.30 7.333 1910. $ c. $ c. 8.50-8.65 8.55-8.70 9.85 10.00 10.50-10.65 9.35-9.45 9.55-9.60 9.10-9.15 8.15-8.4C 9.00-9.50 8.40-8.85 7.75-8.25 7.45-7.55 8.954 1911. ^ c. $ c. 8.10-8.20 7.40-7.50 7.00 7.15 6.30-6.45 5.85-6.00 6.00-6.10 6.837 The following table showing average yearly prices of all hogs sold in the various grades at Chicago during the past five years has been compiled by the Chicago Farmers and Drovers Journal. Years. Mixed. Heavy. Light. All grades. Pigs. 1906 S cts. 6.25 6.15 5.70 7.25 8.90 $ cts. 0.25 6.05 5.75 7.45 8.90 $ cts. 6.25 6.15 5-(>0 7.25 8.90 $ cts. 6.25 6.10 5.70 7.35 8.90 $ cts. 5.95 1907 v.m 190 » 1910 5.75 4.80 6.55 8.80 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA A^ff^'^M^STATjjk] 1906-1911 101 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b ,' * /;, • ; •> ' i/'-, Omalia* Hogs ; monthly low and high prices ; quotations from The Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture, Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . . . . $ c. ^ c. 4.85-5.50 5.25-6.20 5.85-6.37^ 6.10-6.55 6.10-6.45 6.10-6.60 6.15 6.75 5.45-6.45 5.40-6 45 5.924-6.50 5.80-6.27i 5.90-6.35 6.15-6.90 6.674 7.05 6.00-6.90 6.20-6.55 5.77^6.50 5.70-6.20 5.50-6.30 5.35-6.25 5.40-6.35 5.25-6.50 3.80-5.75 4.10-4 80 $ c. $ c. 4.56-4.40 3.97-4.29 4.20-5.78 5.26-5.82 5.14-5.78 5.23-6.03 5.95-6.44 6.17-6.53 6.43-6.90 5.2l-€.63 5.54-5.89 5.30-5.79 $ c. $ c. 5.25-6.35 5.50-6.60 5.65-6.95 6.40-7.30' 6.60 7 45 6.90-7.90 7.20-8.05 7.20-7.95 7.4.5-8.30 7.00-8.00 7;55 8.15 7.30-8.50 $ c. $ c. 7.91-8.56 8.28-9.26 9.46-10.71 8.88-10.60 8.94 9.44 8 99-9.41 7.71-8.96 7.59-9.00 8.29-9.27 8.01-8.55 6.77-8.06 7.26-7.79 March April May . .. June .... July August September November Lowest and highest.. 4.85-6.75 3.80-7.05 3.97-6.90 5.25-8.50 7.26-10.71 HOKSES. Toronto. Horses, heavy draught, fair, 1,650 lbs. and over ; prices on first market day of each month from the Canadian Farm. quotations Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ $ $ $ 125-175 125-200 125-225 140-225 140-225 150-240 150-240 150-250 200-250 200-250 200-250 200-250 126-250 $ $ 200-250 February 200-250 March 200-250 April May 1 200-250 200-250 . 200-250 July August September . . % "l25^i75" 125-175 125-185 125-175 125-175 125-175 October December Hange 200.250 *See explanatory statement on page 77. 1G2 ^ V , \'bi!^A*^^ENT OF LABOUR s,. 3i,'i vi> • •:; : /-, ; 1 george v., a. 1911 Horses, heavy draught, fchoice, 1.650 jibs, and over ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . $ $ $ $ 180-240 180-260 180-300 230-310 230-300 250-350 250-325 260-350 260-300 260-350 260-350 260-350 260-350 1 260-350 March 260-350 April May .., 260-350 260-350 June 260-350 July , August 180-220 180-220 180-230 180-230 180-230 September - October • November December Range 180-230 180-350 260-350 Horses, agricultural, good to choice ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January 160-200 160-200 160-210 160-230 160-225 160-245 160-225 160-245 175-250 175-250 175-250 175-250 160-225 February 160-225 March 160-225 April 160-225 May 160-225 June 160-225 July August 160-190 160-190 160-190 160-190 lGO-190 September October November December - Range 160-190 160-250 160-225 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 103 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Horses, agricultural fair to good ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm, Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. $ $ $ $ 110 140 110-140 110-140 110-170 110-150 110-160 110-155 110-160 150-175 150-175 150-175 150-175 100-150 100-150 March 100-150 April 100-150 100-150 June . . 100-150 July August 110-140 110-140 110-150 110-140 110-140 Saptember . October November. . December Range. 110-150 110-175 100-150 Horses, express ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. i 1906. \ 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. •Taniiarv ■ $ S 165-200 165-200 165-210 165-250 165-275 165-325 165-275 165-275 165-275 175-275 175-275 175 250 $ $ 175-250 February 175-250 March '. 175-250 i 175-250 May 175-250 175-250 July Spnt.PTnbpr . Novpmbpr 165-200 165-200 Ran ere. 165-200 165-326 175-250 104 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 f Horses, drivers ; prices on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ $ $ s 100-200 100-200 100-240 100-240 100-240 100-275 100-260 100-260 150-260 150-260 150-260 150-260 $ $ 150-260 150-260 March. 150-260' April 150 260 May 150 260 June. 150-260 July August 100-200 100-200 100-200 100-200 100-200 September October November .... Range. 100-200 100-275 150-260 Horses, saddlers ; price on first market day i>f each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ S , •S $ 150-360 150-300 150-300 150-300 150-300 150-290 150-280 150-275 150-275 - 150-275 150-275 150-275 150 275 February 150 275 March 150 275 April 150-275 May 150-275 June 150-275 July August 150-300 150-300 150-300 1.50-300 150-300 September October November .' December Range 150-300 150-360 150-275 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 105 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Chicago. Horses, drafters: choice to extra ; prices at Stock Yards in first week of each month ; quotations from the Breeders Gazette. ^ Month. January. ....-, February March April May June July August September. . . October, November. . . December. . . Range 1906. 165-275 160-215 160-210 170-215 170-215 170-210 170-210 175-275 170-250 170-250 200-325 200-300 160-300 1907. 170-250 170-240 180-400 180-400 30 120-145 130-165 140-175 125-150 120-145 120-145 125-150 125-145 125-235 $ 125-235 12,5-225 135-225 15^215 l<;5-235 165-255 165-2.55 165-260 16.5-255 165-250 165-245 165-200 $ 165-200 155-175 145-170 150-185 150-185 145-180 140-180 140-175 140-175 140-170 140-1^5 145-190 S 145-170 140-165 140-160 140-160 140 170 140-170 140-180 140-180 140-185 1 45-18 -» 145-190 145-185 $ $ 150-190 February March 140-180 140-180 140-180 May June July 155-210 155-205 155-205 150-195 150-195 150-195 140-180 August Septeniber October November December 120-235 125-260 140-200 140-190 140-210 140-190 Horses, farm horses and mares, choice ; prices at Midway Horse Market, Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, on first market dity of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Jribnnc. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March 13^150 1.35-150 120-135 105-120 115-130 125-140 110-12.-) 105-120 105-120 110-125' 110-125 120-125 110-125 110-125 110-135 115-155 130-165 145-165 125-165 120-165 125-165 125-165 135- 165 125-165 $ 125-165 110-155 110-145 115-150 11.5-145 120-145 120-145 115-140 115-140 115-HO 110-140 115-145 115-145 110-140 110-135 110-140 110-135 110-140 110 140 110-140 110-40 110-140 110-140 110-140 $ $ 120-145 115-140 1 15-l;>5 April May "120-150" 120-1.50 120-1.50 120-145 120-145 120-145 115-140 115-135 June July August September October November. ... 1 )ecember Range 10&-150 110-165 110-165 110-145 115-150 llf-145 110 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SUMMARY OF YEARLY AVERAGE PRICES OF LIVE STOCK. CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 190t>-191l. Commodity. Cattle. Steers, choice, per cwt Steers, export, per cwt Butchers' cattle, choice steers, per cwt. Cattle, western, prime, off cars, per cwt. Steers, choice export, off cars Steers and heifer.-*, good butcher, off cars Steers, good to choice, native, per cwt. Steers, prime, per cwt Steers, butchers', 1,050-1,1.00 lbs., per cwt . . Steers, good to prime fat, 1,300-1,700 lbs., per cwt Steers, good to prime fat, 1,250-1,450 lbs. , per cwt Cattle, native beef, top prices per cwt.* Cattle, native beeves, low and high, per cwt Calves. Veals, low and high, average, per cwt. Veal calves, oflf cars Veals, prime, per cwt Veals, fair to good, per cwt Veals, choice, per cwt Veals, good to choice, per cwt Veals, fair to good, per cwt Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt Lambs, per cwt Export ewes, per cwt Bucks, per cwt Sheep, off cars Lambs, off cars Lambs, spring, choice, per cwt Sheep, common to prime, per cwt Lambs, good to choice, per cwt Sheep, wethers, per cwt Sheep, ewes, per cwt Lambs, choice, clipped, per cwt Lambs, yearlings, per cwt Sheep, wethers, good to choice, per cwt Sheep, ewes, good to choice, percwt.f Hogs. Selects, weighed off cars, per cwt .... Choice selects, per cwt Hogs, heavies, off cars Hogs, selects, off cars Medium, per cwt Yorkers, per cwt Heavies, per cwt ... Butcher weights, per cwt Choice to prime heavy per cwt .... (4ood to prime mixed, per cwtij: Hogs, low and high, per cwt Market. Montreal. . Toronto . . . Toronto . . . Winnipeg. . Winnijieg. . Winnipeg. . New York . Buffalo . . . . Buffalo . Chicago Chicago Chicago Omaha.. Toronto . . Winnipeg. New York New York Buffalo . . . Chicago . . Chicago . . Montreal . Montreal . Toronto . . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Boston . . . New York New York Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Chicago . . Chicago . . Montreal. Toronto . Winnipeg, Winnipeg, New York Buffalo. . Buffalo . . Chicago . ChicagoJ Chicago . Omaha.. . 1906. 4.93 4.70 4 51 3.83 3.70 3.21 5.50 5.71 4.94 6.42 5.95 7.90 2.90- 6.85 4.97 4.27 8 16 7.35 8.00 7.01 6.12 4.02 5.62 4.63 3.36 5.86 5.75 5.02 7.68 5.94 5.36 7 53 6.36 5 70 5.31 7.32 6.81 5.71 7 00 6.«3 7.03 G.56 6.34 6.33 6.23 4.85- 6 75 1907. I 1908. 5.24 5.03 4.85 4.41 3.91 3.47 5.81 6.12 5.00 6.79 6.26 7.00 3.10- 7.30 5-18 3.50 8.96 8.09 8.74 7.09 6.19 4.41 6.09 4.71 3.93 5.75 6.69 5.21 7.48 5-87 5.23 7 81 6.41 5.68 5.34 6.91 6.44 6.10 6.88 7.04 6.73 6.67 6.28 6.25 6.18 5.38 5.21 4.95 4.06 4.08 3.75 6.14 6.49 5.21 7.11 6.55 8.40 2.25- 8.10 4.74 4.12 8 47 7.68 8.24 6.78 5.72 4.12 5.80 4.22 ■.05| 5.25 6.16 11.43 4.47 6.76 5.16 4.56 7.02 5.77 5.00 5.77 6.68 5.95 4.62 5.68 6.58 6.05 6.14 5.85 5.88 5.69 3 97- 6.90 1909. 5.47 5.71 5.64 4.13 4 45 3.58 6.50 6.70 5.83 7.46 6.83 9.50 3.75- 8.25 4.^3 3.96 9.45 8.46 9.05 8.06 7.04 4.32 6.09 4.02 5.67 6.22 11.86 4.27 7.29 5.48 4.98 7.78 6.15 5.39 5.08 8.27 7.30 4.74 7.16 7.98 7.48 7.69 7.47 7.53 7.33 6.25- 8.50 1910. 6.12 6.55 6.15 4.96 4.96 4.70 6.94 7.38 6.36 7.84 7.31 8.55 3.75- 8.25 5.56 4.45 9.84 9.09 9.88 8.83 8.13 4.64 6.51 4.74 3.79 5.58 6.42 12.71 5.05 7.89 5:86 5.10 8.05 6.66 5.52 5.29 9.19 8.48 1911. $ c. 6.61 5.88 5.69 5.40 9.17 9.77 9.44 9.32 9.10 9.03 8.95 7.26- 10.71 5.61 6.25 6.51 6.05 6.62 6.63 5.00 8.25 8.96 7.63 7.10 4.83 6.30 4.54 3.56 5.00 5.62 11.21 4.67 6.57 4 63 4.05 6.45 5.21 4.48 4.28 6.66 6.81 6.81 7.64 7.54 7.38 7.12 6.94 6.89 6.84 1906-1911 , *For other yearly averages of (Chicago cattle prices, see table on page 83. +For other yearly average.^ of Chicago sheep prices, see table on page 95. :J:For other yearly averages of Chicago hog prices, see table on page 100. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 111 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b SUMMARY OF YEAELY AVERAGE PRICES OF LIVE STOCK-; Continued). Commodity. Market. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1906-1911. Horses, raiujes and averages. Heavy draft, choice, 1,650 lbs. and over • Toronto . $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 125-175 S c. 1 9?i_9Kn $ c. 200-250 260-350 160-225 100-150 175-250 150-260 150-275 225-350 'i85^245 120-185 140-190 115-145 $ c. Heavy draft, fair,l, 650 lbs. and over . ... Toronto .... 180-230180-350 160-1901160-250 110-150 110-17.^ 180-350 Agricultural, good to choice. . . Agricultural, fair to good Express Toronto 160-250 Toronto . . . 100-175 165-325 100-275 Toronto Toronto .... 165-200 100-200 150-300 170-400 186 152 165 172 482 165-325 100-275 150-360 200-500 200 161 172 177 47.^ Saddlers . . Toronto . . . .1 170^400 170^265 186 180 152 138 165 156 172 164 482 450 135-265 155-250 120-205 120-175 150-360 Drafters, choice to extra. ; Drafters Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago .... 160-300 200 147 158 174 1(10-500 190 40 Bussers and trammers 150.00 163 20 Saddlers 171 80 Carriage, pairs Drafters, extra Drafters, choice 471 75 Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis 125-280 130-250 120-235 105-150 165-250il8(V255 115-175 '115-195 125-280 11.5-250 Farm horses and mares, extra . Farm horses and mare?, choice. 125-260il40-200 110-165 110-165 140-190 1140-210 110-145:115-150 120-235 105-165 See explanatory statement on page 77. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 n^ ABLES— AGRICULTURAL PRICES MEATS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS Fresh Meats — 1. Beef 2. Veal. 3. Mutton and Lamb. 4. Dressed Hogs. 5. Poultry, dressed. Canned Meats — 1. Hams. 2. Bacon. 3. Salt Pork. 4. Salt Beef. Animal Products — 1. Lard. 2. Tallow. I 366—8 I 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 191 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MEATS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS. BEEF. Halifax. Beef, foreqiiarters ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. January. , . February. March April .... I June July., August September. October November . December . Average. 1906.^ 1907. 1908. 1909. Cents. 7- 8 7-8 7-8 7- 8 8-10^ 8- 9 8- 9 6- 8 •072 Cents. 5 -8 5 -8 5 S 7h-9 7|-9 6 -8 6 -8 6 -8 fi -8 6 -8 •071 1910 Cents. •087 1911. Cents. * Not quoted in press. Beef, hindquarters ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906.*- 1907.* 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. Cents. 6-9 6- 9 6- 9 Cents. 7-11 8-11 8-11 8-11 12 12 12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12 Cents. 10-12 February 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 9-12i 9-11 9-m 10-11 March April 10-12 May 10-12 June 9-11 9-11 8-10 9-11 8-10 8-10 7-8 8-lU July August September October November. ""i-io" December Average 091 •087 •105 •106 Not quoted in press. 366—81 116 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 St. John. Beef, western ; price per lb. on first Friday of each reonth ; quotations from the St, John Telegraph. Month. January February March April May June , July August September , October , November December Average. , 1S06. Cents. •081 1907. Cents. •001 1908. Cents. •094 1909. Cents. ^- 6i- 9 6A- 9 6|- 9 7-94 8 -10 a -10 8 -10 8 - 9| 8-94 8 - 9i 74- 9i •08t 1910. Cents. 9 -104 9 -104 104-11 104-11 1 of 111 104-114 9 -104 9 -104 9 -10 9 -10 8^- 94 105 1911. Cents. 9i-ll 91-11 94-11 94-101 94-10^ 9i-10J 101 ' Toronto. Beef, dressed, hindquarters ; prices per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations furnished by the Harris Abattoir Co., Ltd., and the Toronto Globe. Month. January February March April May June July August September October ... . November .... December Average 1906. 6.22 6.47 6.80 7.18 7.15 7.36 7.27 6.88 6.78 6 41 5.99 6.74 6 77 1907. 6.70 6.88 7.02 7 34 7.69 8.38 7.89 7.53 7.27 6.84 6.. 55 7.12 7-268 1908. 7.37 7.56 7.50 8.53 9.05 9.10 8.26 7.47 7.31 7.16 6.89 7.49 7-807 1909. ^ c. ^ c. 7.36 7.42 7.71 8.27 9.50-10.75 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.00-11.00 9.50-10.50 9.25-10.25 9.50-10.00 1910. ■365 $ c. $ c. 10.00-10.50 10.50-11.00 11.00-11.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 12. 00-13.. 50 12.00-13.50 ]2. 00-13. 50 11.50-12.50 10.00-12.00 9.50-11.00 9.00-10.50 1911. $ c. $ c. 9.00-10.50 9.50-11.00 9.50-11.00 9 50-11.00 10.00-11.50 11.50-12.50 11-416 10-541 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b IX'^lnnipeg. Beef, fore quarters ; price \)vt lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. 117 Month. January February March April May •Tune July . .. August September October Novembar December Averap^e . 1906. Cents. 4 -5 4i-6 4|-6 5-& 5 5 -7 4-4 4 -0 4 -6 4 -6 ■053 1907. Cents. 4 -5 4|-5 6 -7 6-7 7^8 61-71 6 -6^ 3|-4 4| 4| •060 1908. Cents. f 6 6 6 8 41-5 41-5 4|-5 4i-5 4"-^ 053 1909. Cents. 1910. Cents. ■074 191L Cents. •083 \ Beef, hind quarters ; price per lb. on the first market day of- each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March . . April May June July August September October November Decemiber Average 1908. Cents. 7 7i 8 8 S 10 9^-10 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7 - 7i •079 1909. Cents. 7- 7i 8^- 9 8i- 9 8i- 9 10 lOi-11 IH 9 9 8 8 8^ 1910. Cents. 1911. Cents. 106 117 118 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 J Boston.* Beef, hindquarters, c oice ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. January . . . February . . , March April May June July August September . October November . . December . . . Average 190C. Cents. no 1907. Cents. 116 1908. Cents. 119 1909. Cents. 12 11 -in lOf \r' 12 -12i 11 -111 11 -111 12 -13 14 14 13i 118 1910. Cents. 125 1911. Cents. 10: llr lO'r ih 11 111 Meir York. Beef, fresh, native sides ; price per lb. on the first Tuesday of each month ; quotations from The N.Y Daily Tribune and The N. Y. Journal of Commerce and Covimercial Bulletin. Month. January .... February. . . March April May June July August September . . October November . December . . Average 1906. Cents. •078 1907. Cents. 6^ 9i 7-9 7-9 7-9 n- 9 8- 9^ 8A-10 91-11 8 -lOf 8i-10| 8 -10| 8 -10 1908. Cents. •089 1909. Cents. •095 1910. Cents. 8 -Hi 8 -11 8 -11 11 -li'i 11 -12i 9 -12 9 -12 8 -IH 8i-12i 8 -111 8 -11 8i-10i * Dressed meats not quoted continuously in Buffalo and J^etroit journals. 102 1911. COMPARATIVE PRICED, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 119 Beef, city dressed, choice, native, heavy ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioncr. Month. January. . February . . March. April May June July August September . October ... November . , December. , 1906. Cents. Average 9 ~% 9f 9 -10 9-9i .089 1{K)7. Cents. 9 9 8i-9i 9 10 lOf 11 lOA-lOf lOl-ll lOl-lOf ,098 1908. Cents. .106 1909. Cents. 1910. Cents. 10^-11 10 -ir 11 -11 12 -12; 12 111 12 -12^ 11H2 I1I-I2 12 11 -lU 10 -J0| .113 1911. Cents. -104 -lol 10 10 93-10; 91-10: 9|-10 9|-9i .099 Chicago. Beef, fresh carcas.s, good native steers ; price per lb. in first week of each month from the National Provisioncr. quotations Month. January . . . February . March April .. . May June July August . . September. October . . . November . December . Average, 1006. Cents. .080 1907. Cents. .084 1908. Cents. 9. 10 11 -12 10 -1 lli-12 10 -11 lOi-ll^ ioJ-11 lOl-ll 106 1909. Cents. lOi-11% 10^-1 U 10 -lOi 10 -11' lOi-11 11 10* lOi il" llA-12 III-I2 11 12 .109 1910. Cents. 111-12 1(» -11^ 10 -111 12 -12^ 12 -12^ 11 -12 lli-12 11 -12 lU-12 III-I2 ll|-ll| ll}-ll| .116 1916. Cents. ,107 120 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Hatlfax. Veal, dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 190G. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. 7 7 7i Cents. 7 7 7-8 7-84 7-8| 7-8^ 7-84 7-8| 7-8| 7-8| Cents. 7-8i February March 7 7 7 h 7-8| April 7-84 May 8 ' 7-8 7-8 7 7 7 7 7 6-74 July October 7 Average •069 •072 •076 •070 St. Jolin. Veal, dressed'; price per lb. on first Friday of each month ; quotations fronj the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. ■ 1911. January February March April May June Cents. 6- 7-10 7- 9 7- 9 6- 8 5- 7 5- 8 5- 8 5- 8 5- 8 5- 8 6- 8 Cents. 6- 8' 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 6- 8 7-10 7-10 7 10 7-10 7-10 7-10 Cents. 7-10 7-10 7-10 8-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7- 9 7- 9 Cents. 8-10 8-10 9-11 9-11 7-10 8- 9 8- 9 7 9 7- 9 7- 9 7- 9 7- 9 Cents. 7-9'"' 8-li> 8-10 6- 9 8 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 Cents. 8-10 8-10 8-10 • 8-10 8-10 8-10 July August September OcLober November December Average 070 ■082 •085 •OBG •087 •090 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATH^j^-Wll 121 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Veal, dressed ; price per cwt. on first market day of each month ; quotations furnished by Harris Abattoir Co., Ltd., and the Toronto Globe. Months. 190«. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March .. . . $ cts. 9.04 9.98 9.48 8.18 8.70 8.96 8.85 9.22 9.31 9.02 8.28 9.92 $ cts. 9 92 10.07 8.96 9.39 8.63 8.63 9.08 8.88 8.96 8.61 8.02 8.93 $ cts. 9.54 9.90 9 02 7.53 7.76 8.61 8.69 9.27 9.14 9.50 8.50 9.32 $ cts. 10,19 10.73 9.23 6.97 8.00-11.00 8.00-11.00 8.00-11.00 9.00-11.00 9.00-11.00 9^00-11.00 9.00-11.00 9.00-11.10 10-00-12.00 10.00-12.00 9.00-11.00 10.00 12.50 10.00-12.50 10.00-12.50 11 00-13 00 April May June 10.00-12.00 8 00-11 00 9.00-11 00 July August September 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 October November Average.. 9-078 8.923 8-898 9-390 10 145 10833 Veal, dressed l¥liinipeg. price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Months . January February March April May June . . . July August .... September October November . December . . . . , Average . 1906. Cts. -076 1907. Cts. •083 1908. Cts. 7 6^7 7 -8 073 1909. Cts. -080 1910. Cts. 8 8 9 9 10 11 84 H 9 •092 1911. Cts. 11 10 lOi 11 12 106 122 DE PART M EXT OF LABOUR Boston. 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Veal, choice eastern : price i>er lb. at in first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. January. . . February . March. April May June July August. . . . September. October . . . November . December . Average 1906. Cents. 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 108 1907. Cents. 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12^ 11 12* 12| 12| •120 1908. Cents. •117 1909. Cents. 12 -13 12^-14 12 -13 12i 12 -13 12 -13i 12 -13^ 12 -13 12 -13 13 -14 IS -14 13 -14 •184 1910. Cents. 14 12 14 13 12 13 13 14* 141 13^ 133 1911. Cents. 12 12 13 13 09 12 •118 New York. Dressed calves, veals, city dressed, prime ; price per lb., in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May June July AunfUSt September October November. . . . December .... A verage, 1906. Cents. 1907. Cents. 1908. Cents. 134 1909. Cents. 15 -16 14 -15 15 -16 13|-14i 11 -V2h 12 -13| 11 -13 12 -14 12A-15 12H5i 12 -15 12 -15i 137 1910. Cents. 152 1911. Cents. 161-17 16 17 13 Hi 14 150 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 123 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b CIileag;o. Veal, dressed, good carcass ; price per lb. in firsl week of each month ; quotations fromthe National Provisioner. Month. January February . . . March April , May June July August September . . October November . . December . . Average 1906. Cents 103 1907. Cents. 10 -11 lli-12 ll|-12 11 -Hi 10 -11 9 -10 9 -10 10 -11 10 -11 11 -12 12 12 •107 1908. Cents. 11 11 11 11 10| 10 lOi 11 iH 12 11 10 109 1909. Cents. 12 11 12 12 12 12^ 13 13| 12| 12 1910. 121 Cents. 13 13i 14 13i 13 13 13 13i 13i 14 Hi 14 135 1911. Cents. •129 Minneapolis. Veal, dressed, 100-125 lbs., fancy ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cents. 8 8 8 -Si 8 8 6-6i f\ 8 Cents. 8 8i-9 8 -8i 7|-8 8i-9 8-8i 8i-9 9 S-8i Cents. 8 -8i 8 8 8 -8i 8 -8i 7 6i-7 7-7i 8i 9 -9i 8i-{» 8 -8i Cents. P:' I- 9 10 10 -11 11 10 Cents. 10 10 10 -11 11 -Hi 10 8i 10 10 11 lli-12 11 1-12 10 -11 Cents. 9i-10 10 -lOi 10 -11 April May June July... August September October November ... December Average •078 •084 •081 . 091 •106 •098 124 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 MUTTON AND LAMB. Halifax. Mutton ; price per pound on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906.* 1907.* 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. •Tanuarv . ... Cents. Cents. Cents, Cents. 7-8 7-9^ 7-10 8-io'" 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 6-7 Cents. 7-8 7-8 6-7 7-8 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 Cents. 7-9 9 9 9 9 10 10 8-10 7-9 March 7-9 April M^ay 7-9 7-9 June . .... 7-9 July September October November. • T)p/>pTriVua'r 6-7 ... Average •087 •079 •077 •080 Lamb ; price per pound on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906.* 1907.* 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. Cents. Ctnts. Cents. 9-10 11 12 Cents. 10-12 10-12 10-11 11-12 13 Cents. 11 February 11 11 13 13 14-lH 13 13 11 March April 11 11 May 11 June 13 July August. 12 8-10 8-10 8-10 8 13 10 10 10 11 September October November Decemi)er 8 9 - Average. •119 •097 •111 113 • ■ * Quotations not given in press. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 125 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b St. John. Mutton ; price per lb. on the first Tuesday of each month ; quotations from the? St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Janu'vry Cents. 5- 7 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-9 7- 8 Cy- 7 6- 7 6- 7 Cents. 6-7 7-10 7-10 7-10 9-11 9-11 9-11 &-7 6- 7 6- 7 6- 7 6- 8 Cents. 6- 8 . 6- 8 6- 8 8-10 10-12 10-12 8-10 8-10 8-10 7- 9 9-9i Cents. 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 10-12 8 -10 7 - 74 7-7^ 6-7 6 - 7 H-7 Cents. Cents. 64- 7 February March April May June July 5-6 5- 6 7-8 8 -11 10 8 -10 8 -10 8 -10 7 -10 64- 7 64-7 9-10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 10 -12 September October November Average •0742 •079 •088 •079 •078 •093 Lamb, dressed ; price per lb. on the first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph . Month. 1900. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. 7- 9 8-10 8-10 9-10 9-10 Cents. Cents. 9-10 9-10 9-10 11 Cents. 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 8 10 Cents. "'i6-i2" 10-12 10-12 10-12 12-13 15 12-13 10 9-10 9-10 10 104 Cents. 12-13 February 12-13 12-13 12 13 May 13-15 Julv 11-13 9-10 . 12-14 10-12 8- 9 8- 9 9-10 13 94-104 8-9 9-94 94-10 12-14 10-12 9-10 ■ ■ ■ Average •095 •101 •104 •096 •111 •128 126 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Mutton, dressed ; price per cwt. on the first market day of each month ; quotations furnished by the Harris Abattoir Co'y., and the Toronto Olobe. Month. January. . . February. . March April May June July August September. October. . . November. December. Average. 1906. $ cts. 9.72 10.59 11.13 1907. $ cts. 10 23 11.06 11.98 1908. $ cts. 10.46 11.38 11.85 13.10 12.20 10.81 10.30 10.22 9.62 9.12 10-681 14.90 14.60 12.83 12.22 10.99 10.51 9.86 8.72 9.07 8.10 8.66 8.07 8.50 9.32 10 808 10-523 1909. $ cts. 10.69 11.97 12.44 10.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 8 50 8.50 9-827 1910. $ cts. 8.00- 9.00 8.00-10.00 8.00-10.00 9.00-11.00 11.00-14.00 10.00-14.00 10.00-14.00 8.00-10.00 8.0O-10.00 8.00-10.00 8.00-lG.OO 8.00- 9.50 1911. $ cts. 8.00- 9.50 8.00- 9.50 8.00- 9.50 8.00- 9.50 8.00- 9.00 8.00-10.00 9 062 8.75 Winnipeg. Mutton, dressed price per lb. on the first market day of each month Free Press. quotations from the Manitoba Month. January. . . . February . March April May June July August September. . October. ... November... December, . Average 1906. 124 1907. $ cts. 12 -12i 12^ 12 13^ 14 14 14^ 15 13 12 -I2i 12 12 131 1908. $ cts. 129 1909. $ cts. 123 1910 $ cts. 12 12 11 11 154 io| 126 1911. $ cts. 12 12 13 13 13 13^ 127 COMPARATIYE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 127 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Lamb, dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ cts. 11! ll|-13 11 -13i 14 -15 15 15 15 16 16 $ cts. $ cts. 12i 14 14 $ cts. 14 -14i 12i-13 12j-13~ 13 154 18 18 18 16 15 14 14 $ cts. 14 13 13 13 $ cts. March April May ■ 16 -17 " 17 -18 i? 14 12^ \? July Aucust. 15-16 15-16 14-14i 14-14| 14-14| September October. T)f»pptnl">pr ■ Average •137 •157 •142 •147 •142 ! Mutton, common to good Boston. price per lb., in first week of each month Boston Chamber of Commerce. quotations from the Bulletin of Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February ... March.: April Cents. 7 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 - t 8 6 Cents. 7 7 7 8 8 10 8 8 8 7 7 8 Cents. 6-7 7^ 7-8 9-11 9-10 8-9 7-8 7-8 6-7 6-7 6-6i 6-6i Cents. 6-9 5-7 5-7 6-8 9-10 11 7-8 6-8 6-8 6i 6-7 6-7 Cents. 6-7 9 9 9 7 7 7 1 Cents. 7 May jX June jt July August Septf-ml>er October T)pf»pTri Kpr Average . . . •077 •077 •075 •071 •072 •063 128 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 1 Spring Lambs, choice ; price per lb. at Boston in the first week in each month Boston Chamber of Commerce. quotations from the Month. January . . . February . March . . . . , April May June July August September . October . . November . December . 1906. Cents. lli lOi 14 18 15 13^ 12 12 IH 120 1907, Cents. 11 11 lOA 12 13 15 15 14 13 12 12 12 125 1908. Cents. 11-12 11-12 11-12 H-15 i;^13i 10-11 12-13 10-12^ 11-12 9-10 10-11 9-94 •114 1909. Cents. 11-12 11-12 10-12 12 14 16-17 12-15 11-13 9-11 9-11 10-11 10-12 119 1910. 12 12 }•? 15 Hi 13 14 12 11 11 10* 127 1911. Cents. 14 10 10 104 lOi 124 112 New York, Dressed Mutton, choice sheep price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. ■ 1910. 1911. January February March Cents. ^! 9" 11 104-11 9-10 10-104 10 10 10 ■ Cents. 10 9 10 11 124 10 m 11" 11 11 104 Cents. 10 10-104 14i 14 13 10 10 10 f 8i-9 9 Cents. 9 & 10-11 114-13 10-11 10-11 84-^4 84-94 8-9 Cents. 9-10 94-11 12-13 14-15 15-154 10-11 10-11 10-11 10 9 f Cents. 8 8 8-8* lo" 9 10 April May June . July August September October. November December Average 10 10-4 10 9-77 111 8-57 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 129 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Spring lambs, choice ; price per lb. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provis toner. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 13 12 12 -12^ 15 -16 15 14 14 13 12^-13 131 1907. Cents. 13 1 1908. Cents. 12i 12^-13 13 15^ 15 14 -15 12i 11i-12 12 11 12 12 12-9 1909. Cents. 12-13i lU-i^J llJ-13 12|-14 13 -14A 15 -17 m-m 10-13 11-13^ 11 -13 10 -12 11 -13 12- 1910. Cents. 12-14 12 -14i 15i-17 17 -18 17* 17 -18 14 -14^ lit 12 12 14-8 1911. Cents. lU-12 io|-u 10|-11 12* 12| 15 -m 12-4 Mutton, dressed, good sheep Chicago. price per lb. at Chicago in the first week of each month the National Provisioner. quotations from Month. January. . February March. April May June July August September October November December Average, 1906. Cents. •095 1907. Cents. 9i-10 9 94-10 9 9i-10 9 9J-IO 9 9|-10 10 9 10 9i-ll - 11 9 10 9 9-9^ 9 -10 10 9 10 9 m ■096 1908. Cents. 10 13 12 9i-]0 101 1909. Cents. 105 1910. Cents. 130 1911. Cents. •097 366—9 130 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Minneapolis. Mutton, dressed ; price per lb. at Minneapolis on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February IVJLarch . Cents. 6-7 6-7 6-7 6 6 6 6 6 6-7 7 Cents. 7-7* 7-7| 7-7l 7-7| 7-7| 5-7 5-6 7-9 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 Cents. 8-9 8-9 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 Cents. 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 10-11 10-11 8-10 8-10 8-10 6-8 6-7 6-8 Cents. 6-8 8-9 8-9 10 10 12-12i 11-12 11 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-3 Cents. 7-8 7-8 7-8 April 7-8 May June .July Sm Vipr October November December Average •065 •071 076 •082 •089 •075 HOGS. DRESSED. Halifax. Hogs, dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. January . . . February . . March April May June July : August September October . . . November December . Average. 1906. Cts. 1907. Cts. 1908. Cts. 7-8^ •085 1909. Cts. 8-9 8 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -11 91-10 1910. Cts. 106 1911. Cts. 8-9 8 - 9^ -10 74- 8i 7|-8| •085 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 131 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b St. John. Hogs, dressed ; price per lb. on the first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 190G. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February - March. April . May June July August September . . . October November. ... December .... Average. •089 Cts. Cts. •088 Cts. 8i- 9 9 -10 9 -10 9 -9A 9 - 9| 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 9^-10 -094 Cts. 11 Cts. •095 Hogs, dressed Torontou price \>eT cwt. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Harris Abattoir Co.. Ltd , and from the Toronto Globe, Month^ 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $c 8 9 9 li! 10 10 10 9 9 8 ts. 84 29 32 88 17. 56 95 44 72 39 fiS $ cts. 9-43 9 45 9 37 9-, 50 - 9S6 986 9-81 9 78 9 05 8-85 8-42 8 07 « cts. 8-32 7-78 7-55 885 877 881 9^88 9-58 10 03 9-35 8-78 8-87 $ cts. 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 Sets. 30 58 72 IB 75 25 25 $ cts. $ cts. 10-75-11-25 $CtS, $Ct8. 9-50-1000 February 11-00-11-60 9-75-10-25 March April May.. June . 11-75-12-25 12 26-12 75 1200-12-50 12 25-12-75 12-00-12-50 12 50-13-00 12-25-12 75 12 00-12 50 9 50-10 -50 9 25-10 00 9 OO-IOOO 8 50- 9-60 8-25- 925 8-25- 9-00 July September October 110(V-ll-50 11-00-11 -50 10 75-11-25 10-60 11 00 November 8 m Average 9.fi58 9.245 8.880 10 532 11.740 9.27 366— 9J 132 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Winnipeg! Hogs, dressed ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March April Mai June July August September October November. .. . December Average 1906. Cents. 8 -; 8-8 8 1 10 10 iH 11 -11 11 -11 11 -11 .099 1907. Cents. .090 1908. Cents. 8 8 8 7i 7| 9 Sh 8-8^ 8-8^ 8 .083 1909. Cents. 8 10 1( 10 11 12 11 Hi .101 1910. Cents. 12 12 13 15 13i 15 15 ' 15 .137 1911. Cents. 12 12i la 12 Hi 11 ,120 Boston. * Hogs, country dressed ; price per lb. in first week of each "month, quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 17 8 8 8 6 Cents. f 9 9 f 8 8 Cents. 6 -S 5 -7 5-7 7 -8 Cents. 7^-8 8 -8* 8 -8^ Cents. 11 11; llr la 13| Cents. • 10 -lOi February March April .... 8 May June 7h July August September October November 3 s-sh 8 -8^ December 9 'y" • • • m Average •078 •086 •066 •093 •118 095 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Nevr Ifork. Dressed hogs, about 160 lbs., price per lb. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. 133 Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. •081 1907. Cents. •091 1908. Cents. •084 1909. Cents. ^1 oi-iog 1 i If •104 1910. Cents. •131 1911. Cents. 113 Hi n| loi-ioi H 106 Chicago. Hogs, dressed ; price per lb. in first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 9 -9i •087 Cents. •096 Cents. Cents. •099 Cents. 127 Cents. 11 -llf lli-12 ll|-13 12|-13i 11-12 9i-9| 116 134 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR - 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Minneapolis. Hogs , dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. •065 1907. Cents. 1908. •069 Cents. 6 ■062 1909. Cents. •085 1910. Cents. 10 10 12 n 11 11 9H0 10 -10^ 11 11 8^-9 104 1911. Cents. 8^-9 9 -9 8*-9: 7l-8 •086 DRESSED POULTRY. Halifax. Turkeys ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January , . Cents. Cents. 19 25 25 Cents. 20-23 20-23 2!-23 20-23 28 17-20 20 Cent.-^. 20-22 February ■■■•l6 " 18 20 20 20 22 March April 20 May 20 June 15 15 15-17 15-17 15-17 19 18 16-18 July August 16 September October.. November. December 17 Average •181 •193 •201 197 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 135 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Ducks ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 15 15-17 15-17 Cents. Cents. 15-16 February 15-18 15-18 15-18 20 20 20 20 20 20 17 15-16 15-16 March April 17 May 17 June ' 17 July August September October November • • • * 15^16" December Average •157 •178 •162 St. Jobn. Fowl, dressed, old ; price perlb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. 14 February 14 March April 9-9^ 9-10 May 9-13 June 9-13 July 20 fO 12 12 12 12 August September • . October December Average •146 •109 136 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Turkeys ; price per lb. on first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911.' January February March Cents. 17-20 18-21 17-20 20-22 20-22 14-16 14-16 14-16 14-16 14-16 16-20 17-18 Cents. 16-18 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 13-15 15 16 18-20 • 18-20 18-20 18-20 17-18 Cents. 18-20 18-20 18-20 20-24 24-26 14-16 14-16 14-16 14-16 14-16 16-20 Cents. 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-22 23-25 17-18 17-18 18-18 17-18 17-18 23 21-22 Cents. "■ 22^24" ■■ 25 25-30 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 22-24 20-24 23 Cents. 24-25 25-28 25-28 April 28-30 May June July 28-30 18 October December A verage •174 •18 •179 •20 •216 •256 Montreal. Fowls ; price per lb. at Montreal, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Montreal Gazette and Le Moniteur du Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March Cents. 7-9 7-9 7-9 Cents. 7-8i 9-10 9-10 Cents. 6- 8 7-10 Cents. 14 -15 Cents. 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 12-14 12-14 12-14 Cents. 10-13 9-12 9-12 April May June July August September October November 7-8 7-8i i6-i2 6- 8 8 9 ' &-9 ■ 13-14" 13 -14 December Average 079 •09 •081 •132 •119 108 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 137 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Turkeys ; price per lb. , on the opening market day of each month ; quotations froin The Morttreat Gazette and Le Moniteur du Commerce. I Toronto. Fowl, dressed, old ; price per lb. on first market day of each month and the Toronto World. quotations from the Canadian Farm. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cents. 7-8 7-8 7-8 7- 8 Cents. 6-8 8- 9 8 9 8- 9 12-14 12-14 lU-14 10-12 10-12 9-10 7-9 7-8 Cents. 6-7 8- 9 8- 9 11-12 12-13 14-16 12 10-12 10-12 9-10 8- 9 7- 8 Cents. 8-9 10-11 11 -12 11 -12 13 -15 12^15 10 -12 12-13 10 13 -14 8-9 9 Cents. 12-14 12 14 13-15 10-12 12-14 16 13 12 10 10 8 9 Cents. 12-13 12-13 14-16 14-16 May 10-11 T "^ 11-13 10-12 10-12 11-13 10-11 9-10 7- 8 14-16 Julv October . m Average •094 •098 •101 •113 •121 •134 1 .. -. 133 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Chickens, dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 8-10 8-10 11-13 11-13 16-17 16-18 14-16 10-13 14-16 12-15 10-13 9-iO Cents. 8- 9 10-11 12-14 12-14 15-18 15-18 20-25 15-18 15-17 12-14 10-13 9.-11 Cents. &-10 12-14 12-14 14-15 16-18 18-20 12-14 10-12 15-17 12-15 11-12 9-10 Cents. 11-13 15 15-16 15-16 18-20 18-20 20-25 25 Cents. 14-16: 17-18 15-17 16-18 17 20 *40 *30 15 12 11 10 11 Cents. 14-16 ' February 14-16 March April May 15-19 15-19 1.7-19 June 15 19 July August September October 15-17 10-1 L 12 November December Average •126 •140 •134 •164 •175 163 I Turkeys, dreesed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cts. 15-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-20 14-18 14-15 14-16 ia-16 16-20 14-17 14-16 Cts. 14-15 13-15 1&-17 15-17 15 20 15-20 11-15 11-15 1.^-15 ia-20 15-16 13-15 12-13 13-14 15-16 18-23 18-23 17-23 14-16 16-18 16-18 18-25 13-14 12-13 Cts. 18 20 18-20 22-24 23-24 20-26 17-21 15-17 14-18 15 20-22 15-17 15-16 Cts. 16-18 Cts. j.8-20 February 18-20 March April May ... 18-22 19-21 19-21 17 17 14 14 15 15 14 18-20 18-20 18-20 June 18-20 July August September October • November December Average •160 •153 •166 •190 •173 •190 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 139 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Geese, dressed ; price ijer lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1511. January ^ Cts. 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 Cts. 10-11 10-11 11-12 Cts. 9-10 9-10 9-10 12-13 12-13 Cts. 11-12 12-14 14-15 14-15 Cts. 14-15 13-16 14-16 15-16 15-16 Cts. 12-14 February March April 12-14 12-14 12-14 May 12-14 June 12-14 July 1 August September October ■ 16-12 ■ 9-10 10-12 10-11 9-10 9-lo' 8 12-14 10-11 10 November 11 9 December •112 •112 •103 •126 142 130 Ducks, dressed ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Farm and the Toronto World. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 11 -12 11 -12 11 -12 11 -12 Cents. 10-11 10-11 11-12 Cents. &-10 11-12 11-12 13-14 13-14 Cents. 12-13 15-17 15-17 15-17 Cents. 14-16 15-16 18-20 15-16 15-16 17 Cents. 15-16 February 15-16 March April 15-16 15-16 May 15-16 June 15-16 July ; August 20-25 12 -15 12 -14 12A-15 lO^-JS 10 20-25 11-13 13-14 11-13 10-12 9-11 12-15 1.3-15 12-15 10-11 9-10 13 10 11 10 11 September.. 16 14-16 11-12 12 October November December Average.. . .... •132 •126 •120 140 •146 155 140 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 1 Winnipeg. Fowl ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cents. Cents. 7 7 12 12 12 12 13 13 Cents. ;• •• Cents. 11 -12^ m 14 14 14 16 16 -17 Cents. 14-15 14-16 14-16 14-16 16 15 15 15 15 Cents. 17 17 March 17 April 17 May 17 June 10 17 July August September. October November 6-7 7 12^ 11 -12h 10 8 December . . Average •085 110 •120 •132 •150 170 Chickens : price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January • . . . Cents. 14 Cents. 10-11 10-11 15 15 15-16 15-16 17-18 17-18 Cents. 14 14 15-16 17 Cents. 15 15-16 18 18 18 25 25 Cents. 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 19 19 19 19 19 Cents. 21 21 February March * 21 April 21 21 21 May June July August September October November 10-11 10-11 16 15 12-13 11-12 December Average •112 •146 •153 •165 •187 •210 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 141 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Turkeys ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ^February Cents. Cents. 18 18 18 18 19 19 Cents. 16-16i 16-16J 17-17* 17-171 Cents. 18-20 18-19 19 1^20 20 20 20 Cents. 21-22 21-22 21-22 21-22 21-22 21-22 22-23 22-23 23 Cents. 24i 244 M&Tch 24 April 24 -25 May.. 24-25 24 -25 July.. . 'iS*>nt.pmV»ftr October . - . . "Mn vpm bfir 15 15i 20 20 17 14-15 "Dia/vin 1 V^v •1267 •1762 •174 •183 •218 •245 Geese ; price per lb on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Months. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. -January Febuary Cents. 14 Cents. 9 9 14 14 14 14 15 15 Cents. 12|-i3 121-13 12 12 Cents. 12 -15 14 14 14 16 16 16 Cents. 16 -lU 16 -16| 16-16| 16 16 16 16 16 16 Cents. 18 18 March 18 April 18 May 18 18 July AiioriiBf. October , ^rwoTYiVwar 9 9- 15 15 10 9 Average .107 .130 .132 1 .136 .161 .180 142 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Ducks ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quatations from the Manitoba Free Press. Months. 1906. 1907. 1908. 3909. 1910. 1911. January Febuary Cents. 14 Cents. 10 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 Cents. Ill 14 16 Cents. . 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 Cents. 18-19 18-19 16-19 16-19 19 19 19 19 19 Cents. March April May . July September October .... . '^J^»vp'mV»p^ 10 10 15 15 11 8-09 .113 .145 .145 .141 .184 Boston* Fowls, choice, eastern and northern, dry packed in bbls. ; price per lb. in first week of each month quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. January .... February March April M!ay . June. . . July August September.. . . October November. . . December Average 1906. Cents. 15 15 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 16 14 15 153 1907. Cents. 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 •157 1908. Cents. 14 15 15-16 15-16 16 16 15 15-16 15 15 14 15 •152 1909. Cents. 15 15 -16 16^-17 17 -18 16 -16^ 174 17^ 17 18^ 16 16J 17i •168 1910. Cents. 185 1911. Cents. 176 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 143 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Turkeys, choice, dressed ; price per lb., dry packed in bbls., in first week of each month ; quotations- from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. Cents. 20 20 19-20 18 16 17 18 18 25 24 22 20 Cents. 23-26 24 24 24 20 • 20 20 20 19 22 24 24 Cents. 25i 26 26 Cents. 21 February 24 IVIarch 23 20 May 25 25 26 26 26 26 25 25^ 21 21 July ^ucrust Sp nt.pm bftr October 23 23 28 20 •230 •240 •197 •223 •257 •216 New York. Fowls, dressed, western dry -packed ; price per lb. in first week of each month National Provisioner* quotations from the Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. Cents. 12^ 13 I4I 14 13 It* 15 13^-14 13 Cents. 14 -14i 14H5 16 16i 16 16^ 15 16 16 16i-17 Cents. 17 17i 18i-19 19 19i-20 19 18 161-17 18 15 -\h\ 15-16 Cents. February. March April Mav. T ^ . July. August October . December •137 •156 •176 * As quoted by the U. S. Department of Commerce and Labour. I 144 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR BufTalo. 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Fowls, fancy ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Biitfalo Commercial. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. 1907. Cents. 13 14 14 16 15 -l6i 15 14 -14i 14 14 134-14 121-13 11 139 Cents. 13 13-13 J 15 14-14^ 15 16-16i 15 14-15 14-15 14 9-10 12-12^ •138 1908. Cents. 12 12 -12J 14 16 15 -1 14 -1 13H4 14 14 13* 121-13 137 1909. Cents. 14 15 17 17^ , 17 -17h 17 -17 16 -16^ 16^17 17 -m 16i-17 15 15 -16 161 1910. Cents. 172 1911. Cents. 15 15-16 17-17^ 18-19 17 16 167 Fowls, fair to good ; price per Ib.on first market day of each month, quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. January February March April May June July : August . September October November.^ December w I n Average, 1906. Cents. 1907. •130 Cents. 128 1908. Cents. 10 -11 104-lH 14 -15 14 -14* 13 -13| 13 12i-13 12|-14 13| 12-13 10-12 •127 1909. Cents. 12 -13 13i-14 15-16 16^17 16i-17 16 -r 15 -li 15^-16 16 -16i 15^16 13 -14 13-14 151 1010. Cents. 15 -15^ 15*-16 171-18 18 -19 18 -19 19 -18* 16-17 16^-17 16 -16* 16 -16| 13-14 12-13 1911. Cents. 163 155 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 145 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Chickens, choice to fancy ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo ComTnerciaf Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cents. 14 15 16 16 -16^ Cents. 14 13^14. 16 16-16i 16 Cents. 13-14 13-14 15 -16 16-17 Cents. 16 16i-17 18 19 -19^ 19 Cents. 17 18^-19 20 20 Cents. 16 15 16 March April May 18 20 June July August September 15-17 15-17 14 14 20-22 16-18 15-17 15-17 18-21 15 -17 15 15 -16 October 15-16 14 24 November 13 -13i 13 December Average. . •148 •159 •150 •177 •176 •170 Chickens, dressed, fair to good ; prices per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cents. 13 -13| 13^14| 14-15 15 -16 14-15 Cents. 12 -13 121-13 14 -15 14-15 14^15 Cents. 11-12 11-12 14-14^ 15 Cents. 14-15 14-15 16-17 17-18 17-18 Cents. 15 -16 17 -17^ 18-19 Cents. 14-15 13-14 March April 16-17 1«-19 May June .... July August • " * . September 1 October November. . . . . 12 -12^ 10 -11 , 12 -13 12 -13 12-13 11-12 December 13-14 Average 135 •134 •125 •161 •167 •158 366—10 ^ 146 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Turkeys, dressed, choice ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 22-23 21-22 21-22 22-24 22-23 Cents. 21 19-20 19-20 19 19-20 15-18 15-18 15-18 14-16 15-16 Cents. 19-20 19-20 20-21 21-22 21 Cents. 25-26 24-25 25-26 25-26 25-28 24-25 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 20-23 1&-22 Cents. 24 24-27 24-27 22-26 22-25 20-24 20-22 20-22 20-22 20-25 20-25 20-22 Cents. 25-26 26-27 Manxh 25-26 24-25 May 22-24 June • 22-23 July 12-14 Seotember October November . . 18-22 18 17-18 -20 Averagfe •214 •178 •191 •224 •227 •246 Geese ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . .... Cents. 13-14 11-13 Cents. ia-14 11-12 12 11-12 Cents. 8-10 10-12 9-12 9-12 Cents. 13-14 11-13 14-15 12-13 Cents. 14-15 14-16 14-16 15-16 Cents. 15-16 February ^ March 14-15 13-15 April . ... 13-14 May J une July August September October November 11 7-10 December 12-14 10-12 10-12 13-14 Average •128 •113 •104 127 •147 144 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 147 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Ducks, fancy ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March Cents. 17 18 l&-i9 18 Cents. 16 10-11 17-18 17 Gents. 13-14 11-15 14-16 14-16 ■ 14-16 18 26-17 14 14-15 16 15 15 Cents. 17-18 17-18 20 20 Cents. 17-20 50-22 20-21 20-22 Cents. 21-22 17-19 22 23 April May 22 ■r •' 22 17-18 14-17 16-20 17-19 15-18 15-18 23-24 20-21 16-20 18-20 17-21 17-19 19-20 18 22 July 16-17 12-15 13-15 15-16 14-15 15 15-16 12-15 8-13 August September October November Deceujber Average •158 •140 •149 •177 •199 •207 minneapolis. Hens, fancy ; price per lb. on ihe first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. i January Cents. 10 Cents. 9 -10 8 -09 12^ Cents. 10 10 12 12i Cents. 11 12^-13 14 -15 16 Cents. 13 15 lfr-17 17 Cents, 12-1^ 12 15-16 14-1t February 12-13 13-13i April May June July August September October November December 7 11 12 11 • Average •114 •099 •113 •132 •156 •139 366— lOi 148 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Chickens, fancy fat ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. 11 11 13 m Cents. 10 11 13 Cents. 10 9 12 Cents. 12 14 15-16 15-16 Cents. 13-14 15 16-17 17 Cents, 12-13 February 12 15-16 April 14 15 May June . July Sftnt.ftmbftr October ... , - November T)p ppm bpr 10 9 12 m 9i Average •117 •111 •111 •144 •145 •139 Chickens, spring ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. , 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. ..... Cents. 8 10 11 12 12 10 8 12 11 XOi 7 Cents. Cents. 10 10 -11 12-13 10 7 7-8 12 12 -12i 10 lO Cents. 9 11-12 15 15 15 15 Cents. 12 12 15 Cents. 10-10^ 10 13 February March "io 12 12 -13 8-10 18 15-15i lli-12 10 -11 9 7-7^ April 13 May June July 18-20 14-16 12 11 10 12 August 16-17 16 13 12 11-lU September October November December Average. . •100 •113 •099 •135 •138 113 COMPARATIYE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 149 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Turkeys, dressed, choice to fancy ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 3906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. Cents. 17 17 17-18 18 Cents. 16 14^15 15 15 Cents. 15 14-15 15 17 Cents. 19 18 18 21-22 21-22 Cents. 21 20 22 21 Cents. 22 20 March 20-21 April 18-19 June July August September October November December 14 16 17 17-18 13 Average •174 •148 •156 •196 •194 •200 Ducks, young ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Months . 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January , cts. cts. 9 10 10-11 11 11 10 9 7-8 9 10 7-8 7- 8 cts. cts. cts. cts. 7-8 5 9-10 10-11 10 10-11 9-10 10-12 8 8- 9 9 10 cts. 10 11 14 14 13 13 10 10 10 10 10 11 cts. cts. \r 15 15 15 13 12 11 -Hi 12 11 12 14-15 cts. f 13 February 13 10 11 11 10 9 9-10 7- 9 7-10 7-8i 7-8 13 April 13 May June July October December ■ Average •091 •089 •093 •136 •130 •130 150 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Geese ; price per lb. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune.' Months . 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. cts. cts. 8-9 10 10 10 10 8 7-8 9-10 7 7 9 cts. cts. cts. 8-10 9 8-10 8-10 11 8- 9 8 8 8 8 7- 8 8 cts. cts. 8-10 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 9 cts. 11 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 cts. cts. 12 February March 10-11 10 10 12 9 8 8 8 8 8 7-8 10-12 j^pril 10-11 Mav July August Sentember October December Average •087 •087 •086 •093 •106 •109 HAinS CURED MEATS.* Montreal. Hams, smoked, medium size ; price per lb, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. January February March April May June. . July August September October November. .... December. Average. . . 1906. Cents. •143 1907. Centr. 147 1908. Cents. 139 1909. Cents. 13^ 13| 14 14 14 If 12"-13 13i-14 14|-15 IS 16 146 1910. Cents. 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 18 1 180 1911. Cents. 148 See note on page. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 151 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Hams, medium ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February. , . . March April May... June July August September. . . October Noyember. . . December. . . Average. 1906. Cents. 13 13 14 14 15 15 -15^ 16 15^-16 16 15 •146 14i 1907. Cents. 14 -15 150 1908. Cents. 13i-14i 13|-14| 13 -14 13-14 13 -14 13 -14 14 144-15 14|-15' 14 -14i 14 13^ •140 1909. Cents. 149 1910. Cents. 15 15 16 174-18 171-18 18 18 15i 19 19 18 15^ 174 1911. Cents. 16 14^^16 14 -15 14 15 14 -15 •149 Hams, large Winnipeg. price per lb. on the first market day of each month Press. quotations from the Jlfantto6a Free Month. January . , , February . . March April May June July August September. October . . . November. December Average. 1909. Cents. 142 1910. Cents. •182 1911. Cents. 140 152 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Boston. 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Hams, western, small ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. January . . . February. . March . . . , . April May June July August September October ... November.. December. Average. 1906. Cents. 11 11 12 12i 12| 13 14 14i 14 14 14 14 130 1907. Cents. 142 1908. Cents. loh-n lol-ii lO'-lOA 10-10| 11 -111 11 -111 12i-13 I2J-I3 • 12i-13 12i-13 12 -12i 10i-L0| 115 1909. Cents. lOi-lOf 11 11 11-lli 12 13 13i 13| 13| 14| 14| 15 125 1910. Cents. 15 15 16^ 18 18 17i 18 17 17 15 15 15 164 1911. Cents 14| 131 14 14 15 143 New York. Hams, smoked, 14 to 16 lbs. average ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the National Frovtsioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 129 Cts. 139 Cts. 10^-11 10 -lOA 10 -10| lOA-llA 11^12 11^-12 13 -13i 131-14 13 -13^ 12A-13 111 118 Cts. 133 Cts. 167 Cts. 14i 13i 14^ 13| 17 13 17H8 12* 18 -18* 13| 171-171 14| I7I-I8 17 -17* 16 -16| 15J-16 16| I IH 133 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 153 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Chicago. Hams, smoked, average 16 lbs.; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December. ..... Average 1906. Cts. 128 1907. Cts. 143 1908. Cts. 123 1909. Cts. 11 12 12 12^ 13 14 14| 15 16 141 1910. Cts. 16i m 16: m 18; 17i 18;: 18: 17; 171 16 Hi -18J 179 1911. Cts. 149 BACON. MontreaL Bacon, breakfast ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February March April May June July August September .... October November December Average. 1906. Cents. 156 1907. Cents. 154 1908. Cents. 13^-16 13 -15 13 -15 13 -15 13 -15 13 -15 13 -15 14^-16 14^-16 11^-12 141 1909. 1910. Cents. 170 Cents. 17 18 18i 20 191 1911. Cents. 15 16 15 14i 15 155 154 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Bacon, smoked, breakfast ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November Pecember Average 1906. Cents. 1907. Cents. 155 1908. Cents. 15 -15^ 14^15 14 -14^ 14H5 14|-15 14 -15 14 -15 14i-15 141-15 15^ 14 m •147 1909. Cents. 14i 14|-15 14J-15 15 -15i 15i-16 I5J-I6 16-164 16 -17 16 -16i 17 -18 17 -18 17 -18 161 1910. Cents. 17 -18 18 -18i 18 -18| 18i-19 18|-19 19 -19i 19 -19| 20 - 20 -21i 20 - 19 - 18 - 189 1911. Cents. 17 17-18 17-18 16-174 16-174 16-17 170 Bacon, long, clear price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average, 1906. Cents. •119 1907. Cents. •112 1908. Cents. 109 1909. Cents. 11 -m 11 -111 12I-12I 124-13 13 -ir 13 -1: 134-14 13|-14 15 -154 144-15 14 -14h 131 1910. Cents. 134-14 14 -144 14 -14| 15 -15| 15 -15; 15 -15i 15 -li 15 15 15 15 13 148 1911. Cents. 112 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED 8TATE8, 1906-1911 155 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Bacon, breakfast : price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. .January February. . . . , March April , May June , July August. . . September. October November December Average. Cents. 14 14 14 14A 1 16| 16i 17^ 17 17 17 157 Cents. 168 Cents. 16 15^-16A 15-16 14^-15 15 -15i 153 Cents. Cents. 19 -19 155 197 Cents. If IS 1ft 19i 18 ■192 Bacon, long clear ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. Januaiy February March . . . . April May June July August September .... October . . No\ ember December Average 1906. Cents. •124 1907. Cents. 12 Hi 111 12 12 12 12 l.S 111 lU 12| 11 119 1908. Cents. 108 1909. Cents. 125 1910. Cents. 15* 15| 13 17 17^ 17| 17| m m 17: •165 1911. Cents. 156 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Bostoiif Bacon, boneless breakfast ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average Cents. 13 13 14 14 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 17 •157 Cents. 17 17 17 17 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 m •187 Cents. Cents. 13-15 14 -15 13A-14^ 14|-15^ 15 -17 16 -17 17 16A 16| 19 19 19 143 •159 Cents. 18* 171 19| 22| 21 21i 23 22i 22 21i 2l| 19l •209 Cents. 18 -19 m-is 16r 16| 16: 16r •172 New York. Bacon, smoked, boneless ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May. June July August September October November December Average, 1906. Cents. 12 -\2l 12 -124 12 -12i 13 -13^ 13A-14 13|-14 14^15 15 -154 144-15 14 -144 144-15 144-15 •138 1907. Cents. •150 1908. Cents. 124-13 11 -12 11 -12 114-124 124-13 13 -134 144-15 15 -15i 14M5 144-15 14 124 136 1909. Cents. 163 1910. Cents. 17 -18 17 -18 19 21 -22 20 -22 20 -22 22 -23 22 -23 21 21 22i 21 •206 1911. Cents. 18 174 , 16 -IB4 15 -16 15^164 164 163 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Chicago. Bacon, breakfast, fancy, price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. 157 Month. January . . . February . March April May June July August September. October. . . November . Deceml^r . Average. 1906. Cents. 182 1907. Cents. 1908. Cents. 182 1909. Cents. •205 1910. Cents. 2U 21 22i 25 25 25 27 -27^ 2r 26 2? 30 25^ •254 1911. Cents. 235 SALT PORK. St. John, N. B. Pork, domestic mess ; price per 200 lb. barrel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. January February March April May June July August September. .. . October November December.. .. Average $Ct3. cts. 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 21.50-22.50 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.60 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 22 10 1907. $ cts. $ cts. 23.00-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.00-23.00 21.50-22.50 21.50-22.50 21.50-22.50 21.50-22.50 21.50-22.50 22.00-23.50 22.00-23.50 22.52 1908. 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 22.00-23.50 22.00-23.50 19.00 I 19.00 ! 19.00-20.50! 20.00-20-50 20.50-21.001 20.50-21.00 21.00-22.00 22.00-22.50 23.00 2107 % cts. $ cts. 22.00-22.50 24.00-24.50 24.25-24.75 24.25-24. 75 24.25-24.75 24.25-24.75 24.50-25.00 25.00-25.50 28.00-28.50 28.50-29.00 28.50-29.00 25.43 1910. $ cts. $ cts. 1911. 27. 00^27. 50 27.00-27.50 28.00-28.50 28.00-28.50 28.00-28.t0 28.00-28.50 27.50-28.00 29.00 27.50-28.00 25.50-26.00 24.00-25.00 $Ct8. Sets. 24.00-25.00 23.50-24.50 23 50-^4.50 22.50-23 50 22.50-23.50 21.00-22.00 27.48 23.34 158 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 1 jfTontrealt Pork, heavy Canada short cut mess ; price per 200 lb. barrel on the first market day of each month quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. January February March April May June July August » September. October Noverpber December Average 1906. $Ct8. $CtS. 19.00-20.00 20.00 2000 20.00 22.60 22.50 22 50 22.50 22.50 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 21.68 1907. 1908, Sets. $Ct8. 22.50-23.00 21.50-23.50 21.50-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.50-23.50 22.00-23.50 22.00-23.50 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 $ cts. $ cts. 20.50-21.00 20.50-21.00 20.50-21.00 22.00-22.50 22.00-22.50 21.50-22.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 23.31 21.91 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 24.00-24. 50 24.00-24.50 27.50-28.00 27.50-28.00 31.00 26.25 31.00 25.58 1910. $ cts. $ cts. 28.00-28-50 29.00-29.50 29.00-29.50 31.00 31.00-31.50 31.00-31.50 31 00-31.50 29.00 27.50-28.00 28.60 28.50 26.50 29.31 1911. cts. $ cts. 25.00 25.00 25.00 22.50 22.50 21.50 23.58 Pork, clear fat backs ; price per 200 lb. barrel, on the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Months . *1906. *1907. *1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ... 19.00-21.00 19.00-21.00 19.00-21.00 22.50 22.50 22.50-23.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 $ $ 23.00 23.50 23.00-23.50 24.25-24.75 24.25-24.75 24.25-24.75 22.50-25.00 21.25-24.00 21.75 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.60 23.00 $ 23.00 23.00 • 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 $ $ 32.00 33.00 32.50 34.00 33.00 33.00 32.50 32.50 31.00 29.00 29.50 29.50 28 00 February 26.60 March 27 00 April 24.50 May 24 00 June 27.50 29.00 29.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 23.00 July August September ... . October .. . November December Average 22-25 23-50 23-00 ^ 30-25 31-79 25-50 Quotations for American fat backs. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 159 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Pork, heavy mess ; price per 200 lb. barrel in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Months. January February March April May June July August September October November . . . . December Average 1906. 18.00 i 18.00 18.00 i 20.00 I 20.50-21.00 20.50-21.00 22.00 22.00 21.50 22.00-22.50! 22.00-22.501 20.00 j i9o; 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 20 72 19-83 1908. 1909. $ $ 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.00 18.50-19.00 18.50-19.00 18.50-19.00 18.50-19.00 18.50-19.001 18-50-19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 19-21 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 21.00-21.50 21.50-22.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 22-38 1910. 27.00-27.50 27.00-27.50 27.00-27.50 28.00-29.00 28.00-29.00 28.00-29.00 28.00-29.00 28.00-29.00 26.00-27.00 26.00-27.50 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 27-37 1911. 23.00-24.00 21.00-22.00 21.00 23.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00 21-42 Pork, backj<, plain ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January , February . March April May June July August September ... October November Decembier Average 1906. Cents. 15 -16 16 16 16 16 17 17 -18 17 -18V 17 17 17 16i •167 1907. Cents. 166 1908. Cents. 165 1909. Cents. 16 16 -16.\ 16 -16" 16 -1 16i-17 16|-17 17 -17 17 -17. 17 -17i 19 -20 18 -19 18i •172 1910. Cents. 193 1911. Cents. 18 18 18i-19 18 -18i 17 -18 18 -19 •182 160 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 \¥innlpeg. Me.ss pork ; price per 200 lb. barrel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. 17.00 17.00 19.00 22.00 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 $ c. 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 • $ c. 25 00 25.00 25.00 19.00 21 00 21.50 21.50 22.50 21.50 21.50 20.50 20.00 1 c. 20.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 27.00 27.00 $ c. 27.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 « c. 27 00 February 28 00 27.50 April . .... 24 50 May 25.00 June July 24.00 August September . ........ October November December Average. . 22.46 24.54 22.00 20.92 29.75 26 00 Boston. Pork, backs ; price per 200 lb. barrel in the first week of each month, quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. M(mth. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ 16.50 16.50 17.25 18.00 18.00 18 50 18.50 19.00 17.50 17.50 18.50 18.75 $ 19.00 20.00 19.50 18.75 17 75 18.00 17.50 17.50 17 50 17.50 18.50 16.75 $ c. $ c. 15.25-16.75 15.00-16.75 14.00-16.50 16.25-17.50 15.75-17.50 15.75-17.75 17.00-19.25 18.75 18.25 20.50 21.00 23.50-25.00 $ 0. $ c. 21.00-25.00 20.00 20.00 20-25 21.00 21.50 22.50 22.40 23.50 25.00 25.50 28.00 $ c. 26.50 26.50 27.50 30.00 26.50 26.75 25.25 23.00 23.50 23.00 22.25 21 00 $ c. 22 25 FebruaJy ... . 21 00 March April May 19.00 17.50 16 50 June 16 00 July August September October November December Average 18.03 18.19 17.90 22.74 25.15 18.71 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 161 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b New York. Pork, mess, old to new ; price per 200 lb. bbl. on the first Tuesday of each month ; quotations furnished to the Bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of Labor by the N. Y. Produce Exchange. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August Septeml)er . . . October ^November .... December Average $ c. $ c. 14.50-14.75 15.2&15.76 16.25-16.75 17.25-17.50 17.25-17.75 17.00 17.50 17.25-17.75 18.25-18.75 18.75-19. a5 18.50-19.00 18.00-18.75 17.50-18.25 $ c. $ c. 17.50-18 50 1». 00-18. 75 18.00-18.75 17.50-18.25 17.25 18.00 17 75-18.50 18.00-18 5© 18.00-18.50 17.50-18.00 16.75-17.50 16.00-17.00 15.00-15.75 $ c. $0. 14.50-15.25 14.00-14.50 14 00-14.50 15.25-16.75 14.50-15.50 14.50-15.50 17.00-17.25 17.50-17.75 16.75-17.25 17.50-17.75 16.00-16.75 16.00-16.75 $ c. $ c. 16.75-17 25 17.2.5-17.50 17.50 18.50 18.25-19.00 18.25-19 00 19.75-20.25 21.00-21.50 21.75-22.25 22.25-22.75 25.25-25.50 25.75-26.00 25.25-25.50 $ e. $ 0. 24.50-24.75 23.00-23.50 26. 00-26.. 50 27.00 23.75-24.25 23.50-24.00 25.50-26.00 25.50 23.50-24.50 21.00-21.50 20 00 19.00-19.50 22.10-22.80 22.50-23.00 23.00 21.50-21.75 18.00-18.50 17.60-18.00 17.48 17.64 15.96 21.00 23.72 20.76 •Quotations from the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. Chicago, [ess pork ; price per 2001b. bbl. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month, 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 19ia 1911. January $ cts. 13 50 13 50 15 25 16 25 16 25 16 25 17 00 17 50 17 25 le 00 16 00 16 00 $ cts. 16 50 16 OU 17 00 16 50 16 25 17 00 m75 16 50 16 50 16 00 16 50 14 75 $ rts. 14 00 13 50 12 50 13 50 14 00 14 50 15 25 16 50 15 25 16 00 14 50 15 25 $ cts. 15 25 16 25 16 25 17 00 17 50 18 50 20 50 21 25 22 00 24 00 24 50 24 50 $ cts. 23 00 22 00 24 50 27 50 23 00 23 50 24 50 26 00 23 50 23 00 19 00 18 00 $ cts. 21 00 February 21 00 March 20 50 April 18 50 May June July 16 50 16 75 August September October November December Average 15-90 16-35 14-56 19-79 23 12 19 04 366—11 162 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Pork, clear fat backs ; price per 200 lb. bbl. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ cts. 14 00 14 50 15 25 15 65 36 25 16 25 16 00 17 00 16 75 16 25 16 50 16 75 $ cts. 17 50 17 50 18 25 17 25 16 25 16 25 16 25 15 50 15 50 15 75 17 00 16 25 $ cts. 16 00 15 25 14 50 17 00 17 00 17 00 17 75 18 00 17 50 20 00 20 00 20 00 $ cts. 20 50 19 00 19 00 19 50 2i 00 21 50 22 00 22 50 23 00 24 00 24 00 25 00 $ cts. 26 00 25 00 26 00 28 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 23 50 22 50 22 50 22 50 22 50 $ cts. 22 CO 21 50 March 20 00 April 18 00 May 16 25 June July 16 25 August September .... December. Average 15-92 16-60 17-50 21-75 24-46 19 00 Pork, bean ; price per 200 lb. bbl. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average. $ c. 11.75 12.00 13.00 13.50 13.75 13.50 14.00 14.00 14.00 12.75 13.00 13.00 13.18 $ c. 13.75 14.00 15 25 14.50 14.00 13.75 13.50 13.25 13.25 13.00 13.75 13.25 13.77 12.75 12.25 11.50 12.00 13.00 13.00 13.75 14.25 14.25 15.75 16.00 15.50 J5 c. 14.75 14.50 14.50 14.50 15.00 16.75 18.00 18.00 18.50 20.50 20.50 22.50 13.66 17.29 $ c. 21.00 20.00 21.00 23.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 19.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 16.50 $ c. 17.00 16.50 15.50 14.50 32.50 12.00 19.96 14.67 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 163 Dry salt ix)rk, clear bellies, average 18 20 lbs ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May.. June July August September Octoljer , November December Average, 1906. Cents. 8§ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10^ .095 1907. Cents. 103 1908. Cents. .096 1909. Cents. 10 10 10| 111 I2I 12| 12i 13| 138 13| 13| .119 1910. Cents. .143 1911. Cents. 13 12i 111 111 lOi .113 BEEF, BARRELLED. St. John. Beef, Canadian plate ; price per 200-lb. barrel on the first market day of each month ; quotations frcm the St. John Tdeyraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January - . February March April $ cts. % cts. 13.50-13.75 13.50-13.75 13.50-13.75 13.50-13.75 13.7&-14.00 13 75-14.00 14.00-14.35 14.00-14.25 13.25-14.00 13.50-14 00 14.00-14.50 14 00-14.50 $ cts. % cts. 14.00-14.50 14.25-15.00 14.25-15.00 14.00-14.50 14.00-14.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.25 15.25-15.75 15.50-15.75 15.50-15.75 16.00-16.50 16.00-10.50 $ cts. 5B cts. 16.00-16.50 16.00-16.50 16.00-16 50 16.00-16.25 .$ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. § cts. S ct.s. 16.75^17.00 16.75-17.00 18.25-18.50 18.50-19 00 18.75-19.75 18.75-19.25 18.75-19.25 18.75-19.25 Mav • June .luly .August . September i5!5cCl7.66* 15.50-17.00 November. . ... 16 75-17.00 iJecem ber i Average ". . . 13 86 1505 16 13 16-56* 18-39 366— 11. ^ 164 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 MontreaL Beef, plate ; pricts per 100 lb. barrel in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. I Month. 1906. 1907. 190S. 1909. 1910. 1911, January February March April $ cts. $ cts. 6.25-6.50 6.25-6.50 6.25-6.50 6.50-7.00 6.50^7.00 6. 50-7. 00 6.50-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.7^-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 $ cts..$ cts. 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 6.75-7.00 7.50 8.00-8.25 8.00-8.25 7.50 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.50-8.00 7.0O-7.75 $ cts. $ cts. 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.75 7.00-7.75 7.00-7.75 7.00-7.75 7.00-7.75 9.25 9.25 9.25 8.00 8.00 8.00 $ cts. 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 8.00 8.00 7.25 7.25 7.75 7.75 7.75 $ cts. 7 75 7.75 7.75 9.25 9.25 8.75 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 $ cts. 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 May June 8.75 8.25 July August October Novftmbftr 6-71 7-44 7-78 7-72 8-83 8-67 Chicago. Beef, extra mess price per 100-lb. barrel in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Report of the Chicago Board of Trade and the Daily Trade Bulletin. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. January. . $ c. $ c. 7 50-8 50 7 50-8 50 8 25-8 75 8 00-9 00 8 50-9 00 8 25-8 75 8 00-8 50 8 00-8 75 8 25-8 75 8 25-8 75 8 50-9 00 8 75-9 00 $ c. $ c. 8 50-10 00 8 75- 9 50 9 00- 9 50 8 50- 9 50 8 75- 9 00 8 75- 9 00 9 00- 9 50 8 75-10 00 8 75-10 00 10 75-11 50 11 00-11 50 10 00-10 50 $ c. $ c. 10 50-11 00 11 00-11 75 11 90-11 50 11 00-11 50 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 12 00-13 00 12 00-13 00 n 00-11 50 10 50-11 00 $ c. $ c. 10 00-10 50 10 00-10 50 9 50-10 50 10 00-10 60 10 25-10 50 10 25-10 50 10 00-11 00 10 55-11 00 10 50-11 00 10 75-11 00 10 50-11 00 11 00-11 50 $ c. $ c. 11 00-12 50 12 00-12 50 12 75-14 00 14 00-14 75 14 50-14 75 14 50-14 75 14 50-14 75 14 75-15 50 15 00^15 50 14 50-14 75 13 75-14 00 13 25-13 50 $ c. % c. 13 25-13 50 February March April 14 00-14 25 14 50-14 75 13 50- 13 75 May June 13 50-13 75 13 00-13 25 July August September October ^ov#»TnV»Ar December. Average 8 46 9 58 11 47 10 53 13 00 13 75 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 165 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Beef, plate ; price per 100-lb. barrel in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Reports of the Chicago Board of Trade and the Daily Trade Bulletin. Ml nth. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 2910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December. . . . Average. $ c. $ c, 9 00-10 00 9 OOlIO 00 9 25- 9 75 9 25- 9 75 9 25- 9 75 9 OOl- 9 50 9 00- 9 50 8 75- 9 25 9 00- 9 50 9 00- 9 50 9 25- 9 50 9 25- 9 50 9 35 $ c. $ c. 9 75^20 25 9 75-10 50 10 OOl-10 75 9 50^10 25 9 75-10 00 9 75-10 00 10 00-10 25 10 00-10 25 10 00-10 50 11 00-12 00 11 50-12 00 11 50-11 75 $ c. $ c. 11 50-12 00 12 00-12 50 12 00-12 50 12 50-13 00 13 75-14 00 13 75-14 00 13 75-14 00 13 75-14 00 13 50-14 00 13 50-14 00 13 00-14 00 13 00-13 50 IB c. $ c. 13 00-14 00 13 00-13 50 13 50-13 50 13 00-13 50 13 00gl3 25 12 75-13 50 12 50-12 75 12 00-12 50 12 00-12 50 12 00-13 00 11 50-12 50 12 00-12 50 $ c. $ c. 12 00-12 75 12 50-13 00 13 50-15 60 15 50-16 00 16 00-17 00 17 00-17 50 17 00-17 25 17 00-17 50 16 50-17 00 16 75|17 25 16 25-16 75 16 00-16 25 $ c. $ c. 16 00-16 25 15 75-16 00 15 00-15 26 13 75-14 00 12 50-12 75 12 00-12 60 10 46 13 23 12 80 15 82 14 31 Beef, extra plate ; price per 100-lb. barrel in the first week of each moni^h ; quotations feom the Reports of the Chicago Board of Trade and the DaUt/ Trade BiMetin. Month. January , February March April May , June ., July... August September. October November December Average, 1906. $ c. $ 0. 10 00-11 00 10 00-11 00 9 75-11 00 9 75-10 75 9 75-10 75 9 75-10 75 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 9 50-10 00 9 75-10 00 9 75-10 00 10 07 1907. $ c. $ c. 10 50-11 00 10 50-11 50 11 00-11 75 10 75-11 25 10 50-11 00 10 75-11 00 10 50-11 00 10 50-11 00 11 00-11 50 11 50-12 50 12 00-12 50 12 25-12 50 11 24 1908. % c. 12 00-13 00 12 50-13 00 13 00-13 50 13 00-13 50 14 50^15 00 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 00 14 00-15 00 14 00-14 50 13 88 1909. $ c. $ c. 14 50-15 00 14 50-15 50 14 00-14 50 14 00-14 25 13 50-13 75 13 25-13 50 13 00-13 25 12 50-13 00 12 50-13 00 14 00-15 00 12 00-13 00 12 50-13 00 13 63 1910. $ c. $0. 12 75-13 50 13 25-13 50 14 25-16 00 16 00-16 50 16 50-17 50 17 50-18 50, 17 60-18 50 17 75-18 00 17 25-17 75 17 60-17 75 16 75-17 25 16 50-16 75 16 41 1911. $ c. f 0. 16 50-16 75 16 00-16 25 15 75-16 00 14 25-14 50 13 50-13 25 12 50-12 75 14 79 166 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 LARD AND TALLOW. St. Jolin. Lard, pure ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph . Month. January February . . . March April May , June July, ........ August September... October November . . . December. . . Average 1906. Cents. 114-12 ll|-12 lH-12 ll|-12 12|-13 12^-13 121-13 121-13 121-13 124-13 12^13 13 -13i ,124 1907. Cents. 12|-13i 12|-13i 13 -13' 13 -13: 122-13 12|-13 12|-13 I2I-I3 I2I-I2I 12|-l2i 12|-13i I2I-I24 128 1908. Cents. 12 -124 12 -m UHi| ii|-iii 12 -12] 12i-12i I2I-I2I 12^-13 13.V-13I 144-141 14 -14i ,127 1909. Cents. ,152 1910. Cents. 161-17 17 -17A 18i-18J \ 17 -17. jT 17 -17^ 17 -17J 16 -16^! ^ 16 -16^ ^ 164 Id} ;lt 14| -14^ i ,167 1911. Cents. 141-15 14 -14i 134-13i 12i-13"' 12^-124 11 -111 131 . Montreal. Lard, pure, in tierces ; price per ib. in tho first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February . . . March , April , M!ay June July August September. . . October November. . December. . . Average. 1906. Cents. lOf io| I Hi 11 -12 124 12 111-12 12| 124 ,116 1907. Cents. .120 1908. Cents. ,123 1909. Cents. ,142 1910. Cents. ,158 1911. Cents. 16i 14 164 13 16| If! 17 l^ n 10 16 15 15 15 15 15 *• ,122 COMPARATIVE PitlCES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 167 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Lard, compound ; price per lb. in the first week of eack month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January . . . February . . March . . . April May J une July August . . , September. October.. . November December. Average. 1906. Cents. 9i ■085 1907. Cents. •099 1908. Cents. •091 1909. Cents. 8i 9 9 10| 9i 9i 9!! 11 1910. Cents. 1911. Cent-. 9: 102 * Quotations for 1906, for lard. Boar's Head Biand. Toronto. Lard, pure, in tierces price per lb. on the first market day of eack month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. January. . . February . March April May . , . . June July August September. October.. November., December Average. 1906. Cents. 114 1907. Cents. 12: 12: 12r 12: 12f 12:: 12: 12 12 12 12 12 •122 1908. Cents. 121 1909. Cents. 1910. Cents. 153 1911. Cents. 1^ 13 »12 -12i 12 -12j lOi-lOf 10* 118 March to May in tubs and pails. 168 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Winnipeg. 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 f I Lard, pure, in tierces ; price per pound on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February March April May June . . . July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 10| m m ll2 111 124 m 12| 13 I2i •118 1907. Cents. 12^ 12j m 12| 121 12| 12| 12 12 11| 12| 12l 123 1908. Cents. 119 1909. Cents. 12i 12 12 12i 12l 13]^ •136 1910. Cents. 17f 16| 16| 17 16| 16| 16| 16 151 m 14§ •162 1911. Cents. 14i 141 13 12 Hi 11 126 Lard, compound, in 20-pound pails ; price per pound on the first market day of each month ; quotations: fronj the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. Cents. Cents. }}* lOf 11 11 10 10 10 Cents. 10 10 10 Cents. Cents. 13 February 13 March 12i April 12| May Hi 13| 13 14 14 14 131 ll| June 11 July August • • September October 11 November Ill December Average. •113 •107 •103 •137 121 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 169 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Boston. Lard, pure leaf ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. I January Februay. ... March April May June July August September. . , . October November. . . . December .... Average 1906. lOi lOf lOi Hi lOi m m n 104 1907. Ill 111 11 10^ 11 lOi 12i lU 111 lOi 11 11 111 1908. Cents. % 10 -lOi 10 11 llj 121 15 13 m 111 1909. Cents. 134 1910. Cents. 17 15 15 150 1911. Cents. 13 -13i 12 1( 116 Cbleago. Lard, prime steam ; price per cwt. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Reports of the Chicago Board of Trade and the DaUy Trade Bulletin. Month . January February March April May June July August September October November. . .. December. . . . Average 1906. $ c. $ 7.32i 7.45- 7.67i 8.40 8.62^ 8.55 8.82i 8.55 8.82i 9!35 8.92i 8.37 .47* 1907. $ c. 9.30 9.65 9.47i 8.95 8.62^ 9.10 8.87i 8.95 8.90 8 95 8.50 8.50 8.94 1908. $ c. $0. 7.87i-7.90 7.i7 7.40 8.35 8.25 8 46 9.15 9.47i 9 50 10. 30-10. 32^ 9.42 9.32 S.f^O 1909. $ c. $ c 9.50 9.52i 9.60 9.97 10.37 11.07i 11.72. 11.32 12.32i 12.27 12. 15^12. 17i 13.55 11.20 1910. $ c. $ c. .30 .02i-12.05 .35 .92^ .50 .02 .27 .50 .95 .62 .87^ .87^ 12.18 1911. $ c. $ c. 10. 42^-10 -S^ 9.75 9.05 -9.07J^ 8.12A-8 15 7.92| 8.10 9.02 170 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Lard, pure leaf ; price per lb. in tierces, at Chicago, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January , February March April , M^ay June July August ♦September. , . October November December Average 1906. Cents. 104 1907. Cents. 112 1908. Cents. Hi 100 1909. Cents. 135 1910. Cents. 151 1911. Cents. 118 Lard, compound ; price per lb., in tierces, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. January February March April May June July August S^tember October November Dec ember . . . . , Average 070 Cents. Cents. •087 •078 Cents. •086 Cents. 108 Cents 9: 9: COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 171 SESSIONAL PAPER, No. 36b Toronto. Tallow, rendered, No. 1 stock, in barrels ; price per lb., on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. January. .... February March April May June July August ...... September.. . . October November .... December Average 1906. Cents. 4-4i 4-4* 4 -4| 4i-45 o 5 5 5 -54 5i-5f 048 1907. Cents. •056 1908. Cents. 5 -6 5-6 4^5* 4^5| H~ '" 6-6i >i-5^ •054 1909. •056 1910. Cents. 1911. Cents. 059 Winnipeg. Tallow, No. 1 stock ; price per lb., on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January. . . February . March, .. April May June. . , . Tuly August . . September . October . . . November. Deceniber.. Average. 190G. Cents. 1907. Cents. 049 1908. 1909. Cents. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 •05(» 1910. Cents. •058 1911. 053 172 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Buflfalo. Tallow, price i^r lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Covimercial. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November L'ecember Average... 1906. Cents. .044 1907. Cents. .059 1908. Cents. 4 -5 4 -5 4-5 4 -5 4I-4; 44-4: 5 -5i 5i 5^- 5r 5-51 .049 1909. Cents. 5-5i 5-5| .052 1910. Cents. .063 1911. Cents. 6-6i k .067 Cblcago. Tallow, prime city ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the National Provisioner. Month. January February March April May June . . July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. .06 1907. Cents. .567 1908. Cents. .062 1909. Cents. .068 1910. Cents. .079 1911. Cents. .07 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b SUMMARY OF YEARLY AVERAGES : MEATS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS. 173 Commodity. Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, Beef, per Beef, per Beef, fresh. forequarters, per lb hindquarters, per lb western, per lb hindquarters, per lb forequarters, per lb hindquarters, per lb hindquarters, choice, per lb fresh native sides, per lb city dressed, choice, native, heavy, lb fresh carcass, good native steers, lb Veal, fresh. 'Veal, per lb T'eal, per lb Veal, per lb Veal, per lb Veal, choice eastern, per lb Veal, city dressed, prime, per lb. Veal, good carcass, per lb. Veal, 100-125 lbs., fancy, per lb. . Mutton and Lamb, fresh. Mutton, per lb Xiamb, per lb Mutton, per lb X/amb, per lb Mutton, per lb Mutton, per lb Xiamb, per lb Mutton, common to good, per lb. Mutton choice sheep, per lb . Halifax. . . Halifax. . . St. John. . St. John. . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Boston . . . New York Xamb, spring, choice, per lb New York Market. Halifax. . . . Halifax. . . . St. John. . . Toronto . . Winnipeg. . Winnipeg. . Boston New York . New York . Chicago . . Halifax. . . St. John. . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Boston.. . . New York Chicago . . Minneapolis Mutton, good sheep, per lb. Mutton, per lb. Hogs, dressed. Hogs, dressed, per lb Hogs, dressed, per lb Hogs, dressed, per lb Hogs, dressed, per lb \ . . Hogs, country dressed, per lb Hogs, dressed, about 160 lbs., per lb.. . Hogs, dressed, per lb . Hogfs, dressed, per lb , Chicago . Minneapolis Poultry, dressed. Turkeys, per lb . . Ducks, i)er lb . . . Fowl, old, per lb. Turkeys, per lb. . Fowl, per lb Turkeys, per lb. . Fowl, old, per lb. Chickens, per lb. Turkeys, per lb. . Geese, per lb Ducks, per lb Fowls Chickens Turkeys Halifax. . . St. John.. Toronto . . Winnipeg. Boston . . . New York Chicago . . Minneapolis 1906. Halifax. . . Halifax. . . St. John.. St. John.. Montreal . Montreal . Toronto . . Toronto . . Toronto . Toronto . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. •081 •068 •053 •075 .110 •078 070 091 076 109 133 103 078 074 095 107 124 137 077 100 131 095 065 1907. 097 099 077 087 087 065 091 ■073 •060 •089 .116 •084 082 089 083 119 138 107 084 •174 •079 •129 •094 •126 •160 •112 •132 •085 •112 •126 •079 •101 •108 •131 •1.57 •077 •104 •131 •096 •071 088 092 090 086 091 096 •180 •090 133 •098 •140 •153 •112 •126 •110 •146 •176 1908. •072 •091 094 •078 •053 •079 •119 106 106 069 085 089 073 117 134 109 OSl •0S7 •119 •088 •104 •105 •129 •142 075 •100 •129 •101 •076 085 086 066 084 086 062 181 179 080 lao 101 134 166 103 120 120 153 174 1909. 071 •087 •084 •094 •061 •090 •118 •095 •106 •109 •072 •086 •094 •080 •184 •137 •121 •091 •079 •097 •079 •096 •098 •123 •147 •071 •098 •127 •105 •082 093 094 105 101 093 104 099 085 193 157 200 132 175 113 164 190 126 140 132 165 183 1910. •087 •105 •105 •114 074 •106 125 •102 113 116 •076 •087 •101 •092 •133 •152 •1.35 •106 •077 111 •078 •111 •091 •126 •142 •072 111 •148 •130 •089 •106 •110 •117 •137 •118 •131 •127 104 •201 •178 •146 •216 •119 •160 •121 •175 •173 •142 •146 •150 •187 •218 1911. ■106 101 •105 •083 117 111 ■099 •107 076 •090 108 •106 •118 •150 •129 •098 113 093 128 088 127 063 086 124 097 075 085 095 093 120 095 106 116 •197 •162 •109 •256 •108 •190 •134 •163 •190 •130 •155 •170 •210 •245 1906-n. 174 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191t SUMMARY OF YEARLY AVERAGES : MEATS AND ANIMAL FUOBVCTS— Continued. Comu)odity. Poultry, dressed. Geese Ducks Fowls, eastern and northei-n, dry packed in bbls., per lb Turkeys, choice, per lb Fowl, western dry packed Fowl, fancy, per lb Fowl, fair to ^ood, per lb Chickens, choice to fancy, per lb Chickens, fair to good, per lb Turkeys, choice, per lb ... . Geese, per lb Ducks, fancy, per lb Hens, fancy, per lb Chickens, fancy, fat, per lb . Turkeys, choice to fancy, per lb Geese, per lb Ducks, young, per lb Chickens, spring, per lb Haras. Hams, emoked, medium size per lb Hams, medium per lb Hatns, large . . per lb Hams, western small per lb_ Hams, smoked, 14-16 lbs. average. . . per lb' Hams, smoked, average 16 lbs per lb' Bacon. • Bacon, breakfast per lb. Bacon, smoked, breakfast per lb. Bacon, long clear .... per lb. Bacon, breakfast per lb. Bacon, long clear per lb. Bacon, boneless breakfast ■ . . . per lb. Bacon, smoked, boneless per lb. Bacon, breakfast, fancy per lb. Pork, barrelled. Pork, domestic mess per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, heavy Canada short cut, mess, per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, clear fat backs per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, heavy moss per 200 lb, bbl. Pork, backs, plain per 100 lbs. Pork, mess per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, back.s per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, mess, old to new per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, mess per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, clear fat backs per 200 lb, bbl. Pork, bean . . . . per 200 lb. bbl. Pork, dry salt, clear bellies per 100 lbs. Berf, barrelled. Beef, Canadian plate per 200 lb. bbJ. Beef, plate Iter 100 lb. bbl. Beef, extra mess per 100 lb. bbl. Beef, plate per 100 lb. bbl. Beef, extra plate , per 100 lb. bbl. Market. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Boston.. Boston.. New York, Buffalo. . . Bufialo ... Buflfalo . . . Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Buffalo . . . Minneapoli Minneapol: Minneapol Minneapol Minneapol Minneapolis Montreal. . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Boston . . . New York Chicago . . Montreal,, Toronto . . Toronto . , Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Boston . . . New York Chicago . . St. John . . Montreal.. Montr ial.. Toronto . . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Boston . . . N«^w York Chicago . , Chicago . . Chicago . , Chicago . . 1906. •107 •113 153 23 139 130 148 135 214 128 158 114 117 174 087 091 100 .143 .146 .147 .130 .129 .128 .156 ,153 ,119 .157 .124 ,157 .138 .182 1907. 130 145 157 24 St. John . Montreal. Chicago Chicago . Chicago . 22.10 21.68 22.25 20.72 16.67 22.46 18.03 17.48 15.90 15.92 13.18 9.47 13.86 6,71 8.46 9.35 10.07 138 128 159 134 178 113 140 099 111 148 087 089 113 .147 .150 .153 ,142 .139 .143 .154 .155 .112 .168 .119 .187 .150 .203 1908. 22.52 23.31 23.50 19.83 16.63 24,54 18.19 17.64 16.35 16.60 13.77 10.30 15.05 7.44 9.58 10. 4G 11.24 132 145 152 197 137 137 127 150 125 191 104 149 113 111 156 086 093 099 .139 .140 .127 .115 .118 :123 ,141 .147 .109 .153 .108 .143 .136 .182 21.07 21.91 23.00 19.21 16.46 22.00 17.90 15.96 14.56 17.50 13.66 9.60 16.13 7.78 11.47 13.23 13.88 1909. 136 141 168 223 156 164 151 177 161 224 127 177 132 144 196 093 136 135 .146 .149 .142 .125 .133 .141 ,170 ,161 .131 .155 ,124 ,159 ,163 ,205 25.43 25.58 30.25 22.38 17.23 20.92 22.74 21.00 19.79 21.75 17.29 11.90 16.56 7.72 10.53 12.80 13.63 1910. 1911. 161 184 185 257 176 172 163 176 167 227 147 199 156 145 194 106 130 138 .180 .174 .182 .164 .167 .179 180 176 216 143 167 155 170 158 246 144 207 139 139 200 109 130 113 .148 .149 .140 .143 .133 .149 .191 .155 ,189 .170 .148 .197 .165 .209 .206 .254 27.48 29.31 31.79 27.37 19.34 29.75 25.15 23.72 23.12 24.46 19.96 14.25 18.39 8.83 13.99 15.82 16.41 .112 .192 ,i72 .163 .235 23.34 23.58 25.50 21.42 18.20 26.00 18.71 20.76 39.04 19.00 14.67 11.30 8.67 13.75 14.31 14.79 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 175 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b SU]»IMARY OF YEARLY AVERAGES : MEATS AND ANIMAL VROBVCTS-Concluded. Conjniodity. Market. 1906. 1907. .124 .128 .116 .120 .085 .099 .114 .122 .118 .123 .113 .104 .111 .084 .089 .104 .112 .070 .087 1 .048 .056 .049 .044 .059 .060 .067 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1906-11. Lard. Lard, pure per lb. Lard, pure, in tierces per lb. Lard, compound per lb. Lard, pure, in tierces per lb. Lard, pure, in tierces per lb. Lard, compound, 20 lb. pails per lb. Lard, pure leaf per lb. Lard, prime steam per lb. Lai-d, pure leaf per lb. Lard, compound, in tierces per lb. TaUoic. Tallow, rendered, No. 1, in barrels .. per lb. Tallow, No. 1 stock per lb. Tallow per lb. Tallow, prime city per lb. St. John . . Montreal.. Montreal,. Toronto . . Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Boston . . . Chicago . . Chicago . . Chicago . . Toronto . . Winnipeg. Buffalo... Chicago . . ,127 .123 ,091 .121 .119 .107 .111 .088 .100 .078 .054 .046 .049 .062 .152 .142 .098 .139 .136 .103 .134 .112 .135 .086 ,056 ,050 ,052 .068 .167 .158 .127 .153 .162 .137 .150 .122 .151 .108 .057 .058 .063 .079 131 122 .102 ,118 ,126 121 116 090 ,118 .059 .053 .067 .070 ,138 .130 .100 .128 .131 116 .121 .097 .120 .086 .055 .051 .056 .068 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 1. PRICES PAID PRODUCER. 2. WHOLESALE PRICES. Fruits — Apples. Peaches. Pears. Plums. Strawberries. Raspberries. Gooseberries. Lawtonberries. Grapes. Cherries. Vegetables — Potatoes. Turnips. Tomatoes. Carrots, Lettuce. Celery. Onions. Beans. Peas. 366—12 i 1 GEORGE V. .';■"_.'' SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 FRUITSJ AND VEGETABLES. In the fruit and vegetable industry of the continent, the outstanding feature 'is its division into climatic zones which in the main are complementary rather than ^ ompetitive, the southern zones having the advantage of an earlier season and the iorthern the advantage of slower growth to maturity and consequent superiority "in flavour. In many hues there is accordingly throughout the season of production a gene al northward trend of the sources of supply. A table to illustrate this feature, in the case of strawberries in the New York market, is included below. Another feature, true especially of the more perishable or bulky fruits, is the importance of rapid access to centres of consumption, with the result of enhancing the marketing advantages of the nearby producer, and of marking off the field of investigation into more or less distinct local divisions. The chief example in Canada of an important fruit and vegetable industry carried on in a zone nearly parallel with that of a similar industry in the United States is afforded by Southern Ontario and especially by the Niagara Peninsula, to which the subjoined statistics apply. In comparing prices of fruits and vegetables on the two sides of the border, recourse may most readily be had to the published quotations of the pr ces charged retailers by wholesalers and commission agents, or to the prices paid producer by canning and preserving factories. Especially in the Niagara Peninsula, the latter basis of comparison appears the more adequate. In the case of the perishable fruits quotations on the market fluctuate so rapidly and extensively as to make comparison difficult, and for the same reason the prices charged by wholesalers to retail dealers do not reflect so closely, as in the case of other commodities, the prices paid to the producer. The contract prices paid by the canning and preserving factories which take a very large portion of the total crop, while usually lower on both sides of the border than market prices, afford a steadier and fairer basis of comparison. The Canadian quotations of canners' contract prices which follow are based on information given by factories in St. Davids, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Ont., and the United States quotations on information given by the largest firm of canners and preservers in western New York, frequently a purchaser of Canadian fruit in time of shortage in New York State. The prices quoted are average con- tract prices ; in both cases, of course, a short crop, as in the case of raspberries this year, may compel canners to purchase in the open market at higher than contract prices. In some cases the 1911 estimates are not final. In the market quotations which follow — prices charged by wholesalers and commission agents to retailers — the multiplicity of units of measurement raises difficulty. The standard peach and pear basket in Canada contains 11 quarts, though 10 quart baskets, so stamped, are occasionally used. The New York round peach basket, or so called J-bushel basket, contains 10 quarts, though usually covered and piled up so that three baskets contain one bushel. The early United States variety are usually marketed in the two quart ''pony" basket or the seven- lb. plum basket, which contains a pound or less than the Canadian 6 quart basket. The standard New York strawberry quart box contains twenty ounces, as compared with the sixteen customary in Ontario, while raspberry quart boxes contain 22 and 18 ounces respectively. 366-12^ 180 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 PRICES PAID PaODUCERS— CANNERS' CONTRACT PRICES, 1S06-1911*. Peaches, No. 1.. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. /^nfja-inrk TV»r 1V> $ cts. $ cts. 2f 4l $ cts. 24 3 $ cts. 2| 3 ■ $ cts. 2A-3 2| $ cts. 24-3 New York. Der lb 2h 3- Pears, Bartlett, No. 1. Ontario, per lb . . New York, per lb. 1 3 H 11 11 3 Plums. l|-2 2 Ontario, green and yellow, per lb Ontario, blue, per lb New York, green and yellow, per lb. New York, Damsons, per lb 1 1| If 3 li 1 I 2 H 2 1^ IJ 2^ Strawberries. Ontario per quai't in 24-box crates 5 7 , 5 64 44-44 6 4 -44 5 44-5 5 New York, per quart .. 6 Raspberries. Ontario, red per quart in 24-box crates. New York, red, per quart ,. 7 8 7 10 7 104 7 9 07-74 9 7^84 9 -94 Gooseberries. Ontario, per quart + in 24-box crates . . . New York, per lb. "o" *'4 ■ 7 64 7 6 6-7 44 6-7 5 7 5 t A quart of gooseberries weighs somewhat over 1 lb. Lawtonberries. ^ - Ontario, per quart in 24-box crates 7 7 7 7 7 74 84 74 7-9 New York, per quart ti 7 Grapes. Ontario, Concord, per tonf . . . New York, Concord, per ton , 30 00 45 00 30 00 38 00 20 00 40 00 20 00 25 00 20 00 30 00 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED 8TATE8, 1906-1911 18L SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Cherries. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 191L Ontario, sour, per lb New York, Montmorpney, per lb $ cts. 0.04 0.04^ $ cts. ""OM $ cts. 0.04A 0.06| $ cts. : i o.ot> : 0.04i 1 $ cts. 0.05 0.05 $ cte. 0.05-0.06 0.05-0.06 Tomatoes. Ontario, per bushel New York, per ton II per bushel, at ton rates. 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.27i 0.25 0.27* 8.00-«.BO' 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 8.00-8.50 0.24 0.22i 0.224 0.24 0.24-0.25i 0.24-0.25i Beans. Ontario, per ton New York, per ton 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 • Peas.J Ontario, per lb., shelled Ontario, per ton, at lb. prices, shelled. New York, per ton, in pod 30.00 30.00 01-01^ 20.00-30.00 31.00 Oli-Oli 01^011 25 00-30.00 30. 00-35. 0( 30.00 31.00 33.00 * For localities covered and sources see preceding note. t The Ontario prices for grapes were obtained from two large growers, in the Niagara peninRuIa, the- fact )ries quoted for the other statistics not being large consumers of grapes. X Th3 Ontario pr'cei for peas wire furnished by the D >minion Canners, Ltd. 182 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 WHOLESALE PRICES— APPLES. Prices per bbl. on the first market day of each month; quotations from the Canadian Grocer, the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, the Buffalo Commercial, and the Detroit Free Press. St. John. Good season- able. Toronto. Good season- able. New York. (Greenings.) New York. (Baldwins.) Detroit. j Choice. Buffalo. *Fancy. Buffalo. Choice. 1906. January $ cts. 1.50^.00 1.50-4.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 $ cts. 2.75-3.50 2.75-3.75 2.75-3.75 3.00-5.50 $ cts. 2 50-4 50 3 00-5 00 3 00-5 50 $ cts. $ cts. 4.75-5.00 5.50-6.00 5 00- 5.50-6.00 5.50-6.00 % cts. 5.00-6.00 5.50-6.00 7.00-7.50 6.50-7.00 6.50-7.00 $ cts. 3 75-4 50 February 2 50-4 00 3 50-4 75 4 00-5 00 5 00-6 00 5 00-6 25 5 50-6 00 4 00-5 00 4 00-4 50 March 5 00-6 00 April 5 00-6 00 May 5 00-6 00 June July August 4.00-5.00 3.50 1.50-3. 50 1.50-3.50 1.50-3.50 September 1.75-2.00 2.00-2.50 2.50-3.25 2.00-2.50 1.75-2.50 2.25 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50 2.50-3.50 3.00-3.50 3.25-3.75 3.50-3.75 5.00-5.50 6.00-6.50 75-1 25 October 1 50-2 25 1 50-2 50 1 50-2 50 1 00-1 75 November 1 50-2 25 1 50-2 25 1 50-2 25 1 50-2 25 December 2.25 4.75-5.00 1 50-2 25 1907. January 2.00-3.50 2.00-3.50 2.00-4.25 2.00-4.25 2 50-3 00 2 50-3 00 2 25-3 25 2 25-3 50 4 00-6 50 5 00-6 00 1 25-1 75 February 1.50-4.00 1.50-4.00 1.50-4.30 1.50^.55 1.50-4.55 1 50-2 50 2 00-2 50 2 50-3 50 200 -3 00 3 00-5 00 5 00-6 25 2 00-2 50 March 2 25-2 75 April 2 25-3 25 May 3 50-4 00 June 3 50-4 00 July August September 3.50-6.00 1.50^.00 1.50-4.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 1.50-2.00 4.30-5.50 1.00-3.00 1.00-2.50 1.00-2.50 i. 75^2 .'66 2.00-2.50 2.00-3.50 3.25-4.50 2.75-4 00 3.00-3.50 3.50-4.50 3 50-4 50 4.50-5.00 3.75-4.00 4.50-5.00 4.25-4.50 4.50 3.75-4.00 4.00-5.00 3.50-4.00 2.75-3.00 4.00-4.50 3 50-4 00 October 2 00-3 25 2 00-3 50 2 50-4 00 .*? 00-4 .1^0 1 2 75-3 00 November 3 50-4 00 December 3.50-4.00 3.50-4.00 3.00-3.50 3.50-4.00 3 25-3 75 1908. January -' 2 75-3 25 February March 2.00-3.50, 3 00-4 00 2 00-3 50 on -i KCi 2 25-3 25 2 75-3 50 2 50-3 25 2 50-3 25 2 50^ 50 2.75-3.00 2.50-3.00 3 00-3 25 April 2.00-3.50 2 00-4 00 2 00-4 50 May 2 25-2 50 June 3 00-3 75 July August September 1.50-2.00 1.60-2.25 2.0O-2.25 2 75-3 00 1 00-1 50 October.. 1 2'i-'i 9f{ 2 nn-9 .(^n November 2.50-3.50: 1 75-3 00 2.25-5.00 2 35-3 50 1 50-2 50 2 00-3 00 3 25-3 501 2 75-3 00 December 4.25^.50 3.75-4.00 ^"Selects " range 25 to 1.00 above "fancy.' COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No, 36b 183 1 ] St. John. Good season- able. Toronto. Good season- able. New York. Greenings. New York. Baldwins. Detroit. Common to good. Buffalo. * Fancy. Buffalo. Choice. m 1009. -Tannarv $ cts. 1.00-2.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 $ cts. 3.00-6.00 2.50-6.50 2.50-6.50 3.00-7.50 $ cts. 4 00-5 00 3 50-4 50 3 50-6 00 3 50-6 50 4 00-6 00 5 25-6 00 $ cts. 4 00-5 00 3 50-5 00 3 50-5 50 4 00-5 50 4 00-5 50 5 00 5 00 $ cts. $ cts. 4.25-4.50 5.00-5.50 5.50-6.00 6.00-6.50 5.25-5.50 5.50-6.00 $ cts. 3.75-4 00 Fphnifirv 4.50-4.75 March 4.50-^5.00 April 5 00-5 50 May 4.504.75 4.50-5.00 July 4 00-5 50 Spr>f pTYi \~t0T 1 50-4 00 i 7.e^9 ik 3.50-3.75 3.75-4.00 4.00-5.00 4.50 4. 004.50 4.50-5.00 4.25^.50 4. 004.50 4.75-5.00 2.50-3.00 1.50-3.50! 1.50-2.50 1.50-3.501 1.50-4.50 1 50-4 50' 1 .'50-4 50 2 00-2 75 2 00-3 00 2 25-3 50 • 3 0O4 00 3 00 400 3 25-4 25 2 75-3 75 3 0O4 25 2.50-3.00 2.50-2.75 3.00-3.50 3.00-3.75 3.50-3.75 1 1910. 3.00-3.75 3 00-3 75 . 3.25-3.50 1 50-4 50 3.25-3.50 March 1.50-4.50 2.50-3.50 1.50-4.50; 3.50-4.00 1 50-4. 50i 3 75-4.25 3 6(M 66 3 004 00 3 00-4 25 3 00-4 00 3.00-3.50 April 3.00-3.50 May 4. 004.50 June July i 2.50-3.00 2.00-2.50 2.25-8.00 2.75-3.50 3.50-4.75 3.50^.00 3.50-6.00 3.50-6.00 3.50-6.50 3.50-8.00 3.50-8.00 1 Spnt,pm \tt^v 4.00-4.25 4.25-4.50 4.25-4.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.50-5.75 5.75-6.00 6.00-6.25 5.75-6.00 2.50-3.00 October 2 00-3 75 3 00-5 50 3 00-5 50 3 50-5 50 3 50-5 50 4 00-6 00 4 00-6 50 4 00-7 00 3.66^.50 3.00-3.50 3.35-3.50 3.00-3.50 November 2 50^3 75 3 00-4 50 3 50-4 50 3 50-5 00 4 00-5 50 4 00-5 50 4 00-6 00 4 00-5 50 3.0O-3.75 3.50-3.75 1911. January 3.75-4.50 3.50-4.50 March 4.00-4.75 April 4.50-5.00 May ' 4.75-5.25 ' June 4.50-5.25 184 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 WHOLESALE PRICES-PEACHES. Peaches; prices for grades and quantities indicated; quotations from the Canadian Grocer, the Buffalc Commercial, and the Detroit Free Press. Year. Montreal, 11-qt. basket. Toronto, 11-qt. basket. Buffalo, fancy, i-bu. basket. Buffalo, choice, i-bu. basket. 1 Buffalo, fair to good, fbu. basket. Detroit, AA, bushel, ill baskets. Detroit, A, bushel, in baskets. Detroit, B, bushel, in baskets. 1906. September 1 September 15 October 1 $ cts. 60-75 50-75 60-75 60-1.00 $ cts. 30-75 35-75 40-75 40-75 30-75 75-1.50 1.00-2.25 1.00-2.00 7^1.50 $ cts. $ cts. Cents. $ cts. 1.50 2.00-2.25 2.00 1.50 $ cts. 1.25 1.50-1.75 1.50-1.75 1.00 $ cts. 75-1 00 60-65 1.00 1.25 40-50 85-95 1.00-1.10 - 20-35 65-80 40-60 75-1.00 1.00 October 15 November 1 76 1907. September 1 2.00 2.00 2.00-2.50 September 15 October 1 1.00-1.50 1.00-1.50 1.2^1.50 1.30-1.75 1.25-1.30 1.25-1.35 90-1. 00 90-1.00 80-1.15 65-75 70-75 60-70 2.50-3.00 2.75-3.00 2.75-3.00 1.50-1.75 1 50-1. 76 October 15 November 1 2.501 1.50-1.76 i 1908. September 1 September 15 October 1 50-75 75-1.00 50-1.25 50-1.25 80-90 80-90 l.OO-l.lO 65-75 6^75 80-85 40-50 50-60 50-75 2.00 2.25-2.50 1.50-1.75 1.75-2.00 1.75-2.00 1.00-1.26 1.00-1.26 1.0O-1.26 October 15 November 1 1.60-2.50 2.75-3.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1909. September 1 September 15 October 1 35-50 50-75 50-1.00 50-1.00 50-1.00 25-1.00 80-1.10 25-65 40-60 50-65 60-1.50 50-1.00 75-1.25 60-1.15 75 75 65-75 1 60 50-60 50-60 50-60 50 25-40 35^5 35-40 35-40 2.50-2.75 3.00-3.25 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.25 1.75 October 15 November 1 1.00-1.25 1910. 60-65 60-65 40-55 70-75 25-50 35-50 25-35 2.25-3.50 2.00 1.75 1.75 SeDtember 16. . . . 70-75 2.25 2.00 2.00 i.65 October 1 7^1.00 75-1.00 1.50 October 15 85-1.00 1.50 November 1 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 185 WHOLESALE PRICES— PLUMS. Prices for dates and quantities indicated; quotations from the Canadian Grocer, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, the Bufifalo Commercial and the Detroit Free Press. Montreal. Toronto. New York. Buffalo. Detroit. 1906. August 1 11 qt. basket. I cts. 11 qt. basket. $ cts. 7 lb. basket. $ cts. 7 lb. basket. $ cts. Bushel in baskets. $ cts. August 15 2 OO September 1 0.60-O.75 0.50-0.65 1.00-1.25 0.20-0.30 0.15-0.20 0.20-0.25 1.50-1.75 1.75-2.0O 2 .'ifl September 15 October 1 1.00 October 15 November 1 November 15 1907. August 1 ' August 15 September 1 0.85-1.25 0.40-0.75 0.75-1.00 0.35-0.40 0.30-0.40 0.25-0.35 0.25-0.30 0.30-0.40 2 flO-2 25 September 15 0. 40-0. 50 0.35-0. 60 0.75-1.00 2 OOr-2 no October 1 : 0.20-0.40 October 15 .- November 1 November 15 1908. August 1 6 qt. basket. 6 qt. basket. 0.25-0.30 0.15-0.18 0.18 0.16-0.20 1 75-2 OO August 15 0.40 0.50-0.75 0.50-0.75 0.35-0.50 0.35-0.60 0.40-O.70 1 50-1 75 September 1 0.25-0.30 1 50 September 15 1 00-1 25 October 1 0.20-0.40 October 15 November 1 November 15 1909. August 1 .- . . , 1.00 0.50-0.65 0.25-0.50 0.25-0.50 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.50 August 15 September 1 .' 0.30-0.45 0.40-0.70 0.40-0.70 0. 40-0. 70 0.40-0.70 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.20-0.35 1 25-1 50 September 15 1 20-1 80 October 1 0.17-0.25 1 75-2.25 October 15 November 1 November 15 1910. August 1 0.30 0.15-0.25 0.18-0.20 0.18-0.20 0.30-0.35 August 15 0.50-0.75 0.35-0.75 0.35-0.75 0.75-0.90 0.75-0.90 ■"6!26^!25 ■'■6!25^.'35 September 1 1.25-1.60 September 15 1.50-1.75 October 1 OctobOT 15 November 1 November 15 i 1 186 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 \¥HOLE:SAIiE PRICES— P£ARS. Prices for the dates and quantities indicated ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, the Buffalo Comm,ercial,a,nd the Detroit Free Press. Montreal. Toronto. Winnipeg. Montreal. New York. Buffalo. Detroit. 1906. Aug. 1 11 qt. basket. 40-60 35-60 40-60 60-75 50-60 11 qt. basket. 30-40 30-40 30-75 35-75 40-75 40-75 30-75 40-75 11 qt. basket. barrel. barrel. barrel. bushel in basket Aug. 15 Sept. 1. 75 Sept. 15 2.75-3.00 4.25-4.50 3.00-3.50 2.75-3.00 85 Oct. 1 75 2.50-5.50 2.50-5.50 90-1.00 Oct. 15 50- 75 Nov 1 5.50-9.00 5.50-9.00 Nov. 15 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 1907 Aug. 1 Aug. 15 Sept. 1 50-75 40-75 40-75 40-75 40-75 6.00-7.00 6.00-7.00 4.50-5.00 5.00-6.50 4.50-4.50 5. 00-5. 50 3.50-4.00 1.75-2.00 Sept. 15 60-75 40-75 40-75 1.50-2.00 Oct. 1 '6.00-8.00 2.50 Oct. 15 2.75 Nov. 1 1.00 5.00-7.00 Nov. 15 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 ...! 1908 Aug. 1 ! Aug. 15 25-50 25-50 25-50 25-50 ■ 2.75 Sept. 1 40-60 40-60 2.50-3.25 2.50-3.00 2.50 4.00 2.75-3.00 3.00-3.50 2.75-3.00 75 Sept. 15 90-1.00 Oct. 1 2.50-5.00 50- 75 Oct. 15 60-0 Nov. 1 25-30 ' 2.50-5.00 70 - 75 Nov. 15 Dec. 1 . Dec. 1 Dec. 15 ' 1909 Aug. 1 Aug. 15 50^0 20-75 35-50 2^0 40-60 40-60 .. Sept. 1 50-60 60-1.00 60-1.00 60-1.00 . . . 60-1 00 4.00-6.00 1.00-1.25 Sept. 15 75 75 75 1.25-1.50 Oct. 1 4.50-5.50 4.50-5.50 5.00-6.50 5.00-6.00 4.00-5.00 1.75-2.25 Oct. 15 1.75-2.25 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 ....40-1.00. Dec. 1 60-65 75-1.00 Dec. 15 \y 1010 Aug. 1 Aug. 15 50-75 30-75 30-75 50-1.00 Sept. 1 6.00 6.00-7.00 7.00-10.00 7.00-10.00 7.00-10.00 7.00-10.00 7.00-10.00 2.004.50 3.00-4.00 3.75^.50 3.75-4.00 3.25-3.50 3.50-3.75 Sept. 15 1.25-1.50 Oct. 1 2.00-6.50 1.50-1.75 Oct. 15 Nov. 1 30-75 30-75 40-75 Nov. 15 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 187 GRAPES. Toronto. Grapes ; price per 6-qt. basket on the first n^arket day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer and Weekly Sun. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. September Cents. 30-44 20-50 Cents. 25 -40 22^-30 Cents. 20 -50 17^^30 Cents. 20 -40 17i-30 Cents 30 15 Cents. October New York. Grapes ; price per 20-lb. basket on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. October Cents. 40-45 45-50 50-60* Cents. 40-45 50-60 50-60* Cents. / 35-45 i 50-60^ 1 40-45 Cents. 25-45 30-40*; 35-45t Cents. 1 50-55 55-60 Cents. November \ *Niagara fDelaware. Buffalo. Grapes, Concord ; price per 8-lb. basket on the first and fifteenth of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. . 1909. 1910. 1911. October 1 15. Cents. 12-13 14-15 17 16-18 16-18 Cents. Cents. 14-15 1.5-16 20-22 Cents. 14-15 14-15 14-15 Cents. 14-16 16-17 21-22 .......... Cents. November 1 15 December 1 188 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Grapes, black ; price per 20-lb. basket on the first and fifteenth of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. September 15 Cents. 40-50 30-35 40-50 40-50 Cents. ""36^35 " Cents. 30-35 Cents. "35-46'*' 35-40 35-40 Cents. 40-45 4p-50 60-70 Cents. October 1 15 • November 1 20-50 11 15 14-15 Grapes, white ; price per 20 lb. basket on first and fifteenth of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month, 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. September 15 Cents. 50-60 35-40 50-60 60-65 56-60 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. October 1 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 30-35 30-35 OctoL)er 15 40-50 40-50 50-60 70-75 November 1 *...,- Novembt^r 15 •• ••• Grapes, black, bulk grades ; price per ton on the first and fifteenth of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. October 1 $ 20.00-35.00 40.00-45.00 38.00-42.00 '45! 66^.50 ."66 16.00-25.00 20.00-28.00 30.00-35.00 30.00-35.00 30.00-35.00 $ 28.00-32.00 32.00-35.00 $ 28.00-32.00 32.00-35.00 55.00-60.00 $ October 15 _ November 1 November 15 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 189 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36fc» Detroit. Grapes, Concord ; price per 8-lb. basket , on the first and fif teenth.of each month ; quotations from Detroit Free Pi est. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. September 15 Cents. 13 15 17-18 22 Cents. 35 * 30-35 * ■"20^24* Cents. 20-25 16 18 Cents. 20 15-17 11 11 11 Cents. 25-30 * 25 * 16 t 16 t Cents. October 1 October 15 November 15 10-lb. basket, f 4-lb. basket. Grapes, Delawares and Catawbas ; prices on the first and fifteenth of each month ; quotatisons from the Detroit Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. September 1 Cents. 10-12 * 25.024t 30 ": 20-25 t Cents. '""'so '"x 40 + Cents. 20 30 t 14 * 20 t 16 * 16 18 Cents. 35 * 30 * 30-35: 15 ** 14 ** 15 *♦ 15 Cents. Cents. ■September 15 35-40 : 35-40 ** 18 16 *♦ 17 17 *• October 1 October 15 November 1 November 15 December 1 17 ** *Per pony basket. fPer 8-lb. basket, JPer 10-lb. basket. **Per 4-lb. basket. 190 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 WHOLESALE PRICES— STRAWBERRIES. New York. Strawberries; price per quart, from sources indicated, on first market day of each month; quotations from the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. Year. Florida. South Carolina. North Carolina. Maryland and Delaware. New Jersey. New York up river. New York Western State. 1906 January February March Cents. 35-40 15-50 20-40 15-20 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. \pril May 7-12 8-10 6-14 .... 6-12 4-8 July 1 5-9 6-16 1907. January February March 25-40 25-60 20-35 5-15 i 1 April 1 May 15-30 10-20 1 7-12 5-10 6-14 July 7-12 8-i2 1908. January 30-50 40-50 25-45 15-25 February March April May 10-15 10-14 5-12 5-10 . . . . _ June . .... 7-12 6-15 July 1 . 1909. January 20-45 30-40 20-40 20-30 10-20 ' ' February April Mav 10-13 10-12 June 8-10 5-9 July 0-13 7-15 1910. January 50-75 50-75 25-50 20-30 14-18 February March April May 10-13 9-13 9-13 5-10 June 6-12 Julv . 5-8 5-9 1911. January 60-75 25^0 25-46 15-40 10-20 February • March ! April j ! May i2-18 5-12 1 1 June 6-15 6-14 5-10 July 8-15 8-15 J *See note on page 179. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 191 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Strawberries; price per quart box, in crates, on the first and fifteenth of the months indicated. Quotations from The Canadian Grocer, the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin and the Buffalo Commercial. Montreal. Toronto. Winnipeg. Boston. New York. Buffalo, choice to fancy. 1906. January 1 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. 3.V40 15-50 20^0 15-20 7-12 Cents. February 1 March 1 April 1 25-45 25 11-15 15-17 16-18 9-10 14 40 -50 18 -20 13 -16 15-16 10 -16 71-10 33 37 21 21 Mayl Mav 15 11 -12 10 11- Q 12 &-14 June 15 . . July 1 . . 19 4-16 10-12 July 15 1907. January 1 25-40 25-60 20-35 5-15 10-30 5-12 February 1 65 -75 55-60 60 20-25 20 -24 17-18 17-18 10 -15 08 -11 March 1 April 1 Mayl May 15 June 1 20^22 14-15 14-18 9-12 21 1Q 14. 13 15 July 1 . . 6-13 10 14 July 15 . . 11W2 1908. January 1 50-60 30-40 35-50 25-35 16-17 30-50 40-50 25^5 15-25 5-15 February 1 60 75 65 17-20 17-20 10-15 12-13 9-10 65 65 65 18 17-20 15 -17 8-9 6-7 10 -11 March 1 April 1 Mayl . . 20 14 15 May 15 14 15 June 1 10-12 6-15 19 14 June 15 July 1 . . 8-10 11 -12 July 15 . . 1909, 35-40 . 25^0 25-35 30^5 14-15 20^5 30-40 20^0 20-30 10-20 February 1 . . 50 50 50 40-50 30-45 20 12-17 5-10 5-10 75 75 30-40 15-18 15-18 15-18 15-18 6-8 8-10 55 60-65 55 -60 20 -25 18 12-16 13 -15 4-7 4-7 60-70 50-60 50 -60 16 -18 16-17 13-15 13 -15 6-8 5-7 March 1 April 1 Mayl 25 21 18 15 17 -25 121-17 16 -17 May 15 June 1 . . 5-8 5-10 8-9 June 15 July 1 •. . July 15 . . 4-7 6-15 9-12 10 -11 1910. February 1 55 35 25 9-10 March 1 April 1. . May 1 8 -12 May 15 June 1 6-10 6-12 10 -11 12 -14 July 1 . . 6-12 5-9 8-9 July 15 1911. .Taniiarv 1 60-75 25^0 25^5 15-40 10-20 65 40-50 40-50 17-25 17-25 16-18 9-12 65-70 40 -50 40 -50 25 -30 18-20 18-20 8 -11 March 1 35^6 35-40 15-25 April 1 Mayl 20 18-20 May 15 ... 25 19 7-10 5-15 10 -12 July 1 . . July 15 192 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 WHOLESALE PRICES— RASPBERRIES. Raspberries, red; price per quart box, on the dates indicated; quotations from the Canadian Grocer, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, the Buffalo Com,mercial, and the Detroit Free Press. July 1 July 15.... August 1 . . August 15. Julyl July 15.... August 1 . . August 15. 1906. 1907. Montreal. Cents. Toronto. Cents. 20 9-10 9-10 9-10 New York. Cents. 6-12 's-ie' 12-24 i2-26' Buffalo. Cents, 10-12 10-11 9-11 Detroit. Cents. 14 12 91 8 35 Julyl July 15.... August 1 . . August 13 . Julyl July 15.... August 1 . . August 15. Julyl July 15 August 1 August 15 September 1. 1908. 1909. 14-17 13-16 12 13-15 11-13 12-13 10-12 10-12 9-10 9-10 1910, 12-15 12-14 11 8-12 8-20 12-20 ' 8-13 i2-i5' 10-12 12-13 9-11 9-11 9-10 10-11 9-11 9-11 9-10 10-11 10-12 7-9 9-10 9-10 16 14-16 11-13 12-13 14-15 14-15 i2"" 12 12-13 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 193 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b VEGETABLES:* POTATOES. St. John. Potatoes ; price per barrel on first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ c. 1.25-1.50 1.25-1.50 1.25-1.50 $ c. $ c. $ C. $0. 1.40-1.60 1.40-1.50 1.40-1.50 1.60-1. 70 1.25-1.40 1.15-1.30 1.00-1.25 1.G5-1.85 0A5-0 50 0.90-1.00 1.00-1.10 $ c. $ c. 1.25-1.40 1.25-1.40 1.25 1.00-1.15 1.25-1.00 1.50-1.75 1.50-1.75 1.50 1.25-1.40 1.15-1.25 1.10-1.15 1.25-1.40 $ c. $ c. 1 90-2 00 1.50 1.50 1.00-1.15 1.00-1.15 0. 75-1. 00 0.75-1.00 1.05-1.20 0.60 1.25 1.40-1.60 1.90-2.00 1 90-2 00 March 1 90-2 00 April 2 00-2 25 May 2 00-2 25 June 1.50^1.75 1.40-1. 60 1.20-1.50 0.70-0.80 .2.2.5-2.50 2 00-2.25 1.50 0.60-0.75 1.40-1.50 1.25-1.50 1.25-1.50 2 40 July August September October November December Average 1-27 1-52 1-22 1 35 1.18 208 Montreal. Potatoes, car-lots, on track price per bag of 90 pounds in first week of each month : Canadian Journal of Commerce. quotations from the Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June Cents. 60-65 63-C5 55-60 60-65 65-70 68-72 65-75 $0. $ c. 0.70-0.80 0.75-0 80 0.80-0.85 0.6<)-0.70 0.65-0.80 1.08-1.12 1.00-1.20 1.00-1.20 $ c. $ c. 0.70-0.85 0.70-0.85 0.85-1.00 75-0.90 0.80-0.95 0.80-1.00 0.70-0.85 1.00-1.10 1.10 0.65-0.70 0.65^.75 0.70-0.80 a c. $ c. 0.75-0.80 0.75-0.80 0.75-0.85 0.80-0.90 0.95-1.07^ 0.95-1.05 ' ■6!95-i!i6 Cents. 50-57* 45-621 45-621 38-45" 30-35 35-40 45-50 0.82A 0.87| 0.90 -92i 0.90 -95 1.10 -1.15 1.02^-1.05 July August October . 0.45-0.57^ 60 75 75-87i November 60-65 70-80 0.60-0.65 0.70-0 85 Average •667 .840 •833 •806 •621 •970 * In comparing yearly averages given in this section it should be observed that the number of monthly quotations is not always the same in the different markets ; occasionally in the potato quotations old are quoted in one market and new in another. 366—13 194 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Potatoes; price per bushel, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. January February March April May June July August September . . . October November December Average 1906. Cents. 60-67 60-67 50^52 50-52 53-60 53-60 77-80 67-73 67 50 50 50 ■599 1907. Cents. 50 50 50 50-57 53-63 87-90 87-90 77-80 67 67 ' 67 67 677 1908. Cents. 67 67 67 67-70 63-67 67 83-90 67 60 53 47-50 47-50 •636 1909. Cents. 47-50 50-53 50-53 53-57 67-73 67-73 60-67 50-53 50-53 47-50 40-43 40-43 •537 1910. Cents. 40-43 40-43 37-40 33-37 33-37 30-37 37-40 13-20 50-53 50-53 43-50 57-60 •406 1911. Cents. 55-60 60-65 60-65 60-65 65-70 65-70 •633 Winnipeg. Potatoes ; price per bushel, in car lots, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. January February. . . March April May June July. August September. , October November.., December. . , Average. 1906. Cents. 60 65 65 50-55 50 561 1907 Cents. 65 75 80 75-80 80 85-95 70-80 50 60-70 35-38 40-46 40 647 1908. Cents. 50-55 50 50-55 45-50 45 -50 44-53 65 75 -100 45-50 40 -50 37i-40 45 -50 520 1909. Cents. 50-60 70-75 85 75 85-95 95-100 60-70 60-70 55-60 35-40 35-40 50-55 •645 1910. Cents. 50-60 50-60 45-50 40-45 35 25-30 20 60 75 50 55 65-70 •492 1911. Cents. 65-70 80 80-85 70-75 70-75 70-75 •760 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 -* 195 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Boston. l*otatoes: Maine; price per bushel, in first week of each month; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January _ February $ cts. 67 65 65 85 80 90 1.10 Cents. 45 60 57 53 70 75 40 $Ct8 $CtS 70 83 85- 88 80 85- 88 65- 78 1.10-1.15 l.OO-l.OO 70 65- 70 80 75- 80 Cents. 70 75-80 75-80 90 93 90 80 Cents. 60-65 60 50 45 30 Cents. 45-50 50 March April 45 55-60 May 50-55 June 55 July August September 60 55 50 48 75 65 68 70 70-75 "60 65 55-60 50 45 55 October November December Average •613 •617 •84 •771 •522 •516 i BiiflTalo. I !■ Potatoes, State, choice to fancy; price per bushel, on first market day of each month; quotations from the % Bufifalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ; . . . Cents. 65-70 65-68 50-60 82 82-85 • 95 60-65 ' 60-70 65-75 50 52 46-48 Cents. 45 48-50 48-50 .45 60 80 25-35 Cents. 70 7&-78 83-85 80-85 90 80-85 Cents. 78 78-80 80 92 95 85-90 Cents. 50 45 45 30 30 35 Cents. 54-55 February March 49-50 46-47 April.. May 58-60 62-66 June 48 .Tuly August 75-90 70-75 68-70 62-65 65-90 75 64-65 78 75-90 70 55 48-50 50-75 50-55 55 50-55 October November. Average •656 •589 •781 - •481 •511 - 366—13^ 196 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Potatoes, state, good to choice ; price per bushel on first maiket day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 19U. i January . F'ebruary Cents. 60-72 60-62 45-50 76-78 77-80 85-90 Cents. 40-42 42-45 44-46 40-42 52-55 72-75 Cents. 65-68 70-74 78-80 60-75 85-88 72-75 Cents. 7^76 75-76 76-78 8.S-90 90-92 75-80 Cents. 46-48 40-42 40-42 20-25 25-28 30-32 Cents. 48-52 45-46 March April May 42-45 50-55 60-62 40-45 July August - September 40-50 40-45 45-50 42-45 October 50^65 62-65 58-60 68-70 "60-62 75-77 60-65 50-52 42-45 45-48 45-50 45-48 November December Average •596 •531 •723 •714 •388 •492 Chicago. Potatoes, Burbank ; price per bushel, low and high in each month ; quotations from the Year Books of the United States Department of Agriculture. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. *i9ia 1911. January Cents. 55-66 47-57 43-68 57-63 48-73 60-87 Cents. 34-45 37-48 33-47 33-61 55-75 32-70 30-50 Cts. $ c. 52-0.65 58-0.73 62-0.75 60-0.77 50-0.80 53-1.50 70-1.10 58-0.90 58-0.78 50-0.81 57-0.71 60-0.77 Cts. $ c. 60-0.79 65-0.95 80-0.93 85-1.10 70-1.50 20-1. 4") 15-1.25 - 38-0.66 42-0.65 35-0.55 15-0.50 20-0.58 Cents. 40-54 30-38 20-46 15-31 10-34 10-28 10-72 60-98 50-98 35-74 34-50 30-48 Cents. JTebruary March April May June July August September . . 45-58 40-47 41-48 40-43 50-60 43-65 45-63 46-58 October November December Low and high 40-87 30-75 50-1.50^ 15-1.50 10-98 *rair to fancy. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 197 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Minneapolis. Potatoes, mixed red and white ; price per bushel in car lots on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. .1909. 1910. 1911. . i January February Cts. 50-55 53 48 40 50 50 35 60* 40 55 Cts. 40 33-35 35-40 25-40 45-50 55 40 90* 60 50 30 30 Cts. 30 50-55 50 50 50 a5 50 90* 75 65 50-55 50-55 Cts. 50-55 50-55 60-70 60-70 75-80 70 90* 50 45 50 50 40 $ cts. $ cts. 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.10* 1.00 0.80-1.20 0.90-1.10 0.55 0.55 Cts. 65 55 ■ March 45-50 40-45 ■ April May JvLne.r July August ; September October Noveniber December ^ Average •487 •436 •540 •600 •639 •500 New. TUENIPS. St. John. Turnips ; price per barrel on first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January .... February March Cts. $ cts. 50-0.60 60-0.70 60-0.70 60-0. 70 70-0.80 90-1.00 Cts. Cts. $ cts. 70-0.80 70-0.80 70-0.80 70-0.80 90-1.00 90-1.00 $ cts. Cts. 0.75-90 0.75-90 0.75-90 0.60-70 0.60-70 0.70-90 1.00 Cts. $ cts. 0.60 0.60 60 0.75 April 1.00 Mav 1.10 June July i^torttjiTn Vu^r 75-1.00 70-0.75 40-0.50 October rJnvf^mVif^r 60-60 60-70 75 60 Average •70 •60 •772 •796 675 •775 198 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Turnips, Canadian ; price per bag on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer and Weekly Sun. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February Cts. 35 25 25 25 35 Cts. 35 35 35 75 75-90 Cts. 35-40 35-40 35-40 45-50 40-45 Cts. 30-35 30-35 35-40 35-40 35-40 Cts. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Api'il May July September October 40-45 35 35 40-50 30-40 30-40 45 35 30-35 ■"•45 40 40 December Average •322 •478 •394 •378 •441 Boston. Turnips, Canadian price per barrel on the first week of eaoh month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909.* 1910. 1911. January $ cts. 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 1.75 2.00 $ cts. 0.90 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.25 2.50 1.25 2.00 1.00 0.95 0.80 % c. $ c. 1.00-1.10 1.00-1.10 1.10-1.15 1.15-1.25 1.25-1.50 1.75-2.00 $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ C. $0. 1 05 February March 1 05 85-0 90 April . . , 1 10 May 1.40 June 1.40 July August September "i.'oo"' 1.00 0.90 0.90 October November December '-'^ ! Average 1085 1.375 1.28 1 107 Rutabagas " quoted. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 199 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Buffalo. Turnips, yellow ; price per barrel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buflfalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ c. 0.75-0.80 0.60-0.65 $ c. $ c. 0.70-0.75 0.75-0.80 0.70-0.80 0.90-1.00 1.25-1.30 1.40-1.50 0.75-1.00 0.90-1.00 1.10-1.25 1.25-1.35 l.OO-l.lO $ c. $c. 0.80-0.90 0.90-1.00 0.80-0.90 0.80-1.00 0.75-0.80 0.75-0.85 0.85-0.90 1.75-2.00 $c. $c. February 0.70-0.80 80-0 90 April . . . 0.60-0.70 1.25-1.50 90-0 95 May 0.90-1.10 1.75-2 00 Julv . . . September October 6.66^1.05 0.60-1.05 0.90-1.05 0.75-0.90 1.50-1.80 0.75-1.20 0.90-1.35 1.75-1.85* 1.50 0.65-0.75 0.75-0.80 2.00-2.20* 1.10-1.25 0.^0-0.90 0.65-0.75 1.0O-1.50 1.00-1.25 0.75-0.85 0.70-0.80 November December Average •859 1194 1125 1108 1000 1080 * Southern. ONIONS. Toronto. Onions ; price per bushel of 50 lb., in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910- 1911. -Taniiarv Cents. 75 85-90 85-95 60-80 65-70 Cents. 70 85 85 Cents. Cts. $ c. 50-0.55 50-0.60 500.60 75-0.85 90-1.00 90-1.00 90-1.00 Cents. 65-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 65-85 February ... March April May •Tun© 85 Jlllv August 65 65 65 October 50-70 (;5-70 70 40-50 05^1.66 65-0.85 December Average •738 660 •761 •727 200 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 BnflTalo. Onions, yellow, choice to fancy ; prices per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. 75-80 60-75 50 55 55-60 50-60 50-75 40-60 40-55 50-60 60 50 $c. $c. 0.60-0.65 0.70-0.75 1.10-1.25 0.75 1.50-1.75 $c. $c. 0.65-0.70 0.65-0.70 0.85 0.80 1.00 $c. $c. 65 0.80 0.85 0.85-0.90 0.75 1.00 75-1.00 $c. $c. 0.70 0.75 0.80-0.85 0.85-0 90 0.75 1.25-1.35 $c. $c. 0.80-0.85 0.95-1.00 March April May 0.95-1.00 1.50 1.85-2 40 July August September 0.75-1.00 0.45-0.55 50-0.60 0.45 0.55 0.60 0.90-1 00 0.80-0.85 0.70 0.65-0.75 0.55-0.65 0.65-0.70 0.60 0.60-0.75 0.50-0.70 65-0.70 75 November Average •580 •950 •675 •756 •803 1-256 Minneapolis* Onions, red and yellow ; price per sack of 100 lbs, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Minneapolis Tribune. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ cts. 1.35 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.15 $ cts. $ cts. 1.00 1.25 1.75-2.00 1.50-2.00 2.50-3.75 $ cts. 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 $ cts. 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 ■ ^ cts. 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 $ cts. 2 25 February March April •2.25 2.25 2 75 May June July August . . . September "i'so"' 1.00 1.00 1.00 ""2.66"""' 1.50 1.50 1.50 ■■■"i!75"" 1.25 1.00 1.00 ""i.'56 1.25 1.25 1.50 "■ 2;25"" 2.25 2.25 2.25 October November December . ... Average 1.222 1.884 1.694 1.528 2.139 2 375 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 201 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b L.ETTUCE. Toronto. Lettuce ; price per dozen bunches in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 30 30 30-35 30-40 35 30 25-30 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-30 25-35 Cents. 35-40 35-40 35-40 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. 30 February 30 30 30 40 March 40 A pril 40 May 30-35 35 25-35 25 25-40 25 35 30-75 25-50 40 June July 30 30 30-60 . 25-30 25-30 25-30 25-30 30 30 20-40 August September October November • December Average •280 •3.S3 •307 •357 Buffalo. Lettuce ; price per dozen bunches on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. - Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. February March April May 25-75 15-40 15-25 June July August 30-60 10-25 15-30 30-50 10-12 8-12 25-35 20-30 25-50 ^10 6-12 20-35 8-12 12-15 20-25 September . . . . ; October November 50-85 35-50 50-60 75-85 December 40-65 Average •325 •344 •232 •328 372 202 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 CARROTS. Toronto. Carrots ; price per bushel in the first week of each montli ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March Cents. 50 50 40 40 40-50 40-50 Cents. 40-50 40-50 40-50 Cents. 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 35-50 Cents. 25-30 25-30 25-30 30-40 30-40 65 65 Cents. 45-fO 45-50 45-50 45-50 Cents. 36 35 35 35-40 May.. 35 50 July Au^st. 40-50 40-50 40-50 ~ 40-50 October 40-50 30-40 25-30 November . . . ■40^56' 35 35 Average •450 •450 •417 •363 •410 •379 Detroit. Carrots ; price per bushel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Detroit Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ... Cents. 40 40 40 50 60 Cents. 40 45 55 50 40-50 80-90 Cents. Cents. 40 45 50 Cents. 60 60 50 50 .50 90 Cents. 50 February March 50 50 April May 50 75 50 June July ■■■'so' 50 45 40 40 August 65 September 65 65 50 50 75 50 50 45 50 65 50 50 October November December Average •491 •55 •51 •537 •575 •50 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 203 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b CELERY. Toronto. Celery ; price per dozen bunches in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. ^K Month. 1906. 1907. 19a8. 1909. 1910. 1911. Cents. Cents. 40-50 40-50 40-50 Cents. 35-40 35-40 35-40 3.5-40 35-40 30-40 Cents. 25-40 25-40 Cents. 30-35 30-35 30-35 30-35 Cents. 30-40 30-40 March 30-40 April May 1 T "^ July August September ■50-75' 40-50 . 40-50 40-50 40-50 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 40 25-40 60 60 25-30 October November December A verage •485 •407 •368 •381 •325 •35 Buffalo. Celery ; price per dozen bunches on the first markat day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. K January If February March Cents. 15-50 • 15-50 30-00 Cents. 40-50 35-50 Cents. 30-40 45-50 Cents. 50-60 30-35 15-50 Cents. 40-45 50-60 65-75 Ctnts. 40-45 50-60 20-40 April 25-50 May ... June. . . July 10-15 20-40 15-30 20-50 15-25 40-50 70-75 30-45 30 30-35 20-25 45-50 August 40-50 35-40 35-40 35 35-40 35-40 September , . 40-60 40-45 50-55 October 45 35 35-40 November December Average •305 •465 •410 •383 •465 •112 204 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 TOmATOES. Toronto. Tomatoes ; price per 11 qt. basket, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Orocer. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. J August $ c. % c. 1.00-1.25 .15 .25 .30 .40 .35 .40 $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. .35 .60 .20 .30 .30 .40 .50 % c. $ c. .60 .75 .25 .30 .20 .30 .20 .35 $ c. $ c. 1.7&-2.25 .30 .35 .30 .40 .30 .40 $ c. $ 1 .25 .30 .25 October Buffalo. Tomatoes, home grown ; price per half bushel basket, on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. August $ c. % c. .75-1.00 $ c. $ c. .75-1 00 .65 .85 .45 .65 % c. $ c. .75 .90 .25 .50 .30 .50 $ c. $ c. .50 .65 .20 .25 .20 .30 $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. September .20 .35 .40 .50 October November COMPABATITE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 205 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b BEANS. Halifax. Beans, prime hand-picked ; price per bushel on first market day o' each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1096. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ 0. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85 ■■2;i0-2!20 2.00-2.05 2 10-2.15 2.10-2.25 $ c. $ c. 2.00-2.05 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 $0. $c. 2.10-2.15 2.10-2 15 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 2.10 2.15 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 2.05-2.10 $ c. $ c. February March April 2 05-2 10 May 2 05-2 10 J une 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.25-2..% 2.40-2.50 2.10-2.15 2.10-2.15 July August September October JS^ovember December 2.00-2.05 Average 204 2-24 212 208 JBeans, hand picked ; price per bushel, Toronto. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Toronto Globe. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March $ c. $ c. • 1.65-1.75 1.75-1.80 1.75-1.80 1.80-1.85 1.75-1.89 1.75-1.80 1.70-1.80 1.70-1.80 1.70-1.80 1.70-1.89 1.75-1.80 1.50 $ c. $ c. 1.50 1.55-1. 90 1.55 1.55 1.50-1.55 1.50-1.55 1.65-1.70 1.65-1,70 1.65-1.70 1.7O-1.80 1.90-2.00 1.85-1.95 $ c. $ c. 1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85 1.80-1.85 2.00-2.10 210-2.15 2.10-2.20 2.10-2.20 2.10-2.20 • 1.90-2.00 1.80-1.85 $ c. $ 0. 1.85-2.00 1.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50-2.60 2.50-2.60 2.50-2.60 2.25 1.85 1.75-1.80 1.75-1.80 $ c. $c. 1.80-1.90 2.10-2.20 2.15-2.25 2.15-2.25 2.10-2.20 2.10-2.20 2.00-2.10 2.15-2.25 2.15 ' 2.15 2.00-2.10 1.80-1.86 $ 0. $ c. 1.90-2.00 1.90-2 09 2.00 April May 2.00 1.75-2.00 June July 1.85-2.00 August September October . . December Average 1-747 1.654 1-960 2-164 2-080 1-94 206 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Boston. 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 1 'm Beans, choice, New York ; price per bushel, in first week of each month ; the Bostoa Chamber of Commerce, and the Year Books of the United luotations from the Bulletin of kates Dept. of Agriculture. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1906. $ c. $ c. 1.75-1.80 1.65-1 75 1 55-1.60 1.60-1.65 1.60-1.70 1.70-1.72 1.60-1.62 1.55^1.60 1.50-1 55 1 55-1.65 1.60-1.65 1.50-1.55 1.62 1907. $ c. $ c. 1.50 1.50-1.55 1.45-1.55 1.42-1.47 1.45-1.90 1.80-1.90 1.70-1.75 1.70-1.80 1 90-2.25 2.35-2.45 2.44 2.30-2.40 1.84 1908. $ c. $ c. 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.35-2.40 2.60 2.70-2.75 2.65-2.70 ,65 .60 .35 .40 .40 2.51 1909. $ c. $ c. 35-2.40 45 55 55 55 70-2.75 75 70 50 40 35 2.25-2.30 2.50 1910. 2.27 2.35 2.35 2.30 2.30 2.40 2 45 2.45 2.65 2.65 2.40 2.36 2.41 1911. $ c. $ c. 2.30 2. 25-2. 3a 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.20 2.21 Detroit. Beans, Michigan white, hand picked price per bushel, in first week of each month the Detroit Trade. quotations from " Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ cts. 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.60 $ cts. 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 2.20 2.50 2.20 $ cts. 2.20 2.35 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.85 2.85 2.75 2.70 2.50 2.60 2.50 .y $ cts. 2.50 2.55 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.25 2.85 2.85 3.60 2.40 2.40 2.40 $ cts. 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.70 2.70 3.00 2.50 2.50 $ cts. 2.50 - 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1-758 1-825 2 -600 2-633 2-550 2-375 Note : A summary table of yearly averages of fruit and vegetable prices is omitted owing to the diflB- culty, in the case of wholesale prices, of making comparisons except by corresponding months ; (see notes, pp. 179 and 193). In the case of producers' prices quoted, the tables are already in the form of compara- tive yearly averages. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES-AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED GRAIN PRODUCTS, ETC. (1) Flour. (2) Bran. (3) Middlings and Sliorts. (4) Rolled Oats. (5) Maple Products. (6) Honey. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A, 1911 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MISCELLANEOUS FARM PRODUCTS. FLOUR. St. John, N. B. Flour, Manitoba high grade ; price per barrel on first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. t— Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. $ c. $ c. 5.35-5.45 5.JS5-5 45 5.25-5.35 5.25-5.35 5 25-5.35 5.45-5.55 5.45-5.55 5.45-5.55 5.15-5.25 5.25-5.35 5.35-5.45 5.35-5.45 $ c. $ c. 5.35-5.45 5.25-5.35 5.25-5.35 5.23-5.35 5.25-5.35 5.75-5.95 5.75-5.85 5.75-5.85 6 15-6.25 6.55-6.65 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 $ c. $ c. 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 6.75-^.85 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 6.75-6.85 6.6(^6.70 6.60-6.70 6.60-6.70 $c. $c. 6.60-6.70 6.35-6.45 6.60-6-70 6.60-6.70 6.95-7.00 7.15-7.20 7.15-7.20 7.15-7.20 6.75-6.85 6.45-6.55 6.45-6.55 6.45-6.55 $c. $c. $c. $c. 6.35-6.45 6.35-6.45 6.35-6.45 6.15-6.25 6.15-6.25 6.15-6.25 February March April 6.55-6.65 6.56-6.65 6.55-6.65 6.35-6.45 6.15-6.25 6.4.5-6.55 7.05-7.15 7.05-7.15 6.55-6.60 6.35-6.45 6.35-6.45 May June. July August September October November December Average • 5 375 5-871 6-759 6-762 6-589 6 300 Flour, Ontario full patent, price per bbl. on first Friday of each m^nth ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ c. 4.85-4.95 4.85-4.95 4.75-4.85 4.75-4.85 4.65-4.75 4.85-4.95 4.85-4.95 4.65-4.75 4.45-4.55 4.35-4.48 4.35-4.45 4.45-4.55 $ c. $ c. 4.45-4.55 4.25-4.35 4.35-4.45 4.35-4.45 4.35-4.45 4. 90-5. 00 5.05-5.15 5.05-5.15 5.35-5.45 5.90-6.00 5.95-6.05 5.75-5.85 $ c. $ c. 5.75-5.85 5.75-5.85 5.75-5.85 5.75-5.85 * 5.65-5.75 5.75-5.85 5.35-6.45 5.35-5.45 5.35-5.45 5.35-5.45 5.50-5.60 $ c. $ c. 5.60-5.70 5.75-5.85 5.95-6.05 5.95-6.05 6.60-6.70 7.00-7.10 6.85-6.95 6.45-6.55 5.75-5.80 5.85-5.90 5.85-5.90 5 95-6.00 $ C. M c. $c. $c. 5 35-5 45 February March April 6.05-6.15 6.05-6.15 5.95-6.05 5.75-5.85 5.65-5.75 5.60-5.70 6.35-6.45 5.95-6.05 5.60-5.70 5.40-4.50 5.60-5.70 5.55-5.65 5.35-5.40 5.20-5.25 May June 5.20-5.25 5.35-5.40 July August September. October November Average 4-700 5025 1 5-623 6 171 5-864 5 367 * Quotations to this point were for *' Ontario high grade.' 366—14 210 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Toronto. Flour, winter wheat patent ; price per bbl. on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer and the' Canadian, Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. .Tnnnarv $ c. $c. 4.60-4.80 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 440-4. 70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4 40-4.70 $ c. $ c. 4.40-4.70 4,40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 4.40-4.70 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.50 5.50 $ c. 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 $ c. $ c. 4.80 4.80 4.90-5.00 5.20-5.40 6.30 6.40 6.40 5.90 5.40-5.50 5.20-5.30 5.40-5.50 5.40-5.50 $ c. $ c. 5.40-5.50 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.20-5.30 5.20 5.30 5.30-5.35 4.80-5.35 5.45 4.80-5.35 4.80-5.00 $ c. $ c. 4.80-5.00 February March ." 4.80-5.00 4.80-5.00 April May 4.80-5.00 4.50 4.50 July August September October Average 4-56 4 -94 5-50 5-25 5-24 4-82 Flour, Manitoba First Patents ; price per barrel on the first market day of each month the Canadian Grocer and the Canadian Miller. quotations from Month. January February , March April May June July August September. . . October , November December Average, 1906. 4.4.5-4.85 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.50 4.40-4.50 4.40-4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4-48 1907. 4.60 4.60 4.60 3.80-4.00 5.50 5.10 5.10-5.30 3.35 5.90 5.90 6.30 6.10 5 17 1908. $ cts. 6.10 6.25 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.00 6.00 6,00 6.00 6.00 607 1909. Be. $ c. 5.70-5.80 5.70-5.80 5.70-5.80 5.70-5.80 6.10-6.30 6.40 6.40 6.00-6.20 5.50-5.60 5.20-5.30 5.20-5.30 5.20-5.30 5-78 1910. 5.20-5.30 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.40-5.50 5.30-5.40 5.80 6. '20 6.20 5.70 5.70 5.40-5.50 1911. S c. $ c. 5.40-5.50 5.40-5.50 5.40-5.50 5.40 5.10 5.10 5-68 5-37 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 211 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Flour, best Spring Patents ; price per sack of 98 pounds in first week of each month ; quotations from the Northwestern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 11K)8. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March $ cts. 2.50 2.45 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 $ cts. 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.. 30 2.35 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.20 $ c. $ c. 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10-3.20 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 S c. § c. 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.20-3.30 3.a5 3.35 3.35 3.15 3.05 3.05 3.05 $ cts. 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 2.95 2.95 2.50 3.30 3.20 3.05 3.05 2.90 § cts. 2.90 2.90 2.JM) 2.70 2.65 2.65 April May June ... July Avigust September October November December Average 2-38 2 -63 310 317 3 01 278 Flour, Seconds ; price par sack of pounds in the first week of each month ; Northxoestern Miller. quotations from the Month. January February March April May ..... . . June July August .September. . . . October November December .... Average 1906. 1907. i 1908. i 1 1909. 1910. 1911. % cts. $ c. § c. $ cts. % c. $ e. ^ cts. $ c. § c. 2.25 2.15 2 80 2.80 2.75 2.60 2.20 2.15 2.80 2.80 2.75 2.60 2.15 2.05 2.80 2.80 2.75 2.55 2.15 2.05 2.80 2.80 2.75 2.35-2.40 2.15 2.05-2.10 2.80 2.90-3.00 2.65 2.45 2.15 2.30 2.80 3.05 2.65 2.45 2.15 2.30 2.80 3.05 2.20 2.15 2.05 2.30 2.50 2.80 2.80 3.05 2.85 3.00 1 2.90 2.15 2.70 2.80 2.75 2.75 i 2.15 2.90 2.80 2.75 2.75 1 2.15 2.90 2.80 2.75 2.60 j 215 2 .^4 2-80 2-87 2 71 ' 2 -49 \ 366-141 212 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Boston. "Flour, standard Spring patents ; price perbbl. in first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February . March April May $ cts. 4.90 . 4.90 4.85 4.80 4.80 4.85 5.10 4.70 4.50 4.80 4.70 4.90 $ cts. 4.70 4.80 4.65 4.55 • 4.80 5.70 5.70 5.65 5.90 5.90 6.00 6.10 $ c. $ c. 5.80-6.20 5.50-5.90 5.80-6.20 5.50-5.80 5.80-6.10 5.60-6.10 5 50-6.00 6.00-6.50 5.35-6.00 5.60-6.10 5.40-5 90 5.60-6.15 $ c. $ c. 5.75-6.00 5.60-6.15 6.00-6.60 5.90-6.50 6.40-7.60 6.50-7.20 6.40-6.90 6.30-6.75 5.25-5.40 5.45-5.80 5.60-6.10 5.60-6.10 $ c. $ c. 6.00-6.40 5.80-6.20 5.90-6.40 5.70-6.15 5.50-6.00 5.35-5.75 •5.90-6.50 5.00-6.50 5.60-6.20 5.50-6.00 5.25-5.65 5.40-5.75 $ c. ^ c. 5.50-.n.90 5.40-5.70 5.00-5.50 4.80-5.25 5.25-5.70 5.20-5 60 July August September October November December , . . Average 4-817 5-371 5-85 6164 5-891 5 40 Flour, winter patents ; price per bbl. at Boston, in first week of each month ; quotations from the Bulletin of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. Month. January February March . April May Jime July Augtist September .... October November December Average 190v. $ cts. 4 75 4 55 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.65 4 60 4.15 4.00 4.10 4.10 4.15 1907. $ cts. 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.10 4.30 5.20 5.15 4.85 4.95 4.10 5 30 5.25 4-721 1908. $ c. $ c. 5.00-5.40 4.75-5.00 5.00-5.30 4.75-5.00 4.95-5.25 4 80-5.10 4.65-j.OO 4.70-4.95 4.70-5.00 4.80-5.25 4.90-5.25 5.00-5.40 4-995 1909. 1910 $ c. $ c. 5.10-5.41 5.10-5.50 6.00-6.40 5.80-6.25 6.10-7 10 7.00-7.25 6.75-7.15 5.40-5.75 5.25-5.60 5. 60-6. 00 6.00-6.25 5.80-6.20 6 031 $ c. $ c. 6.10-6.40 5.75-6.00 6.00-6.20 5.80-6 10 5.50-5.a5 5.20-5.50 5.00-5.50 5.00-5.45 5.00-5.25 4.90-5.15 4.75-5.00 4.60-4.90 5-454 1911. $ c. $ c. 4.60-4.90 4.75-4.90 4.50-4.75 4.25-4.60 4.2c>-4.60 4.60-4.70 4-617 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b New York. 213 Flour, wheat, spring patents ; price per bbl. on first Tuesday of each month ; quotations furnished U.S. Bureau of Labour by the New York Produce Exchange. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ c. $ c. 4 40-4.80 4.20-4.65 4.0O-4.50 4.00-4.35 4.10-4.40 4.25-4.55 4.20-4.65 3 90-4.35 3.75-4.30 4.00-4.50 3.90-4.35 4.00-4.45 $ c. $ c. 3.80-4.35 3.90-4.50 3.90-4.40 3.90-4.40 4.15-4.60 4.80-5.40 4 80-5.35 4.85-5.40 4.85-5.40 5.25-5.75 5.10-5.65 5.10-5.70 $ c. $ c. 5.30-5.85 5.15-5.75 5.20-5.75 4.90-5.40 5.10-5.50 5.15-5.45 5.00-5.45 5.30-5.90 5.25-5.75 5.20-5.70 5.00-5.50 5.20-5.75 $ C. $ 0. 5.20-5.75 e. 10-5. 75 5.50-6.00 6.H5-6.10 5.90-6.40 6.20-6.85 6.00-6.60 5.60-6.35 4.85-5.a5 5.10-5.70 5.25-5.75 5.25-5.65 $ c. $ c. 5.25-5.85 5.40-5.90 5.45-5.90 5.30-5.80 5.10-5.65 4.90-5-35 5.25-5.90 5.75-6.10 5.40-5.75 5.20-5.65 4.90-5.40 5.00-5.50 $ 0. $ c. 5 35-5 (K) February 5 25-5 45 March 4 90-5 25 April .' 4 85-5 20 May . 5 00-5 .SO June. 5 00-5 25 July August September October November December Average 4-273 4-804 5 396 5-744 5-481 5.20 Flour, ^wheat, winter straights ; price per bbl. on first Tuesday of 'ach month ; quotations furnished U.S. Bulletin of Labour by the New York Produce Exchange. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May... June July August September October November .... December .... Average 3.70-3.95 3.60-3.85 3.40-3.70 3.40-3.75 3.55-3.85 3.65-4.00 3.75-3.95 3. 50-3. 70 3.30-3.60 3.35-3.60 3.30-3 55 3.25-3.50 3 623 $ c. $ c. 3.15-3.45 3.20^3.50 3.20-3.45 3.20-3.45 3.30-3.55 4.20-4.50 4.15-4.55 3.90-4.25 4.00-4.60 4.30-4.60 4.30-4.75 4.30-4.75 $ c. $ c. 4.35-4.75 4.25-4.55 4.23-4.50 4.00-4.35 4.10-4.45 4.20-4.55 3.85-4.15 3.85-4.15 3.8&-4.15 4.10-4.45 4.10-4.50 4.40-4.75 $ c. $ c. 4.35-4.75 4.45-4.80 5.10-5.50 5.35-5.75 5.90-6.25 6.35-6.75 6.35-6.65 .35-5.60 ,65-4.95 .80-5.15 .10-5.40 .00-5.30 $ c. $ c. ,25-5.50 25-5.55 25-5.60 15-5.40 65-4.95 25-4.60 30-4.65 35-4.70 25-4.60 20-4.40 00-4.30 00-4.25 3 929 4-277 5.400 4-725 $ c. $ c. 4.35-4.55 4.30-4.50 3.90-4.10 3.90-1.10 4.00-4.25 4.10-4.30 4.20 214 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Buffalo. Flour, fancy blended patent ; price per barrel on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. S cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. January 5.25 4.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.00 February 5.i5 4.75 5.75 6.00 6.50 6.00 March 5.00 4.75 5.75 6.50 6.50 5.75 April 4.75 4.75 6.00 6.50 6.50 5.50 May 4.75 4.75 5.75 6.75 6.25 5.50 June 5.00 5.75 6.00 7.25 6.00 5.. 50 July 5.00 5.75 5.75 7.25 6.25 August 4.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 6.50 September 4.75 5.75 6.00 6.50 6.25 October 4.75 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.25 November 4.75 6 25 6.00 6.25 6.00 December 4.75 6.25 6.00 6.25 6.00 Average 4.90 5.47 5.90 6.54 6.29 5.71 Flour, winter wheat, family, patent ; price per barrel on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1900. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January, . . February . . March April . . . May June July August September . October . . . November December . Average. $ cts. 4.40 4.40 4.15 3.90 3.90 4.40 4.80 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 4-22 $ cts, 4.15 4.15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 00 65 5.65 4.55 $ cts. 5.40 5.15 5.15 5.35 5.15 5.40 5.15 5.15 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.29 $ cts, 5.25 5.35 6.10 6.10 6.25 6.75 6.75 6.15 5.90 5.75 5.75 5.75 cts. i.67 $ cts. 6.00 5.25 6.50 5.25 6.00 5.00 6.00 4.75 5.50 4.75 5.25 4.75 5.50 5.75 5 50 5.50 5 25 5.25 4.96 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AXD UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 [SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b . Chicago. 215 Flour, Minnesota hard spring wheat, patent, ^ sacks or wood ; price i>er 196 lbs. in first week of each month ; quotations from the Northioestern Miller. Month. 1906. IWl. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January S c. $ c. 4.40-4.45 4.20-^.30 4.00-4.10 4.00-4.10 4.00-4.15 4.25-4.35 4 2;>-4.35 4.20-4.30 3 90-4 00 4.00-4.10 4.00-4.10 4.15-4.25 4.00-4.10 4.00-4.10 3.95-4.05 3.90-4.00 4.20-4.25 5.00-5.10 5.20-5.30 5.00-5.20 5.20-5.40 5.10-5.30 5.20-5.50 5.20-5.40 $ c. $ c. 5.35-5.60 5.25-5.40 5.30-5.50 5.30-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.20-5.45 5.10-5.35 5.40-5.55 5.50-5.75 5.30-5.50 5.10-5.35 5.35-5.60 S 0. $ c. 5.a5-5.55 5.50-5.70 5.75-6.00 5.50-5.70 5.70-6.00 6.75-7.15 6.00-6.35 5.80-6.05 4.70-4.95 4.75-5.00 5.00-5.15 5.10-5.35 $ c. S c. 5.20-5.35 5.10-5.25 5.20-5.40 5.10-5.35 4.75-4.90 4.75-5.00 4.80-4.95 5.45-5.75 4.90-5 10 4.85-5.05 4.65-5.00 4.75-5.00 4.60-4.90 4.75-5.00 4.35-4.50 4.25-4.50 4.35-4.55 4.25-4.50 March April May June July August September October November December Average 4.16 4.74 5.39 5.62 5.07 5-54 Minneapolis. Flour, standard j^atent, wood price per barrel in the first week of each month the Northivestern Miller. quotations from Month. January . . . . . February March April May June July August September October November . . . December Average 1900. $ c. S c. 4.10-4.35 4.05-4.35 3.90-4.15 3.80-4.10 3.90-4.15 f'. 10-4. 40 4.05-4.40 3.85-4.15 8.90-4.15 3.90-4.15 3.90-4.15 3.90-4.15 4-08 1907. 1908. S c. c. 3.85-4.10 4.00-4.15 3.95-4.10 3.90-4.15 4.10-4.35 4.85-5.15 4.95-5.25 4.80-5.00 4.95-5.20 5.10-5.35 5.50-5.65 2.10-5.40 4-71 $ c. S c. 5.25-5.50 5.10-5.45 5.35-5.50 4.90-5.15 5.30-5.50 5.25-5.50 .10-5.40 ,50-5.75 .05-5.30 .05-5.40 .10-5.40 .30-5.50 1909. 5.25-5.50 5.20-5.45 5.50-5.60 5.85-6.10 6.20-6.35 6.35-6.45 6.10-6.35 6.00-6.30 4.90-5.35 5.00-5.25 5.10-5.30 5.10-5.40 5 67 1910. $ c. $ c. 5-51 1911. .50-5.75 .50-5.75 .60-5.80 ,50-5.70 .40-5.50 ,15-5.35 5.75-5.85 5.60-6.00 5.45-5.75 5.20-5.50 5.00-5.15 5.15-5.40 $ c. $ c. 5.00-5.35 4.70-5.25 4.50-5.00 4.50-5.00 4.80-5.10 4.65-5.10 4.91 216 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SRAN. Halifax. Bran ; price per ton on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Halifax Chronicle. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1000. i 1910. 1911. January February ... March .... $ 0. $ c. 21.00 21.00-22.00 22.00-22.50 23.00-23.50 $ c. $ c. 24.00-25.00 $ c. $ c. '26!6o-27!6o $ 0. ,f c. 24.50-25.00 25.00-25.50 25 50-26.00 1 c. .$ c. $ c. $ c. 25.00-25.50 • 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 April 26 50 25 00-26.50 May . . 23.50-24.50 26.00-27.00 24.00-25.00 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.50 25 50-26.50 25.00-26.00 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 21.50-22.00; 25.50-27.00 July 20.50-21.50 August 23.00^14.00 September October . 22.00 27.66 ■ 21. 00-23.00: 21. 00-23. OOi 24.50-25.00 22.00-22.50; 23.00-24.00 22.50-23.00' Average 22 25 25 75 25-563 25 74 23-35 26 25 St. Johu. Bran, car-lots ; price per ton on first Friday of each month ; quotations from the St. John Telegraph. * Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December. ....... Auerage. 1906. $ c. $ c. 21.50-22.50 22.00-23.00 22.00-23.00 24.00 24.00 23.50 22.00-22.50 21.00-22.00 21.00-21.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 22 708 1907. $ c. $ c. 23.50 23.00 24.00 24.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 24.00-25.00 25.00-26.00! 25. 00-26. 00' 28.00 27.00 1908. 25-542 % a. $ c. 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27 25 27.00 27. CO 27.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26-00 26-591 1909. $ c. I c. 25.00-26.00 24.50-25.00 24.50-25.00 25.50-26.00 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 26.00 26.00 23.50-24.00 25-750 19? O I c. $ c. 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.00 26.50-27.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 23.00-25.00 26 046 1911. $ c. $ c. 23.00-25.00 23.00-25.00 23.00-25.00 25.00-26.00 27.00-28.00 27.00-28.00 J5ii; COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 217 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Toronto. Bran ; price pt week of each month ; quotations from the NorthvesUrn Milhr. ^Quotations for bran in bulk run about one dollar less. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April $ cts. 20.00 20.50 20.25 $ cts. 22.50 22.50 23.50 23.00 22.00 22.50 21.50 22.00 23.75 26.00 26.50 24.00 $ cts. 25.00 25.25 26.00 26.25 $ cts. 23.50 25.75 27.00 27.00 S cts. 25.75 27.00 26.00 24.50 23.50 23.50 21.25 23.50 22.50 22 00 21.25 22.00 S cts. 23.50 25.25 24.00 25 50 May 26 00 J une 25 00 July 19.75 18.00 18.50 19.25 21.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 22.75 22.50 ' 24.00 August. September October November December 23.00 Average 20.03 23.31 24.18 25.25 23.56 24.88 Minneapolis. Bran ; price per ton, in 100 lb. sacks, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Northire stern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. ! ^ c. § c. I S c. S c. January 14. 75-15.00; 17.25-17.40 February 15. 50-15.75; 18.50-18.75 March ! 14.60-14.75! 18.75-19.50 April J 15.25-15.50 18.00-18.50 May j 17.00-17.25 17.25-17.50 June 114.50-14.75 18.50-18.90 July.. I 34.75-15.00 17.00-17.25 August j 18.65-13.90 18.25-18.50 September ! 14.00-14.25 20.50-21.00 October i 12.50-13.00 22.10-22.35 November 1 13.25-13.50 22.00-22.25 December i 17.75-18.75 19.00-19.50; Average.... 14.95 1908. 1909. 1910. $ C. $ C. i $ c. § c. 21.00-21.50 21.00-21.50 22.50-22.75! 22.75-23.25: 22.00-22.75! 22.00-22.50! 18.75-19.001 19. 50-21. OOj 19.50-20.00 19.00-19.50 18.75-19.001 19.75-20.25 19.10 19.25-19.50 21.50-21.75 22.75-23.00 22.00-22.25 23.50-24.00 22.75-23.00 19.25-20.00 19.75-20.00 18.50-19.00 18.50-19.00 19.00-19.25 19.25-19.75 20.81 20.69 8 c. 1911. c. S c. 8 c. 22.00-22.501 20.00-21.00 22.50-23.00; 21.50-22.00 21. 50-22. OO! 20.00-20.50 18.50-20.001 21.50-22.00 17.75-18.001 21.50-22.00 16.75-17.50 18.50-19.00 18 00-18.50, 19.25-20.00 18.00-18.50 17.50-19.00 17.50-18.00 20. 00-20. 5<.» 19.45 20.79 220 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SHORTS AND miDDLINOS. inEontreal. Middlings ; price per ton in the first week of each month ; quotation^ from the Canadian Journal of Covimerce and the Montreal Gazette. Month. $ c. $ c. January 20.00 February 20.00 March 20.00 April 20.50-21.50 May 20.50-21.00 June 20.50-21.00 July 20.50-21.00 August 20.50-21.00 September 21.00-21.50 October 22.00-22.50 November 22.50-23.00 December 22.50-25.00 1906. A verage 21 . 3d 1907. $ c. $ c. 22.50-25.00 22.50-25.00 22.50-23.00 24.00-24.25 25.00-26.00 23.00-28.50 22.00-22.50 2H. 50-23 00 22.50-23.00 25.00-26.00 27.00-29. 5( 27.00-29.00 24.36 1908. $ c. $ c. 27.00-29.00 24.00-25.00 26.00-27.00 26.00-27.00 26.00-27.00 25! 00-26. 00 2-1.00-25.00 26.00-27.00 26.00-27.00 25.00-26.00 25.00-26.00 26.00 1909. $ c. $ c. 24 50-25.50 24.50-25.00 25.00-25.50 25 00-25.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 25.00-25.50 23. 50-24.. 50 22.50-23.50 23.50-24.00 23.00-23.50 24.55 1910. 1911. ^ c. $ c. 23.00-23.50 23.50-24.00 23.50-24.00 23.50-24.00 22.00-23.00 22.00-23.00 21.00-22.00 22.00 22. uO 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 22.00-22.50 c. c. 22.75 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 24.00-25.00 24.00-25.00 24 00-25.00 24.00 23.73 * Quotations for 1906 and 1907 for shoits. Toronto. Shoits, Ontario ; price per ton in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Northwestern Milhr. Month. January . , February. March April May , June July , August September October November December. . . Average 1906. $ c. % c. 18.00-18.50 18.00-18.50 18.00-19.00 20.00-21.00 21.00-22.00 19.00-20.00 19.00-20.00 19.50-20.00 19.50-20.50 19.00-20.00 19.50-20.50 19.50-20.50 19.60 1907. $ c. $ c. 19.50-20.00, 19.50--_0.00| 20.00-21.00 20.50-21.00 21.00-21.50 20.50-21.50 20.50-23.00 20.50-21.50 21.00-22 00 24.00-25.00 23.00-25.00 21.00-23.00 21.50 19f8. % c. $ c. 20.50-22.00 20.50-23.00 22.00-23.00 *25.50 25.00 22.50-23.00 20.00 22.00 22.50-23.00 24.00-25.00 25.00 22.50 22.94 1909. $ c. $ c. 22.00-23.00 21.00-22.00 23.00-24.00 24.00 23.00-24.00 24.00-26.00 22.00-25.00 22.00-24.00 21.00-24.00 21.50-22.50 22.00-23.00 21.00-22.00 22.83 1910. $ c. $ c. 22.00-23.00 23.00-24.00 23.00-24.00 23.00-23.50 21.00 21.00 20.00-22.00 22.00 21.00-22.00 22.00 20.00-21.00 21.00-22-00 21.94 1911. $ c. $ c. 21.00-22.00 22.00-24.00 22.00-24.00 22.00-24.00 22.00-23.00 22.00-23.00 22.58 * Quotations up to this point for meddlings. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 221 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Shorts, price per ton in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Northwestern Miller. Month._ ,. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April $ Cti. 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18 00 $ cts. 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 20.00 22 00 22-00 $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 21.10 21.00 21.00 22.00 22.00-23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 20.00 19.00 18.00 $ cts. $c. $ c. 19.50 21.00 21.00 22 00 22.00 21.00 20.00-21.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 19.00 19.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 20.50 20 50 18.00 18.00 20.00 20 50 20.00-21.00 20.5<>-21 00 May 20.00 19.50 July August October November. Average 16.50 19.08 21.25 21.46 18.18 20.25 Buffalo. Middlings, flour ; price per ton in the first week of each monty ; quotations from the Northwestern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. $ cts. 20 00 21 00 21 00 21 50 22 50 22 00 22 50 22 55 22 00 22 50 22 50 24 00 $ cts. 22 50 22 25 23 50 23 50 22 75 22 75 24 50 24 50 26 50 28 50 27 50 25 00 $ cts. 26 00 26 00 26 00 28 00 26 50 27 75 25 00 27 0<) 28 00 28 00 26 50 26 75 $ cts. 26 75 27 75 28 75 28 00 28 50 29 00 27 00 27 00 £6 50 26 00 27 50 26 00 $ cts. 26 00 27 25 27 50 26 00 26 00 27 50 26 50 29 00 27 00 26 50 26 00 26 00 $ cts. 27 00 February March April 2H 50 26 50 26 00 May June . - 26 00 25 .50-26 00 July August September October November Ddcember Average 21 79 24 35 26 75 27 40 26 69 26 29 222 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ' 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Minneapolis. Middlings, flour ; price per ton in the first week of each month ; (luotations from the Nortkv:c stern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. $ c. $ c. 24 50-24 75 24 00-25 00 24 00-25 00 22 50-23 50 22 00-22 40 22 00-23 00 22 50-24 .50 24 50-26 00 22 50-23 50 22 00-23 50 22 00-23 00 22 00 24 00 1911. January .... $ c. $ c. 22 00-22 25 22 00-22 50 22 00-22 25 22 25-22 50 16 75-17 00 22 00-22 25 22 75-23 50 22 75-23 00 22 50-23 00 23 50-24 00 24 75 25 00 25 00-25 25 $ c. $ c. 18 50-18 75 19 50-19 75 19 25-20 50 20 00-20 50 20 00-20 25 21 00-21 50 20 75-21 00 22 50-23 00 23 50-24 00 25 75-26 00 25 50-26 00 2L 00-21 50 1 c. $ c. 23 00-21 00 21 00-21 25 24 00-25 00 25 00-25 50 55 00-25 25 25 00-25 25 21 50-22 50 23 00-25 00 25 00-25 50 23 00-24 00 21 50-23 00 2n 25-23 50 $ c. $ c. 22 00-22 50 23 00-24 50 24 fO-55 50 24 50-25 00 24 50-26 00 22 00-26 00 23 00-26 00 23 75-26 00 23 00-25 00 23 00-24 00 23 00-24 00 22 00-23 00 $ c. $ c. 22 50-23 00 February March 23 00-23 50 22 50-23 00 22 50-23 00 May 22 50-23 50 22 50-23 00 July August September October. . . ... December Average 22 53 21 67 34 82 24 18 23 49 22 88 ROLLED OATS. Toronto. Rolled Oats ; price per brl. in the first week of each inoath ; quo'3ations fro n the Northwestern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March $ c. 4 50 3 85-4 00 3 85-4 00 $ cts. $ cts. 4 75 4 75 5 05 5 05 5 05 5 75 5 75 5 75 4 95 4 95 4 75 4 55 $ cts. 4 55 4 75 4 75 4 35 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 45 4 95 4 80 4 15 4 45 S cts. 4 45 4 45 4 15 April 4 15 May June 5 75 5 75 5 25 5 00 5 25 5 35 5 05 4 35 4 55 July August. September October November ::;:;::;:::. 4 12 5 34 5 09 4 45 4 35 COMPARATITE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 223 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Winnipeg. Rolled Oats ; price per 80 lb. sack on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 8 cts. 2 15 2 15 2 15 200 2 00 [ 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 $ cts. 1 80 1 80 « cts. 290 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 70 2 70 2 70 3 70 250 2 45 2 35 2 25 $ cts. 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 35 2 35 255 ■■■ 2 55 2 45 2 25 2 10 1 90 $ cts. I 90 1 85-1 90 1 85-1 90 1 85-1 90 1 80-2 05 1 80 1 80 200 2 00 2 20 1 95 1 95 $ cts. 2 00 February March 2 00 2 00 April. . 2 00 May •Tune 205 2 00-2 05 \u8uRt .September October 2 75'" December 1 90 2 90 .... Average 2.095 2.312 2.662 2.295 1.910 2.014 ButTalo. Rolled Oats ; price per barrel in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Northwestern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . ■ §. c. 4.85 4.90 4.75 4..^ 4.25 . 4.20 4.20 4.50 4.25 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.62 § c. 5.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 5.00 S c. 6.75 6.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 5.85 5.65 5.65 6.50 a. 00 5.80 5.65 $ c. 5.50 5.40 5.80 5.50 5.80 6.00 5.75 5.25 4.75 4.85 4.60 4.50 S c 4.75 4.75 4.85 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.25 $ c. 4.25 February March April May June ,]ulv . 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.25 4.. 50 August September October 6.75 7.00 5.18 T)pr>pTnb*>r Average 6.03 5.31 4.43 4.25 224 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 jninneapolls. Rolled Oats ; price per barrel wood in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Northwestern Miller. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910 1911. January $ c. $ c. 4.80-4.90 4.30-4.90 4.00-4.75 3.80-4.25 3.95-4.05 4.30-4.40 $ c. $ c. 4.05-4.15 3.95-4.15 4.15-4.15 4.35-4.35 4.60-4.80 4.70-4.90 5.00-4.90 5 00-5 20 $ c. $ c. 6.40-7.60 6.40-6.60 5.90-6.50 5.65-6.00 5.60-5.75 5.50-5.60 5.50-5.60 5 50-5.60 5.50-5.60 6.30-6.40 6. 20-6. 30 6.20-6.30 $ c. $ c. 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.7i>-6.00 5.75-9.00 5.75-6.00 5.75-6.00 5.65-5.75 5.6^-5 75 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 $ c. $ c. 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5,50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.00-5.25 5.00-5.25 5.00-5.25 $ c. $ 0. 4.80-5.00 February March April : Mav 4.80-5.00 4.80-5.00 4.80-5.00 4.45-4.60 June July 4.45-4.60 A iivimf. September ' 5.75-5 20 6.60-6.75 6. 70-6. 80 6.70-6.80 October 4.20^*4.35 4.40-4.50 4.40-4.50 November Average 4.34 5.22 5.98 5.75 6.31 4.69 MAPIiE PRODUCTS. Montreal. Maple Sugar, Eastern Townships ; price per lb. on the first market day of each month ; quotations from Le Prix Courant and Le Moniteur du Commerce. Month. January February . . . March April M^y June July August September October November December Average 1906. Cents. 6-8 10 6-8 10 6-8 10 6-8 10 7-8 9 7-8i 9 1* 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 •085 1907. Cents. •097 1908. Cents. 1909. Cents. •078 1910 Cents. 7-74 7-74 8-9 10 64 10 -11 10-11 10 -11 10-11 10 -11 10 -11 10-11 •090 1911. Cents. 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-104 9-104 9-10 096 *Qaotation8 from the Montreal Gazette. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, iy06-191t 225 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b . _ Butfklo. Maple Sugar ; price per lb. in firat week of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo ComnurciaL Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. Cents.. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. February March 12-14 13-14 10-11 10-11 12-14 11-13 8-10 April .' 10-13 7-11 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-11^ 10-12 May 12-13 10 8-12 Jun'e 7-11 July August September October November December Average . ... 119 •117 •103 •113 114 100 HONEY. Montreal. Honey, white clover comb ; price per pound at Montreal, in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. I Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1 January Cents. 13 -14 12 -13 12 -13 12 -13 12-13 12-13 13 -m 13 -13| 13 -13| 134-14 13|-14 13-14 Cents. 14-14 13-15 134-15 12|-15 12-15 12-15 12 -15 12-15 12 -15 12-13 12 -13 15 Cents. 15 12-13 12-13 ill 12-13 13 13 13-14 13-14 13-14 13-14 Cents. 13-14 1^16 13-14 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 14 14 Cents. 14 14 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-14i Cents. 14-144 I February 1 March 14-144 14-14| f April 11-12 t May....... . .. . 11-12 ^ June 11-12 1 July *S August. . I; September 1 October t November Z December '1- 1 Average •130 •135 132 •150 ■144 •139 366—15 ^ 226 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Buffalo. Honey, No. 1 to fancy, comb ; price per pound on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Buffalo Commercial. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 14-15 14-15 14-15 15 16 16 13-14 14-15 14-15 15-16 16-17 17 Cents. 17 17 16 17-18 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 17 17-18 16-17 Cents. 17 17 17 16-17 15 15 15 17 14-15 14-15 14-15 15 Cents. 14 14-15 14 14-14i 12-13 12 10-12 15-16 14-16 14-15 15-16 15-16 Cents. 15 15-16 15 15-16 16-17 16-17 16-17 16 16 16 15-16 16-17 Cents. ' 15-16 February March.. 16 16-17 April 17-18 May June 17-1« 16-17 July . . . . August September October ^r>u*imVi*ir .. Average •150 •161 •155 •141 159 •160 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 227 SUIfOIARlf OF AVERAGE PRICES OF IVIISCFL.L.ANEOUS -FAR]?I PRODUCTTS- CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1906-1911. Commodity. Flour. Flour, Manitoba high grade, brl Flom', Ontario full patent, brl Flour, winter wheat patent n Flour. Manitoba first patents, brl Flour, best spring patents, 98 lb. sack Flour, seconds, 98 lb. sack Flour, standard spring patents, brl Flour, winter patents u Flour, wheat, spring patents „ Flour, wheat, winter straights t. , Flour, fancy blended patent n Flour, winter wheat, family patent, brl Flour, Minnesota hard spring wheat patent, brl . . . Flour, standard patent, brl Bran. Bran, Bran, Bran, Bran, Bran, Bran, Bran, Bran, per ton. per ton, per ton. per ton per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. Shorts and Middlings. Middlings, per ton Shorts, Ontario, per ton. Shorts, per ton Middlings, flour, per ton . "^fiddlings, flour, per ton. Rolled Oats. Rolled oats, brl Rolled oats, 80 lb. sack , Rolled oats, brl Rolled oats n Market . St. John. St. John . Toronto. . Toronto . Winnipeg Winnipeg, Boston Boston New York New York Buffalo . . . BuflFalo . . . Chicago Minneapolis Halifax.. St. John. Montreal.. Toronto Winnipeg. Boston . Buffalo Minneapolis Montreal.,. . Toronto Winnipeg . . Buffalo Minneapolis Toronto . . . Winnipeg. . . Buffalo Minneapolis 1906. Maple Products.. Maple sugar, eastern townships, lb Montreal.. Maple sugar Buffalo , . . , Honey. Honey, white clover, comb, lb i Montreal . . . Honey, No. 1 B. fancy, comb Buffalo $ c. 5 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 39 4 27 3 62 4 90 4 22 4 16 4 08 22 25 22 71 19 23 16 18 15 40 21 58 20 03 14 95 21 33 19 60 16 50 21 79 22 53 4 12 2 10 4 62 4 34 12 13 15 1907. 1908. 4 74 4 71 25 75 25 54 21 85 20 37 17 96 24 79 23 31 19 10 24 36 21 50 19 08 24 35 21 67 2 31 5 18 5 22 11 13i 16 c. 76 62 50 07 10 80 85 5 00 5 40 4 28 ,5 90 5 28 5 39 5 32 25 56 26 59 22 34 20 70 16 67 26 21 24 18 20 81 26 00 22 94 21 25 26 75 23 82 5 34 2 66 6 03 5 98 1909. $ c. 6 76 6 17 5 25 5 78 3 17 2 87 6 16 6 03 5 74 5 40 6 54 5 99 5 62 5 67 25 74 25 75 22 39 22 02 20 17 26 06 25 25 20 69 24 55 22 83 21 46 27 40 24 18 5 07 2 30 5 31 5 75 11 1910. $ 0. 6 59 5 86 5 24 5 68 3 01 2 71 5 89 5 45 5 48 4 73 6 29 5 69 5 07 5 51 23 35 26 05 20 65 20 65 17 00 24 54 23 56 19 45 22 75 21 94 18 17 26 69 23 49 4 45 1 91 4 43 5 311 Hi 14i 16 1911. $ c. 6 30 5 37 4 54 4 91 26 25 25 12 21 41 21 75 19 79 26 08 24 85 20 79 23 73 22 58 20 20 26 29 22 88 4 35 2 01 4 25 4 69 9i 10 13 $ 0. 28 46 05 43 85 56 41 5 04 5 15 4 36 5 80 5 11 4 92 5 03 24 82 25 29 21 31 20 28 17 83 24 88 23 54 19 30 23 79 21 90 19 45 25 55 23 10 4 67 2 22 4 97 5 22 112 137 155 366— 15J J 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b ' A. 1911 TABLES-FISHERIES PRODUCTS I. PRICES PAID TO FISHERMEN— (1) Fresh Fish. (2) Dry and Green Fish. n. WHOLESALE PRICES— (1) Fresh Fish. (2) Frozen Fish. (3) Smoked Fish. (4) Dry Fish. (5) Salt Fish. HI. FISH OILS— (1) Cod-oil — ex vessel and wholesale. (2) Seal Oil— wholesale. -^^ 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 FISH. Under this heading, quotations will be found below for fresh, salt, dry, and otherwise prepared fish products. The statistics as a whole are divided into two groups, namely, (1), comparative prices paid by wholesale dealers to boat fishermen, and (2), comparative prices quoted by wholesalers to the retail trade. The statistics given under (1), namely those of prices paid to fishermen, cover a thoroughly representative range of Atlantic fish products. They may be divided into two series, (a) those relating to fresh fish, and (6) those relating to salted, and dried or ''made" fish. The first of these subdivisions offers little difliculty, and a considerable range of directly comparable prices will be found below, though it will be noted that a more minute classification is employed at Boston than at Canadian points and that the list of fish quoted is larger. In the .second subdivision, however, that relating to fish subjected to processes of curing by the fishermen themselves, it was found impossible to secure quotations that would admit of immediate comparison. This is because of the widely diffe- rent methods which obtain in the dry-fish industry in the two coi/ntries. In Nova Scotia, the fish caught by the ''bankers" and others engaged in this branch of the industry, after being cleaned and salted at sea, are landed, cured, and dried by the fishermen themselves, and are not disposed of to the wholesaler till the fish are ready for market, the great bulk of them going to the West Indies and South America, which demand a Leavy-saited and hard-dried product. Some quo- tations, however, of the salted product, prior to its conversion into "made" fish were obtained at Canso. On the other hand, at Gloucester, Mass., which is the centre of the salt fish industry of the United States, the fish are all sold by the fishermen immediately on landing in what is termed the "green" state, i.e. as cleaned and salted at sea, and are by the manufacturers finally cured and dried, or made into the other products which the market demands. That market is very largely the domestic market of the United States, and less heavy salting and quite different methods of drying and preparing from those employed in most sections of Canada are required. In balancing, therefore, the two tables given below of dry Nova Scotia and "green" Massachusetts fish prices, allowance must be made for the fact that the Nova Scotia product represents the completed manufacturing process and consequent increased expenditure of labour on the part of the fisherman. Accordingly, no summary of the yearly averages is appended to the tables. A large number of tables of quotations of canned fish — including Pacific coast salmon, lobsters, sardines and mackerel — ^were collected, and are available in the Department, but are not pubUshed hereunder, owing to the difficulty of com- paring brands and quaUties. Owing to the wide range of quotations and the abundance of the materials offered, the survey in the case of fish products has been conducted only as far back as the beginning of 1908, instead of to the beginning of 1906 as in the case of farm products. It may be stated, however, that an examination of the same sources in the years 1906 and 1907 reveal very similar, and in a broad sense identical, conditions with those which are illustrated in the following tables. 232 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE V„ A. 1911 PRICES PAID TO FISHERIIEN— FRESH FISH. Canso. Market prices paid to fishermen ; quotations from books of a large buying company. Year. Cod. Per cwt. Had- dock, Per cwt. Hakp, Per cwt. Pollock. Per cwt. Hali- but. Per lb. Salmon . Pe7lb, Mack- erel. Each about 3 lbs. Herring Per lb. liobster. Per cwt. Sword- fish. Per lb. 1 1908, $ cts. January j 1 50 $ cts. 1 50 1 25 Cents. Cents. Cents. 8 Cents. Cents. Cents. $ cts. Cents. March. April i 1 00 75 75 75 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 50 3-6 3-7 3-8 7 • I 8 1 1 1 1 3 50 3 50 3 50 Mav. . . . 75 75 75 75 75 1 00 ■33" 33 50 50 £0 50 50 33 33 3;^ 33 40 40 40 40 12 12 10 4-7 6 7 8 10 12 14 June.. July .. (> August September October . 6-7 6 November 1 1 00 December ... 1 00 Average January . •925 10909 451 36-5 618 11 3 8-5 •972 3 f>0 6-25 1 'in 1 75 h February March April May. . . . 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 75 75 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 1 50 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 1 1* 1 1 1 1 3 50 3 50 3 50 12 10 10 7 7 8 10 10 14 16 June July 5 August September October 6 6 November December . Average 105 1.125 47-7 60 7-85 10-6 10-28 i 3-50 5-66 1910. January February 1 25 2 00 h March April M^y... 1 00 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 20 1 25 1 25 1 25 75 75-100 75 75 1 25 1 20 1 50 1 50 2 50 50 50 50 50 33 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 0-7 3-6 3-6 7 8 8 10 10 10 6-10 5- 7 8 10 11 17 1^ 1 1 3 50 3 75 3 75 June July 6 August September October 7 7 November December .... Average 1 12 12-68 47 87 50 5-88 10 9-25 J 366 6-66 COMPARATIYE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-Wll SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b FRESH TlSn.— Continued. Caiiso — Continued. 233 Year. Cod. Per cwt. Had- dock. - Per cwt. Hake. Per cwt. Pollock. Per cwt. Hali- but. Per lb. Salmon. Per lb. Mack- erel. E^h about 3 lbs. Herring Per lb. Lobster. Per cwt. Sword- fish. Per lb. 1911. .Tanuarv . $ cts. 1 50 $ cts. 2 50 2.0 Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents.. Cents. Cents. $ cts. Cents. February March •April May. 1 0(» 1 00 1 00 75 75 1 00 50 50 90 50 50 50 3-5 3-6 5 1* 1 3 75 4 00 4 25 "12" 8 8 June t Average 1.125 1-50 50 50 4-4 12 8 1 4 00 Halifax. Yearly average prices paid to fishermen by two large buying companies. Year. Cod. Per lb.* Had- docJc. Per lb.* Hake. Per cwt. Pollock. Per cwt. Hali- but. Per lb. Mack- erel. Each.f Herring Perdoz. Salmon . Per lb. LOBSTKRS. Large. Per lb. Medium Per lb. 1908... . Ct8. li-2 l^2 Cts. 11-2 li-2 U-2i Cts. 50 60 75 75 Cts. 55 66 75 75 Cts. 7 7 7-8 7-8 Cts. 8 10 14 8 Cts. 6-12 9 9-10 10 Cts. 12-13 12-12 13 13 Cts. 12 12 16 16 Cts. 6-8 1909 1910 6-7 8 1911 7 * Where two qiiotations are given, the low represents the summer and the high the winter price. t Prices paid at Halifax during the past four years have ranged from 2c. to 18c. The figures shown in the table are averages found by dividing the total number of fish purchased by a large wholesaler through- out the several seasons into the total amount paid out. 234 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Jl f^g ^1 «*- o s s 11 w 1"- •73 -►J £-5 G X o s o s S-2 ^ w ^3 *-"5 s IS O 01 •^ s^ w o^? (S i j2 2 h:c 'o -•^ «: 1^ 'H 8S C JS ' S 00 'ei c .2 «* ^ CD g 2 =^;u "^ >^^ S o -^o -^ ® 1 - ^5 « 1 .:: oo" " e3 'So X » e ^ c o ■ts o i'^ oc £^ s> > g 5^ X > V S « -^ a;_> g= ■S fl 1 H CD -C -u) a w o M ^ .2 S g.S " .^-2 OJ bos S 0) o «e^ 5 «.Si 3 "el "* 8 cr S § - Ph -fi •, fi ••CO cr CP ?; S i2 ri "^ ^ "» J"^ ^' o o" d o o t, o lo 00 o o t— © d d d ©& (MCOC. o«o OtHO i-h Cq O tJh ,H 1-1 oo O »0 O O iO o (N -f CNCC O ' ' O O O »o lO QO Tt* O r-t 1-1 SO OOO »o ■«J< O o»o t~ tH O ■*' T-t rH d (N O'*! M iH iH CO tH im" rH Cq (M tJH S^" CHr-IC<)?q^(M »-li ■*-H(M(MrHC0COCO5l ■?*< (m' d ■* -^ oo" ■* : i-i x o im d >o c^' d d »r5 i-l 1-1 C^ O) • fH(M^o© '--Hi-l»-(r-(T-«r-tr-(r-(i-ir-lr-lTHrH«(N^ d d © d d d d d d d d d d © d d © d d © 5 iS8 »Aoox -MocoxocoiM «: O ■* CC tH N 1-H ,-1 O iM (M (N »-l © d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d . t- d (N d d ooSt^oot^i^L^L^t^ocSi©^8 o8 tH I-i rH d l-f r-i o' O O O" O ©" r-l t-I o" C^' d' i-i CC :SgS8 id sni . ^ V (m" (m' co" 8 g 8g8g g ^S oi oi co'cq'eo'rH r-I eds^' ■ 25rH:£ooooxc5oo8ioir5ic©wS ■ (M' r-I (M M M N T-i (M iH r-i r-I CO r-I r-I tH (m' (M r-I 8 g ggS8{^g8 8888 8 8 (M CO* rrHM5>^rHrH-£-(M©t-.;5-i-(XioNOo©355S8''®*^ "^ri . -i-Hr-i5^ rHMCO rHIMIM rHrHM rlNCO rHOqC 2---3---S- ---- a> s 0) - I J 5 = = = = > 5 <; C/2 236 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 iH fH t-H I—I © d d d dd o ^ K5 ^OOOOOOO ^ ^ M c^ N w (M (M 5^ c^ ec CO "T w ec cc CO •* d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d 8i §8 ic^NtiS888oio^ i tH iH 1-1 iH m" iH N r-i 1-i i-I U'a H« HOKOW '-H' MW «Hi HCI -f-C0e0eCC0(M"*"*'.:CCO«CiHrH--l .t^oo « 00-X t^ lO S 8 8 i-< CO -^ C^ rH ff^OJ COM S 888S CO C<1 Wt-I ,H 8t^8Saooo8S rSi-l»HrH©O0^r-l OiHiCthSScmSo rHT-I.Hi-iC*' ffi N CN r-I ci c^" c-i ©i '*»' ■<*< "^jh ©qi »o' •* -^ d e iiHOOiO"n'r-IOCiOr-(CO»OC<)Ci5DCC©N.C*5©l^TtOINCi CO CO*©*-* OS ©"r-t 3S 00 oo^^^oc © OO© © ©© t^ t>. JC o -^ « T-I .-! Tt«' ,-J (m" r-( 8g eoeq (M o d© © © ipoio o©»fj>o »o © d© cft Tj< © d 00 (M (N »o ga (M CO © ^© iCO^THOqcOCNC^W 8 i r-l r-l T-i i-l iH CO -CO -© -rir: S© »o © © © o © »n QC ■* »5 »o t^ i5 gg8 U0©0»0©©>0© »o©o©© i>.©©t-»o©i>.o t^ot^©© r-' im' d <" ■*' ■«fSrl)J.iii4^i»Aoi»ii©©^• O" 00 "I* 'f' (m' (n' m" ii r-i N* •>*< CO 8^,4-^.^.^.^.S.^.^.^.S.5.S.4^^.^^.^.^.^.^.^. ""f" Oi r-I ?sl 00 •*" (M CO CO •* ■*' N im" co" Cl" r-i rH (m' r-* fi -T si ■* d CO g 8g8888^.S^ CO d d d d d d d d d ^.{^888^gg^4^^.^.^.^ CO w" i>i d -^ d •^ d CO ■*' ■*" CO d ■^" d g8g88^8 ^ 5_^_8^g^.^.^. g I •^ d •^" d d ■*" '^" ■«*•' S-11. $ cts. 1.12 2.00 3.87 2.82 1.27 2.00 3.18 0.48 0.75 2.83 1.82 0.50 0.75 1.90 0.06 0.07^ 0.11 0.09i 0.14 0.32 0.07 0.14i $ cts. 1.12i 2.00 3.88 2.95 1.50 2.00 2.86 0.50 0.75 3.79 2.74 0.50 0.75 3.14 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.37 0.19 cts. 0.46i 0.66i 2.17 0.06 0.07i 0.1(^ 0.09 0.10 0.29i 0.06i 0.15 240 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 PRICES PAID TO FISHERMEN— DRY AND GREEN FISH*. Canso. Prices paid to fishermen for dry fish ; quotations from the boaks of large wholesale dealer. January , February . March . . , April. . . . May June July August ... September. October . November. December. January . . . February . . March . . . , April May June July August September. October . . . November. December . January . . . February. . March April May ...... June July August . . . September October. . . November . December . January . February March . . . April May June Month. 1908. Cod. Cwt. Average 1909. Average 1910. Average 1911. Average. $ cts. 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2-813 3 00 2 75 2-75 2 75 2 75 3 00 3 00 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2-896 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 90 3 25 3 50 3 75 4 00 3 75^^ 3-271 4 334 Haddock. Cwt. $ cts. 2 25 2 40 2 25 2 2o 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 50 2 50 2-350 2-250 2 -06: 3 00 3 25 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3-375 Hake. Cwt. $ cts. 75 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 2 00 1-958 2 00 2000 2-208 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2-500 See explanation of basis of comparison in remarks above. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Prices paid to fishermen for salt fish ; quotations from the books of large wholesaler. 241 I Months. January . . . February. . March April May June ... . , July August September . October. . .. November. December . 1908. Average . 1909. January. . February . . March ... April ^ May June July August . . . . September . Octobei . . November. December . Average . Cod. Cwt. $ cts. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Haddock. Cwt. S cts. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 1..00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.50 1.00 .25 .25 .25 ,25 .50 .50 1.50 1.75 1.42 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HakK Cwt. Cts. 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 $1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.78 Pollock. Cwt. Ct3. 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.95 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 . 1910. January Ffthrnarv . .... 1.75 1.75 0.75 0.7i 0.75 0.75 75 March May.;;.;..:..;:;::..::.::: June .. 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.60 1.75 2.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.00 " 6:75 " ' 0.75 0.75 6.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 July 0.75 August •. ^ September 0.75 1.00 October 1.00 1.00 December 1.00 1.91 1.00 0.75 8.45 1911. January February March 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 April May 2.00 1.75 1 75 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.75 ^ 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.76 Averasre . 2 10 1.25 0.75 0.75 366—16 242 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Halifax. The following table was compiled by the Halifax Chronicle in 1908. The snpplemento-ry figures for 1909, 1910 and 1911 were obtained from large wholesalers in Halifax, The prices in the case of cod, had- dock, "hake and pollock are for ' dry ' fish, and in all cases for products as prepared by the fishermen. Year. Cod. Haddock. Hake. Pollock. Mackerel. N. S. Herring. Alewives. 18C0 $ cts. 4.00 4.25 3.50 4.00 3.64 3.07 3.09 2.60 3.25 4.17 3.66 4.32 3.68 4.30 5.35 5.87 5.50 5.50 3.50 4.50 6.00 S6.75-$7.00 $ cts. 3.00 3.25 2.30 3.10 2.60 1.90 1.70 1.66 2.37 3.14 2.75 3.34 2.78 3.07 4.04 4.25 4.00 4.50 2.50 3.00 4.50 $4.75-^5.00 S cts. 3.00 2.25 1.50 2.40 1.95 1.56 1.40 2.00 2.06 2.67 2.50 2 80 2.40 2.75 4.16 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.25 3.75 $4 50-^4.75 § cts. $ cts. 11.50 6.75 7.10 • 8.30 3.00 10.75 8.50 8.00 8.00 11.00 5.50 6.25 10.25 8.75 9.50 8.50 9.00 10.00 6.50 8.00 11.00 12.00 $ cts. 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.75 3.75 2.45 1.50 2.50 3.25 3.80 3.25 3.25 4.00 4.25 3.85 [ 4.00 4.00 3 50 3.50 3.50 4.00 $ cts. 3.00 1891 2.66 1.50 2.10 1.85 1.30 1.14 1.45 1.9U 2.33 2.33 2.31 3.12 2.70 3.72 4.12 3.25 4.00 2.25 2 50 4.00 $4.75-$5.00 4.00 1892 1893 4.50 3.50 1894 1895 1896 2.60 3.50 3.00 1897 1898 3.63 1899 4.25 1900 1901 1902. 4.00 4.00 3.00 1903..: 1904. . 4.00 3.25 1905 5.00 1906 1907 5.75 5.25 1908 1909. 4.00 3.50 1910. 5.00 1911 5.25 COMPARATIVE PRICESI, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 243 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Gloucester, Mass. Prices paid to fishermen for 'green ' fish ex-vessel, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Gloucester Daily Times.* r)ate. 1908. January . . . February. . March April May June July August . . . September. October. . . November December.. Average. 1909. January . . February. March .... April May June July August. September. October . . . November. December . Average 1910. January . . . February. March April . , , . , May....... June July August. . . » September. Octol^r.. . . November. December. , Average . 1911. January . . February. March . . April May June Average. Cod. S cts. $ cts. 3.50 -4 3.50 -4, 3.50 -4 3.50 -4 3.00 -3, 3.00 -3. 3.00 -3. 3.25 -3. 3.25 -4. 3.25-4. 3.12^-3. 3.25 -3. 3 645 3.00 -4.00 3.00 -4.00 3.00 -3.50 3.00 -3.50 3.00-3.50 2.50 -2.75 2. 87^-3. 12^ 3.00-3.25 3.00 -3.25 3.00 -3.25 3.00 -3.25 3.00 -3.25 Haddock. 3 166 3.00 -3.50 3.25 -3.75 3.00 -3.50 3.00 -3.50 2.75 -3.00 2.75-3.00 2.75 -3.00 3.37^3.65 3.50-3.75 3.50 -3.75 4.10 -4.50 5.00 -5.40 3 511 5.00-5.55 5.00-5.55 5.50-5.75 4.50-5.00 4.00-4.50 3.50-4.00 4 -820 $ cts. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.2') 1.25 2.00 1 270 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Hake. $ cts. 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 083 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 1-270 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 1-876 Pollock. $ cts. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 1 270 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 200 * Prices given for the first five months in the year, are for Georges handline or eastern deck handline cod, while the figures for the other months in the year are for the regular bank fish, either trawl or hand- line. No bankers return in the first five months of the year but their influence is felt during the other seven. The figures given in each month are for large and medium. Haddock, hake and pollock are also brought in on salt bank cod trips but form an unimportant part of the fare. Note. — For further examples of prices paid to fishermen, s6e under heading ' Fish oils,' below. 366— 16J :244 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 \¥HOIiESAL.EKS' PRICES— FRESH FISH. Canso. "Fresh fish ; wholesale dealers' prices in the opening week of each month ; quotations from books of large dealers. Date. 1908. -January . . . February. . March -April :May June July August September, October . . . -jN'ovember., ^December. . Average. . 1909. January. . . February . .March April May June July August. . . September. October.. ^November . ^December., Average . , 1910. January . . . February . March April May June July August 'September. October . . . November. J)ecember. Average . . 1911. January. . February. March. .. April M!ay June, . . . . Average . Halibut, white. Cents. 8i 8i H Cod, market . Cents. 3 3 3 2i 3 3 3 2| 3 3 2f 3 2| 3 3 2 2i 2i ^ 2i 3 3 2| Haddock. Cents. 3 3 34 2 2 2 2 2 3 2i 3 3 2|" 2i 3 2i 2^ 3 2 2i 2| 3 3 3 3 2| 3i 3i 3 Pollock. Cents. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2i 2| 2| 2i_ 'k Salmon. Cents. 12 134 12 13 13 12| 13 15 134 Soles. Cents. H H H 3i 3i COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 245 Oysters. Shell (P.E.L or Buctouche.) Per brl 1 g8§ t-OC flO 8SSS2S cc Oi cyi a oi 5C 1 < u i "1 i 1 E > c B < ^ a 1 ■»r- 1 1 ^1 1^ > 2 < oc i c % 1 1 246 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 o Shell (P.E.L or Buctouche . ) Per brl. m b- t- t- !>. t^ t^ t- • -OiOSO 8 00 888S8 Oi 05 GO 00 00 GO Bulk ( American . ) Per gall. 1 o3gogoo : :gog m (M (M < 3 1911. January 9 >• % «■' d ^"1 1-5 > COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 247 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Montreal. Fresh fish ; wholesale dealers, prices in the opening week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Date. Halibut, white. per lb. Cod, steak. per lb. Cod, market. per lb. Haddock, shore. per lb. Salmon, Gaspe. per lb. choice, p. imp. gal. Lobsters, live. per lb. 1908. January Cents. 8i-9 8-8i 9 9-10" 9 9 10 10 •10 8^-9 Cents. 5-5i 4I-5 Cents. Cents. 5 -5i r 4-5 4 4-5 5 4-5 5-6 4i-5 Cents. Cents. 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.40 Cents. 15 February March 15 20 April 20 May 30-32 25 14 17 17 15-18 15-18 July 7 6-7 6-7 6 5-5i 4-4^ 4^-5 22 September October.. November 24 22 26 15 Average .091 .059 .046 .048 .196 1.45 .199 1909. 8^9 8-8i 8-8| 7 -7i 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 '5-5i 5-6 P 5 5 6 6 6 4^-5 4-4i 5-^ 6 4 4 5 f 5^ 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 - 1.50 . 1.40 1.40 15 February March April May 18 18 18 4 18 T •'^ 25 17 29 18 18 10-12 July 12-17 28 September 4 4 4 5 30 28 25 20 Average. . . . .096 .056 .042 .048 .214 1.40 .203 1910. •Tannarv 9-10 6 6 5-5i 7 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 • 6 7 5 4 5 4i-5 l|-5 . 5-6 5 1.40 1 30 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.40 20 16 March 18 April 12 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 ■'"5 5 4 4 4 .4 5 4-5 "56 20 14 20 18 May June July , 16 15 14 25 September October . 25 35 November December 30 30 Average .099 .059 .046 .051 26 1.40 .218 1911. 6 4^5 4-4i 4-5 5 5 -5^ 4 5 5^-6 5''-6 5-6 5i-6 5-H 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 25 February March 25 30-35 April 35 May. '..v.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. ' June 9 9-10 .^5 25 35 Average .0925 .05 .04 .055 .25 1.40 .312 248 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 •pq J8d 'sSn'Bq'Bn^ Is O SI ^SSi d §88888S8§§SS •nSTTnCT • iS »OCOQ0:O CO^CM (M iM O O •8AIT; 2 coo i-^co-* o o oooQO 2 (M (M 00 4 IM CO M •qj jad 'aSj'BT[ 'aaoqg •q[ aad '^a>[j'Bj^ 'aioqs O CO;SOOOCOCOltja!^g 'ajoqg w «3 O ■*OIO(MC^*<'*TjicoeO'*or^oo .co-*.-ioo»oeoio»o eoococOi-i»ceoi^t^c««'' ooo»off^i^»*'iM«ceor-iCi b? _ r ft ® g a i *j« e-^H °3 5 * «^ « 2 s-S- COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 24* o o ooooooo • • _ • o 1—1 JS'^Ti^JS ^ '"' g gsssssgggggg g 00 x" 00 00 1-- 8 t-oot-i:c^?co;c«Ci5CD?o ^ CC CM ^ cq §^'^;5?^SS2?S§?8g^ f • ^:^s?i5a n -** §^J^^22S22Sg^^^^ 8 ?58^SS ^ Jo : : : ;1§^S^ • : i : CC ^ i •g fe ?5' 1 j j ■ -JS « CO ^ O CC CC "• ^ 'H^I CC I _ ^(Mcqcqcq '(Nim [ (M 1 1 . . CJ COCOCCCCCSI!rcjI 0**. Ci »o ^^:o?^1^:c^«5iS^^t^ 5^ iO "f'iO ift co' (M lO 00 00 ^» «^ CO 00 t- CS o S '^^ t^ 00 oc 000:0 00 -f CC 1-H • 00 t^ t^ CC ■* w 00 ■^tfi © »o ^ s^gsss t-'*<'^t*»HSDCCT-t»OC^k-'*C^ to to CC t- iO X ® ^ >4 t. S E^ lilts- -^ 250 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 New York. Fresh fish ; wholesale dealers' prices in the opening week of each month ; quotations from the Fishing Gazette. Halibut. Cod. i 1 of I 1 1 %4 Lobsters. Date. 1 1 i X3 1 1 1907. January Cents. Cents. 14 12A-15 121-15 10 7 14 8 8 8 -10 12-15 10-11 10-12 Cents. 9-10 9 10-12 3- 4 2- 3 4 5 5- 7 ■7 8- 9 8-10 7 Cents. 4-5 r 2 2i ;s 4 4 3 3i-4 Cents. 7 5 5 3-4 3-5 4-5 5 3 6 4^5 5-6 6 Cents. S-3A 3-3| 4 3 3-4 3 4 4 5 6 4 4 Cents. 5 -6 4 4 2-3 4 -5 2 24-3 3 4 -5 4-5 4 Cents. Cents. Cents. 26-27 25 25 25 17 14-18 18 18 20 25 30 25-28 Cents. 15-16 February .... 12-14 March. 16-18 April 35 ' 16-18 16 25 40 30 30 15 May 15 June. . 12' 12 12 16 -18 18 -20 12-16 July 15 August September October November 18 23 20-22 25 20-25 A verage . 14 11 6| H 5 4 34 274 22s 171 1909. January 8-9 12-14 10-11 8 6 -64 r' 8 11 11 12 11-12 3-4 10 8-9 7-8 4-6 7-8 3-4 4 6 I2I-I4 U-2 5 -6 4-5 h r 3 -3i 3-3I 2i-3 8 3-4 4 -5 6-7 4 4-5 6-7 4 3-4 34-4 3-4 4 8 14-2 .... 18-20 25 30 22 12 -14 124-14 23-24 18 25 -28 23 18 -20 23-24 104-15 15 -18 February March 25 April 75 50-55 25 25-30 28 40 25-28 3J-38 15 May . . 1-2 7-8 4-5 l|-2 2-3 4 -"44 3-4 1 6-7 June 10 -11 July 20 -22 August ... 16 September October November December . 14-18 14-15 17-18 20-22 23 20 23 -24 Average 16 9h 7 3i 4| ' 3 39 m 184 1910. January '. . . 8^-9 4-5 6-7 7-8 4-5 8-9 9 5 74-8 8. 7-8 10-11 10-12 2^3 4 5-6 3 4 4 4 3H 4-5 2 -3 6-7 6 t 5 3-4 5-6 ■3^4' 4-5 4 3-4 6 5-6 "(y^i' "^" 5 3-4 3-4 4-5 4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3 4 5-6 2 4 5 24-26 26-28 2(5-27 20 20 20 23 24 26 20 23-24 21-22 15-16 February 15-16 22-25 March 20-22 16 -17 19 April 16 14-15 7- 9 11-12 m 8-9 5-6 8-9 7-8 6-7 10-11 12 10-11 ■40" 30 42 50-55 55 15 May. ... 18 June 34 18 on 18 July 3 4-5 4 2-3 24-3 6-7 20 25-27 22 August 20 September 23 October 18 November 21-22 December 20-22 Average . 14i 9f 7i 4i 4i 4 3f 21i 44 23 194 1911. January 22-25 18-20 14-15 15 10-15 18-20 16-18 10-11 84-9 7-8 10-1] 6- 7 9-10 10 6-7 4- 5 11-11 i 4-5 5 6 4 24-3 7-8 4-5 4-5 5 4-5 4 5-6 4 4 '34-4 4-5 54-6 7|-8 5 H-2 4-5 23-25 25 35-37 50 16 IS 14 February 20 March April. . . '28^30 ■75" 23-25 18 May 14 June 16 Aveiage 17 12i 8 5 4| 4 5 29 494 28 19 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 251 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b WHITEFISH. Prices, wholesale, of fresh whitefish at Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and New York ; in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Manitoba Free Press, the Canadian Grocer, and the Fishiny Oazette. Date. Winnipeg. Toronto. Montreal. New York. 1908. January • February Cents. 9 9 n 7| Cents. 12 12 12 12 12 11 9 11 11 9 -10 10-11 10-11 Cents. Cents. April ]y[g^y . 11 8 10 10 10 10 7-8 7-8 June July lo 15 Spritrf^rnVw^r 15 October..: "Mnvpinlipr 12 1? December .^ 9 Average . •084 •11 095 •138 1909. JojJVlQTiY . . n I 7 7 1 ""■9 9 9 9 9 8^ 9 -11 9 -10 9 -10 9 -10 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 n March April May 15-20 12A-15 June July 10 10 10 10 10 10 10-12 11 August September October 12 25 20 9 -10 December 12i-15 Averasre •081 •099 10 •15 1910. .Ta.Tina.pv 7 8i 8-9 8 -9 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 15 15-17 11 11 -12 11 -12 11 -12 12 -13 12 -13 12 -13 12 -13 March April . . . , 14 -16 May June July 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 15 14 -15 AufiTUSt Spr»f".pmV»pr 18 October ^ • 20 14 •084 •122 •117 •15 1911. January 7 7 i 10 10 9 9 12 12 March '.v.'. Anril May ; 10 io 10 -14 UUc Averacre • • •075 •103 •10 •113 252 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SUMMARY OF YEARL.Y AVERAGES, WHOLESALE PRICES OF FRESH FISH, CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1908-1911. Commodity. Halibut. Halibut, white, per lb. Halibut, white, t. Halibut, white, .i Halibut, white, u Halibut, eastern whire Halibut, western white Cod. Cod, Siteak, per lb Cod. steak, m . . . . Cod, steak, u Cod, steak, m Cod, market, per lb. . . Cod, market, n Cod, market, n Cod, market, w . . Cod, market, n Haddock. Haddock, shore Haddock, shore Haddock, shore. , Haddock, shore Haddock, shore Pollock. Pollock Pollock, shore, steak . . Pollock, shore, market Pollock Market. Canso Halifax. . . . Montreal . . Boston New York . New York. Salmon. Salmon, eastern Salmon, n Salmon, n Salmon, it ...... Mackerel. Mackerel, each ■^ackerel, each Mackerel, eastern, each Herring. Herring, each Herring, each Lobsters. Lobsters, large, each . . Lobsters, large, live . . Lobsters, large, live. . . Lobstfcsrs, large, live. . . Lobsters,*large, boiled.. Lobsters, medium, live Lobsters, medium, live Lobs'rs, med'm, boiled. Lobs'rH, med'm, boiled Halifax... . Montreal. Boston New York. CanhO . . ... Halifax .... Montreal. Boston New York. Canso , Halifax Montreal. . Boston .... New York. Canso Boston Boston . . . . New York . Canso Montreal . . Boston . . . . New York. Halifax. Boston. Halifax. . . . Montreal.., Boston, . . . , New York. Halifax. . . Halifax New York . Halifax Boston . . . . Halifax, Boston I New York .... 1908. Cents. 8 n 9 13 14 11 2 3| 3 3i 18 20 21* 22| 20i 11 171 13 2Bi 1909. Cents. 84 9 9 13 16 9i 2 3| 3 3 13 21i 37 13 32| 39 1910. Cents. 2 3i 3| 15 26 31 21i 40 44 1911. Cents 9 9 1 17 in 25 37 20 49^ H COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 ^"SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b SCJiflirEAKY OF YEIARLY AVERAGES, Sec— Concluded. 253 Commodity. Oysters. Oysters, bulk, Ameri- [ can, per gal Oysters, standard, per gal Oysters, choice, p. gal. Oysters, shell, per bbl. WTiitefish. Whitefish, per lb Whitefish, per lb Whitefish, per lb Whitefish, per lb Market. Halifax. . , Boston . . . Montreal. Halifax . . , Winnipeg. Toronto . . Montreal. New York 1908. Cents. 2.00 1.18 1.45 8.40 11 13 1909. Cents. 2.00 1.05 1.40 8.50 1910. Cents. 2.00 1.10 1.40 8.00 1911. Cents. 2.00 1.25 1.40 8.40 7i 10 10 11 Average, 1908-11. Cents. 2.00 1.14i 1.4l| 8.32i 254 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 \rHOL.GSAL.s: PRICES— froze:n fish. HaUfax.'' Frozen fish ; prices, wholesale, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the published lists of large wholesaler. Date. January . . February . . March April May June July August Septemb3r , October . . . November . December . 1908. Halibut, white. Cents. Eels, large. Cents. Herring, large, per 100. $ cts. 1.25 1.25 1.25 January. . . February . . March April May June July August . . . September . October . . . November . December . January . . . February . . March April May June July .. . August. . . . September October . . . November . December . January. . February . March . . April M!ay. June. Average 1909. Average. 1910. Average . 1911. Average. 10 ■098 10 10 13 10 107 10 .08 •07 •07 2.50 1.56 1.50 1.25 1.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.64 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.56 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.75 * Frozen mackerel at Canso were quoted at 22-24c. each during Jan. -July, 1911, and in 1910. During 1909 scattered quotations of lie. for bloaters were obtained. In 1908 prices ranged from 18 to 20c. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 255 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Boston. Frozen Fish— Prices, wholesale, in the first week of each month ; quotations from the New England Grocer.* Month. Halibut Eastern white. Herring large. Mackerel large. 1908. January February . March April May June Cents. 10 10 10 Cents. 4 4 3 3 Cents. 27 27 25 22 July August September 28 October November S 8 8 28 28 28 Average •09 •035 •266 t 1909. 8 8 7 7 3 ■ 3 3 4 28 February i March ... ) April 28 28 May June July August 13 15 13 12 11 ,12 '""'35 October 25-30 November 4 4 25-30 25-30 Average •106 •310 •284 1910. January February 12 12 12 4 4 4 4 25-30 25-.^ March : Auril 30 24 May : : : ::::.::... 11 June » July npntAmnpr October , t November ... December io • Average 1911. January February March April ' May •114 •04 •273 10 11 10 10 11 11 ?' 30 ^ 30 30 30 30 June Average 30 105 •395 •30 * Eels occasionally quoted at 10c.; and salmon (eastern) at 18-20c. 256 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 SUMJTIARY OF YKARLY AVERAGE WHOLESALE PKICES FOR FROZEN FISH, CANADA AND THE UxNITED STATES. 1908-1911. Commodity. Market. 1908. 1909. 1910 - 1911. Average, 1908-1911. Halibut, white, per lb Halibut, eastern, white Eels, large Herring, large, per 100 Halifax Boston Halifax Halifax Boston Halifax Boston $ cts. 10 9 8 1.56 •34 13 264 $ cts. 8 1.64 3 $ cts. 7 1.56 4 15 27 $ cts. 10 104 7 1.69 4 $ cts. 10 1.61 Herring, large, each Mackerel, large, each Mackerle, large, each I2I" 20 28 WHOLESALE PRICES— SmOKED FISH. Canso. Pinnan Haddies, in 15 lb. boxes ; price per lb. on the first week of each month ; quotations from the prin'ed lists of large wholesaler. January . . . February . . March .... April May June July August . . . . September. October. . . November. December. Month. Average. 1908. Cents. a 6" 7 6 bh 6" 5.8 1909. Cents. 6 1910. Cents. 5.5 5| 6 6 6 6i 1911. Cents, 6.0 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED 8TATE8, 1906-1911 257 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b . Halifax. Prices in the first week of each month ; quotations from printed lists of large wholesaler. ATnnf }ia Finnan. Haddies. Cod. Filletts. Salmon. Kippers per box. Mild. Hard. 1908. January Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. $ cts. February 7 5 5 5 5| 5 5 7 5-82 1.00 March 1 00 April May 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 5 5 4i 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 1 00 1 00 June 1 00 July 1 00 August 1 00 September October 1.00 1 00 November December 12 Average 4-94 201 12 1*00 1 1909. 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 f A 12 1.00 February March 1.00 75 April 22 22 22 22 75 May . 0.75 0.75 July August 0.76 ib 15 15 15 1.00 1.00 November 1.00 1.00 5-3 4 22 14-4 88.6 1910. January ? 4 5 8 9 10 10 n 75 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 1.00 February March 1.00 1.00 April 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.00 May June 0.90 0.90 July 0.90 August 5i 5| 0.90 September 1.00 October 1.00 1.00 Average 5-7 4-87 8 3 20 14-6 9G-3 1911. January February March 6 6 6 B 5 5 9 9 10 8 7 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.00 . 1.00 April May 1.00 1.00 June . . . 1 00 5-6 8-3 20 15 100 366—17 258 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1311 Iflontreal. Finnan Haddies ; price per lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Catiadian Grocer, Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . . February . . March . . . April May June July August . . . September. October . . November. December. Average Cts. H 7 7i-8 7|-8 7i 1 -1\ 7 -8 •078 Cts. •C73 Cts. 7 7 10 9 7 7 7 8 8 7-n •078 Cts. 7-7^ 7 7 7 8 8 074 Kippered herring ; price per box, small, in the opening week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ cts. $ cts. 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.00-1.10 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.10 1.10-1.25 1.00 $ cts. $ cts. 1.00 $ cts. $ cts. 1.20-1.25 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 $ cts. l.i>5 1 CO March . . 1 00 April. . . May June July ^ 1 00 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20-1.25 1.25 1.00 August September ... October Noveufber . . . , . ... December Average 108 109 1.14 108 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 25?^ SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Boston* Smoked Fish ; prices, wholesale, on the first week of each month ; quotations from the New England Oroeer* Date. Finnan Baddies. Salmon No. l.§ Kippers. Januavy .... 1908. Cents. 9 9 7 6 Cents. Cents. ' * * March April May June July August September . . . . , 6 7 7 8 October ... November December 1909. Average 7.37 8.9 8.9 6 22 22 22 22 20 18 22 22 27 22 22 March April . . May June July August Sp r>t^ m bpr 8 7 8.9 8.9 October No vember ..•. ..... T)pf»pr»lhpP - - ... 1910. Average 8.0 22.0 j Jfliniarv 8.9 8.9 9 7 i 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 3 May 3 7 3 July 3 a S*»nt>=>TnV»*»r .... a October a Noveml)er DpppmVwip 11 11 3 a 1911. Average 8.7 22 3 Iftiiiiarv 10.11 7.9 7.10 7.10 6.8 6.8 1 22 22 3 3 ^K._ L ^ 3 f ^^1 »^ 34 3i A\ eracre 8i 22 H f.O 22 3.12 * Scattered quotations for smoked hake range from C-7 ct^. Smoked cod is occasionally quotedat 7 cts, 4; Quotations ior No. 2 are uniformly 2 cts. less than for No. 1. 366—174 260 DEPARTMENT OF ^jABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 New York. Finnan haddie ; price per lb. in the first week of each raonth ; quotations from the Fishing Gazette. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. . . February. . March . . . . April. . ... May June July August September. October — November December . Average. Cents. 8 8 8 8 8 7^8 7^-8 7|-8 7i-8 74-8 74-8 •078 Cents. •085 Cents. •085 Cents. 8-9 8- 9 10-11 8-9 8- 9 10-11 8-9 9-10 10-11 8-9 8- 9 10 11 8-9 8- 9 10-11 8-9 a- 9 1011 8-9 8- 9 8-9 8- 9 8- 9 8-9 8- 9 8- 9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 105 Herring, 2-lb. tins ; Canadian, kippered ; price per doz. in the opening week of each month ; quotations from the Fiahiny Gazette. Month. 1907. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average, $ c. $ c. 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20 1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1 25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 l-22i $ c. S c. 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 $ c. $ c. 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1 25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1-224 1-224 $ c. $ c. 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1.20-1.25 1-224 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 261 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Smoked salmon. Nova Scotia, new ; price per lb. in tha first week of each month ; quotations from th e Fishing Gazette. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Cents. 48 48 48 ' 48 48 49^50 49-50 4^50 49-50 49-50 49-50 49-50 Cents. 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Cents. 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 45-50 Cents. 4.5-50 February 45-50 March 45-50 April 45-50 M^y June 45-60 45-50 July • •• August '. September , October . , November December Average •488 •50 •475 ■475 SUin;ifIAR¥ OF YEARLY AVERAQE PRICES (U^HOLESALE) SMOKED FISH, CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, 1908-1911. Commodity. Markets. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Average 1908-1911. Finnan baddies per lb. Finnan baddies n Finnan baddies n Finnan baddies .. Finnan baddies n Kippered herring per box. Kippered berring i. Kippered berring eacb. Kippered berring per box. Salmon, mild per lb. Salmon, bard u Salmon, No. 1 n Canso Halifax Montreal Boston New York .... Halifax Montreal Boston 5-8 5-8 7-8 7-3 7-8 100 108 5-5 5-3 7-3 80 8-5 m 109 5-8 5-7 7-8 8-7 8-5 96i 114 30 122*^ 20 14.6 22 m 60 5-6 7-4 80 10.5 1.00 108 H 1-22^ 20 15 22 5| 5 7 8 81 96 109 - 3i New York Halifax Boston.. 1.22i 20| 12 1-22^ 22 14-4 22 50 122i 20^ 14 22 Salmon, (Nova Scotia) new h New York.... 48 m 2i62 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 WHOL.1i:SAL.£ PRKES-DRV FISH, As above stated, the bulk of Canadian dry fish products is manufactured by the fishermen and finds its market in the West Indies and in South America. The prices obtained by tfie wholesaler are fixed by conditions in these southern markets. The dry fish products of the United States, on the other hand, are manufactured in large wholesale establishments and are disposed of chiefly in the United States. The following tables of wholesale prices of dry fish in Canada and the United States are offered not as being directly comparable but as throwing light on general conditions in this branch of the industry. Halifax. Dry cod, large ; price per qtl. in the first week of each month ; quotations from printed price lists of laige wholesaler. January . . . February . . March .... April May June July August. . . . September. October. . . November. December. , Month. Average. 1908. $ cts. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 600 1909. $ cts. 6.00 6.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5( 1910. $ cts. 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.363 1911. $ cts. 6.50 7.00 7.00 6.416 Montreal. Dried cod, large and medium in bundles ; prices in the first week of each month Canadian Grocer. quotations from the Month. 1907. 1909. 1910. 1911. January Large. Medium. Large. *6c. 6c. 6c. 6e. Medium. Large. $5.30 6.00 6.00 Medium. Large. $6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Medium. $6 00 February 6 00 March 6 00 April 6 00 May 6 00 June July AUBTUSt *6c. 6c. 6c. 6c. 6c. :::■;■;■• September 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 October "b.m" 5.50 November •••• December Averagfe •06 •06 5-50 5-93 5.75 6.00 6.00 *Perlb. of 1121b. bundle. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 263 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Dried haddock, medium, in bundles ; prices in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Grocer. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ cts. $ cts. S cts. $ cts. 5 50 February 5 50 March ■ 5 50 April 5 60 May 5 60 June July August September 5.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 October November December Average 5.38 5 50 Boston. Ood, dry, bank, large ; pricft per quintal in the first week of each month Boston Herald. quotations from the Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. January February ]VI arch . .. • $cts. $ c. 7.25-7.50 7.2.5-7.50 7.25-7.50 7.50- 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 7.00-7.50 Sets. $ c. 7.00-7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 $Ct8. $ C. 7.00 7.00 7.00 April 6.25-6.50 May 6.25-6.60 .Xijrjg ... 6.25-6.50 July : August 6.25-6.50 6.50-6 75 6.50-6.75 October 7.50 NTnvPTnhAr 7.50 December 8.60 Averacre. ..... 7 302 7 021 6 930 264 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ' 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Boston* Cod, dry, large; price per cwt., in the first week of each month ; quotations from the New EngJr»*»mVM>r 12.00 Average 12.00 11.33 9.00 8.00 272 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Boston. Tongues and Sounds ; price per barrel of 200 lb. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the iVci<; England Grocer. Month. January . . February March . . . April May 1908. $ cts. 15.00 15.00 June July August September October November. December. Average . 15.00 1909. $ cts. 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.25 1910. $ cts. 14.00 14.00 14.50 14.50 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14 00 14.00 14.08 1911. $ cts. 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.34 AVERAGE YEARLY WHOLESALE PRICES FOR SALT FISH, CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1908-1911. Commodity. Salt Fish :— Herring, large, per barrel Herring, large, N.S., split. . . . . Mackerel, fat, fall, per barrel . . , Mackerel, No. 1, per barrel Mackerel, N.S., No. 2 Tongues and Sounds, per barrel Tongues and Sounds, per barrel Market. Canso Boston.. Halifax. Montreal Boston.. . Halifax. . Boston.. . 1908. $ cts. 6.00 7.08 15.50 17.50 19.00 12.00 15.00 1909. $ cts. 5.75 7.06 21.50 21.00 21.90 21.33 21.25 1910. 1911. $ cts. $ cts. 6 00 6.00 7.31 7.00 17.42 17.92 i6.66 19.20 19.40 9.00 8.00 14.08 15.34 Average. 1908-11 . $ cts. 5.94 7.11 15 14 17.02 18.87 10.08 14.67 FISH OILS. The chief fish oil held for sale by fishermen in the Maritime Provinces and in the New England States is cod oil. The method of manufacture is as follows: In cleaning the fish taken on long trips the livers are saved and thrown into hogs- heads; the sun gradually tries out the oil, which is drawn off and barrelled as it accumulates. The chief use of the oil is in the tanning industry, and the bulk of the Nova Scotia product is exported. Hake, haddock and pollock Hvers are usually mixed with the cod livers ; when kept separate the product of these sells for about 5 cents a gallon less than cod-oil. The first of the subjoined tables shows the prices paid to fishermen for cod-oil ex-vessel during the past four years at Canso, N.S., Halifax, N.S., and Gloucester, Mass., respectively. It should be pointed out that in the case of the Canadian ports the measure is the Imperial gallon, while the United States quotations are for the wine gallon, which is, roughly, smaller by COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-lffTI 273 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b one-sixth than the Imperial measure. A deduction to that extent should, therefore, be made from the Canadian prices to render them directly comparable with those of Gloucester, Mass. €OD OIL, ex VESSEL..— PRICES PAID TO FISHERIflEN. At Canso, N. S., per Imj*. gal. At Halifax, N. S., per Imp. gal. At Gloucea- ter, Mass. per wine gal. 1908. •Tanuary . . . , Cents. 24 Cents. Cents. Fehruary. March April May June 20 22 22 24 24 25 26 July August September October . November « December Average . , 23^ 25-30 28-35 1909. January , 25 20 February April May 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 July , . . . August September October . ..... December Average 22 25-30 28-35 1910. January, Febuary 25 25 April May 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 July August October 23i 30-35 33-40 1911. 25 25 25 25 22 22 February March ... May June Average 24 30-35 33-40 366—18 274 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 In addition to the method of manufacture above referred to, short-trip vessels bring the livers into port and dispose of them fresh to concerns having plants for the manufacture of oil. This practice is limited in Canada but is extensively followed at Gloucester, where the price ranges from $3.00 to $3.50 per barrel for the livers, the product seUing at 35-40c. per gallon, reaching its highest in Decem- ber, 1910, and in January and February, 1911, at 50 cents per gallon. Only limited quantities of herring and whale oil are made in Nova Scotia. Dog-fish oil, however, is manufactured by the fishermen to a considerable extent, the price holding at 20c. since 1908. Seal oil is produced in theMagdalen Islands, selling at 32-35c. per gal. in 1907 and 1909, and at 36-40 in 1910-11. Pure cod- liver oil, highly refined, has sold (wholesale) at Boston at $1.25-1.50 during the past four years, during recent months bringing $1.35. Cod oil , COD OIL.— %VHOL£SAl.E PRICG^i. Montreal. ; price per gallon, in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . . February . . Cents. 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 Cents. 35-40 .35-40 35-40 35-40 3.5-40 3.5-40 Cents. 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 35-40 36-40 35-40 Cents. 50^55 50-55 March .... April 50-55 50-55 May .... June 50-55 50-55 July August - 38.41 I .'^T-40 ,38-44 38-44 . 38-42 35-40 35-40 35-40 .35-40 35-40 35-51 35-40 September . October . . , Noveniber Average 41 •381 •375 •525 Cod Li /er Oil, Newfoundland, Norway process ; price per gallon, in the first quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. . week of eacl 1 montli ; Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January . . . February. . 1.00-1.20 1.00-1.20 1.00-1.20 1 00-1.20 1.00-1.20 1.00-1.20 80-1.00 80-1.00 80-1.00 80-1.00 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 75.90 95.90 75.90 75.88 80.90 80.90 80 90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 80.90 70.90 March April 80.90 80.90 May 80.90 June . . 80.90 July August . . September October November December Average .987 .825 .85 .85 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 27& SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Neiv York. Oil, cod, domestic ; price per gallon on first market day of each month ; quotations from the New York Journal of Commerce audi Commercial Bvdletin. 1 Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January , T^'ebruary March April May June July August Cents. 42-43 42-43 42-43 42-13 42-43 42-43 40-42 40-42 38-40 38-40 38-40 38-40 Cents. 38-40 36-38 36-38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38-40 38-40 Cents. 38-40 38-40 38-40 38-40 38-40 38-40 40^2 40-42 40-42 41-43 42-44 47-48 Cents. 53-55 53-55 53-55 53-55 53-55 54-56 September October November . • December ^ Average •411 •380 •408 •542 Cod oil, Newfoundland ; price per gallon on first market day of e.ach month ; quotations from the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. Janu^irv • • ••■ Cents. 44-45 44-45 44-45 44-45 44-45 44-45 42-44 4^44 40-42 40-42 40-42 40-42 Cents. 40-42 38-40 38-40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40-42 40-42 Cents. 40-44 42-44 42-44 44-45 44-45 44-45 43-45 43-45 43-15 44-46 45-47 50-52 Cents. 55-58 57-58 March 57-58- 57-58 May June July August . . September October . .... 57-58. 57-5a ... November •431 •403 •446 •573. 365—181 276 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191.1 Oil, Cod, (Menhaden) ; price per gallon on first market day of each month ; quotations from the New- York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin. Month, 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911, Janitary . . . ^February . . March April May June July August September. October . . . November. December . Average. Cents. •385 Cents. 35-36 35-36 35-36 35-36 35-36 35-36 35-36 32 32 30-32 30-32 30-32 338 Cents. 32-33 33-35 35-37 35-37 35-37 35-37 38-40 38-40 38-40 42-44 47-50 55-57 Cents. 55-57 57-58 57-58 57-59 57-58 57-58 •573 SEAIi Olli— WHOLES ALE PRICES. Montreal. Seal Oil, Pale, S-R.; price per gallon in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January ^February March. April -. . May June July August September October November December Average cents. 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-60 55-58 55-58 55-58 •572 Cents. 55 -58 55 -58 55 -58 52|-57i 52A-571 52|-57| 52|-57| 50 -55 50 -55 50-55 50-51 50 -55 54 Cents. 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50-55 50^55 50-55 50-55 525 Cents. 50 -55 50-55 50-55 50 -55 50 -55 621-65 •543 I COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 277 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Seal Oil, Straw ; price per gallon in first week of each month ; quotations from the Canadian Journal of Commerce. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average 1908. Cents. 45 45 45 4S 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 19P9. Centa. •466 1910. Cents. 45 45-47 45-47 4e 45-47 65 45 45-47 65 45-50 45-47 65 45-50 45-47 45-50 45-47 45-50 45-47 45-50 45-47 45-50 45-47 45-50 45-47 45-47 45-47 45-47 45-47 •46 1911, Cent<«. ■602 'Sew York. Seal Oil ; price per gal. in the first week of each month ; quotations from the Fishing Gazette. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. ,Jj^inja,j.y _ Cents. 39-40 39-40 39-40 Cents. Cents. Cents. 62-64 62-64 62-64 April 62-64 May 48-50 45-46 45-48 43-48 45-48 45-48 60-62 60-62 60-62 60-62 60-e2 60-62 60-62 62-61 62-64 62-64 Jnlv August September October • • Averacre •395 •466 612 •63 278 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 .SlT?in:4ttY OF YEIRLY AVfiRLGE: PRICES OF FISH OILS, CAWAOA AND THE UNITED STATES. 1908--19I1. Commodity. Cod oil, ex- vessel.. U II II II Ctxi oil, wholesalers' prices Cod oil, domestic Cod oil, Newfoundland. . . . Cod oil, Menhaden, Banks Seal oil, pale Seal oil, straw. - Seal oil Cod liver oil, refined Nor- way process Cod^liver oil, pure, refined. Market, Canso Halifax. . . Gloucester Montreal . New York Montreal. New York Montreal . Boston. 1908. per gal. Cents. $ c. 1.37* 1909. per gal. Cents. 22 27 31 38 38 401 331 54 46A 46| ' 824 $ c. 1.37* 1910. per gal. Cents. 23* 32| 364 37i 41| 44* 39| 524 46 91 85 $. c. 1.374 1911. per gal. Cents. 24 324 36* 524 54 57i 57;: 54;: 60; 63 85' $ c. 1 374 Average, 1910-11. per gal. Cents. 23i 30 34 46j 42i 54* 494 60 873 S c. 1.374 ^ 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 1911 TABLES-FOREST PRODUCTS (1) Spruce. (2) Hemlock. (3) Cedar Shingles. (4) Oak. (5) Maple. (6) Birch. (7) Pine. (8) Pulp and News-print Paper. 1 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b A. 191 1 III.— LUMBER. The articles under this heading in the proposed reciprocal agreement are divided into two categories: (1) Rough Lumber; and (2) Manufactured Lumber. In general terms it is proposed to place (1) on the free Hst, while on (2) material reductions in the tariff are suggested. ARTICLES AFFECTED. (1) Roitgh Lumber. — Under this heading are included the following: (a) Timber, hewn, sided or squared otherwise than by sawing, and round timber used for spars or in building wharves; (h) Sawed boards, planks, deals, and other lumber, not further manufactured than sawed; (c) Paving posts, railway ties, and telephone, trolley, electric light and telegraph poles of cedar or other woods; (d) Wooden staves of all kinds, not further manufactured than listed or jointed, and stave bolts; and (e) Pickets and pahngs. The present United States tariff is half a cent per cubic foot on the articles specified in (a), $1.25 per thousand feet on the articles specified in (6), and 10 p.c. on the articles specified in (c) (d), and (e). All these rates would be abrogated. Canada imposes no duty on the articles specified in (a), (6), (c) and (e). In the case of (d), under sections 501, and 502 of the Canadian Customs Tariff, a duty of 20 p.c. is levied in certain cases while in the other cases no duty is charged. No change in this arrangement will be made by the proposed agreement. (2) Manufactured Lumber. — The articles specified in this list are as follows: (a) Laths; (6) Shingles; (c) Sawed boards, planks deals and other lumber, planed or finished on one side; (d) Ditto, planed or finished on one side and tongued and grooved, or planed or finished on two sides; (e) Ditto, planed or finished on three sides, or planed or finished on two sides and tongued and grooved; and (/) Ditto, planed and finished on four sides. The present United States duty is 20 cents per thousand on laths, and 50 cents per thousand on shingles. These rates it is proposed to lower to 10 cents and 20 cents respectively. On the lumber specified in (c), (d), (e) and (/), the rates for entry into the United States are at present $1 . 75, $2, |2 . 373^, and $2 . 75 per M feet respectively. These rates it is proposed to reduce to 50c., 75c., $1 . 12}^, and $1 . 50 per M feet respectively, i.e., by $1 . 25 per M feet all round. There is no Canadian duty on the articles men- tioned in (a), (6) and (c), but a rate of 25 p.c. prevails against the articles men- tioned in (d), (e) and (/). This rate is to remain. PRICES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. To obtain statistics of lumber prices on a basis admitting of direct comparisons between Canada and the United States offers peculiar difficulties. These diffi- culties arise chiefly from two sources, (1) the absence of any uniform system of grading lumber in either country; and (2) the general conditions prevailing in the trade between the two countries. Brief reference to each of these features may be made in turn: (1) Absence of uniform system of grading. — Notwithstanding repeated attempts to establish systems of grading on both sides of the international boundary, the trade is for practical purposes without recognized standards of quality. Especially is this true of pine which constitutes a most important part of the Canadian export 282 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 trade with the United States. This is largely the result of the varying conditions which determine quality in lumber. Localities often within short distances of each other produce standing timber of different characteristics. Again, one tree in the same locahty differs from another; log from the same tree differs from log; board from the same log differs from board. In a rough way the nature of the output of the different mills is known to the trade; but it remains true that almost every transaction between the mills and the wholesaler, and between the wholesale and retail trade, is highly individualized, and that the definition of grades becomes in the final resort a matter largely of personal judgment. Almost every millman and dealer has his own method of sorting and classifying boards, and even where the same terminology is employed, the quotations may be for widely different articles. Further, such distinctions as the following occur fre- quently: at Buffalo, boards designed for local consumption will be found to be quoted in certain instances at different prices from the same boards in the same yards when re-sorted for shipment to outside points. Printed records of lumber prices are accordingly somewhat rare, and where they exist are offered chiefly as approximations within considerable ranges requiring an amount of interpretation that renders direct comparisons hazardous. (2) Features of trade in lumber between Canada and the United States. — It follows from the above that in an enquiry into comparative lumber prices reliance must be had chiefly on the opinion of those in the trade, especially those engaged in business on both sides of the boundary. The consensus of opinion among several millmen and wholesalers in Canada and the United States was that the course of the lumber trade is at present affected but slightly by inter-national considerations. The chief markets of the lumbermen of Ontario and Eastern Canada are three in number: the home market; the United States market; and the British market. The influence of these markets on current prices varies in different sections of the country. In the same section, moreover, at different times the flow into the markets in question fluctuates according to conditions therein of supply and demand. It frequently happens that most of the output from a particular section will go in one season to a particular market, while in the following season the main current may be in quite another direction. As a generalization, the Unit^d States offers a steady demand for the better grades of Canadian soft lumber, though the poorer qualities also find a market, more or less restricted and variable in character, south of the international boundary. The area within which Canadian lumber can be successfully marketed in the United States is largely determined by freight rates relatively to the situation of areas producing similar or interchangeable grades in the United States them- selves. Georgian Bay pine, for example, can meet the pine of Wisconsin and Minnesota (which is generally of better quality) in the Buffalo market, but finds the pressure of competition increasingly powerful in markets further west. The products of the Quebec limits meet those of Georgia and the other southern States in the eastern cities of the United States. On the other hand, some southern pine finds its way north to Ottawa, turpentine, in the case of southern forests, yielding a return almost as valuable as the lumber. In all cases, of course, the special qualities of the products create a market for themselves. In the hardwoods, for example, most of the oak consumed in Ontario is received from the United States, owing to the superiority of the southern oak over that produced in many parts of Ontario. On the other hand, Ontario birch flows south, being generally superior in quality to ihsit produced south of the line. In the west a considerable amount of low-grade lumber is ship'ped from Minnesota and Wisconsin to the Northwest Provinces, but the keen demand for the higher grades of pine in the United States keeps most of these qualities at home. Northern Ontario and British Columbia meet most of the demand in the Northwest Provinces, British Columbia being able to compete successfully with Washington and Oregon owing to lower stump- COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 283 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b age rates and the less costly methods of logging which in many sections are possible. In view of the above, it was the consensus that, quality for quality, and other things being equal, distance from the mills is the chief factor in determining prices of lumber in Canada and the United States. In most cases prices are higher in the United States than in Canada, seeing that the chief movement in lumber is from Canada to the United States. In a few cases, however, the oppo- site is true, and oak is ordinarily higher in Toronto than in Buffalo, though birch is higher in Buffalo than in Toronto. An example typical of many others is as follows: At Liverpool, N.S., surfaced hemlock boards (planed on one side) were quoted during June 1911 at $12.25 per M, f.o.b. These landed in the Boston market would stand as follows: Cost f.o.b. Liverpool $ 12 25 Freight 3 00 Duty 1 25 Commission (5 p.c.) 90 Interest 40 Insurance .^. 45 Total $18 25 In Boston at the same date this lumber was selling at $18.50-$19.00 in com- petition chiefly with Pennsylvania hemlock which is generally somewhat inferior in toughness to the Nova Scotia product. The accompanying tables of prices are presented, not as affording direct means of comparisons — ^though grades as nearly as possible corresponding to each other have been selected — ^but as of interest, subject to the interpretation which the trade will be able to give them, as showing the general tendency of lumber prices in the two countries during the past few years. St. John. New Brunswick merchantable Spruce Deals, 3x7, 3x9, 3x11, and up ; price per M of superficial feet on first market day of each month ; quotations from local dealers. Month January February March April May J une , July August September . . . October November. . . . December Average 1908. $ cts. 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.75 15.^ 15.00 H.75 14.75 15.00 ?.5.00 15.0) 15.00 14 81 1909. $ cts. 15.00 15.00 16.25 15.25 15.25 15.00 15.00 15 25 15.25 15.25 15.50 15.50 15-20 1910. $ cts. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.75 15.75 IC.OO 16.00 15.75 15.5') 14.50 14.5) 14.75 15-30 1911. $ cts. 15.00 15.25 15 00 14.75 14.50 14.50 14 833 284 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Ottawa. Spnice, 1 inch x 4 inch and up ; price per M feet, on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumberman. January. . . February . . March ... April May June July ...... Aug\i8t September . October . . . November December . Month. Average . 1908. $ 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-19 17-18 17-18 17 18 16-17 16-17 16-17 17-96 1909. 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 16 17 1910. ^ cts. $ cts. 15.00-17.00 15.00-17.00 15.00-17.00 15.00-17 00 15.00-17.00 15.00-17.00 14.50-15.50 14.00-15.50 14.00-15 50 14.00-15.50 14.00-15.50 14. 00-16.. 50 15-48 1911. $ cts. $ cts. 14.00-16.50 14.00-16.50 14.00-16.50 14.00-16.50 14.00-16.50 14.00-16.50 15-25 Boston. Spruce, 9 in. and under ; price per M feet, on first market day of each month Boston Commercial Bulletin. quotations from the Month. January February ... . March April May June July August September. . . . October November. . . . December Average 1908. $ cts. $ cts. 21.. 50 -22. 00 23.00-24.00 21.00-21.50 21.00 20.50-21.00 20.00-20.50 19.50-20.00 20.00-21 00 22,00-23.00 23.00 25.00-26.00 26.00 21-93 1909. $ cts. $ cts. 24.00-25.00 24. 00-25. CO 24.00-25.00 24 00-25.00 24.00-25.00 23.50 23.00-24.00 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 23.00-23.50 2:5.00-23.50 24.00-25.50 23-96 1910. $ cts. $ cts. 23.50-24.00 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 24.00 24.00 23.00-23.50 22.25-22.50 22.00-22.50 22.00-22.50 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 22.50-23.00 22-87 1911. $ cts. $ cts. 22.50-23.00 22.25-22.50 22.50-23.00 23.50-24.00 23.50-24.00 23.50-24.00 23 19 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 285 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b New York. Spruce, 6 to 9 in., cargoes ; price per M feet, on first market day of each month ; quotations from N. Y. Lvmber Trade Journa/. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February $ 20-22 20-22 20-22 20-22 20-22 18-21 18-21 18-21 19-22 19 22 20-23 22-25 20-79 $ 22-25 22-?5 25-28 25-28 25-28 25-28 24-26 24-26 24-26 24-26 24-26 24-26 $ 24-26 24-26 24-26 25 25 25 $ March April May June r July Augnst . . September 24 24 24 24 October November December Average 25-25 24-69 • he:mi.o November December Average 31.00 32.96 33. &3 37.42 COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 291 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Buffalo. Maple, Firsts and Seconds, Soft ; price per M ft^t on the first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumberman. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January « 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 • 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 $ 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-2:3 20 23 February 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 March April May June 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 20-23 July .; August September .- Oct'^»ber November December Average , 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 BIRCH. Toronto. Birch, Common and Better — 1 inch ; price per M feet, on the first market day of each month quotations from the Canada Lumlerman. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January. . . . ' 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 24-25 23-24 $ 23-24 23-24 23-24 23-24 22 26 26 26 24 24 26 26 8 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 29 February . . . 29 March A pril 29 29 29 June . July .. . 29 September October . November ; - Average 24-41 24 20 26-50 2900 366—19:^ 292 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Boston. Birch, Red — 1 inch ; price per M feet at ou first market day of each month ; quotations from the Boston Commercial Bulletin. Month. 1908. 19C9. 1910. 1911. $ 52-55 52-55 52-55 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 $ 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 48-50 48-50 48-50 S 48-50 49-50 49-50 50-52 50-52 52-54 52-54 52-54 52-54 52-54 52-54 52-54 52-54 ^February. . . . 52-54 March April May June July 53-55 53-55 53-55 54-55 August September October November . .... Average 50-87 49-75 51-75 53-75 PINE. Ottawa. Pine, Shipping Culls, Sidings ; price per M feet on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumberman. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ $ 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 47 49 44-46 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 $ $ 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 50-52 44-48 44-48 $ $ 28 -30 29 -32 29 -32 30-33 30-33 28|-32 281-32 281-32 29-32 29 -32 30-33 31 -33 31-33 February March 31-33 31-33 April May Jime 31-33 31-33 26-30 July August September October November December Average 40-08 43-41 . 30-68 31 -33 COMPARATIVE PRICES, .CANAnA AXD UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 293 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Sarnia. Pine, No. 1 Cuts, 1' 8" and up ; price \)ct M feet on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumberman. Month. January February March April May June July August September. . . , October . November December Average 1908. 41 41 41 41 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 66 1909. 39 39 39 41 41 41 44 44 44 44 44 44 4200 1910. 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 00 1911. 4700 Boston. Pine, White, Bam No. 1, 8 in., (Western) ; price per M. feet on first market day of each month quotations from the Boston Commercial Bulletin. of Boston. Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. $ 37-38 37-38 36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 .36-37 36-37 36-37 36-37 ~ S $ 37-38 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 38-39 $ 38 February March • ■■"36-37 " 36-37 36-37 '■"36-37 ■ 37-38 37-38 37-38 37-38 .37-38 38 38 April Mav 38 38 June July AnjTnst; 38 Sprkf-PrnVw^r October December Averasre 36-66 37 06 38-42 3800 294 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 Boston. Tine, No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ; price per M feet on first market day of each month ; quotations fr m the Canada Liimberman. January . . . February. , March April May June July August . . . . Septemb'^r . October . . November. December. Month. Average , 1908. 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48-50 48 50 45 45 48-64 1909. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 00 1910. 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 00 1911. 45 00 Toronto. Pine, No. 1 Cuts and Better, 1 inch ; price per M feet on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumherman. Month. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average urn. $ 40-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 49-51 47-49 44-46 40-44 4»-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 46.08 190&. 40-41 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44, 40-44' 40 44 50-52 44-48 44-48 43.41 191«. 44-48 44-48 41-48^ 48-52 48-52 48^52 48-52 48-52 48-52 4^52 48-52 48-52 49.00 1911. 50-55 50-55 60-65 «0-65 60-65 60-65 5e.l7 f COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 190S-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b Buffalo. Pine, No. 1 Cuts 4/4 ; price per M feet on first market day of each month ; quotations from the Canada Lumberman. 295 Month. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January $ .$ $ 51 51 51 51 51 &1 51 ai 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 February March April M May ■; i"'4s 51 51 June 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 July August September .... October November December Average 1 48.00 1 51 00 51. CO As bearing out the statement above made as to the general similarity of price movements in the lumber trade in Canada and the United States, the subjoined analysis of the statistical records of lumber prices kept by the Department of Lab- bour of Canada and the Department of Commerce and Labor of the United States will be of interest. The articles covered by the respective Departments are not the same, but the selection of kinds, qualities, and markets was made in both cases with the main object of securing results that would be typical of price tendencies in the lumber trade as a whole. The articles covered by the Canadian investigation are as follows : 1. Pine, all grades, at Ottawa; 2. Pine, good sidings, at Ottawa; 3. Pine, No. 1 cuts, at Toronto; 4. Laths, pine, at Ottawa; 5. Pine, shipping culls at Ottawa; 6. Pine, box boards, at Ottawa; 7. Hemlock, at Ottawa; 8. Spruce N.B., atSt. John; 9. Shingles, N.B., at St. John; 10. Birch, at Toronto; IL Maple at Toronto; 12. Oak, at Toronto; Fir, B.C., at Winnipeg ; and Fir, B.C., on the railway Belt, B.C. The articles covered by the United States investigation are as follows: 1. Hemlock, at New York; 2. Shingles, Cypress, (f.o.b. mills); 3. shingles^ red cedar, at Washington; 4. Spruce, at New York; 5. Maple, hard, at New York, 6. Oak, white, plain, at New York; 7. Oak, white, quartered, at New York 8. Pine, white, boards No. 2 barn, at New York; 9. Pine, white boards, uppers at New York; 10. Pine, yellow sideing, at New York; 11. Poplar, at New York In both cases the statistics date from 1890 and are complete up to the close of 1910. Combining the actual yearly statistics of prices in both countries by the method of index numbers, (using the decade 1890-99 as base period), the following 296 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 result is shown, the figures, it will be understood, representing in each case per- centages of average prices during the decade named : 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. Canadian index number United States index number. . 103-5 103-6 102-7 102-5 104-4 101-9 103-7 102-6 104-6 98-9 102-8 97-4 971 96-4 93-9 94-9 90-8 96-2 95-8 105-7 1140 116-5 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910.. 114-6 113-5 122 124-1 128-8 132-1 131-3 134-2 134 1 137-5 152-7 155-4 165-2 169 162 6 157 -0 154 6 159-8 160 6 United States index number. . 164-2. This may be illustrated graphically in the chart on the following page. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b 297 (Average Prices 1890-1899=100) liiiiiilililiiiiili iT 166 _ 186^ 184 — -184 182 182 ■'■ 180 180 178 ~oL^ 176 ^^O^ntXjU 17fi 174 Iv 'V^u ^ 17A 172 ~ .172 170 170 168 168 166 1 ^ \ 166 164 ' S^ 164 182 / / s, / 162 160 ,'/ \ V 160 168 ij \ V 158 156 ij <\ /- 156 154 J \ r — 154. 162 ' 152 160 \\ 150 148 // 148 146 // 146 144 // 144 142 // 142 140 // 140 138 7 138 136 / / 136 134 134 13? ^^' / 132 130 1 ^/^ 130 128 > i ^ 128 126 / 126 124, / 124 1?? / / 122 120 ^ 120 lift '■V / 118 116 jf 116 114 , ^ '! 114 11? 1 112 110 1 1 110 108 1 J 108 106 106 104 ^ ^^ s^ / .104. 102 ■^x^ y^ ^ V L / 102 100 ^ * 100 98 ~ »^ rS: / 98 96 V - 96 94 N / 94 92 V / 92 90 V 90 88 ' 88 86 86 84 84 82 82 80^ 80 78 78 76 I 7S 74 74 72 " 72 70 70 1 298 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 1911 ADDENDUM ON THE PULP AND NEWS-PEINT PAPER INDUSTRY IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. Under date of May 17 a report by the U. S. Tariff Board on the Pulp and News Print Paper Industry was transmitted by the President to the Senate. The report embodied the results of a comprehensive and thoroughly scientific investigation into the industry both in Canada and the United States, and its findings on relative costs of production and prices in the two countries are not only of direct value, but are of general significance as well. The data on pulp and paper included in the following tables taken from the report were secured from 53 ground-wood mills, 25 sulphite mills, and 38 news- paper mills, making a total of 116 mills and representing 940,478 tons of news print paper or 80 per cent of the newsprint paper production of the United Spates. The data for Canada were taken from 13 ground wood mills, 5 sulphite mills, and 7 news-print paper plants. Records were secured covering 78.2 per cent of the news-print paper, 60.2 per cent of the ground wood, and 55.7 per cent of the sulphite pulp capacity in Canada. The following excerpts from the report will explain themselves. They illus- trade, (1), the relative cost of producing pulp and paper in Canada and the United States, the advantage being shown to be very largely with Canada, and (2), the general characteristics of the United States market for these products, witk special reference to the inoidemce of duties, freight rates, etc., on prices. COMPARATIVE PRICES, CANADA AND UNITED STATES, 1906-1911 299 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 36b COSTS OF PRODUCTION. Summary of the cost of ground-wood pulp, sulphite fibre, and news-print paper, showing lowest, highest, and average cost per ton of product, by specified items of cost for mills, in the United States and Canada, reporting data. Items. I.owi->sT Cost pkr Ton of Phoduct. Hkukkst Cost fkk To.v OK Prokuct. Avkra(;k Cost pkk Ton OF Product. United Staitw. Canada . Unite.! Stat.M. Canada. 'i^ j Can... Grounrl-wood pulp- Wood $ ct.<. 6 90 $ cts. S cts. * 4 26 13 3:i S cts. * S i\2 * 2 29 * 3 68 1 S Ct8.| $ Its. 10 •>3 ^ "'» ManufacTuiiug lalxjur Other costs. 98 u :^ * 1 11 • 2 76 5 90 (183 2 18 2 18 * 1 73 * 2 13 Tott*>Tn bpr October November , . . December 1-983 2 056 2 087 1-700 1.623 1 625 316 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 1 GEORGE v., A. 191 1 New York. Portland Cement, domestic ; price per barrel in fir.st week of each month ; quotations from the Engineer- ing and Alining Journal. Month. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. January February March April . . May June July August September . $ C. $0. 1.55-1.60 1.55-1:60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 $ c. $ c. 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 4.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 1.60-1.70 $ c. $ c. 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1 60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 1.60-1.90 $ c. $ c. 1.60-1.90 1.55-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.5.5-1.60 1.55-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1. 60 $ c. $ c. 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.T,0 1 50-1.60 1.60-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.50-1.60 1.20-1. SO 1.20-1.30 1.20-1.30 1.20- 1.30 1.20-1.30 1.20-1. 30 October November December Average 1-575 1-650 1-750 l-5?5 1-550 1-250 YD 19945 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY