UC-NRLF B ^ nfma [,t JlftCCU ^J5 "SDiCfiam d^ou UBRAR}^ OF THE UNIVERSITT "--^//^/-<« './yl/^V^^'i/^-/- . y/i'/4j7.f/.- Cfje JTtfteen B's, anti oti)er ^^S; ^ra|>ers. p Printed lij? commtinftment of tlje pnnccCs Cli^flbcrij, |j^ 23iiMihcrh ,of tHUR' tnas nor unircn roDcnrr ^of La!U*aaer\ afrcrUiarDs Denrr uii,, unnl 14S0. tins intercilina little tJOlume, jhe Ciateof Carton's Death benuT i^gi', muiMianc iQ'ucD from the prcfs hctmccn thofe rears : moa ^rrohahlp about i4.:c, sThe nolume in tohich it inas foimti is in the oriainal binnma. anD contains in aDDition, icrtain trads printcD by CGrnkrn DC CG:rDe. anD is crhifaKeD to the public in the Uina's Lihrarr in Ca;e niii.. nenctcD 10 ipcci^ mens of the earliefl proDudions of the prinniiiT prc.'s in (2Bn0lann. Cfjc original \jolumc is in gooD prefcruation, though mucf) croppeb in tf)c binning; tbe meafurcment tjcing 6|in. b^ 5 in. jriuasfccuicD for tbe jQational Collection in 1851 b^ %i\: antbonn) Ipani^^i, at tfjat time i^ceper of tbe DepartmentotPrint'eti16aok0,t)at3!ngtieenpurcf)afcDbp5iiti of tbe late a^r. Pickering for 250/. Cbeprapers contained in rf)is Dolumc arc callen '' Cfic jFifteen ©0," from tbe faft of m containing tfjat number of praj)ers,toitb otbers in Latin, commencing initb t!)c erclamation £); tbep are common in tbe manufcript i])orac of tbe i5tb Centiirp> ann baue fre^ qiientlp been reprinteb botb in tbe original Latin ant) in Cngiili), Carton's tjerfion being pofliblp tbe earlieft. Cbis colkftion i$ noticeD bp Dr. Cbomas jFuller, as being tbe firft book of prapcrs tcnDing to promote tf)e iReformation: boUJCDer tbis maj^ be, tbej; breatbe a fpirit of carneft neuo^ tion, ano prefcnt a gooD iiumration of thz religious manuals of tbe perioD. 3it is more tban probable tbat tbis is tbe firfl book of praj?ers in Cnglilb iflfueD bp tbe followers of raickliffe, ano cannot but be interefiing as bauing prepared tbe toap for tbe great moral ano fpiritual cbanges tbat enbeU in tbe IReformation. €bc Librarp of tbe 15ritilb ^ufeum, as migbt baue been crpefteo, contams tbe grcateft number of books printeD bp Carton tbat batie euer ban brougbt togetber. Jt incluDes among its treafures as manj; as eigbtp^eigbt pieces from bis prefs, including fragments, anD tbt ttoo rare trafts Dif^ coticret) not long fince bp a^r. 221inter Jones, tbe prefent Principal Librarian; of tubicb a Dcrj? intercfting account map be fecn in a letter anorefleD bp tbat gentleman to tbe late ^ir li)enrg Cllis, anD printeo \n tbt papers of tbe ^ocietp of antiquaries.* £Df tbefc no lefs tban eleuen are unique, * Srclyirolcoifi. 2^of. r>:;i. pp. 412-424. 3lt is fingulat ttat out of iunct|)*four tuotfes cnumetateD in 15Iat)C!5' aDmiraiJle ''Life anU Cppograpbg of ©"lilliam Carton," no lefs tban tbirt^^tljree ate fenoton to m ot\\^ tip finglc copies, or b^ fragments. *' 3f," as io temarfeeti {jj? ^r. T5Ianes, '' more tban one^tbirD of Carton^s ilTue ba0 tjeen nearip DeftropeD, f)olo numerous map bane been tbe cnitions of tiibicb toe lijall probablp netier learn tbe erifience/' 3n concluning tbefe brief remarks upon tbis unique little volume, it onlp remains to fap, tbat toe are intiebteu to ^r. 3Binter 3lones, for obtaining tbe pcrmilfion grantet) bp tbe Crufiees, to reproDuce tbis rare Dolume in }Pboto4itbograpbp bp e^r. apling, tobo bas none fo mucb to promote tbis motiern procefs of repro* tjuftion; tberebp bringing tbis bibliographic treafure not onlp toitbin tbe reacb of etjerpcolleftorofCarton'sproDuc^ tions, but alfo bp its price, toitbintbat>et)enoftbe bumblefl of tbe lotjers of olti books. « 3^ftt «n^&0 fVodn^^ of felling (OU&0 1 €>3^ftt goftlg tope pafpng g €;c^ ^fw^^ €> 3^fu 9tlf§t g ftn^cc fottCt'of at ttpenfauf finmtt^ fl^^i m^i fo ^Mft a^ fi^ott faR^ff % r# tbit^ f^c cbtbtct) of mci)y^02 dbai lba«i tbc caiif< tbb|> tib^u tb^ct incainai^/an^ ma^ wat) ti) t^c cn^ of t§c tbozloe^I^^ - m mfm 6&fftt> 3S'fw of all t^c fotolbc<^ t^a( t^jou fuff ts^fi it) (^ ma^t« ^ta\b y^ngc npfc (0 % 6&f(«6 paf/iot)/ 3») t^ ttof}tc^ mop ^Ifoti) parfto»)tba0 oc^j>'/ m^ fo fe ti) t§R ^upnc ^tfc / 8g coufi]^ of an t^e ^& (zpngfe , fot t$c raufot) of al manSpn^ .i^uc mpn^ 6liir«^ 3^fw of al A)^ gwfe ^a^e g angupff^^ g fo; tolbce tta< t^ou fuff tc^ff ti) tf;p fcn^tx f &f|^ afbcc t^p pafpoi) ot) t^c ctoffc/Jto^a t^ou tbcte fe^ ^ vz-N V I'C 6: ri;p fpccpil pc:pC: ^f^t i^frnc;^ Gfm^f plcc 6uf ftfet^, foun^ fo . i Ppftr/an^fcoiugc^Qln^ tbpt^ t^otno' ccolbncW an^ tbp^ a \x^ f mp^j) oi) t^ : ():vX/an^ tbttJ; ot^2 mnume2a6& pegnc* • rf^plv^p tbae all foi Brufc^ an^ foam for mpnix of t^ite Bfrffc^ paffioj)/:; Ivfic^ ti^e fcn>>ocnc ^fef" gtaunfe m '- ■ "r^ez~"~~ — ~ " ~^~' — ^. -V^. of iV mp finnce pfencc ccmpffio:)/ame») C^^a^ct nofier Qluc mana , ,^ i^\6&frt^ 30U maftct of al t§e Jtootl; ^ V 'oe, tt)at of a man map no( 6e mcfu *^ " txv/b^tc^ cCbfcft tt) tt)p fontt an t^ et; ^,5^uc mpn^c of t^p Gt^ie: focoEb.ftzf feb^an t^c 3<^Q>e0 faftcnc^ t^ip BSfft^ ^rvC6 fc tbe ct»0, tbpt^ blunt nap&0 ' (^Uofo mote cncc«af< of t% ptpnc/t9^ a^. focoCi^c Spot) (ctotbc to d^p 6pt6:c fervtx^frd;6g caufc t^ou Dool^t n^tac cccc to ii^it lbpQ'3?n^ foo ctucOp ^^P vvi ^ub t^p B&ffio ft>^p VT) dcn$i)t an^ 6cc|^ Ci;!ot^mcfuaof t^ct»e t^ataUtfep 3 ^n6fe of d;)p^mmc6 tbcct fod^c&fc^ ail' fbt0to6cn. i?ot mpn^ of tfep Gfeffc^ piiftot)/3 fef^cfe t^ fenpgcnc j^fu-S^^^^i^Si m ijaacc to dcpc Cbptb mc fe t^tfcpiou c!?^^^ fC^ t^ ^ ^^^lyl m i jv: •-iS , ii^^ fot$c3crbco/tbbtc5: of fampGcc afftcft m & tfep fpccpal pcop& (^f 6ct: ifm ii)^i f^ou ^aty^^rt maD: ti)ppt^^i Spont§e mount of oGm6: Qtn^ ftbcf&ff (^c« & tt?c 6feob an^ tba^i^«* of ^(^ Spon t^ ctoffc tO^a alfo 5nc ^fefu gtaunfe mz afbtx mp ^6^ Sctp conft tcpo)).totb con^ of at mj> finnc0p&mi; ccmi!>ffios)/amct) ^T^a&i: nofiet Q?uc ma?ia OBfeffi^ 3?tt maftct of al t§e rbotl oe,t^a(ofa tnMm^fimidtmtfu n^lXiokicfy <^kfi it) <^p fy>n^ atl t^ et; f^j.^aue tn^n^ of t^p Btttez focotb.f nf & tb^an t§e JcEbee faficmi) t^g 8fef ft^ 6on?ce fo db^ cto^. Ibpt^ 6lunt napfe^/ Qllfo fo mote cncwafi of <§p pcgne/f^?^ a^t> fotolS^c Spoi) fototic)c 60 tfep 6p<&r tboun^v^ , tb^ai) t^ prtcci^ % $&ff6?> fent^ttftd/Bg cauf< t^ou tbol^ not ac cor^ fc tlb^tt tbgU-iJlnt) foo crucUp (§5g ^txtb t^g 6&ffi^ fo^g ti) fengt^e an^ 6ct t« foi^ mcfut^ of ^ ctoe t^at all ii)^ 3ogn6ee of d^gjimmce tbctc fot^lbfc^ an?> fbc0coftct),;^f ot mgn^ of ffeg Bfeffi^ pafftot}/3 &f Bfetbnc^ of fi^R 13bou^r0 g fototbe t§al dpoii fuff tx^fiE ti) <^ ^# of t^c ct»frtbe t^^ 6Ke 60 %nc- fto'tfee (o& of tlb?f<>^ ^ <$^ <^PP^ of t$p ^c« tlb^tt ^^^ tto ^fe plac«/ (^n^ get^tg^tpng it) manct alt tfiofi gcmo uc^ papm^/d^ou pagDrfJ oeuoudpg c$a tifaMp fo ^p f a^2 ^2 t^thc enmpe^ fap «ngttu«/:^a^2 ^tpeue tt ti^ciwj/^t t^rp tbpfc mi Jto^at t^p oom/ if 02 ti^i0 Sfcf fct> c^atpta6ft metcp tibat <$^w f^tbj (^ft k> tl^pnc cnmpco. ano fez mpti^ of t^pfc 6p{6ec papne^/jtaunfcmc/i^af tfec mpn^ of t{?i6 0p})«i of iitl goftlg t«B6tiSJ/ j^^ue mpn^of tb^ ^»^g§i»otti? fttfwlmflft i^ai <§ott fuffts^fi tb^an $!R %ne en^ tbo^ Gone fmp aH mpt) mmpee 8>?» ^ftncr an^ ptofecfto^ of gilt^ tueilafign of dbp 6&ffi^pafrtoj)/^moi)/if ot mgn^ of d^c Orpnce of it?p gctfe mc2cp tbfepc^e t^ou ^a^scfi pt Spot) Se foff ojfpcrafe finmt^/ an^ na^ K f^tb^r^c fo t^c t^ctf t^af ^ngc ot) t§p (^Jg tpgl^f fi^ fapengc fo ^guj t^u^ . C^te ^ap t§ou f^aUfe tbgt^ me t^ pata^gf^/ 3p2a{>ct6e&nggm3^fw fof^ttbetbg mcrct fo me ti) t^ ^ut of mg ^t^^^amct) Of[;iC>a*t nopet (^yxt mazta Q^&fr«,^35^ruR>ua6& Kgng^an^ f anoe tr) all t^gng -j^auc Wfy\^ iof t^e (ot»tbc« t^af t^ou ^at^^jft tb^i) _ tfeou ^ngcfi naScb ^ptfouflg 5poi)<^ (^ ctoe/Q^n^aHt^gfan^can^KnoM^ ^^ ge fio^ agenfi (^/of tb^nj t^ou ^XK^^i noo o:>mfbt&/6u< oonlg of t^t 66ffc^mo ^t fian^gng tbgt^ ^^ ftgt^ullg g o Kboma i^p fon« ^ot mx^ of ftt0 paf/toi).g namdg fbt t^af rtba^e of fotjotb/tfec rb^tc^j t^M tu mc ^tcc^ <|^ fou& of dbt mo^r/3 fefici^ t^c 6&r|fit) t^fu ^au^ (i0 pg fe/ t^a( faptKfi otj t$^ cto«j of t^g pafftoi) 6g mltoat^lp affictto of (J>iic/5 dbutfi/ t^ai te fc fagc/i^e Wt^ of mm nge fou&.if 02 mpn^ of t$t6$&f|t^^^ Ifttt. 3 &r«c| t^ ft ntgnc j^u faftc ^oc fo mj? ccftttt^at it mapc & parf tg^t ti) att cjoo^ IDbezfice.Qtn^ quSc^e tt) mc f ^ t^i't p« of an f&f^lp ^uc an^ luft/^mci) (^ai t^e fcotngncjof t^e 3eQ>«e; fapcngt^nie/ © wtK So^ Hf ^jnfte e^oti focfafic me/ ^P ^i« pagncf uH angupfl^ fwfa6e nofS^tt) t^e angut(f§t<^ of out^ o«c 86fr?^ go^/(2tmet)IE^afe2nofiti: aue 0|$6f^^ 3^f« ^gnngngan^ '% I '"'fk 'm fh W> of &)t ^?» fc tfec fode of t^p |b<«/<§ott f uf fttDf fl ^t Set fc fe ttotbm** it) t^ W»a< fer of % pa)>nf uU p8JTl?on.iJo« wptWe «ft^t«sa*:p«pm' Qiin* natn«}> fw ^tpn«« an?, ibgsenee of t^p ttoouixe/J all ») fctbfc ftnn«'«tc^ mc tfcp la«a;« pa cspfe a cow«u«mct of &h«C^QP« a«« mxcfi^ fefcc^j 1^ foi t^e ?«pne« of £bptboim5e0.ttattbcne« tijutg^ tt>p.&n ^u f&ff^/ alfo tf)p fotwlftc an?i tib* ma sp of <^p Swcer tibaf t^ou Sonc^fauf fe i>jarb mc oufe of ftnrit/ant>^t«»n« cue: af ftt itj ^ ^6 f <§p tl9oun«c f to <5« fact of t^pltozat^ /Snfe t^« tjwe 6>2«« t^at fip !>a«f ul oome & paff<*.(2tmeij (Citato tiof^ezQiuc marts 0!^feff«i> mpwwz of <«»«^/ *>^<*5 of?npHeron)6bn« of c(?aw ■'.f^- =.K j^ i k \ ©^wt vK^m of ^^m 3nnumcta6&l^J ft» tt^ foppc of e$p ^dj. fo t6c fo6 of f^p fbfttfeoutbccelbounW Qtni>of tijc Ebpcftc^ 3^^^^ ^^tt tbcaaH 60 form '^ an^ tccnfe/ Qllnt> att d^p S>t)p t{?ou fuf ^ j fte^cfie 60 6? ttde Ibplt^ t^p moofi c&tic Bfeffi^efoc^/t:^ to0tc^gtK«c fotx)rb5$i fii tt) tl?p cftm Sngpnalt fot^i? t^^ow fuf^ f ttOf ff .tb^at m?g^p t^u «^o mpw fb: S0/^ai) ^ou '^'^SiX^i^^ fienf giic 3^ftt fbi t^ m'fw^ of t§t« pafftot) Ibtp 6t al t^R tbouoc^ tt) mpi) ^rfe'tbp^ t§p pttCRoue B&W tba<3 wapfot^c tc?*: it) <6n?n) tl^R ^«^ ^"^ <^K Pouc;Q^n^ tOa< 3mapoMt(Knucit)ptapfing/(2 xr^^^xw ^fefr^^S^fumoftmcfteff &o») mpctbdc mpgbticft 6png imozf j>l gmofi Silto d?a(g tt?ou fufftx^fi/tb^at) al t^e mpgf;&e of S<&tlp/Qln^ f^cnm t^ou fap^Kp end)?? ri^nc^ t^p^^^ t^u«;OTotb tf t^ all cone ifot mpn^ of ti^at angupffl^ gfbtotbe B&f/tt) 35^fu ^au^ ntezct oi) me «) mp. laf tzm^. Ib^ai) mp (oulic f^aHfe angupf fl^e^an^mp fpttpfeftouBIStW Qfmei) f[Gp^« noffc2 Q?ue ntatia O^^fih 35^fu ttie onrfg fegcfct) fbm of almps5

u fhfip g 6toftei> ^zt f 5e:tb png : ^/^ 0)ozlc«g ntR f&fT^/ t§a( 3 map 8? oe^ to A)z tborl^/anb Kupng gofilg fo ; Ebar^ t^c.Qfln^ ii) t^c lafi ^ut of mp ^ paz) fnip>a«et nofUt (^ut tmiiz 0(^&fikr:i 35^fu Setat «w ftit^ p6tt ftuouie^ Bgne^^^auc mgn^ of t^p paf/toi) g ^aSun^dut f^^pngc of 6&>W t^af tbou f^^^p mofif p6n&uoufIj^, a« gf t( ba^ fe tJ^Offi out of a tppe dixftce of grapes, tb^ai) d^c? paffc^ t^lp B&fft^ fo^^ ^gaei a ttpc dufia Spot) tii;e pttfjour of ^ectx>f(€/Qtn^ gauc Be t^rgnftc &^ 66> » an^ tbafci out of t^ fo^p.pttce^ tbidb a ftnpg^ecc fpctc / foo t§at it) % 6l^ff<5> fo^g Ibae not fef 6c a ^t»pg of 6R>o^ m of Itoa&r.t^eneat laft ae a Bun^H of mp: IX t^^ou ^ngcft ot)<^ ctoff« ot)^rg^/tb6e ce t^tcn^ccffeff^ c^aungc^jt0«&ur c^'. -3S£ egcaufc** Kwut of t^f m>im . ant. f matR of t§8 fometbacwpc^Sp-^ot tngii^ of t^t0 egefcz pafftoj)/ ftt)«(t 3^fu tbo«n» WB §8«65/an?. t^at m? fowl^t mag fe f«?>5e f lCbc«elg ttogtlj toa«et of pcnaunc* an^iittc of libue &^c npgbt a"') '>a)?w Ql»i?> goofe J^ifu fcutm tnc ^olg to 4^ ^a(w})^2<«waE«&ettez fotbea^flb?^ ange ptaa / an* ti^af wp Gupng mag & «u« pfefaunfe an* acccptaSI^ • Q^n* t^af <5e «n» of mg Ciff mag & foo comm *a66|*a<3 mage pcjxtueUj) »r«««*o ptagft t^c tbgt^ an fapn&e xt) mV' Q^mct). , ^ I C ^a«« no^w QI«« w^na 6auc mixii Spoj) mc/t|^a( an) a tbtxfc^c^ runner, But prf ^p Ctxatua; Qln^ fbi t^^p pttcpou^ pafftoK) faue mt an^ 6ept mc f ton) al pettlfic fo^lp g goff lp.Q?)t^ fpccpallp fton) alt e^pnjc^ ^a( mp3b( tecnc fo%^fp&pftt/(^n^ tbit§ alt mp ^2fe 3 tt;an6e t§e mofi mcicpf ul G>z^e/fb2 ^e gcefe mctcgee t^af d^ou ^af ix f^etbc^ me ti) t§c ga& ^augcj^ti^aij ^auc &i) t»)/ Ql^ tbd to mp fouS/ ae tt) mp fbt>p/ an^ t^at ti)p grace an^ en^ft^ mcrcp |ad^ cuct 6cp< mc. fpatsc^ me an^ fauc^mefconj t^e ^ut of mp Bpztib^ i») fo t^teJ € alfb^ Ibj^tti att mp 5^t6c. Qlnt) mp mop gzadou^ for^ for ti)t femf ap<6ec^ f gtac« t§at t^ou ^a fi^ pcmi) me largdg ti) t^to tbotloc afo; ttmanpot^ci: cceafutce.lb^tc^e^attC a; t^oufancc & mx> anoMc^ Sculp / f§af alt H o^tntt^ of tbe*tb6g2^te tbptib ^n mp M^ 3 tib^nfic Ml(^m atle t$c tbotf^tp t0c pttpftng Un^ t$c t$an6« fc fo t^.an^ fo none o{ %n/ (Hon noBte t>)le non no6i«^.f«^ m miniftto^asfctiam/ CQ^^^^B^^^ ^ix^ magm tep a^mttfa$t6Wqat oe^tfii falu^n)tnmantt« fancfe Strgmi^/tt jxt: Stsmn) .t< ipc2 Sifati ^ulctffime ma ulctfftmu corpue tou quo^ c;: ca fumpftrii/ejcatt^t pcccce^ mcac/ctrnpfe ^fieieztum mcamfcnum — . — — ^fr- v.^ it fi&ca mt $A omni f «6uldcio)tc j an^ gafitag a mot6e fuSifftma. t< aB otBueJ infi^M, i a6 o?0tte mtc^t nocenhBuo/ g a Kngut0 tntqnte^ g to^fte/ ef a6 0165 (^met)/' f;;pralm9/ Onet>n^ttt/cu 0fia))tt.^tcuf crdt ^oK>t«n) coz^te nofixi afpicc cl^jmit^ Gpcccafa popuG tutptu* in^ulgc.Ora ctome nra^ pmc egatt^t/':$iSiet^Stut mif^txn no8i<^ . J^i^J^* trnpctp^tuu no^ cuf?ot)ttc ^tgmi;ieJ;ep^/<0sau^ino^/C5 dtt^t/cjcau^i nonti?yrij/amc») |]^(^^uon^pi:apct *^\ ►>; fpnnc an^ ft^me /an^ cn^&^ f w amet)*Q?n^ gtaunfe Sc^ of % gcac^ ^!k name, fo t^e lau^ g ptcpfing of C^j? B&fTp^ mo^t ani^ Sirgpne.out la^p fa^ })n& matic,(^n^ $Dmag« ec^ tbgtfe o^^t an^ for o; ©fi^tx^t^ an^fawgoutftb^ <« 2®^f^/3 fer«c&^ <§s mo'ofi cm foge goo^m^ an^ Stn^^^m f a^^ uowt/fo & fo m« mop tb«f c|t^ caafwr fauouza66i^t^, ptx^tefouz* 6e|xr.an^ ^f;:n^ilm^it) al mccfpfe^^ g m^^/ fe fo me f ^loe g ptx»6cdtoi)/agcnri al mgm ^.: ^y ^. ^ tnmp^ fo^lp an^ goficlg ) ())tctdf uH j&fu 3 ^^w« nom ot§€t (tufiEe. ^)x/ m (ocouz * 6u( t^d^c dl^mlg mg »tc R>t^ ftbc6e3^fn/fte£b^tc5tof t^sJnftnpft 5oc^m0 ma^fi mc of noug^ii)^l^ nolb gtacpou« la^g mc^paftpct an^ meam i/Z. IN Snfo i^R B^ffi^ (one out raupo«t35efu fbz me/ti^at 8j? tl^j) in&tctffion^ 3 wag op&gm mp ^fptcd. cucr fo & gout feu uauttf It) all ^um>)6&/ (^n^ 8j> t^c^? p ant> (oo5U2 of al ^Ip fapnfee ^zaf&t it) fxtpetoeU toge euet fo Kuc tbgt^ ^%\ Qlmct) / f[Cof§«ptopt«angeU a^uou(eptagct 0<8fetgott« ancfcH fo Jb^tij oui 6&fp^ fct^ of ^tc mofi tnczcpf ul g^aci |at§ Met) tnc fo fepe. Co d^c 3 ftnful ct«atutK ctpe an^ calfctbt^ ^^tfc ig mgno^/fef^cbgng <§c cuct fo fe fingu Jit eomf^tfe fo tne tt)^dn mg m^/ ^uf f t£ tne ti^utt fo fe ouetcome tbgt0 fetttp tacgon 02 fgttf utt w:ft\ %^xi ^l)x titc/t^at 0ggtac^3 tttageuet ttjSeirfuoue Kugrt. gc ptoce^/(^t tlb« ^tt:^ of mg ^db 6? paj « fent/^at tng goofflg cnmg ttj trtc ^auc ttoo potbct/ ^n^ af^g grg tigmc fo v^ A Tro-rri'ifaf^f; ft 11: an^pzapf^ourfaupout^Qtm^ti/ fH^ C^p»i) tn aGum nuquam ^6ui* p« kx ti)^ ^m0 tftacl/ <&ttt uafccji^ c( pt» ptctu^ i?tt« /c< omnia pcccata ^mtnu 3nrm ptijj^ fttSulacoc/ ^t( nomS ^Jtt.^je ^c nunc/g c Occmut^ ()?o6ecfot m & fjxtancium ^u« pm quo ntc^tl eft SaK^iJ ntct^tl fanrfu muUtpKca fupcz no^ mt fc2icctt>iam tua^^^i ft ixcfctx/fe ^ucc/ ftc <2anfHti) nt5 DOmtmt«u«cmntpofcne^ paftz cf fiK9 c< fpu0fcu6>^a mtc^t fa muK>6t fie ^iftfu^tnie g pco&cctoic^ mce/qa^ft mxz ^tfjxigit' o?5i a^uctfa2ti met g mi mjct* $&cue a6ta^an).^u* 3f^*^c/^«« 3a6/^ti<§ otn; fern Sm2ctu/ 6&ta me famuiw(uu,(Tl, Sel famuli tui'()t.a8 otSu6 pcccaite; mete^/anguftue/a tn0a laciont6u6;mc«ffita^t6ue/ et pmcuK^/ji;^ ct ^a mtclji to6ut fcttuu^tm/cf ?:«zfiwe^ tancia it) fonu/ct f«rmom mtnki &m fon5top^ea damai/apoffolu^ ^tcU; «tfu«tpta& Mm it ftKj d fpitiiu^ X) ^tt^ m note f uo faluu mc f ac/g c Dcu6 miftca{ noB O^P»^fu^tie5 ckmam a^ ft i^nc/ Olocc mca a^ ^nn) clamaui/Soa H^ ft t^waut ocu&^ mco<^/qui ^t<«€^ E^uaut ocuK>fiJ meoo in monft^ J3 catt ntm0 qui ttmcnt ^fin) •r3^tt« aufttt) ttanftcnc ixt wmum t!&^ t6a<. |[ ©taco at> paitcn) BOwtne fee paft« cmmpcftns cftinctvue/ii) tllafca cufio^ia cimcmotta it) qua cowcnj^afii gfcticctfrimun) fpizttii fi6j ^i ^M ,^' 'v<*tf*-^^^ 1^^^ ^i)^' 1'^ 1- ^3 c< pofeff a6c,trj qua comtiX^^fii fpn) fcmfuum^tanona t^ic Sm^zt^fcj. mami^ tme conKno^ fpn) meu / <£cta ti) pttf^ncta ^c« corpoiic^ g fajuint^ iu t ^nc 3?u C2tf2e comenoo atam mc5 g co: pu^mcu/m^nfte^ cfcogUacom^ meae 5ct6a/c< facfei mca/c< omts otactomef meac/ patzS.maf t«n),fzatce0 c< (ot^tcd c< omce amtooi5 ct amtca^/fui pttfft'mi mtf^jtcoma oepcccanoo pro no8ti5 S( co «^a0 no0t^ peccafort^i ^ peccatie^ntt^ m^ulgcncti ct « pafcnttBu^ f uga g co itmnctati),dj fufmtc^ f^cuttfa&njg cau 6elamftt) tua ft^ ccc^am tn^utgencta ci Solunfa6en) ^cuota / it) cucfte pi^fp^jt^ ^ttt9 mun^t fapienciam ct ^umtKaciom Stfe nofite/ gtacm |co (oiaconcnj fpizihi^fct/ jxrftucanctatt) fontd,o}xtt6j/Sf prt ft: mgamuz ^o in cc60,cui9 fanrtiffimu wtpue rt hm^m mtn tijfozte«oo2amu0, eiSf nonpof; fini nocctt no8t6 mtmtct mi Stft6t6^ g tutTt6i6<5/mc (wponiJjl nee utaBu^/ncc Stgtlan^ nee oozmicn^ pr: fiScl pet a; fiu.e lameafactenoo/ Sfnonpeaarijm ifio («cu&/neq5 m tomenoo tw^tco/ Q^tc^i geC^ctir m/SSefih»( SclfamuS ^ ^ Septc/pet fummam ^t poifenctanj fi^^^p mtc^ ty ati^^tKur' S< nullum tmmtcue t^ mtc$i nocetje po6tnf tpejpchm/Qtmct) / IT Q^Ka ©2acto a^ comma DOmtm if^ix ^ f tK cct Smt lcu«^ pt»p2to fangutma^mtrt€ pecci6eti)/ c< tt) jxccaf t^ laccnfenj/CiBtfoG pcccaut/hBt^pc con'/ f txcca(a mc^/quta nefcio S6t f ugmn) nxfi a^ ^ ^ue mcue/ quia .Selpeccatricen)/et miferiattitmet i^ foetus popuG cixfiimilQ^m^ ITGpa^et nof^cz Qlwe muzta COcacio fmcix cmctc ^i \\xhm^ infeti02tSuc> ct e^&n f«cuftone ^ta6^ ct oJm intmK\)tun) mt otuKfettf mt/+^oc ft5nacuE)peofi«t nanfu2 cmm^^^Meafanjmn el fugi'/ anidio pto&ccto'/ct fancfiftcacio ^t cumSttta & mtfietto^ fdncti mangtfi) fit fapsa mc. +^tm^tdiO oommice mcarnaao nt^ cf f ancie nafiUtlatt^.Citcttmcifioi© fea& pafftome* SJcnetan^ tt fuii^ctto^ nt0 / a^mtraBiG^ afccncront^ ei §2^'. cia fanrft fptntu^ paraeKtt.ct fignu fee C2uct«^+ frf fttpermcmftamc/cicca^me mjia tnc/anticme.ctporiEmc ii)o r^/a. ^J\ ofxtiBue mete/ + &ne^tc^/ma2(tttt/conjftf|o^i Suginu* ct Si^ua^ conttmncm ptfupra mc»nc 3^u jopc fit ftgnu h> lutie mee.pcc quam cc^tmecc ^tgnatue^ e^ mc/Q?^mfot.pto&cfor/con(oIato2, ^ ftnfo2,gu&cnafot/g illumtniafot fit^ mc ^ ue/^flc oeu0» >t fem^tctco fancfc ttmt; [; t .!l!^mc/quoniam tnope etpauptc fu ^goyQwpio^iatanjmca quonia fcue fun)/faluun) fac (imu f ttu ^\xe mai^ fpewitn) m 6?/ JIitf<«» met ^nt qm a^ ttclamautfota^te.&tiftca atanj f«mt ■/?» J hj (ut.auontam a^ tz ^rnirn Mnitm tm'. am Ktt^ut/Q uomam hi ^m fmuw g mthWg mulfe mtfittcott^te omni65 ^>tj ttocanti6«^ fe/^unBw^ pctctpco^acto mm mcam/c< mfen?c Scci^ptccactoto mce.In U^itx^uhchm mee clamaui a^ fe.quta Cjcaa^tftt mc X?on cfi fimi K^ f ut 11) ^n0 ^n^ltt non cfifc^n) opaa ^ rtf tcaBuf nomct) fuu,0 ^) magnue C0 j|!' tu cffactcn^ mita6tSa/hi e^^ue fol) XJt^uc mt ^ne t») Sia fua. cf mga^tat tn Seatfafe fua/ftWut co: mcu Stiime^, a< ttomcn ft€ Of^ tie 11) fofo ocur^e mco . e< g^rif tcafo n^ men tm imixtm I Q uta mifciiw^ta tua magna cfi fupet me/cfezutptt aia»t^ meam c^ mfvzno mftnozi / Oc«^ mt^ q«t mfuf tt^ut fupct mc/ e< fm^goga ottm9 «uct0 ftgnacf n)/Gpct quo^ falufie fup fimu0 factameni<-P^6egan/mtt ^t con&mptum , peccatt o^mii)*c«&fi ficpatcie ogftoezmn)/ pezfeuctanctam om jxnt^enctc/quam ncc motSue tmjxt>td< jtc pk ctwctft^x: tcciempfoc otm popttG>^ . qui pto falu^ gcm2t0 ^wmam a6 impio^ maniBue morfi« fuppScium pcztufifit.piopfec no men fmciniuvil^t pec mmta ctmfctccf ftonee&adffime gemfetcte tuc marie cf omniu fco^ (wo^ ptopiciue cfio mtc^i peccafcri/Sel pcccatrict.cfc^au^t pteeaci mcae rcctt>it>tt muUrftt^inS mtfiricoz^ic mnte 6ctca a^at fc ^n^ tt pfar lat hBt.Qpfalmu^icaf not too/f^ ^^o D(Etit.Qlma)/ :]Rtrteftp(ot)/ypt?&p|oi) ^. y?. ^:^' ' w ^uT t. i£t nc ncp.^t^ Kfcra no*/ Ottm9 O()ltntpo&n0 ftmptCitm peu^ non a^uta fum/fe^oonce^ rnkfji^pmnnj ^t * Siuent>t/B<«nfc ^icm Cjei. (^one ftgnum f uunj oominc e< pco6egc not^/cf non eti( m noBt'e plag« nocen^ / |£ O^cifue ()lttfwtDcnof<2t oomm: mifkccc/^ (t)< a fcfic ^v^x>mk Gtfeamut . Otscmue ^rjf^iH^nof^ qucfttmue oonxme e< ^a VJvBrfacomnjtfiamaG ommBueJim ft^tte tnimici.tuetx ct pcocul eac t»pcl; & / QtngcG tut facit nocj tn^aBitanCec mca/pac« cufi^^tan^ci fene^icant ftm pct.tf noc^ f amuK f ut a6 omni pcftt^n; |ctafu0rfama ettnptomfa mozi? G&tt: mut/(^cj ctifivw) ^m mfixn. ato ctgc 35^mi(o (Kc;c $m2tcu5 fie amic9;iioB ti) igufifta <£iu9 poe no6 a nccc/falaemur ppetua iapaemo^/fpcg cgro^/fueg mc^tcata , (^ag t ectta no fit guctra^otB p coftnia ^\ 00itt9 mfcai et fcrucfcat canted p ota ^c fu^ct/ Bel cofotx/mottamur fu6tfo 0tx> Stuam9 g plau^am9 cef fim kilo f[ OOczfwc Oca p nc6t0 tieuofe trt §^n ttce/ ^ ODfpcr(jectmcttruptta/ Oarnu^ '^ V\ ()?#a qucfum9 omtitpo&n^ tt, Jfcf mifmccte^i^ / St qui ccuofiffi; mt wgtcj ^mkimmta wifactt6« fwl'< gcncta, pie mentteaff^citt ttco6mu<^ti) ^rzte.tiu^ it omnm fco^ (uo^ infc?; ceffioniBu^ aSomni pcfie/ftBit.morfi) acmptouifa morfe. ce6e2t0q5 eruamwr maSe/g gau^ta fempifczna at^ipifd me teamat.^et ppm ^iln) nofimtt}(amt\)l ir(^^fanctu5foc^un) Qlnf f[ © quam magntf icunj cf< nome fuu«) feafc Vocfylc{m tm^ mftrccfftoMi 6u0 tnukifu^mcin languencitttij nofii V-J( ^WE^ ^2:^^^=^ ^ ,^^^^ failure ti a6 ommB^ nomcn (uu gfort; />f^| ofu))) comcinoranh6uc.<^ ptopicturn cv;'^^! ^11^ 6i6ctc Scni ct falua no0 a mocfo cpc^x; ! \^^ ^^'mit ct acn^^mpczie:')^ noSic; concept. |yK|;i CLCt>crfu0 Otap»no'3tc5f.^ncfe¥o^^^^ cfe. ^ 0^ ^ignt cff Kunuic ptomiffto^ S'-'; m6ue icpt Owmue' COiacio O ^Vj i)nmpo6en6r^mpt6c:nc^u6qut mcrtho Qi ptxciGue feattfftmt cc ^ ci^i ccnf!?ffo2i6 tax quan^ar)^ pcf ;^ iemgcnetaCcv^ttuocartt ptxftafuppCici' j^i 6u0 tut6 S< qut pco finnf; pcftc ccuocan' ''^ ^a ft^ ipfuri} fu6 tua ccnf i^unt f i^ucia ^^^ ipftue gifoztof; conftffcn^ 64t pcccamt; nc aB tpfa pcffc cpccs:mic : a6 omm pe:, y^| (urSacom Ci&ttntuz- "^^e: ^nnj noffzu /^i' i^t'^ ..^ 3^n) ;t:pn) f i&uti} tuu qui ^cu C'Co euccp crtfifct) ctcaf utc a6& fo re r^='^/\ [^ »';? Lj;,'; ncct fas f iU ; rrmtic fuie.mfa quc^ t^."' 1 ' '' ^ poccamuz al6ect , Opii«^ manuu ifol 6za6ifi6u0 ptme (J aiiijuptid infitniM pcv^uc eae a^ (bcteea^cm ctutun) fapcz< nozum pt»p6tr nom^n finctu tuunj 3^ fu0,(^mcn, CC()vcquicfcant inpn