GOT ' r THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE SIMPLE LESSONS ON CAUSES AND PREVENTION BY W. D. FROST AND M. V. O'SHEA ISSUED BY c. P. GARY, STATE SUPERINTENDENT -- MADISON, WISCONSIN DEMOCBAT PRINTING COMPANY, STATE PBINTEB 1912 BACILLUS TUBERCULOSIS. ?:iv. '>':- ' : .:-<_ :.-. " 'v '':*."- The germs of tuberculosis from the spit of a consumptive as they appear under the highest powers of a compound microscope. Each little red rod is a separate individual and capable of pro- ducing the disease under favorable conditions. THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE Simple Lessons on Causes and Prevention INTKXDKD KSi>I-:CIALLV FOR TSK IX SCHOOLS uy W. D. JROST of tlic Department of Bacteriology AND M V. O ' S H E A of the Dfirirtment of Education IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN [SSUED I ; V C. P. GARY STATE SITKIMNTKNDKNT MADISON DE.MOI HAT PKIXTIXJ; ('OMI-ANY, STATE PRINTER 1912 Copyright, 1912, by W. D. FROST AND M. V. O'SHEA Madison, Wis. TABLE OF, CONTENTS. Page \ I. Minute Forms of Life 5 LESSON II. The Work of Microbes 8 \ III. Microbes Produce Disease 10 \ I V. The Germ of Tuberculosis 12 \ V. The Nature of Tuberculosis 15 LESSON VI. The Extent of Tuberculosis 1? Lns-ioN VII. The Spread of Tuberculosis 22 x* VIII. Means of Preventing Tuberculosis 26 \ IX. Means of Preventing Tuberculosis (Concluded) 30 \ X. j j Developing Resistance to Disease 38 >\ XI. Tuberculosis a Curable Disease 45 264298 PEEFACE This little book is intended for pupils from the age of twelve or thirteen years onward. It has been the aim to make the material contained in it of practical interest to teachers as well as to pupils. The treatment throughout is simple and concrete, and every principle developed is illustrated with instances drawn from the every-day experiences of children of the ages for whom the book has been prepared. Generous use has been made of photographs and diagrammatic pictures. If the pupils now in the schools could be so instructed in re- spect to the subject matter of this book that it would take effect in their daily living, tuberculosis would be materially dimin- ished immediately; and in a generation or two it would prob- ably disappear completely. It is doubtful if it can be got rid of in any other way. The 'authors have had the co-operation of the WISCONSIN ANTI- TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION in the preparation of the book; and acknowledgment is hereby made of valuable financial help as well as criticisms and suggestions made by the officers of the Association. Acknowledgment is also made of assistance re- ceived from Superintendent C. P. Gary, and from Professor W. E. Leonard, Miss M. E. Ashmun and Mrs. E. E. Hoyt of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis., March, 1912. THE AUTHORS. THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. LESSON I. MINUTE FORMS OF LIFE. You have all seen India ink, and you know ho\v black it is; but do you know that its blackness is due to very fine particles of the ink so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye? When they are seen under the microscope they look like pieces of coal. We cannot see the moisture in the atmosphere, and yet we know it is there, else we could have no rain or snow. Although everyone is familiar with many kinds of plants and animals differing as to size, some people do not realize that there are a great many forms of life so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Mention all the forms of life you know which are so small that you cannot see the individuals, although you can observe masses of them when they multiply into billions. How can you tell that there are individuals in these masses? You should make a few experiments to show that there are very minute living things that will do work which we can observe when the condi- tions are right. In an ordinary compressed yeast cake there are billions of living cells, or plants, that are called yeast plants. These cells are so small that we cannot see the individuals without a microscope, but we can see the work which masses of them do working to- gether. Everyone is familiar with the "raising" of bread when yeast is put into it. Anyone can show the working of yeast by putting a few teaspoonfuls of sugar into a tumbler of warm water just warm enough to hold the finger in and then crumbling into this a considerable portion of a compressed yeast cake. In a little while, the yeast cells or plants will begin to work, and soon gas will be seen escaping, with the appearance of a frothy scum on the surface. These changes are due to the activ- : OB THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. ity of the yeast cells, which break up the sugar, forming alchohol and carbonic acid gas. It is this gas which we see rising in bubbles. Minute, invisible forms of life exist everywhere about us. They are so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye, but if they fall upon a suitable food such as the cut surface of a boiled potato, or a slice of moist bread or cheese, they will in- crease in number so rapidly that in a few days they will form spots or "colonies" which are easily visible. The air always con- tains a greater or smaller number of these invisible forms of life, but, fortunately, they are usually not harmful. Fii?. 1. Yeast cells as seen under a very power- ful microscope. Have you observed what happens to meat, milk, or almost any other article of food, if it is left exposed to warm, moist air? Describe what happens. Why do people boil milk to keep it from ' ' spoiling ? ' ' Wliy will cooked meat keep longer than raw meat ? Why do people, when they can cherries, pears, or other fruits, try to make the cans air-tight ? What will happen if they do not do so? Our forefathers from remote times until a few decades ago lived without having clearly understood that there are vast num- bers of both plants and animals so minute that one can see them only with the aid of a powerful magnifying glass. But when the microscope was perfected, people began to understand that there is a world of living things of which many have never even dream- Si.Mi-i.i: LESSONS ON CAUSES AND PKKVKNTION. 7 ed. Some one li;is spoken of this newly discovered world as that of the "infinitely little.'' And as we have come to know more about these inirrosropir phmls and animals, we have come to real- ize how important they are. They do much of our work, such as preparing our food, carrying off and destroying our waste mat- erial, and performing other necessary and useful tasks. Some of them are our friends. They ripen our cream for butter-making, cure our cheese, make our vinegar; they purify our sewage and disintegrate our garbage ; they keep the soil fertile, etc. Many of them, however, are our enemies; and the fact that they produce diseases of different sorts is one reason why we have become so much interested in them, and why we are trying to discover under what conditions they grow, and how we can control them. The forms of life we are to study about are altogether too small to see without the help of a large and expensive micro- scope; and unless we can use this instrument, the only way in which we can learn anything about these minute bodies is to observe the work which they do. TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. LESSON II. THE WORK OF MICROBES. Bring from your home, or secure from a grocery store, a rotten apple and a rotten potato, and also a few sound ones of each va- riety. Your teacher will then place the rotten apple on a table or shelf, and, close to it and touching it, a sound apple. Place an- other sound apple near the diseased one, but not touching it. Wrap another apple in a piece of paper (waxed paper, if you can get it), and put this so that the paper touches the rotten apple. Do the same thing with the potato and note what hap- pens. You will need to make observations in this experiment for about one week. After this time, describe what has happened to the apple or potato in contact with the rotten ones. Has the same thing happened to the one near but not touching the rotten one ? Has the paper served as a means of protecting the apple or potato from decay? What does this experiment show in regard to the way in which decay in fruit and vegetables is spread? Is decay catching? Why? Secure some moldy fruit or vegetable, or a piece of moldy cheese, and allow it to dry so that it can be pulverized. Then take some fresh bread and cut several slices. This latter work ought to be done in a separate place from that in which the moldy food is handled; it ought also to be done by a different person from the one who prepares the molds. Why ? Place each of three slices of the fresh bread on a sheet of blotting paper, and on two pirct s <;i' ll'c bread sprinkle 1 a small quantity of the moM dust. Cover one of these with a glass bowl, or some other glass dish. The third "unseeded" piece should also be covered with a glass. Those pieces which are covered should be kept moist by placing water on the blotter from time to time. Keep track of develop- ments for a few days. At the end of this period describe what change has taken place on the uncovered piece of bread. What was the object in covering the bread ? Note that the molds do not grow unless they have been seeded. If a few molds do grow on the third piece of bread, it simply means that the mold "seeds" or "spores" fell on it from the air before it was covered; note SI.MI-I.I-: LESSONS ON CAUSES \M> I'KKVI.NTION. !) also that of the two pieces of bread seeded with mold, only the mic that was kept nmist deveh ped a heavy erop. : " : .Many kinds of mirmlns, or tiny invisih'e forms of life, do a gieat deal of good for us. and it would he quite impossible, or at lea-t very inconvenient, to get along without them. l>iit mi- ciohes are known chiefly for the harm they d:i. since in many ways they interfere \\ith cur "happiness. The decay of fruit, vegetables, and other food products is an undesirable chang.' which microbes produce, and with which we are all familiar You have already seen the experiments with a n.-iten apple or potato. If we suffered the loss of a single apple or potato occa- sionally we should not mind it much; but in our experiment \\" discovered that when one apple becomes diseased, the perfectly siaind apples around it will so;:n decay, first oil the side which is in contact with the bad apple, and then all the way through. A\V know very well that if we leave a decayed apple in a basket or barrel, it will not be a very long time before all tbe neighboring apples will become diseased. 'Flic microbes which produce these changes pass directly from cue apple to another when the apple> touch. The same tiling is true of potatoes: whenever we find ;: lot ten potato in the bin, we always throw it out to prevent the rottenness from spreading. In somewhat the same way that micrtl es produce derav and rottenness in fruits and vegetables special sorts of microbes produce diseases in man and animals. We have heard of "con- tagions'' or "catching" diseases. AVc know that a person who has smallpox, measles, or whooping cough is being attacked by microbes, and just as microbes may pjiss from one apple 1o an- other in a barrel, so smallpox, measles, and scarlet fever may pass from cue person 1o another, or from Hie sick to Hie well. Have you ever seen a house with a colored placard on the door bearing the words "Scarlet Fever," or "Diphtheii;i." or "Small- Why wnsthe placard placed < n the house.' (Yuld people come and ro in that house as 1 hey chose .' AVhy .' * In explaining why these things an true the teacher can bring out the importance of environmental cond'tions, such as, rir space, amount of light, moisture and dust. 10 Tu:KK(TLOSlS: OR T'lIE GREAT WlIlTE PLAGUE. LESSON III. MICROBES PRODUCE DISEASE. In a good many cases we do not know how the "germs" or microbes of disease pass from one person to another. But we do know that in some way, whether by way of the mouth, or the nose, or the skin, they do leave the sick body and in some man- ner, either through the air we breathe, or the food we eat, or through the skin, they do en- ter the bodies of healthy peo- ple. Diseases of this kind are spoken of as "infectious" or -. Pasteur One of the greatest benefactors of the human race. He said "It is within the power of man to make Ihe germ diseases disappear from the world." IHptlX fc "contagious" diseases. They are produced by microbes, without which they would not exist. Microbes produce disease in man and animals in two different ways. One class grows in our food materials and produces poison. When these poisons are taken into the stomach with food, they may produce sickness or even death. These poisons are known as "ptomaines." Instances of "ptomaine poisoning are frequently noticed in the newspapers. The dangers of pto- maine poisoning can be avoided by protecting food materials, especially meats, from the growth in them of the "putrefaction" or decay microbes or "bacteria." Microbes, however, usually produce disease in man and animals by growing in the body of their victim. They live upon the ma- terial of which the body is made. From this flesh and blood they make poisons which cause sickness and death. These microbes are "parasites." (What is a parasite?) Diseases caused in this way are spoken of as "germ" diseases. To these diseases, also, the terms "contagious," "infectious," and "preventable" are given for reasons to be explained later. SIMI-LH LKSSONS ON CArsi-:s AND PBEVENTION, 11 A particular germ is always the cause of a particular disc ige, These Drills are usually named al'ler the diseases which they pro- duce, as the "diphtheria" germ, the "typhoid'' germ, or the "tuberculosis" germ. People never have t hese diseases unless the particular germ which causes them is growing in and poisoning the body. The disease germs always come from parent germs, and never start from "nothing" as some people used to think, or from the body itself. These germs always come from some previous case of the disea>e which they produce. Certain of these dis-.-as. s are "caught" by one's coming into contact with some one having the disease. For this reason they are called "contagious" i touched; carried). Decay or rottenness in fruit or vegetables is produced in the same way, you will remember. Some other get in diseases are carried indirectly from the sick to the healthy ; as. Tor example, through food or drink, as milk or water; and by means of insects, as flies and mosquitoes. These are called "infectious" diseases. There is no sharp distinction between in- fectious and contagious diseases. All contagious diseases are in- fect ious, but infectious diseases are not necessarily contagious. Why! Probably all of these diseases can be prevented. All that is necessary is to prevent the escape of the disease germ from those infected by it, and guard the bodies of the well from its attack. Among the diseases produced by microbes none is more impor- tant or dreadful than "tuberculosis." 1 The presence of tubercu losis in a family or community is dangerous, in somewhat the same way that a rotten apple in a basket is dangerous to all the good apples. But there is this difference : it is practically impos- sibe to make a rotten apple safe to put with the sound ones. But in the case of tuberculosis and other diseases due to microbes or germs, when intelligent care is used, people suffering from them may with a certain degree of safety mingle with well people. But it must always be remembered that a person suffering from a germ disease is dangerous to the people around him unless every- body is very careful to prevent the escape of the dangerous germs from the diseased person, and the entrance of these germs into the body of some one else. 12 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. LESSON IV. THE GERM OF TUBERCULOSIS. Expose a gelatine or agar plate* to the air for a few minutes, then cover it up, and allow it to grow for several days. Growths will appear in the form of "colonies." Each colony represents the decendants cf a s'ng'e germ which fell on the plate. Count the number of colo- nies, and, knowing the area of the plate and the number cf minutes it was exposed figure out the number of bacteria that were falling in the room per square foot per hour.f Draw some of the colonies. If possible, exam- ine some of these germs or mircobes or bacteria under the microscope, and draw what you see. Perhaps your teacher will give you one of these plates to expose at home. When the colonies have grown out, count them and then examine them under the microscope. Until late years nothing was known in regard to the cause of tuberculosis. It was only about the middle of the last century that the disease was definitely considered as an infectious dis- ease. Our ancestors thought that it was due entirely to "hered- ity;" that is, that children were born with it. The credit of discovering the cause of tuberculosis belongs to Robert Koch, of Germany. The discovery was announced in 1882. At the time Robert Koch made his discovery, scientists were just becoming Fig. 3. Robert Koch This picture was taken of him at about the time* he discovered the "tubercle bacillus." * These cannot be prepared except by those' who have had special training in bacteriology, but the necessary material will be furnished for this experiment, accompanied by full directions for use. These experiments add much to the interest of the work. Write' to the De- partment of Bacteriology and Hygiene, University of Wisconsin. t For example, if the plate has an area of 12 square inches and de- velops 20 colonies when exposed 20 minutes the rate of falling would be 12 times 20 or 240 per foot each 20 minutes, or 3 x 240, or 720 per hour. SIM I'M-: LESSONS ON CAUSES AND PIJKVKNTION. 13 ;i.-|ii;iint.'(l with tin- various disease germs or "bacteria." IJac- feria, as you have learned, an- t'nniis of j)lant life in which the individuals are so e\t remely small, thai they an- invisible. In measuring them we use, as the unit of measurement, what is kn..\\ii as a micmn. which is about 1/25000 of an inch. Many of the bacteria are only about one micron in length, and rarely are they more than a micron in width. This means that 250 of such bacteria placed end to end would about equal the thickness of a piece of the paper on which this book is printed. DitVerent bacteria vary in shape, from spheres through the cylindrical forms, to twisted cylinders, or corkscrew forms. The "bacillus" or germ of tuberculosis is a straight, narrow rod. about half a micron wide, and five or six microns long. .Many kinds of bacteria can be grown artificially on food sub- stances made from meat. A broth made very much like a beef consomme is frequently used. To this may be added a gelatine or auar (a vegetable gelatine), and in these substances, or media, as the scientists say, most bacteria grow readily. The bacillus of tuberculosis, however, is a very dainty microbe, and it will not grow in the media named above' unless a little glycerine is added, in which case it grows w^ell, but slowly. It grows very well upon the fluid or watery part of blood, either human or animal, which has been hardened by heat. Except when intro- duced into such media as just mentioned above, the "tubercle bacillus" does not grow outside of the animal body. This is very fortunate for us, because, if it did increase in numbers outside of the body, the whole world of men and animals woul- have been affected long before this. The tubercle bacilli, or germs of tuberculosis, which come directly from a sick patient, or from "cultures" made in the way described above, where it was shown how to grow bacteria at will, can be studied only under the microscope. Because they are extremely small, and also because they are almost transparent and without color, it is very difficult to study them. Ordinarily they are examined only when they have been specially treated or stained. When they are viewed under the miscroscope, they present a characteristic appearance. The fact that the tubercle bacillus takes a stain of its own, makes it possible for those trained to the task to tell this germ from all others which may he- somewhat like it. The sputum (or spit) of a person who has tuberculosis contains these germs, 14 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. sometimes in very great numbers. By staining this material and examining it under the miscroscope, it is usually possible to early find the germ of tuberculosis. Everyone who suspects that the disease may have fastened itself upon him should have his sputum examined. Many states, and some of the cities of the country, have dispensaries or laboratories where this kind of work is done without charge. Although the germ of tuberculosis does not grow and repro- duce outside of the body, except on special "culture media," still it does live outside the body sometimes for very long periods, simply retaining its vitality, ready to grow when the conditions are right. This germ can withstand drying for months and even years. It may live in putrefying (rotting) or decaying material for a long time, and in dark, dirty corners of buildings for years. One of the best ways of killing it is to allow the direct sunlight- to reach it. It will be killed also more quickly in a dry than in a mcist place. Hence, the necessity of dry, well-ventilated, and light rooms. FINDING SEEDS IN SPUTUM OR SPIT' Fig. 4. Tho gorm of tuberculosis, last page of cover. See DOCTOR EXAMINING CHEST j) LOCATING SOLID POKHOMS ifuSTENING TO SOUNDS A3 CARPENTER SOUNDS MADE BY AIR IN JOISTS IK PLASTER WALL Hi THE L.UNGS CHEST MUST BE BARE* Fig. 5. Doctor examining the chest of a person suspected of having tuber- culosis. i.i: LESSONS ON CAUSES AND PREVENTION. 15 ON V. TIIK XATCU'K OP TUBERCULOSIS. Nearly everyone h;is seen people who were thin, with hollow cheeks and narrow diesis, and who had a dry, hacking cough. Sneli people are sometimes said to be suffering from "bron- ehilis;" but it' the 1 truth is known, it sooner or later appears that they have consumption, or tuberculosis of the lungs. There are few people who have not seen hunchbacks. These people have deformed spinal columns which have been injured and twisted on account of a diseased condition. This is usually the result of tuberculosis. Hip joint disease is common. On account of disease, the hip has been deformed, and the hip joint stiffened so that it can not be moved. If we knew the history of these cases, we should find that almost always this injury to the hip joint had been brought about by tuberculosis Diseases of the bones in other parts of the body are frequently caused by tuberculosis. Frequently, especially in children, dis- eases of the intestines, which are serious and difficult to treat, are caused by tulierculosis. We have already noticed that tuberculosis is a disease caused by the growth in the 1 body of a germ or microbe known as the g. 0. The little bunches or "nodules" are the "tubercles" formed on 11i-> inside of ;i cow with tuberculosis. In health this "oiuentinn" is smooth. 16 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. Bacillus lulu rciilosis. When the germ gets into the body, ii. grows in the tissue, destroying the cells all around it. It also makes certain other cells grow causing the production of "nod- ules" or "tubercles." These are shown in the accompanying illustration. This formation of "tubercles" is peculiar to this disease, and has given it the name tuberculosis. Hi's gem; ihay grow in any part of the body; but in human beings it grows iin-1 frequently in the lungs. When tuberculosis occurs in the lungs, and especially after the disease has gone 1 on for some lime, it is known as consumption. In the United States, about nine people die of consumption, where one 1 dies from some other form of tuberculosis; so that consumption is by far the most important form of this disease. A great many people suffer from various other forms of the' disease, however ; and children especially are likely to have the disease in the intes- tines, or in the spinal column, or in the hip joint or other bones, or in the glands of the neck and so on. In times past, these diseases went under different names, but whether the tubercle- bacillus attacks the parts of the body named above, or the brain, the spinal cord, or any other part, it is in reality one and the same' disease, and is caused by the same microbe. VOLUNTEERSWANTED- MEN,WOMEN,CHILDREN. V\. 7. The appeal is to all of us. SIMM. i I. ON CAUSES AND I'KIA i:vn<>.\. 17 ON VI. Till-: ]<;XT1-;\T OK TUBERCULOSIS. What is the most frequent cause of sickness and death.' This is a (jiicslion any one mi^ht well ask. If yon were 1:) go to the health officer in your city or town, and ask hint what was the chief' cause of death in your community, the reply would ordinarily he, "Tuherculosis." If your health officer had a record of the living cases of tuherculcsis. as he certainly ough ; to have, he would tell you that then- fire far more cases of tuherciilosis than of any other disease; and at any one lime (here would prohahly he more cases ot tuherciilosis than there were cases of all other infectious or rcnn diseases lowlier. So that it is fair to say that tuherculcsis is the greatest plague with which the human race is afflicted, hecause of all diseases common to mankind, it is the must widespread and 6333~ Scarlet Fever 12,866 Measles '(0 in 35,379 Typhoid Fever Diphth eria 9,958 Whooping Cough 16,645 Influenza Fi- r . S. - -This fi.mire shows II';, I liibereiiinsis is more dcndly ih;m Bear h-t fever, measles. fever, dipli | Iieria. whooping eolith and cumbined. 1". S. Cinsiis 1: port. 18 TUBERCULOSIS: OK THE UREAT WHITE PLAGUE. the most deadly. John Bunyan spoke of it as the "Captain of the Men of Death." It causes more deaths each year than scarlet fever, measles, typhoid fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and influenza combined. Study the chart and see how this fact is shown. We think of the terrible loss of life due to war, but tuberculosis kills many more people than war ever has done ; and it always keeps on with its work. It never grants a truce. The entire loss of life in the Franco-Prussian war was only about one-half the loss from tuberculosis in Prussia alone for a single year. The loss of life in our country, due to tuber- culosis, in any four years, is about three times the loss of men during the four years of the Civil War. . In the nineteenth century there were" many terrible wars, and it is estimated that fourteen million soldiers died on the battle field. But while these wars were going on, thirty mil- COMPARISON Of Of ATMS fROM C/VtLWAR tv/r/t UvtrcD Srsrrs OWL WAR - IN ACT' OH D/O FffOM WOUHOS. FEDERAL - -/'OOOO TOTAL - 3O5OOO \COHSUMPTION FOUR YEARS. S9O4-/907 644.000. 9*9.90* Fig. 0. The banded object, at the left, represents a germ of tuberculosis. It appears more than three times as long as the gun and this represents the relative de- structiveness of this germ as compared with the gun in war time. We must re- member that this germ is destroying its victims all of the time, and not merely during war time. 12,500 \ Fig. 30. About as many people die in Wisconsin each year from tuberculo- sis as there are soldiers in the State Guard. There are at least six times as many living cases, probably ten times. SI.MI-I.I: LESSONS ON CAUSES \.M> PREVENTION, 19 limi people iii flu- very same countries died of tuberculosis. The number of deaths in the San Francisco earthquake was only a little over one half of the loss of life every year in San Frjnu-isco from tuberculosis. The great earthquake in Southern Italy COST or TUBEffGULOS/S /n THE Uw TED STATES V*\L.UE. or \A/=f/ou].!<> of (lie l'n i ted States ir dollars in comparison \vitli (he value of vari- ous staple products. destroyed scarcely more people than die each year of this disease in the United States. It is estimated that from twenty-five hundred to three thousand people die each year in Wisconsin from this disease. In the United States from one hundred and 20 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. fifty thousand to two hundred thousand die every year, and a million and a half in the wo,rld. The terrible price we have to pay for the neglect of this disease is impressed upon us if we realize the fact that of the ninety million people now living in the United States over nine million of them will die of tube'rculosis, unless conditions are improved ; and of these nine million, two hundred and fifty thousand will be in the State of Wisconsin. YEARLY LOSSES FROM WBERCUIOSISWEIBUY 19,500,000 35,000,OOO 44,000,OOO OR OR BUSHELS flT504 BUSHELS flT4(H 350000.C4TTLE 350,000,000 40,000 MEN OR OB flT*50.PE HEAD LOAVES AT 5.05 flT 3437. fl YEAR IN WISCONSIN Fig. 12. The waste in dollars and cents caused by the disease has been estimated by a number of people, and it is probably fair to say that we lose in the United States each year one billion one hundred million dollars ($1,100,000,000) as a result of the disease in human beings; and fourteen million ($14,000,000) more as a result of the disease in cattle. This loss far exceeds SIMPLE LFI\S ON CAUSES AND I 'INVENTION. 21 the value of any one crop in the Tinted States. Or, in other words, it' we should lose one entire corn crop, and cotton crop, lull rould save one yeai 's loss from t llberculesis. We should, as a nation, he financially hetter of!' than \ve now are. Tin- loss of the dairy products, the wheat, the forest products, the tobacco, and small fruit of an entire year would scarcely exceed in value the present loss from lulu rculoMs. Besides the money losses in- dicated above, the human nice has, of course, been made very much less happy because of the ravages of this disease? than it otherwise would have been. It has caused poverty and suf- fering beyond anything that can be measured. It has been the direct or indirect cause of filling our insane hospitals and orphan asylums, our homes and hospitals for crippled children, our reformatories, and our prisons and penitentiaries. It has deprived us at an early age of many of the most brilliant men and women in all periods of the world's progress. If we had through the misfortunes of war, or the sudden rise of pestilence, or through some awful calamity, the de- struction of life that annually takes place on account of the spread of the white plague, we should be appalled. Mass meet- ings would be held in every community and demand would be maae that the most urgent measures should be adopted. It is only because we are accustomed to this waste of life that we can look calmly on and go about our business, paying no attention to this enormous death toll, which our American people are paying. Justice Charles E. Huglics, U. S. Supreme Court 22 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. LESSON VII. THE SPREAD OF TUBERCULOSIS. In a preceding lesson it was shown that the 1 sputum (or spit) of persons suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs (or consump- tion) may, and usually does, contain the bacilli or germs of tuberculosis. These germs may be carried from one place to another through the sputum. These germs, in the case of peo- ple suffering from tuberculosis, leave the body almost entirely in the sputum. In the case of animals suffering from the disease, the meat and milk may contain the bacilli, and hence Fig. 13. The germs that attack us come from the bodies of the sick. From Ritchie's Hygiene, published by the World Book Co. Fig. 14. Kiss the baby on the cheek, not on the mouth. Why? From Ritchie's Hygiene pub- lished by the World Book Co. be the means of spreading the disease. In the case of both man and animals, "pus," or the matter coming from the tuber- cular sores, may serve as a means of scattering the germs. It is generally believed that tuberculosis is very largely passed on from one person to another by means of the sputum. If this material is not destroyed, it dries and becomes pulverized, and is then blown about, and may enter a well person with the air that is breathed. It is estimated that the sputum given off in twenty-four hours by a person in the last stages of the disease may contain as many as seven billion tubercle bacilli &I.MIM.I-: LESSONS ON CAUSES AND \*\u-.\ I:NTI!' tiny drops of finely divided sputum. These droplets contain, in the case of consumptives, the germs of tuberculosis; and if these are brent hod in by a person inclined Fiir. 15. In droplets of sputum that are coughed out into the air, the germs of tuberculosis, infhien/a, colds and other respiratory diseases are found. towards the disease, they may take up their abode in him, and grow vigorously. However, the danger of this is really great only when one remains very near a tuberculosis patient for a considerable length of time. At a distance of three or four feet there is likely to be but slight danger of infection. From a consumptive, these little drops of sputum are constantly fall- ing on the floor and the furniture and even on food, and it is im- portant that this source 1 of danger should be avoided. In the case of tuberculous ulcers, abscesses, etc., the discharge contains the germ, and must be carefully handled to prevent the spread of the disease. Cows, even when they have tuberculosis, do not usually cough ; hence there is little danger from their sputum. But the milk contains the tubercle ge'rms, not only when the udder is affected, as claimed a few years ago, but also when the in- fection exists in other parts of the body. The United States Department of Agriculture has recently found that milk becomes infected with disease germs by getting manure in it. In cattle especially the disease is located in the internal organs, and not in the muscles; hence the danger of infection r.y eating meat from infected animals it not so great as it otherwise might 24 tsis: OH THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. A CONSUMPTIVE CHAIN C. 10. Noiico iin])oriiint part that the tuberculous cow plays in this chain. i; LESSONS <\ CAUSES \M> PKKVKNTION. 25 be 1 . Nevertheless, it has been shown tli;it the J^T : ;:S are piv^ n! in the meat SONS ON CAUSES \\l> I'UKVKNTInN. 27 It is possible for the germs of 1 uheivulosis to In- t i-;iiisiiiillc,l from cows to human beings, particularly children, through the milk. This is generally admitted. In order not to get the disease hy drinking milk, it is necessary that all the milk sold on the market or used in the home, should be from cattle known to he free from tuberculosis. Fortunately, it is possible readily 31 eattle for tuberculosis by means of what is known as the " tuberculin test." This test does not cost much, is easily used, and is very accurate. Farmers are finding that it pays to have all their cattle tested, because tuberculosis in cattle is as "catch- ing" among cattle as it is among men, and perhaps more so. If the disease once gets into a herd, it will be sure to spread and, in the long run, produce the worst results unless it is promptly checked. Mies sometimes help to spread this disease. No one knows the proportion of cases that they cause, but it is very important that food should be kept away from flies. This ought to be done by Irving first of all to limit .the number of flies produced. Fig. 18. -A fly on a pioce of sponge cake. He probably came quite direct from unmention- able filth in the neighborhood to the dining room. Published in Country Life in America. This can be done by caring for manure, garbage, etc., in such a way that the flies cannot breed in these materials. Secondly, we should sen-en our houses, and keep flies out of the kitchen and the dining room, particularly. In addition to this, we should take especial care to proteot all food from the flies by 28 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. 19 Fig. 19. Fly tracks on "sterile culture media." These covered glass dishes were first made sterile, or gmn free, by high heat. Wbeii tlr.-y were cool there w;is poured info them a thin layer of sterile gelatin, which soon hardened. A fly was first allowed to walk on material contain- ing a great many bacteria and thus get its feet dirty. It was then taken arid put into these dishes and urged to walk around in them each in turn, twenty in all. Only eleven of the twertty are shown but the others are practically the same. These dishes were then in- cubated for forty-eight hours. The bacteria left on the gelatin by the fly's feet had in this time multiplied to such an extent that the tracks were visible to the naked eye, and appeared as shown in the photograph above. The fly was killed and the number of bac- teria left on its feet and those swallowed was then determined, as shown in the dish in the lower right hand corner. It was found that this particular flv had enou;?ji bacteria left on it, after walking over all of the above dishes, so that every man, woman and child in the United States could have one apiece, i. e., there were 90,000,000 bacteria left. Original. SlMI'l.i: I. ON CAI BBS \M> I'UKVKNTK >N. 29 screening shelves or other places for sloping food. The Iliis carry on their feet the tuberculosis g.-nii from sputum ii>es and workshops most carefully " disinfected" when people having cmsumption an present, and especially when they leave. Where peaple having consumption occupy buildings and are eareless, these buildings become real tuberculosis nests, or breeding places. It i s a mat- ter of extreme importance 1 , therefore, when one moves into a house which other people have lived in, to find out whether the disease existed there, and if it did to have the house properly disinfected before going into it. This is n tn<>l,-< <1 . < should Hinn iitlo .r<>i>- < /'I// i>r< i>.\ ( 1 .\rsKs AND I'RKVKNTION. 31 occupations have a marked influence in producing ill hcallli. The accompanying ligiiiv will show thai the percentage of tu- berculosis among (luarryinen is higher than it is among many indoor workers. Why? Overcrowding in houses helps to make people more likely to have diseases, especially tuberculosis. If we should count up the number of people who live in one-room apartments, compared with the number who live in apartments of two, three, four, or more rooms, we should find that there are not so very many; but if we should compare the amount of sickness and death a mo n or those in the single-room apartments with the amount among those who have more room, we should find that the per- centage of sickness and death would be very much greater; and anyone who is obliged to live in crowded quarters, in either the home or the workshop, is taking a much greater risk of contract- ing disease than the people who have more space. Many people who could have plenty of room if they wanted it coop themselves up in cramped quarters for the sake of convenience, or to keep warm. If they would use their larger space, exercise more, and if necessary, spend a little more money on fuel, they would be much better off. The lack of fresh, pure air in the house or the workroom or the schoolroom keeps people in such a "run down" state that they are not the best workers and are likely to take diseases. Far too many buildings are without good light and proper mean, of ventilation. In olden times, methods of constructing houses were much inferior to the present, and on this account buil'd- ings were far less tight than they are today. And then, too, the method of heating was at one time almost entirely by means of open fireplaces. ruder these conditions, special means of ventilation .wore not needed as they are at the present lime, with our tight buildings and our steam and hot wal'-r plants. All buildings, where a number of people are working. should be provided with special means for bringing in />nr< (tir. The constant change of air in an ordinary living room, (Called ventilation.) may take place by natural means, but in larger rooms and buildings, where there are a good many peo- ple, mechanical means should be employed to change the air forcibly. This ean bo done by tlio use of fans which drive pun- air into, or which draw the impure air out of, a room. In Eomfc buildings both systems, forcing in and drawing out, 32 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. are used. Publte buildings, .such as factories, (workshops, stores, and schoolhouses, as well as private homes, should in these days be built around a good ventilating system, as they were formerly built around the chimney. In case 1 buildings must be used without special means of ventilation, a great deal may be done by bringing pure air in constantly through the' windows or other openings. In order to secure a constant supply of fresh air, it is nec- essary to train the sense of smell so that it will detect impure air. We are likely to grow careless in regard to this ; but any- one who understands the importance of pure 1 air may after a while become so sensitive to bad air that he will be uncomfort- able in it. We sometimes think of this latter sort oi person as a "crank," but in reality he is very wise, and we ought to do as he does and demand pure air for our lungs, as we now demand pure food for our stomachs, and clean clothes for our bodies. Our houses are too frequently in an unhealthful condition, due to the lack of proper cleaning. This sometimes occurs be- cause people who have 1 charge of a home have not been brought up to appreciate that cleanliness is next to godliness, and im- mensely important. But it is probable that such persons are comparatively few. Most people would like to keep their houses clean, but on account of conditions beyond their con- trol, many have scarcely the time or strength for it. We can overcome these difficulties only by helping to change the social conditions for such people; and if we are true friends and neighbors we can do a great deal more than might at first be thought possible. Our ways of cleaning are not all so good as they might be. For instance, in sweeping with a dry broom we stir up a good deal of dirt from its hiding places; much of this dirt merely gets into the air in the right form to breathe. It is perhaps true to say that dry sweeping, instead of making a place more healthful really makes it more dangerous. The same thing is true in regard to methods of dry dusting. The feather duster, or the dry dustcloth which is shaken in the room, is a very good way of getting dust into the air, and of not getting rid o? it properly. The best way to clean is with a good "vacuum cleaner." By this means all of the dirt is taken out of the house without stir- ring up dust. There are, however, some of the cheaper cleaners LESSONS <>\ CAUSES \\D PREVENTION. 33 which throw the dirt hack into the rconi, mid these, like the broom, must he considered as enemies of health. Where vacuum cleaners ,-ire not possible, a carpet sweeper may be used, or some- thing may lie put on the floor, such as wet strips of paper, tea leaves. 01- some of the prepared "dust-layers." For dusting, special cloths may he bought or prepared which hold the dirt, or a cloth may be used. Many houses are built over damp and dirty cellars. Ther'3 is no excuse for a dirty cellar. If only one place in the house can be clean, it should be the cellar. Let the' parlor go dirty, it' you must, but clean the cellar. Too often the cellars and halls in apartment houses are not properly cleaned, because no inn person has complete control of them. They are neglected on the principle of ''Everyone's business is nobody's business/' Damp cellars are' very generally regarded as unhealthful. Few landlords would be willing to live over damp cellars themselves, and no landlord ought to be permitted to allow his tenants to live in such surroundings. In these days when cement is so cheap and so generally used, there seems no excuse for it. What we need is merely an aroused public opinion. Sometimes houses are well kept inside, but have dirty and unsanitary back yards. The back yard ought to be as clean as the front yard, and some means of taking care of the necessary refuse about any building should be provided. The method of hanging bags so that they can be readily filled with old paper, and tin cans is excellent. Garbage should also be carefully taken care of. In the city where it is collected it is important to have cans or boxes for it properly protected from flies. Where the garbage must be cared for on the place, this can be done by burying it or burning it. Another thing that should be especially attended to about the house, or any building for that matter, and perhaps especially the school, is the plumbing. Defective plumbing allows the es- cape of 35 of dust-laden air arc easily shown when- the death rate from con- sumption in different occupations is studied. Tln lirlilinr of ;i house is a matter of no small importance. Houses ought to be so arranged that the sunlight will enter through at least one window, in every room during the course of the day. T!IOM> rooms that arc Ihe most used should bo tin- best lijrhlrd. It is important, then, to build houses with iviVrniee to the lighting. It is not at all necessary that a Fi;r. -">. Individual towel distributor in use at the I'nivcrsity of Wisconsin. The towels are small :ind n fresh one is always ready for use. Why is this a good arrangement? house should face the street, and many houses are now built facing a beautiful outlook. Houses ought always to be faced with reference to the sunlight. The size and arrangement of the windows should depend upon what is the most healthful and not upon what looks best, although it is generally true that houses can be suitable to live in and beautiful to look at, at the same time. The amount of window space in a room should be at least one-fifth of the floor spac* . TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. Fiii - . 24. A sanitary bubble drinking fountain. Is this' bettor than usirii a common drinking cup? Why? The necessity for light in buildings was .realized long before the real reason was discovered. There is an Italian proverb that says, ' ' Where sunlight does not en- ter, the physician does." Ony reason, at least, why this i; true, is that the sunlight killi the disease germs. Sunlight is, as we say, a good "germi- cide," or germ-killer. In building a house, the first thing to be thought of should lie the effect which the loca- tion and arrangement would have upon the health of those who are to live in it. It is not enough, however, to have properly constructed buildings. They must be sensibly used. Windows are of little use if the shades are always drawn, or the blinds are always closed. A large bedroom or living-room may easily be overcrowded. Sometimes people, who have all the room they need, live in a little ill-smelling kitchen in the day- time, and a stuffy, foul bedroom at night. These people, of course, do not realize how bad such a life is for themselves and their children. There are many things worse for health than being cold for instance, being overcrowded, and having too little pure, fresh air, and bright, life-giving sunshine. It is sometimes supposed that these ills which we have been talking about are found only in the city, but this is not true. Housing conditions are often as bad in the 1 country as they are in the city. It is true 1 that in the country there is plenty of pure air and bright sunshine, and frequently the house? are large enough ; but the people are likely to be overcrowded in certain rooms, as the kitchen and sleeping rooms, for short: periods of time in the summer, and long periods in winter. The desire to save money has led people to be careless about healthful conditions; and small rooms are frequently built and used because they do not require much fuel for heating. This is a poor way of saving, as people would readily understand if they stopped to think of the matter. The cost of a doctor's bill and SI.MI-I.I-: LESSONS ON CAUSES \ND IY-HNKNTIUN. -'!7 perhaps ;i I'linen-il limy e;isily more tliim offset the "saving" ill fuel ,-iii(l sufficient room. Fi-r. L.".. A sanitary ennkinu- !'ount;iin is possible wherever lli'Tv is a well. THE FENCE OR THE AMIK'I.AXCE. Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant, But over its terrible edge there had slipped A Duke and full many a peasant. So the people said something would have to he done, But their projects did net at all tally. Some said, "Put a fence round the edge of the cliff," Some, "An ambulance down in the valley." But the cry for the ambulance carried the day, For it spread through the neighboring city; A fence may be useful or not, it is true, But each heart was brimful of pity For those who slipped over the dangerous cliff; And the dwellers in highway and valley Gave pound or gave pence, net to put up a fence. But an ambulance down in the valley. "For the cliff is all right if you're careful," th?y said, "And if folks even slip or are dropping, It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much As tho shock down below when they're stopping." Then an old sage remarked: "It's a marvel to me That people give far more attention To repairing results than to stepping tho cause, When they'd much better aim at prevention." "Let us stop at its source all this mischief." ciied he "Come, neignoors and friends, let us rally. If the cliff we will fence, we might almost disnsnse With the ambulance down in the v;ill: jr." "Oh. he's a fanatic." the others rejoined. "Dispense with the ambulance? N< He'd dispense with all charities, too, if he cruM; But, no! We'll protect them forever! "Aren't we picking up folks just as fast as they fall? And shall this man dictate to us? Shall he? Why should people of sense stop to put up a fence While their ambulance works in the valley?" 38 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. LESSON X. DEVELOPING RESISTANCE TO DISEASE. One of the most remarkable things in all the world, so the scientist thinks, is the fact that certain animals are ' ' resistant, ' ' or "immune," to a disease, while other animals differing very slightly take the disease readily: e. g., the house mouse is im- mune to glanders, a disease common among horses, while the field mouse is extremely susceptible. The rat is immune to many germs which attack his near relatives. Differences of the same kind are seen in man. Some races take diseases more easily than others ; and everyone knows families that are always sick, whose members take every "catching" disease that is about ; while other families in the same community are well and strong, and almost always escape the ordinary diseases. The same thing is true of persons; some people are very suscepti- ble to disease, and in later years speak with apparent pride of the fact that they have themselves had all of the ordinary dis- eases. Scientists are not agreed as to the reason for this difference between individuals. "Immunity" may be handed down from one generation to another in the family. Perhaps, also, a per- son may inherit a readiness to "catch" a disease. We do not know whether this is true or not, but we do know that surround- ings, habits, and even ways of thinking do have a marked influ- ence upon the disease resistance or susceptibility of a person. Fig. 26. Plenty of fresh air. Fig. 27. Fresh air at night. "Night air is not dangerous unless it be last night's air." SI.MIM.I-: LESSONS CAUSES AND I'KI:\ KNTION. Kb. 29. Healthy exercise. Fi-. js. Kvm tho littlo fellows enjoy the winter hikes. In order to escape disease one must have healthful surround- ings. This does not mean \. 41 luit when we remeinher the inconvenience and suffering they produce, and the loss of time and energy which they cause we can see that there is hardly anything nmiv important. Be- sides this, they have an influence in making people more likely t lake dise.-is.-s. We very frequently hear people talk atiout a cold runninir into this disease or that disease; but this is not true, as tuberculosis, for instance, never comes from a cold, and never follows a cold, iinlc-M the y<.rm of hilx rctdusi* is pres- ent. However, colds sometimes do make people so weak that they easily take tuberculosis, as well as other infectious diseases. The protection of the body is also a matter of very great importance for one's health. A person ought to wear the right amount of clothing, suited to the season. Too much is as dan- gerous as too little. If one wears too little clothing, the vigor of the body is likely to be lessened; and the same is true if the clothing is too thick. Children, especially, are likely to object to wearing extra clothing, or "bundling up" even when it is absolutely necessary, because it interferes with their movements or their convenience. But they must remember that the tmiin- h i, it nee of health is the most important thing in the world h, UK HI. and if they do not preserve their health they will bring upon themselves bodily suffering, and bring to their relatives and friends care and anxiety without measure. The necessity for this care has been taught by the experience of the race. Why do children persist in going out without their rubbers when they know that they will get their feet wet? Why do they re- fuse to wear an overcoat or mittens which they need? One should get into the habit of looking out for his health ; in order to do this he ought to consider the following rules: * A ^^ f* ^^ * *^^ J' -VJrf :;n . Cirls ns well ns boys noocl Fijr. ..l. Liltlo children love the "out- tli.^ "out-of-door"' exercise. of-doors." It is their best friend. 42 TUBERCOLISIS : OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. RULES OF HEALTH.* 1. When you arise in the morning throw the bedding over the foot of the bed so that the bedclothes may have a chance to air. 2. Close the window that has been open during the night if .you are to dress in the same room. Otherwise it is not neces- sary. 3. Cleanse the teeth, especially the places that are out of sight and hard to reach. 4. If you have time, bathe all over (finishing, if not begin- ning, with cold water). If it is not possible to bathe all over, bathe the face, neck, and chest, and particularly the eyes, ears and nose. 5. Clean the finger nails. This should become a fixed habit. 6. Drink a glass of water. This is a good habit to form, and it seems to aid digestion. 7. Eat breakfast at a regular hour. Eat only what agrees with you. Make an effort to be cheerful at meals. 8. Visit the toilet, if practicable, at home. Have some reg- ular time during the day. 9. Spend as much time in the open air as possible. Create #n interest in nature. Make friends with sky, birds, flowers, trees and animals, and be attentive and true to them. 10. Be punctual in all of your duties both in and out of school. 11. Try to have a supply of fresh air wherever you are, and -demand this with the same emphasis that you use in demanding sufficient heat in cold weather. Do not be afraid to say: "I need fresh air." * Adapted from Alle'n in "Civics and Health." Fi"-. ->2. Dry feet, fresh air, and plenty of sleep help to keep up the power of the body to kill germs. From Ritchie's Hygiene published by the World Pub. Co. SIMPLE LKSSUXS ON CAUSES AND PREVENTION. 43 1:2. Mat punctually at noon. Take time and enjoy your meal and its effects. !-">. I'.ivatlir air out-of-doors as long as possible, in walking and playing lightly. 14. Resume your duties punctually. !.">. Stop work regularly and promptly. 16. Take out-of-door exercise indoor, only when fresh air is possible that you enjoy and which agrees with you. If you get "sweaty" in playing, when you stop put on extra clothes or go into the house. Do not court a cold. Be especially careful to keep your feet dry. If you cannot help getting them wet, make every effort to change your footwear or to dry it out promptly. To take care of yourself and I in serve your health is most important. It is not a cowardly tiling to do. It is the most important and manly or womanly tlnng yon can possibly do. 17. Eat your evening meal at a fixed time, and do not hurry with it nor eat too much; eat nothing that disagrees with you. 18. Spend the evening pleasantly in ways that are in keep- ing with the foregoing habits. 19. Go to bed regularly at a fixed hour; make up for any ir- regularity one night by an earlier hour the next night. 20. 21, 22. Repeat 4, 6, 8. 23. Turn your underclothes wrong side out for ventilation. 24. Open the windows, or sleep out-of-doors if possible. 25. Relax your mind and body and go to sleep. Suggestions for some practical work are here proposed. A grown-up person requires about three thousand cubic feet of air every hour. When the necessary ventilation is secured, the required cubic contents can be reduced to two thousand cubic feet or less. In most homes forced ventilation is not provided for. Figure out the number of cubic feet in your liv ing room and divide it by the number of persons who are us- ually there. Do you have the required amount of air in your living room? In the same way find out the air space in your bedroom, and the amount of air for each person in it. Do you sleep with your bedroom window open ? How wide ?* * The teacher should be careful not to make public comparisons which will hurt the feelings of sensitive children whose home' condi- tions are poor because of poverty, sickness, or the like. 44 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. Since a room ought to have window space equal to on?-fifth of the floor space. Find out the size of the floor in your living room and then determine the area of the window space. Have you as much light as you ought to have? Do the same thing for your bedroom. Dees the s;m shine directly into your living room and bedroom? For how many hours every day? How much space is there between your own and your neighbor's house? Does the teacher keep the window curtains drawn down over the top part of the win- dow? Unless the sun is shin- ing into the room through the window, the curtains should be rolled up to the top. The room is lighted mainly from the upper part of the win- dow. If you get water for school uses from a well, is the well carefully pumped out and cleaned before school be- gins in the fall? It should be covered so that dirty water cannot possibly run into it, and so that mice and other small animals cannot fall into it. School authorities should provide seats in the schoolroom suited to the size of the children, so their feet rest on the floor, and so they do not have to stoop over when they sit at the desk, or twist themselves out of shape because the desk is too high. In other words have the seat, desk and child properly matched. If you live in the country, has the school a ventilating stove that brings in fresh air? Is there an outlet for bad air? If not, why not? Fiir. 33. A hike through the woods. There is plenty of fresh air here. SI.MI-I.I: LESSONS N CAUSES AND I'I;KVI-:.\TKN. 45 LESSON XI. TUBERCULOSIS A CURABLE DISEASE. Our ideas of tin- possibility of curing tuberculosis have I-M-M <-h;nip-(l a good deal in the last few years. People once be- lieved that tuberculosis was incurable; and to tell a person that lie was afllii-tod with the dread malady was like reading his death warrant to him. Today we look upon the disease in quite n tiitlVivnt light. It is curable. This change in our views has n i come about, however, because of the discovery of some new 7 I''-. '!- < 'i;t of-door school for tubercular children fresh air open minds. medicine, for it still remains true that w r e do not know of any specific for this disease. Quacks and patent medicines cause much real suffering, because victims are made to think that they can be helped by some skillfully advertised medicine or "cure," which is really not going to give the expected relief, but which is almost certain to delay honest and helpful treat- ment until the case is beyond help. Remember that the mod- ern treatment of tuberculosis requires open air, rest, and food. It would be difficult to explain just why it is that out-of- door air is better than the air of dwellings, but' there is abun- 46 TUBERCULOSIS: OR THE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE. dant evidence to show that this is true. A tubercular patient should ~be in the open air practically all of the time, day and night } summer and winter. That cold air is not harmful, but in reality helpful, is shown by a saying in the Adirondacks, gen- erally accepted as true, that "One winter is worth two sum- mers." Are you in as good health in winter as in summer? Whatever your answer is, say why. Where and what are the Adirondacks? Another necessary requirement is rest. When there is fever, especially, it is absolutely necessary that there should be rest, complete rest, and to this end the patient must occupy the bed and lounging chair constantly. The slight amount of exercise necessary must be taken a little at a time, so as not to overtax the strength. It is quite impossible for tubercular patients to work hard and at the same time take the proper care of them- selves. The third thing necessary is plenty of food, especially proteid food, such as meat, eggs and milk. Climate is not now considered a very important matter in the treatment of tuberculosis. By this is meant that tuberculosis can be cured in almost all climates, and many persons cannnt afford to go to some other climate. It seems best, therefore, to -_____ J Fig. .>r>. A Sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis. Here the patients have fresh air day and night. SIMPLE LESSONS ON CAUSES lie.-it tuberculosis .-it home or in "s;mit< niims" close by. Note the nrnmiremeiits for treatment in tin- accompanying pictures- of sanatoriums. The cure for tuberculosis is really only a healthful way of lirint/, and the more nearly one holds himself to the rules the better are the chances for recovery. This is borne out by the fact that patients in prisons make the highest percentage of re- coveries. soldiers next, and persons in ordinary life last of all. AVliy, do you think? Look up in the dictionary the meaning of the words sanitarium nnd sanatorium. AVhere is the Wisconsin State Sanatorium for tuberculosis f Tell what railroads, or other means of conveyance, you would have to take to get there, and what the probable cost would be. Do you know anyone who has ever boon there? If so, get him to tell you about the life there. If you sleep out-of-doors, tell how the bed is arranged and the amount of clothing which you use. If you do not now sleep out-of-doors find out the best way to arrange for doing it. Find out the amount of bedding which you would need. What would be the cost of a tent in which you might sleep all sum- mer?* * Teachers might find it profitable to have i little exhibit illus- trating tuberculosis or hygiene. Miss Goldie Whipple, of Superior, Wisconsin, prepared such an exhibit which was sent to the Interna- tional Congress on Tuberculosis at Washington and attracted wide attention. Boys could be asked to make a model of a sanitary tent with floor and means of ventilation. Girls could make a small model of a sleeping bed or a hood and dress up a doll to show the way the clothes should be arranged for out-door sleeping. Charts could be prepared and pictures from bulletins mounted so as to make a very creditable showing. They could be arranged to- show that tuberculosis is a communicable, a preventable, and a cur- able disease. Comforters -Blankets 1 Cotton Bed pad Second mat IP - I'aper .blankets sheets Mattress Springs Fi-. ."JO This shows how a bed should bo made up for out-of-door use. ,..,. ._.,.., _,...,.....,. -1 ~^f ^f ^if- T^M]'i;<'ri.,>s r ;./) : y ^^^^^H v..^ r^r^v/xs" A2*~;3i F .- L '"' -':--'! > v