n A ti-entiione. AnuAf. AN AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF IRELAND FROM THE EftRLIEST TIMES DOWN. CoPyrtgkUd, igox. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. FBOM THK PBXSS of J. J. COLUNS' SOMB. 1903. # An pniombnoltAC. Cui|\iTnfA Ann clot) An poiAf^eul yeo, le Tno|ATTieAf A^uf onoi-p "00 uAb^ifvC -00 mo fbocc: An JaaI Scioc 1be|i, tll- cl^n n-6p. A btjit)eAn A]ATn§lAn fAoilceAc, -jta ce^nn bup b- •peu|ACAn "ouicce, THA-p A'oei|\ An pie : "OlA tlb A tAOC-pAlX) JaOI-OIoI, TIa ctiiinceA]A clA0it)ceAcu 0|A-pAib, HiAiTi nion cuitleAbA|^ mAi^tAt), A n-Atn c^cA nA co^aii). A5 feil^ cjAO'DA A|\ -peAin eAcc|AAnn, '5^ b-i:tiil i:eii|vtAn bii|v pn-peAii. Agiif Annof 50 |?AneAnn -peAiAC A^tt-p pop^HAt) a|a b- feu^cAn n-'ouicce Ann c^oi-otib A|a gAOitniiJinciii 50 'oeo,. 51-0 fCAiiptiigce Ai|i -pAn A^uf A b-pAt) UAt) Cp|Aion. 6oin tlACeApbfuil.. An ceiit) ieAbATi a^hs An ceuT) cAibmiL, 'oe pioRSsetit Agtis seAncus n'-eti-Rione. Ai|A VAOciiAib c]Aeiin-Mb b-fo-olA '^uf n-IDATibA. bA]A]A-UAtTÍiAn, cent) c|AiAt ciieib b-'Pox)tA mon^^Mg, ^lAoi-o^ce TnA]A An ceut)nA Pa|\caÍah. Úahic t)A|A^ACAttTiAn rriAitte \q\\ a ■piii|Aion, -OA^A cult) -06 riA ií5t)A|AAib Ann bAAÍAin An t)oiiiAin, mite nAOi ceux) cpi pci*o A^u-p nAoi (1969). Ace -oe peip cui*o eite aca, CAnic -pe '"p^^ bAAÍAin |ioitti a|i UipnA, mile -peAcc ceux) cpi jticit) A^uf nAoi (tl. C. 1769). Ann-pAn Aimpji pn, •oeijireA'p: 5^ jiAib -peAtb nA X)-ci]Ae A15 ■OAOinib bui'óunn, •o|ion5 bticcAc, ^Apvb, otc, ucbAfAc, "oe ^biocc xd- UAjibAniAnAc. Di DA|A|icAbTTiAn Ann "CpvAcc, An ceut) tiACCApvAn *oe emit) 5- CoibtcA^AC, A C111|A1115 A COI" ATTIAlt CpAC A1|A tlplbACA|\ b-'fO'o'LA.. UAn^AtDAjA cApi^^nA 'n mui|i-i:A|i5e uax) CoittcA^iAc, ^'e pn, |\ion pti lAp\ib (lA-p-ib) A biiit)eA|" beif An pApi-o-'óeAp 01|a -oo bi 'n beAc ut»^ An cpAc 1^1 n, -peAbb An ^-CoibbcA^eip puAip bA-piACAÍThAn ctJAn A^tif mbiopv-ttin^A 'nAice UA|At)An ei^m mon^Ac le ]:Af •oaijaac. Af cionn An Apvx)An ux) tDAin^nuig -pe 4 A Kac a^u]^ 'óeA^-'óiin a coiiintJit)e. *Oo goip fe "bltlil'ri A-'OAH" tnA]\ Aintn Aip ah aic, ve ^bjAig ^up b'iom-óA cpAn "OAipeAc 'o'^aj' Ann. AcAi-o Anoi|- ^ÍAOi-ó^ce "bltie'OAtl" A^iif Cnoc "OtílU" Iatti te T)iibtin, no DAit'-Ac-ctiAc. Sgeo ia*o ceicpe mic tii-bA-pucAlni- An : tltl An cetix)-5ein, OtlbA, peAtlAn, A^uf peARgriA. Kigne ^Ac Aon niAC aca, Rac A^uf caúA]i "oo fe^n 1'ai]' nA b-pAip^e, A^uf x)o bi 5 A |AigAileA-ó m<\p cpiAC Af A cionn A^uf Af cionn An meii-o A bi ^A teAntiignc. 'Oo bi nA bo-oAig biii'óei)unn ai§ ciJeA'cc ahiac a]" inbiop nA 5- cotl, A^iif A15 c]\oiX) A ^-coiTinui-oe Ann a n-AgAix), A^uf A15 yo\\- f:Ai]Ae 50 ceAÍ^Ac, A^uf 5A mA|AbA*ó ^An c]iiiAi5e AonneAc aca ^eibce A]" A co]"Anu. La AniAin bi bA^ipcAlttiAn ^oince coni nnt- ceAC Ann im|Aipn teo ^up -o'eu^ ye, *0'A'óleACAT)A]A a n-t)Aoine e, ■JTAOI CO]" iti-binnA*0Ai]\. Hi -jAAib C]\Ait A]' cionn An nuAX) coTTinui-oe ai]i iti-yA-o c]ai cetj-o TTI-bAAtAin, COril A]AX)A15eAnCAC, pO]AÍ:tA1CArTlAlb te bA|A|ACAlrilAn. Ua|a "oei]" A bAf , ^n^ne a Triiiinui]A coiiinui'óe YAn oileAn cimciobt cpi cent) bAAbAine, nuig 50 cAnic •oub^AlAp A511]' mio|AAÚ oppAib, rriAille te co^ax) nA m-box)Ac TTi-buit)et)tinn, An oi|AeA*o pn ^u\\ biini^cjAio-pceAiA pAt) Af ii]AtAÚA|A b-fo-otÁ. At! t)AllA CAibi-oit, An ceuT) teAbAU. * Hebo^, cpiAc |A0ini Ioj^a C|nop) 1469. CiiAituig Hebo^ Ann CoittcA5iAC An fcjAiof a cAptAt) Ai|t a 5A0it-TTiiiinci|A Ann Innip Ot^A. Ue nA tinn pn, cpiAtt ye a cAb- 5 Iac, ceACAjA 'oeti^ A^u-p pee tun^A, lioncA te mi"Le A^uf pee ^Aif- 1\^ib, rriAilte \.e^Y a DeAnpi^eAn TDaca, ^^uy ^ ceicpe tii^cAib: SuAjMi lApbAne^t, Annin, A^tjf "PeAjAgAif, }-uai^\ pAt) cuaii ua-ó An -o-riJAic 'oe'n OileAn. U]\oix)eA'OA]\ eAc Ann a^aix) nA bo-OAib 50 A^niAjA, A^iif -o'eiiAig teo ai|a ^ac CAOib. Ua^ ^6e^y ajaa]' "oa'^a 'óeii^ lii-bAAtAin, -o'eu^ ITIaca beAn^ngeAn tleboi^, A^uf At)teACAt)A]A p A1]\ AjA-oAn ei^in, aca ^lAOi-o^ce "Aia-oitiaca" nuig 50 "o-ci Amom ai]i A -pon. AipAi-p •00 b]Aip co^AX) ATTiAc, A^uf c]Aoi'o nA bo-QAi^ bni-óe- •óiinn Ann a n-A^Am 50 p|AAOictTiA|A, acc C015 tlebo^ A^uf a ftuAg An biiAit) UACAib AnnpAn cent) cac A15 cop -pleib btAoniie. AnnpAn -OAIAA CAC A1]A ilopp|AAOlCAn Ann pAn 1A|A-C1]A, CU1C ^^^'i ^5^M" 5'^^''^^ cmn-cAUA nA m-box)Ac pAoi tAAti tleboi^ e pein. AnnpAn cpeA-p cac ni 'o'eijAi^coni mAiú te tlebo^ A^tif a ptuAg, 01|a cincui^ ScA]\n a TÍiAC but) pnne. AnnpAn ceiú|ATTiA'o cac Aip ITIu-pbuil^, bi ftuA^ Heboi^ ciii]Ace pAoi jAiiAi^; oip Aip •o-cu'p nA cpoA-oe cnicmg Ap"o a tiiAc but) oi^e A^tjp lobAn rriAC ScAipn, A^up -pAoi UAniAb bi Tlebo^ e p'ein 501 nee 50 mitceAC. Ua|a -óeip An co^At) pin cuAit) An -puilleAc |:aoi ajaaI- UAp n-1obiAr Aip Aip Apip 50 Ai]Amui|Ace. Úa|a cAmAÍ t)o CAplAt) ^lijA cAnic nA pipbuil^ UAt) D|AuitAn riTnciobt cui^ mite b-peA]A pAoi ceAnneAp C1115 t>-cpAt; Rtiit)|Auit)e, 5Ain, jAnAin, SeAn§Ain, A^uf StAigne. t)i StAigne AnnA p^ A-p cionn An oiteAn. 'Oo bi -peAtb nA ci]Ae aca ceicpe picit) bAAtA- ineAt), -pAOi nAoi lAigcib: StAigne, 5^^> 5^^^"? SeAn^eAn, ^iaca, TlonAtt, ITiob^ein, A^uf Cog a. 1p Ann tAencAib n-CogA t)o cA]AtA^ 5ii|A cAmc nA cuACA T)AnAAn uAt) Ai|Amui|Ace ^aoi TliigAt). 6 Ai|A Tn^5úii|AA AtiriAice Le loc ITIaii^^ CAf a-oaja ]?aoi Le^c a 'ceile Ann cpuAi-o-CAu, nA piAbuit^ i:aoi G-ogA, nA t)AnAAn -pAoi TlugAt). Dl ^AobAp CO^At) A^tlf CnATTI-CAf 5A1]\U C|Aeun UAt) TTlAIXDin ^o •0-C1 clAonAt) ÍAe, nuAi]A cuicuig CogA -pig nA b-'peA|\-buil5, ai|a -An bAÍt ciiinciiigeA'OA|A a cut ]:aoi iauai^. CAilluig Hua^ax) a lAtti i^An ^teo pn. 'O'Aicin -pe "d'a f Aoicib ceiiA-oe 50 n-x)eunpAi'o Iatti Aip^eAX) *óo, Ai|A An c-A'ót)A|A fgeo, bi -pe ]"loince: TluAgAt) Aip^eA-o-tATTi. til fe ATTiAin ^ujA cui|\ nA T) An A An -pAoi -pmAcc nA ■pilAbtiil^ Acc nibu]" meA-pA TnA'ptui^eA'OAiA -pucA mA|\ -pctAbtii'óe •otibb-ponAig pAT). 'Oo bi 'n uaccaia A15 nA IDAnAAn ciTncioll cpi pcit) bAAlAineAt) |:aoi -peAcc pgcib: tluA^At) Aii^^eAti-tATTi, tugAt) I/Atti-'Pa'oa, mAC CiAn inic CAince -plomce "UteotA'OAnAc" *oe bpig ^tJjA but) cbii'ceAc e Ann ^ac cleAf A^uf eoLup • Aonx)eAcctiig ye nA T)AnAAn te ceite, eA'óón nA ppgneAc nAc -pAciTAT) -pAoi -pmAcc nA n-'OAnAAn, acc cuait) ai]a ceiúeA"ó 50 ^ac coibt "oiATTiAp, 50 5AC -pAfAC pAt)An, ^o ^Ac ftiAb ]:]nACAc, Cpuin- • ntii^ tugAT) f lAT) Ann -ptuppion AfrngteufCA 'oo -pein. Ai]a An A'ó'ÓApv -peo -oe bjMg ^u\\ cAinic cui^e uAt) 5AC coill, ftiÁb A^uf -pAfAC, c]Aeiin- ppv CACA A^iif co^AT), ^Aipm -oe bjAig pn "tTlApcpA Sit)e" 1. cu|\'pix)e nAUutcA x)oi5. , .^nn CAÚ triAig cuipiet) nA b-fACAG ttlA|iA, •00 bp^ lugAt) neAp\c ^guf cumAf nA b-pACAc ttlApiA A511P *oo |?A0,pi»'pe nA •'OAnAAn, uax) ciof A^tif cAin nA b-pACAc TTIaha 50 "oeo! 1a|\ pn bi ye nA pg fop nA 'OAnAAn. l-p fe An lugA-o yeo -oo cuiji Ain bun tlAfA-AiobAicce 'o-UAitceAn, be onopugAt) UAilce a ihACAp Aip i^At) 5up but) Ai|\ ceuT) Ia Au5niipc -oo imip pAt) An 7 ■^eyy uv, aca ceut) 1^ AiJ5uifC ^tAOi^te 50 •o-ci Amom. ^'lA-tugA-o- -riA]V "OAgAt), t)elbioc, P^gA, bpe^f, A^uf tia cpi tnic 5-CeA|\- TTiA-OA m^iAAon, C pi^^j 'OAipe, CeAÍ^Ac, CaIitia, TlonA|At), Colup, T^S B^^^^S? ^B^V o'^'^^ eolAt)Ain pA|A-ctiueAc, ^y e-pin vo 8 I'C'pio'b leAbAi^ riA n-Aimp]ie J^^^^S* *Oo^5 tugAt), CeAnino|i, CeAriA^AX), THahcac, Cuija, Ao-o, Ibep, ITIaoI, lbe|AitiAot, tl1-^|ACAc •mAC Ibe-pniAOii, 11oi*o, O5, rriAC ITlApcAi^, AiroireAn, bible rriAC Cn^A-pc, A^uf CocAif), if e An c-tJAcuA|AAn fgeo A^uf a fbiiA^ •00 ceA|A S|itiAmAc o via ceite. T)a|i cuit) -oe tia vt5'0A]\Aib ACA S|MiATnAc A^Uf Sej'Ac no Se|"OfC]Ai|" ttiac Ammom ceAn- ■peA-p lAcceApc An neAc ceu'onA; acc Ann c|aacx) -pAOibeAnn cyit) eile aca ^'ú]\ but) tVlelceA^Ac ing nA b-peine uat) pein- ece e. l-p e -peo, An -OApA e-jAogutei-p ttiac Ammom, ca|a pn bi Ammon Ann a '01 a ^aoi 5Ai|\m: 1acacai|a Ammon. tli coi]^ •00 commeAf^uig ^po^uteif tTiojA mAC A|\'opeA|A -pboince O5 A^uf An SpitJc be ceibé ^m 511 ]\ ^Iac ceAcceA|\ aca ^Ai-pm ^-jio^ubeii". Out) AimpjA t)o'n cent) CjAO^ubeif mAC Apt)feA]\ -pbomue O5 A -pi^ne ^AbÁbuAi]" Aipv THa^o^, bAAbAin |Aoime An UipvnA 1950. X)o bi AnnA ceAn]:eA|\ t)o'n O^A^eip ^S^f ^Ain -pe "00 -pein cAlAm ITIai^o^. Acc t)o Spue AmAc mAC Ammoin bi bAAbAin poime An Ui-pnA 1010. 'OAn^nui^ ye t)AimbeAc t)iinmop t)o 'Aca|i Am- mon Ann iTAfAc bibiAc Ann IbfpiAice. but) ^ai^ A^mA^A ulc|Aeun An SjAuc, bpuifuig -pe Ann caú mop-CAi'^AiiAc nA Cciopei*, A^uf beAnn -pe lAt) Aip a ceiceAt) pAf 50 bibiAc -pAn jTAfAC. Úa|a An |AiAn -pin cAnic ye 50 t)-ci 'n tT1ui]A-mo|A-meA'óon be A|Am-pbuA5 t)OAi]AeAmcA, A^uf A15 1be|Aubcui|A cAjAj^nuig 50 CAbAm 1bep», A^uf ^bAOit) ye nA -oa a]ax) mion a j^eAfeAnn A15 beub nA TTIaiaa Tnoi|A A^uf nA onoceAn 'Uupt Cpio^ubeif. Iligne Syxit cpeAc •oe 5AC c^eAb ci|a Agu-p cAbAm 5A jaa-o 9 te n^ r]\euni'eA|\Aib: SmbAilit) mo 'óiAg-fe, A15 -pcu^beAt) te -p- 0]\neA]\c n-A]AiTi a^uj' ei^m ^ac beo a feAfirAt) Ann AnA^Ait). 'O'a ftuAg t^igiie fe cpeAc [n-o^tAOc m-bo a^uj" CAopAc, -oo |:ein AtiiAin ^ngne ]'e cpeAc] n-05 m-beAn, a |AAib neA|ActTiA|i. Alum. *Oo but) Alb tei]" uAt) nA o^mnAib ut) x)o ^ein -pliocc ctome A I'eibboccATo nA cinne xiAoineAt). fA'ó'n A'ó'ÓA|A feo 5Aib ye 015 uAt) ^ac cpeAb, ci]a ^S^r caIahi '00 |:ein, A15 cbAoineAt) leci acc c]aac Aimp]Ae a n- ^ÍAncA 50 beAccAc acc ni 50 "oeo ^ni|^ ^Z^V ^""^ '0AY-'óetJ5; An Ai|\eATTi 5AC Aon onóce. tTlA|\ pn f aoiL 50 •oennneocAit) cetJ-o- ^ein 5 AC o^-TTinA X)'a ftiocc -pein, Úa|\ a bAf ^Iac pA*©- ^Ai^m A n-ACA]A: C|A05biix)ei'p. Ilijne -pe ]\iic ]\o a^ttia^a ai|a tube 1be|AiAc, CAppning AtiiAn A5ii'p Aiiip 50 lACAibe rriAnbiiig CACU-p An -pig c|AiAlt re 50- beulob-infe A^uf Ann pn cuic pe cpt) cnu-ceib^ mnA. Ann-pAn cjieAc 11*0 nio|\ tuicuig CU15 mic n-CocAit): THai;- CAC, 1obA|l, t)A1|Ae, biAC, A^Uf CotbA, •o'lmClgeAX^AjA A1|A AgAm tlAt) CAp^AljAC AH nATTIAlX). Ua|a -oeii" An a|a A^uf -pcjAio-p a pgne S|AUAmAc, A-otib- Ai|AC An piMon-pA Ic: A JaaÍ Scioc Ibep eipgit) — ip cuttia biOTTTpA mA CA n-uip^e nA omei-pe a^ui" An oit)ceAn utbAfAcI Ai|Aim: b-fuib -pciMo-p nA n-uif^eAt), no nA c-AO-OAip, no nA CAlTTiAn, feA-o no nA ceme 1 ^ein com ucbAfAc -oo'n JaaL Scioc IbejA te b^Auix) A^uf 'pcbAbuiJeAcc? til C15 be bAAb e jrein acc 1-011101" AmAin -oo ■oeunugAt), Ajuf mA^A -pin c|iiocntii5ceA]A piAncuf ^-Coi-pp ^S^if incinne. 10 Ac^'n -ppioiAAX) fAO|\! Ace aca ccypp^n "0111116 ^eibce 5^ rriAC- ti§AT) Ann pixsncuf ^a-oa, a cum ciAomugAt) teif a incinn, TnA|\ CAitleAnn tub -pAif^ce fo ceAnn a l/Ai-oiiAeAcc, mAp Ann ceux)- riA cAiAlmgeAnn "oo lotiine -pAoi biiiiix)? 50 mioncA peotuij me mo tiling cAjAfnA An "oomAn iii|'- ^eAt) 50 ■0-CI DjiuicAn, ai|a mo pitleAt) "bom iiai|a AiiiAin 50 S-^^tA^ n-'óeif eifceAcc, [A^uf -poc-pu^At) cLomfAn nA 5^^^-] 1/6 neApvc y\\ut A^up An-pAt) bi mo luin^ uiuncmgce "oo'n lA-pcip, nuij 50 cAn^AmAp 50 caÍatti mon^Ac, CAÍAm ^Apb, ni |\AibemA]i acc beu^An nit)eippin -o'lmcig -OAOine nA cAÍmAn 50 cAppuig Af A|\ comAp. *0'otemAp "oe tiip^ib mitpib nA c Aim An. tlACAt) 1c Apif Ann, A^up -pitpAi-o 50 cpACAmAÍ be CAip- b)Ainc copAn "00 meut) "OAp but) peA|\p bAO^AÍ lonA bpuit). Ai-p A fon pem -oeipeAnn [1c: but) Aice leip, mA mAipeAnn] 'pe Aip bic, 50 mAippAinnpe Ann pAoppeAcc! X)o bi bpiAcpA A^up compAt) 1c 5A fAfu^At) nA cinnpijA A^up An 5^^1 5^ teup. UpiAtbAt)Ap cpi tiling teAbAipAon, A^uf p\o§At)A|A cent) A^up pice o^ÍAOige nAc -pAib -pop popcA "oo mnAib. A511P Aip ei-pige t)o ^aoic feobiii5eAt)Ap Aip AgAit) l^ciuptjgAt) t)o'n lApcip A15 beAnum^c imciJeAcc m-DAAb. Di bpon A^up ^eujAAn nA JAAb ai§ meiit)U5At) 5AC bA: bi ^AbAjA A^up ^upcAf Aip cop, bi g^^^^S f^^i miopAc, bi'n -pbiAb uAi^neAc An Apci ^An ceme nAomcA. bi nA cpompip AiTiAin Ann UACAib aca be binn nA m-bocAp, aca cac eile ob|AU5At) 50 t)icciobbAc Annop 50 m-beit) |ieit) cpAc pillpAit) 11 1c. AcA pAt) uite 50 teu]A f^ocAt^pu^o^t) An cAbl. •cinyijA A bocAnA fUA-p ca|\c nmciotl Afciepeip ^euc ! aca ceine ai]\ t*N|'A"ó -06 to A^uf X)e oióce ai|a t)|Aeoce UAfAtle bei*ó A15 ei-pceAcc te tu^AX). H-'oeif AfAic A15 ice A^tif A15 ot -00 -pui-oe tu^At) An Ai]A*oe AnnAice tei-p An -pig,, A^Uf A'OubAIIVC triA-pCAC teift Ol-OeATi) A ttjgAT) r>1A Y "00 toit e, A15 mpn •ouinn -pceut Ic. An pn feAf lugAf) fUAf, A^uf tAbAi|\ -pe Af Ap-o: 'Oo cit) 1c An Anpvo a chic ai|a 5^^^^5' ^"^ b-'peAppv tei)' bAojAt 'nA cobAC, bAf lonA -OAo^ij^eAcc! Seotm^ ye Af cionn ctApi nA TnA|\A te i^A^Ait cAtATTi Ann A c|\eo|\eocA'o nA ^aóX. Scioc Ibe^i^ Anno-p 50 mAipijTAi'o ^An ei-pceAcc te ^uc ci]AnA corhcpioceA^. CtJAi-oeTTiAiA -oo'n iA]ACip ^u^% ^o ci-oiTiApv b|AUicAn, "peAcnui- %vnAy ScAoiteAt) a^uj^ Co'pAncipi*oi|\, A^uf ca-o c|aac bimApne An C-OCCrtlAT) tA ATTIAC UAX) "OtinTTIIAnAC ci-omAiA An CAtAm A bi Tniii'one '5A cuAjicti^At). Sciii|AemA|A te nA tinn ceicpe tAeccAt) A^\iy ceicpe oi-oceAt), Ann ym bi uif^e nA Atrine cAb- Ai|\c ionbio|A tun^A •omnn. Úa|a •óei|' ^tACAt) c]\ai§ *oo yion 1c A CACA AiATTi^teufCA Ann c|MAn, Aon rpiAn te coj^Ainc nA 1^^ cim5"^ '^*-"^ '^'^ r|\io-c|Atiinne, Agii-p 50 5I/AC nA- cinp|\ coTtiAi|Ate Af comne nA JaaI, A^uf "o'einig tTlA|ACAc AnnA TTieAf^, A15 |iAt): AcA'n caíaiti -pAOji lóo co|" ctoinn 1bep\; cpeux) mA f^-iAtJi-oemApv 1 ? t1i b-irtiit -piof A15 Aont)- mne Aipv a ci-piMon? cia 'n caoi itnciJeocAmAjA? b-jrei-oiiA 50- ■m-beit) An *OAnAAn ceAÍ^Ac? Api miAn lib 50 -p^ApyjAeAnn no 50 -pAneAnn le nA ceile? II1 b-ftJi'L Api ftuAj Apm-JleufCA Acc 5An A^uf Ia5 n-t)eif fcpiiof bAAt? Oipv Ann cpAcc ni* |\Aib SRU,. An a]AirieAf, An ^AtAp, a^u]" An ^tjpicAf, acc" obA|Aoi|Ai"óe bAAÍ "oe bpii^ pn aca Apv conilAnn Ía^. Ua- ColbA fAoi nA n-iiif5ib ^An cui-peAt), ni C15 te Cie|A eifc- eAcc -peAft^A te 511c tTlApicAiJ, One if r-puAig e! Aca. Cien fAOi A CAp\n, A eu^cAoin -peinrngce, A^uf a cAcpiAnm CAnuigce; A^Uf 'oo ^ut TTlApvcAc 50 cptiAit), A^u-p A15 eipig, A 5tic 511 it An -ptiiAg mAitte teif. 19 blAC? A^uf irpeA^Aip otAt: CiAeut) ttia ^tuipp^MX) muit) Ann Aoni'eAcc? A^tif |?iA|AtJi5 tn Úa"p -óeif cigeAcc CA|i|"nA An •onAOceA'o m-bAt), gtuAipeniAii nuig 50 ci"omip binn nA -pleibe, ib iDeigneAc An •ooriiAin; Af pn A15 cmncuigeAX) a]a beAblAc, CAnA^AiriA^ AniiAf ai|i iha^, 20 eA]i Ciep, Ati utgAip bi "oiiit A15 TTlApcAc •out 50'n aic a bi'n c^s-pn |?aoi a tui-oeAnn -oeAiAbpACAp feA|^c a c]Aoix)eI tliiAip cuAi'ómAp A|"ceAc -pAn caIaíti 'puAi|\eTnAp Ann ctiix) "oe'n JaaI Scioc Ibep, •oa]a 50 •oeiniin ctiAitemA]A ia"o 50 mimc CAnjiA-onAnn ceAn^A nA 5^^^> nit)eifpn, 50 but) longcAc, ni b-|:tiit yo'iy ACA ai]i 5^^^^5 ^^ ai|a T)iinmionAc. bjAonnpAt) •óuinn pion "d'a iriAoin. KignemAiA oi]iefeAtT> ai^ ^t^^i^ "oeignAig 'n x)OTTiAin f5A|A- •pm^ce o CA]An Ciep -oaia •OAccAn uif^e, acc cotíi ^Aj^bA bi HA mo|\-conncA cutTiA|i-bAin, nAc -jrei-oijA le ITlAiACAiig •oul An- on. Ai|A An A-obAiA pn be jAAioAipc a fiiiteAt) a^u]' te bArh- Aib, ^tiiT) tTlAjACAc: 5^ m-beif) |"pio|A '"^'^'P 'oeipceAp, bi An 5aaL Ai|i ceAn -pe miop A15 "otti uA^ir AnnA uimciolt a cuit) -pein. CiA'n fuit, no ^tjc, no tAth a|\ pei-oi^A "oul corn -pA-OA pin? AcA c]\i cm "oe ptiocc ab ^Aipce 50 poit Ann, lAbAijAigit) bujt bApATTlAlt A cinpi|\. An cjAAc peo bi t)tAc AnnA A|\T)C|iompeA'p ai|a An pliAb bi 1be]t AnnA -oume com mo'ÓAthAi'L, cum, Ie ^aI jAoice nA SAih|iA'ó, A^tip -o'pAn nA cmp]A AnnA cope. ^aoi cpeimpe ■o'eiiM^ bÍAc A15 -pAt): AcA cpi cmn -oe'n ptiocc Ann, ip pi- o|t — ^Acr cpeut) mA ca, pionueA-p Ann cAtAih i-oip 1bep ^^^p 1oIa|u Ip mo ctii*o-pA '^ttp mo gtoip- pA 50 b-puilim •oe'n Sl-iocc; A5tip 50 b-puii t^AAt mo pion. HuAip -oo lAbAip t)ÍAC HA -poct/A peo "oo buAiL nA cmpip a pciAÚA, Act X)' ionn|TitDe An 5^^^ cApr AnnA cimciott 'oeunAX) ^teo, A^up A15 ^Laoic AijA Amm Ciep. Ann "oiaJ P5^c ^^^5 *oiibAipc Aon^Aif ceAnpeAp t>e'n j^^^* -^^ -oeApbrnemAbAp com Luac pn. ACA Ciep -pAoi A cApn, acc ni b-pmt a ppiopAt) mApb? A5ti'p A15 X)ut 50 cAob Ibep, Ann aic a peAp An ^Ap-up 6tl, Aguf Apip AongAip Aip gtACAt) ÍAm An o^AnAig "AcA ppio- jiA"© Cte-p -pop beo Ann a ttiac? An -pionceAp An cAtAiti A^tip pAi-poe Ciep A beic p^piopce Ap cwn a ACAp?"? 23 An cpó.c c|Mocnui5 AongAij- a cAinc, bpuifiJi5 ^n 5 An c-o^Iaoc C|\ 50 "o-ci'n ao|" ]ATAccAnAc. A^u-p "oo fui-oe t)lAC AnnA A-p-ocpomireAii. VÍ\a^\\ An cetj-onA |MonceA]i a ctjix> •DO nA cin^riiAib, -oo nA otÍATTiAnAib, 'oonA c]Aomi:eA|\Aib, "oo nA m-bAiiA-OAib, -oo nA plib, A5tif -oo nA 5^^^ mle. Ace Ann c|iAct 50 -poitt ni jAAib Am no ujaac A15 Aonf)tiine a belt) A15 ei-pceAcc le jrogtuim nA notlAth. ÚAp 'óeif Aon bAAlAin AiriAin CAmc ctompoi^i i-oi^a ]\^t^h ^he]\ A^tJ-p 1oIa]a, -otjbAipc lbe]A tiom|"A 0]a-oac, A15 iaa-o: Aca ^rtJAi-ó A15 1otA|A o|AmpA '^uf if btAc An c-A-obAii. Seo 'n ceti*otii]A bi nA "^ó^óXj A15 uAjAiAAin^c An clA'oeAni Ann a^aio A ceile, A^uf Aig cof^AijAc A^uf A15 pteAt) ^rtJib An-*óeA]Ab- pAÚA-p, A^uf ctnc 1be]i te Iatti lotAip, but) cjAUAig e! AuA CA|\n 1be|A t)ettncA Aip aic ai]a nuc -pe. bi a c- eu^^cAom cAoince, A^u-p a cAc-pAnn -pemm^ce, A^uf Aip cui^a- eAt) -puAf A leAccA, t)iibAi|Ac bugAt): 5^AOit)i5it) An cA]An i^eo "Ce-lS10t" 50 b]AAc! Seo fiAf eu^-cAom, a "pigne bii^At) mAC 1c, ceut) bAit> C|A|Aion Af cionn piAÍ a beAn. eti5-CA0in b-piAt. Siiit)eAm -ponn -pojA -pAn cjaacc AmbceAc -puAcc C|Aiot ifo\\ mo t)et) At)bAt eAcu .... 6acc t)om "ptiAcu 25 Aif rkeif)iTn •oiiib At) b^c bexsn .... bjAO^AIf blAT) fiAt A Airim -ppi^' TnAX) neArri O]" t)AAl ^ÍAn A*óbAt ecc ecc 'oom ^\iiacc CjAUAix) pom cIai'o .... tloCC A -pin A]A 1^0 fit Sni |A0 fUToe Úa|a -oei-p AH cac AnriA gtAc 1be|i a cocbeim, nio]A pt mi^^e OiA-OAc 50'n T)eAf, acc c-piAlt me 'óo 6]a mAC Cie|i, A^u-p Ú015 me liom -pcpiobcA Colui-p, mAilte te SeATicuii- riA JaaI, noc A cti5 TnA]ACAc Ann mo Iatti fub a -peoluim cIa|\ nA mApA O 5^^^^5> ^^ 5^C jMg AI5 fAOCApugA-Ó A^tJf AI5 cofAinc AnnA cpAú fem -pciviobcA beAbAi|A nA n-Aimp]\e o bAeób n-Atl'Oir6ATl, ceApprifio|A fliocc n-6fl. An 4ax). CAlblT)lt— . tligAit IoIahi C-pmion, Aip ceAn c|ai UAAtAineA'ó "oeu^, •0A|\ A|v cunx)A-p-'pA p^01m 1ofA Cpiofu o bAAÍAin 1004 50 "o- a 991. Ann^^An 1004At) bAAlAin Tl. 1. C. cuic Ibep A^uf a-óIa- CAX) e Ann Ceipol. "An c]aac -peo aca 6]i AnnA o^Anc A^u-p 50 ."oeimin ni -pAib ceAn ve mACAib 1bepv -oe'tt ao^- piAccAnAc ctim jM^Aibce, 'oe bpig pn •ó'ionnpui'óe loÍApv pi^AileA-o Ann 26 liigeAcc "OeAf, -peAT), e^'oon A15 0|\t)iigAt) cinp|\ aca 'nriA -|*tii'óe Ann aic n-Cp: t)eun hia^a -peo, A^uf nA t)eiin 50 *oi]aic [^iif TnA|A -oo h^ ti5'0A|AAf A^up cuTTiAf Ai^e. TDa'p An ceu-onA nAC ^lAOi'oeAnn -pe e -pein C|\mion? A^tif "oo cuija tugAX) TTiAC 1c Aicne Aip lotA-p, Aig p^b : Cpeu'o ttia pig^ile^n nAoi cinp|\ Ann *OeAf ntii^ 50 m-beit) An ceu'ogein An Aop? "triApv gni*óteA|i Ann |Mon n-6|A? fj^eA^AiiA 1oIa|i : A tugAX) -pAn cAob -pcic t)o ti|A|Aion yem, C\\euv ^y le^cfA te m^cAib 1be|i? Úa|i cAtTiAt/ CAnic -^ny -pocÍA ceAn^reAp. n-X)eAf 50 -cLtiAfAib loÍAip: An meAfe^nn 1oIa]a 50 lAigleocAi-ó -pe |Mon ii-1be|A? A-p cinn ni beit)! Aipi An A'cb^^A pn loubAipc IoIaja Xe btAc: Imcig teAc 50 pvo-CApptJig, A^up 'piii'óe Ann t)eAy, A^up 5An -moilt tAbiAeocA'ó me ni bup -puitie te^c, A5tif ^UAlf) btAC A1|\ A^AIt). Anoip An cpiAc ceu'onA CAi-pb^m IoIaia a -pmtJAinue "oo >Aon5Aif, A^tjp Aifinif AonjAif te nA ceAnpeApAib eite. Di I^A'pATriAi'L cince aca Ann Aonp*eAcc, 50 m-beit) pA-o A15 cop- Ainc |\ion n-6|\ f^o\\ o fAnc 1otAi|A. Ac a ^^At) Ann ■pA'ÓAipc ;5Ac -puit 'Ó0 C|A, oip ^jAA'óijiigeAnn ]^e tei^eAnn n-G-oluip A^up cuijAeAnn -pe •o'tJAttAc Aip nA ottATTinAib te fpiopAX) nA c-Aop 05 cuingbAitc -puAp Anoif 'oo cAptA-ó An c|aac x)o ftn-oe. iDtAC mA|\ A|A*o-ptAic Ann aic n-1bep Ann 'OeAj', ^u^a jA^m^ iCpnAC ceu'ogein n-lbep "oo'n Aop. A^tip 'oubAipc cinpip JA^^t TiA CAttiiAn pn: 'OAp t)AAt ni pigteocAX) neAc. acc CpnAC jop Ap cionn-pAl Ann cpAcc bi cum^-pAX) ^v^]\ 1otA|\ A5up btAc, Annop 50 27 -puioyAix) bÍAt yo^oy cumAf 1oIai]\ Ann iMge^cc "OeAf. Sut) |:peA5Ai|AC A CU5 bl^c -oo n^ ceAtif e^jMb : poi-oigit) Anoif riAc b-iruitm-i-A coThniAic o -pliocc n-CTl; A^uf ^Iaoi-ó -pe e ^ein Atll-efl-jein. 50 F^^^ ^^^r V^V Amep^em be^n -oe bpig pn bi fuil A15 1oIa]\ 50 mbeit) |^e Af cionn C-piMon. Ace bi nA cinp|A "OAnA, ai§ ^^a-d : ni coi]a no ni ceA|\c e Anie|\gein -oo beic Ann a pig ^5^r ^^^^ n-Ap-ocponiireAp le ceite. Ann pn ^rpeA^Aip Amep^ein pigAitim acc 50 x)-ci AiTtipjA n-O^nA n-6|AAc. 11-t)eip -peAt, cAptAit) ^up C015 AmejAgein CopA 'óeApbftiip tugAt), •oo -pein mAp beAn. Ann -pin A1|A An m-bAbt X)ijbAi|AC IoLaija: 5^ "oeApbcA ca CpnAC, niAC ■n-1bep Ap "oeApbiAAtAip •oe'n Aop; acc i^peAgAip Ainepgein 50 cumA-pAc: Sui-oeAnn Amepgein AnnA n-Ait -peinl A5Uf cop- ping loÍAp cÍAnn-lbep puA'p Ann AgAix) Atnepgem. Hi buf •piiit)e 'nA pn cuip ye ceAccoipe 50 caIatti n-CK "oo tia ceAn- •peAjAib A15 jAAt): An pmbleAneocAbAp Amepgem a beic 5A noTTiAinu CpnAC ttiac n-lbepi o CAicip a pigeAccA? Acc ■ppeA^pA-OAp A15 pAX): -pAnpAit) mtii-o. Ann ,fAn Aimpip -peo triA-p An ceu-onA pAni^ Cp ttiac C^ey An Aop, A^iif cuip nA cmpip e AnnA ■pui'oe mAp pig te pigAileAt) Ap a cionn. Annp nA ÍAecib peo "oo cAptAt) go pAib cpompip JaaI- en cpmnngce le nA ceile le "otige Aig •olipceAt) X)o cloin TIA cAÍTTiAn, A^up bi Amepgem AnnA puit)e Ap-ocpompeAp, ÚAnic UipAc le cpeun caca Apm-gleupcA, A^up feAf ye cApc AnnA cimciotl An cnoc, A^up •optii'oiigAt) CApc pA cuApc Amepgein mApbAX)Ap e A^up imcipeAX)Ap leo Aip a beAllAC •oo A'ó'LeACA'OA'p riA cpomp-p Amepgein A15 CAite^x) A-p a cionrr cl/OCA nuig 50 pigrieA"OA|\ CApr» ^»^115 -oo, A15 5I01C "b^Aeu^" -M|\ mA|i Ainm o X)|ioc-ceAt5 IoIai^i. til "OlAg fin lAO^AtiAp C|A1a"L TTIAC IoImIA AtinA A|A"OC|AOm- ■peA^i. An cjAAú feo bi nA c-pi mic Ibep x)e'n ao]", A^u-p bi AjA-ociAtjinne A15 cm-pijAib *ÓeAp, a^u)" bi ciur.-cAinu imceAcu AiTJAc 50 -pAib 6pAc AnnA -pe-pbipeAc •00 IoIa^i. Ai]a An c- A-obAp pn -peA-p UoptAU Ann meAp^ nA A-p'o-cpuinne, A15 |aa*ó: An -pio-p e 50 b-puit CpeAC AnnA -pe^bi-peAc "oo lotAp? 'O'eiji- ig e^AAC A^ti-p -ppeA^Aip 50 -peAiA^Ac to Ap\x)-5tJc: til ^AAib CpiAC A pviATTi, A^tJ-p ni beix) 50 b|\Ac AnnA pe^b- ipeAc •00 tolAp no •00 Aon-oumne eile — l-p ttiac Ibeyv e-|AAc! A^tip ctii|AeA'OA|i C|AAC AnnA pume Ann caicaoi|a a n-ACA]\ Anoip bi An cA|AbA'ó peo •oubbÍApAc A^up •oubbponAc "oo ■ppiopA-o IoLaiiv, oip fAnctug -pe cajaIax) eile -do -pein. bi 'n -peApb conn A15 CAicugAt) e 50 lAecATTiAiL ^1115 50 -o'eu^ -pe.. A^uf bi lAece a pigAil o Aimpip TTiA-pbcA tbeji, c]ii bAAÍAine •oeti^ 50 cpumn, ^tAoit) e|AiAt le ceite c|A0Tnfi|i j^^^^^ ^E^f tjpmopv -oe'n 5^'<^^) ^Z^T 'pi5TieA'OA|v cA^^n 1oIai|a ^^einneó.'OA^A THA^A An ceu*onA A eu^-CAom; ctó c]aacc niojA cuAiteAt) a cac- jiAnn, oijA CA bii-o e coiti biietJ^Ac le TnoÍAt) 1oIa|i AmcA-p^. CACC-pAlb A5U'p CAp^AI^C nA CO^CA? ^1 29 Ail 5. CAlbl'OlU ctimsuAT) tiiAC lolAiti bAAtAin noiifi 1. C — 991— . T\^o\\ ^l^oit) iiiic lotAiyv cinpjA j^Alen te ceite, acc •oeAfuigeA-OAp leo yein tnAp j^eo: A Opi^t bi-oe^t) cufA A15 )niit)e yeApo e-|\miomb le t)eAf- tigAt) A511]" •OAin^nugAt) cippon nA CAlitiAn ? Anoii* x)eAlbAt> An CACA le ceile, a^uj- bi copp lAij^ne a^u]" luigne pngce CAob le CAob A^up •oeunAt) pACUAjic Tno|A AnnA cimcioll peAp 6pAC ATTieAp^, AI5 pA-O .* tlUAip A CUAlt) TtlO ACAp Ibep 50- ce-ipiol le cuipeAX) lolAip, itiApb 1olAp mo ACAp 50 peAlc— eAc, An pn CAOin ye e A15 pAt) : ÚtHU bl/AÚ ^^^^^^^^ AtltlA tlCATlU! A ppiopAt) Ibep otinc pAp An-oiu Aip t>o 32 ctoin bejAeAnn pAt) x)iotcio]" -M|\ fon -00 ^ptiiLj^A. t1i r^\y- bAirifAi-o Tneup t)iiine 50 bpAc CA|An cloinne 1ot. CAlbl-Olt. tli^Ail n-G-jAiAl, -peAcc bow^l-Mne 'oeuj. tloiTTi 1ofA CjAiofo 988 50 971. Úa|a 'óeif An foipneApu a cA|\tAi"ó, nio|\ tTiAi]A acc "oa •mic 1oIai|a, CjaiaI An c-A|A*ocpompeA|A, A5Uf bAlb noc -oo bi Ann A bAlbAn cotti Tnoji pn nACA]i feux) le AonneAc cui^-p- mgc -jtocaI a beil. A"otibAipc cinp|\ 5^^^^^- ^^ ^^"^ co^t^ no t)' 1 fee An AC -oo'n AfocfomfeAf -oul cum co^ai) ti^ leo ceAn eile -pogAt) CACII15 e-fiAl "oo beic A15 fui-óe AnnA fig Ann A1C A n-ACAf, Ann cfAcc bi CfiAl A15 eifueAcc 50 fo catti- All leif A gUC, -^^tlf "OO bi t)lOfA"OAC A fOgAt) TTlAf AfOCf- omfeAf ACA. Uimcioll An cfAC feo -o'lonnfui-oe clion Ibef A beic 'oioTTieAfAig, ^Iaoií) CfAc e fein "e-ftnion", Aig fAX): Anne nAc ceu-ogein JoIatti tnic Ibep? go Deiniin cuifeA-OAf jAAlen fAOi Ainmi-o -owguf imfif; X)Af n-AX)bAf fin AX)ubAifc 33 cin):i]\ JAAÍen te 6]maI: C]\eiit) mo. cui|AetnA]\ ceAccoi|ii'óe 50 Ai]A n--ooi5 cin]\ C^maI t)0 6]\ac, A15 ]\ax>: A niic 1be]\ An c-Atn -oo gÍAC a]a n-AcpeACA An caÍatíi i^eo, h\ p ]Aion- ^ce •0A]\ ii]Acu]\ iiA C]\Anciii]A? 11 AC )?iiAip 1be]A A b-poiiAC? tiAC jAAib A pion A15 511]' lolAp noc TOO bi AnriA Cpinion? TIac ]\Aib HA ceopAin -OAin^eAnce, A^uf riAc iriionuig a]\ n- AcpeACA 50 |:An)?AiT) ^ac ceAn AtiriA ]\^o\^ -pein ? An c]aac pA|?|\iii5eAnn 'LAi]^ne ope a beic ^a 'óeAfugAt) nA ceo]AAin riAc cAnic cu A15 lonn-ptn-oe e le po|AneA]AC? Anne nAc cti]^A A •ouniiiA]\b lAifne A^iif ItJigne? TDa]! An ceu-onA ^ÍAoi-óeAnn cu tu yein "Cpmion" iaux) nAc bAineA-p teAc Out) Ait te ceAn|:eA]\Aib JAAten A^uf e-|\iAt a beiú 'oeA'ptigA'ó nA ceop- Ain, ACA 'I'pei'p A15 C|AiAt A1]A "pog ■<^5^r potcAin, Acc ni b- j?iiit ^Aiccio]" Ai]\ "1^01111 An ctA-oeATTi TTicV 'f ^i^^" tei]". AbbAi-p A e-|\Ac ]'eA'ó no ni feAt), ni buf mugA. Ci"ó c^Acc mop ^tAOi-ó 6-pAc cin]:ip 'ÓeAf Ann coiriAipte "Le ceite, ni-óiAg-pn cmp ye Aip Aip AjAif nA ]:octA -peo "óo- f)o CpiAt: TDap bAAt, b-puit -ptjit An lIlApcAig •ooi]A5ue Aip Ceipot 50 poit cAbAipc bAtATÍi x)0 ppoin nA iilotAipm ? TIa ceii) ]\o A]A-o no ^cAppAit) iTupe "oo pciACAin, A^up CAp-pAit) me jTAine Ann x)o fpoin, A n-Att lotAi-p, ■oeipeAnn CpAc ni feAt) Corn tuAc ^up cuAiteAt) cinpp j^^^^^ ^""^ -poctA A-oub- pA-OAjA Ann Aon]?eAcc : Apei*ó cum C05AT) I O cAptAT) fin c- |MAtt ^Aipci-óe. JAAten Ai]\ cntjicib n-8A|\b, A^up Ann pn Ann a n-^Aif) 34 feA-p coTTitAnn ^Ai-pceAf) T)e n-6oluif iMoixbeo Ann CceepiAL, ^'S^^^ hem 50 b]\Ac mAp ■poluj' ):i]\ineAC -óo'n pob^t. beit) cloinn n^ CAltiuvn 5^ xDiugAt) ajxcac ]^pio]\^-o po]\-beo n-6oliii^'! Ai]i n-'óoig bu"ó Aiue liom ]:ein niA m-bi'óeAnn -ptiocu lbe]A nK\|\ ]'liocc n 6U, ^ac tube b^s |?aoi peAc ei]xeAnn -pe be eA^nA n-6obuii\ Aca 6]\ tiiaja c]AAn -oaiia a ]:A]^eA]' Aip ce niAiu, ACA ]'e bAi-oin pubbAn; aca 6]\ AnriA ca|\a A^uf *DeA|ib]AACA|A A15 6cee]MAb, A cboinn jo^^^ ^^^ x)e^\\h\{At\\e pnne? A l1lic A^tJ]' A IngemmenA n-6"H-pion bit)eAt) ^CAn A^u-p ^jAAt) A^Aib Ai^A A ceibe, oi|A ACA 6|A]\ion mop Aibne 'nA 5^a- bA^ v\ 5^""^^ Scioc eipagit) be pocbAib n-6ceepiAb: C]\ac- tjigi-ó iiif5e nA n-eA^nA ai]a bApA]A-ceinne nA miAn a^u^ ha peijA^e. bi-óeAX) pobup m-DAAb AnnAib, peAcntiigit) COSAt!- U1fl-1T)11l, nA imúigit) 50 x)-ci CAbAtii An ]XAin, peAcnui^it» cbAn nA p 61 tie-, 01 ]\ C]AACÚ aca 'oeA^pocAb Ann a beub, acc ceAb^ Ann a cpoi-óe, aca ppiOjiAt) cbompoi]\ ^^uf -pAinc A15 coirinuTÓe ^a bApAX) AnncAib. SAn bAecib peo bi ConmAoib ttiac n-C-pAig AnnA puToe Ann A1C e']\nAi5 <^5up Apeit) bi a bAtriA 'OACtii^ce be puib lll- bAbb. SAncuigeAnn ConrriAob ^MgAibcAp, uime pin ip ]aiac- CAnAC x)o CceepiAb 50 cpiAbbp^Ai-o pe co^ax), a cboitine 5-^^~ ben eipcigit) be pocbAib n-CceepiAb: ITIa pibbpAit) pe pAop o peAp5 ContiiAoib, pi^beocAit) me 'OAp cbeAcceAin oip aca 36 ^toi^i An 1^5 dJeAcc o me^y a pobAt — ^y TnA|A pn bi 5I0111 0|\iet If TnA|\ pn bei"ó cliu a true. CpetiT) TPA c|MJiniieocAi'o CoTiniAot ^Aij^d'oe 'ÓeA'p, ni ca|A|a- Aing-pAX) e-cee-piAÍ Cji cum An co^a-ó; mtinAc yeuv te -peA-p- Aib gAAÍen -00 bACAt) ConrriAot, beit) •o|\oc-tAece ceAcc ai]a A^uf ctJif CceejAiAlA -pc|\iobin be bAth TD^-pcAig, A^uy ■oYAnn tnA-pcAC Ann boc Uogeii^ mopAn bAeceAX), •00 cbuA-p Cp be nA -pocbAib cimciobb *OeAf A^tJ-p S^-^^^^^^? ■^5"r ^^ ^^~ bA-p AnnA c-poi-oe -d'a |Aei|A. A^\ imceAcc 'oo inA-pcAc, •011- t)Aiitc CjA biom-pA: A ^oge|\ i^cpob -pocbA 6cee-piAb, An meut) btit) coip, Ann beAbA-p nA n-AimpiAe n-6|AHion vnis\\ An ceti'onA A-oubAiiAC C -p : t)tJi*óeciO'p -oo Op-OAc A^uf ^uic]'A A Úo^e-p o^\\ -pcoib ph |?ogbtiim ceA-pc 'ooni' innum, biwt) iriA-p -pin -mo "oiAg *oo mo ttiac 1be]A, co-pnuigit) e o'n ACA-p nime •oiomeAi-p, A^uf o'n ubpeifc cnmc a pqAiopeA-p An tnAiceA-p. Ai|t bAbb cAnic pocAb -oo Cfl, A15 -[aax) : t)o cuic ^reepiAb An c-'pAOi ^bic Ann mAg n-A-p-o-cojAAin. 1p Ann pn ACA A cApn -peA-pAT). HigAib ye ^]\^ bAAÍAine x)ew5. An u-ocurhAT) cAibi'oib. Hi^Aib ConmAoib, -peAcc bAAbAine pcix), 11. b C. 958-931. An c|AAÚ -peo bi pibiAC mAC Cceepi^b, iiogAi^ce AnnA jAi^ A-p cion 5^^^^^ 5 beipv ConmAob aija Ainm n-C]\mion txJ •pein A15 imctiT|\eAt) e pein 50 comAfAc. 87 Anoi]" t^\\ X)e^y Ati 5^^^ coTTinuit)e Ann UC|Apion •oa pcit) A^u]" ye bAAÍAine 'oeu^ ^511]" xxs ^^ice, |?uAi]t CTl ttiac Cie]A b^i' l^igAit i^e "OA pcix) A^tif -oa bAAÍAine. C|Miinn uile ct^n nA cAtiiiAn ca]\c cimciotb An boc autia |AAib 611 pngce, bi 5U1I '^eu]\ a^u]" CAoineAt) -oubbponAc AnnA "óiA^ Ann. tl-'óei]" nAoi lAeceAt) bi meu-oceAn n-CR cin^\ce ]:aoi ce Ann ^reu^x-Ann itlAig mi'e, ^y Ann a feAfeAnn A cA]\n. Di tnij'e Úoge]\ cpeoi\uigce te mo -oeApbiAAcpAib, oip ACA mo ]'tiile ceoAig ^5^^ mo coi^a Ia^; bimA]\ne 5A pubAit- 50 focApleif^f cA|A]Mi5At) o n A|A f eApc ^i-óeAt) mA]Ab ! Le CAOib 5UC CAice cAn me a eu^-cAom, A^u-p bi nA bAipt) 1^p]\A5A'ó nA ctAji-pAi^e; niO|i eip^e Aon CAC-pAnn 01 p x)o mAi|V' 6|\ inte Ia a beACA 50 potCAineAc. Ace ai|\ n-'ooig bi nA- jTiti-oe A15 in]'§inc f^eub Cie]A mic An jotAim acai|\ n-6n-6K,- Anoi]' ]:aoi teAccA An caoi ai|a feA^" -pe 50 ceAnn Ann a^aix»» A|Am-pttjAg An c-SRtlAtTIAC. A^uf An nop a ciiAi]ACtiig fe AmeAf^ co|\pAib nA CjAeicer Ann "óiA^ co|\p A n-ACAi]A A^up A n-'óeA|AbpACA|A, A15 p'ltugAt) 50 ulbuAmeAc leo 50 -o-ci bocAnAib Afci-GU-eip. Le pn ]-einn pAT) 50 c|\uai-d cpA-ogce An caoi, a chic Ci e]\ e -pein te AnpAt) An ■pAi]\5e, a bi ai]\ tA]v\'ó o bun 50 h^\\\\ be -peAp^ bAAÍ, A^u-p An nop -oo bi nA SaaI A15 cuAipcugAt) e AmeAp5 co]\pcAib nA uip^eAt), CAnpAnnA'0Ai\ An caoi -oo bi nA ^Ai-pcme 5|A0it)e eA'óon Ann a^aix) p'eA]\5 bAAÍ, 01 p toi^- eADAp A co]\p 50 "o-ci bAppbinn An co|\]\ai5 a eipigeApA ceAn piAp o nA conncAib ^ApbAib, pemneA-OAp a eu^-cAoin o^nn 38 aJait) cofi^Ainc riA n-^^oc; a^u]" 'I'ei'oeA'o^sn a cAc-|AAnn mAji but) cteAccAc 'oo ^Aij^-ce^ig ptteA-o o'n co^^t) teif a c1iu. Oi co|\mAn A guc CA-p 5^0]i riA x)-uonn c|Aeiin. Cia com •nio|AcUueAc le Ci-e|A ah 5^^^^5 -^^l^ ii-aca|a, a^iíi" cia corn Tnop-ctiueAc te Otl Ann 6ilnion? A cjaaú teA^eA'CAU An leAC Ai]A "ooiAUf nA n-UAige •oubAipc Aot> ceAn -peA^ nA CAtiiiAn : Jt'AoiúeAii An cAÍAiti -peo, caI^tti ""ULLaT)" (-pe pn CAÍAiti nA CAOince) TTiAii bu An -cm nine An ceii*o-§ein 'o'ix]\ -ptiocc a ciii]AceApv Ann A^iif -pciMobA-p myye 'Co-^e]\ nA -poclA pAi" ai]a teAbA]A nA ■n-Aimppve CtlRion. Úa]i te^\' nA neice -peo, li)i 1b-e]A ceut)- ^ein n-Ctl po^Ai^ce Ann a \\^■^ te UltAt) *oo -[AigiteAt), A^uf -peAj" me A-p comAipv 1bep^ A^tip 'otib|AA'p tei-p: 'Oo mAi|A me nuig 50 connAi|vc me x)o aca|\ -pAoi a cAp\n, a^ui" -co -pc^nob tne |:iO]A--p5etjb nA n-Aimp|Ae ntiig 50 x) ci 'n'oiu, bei|\m opv u ceA*o ^iteAt) 50 mo boc, oip ni b--piiibim nio]" -ptn-oe -piu aic Ai]A CAcoipv An c-ApvoobtAmAn, -oApi n-"óoi5 ni beit) ^rocAb belt IbejA AnnAgAit) |\a"óai|\c a fuiteAt)? A^uf -oo tub A^uf -00 po^ 1bep togepi A15 iaa*ó : ITIa cuMt^reAX) Uogepi ^upv f^uip^t^ co|" 1be]A o copAn n^ cei]\c, TiAc inj^eocAi-o i^ogejA *óo e? A^uf bi 'Co5ep\ AnnA toyz oi|a 'oo bi A cjAoi-oe tAn. A^iif x)o Aiúm lbe]A 50 n*oeAnueAp boc Úogei^A AnAice te bocAnAib An jng. IDi tIeAcc mAC Úoit ^AogAi^ce AnnA A]A"o-ottAm n-ULLAT). Annj^An t^1. 50 -peAcnuieAT) CofAn-ci|A-i*oi]A? Hac b--piii'L aja X)eAfb- 1iAC|Ae Ann IDun-mionAc? Cpeu'OinA CAbAifmuiT) cuifeAt) -ooib? TIac C15 leo -p ceAcc Ann -peo AmeAf^ a "oeAiAbjAACfAib A^Uf A beic ctJApcugAT) -pAOi 'n uAtAiti Ann "oiAg A]AbA|A nA mion? TIa ei-pagiT) te -poctAil!) nA feme. A^uf "oo bi mAp pin. Ua|a n-"óeif imceAcu nA feme, h^ tuin^ feno^ce A^uf cjMAtt "Leo A1|A An ceAccoijAeAcc ai]a ctAf nA mA-pA 50 "o-ui 'Oun-mionAc, acc -pitteA'OAp iriAp imci5eA"OAp, oi|i ^An b-peu^ niO|i ftJitlAn^ peine ceA*o -ooib cop a cmp Aip cuAn no "pocAt, no ueAcúoipeAcu "o'lnpin^u. Ann-p nA lAecib -peo xdo CApÍAt), ^u]\ |AAib IUIdAAL a]a-o cpoTnceA-p Ann U-SIAtl A^uf SCAT) AH piojAi^ce AnnA ^15 Ap cionn pdHCCG- cAfLAt) a •pogA A -0-011161011 bAAÍMn tl. 1. C. 914. Di ingein Ai^e com Alum nAC |AMb a teiccA-oe 'nnpAn 'oorriAn piop no piAp ^^^^y po-p p Ao*ÓAb pig C6-lSRAe-L A^n-p cu^ p teice caca 5- C-pomueAf m-bAAt^ ^S^f ^^ An*oiiit A15 1ÚDAAL -jAig nA feme 50 meu'oeocAix) A^up 50 teAuneocAiT)pe Ainm Tn-t)AAL- .AnieAp5 An cpumne 'OAomeAX). 'Oa]i 50 -oeiTTim bi a "oeA^- mgem ISbAAl- cui-oeAccAn teip 50 mAic oip cumcuig pi mte CeippAeb to t)AAt. 1TIa|a ah ceii"onA Ann lAecib Ibepic 'CUip lcbAAÍ tiling tcAbAipAon 50 *o-ci 6ppion, A^up JIac ip cuAn Ann lombiop m bui'óe-ctoc, A^up bi aix; nA cpomc- 43 I^Ait) y^ó -pu^Nf "Oun A^uf 'oeAj-coTTintii'óe 'óo DAAL, ^^iíf Atino]' 50 m-beit) pAt) a|" coinne a fuitib a 5-coTTinuif)e? Ann U]\ Ae-óon tnij^e, a^iíi' 116- mo aic 5- coThmiit)e •o'oi'óce a^u]' -o-UCAXflStlASC, a^uj" I'teAccuigit) A^uf ctAonuigit) pAf ■|\oim-'pA Ann -oo'nAice, A^uf ei|"ceocAiX) me te •00 ^uc, a^u]' beit) mo 'peA'pbirogAno'óe ^a comgAi|A- CAt) mo -ppeA^Ai-pc Ann cIuai' An pobAib ; A^u^p An ujaac ctji|AeAnn pb gume no impme ai|a IdAAL cuittinigix) ai]\ a feApb-pogAncib Anno-p 50 m-beit) A15 cluApcmu lOAoib. 50 'oeAjAbcA teAn UigeiAnmA-p pocAÍ comAinte An c-a^at)- C|\ompi|A. Ann pn ceA^eAp^ nA cpompip, A15 ^aat) : 1p coi]\ •oeunAt), mA|A •o'Acin DAAI^, potup, ceAp, A^up beACA'n -oo- mAin •Ó0 UigepnmA-p An pg, bi-oeAt) mA|v pn; beAnuigit) "oo bAAt/, A5tjp 50 m-beAntJig bAAÍ/ 'óo 6pmion. bi nA upi w^cni-oe cuipce puAp AnnAice te bptJiceme j^^^^^""» ^S^f ^V cion ^Ac UAcne pAOi peAc beA^A-OAp o|A-'oeAtb m-bAAl/, Aip- ^eA'o-'óeAbb ton^AAc TIC, A^tjp btiit)e-t)eAbb umA •o-UtlCAS- nASc. Aguf c|Aom nA cpompip ia-o pein piAp Ap comAp nA tiAú- 44 nib, A^ti-p •o'umttiig Uige]AnmAf ah -pig e -pein Ann |AAX)Ai|\é clomn nA cAtiriAn. Ann-pin 'o'iciom-pA'ó An ftuAg ^a ^Iaoic ATDAC 50 5etj|A 5to|AAc; AtltlA! b -pull 5toi|\ m-bAAL, KG- A^u-p *o-UTl6ASTIASC ^aIdca CAob-pcig nA ^-ctoc peo ? ÍI1 ctAon^rAi-omuiT) A^up ni c-pompAi'ó miii'o A-p cinn acc X)a OAAL AtriAin ? A^u-p bi miAn aca teA^Anu C^vom-CpuA-o pA|" 50 •oci 'n uAtAiii, ACC noi|A piigneA'OApv -put) An Am pn.. 50 cince bi feAjA^ nA "OAomeAT) ai]a lA-pA*ó Ann a^ai-o Uigep- nniAf Ai|\ -pon CjioTn-C-jAtiA'o An ciJ-'OAit; acc te pin 6111^^ ■pepn An mileAn Ai-p nA c|Aoin-peA]iAib A-p coitia|\ nA 5-cnuinne.. A^u-p coih luAc ^n-p cAnic pe 50 "o-ci cttJA-p An c-Apvx)- cpiomp-p ^tJ-p leA^ UigepnniA-p An -pig An tniteAn Ai-p nA c|Aom- ceA|AAib, ctJAit) pe 50 'oeAgCAppui^ Ai^e Ap ipiot, A15 piA-ó : An but) Alt leAC 50 hacai-o An 5^^^ ^^^ aJaix) bAAl> A^ti-p G-pmion? S^A^-p aitiac -pocAt A15 -pAt): CtAonuigit) bti]i. -pein pA-p Af coinne C-|Aom-C-puA'D. Acc ni hvix) Ait te Ui^e^A- nmAf e pn -oo 'oeunAT), acc A-|Ai-p Ann tACA|\ ctuA-pcinc An -pttJAig ct>i]i fe An miteAn ai|a nA cpompeA|AAib. A^iip -peucL tA-pnATTiA|\AC bi Uige-pniriAp An -pig pgnce iriA-pb Ann a bocl Acc A1|A An bAtt *o'ionnptiiT)e An pobAt A15 ^tAOic Aip -ppio-pAtD n-6pAt A^ti-p n-6ceepiAt, A^tip ai|\ Ainin Uige-pn- rriAif. An pn Ann AgAit) An ^teo a bi A15 ei-pige -oubAiiAC An c-A)A'OC|AOTnceA'p : 5^P -oiAn-buAit bAAt e x>e bpg 5ii|\ tAbAip -pe 50 'oiorrieA-pAc -oe nA cpiomceA|AAib A-p pin "o'lAiA-p^ An pobAt ceAt) e "oo peucpinc, acc 50 •oeiiiiin ni connAijACA- X)A]v bAtt o bAAL Aip, Ai]i An A-óbAp p^^ pc pAT) Ann. 45 Ag^it) ATI c-AiA-ociAomceAp ^5«]" 'ourittiA^bA'OAp e, a^u]" ati meu-o "oe ha cpom|:eA]\Ai'b 511]- CAnic Aim a beAtlAc A^uf reit^eA-OAii fiAf C^oTn-C|AUAt) mte n-Aic a bi ]'e. Seinn ha m-bAi|\io eu^-CAOin An pig a^U]' "piji^e An JaaU a cA|^n cit) C|\Acc ni ]AAib Aon c|Aom]:eAp ai]a tACAjA. Ai|A n-T)oig ij" TtiA|A pn -00 cmc Uige|\nTnAf tdac b-pitiAC ■pig JAAlen, te ye^X. a^u]- ccaI^ nA ^-CjiompeAjA n-oei-p ^m^- AiLeAt) feAcc bAAtAine pcit). Aca eAcc|AA -pigeAccA j^^^^^"* A^u)" uite nit) miopbtJiteAC a CAjAtAt) ai|i b-'pA'O a -pigAit, ACA -pcpiobcA Ann -peAncuj^ leAbAijA Uige-pnmAi-p. An 2. teAbAK. An. 2. CAlblT)lt. TligAit 11 CocAiT) itiic "OAiiAe Ai]A ceAn Aon bAAÍAine, X)eu5 11. 1. C. o 904 50 -o-ci 893. Atioi|' n-'oeif -oun-TriApb UigeiAntnAif x)A|a Iatti tia ^-cpom- teA|A, bi 6-pboc a ííiac ^O]" AnnA o^AnAC, A^uf ai|i cuicini T)o pAice eite -puAip Aon^Aif -pig "OeAf bAf, a^u)" bi Aipc A TTiAC mAp An ceu'onA AnnA u-o^AnAc. 5^ 'oeiniin m pAib An-o 'OeA'p no An 5^^^^^ ceAn AitiAin "oe'n -pliocc "oe'n ao]^ jMAccAnAc "Le ■pi^AiteA'o ; -oe bpig pr\ -o'lApp Cppion Aip Ibepic 50 pigleocAiT) i^e BiAimion, acc ni but) Ail tei]\ mAp pn cuAit) -pe bÁAÍAine CApu, nuAip t)o puAip Ibepic bAp, cAp t)eip pigAib c-piocAt) A^up ceicpe bAAÍAineAt), A5up bi uLl/AX) 5A guit • 50 cpuAit). bi Sobepce a ceuti^ein, peAp but) Aibne Ann Cp|\ion, fogAigce AnnA pig bi CiepnmA A 46 •oeAjAbiAACA^A, geince tei-p -p^n CAbA]AA*5 ceut)nA, a cotrigeiii, a- •pATtiAil ATiTi c|Auc A^ti-p TTiAiceA-p incinn. An cjAAc -peo tiac gt^c 6ocAit) rriAC ti-'OAi-pe tai 1ú, ceAH- i:eA|\ 10 LhJaX) '00 -jrein Ainm ri-6|Amiori? Ctl1|^ -pe cajac a.> Aimpipi Ann 5|ieAnuoi|\eAcc X)iOTTiAOineAc mA-plmg -pe UAi-pA- iteAcc -peApvÓA, A15 cui|A An |?eA|A Ann -óiAg •oaú a eu-OAig. Di iTn|AeA-p A^uf An|AO a|" cion IDeA-p a^u]" J^^^^^j •^"'P Anoif 50 CAOin cuATo cApic citincAinc: Aca 'n t)AnAAn Af ipot -oetrnAt) cum^iAAT) -peAttcAc tei-p ad fi-p^tieAc. Anoi-p An CplAC bl COCAIX) Aipi -pAX) cui^ bAAtAineAt) 5A ^tAOIC e pem Cpimion, bi cin-pi|\ n-T)eA|" ^S^f 5^^^^^ '^''5 fC|\iot)A"ó' ticci]AeACA 'Ó0 SobejAce A^uf -oo Cie-pnmA, 5A ^at) : Anne nAc ei-pceocAiT) mic n-Cfl te ^uc CpjAion A15 ^Laoic 0]ApicAib 50 ■ copneocATO 1 o a nArtiAX) ? Anne nAC *oibp\eocAi*o Cocato itiac: n-*OAi|Ae o CAicoijA nA -pigeAccA? PpeA^Aipv Sobe]Ace A^u-p Cie|AnmA -ooib A15 -pAt) : X>ó^\\> IDaaI, 50 cince bei*ó mic n-6tl A15 -oibiiAU Cocaix) ttiac n- IDAiiAe A^tif A15 pojA-co-pAnc C^A-pion. Anoi-p ]\oiTri Cjiuinnti^AX) te ceite cottitAnn nA ^Aifci-oeAX), ctii|A Sobepce ceAccoi|Ae "oo eocAi-ó 5A lAA-ó: A eocAix) ttnc 1c ni ^AAibAf jAogAi^ce Ann a. pig, ni cufA IA05A nA ceAni:eA|i? C^ietJ-o ttia imciJeAnn cu 50 -o-a -00 A1C -pem? Ace -oY^nnA-o eocAit) le ^TjAeA^Aipu. A15 cui|A A1]A Aif ntJi5 50 x)-CAinic Sobepice ^511^ a corrilAnn AnUAf A1p\, A^Uf X)'imC15 UAlt) A1|A ^AC CAob An TTieu-Ov A bi AnnA cimcioll a jaaú A^uf a . cuttiacca. Ann- •óiAt -OA Ia cuitA CocAix) cci^c x)o Cie]\nmA le lAn> 47 Ai^ cu\]\ Ai|A Aif nui^ 50 -o-covimc Sobepce a^uj' a com- tv\nn AnijA|^ -Mp, A^uy 'o'imcig UAm ai]\ ^ac CAob An meu-o- A t)i Ann»N cimciotl, a ]i*nc ^5^]" a cuthacca. Antr •óiAg -OA l,«N ciii|A CocAit) cei]"u 'óo Cie|AnmA te l^m •ouirie A cu^ biAt) a^u]' -oeoc 'oo, A15 Jufóe 50 cioc^rAix) ye M^e, 111 ]\ -pi^eAccAib n6]\]Mon A15 ^AA-ó: C-puinnceA^A ^An mAlt riA cinyi|A ai-ja tiop TTiAig AtmAin te CAfugAX) te Sobe^Ace |Mg uLLat). Cotíi Íuac •^uy 'OO bi An ftuAg cpuinngce te ne ceite, 5'Laca'OA]\ cotíi- Aipie, oi]A *oubAi|\c Sobe|Ace: Hi -oeunyAit) mi-pe yux) ai|v bic ^An coniAi]\te nA ^-ceAiTpeAjA. Tl-'óeif coTTiAt]Ate bi ciiip|A. ^AAÍen A15 lAjAjAeAX) Sobepce 50 ]ii^teocAT) -pe a^ cion An caIatti ]Mn., A^uf cinp]A n-*OeA|' A15 5Ui*óe Cie|AnmA 50 fuit)- I^Ait) |\e Ann 'OeA'p. tnAjA pn gtuA-p CiejAnrriA te ceAn|:eApAib n-T)eAf, acc T)'p^^ Sobe^ce a tri-bAite, a^u]" cu^ -pe 6pboc rriAC Uigepn- TTiAif lei^ 50 nLt/At). 'OO TTiAi]\ peittnix> nuig 50 cit) -pe mia n-6fl A15 ^AijAileAt) uite 6|A|\ion. Di tncinn nA x)\.y i'Aibi|%. te eA^nA, bi jtocÍa n-Cotui]" AnnA cpoi'otib^ Anoif ca im- 48 l^eA-p -oibiiA^ce o u|aIaca|i via c^NlniAn, nio|A ciiAilceA|A mof tnugA 50 b-^ruil ati *OAnAAn "Cjai Attest) co^at). ttlAip peit- tni'O Ann lAecib foi^, acc Anoii^ aca a 'óeigneAc ai]i Iatti — . Aon mi AtTiAin tó<]\ •óeif ptt^eA-o Sobe-pce 50 uI/La-o, ■X)'eti5 peittni'o; a^u]" bi Caca|aac -pogAigue Ann a AjATOoltAtri. ■Ctii|\ SobejAce •o'iiaIIac ai|a nA ottAirinAib 50 TntJin^rAix) pAX) C|Aboc Ann fti^e nA i:i|vine A^u-p 50 in|"eocAix) "óo biMAújAA n-e-otuif A 5-coTTinui'óe. An cjaac -peo 'OAin^nuig Sobe^Ace •00 ■pem •oeA^-'otin A^uf ^Ai-plAn Af cionn co|A]\aic a -peAfeAnn -puAf 50 A|A"o A-p cionn uip^eAt) b-poi-pc, Ann x)iiicce LaKIIC Ann tlLLAt); A^u-p bi CiejAnmA A15 •oAin^neAt) a niAcpATTiAi'L Ai|\ An Api-o-binn aca A15 ounc AtriAc Aip An jTAip^e mo|A Ann .ceAn]:eApc lb LtlJAT). An cpAcú fiit) iat) nA -oa cent) 5Aip- ÍAin, niti|AX)Ain5Aince a cui|a nA "^^óX -ptJA-p Ann -pigeAccAib n-e-|A|non. Coni ttJAC 511P cuAibeAt) nA cinp|v A^tjp An pobAÍ, cpeut) A tApÍAt), lAigneA'OAp obob, A15 icompvAX) : 1p -peo ]mx) nAp |\igne A|\ n-AC|AACA o'n p|Aiom-Ain, C^AeiiX) ip e? AntJAi^ A cAnic nA -pocÍA ^eu^AA 50 SobejAce ■^^tjf Cie|A- nniA, 'otjbA|iAX)Aii : T)a bit)eAt) eA^ÍA op^AAib a cinpi]\ no aJaaÍ 50 nx)eAn-pAi"ó mic n-CK bAogAb x)Aoib, oip ciAno-p .t^■^ binn pbpe ^uiACugAt) ^An ^iipiciigA-o mop meApA •oeunAX) louinn -pem? beix) 5eACAit)e n-*OtJn-Sobe|Ace A^up ^eACAi-oe n*Otjn- Cie-pnmA coth -popop^Ail^ce -oe Ía A5tip "D'oi-oce ^up |AAib beul- bpAc A|A m-boc ApiATTi. tli-oiAgpn mA Y''^^^^^^^^ c|AeAblio"0 Ann 49 incinn ah pob^Ml 'LAb]\tAt) ai]\ ucc a niACA]\! v\nn]v\n •oa]\a '511 ]' c]\iocax) bAAÍAin 'oe ]\i5Ait Sobe^ice- yi^^^]\ leAc 1k\]% A511]' ]\05A'0Ap tilt) Ann a u-A]A-oollAtti. A5UI' AniKM|\ t)o in^^Nit Sobe]\ce -peAcc a^U]^ c]\iocAt) bAAlAine -o' eu5 6]\boc ^ng §AAlen, a^u]' bi Sine]\-5*NAl a tiiAc -|\05Ai5ce AnnA n-Aic, A511]' Ann-j'An mi cetj-onA "o'eu^ a\i]\c niAC Aong- Ai]'e ]\i§ n-*OeAf, a^u]" ai]\ |?a"o occinio]" ni cAni^ An c-Ait-o- C]\uinne be nA ceile ai]\ D]Auiceine "oe b|Aig nAc pAib Cocai'o niAC n-\\i]\c "oe'n ao|" ]\iAccAnAc 50 bun An cAm pn. A^\\ uigeAcc "Don c]aac pn bi nA cin|:i]A A15 -pogAX) G-ocAit) AnnA^ 11-"oei]' SobejAce -pigAibeAt) ceic^ve '^u]' *oa -jticit) bAAbAin^ JLac i^e cinneA]' -«^SUf 'o'eii^ ]"e, A^tif bi a cAi]An •oetincA niAjA •o'Aicm i^e AnnAice be t)|niiceine n-UblAt), oi|a AT)ubAi]\c -pe niA tA]\bA-ÓAnn Aon Atn ai|a bic, 50 cuiceAnn ahiao mem An |ng ^5Uf ■<5^i"> pobAib, neAiti-'obi-pceAneAc, b-jreiT)!]! 50 ^eAb- "puigeAt) pA"o ciAÍb Ai]\ ^retjc-pmc mo cA]ni]'A a]' a comne? Ai|\ An •OA-|\A Ia •oeu^ Ann "oiAg ho^y Sobe]Ace |:iiai]\ Cie]\nmi>. bA]\ OucI ni ^retj-o bei]' x)o mAi]A Ann "oiAg ^^eApc a c]ioi"óe a ■ÓeA|AbpACA1|A ! A^uf i^eAfeAnn CA]\n CiepnmA AnnAice be CApn Sobe]tce mAjiAon ^ii-p -00 bi ]'e AnnA -pig A-p cion UbbAt). Aca tlltAti' A15 5uib 5eu]A Ann t)iA§ SobejAce A511]" CiejinmA. 54 An. 2. teAbAR. An. 4. CAlblT)lt. HigAil OlttlOt mic Sobe^Ace, 11. 1. C. 854 50 t)-ci 830. An r]AAc cAnic tia cinp-p te n^ ceile, ai|a b]Auiceine n- ■UtlAX) -pogA-OAii Oiltiol rriAC Sobe-pce Anno. yvig. Anoi]" Ann I'A nA tAeceib -peo ^ngne Oocait) -pig n-'OeA'p ').oi]A-neA]Ac te ÍATh Iaixhia '^^^Y bA^AijA -pe pAip AnnAgAit) nA *OAnAAn, is'^uy cuip -pe te pn but-poijAe A15 lApijAeAX) ciop, |au*o nA]A but) coi|\ no ceApic t)o, a^u]" A15 pvAt) : niunA 'oiocpAi'ó pAit) 50 CAppuig, •oeipeAt) An but-poi-pe Ann ctuA-pceAnc Seo|\t -pig nA CAtiTiAn 50 ciocpAit) ^Aip'Ci'óe n-lDeA-p ^An niAtt 50 Ht-conn- CoTTi tuAú If cA-ptAT) An mt) ^peo, ctjipi Seojit -pocóvt -oe ^niOTTi CocAix) 50 Oittiot, A15 ceipcugAt) hia^a An ceiit>nA: CuAiteAT) An 'OAnAAm, An cpAc cm-pueA'p puA-p uAcne TnA-p buAn-cuithne i-oi-p Ap n-Ac-pACAib A^up -ptiocc Ibe-p, ■^u\\ |AAib t)U]t AúpACA 5A "pcjMobtigA'o piAf te min-ticcpieACAib A^up ^'a ptteAX) -puA-p Ann A c]iAcu-'pott ; A^u-p 50 b-puit piA-o CAipb- AineAX) An c-At)bA'p a piAib An ctoc cuipvce ai|\ bun ? A^u-p nA|A 'oti'pceAnAc •00 -ptiocc n-6fl •out ca|\ ui-p^ib nA SeAn- Aithne te "UtconnniAcc "oo coiApugAt) ? A^up 50 b-puit An C|veAcc-pott nA -pcinobcA pin 50 poitt -ptAn-pAop Ann ceAC ]Aig Ti-tlttAT)? Anoip CA CocAiT) "pig n-*OeAp A^u-p -pem-^tAO- i^ce Cptnion, A15 bA^Ai^Au 50 pvACAix) -pe CA-ppnA An SeAn- AthAin. Ann a^aix) coit nA n-'OAnAAn A15 bAinc CAin ■<^5U|" ciof uACAib. "Oe bpig pn piApjiui^ Seopt A^up An 'OAnAAn: 55 t\ó< SeATi-ATTine ^a ciomAinc Cjie^c A^tif ciof? Ann cuif 5ti|t -pioix pn t)ei]A OitUot: Uui^eAt) cioi^ ■óo CocAit)? Ho ruig- e^t) 5lA0it)eAnn Cocai-ó e yem 6|Amion ? CofneocAi-ó Oilliot ^An ATh]AA]' mionnA a n-ACA]\ CAbA]ACA ai|a ITlA^triop-ciomnA, eAt)on. Ann AgAit) niAC 1be|A — "oe b^Aig pn — . A5Uf -o'lr^n Coc^it) 50 ]'0CAi|A. Siub^ituig Oittiot Ann co]'Own a n-ACAi]A; jMgne ye cuAipc c^pc cimciott UtlA'ó 5^0 uile bA^^ÍAin, A15 x)eunAt) A-p^]- Ann bocAn^ib n^ ^-ceAnpeAiA ^taoi -peAc, A5 l'eucpnc ^511]' A15 I'^^Mi-ou^At) 5leiif ^5«]' caoi ctoinn n^ c^ttiiAn, A5U]" Ai|A A cAobfA bi 5eACAi"óe n-'Oiin Sobe^Ace a ^-conrnui-oe -puAif^Aitce -oo n^ ce^n^reApAib a^U]- -oo'n 5aaU Anoi]' Ann|"An •oa]aa bAAÍAin pcix) "oe jMgAit Oitliot "oo cA]\tAi"ó ^ujA cAnic SmejA^AAl 50 bocAn^ib 1be|A, Ann a pAib leAc n-e-|A|Mon civiiinnui^ce ai|a ycyi) nA i^eil^e, c|aac c]Aiiinnce nA fei to^oip bi mop -pei]- aca, te ofCA, ceol, A-ó|\AnnAib A^uf -pionce, mAt)in AtiiAin nuAi^A -oo bi Sme]\5AAt ceic te ot A^u]" le ]Aionce, teim -pe A]"ueAc a^u]" -pnAiii -pe Ann uij^^ib AiTTine Sio]A, Ai|\ ceAcc ahiac '00 mop yA-o 50 -pAib a cpioceAn ci]nm, A5U]' A c]Auc mA]\ ÍA-pAp ceinne te ^aIa^, ni-úei-ó-pn cuAit) ye A15 pAt) Ai]\ ):ax) An lAe pn. Aip n-^ooig cinni- bnn -pe Ann a^ato An ^AÍA-p nuig nAc -pei-oip tei]" -peApeAt) mop pui"oe, tuit)e pe Aip ieAbbA 'oe Ia A^up •o'oit)ce; bi pe Aip bAineAt) le ncApc ceinneAp, cAp Aimpip nA peil^e, cup- U15 nA peil^oipi-óe •oul a tTi-bAiie, A^up pAmg cpeAbliot) ^ip GocAnó A -0-011101011/ Smep^AAl, oip ciAlltiig pe ^up 56 -pAib fe Ann -puce iti-bAi-pe, A^uf cuait) Cocait) 50 boc Sme^A- ^AAÍ te iTii-pneAc a cAbAipc "oo, Ann a^aix) uile teigeAf, Aip An cui^TTiA-o La -puAi^A SmejA^AAt bA-p. Ace ^An mAtt J^Ac e-ocAix) An ^aIaja o Sinep^AAl, A^tjf mA|A -pinn nittie -00 -pic -pe z]^^■6 a cuitia a^ui^ a coÍAn uile 50 teujA, A^up itia]a An cetJ-onA Ai]i An cui^itia'o Ía o'n Am a cmc -pe cemn, X)'eu5 -pe ; An c]iac |*in bi ii|Anio]\ x)AoineA"ó -oe -pigeAcc n-'OeAf coi^ue A|" Iaua]! te bA-p An ^aÍaih pn. bi TnA^-peib rriAC n-CocAit) -pogAi^ce AnnA -pig Ann *OeA|",, A^u-p piACA mAC n-e-]Aboc Ann gAAlen. Oittiot n-^oei-p 'pig- AiteAt) ceic]Ae bAAbAine pcix) Ann tittAt) te ceA]Ac A^iif "pijA- in, "o'eii^ -pe. An CtHSttlAT) CAlblT)lt HigAit n-T)Aie]A iriic Oittiot -peAcc bAAtAine 'oeti^ tl. 1. C. 830 50 -o-ci 813. t1iO|\ but) miAn te 'OAie]A 50 yvAib fein jAogAi^ce Ann; A1U A n-ACA]A; oi]A A*oiibAi]Ac: AcA neAjAC mo conAbtAc An tA^, c|\eux) mA bjAipeAnn AmAc co^at) Ann AgAi-ó UttAt)?' Ace ni •óeiin|:Ai'o nA cin|:in po^A eite "oe mACAib Oittiot. A^ti-p Ai|A 'piii'óeA'ó •DO *OAie|\ AmeA]"5 nA ottAmnAib A^u-p nA m-bAi^A- •Olb, bl CoCAIt) AI5 10mCU|A UAttAC A^Up CUjAAm nA jAlgeACCA. Ai|v 'ptii'óeA'ó "óo 'OAiep Aon bAAtAin AniAim, ]:iiai|a Hit) bA-p, A^uf bl St^^"^ r^S^^S^^ AnnA n-A]At)ottAm. Anoif Ann-pAn -pei-peAX) bAAtAin t)e jAi^Ait n-'OAie]i, x)o- 57 50 c-otc A15 ]AAt): a\Cv\ yuAit) A15 HA coriicpicib -peo 0]\]\\iO]\ 50 cttiA-p n-IDAie^i, pAni^ An-pog A cpoi'óe, oi|A A*otibAi|ic teif pem : TDa poneAnn Ibe^A A^ii-p IpiACA tltconnrriAcc eACjiAib belt) cuif n-UtÍAt) niof meAfA 'nA jAAib ApAih. tlime pn cm\\ T)Aie|A a -óeApbbiAACAiA C-ocAit) 50 Cult pg nA n-*OAn 50 ctuA'p n- 'Oaigja, Agu-p 5ATI mAtt bei-o corritAiin tltlAX) ca1!)ai|\c cotri- ^niOTTi A^uf -oi-oeAtT -oo'ii T)AriAAn ; Ai-p ciAiocntjgAt) a coi|\ •0^1^.1. 6ocAi'ó 50 "o-ci 13tjn Sobcpce. 50 -oeA-pbúA bi -pog A^u-p -ptJAitTineAf Ann lAigeAcc UtbAt), Ai]\ "pA-o uite bAeceA'ó n-*OAiep\, -pe pn ai|a pA-o j^eAcu bAAb- Aine -oeti^ cA-p pn gbAc -pe cemn A^iif 'o'eu^ ye. An seiseAt) CAibiiDib. HigAit n-CocAit) -pe bAAbAine 'oeti^, K. 1. C. 813 — 797. bi CocAit) mAC Oibtiob, tDeApb-pACAip n-IDAiep -pogAi^ce 'nnA |Aig Ann tllbA*ó. An cpAC -peo bi CA-pAncA-p I'Oi'pmACAib Ibe-p A^up loÍAip; oi]a bi An 5'pAt) a cAipbAin Cocaix) "oo Sme|\§AAb A15 CAppiAin^c a cpvoi'óte te nA ceite 50 "obtic. Ann-pAn cui^ttia'o bAAÍAin -oe pgAib n-CocAit) Ann tlllA-ó, ctii|t 1115 IpiACA A triAC fionn Aip cipAf 50 "o-ci TTlAg-peib, be jAA-o beip COTTI pAtJA Y ^^^"0 A^ meUX) CApAnCAIj^ 1*Oip UbbAt) A^Uf An *OAnAAn ^up 05 beo tDO cuip no "oo bAC niAp i-p coibA- TtiAib, A^uf nA Ipip^neAC niAibbe beo, 50 cince ni belt) acc; Ani^og. 61 I A^uf bo^og^t A15 niACAit) Ibep ^Z^V lol^ip? C]\eut> mo. cuin^e^tAmAji A]\ neovpc te iu\ ceile Ann aJaix) Utconn- TTiACC? O CA|\lAt) nAC ]\ n. 1. C. 797-763. Sui-oeAnn Anoi|" Ootui- ai|^ caicoija 'pi5f<^ a ACAp\, ni b- jTUil •o*iine "o'a -ptiocc tiio-p ^lice'nnA e. *OeuneAnn -pe cuaijac C]A1X) UttA'O O bAAÍAin 50 bAAÍAin -pAOl -pCAC, A^U-p CI^O bocAnAib nA n-ottATTi, A15 eipceAcc, A15 ceipcugAt) A^tj-p A15 -p^tvu-ougAT) leigeAn nA n-eA^nA a ^-conintii-oe. Annj^An -peAccTTiAT) bAAÍAin -o'a pvigAiL, cu^ -pe ci]aa)" 50 •o-ci 'n T)eAf, ^"S^y ^1 mipe 'Oie|ATnnA AnnA conittiA'Ooi'p tei]'. bl 'Olllt Al^e CUA1|\C A CAbA1|A -DO CocAit) jAlg nA CAlniAn pn. AuA cbii n-CocAi-o lontholcA, oip 5|AAt)Ui§eAnn -pe An -pi-pin A^tif An ceA-pc, mop mu^A 'nA Aon-otiine -d'a -pbocc o CAnic An 5^At Aip -o-ctif 50 6pi|non. Ajuf "piJi^G Cotup A^up CocAit) i-oiiigeAtcA CA-pAncAi-p Ai|A pAt) l/AeúeAt) A boACA be nA ceite. A^\\ pbeAt) 'oo Cotu-p cpit) 5^^^^^> triAipi -pe catdaI Ann boúAnAib b-fionn, acc nioji -pAib Aon rtiAic A15 lAjipeAt) e ■oo pubAib Ann fbige nA n-eA^nA oi]a bi pe |:aoi -pmAcc rjA 5-cpom-peApi. bi bjiot) -poÍA-pAc Aip Cotup An cpAc a. 63 tAnic ]'e A lii-b^ile Aip|\i]" 50 'Oun Sobe]ACO. coi]Mt)e triA. A51ÍP teA5 pe ciop A^Up CAin Aip An CAtAITTI, Aip 'OlotciOp potA A ACAp. Oip 5An ATTipAp pAoit pe 51JP €115 An 'OAnAAn cothgnioni -DO nA Pp^neAú, Acc mop piop pin. A511P metJ-ouig pe •da UAipe An ciop, A15 ^tAOic e pein 6pmion. ÚAp -oeip nA neice peo, cuinctiig AongAip a AgAit) 50 TTlAggeincip te mi An pcpiopcA nA pip^neAC o tiptACAp n^ CAtmAn ; A^tjp An cpAt t)o bi pe -opunDu^At) te ceopnAib nA cAtmAn pin 'PeucI bi CotAnn gAipci-óeAX) UttAX) Aip tAm, A15 5tuAipeAcc 50 66 "UtconnrriAcc, oi|a catiic nuA'óeAcc o beut 50 ctuAf 'oe'ri ]auc; A t^igne Aong^i-p Ann caIIcaiI!) UlconnmAcc. 'Oe b-pig pn CUip 6otll]" A A'pmi'ttlAg fAOl A U|M •OeA|Ab|AACHAlb, OiLtioL. TliiAi'ó|\tii'ó A^tif Ko)" te cotti^moTTi cAbAi-pc •oo'n 'OAriAAti. 'O'Aicin Oittiot An cotiitAnn, corrijrA'OAY imúig tltHTDiMii-oe A^iif Tlo|" A15 mA|Acui5eo.cu -poirhe 50 Aong^i-p, A^u-p ai]i Cl^eACC fOgU-p -OO AlATTTpltJAg j^-^^^^J teiTTI flAT) on'A n-eAc- Alb, A ctAX)eATTIA AnnA tAtil cte, ApCIACA A1|A A piMOTTTO-ptlim,, A bjAACA cpiop-oiAui-o^ce, A^tjp pubAi'LeA'OA^A Ai|A co-p 50 coinne AongAif. A^uf "o'eiiAig Hop A gnu, A^up "OubAIIAC Ap A-jlT): A ApT)C|\iAc c t)opcAt)Ap nA n-oi-óce. AnnpAfi C-0CC1TIA-0 bAAlAin Aip pici"o -oe pigAib 6obuip, T)^eu5 AongAip pig 5^^^^"> ^S^f ^^ tllAine pogAigce Ann<^ n-Air. 68 An c]AAc 'oo |\igAil e-otiif ne-ignAi§ n-6|A]Aion, a "óeAj^ceAf AmAc A-p cionn nA uif^ib nA inApA'OoitTiin. AcA ]'UAn a^u]" ■puAinineA'p Af cion C]ipion. Anoi]^ bi ype'iy A5U]' fAjA^eAn A15 Oilliol -jMg UIIax) Ai]t -cteAfAib -peit^e, n-T)ei]- "pi^AiteA-o -peAcc bAAÍAine, ctJAit) -pe "peit^oijAeAcc 50 ^leAnn Co|1]aa An ceAni:eA|ic n-A]it)CAin ; a^u^ X)o cAplAt) ntiAi]A A ceil^ SotA]A ceAn •oe nA 5^^^? cloc Ann •DIAg -JTAotcil O A C|AAnCll1]A, ACC buAlt An tl|ACllip A1|A CCAn Oitliot, ^511]- cuic i'e mA]Ab ai]a An bAÍU A^]\ An aic a iifciiic ye cui|\ceA|i fiíAj' a cA|An. Ati HAOinrhAti CAibi-oit, HijAil Hoif, mojAfefAp bAAÍAineAt) K. 1. C. 761-754. TlogAceA|\ 1Xoy mAC 6otui|" AnnA \\^^ Ann tJltAt), A^tif -A.i|\ c]MOcnu§A'ó An "OAjAA bAAÍAin "d'a pigAit, i'UAip 'Oub bA|", 72 pe-ARATl'O A itiAC lAogAi^ce AnriA n-Aic, A^u-p cAp ciu^ bAAÍAine 'o'eii^ tTlAine, a^u)" bi TloiceAfAc a •óeA|Ab|AACA]\ jAogAi^ce Ann A pig Ann 5^^^^"- ^^? 'oei-p Koy -pigAiteAt) -peAcc bAAÍAine ctnu fe ceinn, ^"^uy 'o'eti^ ye. A^uf bi n^ Tn-bAitAX) A^ii]^ nA ptix)e ^a cAnAt) eti^CAOin floi|". An 10 CAlblTDlt, UigAib n-A-p-o-peA-p, linc Oolui-p, occ bAAÍAine 'oeti^ K. 1. C^ 754 50 -0-0 736. Úa|a x)e^y bAf tloif, bi AfA'0):eA|A An ttiac but) oi^e a bt A15 Colli]", -pogAi^ce AnnA ]Aig Ann UbtAt). An c-Am 1|" itiu- gA, iriAi|A -pe Ann T)tin Sobepice ^a clAontjgAt) a ctuAf 50 CeOlt ^-clAIA-pAC TIA m-bAlAX), -pA^bAib lAlgeACC "UltA-O ACU ATTIAin. 'Oun Sobepce 50 cujaatti C^e]\ "oe'n -ptiocc. *Oa]a An cle- AcceAiti cjAumntiigeAnn Ciey tia -peit^oiiM-óe, mó ^eAf-oA Ai]A fA-o nA ctji^ bAAlAineAt) -00 iTiAipv ye. H-'óei'p pu'óeA'ó Ai|A CAicoif "pigfA UtbAt) OCC m-bAAÍAine "oeti^ •o'eu^ ye. bi nA cinpf A^u-p An 5^^^ ^^5 •OAin^neAt) a cAjin, acc •oo cAn nA bAipx) A^uf nA fitiue a eu^cAOin. 7.3 An 11. CvMbTOll. tli^AiL SeA-oriA "oeic rti-b^sAlcvine, H. 1. C. 73Í) — 72(). bi SeAOtiA rtiAC n-AiTO^reAi^ j^o^Ai^ce Ann aic a n-c\cA]iy ^5"r "-"ói^N^ jn^AiteAt) -son b^^lAin AiiiAin, |:ii-ci caIaitti n-Ap*ocAin, hiaja a •oVicin "Piaca "DOib poime a b^ip. ' ^nAc, cutcuAit) pAt) 50 t)-ci bocAnAib tloit), AnnAice te TrUAfh-t/OAC-TllOK, ACA Ann a CA^An Af cion Ai]ac itiac Con- TTiAOit, oi|\ i"p Ann t)0 bi ye ceit^ce o t)|Auim a n-eic, Tno|A- cuicim ^An ei|M§, Anoip bi i^e c|aac nA meAt)on-tAe nuAi]t An t)A|AA UAijAC lAeA-pnA -ptuAigce -pAoi teAc Ann AgAit) A ceite, A^up c]Aoit) pAt) 50 c^Aeun Ai]A ^Ac CAob nuig 50 CU1|A DAAt A t)iAnt)0|ACAt)A'p A-p cion CAtiTiAn. Ai]A pmeAt) t)o e-ocAit) e ^ein Ann a boc AniTÓiA^ c|Aom cuijApeAc nA co^At), cAnic ]?ocAt Ai^e 5U]A cuic Hoit) An tA pn, a ^up A15 eipig 50 -oeAgcAppuig o'n teAbbA 'nnA |AAib, t)ubAi]\c : O cA]AtAt) 50 b-puit -ppio^AAt) tloit) muccA, mA|A An ceut)nA bit)eAt) peAjA^ n-6ocAit) TTiuccA 50 t)eo. A^up peit) nA OjitiAin 'P51C. Ai]t tnAit)in AmA|AAC cuija OocAit) A15 ceAnpeA]AAib lHuniAin A15 |AAt) : bit)eAt) -pog, bi tloit) ceAn-peAiA t)e ptiocc n-1be]A, t)e t)p5 pn CAnuigit) uite a eu^-cAoin, acc ni CAnpAit) acc ceAti- 82 -pe^-p A cAcnAnn ■<^5ti'p cw\\ riA C]Aom]:eAi|A meii-oceAn Tloi'o Ann iiion cig nA co-oIax) 'pio|AiAtii'De, Ann cuatti nA m-bAi-p bi nA bAijAt) A^u-p nA mnA A^u-p nA b|AOin§eAttA ^a cAnnAt) a eti^cAoin. TliiAi|\ *oo cm\\ nA C]itiice AtriAc a gucA binne, bt jTi-p n-UlbAt) AnnA -peA-pAt) mA-p 'OAOine -pAoi -puAin. Coiri binn pn -pAib cp\uice itlutTiAin. A^uf "oo cAn ^ocAit) A n c CACjAAnn, A15 ^vax) : CiAr)0|" "oo bi ITIaiicac; A^tii" Ciepv mic An ^Aifce -po^iAA'óue te nA ceile te -pei^Ace 5- c|\oi'óe. CiAno-p 'oo bi Cieii bActJigce -pAn conn ; Acinni-p -pe- An CA01 bi 'n c-o^An C-p Ann ÍAtri TnA|ACAig triA-p pubAib -pe |AOini An ftuAlg AnUAI^A -00 CUAlt) pAt) CA|AU -pAoi cuAi-pc nA cAÍTriAn, ciAnof vo bi 'n cj^eun ^Ai^^ce A15 'oetinAt) a- cofceime aca 5eAH]AA *oaii cofceimeACAib An c-o^tAig. bi nA ^Ai-pci-oe Leu^ifTnuineAX). Ace ntiAi]i -oo lAbAiji -pe •oe TDaiacac acai|\ tloit) A^uf x)e Tloit) e -pein pn^ce Anoip Ann bAi-p -^uy An caoi a itiAfttiig pAT) cAite ttiic n-6Tl piA- CA te mtrie ceAn^An bjAeu^Aig pt kia ^Aii'ci'óe A^u-p e-ocAi*6> •oeo^AA. 'O'lTAn 6ocAi*ó Ann caIaiti ttluTTiAin Aipv -pAt) nAOii lÍAeueA'o,, bi cinp|\ nA cAlniAn AnnA cimciolt, cAnic ^uf CeA-p 'oeAji- bpACA^V tloiX) Al^e, A^Uf CU5 pAT) ^CaIcA A^P^T ÍATTl CAjlAn' CAif "d'a ceite. CtJAitme ceot m-bA|AX) ThuniAin, A^uf bv -pe corh binn 50 |AAib "00 GocAiX) mA|A bio-pAn fucAin, tepn ciiAil;eAmApi riA fib-oe A15 pofTtiA^c f^eutA -oe Aimpp Ann Abtox) -pAoit- jTAit) •0111 ne 50 c|Aeix)eAnn pA-o-pAn nA neice acav pAt) A15, r 83 mpnc, o CA]\l«N 50 ti-]:uil 5^6 ^ocaI cotti •oe-Nf •oubjAACCAC pn 50 cince Ibi longcAi]" Ai]\tin, ^'^uy v\ihó.\\\z Cocaix) liom- rv\ : A neAi\CAti ni coip t)0 ^Ai-^'cib n-tlttA'o 'p^riA'o |ao ^^"0^ Ann -peo, beit) ^peAtin TÍluThAin mileAt) a]a luce oib]\e? i'b]\oriui5 CocATD "00 Ce^y "oa e^cAig A^uf 'oa com, oi|\ aca cmeAt n-tlttAt) nio]" |:eA|i|A loriA cineAt ttltiniAiTi. UpiAllAnuvp CA]A Soi]A *^5UV CAtn^AmA]! 50 •0-C1 ui-p^ibm- bio|\A A^uf auncui^eAmA^A •oo'n pA^\ ritjig 50 pAm^rriAii 50 boc- Anib ltlAOil cinpiA tloif, A^uf bi 'Don -pig JAAten A15 ^Anuinc r d^eAcc ti-CocAit) oip "oo cw[\ G^ocAit) ceAccoi^e Ai^e, A15 |aa-ó: mA CA'i'eocAi'o 'Oon jMg j^^^^" liom Ann bocAnAib tTlAoit cin- p|\ Uoif? t)'Aián CocAit) 50 ^tuAifceAiA An AiATrrptuAig a iTi-bAite 50 ]"ocAi|A, Acc "o'lTA^ CocAit) 'DA Lac Ann A n-f) 1A§ ^511^ Ai]A imteAcc tDuinn 50 tlltAt), bi nA pinonfAit) e n-6fl, Uo]^ -^S^r ^'P'OfeA'p, A^uj" c|Ai cinp|A n-tHÍA'ó, Aot) ceAn^eA|\ tílAigini'e, tiAOitc ceAn^eAp n-AjA-ocAin, A^uf Conn ceAni:eA|t lA]\5AAt, A^tJf rrn-pe TleApcAn An c-aia-ooHatti, mAitle te caca liiA^Ac-fluAig, 'p5iitiiT)eTnAp -pLiAbce 5^^^^" ^5^r ^^t^ ^^ cpeAf ÍA CUllAmiT) fUAf A'P boCAnA A1|\ Cu-OAn flA-p, A^Uf TT1A1|1 CocAit) Ann c^i ÍAe Ann fin cuAit) muit) ai|a a^ait) 50 'Oun Sobe^ce. A^uf ca|\ f5io|A|ACA ca|ac -do Aon ^gaIIa 15 AtiiAin, ciJi|A eocAit) ceAccoi|\e AjAmf a A15 jaat) : Úa]A|a a^ahi 50 t)- ci t)un Sobepce. A^uf fcAf Af coThAjA An -pig, cAifbAin fe ■com finuAince a them, g^^^^'o V^ ^^5^ -^^"^ ceAbi:eA|A tTlAig- ^r^ye, A^uf 1^1$^^ ^^"^ ^S^f ^T^ 11eA|ACAn A|a coTTinui"óe leif Ann 'Oun Sobe]\ce A15 eifceAcc leif ^^tif bi a CA^nA niof 84 buncAifCAc •otun 'riA An corhxMple |:uai]\ fe UAinn bi a ^ac tjiie ]:ocAt "oe e-|i|\ion A^uf "oe 5^oi|a riA 5-cexsn]?eA|A ^^u-p Ú-pAc ciJeAccA Aj^ceAc 'oo t)AAt Ann a -pion Uonn-pcnAt) f. -p. ITlAijAc, ctii|A CocAit) Aot) ceAnpeA-p TtlAiginpe A^uf TiAoitc ceAnpeA-p n-A-p'ocAin le licciiAeACAib 'oo CeAf, a bi CAmAt o pon jAogAi^ce -pig Ann aiu a •oeAiAb-pACA-p Hoi*o Ann tDutriAin, A^tJj^ •ÓO 'Oon |\15 ^AAlen, A15 jaax) 'do CeA|": tlACAX) Cocaix) 50 Tn-boúAnAib ttlAoit cmpjA tloij^ te -poctAib a bAineAf te cLuA'p CeAif mic tTlA|ACAig. A15 pAt) te T)on : TDa cioc|?ai"o 'Oon TtiAC tloiceA-pAi^ 50 m-bocAnAib tDAoit cmpjA Koip belt) CocAit) Ai|A l/ACAjA le irocl/Aib "oo ctuAfAib n-*Oon. TnA-p ^eAtt Ai|A fin -D'Aicin 6ocAit) -oo ceAnfeA|AAib Ao-o A^tif TIa- oitc 50 fAnfAiT) Ann bocAnAib TDAOit tiuig 50 ciocfAit) -pe fem ACA. UpiiAlb CocAit) o 'Oun Sobepce, bi mipe HeAjACAn ^ Ann mo conroeAccA "oo'n ^ig, -pignertiA^A A-pA-p ceicpe bAeceAt) Ai|i 6u*0An -piAj^ bAbAi|A CocAit) A^iip cuin^tjig -pe cotrinAt) bei-p An 5-^^^ o ^^^T^ 5^ TTlAignAitbe, eAt)on 51 'o-ci bui'ÓA- TTlAin. Af pn cuAi'ÓTTiui'o Ai|A A|A A^Ai-o 50 m-bocAiiAib ITlAOlt; A-peit) bi CeA-p A^tif "Oon Ann |AOiTiAinn cotti rriAic te Aot) A^u-p llAGibc. LAjAnATnAjiAc CAipbAin CocAit) A TTiein t)o CeA-p Ajuf IDon : 5^T* ^^* ^^^V 5^ AicneocAix) nA C1np|^ a ceite niof 'peA'p|\, A^u-p gni-onueAiA conrolige AtriAin Ajti-p cotTio|A-ou- ^At) ATTiAin coiccion "oo'n 5^^^ ^^^ 5^c uite -pigeAcc n-G-p- -pion, A^tJf An cteAcceATTi aca Anoip ai]\ puiT) a ceile, -oo. 85 X)eAfU5 6|A|\ione A^u-p uile -ptiocc An joÍAm A^tJ-p tiile ceAn-peAjA An JaaL Scioc lbe|\ te jAogAt) 'otiine -ooib -pein a bei-óeA-p AnnA •pui'óe eA'óon coi-p-ceim nio]" Ai|\'oe ionA a "oeA-pb-pACi^Aibj Acc 'oeun^TAT) A An uite *otige le -pigAiteAt) cinne n-6|i|Aion? A^uf TnA]A ^eAÍt x^o b--puit An cnoc -peo "oeAjAppuig j'tiAiiAcr •oo'n obAjA yeo, cpeuT) rtiA lA^AjA-pAit) mtJi"o An 5<^^^ ^ ^^ UAob ■pog nA -o-cipinon ]^eo: O leAp 50 -o-ci ci biopi AThne TTlAignAitbe, o 1T)AgnAitbe 50 'o-ci btut) AiriAn, A^uf Af pn CA|AC AjM-p 50 -O-Cl teAf, ^O -pACAT) flAt) |?A01 "peAC mA|A CAI^p- bAineAt) An cpAnctiip, 50 IDuitiAin 50 5^^^^^ ^S^f 5° ^^^" lAt) ? Ann-pAn "ouicce AnnA -pACAt) ^eAbpAit) piAX) -pion caI- tiiAn coionnAn no eAt)on mo-p mtj^A ioda 'n cui-o a "o'^a^ pA"o, btJi-ocio-p •001b. belt) An CAtAiti mA|\ fin folÍATri, |Aion An ce bei-oeAf -pogAi^ce "OApi *oeA|Abp\AC|AAib 50 Apix)ceim n- Cp|non ; bei-ó An ctut) pn a tuAc-pAO^A cAbAjicA *óo -pAoi Ar> cu|AAm CAifbAineocAif -pe Af cion a *oeA|vb]\AcpAib. Ai|A An c-A*óbAp\ -peo cpeux) ttia 5tA0i'óceA]\ An cnoc -peo A bi o'n Attot) glAoi-ogce "Ciix)An Sia|a" peApcA 50 "oeo "UAbAKUA"? A^uf X)o bi mAp pn. A^iif •otjbAi|\c CocAit) niof fu'i'oe : THa tAb|AeocAi"o CeA|* A^uf IDon? A5t>f Ai]A -peAfeAX) "oo CeAf •oubAipc: 5^ "oeAji- bcA CA fOclA n-CocAit) I'A^niAic Ann ctuAfAib CeAif. A5tif 89 X^^y *C)on A51J]" •oubAi]AC : If rrivMc jtocLa n-OocAit), Ann fin cui]\ 6oc«m-ó aii cui]' "oo'ti ]"liocc A15 ^aa-ot C]>eii-o -oei^ACNnn iu\ cin):i]\ a^u]* ait 5^^^ ^^^'^'^ c^il^bAinp^iT)- A l)<\]\AmMt A5UI" |:peo.5]\At)Ap uile : bi-oe^Nt) 1]" rtiMc e. bi mo]\ -peif ]\eit)5ce, te ice a'i' ot a'|' 5i\eAnn 50 leo]!, •oe b|M5 50 fo^ib cinp]A n-6|A|\ion Le tia ceite. -^5^1' ^^ ]\oiiii itnceAcc a ni-bAite •oo'n i^tuAg, c^nic *Oon A^u-p CeAf A15 gui-oe CocMt) 50 ciAiocnui^eAt) j^e An iaut) loni'ui^ce, A511]' 50 -pAni^Aix) r]\i cin):i]\ 1T1tiniAin A511]" C]m cm|?ip §aa- len tei]' ai]\ U*NbA|\cA nuig 50 n-x)eA|ACAiT) pAX)An caoi but) b-]:eAp]\ ACjAeAbAt) An 5^^^ ^ Cu-oAn Sia|a 50 'o-ci 'n inon a ^eAbiruigcAt) ywx) x)tiiccib n 6]\pion. A^uf X)o bi mA]A pn. 'Oa]\ pn -oYAn e-ocAit) A^u-p nA c]\i cinpp n-UtlAt), a^uj^ nA c]M cinp]\ llluTTiAin a^u]" nA c]ai cinp|A §AAten ai]a Ua bApcA, cpAC eolui^ An cui-o eile a th-bAite 50 -o-n bocAn- Aib A coniniii'óe. Di Cocai-o A15 obiAugA-o ^An P51C; 'o'Aicin l^e "oo'n 5^^^ • fAnuigi-o Ann bu^A bocAnAib niii^ 50 ni-bei"ó pb bu|A fAic \\e^'6, eA-oon 50 CjAiiinneocAix) rib An |?otTiA|A nA TTi-bAAbAine -peo ctJ^Ainn, bi nA jtocIa A15 j^Ai^ugAt) C]\oi'óce nA n-jAvvU ^1io|A lonnfui'De CocAit) a ^luifeAcc -oo *Oiin Sobe]Acey ning 50 cAnic bAAÍ AfceAc Ann a C15 blAC -p. y. Aob]AAon. Co buAc If C15 fiAT) 5upi pit 60CAIT), bi ^AijA-oecAf bpuccu- ^At) Am AC Ann UbtAt). jbAoit) ye Ai^e nA cinpji, nA oIIaitti, A^uf cfCAbAoriA' *ii pobAil, A^uf p^ppwiS T^ UACA nA neiée hut coip "oopof .A15 -pA^^itc. Tr|\Ac x>o cuAit) t)AAÍ AtiriA C15 S51Ú f. f. 'lune. ItTíúig ueAcuoi'pi'óe -puix) UltAt) te jroclAib A15 |AAt): ^C|Munni'oi'p cin^i|i riA S^'^^ ppioTTpAme An i^Uocc a^U]" c|^eb- -AOTTiA An pobAit Ai|i bjAuiceine n-tlttAt) An c|aac a bei-oeAi^ t)AAt Ann A C15 ttleAf -p. -p. Au^ufc; ai|a An Ia ^caIIua l3i cpumne Tnoji ai|\ An t)|Auiceine. Ann pn "o'eiiiig G^ocAit) -Af A CA1C011A, AI5 -pAt) : A^AelX) CUAltuig fib An ptJT) A CA^W l/At) A1|A ÚAbA|icA? A^uf te pn A-oubAiiAc: If mo niiAn e ^o m-bei*ó 'otige A15 UttAt), acc ni coi|\ 50 cinpceApv UIIax), |\oiTÍi Cffion ? Hi e -peo lAut) 'oei|?p|\eAc ni d'oceAf itiaiu e "oo beic l'CfiobA'ó focLA Aip cfeAcc nA n-'oUge, ^uf iax) -00 cumAilc .AmAc AjAi-p? t)e bpg pn ni C15 le nA ueAccoipit)e •out ai|\ -fuix) e-jApon An bAA^Ain feo. Ai|á An cwy yeo c|AetJT) tha ^ÍAcpnn nA cinp|\ A^iif nA otlAitri coitiAifte ^a teup -prnu- ■ineAT) nA neice '^uf a -otige a beijAf ai-o yu\,t A^uf f 01c- *<;Aine *oo pgeAccAib n-C|\pon ? A'OtibAifc CocAit) : O cAftAt) ^uja C]a AcnonA e Anoip, -Anocc bi-oeAT) f^eulcA Ann Atlox), A^uf ceot bin nA X)-ceux) -Ann ACC AtnA-pAc belt) nA oltAini A15 teigeAt) 'otiinn -pcpob- CA n-6otuif '^'S^y -poclA leAbA-p nA n-Aimpfe. A^Uf "oo bi inA|\ pn. Úa]a pn cuAit) An c-fluAg ai|a Aif 50 m-bocAnAib A corTintJit)e. Obfuig e-ocAiT) ^An fgic, fmblmg ye Ann AonfCA-p yAoi 'CiíAifC An cife ^A eipceAcc te 'OAOinib "oe ^ac cineAit A^up ioe 5AC pon niAp pn bAinc eA^nA x)o fein Aip\ ti|Atno]A niú- 91 te^t). Ai]A ce^cc Afce^c "oo b^^l Ann ^^ ce^c bló.c (y. -p. Aob]\»Non,) cuAit) iiA cuppd.i-óe •oevVgCsNppuige AtriAc ^a ]\ó^x): A ]^i5ce A^u]' A p|\ionfi'U •ouil no mi^sn Ann mccmn n-CocAit), acc 50 'pA^ition-pA'o -pe bAjAATTiAit A n-'oeA|Ab|AACA-p, cpetfo but) lAT) nA -pmiiAinume fin C15 tinn "oo cAifbAin fcA-p-OA, n-x)ei'ppn coitiemeA-o 5U|a but) b-i:eA|A|\ -poig-o lonA 'oei-pp-p, aca An 5^^^ T^^f 'o^^^^'o A A^Af Aip UAbAjACA c|Aeu"o 1TIA td^fmn ÚA]AC uAmAÍ "ntiig 50 m-beit) uite ^Aei-ó te cpeAccu^At) ai|\ neicib nA n- X)li5e? A^tif •oubAi|Au niof -punDe: AntJAip a bei-óeA-p bAAÍ AnnA ceAC lAp-p^ic (f. -p. 1iit 1) Ann bAAÍAin yeo cu^Ainn, beit) nA ceAccoijAi-óe 'out y\l^v 'ouiccib n-6]A|Aion A15 cAi-p- bAinu AimpiiA nA cpuinnce eA-óon Ann -pAn aic -peo ai]i ÚAb- A|icA, 50 "o-ci pn coTÍiTTieineocAi'ó muix) ai]a An |\ux) if jreA^A-p x)o 'oeunA'ó. A^uf -oo bi mA|A pn. A^uf -o'-p^^i^ '^^ C|AUinne Ann ai|a ceAn nAoi bAeueA-o A15 -peAbeAt) An Aimpi-p A15 imi|\c 50 fulcmA]\ A^uf 50 fog- cubAc, fei-peAT) be lúe A'-p ob. be p\ionce a'^ ceob nA -o-ceut). Ú|AAc nA imteAccA nio]\ gbuAifuig Cocaix) 50 UbbAX), acc TTIA1]A -pe AnnA boCAnAlb Aip UAbA^ACA. An UTieAS CAlblTDlt. Sgeub tlA^Alt. T)0 CAIAbAf) bA ATTIAin, nUAipV "OO bl COCAIX) AI5 COtTljAAt) be tleAfCAn, ^uf cAnic lonAf An c-AiA-ocpoTnceAjA JAAben 50 m-bocAnAib An p^ Aip UAbA]\tA, '^up AX)ubAipc ye: Ai|v 93 eipig ^om o mo cot)to.TÍi, c]m t^ece o fion, ai]\ mAioin 50 moc te bAtitigA'ó An tiy\\ tl6 m^ -puA]" ^5iif ^6^5 ^^ fcpiobcA n-6otuif Agup n-CcepiAt, A5Uf foctA teAbAi]\ nA n-Aimppe §^^^^5 A^up n-6|A|Mon nuig 50 -o-ci tA eA-oon Aip a tAbAip me. 98 Ain cigAcAcc AfceAc x)o b^Al Ann -oaiaa |Aion xd'a tig; C]Atiinnti5At) (y. f. SeAccmi), bi'n ftiiA^ A15 ptteAt) a tti-^ b^ile 50 boc^nAib a coninuiT)e. Úuj 6|Amion cii|iAm -pigeAcc^ n-Utt^st) '00 Koy ceAn-peAp -oe'n -ptiocc, acc Ann ciaacx) "o'ita^í^ 6]ATnion e -pein ai|a UAbAjACA, nio|\ imcig -pe "oe ^nAc 5a 'Oun SobejAce. Ace Ann c|aacx) cjiiiinntiig -pe tucc-oibiie a^uj^ p|A-cei|A-oe o 5AC UAnó. Y^^^^ -^^^ |AigeAcu n-UttAt), A^u-p -pAoi -peAccAib n-.Ap\'octocpveAc, 'o'Aicin ye cpAin -oo -pteAccA-o Ann-p nA coitb- db A^tJf AtnuTO "00 beic •oipi-pcoitce, A^uf Amui-o *oo beic leACAn^eApvcA A^u-p -peAcc A^u-p pee UAicni-oe mopA "oo beic cimcioll-^eAiAi^cA'^tJ-p -ptiiimnuigce, Ann -pAn atti ceu*onA bv nA -pAoiiA-ctoice j^nAoiceAt) Tno|A-cl/OCA -oo beic ye^'6 le Ica^- Anc Ai-p nA mtjp\cAib. A^u-p ^y yeo "oeAÍb A^u-p mo|Aco|AC An X)eA5'ouin -oo op\x)ui5 ye 'OAin^Amce ai|a bA|\binn cnuic ÚAb- A|ACA : SeAcc nuAijAe nAoi buntAtri Ann leicneAcx), a^u]" pee nuAij^e nAoi btintAthAnn 'pA'onAc'o, bi nA Tnti|icA 'oeuncA te mo]icloicAib, -pnAoice Afcic '^uf cAob muic, bi -oa nAoi bun- Iatti Ann Ai|A"oe, A5111" nAoi bunÍATTi cpeA-pnAX). Di c^ai uaic- m-oe mo|AA cimciptt-^eAiicA 5 a imcuipieAt) ceAticlAomce 'ncig 'gu-p nAOi uAicni-oe Ann ^ac pon, Ann uile -peAcc A^u-p pee, bi A bAppv •otui^ce te AmtH'o I'coilce A5tif Af cion pn bi ctJi^e tuc|AA. bi nAoi -puineo^A Ann ^ac CAob-mti|i, bi nA- •pumeo^A te^c buntAm Ann teicneACT) Agiif cpi bunt atti Ann AijA-oe, bi -poiiA-ooiipitiif Agijf ^eACA o'n ccau Ann lop A15 atti- A|ic Ai|A eipge Tti-bAAt, bi -OA 5eACAit)e c|iom-'OAip "otuigce 99 CíNob iriin^ le uvppAn 5 An c-ao|a, tliiAi|\ C15 1e 'óuine -pnAtri niAjA eA-p^ cpi*ó An 111^50, tluAip C15 te 'óuine cocAit TnA|A peifc ciMt) An ce, tluAi-p C15 Le •otime "oo TnAi|A Ann ceine 50 fÍAn, HuAin C15 ie "otiine beic -pAogAÍAc ^An biAt) ^An 'oig, Ann pn A^tif nuig 50 'o-ci pn i-p ^reitiiiA teif X)ut Ann a^aid •otige An c-uitecuTTiCAig. Uupiig lonA|\ A|\if A15 CAinc, A^uf X)ijbAipc CocAit) 50 gltA-of o^AncAc : CiAeut) if tnAic teAC? Agiif 'o'lmcig lonA^A teif Ai|t a^ait) Af cottiaja An |Mg 50 f eAp5Ac. ATI. 4a'ó. CAlblt)lt. Ai|t An ceut) Ia 130 bAAt Ann lAjif^ic (f. p lut 1) ^cuip e-ocAi-ó A ctip]AAit)e •oeAgcAppui'óe AmAc Ie licifACAib A15 pA-o: Cfuinntiig'oif pgi^e, pponfAi-oe, cinpp, oIIaitti A^uf c^eAbA- onA '« pobAit, Ann A^'OfeotTi]AA'ó •o-ceAcmo|A ai|i ÚAbAfCA Af cothAH e-^mion ; f eo cottia|\ca buf cigeAccA, bei'ó ueinit)e Aif tAfA-o Aiji cntiicib n-Gf|Aion. Ai|\ 'out -oo bAAl AfceAc Ann pttiicitn (f. f. TIaoittii), cotri tuAÚ if -00 bi ceini-óe ai|\ ÍAf- At» Ai]\ AiA-ocnuicib nOffion, bi ^linne, ^toife A^uf lonfAc nC|\pion í:a|au citncioll ÚAbAfcA. Aif eipi^ -00 nA butfoifib 101 ^ 5UIC, bi ^e^NCAitbe n-A]\x)]'eom]\v.vt) "o-ceAcmo|A ^u 4^1*5 Alice, A^uf ciiAit) 6]\mion A^uf l^^S^e tTluTÍiAin A^uf JAAÍen, a^uj* p|Mon]VMt)e A5U]' cin|'i]\, ollAim A511]' C]AeAbAonA Ati pob^it o uile ^MgeAcc ati JaaL Ann C^ipion AjxeAc. Di CAicoip ^115- eAccA (i". ]". CAb^Mon) •oeAi'uigce Ann meAt)on nA I'eompAt) coifceim AtTiAin mop Aip-oe lonA 'n u]\tACAp, bi boiA-o Aip Ati c-ii|AtACAp Ap coinne An cAb]\ion A^up ^Iac CeAp pig TTIu- itiAin Ajiip ptioc n-lbep a n-Aic Ap comne An bop*o Aip uAob o "óeAp 'oe'n cAicoip pigeAccA. A^up *Oon pig j^^^®^ A^iip pUocc loÍAip A n-Aic Ap coinne, bopx) Ap cothAp An pig, A^up gt^c tlllAt) A^up .pliocc n-CR a n-Aic Ap coinne An bop-o o Iaiti cuaic -oe'n cAicoip pigcACCA, bi'n aic ut) pot- tATii o cApÍAX) ^up pui'óe pig n-UllAt) AnnA Cpmion. bi Apt)ottATTi n-Cppion AnnA pui-oe imp CAicoip pigeAccA '5up An . bopx), AnnAice teip bi Ap'oottAtri tnuitiAin, AnnA ptji'óe it)ip pig TDuTTiAin A^up An bopxi. Di Apx)ottAni §AAten AnnA piiit)e I'oip pig 5^^^®^ ^5^r ^^ bop-o. Di Ap-ootbATii nUblAt) AnnA ptiit)e i'oip pig n-tltlAt> A^up An bopt). bi ppionpAi-oe pbiocu 1bep ceu-o-gein An j^^^^? '^Z^T ppionpAit)e 1U AnnA pume Aip -oeAp ^^up Aip cuaic pig ITIuTTiAin. A^up ppionpAit)e pliocc loÍAip Aip -oeAp A^up cbe pig j^^ien. A^tip bi ppionpAnoe pliocc n-6fl AnnA puit)e Aip •oeAp A^uf ctJAic pig n-tlllAt), ^^up bi nA cinpip A^up «a cpeAbAonA *nnA pui-óe cAob pi*Np "oe nA ppionpAib An 'ouicce- 102 Ai|t but) Af i^t). A5tif 1:^01 •oeii^e^t) n^ ottAini CAob fiA|\ 'oen^ MAj^tAib An 'ouicce Y but) Af lAt». Af cion An bopt) t)0 bi 'f\ tACA|A, bi rpeAcc nA n-Atlot) t>|\uit)5ce, Sc|\iobuA n-e-otuif, ^A^uf teAbA|i nA n-AiTnp|Ae. bit)eAnn |\otl tcAbAp nA n- ^impjAe jTUAif^Aibce, Annoj" 50 'pc|MobceA|\ Ann -poctó. neiúeAt) A^uf lAeceAt) TnA|A -peAbeAnn pAt) ca^ic, t)o -puib ctcnn nA CAlthAn A beit)eAf Annf nA bAecib a cigeAcc. Ai|^ e^\^^^ t)o OjAmion o*n caicoi|a jugeAccA be p^-coTTii^At) X)o T)eunAt), cuAibuig bojAb^leo ca]ac uitnciobb UeAcmojA. 1n|"- CeA]^ A-pCIC 5U|\ |AAlb ^AI'pCl'Óe A]imgbeUfCA Aip UAbA^CA. A5UI" X)'ei|Ai5 C|Ainion A^uf t)ubAipc: Huaija bic beit)eA|' tjbige nC|A|uon no a cui|a ai|\ bo|\t), ij^ ceAjAC 50 m-beit) An cbAT)eAth Ann A t)-cuACAb t)Aif5e, An tub ai|a tuf^At), A^uf An C|\An UubAib c^iocuigce Ann bocAnAib nA 5^^^ 5 ^f liicinn ACAijA nA cei|Ace acc AijAm t)|AOCTTiiAncA t)AoineAt). peuc ! tli b-iruib cbAt)eAíTi A15 e-|Amion Ann C15 nA n-t)tige. A bub-poipioe AbbjAAit) ahiuic : Ueit)eAt) uiie ^caja A|ini- jteufCA A TTi-bAibe 50 bocAnAib a coTtinuit)e belt) 'pog aja- inn Ai-p AgAit) no ai|a ei^in ai|i ÚAbA|ACA! A^Uf t)0 bi niAjA pn, T)'eipig C-pmion A^iip A^uf t)ubAi|Ac: If ceice|A bAAbAine *noip o'n c-Amó. -pAib mi-pe -pogAigce Ann mo pg n-tllt A15 An ^mJ, tia ppionfo^ib, n^ ce^n- riA plib, Aguf AC A A cult) A15 An JaaI t)A]a a tpcAb ? 1]' o'n cAtATii ^cAbfuigeAt) neAc -putc a beACA? \)e^•6 A |MOn CAlmAn a CUIt) A^Uf feAÍb COTTI ^At)A ^Uf TTIAipe- Ann ]'e ai]\, belt) a cloin A^tif tnACAip a ctoin ai|a nui^ 50 |MonceA]A An CAtAtri Api]" t)A|A cuf mo-p t)-CAnAfceAc ; eAt)on Ann pn ni t)eA]AbTTieineocceA|A An bcAn a jau^, no 'n b|Aion- teAÍ A beipfAt), Hac jAU^At) An j'tiocc tiite o mnAib. Acioin n-6|A]Mon CAbAi|A TneAi^ ^S^f ^^^"^ "^^ "^^ acai|i. UAbAi]A meA]" onoi|i ^5tif 5|\At)c pit) uite Ía a hiaijac Ann CU t>0 t)0 itlACAip A |AU5 CU A5Uf A tUJ C10C "ÓUIC, fpeAj^COlt Ann 5AC nit) piAcnAnAi^, nA teig ■pAt)Ai|\c t)0 fuit Aip t)0 iTiACAip Acc Ann bui'DciO'p A^uf Ann 5|AAt). A511]' A cjAeiinThic n-6|A]Aion fAopui^it) te cotti|aac bu|t neA-pc ingeini-oe nA cAlihAn. C|ieiit) mA fcAfeAnn jieAcc t)-CAnAfceAc TnA|i t)0 bi CAnA? A^uf t)o bi niA|\ pn. A5ti]' t>ubAi]AC C|ATnion -pciMobceAii nA jtocIa ut) mA|A t)ti5e n6|i|Mon ai]a An c|AeAct>, t)'Li§e coigte T)A]A bup coil Ann A|At)C|Auinne t)-UeAcmo|i ai|i UAbAjicA? SiotifpcA^Aip uite : SeAt), SeAt). A5U'p t)ubAi|Ac CocAit) : 5° T^^ ^^^ ^^ lAn-coilte belt -puAi 1*5 Alice t)AOib. O'n c|iAC cAnic a|\ n-AcpACA 50 t)-ci 'n cAÍAtti ]"eo, bi inuit)ne t)ioc|ieAbAi5 ie nA ceite, no nio]' meAj^A. 108 Cjieut) TTiA coíTic|\iiinn|?A'o riA ^^i^te, tia p|Aion'pAit)e, tia citip|A, nA ottAiiii, A^uf cpe^bAonA 'n p-obAit, te tiA-ceite Ann -peo Ann AiA'oi'eoTtiiAAX) - ceAcnio|A aiji ÚAbApcA a n c|aac bei-oeA-p nA ueince ai|a lA-pAt) Aip bA|A|A bmn nA n-Ap-OAn tJile cjAeA-p bAAlAin; beit) An c-AiA-ocjAtiinne ^a eifce^cc A^uf 5 A -pociAugAt) tjite cAfoi-o A ciocjrAr Ann o ^ac •pi^eAccA n-C|A|iion ? l-p TnA|A pn beit) incmn A-p cion miAn, -pog Af cion An-po^? Ace Ann ciAAct) ni bAni^A*o An c-Aia-o- C|Auinne le |aux) ai|a bic a cApvteA-p CAob -pdc •o-apnion TDii- iTiAin, JA^sten no n-UtbAt), acc AttiAin le nA neicib be hiaic A^uf beAf uibe n-e-|A|non. AcA 5AC neAc a i^ui'óeAf Ann -peo coniionnAn be nA cei- be. An ce ei^ieocAf be CAinc, if e a ceApic ^An T:oi|AmeAf5, •oo beic 5A bAbAijAC ntug 50 cinocntiigeA'ope a ctii-p, A^uf Ai|\ ciMocntigAt) '00 tube 'óuine Ann pn ^bAcpeAi^ cutix)A|* nA bAltl ? A5iif 'ppeAj'pA'OA]! tjibe: SeAt), Se^st), bi-oeAt). A5iif •DubAinc CocAit) CA yoy a^atti -oo yc^X) bib : tltiAip^ CAnic mic An jobbAim Ann feo An ceu-otiAi-p be ^nocugAt) An ci|A, An cpAc bi 'n cAbAih ponce Ann tDuiccib, bi 'n- 'OAnAAn fA^Aibc UbconnmAcc -o^sja cum^^AAt) ttlAi^tnoipciomnA? A^iif bi CAbAih An CegAAb fi-pgneAc, ai|a ceopAnAib tii-p^eAt) nA CAbtTiAn i-oipv tibbAt) A5UI" UbconnmAcc? 'Ó'imúig HIaiacac 50'n 'OeAf, AnnA pon ai|i c^AAige v^i^A^e Ttioip, bi feAbb bu^At) inic 1Ú. bi 1obA]A A15 eipg a bocAnA AnnmeA-Don-bACAp nA In^e, A5Uf Ann pon o •o-cuaic, bie^i 109 tnAC Cie]\, noc t)0 bi ]\05*^51ce te J^^^t) a n-t^AOineo.'ó, 51* ^M]\ ]\Mb blAc ^'loingce Amep^ein 50 "oiócioIIac Ann^ n- AgMt). Ú^p t)ei]' "DaN bAAÍMne tuic IHaIacac Aip Ceipot 1]' Ann -oo bi a Ainm 5lAOiti)5ce 1be]A neA]\c jolAim. Ú015 lotA]\ Ai|\ e ]:ein t)o ]\igAileAt) uile ]\i§eAcc n-6]A- ^Mon, 01]^ ni ]AAib ttiac 1be]A no Ciep ^rof 'oe'n AOf, ^511^ glAOit) i^e e fein Cpniion. O'n Aimpp pn ca mic 1olAi|t A15 5IA01C lAt) -pein "CjAmion". rioip C15 le -OA ejimion a belt Ann ? Aip An c-At)bAp I'ln, C|\eut) mA bi-oeAnn An ce ^^ogA'OA'p nA tAigte, nA ppon- yAit)e, A^uf nA cinfi]^ fCAfDA gtAOi-D^ce "AU'ORlj". É -^B^r V^^lTr^^Sr^"^^!^ ^^^^ • SeAt), bi-óeA-ó, bi-oeAt). A5- My x)u^M]\z CocAit) : CAifbAin ini]^e 1110 ihein a f aiú Anoij', oi]\ n^ linn A5Uf luce A leAnneAf Ann A|\ n-óiAg, a beic cuip ^niotii AcnuAX) lei]" An •olige feo, rriA ca|iI|:a'o ]\iACCAn- AC. 'A5Uf CUA1t)eA'0A|\ ATTIAC Af A^l-Of 60111 1\ At) •0-UeACniO|A. vX^u]' bi 'n mopfeif i^ei'o^ce •oa]\ cufmof ai|\ ^tax) c]m Iacc- cAt). Ai|A An ceic.|\TTiA"o Ia, nuAi]\ cAnic An conicionol le nA ceile Ann Ap-ofeothiAAt) •o-UeActno]\, "o'eiiMg ^l^'oing ^"S^Y "oub- Ai]\c : AcA -poclA n-*olige n-e-|\]Aion a^uj- ■o-cu'pmoif -o-UAnAf- reAc -pcinobcA pof ai^a |AollAib, A^uf acai-o Anoi]" ai|a bo]A-o Ann-pAn Aix-ofeoTTrpAt) -o-UeAcmoiA -peo, CjAeut) niA lei5pceA|\ An r^AeACT) ? Siopp\eA5Ai|A uile : SeAt), SeAt), bi-oeAt). ^511^ lei5 An C-A]\t)0llA1TI lAt) Af A]\t) ; A^Uf Clt)CeA|l TTIAIC A^Uf ceA]\c. A5Uf t)ubAi]AC A]At)|n§ : CjAeut) ttia -peA^'ireAnn nA bjAeic- eATTiAncAif? t)ubpAt)Ap uile; bit)eAt), bit)eAt). A^uf Ann 110 riA n-Aimpue, A^uf leig mife tleA-pcAn riA ^ocIa 50 -o-ci 'n- ATnuic : SeA-peAnn AonneAc ai|i UAbAjifeA A15 lAiv^e^s-o a CeAjAC ? A5tif o ca|aIa-6 nA]i cltiinceA|A Aon 511 1, ir^ieA^iAA-o^it.. CAob Afcig "til b-fuil". Ann pn ctJAi'DeAT)A]A attiac, a^u^^ bi •ou'PI^A'n A|A'ofeoni|AA'ó •0|Atiix)5ce. tli 'o'^tillAn^ eocAit) Aonn- eAC A15 imceAcc ai|i -pAt) 'oo bi Daa"L Ann a ceAc ptuicim (f. f. tlAOitrii.) bi'n mo^ -peif lAeno^ce, A^tif ai|a An nAom- íiiA^ Ia, c|Atiinniiig nA pjce, nA pponfAi-óe, nA cmpji, nA. ottAini ^5tif cpeAbAonA'n pobAil ai|a bpiiúeine ÚAbA|At:A, A^uf x)'eip5 A|\'op5 AmeAp5 An conicionol A^up -otibAi^Au: Ai|A 5AC cjAeA-p bAA^Ain cAyv cpAú 'ptJit)eAnn An c-Aii-ocjitiinne Ann UeAcmojA, cjieu'c ttia bit)eAn mi AniAin cti^cA t)o cleA-p- Aib Annof 50 metJ-otiigceAii c|AeiineAcc ^^uy ypo^\\^x) nA n- 5aaI cpt) uile e^ipon? C|Aetix) ttia ctijpeA]! An cti|\|AAc -peo ACA A15 coi]- ÚAbApicA, TnA|A liof "COmORUAIS riA n-eUCX)" 50 -oeo? popi-piAeA^HA-OA^i : SeAt), biX)eAt), bi-oeAt). A^uf 'ou- bAit^c A|\x)p5: CpeuT) ttia coi|AmeAp5ceA|A ionn|^tiit)e cuiblmne •00 rAc neAc nAc b-puit "oe'n AOf pAccAnAiJ, nAc b-|:tiiL pAOji Ann ^-CAtb, A5iif S^An o mte CAin A5tjf beim nA n- x)tite, ^5«^ uibe miogniOTTi -^guf tD^ioccAit coiiAmeAf^pAix) ? SioiA-piAeA^AiiA An cotTicionot: SeAt), bi-oeAt) mA\K pn. C]^eiix) ruA bix)eAnn Ap-opg, pg m-ViXX^X), pg JAAtetl, ^juf p5 tntlttlAltl, le cluAfcig CAbAifc bpeiceAm nA ti- I Ill ^e^ll Ó0 5^0 cine^st cteA]'A: ^e^ll n-6otA'ÓA ; ge^ll ceoit; ^eAÍ I b-pitui^e^NccA; 5^^^^ cpeuneAccA ; 5^^^^ euccAc n- Apm ; (f. f. te lAnn fte^g ^S^f clAtDeAtri, Agtif te cuinife- luib A^uf C^AAnÚubAit) ; Se^lt SpA|A*oui5eACCA ; Je^stt TTIaia- cm^eAccA ; 5^^^^ ^-C^pb^tDAccA ; gcAtt tu^c^il' a|i coi|"^ A^uf fiO|\-'|:]AeA5]AA'OAp uile : SeAt), bi'oeA'D, bi'oeA'ó. A^uf- •oubAjpc fe fO|": CpeuT) ttia bix)eAnn -pAiAttiAc An 5^1^^ ^^t> ^Ac cleA|", tiAoi cutTiAil ? A^U)" C0TriA]\cA 'fi geitt Ann oi|i no A]\5eAT), A^uf Ainm ceime, ttia]!: |\i§-ollATti, iMg-bAiA-o,. |Air-ple, |n§ ÍAOC, ceAn-coTTitAnn, ceAp-co|"AncA, |Ai§-eAcc]AA, ^i^-cu^A]\A-ó, lAig-coifi-oe, A^uf ni i:eix)i|\ 50 'oeo, x)etinA'6' c^AAitt "oe Aont)UiTie a ^eAb^TAit) 50 coTTic]Aom An Ainm ceime l^eo Ai^\ liof •o-ÚAbA^cA ? A^uf f io|Af]AeA5|AA'OAp : SeA-ó^ bi-oeA-ó, biT)eAt). A5Uf A-oubAipc : til |MAccAnAC "00 Aon neAc •ouL 50 Aon ]Aion uite 'oe'n t)OTTiAn TnA|A Iaoc cogcA le CAifbAinc ^poi-oe A^iif ^oile, n- C^pion Acc An ce a ^nocuig Ainm ceime "t^ig" AnnA cleAf- Alb A1|\ tlOf 5-ComO|ACAlf -O-UAbA^lCA? A^ilf f10|A]:]AeA5pAX)A|\ uile : SeA-o, biX)eA'ó, biXDeAt). A^tif x)o bi mAp pn. A^uf cA-p "oeif nA neice |^eo, f aoi -oeiiieAt) b ptmcim» ■o'lmcig nA j-tuAigce a m-bAile 50 •o-ci bocAnAib a 6omnuit)e^ ACC '00 TTIAHA A^'Olllg AI^A ÚAbApCA. 112 .An ceiúRtriA'o ieAbAU. An cent) CAbmit. .Anoif -00 Itii'óe CocAit) -pAoi b-'potlun Sobe|\ce, A^u-p ai|a imcigeAcc ahiac -CAit 5ti|A pit An IA15 50 UllAt), CAnic nA pjAionfAi-oe, nA .cinp|i, nA otÍAini A^u-p An SaaÍ Ai^e, A5ii'p ctup pAX) a ^-bocAnA Aiyv bun, cA-pc AnnA cimcioll 'Oun Sobepce. Anoip bi mopfpeif A511P AiA-otheAf A15 An pg ai|a f^eulcAib nA n- .Attoi-oe. A^tip "o' inip TDeATTiA f^eul n-'OeATHA Aguf n-Ailc, A^uf An mA*OAiTTi g-^O""^» '^^^ ctiiA'pceAnc n-CocAit) A^tjp An 5aaI. A^tJp fiAjMiiJ CocAit) ; triA y\oy An f^eul e, no leupfmuAincib nA m-bA'p'o e A^u-p -ppeA^Aiii TTIeilcAn ceAn- ■peApi AopuA leApnA : 5^p but) pop An f^eul e oi-p aca Anoi-p Ann bocAnAib a coitinuiioe "CofluAc CuileAn o tuAc" .A51ÍP 5^0^- A^tip 'oubó.ipc CocAit) le tIeApvcAn : Scpiob pof ^ocIa 'n f^eil, o^y aca ceA^eAp^ ^^tjp Iíiac5ai|i Ann lA-ofAnj ITiAit te inpinc Agtif te eipccAcc. I ^ An cp^c feo t)'imci5 6oco.it) ai|a cuai|\c cpAC c|Mf) 111- ^At), Aguf 0|\t)iii5 I'e 50 cuipfe^p f u^f cpi mup-ollAth : Ce^^n Aip "OpuirnqMc, ce^n eile ai|a 'Opuimmop, Aguf An : ciAe^l' ce^n AnnAic le tDun Sobe]\ce, mó^]\ fAOit Oolui- ^Aoirtie fin 50 t)eun|:o.t) fe |:ein. -Agu]^ cu0.1t) i^e c|\it) rilo^g^einciii, * |*e fin ci|i t)uicce nA b-jreAji^neAC ai|a a boco.|\ 50 Ulconn- T mAcc, fe fin cif t)uicce nA X)AnAAn ; A5Uf mAf gluAifUig fe cfit) cAlo^tTi jeincife t)o co.|\to.t) 511^ b-fACAt) fe Uo^cIa. biAoinngeo^l AÍuin no. CAtmAn pn. but) t)eAf 1, feAt) 50 t)eiTTiin 110^)60.]", bi UacÍa lonihotco. Ann 50.C m-beul Ann Jemcif: CiA'n nof t)o tiiAif fi te nA niACAif, a bi 'nnA bAncfcAbeAc, ni fo^^fAit) 1 A^uf nA pAifcit)e Aif fon pofCA Aon neAc t>e'n X)o]\'LAtTi pijAgneAc. A5Uf C015 CocAit) UacIa Ai5e fein. Ai|\ ptteAt) 'DO ctjif fe ceAccoifit)e aitiac cfit) tUtAt) A15 f At) : Cf uinnceAf ai]a An bAÍt nA ppionf Ait)e, nA cinfi|i, A^uf nAOi cinn t)e nA olÍATTinAib A^uf t)A nAOi cinn t)e nA- CfcAbAonAib An pobAil, Aif bftjiceine n-tHlAt) Af cottiaja ah -pig. A^uf ctiif 6ocAit) focAt Ann "oiAg 171o|At)A n A|At)b|Aeit- eATh, A^uf Ann t)iA5 tleilc bjAeiceAiTi n-A|At)lATTi, A^uf Ann t)iA5 beifit) b|AeiceAtTi Iaja^aaI, 50 ciocfAit» Ai^e Ann 'Oun Sobepce. v\n cpAc bi Cpmnne tJllAt) te nA ceile Ann, t)'eipi5 6ocAit) A^uf t)ubAi]Ac: C]AijinnemA|A Ann peo te t)tifceA'ó t)ti5e t)0 UttAt). Ua fiof Ai^ib Ai]A nA foctAib ca fC]\iobcA pAf Ai]A pottAib Ann Apt>feorTipAt) t)-UeAcniop Aip UAbApcA? 114 l3-fiiit nit) Ai|A bic A15 AonncAC Ann -peo ai|\ but) Aib teif t>o ctii|A teo? ^5111" ti'd^Ai^ Tnopt)A '^u-p tmbAijAc: Ann CjAAct) mop coniTTieiniii^ An -pig ai|a nA bpeiceAniAib, oi^\ nt toi^ -pe Aon ceAn t)oib te beic AnnA 'ptji'óe lei-p Ann A|At)- c^uinne n-6|A|non ? Ho te beic AnnA -peA-peAt) Lei-p 'peA'pt)^^ Aip bp\tJiceine n tlltAt) ? ppieA^Aipv 6ocAit) : CotriirieintJig An ■jng, A^uf 0|At)ui5 f e : 5^T* ^^"ó fAOCAii An b|AeiceATTi : X)o CAbAi|\c ctuAf 50 CA-poit) lucc A 'ptiil'LeAnn otc, t)o eipccAcu 50 cbuAfcig, A^uf t)o beigcAt) Af A|At> "poctA piol'LA nA n- ■obi^e ? t1it)eipfin, but) mAic ttia m-bit)eAnn ceAn ve n^ b|AeictTiAnAib ai|\ Iauaji le cei^ce minugAt) A^iif ciAllugAt)- TTIA CAifctngeAnn, acu 50 t)eApbcA ni eij^ocAt) a tAttiA Ann •pAn C|Auinne cpAc ^tAC-peAiA ciint)A'p nA tAtri. T)e b|Aig pn Cpeut) mA -peA-peAnn nA u|m b^AeiceAitinA 0^ AinmeocAt) An jAig ai^ bjAUiceine leif Af feo fUA^? A^tif •00 bi mA|A pn. Ann pn t)tibAipic An -pig: C-peiit) ttia teig- I? Alt) An A|vt)bpeiceAiTi -poctA ai|a -pobtAib n-t)ti5e n-C|\|Aion A-p Apt)? A^u-p t)o teig Tnopt)A nA -poclA. A^u-p t)ubAi|vc Coc- Alt) : C|Aeiit) If Alt lib, An ^lAcf Ait) muit) nA nAoi x)U-^e n-eppon mA|\ t)li§e n-UllAt)? A^uf po|iptAeA5iAAt)Ap\ : 1f Alt tinn, bit)eAt) triAp pn. A^uf t)tibAipc CocAit) : Cpeut) m^ fcApeAnn nA bpeiúeAirincAif Ann yeo coin mAit lei-p Ann ÚAbApcA? A^u-p t)tibA'pAt)A'p : SeAt), bix)eAt), bit)eAt). A5Uf t)iibAi|ic eocAit): Cpeut) niA m-bit)eAnn cleAcceAiit X)-UAnApT:eAC Ai^mn coin mAit? PpeA^Aip uile: SeAt), bit)- eAt), bit)eAt). -^5«^ ■oubAipc CocAit): LeigceAp Af Apo 115 X)S]\ ^ACAcc, leig ceMi x)e tu\ ollo.ThnAib n-'Oun SobejAce, ]'C|Aiobc^ n-Gotuif ^"S^y teAb, Ann-pAn TTIuipn-olt- i 117 ATÍ1 -o-UeAcmo^A, c^M^lt 6ocait) leo A^uf cuip ye iat) AntiA 'puit)e Ann, Uu^ An jAig a biAt) A^uf a "ói^e ^ac Aon Va •ooib I A^uf bi ATTi]\A|" Aip TTiein n-A|^"0)A15 ttia )AAib ^^e T)ti]x- eAnAc A ]Mon cAbAijAc "ooib |aoitti ci^cacc nA n-AiA-ociMiinne te nA ceite Aip ÚAbA^\c:A A^uf cpeAcceAt) Aip An ceifc 'oa|^ cleAcceATÍi b-fei-oi^A 50 -pAOil^Ait) jAi^ce TTIutTiAin A^uf j^^^^" 50 otc x)e? 5^<^oi-ó fe A|A-o|:eA]A ^SUf mife tlcApcAn Aige, A51J]" n--Dei|" ioTnx)A ]:ocIa, 'oubAipc A|^t)|iig ; Aca bAAÍAin A^uf "OA ^\ocA ]\o I'A'OA le nA c-AOfo^ A belt ^An cu|AAmt)e b]Mg pn gtAOit) ]'e nA ottAiih Ai^e A^uf x)'Aicin -pe 'ooib A15 ]\At) : S^^ciT) An c-A0]"05 Ai^Aib fein, A^u-p teA^ -pe ATDAc o caIatti An A|AT)]Aig, nAoi ]\^on -00 nA ottATTinAib A^u-p nAoi ]Mon coiiiionnAn 'oo nA o^AnAib. Cotri tuAc ^uf cuAit) ATTiAc nuAt)eAcc nA neiceAi) -peo cAmic ctAn nA CAtrriAn Ann fluAgcib 50 mij]A-otlATTi, oi|A nuig 50 -o-ci'n r]\Ac -peo bi 05- AnA §AAten ^An cu|AAm a^u]" pogluim, Ann 5^^^^" 50 cinnce fCAi'eAnn Ap-ocemi nA ^-CjiomceAp, mAp An bAjAt) Ann ITIti- liiAin, no An oi-oe Ann caIatti n-UttAt). AnnpA n^ lAecib peo, cuipi "PeApgAi-p -pocAt ccAccoi-peAccA o "Oun SobejAce 50 A^A-opig "oe ^niorriAiACAib 5-cpomceA|A n- "UltAt) Ap cion nA CApnAib ^^viy lobApcAib m-bAAÍ. Ace •o*Aitin 6ocAit) "oo 50 cuin^pAix) -pe An cuif, nuig 50 yitl^TAiT) ye -pein 50 t)-ci 'Oun Sobe]Ace. AcA 5AC ceAn^A 5A molAt) peApigAif, oi]a |M§AiteAnn -pe te p^Mne, CA^nA, ceA]AC A^u-p cpocAipe; mAipeAnn Apt)|\i5 118 Ai|A UAb^ptA A incinn leuiAftritiineAt) 50 'oubcp^ccAc ai|1 TTiAiceAf 'oo cuif Tniji|A-otlxSTTi '0-UeAcmop. / An 'OAtiA CAibmit. Anoi-p cuAit) iiA ceAccoiiAi-oe 'oeAgcApptii'óe attiac i:iiix) •uile 6|A]Aion le ticcijAib A15 \\óx> : C|AiiinnceA|A riA -pi^ce, riA pjMonf/i.i'oe, riA cinp|A, tia otlAini A^ii-p ci^e^bAoriA Ati pob^it Af coTTiA|A Ai^tDiAig auti A|A'Ofeoni|AA'D 'o-UeACTno|i ai|a UAbAjACA 'n c-pAC bei-oe^f ha ceince ai|\ lAfAt) ai|a A-p-obinn n-6n|^ion. Ai|A An ÍA ^caIca cAnic An c-AiA-ociAumne te nA ceile, A^u-p •o'ei|Ai5 Ap'oing AnnA ceA|AclACA|A A^tif *otil!)Ai]ic: H-'óei|" nAoi tAecib An 5t^inn aca |?ocAt A15 A^A-oiiig a bAineA-p te ctuAj^ riA n-Aivoc-ptJinne x)e -peiiv nui^i-ollAth •o-'CeAcmo|A. Coth ItJAC 5tJf c-piocnuig A-p-o-pig a coni|\At) ^Iaoix) nA iDut 'poini'óe AmAc : SeAfeAnn -ouine ceAccoi-peAccA o'n Pi|^5- neAC Amuig le CA-poix) Ann aJaix) An *OAnAAn. A5ti'p -pjAeA^Aiii A|A]?]Aig : pi A|ipu 151*0, Ap ctuinn An 'OAn- AAn -poctA nA cA-poToe A cAbAipeAnn An pipi^neAc AnnA n- A^Ait)? PiAeA^iAA-OA-p : til feAt), mop cuAileAt). A^tif 'o'Aicin CocAit) Ap-opig : ■oetjn-pAi'o |:eA|\ o Jeinci-p AjAAf Ann m-bocAnAib An pig tiuig 50 cui|AceAp cuppme te •pocAt 50 •0-CI TDeipr pig UtconnmAcc. Ann pn cuAit) An c- Ap'ocpmnne ahiac, A^uf Ann cpAcx) bi pei-óceAc nA ITIoppeipe ■oeuncA? Aip An nAoiitiAX) tA bi -ooppA An n-Ap'opeoiiiipA'o ^ofjAitce. A5tip Aip eipi§ •00 Apx)pi5 A-oubAipc pe : A pigce, 119 A^u]' A A|\t)cufAi5 n-6p]\ion O'n cp^c "oeign^i^ "oo bi 'n X\]\T)c]\uinne *Nnn ^'eo te tiA ceile, cuip mi|'e 6ocató A|At)]M5 Tnu|Aoll«NtTi t)-Ueikcnio|\ Aip bun 50 ■oe^libcA aca Anoif AtitiA coirinunóe ^nn tiAoi ottAiih A^uj' uptnop T)e*n c-^oi^o^. IDe kbpig riAc pv\ib cpAc cpuinnce nne te ce^n •oa Jb^vAlAineAt), C115 me •001b t)a riAoi pion, (y. y. n^oi pion -oo |fiA ott<\TTiAnAib, A^up n4\oi pion t)o n^j. o^^sriAib) ^ip mo Aon -jroLvvl yein, nuig 50 cioc|:ai'o ad Apcpuinne te ti^ ceile. t)ut) Alt tiom Anoij' mA •otifceocAit) An -oti^e e? Aip An c-At)bAp pn, cpeiit) mA -peA^eAnn pionnA n-ottAm A^up pion tiA c-Aopo5 50 mup-ottAm -o-UeAcmop? Ace te pin -o-eipig T^S 5^^^^" ^5^r "oubAipc : T)eip UoiceApAc pig JAAten : -puit Aon p-ocAt A1^ CocAit) Ap-opig -oe pion nA 5-cpompeAp Aip c At Alii An Ap-opig? PpeA^Aip CocAit) : b-puit. Ace mA ca put) a cemc A15 HoiceApAc pig JAAten a bAineAp teip An cuip, a pAt), aca ctuAp n-6ocAit) pei-ó te eipceAcc, A5up mAp An ceu-onA belt) ^ ceAn5A 5A ppeA^pAt). tl-'oeip ctuApceAnc pin bi tloiceApAc pig 5^^^^^ AnnA 4fcopc. *Oe bpig pin A-oubAipc 6ocAit) Ap-opig Apip: Cpeut) A peApeAn pion nA n-ottAm A^up pion nA c-Aopo^ mup- ttATTi -o-UeAcmop Aip uAtAm n-Ap-opig mAp "otige? Agup piopppeAjAip An cuix) ip mugA "oe'n Apt)cpuinne: SeAt), biTjeAt), bi-oeA-D. A^up 'oo bi mAp pn. Uap da neice peo, C015 OocAit) AptDpig CeAp pig tTtii- tTiAin, A^up HoiceApAc pig gAAten teip, A^up nA ppionpAi-oe 120 Ajuf TiA cinp|i M\\ cuAijAC 50 t)-n Tnu^i-ottAiii •o-UeActnojA ; TnA|A An ceii-oriA x)'iTnci§ oUaiiti tia n-Aii-ocituinne te t1e rott biO|\Anitnni'óe cponoe n-CocAit) An c^ac cit) -peniA^At)- triiiniAin A^tJ]- X)ionieAf gAó.len |?aoi obAiji nc|Auinne, Aguf ^Iac p •C0TTi».\i]\ie, A^uf -o'eiiAig lluA-oiAuiue ppionfA n-UllAX) A^uf bc^i|\c: C]Aeiix) mo^ 'oetin|:eA]\ "oeA]AbTTiein x)e cop aca 'oeun- , Acc i:eA]^A ni cpeA-pneocAit) tDAnAAn An CAlAm no ni ACf AIT) A15 feolug.Nt) Af cion uif^e nA feAp^neAC te peAcc ^n Iaitti lAiTDip, Aguf niAp An ceu*onA ni pACfAit) nA ^1^5- tieAc Ai|A feoc]\Ain 50 ceAÍ^ ac upit) caIatti ha n- TDAnAAn. A5Uf •00 bi 'n cui-p TDeA-puigce triAp pn. A^tjf "oubAipu A]A"0]Mg : UAbAip^it) 'oo ceiLe a OptAC -A^Uf A PeACAm IaTTI CA-pAnCAIf A^Uf fOCAl fOlg. A^Uf 0|A- -t)U15 Apt)]Mg AI5 ]AAt) : ScjAiob pAf foclA nA fOlg Aip rpeAcc nA n'-oli^e, ^5«^ beit) An c-A]AX)cpuinne ^lAonb^ce Xe lA-Q x)o cotticluAfceAnc. A^uf x)o bi niAp pn. A^uf C015 COCAI-Ó 0|\IaC A^tl-p PeACATTl teif 50 boc -O-UacIa A^Uf niAipeA'OAp Ann, A^u-p bi pijce n-6ppion cAbAipc cuAipc p^^Au-o- TA cpit) CAtAtti n-Ap*opi5 — but) lomoA cpeuT) m-bo A^up peitb ■CAopAc nA JaaI bi Ann acc mop bAin Oocai-o teo. A5UP Aip cpumnugAt) 'oo'n Ap-ocpumne Apip Ann ApopeorhpAt), bi TiA poclA pcpiobcA Aip tcAbAp nA n-AiHipipe A5tjp Aip eipi^ ''X)o ApDpig ATDubAipc: Cpeu-Q itia teigceAp nA pocÍA? A5UP bi TiA foclA pcpiobcA Aip pollA nA n-TDiige leigce, coiii itiaic le 124 •otije n-C^vpion, A^uf ctifmo-p UAHA'fí^e^c, A^uf itocIa te^b- Aif riA n-AiTnp|Ae 50 •o-ci 'n •oeii^eAt). A^u^ if coiyv A^tj-p- ■pAIATTiAiú "00 bi pAT). Ai|i ciAiocnugAT) bi ^CACAi-oe n-AjA-ofe-^ OTTijAAt) 'o-'CeAcmo|^ •oiiiii'o^ce. Ann pn te^nn mi nA Tno|Ai:ei|"e- X)A]A cteAc ceATTi Aif Uo-p ComoiACAip n^ n-6Acc|iA, A^u-p CAnic c|Aetjnp|A lAi^eucc^ig o ^ac b^^ll -oe C|\pion, -^511^ lonroA o'n •ooTÍiAn pixN|\. A15 cen tniopA nA n-eucc ai|a tiop- nA Como-pcAif -00 tTiAi|A OocAit) A-ptipg Ai-p ÚAbA|ACA. Ace AijA cpocnugAt) '00 mi pin, •o'lonnptJi'oe pe c^bAipc minpeAc- •00 nA olt/AmnAib A^up nA o^ATiAib. SAOit cpompeAji j^^^^^' CjieAbtoi-OA copptJgAt) ptiAp Ann aJaix) OocAit) A-piDpig 5^ lioneAt) mncin tloiceApAc -pig j^^^^^ ^Z^V Ppio^r^'i'oeA'o nA. CAtmAn pin Ann An-A^Ait), acc cum^tii^ Ap-opig a cuip A15 obiAugAt) A 5-comniii'óe Aip pon Cppion. HigAiteAnn "PeAjAgAip Ann tlltAt) Ann aiu An pig, meu'ouigeAnn ad 5^^^ 5*^ mo-p- TTiAp ACA'n CAt-^ze ^nn f^n cp<5.t a ca ci5eAcc: Ann cluo^fceAnc clom nA cAlriio^n : Jup po.ib -pog -Apx)]M5 tnic n-CU. SaoiI 6ocAit> iAAC|: -poet A n-CocAT-o AiA-opiiJ, An tiiiai]\ -oo pqnobeA]- tia neice- -peo Ai|A teAbA^ nA n-Aimp|Ae UttAX) -oeiiApAit) cu . A^uf •oubAipc CocAit) te tleAjACAn : Jo m-beit) pjAion- pAi-oe Ibep puncAig mA|A -do bi ceu-ogem m-bite 'n 5°^^"^ ^ 'Oo mAi]A AiAtD^ig Ann UeAcmojA, A^uf ctJi]i fe teAcnu^At) te- bjAuig ATI -pig, cpi -peompAt) moi]\ A^uf z\\i feompA-ó big. 50 minic cu^cAnn -pe cuAipc 50 mup-ottAm, oi|a aca 5|\a'6 Ai^e Ai]\ An c-Aopo^, eipccAnn pe teo A^uf cAbAipAenn pe teigeAn x)oib . Ai]a cigeAcc "oo bAAt AfceAc Ann cpeAp ■pion -o'a CI5 1^PP5^^ ( r- V' ^^^ ^ )» C]A1Att 60CA1'Ó A]At>]M5 teip A CACA comT)eAccAg 50 X)un Sobe]Ace. Aguf pAppuig -pe 128 -ot)e peAp^Aif mA fC|AuiT)iii5 ye cuif ha 5-C|\omceAp a f^it? 'A^iif i:^eA5Ai]A ^60.1^5^1^: cuAiluig tne 511]! but) 5neACAc '•oo'n CAjAneAc a beic "oul úa|\c A15 iA|A|\eAt) lobAijAc A15 ^Iaoic bponncAf m-bAA c|AomceA)AA A15 ^ÍACAt) aca -pein -pion riA XAlniAn A15 -pAt) : Hac mAijAeArin pbfe AtneAi^g ati 5^^^^* íHac b-|?uil A bocATiA ^rtJAf^Ait^ce 'OAOib ? Hac b-ftJil a vctAjA-bopt) -pelt) T)AOib, c^veu'o a CAif ctiigeAnn UAib ? Ai]a ah CAob eite aca'ti 5^^^ 'oeiinAt) CAfoi-o 50 b-fuit riA C|\om^eA|A bA^AI^C -pAICCIOf 0|A|AÚAlb le piAnCUlf riA '0)AOC-'ppiO|AA'0, A1|\ A CII5 IDaaI COtilACCA 'OOlb. THa|a ^eAtt Ai|\ pn m jrotATti imcigeAnn tia CA|AnAig. Ace *oe riA neicib feo ni b-i:iiit Aon |:ocAt iaa-o^cc a|" aja-o, acc ATnAin 50 ciun o beul 50 ctiJA]", oip aca -pAicciof ai|a ati JaaI |aoitti riA C|AOTnceA|AAib. V\\oy y^i^X)e -oubAijAc PeA|A§Aif: Ua po|" A^Atn 50 b-jTUit riA c|AomceApA a cui-p úa^c a beACA le ceATi-peAi^Aib A5tjf cpeAbAoriAib riA pobAÍ Ann teij^^ ^B^V ^og, c]AAC mAi|\eAnn nA cApnAig tei|" An JaaI. An Anpo, A^u-p Anpog. Ai|A bAtt cuAit) ceAccoijAi'óe 'oeAgcAppiii'óe atti- Ac Ai|A 'pui'o UliAt) 5A -pAt) : C|AuinnpeA|A nA ppionf Ai'óe, nA ■cinfi|A, nA oIIauti, cpeAbAonA An pobAit A^uf nA bpeic- «eATTinA Ai|A t)|AUiceine Af cottia|a An |Aig ^An hiaII, A^uf cug nA ueAccoi|\it)e licui-peACA -00 ^ac ceAnpeAp A15 jaat) : U015 leAC ceAn x)enA cpomceA|\Aib A^tif ceAn •oenA CA|AnAib Ap nA lobAipcA peo teo mAp a ctjit) pem. Cpeiit) mA lAbpocAt) An c-Ap-ocpompeAp a pop no a Ainpiop "oe HA neicib peo? "Oo 'óeApc An Ap-ocpomceAp Aip An comcpuinne, A^up Aip TiA cpomceApAib Anoip Aip An CAob peo Aip bAlt Aip An CAob eite acc mop ppeA^Aip pe pocAl. A^up AiplAbAip An pi§ nA poclA ceii-onA. tl-'oeip co^mAt beu^, A15 eipig a gut, t)ubAipc An c-ApT)cpomceAp : 1TIa cluinpAit) An c-Apx)cpoTn- ceAp, o ciA'n CApnAig aca, a cAnic An CApoi-o 50 cluAp ■peApgAip An ppionpA. Acc ppeA5Aip 6ocAit) An pig -do: til b-puil piop A^Am Aip Ainm An pip, acc b-peit)ip mA 130 "peA-peAtin p^-o Ann -peo Aip Iaua^a 50 AcneocAt) 'peA^igAi'p lAT)? A^uf -o'lmcig peAjigAif ai^ ipu\r> yo.'o cocionol n^ 5-^ ciAOTTTpeA^A ^5^r 5-c|" "o'lonn-ptmoe nA Cmpp bptJCCUgAt) ^AipeA-Ó A-p AjAt), ACU h^ da Cp\OTTlCeA]AA A15 ounc Aip An caIatti. Ann pn ctii|\ pig 6ocAit) An ceipc •peo : CiA'n |Aion -oe'n CAÍAniA b-^uit A15 An CA-pnAig, ciA'n ^leu-p b-^tjit piAT) |?AgAitu A beACA ? Ace bi pAt) mle 50 teu-p A15 "pmneAc AnnA cope. Aip bAÍt 'oiíbAipc An c-A|A-oc|Aom|?eA'p : Anne nAc bAine- Ann nA -peo "le bAAÍ, x)e b]Aig pn ni coipi 50 c-peAc-opeAi^ OppÚAlb A-p C0TT1A|A An pobAÍ ? A*0tlbA1pVC ]Alg COCAI-Q I 1]" tllO bAi^ATTiAt nAc b-^uit An cotricpuinne Anoi|" ]\em le cotti^At) *neunA"ó ; teip pn 'o'Aiúin -pe 'óo A-p'oottAni n-UttAt) A15 ■pA'ó : A 1Tlo|AT)A leig jtocIa n-'otige n-tlltAt), A^uf poclA cupmoi-p •o-UAnA'-pccAC. 'OApv n -16015 bi nA -pocÍA leigce. Ann pin •o'Aicin An p5 : leig ^u-p ScpobcA n-eolmp, A^up -oo bi rriApv pn. lA-p pn X)ijbAinc An -jug : Aitiajiac beit) teAbAp nA n- Aiinp|ie JaaIa^, A^tJ-p "LeAbA]\ nA n-Aimp|Ae n-C-ppon teigce Ann 'Oun Sobe-pce. Ann pn glAoit) nA butfoip'oe aitiac 50 C]Aetjn : A peAfeAnn AonneAC ai|i b|AUiceine n-HllAt) A15 ia|i- ■peAt) A ccApc? Acu mop» -p^AeA^AijA Aont)Uine. An c|AAc pn ^Iac An conic|Aiiinné 'p^ic, A^uf tD'imci^ pAt) niAit te CocAit) A^uf An ftuAg a bi cpmnnce ca|ac Ai|^ An b]Aiiiceine 50 'Oun SobeiAce, acc niO|\ cAnic Ann C|vonifeAp ATTiAin. CuipceAp í^n ÍA ^u]" An oit)ce pn C4N]\c v\nn ^peo^nir A5Uf V^M'- t^v\pnAniA]ACvc -oo lei5 miye íleApc^n le^bAp nC|AomceAp e?; feAjAiA if beA]A|i, CAnic -pocAt A^Atn "oe ceAÍ^ nA 5-cfomceA|i, cia nof "oa cuin^uig piAT) uile CA]AnAc a ÍAbAi^ le "PeAjAgAip a tri-bAite Ann Alt A cothnui'óe Annop nAc CAbAi|ApAi*o pAonuipe Ai-jt coip nA 5-q\0TnceA]i. IDAp 50 ■oeitTiin niA ci-oim-pA ceAÍ^ An c-A|At)C]AomceAp, m-oeiffin cotti patda ip nAc b-ftjit pe c^aui- riii5ce x)Ap nof nA n'-olige CAicimi-o e lei^eAX) ca|ac. Ai^* An At)bA]A pn; ^lAoi-óeAt) nA butpoiiAi-oe Ann eifceAcc nA ^-c-pomceAiA -^^S^ip ^^ •OAOineAt) ca]ac ciomciolt An b-pui- ceine SeA-peAnn AonneAc ai|a b|Auiceine A15 iaiaiacax) a ceAjtc? Ace mop p|AeA5Ai]A Aont)Uine. 1a|a pn "D'Aicin An p^: l^eig Ap A]At) l/eAbA]A nA n-Aimpi|Ae tAeceA-ó n-A|A'opeA]A rtnc n-Og, ceAirpeAiA JaaIa^. A^uf 'OO bi triAn pn. Ax)ubAipc An p^ App. AuA nA olÍAiTTi ceicjAe nuAip nAOi ^^up ceAn AniAin, Acc ACA C]AOTnceA]iA A^up CA]AnAi§ n-UllAt) ^\\^ nuAipe An meuT) pn, p p cent) A^up cao^ax) ^-cpomceAp, A^up ceut> I 134 -0.511^ CAo^AT) 5-có.|AnAc. AcA ]\\on cAtrtiAn A15 riA c-pomce- AjAAib Ai|A fon muince o^atia riA ^vi^e^NccA, 50 'oeeAt), bi-oeAt) ! " A^uy TDubAipc An ^115 niof fui-oe: Cjacu'o niA bmeAnn ■pioncA nA 5-c]AomceA|i ai|a fuit) tUlAt), ceicjAe nuAip nAoi |\ion o Ainip|A nA 5-cpomceAp '^'S^V ^^ 5-CA|AnAc aca Anoif .Ann ? bi-oeA-o a cuit) ttiaii nA ceic|Ae nuAi]i nAoi ^nonuA nA CAtniAn? A^uf 'oiibA|\A'OA|A tiite : SeAt), bi-ocAt) niA|i pn. A^tJf bi nA foctA fCiMobcA Aip pollA n-iDtige n-UtlAt), -A^uf A1|A ciAiocnugAt) cpiAtl An coihcjAtJinne teif An ]Aig 50 "o-cn T)tin Sobe-pce. Úa|ac AnnA cimciolt bpuig An -pi^, bi ■ bocAnA ^leufCA fiiA-p, A^uf bi -peif n-tHlAt) peitce *oa|\ •oeAlb A^u-p |veAcc "Pei-pe •o-ÚAbA'pcA. Aip ciMocnugAt) -ooib, bi leAbAi^ nA n-AinTpine let^ce A-p Apx) Ann eipceAcc nA -coTTicpuinne. til |AAib c]AomceA|A no CApneAc ai^a biú Aip tACAjA; 'o'lm- cigeA'OA'p A iTi-bAite te nAi|Ae 50 bocAnAib a conintJi'De, A15 bpuccu^Át) A ATTiAc fOclA gj^AHA Ann AgAit) An |Ai§. beAnuig 135 tiile t)iiine acc AiiiAin n^ cpomceó.po. cpuinne a mA|AAc. La'ja nA mA|AAc t)'ei|M5. 'A|At)|n5 A|" comA|A An x\pt)C|iuinne A5Uf teA^ ye |Aoim iAt)fAn ■poclA n-6Acon A^uf -peA-p pg JAAÍen A^up t)ubAipc : C|\eut> mA ppeA^pocAt) A|it)|Ai5 t)o pocÍAib n-6Acon ? 'Oo'n ceipc ut) t)ubAi|AC Apt)pig : iliojA geAll me t)o 6ocAn nit) ai|a bic ACC AmAin: go ÍAbpocAt) me a pocÍA Ap comAjA An c-Apt)- cpuinne. Acc o cAjAlAt) 50 |\Aib uile ceAn A15 lAppeAt) A^u-p A15 pAnum^c bjAeiceAmneA-p n-A|it)|n§, t)ubAi]\c 6ocAit) : Cpeut) mA t)eunpAt)mip compAt), A^up ^lAcpA'omi'p comAiple? Acc 50 poll glAoit) piAt) AmAc Aip bpeiceAThneAf n-Apt)pi5. 1a|a pn IvsbAip CocAit) t)e peip An cuip mAp peo : Ua piop AgAib gtin- but) leip An bApt) An clAppAc. 5^^ ^"^ ^^T ^" P^^ ^" ' 138 -pAnn A^uf An concton. gup but) teif riA oIlAtriAriAib eA^n^ A^uf inunAt) AH c-Aop-05 5^1^ ^^"0 l^^^r ^" pob^t x)U^e "oo •óeunAt). 5^T* ^^"^ ^^^r ^^ bpeiueAtTiiiArb ):ocIa riA n--oLige T>o teig Ap Apt). 5^P ^^^ ^^^r ^^ t^^5 ''^'o "OO cuingui^. 5u|A but) teif AH A|A*o|Ai5 cupAtn A^uf copAncA n-e-jApion. ttlAjA An ceu-onA but) teif An cpomceAjA *oo -piAeA-pcoit Aip il6 {f* f' 5^^^^^^) "^^ CAipbAinc Am, CpAC A^Uf AimpIjA, -00 CAbAipC Aipe •00 cu-ppugAt) "o-UAppneApc (p. p. peulcA) -oo ^Íac cupAm HA ceineAX) neAtiroA, Agup "oo cuip Aip lApAt) nA ceince a I'CUipeAnn An re pACAp' pAn 'oopcADAp "oo -oeunAt) ttiaic A^up l^eiipcAp "oo'n coi^cpic a ciocpeAp pAoi potliAig a boic. Cpeux) ip be bAAb AmeAp5 ceib^eA-o nA g-cpAncuip? TIa ceix) -ouine Aip bic cpeApnA peAc •óume eile! An cpAc -00 bi nA ppionpAi-óe, nA cmpip, nA olbAith, A5UP cpeAbAonA An pobAil Annpeo be -obige "oo -oeunAt), mop but) Alb beo 50 AinmeocAit) An pig bpeiceAtrinA no cpomceApA be beic Aip Iacap? UuigeAt) ? Aip An c-At)bAp -pin t)eip CocAit) Apt)pig : Ha bei^ cpomceAp ApceAc Ann Apt)peoiTipAt) t)-UeAcmop Aip UAbApcA 50 bpAú! A^up coiri- ■neApcuig An Apt)cpuinne An bpeiceATTineAp. Anoip bi 'n c- eut)Ac p^Appuigce, A^up An cpAncuip ceib^ce, pcpiobnoipite x\pt)peoiTipAt) t)-UeAcinop A15 ppeApcoibcAt) A5UP mAp puAip 5AC ceAn A A1C, t)ubAipc CocAit) Apt)pig: Cpeut) rriA cpocpeAp puAp p^iACA nA 5-ceAnpeAp, A^up 'pui'ópAit) peApt>A 5 AC ceAnpeAp pAoi a fciAc pein ? A^up t)o bi iTiAp pin. \)^ nA pocbA X)e peip ha cpomceApAib pcpiobcA Aip icpeAct) n-t)bige n-6ppion ; acu da pocbA t)e peip puit)ecA- TfiAib nA 5-ceAnpeAp bi, t)e t)-Upupniop t)-UAnA'pceAc. An 139 z:\\ó.t yeo tAnic ceAécoipi*óe o pe^^A^MI^ 50 •o-ci AiAtjpig, A15 jiAt) : a\Cc\ UacIa Ann^ luit)e ceinn, A^uf A15 5Uit)e Aon pA-OAi^^c ATTiAin 4M]\ A ]"eA|\C5|AAt). Ai|i TTiAioin 50 muc Ía'- |\n^]\ zxiymoy 'o-UAnA'fceAC. A^y An -pei-peAX) Ua ca|\ cigeAcc •00 Ap-o|Mg 50 T)un So- bepce, -puAiii UacÍa hó^y. 'O'imci^ cu]A|Mt)e "oeA^cAppui-óe 50 5einci]\ A15 •oeAi\b|AAC]\ACAib •o-UActA te -pocAl A15 y^st: "O'etj^ UapÍa, An but) miAn tib 50 At)leAC|:eA]A 1 Ann tlltAt) no Ann aic Aip bit eite? Aj^uf cAnic ftuAg Annio^\ ai|a Aif le nA ceACCoi-pib 50 t)-ci'n i\i§, A^up t)'iomcui|AeAt)A]A Tneut)ceAn t)-UActA teo 50 J^^^^^P» ^S^f cuAit) caca comtu- ^t)oi|A ctoin n-tlttAt) le 'Pip^neAc; ^5^r if io^'o^n ctiAb tioncA te eut)Aib, te bjAACAib, te te Tnineiit)Ac, te tubAib •n-oi|A, te bio|AAncAib. Le ciuo-pAib, t)e obAip mio]AbuitAig bi CUipce 50 niACA1]A t)-"CActA. CU1]\ TDAOp AH pig C|Aeut)A TTI-bo, cAopAc, n-cAC A^uf uite cineAt Apneip a cognAt) ciop Ann miongireupAib An pig A15 *Oun Sobepce Acu Anne nAc b-puit bAp t)-UActA, A^up 5uit jeup n-tlttAt), oip bi y^ AnmuipneAc ■DO ctoin nA CAtniAn, cotti ttiaic te cAOince geincip, AmeAfg 140 pATincAib 'oub'biAOTiAili) rriA m-bA^it) Ann fciAiobcAib tTlAfAlAc?' Di e-ocAit) b-ponAc, oi]A "oo cjam-d bA-p "O-UActA A ciAoi-oe, A^Uf •o'plt fe 50 UeACTno|A, 01|a 'oubAi|\c -pe te tleApcAn Uó. uite coifceim A ^tAcitn A^uf uile nit) a ciióim cAbAi-pc corrie- inugAt) -peAjicgivAt) mo c|Aoi'óe "oom, mo ÚacÍa ! Ua|a "oeif CAnic ^uf pAitbe |iig TDumAin 50 UeAcmo|i< A^uf •o'-jTAtiti fe Ann -oa miofA, cuAi-oeA-OAii le nA ceite -^o mime 50 tnuiAotlAm, aca Cocaix) A^uf fAitbe mAp •oeAjAbpA- CAjAACA. Ann-pA nA lAecib -peo cuip TDeiiic |Mg "UticonnmAcu ceAccoi-pe 50 •o-ci UeAcmo|\ A15 piAt) : Aca tTleinc ca|\a An ^Mg. Ai|A ctuAfceAtic pn bi tuAú^Aip ai|a -ppiopAt) n-6ocAit), a^ui* •oubAi|\c fe liomf A tleApcAn : 1f -pAiAmAic An f5eti'L e fee,. oi|A mop feut) le Aon An^At) a fei-oeA-p o gAAten Anoi-p -00 belt A15 fcpioftigAt) fog -^^Stif fioúcAine n-C-p^Aion. Aca cÍAn nA CAtttiAn -pA-pcA -pogcA-p Ann uite -pi^eAccA- n-6p|iion. An ceittirhAT) CAibi*oit. An c|AAc "00 -pigAit CocAiT) fe bAAlAine "oeu^, cuAit) nAv cii|\fit)e 'oeA^CApptJi'óe AmAc Aif -puiT) Cffion A15 ^Íaoic An c-AfOC|AUinne le nA ceile 50 •o-ci UeAcmof Aif ÚAbAfCA. Aif fuit)e "oo'n A'p'ocfuinne, -o'eifig AfX)|ng ^5^^ X)tjbAi|ic: CfoceAt) TiA bulpoifit)e -pciACA nA ^-ceAnfeAf Aif nA uACAn- Aib A bi fAi^ce Aif An fAt) fin, Annof 50 fUi"DfAi"o nA cm- fif fucA. A^tJf "00 bi mAf fin. Ann fin 'oubAifc Afofig: Aca foclA A15 ^ocAit) -00 cluAfAib nA n-Aft)Cftiinne x)e nA ollAmnAib A^tjf An c-AOf 05. lAf lAecib nA pjiiomfeAif lAb|iocAt> me. An cfAc x>0' 141 bu]\ A]\-oceimeA|" T)a^ 50 -oeiniin ^nuAip cAn^o.'OA]^ mic An jolAltil ^N^U]' lugAt) TTIAC Ic A5Uf flA AjI'OUAf Alll"Óe A^Uf IIA ^Aifcnóe te ^nocugAt) An caIatti feo te clAT)eAtTi a^uj" tAtti tAiT)i]\, A]\ reit^ Aon ceAn An nAiriAX) nio^' mugA 'nA ceAn eite? v\]\ yeux) le nA pjAionfAmAib, no te nA ceAn|:eA|AAib Aic -oo •óeunAt) •001b |:ein ai]a An CAtAth ? -A]\ feut) le nA c]\oniceApAib no te nA b|AeiceAiTiAnAib An T)AnAAn vo buAit- eAt)? AnuAi]\ "OO yeo^y An 5^^^ ^^^^ fAobAji nA co^ca A^uf Ann ^eupncApc A^tif -pc^MO]" An c]\oit)e A-p cotTiA]\ An nAtriAt), AnnA nAC 'o-|:eut) te fAicciop 5t^itn -oo ^tACAX) ai]a a cpoit)- cib, munA cui|a nA ottAirri A^uf nA bAip-o A^tjf nA '}:itit)e, ujA-fpioiiA-o A^uf TTiipieAc AnncAib ? v\cA A ]Monce A15 riA iM§cib, nA p^non-pAib, nA ceAnpeA]\- Aib, nA c|AomceA|^A1b, eA-óon A15 An 5^^^ "^^ V^'^V ^ t|AeAb, Acc A15 nA ottAiiinAib oi"Oib nA n-eA^AnA ni-b-'puit acc TTiAotn beu^. bi-oeAnn mem b-pte fAon, meu|iA bAijAt) puAipve te ^aoic riA boccAnA-p. Anne nAc teip uite ctAn nA CAtiriAn, ompeAcc TIA CAtlTIAn, Annop 50 ^tACpA-O A beACA A)" 50 pAO]\, TT>A]A An c-uip^e A^tJf ^" c-Ae|A? ni-b-'puit ^teup m-beACA A15 ot- tAthnAib inii|\-ottATTi •o-UeAcmo|Ano A15 An c-Aop 05 a ca Ann. An coip e 50 m-bei-D nA OTome a cAbAi|\eAp biAt) •oo'n in- cinn te piot nA pi|Aine, 'oo beic ^An beACA A-p An CAtAtii, Af A cAmc piAT) A1^\ T)-cup ? Hi belt) mcinn nA c-Aopor^, no riA ottATTi ncApcugAT) te p^eutcAib nA n-Attoi-oe, ni beit) nA bAi]\-o A15 jtAoic cum euccAib nA ^toijAe te ceoit binn nA 5- ctA]\pAc mA m-bix)eAnn pAt) -pAOi cu|AAm A^up bpon? An but) coip no but) ceApc e 50 t)iotpAit) An pite a jiAnn binn, 142 no An bA|\'o ceot a clA^A-pAig mA]\ -oeipueAiA 50 ^ni-óeAnn ctoin "Peine, a ca A15 "oiot ^^Wf ^15 ceArmigeAcc a ^aoiÍ- TTiiiincip -pern? Ai-p An A-obAp pn ciii|Aim : C^Aen'o mA cAb- Ai-pemA^A r^iiAn cite •00 pon nA nottAtti A^u-p nA c-AO-po^ tTltJ-pottArti 'o-UeAcmo]A o CAtArh A|\'0|M5 ? A^uf c]M qMAn -oo nA pUb A^uf nA bAjA-oib x)A"p ctjf- mO-p HIUTilAin ? /^^Wf pO-p-piACA^IAADA^ Ulle 50 'Oub^AACCAC : SeAt), bi-óeAX), bi'óeA'ó. A^up clAonA'OA]\ nA ottAiTTi a cinn te bui-ociop -^^Si^f "oiibAi^Ac Cocai'ó A|\X)p\i§ : bi-oeAt) An ^motri yeo "oe cu-pmoif -o-UeAnAYceAc 'peA'px)A. A^uf "oo bt mA|\ fin. Anoif bi An c-AiA-oc^iuinne ai|\ UAbA^ACA Aipv -pAt) ■miofA b-pluicim (p p tlAOi-Ttn) A^Uf bi mo|\]:eif Como-pcAi-p nA n-eucc ai|\ Uo-p 'o-UAbApcA ai|a ^at) 5^^^T^^ (f- f» "oeic- itii). A^uf Tnetit)ui5 Ap-opg An mojA-pei-p ai^a -pAX) miofA eile eAX)on SneAcx)A Aipv -pon AiA-oceim A^tJi" ^loi-pe 'o-UActA a beAn. AijA uigeAcc "oo bAAl AnnA ceAc SiocAn (p y. lonbA-p) 'pui'óe An A|AC|Atiinne Apf Ann UeAcmo^A, A^uf bi c|AeAC-o An X)Uge fCA-p^AUi^ce aidac A^tj-p nA -pocÍA teigce. Di teAbA-p nA n-Aimp|Ae -puAf^Ait^ce rriApv An ceti"onA, A^iif nA ^ocIa teigce A-p A-px). Ann fin ^oipi nA bul-poiiAi-oe Ammg : -peAfC- Ann AonneAc ai]a ÚAbAfCA A15 lAiApieAt) a ceA|Ac? tliop -pfeA^Ai-p Aon'ouine. 1a|a pn -o'lmcij An Ap-oc-puinne ArriAC A^uf bi -oojA-pA nA n-AiA-ofeorhiAAt) x)]Atii'05ce. tliopv pit "PAiLbe p§ TDiiTtiAin A15 a •ótjicce ^ein, itiAipi fe le CocAit) Ann UeAcmop. A^uf ca|a f^AC cpAll ye 50 'Oun Sobe^Ace te 6ocAi'ó. CuAit) ceAccoi|Ait)e •oeAgcAppui'óe cpx) tillAt) A15 ]A At) : C|AtJinneAt) pponf Ai-óe, cinpp, oIIaiiti, cpeAbAonA An pobAil A^uf nA bp\eiceATTiAnA 50 T)tin Sobepce An cjaac a bei-ocAf bAAÍ Ann -oajaa pon -d'a ceAC m-blAc (y, y, Aob- 143 -p^on) IllAille le fin "oubAi^AC riA ceAccoi|Aiti)e : lllcvpeAnn ]Mg ITlUTtiAin Ann 'Oun Sobe]\ce. Ú115 6ocAit) pig ITluniAin teif' 50 ^^^\3]\ ollAtti tDiiuim c]\ic: A^u-p 50 '0|Auimmo|i. • Ua meA|" A5Uf vpei]' mop A15 PvMlbe ai]\ e^N^nA Aguf eoUif. "O'lnni-p -pe t)e 5teiif cloin ITIuniAin A^up 5d.Aten 50 -oubbponAC» bi longAncA]' ^"S^V bpot) Aip "p^ilbe, pigne ye compAt) te 1K\ olÍAriin^ib A^up nA o^ovn^ib, A^uf -oubAipc ye: Ac<\ mop mugA poglmmce A15 nc\ 050.nd.1b but) lugA Ann , Illup-ottAm n-tJttAt), mA]\ ci"óceAp 'OompA 'da ca te p'A^AiL Ann 5'-'^'^^6" ^""O ^"^T ITIumAin. An c]\Ac Ai]\ pitt 60CA1-Ó 50 'Oun Sobepce, bi lom-OA •oe nv\ ppionpAib A^u-p ceAnpeApAib cpuinnce Ann bpuig An pig, \Wu Am ■out ÚApc i-Qip 5peAn A^iip 5peAt)cuig. v\ip cigeAcc "oo'n comcpuinne Aip Dpuiceine, cuip CocAit) pig IllumAin AnnA piíi-óe a CAob teip "pem, Ann aic "oo but) cleACceAm 'óo feAivgAip -oo beiú AnnA pui-oe. Ann pin -o'eipig CocAit) A^up 'oubAipc : 1p mo liiiAn Ann glAOic An comcpu- inne te nA ceite An ujiac peo Annop ^up 'peuD tiom cAip- Ikmhc "oo mo CApA "pAitbe pip nA uAtiiiAn peo. SAnciiigeAnn pig IllumAin cA^nA Annop 50 munpAt) ye ctAii ITIuriiAin. Ann pin bi poctA pottA nA n-T)tige teigce Ann eipceAcc nA 5-comcpuinne A^up An ptuA^. Aip cpiocnugAt) ^oip nA but- ■poipiTDe A-p Apx) : SeApeAnn Aon-óuine Aip bpuiceme VlttAt) A15 iA]\peA'ó A ceApu? A5UP mop ppeA^Aip Aon-óuine Ann pin bin comcpuinne A^up An ptuAg CApc AnnA cimciott A15 ^tuAipeAcc 50 "Oun Sobepce, bi bocAnA fAigce puAp AnnAice te "Oun Sobepce, A^up bi peip nAoi tAeceAt) aca te ceot A^up pionce, A^up p^eutcAib nA n-Attoix)e, bi piA'ócAp5Aipc A^up peit^, cuppAT), mApcuigcAcc, A^up ppAp-ouigeAcc, A^Uf 144 .-clec'pri-A]\m ^"^My n-6ucc. AntiAi|\ "oo bi An -pei-p C]iiocniii§ce, -oubAiiAc -pig tnuTtiMri : If mo cpACf a Anoif te "out Aip Aif ^o UltiTTiAin, A^uf cuftJig ^Ailbe a cifAf Ai-p Aif 50 triti- iTiAin UpiAÍt CocAit) A^uf p]MonfAiT)e A^uf citipi^, A^uf mAjA- cfluAg c-peun Atin coTrittiA'ooi|A le p^itbe 50 -o-ui uif^ib tiA n-d'oif. Úug e-ocAit) triAn bfonncAnAf 'oo IpAitbe ceic]ie Iaiji, C0TT1 ^e^t le ftieAccA. Ai|a imce^cc "oo DaaI AfceAc atitia cig UleAf (f. -p. Au^ufc) ciAiAlt e-ocAit) o T)un Sobef ce, x)^]\ 50 'oei- niiTi bi tloiceA-pAc -pig 5^^^^^ -^S^f ^^ c-AiAX)Cf omceAf A^tjf mle C|\omueA|i S^Aten Ann n-A^Ait) GocAit) AjA-o-pig.; -^^uf f^oil fiAt) -00 beic cuif otc Ann mem b-fAitbe Ann a n-AgAit) com mAic. AnnfA nA lAecib -peo cui|v e-ocAit) tlof ppionf a UttAt) A^tif CApcAn ceAn -oe nA ottAmnAib ueAccoifi'óe 50 triAgn -pig UtconnmAcc, 01|a "oo bi TTlAgn Anoi-p AnnA fig Ann Aic ttleifc A ACAf A fUAif bAf CAmAÍ o foin. ÚtJ^ Hof f ocIa leif o e-ocAit) 50 triAgn A15 f a-d : but) Aib te 6ocai*ó ■pi^ HIIax) •oub Aif cuAif c 50 comnui'óe itlAgn fig Ubconn- iTiAcc be CAbAif c A^tjf be 5b AC At) bAm CAf AncAif be nA ceibe. A5tif figne Rof bfoncAnAf, bfAC Anrtiin, bonfAc be -feo-OAib A^tif obAif miofbuibeAig ^^^if fobbA eti-OAig, A^tJf •OA ^lofAin, A^tif "OA mAtDfAt) Amleo^ -^^Si^f fciot, TTlAf An xetix)nA cuif CAfCAn AnnA bAm fCfiobcA n-Gobuif A^tjf beA- t)Af nA n-Aimfif e JAAbA^, acc mof cii^ fe "oo TTlAgn beA- bAf nA n-Aimfif e n-6f fion, oif A-oubAifC Cocai-o be CAfCAn : til coif "00 cuif Ann fA*ÓAifc fig -^S^f mofuAfAibieAt) tlbconnniAcc fut» a ctufeAf bfon AnnA cfoit)cib oif nAc t)'eifig gboife A^uf AfDceim Ibef o fcfiof A^uf mAfbugAt) An n-'OAnAAn ? Aif cbuAfceAnc -oo JTlAgn focbA n-^ocAut), A-oubAifc: 145 ^^ut TTiiAti tiotTi |:eucfinc -pig n-6]\]\ion. Ann pn cpi^lrt ^ocAit) Ai]\ A cuAi^\c 50 UlconnmAcc, A^uf ni ]ió.ib acc Ho|* A^vif pile p]MonfAit>e n-UllAt), ^5«^ ceiépe coTTi'oeAccAit)e «lie leif, Aguf t)o bi 5^0 ce^sn ac^ ^leufCA Ann bp^CAib -opui-o^ce mó^\\ Ann Aimpip foig, oip A-oubAijAC CocAit) : U^ip bAin^TAit) muiT) ^ein mA|A CA|\Ait) "oo 'n IDAnAAn. An C|^At a CAnic |ng CocAit) 50 'o-a'n SeAnAíTiAn, "oo cajiIax) 50 -pAib CACA Ann A15 -pAnuin^c a cigeAcc, Acc nio]\ f'AOil pAt) ^ujt bui6 An ]M5 A bi Ann "oe bjAig ^up I^Aib a cotiiluA'óoip com l)eu5 pn. Acc com luó.c 511^ AicneAX)A|\ ^tjp but) A^A-opig n-6]Apion A bi Ann, CAn^A-OAiA CjieAf An AtriAn Aguf C015 pAt) CociAt) leo 50 caIaiti UlconnmAcr, Ajuf bi fluAg moyv cA-pc Ai]A, A^uf Ai|\ ^luAifeAcc 'ooib yeMc ! CAnic TtlAgn le c]Aeun- CACA, A^uf IAU5 fe 6ocAit) leif 50 "o-ui a bjiuig |:ein. X)YAnn GocAit) j-eAcc lAece le |n§ ITlAgn, acc nio|A ]'C|Aiob x:eA|\ fiAf \\ux) Aip bic a ca^aIat), oip X)ubAi|Ac ITlAgn : Sc|ai- obeAn 'OAoine ^lice n-UllAt) pA-p |:ocIa nA n-Aimp|Ae mAjA cei-óeAnn ca^ac, a^u^ leigeAnn pAX) a]' a|a-o Ann eifceAcc An pobAil A 5-comniii"óe, bei|nm nA i^piob -poclA An ]Aig no yoclA lllAgn An c|aac Aj-eo. A5tif C115 CocAit) a geAll -00 lllAgn nAc 'pc|Aiob|:eó.p. Al]\ A CIIAA-p Aip Alj' CtJAIt) 60CA1t) A1|A C11A1]AC ^O 5einC1|l A15 ^AoilmuincijA 'o-UacIa, a^u^ C115 fe mij^neAc T)oib. Aca A]A-o|M5 CAbAifc Ai|Ae A-p cion 6|A|Aion, cA'n caIatíi |?aoi -pog A^Uf pOtCAine A1|A 5 AC AOn CAOb. "UACeApbfuil. An c|\Ac "00 bi pig CocAi'ó 5A jn^Ail |:ice bAAlAin Ann UIIat), A^uj" A|AX)cpuinne n-0|A|Mon Ann AiA-oj'eompA'D D-UeAc- mo|A Ai]A ÚAbA]AtA, CAnic nA bulfoipi-oe 50 T)0]AUf nA n-A]At)- 146 feOtTllAAt), AI5 ^KO.X) : ACA C|M UAfAltl-Oe A1|t ÚAbA^CA Le -poctAib ceAccoi]ieACA o -pig ha n-'OAriAAn. T)tibAi|Ac upeo)^ lAt) AfceAc. A^tif uah^a-oaia AfceAc, A^Uf -peA-pA-OAiA Aj- C0TTiA|A An A|At)c|iiiinne bi a ctA'oeAiTiA ai^ a •óhuitti, A^uf a^ l*AniicA Ann A Iatti cte. ÚAnic ceAn aca ^ro^u-p "00 caicoi]\ An -pig, A^uf bi Ai|A ]Aticu tAbAi]ic nuAi^ A -o'eipig. A-p-oiAig A15 -pAT) : pA-piAUigeAt) nA btitf oiiM-oe : Cia f iax) nA y\\\ yeo ? A^iif |?|ieA5Ai|i ceAn aca: 1|" tiAfAiti'oe T^AnAAn -pmne, ^y m^ye Sao|aIatti o'n T)AnAAn. A^iif 'oubAi|AC A-p-oiiig: pAitce -pottiAc, Acc TTiA cuincuigeAnn An 'OAnAAn a fuite ca]ac AnnA cimciott, ni |?eiic|?A'o cÍA'oeAni no cjitifCAn co^ua, acc AitiAin An meu'o a beiy^eAnn tJAfAiti'óe nA T)AnAAn ? TTIa CU1^|:A1'0 SAO|^tAtTI A^tl]" A COTTTOeACCAI-Óe A ctA-oeATTiA^ A5tJf A ÍAnncA Ann ceAC An |n§ cotti -pA-oA ^tj-p ca fiAt) Ann feo -pAoi AOTTiAi|Ac nA n-'otigc ? l3i nA 'OAnAAn ca^at) a. f'tiil/it)e Ai|A A ceite A^uf Ann pn ca|ac ai|^ An A^A-ocnuinne, Ann pn CU5 piA-o a ctA-oeAThA A^up a ÍAnncA "00 nA bul- •poi|iib, A^u-p •otibAi|AC Saoi^Iaiti : Aca pocAt An |\ig Tno]Acti- «AC cjAit) tJile 'ouiuce n-C|A|iion ! SeAf SaoiaIaiti yoy "po^tj-p te CAIC01H jAigeAcu Ajuf 'o'lonnptug -pe A15 CAinc leif An \w^y tiime fin -o'eipig A-p-o -pig A^tip -otibAinc 50 cineAlcAc : 5^a- ceAt) UAfAitit) e nA T)AnAAn a aic AtneAp^ pfionpAib n- tHUt). A5tif 'oo bi mA|i fin. An pn •oubAif c Af "o 1115 : itia but) a coit e, lAbf cax) SAOftAttl. A^Uf CUfUlg SAOflAlil, A^Uf lAbAlf fe A1|A 5toi|A. A ftiocc, A^uf Annof X)o cAn^A'OAf Af cion An "ooniAn uif- ^CAt), o'n fio^A futA fCAp foluf An 5feine ai|a An •ooiiiAn aca I JwpfAib An "OAnAAn niof mugA 'nA "oeic nuAife pee bAA- 147 ci' n c^Nt^m. Iniii]' ]'e An c^oi m]\ m^sip An Ctoúen, Cc^aaI, ITip^neAc <\nn cuAfAib nA CvvlmAn nuig 50 cA]A]\Ain5 An "OAnAAn AniAC iat). Anoi]" eijxigit) te pocÍA ItlAgn : A Sa- oplAih AbbAi]\ Ann cluAfceAnc An ^ai^, a^u^ ppionfAit)eAt), A511]' ^-ceAn-peAp 1be]\. AbbAip teo : CLuinemA]A Ann UbconnmAcc, nuAip aca cin|:i]\ Ibep te nA cei"Le 50 ^bAceAnn pAX) cortiAipbe X)e C|t- jMon. IIac b-jTuib UbuonnmACC Ann 6]A|Aion ? tlAc but) teij' C|;]\ion An *OAnAAn? An mAic no An coip, jrocbA "oo beic A15 c]\eACT)U5A'ó Aip UtconnmAcc, ^An An 'OAnAAn a beic ai]a Iaca]a ? Lei^it) x)o ccAnpeA^Aib A^u-p UAf Ailib n-UlcmnmAcc t)o j'tiTóe Ann Apx)cpiiinne te ceAnpeA^Aib 1be]\, Annof 50 C15 teo top^UgAt) A^Up ctuAf A tAbA1]\C 'Ó0 pOctAlb |AAt)CA op]\Aib pein A5UP A -ouicce? Ai]a ciAiocnu^At) "oo SAOjAtAtii a CAinc, -o'eipig ApT)]Mg ^5«^ -oubAipc : CjAeux) mA n-teuniTAt)- mui-o coTTi|\At) Agiif CAinc, A^up 50 m-bem An "OAnAAn AnnA "I'lii-oe, An x;teup 50 m-beit) a ctuAf A15 eipceAcc te poctAib A]\ tn-beut, A^Up a CeAn^A CAbAipC IA-O Aip Aip 50 ]Alg A^Uf ceAn^eApAib a cAtAiri ? A5UP bi coTTijAAf) ACA. 1a|a pn t)'ei]Ai5 tloiteApAc jM^ JAAten, A^uf "oubAiiAc: A AbpocAt) "oiAon^ a 'oioteAf CAin A^up cobcA A -pmuAince Ann AiA-ocptjinne n-C|A|non ? git) but) tei-p 6|A|non 50 cince UtconnmAcc, ni "óei^ pn nAc conAtne- Af^ceA^A t)o'n tDAnAAn cigeAcc ca]a uif^ib nA SeAnArhne Anon ? I^AnneAt) nA T^AnAAn AnnA t)iucce f em, tJuitcui^iTnj^A An ceA]\c feo t)Oib ! "O'eip^ 5Uf IllAot ceAnpeA|A Ib-'O^AonA^, A15 jaa-o : "Oeiit- ceA|A Ann 5^^^^'^ 5"P cpeAfnuig A]At)|Aig 50 m-bocAnAib 148 itlAgti? A|\ n-T)eActii§ AiA-oiMg ahh le ciii|a |:ocl ^u^a cit) An jAig 50 ca|\1|?ax) mAp -peo nuAip •o'iA"p|Aui5 -pe A|A clA-oeAtTiA A^uf A^ ÍAnnuA uAinn ? teif pn bjAticcuig mujA mo|A n-^leo ai|a jtuit) nA feoTiijAAt), a^ui^ ca]a T)ei]" caitiaI "o'eiiAig Ap-ojAig a^uj' -oubAiiAc : Aca ceAn-peAp 5-CtiniA|A coTTi An-AO|"OA -peAn, aca -pe cotti ■pA'OA pin o "oeÁpc ■pe Ai|\ |?octAib ctun^jAAt) ttlAi^nioiAciomnA ^up 'oeA]Abmeintiig ^e 1AX)? Ha bi'óeAt) Aon im^niorri Ai-p "ppiopvAT) nA n-'OAnAAn, mionuig mic Ibep ctJin^jAAt) teo, A^up 50 -oeApibcA ctun^^Ait) mic n-e-U e ! An cuin^-pAt) noc do rhionuig a|\ n-ACAp\ACA, •ni lAb^AeAnn 'oe biAuix) no ti'Ap'ociop? Le pn "o'eijAi^ "pAilbe p\ig ttluniAin, A^up 'otibAi|Ac: Cum- ^eocAit) "PAitbe thac Ibepi cum^iAAt) a n-ACA^A ! A^uf bi nA 'OAnAAnAig -pA-pcA, AgtJf -QfrAnn niAp\ AnnA cope. Ace ni mA|A pn te KoiceAfAc jAig 5^^^^^) -o'eipig -pe a^U]^ -otibAipic : T)a|\ b|Aig btJ|A AiA-oceimeAf An coija e 50 'ptii"ó|:Ai'o An "OAnAAn Ann A1C nA|A C15 te AiA-ocponiceApv An 5^^^ Scioc IbejA a n^eAcc. 'O'lonn-pui'De AiA-ojAig a cothiAAt), A^tif '0tibAi|AC : Cuato CocAit) 50 cince cjAeA-pnA tiip^ib nA SeAnAtrine te coit ttlAgn, Ai|v -pog n-6|A|Aion A^uf ai|a buncAip-oe n-tltconnmAcc, ni yiAib Aon fAX) eite ^a -pcuiiAugAt) a coipceimeACA. tliop cothmeiniii^ 149 -peo, ^^^t 5up but) -pAiAtiiAic leif ■^u\\ conimeinui5 1x15 tTlAgn 0|AtAlb I S^oit Cobc^Nc ppion^'A Ib-tugAX) ^up cpiocntjig yvig 60- cAit) 4N coTTi]^^!) ^511]" "o'eiiAi^ ]"e, A^uf T)o 'pui'óe 6ocAi"ó pAf ; A^uj" 'oubv\i]\r CobcAC : Cpeut) m^ -pui-o^Aix) cinp|A n-Ulconn- niAcc Ann ÁXiAtífeoni]^^^) 'o-UeAcmo]A cAob fiA|A 'oe' nc^oin Anno]" ^u]\ peuT) teo eifccAcc te |?oclAib -oe Cp^iion A^uf 'oe UlccnnniAcc. Ace ni X)Ufc pogAi^ce t)Ap cupmop nA cAÍniAn pin. Suit)eAt) Annop 5a CUAllpAlt) A cluAp A^Up C1t)pit) A pUlt pOct^A "Oe Cppion, A bAnbA-pA, mAp An ceut)nA t)euneAt) conipAt), A^up cAipbAineAT> A ÍAniA Aip 5AC Aon cuif. 150 THa CAptAt) 50 b-I^Ult JTOcIa CjllOTló. ACA, If lltine ATI buncAi|~oe, ttia bi*oeAnn Airipof Mg, tei5 cA|^c iat) ? u-f uiL A|A ctuAf bAub^n ^5^1* A]i cpoit)e cjiuai-ó -oo ^uc c^pAncAif. Ho b-fuit A|\ triifneAc A^uf a|\ gnoi-oe coiti Ia^, 50 b-fuit fAiccio-p opjiAin 5^11 A-obAjA ? Anoif 501^ iotttoa -oe p]AionfAib A^Uf CeATTpeAIIAlb 5^^^^^ AtTIAC: ClA'n A1C 'ptii'ópAi'ó An 'Oa- TlAATl? A^Uf ffeA^Aip AongAI-p X)eA|AbpACA|A UoiceAfAc ]\15 JAAten 1e mioceA-o : CjAeuT) ttia -puiTOfAi-o tTlA^n ai]\ caiúoi|a ■pi^ n-tltLAt) ? IDi tiA foclA -pA-o^ue Ann T)iOTÍieAf; acc •o'eipig Apt)pi5 ^^^y "oubAipu : "^o -oeApbúA An c|\ac bei-oeAf ppionfA n-6H AntiA Ap"opig bi-oeAt) triAp a X)tibAi|AU An ppi- onfA AongAif, oip if feAff pn 'nnA "oo cuip ai|a pubAit An 'OATiAAn AnuAif a cioceAnn fiA"o le CAfAncAf ^Z^y f loúcAine ? CoTTi luAC 5tif ciAtttug A-p-opig 50 |lAlb An cui-o 1f mugA te cuiji An 'OAnAAn cAob pAf 'oe'n cfoin, •oubAifc: Cpeut) THA ftn-ofAit) An fig ^5^r ^^^ cinfif -oe'n X)AnAAn cAob fiAf •oe'n c|\oin Ann Af "ocf uinne n-6ff ion ? 'Oeunf Ait) f ia-o conif at) Aguf eifigfAit) fiAt> A ÍAniA Aif 5AC ceif c ? A^iif -oo bi triAf fin. A^tif bi nA focÍA fCfiobcA fiAf Aif teAbAf nA n-Aiirifi- fe. A^uf "oo iTiAif nA cfi 'OAnAAn Ann bocAnAib An fi^ nuig 50 fibleA-OAf A ih-bAite 50 caIaiti a coniniii"óe A5tif ^Iac An Afocfuinne nAOi lAece fAOf a, Annof 50 fuigeAT) nA 'OATlAAn A fAIC Am te fitteAt) Aif Aif 50 UAbAfCA; ACC niof cAftAt) An iTiAic «"o, oif fUAif triAgn A fig bAf fub A fATiig SAOfÍAiTi 50 "o-ci "U Icon nm ACC. Aif CAfAX) "00 'n AfX)cftiinne be ceibe cAf -oeif nA nAOi bA fAOf, -o^eifig AfOfig A^uf -oubAifc: b-fuib ceifc Aif bic A15 AonneAc be cuif Af coihAf An c-Afocf uinne ? bi n'uibe 151 go leup Aniw co]'c. "Oe b]\i§ ^'in bi ]:ocIa ha n-x)li5e Aguf le^b^p iiA n-v\inip]\e leigce. Agt»]" glo^oii) n^ bul]'Oi]Mt)e Ap s]\x): SeAj^eAnn Aonne^c ^^]\ Úó.bA]\c:A A15 lAppeo^t) a cca^ac? Ace mop ]:|\eA5*Mp Aont)uine, mAp pn cumd ati A]\t)cpuinne Anuvc ^guf bi t)opf4\ riA n--(\]\x)feoTTipAt) -opuiDgce. t)'ionn- -puiúe p^-o Tniof,s n^ mopfei^e Aip liof g-Comopc^Mf tiA n- Cucc Ai|A Ú^b^^pcA, 0.5UP T)o fuiúe Apt)]\i5 6ocAit) c^bAipc b|Aeiceo.TTine^p n,N n-geo^tl. Atl -OAUA CAlbl-OlU AntrpriA ló.ecib peo bi geupconibeilinc Agup impip ^nn •ce n-VHconnniAcc ^v^]\ T)eo.pbpAt|A 154 -Ann ctuAfce^nc n^ conic|viiinne. Ann pn c|Aió.lt CocAit) 50 "Ue^cnroiA ai|a UAbApcA, An cpAú bi DaaL Ann -oaiaa -pion X)'a tije •o-'Conn]^cnAt), A^uf An ceic|ATTiA'o omce "oe'n -oApo. ]Aion, cAnic cuiajaai-o •oeAgcAppuig o IlluTTiAin A15 -jAAt) : AcA -pig ^Ailbe pgnce Ai]A teAbbA 'o-ceinneAf. T)ubAipc -jAig Cocai-ó tiomfA: A TleAjACAn TtiA c te mt) Aip bic -oo -pAOiAtigAt) "PAitbe A-p ^^1^5 An ^AÍAin; Aip An •oeicttiA-o Ía puAi^A -pe bA-p -pAoi -puibb n-e-ocAit) n-'óei'p pigAiteA-ó ceiqAe bAA^Aine 'oen^. A^up t)']:<5^nn Oocaid Ann tnbocAnAib ]\\t^ b-^fAilbe Ann ITItJTTiAin iimg 50 ingneAt^An a cAjAn teAccA, acc mop |?tiAip Aon*ótiine -oe ppion-pAib Ibe^A, no x)e ceAnpeAiAAib TTItiTriAin cmpeAt) AnnA I'OCAtA, oip A"0ubAi|Ac ye tiompA : A "neA-pcAn m b-'puit tnein bAijA-o l.eAc cotti eAX)C]Aom Ann corrieine le luce An cmic. An c|aac i0TncuipieA'0|A meu-oceAn b-^Aitbe, gtuAi-p Co- cAit) tei-p, A^u)" -pemn pe a eii^CAoin, A^u-p ÍAbAi^A -pe -oe'tt -ppiOIAAt) -pogCAtTIAltAC A bl Al^ ^Allbe, A^U-p "o'a eA^nA A^Up "o'a b-'pio|ACA|AAncA'p. A^tip but) iom*oA ceut) ^-cIa^^ac tllu- iTiAin mAÍit'Le -peinm cloin nA CAtthAn bi geimneAt) ^uc -UAigneAc. A^uf ai]a leA^eAt) teAc aii\ x)opiip cige nA •oo|a- «CA-OAif, 'otjbAipc 6ocAit) Ap A]A-o : "^o m-beit) -ppiopAX) b-^Aitbe -po|Abeo Ann ctoin ÍÍIuniAin a g-cotnntji'óe ! A^up mop t^i5ne 155 :Ait) Aon mdt iiio]' "pui-oe Ann, acc CjAiAlt fe eAt)on o^y it^]\ An i^luAig A ^\Aib cA]\c Aip An CApn, 50 UeAcmop ai|\ kbAptA. A^uf bi Ibep niAC Hoit) jAogAi^ce ]\^•^ Ann lllu- kin. Aguf po]' ]'e lllinA intern UoiteAfAc pig j^^^^"» >nic buA-ópeAt) ai]\ cpoi-oe n-6ocAit) ai]a -pon n-G|i|\ion oip "bi 1be]\ ]ng lIluniAin a^U]- TloiteAfAc 1^15 JAAlen mAjAAon, A5U]' ■'^ F^5 inei]\c flige a n-ACA|A, bi olc AnnA tnein Ann A5Ait) Aiding n-e]\]Mon. *OubAi|ic e-ocAit) : A neA]ACAn cpuin- nui^eAnn CA|AAncAi' ^^^1^ ^S^T l^oiceAiAAc, a^uj' nAthA-OAf 1llei]\c TTiAp neut "ooiACAt) Af cion Cpjnon. 1T1a j'ei'oirAinn An r-An]?A-ó, A^uf TTiA cincfAinn An •oibe, ciA'n caoi fAoiAireAiA An caIatti ? Cpeu-o e i^cpioj^ feApcum a^u]- 5A01C a •o-cAob le bun- 1"C]M0|nigAt) nA b-peA]\, aca pAt) mA|i An ceine a toi|'5eA|' tJile put)? til belt) ceAb^ milceAc nA ^-cpomceAp Ann 5^^" ten no ^peAnceAnAcr "oiociAlleAc nA m-bAp-o Ann tlluniAin -pA^At) 6]A]non b-jTAT) Ann puitrineAf. 1TIa |?eix)ip -pcoil -oo •DAin^nugAt) Ann jAAlen A^u-p llluniAin Ann pn ^eAbpuiítieAt) •pipinAn Iatti lAccA-p. IIIa cuincuigeAnn tTleipc le 1be]\ A^uf IvoiceAyAc Ann a^aix) UltAt) cpeut) ttia •oeip|:An6 CocAit) teo: -A ttnc An gob^tn cum^uigi-D bup Iatti A^up nA eipigit) e Ann AgAit) Cppion, A^up Annop TnApbeoccAoi a ceibe, CAbAiiA^rAit) CocAit) •oAoib An cpom A^up mAippAi-o Ann lilbAt). Ace fAt)A o'n cpAc -pin mAipireAf c4.pAncAf i-oip Ibep A^up tloiceAfAc. IxAcp'Ait) ceAn 50 CAppiiit)e Ann "oiAg coTTi^nioTTi A^up CApc- AnAp An n-*OAnAAn be -pAgbAilc An c-uacca]\ A-p cion An ceAn e^te? Cpeux) tda m-bit)eAnn tlblAt) Ann -puAiThneAp, nAc b-puil S^^^^^"* ^5^r '^ii^^iTi ^"^ Cppion ? belt) 6p|iion fcoil^ce o ceAn a ceibe? Ann yu^ t)ei]\peA]\ Ann Aimpn I 156 ceAccA ■^u]\ jAAib mij^e ? A 11eA|ACAn AbbAi|i An ppm no bi-ó -00 co"pc, n^c 'oei|A]:eA|A ^u^a |nc An ttiaoja ai^v AgAi*6- AI5 fA^Alt A n-eAlA A^tll^ A ttAeilT)A -Oo'n bAOgAt A^tJ-p CnATTl- CAf^Aipc? 'Oe b^i§ leici-o^nioTTi cia beit) ^loi^i n-eocAm A|AX)|M5? PjAeA^AijA x)oni A tleA^ACAn 50 pop A^Uf •Otllt)A1|\C mife: ^AnneAt) CocAit) Ap'opig teif a ctipAm 50 •o-a'n 'oei- peAt). A^tif 'OubAipc An -pig: UpAú cptiinnj:eAp An c-Apt)- cpuinne Aip ÚAbApcA a ^Albe a fAilbe CAom^rAi-o 6ocai*6 •00 cAittpA, oip ACA -jTAicciop Aip 50 m-beii6 A-obAp A15 6p- pion "oo bAp -oo CAoineAT) ! A5tlf ^lllAip OOCAI-Ó Aip A^AIt) 50 UltAt), A^Up glAOlO pe An coTVicpmnne te nA ceile Aip t)piticeine n-UtiAt). UpAc peAptii5 nA ppionpAit)e nA cinpip, nA OllrtiAnA, ceAbAonA 'n pobAil A^up nA bpeiceATiinA cApc cimciot An pig -o'eipi^ e-ocAit) A15 pAt) : but) Aiue te Cocai-ó po§ A^up puAittineAp but) b-peApp t)o miAncAib eile cpoit) cpeó.c a^uj^ ctotnpop. til ctAonAnn 50 cince mem tloiúeApAc t)o niACAib n-6p A^up ACA Ibep A15 ^Iaoic o ^nAc ^Apbptige g-cogAt). kl57 Xt)ó>\\ ul Atnu^At). Le nA Unn pn A-oubAiiic ; An ]\^^^ : but) coi]\ to bpeiceAtiinAib "oo 'pogtuim Af yeo fUAf I .AH mopbAO^Al -oo tei^ ]Aot)eii:e|\eAc jCAin A^uf ■oiolciof nA A5Uf A15 eipi^ A §uc A-oubAijAc: Hoim bii]A imceAcc Af •feo, CA ):ocIa a^ahi le cui|a: HIa 'ounTTiA|Ab|:A'o neAc •oume, Til yeux) An beACA fcpiofce CAbAipc Aip Aif, acc ni coi]\ 50 mAijieAnn An mA|\bA-ooi|A b|\eAc te -puil •OAon-ÓA, ni-oei-ppn ni ■t>-fuil jTOCAt Ann cpeAct) nA n-'oti^e X)Ap ^rjAeA^Aipc An niA]\- ^At)0|AA. C|Aeu-o TTiA cui]AceA]A nA jToctA fco tei|" : IIIa "oun- tiiAiAbpAt) ncAc "ouine, 50ipceA|A a Ainm a|" cottia]! An b]AeiceAiti r]\^c piit)eAnn -pe Ann ■ouicce A^uf Ann cjiuinne n-5AAlniuinci|i An c-eiiAÍAC, A^uf tnunA caiajaita-o Ann -pocAp, ctiipceA|i lAtii ai|a, A^u]' bi-oeA-ó ^AbcA "OO tACA^ An bpeiceATTj te i:o|ineA|AC, Anno|" 50 -ppeA^iAA-óiTA-o "o'a co|i? ATDubAjAA-OAiA "Uile : SeAX), bi-oeAt), bix)eAt). ^5Uf fCA|^HceA]A nA ^ocÍa Aip cpeAc-o nA n--oUge. Ann pn -o'Aicin An pg : bi-oeAt) tleApcAn A^u-p nA OltniA- « . A n-'Oun Sobepce AmA]AAc A15 C15 An pi^ beipeAt) leo leAbAp n-Aimp|Ae a^U]" nA U]^foclA ciupceAii te^y Ant)iu 50 leig- |i pAt) Ann blip cluAfceAnc, t)A]\ ^niOThAjiCAib n-6ocAit) ;\t)pg n-C]Apion. Ia^ pn 5lA0it)eAt>A|i butfoip-óe aiuac A-p Apt): ScAfeAnn neAC Aip bpuiceme n-UllAt) A15 lAppeAt) a ceApc? tliop VpeA^Aip Aont)uine. A^up ^luAfui^ An c-fluAg 50 'Oun So- 158 AjAt). CuAii) riA p^ion^Ai-oe A^uf ha m^ite a m-bAile 50 bocAtiAib A coTTimii'oe te c|iuinntigAt) tia ^aaL miteAt)A a^uj" te ulmtigAt) riA comlAnnA. Scaiajaa-oaia ai|a yuyx) n-tHlA'D mA]A, cteAcceATTi TiA -peit^e. X)^ Ai^ne n-6ocAit) ciAA-ó^ce. Anoi-p Ann-pA riA ÍAecib peo ciiAi'óeA'OA|A ceAccoi|Ai-óe "oe- AgcApuig AiTiAc Ai|A "pAD tjite e-]A|Aion te lici]Aib, peo pAp -poctA bi AnncAib: A A^A-oitiAice, bi-oeAt) da pigce, iia ppo- TTAit)e, riA ciripi]A, riA OttniMiA, u|AeAbAonA An pobAit, Arup riAb|AeicniAriA, mAitte le ]ai^ n-tllconnmAcc A^up occ 'oVn- UApAitib, c^Auinnuigce Ann -pocA-p n-AiA-opig c-pAc bei-oeAp ceiti- ciT)e Ai-p lAfAt) po|A RACAib n-e-p-pion. Aip cigeAcc -00 'n Ía eigin pn, bi 'oo|A'pA n-A^-ofeoitipAt) *CeAcmo|A UAbAjACA -po-p^Ait^ce, A^up tw^ A-p-opig A 'óeAplAm •00 tTlei|Ac, A^tJi' cp\eo|\ui§ -pe e 50 'o-ci'n caicao|\ a bi ]Aeit)> t)o pii^ n-tll]AonnmAcc, A5Uf bi lonnAngcAp ai|a An c-a|at)- q\iiinne, oip 50 •o-ci 'n -peAcc peo, bi mopcul tDptn-o^ce, mA|\. AiA-o-optum 'oo'n cjAAon, acc Anoi-p -peiic, bi An mo|A '0|Aiiimi A^up uite ceo ^eAp^ice A-p, Annop 50 |AAib |Aig A^ii-p niAice- n-tJlconntTiAcc Ap coinne |aax)A1|ac uile puit, A^up AnnA clu- AfceAnc ACC Ann c|aacc noip ciAÍttJig Tnei|Ac no 'n 'OAnAAni C-A-obAIA An C-IOgAnCAIf An C|AAC fin. . AnuAip "oo bi uite AnnA ftji-oe -o'eipi^ A'P'opig A15 ]AAt) :; A SAO|ActAnnA AiA-ouA-pAtA, ciAeuT) ip x)tjinn mA bi mo|AAn c- Ani CAitt^ce A15 optitigAt) "otige, ni-oiAgpin Aip 'out ca^ac- •00-nAm A^uf c]AAC but) ei5in •óuinn -poctA eite cuin^Ait. x)oib. An -peAcc "oei^ionAc bimA|A Atinpeo, nioji gtACAmA|i. cupAiTi -oe OttriiAnAib n-6^pion, ^i-oeAt) 50 b-puit OttitiAnA. Ann 5AC -pion x)'6|A|Aion 50 -poit ip beujAn CAipbe -o'eipig vo> 159 r-v\o]' 05 lllum^in a^u]" j^^^ten ? tJime pn Cpeut) m^ 5^ac- yo-x) muit) coniAi]Ate le ■DMngnug^t) inu|itA n-OttAtri ^n ceu- T)iiAi]A |'iiiT)eAf An c- CA^nA A|A n-ACAp CApU ITIAp CeO ? AC- nAt)A|\: Ha t)Ain5ntJi5it) cigce niA|A gniteAnn Ann AoimA^ t)'eA5bA 50 citippAit)i)" -pAnc Ann t)AOinib coiTic|iiocAib te ^tAC- At) blip -peAtb. TTlAiptJigit) Ann bup bocAnAib a ctoin 1bep, xmncui^eAnn utctAn Ibep UAt) ftige a n-ACAp! Agu-p A15 eijMg t)o Ibep pig ítltimAin, AOubAipc : A Corii- -ptAice UAC ip piop 5tip t)Ain5niii5 Sobepce A^up CiepnrriA, m^ó n-ep Kaca mup-ÚAingnce, A5UP nAc pigne c-Apt)pi5 UAt) IGl Sobe|Ace AD UeAcmop feo ^nn acattiap, m^lle le THupn-OL Iatti a fcAfe^Min AnriAice teif ? 111a]a ^n ceuTJtiA xjAingnui^ fe cpi inu|A-n-OllATti Ann ^vi^eAccA n-UllAt), m^p At)ubAipc l^ei^An le conineAIACii^At) fpiopAt) Aguf c|Aof)Acc ctoinne n- C]\pion, Ace A Ap-ofl^ice niopceiTTiige, if tno bA|A AnnA cofc. Ace Ann cp acc mop lAbAip GocAit) niof fiiit)e t)e nA fcoilcib An fCAcc fin. Anoif but) fopuf t)0 5AC a feucpnc 10 pAib Ibep A^uf UoiceAfAc feAt) ^uf TTIeipc AnnA5Ait) liopi^; ni-t)iA5pn fAnnuig CocAit) fAn flige t)ipic Aip fon ^ppion. Aip An Ia ful a t)'iTnci5 An c-Apt>cpuinne, bi foclA cpeAct) nA n-t)li5e lei^ce Af Apt), A^uf but) ttiaic <:rieAft)A fiAt). tliop feAfui$ ncAc Aip ÚAbApcA A15 lAppeAt) A ce^pc 162 I Ai^A ciAiocnu^AX) "ooib, cuAit) An c-A-fvoc^tiinrie attiac, A^uf "oa "bi tno|\t)0|A|"A riA n-A^AtDfeonrpAt) •o^vtu'ogce. An cueAf CAibix)it. Anoif fAn c|iAc feo -00 bi b^^t -ó.nnA ci§ bl^c f. y. AobjAAon ntiAi|A -oo c^i^ll A-p-opig 50 'Oiin Sobe^ce. Kigne -pe cuAijAC c^AiT) UllAt). *0'i:Ann -pe c-pi tAeceAt) 5^0 ce^n- yeó.\\ tiowt) fA-o A^uf UAt) 5Ai|n-o, minfciAtii'otiig fe cleAfA TnileA-OA nA n-jAAl : CA-p^iAn^c An lub, ceil^eAt) ciAAncubAl, ii|Acui|\c nA ÍAnncA, AinrpugAt) ^aúa, ulmugAt) corrilAnn. bi ye A15 motAt) A clifceAcu, oi|v ojA-ouig fiAT) A cleAfA 50 AnniAic. 1a|a pn ctii]A -pe Upf 50 ÚeAcmo|v UAbA^vcA, A^tip ^ga^ pe x)'uaIac ai^v 50 cAbAi|ApAi-o cii|\Am -00 tnuiA-n-OllAni. An cpAC ceut>nA peo, cAmc pocAt ttAt) Ttitjinci|A jAionnpApceAc b-^Ailbe Ann tnumAin 50 -o-ci CocAit) A15 jaa-o : beix) e-p\pion loip^ce te lApA|\ 5-CA]\AncAip 1be^ -^S^T "^lei^AC, aca TDtimAin A^up "UVconnmAcc mA]AAon, ni c|\eiX)ceA|A 50 yvireAnn An SeAnArriAin occA|\Aib, but) CAipbe niA mucAnn TTIac n-C|\ An ceine ux> -put A loi'P5eAnn -pi 6|A|\ion ai]\ ^at) A^up a ^Aipii-o. 'Oe btMg pn "OO pc|Aiob Cocait) licciiAeACA "ob O^Api-o ceAnireA^A Sié-óiAUim 5 a iaa-ó : Aca 50 ttiaic, a f aoi Ap-otiApAl, TDA cmppAit) O^AiAt) p'ocAt "oe ^nioTTiAjACAib 1be]i Agiip tfleipc 50 Hop Ann UeAcmoyv ÚAbApcA, acc bit)eAt) O^ajat) 'pAjAcince fvit cutfeAnn ye -pceut rriAic no '0|AOcpceut. A\y pAt) a beA- CA bi O^AjAt) Ann A |:io|ACApA "00 1115 ^Aitbe, A^up cuAit) pe Ann A coTTittJATooin teif c^ac CI15 fe euApc -oo T)tjn Sobe|Ace. bi pe Ann Aon mem A^up Ann Aon coTTiAi|Ale le I^TAitbe, 163 mme pn bi ^nion Ibep ^m^ c\\CKX)A.t a c|AOit)e. Anoif t)i X)A CA^A c]\eiinA ne4MTieA5tAi5e A15 OgApt). pofAt)A|^ bpoingcAtA T)eA|\bfiii^\e Ann ceAn]peA|AC n-Oip. ITIa^a An ceu"onA bi a^ TTiACA]\ beAnAtc]AA *oo peAÍ mAC ceu-ogein 'n cinp^ nGip:- Anoif T)o ca^aIa-o ^\3\\ but) peAl -00 bi 'nnA feA|iroT]i tia> 1be]\ A^uf tneijAc. La ATTiAin Ai|A imteAcc to "PeAt 50 UtconnmAcc te ]iiin- i^ocAt UAt) 1be]A, •00 bi t)]AeA|" ^511]" CActuAn Ann a comtuAU- oi]\ lei-|% A^uf Ai|A plteAt) -ooib Aip Aif 5'a cAlAtii fein, t)o CAplAt) ^up lonn-pmg pA-o An feil^ Ia ei^in le O^aja-o ■o' ^Iaoix) i^e Ann 5^^^ ^^5 pAUAt), bieAT)A|i Ann Aonoi|\ te O^Ap-o A^uf Aip ^iii]AeAc le ceiteAt) nA cIoca, bi pA-o ^j^e- Anncoi|AeAcc a^ui' •oubAi|AC bj^eAf: T)Ap n-TDoig ni ciunceocA-o lonroA Tie nui^ 50 m-beit) 'puAinineAf A15 pA-ÓAib A5U'p eli~ cib ttlutTiAin. A^uf pA|Mii§ O^A^A-o CAt) ciAtluigeAj' nA |:oc- Ia? 1n|"ui5 bjACAf An nit) a cuAitui^ ye Ann "UtconnmAcc. A^uf CU5 CA^tuAn pAUnuife a^u]" coitineApcugAt) t)o nA ^oc- ÍAib, Ann pn t)iibAi|Ac O^Apt) t)o bpeAf A5tif CActuAti 1 t)o> bi pb-pe ApATTi CA|iA t)onifein a^u]" t)om fliocc, nA pttuig^^ vt A-t)Aite nuig 50 cottineA]AceAnn UeAcinop ÚAbA|ACA, ^^up- beipt) itocaI 50 Tloj" ppon-pA n-UltAt) a iTiAi|AeA|" Ann, A^up UA^AjAuigit) Ai^A Aif, Ann pn 50 bocAnAib n-O^Aipt) ai^a Sic- <)ftlim. 'O'lC A^U-p t)'ot nA O^pp a fAIC, A^Uf 5ttiA'pAt)A^ . Ai|A A^Ait). Ai|A cigeAcc 50 UeAcmo|A ÚAbA]ACA t)oib, iTini'eA- ■DAiA An itocaI t)o Hop A^uf cui]A Roy 50 tnu|A-n-OllAmi ctii|AeAt) t)o ITIaoI t)e nA OllrTiAnAib 50 ciocpAt) ye An)nfi^ >|:ocA|A 50 obAn. A^uf tug Tlof ttiaic A^uf fAtlce t)o bpeAp lA^uf CActuAn. "Oaia 50 T)eiTTiin bponr.uig ye x)oib tub Aguf ^pocA fAi^eAt) A5Uf ctAT)eATTi tc '00|AnctA'6 tiot^ t)o CAc, Agup 164 itncigeAt)^]! Aip Aif •oV "Duicce |:ein. 5^" ^^^ fC|\iot> tlof licc|ieACA t)o CocAit) A15 innpnc riA neice feo, |:aoi bun pn •oubAi|\c: belt) gAifCi-oe itlumAin Aguf n-tHuonntttAcc atitia cothtAnncAib ó.\\\ ÚAbA|\CA te coniiAioneA-o Ibep te i^o^ineA^c , íMin C15 A teine TieAnit)A, (ife bA^tceine). Anoif mop imtig *.bAAt yof uAt) A C15 CiMiinnugAt) (f. f. SeAccthi.) ^Úa|a pn gÍAoit) CocAit) HA cinp|\ ^S^f í^P^^bAoriA ah pobAil AfitiA focAjA yAoi cuApm 50 IDtin Sobe]Ace, Aguf -oo ÍAbAijA ye Ann Aonoip t)o ^ac A15 pAt) : 'Ouifuigit) fUAf An JaaÍ, Aguf ctiipit) fiA-o ^TAoi ctcAfAib n-Apm A^Uf ^AOI Tno|\- obA|\ 50 ÍAecATTiAt, 01|^ If 5A]Ab Ajuf If ^euf cfom uaIac CACA. bi-oeAt) An bAft) Aguf An file A15 imifc ceot ^Stif CACfAnn. bi-oeAt) tlitAt) aca coth CAOith Ann fo^, uAcbAfAC utcf eun Ann f AobAf co^At) I pAnnuig Cocai-d Ann tlllAt) 5A utrntigAt) cofAnr An th-btiite bi 5A bAjAifc Offion. Acftiig .An fig ATI CtlfTTlOf feACUA HA g-COthlAnn A CAniC AnUAf UAO n-Attoix)e. feAfOA Aicnuig An fig, Ann fAobAf caca cfoit)- fAit) pfionfAit)e n-6f mAf fuiffion cofAncA cAfc cimciolt An fig, Acc bei-ó gAc ceAnfeAf ceAncomlAnn •do ftuAg a ceAnfeAfC fein, Ajuf 5AC CfeAbAon ceAncomlAnn -o'a cfCAb fein. AcA*n AnpofAc 50 mime A15 tniociAllugA'ó CAOithneAcc JTlAf f AlCClOf. Anoif bi ctifAi-oe -oeAg-CApuig 'oul cfit) Cffion a fAt) Aruf Ann JAifit) A15 fAt) : Cf tiinnccAf Aft)cf uinne n-6f f ion Ann focAf n-Aft)fi5 Ann ÚeAcmof ÚAbAfCA cf ac beitcAf bAAl AnnA tig ÚionfcnAt) f. f. mi TTlAfCA. l/e linn nA cuifeAf) t)iibAfA'OAf mAf An ceut)nA: -Aca nuA*ÓAcc A15 Afo- fig x)o cluAfAib ctoinn ha CAÍmAn. 165 Aip j'ui'óeAt) 'Do'n A|AT)-c]MJinne le ceite, t)*ei]M5 A]1'0|M^ A15 ]^At) : -A f AO|iniAice tAbpoc^t) An ^15 a bi ^^o^Aigce te fAipe Af cionn C|i|Mon ^ocIa a cii]a^ait) riAijie ai|í ctiit), fAit- ciof Ai|\ CHIT) eite A^uf ion5AiicAf Aip cac, nui^ 50 t)-ci 'n Í tiAi|i fin bi<)eA<) f05 ^5«^ fu^n ai|\ UAbA^AtA. bi moffeif UAb^iACA i^ei-o^ce 'OAp cteAccAth, Aguf ai^a liof nA n-eAcc|AA bi cte^fA x)A|a cufmof, noif Aif-oe lonA. . ^lATh i^oiiTie pn. git) 50 |AAib cup^m A^uf c|A6Abloix) Ai]t 6|ioit)e n-CocAit), cui|i -pA a b-potlAc e com mAit ^uf "o'feut) fe. Ann Alp T)o bi n^ mo|it)0]ifA -ptJAfgAilgce, A^uf An c- A]AT)C|iuinne AnnA fui-oe AnnfA c-AiAt^feoniiAAt), tj'ei^iij A15 -pA-o: A T^i^ce A^uf A fAOfcloinne Af-ouAfAile, itiaY ^tip coit e^ lAfiAui^im : Anne nAc b-pmt focAt A15 ITIaoI -oo cluAf Aib- n-Op|iion? A^uf "o'eipig ITiAot -oe nA OttniAnAib A^uf At)- ubAipc: An meut) a cAinic 50 ctuAf itlAoit, a bAineA-p le C|A|Aion, ACAi]\ 50 CApuig pA-Q^ce : Cpeu-oniA ^ni-oeAn ttiac ahi JoIIatti cmn^jiA-o A5ti'p conictiin^geAll lei-p ah TiAnAAn te t)0|\CU5A'Ó fUlt nA n-jAAt A^Uf te fC|110ftI§At) ceA|ictACA|i. nA CAlniAn ? ITlAnAc ^ngne lbe]A |Mg ttluniAin An u|acoix) pn, 1]' CAfOlt) bpeADAC ACA flAT) infinC A1|1, A^Uf niAnAc CU5 llleipc |M5 n-UtconnmAcc geAÍt conignioTTiCA 'oo, aca 'opoc- teAn^cA 5A mAflugAt) a ceim. Ai]^ An bAlt -o'eiiAig Ibep 50 peAiv^Ac A15 ^ax) : TTIa. but) Alt le 1be|A CAfAncAf tfleipc, An but) mifce tib? An feiT)i|i 5ii|A Ai|\ ^eAÍl feo, bimAjAne ^lAom^ce Ann yeo 50' AncjiACAc 50 bApbinn UAbAjicA? Anne nAc b-fuil cluAf ah c-A|i'0|ii5 cAOiTTi ^AojniAf^Ail^ce UAio cA]ilAt) 50 gÍACAnn nithe coTTi mm pn AfceAc? uime pn "o'eiiiig tTlAot Apf A15 fAt) ; VAbpocAi6 triAot niof fotf^e : Anne nAc cuinpAt) Ibep Le 166 Tneipc mA|A -peo? A ttlei]Ac c^bAi^A coTTi^nioni -oo 1be|A te .^norug^sT) cotTi|\ion c-A^i-opi^ ri-6|A|Aion. ^"^My aija -oo luACfAo- •XAp 'pAnn TloiceA|"Ac AnnA toyz. Ann pn tj^eipg 1111011]" ceAirpeAp n-A]it)CAn A15 -pAt) r C|Ae«t) mA cpocnuigceAp» peApt)A pgAit 1be|A Ann HlurriAin, Cyveut)niA meuDuigceAjA cp nuAipe CAin A^u-p A|At)ciop n-tll- connmAcc, A^uf cu m 5111 gee A-p An cuaca IDAnAAn AceAc cAob úaII t)e'n SeAnAttiAn 50 t)eo? PpeA^pADAp fuit) a ceile ^An bpig ntji^ ^ii-p eip5 An c-A|At).cpiiine niApAon, A^up le Aon^uú piApuig: IHa lAbjAOCAt) A]At)pi5? Ann pn Deipg A|\t)p5 Artif At)ubAi|Ac: A SAOivctAn nA n-Apt)cpiiinne peo nioyv At)- thuig 1be|A Ant)iu X)o ]:oclAib b-fcAl, b-^eiDi^A nAt\ popciAll- 169 uig fe^l fiof no Aigne lbe]i; Cj^eut) if biincAift)e t.i^ CAifbAunmj tTlei]ic miAn 1be|i, t)eipmfA gup bti^o ttiaic liotn TTiA fCA]^pceAp foclA Ibcp Aip An c-AOt)Ap 5An coniTTieine feAfAt) op|ACAib, UApn^ipim nAc T)eA]AbTTieinpT) Ibep e fem Ai|nf? inA]\ pn cAnic A|At)|ii5 AnuAf tiAo An cpit)Aon, Agtif cuAit) 50 •D-C1 A1C ^he]\ A15 11A16 : If T)eAfbf ACfe mic Ibe^t Aguf n-Cf, clAn An n-5o^^^"i» a'i coif e 'oo belt clompof iT)if inne, no it)if Af clAn no i-oif clAn Af 5-ctAn ? SiubAilfAiT) muix) flije nA gloife A^uf flige nA n-eAj- nA Aif f on 6f f lone I Ajtif txi"^ ^T^'Of 15 tAiti CAf AncAif -00 Ibef, Agtif fAf5 1bef Iaiti n-6ocAit) •o'a cfoi-oe. A5tif niof feut) le Ibef fi^ HlumAin nA n-^oeofA bACAt) bi a cfoite com ÍAn fin. Aif pleAt) "oo AfOfig 50 -o-ci 'n cfit)Aon T)ijbAifc: CiA but) e Aif bic locfAf CAin no ciof nAcfAOf- eocAX) e f em mA'f ei^in ? tDAf fin niof f igne TDeif c Aon eu^coif. bi-óeAt) fig n-tilconnniAcc Aguf occ mAice A15 cig- CAcc Ann feo "OAf cufmof, if mo bAfAitiAt nAc b-fuit f aic- ciof Aif fCAfAib n-6ffion •00 ÍAbAif a comAifte A^tif fmu- Aince Ann ctuAf ceAnce nA n-'OAnAAn ? bit)eAt) bfiACfA m-bfeAf A^uf CActuAin fCApm^ce Aif An 5Aot, ATTiAin Af buit)eciof A15 fuifeAc -ooib. ^"^Mf itia fAib IpefX AnnAf focAf lAffAt) Cocai-d a cAfAncAf. Ill b- ftiib niof mugA A^Am te fAt). UAf t)eif An c Aft At) fin cAnic CocAit) AnuAf UAt) 'cfi- t)Aon A15 imceAcc 50 aic ^guf funocAn fig n-UtlAt), A^uf At)ubAifc : Anoif aca cfit)Aon An c-Aft)f 15 f oIIatti. UAifbAin- At)if figce .pfionf Ai-oe, A^uf Aft)mAice t)Af fog ^S^f feAcc CIA but) e A fogA t)o fiiit)e Aif cfit)Aon n-Aft)fi§? Ann fin 50 obAn eifi5eAt)Af 1bef A^uf HoiceAfAc, Aguf 170 CAT! 5 At) Ap 50 '0-C1 Alc |Aig n -till At), Agtjf 5IAC IbejA A -oeAf- Iatti Agiif HoiceAfAc A Iatti cle A5tif tneijAC leo, Agtif ctii|A- eA-oAp e Ann A fiiit)e ai|\ c|Ait)Aon An c-A-ptjpig. Aguf fcAf- 1115 Ibep AnnAice leif Aguf A*otibAi|Ac: A 6ocai'ó A]ix)ceitn- Aig mAc b-piACA tiA-o 6|A mAC An §0^^^^» 5^ mAi]ieAnn cu At) A|At)iAi5 Aip -pon 5loi|Ae n-6|i]iion A^uf cAi|\be A^uf Iuac- jAiyi nA n-jAAl. Ai|A c]AiocnugAt) t)o Ibej^ t)'eini5 t.r\ c-A|\t)- c|\uinne ai|a leA|\ A^u-p pnugAt) ahiac a Iaítia clAonAtíA'p t)o OocAit). Agiif t)ubAi|\c THaoI : AcA'n po|A|Aion, An ceA|\c A^tif An eAgnA leif An c-A|At)tM5 Ann 5^6 flige. Agiif A15 c^AiocntigAt) t)A|A cufmoj^ cuAit) An c-A|tt)c|Atiinne aitiac, A^uf bi mopt)0|AfA An c-A|At)feotTi|AA'6 t)tincA. An -peAcc feo ai|i fAt) nAOi lAeceAt) coTTiceileAbA|A Co- cAit) A|At)|ii§ rnoi^fei-pe ÚAbA-pcA Ann caoi mioiAbtiilAig flACA- TTiAil A15 cuip le 5AC ^caII uAt) oi|Acift)e -pein c|AiAn t)e Aipgit) gnAcAig. Di -pog A^uf fUAiTTineAf Ai|A 5AC cAob. but) mop An ItiAcgAip t)o bi Aip c|AOit)e n-6ocAit), A^uf t)tib- Aij^c fe le 11eA|ACAn : Sc|AiobceA|i nA neice -peo uile 50 leti|\ Ai|A leAbAjA nA n-Aimp|Ae n-UllAt) coth ttiaic ^uy Aip\ leAbAji nA n-Aimppe n-6|i|\ion. ÚpiiAlluig 6ocAit) 50 'Otin Sobej^ce, |Ai§ne fe ctiApc. Ai|a ciJeAcc t)o bAAl AnnA tig blAc f, -p. AobjiAon, gluAifuig CocAit) 50 UeAcmop ÚAbA|ACA, A^uf bi pionn A cetit)5ein AnnA cotTiluAt)oi|A, feo ponn niAC t)-UAclA tiAt) b-lpot)lA X)e ce^AAl ppgnACAig «At) Jemciii, bi'nnA leAnb ponAc bAn -peAt) eAt)on -pAjipon, Aip An c-At)bA|\ pn jIac -pe Aintn l^ionn. 1TIa|i An ceuonA bi floince pionn ttiac cu- tiiAil, oi|\ bi'n JaaI Scioc Ibep A15 5IA01C 'cuttiaiI Aip Uac- Ia le 'oiotTieAf, ve bpij jup bu-o Af ^eincip 1, A^up clAn t)o -ptig fi, iTiAille leice. 171 but) co]'o.ni.Nl A AC«N]\ V^o^''" AntiA ^igrie Aguf a f^^S^» Uj^Ac I'eo fq\iob 6ocAit) lic]\eACA 'oo Ibep ^Aig TDutnAin A15 p^t) : but) All le |?ionn itiac n-CocAit) t)ut Aip cuai|ac 50 C15 n-lbep ^Mg lilumAin 50 AicneocAit) j^e Ibej^ ^S^T ppion- 1'Ait)e t)e'n ftiocc Aguf rriAite riA ii-t)uicce fin. Aguf cati- 5At)Ap Aon^Ai]' A^uf to]tc piMOTTpAi-oe n-lbep, A^i'DtriAice Ulu- TTiAin, A^uf mA|ACftuA5 c]Aeiin t)e cti|\Aib ttlumAiti 50 t)-ci UeAcmo]A UAbAjicA te lici|\ib A15 j^At) : SIati ^^uf beACA •OAOib A A]\t)fAOi, Cui|AeAnn lbe|^ fuijAion t)'^ 5A0ltTrlU1nc1|^ t)o belt conit)eAccA t)o pionn ttiac n-Aftjpig aija a ^luAf- Acc 50 bocAtiAib n-1be|A pig ttltmiAin. Sul a cpiAttuig yionn Aip A AfCi|A feo t)ubAipc CocAit) teif Ann eif- ceAcc tleAjiCAin : A itlic nA beig Aont)iiine X)o beié ^0- ^AjA AgUf ^riACAC t)UlC, 01|A piATlfAlt) nUA1|A CAlCflt) CU t)0 cui]A fAt)A UAC pAt). tTlA|A An ceut)nA, bit)eAt) Ann no coni- TTieine a g-coniniii'óe : 5^ b-fuit A15 cac : t)A fuibe, -oa ctu- Aif, X)A Iaitia t)A poibf|\onA Deic Tneu|^A ai]i a tAtiiAib A^uf t)eic meujAA ai]a a cofAib, acc ni b-fuit acc Aon ceAn- ^A ATÍiAin, niA|i fUA^AijAC 'Ó0, ^ujA but) coijA t)o feucpnc eif- ceAcc, A^uf bAinc be t)eicnAtTiA|i niof mu^A lonA but) coip t)0 t)OpAt) ? U]\Ac beit)eAf ^^AeAnn A^uf buAcgAijA ai|a Íaca]!, nA bit) cufA 5]AUAniAc. A 'Pionn bit)eAt) poy a^at) Ann tTlumAin 50 b-fuib fpeif ACA Ann ^jAeAnn, Ann jiionce, Ann A-ojAAnn Ann ceot AnnfAn feil5 ^"S^y f^n moiADiugAt), com fAt)A ^uf ac- Ai|\ Ann TTlumAin bit)eAt) mA]A lAtJfAn Ann uile cteAf acc An ceAn t)ei§ionAig. UAbAip t)o Ai|Ae a mic Ann AgAit) An t)eoc meif^AiTiAib mAfbuigeAnn -pe Ai5ne t)Uine, if nAiiiAt) inncinne e. '0*imci5 ponn Aif AgAit) 50 tTlumAin. 172 An CeiciieTTiAT) CAibi-oiU 4. AcA fog A^uf fUAinineAf yo\\ tiite CiA-pion. An c|aac "oo bi 'n cA|vx)c|Aiiinne te n^ ceite AnnA •pui'oe f^n Aii-ofeotTiiAAt) UeActhon U^bA^ACA, 'o'einig Aji-o^ai^ A15 -pAt) : Coiti Iuac 511 f C|iiocniiigceA|A An Tno|A -pei-p A^uf comoiA^t) n^ n-eAcc|\A ai|a A tlOf, ACA celiac AI5 A|At)|\lg "00 CU1|A A)" COniA|A An C-A|AX)- cjAUinne, -oe |vei|A An ce Ann a n-A^Ait) ^niceA^v CAfoi-o, Annof TTiA but) niAic lib 50 fcpiobceA'p Aiy» ciaact) n-'oUge C|A|Aion ? Sul A cpiocnui^ ^1^*0^15 A cAinc CAn^A-OAii. nA bulfoiiM-óe AfceAc fAn AiA-ofeonrpAt), A15 '(\a'd : SeA-peAn nAOi A|vx)mAice nA peine ai|i ÚAbApcA A15 iA|A|AeAt) ceAt) cigeAccA a |?oca|i, AjA-o-tvi^ Aguf An c-Aii-oc-pmnne, A^uf "oubAi^c A-pojAig c]Aeo|i- tiigit) AfceAc fiAt). A5iJf CAn^AtDAjA AfceAc tonpAig te -peo- ■OAlb, -ppOltlb, A^Uf 01|A, A^U-p 1A|A CÍAOnAt) '00 A|AX)]ll5 '^Z^V cApc "oo'n Apvocpmnne, pA|i|AtJig SAoyvcon niA ^eAttceAp -ooib ceAt) CAince. 1a|a -pAgAit ceAt) CAince, SeAfUig DponnbAAl cfeAn "oe nA nAoi, A15 jaax) : A A-p-ojAi^ nA n-6|A|Aione, Aguf A Ai^-ocjAtiinne but) AiiAt)e ceim aca mo-pctm btJ]A 5-CAtAmAcc -pcAppce tJAt) -pi on 50 jMon ven t)oitiAn. SeotAmA|\ a^ cAb- tAc cpom, fAoi ÍAn -peob no -pAoi c^ieiinteAb cAp Tntii|\ A^tjf oit)ceAn, A^u-p ^eAbAtTiAjA ceAt) ci^eAccA 511 p pAilce t)o 5AC 1AC, eA-óon 50 lAcceApc aca t)|Atiit)5ce t)o'n t)oniAn mle acc fin pein AiriAim. tiAt) cAjilAt) b-puit muit)ne t)e'n ptiocc JaaI Scioc 1be|i, tlAOirriAei-p, O^A^eip, Anne nAc C|iuAit) An CA01 mAUAc ^eAb-puigmAji fjAeA-p A5U'p fAilce UAt) a|a n-t)eA|i- b^lACpAlb? Lion IUAC5A1|1 UCC A|A lOnnACAjl, A1|1 CUAlteAt) X)uinn buji tTio|icAit A^uf ^loi^ve, buji cAtAtnAcc Aguf cjio-o- 173 miopbuiteAc bup thopcUu ? Upit) uile pion t)e*n T)OThAn athia acaija, Uo^'n JaaI Scioc lbe|\, TlAOimAt)eif, OgAgeif, neAmeAglAc, lAnt]Aeun, CAtbuAit)- eo^c, til b-^uit |:o.itciof ojijtAib poim ÍAOcpA An t)oniAin, tje bpig pn feAfAtnAp Ann bup focA|A T)eA|ibpAt|Ae, x)0 CAifbAin T)Aoib, m^Y bu]\ coil e, 'ScaIca n-6Acc|\A* a gnocui^ mui-one Ann comojAAt) Aguf Ann cUfceAt) le cpoDA a|a tpeunAccA, AcA lAfD Ap n-eiit)Ail uaIac ceut) long it)i|\ c|^omfeol AgUf leAbA1]A AOn -Ac A A|\ CAblAC AnOlf TnA|\Ctl15eACC clA^t nA mA|\A Ann 1nbiO|\ 5-ColbA, AmeAfg A|\ t)AO|iTTiAOin t)0fA5^ Alice ACA COTTl|MOnCA n-0|^ clA-OeAtTlA clAlf leACAnA Ol^ACpOfCA, ulcupA, CpiCOfCA Op-OA, A cllfCimA]A 1TIa|^ A]1 jcaII n-eACC|AA Ann UllAombiAc, Ann Colgeif Ann bAAlbeg fAn 'OoniAn Siop, mAp An ceuT)nA ca AgAinne mo|ATTiAoin ■peoit)eAt), Aguf -ppoil- eAt) Aguf uAicneAt) but) mu^A nA fAibijAeAf pion "oe'n ■oo- TTiAn, Aguf A|MnA, Aguf lui|AeAc, Aguf clogAX) n-•oeA|^50|^, Ag- Uf ti|Alif ^S^r 0|^ne1f, Aguf CApleif jAn inpnc, A "oeAiAb- |\Aápe le bu|\ ceAt) beit) Ap i'iii|Mon A15 CAifbAinc An niAOin feo Ai|\ fAt) bti|\ mojAfeife Aguf gAn A|\T)Ai5ne ciMiicfAi-o ItlUlt) Ap CpOAt)ACC Ann COtTl|\AlC le bu|t lAOCpAlb Aip liof 5- coino|AA"ó nA n-6Acc|AA, coTTi|noneAt) bAAl An puncAc. Aip cpiocntJgAX) -oo b|AonnbAAl, x)'eipi§ "PeAt) ttiac 5-CeAl- CAp ceAn^cAp n-6Apb A15 ]AAt) : C|Aeut> niA CAbAi|\ceAp ceAt) ■DO nA peine niAp lAppuig An c-A^tDflAic bj^onnbAAl? Aguf t)o bi mAp pn. Aip cigeAcc 'oo'n A|At)cpuinne le nA ceile An •0A]\A feAcc Annj'An -ApofeompAt) UeAcmo|A ÚAbApcA, -o- *eipi5 A|^"0|M5 A15 ]AAt) : A t^gce Aguf a f AO]iclAn itiopuAf aI, x)o tAplAt) Ann UllAt), Agtif b-peit)ip CAploCA-O Apif cp* 174 C|\|Mon 50 leigpt) ATÍ b|AeiceAtTi CAin -en 'olige Atin ^5^1*6 An ce ACA 'n CAfoiX), jAn e -00 beic ai^ tACA|i. Ai|i Ati c- A-obAj^ fiti. CiAeux) mA cofceAt) uite ceAngA Af cottia]i An- b|AeiceArTi, mjig 50 m-beit) An ce Ann a n-AjAit), ACA'n CAfoi-o- Ai|i tACAji, A^uf triA ^m-oeAnn b^eiceAtti, co|i Ann a^aho An ciif mof feo, nA -puilAn^ -oo -oo -ptn'oe Ajii-p ? PiAeA^pA-OAp uite : bi'óeA'ó, bit)eA"ó. A^uf AX)ubAi|AC A|A*o|Aig : C|\eti'o mA mA|\bceA|i neAc te •opocrnein A^iif Ainm An "ouine AnnA n-A^Ait) b-|:iiil CAfoit) nA 'otiiiinA'pbcA, 'oo beic ^ÍAOi'ógce Af cottia|i bpeiteAih AnnA fui'óe AnnA caIaiti n-'ouicce A^Uf Ann cionot a c-peAb, c|\i nuAi-pe, f. f. nAoi ntiAi]Ae 50 tetjp, 511^ ^An e |?|ieA5Ai|ic 'oo •oeunAt), bmeAt) An c-e|itAc ux) ^AbcA A^uf CAiijiAngcA te -poiAneAiAc Ann -pocAii An b|^eiúeATri te 'oeunAt) -pjieA^Ai^c •o'a •DiinniAiAbcA? PiAeA^Ai^i An c-A|AX)c|Miinne uite: SeAt), bi-oeAt), bi-oeAt). feAfXDA mA 5r)i'óceA|i CA-poit) Ann AgAit) neAc, acc AtriAim -oe x)unThA|AbAt), bi-oeAt) a Ainm gtAom^ce Af comA|A An b|ieiceAiii AnnA 'otiicce -pein Agii-p comaonot a cjAeib |?ein, A^uf mAnAc ^l^eAgAi-pfAit), ACC Ann cjiaco ni •oei|iceA'p -peo 'oe cuif •ótjine ipAoi CAom ceinnAif, ctii|iceA|A nAi^ie aiji, Aguf ni cAif- bAin-pAit) A eti-OAn Af comAp b]AeiceAm no ctuA^cig nuig 50 ^niteAnn ye fAfAt) A^uf Afioc ? -A^uf f|\eA5|iAX)A|A uite: SeA*ó, bi-oeAt) bi-oeAt). bi nA -poctA fCjAiobcA Ai|A cpeACT) n-t)tige n-6]A|Mone but) mop An -pceut tuAc^Ai^^e a cAnic ua-ó ^ac cAob oi|i AnnfAn cjaac feo ni -pAib CAfoix) Aip bic a cigeAcc Af co- liiAp nA c-A|AOC|iuinne An ceAcmo]\ ÚAbApcA, A^uf ai|i An x)AiAA feAcc bi fO§ fUAnfUAimneAf ifO]\ ^ac |Mon n-C]A|Aione, , 175 h^ 'n 5aaI meu'OugA'ó 50 lomlAn, bi bi^-ó -00 beAÚA t)AOin- ev\-ó, ni e AniAin a fó.^t acc 50 -pAnfApfin^. X)o bi'n cAto^th C]^eAbcA Aip fAX) a^uj^ A1|^ 5^1^1*0, buit)e te mopf'Ot)bA]\ 5- coipce, n-o|AnA A^uf ciAuicriAi^; ti : CpuinnceAjA ppioni^Ai-oe, cinfi|i, OtlniAnA, cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil, Aguf nA b|\eiceATTinA, ai|a t)|Miiceine n- tlltAt) Ann |:ocA|A An \\^■^ c^ac beit)eAf bAAÍ t)iit AfceAC AnnA C15 lAjif^ic f. f, luL 1. A5Uf cuip 6ocAit) fOCÍA eite niAp feo teo: Dei-o ^ac ceAn|?eA|^ AnnA ceAn]peA|\c fein A^tif jAc cpeAbAon "o'a t]AeAb A15 CAbAij^c An ctii]ieAt) -peo: \)e\X) A lAnfAic -oe bocAnAib cA-pc fACUA|AC "Oun Sobepce Aguf belt) ti|^TTio|A -oe ctApcAib |?eoit|AATTiA|\Aib biA'oUoncAib fCAppce A fOCAjA ATI 5^^U CA|\|\tll51t), 01|A ACA fionn tTIO TTIAC CCUt)- Jein -oe'n Aoif jMAccAnAig. -Ai|A An Ia fin c|AUinnui5 An c-A|At>c|Miinne ai|a b|Auiteine n- UtÍAt) Af COitlA|\ An -pig, AJUf CA|A 'Oei'p OptDUgAt) TnOjAfluAg tiAn-jAAt CA|AC AnnA cimciolt An bpuiceine "OAp a cpeAb A^uf A ceAn-peAiAC, CAngA-OAii nA bulfoipnóe Ann ÍACAp An -pig, A^tif jAipeA-OAit An cun-OAf: Uax) ceAn^eApc n-lApgAAt nAoi mite iTiAitte teif A beAncpAcc. Ha Saaí uax) ceAnfeA^c tlAcboc tiAoi tnite ciiig ceuT) niAilte teif a beAncjAAcc. Ha SaaI UAio ceAnfreAjAc n-5^^Ai^A*otiTi nAOi mite ^5tif nAoi cent) mAilte teif A beAncjAAcc. Ha SaaL UAt) ceAn^eAjAC n-AoiniAg nAOi tnite 50 teAt niAitte teif a beAncpAcc. Ha gAAt uAt) ceAn- feAjAc tAfne nAOi mite mAitte teif a beAncjiAcc. Ha 5^^^ tiAt) ceAnfeAfc HlA^neAc tiAOi mite feAcc ceut) mAitte teif A beAncfeAcc. Ha jAAt ua-o ceAnfeAjic n-A|it)CAn nAoi mite mAitte teif a beAncfAcc. Ha gAAt WAt) ceAnfeApc n- 177 Ibeic OCX mile pcit) m«Mlte teif a beAnc^Acc. Hd. JaaL Uv\i) ceAnyeow]Ac TTlA^infe tiaoi mite t)eu§, m^itle leif a be^n- Ai|i cpiocnuj^t) t)oib 'o*ei|ii5 6ocAit) An yiig ^SUf AT)ub- Aipc : A A|\t)]plAice ^50^ a SAop-clAfiA ca pionn mo ttiac ceuogein T)e'n AOif iHAccAriAig, j'eAfeAnn ye Ann biJ]A comA|t po]ACAom lonmotcA, eAt)on "oo beic ^nn^ 1^15 n-UllAt), tion- 1115 FeApgAif mo 'Docuf 50 lomt^n, Aca fe Ann^ t^igfeAp A]\t)i:lAicAmAt, A^ui" -00 CAptAt) 50 b-irtiit -pe com CAicneAm- Ac, mui|>neAc "oo cloin n^ CAÍmAn Acnmgim 50 fuit)ept) ■pionn Ann aic jAig Ann tJllAt), A^uf belt) peA^gAif A15 com- ^niom 1115 -oiATTinA le pubAit ai]a T^^'S^ ^^ n-eA^nA. Aguf A15 ciuncugAt) A pA-oAiiAc Ai|i ^lonn A'OubAi|Ac: A ^15 mic A]\ mopg^At) eifc te ^rocÍAib T)0 aca|\ jAAÓ^ce Af comA|A fA- ojActoin nA CAlmAn : Ha ceit) Aip Aon yox) 50 ■o-ci 'n -oeAf no 50 "o-ci *n cte UAt) focÍAib cjAeAct) nA n-T)U5e. belt) pAt) tocjAAn lonpAc 5A fotfU^At) t)0 cof fAn flige nA ceipc. t)it) rpocA]AAc. UeAt) AfceAc fAn fcoitcib, CAbAip meAf t)o nA oit)ib, oip If iAt)f An a muincAf mem An cAOf 05 ! LeAj ctiin^ I'mAccATTiAt Ai|A nA cpom^eAjAAib. Ha lei^ t)o Aon bpeiceAm t)o teig cAinfocAÍ iiAt> cpeAct) TiA n-olige nui5 50 lAbpuig An cluAfcig Ann eifceAcc An ^uine Ann a tiAgAit) gniDceAp An CAfoit). Commeinuig a ^-comnume 50 b-fuit cufA An c-Apt)mAop A15 ceApcofAncA nA Apnei]% nA bit) An ^taoIcu peAlcAc a liiApbeAf nA CAO^Ac. Suit)e a mic Aip cpit)Aon t)o aca|i Ann tJllAt), A15 fCApu^At) An ceApc le cpocA^e. "^S^r ^^5 ^P^ugAt) A Jut t)o fin AmAc A lAtfiA A15 \ioJ6 I ^ piMoni-AiTÓe, A TTiAice, Aguf A JaaI n-UllAt), mA ciuncui- 178 geAtin pionti uax) ftige riA ceijAC, beit) cluAf An 1115 fUAf^- Ait^ce te n-eij'ceAcc *oo'n CA^^oit) beit) ^uf a liiein ]\e^x) te- ciii|A fTDAcc A1|A 'opocmiAncAib A TTI1C. Ai^p cltJA-pceAnc 501|Ae- AtDAjA ATTIAC ATI pobAÍ Ulte I Jo I^Alblj^eAX) OAAt ^AC obAl^l. ATI 1115! U|\At ^tAoi'óeA'OAiA riA but'poi|\i'De Af A-p-o : SeAf'Ann neAC Ai|^ b-puiceine n-tlltA'ó ai§ iaiaiacax) a ceA^Ac? tliop -pjAeA^Ai^A Aon^tjc. Aip cpiocntjgA'D bi mo|A]peif riAov tAecAet) Ann 'Oun Sobe^Ace. SAn ÍAecib yeo u^MAtluig CocAit) 50 UeAcnio|A ÚAbA|icA,, cti5 fe A cupATTi A^uf A 'óeA5Ai]Ae X)o 1Tlu|\-n-OllATTi. Anoi-p x)o cA|Al/At) fub A cAnic Ía cjAuinnce nA c-A|A'OC|Auinne n-C|A- pione ^u\\ pAnic tloiceAfAc -pig n-gAAÍen 50 'o-ci boÚAnAib Tl-Ap"0|\15 A1]A ÚAbA|ACA ^A t^At) I A A^A-Of AOl niO]A ^UA1|A nA- qAompp cmiAeAt) -oo cig n-A|AT)]Ai5? T)o |:]AeA5Ai]A A^A-ojAig: A RoiceA-pAig ACA bocAnAib n-A]AX)|Ai§ ):uAf5Ail5ce a 5-coTTiniii-óe •00 cloin nA CAbniAn uite 50 beu|A. Anne nAC be e-pjAion nA C]Aomp|A? Uime. pn com btiAC ^uf C]AUinntii5 An c-AjA-ociAtJinne be nA ceibe Ann A|A'ofeoTTi|AA'ó ÚeAcmo]A UAbAjACA, •o'ei^Aig II0- iceAfAc ^Aig n-gAAben A15 iaa-o : A ttio^A'ptiAfAbi'óe aca -pocbA A15 HoiúeAfAc •oo'n c-A|AX)c]Auinne "oe i\ei]A nA c|Aom^eA]AAib. Ann pn ceibeAbpA-OAp An mopf-eif x)Ap cuj^mof, A^uf mopc- omopAt) nA n-eAcc|AA Aip \.\oy ÚAbA]AÚA. Ia^ nAoi bAete^T) cAnic An c-A^A-ocjAUinne be nA ceile A|A1)", Ann AivofeoTTi^AAT) •o-UeAcmo]A ÚAbA^cA. -A^uf •o'eijAi^ HoiceAf AC jAig n-jAAben A15 -pAt) ; A l^gce, a TTiO]Ai:bAice Aguf A A|A"oniAice, SAO^AcbAnn nA n-6|A|Aione ttia ^bACA-oi-p beuiAj^muineAt), nA but) |:o|au|^ t)AOib feucfinc 511^^ fUAijA nA C|Aomp|A mA^vA^ugAt) ^peineAC, oip -pumeAnn A^uf cuijAeAnn nA ObbtilAnA fUAf A bAITlA fAn A^Atjf eOTTllAAt), 179 gt^c^titi DA b|\eiteAtTinó. niAp An ceut)nA a n-Aic Ann Ap TTieAf5, Ua 5Uf An X)AnAAn mAit 50 teop x)0 beic AnnA comliiAt)Oi]A 'DO pigcib, ppionfAib, A^uf X)o Ap-oniAitib n-6|\- |Mone Acc ni C15 tei|" An c-Apx)C|Aom]:eA]A a fui-oeAf ai]\ caic- Aop Amejigein, pinonj^A 'oe'n -ftiocc, A^uf mic An n-gollAin, no le nA C]\omp|A a AicnuigeAnn ]\unA th-bAAl, a co-pnui- ^eAnn nA ceince nAOTTit)A, ci^eAcc AfceAC fAn AiA-of eottipAt) ? "Oe bjii^ pn te cinocnugAt) A^uf te T)eAfii§A'ó An c-eugce- a]m: ]-eo, cpeut) niA m-bit)eAnn An c-A|AT)C]Aom|:eA|A Aguj" nAOt cm -oe nA C]\ompeA|AAib Af ^ac pion n-6R Ann Cppion A15; cigeAcc Af ceAc, A15 ^Iacax) cotTiAi|Ale, A^uf A15 CAif bAinc ' A. IvNiiiA I'An Ai\x)]'eoTTi)AAt) X)-UeAcnmo]A ÚAbApCA? Cum^tji^ An c-Ap-QciAuinne coíti|aa"ó yo\\ An ceifc. LAb« |AAt)A|A mopAn Aip fon A^uf AnnAgAit), acc Ann c|aacc nio|% |:uAf5Ait nA n-OllthAnA, nA IDAnAAn, no An c-A|A"0|\ig a- TTi-beut. Ai]A "oeApeAt) •o'ei|Ai5 tloiceAi^c ^m^ n-jAAlen A15. ' pApU^Ai) : THa UAIfbAin^AT) AIA-Opg A TTl-bA|AAttlAlt ? Aip An bAÍt feAfUig Aji-oing A15 ^aa-o: Api' a A|At)TTiAice* TTiopiiA]"Ate ciii|AceA|i AnttiAOin AijA An c-A|AX)C|Miinne X)Ap Aife- 1^5 ceifce nA 5-cpom|:eA|A, b-|:uit 50]ac no ^AneAf n-cA^nA. o^i^AAinn? ITIa ca nAc b-|:uit An A|AT)otlAiTi Ann feo? IIIa CA CAit ceitte Ann comiAAt) no Ann comAiple n-^olige, nAc; b-]:uil An A^A-obpeiteAtii at) Iacaia? but) mopbuilAc T)om ^uji* •oeA|\bTTieinceAp com obAn ^^ceub TDubbAfAC 5-CTlOtTICtltlA'Ó» A^uf l/llbAltl Ann lAecib UigepnmAif An ^15? tlo A]A cAileAbAp coTTinieine "oe'n cjaac niof ^Aipit) •DUin» ]:ein, nuAi|\ "oo cAnic CAcon A15 lojA^ugAt) m^\\ a ceA^c ^ein. U|ACiii|A nA 5-C|AAnciJi|\, eAX)on i^An Ap'of'eoThiAA'D yeo "oe "peiiv po^A fMu-ocAn nA ^-ceAn^eAp I Cax) if pun tii-bAAb Aicnuig- 180 eAnn AonneAc? Cat) cm^e ciocf^t) c|Aom|?eA|\ AfceAc yisr\ a|\'o- f eoTTiiAA-o ? Aiine riAc b-|?tiil obAij^ ei^in aca te 'oeuriAt) ? 1|" popfAOCA|A 11A ^-cponrpeAii ati ceine nAonroA "oo •oeAp^ugAt), An ce cei-oeAf j^ah X)0|ACA'OAf 'oo fcmiAAt), t)o cAifbAin cpACA, ■pion jAocA, A^tif bAAÍAince ha ii-Aimp|\e. Cpei'oim riAc b- -puit riA Tieite yeo CAob fci§ "oe ih-bAttAib 'o-UeAcino|A? Anne nAc -pciMobceAiA |"An •otige: 11i cioc|:Ait> C|iomi:eA|\ CAob -pel 5 "oe'n AiA-ofeompAt) '0-UeAcmo|A UAbAjACA 50 "oeo ? TlAib nA |:ocIa -peo -pciMobcA ^An ciaIÍ no A-obAp ? vó^\\ ceAn ni cmimfA At)bA|\ coniionnAn le bpipeAt) -poet a ciAeAct) n-'oUge n-G|A|none? TTIa tei^eAbAp nA cpompip ApceAc Anoi-p, ni pAt) nuig 50 ciui^^^Ait) pAt)pAn A|At>niAice n-6p|\ione attiac Ap A A1C Ann A|At)peOTT1^1A'D •0-UeACtnO|l ÚAbA|^CA bi-óeAX) An T:-A|\t)C|\uinne CAbAipu bpeiceAniAf. Ace 'oa|a a bA|\AíTiAit ^em 'oe1|^eAnn Ap-oiM^: bi-óeAt) ^tocIa cpeAc-o nA n-'otige (COTtilioncA ! A5tif 50 -oeAiAbcA 'OO bi TnA|A pin. AijA An ÍA ptjl A fCAjAptiig An c-A|\'oc|iuinne, bi cpeAct) tiA n-T)U5e "piJAf5Ait5ce, A^uf a ^tocIa teigce, A^up leAbAp HA n-Aimp|Ae i^UAfgAit^ce Aguf tei^ce, Aguf t)0 bi nA foclA CAicneATTiAig fA|AThAic le cluAfceAnc. Ai]A CjAiocnujAt) "OO jtAOit) nA butpoipi'oe ahiac Af ajat) : SeAfcAnn ai|a ÚAbApcA A15 iA|A|AeAt) a ceA|ic? Tliop ^peA^Ai]! Aont)uine CuAit) An c-Ap'ocpuinne attiac, Agup bi Tno|\t)oppA 'n A|At)peOTtipAt) -OlAUITD^Ce t)A|\ CUfTTlOp. An 6. teAbA^, An 5. CAibi-oiU tliop pittuig lbe|\ 1115 ihuniAin A15 ingeAccA pein, acc cpiAlluig te Ipionn 50 "Oun Sobepce. A$up cottt Iuac gup 181 connMpc lbe]\ "(rionn^ ingein Atuin n-^oc^it) CI15 fe a feA^AC ^5"r '-'^ Sr^'ó T)i, is^uy x)o poy ye 1, ^5«^ x)'inici5 p)'e leif A pigbe^Mi 50 ITlumAm. Annf tia l^etib yeo n-teyy pg^il Ann 5'^''^^^^^ ^t^^ b^^lAineA-o X)eu5 ^SUf fice fUAi|\ TloiteAfAC b^f. Seo An caoi a cA]AlAt), t)'ic -pe mil nA m-beAc, ^511^ buo^il 'OAOiTnlicAn e, ^5«^ fuÍA |Aeit)ceA]\ t)o nA -OAito^A, bi lAp A c^N^niugA-ó, cpuinniii^ AiA-ociAuinne n-gAAlen Ai]t bpuiceme a^u]' but) e AongAii^ a itiac a pogA mA|A ]\\t^ An- nA n-Aic ]:o]\ |Ai§eAccA n-g^Aten. Anoif •00 cApÍA-ó -^uy poy- 1115 A^on5Alf ]M5 n-J^^'^l-en *OeAiibbAAb ingein b-'peA|^5A1]' b- p]\ion^v\ n-UllAt). tJime •otjbAi]\c BocAit) : 11eA|ACAn a ca]aa CA mo liiAcgAijA lomÍAn ! Aca 1^05 ^^uf "puAimneAj" n-6|A]Mon ■OAin^Ance. T)© mAi]\ 6ocAit) Aip UAbAjACA. Ai]a CAjifnu^A'D^ AfceAc x)o bAAl Ann lApi-^ic y. y. 1ul 1, ^ItJAftiig Ap-opig Aip AgAit) 50 "Oun Sobe^ice. X)'pAn CocAit) Ann IIIIa-o acc Aon mioi'A AiiiAin, oi|a ^15^16 "fionn ■oaji V^ije nA cei]ic- "oe b]M§ pn but) mo|A An c-AoibneA-p t)o bi ai]a c|\oit)e n-6ocAit). v\noif com tuAC ^uf cAnic IDaaI AnnAice a cig bbAc>. tpiAÍ- luig A|At)]\ig UAt) UeAcmop UAbAUCA 50 bocAnAib Ibep i\ig lIlumAin, A^uj' Af pn cuAit) 50 bocAtiAib AongAi^^e, A^uf Ai]\ imceAcc t)o bAAÍ A-pceAC AnnA cig lAjif^ic y. y. lut 1,, bi v\|At)|M5 Ai|\ ^^y A^\if Ann 'Oun Sobejice. A^U]" An nuAi|\ A n-t)eACAt) bAAÍ c|Mt) A ]\ion ttleAf y. y, Au^ufc, pAnic A]\t)]M5 50 comnuit)e A^uf t)eA5t)un TTlei^Ac Ann UlconnmAcc, A5Uf 1a]A a CUA1]AC CAnic Aip Al-p 50 t)-C1 UeACmOjA UAbAjACA A^uf t>o TTiAijA -pe AnnA bocAnAib Aip UAbApcA. bAineAnn nA bAAÍAince 50 eut)qAom be 6ocAit). Aca fpei^ ^^5^ fof Ann -pceutcAib nA m-bA|At) Ann At)pATinAib nA pteAt), a^u]^ 182 ^nn ceot a^|" ]Aionce. tnA|AciiigeAnn -pe Ann "oiaJ An feit^ TnA|\ feit^oiiAe AtinA neA|Ac a^iíj' a n-oi^e. A-oubAijAc G-ocAit) Xiom-pA : neAjACAn reit) -poim 50 'Oun Sobepce, A^iif "oetjn IDO AjAAf Ann 1Tlu|A-n-0ltATri, cAbAi|\ *oo aijao A^uf -oo ctjpAm X)0 nA o^AnAib, a^ui" ai]\ cigeAcc "Oo t)AAt Ann Ia^i^^ic, bei-oim teAC Ann tlttAt). 'Oo tub A]AT)pi§ a tAiriA ca|ic ai|a iTiuinbeul lleApcAin, A15 ^Iaoic: A coiri-oeAccA A^uf a cA5U'p Aip ei|Ai^ -00 Tleipt) A"oubAi|AC : Aca uile clAn ImcAT) ojAnA pAoi Aoif, c|AeuT) ^y cui-o Aip peut) te tli-OA -pAgAit ACC cuiT) nA mnAcpeAbAig •oa^ cupmop UAnAfceAc? Acc fpe- a]:ai|a t1it)A : tli b-puit ^o\\^ a coife CAtniAn A15 Hi-oa. Aca A bA Ai|i peujA Aip pon leAC a bAine. Ann pn -oubAipc An ■pig: bi-oeAt) Uep-o mAc n-'Ooit ceAnfeAp AoiniAg A^uf He- ^]\^X) An c]\eAbAon 5A 'pc|AuiX)eAt) An cuif peo. Le nA "Linn pin "oubAipc An pig : Hi b-puit cupmop UAnApceAc "oeApugAt) cuip "oe'n cineAÍ peo 50 ceApc, bnocAnn cbeAcceAiii olc no TTIAIC Aip AITlAnCAlb tDAp CAOI. SAOltltTI 50 b-puit pOIOfDOpCA bAAÍAineAt), mAp CAipbAineAp An cuip ux), nuig 50 ciocpAi-o Ia nA pioneAt) ? "Oe bpig ^up but) 1 An caIatti a cAbAipeAp CAipbe <^5up beACA t)o "Duine, ni ceApc 50 m-beit) Aont)uine ^An a cuit) t)i ? X)Ap cupmop ÚAnApceAc mAp ca Anoip: pilleAnn beAn- I 184 í t^AeAb^c 5An pAifX)!^, 50 caIaíti t)tiicce a aca^i, cojaÍ teice Aon cjMAn X)e ttiAOin A^uf eutDAil a teAnitiAn pof-OA. Acc An beAnci^eAbAc le pAi-p-oib ^uf lA-o-pAn 05 glACAnn Aon c|MAn X)e íTiAOin A^uf etJ-oAit a p^, A^u-p TnAi|\eAnn mA|\ pn coTTi ^TA-OA ^u-p CA Afi ceAtifeA-p ceu-otiA Abeo. SAoitim 50 b- i:UlL ATI CAOl pn |AOfA'OA te |?U1|AeAC CjAeut) TtiA feAfeAnn An ciífmof ve jieiji An beAnciAeAbAc gAn cÍAn ? PiAeA^jAA'OA'p uile : SeAt), bi'óeA'ó, bmeAt). te nA Unn pn AXDubAiiAC An jiig: Cpeiix) mA ctunguige- Ann An beAnc-peAbAc be cbAnn tube pion niAoin A^uf eu-OAib A bAin be -peA^A ceibe nuig 50 *o-ci bA nA lAionce, A^tif bi- 'óeA'ó CjAAC nA jAionce Ann Uion-pcnAt) -p. |", tTlA|AC, ai|a gAc ceiciveTTiAT) bAAbAin ? A^uf ■pjAeAg'pA'OA'p tube : SeAt), bi-óeAt), bi-oeAt). 1p niAjA pn A-oubAipc An ^ig, belt) lonnnjif beu^ A15 An beAncjAeAbAc bocc "Oa beACA cneAfOA A^uf "oo beACA a pAif- •oib I TIa bi-oeAt) be jiAt) A15 bticc nA lociortrpAt) 511^ "oeA^b- TTiemceA'p An beAnc|teAbAc A^tif a 'oiobeAccAib -pAn cAbATh. 'Oa'P 50 'oeiitiin "oo cA]AbA"D 50 mime 50 n-eu^eAnn ^tif ACA]i A^uf niACA|A tiAt) An cboin, ciAeuT) triA ^bACAnn 'otiine btit) ^AtlMT) gAOlb "OOlb CtlHATTI A^Up "OAbcAnACC nA 'oiobeAC- ceAt), A^tap ^bAcpAt) pAT) niA|A An ceu'onA ponce ai|a a fon. bi-oeAt) An c|\eAb uibe CAbAipc a cujAAtn A^up a cotTi|AA- ic x)0 nA •oibeAccAib aca gAn cii|AAm a rtiACApv A^u-p neA|AC A n-ACA|A ? A^tif |?|ieA5|tA'OA|t tube : SeAt), bit)eAt), bit)eAt). Agtif t)ubAi|AC An pg: C]AetJt) niA bit)eAnn cupmop ÚAn- AfceAc t)eA'ptji5ce mA|\ ftit)? A^iip t)o bi tnAjt pn. A5tif be coif pn At)tibAi|AC An p§ : t)A"p CAp 11it)A n-t)eif -pcnut)- tigAt) bit)eAt) An ceA|\c t)euncA t)A|t An ti|A ctiftnop peo. 185 ipuinne 50 'Oun SobejAce, A^uf Aip c riAOi ÍAecevVt) «Ntin, ^luA^^uig fe Aip AgAit) 50 UeAcmi|A UAb^pcA. 'O'imcig ATTiAc tiA cupi-oe "oeAjCApuToe A15 gWoic riA pigce, iu\ cinp|i, nA OtttTiAriA, A^uf c]AeAbAoriA An pob^it niAite teif An ]\i5 A^u]" nA occ cinpp uAt) UtconnmAcc cum An c- A^'Dc|Auinne Ann UeAcmop ÚAbA|ACA a ^oca^ n-A|A'0|M5. Ai]\ cigeAcc x)o'n Ia bi fiAX) ciMiinnui^ce -oAp cteAcceAth AnnfAn AiATjf eonipAt) ; A^uf X)'ei]Mg AiA-oing A15 -pAt) : A Ai^t)- fAOice ThoptJAfAite lonthotcA, aca I'og A^uf -puAinineA'p Aip yuyxi n-6|\]Aione CA'n c-ao|' 05 5A munAt) An cA^nA 50 •oup- AccAc, UTTituigeAnn |Aigce ppioni-Anoe, A^uf cinp|A Wn "olije, ni b-^int ctviAc AniAin A15 ^etijAteAnmnc An 5^^^> mAi|AeAn An 5^^^» ^"^ r^S ^5^r ^oibneAj" ^S^f aca tllconnTTiAcc TTiAp caIatti •ouicce HA n-jAAt Ann 6|A|Aion ni b-|:uiL Aon focAt eite Acc bui-oeciof A15 AiA-oiiig tDo ctuAf nA n-AiA-ociMi- inne. Acc "o'eiiM^ tneipc CAob f ia|a 'oe'n cjAi-OAon, A15 jAAt) : Aca fOclA A15 llleipc •00 "pigcib, pjMoni'Aib A^u-p niAicib n- 6p|Aion -oe |Aei|\ A-p-o-pig, coni tuAc 511^ fUAf5AitceA|\ mo|\t)- 0]AfA n-A]A'ofeoTTi|AA'ó UeAcmop ÚAbA|ACA CA|A •óeif tAece nA mo^f*eife. Ann pn cuAit) An c-AiA-ociMimne attiac Aguf "oo bi An niopfeife utlTnui^ce "Oaja cuftnof. 'Oo bi longAncAf 0]A]AAib tjile 50 teti|\ cimciolt foclAib ltlei|Ac p5 n -U icon nm acc cotti nriAic leif An cineAl ceij-ce bi Ai5e te jiAt) -oe n-Ajitipig. C0ITI tuAC 5Uf bl mO|At)0|VfA n-A|1'OfeOTTl|AAt) fUAf^Alt^Ce, Ajuf An c-Ap-ociAuinne AnnA ftii'óe, 'o'eipg tDeipc A15 -pAf): Aca focÍA ixpiobcA ai|i teAbAp nA n-Aimp)Ae n-6^^ion, 50 b-puit ceApc A^uf ceAt) A15 An "OAnAAn coTTiAi|Ate "00 jtACAt) Ann A|A"ofeóni|iA'ó •o-UeActnop UAbApcA. 186 Ai]A An c-At)bA|^ fin, bit)eAT) C|^|Mon A15 eifce^cc te mo ■pocÍAib : CpeuT) ttia fui-oeAnn pi^on-pA UAt) ftiocc n-G-R ai|\ ci^i-OAon n-AiATDjAig 50 b|AAc? Anoif cAnic lon^^ncAf corti Tno|\ tnioiAbuiteAc pn A-p cionn ^n c-Ap-ociAumne n^p 'o'eipig Aon- ncAC A guc. Úa|a -peAt beti^ x)'ei|Aig a|\'0|ai5 A15 |AAt) : A AiA-oftAice pOfjiuigeAnn Tnei|Ac A^uf tute neAc a ctmneAf a poclA, ni- o|A btJ-D uAt) Af-oAi^ne n-6ocAit) a cAnic An ceifc -peo ? 1p Anoi-p X)A bAAÍAinc -oeu^ ai|a pice uax) c|\aú |\05AX)A|\ l^igce, pi^ionpAi'oe, Agup niAice nA cAlniAn, Oocató ttiac b-^iACA An- riA n-AiA-opi^, UAt) 'n "La ux) bi pog puAn pojA e-|A|Mon. Atioip AnuAip A beiueAp CAinc A^up couijAAt) "oe tecit)e ceipc ni coip 50 m-beit) Cocai-ó a ÍAÚAp, acc fut a jaacat)- -pA ATTIAC 'OeippAl'OpA fOCAÍ ATTIAin I TTIa Clt)CeA]A 'Oo'n AjAT)- c|\tiinne 50 po^pAceAp ttiic n-GR te pui-oeAt) Ap cionn a "oe- ApbpAcpAib eAt)on AnnpAn ApTDpeoThpAt) -peo CAicuig cupmop •Q-UAnApceAc t)o beic AnnA peApeAt) -pAOiv A^up pÍAn, -pe pn CAiúiiig An c-Ap-Ofig -00 beic -pogAi^ce "OAp -pigcib, ppionpAib, CeAnfeA^iAib, OttitiAnAib, A^up cpeAbAonAib An pobAit, mA|\ IMgneA-QAp tJAt) 'o-cup. Anoip bi CAinc cotTipA-o A^up coiiiAiple A15 ha ppionpAib A^up nA TTiAicib ACC niop tAbpA'OA]\ 1bep no AongAip Aon-po- CAÍ Al-p biC. A^tjp 50 foit AnnA pui-oe, 'otibAi|AC An c-Ap'ootlAtri : Ujie- Opi-Olf TIA butpOipi'Oe ApCeAC Alltilllg, A^Up A1|l CIgeACC "00 CocAit) Af coinne An cpi'óAon, ADubAipc : AbbAif eAt) An c- Ap'OottATTi, uime -pin "oubAipc An c-Ap'OotlAtti : UAipbAineAt) An c-A|\'oc|iiiinne a t^ogA -OAp n-ei-pi^ a ■óeAftAtriA. A^up -co bi ceic|ie pciD acc cpi ■oeAptAttiA cuipce puAp, pe pin ah 187 cult) ^y mu^A, ve bpi^ pn "oubAipc An c-Apt>ottAtTi : C^acut) mv\ m-biTOe^nn x)e cuftnof X)-UATio.fceAc ^om-bei-ó ce^n t)e p|\ion]'Aib n-6H ]A05 fe fin An ceitpe pcix) acc c]\i, ciuncuigeAt^Ai^ a aJai-o x)o'n fiof», A5UI' AI5 ei]M5, CU1|AeA"OA]\ fUAf A t)eA'ptATTlA A^Uf miOnADA|A •OAIA t)Av\l, Ue, A^Uf. UApfnAfc 50 fuit)|? AIT) TTiAC UA"ó -ptiocc n-GH Aip C]Mt)AOn n-e")\]\ion -oe \^e^]\ An •olige -peo 50 bpAc. 1a|\ pn cuAit) An c-Ap-ociiuinne attiac, acc nio]\ fuilAn^ AiA-o-pig fiAt) "oo ycc>^\\- jAugAt), bi mopfei-pe Ann coni fAXiA ^u-p 'OO bi OAAt Ann fliucim p. -p. TiAOitTii. Aip c]AiocniigA-ó 'oo como|AA"ó nA n- eAcqxA Aiji liop ÚAbA]ACA, puAp5AilceA|i A|\1f tno|A"óo|ipA n- AiA-ofeoTTipAt) ■o-"CeAcnio|i ÚAbApcA, A^up "00 bi c]AeAc-o nA n- "oti^e pCA|i|iui§ce ahiac A^tip a b-poclA teigce Ap Ap-o Ann ctuApceAnc nA n-Ap-ocpumne. lAp pin 5lAoi'DeAT)Ap nA btjtfoi)Ait)e Ap ^\vo : SeApAnn AonneAc ai|\ ÚAbApcA A15 lApeAt) a ccajac? tliop fpeA^Aip Aonguc CuAiT) An Ap-ocpiiinne ahiac A^up "oo bi mo|it)oppA X) - UeACTHO|i 'Oi^ui'ogce "OAp ct/eAcceAtri. X)'pAn Gocaix) Aip UAbAjACA. X)o bi fog fUAn A^up -puAiriineAp Aip puix) uile n-6ppion A^up 5AC bAA^Ain Aip ci^eAcc "00 DaaI/ AfceAc AnnpA cig l^pj-^ic, "OO but) jnAc "oo'n -pig -oo cjuaII 50 "Oun Sobepce. UpAc tiigAit CocAit) 'OA picit) m-bAAÍAineAt) Ann UllAt), A^up UAp-oeip cuipce aitiac "oe nA cuipi"Dib 'oeAgcApui'óib A15 gÍAOic An c-Ap-ocpuinne 50 UAbApcA, cuip pe ceAccoipeAcc -d'a ttiac ^ioiin, 50 ciocpAiX) AnnA pocAp, A^up Aip •oul X)0 fionn 50 188 . TT^bAiicA •ou'bAi|AC Apo|\i5 teif : A thic ^ui|^eAc Ann feo liom nuig 50 -o-ci, lA|\f5ic, A^uf ptfAit) me teAC 50 UttAt). tTlA|v -pin ai|a imceAcc "oo DaaÍ Ann lAp-p^ic, C|AiAtttii5 At^'ot^i5 t.eif a ttiac fionn A^u-p tleA^CAn A^uf a pulsion ^nACAig, A^up cAi-pbAin- tJig CocAit) 5t!|A but) e A niiAn t)tjt Aip f^i^e TnujA-n-OtlAiTi Anno-p 50 'óeApcpA'o ai|i nA o^AnAib, Agtif 50 CAbAiiApAix) Aicne AnnA titncioU Anoif cotii luAu 5tjf popjitiig An c-Ao-p 05 50 ciocpAix) A'p'oing Ai|A ctiAijic 'ooib, cAn^A'OAiA ATTiAc |AoiTTie Ann ftuAigcib Agup 'poc|AAi'oe m-b-poin^eAlt bAn^leupcA A15 pemm te a^a-o- |iig "oo onojiugAX). A^up cuAit) CocAit) ApcAec Ann ITIutA-n- OLtATTi A^tjp -pAntJig cAtnAt Ann. A5tjp Ai|i cigeAcc t)o AnnAice leip An AniAn, cAnic ceAc- coipe Ai^e A15 -pAt) : but) thiAn te c-Aop 05 n-g^-^^^i^ "oo beic A15 cupAX) A n-eACA 'oeAgcAptii'óe -pA yiit Af coinne n- Ap*opig, Agtip cpeopmgeA'OAii Ap-opi^ 50 -o-i An cute A15 ounc athac Aip An cui^ax) ; A^up but) mop An beAncpAcc m- bAn A5UP c-pocpAit)e iti-bpiongeAtt a bi CApc Aip a cimciott. lAp ionnpuit)e An -pic, 'ai|\ ciuncugAt) te Aip bpuAc nA buit)- eAiTiAnA, bAocteimnuig ceAn t)e nA eACAib te cucac pAn aiti- Ain, bi'n c-o^tAoc A15 mApcuigeAcc CAicuigce A^up bAcuigce -pAoi cu-pjAn fjAutA Agup t)omAinuip5eAt). bi -puAim n-^teo A^up jAiyicAit CAomce A15 eipig, A^up Ai|i ctuApceAnc "oo ceAn t)e nA bpion^eAttAib, cAt) e x)o cAp- tAt) Agiip 51111 but) e CAitc mAC n-t)eA5 n-Apt)pite An jAig t)o bi bAcuigce, t)o |aic gu-p fipe te bAnAt) 50 t)-ci'n AtiiAn, Aguj* CAic pi 1 fein ApcAec Ann. Aguf An cpAc CAn5At)Ap nA bAit) A15 comgniom X)o bt 'n X)ip tAnmApb. but) mop An 189 ^eupg^il Aguf CAOineAt) Ann A5Uf -oo 5U1I 6ocAit) ; <^5iif lomcuip An v^^^S t^ewoce^n n^ t)1|" 50 -o-ci ^'eoni|\A"ó ITIup- n-OllAtii. Okguf -oyAn CocAit) nuig 50 At)leAcceAp fiAX), A5- uy bi CA]An Anc-o^lAoig, CA|\n ^u]' n^ bpion^eitl com ttiaic. but) Ainm nA bpion^eill "Oucattia, ^nne nAc b-^ruil ^AAnn •ootAfAc nA tn-bA]At) ]:o]\ CaoiIc A511]' "OucAniA AmeA]'^ l'CiMobcAib nA ni - b^|^t) Ann 1T1u]a- n - OIIatti ? Anoi]" bi'n tAplAt) 'Oubb|AonAc pn A^uf An puipeAc pigne 6ocAit) tei|" An At)teACAt), •oeunAt) a ptleAt) 50 UtlAt) niof moile lonA hui) jnACAc. "Oe bpi5 nA|A cui^ An jai^ toji^ a coif ai|a CAÍATh r.-Ut- ÍAt) Aip ceuT) ÍA lApf^ic, CA|\pAn5Ai|Aui5 nA cjAompn : 5^r but) COTTlApCA UAt) bAAl nAC pl|:AÍt) AjAlf ^O UeACTTIOp UAbAj^tA. Ai|A An Ia ca|a "óeif a ceAcc cpiAltui^ An ju^ uAt) 'Oun Sobepce 50 t)-ci TTIup-n-OllATTi, A^uf cluinuig ye cuit) ei^in x)eApbcA t)e nA milcib c-AOf 05, A15 ollmu^At) Aguf A15 t)eunAt) coTTipAt) Af A|it). Aguf bi A^Ait) An 1^15 t>eAt|AAt) te luACgAip. A^uf At)ubAi]AC mA bit)eAnn Ai^ne Ajuf incinn nA c-AOf 05 C|\it) uite CpjMon coni CAOimmuince, but) Aoibin t)0 cloin nA CAÍniAn Ajuf but) ^loiiAthAp t)o'n jMg I Le nA linn pn pA|A]Aui5- A ^Aib pionn A15 ci5eAcc 50 minic 50 ITIup-n- OlÍAth ? 'FpeA5pAt)A|^ nA n-OtlniAnA : 5^ T^<^^b. X)e bpig pn At)ubAipc An 1A15 : AcA 50 mAit, oip mA bmeAnn pigce, ppi- ^nfAit)e, Aguf TTiAice fogluitnce cpionA, cA^nAi^, mAippAit) An ^aaI/ a 5-coThnuit)e Ann fo^ ^guf Tno|\fuAiTTineAf. -Anoif Annj-An cpAC feo nuAip t)o bi'n pi§ t)eunAt) fuipeAc fCAcc XAetCAt) Ann "Oun Sobepce, CAn^AtJAp Ann t)A cpompp te 190 ceAccoijieAccA mó-x) A|\"oc^om|:eAn n-5<^Aten, A^ti-p tcs\\. 'óeif A^\\ó^y Aon t^e •oeuriAt), pteA-OAiA Aip aij^ 50 "o-ci'n *OeA|"» Ace Ann cpAcc nio]A piibAiteA'OA|i Aip ^^ai-ó nio|" mugA lonA "OA ÍAecib ai|i a ciiaaj', nuAiiA -oo ^Iac An |\ig uAom cmneAf, buAit mo|ApiAn a ceAn a^uj" a 'ó]Atiim, a^uj^ "oo bi A cnAitii 5A neAbeAt) le fcoitceAc, A^uf xy'y^y An 5AtA|i niof tneAfA UAt) tlA1|V 50 tlA1|A. Al|1 OgeACC A]"CAeC -00 liAg-An- |Aig, pA|A|itJig -pe 50 DeAcc UA-ó ^iotÍA feoTTiiAAt), oi]i i|" Ann- fAn -peottiiAAt) A1]A A "ouifeAcc. •00 5IAC An ^ng An ^aÍa^a, 'oo |?|AeA5Ai|A An 510IIA: bi x)a Cjiomp^A n-gAAlen cAbAipu b]Aon- CAnA|" n-eu-OAig teAbA "oo'n -pig ^Stif ^noip cotrittieinim ^up. •oubAipc ceAn aca tiompA: THa pAppin^eAnn An -pig, A15 ^vA-ó : Cat) ciii5e Api ctiinciiigeAX)Ap mo eu'OAc leAbA? AbbAip: Aip n-TDoig 1p CApA 'n |ai§ a -pigne te onopugAt) An 1^5! Anoif bi CocAit) lomcuipce UAt) An leAbA 50 -o-ci peotii|AA*ó eile, A^uf nA etn^Aig ^^\\ a tunóe f e ciunctjigce a^u^ -peuc I but) cpoiceAn iitpei|"ce nA jTAip^e bi Ann. bi'n cpoiceAn cpom-i:litjc le -pug, A^tif ai|\ pcAiipiigAt) mAilte lei-p An bpAc- tmn Ap come 'n ceme, A^up Aip cipTnugAt) X)o, •o'eipig coic A^u-p bAlAtii b;Aeun Ap. A5tjp piA^ipuig ^ionn ua-ó a n-ACAp. A fiopjAUigeAnn cu a ACAp ^up cu^\\ cpomj:eAp n-gAAlen bjAoncAnAf cu^At), A^uf pyveA^Aip mop poppuigim. Ann pn •o'mip fionn d'a aca|\ An put) a cAptAt). 'OVcm UAÍcAn AjA-oliAg An pig 50 CApipAngceAp tJifse -puAf Af An ^Aip^e, Aguf 50 fiiicceA|A Af cionTi ceme. Agup bi An jiig leA^ce A-pceAc -pAn bAt) tiip5e ceic ca^i CAtnAt bi coigce attiac Ap An bAX) ceic, A^uf ia|a ci^itmigAt), bi foluigce UAt> bun 50 bA^Ap Ann oltAn ceic Af comne An ceme. Ai^v ci^eAcc An cajac ai|a, cu^a-oa^ popuifge M^i) cibiop 191 le n-ol t)o. -A^uf Ai|\ tAnifU5^X) 'oo UaIcati A'p'otiA^ ciaioc- CAn ó^n pi^, A^uf AfiUAip '00 fu^sip fe ceit ^^m\^ ci|im jatt lo]\5 eAt)on "oe ■opucc n-otluif ó^\^, vo buAit fe a ucc ^guf T)o 5uit fe AniAc. ■o fuix) Cffion neAíÍTólifceAnAc, bi nA figce t»eunAt) cuAifC fion pAifceAc t)o nA mAicib, Aguf nA cinfur 192 ■00 'n 5^^^> ^5^r c^"^ ^^t^ pAT)? bi impij' b|Auccii5Af CU15 cinn t)e nA cpomfeAfib Aguf CAf- 193 |A^n5o^"OA]\ ^^bcA 50 "o-ci C15 An ^15, cotii tuAt guf cmiic ati ^leo .50 cluAfAib n-Coc^Mt), p^i^iAuig olc "OO nc< |:eApMb f eo ? A5Uf A15 eijii^, fiiit)e ye fUlige, ACA'n t)lige Ap cionn uile. Anoip bi bup pig t)eunAt) a n-t)iccioll jag Ia t)'A beACA, Annop 50 cAptpAt) nA nit)ce peo ^u-p ca lAppeA- •ÓACC A coIa Anoip ÍAnfApcA, oip ip t)tige piocAine t)tige n- e-ppion. Accuigim nAC ciocpAit) 50 bpAc An Ia a ceit^eAnn pAp nA t)Aoine An t)tige le ÍAmtAtnp Agu-p ^eupneApc. A OUatti n-UllAt) CAbAipv piof nA poppione t)o incinn nA pobAit ^GA^Apg t)o ctoin nA CAÍmAn 50 b-puit pAt) pip, ceA5Ap5 mAp An ceut)nA t)o pigtib, ppionpAib, A^up mAicib, nAC b-puil piAt) Acc pip ! A j^^^ bit)eAt) ^eAnn A^Aib Aip A ceile, nA pilit) puil a ceile, nA geupleAnmgit) An "OAnAAn,, nAC b-puit cuin^pAt) itDipmn ? nA bi-óeAt) Apt)cumApAc Ann 195 ^igAil An p]^5n4Nc, oip tu^AjA ge^lt be^tA fogc^niAl -ooib? Impuigim A ppion|'Ait)e, a TÍiAire, A^uf a JaaÍ 50 ni-beii6 fpiOjAAt) T1-60CA1Ó AtlllAlb ! Ai|i C|Aiocniu§At) A coTTipA^ bi An 5^^^ ^ cigeAcc tC' pAÓAipc jTAgAitc "oe'n 1^15 Acu bACAT)A|A n^ cinp|\, A^uf "Oti-- bAi|\c An 1A15 nA 'oeuni^i-ó pn, ]?oi]\ 'ooib oip m b-pA-o 5 tn-beit) mij^e fAOi mo cA|An. UAnic ^uj" beu^An 'oenA 5-c^om- ^eAp Ann ^ocAip, A^uf fteA6A'OA|A "oo'n ^m^ a^ui" ' A15 tubu^- A"ó A Iahia 5ui"óeAT)A]A bAAÍ, 50 TTi-beit) ]'pio|iA"o An ^i^ •oe- A5fpio|AA"0 Ann ciiAionAib a g-coninui'óe. Acc fpeA^Ain An pig -ooib : A T)eA5f Aoice ni ciAeitum-pA^ 50 C15 tib mo fpiopAT) "00 ctii|v AfuAf no a caII, uime px\ but) mo|ACAipbe t)AOib 'oo CAbAip Aipe "oo bup ceinnb neAtti- t)Aib, -00 |:piciot Ai|A lucc fiubAilce fAn •OOpCA'OAf, A5Uf 'OO C0TtlA1]\C COTTlACpeAbAlb ^An 5A0llTTIUinC1]A. AnOI]" T)-'pA|" CAOm Ab-piAn 50 Anniop A^uf iomctJi|AeAX)Ap A-pceAC fA feoniiAA-ó e. Aip An oit)ce ceut)nA oubAipc An ]ii§ te fionn, CocAit), UaV- CAn, A511]" m^ye tleAiACAn : Anoif C|aac pucc mom-bAif ac^ TDA nit)ce 5eti|AgoineAt) mo Ai^ne: bAf Hoi-oe, A^uf n-^lACAU An c-CifAon, A^uf An pigbpAr- Aip llA|:Alb UAt) tATTI An C-AIA-OCIAOTTl^eAp. A t1eA|ACAn jTeAfAt) nuAip 'OO bei"DeA|' mo -pceut tei^ce, ^^ciMob Ann leAbA^A nA n-Aimp|Ae 50 ]Ai5ne me An ^moTTi pn c^aac bi me 05 A^uf miociAltAc. Anoif ai|a -peifeAt) "La nA ^aI^aa "o'eug An ]\^■^. bi cÍAn uile n-UtlAT) ciAUinniiigce cajac AnnA cimciott "Outi! Sobe^Ace. Ai]a An nAOimAt) Ia bi a meuuceAn coi^ce a|^ ati^. feompAt) nA mA|Ab, Aguf f^^S^ tillmuigce teAc Ai-p teicf rjAi-o^ (n mopfluAg bi cinpp Iaja^aaI, lA]ine, n-A|vocAn, A^uf n- íunxDAlgAn A15 lomcuip a meut)ceAn bt fAO|icLAn. uile n-Ul- 196 ÍAT) AI5 ^tuO^I'ACC ATTIAC ^XOUTie, A^Uf A CeiC^Ae TÍIIC O^XMCiis "OIA^ Ann pn cAnic piMon-pAi-óe n-6tl, nó. mnA, n^ b|MongeAtlA, nA n-OtlttiAnA, n^ bjAeiceATTinA, A^uy^ cjAe^b^sonA An pob^it, Aip *oei]i eA-o mopfociAAi-oe -oe mitcib 5<^^^ n-UtÍAt). Ai|A ci^CAcc 50 A1C An tJAig, bi •oopcAX)A|" Ann, a^ui' "oo bi ITlunit) AiA-ooltATTi n-'Oun Sobepce mAitle teif a c-AOf 05 -peAfeAT) i:aciia|ac An CA|An A15 Ap'OU^At). locpAnA ai|a Iaj^at) AnnA tATÍiAib. A^uf "o'eiin^ tTltiinix) An c-eugcAoin Anne nAc b-irtiit An "pAnn 'oogtAfAc AmeA-p^ -pcpiobcAib nA m-bA^t) Ann 1Tlti|i-n-0ttATh n-'Oun Sobepce ? T)o bi nA bAi-p-o nA piti-oe, nA mnA, nA b|MongeAtA ^peADeAt) CAoince, A^up -00 bi An tnopftuAg A15 CA|\n copnugAT) ai^\ b-pAt) nA n-oi-óce. Coth tuAC ^up uAipbAinuig DaaI/ ATtieii]AA uttAomcA 'n-oi|\, "oo ci- uncuig An mo|A ftuAg a n-AgAi-ó ctii^e, ^a c^AomugAt) Acinn. ^y An pn bi mipe TleA|ACAn UAt) bApp An CAi|An A15 aia-ou- gAt) mo gUC, AI5 -pAt) : A CoCAIX) ITIAC b-^IACA UAt) pliocc n-CU thic Ciep, An SolÍAm, jng n-UllA-o, A^up Ap-oiAig n- C|\]Aion, •00 bi cu, Acc ACAi]A Anoif pgnce Ann uig n-'oo|ACA- •OAif ■^5^1^ Ann teAbA puAnco-otAni pop|\ui'óe ! CyveuT) mAnAc ci-oeAnn Aon-ptiil cufA nibup mugA, cpeuT) tnuAnAc cl/UinpeAnn Aon ctuAf cufA nibup mugA, acai]a ni-ó- ^ippin At) -ppiopAT) popbeo!. Aguf •o'ltncig An fluAg ai]a pubAiU An 6. LeAbAjA. An 3. CAibi-oiL RigAit b-"Pionn mAp jAig n-tllt.Af), A^uf niA|A Ap-opig n-6|\|Aion Aip fAT) pice bAAtAineAt), tiAt) 663 50 x)-ci 643. R. C. Anoip ni |AAib pjAionpA, nA ceAnyeAp, nA OUatti nA, cpe- AbAon jDobAit, ACC ATTiAin peA|i§Aip pjiionpA n-61l A^up Cob- 197 CA ceAnfeAjA UatiaIca t)0 bi ^taoi caotti cinneA|', ^S^f Tlof X)o bi coftiugAt) UeAcmop Ú An 'ptiuctjgA'p -pin At)bA|\ ^aÍjaa 'n p\ig, 1|^ An pn -oubAiiAC An Apipb|\eiceAm cpeut) 'oeip An ci^om-peAp? C|ieiJt> i|" mAiú mo f|AeA5|AA'DfA, C|Atl1CAT)lf An CetJ-O UA1|V ^Upi pO|A bll|\ CA|-- oix), 'Dei|A An c-A|A'oc|\omyeAp. Cpeut) C15 tinn a -pAt) acc hac po|\ An CAf oiT) UT). A^uf •o'eipig a|at)|ai§ A15 jAAt) : A com- ■ptAice If fOjAUf An c-olc -oo fAt) Ann a^ait) Aon-oume, ^An e beic cioncAc 00 CAitt mi-pe mo ACAp muifneAc ni coi|a 50 f An Ann a Iaca^ ■o'eA^teA 50 m-beit) commeineAt) An CAitt MX) A15 ctii]A 'oeApibmeineAt) nA ceipvc opm. RACfA'OfA AmAC Af feo, x)eiinAt)if An ceA-pc •oa|i -olige -oo nA feAjAAib -peo. *OtibAUfc An c-A]A'obp\eiceAm : TDa tAbp a^ at) nA cpompp, Ann pn PpeA^AijA An c-Afoc-pompeAiA, A15 -pA-o : Aifim ^uj^ cuijA mi-pe foclA te bent nA b-feAjA -peo, 5-Cfom|?eA|\ m-bAAt but) Aipvoe "Do'n \^^■^ bi'n -pceut "oe ni-ocib ai|a but) coip\ 'oo'n ■pit^ toiA^u^At) po-p, Ajuf tiAt) caiaIat) 'oo bi nA p|A •oeunAX) cipAf 50 'oeA5t)iin An pvi^ fAOil me ceAfc "oo cuif bponcAn- Ap "DO, If mAf pn "oo cuif me Ai^e cfoiceAn bpeAt) ponnAC n-iitpeifce n-fAifge, mAf ofneif a fuAnliofA, mAille te 51- 201 OCA t)'obAi|\ ftiAitfuAigce ton]\Ai5 TniopbuitAiJ niAp fopbp^c. A5Uf Aénui^ me *ooib: Hi AbbAipt) T)o'n pig cpeux) ac- u5o |AAX) 5ui\ commeinui5 An c-Apt)c|\ompeA|A ai|\ Aon olc? TIac cjAUAit) An CAj- ^u]\ leA^ceAp miolcAn opmj^A fAt) euccupAm t)uine eite ? Anne nAc but) ^nAC 'oo •ouine a l^gne feAtt ■oo cui|A An mioleAn ai]a ^ac a fAop^At) e pein ? Ai|Mm com if bAineAnn An CAf liom fein, ^uji but) mu^A" cjauaiJ me, lonA At)bA]\ CA|'oit)e, le tinn nA fCAjA yeo tAbjiocAt) ai|a a fon ^ein mA ca Aonnit) te )iAt) aca. A^U]" ):peA5pAt)Ap nA cpompp: til b-puil nit) Aip bic AgAinne le |\At), cAp -put) a t)ubAipc An c-Apt)cpompeAp. UpAC cpiocnui^ceAp An piAt)nuipe, t)ubAipc An c- Apt)bpeiceAm : 5tA0it)eAt)ip nA butpoipit)e An c-Apt)pi5, A^up cAnic Apt)pi5 ApceAc A^up Aip puit)eAt) t)0 Aip An cpit)Aon, leig *Ooit Ap Apt) : CuAiÍAbAp n a poclA Aip pon Agup Ann AgAit) nA peApAib peo ? An bup coiL 50 lei^ccAp CAinpocAt nA n-oli^e? Ace t)'pAn An Apt)cpuinne uile AnnA puit)e. "Oe bpi5 pin t)ubAipc An c-Apt)bpeiceAm : Dit)eAt) nA pip peo pAop. "Oo cuip Apt)pi5 ponn, SeAt)nA ppionpA n-eU AnnAic pig n-UltAt),' A^up UAt) bAAlAin 50 bAAÍAin cuAit) "Pionn 50 T)un Sobepce mAp pigne a ACAp CocAit). 1p e miAn b-ponn t)0 beic 50 t)ubcpACCAC copAmAt n-6ocAit) a ACAp Ann rAc, 'OAp cupmop Aip 5AC uile cpeAp bAAlAin le cupAm b-pionn 202 'bi'n c-A|\X)C|Auinne athia •pui'óe te ha ceite Ann A|At)f'eoTTi|AA'ó t)-UeAcmo|A Úó^]\ cufTnof t)o bi t)op]'A n-Apt)]'eom|AAt) T)-UeAcmo]\ ÚAbA]itA jTUAf^Ait^ce, ^"^My t^^5ce, p|AionfMt)e, A5111* mAite AnnA -pui-oe te pogAt) An ce fuitb^Aio A|At)pi5 ai]a c|M"óAon n-6]A|Aione, t)'ei|ii5 50 ob^n 'Don ("Oon) p|Monf a n-jAAÍen A15 |AAt) : A pigce A^uf A coTTii'lAice n-6|\|Mone, Ann cjaacc cit) 50 n- t)eipceAp ■^M]\ ye^ye^rwi mionnA Ann leAbA^A nA n-Aimpue n- 6|Apione, AcnugAt) : Suit)eA"o ceAn t)e mACAib n-6R ^P^t^^S 50 bpAc. AipmfA 50 b-^uit An mionnA ux) ^An Aon bjAig, oi|\ If te ceit^e Aguf ^lice |MonpAi|ACit)eAt) Ti-6ocAit) OlliiiAn b-|rot)lA A cAftAt), tiime pn ■oeijAmfA: An •opon^tuccAc wo A pigne An mionnA, bit)eAt) guf fiAt) mA]\ An ceutinA "d'a cum^ugAt), CfetJt) ^y bpig 'oiiinne yoclA ^caIca ^Aoime Ap tpACf A ? Ill fAib mui-one Aip tACAf , no tAbAif niuix)ne a|\ coihcoil A15 eipig Af n-TOeAftATTiA ? Cat) cui^e tiAc b-fiiil ceAfC n-5Ai|Am n-AiA-ofig A15 ccati t)e I'liocc Ibep ? TIa 50 'oeA|AbcA cat) cui^e riAc • -pei-oiiA te ceAn "oe ftiocc An ceut) n-6|\mione vo ■punoe ai|a C|MX)Aon n- 6|A|Mone. Cfeut) niA fuit)fAit) *Oon niAC AongAife pi^ n-jAAlen Apt)|M5 po\\ e-f^Aion ? ID'eifig ^uf Scattoc niAC itleifc, IM5 n-UluonnmAcc A^uf •oubAifc: A AfOftAice b-fuil "olige n- 6ocAit) A^uf CAoitTi]Ai5Ail b-^ionn 'oeApbTTieintjigce coth luAC? b-f uil An-oocAn -puAiirineAf ai|a An caIatti ? ITIionnuig mo ACApfA mo]\mionnA, A^uf aca An oipeAt) pn onoip ^S^if 5]\At) A^Am Aip ceime mo aca]a, 50 cuin^fAit) 'OAf ceAti ScAnx)c A mAC a n-^eAlcA, "oe b^Mg fin cfeut» mA fojAig- -eAceAf CocAit) mAC n-CocAit) AnriA AjitDfi^ Af cionn Cffion? Ace "oe bfi§ guf eifig gleo Aguf concAbAifc Aif fon 204 A^tif Ann AgAit) An co^y, fcA-puig Scji^r An c-AfoottAtri A15. •pAt) : A A^'o^'lAice A^uf a fAO|^c"Lo1ll nio|iUAfAlA n - 6]A]Aione cpeuT) triA uAii'bAinceA]! nA n-'ocA'ptAitiA "oaia cufmoi'? If An pn 50 X)eitTiin x)o bi uile ppion^A A^uf mAice, n^ gAAten, A^uf -peAcc mAice -oe triAicib tfluniAin A15 Af-ougAt) A t)eAftAtTiA Aif -pon 'Don fig n-gAAlen. Ace Aif fon CocAit) -00 bi ^ac -pfionfA A^uf fAOfclAn n-UttAt) "00 bi mAf An ceu-onA An fi§ A^uf pfionfA ltlii- rriAin Aguf AonceAn'oeo^ "oe triAicib ttlumAin A^uf lofc pfion- fA Ib-tugAt), com niAit te ScAn-oc fi^ n -tllconnmAcc A^uf A TTIAlte, AI5 CAIfbAinC A t)eAf'LAlilA. T)e bfig fin fUAif fe ^Aiftn n-AfOfig. 11iof imcig G-o- CA1X) AITIAC 50 tlAfAlt, tcA^ CeAf fig ttltJITIAin An ClfAOn f. f. coiiifion n-AfX)fi§, Aif a ceAn A^uf cuif tofc pfionfA Ib-liigAt) An figbfAC Aif A guAlAnnAib, A^uf cfeofuig An x)if mAit'le le ScAntDC fig n-UtuonnniAcc 50 •o-ci An cfit)- Aon e. Annf nA l-Aecib feo niof cuAit) AfOfig ^ac bAAWin 50 tUtAt), fogcuif fe AfX)feAfA leAC'oeAfbfACAf, f. f. iTiAC n-CocAit) A ACAf le AmeAfil, AnnAic fig n-tlllAt) Ann "Oun Sobefce. bi Afocfuinne n-tlttAt) AnnA fuit)e te riA ceite 50 cf acaitiaI Aif bfuiceine, A5Uf cfeAct> nA n-'olige fCAfftUgce AITlAC A^Uf fOclA tcigce, Af Aft), AJUf IcAbAf nA n-Aimfife A^uf fCfiobcA n-Gotuf, A^uf ci-oceAf nA foc- Va fAfiTiAic Ann ctuAfCAnc ctoin nA CAliiiAn. UlAf An cetj"onA, bi mofóoffA n-Afofeonif At) t^-UeAcmof ÚAbAfCA fUAf^Alt^Ce 50 CfACAITIAt Aif ^AC CfeAf bAA^Ain, Aguf CAf t)eif cigeACC t)o'n Aft^cfuinne te nA ceite An ceut)- feAcc t)Af cufmof ceitAbfAt)Af moffreif t)-UeAcmof A^uf m Of com Of At) nA n-6Accf a Aif tiof ÚAbAfCA. go t)eAfbcA if 205 Ai|A lio|" ÚAbó.|^tA Ann como|\CAf n^ n-6AccpA ^nocui^ Coc- A1T) A|\TO|Mg e |:ein 5^^^ |M§TnApcAc, oip but) cli]""oe CocAit) lofivv Aon ne^c beo Ann clcAfAib mAiictJigeAccA ]'An Am ut). Ai]\ c]\iocnu5 mA pigAit- ].vMt) A|\t)feAp mAC n-CocAit) AnnA A^A-opi^ Af cionn 6|A|Mon ? ^5"r 1^05 ^^^V f^ ^^ 5"^ Aonp]i. tlio|\ imcig Ap"opeó.]A AmAc 50 liAfAit, teA^ CeAf 1^15 ttlti- mAin An 6i|"Aon ai|\ a ceAn, acc ni cui]A|:aix) 'Don |ng n-g^AÍen An |*|Aolb|AAC pi5t)A Ai]A A ^uAÍAnnAib, mA|\ geAlt ai|a i^oclAib nA 5-C|iom|:eA]A, bi "Don An |ng meA|\ "co nA C|Aom]:eA]AAib, A^ti]* t)0 CUlf tlAfAll, CU1]\ tloit) t)eA]\b|tACAp 5-CeA|" An lAl^bjAAC A1|\ ^uaI AnnAib n-AjA-oiAig, A^tif cuAit) An c-A|At)cpuinne AmAc -oo ceilAbbAip An mo|Afeife "OAp cufmof, A^uf lTlo]Acomo|AA-ó nA n-CAccpA Ai^ |\eit)tio'p UAbApcA. Úa|a t)ei|' nA nAoi tAeteAx>> CAnic An c-Ap'O-cptiinne le nA ceite Apiy', a^ui" tei^ceAii aj" Apt) c|AeAct) nA n-tiU^e A^uf leAbAjt nA n--Aimfi|ie n-6|i]Mone, Ai]\ ciMocnugAt), T)o a|at)^Iaoi'ó nA butfoijAi-oe : SeAj^eAnn neAc Alp ÚAbApcA A15 iAppeA<) a ceApc? Tliop fpcA^Aip Aon 208 juc.. CtJAit) An c-A]\'oc|Aiiinne atmac, A^uf "oo bi mo|\t)0|A|"A HA ri-A|vofeoTri|\A-ó "opun^^ce 'oa|\ cleAcceAtri. Ai]A |AigAit "00 Ap*ofeA|A *0A bAAÍAine yo\\ e-|A|Aion, ]:uai|A CeAf |Aig ttlumAin bAf ca|a "oeii" t^i^Ait -peAcc bAAlAirie ai|a -piciT), A^u-p Ai|\ ciAuinritjgAt) "oo'd Ap-ocptiinne itlumAin ai|\ D|\iiiceine, -oo bi tloit) 'oeA|Ab|iACA'p 5-CeA]" pogAi^ce Ann a 1115 A-p' cionn tnumAin. A^uf A1|A -pigAit -00 An'ofreAH cpi bAAÍAine, puAijA *Oon V^t, ^-5^^^^^ t)A'p, A^tjp A1|\ C|itiinniigA-ó "00 AiA-ociMiinne n- jAAten Ai^ b|Auiceine •00 bi SiopnA a •DeA'pb|AACA^A pogAi^ce AnnA |Mg Ap cionn jAAten. SmbAileAnn AjTOi^eAjA A^uf Cai- -pbpe iDAiA pionn A^uf e-ocAit) Ann coifceiiriACAib ftiocc n-6|'. Anoi|" Aiy\ 1^15^1^ "00 Ap-ofreA-p -peAcc bAAlAine, imcigeAT)A|A cti|Ai'óe 'oeAgcAptii^ ^uiT) C-ppion te ticuipib A15 pA-ó : Aip lAfAt) cemce Af cionn tlACAib n-e-ppione, cptunnceAp pi^c^e, ppionfAi-oe, cinpp, otlihAnA, A^u-p cpeAbAonA An pobAil a -pOCAIIA n-A|AX)|M5 Ann A|A'OpeOtTl|\At) 'o-UeAcmo]! ÚAbApCA. Coiti luAc ^uf "00 piii-oe An c-Ap-ocpuinne, 'D'ei|ii§ A|i"opeAn A15 lAAt) : A conrptAice but) Aip-oe ceim, 'oa|i n-tDoig ip -puApc •oeAgcAicneAig x)uinn nAc b-piit CAitt Aon |:ocAt "oo leA^ Ap bu|v coiTigA]A oi]i ACA uite 6|i|iion -pAoi i^o^. Cit) cpeAcc ni coi^A 50 ctiinciiigeAnn An ceic|AerTiAX) bAAÍAin 5 An pvigce, ppi- otrpAit) cinp|\, otliriAnA, A^tip c^ieAbAonA An pobAit "oo beic cigeAcc te nA ceitle Ann AjA'O-peoiTi^AA'o 'o-UeAcmo|\ ÚAbA|ACA, Anno|" 50 m-beit) Aicne aca ai|a a ceite, Annof 50 cuingeo- CAit) 6|\|iion pAO|\ fogculAc, Annop 50 m-beit) CA|\AncAp 1-Anc- |ioi"óeAc Ann Ap irieAp^, A^tip Annop 50 corhtionpciAp -oocup An 'oeAg'ótipcnoip. Ai|a An u-A'óbA|A pin buD miAm tiom pAX) lem' "óeApbpAcpAib : Cpeux) triA 5nit)eAnn pijce -oe pliocc 209 1be|\ •N5U]' ]\i5 n-Ulconnm ^5^r ^^^ bocAn- Aib n-gAAÍen te ^ai^ SiopnA AnnA conroeACCAn 50 -o-ci boc- AnAib TloiT) ^Mg tilumAin Af mA]A pn cajac |?aoi cuaijic? Oip A COTTiylAICe 1]' mo bA|AATTlAt ■^M]\ buX) llO^CApp An C-ATTI A TTiAi]\eAnn cbAn n-Cp|Aione be nA ceibe te beic iTAgAitc a fvMc Aicne A1]\ A ceite ? LeAbjiAt) yeyn x)0 bi ]:octA An c- A]M)]\i5 tAntuAc^AijAAi^ "oo'n c-A]AT)C|Aiiinne. Ai]\ imceAcc ahiac t)oib bi mo|\'00|A|'A nA n-A|\'0|'eoni|AAt) '0]Auit)5ce, bi mo|Ajpeif ' •o-UeAcmop jieoú^ce, a^uj' moiAcomopAt) nA n-G^AccpA ai|a tiof ÚAbA]ACA "OAp cufmof, Ai|A ciAiocnu^At) -00 tAecib nA mopireife t)o -pui-oe A]\if An c-AiA-ocjAuinne Annj'An A|A-ofeoni|\AX), bi cpe- Acu nA n-t)ti§e A5ti]' teAbAji nA n-Aimp|ie fCAppuigte ahiac A5Uf A poctA teigce a|" a]at) Ann ctuAfcAnc nA n-Aii-ocpuinne. 1]' An pn x)o ^tAoit) nA butfoi]Mt)e aj- a|a-o : e-ifcigit) -peAj'eAnn neAC ai]i ÚAbA|icA A15 lA^^AeAX) a ceA^Ac ? 11io|i -p]\A5Ai|i Aon ^uc. A^uf c|AiAttA-OAp nA -ptuAgce mop-OAite A bAite 50 -o-ci CAtATTi A coiTinuit)e, Ai]i cent) tA Uonnj^cnAt) If. -p. ItlApCA, CAn^A'OAIA CA1|lb]Ae A^Uf SCAn-OC TTIAltte teij' A tpeunpuipion ai|a ÚAbA|\CA, A^up coTTi^tuAi-peAtiAiA te Aptjpig ^o m-bocAtiAib SiO|inA ^ng n-jAAten, pi5neAt)A|A AjiAf miofA eA-Don UonnpcnAt) Ann gAAten, A15 CAbAi^Ac coTTi|AAt) Aguf ceA-otigeAccA Aguf imteAcc "oo cac, Agup ceAt) CAifbAince An CAOi A^tif An ^niorti but) t)eipe A^uf but) b-peApp fAn "pig- 210 e^cc lit). Ay fin qAi^tt An monfocApó.it) 50 bocAnA1^^ ttlu- TTiAin, bu-ó tilTTiop An c|Aeun fluAg n-o^lAoc 'oo bi AnnA coni- ttiA*óoip -00 figcib n-C|i|Aion, oi|a bi 'n ci]iAf mA|\ ce^^Af^ A^tjf ceAcmuince lontriolcA -oo cac, ai|a cinocnugAt) Ann IDu- niAin x)c^\\ mA|A lAigneA-OAiA Ann 5^^^^" comgltiAifeA'OAiA 50 "UtconnmAcc. ÚpAc pAn^A'OAiA CjAUACAn, •oeA^'oun ScAn-oc |Aig n-UtconnmAcc, bi Tno|\feif fei-o^ce A15 conroAit An fig, bi conicTonot n-*OAnAAn cAf ctinx)A'p uax) ^ac fCAfAn n-iDtJicce nA CAlniAn ut), cAfC Aif mofteif^ ^^uf liof feiifUAcne 5- CfUACAin. A^Uf '00 bi luACgAlf Alf b-fAT) A^tlf A ^Alfl-O cfit) An figeAcc. tlAt) UtconnmAcc conigttiAifeA'OAf Aif aJai-o cfit) "UtÍAt) 50 fAn^A-OAf X)ux\ Sobefce, AnuAif a cAicui^eA'OAf miofA Ann •OAf mAf figneAtJAf Annf nA figeACCAib eile, -o'lmci^eAOAiv Alf AgAlX) 50 CAtATTI A COttinUl'Óe. 'Oo bi flOn A^llf fAICA CAiC5e AnnfAn feimcifAf fin fAoi cuAifc Off ion, acc ^ac gnioih etJccAC, ^ac ceA^Af^ cneAfOA, A^uf ^ac cAifbe cfeun, A figneA-OAf Anne nAC CAnceAf AtneAf^ fCfiobcAib nA b- f iteAt) Ann teAbAf nA, f Ann ? Alf fllCAt) "00 AfX)f15 50 UeACmOf ÚAbAfCA, CtJAIt) ^Uf fig CAIfbfe teif ITIAf C0iTlttlAt)01f, acc Alf flteAT) Aflf X)0 CAifbfe 50 IDtin Sobefce, bi ScfAC An c-AfooltAiti mAfb. tlo5AX)Af Ipeilmi'o TTiAC ÚAifn AnnA AfX)ollAiti n-tlllAt).. Anoif bi 5f At) A^uf mofgeAn A15 clAn nA CAliriAn Aif fig CAifbfe. Annf nA ÍAecib feo cAnic nA Cfompf Ann coniAf 5- CAifbf e A15 f At) : TTlAif 15 if t)uinn I oif aca cf oit)e A5tif Ai^ne fig n-UtlAt) Ann AgAit) cfomfeAfAib m-DAAt but) Aif- t)e, cfeut) t)eunfAt) miii'one te Af gfAt) t)o'n nig t>o cftjcu- gAt) ? Pf eA5Aif CAifbfe t)oib Af figne CAifbfe Aon olc no 211 AgAit)? A^uf f ]^eA5|lAt)<^^^ ; Jo cince ni ye^t, acc ni e pn e, 5^^^°^^^^^^ ^" P^5 ^^^^ focAi^i te fio]\cAOirii ^ : b-]:uil ujAleigeAn n-eA^riA A^Aib -oo mo ctuAi|", no Aonni'6 mo|ACAi|AbeAC "oom' c]Aoit)e? 0-|:uit nuAt) no feAn i^ceut A15- Alb nAc pofiAuij^imi'A Aip? Acc An cjaacc cu-puig An c-A|A"o- cpom|:eA|\ lomiAAt) ai]a nA c]\om^eA|AAib a |au5 bAAÍ "óo ye^r\ mA|\ ^lAeA-pcAiloipiTOe 50 "oeo, a^ui" A15 a b-):uit jAuno^ m-bAAl uAt) An •Q-cuf ! IllAp An ceu-onA *oo CAn An c-a|at)- c|Aom]:eA|A *oe jAuncAib m-bAAÍ "oo nA nAoi C|Aom|?eAHAib a^uj* An leici'oe pn. A511]' |?|\eA5Ai|A CAi|Ab|Ae An pig : Anne nA6 in|'vii§eA'OA]\ nA cpompp ^MinA m-bAAl -oo ctoin nA CAÍmAn ? IIIa fcAt), An pn aca po-p aca 0|i|ACAib ? but) lom-OA yu-o AX)ubAi|AC nA cpomp]\ 50 pge, 'oiomA|AA, acc "oo bi An ^onn A 5-comnuit)e: Aca bAAl bui) AijA-oe ^"^xiy nA c]Aompi|v mA|^- Aon ! An meut) a bei]AeAnn A-obAjA CAfoix)e "00 nA c]Aom|:eA- |iAib, cui]AeAnn ^uf V^<^P5 ^^t^ bAAl. Acc ^|AeA5Ai]\ CAipb|Ae An pg : tli ye An c-eA^AnA -peo I 1p eA^nA yo^y nA po^ipione, a b-puit bup -pocAt po]i, ^^up CU5 CAipbpe An pg ceAT) imceAccA "oo nA c]Aom|?eA|AAib, A15. pAt) : "Oo bi CAipbjie •oeic m-bAAÍAine 'o'AO]Mp c|aac "o'eu^ a- ACA|A, comeinuig Aip 50 minic A15 jaax) : AbjieAnn nA cpotn- y}y neice AonpofAi5 ^Z^y "o^l^ ceAn bi ceAn^A poi^poncAC A15 mo ACAp ITIuineAnn a ciaII -oo •ouine -00 beic cui|t ]:aoi fmAcc a AnmiAncA, i|" eA^nA piO|A muineAt) nA mAiccApA,, 212 tnó. íntiin|:Ai"o tiA c]\OTnpi\ cIah no. Cx^lniAn ni"óce rriAice 50 'oe^pbcA bei-ó fiA-o TnuipnAig •ootn|'A TD^miac b-puil poy aca Ain leici-oe ni-oceAt), bnóeAt) A15 -pAgAitc eotu)" uó^x) íia ott- iTiAiiAib ! Úofctjit DA cpompi|A A^tif imcigeAtíAp ai|a a be^l- IA15 ^o 'oubbponAc. Anoif cp^t "oo ]Ai5Ait A|\"0]peA|i •OA'-p'oeug l3A- Ia Ann a o.]At)|M5 |:o]\ Cppion. X)a|a cleACCAem <\ ftiocc mop. 11TIC15 I'e AniAC 50 liA^Ait, -00 teo^5 ^15 lIlum^Mti ^n CifAom Ai]\ A re^sn A^U]" t)0 cui]\ ]\i^ n-5<^^ten An iMgb|\AC ai|a a guAlAnnAib. ^^ti]" it'ei|Aig, bi buAt)peó.t) A1]^ fpio|AAt> 5-CAi|Ab|Ae mA|A ^eAll ai|a An c - olc |ii5neAt)A]A An t)if 5An j-^ic. Conieiluig ^ac ccAn aca t)o cA|A|AAn5 j'a -pionpAjAC ye\r) p^Mon-pAi-oe n-Ctl A^uf niAite n-tJllAt). bi Oilliol biO|A 'n^ncAc cotheitmc t)o cui^a tniAncA co^At) Ann c]AOit)cib n-gAAb n-tHl/At). 'Oa|a ceAn bi |Mg, A^uf piuon-pAi-oe, A^uf niAice n-g^^'ten rAbAi|Ac ^eAÍbcA com^monice, Anoif t)0 ceAn aca -^pif "oo ceAn eibe, Anno]- 50 mAplui§ceA]A -pliocc n - GR. Ace Ann c|AAcc bi CAi]\bpe jng n-tlllAt) A15 cuin^ujAt) An *OAnAAn A^uf nA pjA^neAc 50 -poib Ann pccAin Aguf fog. Aguf t)o bi niAjA fin uibe bAece t)o itiai^a tloit) jiig ttluniAin bi An oipeAt) fin meAf A^uf cionn Aige Aif meinfAt)b-pAibbe bi a fpio|AAt), fpio^At) nA foi5 A^uf nA ceifc. Ace Aif bAf Hoit) Aif cigeAcc t)o Aft)Cfuinne ttlumAin le nA ceile ai]\ bpui- teine, t)o bi Ibef a ttiac fogAijce Ann a fig fof ITIumAin. AnnfAn c-feAccrriAt) bAAlAin ve figAib OibUob biOf'n^AAt AfT)fi5 ClAonuig 1bef X)o coiiiAifte SiofnA, oif t)o foof Ibef ITIelifA in^ein lTlufet)Ai§ thicSiofnA; Aguf vo ffAc Ibef Ajuf 216 Sio]AnubAipc fe te Oittiot: A b-|:uit ciAtt t)0 incinne com mA|Ab nAC V-puit Aon fiiAoin ai|\ bic 217 CA ]v\ic t)o Aigne Ann ^m^cacca n-UttAt) fuit)e ai]\ CAicAop An jMg ^5Uf f Alice TTiA but) mAic \^e^y An c-A|^t)cpuinne n- llllAt) e? ACC A ceUTDtJAII^ cut A ^AgAimfA An CAlCAOp ]Mg- CsNccA, mioneocAit) cu •oonif a : Hac cuipi^Ait) ^m\\^y ai|a IIIIat) no ci^cAblAit) Ai]A C|A]\ion. Aguf -00 nnonuig Oiltiol. If An pn -oo ciiip CAipbpe cujiAi'óe ahiac Z]\^'6 5AC ceAn- i-eA]\c A51ÍI' 'ouicce n-UllAt) A15 pA"ó : buoeAt) ^An Aon mAÍt An c-A]A*oc|iiiinne Af coniAp An pi^ ai|a bpuiceine n-UllAt). Ú]\AC C|iuinniji§eAX)A]A p|Aion|'Ait)e, cinp^A, ollniAnA, Aguf cjie- AbAonA An pobAil ai]a bpuiceine, cAn^ATDAjA 511^ ^"tuAgce T)oiiini|iAi5 tje'n JaaI a^uj" i^eAfeAtJAi^ ca]ac cimciolt, CAnic CvMpb|ie te fuipion "oe olltriAnAib, b|AeiceAiTinAib, A^u-p ptib, A5Uf A1]\ CAijAin^ t)o CAipbjie AnnAice -oo'n b|Auiceine, conn- Ai]\c ye nA ppioni'Ai'oe, nA mAice A^iif An 5-^-^^ ApnigleufCA; 1]' An pn -00 Acne An pg: JlAOi'ÓA'Oif bulfoip-oe Af a|at) : cpoceAT) colg, tub, A^uj" ÍAnn, Ann A^mlAn nA jAifceAt), ni ullmui5ceA]\ Ann -peo conilAnn acc cotriAipte; a 5nit)ceA|v obAi]A poig A^uf eA^nA le ujilif ^5«r cuApp^An corh^At)? til eiiM^eocAit) CAipbpe An p^ a guc AmeAf^ coj^niAn -ptuAig A|\mgleufCA. 1a|a ctuAfCAnc pn leA^A-OAp uACAib a A|AmA. ClAonA*OAp A cinn A^up eipgeAT)A|A fu^^r a tAttiA •oo'n ]Mg, cuAit) CAipbpe AfCAec -pAn Ap'ocpuinne, A^up l^Ag ^^TeAjAgAi-p ppionpA n-6fl An 6ipAon Aip a ceAn, A^up "oeApui^ pe An pigbjAAc Aip A guAtAnriAib, A^up "00 pui-oe CAipbpe fiAp. A^up T)o bpucc mop^Aipm n-^teo Agup pAitce X)o'n pig. Aip ciunugAt) pAp -Do'n copn, -o'eipi^ CAipbpe Agup AtJubAipc : A pAopclAn n-UtlAt) •DubpAT)Ap Ap n-AcpACA, A^up "oubpAmAp pein Ap UAnApceAc : Hi 'otipceAnAc 50 t)uine •00 pig^il nuig 218 -^o |iAnic fe CU15 bA^t^ine pcix) •o'^oif. Tli •olii^ce^no.c 100 neAc ACA 1^5 no biM-pce Ann Aon b^ll -d'a bo.llAib. Hi t)tifceAnAc -oo ne^c eugciAttAc. X)o cuAit) citi pciT) Agiif occ b^AlAine 'oetJ5 ca|\c UAt) An c]AAc "oo i^iig CAipb]ie cet>*o An^t a beACA, Anne nAc coi|a 50 cAbAijAfAit) 'otige -puAithneAf "oo -peAn AOif -^t^fA, coth ttiAic 5iif bACAnn •oo AOif oguAÍAc pJ-oA Aguf ceAnnAij'? CiAei-oimfA gup btj-o coip An |ngf?eA|i aca Ann Oiltiot mic n- CocAit) mic mo At^jifA, Ajtjf mA cÍAonAnn nA ppionfAi-oe, Aguf nA mAiúe, x)o'n bApAtTiAl cetiX)nA aca CAi|ib|ie ÍAnf AfCA X>0 CAbAIjA t)0, CA1CA011 t^l5*0A n-tlllAt). 'Oe bj^ig fin •oeiji CAi|Ab|\e: Cpeut) mA fuioeAnn Oitliol triAC n-e-OCAIt) A1|A CA1CA0|1 IV15 n-UtlAt)? If An fin -o'eif 15 T)ofl.oc ceAnf eA|A n-AoimAg A15 f At) : A cottimAice Aguf a fAOfcÍAn n-tlllAt), mA fiofjAtJi^eAnn iotiinne Anne fAfcoit An fig gAn Aon A-obAf guf but) miAn leif f AOfuig e fein iiAt> «aIac nA figeAccA, Aguf a aic 50 flOfAI^AnCAC A CAbAlfC '00 OiLlloi? Aguf An fig fof AnnA feAfeAt), t)ubAifc: A pfionfAit)e Ajtif A tiiAice n-tlllAt) ni e Aif leifgtJAlAig no Aif gfAt) fUAimneAfA AiriAin t)o leAgfAt) fiAf mo ceAnnAf, a cujAbAf t)om, Acc Aif eAgÍA nAc feut) tiom e 'oo combonugAt) 50 ceAfc Ann mo feAnAOif. SuAf 50 o-ci 'n La Ant)iii mA fig- ne me eti5ceAfC no eugcoif AifiocfAi-ofA e Anoif, mA figne me Aonnit) fAfihAic if fpiofAX) mo ACAf -oo cfeof me. 'Oo focÍAib n-*Oofloc ffeAgfAim: SeA-ó, if fAfcoil A^uf ieufmiAn 5-CAifbfe t)o tcAg UAi-oe tiAtAc figeAccA. An fin tJflAbAif 'Ooftoc: Cfeut> mA fogAceAf Oilliol 219 tn^c n-6oc«Mt) mic n-6ocAi"o otÍATri^n JTo-oIa, 'o^\\ mie bcAnuigte ni-t)AAlI Cotti tuAt 5U)' CUAlttH^eAtDAp nA otttTIAnA bpiAt|AA tlA 5-cpoTn|:eA|\ c|MAttAt)A|A jTuiT) lAigeAccA n-UllAt), A15 i^At) : b-|:uil ^'piojAAt) n-6ocAi"ó A^uf 5-CAipb]Ae -pmiiAccA Ann pion- I'Aib, mAicib A^uf S'^^U inAi|AeAnn ye acc AtiiAin Annf nA. oltniAnAib ? Cui|AeAT)A]\ nA oltniAnA ceifc ai|aai|a nA ptib Ag- My nA bA|At)Aib, A15 pAt) : CAnuigit) "oe ^t^At), 'oe j'eAiAc^eAt, T)e'n feil^, A^uf -oe fceulcAib n-Altoi-oe, bit)eA'ó bup c|auic^ Ann Aonguc le jiAnncAib nA m-bApt). UAb^A-OAiA hiaja An ceuT)nA te nA c]Aom|?eA]AAib, A15 A]At) : UeAjA-p^mgit) yo-^ A5- Uf Aitne n-eA^nA "oo'n 5^^^» -^^c ^riAeA^iAA-OA^A nA cpompi» 50 mioeeAt)Ac : Ca-o ^y b|\ii; ^uc 5-C]Aom|?eA|\ m-bAAb hux) Ai|At)e? ^nn nAc |?aoi mAi-lugAt) Aguf fCAmAt acait) Ann Iaca]\ An pobAil? Anne nAc b-fuil An 5^^^ mum^ce -OAit ollmAnAib -00 CAbAi]\ 'oiomeA'p ai]a nA c|Aom|?eA|AAib ? bi |:oc- Ia nA n-ollATTi niA|A pge ngAoic "oo cluAif nA ^-CjAompeAp. "Oo cAptAt) 50 ]AAib pigce ThumAin a^uj" 5^^^^" CAbAi]AC tniOCOtTlA1|Ate "oo A|A*0|ng -d'a TTIllleA"Ó ; 01|A t)ub|AA'OAlA ClJ1|t CAin A^uj" A]At)cio]- nioj" C|Aonie ai]a UlconnmAcc, aca *n 'OAn- A^n i^AgAilc ]AocoTTinieAfAc, A^uf piS^iG ^t^"or^5 "^^V ^" mioc- OlTlA1|Ale UT), CUljA ye feApg ^^^y "OeAIA^CUCAC A1]A j'piOIAA'Ó "UlconnmAcc Annoj' 50 fCA]ApAT)AiA caca A^AmgleufCA n-t^AnAAn fiAT) ^em y\^^x) UtlAt). be nA tinn pn 'oo ^ÍAoit) Oilliob le ceile niAice n- tJllAt) A^uf cinp|A n-'OAnAAn, A^uf AOubAipc leo : A aia-o- ttiAite •0|Auit)eAnn aja-oiaa^ pnne CAob 1x15 t)e UIIad mA|A Ann 224 mo|\geibAon, aca co^Ovt) 50. fno.ftu5ó.t) An co^Iatti I TDeipceo^p liomj'A CjAAC ^MúemAp An c-Ap-opi^ ai|a jMJACAip cAp|\A belt) teoTTinA n-UttAt) A^uf -pAotcoin n-tHconnniAcc 5A ciomAnc A^Uf cnAniC]Aemi|Au hiaojaa A^uf piAcioj^A n-AjA-o- pig ! gluA-puig Ap-opig cA|\fnA tiif5e n-^i-oep, acc ni te ÍAn- ■ptuAg ; oi|i r^5^^ 1be|A |Aig ttlumAin a^u)" SiOjinA |Mg 5^^^" en coTTiceAt^ t)o, oip AX)ub]AA'OA|A : t^ei^ -oo mACAib n-6Tl 50 -pcjAioppAix) pAT) A ceite? 1poy mop cAn^A-OAjA caca n - Oi|a tiAt) tDumAin fliocu A-pmgÍAn, a^ttiaia tAtiieticcAc 50 •o-ci AjA'DHig, AgUf TDO CAic fe A bocAnA Ann TTlA^in'pe A^u-p cAnic 'o'ionnfiji'óe A|AtnfliiAg 5-coTTitAnn UttAX) A^u-p UlconnmAcc A5ii'p Ai|A |?eucfinc 'ooib boÚAnA n-Ap"Op\ig, 'OAin^nA'OAiA ^up lA'OfAn A peA-pAt). t/A'pii^^^^t^^c Ai|A uiimugAt) nA ftuAi^ce A|\TngtAnA -pAoi leAú a ceile, Acnuig Oitliot piig tlltAX) *oo nA butfOiiAib : ^oiiAtiigit) Ann cluAj^CAnc n-AiA-oing : Aca Con eAccACA n-OitUot A15 lomcui-p a tíia|acac 50 UeAcmojA UAb- A|ACA. AnOI]" CIAÍttll^ A|\*0|Alg An CeAÍ^ A bl A1|A COI]', 01|A ^tuAifuig SiopnA 50 teif^Ac A^uf -00 clAon Ibep teip; Ai|a An A-óbAp pn "OO teim A|A'0|n5 Af a eAc Aguf ^UAp^tui^ a b|AAC, CAIC A1|\ An CAÍATTl, ^gllf -pCAOltui^ A Cot^ C]\10p teilg ye o^y cionn Ann ^AigbpAC, A^up noccugAt) a clA'oeAni 225 CocAit) T)ubo.i]\c Af Apx) : A bul]'Oi]Mt)e, ^bbpuigit) Ann ctu- AfCAnc biop'n^neAC ^ai^ n-UttAt) : 1TIa]\ eiiMgeAnn bo]\bccuA]\- 5«Nn C05AT) A^u]' IllAp •o]\uit)eAnnAn cac Icac a leir ai|a yAobA]\, 50 ]'eA'peAnn OilUot AjAioing rnA]\ a fliocc tAtiieuc- TA;', An d]v\on Ai]\ A ceAn A^u]' A cÍA'oeATTi AnnA l/Atii pelt) DO VpeA5Ai]\ "00 Oittiot 5ein yCAtCAC 'O-'CAct A ! Ai]\ ctuA]"- Cvsnc noniAn Oiltiot a cac te imjacaja -oeAiA^cucAc A15 lonn- ]Hnt)e Ap-o|ng, ^S^T ^^y feucfinc A]\t)|ng feAfeAX) ^An a pig- b]\AC A ctAToeATii noccA, "oo leim -^uy Oiltiol pA-p ua-ó Con, A^tJf ]:UA]-5Alt A b]AAC ^5«!" CAIC UAlt) A CUCaI CAIf^C A clAt)eAm A511]' Ai]\ DpumugAt) te nA ceite, -oubAiiAC A]At)]\ig. but) ]\obeii5 IIIIax) •oo Ai^ne n-Oiltiob I'AncuigeAnn ye c|Mt) Aon e-^^iMon, bei|Aini o|\c coTÍipAC Aonpp no|" nAC ptceA|\ yu^\, nA 5^\«^t Ai]A co]A jng n-UlbAt)? SeAfeA-OAp ApT)|\ig A^u-p OitUol co|" le coi]% A^uf cjAoi-oeA-OAp coni ÍAni cpeun ^to^n eiiccAc, eAt)- on niA]\ -oo bi col^coivAc a cei|A"0 UAt) ^AU^At) fiAO ; ciAOitDe- ,NDA]A niA]\ pin pciAc le pciAc A^up clADeAni le clA-oeATTi 5 An ceAccAi\ ACA ^nocugAt) coipceiHi, ntiig 50 fAOil A]\*o|Ai5 le ]\11A1CA]\ -oo CU1]\ pi^ UllAt) AHIAC UAI^Oe, CUg Ollliol CulleiTTl A^up Aip CAilleAt) -oo ^lA-opig A copATic cii^ Oilliol bicbeiHi ■o'a t)eApcAob ^Aoi A imlin cuic Aji-oiiig ^^up CAnic a innA- rv\]A AmAc. Ai|\ cuicim mop ei]ng sleo no mopgAip caIhia, acc pit- eAX)Ap y\]\ 5^^1*0 to x)0 lomcuip e 50 "o-ci a boc, ^y a "oub- Ai]\c: Voil, poll, A tpeunpp leig -oom mo AnAl -oeignAC ^ DO pujAt) p-AOl An C-AOt)Ap ^l^n, "OO TTIAip Hlipe HIO pAlcl \ "Oo pig tlllAt) A-oubAipc: THa po^A^eAp AnnA Ap^pi^ mAp A pAncui^eAp, but) beu^An t)o ^05 but) mopAn t)o piAn, 226 eA-oAon Anoi-p cit) tnAÍt to|\5 An |"o§. CoiiiceAt^uig SiojinA- A^uf 1be|A mife 50 5eu]\, -pm •ouic a 5-coTTiniii'óe mic 1otA|\ •00 rriACAib n-6Tl . SuAf -pocÍA -oei^riAig n-Oiltiot t)io]A'n- ^aaI/ A]i"0|\ig. Sin'óe ye ai]\ cpi'ÓAon 6]\|iion 'OA^'óeug bAAÍ- AineAT). 'OAin^riA-OAiA CApn uttiiop Af cionn Oitliot Aip ah A1C "00 CU1C fe Ann tTlA^imf. T)o CAnn THaca A]\"ooltATTi n- C]\pion A etj^cAOin, acc Oiltiot pig UtlAt) A15 ei|\ig An cac- ■pAnn bi 5Ai'pciT)e n-Cppione A15 ^eupgol cimciott An cApn, oip but) Ap'oplAic mopAi^AncA piopcAoiTh cpeuneuccAc CAÍmA Oilliol. An 7. teAbAp, An 5. CAibi-oil. tli^Ait n-Oittiot biop'n^neAc mAC n-CocAt), pig n-UllAt) A^uf Ap-opig Aip ceAn -pe bAAÍAine 'oeti^. uAt) 594 50 t)-ci 578. K. C. Anoip cuAi'óeA'OAp cupAi'óe •oeAgcApuig Aip puit) 6ppion A15 coiTigtAoit) An c-Ap-ocptunne 50 "o-ci Ap'ofeoiiipAt) 'o-Ucac- TTiop UAbApcA. lAp cptunntjgAt) X)oib An cent) peAcc Ann t)ti- bAipc An Apt)ottAiTi : dpctiigit) a Apt)ptAice, aca cpit)Aon Cppion pollAni ! Ip An pn t)'eipi5 UaIu ceAnpeAp lIlA^ten A15 pAt) : Cpeut) TTiA puit)|rAit) SiopnA pig n-g^^^^^ AnnA Apt)pig? Anoip t)o bi SiopnA occ A^up cpi picit) bAAÍAineAt), ACC nit)eippin but) miAn teip t)o pigAit mAp Apt)pig, bi nA ppionpAit)e, Agup nA rriAice A15 uAbAipc AtriAipc Aip a ceile. Acc t)'eipig IllAgn pig n -U icon nm acc A15 pAt) : A Apt)pÍAice A51ÍP A pAopcÍAnnA e-ppion ctuinuig me mo ACAp A15 pAt) ; A^tjp cuAituig me pein' nA pocÍA teigce, ^up but) cupmop cednApceAc: bit)eAt) p^uonpA UAt) ptiocc n-CR AnnA Apt)pig 50 bpAC ? 227 CuAlttJlg íTie niO AC^jA M5 HAT) : 5"P CAflTC AnUA]' UA'Ó- A 1b- tigAt) A15 cui]\ An CifAon ai|i a ceAn, A^up t)o teA5 ITlAgn 228 |Mg tllconnmAcu ah -ppotb^iAC I^iJ'oa ai|\ a ^uAlAnriAib, An l^eAcc fin ciAiocnui^ce, cumt) An c-Af-ocfUinne aitiac. bi moji- ■peif •o-UeAcmop i^ei-o^ce, CeiteAbpA-OAp tnofc-omoiAA-ó nA n- 6-AccpA le ceAn nAoi tAeceAt) ai]a tiof ÚAbA^^cA. 1a]\ ÍAece TiA nio]\fei'pe, bi "ooiAfA n-Ap-ofeoTtipAt) -puAf^Ait^ce, Agu-p An Ap'ocfumne A4inA fui'óe te CAiúeAt) An -oApA fcAcu, -o'eipig A|A"0]Ai§ A15 f A-b : A cotTi|Mgce, A cipnA lontTiotcA yo]\ f ao|a- ctó.n Cppione, ni b-ftiil cuif no nit) ai|i biú A15 An fig -oo ctJif A focAif nA n-Afocfuinne feo, acc ufAcc AiriAin nAc 'pei-oi]^ "Le Oittiol -oo beic mAf Cocaix) OlÍAni po-oÍA, acc bei"ó coTTieitm^c 50 •oubcfAccAc x)o beic. Le coif fin x)tibAifc Oittiol: Aif teigeA-o X)om fCfiobcA n-G-ocAit) OltAiii po-otA An 'oeAg'óLifcoif connAifc me nA focÍA feo: Cfeiit) tha nAc b-fuit Aonnit) -00 cuif le u]AeAC"o nA n-'otige, no Aon CAfoit) te 'oeunAX) Annfs^n Afofeottif At), no Aon neAc A15 lAffCAt) a ceAfu Aif ÚAbAfcA : 5^ m-beit) cfeAct) t)lige n Gffione, A^uf cufmof t)-UAnAfceAc, fCAffuigce AtnAc A^uf a foclA lei5ce Af Aft> Aif ó.n CfCAf Ia? ScfiobcA n-Coluf A^uf leAbAf nA n-Amifife n-^AAlo.^ Aif An T>Af A Ia ? 22V) Ace te«Ntv\]\ uck i-i-Aim]'i|\e n-C|\]\ion ai]\ aii Ía ei^in yul^ A cpiocnui^eA]" ah c-A]\t)c]Mnnno a yco^^cc "oeigoriAc, ^^U]" x)]\uiT)ceA]\ Tnopt)opi'A n-|\ mle : Se^t), bit)e4Nt), bi-oeAt). A5U]' 'oo bi mi><\\ pn. Ai|t cpiocnugAt), l^ijne tiA butfoi|Ait)e a AptD^ÍAOic : SeA'peAnn ncvvc Ai]\ Úo.bA]\cA A15 Kv^A^^eAT) niAic liom ei]xeAcc do poclAib a fcjAiobi]" fiAf *oa|i lAecib» Diop'n^AAl le cluAfCAnc "UIIa'ó ? 'Oó.\\ a 'iAp|\Acc leig me nA ):ocIa x)o cIuai- An |mj^, A^u-p -pui-oe pe fiAf ^An |:ocaL A15 leuppmuAineAT), n-'óei|' CAmAl mAir, A'OubAi|\c : Aca nA> poclA ux) pAn leAbA|i Ang|iAnA "oo mo cluAip, ^eujiA piojin- eimncAi^ -oo mo fuil. UpUAig nAc ]iAib ppiopAt) CocAit) nio|" lAi-o^ie Ann mo Ai^ne, Annop 50 cuippnn mo miAncA pAOt cpeojMigAt) mo ciaII. Aca a^ eA^nA munAD y\oy nA po]\- ]\ione "OO lo]\5A-ó -oo c'uip Oilliol ce^l^ ai]i CAi|Ab]\e: yó^\i- ciiigfe A1C ]Mg tlllAt), ^"^5^^ bi A c|AOU)e nnn Ann "óiAg^ C]nÚAon 6]\|\ion. 230 THa 'oeun|:A'o tAbjAAt) no A|it)feA|A tiorrrp^ m^-p "P^S^^ mi|"e Xe^y A AÚA^A-pA, iiAc lAfipA'o mo fe^i^^ AnriA n-A§Ait) 50 o-ui rl~X)1b1|^c? *Oei|Am. 1|" mi) AniAin y^oy riA cei-pc, acc mt eile x>o ptjbAil Ann. A^u-p ai|a cpiocnugAt) "oo'n pig a cAinc, •oubAipc mi|^e: A |ai§ ni uoi^eAnn eA^nAc feA^g te ^roclAib nA poppione cm -peApbA fiA-o ? puilning cuf a nA c|Aom]:i|\ Xe coTTigAinA cuinA cÍAn nA CAtniAn Aceile "oo mAftu^At)? "fpeA^Ai^i Oittiol: 5^r^^^5^^^^ conitTiein pn mo -ppioiAA-ofA. Cit) y^oy ^u]\ ctii|AeA'OA|A nA c|Aomi:i|A mo ciAÍt Ann ^eibAon ■]piof|AtJig Oitliol 50 mAic 50 jAAib nA nit)ce -peo eugcoiAA I -An meux) a t^gne ni p-eit)i|A fiAX) *oo pcAoileAt), acc peAfOA "belt) Oittiot pubAibeAt) coi-pceim n-CocAi"ó A^up 5-CAi|ib|\e. ^noif A peitmi-o ca^aa g-CAi|Ab|Ae mbeipim o]\z ei-pc "oom' "pocÍAib : A i:eit)i|A teAC "oo tei^ -poctA Ap ieAbA^ nA n- Aimpi|Ae A cuijAeAnn nAipe ai|a OitUot Ap cottiah ctoinn nA CAtmAn A^up A goineAnn 50 piopmitceAc • a cpoi-oe ? Hi C15 teif "oo irtiitAn^ b|Aeic nA b-pocAÍ : A^tii" "oo bpif Oittiol r»A mionnA, noc -oo mionuig pe 'oo CAijibpe An \\^t^. A peit- ^miT) cpiAob-pcAOii •^5tif UAi-pbAin mo mte cop, acc AmAin nA 7j:oC.tA «"0 beipim ope nA tei^ -piA-o "oo peApeAt) 50 bpAc ! fop Ap cotiiAp An pig ip mAp peo ppeA^Aip me: AnuAip "leA^ueAp pcpiobcA n-G-otup i-oip ÍAmAib ÚApÍAC Ann ^^^^^5 riA n-ACAp, mionuig UApÍAC 50 pcpiobpAit) pe ^ac nró Aip pA-o A lAeceAX) mAic •oo'n puit ^^^V CAicneAc -oo'n cbuAip 50 CAbAippAix) molAt) Agup mioteAn -oo cac mAp piu, coiti- neApcugAt) An c-otc, Ap cionn uile poipmionuig pe nAc pcpi- obpAi-o pocAl bpeu^Ac Aip T)ileo5Aib a leAbAp ! bi peilmi-o te ^Aipm n-Ap"ooltAm n-Cppione ctunjeAtteA'o An mionnA ceuDnA. 231 Aonnu) bpeu^^Nc Ann |roct niof mugA 'nA fif I A^uf t)o ^oif An pobAl AmAc : 5^ r^^^T*"^5 bAAl ^ac fAOCAf An fig I A^uf fining An c-Aft)Cfiiinne a "oeAflAmA AmAc t)o Oilliol. If An pn 232 cuAit) Oitliot 50 tAbpAt) rriAC 5-CAi|vbpe A^u-p ai|a ^t^cAt) a •óeAflATTi ciieoiiuig 50 •o-ci CAICAOH ci5 An c-Aot)Ap te ^teo A^uf tno|AgA|\CA ttiAcgAipe, 1a|a cttJAfCAnc -poctA Oiltiot ]Aig "UIIa-o. Aip ciMocnugAt) c]AiAttiiig An fttiAg 50 'Oun Sobe|\ce, a^U]" ceiteAbA]AA'OA|A pei-p A^uf como]\A'ó n-6Acc|AA ai]i teijA^e n- 'Oun SobejAce ai|\ ceAn nAoi tAeceAt) 'oo uite UttAt). ÚAp ■óeii" Aon miofA ciAiAlttiig Oittiot 50 UeAcmop ÚAbA|ACA. Ann-pAn ceic]AeTÍiA"o bAAÍAin -oe ^igAit Oittiot, -puAi^A pe- itmiD bA|^ ■^5^r ^^ Sio|AtAC jAogAi^ce AnnA ApvootlATti. AcA -pog Ai|A |?tjit) tule e-jApione. Uax) bAAÍAin 50 bAAt- Ani cigeAnn Oilliol 50 'UIIa'ó. Úa|\ "oei-p Aon bAA^Ain "oeti^, cuAituig ^ujA lomnA-OAiA niAice Agtif cjAeAbAonA An pobAil 50 |AAlb CtlA1|\C Ap-OIM^ Z]\m UltAt) ATTIaL C|A1Att m - bAAt nilA|\ •coiceAnn cAi|Abe A^up CAbAcc nA CAÍniAn. Ann pn •otibAipic Oiltiot Ann ctuAj^cAnc nA n-'OAomeAt) cA^itAt) 50 b-|?uit ciiA|ic An -pi^ cpvit) An pii^eAccA -peAii^eAt) CAipvbe nA CAttiiAn, ireA-pAt) 'oeunp'A'O'pA mo AjAA-p Ann 'Oun Sobeyice, ca|1|\|?a'o nA -piAionfAi-óe, A^iip nA iriAice, a^aiti Ann. A5Uf coiti |:at)a ^uf •o'l^An An jAig Ann UttAt) ceitAbpiA'DAjA aui tnopv^peipe te ceot, ' |AAnncAib, peit^ pAt), A^u-p eiticcA-p^AiAC, te ponce A^uf I'ceutcAib nA n-Atói"oe. but) mopi An fpeif -co bi A15 Oit- lot Ann eACAib b]\eA'ÓA, 'oo ^eib -pe 5^^^^ V^S^^^^S ^^T* cpeuntTiApcAc. 1Í\^£>.\\ An ceu-onA cuip -pe ceAccoi]Mt)e 5^0 5AC •ouicce 6|Apone A15 top^At) A^u-p A15 fogtA^vugA-o Ann "oiAg cmeAt con A^up mA-opA bu-ó b-):eA]\]\ te ^eince. -A^up bii-Q 233 clifce An ^^oy ^ meuT)uig cv cum Agu]" lu4^cu15 a pic. A5U]' x)o fuioe lAbpó^t) Ann aic IA15 te poppion, e^^n^ A^u]' ceAjAC. bi mopt)o|A]'A n-A]At)feoni]\A-ó t)-UeAcniop ÚAbA]A- CvV yuA^^^Ailce 50 c]\AtATTiAt uite t^ecib, ^511^ 5^c pe^cc A5U]' cleAcceAtTi t)euncA, Aguf cuftnof XD-UAriAfceAC comlion- Cv\t) M|A fAt) nA fe bAAtAineAT) "oeug *oo ^15^1^ Oilliot VuAip fe bAj' Ann 'Oun Sobepce, A^uf bi a cA]An coi^ce Ann leiiA5e ctuAineic cimciotl ii]ACiiip cpAHCubAit UAt) An "Oun. CAnA-OA|\ A eu^cAom, acc mop cati pA-o a cAcpAnn *OAp Acne An pig e pein. An 7. l^eAbAp. An 6. CAibiT)it. HigAit SiopnA TTiAC n-'Oon pig ^AAlen Aip ceAn pee bAAl/AineAt) UAt) 578 50 -o-ci 5/)8. K. C. Alp b^p Oitliot bi Ap-ocpmnne n-UttAt) ^tAoi-óce 50 bpuiceme; ^S^f "oo bi ÍAbpAt) mAC ^-CAipbpe pogAi^ce AnnA pi§. An cpAC ceuT)nA cuAi'oeA'OAp cup'ói'óe 'oeAgCApiiig AmAc puit) 6ppion A15 ^Iaoic nA pigce, nA ppionpAi-oe, no. cinpip nA ottniAnA, A^up cpeAbAonA An pobAit "00 Ap'opeorri- pAt) 'o-UeAcmop UAbApcA. Coth tuAc 5up "oo pume An c-Ap'Ocptiinne te nA ceite An ceux) peAcc, •o'eipig An c-Ap-ootlAm A15 pAt) : Aua cpm- Aon G^ppion potlAin. "O'eipig "Peilmit) ceAnpeAp AoiniA^, A15 Apx) : CpetJt) TTiA pogAceAp ÍAbApAt) pig UHa-o AnnA Ap-opig? Acc -o'eipig ÍAbpAt) A15 cÍAonAt) a bui'óciop T)o'n Ap'ocpmnne: til peAt) A Ap-opÍAice pAnpAt) ÍAbpAf) Ann UttAt). 1p An pin 234 ceA^ Sio|AnA pig 5^^^^^ AnriA AiTOjAig ? Ai|a ad b^ll cluin- x:eó^]\ ^tJCA A15 ^Aipim A-p Ap-o : An mionriA I Acu •oubAipc lAbjAAt) yoy AnriA -peAfeAX) : CAiceA'OA|A riAOi A^uf ceic|Ae -pic- IX) bAAt^ineAt) UA"ó An La a TTiioneAX)A^ P^S^^j pjAion-pAi-óe, A^iif TTiAice e-|A|iion 50 ]AogAi:eA|A ceAn -oe pjiion-pAib n-6Tl 50 •oeo. CiA but) fe uAt) ati A]AX)C|Miirine yeo |iAib beo An r|AAC pn ? If mo bA-pATTiAbf a 50 b-f uit mionriA ctungeAtteAt) An ce rmontJigeAf. Cuip An CA-p TnA|\ f eo : mA uiocfAit) Ia •oobA-pAC •oubbfonAc, nuAif nAc but) pu ceAn t)e -piiocc n- Ctl t)0 beiC AnnA Af'OIMg. CAt) CA|Atf At) ? flgAltf Alt) p|Mon- -pA 1bep no 1oIa|^, A^u-p CAt)ciii5e nAc ^AigAilpAit) 50 t)eiTTiin ? Aip c-piocnugAt) A cAinu t)o tAb|AAt), t)'ei|ii5 Tnti|ACA|At) pfionfA ^^Aten A^if A^u-p At)t>bAip\c: Cpeut) triA fuit)|?Ait) SiOj^nA jAig 5^^^^^ '^^'P cp\it)Aon 6pp\ion ? Anoif t)0 cApbAt) 50 fAib Sio-pnA An |m§ C1115 ^^tif ceicpie -picit) bAAÍAineAt) t)'AOip, c]aac "lAbAijA An ppionfA THufCAiAD, uiTTie pn bi An c-A|it)ciiuinne A15 fmi^cAt) A^uf CtJ1t) ACA AI5 ^AipeAt) ATTIAC ^O Aft). AitA feucfinc t)o, t)'ei]Aig Sio-pnA A15 f At) : ^oil a cotti- ■pÍAice, cAnic loÍAf uAt) 5^^^^5 '^V i^-^cApi A^uf t)o clot) -pe An uaIaiti feo A^tJ-p t)o jAigAit Af a cionn mA|\ C|Amion, AUAnrpA UAt) -pbiocc An c-lolA-p, pofjAuigeAnn ^uf but) AOf An c-IoIaja cfi ceut) m-bAAtAineAt), A^up ni b-fuib Sio|AnA pop Acc beu^An cAp ceicpe picit) ! AcA ceApniAc, ceine A^up Ai^ne nA oi^e AnnAtn 50 poitl TDa nAc b-fuil neAc mop peApp be fAgAit, ni p\AcpAt) SiojinA 50 t)eApbcA Ann aJai-o CAipbAinc nA bAtri. A5UP t)o bi nA 05IA015 AtneAp5 nA ppionpAib, A5up 235 A5Uf AI5 TnOjAgAI^AC A AtAlui5 AgUV '«^ A]\pA. AgUf 'DubpAt)A|\ : bit)eAt) SioptiA •oeunA'ó a fgic A^uf ^ÍACAt) Af'05 Aip cpit)- Aon 6]\]M0ti ! 17lAp An ceut)nA iomcui]AeAX)Ai\ tia o^pjA SiO]AriA Ai|\ A ^uAlAtinAib Am AC 50 Iia|:aiI "Oo y\i\x)e SiO|AnA Aip liAyAil, «^S^V ^^^5 ^" c-A^v-cciAomireAiv Ati 6i]-Aon ai^a a ceAii, A511]' ■oeAi^iiit; An |M5b]u\c ai^\ a ^uAÍAnnAib, a^u]- pubAituig Ai|\ ó^^y lei]' eA-oon 50 "o-ci -oo^Mif nA n-ApT)feoTti]AAt). ^5Uf •oo fuit>e SiOjAnA ai]\ a c]\it)Aon. ÚApt)ei|' a po|ACAOitTi buit)- c^oy^ a cAbAi]\c -oo'n c-Apt)c]Auinne, cuAit)eA'OA]\ AtriAC A^uf bi mopTOo^AfA nA n-A^AtDfeotTipAt) 'oiAUi-o^ce, A5Uf ceileAbiAA-OAp An inopireii- x)-UeActno]A, a^U]" nio|AconiopA"ó nA n-CAcc|AA ai|A tio]' ÚAbA]\CA. Anoi]" but) e Ap-OAi^ne Sio|\nA nA c|Aomp]\ t)0 OnO^AAt) 50 TnopTÍ10|A, A^U]" nA otllTIAnA "00 uniAtA"ó AnnA co- TÍK\]i, cmn^uig nA c]\onipp a ^-coitinuToe Ann mem An |n§ 50 ]:uAi|A ye a f^eAn Aoy bpeAt) wo uat) bAAl ai|\ iaiaiaui^- eAcc rA 5 C]Aom|:eA]\. Com5Ai)AeA'OA|\ \.e^y mA]A An ce*jT)nA : bi-óeAt) p|Aion|^A "oe fliocc IoIa^ AnnA AjA-o^ng 50 b|AAc. ^511^ bi ciun^AAt) ACA x)ul CAjAC UAt) beut 50 mbeul ywx) An CAÍAm A15 pAt) : 1]' e coii DaaL 50 cui]A|:eA]A ai|a bun cigce •OAin^Aince t)o fejAbpogAncib IDaaI •00 beic aca mAp ]Aun- l"eom|AA'DA Ajuf -ounA •o-CAif^e a^U]' aic ^Iacca C01|Abei|ACA. but) e i^ApmiAn Sio|AnA nA teitit)e t)o cuip yuo^y. AnuAi]A t)o ^MgAit ÍAb^AAt) occ bAAÍAine ]:uAi|A Sio|\Iac bAf, A^uf bi tTlin jAogAi^ce A|vt)ottAm UtlAt) AnnA n-Aic. but) mop An 5eAn t)o bi A15 cÍAn nA CAÍmAn ai|\ ÍAbpAt), 01 ]\ but) i^o^cATTiAt pcCAncAc tJtÍAT) Ann A bAecib. 1a]\ jMg- AiteAt) Aon bAAlAin "oeu^ -puAijA ye ho^y A^uf bi A|At)feA|A a t)eA|Ab|iACAp po^Aigce AnnA pi^ yoy tlllAt). AnuAip t)o 1115- 236 Alt ^he]\ ceic|\e 'oeti^ ^S^f P^^ bAó.tMn Ann tTlurriAin "oeu^ •pe, A^tJ-p bi Hoi*o A 1TKSC pogAi^ce Ann^ aic. xVnn-pnA ÍAecib feo uAn^ATDAiA c|Aompi|\ tltt^t), Anoi-p ceAn A^u-p A|\ip ceAn eile aca A15 gui-óe pocAt beit Ap ipiol •00 ctuAip Ap-opeAp. Ace mop cAicnui^ AptDpeAp a ^te^p. A^up Ap coiiiAp 1Tlin ÍAbpA-OAp -oe'n Ap-oceim A^up inop- TTieAp x)o bi A15 Ap-opig Aip cpompeApK\ but) ):io]\ i^ocLa nApt)cporti]:eA]\ mAp u]\tA- bAi]\ pig SiO]Anc\ t)uinn ac.v nA C]Aoinp|\ cipnAit)e A5U]' c]\iAce nA CAlniAn a^uj' ni b-fuit nA l^jce, ppion]'Ait)e, a^uj' niAice, nA cAÍniAn acc ^"epb^OTÍiAnci^e t)o nA C]AonipeA]AAib ? 50 t)e- A]\bcA ni po-piAui^mi CAt) e bu|A bA]AAtTiAtyA, ACC Ai|A mo fon |:ein t)eipeAnn : Di OtAc niAC tAbjAAt) mic 5 - CAijAbpe, mic 6ocAit) OlÍAni 'pot)tA tiAt) i^liocc n-61x mic An 5°^^"^» ^ ]'int)eAf AnnA pig ai]\ CAiuAop pigeAccA n - "UllAt) ^AogAi^ce t)A]\ mpmo-p t)-UAnApceAc te ppionpAib, A^up niAicib, UttAt) A Iaúa]\ cloin nA CAlmAn. Ip cpuAig e. 1T1a']' fioji t)o'n Apt)C|iom]:eA|A but) coi]\ t)om cigeAcc piAf UAt) caicaoja ]\ig- eAccA A15 CcvbAipc e t)o nA pepb|?ogAncib ^ticib DaaL? X)^]\ ceAn nAc b-puit ^^ocIa pcpiobcA ai]a cpeAJt) t)lige n-6|ipione A15 ]\At) : Ha tei^ c]Aom]:eA]i AfceAc Ann A|\t)feom- |\At) •o-UeAcmo|\ ÚAbApcA 50 b]\AC? ITpeApcotAt)!]^ ai|i nA ceinab, A^up pc]\iobAt)i]' pAp Am a^u]' U]aac, a pioncA A^up A ]AAicA, 50 |:ioppuigeAnn t)Aoine ceiueAt) ha n-Aimpipe. IIIa pcuAb^cAp -poctA Ap ucc cpeAct) nA n-t)lige, te upf-octA X)0 cuip Ann a aic, if jnACCAnAc 50-m-beit) An c-At)bA]\, A5- uy At)bA]\ mAic, CAifbAin^ce i]- piAccAnAc 50 n - t)ei|iceA]A cpeut) e An f At). ITIa tAbpocAt) Apt)|ng? Aguf bi'n A]\t)c]Miinne A15 puip- eAc Ai|A f|\cA^M]\ Apt)|ng; acc bi ceAn Sio]\nA ctAonAt) ai]i 238 C^^ob An cpi-OAOTi, 01^ UAfiic -puAn A^tif •pAThco'otArh ai]A. CuAit) OitiioÍA triAC AongAife mic SionriA A^uf fCAiiiAuig ^O ClUriA -p-JAOltblAAC A|" ClOnn a ACA-p 1T10|\, ACU bl CO^AtTIAn COI-p OltUolA AI5 -OUAI^ACU A]A-O^Mg CotTI tuAC ^Uf P^^J^J OiÍIioIa 50 *o-ci A A1C -pein, -o'ei^Mg blAÚ i\ig tltlAt) a]\i|% A^u-p 'oubAinc: Cpeiit) ttia |:AnAnn ha |?octA ai]a cpeACT) ha n-Dti^e TnA]\ aca? ^511]" ^peA^^iA'OAp An A|A"ocnuinne ArhAÍ ^uic Aonp]A: SeAX), bi-oeAt), bmeAt). A^uf "oo bi mA]A pn. bl nA -pcjAiobcA teigce An ceu-o Ía t)Ap cufmof, a^uj" ctJAiX) An A]A-ociAtjinne atdac, A^uf bi mo|\t)0|ifA nA A^^'ofeoirinAT) 'D|iuix)5ce. CeiteAbpA-oAiA mo]AÍ'ei|" •o-UeAcmojA, A^iif mo^icotrio- ]AAT) nA n-e-Acct\A Ai|\ "Liof UAbAjACA. A^]\ An Ia 'oei^ionAig ■oe'ii ]?eAcc bi ci^eAc-o -oii^e n-6|\]Aion teigce A-p Apt), A^iif Ai|\ qAiocnugAt), 'DO Ap-o^ÍAOit) nA butf oi|M-óe : SeA-peAnn nCAC A1|\ UAbAjACA AI5 1A|\]AeA'Ó A CeA|AC ? Clt) CjAeACC niO]A ^|AeA5Ai]A AonneAc. CuAit) An c-AiA-ociAuinne ArriAc A^uf bi, niO'P'ÓO|A'pA HA AH'OfeOTT1|AA'Ó •OjAtH'O^Ue. Anoif X)o CAptAt) Ann|" nA lAecib -peo ^tip "o'eu^ Sio]\nA CA]i 'óei'p -pigAiteAt) A|A'0|Mg pee bAAÍAine, cit) 50 -pAib Sioi\- nA ceuT) A^u-p ye bAAÍAine 50 ^ÍAn qAAC a bAi|", ni-oeippin coiiigAi^AA'OAiA riA c]\omp|v ^\i]\ buAit t)AAt SiopnA te -pAi-o^nA eu^A, X)e b|M§ nAji corritionuig fe a geAÍicA •00 nA C]iom- |:eA|AAib. poiAceAn An ceu"o -poÍAt). é^:% ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF GAELIC HISTORY. THE PREFACE. I have edited this history to bring to mind the esteem and honor due my race : The Gaal Scioth Iber, the mighty child- ren of Er, who from of old have borne unconquered arms! ' As THE Poet Saith : God shield you, champions of the Gael, Never may your^foes prevail; Never were ye known to yield, Basely in the embattled field. Generous youths, in glittering arms, Rouse at glory's shrill alarms; Fight for your green native hills! And to enkindle patriotic devotion and an enduring love for the land of their Forefathers, in the hearts of our kindred, though they be distantly scattered as exiles from the Land of Erin. JOHN J. O'CARROLL. Chicago, 1903. TKe First BooK and tlie First CHapter, of tHe ^=HISTORY OF ERIN^^ Treating of tKe Valiant Men of l*odla and Danba. Bartalman was the first ruler of the tribes of wooded Fodla, he is also named Partalman. According to some authors Bartalman and his hosts, came to the land of Fodla, A. M. 1969. Others, however, place the date of his landing A C. 1709. In those days it is related : That the Island was in the possession of a copper-colored race of savages, a tribe of the Turanians, wild and exceedingly fierce. Bartalman was therefore the first prince of the Celtic race who trod the soil of Fodla. He crossed the ocean from Ceiltag, that is from the southwest of Europe, for that portion of Europe was in the possession of the Celts at that time. Bartalman found a fair entrance and ship-harbor near a Head- land covered with stately oaks. Upon this promontory he built a citadel, and founded a walled town. He called the place : Binn-na-dair, on account of the oak forest which crowned its brow. In after times the place was called : Benedar, and the hill of Howth, near the present city of Dublin. These are the four sons •of Bartalman : Lir the first born, Orba, Fearan, and Feargna. Each son founded for himself a city along the sea coast, and became a ruler over it, and over as many of the population as chose to follow jhim from the older settlement. 242 The copper-colored savages issued from their forest coverts, warring constantly with them, they skulked along the forest mar- gin, and any person they surprised, without regard to sex or age,, they tortured and put to death without mercy. On a certain day when Bartalman made a sortie on them, ta drive them back, he was mortally wounded in the fray. His fol- lowers buried him at the foot of Binnadair. During the course of three hundred years, the new colony had no abler ruler, nor more magnificent prince than Bartalman. After his demise his people dwelt in the Island about three hundred years, indeed until pestilence and misfortune, together with the wars of the savages, swept every vestige of them from the land of Fodla. THE SECOND CHAPTER, FIRST BOOK. NEBOG, A NEW RULER, A. C. 1469. Nebog heard in Ceiltag the ruin that befell his kindred in the- Island Elga. Thereupon he fitted out a fleet of thirty-four ships, carrying a force of one thousand and tv/enty armed warriors, be- sides his queen Maca, and his four sons: Starn, larbaneal, Annin,. and Phyrrus. They landed on the north of the Island. They fought a pitched battle with the emboldened savages, and by des- perate valor, and superior discipline, gained the victory. When they had retained possession of the land for twelve years, queen Maca died, they buried her on a certain highland, which is called Ard- maca (Armagh) to this day in her honor. Again war broke out, and the copper hued savages fought fiercely, but Nebog and his forces routed them in a first battle fought at the foot of mount Blaoime. A second battle at Rosfraocan in the west was fought where Gan and Ganan, the principal chiefs of the savages, fell by the hand of Nebog. In the third encounter, Nebog sufifered a re- verse, for Starn, his oldest son, was slain. In the fourth battle on Murbuilg Nebog's forces were nearly annihilated, and Ard, his youngest son, and Joban the son of Starn, were slain, and Nebog himself mortally wounded. After the disaster, the remnant under the leadeifship of Jobat returned to Airmuirce ( Armorica) . In the lapse of time the fir-builg (called firgneath by the Gaal) 243 came from Bruitan. They numbered about five thousand and were under the command of five chieftains : Ruidruide, Gan, Ganan, Sean- gean, and Slaigne. Slaigne was seated king of the Island. They held the sway of the country' for eighty years under the governance of nine kings: Slaigne, Ruidruide, Gan, Ganan, Seangean, Fiaca, Ronall, Fiobgein, and Eoga. In the days of the reign of Eoga, it transpired that the Thuatha Danaan, came from Armorica under Nuagad. On the field of Magtura, near Lough Masg they met in battle, the Firbuilgs under Eoga and the Danaan forces mar- shalled by Nuagad. The battle raged in doubtful turn, until the fall of eventide when Eoga fell, whereupon the Firbuilgs turned and fled. In the battle Nuagad lost his hand, he commanded his chief artisans to forge him one of silver, which he wore. On this account he was surnamed Nuagad Airgeadlam, Nuagad the silver- handed. The Danaan not only defeated the Firbuilgs, but what was worse, reduced them to the condition of wretched slaves. The Danaan held sway over the Island for sixty years, under seven kings: Nuagad Airgeadlam, Lugad Lamfada, son of Cian, the son of Cainte surnamed the 'TIodanac," because of his proficiency in every strategy and knowledge. He united the Danaan and combined intO" drilled companies even the firneath who rather than be subject tO' the Danaan fled to the deep forests, and the wild deserts, and the heath-covered mountains, and because at his command they came to him from forest, mountain and fastness, strenuous men in battle and warfare, they styled him chief of the "Marcra Side," i. e., of the knights of the hill. In the battle of Mag Turead of the sea giants (pirates), Lugad broke the power and supremacy of the Sea-giants,, and liberated the Danaan from their tax and tribute forever ! After this he became king over the Danaan. It was this Lugad who estab- lished the funeral-games of Tailtean to honor his mother, Tailte,. and because they were celebrated on the first day of the month of August. The first day of the month August even to our own times is called the : "La-Lugad-Nasa," the *'day of Lugad's games." Lua- gad Lamfada, Dagad, Delbiot, Fiaga, Breas, and the three sons of Cearmada together: Eathur, Teathur, and Ceathur, for a period of twenty-three years, each in turn reigned his year. The three brothers married three sisters, Eathur married Beanba, Teathur, Fodla, and Ceathur, Eire. Eathur worshipped his gods 244 in the sylvan glades and was surnamed MacCoill ; Teathur paid homage to the plow, and was surnamed MacCeuct ; Seathur adored the sun and was called MacGreine. The knowledge and fame of these events, have been handed down to us solely by tradition, or as is said from mouth to ear; for there was no knowledge of the art of writing in that remote age. These are the names which the happy Island bore at different periods : Fodla, Innis Elca, Innis Fail, Danba or Banba, Eire, Errion, Tbernia. We have now arrived at the period in the Island's history when a new people became dominant, introducing letters and the art of writing. Amongst them there was a caste titled, "OUams," whose office it was to chronicle accurately public events as they transpired Herewith are given the names of the ancestors of the mighty race of Er: Ardfear, who came a fugitive from Seanatar (Sennar) to Ermioniat (Armenia), he was called Naoi (Noe), the protoparent of the Naoimadeis (Nomads), he was likewise called Er. Macer, the son of Er, called Japhet. Og, who conquered Magog-, called Erogulis. Jaban, who colonized Greece, Ogageis, the father of the Ogagites, Dorca, Glas, File, Daire, Cealgac, Calma, Ronard, Eolus, the king of Gaalag, a famous scholar, it was he who wrote the book of Chronicles of Qaalag. Don, Lugad, Ceanmor, Ceanard, Marcac, Cuir, Aod, Iber, Maoil, Ibermaoil, Marcac the son of Ibermaoil, Noid, Og the son of Marcac, Ardfear, Bille the son of Engsac, and Eocaid, this was the ruler whom Sruamac defeated. According to some authorities this Sruamac is identical with Sesac or Sesostris, son of Ammon, ruler of Egypt, while others claim Sesac to be iden- tical with Melcart, king of the Fenians of Phoenicia. The five sons of Eocaid survived the national disaster : Marcac, lolar, Daire, Biat, and Colba, they were swept from the field by the retreating hosts. After the havoc wrought by Sruamac, the prince Ith arose in the midst of the assembled survivers, and addressed them: O Gaal Scioth Iber awake! What matters it to me if the waters of abyss and the great pit are terrible? Is destruction by water, air or earth, or even by fire itself as terrifying to the Gaal Scioth of Iber as the gyves of slavery? Baal himself can destroy fcut once? And so ends the pain of body and mind, the spirit is 245 free. But the body of the captive enslaved languishes continually, the soul becomes oppressed with the shrivelled body. As the bow that is constantly strung loses its power so with the spirit that submits to slavery? . I have frequently sailed my ship across the world of waters to Bruitan. On one occasion after adjusting a controversy of the Gaal, when returning to Gaalag my ship was driven from her course to the westward by the force of current and tempest, we scudded before the gale until we came to a wooded country, a land of rugged aspect. We were but a small band, nevertheless the natives fled at our approach, we drank the sweet waters of the land! Ith will again sail thither and return in season to pilot che way to all who prefer danger to bondage. As for Ith, \i he lives at all he desires to live free ! The import of Ith's di&coursc seemed good to both chiefs and Gaal. They made ready three staunch ships of single- tier oars, and picked up a hundred and twenty valiant men who had not yet entered wedlock. As the wind arose they set sail steering westward, following the going of Baal. The misfortunes and afflictions of the Gaal increased daily, Famine and Pestilence were on foot. Misery brooded over Gaalag, the hill of counsel was lonely, the Asti without the holy fire. Only the priests remain in the Raths which guard the highways of the land, the rest are busily- employed, that all things may be ready against the return of Ith. They work in relays at ship-building for the fleet, from the first light until darkness falls, the hum of industry ceases not. Marcac and the chieftains have their tents pitched around Astiereis. Lo!' the beacon light burns day and night on Breocean of Gaalag tO' guide Ith and his companions on their homeward course. Now- when Baal was in the first division of his house Tionnscnad (March), the coast-watch saw a ship making toward land'. All: Gaalag came down to the port to behold the prince returning. As the ship drew within the harbor, the allhail of the Gaal resounded! through the air. When they cast anchor, Lugad the son of Ith,. stood in the presence of Marcac, and I Ordac, the Ardollam, stood: by ; Marcac inquired. Why do not I behold Ith ? Has he remained', behind? How fares it with Ith? Lugad placed his hand on his bosom, and lowering his eyes sadly, pointed to the ship, saying itt answer to Marcac: Ith is no more, mv father that was,. lies in the 246 ship rotting! When the sorrowful news was heard, a cry went up from the Gaal that pierced the sky, the body of Ith was carried ashore, a circle of fires kindled and a guard set. In the morning they bore the body to the Carn, and I Ordac intoned the death chant, and the women and maidens took up the refrain, after that Cier, the son of Eocaid, surnamed the Gollam, raised the battle song over the prince. As soon as they had rolled the stone against the door of the house of darkness (sepulchre), Marcac unsheathed his sword, and holding it aloft swore by the spirit of Baal, and the chieftains like- ■wise, and the Gaal lifting up their hands swore by Baal, and the anatrons and the maidens lifting up their hands swore by Re ((Moon), and Tarsnasc (Hosts of Heaven), that they would go to the land where Ith was wounded, and avenge his death. On the day subsequent to the burial, Marcac prepared the death feast, and invited the nobles and chieftains to hear the story of Ith. After they had partaken of the banquet, Lugad sat on an ele- vated rostrum near the king. Marcac thus addressed him : If it pleaseth Lugad, we would listen to the story of Ith? Then Lugad arose and in a clear voice spoke as follows : When Ith beheld the sorrows that befell Gaalag, he preferred danger to tribute, death to slavery, he sailed to a strange land to discover a new abode for the Gaal, where they might dwell without hearing the voice of a master. We sailed westerly, we sighted Britain, and avoided Scaoil- ead and Cosantiridir (Cassitiridae). On the eighth day out from Dunmianac, we hailed the land we sought, we coasted along it for four days and four nights, until the waters of a river offered a favorable harbor. Ith divided his force into three parts, one he ^stationed to guard the ships, the other two to accompany him into ■ut the victors are hated by the vanquished. They rejoiced at our advent for they drag out an existence in cruel bondage. Ith in- quired for the chief of the country, after two days had elapsed messengers came to guide us to his presence. Ith called a council of the captains of his bands. Some of them proposed : Why should we march further into the interior, have we not seen enough ? Let us return home, and come in force and c©nquer this land. 247 But to this counsel Ith objected : By no means, the natives would then interpret our action as fear. Let Gol remain here to guard the ships with one-third of the force and should our expedition prove unfortunate let him return with haste to Gaalag and relate to Marcac this commission from Ith : O Marcac, conduct hither the children of Iber, here pitch the tents of the Gaal. Gol sought ■earnestly to accompany us on the march but without avail. The first day we marched with great circumspection, passing the night under armed watch. The following morning Ith commanded the guides into his presence and said : We will proceed no further, but will await your ruler here another day if he desires to see us. When half the second day was spent, we saw a multitude advancing, as they approached we discerned that they held huge bludgeons in their hands; but they had neither cran-tubal (sling), bow nor quiver, nor the sharp lances of battle. They were tall, large-limbed, fair-complectioned men. Although it was a large, forbidding host, nevertheless we closed up to them. They often repeated, *'Danbaa, and Danaan," and beat their servants in our presence, calling them '^Cloden." Without delay we observed, that they began to throw com- panies to our rear, as if to cut oíí our return to the ships. Then Ith gave order : Keep your rear passage open at all haz- ard, for we are but few. The encounter began by the natives giving a wild shout, and . hurling large stones at us with much force, thereupon we bent the bow and swung the crantubal. Thus was our little company of Gaal hard pressed for three days, though by discipline and superior- ity of arms we held them at bay until Gol with the third division all but nine whom he left as guards for the ships, came with reinforce- ments, clearing the way for an orderly retreat. During the three terrible days, every Gaal fought like a hero, or if perchance he fell, died with his face to the enemy. My father, Ith, was mortally wounded but he did not expire on the field, we bore him off to the :ships. I Lugad did not ascend my own ship, but remained with my father, a short time before his death he called me and said: Mar- cac may with safety conduct the Gaal to this land of forests. The serfs will aid him in the conquest. Do not prolong a second day ■of the Gaal Scioth Iber's sorrow in Gaalag . Such was the last 248 words of Ith the famous, the son of Bille, the brother of Eocaid, who was surnamed Gollam. Now the day that Baal crossed the threshold of Baalteine (May} all preparations were completed, and the children of the Gaal Scioth Iber, Naoimadeis, and Ogageis, the remnant surviving the invasion of Sruamac, were aboard, ready to weigh anchor, and leave Gaalag (Iberiat or Spain) after a sojourn of four hundred and eighty-four years in that land. Baal favored until we hove- in sight of the desired land. Then a tempest blew and scattered the fleet in all directions. Twelve ships were wrecked. That day Colba and his crew went down at the mouth of the river of the- land (lonbior Colba). Cier and his crew foundered at Benntirrion an domain. The remainder of the fleet "landed with Marcac,. lolar, and Blath, the sons of Gollam the hero, and with Lugad,. the son of Ith. Er, the son of Cier, was saved, for he had remained with the sons of Marcac, his playmates, in Gaalag. After the landing, Marcac issued command: We will each leave three armed men, and all the women and children in tlie ships, while we take up the march to avenge the blood of Itb and subdue the country. They had spread the cloth to see ta whose lot it would fall to remain with the ships, when both mea and women cried out as with one voice : Leave none behind, let all die together or together share the glory of avenging the blood of Ith. The Gaal then armed; the forces were ordered for bat- tle, the men of the land also gathered together, they were far more numerous than the Gaal, perchance twenty to one. The- engagement had not lasted long when company after company of the "Cloden" began to desert to us. Forthwith the masters fled from the thick of the fight. The following day the conflict was renewed, the men of the land were defeated. Their bludgeons did not prevail, even the serfs when armed with our superior weapons, wounded them sorely. On the third day the chieftain of the land sent an embassy to Marcac, having their bludgeons slung to their backs, and their arms crossed on their breasts in sign of peace. Now it so happened that eight years previously a ship man- ned by the Gaal, in coming from Britain, was wrecked on the- 249 breakers of this coast. They had become conversant with the language of the Danaan. The Danaan sent them to Marcac with the embassy as interpreters. After attesting their joy at seeing their kindred, they spoke now in the tongue of the Gaal, now in the tongue of the Danaan. Thus was a treaty made and ratified between the chiefs of Iber and the Danaan. The Danaan added : You have indeed wrested the victory from us owing to the treachery of the Cloden. The Danaan will not therefore submit to your rule, nor give tribute. We will cross to the far side of the Seanaman (Shannon) and we will dwell there between it and the great sea in the land of Ultonnmact (plain of mighty waves). We will not trespass on your side, nor you on our side of the river. Furthermore as the Cloden is on your hands do with them as you will, but remember if you show them kindness, or place trust in them they will betray it. On that day the second day of the entrance of Baal into his Di- \nsion Sgith (June 2) the covenant was ratified. The Danaan raised a great stone where the treaty was struck, while I Ordac, the Ardollam, inscribed the words of the covenant in the Chronicles of the Gaal, as a perpetual memory of the trans- action. Then Marcac said : Let this place be called : Magmortiomna (Field-of-the-great-testament), and all the assembly answered : Yea. Peace ensued. The Danaan set out for the territory allotted him by the treaty, the Firgneath remain with the Gaal. Marcac has pitched his tents on Magmortiomna, and the tents of all Iber are arranged in proximity, for Marcac said : It behooves us to remain en- camped until the Danaan shall have crossed the river to provide against possible treachery. The Firgneath render us acceptable service, the Gaal also who shipwrecked on the coast in the days of Eocaid Gollam, abide with us. They relate of Cloden that is the Cegaal Firgneath (aborig- ines), that they were created from the elements of the soil. That the Danaan came from Armorica, vanquished the Firgneath and reduced them to servitude. That neither of the races had heard 250 ■of Baal. After an encampment of three months on Magmor- tiomna, Marcac summoned the chieftains of the Gaal Scioth Iber to a council in the presence of the assembled Gaal, he arose in their midst and said: O chiefs, the land is accessible to the foot of the children of Iber, what if we should make a tour of inspec- tion? No one knoweth its boundary? How shall we proceed? Perchance the Danaan might revolt? Shall we spread out, or remain massed in force, what is your will? Our fighting force is .small, decimated by the destruction of Baal. For in truth, Sruamac, the drought, the pestilence, and famine, were but his instruments, hence our phalanx is short-numbered. Colba lies tombless under the waves. Cier cannot hear any more the voice •of Marcac — alas, the pity of it ! Cier lieth under his Carn, his death-cry chanted, and his battle-song sung, and Marcac cried bitterly, and the assembled host lifting up their voice wept. After a short interval Marcac proposed : What if Blath should speak ? Blath answered: What if we march massed together? Then Marcac asked what saith lolar? lolar answered: What if the Gaal be divided into three columns, the first column to march within trumpet call of the second, and the second to march within trumpet call of the third, all to march in line at the same rate of progress? Now on the threshold of Tirim, that is first •day of October, Marcac at the head of his column took up the march to the North, To the right of Marcac, Blath marched his column, and to the right of Blath, lolar marched his detachment. The Ollams, bards, cromfears (priests) and poets, were divided .amongst the chieftains, but the women and children marched with the tribe to which they belonged, and the Firgneath pointed out the highways and byways, and the trails through the land. Now Er, the son of Cier, marched alongside Marcac, hold- ing his hand; indeed, the hero shortened his strides to correspond to the steps of the stripling. As we marched we came upon the waters of an unfordable river, where the construction corps and the carpenters made a pontoon bridge, for Marcac had burned the ships in which he had voyaged from Gaalag. After we crossed the bridge of boats, he continued the march, until we saw the peak of a mountain which is the extremity of the world, thence 251 we deflected our course, and descended to the plain, and marched until we came to the place where the mighty warrior Cier was drowned. Marcac desired to visit the Carn, where lay the beloved brother of his heart. As we marched through the land we found some Gaal of the stock of Iber, we heard them frequently speaking the language of the Gaal, still they had no knowledge of Iber nor Dunmianac, they freely proflfered us provision from their produce. We stood on the shore only a short distance from the Carn of Cier, yet Marcac could not cross on account of the roughness of the waves, but with uplifted eyes and outstretched hands he besought: May the spirit of Cier be immortal ! Henceforth we will call this river **Iber," in memory of the hero, the son of Iber, the glory of the race! When we returned to our brethren they too wished to behold the tomb of Cier, but Marcac forbade it. We proceeded on the march until we touched the waters of the Seanaman (Shannon) beyond which stretches away the land of the Danaan. Keeping the Seanaman on our left we marched until we reached the source of that stream. Thence we pro- ceeded westward until we stood above the waters of the great ■deep. What we heard was true : That the great waves of the sea break on the strand not far distant from the source of the Seana- man. We journeyed northward keeping the ocean to our left- hand, until we again confronted the world of water. Following the margin of the land until we again came to the end, we turned to the south, and marched, until on the threshold of Baalteine (May), the whole force entered the plains of Magmortiomna, as was appointed before the enterprise was begun. Now we were certain : Tliat the waters of the ocean surround the land, that it is an island. After their fatiguing journey the Gaal rested nine days. Mar- ■cac then convoked an assembly, and standing in their midst ad- dressed them: When the Gaal migrated from Iber to a strange land, did they not give names to Ifouses, hills, plains, rivers, yea even to the waves of the sea, in order to remind them of the name of Er forever? What if this land standing apart be called: "ER-RION" (portion of Er)? We are, and will be, the Gaal Scioth Iber, Naoimadeis, Ogageis for ever! 252 This territory is too extensive for a single ruler. The nobles; elected me king in Gaalag, but Errion is not Gaalag? What saith the princes and chiefs in these public concerns? If not prepared to deliver an opinion, what if we defer the question nine days, and at the expiration of that time hold another assembly ? It was so agreed. fl At this time the priests also came together, and elected Blath, the son of Gollam Ardcromfear to replace Fionar who remained- in Gaalag because he was sick and broken with age. After the nine days had elapsed, the assembly met, and Iber (Marcac) addressed them: As was said, the land is extensive, the Gaal required six months to march around their portion -of it. What eye can see, what voice can be heard, what hand reach so far? Three descendants of the hero survive, what saith the chiefs? Now Blath presided on the mount as Ardcromfear, Iber was as gentle as the summer zephyr, the princes all were silent. After a while Blath arose and said: Three of the race survive, let the land be divided between Iber and lolar. It is my part, and my glory, that I am one of the race, but my portion will be Baal ! When Blath had finished speaking the chiefs struck their shields, and the surrounding Gaal raised a great shout, calling the name of Cier. After a little Aongais (Aeneas), a chief of the Gaal said: Is Cier so soon forgotten? Cier Heth under his earn but his spirit lives. Going to the side of Iber, where little Er stood, he took the boy's hand and said: The spirit of Cier still lives in his son? Will the land be portioned and the child of Cier despoiled of the share which would have belonged to his father? When Aongais finished the Gaal shouted, invoking the spirit of Cier on his son. Blath replied to this address by stating: That he had given his opinion in the manner he had, because it was well known to the nobles and the Gaal that Er was not of the proper age to rule? To which Aongias made answer: When Enar, the father of Eolus, the wise, was an orphan, and the only survivor of the race, nine chiefs of the Gaal, acted regents for twenty years and four. Connot the portion of Er in Errion be so governed, dur- ing the thirteen years of his minority? Then the Gaal called loudly for Iber to protect the orphan boy. 253 Iber therefore arose and proposed: What if the territory be divided into three kingdoms, and by the cast of the die Er, the son of Cier, and lolar and Iber will assume their allotted por- tions? But all the assembly answered: Not so, let Iber choose his kingdom first. But Iber dissented, saying: Spread the cloth for the cast, for Iber will accept only by his lot like the others. So the land of Errion was parcelled into three kingdoms. Deas, the south kingdom, fell to Iber, the most southern province of which was assigned to Lugad, the son of Ith, the first bard of Erin, who pitched his tents (i. e., made a settlement), looking out on the great sea. The north boundary of Iber's kingdom formed the southern terminus of lolar's. Er's kingdom stretched from the north of lolar's to the extremity of the island, and the Cegaal Firgneath occupied a reservation between the Kingdom of Er and the territory of the Danaan. Nine chief- tains of the Gaal reigned for Er, until he should attain his ma- jority. Blath held the office of Ardcromfear (high-priest). Their portions were also assigned to the chieftains, Ollams, Cromfears, poets, bards, and to all the Gaal. Up to the present, however, no one had leisure to listen to the prelections of the Ollams. After the lapse of a year a contention arose between Iber and lolar regarding territorial boundaries, but Iber related to me, Ordac, the Ardollam, that Blath was the real cause of the dis- turbance. Now for the first time the Gaal unsheathed the sword in inter- necine strife, and alas ! Iber fell by the hand of lolar. They constructed Iber's Carn on the spot where he fell. After they had chanted the death-cry, and sung the battle song, Lugad said : Let this mound be called Ce-iosiol (Cashel) forever ! Note : — I will write down here the "Eugcaoin" (death-cry), or elegy, which Lugad, the son of Ith, composed, and sang over his M ife, Fial : Suideam sonn for san tract Ainbteac fuact, Criot for mo ded admal eact Eact dom ruact. Ais neidim duib ad bat bean, Brogais blath. 254 Fial a ainm fris mad neam ; As Baal glan. Adbal ecc ecc dom ruact, Cruad rom claid. Noct a fir ar ro sil, Siu ro suide. After the battle in which Iber met his death, I Ordac, the Ardollam, did not return to Deas, but set out for the kingdom of Er, the son of Cier. I carried with me the writings of Eolus, and the Chronicles of the Gaal, which Marcac entrusted into my hands and keeping before our migration from Gaalag, for the successive kings had preserved these writings from the days of Ardfear, or Naoi, the protoparent of the race. FIRST BOOK, AND FOURTH CHAPTER. ' THE REIGN OF lOLAR AS ERMION FOR THIRTEEN YEARS, ACCORDING TO OUR COMPUTATION, FROM B. C. 1004 TO 991. Iber was slain the year B. C. 1004. They buried him in the land Ceiosiol where stands a mighty Carn to his memory. Er is yet a youth and none of the sons of Iber have reached the proper age to rule; on this presumption lolar began to rule over Deas,. indeed he arrogated to himself the right to order the chieftains regent in the kingdoms of Iber and Er. He commanded and countermanded, just as if he held the sov- ereign sway, styling himself "Ermion." Now Lugad, the son of Ith, prince of Iblugad, remonstrated with lolar, saying: What if nine chieftains act as regents in Deas until the firstborn of Iber attain the age, even as is the case in the kingdom of Er? This was the answer lolar made: Keep within the terminus of thy own Tanasteac, O Lugad, what con- cern of thine is the affairs of the children of Iber? After a time a rumor of the dissatisfaction of the chieftains of Deas reached the ear of lolar, saying: Doth lolar deem that he will assume 255 the sovereignty in the birthright of Iber? By our heads it shall, not be ! Therefore, he instructed Blath : Go quickly and take up the reins of government in Deas, and after a time I will con- fer more at length with thee on the matter. So Blath set out for the kingdom of Deas. At this same time lolar began to dis-^ close his purposes to Aongais, who communicated them to the chieftains. All, however, by one accord, were determined to save the kingdom of Er from the encroachments of lolar. Every eye regardeth Er with affection, he deyotes muck time to the reading of Eolus, and placed it as an official duty of the Ollams to nourish the spirits of the youth. Now it transpired that while Blath presided in Deas Erac,. the firstborn of Iber, became of age, and the chiefs of the Gaal in that land said: No one but Erac shall rule over us! Tliere was a compact between lolar and Blath, whereby he should hold the kingdom as the vassal of lolar, for Blath said: Am not I also of the race of Er? Therefore, he styled himself "Amer- gein" (one begotten of Er). It so chanced that Amergein had not yet taken a wife, which fact awakened in lolar the hope that he would obtain the sovereignty of Errion. Moreover the chief- tains protested that it was not lawful for Amergein to be king- and Ardcromfear at the same time. To which Amergein an- swered: I will rule until Erac acquires experience. Shortly after this occurrence Amergein married Cora, the sister of Lugad. Immediately lolar proclaimed : That Erac, the son of his brother Iber, had attained the age. Amergein answered him: Amer- gein rules in his own right. lolar incited the children of Iber against Amergein. He also sent messengers into the Kingdom of Er to the chiefs-regent, saying: Will you suffer Amergein to drive Erac, the son of Iber, from his throne? They answered, we will abide. At this time also Er, the son of Cier, attained the age, and the chieftains placed him on the throne to rule over them. In these days also the cromfear of Gaalen were assembled to legis- late for the children of the soil, and Amergein was presiding as Ardcromfear. Then Tirac, a captain with an armed band came,, and surrounding the mount, slew Amergein and went their way, but the assembled priests buried Amergein, and threw a heap of 256 stones on his grave, calling it "BREUG," on account of the false- hood and treachery of lolar. Notwithstanding they elected Erial, the son of lolar, to the office of Ardcromfear. At this period the three sons of Iber had attained the proper age to rule, but when the chieftains of Deas assembled, a rumor circulated through the convention : That Erac, the oldest, was subservient to the wishes of lolar. So Torlath arose in the midst of the assembled chiefs, saying: Is it true that Erac is the servant of lolar? Erac arose quickly and in a clear voice made answer to the accusation : Erac never was, and never will be the servant of lolar, nor any one else, Erac is the son of Iber! Thereupon they installed Erac king in place of his father. This event proved distasteful and saddening to the spirit of lolar, for he had hoped a quite difierent outcome. As these events therefore transpired contrary to his expectations, melancholy swamped his soul and he sank • gradually until he died. The days of his reign from the death of Iber were thirteen years complete. Erial summoned together the cromfir of Gaalen and many of the Gaal, and they raised the Carn of lolar. They chanted the death-cry, but no battle song was sung, for no one had the hardi- hood to laud the valor of lolar in battle. I. BOOK. THE V. CHAPTER. THE LEAGUE OF THE SONS OF lOLAR, year B. C. 991. The sons of lolar did not summon the chieftains of Gaalen to- gether, but made a combine among themselves, saying: Do thou, O Erial, retain the office of Ardcromfear, and we Mumna, Luigne, and Laisne, will occupy the throne a year each in turn. And it was carried out as they had determined. Mumna arrogated to himself the title of Ermion. This fact caused Erac and all the children of Iber to send a legation to King Er, the son of Cier, with this message: Will Er humble himself before the sons of lolar? Does he fear that they will slay him as they murdered our father in the land Ceiosiol, and then mourned over him? If Er would declare himself? On the arrival of the enjbassy, Ordac, the chief ollam, was confined to 257 his couch by sickness; Er, the king, consulted with the chief- tains Aongais and Aod, and Togher, the ollam, laying the words of the message before them, and adding: That it was his opin- ion that Er should remain within the boundaries of his own realm. These words seemed good and prudent to the consultors, so they adopted them as their answer, and after the conference they wrote them down and sent them by the hands of his messengers to Erac. At this interval Ordac died, and Togher was chosen Ardollam in the Kingdom of Er, for all the oUams came thither, and Er respected and honored them. At this period the chieftains dwell in their respective Tanas- teacs, the oUams in their tents, but bards and poets were quar- tered with the chiefs, while the Gaal were located on their por- tions of the soil throughout the country. The "Bruiteine" (fire-hill or sacred mount) or the Raths of the cromfear and carneac were not yet properly established, be- cause up to the present the land was not thoroughly explored. The Danaan observed the conditions of the covenant faithfully. The Cegaal Firgneath are happy under our governance, and love us. After Mumna had ruled his year, Luigne occupied the throne, calling himself Ermion. And after Luigne's year, Laisne did in like manner. Now it came to pass in the eleventh moon of first year of Laisne's reign that Mumna died, then Laisne sent a legation to Erac, the king of Deas, saying: What time will Erac send rep- resentatives to establish the boundaries, that Laisne too may send his on the day appointed? Erac dismissed the embassy from his presence, saying : The terminus of the kingdom of Deas is already established. Laisne convened the chieftains and the Gaal to set up the boundary-stones, and they journied with staves and hounds as if on a hunting expedition. But the men of Deas full armed came by forced marches to the place of the disputed boundaries. No sooner had Erac heard that Laisne came like a huntsman bearing a staff, than he said: It is well, a son of Iber will not draw the sword against the stafi. As the men of Gaalen came in sight, the men of Deas who had cut down poles and put away their swords, hastened to meet them. 258 When Erac advanced a step in front of his troop, Laisne came up to him, each holding a stafi in his hand, Erac said to him:. Doth Laisne find game and agreeable diversion so far from home? Or perchance he has come with his goodly band to visit. the tents of Iber? But Laisne answered : Ermion came hither to stop the foot of. Iber from straying beyond the terminus of his own kingdom. Scarcely had he uttered the last word when Erac struck him on the head with his stafi, and before Luigne and the Gaal of Gaalen. could approach he rained blow after blow on him until he fell- unconscious to the ground. Now Luigne and the Gaal of Gaalen, and Eran, brother of Erac, and the men of Deas hastened to the- spot, they contended with their staves over his prostrate form. until he was killed, nor was long until Luigne also fell. The men. of Gaalen seeing the second brother fall broke ranks and fled, and the men of Deas taunted them, saying: Whither away so fast, O valliant men of Gaalen? Did you not come with your Ermions to establish the boundaries of the kingdom ? Now Erac sounded the trumpet, and they gathered together and the bodies of Laisne and Luigne were stretched side by side,, and forming a circle about them, Erac stood in their midst and addressed them: My valiant soldiers, when my father, Iber, went to Ceiosiol at the invitation of lolar, there lolar slew him by treachery, and then hypocritically bewailed him, saying: O the flower of Gollam hath fallen in his prime ! O spirit of Iber, look down on thy sons to-day, for they are- wreaking vengeance for thy blood so foully shed ! For this reason no one shall ever point their finger, saying: Lo! there is the Carn of the sons of lolar. Erac then commanded that both bodies be cast into the waters and it was done accordingly. Erac likewise instructed his follow- ers, saying: When girding on your swords take your staves also, and show them to your children, for it was with them you humbled^ the Ermions. Erac then returned to his own kingdom. 259 FIRST BOOK, SIXTH CHAPTER. THE REIGN OF ERIAL, SEVENTEEN YEARS, B. C. 988 TO 971. There survived but two sons of lolar, Erial, the Ardcromfear, and Balb (Dumb), who was so tongue-tied that no one could understand the word of his mouth. Tlie chieftains of Gaalen said: It is unlawful for the Ard- cromfear to wage war, the priests can elect another, for Erial must occupy the throne of his father. Erial entertained their proposition, and Bioradac was ele- vated to the ardcromfear dignity. Now in those days the children of Iber began to be contumacious, they styled their brother Erac, the king, Ermion, saying: Are not the sons of Iber the first* born of the Gollam? They stirred up strife in the kingdom of Gaalen. Then the chieftains of Gaalen consulted Erial, saying: What if we send an embassy to King Erac, requesting that he observe the peace, or otherwise . Erial therefore sent to Erac, saying: O son of Iber, when our fathers subjugated this land, it was divided by lot, did not Iber then receive his share? Did not lolar, who was Ermion, receive his part? Were not the termini established, and our fathers swore that each one would abide within the limits of his proper kingdom ? When Laisne besought thee to arrange the boundaries thou didst recur to violence and arms. Was not Laisne and Luigne slain by thee? Dost thou not call thyself Ermion, a title which pertaineth not to thee? The chieftains of Gaalen, and Erial, the King, desire that the boundaries be definitely established. Erial loveth peace, yet he feareth not the sword, answer then, O Erac> yea or nay, and no more. Although Erac did not assemble the chiefs of Deas notwith- standing he sent this reply to Erial: By Baal, doth the eaglets still snifi the blood of the horseman (Marcac) shed on Ceiosiol? O brood of lolar, fly not so high, or I will clip thy wings and ring thy nose — Erac saith — nay. As soon as the chieftains of Gaalen heard the answer to the message they cried with one voice : To arms, to arms ! The 260 warriors of Gaalen marched in their phalanxes to the hills of Earb, where they were confronted by the hosts of Deas in battle array. The battle began at the dawn of day and raged with ex- ceeding fury until darkness covered the face of the earth. In this engagement Erac, the king, and Eran and Erbac, his brothers, were slain. The forces of Gaalen then returned to their own kingdom. Ernac, the sole survivor of the sons of Iber, was elected to rule as king of De^s. Er, the son of Cier, the king, ruled peacefully in his own dominions, he heeded not the clamors of the sons of Iber and iolar. Erial, the king of Gaalen, also lived in peace to the end of his days, with the exception of that day on the hills of Earb. The duration of his reign was seventeen years. THE FIRST BOOK, AND SEVENTH CHAPTER THE REIGN OF ETERIAL, THIRTEEN YEARS B. C. 971 TO 958. Eterial was elected king of Gaalen to succeed his father; he placed his father before his eyes as the exemplar of his conduct. He walked in his father's footsteps in all things. It is I Eterial -who write these words that they may be a lasting memorial of Erial :and his son to the eyes of both the nobles and the Gaal. During the twelve years and more which I occupied the throne I trans- acted nothing arbitrarily in the presence of the children of the land. Peace rested like a benediction over the kingdom. Maratel, the wife and companion of Eterial, and his two sons died, Filait being the sole surviving child. The spirit of Eolus lives in Eterial, shining as the light of truth to his people forever! The children of the land will drink in the spirit of Eolus. How gracious it would be to me, if the race of Iber were like the race of Er, who day by day listens to the wisdom of Eolus. Er is like an oak growing on fertile soil, sound and strong. Ete- rial regards Er as a friend and brother, are not we the children of I 261 Gollam brothers? O sons and daughters of Erin, cherish one another for Erin is more lovely than Gaalag. O Gaal Scioths, lis- ten to the counsel of Eterial : Sprinkle the waters of wisdom over the flaming fire of passion. Let the light of Baal shine on you. Avoid Cosantiridir, do not go to the land of tin, avoid intercourse with the children of Peine, they have soft words on the tongue, but deception in the heart, the spirit of contention and covetous- ness burns constantly in them. In those days Conmaol, the son of Erac, succeeded Ernac on the throne of Deas. Already he has imbrued his hands in the blood of Balb. Conmaol is ambitious and thirsts for dominion, there- fore it is necessary for Eterial to prepare for war. O children of Gaalen, should I return safe from the rage of Conmaol, I will continue to rule as was my custom, for the glory of the king arises from the esteem of his people. Such was Erial, to be such is the desire of his son. What if Conmaol masses the forces of Deas, Eterial wall not involve Er in the war. If the forces of Gaalen fail to withstand the power of Con- maol, then Erin will witness evil days. Eterial sent his writings by the hand of Marcac to the tents of Togher, where they remained many days. Er gave audience concerning the controversy between Deas and Gaalen. The feud between them caused his heart to be sorrowful. After the departure of Marcac Er said to me, Togher: O Togher, inscribe the words of Eterial such as are pertinent to the subject on the pages of the book of Chronicles of the land. Er, the king, said likewise: I thank Ordac and thee, O Togher, because you have instructed my intellect in just knowledge, be the same to my son, Iber, guard him from the ser- pent of pride, and the dragon of envy which destroy beneficence. Now curriers came with the word that Eterial, the wise, had fallen in the battle of Ardcoran. There his Carn was constructed, he had reigned king of Gaalen thirteen years. THE FIRST BOOK, EIGHTH CHAPTER. THE REIGN OP CONMAOL, TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, B. C. 958 TO 931- At this time Piliat, the son of Eterial, was elected king over Gaalen, but Conmaol assumed the title of Ermion with much arro- gance. 262 Now on the fifty-sixth year, the second quarter and first day since the occupation of Erin by the Gaal, Er, the son of Cier, died, after a reign of forty-two years. All the children of the kingdom gathered to the royal tents where Er lay in death, and great lamen- tation was made. After nine days the body of Er, the king, was buried in Maginse where his Carn stands. I Togher was led by my brothers for my eyes are dim and my feet weak, slowly that cortege marched as if unwilling to part with our beloved one, though dead. With my aged voice I weakly chanted the death- cry, and all the minstrels sounded the dirge on their harps. But no battle-song was sung because Er had lived all his days in peace. The poets, however, celebrated and the minstrels sung the story of Cier, the son of Gollam, the father of Er. The valor with which he resisted the army of Sruamac, how he searched for the bodies of his father and brothers among the slain and re- turned with them triumphant to the tents of Astiereis. They sang the sad story how Cier himself stricken by Baal perished in the great sea; how the Gaal besought his body from the rocks of the deep, begrudging the waters the treasure they held. They sang how the fearless warriors braved the anger of Baal, and carried the body up to the summit of the rock that juts above the mighty waves and chanted the death-cry despite the howling winds ; how they sang the battle song as is customary for the warrior returning triumphant from battle. Their lamentations resounded over the hoarse-roaring waters. Who so famous as Cier in ancestral Gaalag, who so lamous as Er in Erin ? When the great stone enclosed the door of the tomb, Aod, the chief of Ardtan, said: Let this kingdom be called the land of Ullad (lamentation) in memory of the first chief of our race in- terred here? And I Togher inscribed the words on the roll of the Chronicles. Iber, the firstborn son of Er, was elected king to rule over Ullad. I Togher approached Iber, the king, and said : I have lived to see thy father buried, I have written the annals of the times down to this very day, suffer me to retire to my abode, for I am no longer equal to the duties of the office of Ardollam. The tongue of Iber will not deny the necessity which his eyes behold? Iber tenderly embraced Togher and kissed him, saying: If Togher hears that the foot of Iber has turned from 263 the path of justice will he not according to custom inform him? And Togher was silent for his heart was full. And Iber gave or- ders that the tent of Togher be pitched near the tents of the chieftains. Neact, the son of Thol, was elected ArdoUam of the kingdom of Ullad. Conmaol, who has arrogated to himself the title of Ermion, burns with resentment against the race of lolar, for the slaughter of his father on Ceiosiol is ever present ÍO his eyes and mentioned in his speech. Contention arose and war was declared between Filait and Conmaol. For the first time since the day of the treaty on Magmortiomna the Da- naan crossed the Seanaman. They came at the earnest entreaty of Gaalen as auxiliaries. But the troops of Gaalen before they had even made a respectable demonstration fled from before the face of Conmaol. Tlien Conmaol, the valiant king of Deas, having routed the combined armies turned his attention to Ultonn- mact, and after having overrun it with the sword and fire he subjected it to fines and tribute. The kingdom of Ullad enjoys peace, for Iber is disposed as was his father attending to interests that will promote the wel- fare of his people. Highways are constructed throughout the land, nine bruiteine are established in the nine provinces of Ullad, the youth (t-aos-og) are encouraged to frequent the conferences -of the ollams. Now it so happened that Filiat, king of Gaalen, was weak- :Spirited, he made no effort to bring Conmaol to judgment for the -death of Balb, the son of lolar, he permitted him also without armed protest to ravage the borders of Gaalen during the twenty- ^even years he occupied the throne of that kingdom. After the twenty-seven years, however, had passed, when Filiat died, and Tigemmas, his son was elected to the throne of the kingdom of Gaalen, the chieftains came to him to request that he would take possession of the provinces of Oir and Ceas which Conmaol had seized by violence ; they urged him to free his kingdom and re- establish its former boundaries. Tigernmas therefore indicted let- ters to Conmaol, the king of Deas, saying: It appeareth that Conmaol the Ermion, hath no just claims within the territories of Oir and Ceas, what of the lands of Ermion and Iber? Aongais summoned the chieftains together to get their advice, but they 264 would deign no other answer than this to the inquiry of Tigern- mas: The soil is the inheritance of the children of the Gaal ac- cording to the province of each chieftain, and the portion of each individual Gaal by the right of law and the practice of Tanistry. The men of Deas do not comprehend the significance of the term : The lands of Iber and Ermion. Have not the words their origin in the artifice of the cromfir? For this reason Tigernmas sent another deputation calling the territory "The lands of Deas and Gaalen." Then the chieftains set out and righted the boundaries, and the land enjoyed peace. The kingdom of Ullad is also at rest. Iber having reigned twenty-eight years, died and the land mourned him, and his son, named Iberic, was elected king, in the first year of whose reign Neact died, and Feilmid, the son of Stroth, was elected Ardollam. In those days came a ship having one bank of oars (leabairaon) manned by Fenicians with letters from the king of the Fenicians, saying: Permit my servants to examine your lands in search for minerals, precious stones, cop- per, or tin? If they abound, you shall have a twentieth part of what the mines shall produce, besides my servants shall purchase all their stores and utensils from you. Let there be a compact between us? Tigernmas called an assembly of the chieftains of 'Gaalen, and repeated to them the words of the men of Feine, but they very quickly made answer: By our opinions, O sire, it doth not please us to give such a privilege to the Fenicians, for this is always the Fenic manner: A plausible word on the lips, but duplicity in the heart. Did not Eterial advise the Gaal to shun Cosantiridir ? Are not our kindred in Dunmionac? What if we invite them to come, they can dwell here among their brethren, and examine the earth for those minerals, but harken not to the words of Feine. And so it was decided. Now after the Feine set sail, they provisioned a ship and sent a deputation to their kindred in the land of tin (Dunmionac). But in truth they returned as they set out, for the Feine would not suffer them to deliver their message, nor to place their foot on shore, nor even to enter the harbor. In those days it happened that Ithbaal, the Ardcromfear of Tsiar (Tyre), and Scadan (Sidon), was elected king of the Feine. His elevation to the kingship took place B. C. 914. He had a daughter, the most beautiful woman in the 265 world, east or west ; she married Aodab, king of Ceisrael, she brought with her into the dominions of her husband a band of the cromfir of Baal, for it was the cherished ambition of Ithbaal, king of the Feine, to spread and make mighty the name of Baal among the collective nations (cruinne daoinead). Indeed his goodly daughter Ishbaal, seconded his project for she converted all Ceisrael to Baal. Likewise in the days of Iberic, Ithbaal sent a Leabairaon (one bank oars) ship to Erin, and she took harbor in the port of Buidecloc, and the cromfir who were aboard her had a statue of Baal in resplendent gold, a statue of Re in shining silver, and a statue of Tarsnasc in burnished bronze. The crom- fir of Feine related to the cromfir of Erin the command Baal gave unto themselves that they should erect a stronghold (Dun) and a temple to Baal, and that they should place in it a statue of Baal, Re and Tarsnasc so that they would be there always be- fore their eyes. Now indeed by the inspiration of the cromfir of Feine the Ardcromfear whispered this design to Tigernmas, the king, and besought him to assemble the people, and say unto them: Thus spoke Baal to Tigernmas, I am far distant from you, is my abode far from the children of Erin? Come then, erect a mighty pillar (ul-tur) and carve upon its column (uatne) the semblance of Baal even me, and Re my abode, at night and Tarsnasc, and prostrate yourselves, and fall down before me near my presence and I will hear thy voice, and my servants will whisper my answers to the ear of the public, and whenever you shall beseech a favor from Baal, remember his servants, in order that he will give ear unto you. Now Tigernmas unhesitatingly followed the advice imparted by the Ardcromfear. Then the cromfir instructed the people, say- ing: It behoveth you to do as Baal, the light, the heat, and the life of the world commanded Tigernmas, the king, bless you Baal, that Baal may bless Ermion. They erected three great pil- lars in proximity to the Bruiteine of Gaalen and on top of each one respectively they placed a golden statue of Baal, a silver statue of Re, and a bronze statue of Tarsnasc. The cromfir bowed down before the pillars and Tigernmas, the king, humbled himself in the sight of the children of the land. Then the multitude mur- mured and demanded vociferously: Indeed (arra) is the glory 266 of Baal, Re and Tarsnasc imprisoned within a stone like this? We will prostrate and bow the head to Baal alone! And they had a mind to tear down the idol, Cromcruad, to the ground, but they forebore on this occasion. Without doubt the popular fury was rising against Tigernmas on account of the housed god Cromcruad, therewith he placed the blame on the shoulders of the cromfirs in presence of the assemblage. Now no sooner did it reach the ear of the Ardcromfear that Tigernmas, the king, placed the responsibility on the cromfir in the presence of the :assembled hosts, than he speedily went to him in private, saying: Is it your wish to have the Gaal revolt against Baal and you their Ermion? Spread the word, saying: Bow yourselves down in the presence of Cromcruad. The king positively refused to accede to the demand, but on the contrary again asseverated in the presence of the assembled myriads: That the cromfir were responsible for all that had occurred.^ When lo! the following morning Tigernmas, the king, was found stretched dead in his tent. Immediately the people began to call the spirits of Erial and Eterial and the name of Tigernmas ! Theri to appease the 5torm that was rising the Ardcromfear said: That it was Baal who smote him because he spoke contemptuously of his servants the cromfir. Then the people demanded to inspect the body, but in truth they found no mark from Baal upon it. They therefore rushed upon the Ardcromfear and murdered him, and slew as tnany of the cromfir as they could lay hands upon. They likewise tore down Cromcruad wheresoever it was to be found. The bards chanted the king's death-cry and the Gaal construct- ed his Carn although no cromfir were present. So perished Tigernmas, the son of Filiat, king of Gaalen, by the craft and treachery of the cromfir after he had reigned twenty- 5even years. But the valiant deeds of the kingdom of Gaalen and the notable events that transpired during his rule are written and constitute the Chronicle called the book of Tigernmas. 267 THE SECOND BOOK, AND SECOND CHAPTER. THE REIGN OF EOCAID, THE SON OF DAIRE, ELEVEN YEARS B. C, 904 to 893. ' After the murder of Tigernmas by the hands of the cromfir Erbot, his son, was a mere stripling, when another semester had elapsed, Aong^is, the king of Deas, also died, leaving Ardfear, .his firstborn, a mere youth. Indeed there was not in Deas nor in Gaalen a single person of the royal race of proper age to rule. Therefore Erin requested Iberic to rule as Ermion, but he declined the honor. Thus six years passed when Iberic died .after a reign of thirty-four years. Ullad mourned deeply his loss. .Soberce, his firstborn, the handsomest man in Erin, was elected king. Ciernma, his brother, born at the same birth, was his twin 'jiot only in semblance and form but also in his goodness of in- Ttellect. At this time Eocaid, the son of Daire, of Ith, the prince of Ib- Lugad, usurped the title of Ermion. He spent his time in vain -frivolities, lowering the standard of manhood, for he prized the iay the spirit of Failbe be immortal in the children of Mumain forever! And Eocaid did not tarry further there, but set out even from the midst of the multitudes surrounding the earn, for Teacmor Tabarta. Iber, the son of Noid was elected king in Mumain, and he married Mina, the daughter of Roiteasac, the king of Gaalen. Anxiety perched upon the heart of Eocaid for the sake of Errion, for Iber, the king of Mumain, and Roiteasac, the king of Gaalen, were as one, and Meirt departed from the path of his fathers, and his mind brooded evil against the Ardrig of Errion. Eocaid said : O near- tan the friendship of Iber and Roiteasac, and the enmity of Meirt gathers like a storm, cloud over Errion. If the tempest bursts, and the deluge falls, how shall the land be saved? What is the destruction of wind and rain compared to the destruction by man, 336 they are like the fire that consumes all? The deadly treachery of the cromfir of Gaalen and the sportful levity of the bards of Mumain will not permit Errion to repose long in peace. If it were possible to establish schools in Gaalen and in Mumain, then truth would prevail. If Meirt turns with Iber and Roiteasac against Ullad, what if Eocaid say to them: O sons of Gollam stay your arms, •do not lift them against Errion, and that they may slay each other, Eocaid will resign to them the throne, and reside in Ullad. But from that moment how long will the friendship of Iber and Roit- easac last? One of them will quickly court the assistance of the Danaan, so to gain the upperhand of the other? What if Ullad -enjoys peace, is not Gaalen and Mumain in Errion? Errion will be torn asunder. Will it be said in future times: That I was — ? O Neartan speak the truth or be silent, will it not be said: that the shepherd fled deserting his flocks and herds to danger, and the devouring of their very bones ? In the face of such conduct where would be the glory of Eocaid, the Ardrig, O Neartan answer me truthfully. And I said: Let Eocaid Ardrig stand by his charge to the last! The king said: When the great assembly shall convene on Tabarta, O Failbe, O Failbe, Eocaid will bewail thy loss, for he fears that all Errion will have cause to mourn thy death! Eocaid inarched away to Ullad, and he summoned the assembly to con- ^ene on the Bruiteine of Ullad. O'CarroU. When the princes, chieftains, oUams and the tribunes of the people stood around the king, Eocaid arose and said: Though Eocaid loves peace and the quiet that follows in its train, others, however, desire warfare and destruction. It is certain that the mind of Roiteasac is hostile to the children of Er. Iber recalls and remembers the death of Noid, his Father, as well as the mutual friendship of Eocaid and Failbe. Eocaid knoweth not the cause of Meirt's defection from Ullad. What availeth if my soul abhors warfare and battle? Must not Ullad be prepared, if war be forced upon her? Therefore let each of the nine princes call out the nine chieftains under him, and each chieftain call out the nine tribunes under him, and each tribune call out the arm-bearing men of his tribe. Let the nine comlanns of Ullad be prepared, let them march far and near over vallies and 337 mountains as they run in the chase, so accustoming themselves to the rough ways of war. He also said : Relate to me the word that happened in Mag- neac. Then stood Doib, the chieftain of Magneac, saying: The indictment of Torad against Seal, the judge, is not true. Torad's wife gave the flour to her brother's children, who were lying sick, but the flock of sheep were found astray. On this account the king said : It behooveth the judges to learn from this instance the great danger there exists in pronouncing judgment and penalty too pre- cipitously. And raising his voice he said: Before your adjourn- ment I have words to propose: If an individual murder a person it is impossible to restore the life destroyed, it is not just that the perpetrator reeking with human blood should live, notwithstand- ing there is no word in the tract of the law concerning the disposal of the murderer. What if the law be amended with these words ? If an individual murder a person let his name be cited before the judge when he sits in his own townsland, and in the assembly of his kindred people, and if the felon does not come forth, let hands be laid upon him, and be taken in presence of the judge by force so that he may make answer for his crime? And all answered: Yea, so let it be. And the words were spread on the tract of the laws. The king ordered: Let Neartan and the ollams be to- morrow at the king's house in Dunsoberce, let them bring with them the book of Chronicles, together with the admendment to the laws, that they may read them in your hearing, according to the acts of Eocaid, the high-king of Errion. After this the heralds called with a loud voice : Stands any one on the Bruiteine of Ullad demanding justice? No one an- swered. The multitude set out for Dunsoberce. The following day the book of Chronicles, the tract of the law and the new admend- ment were read publicly. Then the princes and nobles departed for the tents ?f their dwellings to levy together the Gaal of military age and drill the collanns. They marched through the length of Ullad, accordmg to the custom of the pursuit. Éocaid's mind was grieved. Now in these days swift messengers went out through the length of Errion with letters. These were the words of their contents : O most high nobles, let the kings and princes, the chief- tains and the ollams, the tribunes and the judges, as well as the 388 king of Ultonnmact and eight of his nobles be assembled in the presence of Ardrig in Teacmor Tabarta, when the fires shall blaze forth over the Raths of Errion. On the appointed day the doors of Teacmor Tabarta were opened, and Ardrig gave his right-hand to Meirt and escorted him to the chair ready for the king of Ultonnmact. The assembly was amazed for up to that meeting there was a great solid back enclosing the throne, lo now, it was- all cut away so that the king and nobles of Ultonnmact were in full view and hearing, but indeed neither Meirt nor the Danaan understood the cause of the surprise then. When they came intO' session Ardrig arose saying : O most free and mighty nobles what though we have deliberated for a long time on the passage of laws, nevertheless as time elapses we will find it necessary to fasten on new words. The last time we were here we made no provision for the ollams of Errion, although there are ollams appointed for ever)'^ division of Errion, yet little benefit so far has accrued to the youth of Gaalen and Mumain. Therefore, what if we take council to found Mur-n-ollams at the first session of the general assembly? They then adjourned,. and the great feast of Tabarta was ready by rule and practice, and the great contest in the Games for nine days. At table they seated Meirt at his right hand, and Eocaid did honor to him, and the re- tinue of waiters with both eye and hand attended the nobles of Ultonnmact. Now it happened after imbibing too deeply, that the blood of Iber became fired with drunkeness, and his tongue rambled, talk- ing of the pursuit and the battle, and the glory and dignity of the warrior, always aiming his speech against Ardrig. When Eocaid inquired : Why should the Gaal Scioth go to war ? Where was the enemy? TTiey would not begin a fratricidal strife. Are not the Danaan like our brothers? Still Iber talked of the battle. Then Ardrig said: My ears have heard the music and the sweetness of the harps of Mumain. It surprises me that the ear of Iber so ac- customed to their tones, should take kindly to the clangor and shrieks of war? Iber became more impudent, saying: By Baal, who would have thought that Ardrig ever heard the roar of battle ? Eocaid was mild and gentle, and he stretched forth his hand to Iber, saying: O Iber, most noble ruler, speak no more save 339 what is worthy? But as Iber continued to wag his tongue scorn- fully, Ardrig arose and went forth, and fearing that all around the extensive board might not hear, Iber the king of Mumain shouted aloud: O Free children, is it not wonderful that Eocaid, the son of Er, can walk, the weight of his wisdom is so surpassing great? Without doubt Ardrig was grieved, for he said to me : O Neartan write these things on the book of Chronicles of Errion, since it manifests the mind and desires of Iber, king of Mumain. Now the general assembly convened in the high chamber of Teacmor Tabarta, and arising Ardrig said: Many beneficial results have come from the schools of UUad, even as has sprung from Mur-n- ollam Teacmor in this place. Most high nobles, is not the glory of man his intellect, without it he is little better than the beast? Eolus, our great ancestor, said: The ship needs the pilot to steer its prow through the vast waves and from the rocks which raise their hips through the waters ? As the pilot is to the ship, so is the ollam to the youth. Therefore, what if schools be established in Mumain and in Gaalen, and shares be apportioned in plenty to support in a becoming manner both the youths and the oUams? Before Ardrig took his seat a mumur ran far and near through the general assembly, and Nid, the chieftain of Dealb, arose saying: Shall the wisdom of our father's pass like mist? They ordered: Do not build permanent houses as they do in Aomag (Hemath) for fear you breed covetousness in the neighboring nations, and they come and take your possessions. Dwell in your tents Oh children of Iber ! Will the mighty children of Iber desert the ways of their fathers! Iber, the king of Mumain, rising said: Fellow princes, alas, it is true that Soberce and Ciernma, the sons of Er^ founded forts, fortified with walls, and has not Ardrig, their de- scendant, built this Teacmor in which we are assembled, as well as Mur-n-ollam contiguous? Likewise he has builded three Mur- n-ollams in Ullad, his proper kingdom as he says, to strengthen the spirit of the youth, but renowned high-princes it is my opinion that the spirit of the youths is extinguished when they are thus indolently housed. By our head say I let Eocaid's solicitude be confined to the kingdom of Ullad? Is it your pleasure that Mur- n-ollam be razed to the ground ? Immediately Strath, one of the ollams of Ullad arose and began to speak, when Erac, the chief- 340 tain of Eiscar, arose saying : O king shall the oUams speak before the nobles of the land? Ardrig answered: Read in your statutes ±he rules governing acts and procedures in the high-chamber. And it was so. Then Ardrig said: Oh no, listen now to the words of :Strath. This what Strath said: What knowledge or learning will a person acquire without instruction ? It is man alone of all living creatures who draws benefit from the wisdom of his ancestors. Therefore, this is my proposition : Can any one believe that igno- rance is preferable to wisdom? No voice answered, and Iber, the king, and Nid remained silent. But indeed Eocaid spoke no more of the schools that session. Now it was easy to perceive that Iber and Roiteasac, aye even Meirt, were hostile to Ardrig. Notwithstanding Eocaid held to the straight path for the good of Errion. On the day previous to the adjournment of the general assembly, the words of the tract of the laws were read publicly and they appeared good and honorable. No one stood on Tabarta de- manding justice. Having completed their transactions the general assembly went forth, and the great portals of the high-chamber were closed. Ardrig dwelt on Tabarta. THE THIRD CHAPTER. At this time Baal was in his house Blath (April). When Ardrig set out for Dunsoberce. He made a royal progress through Ullad, spending three da^^s in each chieftaincy, whether far or near, in- specting the evolutions and tactics of the Gaal : How they bent the bow, cast with the sling, hurled the javelin, and leveled their spears, and formed comlann. He praised their proficiency, for they ma- -nouvered with great perfection. After this he sent Ros to Teac- jnor Tabarta, requesting that he give care to Mur-n-ollam. At this ^ame time word came from partisans of Failbe in Mumain, saying: .Errion will blaze from the friendship of Iber and Meirt, Mumain í3.nd Ultonnmact are as one, you wouldn't suppose the Seanaman ^(Shannon) flowed betweeen. It would be profitable if the children of Er would extinguish that fire before it consumes Errion afar and near. For this reason Eocaid wrote letters to Ogard, the chieftain of Sithdruim, saying : It shall be well most noble sir if Ogard send 341 word of the doings of Iber and Meirt to Ros at Teacmor Tabarta, but let Ogard be well assured before he forwards any news good or bad. All through life Ogard was a devoted friend of Failbe,. hence the conduct of Iber grieved him. Now Ogard had two brave^ fearless friends. They married two maiden sisters in the chieftaincy of Oir, and their mother was foster mother to Feal, the first-bora: of the chieftain of Oir, now it so happened that Feal was the- ** go- between" (fearidir) of Iber and Meirt. One day as FeaL set out for Ultonnmact with a secret word from Iber, Breas and Cathluan chanced to accompany him, and on returning to their home, it happened that they joined Ogard in the hunt on a certain day when: he called the Gaal together, and as they waited apart for the heat^ ing of the stones, they began joking and Breas said : By my word many moons will not change until the stags and roes of M'umain. will have rest. Ogard asked what he meant ? Breas tol4 what he* heard in Ultonnmact. And Cathluan bore witness and confirmed, the words, then Ogard said to Breas and Cathluan: You were always friends to me and my race, do not return home until yoit go to Teacmor Tabarta, and bring word to Ros, the prince of Ullad^ who dwells there, and then come back to the tents of Ogard i» Sithdruim. The young men ate and drank and set out on their journey, and when they came to Teacmor Tabarta they told the word to Ros, and Ros invited Maol, of the ollams of Mur-n-ollam, to come to him, and Ros entertained Breas and Cathluan hospit- ably. He presented them each a bow and quiver of arrows, and a sword with a gold hilt, and they returned to their own country. Ros wrote letters without delay to Eocaid, relating the secret com- pact, adding: The marshalled comlanns of Mumain and Ultonn- mact will be on Tabarta to crown Iber Ardrig by force of arnis^ the day that Baal will enter the house of his sacred fire (May), now Baal had not yet entered the house Cruinnugad ( Septembers- Then Eocaid called the chieftains and tribunes of the people itm turn to Dunsoberce, and he conferred personally with each, say-- ing: Awaken the Gaal and drill them daily as if in active service,- for war is a sharp and galling burden. Let the minstrels and the poets strike the march and the war-song, let Ullad, so gentle ini peace, be brave and terrible in war! Eocaid remained in Ullad preparing to parry the blow that thrtatened Errion. The king 342 ^changed the position of the collanns that had come down from antiquity. The king ordered that hereafter the princes of Er fight in the front of the battle, as a body guard to the king, but that each chieftain should be the ceancollann of the hosts levied in his own chieftaincy, and each tribune the captain of the company taken from his own tribe. The ignorant often misconstrue gentleness as cowardice. Now swift curriers went far and near through Errion, saying : O free nobles the king who was chosen to guard over Er- rion will pronounce words which will put some to the blush, make others fear and surprise all, until that hour let peace rest on Ta- barta. The great feast of Tabarta was prepared, according to custom, and on the field of contest there were games greater than ever before, though there was anxiety and trouble in Eocaid's heart, still he concealed them as well as he could. When the great portals were opened and the general assembly sat in the high-chamber, Ardrig arose, saying: O kings and free children most noble, if it please you I ask : Hath not Maol words interesting to the ears of Errion? And Maol, a member of the ollams, arose and said : The amount that came to the ears of Maol that pertains to Errion is soon said. What if a son of the hero covenant with the Danaan to con- spire to shed the blood of the Gaal and desolate the face of the land? If Iber, the king of Mumain, has not done this evil, then a malicious indictment has been charged against him, and if Meirt, king of Ultonnmact, did not promise co-operation with him, evil tongues are slandering his good name? Immediately Iber arose angrily, saying: If Iber desires the friendship of Meirt does it worry you? Can it be possible that it was on this account we were summoned unseasonably to the brow of Tabarta? Is not the ear of the gentle Ardrig too open when it drinks in poison so subtle ? Therefore Maol arose a second time, saying : I will speak more explicitly : Did not Iber conspire with Meirt in this wise? O Meirt assist Iber to get the crown of the Ardrig of Errion, and as thy reward Ultonnmact will be free from tribute and rents while Baal, Re, and Tarsnasc, exist and a son of Iber is on the throne? And did not Meirt give answer: By the most hight gods, O Iber, but thy conversation pleases me, I 843 Meirt will co-operate even as thou sayest ! If these things be not 30, then the indictment of Breas and Cathluan is false. That they ^poke these words in the hearing of Maol, Maol now invokes Baal, Re, and Tarsnasc, to witness. Tlien Maol said: Let Breas and Othluan now be called in to the presence. Tliey stood in the pres- ence of the general assembly, and the chief secretary repeated the words of Breas and Cathluan in the presencee of Maol, Breas and Cathluan. Ardrig arose and said: Let Suil, one of the judges, conduct the cause. Suil arose and said : Breas and Cathluan have heard the words of Maol, while Iber, the king of Mumain, and Meirt, the king of Ultonnmact, were present and listening. What doth Breas and Cathluan say? Breas and Cathluan turned their faces toward the east and raising up their hands they called upon Baal, Re, and Tarsnasc, and indeed Cathluan invoked the spirit 4Df his father, and both swore : That they went in company of Feal, the son of the chieftain of Oir, to the tents of the king of Ultonn- mact, and that Feal spoke to Meirt words from Iber, king of Mu- main, the same which Maol hath now repeated: O Meirt render Iber assistance to take the sceptre of high-king and Ultonnmact •will be free from rent and tribute forever. And that Meirt answered Feal: Let it be so. Then Ardrig arose and said : O most high nobles indeed these .are the words of Feal, but what are the words which the witnesses heard from the mouth of Iber himself? They answered: We heard no word whatsoever. Then arose Ros, the prince of Ullad, ;saying: What if Feal be summoned? Ardrig answered: There is no doubt but that both Iber and Meirt will speak the truth re- garding the words which they used. What if Iber and Meirt speak ? Then Eocaid said: Since this cause pertains to the Ardrig him- self, and since the law says: Let no man be a judge in his own cause, let the general assembly take council. Ardrig unbuckled the royal robe from his shoulders and took the Asion from his brow and departed from the high-chamber and rode to the Mur-n-oUam, and remained there. As he returned to the king's pavillion the general assembly was still in session, and there was an abundance of confusion and defiant talk in the high-chamber, for Iber said haughtily: When the throne of Ardrig is vacant has not the son ■of Iber as good a right to occupy it as any mortal living? But he 344 did not confess to the words of Feal. After the speech of Iber, Meirt, the king of Ultonnmact, advanced from behind the throne^ and this said he : O high princes and nobles of Errion, on a certain day Iber came to the tents of Meirt, saying: O Meirt of mighty exploits assist Iber to take the throne of Errion and Ultonnmact will be forever free. Meirt answered to Iber: Be it so. From time to time Feal came to Ultonnmact with words similar to Iber's words. At last Feal spoke in the hearing of these men as from the mouth of Iber himself : Let the army of Ultonnmact be ready to march with the comlanns of Mumain, when Baal shall occupy his house Baalteine (May). After that Eocaid will have plenty time to preside over his philosophy in the Murn-ollams. For any clangor save the conference of the ollams disturbs Ardrig. Now the king was in his pavillion on Tabarta, and as soon as Meirt con- cluded his attestation, Neartan arose and said: What if Ardrig be called to the throne? The majority answered: Yes let him be recalled. The heralds went forth and conducted Eocaid back ?nd he sat again on the throne, and he placed the Asion on his head and the royal robe on his shoulders and took the sceptre in his right hand. Then Suil, the judge, repeated the words of Meirt and Iber. And Ardrig asked : What saith Roitheasac, king of Gaalen ? But indeed Roiteasac remained silent. Then arose Miolis, the chieftain of Ardtan, saying: What if the further reign of Iber in Mumain be terminated? And what if the tribute and high rent of Ultonnmact be tripled, and the houseless Danaan boors be kept the yonder side the Seanaman (Shannon) for ever? They spoke and counterspoke without avail, until the general assembly arose as one man, and with one voice sought : If Ardrig would speak > Then Ardrig arose and said: O free nobles of this assembly Iber has not this day confessed to the words of Feal, it is possible that Feal did not rightly understand the meaning and intent of Iber? To what profit is it that Meirt has manifested the wish of Iber, I declare it would be good to me if the words would be scattered to the winds, to be remembered no more, and I prophesy that Iber will not forget himself again ? At that Ardrig descended from the throne and came to where Iber was, saying: The sons of Iber and Er, the children of the hero are brothers, is it meet that there should be strife between us or our childrp.n, or our children's children'* 345 Let us travel the road of glory and wisdom for the sake of Er- Hon ! Ardrig gave the hand of friendship to Iber, and Iber pressed the hand of Eocaid to his heart. And Iber, the king of Mumain, could not repress the tears his heart was so full. Upon returning to the throne Ardrig said : Who ever at any time has paid tribute and rent that would not free himself if he could? By this reason- ing Meirt has done no evil. The king of Ultonnmact and his eight nobles will come accord- ing to custom, it is my opinion that the men of Errion are not afraid to speak their counsel and their beliefs in the hearing of the Danaan? Let the words of Breas and Cathluan be scattered to the winds, our thanks alone remaining for them, and if Feal was in our presence we would ask his friendship. I have no more to say. After these things occurred, Eocaid came down from the throne, going to the place of the chair of the king of Ullad, and he said: Now the throne of Ardrig is vacant. Let the kings, princes, and nobles, according to the ways of peace and rule manifest their choice to sit on the throne of the Ardrig. Then quickly arose Iber and Roiteasac, and they came to the place of the king of Ullad, and Iber took his right hand and Roiteasac his left and Meirt with them, they conducted him to the throne of the Ardrig. Iber stood near him and said: O Eocaid, most renowned son of Fiaca, from Er, the son of the hero, mayest thou long live Ardrig for the glory of Errion, and the joy and pro- fit of the Gaal ! And as Iber finished, the whole assembly arose and stretching forth their hands, bowed to Eocaid. Maol said: Truth, justice and wisdom abides in all the ways of Eocaid. And treminat- ing the session, according to custom, the general assembly ad- journed, and the portals of the high-chamber were closed. On this occasion during the nine days Eocaid celebrated the great feast of Tabarta with special and princely magnificence, and from his own treasure he added a third in money of current use. Peace was on every side. Great was the joy of Eocaid's heart, and he said to Neartan : Write all these things on the book of Chroni- cles of Ullad, as well as on the book of Chronicles of Errion. Eocaid set out for Dunsoberce. When Baal came to his house Blath (April) Eocaid returned to Teacmor Tabarta. Fionn, his first-born, was in his company. This was Fionn, the son of Tatla, 346 ivom Fodla, of the aboriginal Firgneath of Geintir, he was a child with yellow hair and a complexion most fair, for this reason he iook the. name Fionn. He was called Fionn Mac Cumail (Fionn, the son of the bond- woman). For the Gaal Scioth of Iber called Tatla Cumal (the 1>ondwoman) in contempt for her and her offspring, because she -was from Geintir). Fionn was like his father in his tastes and as- pirations. At this juncture Eocaid wrote letters to Iber, king of Mumain, saying: Fionn, the son of Eocaid, desires to pay a visit to the court of Iber, king of Mumain, to form his acquaintance, as well as that of the princes of the race, and the nobles of the realm. Aongais and Lore, princes of Iber and the chief nobles of Mumain, with a company of knights, came to Tabarta with letters, saying: Health and Hfe to you O high-king, Iber sends a retinue of his kindred to accompany Fionn on his progress to the tents of Iber, king of Mumain. Before Fionn set forth on this journey Eocaid isaid to him in the hearing of Neartan : O son permit no one to be- come too familiar with you, for it will be painful when you will be .obliged to afterwards have to keep them more distant. Keep also in your memory that every one is possessed of two eyes, two ' act of Cair- bre to lay down the burden of the kingship. Then Dorloth con- tinued : What if Oilliol, the son of Eocaid, the son of Eocaid 011am Fodla, according to the wish of Cairbre be chosen king over Ullad ? And it was so. Cairbre arose from the throne and walked to Oilliol, and taking the crown from his own head he placed on the brow of Oilliol, and stripped the royal robe from his shoulders and laid on the shoulders of Oilliol, and taking his hand conducted him to the throne of the king, but in trutii the coronation was not hio]MTieAT)Co.n c]\om •oo CAp]iAti5, ATioif cjiAc "pigAit TloiceAfAc -peAcc b^AtAine C|A1Alluig *OA^ A cleAcceATTi. 5ac bAAÍAin tJAt) UeAcnio]\ 50 murriAin Le cuai|ac b- i:o]i|:Ai|Ae cAbAipc -d'a oi-ói-óib a^uj" -d'a ctAi-pAib mioriAig Ann •pleibcib. lAji-uA-o-oeAi" aca Af cionn oi-óceAn. A^uf ai|\ n- imceAcc "DO UAt) i(\oy 50 ]\oy A^u-p UAt) ceijAt) 50 cei|A"óe A^u^p UA-ó -pAocAiA 50 n-obAi^A, oi|A "pciAui-ouig fc ^Ac ceo e pem eiciotuig fpÍAnc no ■oi^itleo^ tA-piAAc -oeA^i^ AnnA fmt, A^uf iA|\ "o'lruttAn^ piAnuA mAjAbAig ai|\ 5-ceAn c|ai l-Aece 'o'etj^ fe, A^tJf A'óteACA'OA'p e AmeAf^ nA pteibcib a ei|M5eAnn it)1|i AttiAin 1be|\ -i^Stip An -pAiiA^e mop. AnnpAn ^teAnn ut) cuiyv- eA-QAiA Ai|A tn-bun 'oo CAjAn uLniop longAncAC, uime pn ^Iaoi- •oceA|i TnA|\ Ainm ai|i CluAn-nA-KAu. An SeAccTTiA-o leAbA|i An c-occttia'o CAibi-oit. RigAit dim tiAt) ftiocc Ibep Ai|A 5-ceAn Aon bAAÍAin AitiAin UAt) 551 50 •o-ci 550. tl. C. ("peuc AnnAÍA TligeAccA n-G|A|Mone Hoi 1. •ouiteo^ 60 -pAoi Ainm Gtim oLpinn fncAccA.) Ai|A j-cuAiteAt) -oo e-lim mAC HoiceAfAig 50 -pAib a ACAi|A mA]ib, An c|iAc "peo bi dim Ann •o-UeAcmo|i, o^\\ "oo tTiAi|i SiojinA Ann "o-UeAcmop ai]i b-pAT) "oo t^ijAit pe AnnA n-A-pt^iii^ 50 'oi|iic mA|i ln^Tie tloiceApAc, acc An AimpijA -oo CA1C pe A1|1 A n-AipC1|A A^Up A CUAipC bAAtAinATTlAlt 5O ITlu- iTiAin. Anoif mAp puit 50 m-bi-óeAnn pe AnnA n-Ap-o^ij; 895 ■o'fvvnn 6lim ai|a -o-UAbAiACA, Aguf u^t) CA|AlA|i Apt)]:eA|A m^c HoiceAfAc Ann A Ap"0]\ig. Aguf Aip "o-cigeAcc ahiac -oo'n AiAt)cpuinne bi mo]A-ou]\|'A nA n-Apt)feoTTipAt> '0|iuit)5ce Aguf ceiteAbpA-OAp An mOjAfeif A^Uf mO]ACOmO]AA'D nA n-6ACC|lA Aip tlO-p UAbAjACA. At]A 'o-ci^eAcc le nA ceite An •oa^a -peAcc teigceA^ |:oc- Ia leAbAijA nA n-Aimpj^e acc ai]\ An Ia 'oeignAig ciieAct) x)lige n-6|Apione. A^\^ ciAiocnugAX) •oa]a curtiiof ^lAoi-óeA-oAp nA bulfoipiúe: SeAfeAnn neAc ai|a "o-UAbAiACA A15 lApeAt) a ceApc? V\\o\\ fT^eAgAijA Aon ^uc. P1IU15 bÍAc 50 n-tlllAt) A^u-p Acnuig "00 fAopcAib 5- ceijitje A^uf CA|"U|Ait)e g-ceijA'ce 'nn lA^Ain, umA, A^u-p ai^a- ^eAT) 50 n-t)ClinceAH "OO CA|AbAT)A A^U-p CApjAA, "OAIA fAmplA DeuncA |:aoi Ap-omuince UoiceAfAig poinie peo ]\^■^ IlluniAin. A^up Ai|A cigeAcc "OO bAAt Ann tj-cjAeAi' |Aion -oe UionnpcnAt). 1. 111a]aca. UjAiAttuig blAc 5A m-bocAnAib cinpi|A 1TlAx;inpe A^uf bi ppionpAit)e, ottAninA, bAijAX) A^up pilit)e n-llllAt) AnnA pui|A|Mon leip, A^up ciji|a blAc a bocAnA ai|a bun Ann ^Aipit) -OO bocAnib An cmpip ^^uf cu^ cuijAeAt) t)o ceAcc A15 feif A clA|ibopT), cjAAC CAICU15 fc ceic]Ae ÍAece AnnpAn CAnAfceAc fin -o'lmcig fe Wn lA|AUAt)eAp, A^uf ip mA|A pin comrniocnui^ fe a cuaijac ciotnciolt uile n-UllAt), oif atdu- 402 b^M^ic ye: Ann t^ecib Oittiot |Ao.nic icotnbi^At) n^ 5-ceAn- ■pe^l^ -d'a ctuAif A15 jAAt) : SeAjibe^nn cuAi^tc An 1^15 eiit)An nA cAliriAn niA^ b^A^t AnnA •oeA'p^neAiAc ! Ai|a An c-At)bA|A pn -pAniiig Oitliol tJAt) A ctiAi|AC A15 jAAt) : bi-oeAt) ppion- fAi"óe, cinp|A, ^Z^y CAc A15 cigeAcc t)om f-ocAii^ 50 n-'Ounf- obAljACe. til CAlttjTAI'O bÍAÚ pOCAIjA A Cl1A1|ACe jIAC^rAT) CA]1 cnucAib A^tif gleAnncAib A^uf -peolfAt) ai|a cIa|a uif^eAO n -nil At) Ai^A te\i\\. Ace Ann cpAcc loc^^At) An |iig le Aip^eA-o ^neAceAc Af a cifx^eiAn -pein An cufOAf aca jiiaccatiac -oo yem A^Uf A COtlTDAlt. Ul^eAT) An pobAÍ A^Uf fAllce CA|1C cimciott bocAnnA m-bÍAú. 'Oaja ctii|AeAt) cAn5AX)A-p 50 •oeitiin Ann -pocAi^x An -pig Ann moiAfluAigcib, bi a -ppio-pAt) lAnfAfCA bi biAo-o A^uf ltiAÚ5Ai|\ Ann cpoi-ocib tUlA-o. CuAit) An IA15 50 tninic 50 1Tltin-n-ollAni A^tjj' ctjin^uig coTTi|AAt) te n-ottATTinAib A^u^' An c-AO|" 05 AnncAib a^uj" 50 n-'oeA|ibcA bi'n -pig fAfCA le caoi niumce A^u-p "pogtuiince. ^y Ann|" nA lAetib feo 'o'ACin btAÚ An c-Apt)C|Atiinne 50 rri-btiu- iceine n-tHlA-o. An cjaac 'oo bi'n A-p-ociitJinne AnnA fume An cent) "peAcc -o'eiiAig An jtig A^uf A-oubAipc : A AimtiiAice popcAoiTTie n-UllAt) ^ÍAOi-óceAii Ai-p TTi-b|Atiiceine le bup -pA-p- coit '00 cAifbAineAt) ai|\ An cei-pc -peo: Cpeut) mA -pcinob- ceA]A Ai|A CjieACT) n-'-otige n-tlllAt) nA -poctA: Ha coiprrieAp^ neAc Ai]A A bAlteAc 50 Th-bptiiceine n-UltAt) ? 114. bAc Aon- •óume «At) iAneAt)ce a ceApc ai|a ni-bpiiiceine n-UllAt)? "PpeA^pAtDAp An T:-A|At>c|Miinne le 5UC Aonpp: SeAt), buocA'o, biucAt), Agup t)o bi mA|\ pn. Úaja n-t)eip blAc t)o jai^aiI 403 ]A05At)A]A Atlo Apt>oltoTTI líltAÓ AtltlOw tl-AlC. U^AC t)0 pi^Alt blAc fe bAAlAine pcit) 50 $lo^n "o'eu^ -pe, ajuj- but) mop An ^eupguil CAomce a tj'eijMg ^uit> co^tmAn tUl^t) Annt)iA5 An pig, oip but) t)eAg|M5 ce^pc popeAgnAc e. Tliop p^ib niACCAOini pig T)e'n pliocc but) lonttiotcA 'n^ e. SeAfe^nn a cApn Aip teip^e 5-CtuAineic. ÚAp n-t)eip bAp m-blAC t)o bi n-Apt)cpuinne n-UllAt) ^lAom^ce 50 iri-bpuiceme acc Ann cpAcc mop cAinic CAipbpe rriAC tti-DIac t)YAti fe Ann 'Oun- pobepce, uime pin cpiAbleAt)Ap nA ppionpAit)e Agup nA rriAice 50 n-'Ounpobepce Ann "oiAg CAipbpe, ^gup coni Iuac ^uf cuAituig CAipbpe 5up but) e pein mi An A^up pogA n-tHÍAt)^ At)ubAipc bit)eAt) miAn tJllAt) coriilioncA. CuipeAt)Ap ppiAn A^up t)iotAt) Aip A cApAlt Annop 50 piocpAt) pe niApcuige- ACC 50 t)-crn it>-bpuiceine acc t)ubAipc CAipbpe : "poit Anoip ci5eAnn t)iomeAp tuAC 50 teop puibAlpAit) CAipbpe Aip coip 50 lii-bpuiceine n-UllAt). "Oo bi CAipbpe pogAigce te 5UC Aon- pip AnnA pig pop UttAt). Aip Ía nA pogcA peApuig mipe Atto Apt)ottAm n-UltAt) Agup At)ubAipc : 5^ t)eApbcA beió CAipbpe piuncAc Apt>ptAicAmAit mAp a pliocc? 1p e ppeA- ^Aip CAipbpe An P15 : Anne nAc leigceAp Ann pcpiobcAib CocAit) OltATTiAn b-pot)tA: tDAtteAnn molAt) t)uine? UpAC tuioeAp CAipbpe pAOi a cApn ^eibpAit) pe bpeic pioppionAc. A^up t)o ^bAC mipe Atto mo pmAccugAt) 50 numAlAc oip ^An bpeug bi'm cioncAc acc Ann cpAcc nit)eippin bi bpot) opm pAOi CAgnA 'n pig Higne CAipbpe cuAipc cpiD UllAt». 404 ^o c|\<^cATÍiAit ve>>\\ cteAcceAtTi a aca|a. Aca UeACTtio|A ÚAbA|ACA 'j.:iHj)ne teAbA|v An t)Ap\A CAibit)it. tli^Ait m-D|ieA'p tnic OUm uAt) Ibepv nAoi bAAÍAine 516 50 t)-ci 507. (peuc AnnAÍA HigeAccA n-6p]iione. An 1. flol. An 60 ouileo^. Aoif An t)OTTiAin 4239. Agu]" -pAoi b^CA-pjAig A15 Ceux)cin5e. AnnAÍA 5-CluAinmicnoif.) Ai|A ■piii'óeAt) t)o A|AT)C]iuinne JAAten ai]a th-Upuiceine, bi Aot)A TTiAC tluAit) i^ogAi^ce AnnA -pig fo-p gAAlen, TnA|\ An ceut)nA Ai|A fui-DCAt) -oo A]AT)cpitiinne n-6|\|Mone Ann Apt)feotti- |\At) T)-UeACmO|A ÚAbA|1CA |A05At)A|A b|AeAf TTIAC OllTTl UA'D ftiocc Ibep AnnA nAptJing. l^ei^ceA^ nA -pcpiiobcA A^uf ceit- 407 AbpA-OA^^ tnojAfei]' ■o-UeAcmo|A ^5«^ moi^comoiAAt) tia n-eAccp^ Ai|\ tiof UAb^pcA -OAp cufmof. tliop fe^f neAc Aip UAb^^iACA A15 io.peo.t) A ceA|AC. Aguf t)'imc:i5 An A|it)c]Miinne ai|a fiubAit 50 cAÍAtTi "ouicce Aguf oe^g-oun a comnuit)e. U]\Ac "oo tM50.1l CAipb|\e ceic|Ae bAAlAine pcit) t)o c^iaIax) 5up p^nic cu|A|AAc 5A0icbiiAilce Aip cp^ig lombio^A uifse poifce Af 1A]^C1|^ tDunfobejAce. AntifAn b^t) beti5 bi ye 05- fri^A A^uf S^fui^. Uiomnuig An An^fAt) fiAt) Af cionn ctA|A n^ mA|\A "oeAcc A liiit)eA|' lopciji n^ n-6)\|Aione. ConnAipc Heitce A^uf A clAn nA p|A Ai|A ^Aucc tum^bjAifce Ann|*nA mo|Aconn- CAib cuiTiApbAnAib. fliteAt)A|A 50 CAppuig 50 coniu|ifAnAib A^uf fAopA'OAp An ]?tiip|non beu^ uAt) cup^An nA b-|rAi|A5e. 1a|i fin cpeopuij tleiice nA C0TTii5qAiciX)e ^'a rh-bocAnAib A^uf ciii|i A beAnc|iAcc biAt) ai|a bo|AX) "ooib. A^uf mA|A tAbiAA-OAii le nA ceile bi p-p UlbAt) AnnA ciomcioLt A15 cm^finc A coTTipAt). Úa|a n-óei-p ice '5iif ot ^S^if Xt>^^ x)o TÓeunA-ó pAiMiig lleilce: Ce'p but) Af pb^e a -oeA^- p|i? A^uf -ppeA^AijA ceAn aca : Aca mui-one ua-ó DpniccAn A^uf ADubAipc Tleiice leo : IllA'f bii|i coil e lAACfAmtut) 50 -Dun An p5, leif pn cAinic cAoim eA5lA A^uf ct^omfAic- ciofA Ai]i nA o^lAOib A^uf AtmbAijAC beAnceile Heilce com luAic ^uf ciaIIui^ ye An fAicciof a bi o|A|ACAib: Ha bit)eA'ó fAicciof o]\|iAib ni b-puil "Oo ACAip no eAÓon "00 ttiacai|a nibuf CAOithe 'OAoib 'nA 'n ]\\-^ ^y bcAnui^ce An ce feAfCAf a focAp An |M5 ACA Af cionn "UllAt) I 408 UniAltiiig tleiice A^uf A beAn A^tif Se-pb te ha 05^*6^- ■pAib -6.511^ AH S^ftit^ 50 'Ounfobepce. T7]\ac cAn5At)A|\ 50 ^AIfÍAn All |A1§, 'OubA1]AC HA |:A'pi01|A1*De A^ ATI -pOIA-OUpUf: 5ti]i -pAib CAipbpe Ammg A15 pA-OAt) A^uf eliccAf^Aii^c. Ai]^ pleAt) UAt) AH c-fdl^ x)o'ii -pig ^S^f cluAfceAnc -oe riA -peA^Aib, AX)ubAi|\c: UAbAipit) cupAm A^uf ]:Ailce CAOitri 1001b A^uf An meuT) a CAinic leo Ann m-bocAnAib An |\i§. *0'inipn •oo'n -pig An immf) A^uf An -pAiccio-p a bi ai]i ha corhi^cjAi- cib 50 mopiTio|A CA|A n-'óei-p -peuc'pinc nA cjieun caca a^ui^ nA coTTitAnncA A-ptngteufCA, tonpAi^ le tuijAeACA a^uj" uniA, bi 'nnA ciomciott ^Ounfobepce. *OubAijic An pg UAbAipit) Am' |rocAi|A pA-o A^uf cAn5AX)A|A Af coTtiAi]A CAi|\b|Ae, ^^uy con- Ani|Ac An IA15 An cAom -pAicciOfA a bi A|i]icAib oip c]nceA'OA)i \.e^y An ca^Ia A^tJf ^15 'pmi5eA'ó •OAcin An pg -oo Heilce: AbbAi^A teo nA bmeAt) eA^ÍA ojijiAib coi^eAt) bup -ptJAiiri- neAf Anoif -pAoi bocAnAib An -pig AmA-pAc -oeunirAim coTTi|iAt) iib. tyA|AnAttiA|AAc "OubAi-pc CAi|\b|Ae: Ui^eoi^uigit) nA pp coiri- l^cpc MX) ATTl' fOCAI^A ^^Uf bi ITIIfe "UplAC A IaCA|A AH "pig A^uf leAbAip nA n-Aimppe -puAif^Ailce Ann mo coinne, tAn- ^A-OAi^ nA -pe 05PIA AT) 5AftJ|i. rieilce A^uf Sej^b A|-ceAc fAn -peomiiAT) pg Acc -o'^An beAn tleilce Amiiig mAjiAon A15 •ouiA-pA m-bouA 'n pg acc A'oubAiiAU An pg : bi-oeAt) An •oeA^beAn u"o cigeAcc AfceAc com mAic Annof 50 5-cuaiI):a'o 5^r rr^ fceut ha b-^eAji A fAO|Mii§ p uAt) fcpof ha -o- conn, A5Uf -00 fiiit)e CAi|Ab|Ae A5uf bi mife "UplAc ahda fuit)e AnnAice 'oo, Aguf cAinic beAn tleitce Aguf nA p]\ adda 409 feAfCAt) Af coTheA|\bfuif mACAp An ^Afuif A15 fAife 50 n-AonrtiA^A ceAc a oeAfbfACAf nuig 50 filfAi-o uat) nA cnucAib, nuAif CAinic CACA n-o^tAoc ^eibeAtJAf 1 A^uf iomcuifeAt)Af teo Af cionn nA conncAib 50 ImenA^t. Aif cuAiteAt) An mioAX) a cAfÍAt) CAinic ceAccoife Ann a]\ n--óiAg, ^lAOi-oeAmAf guf iat) feo mic T)eAfbfACAf Af n-ACAffA tinne. LeAbpeAmAf Af m-bAifc Aif t)omAin uifgib niof fAt) 50 feut)ui§ CfcungAoic Af m- bAifc Af feim T)ific 1 men Aif nuig 50 cuicemAf Aif CfAij; nA CAtriiAn feo, Aif a feAfAmAf Anoif Af com Aif An fi§. ^15- eA-OAf tleitce '5Uf Sefb nibuf mugA t)a CAinc <^5Uf comfAt) nA n-ogtAOc 'nA 'n \w^ 'nA n-liftAc guf bi tleitce 5A min- ugAt) 'ouin ciaII nA b-foclA. Aif Cfiocnu^At) "oo'n c-o^Íaoc A cAinc t)fiiiT)ui5 fe le cAob 5-CAifbfe 5A ^uiDe 50 CfUAiiti- eil/CAc : TTIa cuif f ait> An fig finne Aif f* uibAit Annof 50 410 5CiiAi|AC|?Amtii'one 'nn "oiAg IncA, o^\\ ^y ai|i a $^ii^ "oo co^At) Tno|iAn. PpeA^Aiji An pig 50 tnui|AneAC t)o : AmA|AAc ^aac^tat) óA\\ pub^il A teAfib ! 'Oo lAbAip An -pig "Le tleilce ^a ^at) : piA-piMiig UACA mA |:iof|\tJigeAnn ce'p but) A-p a n-ACAiAACA? A^uf |?|AeA5'pAX)A]i ^tip but) UAt) flioAcc nA 5aaI UAt) b|ie- oceAn JaaÍa^ cAn^AtíAiA. UAn5At)A|v A|a n-ACA-pACA Ann tuin- jAib nA 'peACAt)oi|AeAt) A^uf nA ceAnunoeAt) 50 bjiuiúcAn te objiugAt) Ann oit)ib A^uf lonACA-pAib nA CAÍniAn. 'Oo fAoit ceAnuit)e nA b-^eine 50 j^-cum^^^Ait) a^ n-ACA|AACA ^eibce ^An "LuAcfAOCAU Ann-pA nA oit)ib n-^OuniriiAnAig. Ace Ann nA lAe- Clb Ut> t)0 bpi|" A]A n-ACA|AACA ATTIAC te "pOllinA^AC A^Up ^tuAlf- eAt)A|\ -pAOi meupAib m-bAAt le n-Aif uif^ib nA niA^iA mopA, A^Uf t)o TTiAi|i pAt) AnnpAn A1C AmAineATTiA]! Anoif. piApuig CAi-pb^Ae i:ocAt t)e -pig nA CAtrriAn mo\\ Acnuig nA p\i Aon 'Leicit)e, Acc cuAituig 50 |AAib CAen-peA-p nibuf Ai|At)e 'nA nA cin^pi-p A bi Af A cionn -pein. "piAHUig An i\ig t)e ^leu-p caca A^uf co^At), cuAiteAt)A|A t)e nA nit)ce -peo, acc t)e bpi^ 50 mAi|AeAt)A]A ^AipiT) t)o'n -pAijA^e mo|A ni -pAib cteAcceAm caca no cothtAnnA aca, bmeAnn ^teo ]?At) UACAib. 1p iomt)A -put) eite pAjAuig An -pi^ uACAib acc Ann ca|aacc bieAt)Ap t)oeol- A15 cit) 50 iTiAipeAt)A|A te Aif n Ann pA-ÓAipc tnopAn -oe cloin nA CAliiiAn, peolmg An bAipc Ap cionn nA n-uip^eAt) •oo'n lopcip A^up bi pog A^up puAiiii- neAp Aip A puippion acc AiiiAin Aip pon ImcA a bi CAilce. AnnpAn Aimpip pin cuic coipc mop -oe'n pcelip uax) bApp TlonAp-o -DO pcuAib piAp clAon CAOib mop nA c-pleibe A^up mop pcAt) nuig 50 pcApuig pe e pein Ap cionn An mAi^, -oe bpig ^up cAplAt) 50 n-obAn pAOi t)opcA"OAp nA n-oiuce, pcpi- opuig cpi ceA^lAig nA 5^^^ 5^ mApbAt) uile neAc AnncAib. Anoip bi Ia n-ApT)cpuinne "o-UeAcmop ÚAbApcA Aip Iatti, cpiAluig CAipbpe '511P A puippion Ann, An upAc pAm^ CAip- bpe ÚAbApcA peit)ui5 An 5A01C A^up cuicuig An peApconn ^Ap^mop A^up pigne CAipbue puipeAc AnnA bocAnAib lomtiA lAeceAt) Agup t)o 5IAC pe ceinn A^up -©'pAp An JaIap Aip 412 nibu-p tneó.'pA, a^uj" -oub^ipc CAi]Ab]\e '^u]\ buu a f'ó.|\coit •^S^r ^ tAnitiiATi -pein •oo beic Ann tUt^t), acc "oo ^ui'óe ■UjAtAC Ai|i An pig ^ob-fAn-pA-o ai|a ÚAbApcA nuig 50 |:uigeAT) ye bi|"eAc acc ni -pAn-pAT). T)e b^Aig pn ^tuAifemAp ionnfui"óe 'Otinfobe|ice A^Uf 1Tlin ceAnyeAp n-A]AT)t)eA'p A^uf mij-e "UjaIac Ann cotÍTÓeAccA le i:tJi|\]iion An ]\^■^. A^\\ 'opui-ougAt) "óuinn 50 bocAnAAib n-A]A*ot)eAf nio|A cuAit) CAipbyie nibtif jrui-oe, A^Uf A1|A ClAlltJlgAt) •ÓO 50 |1Alb A1|A -ptJCC TTl-bAI-p •OllbA1]AC te triin A^uj" tiom'pA tl|AtAc: U|vac eu^-pA'O'pA, A-oteAucigix) mo coin -pAn CAtAtri -peo oi|a Anne nAc te n-UttAt) A'p'Ot)eA]"? A5tif 'GO cApVAinT^ CAi|Ab|ie a n-AnAt •óei^ionAc Ann tub "UjAtAc. A^\\ bA-p 5-CAi|\b|Ae cuip TDin cuiaat) tuAC te jrocAt "oo nA p|AionpAib A^u]" mACAib ai|a ÚAbA-pÚA: "^o |iAib CAipbpe mA^b. CoTTi tuAu -^uy ctJAituig bjAeAf AjA-oiMg fin Acnmg -oo nA butf oipvib : gtAoi-oit) An c-A|it)cpuinne te nA ceite Ann a|vd- -peoHifAt) 'o-UeACTTio|i UAbAfcA. A5iif A15 eifi^ "OO AiA-opii^ A tAÚAjA nA n-A-p-ocivtiinne A-oubAipc: A coTTi]Aigce A^uf a a|a"o- ftAice n-e-ffione aca CAi-pbive -pi^ tittAt) mAp\b. Lui-oeAnn ■pe AnnA coT)tATri fuAn Ann bocAnAib mm Ann Af'QióeAf, -peA- feocAit) bfeAf A15 CA-pn ^-CAijAbjie A^Uf -o'eifig An c-aia-o- cyitimne uite 5A jiAt) : SiubAitpnn ^Uf pn pein te Afopiig. UfAC *oo bi AiADfig A^uf nA p]AionpAiT)e A^u-p mAice A^tif Cjieun-ptuAg Anmop te nA ceite '\\e^^6 A^uf fig 5^^^^^ ■^S^T pfionfAi-óe '^u-p mAice A^tif pfionfA n-lbtujAt), A^tjf fig "UtconnmAcc Aguf pfionfAi-oe A^iif mAice, bi An focAfAix) mAf AfmftuAg gteufCA Ann tuifeAc A^uf AfmAib. If Ann 418 pn tí'eipig ponn ml:eíy]\ -poclA leAbA|i nA n-Aimpii\i Ann inu|A-n-llATh fut a leigceA^; Af a|at) pp TTi-b|AUiceine ? A5Uf fpeA^Aip mipe: Hi -pciAUiDceAjA. Ann pn •o'ACin ah P5: t^ei5 x)om ÍAece ^-CAipbjAe A^uf teig me iax). 1a]\ ctuAfceAnc -ooib x)ubAi|ic An pg : go ceince but) ttjaic ^up but) mi An tiom nA ^roctA t)o ei]"ceAcc, oip mop rcpob 11]\Iac pAf fceut nA 5-ceAnfeA|i 05 ttlip A5Uf jleAnAOuin? tlo n 414 •oitcAjAAncAf A5tif An c-fiopgpAt) a bi aca ai|a a ceile? P|\eA5Ai|\ tI|AtAc 'Ó0 : bAineAnn An -pceut ux) le fCiMobcAib nA m-bA^xT) Ann teAbAjA n^ |\Ann aca Ann Tnii|\-not"LArTi 'Oun- fobejAce. A"oubAipc An -pig A^M-p. Hi cit)im|"A Aon jtocaI -pcpiobcA fAn teAbA|A -oe cuicime fceitipe TlonAiiAt) ? A^uf bi )?ocAt An \\^■^ cca^c, A^uf t)o -pcpiob me An fceut pAf An- nA n-Aic ^ein Ann ieAbA^ nA n-Aimp|Ae Af cortiAip An |m§. AntiAi]A -00 -pigAit bjAcA-p A|AT)|Ai5 nAoi bAAÍAine fUAiiA ye bAf. Aca a n-Ainm -pciMobce ai^a \\ot nA pig A15 jIaoic "bi^eA-ping" Ai|A. Oi|A A"OubAipc : bi dim mo acaji Ap-opig "oe bpig -pin 50 cince 1]" mAC -pig bpeA|"? An c-occmAX) leAbA^. Ann c|AeA|" CAibiT)il. TligAit ti- CocAit) mic b-fionn UAt) -pliocc Ic pjHonfA n-lbLtjjAt) Aon bAAlAin AiTiAin. 507 50 •o-ci 506. K. C. peuc Aip An ceAn -peo AnnAlA tligeAccA n-6|A|Aione An 1. Hot An 60 •ouiteog. Aoif An •oottiAin 4248. |:aoi Ainm eocAt) ApcAc",) Ai]A cigeACC T)o Ap-ociAtJinne tTlumAin le nA ceite ai|i m- bjAuiceme bi 'Ouac "oeApbiAACAiA bjAeAfiiig lAogAigce An ceu-o- -peAcc AnnA -pig Af cionn tTltimAin. An c^ac ceu-onA jAiceA-OAii cu|\A'óit)e "oeAgcAppuige cjiit) 6|\|\ion A15 jIaoic jMgce, pjAion- |'Ait)e, cinp|A, ollAmnA, Ajuf cpeAbAonA An pobAil le nA ceile Ann Aji-OfeomiiAt) t)-UeAcmo|A ÚAbA^ACA, A^uf ai|a -pumeAt) x)0 'n A|At)C|Miinne, t)'ei|n5 An c-A|it)ollAtTi A15 i^at) : A ajat)- ^plAite ACA cpit)Aon 6p|Mone ]:ollAni. 416 Anoi|" bi miATi An coTTit)Ail le ponn -pig tUtAt) Atinof 50 lAi^Aiieoco^t) ye A|At)pi5, acc tjo CA]\ló.t) ati ca|ic fin 50 |AAib fionn AntiA tui"óe ó.^]^ a le^bbA ceinn, A^Uf feuc bi a cein- neAf fATTiAil te CAinineut teAbAf. An ceicfeTTiAt) CAibit)iU tli^Ait fionn mic 5-CAif bpe f 15 tlltAt) Af-of ig pee bAAÍAine 506 50 'o-ci 486 H. C. (tTlAf An ceux)nA feuc AnnAÍA TligeAccA n-6ffione. An. 1 fot An 60 t)tiiteo5. Aoif An 'OomAin 4249. Paoi Ainm jTionn niAC bpACA.) 416 Ai|i bAf e-ocAit) n-A^-opig, cAinic An c-Aji-ociMJinne • AnriA ftiit)e -pAn A]it)feotTi|AA"ó, -o'eipig An u-ApoottAni A15 |\At) : A AjA'of'lAice ACA c|Ait)Aon Apt)pig n-6ppione -potÍAiTi, cpeut) ^y Alt lib ? A5UI" -00 bi pionn |m§ UttAX) jiogAi^ce Ann Aon- ■peAcc •00 beic AnnA n-AiA-oing fO|^ C]\|Mon. 1a|a cothtionAt) An cufmof x)A|A nA -pciAiobcAib, A^uf ceitAbjAAt) An mo|AÍ?eif A^uf comopAt) nA n-e-Acc|AA, C|iiocnuig An c-AiA-oc^iuinne An -oApA- freACC, A^tlf |"CA|AHAT)A|A AITI-bAlte 50 CAtATTI A COTtinUI-Oe. U|AiAtui5 "pionn 50 IDunfobeiAce, ^guf "oo ítiai|a fe Ann "UltAt) nA c|Ai bAAÍAine uax) 50 c^au a |AogcA mA|A Aj^-opig. Tli^ne ye cuAipc ciomciott UIIa-ó ^ac bAAÍAin A15 10c An cufoof Af ci|"uetAn An pig itiaja bm ^neAceAc. 5^^^ "pionn ÍAece n-BocAit) OltAthnA b-foxjlA mA|i fAmplA -00 j:ein, nio|ipAib Aon-ouine TDe'n -pliocc nibuf A|At)f'tAicAniAil, Tno|iuA'pAteAc, po]\- AigeAncAc 'nA pónn. Aca a uite |?ocaI nA poppione, ACA A ftige flige nA cei|iu. Anoi-p -oo cAnlAt) An Ia -00 bi bAAÍAnn 'OA|iA pion t)'a ceAc ttleAf. 1. Au5UfC Ann c|ieAf bAAÍAin -oe -jngAil b-^ionn mA]A Apojiig juji cAinic cjieunf-eAi^ A5tif ■oil' 05IA15 50 'Oiinfobe|Ace. bi-oeA-OAii ^leufCA mA|i JAIfCUI'Oe, -pCIACA A1]A A 'óeA'pgiiAiUnib A^Uf cteA'OeATTIA Aip A cAoib "LeAnnce te c|m giotlAib ionicui|Ace a ÍAnncA A^uf a cuAice-CACA. ÚAn5A"0A|i cum "pog. Ai]i cigeAcc •oo'n conrÓAit A |rocA|i An -pig, if e A-oubAipc An cpeiinf:eA|i: If mife Uiflof5 mAC S^^^r "o^ ceAnfCAfAib m-bfUicAn a feAfeAnn Ann -oo coitiAif O a fig! 1f itiac bfeinc cinpf OifbAAÍ An ogÍAoc feo, A5Uf if niAC -oeAfbfuife An c-ogÍAOc ut). Ceicfe 417 bó.AlAine tiAt) fion cAn5d.t>Ap yy\\, ciotn^ince te ATifAt) Aguf conncAib 50 x)-ci'ii caI b|\uito.n t)A|^ focló.ib a cuAitui^ b]\einc A^uf 50 |AAib ]w^ uiteconieucco.c co^cbuo^it)- CAC 5^ lM5«N»t cicyW 11A CAttTIAn. A^Uf ^UjA but) 5^^^ SCUIÚ 1be]A bun^t) 'oo cUon tió^ Co^itriAn yeo ^tiocc Ib-bpeoceAti CAOib fiAp "oe bu^i^ce, aiu An»s]A TnAipeAtxNjA a|a fionpo|Ait)e Ann aIIoit). U^n^Am^iA U'St b|\einc a^x 5-ceAnf^eA|A te ]AAt) : 50 mAiiAeAnn n^niAt) ati 5o mAC m-bpeinc bi caca jceAnfeAi^ mA^Acui^eAcc Ann cotiroe- AccA leif An |Aig 50 T)-ci tunjpopc nA b-^Toifce, aic a |AAib tiling Ui]\top5. At)ubAi]AC ponn le Uiplojig : A Ui^ilopg cpADUigeAnn mo cpome^A 50 b-|:uit Ainpof com c]Aom AnnA tunoe Aip cAÍAm nA gAAl Ann bpuiéAn "oe bpi^ pn cjiAt feAfCAnn cu AmeAfg pobAÍ t)o fliocc AbbAip teo: Cj^euD mA nAC CU1|ipAT) |M5 tlllAt). ComtAnncA ApmgleufCA cum cogAt) |aut) coiiimeAfgCA t)A]t t)li5e ACC cui]AfAT) Aguf jTAilcc mA but) mAic lib ceAccoipit)e nA foig. 1. otÍAmnA nA n-G^AgnA a muin|7AD t)oib ceAgeAfg 420 n-Ootuif ^5^f -pcpiobc^s Ocepi^t A^uf CocAit) OllniAn b- ■po'otó., Ac a IsNca]\ tia ii-A])X)cpumne A^uf T)o teig fe Af A]\t) cpACT) "olige n-6]A|\ione A5U]" cu]*mof CATiAfceAc, tA]\nATTiA]\c fe^^'ui^ 'OenATi ^511]' leig ]'e £>.y Apt) ^'ciMobcvV n-6oliii]' «NSUf leAbAip n^ n-Aitiippe §'-^•^^^5» ^5"r Ai]\ An c]\eA]' l^ leig mi^^e bei]\i-o teAl!)Ai]\ nA n-AiiTippe n-Ci\pione, ^^uy h\ ^ac uile niem tioncA te luAcgAip. CuAit)- eAt)A|\ nA butfoipi-oe attiac A15 aj^-o^Iaoic : SeA-peAnn neAc Aip UAbA]lCA Alg lApeAt) A CCApC ? TlioiA |:|\eA5Ai]\ Aon guc. 1f Ann pn cuAit) An 'A^-ocpumne ATTIAC A5U]' bT mo]At)U|i|'A nA n-AiA-of eoTTTiAAt) *0]Miix)5ce. UjmaI- tuTg "PTonn A^uf nA ppon-pATUe, CTnp|T, otÍAiÍTnA, ^511]' cpe- AbAonA 'n pobAit lei]" 50 'Ounfobe^ice. Anoir Aip ■oa]\a Ia n-imceAccA tti-DaaL AnnA ceAc Uonn]'cnAt). 1. 'Oa|a^ La tnAjACA 'o'eii5 l-'ionn Ann 'Ounfobepce. nio|\ c]\uinniiig pionn Ann cigcib a lAncipoe eu-OATt oi]i no nAi^x^eA-o no ni CAjA^n^ ]'e te ceile niAOin, Apneife 'ooin-pce neATTTATpeATTTAc, oi]\ bA^- Ai]i ye nA yi]\cTOfA UAt) mAi^tu^At) ha 5AAt eAt)on niAicui^ ■oo'n "OAnAAn c]\Ain -o'a n-ApT)ci0f. O1 ^euiAguit CAOTnce Ann UltA-ó A^uf bi C]\]Mon "oubbponAc Ann "ÓTA5 ^lonn. Aca a cA]An A15 -pe^pv-o cAob fiAi\ "oe CA]\n OocAit) oUTTiAn b-^^oDlA A^uf 5-CAi]Ab]Ae A ACAip. Cit) 50 b-|:uit a coin mA]\b, aca SpTOjAAt) b-Vionn bicbeo. An c-occTTiAT) teAbAT|i. An cui^ttta'o CATbnoit. UigAit ScA-onA CU15 bAAlAine •oeu5 4.S() 50 t)-ci 471. U. C. (Peuc 424 AtihaIa RigeAccA rí-e-]A|Mone An. 1. -pol. An 62. "oiiiteo^ ):aoi Aintn Se^-onA 1onnA|i|AAit) A5Uf Ann^l^ ^-CluAinmicnoif.) Upnn Anoip bu-ó mAic mA cuippeAp Apmptuó.g pAoi peAc A^up 50 minic z\\m cleApAib ^-co^a-ó oip cit)impA mACA]\ 50i]\ A^up AnpA-ó pAn 'ÓeAp. Di ppiopAt) eA^nA Ann mo ACAip, ACA'n neut u-o b]MpeA-ó Anoip Ap cionn G-ppion. DmeAt) Úopt 425 gto^c^Nt) coriiAi|\le. '5U]' ts\\ n-x)eAf pn o^bbpoc^t) le Se^on^ bpeiDip 50 n-T)eipfAit) Úopl: pAn|:Ainif<^ Ann tIlconnn10.cc? b-feioi|> 50 5-ctokOn^AD Úopl le nAtriAt) Utt^t)? p^ieA^Ain Úojvl: tlio|\ c^ngAOAjx n<\ yroclo. A]' beul Se^-onA nibu]' tuAice 'nA bi mem Úopt TOAin^ce. beit) 'Co\\\, Ann^gAit) nAtiiAT) SeAt)nv\ a^uj- UllAt). Ha fAoileAt) SeAon^ 50 ■oe^]^b- TTieinfAD Úo|vl A í'ocaI ^caIca -oe bpig ^up i:peA5 reA^eAp^ n^ n-ollAm nibup tulpe "oo clom UIIa^ 'nA Am- 426 poy n^ 5-c|AompeA]A? 'Oo bi cpeAbtoit) ai|a rriein SeAT)nóv oi|\ CAicnuig -pe An -pog, b-'pei'oii\ 50 i:4.n)?A-o e]A|Aion -pAoi poc- CAine mAno bi a cnuc mA|\ Iaj^a^x ceine. tliop cAinic ceo AnnA incmn, no AnnA them, no AnnA A c]A0it)e nAp c|uocnui5 a Iatíi, A^u-p mbup cince rriA |vuo 5]\AnA, mitueAc, -piojAcpA-oce t)o coipp no t)o fpiopiAt) t)Uine. Tli^ne An -|:eAttcoi|A -peo nit)ce nAc ]AAib a -pATTiAil lAoinie A|AAitTi t>euncA Ann Cppion. SeAt) 50 t>eiitiin teiciDe nA|\ coTÍieinui^ 5U|i yeitJi^A a t)eunAt), o^]^ mo]\ tó.bAi]A 5tAnppio]AAt) e-ocAit) t)e 'Leicit)e Ann -pcpviobcAib cpeAct) n^ n-t)tige. Cpuinnuig An, tT1u|Aet)Ac cajac AnnA ciomciott caca n- o^AnAc t)o TTut -pe iAt) Ann coin a^uj" incmn, mop ^Iac ye y^^t nUlg 50 ]AAlbeAt)A|A I^AÍAlg, iriAft/Ulgce, t)]AUpAÍTIAlt, ITIApV- bAig, TTiA-p pin 'pA'pAt)Ap\ AnnA ciomciott coiiicionot cioncAc Heit) tArTigmoTTieAC copcAppuig te ^ac AniriiAn a Dpocfpio^AO t)0 -oeunAt)! Ann]" nA tAece -peo cAinic UlupeDAc 50 bocAn- Aib SiojAnA A t)eApb|AACAp 50 cuin^geAttpAt) -j^e e -pein AnnA cACA, A^ur bi TlAoitc mAC b-^Ait cinpp lbt)]AonA5 te SiopnA» Cum^uig Sio]AnA corripAt) te 1Tlupet)Ac a t)eA]Ab|\ACAip CAbAipc coniAi|Ate "oo 50 pit^TAit) ye ai|a Aip 50 ptige nA cei]Ac, A^uf niAp teAn Sio|AnA e pvo^eu^A t)ubAipc UlupeDAc : bit)eAt) ce- AngA nA CA'poit)e AnnA cope acc AiriAin Ann ctuAj^ceAnc An 427 re CAift)tii5eo^]' ah coi|\nievN]'5^T). 1T1a cioc|:ai"o Siopn^ W a. ceinc 50 bocAtiAib a t)e^]\b|A^Cv\p, ^^^y ^^^" P" ^f lopot t)0 tAbAi]\ A I'tnuAince lei) ? Ace niO|A tjub^ipc fe |Aut) ai]\ bic le TIaoiIc, -^^Uf Tnici5 Sio|mk\ ■oó.\\ ó.u cui|\eA-ó 50 -o-ci botAn^Nib 111u]\e-o«M5 ^^suj' Ann "óia^ pn 1111 AniMn cuj'uig VOCaI -do beic I'CApui^ce ai]\ ):ax) A5U]' ai]\ ^m^mt) : tl<\c ]AAib SiopnA le ^^a^aiI ^-eoliiig An iciom]\A'ó mó<]\ An ceuonA 50 cluA]xeAnc UaoiIc, a^uj' comeinuij ai]\ -pocAlA Sio]\nA: HACjrAt) me 50 bocAnAib 111u]\e'OAi5 mo t)eApbpACA]A le ciun- CU^A-O e AfA -óiAOcflige. Di TIaoiIc a comnume leuppnuAineAt) ai]\ ^M^ne ^eAlcAC miociAlAc inu|\et)Ai5. 111a]\ ah ceu-onA bi cuingpAX) ca]\a-oai]' ix)i]\ SiO]AnA A^uf tlAoilc. "Oe bjMg pn nio|\ -peitJin lei|" •oeAbmeineAt) aoi]' Sio]AnA. C^AUinnuig RaoiIc caca n-o^AnAc "^S^r "oubAipu leo : Hi b--puil lop^ Sio]\nA •oeAi\b]\ACA]\ ah |M§ ^5tir ACA)\A Hoilc le -pAgAil. UAbAip mA]\ An ceuDnA TOe IlluiAe-OAc, A15 |\At) : llAcpAt) me mo Aon]peA]A A15 lop^o^t) AnnúiAg mo ca]aa ni C15 liom -puileAnc ]:uiiAeAc nibu]^ fuioe Ann -peo. Ace ^rpeA^Aip ha 05IA15: Aic aija bit ]AAC}:AX)fA pAcpAt) mui^one leAC. l^e nA linn I'ln imci^eA-oAi^ Aip a^aió AgtJf Ai|i cigeAcc -ooib f05iif "oo bocAnAib Illupe-OAig conn- AipceAXiAp fe^p ^5^r P^l^^^S "^® fceul x)e yoclAib a ]\\t -oe Sioj^nA A^u]' Ai)\ ^eucpnc "oo'n yeó^\\ t)uine -o'a c]\eAb |7ein AmeAf5 CACA IIaoiIc bi ]'iAt) A15 r^SSl^^"^ ^ ceile A^uf comgAi^A ye AnnA clAuif: Ce b-fuil SiopnA? P|\eAT5Aip An |reA|A -00 : A line tli'OponAg ceicpe lAete uAt) foin cuaid 428 1TltJ|\e'OAc A15 lAf^oiiAeAcc ai|a uif^inb n^ c^lnió.Ti t)o'n i^pcijA^ ei-pc te mo yocl^ib, oi]a ni pAn^'^D yo^x) -oomi^A ia]a mo n- in-pce. peuc^^^N 'oiin ITIupe-OAig ceit) Aip -oo aJaix) nuig 5a •o-cioci:A"Ofo jIaoic í^i]\ t)^\oc 'ppiO|iAT)Aib CACAbocmion, ciAeux) if leif a leicit^e f^n le OaaI, Tie, A^uf U^pf TiAf c ? 'Oo c|aiaII RaoiIc 50. CeACTho|A A^uf inifuig -oo Se^-on^s AjA-o^vig cop^ a^U]- CAince Tnujie-OAig acc ^pe^^Ai^A a|a-o|M5 : bAineAnn riA 'pocl.A feo le cluAif An bjieAceAiii. A^Uf -o'lTiif tlAoitc iat) le ineifCA|i An bj^eiceATTi a^U]' -pciAiobceAii nA ^ocIa pAf, A^uf cuipceA]\ cupAt) Ai|\ AgAit) ^o -ouicce inupe-OAig le ceifc 5- cluAifcig A15 ]\ó.t : SeAfeAt) niu-pe-oAc pjAionf a 5^^^^" AnriA n-Aic Ann n •Ant)feoTTiHA-ó •o-TTeAcitioiA ÚAbApcA le -ppeA^pAt) ciomcioll bA]^ SiopnA a ■oeA]\b|\ACA|i, Ace 1]' feo An ceAc- coifeAcc -00 ctii]A inufe-OAc ai]\ Aif : ffeA^^AocA-o llleifCAf le fuil A beACA UA-D beul 5AC cuifle a coifp. A5Uf fCApuig focAl 50 fAib IlluiAe-OAc Aif bAinit)e le feAfg. Anoif CAinic Ia cfuinnce nA n-Afocfuinne n-G-ffione Aif ÚAbAfCA A^uf Ai]\ 'puit)e t)o'n A]ACfuinne An ceu-o feAcc, bi fumecAn ITIufe- ■OAig follATTi, A5uf "o'eifig llleifcó.f An AfobfeiceATti A15 f At) : 5lAoit)fAt)if nA bulfoifit)e Ainm TDufetiAig Af Aft) Aif UAb- AfCA. Ace niof ffeAgAif 1Tlufet)Ac. A5Uf A15 ©ifi^ t)o *6nit) ceAnfeAf n-Oif At)ubAifc: Cfeut) mA clumfeAf CAfoit) HaoiIc? Ace ffeA^Aif An c-Aft)bfeiceATTi : t1i C15 linn, coif theAf- ^CAnn An t)lige cluAfceAnc CAfoit) AnnAgAit) neAc ^An e beic Aif b-fOCAif. A^uf feAfui5 Cnit» Afif A15 fAt): A 430 Ap'ocuf-Mg n-e-]Apione \ m-beit) te p^-o aca ^nn e-p|Aion -peAj"- •oa: 50 fe*\o cAp^An^ 1Tlu]\et)Ac ^eibue ^y coniAi|i An c-Ap-oc|\iiinne, "oe bpn^ 50 b-puit nibtjp mu5A Mia c]ai mite b-"peA]A tAmÚAppAc AnnA cACA conroeAcuA teif. If Ann ym T>'e■\\\^;^ Apvopi^ A15 ■pA-ó: C|Aej"o mA ^eib^reAjA 1T1iipiex)Ac te ^ro-pneApc? A^up -piAcA- 5Ai]i An c-A]AT)cpuinne mApvAon: SeAt), bnóeA-ó, bix)eAt). Annpin gtuAij^uig Ann A "Ó1A5 CACA top^oiiAeAt) A^ij-p -OA comtAnncA. ilio|i t^i^^ie CACA copAncA ITIupe'OAig oipefAm Aon puAiceAp AtTiAin. lomcuipeA-oAiA IHupe'OAc ^eibce cuin^eAtcA mA^ bei- 431 645.0 t)o Annj'o.n AiAofeompAt) 51^6 j'e a n-Aic o^meo^fg p|Aioti- fAib 5*^^^®"' -^S^r "o'^^r^S ceAnf*eA]A 1bD|\onA5 ai]\ p^t) : At)tTiui5im ■00 mo]\ i*lAicib iia Ti-A|At)cpuinne -peo A5t3f fiApp- ui^im ud^t^Mb All coip no t)tifceó.nAc 50 i^uióep^-o ne^Nc bpeó.c le i^uil |:iongolsN 0. 'óeAbpACA]^ AmeAf^ ppioni'Aib 0. |"Uocc? '0'ei|\ig A|^T)|Ai5 A15 i:peA5]A^\te po\\có^oyme 'nn pAtxMpc riA "oUge ni b-|:uit Aonneó.c cioncAc nuij; 50 ^cpuc- uigce^iA |:octA n^ CAfoi-oe 'nnAr^NgAit). b-i:eit)ip 50 T)-ctiinctii- geAnn Am«Nc An cai'oi'O bpeu^Ac cAp ej^ceAcc te pA*ónuife. t1i b-p-uit An cuif AtinAngAit) 1T1iipet)Ac Cjiuciiigce 50 ):oit, •oe bpig |"in tnA ^oitjTA-o ^aiI 50 -poi-oeAc. tluig 50 5-cluinceA]A An CAf ? -A^uf "oo bi mA]A fin. Ann pn D'ei]Aig An c-A|At)bpeiceATTi A15 pAt) : UAifbAineAt) 1TliipeT)Ac An |:eA]\t)lige a -pjAeA^pocAT) ai]a a fon A^uf An *0|Aon5 A cAiiA-pAiT) pAt)nuife Aip An ctJif ? Acc niop -ppeAgAip ITlupe-OAc Aon -pocAl ciuncuig fe a fmle ca]ac ai]a An c- A|AT)C|iuinne pA]\ ^^uf Anoi]\ caLÍ ^^^y AnuAf, Anoif 50 mioceAX)eAc Anoif 50 bo|\b. A\\yy UplAbAip Tnei|ACA]A nA -poclA ceu-onA Af Apt). Acc mop iruAp^Ail tTlupe-OAc a beul. Ann- pn "o'eipig Apt)pig A15 pAt) : beit) •o'uAtAc Aip An Apx)bpei- ceATÍi 50 m-beit) Tnupet)Ac AnnA feA]"At) Ann a n-Aic cpAC cioc'pAi' te irpeA^pAX) An -oApA -peAcc. A^uf cuAit) An c- Ap'Dcpuinne ahiac Agup "opui"OceAp mopt)uppA nA n-Ap'ofeompAt). CeilAbpA-OAp t)Ap cleAcceATTi mopf'eip D-UeAcniop Aguf mopcomopATÓ nA n-G-AccpA Aip tiop ÚAbApcA. ÚAp "oeif nA. 432 riAOi t^ece "oo fui-oe 'n c-AHt)c|Auinne ^r» "oaiva -peAcc, a^ui" bi tTlti|Ae'OAc Ó.T1T1A n-Aic, TnA]\ bi Sio]AnA A^uf "OfuiT)eA'OAf fu^f e Ann ^eibAon 'O-UeACTTiOf UAbAfCA. Anoif CAn50k"OA]\ iohtoa "oe ftiocc thuin- cipe inu]\et)Aig 50 T)-ci'n Afoing 5A f At) : poit O A Af -of 15 ! foit niA'f "00 coit e, ha tcAg ^of^ ha CAine «-^511]' da nAipe 436 feo Ai]\ An p]MonfA 1Tliipet)0vG? Ace fpeA^Aip Se^-oriA -ooib : but) ion§Ancó.c 50 n-DeA]\bTrieinó.bAp cotti tuAiú ^^spbbA-p ut- bAj^ACA -puAtlAn^ SiopriA Ann h\i\\ "o-ceA-pgiiAt) cpuAig 'oo 1Tlu]AeDAc? Hi b-|?uil cpi-oAon n^ n-e-p|Aione no mo be^cA ye^r^ nibuf "oiti^e -oom lonA |?oc"La n^ n--oU5e. TDa but) e mo m^cfA A t)etin|:At) mA]\ pigne tTlti|Aet)Ac, caic]?aid ye An tJiotciof t)o 10c. Anne nAc úu^ An cluA-pcig A^uf An bpeic- eAiii An -pocAl? Cueut> com t)AnA te CAin nA t)tige t)o coija- meAf5At)? til ceAn^A SeAt)nA 50 cince. tli ]?A5At)Ap tllupe- t)Ac i"An ^eibAon ^ncACAc acu Anno]" 50 comLion|:eA|A jieAcc nA n-tjlige 50 ti-ci'n 510CA ^y tugA, collAt)Ap uccAif Ann ucc ÚAbA|ACA tiAt)'n iA|Aci|i t)e'n cnoc A^tif teA5At)A|i tTlupe- t)Ac ^eibue Ann mA]A pigne fefAn te SiopnA ^An biAt) ^An t)lC, ACC mop bACAt)A]A A CAbA1|\C. Alp An t)ó.pA ÍA t)eu5 Aip pee cpAc t)'imcig tTltjpet)Ac fAop, cpuinnuig -ptuAgmop pomciott An CAipe, oip t)o bi uAip An meAt)on Íac, ^^uf CAinic CACA "d'a ctJit)eAccAib cuige, Aip cigeAcc AmAc t)o pic pe cpit) fluAg nA •OAOineAt) mAp piceAnn pAolcu cpit) pAine nA peit^oipeAt) Agup A15 leimmtjgAt) Aip a n-evNc, imcig teip 5'a cAlAiti t)tiicce. A5UP bi'n Apt)cpuinne pop AnnA puit)e, A^up. 'OubAipc Apt)pi5: til b-pml pocÍA cpeAct) nA n-t)'Li5e pop A pAic Ann cuip t)uine a cuipeAp pAt) m-bAip te t>poc~ mem, peucpA An tniipeT)Ac pop beo ? Cpeut) mA cuipeAnn neAc t)iiine cum bAp te t)pocmein 50 b-puttAn^pAt) pe pein bAp An ^teup ceut)nA? T^ubpA-OAp uite : SeAt), bit)eAt), 437 bit)e^t). <^5UV ^^ ^^ "^ yocl^ I'cpiobco. aijv c|\eACD n^ t)ti§e. Antif tiA ÍAecib ^^eo t)']:«n|" ITluixe-OAc bopb, milceAc, Aip bMnme, niO]\ po^o ^up clinic ]'e A1]^ tojA^ RaoiIc, oi]a -pcoitc ^'Ait)5 v\ be^ltAc cpit) cluAif cle tlowoilc. X>o teA^ Kd.ottc A CAfoit) A]' coiTiAip Oilliol ]^^t^ Í^^^- en ^cc x)]\uiT)ui5 Oitliol c]AUinne 50 c A^tjp Aip ^AipiT), A^up cpuinnuig pe CAin m-bo A^up cpeut) 440 AnTtiop, A^tij* CpéActAn eiix)AiU A5Uf ^^]\ CApfntjg fCiACA, bu»» Aoibin utcfeun An pAt)Aif c I 'O'lnm-p Cte^v 'q.'a ACAif SeA-oriA. 441 uile ]\\ix) mó^]\ «NCó.plAt). I^p fin cAn^AtJAp pip, cincAtA Aguf 5-cotTilAnn 50 n-Apx)^!^, ^SUf "oubAifc "Oon ceAnfeA]^ b-TTIif :. 17lAi|\eAnn a|at)]\15 Ann^eo Ame^Nfg tucc feAÍCAC A15 a b-puiU ftJAt) mo>.pbcAc Ann^gAit) 45.pT)pig i^Nppui^e^nn ha cm g-coiii- lv\nn ceAt) le ■OAingnugAt) ]aaca ^Nnnof 50 m-beit) An Apm— fluAg Ann^ice le U^bAfCA? ITpeA^Aip SeA-onA: A -A|^t)TTiAice n-t1ll«Nt) buit)eciof -oo bup tj-ceAfgpAt), acc x)o foctAib ni C15 tiom Acc fpeA^ji^Nt) : Hi feA-ó ! Cotii tuAc ^uf nAf cig le 5AipTn AfDpig cum^uig 50 ceimeAc a ug-ÓApAif if AnAm 50 cfiocnuigceAf a f igAil ! Anoif -oo cuif A|AT)fi§ ceAccoif- eAcc -00 Oilliol ]\i5 5^^^cn, A^uf *Ouac fig IVluTriAin A15 f At) : UAbf Alt) Oilliol A^uf 'OuAc f f eA5]\A-ó Ann Af x)f eoni- fAt) X)-UeACtT10f ÚAbAfCA CAt) A^ObAf CUAlt) AfTTlfluAg A flg- eAccA CAf liifgib nA SeAnAtrine Anon ? PfeA^Aif Oilliol "oo Af "Of 15 : Di"óeAt) TTluf et)Ac A15 f f eA^f At). Ace feo ffeA^fAt) n-X)iiAc x>o foclAib Aft)fig: "IIIa fUAif An 'OAnAAn Am le tDeunAt) CAfoit), ^lACAt) mA]\ An ceut)nA cfAC le cumAilc a ^omce!" UAinic Oilliol 50 t)- UeACTTiof fAfUTTiAil Acc ccAl^eAC A15 cuif An iTiileAn uile 50 leui\ Aif An inufet)Ac A15 f At) : AnuiAf t)o coiftiieAf^f a DIufetJAc, bfuccuig a feAf^ ofm mAf 5<^f5ff«c fleibe A^uf Aif cucAc ADubAif c : D-fuil Oilliol le mo nAiriAt) Ann moA5Ait)f A ? A fuilneocAt) Oilliol a t)eAfbf ACAf t)o beic ^lAoigce, ni Tnufet)Ac acc Simon bfCAc leif An cijit)fomAn feo beuleA^nuifOif t)e fi^? A fig lAbfeAnn Oilliol nA foclA le CAifbAinc 50 b-fuil inufet)Ac Af a ciaII le bAinnóe. 442 ComtAtxMp SeA-oriA 50 caoiití te OilUol A15 p^f) teif: Anne n^c •oeApbpó.cpe pnne, n^p •o-cAimc a|\ b-'puit a|" An pojAbiop ceuDnA ? Anne n^c p^ib An 50^^^ acai|\. 1TIa|acaiJ, Ciep A^tjf lolAip? AcAim uAt) Cieji, cii|"a uat) loÍAip, An coiji -oo OittioL A^uf *OiiAc — ACA lojAc TnAjib uiTTie pn belt) ccAn^A SeA-onA AnnA toyv — , -oo beic "oeunAX) ciiin^jiAt) A^uf coTTiglic, ni e AnnA^Ait) SeAonA acc AnnAgAix) 'oUge n-6|\iM- one ? T)a|i ceAn mop ^Iaqi-o -pA ApiATh ai|a -00 •oeApb|AACAi|\ Tnu]ie'OAc. tTiA CAiiiAAn^i'AX) A Ai^ne -peAiA^Ac, ceAnc]ieun Ainm 5]AAnA Ai|A, Ann tiomi^A An iucc? 5<^ 'oeA|AbcA poj^iiuigeAnn OilUol 50 TtiAic, 5U]i but) coTTiAiple n-Apt)cpuinne n-G-^Apione A bi AnnAgAit) TI1upet)Ac c^iac bi -pe ^eibce te -ppeA^pAt) t)e bAf SiopnA A t)eAjAb|AAcip A^iif T)eA|vb|\ACAi|\ Oiltiot. 1TIa|a An cetit)nA jmc^At) nA mAice úa|\ -peAcc Anncp 50 b'-puigeAt) TDiiiAe- t)Ac A La t)eigionAc munAc ciii|a mipe cottiAipc nA n-T)li5e An- nA ciomciolU but) ttiiAn tiom t)o tAth A15 ^tACAt) Ann CAjAAn- CAf A^uf 5pAt). A^uf pnuig Oilliol A Iatti t)o SeAt)nA, A^uf t)'pAif5 SeAt)nA An tAth t)'A ucc. Ann pn t)o ^ume OitUol: THa mAic^TAit) A]At)]Aig co|A Tnu|iet)Aig? Acc i:)AeA5Ai|A SeAt)nA: belt) A|At)C'puinne n-e-ppione i^i^eA^pAt) t)o -poclAib O1II10I. A^uf t)'^!!.!. OilUot t)'A A1C "pein. A^up rpiAtui^ SeAt)nA 50 'Oun- fobepce. Acc nioi^ pcuiiAuig An tTlu]Aet)Ac UAt) -pcAppugAt) ini]Aif Ai]\ -puit) An cAtitiAn. Ajuf t)ei|iceA|i 50 -pAib Oilliol Aguf X)uAc cit) -peAn A15 ^peAfugAt) Tnu|Aet)Ac -pAn corriglic AgUf C0TTIim|A1|* AnnAgAlt) A|At)|M5. 'PuAl|^ SeAt)nA pop cince Aip ^ac \\ur\ Oilliol C|Mt) Ha- 443 oilc oi|\ bi Ipe^l ACAi]\ IIaoiIc ceAnfeA]A 1bt)]Aon4^5 niAitte te 111a]\ .Ml ceut)iiA ):uAi]\ ye y\oy cmce ^i]\ cotiigtic n-'Ouó.c \w^ ITluriiAin c]Mt) 'OuAc ah p^Mon-p^ a bi'nriA ceile t)0 lbe]A- 1AC T)eA]\bpu]\ A]\'0|\i5, Acc "oe Illu^Ae-OAc nio)\ ciOktiuigeAim T)ijine Ai]\ bic ^co. ^'ep^n iiia]\ 5AOC : C]\eux) niA bi-óeAnn Cie]A niAC SeAX)nA -[AogM^ce AnnA jiig -pop tlttAt) ? A^up x)o p]\eA5Ai|A An mte A|AT)c]Auinne : SeAt), bi-ocAt), bi-oeAt). A^uf •00 p uit)e Cie|A Aipi CACA0i|A An pig. lAp beic ^teupcA teip An eipAon Aguf jAigbpAC, tAbAi]A pe : Aca ^ocIa A15 ^Oeo^ ceAnfeAjA n-AiA-coeAf •00 ctuAip UIIa-o coili ucbApAc nAc b-puit Am Xe •oubbjAon -oo x)eiinAT) nuig 50 n-^lAcpAt) muit) •oioicioj'. 447 Ann ]Mn tdo ye-sy "0605 «ns^]' mfuig ye uite yun -oo con- nAipc ^'e m^^y -oo cApl^t) Ann coill cpAnc.pt) luip^e, Aip cinocnugAt) x)o "Oeo^ a fxeut, t)'ei|M5 mv\]\Aon mopguc ^y ucc A|\t)c)\uinne n-UltAt) : Co^at), cum co5At) ! A Se^t) O A Ap-ottiAice n-UllAt) bióeAt) eAt)on co^At). 0^y fAOitim nuv m-bit)eAnn ^05 ApiAtii cioncAC 1|" ó^x\r\y n^ lAecAmb ]^eo I )y co\y 50 n-iApjifAD cl^n n^ c^NlriiAn Toiotcio]' .N beACA uAt)'n inApb»NX)oi]\ mx) rr.Ap epic ^toIa ^y n-v\cAi]\? A c]\eunp]\ UllAt) ultTiuigi-o bup ^-conitAnncA, T)eipceAp 50 fui-oe^nn Simon bpe^c Ann UeAcmo]\ ÚAbApcA, A -puilown^N-oi]' pongobcoi]\ a t)eApbpACAi]\ Agu|" mApbA-ooiji Apx)]n5 ."OO m^i^tui^ cpiUAon 6]\pione? Uoi^ppAn^it) A-p pn An c-eplAoc I A mAice ceit)it) 50 bu]\ 'O-CAnAi'ceAc, ubbmuigm nA comÍAnncA ^An mAll ni bei-ó ye^y no ceol A^Ainn nui^ 50 c-]'AO]\|?A"ó muiT) An CAtAm UA-ó 'n mACCip mitceAc lllupe- •OAc. CpuinneATDAp nA ottAmnA uAt) ^ac mup-n-ottAm UIIaó 50 "Ounpobepce, A^uf pogA-OAp CAbAn AnnA n-ApootlAiti Ann A1C m-bei]\i"o A mApbA"OAp Ann 5-coittuib tuip^e. A15 ceAn An Aimpip, "OO bi n-ApmptuA^ UttAt) A15 utLmu^At) te ^luAifCAcc 50 •o-UAeAcmo]\ le pmAcc "oo c\i^\ Aip iniipeT)Ac^ CAinic yocAt uAt) Uopb pig n-UtconnmAcc "00 Ciep A15 pAf) : "Oo cuip Simon D]\eAc Annt)iA5 Ap-ociop, acc Ann aic CAin cuip Úo]\l Aip Ai|" nA ]:ocIa peo : Ip -do pi^ nA n-6ppione locpAt) Úopt ApDóiop, 50 cince ni "óo liiApbA-ooip An ApT)pi5. Cuip ppeA^pAt) Úoipt Tnupet)Ac Aip bAini-óe. ^5Uf mionuig ye 50 ^-CAicpiT) pe An 'OAnAAn mAp biAt) "00 cAp^Aib nA b- 448 1:^1^5^- *C)e 'bpig pn cpeut) m^ c|aiaII|:ad Ciep le n-Apm- beAlÍAc TntJ]iex)Ai5? Cui|a Ciep |:ocIa ai]\ ai]" 50 -o-Úopt : bi-óeAt) m A-p A]\t) : Cat) -pceul -pcAniAAC e -peo le inpn 50 b-mA-p- LuigeAnn ^aaÍ nA n-6]i|none iat) pein te puit nA b-piongolA A^uf An t)tinTÍiAi\bAt), t)o f il An 1Tlupet)Ac ai]a An caÍaiíi ? A n-^bAcpAt) 5Aip]Ait)e n-6|i|\ione nAi|\e nA miognionice ucbAp- IA5 t)o l^igne Simon b]ieAc? 1p Ann pn ]-iocAt)Ai\ conilAnncA n-*OtiAc A^up 1bt)|AonAi5 ^S^f 5-CiimAip uad 1Tliii\et)Ac. A^tip Ai|\ cluAipceAn nA -pocbA cuiAt) -pe Aip mipe, A^up cAinic .pe Ann fAt)Ai|ic Ciei\. A^up CU5 Ciep bicbeim A15 ionn]"tiit)e An 1TltJ]Aet)Ac Acc t)o bAc T)uac A^up tlAOibu A15 pAt) : T)Ap ceAn bA-p Ai|\ niA^punA -pAoi cbAt)eAiri Cie^\ pig UllAt)? t)eit) A beiot)e po^bopniAp a bAp T)o Simon OpeAc ? IllApb- AT)op SiopnA A^tJ-p SeAt)nA? bmeAt) ^eibce. X)o ^eib KaoiIc CApA SiopnA An 1T1tjpet)Ac A^up cu^ pe e pAoi cmn^eAtb CjiuAit) p'Ap^ce 50 bocAnAib Uoipt. Anoip t)o bpip ApmptuAg gAAÍen A^up ITIumAin A^up t^'imcig Aip cut, A15 -pic uAp tiip^ib nA SeAnAiiine, A^up ^eupbeAnnAtíAp A]\mp'LtiAg lIlbAt) iAt) AmAC Ap lIlconnmAcc. *Optiit)eAt)Ap An inupet)Ac CAOib PC15 comcAi|\, A^up iomcui|\eAt)A'(A Aip CApAcoipcuiL 50 coill- cib btiip^e. Anoif Aip -pilbeAt) t)o Ciep 50 n-UlbAt) -piAppuig RaoiIc t)e : Cpetit) tjetinpeAp te Tnu]\eT)Ac? PpeA^Aip Ciep: t)it)eAt) ye ^eibce Ann ^eibAon 'Ounpobepce nui^ 50 t)-ci9C- 451 y^r> A]AT)C]\uinne n-6|A|iione le n»\ ceite 1. U. C. (Peuc AnnAÍA pi^- eAccA n-6]i|none. An cent) pot. An 02 "ouiteo^. A01]' An "OoniAin 4297. jtaoi Ainm n-*OuAc pionn.) Anoif bi ApDcptJinne n-Op]Mone AnnA f^ume -pAn Apx)fe- Oltl^AAt) *0-UeACiriO]A ÚAbA|\CA. A^Uf "I^O^ADAp *OuA bpACAib jTuAigce le o^\^ AcleAgce a^u]' fciAc mio]AbuileAC -oeuncA ycKO^ yo^i.\i^vn b-lpeAinpif Ann AimceApT)- cAib IllumAin, A-oubAipc 'OAi]\e 50 |^Aib AnnA eu"OAil -ooceA- •oui^ce -oo, De bpig -^m^ but) lei^- a acai^ iax) A5uf 5U]\ 5oit) UaoiIc lAt) uAt) bocAnAib a acai^ n-tDuAc I Ann c|iacc bi longAncAf ai|^ An c-A|At)c^uinne ai]^ cluAifceAnc -ooib An CAfoix) A^u]' |:ocIa T)Aipe. If Ann pn "o'eiing A]AT)]ng A15 ]iAt) : aX CoiiiflAice ^y longAncAc 50 leu]\ An CAfoio yeo, -oe ■^xiy but) liomfA nA eic, nA mAT)pA, tiA bjAAic, a^U]' bponnui^ me lAt) no UaoiIc, nio]A bAin pAt) a|aiatti le "Ouac \\^^ ITiUTTIAin. TnA]A An ceu-onA bi'n -pciAC 'oeuncA -pAOi 'n A|AX)fAO]A ceA]AT)A b-'PeA|M|n|", acc Aip ^1015 •oomj^A, A^tjf Acnui^ me PeApiinf T)0 5]AA|r A^Uf X)0 'OAC Aip An fCIAC UX) "OeAlb A^U]" comA|ACA TIaoiIc mAp acai-o. A^uf cuicuig nAijAe ai]\ Dlune- •OAc A^uf "OAipe, oip AicneA-OAii An A|AT)c]MJinne Annpn gup but) yeAlljiAt) bi occ]iAib. Hi ^Iacadaia fgic uaó geupleAn- uignc "OuAc A|At)|M5. Aip nAOinmAT) bAAlAin t)e pig^il ti- 'OuAc T)o glAoit) 1Tlu|ieT)Ac iMg g^^^^" ^^^ p^ionfAióe AgUf mAice le nA ceile ^^y tTi-b]iuiceine le fo^co|iU5A'ó An imjiii^ 454 it)il\ ceAn-pe^pAib tTlA^glein A^u-p 6u'OAn'oo fuit)e An c-AiA-oc^Aumne An x)A]AA yeAcc, A^uf bi teAbAi]A nA n-AiTnp|Ae n-6]Apione Aguf cpeACT) nA n'-olige ^ruAi-p^Ailce, A^u-p poclA leigce Af A]A-o. A^uf ^ÍAoi-ó nA but|"oi|Ait)e : SeAfCAnn neAc ai|a UAb- A|ACA A15 iA|A|AeA-ó A ceA^c ? Acc nio|A p^AeA^AI^A Aon 5UC, A5- \iy cuAit) An c-A|At)c|Auinne ahiac Aon |:eA]A -o'a coiiroAit |?ein. Anoif bi Ai^ne Aguf -ppiOjAAX) tloiccAfAig Ann CunT)A A15 CAiceAX) mojAAn tj'a aiti AmeAfg fteibcib 1be]A. 'Oo cui^a ye a tuccfAO|AA A^up p\\ n-eotA-OAnA A15 toiA^At) 5AC bAll "oe nA fleibcib Aguf A15 pc|AiiiT)ti5At) lonnACAip nA CAlniAn AnntiAg 0|a, AijAgeAt), utTiA, A5Uf mionA ttiAcniA|AA, but) iomt)A cuifle n-Ai|A- 467 ^eAT) A^uf ii-um *oo Cu- nt)A ^ieAnn ■oiohiaiaa no. j^leibe conriAipc i^e pAt> Anniop nibuf bo^A UAC ÍATTi cin x)*^ yui]A|iione, a^u]" 0.15 Aitnfu^o.^) lombi- o]\ui5 fe An pó.i) teif An f^m^, A^uf tuic An pAt> m^pb Aip An b^ll. Aguf bi'n pAt) u-o miopbuiteAc le peucpnc, Anoi-j' bi mein e-unt)A l^n tAucgAijieAc -pAOi 'n eucc pn, ^5Uf Atnuig -d'a Ap-oceiiMb t)o Acle^g ca-oa n-AiiA^eAX), Aguf -oeAlb An pAt) no X)o beic bio|AbuAitce ai]a ^ac ceAn aca, niA^ buAncoththeine tiA mt) ! iomcuipeAt)A|A bjAiongeAllA TDu- TTiAin lAt) mA|A TTiuinbeil-nAfA Agtif biop^nA ojineife. Anoiy tAji'óeif |\igAiteA"ó '00 e^unoA C1115 bAAÍAine, |?tiAi|A ^^e b^f AnnA bocAnAib Ann j-teibab tHiiTTiAin, a^uj" AóleAcceA^\ Ann. A^uf ApouigeAOA^A A cA|An A fo^uf 00 CA1|An TloiceA|"Aig. V\^o]\ TTiAi^A 6unoA Ann o-UeAcmo|i UAbA|ACA acc cotti |:aoa 511^ bi n-A|AOC|AUinne n-C]A]Mone Ann. An nA0inniA|\ leAbAi|\. An cui^ttiao CAibioil. TligAil lugAÓ CU15 bAAÍAine. 451 50 o-ci. 446. Tl. C. ("Peuc An- nAÍA jAigeAccA n-C|AjMone. An ceuo -poU An 64. ouiteog. A01]" An 'OotTiAin 4320. ^aoi Ainm iugAÓ lApoonn.) An cpAc 00 bi A|Aoc|\uinne ItlutriAin AnnA fuióe ai|\ tti- b^uiceine ^aoJaoaii lugAÓ oeApb|AACAip CunoA 50 caicaoi|i -jn^OA ITluTTiAin. An C]aac ceuonA o'imcigeAOA^A cupAÓióe oe- ^gtAppuig Aip fuio nA n-6|A|Aione A15 gÍAoic nA ppionfAióe, 458 citTpi|\, ottiTiATiA, A^uf cpeAbAoriA 'n pob^il 50 •o-'CeActiiO|^ ÚAbApcA A15 -pAt) : Oi|\ ACA c|Ait)Aon n-A-p-o-pig i:ottó.tTi. Úaiíiic An Apx)cpuinne te n]' An CUID If mugA td'a i:ui|A|Mone -pmuAccA |:aoi pAig-cA|An nA -pneAccA, A^uf An -puiteAc "Out Aip ]'eocpAn no jTAgAit bA-p te cui]\pA puAcc A^up oc]AAf, Annof nAc tTiAi|A y^^]^ inpce pceut. ^y mAjA pn cAillceA|A tugAt) A|A-o]Ai§ fAOi mo|ActJicim fneAccA. ^5^r bo]Abcui]Am gAoice AmeAf 5 f leibcib lbe]A !. An nAOinTTiA|A teAbAip. An -peipeit) CAibi-oit. UigAit b- pionn mic ^-Cie^A |"e bAAWine 'oeug. 446. 50 "o-ci. 430. H. C. (peuc AnnAlA ]AigeAccA n-e^)\]Aione. An ceut) ]aoI. An <>4. •ouiteo^. Aoip An "OoniAin 4329. pAoi Ainm 'pionn Sio]\tAiTi'. A^up AnnAÍA 5 - CtuAintnicnoif ^SUf fCjAiobcA luin5feAi5). 460 A^\\ ciunug^t) ■oo'n AnirA-o ucbAfAc, o^\ ni -pAib |\iAth -poiTTie Afin corheine TJ^oineAt) a teici'oe •ooinnine, •o'lmci^. ATTiAc to|i50i|\it)e A15 cuAipcugAt) Ann'Dió.g ati 1M5 ^"S^y ^ ■pmiiliion, A^u-p 'puAi|AeA*OA]i a coin A^uf A'óteACA'OA|\ AtinfAn A1C A •o'eti^ fe. A^uf Ai|A cptunmi^At) "Le riA ceile 'oo Ap-o- c|\tiiiine triuniAin Aip rri-bpuiceine 'pog^st)^!^ 6ocai"0 'oeAjibApA- ce-p ttjgAt) ATiTiA -pig Aj' cion TTIutTiAin. AntrpATi Atn ceti'onA ctjAit)eA'OA|A riA cupAt)it)e ci^it) e-|i|Aion A15 -pA-o : C|Atiinnceó.|v jAigce, p|AionfAit)e, cinp^i ottniATiA, A5tif cjie^bAonA 'n pob^it Ann ApT)'peotTi|iA'ó •o-UeAcnio|\ ÚAbA|\cA, o\\\ aca ciM-OAon a|to- ■pig potÍATTi. La c|Miinnce nA n-ApDc-pumne AnnfAn Ai^-ofeoTTi- ■pAt) ]A05A'0A|\ pionn AnnA n-A|A'0|Ai5 -pop 6|A|\ion. A^uf teAj GocAit) IM5 tntiTTiAin An ei-pAon ai|^ a ceAn, A^tjp ciii|a Uo|At ■pi^ lI'LconnniAcc An jngbpAC Aip a guAileAnnAib, A^uf •o'lm- tig ATYiAc "Le ceiÍAbpAt) moiAi^ei-p •o-UeACTTio|i A^up íno|\comopA'ó nA n-e-AccpA Ai|\ Uop UAbA^ACA. Ai|A fui'óe -oo'n Aji-oc-puinne An •OAj^A peAcc. "Hi |AAib Aon jAd'oceAc le •oeunAt) no im|np le -po^cuiAu- gAt), oi]A bi CAyvAncAp 'Co^\(l jiig "UtconntriAcc 'oluigce •oo' TTiACAib n-ep, A^uf bi f05 Ai]A yw-o uile n-e|\|none -oe bpig. pn Ai|A teigeAT) fcpiobcA 'OAp cupmop ^^up ai]i ceipcugAt)' nA bul'poi|\i'óe, cuait) An c-A-p-ocptiinne attiac. 130 cui|a ^lonn Cap ppion-pA n-OjA AnnA fui-óe Ann aic -pig Ann UllAt),, ni'oeii'pn plleAnn ye ^ein ^ac bAAÍAin 50 "o-ci "Otinfo- be^Ace Acc An cpAc imtigeAnn bAAÍ AfceAc pA ceAC 1a^\- pric. 1. lut 1. ciAiAltuigeAnn -pe A|np 50 'o-UeACTtio|\. Ann. 461 yoc^l cui^e ai]\ U^b^i^cA 5 a ]\ó^í) : Ac^n b|ieiéeAttiTiA n-tltto.t), T)c\|\ nit)cib ó^ cuAiluig Ca]% -m^ rriAflugAt) An ce^pc ! Seo An irpcA^^AAt) A cuip A|At)|ng ó^^\\ Aif leif An cu]AAt) ceu-onA : bit)eAD p]non]"Ait)e cinpp, ollrtiAnA, a^u^ cpeAbAonA 'n po- bAib Ai|i Tti-b|Miiceine n-UtlAt) ai]\ -oeipeAt) Ia b-llleAf. 1. ^U^UfC, Af COTTlAip An pig. A^uf "oo bi mA]\ pn. Anoif ó>^\\ Ía cpuinnce n-ApT)cpu- inne ai]a m-b|Auic:eine, "o'eiin^ pionn A^uf -oubAii^c: A p^Mon- ]"Ait)e n-C|A ^5Uf a ylAice popcAoime n-UllAt), ni b-|?iiit Aonnit) A15 pionn "oo bu|\ 5-cluAifceAnc oi|a aca ^eilm -poig ^A cotti^iionu^A-ó Cpjiion 50 Aoibm. Ace niA cA|AtAt) 50 b- puit Aon 1AUD A15 Aon neAc -oe'n AiA-ocivuinne yeo, \,e ^At) a bAincAf te n -tilt At) niA'f a coil e lAbjieA-o ? ppeA^Ai]! p|ii- onfA CA-p: CoTTi Iuac juf m-beit) nA -pcpiobcA leigre lAb- ^AOCAT) CA-p. bi cjieAt) n'-olige n-UllAt) 'ptiAif5Ailce A5up a yoclA leigce Af ajit). A^uf pciiiobcA n-6oluif ^SUf ^^AbAiji nA n-Aimppe. Ann pn "oubAiiAC An p§ : UAt) ca^aIa-ó 50 5- clAoneAnn An Ia Anoi-p ceit)mif 50 "Ounfobepce, blApirAt)- muit) An yeyy aca ^leiu^ce Ann, A5iif AniA]\Ac beit) fcpiiobcA n-CocAit) ollniAn b-po-olA leigce Ann cluAipceAnc An pobAil. LA]inAtTiApc bi nA poclA leigce Aip An m-bpuiceine, A^uf ai]\ cpiocnugAt) ^oijieA-OAii nA bulfOi|Ai*óe Af Apt) : SeAfeAnn neAc Aip ih-bpuiceine n-UllAt) A15 iA]ieAt) a ceApc? A^uf cluinceAji 5UC 5A pAt) : Aca itocIa A15 'Puit)ip t)e cloin th- bmcoip Ann A]At)CAn vo cluAip An pig. T)e b|ii5 fin bi 462 ptJi'oi^A 5;tAoit)5ce A-p coTTiAi]A An AiA-ocpumne A^uf tAbAijA -pe A cA-poit) : Úu^ piJA|A ceAn "oe tiA bpeiceAtrinAi'b n-Apt)CAn •oo 5leic "OA beipeAig ^^tif "oa cao|iai5 "oe A-pneif pui"oi|\ A^uf HI |\Aib piii-oi|i ^tAOi-o^ce a -pocAiiA AH ^-cluAi-pcig te -pi^eA^pA-o, A^u-p -oeii^eAnn Pua]a 50 m-bu'D e|Aic iat). Ai|a aii A-obAii pn pi§rie pui-oi^ cotiigAiiim A^uf inftug ^nioniApcA b- puAji 'OO Ce-OAit Ail cpeAbAon A-p a cion, acu hi eifC|:Ai-o CeiiX)Ait tei-p Acc umnctiig aitiac e 5A ^aa*ó : A TTieA-peAnri ^uiDi|v 50 b-pof|AtiigeAnr> |"e ^tocIa cpeACT) ha H-'otige Hibu-p peA-pjA HA ptiA|A AH b|AeiceA-m ? Uime cuiH^eAnn 5^eic ahha feitb Ayineif b-puitji-p. 1p AH pH "oubAiiAC SiotugAt) t)0 ScAjACAn a CAITIC, 'o'ei]Ai5 An ^Mg 5A Apt) : A cIatia yiopcAOinie n-UtlAt) 1^' CetJt)Ait A5Uf puAp A feA-peAtin niAfluigce, acc ni 1 Ul- Iat) !, oi]\ 111 jAAib tlltAt) cioncAc teo. 1]^ mo bA|AAniAit 50 m-beit) ScA]\CAn ÍAnfAfCA te ^rocÍAib ah pig. bi-óeAt) cpo- CAipe A coninui'De a *ouL te ceApc mAp a conroAit. UpcAf- nuig CeuTDAib A^up PtiAp -poctA ciAeAct) riA n-'oti^e acc tia]a pigne ScApcAU An nit) ceu'onA ? til b-i^uit jTocAt Ai|A cpeACT) nA n-'otige CAbAipc ceAt) •00 -poclAib ScApcAn nibup ttiu^a 'nA "oo 5niOTTiA|ACA ^-Cetj-ÓAit A^u-p b-puAp? CpeuD munAc 'puix)epAX) Ceu'ÓAit A^up puAp nibup mugA Aip CAicAOip in-bpeiceATTinAip, acc pAnpA-o a Ain- mnA Aip pot nA ni-bpeiceAtri, mAitle te A-obAp a pmAccugAt) ? SeAppAt) mAp buAncoTTieine An c-otc a pigneA-OAp, 50 m-beit) AnnA n-uACAine pAicciopA "oo cac Ap peo puAp peAp'OA? Le nA tinn pin -oubAipc An pig : Cpeu"o rriA pigne nA pi]\ peo 50 cioncAc b-pei-oip 50 pigne An ce gnit) An CApoit) AnnA n-AgAit) 50 cioncAc, cuAit) puAp A mugA po.n cuip, but) coip 50 m-beit) An cuip pop pcpuit)uigce Ann cAtAiii n-Apt)CAn 50 m-beit) An ccApc t)euncA t)Ap poctAib cpeAct) nA n-t)tige it)ip Jteic A^up puitJip. A^up Apt)uig ScApcAn a guc 5A pAt) : 1p mop cpocAipe An pig ? Anoip Aip eigin cpiocnuig ScApcAn 464 A f'ocÍA ntíAi^A ctuinceAji ^uc AmeA'p^ An ftu^g cajac ciom- ciott -Ml b]AUiceine ^a pAt) : A n-eifceocAt) An |Aig le mo |?oc"LAib? Ouc A |Aig cl^on "oo ctuAi-p 'oom -pceut C|iAt)5ce i-p mi]"e e^An-pA bocc! U]aac cAn5At)A|\ nA -poctA •oo'n pig a-ou- b^i^Ac: bi-ocAt) -00 fceut •óubbponAc in-pce. Ann pn. ÚAinic C^n-pA Af coíTiAi|i An AiA-ociAUinne A^up te 5tJC qAA-ó^ce ■DtibAipc: O A. jAig peApeAnn Ann -peo A15 C0TtiT)e- AccAin leAC A^ii-p te n-Aii-OTtiAicib CAtiiiAn UttAt) -peA^v a cmncuig tiiAC5Ai|\ cig m-bopluAC 50 bpon, bi cpiu|v ttiac A^up "OA mgein A15 OopluAc clAn CAnpA. Anne nAc cuAit- 1115 An pig X)e TTlAffA A^uf SuitcAnA? Ha b|iiongeAtlA -po- Aitum A iriAijAeAnn te tinn p|AucAib n-T)iibA pAoi cnoc m- bAAÍAn ? CUAIT) tTlAff A Ann COTTlttJA'OOip tei)" A ACA1|A A^IJI* A TTiACAip 50 SeAtl/At) Ann 1TIa5ttio]a, le cteATÍinAf x)eunAt) le IIoIat) A^uf ^eill 50 ■pAcpó.-o pi mA]A beAnceite 50 m-boc tlotAt) Ai]i ceAcc CiAtJinnugAt) peo cu^Ain. Ace ai|a 'oul attiac •oo'n pceul 50 pAib An oip ^eAÍtcA cum po'pugA'o, ni Aon Acc iomt)A ceAn^A -oo pic le cnuc coppiugAt) Ann mem Aguf cpoit)e ceAccA|A aca, Anoi-p bi -pceut ^up pAib RoIat) fo^^- lAA-DAc te lomopcA mbpomgeAtt ^'a meAttAt), Apip ^up pAib TTlAppA ceinn te pun A^up peApcgpAt) a CIÍ5 pi 50 ITlApAnog. ITlAipeAnn Anoip Ann cippionAib ^^eAnnA-oun peAp a comgAip Ann ctuAipib tTlAppA poctA neAmgtAnA pogpAnA -o'lnpin. "OeAp^uig eu-OAn nA teinb te nAipe. TTlAp An ceu-onA tAbAip pe -oe bAogAitcib cApc AnnAp tiomciott mA poppAt) RotAt) An bpoin^eAtt. tliop Aicnuig 465 bo^'tu-^c Aon b^NogAil ii^n |'aiccio]' "oe b^M^ 50 pigrie -pe •OaNcd^oi. Annj'An An Aim^-i^A y^x^ bi A^ib^Np, euDAit, ^gup m.Noni A]\ fAic A^o^itin, a^uj" cuit) f^j^f^ti^ te ]\ioneAt) teif An tDeopuig Ai]\ An bocAp, acc ai|a bAlt bimA]\ A15 CAittcAt) A]^ A]\neif, bi Ap mic A15 ^o]\f*Ai|Ae ^"^uy to]\5AT)A]\ An ^At)- uit)e, t)o bi -pe a]\ ^-coirmpfAn teA^AtnAp Ap 5-CApoit) AnnA- ^Ait) An 5AT)ui"óe A]' cotiiAi]^ b^\eiceAtTi, a bi mAyi An ceut)nA A]\ ^-coniujApAn, inifAmAp t)o An put) a CAplAt), A^up p^^p- U15 bopluAc 50 pcpui-opAi-o An cuip. Ace T)'pATi An bpeiceAiti bo"ÓAp t)o Ap 5-ceipc. ÚAinic bo A^up CAopA A^up mionAn ^A-obAip Aip Ap mon^peup, Aip An bAlt cuip An bpeiceAtii peo ceipc Aip bopluAC 50 b-ppeA5pocAt) Ap A coTTiAip "oe'n nit) ut)? ÚAinic boptuAC A^up ppeA^Aip pe cAn5At)Ap Aip peocpAn Aip moc- AÍAnipA. Hiop glAoit) pe cluApcig 5A pAt) : AcA mopconie- uccA A^AtnpA eA-óon UAt) An pig. *Oeipim A^up gnmim ! TTIa pAcpAt) muit) Ap coniAip An bpeiceATh peo le CApoit) ni eipc- uigeAnn pe tinn, acc hia ^ni-oeAnn neAc CApoi-o Ann Ap n- A§Ait) Ann pin 50 -oeiiTiin eipcuigeAnn pe 50 x)ubcpAccAc te •ouine 5-ceuT) 5-cluAip, A^up ÍAbpeAnn pe An cAin Ann Ap n-AgAit) niAp t)uine ^-ceut» T)-ceAn5A. Aip pcpuitJugAt) Ap 5- CAp ^niTÓeAnn pe An uile Ann AonpeAp, ni b-puil cluAipcig no Aont)uine Aip ÍACAp acc boptuAC, no CApA no b-peix)ip An ce pigne An CApoit). Uigne An bpeiceATh peo eu^coip A^up eu^ceApc "ouinn uile caoi Aip peut) teip, uime pin ac- AiTiAp bocc Anoip SeA"ó Anbocc aca Ap 5-cipt)e Agup Ap Ap- 466 -ó.'plixNp 5^11, A^Uf T)o r^N^At^T) ATI 5etJ|ALeAntiiiic -peo •oe bpig riAc cAb|:Aip|:A-ó mui-o ITlA-pi^A a]i n-^pAt) fiiAf -00' n bpeiceATÍi •opuifAiriAit feo! Ac^'n b|ieiceAtii wo Anoi-p -peA-peAf) Aim -oo coniAi]\ O A |\ig ! A^uf if ScA|ACAti A Ainm ! Ann pn ADubAi-pc SiotAc A]^T)b]AeiceATTi T)unf obe|\ce : Ca"o e bei|i|?A"o pA-ónuife -00 ^roclAib 6-An]"A ? A^Uj" ^ryveA^AijA BAn-pA? THa 5lA0it)ceA|A .Uul. A^Uf ai|\ -piAeA^jiA-ó Uut x)o 5t Ann ]'eo Aip tACA]\. LA|AnATTiA|AAC C|AAC cpuinnu- 15 An c-A]^'OC]\uin*^e aii\ ni-b]AUiceine, feAj^uig SioIac A15 |AAt): AbbAi]\ A ScA^ACAn a tAbpocA"o Uut? A^u-p -oo coui^aija ScApcAn Ann ctuAif ceAn -d'a conToeACCAib : Cum^uig Uut a yiof Ai^e -pein. Annpn 'o'eipig An pig A15 pAt) : 1p pop ni b-]:uil CAin|:ocAt Aip cpAct) nA n-t^lige a bAincAf te eugco- M^ ^5^r eugceÁpc nA m-bpeiceAtti. Aip An AT)bAp pn a cloin i'lopcAoinie n-tlttAt) cpeut) ttia mAptuigeAnn bpeiccAiii focÍA nA n-'olige A^up Aip -oeunAt) cApoit) itia cpucuigireAp An upcoiD T)ioteA-o pe nAoi nuAipe tuAc nA upcoi"oe a pijne mAp CAin ? "PpeA^Aip An c-Apt)cpiiinne: SeAt), bmeAt), bnóeAt). A^up ITIA ciuncuigeAnn An Apt>bpeiceAm a cLuAip uAt)'n CApr oit), no TTiA 5niT)eAnn ye eu^coip Ann Aon cuif, biueAt) a 468 e|^ic CU15 t)eti5 niiAi]ie oo'r» ce jruilAn^ce upcoix)? A^uf ni fuiúe'pAi'o bpeiceATTi a -pigne 'n eu^ceApc ai|a caicaoi|i m- bpeiceATTiriAif |:eAfOA? A^tif fpeo^^jAADA]! uile : Se^t), bi-óeAt), bi-oeAt). Aguf 'oo bi mA|A pn. Aguf bi ha |:ocIa 'pc]MobcA tTiA^A cult) coihteAcnugAt) ]:octA ci^eAct) n-'otige n-tlltAt). I^^ Ann pn Aji-otiig fionn jAig UllAt) a guc 5A pAt) A-p A|At) : Cotii -pA-oA 5iif ACA i^pioiAA-o eocAit) OllíTiAn b-po-olA Ann cpoi-ocib i^ig, p|Mon|^Ait) A^uf TTiAiceAt) n-UllA-o, bei-ó Iatii cle nA n-'oUge pnce aitiac mAp fciAcconiAi|Ace do'ti Ia^ A^u-p belt) t)eA'p Iatti tAt)i|v nA n-t)li5e -pmAcctigAt) An coriieApAc. TnAji An cetit)nA t)ubAi|ic An -pig le eAn-pA: Cia metJt) a|a cAitl cu teij- An eu5ceA|Ac? Ace -ppeA^Aiix G-Anf a : CjietiD If pu A|\5 cAilt, nA|i Acuig An pj 6AnpA A^tJ-p A COtTlt)Alt A|A C0TT>A1|A ct/An nA CAtniAn. A^Uf pA|A|\Ulg An P5 : A]A 5^^c tlolAt) TTlAi^pA mA|\ a beAnceile ? A^up p\e- A^AijA ^An-pA SeAt) niAip\eAnn TTlAppA Anoif Ann bocAnAib HotAt) uAt)'n CiAUinnugAt) a cuiAt) cApc. A^uf t)'Acnui5 pi- onn t)'A AiAt)ThAop t)o ciomAnn mA|^ b|AonncAnAf t)eic biOjAAig, T)eiC CAO^AAI^, A5UI" t)eiC 5Ab|AA UAt) C|AeUt)Alb An |Alg 50 A|\- neif m-bofltJAC. 'O'pt. G^An-pA a íii-bAile ÍAn t)e tuAcgAi]!. Anoif Acntiig pionn x)o CA-p 50 ^-cumirAit) a ctuAfA -puAp- ^Aitce t)o CApoit) An pobAil. 1a]\ pn cpAltuig pionn 50 t)-UeAcnio]\. Ann)"An nAoinThA|\ bAAÍAin t>'A pgAit ctJAit) A|AX)p5 Aiyt cuAi^Ac 50 tllconnTTiAcc le -peticpnc Úopl An pg, oi|A t)o bi AnnA ttiit)e ai]a a teAbbA ceinn Agu-p AnAopt)A. 'Oo ITIAip. 469 pionn ^snn C^mjacati le fogn^f cAbAi^AC x>o ro]\l. Ace nio|i iincig ye AmeAf5 no Ann ^^ob^p muinci|\ An ^Mg, no niAice n-UlconnniAct -o'eAjlA 50 5-cop|ifA'o fUAf An^ioct) ecv*OA. nio|\ yilluig 50 -o-UeAcniop ce^n iniofA, nuig 50 "o'eu^ Úo|\l. Ok5U]' DO 5U1I jTionn e. Ann^^n cui^thAt) b^AlAin •oeiJ5 "^^ V^i^^^ b-fionn yMó^^\\ CongA^l ^ng S^Alen b^f, A5U]' Ai]i ci^eAcc -00 A]At)c]\uinne 5^^^®" ^^P ni-b|iuiteine ]AogAt)A]\ e-QCAit) rriAC ^-Con^A^t Ann^ jng Ann aic a aca|i Af cion i^igeAcc gAAten. Annj'An bAAÍAin yeo^ cAinic cpom CAbtAc mo|\ CeAnntJiDeAt) nA b-^eine, c|^ac bi DaaL Ann t)A]AA ]Mon -d'a ceAc m-bÍAc, A|"CAec Ann ton^po^AC 1mbiO|Ae 5-CotbA te cent) tun^Aib teAbAipAonA Aguf 'oa ceut) tun^A cpomiomcu]\CA, tioncA le ton A5UI" eux)Ait c]Atiinnce UAt) ^ac |non -oe'n •ooniAin. Ai|\ cigeAcc le nA ceile x)o A|At)C|\uinne n-G^]\pione Ann A]ix)]'eoTti]AAt) •o-UeAcniO|i ÚAbApcA, bi caicaoi|\ |ii§ UluonnrtiAcc CAOib fiA^A "oe cjAi-ÓAon a]ax)]ai5 jtoIIatti, oip ni |A05At)A|A yoy ceAn Ann aic Úoi|\l A^uf ai|a cpiocnugAX) An ceuo ):eAcc cuatd ah c-A|AT)c]\uinne attiac. A^uf bi moiA-oupfA nA n-A|AT)feoni|\At) ■ojAtH'O^ce. Aguf ceilAb]\ADA|i mopf ei]' 'o-UeAcmo|A A^uf moiAcouioiAAt) nA n-^AC- C|\A A1]\ lio]' ÚAbA^ACA. Anoij" AijA lonnj'uiDe -oo Como|AAt) nA n-e^Acc]AA CAinic coTTit)Ail CeAnnuiucAt) nA b-^eine Aj'ceAc Aip llOf UAbAjACA, A^Uf CII5 Apt)|n§ CeAt) -OOlb DO |AAt) A]" Apt) Ann cluAiy'ceAnc nA fluAg cpit) nA bulfoi|nb: piofi^ui^it) a cpeunlAoi^ n-6p|Mone but) cjAcife cpioóe, but) Ai|At)e cliu, gcAtleAnn CcAnuiúe nA b-jTeme mA]\ 5eAll n-6AccpA: Cac- 470 "bAji ^\\^y ton|iAc, ciA|\Thon5Ac, cuIIax) ItiiiAe^c, fciAc, cteA'oe- AÍT1, A^uy' lATin but) pu "oa cent) curiiówit ÁiiA^eA-o no pcce bonngpA|? noi|i -00 Aon -peApn - e-^i|Aione a f aic tx^nieuccAc te coll/At) ATI ttii|AeAc te f Ai'ó^, no An |'ciac te t^nn ? Acu Ann cpAcc nio|A 5nocui5 Aon tAOc An ^eAtt, o^]\ niojA yex^x) •00 Aon te bopbbeim but) t)icciottAc lAt) t)0 cottAt). If An-j^ pn CAinic CeAn CeAnntiit)eAt) nA b-^eine 50 nA|it)|vig ^511^ AI5 q\OTntl§At) A CeAn A^tlf a C-pAO-pAC pAf 50 t)-CAttA1T1 bjAonnuig t)o. An ^eAtt n-CAccjiA ut) t)o§noúui5ce. 1a]a pn ai|a n-tioig M\\ -petjcpnc t)oib iriAiceAf A^uf c|AtiAit)eAcc da n-A|AmA A5tif tuijieAc, ceAnnttig pjce? p|Aion|'Ait)e, cinp]A cj^eAbAonA An pobAit mAitte te ^ac ci^euntAOc ai|a -peut), t)'A eut)Ait cut- tAi'óe tuijieAig, CAcbAiji cteAt)eATTiA, A^uf "pciACA, A^ii-p 5AC uite cptJ-pcAn CACA. A^uf cAii^bAitiuig CeAnnuit)e nA b-^eine •DO CAC A15 ceAnnAc, no-p A^uf caoi nAc ^upcocAt) bo]ibbeiTn An ce ^teufCA te An tuiiieAc a tíiotm^ pAt), eAt)on, niA cuipfeA|\ teo triAp corntionAt) -pot otAin ceiccipm o^\\ -ptigi^At) fUAf nitn An TTio|Abiiite. Úa|a n-t)ei|" nA nAOi tAece t)0 fuit)e An c-A|\t)c^iiinne Apf A^uf X)'Arin pionn 50 teig^eAjA nA •pcpobcA t)A'p cufmof, '^^^V "oo bi hia^a pn. Aguf A|At)5Ai|AeA'DA'p nA but-poip-oe: SeAfeAnn neAc ai|a ÚAbA|ACA A15 lA^AeAt) A ceA]Ac ? Acc nio]A i:]ieA5Ai|\ Aon guc. A^tif cuAit) An c-Apt)c|Auinne a iri-bAite cac ^'a t)tiicce ^rein. A^uf cpAttuig A|AT)p5 50 'OunfobeiAce, A^up t)o cAplAt) ^up buAiteAt) An -pig te piAncAib AnnA cofAib. A^uf coniAiptuiJ 471 yillicpuinne AmAC, A^uf bi nio|At)U|ApA nA n-A|At)- peoni]\At) •opum^ce, A5UP ceilAbpAt)A|i nio|Apei|' •o-UcAciiiop A5- 474 •uf tno^icomopA'o n^ n-G-Accp^ ai]\ \.^oy 'Úc>-hó^]\t^ x)ó.]\ cufmoi^, Ai|^ ATI X)A]iA. -peAcc bi te^b^i^A n : CptunnueAp pigte, ppionpAiúe cinpp otlniAnA A^u-p cpeAbAonA 'n pobAit ^An mAtt Ann A|\T)peoíTipA'ó •o-CeACTTiop ÚAbAtvcA. Oip ACA cpii-OAon Cppione "potlAth. Aip fuit)e "oo'n Ap*ocpiiinne An ceii-o )?eAcc, bi Con- nuij A15 -puit)e Ai|\ CAicAoip -pig 5^^^^^* AntJAi|^ Ap-ogAiiAeA- •OAp nA bulpoipit)e : Aca cpit)Aon A'px)|Ai5 -pottATTi I T)'ei|^i5 tluA'ópui'De jMg tlltAt) 5A ptAt) : A cotTi|\igúe A^My a Ap-o-plA- ice n-6|Apione ttiaY bup •o-coit e, pAjijiirAit) ■RuA'ó|\tJi'De jAig UitAt)': Cax) ]:At) ptiit)eAnn Conning Aip CAicAoip jm^ 5^^^®"''^ 475 Aip An hóXl leim Connuig AtiriA fe^j^^-o ^a ^ao.* : A fpAoite ip pog- cui^pe nA pocbA, ^gup mA]\ ^cAbb nAp bAin An cnoc UAb- 476 A]ACA feo Le 5^^^^^"' w^'ó tAecib OIIttiaíi b-poT)tA ^y |iíac- CAtiAc 50 |iogi:eA|i An jMg autia "otiicce |?ein. Cit) but) nuAti tiomi'A TTiA fuit)pA"o Connuij; AntiA AYi-oyvig tha caiaÍa-o pn, nit)eifpn ni Aire tiom 50 c-^tAc^rA-o -pe caicaoi^a |ai§ j^^^^" tltllg 50 jlOgA-OAlA TIA pjAiori'pAi'oe A^Uf TTIAICe ^^^^^^^^ ^ AfiriA ■pig -OA^ cufmof 'o-UAriAfceAc. Aip n-t)oi5 pofHuigeAtin cac "oe cloiti rjA cAttiiAn gujA |\Aib fog ^5^^ fogriAf Ann tAen- CAib CocAit) Aip fAD An AiTTifip A cotTitionuig Connui^ uile nit) Acu 5Ai|VTn ^15? Annof 50 m-beit) fuAithneAf ^SUf fog fo-p ai]a caIatti, pubAileAt) Connuig t)Ap cufmof t)-UAnAf ccac ! A^tjf At)ti- bAi|AC 1ltiAt)ptJit)e H15 UttAt) : Hi b-^uit b|iiiiceine gAAÍen -jTAt) uA'o'n Aic feo, 'pAnn^At>muit)ne uAt) UttAt) Ann a]a m- bocAnAib cA|\c ciomciotl ÚAbApicA nuij ptiTAit) a|a n-t)eA|\b- lAACApe? Aguf T)o tAbAi|v A|\t)peAii -jAig ITIuniAin An caoi ceut>nA. Ann pn x)'ei|Aig Connuig ^a |\At) : bi-óeAt) mA|A pn. t^AjinAiiiApAc c|AiAtteAt)A|A ppon-pAi-oe A^uf mAice jAAÍen 50 b^iuiceine ITlAi^nAp, Aguf AnnA ■pui'óe mA]A AHt)C|iuinne t^ogA- t)A|A Connuig AnnA p§ Af cion gAAÍen A^up plleAt)A|A 50 ÚAbA^CA. A^uf pjne TltiAt)|iuit)e ye^y t)oib A^up t)o uite coiVicionot 70511^ t)o ÚAbA|ACA Aip An ftige UAt) bpuiceine tTlAignAf. Oip At)iibAi|AC TliiAt)ptiit)e liompA UufCA^A : Aca ^uil ctom Tniipet)Ai5 otc AnnA^Ait) ctoin SeAT)nA. TTIa ^nit)- ceAjA An -peif feo aija UAbA|icA beit) lociombiAAt) a ceAn^An nibuf TneAfA *nA cat) a tiiein. "Oo bi uite cpoit)e tioncA te tuAcgAiii. LA|AnAniA|AAc ftiit)e An c-A|it)c|Auinne Apf Ann Apt)- 477 f'eom^\Aió T)-UeAcmop UAbAj^eA, A^ri]' x)ub|iAT)Ap via butfoi|Mi6e Af A]\T) : a\ca c|Mf)ó.on n-6p|Mone ^rott^Mti I Ann-pin 'o'eipig 'RuAt)|Auit)e ]Mg tJlto.t) A15 |AA"ó: Cpeut) ttia I'lU'opAi-o Connuig r^5 5^^^^" AnnA A]\-o]Ai5? 'Oo cui|a cac a t)eAf'LAtt« pu^f. 'O'ltntig Connui^ ^S^r PT^^onfAi-oe jA^NÍen A^uf ApT)feA|\ A^uf pinohfAi'óe tTltiThAin attiac 50. Iia^mÍ, a^u^ "oo cuip An Ai^t)C]iomfeA]i Connui^ Ann^ fume Aip, Aguf te^^ -pe An eip- Aon Ai]A A ceAn. ^S^f "oo ctJi|A Ap-ofeAp ^15 llluniAin An jAlgbA^C A1]^ A ^UAltinib A^Up plteA-OAIA A|Aip 50 tD-Cl'n A^\"0- feoTh^AAt). Annpn cuAi'óeA'DAtA attiac te ceilAb]AAt) mo|Afeif t)- UeACTTlOp AgUp mOIACOmopAt) nA n-^ACCpA A1|A tlO|" ÚAbA|\CA. 1a]a I'ln cpiocnui^eA'DAii An -oajaa |?eAcc 'oa|a ctifmof. A^uf* X)o bi -po^ '«J.^uf 'po^nAp' Ann CjApion ai]a pAt) ÍAeceAt) .5- Connuig AnnpAn feAccniAT) bAAlAin -d'a ^i^Ait cuAit) Ap-oinj Aip peit^ ^Z^V piAt)CAp5Ai]Ac 50 gtcAnncAib •oiotTiA|AAib n- 6A|Ab, Anoif "00 cAptAt) ^uy bpi^^uig pAt) itio|A cjnt) p-Aine nA feit^oipi-oeAt), A5Uf "oo leAnn Conning A^uf a pui|\]Aion e A^u-p niceA-OAjA e An Va ut) A^uf lA|\nAniA|Ac jngne An pAÓ mop piojApeAfeAt) Ann ceA|ActACA|A tocAin uip^e, Agup -oo 5IAC Conning 5t^im ai|i t^nn uAt) lAth cm X)'ACtii'oeAccAib ACC -pAOlt A -pUipjAIOn e X)0 bACAt) ACC l^peA^AI^l A|lT)|llg : A m-bAineAnn -pAicciof le niAC Cpmion ? A^up ai]a AiA-ouig a tATTi te cocbeim cAbAi|AC, mA]A p^Aig ceincijAeAig cu^ An pAt) ]AUAci]A ^5^1" cottiiig -pe Conning cpit) An c|Aon6e. Ap'ouige- A-QAiA A cA|An le linn nA n-uip^e. bi eugcAoin ^^uy 5eu|A- guit AnnA "óiAg, oi]A bi Connuig mui|AneAC fA]At)ilip t)o cloin 478 r»A c<^tniAn. Ac^ Aimp^A IMgAile ^-Conning AnriA A|AX)|\ig yon Cp|Mori feAcu b^^lAHie 50 glAn. Aca a ttio|aca|aii 5l- 47U. UeAcniO|A, Aguf mopcoino^xA'ó iia n-G^crpA ai]\ tiof U^b^^^tA, butfoipnoe o^i" A]\t): 111a cu■)ceAl^ niAic "oo ]ng, rriAitib Aguf beAnc|^ACc tlltó.t), A^uf "oo ^Mg, rriAicib A^uf beAHcpAÓc ^A^len. A^uf -oo ^Mg, niAicib, a^uj' bcAncpAcc tUcontiniAcc leAtneocAT) Ap-ojAi^ haoi t^ece ha nioi|\freife 50 I'eAcc A^uf yicce ÍAeteAt), Annof 50 m-bei-6 a f'Aic atti A15 An fttJAg a^ CAinic cu^Ainn ua-o ^ac |Mon "oe'n •ooniiAii ? Cui|AeAt)Ap uile ceAccoijAeAcc 50 'n AjAtDiAig A15 jAAt) : Scat) O a ^Mgl buo AnniAic iinn. Aguf "00 bi uite C|\oi"óe ÍAn "oe tuAcgAin, A^Uf 50 "oeA^AbcA but) •ooAi^ieATTiACA coíTTÓAit, '0|\or>5 cottinieit- in^ce. t^AOc]\A, euccoi-peAt), c-AOfo^, u-AOf ceoit, cupA'obincAOf, A^uf tTiAepcAOf. An c|aac cAinic An AiA-ocptiinne le nA ceite An "OAiAA -peAcc, teigceA]! nA 'pcpiobcA X)ó<^ ruymoy, ^S^f 5lAOi"óeA'OA]A nA biitfoijiwe Af ajat) : SeAfeAnn ncAc ai|1 ÚAbApcA ^A iA]\eAt) A ceA^c ? tlio]\ i:]ieA5Ai^\ Aon ^uc. Ann- ]'An ■OA]AA bAAÍAin t)e jngAil AiA-o-peAiA yMó.^]\ lliiAt)|Atiit)e ]ii§ tlllAt) bA^', tiy\\ -pigAit "oeic A^uf pcce bAAtAine. Aip cige- Acc ie nA ceite do A]\T)c|AUinne UllAt), -pogAiDAii "piACA mAC 1luAT)]\uit)e AnnA ]\^■^ sy cionn tltlAt). Annf An 'peii'eA'ó bAAÍ- Ain t)'a "pigAil "o'eug A]AT)^eA|i. Aip ciAumnugAi) "oo nAp'oceu- inne IlluttiAin ai]\ Tii-b|\uiceine po^A'OA|A OilUob 'oeApbpACAi|\ n-A|AX)|:eA|A AnnA ]\^•^ ^y cion ITIuthAin. IIIa]! An ceuT)nA bi Oitliot -pogAigce AiA-oiMg Aip UAbAjACA. bi meAf A^uf ^eAnn A15 uile pigeACC n-P-|Apione ai]\ Oittiot A|AX)]Aig, Ajuf cotii x)Ain5Ain buAn bi ^ ,5 '^Z^T T^S^T^ fui-o An caIaivi nAC |\Aib .480 -cothgtic no itn|ii|" te -poc^AugAt) ai|\ b-^TAt) n^ cjm tiiiAipe "oo ■nAoiTTiAt) bAAtAin -d'a l^ijAit ■o'eu^ OittioL TligAit, e-ocAii) mic n-Ap'OfeAii feAcc bAAÍAine. 387 50 •D-ci 380. Tl. C. (peuc AnnAtA pigeAccA n-6|i|Aione. An 1. ^ot. An 6Q. "otjl). Aoif An T)oTTiAin 4416.) Anoif iA|\ bAf ^5tif At)leACAt) Oittiot itlotcA AiA-oin^, TCAngA-OA^A ppionfAme A^iif mAice TnuniAin ai|\ iti-b|Auiceine, A^ti-p •pogA'OAiA e-oCAit) TTiAC n-AjA"oi:eA|i AnnA -pig A-p cionn TDtiTTiAin. An ctiAc ceu'onA imuigeA-OA]! nA ciipA*óit)e "oeAg- cAppuiioe ATTiAc A1|\ ipwx) tute UAnAfceAc n-6p|none ^a -pAt) : "S^n mAtt cjAuinnceAii "pigce, ppionpAi-oe, cinp|A, otlniAnA, Ajuf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil, Ann ApT)f'eotn|AAt) x)-UeAcmo|A ÚAb- A]ACA, Ol-p ACA C|A1t)A0n 6|A|iione irottATTi. A^uf c|AUinntii5 An c-AiA-ociiiiinne 50 CjiACAtiiAit, A^uf lo'ei-pig UufCAp An c-A|At)ollAtTi A15 i^At): AcA cpit)Aon e^|A|M- one ir-ottAih. "O'eiing Piaca ^15 UttAt) A^up 'otjbAipu: A CoTiTptAice, A^uf A SAopctAnA nA n-e-|i]none, c|iac l^igo^it A|A'opeA|A pop CpjAion bi -pog Aip An caÍaiti, oi|a bi A|A'opeA|i AjATJAigAinceAc, c|AocAi|AeAc, ceAjAC A^up pAoi Oiltiol -oeApbiiA- tAi|A n-AiA-opeAp bi'n pog ut) meu-ougA-o Aguf leAcnu^At) niiig 50 •o-pApuig -po^nAf mA|A bÍAc Aoibin ai|\ -puit) uite piigcAccA n-C|Apione. AnnfA nA lAecAncAib wo cAngA-oAii pog, eA^nA, CAi^Abe, AoibneAp, mo]ACAitt, ^guf ínopttiAiceAp Af cionn nA 481 CAtTTio.Ti Toe bpig fin cjieut) mcv puoefAio Cocaid ttiac Apt)- ye^p Ai]\ cit)Aon C]A]\ione. o cui|t fe AXi ceifc ceuTJtió. Aguf riA ]:ocIa ceuoriA 50 mime, Aguf lAbAi^t l^e TTiAp 'ouine o^nn ugx)A]AAf A15 ]\c>^x) : An if e "oo bApo^tiiAit* A A^v-of-e^]! tiAc éug bAo.1 n^ tiAoi "oligte x)o ha tiaoi cpom- ye0 ultTTItlgA'Ó A COltltAiltlCA, pATl ATH CeUt)nA cuip Ap-opig ceAccoipeAcc 50 'Opomc pig tltconnrTiAcc A15 pAX): TJpiAÍteAt) T)pomc te neApc a ApmpluAg cAppriA M'iy^e Ac- tuAin. Agup ^luAi-puig Aip^eATjttiop te ftuAg ApmgtetipcA n-UttAt) 50 •o-ci'n "oeAp A^up CApuig teif ApmpltiAg corrig- nioiTice An 'OAnAAn -pAoi cnuic 5-CpuACAin uAt) 'n piop. UpAc popping Ap'opig 50 pAib ApmfltiAg HlurTiAin A^u-p 5^^^^^ coTTTóttii^ce te tiA ceite AnnAice te biopcobAip nA Dui'óeAiTi- Aine Aip ttlAj n-Oipip, X)o cuip fe TTlAeptAoc ceAnp'eAp "S^e- AnnAX)uin te butf oipib 5A pAt) : Cat) ciAtttngeAnn An ihop cpuinnugA'ó peo "oe ^AippAib nA cAtniAn ? A f it-pcAp Apip •pint An 5AAt? Ft^eA^Aip "OAipe pig TtlurTiAin : A CupAt) jteAnnA-ouin ni miAn tinn acc ponn An AUpAinn a lotiipeAcc •oo cpuic An |vig. Anoip ni pAib a teici-oe AipeA^thop Ann uite n-6ppione te 'ompeAcc ceot ceu-OA nA ctAppAig. A^up ^-peA^Aip TTlAeptAOc: TTIa ca pcpeAt)Ait tucc •o-cuicime Ann lopgut ceot -GO ctuAipib IDAipe, but) coip 50 pionpAt) e pein ATI ceot lit) A ceut)UAip? Acc peuc Anoip cut a cAinic Aip- 491 A|AtnfluA5 gAo^len, ^^uy 5luAifui5 Af leo fein, Aip feucfunc pn -00 "O^Nipe cjAiAlluig guf fefAn le ceo^nn "oeipp 50 1Tlu- TTiAin A^uf jeutv-teAnn A|ax)|ai5 a to^Ag acc mop P5tie ^pm- fluAg niuTTiAin ope^fAni no fuipe^c nuig 50 cpeAfnuigeA-Oo^iA 17lo.5eAt)A]A fAOi leic A ceile, a^ui- lonnyumeA-OAp An cac, A5iif nio]\ b-fAt) A pAib An caú ai]a bun nuiAp cuicuig "OAipe te beim choice upcmpce Af cpAncubAil. Agtif bi lugA-o TTiAC "OAipe S^Ttip 'oe Aoif fe bAAÍAine "oeu^, a CAinic le t)A C0Tht)eAccAib 50 'o-CA'p|Dui5 AniAc tJAt) bocAnAib pig 1Tlu- TTiAin le feucpnc a acai|a cpAc cuAilmg fe 50 pAib a ACAip Aip AcÚAip, Aguf cpoit) fe cpeunTTiAf le CAOib a acaji. Anoif Aif cuicim vo X)Ai]Ae tuincuig AfiiifltiAg ttlurhAin a Cul Alf fAobAf An CACA, ACC "00 CA1C An flgDATTinA lugAt) e fein Aif cionn cofp a ACAf, Aguf bi ^eibce A^uf coi^ce Af COthAlf Af-OflJ, ACC lAbAlf Alf ^eA-OTTlOp 50 5-CineAlcAC leif AJtif "00 5Uit)e An c-o^Iaoc 50 b-fui^eAt) fe ceAt) CAfn •00 Af -01115 Af cionn A ACAf ? Aguf f f eAjAif Aif geA'OTTiof : Ueit) A leAnb Aguf beit) mife conroeAccAiTi leAC. Aguf bi CAfn tDAife "oeuncA Aif An aic Ann a cuicuig fe. A5Uf ■00 bi nA bAifo A15 cAnAt) eu^cAOin 'OAife, Aguf t)t!ifiii5 Aif5eAt)rtiof 5UCA clAffAig Ann conifonn le guc 5- 492 clAiA-pAc b-ple TTIuniAin -^gtif bi beAncpAcc m-bAti Ajuf m- b-poi Tinge Alt A15 geujigmt T)Ai|\e. A^uf ai^v cui|v uAi-oe -oo Ai]^5eA*OTTio|A A c-puic -peAfuig -pe i-oi^ lugAt) A^tif CobcAc 'oeA|Ab|AACAp T)Ai|Ae, A^tJ-p •o'lonn-pin'oe CAC|AAnn ah -pi^. *Oa ^uit fe ^OAipve bl/AU tTlutTTOin A15 p\At) : 1f coi|a A^tif •olif- ceAriAc "oo ^uc A^u-p "00 ceAn^A cpeunÍAOAig euccAi^ -oa •motAt) cpAc hac eipceAtin a ctuAf Aip ad a-óítia^i pn he\t THolAt) ^loipve A^TTiApi *OAip\e mic 1be|i acc beit) AijA^e- AtDtiiopi AnriA cofx) 'oe fiACA pvi^ 5^^^®^ ''^^ ^T^^5 ^^^ eii^ce- Ann A cluAlf. A^Uf pbeA'OA|l ItJ^At) A^Uf CobcAC A^tJf TTiAice ITIuitiAin te AijigeA-otrioii ^'a bocAtiAib. A^\\ c|\iAttuig. AiiA^eA-otTio-p 50 •o-UeAcnio|A bpumnuig a eAc AinluAC beiceAc but) -oeipe AmeA-p^ eACAib An -pig, a^u^^ -oo bub -pe lu§At> 50 TTitJipineAc A^uf CI15 fe bAth CAjAAncAf '00. Upveo^itiig Ccac •oeApibpvACA-p t)|iomc Ap\mfbuAg An TDAnAAn Aip\ Aif 50 n- tl icon nth Acc, A^uf •o'imcig *Op\omc le AjA-oiAig 50 •o-UeAcnio|A., A^Uf "00 CU1|\ AjA-OjAlg CupiA'ÓI'Óe "OeAgCAppUlg AmAC A1|1 -ptUT) nA n-6|Ap\ione 5A -pAt) : C|AuinnceA|i t^igce, p|\ionf Ame, cinfip, obbttiAnA, A^tJf c|ieAbAonA 'n pobAib Ann Aji-ofeoniiAAt) x>- "CeAcitioiA UAbApcA ^An rriAbb Af cotriAi-p aia-oiai^, acc Ann c|AAcc -00 pACA jAig gAAlen cuipi fc cfeAccoipteAcu cinnce 5A •pAt) : PiAeA^Ai^AeAT) fiACA ^15 jAAben Ann AptjpeonipvA'D t)- CeACTTio|i ÚAbApvcA At)bA|i c|AiAtlce A|nnpluAi5 jAAlen Ann, A^Ait) AiA-o-pig ? An c|AAc "peo TtiApv An cetJ'onA cpuinnuig Apit)- c-pumne TDuTTiAin Aip ni-b|Auiceine AT^uf |\05A'oa]a CobcAC "DeAii- 493 bpACAp "OAipe |Ai§ tlluTTiAin, AnriA jm^ o nA mAOf Alb : ciomAinuigit) nA bA 50 t)-ci cAÍAm fig Ulconn- mAcc mAf An ceut>nA cuif fe ceAccoifeAcc 50 'Ofomc: Aca An t)AnAAn A15 ot An cuac fcAfb t)e Aft)ciof A^wf ca in^ but) mAic mA m-btAffAt> cufuAif cuac milif nA ceifc? lAf pn cfiAlluig Aft)fi5 50 "Ounfobefce; Ajuf ^lAoit) fe Aft)- cfumne n-tltlAt) 50 tTi=b|iuiceine3 A^uf bi uile fOCAl t)e fceut. b-fiACA A^uf tDAife Ajuf An co^At) fi5neAt)Af, leigce Af Aft) A^uf fOclA cfeAct) nA n-t)li5e A^uf leAbAif nA n- Aimf If e. Uf AC Af t)5tA0i'óeAt)Af nA butf oif it)e : SeAf eAnn Aon ncAc Aif bfuiceine n-tlllAt) A15 lAfCAt) a ceAfC? Tliof 495 fl^cA^AijA Aon guc. Ann fin bi nio|if"ei|' fei-ógce Aguf t^n- 5 t)e "pigAit AijA^e- At)iTiop t)'eu5 Aptif-eA^A pfionfA n-6|i, Aguf t)o 5U1I UllAt) e, A^uf t)o ciii|A A^Aopig A TT1AC bAtJO^An AnnA fuit)e Ann aic pig Ann "UtÍAt), A^uf t)'ACin f e t)o : 5^ 5-conineA|iceoCAt) fpiofAT) An c-AOfog, 50 g-cuingfAt) nA b|AeiceATTinA CAob fcig "oe*!! tjtige Aguf nA cpompf AnnA n-Aic fein. Ann^An ■peifeAt) bAAÍAin ai)a pcit> t)e pigAit Ai|A5eAt)TTio]\ t)o caiaÍaó ^u^A t)'eu5 piACA 1115 5^^^^^ '^5^r -^M^ cigeAcc le nA ceite t)o A]At)C]Auinne gAAÍen Aip iri-bfuiceine |AO§At)A|A "Ouac hiac b-pACA AnnA pig Af cionn g^AÍen, Ajtif mi tiAt)'n Ia ceuo- nA fUAiii 'OoccA o.|\t)otlAm UltAt) bAf. Aguf cigeAcc te nA ceile t)o coméionot nA n-ollAm |i05At)AiA CnpAcc AnnA n- 496 A|iX)otlATti. AntifATi c-occniA-o bA^tAm pcit) 'oe ^aiJaiI Ai]A^e- AtDiTiop -puAijA Cobc^^c "P15 tnurhA -poclA 'da|a ullmugAt) cojAt). 1a]a fin -a'pll Ap-ofig 50 "o-UeAciTiop. If Anoif CAifb^meA- ■OAf tugAt) A^uf 'OuAc A Ai^ne, oif cit) 50 fAib focÍA n- "OuAc CAfAncAi^, nit)eifpn bi a cfoi-oe t^n -oe ce^l^ bi ctin^ Aintn- cpoTTi, oi|A bi A eifAon A^uf A -pigbpAc Ann UeAcniop. An C|AAC bi AjA-oiMg •out CA|A y\\ut Ann |\At)Aipc ^-coTTilAnn ITI11- TTiAin Aguf 5^Aten connAi|AceA'OA|A ^\y^ caca -oe TDAnAAn Aguf 5einci|A A15 cigeAcc Ann cotVignionice t)0 Aji-opig, Aip An bAll CUAIt) Al^thftuAg 5^^^^" ^^P C^^i 01|A "00 TTieAf 'OuAC gUjA but) lAT) cuit) 'oe cothl/AnncAib UltAX), acc Ann c^acc fCAfuig AjAmfluAg triuniAin uttniuigce )?aoi teiú ai|a fAobAjA caca: Úaia feAÍ Aip feucfinc "oo 5^^^^" ^^^ V^^^ T^" ^T^^ caca acc p|v uAt)'n *OAnAAn Aguf 5einci|i, cAinic a tuc Aguf a cpeu- neACC A1|A Alf, AJUf ptteA-OAIl 50 |rA0bA|A CACA mA|\Aon te ttluniAin. Acnuig Ai^AjeA-onioiA •00 nA butf oipib : g^^-^T^^"" A'p'0|M§ 50 UeAcrTio|A nA bAc AonneAc a coif ceitn. ttlAH An ceutDnA -oVcin a^-oiuJ: If KTlAf feO uttTTIUl^CeAjA An CAC, cpoit)fAi"o coiTitAnn UttAt) A fUAtip ^5V>f A tAnnffic AnnAgAi-o gAAten, fCAfeAD 499 An 'OAfiAAn Aguf An pii^neAt AnnAgAit!) ITIuTTiAin nuig 50 TTi-biMffA-o tltÍAt) 5^^^^"» ^"" P" cioc^At) Ann cottigniotn ■OAOib te CAob]AUAci^\ A1|A IlluTTiAin. *Oa]\ pn ionnfui'óeA'OA|i An CAC, Aguf Aip An ceuT) ]\uaci|i cuip Aiiv^eADniop ncA^c S^Aten bt^ifce Ann cul|nc, acc ai|a loiAui-oeAt) tugAt) ^^uf TieAjAC tTluTTiAin teif An IDAnAAn Aguf nA "Piji^neAc, "00 cul- |MC nA piiA^neAC -poim An ceut) |AUAcip, cit) cpAcc x)o feAf An tDAnAAn 50 qAeunniA|A acc -00 bi'n y\\yt Ann cofAthlAcc lopgoÍA Aguf cotncA'p5Ai]\c ucbAfAi^, oi|A cAinic comlAnncA tnuniAin |Aoime o^guf AnnA ciomciolt, Aguf mop imtig acc cupccAn "oe'n 'OAnAAn i^ÍAn caja An AtriAin. Ann pn tdjauix)- eA-OAp tugAt) A^uf neA|AC ITIuniAin A^uf AiH5eAT)TTio|A -^.^uf coihlAnn tlllAt) A^uf ciAoi-oeAp le cpo-oeAcc A^uf "oiAnciAeun- Acc, A^uf yoy mo\\. ÚAinic bAt)0|An Aguf ApmfluAg UIIa-o Aip t)ei|AeAt) Iac CU1C Ai^i^eA-ottioiA bio|\fAi5ce te iomx)A ^oincAib. Coni tuAc ^Uf CUAltulg 'OUAC 50 -pAlb AIA-Opg niA^lb Af Icif 50 UCAC- Ttiop A^uf AiATn-pluAg gAAlen AnnA conituAt)oi|i, A^uf cuAit) 'OuAc AfceAc Ann -o-ceAc An p^, acc C|AoiX)eA*DA|i tu^At) Aguf ApmfluAg 1TltiiViAin coni fA-oA ^uf bi lAom i^oltjif ai|\ An ITIAI5. lyApnATTlApAC CflAllui5 f^U^S IVIUTTlAin 50 T)-UeACTT10|A ÚAbAjACA. Anoif Ai|\ cigeAcc "oo bA-oopn ]?uai|i ^-e nibuf TTiij^A'nA feAcc mile conAblAoig mA|ib ai|i An ttia^, Aguf but) lonroA pponfA A5iif ceAncottilAnn ^5«^ cpeun Iaoc bi nnA TTieA-pj. A^uf ai|a •pcpui'OU5A<) colnA nA TtiAipb bi nA joince 50 leup Aip a^aiu, nio]A pAib acc beu^An culgoince- 500 At), -oe b|M5 fin -oub^Mpc b^-oopri : CpeuT) mo. ca An t^ feo C|AAc geujAgotA 'oo CnjAion -poi" if t^ ^topTTiAjA -00 •oiAnc|\etin- eAcc tAOCfAt) tlltAt) ? A5tif fo-ouig t)AX)0|An •oeic A^uf cpi pciT) cLiTiop Oipt)eipeAc Agmo^pl. An TiAoinniA'o l^ebAit^. An -OAitA c^ibmil -oeug. tlig^il n-'OuAc "oeic bA|\ b^tjopn mAC but) pnne Ai|A5eAt)TTio|\ ^nn^ |n§ Af cionn tltlAt). Aip ciAumnug^t) t)o A|At)c|\uinne n-Cppione Ann A|At)feoTTi|AAt) t)-UeACTTiop UAbAjicA, bi 'Ouac jng 5^^^®^ lAO^Aigce AnnA A|At)|n5. Ueif pn to^fuig ahiac fCAjig lu^At), A5Uf t)'innif Af A|AT) Ann ctuAifceAnc An pobAit 50 jiAib cuin^pAt) coniei|Ai§e it)i|i e -pein A^Uf 'Ouac mA|A -peo: ITIa CAbAi|A|:Ait) coTTignioth t)icciottAc te cÍAn 6p t)o buAileAt) pAf 50 |Mon|:At) lugAt) Aguf *OuAc e-|^|none Acc|\Aib. Anoif niojA t)ubAipc *OuAc 5U|A bpeug An fceul, nAc pAib teiciDe cuin^pAt) Ai]\ bun, acc if e At)ubAifc: tlA|t cug lu^At) coni- gmoTTi t)icciotAc t)o, uime fin bi gteo A5Uf cloimpoif eAc- C]\Aib uile lAece n-'OuAc. TTlAifeAnn UllAt) fAOi fog ^guf fognAf ACA fmuAince ^guf Aigne bAt)oi|\n a 5-comnuit)e Aip 502 cuhath UtlAt), conineA]ACUi5eAnn ye fpiotAA-o An c-aoi^o^ ai^i^ fuiT) riA CAÍniAn, cAbAi^veAnn cuai^ic cpACAtriAit 50 5^6 mu|A- n-ottATTi Agtif A-otibAijic: If betig ah bpig ■^u\\ cM^\\ CocAit) OtÍATtl "PcotA fUAf TnU|\-n-ottATTl "O-UeACtTIO]!, Oip ACA riA otttTiAnA 5 An micleigeAn acc An ciiac m-bit)eAnn ceAn -00 niACAib 6|A AnnA ■pin'óe A'px)|n5 ipo\\ 6|\pion. If Ai|t An r-A'óbA]A fin aca fi^ce A^tif mAice ITIiitTiAini Agiif 5^Aten 5An fiof nA fioffione Aguf a ^aaI A15 "oul te fAn I 111 TTieAfuiJeAnn fiAt) An eA^nA nibuf tritJ^^'nA meAfuigeAnn AnfAt) An tuin^ ÍAn -oe etJ-OAit, aca a AnttiiAn- CA 5An ffiAn jAn ciaIU If Aigne muincif jAAÍen -oo teAnn nA Cfomfif, ACC if Aigne ihuincife ITltjniAin •00 feAfctcAnni co^At) rriAf 5|AeAnn feineAnn fiAt) AmeAfg tucc joince Ann -pticc bAif imi|ieAnn fiAt) foince A15 ciomAinc cpeAc. ^A^Ann. tIttAt) 1AX) Ann ftige a cteAcceAiri. La Aceinc ^eibfAit) CA^nA An uAccAf? Anoif t)o CAfÍAt) Ann •oeicniAT) bAAÍAin •oe fi^Ait n-tDuAc mA|v AfOfig 5111V cufuig tugAt) co^At) AnnAn-A^Ait) A^tif A15 ultirmgAt) a AfrnftiiAg AnnA neAfc jttiAifiiig fe Aif jAAÍen, A^uf. Ann cfAcC ciomAin fe AfinfttiAg jAAlen foiihe eAt)on 50 ITlA^nAffAn A1C fin fi^ne T)uac Aguf a conitAnncA 01 fe- Af ATTl A^Uf ullnitJlgeA'OAf f A01 teiC cum CACA, Cf OI'OeA'OAf CAC initeA'OA A^ihA^v cAfc ciomciott UlAgnAf eAt)on bfeiceine jAAlen A^uf bi ct^omfi|^ 5^-^^^" -^^5 coTtinieAfgAt) fAn cfoit) A15 ^peAfugAt) An jaaL acc t)'ACin tu^At) -oo nA bulfoifib 50 n-glAOi-ofAt) Af Apt): 603 A 5Aifcuit)e muttiAin cuipui5it) n^ c^iompp AnriA tofc, oip ACA lug^t) mAC Ibep ai|a a ftige 50 t)-UeAcniop U^bAi^tA. Agtif mop jreut) "oo AiAmfluAg 5o.<5.ten tu50.t) t)o bo.CA<). AmeAf5 uAf^iL ^guf lopot Annf^n có^c \íx> cuic ceiCjAe mite it)i]i eu^coiiA Aguf eug. Ajtif éuic 'Ouac A|\t)|M§ joince 50 t)uilcAC Leif ATI 5aaI, oi|a triAp Aip t^ CAéA n-Apt)bpeACAm TiiO|t cAifbAin fe e |rein -oo Ai|A5eAt)TTiop eAt)on ai^v An Ia feo, mop cAi-pbAinfe e ^ein "oo tugAt). SeAfeAnn a cApn CAOib fiAp t)e bpuiteme TTlAignAf, oip if Ann pn aó- ieAcceAp e. An nAOintTiAT) leAbAip. An cpeAf CAibiT)it "oeug, TligAit tugAt) mic tDAipe, ceicpe bAA^Aine 340 50 x)-ci 336. R. C. (peuc AnnAÍA TligeAcuA n-6ppione An. 1. -pol. An QS -oui- teoj. Aoif A 'OoTTiAin 4463. fAOi Ainm tugAt) tAig-oe, Aguf AnnAlA 5-CltiAimnicnoif.) Anoif -00 cpiAÍb tugAt) Ajuf ApmfluAg TTltjniAin 50 t)- UeACTTiop ÚAbApcA Aguf cuAit) tugAt) AfceAc Ann ceAC An |Mg, Ajuf cuip fe tuAitmApcAig AmAc Aip fUiT) n-6|Apione A15 pAt) : bi-ocAt) Ap-Qcpumne n-Cppione te nA ceite Aip UAbApcA te Apoing -00 pogAt) c^ac tioneAf OAAt An pAite -peo. "Oo cAptAt) Anoip ^up peAtuig cApc CAtnAt mAicfut a po^eAceAp pig Ann jAAten, oip bi pcpiop nA ppionpAiTOeA-d A^up niAiceAt) coTTi mop pin 50 pAib 5^Aten Aip puit) a ceile, bi iomt)A ceAnpeApc gAn pogAt) ceAnpeAp, A^up r* pAib pig Ap cionn 5^^^®" ^" cpAc cAimc An ceAccoipeACv 504 te ciii|ieAi5 "00 A|it)C|Atiinne n-6|V|\ione. An c|aac fe^i^uig b^- ct^e^vbAon^'n pobAil, ^guf 111^511 jiig tUcontiniAcc ^511^ cin- p\\ tiA T)AnAAn Aip UAb^pcA, ni ^io^ib ^15 r>o p|iionfAit)e no ttiAice «At) 5^Aten Ai-p. lyACAp -^S^r "otibAiiAC bA-oojin |\i5 tlllAt) le lugAt) : A \\^^^te pofptiigeAnn fib n^c 'otifceAnAc 50 -pogfeAii Ai^Djiig coth fA-oA jwf fCAfe^snn caicaoi|\ |Aig 5^-^^^" folÍAni ? Ace flAeAjAi^A tug^t) : triA cA^itfAt) 50 fcpioffAt) AiAnrptuAg ITIu- TTiAin -pij ^5«^ puionfAi-oe 5^^^^^ ^^^^ 50 teu|i Af uptACA|\- nA CAÍtTiAn An CAic-pAit) CiApion -oe bjAig pn -oo beic ^An AiA-oiMg ? If e x)eif eAnn tugAt) mAC "OAif e : A -óeA^f i|a Ul- lAt) cei-oit) 50 bu|A muf-n-ollATTi, Aguf fCfiobuigit) 50 eAgnAc •OA|^ tugAt) mAC "OAine aca feAfT)A 5A 'pigAit caIaiti n-e-jA- •pione. Aguf 'o'imci5 bA-oofn A^uf p|AionfAit)e Aguf niAice tlllAt) A^uf triAjn ]\^■^ "UtconnTÍiAcc A^uf mAice tia 'OAnAAn A TTi-bAite 50 •o-ci caIatti a comntJit)e nui^ 50 fogfeAp fig Af cionn 5^^^^"» -^S^r cuAit) l.ugAt) A^uf pfionfAiúe A^uf iTiAice ITIiiiTiAm (oif bi cinpf fogAigce 50 CApptiig Ann aic A chid utile fAn CAC) AfCeAC Ann AfX)fe01Tlf At), A^Uf t)0 ftiit)e fe Aif An cfit)Aon, ftit) e An jAifm Aft)fi§ a bi A15 tugAt) iTiAC 'OAife. Ajuf Aif fuit)e t)o lugAt) Aon bAAÍAin AítiAin mAf Aft)fi5, Aif cigeAcc cfAc glAOi-D^ce te nA ceile Aft)cfiiinne n-6ffione 50 t)-UeAcmof ÚAbAfúA niof imcigeA- •OAf nA tuAicctif A-oi-oe AtTiAc Aif fuit) n-6ffione. Aif ah c- At)bAf fin cuif bAt)Ofn Aot) a ttiac but) finne Aif ceAc- 505 coi]ieAcc 50 ITlAgn yvig tUconntTiAcc le ^roctAib 5A yiat: Ai|i n-t)oi5 A CA^A r>i coi]\ Apt)óiof X)o t)iot •00 \\y^ ITIumAin m^ Ajuf 50 cinnce cuij^fAit) 01 p aca fe 'o^s.nA, a^ttiaia, biT)eAt> cufe peit) Ai|A I'uit) uite n-UtconnniAcc, Aguf fogAi^A mi-pe Ann 'Ouni'obepce t)e |:oclAib tug^t). Anoif cpiAlluig Ao-o 50 ■oeA5'Dun TnAt;n Ann CpuACAin Aguf -o'lnnif -00 tTlAgn |:ocIa a aca|a, te pn "oo CAplAt) 50 5-connAipc i^e ttlACA ingem |AOAttiin ITlAgn, Aguf tAbAi^A ftiit nA b|\oin5ile -d'a c^oiúe, A^uf cti5 ye a feA|\c T)1. A^uf plluig Aot) 50 'Otinfobei^ce A^uf -o'lnnif ^-e ^rocl^ TTlAgn x)'a ACAp 5A pAt) : 5° "oeApbcA •oeun^At) TDAgn -oe |Aei|A -poctAib m-bA-ooiii. t^e nA tinn pn AT)ubAi|AC Aot : X)o connAijAc mo fuile^A ITIaca in5ein ITlAgn Aguf tug me 5|AAt) mo c|ioit)e Aguf mo feA]Ac -01 cat). T)eip mo aca]a? Aguf i^iAeAjAip bA-ooiiTi b-feit)in 5111^ ]iAib cu pocAppuig Ann T)o -pogAt) ? Ueit) Ai|i Aif A mic 50 m-bocAnAib TTlAgn A^uf ^An Aon ■oei|:p|i -oeun vo jAogAt) mA|A cAifbAin^Ait) 'oo ciAÍt. 'O'imtig Aot) Ai|i Aif ^suf -o'lnnif fe a cuAififg -oo IllAjn, A5Uf bi ITlAgn lAnfAfCA, A^uf •00 5IAC Aot) An 015 ^SUf pgne fe a AfAf Ann "Ounfobefce fAoi CAmAÍ. Annf nA Iac- cib feo 'o'eu^Tlof pfionfA n-6f jAn clom, Aguf X)ubAifC Aoi) leif A ACAif A5iif A t)eAf bf ACf Alb : tTlAb-f uigeAt) Aot) ceAT> Aft)eocAt) fe A botAnA ai]a Af t)f ceuleACC ? Aguf cuingocAt) fe An cuin^f At), bi focÍA Aot)A CAicneAniAc T)*a ACAip Aguf A •óeApbfACfib, A^uf AfX)ui5 Aot) a bocAnA Aip Aft)fceuteAcc. 506 Anoif cuAit) tiA bAAÍAine tó^\\x: uao ^n c|aac 'oo iropgtAc ttlJAt) ClAI-OAOtl 6|A|A10ne ACC 50 -foil t110|A 1<\|A|Al1lg ^'e AlA-OCIOf UAt) "UlconnniAcc, Ace m\\ b^f tn-bA-ooiiAn cjaac cAinic a^vo- cpuinne n-tHlA-o ai|a tTi-b|Auiceine ^ogA-OAp Aot) atitia t^ig ^f ciotiti UttAt), An c|AAc ceu-oriA bi 6ocAit) t)eA|AbpACAi|A n-'Ouó.c 'pogo.igce Anno, j^.ig Af cionn jA^len, Ajiif pofuig fe 'O^pinA mgein tugA-o mA|i beAnceite. If Ann pn t)o cAifb^in tug At) A Aigne. Aip cijeAcc tio ttlAgn Aip ctiAiiic 50 ti-A^-OfceuleAcc o^\^ If Ann fin fof •oo niAi^i Aot), cmp tugA-o ceAccoijieAcc ctn^e 5A fiA]i]itii§: Cat) ai|i fAt) figtie fe fin? A5uf ft\eA5Ai|\ Aot) Ann cluAif An ceAccoife: Coiti tuAc ^uf CjAuinnfAit) tugAt) AfX)cfuinne n-e-|A|Aione te nA ceile Ann AiA-ofeomiAAt) •o-UeAcnion ÚAbApcA, ffeA^^iocAt) Aot) x)o focÍAib tujAt) Af coniAiii An c-AfociAtiinne. Ú|\aú cuAituig tujAt) fj^eA^iAAt) Aot)A nnontiig fe -OAp cteA'óeAni IDAiiie a ACAf 50 uniAitfAit) •oioiTieAf UttAT). Aguf ciJi|i fe butfoi|iit)e Aif fuix) Gf^Aione AI5 fCAffUgAt) fOctA bfetJ^ACA Ann AgAlt) Aot). Aip fioffuig x)o Aot) gnioiTiAfCA Aguf bfetJgA lugAt), cufiiig fe A15 cpuinnugAt) n fe te cuii^ah A^uf cotAmAn riA caca o^\\ fAOiteAnn mAC ÍTlApéAig lit) 50 but) fupiif 'oo pc Af éionn cIah 6]aI Uit)eAt) tJtconnniAcc rriAp ati cu aca jieit) le teimnugAt). *0*Atin Aot) : bi-ocAt) An co^At) -peo bpuccugAt) cAOib muig^ UllAt). Anoi-p bi Aigne bu^At) tioncA, cottitTieA|'Ac, Aguf mion- 1115 i^e 50 ■o-ciOTTiAnfA'o Ao"ó CAob -pcig mupcAib n-*Oun]'o- bepce. ^N^uf 50 -o-cAiipAn^pAT) Af fin el Aguf comcpuinnui^ fe le nA ceile AfmfluAg Annio|v blAC A^uf neA]AC ITIumAin A^uf ^luAifui^ fe 50 T)unt)Al5An 50 COTTlTTieAfAC. A5tlf *00 gbuAlf AftTlftuA^ UltAt) •OAjA nAfAlb cogAD mA|A miiinui^ SeA'onA. 1. bi 'n mAfcfbuAg, nA up- cuifiúe, Aguf nA fAi-D^oifi-oe feAfeAt) ^An meAf^At) Ann CACAib Aif 5AC CAOib "oe nA cothtAnncAib fAOi beic. An C|tAC 'DO connAifc lugAt) Aot) A5Uf A AfmfbuA^, A-oubAi^Ac Aot) : tliof f Aoil Aot) fig "UIIax) 50 cif i-o lugAt) Aguf f if - 61 Of A com buAic A15 niAfbugAt) CAbAth "UtlAt)? If feo An ceut) bA, bi-oeAt) ^uf An bA "oeigonAc aca, fcuAibuigit) Af UfbACAf nA cAbiTiAn lAt). Aguf figtie AfmfbuAg UlbAt) cfe- unfUAcif com obAn nAf feux) -oo comlAnncAib bu^At) ublniu- gAt) 50 ceAfc riui^ 50 buAib neAfc tlblAt) offCAib, A^uf x)a tuic tnibce ITIuitiAin, cit) fOf ni fAib AonlAOc UAt) UbbAO ^oin- ce, Aguf bi Aot) niAfcuigeAcc Aif CfomAin a CAcriiAfc, Agup 508 •o'Aéiíi •00 HA bulfoi|Mt)eA'ó 50 n-glAoi'ófAi'o Af ó^\yx): 5^uai- l^eArin Acó |\i5 tlllAt) ti^st) Apt>fceuteAcc 50 •o'UeActTio|i, An bAC|:ovT) At^'0|\i5 tnuTTiowin a cof? Acc c^inic tu^At) e^Don Aip i'AÍ HA bulfoiiAi'óeA'ó, coni tuAié juf conn^ipc ye Aot), -pic AnnAgAit) 50 ■pA^iTTiileA'OA, Aip aíi b^lt 'o'ionri'piii'óeADAii A ceile, Agiif "oubAiiAc Aot X)A.\\ cíe^tQó.m A'\\\^eAX>mo\\ ni fiubAilirA-o tugAt) nibtai" fuitíe Aip caIatti tHl^Nt), A5Uf fut pio|Aco]AmAn riA cog^t) "oo h\\e\t tltt^t) ^n buAit), oif bi tti^AX) niA|Ab. ni-oeiffin ÍAi'tiig "P^^PS UIIat) A^uf ceApeo.*od.p conilo^nncA ItluniAin miig 50 bpifceA|A, /^juf cuiciiig cuig mile p|A. Acc •o'imúi5 An i:uiteAc te |?An, ni -pAnAXJAp te coin ItigAt) "OO iomciii|i leo, Aguf ai|a geujAleAnnugA-o -oo glAoit) ceAnfeA|\ 05 RACAboc Af Ap-o: Cad cuige a Iaoc|aa'ó lA'0|\e ttluTÍiAin An -oeifpiv coni mojA nAc coi^eAbAp lib coin bll|\ "PI5? -ACC X)0 COllATTieAfg |Alg tHlAt) gipAt) ^A jlAt) ! poll, foil A 5^1^^"'^ J CllAlt) Itl^A-O Al|l TTItjgA ACC "Oiol fe gO •OAO|l Aljl A CO]A? U^AC C0rtlA1|ieATTlA'0A|A fluAg UllAt) bl tlOk bulf oipi-oe 5A AiA-ou^AT) A f ciACA Af cionn Aot) ! A^tJf if niA|A yeo X)o f cfiob Aot) 50 TTlAjn : AcA lu- gAX) jAig ttluniAin mAfb Aif ITIaj 'Oun-OAl^Ain, aca a Ajim- f luA§ A coihnielin^c le nA ceile AnnA f ic Af UllAt) ! Oei'ó AumfltiAg ulcloin 'UIIa'ó A15 gluAifCAcc A tti-bAile, acc ceicjie cin rtiAfb Agtif cfi pcit) goince a filfAix) ai|a cAf- bAt>Aib, -oe 5AC put) eile bei-ó beul mo ceAccoife A15 inpnc ■óuic. Aguf bl cfeunpf tlllAt) •oeunAt) CAjin lugAt) Ann aic 509 50 'Ounfobe]\ce. vVgu^^ ceilo^b^AA-OAiA tnopfeij' Aip ^^-o do^oi t^eteAt). An n^oiniTiAt) tcAbAip. An ceicpeniAT) CAibiT)it -oeug. UigAit Aot)A mic bAt)oi]in t)AY'óeu5 bAAtMne 336 50 X)-ci. 324. U. C. ("peuc Ann^t^ pige^cc^ n-6|ipione An, 1. pol. An 68 x)uileo5. A01]" An 'OoniAin 4470. "Paoi Ainm Ao-da HuAi*.) Úa^ -oeif bAf tug^t) Aip 1'í1a5 'Ount)Al5Ain clinic ai^-o- cjAuinne IHuTtiAin le no. ceite Aip TTi-b|Aiiiteine a^ui* |Ao§At)A|v AongAif "oeAiAbpACAip Iu^a-d Ann^ lAig Af cionn ttluniAin. A5iif cuAit)eAt>Ap tuAic ciipA'óit)e ahiac ai|a -puit) CjAjAione A15. 5IA01C Ap"OC|iuinne n-Cppione le nA ceile Ann AjiDfeothpAtv •o-UeACTTioiA ÚAbApcA. Aguf Ai|i fume -oo'n A]AT)C|Mjinne b\ Aot) ^AogAi^ce Ai]i An ceux) -peAcc, A^tj-p bi nA |'C]AiobcA tei^ce t)A]\ cufTTiof, A^uf "o'lmcig An c-Ap-ociMiinne ahiac A5- uf bi moiA-ouiifA nA n-AiA-ofeomiiAt) "OiAuiTDgce. Aguf ceilAb- |tA"OAp mo]Af*eif "o-UeActTio]! ^S^f t^o|Acomo]iAt) nA n-CAcc|AA Ai|A Uof ÚAbApcA, te tAucgAip Aguf nio|Aceitn. Ai|i fui'oeA'á ■oo'n A]At)C|;uinne An 'oa]aa ^cacc, "o'eipig Aji'Dpig ^S^if 'oub- Ai|Ac: A CoTTiftAice n-6|Apione ni b-fuit \\ux> ai|i bic A15 ApT)|\15 X)0 bu]\ 5-cluAipb ACC A bll1t)eC10f 'OO jAAt), 01|1 ACA f05 A5Uf fojnAf Af cionn e^jnon. Aguf -oo leig enjiAcc An c-AjA-oollAtTi fOclA teAbAip nA n-Aimppe Af Apt). A^uf Ai|A An c]AeAf Ia fOCÍA cpeAct) 'oU^e n-C]A|none. UpAC Apt)- 510 iJeA-OAiA An c-A|\T)C|Miiiiine attiac Aguf cpiAteA-OAp a ni-bAite 50 •o-co.lo.TTi A cotiintii'óe. Agtif ciAiAttuig Aot) 50. t)tinfobeiAce, A5tif -oo ^Iaoix) fe Ai^-ociAunnrie ti-tHl^t) Ai|A th-bptiiceirie Aguf cui|a fe CiombAoc mAC b-pionn mic Ait^geA-otiioiA ATinA fui-oe Ann aic ^115 "UllAt), Agtjf but) gne- ACAc -oo CiombAoc 'oo triAip ati AiA-ofceuLeAcc. Am Aip bit cioc|:Af Aot) 50 n-UllAt) mAipeAnn -pe beugAH ÍAeteAt) Ann 11)11 nfobeiAce, A5tif Af pn jnnoeAnn -pe cuAipc úa|ac ciotticioII nA CALniAn, Aguf mA|\ An ceuonA ceiueAnn fe 50 n-tllconn- TTiAcc Aguf TTIaca AnnA coTTituA'ooi'p tcif, Annof 50 b-feiic- f'Ait) pfe A nitiinci|i. Ann c|ieAf bAAÍAin -oe t^i§Ai.t Ao-da |?UA1|A Cn|AACC An C-A|A'00ttAni bAf, AgUI" Aip dgeACC X)0 nA oltniAnAib te nA ceite Ann muiA-n-oltAiri 'Ounfobe|Ace bi'n coTiicionol/ A15 jiogAt) tTlAot AnnA Ap-oottAni tHlAt). Aca 6|\|Aion -pAoi fog Aguf fognAf Aip uile CAob, oi|\ pubAileAnn Aof) Ann ftije a aúa|i glACAnn fe OocAit) ottAtri 'po'olA mA|\ A 'pio|\f'omptA, niA|v An ceti'onA ^pA-ouigeAnn CiombAoc An ceA|vc Aguf An eAgnA, ni b-|?uib ceAn -oe'n ftiocc nibuf feA|A|i 'nA e. g^Aoi-oeAnn Aot) Apt)C|Atiinne n-6|A|Aione le nA Ceile 50 C|AACAtTlAlt Ann A|\t)feOTTl|AAt) T)-UeACtTIOp ÚAbApCA, A15 uttititigAt) 5AC cuftiiof "OAp t)ti5e. Anoif AnnfAn T)ApA bAAÍAin x)eiJ5 t)'A |^i5Ait ■o'itncig Aot) uAt) bocAnAib CiombAoc Ai|^ cuAi|An 50 n-tllconnThAcc Aguf ITIaca teif Aguf |AAnic fe botAnA cinp|A llACAboc A^tjf Af pn 50 n-uifgib n-Apoin 511 CU5 fe A tAtii x)o IIIaca le cotTi5nioni c^b^ipc "oi le ci^eAcc ^i|t bo^AT) Aguf T)'imci5 A cof uAiúe Aguf 0.15 cuicitn bu^il A te^ccin Ai]A lombeul tia tongA, Aguf "oo bpucc ^mo^c ft^ut fol^ ^5«r ^w^^© ^t^'01^15 S^" cojApugAt), Aguf cAr>5o.'OA|A tia ppgncAC niAitte teif a fuip|Mon cajac AntiA ciomciolt, A^tif iomctii|\eA'OAt^ e 50 'o-ci ■oeAg'Oun 5-CiombAOc A^uf TTIaca A15 fpcAfCoit Alp. Aguf Ai|i An I A cAjA -oeif cigeAcc 50 5-coth- Tiui^e 5-CiombAoc t)'eu5 fe. If Atin fin Aif AfOfceuleAcc ACA A cAfn -oeuncA. Aca tUtA-o AgtJf 6|A]Aion A15 geuiAguil Ajiif A15 ffeAfA 'oeo|AA Ann mofCAomce Ann-oiAg Aot). X)o figAit fe mAp Ai^-ofig 6^f|none T)AYt)eu5 bAAÍAine 50 ^ÍAn. An nAOinttiAt) teAbAif. An cui^ttia'o CAibi'Oit •oeug. tligAit Hof mic n-'OiTTitiin mic AifgeA-OTTioit bAAÍAin AtriAin. 324 50 t)-ci 323. H. C. (IpeucfA AnnAÍA figcAccA n-Cffione. An 1. fot. An 68 -ouileo^. Aoif An 'OoniAin 4477, fAoi jAifm tlof 'Oico^AbA TTiAc n-tDithum. peuc mó.\\ An ceu-onA AnnAÍA 5-CtuAinmicnoif.) Anoif Aip c|Auinnu5At> te nA ceite -00 Aft)cftiinne n-Ut- tAt) Ai]i th-bfuiteme le fig "oo fogAt), T)'eifi5 5m^^^ ceAn- f CAf TlACAboc 5A f At) : Cit) nAc b-f ml Aon f ocaI no Aon- nit) coifmeAf^At) p|nonfAit)e Aguf niAice n-tlllAt> uad fo§At> Aon ceAn xje'n fliocc AnnA fig, nióeifpn ni but) gneACCAc 512 •ooib •out CA|A An mAc but) pnne ^An A'óbo.p lomlAn Aca tiile rriAC Ai|i5eA'otTio|i mApb, aca bAT)opn a brn aic a aca|a TTlAjAb, AgUf ACA Aot) A bl'fl A01C bAt)01|\n tTIAjlb, nio|\ "o'lTAg Aot) Acc leAnb beAtroA AnriA "óia^. Aca Koy rriAC ti-'Oilttiuin If po\\ feAceAnc ceitAbpAt) A5Uf iTni|\u b-feA|i, acc yoy aca fe Iati -oe ca^ha, ni coi|^ x)o y^t riAC pu yiigAit e, -oe bpig riAc. b-fuit ye A15 5Ai|ACAil Agiif A15 iAtA|ieAt) An gAipm? Aca Ainm 5-CiombAoc mop A^uf ApDceimeAc ai|v ^at) 6|\|none, jl^A-oiiigeAnn -pe An ceA|ic com mAic fin 50 b-meAffAit» fe fi5eAccA n-tHlA-D fo*OAOf mA ^eibfAix) fe An gAifm te Aon ^muiAnce AtriAin AnnAgiAt) tlof? Aguf •o'eifig CiombAoc Aguf A-oubAifc: THo fiOfCAoim m-bin'oeciOfA "00 5^P^"ó ceAn- fCAf TlACAboc, cfeut) mA figAiteAnn Hof AnnA fig Aif cionn tlllAt)? Agtjf CAifbAineAXDAf nA cmpf a •óeAfÍAmA mAfAon. Anoif -oo cAflAt) nAC fAib Hof Aif. ÍACAf Aif m-bfuiceine A5Uf niof fiofftiig AonneAc cia fAib f e, Ann fin "o'eifig CiombAoc A15 f At) : A pfionf Ai-óe A5iif A liiAice ceAnnuig liomf a 50 'Ounfobefoe Aguf ceilAb- |iAmAf moffeif cfAC bei-ocAf nA tofjoifiue cuAifcu^At) Ann •DIA5 Kof ? A5uf t)o bi mAf fin. A^uf vo fCfiob CiombAoc foclA A cuif fe Ann Iatti 5^ca lofgoif e t)0 tlof A15 f At) : "Oo bi pfionfAit)e Aguf mAice n-tlllAt) 5A fo^At) Uof Ann AonfeAcc AnnA fig Af cionn tHÍAt), mAf An cetit)nA C115 CiombAoc A jeAll nAc belt) cuf a t)ut AnnAgAit) a gf At) ? belt) CiombAoc A15 comgniom teAc com fAt)A ^uf if mAic tcAC t)o beic At) AonfeAf. 513 ■puAiiAeAOAp Hof A15 pubAit Ann Aonfe^p Aip bpuAc iiifge n»N b-"poifce o^nn CAlAm n-Ap'OC^n. Innij'eAX)^^ -oo An cuif Aguf P^^^S r® ^^o 50 "Ounfobepce, Aguf é|\iAltui5 fe 50 TTi-bpuiceine, A5Uf An c^At cuAiluig fe nA ppionfAi<)e Aguf nA niAice 5A pAt) Af Apt): SumeAt» Tlof ai|1 CAitAoip |\ig UllAt), 5eAlui5 fe A^uf t)eAp5ui5 ^SUf cpicuig -pe ^aoi feAc, Aguf Alp feAfeAt) -óo leif An eifAon A^uf An pi^bpic ^ÍACAt), "o'lmcig A cof uAi-óe Aguf beugnAc nAp cuicuig fe, A^Uf ptlUl^ t® A ÍATTI ATTIAC 5O ClOHlbAOC ^A pAt) 50 CAOITTI I 1tlA jTAn^At) CiombAoc AnnAice tiom feAf^TAinnfA feAi'-OA 50 •ceApc. Aip filcAt) "ooib 50 'Ounf-obepce bi'n pig Ann a fui-oe -AmeAf5 nA ppionfAiOAib Aguf nA mAicAib A15 An feif, acc ■cit)ceAp nAc pAib ye fAoi -po^nAp. LApnAniApc x)ubAipc An pig te CiombAoc: bit)eAt) cufA Ann 'Ounfobepce A^uf nA l5it)eAX) lomnit) ope fUAimpA A^up te pin "o'lmcig pe teip. Annp nA ÍAecAib peo •o'lmcigeA'OAp nA cupA-ome ahiac Aip ^10 Cppione A15 gÍAOic riA pigce, nA ■ppionpAi'oe nA cinpip, tiA ottttiATiA, Agtip cpeAbAonA 'n pobAit 50 •o-UeAcrhop ÚAb- -ApcA, A^up bi CiombAOc A15 lAppeAt) Aip pig UllAt) 50 pAC- ^At) pe le nA ppionpAib A^up nA mAicAib nA CAlmAn le "puit)e AnnA n-Aic mAp but) coip Ann Apt)peoTTipAt) t)-UeACTTiop ÚAbApCA. A5UP tj'imcig pe t)Ap coniAiple 5-CionibAOc. Aip ptinóe -DO^n Apt)cpuinne, t)'eipig ceAnpeAp lApnA 5A pAt) : Cpeut) mA -puióeAnn flop ttiac n-tDilniuin mic Aip^eAtJtriop UAt) pliocc Cp Aip cpit)Aon eppione? -Agup Apt)ui5 gAc a t)eAplATTi. 514 Ace mop cuAit) Hof Am^c 50 tiAf^it cw]\ ttlAgn -pig Ut- uonnniAcc ah eifAon Aip a ceAH, Aguf te^».^ ce^^trpe^p ÍApriA An pigbpA^c Aip A juAtAiti-Mb, Agtjf 'o'lomcuip tlof e yem Ann 5AC puT) niAp btí'ó coip -00 Ap'opig. A^uf bi nA fcpiob- CA teigce Ajuf niO|if»eif ti-UeAcmop A^tif mopcoTnopAt) nA n- 6AccpA ceitAbpA'óce -oaii ctifiiiof. Aip cpiocnti^A'ó mop feAf AonneAc Aip ÚAbApcA A15 lAppeAt) a ceApc. Agup cuai-o Ap-opig teip A pmppion Aip cuAipc 50 mup-n-ollAiri "o-UeAc- rhop Agup cmngiiij pe conipAX) teip nA ollAtrinAib Agtjp nA TTiACAibleigeAn. TTlAp An ceu-onA t)iibAipc Ap-opig te CongAAL ppionpA n-6p: ^AnnpA Ann "CeAcniop Ann aic n-Ap-opig, nA cpmnn puAp Aon put) "oe op no "oe eii-OAit a bAinep teip An ^Aipm, Aon put) nAc b-puil caiII AgAt) Aip cAbAip gAn tuAc -oo nA pitib A^up nA bAp-OAib Agup pop •oo'n ce aca 'nnA 'oeopui'óe Aip An caIaiti. "Oo'n ce A15 a pAib a pAic nA CAbAip, cpAC cAbAipeAnn -oo -otiine ttia j-cuAitpAit) -00 ctuAip btll'ÓeCIOp nA bAC -00 IaITI, ACC ttia g-CUAltpAlt) blAt)- •ooipeAcc mbup mugA 'nA'n ceApc nA CAbAip An bpioncAnAp. filing Ap-opig le ppionpAib Agup rriAicib tlltAt) Agup teip a puippion pig-OA nuig 50 pAmc iiip^e n-eit)ep. AnnpAn aic pin 'oiibAipc te CiombAOc: Ueit) 50 'Ounpobepce rriA bi-óeAnn Aon put) te pA-o teAC nAc pioppuigeAnn cu pein 50 -oeApbcA tAbpocAt) me teAc. lAp pin tj'itncig tlop Aip pmbAit Aip coip Ann AonpeAp -oo'n oipcip te Aip uip^eAt) nA mApA mopA. Anoip Aip An -OApA bAAtAin cAp 'oeip a pogAt) AnnA n-Apt)- pij^ x)o tAptAt) gup cAinic pocAt ceAccoipeAccA 50 "o-ci Ciom- 510 bAOC 5 A ^^<^t) : A f aoi aca Tlof Anno. luit)e CK^\\ te^bbA ceinn ^nn co^Iatti tTlA5infe, <^5Uf c|maIIui5 CiombAOc 50 CAPPU15 Aip Aif teif An ce^ccoipe o^guf fiiAi|A fe A]At)|\i5 Ann bocAn bocc A^uf but) lo^x) An gAd t)0 bi 5A fpeAfcoil Ai|\ ^5Uf gui^e CiombAoc 50 •o-cioc^At) 50 'Ounf'obepce acc nio]\ Alt leif. Oi|\ AT)ubAipc : 6At)on niA but) tniAn liom ni C15 liotn ACAitn Anoif com ÍAg, ACAim Anoif Ann ^ucc mo bAif. A CiombAOc eifc te mo f*oclAib: beit) cufA i^ogAigce AnnA ]\^■^ Af cion UllAt) aca uite ceAngA t)'A molAt). Oip t)0 beAtA nA cuip t)ocuf Ann ceAn^eAji ono|AC]AAOfAc no Ann ^AAÍ ^uitecpAOfAc. 1T1a ctAon|:At)fA t)o t)uine An meut) 50 cioc|:Af |Ao fo^uf t)uic A^uf connAipceAf nAc pu mo|AAn e nA fCAi^]\ Amui5 a luce x>e bpig 50 |AAib fe |\oime feo ^ojuf t)uic AcAi|A AmeAf5 cloin nA CAÍíhAn if coi|a 50 b-fUl^CAt). Cottigmom iiACAib, o^\\ if ofCfA clAonAtJAf. peuc A ^lombAoc If fe^t^r ^5"r ^r cinnce t)o t)0cuf t)o cuif Ann mile mnAib'n Ann Aon fCAf AmAin. AcA'n fcAp ccaI^ac lioncA lAn t)e bfeug. bit)eAt) cmeAlcAc t)o mnAoi A^uf ^eibf Alt) cu t)0 cineAlcAf Aif Aif uAiéi mite nuAipe. -A5Uf t)'f Af An fig nibuf meAfA, Aguf guiue CiombAOc 50 t)-ciocfAt) An I1A5 Aige ACC ni but) Ait teif A15 f At) : tli b-fuil CAitt A^Atr: leif cAim CAice, ca mo ceinneAf gAn bifeAc. "CfAnn CiombAOc leif t)e to Aguf t)e oidcc A15 ffCAfcoit Aif Ann uite f ut) f lAccAnAc acc ni glACf At) f e lAt) A15 f At) : Ann t)A lAe ciocfAt) geAlteAc uf Ann, leif pn ciuncfAit) Hof ^ 516 beACA -oe b|M§ pn ? Aca louine fAncug^t) a ^-coninuiióe Acc ni'óeif pn tiac beta^An ai|\ -peut) tei-p ^t^cAt) ? CoTTi -pA-OA guf -peuT) liom l^bAiji tcAC •oei|\m : tlionn Agup 'oeiin le tno tiile niAoin mA|A if- m^ic leAc, acc 'oe Apneif Agtif cjieu-oAib An pg CAbAip a fAic te a mon^f^eii- |iAib •00 lionet) T)0 ctoiti HA cAttriAn peo, oi^a cnucuig me lAX) c|AAC riAc AcirieA*oA|i me, bi me mA|i -ouine bocc AnriA meAf5, nit)eifpn bi fiAt) cineAtcAc -oom. 'Oe mo cAip\n bit)- CAt) 'oeiincA Aifi b]AiiAc An f|\ucAin -peo com aiit) juf bi me Am -peApeAt) le mo cAcbAp Aip mo ceAn. Hi x)ei^p'Ainn'pA teAC : IpAg mipe a CiombAOc oip -pAOilim nAc n-x)eun|?AT). AcA Iatti CApiAncA-p com mo|A Aguf com c|iom te -pciAc gAipce Acc te bpeic nibtif eu-ocnome 'nA ctuceAc uax) -pcicAn •0^01 tin. A CiombAoc tion -00 Aigne te •ppio|iA'o e-ocAi-ó OttmAn b-poTotA. A5tif mA|\ A-otibAi^ic Hof 50 'oeimin t)o cA|itAt), oip Ai^t AtiAugAt) -00 geAttAc "puiAji ye bA-p, X)e |iei]\ Acne An 1115 C|iiiinnuig CiombAoú An ^aaI te nA ceite A^uf A'óteACA*OA|i e Aguf A]i'oui5eA'OA|A A cA|vn Ap* A cionn com ajat) te cjieun- tAoc Aguf x>o bi nA mnA Agti-p nA bjioin^AettA 5A guit ciomciott A cA]An. Aca tlop ftoince: *1ilof 'oiAc|\eAbAc' -oe byvig 5ti|i feAcntiig pe com-pAt) A^uf aic g-comnui'oe 'OAOineA'ó.^ A^uf o'pitt CiombAOC 50 *Ounpobe|ice. An t)eicmA'o teAbAip. An ceut) CAibi-oit. tli^Ait 5-Ciom- bAOc mic b-fionn mic Aip5eAX)mo|A cpi bAAtAine, -06115 323^ 517 ^o T)-ci 310. U. C. (^euc AnnAlo. ^M^e^ccA n-6|i|iione An 1. l^olU An ()8 T)uiteo5 Aoi]' ^n 'OomAin 4484. IT^oi Ainm CiombAoc niAC b-^ionntAn. jTeuc in^p An ceut)nA Ann^lA 5-Cluó.inTnicnoif.) Anoif iA|i ni-bA]' Hoif Cjiumnuig p|AionfAit)e, cinfip ott- iTiAnA A^uf c]\eAbAonA 'n pob^il ai]a ni-bpuiceine n-UllAt) Aguf |\05^x)Ap CiombAoc niAC b-fionn mic -Ai]A5eo.T)TTiop Ann^ 1115 Af ClOn tlttAt). A^Uf CUAIt) tuAlCmA|AC n-e^^\]Mone ^a i\ó.t) : C|AuinnceAp A|i"OC|iuinne n-Gp^Aione Ann Ap'ofeoTTiiA^t) •o-UeActTiop UAbApcA gAnm mó\X oi]\ aca cpiDAon Apt)|M5 -pollAni. Ai|^ fuit)e T)o'n AiADc^Miinne, bi CiombAoc pig tUlAt) |io- gAigce AnnA A|vo]ai§ yo\\ 6^\|Aion. Aguf cuip ^e RuAt)pui'óe niAC b-ITeApTTiop tnic Aiji^eA'onioii AnnA fuiue Ann aic jiig Ann "OunfobeiAce, acc •o'imci5 ye |?ein 50 A^ixJfceuleAcc ^"^^y •oo ThAi|A |"e Ann. Ajuf ITIaca niA^i An ceu*onA ajia^" Ann te ITIaca ingein Ao*óa Aguf ITÍaca. A5UI" T)o pof CAoimbAoc An bjAoingeAtt Alum. Annj'An ct^eAf bAAlAin *oe v^^Ait 5-CiombAoc ÚAinic ITlA^n Aip cuai|ic 5'a in^ein '^5uf ^uai^a ye bAf Ann pn. Di ceAccoi|AeAcc cui|\ce 50 Ceucc a ttiac but) pnne 5A jiax) : "O'eug TTlA^n Ann A]\t>|*ceuteAcc. ÚAinic Ceucc A^uf niAice nA 'OAnAATi uAt) UtconnniAcc 50 x)-ci bocAnAib 5-CiombAoc A5Uf bi coin ITlA^n ATóteACAt) Ann uaitti fo^uf x>o CApn Aot)A Aguf bi ceicpe wCice mopA fAit)5ce ai]\ bun, ceAn A15 a ceAn, ceAn 518 Aig A coif A^uf ce^n ai|a 50.6 c^ob mó.|A UAicne buAnconi- TTieine 50 "oeo ! Ann|"Aii cuigtriA'o bAAf 50 fonnpA'ÓAc "oe tiite \\ux) A bAineAf le Ojineif CAob fcig ceAc An fig te 6fbAAt Aft)ceAnniii'óe nA b-^eine. AnnfAn feAccniAX) bAAtAin "oe figAit 5-CAonibAoc fUAif 'OAife fig tnuniAin bAf, Aguf Aif cigeAcc •00 Aft>cfuinne tTluniAin Aif th-bfuiceine fogA-OAf TleACCA-o mAC n-AfOfCAf uau eun-OA foiriie feo AnnA AfOfig, fig Af cionn triumAin. AnnfAn bAAtAin ceuonA fUAif TTlAot 619 ATI r-A|At)0tlATTI b^f, A^Uf A1]\ CpUinnU^Af) "DO COTTltlOnot HA n-OttAth ^lojAtJA]! ITIeitei^e ^nriA ri--^pt)ollAm UtlAt). Anoif "bi ce4Nc An |ii§ CAob fcig mupeAib n-A]AT)i'ceuleAcc fe bAAÍAine 5A •oAingnugAt) Aguf 5A 'oeuriAt) ai|\ An c-fCAcc- tTiAt) bAAÍAin bi -pe cpiocntjigce, Aguf cuAif)eA'OA|A CiombAoc A^uf TDaca AfccAc, A^uf coninui'óeA'OA|i Ann, A^uf utlttiui^- ceA]A mopf-eif leif An pocAp "oo ceilAb^^At). U^ac x)o bi nA p|iiotifAit)e, nA cinpp, nA olltiiAnA, Aguf c^AeAbAonA 'n po- bAil, A^uf 5AC cjieuTi ÍAOc A ^nocuig ^eAÍt ceime ai|i tiof ÚAbA|ACA AnnA fuit)e A15 bo^t) nA mojAfeife fAn ceAc, A^uf ttlACA AnnA fuit)e cAob te CiombAOc if Ann fin T)'ei|M5 niACA A5Uf -OubAlf C Af A|AX) : A Af "OniAICe A5Uf a f AOf c- lAnnA n-tHÍAt) bnóeAÚ An ceAc feo fCAftjA glAoi-o^ce : '-AoTomAgnniACAM -A^uf bi 5AC ai|a Iacaja ^^AeA-OAt) a Iattia A^uf comtuA'DAt) An ceifc Aguf A15 ^Iaoic Aoú-TTlAgn-ITlACAl!! If mAf fin CU5 ITIaca onoi|i -d'a ACAif, Agttf -d'a mACAif, A5Uf -D'A ACAI^AtTlOf ITlA^n. Uf AC . fl^Altuig ClOtTlbAOC Aon bAAÍAin x)eiJ5 "o'eu^ CocAit) ^15 jAAlen Ann-oiAg fi^AilcAt) occ bAAÍAine ficit), Aguf Aif ci^eAcc "oo'n Afocfuinne Aif iTi-bfuiceine gAAlen fogADAf ticgoine a ttiac AnnA fig Af cionn jAAlen. Anoif *oo cAflAt) 50 fAib mufCA n-AfOfceulcAccA, A^uf t)Ain5nti5A'ó Aot)tTiA5nniACA 5A •ouifeAcc eA-o Ann fijcib 1llu- itiAin Aguf 5^^^"' AniifAn x)AfA bAAlAin t)eu5 "oe fi^Ait g-CiombAOt cuAi<>eA'OAf nA cuf AOi-oe athac Aif fuit) n-6ffione A15 jLaoic An c-AfT)cfuinne te nA ceite Ann AfT3feonifAt> 520 •o-UeAcniO|i UAbAjAcA A^y cottiai|a Ap^pi^, A^uf *oo fui-óe An A|At)cnuinne An cent) ]:eAcc, -ó^Stif bi |:octA te^bAijA ha n- AimpiAe 5^^^^5 "^S^f fCj^iobcA n-6ol«if a^ui^ n-G-ocAit) 01- IniAn b-^oTilA leigce Af a^-o X)Ap cuftriof, A^uf 'o'imcig An A|At>c]itiinne ahiac A^uf ceilA'bA|AT)A]i Tno|A{:eif •o-UeACTTio]A <^5uf tno^icomopAt) no. Ti-6AccpA ai|a lioi" ÚAbA|ACA. A^\\ -pAX) riA lAece UT) bi tleAccAt) A^uf Heroine a^uj^ cuit) |\ionpA|vcAc 5A -pcApAt) 50 n-'otibc|AAccAc nA -poctow : If mAifg nAc -peApe- Ann UeAcnio|i UAbApicA nibuf 'ptiiT)e, Anne nó.c b-puit te -petjc- pinc A1|l AjA-O AOt)TTlAgnTTIACA ? ACA 'OlOTTieA'p 6|A AI5 AlA-QUgAt) ? Ace Ai|A piii'óe '00' n Afocfumne An ■oaha ^eAcc niOjA rtieAf- 1115 CiombAoc nA ^ocIa pu a ceipc. Agup bi -poctA leAb- Aip n-Aimpi|Ae n-6|\|Aione A^uf CjAeAcx) nA n-titige tei^ce Af AjA-o, A^uf ^l/AOi'óeADAf nA bulpoipiue : SeAfeAnn Aon neAc A1]A UAbAjlCA AI5 lA|A|\eA'Ó A ceAjlC. t1lO|l p^CA^Aip AOn gUC. Ai]A ciAiocnugAt) 'Do'n Ap-ocyvtiinne cinAltuig Ap-Ojiig 50 Aot)- ihAgnniACA, Aguf bi uite ai|a ÚAbA]AcA a bAincAp le UllAt) A15 imceAcc teif AnnA fuii^iMon, An cfAc jiAn^AOAjA AoutriAg- nniACA •oiibAi|AC A|\'0|Mg : If mo coit 50 m-bei"ó nA f cp lobcA ACA Anoif A '0-cAif5e Ann 'Ounfobefce ionicui]Ace Aguf teAgce Aip An bof T) ACA i^eit) Ann f eo ■ooib ? Aguf 50 m-beit) fCiACA nA 5-ceAnfeA|i Aguf nA -o-cfeAbAon cfocce Aif cfAin- ogAib Ann feotti|AAi6. Ao-oniA^ninovCA feo x)Af feAcc acaix) Ann UeActhof ? Aguf "oo bi mA]A fin. A^uf AuubAipc Ciotri- bAoc: but) miAn liomfA -00 fui-óe mA]A fig tlltAX) fAn fe- omfAt) feo Aif An Ía ceu'onA Aif a cuifceAf Aif bun An 531 uAicne A1|^ ITlAgmopfeiomnA m^\\ go^^t Scioc ^he\\ Aguf An TD^nAO^n 50 t)eo ! C^-óon ^n to. bAAÍ- Aino^nKMt An •oa^a Ia ^a^a 'óeif ci^eAcc "oo b^^t Ann t)A|\A feoni]AAt) "o'a ceAc S51C. 1. An toa^a ía T)e*n -oaiaa fCACc- TTiuin luin. Ay\\ An c-At)bA]\ pn bit>eAt> nA ppionj^AiDe, cin- p]\ ottmAnA, A^uf ci^eAbAonA 'n pobAit, nA bpeiceAmnA, Aguf An meu-o "oe'n ^aaL ai|a but) leu]i Ann |rocAp g-Cioth- bAOc Ann 'Ounfobepce c|aac bei-oeAj" bAAt •out aj^ccac Ann- -pAn -oeipeAt) feotfipAt) X)'a ceine nAoiiroA. 1. t)AAtceine. TnA]A An ceu-onA bnoeAt) nA bAi]iD nA pUt)e, Aguf nA bpoin- ^eAÍlA Ann nuitriip coiii mop guf feut» leo A15 cpuinnugA-o -Aip 'Ounf'obe|\ce. Annof 50 tn-beit) nA fcpiobcA lomcuipce Ann yeo le itiopéiAiAÍl A^uf Tno|Aceim. Ai]a cigeAcc tjo'n Ia -oo bi Ciom- bAOc Ann 'Ounfobepce Aguf uile UllAt) AnnA feAfA-ó ca^c AnnA ciomcioti. Aguf 5lAoiT)eA'OA|A nA butf oipi-oe Af a|ad : TIa bit)eAt) CAith cot)tAith Aip Aon -puit AmApAc Aip eipig t)o bAAÍ. lyA|\nATÍiA|\c "oo bi uite ppionfA n-C]i, cAinic eA-oon biAC UAt) UeACTT10|1, A^Uf uiic ceAnfeA|\, AgUf otlAiti A5U1* rpcAbAon A^uf cothtAnncA nA 5neAC5AAt ApmgteufCA Aip An ITIA5 ^^ ^^^ r^^^ |\At)Aipc 'Ounfobepce feA-pcAt) A15 fAipe ci^eAccA m-bAAt. -A^Uf bi cpi CApbAt)A peit) A15 "oopup cig An pig, Aguf mA]A CU1C An ceut) tAom ua"ó fuitib m-bAAl bi CjieACD t)tige n-"UllAt) Agup jtocIa 'O-cufniof ■o-CAnAfcCAc tioncA Aip An ceu-o CApbAX), Aguf bi pojiAn Ap-obpeiaeAiri 'Ounfobepce AnnA fuit)e Ann Aguf 'o'imci5 fe leip An gAAt 522 Ai|\ An CAob -peo 50 'o-ci'n ttia^. bi'n •o^yvA CApbA-o gtACA-ó j*C|viobcA n-Cotuif A^uf teAbAi]i riA n-Aimppe JaaIa^ ^^tif t)i Scat) aia-ooHatti *Otjrifobe|Ace AtiriA fume Ann, Agiif x)'ini- C15 50 'O-crn rriAg. Ann-pAn c|ieAf CAiAbA-o cuAit) ITleiteige A|ix)ollATh "UltAt), A^uf bi'nnA cu|iAm leAbAiji nA n-Aimp^e Ti-C|i|iione Aguf fcpiobcA n-CocAit) OllniAn b-poxDÍA, A^uf t)-imcig mAp An ceux)nA 50 X)'ci'n ttia^. bi CiombAoc a^u]" tiA p]Aion|'Ai'óe A^iij^ nA niAice 5A mAiAcui^eAcc, A^uf bi ITIaca AnnA ftiit)e Ann CAjAbAX) fe-n-eAc tonpAc te n-o|A A^uf bjieAt) te minob|^e bi p-pe ^leufCA "oaia 5tiAf -^^uf bpAc Cp\|Aione, Acc bi bApjieAT) tltconntnAcc ai|v a ceAn U^aac caij'- bAintug bAAÍ e fem, cAiAjiAngAX^A-p An -pig nA pinonfAi-oe A^uf nA rriAice a ctA-oeAniA A^uf ei]ii5eAX)A|i iat) ai|a Aip-oe, A^Uf clAOnA*OA|A An ^AaI a 5-Cin A^U-p bllAlteAt)A|A A fClACA, 'oiiifeAt)A|i nA bAipx) ahiac |:onn nA |iAnn, 'pp|AeA5AX)Apv nA fiU-oe ceut)A nA ^-ctAjA-pAc, A^tif 'peinneAX)Api nA bjionngeAllA cothguc 'n coeit, |ioinceA'OA|i nA cti|AA'óit)ebinncAOf 'oa|i |?onn riA femnce A^uf cojimAn nA -pciAcbuiAtce, A^uf bi ^leo An C-ftuAg AI5 eijAI^. A5Uf COTTI5A1|ieA'OA|1 : 5^ fAi-objieAt) bAAl obAp An jAig ! 1p Ann fin ^ÍAoi'óeA'OAii nA butfoi|\i'óe Af Apvo : 6ipc! l^Aif e ! 5^tiAif uigit) ■o'ionnfui'óe Aot)iTiA5nniACA ! Seo utlihugAt) nA ^ttiAipeAccA : DiAon cpiAn -oe nA piMon-pAib Aguf nA triAicAib A15 ceAn nA •pogcAiiAi'oe Aguf CA|ibAX) b-popvAn AnnA |iAib cjieAct) nA n-Dtige, Ann-óiAg An CAp\bAX) ut), CAn^AOAjA bpeiceAiTinA n-tlltA*D, Ann pin An "oajia 528 'nn^ l^Aib fC|MobcA n-6oliif ^gur Se^ncuf 5^^^^5» te^nneA- t)A|\ olltTiAtiA r)-tllto.t), Ann 1)10.5 '^^ olluiAn^ib clinic ITIeil^ i^e o.n c-A]\'OoltATTi le le^bAip n^ n-Aitnp^\ n-6]A]Aione Aguf ]'C]MobcA n-6ocAit) OllitiAn b-irot)lA, bi*n cpeAi^ cjiiAn x)e n^ ppion|"Aib Aguf tTiAicAib A15 gluAifeAcc f^oi teic le Ciom- b^oc Aguf ITIaca, Ann "óiAg An ^ng leAnneA■OA|^ An c-A|\ni- fluAg. fice cothlAnncA ^neAC^AAl, coffluA5 A^uf m^pcfluAg Aip An nAomniAT) Ía ^AAn^A-OA^A AoDThAgnrhACA. Aguf x)o jAeit) An \\^■^ mopfeif ni ATÍiAin -oo nA ppion- fAib A^uf niAiCAib Acc Wn fluAg iJile 50 leu|^. Aguf ceil5eAT)A|A cpAncujA te CAifbAinc aic "oo ^ac ceAnfreA^^ leif A fciAc "00 cpocAt) fUAj". Anoif Aip Cl^eACC t)0 bAAÍ An Ia Aip A cuAit) I'e AfceAc Ann An -OApA 'peoTTi|\A'D -d'a C15 S51C. 1. 1uin, ctiAit)eA'OAp An IA15 nA p|Aion|"Ait)e, nA cinpp nA oXX- TTiAnA, nA cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil A^uf nA bpeiceAThnA AfceAc Ann |*eOTTl]1AT6 A0t)ThA5nTTlACA, A5Uf -00 5IAC 5AC A^Uf T)0 fiiit)e AnnA n-Aic fein. A^uf A15 eijAig •00 CiombAoc Af caoicaoi|i |M§t)A n-UltAt) At)ubA1|AU: PiOIACAOITTI ITAllce ]\OAtTIAlb A pjii- onfAit)e Aguf A fAopclAnnA u-tlllAt) 50 SeothpAt) Aot)TTiA5n- niACA. CuAi-oeAtiAii CA|AC fe ceuT) ceicpe -picit) Aguf fe bAAl- Aine t)eu5 UAt) 'n ÍA ai]i T)Ain5nceA]A cuingjiAt) fogcAine it)i|i JaaI Scioc Ibep Aguf An TDAnAAn, bi UAicne mojAteice mAp I buAincoTTinieine cuipce AnnA fcAfAt) ai]a ITlAgmopciomnA A^uf TnA|A An ceu-onA x)o bi fC]MobcA fiAf Aip leAbAip nA n-Aim- |*ipe n-6ppione. 1. SeAncuf nA g^^l» tJAt)'n Ia ut) 50 X)-ci 524 ArTóiu riio|i bpi-puig mic 6p ^ocaI ^e^NllcA a ftiocc -oe bpig -pin TnAi|AeAnn -pog ^5uf fognA-p Af cionn tlltAt). A^iif if miomc bi CAiAAticAf tHló.t) A^uf UlconnniAcc A15 co-pnAo Ajuf A15 fAocAiAug^t) -pog riA ri-6|A|iione. 'Oo poy Aot) ITIx^ca in^eiíi triAgn X)e -ptiocc tÍtconnniAcc, A^uf aua TTIaca ingem Ao-OA A^uf triACA A|i g-ceite TTiui|\neAc A^uf a]a ^-coiiTOeAccA Ann tuAicgAi^i ^S^r "otibbjAon, uime pn bem An cum^iAA-ó '\x)'\\\ tUlAt) A^uf "UtconntTiAcc nibuf lAi'oi^ie ■peA'p'OA? 50 •o-ci'n A1C yeo lomcmpemAp cpeAcx) "otige n-e-pfione, -pciiiobcA n-Cotuf A^tif n-CocAit) OlttiiAn b-|?ot)tA, SeAncuf g^^^^S A^uf leAbAi|v nA n-Aimfi|Ae n-6|ipione, cjieut) triA cui|i|?eA|i lAt) Ai|A ctA|ibo|\t) Ann ceAj^ct/ACAiA nA Seottii^At) ? A^uf "oo bt niA|\ pn. A|Mf AtDubAiiAC An |n§ : CfetJT) niA c|MjinnfeA|i A|iT)c^iiinne n -tlltAt) Ann yeo feAfOA ? AgUf "00 bl 5AC AI5 All-OUgAt) A 'ÓeA'plATtl. 1A|1 fin bi nA fCfiobcA lei gee A^uf bi fiA-o ttiaic feAt) AnniAic le cluAifceAnu. A^uf Aif cfiocnugAt) -oo'n AiA-ocfuinne a feAccA, ^ÍAOi'óeA'OAiA nA butf oif Toe Atnuig : SeAf eó^nn Aon neAc Aif Ao-oniA^nniACA A15 lAfeAt) a ceA|Ac? Ace mop ffeA^Aif Aon 5UC. A^tif cAfoeif nA nAOi lAeceAt) ai|\ tiof Ao-óniAgntTiACA, imcigeA'OAp A TTi-bAiW 5AC Aon 'o'A'óuitce fein. Sut a 11- •oeAceAó An "OAfA ^cAleAc a fic 'oo cAftAt) 5ti|\ twt CAom- bAot cemn eA*óon 50 fucc bAif, Ajuf ful a 'o'lmcig bAAÍ cfit) teAc ^-CfuinntigAt). 1. SeAcctni, 'o'eug fe. tligAituig CiombAOc cfi bAA^Aine •oetig, AóleAcceAf e A^uf bi a cAfn •oetincA AnnAice te CA|in Aot)A. 'Oo bi CiombAoc AnnA 525 V^t> 6^5"^c Agm^p m \^CK^h Aont)Uine t)e'n fliocc nibuf fe^p^i 'riA e cuin5ui5 fe 50.6 athia n-Aic ]rein. Hi ^^sib Aonneo^c A15 5IA01C An X)li5e ó.i]\ l^scAp com ^at)a 511]' bi CiombAofe A15 1^15^^^ ^^ r^o]^ F^o^ cupowtn cloin tia CAttiiAn. "Oo bi ^uit S^up Aguf mo^ACAOince ai]a fuit) uite n-UllAt) ^.guf tll- connthAcc Annt>i 526 TT1AHA A511]" cpeAbAoriA 'n pob0.1t Ann A|\'0'peoTTi|AA'ó 'o-UeAcmo|i ÚAbC|Atiinne attiac A|" ati Apt)feoni|\At) Aguf ceilAbpAt)Ap mo|\|:eif ■o-UeAcriiop U^bApcA A^uf mopcomopAt) riA n-6AccpA Aip bof ÚAbApcA. UAngAD^p da S^aI Scioc Ibep UAX) 5AC t)uicce n-6|i]Mone Aguf ClAn peine uad jac pion t)e'n tDoniAin A^uf An "OAnAAn UAt) UlconnniAcc nuig 50 pAib cApc ciomciolt UAbApcA milce gAn cunx)Af, Agup cuinguig A|At)beAn]M5t)An TtlACA An mo|A]peif Aip bun cpi nA- ommAp tAeceAt). A5Uf Aip fui'De "oo'n ApDcpuinne An t>ApA |:eAcc bi nA fcpiobcA leigce "OAp cufiriof, Ann pn A-oubApuc in AC A : bmeAX) polAt) nA pig lei gee Ap Apt) : A^up An trpAc t)o tei5 An c-Apt>ottAni pAp 50 Ainm 5-CiombAoc cpioc- nuij pe. Agup piAppuig TTIaca : Anne nAc but) ^neACAc uAt) Aimpip ^ocAit) OlttTiAn b-po-otA te *>inm Ap-opi^ cpAc a pogAt) -oo pcpiob Aip pol nA pig ? Agtjp ppeAgAip An c- AptiollAtii : SeAt) 50 t)eitTiin -OAp cupiiiop. Ann pin At)ubAipc ITIaca: "Oe bpig pin CAt) cuige nAp pcpiobceAp Ainm TDaca Ann t)iA5 CiombAOc? Ace mop ppeA^Aip AonneAc. Ann pin CAinic ITIaca AnuAp uAt) An cpnÓAon Ag^jp -00 pcAOil pi An pol -^gup leAg pi Ap A come e, A^up 5PAp pi a Ainm Aip, A^up t>'pi^ P ^ip ^^r 50 •o-ci'n cpi-ÓAon A^up A15 peApeAt) ■pop AtDubAipc: Anne nAC m-beit) Ainm IIIaca Aip cpAct) pig- ceATD n-6ppione? A5UP Ann "oiAg Ainm 5-CiombAoc? Agup A15 buAiteAt) A Iattja te nA ceile 'OubpA'OAp ppionpAit)e Agup mAice lllumAin : go -oeApbcA pAnpAD tdo Ainm Ann O, A, 528 ITIaca! bi fuit ttlACA 5A t^bAipc A bui'óecio^ ^S^f ^ TTieA-p t)0 -pi^, ppiOTlfAlb A^Uf TtlAICAlb itlutTlAin. UjlAC ^lAOmCATDAp TiA biilfoi|Ai'óe ATTiAc : SeAfeAnn AonneAc Aip U^bAticA A15 iA|\eA'ó A ceA]AC? V\^o\^ y\\eó^■^ó^^\^ Aonguc. Anoi-p ai|a c|iioc- nugAt) Ai^-ociiuinTie "OAyv cufmof ullitiuig ITIaca mo^Al^eif Ann UeActho'p te 1115, pjAion-pAi'oe Agu]" mAice tTluTTiAin "oo ono|iu- ^At). 'A5tif -puiAH p]iion|"Ai"óe A^ui" rriAice n-UttAt) A^uf Ceucc jAig "UtconnthAcc A^uf rriAice An 'OAnAAp cuipeAt), acc Ann CHACÚ nio|A )?uia|1 Ucgoine ]\^t^ gAAlen no Aon-otiine ua*6 5aa^6" ctii|ieAt). ImtigeA'OA'ó 5^'^^^^ 5° ^i^uAimeAc UAt) UAbApCA. CeitAb]lA'OA]A HI AC A A C11A1|^C A^Uf A TTIOpirei'p A1|A ceAn nAOi lAeceAt). hut) -pAj^bmn An ceot *oo fppeA^ cIa|a- -pAi^ ttluTTiAin, A^tjf but) no'óeA'p -pceutcA nA n-Altoi'oe CAn- nAX)A|i DA bAijAT). Higne TDaca mAille teif a clAn A|AAf Ann "CeACTTioii. CuAit) THaca 50 mime A^]\ ctJAipc 50 tnii|\-n-oltATti, Aguf ÚU5 p ciii|AeA"ó ceAccA 50 T7eACTTio|i 'OO nA ottmAnAib Aru-p '00 nA o^AnAib CjAeut) rriA coi-prrieAf^eAn cufmo-p -o- "CAnAfceAc beAn 'oo fuit)e Aip cpit)Aon nA n-6-ppione? Ann ct\Acc ni piltAng Cppion bpuTo ci-ó 50 b-^uíl THacA Ayvobe- ATl^M^'ÓAn Aip An C|A1t)A0n, 01|A ACA A ctuA-p A ^-COTTintlT'De A15 eifceAcc le ^uc An ce Aip cuic An mioAt) a^uj^ An An- t^o, Aruf A C|Aoit)e -puAi-p^Aitce te cothgnioTti ÚAbAinc x)o nA boCCAlb. ÚaII "Oeip -pUl-OeAt) 'OO tTlACA Aip CA1CAÓ1|\, ApDjAlg bAAÍAin A^up Ke Aguf Ia, jtuaiii pi bAp. lomcui|AeA'OAp a COnAbtAOC 50 'O-CI Ao-OThAgnniACA A^up A-oleACA-OAII 1 fOgUf •oo CiombAOC, ip Ann -pin AjA'O'OAin^nA'OA'p a CA]in. bi cIau 529 riA cAtTTiAn A15 j^uit 50 5eu|A Ann t)iA^ A|>t)beAn|Mgt>An TDaóa. An t)eictTiAX) tcAbAiyv. An cpeAf CAibi-oit. Hi^aiI KeAccAt) nAoi bAAUvme. 30i) 50 "o-ci 300. K, C. (ITeuc AnnAÍA |mJ- CACCA n-C|i]\ione. An 1. ]iot. An 74 •otjileo^ Aoij* An T)o- iTiAin 4547. i^Aoi Ainm UeAccAt) Tli^TÓeAp^. A^uf Ceux)cei5ne. A^uf luingfeAc). 1a|a bAf ITIaca cuAit)eA'OA|i nA tAiccupAt)it)e attiac ai|i fuiT) nA n-e-p]Aione ^a ^Íaoic nA l^gce, p|Aion|"Ait)e, cinpp, ottATTinA, A^ui" ci^eAbAonA 'n pobAit te nA ceite Aip ÚAbA|ACA. U^^Ac cAinic An c-Apt)c|Atiinne te nA ceile AnnfAti A|At)feotTi|iA'ó T)-UeAcnio|i ÚAbA^cA tnAjA but) gneAc A-oubAi^AC An Ap-oollAiti : AcA c|Ait)Aon A|At)|n5 iroltATTi. A^tjf ■o'ei-pig mujACA-o ceAnfeAji Alnitiin A15 ]iAt) : C]ieuT) mA fui"ó|:Ait) Ucgome |iig jAAÍen AnnA A|AT)|ng fop 6|Apion ? '0'ei|M§ Aguf beA]A*0A ceAn|:eA|i A|it)CAin A15 |AAt) : Cpeut) itia m-biúeAnn gAipm Ap-oiM^ ai|a RejAccAt) 1^5 ITIutTiAin ? tliop AjA-ouig Aonótiine acc ppionf Ait)e A^uf niAice jAAten, a •óeAftAtiiA Aip fon Ucgoine, acc bi'n uite A"pT5C]iuinne acc AniAin 5^^^^^ ^^5 Ap-otigAt) a Íaitia Ai^t fon TleAccAt). A^uf t)o bi HeAccAt) pogAi^ce AnnA A|A-opi§ ^o\\ e^|A|Mon oi]A 50 cinnce bi coninieine A15 tltlAD a^uj" "Ut- connniAcc ai|a An cmeAlcA]" a cAifbAinuij; TTluniAin -00 THaca. Acc but) ioTnt)A fti^e jAn -pAt) cuaijacui^ tJcJoine te HeAccAt) t)o umlugAt). Acc cum^uig fAitciOf UllAt) UAt) a AnttiiAn e uime pn t>'f^Ti -pog A^uf fos^Af ^f cionn Cppion. Anoif 530 Annf^n x)A|Aó. b^<5.lAiri X)e pig^it Ap-ojAig •oo cA|Al^t) An cp^t fuiopAiT) An c-A|AX)cpuinne 'nn AiAtifeothpAt) •o-UeActtiop Ú^b- A|\CA gup ©11^15 Ucgoine AnnA n-Aic A15 p^t) : 'Pia|\|a|?ai'o tic- gome |iig 5^^^^^ "oe ^t^"opi5 Ti<5^ n-6iA|Aione: A|i "oiot "Ulconn- niAcc An A|\x)ciof ? A^tif t^T^e^S^i^ He^ccAt) : THa Y ^ "^^ coil e O A "Ucgoine -oeiiAeAnn Ai^-oiiig : Hi bAincAnn An \\ux) tcACfA, ^lACfAt) no mAICfAlt) Ap"0|M5 An CAin AgUf An Apt)- ciof mA^i but) miAn teif fein ^An lAjAeAt) ceAX) no coThAijile TTIa meAj'eAnn tlcgoine 50 b-|?uil fAt) CAi^oi-oe Ai^e y\\e- AjAiiAcAT) "OO 511c nA m-butfOipeAt) 5A iaa"© : SeA^eAnn neAc Ai|\ ÚAbAjACA A15 lA^ieAt) A ceAjAC. A5uf bi tlcgome A15 lomctiip A nAi|Ae pein. Aguf ■oaia cufniof ceitAbjAA'OAp mo]A- freif ÚAbA|icA Aguf tnojAcomojiAt) nA n-GAccpA ai|i Uof ÚAb- A|\cA. AnnfAn An -peifeAt) bAAlAin -oe t^i§Ail TleAccA'ó X)o éAptAt) ^u\K ctii|\ tlcgoine ceAccoi|AeAcc "oo e-ocAii) Ann Aot)- TTiAjntTiACA te ticcipib 5A pAt) : A aja-ociaiac tTio|AceimeAc mA •putlAngceAi^ UtconnniAcc -oo |aic -pAop nibuf fuioe ^An a^d- ciof "OO 10c tnAjA but) gneAceAc belt) An caoi A15 fAf fUA-p mA|A cteAcceATTi, Ann pn beit) An Apt)|Aig ^An a fAic te utt- thugAt) 50 ceimeAc a gAii^tn. bit)eAt) UltAt) 50 CA01TT1 5A fC|AUit)U5At) An upcApAnuAi- Ipeo ACCA -pAf 50 t)tuc it)i|\ Ibep ^5tif tllconnniAcc, oip ^a- OlUtHf A 50 X)-CAbApf AIT) CAbA^CA t)OTnblAf AC VO fUoCC Cp ? Cjiei-oeAnn HeAccAt) ^up but) e fein AniAin aca 'nnA ]\^^ Ann b-ftAiceAj' 6|\|uone ? "Oo f cpiob CocAit) IA15 UltAt) nA f ocIa 531 ■peo Aip Aif T)0 titgoine leif An ceAccoi]\e ceu'onA : go ^lAib TTiAic cu^At» A tic50ine, aca UltAt) lAtifAfCA leif An 5|aaó it)i|A Ibejt Aguf UlconnmAcc. TDo bi CA^AncAf An X)AnAAn fo^blAfDA "oo clotn 6]\, ni b-].'uit I'Aicciof oppcAib gu^A mit- ceA]\ e f An fonibA]i I Anoif 'OO |mc A^uf x>o fCAjip ai|i fuit) Cppione ciunfocAt : ci^eoiMiigeAnn Uégoine nA jaaI A15 -peit- ^oipeAcc A^uf A15 cof^Ai^AC, Aguf ^luifCAnn nA conitAnncA uttniiiigce CA]A cnuic A^uf gtcAnn -pAoi oiATOu^At) g-ceAncoth- lAnn. AcA fUAt) Ucgoine AnnA§Ai"ó A|ix)pi5 fogfeucpnce. Ace pigrie tleAccA-o a A^iAf Ann itlutriAin fAO]A AmeAfg "SX^^"^ ctom nA CAttTiAn, o\\\ Ann c^acc 'oo bi tleAccAt) puncAc irlACAtiiAil, mop 'pAit)b]Aiii5 fe Ann m-b|iuit) Aont)iiine ApAini. AnnfAn nAOittiA-o bAAÍAin t)e t^igAit tleAccAt) ciMAlttiig a AfCi^A 50 UeActtiop, A^uf bi moiA]pui]A|Aion -oe nA ppion^^Aib A^uf TTiAicAib, "oe nA bAi^voAib Aguf pUb AnnA conituA'ooi]^ leif. oip At)ubAipc fe : ScaI^ad muit) cAp^AAinn An c-Atn a bei-omuit) Amuig UAt) tTlumAin t® ceolcAib binn, le A"ó|AAnn- CAib A^uj" fceutcAib btA|"OAib. An c]aac cuAituig "Ucmoine 5up CAinic HeAccAt) athac uat) TTIuniAin A^uf 50 b-niAi|AUi5 ne Ann UeACTTio|A ^An Apmf'tijA^, Aip An bAlt cpumnuig ye coTTitAnncA 5^^^^" ^5"r S^^^^f^^S T^ lAocAppuig lonnfui-oe CeACTT10]A. A^uf feiic An c]aac bi fui|A|Aion ttluTTiAin A15 ponceAÓ A1|1 ÚAbApCA C0nnA1]ACeAX)A|A A|AniftuA5 luAC5ltiAifeAcc AnnA n-A^Ait), Ai|A innpnc "oo TleAccAt) A-oubAipc: CpmnneAT) nA butfoipit)e Ap n-jAifcenoe le nA ceite, 01 ]a ^ah AtripAf if 532 |iux> Ucjoine? Agu-p A15 tatlniugA'o t>o HluiriAin caca betjg Acc ulcjAetin 5ttIA1feA•o<^n -0.15 lonnfui-oe, Agtif Acnuig UeAc- CAt) '00 tiA btiifoi|Mb: AbbAii^ptiigit) Atin cluAifceAtic tlcgo- itie : Cfieut) i-p CAilt teif Ati tneut) ut) móxt |aa cia b-fuit An c-feitg? b-|:uil tlcgoine ^115 5^^^^*^ -^^T^ ^^tA|^? U^if- bAineAt) A AgAit) -oo tleAccAo. Ace mop cAinic tlcgome ^mAc, jAuT) nAijAeAc riA^ caiaIax) 50 miotiAC eo^'oon AtneAfg fliocc 1otAi|\. Anoif bi ApmftuAg So^Alen A15 lubugAt) caca ITIu- tri^in |:aoi cuaiiac, cit) c]ioit)eAX)A|i j^ifci-oe ItlutriAiii 50 Agth^ii Acc 5^11 b|\i§ oi-p -oo bi A filing po^^n, 50 \^o\\, but) niop An 'pcpiof A ceAiA-OAii fu a ciiAi'óeA'OA|\ Ann iaccaii, Ajuf 100 ttiic íle-ó.ccAt) 50 'oeiTTiin but) beug^n T)'a f:ui|i|uon t)'itnci5 ■pt^n u At) ^Aob^jA An ctAt)eAni a. Ujaac n ac p^ib Aon bAojAit Ai^i tACAi|A CAinic ticgoine ahiac 50 ce^n a ftuAg, Aguf cpe- o|AUi5 -pe cufAc nA ^tuAipeAccA ai|i An ^leini t)i|uc 50 Ucac- tTi0|i, Agup cuAtt) ApreAc Ann ceAc An |\ig, An oeicrtiAt) "LeAbAi^A. An ceicjietiiAT) CAibit)il. HigAil ticgoine pig jAAlen T)eic bAAÍAine picit). 300 50 t)-i:i 270. tl. C. (peuc AnnAÍA pigeAccA n-G-ppione. An 1. pot. An 74 tiuileog. Aoip An 'OoniAin 4567. Paoi 5Ai|\m "Ucgoine mop. Agup An O5151A. CeutJCeigne Agup AnnAÍA 5-CluAin- micnoip). Anoip cuAit) luAicTTiApcuit)e AniAc Aip puiT) 6ppione A15 pAt) : CpuinncéAp pigce, ppionpATÓe, cinpi]\, ollniAnA A^up 683 ct^eAbAon^ *n pob^il Ann A]\Dfeom]\At) -o-UeAcnioiA UAb^pto^ g^n tno^tt, oip ACA c|Mt)Aon A|^t)]\i§ foltAtri. An c^ac ceux)- n^ Ai^t ci^umnugAt) -oo Apt)cpuinne ITlutTio^in Aip th-bpuiteine po5AX)A]A AongAif m^c TleACCAt) AnnA pig Af cionn ttlutTiAin Ann A1C A AéA]A. Anoif cpiAlluig AongAij^ jAig ITluniAin 50 m-bocAnAib Oocait) pig tlltAt) Ajuf AT>ubAi|ic: O rriAipig if c|itiAi5 nAc eiiMgfAiD CocAit) UAt) buAit)|ieA'ó ACA Aip Annof 50 fuTóefAit) ye ai|a cit)Aon 6ppione? t1i feAU a cAt\A'D acc •pAn|:AinifA 'nn AoUTTiAgnniACA, ni ciocfAO 50 •o-ci UeAcnio|i ACC Ai]\ i^on cpeAc-o •olige n-e|^]Aione. Aguf •oubAijic -Aon- jAif: "Uime belt) Ucgoine bjieA-OAc jreAltcAc A15 fui-óe Aip An c|iit»Aon ? ppeAgAiiA 6ocAit) beit) 50 cinnce, iriAnAc bAcpAt) AongAif e. Anoif x\yo\\ yeux) le AongAif ticjoine -00 bACAt), •oe b^Mg An mei-o ai^a cuic X)e nA ppionj^Aib te TleAccAt). Aguf Ai|i cigeAcc te nA ceite "oo'n A|ADC|iuinne An ceut) -peACc -pogAOAjA tlcgoine mAC 6ocAit) |m§ g^^^en o.nnA aia-ojaij fO]A e|A|Mon. CuAit) tlc50ine le ppionfAib Aguf mAicAib jAAlen Am AC 50 "o-ci tiAfAil, bi'n c-A|i'ociAomf*eA|v A15 cuip An eifAon ai|a a ceAn, A5tif leA^ tno|it)A ceAnf*eA|A Iaoi^ An jAigbiAAC Aip A guAilAnAib Aip ploAt) t)o A|\T0|n5, -o'lmcig An Ap-ocpumne AmAc te mopfeii' '0-UeAcni0|t ^guf mopconio|iAi6 nA n-6AccpA ai|i liof UAbApcA -00 ceilAbi^At). Acc Ann cjAAcc niO]A funoe AongAif no Aon ceAn ua-o tTlutTiAin A15 clA|Abo|At) feife Ucgoine, |:AnAt)A|\ acc ceicpe ÍAece AnnA bocAHAib Aip ÚAbApcA, iA|A pn ini6i§eAt)A|A A th-bAite 50 tnuniAin, An c]aac ceiiT)nA -oubAipc Oocia-o le Ca^* ppion^A 534 'n-e|\: mAifeA'oI A C^f loeun cufA A^uf pinonfAi-oe A^tJf^ TTiAice tlllAt> x>Ap cwfttiof tiA TDop-peife fAnn^AiTTifA Ann tnun- n-ollATTi nuig 50 teigceAji nA -pctviobcA ^5111^ tug j^e ati coniAi|^te ceut)nA t)o Ceucc pij UtconntriAcc Ajuf -oo mAiCAib- nA n-X)AnAAn. Úa|i tieif nA nAoi t^ece, -oo ftii'óe An c-Aji-ociiuinne Ati •OAtiA feAcc A5tif t) eijng Uc^oine 5A jiAt) : A Coni|:lAice iincigeADAiA AongAif jAig TTIuTTiAin A^uf a -pinonfAi-oe A^uf a tiiAice teif, -oiiuiDuig Cocai-o jiig tillAt) e |?ein cAoib |^cit TTitip-n-oltAtTi •o-UeAciTio|A. If cofAttiAit go fAoilcAnn -pe nA tAece iiofA'OA nmg 50 pll|:AiT) 50 IIIIat)? Ai]i An c-At)bA|i fin ctAeux) mA leigceAjA nA f c^nobcA ? Aguf -oo bi pAt> leigce -OAp cufihof, Aguf bi'n Aji-ocjAuinne Cjnocniiigce. Ai]i An cjieAf Ia cuAit) eocAii) A^uf mle UllAt) Aguf Ceucc A^uf uite tllconnttiAcc a m-bAile 5'A figeAccAib yein. Anoif An upAc riAc |AAib neAc ai|\ Iacaiji acc p]\ "^^^ten fUAif^AilceAii X)OffA nA n-AtA-ofeotiif At) Aguf -00 5IAC tjite ceAn a aic, A5- «f -o'eit^ig Ttlop'OA ceAnf eA|i lAOif A15 jiAt) : O A aia-ojai^ I Agtif A fAO^ictAnnA gAAten -daia bAAt ni b-fuit fpeif A15 -pig Aguf mAicAib tnumAin Aip Oppion acc coiti fA-oA guf ca niAC tiAt) fliocc Ibep Aip An C|Mt)Aon ? Anne nAc mAipuit HeAccAt) Ann ItlutTiAin fAg-OAit UeAcmop UAigneAc? "Oe ftiocc ep -oAp noig If tlllA-o A cupAtn ? Anne nAc •OAingneADAp An Ao-oniAgnTTiACA ut) Af cionn An UeActTio|i feo? Coninuit)e- Ann pig tlllAX) Ann AoóttiAgnniACA. ttlAp pn x)o CApÍAt) 50 At)niAp gup cuic cupAm eppione Aip cloin An ceut) epmion ? 535 Seo T)Aoib foclÁ 6oco^iD OlliiiAn b-]rot)lA u^t) cufthof t)- CAtiAfte^c: bit)eAt) An ce fume^f Aifv cpit)Aon 6|Apion ye- AfDA 5lA0it)5ce ni 6pmion acc A|At>|M§I Annf riA tAefe^ncAib pn bi A|\ n-AtA|\o.cA 5 A ctAon^t) teif. bi At)bAp A15 60c Ait) ATI 5Aipm -oo AC|iu5At) o^\\ x)o fAoil fe 50 g-cuingiTAt) cint)- Aon 6p|uone x)o cloin 6p 50 "oeo. Anne nAc b-fuit An ce pgAileA]' 6pmion ? "Oe bjng fin cpeux) niA 5tA0it>ceA|A fcAf t)A jMg nA n-6|Apione e-|imion ? -Aguf |:|ieA5Ai]AeAt)Ap An f luAg : SeAt) biúcAt) bmeAt) I Aguf fineATjAii a "oeAftArriA aiuac 50 tlc^ome A15 gÍAoic Cpmion ai|a I Anoif "oo CApÍAt) An c|iAt ■oo bi 6ocAit) ^ng tillAt) Ai|\ feim "oiiaic 50 Ao-OThAgnniACA CAn5At)A|A tuA1ÚtTlA|\C1t)e CeA^TTIAlt -00 A1|1 An fU^e 5A ]AAt) : O A -pig CAn^A-OAp ftuAg 50 tun^popc tlifge feobAAl, A5- Uf feAfeA-OAiA fof Aip An caIatti. TDe bpig nA ntJAt)eAccA pn Acnuig 6ocAit) pg UtlAt) : Ueit) jac ceAnfcAi^ com cAp- PU15 guf feut) leif 5'a cAnAfceAc fein Aguf c|AuinneAx> a corhtAnncA Aguf cAfeA-o teif An ^ng A15 bocAnAib HACAbot. Asuf |n5neAt)Ap hiaja pn 50 •oubcjAAccAc. A5Uf gluAipilg An P5 ^S^Íf ApiTífluAg UIIa'Ó A1|A AgAI-Ó 50 feobAAl Agup connAipceA"OA]\ nA comeu5cpocit)e foguf •o'a cAbtAc A bi 5A mAfcuigeAcc fAoi cuing nA n-Aincoipe Aip ctAp nA mApA. *Oo bi pAt) p]A TTioiAcnAiTiAc, gAjibmuineAC, gnuifgjAAnA, bi clAt)eArTiA cuin^Ailce Aip a 'ppiomt)puim mAitle te fCiACAib teACAnAib Aguf ulÍAnncA AnnA tAtriAib, acc ni |1Alb tui|AeAC AgUf CAtbAp UTTIA ACA mA]A gnCACgAAl UllAt). 11it)eifpn bi'n fuijApon a fAic mileAt)A ai]a cigeAcc fUAf 536 teo -piApiAuig 6ocAit> -pig UtlAD CeY t>u"ó Áf fib A^tif ca-q cuige blip "o-cigeAccA? Ace nio|A C15 pAt) ^ocaI beil ó.n ceifcoife, cit) C|AeAcc C15 fiA-o focAÍ Atioif A^uf Api-p. Ua|v CATTiAt fA'OA -peo e An meut) a cigemAii 50 ^t^n: U^n^^'OAii UAt) meupAib tti-bA^l (1. u^-o'ii oi|aci|a). TIi ]A Aguf boiA-o T)oib, cAn5A'OA|\ A^uf imcijeAOAp A|Mf 50 I'o^CAii, m p^sib cmII le co|a|iu5A'ó e-|Apion -oe b^^ig -peo, oip A Heroine pofiAUigeAnn cl^n Ull^-ó popcAOiTn -pAilce "oo ■oeunAt) lAOini An ce cioc)?a|", A^uf a n--otncce -oo cofn^t) ^^.n t)o cortiAiplefA. bi-óe<5vt) a^acI Anoif c : O A Aot)A CApp cu^Am A^tif cpeop leAC ceAnfeAp ^juf mAice nA b-|reocAp. tlime pn, cAinic Aoó ceAnfeAp ApDCAin A^uf niAice nA b-'peocAp 50 Ao-oniAgnniACA A^uf fAnnA-OAp Ann nuig 50 gltiAiftiig Oocai-o Aip AgAit) 50 ÚAbApCA, A^Uf imc:i5eAt)Ap AHnA CpTTllviAt)01|1 leif, A^Uf TTlAip- eAt)Ap Ann bocATiAib pig tlllAt) Aip ÚAbAptA. CoTTi luAic Agup T)o fuiiDe An c-Apt)cpuinne, t)'eipi5 60c- 538 Alt) |M5 Ull^t) 50. ]\ó^t : A ConiflAice A^uf a So.o|\clArinA riA n-e-|A|Aione c|aac fuit)eowf An c-Ap"Ocpuinne An "OApA |:eAcc fAtl A|At)feOih|AAt) ACA JTOcIa AI5 G-OCAIt) ^Mg UltAt) A bAinCAl» te C|A|Aion. Aguf imci5eAT)A|\ ahiac te mopfeif UeAcnioi|A Aguf moiAcomoiAAt) tiA n-6Acc|^A Ai|^ Liof ÚAbAjicA -oo ceilAb- •pAt). Ai|i An nAoinniA-ó Ia caja fin x>o fui'oe An c-Ap-ociminne An -OApA feAcc, A^uf "o'eipig G-ocAit) ^ng UllAt)" gA |AAt): A CottiflAice niAijieAnn Anoif Ann m-bocAnAib "UltAt) ai|i ÚAb- A|ACA ceAnfCA]! ^5Uf nAoi mAice "oe jaaL b-peocAp a cAinic AfceAc AnnujicA c|vit) tufg^b b-peobAAt Af oifcip tUlAt) Ann A mAipeAnn pAt), plleA-OAii •ouinn, o^\\ futA itricigeA-OAiA CU5 clAn tltlAT) tAm CAjiAncAif A5uf ^eAlt ctJingpA-oce x)Oib. Seo AX)bAp A cijiAf An -oaiaa peAcc: lAjipeAnn pAt) An CU15- jAAt) "oo coTTineAiAcugAt) Aguf bjAomngeAttA a|a n-t)uicce -oo pofAt). CpeuT) b|M5 TTiAnAC Ti-cigeAnn pAt) uite ^ocaI beil tei5mif sp^t) A cjAoi-oe AnnA f uilib ! Cpeut) niA ciocf ai-o nA cinp|A AfceAc fAn A|At)feoni|iAt) te feucfinc Ap n-gleuf ^m- onie Aguf coTTipAt) ? Aguf 'DO bi niA|A fin. Suit)eAt)A]A cinpf b-peocAf AmeAfg pfionfAib tillAt). A^uf ■o'ionnfui'óe An c-Af-ocfuinne a com- f At). A^uf f ^1115 ^^ c-A|At)C|i umne An corTiAi|ite feo : gup but) iTiAic bpion^eAtt/A a pAib coilceAnAig a cAbAipc t)o nA cinfeAfAib ^guf t)o'n jaaU Aguf Aip cpiocnugA-o An feAcc ut) T)puix)ceA|i mopúupfA nA n -Apt)f eoihpAt). Aguf cpAc ceoil- eAbAjiAtJA-p tnopfeif t)-CeAcniop Aguf mopcomopAt) nA n-eAccpA Aip tiof ÚAbApcA, iTnci5eAt)Ap ceAccoipit)e 50 t)uiccib 5ACA 539 cinp|i A 5eAttui5 a ingem no bpomgeAllA o^y a c]^eAb too TTiAicib no T)o 5AAt b-'PeocA]\. -^^S^T CAngAt)^]^ mnA Aguf bpoin^e^tto. UAt) 5^6 XDUicce n^ n-6|Apione 50 t)-ci m-bocAn- Aib A cinpp Ai|\ U^bApcA, A5Uf pigneAt)^^ GocAit) Aguf Ucgoine A^uf Aon^Aif cum^^AAt) foi^ eACcpAib pein Aguf x)o bi b^ipx) a^u]' plit)e llluTTiAin A^uf cu|AAt)-binn-c-AOif JA^len ceiteAbpAt) ye^\' ceoit Ai]A UAbApcA. Ace nio]i ci-oce^p 50 |iAib Aon fo^nAf no fAfu^At) tDo'n peocAp AnnA ceoit no Ann cottifonn A^uf coTTipeif A guc. Anoif t)o bi'n ceileAbfiAt) feo Aip UAbA^icA Ai]A ceAn pAice 50 n-iomtAn Anoif Aip yo^x) An c]aac pn bi nA coTTieigcpioci'óe fAOi muineAt) fCAt ^aca Iac Ann mup-n- ollniAn X)-UeACTTiO|i. "Oe bpig pn Aip ^ruAif^AitcAt) An c-ApofeoTTi]AA"ó An x)A|\a •peAcc Aip fuit)e t)on A]\'OC]Auinne no bi p]\ b-VeocAjA a f'Aic muince Ann u|ilAbA|ACA nA ^aaU le ^ocIa nA cuin5|iAt)CA tdo cuigfmc A^uf "DO -oeunAt). -A^uf -D'eipg Heroine An 6]imion A^tif 'oubAi]\c: -A cotTiirtAice, a A|At)cpiAce, Aguf a ^'Aopc- l,AnnA nA n-6|Apone Agui" a ctAn ThuincipeAC UAt) feocAi^: i|- feo A|v 5-comAi|Ale : TTIa -pAciTAinn bpomgeAllA nA n-6|t- pone 50 •o-CAtAth ^-C^AUicen A^uf nA innifib fAoi cuAipc, 1. ^AAl-ouniAC no 50 innif Ope A5Uf 5aII Aguf fAnn|rAinn Ann mAp mnA-ceite t)o bup ^-ceAnfeApAib A^uf "oo'n ^AAt nA CAlniAn ut). An n-'oeunfAix) nA cinpp cuingpAt) linne: ^o m-ben6 oigpeAcc Aguf gAipm pg A15 mACAib nA ingeinfA yeA]'T)A 50 bpAc? A^uf feAfeAtJAp cinpp b-^eocAp A15 pA<): 540 'Oeun|?At)miii'o pn 50 cince! A^uf -pigneA'OAi^ An cuin^pAt» 50 •o-coiIattiaiI CAppuig. Aguf Ai^v leigeA-ó riA fcpiobcA Aguf ai|^ friAiUjigAt) : SeAfeAtin neAc Aip U^bApcA A15 lAyv^ieAt) a ceApc? Hiop f|AeA5Ai|i Aon 511c. *0'imci5 An A|i'oc|\uinne attiac Aguf •optiit) ceA-p mo|A'óu|A'pA nA n-A^A-ofeoThjAAt). l-p Ann pn coigeA-OAp p\\ 'b-'PeocA|\ c|\ei:o5 uAt) ce 5-C|AUicen, oi|i iomctjipeA'OA|A C|ie|?05 UAt) CAÍATTi n-t)uicce teo, A^uf fCAiAjiA-OAiA Ann fAine |:aoi CUA1|\C Al|\ bA|Ap ÚAbA|\CA, AgUf feAfAX)A|t Aip AJtJf A ÍAnnCA AnnA tATTIAlb CUAlCAlb 5A CottAt) An CAÍAm. Aj^'OUlgeA'OAIl A ■oeAftAttiA A5tif mioniiigeA'OAi; -oaia ce a •o-CAtrhAn n-TDuicce : 50 5-ciiin5|?Ai'o An cuin^iAAt) 50 -oeo I Anoif A1|A An A-obAjA j^eo cAplAt)Ann 50 'o-ci 'n-oiu, 50 b-^puit cuftnof cun-OAif Aguf ^eince An ^115 lAA-oce uAt) CAob fliocc nA mnA AtneAfg 5^^^ b-peocAiA. Aguf bi |?octA nA cumgjiA'óce fCjAiobcA Ai-p leAbAijA nA n-Aimppe n-G^jipione AnnfAn ceicjierhAT) bAAtAin X)e P5A1I tlc50ine Opmion. Agtif f-ut A imci^eAOAp A-p ÚAbApÚA, pofAtJAH A m-beAncdte mAp -peo : ' X)ot)o -pnA-ótTiAt) ceAnfeAyi nA b-1peocA|A, Aine ingein cin- VV S-CopAC A5uf nA nAoi mAice eile niA|v feo pAoi -peAc: Laiaa mgein cinpi|i Oinmion. OiceAt) in gem cmpp n-'OeAf. TTIiAnA ingein cinpjA n-A|ADCAn. Uaca^aa ingein cinpit n-Ao-OTTiA^. tlnA ingein cinp|A tTlAiginnfe. SocaI ingein cinp|A lAUAjinA. 6cne ingein cinfijA ^-CumAp. bAnA mgein cmpp ITlAi^gtein. TTlAninA ingem cinp|A Almuin. 541 fio]\ cufAc T)o -ptiocc geince n^ 5^^^ Scioc 1be|A An CAt^iH b-peotA^S r^ r'^'' c^NtAiTi 5'^^^'o^"^^'i^> '• CAl/^m n^ 5-C]Auiéen. A5U]' cuAn6eAt)A|i riAoi nAoinniAp •oe bpoingeAtt^ib mA|A cotii- luAT)oi|\ te 5AC beAncipnA. UpiAlteAt)A|A An |:ui]A|non uite 5a leup 50 caLatH n-A]At)CAn, A^uf cuAit) -pluAi^ mo|\ AnnA coTTioeAccA teo. Aguf CU5 ceAn|:eAp n-AiA-oeAn geAf a focAit jeAltcA "oo ceAnfeA^Aib b-'PeocA]\ : TTIa f o^giiAÚpAt) ctAn 5- C^MJicen ingeine n-6|A|none le meAf ^S^if mopceim, bem CAtAth nA n-6|Apione fUAf^Ailce te cteAtrinAf -oo Cpuicen i:eAft)A. Annpn feoluigeA-OAp |:aoi ÍAnfeol Aip |Aeim pijnc ua-o 6|A|non AmAc, acc 'oeApcA'OA|i AniA|i ai|aci 50 mtii|ineAc. Aca uite 6^|Mon fAoi fog ^511^ fognAf. Ann cpAcc cit) niA niAiii'pAi'O Oocaiu CAob fcig Ao-otiiAgn- TTiACA Ann AonfeAp nit)eifpn aca -pe tAneolAc gtAOi'oeAnn -pe te nA ceite 50 •o-C|AACAniAit Apt)cpuinne n-tlttA-o ai|1 rh-bpui- ceine n-Ao-othAgnniACA, mó.\\ An ceiiT)nA ctiAit) ye 5An Aon tucc 50 n-uite Apocpuinne T)-UeActTiop. Anoif ai|a -peifeAT) bAAtAin "d'a i^i^Ait c|AAí; fuiupAit) A|AT)C|Auinne n-tlttAt), t)'eiiu§ 6ocAit> Ajti-p 'oubAipc: but) Ait tiompA mA m-bit)eAnn muji- n-ottAth x)Ain5Aince AnnAice te Ao-oniAgnniACA ? Agup Annof 50 m-beit) mAOin Aguf biAt) a f*Aic A15 nA ottniAnAib a^uj* An c-AOf-05 mA but) niAic te pjiionfAib Agup niAicib UttAD pAn ctuAifceAnc cpeut) mA jeibeAtJAp pion UAt) -Apt)fceuteAcc 50 T)eo? Aguf eipig 5AC A "oeAftAm A15 ppeAgpAt): SeAt) bit>- 542 e^o, bfóeAt). Aguf t^\\ '6e^y Vó. bAAÍAine bi óOX> fAOlt tne 50 |aaci:a"o 50 muiA-n-otlATti fut/A b-fuigeA'OfA bAf, acc A TTiAijig ni -pei-oiii e. SmuAcceA|A mo fpioj^AX) AnnAm. "Oe bpig pn x>Y^nn ^ocai-ó Ann Ao-oniAgnniACA. Acc •o'imcig 'Oo'o Ai|i An cuAipc "OAp Aicne An jaiJ, Ajuf ai|i ptteAt) "oo Ai|i Aif 50 AcoihAgnniACA bi An -pig AnÍAg Aguf CAice Aguf •o'etig fe. X)o t^igAit CociAt) pee bAAt*Ain 50 gÍAn. At)leAc- ceA|i e Aguf 'OAingneA'OAiA a cAiin Ann CluAinneAc fo^uf 'oo CA|\n AifgeA-onioiA -oAp Acne An pg. Aguf bi guil^eup ^511 f tnopcAomce Ann 11 It At) Ann "oiaJ G-ocAit). Ai|A c|iuinnt!§At) "00 Aj^'ocpuinne n-UltAt) Aip TT>-b|\uiceine, |A05AX)A|A CAf niAC 5-CiombAoc Aguf TDaca AnnA p§ Af cionn UllAt). T)o bi CAf ftoince : 'CAf CeAniiiiiinniAgn' if e fin : UfiAc "00 -OAOinib ITlAgn. Anoif iA|i bAf CocAit) cufuig He- roine "OO cAifbAineA-ó a beA|iCA, oi|a cuinfnAih cotti^ai^x cajac: 5uf but) miAn te tlcgoine Aft)c|vuinne n-6ffione t)o cpuinn- ii^At) ni Aif ÚAbAfCA, ACC Aif iTi-bf uiccine 5*^^^®" ^^^ ITlAgnAf. Anoif t)o cAflAt) 50 fAib. /)43 t)o fDOfui^ Aongo^if 1^5 IlluniAin UlelifA in^ein An C|\mion, x>e b]M§ An cteAthnAf utd pijne ye mó^\\ At)ubAi|AC Ucgome, Annf nA l^etib feo "oo cAplAt) 5111^ ceilgceA^A C^f jiig tlt- ÍAt) Af A n-cAc Ann lA|igAAt AnnA t)'imci5 fe A15 pAt)CAf- 5Ait^c, Aguf t)'eu5 fe f An caIatti ut>. Aip fuiúe "oo Apt)cpu- inne UllAt) ai]a TT«-b^\uiceine pogADA^A ConcobA|\ ■oeA]Ab|iACA]t 5-CAf AnnA 1^15 Af cionn UllAt), A^uf Ann c|iacc cit) jti^t 05 ConcobA^A nmeifpn bi cUu a eA5nA fCApuigce cpió G-p- pion tJime pn •o'jpAnn Ucgoine AnnA cofc. AnnfAn ctAeAj^ bAAÍAin "oexi-^ "oe i^^Ait Ucgoine cuAi<)e- At)A]i luAitcupA-oi-oe ATTiAc Aip ^uiT) 6]A|iione ^A jAAt) I Cfuinn- ceA]\ AiA-oc^Auinne n-C|A|Aione te nA ceite ai]a ni-b|iuiceine ^AAÍen Af com^A^A Hcgome G^Amion I An cpAc cAinic An c- AiA-ociAumne le nA ceile -00 cmp tJcgoine fUAf a boc, A^uf nA bocAnA eite AnnA -peAfCAt) AnnA ciomciott A^uf cuaió nA p|AionfAit)e, nA cinp]i, A^uf c]AeAbAonA An pobAit AfceAc fAn boc. Ann fin •o'eifig ceAnfeAji Alniuin A15 f At) : Aca fOclA A15 ITIufcAt) A bAincAf teif An c-Aft)Cftiinne A-t)-ciOTn- ciolt Opmion. Aguf feAfing uile UIIa-ó mAf "opong b-fAOi- leun A15 ciuncugAt) Aip 5AC cAob. Aguf -o'eiiiig Gpmion A^uf ÍAbAif fe T)e 6]Afion acc if beu^An cluAifceAnc a fUAif fe. Ann fin -o'eifig ConcobAf ^15 UllAt) A^uf "ou- bAifc: Aif n-tioig ni cit)iTnfA Aif bpuiceine 5^^^^" f^o» ^^ cfit)Aon no 'n eifAon no ffoilbfAC An fi^? Clumim 50 b- fuit tiAfAit f05Uf tjuinn, acc aca cÍApbopt) x)-UeAcniof A^uf 544 cyieAct) riA n-'otige Aguf leAbAp ha n-Aimpiie in-G|\jpione •oeAtvbtneiTice, Jo cince aca long^ncAf opm 50 "oeitTun ni eif- cocAT) ConcobAjA te foclAib |iA'óce 'oe 6|i|\ion nuig 50 m-befó riA -pciMobcA 'OA'p cuftnof ai|i ctciof cloin n^ Co^lniAn t)o'n ce beit)eAf C|\mion. Ag^f ^^P cluMfce^tic pin bi Op- mion AnnA éofc. U^ifb^inuig Ucgoine ■o^'p^^^S PP '^^T^ ciOfOi|Ait>e Ann ITlutriAin A^uf An urtnp ceutjnA Ann 5^^^^" leif An ciof "00 cpuinnugAt), A5Uf -00 cuip fe mAp Apt)ciOf- o}]\ Af cionn uile eAt)on a ttiac ccutjgein giAlcAt). AnnfAn T)A]\A bAAÍAin pcit) t)e pi^Ait Ucgome jruAip Aon^Aif pig TTIuTTiAin bAp, Aguf Aip cigeAcc -00 Ap-ocpuinne TTIuniAin Aip Th-bpuiteme po5AX)Ap tloit) •oeAiAbpACAp AongAipe Ann a ^15 Af cionn TTItitTiAin, Aguf AnnfAn "OApA bAAÍAin 'oetjg -oe pi^- Ail ConncobAip fuAip "Oo-o A]A"OoltATh tlllAt) bAf, Aguf C15- eAcc le nA ceile •00 conit)Ail nA n-OllAm pogADAp leigbAp AnnA n-Ap'OollATTi. SiubAileAnn ConncobAji Ann flige a fliocc connonnAn A^uf comeA^nAC le Aonúume aca. AnnfAn c|\eAf bAAlAin "oeug *oe pigAil ConcobAip feol- tii5eAt)A|\ cinpp n-Apx)CAin, ITlAgmi-e, Agup leACAipne CAppnA An fAip5e 50 caIatti 5-Cpuicen pigneA-OAp cuAipc A^uf A^Af Ann leif a ^Aoilmuincip. -Aguf bi cipA-p AOibin AopAc aca A5Uf bi 5AC lAtifAfCA. Anoif bi Hoigne uiac 6pmion Ann- fAn cotTiluAT)oip fin, A5Uf Aif fileAt) x>o figne fe cuAipc Ann AoDTTiAgnniACA le ConcobAp Aguf SfA-ouig ConcobAp Txoigne, oif aca Tloigne nibuf fiofeA5nAc 'nA Aonúuine uaó fllOCC lolAlf ACC e-CepiAl ATTlAin. 548 ^y "pioiiTTiuince e Ann -pAnncAib nA m-bAiAt) ^^My ceot. *Oo coTTifC|Aiob fe -oo -pein 'OUgecpeAct) uitte n-C|A|Aione <^5iif cuftnof •o-UAnAfceAc triAilte te ^nA-pAib Aguf cteAcceAtti nA tD^nAAn, -peAt) eAOon n^fA nA b-feA-pgneAC. Ajuf conróeAj"- tiig fe iomT)A ^AeAcc -o-UAnAfceAc, Aip An cuigtriA-o bAAÍAin pcm -oe t^igAil Ucgoine X)o fui-óe ApDc-puinne n-C|i|Aione ai|a tti-b-puiceme ItlA^nAf A^uf xj'ei^ig Ucgoine A^uf A-oubAiyvc : A corhfrlAice A^uf a fAonclAnnA n-6|i|\ione "oe b^iig 50 meu-ouig- eAnn nA SaaÍ 50 mopTTio|\ Aju-p 5^^^ b-peocA^ -potriAinn if mo bAp-AtriAit 5up but) coija 50 'pui'óe|:Ai'0 An c-A|\'OC|Atiinne ^ac cueAp bAAÍAin, cit) nAc gniuceAii Aon \\ux) eiie, belt) An "^ó^óX Scioc Ibep ACA 5A meut)iii5 A^uf A15 leAcntigAt) mo|\uinie|iAc jAn cunT)Af mAjA ^Anith nA ^eAtujiAige A15 cluAifceAn te p'u- Aim 5UCA A ceite? Cit)ueA|A mAic t)0 'n A^t)C|Miinne A^uf t)o bi mA|A pn. Aguf 'pcpiobceAp nA poclA ai|\ teAbAi]A ciifmo|' T)-UAnA'pceAc. Anoi-p Ann-p nA ÍAecib -peo t)o uA^AlAt) 50 |\eim t)i|MC mA|A t)o CA|A|iAn5Ai|\ ConncobA|A -peAl UAt) foin, oi|\ cuAit) giAlcAt) ApceAC 50 TDuniAin cApv "oei-p a piiu cpit) jAAten, Agtif ciomAnuig -pe A|\neif uAt) mongpeiipAib mAil -pCAjAiAeAnn nA j'eilgoiiAi'óe nA pAt)A no eAt)on mA|A ^ÍAceAnn nA jAi'pci'óe qAeAc A^uf bo|AOiThe Ann co^At). U|aac CAinic CAfoit) 50 Heroine t)e jniotiiA^ACAib J^^^^^'o ^ ttiac, t)0 ^ÍAOit) pe e Af A coni^Ap A^uf ceipcmg pe e, acc t)o lion giAtcA'ó ctuAi-p A ACA]A te eiceAC A^uf bjAeu^. Acc 50 t>eitTiin ca|a CAniAt Aiciniiig tlcgoine 50 thaic ^o^a |AAib giAlcAt) a iíiac Aguf bACAc A t)eA]Ab]AACA|A A15 ciomAinc C]Aeut)A 50 eugco^Ac 649 |:eA]i5 Anmo|A Ann mem tltgoine 50 T)eiTTiin t)eipceA|\ Ann lllumAin ^Siif Ann gA^len nAc b|AuccfAiT) feA^A^ "Ucgoine teAc cotii mo]\ niA cioc|:At> An A]Aneif 5'A caÍatti |:ein. X)o ctii|\ Cpmion luAicniApcAig 50 JiAtcAt) A^uf t)ACAc te ceAc- coiyieAcc A15 \\óxí : Uaapiauiji-o ^An niAll A^uf feAj'tiigit) Ann mo comgA^Af a ! A^uf tcAj 6|Amion mioteAnn Angeup Aip bACAC 5A pAt) : teif : Uac a Dacac vó^]\ t)AAt aóc if mAic nA]A ipexixy LeAC A]iiAm *oo beit) AnnA |ai§ a^ cionn 6p- |Mon I Acc x)o ÍAf bACAc Aip bAineAt) te feAjig ^Z^V t:^\\- pAn^ ye a mi'oog Af a cuacaiI 'o-CAif^e Ajuf -oo fAic e 50 lombeut a n-t)0|AnctAi"ó Ann lonnACA^Aib An -pi^, Aguj' A15 CAfugAt) CA]AC An j-ciAn j'An join 'o'fAg fe Ann e, Ajuf •oNmcij fe Aip AJAit) 50 pocAppuij. ÚAp cAmAt cAinic Iaoj- Ai|Ae 50 T)-ci 'n feom|iAt) AnnA jomceAp a acai|\ a bi yoy beo, Ajuf t)'inni]" -pe An c-otc Aguf ponjuit a caiaIa-ó to uAt) ÍAm Dacaij. Ajuf feAÍ ia^ C]iiocnu5A'ó cAjipAnj -pe ah- At 'oeijnAc A bcACA. Ajuf cAimc JiaIcat) le •oeip'pp 50 m- bocAnAib An pig ai|a ttlAjnAf. Acc leAnnuig ÍAOjAiiie bA- CAC Aguf ful A bi coin A ACA|A fiiAi|A Ann m-bAf t)o 5IAC fe epic Ajuf 'Oiotcioi" ai|a fon lopjuil a aca|i. If mAp fin CUIC1115 Ucjoine 6pmion floince 'Ucgoine ITIop' 'Oo t^iJAit^fe T)eic bAAlAine pcit) yo\\ Cppion. tlijAit lAojAijie ye bAAÍAine oeuj. 270, 50 t)-ci 254. Tl. C. (peuc AnnAÍA pjeAccA n-ejipione -An. 1. yoU An 76 550 •ouileog. Aoif An 'OomAin 4607. p^^oi Ainm tA05Ai|\e to|\c. Aguf AntiAÍA 5-CttJ niA i^i^AitfAm ^AAlen A^ti]' "UIIax) Af cionn C]\pion a 5-coninijit)e, pig Ul- Iaú Ann Ao-oniA^nmACA Agu]' pig jAAlen Ann TTlA^nAf? A5tif cuin^pAt) pcAfOA i'ot)ipib? -Aguf fT^eA^AijA lA05Ai]\e : 'OeuneAt) Hoi^ne niAp fAOiteAn fe coip. 1a|i pn 'o'lmcig Tloigne 50 AotmAgnmACA A^uf lAbAi^A le ConncobAp ^Aig UtÍA'ó nA ^ocÍA ceut)nA. Seo An |:|ieA5Ai|iu cu^ ConncobAp t)o : An C|^AC cAinic mic An JotAtn Atin yeo An cetJt)UAi|icA|\ bACugAt) Cie]i |?AOi conncAibb-|rAi|i5e ja '):A5At) 6p Ann a t)ioleAccA 05 bi 1otA|i -peAnACAip tAogAijie comgAijieAt) te blAc ftoince Ame|\gein An c-A]AT)cponipeA|\ A15 pAt) : Com 1:AT)A ^ijp ACA A ACAjl mA|vb jlAC^TA-ÓmUIT) A CU1X) A^Uf A pion T)e'n caI/Atti ? Ace cu^ tTlApcAc ceApponpop fliocc noi'oe tATTi A cothAipce •oo*n o^An Aguf Ap-ouig fe a fciAc Af cionn A ceAn, ip mAp pn -oo bi mo mopACAip Gp •oiAn- f uit)ce Ann caIatti "UltAo ! If Ann yeo x)o bi a cApn •oeun- CA "oe bp5 pn 5lA0it)ceA|i tIttAt) Aip a pon "oe 'n CAÍAm. Anoif coitiAipteAnn lAOJAipe le Tloigne a •oeApbpACAp le bAinC A CUIT) A^Uf pAObugAT) A pigCACCA UAt) tloiT) ! ^lll A m-bAile A Hoijne 50 n-g^Alen A^uf AbbAip le lAogAipe: 1p mAp Seo -00 lAbAi]\ ConncobAji pig tlllAt) : Uat) An t)- cuf If pon mic 6p tlllAt) An meut) ut) cuignocAit) a clAn le "olige, A^uf mA'f ei5in le fopneAfc ni b-fuil CAill no 552 tniAti ACA te nibuf mugA •oo feitbug^t)? beno An |iig aca Af cionn "UttAT) Atioif 5^11 Aon AtTi|\A|' A15 pub^it Ann coif- CeimeACAlb a fUocC, A^ll-p TTIA 'f 'piACCAnAC C|A1Att]:A"0 coiti- ÍAnncA no. ^AifCi-oeAX) te -oli^e n-6|i|Aion •00 cofnA-ó. A5u'p •00 cuip focÍA ConncobAiji nAi|ie A^tif piAn ai|a. Hoijne Aguf -pjieA^Aip fe: TTIa AicinfAit) ConncobA]A An gjlAt) ACA AI5 tloi^ne Aip tAO§A1|\e, A^Uf AD -pAlCClOf ACA Aip "oe 5^^^^^'ó rnAicpAit) mo frocÍA. X)o 5IAC ConncobAjA a tAth Aguf A-oubAipc teif : biueAt) mi-pncAc A15 tloigne ni cottimeinocAt) ConncobAp ai|a nA ^rocÍAib nibuf mii^A. Uei-ó A tloinine 50 -00 T)eApb|)ACA|A A^uf innif focÍA ConncobAip •00, Agtjf pll Ai|\ Aif Aguf •oeun -00 ajaa^ Ann feo tiom^A, b-i:eiT)i|i 50 m-beit) An cA|AAncAf i-oiinnn A15 cuin^ugAt) fog i-oijA -00 T)eA|vb|AAtA|AAib ? AgtJf T^iJ^e Tloigne "OAp |:oclAib |M§ tlllAt). Anoif cug ÍAogAijAe ceAt) tdo J^^^^At) •00 "oeun- At) Aon jiut) but) leu]A teif Annof 50 xj-cufui^ giAlcAt) A15 lomcuip e fein 50 jAoconieAfAc ciAit) TTItiThAin A5Uf jAAlen. Ajiif cit) 50 ^Aib AjA-ociof CjAmion niA|A Aon ^ncACCiof eile •00 jIac giAlcAt) 1 iTiAjA geibceAji c|AeAc Ann co^a-ó nuig 50 I^Aib lomnit) A15 eijMge Aip ^AigeAccAib muniAin Aguf gAAlen. mA|\ gcAlt Aip fin cpiAlluig tloigne 50 bocAnAib giAlcAt) te coniAiiAte A^uf compAO "oo cAbAi|\c t)o, acc tAfui5 ahiac feA|A5 giAtcAt) coih mop fin 50 mA|AbfA"0 fe a 'DeAfbpACA]\, ACC 50 fAib tloigne nibuf tAmeucuAc lonA e, oi^a t)o bi giAtcAT) tA5 Aguf cAnnA'nnA cum a. lAf fin fittuig tloigne 50 Ao-omA^nmACA. A5Uf mAif fe te ConncobA]\ An fig. "Oo 658 t)i 1loi5ne nibtJi' to^neolAc popeAgtiAc 'riA Aomóuine "oe fliocc lol^M]!, Aip ATI At>bA]A pn "oenAceAp Ann ItlumAin ^^uy 5^^^^" 50 ]\ cl^n b-^eine a g-ceut^uAip CU5 -piof TOO Oipciji An 'ooniAin ai|i leun Aguf tAi-oi|\eAcc, ai|i cpeife Aguf cpeunAcc nA JaaI. Scioc Ibep. Out) itio^a An CAit t)o bi A15 t^i^nib An t)oniAin Ann Atmfi|A caca A^uf cogAt). Cit) cpAcc bi 'olige A15 T^ijcib n-6|Apione coipnieAf- 5At> ATTiuf Aguf buAnAcc b-peA|\ 6]A|Mone. A15 cuip eu5ful- An^ A1|1 CAC A ^aIcITAT) CUA|AAft)Alt AtTlUlf, AjUf 'OeUnAt) "Ol- AcpeAb x>e 50 x>eo Ann Oppion. Uime pn An meut) a |iac- ^Al-O ATTIAC CA|1 CAlCU^At) A1tnp|l A AHlUlj' niO]A |:illeADA|A 50 G|ipion *oe bpig An eu^fuÍAn^» acc imci5eAt)A]A 50 g^^^^^^P^^ Ann A |ii5neAX)A]A a cottiThiteAt>A A|iAf Aguf coninuit)e. TnAjt An ceutjnA ua"ó cAptA-ó juji but) Ann Cppion aca nA coillce ■OAipAig but) feA|i]A Ai|\ bic, Aguf t)'oileAt)ui5 nA tnuic Ai]t cnoib Aguf meAf, bit)eAnn mucfeot ttiaic A^uf t)eA5btAft)A. Aca ceAnnuiúe nA b-^eine A15 cigeAcc 5AC bAA^Ain te CAb- tAc muipceAT)oipeAccA A15 ceAnnuigeAcc muic, Ajineif, cpuic- TieAcc Aguf olAn A5Uf Unn Af Apt), acc Af lopot cpit) C]Aom- ^eA]^Aib m-bAAt biot)5eAt)A|A nA 05IA15 cpeunA t)o feotuij^ teo 50'n Oipcip. lpuAi|AeAt)A|A ungA Ai^i^eAt) ai|a ^ac ccAn, ^it) t)ei|AceAp 50t)-cu5 pAt) Icac An buncAift)e t)o nA copm 554 -peAp^ib. 'C\\íKt riAc |AAib ce^nfreA^A no c|tiAC -p^sfCA teif a •peitb Ann e-|i|Aion r:]MAU.iii§ tei-p a cothtuA-ooi)! ^^uf a JaaI- ■rtiuinci|i "óo'n -ooriiAin foip. LeA^A-OA^A CAin A^u-p teiin 'oocin Aip jac ci|a, C]AeAb A5- tif caIatti ai|i beAtÍAec a n-imceAccA, oi|a ni |AAib t:i|a C]AeAb no caIatti aca -pein -peAfOA bi Ann a '0iAC|AeAb uAt) 6|V|Mon. >Ann AimpjA ticgoine cuAi'óeA'OA|A A-p e-|A]Aion Ann mitcib •OOgAipeATTlAlb. A15 feAIAeAt) CAC A^Uf COgA-Ó AnnAgAlt) CAC A ob|?AT) A n-gluAifCAcc. If mA^i pn •o'AiA^Ain b|AiAn niAC- 5-ciii|A lACAile, A^uf "oo -ppAin lonroA caca ai^i ^AifpAib Ajiif fAoi -oeiiieAt) "00 tofg fe caca|\ tletnion -oe bpij -^u^x CM^\\ pAt) eAfonoijA ai]1 A15 cAbAipc cotiigniom eu^coiiAc -d'a nAiiiAt). lomcuf A m-bA-p Aiifd^A euccAc micpilib fAn Ai|At)- fio|\ bi 'oeic corhlAnncA AnnA AirifAne ^An ctJAiiAfOAiL UAt) cpAc A cemneA-p 50 x)-ctiAC |Monce a -pigiAn. Cuató lAngeu|\ TTiAC Cui|A 50 tiopomAcuf feAimAcifoe AI5 lApviAeAt) ^neAccu^v AfOAil AttifAine b-fCAp e^Ainone. 1f e A-oubAi^ic tiof lomAcuf : TTimaII tcAC A pJIaoc 50 r^Aigce bu-ó cuac AgUf A1|l C15- eAcc "oom-pA ^^uf An A|MnftiiAg Ann jeob-peA^A b|\eié "oo bemt fein. Ace ai^i cigeAcc "oo tioponiAcuf ni rAbAi|ApAio acc if e A-oubAiiAc: O A 'Ó1A tAi"oif Iacaca^a! Ann but) tnife m'- AOT1feA^\ A lOCfA-O flACA Ulle AtlfC1]A? til fUAIfCAfA ACC An -pion but) tu§A t)'A figÍAn. At)ubAifc ITlACCuif t>'A Atnuif: A SAOjAclAnnA A n-^lACfAt) ceAigpiulcugAt) UofioniAcuif mAp bu]A n-jneAéluAc ^An beim jAn buile? A^\ An bAll gluAi- feAt)A|i Ai]t tidfioniAcuf Aguf bpifeAt)A|i mopcAC aija, Aguf 566 50 go^AleifiAc. but) e Pe^pjAif ^15 tia ITlAoileAfAc tiigoup^t) but) c]\oit)A f^n t)oriiAin fAti Aimp|\ ut) bi CAOincAp^ntAc x)o Aiiiu]' tiA 5^At Scioc lbe]A. bi t)eut) a beit Ann^ o^oncnAtii, c»Np ceiDe^t) Aguf t)eo|Aui5eeA|ibcA ni ]iAib neAjic a coipp conuonnAn teif An lApeAcc, uime fin AtinfAn feifCAp bAAtAin ai^i ficit) t)e fig- Ait ConncobAif fUAif teigbAn bAf. Aguf bi ctAn nA CAt- iTiAn A15 5uit 50 geuf AnnADtAg, acc ni fAib bfon Aonuine tiibuf Cfoinie 'nA tloigne mic Ucgoine. Aguf Aip cigeAcc 556 te HA éeite no conrÓAit ha n-otlAni pog^txs^A Uoite AnriA n- AiA-ooltATii UttAt) Ann A1C teigb^n. Anoif AnnfAn nAomtTiAt) bAAÍAin 'oe "p^gAit Opmion ■o'eu^ tloi-o |\i§ TDtimAin AnnúiAg "P^gAit -peAcc b^AlAine •oeu^. Aguf Ai|i fumeAt) -00 A-p-ociiuinne THuniAin ai|\ ni-b|iuiceine liogA-OA^ tugAU niActloi'oe AnnA jug Af cionn THuniAin Ann A1C A ACAU» AnOlf -00 CAptAt) 50 jlAlb ttlgAt) jrAOl COlt A^Up ■pmiiAin J^aIcax) Annof 50 gnuoiTAit) Aon|\u'o but) teti|i teif, Acc com -pA-OA guf bi ConncobAji beo bi -pAicciof ai|a 5^^^' CAt). 1a|i "P^É^i^ ciAiocAt) bAAtAineA-o fUAiji ConncobA]! bA|^ Ann AoDTTJAgnniACA Aguf A-oteAcceAji Ann. SeAfeAnn a cA|Vn T)o'n oiiici|i. A^\\ cigeAcc -00 AiA-oc^iuinne "UIIa-o ai|i ni-b|vui- ceine Ao-óniAgnniACA -pogAtíAti piAcnAc ttiac ^-CA-p niic 5-Ciom- boAc AnnA -pig Af cionn UttAt). Annpn bi fpiojiAt) JiAlcA-á 5A Ap'oti5A'ó An cjiAC 'oo ywoe A^DCjAiiinne n-6p|iione te nA ceile fAn cewo bAAÍAin "oe jn^Ait b-^pAcnAc, 'oo bi beub A^Uf -pUlt A^Uf lAth S^^^CAt) AI5 -p^AeAfCOlt A1|l jPlACnAC |A1§ UtlAt), A^up CA|1 CATTlAt AOubAljAC teif : A^A pmtlAineAf ApiATTT A IpiAcnAc An bAogAit x)o C|i]Aion uAt) Oittiot mAC Aine ue -pliocc b-peoúAi^? An ceA^c no An coip e 50 pi^AitpAi-o An tAogAii^e MX) ACA "out CA|ic mA|v cincAic ? TTIa gtAcpAT) pi- AcnAc An cjU'OAon ? Ace -ppeA^Ai^i piAcnAc : T1i feAX) a jiA^cAt) bi-óeAt) A15 CAc A feitb -pein. Agtif ai|a imceAcc -oo ■pig tlttA'ó 50 AoiÓTTiAgnniACA "o'lnnif Hoigne -poctA giAtcAO Aguf c|MAtliii5 tloigne 50 pocAppuig ^^tip comgAitAuig fe An nuA-oeAcc vo lAogAiiie Agu-p Aip pleAt) -oo Tloigne 50 T^^ 557 Ai|^e : 50 m-but) Anó.mic "oo beic ]\eyx> •o'maHó^c pgAilce. An- Miyy]\ T)o cpuinnuig Ap"Ocpuinne Ult^D ai]\ tri-bpuiceine n-Aot)- HiAgnniACA éAp Tóeij" riA nit)ce feo "oo ca|aIov"ó, A5Uf ^ip lei- geAt) riA fcpiobcA. -OAp cuftnof mo\\ cttiinui5 fiAcriAc n^ -poclA ó^\\ An comgUc Aip cpioc- nu^At) An ire^ll, Apt)ui5 X)ub A^uf a itiac a 5Í0|\ ^SUf |MgneAt)A|\ bopbgleo Aguf An bAÍl fCAppeAOAji An fceut ai|a f Hit) n-6|^pione : J^P f aoiI ÍAOgAipe ^"^uy a tiiAC Oilliot Ji- aIcA-Ó •00 TTlApbAt) Aip A tcAbbA CeitineAf, ACC gup CAn^ADAjA 'Oub A^uf A mAc tflo|AceAn op|icAib ca|\ a cofAtic. ("UACeA|Abfuib 1^io|\ceut nA n-6|ipione.) An c-AonmAT) tcAbAjA dcu^. An ceu-o CAibix)it. RigAit 5^AtcAt) TTiic Heroine i^cacc bAAÍAine 'oeu^ 254 50 "o-ci 237. H. C. (peuc AnnAÍA ^iigeAccA n-6p|\ione An. 1. \\o\^. An 60 -ouiteo^. Aoif An T)oniAin 4609. -pAoi Ainm CobcAc CAob b^ieAg. 1TIa|a An ceu-onA AnnAÍA 5-CluAinniicnoif.) Anoif Aip bAf tAogAijA imcigeA'OAiA nA tuAiccujAA'oi'oe AniAc Ai|A fWiX) 6|A|iione A15 ^Iaoic jAigce, pi^ionfAi-oe, cinpp, oltrtiAnA A^tJf cjieAbAonA 'n pobAit te nA ceite te Cpmion x)o |AogAt). A^uf An cpAc •00 f-ui-oe An c-A|\"oc]\uinne |AogA"OAp JiaIca-ó TTiAC tlcgoine C|Amion, o\\\ jaoitti ci^eAcc te nA ceite x)o Ap-ocjAuinne n-6|A|Mone -00 bi -pe iiojAigce Ann a \\^■^ Af cionn gAAlen ai|a m-bpuiceine tnAgno^f. Annj^nA ÍAecib feo bi DUAC mAC Oilliol mic lAogAipe teAnb "oa bAAtAincAt) 'oe AOIf, A^Uf 10mcU1]AeAt)A|A Am AC An pA1fX)e UAX) bAOgAt 5^^^" cAt) A^uf cui|AeA-oA|i A t)-cAif5e e Ann •oeA5t)un b- "PeAiAttiop cinpp 5-Co|AiAc tTiic THoitA ACAi^ Aine An beAn^ii^eAn a ■pofuig ceAni*eA]i 5-C|Auicen, Anoif "oo bi Aine 11*0 mACAi|\ Aine -00 pofuig ÍAO^Aipe Ann caIatíi 5-C]\uicen, A^uf pug 560 fife Oiltiot ACAif n-'OuAc An teAub 'oeofuit)e. Aguf "oo CAftA-o 5up ctii|\ e-fmion tof50ifit)e Aig cuAifcugAt) cuAfif^ ATI teinl!). Ajuf cAinic f oc^t cmce Aif Aif cuige 50. f a-o r AcA'n ^AifÍAoc bAuboif, b^lb. Oif -oo bi AlÍA m-iSCAif ctoitr b-peAfttiof xMg gt^oic TTIaoti Aif An pAifoe Aguf if niAf fin Ainmnmg cac e. Anoif Aif An La ceu'onA lomcuifeAtDAf^ TDAon 50 bocAnAib b-peAfiriop bi AIIa Ann CAom ceinneAf nA coifbeifce Aguf "oo fug fi teAnb bcAn-OA 5A gtAoic THofiAc Ai|ici Aguf bi fi Ajuf TTlAon Ann a conroAtcAnA., A^uf niof jeufteAnuig J^^^ca-o tTlAon nibuf fui-oe. Ace nA fceutcA 'oe "Uc^ome Agtif tAogAipe Aguf giAlcAt) A^uf nA ^oince AfuttnAg 5^^^^^*^ ^^"ó Oitliot itiac lAogAife fulA t)- eifig fe A Iaiti te cofAnc, bi fCApuigce A1|^ fAt) Aguf Ani ^Aifix) 50 cUft>e. Ace AnncfAcc mof connAifc Aont)tiine nA joince UT). Úa|a cAniAt •o'ionnfui'óe -oo cuif ceifc ei^in Anoif Ai|i An tiAg feo A5uf Afif Aif An liAg wo A15 fAt): A fAoi An but) cufA An ce -oeAfuig goince S^aIcat) Ofmion a 5IAC fe UAt) tAth Oittiot TTnc tAogAife? Ace X)0 ffeAgAlf. CAc: til f eAt) I Agtif t)o cAinic focA^ x)e nA nit)cib feo «lie 50 leuf 50 cltiAifceAnc b-1piAcnAc fig UtlAt). Ace f f eA^Aif fef An : AeA fUoce loÍAif niAf a ceite acc AniAin Hoigne. til cuifimfA eAeefAibl An efAc feo bi tTluiiiAin fAOi ftriAce giAlcAt) oif pofuig pfionfA Ib-tugA-o ingein Ofmion. Acc -oo liiAif titlAD fAoi fCiAC foig f05nAif Aif fAD nA fe bAAlmeAt) nevíx^ t)o ftn'oe IpiAcnAc AnnA fi^ Af cionn figeAccA n-UllAt). An ep ac riiAf- 561 tuig SiAÍcAt) cpit)Aon 6p|iione tJ^Y^eug bA^tAineAt) t)'eu5 piAcriAc 1^5 "UllAt). Aguf Ai]\ cigeAcc x>o A|AT)cpuinne n-UltAt) Le riA ceile ai^\ iti-bpuiceine iiogA-OAp "O^ipe m^c b-piAcnAc AnnA pig o^f cionn tJtlAt) Ann aic a AéAp. An cpAc "oo pi^Ait 'OAi^^e Aon b^AlAin AtriAin i^Aftii^ TTlAon AnnA n-o^A- nAc, A5Uf Ann A n-o^lAoc cotti CAOith 50 |AAib a ctiu cigeAcc 50 cluAifceAnc SiaIca-d A^uf 50 'oeA]AbcA but) jut -oojcuA- Iac -00 e. Ajuf 50 obAn ni ]AAib \^o\\^ TTlAoin te -pAJAit nibuf mujA ai]a Cojiiac. Ajuf cAinic feAi^niop 50 Ao-oniAjn- niACA Ajuf infuij 50 'OAipe ju^a cAinic fe UAt) AiA-ocAn Ann A ]AAlb mA|l COniluAt)Oip teif An OjtAOC AI5 •out A1]A AfCI^A 50 t1e]A tTiAC 5-Cpuicen ceAnfeAp CAltiiAn 5-Cpuicen, oi]a CAinic fOCAt 50 ctuAlf b-peAI^TTlOp 5U|A pAib SlAtcAt) te mA|A- bAt) triAon. tnAjiAn ceuT)nA 'o*innif "peAiAnioiA 50 "OAiiie jteuf Ajuf CA01 cloin tTluniAin. Aguf "o'lnnif An caoi cuAit) cuit) ■oen cAlAih pAf com jta'da te uiAcuip f^i'ój -^gtif T^ic nA uif5it)e AfceAc -pAn uccAife Ajuf fAnnA-OA^A Ann Ajuf jIaoito- ceAp uifgi-oe n-5u|inA Ann Co|nAc. bi peA^itiiop beugeolAc Acc fAn feilj -pAn ceot ^juf jAoince. A-oubAipc An |aij bompA: A SeAJAijA ACA'n |:eA|\ ux) jAn eAjnA An ]Aion caoL ACA Aige HiAftuijeAnn te C|Aom-n-ot a thuccAp incinn "ouine, Aip ithceAcc "00 feAiiniop Aip AJAit) 50 ITIuniAin bjiunnuig "OAipe t)0 DA eic: Iac Aguf Ofoj, Ajuf "oa niAX)Ait)e bpeAT)A: SujAc Ajuf tuc. Aguf t)'imti5 feA|vniop Aip ajaho 50 tnuniAin. 1a]a ceicjAe bAAtAine cAinic "peAiAnio]! Apif 50 Aot)mA5n- ih^CA Ajuf tAbAip fe mAp f eo : Aca ITlAon AnnA coninui<)e 56^ ■pof le 11e|\ Ann CAlo.ni ^-CjAuiuen aca ^ac ce^n^A -d'a iholAt) 50 Ap-o. Cit) 50 b-jTuil A coipp Ann caIaiti ^-Cpuiúen 50 |:oit ACA A AnAm Ann e-piAion. Aguf fAncuigeAnn ceAt) A COf X)0 CU1]A AI^V A U1|A. bui) HIAIC te g^^^^^^ ^S^f ^^" TTiAin 'pA'óAi|ic An cpeunÍAoic, CU5 ceAni^eAp b-peocAp ^eAÍt comgniothe lomÍAnA "oo, c]Aeux) 'oeineAnn pig UltAt) ? Anne nAC eiin^eocAO a ÍArn te bAinc An Oai^o^ CobcAc A-p An cpi-OAon. A^uy "00 -ppeAgAip 'OAipe : T)o cui^i tTiutriAin -puAf e. teA^eAT) A^uf THuniAin -piAf e ! pAn^TA-o "UllAt) Ann -po^ A^uf fognAf. Ace •oubAi|ic PeApthop : An bAC|:AX) pig tlllAt) ^luAipeAcc nA b-lpeocA|A a cpeopuigi^ATO ITlAon Ann -peo? Aguf '00 "piAeA^Aip 'OAipe pig UllAt): Aca ^aaI tlltAt) A5- uf ^AAÍ 5-Cpuicen 'oeApbpAcpe, ^luAipeAX) cpit) UllAt) a^uj' ■pAitce!. lAp pin •o'imcig peAprtiop Aip AgAi"ó 50 cpAig n- AptiCAin A15 puipeAc cigeAccA TTlAoin A^up 5^^T ^^^ ^" peApniop A^up A puippion Agup ApmpluAg b-PeocAp, oip ip AnnpAn aic pin bi iduiI tun^poic ^Iacau aca. Agtjp peAp ■peApniop Aip Aitle Ap cionn nA mApA Agup connAipc pe bAt) A cigeAcc ionnpuit)e cuAin, A^tip "oo bi Aip bop-o An ceAc- coipe -00 ctiip peApiiiop 50 caIaiti 5-Cpuicen 50 TTlAon iriAille te CpApceine bAp-o b-peAprriop, A^tip •oubpA'OAp : A "PeApniop ACA TTlAon A^tip "oo ctAn 50 ttiaic -^^up belt) pi ad Ann peo Aip bAtt. UpAC "o'lmcig peAprnop 50 Ao-orhAgniiiACA, ^An piteAt) pop An ceAccoipe a cuipceAp 50 Cpuicen, cuAituig ITIopiAC CA-o A CAptAt) Agup niop peut) teice puAiiiineAp pAg- Ait Ann boc no Ann mAg acc Ann aic ai]\ but) ^neACAc^ t)o 568 TTlAon T)o belt, ^^uf bi'n ]"eA]^c ^^uf An 5t^AT> a t)'fAf Annci A15 ice a ci\oi'óeI A^uf t)o conriAi^Ac AiÍIa gleuf a in^ein 50 -oubbiionAC acc nio|i t^bAip p nuig 50 •oubAijic 1T!o|iiAc: Uo^bAip ceó.x> -oom -out 50 mo •oeA|ifiii]i Ann bot- AnAib 11-Oip. -Aguf 'o'lmci^ 17lopiAt. An cpAc feo bi ceAnfeA|A Oijimion Atnuig te n^ feit^o- i|iib Acc "00 bi A 'DA line o^AnAiue A TTi-bAite. A^u-p bi AongAi-pA A n-t)eA|Abfui|A ca]aa miniAneAc -00 THo^aiac nibuf mugA 'nA Aont)tJine Ann cAtAth IlluTTiAin, Anoif A-orrmig 1Tlop- 1AC t)i uite i^muAince a C|\oi'De. Aguf cpiAtleAt>Ap nA 'oif bjion^eAttA, nA "oa o^AnA A^uf a -ptJiiAiiion attiac a^uj^ ni pigneA-oAp |?ui|AeAC no oipeAfeAth nuig 50 f'eAfAT)A|v m]\ caIaiti tIttAt), A^uj" •o'imciJeA'OAiA ^on-Ao'ÓTTiAgntiiACA, o^\\ cuAiteA-OAiA 50 jAAib ■peA|iTho]A Ann. A^uf x)o c|Aeo|Auig T)Ai]\e An -jAig iax) A|" coTÍiA|A ceAnfeAiA 5-Co]AiAc. A5tif "00 ATTiAi^Ac Tno]nAc A1|\ C|AA|?ceine i^eAnbApt) b-jTeApnioiA (^eucAnn teAbAip nA RiAnn "OUAn -00 CAnn C|AApceine.) Aguf teig p AnnA fuilib ^leuf An nit). Ajuf "oo bi 'n -pei-p |Aeit)ce, A^tif coth Iuaic 5111" ■DO bi AnnA fuit)e ctuinccAp coifceimeACA A^uf lonroA 5tJCA Aguf cAn^A-OA-p AfceAc ^AifCui'óe Ann A^imgteufAt) n-e^|\|Aione, Acc x)o bi cui'o ACA te ÍAnncAib A^uf 5|AAbb|iAc b-ITeocAii Aguf fuÍA yeux) -pocAt a ^vad bi ITIopiAc tubuigce Ann Ap- niAib TTlAOin A^uf fo^gpAiouig peAprhop "S^^V ^ ^^^ ^S^f TTlAon Aguf c]Aeopui5 ye iA.t) Af cotti5A]i "OAiiie 1115 UltAt), ^A ]iAt) : Seo mo mAC S^^f 05IA0Ó cpeun A511]- ITlAon •qaI- CAn AiIIa. A5Uf leAcnui5eAt)A|A fuitiiMon jm^tda ctApbopo 564 HA feife, Agtif T^i^Tie 'OiA^e ^iig tlll^Mó popcAOim ^^Ailce ■ooib. Aguf A15 •oiíifeAcc ceii'OA 'n ceoit t)o cati C|AA|?ceine: lTli05íiioni 5-CobcAc. Uuicitne ÍAOgAipe Aguf Oiltiol. eiciol- ieAt) Afi teinb 50 5-CopiAc. ^OAtcAtiAcc HlAoin, Aguf a -oaiia eiciotÍAt) 50 cAÍAni Tle|\. 'OiAn Aguf feA^icgiAAt) tTlAoin A^uf tTlo|MAú. Ai|^ cpiocmigAt) x)ubAi|\c CpA^rceitie: A utpig pop- cAoiTTi tJllAt) c|\eut) íTiA innf eocAT) 5^^r ^^ t)A|iA |Mon ? A5- uf 'oo f-eA^ 5^^r cpeunniAc b-peA|AtTio|v A15 ^ató : Ceicpe bAAlAine -©'f^MiTi TTlAon Aguf 5^^r ^S^f a -puipiAion -oe cl^n TTIuTTiAiti Aip cAt^m Hep, Aguf bimAyv A15 eifce-ó.óc a g-coni- ntiiúe m^ gtAoi-oceAIA G|A|iion oi|^eAinn, Aguf >m|\ ci^iocmigAt) riA ceic|ie bA^t^ine cAimc An móa\\. Aguf ulthuig Hep -oa coTTitAtincA 'oe 5neAC54SAt b-peoc pe goince Oittiot 565 Aig CAinc cpit) beul TTlAOin? Ace x>o bi g^^^c^t) cpoióeépom A5iif lAthlAg Le meut)ce^n yot^ cioncAig o ceA|t An ^TAolcu CAnA ux) Aguf a cottiIua'Ooi]\ ? Aguf A15 utmuij puAicip -00 ceA|^eAt)A|\ 5^^^<^At) Aguf a fuij^pion cpocACA 50 jAocAppui^. Aguf Ap-omgeATiAiA ÍTlAon Aip a fciACAib A^uf Ai|i cpumnugAto -oo nA comtAnncA cajic Ann a ciomcioll At)u- bAi]Ac: ■pioncAoith jTAitce 'OAOib a cpeuncAivA'ói'óe, Aguf T)'ei- pg A|iT)5Ai|Ace jleo A5Uf j^ciAcbuAilce, Aguf AT)ubAi|\c 5^^r- An tAb]ieAT) ye a cpeunÍAocpA. A5UI' fpeAgAip mte : l/Ab- jiCAnn I Aguf A-oubAijAC An c-o^Iaoc ITlAon : tli CAn}:eA|A eu^cAoin no CAC|iAnn Af cionn An teici'oe ut), oip ttia|a bui^ ye mo acai|a Agiif mo mopACAitA, aca a cuicime yoy ceimeAc uAt) bA|' iomx)A ^15 utc|Aeun, aca AnAl nA beACA Ann ^o yo\\^ ni coip 50 ■o-cei-ofAit) a •OjiocfpiopA'D awac yó.x\ ó.o]\ Aoibin 5^^^^" ^ -^S^f f t^eA5|AAT)A|A An f luAg : 50 fAIDbpeAT» bAAÍ fAOCAp lAbpAT). A^Uf tcig emA]A ÍAb- pAt) f1Af Af A|A ^ClACAlb A1|A An CaIaUI, AcC CUAIÚ An fluAg 50 5^^^^^^ F^r ^®°» ^5"r cuin5liii5eAt)Ap fu^An A^Uf -plAbpAt) Aip A CO|*A, AgUf CA|\|AAn5AX)A|A 50 CAlfC A coltAt)A]A fAn CAtAm Aguf CAiccADAp J^^^^^^ AfCCAc Annci, A15 5IA01C: "CobcAc-CAot-b|ieu5" ai|^I A^uf "oeAftiigeATOAp An c|Aefox) mA^Aon leif An cuit) ca|^c AnnA ciomciott Annof nAc m-beit) buAncommeine t)e Af cionn nA CAÍmAn. lAp pn CAn^AmAp 50 AoTomAgnmACA. 566 AcleAgce t)o C|\Ai:ceine, mo\\ cAinic a fAniAil 50 ITIuniAin' jioiTTie, A35iif 'oo jtAOit) C|AA|:ceine ""OAii^e" m6.\y Ainm ai|i a ctAi^-pAc. t)o HA LAoc|AAib bjionnuig An |Aig cacttia|\c bpeAt) A^uf ttJijieAc Aguf "OO bponnmg Coca beAniAigAn T)Ai]ie "oa ttiin'bpACA A^uf Ci^io-p Aguf biopATi A^uf mi-005 ton|AAc le X)eA|\50|i. Úa|\ t)eif pn cfiiAlteAX)A|A a ni-bAite 50 m-bocAtiAib b-peAiATTioii, A^iif 00 pof TTlAon Tno|AiAc blActT>A|A Aluin. An c-AonniAX) teAbAi-p 'oeti^. An -oa^ia CAibitnl. HigAit n-'OuAc fcAcc bAAlAine. 237 50 -o-ci 230. U. C. (feucfA AnnAÍA pigeAccA n-6]\|Aione. An. 1. -pol. An 76. •ouileo^. Aoi|" An 'OotTiAin 4659. p^oi ^aiiatti lAb^A*ó ttin^feAc, 1. TTlAon mAC Oiltiot Aine). Agiif Ann AnnAÍA 5-CliiAinniic- noif mA|i An ceu-onA. lA-p cuicime J^AtcAt) ca|\ 'óeif 1^15^1^ feAcc bAA^Aine X)eti5 ^5^r ^^"^ CAjAtAt) gtjp CU1C lonroA iriAiceAt) gAAÍen te Ji^tcAt) Ann 5-CAc T)iin-nA-|Ai5 feAtui^ fCAC ttiaiu ca|ic jaoitti jiogAt) "pig. Ace Aip ci^eAcc tDo A|\t)c|itiinne 5<^^^6n ai^ m- b|AtJiceine |AogAt)A|A t)tiAc TDac Oittiot tDeApb-pACAp "Ucgoine AnnA IA15 Af cionn jAAten. A^tif ai|\ cigeAcc te nA ceile •00 pjAion-pAiTOe A^u-p iTiAice TDutTiAin A^uf 5^^^^" "^^P ^~ b|\uiceine TTlAgnAif |\05A'oa]a 'Ouac AnnA Opmion. Ace -00 tTIA1|l tAbpAt) mAC Olltiot TTJIC lAOgAipe Al-p piOn A ACA|A, Aguf cuinguig fe An IpeocA-p TnA|\ CACA|AbAp AnnA ciotncioll, 567 nio|t inici5 pó.x> ^ip Aif 50 caIamti g-Cpuiten. An cetio bAAlAin "oe pt5 g-CojiiAc Aguf ati ctA]ifeAc a bponnuij i^ig tit- Ia-d -00 Agtif 'otjifuig ye ceol nibuf binne Aip ceu-oAib ■OAi^ie A cl^pf A15 'tiA cluinceAiA poinie Ann 6|i|\ion ! Ai|i fui-oe Wn AiiT)c|Auinne An t)A|iA |:eAcc -oo bi Ainm ttlopcm 5tAoit)ce o^Y Apt), Acc ni |VAib AnnA n-Aic, no ai|\ i^A^Ait, no -pocAt ciaY itncij fe. Ajuf 'o'imcigeAiOAii lAbiAAt) Ajuf 5tAf, AgUf CAUApbAp lAblAAt) AgtJf Ctl1|AeA'0At\ A1|\ An Ceij^U CACA toiAjoiin-oeAt), Aguf ciiAi'DeA'OA|i A15 cuAii^cugA'o Ann- •óiAJ Tno|AceAn acc nioji |:iiAipeAt)Ap ^01^5 'oe Af cionn CAtAtri. Ai|\ pteAt) tAbjiAt) 'oo'n AjA-ocpuinne bi 5 a eif- ueAcc le focÍAib n-tDlige n-6p|Aione, A^tjf feAfuig ye Af cothgAii An c-AHT)c|itiinne 5A pA-pugAt) : CiA'n tJAip cluAif fAi-o An c-A'P'Ocnuinne i:iAt)ntiife "Oe^Ain A^up Scait) AnnA- jAit) TDopceAn ? Aguf •o'-pAnn cac AnnA cof c nuig 50 f CAf- «15 peApgAif ppionfA n-UllAt) 5A pA-o: UpAc fCAfcAnn TDopceAn Ann Ap ^-conigAp. -Acc fpcA^Aip ÍAbpAt): t1i 50 •D-ci pn? Agtif cufuig fe A15 CAinc, AnuAip "fe^f 'OAipe pg tlllAt) Aguf A-oubAipc: A COTTlf'tAlCe Agtlf A fAopclAnA n-Cppione cit) ceimuigim An ceA-pgpAt) a cAipbeAneAf tAbpA'ó Ann teAnnuimnc An feAp a -oeipceAp -00 fit -puit a aca|i» Ann fin 'otibAipc tAbjiAt) : O A. "piS if ^n tnopceAn mit- ceAC "oo f A1C An ceut) beim I Ann pn -oubAipc *OAi|ie : A tAbpAt) cit) muipneAc t)om aca t)ti5e n-6|Apone nibup mup- nAige, cpeut) mA gtACfAt) tAbpAt) a n-Aic AmeAfg ppionfAib A ftiocc, Annof 50 g-ctuinfAX) a ctuAif foctA Aip cpeAct> HA n-'otige? Ajtif X)o bi triAp pn. A5Uf Aip cpiocnugAt» n^ 569 fOclA t)'ei]M5 'OAi]\e Aguf T)ubAi]Ac: Anoif cuAiluig tAbjiAt)' 5up but) eijin ■do 5^6 ccAngA x>o beic AtiriA cofc cpAc tiac m-bit)eAnn An c-ept^oc Aip tAtA|i. Aguf cAimc 'oubb|ion ai|v lAb]iAi6 AJtif At)ubAipc: An -peAtfAit) C|ai bAAÍAine eile 511]^ ino]\ceAn beo? A^uf 5U|a buAiluig -pefAn Aguf a aca|i ai|i An b^ll A cuAileAX)A]\ guc 5-CobcAc C^ot bpeug? 'A5Uf T)ubAi|Ac "OAiiAe teif cpAC cuAitfe^p focl^ •o-Uufinof "o-UAn- AfceAc. A^tif teigccAp n^ |:octA A^uf 'oubAi|ic tDAiiAe 1^5^^ tUl^t) : U15 te cAfoit) T)e b^f Oitliot -00 beic fCjiui'Dui^ce ó.^]\ ni-b|AiJiceine 5^^^^"> ^S^f ^^ ^^ tAbjiAt) fAfCA. ÚA|t t)eif nA c]M ÍAece bi leAbAij^ nA n-Aimfi|ie lei^ce Aguf An UAi|A 5tA0it)ceA|A Af Apt) I ScAfcAnn AonneAc ai|i ni-bpuiceine A'5 lAp^eAt) A ceApc? tliop fpeA^Aif Aon guc. Aguf im- cigeADAp An fluAg A ni-bAite. ^51«^ t)o cui|a "OAiiAe |iig UllAt) ceic|ie nAOintTiA|v 05AnAi'DeA'ó te CjiA^ceine te beiú muince Ann -ppjAeA^At) ceu'OA 5-clA|ifAc An ceoit. -An cpAC x)o tngAit tu^A pig triuThAin feAcc bAAÍAine pcit), -o'eu^ fe» Aguf Aip cigeAcc te nA ceite 'oo Apt)cpuinne tTluTTiAin ai|I ni-b|Auiceine po5AT)A|i Cunt)A 'nnA jiij Ann aic a acaji, Ann- fAn nAomniAt) bAAtAin -oe pigAit "OAijie Ann tlttAt) |:uAi|i SeA^Aiji bAf A^uf Aip ceAcc te nA ceite -do corhcionot nA nA n-ottATTi |A05AT)Ap ScACAt) Apt)ottóm UttAt). tDeiiAceAp nAC |\Aib ottAth Ann e^|A|non no Ann jAAtAg nibuf eA5nA 'nA ScAgAip eAt)on uAt) tAecib b-pAptAc. AnnfAti -peAccniAO bAAtAin T)'a jngAit niA]i C|iniioh t)'eu5 'Ouac, At)teACAt)A|i e e A^uf •0Ain5nAt)A|i a cApn Ann IVlA^nAf. 570 An c--ó.oniTiA*o teAbAiji "oetig. An cjAeAf CAibit)il. Ri^^il n-*Ou^c mic OitUol fe^cc bA0.t0.1ne. 230 50 •o-ci 223 R. C. (peuc i:aoi Ainm tAbjiAt) ltjn5feAc, Ann Ann^lAib jngeAccA n-CiAjMone). 1a]a bAf *Oti<>.c Ai|i cigeAcc x)o AiA-ociminne g^^^en te nA ceile Aip ni-b|iuiceine jiogA'OAii IDtJAc m^c Oiltiot rtiic l^og- Ai|Ae AnnA 1^15 A-p cionn 5^^^®^« Aguf •o'imcigeA'OAii nA ttiAiccti'pA'ói'De attiac Aip ywx) 6|A]Aion A15 jAAt) : OiUGAt) t^igce, p^^ionf Anóe, cinpp ottniAnA, A^uf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil A15 c|AtJinnu§At) te nA ceite AnnA n-AiA-ociAuinne n-6|Apione oip aca ciAiuAon 6|ATnion -pottAtii. Ai|A ipui-oe "oo'n Aji-ocjitiinne pogADA^i T)tJAc ]\^■^ gAAten AnnA e-|Amion. Anoif -oa cAptAt) ^uja |?Af 'Ouac xjiotheA'pAc AnnA Ai^ne, nio|\ ^tAc -pe C0TTiAi|Ate t)Ai|Ae X)e ctAn b-peocA|A a teAnnA-oA]! e Af cAtAiii 5-Cpuicen. Anoif cia but) e otc ai|i bic pigneA-OAp pp nA X)a cottitAnn ut) (A^tif i-p lonroA otc •00 snit)) ni coiiinieAf5 6tAmion iad. Aon tA -00 tAbAip» Cine tuAC 5-Cinc ceAnconitAnn A5Uf c|iiaú nA b-peocApi -00 TTIet^AC iTiAC 5-CobcAc 5A p\At) A15 mA-ptu^At) e : A b-|?tjit An bAtt •OCApi^ fin A1|1 •00 AgAlt) C0ÍTIA|AÚA "potA Olttiot ? Ol]1 50 •oeiTTiin bi bAtt "oeAiig ai|i eu-OAn THet^Ac UAt) piu^At) e. A^ui" IMgne ITIet^AC CA-poi-o X)o "Ouac 'oe miognioni 5-Cinc. l-p e 'OO -peA^AIjl 'OtJAC •00 : A piAlb CU-pA A1|A tACApt CplAC lilAtAbtJI^ "OO ACA1|A mo ACA1|ipA ? Anoi-p AnnfAn 'peii'eA'o bAAtAin 'oe "pijAit n-*OiJAc G|imion ciiuinntiig A^'ocpuinne n-e-p|\ione te nA ceite A^up t)o ]ut 571 ^ocaL "oe 5nioni;^ lllel^Ar : At)leAcceAi^ clAn b-ITeoÓAii t)A«. 572 n-'OuAc X)euncA Af cionn ah aic ai|i cuicuig fe. "Oo bi a Ainm An ceu-ouAip T)ijac ttiac Oittiol -ptoince TDaoti, acc A1|^ An ÍA -00 ceA|i ye g^^l-cAt) -00 jIaoho An ftuAg tAb|^A■ó ai|a. 1f An Ainm j^eo aca Aip |iot nA pg, mA|^ An ceti"onA aca fe floince lungfeAc mA|\ ^eAlt 5111^ cAinic fe te iomt>A ^^"5 50 6ffion. TTlAp An ceu-onA ni b-fuit beul uifge SlAinge ^lAOi-oce feAfOA Imbiof SÍAinge acc 'toe g^t^^^"^"' "^^ ^t^^55 5^T^ but) Ann fAn5AX)Ap 5aaI b-peocAf cuAin. Aip Cfiocnu^At) An CAC nuAif T)o bi 'Ouac mAfb, uAimc TTIofceAn ceAnfCAf Hemion Af comgAf ITIetgAc oif -oo cf oit) TDof ceAn Annf An CAC UT) ACC Acnuig THel^Ac 50 n-geibccAf e Annof 50 b- ffeA^focAt) -oe fuit Oitliol. 'Oo figAit 'Ouac mAC OilUol ftoince ITlAon Aguf ÍAbfAt) ttm^feAc feAcc bAAÍAine 50 gÍAn mAf Ofmion. An c-AonniAT) teAbAif "oeu^. An ceicfetnAt) CAibit)iU R15A1I triel^Ac ■oA'f'óeug bAAÍAine. 223 50 -o-ci 211. tl. C. (peuc AnnAtA figeAccA n-6f|none. An. 1. fol. An 78 'ou- iteog. Aoif An TDoTTiAin 4678. ^aoi Ainm TTIetgAC itlotcAc. A5iif AnnAÍA g-CluAinthicnoif). Anoif UA-o'n cf ac utniui^ ÍAbf At) tungfeAc cothÍAnncA b- peocAf te ÍAigeAnAib, fe fin te ÍAnncAib |non teACAin) bi liijeAccA gAAlen floince: "|n§eAccA lAigeAn". Aip cigeAcc le 573 riA ceile t)o o.pt)cpuinne lAije^n Aip m-bpuiéeine ii05At)A|\ Illel^AC TTIAC glAlcAt) AntiA pig Af ciotin ÍAigeAn, AJllf 'OO ^lAOit) TTIel^AC riA bpeiteAtrinA 50 'o-ci'ti ni-b|Aiiiéeine, Aguf cui]iceA]\ ITlopceAn Af comgAp An c-AiA-ocpumne, Aguf jtAono- eAX)A|i 'Oe^ATi Ajtif Scat), Aguf ai|i AiAT)ti5At> a "óeAflAiriA miontii5eAt)A)\ t)Ap bAAÍ, He, Agtif UAjifnA-pc, A15 jIaoic Aip fpiO]iAt) Oitliol A15 pAt) : CoTTi tuAié: Juf cuAiluig "Oub AJUf HlopceATl 5UC glAtcAt), "00 |11C uati'ti AIC AtiriA |lAlb Ajuf T)o teAtin "OegATi Aguf Scat) AnnA n-t)iA5 Agtif connA- ipceAt)A|A 5^^^^^^ fCAfeAt) A]^ cionn ÍAogAipe AnnA tui-óe ai|i An CAtATTi Aguf cAinic OitUoL AfceAc Ajuf buAit Tno|iceAn e te iomt)A cocbeim nuig ^uja "o'eu^ fe. -AT)ijbAi|ic UottA|itx An b|ieiceATh -oo TTIopceAn : CuAilAif An pAt)nuife Ann "oo A^Ait) ci^ueut) 'piAeAgjieAj' 'ooib ? 'O'f An TtlopceAn AnnA to\'Z, Acc "OO loeA^Ac -pe 50 cpuAi^AniAil fUAf 50 ITlelgAc. "OubAipc Tnet5AC Af ^\\'ó : Ha CAbAit^ "oo AgAit> o|im|^A O A. X\\o\\- ceAn, o^\\ ni b-fuit cjiuAig no cpocAipe Ann mo cpoi-oe t)uicl TTIa cAilt mo ACAp A ciaII, An cAiltf At) tTlet^Ac A ctni ? LAb|AAt)if nA bpeiceAmnA. -A-oubAiiic UoIIai^'o: puAif5AilceA]t c|ieAct) nA n-'OUge? Aguf A|it)tii5eAT)AtA uile a "oeAftAmA, "Oo bi nA fOclA teigce. An fin cugA-OAii TnopceAn •oo'n •oicceAnoiii, Aguf cAinic cioniot mo]i AnnA ciomcioll Aguf bi ino]AceAn ceiljce Af fA-ÓAipc 50 bfAc. Aip fon An ceAfc l^eo bi mem A5tif Ai^ne ^aca buit)eAc tjo ITIel^Ac, A15 5IA- 01c Tnet5AC ITIotcAc mA|A Ainm ai|i. 'O'imcigeATJAf nA Iuaic- cupA"óit)e AmAc Aip fuit) 6p|non A15 jIaoic nA fi5ce, ppion- 574 ^^1^)6, cinp|\, ollmAnA Aj^uf upe<^bAonAon ? A^uf 1^05^*0^11 e te gut Aonpp. X)o jMg^it Tnet^o^c 50 ceA|\c, uat) t^^ecib tlcgome ■o'lonni^ui'oe An t)ti§e -00 beic lAgbiAigeAc Ann TnutiiAin Aguf ÍAigeAn 50 ^-ci Anoif, Acc CU5 Tnel5Ac a h\\^■^ ceA|ic t)oib. tTlAp An ceu-onA If blAc ttllAt) X)Aipe, aca UllAt) Aguf tllconnniAcc Ann fog Aguf fOgnAr. Anoif Ann^An •o-CfeAf bAAlAin x)e l^igAil TTlel^Ac AnnA Gyimion lAp X)iit AmAc 100 nA bulfoipib A15 gtAoic figce, p|AionfAit)e cmpp otlniAnA Aguf c^AeAbAonA 'n pobAil "oo 'piii'óe AnnA Aii-oc^umne cAinic peA|A§eAl Apt)- c|iOtTifeA]A ÍAigeAn niAilte te conit)Ait 50 bocAnAib &|Amion Aifi ttlAgnAf, Aguf cpeopui^ peA^igeAt An conroAil Af conigA|i Thel5Ac An |\ig Aguf but) cotttoaiI ceAccoi|\eAccA uAt) 5aaI- A5, IbepiAc, Aguf biiAfce, Aguf but) e gAifcpeAbAAl T)eA|i- b|iACA|t AonbAAÍ, ceAncoTTiT)Ait nA ceAcconieAccA lomcuifi fe ticciiii^e teif HAT) AonbAAl a t)eA|Ab|iACA|\ ceAnfeA]\ nA peine Aguf AiA-octifAc JaaI Sciofe Ibef Ann SaaIa^ Aguf nA 5aaL 8cioc Ann ia|\ci|i lA-pib 5 a iia-d : bAAl Aguf buAit) O A .tnelgAt Aji-ojAig nA 5^aI Scioó CptAione Agtif nA JaaI Sciot Ibef fAn x)oniAin fiA]\. tUthiiigfA cogAt) ai|a fon 5aaL 575 Scioé cloin b-^eine 5-C«NCA|i-ce-t)un Ann^gAit) j^tiocc Tlemion I UltTiui^fA Aonbo^t niAC AmAitce|i TTi-bApiigAi]* co^ao Ann Ainm 5-CAtA|^ce*un, acc 50 •oe^pboA ai|i con '^ó.cX Scioc Ibe^, O^o^geif, HAOittiA'oeif, Af cionn CAtm^n e^-oon Aip fon n^ cmne t)AOineA<) I Oi]a 50 T)eitTiin tha f e^f f-Ai-o n^ cmne t>A0ineAi6 Ai^^ Tii-b|tuiteine An c^AAé A|AX)5Ai|^fAi'o n^ butfoi]\- it)e : Se^fCAnn Aonne^c ai|^ iri-bpuiceme A15 lApeA-ó a ceA]ic ? Ann pn but) coi|i 'oo cmne •OAOineAt) "00 beic A15 AptJti^Aó A gud Ann CAfoiT) AnnAgAi-o fliocc tlemion ! Oi|\ aic ai^ bic AnnA Tn-bit)eAnn fog no -po^nAf, aic Ai-p biú AnnA m-bit)- eAnn bÍAC no cAipbe, aic ai]i bic AnnA m-bi-óeAnn -pAit)- bpeAf no tilniAOinn, bei-ó An aic 11*0 cpAc ei^in copugAt) l'Anc nA HemionAc SAnc a 'peAjijeAnn niAp bAAt AnnA ■peA^g A^u-p A f opneA|\c I AcAim "pAoi ^CAf Aib t)o beic Am AgAit) tlemion 50 f io|\buAin ! U|aac C|iiAtluig mo AáAiji AiiiAilcep bA|A^§Aif leif A AjAmfluAg 50 6lfbAniAC AgUf irwye Am ogAnAc "oe nAoi bAAtAineAt) t^igne fe coi]ibeipc cpom x)o bAAl hut AiiA-oe, Ajiif pA^A^iuig "oiom mA but) mAit tiom ■out leif? Ai|A fjieAgpAt) t)o 50 m-but) AncAitneAmAc tiom. At)ubAi|^c bei|\fAim mA ^eAllirA-OfA mAp lApuigim o|ic? A^uf A15 cuip Aip pubAit CAC A ^Aib ciomciott An ulcuif\ Atnui^ fe t)om : tHo Iatti t)o Ica^ ai^ Aguf mionA t)o t)eun- At) : trie t)o bei6 AnnA buAnnAmAt) x)0 nA HemionAib gAn -peg no cA|AAncAf t)o beit it)i|iinn 50 t)eo I ITIionuig me Ajtif cofnuig me O A. 1A15 nA mionA ut) 50 t)*ci An-óiul 'Oe b]Aig pn lA^v^Autgim ÍAih CA^AncAf UAtt, Ajuf mAY feroifi 576 'COTTigTiiotTi AtiiiA^Ait) TletTiion. U^ifb^MnfAit) mo t)e<\pbpACAip SAifcpeAbAAÍ CA01 Aguf S^^tif An cuin5|\ Aji-ocpuinTie AtiTiA fume ai|i hó\X, IpAnnuigm Arm mo bocAn- Aib Aguf ctii|AfeA|i blip 5-ceifc -ooib. Aguf t)o bi mA^^ pn. Ai^A ^«1^)6 'oo'n AiA-ccpuinne "o'eiiiii^ OAnmion A15 |^a*ó : Á CoTTiftAice Aguf A fAO|ActAnriA ri-e-|A|Aione Aip fuit)e '00*11 Á|it)cptiiiine An -oaiia jreAcc ca|a -oeif ha riAoi l^ecib aca fOCÍA A15 6|Amion le ctii|A Ann bu|i 5-cot^l5A|^. Ai|A fui-oe -oo'n A|AT)c|Atiinne An -OApA fCAcc, "oo bi o^^V cjAeAbAAt Aguf A coiTTOAit AnnA fui-oe AmeAfg ppionfAib lAigeAn. Ágtif -o'eipig Camion A5tif At)ubAi|ic: A Cothf-lAice po|i|ACAinie n-Gp|none cAitiic cugAinn S^^f^t^®^^^^^ "oeAi^bpA- CAi|i AonbAAÍ AptJcpiAt b-peine 5-CACA|Acet)tin te cottitdaiI ceAccoi|\eAccA tiAt» «A Saaí Scioc fAn i^ioncAib pn, mA'f biijA •o-coit e leigpt) Scocat) An c-A|At)ottAni nA ticciiMue a|a n-5AAttTitiinci|i Aguf AonbAAÍ 'otiinn. A5tif "oo teig Scocat) An ticip Ann cttjAij^cAenc ha n-A|i'OC|Auinne. 1a|i teigeAu bi cothi^At) ACA. Ace 50 "oeApbuA ni y^Aib Ann Aon|?eAcc no Ann AonconiAiple Aip An ceifc. Úa^ CAmAÍ -o'eipg Conn pjnonfA IbtuJAO 5A jiAt) : THa ÍAbiiocAt) "OAipe jAij UttAt) ? AgUf •oo i^it niiii|iniop cpiD ah c-Ap-ociiuinne 5A ^a-o: SeAt), niA tAbiAocAt» pg tUlAt). *Oe bjAig pn -o'eiitig 'OAi|\e Agtif At)- iíbA1|^c: A comflAice po|ACAOithe Agtif a foAjiclAnnA n-6p|n- one AnnfAn cuif feo noiih fi^eAgpA-o t)o 5^1 f^T^®'^^^^^ ^^P f°" 577 Ap n-t)eApbpACAip AonbA^l a|\t)C]Mac wo. b-peine 5-CA6A|Acet)un Aguf nA 5^^^ Scioc fAfi ]\ioncAib ut), but) coi|t t)uinn t)o leupfmuiAn An ceut)UAip : Cpeut) if leup -ouinn ? AipQlAn x)ApA |:eAcc: Cpeu-o if ceAT)ui5eAc T)uinn Aguf cpeut) coip- TTieAf^u 156^1111 T)li5e n-6]\|Mone? Oi^a Do'n Afocpuinne feo ACA t)ti5e n-Cp]Aione Af cionn 50.C ! Uime T)eifTnf a : 5^P but) teup T)uinn 50 cinnce ÍAm CApAncAif c^bAipc X)0 Aon- bA^l 50 buAin. Ace x)o "oeuriAt) cumgfAt) com^niortie cog^t) leif ^nriA^Ait) luce Tlemion, ni ■oUfceAtiAc fin t)uinn, oi|t ACA f ocIa Aif cf eAcc T)li5e n-Cf fione 5A f At) : t1i cfiAÍl- fAT) Aon 1115 no Apt)flAc comlAnncA nA 5aaI Af Cffion ATTiAc. 'A5uf t)o bi mA|i fin. Hnóeifin t)o cAflAt) guf cpum- nuig Af ifiol cfit) ceAf5fAt) nA 5-CfomfeAf At) ciomcioll. ceicfe coTTilAnncA, An cuit) if mugA aca uAt) fionpAfcib ÍAb- AfAt) tungfCAC, ACC CAniC C|AeuntAOCfA AgUf t)10CfeAbA15 UAt) 5AC fi^eAccA eAt)on uAt) tllconnniAcc 50 t)-ci tun^popc locA gAfbiTiuin Aguf imci5eAt)Af fAoi lAnfeol le 5^^r^~ fCAbAAt. Anoif AnnfAn ceicpeniAt) bAAlAin De figAit Illet^AC t)'eu5 6unt)A 1115 TTIuTTiAin, Aguf Aif CfumnugAt) t)o Aft)c|iu- inne ttluniAin Aif lii-bfuiceine f05AT)A|i ItlAccofb a itiac AnnA fig Af cionn íTluTtiAin. Ann bAAÍAin eile fUAip Conn ppion- fA Iblu^At) bAf A^uf t)o bi tofc A t)eAfbAfACAf fogAigce AnnA n-Aic A^uf pofui5 TTlAccofb fig tTluniAin tofCA ingein toifc. tDo cfeit)eAt)Af tope Aguf TTlACcofb guf but) tniAn te Cfmion t)o fion ITIuniAin AnnAgAit) An fig 5A coffugAt) 578 fiiA|" cui-o A ]\Mh |\ionnpApcAc te 'Ouac AnnAjAit) ati cuit) A -pAib |\ion-poib : bi-oeAt) nibiif geu^ie Aip UuAic-ttlumAin 'riA ai|a • 'OeA'prhuniAin. Ai|i An caoi pn cuaix) Aon bAAÍAine 'oeu^ CA|^c, nmg T^o cAnx^ADAii cioft)iopit)e Aip cAÍAm tnACco-pb te ■popneApc. A5UI" mó^]\ ciomAn-OApAn Apnei]" An ]Mg cotiieiiAi^eA'OAjA p\\ tTiUTTIAin A^Uf CeApiAA-OAjl 1AT). Al|\ An A-obA^I fin 'DO •pc]Aiob e-|Amion ticcipe x)o UlACcopb A15 ha-d: Ai^a c^Auinnu- ^At) "00 Apt)C|Atiinne n-e^jApione ^peA^iAeAT) TnACco|\b "oe io|a- ^uit nA ciofCio|\ib. A-j^My cuAit) nA tuAitcuji-oi-oe AmAc A^]\ ymx) e-p]non A15 ^tAoic t^^gce, pi^ionjiAi-oe, cinp]% ottmAnA, Aguf cjACAbAonA 'n pobAit 50 rriA^nAf , Ajuf ai|a f tiit)e -00 Aii'OC|\uinne n-Op- pione An cetJt)feAcc X)'eiiAi5 nietgAc e-pmion 5A |aa"ó : A\\\ fui-oe loo'n A|AT)cpuinne ca|\ nA nAoi tAece -pAn -oaiva |?eAcc fpeAgiteAT) TTlACcotAb ^5 ITIiiitiAin ca-o cuige ceA^AceAjA ciof- •oio|Mt)e G|^tnion? Anoif Aiyv fuioe t)o A|ADC|Miinne An "oaiaa •peAcc -o'eiivig TnACco|ib jAig tDuTTiAin 5A |AAt) : CeA|\ceA|\ nA ciofoiopi-oe -06 bpg 5U|A cAinic AfceAc fAn CAtAtti tiiA|\ nA- 1T1AT) A|AmgtetifCA A15 ciomAinc cpeAc te fotineA|\c! A^uf At)iibAi|AC 'OAijie CAiAtAt) fco UAX) ciofoiopib Ucgoine cat) cui5e rAC cuii^eAnn ITItiTTiAin AfceAC a pion triAii gni-óeAnn UttAt). Ace 'OiibAi|AC nietjAc: beit) cothtAnn riA gAifcmeAt) A15 cofmigAt) X)ti5e Ucgoine I Ajuf bjAUccuig 5teo fAn a]\x)- A comftAice •^5ll]" ^ f,NopctAnne n-6p|Mone UAt> tTlAgnAf ^O -O-UeACtTIOIA UAbA]\CA. Ai|A cigeAcc ÚAbA|ACA ni jAACfAX) 1TlACco]\b AfceAC Ann ^CAC An ^15. Acc "OO mAiji AnnA boc Aip UAbApCA. An c-AoniTiAT) teAbAip ■oeug. An cui^ttiat) CAibi-oiU tli^- Ail ITlACcopb mic Cunt)A "oe fUocc Ibep, |'e bAAlAine. 211. 50 •D-C1 2OÓ. Tl. C. "Peuc AnnAÍA pigeAccA n-6|i]Mone An 1. |Aol. An 78 Touileog. Aoif An tDoniAin 46995 fAoi Ainm 1Tloco|nb.) Anoif AnnfAn ÍAecib yeo x)o CAplAÚ 50 ^AAib Aon^Aif mAC n-'OiJAc poithe yeo AnnA Cpmion, A15 "oeunAt) cuAipc 50 580 n-UtlAt), C|\AÚ CAinic -pocAt 50 "OAi^Ae -oe cuicime thel5ó.c, Aguf Aon mi ATTiAin ^ioinie ci^eAccA riA -poctA 'pó.inic Aong^i]' AH Aoif jiiAccATiAC uime fin te corhAitAte 'Oaiiac ptuig -pe 50 jiocAppuig 50 WigeAri. Ai|i c|AuinTiu5A'ó -oo A|At)c|iuinne t^i- jeAn Ai|i TTi-b|Viiiceine ITlAgnA'p 'po^A'OAii AongAif triAC n- X)tiAc mic OitUot mic tAo^AijAe AnriA ^\ig Af cionn tAigcAn. XXgUf X)0 CU1|A TnACCOjlb TIA tUAICCU'pA'Dl'Óe AITIAC A15 5l ITIac- cofb Aif cfióAon 6ffione. ffCAgfAtJAf uile te Aonjuc: SeAt) blt)eAT6 blOCAt). CUAIt) tflACCOfb AmAC 50 llAfAlt, AgUf 581 t)o leA5 An c-A|iT)cponifeA|i An eifAon ai|i a ceAn, Ajuf t>o tcAj to]\c An jAi^b^^AC Ai]^ A juAilAmb. Aip pteAt) -oo ITIac- to]\h 50 t)-crn A^^ofeomiiAt) X)ubAipc An c-A]AT)otlAm feAt), Abb]AeAt) An Apt)ollAni AiMopig ni Cpmion. Aguf t)o bi niA|t pn. An pn T)o fuite ITlACcoi^b Ai^i An cpóAon. "O'eipg fe A^Mf A5iJf -oubAipc: ScpobceAjA Ainm 1TlACco|Ab Ai|t |\olAib nA P5 'ATl'OTl15' ^S^r t)o bi mAp fin. Ann pn x>o lei§ An c-A|it)ottAni Af AjAt) Ann cluAifceAnc nA n-A^i'Oci^uinne fcpobcA n-6oltiif A5«r teAbAip nA n-Aimp]Ae 5^^^^5' -^S^T cuAit)eAt)Ap AHiAc A^uf ceitAb^AA-QAiA mopfcif T)-UeACniO|1 A^tlf nioiAComo|\eAt> nA n-6AccpA ai|i tiof ÚAbApcA. Anoif -00 bi fluA^ce Aguf cottitionot ■oocun'OAig uai6 5AC T)ijicce n-^^A^M- one, oi]\ x>o bi luAcgAi^i A^uf ^Aip-oecAf cponoe op|ACAib fAt» m-bit)eAnn Apf Ann UeActtiOji ^guf Aip TÍio|AUof ÚAbApcAl Alp fuit>e Wn Aii-octvuinne An •oa|ia fCAcc tei^ceAji nA fqMobcA x)ó.]\ ctJfTTiof, Aip ciMocnu^AX) nuAip A-oubiiA-OAi^ nA bulf oi]Mt)e Af A|it) : SeAfcAnn AonneAC Aip ÚAbApcA A15 lApeAt) A ceA]Ac? tlio]A fjieA^Aiji Aonguc AgUf CUAI-OeATDAp Alh-bAlte 50 T)-CAtATT1 A g-COfTinUI'Oe, AgUf bl mO|At)0]AfA "O- UeActhop t)|itiiT)5ce. Ann^An T)A|ia bAA^Ain t)e pjAit tÍlACcopb AnnA Apt)p5 fUAip SCOCATÓ bAf, AjUf A1|1 CpumnugAD TOO coTTicionot nA n-oltArti |i05At)A|i TlAOinAn^ AnnA n-A|At)oltAni tlllAt) bi ]M5Ail tllACcopb ceAjAc Aguf gt^n 5tA0it)eAnn fe T)ubc|iAcCAc An A|it)cptiinne te da ceile 50 cpACAiriAit Ann UeAcnio]A UAbA|itA, bi<>eAnn cujiAtn Aige Ai]t gAC fCAcc Aguf 582 cuftTiof. AcA 6|Apion |?.tAine mcK\\ ó^]^x)]^^■^ x)o cApt^t) ^u^a ic fe ■ooicAti iAf5-po|ACAn xsguf cuintii5 fe ceinn, Aguf -o'e^ ye. An c-AoriTTiAt) tAebAi|i 'oeug. An feifeAt) CAibioiU Hig- Ait AongAif mAC n-*OiiAc fe^cc bAAt^Miie. 205 5-0 -o-ci 198 H. C. (Peuc Ann^l^ ^iigeAccA n-e-|Apione An. 1. -pot. An. 78 •ouileog Aoif An "OoniAin 4702. yóe a CU5 An utbuAit) feo -oo AonbAAt Aft)CfiAc Ajuf foflAic nA b- IPeine g-CACAfceúun Aguf x)o 'n JaaI Scioc a fefbfo^Ancig? 583 Aip ftiiDe T)o'n A|\t)ctiuinne An t)^^^ fCAcc co]'ntii5eAT)A|A 5^6 peAcc Aguf teijeAT)^]! n^ fC]MobrA t)A|i cufmof. Hiop fpe^- 5A1|^ Aon 5UC t)o n^ butf oipib A15 a^ad^Iaoic : Se 'Oo lei^e^n Aguf "Oo e^^n^ nA not- tAih. "Oe b|Ai5 pn bi a rhein A^uf a Ai5ne nibuf muince Ann ]:o5tuim lonA but) gncAc •00 ctoin 1oIai|i. X)o bi Aon- jAif AnnA eift)Ail t)o tocA|A Aguf CAicnuig teif 50 niop -oo belt gtAoiDce 'Saoi Aguf OIIatti'. A^uf bi buAncA|AAncAf it)i|^ 'OAipe 1^15 UttAt) Aguf -AongAif pig ÍAi^eAn Ajiiopi^. tlijAitcAnn AongAif ApDjiig le C|AOCAi|ie Aguf ceAjAC. Anoif t)o CA^AtAt) 51111 'o'eug CAipbpe pig TnutiiAin lAp pigAit ceicpe bAAÍAine, A^uf Aip cpuinnugAt) 'oo AiA-ocpuinne TiluniAin Aip iTi-b|Auiteine |A05AX)Ap peApco|ib a "DeA^AbiiACAii AnnA pig Af cionn ITIuniAin. Ann^An feAcctnAt) bAAÍAin -oe t^igAit Aon- gAife, uIttiui5 ConnjAAÍ mAC ttletgAc conieipige AnnAgAiD AongAif ApT)|ii5 tDeiiAccAp j^tip -peo cuf A^uf At)bA|i An i^tiAit) eAcqvA^b. 'Oo fC|Mob ConngAAt pAnncA eigin ai|i lonnoA \\ux> A^uf but> thop An fpeif -00 cui|t fe AnncAib, Anoif Aon Ía TiUAip t)o bi AongAif AnnA bocAnAib le connÓAit -oe nA ppi- onfAib, tei§ceA|i cuid x)e nA |iAnncAib AnnA cluAifceAnc A5- tlf fin fe pA|1 AI5 gAlfCAt) AgUf mAgAió oppcAib AgUf bi c|ioit)e Aguf Aigne g-ConngAAt fCAfbgomce, Aguf A15 itnte- Acc Aip pubAii utthuig fe coTÍieipije AnnAgAit). Agiif cAn- 5AT)Ap nA t)A AftnfltiAg fAoi tcic A ccite Ai]i niAg Alrhuine 584 b^AlAine. HigAit 5-Conifi5AAt mic ltlel5^c A^A-opig, Se^cc b^o^lAine 198 50 "o-ci 191 tl. C. ^peuc AutiaIa |\i5eó.ccA n-Gppione, An. 1. |iol. An 78 'ouileo5. Aoif ^n 'OoTtio.m 4720. p^oi Ainm CongAil lpAiii5leo po.cAC. peuc mó.\\ An ceux)nA : Le^bAip S^b^^tA, A5Uf An O5151A.) 1a|v cuicime AongAife, ciMiinnmg A|A'ocpuinne lAigeAn ai|\ tii-b|iuiceine ltlA5nAif ^guf |A05at)A|a Conn5AAt AnnA ^15 Af cionn ÍAigeAn. An -pm cuAi'óeAt)A|\ nA tuAiccti]AAt)it)e AmAC Ai|i fuiT) 6ppion A15 5IA01C nA |n5ce, p|MonfAi"óe, cinp|\, oLlniAnA, A5Uf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAiL 50 •o-UeActTiO|A ÚAbA|ACA 5An míAX A15 i^a-ó : Aca cinUAon Aji-oing |:ottAni. Aip C15- eAcc le nA ceile t)o'n AiAtJcpuinne An ceiit) ^reAcc jiogA-OAp ConngAAt AnnA Ai^-o^ig, o^\^ ni 5tACj:At) 'OAijAe ^115 tHÍAt) An c]Ait)Aon, "oe b|\i5 50 ^Aib -pe ceAnnii5AT) fcAn Ann lAecib. X)o bi "OAii^e 5A iM5AiteAt> Ann -pog Agup •puAinineA'p uime pn bi |n5eAcci'óe n-UttAt) Aguf tllconnniAcc Aoibin. Ace no bi ttluniAin Agu-p ÍAigeAn Scoitce te impipb. bi p|\ion- |'Ait)e tAi5eAn UAt) 'Ouac coniniolAt) cuit) "oe ceAnpeA|\Aib tnuTTiAin Ajuf ppionfAi-oe lAi5eAn ua-o CobcAc cothiholAt) cult) eite ACA. Ace x>e Conn5AAt Aj^-opig Aip n-"D0i5 caic fe A Am t)eunAt) Aguf A15 -oeAtbugAt) ^AnncA -oo nA m-bAp-OAib Agup fceulcA -oo nA pUb Aguf niA]A 5neACAc, bnocAnn a com- 585 A15 5IA01C m^p Ainm ^Mp: "gLcO fOiiAC". 01t^ if fO|\iif t)o t)iiine cotTit)eAccAc beutmot^t) 'oo fA^Ail? Acc Ann cpAcc but) beu5 o.n eotuf no CAgnA Apt)ceitneAc |:lAáAmnA. ÚAp t)eif bAf g-Conn^AAt cpuinnuig AjA-ocpuinne tAi^CAn Ai|A ni-b|Auiceine iflA^nAif Aguf |A05At>A]A ConnlA niAC ttlel^AC Ann A |M5 Af cionn ÍAijeAn An C|iac ceu-onA imci5eAT)Ap nA nA tuAiccii|AA'óie AmAc Aip fUiD e^i^ion A15 5IA01C pigce, 'PpionfAit)e, cinpp, olltiiAnA, Aguf cpeAbAonA *n pobAil 50 586 t)UeAcifio|t U^bAi^cA. Anoif ai|\ fin'oe 'oo'n A|\Dc|Miiniie att ceu-ofeAcc "do cApt^t) 51111 fe^f An c-A]it)c|Miinrie tiite 5^ lAjie^ó Ai|i 'OAijAe IA15 tUl^t) -oo beic AntiA Ai^-opig fO|\ ^i^- |\ion. Aguf p^ieAjAip fef ati : pio]icAOini bui-oeciof a -OAOib a coTTiflAice Aguf A fAO|\clATinA n-e^]iione acc hi C15 liom An 5Ai|im t)o gÍAcA'ó, oip fAOitim gup^b ttiaic te^c jAion n-6|A- jMone -00 cofnugAt) Ann ^05 Aguf fognAf? Ci-oceAp nAc b- -puit AnAtn Ann niumAin no C|ioit)e no AnAm Ann ÍAigcAn I Aguf jTOf AnnA feAfAt> -oubAiiic "OAiiie jMg tlltAt): Cpeut) niA ftii'oe'pAit) peAjicopb AiA-oiAig? A5Uf 'oo bi rriAp fin. T\\o\k imcig fe AmAc 50 tiAfAit teAg tiAiiie jiij UltAt) An eifAon AA\\ A ceAn, A5uf "oeAfuij ConnÍA jiij ÍAigeAn An ^ngbiAAc A\\\ A ^UAiteAnAib. Aguf "oo teig An c-A^i-ootlAni Af ajat) Ann ctuAifceAnc An A|ix)c|iuinne fcpiobcA n-Cotuif Aguf teA- bAi|A nA n-Aimppe Jaaíaj. Ai|i cinocntigAt) cuAit)eA'OA|i AtnAc Agtif ceilAb^At)Ati mojifeif •o-UeActTio]A Aguf nio|icomo- pAt) nA n-6ACC|lA A1|1 tlOf UAbA^lCA. Ua|i •óeif nA nAoi ÍAece "oo ftiit)e 'n c-A]A'Ocptiinne au t)ApA feAcc Ajuf bi foctA •o-cpeAct) nA n-'oUge Agtif cufthof t)-UAnA'pceAc teigce Af Apt). Aip An ía |aoitti imceAcc -oo'n Aii-ocpumne ■oo teig An c-Aji-ooltAni teAbAijt nA n-Aimfipe n- e^|i|iione Af A|iT). A^\K c^iocnugAO Aji'DjAifeATDAp nA butfoip- i-oe: SeAfAGAnn AonncAc m\\ UAbAjicA A15 lAfcAt) a ceApc? tliop fpeAjAiji Aongtié. Anoif -oo figAit peAiAco|Ab 50 ceA^c fo^culAc, c|\Ac x>o ctig ConnlA cmiieA'o to x)0 cijeAcc A15 feil^oiiAeAcc 5'a bocAnAib a Apt)tii5 fe Aif acai-o 5-CeAf, 587 Aguf UAt) c^splAt) 50 |AAib ConnlA \\\^ tAige^n a 5-comnuit>e c^p^neo^c C1ne<^lcAc t)o, "oo jIac |^e ^n cui|AeAT) Aguf cpiAtt- IJ15 ]'e t)'ionnftii*e Ce^f. Anoif bi pe^i^copb ft^ié^Hi^it cpeun nio|i t^inic fmuAince b-f^icciofA no feille ^nriA in- cmn, uime fin C015 fe leif acc fuijipion g^n. Anoif t)o CA|\lAt) c le^bAij^ 'oetij. An nAOintTiAt) CAibit)it. Ki^Ait 5-ConnlA AfOfig ceicfe bAAlAine. 184 50 •o-ci 180. tl. C. (peuc AnnAÍA figeAccA n-C|i|Mone. An. 1 Hot. An 80 t)uileo5. Aoif An 'OotriAin 4757. Aguf AnnAlA 5- Clu- Ainmicnoif.) Úa|\ "oeif bAf b-feAfcopb C|\uinnui5 AfT)c|Auinne THuniAiii Ai|A ni-bpuiceine A5Uf f05At)Ap Ibef mAC but) oige n-Oun-OA AnnA fig Af cionn TIluTTiAin. A^uf cuAi'óeA'OAf nA tuAiccuf- At)it)e AniAC Aif fttiT) 6ffion A15 5IA01C te nA ceile figce, pfionfAióe, cinfif, ollihAnA Aguf CfeAbAonA *n pobAit 50 UeACTTiof ÚAbAfCA. Aif fuit)e 'oo'n Afticfuinne fAn Afofeom- ]\óx> An ceu-OfeAcc f05At)Af Connie fig ÍAigeAn AnnA Afofig Ajuf t)'imci5 fe AmAc 50 liAfAiL Aguf -00 IcAg An c-Aft>- cfothfeAf An eifAon Aif a ceAn Aguf An figbAcc Aif a 588 guAÍAiriAib, Ai|v pteAt) 'óo fuit)e -pe Aip An cpi'ÓAon. l^eig AH Aji-oottAtTi fcpiobcA n-Cottiif Ajuf teAbAi^i riA Ti-Aim|'ipe gAAÍAg, Aip cinocnug/st) ATI teigeAti cuAit)eA'OA|A attiac, ^gtjf bi tnop-ooiifA tiA Tí-A|i*ofeoni|iAi6 '0|Auit)ce. 'Oa]i cufniof ceile- Ab|^AX)A|i tno]Af*eif *o-UAeAciTiop A5Uf moiicomo|VA'ó tiA n-6o.cc|iA Ai|v tiof ÚAbo.pcA Aguf -00 guit ConnlA peA-pcopb a 5-coTÍi-^ Tmit)e. Anoif 'oo bi Connie t^n ceAtjeAc, Aguf -o'eiiAij Ann cpoi-óe lom-oA 50 b-pof^iuig ConnÍA An caoi ai|\ feAtniApbAt) peAiico^ib Ann CeAf. AnnfAn 'oa|\a bAAÍAin -oe iiigAit 5- ConntA cpAÚ c|itiinnui5 Ap-ocptiinne n-Ojipione ai|i ÚAbApcA •00 i^ic ipocAt •oe'n cineAÍ fin, A^tif cuAittii^ lbe|i \^^■^ tTlu- TtiAin 1AX), Ai|\ An c-At)bAp -pin ciiiyi ^e ciiinto|i50i|Ait)e 50 •oiiitce 5-CAef Aguf Ann A ciomcioll le minfcimi'ougAt) An put) 50 •o-ci'n bun. Úa|\ -oeif cpumnujAt) mte pA-onuife ciomciolt An |\ti"o, AnnfAn ceicjieniAT) bAAÍAin loe pi^Ait 5- ConnlA 'OO fC|nob IbejA |Mg tnuthAin ticci|i 50 teim Apt)b|Ae- iceATTi n-6|A|none, A15 •oetinA'ó CAfoiX) A15 i^At) : UAbjACAt) ConnÍA AjA-opig |r|ieA5t\At) -oe fuil b-^eAiAcoiAb ? Acc fut A cuAit) bAAÍ cpit) -OA |iion -o'a ccac tieipion- A15 CUIC1115 ConnÍA ceinn Aguf A15 mAcugA-o -o'eug fe. 5toinceA]A ConnÍA * C|\oi'DeceAt jac' ai]a mA|i geAÍt Aip fCAll Agiif ceAlg A c|\oit)e. An c-AoniriAt) teAbAi|\ ■oeiig. An ■oeicniA'o CAibitJit. Hig- Ail Oilrtiot Ttiic theljAc CU15 bAAÍAine pcix). 180 50 t)-ci 155. K. C. (peuc AnnAÍA -pigeAccA n-6|^|none An. 1. Hot. 689 An 80 t)uileo5. Aoif Ati t>oniAin 4758. fó.o^ ;Mnm OillioL CAifpActAc. peuc fcpiobcA lumgfeA^ ^guf Ann^lo. 5-Clu- Ainttiicnoif.) Anoif i^p bAf 5-ConnlA Aip agcAcc x)o ó.\\x>c\\\i\r\r\e I0.1- ^e^n le riA ceite Aip th-bpuiceine pojAD^p Oilliot rriAC lIlel^Ac AnriA jMg Af cionn lAi^CAn An cjaac coudha itncig- e^tJAp riA tuAiccupAÓnóe AmAc Aip puit) Cppion A15 pAt) : CjAumnceAp pigce ppionfAit)e, cmpp, otlniAnA, Aguf cpeAbA- oriA 'n pobAit le tia ceite Ann Ap'ofeotripA'D ■o-UeActhop IJAbApCA le A]At)pi5 pO^At) Oip ACA C|A1t)AOn GppiOne |?ottATTl. Aip fuit)e •oo'n Ap-ociAuinne An ceu*ofeAcc pogA-oAp OilUot mAC ITIet^Ac Ann a Ap-opig acc Ann CApcc ni Ap-ouig 'OAipe •jMg UltA-D A lAtti Aip fon ceAcceAp ACA UAt) TDumAin no tiAt) lAi^eAn, bi A cujAAtn no cofnAt) ^05 ÍIIIa-ó Aguf Ul- connniACC. "O'lmcig Oilliot AmAc 50 Iia^aiI ^guf "oo leAg An c-Apt)cponii:eA|i An eipAon ai|a a ceAn Aguf An pigbApc Aip A gUAlAnAib Aguf filuig fe 50 'o-crn Ap-ofeonipAt) Aguf lei^ccAp nA fcpiobcA x)Ap cufthof. Aip x)puiT)U5At) mop-oopfA tiA n-ApT)feoni|AA"D, ceilAbpAt)A|A mopfeif t)-UeAcniop Aguf mop- comopAt) nA n-e-AccpA Aip lio|' ÚAbApcA. lAp cpiocnu5A'ó 5AC |:eAcc x)e'n Ap-ocpmnne x)Ap cuptriop, cpAc ApT)5AipeA'OAp nA bulpoipi'oe : SeApeAnn AonncAc Aip ÚAbAptA gA lApeAÓ A ceApc ? tliop ppeA^Aip Aon j^uc. lmci5eAt)Ap CAC 5'a ■ocA^un a comnui'De fein. Aca mem Agup Aigne n-Oilliol Aptjpig A15 clAonu5A'ó 50 pog Aguf 590 fognAf, o^\\ aca a ncApc ^guf a coin Ia^. Cit) 50 p^ib tDAipe 1A15 UltAt) ATiAoifce, bi a inann, a niein, a^ui' a Ai^ne 5eu|A, ctifce, gtic. bi •ouit Ai^e 5Ai|ATn jiig tUlAt) "LeAgeAnc uAme, -oe ^t^ig fin ai|a cigeAcc le riA ceite no Ai^-ocpuiTiiie n-UttAt) ai|\ ni-b|\uiceir>e n-Ao'ÓTTiAgiiTTiACA, "o'eiiAi^ •pe 5A i^At): A'p|iion|"Ai'óe A^uf a fAoiActAnriA ti-UtlAt) teig t)o mo cltiAif -oo beic cluAi-pceAnc t)o 5UÚ ceolniA|A riA clAp- fAlg Agtlf X)0 riA bA1|At)Alb 5A CATltlAt) ^lATinCA AgUf fCeutuA riA n-Attoi-oe Annof 50 m-beit) ceAn nibuf oige 'tia T)Ai|\e 5A jM^Ait? Aguf T)'ei|ii5 An c-Ap-oc^imnne mA|AAon A^uf f|ieA5|iA'OA|i te 5UC Aonp|A: Cpeut) if Ait te tiAiiAe acc fog A^uf AOibneAf tUlAt)? Anne iiac feux) leACfA cluAifceAnc ie 511c nA ctAiiif|ii§ corri fA-oA guf mAipeAnn "oo cluAif a ■pig ? Ajuf cug tDAiiie A pofCAOini bui-oeciof a •001b. Anoif CAf pigAituig "OAipe fig tittAt) C1115 AgUf Cfl flCIX) bAA^Aine fuAif tlonAin bAf. Aguf a ci^cacc te nA ceite x>o coiticio- nol nA n-otlAth pogA-OAf TDeAfCAf AnnA n-AfooltAiti UltAt). ÚAf "óeif figAiteAt) 'DO *OAife 'OA'f'óeu^ A^uf Cfi pcit) bAAÍ- Aine t)'eii5 fe. A^uf cfuinnui^ mofftuAg AnnA ciomciolL Ao-oitiAgnniACA te ^etjfguit Aguf mofCAOince, Aguf lomcuif- eAt)Af meu-oceAn *OiAfe 50 'Ounfobefce A5iif Af'oui^eA'OAf a cAfn fo^uf 'DO CAfn Oocai-ó OttniAnb-lpo'otA. Aguf bi fe ftoince X)Af ctoin nA CAtniAn : ""OAife G^AgnAc TTIotcAc". Aif cigeAcc te nA ceite -00 Afocfuinne tIttAt) Aif iii- bpuiceine n-Ao-otriAgniTiACA fogA-oAf Uof itiao ConncobAif ihic ceu'ogein tDiAfe AnnA fig Af cionn UttAt). SiubAitcAnn tlof 591 Ann fti^e a fliocc, gpAouije^nn fe, An fog, An ce^jAC Aguf An poppion, "Oo t^i^Ail fe CU15 bAAl^ine A5Uf T)'eu5 fe. Aif cigeAcc le n^ ceite "oo Afocfuinne n-UtÍAt) Aif m-bfui- ceine fogAT)^^ fionn a t)eAfb|AACAf Ann^ fig Af cionn tll- Ia*, CfAó fi^Ailuig fionn t)a b^o^tAine tj'eug fe, Aguf Aif ftiit)e T)o Afiocfuinne n-UltAt) Aif m-bfuiceine n-UllA'D fog- ADAf ConncobAf AnnA fi^ Af cionn UllAt). AnnfAn c-Aon- iTiAt) bAAÍAin Aif ficce "oe fig^it OitUot Afofig "o'eu^ Ibep fig triuniAin, Aguf Aif cigeAcc le nA ceile •00 bfuiceine fogAtjAf -A-OAniAef niAC b-peAfcofb AnA fig Af cionn TTlu- niAin, Anoif *pofiiig At)AmAef ingein Scfoim uad fUocc fig-OAn-tilconniTiAcc, Ajuf niof CAicnuig fin le niACAib 6f, oif At)iibAifC tlof: Anoif beit) luAicniAfCAig TTluniAin ciom- Ainc AfTieif Aguf ficeó.t) cfeunfif Aif iriAgcAfAib Cffionel but) fiof 'OO foclAib Hoif. Annf nA lAecAncAib feo cuAit)- eA-OAf luAiciTiAfCAit) AHiAc Aif fuiT) Cffion A15 ^Iaoic le nA ceile figce, pfionfAite cinpf, ollihAnA Aguf Cfeo^bAOAn *n pT)bAil 50 AftifeonifAt) •o-UeAcniof ÚAbAfCA. -AnnfAn cui5iiiA'0 b^AlAin T)eu5 "oe fig^il Oilliol AfT)fig Aif fume t)o'n Afo- cfuinne A-oubAifc A'0<^m^ef : 5^ n-glAcf At) fe 50 cinnce efic -^juf t)iolciof t)e liiACAib ttlelgAc Aif fon fuil a ACAf I A5iif t)o l^bAif Tlof Ann cluAif itleifc fig tUconnniAcc Annof 50 t)-coiftTieA5f At) fe Scfom uAt) ulihugAt) An "OAnAAn le conigniom cAbAifc x>o At)AmAef. Aguf Aif cfiocnugAt) An Aft)cfuinne t)Af cufihof imcigeAt)Af Aif AgAit) UAt) UeActhof, AJUf t)0 CUlf AtiAITlAef ltJA1CTT1AfCA1t)e Aif fUlt) tTltirtiAin 5A 592 \\AX> : tUnitii^ceAn nA conitAnncA jau m^\X Aguf utmuij: Sc]Aom Ati 'OAfiAAn Aguf cotTigtuAifeA-oAii Aip Ceiopot. Agiif CjMAÍtui^ AptDpig A|\TTTptxsu5 t^igeAii AtinAgAit) Ax)AmAe|i, Aguf cpAc cAinic fe ^taoi leic Le ha coTTi|"tuAi§cib ^cnuig fe -d'a biil"poi|Aib 5^ jAAt) : Ca-o cuige pAc^rA-o AT)AmAe|\ AmAc cpAc ACA eA-oon riA beAc Afcig? Aguf jrpeA^Aip At>AtnAep: Im- cigeAfin tiA be^c attiac 50 t)eiTTiin te mit -oo fU^At) UAt) riA bÍACAib, Acc ni mA|A pn •00*0 feil^oijiib a •o'lmcig 50 Ce^-p A15 p^'OAt), Acc tTiApbuig -pig I U|iiAttui5eATiri A"OAmAe|A 50 UeACTho|i te -pci^uitDU^At) ^uil a aca]i noc "oo fuig An eAfo^ -peAttcAC ContilA. If longAncAc ríA|i -pciioic Oiltiol CAifpAc- ÍAC A feot uAt) HA ceite? Ha bAc AonneAc a beAÍtAc. A^uf cu'piiigeA'OAp Ati CAc fAoi tcic A ceite, acc mop -pent)- ■DO AHmptuAg Olttiot fCAfAt) AtlTIAgAlt) COtTlf'tuAgClb A-OATfl- Aep, Agup -00 cuic Oiltiot but) tíio|a ah a|\ Aguf puc a CAiniC ATI Ia UT) A1|\ ppiOTlfAlb AgUp gfieACgAAl, A^Uf gtuAlf- 1115 AtiAmAeiA ^5up Sc|AOTn tei-p a ApmptuAg 50 UeAcniop, ACC •00 pil A^AtnfluAg HA 'Oahaah a TTi-bAite 50 H-UlcaHH- TTIACC. Ah c-AOHTHAt) teAbAi|A 'oeuj. Ah c-aohthat) CA^bi-oit "oeti^, Hi^Ait AtDATHAep tine b-peApco|vb pvig TlliiniAiH A|\t)|ii5. Cuig bAAl/AiHe 155 50 •0-C1 150. H. C. (peuc AhhaIa jiigeAccA h- Oppione. Ah. 1. Rot. Ah. 80 •ouiteo^. Aoif ah 'OoniAin 4783. A^Up AhHAÍA ^-CluAlHTtllCHOlf mA|\ AH cetit>HA.) 698 Aip ci5eAcc te iia ceile x)o A|iT)c|Miinne lAigeAn Aip m- bpuiceine itlA^riAif ^ogAt)A|A Cocaio thac Oilliot Ann^ pi^ A]' cionn l^ijeo^n. X>o niAip At)AmAe]i AnnA Apo^Mg fop 6|\pion. A^uf but) triiAn t)o An X)AnAAn -00 cu- ingeAÍt "DO fein C]Ait) Scpom a aca^a ctiAbniuin, oi|i "oo pof- U15 At)AmAep A in^eiti 'ptACT)eo.'p. Ace "OO úoipnieA'p^ tTleijic An IM5, Scpom 50 5eti]A fAt> An coThgniom a CU5 -pe Apeit), T)e bpig fin CU5 Scpom a fOCAlgeAllcA nAc glAcfAX) |Aion- pAii\c ^v^]^ ppionfAib TTIuniAin Aguf ÍAigeAn fAft)A. Anoif DO cAplAt) c|AAC pofiMiig CocAit) fTiAC Oitliot nA nnoce yeo 50 cinnce, cpumnuig fe p\\ jiogAi^ce lAigeAn te nA ceite Af lofiot, A^uf -o'lmcig fiAt) Aon ^teuf Aip ■peu'o leo 50 lomtoc, A5iif x)o luit)e ^ac caca AjimgteufCA a b-folAc ci- omciotl bocAnAib Ai^DjAig. U|iac jiAib tiite ^Mit) |Aeit) coTTiei|v- igcA-oo^p 50 obAn Ai|A Apt)pi5 Af AcofAnc, m-oeifin cuif Ada- TTiAef e fem A15 ceAn caúa beu^ A^uf C|ioit>eADA|i com fA- x)A 5tif fCAfuig CAen aca beo. Úuicui^ cac Ann bAf fAoi cuAifc bocAnAib An fig "oo figAit At>ATnAef C1115 bAAlAine 50 ^lAn-o. 'OAningnAXJAf a cAfn Aif TTIa^ lomtocA fAn aic Aif CUICU15 fe. An c-AontTiAt> teAbAif "oeu^. An tja^a CAibiDil ^eug. RitAil CocAit) rnic Oiltiot AfDfig feAcc bAAÍAine 150 50 x)- ci 143. tl. C. (AnnAlA figeACCA n-efpione. An. 1 Hot. An 594 80 -01111605. Aoif An -ooniAiTi 4788. |:aoi Ainm eoc^it) Ailc- le^CAti. Aguf Ann Ann^l^ g-CluAinniicnoif Agtif fcpiobcA lungfeAig.) T) cjiiaII eocAit) 50 pocAppuig 50 UeACTTio|i ÚAbA|AÚA, A5Uf cuAit) AfccAc fAn ccAc An ^Mg. Cuip fe da ltiAiccti|iAt)i'óe ATTiAc Ai]i yu^x> ep|Aion A15 5IA01C HA T^igce, ppionfAiToe, cin- ]pip, olniAnA, Aguf cpeAbAonA, pobAil 50 A^AofeotTiiAAt) -o-Ue- ACTTiop UAbAjicA, te A|iT)|ng "00 jiojAt). Acc nio|i cAimc 1A15 no ppionf A, no ccAnfeAp 50 ÚAbApcA acc AniAin uaó lAige- An. 11io]A cAinic UIIa-o mó.\\ ^caH ai|\ miogniotri ITIumAin Aguf ÍAigeAn. bi ppionfAi-oe A^uf mAice nA lAigeAccAet) ^eo AnnAgAix) A ceite a 5-comntii'óe Aguf uttnitiig fiA-o nA ^aaL AnnA^Ait) A ceile vn^\\ nAniA"o. Anoi-p ia|a bA|^ A-OAmAep ai|i cigeAcc '00 AjA-ociMiinne ITIurhAin le nA ceite ai|a ni-b]Aiiiceine |i05AT)A|i TlAioifeif niAC b-peA|Acopb tDeAjibiiACAiA A-OAmAeji ]\^■^ Af cionn ITluniAin. Aguf UAt) cA^AlAt) nA|A cAinic Aont)Uine eile 50 ÚAbAjACA po^A-OA^A |3|nonfAit)e A^uf mAice lAigeAn 6ocAit) AnnA AtA-OjAig foji 6^n|non. Ai]a n-ooig bi incinn A^uf Aigne Oocai-o ajat)- 1115 clAonu^At) 50 fog Aguf fognAf. but) ihiAn leif X)o beic gleufugAt) e |?ein Annof 50 tAompA-o ye te feoT)Aib lonjiAib A5ijf f]ioil, A^tjf Ann CAcbA|i -^gtif luipeAc At)'LeACA le T)eA115 0]\, AgUf a fotc C1A|lCAfCe I^A-OA A1|A tuf^At) flAf A1|A A gUAltAnAlb AgUf b|AAC miO|\binteAC -pAOCA)! IMj-OOIjieAT) q-peine. bi cuIai-o up A15 6ocAit) gAc ÍA "oe nA fCAcc- 695 bAAtAine^t) T)o fuit)e fe ai]^ An cpnÓAon Ann UcAcmo^A ÚAb- A]ACA. If e AX)ubAi|\c ConncobAp pig UtlAt) : If m^ife 50 b- fuil An ceAn feo ne mACAib 1olAi|t A15 clAonujAt) 'oo gteuf x)iothAOineAC, oif if fe^ff e 'da clompoif feAltcAc but) gncACAc "oo'n ftiocc ut)? An cfAc "oo t^'gAit ConncobAji "oeic bAA^Aine Ann UltAt) fuAip TTIeAfcAf An AfT)oLlATTi bAf, Aguf Aif cfuinnugA-ó "00 corhcionot nA n-ottAtti f05At)Af Iaoi An- nA Aft)ottATTi UltAt). Anoif AnnfAn feAccTTiAT) bAAÍAin 'oe jllgAlt 60CAlt) Aft)fl5 CUAl'OeA'OAf nA luAlCCUft)lt)e AniAC Aip fuiT) 6ffion A15 5IA01C nA figce, pfionfAit)e, cmfip, ollniAnA A^Uf CfCAbAOnA 'n pobAll 50 AfOfeOTTIf A13 CeACmOf ÚAbAfCA Af coni5A|i Aftjfi^. UfAc -00 fuit)e An c-AfT)cfuinne, Aguf ceilAbfAt)Af moffeif xj-UeAcmop Ajuf m of com of At) nA n-eAc- cfA Aif liof ÚAbAfCA, figne i:?eAf5Aif niAc m-bfeAt)fAil rtiic AongAife ihic n-'OuAc iriic Oilliot ttnc lAoigAife, niic Heroine, cuin^fAt) corheifige te tlAoifCAif fij tnuniAin AnnA^Ait) 60c- Ait) Aft)fi5, Aguf cAff An^uig fe leif mAf An ceut)nA niAice lAigeAn, Aguf ni fAib ffUAcc An^euf nA geinifAt) A15 cuif bAC offCAib. Com luAic ^uf cuAiluig AfOfig gnioniAfCA "PeAfgAife cuif fe ceAccoifeAcc 50 con cob Af fig till At) 50 n-t)ei till neoc Alt) to An fiof. Aguf t)o ^Iaoid An fig mife Iaoi cui^e A^uf t)ubAif c fe t)o cf iac nA ceAccoif cacca : AbbAifuigit) t)0 eocAit) foclA 5-CoifTTiAc: A b-fuil nA ^aaI Scioc AnnA n-um t)o fiACAilib nA f Aoilcon ? tlo AnnA eilice •00 fic nA f eoil50if CAt) ? A mAflocAo cIah lolAif 50 bfAc An caIatti le puil nA ÚAOineAt) ? Aguf D'imag An ccAccoif- 596 eAcc Ai-p All*. Acniii^ |\ig tlll<5.t) t)OTn|'A t^oi x>o fC|iiob p^f foclA A fpeAgjAAt) x)o clu Aguf -00 TTieut)ui§ A Ajimf'tuo.g ^^uf gluAifuig ye 'o'ionnfiii'óe bpceine lAige^n ^aoi Tnei|AC A^uf gtuAii'uig Apt)pig te A|^mftiJA§ l^igeAn ^^uf coTTitAiinc.in A15 eicioto.t) AtiTifeo ai|a Lop5 An fe^bAc te -ptu^At) fuil l/AijeAti I Ace -pi^eAgAiii fcApgAif : tligne ah -pAicciof ceoAc |^At)Ai|ic 6ocai'ó teif An T)A|\A AÍT1A1|\C l^eUCpAt) An C-lotA1]A CjAeopugAt) An TnA|\CAC le ■pAÍcApc Af cionn niACAib 5-CobcAC I X)o bi An cac Aip bA- OttAfAlA UAt) UAlfbAinUlg bAAt A tAOmAgAlt) 50 "O-CUftllg •oo|iCAt)A|' A15 cuicim Aip cpom^uAtAnAib ITIuttAcnieifce. Aguf f ut A fCA|A|Aui5 An omce -oo pic focAt : go pAib 6ocAit) TTlApb. Cofnuig AiATTifluAg ÍAigeAn coin CocAit) An oit)ce pn Aip niAI-Oin ATTlApAC mAp CAiniC bAAt ATTIAC lOTtlCUipeATOAp tneuT)ceAn CocAit) 50 bmn nA tTleifce A^up At)leACA'OAp Ann, Ajuf 'OAin^neA'OAp a cApn, Aguf pocA"OAp CAppAc utniop 50 ■o-ci bApp An CAipn Agu-p Ap'OuijeA'OAp An CAppAc Ai|A bun, Aguf bio|vceAp|AeA'OAp A Ainm Aip : " G-ocAit) Ap-opi^ lyAOcnA- Pa". A^uf "oo bi P5A1I OocAit) -peAccbAAtAine 50 lomÍAn. lAp cuicime CocAi-ó do gluAip feApgAif ai|a aJaii) 50 ITIA5- nAf bpuiceine ÍAigeAn. 697 An c-AonmA^ le^bAip tjeug. An c|ieAf CAibit)it xjcug, pigAil ]renA I Aguf T)o fuit)e fe Aip tiAfAil AmeAf5 comlAnncAib AjAnigte- ufCAib, A5Uf If niAf fin lomcuip fe gAifm AfOfig Aif ceAn Cfl bAAÍAine fOITTl fUAIfgeAtAt) TOOffA nA n-AfT)feOtTlfA'Ó. Alf Cfumnuig "oo Afocfuinne n-6]ifione -oo fiiit)e peAfgAif Aif An cfit)Aon. 'O'eifig ConcobAf fig UllAt) Aguf AXJubAifc: A CoTTiflAice A5Uf A fAOfclAnnA n-e-ffione a AfX)cfuinne Aft)ceinieAc fCApui^ focAt Aif fuiT) Offion A^uf niAf fin fAimc cluAif fi5, pfionfAit)eAt> Aguf mAiceAt) UtlAt). ^a fAt): X)o bi peAf^Aif itiac m-bfeAÓfAit UAt) lAogAife -oe fUocc loÍAif 51aca"ó gAifm cfi-ÓAon n-G-ffione uat6 caca cpeunfif Afm^leufCA? tliof ffCA^Aif Aon 5uc: Hac but) fiof An fceul. Ann fin t)ubAifc ConcobAf: Out) coip 50 ^lACfAt) ^CAfgAif a f A1C Aif CAicAoif fi5 lAigeAn nuij 50 fogfAt) figce, pfion- 598 f Aiióe A^uf niAice n-e|\]Mone AtA-oiAig ? Aguf "oY ^5 peApgAif ATI ci^ixxNon A^uf 'oo ftii-oe Aip fui-DecAn -pij lówi^eAn. Aguf A-OubAII^C At! C-A^lTDOltAtTl ACA Cpi-OAOII A|l-0|115 "poltATTl I 'O'eip- 15 Concob^p Aguf 'OubAi]ic : C^ieux) ttia ftiit)ef ai-o "peAjAgAif |\i§ tAi^cATi AtA-ojAig? A5Uf 'OO bi TnA|A fin. 5^ "oeiniin cuaio peApgAif ATTiAc 50 liAfAil Ajtif ^^Ag Ai^-Qciiomf^eAiA ÍAi^eAn At! eifAon Ai|A A ceATi, Aguf -oo cuip tiAOifeif IA15 TTIumAin ATI l^gbApC A1f\ A jUAlATlAlb, AgUf ptuig fC AgUf fUl-Oe fe Ai]i An C'pi'ÓAOTi 'Oo teig An c-Aji-ootlAni -pciAiobcA n-6oluif Agui" teAbAi]! nA n-Aimppe 5^a^^5 ^f -^T*^ ^"" ctuAi-pceAnc nA n-A|iT)cpuinne, Aguf ai|^ c^iiocnugAt), imcigeA-OAii attiac A5- uf ceitAbA|iA'OA|A mo|ii*eif ■o-UeActtiop Aguf tnojicomopAt) nA n-CAccpA Ai|i tiof ÚAbA|^ÚA. but) TTio^v An i:ui|A|iion n-Ajlt)- ceAnui'óeAD nA b-feine a cAinic 50 ÚAbApcA An c|aac feo. -Ace but) geu^i An CAitt "ooib cuicime CocAit) tAocnAfA. Aguf 'p|MonfAit)eA'ó, oip buo gneAc fAn cApc ux) "oo cac •DO iomctii|t cutAit) nio|AluACíTiA|\ CAicnuigeAc te G^ocAit) Iaoc- riAfA. Úa|i -oeif nA nAOi ÍAece -oo fuit)e An c-A|AT)C|Atiinne An •OA|AA feAcc, Ajiif bi nA fCjiiobcA teijce "oai^ cufmof, Ai|i An ÍA 'óeigionAc c|aac Apt)5lA0i"óeAt)A|\ nA butf oipit)e : ScAfCAnn AnneAc ai^ UAbA|^cA A15 lA^eAt) a ceA^ic ? t1io|i ppeAgAip Aongtic. Agtif imcijeATjAii caca th-bAile 50 "oeAg- •Dtin A cothniiiue fein. Aip tti-fAt) uite ÍAeceAt) x)'a j^igAit ■pi^ne peAi^gAif 50 'Dubc|AACCAc -oaii focAt n'-olige Aguf 'oa|i cuffhof T)-UAnAfceAc. bi epjiion uile j?aoi ^05 A^uf fognAf Aguf 'oo niAi]A feApgAif 50 fogculAc o^\\ ni pAib lotn-OA oe 699 An t)Apii. TI15A1I Aon- gAife t)-CuiptiieAc mic "peApg^ife uad *Ouac niAC Oittiol niic lAogAH^e o.pT)|M5. U|AiocAt) Aguf t)o. bo^Al^ine. 131 50 'o-ci 99. U. C. (Ipeuc Ann^lA pi^e^sccó. n-e]\|iione An. 1. Uol. An 82 t)uileo5. Aoif An 'OoniAin 4816. p^oi Ainm Aon^Aif Uu- iptheAc ÚAbA|ACAc. peucmAp An ceuonA O5151A An cpeAf |tion. C. 40. A5Uf AnnAlA 5-CluAinniicnoif Agtif fC|MobcA lunfcAig). Aip cigeAcc le nA ceite do A]At)cptiinne ÍAigeAn ai|1 ih- bpuiceine TtlAgnAif jAogAOAp AongAif mAC feAiA^Aife AnnA jtig Af cionn ÍAigcAn A^uf cmp fe nA ttiAiccu|AAt)it)e ahiac Aip fuit) Cp|Mon A15 gtAoic nA jngce, ppionfAi<)e, cinpf otlniAnA, Aguf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAit 50 Apt)feotTipAt> "o-UeAc- TTio|i UAbAjACA, Aguf Aip fuit)e Wn Apt>cpuinne An ceux) feAcc pogAt)A|\ AongAif AnnA A|\T5]n§ fop e-p|Aion. "Oo teig An c-A|AT)oltAtii fcpiobcA n-6otuif Aguf leAbAiyi nA n-Aimppe 5o.aIa5, ia|v pn imcigeADAiA ahiac Aguf ceiteAb|iAt>A|i mot^pef x)-UeAcnio]A A^uf mopcomopAt) nA n-6Acc|iA ai^i tiof UAbApcA. A^uf ni fAib c|iAc feife Ann UAt) ÍAecib ITIaca beAn^AigeAn g-CiombAoc corti |AOfl.AicAThAiU Úa^ "óeif An thoi^peif cpioc- nui5 pAT) fCAcc t)Ap cufihof. Aguf nio|A feAfuig AonneAC Aip UAbAjACA AI5 lAjACAt) A CeA|AC. 600 oi|A ni i^Aib "pe AtiriA lonn-pAiiiAit mA|v but) gncAc "oo rriACAib 1otAi|A. AnnfAn 'oa|ia bAAÍAin -d'a Hi5Ait •o'eug ConcobAjv 1115 UttAt) ÚA|A 'oeif t^i^Ail fcAcc bAAÍAine xjeu^,' A^uf ai|\ ftn-oe "oo A|iDC|itiinne tlllAt) Aip b|itiiceiTie Ao-óniAgnniACA pogATDAjA OocAit) rriAc g-ConncobAip AnriA |Aig Af cionn UllAt), Agiif Ann-pAn ceut) bAAlAin T)e 1115A1I ^ocAit) -puAii» Iaoi att c-a|vooIIatti bAf, Agup Ai|i cigeAcc le riA ceile -oo cotticionoL TiA n-oltAtri |A05A'0A]A ÚuigfeAc AtiriA A^i-oollAni UltAt) Anoif CA|A ■óeif lAigAiteAt) ye bAAtAine cuAit) Aon^Aif Ai-p cuai|^c te GocAit) 50 -Ao'ótTiAgiiTTiACA, bi uite *otiine cottieilinc 50 •oubciAAccAc te gAiji-oecAip cAbAipc "DO AonjAii", A^tjf bi -pe tATifA-pcA. Ann pn CAfiii5 leif Tluit>]iui'óe rtiAC tloif pyiionpA 6|\ A5tif ctig fiAt) ÍAtTi CAjiAncAif -d'a ceile ^Ngiif bponnuij e^ocAi-o niot\'b|>oncAnAf -00 AongAij^, A^uf 'oo feinn An c-AOf- •ÓAit A muinuig C|\A|:ceine An bApt) AT)|\Ann ttlAOin Aguf Tho|MAC Aip ceii'OAib A 5-clA|ifAc, Aguf 'o'loon'puig PyveA-pgAijie An bA|^T) but) binne guc Ann UltAt) cupeAc An piAiin. 'O'ptt* AonjAif 50 CeAcrhon UAbAjACA. Anoif cuAit) AH 6a|1|iac cajic Aguf cupuig bÍAc nA 5- C|^Aob A15 ccAcc Am AC, A^uf ceot binn nA n-eun t)o beic ctuince, Aguf nA lAfg A15 itni^c fAn tiifgib, Ajuf t)'imci5 AonjAif Apt)pi5 mA|i but) jneAc t)o 50 mime 50 t)-ci'n lAp- tip 50 uifgib cAtAtTiAn 5-Coi|imAc cinpip b-^obAp buAncA|iA'6 |*liocc ÍAogAiiie. Anoif t)o eA^ilAt) 50 |iAib iomo|icA t)uit A15 AongAif Ai|v fion, t)'ot pe 50 c^ieun, 5t^At)Ui5 fe mA|A An. 601 ceut)nA All feitg, acc cui|\ ye a AnmiAncA Ann iomx)A bpon- ^e^tlAib nA CAÍniAn, Aguf t)o tApl^t) 50 |AAib -Ame in^ein Aon^Aife An c^AAé feo Ann bocAnAib g-CoipmAc te tTlApA injem UAOif ^gtif t1epit)A, Aguf "oo bi THajaa ponnbpeAt) but) Aline Aip bic. Úa]\ fCAt t)'filt AongAif 50 UeAcmop, Acc 'o'fAn AitneAÓCA tTlA|iA Af conigAii A Aigne a j-coThnui-oe Ann 5AC A1C A m-bit)eAnn fe. An C|aac feo "oo niAi]A Apt)- fCAp cjAeunniAC b-peAp5|Mni cinp]\ n-Oi|i. bi |?eA|i5]Aini A^uf AptDfeAp CA^icAnAc "OO AonjAii* oin buó lonroA An ^reAcc t)o feA|" "peA^AgjAim Ann bo^^bf AobApcACA te AongAif 'OO cofnugAt) Anoif "oo cu^ AiA-ofreAp a feA]\c A^uf A st^At) "oo Aine. A5Uf ti'itncig piAn teif An ^T^au ut), oi^A bi'n o^Iaoc jAn 'oocti'p "oe bpig 50 |\Aib Ame in- gein ]\\-^. Acc cug Ame Aguf TTIaiaa geA-pA cA]iAncAif t)'a ceile 50 "oeo, A^uf gnocuig Aji-ofeAp tHA|\A Annof 50 cIa- OnpA-O p A cluiAf "OO fCeutCAlb feAjACglAAt) A bi Ai^e Aip Ame i^un a AnAtriA. Aon Ía ntiAi|t ceitAbtiAt)Ap te nA ceite ■oe'n 5lAAt) ut) "oo CA|\tA"ó gup éAmic AongAif ojA^ACAib Af lOpot AgUf CUAltuig CUIT) "o' C0tTI|\At), AgUf mAjA cig fe bi pAt) te CAfugAt) te nA ceite cpAcnonA attiaiaac, Aguf "o'lmcij AongAif teif. Anoif t)ubAi|AC TTIaiaa te Ame: ITIa HACfAt) Ame 50 A1C eigm c|AAcnonA attiaiaac A15 UAip Aijuge aca |tUni*OCAt AI5 tTlA|1A -d'a ctuAlf ? Oip 'DO fAOlt tTlAH "OO but) |:eA|A]A t)o mgem |ai§ nA foot a t)o fA^Ait uAt) beut A|it)feAp e yeyx). Ai^a cijeAcc An mAit)m cuAit) AongAif ^guf f:up|Mon Aip An c-feitg, Aguf ni ctumceAp Ann m-bocAnAib 5-Coi|miAC 602 Ipogtif 'oo bo bocAriAib 5-Coi|ittiAc. Ai|a cinocntig^t) ah feilg, fuit)e<^'OA|i A15 AH freif, Aguf iceAt)Aii Agtjf ctiAit) ha cuaca CApc 50 i:A|\|AfAn5, Aguf 'o*ol AongAif nuig 50 Ap-ouig a fpiOjiAt) 50 ceAnn, Aguf cpAC fUit)eAt>A|A -pof tiA feitoiiAi-oe A15 At! bo]At), "o'lTncij AonjAif 50 citin Af lopot 50 'o-ci'n Aic AtJubAipc tTlA|iA te Aine ■oo beic, Aguf •oo bi b|iAC A|A'op|i Aip A guAtAinib, Aguf mop ipó^n a bi fe a b-^rollAc ATiuiAp t)o ctiAittii5 fe coifceim A15 cigeAcc, bjAongeAlt Aijt I^AICCIOf Agllf CAiniC f1 AfCeAC fAtI •ottJCfAf. Aguf Aon^Aif teAC AijA mi|\e te pom Aguf lAungiAAt) cufuig -pe cAbAipc iropneA'pc "oo'iri biioin^eAtt. Ajuf fAoit AongAif ^m\\ but) 1 HIaiaa a bi Aige. Agiif if triAp pn fUAijA tTlAjAA a CApAt) coTTi tTiAfluigce AC|\ui5ce UAt) bi p fCAl |\oinie pn. Aguf A|^t)U15 tnA|AA Aine bocc UAt) 'n CAÍAtTi AntiA pAib p triAf- tuigce teif An ce ai|i btiD coi|a -00 cofnugAt) ah caIaiti. CoTTi ttiAic guf feut) teice, innfuig Aine -00 THaiaa ati fceut tiAijieAc. Anif bi Ainm AtA-opii TnA|\ ninie gjiAtiA -00 ceAccAji ACA, AmA|\Ac nuAip riAc cAngA-oAji 50 bopx) x)'imci5 ticcA beATi 5-Coi|iíTiAc te feucpnc cia lAAibeA-OAii ? Aguf t)iib|AAt)A|v TIA TtltlA-fuitApOn 50 pAlb CAltt fUAflCODtATh ACA fOf. AgUf CAinic ticcA An -oaiva uaija, Agtif o-innif TDa^a -oi uite jiut). Af te ticcA Ann "óiAg AfT)feA|v jfAnA Aguf fUAiji p An o^tAOc. Ai|t ctuAif cAnc t>o nA f octA : A Af x)feA|A gf AnA. bi lon^AncAf Aif I Aguf niof f eut) teif f At)Aif c futA ticcA, A^Uf bi fUAlX) AICI Aif, A5tlf 'O'imcig p UAt) Aic AnnA f Alb. 603 1a|a CATTiAt 'OubAipc Ap'OfeA]\ teif fein: TlACfA-ofA 50 111a|aa, infeocAt) t)omfA cpeut» ciAtluig Ucca? Aguf iméi^ leif 50 CAppuig Aguf fUAi|A fe An biAongeAlt AtitiA fuit)e Ann boc UccA 5^ tubugAt) Aine a CA^^At), Aip -peucfinc ad c-o^Iaoc CU5 p fcpeot) mA|A t)tiine A15 •ouifeAcc UAt) Aiftin^ olc, A^uf cuictiig p Ann CAom neut An bAif. -Aguf x)'fA« Apt)f'eAp «NnnA feAfeAt» triAp cpAn tnilce te ceincpAC C|\Ac lAbpeAnn bAAÍ 50 |:eA|A5Ac te ctAn da CAtthAn, A^uf cAinic liccA 50 "o-a'n boc Aip cluAifceAnc fcpeAt) ITIaiva. TTlAp leimnuig A|At)feA]A le Ap-ougAt) iax) uA-o'n CAtATTi fcpeAtiA-OAii niAjA Aon guf cAinic mACcipe AnnA "^^^rS* '^S^r -^'oubAijAC liccA leif An ojIaoc: SaoiI- ui§ tnife 5U]i eicioluig cu 50 bocAnAib -00 aca|i, nibuf fuitje T)o beic A15 mAflu5A'ó bocAnA 5-Coi|AniAc. Hi b-fuil fAilce Ann yeo |Aoim -oo teicix)e I Ai|^ bAtt ^Iacitad t)ioI- ciof An 1^5 'otiicgpim ope O A AiA-ofeAp ihilceAcI ppeA^Aii» Apt)feA|i: 50 tn-beit) a bcACA jeAjA no ita-oa if cumA le At^-of-eAiA, nit)eiffin ni coip 50 g-cuipfAit) AonneAc eti5ceA|\c Aip? "Oaia IDaaI, Tie, A511]" UAjii'nAi'c ni b-^ruit pof ^15© A1TV fA"ó feijige liccA, no fAt) fAicciofA nA m-bpoingeAÍt ? Hi pofjiuigeAnn 'oei|i cufA fjieAgAiji ticcA óa\k bAineAt). Anne nAc cug cu fO|ineA|ic X)o Aine A]iei|i? Anne nAc pn fAt) fei|i5e UccA, ^tad fAitciofA nA t)if, fAt) t)iotciofA *n pig? 6ifc A UccA Aguf A tflA|VA Aguf A Ame úeAf I Aca Atvo-peAii com meAthcioncAC 'oe'n nió a •oeip ticcA, te ticcA 1 fein SAOitfAit) Apt)feA|i a beACA CAice 50 niAic niA feut) 604 teif Aon triAic ■oeun^t) ai|i fon Aine. Ai|a ireu-o te AtAX)frexS|\ |:|ioiieA|^c •oeun^'o ai^i ingein Apt^tAig? 11 a 5^^c "óuic |:ein ftnuAince com cpom AnnAgAit) niAC b-lpeA|\5|AiTii. tlAc^AX)fA AijA -puiT) An c^Iatti A15 toi^gug^t) An c-eyviAoc, nuig 50 m- bAinfAim x)e a be^cA gji^n^ mA|\ e|\ic An ^e^tt feo. Aguf •o'jTAf nA bjAOingeAtlA nibuf fogculAc, A5Uf •o'lmcig A|A'ofeA|A Ai]A AgAit) lAeit) le bAinc X)iolciof. Aguf fjAeAfcoil Ucca ai|; Ame, Aguf cuAit) ITlApA attiac Aguf ctuinuig p 'otjine A15 •piubAit AnnA "oiAg, ai|a lompugAt) -peuc An ^115 1 -Aguf '00 ciii|i AongAif longAncAf ai|i TTIa^a, acc ai|a com- gAi^ACAt) leice -oe'n gAitA-oecAij* a bi Aige teite fAn x)lucfAf A^eif». biopui^ fuil triApA AnAtn AongAife Aip f'peAgAiiic •Ó0 : Til glACfAt) AongAi]" miojiACAthAit fog feA-p-OA, x)t) niAf- tuig An c-ACAi^^ A ingein pein ! Agtif -oo feAf AongAif mA- liAon ^uf -00 fAf -pe Ai|i An aic. A-oubAi^ic: TTIa fAn^AX) UlAjAA teice. AcA mo teAnb neAmcioncAC 'oe'n miogmom 5|\AnA -peo ! Ipiluig AongAif 50 pvocApputg 50 UeAcmop ÚAbA^iCA Agup t)|iui'oiiig -pe e pem cAob pcig "oe. go cjiACAmAit |\Ainic Aine cAobcpom uAbAitiAc Aguf HU5 pi teAnb -peAiA-OA. A5UP x)o cuip AongAip A A|i"omAop teocAp te lomcuip An pAipDe cmge. Agtif Acnmg An |Aig: 1omctii]i e 50 binnA-OAijA Aguf TAbAip t)o'n fAiiAje e. Acc "oo bi'n pAifige nibup c|iocAi|AeAÓ lonA p\\, Agiip cAinic An teAnb fAO|\ UAt) nA concAibA ^uf piofptiigeATJAiA e "OAii A eut)Ait, Aguf coi5eA'OA]A e 50 UeAC- mop UAbA^ACA. Aip cluAipceAnc "oo AongAif cax) ca^Ia'o -oo 605 ctii]^ fe cum An c-A|it)C|iom]peAp A15 ^a<) : Cpuinnuigi^ iomt)A •oe rjA cpomfeAjiAib. Aguf t)'innif Aon^Aif tia ni-ooe uile t)oib 5^ p^t) : Cpeut) •oei|AeAnn |'e|Ab|?o5Anci5 m-bAAÍ but) Ai|it)e ? 'A5tif f peAgAiji An c-A|At)c]iomf eA|i : U^bAip An le^nb Ann yeo A5iif fAg e Aguf imcig cufA Aip T)0 a§aii6, Aguf cpAt cluinpAiX) nA cpomfeAjt focAÍ m-bAAt hut Aiptje lAb- pocAT) tcAC. -Aguf '00 bi m^\\ pn. lA|t pn cAinic -AongAif 50 b-pOfpUljfAlt) fOCAt m-bAAl Agtif AX)ubAipC An CApX)- 6ponifeA|A: TlujAt) An leAnb Aip caIatti gAn gt^At) aca^ no iTiAtAp uime ftoinceA|t "jTuAióeAc" CAi^pAngce uAt)'n ucc niA|i r**5 fe An ciT), ceilgce Aip inui|i S^T^S» CAn:ui5ce uAt) ■opuim oticeAn Aip caIaiti 'S^]\ ai]-. bmeAt) An leAnb glAn ! bit)eAt) CUipce Aip Alf jTAOl CUjlAm A TTIACA|1 A^Uf A UCC, lllbuf ^U1T)e "iruAit)eAc" Acc "peA|\TTiA]iA ". 1a]\ fco UAt) poL eAt)on An lemb t)iocpeAbAi^ j'eo cioc^At) ceAn a p^AitfAt) muijA A^uf CAÍATTi Ann A m-beit) gAAt nAc poj^pui^AniA]!. 1|" niAji y\n x)ey]\ bAAÍ, mAp pn bit)eAt> t)euncA. Aguf t>o cuiji AongAif An teAnb Aip Aif 50 Aine A^uf lubuig pfe An teAnb t)'A ucc Aguf t)o ttiai]i Ame A5Uf tnA]AA Ann bocAnAib g-CoipniAc le Iicca. AnnfAn -peAccTTiAtx bAAlAin t)e pgAit -AongAife o'eu^ tlAOifeif pg tTlumAin, Aguf Ai|A cpumnu^At) "00 Apt)ciiuinne ttluttiAin ai|a ih-bpuiceine po5AT)Ap At)AmAep A TTiAC AnnA p5 Af cionn ITIutiiAin, Aguf An c|AAC ^M^Aituig 6ocAit) pig UllAt) fCAcc bAAlAine t)eu5 t)'eu5 r^* '^^r cpumnu^At) t)0 Apt)cpuinne ti-UltAt) Aip m- bpuiceine AootJiA^nThACA, |i05At)Ap HuAit)puit)e niAC Uoif uaó 606 |romA|^ rtiAC Ai|i5eA'onio]A, Ann^ ^ai^ ^f cionn Uli^t). Ann|"An X)ApA bAAt^in x)'ó. p15A.1t c|Ai 0.111115 1iltjAt)puit)e uAt) AoúniAgn- TT1A.CA, Aguf ■o'ltncig fe le i:ui|i|Mon jtaoi lA^nfeol 50 C|iuiten cuAc. A^uf x)'|?An ye p^ice Ann ful a ^rittuig fe, Aguf tnA|i fui-oe An pg AnnA feoitiiiAt) Ann Ao-oniA^nTTiACA A^uf mife UuigfeAc A^^'OottAni UttAt) foguf "óo, A-oubAipc fe lioni : "Oo TTiAif mife -OA y\ion AmcAfg clAn b-peocAp, fcfunouig me lAt), ni b-fuit fiAt) mAp cÍAn nA n-Gp|iione, beut-binti, focAt'iieit), mA|A ffuc fleibe 50 CAppuig meu-ou^At) Aguf connAt) cA|i lombeut, 50 cAppuig beu^nugAt) fiAf Afif. Ac- Am Ap ACI^UgAt) fOfO|1Uf, fltemAjl ffCAfA n-t)eo|A Aif cluAif- ceAnc fceul cfUAigeAc, acc 5nit)emA|A ^niom nibuf cnuAi-oe 'nA An ceAn ai|a a guitemAf. TI1 mAp fin "oo cloin 5-Cfui- ten, ACA fiAT) fogcAp AigneAc, focAtcfom, A^uf metJ-ougAt) 50 mOjITTlAf. lnnifeAt>A]i An caoi a UAngA'OAii a ACfeACA Af caIatti fAOl CUAIjAC Ulfgib A1|1 5AC CAob, AgtJf ÚAn5AX)A|\ CA|1 COlll A5Uf fefgAn A15 teAnumgc imceAcc m-bAAl nmg 50 f^ng- A-OAf An CAÍm feo Ann ÍAecATiCAib e-ocAi-ó mic b-peAfmop mic Aif5eA'omo|i ^115 tIttAt), mAf aca fcpiobcA ai^a teAbAif nA n-Aimfife n-e-pfione. Ace "oe'n caoi Aguf -oe'D cfAÚ Aimfi|ie A CA|itAt) nA ni-oce, if beugAn fiof aca aca, oif ni b-fuit fionce cfAc no Aimfife, no fCfiobcA a foc<|i aca. Aca a Ainfiof mof, a coi|ip lAi-oip a fpiofAt) cfeun. but) coi|i x>o 6|A|iion "oo CAbAif A Aipe Annof nAc cuiffAit) CAÍAm 5-Cpuicen conimo|\At) Aipci ? 607 ACA UttAt) Aguf UlconnniAcc fAOi y-og ^juf fogn^f, pubAiteAtin HuAt)puit)e m^p a fUocc comneApcui^eAnn 1*6 fpiop^t) An c-AOfog. An C|\At feo 'oo CAplAt) gup "o'y^^y ah gA-pup peApmApA AnnA pe^p Agup t)il5pAt)ui5 Apt)pi5 e nibup mugA 'riA 6unT)A a pug a ceite Aine ingein AotigAipe ppi- onpA lAigcAn t)o. Agup cAinic ApT)pi5 le peApniApA 50 AoóniAgnniACA Agup cpeopuig pe ati cpeunlAoc Ap cottigAp TluAt)puit)e pig tilt At) Agup t)'iAppui5 pe UAt)'n pig pion CAtAiTiAn Ann cip nA b-pipgneAc niAp T)uicce x>o "peApniApA Agup tDo riiAip pe Ann AooriiAgnniACA, acc pituig AongAip go UeACihop ÚAbApcA Agup "o'eug pe Ann cAp pigAil "OA'p^eug Agup pice bAAtAineAÚ. HigAit g-ConngAAl Ap-opig cuig bAAÍAine. 99 go 'o-ci 94. K. C. (peuc AnnAÍA pigeAccA n-6ppione. An 1. tlol. An 82. t>iiileog Aoip An *OoíTiAin 4876 pAoi Ainm ConAll ColÍAm- pAc. Agup pAn OgigiA, Agup AnnAÍAib g-CluAinmicnoip.) An t)ApA leAbAip t)eug. An t)ApA CAibit)it. lAp m-bAp AongAipe Aip cpuinnugA'o te nA ceite t>o Apx)cpuinne ÍAigeAn Aip m-bpuiceme TTlAgnAip pogAt)Ap Con- gAAt triAC 1t)ippceut ihic b-jTeApgAipe AnnA pig Ap cionn ÍAigeAD. An cpAc ceuonA imcigeA-OAp nA tuAiccupAit)e AtnAC Aip puiT) Cppion Aig glAoic te nA ceite pigce, ppionpAi-oe, cinpip, ottniAnA, Agup cpeAbAonA 'n pobAit go Apt)peoTTipAt) T)-CeACTTiop UAbApcA te Apt)pig t)o pogAt>. Aip puit)e t)o'n Apt)cpuinne pogADAp ConngAAt AnnA Apx)pig pop Oppion. 608 CuAit) I'e Am AC 50 Ua^aiI, A^uf 5ÍAC fe Ati eifAon iy^uy An lAigbpAÚ UAt) tAtii An c-A|At)C|Aomf:eA|A. Ai^a ):iteA"ó -oo yuit)e ye Aip An c|Ait)Aon Aguf "oo Leig An Ap-oottAni fcpiob- CA n-Cotuif Aguf ^cAbAji nA A-Ainip|Ae 5<^^^^5- ^^ P^ itTici5eAX)A|A AmAc Aguf ceileAb|iA'OA]A mopfeif "o- UeACTÍio|A Agta-p moiAcomopAt) nA n-GAcc]AA Aip tio|" ÚAbApcA. C].iocnui- geA-OAiA 5AC |:eAcc "oe'n AiA-ociAumne t)A]A cufTtioi-. Ace "OO bi mem ^Siif Aigne At)AmAep pig THumAin AnnA^Ait) ConngAAl oi|A but) miAn tei-p -pein gAijim Apx)]M5 "Oo |:Agt)Ait. Anoif -pAn ctJi^mAt) bAAlAin -d'a t^ig^it ciii|a ConngAAl AmAc nA luAiccu^^A-oi-oe Aip fuTo Option A15 ^Laoic ingce, ppioni^Ame, cinp|\, otLmAnA, Aguf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil le nA ceile 50 Ai\Dfeom|iAt) 'o-UeAcmo|i ÚAbA|icA -oo -pui'óe Ann a Ap-oc|Auinne. A^uf An c]AAC c|itiinniii5 An c-A|it>c]Auinne ai^ ÚAbA|ACA fngne Ax)AmAe|\ compile a^ui" comei|Aige AnnAgAit) ConngAAÍ Ap-opi^ A^uf C|ÁiAttui5 A-oAmAeiA A comÍAnncA A]AmgteufCA '5 lonn- funoe UeAcmop A^uf 'OO gtuAij^ A|Aio]ng tei|" a AiAmftuAg Ann A n-A§Ai"ó ^511^ CAinic -pe ^taoi teic teo ai|\ ITIa^ Al- mtjin A^ijf ulrtiui^eA'OAiA cac ^^uf "Oo cuic ConnjAAÍ ^SUf bi A ApmftuAg ceA^vpuigce iia"o nA ceile. An -oApA teAbAi]\ "oeug. An cpcAf CAibi-oil. TligAil A-OAmAeii UAt) -pUocc Ibep. SeAcc bAAlAine. 94 50 "o-ci 87. R. C. ('pAoi Ainm A"OAmAe|A IIIac SeAt)AmAin. peuc AnnAlA |Ai§eAccA n-6|i|Aione. An 1. tlol. An 82. •ouiteo^. Aoi|' Am 'OoTTiAin 4881. A^iip Ann fC]\iobcAib ItingfeAit;). 609 Anoif nio|\ pi^Tie ÁT)AmAe]\ ttiac Tlo^ifeif UAt) A'OAinAep ^e fUocc lbe]\ oipef^m, acc "oo gtuAip i^e ai|a |\eini t)i^ic 50 UeACITIO|A AgUf T)0 CAOIC fe a boCAtlAlb A1|1 ÚAb^ptA. A5U]" i^og^ceA]; Apt)pi5 AtneAfg comlAnncAib A|^m5tetlfCA1b. Ace Aip cigeAcc le n^ ceile t)o ApT)c|\iiinrie ÍAigeAn ai]a tti- b|)uiceine llld^^n.^]' lAOjo^-OAp 6uttoa mAc Aong^ife •o-Uui|^meAc pi^ Af cionn LAigeAn. nn^An AnAoitTiAt) bAAlAin pcit) r>e IM5A1I HuA'D|MJit)e ]Ai5 tJll^t) -puAip UuigfeA^c ati c-o.pt)otlAni bAf. -^5«]' Aip i'uióe -DO coniciomol n^ nolÍATTi i^o^ATJAp "C|\eunleu|\ Anno. o^ptJolWrn tllto."ó. Aguf x)o e^jilAt) 50 pcwib 6unT)A |\opto.co.mAil "00 có.c acc Arho^in Apt)|ng, Aguf nio]\ cumguig fe a to.tii uo.t) copiAugo.'ó olc Ann^gAit) A|it)|Mg A 5-coninuit)e. Aguf pi^ne ye 0^ n-Dicciott te cuijt HuAt)- puiToe ]'uAf Ann4N5Ait) At)AmAe]\ acc 50 tjiomo^oineAc, feAt) 50 ■oeimin t)o coi]\TTieo.f5 Huo.t)|AuiX)e e 50 5eup, acc 50 foil mop pi5ne fe 1-51 c no oi|AeAfeo.TTi. Cit) cpeAcc mop feut» le Apmf'luAg lo^i^e^n fe^feowo Ann^gAi-o cortilAnncowib TnuniAin m«N no.c po^ib ITlumo^in poince uo.d no. ceile, cuit) •oe no. ceo.nfeo.pAib 0.15 leo^nuingc fliocc n-*Ouo.c, o.5Uf if io.t) ul- riiuigcAf no. lo.ocpo. but) cpeuno. o.nn TTlumo.in. Anoif t)o co.plo.t) 50 po.ib AT)o.mo.ep clo.onco. 50 clompoip ^SUf 5leo, A^uf CU5 fe blo.f T)e'n lo.ni lo.iT)ip t)o no. nio.icib pionpo.f- CAib le OunDO.. Aguf o.if o.n bo.ll figne ^un-oo. cuin5|io.t> comeifige leo. Aguf ful 0. fo.oilui5 At)Amo.ef 5luo.ifui5 610 6utTOA Ai|i, Aguf C|iiiinrmi5 AtDATnAep An meiitj Aip ^reut) teif Aguf cpiAlluig fe A15 ionfuit>e, Aguf Acnuig -oo tia btit-poijiib : Abbj^mgit) Ann cluAfceAnc Cunx)A: CAifbAineAt) 6tin'0A e fein 'oo A-OAmAeii Ann jia-oaii^c ha ^aaU -Acc mop teAnuig Oun-OA coifceim nA butfoi^icAt» "Utmuig nA conitAnn- CA |?Aoi leic A ceite Aguf cufuigcA-OAii CAc. Ace Ann "c]aacc bi AumftuAg ApopiJ i^obeug. tli |iAib ceAn Ann a^ai-o pee nit)eiffin cpoit) AoAmAeji coni ^ta-oa guf yenn teif a A|Am X)0 A|AT)U5At), A^Uf CjlOITltlJAt) TDOjICA-OAf nA n-01t)Ce AIjA CaIaTTI lomcmiAeA-OAp e 5'A boc A^uf fuÍA tAOtiinuig bAAÍ ai|a mAi- T)in bi AT)AmAe]A mApb. 'OAingneA'OAii a cA|in Af cionn An boc Ann A |\Aib -pe niA|\b, A^uf feinneAt)A|AA eugcAOin -^giif CAnnA'DAp nA ^Aifcui-óe a cACjiAnn. "Oo j^ijAit A'OAmAep •peAcc bAAÍAine 50 lomtAn. An 'OA|AA teAbAitt 'oeti^. An ceicjiemAt) CAibit)it. tligAit e^unt)A ^ein Ame mAc AongAife 'o-Uui|AmeAc UAt) 'Ouac t)e fUocc lolAip, "oeic bAA^Aine 87 50 'o-ci 77. tl. C. (IPeuc AnnAÍA iiigeAccA n-6|i|none. An. 1. UoU An 82 'otJiteo5. Aoif An 'OothAin 4888. ^aoi Ainm OuniOA Ai5neAc. Ajtif Ann Ceu-oceigne Aguf Ann AnnAlAib g-CluAinniicnoif.) Iah m-bAf A-OAniAeii, Aip c]\uinnti5A'ó -oo A|\DÓ|AUinne triuniAin Aip TTi-b|itiiceine |A05AX)A|a 5einA"0AmAe|i a niAC AnnA pig Ap cionn UltitTiAin, acc Aip ccacc te nA ceite "00 a^t)- cpuinne n-6|Apione Ann Apt)feotTi|\A'ó •o-UeActhop UAbApcA pog- 611 Cppon. 1a]\ leige^t) riA fcpiobcA An ceut) ^re^cc ceiteAbp^- txsp mopf*eif T)-UeAcrtiop ^suf tno|icomo]AAt) ha n-6Acc|iA ai|i liof ÚAbApcA. AnnfAn t)A]iA ^guf <\n c|teAf feAcc t)o teig ATI c-a]ax)oIIatti ai* A|At) cpeAct) HA n--oli5e Aguf le^bAip riA n-Ainifipe n-6|A|iione. ^S^if t)o ApT)gtnA. o'fuilAng fe 5eu]\leAnuin5c p|iion'pAi'oeA'ó UAt) JiAlcAt). Anoif cit) 50 pAib 6unT)A Aip ftige nA t)-eu56eAiAC, m pt- fAit) fe Aip Aif, Aguf Ann aic foig ^guf ceipc cug fe mop- bponcAnAf t)o •OAOinib. Aguf cufuig lonroA cinpp A15 leAn- um^c CpiobcAn cAÍmA UAt) ftiocc g^^^cAt) a geAltuig mo|A^n, A5Uf "oo pofuig CjAiobcAn biopAc in^ein AongAife p\\\- onfA ITIuniAin. 'Oo cAi^lAt) C|aac jAigAiluig Gun-OA ■oeic bAAt- Aine ^up imci^eA'OAp HA luAccti|iA'ói"De Aip puit) Cppion, A15 ^ÍAOic A^i-ocpuinne n-6|^|Mone 50 A|At)feoni|AAt) t)-UeACTTio|A ÚAb- AjACA. Aguf imcigeA'OAp nA ciofoipi-oe fuit) An caIatti, Aguf -pigne pAt) 50 AnjeujA A15 ^At) : 5^^c|:At)mtii'o An c-iJime|i ciA'n A1C Aip bic Ai|A -peuT) linn I -AgUf tAbAi|t C|MobcAn leif An pig Acc Aip n-'DOig x>'yíyr\ ye bAuboip. X)e bpig pn Ap-oiiig CpiobcAn A gleo, Aguf 'o'imcig An copAn uaó cttiAf 50 cluAf Aip fuiT) leAc n-e-ppione. "UlmuigceAp nA comlAnn- 612 CA Ai]i AH cAÍAtTi. Agttf cA|'iiig A|imftiiA§ Oun-oo. A^uf C]\i- obcAin te riA ceite m\\ CttiAint)Aipe. t1i pAib a ApDceim ^5^r "^ thop'ÓAit Aon cotiigniotTi -00 e^inroA -pAn cac. but) Ía tJcbAj'Ac e. bi coriAbtAig tiA niApb -peince a^ cionn a ceile Ann tiiopcA|\ncAib ai|^ iruit) An ctuAin. Aguf *oo cuic G-un-OA rriAp An ceux)nA. X)o ]ai^aiI -pe oeic bAAlAine. An "OAiiA leAbAip •oeug. An cui^ttia'o CAibi-oil. tli^Ail 5-C|\iobcAn ttiic peilnn'oe tine e^ocAi'ó UAt) tTlelgAC niAC JiaI- cAt) "oe ftiocc lotAi|\. 'C\y\ bAAÍAine. 77. 50 'o-ci 74. U. C. (1pQMc AnnAÍA ingeAccA n-C|i|none. An 1. Hot. An 84 •ouiteog. Aoi-p An 'OotriAin 4908. Paoi Ainm CpiobcAin Cof- c|AAic. Aguf Ann |'C]nobcAib tuingfcAig mA|\ An ceu"onA.) Ayveit) *oo bi nA tuAiccti|iA'Dit)e Amui^ ^Z^V c|aac "oo ftii'óe An c-A-ptJci^umne An ceux) -peAcc |vo5AX)A]\ CpiobcAn jn^ lAigeAn AnnA Aji'OiAig poyv e-piAion, Ajuf tD'itncig fe attiac 50 liA-pAit, Agiif teAg An c-Ap'oc|\OTTif'eA|A An eifAon ai]a a ceAn. A5Uf ceiteAb|iA'OAp mo^ipei-p •o-UeAcniO'p Agu-p nio|\coniopAt) nA n-e-AccjiA Aip Uof ÚAbAjicA CoThUonA'OA|A uile |*eAcc 50 n- lomtAn "OAp cufttiof. Aguf "OO cpiAÍt CpiobcAn z\\m tTlumAin te mopfuippion Atim^tetifCA, cit) A-oubAipc ^uja te feit^oipeAcc j^igne pe, A5Uf cop|\ui5 ye -puAf ppionfAi'oe Agup niAice 50 •oubc]AAccAC AnnAgAit) A ceite. Ayiei'o •00 l^igAit TluA'ópui'óe Ann UttA-ó CU15 Agiip "OA pcit) bAAtAine, cit) 50 pAib ye eotAc po]\ec\5- 613 n^Nc le Aont)uine T)e'n i^liocc, cm 50 g-conineApcuig fe in- cinn no^ c-aoj' 05 Annf da mu|ACAib tvott^MTi, nit)eifpn -oeA^i- 51115 ye ]'pio]AAT) iiA 5ó.iycuit)eAt). 'OiLgiiAt)!!!^ fe 50 Tno|AniA^A An feitg, An ceot, An |Monce A5U]' cteAfA. "OAingnuig -pe T)un A^tif ApmlAn A^uf t^igtie ye ]\eit)liof V°5"r ^^ Aot)TTiA5nTTiACA, Annof 50 tnumfAit) -pe 05tA15 UAfAlt nA pVlgeACCA cteACCeATTl A|\TnA t)A|\ ceA^eAfg SeAT)nA fAoi A i^A-OAii^c fein, Agup bi An -pcoit TnileAt)A A]\x)ceiTneAc, Aguf "oo tion 50 CAppuig te c-Aopog ua^aiI nA CAlriiAn. AtDubAipc TluAt)|Aiiit)e 50 mAic: bi-oeAt) ha ogÍAig mumce Ann jieAccAib cogAt) cit) nAcm-beit) CAilt aca Aip a ufAiT). Annf nA ÍAecib -peo cAinic co|^]AAn An 5Leo A^uf An ^niothe A pigne CpiobcAn 50 ctuAf tluAt)pui'óe. Aguf ut- muig fe feif Aguf tug fe cuipeAt) vo ppionfAib A^uf cpe- AbAonAib An pobAit ^S^f "oo ÍAocfAib fAo^ictome, mAp An ceut)nA A'OiibAifc: UAbAl|^ tib bu|i mic a gleufeAnn fAn bfAC ftiAif5Ailce. Aip cpiocnugAt) An feif cum^uig fiAt) coTTióonoL Ann feoThpot)n-AftntAn, acc "o'fAn nA ogÍAig Aip An ^Acmliof. Aguf "o'eiiM^ An fig Af a caoicaoi]\ f igeAccA, 5A f At) : UfAC ^'f^S CaIttia Ibef An ihopfinfiOfeAt) foguig fe coth- ■óAit C0TTit)eAccAn, mAf An ceu'onA nuAif "oo teAnn HonAft) A t)eAf bf ACAif ? CfeuT) mA fogfAix) bfeAt>fAt mo niAC ceut)- gein mAf CAlmA A^uf jac ceAn -d'a occ t)eAfbfACAfib mAf- Aon, Annof mA cAflfAt) CAitt 50 m-beiú comt)Ait coihDeAC- CAin ACA fAn f U^e ^Af 5 nACo^At) ? 5^ m-beit) An comt)Ait 614 UT) UAfAit: CupA-oiDe pigT),^ n-UlWt)? Aguj" -oo bi rriAp fin. A5tif cuAit) riA tiAoi c|Aeunniic tluc.'óptime Am^c A^uf foj^- •oA|A 5AC ceu-o but) cfeife A^uf but) cpeiine te fo^go^il. Ú<^|^ t)eif An l^ogAt) cAn5At)A|A TluAt)|iui'De ^n |\i§ Aguf p|AionfAit)e A5iif m^ice npig Ap coTTigAp Ap'ocpuinne n-6ppione cpAC "oeunpAT) UllAt) CApoio AnnAgAit). Tliop ft^e^S^M^ CpiobcAn pocAl Too'n ceAccoipcAcc lit). Agup "OO cuip TluAt)pui'De a bulpoipiúe le pAt) Ann 5-cluAp- 616 ce^nc 5-C|iiobcAti. UpA|A nA comfttiAgce •o'ionnfuit)e tlttA-o. Ace gtuAlfUlg AlAmftllAg UttAt) teActAe CA|1 buiUeATTlAn C|AAÚ t^n^A-oAp Ann ]AAt)Aitic coniftuAgceAt) n-Ati-opig. UpAc cAng- A"OA|A nA A|\m|^ttJA5ce -pAOi teic a ceite : Acnuig UuA'ópui'óe ■oo nA butf oipib : Abbpui^it) Af Apx) : UA|\p AtnAc a Cuiob- CAn Aguf "peuc niA cuipeAnn cpAob "peAp^ ftiocc Cp btAc AtDAc? Com tuAic ^Uf cuAittJig CpiobcAn An ^ocAt, 'Oo teim -pe mAp con pAn pic A^uf bi tluA-opunoe Aip a cActhApc TTlAccipe poiTTie pin Uonn nuig 50 -o-ci'n tA Aip -oo ceApp An pi^ rtiACCipe mop te upcuip tAnn, uime bi Uonn ptoince triACCipe. A5UP connAipc RuAÚpui'óe CpiobcAn Aip coip, ó.^uy teim I'e piAp "o'a cAcmApc 5A pA*ó: Cpeu*© bpig mA ca mo Apm ctiig'oeiig A5UP cpi pci-o bAAtAine nit)eippin ni beit) te pAt) 50 n-gtAc mipe piocAp UAt) Aon CAob. Agup bi CtAnnA UuA'ópuiúe A15 AiiiAipc Aip An P15. Upoix)eA-oAp CpiobcAn 50 617 5o puit)e Apt)cpuinne lAigcAnn Aip ih-bptiiceine ÍTlAgnAip, Agup po5At)Ap eipmion Aine mAC eunt)A rriic Aon^Aipe c-UuipmeAc pig Af cionn ÍAigeAn. Anoip An cpAC pAib bAAt Ann -OApA oit)ce Ann pion t)eigionAc b-lpliucirh t)o fu\te Apt)cpuinne n-Cppione Ann Apt)peotTipAt) t)-UeAcniop ÚAbApcA Apip. -Agup pogAt)Ap 618 TluAt)|vuit)e jAig UltAt) AfiriA A|At)]\ig te Aonguc. Acz ]\o\m ^tACAt) A A1C o.i|\ An cpit)Aon -oubpATDA^^ riA biil]^oipit)e : SeAfCATin Ap-ociAOTTifeA^A A15 |:o|At)oiitif riA n-A|AX)feotTi|VAt) le CjAeoiAuigAt) A^A-opig 50 tiAfAil. -Acc Atin cpAc-o -ppeA^Aip TltJAt)]iuit)e : AcA -poclA fCiuobcA Aip leAbAijA CocAit) oHatti b-lpox)lA A-p A CI15 tluAt)piiit)e A buriAt) : Cuirhne ha -oa nit)- ccAt) A cui|\eAnn pAOi piAti : Uuicime TIoit) a^ui" mo fume Ai|A tiAfAilI Aon c|iAC jreAfDA A bei-ocAf nA t)if -peo t)Iuc' uigce te mo Ainm Abb^AWigit) 511^ t^i^i^^ ^e Ann mo oi^e lAt). llAt) An Am UT) mop imcig mAcpAmAit -oe -pLiocc G-^a AmAc 50 "LiAfAil, A^tjp 50 'OeAjAbcA ni lAAc-pAT) tluA'óptii'óe I Ace t)ubAi|Au f e le bpeAt)f At a niAC : Ueiú A^iif CAbAijt cuipeAt) 'oo'n mo|Afeip -oo nA cjAomfeAiiAib 1a|a teigeAt) i"C|n- obcA n-6otiif ^"S^y teAbAip nA n-Aimppe 5^^^^5> ctiAit) An A|\X)cpuinne AmAc Aguf ceitAbi\A'0A|i mo]AÍ^eif t)-"CeAcmo|\ A^up TnoiAcomoiAAt) nA n-GAcq\A ai]i Uof UAbA^ACA. but) mop An ^Aip-oecAp cpoi-oe A^up lAUCgAip "OO bi Aip ÚAbApCA AgUf AnnA ciomciolt 'oe bpij gup pAib p]MonfA n-Gp AnnA fuit)e Ap-opig. C|M0cnui5eAT)A|i 5AC ipeAcc da^ cufttiop, Ajuf nio]\ feAi'iiig AomneAc ai|a UAbApcA A15 lApeAt) a ccApc. Aip im- ceAcc "Oo'n Ap-ocpuinne, cpKslluig Ku^-opuiue 50 AoúmA^n- iTiACA. "CfAjfe b|AeAt)fAt pig-"OAmnA Ann UeActtiop. Anoif x)o CAplAt) 5up poftiig Uof mAC TltiA'ópuit)e AUca ingein 6ip5Aip yvij tUconnttiAcc, ^gup "o'lmci^ tlop 50 CifgAip te ciAeopuiJAt) e 50 AoottiAgnmACA, cueuD Am pui'oepAi'o ppion- fAiúe, cinpp otlmAnA, ^SUf cpeAbAonA 'n pobAil Aip m-bpu-- 619 iceitie AoTOTTi^^nttiACA. ^Z^V ^^5 ®^P^5 ^o'^^ P^5 Aoub^ipc : Cuo.i<)eAt)AH CApc 50 lomlAn t)o. ceut) occ t)eu5 ^guf pee bAAt^ine uói) x>ó.\r\^r\óx>ó^^ CiombAOc Aguf 111acbAi]Ac An ]^^■^: Upeo^MJigceA]^ ^i-pg^ip \w^ ttlconn- tTiAcc Ann -peo, A^uf cuAit) TltiA'óiiiiit)e 'o'ionnfUit)e Cij^gAip 50 "oopuf nA feomi^At) A^uf c]ieo|^uig ye e 50 •o-ci'n fuit)CAn -piet) to Aip CAob cAÍt -oe'n bo^A-o a]- coinne 1^15 "UltAt). A^tif Aifteig An c-AjA-oottAni -poclA RuAt)|Atii'óe 'oe jAeip An •OAnAAn. A-^uy "o'eipig e-ifgAijt pig UlconnniAcc A^uf A-oubAiiAc: Com )?At)A 5Uf bei-oeA)' CifgAiji beo, a coniftAice, cuimneo- CAT) -pe Ai^i An mAiccAf -peo. A^uf bi |?ocIa nA jniotne ]"C|MobcA fiAf mAp cufniof 'o-UAnAfceAc. bi nA fcpiobcA leigce uA-o ÍA 50 ÍA, Aguf nio|i imúig An A-pociAuinne ai|\ ceAn miopA. 1TIa|a An ceu-onA cp\uinnui5 clAnnA tliiA'ó|\ui'óe A^tif ceileAbp\A'OApv ceAn feil^e Aguf cteA'pA caúa "OAp ceA^- eAf^ SeAt)nA. Coining tltiAt)]Aui'óe 6|A|iion Ann -pog ^S^f -pognA'p, oi]A -oo bi qieAct) -otige n-6|iiiione a i:|ieo|Atiit)e Ann 5AC jAtj-o. An cpAc -oo 1A15A1I -pe Ann tnAiceA-p cA^nA A^uf ceA|AC Aip\ ceAn CU15 x^eug ^"S^V "oa pciD bAAÍAine AnnA ]\i5 UtlAt) A^uf ]"eAcc bAAlAine mAp\ A|\t)pii5 -po]! Cpipvion, cuicuig ceinn Aguf "o'eug -pe. A5ti'p t)Ain5neA'OAp a cA^n 'oa|a a ]\o- 5A -pein Ann CluAineAc fogtif -oo CA^an AijigeA-otTioiA AnnAice te 'Oiinfobe|Ace. bi «lie UllAt) A15 geujiguit AnnUAig A15 gÍAoic "UiiA'ó|AUi'óe THoia" ai|a. An t>A|\A leAbAi|A 'oeug. An feAccniAX) CAibit)il. RigAit 5eiHAt)AmAep |Aig tTltiniAin a|A'0|ii5, c|ai bAAÍAine 67 50 ■o-ci 64 H. C. (peuc AnnAÍA jtijeAccA n-6|ipione. An. 1. TloU 621 -An 84. xDuiteog. Aoif An tDoilKMn 4982. jT^oi Ainm lonn^c- AtTiAp TTivVc TliAf) Se<5.T)A!TiA|A cufmof. Aguf "o'lmcig An c-ApT)c]\uinne aii\ Ago.it) c^c 50 ri-T)eA5t>un A coíTiniiit)e. Anoif Annf rió. tAeáb feo but) Aoibin -oo Uo^l^m 0|ipi- one oip bi f05 ^SUf fo^n^Nf ^f A cionn. bi f An c-Atn 624 mle t)o bi bjie^-ofAt ahíia Ap^^ig, bi fciAc foig Aguf foig- n^f f CAjiiAuigce Af cionti 6|V|Mon I Anoif Anrrp ah feife^t) bAAÍAin -oe pi 5 Ait ni-bpeAt>fAl A|AT)tvi5 "oo CA^lAt) 5tJ|i cAinic 5^1^!» m-bo m\\ Apnei-p A^uf Aip c|Aeut)Aib ATiriof 50 b-fiiAi|\ nibuf mtigA. 'n^ -oa cpiAn ACA bAf. Agtif but) fx5.ocA|i cjiuAiD •oo'n ^aaI ia-o -00 cmp •pAoi caIatti Atinof riAc b^ietm-pAO An c-ao-oai;. A5uf 'o'imcig An ^AÍAp UT) fuix) 5AC -pi^eAccA n-Cp]iione. tii'n c|AeAc Agtif An cAilt coni mo|A fin fuit) An cAtAm 5U]A coi|AtiieAf5 bjieA'ofAl cpumnce An ciof vo aia-ojai^. An CjAAc "OO ingAit t)|ieAt)fAt 'OA'iA'óeug bAAÍAine mAH ]\^■^ tltÍAt) Ajuf nAoi bAAlAine AnnA AfOfig yo]\ 6|ipion -o'eug ye. An •OAjiA teAbAiji tieiig. An nAointhAt) CAibit>iL TligAit itigAt) mic 5®^ii^^^iii^^ti 1^15 ITIuniAin Aftifig, 'OA'p'óeug bAAl- Aine. 55. 50 -o-ci 43. Tl. C. (^euc AnnAÍA figeAccA n-Gfpi- one. An. 1. Hot. An 86 -ouiteo^. Aoif An IDoTTiAin 5002. Paoi Ainm tii^AX) tuigne, Aguf Ann AnnAtAib g-CtuAinniic- noif TTiAp An ceiit)nA. Úa|a -oeif TTi-bAf m-bjAeA-ofAt, ai|\ UigeAcc te ha ceite •00 AptDCfuinne UttAt) Aif iti-bfuiceine Aox)ThA5nitiACA, I^o^a- •OAp CongAAt mAC m-bjAeA-ofAt AnnA pig Af cionn llttAt). CuAit)eAT)A|i nA tiiAiccii|AAt)it)e AHiAc Ai|i fui-Q Cpiiion A15 jtAOic nA 11^5^6, ppionfAiue, cinfi|A, ottitiAnA, Aguf cpeAbA- onA 'n pobAit te nA ceite 50 Ap'DfeotTi|iA'ó t)-UeAcrTio|i UAb- 626 Aj^éA, -00 fui^e AtitiA A]\"oc)Atiinne-6]\|Mone. Ai]\ ^n ceux) •O'imci^ fe AtnAC 50 liAf-Ail, ai^\ pleAt) -do ^Iac fe a aic Ai]A Ati cpi<)Aon. -A^uf T)o teig An c-aia-ooHatti ]'C|iiobcA n- 6oluf ^Z^V ^eAbAi|i riA n-Aimp]\e 5^^^^5- ^M^ cpiocnugAt) imcigeAtJAiA ATTiAc te ceiieAbpAi) mopfeif -o-UeAcmop ^5«^ mo|lcomo|^At) riA n-6Acc|iA ai|1 tiof UAbA^ACA. X>ó^\\ n-'ooig comtionceAix 5^6 ireAcc xíó.\\ cuftriof. t1io|A fe^fui^ AonneAc Ai|\ ÚAbA|ACA A15 lAt^eAt) A ceAjic. -Aguf X)'imci5 An c-aja-o- cpuinne Aip a^ai-o ^ac 50 "oeAg-oun a conintji'óe ^em. Anoif •00 cA^AlAt) ^up pofuig tu^A-o trieAi'Ace ignein 5- C|AiobcAn poime yeo AnnA Ap-opig, A^uf "oo \\^t ciunfocAt C]Mt) e-jiiAion A15 ]iAt) : 5^ pAib cuin^pAt) ^X)^\\ Ibep A^iif 1oIai|a Anndf 50 jii^AitiTAit) aia-ojai^ 50 •oeo. TDeiiiceAii but) A-obA^i T)etincA nA cuin^^iA-ocA eAcc|iAib : 5^1^ f uiúe ^15 Ul- connmAcc ^^uf mAice nA "OAnAAn Ann AHt>c|iuinne n-UtlAt)^ AnnfAn cui^itia-o bAAÍAin T)e t^ij^it tugAt) c|aac fuit)^Ai"o Apt)C]AUinne n-6ti|Mone Ann A]At)f*eotTi|\At) t)-UeActTiop ÚAbApcA tAinic ConngAAl 50 -o-ci lugAt) A5Uf cuinguig ye coTTi|iAt) teif Ann mocoTTigA|A'pA TnongfeAjA A15 |AAt) : UAbAi^ -00 aijac A TTIIC tflA|ACAlg AnnAgAi-ó ^Ajigcpob An c-1otAi|i, nA CU1|1 x>o totxiy Ann cof AtriAleAcc nmceAt). Ace ^jaca^ai]! tugAÚ to : A ConngAAt aca'd cpoit)e euccAc ^An fAoicciof A^uf ni jlAceAnn cpeunf ca^ cat) UAt) coiajau^aú 5ACA ccAngAn ? Ua^ •oeif fin "oY^ti ConngAAt AnnA cofc. 626 Agtif bi btiAr»cA|iAncAf it)ip tTliith^in Aguf tAige^n ai^ pA"o nA xDA'p^eug bAAt^incAt) t)o tti An c-A|iT)C|Miinr«e a rii-bAile ^ac 50 t)eA5t)un A coTTiniiit)e peiti. AnnfAn ceut) bAAÍAin ne pi§Ait j-ConngAAt AuriA a]\'o- pig, fUAi^A 1Tlon5feA]A An c-A]iT)oltArti bAf A5iif Ai]v |'iiit)e -do comcionot nA n-ottAtri ^aoJa-oaia ITIeteif AnnAn-A]At)ottATTi tll- ÍAt). AnnfATi An c|^ac yeo cAinic ^ocAt cinnce 50 Conn^AAt A15 ]\At) : AcA Sum ttiac Oittiot Apon rhic b-peA^itnAiiA niic AongAife te Aine a mgein |?ein Ann pon'ópuife ^a -óeunAt) ■peAtt 50 ceAÍ^AC. ^S^r ^^ fOctA nA CAfoi-oe com c|^om 5ii|^ but) coi]A lAT) -o'lnpnc Ann cluAfceAnc -A|^t)c|\u1nne Ul- ÍAt). A^uf x>o cui|A Conn^AAÍ nA luAiccu|iA'ónóe aítiacai^ jÍAOic nA p|iion|'Ai'De, cinp^\, otLniAnA, A^uf cpeAbAonA *n pobAit te nA ceile ai^a TTi-b|Atiiceine AoDtriAgntiiACA. An ca|ic T)o f*tiit)e An c-A|At)c|iuinne, TD'eijAig ConngAAt a^uj" A-oubAijic: A Ppion-pAme A^uf a niAice ApoceimeAig n-UttAt) -pioiACAoiiii f Alice yo^rn I C|MiinneTiiA|i Ann -peo An-oiu, oip aca |?ocIa A15 ceAnfeA^\ IaiaJaaL no ctuAi]" tlltA"ó. "O'eiiAig jTeilimit) ai|5 pAt) : Aon ÍA CAinic Sum thac Oittiot A]Aon 50 bocAnAib b-peiUmit) Aguf -o'lc A^uf x>'ot -pe a fAic, a^uj^ bi pe pu- 5AC, A5Uf T)ubAi|Ac pe : 1TIa ciocp-At) peitimit) 50 CAlAm Sum ? Aguf t)'iTncig "peiUmit) Ann A^up TTiAijAuig pe Ann feAÍ, Aguf l^igne pe peilg A^uf iAf50i|ieAcc Ann uifguib nA CAÍniAn ut), Ajuf tAbAi|A Sum Ann jiumeAnA A^uf Ann te- At-poctAib t)o ctuiAf b-'peiUmi'o. Ann pn pigne peitimit) oipeApeATh, Aguf "o'einig Ao<> ceAnireAp leACAitxne gA |VAt) : 628 A leu|AfmuAineAf peilimit) i^oitii inline cothgAii^ ce^lgeAc Sum i^eAlceAg? -Agui^ cug feilimiD ^aauai^ac ■oo Aot An pn cuincui5 ye X)o'n ^15 5^ \\ó.t : ÍHa 'oeA|\bniein|:Ai'o peiUmit) e |?ein cotri mop pn 50 innfeoc^t) ye Af A]^!) ^ocIa Sum no Aont)ume eite a 'pui'ó^Ai'o A15 a cIa|i A^uf pgne loifcm fAoi -poll AC A boc. A fAoitYTAiT) Aot) no 1^5 UllAt) A -pod A fAop Ann ctuAifceAnc b-peilimix), no Ann ctuAipceAnc -pleAc- CA b-feitimit) peAfOA ? X)o itium mo aúai]i x)om Aguf if An ceA^eA-pg puAi|\ fAn lTlu|\-n-ottAm Agup uad gAc yux) a ciAttuig me pen : Ha cpei5 AonneAc ! Uime pn ni AiplAb|iocA'o feitimit) punpoclA Sum. Ace ni-óeippn ÍAbAip Sum mAp peo Ap comAgAp •oa- omib eite A^up C15 tiom iat) pin "oo mnpin, mA'p Ait leip An c-Aii-Qcpumne? Ai|i An Va "oo tAbAi|i An pig bpeA-ó-pAt 50 popeAp^eAc te mo ACAip 'OoncAt) ACA^n ■oip mApb Anoifl Iap cAmAÍ -GO ^ÍAC bpeAÓpAÍ An pig Aip tAm n-'OoncA'ó 5A pAt) : Ap peuT) te "OoncAt) mAicugAt) pocÍA m-bpeA'ópAt? ImcigeAnn "oume a mugA, ni b-puit Ann bpeA'ópAt acc •ouine? Imci^eAnn oume a mugA? *Oimcig pocAt AmAc 50 pAib An pig pogeup Aip "OoncAt). "O'-pAn nA -pocÍA mAic Ann Ap m- bocAnAib, "oo pcAp nA poclA peApbA puix) An 'ouicce eAOon 50 ctuAi-p Sum. Agup ÍAbAip pe Uom -oe nA poclAib ut) An ÍA CAfAmAp te nA ceite A15 bocAnAib g^^"^^"^^"» ^S^f ^® nA tmn A-oubAipc: UpAc eu5pA'o e-ipgAip ciocpAt) Utconn- mAcc mAp oioepeAcc "Oo Rop mAC RuAOpuioe moip oip pop- uig pe AticA mgem AonAC 6ipgAip, Ann pin bei'6 feompAt) 629 Aot)mA§ntTiACA ctomAopA ]ti§éeAt) n-UllAt). Aca wite T)ocuf Cjipione Ann mACAib 6pniion tha tAbpocAt) peitmit) ^guf nA cinpp AC*N |iionpACceAc teif o.nnof 50 n-innfeocAt) Sum -oo di'tTiion ^"^uy C^ipbpe? Aca n^ cinpp but) cpeife Ann UllAt) l^nfAfCA 50 m-beit> Sum \\y^ Ann tllconnniAcc lAp m-bAf CifgAip. Ann -pm CAbAijifAmnfA Sum t)o feitmiD mo cA|iA Aguf -d'a fliocc fCApoA caIatti ITlAggemcii^ ! Aguf Aip cpiocnugAt) t)o Sum x)ubAipc me tei-p: Hi SeAt) I Ace mnfeocAt> peilmiD |?ocIa ceAl^Aig Sum t>o ctuAif 5-Conn§AAl, Aguf Anoif cumguig me mo geAlt ! Aguf -o'eip- 15 Act) ceAnfeA]^ leACAipne 5A pAt) : Aguf •oeipimf a 50 b- puil "Peitmit) ni AmAm ceA^c Aguf AiAtJceimeAc, acc guyi pu e 50 t)eimm -do beic AnnA ceAn "oo mopfliocc UAoifgAip ! i -A^uf t*i5"e 'n c-ApDC]Aumne cotti^aa-o. Aguf ■o'eiing "PeitmiT) A15 \\óx): Cpeut) mA n-gtAoi-ó feAp I Sum le f ]\eA5|\ót) cAbAi|ic "oo -poctAib b-feitmi-o ? Aguf -oo bi mA|A fm. Aguf -o'lmci^ nA cu|AAt)iT)e ai]a AgAit) ai]a lei- geAt) x)o Sum nA -poclA if e AX)ubAi|ic: PjieAgpocAt) Sum Ann A|it)feom|AAt) t)-UeAcmo|i ÚAbA|icA oi|i if pfionfA Ofmion Sum. Acc -00 bi An CAinc ut) •oiomAOineAc, A^uf AnnAgAit) cufmof 'o-UAnAfceAc, ua-d cAfÍAt) 50 b-puil 5®^"^^!^ CAob fcig figcAccA n-UtlAt) UAt)'n t>-cuf ? Aguf t)e bjiig fin fAOi n-Tilige n-UllAt), A5Uf if e cufmof -o-UAnAfceAc 50 b-ffe- AgnocAT) eflAoc f'A cof AnnfAn caIatti figne fe An feAll. Acc Ann cfAcc bi Sum omnce 50 n-imcigeocAt) fe fAOf mA 5-ctumceAf An ACAfOIT) Alf ÚAbApCA. COTTl luAIC gUf CUAll- 630 luig Sunn 5ti|A imcig Am4).c Acne te beic cAbAi|Ac e AfceAc geibce, «At) ca^aIax) riAc leAtinuig fe ha bulfoi|iit)e -oaia cleAcceAiti cjAAC 'oo glAoi'oeA'OAiA A Ainm Af aia-o, eicioltiig 50 obAn UAU CAlAtTi Ajioin 50 'o-ci lAigeAn, Aguf cAinic •Oe5A'o A niAC 50 ConngAAl A15 i-oijAgtu'oe ai|a fon a aca^. Aguf ^peAgAijA ConngAAl -00 'OegA'o Ann mo lACAjAfA ttleUf A15 |iAt) : til t)ei|iceA|i Ann -00 ajaid a 'Óe^A'o An but) All leAC 50 tAbiAocAT) otc •o*A ACAip Ann cluAifceAnc A TTiAc? X)e b|\i5 50 b-|?uititTTpA mo cofc nA bmeAt) pn com- A|ACA 50 b-fuil -00 ACAip fAoiA ! Cjieu-o "oeun^eAp -oeiiieAt) A|AT)C|iuinne n-tlllAt). A5Uf 'oo bi ConnjAAÍ cineAtcAc Wn- o^ÍAOc A^uf 'o''pAn -pe ye^X, Ann Aot)mA5nmACA, a^ui' An c]AAC ptuig fe •oubAipc An pig tiom-pA : A itleteif f Aoilim 5An Am|\Af 50 m-beno 'OegA'o nibtjf -peAtlctJi-De 'nA Sum no AonneAc x)e -piiocc 1oIai|\, "Oo bi bA|AAmAiL 5-ConngAAt ceApc, bi 'Oe^AT) beA|icAc, ceAÍgeAc te cac eA-oon teif a ACAi|A oip tionuig fe a mem A^uf a Ai^ne le fAiúciof An- nof nAc plfAit) fe 50 uaIatti UltA-o. AnnfAn nA ÍAecib feo ÚAmic focAl -oo cluAif 5-Conn- gAAt 50 mAif Sum Ann ITIumAm te CAifb^Ae fig nA cAtmAn ut). Cuif ConngAAt ceAccoifCAC te ticifib 50 CAifbfe 5A f At) : 50 "oeAfbcA ni fioffuigeAnn CAifbfe An c-otc a f 15- ne Sum Ann tlltAt) Aif a gtAoiúceAf e Af comgAf AftDcfu- mne nA figeAccA, mA b-fioffuigfAi-o ni teigfA-coo t)o beic Ann tnumAin ? ptuig An ceAccoifCAcc te f octAib 5-CAifbfe ^A fAt): belt) CAfA 5-CAIfbfe gtACAt) A fOg fAOl b-fotlAC 681 ^ íTi-boé, CIA but) e Aip bic cui]\eA|' ^"fog Aip Sum 5nit)eAf CAi]\b|Ae o^nriA ikmtiat). ^Suf C|\uinnui5 Conn^AO^l clAtiriA TluAt)|\uit)e A5Uf Acnuig X)o n^ ce^nfeApAib n^. coriilAnncA t)o utttiiugAt), mop cui]A fe 50 lo^ige^n no e^Don 50 n-Ut- connmAcc, Aguf t)o cuii\ ^n ^Mg 50 bocAn^ib 5-CAipbpe ha butfOipit)e 5^ ]\ó.x) Af Apt) : LeAnn^rAt) jAifciúe n-UilAt) coifceimeACA tiA butfoipcAt) le c^bAipc Suin An eplAoc Af- ccAc ^eibce, Ajuf 5luAifeAT)A|\ "oo'n 'OeAp. TMAp An ceut)nA ulthutg CAipbpe ApmftuAJ ttiuniAin. UAn5At)A|A nA t)a ApTufluA^ce ]:aoi leic a ceite Ann CluAin nA d-Uuaui. Aguf 'oo ceApp 50 TTiilceAc puAicip 5-coTTitAnn tlllAt) ApmftuAg ITIuniAin, Acc nmeii-pn nio]\ ciuncui5 fiAt) a cul. -Aguf "00 cuic CAipbpe 'n pig ^Aoi cleA-oeArri 5-Cuip niic Apt)feAp cinpp TlAcboc cupAt) x)e clAnnA UuADpuiúe, A^up T)'iomcuip Cuip teip ctAt)eATTi, tuipeAc A^up pciAc 5-CAipbpe 'n pi^ niAp a T)ubAipc pe: "geAlt eAccpA nA caca." Act Aip n-Doig eiti- oluij Sum Aip AgAit), Agup Alp peucfmc "oo tnurhAin gup eiciolui5 Sum lAp cuicime 5-CAipbpe An pig Agup 50 pAib , Sum pÍAn mAp geAll Aip a cemeAt), ciuncuig nA T)A0ine AnnAiiAgAit), uime pm cuic Sum cemn Agup 'o'eug pe. Ann pin gluAipuig, ConngAAl Agup comlAnncA n-UttAt) Aip Ag- Alt) 50 A0t)rilAgnTT1ACA. Agup cpocAT)Ap upUp CACA g-CAipbpe Ann mopcAltA 5- CÍAnnA RuAÚpume pAoi pciAC 5-Cuip niic cinpip TlACAboc, a6c mop o-puÍAng ConngAAl An pig acc guc ttioIca -00 Cuip, 632 m i^Aib jteo, no A^'og^jACA no fciAcbuAiLce ai|i Iacaii. A^'\\ cigeAcc te nA ceile -00 A'pt)c^uinne tnuniAin 1^050.- x)ó.\\ TDuAc mAc 5-CAi|ibpe Ann^ jMg Af cionn tTluttiAin. 11io]i tti-i:at) ^ó.\\ m-bAf ^-CAipbjie A^uf Stiin ntjig 50 -o-cufuig 'Oe^A'D mAc Sum A15 copnugAt) fuA-p otc Ann UttAt). An CjAAt fee cuAit) ConngAAÍ 50 UeAcnio|i Agtif mAijAiiig fe Ann, •o'lTAg fe pAccnA mAC 5-CAf thic TltiA'D|\tii'De ttioi|a Ann aic ing Ann UIIao. Acc innfceA-p miognioni IDegAt) x)o pAccnA. Aguf com tuAic 5tif fAoituig 'Oe^A'o 50 b-i^eAjifAi-o pof A1|A A coniglice "o'^n ye te X)eitTiinu5At) a bA|AATTiAit, acc -go CAIAtA-O 5ll|A CAiniC UAeCC01|ieACC UAt) AjA'Opig 5A pAt) : A ■peAccnA ctii|\ nA bulfoinit)e 50 caIaiti Ajioin 50 n -501111? ai-o sy Apt) : ImcigeAT) 'Oe^A'o ^^uy uite tAigneAc uAt) ci|A|Mon titiAt) An c|\AÚ ceit)eA|" OAAt cpit) Aon pAice -oe'n bAAlAin I'eo coi^eAT) leo a liiAoin A^uf a eu"0Ait. \y niAjA pn •oioú|AeAbceA|A "Oe^AX) A5U'p a "óiAon^ uAt) in^eAccA n-UttAt). U|AiAtteAX)Ap 50 TTIuttiAin ^"^ny cu^ 'Ouac An 1^15 po|ACAOiTti -pAilce -ooib. Anoif Aip n-imceAcc "Oe^A-o UAt) liltAt) cAinic ^ocaI 50 fAccnA 5A |iAt) : tligne 'Oe^At) cothgtic AnnAgAit) lAigeAccA n-UltAt) le CAjiiiAnj AnuAf Gy A^Uf te cui|A fUA-p e-pmion t)'A ftiocc i:ein. Ajuf "oo cui|a Conn^AAt ceccoi|ieAcc 50 'Ouac A15 jaat) : UAbAi^ieAX) "Ouac yuo^y 'Oe^A'o Annof 50 b-^iAcA^pocAX) ai]a a iOTnt)A Ttnognioiri t)A]i CA-poit). A^Uf |:|AeAgAi]A 'Ouac : Cit) cuicuig CAi]\b|\e mo ACAI^A A1|\ fon Sum, CUlCfAlt) ^Uf IDUAC fut A Cpei^jTAt) A cApA 'OegA'o AnnA mi At). Aguf t)o cui|i AiA-opi^ ceAccoipeAcc 633 eite 50 "OuAe 0.15 ]\ó<'6 : lp]\eó.^]\eó.xi "Ouac Aguf tDe^At) Ann Apt)feotTi|AAt) T)-UeACTTiop ÚAbA|\c<^ : Cad cui5e nAc CAbAipf ait) ■pe vuAf TDegAt)? Aguf -oo f'uit)e An c-ApT)cpuinne An ceuo )?eAcc Aguf bi nA fC|^iobcA teigce Agu-p Aip n-imccAcc ahiao t)oib ceiteAb|iA'OA]\ moppeif xj-UeAcniop A^uf mopcomopAt) nA n-OACCpA A1]A Uop UAbA^ACA. Ai^i ftiit)e -oo Ai^'ocpuinne An "oaiaa ^cacc "o'eiin^ A|it)pi5 A511]' t)ijbAi|ic : A coTTiflAice ^"^My a fAO|\ctAnnA Ap'OceimAig n-6p|none An c^ac tngne Sum uAt) fUocc lolAi|t uAt) Aon- ^Aife x)-CuipmeAc -oiobAil, Aguf eugcoip AnnAgAit) "UttA-o t)o bi ^lAOi-óce te p]\eA5|AA-ó ó.^]\ a olc, eicioltuig fe 50 Tllu- TTIAin, AgUf •00 CAlt CAipbl^e A beACA AI5 CAbAipC COTTlAl|\C t)o. U|iAC |AAib "Oe^AD mAC Sum gtAomce te |?|AeA5|AAt), cuipeAnn "Ouac tiiAC ^-CAipbi^e ^ocAt A15 ^iat) : Hi cpei^f aid "OuAc A cA|iA. CiDceAp c^MiAiD 50 b-|:tAn5]:AD CAIjAbpe AJUf 'OuAc Ai|t thAiceAj" A coTTiAi|ice? Ace ciDceAp 50 -poll nibuf cpucMDe 50 ^lAoiDceAiA An JAAÍ Am AC uAt) fo^ 50 CO^At) ucbAfAc? If cpuAig 50 ]\Acp'AD ncAc cAp A^uj" Af cionn An Dbge I ITIa i^Aib 'Oe5AD Ann -peo AbpocAD Conn^AAl : ÍTIa )AAib Sum cioncAc aca X)e5AD nAOi nuAipe nibuf meApA, acc Ai]\ 5IA01C DO le ppeA^iAAD ADubAipc ]^^^ tTIuniAm : ConiAipc- fAD fA mo CApiA Ann Ag AID 5AC CApOID. til b-^TUlt 'Oe^AD Ai|A tACAji, mA pAib DeijAfAiD Conn^AAt 50 m-beiD ye com ceAlgcAc te fUocc lbe|A mAp bi do fliocc 6|i. Le nA tmn •pm DubAi|AC A^ADpig : ITpeA^jieAD tDuAc : b-puit Anne nAC b-puil X)e5AD Ann bocAnAib n-'OuAc, Aguf Anne nAc coip- 634 ITlAineAtin X)e5 "OtiAC 5^6 A ciocfAf Ann. If Ann pn ■o'eipig Afopi^ gA jAAt) : Tloiine yeo noccuig UllAt) a clAt)eATh Annof 50 fCAffAD "otige n-6p|Mone fAop cpiAÍluig te A|\mftuA5 uat) bA|\|A 50 bun -oeionAi^ nA CAtniAn -0101 cÍAn nA CAtniAn CUft)Uf Anmop, 0^]\ lOCCCAyi •00 gAC gnCACgAAl a tuAcfAop, •00 cAitt fig CAifbpe A beACA A^u-p iomt)A De nA niAiáb A^uf "oe 'n 5AAt ^guf 50 foil -©'fAneAnn 'Ouac AnnA ftije cioncAc A15 jtAoic niAfttigAt) nA "oti^e A^ADtheAf ai|a coniAifc A cAfA Agiif toifcin A boc. Afif lAffAit) Conn^AÁt I An CAbAiffAit» *OuAc fUAf "Oe^AX) te fi^eA^^AAt) -00 'otige n-Cp- |iione? A-oubAifc 'Ouac ComAifcfAim 'OegA'o 50 -o-ci'n Deip- eAt) I A^uf A-oubAif c Af "Of 15 : At)ubAif c 'Ouac Ann cluAf- ceAnc A|At)c|Auinne n-6f|uone 50 5-coTTiAifcfAiT) ye 'OejAt), Aguf 'oe\\\ Conn^AAÍ Af Af-o 50 5-coTTiAifCfAiT) ye ■otige n- e-ffione, oif If Aif An fAt) fin fui-oeAnn fe coifceim nibuf AiiAX)e 'nA A 'óeA|\bpAúfAib "oe'n ftiocc? Aguf niAp if coif 50 n-iocfAD An c-eftAoc An cufouf, cpeut) mA n-iocfAt) 'Ouac fig ItluitiAin nAoi mile m-bo jac bAAlAin nuig 50 5- cottilionfAiD feAcc nA n-t)li5e? A^uf cuifceAf 'Ouac fAoi nAife, Aguf t)'fATi fe AnnA cofc. Aguf bi fOclA nA Aúne fCfiobcA fiAf. Aguf cfiocnuigfiAt) 5AC feAcc -oe'n Afocfu- inne OAf cufihof, niof feAfuig AonneAc Aif ÚAbAfCA A15 lAfeAt) A ccAfC. Aguf 'o'imci5 An c-A]\'ocfuinne jac 5-A t)eA5'óun fein. 635 Aguf cA|i t>eif Aon miofA ^AttiAin t)'eu5 Gii^thion Aine 1^15 ÍAi^eAn Aguf Ai]A agcAcc 'oo A|;t)cpuinne ÍAijeAn CApÍAt) tiAp cAinic cuipceAp ceACcoi|AeACC 50 1^15 TTluTTiAin A15 T^At) : Cat) cui^e iia]\ ciiipceA]A An CAin T)A|\ Atne n-At^ocpu- inne n-6ppione? Ace 'Oo ^rjieA^Aip tDe^At) "oon ceAccoipcAcc UT): tliop pujAt) An A^neif uile 50 leuyv pof Aguf niO|t |:euT) te cuit) but) pnne T)oib t)0 fiubAit coni j:at)a pn. U]\AC cuAiltuij ConngAAl nA -poclA ullrriuig fe nA cothtAnn- CA Aip cigeAcc 'DOib 50 CuDAn 'OAipe CAfuig leo ceAnfeA|t n-Oi^i ^S^r cACA^AbA^A leif <^5Uf -oubAi^Ac 50 pAib nA bA le nA niAopAib Aip A bocAp 50 UeActho^A. A^uf Acnuig Ap-oiAig 50 m-beit) nA bA ciomAnce 50 "o-ci ScAnT)c pig "UlconnTTiACc, A^uf "00 bi mA|A fin. A^uf fiUug An AfmfluAg 50 tlllAt», A^uf cuifceAf An CAin An -OAfA bAAÍAin An nof ceu'onA, Ai|i An CfCAf bAAÍAin A^Uf X)e5At) fOf Ann ITIuniAin niof cAinic An CAin, A5iif ffcA^Aif "Ouac -oo'n ceAccoif eAcc : "OA^t bAAÍ ni belt) cAifbe n-tDuAc CAice nibuf fuiT)e Aip CAfAt)ib ^-ConngAAt. X)e bfi^ fin cuAit) Acne cfuinnce nA comlAnn AniAC Cfit) tJllAt) A5tif lAi^eAn Aif triA^ UplAnn AtinA 636 ciomcioLt A|\'opi5. tliop ciii|a ^^l^opig 50 ScAtroc ftig tllconn- niAcc oi|^ CU0.1IU15 fe 5u|i cuip Scaitoc riA b^ xM|i ^if 50 "OuAc, oi|A bi Aigne Sc^riDC UoncA te cnuc AnriAgiD m^cAib 6|A -oe b|\i5 ^u\\ AiUcA ingein 61^5 -Mp Ann a ceile A15 Uof niAc 1iluAt)puiT)e íi^01|^. Aj^uf cpiAlluig ConngA^t AnnA A|tm- neA|AC fein Agtif ai|a cigeAcc 'óo 50 ItlAg Upl^nn connAi|Ac fe bocAnA te^c caca u^t) tAije^n ai]i An tTlAg. ÚAinic ceAnfeAH Th^sgglein 50 ConngA^l A15 |aad : Aca meut)ceAn AyvmfluAg ÍAigeAn A15 cigeAcc, mA n-gtuAif^^Ait) Ap-oi^ig 50 Sicoptiim, nuig 50 ciocjTA'o f luAg li^ige^n cuige ? 'Oe bpig nAc |\Aib Ani|AAf no 06^15 Ann thein AH-oiiig gttiAifuig -OAp |:ocaL An cinp|i. Ai|a feifCAt) Ia -d'a fuijAeAc Aip Stcupuim connAitvceA-OAii nA |:o|ApAi|n'óe AprnftuAg ITluniAin cigeAcc CAob pAt\ ojApcAib Aguf ApmfluAg lAigeAn Af A coinne A5Uf -oo \\ot cothtAnncA n-tlltAt) a aJai-o 'o'ionnfui'óe ApmftuAg ITItitTiAin Aguf 50 poll t^igne AH-oing oipeAf AeAni cigeAccA |ai§ lAigeAn, Acc ni |\Aib Tloigne teif An fluAg co|a ai^ bic. ^y Ann pn A'oub'pAX)A|i nA cinconilAnn ; 5^ P^^^ fCAlL ai|i coif. Ujiac ulnitiig ConngAAt ApmfltJAg UltAt) ipAoi leic TDuniAin EAinic A|\niftuA5 ÍAigeAn cAob fiA|v •ooib, Aguf ciuncui5 C|nAn -oe 5AC comtAnn A15 cAbAinc cotti|iuic te •oeAftAth -00 TtlurtiAin Aguf te A Iatti cle -00 lAigeAn. Aguf Acnuij ConngAAt x)0 nA btitfoi|Aib: glAoit) ai|a Ainm n-t)ijAc An c-epLAOc acc mop cAinic 'OuAc ahiac 'oo cuipeAt) com|Aijic AonpjA. Cia but) e Aip bic An Aic pAib fOAbA^^ An caca but) ccAnne ^y Ann pn -OO ct^oit) ConnjAAl nuig gup cuicuig fe, CAp -oeif glACAt) 687 Aon ^oince "oew^ uAt) Iuatt» uó^ 5^^^» ^ip cuicime 5-Conn- 5ó.4^t tiiop cuincuig ApmfluA^ tJllAt) a cul, oi|a -00 gt^c Uof]\uAt) m.^c Tlof niic tluo>t)pui'óe nioi|t aic g-Conn^AAt A15 ulliiiugOkt) nA comtAnncA, bi tlof]AUA<) Ann a ceAncAtA 5-CtAn- nA TluAt)|^u1t)e. Aguf tdo ^^ei-ó fe a ApmfluAg attiac uAt) aic TniOA<)TTlAlt ATITIA "(AAlb 1t)1|1 ITIUTTIAin A5U]" ÍAlgeAn, AgUf "00 ceAp Aguf 'oo bjAi^uig fe tia tiAttiAit) te Tno|\cpeAc. CAiéeA- t)A]i A bocriA An onóce fin Aip Sic"ó|iuim. At)leAcA'OA|\ nA TTiApb Aguf cofnui^ An A^mfltiA^ coin g-Conn^AAl Aguf coin cinp|A A|^t)eA|", Aguf cotn cinpp teACAi^ine a cuiceA'OA|t fAn CAc. A^uf t)o ^ic ^tocaI nuig 50 g-cluinuig tlof e: Anne nAc n-^lAcpAmuit) cpeAc? Aguf Acnui^ Uof 'OO nA bulfoipib : tli 5lAC]rAt) p]\ ULtAD Aon c|AeAc. A^uf t)o bi mAp pn. A^uf iomcuipeAT)A]^ coin An 1115 Aguf nA 5-ceAnfeA^A a cuicuig leif A5Uf Iticc nA goince ai|a CA|AbAt)Aib 50 tlllAt) 'OAngnA'OAiA CApn 5-Conn- ^aaI Ann AoTÓniAgnmACA fo^uf 'oo CA|An Ao-óa, A^iif CAOin- eAt)Ai\ An eu^cAom Aguf cAnnAt)A|A An co^cpAnn oo'n ^Aig ceA|i|ice Ann cac, An ceuo ceAn -oe t^igcib UllAt) ua-o lAecib -AipgeA-omop cpi ceuo A^uf cpi bAAlAine. 'OO geu^iguit tll- lAt) ConngAAl An cca^ac Aguf niAit A15 5IA01C Aip niA|v Ainm : "Conn^AAl SAiccApnAc". An OA]AA leAbAi|i tjeug. An c-AontriA-o CAibmil 'oeug. TI15A1I n-'OuAc jMg tTlumAin A|it>|M5 fCAcc bAAlAine. 37 ^a t)-ci 30 U. C. (peuc AnnAlA jAigeAccA n-6p]none An. 1. TloU 638 An 86. "ouiteog. Aoif An 'OoniiAn 5032. lpó^o^ Ainm 'Ouó.c •oeAtcA "Oe^AT). peuc m^p ^n ceux)nA AnnAÍA g-CluAinniic- noif , O5151A . fl. 3. C. 42. A5Uf leAbAi|\ leco.in fol. 203. ) Anoif f^n c]AAC feo -00 niAip pAccnA Ann UeAciho|A com luAic 5Uf piofjAuig ^M]\ cuic ConngA^l, cul|^ fe fUAf a boC A1]1 ÚAbA]ACA AgUf CIJ1|A fC CeACC01]ieACC -00 "PcAjAgAlf mAC teit), thic ftuA-oiiui-oe itioi|a A15 jiAt) : Cmn An eif Aon A5tif |Aigb|AAC A|At)pi5 Ann I'eo, Agtif cAinic l-eA-pgAif leif An ceAccoineAcc Aig lomcuip teif opneif AjA-opig Aguf bi pA-o leAgce Ai^i An ciAi-OAon CAoib ^05 -oe'n Ap*ofeoTTi|iAt). 1a]\ -pA^At) CUpAtTI CI5 An 1^15 A1|A At\t)TTlAO|1 t)-UeACttl011 CpiAlluig -pe pein A^up peAjA^Aif mA|iAon 50 AoumAgnihACA. A^\\ cig- €Acc ie nA ceile X)o A|iT)c|\uinne n-UllAt) ai|i ni-b|Auiceine lAogA-OAi^ ^AccnA TTiAC g-CAf Hiic tluA'ópiji'óe nioi|i AnnA P15 Af cionn UllAt). THaia An ceu-onA imcigeA-OAiA nA ttiAiccu|AA- X)it)e AniAC Ai|A jTuit) ei^pion A15 jIaoic nA pigce ppionfAme, cinpp, ottiTiAnA, Agtif cjieAbAonA 'n pobAil te nA ceile 50 AptDfeOTTll^At) •O-UeACThOjl ÚAbApCA te Al^-Olllg -00 |10§AT). AgUf Aip fui'óe "oo'n A|At)cpiiinne An ceux) peAcc pogAt) 'Ouac pi^ ITItJitiAin AnnA Ap-opig, oip tDo clAonuig pig ^Stif ppionfAi-óe ÍAigeAn "oo TDuAc Aip fon a cothAipc "oo 'Oe^A'o niAC TDuin 1T11C b-peApmApA, thic Oitliol Apoin thic Aon^Ai-pe t)-Uiiip- iTieAC tiAt) tAojAipe x)e fliocc lotAip. ITlAipeAnn ^AccnA Ann Aot)inA5nniACA. 639 Anoif "oo co.]^lAt) 50 ]\^\h Aigne Scó.nT)c Aguf fUocc ptgx)^ HA "OAriAAn olc AtiriAJAit) UllAt) A^uf ni cioc)?at) 50 A|ADC|AUinne n^ iMgeAccA. AnnfAti x>ó^]\ó. b^AlAin -oe V^S^^^ ti-X)uAc, t)'eu5 Koi^ne ^Mg t^igeAn, A^uf ai|i ci^cacc t)o A]\Dcpuinne ÍAiJeAn te n^ ceile Aip m-bpuiteine ITlAgnAf, |\05A-oA^\ pionlAOc AnriA ^Aig Af cionn ÍAi^eATi. Anoif -puAiit lloi^ne h fUAf mAite nA 'OAnAAn AnnA^Ait) UltAt) A15 -oeAfu^At) a bcAfCA 'DO beic feit) Aip bAf ScAnT)C. A5uf bi jTiontAOc ^115 lAigeAn tHAf- 640 Aon le Ibep. Cat) AcnocAX) 'Ouac •oeun^rA'D IpiontAoc, rriAp An ceu-otiA -00 lAbAip 'Ouac mAp *otibAi|\c 'OegAt). An cpAc f Aoil 'Ouac 50 |AAib ye x)An5nu5A'ó e f ein Aip ^ac CAob An- r\of 50 m-beit) e ye^Y^ Aguj' -pliocc 1bep A15 -pigAileAt) 6p- ^lon 50 -oeo, connAi^c ^ac acc AThAin 'Ouac 50 ]AAib 'Oe^AX) A15 obpugAt) 50 5eu]ibeA|ACAc te IoIai^ too Ap-ougAt) Aguf. Ibep -oo cAjipAng p^f. Anoif -00 pigAil 'Ouac 01115 TíAAÍAine ACC nit)eiffin nio|\ imcigeA'OA^A nA tuAccupA'óme ArriAc A15 5IA01C Aji-ociitiinne n-e-pinone le nA ceile 50 a|at)- feOTTl|AAX) 'O-UeACTTlOp ÚAbA|ACA. An CpAC "00 CtJAIT) bAAt Af- ceAc AnnA ccac m-DtAc fAn -peiy'eA'O bAAÍAin "oe |ntAit n- X)uAc, t)o glAOit) pAccnA pig UllAt) Apx>c|Auinne n-UllAt) te tiA ceile 50 Aot)tTiA5nmACA, Aguf cuip -pe butfOijAi-oe aitiac ^i|i -puit) An pi^eAccA 5A ^At) : bi-oeAt) ClAnnA TliiA-óptinóe AnnA ÚAtÍA CAt) Am bei-ocAf A]\'ocpuinne n-tHtAt) Ann A01Ó- iTiAgnitiACA. AntjiA|i X)0 ftn-oe An c-A|\T)C|\iiinne. Agtif "oo bi •CÍAnnA TluA'ó|Auit)e Ann ÚaIÍa, "o'eiiAig An pig Aguf ADubAipc: Cit) nAc b-|?uil 1^5 ^S^r iTiAice n-UlconnitiAcc ai|i tACA|i "OAp |:ocAt nA n-tjtige, ni-oeiffin ni b-|?uit An feoiti|iAt) feo a f-Aic IpAt^fAng, b-i:eit)i]A nAc coip 50 •o-cioc'pA'o ClAnnA tluAD- !puit)e AfceAc Annfeo, mA^ An ceut)nA b-irei-oi^A nA|i coip 50 I'Ui'oe'pAi'O An c-A|i'Ocnuinne Ann UaIIa ClAnnA RuA-o^Aui'De ? Atp An c-A-óbAp pn, cpeux) íha -peAf^rAt) A]iDC|iuinne n-UllA'D ^5^r ClAnnA 1iluAt)|AUit)e ca|ic ciotncioll An ^15 ai|a ni-b]iui- ceine n-Apx)fceiileAcc mA|\ pgneAtiAp ful a •oAingneA-OAii Aox)TTiA5nThACA, Annof 50 g-clmniTA'o cac |:ocIa 'n pg, Aguf 641 Aguf pi^neAt)^^ cl^t^bopt) Aon coifceim AmAin nihuf Aipt)e 'tiA 'n CAtAtii T)o'n )M^ Aguf fe^i-ijig uile p|Aionfó. n- no. b|^e1teAtTlnA ]A05Ai5ce ai|\ co^ob Anió.in T)e'n pig Aguf Aip An c\^\^e n- 6ffione? A5Uf A|it)ui5- eAT)Af An c-Aft)C|iuinne a "óeAflAniA. pof At)ubAifc An fi^: ^AneAT) uile Ann Aot)niA5nniACA no AnnA cioriicioll nuig 50 b-filfAit) An ceAccoifCAcc ai|i Aif t)uinn. Aguf DeunfA-Q muiD comfAt) Aip An b-fpcAgfAt)? "O'lm- C15 nA ceAccoipiúe Aguf fiteAT)A|i te foclAib AfDfig, Aguf feo lAX) : Cpeut) niA m-bit)eAnn UllvVt) f obeug x)o t)iotTieAf 644 ^r» 50 foil CAiceAX) Paccha •o'^aii Ann, oip AnuAiji aca caiII A15 At^'0|iig le comAi|Ale iajijii^ait) uao a ^105^ ^rein 1?. Cpu- innceA|i An c-Ap-ociiiiinne Aguj' Cl^nnA tluA-oiiunoe Ajiif Aip ni-b|Auiceine Agtif leigceAji Ann a cluAifceAnc A.y a^ix) i^ocIa n-'OuAc A]AT)|ti§. A^uf 'o'eipig An pig Aguf A-oubAiiAc: An fUÍAn^eocA'O UtlAt) 6|^|Aion t)0 beic |M§Aitce 'oaja neAc a cuipeAf A coil ipein -puA-p AnnA^Ai-o An -olige? Ho An ull- tiitiigfAT) nA cinf*i|A nA comtAnncA A^uf CAjii^An^^At) An ce riAc pu x)e ? t)'eipi5 ^Z^V ceAnfeAp ITiA^niopcioniA a^uj^ X)ubAipc: C]Aeu*o mA m-bioeAnn 'Ouac mAjAbA-ooiii ^-ConngAAl •pci^oicce uA'ó'n cjiiÓAon ? A^uf cui|ice Af |iAt>Ai|ic 'OAOineAó ? Agtif •oubAipc An |\i§ : Uti5eAnn clAn 6p buioecio]" do ceAn- ■peAi^. tTlAgnioiACiomnA Aip fon a gpAt) •00 ConngAAt acc rriA teuiAfmiiAini^AX) bpeAf ciaIIi^ait) guji ÍAbAip -pe 50 ^AOcAppuig •oe'n nit) a liigne *Ouac A5tif Hoijne 50 -peAttcAc, acc aca 'n feitj A5Uf co^AX) ÍAn •oe beApcAib ? Hi e lofiguil 5- ConngAAt Ai|i A tAbpeAnn UltAt) Ann Ainm 6|i]none le 5IA- cAt) 'oiotciof ? "Oo bpifuig tDuAc An ■otige ai|a fon 'OegA'o, Agtif conineA|\cui5 ye An mAftugAt) fin cpAc nA|i ^ÍAOiDeAnn fe te nA ceite A|AT)c|vuinne n-6|A]iione 50 A|iX)feom]AA"ó "o- UeACTTiO]\ ÚAbA|^cA 50 CjAACAiTiAil. If Aif nA cioncA feo lOC- fAit) 'Ouac t>iolciOf? *Oe b^ig fin a bfeAf mA'f 'oo coil e 'oeif f Alt) fig tillAt) : Cf eut) mA b-f f eAgf ocax) "Ouac Aif fon mAfttigAt) An ^lige? Agtif t)o bi mAf fin. 1f Ann fin Acnuig An fig: CfuinneAt) 5AC ceAnfCAf a cortilAnncA cotii mof 5Uf feut) teif, oif if coif 50 n-gluAiffAit) tlllAt) AnnA 645 tie^pc. -An r\\^t ccudtia clinic da c^Aomfi^i 50 T)-crn jiig ^a cotTigAi]\eAt) ATinA clu^Mf : Anne n^c D-c^bAippAit) ó.n |\ig ceó^X) x)0 nA ci\omfeA|AAib -oo beic Ann cothttJA'ooip An ^pm- fliKMg m^\\ gtuAifCAnn 50 co^At) ? "P|\eA5Ai|i An |Mg : tli beit), l^b^AeAnn no cponipp 50 cetA^cAc Ann coni5Ai]\CAib. bi fib AnnA i'oi|iimceAccoi|Mt>e x)o Sum Aguf t)o ÍAigeAn Aguf X)o "Oe^AX) Aguf ITIumAin Aguf ix)i|\ llluriiAin Aguf lAi^CAn, ^"S^y ^"OT lApiAuigeAnn pb ceA-o uAimfA "oo ^nit) An i^unfeille aca a b-fotÍAc Ann bup n-tjcc AnnA5Ai-ó ctom G]\? Cifcuigit) te foclAib 6ocAit) OllitiAn b-]^OT)lA An 'olifcnAOip ce^]^z : CofneAt) An cpomfeAit nA ceinnce nAonicA, Aguf jAioneAt) Aimpp, Am Aguf C|\ac. If niA]A fin AT)ei|A "pAccnA a hiac. A cfOTTifi|A niAifuigit) 50 fo^- nAfAc Ann hu\\ n-Aic fein. An cpAc ceut)nA cufui^ A|ix)tii5 A15 uttniugAt) cogAt), Aguf "00 cui|i fe a cupA'óme c|nt) Lai- gcAn, A^uf cfuinnuig 'Oe5At) cothlAnncA lHumAin, A^uf cuf- U15 fe mAf fAoil fe A15 CA^AjAAn^c cinfi|A tHronnniAcc, oip ■oubfAt)Ap leif fAnfAt)niA|A CAOib fcig An -o-CAtAtTi fein. tlit)eiffin fAOiluig fc 50 t)-CAffAn5fAD te ceAlg iat), nion fiof]\uig fe nA "OAnAAn, o\]\ ni tAbAi|i An X)AnAAn AfAiAm t)AT)Ait) nAC cAinic 50 b-fio|A Af A c]Aoit)e. pof lioncA le ■oocuf, coTTimeAfAc "oe'n Ía Aip cuic Conn^AAl te beAfc IDe^AT) cfuinnuig fe cothtAnncA ITIumAin A^uf tAigeAn ai|\ ITlAg Sict)puim. CiAtteA-OAf 50 'o-ciocfAT) ■pAccnA Annt)iA5 Ann. Ann pn CAiceAt)A|A a bocAnA Anoif cpAc ^lAib Apm- ftuAg UttAt) uttmui^ce ai]i A|At)t)eAf com utmo]\ a fAib a I 646 tiiTTiip, bi AitijiAf -oe A fAic bi AfT)fig t)UfCoifit)e n-UttAt) Aif fiubAit 50 fOCAppUlg UA16 CaIaTTI tnUTTIAinl AgUf CII5 ^ACCnA Cll1f6At) COltlfUIC AOnflf i, 647 t)o 'OuAc, Acr nio|A teAnn 'Ouac tia butfoipif)e. An ceut) ccAti T)e fliocc Ibep riAc |?|\eA5Aip t)o'n cuipe^t) gAifCui^cAc- CA. Aguf ceAnnui^ An cac Aguf An CAfgAipc uAt) mAit)in 50 T)-a C|iA6nonA. A5Uf ciomAnui^ UllAt) tTluniAin A^uf ÍAigCAn i^oime, A5Uf bi CÍAnnA TliiAt)|Aui<)e cuA^cuig ^SUf A15 lo]A5U5Ai6 tDuAc AmeA|*5 meAt)on An fluAig, A^uf t)o I ceA|A|teAt)A|i A peim •oipic c|Mt> a AjAniftuA^, Aguf mA]ibAt)Ap "OuAc, Acc mop |:uiA|ieAt>A|A tDe^AX), -o'lmcig -pe Aip a^aix) le jreA^Aib ÍAigcAn, fA5t)Ait comlAnncA TDuniAin no ^AobAp CAtA. i X)o bi'n tTlAg ^rolluigce le cApnAib nA tiiA-pb, bi'n ca- Iatii Ann a feifjAn bog te puil. ÚuiceAt)A|A fCAcc Aguf pee I mile le "Ouac ai|\ ITIA5 ApT)b|Aeifce. tDo i^igAil IDuac feAcc bAAlAine floinceA|A ""Ouac T)aIca tDegA-o" mAjA Ainm ai|i. An T)A]AA leAbAip 'oeiig. An "OApA CAibit)il t)eu5, t^^^Ail b-^pAccnA niic 5-Ca|" ttiic TluAt)puit)e vno\]\ Apt)|Aig cpi bAAl- Aine pci-o 30 50 -o-ci 7. U. C. (yeuc AnnAlA pigeAccA n- 6p|tione. An. 1. Kol. An. 86. t)uileo5. Aoif An tDoniAin 5042. Paoi Ainm b-^AccnA b-jTACAc. Aguf Ann AnnAlAib 5- CluAinmicnoii' mA]\ An ceuionA. Anoif Ann cac A]A"ob|ieifce cuiceAtJAp iomt)A p|MonfAit)e Aguf mAice le X)uac, acc Ann cjaacc mop t)'fAn p|MonfAit)e no mAice lo^igcAn Ann ^TAobAp nA caca cei-oeATOAp le tDe^At), mAp imci5eAT)Ap le Sum c|iac cuicme 5-CAipbpe. Atnuig 648 "Paccha 50 pog|?ó.D ATTiAc Af ATI gneACA-óleACAt) coin a h-'Ouac A5Uf piAion|'Ait)eAt) TTluriiAin, AgtJi" •OAingneAXJAp a cA|in Aip An triA^." A5Uf CAOineAt>A|i a eugcAoin a^uj^ CAnnA'OA|\ a cAúpAnn Af cionn nA ppionfAib A^uf mAitib, acc ni a|" cionn 'OuAc 'oe bpig nA|\ CAifbAinui^ e ^rein -oo ^Laoic nA TTi-butfOipi'óeA'ó. Aguf c]iiaIIui5 AjAmftuAg tUlAX) 50 UeAc- thop AJU-p X>0 CUip "PACCnA a boCAnA A1]\ UAbA^ACA. Cit) nAC |AAib A Aigne Aip cpiUAon G^ppione but) e coTtiAipte a f:ui|A- |Aion 50 'piii'óf Alt) Ai|A Annof 50 Tn-bAC]:At) cof ÍAi^eAn. Agtif Aiyi cigeAcc te nA ceile t)o A]At)C|Atiinne ItluniAin ai]i íTi-b|Aui- ceme |A05At)A|i tu^At) t)eApb]iACAiii n-'OuAc AnnA -pig ^y cionn triumAin. 'Oo cuip ^AccnA nA luAiccu|iAt)it)e AtriAc ai|í |:iiit) e-pi^ion A15 5IA01C te nA ceile lAigce, p]iionfAit)e, cinp^i oll- tiiAnA, Agiif c|ieAbAonA 'n pobAil 50 A|\t)feotTi|AAt) t)-UeACTTio|A ÚAbA|ACA le A|At)pi5 t)0 jAOgAt). AgUf A1|A fuit)e t)0 A|\t)C]lU- inne n-C^A-pione An cent) ^eAcc pogADAji fAccnA ^115 tlllAt) AnnA A^'oivig. Ia^ leigeAt) nA fCjiiobcA, iínci5eAt)A|A AmAc, Agu)" ceileAbA|AAt)Ap mopfrei-p t)-UeAcniop ^S^f ^ot^coitiopAio HA n-e-ACCpA A1|A llOf ÚAbA|ACA. AgUf C|110CnillgeAt)A|A uile ■peAcc t)e'n A|At)cptJinne t)Ap cufThof. A^uf t)0 cAplAt) gup auncuig mein ppion^A IbltigAt) Aguf Aigne ionit)A ppion^A tnuniAin AnnAgAit) "OegAt) ÚuiceAt)A|i p|AionfAit)e THtitTiAin a |\Aib t)e'n AOif le feAfCAt) fAn cac. Hi t^Aib pof fAicciofA A15 pjiionfAib Ajuf mAicib TTliithAin nui^ 50 *Ouac? Acc ciA'n bpij bi A f^Aicciof -oo? Anne nAc cmcuig ye nit)eif- pn ? Úa|a t)eif IpAccnA iMJAileAt) Aon bAAlAin AthAin t)o 649 <:u^]^ ye tia tuo ScAnoc, Aguf t)ubAifc Af AfD: Com fAt)A juf CA ceAn tje nA "OAnAAn Abeo. ni fmuAinfAit) Uof Aif figeAccA n-tll- connniAcc A^uf ihuinfAit) An t)eA5fun ceut)nA t)'A ftiocc au- tiA^íiA^. A5Uf cugfAC t)'A ceile ÍAm CAfAncAif. If An fin At)ubAif c Af t)f 15 : Anoif aca fog Cf f lone t)Ain5Aince. Aguf Aif imteAcc t)o'n fij A^uf mAicib nA n-'OAnAAn a ih-bAite, 650 blionuig -Ml T^iJ mo|ieu"OAit -ooib. tlig^iteAnn "PACctiA Ann e^gnA Aguf ceA]ic, 5|Ao.'óui5eó.nn ye fog, uttttiuigeAnn fe An c-AOfog Ann ]ieAccAib co^a-o. Ann^An i^eAccmAX) bAAÍAin •oe ^i^Ait b-pAccnA |:uAi|i tTleleif bA^^, A^uf ai|a cjitiinntigA'o "oo coTTicionot nA n-ottAtii pogA-OAp peitmit> mAC tTlAi^A-OA AnnA n-Ap-oollAm tlllAt). AnnfAn feifeAO bAAÍAin -oeug -oe ^iigAit b-^AccnA, -o'eug pionlAoc pig ÍAigeAn, Aguf ai^v f ui-oe "oo A|\t)c|Auinne ÍAi^eAn Aip ni-b|iuiceine ttlA5nAf pogAX^Ait Ooca-o A ttiAC AnnA jAig Af cionn ÍAigeAn. Ann-pA nA lAecAncib feo comlionuig ^AccnA fCAcc bAAÍAine 'oeu5 -o'a I^i^aiI Ann fog Ajuf fognAf. A5tif "OO bi'n 5^^^ AOibin AO-oe^iAC ai]^ fuit) An caIatti. Acc úAinic ^ocaI Ai^e 50 |AAib 6ocAit) -pig ÍAi- gcAn A15 coptAugAt) ireAll A5tip comglic A5iif ^up cuip pe cpompp Aip -puit) UlconnniAcc "oo lAbAip Af lopol te ceAn- i*eApAib nA CAlmAn ut). TTlAp An ceutjnA gup niAip 'Oe^A'O Ann tllconntTiAcc Aguf ni le •óeunA'ó niAic. "OaIa -oo fcpiob fAccnA liccipeACA '00 6ocAit) -oe nA nit)cib a cuAiluig pe, cix) cpAcc ni fcpiobceAp nA poclA Aip leAbAip nA n-Aimppe n-tHlAt). Acc yoy cofnuigceAp fog Aip An o-caIatti. Aip An ■o-cpeAp bAAÍAin Aip pcio -oe pigAilb-pAccnA •o'lmcig ye 50 'Ounfobepce A^up feoluig fe Aip lung An pig Aip iiif5ib nA b-poifce, A^uf fAOil ye 50 pACfA-o CAppnA 50 ■ouicce n-Apt>cAn. tliop peoluig An tung poi:AX)A nuAip connAipceAt)Ap mopceine Aip bopblApAt) CAob caII -oe "Ounfo- bepce. Aip ca^Ia ^up but) mup-n-ollAth Aip x>o^ze^•6 a pigneA 'n UfAp T)'pll An pig, Ajuf Aip i:A5At) An Inns 50 x)eyy- 651 i]\eAc i'ciipiAui^ A cof ):aoi ^^uf cuicuig AfCAec |"o.n uifge, A5iif bi fUuc 50 x)-ci'n cpoice^sn, nit)eiffin t)uI ai]\ mApc- uigeAcc tjepfpuig fe 50 'o-crn t^f^p. bi'n l^fAp bocAriA 'n 5«N«Nt Aip 'ooiteAó. CuiAt) f5<^c niAic eApc ful iv T)'pl'^ fe 50 'Ounf'obepce, ^^r\y bi poceic te mApcuigeAcc ^suf ce^f- tiuvc riA ceine. CoDluig fe 50 -oonA An oiDce fin, niof •ou- bAi]\c 50 fAib ceinn nuig 50 fOtriAlU Aif An c-occriiAT) Ía 'oeu5 fUAip fe bAf. If mAf fin d'cu^ pAccnA niAC 5-CAf tnic HuAt)fuit)e thoif. Hi fAib Aon feAf -oe'n ftiocc nibuf fCAff lonA e. X)o b fe CAOim A^uf cfeun, cit) 50 n-5pA'ótii5 fog, ni pAib fAitciof Aif foiTTi An CAC. 'Oe bfig fin fCfiobceAf a Ainm Ai|A RoIax) fig UllAt) A^uf ■o-UeActtiof ""PAccnA c- -At)Ac". A'óleACA'OAf e Ann 'Ounfobefce, A^uf 'OAin^nA'OAf a CAfn f05Uf "DO CAfn CocAit) OllATTiAn b-poolA. A5Uf t)0 guil 50 geuf clAn nA CAlAtriAn Annul Aj pAccnA iottitja tAeCCAt). UigAlt 5-CAlfbfe TT11C b-pACCnA C-A-OAC fig tlllA"D AgUf Aguf Aft)fig Aon bAAÍAin ATTiAin. 7 50 -o-ci 6. fl. C. (ITeuc AnnA^A figeAccA n-e-f|none. An. 1. Uol. -An 90 tíuiVeo^. Aoif An 'OoriiAin 5192, fAoi Ainm CAifbfe ConcobAf Ab- fAl6ftlAt)). lAf m-bAf b-pAccnA c-At)Ac, Aif fuit)e t)o Afocfuinne Ti-tJllAt) Aip TTi-bfuiceine n-AfOfceulcAcc fogA-OAf CAijibpe 652 TTiAC but) finne b-pAccriA, AtiTiA ^15 Af cionn UltAt). An c|Aó.c ceu-otiA t)'eii5 lugAt) ^Aig ITIuniAin Aguf ai^i CjiummigAÓ •00 AiA-ociiuinne mutriAin aiji TTi-b]iuiceine lAogA-OA^i CpiobcAn a niAC AnriA jMg Af cionn TTlumAin. If Ann pn ctiAi'óeA'OA|i nA tuAiccuHA'ói'óe ATTiAc Ai|i f uiT) 6|A|iion A15 jiAt) I CpuinnceA|\ te nA ceite Ann A|iT)feotTi|AA'ó '0-UeACíTio|i UAbA^iCA l^igce, ppionfAit)e, cinp]!, ottmAnA, Aguf cjAeAbAonA 'n pobAil AnnA n-Ap-ociMiinne n-6|iiiione te po^At) A|\D|iig oip ACA'n cpiUAon ■pottAm. Ai|A fume X)o'n A|At)C|iuinne An ceut) j^eAcc jiogA-OAii CAipbpe IA15 UllAt) AnnA a|vo|U5 yo\\ &]\]\\on. tliop imcig ye ATTiAc 50 liAfAil. "Oo teig An c-Aii-oottAni fC|\iobcA n-Cotuf A^uf teAbAi|i nA n-AiTnppe 5^^^^5 ^V ^V"^* '^Z^V cuai-d An c-A]\'OC|Atiinne attiac te ceiteAb|AA-ó mo|ifeif 'o-UeAcrTio|t Aguf mot\conio|iAt) nA n-6eAcc|AA Aip tiof ÚAbA^icA. Anoi-p coTTi mo|i fin bi fUAt) 5-CiMobcAn ttiic lugAt) fig tTlurtiAin AnnAjAit) clAn 6|\, nAc fui-oefAit) ye teo A15 ctA|ibo|\'o nA moffeife. but) foj^uf t)o feucfinc 50 fAib feAÍl ^^uf coiii- 5I1C Ai|\ coif, oi]A bi X)e5At) fof beo Ann tUconnrtiAcc, Aguf bl fAICCIOf Alf eOCAIt) fig lAI^CAn COTTl fAt>A gUf bi pACC- nA beo. lommofo bi cfompf ÍAigeAn te 'OegAO A15 copfu- gAt) fUAf An X)AnAAn. Aif fuit)e t)o'n Aft)cfuinne An t)AfA fAecc, ni fAib teAC mAiceAt) tTluniAin Ann a fui-ocAriAib, A^uf t)*eif 15 Uif eif ceAnfCAf lbt)f onA^ A15 f At) : Cp euD niA t>eiffAit) CfiobcAn fi5 TlluniAin CAt) cuige nAC b-fuit cfiAn mAiceAt) ttluTTiAin AnnA n-Aic AnnfAn Af t)f eonif a-ó ? 658 ylAite n-6^A|Morie An feiT)ip no.c popAui5eAnn Uipeif Ati c- ATob^p ? Anne n^c pof pui5eAnn o coihlAnncA coni mop guf yeux) leAc cAbAip -ooib gAn fgic •OAjA ]ieACCAlb SeA-OnA 0^]\ gAn ATTl|lAf bjlUCCfAt) COgAt). A^Uf Acnuig 50 5-cottitionceA|i 50 lomlAn uiTTiip .5-ClAnnA TiuAt>- ^MiTóe. 'O'fAn ye An ceux) bAAÍAin "o'a t^i^Ait Ap-opg Ann 654 UttA'ó, A15 uttTTiugAt) A coHil^nncA Aguf oeuriAt) |Aei'óceAc AntlAg^lt) AOn -put) Ow CxNpt|7AX). l^|i pn cui|i fe ConcobAp a t)eA|Ab|io.cA'p AnriA fui-oe Ann A1C -pig Ann tlllAt), AgtJf -OO ClAIAttuig "pe 50 UeACTT10|A. "CA|A •oeif CAi^fnugA-o An 6it)ep lOAingneAtDAp a bocAnA Aip tTlAg- ttiopciomnA An oiDce ut), Ajuf Aip tiiA|i meA'óon oit)ce cpAÚ |AAlb CAC jTAOl Cpom CO-O^ATTI ACC LuCC CUingCe ClAOCAn^A-OAIl 50 obAn CACA cotTiglice Aguf A15 ceA^pugAt) An luce b-|:Aine 50 |AocApptJi5 TnA|AbAt)Ap CAipb|^e mA|t tuit)e ye AnnA cco- ÍAm AnnA boci An tneux) a -©'f^An beo uad |auc nA oi-oce pn iomcui|\eA'OA^ meuuceAn ^-CAi^Abjie 50 Ao'oniAgnniACA 'OAingnAtJAiA A cA|in foguf "oo CA|An Aoúa. Ai]i cigeAcc le nA ceite •oo Ajiociiuinne n-UltAt) ai^ ni-b]iuiceine n-Ai^'Ofceu- teAcc lAogA-OAii ConcobA|i loeAiibiiACAii g-CAijAbpe AnnA jAig Af cionn UttAt). An "OApA ieAbAi^ "oeti^. An ceicfemA-o CAibiT)it "oetig. UigAlt 5-CpiobcAn TTIIC lugAt) |Alg triUTTlAin A1AX)|115. tlAt)'n feifeAt) bAAÍAin |Aoini 1ofA Cjiioft) AnuAf. (peuc AnnAÍA ■pijeAccA n-6|A|\ione An. 1 tloU An 92. •ouileog. Aoif An "OoniAin 5193. "Paoi Aintn g-CjAiobcAn niAt)nAi|i. "Peuc LeAb- Ai^ n-jAbAlA tliCleA|\Ai5, Aguf fcpiobcA ImngfeAg.) 1a|a pongtiit 5-CA1|^b|^e A^Aopg Aip ITlAgnioiiéioninA, cua- it>eAX)A|A nA tuAiccti|iA*óit)e aitiac ai|a fu^X) 6|i|Mon, A15 5IA01C pigce, ppionf Ait)e, cirifip, otÍAThnA, Aguf cpeAbAonA *n pobAit 655 te riA ceite Ann Apt)feoTTi|iAt) 'o-UeAcmo|\ UAbA]AtA te ai^-oim^ X)o ^lo^At). Ai)i fume t)o'n A]\t)C|iuinne An ceut) -pcAcc, ^og- At)A|i CpiobcAn niAC lu^At) pig tTluTTiAin AnnA Aii-oiMg. A^uf t)'imci5 fe AmAC 50 Ua^aiI, Aguf cuip A|iT)cpoíTifeAp l^igeAn An eifAon ai]\ a ceAn, A^uf An jngbpAc ai|^ a guAlAnnAib, A5Uf t)'plt -pe 50 'o-crn Apt)feotTipAt) A^uf fuit)e fe ai|a An C|Ait)Aon. Aguf Aip eipig T)o ConncobA|A fig UllAt) A-oubAifc: ÚAf t)eif ÍAece nA nioffeife aca foclA A15 ConncobAf "oo cluAif Aft)cfuinne n-6ffione. Ann pn t)o leig An c-Afool- ÍATTi nA fcpiobcA, Aguf 'o'imcig An C-Afocfumne AmAc Aguf ceiteAbfA-OAf moffeif t)-UeAciiiof ^guf mopcomofAt) nA n- CAccfA Aif liof ÚAbAfCA but) ultTiof nA fluAgce A CAiniC 50 ÚAbAfCA Aguf AnnA ciomciott, oif bi CfiobcAn AfOAige- AncAc, puncAc fAiccAfnAc. Aif fuiúe "oo'n AftJCfuinne An X)Af A f cAcc -o'eif 15 ConncobAf fig UltAt) Aguf A-oubAif c : HAice UAt) foin Aif a beAltAc 50 ÚAbAfCA bi mo -oeAfbf a- tAf An cfAC ux> Aft)fig t)untTiAfbce Aif UAif An meAt)on oit>ce AnnA tmúe *n coDÍAni fAoi b-folÍAc a boc. Aguf ffCAjAif AfT)fig: TTIa n-'oeunfAt) ConncobAf fig tltÍAt) CAf- oit) "OAf cufthof t)o Aft)bfeiceAiTi x)-UeActTiof, Annof 50 teig- fAit) focAl nA t)lige AnnAgAit) An c-eflAoc? Aguf ffCAgAif ConncobAf: Hi b-piit fiof cinnce AjAinn acc t)eifi:eAf 50 fAib ceAnfeAf Tlemion uAt) TTlofceAn Ajuf "OegAt) uAt) Sum AnnA cincomtAnn nA ihAfbA'OoifeA'ó. tÍAt) tAfÍAt) 50 fAib •OegAt) AntiA "oiACfeAbAc, t)o jIaoid nA bulfoifit)e Aif ceAn- feAf Hetnion, acc niof ffCAgAif fe. Ann fin Acnuig Aft)fig 656 AtnAc CACA tojigoiiieAt) le cAbAi|\c "Oeg^T) Aguf ceAnf^eAH Hemion AfceAc ^eibce ; acc An cjiacc ni lAAibeA-oo^ii te f Aj- Ail Ann A1C Aifi bic. CpiocnuigeA'OAii ^ac -peAcc 'oe'n autd- cpuinne T)A]i ciifTho|^. tlioji -peAfuig AonneAc ai|i ÚAbAjicA A15 lAj^jAeAt) A ceAiAC Aguf -00 fCAivii An c-Aji-ociitJinne, cac ■d'a •óeA§t)tin ):ein. A5Uf cAinic Apif jeAt-pciAc nA foig Af cionn 6]Apion lAcgtAife, oip pubAileAnn C|iiobcAn Ann ^ac \\ViX) -oAii peAcc nA n-'otige. Hi b-i:iiit ^teo ^vei-oceAc co^At), no co]imAn nA j-conilAnn A15 ullnitigAt), -otufeAcc An caIatti. tneu'oijigeAnn An gAAt fAOi fog Ajuf fognAf. 5^^o^^^^"" C|MobcAn Aji-ocptiinne n- C|A|Aione 50 Ai^TDfeompAt) 'o-UeAcniO|i UAbAjicA 50 cjiACAiiiAit^ Anoif Annj^An c-occriiA'o bAAÍAin -oe -pigAit 5-C|AiobcAn aia-o- pi§, c|AAC -oo bi ConncobA|i niAc b-pAccnA AnnA |\ig Af cionn UllAt), A511]" peilinii-o mAC ínApAt)A 'nnA n-AiA-ooltAtti, A^uf ScAnx)c UAt) i^liocc TTIeipc ^15 nA n-X)AnAAn aj^ cionn tlt- connniAcc, A^uf Cocaid niAC b-fionnÍAoc tnic Cifniion Aine UA"ó fUocc 1otAi|i AnnA ^15 o^y cionn lAigeAn, •00 cAjilAt) 5ti|i -pugAt) 1ofA -ploince CjAioft) Ann bocAnAib 1ut)a Ann-pAn 'OoiiiAin Sio|i. pojiceAn An t)A^A |ioit. Ua CeA|Abfuit. **otitn eAC meminisse lubAbir." peAtigeAt. cuAob geinAilAig uiceARbsuil. til |:opiif "pug ti^ AOibneAfA do cup Ann 5-cpAOib cipim nck ngo^ci peA|\5Uf Co^ifp- Acl4Nc. If T)oib ]\o ]ii]A poinie pr>, oi|i -pAoileAriTi cuit> t)e n^ feAriACAib 50 ]AAib Ua-o^ CeA|\bfuit ^^uf a ca]aa CoiAbniAC An A^t)|Ai5 A^uf pionn ce^n -pe^tinA a ApmftuAg AnriA C^i- o|"t)Ait)e, 5u]A i:uAi|ieo.t)A|A poy C^Aiofc UAt) luce cei-oe^t) UAt) riA tlemiOTiAib 50 6p|Aion, 3^0 fpeciAlcA mó.\\ ^eóAX ai^v fjeul "Co peA-pA". 1. An iAp5 nAOtiicA a t)'iú ponn A5Uf Ua-ój A^uf teif A cnATTiA A t)-cocceA|A Co|\btTiAC. til b-puit fAn 1a|15 tlAOTTlCA pn ACC An COTTIApCA CeUt>nA t)0 bl AI5 nA C]A1- opcAi'oe Ann pAO^AiLcAib nA ^eupteAnumcA? IcCUf ^Sr^r -^CC 50 t)eA|AbCA UAt) 'n C|1AC 5lACAt>A|l CHeiOeAITl 5-C]U0ft) blt)eAt)A|A lAn-fpiOtAAt)AlcA, CAOint)ubc|AAC- CAc A^uf conit)eTTiiiiui5ce -pAn c|Aeit>eATTi bi ctAnmAcne CeA^ib- fuil eA5nAc Ann 5-ConiAi|Ale, ulcpeun fAn 5-CAc, A^uf Cjai- Oft)AtTiAit fAn 5-c|iAibceAcc. TDaia An ceuDnA bi pi At) beAn- uigce te beACA ciAnAopce, luAcpAoiA a cpAibceAcc. 50 |AAibeAt)A|A cjieun tAncAÍAmA Ann ^-cogAt), CAipbAine- Ann beACA iomx)A t)AOib : X)e\\\ nA AnnAÍA: "Aoip CiAiopc CU15 cet) pice A occ. An cet) blAit)Ain t)o UuacaI TTIaoI- 5A|Ab, niAG CoiAbtiiAic Caoic mic Coi|ApAe mic Heitl 1 pige n-6feAnn. Cac Iuacjaa nioi|A eci|A t)A inbeA|i ppif a pAiceA|A CAc Ailbe 1 Tn-b|AeA5Aib ]aia cUuacaI ITlAolgApb pop CiAnn- ACCAib tTlit)e. ' ' ' ' ' An ceicjAAmAt) blAÚAin -oo UuacaI. 663 Cac Cló.onlocA 1 cCinel Aoóa ]\\ó. nJoibneAnn CAOif^Ac Ua piAcp^c Ait)ne, Aipim in ]ao me^\\- ceA|\ Ann<\tA. X). 188. *'Aoi]' C]aio]X CU15 cet) có.oca a •00 A ceACA]\ T)ecc "oo tDiApmowCC. . feii" UeAtnpA (UAbA|ACA) x>o 'oeAnATTi Ia ]Aig C]Ae. 218. "Cac Stebe CuAe 1 tTluniAin ^op TTIuimneACAib piA piAC- nA (UiceApbfuit) mAC mbA-oAin. Aoi|" Cpiofc CU15 cex> cocac A CU15. An cet) btAt)Ain t)o Aot) SlAine (tliCeApbfuit) ttiac mic "OiApmACA, mic jTeApgufA CeApbfuil ^Z^V ^^ ColmAn tlimit) "Ui CeApbf uil. 1. pi^e n6|AeAnn." A^uf ^p^f : "Aoif Cpiofc fe cet) ceA|AC]AACA a feAcc. . 'OuncAt) Aguf ConAÍl (UiCeApbfuil) t)A mAC blAicmeic, tnic Aot)a SlAine tliCeApbfuil t)o HiAjibAt) ÍA lAi5nib 1 ccuppAet tnuitin tTlAo- 664 ett)O^An. Af "00 \\ó^^'ó UlAoel'DopAn : Til bo coimtnetc fO|A feipbtinx», An |AOimeiic tlib Sit CeA^Abfuil." A5Uf ^T^^r • "-AoT CiMo-pc f e cet) caoccac a i^eAcc. An cet) blA-OAin t)o 'OiA^mAcc Agiif do btAicmAC tli CeA|\bf uit •OA me eotuif eAgnA A^uf c]iAibceAcc. TnA]A At)ei|i nA Ann At A. "Aoif C|MOfC cfiocA A Aon. . A5Uf ConAincc Ua- CeAfbfuit Aifceinnec. 5^^""^ "^^ tocA ceAnn cfAbAit) A^uf t)eifce nA n5A0it)et t)ecc." ^511^ Aifif Ann m-bAAtAin a|i t)UifnA 1168. t/U^At) ttACeAfbfiiit eAfpo^ o|AbineAc Huif Aiticif "oeug AnnfAn nocAC Aguf occ m-bAAtAin t)'A beAÚA. Hi AiTiAin A15 An ctein t)e'n cpeAb -peo bi An c|AeAit)eATh A^uf An cfAibceAcc, acc A15 nA mAicib Aguf nA CAoifeACAib coth niAic. Aifif ACA nA AnnAtA CAbAifC fiAt)nuife: "Aoif Cfiofc mite feAfCAC a occ. 'OonncAt) UACeAfbfUit cijeAfnA 665 Ait^5^All, cuille o]\'OAin A^uf oipecí^if ciiAifcei|tc e'|^eAnn t)ecc, iA|i tiA leAccjiA-o t)o éuAig T)pop t)ia muinci|i fein. i. tJ^'Ouibne T)o cinel 605^111 ia]a mbuó.it) on^cA Aguf Aicpige, ^S^r ^^V caoT)nACAt c|ai cet) tin^A "Oop ó.\\ feipc An coiTtiT)e t>o cle|iCAib Aguf ec^Mlpb." Aguf if mó^]\ pn "oo bi p^f geitiAilAic tiA cpeibe o^ADbincAig feo 50 "o-a Aimpii TTlAoit- puAtiAif) tliCeA|ibfuit ACA molcA Aguf lonniolcA teif riA An- TiAlAib mAjA leAneAf: " tTlíTlAoit]AUAnAit) Ua CeAfbfuit An c-AonpeAp bA fCAfii gApc, jAifcceA-o, A^uf A5, oift)eAiACAf t)iA ciTiel feifcin, An CI "OA]! bo buitjeAc 'oatti, A^uf •oeo|^A1'ó cACCAlfA A^uf eiccp, ^S^r ^r "^° ^° cionot A^uf t)o ciot)tAic CAinic 'OIA bunAt) f]Aeini, Cuingit) con^mAÍA caic, Scuii\ ceA|ic cobfAit) a cineAt) buAiCAil ceAnn cAifccAil nA ccpeAb, niAt meA-ópAc moji'DAlAc ITIuniAin leA5 lo^niAp gCAm cA|i|nTi05At, inneoin fOjiAif, Aguf UAicne o^\\ nA n-eileAC T)ecc. (1. Ua ^eile THaca Suifcel) inA luinpo]Ac fein, Aguf a ttiac "peAji^ADAinm t)Oi|A'oneAt) inA lonAt). 1TlAit)m An Ia pn ye\r\ pe necc tnAotiMiAnAi-o Ia a clont) A|A ia|\Ia OipmumitiAin, Aguf A|a cloinn cSeAin Ui- CeA|\bfuit tlo beAnAT> x>Aoine Aguf eic iomt>A, A5iif 0|iT)AnAf ■OA n^oipti fAbcuin 'oib, coinió "oe 'ooteAn bet-ACA-nA-f^Ab- cuin -Don AC in |io fpAomeAt) An mAit)m ipn A^uf bA e pn cofCCAp t)eit)neAC inAoit|iuAineAt). Uo gAip eAt) Ua CeApbfuil (ATTiAit A "oub^iAmAiA) x)o "PcAiAgAnAinm A|i beÍAib A finnpop ctAnn cSeAin UiCeApbfuil. UAn^ACCAji uile iomt)A cpeittnc pn ipn cip A|i |Ao ^AbfAC cÍAnn cSeAin ceT)cuf CAiftAn 666 biopi^A, Ajtif \\o niilfAC AH ci]i Af. tlo cuic niAC An peA|^- j-uin til CeA|Abf uil ía hiac Hi CeA^Abf uit. i. W Ua-occ caoc A|A fAicce bioi^iiA. Af A Aicle fin fo cApjiAing tlACeA|Abfuil (■peAjigAnAinm) a ctiAtriAin. i. 1a|aIa Cille IDDa^aa lu-pcuf nA Ti6|\eAnn ó.\\ ctoinn cSeAin ■^\i\\ gAb^t) teo CAiften Cille 1u|Ain, CAiflen n^ nOccAÍfi Aguf CAiften b^ile An t)tjnAt). Ho fui'D'po'o iA|AATTi 1 ccimceAlt DlO|ApAe AJUf bAi -oeAbAit) eACO|\pA Aguf bAiA-OA An CAiften 50 -po bAn peileAji inA cAob -oon ia|aIa Af An cAiflen attiac. Ilo -0101616 innpn 50 -po ^AbAX) An CAiflen. ttJix) An cia^Ia ca|i a Aif, Agiif bAi An peilei|i inn, A^uf bA ipn eA|A|AAc a|a ccim CAinicc Af An cAoib ajaaiII -oe. bA "OfoiAAicmeAc bAif TnAotpuAnAit) 111 CeApbf tilt 'oo ^Ai-óeAt): tVlite blAOAin if cuicc ceo, fice A^uf -OA bÍAÓAin -oecc, O ^ein C|AiofC "oo fÍAnAij finn, 50 fogrhAii bAif UiCeAfbfUit. Aiof Cpiofc mile 01115 oeuo cfiooAc a fe. "'O'OonoA'o UACeAfbfUil •OAicfioocAt) peAfgAnAinm, Aguf lÍAicne CAfpAig A 'oeAfbfACAif fein Aguf cigeA^nAf bein -oib AfAon.'* 'Oe bAf peAfgAnAinm tlACeAfbftJit itiac TnAOilfUAnAio t)ei|i nA -Ann AIa X>. 1461. TnA|i leAnneAf: "Ua CeAf bf uil IpeAfjAnAinm niAO niAotftiAnAit) "oo niAfbAt) (1 ffiull ^gtif e -oAtt -oifA-OAifo) Ia UAÓ5 iTiAO 'OonoAt) mic SeAin UiCeAfib- fUlt COnA b|1At|1Alb, AgUf ÍA HIAO UlThAOltlTlllAlt) ScAin tTlAC •OomnAill óAoic 1 CAiflen CluAinA lifoc, A5Uf ge f o bAoi 667 U^CeAtAbfuit itiA fcAHoip ciAnAOfCA -oo poine eAn^tiArh Aguf conj^nATTi mop x>o coit) i nAinm Aguf i noipt)eAp6Af x>o ^\\ luce A niApbcA. Uo TTiApbAt) 'onA 'OA fe^p loecc t)iA thuincip AmAille fpif." X)ei]t TTliffAt Ann leAbo^ipl^n ConitAifce n^ Upinome T)e b^f Hi CeApbfuit feo: " Cui |?uic ■oominuf ec p]Mncep|" 6ilie occifuf in CAfcpo fuo ppoppio Cluomlif mopce incog- niCA, ec nip ppó.e'oicicup imppobif^s, ec cui fuic mAgne f^p- lence ec mip^biUp popcicuT)inif ; cuiuf AniniA ppopiciecup "Oeuf. Amen." "Aoif Cpiofc mile CU15 cex) ce^pcpACAC a fcAcc. íTlop inge^n UiCeApbfuil be^n •oeApfccAigce Dei^einig •oecc." "Aoip Cpiofc mile CU15 ce-o ceicpACAt) a occ." An CaI- b^c U^CeApbfuil -00 -ool CO Ac CIiac t)ionfAicci'ó n^ cuipce moipe A^up A ^AbAil 1 ppiull, A5UP a cup 1 CAiplen An pig iIIaITI A^Up 5An piOp a At>bAp no a pUAplAICCCI T)0 CAbAipC t)0 neoc." peuc An peill pACconAc I " "An leucenonc, Agup 6m Ann a ^ah "do t)ol pA -oo Ap pluAicceAt) 1 n6ile Agup imeACclA mop -00 ^AbAil UiCeApbpuil, UAt)cc lupc 'oepit)e 50 po eipig coccAt) eACcpo "oe pin. Tlip bo ciAn lAp pin 50 po lApp 6mAnn a IpAii Ap mAC CoclAn Agup Ap "OeAlbnA 'ool lAip Ap CAopAi^eAcc 1 n6lie. Ro eimgeAccAp pum •on a An ni pin, Uo lonnAicceAt) 6m Ann cpit) pin 50 po eipi^ cApA- OnCA CACCpA, AgUp pO T)10CUip UACCApbfuil Agup mAC CoC- lAn emAnn UAtA cpiA nA AnppolcAib Agup cpe nA AnpmAcc poppA. Uo jAbA^ leo CAiplen cille ComAint) Agup CAiplAn 668 Cinnco|tó.'ó fAi|i cotiAt) AthtAit) y\x\ "oo beAHAt) 'OeetAib. i. Siot CconcobAp, pot ttloptJA, pot ITlAotmuAD Aguf pot CeApb- fuit CO nAc eiT)ip Apiom An tion cpeAc mApbcA Aguf fogtA DO ponAt) teo uAt) ca SionAinn 50 ftiAb HuAt), Aguf uad CA blAt)mA 50 Ctio-onA, Aguf UAt) CA Coip 5Uf An CllODnA 670 ceuDriA." Aoif 1558. . "S|Aó.onmA'ótTi 'oo cAb^ipc Va SACfonAib Ap "UltiAm Oua]!. (i. CeAjAbftiit m^c peAiigxMiAinm mic TnAot|iuAnAit) mic SeAin tli CeApbf uit a|a THa^ peAp^^n- Ainm mic 1TlAol]itiATiAi'ó mic Se^m Hi CeA|ibfiiil A|i tTlAg Cinn CojACAi^e -oo eAfbAige^t) oicc Aguf -00 muoAigeAt) miUt) A|i An mAg pn A^uf -oo jTACcbAt) Ann TDuiacat) S^^^^'E^^^ mAC 6mAinn mic Suibne •00 confAptAib "OAt cCAif, A^uf "oo cip bogAine iA|i n'oticcA'p, A^uf ce|AnA tlACeA|Abfuit fein Af An -pi^oiiieicceAn pn. SluAigceAt) ceAn-OAif feA-onA Ía Ua CeA|ibf uit tllliAm Ot)A|i mAC peA'P5AnAinm mic TTlAol'puAnAit) mic SeAin a|\ mAC tlib|\iAn A|iA. 1. UoipjA-óeAlbAc mAC TDui-pceAHCAig mic TDom- nAilt mic UAt)cc mic Uoi|At)btAig mic tTlti|\cA'o nA Aicnige. 'Oo tomAt) Agiii' x)o leiyi-pciAiofAt) An uip 50 cinneAfnAc Ia "UACeAiibfuit uAt) bet-An-ACA 50 TDuileAn UiOccAin. t)o mApbAt) teij" fA to ceu'onA T3eA|Ab|iAci|i mic UbipiAn. 1. TnupcAt) mAC tTlui|AceAiicAig i:aoi cinnfeA-onA Af tugA -oo bole "OOCCbAlt) flcACCA bjMAm jAUAIt) "Oo CU1|A mAC tlib]MAn C|itiinncAi5 A|a a cAip-OAib Af a Aide x>o x)o\j -OAice a eAfO- no|iA A|i tlACeAjibfiiil, A5tif a|a ucocc -oa c|\iAcbui"onib nA cimceAÍt •00 eAfccnA A|1 a AgAit) Aguf AfeAt) coccaja tJi- CAipn -00 c|AeAclomAt) -oon ciiai|ac pn, Aguf Af Ann |io cinn An cinneAitiAin -OiiA CeApbfuilbeic a|i a cionn An onoce fin A|i mullAc cnuic 1 nuib CAipn acc eipceAcc fpf An cip inA 671 ccimceAl, Ajuf Af uao bun An cnuic a|i éobfAig Uo^CeApb- fuit T)0 teicc mAC Uibpi^n fCC^oilcAf) t)A fceimetcoib -daiic- Cc\in nA noi|ieo^^. A|i nimceAcc t)a occbo^it) uatóa -oo connAipc lÍACeApbfiiit cuicce o. ccon^ copuccAt) caca ^^xiy i no^ADucAt) lOTnbuAÍce ni mo éionn neo^c g^n neAjAc a pul^n^ riA lom- ^Ab^l^ ca^iIa a\\ a loncoib Annpn. Ho mApbA-o -oon cup pn 5^6 Aon pob ineccA 'oo muincip liieic UibpiAn t)0 mAp- b^t) Ann A confApAl. i. epmion mAC giollA 'Ouib mic ConcobAip mic 'OoncAt) mic Suibne. 'Oo gAbAt) Ann mAc UibpiAm fein ^guf bAoi CApbA pA ceAfApcAin pn oip nip ^"icig s^Ti A i:uAp5lAt)." Aoif CpiOfC 1561. . *'tlAicne mAC "PeAp^AnAinm, mic ITlAoitpuAtiAit) mic SeAin "Ui CeApbfuil -oo mApbAt) i mbAuile Hi Cuipc i OipmuinAin. Hip bo fiu a ccApÍA inA cimceAlt A guin no a j^AbAil, Aguf bA t)ileAccA •ouicce n- Cite '01A e^y An uAip pn oip t)o beAnfAC ceill iqa ccAbAip Aguf *0A ccopnAm uAt) '00 imtig UAicnelll." UAifbAineAf punpAt) riA Upeibe: 1. 5^P cipfocpAC. 1. caIaiti "Ouicce nA Upeibe, 6ite. 2. 5up but) Ia Ipeife nA Upeibe, *"OApA Ía lugnAfA'. 3. 5^P ^^"^ ^^t^ t)ApA ÍA tu^nAfA '00 buAióuig Ua'ó^ ^ruf A 'oeApbpACAip lugAt) *Caca CpionnA Cinn CuiiiAip' An- riA^Ait) FeAp^Aif "OubDeA-oeAc A5up a ApmfluAi^. 4. 5"t^ ^^^ ^®^r ^^^^ CeApbfuil, ciAnAoip. (longAebiCAf) 672 5. 5u|\ but) 50|im|AOf5Ac pol CeApbfuil. 6. 5u|A but) i:leAt)5uit)e ha Upeibe : TIac ATI -pi^, A t^igne An pionn, 5° t)-ci5eAt), Al^A A|l 5-cuit), 1 AY -fi^T^ 5-conipionn. I^p mb^f llAicne tliCeA|Abfuil, bi 6ite AnriA n-t)ioteAccA TnA|i AX)ei|A nA AnnAÍA, oip if Ann pn cAinic a ii-t)ibi|Ac, A^uf bi An cjieAb ua^aiI ut) fCAiAiiuigce mA|i ceo t)o beic Ann 0^ n-t)eo|AUit)e Ann t)-CAtlATTi cotnigcpioc tó.\\ n-t)eif t)o beic fC|MOfce t)'A t)-ceAllAc, caIatti Aguf ciia fein leif An •pcpiofAt)oi|i bpAt)AC feittcAc. Out) iomt)A t)AOlb A cAinic t)o'n OiteAn up, A^uf cpoit) 50 |ao cpeun t)ubc]iAccAc Aip fon -pAOffAcc An cAtAtii ut) AnnAgAit) tucc cuingcA 'nn t)A- 0|)f ACCA. AcA -pAmplA A^Ainn Ann CacaU tli CeA^^bfuit UAt) m-bAite CeAjAbfuit. A cuip a lAtnfC|^iobin le "5^^^^^ ^^ SAO|ifeAccA" Ai|A An t)A|AA Ia tugnAfA 1776. Aguf mA|\ nA tlACeA|ibfuit, t)0 niAip fe Ann a ciAnAOf ceicpe pcit) Aguf nAOi bAAÍAin An ceAn t)ei|\nAc t)en tjfuin^ a cuip a Iaui- fctviobin teif "jAipm nA SopfeAccA". Aguf t)e mo AcAtp -pein mA'pAn ceut)nA aca ^opmpofcoc Aguf ciAnAoifceo AngAiL An ceAp cpeibe, oip aca -pe yoy beo, flAn Aguf fullAin, git) 50 b-fuil fe ceicpe pcit) Aguf nAOi bAAÍAine t)eu5. AtcugAt) t)o X)iA A gnitjeAnn 50 x)iAneA5nAc te cpeAbAib 673 vnó>]\ gnit)eAnn le 50.C T)uine Ann a Aon^^x, ^guf fCA]A]\ui5eAnTi ye lAt) T)A]\ A coil t)iAt)A fein ó^y\\ m