k ///. f.WR 4 1977 i?!I_flJ81.ICATI0NS OEPT. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. IS'o. 49. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, F. R. S., SECRETARY OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Prepared uuiler the direction of Gr. BRO^VN pOODE. WASniNGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. ADVERTISEMENT. This work (Bulletin No. 49) is one of a series of papers intended to illustrate the collections belonging to the United States, and con- stituting the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. The publications of the National Museum consist of two series the Bulletins, of which this is No. 49, in continuous series, and the Proceedings, of which the eighteenth volume is now in press. A small edition of each i)aper in the Proceedings is distributed in pam- phlet form to specialists, in advance of the publication of the bound volume. The Bulletins of the National Museum, the publication of which was commenced in 1875, consist of elaborate papers based upon the collections of the Museum, reports of expeditions, etc., while the Proceedings facilitate the prompt publication of freshly-acquired facts relating to biology, anthropology, and geology, descriptions of restricted groups of animals and plants, the discussion of particular questions relative to the synonymy of species, and the diaries of minor expeditions. Other papers, of more general popular interest, are printed in the Apjjendix to the Annual Report. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may bo found in the current catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins of the National Museum are referred to the Committee on Publica- tions, composed as follows: Frederick W. True (chairman), Marcus Benjamin (editor), J. E. Benedict, Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stej- neger, and Lester F. Ward. S. P. Langley, Secretary of tlie Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D. C, Augitst 1, 1896. u . THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, 1844-1896./ Prepared under tlie directiou of Gr. BI^OAVN G^OODE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. OOI^TEI^TS. Page. Frontispiece Portrait of Philip Lutley Sclater. Contents v Introduction vii Biographical sketch ix Chronological catalogue of separate works, 1844-1894 1 Chronological catalogue of papers published in the memoirs, proceedings, and journals of learned societies and other periodicals. 5 List of new families and genera described 75 List of new species described 79 List of species figured 105 Index to the subjects of the separate works and papers catalogued in Parts I and II 121 Appendix List of separate works and papers published subsequent to December, 1894, and not included in Parts I to VI 133 V I]S"TRODU0TIOK Many years ago the publication of a series of bibliographies of rep- resentative American naturalists was begun in the Bulletins of the United States National Museum. The series was intended to include analytical discussions of the writings of the men who have been espe- cially prominent in the study, classification, and naming of the animals and plants of America, with a view to facilitating the use of the very extensive, widely scattered, and very complicated literature which has grown up in connection with American systematic biology. Five bulletins have been published in this series: No. 20, The Pub- lished Writings of Spencer Fullerton Baird, 1843-1882, by G. Brown Goode; No. 23, The Published Writings of Isaac Lea, LL. D., by Newton Pratt Scudder; No. 30, Bibliography of Publications Relating to the Collection of Fossil Invertebrates in the United States National Museum, including complete lists of the writings of Fielding B. Meek, Charles A. White, and Charles D. Walcott, by John Belknap Marcou; No. 40, The Published Writings of George Newbold Lawrence, 1844- 1891, by L. S. Foster, and No. 41, The Published Writings of Dr. Charles Girard, by G. Brown Goode. The scope of this series would seem appropriately limited to the work of the naturalists living and working in America, but there is one exception which no one can doubt the propriety of making that in the case of Mr. Philip Lutley Sclater, the secretary of the Zoological Society of London, who has confined his work for the most part to American ornithology, and whose contributions to the sj^stematic ornithology of the American Continent have far exceeded in extent those of anyone working in this country. His opportunities have been almost unlimited, and his utilization of these opportunities has been wonderfully effective. The ornithology of Neotropical America was but little known when he began his work. Mr. George N. Lawrence, of New York City, also an indefatigable worker in the same field, has left an extensive record in his bibliography already published. His studies were carried on, however, in the intervals of an active business life, while Mr. Sclater has been able to devote his entire time for more than half a century to systematic work, and has given most of his attention to the bird fauna of Central and South America, with results the extent of which is well shown by the analytical catalogue of his writings now published. vu VIII INTRODUCTION. It is believed that this bibliography will materially lighten the labors of everyone engaged in the study of American birds or of the problems of geographical distribution. Since Mr. Sclater is not an "American naturalist" in the same sense as the others whose bibliographies have already l)een published, the present work is not included in the series of "Bibliographies of American Naturalists." lie is, however, in another and a broader sense, one of the most eminent and prolific of American naturalists. The plan adopted in the present volume is essentiall}' different in its entirety from any previously used, although many of its features are familiar. The metlKxl of citation is essentially that of Coues, but the annotations to the titles are made as brief as possible. The object of such annotations is understO(xl to be simply to describe each paper so that a pei*son consulting the bibliography can determine without further research whether the paper cited is one which he needs to consult. The customary practice of analyzing the paper and enumer- ating under its title all the species, genera, and families which it describes is not followed. It is thought that a much more satisfac- tory plan has been adopted, namely, that of combining this enumer- ation of species with the alphabetical index, so that a person desiring an exact reference for use in synonymy, or indeed for immediate use in consulting the literature, can find in one alphabetical series all the names for which the author is responsible, each accompanied by an exact statement of place of description, the locality of the specimen, and the place where the type is to be found. A separate list of species figured, with an exact bibliographical citation for the plate and the page related to it, is also given. The reason for including a separate list of the species figured is obvious, since a large number of Mr. Sclater's figures relate to forms not for the first time described by him. Much care has been given to the typography of this bibliography, with the purpose of securing compactness as well as clearness. The material here included, if printed in the same style as the bibli- ographies previously issued by the Museum, would have occupied at least four times the space. Notwithstanding this compactness of typography, the arrangement of the matter and the contrasts secured by the choice of type and by the system of spacing and indentation adopted has, it is believed, produced a page which is clearer and easier of reference than any previously used, at all events in the pub- lications of the Museum. Special acknowledgment is due to Mr. George Arthur Doubleday, clerk in the library of the Zoological Society of London, by whom the titles have l>een copied and arranged. Mr. Charles W. Richmgnd, of the National Museum, lias done excellent service in reading i)roof and verifying the citations. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. Mr. Philip Lutley Sclater, secretary of the Zoological Society of London, is one of the best known of living zoologists. Few men have contributed so much as he to systematic ornithology, and none have done so much in the identification and description of new forms from the Western Continent. His work has been largely in connec- tion with the luxuriant fauna of Neotropical America, little known at the time when he began his researches. Nearly every year since he began work in 1853, his correspondents in tropical America have laid at his feet new wealth in the form of collections from regions hitherto unexplored. He has characterized 1,0G7 new species (245 in collaboration with Osbert Salvin), 135 new genera (25 with Salvin), and two new fami- lies of American birds. Remarkable as has been his industrj'^ and his accuracy in diagnosis and description, the fact should be recognized that but for his energy and Ills skill as an organizer many regions now well known to the ornithologist would doubtless still remain unexplored. The labors of Mr. Sclater have also resulted in great additions to our knowledge of the geographical distribution of vertebrates. Not only has he worked out many local faunas, but his generalizations upon the distribution of life and the division of the globe into zoogeographical regions have had great influence upon scientific opinion. lie was one of the pioneers in this field of investigation, and his writings upon the subject have always been full of suggestion and have stim- ulated many others to engage in similar inquiry. His views as to the geographical distribution of birds are undoubtedly more widely accepted throughout the world than those of any other authority, and though, with increasing knowledge, modifications in the scheme proposed by him long ago will doubtless become moi-e and more numerous, his studies of geographical distribution will always be considered as of fundamental importance, and the terms which he suggested for the principal divisions of the earth's surface will doubt- less remain in ordinary use. For more than thirty years the chief executive officer of the most wealthy and vigorous zoological society in the world, his influence upon the progress of natural history exploration has been very great, and his relations witli American natui'alists have always been cordial and cooperative. IX X BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY 8CLATER. Notwithstanding the great bulk of his technical publications, he has for four decades been prominent in the activities of scientific London and a noteworthy figure in the midst of every important sci- entific gathering. At the age of sixty-seven he is still productive and adding each year a number of titles to the already remarkable assemblage of papers which have been published under his name. It is tlie object of this bibliography to render thoroughly available to American naturalists all the results of the work of this eminent scholar, who has done for the ornithology of Central and South Amer- ica what has been done by Nuttall, Wilson, Audubon, Baird, Allen, Merriam, Ridgway, and their associates for that of the Northern continent. Philip Lutley Sclater was born November 4, 1829, at "Tangier Park," in Hampshire, the residence of his father, William Lutley Sclater, Esq.; and his boyhood* was passed chiefly at "I loddington House," another estate i" ^he same county, belonging to his father, who died there in 1885 at the age of ninety-seven. In beautiful Hampshire, close to the home of Gilbert White at "Selborne," he acquired early in life a love for outdoor life and a taste for the study of birds. At the age of ten, he was sent to a well-known school at Twj^ford, near Winchester. In 1842 he went to Winchester College, and in 1845 was elected scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Being at that time under sixteen years of age, he was not called into resi- dence at the University until Easter, 1846. At Oxford his attention was given principally to mathematics, though his spare time was occupied by the study of birds and of the excellent series of natural history books then in the RadclifTe Library. Hugh E. Strickland, the well-known ornithologist, who was at that time resident in Oxford as reader in geology, became interested in young Sclater and took him under his protection. At Strickland's chambers he met John Gould, shortly after his return from his great journey to Australia. From Strickland he received his first instruc- tion in scientific ornithology. He began his collection of bird skins at Oxford, making British skins for himself and buying foreign species at a shilling apiece, whenever he could get to London for a run among the bird shops. In December, 1849, he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts, obtained his first class in the mathematical school and a " pass " in classics. At that time these were the only two recognized subjects for study in the university, no sort of encouragement being given to natural history. After taking his degree he remained at his college in Oxford for two years, devoting his time principally to natural history. Ho also gave much attention to modern languages, studying with masters at BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. XI home and always visiting the Continent in vacation time, and thus soon made himself familiar with French, German and Italian. At this period of his life he was often in Paris, where he made the acquaintance of the great ornithologist, Prince Charles Bonaparte, at whose house, until his death in 1858, he was a frequent visitor. In 1851 he entered himself for the bar, becoming a student at Lincoln's Inn, occasionally visiting Oxford, and passing his leisure time at Hoddington, but always enthusiastically engaged in natural history j)ursuits. The winter of 1852-53 was given to travel in Italy and Sicily. In December, 1855, he was admitted fellow of Corpus Christi Col- lege, and having in the previous June completed his legal education and been called to the bar by the Honorable Society of Lincoln's Inn, he went the Western Circuit for several years. In 185G he made his first journey across the Atlantic, in company with the Rev. George Hext, a fellow collegian. Leaving England in July, they went by New York up the HU(il>^ji to Saratoga, and there attended the meeting of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. After that they went to Niagara, and thence through the Great Lakes to Superior City, at the extreme end of Lake Superior. Here they engaged two Canadian "voyageurs" and traveled on foot through the backwoods to the upper waters of the St. Croix River. This they descended in a birch-bark canoe to the Mississippi. Mr. Sclater subsequently published an account of this journey in the third volume of "Illustrated Travels." (See paper No. 576.) Returning by steamboat and railway to Philadelphia, he spent a month in that city studying the splendid collection of birds belong- ing to the Academy of Natural Sciences, where he formed the acquaintance of John Cassin, Joseph Leidy, John Le Conte, and other then well-known members of that society. He returned to England shortlj' before Christmas, 1856. For some years after this he lived in London, practicing occasion- ally at the bar, but always at work on natural history. He was a constant attendant at the meetings of the Zoological Society, of which he was elected, in 1850, a life member and in 1857 a member of the council. In January, 1859, he made a short excursion to Tunis and eastern Algeria, in company with Mr. E. C. Taylor and two other friends. They visited the breeding places of the vultures and kites in the in- terior and gathered many bird skins, returning to London at the end of March. At this time Mr. D. W. Mitchell, secretary of the Zoological Society, was about to vacate his post in order to take charge of the newly instituted Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris. For this position Mr. Sclater was selected by Owen and Yarrell, then influential members XII BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. of the council. IIo was formally elected to it on April 30, 1859, and he has been re-elected annually ever since. He found it necessary to devote himself entirely for three years to the reorganization of the affairs of the Society. The " Proceedings" and "Transactions" were at that time several years in arrears they were brought up to date; the Garden (Tuide, which was out of print, was rewritten; the large staff at the gardens was rearranged and divided into departments under the superintendent, and various other reforms were introtluced. For thirty-five yeai*s his life has been almost entirely spent in work connected with natural history. In 1874, when his brother (then the Right Hon. George Sclater- Booth, M. P., and afterwards Lord Hasing) accepted office in Mr. Disraeli's administration as president of the local government Imard, Mr. Sclater became his private secretary, a position which he occu- pied for two years. But when subsequently offered a permanent place in the civil service he declined it, because he could not make up his mind to give up his dearly loved work in natural history. His most engrossing duties have been in connection with the Zoological Society of London, to which, as principal executive officer, he has, of course, devoted most of his time. It is conceded by all that its affairs have prospered well under his direction. The number of fellows of the society, in 1859 about 1,7(K), has increased to ov'er 3,000. The income of the society, which in 1858 was a little over 14,0(X), is now seldom under 25,000. Besides this, nearly all of the principal buildings in the society's gardens have been rebuilt during the past thirty-five years and fitted up with every sort of modern convenience for animals. The old office building (No. 11 Hanover square) has been sold and a larger and more convenient one (No, 3 Hanover square) bought in the same vicinity. A debt of 12,000 to the society's bankers, originally secured upon its house, lias been paid off, and this property is now entirely the property of the Society without any sort of incumbrance. The first floor of the society's house is devoted to the accomodation of a large and very valuable zoological library, under the care of a librarian and his assistant, and is the constant resort of the working zoologists of the metropolis. This library has been almost entirely accumulated since 1859. The publications of the society, consisting of Proceedings, Trans- actions, Lists of Animals (of which eight editions have been pub- lished), the "Garden Guide" and "Zoological Kecoixl," are all issued from this office, with almost unfailing regularity. The scientific meetings of the society are held here during the eight uionths of the scientific session, and an abstract of their proceedings is always printed and issued within a week after each meeting has taken place. Mr. Sclater was selected by the British Onithologists' Union as the first editor of "The Ibis," in 1859. He linished the first series in 18G4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. XIII Professor Newton took his place as editor of the second series, and Mr. Salvin as editor of the third. In 1877 he was associated with Mr. Salvin as joint editor of the fourth series, and in 1883 commenced the editorship of the fifth series, with Mr. Howard Saunders as co-editor. When the fifth series was completed, in 1888, he became sole editor of the sixth, which he finished in 1894. In 1895, having again obtained the assistance of Mr. Howard Saunders, he commenced work on the seventh series, of which two volumes are already complete. When the British Ornithologists' Club was established in 1892, he joined heartily in the movement inaugurated by Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe, and has usually had the honor of occupying the chair at its meetings and of delivering an inaugural address at the commence- ment of each session. With the British Association for the Advancement of Science he has had a long connection, having become a member in 1847 at the second Oxford meeting, and having attended its meetings with few exceptions ever since. For several years he was secretary of Section D, and at the Bristol meeting in 1875 he was president of that section and delivered an address "On the present state of our knowledge of geographical zoology" (Paper No. 743). In 1876 he was elected one of the two general secretaries of the association, together with Sir Douglas Galton, and served in that capacity for five years, thereby becoming an ex officio member of the council, at the meetings of which he is a constant attendant. Ever since the scientific journal " Nature" was started by Professor Lockyer in 1869, he has been a frequent contributor to that most imjwrtant periodical. In 1886 he began the transfer of his private collection of American bird skins to the British Museum. This collection contained 8,824 specimens, representing 3,158 species, belonging to the orders Pas- seres, Picarife, and Psittaci. It may be remarked that when he began his collection at Oxford in 1847 he intended to collect birds of every kind and from ail parts of the world, but after a few j^ears resolved to confine his attention particularly to the ornithology of South and Central America and to collect only in the orders just mentioned, which were at that time generally less known than the others and of which the specimens are of a more manageable size for the private collector. At the time of the begijining of this transfer, which waS onl}'^ com- pleted in 1890, he agreed to prepare some of the volumes of the British Museum "Catalogue of Birds," relating to the groups to which he had paid special attention. In accordance with this arrangement by the expenditure of fully two years of his leisure time for each vol- ume, he prepared the eleventh volume in 1886, the fourteenth in 1888, the fifteenth in 1890, and half of the nineteenth in 1891. When the Challenger expedition started around the world in 1873, at the request of his friend, the late Sir Wyville Thomson, he agreed XIV BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY 8CLATER. to work out all the birds. Soon after the return of the expedition in 1877 the specimens of birds collected were placed in his hands, and with the assistance of his ornithological friends wore speedily reported upon in a series of papers contributed to the Zoological Society's ** Proceedings." The whole of these papers were reprinted with addi- tions and illustrations, and now form part of the second volume of the "ZtK)logy " of the ChaUemjer expedition. Geography, being very closely connected with zoology, has always commanded Mr, Sclater's hearty interest. lie became a life mem- ber of the Royal Geographical Societyin 1880, and has attended its meetings regularly ever since. lie has also served two years on the council, and is a member of the Geographical Club. He has assisted in promoting many researches in foreign parts, chiefly, however, with a view to obtaining collections of natural history from strange places. Among these may be especially mentioned Sir 11. 11. Johnston's expe- dition to Kilima-Njaro in 1884 and Professor IJalfour's visit to Soco- tra in 1880. He also took a leading part in sending out naturalists to Kerguelen Land and Rodriguez, along with the transit-of- Venus expeditions of 187475, and in manj'^ other similar efforts to explore little-known parts of the earth's surface. At the present time he is serving on two committees of this kind one for the investigation of the fauna and flora of the Lesser Antilles, and the other for the fur- ther exploration of the fauna of the Hawaiian Islands. In both of these countries collectors are actively at work. In 1884 he took advantage of the opportunity of the visit of the British Association to Montreal to cross the Atlantic a second time, and after the meeting to visit the United States. He was not in good health at that jjeriod, and did little, if anything, in the way of zoology. But he had the i)leasuro of seeing several of his former friends, especially Lawrence and Baird, and of making the personal acquaintance of Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Allen, Mr. Brewster, Dr. Merriam, and many other naturalists. One of his closest friends was the late Professor Huxley, long a member of the Council of the Zoological Society, where he was one of Mr. Sclater's most constant supporters. Professor Huxley, it may be said, was the chief advocate of the project of employing an anatomist at the society's gardens, and invented the title "prosector" for the new office. ^. II. Garrod, who became prgsector in 1871, and W. A. Forbes, who succeeded him in 1879 both very talented and promis- ing young naturalists, were dear friends of Sclater, and the unfor- tunate death of Forbes during the excursion to the Niger in 1883 was a most severe blow to him. Notable among his other friends was Charles Darwin, who frequently visited him in his office, bring- ing long lists of memoranda for conference. Mr. Sclater married in 1802 Jane Anne Eliza Hunter Blair, daughter of the late Sir David Hunter Blair, baronet, of "Blairquhan," in Ayr- shire. He has five children, of whom four are sons. The eldest, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. XV William Lutley Sclater, has inherited his father's tastes : he was for four years an assistant in the Indian Museum in Calcutta, and after a short term of service as science master at Eton College was appointed director of the South African Museum at Cape Town, a position which he now occupies. The second son, Capt. Bertram Lutley Sclater, is an ofl&cer in the Royal Engineers, and is now on duty in British East Africa, con- structing a road to Uganda from the coast. The third son, Lieut. Guy Lutley Sclater, an officer in the Royal Navy, is a specialist in torpedo work; while the youngest, Arthur Lutley Sclater, is a tea planter in Ceylon. In 1887, after a continuous residence of more than twenty-five years in London, he gave up his residence in Elvaston Place, where so many American naturalists visiting England have received a hearty welcome. He has since lived in Hampshire at his country house, "Odiham Priory," about forty miles from town, taking a house for his family in London for three or four months at the beginning of each year. In summer he constantly visits the Continent, making excursions to see the various zoological gardens and museums. Mr. Sclater received the degree of doctor of philosophy honoris causa from the University of Bonn in 1860, and in 1861 was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, on the council of which he has twice served. As has already been said, he has long been an active mem- ber of the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as of that of the Royal Geographical Society. A list of the other scientific and learned societies of which he is a member is as follows: Fellow of Linnean Society of London (1856) ; member of Allgemeine deutsche ornithologische Gesellschaft (1856) ; corresponding member of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (1856); corresponding member of Lyceum of Natural History, New York (1857); corre- sponding member of Dublin L^niversity Zoological and Botanical Association (1859); member of British Ornithologists' Union (1859); member of Academia Germanica Naturse Curiosorum, cognomine " Bechstein " (1860); honorary member of Sociedad de Naturalistas Neo-Granadinos (1860) ; honorary member of Royal Zoological Society of Ireland (1861); member of k. k. zoologisch-botanische Uesell- schaft in Wien (1862); member of Philosophical Club (1862); honor- ary member of Zoologische Gesellschaft in Hamburg (1863) ; honorary member of Zoological and Acclimatization Society of Victoria (1865); honorary member of Rotterdamsche Diergaarde (1866); correspond- ing member of the Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg (1867); honorary member of the Sociedad de Ciencias Flsicas y Naturales of Caracas (1869); corresponding member of Academia Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis (1870); honorary mem- ber of Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap " Natura Artis Magistra" of Amsterdam (1871); member of Geologists' Association, London XVI HIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OP PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. (1873); eorrespoiuliiij? ineinber of Senkenberj^isclie naturforschende Gesollsoliaft zu FninkfuH-ain-Main (187'J); follow of Aiuoriean Phil- osophical Sofioty of I*hiladoli)hia (1873); honorary member of New Zealand Institute (1870); member of Royal Society Club (187G); fel- low of (reolojrical Society of London (1878); foreijjn honorary member of the Nuttall Ornithological Club (1878); corresponding member of the Verein fiir naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung in Hamburg (1870); honorary member of Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club (1880); corresponding member of Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Republica Argentina (1880); honorary member of Sociedad Zoolojica Arjentina, liuenos Ayres (1881); foreign mem- ber of American Ornithologists' Union (1883); honorary member of Ornithologischer Verein in Wien (1883); corresponding member of Biological Society of Washington (1884); honorary member of Zoolog- ical and Acclimatization Society of South Australia (1885); honorary meml>er of Newport Natural History Society (1885); ordinary mem- ber of the Societas Cers, Jacamars, Puflf Birds, American Ant Birds {Fomiicariidce) , American Rails, and many others. In addition to all these, his Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium and Argentine Ornithology have come to be indispensable to the student of South American birds. And finally, as a fitting climax to this remarkable series, he has lived to erect his own monument in the admirable volumes he has contributed to the British Museum':' Catalogue of Birds. But Sclater 's contributions to zoological science are not limited to birds. In the field of mammals lie has published many important papers, illustrated by colored plates of high merit. Among the more useful of these are articles on the Deer, Rhinoceroses, and African Monkeys. He is now publishing, under joint authorship with Mr. Oldfield Thomas, a superb illustrated work on the antelojies and their allies, '"The Book of Antelopes," the second volume of which is already well advanced. That the period of his activities may be continued far into the future is the earnest hope of his American friends. Prof. Joel Asaph Allen, of the American Musennkof Natural Ilis- torj', New York City, writes: It is particularly fitting that the series of bibliographies published by the United States National Museum should include the writings of Philip Lutley Sclater, who has been for many years the most eminent authority and one of the most pro- lific writers on the ornithology of Central and South America. While JVIr. Scla- ter's writings cover a much wider field, including many papers relating to Old World birds and to general subjects in ornithology, and many valuable contribu- tions to mammalogy as well, American birds early became his chosen specialty, and it has engagephae<'ie8 of Pheasants, with remarks upon them and tables of their geo- graphical distribution. The following species are p figured: Phasianut reevetii, P. soemmerringii, Thaumalea amherttuB, Crogtoptilon tibetanum, O. auritum, Euplocamut prcelatus, E. vieiUoti, E. ery- thniphtJialmut, E. lineatus. Geriomis melanoce- phala, G. temminekii, and Polyplectron bictUeara- tum-. The genera in<'luded are the following: Led, and the sptM'ies of each genus, illustrations of represen- tatives ,of which are given, are enumerated and diagnosed. Figures are given of the fidlowing species: Lipaugut uniru/ut. L. tiibalaris, L. rufet- cent, -i , 9 -jF-uruariuiitorridug.Xipholnxaatropur- purea, 0-7.">. Pp. 1-32, 8vo, London, 1876. I 15 A Monograph of the Jacamars and Puflf- I birds, or families Galbulidw and liuccon- I idee. Pp. i-liv, 1-171, pis. i-lv, 4to, Lon- don, 1882. A monograph of the Oalbulidce and Bucconidce, including general remarks on the families, their structure, history, habits, classification and geographical distribution, with descriptions and synonyms of and notes on the genera and species. Sixty-two species are enumerated, viz, Urogalba j paradisea, cf ; U. amazonum, Galbula viridis, cf, ' 9 ; G. rufo-viridis, xiirhamphid(V, I'ipridii', Votingidw, Phytotomida', Philepiltida', Pit- iidw, Jievictdo', and Jiuryla'mid(r. Pp. i- xix, 1-49-t, pis. i-xxvi, 8vo, London, 1888. (Cat. lUls. Brit. Mas., Vol. XIV.) A desoriptive cntaloCTio of the known 8i)ecie8 of til above-nientioniMl mniilii^H. Tlio 8i>ecie8 pnii- nionitcd are 605 in number, referred to 142 genera, and rejm-senU'd iu the collection of the Hrltish Ihfuseuni by 7,360 specimens, eacli one of which is catalogued with the locality whence it came. Threenewpeneraareorented,"vi/,, Ochthorniti, Ooe- notricrus and Coracnpitta; the new term Calopitta is adoi>tei*, A.intolens, A.solitaria, Tifxioptera holotpo- dia, Ochthodi(Kta fusco-ru/tis. Ochthoeca leucnme- topa, (}. eitrinifrons, O. pulchella, I'latyrhynchut fiavigularit, P. albv/ularU, Eurarthmw< rtugatu*, E.impiger, Leptopogon erfithmpg, Tiirannisetts cin ereicept, T. grac%lij)es, Elaiiiea oliviiia, Khynclio- cychts fulvipeetus, Hirygte* albocinemis, Muncirora oceidentalis, cf,$; Gnipodecteii subbriinnevg^Myi- obius jlavUans, M.roraiince, Ceratopipra ira- ctinda, Heteropelma icallaeii, n.flavieapUlum, H. ignicepB, lleterocercus aurantii'vertex, Hadrotto- mus Iwmockrou*, eecies are figured : (li-itnittn ernmiroxtriii, Fuma- ritm torridim, Synallaxit adiista, Sijitornis tiibcriit- tata{Syiiallaxiiigubcristataiui\>\aU'^),Phaerliidonitu ruApenniK, Avtovnolun holontietvs, A. rubidut, Pnuydor eryUironiitux. P. contobrinut, Dendromit polysHctut, ThamnophHtu e (Scolopax sabini) near Basingstoke. 33 Description of an apparently new species of Calliate. Contr. to Ornithology, 1850, p. 50. Calliste chrysonota is described. 34 On some new species of Calliate. Contr. to Ornithology, 151. pp. 21-25, pi. Ixix. Calliste vireseens {\t.22.x>^.l\\x, flc- 1)- C. xan- thogastra (p. 2^1) and C. chrysophrys (p. 24, pi. Ixix, fig. 2) ate described, and a description of C. punc- ata (Linn.) is also given. 35 Synopsis of the Tanagrine genus Cal- liste. Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 49-69, pi. Ixx. Characters are given of 48 species of Calliste, of which the following are described as new : Calliste eastaneovetitris, C. ruficainlla, C. lunigera, C. lam- protis, C. coelieolor, C. leucotis and C. castanonota. C. icterocephala and C. lunigera are figured. Synopsis of the genus Euphonia, with descriptions of new species. Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 81-92, pi. Ixxv. Twenty-three speciesof the geuna Euphonia are characterized, of which the following are described as new : Euphonia melanura, E. frontalis (Bp. MS.), and E. pyrrhophry.". The last-named sjwciea and E. nigricollis are figured. Three other species of doubtt'ol status are considered. 37 Remarks on the Prince of Canino's "Note sur les Tangaras." Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 93-96. Observations to correct what appear to be errors in the synonymy of the paper. The generic names Eusehemo'n and Euprepiste are proposed, and ChloTophonia is emended to Chloreuphonia. 38 On the genus Tanagrella, Swainson. Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 97, 98, jtl. Ixxiv. Remarks on the three species, T. velia. T. cyano- melas and T. calophrys, of which T. ealoph'rys is figured. 39 On the genus Chlorochrysa, Bp. Cmitr. to Ornithology, 1851, pp. 99-101, pi. Ixxiii. O. ealliparcea and C.phcenieotis are remarked upon and figure. 143. Pipra JfavieoUit is describud. 42 On two new species of Birds of the genus Taniopteia. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1851, pp. 193,104, pis. xli, xlii. Tcenioptera erythropygia and T. gtriatieollU aro described and floured. (See Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 77.) 43 Synopsis of the genus Galbula. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 29-33. A synopsis of the Renus Galbula ; eleven species aro enumerated, of whicii O. maeulicawia and O. inomata are de-scribert a new. (Se) also Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp- 61, 93, and paper Ko. 1.) 44 On a new species of the genus Nigrita. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 34, pi. Ixxxiii. Nigrita bieolor is described and figured. 45 On a new species of Galbula. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 61. G. melanogenia is described. (See also Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 29, 93, and paper No. 1.) 46 Further remarks on the Galhulidw. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 93-95, pi. xc. Notes on the genera of the family Oalbulidce. Galbula melanogenia is figured. (See also Contr. to Ornithology, 1862, pp* 29, 61, and paper No. 1.) 47 On certain species of Daenis. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 101, 102, pi. xciii. Observations on D.tpeciosa (which is figured as D. analit) and D. plumbea. I), eoerebieolor is also figured. 48 List of a collection of Birds made by James Daubeny, esq., on the coasts of the Red Sea in 1851. Conlr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 123-126. A catalogue of 76 species, with critical remarks upon some of them. 49 Description de six Oiseaux nouveaux appartenant a la collection du Museum d Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Jlev. et Mag. de Zool., 1852, pp. 8, 9. Arremon mytticalis, Pipilopsis flavigularis, Piprceidea albieentris, Pipra itidurei, P. flavi- eapilla and P. pyroeephala are described. 50 Description d'une nonvelle esphce de Coiinga provenant de rexi)odition dc M.M. Castelnau ct Dcville dans I'Ameriqne du .Sud. Par .. Deville et P. L. Sclater. Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1852, pp. 226, 227. Cotinga porphyroleema is described. 51 Description of some new species of Birds from the Parisian collections. Contr. to Ornithology, 1852. pp. 129-132, pis. xcvl-c. Reprint of the two preceding papers. Figures are given of the followinir species: Cotinga por- phvrolatma. Arremon myitiealui, ISpUupn* Jlaoi- gutarii, Pipraeidea albiventris, Pipra iridorei, P. /lavicainlla ami i*. jtyrdcejthala. 52 List of a collection of Birds procured by Mr. C. T. Andersson iu the Dauiara country in southwestern Africa, with notes. By H. E. Strickland and P. L. Sclater. Contr. to Ornithology. 1852, pp. 141-160. A list of 111 species, with remarks upon them. Fourteen new species are described by .Strick- land, and one by Sclater, viz., Uphemtaextt pye- nopygiu*. 53 On two new species of South American Birds. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1852, p. 34, pis. xhii, xlviii. Culieivora boliviana and Pipra Jlavo-tineta are described and figured. 54 On a new species of Dendrocolaptee. Proe. Zool. ISoe. London, 1853, pp. 68, 69, pi. lii. Dendroeolaptes eytoni is described and figured. 55 Descriptions of new species of Bucconi- dce. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1853, pp. 122-124, pis. 1, 11. A new generic name, Nonnula. is proposed, and the foUowmg new species are described : Jiueco ra- diatux, Ji. striatipertui. Malacoptila fulvogularis, M. titbstriata and M. a.fpersa. liucco radiatus and Malacoptila tubstriata are figure^ 56 Description de deux nouvelles esp^ces d'Oiseaux. Rev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 1853, p. 480. Dacnit puleherrima and Formieivora oriMta are described. 57 Note sur deux notivelles esp^ces du genre Momot (Momotus). Rev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 1853. pp. 489, 490. Momotut semiru/u* and Jf. aubrvfeseent are described. 58 Characters of some new or imperfectly described species of Tanagers. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, pp. 95-98, pis. Ixiv, Ixv. The following species are characteriied : Arre- mon axillaris, Ramphocelus domalit. Bp. MS., liuthraujna ehloronota, Kuphonia concinna and JH. hinindinacea,1i]i. liuthraujii* ehloronota, Eupho- nia concinna and E. hirundinaeea are figured. 59 List of a collection of birds received by Mr. Gould from the Province of Quijos, in the Republic of Kciiador, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, pp. 109-115, pis. Ixvi. Ixvii. A list of 60 species, with remarks upon them. The following s|>ecies are described as new: Gal- BIBLIOGRAPHY OP WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. bula chalcothorax, Tyrannula phoenicura, and Ar- remon spectdbilis. Tyramnila phoenicura, T. or- nata, and Arremon speetdbilis are figured. Descriptions of two uew Tanagers in the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, pp. 157, 158, pl8. Ixviii, Ixix. Chlorospingus melanotis and Tachyphonua xan- thopygius are described and figured. 61 Description of a new Tanager of the genus Calliste. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, p. 248. Callitevenuta is described. 62 Description of a second species of the genus I'rocnias. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, p. 249. Procnias occidentalis is described. On two new species of Dacnis, and on the general arrangement of the genus, j Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, pp. 251, 252. Dacnit hartlaubi and D. egregia are described, i and a list of the species of Dacnis is given. j I Descriptions of six new species of ! Birds of the subfamily Formicariince. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1854, pp. 253-255, | pis. Ixx-lxxiv. 1 Myrineeiza leucoipii, M. margaritala, Hypoe- j nemis melanolasma, H. melanosticta, Formieivora \ caudata and Pithyg erythrophrys are described ; and figured. 65 I On a new species of Tanager in the J British Museum. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XIII, pp. 24,25(1854). Remarks on the three known species of Phoe- nieothraupis, of which P. gutturalis is described as new. 66 A synopsis of the Fissirostral family Bucconidw. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Ilist., ser. 2, XIII, pp. 353-365,474-484(1854). A review of the species of the family Buceon- idce. Malaeoptila frontalis is describetila, Monata and Chelidoptera. (Also printed separately with plates added. See paper No. 3. ) 67 List of Birds exposed for sale in the market at Rome in January, 1853. Zoologist, 1854, pp. 4160-4164. An annotated list of birds exposed for sale in the Piazza deila Rotonda, Rome. 68 On the genus Culicivora of Swainson and its component species. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 11, 12. The generic term PoUoptila is proposed in tlie place of Culicivora, and the four known species of the genus are characterized. Remarks on the arrangement of the Jacamars (Galbulidw), with descriptions of some new species. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 13-16, pi. Ixxvii. Additional information concerning the ar- rangement of the Oalbulidce and descriptions of the following new species: Galbula fuscicapilla, Vrogalba amazonum, and Braehygalba melanos- terna, the first named of which is figured. A table showing the distribution of the 20 known species is appended. (See Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, pp. 29, 61,93, and paper No. 1.) 70 Characters of six new species of the genus Thamnophilua. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 18, 19, pla. Ixxix-lxxxii. Thamnophilus transandeanus, T. leuehattchen, T. albinuehalis, T. melanonotus, T. nigrodnereus and T. eaisius are described. T. leuchauchen, T. melan- onotus, T. nigrodnereus and T. ecesius are figured. 71 Note on the sixteen species of Texan Birds named by Mr. Giraud. of New York, in 1841. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 65, 66. Critical remarks on the species described in Mr. J. P. Giraud's work, ' ' Descriptions of sixteen new species of North American birds, collected in Texas, 1838." New York, 1841. Folio. 72 On a new species of the genus Todiros- trum of Lesson. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pi>. 66, 67, pi. Ixxxiv. Todirostrum nigrieeps is described and figured. T. spiciferum, Lafr., is also figured, and notes are added on other species of the genus. On some new or little-known species of Birds in the Derby Museum at Liverpool. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 74-77, pis. Ixxxv-lxxxvi^. Remarks on the new and rare species in the Derby Museum. The following new species are described and figured : Convrostrum ferruginei- ventre, Synallaxis erythrothorax, Kamphoeoenus einereiventris, and Cyphonnus albigularis. A list of the knownspecies of Conirostrum is given. 74 Descriptions of four new or little- known Tanagers. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 83-85, pis. Ixxxix-xcii. Descriptions and figures are given of Arremon erythrorhynchus {n.Hjt.}, Tachyphonus xanthopy- gius, Tanagra notabilis, and Saltator arremonops. 75 Descriptions of some new species of Ant Thrushes ( Formicaninw) from Santa V6 di Bogota. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 88-90, pis. xciv-xcvli. The generic name Psilorhamphus is proposed in the place of Leptorhynchus, M^m^t. The follow- ing species are described: Orallaria hypoleuca, G. inodesta, Ohamteza mollissima, Formieivora callinota, Dysithamiiusseniicinereiis, uniPyriglena tyrannina. All except Orallaria hypoleuca are figured. 3 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 76 Descriptions of some new species of Birds from Santa 6 di Bogota. I'roe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866. pp. J09, 110, pU. xcix-uii. Descriptions and iigiireH are given of the fol- lowing species: Nemosia albigxnaris, Pyrifflena Mitiana, Anthus bogotentu, and Otoeoryt pert- grina. n On the Birds received in collections from Santa F6 di Bogota. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 131-1((4, pls.ciii, civ. A list of 4.35 species, with remarks upon some of them. The name JTeteroenemis is ])ropo8ed in the iilace of Strickland's genns Jlolocnetni*. and the species Ileterocneviu marginata and Todiros- trum gracilipet are described as new. Vireolanius ieteropkryt and Ampelion einetus are figured. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, p. 25 ; 1867, p. 15.) 78 Characters of some apparently new species of Bucconidce, accompanied by a Geographical Table of the Family. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 193-196, pis. cv, cvi. The following species are characterized and remarked upon: Bucco hyperrhynehut (Bp.), B. dytoni, Gray, MS.; B. pulmentum (Bp. et Verr. MS.), Moiiata peruana. Bp. et Verr. MS. ; Bucco picatut, sp. nov.. and Malacoptila nijjrifvsca, sp. nov. B. hyperrhynchils and B. pulmentum are fig- ured. A geographical table of the Bucconidce is added. 79 Note on the genns Legriocinclus, Lesson, and its synonyms. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 212-214. Kemarks on the genus Legriodntlut, with a list of its synonyms, and adoption of the name Oineloeerthia in its stead. 80 Description of a newly discovered. Tan- ager of the genus Buarremon. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, p. 214, pi. cix. Buarremon leueopterus (Mrd.) is characterized and figured. 81 Characters of two new species of Tana- gers. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, pp. 227, 228, pi. ex. Lesson's name Iridotornis is emended to Iri- domU, and the species Dubtuia aurieri*$a and Iridornis porphyroeephala are described j the lat- ter is figured. 82 A draft arrangement of the genus Tham- nophilu8,y ieillot. Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., n. 8., I, pp. 226- 249 (1855). Descriptions of and remarks upon 39 sijocies of Thamnophilus, of whicli T. ventralia and T. fnaeulipenni* are described as new. 83 Note on the Zoological Appendix to the Eeport of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, and on the Geographic Range and distri- bution of the Tanagrine Genera Calliate and Euphonia. Proe ZooL Soe. London, 1856, pp. 18, 19. ; I contains the following genera : Pitylus, ticut, Diueopia, Saltator, Psittospiza, Lam- Note on the correct habitat of CallisU eyanH- eolli, C. ^yroloide$, and Euphonia rufivtntris, to- gether with a table showing the geographical dis- tribution of the genus Callttte. 84 On some additional species of Birds received in collections from Bogota. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1W>6, pp. 25-31, pis. cxvi-cxix. A list of, and remarks upon. 23 additional species from Bogota. The following new species are described: Synallaxit elegans. S.mcesta. Ana- batet erythropterus. Margaromi* brunneteent, Orthoeca fuinicolor, Eutearthmu* agHit, Pipra eoracina, Verr. MS. ; Conopophaga eueuUata, Ohlorospingut xanthophryu, C. lichtenateini, OaUi- nago nobilit, and Jiallux semiplumbeus. Figures are jjiven of Mnrgarornit brunveseen*. Ormoeea /uiniciilor, EuKcarlhmus agilin, and Conopophaga cucuUata. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1855, p. 131; 1857, p. 15.) 85 Note on PaaUria ftaviceps, a third Amer- ican species of the Parine genus Psaltria. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, IS.'ie. pp. 37, 38. .Xgithalus flaviceps of Sundevall is here referred to the genus Psaltria. an Synopsis Avium Tanagrinarum. A de- scriptive catalogue of the known species of Tanagers. Part I. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, pp. 64-94. Part: Orehe*tieus, prorpiza, Citsopsii, Oreothraupis, Arreinon, Phoe- nieophilut, Buarremon and Chlorospingus. Two new generic names are proposew generic term OlotriptiUt is proposed; Swainson's genu.s I'ipra-idea is eniendea to Pipri- dea, and tht' following new siM'cies are described: CallittevieiUoti. C. cynneseens, Piprideaveturuelen- tis, Euphotiia /uliicrixga, and E.cra*iiiro$tri$. A table snowing tliegeographiinl distribution of the Tanagridm is subjoined. Altosietlier '272 8pe<-ies of Tanagers are treateec. nov.) is de- scribed. Figure in text. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1856, p. 283; 1857, pp. 81, 226; 1858, p. 294.) On a collection of Birds made by Si- gnor Matteo Botteri in the vicinity of 'rizaba in Southern Mexico. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1857, pp. 210-215. A list of 38 species, with remarks upon them. Neoehloe brevipennit, gen. et sp. nov., and Zona- triehia botterit, sp. nov., are describ, with an alxttract of tlio contents otciicli work nu>iitioneojnne, is made (liguro in text), and the following new species are de8cril>ed : Thryothoru* tuopkryt, Oreomanes /rateri, Cinelo- dfg fxeeltior, C. albidit^eiUrit, Agriomit andieola and AttngU chimliDrmrttifi*. Oreomane* fra*erii tigureecies of wfid sheep, O. hodg- soni and O. nahoor. (Cuts of skulls of first two mentioned species in text.) 168 [Additions to the Menagerie during the months of January and February.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 183. 169 [Exhibition of Oreoph asis derbianus; and announcement of the addition of Sieboldia viaxima and Balceniceps rex to the Society's Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 184. 170 [Exhibif^on of the Egg of the King Vulture (Gyparchua 2>apa).'\ Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 193, 194. Believed to bo the first well-authenticated egg of this species known. 171 [Exhibition of a second specimen of the Egg of the Apteryx {A. mantelli).'] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, p. 194. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1859, p. 350.) 172 On the Rheas in the Society's Menagerie, with remarks on the known species of Struthious Birds. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 207-211. liemarks on Rhea americana and JB. darwinii, and description of a new species, R. macrorhyn- cha, with n summary of the state of knowledge of the Struthious Hirds. Figures are given in text of the heads of the three species of Rhta. (See papers Nos. 177, 276.) 173 On the Black-shouldered Peacock of I.iathaiii {Pavo nujripennis). Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1860. pp. 221, 222. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 15 Remarts pointing out thatthe Black-shouldered Peacock of Latham differs from the two other species of I'avo, and must therefore Ix-ar a differ- entspeciflcname. Pavo nigripennisi^ proposed. 174 On the species of the genns rrionifurus, and. on the Geographical Distribution of the rsittacidw in the Eastern Archipelago. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 223-228. Remarks on the three known species of Prioni- Utriis and their synonymy, and a list of the Psit- tacidce. inhabiting the Eastern Archipelago, and their Geographical Distribution. A new generic name, Opopsitta, is adopted. 175 [Additions to the menagerie during the months of March and April.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 242, 243. 176 List of mammalia collected by Mr. J. Monteiro in Angola. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 245-247. A list of nine species, with remarks upon them. Oolobvs angolentis is described as new, and the live known species of Colobui are enumerated. 177 Notes on two Striithious Birds now living in the Society's Gardens. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, pp. 247-250. Notes on Drom(eus irroratus, Bartl., and Casv- arius bicarunculatus, n. sp. Cuts of the throat- wattles of both species are given in the text. (See also Pep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1861, Pt.I, pp. 176-178; Pt. II, pp. 158,159; Trans. Zool. Soe. London, IV, p. 353, 1862). (See also paper Ko. 172.) 178 Notes on a collection of Birds from the vicinity of Orizaba and neighbouring parts of southern Mexico. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, pp. 250-254, pi. clxiii. A list of 44 species, with notes on them. Coeco- thraustes maculipennis is described, and Basileu- tervs inesochry.p. 24-26, pi. 1. Remarks on and figures of the eggs of Buteo erythronottu and Milvayo axutralU. (8e Ibi$, 1860, p. 432.) 199 Note on Wallace's Standard-wing, Semi- optera tcallacii, llns, 1860, pp. 26-28, pi. li. Remarks on and flgun^ of SemiopUra wallaeii, disooverod by Mr. Wallace in the Island of Batchian. Contributions to tho Ornithology of Guatemala. By Osbert Salvin and I'hilip Lutley Sclater. Part I. Ibit, 1860, pp. 28-45, pi. iii. Part I contains notes on 80 species collecte IVillowing species are characterized : Pot lioptila buffvni. Troglodytes hyitacdov , liasiletUeiu 415 No. 49 2 uropygialis, Ilylophilus insularis, Ohlorophanes guatemalensis, Ohlorophoniaflavirostris, Euphonia vittata, Tanagra subeinerea, Ramphoeelus ephip- pialis and Saltator isthmicus. 216 On a new species of the genus Copsy- chus from Borneo. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 185-187. Gopsyehus suavis is described, and a list of the 10 known species of Gopsyehus is given. 217 [On the addition to the Menagerie of some Three-toed Sand-grouse and some rare Australian Finches.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 196, 197. [List of Animals presented to the So- ciety bv H. E. Sir George Grey, K. C. B., F. z. s!] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 208, 209. This collection comprise* specimens of 10 spe- cies of mammals, 3 species of birds (one of which is named Gallinula nesiotis, n. sp.), and 10 species of reptiles. (See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, p. 307.) 219 On a new Bird of the genus Lipaugutt of Boi6. # Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 209-212. Lipaugiis subalaris is described, and the nine known species of the genus Liiiaugus are enu- merated. 220 [Additions to the Menagerie during the months of March and April, 1861.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 233, 234. 221 On the Island-hen of Tristan d'Acunha. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 260-263, pi. XXX. Gallinula nesiotis is characterized and figured. [Additions to the Menagerie during the mouth of May, 1861.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 264, 265. 223 [Report on some specimens of animals forwarded by Captain Speke.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 268. 224 [Exhibition of a cast of the skull of the Aye- Aye (Chiromya madagascarien- i).] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, p. 306. 225 [Report of the return of Mr. Benstead from the Cape witli a second collection of animals, pri'seiited to the Society by Sir George Grey.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, p. 307. This collection consisted of specimeus of four species of mnniiiials and three species of birds. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, p. 208). 13 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. [Additions to tho Menacerie during June, Julv, August, September, and Oc- tober, 1861.] Proc Zool. 8oe. London. 1861 , pp. 365-368. 227 [Exhibition of original drawings by Mr.Vigneof Ovis cyoloceroa and <). vignii.'] Proe. ZooL 8oe. London, 1861, pp. 368. 369. 228 On a new species of Finch, of the genus Sycalis, from Mexico. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 376, 377. Sycalis chrysopi is described. 229 Descriptions of twelve new species of American Birds'of the families IJendro- colaptidce, Formicariidw, and Tyrannidw. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 377, 383, pi. xxxvi. A new genus Sphenoptisaud the following new species are de8cril)ed : Leptaithenura para- nensig, I'hilydor gub/ulvu.i, Xenops littofalis, Sphenoptis ignobilU, Ihamni*ie ceouatorialis, liamphocfenus sanetce marthce, (Iraltaria inexi- cana, Copurtts /ucieapillus, I'latyrhynchus flavi- gularU, Phyllomyia* griseoeapiUa (Lal'r. MS.), /'. semifusea, and Tyrannus inca, Licht. MS. Phyllomyia* gritec^pilla, and i'. eemifusca are Ugiired. The known species of the genera Phil- ydor, Copurus and Qrallaria, are enumerated. 230 [Exhibition of the skins of an Otter from Amoy and a Hare from the Island of Formosa, forwarded by Mr. Swinhoe.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 389, 390. 231 [Report on a collection of Skins shipped by Mr. Swinhoe on board the Harkatimy.'] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 390, 391. This collection contained specimens of mam- mals, reptiles, and fishes ; one of the last is de- scribed as new by Dr. Oiinther, under the name of Tropidonotus orientalis, and a figure is given of it. 232 Note on the Ocellated Turkey of Hon- duras. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1861, pp. 402, 403, pi. xl. MeUagrit oeellata is remarked upon and- the heads of the two sexes are figured. 233 Index generis Elaine(f. ex familia Tyran- nidarum additis novarum specierum diag- nosibus. Proe. Zool. Soe. Londmi, 1861, pp. 406-408, pi. xli. The 17 known species of Elainea are enumer- ated, of which E. semipagana, E. pallatangm, E. gvbplaeens and E. implaceTis are described as new. E. pallatangcB is figured. 234 Note on Milvago carunculatus and its allied species. nU, 1861, pp. 19-23, pi. 1. The description, synonvmy and figure of Mil- vago earunculatus on, five additional species of Calliste de.scribeed. 312 [Announcement of Mr. James Thomp- son's (the Society's head keeper) safe arrival at Calcutta.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 168. 313 [Exhibition of a series of bird skins collected by the Rev. H. B. Tristram's expedition in Palestine.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 169, 170. Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London of a series of bird skins from Palestiiic, of which Patter moabiticus and Caprimulgus tamarUi* are characterized. 314 List of a collection of Birds procured by Mr. George H. White in the vicinity of the City of Mexico. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 172-179. An annotated list of 156 species. 315 On a now species of White Cockatoo living in the Society's Gardens. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 187, 189, pi. xvii. Caeatua 0}?/tt/ta2rntca is described, and a list of the species of Caeatua, with their diagnoses, giv- en. Caeatua dueorpsii is figured. C. ophthalmiea was figured as C. dueorpsii {Proe. Zool. Soe. Lon- don, 1862, pi. xiv). 316 Notes on the species of Tadoma in the Society's Menagerie. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 183, pis. xviii, xix. A diagnosis of the six species of Tadorna. with remarks upon their habits, variation in the col- ouring of the sexes, and geographical distribu- tion. Tadoma tadornoides and T. variegata are figured. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 299; 1866, p. 148.) 317 Characters of a new species of Falco discovered by the late Dr. Dickinson, of the Central African Mission, on the River Shir6. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 248. Falco diekinsoni is descril)ed, and the new sub- genus Dissodeetes is jiroposed, to include this species, together with Falco ardesiacus and F. zoniventris. 318 Note on the species of Cuckoos of the genus Neomorphux. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 249, 250. XeomorphtiH geoffroyii and A', rufipennis re characterized. (See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 50.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OP PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 23 [Keiriarks on the Breeding of Bennett's Cassowary in the Society's Gardens.] Pioe. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 271. Remarks on Bennett's Cassowary (Casuarius beiinettii) breeding in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, and exhibition of the skeleton of the origi- nal typical example of this species. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1863, p. 518.) 320 Characters of three new American Par- rots. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 297, 298, . pi. xxiv. Coniirus rhodogaster, Natt. MS., Brotogerys ehrysoMma, Natt. MS., and Chrysotis finschi are described. Gonurxis rhodogaster is figured. 321 Note on the Geographical I)istribution of the Ducks of the genus Dendrocygna. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 299-301. The geographical distribution of the species of the genus Dendrocygna is given, and remarks made upon them. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 189; 1866, p. 148.) 322 Notes on a collection of Birds from the Isthmus of Panama. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 342-373, 1)1. XXX. An annotated list of 272 species collected by Mr. James M'Leannan on the Isthmns of Panama. The following species are described as new: Cag- ticulii.i microrhynchus, Myrmeeiza immaeiilata, Camptogtonia flaviventre and Conurus ocularis. Eueometis eassinii is figured. 323 [Announcement of Mr, James Thomp- son's return from Calcutta with a valu- able collection of animals.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 373, 374. I 328 I Descriptions of seven new species of j Birds discovered by the late Dr. John I Natterer in Brazil. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 605-611, pla. I xxxvii-xxxix. The new genus Liosceles (figured in text) is proposed and the following species are described : Granatellus pelzelni, Tanagra olivina, Natt. MS., Spermophila pileata (Natt. MS.), Pootpiza oxy- rhyncha (Natt. MS.), Hypoenemigjlaveseens (Natt. MS.), Pteraptochusthoraciev^ and Pipra nattereri. The three known species of Oranatellns are diag- nosed, and figures are given of Granatellus pel- zelni, G. venustus, Pteroptochus thoracicus and Pipra nattereri. 329 Note on the Quadrumana living in the Society's Menagerie. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 7(i9-712, pis. xl, xli. A systematic list of the species of Quadrumana living in the Zoological Society's Menagerie, with notes upon the following : 3faeacus upeeiosus, M. eyelopis, Galago gametti and G. erassieatidata. Galago gametti and Pithecia satanas are figured. Note on the Caprimulgine genus Cosme- tornia. \ Ibis, 1864, pp. 114, 115, pi. ii. Notes on Gosmetornis vexillarius and C. burtoni, of which the former is figured. 331 On the Birds of the Comoro Islands. Ibis, 1864, pp. 292-^01, pi. vii. General remarks on the Comoro Islands and an annotated list of 23 species of birds. Aeeipiter franeesi is figured. 332 1 On the Rapacious Birds collected by the late Dr. Dickinson in the Zambesi Region. I bis, 1864, pp. 301-307, pi. viii. A list of 22 species, with remarks uxK>n them. Faleo du:kinsoni is figured. [Notice of additions to the Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, pp. 374, 375. 325 [Exhibition of a series of specimens of birds' eggs collected in the vicinity of Barrackpore and presented to the Soci- ety by Lieut. R. C. Beavan, with notes on their nesting habits.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 375. A list of 21 species is given, with notes by Lieu- tenant lieavan on their nesting habits. Description of a new species of Duck from Madagascar. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, pp. 487, 488, pi. xxxiv. Anas meUeri is described and figured. 327 [On some additions to the Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 587. 333 On a new species of Tetragonops. Ibis, 1864, pp. 371, 372, pi. x. Tetragonops frantzii is described and figured. 334 Note on the Great Auk. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, XIV, p. 320 (1864). Note calling attention to the existence of speci- mens of the skin.s and eggs of the great auk omitted from Mr. Champley's list. {Ann. and Mag. Nat. Uist., ser. 3, XIV, p. 235.) 335 The Mammals of Madagascar. Quart. Joum. Set., London, I, pp. 213-219, pi. ii (1864). A summary view of the mammal fanna of Mad- agascar and arguments from the evidence thus adduced, as to the former connection of this island with the continents of Africa, Asia and America, and its present position in zoological geography. The name Lemuria is proposed for this supposed submerged continent. A plate of the typical mammals of Madagascar is subjoined. 24 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 336 [Notice of a Mantchurian Doer received from Mr. Swinhoe.] I'roe. Zool. Soe. London, 1865, pp. 1, 2. NciU^ on tliP Maiitri>hu$ ;iivi'n. (S(!0 also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864, p. 249.) 373 [Remarks on some Monkeys received from St. Kitts, West Indies.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 79, 80. Keiiiarks on the monkeys that inhabited St. Kitts. West Indies, whicii wore undoubtedly ivftTuble to the common green monkey yCereo- pxthtnit callitriehus, Gootfr.) of West Africa, and iintl i>i-obably been introduced. (See also Nature, XXI, p. 153, 1879; XLI, p. 368, 1890.) 374 [Notice of recent additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 80. [ExhiV)itionof a collection of Mammals and iJirds from Japan.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 80, 81. 376 On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, Pern. With notes on their habits by Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. S. Parti.* Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 96-100, pi. xi. An annotated list of 23 species, of which Oeo- titta eratHrostris and Myiobitis nationi are de- scribed as new. Myiohiun nationi and M. puleher (from Ecuador) are figured. *(For Part II see Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 340< Pt. Ill, 1869, p. 146; Pt. IV, 1871, p. 496; Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 377 [Notice of a Pndu Deer recently added to the Society's Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 104, 105. Notice of the addition to the Zoological Society's Menagerie of a specimen of Cerviit pudu which had been presented by Mr. Charles Bath. The bead of the animal is figured in tlie text. 378 Notes upon the American Caprimulgidw. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 123-145, pis. xiii, xiv. General observations on the Caprimulgidte, with a synopsis of the American si)ecies of the family, of which 42 are enumerated. Gray's gt-niis Eleothrepiu* is emended to lleleothreptu.i and three new subgenera are createtl, viz, Podo- ehmtet. Diplopsali.i and Macropsalts. Stenopid.i ru/ieervix is de.scril)ed as a new species. A table showing the distribution 1>f the species in Amer- ica i.s apjMinded. Figures are given of Strnopxi.i rvficennxnndAntroftomuiiparvuluji. Illustrations are given in the text. The genera treated of are : Ifyctibius. Stfatomis, Podager, Lurocnlin, Olior- deiUs, AntroHtomus, Stenopgix, Hydropgalit, lie- Uothreptu*, Nyetidromxi* nnA Siphonorhis. (See alao Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 581.) 379 Additional notes on the Analtda' of the genera Dendrocijyna and Tadorna. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, jip. 148-150. Additional notes to previous communications on the genera Vmdroeygna and Tadorna (cf. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1864', pp. 189, 299). 380 Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. E. Bartlett on the River Ucayali, eastern Peru, with notes and descriptions of new species. By P. L. Sdatcr andOsbert Sal- vin. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 175-201, pi. xviil. An annotated catalogue of 253 species. Two new genera, viz, Stiymatiira and Metopothrix, and the following new species are describeil : Speniio- phila oeellata, Fumariut torridtis, Synallaxui ter- rieolor, S. rulpeettla, Jlypoeneuiis melanura, H. hemileuea, MuseiDnxieola fluviatilis. Serpophaga hypoleuea, Metopothrix aiirantiacnx. Leucippus chlorocereus, Gould MS., and Thaumantiat hart- letti, Goidd MS. Metopothrix aurantiacus is flg- nred. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 566.) 381 [Notice of additions to the Society's Menagerie, and of the transmission of a Manatee to the Society by Mr. G. W. Lat- imer, of Puerto Rico.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 201. [Remarks on recent additions to the Society's Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 203. 383 Note on the genus Geobates of Swain- son. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, pp. 204,205, pi. xxi. Remarks on Qeobates brevieauda of Swainson. which species is shown to have been described eight years proviotisly by Maximilian, under the name of Anthu.t pfeciloptent-s. The namt Geobates pmcilopterus must therefort^ be adopted. A le- scription, listof synonyms, and a plate of the bird, are given. 384 [Notice of several interesting species of Mammals and Birds living in the Gar- dens of the Socidtd Zoologique d'Accli- matation of Paris. ] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 210. 385 On a new species of the genus Acdptter from New Granada. Proe. Zool. Soe. Londm, 1866, pp. 302-304. Aecipiter ventralis is (le8cril>ed, and a synopsis of the nine known American species of Aeeipiter is added. 386 [Notice of a rare American Monkey (Pithecia lencocephala) lately added to the Society's Menagerie.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 305. Note on a si)ecimen of I^theeia leueocephala, which had been obtained in Demerara, and pre- sented to the Zoological Society by Mr. W. H. Uarton. 387 Descriptions of six new species of American Oscines. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, pp. 320-324. The genus Spodiomix (ilhistratetions chibitiou to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- ety of London of a drawing ot Lophophorus I'huysi. L. re/ulgens and L. I'huysi are diagnosed. The latter is figured. 431 Descriptions of new species of Birds of the families Dendrocolaptidw, Strigidw, and Columhidce. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 53-60, pi. v. Dendrocincla ruficepg, Dendrocolaptet puncti- colli*. Scops barbarus, Syrnium fulvescens, Leptoj)- tila plumbeiceps and L. cerviniventri.<< are de- scribed, and the American species of each genus enumerated. Dendrocolaptet puncticollis is fig- ured. The text is illustrated. 432 [Remarks upon a Bear recently added to the Society's Menagerie. ] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 71-73, pi. viii. Remarks upon, and figure of, an apparentlj- new species of bear recently added to the Zoological Society's Menagerie, to which the name Ursus nasutus is applied. A list of the living species of bears in the society's collection is given. 433 [Exhibition of an Egg of the Guacharo {Steatornia caripensis).^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 73, 74. Exhibition to the Zoological Society of an egg of Steatomis caripensis which had been taken from a cave in the Island of Trinidad. A figure of the egg is given in the text. 434 List of Birds collected at Conchitas, Argentine Republic, by Mr. William H. Hudson. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 137-146. A list of 96 species, with notes on them. The generic name Phacellodomus is emended to Via- cellodomus. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 158, 631.) 435 On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. A. Goering. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Parti.* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 165-173, pi. xiii. A tabular list of 126 species, showing the l18. XXV, xxvi. Notes on tiio 10 known species of Peleeanus, of which tlie following were represented in the Zoological Society's collection: Peleeanu^i ono- erofalu.<"in 1862 is appended. The genus Neoctantet is illuetrated ia the text. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 31 455 . [On; additions to the Society's Menag- erie.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 622. 456 [Exhibition of and remarks upon two specimens of Avipelieeps coronatus.'i Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 622, 623. Exbiliition of, to a meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and remarks upon two spoci- niena of A mpeliceps coronatus from the northern part of Cochin-China. 457 [Exhibition of and remarks upon the skin of a male Kaleege. ] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 623. Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and remarks upon a male Exiplo'eamus euvieri which had been received from Arracan. 458 On the breeding of Mammals in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Lon- don during the past twenty years. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 623-626. Two tables, the first giving a list of the dififer- ent mammals that have bred in the Zoological Society's Gardens from 1848 to the end of 1867, and the number of instances of the breeding of each species; the second table giving compara- tive lists of the numbers of species of mammals that have lived in the Gardens during that period, and of those that have bred, thus showing the proportion of breeding species tothetotal number of species exhibited. 459 On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. A. Goeriug. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salviii. Part II.* Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 626-632. A tabular list of 99 species, showing the locali- ties where they were collected, with notes on the more remarkable ones. Myiarchus erythrocercus , Scl. MS., and Heteropelma stenorhynchum are described. * (For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 165; Pt. Ill, 1869, p. 250; Pt. IV, 1870, p. 779; Pt.V, 1875,p.234.) 460 On a recently discovered Tanager of the genus CalUste. i6i, 1868, pp. 71, 72, pi. iii. The characters and figure of CalUste cabanisi, originally described as O. sclateri (Cab. Joum.f. Ornithol., 1866, p. 163), are given. 461 List* of Birds collected in the Straits of Magellan by Dr. Cunningham, with re- marks on the Patagonian Avifauna. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salviu. Ihis, 1868, pp. 183-189. Kemarks on the general character and origin (as attested by a tabular list of the Pa.'^seres) of the Patagonian avifauna, and a list of 44 species collected in the Straits of Magellan by Dr. Cun- ningham, with notes upon them. "(For second list see Ibis, 1869, p. 283; third list, 1870, p. 499.) [Exhibition of a Skin of Spizcuitu^ ni- palensis from Japan.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. l, 463 [Exhibition of and remarks upon some specimens of the Potto (Perodicticue potto). ^ . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 1, 2. 464 On a collection of Birds from the Solo- mon Islands. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 118-126, pis. ix, X. A list of 21 species, with notes on them. Ora- vula kreffti, Eurystomus erassirostris, and Rallus intaetus are described as new. the first and last of which are figured The previous works on the Solomon Islands birds are enumerated and re- marked upon. A list of the known species of birds of the Solomon Islands and their distribu- tion are given, and obsers-jitions made with regard to the zoo-geographical position of the Solomon group. 465 Notes on the species of the genus ^8<- rina. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 129-134. A review of the genus Asturina. Seven species are enumerated, of which A. rufieaudaia described as new. 466 [Exhibition of some Reptiles transmit- ted to the Society by Mr. G. Wilks, of Buenos Ayres, C. M. Z. S.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 135. 467 On the Birds of the vicinity of Lima, Peru. With notes on their habits by Prof. W. Nation, of Lima, C. M. Z. S. Part III.* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 146-148, pi. xii. A list of 13 species, with notes. NeorJiynehusm proposed to take the place of Lesson's preoccu- pied generic term Callirhynchus. Neorhynchus nasesus (on the plate maseus) is figured. *(For Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 96; Pt. II, 1867, p. 340; Pt. IV, 1871, p. 496; Pt. V, 1881, p. 484.) 468 [Exhibition of some new Australian Birds lately described by Mr. E. P. Ram- say.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. 469 [Notices of additions to the Society's Menagerie during the months of January and February, 1869.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. 470 [Exhibition of a Hybrid Pheasant.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 149. A hybrid between Eupioeamus nycthemerus and Thaumalia pieta. 471 On Peruvian Birds collected by Mr. Whitely. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Part IV,* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, pp. 151-158, pi. xiii. An annotatetl list of 47 sjiecies, of which Salta- tor laticlavius, I'ooxpiza ccesar, Agrioniia iiwolens, and C'entrites areas are described as pew, Agrior- 32 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. nis andieola (Scl., 7*. 2. ., 180, p. 78) U rcnaiixMl A. pollenii, the former name Iiaviti;; bet-u lUready U8t'moiit of tlio genora of the famuT Cervidte, with a list of tlie 40 known species or the geuus C'ervu* and their geograph- ical distribation. 506 [On additions to the Menagerie in Feb- ruary, 1870.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 125-128, pi. X. Kotes on tlie moro remarkable additions to the Zoological Society's collection, of which a Kan- garoo (Macrupus erubenceng) is described as new and figured. The head of M. erxibescens and the adult and yonng of Cyno^iycteris collarii are fig- ured in the text. 507 [Further remarks on the locality of Amherst's Pheasant.] Proe. Zool. Sve. London, 1870, pp. 128, 129. Note on the locality of Thaumalea amherstice.* *(See also Swinhoe, Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 111.) 508 [Exhibition of a coloured drawing of a remarkable Pigeon {Otid'tphaps noftt/is).] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 157, 158. 509 Notice of the arrival in the Society's Gardens of living specimens of two newly described species of Phaaiamdiv. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 162-164, pis. xiv, XV. Lophophorun KclaUri and Ceriomis hlythii are characterized and tigured. The five known spe- cies of Ceriomis are enumerated. 610 Further notes on the Cuckoos of the genus Coccyzua. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 165-170. An amended synopsis of the genus Coecyzus. The eight known species are remarked upon. (For former paper see Proe. Zool. Soe. Lon- don, 1864, p. 11.) 511 [On additions to the Society's Menage- rie in March, 1870.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1870, pp. 219, 220. 512 [On additions to the Society's Menage- rie in April, 1870, and description of Canis lateraU8.2 Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 279, 280, pi. xxiii. Notes on the principal additions to the Zoolog- ical Society's Menagerie, and description and fig- ure of Oanit lateralu. 513 Characters of new species of Birds collected by Dr. Habel in the Gulapagtw lHlauiana pepoxaca, and Jfafila xpinicauda. Oryeteropus cetniojiicua is figured in the text. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 35 [Exhibition of a siieciruen of Ceratodus forateri.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 747. On Venezuelan Birds collected by Mr. A. Goering. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Part IV.* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 779-788, pis. xlvi, xlvii. A list of 106 species, with remarks upon them and the localities where they were collected. The following 9 species are described as new: Seto- pliaga albifronx, Diglossa gloric-a, Chlorogpingus goeringi. liuarremon merulce, Grallaria griseo- nucha.. Ochtho'eca supereiliosa. O. nigrita, Gonurus rhodocephalus and TJrochroma dilectissima. Uro- chrnma dilectissima, Cliloro.spingus goeringi and JHglonsa glori,osa are figured. *(ror Part I see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 165 : Pt. II, 18C8, p. 626 ; Pt. in, 1869, p. 250; Pt.V, 1875, p, 234.) 521 [Reports on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in October and Novem- ber, 1870.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 796-798. Descriptions of three apparently new species of Tyrant Birds of the genus Elainea, with remarks on other known species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 831-835. Dlainea gigas, E.fallax and P.pudica are de- scribed, and a list is given of, and remarks made upon, the species of Elainea (16 in number) rep- resented in Mr. Sclater's collection. The three species described are illustrated iu the text. 523 On Birds collected by Mr. George M. Whitely on the coast of Honduras. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 835-839. A nominal list of 135 species, with notes on the more interesting species. 524 Descriptions of five [six] new species of Birds from the United States of Co- lombia. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, pp. 840-844, pi. liii. The following species are described : Pheucticti-i uropygialix, Synallaons icyatti, Tyrannisc^ts leu- cogonyK. T. improhvx, T. grhieiceps, and Trogon ehionunis. The known species of the genera PheucticvxamX 3>/roTHiiwware enumerated. Fig- urt's arc given of Tyiannisctis leucogonys, T. ein- eieiceps and T. improhus. Note on the Systematic Position of In- dicator. Ibis, 1870, pp. 176-]80. From the evidence derived from an examination of the internal structure of the bird, it is here suggested that Indicator should form the t\i)e of a new family, /ndtra^ortrfoB, and be placed in the natnml .system in the C'oca/iinmorph(e, next to the Capitonidce. The text is illustrated. Third* list of Birds collected, during the survey of the Straits of Magellan, by Dr. Cunningham. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. With additional notes by the editor (A. Newton). Ibis, 1870, pp. 499-504. A list of 33 species, with the localities and data of their collection. Phalacrocorax cai-unculatus, Ghloephaga tnagellanica and Nectris anuiurosoma are remarked upon. A list of Dr. Cunningham's nests and eggs is given, and notes made on them by Prof. A. Newton. * (For first list see Ifris, 1868, p. 183 ; second list, 1869, p. 283.) 527 Note on ^Elian's Wart Hog. Ann. and Mag. Kat. Hist., ser. 4, VI, pp. 404,405(1870). Kotcs on Dr. Gray's supposed new species, PhO' cochcerus sclateri, which is shown to be only the female of P. celiani, and on the diiferences between P. celiani and P. ccthiojncus. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 277.) 528 Remarks on the Animals lately de- scribed by Dr. Gray as Testudo chilensis and Ateles hartletti. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hitt., ser. 4, VI, p. 470 (1870).* Remarks showing that the animal.s described as new by Dr. Gray iiiider the names of Testudo chi- lensis nwA Ateles hartletti are not new. The for- mer bad been incorrectly determined bvD'Orbigny and referred to Testudo sulcata, and the latter is fointed out to be referable to Ateles rariegatus, t is proposed to change the name of Testvdo chilensis to Testudo argentina.\ *(See also Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, VII, p. 161,1871.) t(See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 743.) 529 The new Australian Mud-fish. Nature, II. pp. 106, 107 (1870). Remarks on and figure of Ceratodus fortteri. 530 On certain principles to be observed in the establishment of a National Museum of Natural History. Pep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1870, Pt. II, pp, 123-128 ; Nature, II, pp. 455-458 (1870). Propositions for the establishment, manage, ment and .irrangenient of a national museum of natural history, being remarks called forth by the occasion of the proposed removal of the nat- ural-history objects in the British Museum at 151oomsbury, to a new institution at South Ken. sington. 531 African Rhiooceroses. Student and Intellectual Observer, TV, pp, 321-326, pi. .xi (1870). Notes on the different species of African rhi. noceroses, with the history and figure of the indi- vidual living iu the Zoological Society's Gardens, The text is illustrated. 532 [Extracts from correspondence with Mr. G. W. des Voiux concerning the Rat- tailed Serpent of Santa Lucia {THgono- cej>halu8 laticeolatH8).'\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 2-4. 36 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 533 [Exhibition of and remarks on a horn of the niah^ Indian Khlnocoros (/i/MNo liability unilf-r hik-Ii circiini' stancea of abnonnai devtdoptnent in the re]>ro- ducd hom. Illustrations are );ivcu iu tbo text. [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Mt-nagerie iu December, 1870, and i observations on the register of "arrivals and dc])artnre8" kept at the superinten- dent's office.] Ptoc. Zool. Soc Tjondon, 1871, pp. 36, 37. 635 [Exhibition of a specimen of Ateles va- rieg 01118.1 Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 39. 536 [Remarks on the so-called Axolotls in the Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 41, 42. SoU^ on Siredon mtxicanux and tlie anpposed metamorphosis of the axolutl. 537 Notes on the types of Tyrannula mexi- cana of Kaup, and Tyrannula barbiroatris of Swaiuson. Proe. ZooL Soc. London, 1871, pp. 84, 85. Notes pointing out that Tyrannula niexieana, Kann, and T. harbirostris, Swainson. are referable t<) liyiarehus eooperi, Baird, and Blacicus tristis (Go.sse), respectively. 538 Remarks on some species of Dendro- colaptidw in the collection of the Smith- sonian Institution. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 85, 86. Kemarks on SynallaxU eandcBx, Anahate* ochro- UtmuK, A. inontanug and Dendrocolaptes cliuneo- tambo. 539 [Report on additions to the Society's Menagerie in January, 1871.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, pp. 101, 102. 540 [Announcement of the birth of a Hip- popotamus in the .Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 145. 541 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair of eorroded Tusks of the Indian Ele- phant.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 145, 146. Theae tuaka had been eaten away at their basca by a paraaitc. 542 Notes on the Monkeys of eastern Peru. By Edward liartlett. (Communicated, with notes, by 1'. L. Sclater.) Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, ]>p. 217-220, pi. xiii. Ten species of nionke\H are enunicniled in the Z given of Atfles rueullatiu, A. melano- einr. Lemur mongoz, and Cerviit ptidu. The text is illustrated. *(For Part II, Birds, aee Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 489; Pt. Ill, Reptilea, 1871, p. 743.) 544 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1871.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 258. 545 [Exhibition of the skin of a species of Prinia from Ceylon.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, p. 258. The skin of Prinia mieialix was exhibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society of London. 546 On the Birds of the Island of Santa Lucia, West Indies. Proe. Zool. Sue. London, 1871, pp. 263-273, pi. xxi. General note.s on the zoological-geographical po.sition of the West Indian IslaDds. and a sum- mary of the previous works on the ornithology of the group. A li.tt of 25 species from the Island of Santa Lucia is given, and remarks made upon them. Icterus latidabilis is described and figured. (See also Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 647; 1876, p. 13.) 547 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1871.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 298, 299, pi- xxix. Yiverra eivetta is figured. 548 [Exhibition of and remarks upon the shell of a River Tortoise of the genus PelomcduDa.'] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 325, 326. The sternum of Pelomedusa is figured in the text. 549 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in Ajtril, 1871.] Proe. Zool. Soc. Ijondon, 1871, pp. 478-480, pi- xxxvili. Kemnrks on the more noticeable additions to the Zoological Society's Menagerie, of which Midas geofroii is figured. 550 Notlr. S. It. Dole's "Sjnoj)8is of tlio liinlH liithorto dcscribud from tho' Hawaiian Islands.'' {I'rvc. Jlost. ISoc. Xat. llixl., XII, p. 294.) The new generic name Chce- tovtila ia proposed. 068 Index of the Ornithological Literature of 1870. By Osbert Salvin and P. L. Sclater. JbU, 1871, pp. 417-484. An alphabetical list of tho ornithological pub- lications in 187U, with a precis of their contents. 569 On certain species of Deer now or lately living in the Society's Menagerie. Tran*. Zool. 8oe. London, VII, pp. 333-852, pis. xxviii-xxxix (1871). A history of tho introduction into the Zoolog- ical Society's fJardens of tho following species of the genus C^mi*. with their Hynonyms, distribu- tion and figures: C. davutianus, O. tnaral, C. cash- merianu. C. imintchuricus, V. taevanus, G.tika, C. dunaucelli, C. eldi, and C. swinhoii. The distri- bution of tho Elaphino deer (species allied to Cer- viis elaphtis) is also given . The text is illustrated. 570 Reply to Dr. Gray on Testudo chilenais, etc. Ann. and Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 4, VII, pp. 161-163 (1871). A reply to Dr. Gray's commentary of Mr. Scla- ter's criticisms on the Rjiecies describe*! by tho former as Atelm bartletti and Tegtudo chiiengin, and reference to the record of "OK-curronces" kept in the Zoological Society's Gardens. (See Ann. and Mag. Nat. Iligt., ser. 4, VI, p. 470, 1870.) 571 Eared Seals and their Habits. Katurf, Til, pp. 148, 149 (1871). A short sketch of tlie diaracteristics and hab- its of tlie eared seals, being a review of Messrs. J. A. Allen and C.Bryant's memoir on the Otaria- dee. {JiuU. M%u. Oomp. Zool., Harvard Coll., II, 1870.) 572 On New Zealand Animals at the Zoo- logical Gardens. Nature, III, pp. 190-192 (1871). An at'count of tho chief poculiarities of the fauna of Xew Zealand, with illustrations. 573 Captain Sla^lcn's Expedition. Nature, IV, p. 405 (1871). Letter on the i)nblication of the notea relating to Captain Slmlon's expedition to Yunan, and on the death of Dr. Thomas Auilerson. 574 The Birds of the Lesser Antilles. Nature, IV, ].p. 473-475 (1871). A review of the state of knowledge of the or- nithology of the leaaor West Indian lalanda. 676 Remarks on a favonrable occasion for tho eHtablishment of /oological oViscrva- tories. Itep. Brit. AMCC. Adv. Set., 1871, Pt. II, p. 134. On the establiahment of zoological observa- tories on the occasion of the transit of Venus in 1874. 576 A Naturalist's Excursion in Wisconsin. Edited by H. W. Bates. Illiitlrated TraveU, III, pp. 1-8(1871 f). An illimtratcd account of an excursion in 'Wis- con.sin. with descriptions of some of the places visited and observations on natural history of the country. 577 On the Quadrumana foiind in America north of Panama. I'roc. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, pp 2-9, pis. i, ii. Ten species of monkeys are enumerated and remarks made upon theni. Two tables aro sub- joined. The first shows which of the genera of South American monkeys are found in Central America, and how far they extond north ; the sec- ond shows tlie range of t^ie 10 species mentioned in the paper, yyctipitheciu rufipes is describeture near Cli'ittagong of a Sumatran rliiiioceros. The following si>ecie are figured: lihinocrroilai>ioti.i. MaencxtKrufescmx, M. rheto-rimilis, and Catuariua bicaruncuuUut, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 39 [Exhibition of a skin of the Yellow- billed Cuckoo (Coccyzua americanua) from Bueuos Ayres.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, p. 496. 584 On the Birds of the Rio Negro of Pat- agonia. By W. H. Hudson, C. M. Z. S. With notes by P. L. Sclater. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 534-550, pi. xxxi. Xotes on 23 species, with an appendix contain- ing a list of the 48 species represented in Mr. Hudson's collection, and observations on the composition of the avifauna of the Kio Negro. Cnipolegus hudsoni is described as a new species and Ugured, and is also illustrated in the text. 585 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1872.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 602-604. [Exhibition of the Skull of a Hairy Tapir (Tapirus ronlini), and remarks on its dift'erences from that of T. terrestris.'i Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872. pp. 604, 605. The nasal bones of Tapirus terrestris and T. roulini are figured in the text. 587 On the habits of the Swallows of the genus Progne met with in the Argentine Republic, By W. H. Hudson, C. M. Z. S. With notes by P. L. Sclater. Froc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 605-609. Eemarks on the habits of Progne purpurea, P. ehalyhea and P. tapera, with notes by Mr. Sclater on the distribution of the four species of the genus Progne. 588 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1872.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 635, 636, pis. 1-lii. Pteromys magnificu*, Tapirus bdirdi, juv., and T. terrestrit, ? adult, are figured. Observations on the Birds of St. Lucia. By the Rev. J. E. Semper, colonial chap- lain. With notes by P. L. Sclater. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 647-653. Notes on the species (31 in number) contained in Mr. Semper's two collections from St. Lucia. (See also Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 263 J 1876, p. 13.) 590 On the species of Quadrumana collected by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, i)p. 663, 664, pi. llv. Note on the species of monkeys (6 in number) observed by Mr. Buckley in Ecuador, with figure of AUle fuseiceps. [Exhibition of a specimen of Coccyzua erythropthalmua killed in Ireland.] Proe. Zool. Soc London, 1872, p. 681. 592 Additional notes on rare or little-known Animals now or lately living in the So- ciety's Gardens. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, pp. 688-690, pis. Ivii-lix. Notes on Atelet rufiventris sp. nov., Saimaris usta, Galago ganietti, Oapra picta, Cervus savan- narum, and Crax ineommoda sp. nov. Tlie fol- lowing are figured: Ateles rufiventris, Capra j>icta and Cervus savannarum. The head of Saimaris usta is figured in the text. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1871, pp. 221, 489, 743.) Report on additions to the Society's Menagerie in May, 1872.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 728, 729. 594 [Exhibition, for Mr. Vincent Legge, of a pair of a new Ceylonese Bird, proposed to be called Prionochilus vinceiis.l Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, pp. 729, 730. Prionoehilus vincens is described. 595 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1872.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 789-795, pi. Ixvii. Report on the additions to the Zoological Socie- ty's Menagerie, of which the most noticeable are remarked upon. The differences between the two rhinoceroses J{. la.'dotis and P. stanatrensis are pointed out and the latter figured. The text is illustrated. 596 [Announcement of the birth of a Hip- popotamus in the Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, p. 795. [Remarks on a Mexican Spider Monkey (Atelea) in the Berlin Museum.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, p. 798. Note on Ateles vellerosus. 598 [Remarks on the two Livingstone Ex- peditious into Inner Africa.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1872, p. 819. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in October and November, 1872.] Proe, Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 860-862, pi. Ixxii. Cholopus hciffmanni and C. didactylus are fig- ured. [Exhibition of a nest of the Tijercta (Milruliis ijirannits) containing eggs of Molothrua honarienaia.'] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 862, 863. Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- ety of London, of a nest oi' Milculusti/rannui con- taming eggs of 2Ii)liithru.i bcnarienais, with an extract of a letter from Mr. AV. H. Hudson con- cerning it and the parasitic habits of the Molothri. 40 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. A Revision of the species of the Frin- gilline genus Sifcalis. IhU, 1872, pp. 39-48, pis. II, ill. A review of the 8IH>cI' (10 In numlM-r) of the genua Sycali*. Syralit prUelni in (Ieiu-ril>e(l mid the following Hp<'olcB aro flRiired : Syealin chry- 9op*, S. lutea, and .S. aureiventrU ((/, V)- Observaitions on the systematic position of the genera Peltopa, Eurylatnus and Torfiw. Ihu, 1872, pp. 177-180. Each of the jjenera Peltof)$. Extrjilffmui and j Todui is rl'patcd to itn prop?r poHilion in \\w natural ovstcm. Pfltnjtg is refem-d to the family Muneicapiihr, Fiin/lfPinut (tlio Kxiryhrmida) is placed in tlio order I'asserea, and Todtm is made the type of a new family, Todidce, to be placed in the (^oecygomorpho!, next to the Moinvtiace. The text Is illustrated. 603 On a new Parrakeet of the genus Lori- culuB from the Philippine Islands. j IhU, 1872, pp. 32,'U'25, pi. xi. Loriculu* ehrysonotua is described and figured. \ 604 Index to the Ornithological literature of 1871. By Osbert Salvin and P. L. Sclater. Ibit, 1872, pp. 413-468. An alphabetical list of the ornithological pub- lications in 1871, with short abstracts of their ; contents. 605 Notes on Propithecus bicolor and Rhinoc- eros lasiotis. Ann. and Mag.yat.Hitt.,BeT.4, X, pp. 298, 299 (1872). Notes on Proidtheeiix hicolor, Gray, which is shown to have been already describi'd by M. A. Grandidier as /*. edwardxi, and on the distinctness of Bkinoeeros lasioti*.* *(Sce also Nature, VI, p. 518, 1872; Hep. Brit. Amoc. Adv. Sci., 18:72, Pt.II, p. 140.) 606 The new Rhinoceros. Nature, VI, pp. 518, 519 (1872). An illustrated account of RhinoeeroR laxintix, a new species received by the Zoological Society of London, with notes on the other sjmcies of IJlii- noceroses living in the Society's Gardens. (See also Rep. Brit. Asuoc. Adv. Sri., 1872, Pt. II, p. 140, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., aer. 4, X, p. 298, 1872.) 607 Proceedings of Zoological Collectors. Nature, VII, p. 110 (1872). Note on the whereabouts and doings of zoolog- ical collectors in foreign countries. 608 On a new Rhinoceros, with remarks on the recent species of this genus and their distribution. Rf]). Brit. A$$oe. Adv. Sri., 1872, Pt. II. p. 140. Note on Rhinoceros laniotit, n. bji., and a list of the six known s]>ecics of Khiuocoroses, with re- marks. (See also Nature, VI. p. 518, 1872; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Ui*t., aer. 4, X, p. 298, 1872.) 609 Notic* of an apparently new Marine Animal from the Northern Pacific. Rep. lirit.AiKoe. Adv. Sri., 1872, Pt. II, pp. 140,141. NottMtna remarkable animal from Washington Territory, North .Xnierica, descrilwid by Dr. Gray as (Meorella neutentrinnalix, but supposed by Mr. Sclater to be tiie oHsitieparently now s]>ecies of fruit bat is named Jterupun fonnomit, and a list of the species of fruit bats (13 in numlwr) living in the Menagerie is given. A figure is given in the text, of a female Tapir from Paraguay. On the Birds of ca.stern Pent. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. With notes on tlie habits of the Birds, by Edward Bartlett. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 252-311, pU. XXV, xxvi. An annotated catalogue of 473 sjiecics, with reiiiarks on the comiM>.Hiti(in of tlie east Peruvian avifauna. The new generic name Cn\vtnlecte.$ is projioscd for the reception of Cyelorhunchtit milibninni-vii, Scl.. and tlie follnwing sjiecies are descrilied: PithyK Ivntilata. liliijnrhoeyehu viri- dieeps. mid Oryptunt liaitletti. The lirt-nie,n- tioned irt ligiired. A map showing the bMralitiea in which tlie colh^-t ions were made is given. The nest of Fumariua minor is figured in the text. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 41 615 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Meuagerie in February, 1873.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, lS73,pp. 311,312, pL xxvii. Report on the additions to the Zoological So- ciety's Menagerie, with notes on the more inter- esting specimens. Felis aurata is figured. 616 [Re]iort ou the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March and April, 1873.] Proc. Zool. See. London, 1873, pp. 433, 434. 617 [Remarks on the Liberian Hippopota- mus.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 434. Note on and exhibition to the Zoological So- ciety of Loudon of photographs of a young spec- imen of Hippopotamus liberiensis. 618 Notes on the Range of several Ameri- can Limicolce. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, pp. 453-457. Notes on the range of certain species of the fenera Himantopits, Macrorhamphun, Tringa, dinosa and Numenius. The heads of Himan- topu,hs of animals, and a skiu of Ca.snarius bicaninculatwi. with an extract from a letter from Dr. George Bennett concerning the habitat of C. bennetti. 623 [Notice of a new work on American Birds, and remarks on Turdiia snhcinvrenH and on a supposed species of CnipoIeffUH.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, pp. 554. 555. Notice of the "Nomenclator Avium Neotropi- caliuni," with a tabular list showing the propo.sed arrangement. It is pointeociofi, with their Incalition, aixl notcw on tlic iiior iiitontiiig pxainples. 'I'hofol- htwiii); Bix'oioH nro (ioafribcd a nt-w : ThrynphiUi* ftihus. Tiidirontnnn pulchelliim. TijrannixettK viri- (furni/itM, MyiMu-t avn-iventris, nud O^rallaria erythrvleuea. *(For Part I boo Pror. Zool. Soe. London, lfi7, p. 082: Vt. II, 1808. p. 17:i: I't. Ill, 1868, p. 568; Pt. IV. 18(!'., p. 151; Pt. V, 1869, p. 5!6; Pt. VI, 187:t. p. 184j It. VIII, 1874, p. 677; Pt.IX. 1876, j.. 15.) Not on the I'lfranga roaeogularis of Cabot. Jbui, 1873, pp. 1-25, 126, pi. iii. Pyranria roHeoffvlanx Is n'lnarked upon, charac- toriaed liud ligured. 635 Additious to the List of Birds of Nicara- gaa. IbU, 1873, pp. 372, 373. A nominal list of 17 spociea not represented in ilr. Tliomas Belt's former collection Irom Nicara- gua. (See Salvin, Ibix, 1872, p. 311.) 636 Notes on Birds observed at Para. By E. L. Lavard. With descriptions of two new species by P. L. .Sclater. Ibit, 1873, pp. 374-30C, pis. xiv, xv. Field notes on 120 8peie8 by Mr. E. L. Layard. twoof whicli, I'ieulaptes layar'diawA Thamnophihix gimplex, are descrilKxl a new by ilr. Sclater and figured. 637 Index to the Ornithological Literature of 1872. By P. L. Sclater and O. Fiusch. Ibis, 1873, pp. 431-493. An alphabetical re<'ord of the Ornithological publicatioUH of 1872, with short abstracts of their content.'^. 638 Remarks on Cervitt chilenais and Cer- vusantisicnHia. Ann. and Mag. \at. Jlixt., ser. 4, XI, pp. 213.214(1873). Remarks showing that the animals described by Dr. Gray as Huarnfla lettcoHs and Xenelaphus anomaloeera are referable to Cervus chilennis and V.anti*ieni)iji, respectively. (See paper No. 679.) 639 The Zoological Collections in the India House. Mature, VII, pp. 4.", 458 (1873). Remarks on the inaccessibility of the r.oologi- oal coU)!C>tions in the India House, and siii^ges- tions for properly hoiisiug thcin. 640 [Note on the generic term Drepanepho- r.] \atvre, VIII, p. 102 (1873). The generic name Ih-fiinnfphdnif, n'ven t a new liird of Paradise at a nie<-ting of the /oolo)!' leal Society of London, having been preoccupied, is changed to lyrepanornit. (See aUo Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1873, p. C60 i Mature, VIII, p. 305.) 641 The Ilnemnl. Saturr, VIII, p. 302 (1873). Letter on the Hueniul {Crvtu ehiltntU) of Chili and Patagonia. 642 The new Bird of Paradise. Xalure, VIII, pp. 30."), 300 (1873). A description and fi;;ure of Drepanonns alber- tin, with remarks. (See also Proe. Zool. Hoe. London, 1873, p. 560; A'ature, VIII,p.l92.) 643 The new Marine Animal from Wash- ington Territory. Nature, VIII, pp. 487, 488 (1873). Note on Terrillia blakei, Stearns, a new Polype from Harraud's Inlet, Washington Territory, tne ossified remains of which had oeeu described bj' Dr. (Jray as Oxteocella septcntrionalin. (See Scl., Rep. Brit. Astoc. Adv. Sci., 1872, Pt. II, p. 140.) 644 [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in December, 1873.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, pp. 1, 2, pi. i. Ciconia boyciana is figured. 645 On the species of the genns Synallaxis, of the family J)endrocolaptid(e. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, pp. 2-28, pis. ii- Iv. A synopsis of the species of Synallaxis, together with a chronological list of the literature on the genus and a table allowing the distribution of the species. Fifty eight valid and four doubtful spe- cies are enumerated, of which the following are described as new : S. hypospodia, S. subpudica, S. inustelina, Natt. MS., .S'. mibcrintata and 8. hud- soni. The following species are figured : 8. stieto- thorax, S. sctUata. S. kollari, S. eandcei, S. suberis- tata and S. hypostieta. 646 [Exhibition of two skulls of Baird's Tapir {Tapiruti bairdi) from Mexico.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, p. 89. 647 [Exhibition of the horns of a male and female Arkar Sheep (Oris arAar).] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, p. 89. [Exhibition of a specimen of the Wild Ibex of Crete.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1874, pp. 89, 00. Exhibition to the Zoological Society of London of a stutfed skin of the wild Ibex o'f Crete, -and remarks showing that the spe<'ies is referable to Cavra ivgayru* ( i'alla.revioni<-iei>), dt*iurf.A in the text. The genera treattMl of are: Sc;/talo- put, Merulaxiti, ifhinocryjita, JAosccUk, Iterupto- chu, IJylaetex, Acroptemis and Triptorhiniu. Dr. A. B. Meyer'.s Ornithological Dis- coveries in New Guinea. Jfcw, 1874. pp. 410-420. A summarj- of tlie contents of Dr. Meyer's several iia]>ers on the ornithological results of his expedition to New (iuineu. 676 The Geographical Distribution of Mam- mals. SeUnee Leeture for the People, No. 5, sixth series, Mancliester, 1874, ])p. 67-84. A popular lo-tnre on the geograpiiical distri- bution of manimuls delivered ill the ilulmetown hall, Manchester, on November 20, 1874. 677 [Keport on the add i tions to the Society's Menagerie in December, 1874.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, p. 1. 678 Descriptions of some new species of South American Birds. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, pp. 37-39, pi. vi. Mierocereulus squainulattu, Automohu Hriati- eepK and Tigrisoma salmoni are described, of which the lirst named is figured. A synopsis of tlio four known species ot^ Tigrixoma is given. Tlie lieads o( TigrUoma /euciatum and T. al- moni are ligared in the text. 679 [Exhibition of a skin and sknll of a female Huemul {Cervns chilensU) and re- marks on the Deer of Chili and western Peru.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, pp. 44-47. Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- ciety of London, of a skin and skull of a female, and a i)air of horns of a male C'ervun ehUentix, with an extract of a communication from Mr. E. C. Keed containing the synonymy of and remarks upon Oervvn chilensis. C antinensu, V. whitelyi and C. peruvianus. The left horu of C, chiUnsis is figured in the text. (See paper No. 63gJ 680 On some rare Parrots living in the So- ciety'.s Gardens. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, pp. 59-62, pis. X, xi. The rarer species of parrots living in the Zoo- logical Society's Menagerie are enumerated, and remarks made upon Chry.iot>s guatemalee. O. boni/veti, and the species of the genus Cacatua. Caraftm goji'mi and Ghrytotis bouqueti are figured. The feet of Cacatua sanguinea and C. goffini are figured in the text. 681 [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in .January, 1875, and remarks on Canis cliama.^ Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875, pp. 81,82, pi. xvii. Cani.i chama is remarked upon and figured, and attention directed to the other important .idditions to the Zoological Socfety's Menagerie in January, 1875. 682 [Exhibition of a drawing of a supposed new Rhinoceros from the Terai of Bhoo- tan.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 82. 683 [Exhibition of a living specimen of the Peguan Tree-Shrew ( Tnpaia peguana) and a Sciuirrel (Sciurua bIanfordi).'\ Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 82. 684 Further remarks on the Cassowaries living in the Society's (Jardeiis and on other species of the genus Casnariua. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1875. pp. 84-87, pis. xviii-xx. Additional notes* on the Cassowaries living in the Gardens of the Zoological Soi'iety of London. Caifuariiis bennetti. C. ventrrmanni,' and C.picti- ciillix. sp. n., an- diagnosed, C bcccarii, sp. n.,is described, and an "Index sp<>cierum generis Cas- iijirii" appended. C.picticolUs, O. wextermanni and ('. unuippendicvlatvx are figured. The head and wattles of ('. becearii are tigiiresed to be that of G. incticollis. [Remarks on animals seen during visits recently made to several zoological gar- dens in Rotterdam, the Hague, Amster- dam, Antwerp and Ghent.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 187.'^, pp. 379, 380. [Exhibition of and remarks on the typical specimen of Ccntropsar >.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 380. Note showing that the skin of the typical speci- men of Cenfropsar iiiiru had been "made up," and that the name mii.st therefore be removed from the ornithological category. (See paper Xo. 053.) On several raro or littlo-known Mam- mals now or lately living in the Society's Collection. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 417-423, pis. xlvii-li. Remarks on Macacus specio,ius. 2f. rlieg'i-.iimilis, Ateles melanochir, Hapah melaniira, Caiiis/aine- liens, Prncyon cancnvorvs, and Cerrvlux inicru nis, sp. n. Macacus specio.fii.'i, Ateh'.i melanochir (2 nlatos), llapale melannra. Cervulus micrurus. ana ('. reevcsi, vit., are figured. The species of the genua Cervulus are also remarked upon. [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in May, 1875.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 469. 694 [Notice of a Memoir on the Rhinoce- roses now or lately living in the Society's Menagerie.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 470. [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in June, July, August, and September, 1875.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 527-530, pis. Iviii, lix. Casriarius beccarii and Oazella granti are fig- ured. 696 Description of two new species of Birds from the State of Antioquia, U. S. C. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. ' Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, pp. 541, 542. Catharus phceopleurus and Automolus holostie- tus are described. 697 [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in October, 1875.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 565. [Exhibition of and remarks on the upper horn of a two-horned Rhinoceros from the valley of the Brahmapootra.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 566. 699 [Remarks on the female plumage of Pauxis galeata.'\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 566. [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in Noveml)er, 1875.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 633. [Exhibition of and remarks on a skin oi Hypocolius ampeUnus, Bp.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 633. Synopsis of the species of the subfamily Diglossinw. Ibis, 1875, pp. 204-221, pis. iv, v. A synopsis of the 1") known species of the sub- family lUijloysiniv, with a table showing tht'ir geographical distribution. I?onapartc'.s name Agrilorhinus is cuicnded to Ancylorhinii.s. and IH- fflo.s.sa iiectoralis and D. albilaterali.i{cf and 9 ) are figured. The genera treated of are Diglossa and IXglos,so2)is. 703 On Turdits jaranicus of Horslield and its allied form, Turdus schlefieli. Ibi.t. 1875, pp. 344-347. pi. viii. Kcniarks oioH of the Tiins- grino geiiu8 Chlorochrysa. Ibis, 1!<75, pp. 464-467, pi. x. A review of the tlir<>oj>eoiP8of thogcnuH Ohio- roehryta, vii, C. eallipana, C. phcenieotU and C. n i t t duti ma. TtaeUatnamed spcoiMiH tigured. 70S On the Curassows now or lately living in the Society's Gardens. Trann. Zool. Soc. London, IX, pp. 273-288> pis. xl-liii (1875). A synopsis of tlie sjiecies of Cnrnssows, aiiil lists of the 8i>ecimen8 now or lately livinR in tlie (Janlcns of t he Zoological Sociof y of London. The generic name I'auxi in enieudetl to J'avxiti, and Crajc viridirostris is described hs a new species. The following species are figured : Crax globieera ft^. 9). C. daiibentoni (cT,?), C. aleetor (cf,9), C. sclateri (c^, 9 ) C- tjlobulosa (cf . 9 ). (^- earunni- lata ((/,9), G. albertx (,f, 9). C. incommoda (9), Kothoerax unimutum, Mitua tiiberota, M. tomen- tota, Pauxi galeata, and 1'. galeata vor. rubra. (See also Tran*. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 643, 1879.) 70e Cassowaries. KaHire, Xn, pp. 516, 517 (1875). A review of the genus Caguariun. The nine known species are enumerated and remarked upon. 707 On the Distribution of the Species of Cassowaries. Fep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sd., 1874, pt 2, p. 138 (1875). Abstract of a paper reas on the more interenting s|>ecies. Thamno- philus wfiancliroiiM and Golumha albipennis are described as new. The former is tigured. *(Kor I'art I see Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1867, p. 982: I't. 1 1, 1868, p. 173; Vt. Ill, 1868. p. 568 : Pt. IV, 186U, p. 151 ; It V, 1869. p. 596; Pt. VL 187.1, p. 184; Pt. VII, 1873, p. 779; Pt. VIIL 1874, p. 677.) 713 [Extract from a Keportof the visit of H. M. S. I'eterel to the Galapagos Islands.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 178, 179. 714 [Exhibition of and remarks on an ant- ler of a Kusa Deer.] . Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 179, 180. 715 Descriptions of new Birds obtained by Mr. C. Buckley in Bolivia. By P. L. Scla- ter and Osbert Salviu. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 258, 254. The followinir four sjiecies are described: Dig- lossa glaiica. Piiarreiiion inelanops, Leptopogon- triitis and Hypozanthu.i atriceps. 716 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1876.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 254, 255. 717 [Exhibition of and remarks on a new Parrot (Conurits illigeri) belonging to the Museum of NeuchAtel.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 255, 256. Ara couloni (Contirus illiaeri, Tschudi) is de scribed as a new species. The head is figured in the text. 718 Notes on some of the Blue Crows of America. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876. pp. 268-272. Notes on, and the synonymy of the seven spe- cies of tlie genus Cyariiicitta. of which C.germana is described as new. 719 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1876.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 27:<, 274. Lophotragus viichianus, (f, i.s figured in the text. 720 [Exhibition of sind remarks on the skin of a female of Anderson's Pheasant.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 274. It is here pointed out th.it Phasianut craw/tird- ii, as described by Dr. (iray, is the female of Kuplocavms andersoni. KUiot, and that the sir-- i'ies should strictly be callecainu* eraw- furdi. 721 [Exhibition of aud remarks tipon a series of skins of the Parrots of the Fiji Islands, obtained by Mr. E. L. I^ayard, F. Z. S.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London. 1876, pp. 307, 308. Skins of Vyrrhuliipti* atrigrilnri*. P. tavxunrntis, P. t/ilendent and /'. iirmonata were exhibited to a m>eting of the Zoological Society of London, aud remarked upon. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 47 722 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1876.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 332, 333, pi. XXV. Report on tho additions to the Zoological So- ciety's Menagerie, with notes on the moie inter- esting species. Polyborustharus, var., is figured. On new species of Bolivian Birds. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Sac. London 1876, pp. 352-358, pis. xxx-xxxiii. Tho genus Malacothraupis and the following new species are described : Gatharus mentalis, Basileutenis euophrys, 'Malacothraupis denta- to, Calliste puncttdata, C. fulvicervix, C. argy- rofenges, Chlorospinyus calophrys, Cyanocorax nigriceps, Ochthodiceta fuscunifus, Ochthueca put- chella, Ancereteg jlavirostris, Lathria uropygialis, Grallaria ei-ythrotis, Thamnophilus sub/asdatus and Asturvna saturata. Ghirocylla is proposed as a new generic name for Lathria xiropy^alis. Fig- ures are given of the following species: Calliste fulvicervix, C. argyrofenges, Malacothraujjis den- tata, LathriM uropygialis, and Thamnophilus sub- jfasciatus (cf,9). The head, wing and foot of Malacothraupis dentata, and the wing of Lathria uropygialis, are figured in the text. 724 A Revision of the Neotropical Anatidw. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 358-412, pi. xxxiv. A revision of the neotropical Anatidce, includ- ing general remarks on the family, a synopsis of the species (62 in number), and a table of their geographical distribution, with notes tliereon. Ourqtiedula andium is figured. The male and female of hybrids between Bemicla dispar and B.magellanica are figured in the text. The fol- lowing are the genera treated of: Anser, Bemicla, Chenalopex, Cygnus, Dendrocygna, Sarcidiornis, Cairina, Anas, Heteronetta, ^erquedula, Daftla, Mareca, Spatula, Aix, Metopiana, Fuligula, dlan- gula, (Edemia, Tachyeres, Urismatura, Merganetta and Mergvs. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1876, and remarks on the Cassowaries in the Society's col- lection.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 413, 414, pi. xxxv. Report on the additions to the Zoological Socie- ty's Menagerie, with special reference to a collec- taon from Angola brought home by Lieut. V. R. Cameron. Ooliiis easfanonotu.'i is fiftnred. A list of the Cassowaries liviug in the Society's Gardens is given. 720 [Extracts from several letters addressed to Mr. Sclater by Dr. G. Bennett, F. Z. S., referring to the proceedings of Mr. L. M. D'Albertis, C. M. Z. S.] Proc. ZooL Soe. London, 1876, p. 414. 727 [Exhibition of a rare Pacific Parrot, Coriphilua kuhli, and remarks on its hab- itat.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1876, pp. 421, 422. On the Birds collected by Dr. Comrie on the southeast coast of New Guinea during the survey of H. M. S. Basilisk. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 459^61, pis. xlii, xliii. A list of 11 species, with remarks upon them. Manucodia comrii is described as new and figured. Megapodius macgillivraii is also figured. 729 [Report on the .tdditions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1876, and list of Indian animals deposited by H. R. H, the Prince of Wales.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 462-464. 730 [Exhibition of Land Crabs from Ascen- sion Island, presented by Dp. S. B. Drew.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 464, 465. Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological Soci- ety of London, of specimens of Geocareiiius lagos- toma, with an extract from a letter from Dr. Drew containing remarks upon them. 731 [Exhibition of and remarks on the skins of a male and female Pheasant (Lobiophasis bulweri).'\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 465, pi. xliv. Exhibition, to a meeting of the Zoological So- ciety of London, of the skins of the male and female of Lobiophasis bulweri, with the charac- ters of the female. Both male and female are figured. 732 [Exhibition of a drawing of a Fruit- Pigeon, apparently belonging to Carpo- phaga paulina, living in the Society's Gardens.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 519. [Exhibition of a collection of Birds received from Signer 1.,. M. D'Albertis, and descriptions of two new Parrots.] Proc. Zool. Soc. iowdon, 1876,pp.519,520,pl liv. Trichoglossus subplacens and Cyclopsitta suav- issima are described. Tho latter is figured. 734 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in June, July, August, and September, 1876.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 693-C96, pis. Ixvi-lxviii. Report on the additions to the Zoological So- ciety's Menagerie, with remarks on the most noticeable species. Corvxis ra^jeZ^anw* (described as a new species), Sarcidiorni.t vwlanomita and S. caruneulata are figured. Cerviilus micrurus (described in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 422) is pointed out to be referable to C. reevesi. 735 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in October, 1876.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 751. 736 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of a young Rhinoceros from the Suuderbuuds.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, i>. 751. 48 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 737 [Report on the addit iotia to the Socie- ty 8 Menagerie in November, 1876.] Proe. jSooI. Soc. London, 1876, pp. 775, 776. 738 Ornithological Notes from Constanti- uoplo. By f*. L. Sclater and E. C. Taylor. Ibi*, 1876, i)p. OMi5. Notes on the binl.Hol)8PrvHl during n short visit to Constant inoplu in September and October, 1875. 739 On recent Ornithological Progress in New Guinea. Ibit, 1876, pp. 243-259. A r6.suni6 of the contributions to the omitbo- logical literature of Is'cw Guinea. (See also IbU, 1876, p. 357.) 740 Further Ornithological News from New Guinea. Ibit, 1876, pp. 357-364. Additional notes on the contributions to the literature ou the Kew Guinea avifauna. (See also Ibis, 1876, p. 243.) 741 Description of a new Tanager of the genus Calliate, and remarks on other re- cently discovered species. Ibi*, 1876, pp. 407-410. pi. xii. CallUte melanotis is described and figured and remarks made on some other species of the genus CaUitte. C. cyanotis is figured also. 742 On the Rhinoceroses now or lately liv- ing in the Society's Menagerie. Trant. Zool. Soc. London, IX, pp. 645-660, plB. xcv-xcix (1876). The following species^ are remarked upon and figured : Jdiinoceros iintcomis, J{. sondaicut, R. tumatretisiti, 1(. lamitiis and J{. bicomin. Tl)e ex- amples of Khinocerosea living in the Zoological Society's Menagerie from 1834-1875 are enume- rated. The text is illustrated. On the present state of our knowledge of Geographical Zoology. Address deliv- ered to the lUological Section of the Brit- ish Association, at Bristol, August 25, 1875. Itep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. .Sei. , 1875, Pt. II, pp. 85-133. [Also separately printed.] The presidential address to tlie Biolo^iral Se<;tion of the liritisli AHSociation, at Bristol, 1875, being a review of the distribution of tlie terrestriarnipnibers of the vertebrate subking- doni of animals over the earth's surfac*!, wliicli is divideSoc. London, 1878, p. 1. 774 [Report on the additions to the Socie- tj''8 Menagerie iu January, 1878.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 115. 116. 775 On the collection of Birds made by Professor Steere in South America. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 135-142. pis. xi-xiii. lieniarks on 22 rare or little-known species con- tained in a collection of 362 specie.^ made by Profes-sor Steere during a journey across South America. The following new species are de- scribed: Oryzohorus atiirostris, Myiarchus semi- ru/us, Fximarius pHvatus, Capito steerii, and Cryptunis tranx/aseiatug. Myiarchus setnint/us. Capito uteerii and Crypturus trans/aseiatu* are figured. 776 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of a Cassowary in the collection of the British Museum.] Proc. Zool Soe. London, 1878, pp. 212-214 Kcmarks on Catuarius salvadorii, with a figure of its head in the text. 777 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1878.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878. p. 289. 778 [Exhibition of and remsirks on a sec- ond colh'ctioii of Birds from Duke of York Island, New Britain, and New Ire- land, received from the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1878. pp. 289. 290. Twenty-three species are enumerated and re- marks made upon some of them. (Seo also J'rnc. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, pp. 28,96; 1878, p. 670; 1879, p. 446; 1880, p. 65.) [Exhibitim of and remarks upon the typi(.'il specimen of Xinox aolomonin, Sharpe.] Proe. Zool. Soe. Loudon, 1878, p. 29t). 780 [Exhibition of a Coot, probably the typical specimen of Fulica gallinuloidea.'} Proc. Zool. Soe. London. 1878, p. 291. 781 [Exhibition of and remarks upon the typical specimen of DUrurus maryinatua of Blyth.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 339. 782 Reports on the collections of Birds made during the voyage of H. M. S. Chal- lenger. No. VIII. On the Birds of the Saudwich Islands. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 346-351. Thirteen species are enumerated and remarkeferi/ are described. The last two mentioned are figured. 787 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in April, 1878.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 441. 788 Further remarks on Fuligula nationi. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 187B. pp. 477-479, pi. xxxli. Fuligula nalinni is ehnra<'terized and fignnHl, The trachea of this duck is also figured in tlie text and remarked upon. (Scealao Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, p. 522.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 51 Reports on the collections of Birds made during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. No. X. On the Birds of the Atlantic Islands and Kerguelen's Land, and on the miscellaneous collec- tions. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 576-579. A r68um6 of the contents of several of the col- lections of the Ohallenger expedition. (See also Proc. Zool. Sac. London, 1877, pp. 534, 551 ; 1878, pp. 346, 431, 650.) 790 [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Menagerie in May, 1878, and remarks on Tapirus roulini.'\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 631, 632, pi. xxxix. Keport on the additions to the Zoological So- ciety s Gardens, with notes on the more remarka- ble specimens. Tapirus roulini is figured. [Exhibition of and remarks upon a young specimen of Temminck's Manis {Mania teniviincki) from Zanzibar.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 632, 633. 792 [Remarks upon the living examples of CicoHia maguari and Ciconia episeopus now in the Society's Gardens.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 633. Notesi on the mimicry of the rectrices by the <;longated upper tail-covert.s in Ciconia maguari and C. episcopuH. It is also shown that the ge- neric name Euxenura should give place to Dissxira. 793 Reports on the collections of Birds made during the voyage of H. M. S. Chal- leuger. No. XI. On the Steganopodes and Impeuues. By P. L. Sclater and Os- bert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, pp. 650-655. Notes on nine species of Steganopodes and six species of Impennes. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 534, 551 ; 1878. pp. 346, 431, 576.) 794 [Note on a second specimen of Felis lanea.'] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 655, 656. Extract from a letter from Mr. E. L. Lavard in- timating the existence of an example of Felit lanea in the South African iluseum. (See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 187", p. 530 ; 1884, p. 476.) 795 [Notice of a supplementary memoir on the Curassows (Cracidai).~\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 656. 796 On a third collection of Birds made by the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S., iu the Duke of York Group of Islands and its vicinity. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878 pp. 670-673, pi. xlii. A tabular list of 30 species, with their localities and remarks upon the more interesting species. Carpophaga melanochroa is described as new and figured. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pp. 28, 96; 1878. p. 289; 1879, p. 446: 1880, p. 65.) 797 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in June, July, August, September, and October, 18'i8.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 788-791. [Notice of some hybrid Monkeys lately born in the Society's Menagerie.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 791. Notes on hybrids between ilacaciis cynoniolgus, (f, and Cercocebus fuliginosnt, 9i ^nd Maeacus eynomolgvi, cT, and Cynocephahis mormon. $, born iu the Menagerie of the Zoological Society of Loudon. 799 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a specimen of Saxicola stapazina killed in Lancashire.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1878, p. 881. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 977.) 800 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1878.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 975, 976, pi. Ixi. Ara spixi is figured. [Further remarks on the occurrence of Saxicola 8ta2)azina in Lancashire.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 977. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 881.) 802 [Notice of an error in the last part of the Society's Proceedings.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 977. A correction of an error which had taken place in the "Proceedings ' (1878, p. 637) with reference to a collection of butterflies from Billiton. Revision of the species of the Cotingine genus Pipreola. Ihis, 1878, pp. 164-173, pl.vi. Swainson's name, Pipreola, for the green Cotin- gas is adopicd, and synonyms of the genus given, together with a synopsis of the species, of which nine are enumerated. Pipreola Jrontalis is figured. 804 Preliminary remarks on the Neotrop- ical Pipits. Ibii. 1878, pp. 356-367, pi. x. A review of the American species of the genus Anthus. Six species are enumerated, of which A. nattereri is described as new and figured. The text is illustrated. 805 Note on the Breeding of the Sacred Ibis in the Zoological Society's Gardens. Ibis, 1878, i)p. 449-451, pi. xii. Observations on the breeding of Ibis cethiopica in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Lou- don. The young bird and egg are figured. 52 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 806 Zoological Distribntion and some of its difllculties. Proe. Roy. Intt. Qrt, Brit., VIII, pp. 611-513 (1878). An abntract of a locturo delivered before the Koyal Institution of (ireat Itritain on zooloj^ical diatriliiilion. Tlu> 'haractcri8tic HjKH-ic'8 of eacii soolo|;icl area ftrtreateon. 815 [Remarks upon the Japanese Deer (Cer- VM$ Bika).] Proe Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 294. On the Japanese deer (Oervtis rika) breeding in oaptiyity, with extracts from a letter from Lord Powersconrt containing remarks upon them. 816 Remarks on some Parrots living in the Society's Gardens. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, pp. 299-301, pi. xxviil. Report on the collection of parrots in the Zoo> loi;ical Society's Menagerie, with rciiiurks on the following H|>ecies: lirutiigerys tuipaia.li.chryiop- tera, PaUtomiiicfianiteephnluK. J', rima. l'./a*eiatu, and Caicaxanthomera. Thelast-muntionedspecies IS figured. 817 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in Marcli, 1879.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 308. 818 [Exhibition of the Eggs collected by the naturalists of the Challenyei- Expedi- tion.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, pp. 309-311. Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological .Soci- ety of London of a series of 250 eggs referaiile to al>out 50 species, which arc enumerated, with their localities. 819 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1879.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 384. 820 [Report on the dimensions and weights of the Indian Elephants.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 385. The dimensions and weights of the four Indian elephants living in the Zoological Society's Me- nagerie are given. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 450; 1883, p. 465.) 821 [Remarks on the Zoological Gardens of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Cologne, Frank- furt, and Antwerp.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 438. Remarks on the interesting animals and other objects observed diirluf. a visit to the above- ineutioned gardens. 822 On a fourth collection of Birds made by the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S., on Duke of York Island and its vicinity. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, i>p. 446-451, pis. xxxvi, xxxvii. A list of 41 s|)ecie8, with remarks on the more interesting ones. Orauralu.i imblineatu.s, Myzo- inela cineraeea, Donaeicola (einenii. ex Donaeola, (ioiild) xpeelabilis, and Munia/orbesi are described as new species and figured. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London. 1877, pp. 28, 96; 1878, pp. 289, 670; 1880, p. 65.) 823 [Remarks on two volumes of original drawings of the Birds of India, by Brig. Gen. A. C. M'Master.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 460. The two volumes contain about 270 figures of the birds of India, and are deposited in the Zoo- logical Society's library. 824 {Exhibition of and remarks upon a lection of Birds from the Argentine Republic] Proc. Zool. Sne. London, 1879, pp. 460, 461. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 53 Exhibition to a meeting of tlio Zoological So- ciety of London of a collection consisting of nine species of birds from Argentina Doring's MS. name. Phacellodomus tibilatHx, ia adoptd as the name of a new species. 825 On the Birda collected by the late Mr. T. K. Salmon in the State of Antioquia, United States of Colombia. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, pp. 486-550, pis. xli-xliii. An account of Mr Salmon's collections and the localities in which tliey were made, and a sum- mary of the previous literature on the avifauna of C'olombia. The collections (eight in number) consisted of about 3,500 specimens, referable to 468 species, which are enumerated and remarked up. Xat. Muk., 1, p. 166). yraniiu.1 niveigularis is figured. The text is illu.strated. 845 On a f^fth collection of Birds made by the Rev. G. Brown, C. M. Z. S., on the Duke of York Island and its vicinity. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, pp. 6&-67, pis. vi-viii. A list of 13 species, of which the following arc described as new: Megalurus interseaptuarU, Paeeilodryas (rthiops, Mvnia melcena, and Rcdhu inHgnig. Also notes on a small collection in spintA. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, pp. 28,96; 1878, pp. 289,670; 1879, p. 446.) 846 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in January, 1880, and ex- hibition of a drawing of an nndescribed Parrot of the genus Chrysoiia living in the Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool Soe London, 1880. pp. 67, 68, pi. ix. Chrygoti ! eoeligena* is described and figured. C. dvjfrenniana is also figured. *(cf. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1879, p. 815.) 847 [Remarks upon the probable identity of Colobu8 paUiafus, Peters, Avith C. an- golensis, Scl.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 68. 848 On new Birds collected by Mr. C. Buckley in eastern Ecuador. By P. L. Sclater and Osbert Salvin. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, pp. 155-161, pis. xvi, xvii. The following species are described : Uylophi- lus /uneieapillut. Semosia ehrytojtis, Platyrhyn- ehut tenex. Serjwphaga albogrUea, Syristen albo- cinereu*. ilyioehanen nipreseen*, Ileteroceratu aurantiieertex, Ptilnehlorxs hurkUyi, Automolus dorialu, Dynthamnux tvhplumhevs, Ili'rjmloch- mtu fraUr, Myrinotheruln svodionnta, Terenura hunuralix. Ih/pocnonix ttellata. II. lepidonota, Pithystnelammtirta. (Irallaria diguisitiiiia, f'eleus speetabilit, and I'orzana cenovn. Ptilochlorin buck- 2yt, ad. et pull., and (Jrallana dignissima are tig- ured. 849 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1880.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 186. 860 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in March, 1880.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 288. 851 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in April, 1880.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, P- 355. Phaueolarctu* cinereu* is figured in the text. 852 [Exhibition of and remarks upon an Ibis {Gerontirus vomatus).'] Proe. Zool. Sue. London, 1880, p. 356. Exhibition to a meeting of tli(> Zoological So- ciety of London of a specimen of Oerontieuji eo- inaius ohtaiwil by Mr. Danford on the Eupbratea, and notes on the distribution of the species. 853 [Remarks on Animals observed in the Zoological GardeiiH of Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Tiie Hague, and Antwerp.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 420. [Exhibition of a Spider of the genus Tegenaria, forwarded from Cape Town by J. H. Payne.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 421. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in May, 1880, and descrip- tion of a new Lemur {Lemurnigerrimn8).~\ Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, pp. 450-452. Lemur 7iigerrimus, ap. nov., is describe*!. The head and that of L. michostruthus socotranus. 871 On some Birds collected by Mr. E. F. im Thurn in British Guiana. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1881, pp. 212-214. Notes on six species of birds contained in a series of skins collected in British Guiana. Age- Iceus imthurni is described as new, and the head of it is figured in the text. 872 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Meuagerie in January, 1881."] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 258, 259, pi. xxix. Pithecia albinasa is figured and its synonyms are given. 873 [Exhibitiou of and remarks upon the Eggs of Opiathocomus criataiua and Cotur- nix delegorgii.1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 259. 874 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a large Spider of the genus Mygale.'] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 325. This species, obtained at Bahia, is referred doubtfully to Mygale bistriata, Koch. 875 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1881. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1881, p. 409. 876 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in March, 1881.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 450. 877 [Note on the weights and measurements of the Indian Eleph.ants in the Society's Menagerie.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 450, 451. The diraen.sions and weights of the four Indian Elephants living in tlie Society's Garden.s, with figures to show the increase in size and weight of the animals since May, 1879. (See Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 385; 1883, p. 405.) 878 [Exhibition of and remarks upon some bird skins l)rought home by the Challen- ger Expedition.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 451. Notes on four species of birds from the Island of Rotumeli. 879 [Exhibition and descriptions of two new Birds from New Britain.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 451-453, pi. xxxix. Trichoglos.tus rubrigularis, sp. nov., and Ortygo eichla ruhiginosa, gen. et. sp. nov., are described- The latter is figured. 56 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 880 On the Birds of the vicinity of Lim, IVru. By P. L. Sclaiter. With notes on their habits by Prof. W. Nation. Part V. ' Proe. Zool. 8oe. London, 1881, pp. 484-488, pi. xlvl. ReniarkA on a rollertion coiiRint in^ of 12 Hpocim, two of whii'h Hvarrrtiion nationi ai\i\ LrjitaHhe- nnra piUata tire dt'scrilwd an now. Tlu> former spocieH in flgnriHl. * ( For I'nrt I see Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1866, p. 9; I't. II. 1867, p. ."HO; lt. Ill, 1869, p. 146; pt. IV, 1871, p.46.) 881 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in April, 1881.] Proe. Zool Soe. London, 1881, pp. 626, 627, pi. liv. The adult and young of Orvx beixa arc figured. 882 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of a Chrysotis from Si. Lucia, West Indies.] Proe. ZooL Soe. London, 1881, pp. 627, 628. Rciniirks on Ghrysoti* vertieolor, with notes on th* distribution of the species of ChrysoH* in the Leaner Antilles. 883 [Remcrks upon the Insectarium lately opened in the Society's (iardens.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, pp. 651-656. Ob.servationa on tlie building and arrangement of the inftectariuni, together with a report by Mr. "W. Watkins on the species exhibiteecimen of the Glossy Ibis (I'legadis fftlchwUus) shot at Dog- merslield Park, Hampshire.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 827. 888 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1881.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, pp. 967. 968. 889 [Exhibition of two skins of a Rail from Macquarie Island.] J'roe. Zool. Soe. Lvndon 1881, p. 968. These skins apparently belonged to the species described by Captain Huttou us Kallti* maeijua- rienxis. 890 On an apparently new Parrot of the genus Canurua. Ihi*. 1881, pp. 130, 131,4*1. iv. Vonuru egregitu is described and figured. 891 Descriptions of some new species of Sotith American Birds of the families Ttirann'tdd' an ge- nus, niiecies are figured: H. muxci- capimis, U. fuscieapillus, H. brunneiceps, and H. ferrxigineifrons. 893 Remarks on the recently described Par- rots of the genus Chrysotis. /6iX 1881, pp. 411-414. Remarks on Chn/sotis laeti/rons, C. campalliata, C.apophctnica. ('. panameniiis, C. nieholUi, And C. eoeligena. 894 On two apparently new Finches of the genus Eri/thrHra, with remarks on other known species of the group. Ibis, 1881, ])p. 543-.J46, jil. xv. Krfithrura regia and E. serena' are described and figured, and remarks made on the six other known species of the genus Erythrura. *(Thesetwo species are descrilH-ed. 897 On the Insect House in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. Rep. Brit. Astoe. Adv. Set., 1881, pp. 668, 669. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 57 Notice of the addition to the Zoological Society's Gardens of an insectarium, and rejwrt on tlie in- sects exhiliiteU therein during the year 1881. (See also Proc. Zool Soc. London, 1881, p. 651.) 898 [Report on tbe additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1881. J Froc. Zool. Soc London, 1882, p. 97. [Exhibition of (on behalf of Mr. Peter Inchbald, F. Z.S.) and remarks upon two curious Ducks shot near Darlington.] Proc. Zool. Hoc. London, 1882, p. 134. 900 [Report on the additions to tbe Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp 233, 234, pi. X. The female and young of Bosfrontalig are fig- ured. 901 [Exhibition of living examples of Helix hamastoma.] Proc. Zool. Sijc. London, 1882, p. 286. These specimens had been sent from Ceylon. 902 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 311. 903 [Remarks on the use of the term " Lipo- type."] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 311, 312. Kote on the coining of the word 'lipotype ' for conveniently designating a type of animal life, tbe absence of which is characteristic of a par* ticular district or region. 904 [Exhibition of and remarks upon an adult male of Cyanotityias cwhatis.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 342. The head of Cyanomyias coelegtig, cf , is figured in the text. 905 [Exhibition of and remarks uion the skius of two specimens of the Subcylin- drical Horubill {Buceros subcylindricua).^ Proe. Zool Soc. London, 1882, p. 343. 906 [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Menagerie in March, 1882.] Proe. Zool. Soc. Limdmi, 1882, p. 358. 907 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a drawing of a Taj)ir living in the Soci- ety's Gardens.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1882, p. 391, pi. xxiii. E.\liibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- ciety of London of a drawing of a Tai)ir, prob- ably referable to Tapirus dowii. T. doivii is fig- ured. 908 [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Menagerie in April, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1882, p. 421. Note on an Australian Duck living in the Society's Gardens. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 452-454, pi. xxxiii. Notes on, and synonyms and figure of. Ana* gihberifronit. 910 [Remarks upon the mode of feeding of the joung Cormorants by the parent birds in the Society's Gardens.] Proe Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 458, 459. An illustration of Cormorants feeding their young 18 given in the text. [Exhibition of some Lepidoptera bred in the insect hous*).] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 459. 912 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 546, 547, pi. xxxvii. PoTcula galvanic is figured. (For figure of young see Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pt. xliii, p. 388.) 913 Exhibition of some Lepidoptera, etc., reared at the insect house in the Socie- ty's Gardens. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 548. A list of the insects reared in the Zoological Society's insect house is giveu. 914 Note on Riippell's Parrot. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 577, 578, pi. xlii. The two se\e of Poeocephalus riippelli are ^g- ured and remarked upon. On two apparently new species of the genus Synallaxis. Proc. Zool. Soo. London, 1882, pp. 578, 579, pi. xliii. Synallaxis fuseo-rufa and I'J. griseo-murina are described and figured. A list of the species of Synallaxis described since 1874 is appended. Notes on Birds collected in the Argen- tine Republic. By E. W. White. With notes by P. L. Sclater. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 591-62<>. Two hundred and one .species, accompanied hy Mr. White s field notes and remarks by Mr. Scla ter, are enumerated. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883 p. 37.) 917 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in .June, .Inly, August, September, and October, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, pp. 630,631, pis. xlvi, xlvii. Report on the additions to the Zoological So- ciety s Menagerie, witli notes on themore remark able'species. A provisional name, Canii microtia, is given to a 8uppo.sed new species of Dog. which is iSgured, as is also Oyanorhamphux saisseti. 58 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. [Report on the luHi'ct.s bred in tho in- sect house in the Society's (jurdens.] Proc. Zool. Hoe. London, 182, pp. 32, 6M. 919 [Report on the jvdditions to tlie Socie- ty 8 Menagorie in November, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1882, i>p. 719, 720. 920 [Exhibition of and remarks npou some photojijruphH of a new Zebra {Equus grevyi).] Proc Zool Soe. London, 1882, p. 721. Equtu grevyi is flgureil in tlio t(;xt. 921 Second note on the species of the Ty- rannine genus Hirundhiea. Ibis, 1882, pp. 162-164. Snpplemontnrv remarks to a previous commu- nication (cf. Ibit, 1H69, p. 195) on the species of the conns Uirundinea. Amended diagnoses of the three species are given. 922 [Report on the ndditions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 1. 923 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in January, 1883.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 32. 924 Further notes on Tragelaphus gratus, Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 34-37, pi. viii. Additional remarks on and figures of the male and female of Trayelaphus grat%u. The head is al.so figured in the text. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1880, p. 452.) 925 Supplementary notes on the Birds of the Argentine Republic. By E. W. White. With remarks by V. Ij. Sclater. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 37-43, pi. Ix. Field nfttes by Mr. Whito and remarks hy Mr. Sclater on 34 species not re]>re8ented in Mr. White's former collection. Pootpiza whitii is de- scribed as new and figured. (See also Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1882, p. 591.) 926 On Birds collected in the Timor Laut or Teuimber grouj) of i.slands, by Mr. Henry O. Forbes. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 48-58, pis. xi-xiv. A list of 54 species and their localities, with de- scriptions of those tliat are new and notes on several others imperfectly known. Fifteen new species are described, xu.'Nxnoxforheiii, Strix sor- oreula, TanyrpiathuH ititfxtj^inxs, Monarcha catwi, M. mundus, ' Khijndnra hainadryan, 31}fiagra ful- viventrit, iltcneca hemixantha, Orauealuii unimn- dus, LcUaye nursta, Pachycephala arrtitorijuis, JHecetan/uUfidum, Myzmnrla annabellce. Oalomit ertuta, and itegapodiun tetiiinberenxi*. The follow- ing siH'cies are figiirwl : .\ijiox forhesi, Monarcha eeulux, J/. inunduK, Pachycephala arelitnrqvis {(f, $), and Galomit crer xurfaco of the bills of Monarcha inundut and M. caKliis. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 194.) 927 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1883.] Proe. Zool Soe. London, 1883, pp. 73, 74. * . 928 [Remarks upon a sjjecimen of Macropus eruhescens in the Gardens of the Zoolog- ical and Acclimatization Society, M^- bourne, Australia.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 131. 929 [Remarks on a new list of British Birds.] Proe. Zool Soe. London, 1883, pp. 131, 132. A note on the B. O. IT. list of British birds, with a table showing tho results of the exami- nation and cataloguing of the British species. [Exhibition of a skin of a Crow sent to Mr. Sclater for examination bv Mr. Albert A. C. Le Souef, C. M. Z. S.] Proc. Zool Soe. London, 1883, p. 144. This skin apparently belonged to a variety of Corvus austratis. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1883.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 178. 932 Additional notes on Birds collected in Timor Laut or Teuimber group of islands by Mr. Henry O. Forbes. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, pp. 194-200, pis. xxvi-xxviii. A list of 40 species and their localities, with descriptions of those that are new and remarks on those of special interest. Tho following new species are described: Rhipidura fusco-rvja, R. opistherythra, Pachycephala fuseo-fiara, Zo$terop griieiventrit, Oerygone domalit, and Mimfta de- cipiens. Figures are given of Eelectus riedeli (cf , 9), Rhipidura ftisco-ru/a. and Pachycephala ftisco- jlava (cf, 9). A listof the60 species known to in- habit tho Teniraber group is appended. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1883, p. 48.) 933 [Exhibition of a .skin of a rare Para- dise Bird {Ithipidornis guUelmi-teriii).] Proe. Zool Soe. London, 1883, p. 252. 934 [Remarks on Radde's "Internationale Farbenskala."] Proe. Zool Soe. London, 188.'}, p. 252. Remarks on and explanation of the use of Kadde'a work on tho nomenclature of colours, a copy of which hud been added to the Zoological Society's library. 935 * [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in April, 1883. J Proe. Zool Soe. London, 1883, p. 346. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OP PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 59 [List of the species of Lepidopterous Insects bred in the Society's insect house, and exhibition of living speci- mens of the West Indian Firefly.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 346, 347. 937 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a selection of Birds from New Britain, New Irelanfl, and the Solomon Islands sent to Mr. Sclater for examination by the Rev. George Brown, C. M. Z. S.] Free. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 347, 348. Examples of twelve species of birds were ex- hibited, to a meeting of the Zoological Society of Londou and remarked upon. 938 [Exhibition of and remarks upon two birds obtained near Lima, Peru, and transmitted by Prof. William Nation, C.M.Z.S.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 348, 349. Exhibition of, to a meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and remarks on Buteo ahhrevi- atus aiul Polyoni/mvs caroli. Buarremon nationi, Scl., iH pointed out to be identical with Pipilo myxtacalm, Tacz., hut the specific name mystacalis had been previously used. Nationi is retained. 939 [Remarks upon a Condor from Peru living in the Society's Gardens.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 349, pi. xxxv. Ilemarks ou and figure of Sarcorhamphus cequa- torialis. 940 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1883,] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 388, pi. xliii. Porcula salvania, pull., is figured. (For figure of adult see Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1882, p. 546, pi. xxxvii.) 941 [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Menagerie during the months of June, Julv, August, September, and Oc- tober, 1883.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 4C3, 464, pis. xlvi, xlvii. Report on the additions to the Zoological Soci- ety's collection, with notes on tlioae of special interest and figures of Pelecamia trachyrhynchus and Bahirvxsa al/urvs, young. 942 [Remarks upon the opening of the Socie- ty's new reptile house.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 464. The opening of the Zoological .Society's new reptile house took jdaco ou August 4, 1883. The total number of specimens exhibited therein on October 1 was 211. 943 [Note upon the increase in size and weight of the young male African Ele- phant purchased July, 1882.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p, 465. Tlio weights and dimensions of a young Ele- pha4i africanvn. taken in July, 1882, and again on October 8, 1883, are given. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 385; 1881, p. 450.) [Exhibition, on behalf of Dr. G. Ben- nett, F. Z. S., and remarks upon some skins of a species of Drepanornis from southern New Guinea.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 578. Mr. Sclater here refers these skins to a new subspecies of Drepanornis albertixi, and calls it D. albertiii cervinicauda. 945 t [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1883.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883. p. 598. 946 Descriptions oi five apparently new species of South American Passeres. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, pp. 653, 654, pi. Ixi. The following species are described : Basileute- rus fraseri, Cauiiie eyanopyyia, Cnipodeetfls minor, AiUomohis rubidus, and Anabazenops oleayineus. The first-mentioned species is figured. 947 On the genera Microhatea and Rham- phocwnus of the family Formicariidce. Ibis, 1883, pp. 92-96, pi. iii. A synopsis of the species of the genera Micro- bates and lihamphoccBuus. Microbates collaris is figured and Rhamphoccenus albiventris described as a new species. 948 Review of the species of the family Icteridce. Favt I' , Cassicinw. Ibis, 1883, pp. 1 45-103, pis. vi, vii. six genera, of which Eucorystes is described as new, and 27 species are enumeratetl. Two of the species, Ostinops salmoni and O. oleaninevs, are described and figured. The text is illustrated. The genera treated in Part I are; Clypeicterus, Ocyalus, Eucorystes, Ontinops, Cassiculns and Cas- sicus. *(For Part II, Icterince. see Ibis. 1883. p. 352; Pt. Ill, Agelceince, Ibis, 1884, p. 1; Pt. IV, Quisealince, Ibis, 1884. p. 149.) 949 Review of the species of the family Icteridce. Part 11% Icterina'. Ibis. 1883, pp. 352-374, pi. xi. Thirty-seven species of the subfamily Icterince are envimerated, all referred to the single genus Icterus. Icterus graceannce in b'^urvd. *(For Part I, Catxicince, see Ibis. 1883, jk 145; Pt. Ill, Agelceinm Ibis, 1884, p. 1 Pt. IV, Quisealince, Ibis, 1884, p. 149 ) 950 The High Springs of 1883. Nature, XXVII, p. 529 (1883) Letter on the extraordinary risingof the springs in 1883, in several localities "in North Hampsliire, after the excessive rainfall of the winter of 1882. 951 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in Deceiuber, 1883.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884. p. 1. [Exliibition of a Night Heron (Xfirtico- rox */"ieH8) shot in Pliinistetid Marshes.J Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1884, p. 2. 60 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. On the Lesser KocmIoo, Strepaiceroa im- berbi$, of Blytb. Proe. ZooU Soc. London, 1884, pp. 45-48, pi. iv. Remarks on, nynonyms, and flgnre of Strepri- eerus im}>rrhi*, tojjotlier with tho roniparative dl- nii'iiHioiiHof its lioriis anil tliosonf .v. l-ut/u. The borus of both itpecios nro flKtircd in thu text. 954 [Report on the ndditions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1S84.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 55. 955 [Remarks npon a copy of the lately issued " (inide to the Calcutta Zoological Gardens" and on Rhinoceros lasxotia.^ Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 55, 56. An extract from Dr. John Anderson's " Guide to the Calotitfa Zoological (Jardens" respecting the capture of an example of lihinoceros lasiotis liv- ing in those gardens. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1884.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 176, pi. xiv. Cereopithecus martini is figured. [Exhibition of and remarks npon specimens of the Eggs of two species of Testudiuata laid in the Society's Gar- dens.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 206. These eggs were laid by the species Testudo elephantopu* and Chelys matamata. 962 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty sM-nagorie in .June, .July, August, and September, 1884.] Proe. Zool. .Soc. London, 1884, pp. 475, 476, pi. xlv, figs. 2, 3. Goliu-i erythromelon is tlgunnl. 963 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of a Woolly Cheetah (FcUk lanea) from South Africa.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 476. (See also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1877, p. 530, pi. Iv; 1878, p. 655.) 964 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in October, 1884.] J'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 530, pi. xlv, flg.l. Colius nigrieollii is figured. 965 On some Mammals from Somaliland. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, pp. 538-542, pis. xUx. I. Notes on five species of mammals. Equxu an- nus somalicus' is descrilied as a new subspecies and figured, (lazclla walleri and quvs atintu afrxeanux are also figured. * (S!e also Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1892, p. 195.) 966 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1884.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, pp. 561, 562. 958 [Report on tlie additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1884.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884. p. 261. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1884.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1884,p. 389, pi. xxxiii. Sphingurus gpinosus is figured. [Exhibition of and remarks npon the Deciduous Knob of the Ctilmen of the Beak of the Rough-billed Pelican (Pele- canus trachyrhynchua).] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 410. 961 [Remarks upon a very singular habit of the Greater Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis vaaa).} Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, p. 410. Remarks on the habit of a specimen of Cora- eopsi* va$a i>roducin. 149.) 969 A review of the species of the family Icterida'. Part IV^*, Qni8calin(e. Ibis, 1881, pp. 149-167 pi. v. Ei^'ht genera, embracing 25 sjx'cios, are referred to the subfamily (^itealince. Qitiscalus grayxoni is described as new, and Q. teniiirottris' figured. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 61 The genera treated of are: Lamprnpsar. Scale- cophagus, Dives. Qiiiscalv-s. Macrageleeus, Ilypo- pyrrhus, Aphobvs and Cassidix. *(For Part I, Cassicince see Ibis, 1883, p.l45- Pt. II, letennce. Ibis. 1883, p. 352; Pt. in, Agelceince, Ibis, 1884, p. 1.) 970 Remarks on two rare American Oscines. Ibis, 1884, pp. 240, 241, pi. vii. Remarks on Idiopsar brachyurus and Acanthi dops bairdi. Tbe former sjiecies is figured. 971 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1884, and description of a new species of Cervulua.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 1 2, pi. i. Cenulti* crini/rons is described and figured. The head is also figured in the text. 972 [Remarks on the breeding of the Chi- nese Blue Magpie {Ci/anopolius cyanua) in the Society's Gardens in 1884.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 2, 3. [Exhibition of a rare Sonth American Lizard {Heterodacfijliis imbricatus) pre- sented to the Society by Mr. G. Lennon Hunt.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. C3. 974 [Exlvibition of a Beetle of the family BuprestidcPf transmitted to the Society by Mr. B. F. Ffiuch.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885. pp. 63, 64. Julodig fflnchi is remarked upon and figured in the text. 975 [Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects bred in the insect house during the past season, and report on the insect house.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 65, 66. A list of the insectsexhibitcd in the Zoological Society's insectarium , and remarks upon some of them. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1885.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 168. 977 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1885.] Proc. Zuol. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 245, 246. A list of the species of Pelicans living in the Zoological Society's Gardens is given. 978 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a curious Duck shot in Yorkshire.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 248. This bird was apparently a variety of Fuligula marila. 979 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1885.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 322. [Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair of Pheasants from northern Afghan- istan, belonging to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, pp. 322-324, pi. xxii. Phatianus principalis is characterized, flgureort on the addition? to the Socie- ty s Menajycrie in November, 1885.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 851. 993 [Exhibition of and remarks npon an African Hornbill and other birds belong- ing to Mr. 11. Wbitely. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 851. Exhibition to tlio Zoologir.il Society of London of several bird skins bt-longinc to Mr. H. Wbitely. and remarks on the species liticeroii camiarinM*, \chirh is supposed to have been founded on a young speciueii of B. cylindrieus. 994 On the Muscicapine genus Chasiempis. Ibit, 1885, pp. 17-19, pi. i. Remarks on, and figiires^f, the male and female of Chasiempis sandteiehenstK. 995 On some little-known species of Tana- gers. Ibis, 1885, pp. 271-275, pi. vi. Notes on nine species of Tanagers. Ne$o$pin- gu$ is proposed as a new generic name for the recejition of Chlorospingufi gpeculi/ents, Lawr., aiid Lanu) lairrencii is described as a new 8|>ecie8 and figured. Tachyphonuinattererim ii\so iigureA. Nefonpingxu tpeeulifervs is illustrated in the text. 996 " Furculum " or " Furcula." Xature, XXXII. p. 406 (1885). Letter on the correct term to be emploved as an equivalent of the os furculatorium of birds. 997 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1885.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 1, 2. 998 [Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects bred in the insect house during the past season.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 2-4. Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- ciety of London, of a series of specimens of Lep- idoiitera bred in the Society's insect house, to- getner with a list of the species exhibited therein, with remarks. 999 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1886.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 124, 125. 1000 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a specimen of a newly described Paradise Bird (Paradisornis 7-itdolphi).'] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 125. 1001 [Report on the adast Africa {Strepsi- ceroa imbeibia and Damalia aenegalenaia).'] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, p. 176. 1005 [Report on the additions to the Soci- ety's Menagerie in April, 1886.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1886, p. 266. looe Remarks on the various species of Wild Goats. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, pp. 314-318, pis. xxxi, xxxii. Remarks on 10 species of the genus Capra. O. (egagrns and C. Hnaitica are figurenncipalis} .] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, p. 502. 1032 Note on the Wild Goats of the Cauca- sus. Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, pp. 552, 553. f>4 BULLETIN !(, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Remarks on Capra eatieasiea and C. pallemi, ami an extract from ii coiuniitiiication from Dr. G. Kadde conrcmnnj tboiii The two h|cu'h ari> shown to 1>< (liatiiu't. iiiul the author pointH out that ho waH in crn>r in uuitiug theui in a fumier pai>er. (c iVoe. Zool Soe. London, 1886, p. 314). 1033 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in June, .Inly, August, September, and OotoUer, 1887. J Proe. Zool. Soe. London. 1887, pp. 558, 559. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagt;rie in November, 1887. | Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, p. 638. 1035 [Extract of a letter from Dr. Burmeis- ter, F. M. Z. S., and remarks on a sup- posed new Humming Bird (ChcBtocerctia burmei8tei-i).'i Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1887, pp. 638, 639. Mr. Sclater proposes the name Ohcetoeerciis bur- meisteri for the species characterized in Dr. Bur- meister's letter. 1036 On Empidonax hrunneHs and its allied bpecies. IbU, 1887, pp. &4-66. Ohservationa on Empidonax bnmnexu (which is referred to E. bimaculatug. d'Orb. et Lafr.), E. oliva. Empidoehanet fringillaris, E. ftttcatut, and E. oliva aut vireoninn* (referred to E. aren- aeeut). 1037 Remarks on the species of the genus Cyclorhis. Ibis, 1887, pp. 320-324, pi. x. An arrangement of the species (10 in number) of the genus Cyclorhis, with remarks upon them. Cyclorhis atrirostrit in describetl as new and fig- ured. 1038 [Report on the additions to the So- ciety's Menagerie in December, 1887, and list of specimens of the genus Canis.'] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1888, i)p. 1, 2. A list of the specimens (36 in number) of the genus Canis living in the Zoological Society's Gardens is given. 1039 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January. 1888.] Proe. Zool. Sac. London, 1888, p. 87. 1040 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1888.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1888, p. 140. 1041 [Exhibition on behalf of Lieut. Col. H. M. Drummond-Hay, C. M. Z. S., of a specimen of the Desert Wheatear (ji).'\ Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 26, 27. 1056 On some new species and genera of Birds of the family IJendrocolaptidce. I'roc. Zool. Soe. London. 1889, pp. 32-34. Two new generic terms, Limnophyes and Hy- lexetastes, are proposed for the reception of Litn- nomis curvirostris and Dendrocolaptes perroti, respectively, and the following new species are described : Upucerthia bridgesi, Fhacellodoinui rufipennis, Thripophaga fuscieept, Fhilydor cer vicalis, and Picolaptes parvirogtrii. 1057 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a series of specimensof the eggs and chicks of the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus o~istatu8).'\ Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 57. 1058 [Exhibition of and remarks upon some heads and skins of a new Antelope ob- tained by Mr. H. C. V. Hunter, F. Z. S., in northeastern Africa.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 58, 59. The heads and skins of a new species of ante- lope, proposed to bo called Damalis hunten, were exhibited to a meeting of the Zoological Society of London, and remarked upon. The head is fig- ured in the text. 1059 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 85. 1060 [Remarks upon the collections of Fishes made at Constantinople by Dr. E. D. Dickson, C. M. Z. S.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 135. 1061 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 160, 161. 1062 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a pair of Buprestine Beetles (Julodia ffinchi) ob- tained by Mr. B. T. Flinch, near Karachi.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 219. 1063 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a specimen of the Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) found at Bagdad and trans- mitted by Mrs. Talbot.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 219. 1064 [Remarks on interesting animals ob- served during a visit to the Zoological Gardens of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Antwerp.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 219, 220. 1065 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 246. 415 No. 49 5 1066 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a living specimen of an albino variety of the Cape Mole Rat.] Proc. Zool. Soe. iondon, 1889, pp. 246, 247. 1067 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a mummy of a Falcon obtained at Thebes, in Egypt.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 262. Apparently a mummified 8X>ecimen of Tinnun- culug alaudarius. 1068 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a series of Photographs taken at Antipodes Island.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 262. These photographs represented groups of ma- rine birds and sea lions which frequent Antipodes Island for breeding purposes. [Exhibition of and remarks upon a Leaf Insect (Phyllium gelonus) living in the Society's insect house.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889. p. 262. An illustration of Phyllium gelonug (immature) is given. 1070 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1889.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 316. 1071 List of Birds collected by Mr. Ramage in Dominica, West Indies. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 326, 327. A list of 30 species, with general remarks on the avifauna of Dominica. 1072 Description of Hunter's Antelope. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 372-377, pi. xlii. Damalis hunteri is characterized and figtired, and remarks made on a series of horns and skins of this animal. The text is illustrated with fig- ures of the head, skull and horns, of the male and female. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in June, Jul}', August, and September, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 393, 394. 1074 List of Birds collected by Mr. Ramage in St. Lucia, West Indies. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 394, 395. A list of 30 species, with general notes on tlie ornithology of St. Lucia. 1075 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in October, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 447, 448. 1076 [Exhibition of a Skin of an albino va- riety of the Cape Mole Rat ( Georychua capensis).'} Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, p. 449. 66 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 1077 [Report on the ailditious to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1889.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 586. 1078 [Exhibition of and remarks npon an E}ig of the Crested Screamer {Chauna chacaria).] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1889, pp. 586, 587. 1079 Notes on some recently described spe- cies of l)cndrocolaptid(e. Ibis, 18t<9, pp. 350-354, pi. xi. Xotes on lierlejttehia rikeri, Phacellodomus inomtUus, Dendromis punctifrula, Kidgw. MS., X> latrreneii, D. later, cottariceniii, IHcolapte* graeilit, Dendroeinela nt/o-olivaeea. D. castanop- Uia, Dendroeolapte* obtoletut, and Sclerurus eani- gularis. Berlepschia rikeri is figured. 1080 The Rabbit Pest. Nature, XXXIX, pp. 493, 494 (1889). Note on tlio plan advocated by Mr. W. Rotlier, of New South Wales, for the extermination of rabbits in Australia. 1081 "LaPietraPapale." Xature, XLI, pp. 30,31 (1889). A description of an enormous granite boulder, near Stresa, in Italy. 1082 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1889.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, p. 1 . 1083 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a hybrid Duck.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. 1, 2, i>l. i. Exhibition to a meeting of the Zoological So- ciety of London of a hvorid between Tadorna easarea and (^tierquedula /alcata. The bird is figured. 1084 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1890.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, p. 44. 1085 On a Guinea Fowl from the Zambesi, allied to Nutnida a'iHtata. Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, pp. 86,87, pi. xii. Remarks on and flgurn of an undetermined species of Numida from the Zambesi. 1086 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1890,] I'roe. Zool. Soe. Lu-ndon, 1890, p. 94. 1087 [Exhibition of and remarks upon some Mamniiils obtained in the Upper Magda- lene Valley of Colombia by Mr. R. B. White, C. M. Z. S.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, p. 98. xamp1e8 of four jecie( of mamnialH. detemi- incd l>y Mr. Oldfleld Thomas, were exhihit-ecimeu [Remarks upon a map transmitted by M. P. .\. I'ichot, C. M. Z. S., showing the exact locality in which the IJeaver is now- found in the Delta of the Rhone.] I'roe. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, p. 463. 1098 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in .lune, -luly, August, September, and October, 1890.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. .'>89, 590, pis. xlvii, xlviil. Tragelaphvs tpekii and Colobus ferrugintu* are figured. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 67 1099 [Report on the additiona to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1890.] Proc Zool. Soe. London, 1890, pp. 646, 647. 1100 Remarks on the fifth cubital remex of the wing in the Carinatse. Ibis, 1890, pp. 77 83 Observations on Ihe presence or absence of the fifth cubital remex in the wiug of the various orders of the Carinate birds The distal cubital reraises, with ti eir attached tectrices m^jores, of Phasianus coichicus and Aquila chryiaetot are fig- ured in the text. 1101 On the Range of the Gu^chero (Steator- nis caripensia) in South America. IbU. 1890, pp. 33.5-339. A history of the occurrences of Steatornis can- pensii in various localities in South America, with a list of the principal references to this spe- cies 1102 On some Birds of the Argentine Re- public. By A. H. Holland. With notes by P. L. Sclater. Ibis, 1890, pp. 424-428. A nominal list of 65 species, accompanied by Mr. Holland's field notes and remarks by Mr. Sclater on some of the more interesting species. (See also Jbis, 189!, p. 16.) 1103 African Monkeys in the West Indies. Xiture XLI, pp.368. 369 (1890). Letter on the occurrence of Cercopithecus calli- trichus hi the "West Indies. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 79; Nature, XXI, p. 153, 1879.) 1104 The White Rhinoceros. Nature, XLII, pp. 520, 521 (1890). Remarks on Rhinoceros simus, which is shown to differ in many respects from P. bicomis. The heads of the two species are figured. 1105 The New Australian Mammal. Nature, XLII, p 645 (1890>. Notes on the cuVioua new mammal discovered in Central Australia by Dr. E. C". Stirling. (Soe also Nature, XLIV, p. 449, 1891.) 1106 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in December, 1890.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1891, p. 1. 1107 [Exhibition of and remarks upon some sketches made by Lieut. W. E. Stairs, R. E., of the horns of a large Antelope apparently unknown to science.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 1-3. The horn is figured in the text. 1108 [Exhibition of and remarks upon spec- imens of three species of Purple Water Hens {Porphyria poliocephalm, P. cwru- leu8, and P. smaragdonotus).'} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp.47, 48. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1891.] Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1391, p. 121. 1110 On a second collection of Birds from the Province of Tarapac^, northern Chili. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 131-137, pi. xiii. An annotated list of 53 species, of which Phry- gilus coraetnus is described as new and figured. A map of the vicinity of Tarapacd, is given. (See also Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 395). 1111 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in February, 1891.] . Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1891, p. 179. 1112 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a specimen of Macgregor's Paradise Bird (Cnemophilus macgregori) .'\ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 179. 1113 [Exhibition of and remarks upon two specimens of the Hoi'us of an Antelope from Somaliland.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 197. These horns undoubtedly belonged to the spe- cies of antelope which had been recently de- scribed by Mr. Thomas as Cervicapra clarkei. j [Exhibition of skins of the Ounce {Fe- lla uncia) and remarks upon its geo- graphical distribution.] Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 197. 1115 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1891.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 212. 1116 [Remarks upon the breeding of Trage- laphu8 gratua in the Gardens of the Zoo- logical Society of Amsterdam.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 213. 1117 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1891.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 301. 1118 [General remarks upon the Fauna of British Central Africa.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1891, PP. 301-305. A summary of the state of knowledge of the fauna of British Central Africa, and a list of the literature relating thereto. 1119 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in May, 1891.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 326. 1120 [Remarks on interesting animals ob- served during a visit to the Zoological 68 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Gardens of Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rot- terdam, AniHterdaui, and The Hague.] I'roc ZooL Soe. London, ISfll^)?. 326. 327. 1121 [Remarks on the Sea Eagles, referred to JIalUictus pelagicu8,\i\infr in the Ham- burg Zoological Gardens.] Proe. Zmtl. Si>c. London, 1891, p. 374. One of tlieso 8pei>n incorrectly (letenninod. bh pointort out in a communication from Dr. llolan, Mr. Sclatcr refers it to Ualiaetus branickii, Tacz. 1122 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in June, July, August, and September, 1891.] Proc, Zool. Soc. London, 1891, pp. 464, 465. * 1123 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in October, 1891.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 486. / 1124 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a specimen of a Shearwater {I'uffinua ga- via) from Australia.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, p. 627. ' 1125 Further notes on the Birds of the Ar- gentine Republic. By A. H. Holland. With remarks by P. L. Sclater. Ibi*, 1891, pp. 16-20. A list of 46 species, accompanied by Mr. Hol- land's field notes and remarks by Mr. Sclater. (See ftlso Ibis, 1890, p. 424.) 1126 The Spotted-billed Pelican (Pelecanus manilleims). Ibis, 1891, pp. 151, 152. Note on the most likely locality in India to pro- cure specimens of Peleeanus manillensis. 1127 Remarks on Macgregor's Paradise Bird (Cnemophilus macgregori). Ibis, 1891, pp. 414, 415, pi. x. Onemophilus macgregori is figured and remarked upon. 1128 On recent advances in our knowledge of the Geographical Distribution of Birds. Ibis, 1891, pp. 514-557. A reprint, with slight mcMliflcations, of an ad- dress delivered to the Secxmd Intorniitional Orni- thological Congress, at Buda])<-.st, in May. 1891. being a review of the principal ac.s from Somali- land are enumerated and reraarKo not known to the author are enumerated. Cereo- pithecti* schinidii and C. moloneyi are figured, the Tatter of which is described is a new species. The bead of C brazzce is tigured in the text. (See also Proe. Zool. Soc.London, 1893,p. 441). [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in March, 1893.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 325. 1168 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a Skin of a variety of the I'lg-tailed Mon- key {MacacKs nemeatrinus.)] * Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 325. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in Aprils 1893.] J^oe, Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 435 [Remarks on the protrusion of a fleshy mass from tlie cloaca occasionally exhib- ited by the Greater Vasa Parrot.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 435. This habit of the female Coraeoptin rata, pre- sumably due to sexual excit4>ment, h.'id been previously noticed on two occasions (cf. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1884, pp. 410, 562). ^List of the dates of receipt from the pnnters of the sheets of the Society's "Proceedings" from 1831 to 1859, inclu- Bive.] Proe. ZodL Soe. London, 1803, pp. 436-440. 1172 Additional notes on the Monkeys of the genus CercopUhecua. Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1893, pp. 441-444, pi. xxxiii. Supplementary notes to a former communica- tion (rf. J'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 243), con- taining remarks on Cercopitheeut buurtourlinii and C. brazzte. The former species is figured in the text, the lattr on a plate. 1173 [Report on the aeke (iulf, Kast Africa, to which the provisional name Rhinocerot bicomis holmwoodi is applied. 1176 [Exhibition of and remarks upon two Eggs of the Cape Coly (Colitis capenaia) laid in the Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 528, 529. 1177 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in June, July, August, and September, 1893.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 612, 613. 1178 [Remarks on the Zoological Gardens of Stuttgart, Frankfort, and Cologne.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 613. 1179 [Remarks upon the breeding of Mon- keys during the last ten years in the Society's Gardens.] Proe. Zool. Soc. Land on, 1893, pp. 615, CW. A list of the species of the gi'i-.era Macactit and Cercopilhecut that have bred during the last ten years in the Zoological Society's Menagerie, with an illustration of a female Cerco})Uheent lalandii, and its young iu the act of sucking its two teata at ouce. 1180 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty s Menagerie in October, 1893.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1893, p. 691. 1181 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a mounted specimen of CercopUhecua albi- gularia from the Leydeu Museum.] Proe. Zool. Soe. London, 1893, p. 691. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 71 Note on the strange fact that Cereopitheeus al- bigularU should inhabit both East and West Africa. 1182 On some specimens of Mammals from Lake Mweru, British Central Africa, transmitted by Vice-Consul Alfred Sharpe. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 723-729. An extract from Mr. Sharpe's letter containing an account of tlio animals met with by him dur- ing hisjourney from the noi-th end of Lake Xyassa to Lake Mweru and the Luapula, with a li.st of and remarks upon 17 species of mammals, of which Cereopitheeus opistkostictu^ and Cobut eraw- shayi are described as new. The skull and horns of Gohus craw$hayi are figured in the text. [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in November, 1893.] Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, pp. 729, 730. Capra eaucasica, $ , is figured in the text. 1184 List of Birds collected by Mr. Alexan- der Whyte, F. Z. S., in Nyassaland. By Capt. G. E. Shelley, F. Z. S. With a preface by the editor. Ibig, 1893, pp. 1-6, pis. i-iii. Prefatory note.s to Captain Slielley's paper on Mr.Whyte's collection of birds from Nyassaland. 1185 [The Bird Collections in the Oxford University Museum.] Ibis, 1893, pp. 156, 157. Note on the progress made in the arrangement of the bird collections in the the Oxford Univer- sity Museum. (See also Nature, XLIV, p. 518 (1891) ; Ibis, 1892, p. 186.) 1186 Birds of Antigua, West Indies. Ibis, 1893, p. 158. A correction with regard to a statement made by the author that the omis of Anguilla was entirely unknown. (See Proe. ZooL Soc. iondon, 1892, p. 498.) 1187 On the occurrence of the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ( Tringaaeaminata) in Norfolk. By Henry Seebohm. With an appendix by the editor. Ibis, 1893, pp. 181-185, pi. v. The synonymy of Tringa acuminata is ap- pended to Mr. Seebohm's remarks on this bird. A figure of the bird, and an illustration, in the text, of its tail, are also given. 1188 Notes on Paramythia montium and Ama- locichla sclateriana. Ibis, 1893, pp. 243-246, pi. vii. Notes on the systera.itic positions of Paramy- thia inontitim and Amalonchla sclateriana. and rejjrints of Mr. De Vis's original descriptions of them. The former species is figured, and its bill, head and foot arc illustrated in the text. 1189 Note on the proper use of the generic terms Certhiola and Cwreba. J&i<. 1803. pp. 246, 247. Notes pointing out that the terms Certhiola and Coereba should be employed, respectively, for the Sugar Birds of the West Indies and the Blue Creepers of South America. 1190 [Note on the "Crocodile Bird" of the Nile.] i6M,1893.p.277. A postscript to Mr. Cook's letter on the " Croc- odile Bird" {Hoplopterus spinosus) ot the Nile. 1191 Great Bustards in the Zoological So- ciety's Gardens. Ibis, 1893, pp. 476, 477. Note on the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) breed- ing in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 1192 Field notes on the Birds of Estancia Sta. Elena, Argentine Republic. By A. H. Holland. VVitli remarks by P. L. Sclater. /6m, 1893, pp. 483-488. Fifteen species are enumerated, accompanied by Mr. Holland's field notes and remarks by Mr. Sclater. 1193 The Jellyfish of Lake Urumiah. Nature, XL VIII, p. 294 (1893). Letter on the occurrence of a "'Jellyfish" or Medusa in Lake Urumiah, Persia. 1194 The "Zoological Record." Nature, XLIX, pp. 123, 124 (1893). A reply to Messrs. Pocock and Bather's letter (cf. Nature, XLIX, p. 53) on the desirability of including PaliBozoology in the ''Zoological Rec- ord," and a copy of the correspondence with the Geological Society on this subject. 1195 [Exhibition to a meeting of the British Ornithologists' Club of a prepared wing and tail of the Martineta Tinamou.] Bull. British Om. Club, I, p. xxiv (1893). [Extract from a letter from Dr. Hart- laub on the distinctness of Pennula ecaii- rfaecie. Agathopus micropterus, Scl. Anabates lineaticeps, Scl... Antilocapra americana, Gray Muscicapa ( Todirostrum ) ruficeps, Lafr. Euchaites coccineus, Scl Eudromia elegans, d'Orb. et Geottr. Pitta maxima, Miill. et Schleg. Camptostoma imberbe, Scl . . Arremon ruflnucha, Tschudi Leucopeza bishopi, Lawr Podiceps micropterus, Gould Centropsar mirus, Scl Myrmothera caerulescens, Vieill. Entomyza angustipluma, Cass. Pipilo torquatus, Du Bus... Lathria uropygialis, Scl. et Salv. Place of description. Eringilla chlorura, Aud. Anabates dendrocolaptoides, Temm. MS. et Pelz. C vclorh ynchus subbrunncus, 'Scl. Melampitta lugubris, Schleg. Creurgops verticalis, Verr. MS. Turdus cnra-us, Molina Calliste castaneoventris, Scl.. Dendrocincla anabatina, Scl. Biglossopis cterulescens, Scl. Hydropsalis climacocercus, Tsch. Falco ardosiacu.s, Vieill Tanagra(Euphone?) vassorii, Lafr. et lioiss. Brepanomis albertisi, Scl. . . Muscicapa oliva, Bodd Enchtetes coccineus, Verr. MS. Tanagra penicillata, Spix... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 69 Cat. American Birds, p. 157 (1862) Ibis, 1875, p. 204 Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1866, pt. 2, p. 78. Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 64, 86, (1888). Ibis, 1879, p. 388 Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 153, 156 (1873). Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 414, 419 (1888). Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1857, p. 203. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1856, p. 87 Ibis. 1880, p. 74, pi. i Exotic Ornith., p. 189, pi. xcv (1869) . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 176, pi. xxvi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 244. . . Ibis, 1871, p. 358 : Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 304. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 357, pi. xxxii. Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 94 Cat. American Birds, p. 117 (1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 576. .. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 61, 155 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 281 . . - Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, pp. 412, 449 (1888). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 73; pi. cxxxii, flg. 2. Cat. American Birds, p. 139 (1862) Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XL pp. 139, 142 (1886). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 508. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 382. . . Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XVII, p. 407 (1856). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 141 .. . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 248. . . Tanagrarura Catalogus Specificus, pp. 13, 16 (1854). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 449. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 560, pi. xlvii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 112. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 73, pi. cxxxii, fig. 1. Proo. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 117. . . 75 76 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Lift of new familiea and genera deeoribed Con tinned. Name. Type apeoiea. Place of deacription. EnooryHteii Enninmota . Enpropisto KiipHiloHt'oraa KiiHchomoii Kiitr.VEoii, nom.emend. pro. Trngon, Puch. GlusHJptilii (jnillariculii . TanaKi'a ItraHilieiisJH, Linn... MtiHcioapa cxiniia, Temni Tanagra tiava, Gm Hapaloptila HeleothroptiiR, n o m . emend, iiro Elooth- roptus. Gray. Holicura, nom. emend. pro. Iliciira, lieich- enb., et Heilicura, Salv. Ilomidacnia H e n i c o r h i n a, nom. emend, pro Hetero- rhina, Bainl. Hcterocercus, Hartl. MS. Heterocnemis llirundinapus (n. sect.) IlyetomiH Hylexetastes Uylophorba IndicatoridtD Iridornis, nom. emend. pro Iridosomis.Leaa. Laletes Lathriosoma, Bp. MS. Legatus Leucopeza Leucophantcs .. Limnopbyes LioHcclos Macropsalia Malac'otbraupia. Motnrilla campcstris, Linn . . . Grallaria tlaviru.stria, Scl Mjiothcra niidii-rpa, Ca8 C b 1 II m b a ery throtborax, Meyen. Cacicus montezama, Leas Malacoptila caatanea, Verr. . . Pipneidea albiventris, Scl. . Elasnia lintoata, Strickl. Sitta nffivia, Gmel Hirundo caudacutA, Lath... CiiculiiH I>luv1ali8, Gm I)t>ndrocolapte8 perroti, Lafr. Uylophorba ruticilla, Scl Laletes oabumi, Scl. Lipaiigna rufescona, Scl , Tyraimus albicollis, Vieill .. LeucoiHsza semperi, Scl Margaropa ... Mecocerculua. Melanocharis . Melanoptila .. Melidectes Melipotes Metopothrix.. Mlcrobates . . . Leucopbantes brachyurua, Scl. LimuorniH curviroatris, Gould. Ptcroptochna thoraciciia, Scl Caprimulgiia forcipatiia, Nitzacli. Malacotbraupis dentata, Scl. ot Salv. Tiirdus fuacatna, Vieill Fliivicola Icucopbrya, Lafr. et UOrb. Dicaium nigrum, Leas Melanoptila glabriroatris, Melidectea torquatua, Scl... Melipotes gymnops, Scl Microcercnlos Microc'helidon (chang- ed to Xeocbelidon). Micromonacha Microrhoptas Mimocicbla (n. sect.).. MitrephoruB Homotidac, new family name instead of Pri- onitids. Metopothrix anrantiacos, Scl. et Salv. Microbatea torquatua, Scl. et Salv. Turdua bambia, Dodd Petroobelidon tibialia, Cass.. Bncco lanreolatus, Deville... ThamnophiluH quixensia, Com. Turdua riibripea, Temm Tvranuula, 1 Sclater, P. Z. 'S.,185,p.296. Ibla. 1883. p. 147 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 257 Contr. to Ornithology, 18.')!, p. 95 Proc. Zool. S. 274 Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 133, 156 (1873). Cat. n. Brit. Mua., XI, pp. 309. 312 (1886). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 777 . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 143. . . Cat. B. Brit. Mua., XIV", p. 311 (1888). . . Cat. American Birda, p. 50 ( 1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 186K, p. 170 Cat. American Birds, p. 245(1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 146 Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1805, p. 607 Cat. American Bird.s, )). 321 ( 1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 34 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 326, pi. xiii. Ibis, 1870, p. 180 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 227 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 72, pi. xiv, flg. 2. Cat. B. iTrit. Mns,, XIV, p. 354(1888) . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 46 I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 14, pi. ii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 691, pi. liii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 34 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 609, pi. xxxviii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 143 Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1876, p. 353, pi. xxxi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 335 Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon. 1862, p. 113 Joum. of Proc. of Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), U,P- 157 (1858). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 275 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 694, pi. Iv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 695, pi. Ivi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 190, pL xviii. Komencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 72, 155 (1873). Cat American Birda, p. 19 (1862) Cat. American Birds, p. 39 ( 1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 777 Cat. American Birds, p. 182 (1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 336 Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1859, p. 44 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OP PHILIP LUTLEY SGLATER. 77 List of Heio families and genera described Continued. Name. Morococcyx Myiozetetes, n o m . liniend. proMyiozeta, 13p. Myrinelaates Myrmotherala Neochelidon Noochloe Neocorys Neocrex Neoctautea Neopelma (n. sect.)--- Neopipo Neorhynchus (to re- place Callirliyuchus, preoccupied). Nephoecetes (n. sect.). Nesoceleus Nesopsar Neaoapingus. Nonnula Nothoprocta. Ochthornis Oinniatoniis, ScL MS. . Oncostoma Opopaitta.. Oreomanes. Oreothraupis Ortygocichla. Pauxis, iiom. emend. pro. Pauxi, Temm. Phasomia Pliainopepla Phlogop8i8,noin.emend pro Plilegopsis, Keich Phlogothraupia Pipride.i, nom. emend. pro Pipra)idoa, Swains. Placellodomua, err. pro P li a c e 1 1 o d o in u a , Keichcnb. Podochajtea Polioptila... Polychlorim Porphyroapi za . Potaiuopsar Prionirliynchua Paoudodacnia... Pseudoleistea. . Pailorbampiina Pygiptila Kiiy 11 choatnithus . Semimerula (n. sect.) . Siphonorbis Sphenopaia .. Spotliornia... Stegnola-ma Stigmatura . . Sublegatu.s ., Type apeciea. Piaya erythrppygia, Leaa Place of description. Myrmelastea plumbeua, Sol.. Muacicapa pygmaia, Gmel. . . Petrochelidoh tibialia, Cass.. Neocliloe brevipen nis, Scl Alauda spragnii, Aud Porzaiia erytiirops. Scl Xenops niger, Natt. MS. Pelz. ilnscicapa aurifrona, Max... Keopipo rubicunda, Scl. et Salv. Callirhynchus maaeaas, Bp.. Cat. American Birda, p. 322 (1862) . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 46. Hiriindo nigra, Gm Colaptes fernandina), Vig Icterua nigerrimua, O.sburn . . Chlorospiugua apeculiferua, Lawr. Bucco rubecula, Spix -Crypturua perdicarius, Kittl. Elainea littoralia, Pelz Merulaxia orthonyx, Lafr Todiroatrum cin'ereigulare, Scl. Psittaciila diopbthahna, Hombr. et. Jacq. Oreomanes fraseri, Scl Saltator arremonops, Jardiiie. Ortygocicbla rubigiuosa, Scl . . Tffinioptera obacura, Casa. . . Ptilogonya nitens, Swaina. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 274, pi. cxliii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 234 Cat. American Birds, p. xvi (1862) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 213 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 4 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 457 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 572 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 467. . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 438, pi. XXX, fig. 3. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 147, pi. xii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 615. . . . Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 101, 155 (1873). Ibia, 1859, p. 457 Ibis, 1885, p. 273 No. of paper. Tanagra (Tacbyphonus) aan- guinolentus, Lesa. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, p. 124 Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 153, 156 (1873). Cat. B. Brit. Mna., XPV, pp. 3, 31 (1888) . Cat. Aaierican Birda, p. 169 (1862) Cat. American Birds, p. 208, pi. xviii, fig. 1 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 227. . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 75, pi. clix. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 80 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 452, pi. xxxix. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 285 (1875). Ibis, 1859, p. 327 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 543 Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1858, p. 276 Nomencl. A v. Neotrop., pp. 21, 155 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 265 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 141. . . Ciiprimulgua leucopygins, i Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 135... Spix. Mutacilla ca>rulea, Linn Psittacua ])olycblorus. Scop oli, and Pait'tacodes weater manni, Bp. Cyanospiza cyanella, Pelz . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 11 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 226. . . Tabara, err. pro Tar- aba, Less. Icterus minor, Spix M o m o t u a platyrhjiicbus, Leadb. Dminis bartlaubi, Scl Driolus viridis, Gm Leptorbynchus guttatus, Menet. Thamnopbilna atellaria, S<-1.. Kbynchostmtbua aocotranus, Scl. et Hartl. Tardus gigas, Fraaer , Caprimulgus amoricanus, Linn. Spbenopais ignobilis, Scl Spo'egro . Campephaga auru- lenta. Camptostoma flavi- ventre. imberbe Cam]>ylorhyncha8 gn- laris. bumilis jocosus , nigricepe X>iii^ophagn melano- chroa. rliodinoltema Casiomis fosca Caaniculns flavicris- RUS. microrbynchns. . Larat, Tenimber Islands. Abingdon and Bindlocs is- lands, Galapa- gos. Indefatigable Is- land. Abingdon and Bindloes is- lands, Galapa- gos. Sorong, New Gui- nea. Istbnius of Pan- ama. S. Andres Tux tla, Mexico. Mexico do do do Edward Wilson Brit. Mas Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do D'Albertis Coll Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sall6Coll Mazatlan, Mexico. Oaxaca, Mexico. . . Vera Cruz, Mex- ico. Santa Marta, Co- lombia. Colombia..?. Gaboon, W. Afri- ca. Amazons Lanak Pass, Thi- bet. Rio Javari Moyobamba, Peru E.Pcra Dnkn of York Island. Admiralty Is- lands. Babia, Brazil Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Acad, of Nat. Sci. Philaondon. 180, p. 416. pi. xxviii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1856,11.142. Proc. Zool. .So<'. London, i 1876, p. 354, pi. XXX. , g. 1. Proc. /ool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 849. I Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 65. ! Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 58. Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. I 65, pi. Ixx, tig. 2. Ibis, 1876, p. 408, pi. xii. fig. 1. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ' 1876, p. 353. I Contr. to Ornith^ 1851, p. 61. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 311. Proc. Zool. Soc. Londou, 1854. p. 248. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 257. Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 22,pl. Ixix. fig. 1. Contr. to Ornith., 1851, p. 23. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 56, i>l. xiv. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon. 1870, p. 325. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870. p. 325. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i 1870, p. 324, I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, , 1873, p. 692, pi. liv. I Proc. ZcMil. Soc. London, | 1S64, p. 358. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, j 1857,p. 203. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ! I860, p. 462. i Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. t Pbilailelphia.l856,p. 263. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, \ 1859, p. 371. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 461. Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1857, p. 271. Zool. Soc. London, , p. 272. Proc. Zool. S9( 1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 276. Prot\ Zo1. xxviii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, eiiopis, Swinboe MS. Northern China . . do 651 1874, p. 151. Proc. Zool. Soc. Ltmdon, 1862, p. 152, 1>1. xvii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, swiiiboei Kormosa do 260 Cba>toceru8 burmeis- Tucnman Nat. Mas. Buenos 1035 teri. Aires. 1887, p. 639. Cbiitura biscutata Ypanema, Brazil. . Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mu.s. Proc. Zool. Sos digitus. . malberbii xanthochloms . . . Chlorophancs guate- miilensis. purpiirascens Cblorophoniaflaviros- tris. Chloropipo bolo- cblora. Chlorospingus calo- phrys. caataseicollis Locality. Falkland Islands. Antioquia do Ecuador . San Cristoval, Venezuela. Guatemala Caracas, Venezu- ela. Ecuador Bogota Tilotilo, Yungaa, Bolivia. Peru chrysophrys . . flaviventris . . . goeringi byi>opbfl!U8 . . . licbtensteini . . mclanotis oleagineus pbacocephalus. punctulatus... semifuscns xanthopbrys.. Merida, Vcnezu- Trinidad LooatioD of type. Brit. Mas. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mub. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Jardine Coll . Paramos of Meri- da, Venezuela. Calovevora, Ver- agua. Bogota Colombia . do.... Sclater CoD. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Berlin Mus Brit. Mus. Cbrvsoniitris uropy- gialis, Scl. MS. ChrvHOtis coeligena, Lawr. MS. finschi Jiua, Ecuador Cordillera de Chucu.Veragua. Quito, Ecuador... Bogota Cbili .. (?) Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mua. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. do -do Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do guatemalffi, Hart I.MS. sallaei Ciccaba nigrolineata. . Clnclf>certhia macro- rliyiicba. Ciuclo. 30. Cat. American Birds, p. 125 (1H62). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 815; 1880, p. 08, pi. ix,fig. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864. p. 298. Ibis, 1860, p. 44 Pro*'. Zool. Soc. 1857, p. 224. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, p. 131. Proc. Zool. So<'. 1866. p. 320. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 77. Phk'. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 448. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 77. Pr*K'. Zool. Soc. 1857, p. 274. Proc. Zool. Soo. 1881, p. 169.pl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881. p. 166, pi. Ibis, 1859, p. 8... London, London, London, London, London, London, London, Loudon, XV, fiK. 2. London, XV, fl;:. 1. Pro<-. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 693. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883. p. 654. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 58. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872,p.541,pLxxxL IW 629 745 8 686 215 13 215 20 723 126 686 86 520 445 8 00 255 759 484 13 84 8 846 320 200 110 140 387 164 130 164 114 870 870 166 S8 4 501 584 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 85 List of neto species described Continued. Name. Cnipolegus pusillus. . . Cobus crawshayi Coccothraustea mac- iilipennis. Coccyzus bairdi Ccereba carneipes (?). lucida Colobu.s angolensis... Columbaalbipennis. . . nigrirostris Locality. Lower Amazons. . Lake Mweru, Brit- ish Central Af- rica. Mexico Jamaica . Plava Vicente, Mexico. Guatemala Angola Conirostnim ferrugi- neiventre. fraseri Conopophaga castan- eiceps. cucullata gntturalis torrida Contopus mosoleucus. ocliraceus Bordidulas Con urus egregius holochlorus ocularis propinquus, Scl. MS. rhodocephalus . . . rhodoga8ter,!Natt. MS. mbritorqiua ritumarca, Peru.. Oaxaca, Mexico. . . Bolivia Cuenca, Ecuador. . Bogota do Colombia Rio Napo Orizaba Costa Rica Mexico Demerara Jalapa, Mexico Istlimus of Pana- ma. S. E. Brazil Merida, Venezuela Borba, Brazil South America ( ?) . St. Thomas, West Indies. S. Borneo xanthola;mu8 . . . Copsychus snavis I Copnrnsfuscicapillus. Colombia Corethrura rubra Corvua capellanus Vera Paz, Guate- mala. Fao, Persian Gulf. Cotinga porphyroUe- ma. Cotylo fulvipennis Cracticus personatus, Temm. MS. Crax erythrognatha.. inconimoda viridirostris Crenrgops verticalis, Verr.MS. Crypturns bartlotti. . . cerviniventris transfasciatus Sarayacu, Ucayah . Jalapa, S. Mexico. Lobo Bogota, Colombia. (?) (?) Rio Napo E. Peru Venezuela Location of type. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus. (?) Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do .do do.... Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Derby Mua Sclatr Coll. in Brit. Mus. do -do .do .do -do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mu.s. Siilvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Bremen Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Newton Coll Place of description. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. ZooI.Soc. Menagerie .. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Levden Mus Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Santa Rosa, Ecua- dor. do .-... Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Goilman Coll. in Brit. Mus. S<-latc'r Coll. in Brit. ^lus. SteereCoU Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 43, 158 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 726. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 251, pi. clxiil. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1864, p. 120. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 376. Ibis, 1859, p.U Proc. Zool. Soc. London, . 1860, p. 245. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 18. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 390. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 74, pi. Ix XXV. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 452. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 47. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 29, pi. cxix. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 574. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 68. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 43. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 419. I'roc. Zool. Soc. London. 1859, p. 44. Ibis, 1881, p. 130, pi. iv Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser.3,IV,p.224(1859). Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1864, p. 367. Cat. American Birds, p. 346 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, . 1870, p. 787. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 298. pi. xxiv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 539, pi. Ivi. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3. IV, p. 225(1859). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 185. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 381. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 3*10. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 694, pi. Ixvi. Eev. etMag. deZool., 1852, p. 226. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 364. Jouru. of Proc. of Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), ser. 3. II, p. 102(1858). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p, 22. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 690. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 282 (1875). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 72, pi. cxxxii, fig. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 311. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 512. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 141, pi. xiii. No. ot paper. 13 1182 178 308 153 156 176 712 153 73 131 100 84 454 116 139 479 139 890 161 322 8 520 320 1013 161 216 229 182 734 50 152 138 745 592 705 116 614 620 775 86 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ligt of new apeeiee detieribed Continaed. Vam. Iiocality. Ix>catiOB of type. Place of description. No. of paper. Culidvora bll%-lina.. Bolivia Selaler Coll. in Brit. Mus. Proc. Zool. Soo. T.ondon, 1852.P.34. pl.xlvii. Proc. Zool. Soc. LiOndon 3 Cyanocitta germuim.. Belize Salvin-Godman Coll. 718 in Brit.Mus. 1876, p. 270. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Cyanocorax nigric4;p8 Tilotilo, Ynngaa, Salviii-Godnian Coll. 723 Itotivin. in Brit. Mns. 1876. p. 354. Proc. Zool. So*-. Londim, CycIopBitta HnavisHJ- N a i n b 11 i , New D'Albcrti* Coll 733 ma. Guinea. 1876,p.520, pl.liv. Cyclorhls albiventris. Babia, Brazil S<;later Coll. and Sal- vin-Gmlman Coll. in Brit. Mum. Nomencl. A v. X<50trop., pp. 13, 156 (1873). 13 Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. IbiH, 1887, p. 324, pi. x 1037 in Brit.Mus. Trinidad, Vene S9.I).443 I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 159 Nanegal, Ecuador . do 165 I860, p. 92. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Hiibbmnnens Bababoyo, Ecua- do 180 dor. 1860, p. 282. Proc. Zool. So<;. London, CypliorinuN albign- JstbmuB of Pana- Derby M^tifl .--- 73 ma. 1855, p.76,pl.lxxxviii. dichroiiH Rcmedioa, Antio- Sclater Coll. in Brit. Proc. Zool. So*-. I^jndon, 825 cpba]n8 EstneraldaH, Ec- do 181 uador. 1860, p. 291. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. puxilliM Oaxaca, Mexico. . . do 153 1859, p. 372. Proc. '/AxA. .Soc. London, CypM^liiH infumatiiH.. B a n.j or massing, Bifrneo. Wallace Coll 354 186,'-., p. 602. Daeiiix ca;re))icolor Colombia (?) Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Contr. to Gmitb., 1851, p. 106. 40 egregia Colombia Brit. Mus Proc. Zof>l. Soc. London, 3 1854, p. 251. Proc. Z1. Soc. London. 1854, p. 251. hartlanbi ......... do do 63 pulcherrhna do Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Rev. et Mag. do Znd(>n, Di ndrocincla mflcepn iBtbmUH of Pan- Sclater Coll. in Brit. 431 ama. Mux. 1868. p. 54. Prc. London, T>endrwolaptes ey- C a p i m River, do 54 U>ni. Para, Brazil. 1853, 1). 69, III. Hi. Prf)c. Zool. So*!. London, pii flcticollis Vera Paz, Guate- Sclater Coll. and Sal- 431 mala. vin-Godman C<>]l. in Brit. Mus. 1808, p. 54, pi. v. railiolatus, Scl. Tur imaguas. Per u Sclater ColL in Brit. Pro*'. ZI. S*>c. London, 417 M8. Mas. 1807, p. 755. Deiiilrocygnadiscolor. V^aneznela, Gui- Salvin-(todman Coll. Nomencl. A v. Neotrop., 13 ana, and iSrazil. in Brit. Mus. Iip.129,161 (1873). Dciidr8. I'roc. Z(M)I. Sc. Z*ol. Soc. London, DeDdrorniBerytbrojiy- Vera C r n z, S. do l.'>2 Dicasum cximiiiin Mexico. 18.19, p. 366. New Ireland Wardlaw Ramsay Proc. ZoDdon, 1877.0.101. Pr*M-. ZcMtl. .S*)c. London, 7.50 tllH. DigloHHa glatica Nalrapi, lUdivla.. Salvin-Godman Coll. 715 in Brit. Mas. 1876, p. 253. Proc. ZiH cHiruloa- ceus. Caracas, Veno- I'ariri Mus. .>. . do 94 zaela. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 87 List of new apeciea described Continued. Name. Diplopteras excellens Donacicola spectabi- lis. Dropanornis albort- isi. cervlnicauda DryiiKPcu hffisitata.. Dryocopiia fuscipon- nis. Dubusiaanricrissa. . . Dy sit liamnns ardeaia- CU8. lencostictas semicinereus subplumbeus . . . iinicolor Elainoa fallax flavi vertex glga griseigularia hypospmlia , iiuplaoens luteiventris pallatangSB placons putlica riisii semipagana atictoptera Bubpagana Bubplaoona variegata viliasima Equua asinus somali- ens. Ervthrnrarogia (Ery- tliroaiiizit in text)'. aoiviia (Krytliro- spi/.a in text). Eiiiboriiagra chryso- ina. ElupidtK'llau(^8 poecl- lunia. salviiii Einpidoiiax albigula- ris. bainli bnwliy tarsus ridgwayi Locality. S. Mexico New Britain, Meant Arfak, Now Guinea. 1*0 rt Moresby, New Guinea. Socotra Babahoyo, Ecua- dor. Bogota Kio Napo, Ecua- dor. Kio Napo Santa F6 di Bo- gota. Sarayacu, Ecua- dor. Pullatanga, Ecua- dor. Jamaica Upper Amazon. . . Rio Napo, Ecua- dor. Hiobaniba, Ecua- dor. Venezuela . Esmeraldas, Ecua- dor. Rio Napo Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Cordova, Mexico. . Bogota, Colombia. St Thomas, West Indies. Ecuador Matos, Ecuador. Duefiaa, Guate- mala. Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Cordova, S. Mex- ico. Central America. . Location of typo. Sall6 Coll. Brit. Mua. D'Albertis Coll Dr.G.BennettColl.(?) Brit. Mua Sclatr Coll. in Brit. Mua. do do.... do.... Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mua. Sclator Coll. in Brit. Mua. -do do do -do do.... do.... ....do.... do.... Sall6 CoU. Sclatr Coll. in Brit. Mus. do .do .do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit Mus. Salle Coll Place of deacription. Somaliland Api, New Hebri- des. Aneitenm, New Hebridea. Babahoyo, Ecua- dor. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. () Colombia i do J. K. Howard Coll. (Now in Brit. Mus.). Brit. Mua Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Proo. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 229. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1879, p 449, pi. xxxvii, fig. 2. Proc. Zool Soc. London, 1873, n. 558, pi. Xh ii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883. p. 578. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1881, p. 166. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 286. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 227. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 756. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 06. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 90, pi. xcvii. Proc. Zool. boc. London, 1880. p. 158. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 141. Proc. Zo. Zool. Soc. Loiulon, 1870, p. 833. Prt>c. Zotd. Soc. London, 1860, p. 314. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 406. Proo. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 554, pi. oxlvi, fig. 2. Ibis, 1860,p. 36 No of paper. Salvin-GMlman Coll. in Brit Mus. ...do Roralma, British Guiana. Dnetias, Guate- mala. ' Oaxaca, S. !Mexieo.' Selater Coll. in Brit )(us. Cordova, Mexico do Bogota, Colombia.! do Prw. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1861, p. 407. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1856, p. 297. Ibis, 1859, p. 122, pi. iv, figl. Proc. Ziml. Soc. London, 1884, p. 542, pi. 1, fig. 1. Il>ia, 1881. p. 544, pi. xv, fig. 2. Ibia, 1881, p. 544, pi. xv fig. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 275. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862. p. 112. Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 218 (1888). Ibis, 1859, p. 122 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 301. Ibi.s. 1859.P. 441 Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1887, p. 50. Ill 822 625 944 870 180 81 417 116 75 848 143 212, 522 1010 522 134 1019 233 116 233 139 522 185 233 134 200 233 92 156a 965 894 894 180 255 20 156o 126 159 1019 88 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Li$t of mme species detcribed Continued. Name. Looali^. Eubncco aurantiicol- lis. Encha>t8 coccineua, Vcrr. MS. Euchlomis frontalis.. Enpetes leucoetictus. . EaphemsaegTOgia Euph on iaobalcopaata . chrysopasta ooncinna crassirostria flnschi frontalis ( B p . MS.). f ulvicrissa gonldi h irundinacoa, Bp. MS. insignis melanura pyrrhophrys vittata Enplocamns Dobilis. . . Eupailostoma pusil- lura. Eurystomas crassi- rostris. Eiiscartbmus agOis. . . apicalis fulviceps impiger pclzebii wnchereri Falco dickinsoni Fella lanea passeriim, n o w name for F. pajeros, Desm. Fluvicola atripennis. Fomiicariua monili- ger. trivittatua Formicivora l>oacardi oallinota caloptcra Upper Amazon . Rio Napo Location of type. Brit Mus. Bolivia AtniH, Arfak Mountaiua, New Guinea. Caatello and Calo- vevora, V e r a Colombia River Ucaj'ali, Peru. Colombia . Bogota Demerara. Ecuador . . Santa Marta, Co- lombia. Guatemala Central America. Jina, Ecuador. Barra do Rio Ne- gro. Colombia (?) Brazil . Borneo. Pallatauga, Ecua- dor. Solomon Islands. Bogota Brazil Lima, Peru Venezuela . Caval>a, Brazil. Bania, Brazil. . . River SUir6, E. Africa. Cape Colony ( f ) . . Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mob. Derby Mns D'Albertia Coll . Salvin Gmlman Coll. in Brit. Mua. Sclater CoU. in Brit. Mus. do .do. .do .do Edward "Wilson Coll.. Sclaler Coll. in Brit. Mus. Gould Coll Babahoyo, Ecua- dor. Cordova, S. Mex- ico. River Amazon... Acatepec, S. Mex- ico. SanU 6 di Bo- gota. Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mas. Salvin-Godnian Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mas. do ...do..-. Brit. Mns. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mas. (?) Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Paris Mu8..V. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mns. do Place of description. .do -do Dickinson Coll Zool. Soc. Menagerie. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mna. Sall6 Coll Brit. Mas. Sclater Coll. Mus. Brit. Mus... in Brit. Sclater Coll. Mas. in Brit. No. of paper. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 267. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon. 1858, p. 73, pi. cxxxii, fig 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 446. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 690, pi. Hi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 38S. Nomencl. A v. Neotrop., pp. 18. 157 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 438. pi. xxx.tiga. 1.2. Tanagrarum Catalngns Speciftcus, ]>!>. 14, 16 (1854); Proc. Zoc. London, 1857, p. 66, pi. cxxiv. Tanagrarum C atalogus Specificus, pp. 14, 16 (1854). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 521, pi. Hi, fig. 1. Contr. to Omitb., 1851, p. 86. Contr. to Omith., 1851, p. 89,pl.lxxv,fig.2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 129. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 119, pi. xvi. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1860, p. 68. Proc. ioool. Soc. London, 1869. p. 121. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856,p.2'J,pl.cxviii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 47, pi. ix, flg. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. I.K>ndon, 1871, p. 497. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868,p. 171,pl..xiii,tlg.l. Ibis, 1881. p. 268 1 Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., I pp.45. 158(1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 248. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 532, pi. Iv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, , 1871, p. 700. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i 1860, p. 280. I Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 294. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i 1857. p. 46. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i 1858. p. 300. i Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ] 1855, p. 89, pi. xcvi. j Pro*'. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 142. I 131 11 130 628 13 483 2,58 86ft 745 36 "866 101 2 759 36 36 215 285 163 464 84 1019 551 435 891 13 317 760 560 180 92 100 126 75 143 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 89 List ofnexo species described Continued. Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description. Xo. of paper. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 254, pi. Ixxiv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 131. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 279.* Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 240, pi. cxlii. Proc* Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 48. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857,p.l31,pl.cxxvi,fig.2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 130. Rev. et Mag.de Zool., 1853, p. 480. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857,p.l30,pl.cxxvi,fig.l. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877,p. 522;1878,p. 477, pi. xxxii. Nomencl. A v. Neotrop., pp.61, 159 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p 139. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 183. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 110. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 13. Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 32. Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 29. Contr. to Ornith., 1852, p. 61. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1809, p. 419. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 31. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861,pp.209,261,pl.xxx. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, p. 504, pi. li. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 98. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 273. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 447. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 143. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 199. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 4. Cat. American Birds, p. 161 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 299. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 120, pi. ix. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 160, pi. xvii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 783. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 357. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 129. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 68 Ibis. 1877, p. 445, pi. ix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 68. Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 786. 64 Cbamicnros, . Peru. B?bahoyo Ecua dor. Brazil ( ?) Chamicuros, . Peru. . Peru 107 consobrina ery throcerca Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Ey ton Coll 180 122 100 banxwelli do Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. yton Coll 107 107 56 . Brazil Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. SteereColl 107 Fnligula nationi Fumarins agnatns Luna, Peru Santa Marta, Co- lombia. Sautarem. Ama- zons. 759, 788 13 775 Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Gould Coll "380 Quijos, Ecuador. . . 59 foscicapilla Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 69 43 South Brazil, Bo- livia. do 43 melanogenia Gallinago imperialis. . do 45 Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 479 84 Tristrand'Acunha Somaliland Lima, Peru Bababoyo, Ecua- dor. 218, 221 1012 E.Lort Phillips Coll.. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Geositta crassirostris. Geothlypis somiflava. . 376 180 do 130 Geotrygon chiriquen- 818. Gerygone dorsalis Glancidiam califomi- Sclater Coll 89 Larat, Loetoo and Moloe, Tenim- ber Islands. (?) Brit.Mus 932 Acad, of Nat. S c i . , Philadelphia. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit.Mus 98 cum. Glypborhynchus ma- jor. pectoralis Gracnla krefifti Choctun, Vera Paz Vera Paz, Guate- mala. Solomon Islands . . Sarayacu, Ecuador Huasampilla, Peru Tilotilo, Tungas, Bolivia. Caracas, Venezu- ela. 8 182 464 Grallaria dignissima. . erythroleaca crj'throtis ferrugineipectus . flavirostris Sclater Coll. and Sal- vin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater CoU. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. 848 633 723 107 Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 116 A.-wotincta 768 fulviventris do 116 griseonucba Paramo de la Cu- lata, Venezuela. do 520 90 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. LUt o/nmt apeoiea described Continued. Kmd*. Locality. Looatkni of type. Place of deeoription. No. of paper. Orallarla haptonota . . liypoieiMM -loricata y mexksan* modesta nuchalis princfips regains rtificeps rufo-cinerea Granatellua plzelni. Grancahia snblinea- tU8. nnitnodtis Gymnocichla clilro- lenca. Gymuoglnnx lawren- cii. Hsmophilapalchra. . . Halmatams Inctno- SH8, D'All)erti.s MS. HapahK-ercus acuti- pcainis. Haplospiza nniformia. Harporhj-nchus occl- latu8. n'rp.silochinn8 frater. pectoralia Iletorocercus anran- tiivertfx. Hbterocnemis albign- laria. marginata simplex Heteropelnia araazo- num. flavicapilliim igniceps Htenorhynchum . vene-pacis wallacil Hylophilus bmnnei- ceps. ciDoreiceps fermgineifrons . fascicapillua insnlaris lateifVona Venesnela . Santa F6 tli Bogo- ta. Caraoaa, Venesa- ela. Jalapa, Mexico Santa F^t di Bo- gota. Bfo Napo, Bona dor. Veragna Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Antioqnia anta Elena, An- ti04iiiia. Rio Madeira, Bra- zil. New Ireland Larat, Tenimber Islands. Costa Rica Cnba Rimac River, W. Pern. S. E. New Guinea. Bogota Jalapa, Mexico Oaxaca, Mexico. . . Sarayacu, Ecuador () Sarayacu, Ecuador Rio Napo Santa F6 dl Bo- gota. R. Maroni, Suri- nam. Huallaga, Chami- curos, Peru. Brazil Solater Coll. in Brit. Mum. Jnrdin dos PI an tea Mus. Paris Mas Sclat<>r Coll in Brit. Mux. Brit. Mus Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. SalvinGodmau Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do.... do.... Brit. Mns. .do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Smithsonian Institu- tion. S. 381. I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 89, pi. xciv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 441. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, . 1869. p. 418. Proc. Zool. Soc. I>ondon, 1800. p. 0. I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873. p. 729. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 526. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 006, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879,p.44, pl.xxxvi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, 1). 55. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 417. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 327. pi. xxix. Ibis, 1886, p. 259, pi. viiL... Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1874, pp. 110, 247.pl. xlii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 187. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop. pp. 29. 157 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 18, pi. iii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 159. Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1857, p. 132. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 157. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 67. Proc. Aool. Soc. London, 1855, 1). 145. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 573. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 466. do Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 750. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1868, p. 032. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 300. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, n. 579. PnKi. Zool. Soc. London. 1866, p. 322. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 299. Prm-. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. no. Pro<-. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. J55. Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, lH61,p. 128. Ibis, 1881, p. 308 7n 75 lOT 229 75 154 479 163 029 825 I 328 ! 822 ' 926 479 443 1016 650,656 j 612 I ^^ 249 848 I j 107 I 848 110 77 454 197 197 503 450 182 413 387 182 255 848 215 892 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 91 lAst of new species described Continued. Xame. Localitj". Location of type. Place of description. Nomencl. Ar. Neotrop., pp. 12, 156(1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 375. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 322. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 569, pi. XXX, fig. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867. J). 570. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 326. pi. xiii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 47. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 609. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866. p. 186. Proc. Zo(S. Soc. London, 1868, p, 573. pi. xliii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 160. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854.P.254, pl.lxxii,fig.2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857. p. 130. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, J854, p. 254, pi. Ixxiii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 186. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 252. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 160. Ibis, 1880, p. 310 Hylophilus mnscica- pinus. ochraceiceps pectoralis rubrifrons semicinereos Hylophorba ruticilla. . Hyjtocnemis elegans. . flavescens (Natt. MS.). hemilenca bypoxantha lepidonota ^ melanolaema roelanopogon melanosticta melannra schistacea stellata Hvpota^nidia satnrata, Salvad.MS. Hypoxauthus atriceps Ictems hauxwelli landabilis wagleri xanthomns, Scl. MS. Iridornis porphjTO- cephala. reinhardti Lalage moesta Laletes osbumi Lanio lawrencii Laniu.s nncinatns Lathria cryptolopha.. nropygiaUs Lemur nigerrimus Leptasthenura andi- cola. paranensis pilcata Leptopogon e r y - tlirops. g(Mlmani oustaleti I>erayianii8 pcpcilotis tristis Oyapok, Cayenne Oaxaca, Mexico . . Matto G rosso, Brazil. Kiver Amazon Para Madagascar Bogota Marabitanas, Kio Negro. Lower ITcayali Upper Amazon . . . Saray ac u, Ecuador Chamicuros, Pern . Chamicnros, Peru . Chamicuros, Peru . Upper Ucayali Rio Jararri, Up- per Amazon. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salawatti Island, New Guinea. HusampiUa, I'eni . Chamicnros, Peru . St. Lucia, West Indies. Coahuila Mexico Colombia East Peru Tenimber Islands . Jamaica Trinidad Socotra Mongi, Ecuador.. Tilotilo. Tungas, Bolivia. (?) Panza, Ecuador. . . Argentina Lima, Peru Colombia E. Ecuador Bogota, Colombia. Chyavetas, Peru . . Colombia Simaen, Bolivia. . . Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do ....do do do Stevens Coll Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do -do .do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater CoU. in Brit. Mus. ....do do.... do.... Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Turin Mus. (?) Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Acad, of Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Berlin Mns Copenhagen Univer- sity Mus. Brit. Mus Osbum Coll G.N.Lawrence CoU. Brit. Mu8 Salvin-Godman Coll. In Brit. Mus. ....do Zool. Soc. Menagerie. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. ....do .do .do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Paris Mus Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mns. ....do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. London, . London, , London. xxi. , London, Birds, p. , London, ex. pi. xi Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 254. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1885, p. 671. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 270, pi. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857, p. 7. Cat. American 131 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. 1855, p. 227, pi. Ibis, 1865, p. 495, ^ Proo. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 55. Proc. Zool. Soc. Ijondon, 1861, p. 72, pi. xiv, fig. 2. Ibis, 1885, p. 272, pf vi, fig. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 168. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 522. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 355. pi. xxxii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 451. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 636, pl.xlix. flg. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1861, p. 377. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 487. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1862,p. 111. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 48. Vtw. Zool. Soc. London, 1887. p. 48, pi. ix, flg. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 757. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 111. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 254. 92 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Li$t of new apecics ^rmbd Continnod. Name. Leptoptfla oerrlni- ventris. chiilcanc h en i a , Salva.1. MS. megalura pluuibeiceps . . . . . nifinncha Loptotriceus superci- liaris. Lencippiis chlorocer- cns, Gould MS. Leacopoza scniperi... Lencophantesbrachy- iirus. Leucoptcmis prin- cops. Liosceles eritbaous... Lipangusholerytbrus. iinmundus - mfescens snbalaris nnirufns Locbmia-s sororia Lophostrix strick- landi. LoriculuB chrysono- tus. tener Lorins tibialis Macacns rlieso-similis Macropns embescens. Macropygia browni. . . Mal.icocicbla in a c u lata(Verr. MS.). Malacoptila aspersa.. frontalis fHlvog:ularis nigrifusca poliopis snbstriata veraj-pacis Malacotbraupis dcn- tata. Mauueodia comrii... Margarops sancta;- lucia). Margarom is b r u n nescens. Btcllata Masias coronnlatns. . Mecocerculns gratio- RUB. Megalnms inters- capularis. Locality. Vera Pas, Gnate- mala. () Tilotilo, Tungas, Bolivia. Tera Paz, Guate- mala. Veragu* , Chitra.Veragna. Upper Ucayaii. . St. Lucia, West Indies. Atam, Arfak Mouiitains.New Guinea. Costa Kica Sarayacu, Ecuador Vera Paz, Guate- mala. Oyapok, French Guiana. Coban, G oatemala . Rio Napo, Ecua- dor. Oaxaca, Mexico. . . Venezuela Location of type. Salrin-Oodman Coll. in nrit. MuH. Salvadori Coll. (?)...- Place of description. Salrin-Goilman Coll. in Brit. Mug. do do do Gould Coll. Sclator Coll. in Brit. Mus. D'AUwrtis Coll Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. and Sal- vin-Godinan Coll. in Brit. Mus. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mils. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Derby Mus Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Central America.. Strickland Coll Zebu, Philippines . Brit. Mus . Duke of York Island. Molucca group( 1) . (?) Lake Hope, South Australia. Duke of York Is- land. Rio Xapo Yeneznela . Colombia . . Bolivia Santa F6 di Bo- gota. Esmcraldas, Ecu- ador. Colombia Coban, Guatemala Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia. Huan Gulf, New- Guinea. St. Lucia, West Indies. Bogota Quito, Ecuador... Nanegal, Ecuador Ecuador Eabakadai, New Britain. Tweeddale Coll. in Brit. Mus. Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . Zool. Soc. Menagerie . . do Tweeddale Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit.Mns do Derby Mus. Brit.Mns... Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Lord Tweeddale Coll. Sclater ColL In Brit. Mus. do Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. S9. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 18C9,p.63.T Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879,1). R40. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1808. p. 59. Noniencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 134, 102(1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 389. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 194. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 14, pi. ii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, i>. 691, pi. liii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865,p.429, pi. xxiv. Cat. B. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 345 (1890). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 300. Nomencl. A v. Neotrop., pp. 57, 159 (1873). Prot;. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 276. Proc. Ze. Place of description. Xo. of paper. Megapodius brazieri (this name -was founded on an egg from Jtanks I.sland, New Hebrides). . rubnfrons tenimberensis.. Megarhynchus chrys- ogaster. Melanerpes pulcher. rubrigularis Melanoptila glabri- rostris. MeUdectes torquatus. Melipotes gymnops. .. Meilivora leaconota. . Merganetta turneri. . . Metoitotbrix aurantia- cus. Microbates torquatus . MicrocerciiluH squa miilatus. Microeca hemixantba. Mimeta decipiens. . . Mionectes n.ssiniilis Mitrephonis plia?ocer COS. Momotiis microstepb- anus. nattreri semiraf us subrufescons swainsoni Monarcba castas . f rater infelix nielanonotus muudus verticalis Monasa grandior . peniiina, Bp. et Verr. MS. Munia forbesi niela'na Muscisaxicola fluviu- tilis. Muscivora niexicana (Kp.), lip. MS. occiden talis Admiralty Islands Kirimoen and Loe- t o e , Tenimber Islands. Bababoyo, Ecua- dor. Bogota, Colombia. Trinity Valley, Nortbem Cali- fornia. Oraoa, Honduras. . Challenger Coll. Brit. Mus Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do A t am , Ar f ak Mountains, New Guinea. do West Africa. Tiuta, Peru . . Sarayacu, A m a - zon. Oyapok, Cayenne. San Cristobal, Venezuela. Larat and Loetoe, Tenimber I s - lands. Larat. Tenimber Islands. Cordova, Mexico. . do Colombia Goyaz, Brazil. do D'Albertis Coll. .do Zool.Soc. Menagerie . . Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do.... do .... Brit. Mua. .do Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do do do do Trinidad, Tobago. do Brit. Mus i D'Albertis Coll. Santa Marta, Rio Javarri. Colombia Loetoe, Timor Laut. Atam, Arfak Mountains, New Guinea. Admiralty Is- land.s. New Guinea Tenimber Islands . Duke of York Is- land. Anjiostura, Costa Rica. Cbamicuros Challenger Coll. (?) Brit. Mus do New Ireland. Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus Kabakatlai, New do Britain. | Lower Ucayali i Sclater Coll. in Brit. ! Mus. Cordova, S. Mex- Sail.'- Coll Babahoyo, Ecua- dor. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 529. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 556. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 57. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 281. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 330. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 1, p. 127 (1858). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 275. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 694, pi. Iv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 695, pi. Ivi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 98, 1)1. viii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 600. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 190, pi. xviii. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., pp. 72, 161 (1873). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 37, pi. vi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 55. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 199. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, p. 46. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, IS.'ig, p. 44. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 251. do Rev. et Mag. do Zool., 1853, p. 489. do Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Cat. American Birds, p. 261 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883,p.5,3.pl. xii. fig. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1873, p. 691. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ' 1877, p. 552. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 100. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 54, pi. xii, fig. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I 1877. p. 9<1, pi. xiv, tig. 1. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, l 1868, p. 327, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1855, p. 194. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 449, pi. xxxvii, fig. 3. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p.66. pi. vii, fig. -J. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1866, p. 187. ! Proc. Zool. Soc London ' 1856, p. 295. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1860, p. 282. 488 762 926 180 514 135 114 628 628 400 491 380 13 678 926 932 139 139 112 112 57 57 8 926 628 I 702 750 926 750 443 78 822 845 380 92 180 94 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Hat of new apeoiet degoribed Continued. Name. X.omdty. Looation of type. PUoe of deeorii>ttoii. No. of paper. Uyiadestes nnioolor.. Cordova, S. Mex- ico. Caracas, Vcneau. ela. Larat, Tenimber Islands. Bogota, Colombia. Itabia, Brazil Sall6 Coll Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 299. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XVIl, p. 468 (1856). Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1883, p. 54. Ibis, 1881, p. 269 08 94 Paris Moa Myigra ftilviventris. M}-iarchusapicli8 orythrocercus.Scl. MS. nigrioeps plueooephalus Brit. Mus 926 Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 891 Proc. Zool. Soc. Ixindon, 1868, p. 631. I'roo. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 68. I'roi'. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 281. I'roc. Zool. S- per Amazon. SalvinGodman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 322 64 margaritala Myrmelastos nigerri- niUH. plunibciiB My miotberula cinere- iventrie, S<;1. MS. gutturalis mnltoBtriata pyrrhoDota spodionota Mysomela aunabellio . 64 BritMus 123 Sclater CoU. in Brit. Mus. do 123 417 Bartica Grove, British Guiana. Ucayali, Upper Amazon. Rio Negro and Oy- apok, Guiana. Sarayacu, Ecuador L o e t o e , Timor Lant. New Britain.. Sclater CoU. and Sal- vin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do 891 I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p.2;J4, pl.cxli, flgs. 2,3. Nomencl. Av. Nootrop., pp.72. 160(1873). Pro<'. Zool. Soc. London, 1880,1.. 159. Proc. Z,p. 620,pl.xxxv. Proc. Zool. Soc.. London, 18.")5, p. 109. pi. xcix. I'roc. Zool. So<'. London, 1856, p. 111. Phh-. Zool. Soc, Ixindon, 1880, p. 155. 122 13 SalvinGodman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus 848 926 do 822 pammelffina Naaitema pusio Nemoaia albignlaris . . Admiralty Is- lands. Solomon Islands. . Santo T6 di lio- gota. Cajenno and E. Peru. Sarayacu, Ecuador Challenger Coll Brit Mus 762 356 Sclater CoU. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mus SalvinGodman Coll. in Brit. Mas. 76 86a 848 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 95 List of new species described Continued. Name. Locality. Location of type. Place of description No. of paper. Nemosia gairioa Bogota and E. Peru. Sclater Coll. in Brit. MU8. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1856, p. 110. 86a insignia oruata 1 South Brazil do dof. 86a Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. do Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 143 1859, p. 138. NeocliloB brevipennis. Botteri Coll 109 1857, p. 213. Neomorphus g e o f- ft-oyii. radiolosns Brazil Army tage Coll Salvin Godman ColL 318 Int^, Ecuador 1864, p. 249. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 786 in Brit. Mna. 1878, p.439, pl.xxvii. ruflpennis Armytago Coll 318 1864. 1). 249. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. 372 in Brit. Mus. 1866, p. 60, pi. V. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Neopipo rubicunda . . . Chamicuros, Peru. Sclater Coll. in Brit. 483 Mna. 1869, p. 438, pi. XXX, fig. 3. Nigrita bicolor Casamauza, W . Edward Wilaon Coll.. Contr. to Ornitb., 1852, p. 44 Africa. 34,pl. Ixxxiii. Ninox forbesi ... . . L o e 1 e , Timor Brit.Mu8 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 926 Laut. 1883, p. 52, pi. xi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 108. do 750 Sarayaon, Ecuador Sclater Coll. and Sal- Ibis, 1881, p. 600 896 vin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Upper Amazon... Brit.Mua 885 1881, p. 778. Nothoproota cur viros- Calacali and Puel- Salvin Godman Coll. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 tris. laro, Ecuador. in Brit. Mus. ; and Smithaoniaii Inat. pp. 153, 162 (1873). taczanowskii Maraynioc, Peru. . Warsaw Mua(?) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874,p.679,pl.lxxxiv. 671 Nycticorax pauper Indefatigable la- Salvin-Godman Coll. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 513 land. in Brit. Mus. 1870, p. 327. Nyctipithecus mflpes . Nicaragua Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 3, pi. i. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 577 Ocbthodiffita fuscoru- Tilotilo, Tungas, Salviu-Godman Coll. 723 fus. Bolivia. in Brit. Mua. 1876, p. 354. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ochthccca arenacea. .. Bogota, Colombia. do 745 1877, p. 20. Sclater Coll. in Brit. 256 Mua. 1862, p. 113. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, f umicolor Bogota do 84 1856, p. 28, pi. cxvii. leucometopa Peru do 745 1877, p. J9. Oyapok, Cayenne . . do 563 1871, p. 749. Merida, "Venezuela do 520 1870, p. 787. Pitumarca, Peru.. do 491 1869, p. 599. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, palcbella Tilotilo, Tungaa, Salvin-Godman Coll. 723 Bolivia. in Brit. Mus. 1876, p. 355. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, superciliosa Paramo.s of Mer- Sclater Coll. in Brit. 520 ida. Venezuela. Mus. 1870, p. 786. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ocydromua sylvestris. Lord Howe lalaud . Gould Coll. in Brit. 486 Mus. 1869, p. 472, pi. XXXV. Odontophorus hypos- Antioquia, Colom- Salvin-Godman Coll. Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 13 podiiis. bia. in Brit. Mus. pp. 138, 162 (1873). Oreas li vingstonii UsagaraE. Africa. Speke Coll 306 1864, p. 105. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Oreonianes fraseri Chimborazo, Ec- Sclater Coll. in Brit. 164 uador. Mus. 1860. p. 75, pi. clix. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ortalida ruflcrissa Vallc Dupar, Co- Salvin-Godman Coll. 516 lombia. in Brit. Mna. 1870, p. 538. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Ortvgocichla rubigi- New Britiiin Mus. Godeflroy 879 nosa. 1881.p.452,pl. xxxix. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Oryzoboms ffithiops . . Nanegal, Ecuador. Sclater Coll. in Brit. 165 Mus. 1860, p. 88. Moyobamba.Peru . Steere Coll 775 1878, p. 136. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859. p. 378. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, Oaxaca, Mexico... Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mas. 153 melas Pe baa, Peru do 423 1867, p. 979. Bababoyo, Ecua- dor. do 180 1860, p. 276. Ostinops oleagineos.. saltuoni do Ibis, 1883, p. 154. pl.vii Ibia, 1883, p. 153, pi. vi 948 Antioquia do 48 96 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. lAtt of new gpeoies described Continued. Kame. Otooorys peregriiuk Oxyrbamphas frater. . PachycvpIialA a r c t i- torqiiia. fusco-Hava Looality. Bogota... Veragaa . Larat, Tenimber Ittlands. do , Location of type. Sclater C!oU. in Mna. Salvin-Godnian in iirit. Muh. Brit. Mas Brit. Coll. mflnncha . Boror Pacliyrhaiupbus albo- grist'us. cinereiTontris, Scl.MS. dorsalis, ScL MS. . hoinocbroua spodinrua Paradiaea raggiana. .. Paroaria cervicalia, Scl. MS. P a r r a intermedia (Bp.) Verr.MS. melanopygla Parus meridionalia Passer insularis Pavo nigripennia PercDostola fortia Petrochelidon swain- aoni, new name for Hiriindo niclanogaa- ter, Swains. Peuca;a notosticta Phacellodomiia rufl- penuiR. Hibilutrix, Doring MS. Pbaethomis adolpbi (Salle MS.). Phaaianus principalis. Pbeucticua crisaalia . . uropygialis Philemon albitorqnea. cockerelli Pbilydor cervicalia . . . conaobrinns erytbroDOtua panerythras subfulvns PhlogfBnas bartletti . . Pblogocnas jobann.^ . . Phcenicotbraupia gut- tnralia. Pbceuicoptems jameai Phrygiliis coracinus .. Atam, Arfak Mountaina.Now Guinea. do Bogota ^ I Santa Marta. . . BogoU (?) Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Bababoyo, Ecua- dor. Oraugeisa Bay, New Guinea. Bolivia do D'Albertis CoU. .do. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mna. .....do do do do D*Albertia Coll. Venezuela . Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Place of description. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 110, pi. cU. I'ro<\ Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 32. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1883,n.55,pl. xiii. Proc. Zool. oc. London, I883,p. I98,pl. xxviii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1873, p. 692. Santa Marta, Co- lombia. El Jacale, S. Mex- ico. Socotra (?) Pcbaa and Cbyav- etas, Peru. South Mexico . Bolivia Argentina South Mexico. Murghab, central Asia. Riobainba, Ecua- dor. Colombia Admiralty Islands New Britain..;... British Guiana . . . Colombia Bogota, Colombia . Colombia Gualaquiza, Ecua- dor. Philippines ( f ) . . . Duke of York Island. Colombia TarapacA, Chili . . do do i Sall6 Coll ! Brit. Mus I Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . ! Sclater Coll. in Brit. ; Mua. i do I Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mua. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mua. Doring Coll Gould Coll Prince of Wales Coll. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do Challenger Coll. Brit. Mus Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mua. do do.... ....do.... do.... Brit. Mua. Tweeddale Coll. in Brit. Mus. Brit. Mua H. B. James Coll. (Now ID Bnt. Mua.). do do Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857, p. 78. Cat. American 242 (1862). Cat. American 243 (1862). Proc. Z also 1885, p. 89). Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 208. Pro<'. Zool. So<\ Loudon, 1861, p. 127. Proe. Zool. Sdnian Coll. in Brit. Mus. 1091 328 Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . Salvin-Go Brazil caiitanea curtata . . cleKana . Caracas, V c u e - zuela.' Colombia Bogota. dcgantior. iiom. emuiirt. pro elegans, Scl. erythrops erjrthrothorax. do Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868.pp. 171, 172, pi. xiii, fig. 2. ....do I Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1 1861, p. 376. ....do : ; Ib)8,1872, p. 42 I^afresnayo Coll Proc. Zool. Soc. London, latS, p.63. Si-later Coll. iu Brit. Pi-oc. Zool. Soc. London, Mus. i 1858. p. 457. do i PrcK'. Zool. Soc. London, 1K69, It. 417. Lafresnavc Coll Pro<'. Zool. Soc. Ixuidon, 1858, p. 62. Kyton Coll ^Proc. Zool. So<'. Ixtndon, f 1856, p. 98. Brit. Mus Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XVII. p. 466(1858). Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do fusco-mfa graminiiMda griseo-niurina. . . budsoni Iij-pospodia Iwmonticta ma-sta innltn-Htriata Pallatanga, Ecua- dor. Central America, Cobau, and Hon- duras. San Sebastian, Co- lombia. Jnnin, Peru San Lucas, Ecua- { dor. Concbitas, Buenos Ayres. Babia, Brazil Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. Derby Mus Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1869, p. 636, pi. xlix, flg. 1. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856. p. 25. Cat. American Birds, p. 151 (1862). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 66. .Salvin-Godman (Ndl. in Brit. Mus. Warsaw Mus Salvin-Gn, 1856, p. 295. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, lR57,p.8.1,pl. cxxv,fiK.3. Proc. Zool. So\ London, 1855, p. 149. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 66, pi. Ixxxiv, flg.l. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858. p. 70. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 781. Pnw. Aool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 522. Ibis, 1881, p. 207 e3 8 723 70 18 82 380 811 8 8 19 1056 311 633 164 153 387 711 163 165 480 200 514 678 153 114 153 178 13 104 104 92 104 77 72 116 633 759 801 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP WRITINGS OP PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 103 List of new species described Continued. Name. Tragelaphiis grains. . . spekii Tribonyx gouldi Trichoglossus rubri- gularis. subplacens Troglodytes brunnei- collis. hypaedou Locality. Gaboon Karagweli . . . Tasmania Now Britain. Naiabui, N e w Guinea. Parada, S. Mexico S. Mexico solstitialis Trogon chionurua Turdns ephippialis . . . fiilviventris.Verr. MS. liortulorum ignol)ilis leucauchen pinicula snbcinereus Turtur aldabranns. . . Tyraiinentes brachy- iirus. Tyranniscns gracili- pe.s, Scl. MS. griseiceps Matos and Pinipi, Ecuador. Panama Colombia Bogota, Colombia. Macao, China. Colombia Location of tjrpe. (?) Speke Coll Zool. Soc. Menagerie. . Mus. Godeftroy D'Albertis Coll Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mn8. do Place of description do SalvinGodman Coll. in Brit. Mns. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mu8. do improbus Guatemala Jalapa, S.Mexico. Chili Aldabra Island... Bartica Grove, British Guiana. Pebas, Peru Swinhoe Coll Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do do do Cambridge Mus. lenoogonys viridissimus Tyrannula phcenicura .sulpliureipygia . . Tyrannulns chrysops. cinereioeps Pallatanga and Ba- bahojo, Ecuador. Andes of Vene- zuela and Colom- bia. Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. in Brit. Mus. Sclater Coll. in Brit. Mus. do .do flavidifrons . semitiaviia .. Tvrannus atrifrons. . inca, Licht. MS. . . | Bolivia niveignlaris Upucerthia bridgesi . Cosnipata, Peru. . . Quijo.s, Ecuador. . . Cordova, S.Mexico Gualaquiza and Zainora, Ecuador Pallatanga, Ecua- | dor. do Vera Paz, Gnate- i mala. i Ecua 524 j j 255 I 114 i 298 114 130 i 149 S 387 I 555 891 423 j 524 ' 524 I I 524 ! 633 : 59 92 131 163 163 182 114 229 180 1056 520 255 69 264, 269 432 272 143 197 104 IJULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. lAtt of new apecien described Continued. Kame. VireolaiiiiiiiDulchellns Virwwylvi* cobanen- ais Xenops litioralis niexicanus XiphocolapteH emi- KranR. Xiphorhynchus pusil- lUH. thoracicna Zunotrichia bottri... boncardi quinquestriata.. . Zosteropg griselven- tris Locality. Central Araerioa.. Onatcinala Esmeraldaa, c- nador. Cordova, S. Mex- ico. Central America. . Colombia . Babahoyo, Ecua- dor. Orizaba, Mexico . Sontli Mexico . . . Mexico Larat, Lootoc and Moloe, Tenim- ber Islands. Location of type. BritMoa ScUtor Coll. in Brit Mas. do Sall^Coll. SclRtcr Coll. in Brit. MllH. do do Bott!riCon. Sclator Coll. in Brit. Mas. do Brit.Mu8. Place of description. Ibi8,18Sg,p.l2....... Proc. Zool. 80c. London, 1860, p. 4:i. Pro<;. Zool. S<>c. London, 1801, p. 379. Pro*!. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 289. Ibis, 1859, p. 118 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 278. Proc. ZoctJibilis wucliereri, (^ Artamus insignis Astacus eald welli Asturina nattereri, adult and youn. 7, pi. Hi Exotic Ornith., p. 171, pi. Ixxxvi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 1.52, pl. civ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, p. 272, pl. cxxx Cat. American Birds, p. 159, pl. xiv Ibis, 1871, p. 179, i)l. vii. flg. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 453, pl. xxxiii. .. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 487, pl. xxxiv. . . AVolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xlix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 109, pl. ci Ibis, 1878. p. 366, pl. x Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. CO, pl. iii Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1866, p. 586, pl. xlvi. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 586, pl. xlv . . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 138, pl. xiii . . . Wolfs Zoological Sketches, I, pl. xliv Wolfs Zo(dogical Sketches. II, pl. xxxi IVoc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 976, \i\. Ixi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878. p. 439, pl. xxviii. Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. x Argcntino Ornith., II, p. 101, pl. xvii I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 115, pl. vii Proc. Zool. .Soc. London. 1879, p. 115, nl. viii, \\'^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 83. \n. Ixxxix . Contr. to Ornithology, ]8.')2, p. 131, ]>1. xcix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 114, pl.lxvii Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 278, pl. xvii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 101, pl. xv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 469, pl. x vii Exotic Ornith., p. 173, pl. Ixxxvii Exotic Ornitli., p. 179, pl. xc Exotic Ornith., p. 177, pl. Ixxxix Exotic Ornitli., p. 175, pl Ixxxvin Quart. Journ. of Sci.London Il.p. 621.pl.8 (1865). I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 223, pl. xiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 664, pl. liv Pn)c. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 226, pl. xv I'roc. Zool, Soc. London, 1875, p, 419, pl.s. xlviii, xlix . Proc Zool. Sot. London. 1872, p. 688.pl. Ivii Proc. Z(K)1. Soc. London, 1872, p. 5. jil. ii Kxotic Ornith., p. 157, 1>1. Ixxix Wolf 8 Zoological Sketches, I. pl. xxvi Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIX, p. 155, pl. viii Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., X IX, p. 160, pl. x Cat Bds. Brit. Mus., XIX, p. 1.54, pl. vii Cat. Bds. Brit.Mus., XIX.p. 156,pl. ix Cat. Bd.><. Bnt. Mus., X V, p. 89, nl. vi Cat. Bds. Bnt. Mus., XV, p. 9, pl. vii 105 lOG BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Li\t of tpeciei Jigured Continued. Name. Wliero figured. Ko.or paper. BabirtiHna alf urtiH . y<'mK Bakrnh'eps rt*x , BaHiliMit4>rii8 cincreicollin fraeri inesoIoiioiiH 8eniicer\-iiui8 iiropygialis BaAsarid uHtuta ]k^rle|)8chia rikeri B^Tiiicla niaKellanira (('bloephaga ])olio<'cphala in text) (/,$. BolborhynclnM aymara , Bos Iniiitalis, 9 luliilt and yonog. . . , young B<>taiirii3*i>innatiis BrtMi-hy ^al ha al l>iKulari8 B(Vriu>;i, t^,^ d-.? lugubrU, (/, 9 iiielanostema, cT aalinoni BriMlypiis tridactylus Buar'remon caatancifrons contptna elieoprorus, egg latinuch us leucopis leacopterus melanolajiDua nationi taczanowskii tricolor Bubal ia buselapbus caama cokei lichtensteini awaynei , heiid Bnbo fasciolatns Bucco bicinctus cbacuru colIariH, 9 dysoni liyperrhynchna. lanceolatus niacrodactyluH, 9 inacrorhynclias... - macalatas onli pectrali8 pulmentum radiatuM , d", 9 ' ruticollis Htriati pectus Htriolatus, 9 HubtectuH, (f awaiiiHoni tamatia, cf tectUH Buceros bicomis rhinoceros subcylindricns Bnt4H> erythrouotus (egg). fuliginosus HWainsoni zonocercus Buthraupis arca-i cbloronuta Cacatua ducorpaii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 443, pi. Ixxxlll . Proc.Zoi.l. S4H\ London. 18H3, n. 463, id. xlvii Wolfs Zoologiciil .Ski'l<-h<>8, II. pi. xliv PrcM-. Zool. .Soo. London, 1805, p. 285. pi. ix, flg. 2. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 6KJ, pi. Ixi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 286, pi. ix, fig. 1 . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, j). 286. pi. x, flg. 1. . Pro, pi. xiv. Monogr. of Jncanlar^) and I'ufl-bird8, ]>. 41, y], xii . . Proc. Zool. So*',. London. 1869, \i. 253, pi. xviii Monogr. of Jacaniara and I'ull-birds, p. 39, pi. xi . . Monogr. of Jacaniarn and Putr-binlH, p. 47, pi. xv Monogr. of Jacaniara and I'uff-bird.s. p. 43, pi. xiii Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xxv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 235, pL xxxv, fig. 1. . ,. Cat. Bda. BriUMus., XI, p.264, pi. XV Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 504, pi. xlii, fig. 7 Ibis, 1879. p. 426, pi. X, liL'. 1 Cat. Bds. Brit. .Mu-s., XI, p. 261, pi. xiv. Proc. Zool. .Soc London, 1855, p. 214, pi. cix Ibis, 1879, p. 425, pi. X, flg. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 485, id. x 1 vi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 236, pi. xxxv, flg. 2. . . Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 269, pi. xvi Tho Book of Antelopes, J, p. 7, pi. i (1894) . The Bmtk of Antelopes, I, p. 33, pi. iv (1894) The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 27, pi. iii ( 1894) The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 45, pi. v (1894) Tho Book of Antelopes, I, p. 21, pi. li (1894) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, p. 100, pi. v Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond(m,186.3, p. 376, pi. xxxiii Synopsis of the Bucconidic, p. 11, pi. ii Monogr. of J.acamarsand Putf-birds, p. 91, pi. xxx Monogr. of Jaciinmrsand Putf-birds, p. 103, pi. xxxiv Monogr. of Jacaniars and Puff-birds, p. 61, jil. xix Monogr. of Jacaniars and Puff-birds, p. 07.pl. xxi Monogr. of Jacaniars and Piiff-liinls.p. 71, pi. xxii Proc. Zool. So<:. Lon, p. 193, jd. c v Synopsis of the Bucconifhe, j>. 13, i>l. iii Monogr. of Jacaniars anil I'uH'-bird.-*, p. 85, pi. xxviii Monogr. of .lucaniars and Puff-birds, p. 6.">, pi. xx Monogr. of Jacaniars and Putf-birds, p. 99, pi. xxxii Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, j. 77, pi. xxv Monogr. of Jacaniars and Puff-birds, j). 75, pi. xxiv Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff birds, p. 97, pi. xxxi, flg. 2 . Proc. ZtHil. Soc. London, 18,')5, p. 194, pi. c\ i Monogr. of Jacaniars and Pntfbirds, p. 109, pi. xxx vi Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1853, p. 122, pi. 1 Synopsis of tho Bucconldm, p. 10, pi. i Monogr of Jacaniars and Puff-birds, ]). 89, pi. xxix Monogr. of Jacaniars and Piifl'- birds, p. 101, pi. xxxiii Exotic Ornith., p. 153, pi. Ixxvii goftini ...... ophtbaliuic* Monogr. of Ja<;aniaisaiid Puff-birds, p. 107, pi. xxxv Monogr. of Jacamars aixl Puff-birds, p. 83, pi. xxvii Monogr. of Jacaniars and Puff-birds, i>. 73, pi. xxiii Monogr of Jacaniarsand Puff birds, i>. 93, pi. xxxi. flg. 1 . Monogr. of Jacamars and Puffbirds, p. 79. pi. xxvi Wolf s Zoologii al Sketches. II, pi. xxix Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xxx Proc. Zool Sot; Lonilon , 1870, p. 668, pi. x x x i x Ibis 1800 p 25.pl.i.flg.3 Trans. Zool. Soc London. IV, p. 267 pi. 02 (1858) ArgentineOrnith.. 1 1 . p. 59. pi. x vi Trans Zool. Soc. London, I V p. 26.3. pi. 59 ( 1858) Proc. Zool Soc. London. 1809, p. 439, pi. xxxi Proc. London. 1802. p. 141 pi. xiv Proc ZM)1 So<' London. 184 p. 188. Figured in Proc.Zool. Soc. London, 1862, pi. xiv, as C. ducorpsii. 19 80 838 880 686 19 2 26 26 26 26 1137 294 3 15 15 15 15 15 78 3 15 15 15 15 15 15 78 15 55 3 i5 15 12 15 15 15 15 15 7 7 518 198 128 21 119 484 58 259 259, 315 680 250,315 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 107 List of species figured Continued. Name. "Where figured. No. of paper. Caica xantboiuora Calliste argentea artbusi aiirulenta argyrofengea atricapilla, cf, $ atriccerulea boliviana brasiliensis cabanisi cayana chrysophrys cbrysotis crehcolor cucullala cy aneicolUs cyaneiventris cyanesoeiis cyanoptera cyanotis .' desmaresti dowii fastiiosa festi va liava, d", ^ fiavi veutris tlorida fulvicervix graiuinea guttata gy rola gyroloides ictorocephala inomata labradorides larvata lunigera melauonota, cf. $ nielanotis nigricincta parzudakii pretiosa pulchra punctata ruflcervix ruflgenia ruflgula(C. ruflgularisintext) Bchrauki Rclateri tatao thoracica tricolor venusta vireacens vitriolina -egg xan tbocephala xanthogastra yeui Calli'thrix, sp Caloriiia crasaa, cT, 9 Campupbaga aurulenta Cainptostouia imberbe Campylorhy nchus jocosus Canis azara) cerdo charaa i ubatA lateralis microtis niger. cf , ? Gapito niaculicoronatua, cC, ? steerii Capra a>gagru8, ^J jenilaica incgaccros picta, $ siuaitica, *te, p. 87, pi. xxxviii Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 13, pi. vi Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 79, pi. xxxv Monogr. of Genua Calliate, p. 53, pi. xxiv Cat. American Birda, p. 71, pi. ix Ibia, 1876,p.407, pl.xii,fig.2 Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 59, pi. xxvii Ibis, 1863, p. 451, pi. xii Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 0, pi. iv Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 11, pi. v Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 47, pi. xxi Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 63, pi. xxix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 416, pi. xxviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 354, pi. xxx, fig. 1.^. . Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 25, pi. xii Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 21, pi. x Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 55, pi. xxv Monogr. of Genus Calliate, p. 57, pi. xxvi Monogr. of Genus Calliate, p. 37, pi. xvii Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 53, pi. Ixx, fig. 1 Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 103, pi. xlv Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 89, pi. xxxix Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 81, pi. xxxvi Monogr. of Genua Calliate, p. 95, pi. xlii Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 65, pi. Ixx, fig. 2 Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 51, pi. xxiii Ibis, 1876, p. 408, pi. xii , fig. 1 Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 85, pi. xxxvii Monogr. of Genua Calliate, p. 93, pi. xii Monogr. of Genua Calliste, p. 49, pi. xxii Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 33, pi. x v Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 19, pi. ix Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 71, pi. xxxii . . . Monogr. of Genus Calliate. p. 91, pi. xl Monogr. of (Jeuua Calliste, p. 27, pi. xiii Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 17, pi. viii Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 31, pi. xiv, fig. 1 Monogr. of Genus Calliate, p. l.pl. i, fig. 1 Monogr. of Genus CiiUisto, p. 15, pi. vii Monogr. of (ienus Calliste, p. 7, pi. iii Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 101, i)l. xliv, fig. 2 Contr. to Ornithology, 1851, p. 22, pi. ixix, fig. 1 Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 39, pi. x viii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 498, pi. xlii, fig. 2 Monogr. of Genus (Calliste, p. 99, pi. xliv, fig. 1 Monogr. of Genua Calliate, p. 23, pl.xi. Monogr. of Genus Calliste, p. 5. pi. ii Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 021. pi. 8 (1865) . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 50. pi. xiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 692. pi. liv Ibis, 1859, p. 444, pi. xiv, fig. 1 Cat. American Birds, p. 1 /. pi. iii Wolfs Zoological Skctclu's, 1, pi. xvi AVoIf a Zoological Sketches, II, pi. iv Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1875, p. 81. )>1. xvii Pro<". Zool. Soc. London, 1877, i>. 806, ]d. Ixxxi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 279, pi. xxiii Proc. Zool. -Soc. London, 1882, p. 631, pi. xlvii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 655, pi. Ixx viii Ibis, 1862, p. 1, pi. i I'roc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1878. p. 140, pi. xii Proc. Zool. SniotiH, cT, ? Citi')H>|>liH<:n nieliino<-hri>a CaHjin-a cuiia x TaduriiHviiIiMUMcr, lijbriU. cT, 9. Ipucoptera (Anas scutulata in text). CaMuarinR 1>ccirii (head) bcnnettii, cT, 9 , ynuns bic-arancuuitu8 ealeatus kanpi picticollig (head) uniappcDdirulat us westennanni (h<^d) Catharopeza bishopi, 9 adult and d".ir. Cathartfl ralifornianns (egg) (young) Cebus, sp Cfleus kerri, cf , 9 Ontritos oreas Centropiilnia micropterum Cent nipsar minis Cephalophus dor.salis Ceplialopterns penduliger <'eratopipra iracunda Cercoleptes caudi volvulus Cercopitheeus brazzaj mart in i moloncvi pinto (C. staugeri on plate) Hchmidti Rtairsi stangeri (C. pluto in text) Ceriomis blythii inelanocephala : satyra, cT, 9 , egg temminckii .egg Certbiola donnnicana martinicana (C. niartinicensis on plate). Cerviilus crinifrons micninia reevesl, young Cervus alfred i canadensis, d, 9 rashmcerianus, cf davidianus, cT, 9 duvaucelli, (f, 9 ! summer dress. ^ eldi, cf in summer dress hnmilis leiicurus, cf . 9 mantchuricuR, cf . 9 -^ , in summer and winter dress. maral (C. wallichii on plate), cf , 9 an'! young. , c^,"9 in winter dress, and young. pndu, rf, 9 rusa, rf, 9 savanmirum, cf Bika, c^, 9 , in summer dress . . . . . Bwinlioii , , cf, 9 Jn winter dress taevanas , , cT in summer dresa and 9 and young. wallichii (C. mjuid in txt),<^, 9 , young. Where flgnred. ExoticOmith.,p. IM.pl.lxiii Troc. ZiM.l. H. 072. pi. xlii . .. Pro.-. Zool. Soc. London, 1859. ji. 442, pi. clviii . Woirs Zoological Sketches, II, pL xlix rrcic. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 527, pi. iviii "NVolf H Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xliii Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. :59, pi. txxii (1862).. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1803, p. 518. pi. xlii Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. :t58, pi. Ixxiii (1862). I'roc. Zool. Soc. London. 1872, p. 495. pi. xxvi Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 3.58, pi. lxxi(1862)... I'roc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1872, p. 149, pi. ix PrtM'. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 85, pi. xviii . Trans. Zool. Sk^ I,ondon, 1 V, p. M59, pi. ixxiv (1862) . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, )>. 83, pi. xx I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 85, pL xix Ibis, 1880, p. 73, pi. 1 Ibis, 1860, p. 278, pi. viii Ibis, 18(iO, p. 278, pi. ix Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pi. 8 (1865) , Ibis. 1892, p. 136, pi. iii Exotic Ornitli., p. 101, pl.xcvi , Exotic Ornitb., p. 189, pi. xcv. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 176, pi. xxvi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 595, jtl. xlvi. Ibis, 1859, p. 114, pi. iii Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV. j). 288. pi. xix Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, 11, p. 621, pi. 8 (1865) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 443, pi. xxxiii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 176, pi. xiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893. p. 252, pL xvii Wolfs Zoological Sketches, 1, pi. ii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 245, ])1. xvi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1892, j). 580, \)l. xl Wolfs Zoological Sketches, I, jd. ii I'roc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1870, p. 163, pl.xv List of Species of I'hasianida*. p. 10, pi. x Wolfs ZiK)logical Sketches, II, pi. xxxix Proc. Zool. S(h:. London. 1879, p. 117, pi. viii, flg. 4. . . List of .Species of Plinsianidic, p. ll.pl.xi Proc. Zogical SketchiJS. II, pi. xiii Trans. Zool. Soc. London, VII, p. .344, pi. xxxi, in summer dress; pi. xxxii, in winter dress (1871). Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xii Trans. Zool. So*-.. London, VII, p. 336, pi. xxix (1871). Proc. Zool. Soc. I^ondon, 1871, p. 238, jd. xvii Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xvi Pro<-. Z. 152. pf. xvi I Trans. Zool. Sm". lx>ndon, VII, |). :U5, pi. xxxiii, enni8, cT, 9 Coccy ZU8 cinereus Col i us cnstanoDotus ery thromelon nigricollis 4 Colobus ferrupneus Conirostrum lerrugineiventre fraseri, cf Conopophaga cucullata Conurus egre^ius hoifmanni molinte Cat. Bds. Prit. Mus., XI, p. 31, pl. iv. Exotic (Jrnith., p. 135, pl. Ixviii Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 56, pL vi, fig. 2 Exotic Ornith., p. 81, pl. xli, fig. 1 Exotic Ornith., p. 82, pl. xli, fig. 2 Exotic Ornith., p. 83, pl. xlii Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 56, pl. vi, fig. 1 Cat. American Birds, p. 90, pl. x Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 503, pl. xlii. fig. 6 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 784, pl. xlvi, fig. 1. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1854, p. 157, pl. Ixviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 521, pl. Iii, fig. 2 Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pl. 8(1865).. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 861, pl. Ixxii, pl. 2. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, p. 861. pl. Ixxii, pl. 1. . . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 61, pl. xi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 68, pl. ix, fig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 68, pl. ix, fig. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 23, pl. ii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 206, pl. xxxiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 157, pl. xxvi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, p. 666, pl. xxxvi Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IV, p. 268, pl. 63 (1859) . . . . Exotic Ornith., p. 37, pl. xix . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 2, pl. i Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xliii Exotic Ornith ., p. 23, pl. xii Exotic Ornith., p. 21, pl. xi Exotic Ornith.. p. 19, pl. x Cat. American Birds, p. 10, pl. ii Argentine Ornith., I, p. 11, pl. ii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 169, pl. x v, fig. 2 Ibis, 1863, p. 163, pl. iv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881. p. 166, pi. xv. tig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 517, pl. xliv Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. 1 Ibis, 1891, p. 414, pl. X. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus, XIV, p. 197, pl. xvi Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon 1872, p. 541, pl. xxxi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, p. 505, pl. xxxix Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1860, p. 251, pl. clxiii Argentine Ornith., II, p. 38, pl. xiii . Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1876, p. 413, pl. xxxv I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. 475, pl. xiv, figs. 2, 3. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, p. .530, jil. xiv, tig. 1 ... . Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. !)90. pl. xlviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1855. p. 74, \n. Ixxxv Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI, p. 15, pl. ii. fig. I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 29, pl. cxix Ibis, 1881, p. 130, pl. iv Exotic Ornith., p. 161, pl. Ixxxi Argentine Ornith., U, p. 43, pl.xiv 21 354 417 287 283 200 12 994 428 305 3 15 15 15 825 825 7 335 8 7 7 189 39 704 39 745 19 12 19 12 12 12 19 8 825 520 60 759 367 599 599 680 846 846 842 655 685 518 141 12 644 7 12 12 12 8 21 870 297 870 621 7 1127 20 584 1173 178 21 725 962 964 1098 73 19 84 890 12 21 no BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Hit of species figured Continual. Kame. Where figured. Conums rhodof^ter rnbritornui8 Corvus capellniius CoryiilUMU'ra nlniidina CorT^'t haix Icucoloitha Coiiictornis vexilliirius... Cotingit porpbvrolwiua... Craxalberti, cT,'? alector, d, 9 caruncnlata, (f, 9 daubentoni, rf, $ erythrognatha, d". ? gtobirera, d> 9 globulo8, c^, 9 incommoda, 9 Hclateri, cf, 9 viridirostria Creurgops verticalis Crosaoptilnn aiirituni iiiaiitclmricum, egg tibetiinuin Crypturus boucardl, ha>occpbaIu8 Cyp8*-lii8 Bc^iiamatus, birdandiiest Daciiisaii:ili8 (I), speciosaintext).. Cd-rebifolor, cf , 9 egregia, cf,9 pulcherrinia aalmoni, 9 Rpeciosa (D. aiialis ou plate) . . venusta, cf.9 Daflla Hpiiiicaiida Dainalis buntcri, 9 DaiiialirtciiD liuiitiBri DaHypnM-ta niitillttnais DendrocolaptcH ej-toni iiiinirticoUiH I)Ddriila)^iiH huiinottiamiB Dentlroniis polysticta I)icicum<-xiiiiiiiin Di(M)tyles torquatna, adult and young. DigloBHn albilateraliK, cf i 9 gloritmn indigotica myHtncalifl pectoralis ptTHouata, egg Donai'ii'ola 8i>ectabilia Drepnnornis albcrtiHi, (f, 9 Droina'DM irroratuH novie bollaudiii' , Drynioriim bridgcsi Dy'sitlianmiis IcuroHtictua neniiciiiiTeuH uiiicolor, egg , Kcbidiia hyHtrix Ech inogalo tel fairi E<-lfctn riedeli, cf, 9 Elaiiiia ifriHeigularia oliviua Proc. Zool. See. T/ondon, 1864, p. 298, pi. xxlv lroo. ZoiI. So<-. London. 1H86, p. 5H9, pi. 1 vi Proc. /ool. Soc I-ondon, 1876, p.fiW. pl.lxvl Proc. Zool. Soo. London, 1870, p. 57, jd. Ill Stud<'nt and Intellectual Observer, II, p. 4, pi. i (1809) . . . Ibis, 184, p. 1 14, j.l. ii Cent r. to Oniitliologv, 18.52, p. 130, pi. xovi Trans. Zt>ol. Soc. Lonilon, I X , p. 280, pi. xlvill (1875) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, I X, p. 277, pi. xHii (1875) Trans. Zool. Sw. London, IX. p. 279, pi. xlvii (1876) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 276, pi. xli, xlH (1875)... Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. 543, pi. xc (1879) Tmns. ZooL Soc. London, IX, p. 274, pi. xl (1875) Trans. Zool. Soc. I..ondon, X, p. 54.'J, pi. Ixxxix (1879) Trans. ZooL Sot;. London, IX, p. 279, pi. xlvi (1875) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X. p. 544, i>l. xcl (1879) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 2><1, pi. xlix (1875) Trans. Zo\. xciii (1879) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 278, pi. xliv, xlv (1875). Trans. Z(M)1. Soc. London, X. p. 544, pi. xeii (1879) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ia'58, p, 72, pi. cxxxii, flg. 2 List of Sp'cies of Phasianidie, p. 6, pi. v I'roc. Zool. So<'. London, 1879, p. 118, pi. viii, flg. 5 List of Species of Pbasiunidie, )). 6, pi. iv Exotic Ornitb ., p. 91, pi. xlvi Exotic()niith.,p.93, pi. xlvii Exotic Ornitb., p. 89, pi. xlv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 141, pi. xiii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1852, p. 34, pi. xlvii Ibis, 1859, p. 21, pi. V, fig. 6 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1882, p. 6.30, pi. xlvi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 520, pi. liv Argentine Ornitb., 1, p. 24, pi. iii, flg. 2 Ibi.s, 1887, p. 324, pL X Argent ine Omit n., I, p. 23, pi. iii, flg. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 274, pi. clxiv AVolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xlviii Argentine Ornitb ., 1 1, p. 124. pi. xviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1H,"5, p. 76, pi. Ixxxviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 492, pi. xli Exotic Ornitb., p. 41. jd. xxi ; Exotic Ornitb., p. 43, pi. xxii I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, p. 605, pl.xxxiii Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 101, pi. xciii, flg. 2 Cat. Bds. Urit. Mn8.,'XI, p.21, pi. iii Contr. to )rnitliology , 1852, p. 102, pi. xciii, fig. 1 Cat. American Birds, p. 51, \A. vii Cat. American Birds, p. 51 , pi. viii Cat. Bds. Hrit. Mus, XI. p. 27, pi. ii, flg. 2 Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 101, pi. xciii, fig. 2 Ibis, 1863, p. 315. pi. vii Proc. Zmd. Soc. London, 1870, p. (566, pi. xxxviii Proc. Zo(d. Soc. London, 1889, p. 372, pi. xlii The Book of Antelopes, I, p. 53. pi. vi (1894) I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 066. pi. Ixxxii Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1853, p. 69, pi. Hi I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 54, pi. v Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1894, p. 693, pi. xlvi Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 135, pi. x Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 102, pi. xi v, flg. 2 ^Vol^s Zotdogical Sketches, U, pL xxiii Ibis, 1875, p. 216, pi. V I'roc. Zoelma flavicapilliun igniwps wallacii nip|K)p<)taniiiH am]>biblu8 KipiHttragUH liakcri, young (f Hirundinea bellicoaa ferruginea rupeatria HomoriiB lophotea HydroclidTua capybara Hydru|mali8 fnrcifera Uyluctea caataueita Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1803, p. 375, pi. xxxii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 18(W, p. 71 1, pi. xl Monogr. of Jacaniant and I'litf-biniM, p. 5.3, pLxvii. Monogr. ot Jacauiam and I'liil'-birdH, p. 27, pi. vii. . . Mouogr. of Jacaniars and I'litl'-liirdH, p. 37, pi. x Monogi.of JacaniarH and ruff-Uirdtt, p. 31,pl. viii.. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1855, p. 13. pi. Ixx vii Monogr. of Jacaniars and IMitfldms, p. 33. pi. ix... Monogr. of Jacauiara and I'utt'blrds, p. 19, pi. v Coutr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 93, i>l. xc Monogr. of Jacainar.s an. 539, pi. xlix Proc. Zwd. Soc. Loudon, 1860, p. 205, pi. xxi Cat.Bd8.Hrit.Mu8., XV, p. 10, pi. i Exotic Ornitli., p. 77, pi. xxxix Exotic Ornith., p. 79, pi. xl Exotic Ornith., p. 77, pi. xxxix. Exotic Ornith., p. 123, pl.lxii I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 100, pi. xiii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1869, p. 120, pi. ix... Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 160, pi. xvii. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 319. pi. xviii. .. Ibis, 1877. p. 445, i)l. ix Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 323, pi. xx. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 315, pi. xvii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 80, jd. xciv Proc. ZMd. Soc. London, 1879, i>. 527, pi. xliii, fig. 6 Ibis, 1877, p. 444. pi. viii Proc. Zl. xliii, flg. 5 Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, ]>. 317, pi. xix Proc. Zool. .S(M'. London, 1864. i>. 606, pi. xxx vii, Hg. 1 . Proc. Z1. Soc. London, 1856. J). 292, pi. cxx Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1804, p. 607, jd. xxxvii, flg. 2. Proc. Zo(d. Soc. London, 1879, i.. 448, pi. xxxvi Wolfs Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xlvi .do Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1868, p. 327. pi. xxix . Wolf a Zoological Sketches. I, pi. xxxvi Cat. IWs. Brit. .M us., X 1 V, p. 334, pi. xxiv Proc. Zool. Soc. lA>ndon, 1879, p. 517. jd. xlii, flg. 12 Ibis, 1886, p. 259, pi. viii Proc. Zool. So<-. Loudon, 1874, p. 247, jd. xlii Proc. Zo. 143, pi. xlvii . Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1H62, p. 18, pi. lii Cat. lU\a. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 32.5, pi. xxiii. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV. 1.. 321, pi. xxi ... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV. p. 322, pi. xxii.... Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus.. XIV, i>. 319. pi. xx Wolfs Zocdogical SkeUhes, I, pi. xxvii Proc. Zool. StK-. London, 1868, p. 214, pi. xvi. Ibis, 1869. p. 196, pi. v, flg. 1 Ibis, 1869, p. 190, pi. v, flg. 2 Ibis, 1869, ]>. 198, id. v, flg. 3 Argentine Ornith., I, p. 195, pi. ix Ouart.Journ. of Sci.. London. II, p. 621, pi. 8 (1865). Argentine Ornith., II, ji. 15. pi. xii Exotic Ornith., p. 57, pi. xxlx BIBLIOGEAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATEE. 113 List of species figured Coutinued. Name. Where figured. Xo. of I paper. Hylobates hoolock lar lencogenys Hylophilns bruiineiceps ferruj;ineii'roii8 f uscicapillus luuscicapiuus ochraceicepa nibrifrons semicinereus Hypocneinia hypoxantha K-pidonota, d", ? Hiflanola'ma lueliiuoatitta, cT, ? Hy pocolius ampeliiius, c^ Hypopyrrbns pyrrbogaster, egg. . . Hypota'iiidia sukirostris Hypotriorcbis castanonotue Hystrix iiialabarica Ibis a-tbiopica, young and egg Icterus abeilbti, cT. ? grace-annae, $ Eauxwelli laudabilis pnstulatus, c', ? Idiopsar brachyurus lodopleura Icucopy gia Iridornis porphyrocepbala reiubardti Jacauiaralcyon tridactyla, . 418. pi. xlvii Monogr. of Jacamars and I'utl'-birds, p. 127, ]t\. xlii Monogr, of Jacamars and Purt-birds, p. 111, ]>!. xxxvii . . . Monogr. of Jacamars and I'u1l'I)irds, p. 125, pi. xii Monogr. of Jacamars and I'utF-birds, p. 1 19. p). xl Proc. Zool. Soc. Lowlon, 1882, p. 86, pi. viii Monogr. of Jacamars and Purt-birds, p. 115, pi. xxxviii... Monoer. of Jacamars and IMifi-birds, ". 129, jd. xliii. I'roc. Zool. Soc. Loudoo, l^d, p, 123, J ' '" ,pl.'U 502 502 763 892 892 892 892 8 413 413 454 22 64 64 1088 825 863 239 344 805 12 949 19 546 12 970 20 81 363 15 15 294 212 12 995 12 723 335 335 543 7 335 335 495 20 1019 711 628 12 346 12 12 12 12 12 731 430 509 769 603 769 402 552 834 7 518 7 192 582 582 692 15 15 15 15 253 15 15 55 415 No. 49- 114 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Lit of speciet figured Coutiuued. IfMne. Where figured. No. of peper. MalnroptilA torqnntA MalHt'othrnupis (Iciitatn MiicroituH t'nilM-H('i>ii8, yuiing iiiiyi>r rufiia Mnniu'odiit c<>mrii Mar^arorn is brnnnescens Maoins coroinilat UH Mcgalainia aaiut ioa MegHlunia intor8ca^>ularlH ^tocaiKHliiisniacj^illi vrnyii MflaniTjws riibripilarix ^MulanutiH bjpuleucu.H, adalt and young. MeleaRris ocollata, cf, $ (bearpheus nigra nigrirrong, cT pallesceus peniaoa Mouarcha castas muudus vertic-alis Munia forln-si inebciia Mimcisaxicola riibricapilla Miiscivora oc<;irti'ntalis, lyiubiu8 fla vicans uatioiii pulcber roraima; Myiocetetea texenais (egg) Mynnecizaleucaspis inargaritata, cf, 9 Myniif'<;opbaga j iibata Monocn*. of Tacamarfi and PnfT- birds, p. 117, pL xzxlx. Proc.Zool. Sf. London. 187(1. j). '.K>:i. pi. xxxi rro<-. Zool. SM\ London, 1870, p. 126.pl. x Quart.. lourn. of S<1.. London. II, p. 19. pi. 5(1866) Wolfs Zoological Sketrlies, II. pi. xxvi I'roc. Zool S, pi. xlli I'roo. ZcK)l. Sitr. Loudon. 1H56, p. 27, pi. cxvi Cat. American Uirds, p. 247. pi. xix Int4.dle<'tual Olmcrver, XII. p. 243, pi. viii I'roc. Zool. Sw. London, l8t, p. 65, jd. vi , '.. l*ro<. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 187(S, p. 460, pi. xliii.. I'roc. Zool. S4, 1883, ]). 96, pi. iii (KImmplioca-nus cidlaris in text).... I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, ]>. 37. nl. vi Monogr. of Jacaniars and Putl-birds, p. 131, pi. xliv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 220. pi. xiii I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871. p. 478, pi. xxxviii Ibis, 1860,p. 25, pi. i.flgs. 1.2 Ibis, 1801. p. 19, pl.i Argentine Omith., I. p. 8. pi. i Ibis. 1859, p. 442, pi. xiv. fig. 2 Trans. Zool. Soc. London, X, p. .545. jd.xcv (1879) Trans. Zool. Soc. Loudon. I X, p. 284, pi. Hi (1875) Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 28;t. pi. li (1875) Argentine Ornith.,I, p. 95,i)l. vi, fig. 1 Argentine Ornitli.. I, p. 86, pi. vi, fig. 2 Mouogr. of Jacaniars and PiitT-birds. p. 149, pi. xlix Monogr. of Jacaniars and Piiff-binls, p. 155. ]d. lii Monogr. of Jacaniars and Putl'-birda, p. 151, pl.l Monogr. of Jacaniars and Putl-birds, p. 145. pi. xlviii Monogr. of Jai'ainars and I'utt'-birds, p. 159, pi. liv Monogr. of Jacaniars and Puff-birds. ]i. 157. pi. liii Monogr. of Jacaniars and I'utt'-birds, p. 153, pi. li Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1883, p. 53. pi. xii, fig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 188,3. p. 54, pi. xii, fig. 2 I'rcM.. Zool. S. 621, pi. 8(1865) Pro<'. ZooL Soc. Liindon. 1858. p. 275. pi. cxliii Cat. IJds. nrit. Mu8.,XV,p. 236,pl. XV Proc. Zocd. S1. : Cat. American Birds, p. 179, pi. xv, I'roc. Zool. Sic London, 1858, p. ZH. pi. 1, Soc. London, 1856, ji. 109, pi. xcix Pr. 141, pi. xlvi, fig. 2. Monogr. of Jacamara and IMiff-birds*, p. 135, pi. xlv, fig. 2. Monogr. of Jacamars and Puff-birds, p. 133, pi. xlv, fig. 1. . Monogr. of Jacamars and Putt'-birda, p. 137, pi. xlvi, fig. 1. I^roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 679, pi. Ixxxiv Argentine Omitb., II, p. 213, pi. xx Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 86, pi. xii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 323, pi. 1 Exotic Ornitb., p. 39, pi. xx Proc. Zool. Soc. Londcm, 1872, j). 3, pi. i Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1879, p. 550, pi. xliv Cat. Eds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 18, pi. V Cat. Bda. J5rit. Mus., XIV , p. 22, pi. vii, fig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 28, pi. cxvii Cat. Bda. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 21, pi. vi Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, p. 22, pi. vii, fig. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879. p. 508. pi. xliii, fig. 3 Wolfa Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xlii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 472, pi. xxxv Exotic Ornith.,]). 59, i)l.xxx Cat. American Birds, p. 208, pi. xviii, fig. 1 Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xxi Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1860, p. 75, pi. clix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 452, pi. xxxix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 626, pi. liv Wolfa Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xxiii : Wolf's Zoological Sketches, 11, pi. xix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 509, pi. xliii, figs. 1, 2. Ilus, 1883, p. 154, pi. vii. 1883, p. 153, pi. vi. Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pi. xi Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xlv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1855, p. 110, pi. cii . . . Wolf's Zoological Sketches, I, pi. xxiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 128, pi. Ixxx. Wolf's Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxi Wolfa Zoological Sketchea, I, pl. xxiv Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 127, pl. Ixxix. Exotic Ornith., p. 131, pl. Ix vi Ibia, 1871, p. 180, pl. vii, fig. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 55, pl. xiii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 198, pl. x xviii i Cat. Bda. Brit. Mus., XIV. p. 341, pl. xxv Proc. Zr)ol. Soc. Loudon, 1877, p. 681, pl. Ixxi Ibis, 1893, p. 244, pl. vii [ Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond(m, 1881, j). 169, pl. xvi '. i Trans. Zool. Soc. London, IX, p. 285, i)l. liii, fig. 1 ( 1875) Trans. Zool. Soc. Loudon, IX, p. 285, pl. liii, fig. 2 (1875) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1808, p. 268, pl. xx\ i Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, p. 267, pl. xxvi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871 , p. 632, \>\. li Proc. Zocd. Soc. London, 1883. \i. 463, pl. xlvi Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1807, p. 980, pl. xlv Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. li), pl. 5 (1865) . do Cat. Bda. Brit. Mus., XV. p. 83, pl. v Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, p. 276, pl. xx Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 19, pl. 5 (1865). Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxvii Quart. Journ. of Sci., Londim, II, p. 19, pl. 5 (1865). Avolfa Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxvii a(Bmmerringii, cf, $ . torquatua, 1. xxii. Wolfs Zoological .Sketches, II, jd. xxxiii.. List of Species of Phasianida', p. 5, pl. i... Wolfs Zoological Sketches, II, pl. xxxii. . . List of Species of Phaaianidffi, p. 5, pl. ii... Wolfs Zoological Sketches, I, pL xxxvii. .. 467 44 926 705 839 15 15 15 15 671 21 1085 660 12 577 826 20 20 84 20 20 825 7 486 12 8 7 164 879 881 7 7 825 948 948 7 7 76 7 167 7 167 12 566 926 932 20 763 1188 870 705 705 441 441 557 941 423 366 366 22 474 366 7 366 7 7 980 7 10 7 10 7 116 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. LUt of apeoiea figured Coutiiiued. Kaiue. Wliere flgmeed. PhiiHiniiiis versicolor, cTi 9. *"! JOUIIJI- Pliilydor coiiHobrinus cry ilin)ni>tuH Phlouivnaa Imrt letti j<)hannn' Plilii).'ii|i8id inocleaniiaiii IMiii'iiicDptoriis juiiu-ai IMiu;uicuthraui)i8 guttunUia, cT - - IMirygiluB coracinus uciilaris, d, 5' Pliylldmvias griseocapilla seniifosca Ph ytotoina rutila, lapt<-8 layardi I'ioiiiis coralliiiUH liirmatotis tuniultaosna Pipilopsis flttvipularis Pipra tlavicapilla flavotincta isidcirei leucorrhoa mentalis, cTi 9 nattereri, cf, 9 l>yroci'pliala Pijinvidca alliiventris Piproola frontalis jucuuda riefferii, egg Pitangus derbianus (t*Kg) Pit hecia. sp albiiiasa sataiiitA, young I'ith V 8 er V t lirophry a lunulata, 9 Pityliia liunicralis I'la'ty rhy nchus albogularla coronatiiH flavigularia Plectropterua gambensis, d" riipp'lli, (< Po!cil<)dry as ii'thiops Pu-ocei)haliiH rueppelli, J", 9 Polybonis tliariis, var Poly<'hloni8 westcrmaiini Polyplt'ctron bicalcaratiim, (f, 9 ^ chinaius, egg Pooapiza uonapartii, 1. Soc. London, 1861, p. 382, pi. xxxvi, fig. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. ;;8;i, \i\. xxxvi, tig. 1 Argentine Omith., I, i>. 164, pi. viii Ibis, 1873, p. 385, pi. xiv Kowlev'8 Omith.MiH(ell.,IILp.6,pl. Ixxx (1877) Ibis, 1860, p. 401, pi. xiii. Kowlev'a Ornith. Miscell., Ill, p. 6, pi. Ixxxi (1877) Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 131, pi. xcviii Contr. to Ornithology, 18.12, p. 132, ])1. xcvii, fig. 2 Proc. Zool. So<'. London, 1852. ji. 34. id. xlviii Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, \>. 132. pi. c, tig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 18t(3. p. 63, pi. x Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856. p. 299, pi. cxzi Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1864, p. 611, pi. xxxix Contr. to Ornithology, 1852, p. 132, pi. xovii, fig. 1 Contr. to Ornithology, 1832. p. 131. pi. c. tig. 2 Ibis. 1878. p. 169. pi. vi Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860. p. 89, pi. cbc (Euchlomia jn- cunda on plate). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879. p. 519, pi. xliii, fig. 8 Ibis. 1859, p. 120, pi. v, tig. 3 Quart. Journ. of Sci., London, II, p. 621, pi. 8 (1865) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 258, pi. xxix Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1^64, p. 712. pi. x li Pri)c. Zool. Soc. London. 1854. p. 255, pi. Ixxii, tig. 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1873, p. 276, pi. xxvi Exotic Ornitli..]). 167, jul. Ixxxiv Cat. IJds. I5rit. Mus., XIV, p. 67, pi. viii, flg. 2. Cat. American IJirds, p. 207, pl. xvii Cat. Bds. I$rit. :M u.s., X1\, p. 65, pl. viii, flg. 1 Proti. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, j). 132. pl. diii. flg. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, j). 1 32, pl. cliii, flg. 1 PrtKJ. Zool. Soc. London, 1880, p. 6(i. pl. vii, flg. f Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1 882, \t. hll, pl. xl ii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 333, pl. xxv Proc. Zo. 226. pl. cxx vii List of Species of Pliasianida-. p. 12, p1. xii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, i>. 116, pl. viii, flg. 2 Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1867. p. 341,pl. xx Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1H69. p. 152, pl. xiii Ibis, 1881 , p. 599, pl. xvii, flg. 1 Proc. Zo. 546. pl. xxxvil Pr<)C. Z(Hd. Soc. London, 1883, p. 388, pl. xliii ExoticOmith.,p. 109, pl.lv Exotic Ornith., p. 155. pl. Ixxviii I'rtK',. Zool. Soc. London. 1 867, p. 343, pl. xxi Exotic Ornith., p. 105. pl.liii Exotic Ornith., p. lll.pl. Ivi Pnw. Zool. Soc. London. 1868, p. 452, pl. xxxv Exotic Ornith.. p. 107, pl. liv ExoticOrnith.,p. 31.pl. xvi Wolf a Zoodia rubetra KtriaticoUia Talegalla lat hami Taiiiandtia ttitradactyla tridacty la Tanagra notabilis. oli vina vicarius (egg) Tanagrella calophrys Tantalus ibis .. leiicocephalus , Tapirns aniericanus bairdi, young dowi roulini, cTjr terreatris, 9 . adult Tarsi|>e8, si) Terenura iiunieralis, (f, 9 spodjoptila Tftragonopa frantzii rampliastiuiis Tetraogallus caspius Tbainiiophilus iL'thiops, cT. 9- albinuchalia, cf , 9 amazouicua, cT, 9 ra;siu8, cf, 9 insiRnis, if, 9 leucTiaufhen, cT, 9 melanchrous inelanonotus nigricei>8 nigroi'increua siniplex, rf , 9 Bubi'aaoiatns, cT, 9 Tbaunial<>a atnherstia) Tlily]>opHi8 inomata, cf ' umata, cf Tliri])ade<'t4;s tlainianlataa Tliryot liorus iiisoriua iilourostictus TliylucinuH cynoot-phalus Thyrorhiiia schoinburgki Tigrisoma cabauisi, adult young. faaciatum, imrnnturn TinainiiH robustim Todirostruni caloptt^rnm capitale exile uigriceps, rf . 9 BcEiataceicepa aod Proo. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. Zc. London I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, I I'roo. Zool. Soc. London, I Proc. Zool. Soc. London, , _, , - Proc. Zool. .Soc. London. 1874, p. 20, pi. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, p. 62, pi. iv Ibis, 1881, p. COO, pi. xvii. fig. 2 ; Trans. Zool. Soc. London, fV, p. 263, pi. 60 (1868).... Prm;. Zool. Soc. London, 1809, p. 440, pi. xxxii Exotic l)rnith.,j>. 67. pi. xxxiv Proc. Zool. .So)'. London. 1879, p. 503, pi. xUi, fig. 6. . . ' Ibis, ISai. p. 273, il. vi. fig. 1 ! Exoti<' ()niith.,p. 6.'), pi. xxxiii , I'roc. ZooL Soc.. M>ndon. 1854, p. 158, pi. Ixix , Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 18.55, p. 83, i)L xc Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1890, p. 1, pi. i Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 191, pi. xviii Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 191, jd. xix , ! l*roc. ZooL Soc. London, 1859, p. 442. pi. clviii.t ! Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1851, p. 193, pL xli Cat.Bds. Brit. Mus. XlV,p. ]4,pl. iv , I Argentine Ornitb., I, \^. 120, \t\. vii ; Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1851, p. 193, pi. xlii ; "Wolfs Zoological Sketcbt-s, 1 1, pi. xl ' l*roc. ZooL Soc. London, 1871. ]). 546, pi. xliii Quart. Jonm. of Sci., London, II. p. 621, ])1. 8 (1885) . Proc. Zo. 18, pi. iii Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1855. p. 19, jd. Ixxx Cat. Bds. I5rit.Mus., XV. p. 194, pi. xii Proc. Zool. .Soc. London, 1855, j). 19, pi. Ixxxi Ibis, 1873, p. 387, pi. XV Pro<-. Zool. So<-. London, 1876, p. 357, pL xxxiii List of SiMM'irs of PbasianidH!, p. 5, pi. iii Cat. B<1h. MritMus., XI, p. 2:10. pi. xiii, fig. 2 Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XI. p. 2.t0, pi. xiii, fig. 1 Kxotic Oruith., p. 185, pi. xi-iii l*roc. Ztxd. .So<-. London, 1869, p. 592, pL xlv Cat. American Binls, i>. 21, pi. iv Woirs Zoological Sketches, l,pL xxxi ExoticOmith., p. 13.3, pLlxvii ExoticCmitb., p.95,pl.xlvill ExotlcOrnith.,p. 183, pi. xcil Kxotic ()rnitli.,p. 87, pi. xliv Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon|iul>lic, iit of birds collectwl by W. H. iriKlMon nt OourhitAH, 'Jfl, 3*J, :3: cxbibl. tion of and roniarkfl upon u collrction of binlH Aroni tli\ 52: on two new Hpt-cicH of liirds din- covered by K. W. "White in the, ."ifi; on tlic birds colliHtoil by K. AV. Wliito in tho, 57, 5K ; notcx on tlio birds collected by A. H. Holland in the. 67. 68; on an opportunity for n naturalist to visit the, 68; note on A'wo;)ri. albinucha fnmi the, 70; notes on the binls of tlie Estancia St. Elena, 71 ; exhibition of skins of A ra auricollii, Pionus lacertu, and Chryxotis tvcumana from th,73. Argus gtg mmti u*. on the breeding; of in thin, 43. Barbets, synopsis of the American, 18; additional notes on the American, 20; distribution of the,29. Barrackpons exhibition of specimens of eggs col- lecte4l by K. C. Beavaii at, 23. Barllctt (E.), on the birds collected on the River Ucayali by, 26, 27: extracts from letters from Xelieros, Peru, 27 ; catalogue of birds collect4'd on the River HuallaKa by, 28 ; on two new birds collected in eastern Peru by, 32: notes on the monkeys of eastern Peru, 36; on the birds of eastern Peru, 40. BtuiUuUnu, synopsis of the genus, 24. Basilisk, on the birds colloctebosis, 50. Bear, notes on a species of, in the Zoological S ci- et3''8 Gardens, 25*. Beuvan (II.C.),exhibitionof specimens of eggs ool- lect^'d at iiarrackpore by, Xi. Beaver, exhiliition of a map showing the habitat in the Ubouo delta of the, 06. BelDiinls of America, notes n the, 29. ISennett (G.), letters from, res|)e<',ting some sjieci- mens of Kagiis, 19; extracts from letters from, 20; letters irom, on the proceedings of d'Al- bertis, 47. Berlin, notes on animals in the Zoological (iardena at, 32, 41, 54, 72; note on a specimen of Atelft vellfriiirut in the Museum at, 39. Bhosed new sp>cieH of Rhinoceros from tlioTerafof, 44. Birds of Prey of New Guinea, note on the, 16. lilanu* einer'eut, exhibition of a living si>ecimen of 48. Hlewtields River, list of birds collected by H. Wick ham on the, 27. Rlue Crows, note on the American, 46. Bogota, on birds from, 7,8,9, 19. Bindip. remarks on specimens of in the Zoological Soi^iety's < Jardens, 28. Bolivia, on new spoc'ies of birds from, 47: descrip- tions of new birds obtained by C. Buckley in, 40, 63. Borneo, on new species of Copuehiit from, 17; notes by J. Mottley on the birds of 8ontheaat- em. 21. Bos frontalU, on addition to thoZoological Society's Gardens of a specimen of, 25; li. gaiirut. exhilii- tion of a ])li<>togranh of a young, 72; if. taunu var. dtitnenticuii, exhil)itionof the hoofof asiteci- raen of, from the Falkland Islands, 17. Bottcri (M.), on binls collected in the vicinity of Orizaba, 10. Boucard (A.), list of birds colle<'ted in Oaxaca by, 13; on birds collected in southern Mexico by, 19; list of a collection of binls from Vera Crusi, 24. Bourbon, on the Harrier of, 21. Bower-bird, exhibition of an eggof theSpotted,41. Brahmapootra, exhibition of and renuirksupon the upper nom of a two-horned Khinoceros from, 45. liranta rufina, exhibition of a specimen of, 19. Brazil, description of a new Mannkin from north- em, 15; descriptions of seven new spe<'ie8 of birds discoverett by Nattcrer in, 23. Bridges (T.), on collections of mammals and birds from the town of I)avihical table of the, 8; on the generic divisions of the, ."iO Biieeron caiiariniu, remarks on, 62: B. guhef/lin- drietis, exiiibition and remarks njwn the skinsof two specimens of, 57. Buckley (C), on tlie Quadrnmana collect-etl in Ecuailor by, 39 ; on the liirds coUei-tt-d in Bolivia bv, 46, 53; on new birds collected in eastern Ecuador bv, 54. Budapest, address to the Second International Ornltliological Congress at, 4. Buenos Ayres. exhibition of snakes from, 32. BuglodyUt albieili im, note on, 9. Bulger (G. E.), n'port on birds collectosocies of Ham- ming Bird, 64. C. Cabinda, exhibition of a specimen of Monkey from, 29. Calacali, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser at, 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 123 Calcntta, remarks on the Guide to the Zoological (iardens of, 60. Caldwell (J.), on a collection of insects and shells from Madagascar, 20; on a collection of ani- mals sent from Madagascar by, 24. California, notes on Bridges's birds from, 10 ; on a new Woodpecker discovered by Bridges in northern, 12. Calliste, monograph of the genus, 1 ; synopsis of the genus, 5; note on the geographical distribu- tion of the genus, 8; list of additions to the genus, 21 ; C. margarethce, note on, 69. Campy lor hynchus, characters of an undescribed sj^ecies of, with a list of species of the genus, 9. Canine's (Prince of) paper on the Tanagers, re- marks on, 5. Cards, list of the specimens of the genus, living in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 64 ; G. ehama, remarks on, 44 ; G. niger, note on. 4.3 : 0. velox, re- marks on a specimen of, in the Zoological So- ciety's Gardens, 63; C. virginiamtJi, remarks on a specimen of, in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 63. Cape Mole Eat, exhibition of albino varieties of the, 65. CapiionidCB, synopsis of the American, 18; addi- tional notes on the American, 20; distribution of the, 29. Oapra, on the various species of, 62 ; G. cegagrus, exhibition of a specimen of, 42; C. pyrenaica, exhibition of lieads of, 30. CaprimiilgidcB, exhibition of a specimen of, 17; notes on the American, 26, 27. CarinatcB, on the fifth cubital remex in tlie wing in the, 67. Carpophaga microcera, remarks on, 20. Cassel, on ornithology at, 73. GasHcince, review of the, 59. Camiariui, remarks on species of, 44; remarks on the species of, in the Zoolorfcal Society's Men- agerie, 44, 47; exhibition of and remarks upon the skin of a chick of, 145 ; a review of the spe- cies of, 46; descriptive list of the species of, 46; C. australu, notes on a skin of, 30 ; G. bennettii, exhibition of tlie egg of, 54 ; notes on the breed- ing of, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 21,23; G. biearunculatrti, exhibition of a specimen of, 41; G. kaupi, remarlis on, 38; G. salvadorii, re- marks on a skin of, 50 ; C. westermanni, remarks on, 43. Cathartes ealifomianus, on the egg and nestling of, 16 ; on the addition to the Zoological Society's Gardens of a spt^cimen of, 27. Caucasus, on the "Wild Goats of the, 63. Gentropsar minis, remarks on, 43, 45. Geralodiis fomteri, exhibition of a 8i)ecimen of, 35. CVrcocefcit* oifci^ena, exhibition of a stufted speci- men of, 29. Cercopitheeus, on i\\a genus, 69, 70; G.alhigularis, exhibitiou of a specimen of, 70; G. ascanias, ex- hibition of and remarks upon a skin of, 63 ; G. erythrogaster, exhibition of a drawing of the head of, 72; G.grayi, exliibition of the typical slin of, 72 ; G. ieciinou of the Wild Ibex of, 42. Crocodile Binl of the Nile, note on the, 71. Crows, on tlit> American apeciee of the 8al>genns JTantAwra, r>3. Cackoo, on a new apeciex of tlie cenDR Xeonutr- phut, '2& : on th)> Ki'uus GoeeyzxiM, 'H. Cnenca, lint of birds <-ollect*.-d by LuuIh Fraaer at, 12. Ouliexrora, on the genns, 7. CnnDingham (Dr.), listH of birds rollected in the Strait* of Magt-llan by, with noteH on the Pata- goniau avifauna, 'i\, :t3, 35. CuraMtowg, H}no|>8iHof the, 34; notice of a memoir on tlie, 41 ; remarks on those now or lately living in the Zoological Society's Ganlentt. 46, 63; noti(;e of a Huimlenientary memoir uu the, 61: remarks upon Mitua xalvini, 52. OifonoeUla, note on the Hitecies of, 46. Vffauomj/iat ca-Uttu, remarks on the adalt male of. 57. Oyanopoliut euanus, remarks on tlie breeding of in the Zoological Society'H (ianlens, 61. Cyelorhin, remarks on the 8|M;cie8 of the genuH, 64. Ojfpselidte, notes on the genera and species of, 24. D. Daeni*, on the genns, 5, 7, 21 ; on certain species of, 6. D'Albertis (L. M.), exhibition of some birds col- lected in New Guinea by, and description of a j new Pariidise lUrddiscoveretl by, 41 : characters i of new species of birds diseoveretl in New ! Giunea by, 41 ; an account of a new 8i)ecies of ! Kangaroo from New Guinea, 42; letters from Dr. Bennett on the pro<'eedin8 of, 47; exhibi- tion of acolh'ction of^birdn receivetl from, 47 Damali* hunteri. exhibition of, and remarks upon some he,ids and skins of, 05; description of, 65; | I). xenegaleiiKit. exliibition of a beau of, GC; ex- ' hibition of the head and horns of a specimen of, from Lamos, 62. Dainaraland, list of Andersson's collection of birds from. 6. j Darlington, exhibition of two curioas Docks shot ' near, 57. i Darmstadt, on ornithology at, 73. Dcutupeltit seabra, on the "habits of, 69. Daul>eny (James), list of a collection of binls made on the coasts of the Ked Sea by, 6. j David, list of Mr. iSridges's collections of mam- mals and birds from tiie town of, 9. I David (Pere), on the travels in China of, 44. Deer, note on the Japanese, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, lo; note on the Formosan. 19: notice of a specimen of the Alantchurian, r--eived from Mr. Swinbo*-, 24; on the addi- tion to the Zoological Society's Menagerie of a I'udu, 26 ; notiecies now or lately living in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 38; notes on the Chilian. 44 : exhibition of an antler of the Kusa, 46. Dendrocolaptid^, catalogue of the, in the British Museum. 4; descriptions of new species of, 18, ' 29, 32, 65. 66; remarks on some species of, in the Smithsonian Institution. 36. | Dendriicyifna. the geographical distribution of the genus, '.^"i: additional notea on the genus, 26. { Derby Museum, on new or little-known species . in the, 7; on two new species of Ant Birds in ' the. 12. i Diardigallti* erawfurdi, notes on, 20 ; />. pradatun, ; exhibition of a skin of the female of. 20. Dickinson (1>.), on a new species of Faleo discov- ered on the river Shir^- by, 22; on the rapa- cious birds colleecimen8 of, shot near Darlington, 57; i-xbibition of a curious variety of, sliot in Vorkshin>. 61 ; exhibition of a hybrid, 66. Duke of York Island, on the Kev. G. Brown's col- lections from. 48, 50, 51, 52. 54. E. Eastern Archipelago, distribution of the Piitta- exdce in the, 15. Ecuailor, list of a collection of birds from Qni,jo8, 6; notes on collections of birds from KioNapo, 10, 13 ; list of birds eollecte; on two new Tyrant Birds from, 19; on a new species of Malar'optUa from western, 19: on the (jnadruniana collected by Buckley in, 39; descriptions of thn-e new species of birds from. 50 ; on new birds collected by C. Buckley in e.tstem, 54. EldirwcB, index generis, 18. Elaphurus damdianut, on the akin and skeleton of, 30. Elephant, arrival at the Zoological Society's (Jar- dens of an African, 24 ; exhibition of and remarks upon a corroded tusk of an Indian. ;i6; on the dimensions and weights of tlie Indian, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, ,')2, 55; on the in- crea.se in size and weiglit of a young African, in the Zoological So<'iety's Gardens, 59. Empidonax brunneus, remarks on, 64. E(tuu$ainuiisomalieut,ex\\\\nt\on of a skin of. 69; E. grevyi, exhibition of and remarks upon some photographs of, 58. Erythrura, remarks on the species of, 56. Esmeraldas, list of birds collected by Louis Eraser at, 15. Euehcetes, on the name, 53. Euphonia, synopsis of the genns, 5; note on the geograjihical distribution of the genus, 8. Euplocamus crau-ftirdi, on the female of, 46; E. euvieri, exhibition of a skin of a male of, 31. Eurylcemidce, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- seum, 4. Euri/lcenm*. on the systematic ]>osition of, 40. Exotic Ornithology. 2. Extinct birds, rei>ort on those of the Mascarene Islands, 27. F. Falcoeircumeincltu, note on, 20; F. eleonorce, on the breeding near Mogador of, 30 ; F. ptinieeus, ex- hibition of a skin of, captured in the Menection of Parrots obtained By E. L. I.ayanl in, 46. Firetlv, exhibition of living specimens of the West Indiau, 58. BIBLIOGKAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 125 Fishes, occurrence in- the river Uruguay of elec- tric, 64. Fisk (G. H. R.). letter on a mouse killing and eating a young venomous snake, 63. Florence Museum, on the mounted specimens of Italian birds in the, 71. Forbes (H. O.), on birds collected in Timor Lant or the Tenimber Islands by, 58. Formicariidce, catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 4 ; descriptions of new species of, 7, 10, 18, 22, 30, 56; synopsis of the, 11. Vormieivorince, synopsis of the, 11. Formosa, exhibition of a skin of a Hare sent from the Island of, by Mr. Swinhoe, 18 ; note on the deer of, 19. Forster's "Catalogue of the Animals of Jforth America," and "Animals of Hudson's Bay" (reprints), 3. France, remarks on visits made to several zoolog- ical fiardens and museums in, 43. Frankfort, notes on the animals in the zoological gardens at, 70; on ornithology at, 73. Fraser (L.), list of birds collected at Cuenca, Gualaquiza, and Zamora by, 12; at Iliobaniba, 12; atPallatanga, 12, 14; at Quito, Pichincha, and Chimborazo, 14; at Niinegal, Calacali, Perucho, and Puellaro, 14 ; at Babahoyo, 15 ; at Esmsraldas, 15. FringilUdce, descriptions of new species of, 30. FringiUiformes, catalogue of the, in the British Mu.seum, 3. Fruit-Pigeons, exhibitions of a drawing of a spe- cies of, 47; exhibition of and remarks upon two rare, 52. Fulica galKnuloidet, exhibition of the supposed typical specimen of, 50. Fuligula cristata, early appearance in Hampshire of, 5; F. nationi, remarks on, 50, "Furculum" or "Furcula," 62. . Galago montairi, remarks on and exhibition of the type specimens of, 24. Galapagos Islands, on new birds collected by Dr. Habel in the, 34; on the visit of H. M. S. Petrel to the. 46. Galbulidce, synopsis of the, 1 ; further remarks on the, 6; on the arrangement of the, with descrip- tions of new species, 7. Oalbula, synopsis of the genus, 6. Oallinula negiotig, note on, 17. Gayals, exhibition of a photograph of a pair of, 24. Geohate*, note on the genus, 26. Geographical distribution of birds, 4, 12, 68; of mammals, 44; of the I'fiagianidce, 2, 21; of the Bucconidce, 8 ; of the genera Calliite and Eupho- nia, 8; of the PuiltacidcB in the Eastern Archi- ?elago, 15; of the genus Turdus, 18; of tlie genus iendroeygna, 23 ; of the genus Chatmorhynehttg, 27; of the Barbets, 29; of the Touracoes, 33; of the Cervidce, 34; of Rliinoceroses, 40; of several American iijnicoJflP, 41; of Oiconta 6oi/ciana, 43 ; of the genus Zonotriehia, 49; of Molge vittata, 61; of Felts uncia, 67. Geographical Zoology, on the state of our knowl- edge of, 48. Geophapi plumi/era, exhibition of a siK'cimen of, 71; G. scripta, exhibition of the egg and young of, 65. Georyehus eapengit, exhibition of albino varieties of, 65. Geronticut comatut, exhibition of, and remarks upon a specimen of, 54. Ghent, notes on the animals in the Zoological Gar- dens at, 45, 49, 62, 68. Girafle, on the birth of a young male, in the Zoo- logical Society's Gardens. 28 ;Tist of Giraftes that have lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 28,69. Giraud's "Birds of Texas,"' notes on, 7. Goats, on the various species of Wild, 62; on the Caucasian Wild, 63. Goering, on Venezuelan birds collected bv, 29, 31, 32, 35, 45. Goose, notes on the T'pland, 10, 11; on the Spur- winged Geese in the Zoological Society's Men- agerie, 12, 14, Gorilla, remarks on photographs of a young speci- men of, in Berlin, and on an example of, formerly living in England, 49. GraUaria, list of the known species of, 49. Grey (Sir G.), list of animals presented to the Zoological Society's Gardens by, 17. Grus cinerea, G. montignesia, and G. virgo, exhi- bition of eggs of, 13. Gryllotalpa vulgari. exhibition of, and remarks upon specimens of, obtained at Bagdad, 65. Guacharo, exhibition of an egg of the, 29 ; on the range in South America of the, 67. Gualaquiza, list of birds collected bv Louis Fraser at, 12. Guatemala, characters of eleven new species of birds collected by O. Salvin in, 15 ; contributions to the ornithology of, 16. Guinea fowl, on the species of, from the Zambesi, 66. Gyparehus papa, exhibition of the egg of, 14. H. Habel (Dr.), on new species of birds collected in the Galapagos Islands by, 34. Hague, notes bu animals in' the Zoological Gardens at the, 45, 54, 08, 69. Halia^etug albieilla, on the occurrence in North America of, 21, 25; H. branickii, remarks on a specimen of, in the Hamburg Gardens, 68. Halmaturus Inetuosua, an account of, 42. Hamburg Zoological Gardens, notes on animals in the, 25, 32, 41, 54, 72; on specimens of Halidetus in the, 68. Hampshire, early appearance of the Tufted Duck in, 5 ; occurrence of Sabine's Snipe in, 5 ; on the high springs of 1883 in, 59. Hannover, notes on the animals in the Zoological Gardens at, 72. Hartlaub (G.), on the distinctness of Pennula eeaudata and P. gandwiehensis, 71. Hauxwell (J.), list of birds collectd at Pebas by, 28. Hawk, characters of a species of, from Kew Cale- donia, 13; on an uudescribed species of, from New Granada, 16. Heliomaster angelce, exhibition of specimens of and notes on, 24. Helix hcemastoma, exhibition of living specimens of, 57. Hemipode, exhibition of a skin of a, from Nyassa- land, 73. Het^rodactylus imbricatus, exhibition of a speci- men of, 61. Hippocampi, exhibition of drawings of, 32. Hippopotamus, on the birth in the Zoological Society's Gardens at Amsterdam of a, 25; on the birth at the London Zoological Society's Gardens of a, 36, 39 ; remarks on the Liberian, 41. Hippotragus bakeri, notes on, 30. Hiruiidinea, notes on the species of, 33,58. Holland, on the nesting of the Spoonbill in, 49. Holland (A. H.), notes on the birds of the Argen- tine Kepublic, 67, 68 ; notes on the birds of the Estaucia Sta. Elena, 71. Honduras, list of birds collected by G. C. Taylor in, 12; note on the Ocellated Tur"key of, 18; on birds collected by G. M. AVhitely on the coast of, 35. Huaheine, list of a collection of birds from, 22. Huallaga Kiver, catalogue of birds collected by E. Barlktt on the, 28. Hudson (W. H.)^ lists of birds collected at Con- chitas by, 29, 32, 33; on the birds of the Rio Kegro of" Patagonia, 39. Hudson's Bay, exhibition of binl skins from Port ChDrchill, 16. Hueuiul, notes on the, 42, 44. Hunter, (H. C. V.), on a new Antlope discovered by, 65. Humming Bird, on the habits and nest of the I'ichincha, 18; list of species of, obtained by Whitely in high Peru, 44; exhibition and de- scription of a new species of, from northern Pern, 52; remarks on a supposed new species of, 64. Hybrid, exhibition of a Pheasant, 31 : monkeys In the Zoological Society's Gardens, 51 ; ezhibi- tiou of a Duck, 66. 126 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. JlydroptalU /firei/'era, exhibition of a specimen if tlie egg of, 7*i. Hylopkilu*, review of the KeniiH, SA. llyyoeoliu* ampelintu, exhibition of and remarks on a slciii of, i5. Htfpotriorchit ea$tanonotu$, note on, 18. I. Iliev, exhibition of lioads of tb<< Spaninh, 30: ex- hiliition of a 8p><'inii'n of the Cmtan Wild, <2. IliiH, exiiihitiiiii of n Hpcoiinen oi thoGloHsy, Hhot in l));inersticld I'ark, .'>6. Ibin erthio}>ifa, on the bnMation of birds in the Zmilogical So<;i'ty'8 Gardens, on the number of days of, 13 ; of Python $ebce in the Zoa, list of Salle's birds from, 10; on a series of binls from the vicinity of, 13. Jamaica, list of a collection of birds made by W. Osbum in, 17. James's "New List of Chilian Birds," 4. Japan, exhibition of bird skins collected by H. Whitcly in, 25; exhibition of a collection of mammals iind birds from, 26: exhibition of a skin of Spizaftvx nipaUniris from, 31. Japanese Pig. note on the 80-calleirds, 20. lAiniarivs tUrocroeeus, on a se<;ond example of. 63. Z/arid^. remarks on the, in theZoologicimensof a new bird (rom Ceylon, 39. Legrioeinfltu, note on the genus, 8. Lemur, exhibition of a newly described species of, 34 ; Jj. Irxtroviyttax, remarks on. 2.' ; L. macaco, note on the way in which it <:arries its young, 61. L^'-otaud's "Birds of Trinidaonrue, 63. Lo Strange (II. S.), on a collection of birds made near the City of Mexb-o by, 32. Lima, on the binls coUect^l'in the vicinity of, by W. Nation, 26,28. 31.37. 66. ."W; exhibition of a skin nf Ainaurolitnnaseiineolor from, 73. Limicolce, on the range of several American. 41. Linnets, on the correct generic name of the, 69. Lipauffiii, list of the species of tho genus. 17. Lijiotyjie, remarks on the use of the word, 57. Livingstone Expeditions into Afri';a, note on the two, 39. Lobiophagis brUweri, exhibition of and remarks upon skins of, 47. Lophophorutl'hvj/n, exhibition of a drawing of 29. XoricuIt(, on an addition to the genus,- 49. in. Macaeui nemeHrinu*, exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of, 70. M'Master (A. C), remarks on the MS. works on the birds of India by, 52. * Macuuarie Island, exiiibition of two skins of a Rail from, 56. Maeropuf enibeteens, remarks on a sjtecimen of, in the Melbourne Gardens, 58. Madagascar, on J. Caldwell's collection of insects and shells from, 20 : on the mammals and binls collectt^d by(J. Meller in, 21; description of a new species of Duck froiiv, 23; tho mammalsof, 23; report on a collection of animals sent by J. Caldwell from, 24; description of anew Passer- ine Bird fnmi, 24: on the Ifiver Hog of 72. Magdalene Valley, on the mammuls obtained by li. 15. White inthe Unper, 66. Magellan, lists of birds collected by Dr. Cnnning- ham in the Straits of, ''1, 33, 'i5. Manakin, on new species of, 6, 15. Manatee, on the transmission of a specimen of a, to tlie Zoological Society's Gardens, 26. Mandible, on the variation in form of the upper, in a rajmcious bird. 11. ilanit teininii)eki, remarks on, 51. Marine animal, on a new sjiecies of, from the Northern Pacific. 40, 42. Marten killed in AVales, and near Odiham, 5. ^lascarene Islands, re|K>rt on the extinct birds from the, 27. Mediterranean, exhibition of a skin of Faleo puniceu.t uiptun-d in the, 73. >Iegapecies of liuteo from, 11 ; on Sall6's collection of birds BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 127 from Oaxaca, 11: list of birds collected by A. Boucard in Oaxaca, 13 ; on a series of birds ironi the vicinity of Jalapa, 13 ; list of Tyrant Birds of, 14 ; notes on a collection of birds from Ori- zaba, 15; on a new species of Pinch from, 18; on birds collected by A. Boucard in southern, 19; on additions to the avifauna of, 20, 34 ; list of birds procured by G. H. White in the City of, 22; list of ii collection of birds formed by A. Boucard at Vera Cruz, 24; exhibition and de- scriptions of new species of birds from, 27; on a collection of birds made by Mr. Le Strange near the City of, 32 ; description of a new species of Wren "from, 33; exhibition of two skulls of Baird's Tapir from, 42. Mierattur, notes on the species of, 32. Mierobates, synopsis of the species of, 59. Milvago carunculatus, note on, 18. Milvtilus tyranntu, exhibition of a nest of, con- tiiining eggs of Molothnis bonariensig, 39. Mitva talvini, remark.s upon, 52. Mogador, on the breeding of the Eleonora Falcon near, 30. Molgevittata, remarks upon the distribution of, 61. Molothrvs honai-iensis, exhibition of the eggs of, in the nest of Milvulus tyranrms, 39. Moinotidce, review of the family, 10. Monkeys, on the breeding of, during the last ten years in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 70. Monteiro (J.), list of the mammalia collected in Angola by, 15. Monte Video, exhibition of a living Amphiabae- nian from, 52. Moutserrat, on a small collection of birds from the Island of, 53. Mooruk, exhibition of the egg of the, 54. Mo.squito Coast, list of birds collected bj' H. Wick- ham on Blewfields Kiver on the, 27. Mottley (J.), notes on the birds of southeastern Borneo by, 21. Mouse, the killing and eating of a young venom- ous snake by a, 63 ; exhibition of and remarks upon specimens of the "Spinning" or "Japa- nese," 68. Mud-fish, note on a new Australian, 35. Munich, on ornithology at, 73. Muscisaxicola. on the species of the genus, 27. Museum, on certain principles to be observed in the establishment of a National Natural His- tory, 35 ; on the most desirable objects to be ex- hibited in a Local, 72. Mweru (Lake), on some specimens of mammals sent by A. Shari>e from, 71. Myfjale, exhibition of and remarks uiwn a spider of the genus, 55. Myiozetel^, on the species of, 37. N. Nanegal, list of birds collected by Louis Frazer at, 14. Nation ( W.), on the birds collected in the vicinity of Lima by, 26, 28, 31, 37, 56, 59. Natterer (J.), descriptions of seven new species of birds discovered in Brazil by, 23. Nearctic region, on the mammaLs of the, 72. Keomorphxis, on the species of the genus, 22. Neotropical region, "Nomenclator Avium Neo- tropicalium," 3 ; a revised list of the Laridce of the, 37 ; on the PteroptoehidcB of the, 44 ; a revi- sion of the Anatidce of the, 47 ; on the species of Anthxis of the, 51. Neuchfltel, description of a new species of Parrot in the ^luseum at, 46. New Britain, exhil)ition of some bird skins from, 40; on the Rev. G. Brown's collections from, 48, .50,51,52,54,59; exhibition and description of two new birds from, 55. New Caledonia, characters of a species of Hawk from, 13. New Granada. See Colombia. New Guinea, on the zoology of, 12; on the birds of prey of, 16; exhibition of birds, including a new Bird of Paradise collected by d' Albertis in, 41 ; characters of new species of birds discov- ered by d'Albertis in, 41 ; on a new sx)ecie8 of Kangaroo from, 42; remarks on two s)>ecie8 of birds from, 43; on Dr. Meyer's ornithological diacoyeries in, 44 ; on the birds collected by Dr. Comrie on the southeast coast of, 47 ; on orni- thological progress in, 48; further ornitholog- ical news from, 48 ; on a new 8X>ecies of Mbno- treme from, 50. New Ireland, on the Rev. G. Brown's collections from, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 59. Newton (A.), notes on the birds of the Straits of Magellan, 35. New Zealand, on thegenusAptm/asof, 18: animals from, at the Zoological Society's Gardens, 38. Nicaragua, exhibition of a skull of Tapirug bairdi from, 28 ; additions to the list of birds of, 42. Nile, note on the "Crocodile Bird" of the, 71. Ninox solomonis, on the typical specimen of, 50. Nitzsch's Pterylography (translation), 2. "Nomenclator Avium Neotropical! um," 3,41. Norfolk, on the occurrence of Tringa acummata in, 69, 71. Norwich Museum, on some species of Accipitres in the, 11. Notonjctes typhlops, notes on, 67, 68. Xtieifraga earyocatactes, exhibition of the nest and eggs of, 28. Nutnida ellioti, exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of, 54. Nyassaland, on a collection of mammals made by A. Sharpe in, 08; list of birds collected by A. Whyte in, 71 ; exhibition of a skin of a Hemi- pode from, 73 ; on the new Cypress of, 73. Xycticorax griseus, exhibition of a specimen of, shot in Piumstead Marshes, 59. O. Oaxaca, on Sall6'8 collection of birds fi-om, 11; list of birds collected bj- A. Boucard in, 13. Odiham, Marten killed near, 5 ; arrival of summer birds in 1845 near, 5; occurrence of aquatic birds near, 5 ; the nesting of the Water Rail near, 5. Ohio, exhibition of some variegated wool from, 21. Oligomyodce, catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 4. Opisthocomus cHxtatus, exhibition of and remarks upon the eggs of, 55 ; exhibition of and remarks upon specimens of the eggs and chicks of, 65. Ojwssum (water), exhibition of a skin of a, 37. Orde (J. W. P.), exhibition of a black variety of Arvicola amphibius, and a specimen of Branta rvfina, 19. Oreas carina, on the breeding in captivity of, 28. Oreophagi* derbianuis, exhibition of a specimen of, 14. Orizaba, on Botteri's collection of birds from the vicinity of, 10; notes on a collection of birds from, 15. Oniithion, note on the genus, 41. Ornithological Congress at Budapest, address to the, 4. Ornithological Literature for 1870, 38 ; for 1871, 40; for 1872, 42. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, on living specimens of, in confinement at Melbourne, 63. Oruba, on the migratory birds observed between Gibraltar and Malta on the S. S.,71. Osbum (W.), list of a collection of birds made in Jamaica by, 17. Otcines, descriptions of new species of American, 26, 61. Otidiphaps nobilis, exhibition of a drawing of, 34. Otis tarda, on the breeding of, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 71. Ovis cycloceros, exhibition of a drawing of, 18; O. poUi, note on, 16 ; O. vignii, exhibition of a drawing of, 18. Owls, description of a new species of, 12; on the nomenclature of British, and on the arrange- ment of the Order Striges, 53. Oxford University Museum, on the bird collec- tions in the, 68, 69, 71. Oxyrhamphidce. catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 4; descriptions of new species of, 30. Oyapok, remarks on a collection of birds from, 37. Pacific, on a new marine animal from the North- ern, 40, 42. Palestine, description of a now species of bird from, 12 ; exhibition of a collection of bird skins collected by H. B. Tristram in, 22. 128 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PiillaUiiigo, lint of birda conc;td by Lonia Fraaor at. 13. U. riilu9i)>i<'ri> or IluKix'Tf H , 0. riiiiaina, ItHt tif T. liricl^cHH colli'rtionn of innni- luulHaixl binlMfrimi tliv town of David, 9: not<< en Bcolli'i'tion of binls from tln iHthniim of, 23; on the (juatlruiiuuiii of Aiii<: of I'a radiffa ealva from the iHlnnil of Wai- giou,24; (loHc-ription of a nrw HjM'cii'H of,)isi-ov- erftrtUi,i'i\ cxhihitiouof aHkinof llhijridnrtii* guUelmi-trrtii. 58; t6(-iiucn of I'araditornis rviMphi, 62; n'markn on Macgregor's, i7. 68; rxliihition of and remarks upon a Hiteciuien of I'aradinitmU nuloljihi. 62. J'aratnytliia moutium, cxhiltition of and remarks upon a 8j)e'imfii of, 69; iiot4>H on, 71. l'nrnidio4ite* jiacijii UK, exhibition of an egg of 43. PariK, description of six new specien of birds in tbe Museum d'Histoire Nalurelleof 6; on the int!re8ting H|>eciewof manimalM and hinlsin the Socii'-K" Zucia, 56 ; on the roeently descrilxid species of tlie genus Chry- ofij. 56; on a new 8pegical So. cietv's Garileiis, 21; on the s|H'eies of Indian, bred in the Zroonging to the Prince of Wales, 61; exhibition of a skin of P. principalii, 63. PhibaUira Jlarirontriis, exhibition of two eggs of, 73. Philadelphia, notes on the birds in the Museum of the Academy of Sciences of, 9. Philepittidfe, catalogue of the, in the British .Museum, 4. Philip]tin(e Islands, on a new species of Parrakeet. from the, 40; remarks on the 'Tamaron"of the, 64. Phytntomidce, catalogue of the, in the British Museum. 4. Phlngcie8 of in the Zoological Son s|>ecimens of, 67; P. ritifnsis, exhibition of a series of flfly-flve egga of, 62. Porpoises in the Victoria Nyanr.a, 68. Port Churchill, (>xhibition of bird skins from, 16. Potaiiioehcrut rdwardti. exhibition of a mounted s|)eclmeii of, 72; /'. pfiiieilUittu, on the skull of, 15; breeding of in the Zoological Society's (iardens. 17. Potto, exhibition of and remarks upon some S|>ecimen8 of the, 31. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 129 Prejevalski (N. M.), exhibition of photographs of natural history objects collected in central Asia by, 63. Prinia socialis, exhibition of a skin of, from Cey- lon, 36. Prioniturus, on the genus, 15. Prionochili of British India, 44. Proceedings of tlie Zoological Society, the dates of issue of the early volumes of the, 70. Propithecns bicolor, nots on, 40; P. dainanu*, ex- hibition of a specimen of, 34. Protopterus annectens, remarks on specimens of, in tlie Society's Gardens, 72. Psaltria jlaviceps, note on, 8. Ptittacidce, distribution of the, in the Eastern Archipelago, 15. Psittacitt erithacus, exhibition of a variety of, 72. Pteroptochidce, catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 4 ; on the neotropical 8X>ecies of, 44. Pterylography, translation of Nitzsch's, 2. Ptilopui /aiciatus, remarks on, 20. Publications, record of recent ornithological, 14. Puellaro, list of birds collected by Iiouis Fraser at, 14. Puti'-bird, characters of a new species of the genns i'fmnula, 56. Puffimtt aavia, remarks upon a specimen of, from Australia, 68. Punjab Sheep in the Zoological Society's Gardens, note on the, 14. Pyranga roseogularis, note on, 42. Python sebce, incubation of, in the Zoological Society's gardens, 20; on th temperature of, during incubation, 20. Q. Qnadrumana, notice of rare species of, in the Zoological Society's Menagerie, 16, 23; on the northern limitin America of the, 18; of America north of Panama, 38 ; collected by Buckley in Ecuador, 39. Queensland, on the existence of an nndescribed species of mammal in. 37 ; exhibiti, on new species of, 32. Scolopax sabini, occurrence iu Hampshire of, 5. " Scomber scomber" principle, remarks on the, 73. Seals, of the Falkland Islands, 29; the habits of Eared. 38. Seebohiu (H.), on the occurrence of Tringa acu- minata in Norfolk, 71. Semioptera wallacii, note on, 16. Setujier (.J^E.), on the birds of St. Lucia, 39. Sharpe (A.), on a collection of mammals made in Nyassaland by, 68; on some specimens of mam- mals sent from Lake Mweru by, 71. 130 BULLETIN 49, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Shelley (G. .), list of binlit nt by II. H. Jobiisloii I'roiii tlif. 69: rt'tnarkH on hoiiio nkiiiH of luaiunial.-* from the, 70. Sliiro UivtT, on a new siKMiies ot f'alco iliHCovenMl bv Dr. Dickinson on tlic. 22. Siphlint JiUiiigrri, (ixbibltion of n H|M-cinien of, 28. Sitta kmei>eri. llou^ on, and roniurkM on tlu> Hpeciea of tlie Ken lis mtla. 2.5. SIikIcii (Ciiptain). cxpfMlition of. to Vunau, 39. Sniilb.sonian Intttitntioii, remarks ou some species of J>fiidr<>fiilat>tid(e in I lie, 36. Sn;ik<-.s, note on Fniitfating, 46. Society Ifllands, list of a collection of binU from Hiiubeine, 22. Socotra, on the exploration of, 53; on the birds colle<'ics of Antelopes from, 63; exhibition of a skin of a Zebra from, 66; exhibition of speci- mens of horns of an Aiit4.!lope from, 67; exhibi- tion of a skin of the Wild Ass of, 68; on a new Antelope, and list of other specimens of Ante- lojies from, 68; the Antel<)|>es of, 69. Spain, a naturalist's impressions of, 19. Sjieke (J. H.), rejiort on specimens of animals for- wanled by, 17, 19 ; on the mammals collected and observed ill Kast Africa by. 22 ; on the birds col- lected in ICust Africa by, 22. Spenco (J. ^I.), on some Venezuelan birds col- lected by, 41. Spennophila, revision of the species of the genus, 37. SpUaeliu nipalensi. exhibition of a skin of, from Japan, 31. Spoonbill, on the nesting in Holland of the, 49. Spurs of Birds' Winps. remarks on, 63. Stairs (XV. E.), exhibition of some sketclies of the horns of a large Antelope made by, 67. Sttatoniis earipensU. exiiibition of an egg of, 29; on the range in South America of, 67. St<'ere (Professor), on the birds collected in South America by, 50. Stfganopoden. on the, collected during the voy- age of the Challenger. 51. iStr?;/.' leer"* tm6e;W, remarks on, 60; exhibition of the head and horns of a specimen of, from Lamoo, 62. StriffC'!. on the arrangement of the, 53. Stru/idw, descriptions of new species of, 29,30. Stnitliions birds, remarks on the, 14; notes on two species of, in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 15; remarks on, with a list of the' known 8|M'cies, 19; incubation of, 21. atiirnella Iwloviciana, exhibition of a specimen of, 10; on the occurrence in Knelantl of, 18. Stuttgart, notes on the animals in the Zoological Gardens at, 70; on ornithology at, 73. Suidce, note on the, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 16. Sunderbunds, exhibition of and remarks upon the skiiiof avoiiiigKliinorerosfniiii t lie. 47; remarks upon a I'wo-horned lihinoceros from the, 48. SwavneIantchurian Deer re<;eived from, 24. Syeali*, re^^8ion of the genus, 40. Synallazinct, on two new 8p4"cies of, 33. SynaUaxit, on some new or imperfectly known species of, 9; on the geographical distribution of the genus, 13 ; on the species of the genus. 42. Systema a'viani, remarks on the present state of the, 56. T. Taekyglotus bruijnii, remarks on, 50. Tadoma. notes on the species of. in the Zoological Society's Ganlens, 22, 26. Tamaron of the Philippine Islands, 64. TanagrtUa, on the genus, .'>. Tattagriiim, Tanagrariim ('atalogiig Spociflcns ,1; Synopsis Avium Tanagriiiaruui, 1,8; catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 3; on new species of, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 1, 2.".. :tl, 32, 48, 53, 62 ; On some little- known s|>eciea of, 62. TapiniK, exhibition of a drawing of a species ot, living in the Zoological .Sn tlie skull of an American speeies of, 01; T.hairdi, exiiibition ofu skull of; from Nicaragua, 28; exhibition of two skulls of. fnmi Mexico, 42; T. roulini, re- marks on, 33,39,51. Taraiiaea, on collections of binls from. 62, 67 ; exhi- bit ion of two young S|>ccimens of Darwin's lihea from, 66. Taylor (Q. C-), list of birds collected in Hondaras by, 12. Teytnaria, exhibition of a spider of the genua, 54. Tenimber Islands, on bints collected by H. O. Forbes in the, 58. Testudinata, exhibition of eggs of two species of^ laid in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 60. Testudo chilensU, notes on, 35,' 38. Texas, notes on Giraiid's work on the birds of, 7. Thamnophilime, synopsis of the, 11. Thamnophilu*, an arrangement of the geans, 8.*^ Thautnalea amherstite, on the locality of, 84. Thibet, oxhibititm of a variety of Jiubo nuueimu* from I'&ngkAng Lake, Thibet, 14; notes on the Bhick Wolf of, 43. Thoiupson (J.), departure for India of, 21; arrival at Calcutta of, 22; return from Calcutta of, 23. Thrushes, sj-nopis of the American, 13. Tickell (K. S.), remarks upon the donation to the Zoological Society's Library of a MS. work on the Birds of India by, 43. Tijereta, exhibition of a nest of the, containing eggs of Molothnts bonarimti*. 39. Timor Laut, on birds collected bv H. O. Forbes in, 58. Tinamou, exhibition of a preitared wing and tail of the Martineta, 71. Tipperah, remarks upon a Two-homed Rhinoceros feuled in, 48. Tityrince, review of the subfamily, 9. To4u*, on the sysiematic position of, 40. Toucan, on a new species of the genus Pterogloi- sus, 66. Toiiracoes and their distribution, 33. Traelieophona, catalogue of the, in the British Museum, 4, TragelaphuK gratus, exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of, 54; further notes on, 58; on the breeding in the Zoobigical Society's Gardens of Amsterdam of, 67. Tribonyx, note on the^species of the genus, 29. Trigonocevhalux lanreoCatus, notes on, 35. Triinen (K.), letteron asei-ond example of Lania- ritis atrocroeeut, 63. Tringa acuminata, exhibition of a specimen of, killed in Norfolk, 69; notes on the occurrence of, in Norfolk, 71. Trinidad, exhibition of a young specimen of Chauna derbiana from San Fernando, 27. Tristan d'Acunha, on the Island-hen of, 17. Tristram (II. B.), exhibition of a collection of bird skins eollected in Palestine by, 22. Tujiaia peruana, exhibition of a specimen of, 44. Turdidce, synopsi.s of the American, 13. 'I'urdxt*, ge'ograiibical distribution of the genus, 18; on the Eastern- A sialic species of, 21; T. javaniexu, notes on, 45 ; T. schlcgeli, notes on, 45 ; T. ubcinfreu4, remarks on, 41. Tyrannida, catalogue of the, in the British Mu- seom, 4 ; descriptions of new species of, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 32. 35, 56, 63. Tyrannula barbirostrU and T. mexieana. on the types of, 36. Tyrannut, remarks on the species of the genus, 54. V. TJcayali River, on the birds collected by E. Bart- lelton the. 26. 27. ITnitod States. note. on collectionsof birds in the, 0. United Stat'S Naval .Vstronomicai Expedition, note on the zoological ap|ieudix to the, 8. Urmtjaponictu, note on, 20. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS OF PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. 131 Truguaj-, occnrrence of Electric Fisbea in the river, 64 : on the bird8 of, 73. Urumiah, note on the Jellyfish of Lake, 71. V. Vancouver's Island, on a collection of birds from, 13. Venezuela, on the birds collected by A. Goering in, 29, 31, 32, 35, J5; on some birds collected by J. M. Spence in, 41. Vera Cruz, list of a collection of birds formed by A. Boucardat, 24. Veragua, descriptions of four new species of birds from, 30 ; descriptions of three new species of Tanagers from, 32. Verreaux (M.), on some species of Tanagers from the collection of, 11. Victoria Xyanza, porpoises in the, 68. Vcenx (G.W. des), extracts of correspondence from, concemin" Trigonocephalut laneeolattis,ii5. Tulpes cana, exhibition of the typical specimen ot,50. Waglef's Six Ornithological Memoirs from the "Isis" (reprint), 3. Waigiou, exhibition of a drawing of Paradisea calva from the Island of, 24. Wales, Marten killed in, 5. "Wales (Prince of ) , list of Indian animals deposited in the Zoological Societj''s Menagerie bj', 47 ; ex- hibition of apair of Pheasants belonging to the, 61. Wallace (A. R.), list of birds collected on the Lower Amazon and Kio Kegro by, 28. Wallace's Standard-wing, note on, 16. Wart Hogs, exhibition of drawings illustrative of, 32. Washington Territory, on a new marine animal from, 40, 42. Water fowl, notes on, 55. West Indies, description of a new Tyrant-bird from Saint Vincent, 15 ; remarks on some Monk- eys from St. Kitts, 26; on the birds of Santa Lucia, 36; on a small collection of birds from Barbados, 43; on additional species of birds from the, 46; on monkeys in the, 53; on a small collection of birds from the Island of Montser- rat, 53; notes on the birds of the, 55; exhibition of a skin of a Parrot from St. Lucia, 56; list of birds collected by Mr. Kamage in Dominica, 65 ; list of birds collected by Mr. Hamage in St. Luria, 65; on African Monkeys in the, 67; on a collection of birds from Anguilla, 69, 71 ; on the birds of Antigua, 71. White (E. W.), on two new species of birds dis- covered in the Argentine Republic by, 56; on the birds collected in the Argentine Republic by, 57, 58. White (G. H.), list of birds procured in the city of Mexico by, 22. White (R. B.), on the mammals obtained in the Upper Magdalena Valley. Colombia, by, 66. Whitely (G. M.), on birds collected on the coa-st of Honduras by, 35. Whitely (H.), exhibition of bird skins collected in Japan by, 25 ; on Peruvian birtls collected bv, 29, 30, 31, 33, 40, 42, 44, 46 ; list of Humming Bircls obtained in high Pern by, 44 ; remarks on an African Hombill and other birds belonging to, 62. Whyte (A.), list of birds collected in Nyassaland by, 71. Wickham (H.), list of birds collected on the Blew- flelds River by, 27. Wilks ((i.), notes on some Reptiles transmitted to the Zoologiciil Society's Gardens by. 31. Windvogelberg, report on birds collected by Cap- tain Bulger at, 25. Wisconsin, excursicm in, 38. Wolfs Zoological Sketches, 1. Wombats, note on the, living in the Zoological Society's Ganlens. 22. Wowlpecker, on a new species of. discovered by Bridges in northern California, 12. Wool, exhibition of some variegated, fromOliio. 21. Works of P. L. Sclater. list of, 3. Wren, descnpiion of anew species of Mexican, 33. X. Xanthura, on the species of the genus, 53. Xenicidce, catalogue of the, in theBritish Museum, 4. XenopaarU attnniteha, note on, 70. Yorkshire, exhibition of a curious variety of Duck shot in, 61. Yunan, Captain Sladen's expedition to, 38. Z. Zambesi, on the rapacious birds collected by Dr. Dickinson in the region of the, 23; on the Guinea Fowl from the, 66. Zamora, list of birds collected by Louis Fraser at, 12. Zebra, exhibition of a skin of, from Somaliland, 66 ; exhibition of a photograph of Grevy's, 66. Zonotrichia, note on the species of the genus, 49. Zoological Collections in the India House, remarks on the, 42. Zoological Distribution, some of the difficulties of, 52. Zoological Gardens, notes on animals in the Con- tinental, 21, 25, 32, 41, 43, 45, 49, 52, 54, 62, 65, 68, 69, 70. 72. Zoological observatories, on a favorable occasion for establishing, 38. Zoological Record, remarks on the, 71. "Zoological Sketches" by Joseph Wolf, 1. Zoological Society's Gardens, Guide to the, 1; list of Vertebrated Animals living in the, 2; notes on species of Parrots in the, 10, 27, 37, 52, 54, 63 ; note on the Spur-winged Geese in the, 12; on the number of nays of incubation of birds which breed in the, 13; exhibition of an egg of Apteryx mantelli laid in the, 13; note on the Punjab Sheep in the, 14; additions to the, in 1860, 14,15,16,17; in 1861, 17,18.19; in 1862, 19, 20; in 1863, 22; in 1864, 23: in 1865, 24,25; in 1866, 26; in 1867, 27.28; in 1868, 30,31; in 1869, 31,32; in 1870, 33,34,35,36; in 1871, 36,37,38; in 1872, 38,39,40; in 1873, 40,41.42; in 1874, 42,43, 44; in 1875, 44,45,46: in 1876, 46,47,48; in 1877, 48,49,50; in 1878, 50,51,52; in 1879, 52. 53; in 1880, 54,55; in 1881, 55,56,57; in 1882, 57,58; in 1883, 58,59; in 1884, 60.61; in 1885, 61,62; in 1886,62,63; in 1887, 6.3, 64; in 1888, 64; in 1889, 64,65,66; in 1890, 66,67; in 1891, 67,68: in 1892, 68,69; in 1895, 70,71,72; in 1894.72,73: on tho addition of specimens of Sieboldia maxima and Balcenicept rex to the, 14; on the Rheas in the, 14; notes on two Struthious birds in the, 16; note on the Japanese Deer in the, 15; notice of rare species of Quadruniana in the, 16; on the Babirussaaud other (SutdflB in tlie, 16; onthespe- cies of Indian Pheasants bred in the, from 1858 to 1860. 16; addition of a specimen of I'hacochoenit (eliani to the, 16; on the breeding of the Red River Hog in the, 17 : addition of some Three- toed Sand-grouse and some rare Australian Finches to the, 17; list of animals presented by Sir George Grey to the, 17 ; arrival of two living Paradise Birds at the, 19; arrival of a Kagu at the. 19; notice of a living specimen of tho Aye- Aye in the, 20; incubation of Python gebce in the, 20: on two rare Fruit Pigeons in the, 20; arrival of a collection of Indian Pheasants at the, 21; on the period of gestation of certain Ruminants wbichbreed in the, 21 ; on tlie breed- ing of Bennett's Cassowary in the. 21, 23 : not on the Wombats in the. 22: arrival of a livinyr Diduiiciilus at the, 22: cm a new species of Wliite Cockatoo in the, 22: not, '27: r)<-iiiiiMiH of Boidce in tli(>, 28; reinarkn on tlu' <>, 28; arrivnl of n Lvre Itinl at tlic 2X: on tlii< liirth of u mule Giraffe, nnil liHt of (iiratff.s tliat liavo liv>nH>clinK of nianinials intlic, ill : on sonic KeptilcM trananiitted liy (i. WiUh to the, 31; remarks on two H|M'<'i<-8' uf nianimali* deHcribed firom Hjiecimeni* living in tlio, 33; on the breed- ing of birdH in the, 33; arrival of two newly described Hjieoies of l'hannnid3; descrip- tion of a new s|MK;ie8 ofLemiir in the, 54 ; illus- trations of new or rar<< animals in the, 65; exhibition of a drawing of a 'I'ajiir in the, 57; ' not* on a siMicimen of .1 mu gibl>er\fri'iu in the, I 57; remarks on the fee{ Julodis ffinehiiu the, 61 : on thes{)ecieHof OoIitMin the, 61 : remarkson two specimens of North American Foxes in the, 63; on the species of the genus VanU liv- ing in the, 64 ; on a spci'imen ofthe Leaf Insect living,in the, 65; list of the Giraffes that have lived in the. 69 ; exhibition of two eg^s of Coliiu eapenti* laid in the, 70; on the broeiding of mon- keys in the, 70; on the breeding of (Hit tarda in the, 71 ; on Protoptervs anntetetia in the, 72; on animals that have never been exhibited in the, 73. Zoological Society's Proceedings, the dates of issue of the earfy volumes of the, 70. APPENDIX. LIST OF SEPARATE WORKS AND PAPERS PUBLISHED SUBSEQUENT TO DECEMBER, 1894, AND NOT IN- CLUDED IN PARTS I TO VL 1240 Gnide to the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London, 48th edition, 8vo, London, 1896. 1241 The Book of Antelopes. Bv P. L. Sclater, M. A., F. R. S., and Oldfield Thomas, F. Z. S., F. R. G. S. Illustrated by Joseph Wolf, F. Z. S., and J. Smit. Parts II-IV, pp. 59-220, pis, vii-xxiv (1895'), and Part V, pp. 1-92, pis. xxv-xxxi (1896), 4to, London, 1895-96. Part II contains flgures and descriptions of Damaliseus korrigum, D. pygargus, D. albifrons, D. lunaUit, Connochcetes taurinus. and C. gnu, and descriptions of DanHtUscus tiang, D. jimela, and Connochoeteg albojubatus. The last mentioned species, jireviously recognized as a subspecies, is given specific rank. Part III contains figures and descriptions of Cephalophug sylvicultrix (2 figures), G. jentinki, O. natalensis, C.harveyi, Cnigri/rong, Cdomalit, C. ogilbyi, and C. rufilatui. and descriptions of C. spadix. C. leveogaster, and G. caliipygns. Part IV contains flgnres and descriptions of Cephalophus dorice, G. niger, G. maxivelli, G. won- tieola, C. eoronatus, G.abyst^iyiiciis, G.grimmi, and Tetraceros quadricomis, and descriptions of G. melanorheus, and G. cequatorialis. This part con- cludes the first volume, and a temporary title- page and contents are issued with it. Part V contains descriptions of Oreotragus sal- tator, Ourebia scoparia, O.hastata, O.nigricaudata, O. montana. O. haggardi. Kaphicerus melanotis, R. eampestrit. R. neiimaruii, Xegotragtismoschatufi, N. liringstoiiianns, Xeotragim pygmcetix, Madoqua saltiana, M. tiraynei, M. phillip.ii. Jf. damarensis, M. k-irki, and Jf. guenthen. The following species are figured : Oreotragus taltator, Ourebia nigri- caudata. Raphiceru* melanotis. R. campestris, Nesotragux mosehatns, Seotragut pygmcetis, Ma- doqita saltiana, Jf. phillipsi, and M. guentheri. Kacliof thefivei>arts is illustrated with several wood-cuts of the heads, horns, skulls, etc. 1242 [Report ou the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in D*cember, 1894.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 1. 1243 [Remarks upon two Tapirs deposited in the Society's Gardens by the Hon. W. Rothsehihi.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 1. 1244 On the occurrence of the Barbary Sheep in Egypt. Proc. Zool. .S'oc. London, 1895, pp. 85, 86. Evidence is given of the occurrence in Egypt of Ovia tragelaphus. 1346 Note on the Breeding of the Surinam Water-Toad (Pipa surinamenaia) in the Society's Reptile House. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 86-88. 1246 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in January, 1895.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 89. 1247 [Report on the additions to the Socie- ty's Menagerie in April, 1895.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865, pp. 337, 338. 1248 [Remarks on the Pacific Rat (J/ exit- Zaws).] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 338. Exhibition of and notes on specimens wliich had been obtained ou Sunday Island, Kermadec group. 1249 [Remarks upon the Zoological Institu- tions which Mr. Sclater had recently visited in Egypt.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 400, 401. 1250 [Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in May, 1895.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, pp. 520, 521. 1251 [Exhibition of and remarks upon the head of a Barbary Sheep from Egypt.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, p. 521. 1252 [Exhibition of and remarks upon a skin of a Humming Bird {Anthocephala berlepsehi) from Cohjuibia.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1895, p. 521. 133 134 APPENDIX. 1253 [Exhi'ution of and remarks upon the skin nnl hknil of a i.oc. London. 1893, pp. 522, 523. 1254 [On tlio ndditions to the Society's Me- naf^Pfie in June, July, August, and Sep- temher. 189.").] Pioc. Zi>,d. Soe. Loiu'on, 189.'>, p]>.68G,687. 1255 [Remarks m tho I'rinciial .Animals noti<'<ni thts Henga Country, Uritish Central .Mriea.] Proe. Zoul. Snc. Lmd'm, 1895, pp. 688-690. 1257 [Exhil>itioii of and remarks upon a pair of Horns of a male Livingstoni's Eland offeied to the Society by Sir Henry H. Johnston, K. C. B.] Proe. y.ool. Soc. London. 1895. pp. 6c. Londm, 1895, p. 827. 1259 [Exhibition of and remarks tipon the head of an .Antelope from British East Africa.] Proe. Z>ol. Soe. London. 1895, pp. 868-870. CobM"! thomaxi is remarked upon and the head figured in the text. 1260 The "Scomber-scomber" Principle. [bit. 1895, p. 168. Letter ftoni a correspondent pointing ont that the name of the so-called Scomher-teomber priuci- pie probably originated in a printer's error. 1261 The Bird Collection of Zurich. Ibui. 1895, pp. 168. j 69. Observations on the collection of birds in the Polytechnicum of Znricli. 1262 Field Notes on the Birdsof the Estancia Sta. Elena, Argentine Republic. Hy A. H. Holland. With remarks by P. L. Sclater. /'/i>. 1895. pp. 213-217. Remarks uu 15 8|>e<'ies of birds. On the Bower Bird recently described by .Mr. ( '.W. I)e Vis as ('nemophUun marra. Ibis. 1895. pp. 343, 344, pi. viii. Remarks on and charact^-rs of tho male and female of CnenwpkUua marvot; both sexes are figured. [Exhibition of a pair of Darwin's Tin- amon (Sothura darnini) from Patagonia. J Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV p.xix (185. 1265 5 Extracts of letters receivesurvcl up the Nile, and on the mo