FUMIGATION METHODS A Practical Treatise for Farmers, Fruit Growers, Nurserymen, Gardeners, Florists, Millers, Grain Dealers, Trans- portation Companies, College and Experiment Station Workers, etc. By WILLIS G. JOHNSON Formerly Professor of Entomology and Invertebrate Zoology at the Maryland Agricultural College and Stale Entomologist; author of many special reports on economic topics; associate editor A merican Agriculturist weeklies ; Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member of the Association of Economic Entomologists, the A merican Pomological Society, the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, etc. : : : : : : : : : ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD COMPANY 1902 COPYRIGHT, 1902 BY ORANGE JUDD COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE ECONOMIC USE OF HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS . . 1-8 Early history First use as an insecticide Experiments in California Dry gas process Inauguration of night fumigation First use in Eastern orchards. CHAPTER II How THE GAS is MADE 9-11 Chemical ingredients Combination of chem- icals Action of chemicals Vessel used for generation Character of residue formed. CHAPTER III PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON PLANTS .... 12-24 Experiments by Woods and Dorsett Practi- cal tests upon orchard trees and nursery stock Effects on seeds and low-growing plants. CHAPTER IV EFFECTS ON ANIMAL LIFE 25-26 Fortunate accident Chickens pick up cyanide shaken from a bag Cat destroyed in green- house while asleep Experiences with various animals. CHAPTER V APPARATUS FOR USE IN ORCHARDS .... 27-34 Early types for fumigators Construction of sheet tents Oiling and painting tents Vege- table decoction for treating tents. CHAPTER VI BELL AND HOOP TENTS 35~47 General description Method of handling The hoop tent popular in California Construc- tion and manipulation. iii iv FUMIGATION METHODS PAGB CHAPTER VII CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF SHEET TENTS . 48-58 Methods of making and handling sheet tents Apparatus used in Eastern orchards De- scription of California outfit. CHAPTER VIII EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS . . , 59-75 Development of the Emory fumigator Gen- eral description Apparatus for handling Cost of construction The Miller type Method of operating The New York box fumigator. CHAPTER IX ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK . . . 76-83 Amount of chemicals Cyanide necessary Destroying black scale on citrus trees Red, brown, and purple scale Orchards on damp grounds Eastern orchards Comparative value of cyanide. CHAPTER X DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION AND COST OF APPLICATION . 84-92 Experiences in Eastern orchards Expert opinion from California Time of application Cost of orchard fumigation Location of or- chard considered. CHAPTER XI EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK . 93-111 Conditions considered Construction and use of boxes How to build a fumigatorium Vari- ous types described. CHAPTER XII CONSTRUCTION OF VENTILATORS AND FLOORS . 112-117 Form used in Canada Arrangement em- ployed in Ohio Method in Delaware A Western idea. CHAPTER XIII PRACTICAL HINTS TO NURSERYMEN . . . 118-125 Estimating chemicals Low-grade stock Cost of nursery stock fumigation Value of small room Preparation of trees Materials needed Cellars and cars Use of canvas over wagon Points to remember. OF CONTENTS V CHAPTER XIV GREENHOUSE AND COLD FRAME FUMIGATION . 126-146 Effects on foliage Preparation of the house How to prepare the jar Boxes for fumigat- ing small plants Experiences with various plants Experiments in greenhouses Estimat- ing cubic contents Cold frames General sum- mary Practical application. CHAPTER XV SMALL FRUITS AND PLANTS 147-152 Amount of chemicals for strawberry plants Experimental and practical tests Application on melon, cucumber, cabbage, etc. Difficulty of fumigating in rows. CHAPTER XVI APPLICATIONS IN MILLS, ELEVATORS, AND OTHER ENCLOSURES 153-176 First use in mills Necessary preparations Resisting power of insects Estimating chemi- cals Application Cars and ships Dwelling- houses and storerooms Explosive properties Practical application Mills and elevators Tobacco warehouse Houses and Laboratories. CHAPTER XVII GRAINS AND OTHER SEEDS 177-185 Experimental tests Influence upon seed germination Fumigated grain fed to mice Effects on dry and damp seeds General sum- mary of results. CHAPTER XVIII DIFFUSION OF HYDROCYANIC ACID VAPOR . . 186-197 General experiments Effect of moisture on foliage Absorbent effect of fresh earth Dif- fusion in large room Rapid loss of vapor General results considered. vi FUMIGATION METHODS CHAPTER XIX RECENT WORK WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS . 198-220 Successful application in England Vineries and Conservatories Use on ordinary green- house pests Use in New South Wales Cost of material for tents Orchard work in Cape Colony Experiments at New York Agricul- tural Experiment Station Fumigation of or- chard trees. CHAPTER XX ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION . . . 221-256 First use upon nursery stock Fumigating greenhouses Olive trees fumigated Fumiga- tion understood and appreciated The superi- ority of fumigation Operations in Canada Form of fumigating box Common-sense views. CHAPTER XXI FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID . . 257-284 First use to destroy insects^Chemical proper- ties Commercial uses Instruments for appli- cation Fumigating mills and other buildings Practical work Precautions Effects upon seeds Fruits and plants Destroying pests in woolens, furs and clothes Killing prairie-dogs, gophers, squirrels, etc. Expert opinions of its practical value Exterminating rats and mice How it is put up. CHAPTER XXII LAWS REGULATING NURSERY AND ORCHARD INSPEC- TION AND FUMIGATION 285-302 General review of the situation in the United States Abstracts of State Laws. CHAPTER XXIII FOREIGN LAWS REGULATING SHIPMENTS OF FRUITS AND NURSERY STOCK . . . . Abstracts of the Foreign Regulations List of ports of entry. 303-309 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Portrait of the Author .... Frontispiece York Imperial Apple Tree, Fumigated with Six Times Normal Dose ........ 17 Ogon Plum, Fumigated with Three Times Normal Dose 18 Ogon Plum Tree, .Fumigated ...... 19 Peach Tree, Fumigated with Normal Dose ... 21 Effects of Gas on Mature Peach Trees, where Overdoses were Used ......... 23 The Wolfskill Fumigator 29 The Titus Fumigator ........ 30 The Culver Fumigator ....... 31 Culver Tent and Morse Fumigator ..... 32 Canvas Tent with Square Top and Base .... 33 The Preble Fumigator, as Used in California Orchards . 36 Raising Small Hoop Tent ....... 37 Hoop Tent Almost in Position 38 Small Hoop Tent Ready for Chemicals . . . . 39 Lifting Large Hoop Tent from Ground .... 40 Adjusting Large Hoop Tent 41 Lifting Tent After Fumigation . . . . . .43 Covering Tree with Large Hoop Tent .... 44 Method of Shifting Large Hoop Tent. (After Woodworth) 45 Orchard Work with Sheet Tents in the East ... 47 Manipulating Sheet Tents with a Single Pole. (After Woodworth) ......... 48 Handling a Tent with a Single Pole 49 Removing Sheet Tent by Means of Pole and Helpers . 50 Covering Large Orange Trees with a Sheet Tent . . 51 Sheet Tent in Position Over an Orange Tree Ready for Chemicals ......... 53 vii viii FUMIGATION METHODS PACK ^Removing Sheet Tent, Assisted by a Horse ... 55 Fumigating Apparatus Readyjor Transportation . . 56 Tenting an Orange Tree in California .... 57 Tent in Position about Ready for Chemicals ... 58 Model Type of Emory Fumigator with Hood Fully Extended ......... 60 Practical Work with the Emory Fumigator . . . 61 Folding Paper Fumigator compared with Sheet Tent . 62 Apparatus for Manipulating the Emory Fumigator . 63 Fumigating an Orchard on a Mountain Side ... 65 Practical Application of the Emory Fumigator on Rough Land 67 Placing Fumigator Over Tree, Showing also Tray for Chemicals 68 Fumigator Nearly in Position ...... 69 Placing the Chemicals Under Fumigator .... 70 Airing the Fumigator Just Before Removal ... 40 Transferring the Fumigator ...... 73 Fumigator Designed at the New York Experiment Station 74 Japanese Plum Tree, Fumigated in October ... 85 Charging a California Hoop Tent ..... 89 Wagon for Carrying Chemicals in Orchard ... 91 Box Used by a Nurseryman in the South. (After Sherman) 94 Type of Box Used by a Canadian Nurseryman. (After Lochhead) ......... 95 The Open Box Used in Some Maryland Nurseries. (Original) ......... 96 Open Box Reversed Ready for Chemicals. (Original) . 97 Large and Convenient Fumigatorium .... 98 Room Where Trees are Fumigated by the Wagon Load . 99 Double Rooms Built in End of Packing-shed . . . 100 Single Room Used in Winter for Grafting . . . 101 Neatly Constructed Single Room with Corrugated Iron Roof 102 Handy and Cheap House for Small Nursery . . . 103 Outline of Model Fumigating House. (Original) . . 104 Plan for Slat Floor. (Original) 104 ILLUSTRATIONS ix PAGE General Plan of Floor. (Original) ..... 105 Where Trees are Fumigated by the Million . . . 106 Well-built Single-room House for Small Nursery . . 106 Complete Fumigating House in Utah .... 107 Sectional View of a Model Utah House. (After Moore) . 108 Double House in Canada for Fumigating Trees on a Wagon 109 Fumigating House at the Ontario Agricultural College . no Methods of Ventilating a Fumigating House. (After Lochhead) ......... 112 Diagram of Generator and Sectional View of Fumiga- torium. (After Webster) 113 Lower Portion of Fumigatorium. (After Sanderson) . 114 Generator and Details for Handling. (After Sanderson) 115 Method of Fumigating Greenhouse ..... 129 Box for Fumigating Small Plants and Cuttings . . 131 Diagram for Determining Cubic Contents of Greenhouse. (After Galloway) ........ 140 Even and Three-quarter Space Houses. (After Woods and Dorsett) ......... 142 Interior Arrangement for Fumigating Buildings. (Orig- inal) . ( . . . 164 Fumigating in a New South Wales Orchard . . . 204 Two Orange Trees, Fumigated and not Fumigated. . 205 Average Specimen of Orchard Fruit from a Fumigated Tree 207 Average Specimen of Orchard Fruit from a Tree not Fumigated ......... 207 Improved Method of Fastening Door on the Lowe Fumi- gator 215 The Sirrine Type of Folding Fumigator .... 217 Canvas Tent with Felt Type of Pyramidal Hood . . 219 Fumigated Citrus Orchard in California .... 222 Sprayed Orange Tree in a California Orchard . . . 223 PUBLISHER'S PREFACE T was the original plan of the author to have used as a frontispiece in this work a portrait of Mr. D. W. Coquillett, who discovered the economic value of hydrocyanic acid gas as an insecticide. Mr. Coquillett prefers to be remembered by the discovery he made in his experimental and prac- tical work with hydrocyanic acid gas. The publishers therefore take pleasure in introducing this volume with a portrait of the author, who has done so much to utilize in a practical way the discovery made by Mr. Coquillett. ORANGE JUDD COMPANY. AUTHOR'S PREFACE CE radical changes in conditions during the past eight or ten years along agricultural and commercial lines have been followed by the general distribution of many insect pests of a serious character. In commercial transactions the dan- gers have been so great along certain lines that many State laws have been enacted to prohibit the distribu- tion of such insects as the San Jose scale and others of a dangerous nature. Some foreign governments have enacted such legislation as to make it practically im- possible to ship fruit and nursery stock without the most rigid inspection and fumigation before entry is permitted. Ability to successfully combat noxious insects is a problem of the most vital importance to farmers, fruit growers, nurserymen, gardeners, florists, millers, grain dealers, transportation companies, merchants, grocers, housekeepers and others. This is especially true of the fruit, nursery, and grain industries. The use of hydrocyanic acid gas and carbon bisulphid, two very powerful insecticides, have largely solved these serious problems. We owe the discovery of carbon bisulphid as an insecticide to M. Doyere, while that of hydrocyanic acid gas belongs to D. W. Coquillett. Their practical application has been one of gradual development. With the advent of the San Jose scale in Eastern XIV FUMIGATION METHODS nurseries and orchards the demand for exact informa- tion about a cheap and reliable remedy became a live topic. Little or nothing had been done with hydro- cyanic acid gas fumigation outside of California. From what the writer had observed in California, he was certain that this method w r as the most promising and would meet the conditions in the Hast and other places if properly adapted. Hundreds of experiments and practical applications were made by the writer to test the gas in orchards, nurseries, greenhouses, mills, warehouses, granaries, and various other places. The outcome of these tests proved conclusively that hydro- cyanic acid gas was a cheap and reliable remedy for a very large range of insects usually found in such places. In the present volume the writer has attempted to embody the practical results of his own experiences as well as those of others who have used these gases suc- cessfully. In his endeavors to gather together the fragmentary notes, scattered as they were in litera- ture throughout the world, the author feels that this work is not complete and perfect in every respect. It embraces, however, for the first time in one volume, a general survey of this important and timely subject. Where the writer has not given personal credit in the text he wishes to extend the same courteous acknowledgment to all who have in any way con- tributed to the contents of this volume. Hspecial thanks are due to Mr. D. W. Coquillett for reading and correcting proofs, and to Mr. Herbert Myrick, Editor and Proprietor of the Orange Judd weeklies and books, through whose aid and courtesy this volume is written and published. AUTHOR'S PREFACE xv All the illustrations reproduced herewith are from photographs taken by the author, excepting those acknowledged below or credited in the text. To the following the author desires to express his thanks : to the Secretary of the California State Board of Horti- culture, for photographs and drawings from which Figs. 8 to ii inclusive, 13, 30 and 31 were reproduced; to the Director of the California Experiment Station, for permission to use electrotypes of Figs. 14 to 21 in- clusive, 23, 45, and 46 ; to Mr. R. P. Cundiff, Horti- cultural Commissioner Riverside District, California, for photographs of Figs. 26, 27, 28, and 29 ; to the Director of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, for permission to use photographs of Figs. 43, 79, and 80 ; to the Secretary of the Pennsylvania State Board of Agriculture, for loan of electrotypes of author's photographs; to Mr. D. M. Moore, of Utah, for photograph from which Fig. 62 was made; to Prof. William Lochhead, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, for photographs of Figs. 64 and 65 ; to Mr. W. J. Allen, of New South Wales, for use of Figs. 75, 76, 77, and 78 ; to Dr. E. P. Felt, State Entomologist of New York, for photograph of Fig. 81, and finally to Mr. C. M. Heintz, editor of the Rural Calif ornian, for photographs from which Figs. 82 and 83 were reproduced. Although the author has taken unusual pains to make this work technically correct yet popular in style, there have, no doubt, crept in some mistakes. When readers note any error, typographically or oth- erwise, they will confer a great favor on the writer by reporting same, so corrections can be made in future XVI FUMIGATION METHODS editions. If this volume will in any way answer the numerous questions asked on the subject of fumiga- tion, either with hydrocyanic acid gas or carbon bisul- phid, or suggest methods for future work along these lines, the writer will feel repaid for his labors. Wnjjs G. JOHNSON. NEW YORK CITY, February 75, igos. FUMIGATION METHODS CHAPTER I ECONOMIC USE OF HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS T"HHK discovery of the value of hydrocyanic acid gas as an insecticide was due to the presence of the cottony cushion scale in the citrous orchards of California. This insect was un- wittingly introduced into California from Australia. For a time it seemed certain that the pest would ruin the orange and lemon industry in spite of the con- certed efforts of the most intelligent horticulturists to combat it. Despairingly, the growers appealed, as a last resort, to the United States Department of Agri- culture for aid. The matter was taken up by the Division of Entomology, and two assistants were detailed by Dr. C. V. Riley, then Entomologist, to undertake the study of methods for the control of the insect. These assistants were D. W. Coquillett and A. Koebele. To Mr. Coquillett belongs the credit of first discovering the value of hydrocyanic acid gas, now so extensively used, for the destruction of insects and other animal pests. In addition to the detailed account of the gas treat- ment given by Mr. Coquillett, in the report of the 2 FUMIGATION METHODS Department of Agriculture for 1887, and in "Insect Life," Vol. III., by way $>f explanation, he wrote me March 21, 1898, as follows : " During the summer of 1886 I was employed by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture to carry on a series of experiments at lyos Angeles, California, against the cottony cushion scale {Icerya purchast), but owing to an insufficient appropriation I was laid off on August ist of that year. As no perfect remedy had at that date been discovered, I determined to experiment with gases in a private capacity and at my own expense. Accordingly, during the first wfeek of the following month I began experimenting with hydrocyanic acid gas, which I thought would be the best for the pur- pose, owing to its very poisonous qualities, the rapidity of its generation, and the readiness with which it dif- fuses itself in the air. Nobody suggested to me to try this gas. It was not until the following July that the Department of Agriculture again placed me on its rolls." It will thus be seen that Mr. Coquillett continued to work on the problem of destroying the scale, though at his own expense, and in September, 1886, began seriously to study the methods of fumigation. Fumi- gation with carbon bisulphide had been inaugurated on a small scale by J. W. Wolf skill and his very able foreman, Alexander Craw, at L,os Angeles. At their place Mr. Coquillett began his experiments, profiting by the facilities here provided. It was here he first conceived the idea of using hydrocyanic acid gas. About six months were required to perfect methods. The result of the work in the Wolf skill orchards ECONOMIC USE OF HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 3 was watched with keen interest by those whose trees were fast being ruined by the scales. Many growers became impatient to know the remedy so carefully guarded by the experimenters. Finally, a number of horticulturists about San Gabriel asked Prof. E. W. Hilgard, of the University of California, for a chemist to experiment in their orchards with various gases. F. W. Morse was detailed for this work, and found, like Mr. Coquillett, that hydrocyanic acid gas was by far the most satisfactory. In the course of these ex- periments certain parties who had witnessed the former experiments recognized the odor of gas, and thus the secret, so zealously guarded, was given to the public. Although discovered and used by Mr. Coquillett and his associates six months previous to the announce- ment of Mr. Morse, the first general information about the gas as an insecticide was given to the public by the latter gentleman in a Bulletin (No. 71) from the University of California Experiment Station. Extensive experiments were continued by Mr. Coquillett. In July, 1887, he was again made an assistant of the Department of Agriculture, and did more than any other person to develop and perfect the present methods of fumigation. The main difficulty encountered in these early experiments was the inju- rious effect the gas had upon the foliage. The injury was lessened greatly by the ' ' soda process ' ' of Morse, which consisted in adding ordinary baking soda to the cyanide solution, using something like two and a half times as much soda as there was cyanide in the solu- tion, the result being the production of carbonic acid gas, thus diluting the hydrocyanic acid gas. 4 FUMIGATION METHODS Speaking of the early experiences with this gas, Prof. C. W. Woodwork says that previous to the time of the publication of Morse's soda method, Mr. Coquillett accomplished a similar diminution of injury by slow generation of the gas. This Mr. Coquillett accomplished by means of a generator consisting of two parts: from one the sulphuric acid passed in a fine stream, regulated by a stop-cock, into the other con- taining dry cyanide. These facts were clearly set forth by Alexander Craw in a paper before a meeting of fruit growers at I,os Angeles, in October, 1887. The ' ' dry gas process ' ' was soon devised by Mr. Coquillett. It consisted in passing the gas from the generator through sulphuric acid, allowing it to come in contact with the foliage. In this he used a solution of cyanide. This was the situation at the time of the publication of Mr. Coquillett 's first paper, cited above, wherein these three processes were described quite fully. He strongly recommended his last process as the cheapest and most convenient; and Mr. Morse, in a later paper, practically abandoned his soda method in favor of the dry gas process. Injury to trees from the first has been a specula- tion and controversy, and even now it must be con- fessed that we are far from possessing sufficient data to enable us to solve any considerable part of the problem. The results have been very uncertain, proving that there are a number of factors involved. One of the earliest explanations suggested was that faulty dis- tribution of the gas would tend to cause burning wherever the pure or slightly diluted gas came in con- tact with the leaves. Practical experience bore out ECONOMIC USE OF HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 5 this idea, so that in most of the earlier work elaborate provision was made for the mixing of the gas and the air contained in the tent. Generally some form of blower connected with the generator was used. How- ever, later work has demonstrated that this is of minor importance. The first theory of Mr. Coquillett was that the mixing, or perhaps the combination, of the gas with water rendered it more injurious. Both of his proc- esses were based on this idea. He explained the effectiveness of the soda process as arising from the affinity of the carbonic acid for water. Mr. Morse's original ideas are not made plain in his writings, but his later studies led him to believe that the develop- ment of ammonia in the gas was the most important cause of injury. The injurious effects of ammonia are well known, and he demonstrated the presence of ammonia in the gas, especially in that generated from a solution of cyanide. Thus there were two theories accounting for the good effects of the methods then known, and both agreed in favoring the dry gas process. The latter theory seems to have had more foundation in fact, but it soon became evident that there were other still more important factors determin- ing the injury to the foliage. The successful introduction of ladybirds from Aus- tralia into California, and the promising results of the importation, caused the gas method to remain at a standstill for some time. The interest in fumigation was later revived, however, on account of the red scale {Aspidiotus aurantii}, which was becoming quite troublesome in many orchards in Orange County. By 6 FUMIGATION METHODS invitation, Mr. Coquillett took his apparatus to the orchards of A. D. Bishop, and commenced a new series of tests. The ones giving the best results were the same as some of Mr. Coquillett's earliest experiments, in which the gas was generated in a simple generator beneath the tent, according to the formula now gen- erally used. It was generally believed by Mr. Coquillett at this time that it was the aclinic rays rather than the heat rays of the sun that injured the foliage. It had been previously noticed that trees were more injured during the middle of the day than at other times, and it was usually attributed to the heat. Working on his theory, Mr. Coquillett began experiments with a black tent, and confirmed his belief that it was the aclinic and not the heat rays that caused the trouble. Naturally, night work in fumigation soon followed. It was on Mr. Bishop's place where the first practical night fumigation was inaugurated. The success of these experiments has been far-reaching. The adop- tion of methods here perfected has been quite univer- sal. In practical results, the fumigation at night is satisfactory and regarded as essential to good fumiga- tion in citrous orchards. Mr. Bishop, in company with some neighbors, applied for a patent on the proc- ess, which was granted, even in the face of a strong protest from Mr. Coquillett and Dr. Riley to the Com- missioner of Patents. L/ater, however, the courts de- cided that the process was not patentable, and the controversy ended. The main interests centering around fumigation were confined mainly to California until 1893. ^ n ECONOMIC USK OF HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 7 August of that year the San Jose scale (Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comstock) was found at Charlottesville, Va., on the grounds of Dr. C. H. Hedges. This was the first discovery of this pest east of the Rocky Moun- tains, and naturally caused a good deal of apprehen- sion on the part of fruit growers all over the country. Again Mr. Coquillett was detailed by the United States Department of Agriculture to conduct experiments with hydrocyanic acid gas on these infested trees. The work was begun and completed in March, 1894. The gas process was not, however, generally recommended for the fumigation of deciduous trees. From the experiences of growers in California I felt certain that the gas could be applied equally as suc- cessful to deciduous fruit trees in the Bast and else- where, if properly handled. With practically nothing as a guide, except the general work done in California, and little or no encouragement from leading Eastern entomologists, I began a series of experiments, in the spring of 1897, upon young plum, pear, apple, and nectarine trees. The results of these preliminary ex- periments were so very satisfactory that I was prompted to continue my work on bearing trees in the fall of 1897. With the aid of Robert S. Emory, of Chester- town, Md., a successful fruit grower, we perfected an outfit and completed the first successful fumigation of a large orchard in the East. The results of this work were watched with much interest in this and other countries. While the methods of generating the gas have not been materially changed, the amounts of chemicals have been adapted to suit conditions. The apparatus for containing the gas has bee"n improved, 8 FUMIGATION METHODS and the box system, designated by me as the " Kmory Fumigator," has been perfected, and is now commonly used by orchardists and others. Since 1894 the g as nas a l so been used in green- houses for the destruction of certain pests. The demand for fumigated trees led me to conduct an extensive series of experiments with the gas upon nursery stock of various kinds and grades. These tests, begun the fall of 1896 and completed the spring of 1899, have shown conclusively the maximum and minimum amount of gas young trees will withstand without injury. Many obscure points about the con- struction and management of fumigating houses have been made clear. In 1898 I first suggested the use of hydrocyanic acid gas as a remedy for the destruction of insects in mills, elevators, and warehouses. The system has since been perfected under my direction, and it is now in general use in this and other countries. In 1900 I demonstrated that the gas could be used in tight buildings with perfect success and .safety, even in the thickly populated districts of a city, w T hen properly handled, for the destruction of certain pests, including rats and mice. The fumigation of street-cars and railroad coaches to destroy bedbugs and other vermin is commonly practiced in many places. The gas is also employed to rid houses of undesirable pests, but in such cases should be handled with great care. CHAPTER II HOW THE GAS IS MADE T|HK chemicals used for generating hydrocyanic acid gas are ( i ) fused cyanide of potassium (KCN), (2) sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), and (3) water (H 2 O). The cyanide should be guaranteed 98-99 per cent. , which is practically chem- ically pure. There is upon the market in some places an old brand of cyanide of about 5860 per cent, purity. This should be avoided. The best grade of commercial sulphuric acid, with a specific gravity of at least 1.83, should be used. A grade known as chamber acid used ordinarily in the manufacture of fertilizers will not do, and under no circumstances should it be employed. Water from any source will sufiice, the only requisite being that it should be clean. In combining the chemicals (i), measure the acid in the glass beaker marked ounces on the side, and pour it in an earthenware crock, wooden bucket, tub, or pickle jar; (2), measure the water in the same beaker and pour it on the acid; (3), drop in the cyanide, bag and all, if wrapped in paper, close the door or drop the tent quickly, and leave desired length of time. Action of the chemicals. When the water is poured into the jar upon the acid, a slight evolution of steam arises, which is not dangerous. As soon as the cyanide is dropped in the acid and water there is a bubbling 9 10 FUMIGATION METHODS and sizzling similar to that produced by a piece of red- hot iron in cold water. Xhere is also a dense cloud of so-called steam given off. This bubbling is due to the action of the acid on the cyanide, and the so-called steam is the gas being produced. The result of this chemical action is the production of hydrocyanic acid gas (HCN), known in the liquid form as prussic acid, according to the following equation : 2KCN + H 2 SO 4 = 2 HCN H- K 2 SO 4 . The gas has an odor somewhat similar to that of peach pits, but do not stick your nose over a vessel in a house or under a tent to test it. These fumes, if inhaled, would prove fatal, and thus the necessity of great care. The vessel. Various kinds of vessels can be used for the acid and water. Usually an ordinary earthen jar, china dish, or bowl is used. In some cases a wooden pail or tub can be used to good advantage. As a rule, earthenware vessels are employed in orchard and nursery fumigation. The size of the vessel will depend upon the amount of material to be used for generating the gas. Sometimes in mills, warehouses, elevators, and other enclosures large jars or wooden pails containing from two to three gallons are necessary. Under no circumstances should tin or iron vessels of any kind be used, as the acid would quickly corrode and ruin them. For small boxes a china bowl or tea- cup can be used. Residue in the jar. After a charge of gas has been liberated there will be a residue left in the jar. At first, and while still warm, it is a whitish liquid, with a bluish cast, but as it cools it becomes thick like paste HOW THE GAS IS MADE II and crystalizes when cold. It is easily soluble in water. Immediately after the room, tent, or other inclosure has been ventilated the desired length of time the contents of the jar should be emptied on a manure pile, in a hole prepared especially for that purpose, or under the tree close to the trunk. As the acid and potash left behind are both excellent fertilizers they should be saved by composting them either with manure or dirt. The residue consists of sulphate of potash, sulphuric acid, and water. The sulphuric acid will unite with lime in the soil, forming gypsum. Never pour the residue in an exposed place, where a person would be liable to step in it, or where a tent can be dragged through it. No dangerous deposit formed. The question is often asked about the possibility of hydrocyanic acid gas forming a deposit upon any of the substances with which it might be brought in contact in its ordinary use as a fumigant, either in greenhouses or in buildings infested by indoor insects. Dr. H. W. Wiley, chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture, states that there is no possibility whatever of such a contingency, unless the gas comes in contact with some alkaline body, such as soda or potash, with which it would form a salt. The soluble cyanides are extremely poisonous, and if this gas were to act upon lye, or any similar alkaline body, a certain amount of cyanide would be produced. In a dry room, in the absence of alkaline bodies, there could not be any possible danger of a poisonous body being formed. CHAPTER III PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON PLANTS s NOTED in a previous chapter, early experi- menters had observed the burning effects of the gas upon foliage when used under certain conditions and overcome the difficulty by night fumigation. It remained for Dr. Albert F. Woods, now Chief of the Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology, United States Department of Agriculture, and an assistant, P. H. Dorsett, to solve this problem in connection with certain greenhouse plants. In 1 894 they began a series of experiments, and proved con- clusively that plants are less injured by a short ex- posure to a relatively large amount of gas than by a long exposure to a relatively small amount, and also that a stronger dose a short time was more destructive to the insects affecting the plant. They further de- monstrated the physiological effect of the gas upon the plants by subsequent experiments. They summed up the resisting power of the plant as dependent largely upon the open and closed condition of the breathing pores of the leaf, the peculiarities of the cell contents, and the temperature of the inclosure. I found the same variations in the field, where we used the gas largely in the control of San Jose scale and other insects. The first problem taken up in this connection was the physiological effect of the gas upon deciduous trees in the East. The conditions in 12 PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON PLANTS 13 Eastern orchards were quite different from those in California. With our experiments we did not begin with the deciduous trees until the function of the foli- age had been performed, namely, late in the fall, just previous to the heavy frost. These experiments were conducted in late September and early October. It made little or no difference to us whether we scorched or burned the leaves; our main point was to determine what effect the treatment was going to have upon the fruit or leaf development for the following season. The next practical application of the gas was its use for the fumigation of nursery stock. As no pre- cise experiments had been conducted in the Hast, the writer began a series in March, 1897, upon young apple, peach, nectarine, plum, and pear trees. They varied in hight from four to five feet, were thoroughly dormant, and badly infested with the San Jose scale. They were placed in a room 4x7x7^ feet, prepared for the purpose. A general, miscellaneous lot were exposed thirty minutes in gas generated from 0.20 gramme of cyanide of potassium per cubic foot of air- space inclosed. Another lot was exposed to gas from 0.20 gramme up, through the series formed by adding 0.05 gramme each time, until 0.50 gramme was reached. All the trees of these lots were observed very closely for two years. No injury was noticed, and not a living scale was ever detected upon them. The cyanide used in these experiments was the 98-99 per cent, pure, while that used at first in the California orchards was the old 58 per cent. ; this must be taken into account when considering the effects of the gas on trees and amounts of chemicals used. 14 FUMIGATION METHODS Orchard experiments. In the fall of 1897 I began, perhaps, the largest serie^ of experiments ever under- taken in the East for the destruction of San Jose scale. The orchard chosen was a nine-year-old Bartlett dwarf- pear in full foliage. Canvas tents were used. The trees were fumigated at all hours of the day and under varying conditions of weather. We had sunshine, cloudy and foggy days, rain, sleet and snow, windy and calm weather. In one series, September 29th, with a temperature of 70 F. , we used 0.40 gramme cya- nide per cubic foot instead of 0.20, as in most of our experiments. The leaves on all the trees were very brown, in fact, almost black. Within five minutes after the tents were removed the petioles were black almost to the base ; the leaves fell a few days later. The following spring the leaves came out as normally as on any other trees in the orchard where no fumiga- tion occurred. There was about one-quarter as much fruit on these trees, however, as upon those that had been fumigated with the normal strength, that is, 0.20 gramme. Other trees were treated at night with the same double dose, at a temperature of 58 F. The foliage, the first week, showed no injurious effect whatever, and remained just as green as on trees not fumigated. The eighth day, however, the leaves be- gan dropping, and a few days later were all off. The leaf buds came out the following spring, but the fruit was only about half as abundant as on surrounding trees. The double dose, it would therefore seem, is injurious at least to the fruit buds of Bartlett pear under such conditions. The final outcome of the whole series of experi- PHYSIOLOGIC AI, EFFECTS ON PLANTS 15 ments showed that gas was most injurious to foliage on sunshiny days late in the fall between 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. ; that the dormant leaf and fruit buds treated with o. 20 gramme cyanide per cubic foot were not in- jured ; that burned leaves, that is, those injured by the gas, fall readily ; that trees treated in the morning before 9 o'clock and in the afternoon after 4 o'clock, even in sunshine, have the leaves little affected ; that trees treated at night with normal doses do not have the foliage hurt at all. On March 18, 1898, experiments were begun upon plum trees, using the same standard dose, just as the buds were unfolding, and observed no injurious effects whatever. June 3, 1898, eight young plum trees, from 8 to 10 feet in hight, were fumigated with o. 16 gramme cyanide. The exposure varied from 5 to 12^ minutes, in the sun at 80 F.; in every instance all the lice were killed and the foliage not injured. July 8, 1898, three cherry trees were fumigated with o. 16 gramme cyanide from 5 to 10 minutes. The trees were infested with the cherry slug. A five-minute exposure did not injure the foliage at all, but did not destroy over 60 per cent, of the slugs; on the other hand, 7^ to 10 minutes destroyed all the slugs, but .severely hurt the leaves. June 13, 1898, two pear trees, badly blighted, were fumigated with 0.20 gramme cyanide per cubic foot, for 6 and 10 minutes respectively. We could see no bad effects on the leaves and no decrease in the blight. In April, 1899, after the buds had begun to open, some experiments were completed, using 0.20 gramme cyanide, upon pear trees. The former tests had been made during 1 6 FUMIGATION METHODS the fall, midwinter, and early spring, and now we took up the effect of the gas on the trees in late spring as the buds began to open? Work upon nursery stock. Experiments were also performed the spring of 1899 upon nursery stock, for the purpose of determining the precise effect of the gas upon young trees used at a strength greater than 0.25 gramme cyanide per cubic foot. Owing to the fact that some states stipulate by law that trees must be fumigated, it became absolutely necessary that we know definitely the effect of this gas upon growing plants, especially dormant trees. No recent experi- ments have been recorded along this line, as far as I know. We have been using 0.25 gramme cyanide in general work, and I recommend that strength for all nursery stock above three feet in hight. Apple trees. We began our experiments with the stronger doses March 29, 1899. The apple trees were divided into twenty different lots of five trees each, leaving five for a check. They were 4 to 5 feet in hight, and of the following varieties : Ben Davis, Northern Spy, L,imbertwig, Wealthy, Fall Pippin, Oldenburg, Stark, Rome Beauty, Schockley, and York Imperial. They were exposed in gas one hour, and each lot was fumigated with 0.25, 0.30, 0.40, 0.45, and so on, adding 0.05 to each one until we reached i. oo, then skipped from i.oo to 1.25, 1.35, and 1.45 grammes, thus completing the series. The trees were labeled and planted, and were under observations two seasons. The outcome of these experiments is as fol- FIG. I YORK IMPERIAL APPLE TREE, FUMIGATED WITH SIX TIMES NORMAL STRENGTH OF GAS AND NOT INJURED 18 FUMIGATION METHODS lows : I had fully expected that the gas would badly injure the trees above 0.75. In fact, no apple trees were injured in the least, even when exposed to 1.45 grammes, or about six times the normal strength, FIG. 2 OGON PLUM TREE, FUMIGATED WITH THREE TIMES NORMAL DOSE excepting one variety, Northern Spy. I can not ex- plain why this was more susceptible to the gas in this test than the others, as it is naturally a hardy tree, and its resisting properties should be as great as Ben Davis or any of the other varieties treated. The PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON PLANTS condition of the Spy in general appearance was about the same as the others, and the buds had just begun to swell. The injury, evidently, was not due to the gas, as sub- sequent tests with normal doses showed that no injury to North- ern Spy resulted. Figure i shows one of the York Imperial apple trees in this ex- periment, fumigated an hour in gas representing nearly six times the normal strength. The photo- graph was taken July 31, 1899. The growth was good and the tree was in perfectly normal con- dition when the experiment was closed. Plum trees, Twenty plum trees of the following varieties were fumigated April 17 and 1 8, 1899 : Abundance, General Hand, Genii, Lombard, Ogon, Shipper's Pride, and Spalding. The trees varied in hight from 2 to 4 feet. Bach lot had one hour's exposure, with 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 1.25, 1.35, and 1.45 grammes of cyanide. The results obtained are very strik- ing ; for instance, there was no damage whatever to any varieties until 0.65 gramme was reached, when the Spalding had terminals slightly injured, while General FIG. 3 OGON PLUM TREE, FUMIGATED 20 FUMIGATION METHODS Hand was not hurt. At 0.75 gramme Ogon had ter- minals slightly injured^ as shown in Fig. 2, while Spalding was killed to the ground, but later sent out shoots at the base. At i.oo gramme Ogon was again only slightly hurt, while Abundance was dead to the surface of the ground. From i.oo to 1.35 Ogon was slightly injured on the terminals, as can be seen in Fig. 3- The general conclusions drawn from these tests with plum are (i) that no injury will result where normal dose is used for one hour or less on well- matured trees over two feet in hight, and (2) that some varieties are more resistent to injury from over- doses of gas than others. Peach trees. The experiments upon peach trees were commenced April 26, 1899, after the buds had begun to swell. There were 250 trees, one-half of which were first-grade Peninsula Yellow, 4 to 5 feet, while the others were very small, varying from i^ to 2 feet high. The trees were divided into lots of five each, and both grades treated from 0.25 to 1.45 grammes cyanide per cubic foot, 0.05 gramme being added each time. In every instance the short grade trees, known as ' ' whips, ' ' were killed outright, or the tops were killed, sending out few feeble shoots near the ground later. This corresponded to results obtained in 1898, that June-budded peach and plum, and small whip- like trees from i^ to 2^ feet, can not withstand more than o. 1 8 gramme for half an hour. On the other hand, with large trees there was no perceptible injury from 0.25 gramme up to 0.50 gramme. At the latter strength, double the normal, the terminals were injured FIG. 4 I'EACH TREE, FUMIGATED WITH NORMAL DOSE 22 FUMIGATION METHODS slightly, as shown in Fig. 5, while a tree given a normal dose, 0.25 gramme, is seen in Fig. 4. In 0.75 gramme the top was killed about one-third the way down, as seen in Fig. 6. The engravings are self- explanatory, and show the deadening effect with the varying degrees of gas from the top downward. From 0.75 gramme to i.oo gramme it was variable. In .some instances the whole top was killed. From i.oo gramme up to the highest amount used, 1.45 grammes, a curious fact was noticed. In almost every case the injury was not as great above i.oo gramme as below 0.75 gramme. In 1.35 and even 1.45 the trees were only slightly injured at the top, as seen in Fig. 7, resembling the effects produced where 0.50 gramme was used June-buds, grafts, and buds. Young peach and plum trees, known as June-buds, should not be fumi- gated with the stronger doses. Tests made in 1 898 show that nursery stock of this kind will not withstand the gas when generated with cyanide above o. 18 gramme per cubic foot. Any wood not well matured is liable to be injured if a greater amount of cyanide is used. For stock of this character o. 16 to o. 18 gramme cya- nide per cubic foot is recommended, at an exposure of one-half hour and no longer. The scale, under ordinary circumstances, is destroyed w r hen fumigated with 0.12 to o.i 4 gramme cyanide. The 0.15 to o. 18 formula can be used with perfect safety on buds, grafts, and scions. Roses and other siipplies. In fumigating roses and other materials handled by florists the cyanide should 24 FUMIGATION METHODS be reduced to o. 10 to o. 15 gramme cyanide. As a rule, it is not desirable to fumigate such plants as cedars, pines, etc. Seeds of various kinds can be fumigated in nor- mal amounts of gas with perfect safety, the varying physiological effects depending upon the condition of the grain or seed, whether dry or moist, upon the amount of gas used, the length of time exposed, and the atmosphere in which it is confined, whether dry, damp, or saturated. This is treated more fully later in another chapter. Low-growing plants may be fumigated for the de- struction of the root aphis, leaf-rollers, and other insects, but the work must be done with the same care as for other plants. Lettuce, cucumber, and canta- loups are very easily injured if the plants are damp, even with small amounts of gas. In tests made by Pro- fessor K. D. Sanderson, of the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, upon young cantaloups after a shower, he found the plants were injured in 0.40 gramme of cyanide per cubic foot for ten minutes. Pre- liminary tests should be made with o. 10 to 0.20 gramme for ten to twenty minutes before an entire house is ex- posed. Professor Sanderson has shown also that straw- berry plants freshly dug and fumigated in a box will withstand o. 20 gramme cyanide fifteen minutes. His tests show that this strength will kill the aphids on the roots and not injure the plants. Other details are given in a later chapter on this topic. CHAPTER IV EFFECTS ON ANIMAL LIFE O""lwiNG to the very deadly nature of hydrocy- ^^ anic acid gas if inhaled by animals, the following instances are given as a warning to those who may handle this material. A fortunate accident happened in a fumigating house which should be a signal warning to those who may use this gas. The house had been filled with Norway maple trees, and after the usual length of time the doors were thrown open. At the expiration of seven minutes a negro laborer, who had been re- peatedly warned not to enter the room under ten minutes, went in and began handing out the trees to another negro standing at the door. He handed out two bundles, and while stooping for the third fell headlong on the floor. He was immediately pulled out, laid on his back in the open air, recovered con- sciousness in about fifteen minutes, and was seemingly as well as ever in half an hour. When asked what had happened and how he felt, he replied, " De I/ord only knows dat stuff am a powf ul axfitter ! ' ' Another peculiar accident happened during our experimental operations at Mr. Emory's. Our cyanide having been shipped to us in lumps too large for use, we found it necessary to break it up in smaller pieces. In order to do this and keep it from flying, we covered it with an old fertilizer bag. After the cyanide had 25 26 FUMIGATION METHODS been removed from the bag and the smaller particles shaken out, the bag was again shaken out the window to free it of any particle's that may have remained. As a result, a few small pieces, not larger than a pin's head, were shaken on the ground. Two fine, large chickens, especially prized by their keeper, roaming about, picked up some of the cyanide, and in less time than it takes to write this account they were on their backs. One died in a very few moments, while the other recovered, evidently not having gotten so much. Professor Woods tells me that a favorite cat, asleep under a bench in one of the greenhouses he fumigated, was killed without being awakened. A dog was placed in one of our fumigating houses to test the effect of the gas upon animal life, after the room had been opened and aired for seven minutes, and again closed. The animal was removed after five minutes' exposure in an unconscious condition, but recovered in half an hour. Frequently the writer has placed toads, frogs, snakes, pigeons, sparrows, rats, mice, dogs, and cats in some remote corner in buildings to test the thor- oughness of the diffusion of the gas. In every case the animal was dead when removed. Many instances could be cited, but this will suffice our purpose in warning those who use cyanide or hydrocyanic acid gas that they are exceedingly dangerous substances and must be handled carefully. CHAPTER V APPARATUS FOR USE IN ORCHARDS T"!HE equipment necessary for orchard fumigation depends largely upon the kind of trees to be treated and the location of the orchard. In California the sheet tent is in general use. Another form, known as the bell tent, is also quite commonly used in California orchards. Of the earliest apparatus used, the Wolf skill fumigator was a good type. It is a bell tent manipulated by a derrick mounted on a wagon. It has an arm on each side extending over the top of the trees when driven be- tween the rows. This form of tent is lifted up by means of a rope attached to the top and extending to a loop at the end of the arm or derrick, through which the tent is drawn as it is removed from the tree. This form of tent is shown in Fig. 8. Another form, known as the Titus fumigator (Fig. 9), consisted of a smaller tent, supported by a square frame braced at each corner and mounted on wheels with a piece across the top, on which the tent could be wound in removing it from the tree. Still another form, known as the Culver fumigator (Fig. 10), consisted of two light frames, half-bell shaped, covered with cloth. It formed a complete tent when closed together around the tree. This form of fumi- gator was simplified later and the cloth allowed to rest on the sides of the tree. The Culver outfit, in con- 27 28 FUMIGATION METHODS nection with the Morse f umigator, is shown in Fig. 1 1 . All the earlier forms q fumigators were provided with generators and blowers. They have all been superseded by different forms of tents better adapted for orchard work. To meet the general conditions in the East and other places, I have perfected still another form, which has been called the Kmory fumigator, and is shown in Figs. 32 to 35. On large orchard trees the sheet tents are better adapted for general work than the box tents. The Emory fumigator is especially adapted for trees under ten feet in hight. The canvas or sheet tent. The octagonal form known as the sheet tent has been used largely in California and by the United States Department of Agriculture. The size of these tents depends upon the size of the trees to be fumigated. Sheets from twenty-five to forty feet and over in diameter are in common use. One tent used in my experiments was forty-five feet in diameter and was used only on large trees. Another canvas tent, made in several sections with a square top and base, designed by R. S. Emory, is shown in Fig. 12. These tents vary in size to meet the requirements under different conditions in various orchards. A very convenient size of canvas-box tent is fifteen feet square at the bottom, ten feet square at the top, and fifteen feet high. Occasionally tents of this same design of much smaller dimensions are used, but they are not generally recommended. Construction of tent. All tents now in general use are usually made of eight-ounce cotton duck, such as FIG. 8 THE WOLFSKILL FUMIGATOR FUMIGATION METHODS is used by the Army and Navy for tents and light sails. With little care any awning or tent maker can cut the sheet tents so there is practically no waste in material. They are usually cut and made into quadrants and then put together. The center in the large tents is usually FIG. 9 THE TITUS FUMIGATOR double for a space of about two feet in diameter, as there is considerable strain upon the material at this point. A half-inch or five-eighths inch rope should be hemmed in around the edges. The cost varies according to the size, and the expense of oiling must be added. All tents should be thoroughly oiled by painting them with boiled linseed oil. Usually one or two coats will be sufficient. The APPARATUS FOR USE IN ORCHARDS 3! following quotations, including oiling, were secured from a Baltimore, Md., tent-maker : Sheet tent, with square top and base, 4x 5x 2 ft. . . $2.00 " " " 7 x 10 x 4 " . . 7.00 " " " " " " " 10x15x15" . . 12.50 " " octagonal form, 25 ft. in diameter .... 18.00 " " " 30 " .... 25.00 " 45 " " .... 42.00 FIG. 10 THE CULVER FUMIGATOR In constructing tents the cloth is lapped and doubly sewed in the same manner as for tents or sails. The edge can be either hemmed or bound with rope. If permanent rings for handling are attached the tent may need reinforcement. The general details of the 32 FUMIGATION METHODS construction depend somewhat upon the persons doing the work. Oiling and painting. In order to make a tent gas-tight it is necessary to cover it with oil, paint, or other material. Several methods are in general FIG. II CULVER TENT AND MORSE FUMIGATOR use for this purpose, all of which have been used with considerable satisfaction. A free application of boiled linseed oil is, perhaps, the method most commonly used. After the tent is thoroughly satu- rated with oil it should be spread out or tacked to the side of a building where it can dry. Care must be APPARATUS FOR USE IN ORCHARDS 33 taken that the oil is thoroughly dry, otherwise it has a great tendency to generate heat if the tent is folded and left for any length of time. The cloth burns or FIG. 12 CANVAS TENT WITH SQUARE TOP AND BASE chars and is ruined. On the other hand, if the tent is thoroughly dry after oiling, it is easily handled and can be folded with per feel: safety. In some cases paint is used. It is applied with a brush in the same manner as the oil and penetrates the 34 FUMIGATION METHODS cloth, filling the fiber in the same way, making it when dried thoroughly gas-proof. As soon as the paint is dry the sheet is covered with another coat of rather flexible paint. When dry this coating makes a perfectly tight tent, with a smooth surface and quite as flexible and easily handled as the oiled tent. Still another method is used in some places. A decoclion is made by filling a barrel two-thirds full of chopped stems and leaves of the common prickly pear cactus {Opuntia engelmani). Afterward the barrel is filled with cold water and is allowed to stand twenty- four hours. The liquid is then drawn off and ready for use by adding a pigment, like yellow ochre or Venitian red. Sometimes a small quantity of glue is added. To prevent molding when not in use and folded, a small quantity of tannin solution is added to the mixture. This solution can be applied to the tents with a brush, but where a sufficient quantity is on hand it is better to soak the sheets over night in a vessel containing the mixture. They should then be taken out of the material, thoroughly drained, and spread out to dry. This method, however, is not generally used, but has given very satisfactory results, as the cloth is not stiffened, and is made quite flexible and easily handled. CHAPTER VI BELL AND HOOP TENTS T|HE tents known as bell tents are cylindrical in shape, with the top rounded over like a dome. They are used in connection with a derrick, by means of which they are placed upon and lifted from trees; the derrick also supports the weight of the tent while it is upon the tree. The bell tent was one of the original forms of tents, and while mostly sup- planted by other styles, is still used to a considerable extent, especially for very large trees. It is the only form of tent now in use where the whole weight of the tent is not carried by the tree, and many favor it for this reason.* The derrick used with the bell tents at the present time is that used with the Preble fumigator, or some modification of it. This is shown in Fig. 13. It con- sists of a wagon, which supports a mast considerably higher than the trees to be fumigated, and is braced at the bottom with stays that hold it rigidly in place. Across the top of the mast a yard is fastened and braced with trusses extending from the mast. The length of the yard is about a third longer than the distance between the rows of trees. Near each end of * This description is taken from the excellent bulletin (No. 122) by Prof. C. W. Woodworth, of the California Experiment Station. 35 36 FUMIGATION METHODS the yard are placed cross-bars, as shown in the illus- tration. The arrangement of the ropes can be under- stood from a study of the figure. The heaviest rope is attached to the top of the tent with double pulleys. Along the lower edge, on the FIG. 13 THE PREBLE FUMIGATOR, AS USED IN CALIFORNIA ORCHARDS four sides of the tent, are fastened boards, generally of ordinary six-inch fencing, which are called trail boards, and from the center of each of these the trail ropes pass upward and over pulleys attached to the yard and ends of the cross-bars. All these ropes follow the yard till near the mast, then passing again over pul- leys, they go down to the bed of the wagon and are fastened over belaying-pins. The trail ropes pass AND HOOP TENTS 37 through thimbles along the side of the tent as well as through the pulley at the center of the trail, so that when the latter is drawn up to the yard, or cross-bars, the sides of the tent are gathered in three or four places and raised almost as high. The only other ropes are the guide lines attached to the center of the FIG. 14 RAISING SMALL HOOP TENT trails and hanging free. They are of such length as to reach the ground when the tent is elevated. The manipulation of these tents can be readily understood from a study of the engraving. While the tree is being fumigated the tent is usually allowed to rest partly on the tree and not drawn up to the yard, as shown in the illustration. Two persons can handle the apparatus, but three or four greatly facili- tate the work. The procedure in changing the tent is 38 FUMIGATION METHODS as follows : Supposing that both tents are upon the trees and the time has Arrived to make the change, the first operation is to pull on the main rope attached to the center of the tent and raise this as far as it will go easily, and then fasten the rope again to the belay- ing-pin. If short-handed, one tent is raised at a time, FIG. 15 SMALL HOOP TENT ALMOST IN POSITION but with plenty of help both go up at the same time. The trail ropes are next taken in hand and pulled all together, and if this becomes difficult, two (or even one at a time) are pulled until the tent on all sides is pulled up to the yard and cross-bars. While this is going on, one person (or perhaps more) is kept busy seeing that the tent is clearing the tree properly. His first business is to see that the AND HOOP TENTS 39 edge with the trail boards is not caught inside of the tent; it should slip up around outside of it. L,ater he will be occupied with making the tent slip off the pro- jecling branches. He can generally do this by pulling on the guide lines, but on very large trees he may find a light ladder necessary. The removal of the tent FIG. l6 SMALL HOOP TENT READY FOR CHEMICALS would be comparatively easy but for the work at the ropes. After all the ropes are pulled tight, including the main rope, and both tents are against the yard, the apparatus is ready to shift to the next row. The wagon may be pulled along by hand, or by a horse hitched to the end of the tongue. If the ground is a little uneven, the apparatus can be kept from tipping over by steadying it with the guide lines. Arriving 40 FUMIGATION METHODS at the proper position between the next two trees, the first thing is to arrange the guide lines in their places around the tree. The trail ropes are now released and the tent is allowed to slowly descend upon the tree. While this is taking place, one or more are busy with FIG. 17 LIFTING LARGE HOOP TENT FROM GROUND the guide lines, pulling the trail boards this or that way as may be necessary to clear the branches. If a branch is particularly spreading it may be necessary to use a ladder, forcing it within the tent by hand. Should the trees be very large the branches will extend over the wagon, causing much trouble in pulling the tent down on that side. With a small, symmetrically shaped tree the tent can be lowered rap- idly into place without any trouble whatever. After BEU, AND HOOP TENTS 41 the trail ropes are all played out, the main rope is loosened and the tent allowed to settle to the position desired, and fastened there. There yet remains the job of seeing that the tent is tight to the ground on all sides. The trail boards are made to lie on the part of the tent that is on the ground, and earth is thrown on FIG. IS ADJUSTING LARGE HOOP TENT any part of the edge of the tent that does not lie down well. When both tents are thus in position they are ready for the man who charges the generator. The hoop tent. The form most used in California is the hoop tent, which is a development from the bell tent, and is of the same general shape. The hoop was first used as a means of keeping the mouth of the bell tent open, but it was soon discarded in favor of the 42 FUMIGATION METHODS trail boards. It was, however, discovered that for rather small-sized tents yie hoop afforded a better means of handling than did the derrick. The hoop tents now in use range from eight to fourteen feet in diameter. They are made in the same way as a bell tent, omitting, however, the arrange- ments for suspending them, and possessing, instead, a series of cloth loops for attaching the hoop, as is shown in the engraving. The hoop is usually made of three-quarter-inch gas- pipe; half-inch pipe will do for the smaller sizes, but it is too weak for hoops above ten feet in diameter, as it bends too easily and soon becomes very crooked. To make the hoop, pipe is coupled together until the proper length is reached, according to the size desired, and then bent into shape. The union is then made by in- serting into the ends a piece of iron rod a foot or less in length and just small enough to enter the pipe. Holes are now drilled through the pipe and rod, and rivets are inserted, thus making the joint fast. A coupling with right and left hand threads might be used instead of the rod and rivets. The manipulation of a hoop tent varies according to its size. When the diameter of a tent is not much greater than the distance between the nearest branches of adjacent trees, the procedure is that illustrated in Figs. 14-16. To move such a tent from one tree to the next, two men place themselves on opposite sides of it, grasp the hoop, and raise the side which is opposite the tree to which they intend to move it ; they step sidewise, dragging the side that is on the ground closer to the AND HOOP TENTS 43 trunk. The men, still holding the hoop as they first grasped it, continue to raise the free side until it passes over the top of the tree, when it is allowed to fall to the ground between the two trees. In falling, the hoop naturally moves away from the tree from which it came, so that the cloth falls over the FIG. 19 LIFTING TENT AFTER FUMIGATION edge of the hoop. If this does not occur, the tent is pulled into that position in order that, when the hoop is raised, the center of the tent will be brought at once to about the center of the top of the tree. The men now grasp the hoop again, as before, carry it toward the tree and lift up the further edge, then with one movement throw it over the tree. Often it will go clear to the ground and needs no further 44 FUMIGATION METHODS attention. The cloth which extends beyond the hoops forms a sufficiently tight contact with the ground if the latter is ordinarily level. The manipulation of the large hoop tents differs from that above described, from the fact that the FIG. 2O COVERING TREE WITIP LARGE HOOP TENT proximity of the trees makes it impracticable to lay the tent on the ground. The procedure in this case is indicated by Figs. 17-20 and in the accompanying diagram, Fig. 21. It is better to have three men handle these tents, though two can do it. When working three, two take hold in the same way as described above for the small hoop tents, and the third pulls on the side that is raised. The latter then catches the hoop with a fork at the end of a pole, and as the others lift OBELI* AND HOOP TENTS 45 he assists by pushing. This is shown in Figs. 19 and 20. When the hoop has taken about the position shown at B, in Fig. 21, or a little past that point, the two men holding the sides of the tent carry it to the next tree to the position C, and then without pausing, and while the tent is full of air and streaming out behind with the aid of momentum acquired, the upper edge FIG. 21 DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING METHOD OF SHIFTING LARGE HOOP TENT. (AFTER WOODWORTH) of the hoop is forced over the top of the tree and down on the other side. Generally it is possible to throw the hoop into the position D, when it can readily be pulled down to the ground. If there is any trouble in pulling the cloth over, the third man, having tossed his pole to the next tent, goes around to the near side of the tent just moved, and as the others pull on the far side, shakes the cloth of the tent away from the tree, thus relieving some of the fric- tion. The weight of the hoop of these large tents greatly helps in the process of slipping the cloth over the tree, 46 FUMIGATION METHODS the most energy being required in removing the tent. The large tents are ino^fed quite as rapidly as are the smaller ones. It will be noticed that the cloth is turned inside out with each change in the case of the larger tents, but with the smaller ones the same side of the cloth is always next to the tree. CHAPTER VII CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF SHEET TENTS T~!HERE are many methods used for handling sheet tents in orchards. A single pole, such as shown in Fig. 24, is very useful. The pole is known as a " lifter, ' ' and consists of an eighteen-foot yellow pine sapling, thoroughly sea- /!\\ / 4 \. * / ft \ N! " % - FIG. 23 MANIPULATING SHEET TENTS WITH A SINGLE POLE (AFTER WOODWORTH) soned, such as is used on ordinary sail-boats. It should be about four inches in diameter at the base, tapering to about three inches at the top. Such a pole is strong, light, and very durable. A piece of 3 x 4 inch scantling is nailed at the base and braced, as shown in the illustration. A small block pulley, large enough to carry a five-eighths inch rope, is screwed near the top of the lifter. Forty to fifty feet 48 FIG. 24 METHOD OF COVERING A TREE WHEN A SINGLE POLE IS USED 50 FUMIGATION METHODS of half or five-eighths inch rope will be needed in the pulley. This is called the "pulley rope." A cleat should be attached to tne side of the lifter about five feet from the ground. The pulley rope is attached to this when the tent is hoisted. Another piece of rope, twenty-five to thirty feet in length, should be tied near FIG. 25 REMOVING SHEET TENT BY MEANS OF POLE AND HELPERS the top of the lifter above the pulley. This is called the "stay rope." The lifter is kept in place by means of the stay rope by tying it to an adjacent tree, as illustrated. Various other appliances will be found helpful. Usually the conditions will suggest some improvement whereby the tents can be handled more easily. A hand pole, such as is shown in Fig. 25, can be used to good advantage in tenting and untenting a tree. This 52 FUMIGATION METHODS is known as the ' ' helper, ' ' by means of which the weight of the tent can be kept from the tender branches of the tree. The helper shown in the illus- tration gives a good idea of the construction and its method of use. In this particular case the tent is being removed from the tree which has just been fumigated. To tent a tree where a single lifter is used, it should be set at an angle of about sixty degrees and the stay rope fastened to an adjoining tree, thus holding it in place, as shown in Fig. 23. One end of the pulley rope is then passed around the tree and tied to the tent lying on the ground on the opposite side. The operator at the lifter then draws the tent to the pulley and fastens the rope. He then steps back a few feet, and, taking the stay rope, pulls the lifter to\vard himself until the center of the tent is about over the top of the tree, as shown in Fig. 24. In the mean time the other assist- ant brings the sides of the tent around toward the lifter. The operator takes one side while the assistant holds the other, as shown in the illustration. When the lifter is at the proper angle to bring the center of the tent over the top of the tree, one side of the tent is then passed to the assistant between the lifter and the tree, while the operator loosens his pulley rope and lets the tent fall in position over the tree. The assistant unties the stay and pulley ropes and carries the lifter to the next tree, while the operator banks the tent or folds, the cloth around the base of the tree. Often a few shovelfuls of earth are necessary to hold the bottom of the tent in place, if there is not a sufficient amount of canvas to fall on the ground. If the wind is blowing 54 FUMIGATION METHODS and the tent is a little slack a few pieces of stone or chunks of wood may be required to hold it down. When the trees are uniform in size as many rows are taken as there are tents in use. The sheet tents are then transferred from tree to tree by simply revers- ing them over and over again. The method varies from the foregoing only in the fact that the pulley rope is carried around the side opposite the lifter and fastened to the bottom of the tent covering the trees. The lifter is also set at a more acute angle. The can- vas tents with square tops, however, can not be re- versed in this manner. In such cases they are taken from the tree, lowered, and again hoisted in the usual manner. The method of untenting a tree in an Eastern orchard is shown in Fig. 25. On very large trees two lifters are usually necessary, and in this manner the weight of the tent can be kept almost entirely from the branches. California outfit. In addition to the descriptions of the apparatus already given from California, Figs. 26-29 will b e f interest. These photographs were furnished by R. B. Cundiff, chairman of Riverside County Board of Horticultural Commissioners, and were taken for the United States Department of Agri- culture for the Year-Book of 1900. It will be seen by the figures that these tents are of enormous size and are handled by two lifters, one on each side of the tree, Figs. 26 and 30. The tent is pulled into position very much in the same manner as already described. After the tree is covered, as shown in Figs. 27 and 31, the canvas is folded around the base and the gas is generated. A novel feature of the outfit used in the CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF TENTS 57 Riverside district is, that the tents are removed by means of a horse, as shown in Fig. 28. In transport- ing these tents and the apparatus, a low-wheeled FIG. 3O TENTING AN ORANGE TREE IN RIVERSIDE DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA wagon is used on which the entire outfit is packed, as shown in Fig. 29. When using a large tent for a very small tree, the tent is pulled up so as to have sufficient slack canvas to cover the tree. This is usually pulled over by hand. When being removed, the cloth is pulled back FUMIGATION METHODS FIG. 31 TENT IN POSITION, ABOUT READY FOR CHEMICALS in the same manner and dragged along the ground to the next tree. Where there is fear of breaking the branches in removing a large tent, the weight is usually taken off by means of the lifter. The tent, by this method, slides over itself and protects the tree. It is transferred from tree to tree in accordance with the methods already described. CHAPTER VIII EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS FTKR much experience with sheet tents in East- ern orchards, and while confident the gas could be used to good advantage, it was evi- dent to the writer the method would have to be simplified before it could be used by the average fruit grower. The main difficulty was in the calcula- tion of the cubic contents of a tented tree and the measurement of the chemicals afterward. The folds in a tent over a tree are so extremely variable it is almost impossible to calculate the cubic contents, even approximately. As the success attained by this method depends entirely upon the exactness with which the operation is performed, it was therefore necessary to find a system less variable for deciduous trees. First of all, a method by which the cubic contents could be kept nearly constant, and one that could be applied without the wear and tear upon the tree by the tent, resulting in the destruction of so many fruit and leaf buds, was desirable. After much thought and consideration, it seemed that both ob- jections to the sheet tent system could be overcome by the construction of a box with a square base, varying in hight to suit conditions and having a canvas hood. It was also necessary to cheapen the cost of the equip- ment, if possible. lyight wooden frames were constructed and covered 59 6o FUMIGATION METHODS with heavy rawhide building paper. The largest box was six feet square at the base and eight feet high, as shown in Fig. 34. It was put together with three- inch butt hinges, and could thus be easily opened by drawing the butts from one side. The hood is made FIG. 32 MODEL TYPE OF EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH HOOD FULLY EXTENDED of eight-ounce ducking, and is six feet four inches at the base, four feet square at the top, and seven feet high. It is kept in place by means of cleats around the top of the frame, as seen in Figs. 33 and 34. 62 FUMIGATION METHODS The hood is first placed over the top of the tree, after which the frame is. drawn around and closed. After the bottom of the hood has been securely fast- ened to the top of the box and a little dirt has been thrown around the bottom, the frame is tipped back slightly and the chemicals are introduced. At the ex- FIG. 34 EMORY FUMIGATOR, PAPER TYPE, COMPARED WITH SHEET TENT piration of the proper time the hood is removed, the box opened and slipped around the next tree. Boxes under six feet in hight were constructed with- out hoods and the sides screwed together. These can be handled easily and can be used on small trees, where it is not practicable to use a tent. It was slow work and troublesome to place the hood, arrange the box, and get it ready for operation each time. The system, however, was as near perfect: 64 FUMIGATION METHODS as we could expect it, and we began work to overcome the two serious objections. First, a box with a per- manent hood, and, seconcfty, one that could be handled without being opened on the sides was needed. At the same time, while we found the rawhide paper perfectly satisfactory on the large box, it was quite trouble- some to put on the frame smoothly. The edges were first glued and then nailed. It was also easily punc- tured by a broken limb unless great care was taken. This last point was not a serious objection, and little or no trouble was experienced on that account. A material, however, with more elasticity was desir- able. Taking all these points into consideration, a box of the same dimensions, covered with eight-ounce ducking, was constructed. The sides were screwed to- gether, and the hood fastened on permanently with narrow strips screwed to the top of the frame, as shown in Fig. 32. Having completed this box, the most serious obsta- cle arose. How could a box of such dimensions, with permanent hood and sides, be handled ? There was only one way to do it, and that was to pick the box up and lower it over the top of the tree. The prob- lem was solved by the ingenuity of Robert S. Kmory. It was accomplished by means of a thirty-five foot mast made of spar pine and a twelve-foot gaff of the same material. It was fitted with ropes and pulleys, and rigged to the running-gear of an ordinary farm cart, as shown in Fig. 35. By means of this it could be raised and lowered over any tree under seventeen feet in hight. The system worked perfectly, and was 66 FUMIGATION METHODS applied in a block of infested pear trees the first and second week in April, 1899. It requires three or*four men to operate an outfit of this kind ; the help, of course, depending on the number of fumigators in use. It requires one man to look after the chemicals and time, and two or three to handle the fumigators and rigging. With an equip- ment of ten fumigators this force, under favorable conditions, can in one day fumigate from one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred trees, varying from twelve to seventeen feet in hight. The cost of the chemicals is about four cents for the eight-foot box without the hood extended, five to six cents when the hood is half extended, and six to seven cents fully ex- tended. The cost of the large fumigator complete, as seen in Fig. 32, is about $12, or about two-thirds that of a twenty-five foot sheet tent sufficient 'for covering a tree of the same size. The rigging for handling the fumigators costs about $12. Taking it all in all, this system is simple and can be used by the average orchardist. In giving this method for handling hydrocyanic acid gas to the public, it should be said that the author has had the practical experience of Robert S. Emory, of Maryland, without which it would not have been possible to have completed the experiments and per- fected the apparatus. The mechanical details were under his entire personal supervision. As a slight rec- ognition of his services and practical experience, this apparatus has been named the ' ' Emory Fumigator. ' ' The Miller type. The Emory fumigator has been 68 FUMIGATION METHODS modified somewhat by H. W. Miller, of West Virginia, types of which are sh(*vn in the accompanying illus- trations. It is constructed for use in orchards, where the trees are eight to ten feet high. These fumigators FIG. 38 PLACING FUMIGATOR OVER TREE. APPARATUS FOR CHEMICALS TRAY AND are five feet square and seven feet high, with flat top. A light w r ooden frame is first made, around which three breadths of eight-ounce ducking (carefully sewed together) is wrapped and tacked along one edge with tin heads, such as are used for holding building paper in place. The top piece of cloth is also tacked around EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS 6 9 the upper edge in a similar manner. The cloth is then thoroughly painted with boiled linseed oil and allowed to dry. Two coats are given if necessary, one being applied to the inside. To facilitate the handling of these fumigators two FIG. 39 FUMIGATOR NEARLY IN POSITION strips of wood are nailed on opposite sides, as shown in Fig. 38 and others. At the top, near the center, a piece of half-inch rope two to three feet in length is tacked, with which the operator can easily tip the tent 7O FUMIGATION METHODS forward, allowing the gas to escape before the appara- tus is transferred from ne tree to another. With an equipment of fifteen fumigators of this type three hundred to four hundred trees can be cov- ered in a day at a cost, including labor and chemicals, FIG. 40 PLACING THE CHEMICALS UNDER FUM1GATOR of about six cents per tree. For an outfit of this char- acter in mountain orchards, where the ground is rough, ten men are necessary to manipulate it to best advan- tage. Three men handle the boxes, as shown in Fig. 39. It also requires three individuals to shovel the earth around the base of the f umigator, as seen in Fig. EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS 71 40. Two men attend to the chemicals, weighing the cyanide and measuring the acid and water, as shown in Fig. 40. In this particular case one man was em- ployed to level the ground around the trees, so as to facilitate the handling of the fumigators. A general FIG. 41 AIRING THE FUMIGATOR JUST BEFORE REMOVAL foreman and timekeeper was necessary, so that the boxes could be transferred at the proper time and without delay. The cost of the fumigator of this type need not ex- ceed $5, including oil, provided the work is done at home. The outfit illustrated in Figs. 36 and 37 is a home-made construction. After using fumigators of this type the canvas can be easily removed and used 72 FUMIGATION METHODS for other purposes in orchards and farm work. In some cases the sheets are used to cover fruit in wagons as it is hauled to the station. The frames are put to- gether with nails or screws, and are easily taken to pieces and stored away for future use. This type of f umigator is valuable for small trees and shrubs in or- chards and on private grounds. The method of oper- ating this type of fumigator is shown in Figs. 36 to 42, taken by the author expressly for this work. A box fumigator. A new style, much after the old type of the Emory fumigator, has been designed by Prof. V. H. Lowe, of the New York Experiment Sta- tion. It is intended for use with the smaller orchard trees, such as peach, pear, plum, and quince. A good idea of the general construction of this apparatus can 'be gotten from a study of Fig. 43. The dimensions are 10 x 6 x 6 feet. The frame consists of well-sea- soned pine strips three inches wide and seven-eighths inches thick, braced on three sides by double cross- pieces of the same thickness and one and one-fourth inches wide. The base is made of four-inch strips and has but three sides, the fourth being omitted to avoid the necessity of lifting the generator from the top of the tree before putting it in place. The frame is covered with eight-ounce ducking, such as described for the Emory tents and other fumigators. The cloth was oiled with boiled linseed oil, in which lampblack was mixed to give it a dark color. To prevent trees from penetrating the top of the fumigator a stout wire netting was tacked on the inside of the upper half of the frame. A strip of canvas one and one-half feet wide was EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS 73 attached to each side of the base of the frame. The strips lap at the corners, so that when the fumigator is in place they lie on the ground and can be covered with dirt or sand-bags, thus preventing the escape of FIG. 42 TRANSFERRING THE FUMIGATOR the gas. These strips can be hooked up and kept out of the way when the fumigator is being carried from one tree to the other. The movable side of the fumi- gator can be easily put in place or taken off. It is EMORY FUMIGATOR WITH MODIFICATIONS 75 provided with four handles, as shown in the illustra- tion. There is a two-inch flange covered with a good quality of felt, against which the door rests. The sur- face of the frame which rests against the flange is cov- ered with the same material. There are two flat pieces projecting on each side from the base of the frame upon which the door rests. There are thirteen buttons by which the door is fastened and kept in place, as illustrated. The cost of a fumigator of this size varies from $13 to $18, according to the material used in its construction. This fumigator has been severely tested at the New York Experiment Station and found very satisfactory. The time required for moving it from one tree to another varies somewhat with con- ditions, but as a rule it can be set up in from ten to fifteen minutes. It can be operated and easily carried by two men. A fumigator 12x8x8 feet, built accord- ing to this style, would no doubt be practical, and would require about three men to handle it. The re- moval of one side prevents the necessity of lifting it over the tree, as is the case with the Emory type. CHAPTER IX ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK A MOUNTS OF CHEMICALS. The foreman or super- intendent should be responsible for the chem- icals used for making the gas. As a rule, where the sheet tents are used, different amounts are necessary for individual trees, espe- cially where they vary in size. The superintendent judges the size of the tree as soon as it is tented, and estimates and weighs the chemicals accord- ingly. It is difficult to estimate the cubic contents of a tented tree, and as a result some unsatisfac- tory work is done. Indeed, it is surprising that the results are as uniform as they are. In California the trees to be fumigated are usually inspected in advance, so that the superintendent can, in a general way, esti- mate the amount of gas necessary. A little more gas than the tree will stand without injury is usually pro- duced. This is somewhat misleading, for the larger the tree the greater the injury. If the dose is properly proportional to the cubic content, there is a slower diffusion of the gas, in which case care must be taken when large trees are fumigated. The usual method is to measure the tree and find the amount of chemicals necessary -by reference to a table prepared for that purpose. If the tables are cor- rectly calculated and the measurement accurately done this is perhaps the safest method. As already indi- 76 ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK 77 cated, it is difficult to measure and determine accurately the cubic content of a tented tree. To simplify the measurement and estimation of the tent the following table has been prepared by Prof. Woodworth, of Cali- fornia. The center column gives the various doses corresponding to the size of the trees in the columns on either side. Thus, on one side it has been calcu- lated so as to give three parts of hydrocyanic acid gas in 1000 parts of air ; on the other side, two parts in 1000 of air. For winter treatment for deciduous trees the first or 0.3 per cent, gas is suggested. This is about equivalent to the general recommendations given for the Eastern States. One-half of this amount is not far from the commonest practice in California for citrus trees. The 0.2 per cent, formula is suggested for citrus trees. It agrees with the amounts used by some of the most successful fumigators in California. Other individuals get fair results with scarcely more than half this amount. The measurements to be taken when using this table are (i) around the tent, and (2) from the tent from ground to ground. If these two measure- ments are about equal, as will be found on many orange trees, the number nearest the measure- ment is found in the circumference column, and the corresponding dose will be seen in the center column. If these two measurements are not nearly the same, the outside columns become useful, for they show for each size how much difference must occur to make necessary a half ounce increased or de- creased in dose ; that is. for each differential there must be added or deducted one-half ounce of cyanide. For FUMIGATION METHODS instance, if the difference between the distance over and around the tree is fivejeet, and the differential for the circumference is three feet eleven inches, then the dose must be increased or diminished by a little more than a half ounce ; but if the differential is one foot, then for each foot there must be added or subtracted one-half ounce, or two and a half ounces for the five feet. CYANIDE NECESSARY FOR TREES OF VARIOUS SIZE& IN CALIFORNIA 0.3 PER CENT. GAS CYANIDE 0.2 PER CENT. GAS ^ Ounce Differential Circu mferen ce of Tree Circumference of Tree 1^ Ounce Differential Ft. In. Ft. In. Ounces Ft. In. Ft. In. 3 5 19 1 2 22 1 3 11 3 20 6 2/^3 23 7 3 4 2 7 21 11 3 25 2 11 2 4 23 26 4 2 8 2 2 24 1 4 27 7 2 6 1 11 25 1 4Vi 28 9 2 4 10 26 5 29 10 2 2 9 26 10 51^ 30 9 2 8 27 8 6 31 8 1 10 7 28 5 32 7 1 9 6 29 1 7 33 4 1 8 5 29 9 7^ 34 1 7 4 30 4 8 34 8 1 6 3 31 6 9 36 1 1 5 2 32 7 10 37 5 1 4 1 11 38 7 1 3 34 8 12 39 10 1 2 11 35 7 13 40 11 1 1 10 36 6 14 41 11 1 1 10 37 5 15 42 10 1 9 38 3 16 43 9 11 9 39 17 44 8 11 8 39 9 18 45 7 10 8 40 5 19 46 5 10 7 41 2 20 47 3 10 7 42 8 22 48 9 9 7 43 11 24 50 2 9 6 45 26 51 6 8 6 46 1 28 52 8 8 6 47 2 30 54 7 5 48 2 32 55 3 7 ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK 79 As an example, Professor Woodworth cites a tree 35 feet around and 36 feet over the top, using the 0.2 per cent, table. Running down the circumference column we find that 34 feet 8 inches (the nearest to 35 inches) requires 8 ounces, and that the differential is i foot 6 inches; that is, 35 feet requires a little over 8 ounces, and the difference between the two measurements around and over the tree, i foot, is nearly enough to require another half ounce, so that S}4 ounces would be about right. Suppose, again, the distance around a tree to be 40 feet, and that over the top only 35 feet; using the same table, we find opposite 39 feet 10 inches (the nearest to 40 feet) the dose 12 ounces. But the distance over the top is 5 feet less, and a less amount of cyanide will be necessary. We therefore use the differential (i foot 2 inches) and deduct one-half ounce for each i foot 2 inches difference, or about 2 ounces altogether. This leaves 10 ounces as the correct dose for this tree. These measurements are not sup- posed to be taken with every tree, but in cases of doubt, and occasionally to correct one's judgment; and in the case of those beginning to fumigate, whose judgment is not yet developed. The three tables following are taken from an excellent article on fumigation in the Rural Cali- fornian. Effectiveness demands accurate judgment as to the quantities of the chemicals to be used. This must necessarily vary according to the cubic space to be filled with gas, or, in other words, according to the size of the tree. The tables here given, based on the hight and width of tree, will be found quite practicable, but in order to eliminate as far as possible errors of 8o FUMIGATION METHODS judgment regarding the dimensions of the trees to be fumigated, a stick marked off in feet will be of assist- ance. QUANTITY OF CHEMICALS TO DESTROY BI^ACK SCAI,E ON CITRUS TREES HIGHT Diameter Water Sulphuric Acid Cyanide Feet Feet Ounces Ounces Ounces 6 4 2 1W V& 8 6 5 1/4 1/4 10 8 7 2 2 12 10 12 3 4J^> 12 14 18 4/^J 4^i 14 14 20 5 " 5 16 16 24 5Jx> 5Vij 18 16 24 6 6 20 16 26 6/^ 6}^ 22 18 30 714 7/4 24 20 88 8 8 26 20 88 8^6 8J4 30 20 35 8^ m The proportions of chemicals used for citrus trees affected with red, brown, or purple scale are given in the following table. The same quantity may be used for deciduous trees infested with San Jose or black scale. CHEMICALS FOR RED, BROWN, AND PURPLE SCAI.E HIGHT Diameter Water Sulphuric Acid Cyanide Feet Feet Ounces Ounces Ounces 6 4 3 lur 3^ 8 6 7J4 1% 1% 10 8 y% 3 3 12 10 18 4J*ij 4/^j 12 14 27 0% 6M 14 14 30 7^3 7J^ 16 16 36 8j4 8^4 18 16 36 9 9 20 22 16 18 39 45 10% m 10% 24 20 48 12 8 12 26 20 49^ 12% 12% 30 20 51V| w 12^ ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK 8l On low, damp grounds where fogs are frequent, and especially for apple and pear trees, infested with either the San Jose scale or codlin moth, or old seedling orange trees infested with red, brown, or purple scale, the following table should be used: CHEMICALS FOR ORCHARDS ON DAMP GROUNDS OR WHERE FREQUENT FOGS OCCUR HIGHT Diameter Water Sulphuric Add Cyanide Feet Feet Ounces Ounces Ounces 6 4 4 1 1 8 6 10 10 8 14 4 4 4 12 10 24 6 6 12 14 36 9 9 14 14 40 10 10 16 16 48 11 11 18 16 48 12 12 20 16 52 13 13 22 18 60 24 20 64 16 16 26 20 66 16# 30 20 70 17 17 In the tables given above the diameter is taken through the foliage. The water and acid are estimated in fluid ounces. In Eastern orchards the amount of cyanide is some- what greater than that used in California. Experience has shown that 0.20 gramme of cyanide per cubic foot of space enclosed gives most satisfactory results upon scale-infested deciduous trees in the Hast. In the preparation of the following table calcula- tions are based on the hight and diameter of the tented tree. First, the cubic contents of a cylinder was cal- culated, the hight and diameter of which was the hight and diameter of the tree, then the contents of a sphere w r hose diameter was the hight of the tree was 82 FUMIGATION METHODS estimated. By taking half the difference and adding it to the contents of the cylinder the estimation was found approximately correct. CHEMICALS ESTIMATED FOR EASTERN ORCHARDS HIGHT OF TREE Diameter Cyanide Acid Water Feet Feet Grammes Ounces Ounces 4 3 6.17 0.32 0.48 5 4 12.82 0.67 1.00 6 4 18.85 1.00 1.50 7 4 26.75 1.41 2.11 Ounces 7 5 .1.11 1.66 2.49 8 4 1.30 1.95 2.92 9 5 1.50 2.25 3.39 9 5 1.96 2.94 4.41 g 6 2.24 3.36 5.00 10 7 3.20 4.80 7.20 10 8 3.62 5.43 8.14 11 7 3.95 5.92 8.88 11 8 4.40 6.60 9.90 12 9 5.88 8.82 13.23 12 10 6.51 9.76 14.64 13 9 6.93 10.39 15.58 13 10 7.65 11.47 17.20 14 11 9.76 14.64 21.96 14 12 10.65 15.97 2345 15 11 13.28 19.42 29.88 15 12 14.24 21.36 32.04 16 14 16.34 24.51 36.76 16 15 17.53 26.27 39.43 17 14 18.39 27.57 41.35 17 15 19.36 29.40 44.23 18 15 22.06 33.09 49.63 19 16 26.10 39.15 58.72 20 16 29.00 43.50 65.25 A careful study of the tables made by various indi- viduals for orchard work is interesting. The present practice in California does not vary much in amount of cyanide used per cubic foot from that originally estimated by Coquillett and Morse. The results as summed up by Woodworth are given in the following table. ESTIMATING GAS FOR ORCHARD WORK COMPARATIVE VAIyUE OF CYANIDE PER CUBIC FOOT FOR ORCHARD WORK DATE Name Capacity per Ounce of Cyanide 1887 F. W. Morse D. W. Coquillett D. W. Coquillett Alexander Craw T. B. Johnson C. W. Woodworth W. G. Johnson 145 cu 95 165 352 242 300 80 bicfe et 1888 1889 1891 1894 1896 . . . 1898 CHAPTER X DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION AND COST OF APPLICATION N California experience has shown that the citrus orchards can not be successfully fumi- gated during the day. On the other hand, in the East, in deciduous orchards, daylight fumigation has been found most practicable. As a rule, Eastern orchards are fumigated during the fall, after growth is stopped and after the function of the foliage has been performed. In such instances it mat- ters little whether or not the foliage is injured by the gas. In Fig. 44 will be seen a Japanese plum tree, one of a block of 5,000, fumigated in October with the 0.20 gramme formula. While these trees were fumigated in daylight, the foliage in this particular instance was practically uninjured. In some cases where the fumi- gators were left over the trees longer than thirty min- utes, the foliage was somewhat seered, but no injury resulted to the trees. By referring to Chapter III. it will be seen that the physiological effect of this gas varies with certain kinds of trees, and is influenced by weather conditions and time of day. In the Eastern orchards the gas is best applied during the daytime late in the fall or early spring, as will best suit conditions and circumstances. In Fig. 84 DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION, COST OF APPLICATION 85 24 the apparatus was used in the plum orchard during the month of March . The buds had j ust begun to swell , but no injury was noted, while the scale was destroyed. FIG. 44 JAPANESE PLUM TREE IN FULL FOLIAGE FUMIGATED IN OCTOBER In the fumigation of nursery stock, especially in the house, it makes little or no difference at what time of the day the trees are fumigated. Expert Opinion. There has been considerable dis- 86 FUMIGATION METHODS cussion regarding daylight fumigation in California. The following interesting letter from R. P. Cundiff , an expert on this subject and Chairman of the Riverside County Board of Horticultural Commissioners, is of timely interest: "What I say upon this subject is mainly from a local standpoint. While I seriously doubt the practicability of daylight fumigation in any locality of southern California, I am not prepared to maintain that in some localities, during certain climatic conditions, and for some varieties of scale, it might not be done with reasonable safety. However, I know of no practical fumigator who has ever advo- cated it. I am under the impression that those who are giving such learned opinions on this subject are possessed of more of a theoretical than practical knowl- edge of fumigation by hydrocyanic acid gas. 4 ' In Riverside County we have found it necessary to fumigate but little for black scale, for it has never assumed the proportions of a serious pest, as in some of the coast counties. Our fumigation has been almost entirely for red scale. It is a well-known fact among fumigators that it requires almost double the quantity of cyanide to kill red scale that it does for black or brown scale. This must be taken into account when we come to discuss the proposition of daylight fumiga- tion. Another consideration is the difference in tem- perature. Riverside, being an interior county, is sub- jected to several degrees more heat than localities near the coast. Another point that should be considered is the season of the year when the work is performed. Fumigation for black scale, to be in any degree effect- ive, must be done during the fall and winter months. DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION, COST OF APPLICATION 87 Especially is this true of I^os Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties, where ordinarily an orchard is fumigated but once a year. In any of these counties from October until March is considered the best time. During this period the scale is young and will yield quite readily to treatment by fumigation. ' ' As fumigation for red scale seems to be equally effective at all times of the year, in order to incur the least damage to the grower, in the way of knocking off fruit, etc., also to avoid rainy weather and north winds, we have made a practice in Riverside County of doing the greater part of the fumigation between the months of May and December. This period embraces our warmest weather. In this connection I wish to refer to a matter that has evidently escaped the atten- tion of the advocates of daylight fumigation. During our summer months we have periods, sometimes ex- tending over many days, when the mercury will range in the nineties. With a temperature of from 90 to 95 degrees we are quite sure that by enclosing a tree under an air-tight tent for the time required for fumi- gation, which is from 40 to 45 minutes, the tempera- ture under the tent would be increased from 25 to 30 degrees. Add to this the increased heat caused by generating the chemicals, which would be perhaps 10 degrees more, and the resulting temperature would very likely do harm. It is well known that a citrus tree will not stand a temperature of 135 degrees for any length of time without serious results. We know from actual observation that the action of sunlight upon hydrocyanic acid gas has a scalding or burning effect upon foliage. Practically all of the damage ever done 88 FUMIGATION METHODS in Riverside County from fumigation with cyanide has been caused by an occasional mistake of the foreman of fumigation in either beginning his work too early in the evening or continuing it too late in the morning. This has, however, seldom occurred, as few fumiga- tors who understand their business will risk their reputations by taking such chances. I recall to mind a suit brought against the county some years ago for alleged damages by one of our growers. This, I un- understand, was a case of daylight fumigation. ' ' I quite agree with the advocates of daylight fumigation that there would be some advantages gained by doing the work in the daytime instead of night. There would be a small saving in chemicals, but not nearly so much as claimed by some. It would be also easier to locate trees and move the apparatus from place to place. On the other hand, there are some advantages in doing the work at night. The handling of a fumigating outfit, especially where large tents are required, is very laborious. Men could do more work with less fatigue on account of the cooler temperature. This would be especially true in River- side County, where the greater part of the fumigation is done during the warm months. I am under the impression that it would be difficult to get men to work during the very warm weather in the daytime, as the reflection of the sunlight on the tents would increase the heat to such an extent that they would prefer other work at less wages. As was intimated at the beginning, it is probable that in some of the coast counties, in fumigating for black scale, where the amount of cyanide is much less than for red scale, DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION, COST OF APPLICATION 89 fumigating could be done on cool, cloudy days with comparative safety. But in Riverside County, where the fumigation is almost entirely for red scale, where a much greater amount of cyanide is required, and where it is necessary to do the work during the warm weather, it would certainly be a very unsafe thing to FIG. 45 CHARGING A CALIFORNIA HOO.P TENT do. And the orchardist who attempts it will probably be reminded of this fact by having his trees damaged. ' ' The cost of or chard fumigation depends upon the loca- tion of the orchard, the kind and size of the tree, and, to a certain extent, upon the prevailing weather condi- tions under which the work is done. The actual cost of fumigation is not necessarily very great after the out- fit is once secured. With a small number of Emory fumigators, or sheet tents, most fruit growers can apply 90 FUMIGATION METHODS the gas method withouj: difficulty if the rules given herewith are carefully followed. Ivarge outfits are so expensive it is desirable in many cases for the state, county, or local society to own the tents and other equipment. In California especially, where it is necessary to operate at night, these outfits are practically controlled by county and local organizations. The number of persons necessary to operate a system of fumigators depends somewhat on the size of the trees and the number and kind of tents. One or two men introduce the chemicals, others look after the vessels, measure the acid and water, while others manipulate the tents. As soon as the tent is in place, the fumigator enters it, introduces the chemicals, withdraws quickly, closes the tent, and proceeds to the next tree. In many cases the assistant raises the edge of the tent, while the fumigator enters and drops it as soon as he comes out. The wagon containing the chemicals is then drawn to the next tree. The generator beneath the tree just fumigated is removed, and the contents poured on the ground near the trunk of the tree. The acid and water are meas- ured, carried to the next tent, and introduced, as shown in Fig. 45. Various appliances are used for carrying and handling the chemicals in an orchard in the east. A wheelbarrow or small hand-cart has been found very useful, as shown in Fig. 22. In other cases a small, table-like tray is used to carry the apparatus, as seen in Fig. 38. The location of an orchard and its freedom from dampness and fog must be considered. The ground, trees, and the leaves should be dry when fumigated. DAYLIGHT FUMIGATION, COST OF APPLICATION 91 If perceptibly damp the gas is more liable to burn the foliage. After irrigation, where it is practical, the ground should be allowed to become quite dry before the fumigation operations begin. When trees are wet with dew or a slight rain, care should be taken to see that they are fairly dry before being tented. In some FIG. 46 WAGON FOR CARRYING CHEMICALS IN ORCHARD instances fumigation in Eastern orchards can not be commenced before nine or ten o'clock in the morning or until the trees are dry. Care of tents. When a large fumigating outfit is in operation each tent should be thoroughly inspected daily. In most cases this can be done to best advantage w r hen the tent is over the tree. The inspector should go under the tent and carefully examine it. If there are 92 FUMIGATION METHODS any holes in it they *can be easily detected. The places should be marked and patched at once. Some- times a patch is glued on, but it is preferable, in most cases, to sew them on in the usual manner. For tem- porary purposes a small stone, nut, or even dirt, tied in the rupture will answer until it can be patched. CHAPTER XI EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK T""!HK enclosure necessary for fumigating purposes . in nurseries varies considerably. In some cases boxes will accommodate the grower, but the building is usually constructed in accordance with the number of trees grown or handled. Some nurserymen have found it necessary to construct a house large enough to hold 12,000 to 15,000 first- class trees at one time. Some firms handling a million or more trees annually have rooms large enough to admit a wagon-load of trees at one time, examples of which are given in Figs. 52 and 64. A good tent, such as is seen in Fig. 12, can be used in cases of emergency, but it is not advisable to de- pend upon a tent altogether. Many nurserymen have found a small box tent, similar to the one shown in Fig. 32, very useful. Still others have used a sheet tent over a wagon-load of trees to good advantage. There are some objections to a tent or box covered with canvas ; in the first place, by constant use it is liable to be torn, and, secondly (and most important), the cubic capacity of space enclosed under a sheet tent will vary with the amount of stock fumigated. Herein lies the greatest source of error, inasmuch as the chemicals must be weighed every time for each indi- vidual lot of trees treated. Where the box or Emory 93 94 FUMIGATION METHODS fumi gator is employed, however, this difficulty is over- come, as the cubic content is constant and the amount of chemicals used does not vary. The danger of error is eliminated when a box or house is used. It matters FIG. 47 BOX USED BY SOME NURSERYMEN IN THE SOUTH (AFTER SHERMAN) not whether one or several thousand trees are placed in the enclosure, the amount of gas generated must re- main constant. Small boxes. Many nurserymen find small boxes very useful. Fig. 47 is a box used in North Carolina. The details for construction are given by Prof. Frank- EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 95 lin Sherman, State Entomologist of North Carolina. Build box of plain matched three-quarter inch ceiling, making walls, top, and bottom double, with two thick- nesses of rosin-sized or tarred paper between. Rein- force the corners with 1^x3 inch stuff, and stiffen the corners with 2x3 inch battens. Make the uprights of 2 x 6 inch stuff, and the two keying beams of 2 x 8 inch stuff, ceiling to be in con- FIG. 48 TYPE OF BOX USED BY SOME CANADIAN NURSERYMEN (AFTER LOCHHEAD) tinuous pieces, and all joints to be wiped with white lead and driven up close. Give the box two good coats of lead and oil paint, both inside and out, and repeat each year. The size of the box is ten feet long, forty inches high, thirty-six inches wide. Cover the upper edge of the box with heavy felt, glued down tight, so as to make a tight cushion- joint when top is down. Glue a two-inch wide strip of felt around the small opening near the bottom of the box. When cover is put on, the 2x8 inch timbers, eleven feet long, are 9 6 FUMIGATION METHODS slipped through the mortices in the uprights, and are keyed down to force the*top down tight. Nine inches from the bottom of the box put in a false slat bottom, made in sections, so it can be removed to clean out dirt from bottom of box. The chemicals are placed in a little shallow dish and put into the box through the little door, A, which has a shutter keyed up tight to side of box. Another handy box, devised by a Canadian nurs- eryman, is made of double matched sheathing with FIG. 49 THE OPEN BOX USED IN SOME MARYLAND NURSERIES (ORIGINAL) tarred paper between. The top is held tightly against the felt padding by driving the wooden hooks from an upright into a slanting position. The hooks are made of hard wood pieces 1x3 inches, cut so as to hook over the edge of the lid and under the long side strip. The rack in the bottom of the box keeps the trees away from the chemicals and insures a thorough penetration of the gas. This box is shown in Fig. 48. A plain box, 6x3 x 2^ feet is very satisfac- tory for small orders. It should be made of two thicknesses of common flooring. The construction is EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 97 shown in Figs. 49 and 50. It is a simple, plain, open box, and when filled with young trees, kept in place by a couple of slats, a, it is turned bottom upward on the ground and a little loose earth is stamped about the edges. The chemicals can be easily introduced by tilting the box slightly, as shown in Fig. 50. It is less troublesome than boxes having lids, and can be used to very good advantage in most cases where small numbers of trees are grown. A fumigatorium is a house or room constructed or FIG. 5O OPEN BOX REVERSED READY FOR CHEMICALS (ORIGINAL) adapted for the fumigation of nursery stock or other material with hydrocyanic acid or other gases. It is not necessary in all instances to construct a separate building for this purpose. In most cases where a nurs- ery has been established some years a shed or one corner of a building, packing-house, or other enclosure, can be adapted so as to make a satisfactory room or house for fumigating purposes. Cover the frame inside with cheap boards; then put on three-ply cyclone or rawhide building paper, and finally the flooring. In every case have a good smooth surface on which to EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 99 secure the paper. The flooring can be joined very easily and will be tight. The ceiling and floor should be constructed in the same manner. In some cases a good solid clay floor will answer. Care should be taken to see that the house is absolutely tight at the FIG. 52 ROOM WHERE TREES ARE FUMIGATED BY THE WAGON-LOAD ground surface A ceiling six to seven feet in hight is most desirable and economical. One of the largest houses in the country in which nursery stock is fumigated is shown in Fig. 51. It is 32 x 1 6 x 8 feet with a roof -pitch of two feet, and is divided into two large rooms about 15 x 14x7 feet and two smaller rooms 4x5x7 feet. The flues lead- ing out at the top of the roof are so arranged they will 100 FUMIGATION METHODS ventilate either room by jemoving a slide. In addition to these roof- flues there are also two small doors, 3 x 2^ feet, one for each large room, on the opposite side of the building, which, when opened, insures quick ventilation. In the construction of this house, first a good FIG. 53 DOUBLE ROOMS BUILT IN END OF PACKING-SHED strong frame was built and covered outside with one and one-quarter inch twelve-inch Virginia pine boards, ^ x 4 inch battens. The interior, including the floor, was lined with two-ply cyclone paper, over which four- inch flooring was laid. The roof was covered with heavy roofing paper, tarred and graveled. The doors are 6% x 3/4 feet, made double, refrigerating EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK IOI style, and hung with three heavy strap-iron hinges. There should be a good strong bolt at top and bottom, and a lock in the middle of the door. Another form, and very convenient house for firms handling a million or more trees, is shown in Fig. 52. It is built in one end of the packing-shed, and is 16 x i FIG. 54 SINGLE ROOM USED IN WINTER FOR GRAFTING 13 x 9^ feet. There is another room the same size on the opposite side of the building. These houses were constructed so as to admit a wagon-load of trees at one time. While a load is being fumigated in one side, the other is being removed and everything is in readi- ness for another charge. These rooms are really too large, and it requires a great deal of cyanide to fumi- EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 103 gate space not occupied by trees. For example, the space occupied by the wagon must be considered. The construction of this house is the same as the pre- ceding, except that the roof is of corrugated iron and a clay floor. Another type of hou.se is shown in Fig. 53. Here F.IG. 56 VERY HANDY AND CHEAP HOUSE FOR SMALL NURSERY the two rooms are built in the end of the large packing- shed. There are two doors, same size as those open- ing outside, leading into the packing-shed. The rooms are filled with trees, and when fumigated and ventilated, by means of a large flue leading out the top of the roof, they are passed into the packing-shed. 104 FUMIGATION METHODS This is one of the handiest and best-constru<5led houses in Maryland. A single room, suitable for a quarter to a half a million trees, is shown at Fig. 54. This house is con- structed with sliding windows in addition to the small doors. The flue is so arranged that it can be used as a chimney, if necessary, in winter. In fact, this is called the " handy house." In cold weather it is used for grafting. The room is i3x n x8 feet. Another single room of smaller size is shown in FIG. 57 OUTLINE OF MODEL FUMIGATING HOUSE. (ORIGINAL) FIG. 58 PLAN OF SLAT FLOOR. (ORIGINAL) Fig. 55. It is a very handy and neatly constructed house. Itisi2xi4xy feet. It is sided up with first-class tongue and grooved flooring, instead of or- dinary boards, and has a corrugated iron roof. There is a small door in the opposite end, wdth a sliding window. This house accommodates a firm handling a quarter of a million trees annually. A very handy and economical house is shown in EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 105 Fig. 56. It consists of one large room, 10 x 8 x 7 feet and two smaller rooms, each 4x4x7 feet. Only one of the smaller rooms is lined. The other one is used as a storeroom, in which all chemicals and other materials are kept. One of the most convenient houses used has a ground plan of 12 x 1 6 feet. It is divided into three sections, as FIG. 59 GENERAL PLAN OF FLOOR. (ORIGINAL) follows : one large room 12 x 12, and a small room 4 x 8, with a storeroom 4x4 feet. The floor plan and general outline of this building are shown in Figs. 57, 58, and 59. It has a double floor with paper between, and a space of one and one-half feet, as shown in the diagram, d d, above which there is a slat floor, on a level with the bottom of the door, as shown at a and b. In the storeroom, e, the floor is solid. In the construction of this building the slats should be made in sections, so they can be removed. It will be found necessary to clean the lower part of the house from FIG. 60 WHERE TREES ARE FUMIGATED BY THE MILLION FIG. 6l A WELL-BUILT SINGLE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SMALL NURSERY EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK 1 07 time to time, as more or less dirt will rattle through the slats upon the floor. The slats are used so that the gas can be generated underneath the nursery stock, thereby obtaining a more general diffusion. The jar containing the chemicals can be placed under the slats through the small doors at the base, FIG. 62 A COMPLETE FUMIGATING HOUSE IN UTAH d d, and very often it is advisable in a large room to have two doors of this character, so that the chemicals can be divided and the gas generated on opposite sides. Good results are obtained where this plan is followed. The small doors used for ventilation pur- poses, c c, can vary in size to meet the conditions. The door entering the storeroom need not be double, and 3x6 feet is a convenient size. A good solid jZoor *Y***&;jt+*^ FIG. 63 SECTIONAL VIEW OF A MODEL UTAH HOUSE (AFTER MOORE) EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK IOQ dirt floor will answer, provided the room is made per- fectly tight at the bottom. Two other model houses are shown in Figs. 60 and 61. The former is for a large nursery, while the latter is used for a smaller concern, handling half a million FIG. 64 DOUBLE HOUSE IN CANADA FOR FUMIGATING TREES ON A WAGON trees or less. The latter is used for a storehouse when not in use for fumigation. One of the newest fumigating houses in the north- west is shown in Fig. 62. It is 10 x 14 feet. The details of construction are about the same as those already given. The ventilator and method of oper- ating it is shown in Fig. 63. This house, complete, cost about $70. Of the many fumigating houses in use in Canada IIO FUMIGATION METHODS those shown in Figs. 64 and 65 will serve as examples. Figure 64 is a view of a double house. It has two separate compartments. While a load of trees is being fumigated in one compartment, ventilation is taking place in the other. It has two thicknesses of lumber, one matched, tongue and grooved, the other either the FIG. 65 CANADIAN FUMIGATING HOUSE AT THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE same or cover-siding well-matched, and two thicknesses of paper between. The doors are the same and padded all around. Figure 65 shows the fumigation house at the Agri- cultural College at Guelph, Canada. It is substan- tially built, dressed lumber being used in its construc- tion. Its size is 10x8x7^ feet. It contains 600 cubic feet. The frame, of 2 x 4 inch scantling, has two EQUIPMENT FOR FUMIGATING NURSERY STOCK III thicknesses of lumber, both matched, tongue and grooved, and firmly nailed on the outside, with a thickness of tarred paper between. Besides, the seams on the outside are covered with strips. The doors are of the refrigerator style, and the casements are padded with soft felting. Large wooden buttons are placed on the outside, around the edge of the door, to force it closely into the padded casement. The roof has a thickness of matched boards, then a thickness of tarred paper, then shingles. The cost of the complete building was a trifle over $20. CHAPTER XII CONSTRUCTION OF VENTILATORS AND FLOORS O""YNK of the Canadian houses has a unique venti- I lator. Just before the gas is generated the hinged trap is pulled up tightly against the felt, and the rope fastened to a cleat on the side of the house, as shown in Fig. 66. Before the FIG. 66 METHOD OF VENTILATING A FUMIGATING HOUSE (AFTER LOCHHEAD) door is opened the rope is loosened, and the weight brings down the trap and allows the gas to escape. A ventilator of this kind having the trap opening into the inside is protected from the weather, and is not subject to the troublesome warping of exposed cap ventilators. An Ohio arrangement. In his practical work in 112 CONSTRUCTION OF VENTILATORS AND FLOORS 113 Ohio, Prof. F. M. Webster has fo^nd slats raised eight inches or a foot from the ground preferable to the ground floor. Where it is intended to drive wagons into the house the ground floor will answer all purposes. With a slat floor the gas is generated beneath, and spreads almost instantly throughout the space between the ground and the slats, passes up- FIG. 67 DIAGRAM OF GENERATOR AND SECTIONAL VIEW OF FUMIGATORIUM. (AFTER WEBSTER) ward through the trees, and promptly reaches every part of the apartment. The generator, shown in Fig. 67, consists of an earthen jar of the requisite capacity, a, fixed to the end of a plank, b, and just in front and between two posts, cc t through which passes a roller, d t and to this last is fixed a pan, , with back and sides but no front, one end of the roller projecting beyond the post with a small iron bar or heavy wire, /, passing through it, and being fixed and bent at either end, the whole having much the appearance of a windlass with pan, e, added. The sulphuric acid and water are FUMIGATION METHODS placed in the jar, and the potassium cyanide in pan above, and the plank pushed down a slight incline, as seen in the figure, over which a cleat, g, is fastened, which catches the wire or rod,/, and thus dumps the pan, e, throwing the contents into the jar, a t there- by completing the mixture and generating the gas; and, as a drop-door closes as soon as the plank is FIG. 68 LOWER PORTION OF FUMIGATORIUM, SHOWING SLAT FLOOR, IN CROSS-SECTION, AND GENERATING APPARATUS (AFTER SANDERSON) pushed down the incline, there is no chance of the operator breathing the fumes. The arrangement is simple, and any one at all handy with tools can easily construct the whole apparatus. The Delaware method. As a result of the splendid work of Professors Sanderson and Penny, of the Delaware Experiment Station, many obscure points about the diffusion of the gas have been cleared up. Their experiments point to the utility of a slat floor. As a modification of the ordinary slat floor, to CONSTRUCTION OF VENTILATORS AND FLOORS 115 secure better diffusion, an arrangement of the floor and generator, as shown in Fig. 68, is recommended. This provides for a slat floor, underneath which run smooth wooden tubes, three inches in diameter, along the diagonals of the room and opening into a hood placed at the center covering the generator. These tubes, extending from the center, two-thirds of the FIG. 69 GENERATOR AND DETAILS OF HANDLING IT (AFTER SANDERSON) distance to the corner, are open at the ends, and one- third from the center, affording eight openings for the escape of the gas. The bag of cyanide is placed on a shelf and the generator in the box, A, at the end of the sliding board, B. This board is pushed down the incline, C, and when under the board the outer end is pushed down and held in place by a sliding door. The shelf upon which the cyanide is placed rests on a pivot, as shown in Fig. 69 at D. Projecting upward from it is a rod, E, forming a trap. When the box is Il6 FUMIGATION METHODS thrown up beneath the hood the shelf is tipped and the cyanide dumped info the generator. This device is simple and cheap. A good Western idea. A Western firm has a novel and practical way of making an open floor and generating the gas underneath. They say : ' ' Our fumigating house is 15x20x10 feet. The walls are double, of one-inch plank, the first course being put on lengthways of building, then common building paper, tarred after being put on. The second course of plank is put on up and down. This course is on the outside ; roof made the same way ; doors simi- larly made, are double, and take up one end of the building. After the building was completed, we banked up around the bottom about a foot with dirt ; then we excavated about a foot and a half deep, one foot from the bottom of the walls. For instance, if the room was 10x20 feet, the excavation would be 9x19 feet, surface measure. Over this excavation is laid three 2x4 inch joists, just enough to hold the stock which is put in for fumigating. Across these joists lay two or three 1 2-inch planks, loose. This completes the house. * 'An opening or flume is made under the wall about one foot deep and eighteen inches wide. The end extending into the inside of the building is open, and extends just far enough to let the gas into the exca- vation under the trees. The outer end extends out far enough to give the operator ample room to insert the vessel containing the chemicals. The outer aper- ture is covered with a trap-door. The vessel with the acid and water is set in the flume, trap- door open, and CONSTRUCTION OF VENTILATORS AND FLOORS 117 the cyanide dropped in. The trap-door is closed quickly and is covered immediately with a piece of cloth (blanket is best), and dirt hurriedly thrown over the whole business. This prevents any of the gas from escaping, and makes the building absolutely air-tight, which is necessary. The gas fills the exca- vation and rises through the loose floor, permeating through the trees, filling the entire inside of the house. In our building we treat about five thousand trees at a time. For fall deliveries we treat the stock as it comes from the field to the packing-ground. For spring delivery we treat them as we take them from the healing grounds to the packing-grounds. The cost of our building did not exceed $50 complete. ' ' CHAPTER XIII PRACTICAL HINTS TO NURSERYMEN T!HK amounts of chemicals necessary for a room i are estimated in terms of cyanide per cubic foot of space enclosed. For example, let us suppose a room contains 564 cubic feet. We use 0.25 (twenty-five hundredths) gramme of cyanide for each cubic foot. We therefore multiply 564 by 0.25. Thus, 564 X 0.25 = 141.00 grammes of cyanide. To reduce this to ounces we divided 141.00 by 28.35, as there are 28.35 grammes in an ounce. Thus, 141.00 -=- 28.35 = 5 ounces (a fraction less), the amount of cyanide needed for the house. The other chemicals are easily determined, as a half more acid, liquid meas- ure, than cyanide, and a half more water than acid are used. Thus, the room needs 5 ounces cyanide (by weight), 7^ ounces acid (liquid measure), and n^ ounces (liquid measure) of water. As a rule, we discard any fraction less than a half. In this case, therefore, we would use 5 ounces of cyanide, 7^2 ounces of acid, and n ounces of water. The cost of chemicals to fumigate this room, full of trees, would be about 1 1 cents. The amount of cya- nide needed for any room can be determined in the same manner. First, see to it that the cubic contents of the enclosure has been accurately computed, then 118 PRACTICAL HINTS TO NURSERYMEN 119 multiply by 0.25 (twenty-five hundredths) and divide by 28.35, as indicated above, and you will obtain the correct amount in ounces. Always bear in mind that fumigation will admit of no guesswork, as success depends on accuracy. Low-grade stock, as indicated in Chapter III. , should not be fumigated with the 0.25 gramme formula. The o.i 6 or o.i 8 formula should be used for June budded peach or plum, low grade peach and plum, known as whips, and for scions, buds, grafts, etc. In using this formula, the cubic contents of an enclosure should be multiplied by o. 16 or o. 18, as the case may be, and reduced as above to ounces. Cost of nursery stock fumigation. It is difficult to ascertain the exact cost for fumigating young trees per thousand. The conditions under which the trees are grown and handled in most States varies consider- ably. In most cases, nurserymen who have had much experience along this line have found that the ordi- nary first-class grade of fruit trees can be fumigated at a cost not to exceed twenty-five cents per thousand trees. This amount includes the chemicals and extra labor in handling. However, the cost of the fumiga- ting house or box is not taken into consideration. In many cases where a room can be filled with trees the cost of fumigation can be reduced from ten to fifteen cents per thousand trees, depending upon the grade and kind. It is often necessary to fumigate a small bundle of trees in a large room or enclosure. In such a case, the quantity of chemicals necessary to fill the 120 FUMIGATION METHODS room is the same as if Jhe entire enclosure was filled ; therefore, the cost would be somewhat increased. Small room a necessity. Whatever may be the size of the nursery, a small room, say 4x5x7 feet, is a necessity. Very often a small order or a few trees to complete a big order are needed quickly. It would be poor economy to use eighteen ounces of cyanide, costing about forty cents, to fumigate a handful of trees in a large room, when one ounce, costing less than two and one-half cents, in a small room would answer the same purpose. It is not desirable, in most cases, to mix up small orders with car-load lots, and in most nurseries a small room will be found in almost con- stant use. The kind, shape, size, and location of the fumigating house rests entirely with the individual, and he must be the judge as to what is best suited for his purposes. One thing must be remembered at all times, whatever may be constructed, and that is, it must be gas-proof. Preparation of trees. The house having been con- structed, the next step is the proper preparation of the trees for treatment. In the first place, care should be taken that the trees are thoroughly matured and dor- mant before they are dug and passed into the fumi- gating house. Nurserymen should heed carefully the cautions cited in Chapter III. Well-matured nursery stock should be dug in the customary way, tied in loose bundles, brought to the fumigatorium, and piled loosely, not packed, upon the floor, with the roots toward the walls and tops overlapping. The trees should be as dry as possible. They may be damp or PRACTICAL HINTS TO NURSERYMEN 121 moist, but should not be drenching wet. Where only a few trees are fumigated, they are usually stood on the floor in bunches. When the desired number has been placed in the room, and the ventilators have been closed, they are ready for the gas. The chemicals are then prepared and placed, after which the doors are closed, and left the desired length of time. A half- hour is the minimum limit, but thoroughly matured dormant trees are not injured in the least if left an hour. The chemicals should be prepared and used strictly in accordance with the directions given in Chapter II. Other materials needed. A pickle jar or china dish holding from two to four quarts is best adapted for holding chemicals for the generation of the gas in ordinary houses. Sometimes a larger vessel, such as a snuff- jar, is needed. A liberal supply of small manila- paper bags holding a pound or more are necessary. Where the amount of cyanide needed is known, it can be weighed, placed in manila bags, and kept in an air-tight can or other enclosure ready for use. Care should be taken not to weigh too much cyanide at a time, as the bags become saturated with moisture if long exposed to the air. It is best to weigh the cyanide at night or early in the morning, or even during the noon hour, rather than have it standing around for several days. A glass beaker, holding from a pint to a quart, with a graduated scale on the side in ounces, will be required for the acid and water. A supply of acid should be kept in a carboy or other vessel. It should be drawn in an ordinary glass, china, or agate pitcher, as needed. For immediate use, a supply of 122 FUMIGATION METHODS water, together with a cup or glass for dipping, should be kept close at hand. Cellars and cars. It is not desirable to attempt to fumigate trees after they are packed in cellars or cars. In some cases serious injury has been done when trees were fumigated in freight-cars after being packed. As a rule, the roots are so closely packed with moss and other materials when put in cars it is difficult for the gas to get to them. It is practically im- possible to properly ventilate the car afterward, and more or less gas is left. The only proper place to treat trees is in the fumigatorium. Canvas over wagon. An enterprising nursery firm in Utah uses a canvas sheet over a wagon loaded with trees, in addition to the use of a house. They give the following description of house and method of handling tent: " For a number of years we used a small room about 12x12 feet. Finding this too slow a process, we put up a building 22 x 56 and 9 feet high. The roof and entire building is made with two thicknesses of i x 12 feet boards, with building paper between, which makes it very tight. As this was rather large for ordinary use, we made a partition, making the smaller room 22 x 20. This latter room we use mostly when we store our stock inside to be treated. computed in the same way, ex- cept that in this case it is not necessary to reduce the feet to inches. It would be 12 feet multiplied by 2 feet by 100 feet equals 2,400 cubic feet. The rule generally given for calculating the area of a right-angle triangle is to multiply the base by the perpendicular and divide the product by 2. The result multiplied by the length of the house will give the number of cubic feet the triangular portion contains. For example, taking the triangle A C E : 6 feet mul- tiplied by 3.5 feet equals 21 feet, divided by 2 equals 10.5 feet, multiplied by loo feet equals 1,050 cubic feet. The area of the triangle BCD and the cubic feet in this part of the house are determined in the same way ; or, in this case, since the triangles are equal, the desired result is obtained by multiplying the number of cubic feet in the triangle ACE by 2 ; 1,050 multiplied by 2 equals 2,100 cubic feet. The contents of this house is therefore 145.83 plus 2,400 plus 2,100 equals 4,645.83 cubic feet; this result multiplied by the required dose per cubic foot of space will give the amount of cyanide of potassium necessary for one fumigation, At the right, in Fig. 73, is a cross-section of a three- quarter span house 100 feet long, 18 feet wide, front wall 4 feet 4 inches, back wall 6 feet 4 inches, and i feet 10 inches to the ridge. The cubic contents of this 144 FUMIGATION METHODS house is determined in the same manner, except that the two triangles being unequal, each one will have to be calculated separately. The house contains 15,050 cubic feet. It will thus be seen that the cubic con- tents of a house or frame of any style can be readily determined by simply dividing a cross-section of the same into the necessary number of triangles and reel- angles, and calculating as demonstrated above. Cold frames. That cold frames can be successfully fumigated has been shown by recent practical work. Make the frames as nearly air-tight as possible, and cover them with blankets or canvas if necessary. Kstimate the cubic contents of air space inclosed, and then calculate the amount of cyanide necessary. For example, suppose a frame contained 567 cubic feet. Multiply this by 0.15, an equivalent of 0.15 gramme cyanide per cubic foot. Therefore, 567 x 0.15, equals 85.05 grammes; reduced to ounces by dividing by 28.35, as there are 28.35 grammes in an ounce, gives (85.05 divided by 28.35) 3 ounces the amount of cya- nide required. This inclosure would require 3 ounces cyanide, 4^ ounces sulphuric acid and 6^ ounces of water. After the cyanide is determined it is easy to estimate the acid and water. Use a half more acid, liquid measure, than cyanide, and a half more water than acid. Weigh the cyanide and wrap it in paper or a bag. Measure the acid in a glass beaker, marked ounces on the side, and pour it in an earthern jar or china bowl ; measure the water and pour upon the acid. When everything is in readiness drop the cyanide, paper and all, into the liquids and close the frames quickly. GREENHOUSE AND COLD FRAME FUMIGATION 145 Leave exposed twenty to thirty minutes, and no longer. Do the work on a dark, cloudy day, or late in the evening, or at night. Thoroughly air the frames afterward, and empty the residue in the jars. Do not inhale the gas, and do not handle the cyanide carelessly. Both are deadly poison if breathed or swallowed. General summary. (i) The cubic contents of the house and the amount of cyanide to be used should be carefully determined. (2) The enclosure should be made as nearly gas-tight as possible. (3) The venti- lators should be arranged so as to be opened from the outside. (4) Place the screw-eyes in their proper .places and run the string through them. (5) Deter- mine whether the bag of cyanide is directly over the jar before the chemicals are placed in it. (6) Measure the acid and water carefully, place it in the vessels, hang the bag of cyanide directly over them, and arrange the protection sheets of paper. (7) The bags should be lowered by loosening the string from the outside door. (8) Doors should be properly closed and left locked the desired length of time. (9) After proper exposure open the ventilators and doors from the out- side, and leave them thirty or forty minutes before entering the house. After that time they can be closed and left until morning. (10) The contents of the jars should be buried or thrown upon a manure pile. ( 1 1 ) Jars should be thoroughly washed with cold water and set away for future use. A practical application . In reply to a recent letter, Edward A. Moseley, of Washington, D. C., says: "I most certainly believe cyanide fumigation is practical. 146 FUMIGATION METHODS Last year in my largest Jiouse I only found it necessary to fumigate once, and until the violets were thrown out this spring I never saw another aphis in it. I cannot now give you exact information in regard to the cost of fumigation. " I do not entrust the operation to any one, as the risk, which I believe to be great, I take myself. Therefore all the fumigation which I have done I have done alone, except with a friend to assist; but the people who work about the house have nothing to do with it. Fumigating is done about an hour or two after dark. I grow Farquhar, Lady Campbell, and Imperial violets; also a few La France. Last year I had some of them in one house. The leaves of the La France were slightly injured by an exposure of twenty-one minutes. "The black aphis were very prevalent; in fact, the plants were completely covered with them when I gave the application of which I have spoken, but it cleaned them out. I have used it also in violet frames and in a mushroom house. In the latter case I used it with great strength. I found mice, snails, roly- polys, and earthworms dead in the morning. This I put in and allowed to stay all night. I have also found from experiments that nothing can breathe the gas and live. ' ' In my opinion no one can successfully grow violets, at least in this vicinity, who does not use the gas. I have now one house 23^ feet wide by 200 feet long, one 20 feet wide by 100 feet long, one 12 feet wide by 60 feet long, all devoted to the growing of violets. ' ' CHAPTER XV SMALL FRUITS AND PLANTS SIOMK method of destroying plant-lice, leaf- folders, I and other insects on small plants has long been sought by economic workers. These pests can not be reached with sprays, and the application of certain gases seemed practical. In the spring of 1898 the writer began a series of experiments with hydrocyanic acid gas on strawberry plants to determine the strength that could be used with safety for the destruction of the root-louse, Aphis for besi. In these tests it was shown that strawberry plants, dug in the spring, could be fumigated successfully before being transplanted. It was found also that the plants could be dipped in soap and tobacco solutions with fair results, but the process was slow, expensive, arid difficult. The gas remedy was cheaper, more certain, and easier to apply. Amount of gas for strawberry plants. With the ordinary run of strawberry plants as they are taken from the nursery, two-tenths (0.2) gramme cyanide per cubic foot, exposed fifteen to twenty minutes, will be effective in killing the lice without injury to the plants. The roots should be as free as possible from dirt, and the plants should be reasonably dry. There is always more or less moisture on young plants, but under no circumstances should they be drenching wet at time of fumigation. Plants should not be closely i47 148 FUMIGATION METHODS packed, but laid loosely upon trays in the fumigating box or room. The details of making and handling the gas are the same as that for nursery stock and greenhouse work. The apparatus to be used will depend upon the number of plants grown and handled annually. A convenient box for fumigating straw- berry plants is shown in Fig. 71. Experimental and practical tests. At the Dela- ware Experiment Station a very complete series of tests were started by Prof. G. Harold Powell and completed by Prof. K. Dwight Sanderson. Several infested plants were fumigated and placed in paper bags, where they were left and examined twelve hours later. The following amounts of cyanide were found sufficient for the destruction of the root-louse: One- tenth gramme (o. i) per cubic foot space, exposed twenty minutes; fifteen-hundredths (0.15) gramme for fifteen minutes; two- tenths (0.2) gramme for ten min- utes; three-tenths (0.3) gramme for five minutes. In the same series where 0.3 gramme cyanide was used, all the lice were killed where the exposure was only five minutes. It is not desirable to use these larger amounts even for a short exposure. The work by Professors Powell and Sanderson corroborates the vari- ous tests of the writer that the two- tenths gramme formula is satisfactory when properly handled. Under some circumstances a few lice may be secreted among the crown leaves and possibly escape where large num- bers of plants are fumigated. This danger can be overcome largely by loose packing before fumigation. Practical tests. Karly in April Professor Sanderson FRUITS AND PLANTS 149 fumigated 12,000 Bubach, Excelsior, and Johnson's Early strawberry plants. These had been packed in moss while en route from the nursery for nearly a week, but were in good condition. About 4,000 Tennessee Prolific just dug were also fumigated. The roots were cut back and fumigated in lots of 1,500 to 2,000 for ten minutes with two-tenths (0.2) grammes cyanide per cubic foot. The plants were set at once after fumigation and were not watered. They made a good stand, very few dying so few that there was no question that the gas had done no injury, as two check rows were left which made no better stand. April 2oth over 10,000 Bubach plants were fumigated. These had been dug for one or two days and packed in a barrel. They were quite wet when fumigated. About 8,000 were fumigated with one-tenth (o. i) gramme cyanide per cubic foot for ten minutes, and i ,500 at same dose for fifteen minutes, while nearly i ,000 were planted unfumigated as a check. After these plants were fumi- gated they were aired five minutes, roots dipped in water, and repacked in barrels. They were set. out three days later. The plants showed no injury from the gas, all making an equally good stand. In the experiments of Professor Sanderson the earth was firmly packed around the open bottom of the box used. The plants were well cleaned of earth, laid on trays, the bundles being cut open and thoroughly loosened. The lid of the box was then closed and fastened. A coffee cup or similar vessel was placed in the lower corner of the box by the door, and into it was first dropped a vial containing a proper amount of the cyanide in solution. A vial containing the sulphuric 150 FUMIGATION METHODS acid was then dropped in and the door quickly closed. The vials were dropped in with the mouths down, and the contents drained out gradually, avoiding a puff of the gas by too rapid generation. The box was kept closed for ten minutes, or as long as desired. Both doors were then thrown open and the trays lifted out, so that the plants were thoroughly aired. The cyanide solution should be secured from a druggist, put up in homeopathic vials, one dose in each vial. The solution consists of* 100 grammes 98 per cent, potassium cyanide dissolved in water to make 200 cubic centimeters solution. The amount necessary for 1 each dose is easily computed: multiplying the cubic contents of the box by 0.4 will give the number of cubic centimeters of the solution to be used, this giving a strength of o. 2 gramme potassium cyanide per cubic foot. Use an equal amount of sulphuric acid, which can be readily measured into empty vials. Thus for a box 2 x 2 x 2^ feet, or 10 cubic feet, 4 cubic centi- meters of the solution, or a two- drachm vial half full, and an equal amount of sulphuric acid (best grade commercial, 1.85 specific gravity) would be used for a strength of 0.2 gramme potassium cyanide per cubic foot, or the same vial three-quarters full for a strength of 0.3 gramme potassium cyanide per cubic foot. Small plants in the field. For individual plants, such as melon, cucumber, cabbage, etc. , a small cover is needed. In many cases where only a few plants are to be treated, a two-gallon wooden pail or other simi- lar vessel will do. Paper or canvas covered boxes, one or two feet square at the base, and fifteen to twenty inches high, can be made cheaply and used to good FRUITS AND PLANTS 151 advantage. In his experiments Professor Sanderson used small paper covers, pyramidal in shape, the apex being eight inches high and fastened to the inside of a wooden frame three inches high by twenty inches square. The lower edge of the frame was beveled on the lower edge and could be easily pressed into the soil. A good quality of building paper, cut in one piece, can be used as covers. The cost of the covers complete should not exceed four cents each. After making over seventy-five tests Professor Sanderson is of the opinion that about four- tenth (0.4) gramme cyanide per cubic foot exposed ten minutes is sufficient. In some tests young cantaloupes, fumi- gated immediately after a shower, were somewhat injured. The plants should be as dry as possible and the amount of cyanide reduced to three-tenths (0.3) gramme per cubic foot in some cases. The seemingly large amount of gas used on these low-growing plants is due to the fact that a larger proportion is lost in the small covers than in a large enclosure. Where plants are 5x5 feet apart, the cost of fumigation per acre, even at the maximum amount, is about seventy-five cents for chemicals. Two men with one hundred covers should fumigate from three to five acres per day, depending somewhat on conditions. Plants in rows. The fumigation of plants in rows is rather difficult and expensive. To compensate for the influence of soil and foliage, a larger amount of gas per cubic foot of space must be used to accomplish the same results than in a box or other enclosure. Prof. C. L. Penny, chemist at the Delaware Experi- ment Station, has shown conclusively by analyses that 152 FUMIGATION METHODS when the gas is used in an elongated space the amount of cyanide per cubic foot is no guarantee, on the one hand, of sufficient acid vapor to do the work, nor, on the other, of too little to injure the plants. These tests show also that a large amount of gas may be ab- sorbed by the film of water on damp foliage, or by the soil in a frame with the bottom open. In field tests, therefore, a larger amount of gas than that used in the laboratory in a closed box was re- quired to compensate the influence of soil and foliage. In a ten-foot frame, triangular in cross-section, with a cubic capacity of 8^ feet, or a ratio of 2^ soil surface to one of volume, Professor Sanderson found just twice as much gas was required to be generated from two points to be effective as that in a wooden box containing 10 cubic feet capacity and 5 square feet soil surface, having an almost opposite ratio of two of volume to one of soil surface. The materials and cost of constructing frames for the fumigation of plants in rows is slight. Frames, triangular cross-section 10 feet long by 10 inches high and 24 inches wide at the bottom, have been found very satisfactory by Professor Sanderson. With twelve such fumigators an acre of plants, where the rows are three feet apart, can be gone over in about two days. The cost of chemicals, not including labor, would be about three dollars per acre. CHAPTER XVI APPLICATION IN MILLS, ELEVATORS, AND OTHER ENCLOSURES M^^ANY gases and other materials have been used in mills and other enclosures for the de- struction of insect pests. Gas generated from sulphur is not only dangerous to inhale, but is liable to injure manufactured products. The writer reported several years ago the serious results upon manufactured products in a mill where sulphur fumes , were used. Smoke or fumes generated from tobacco are not desirable on account of the disagreeable odor and the after-effects upon grain and the manufactured products. Both of these materials being generated with fire, the danger attending application in mills and other places is increased, and their use is seriously objected to by insurance companies. On the other hand, carbon bisulphide has many advantages over sulphur and tobacco ; it can be used without danger of injuring either the grain or manu- factured products, and is generated without the use of fire. Yet many insurance companies will not permit their patrons to use it, except at their own risk, on account of its explosive nature when the fumes are mechanically mixed with air. It is, perhaps, the safest and most reliable remedy suggested for use in build- ings and other enclosures where large quantities of grain and other materials are stored, due largely to the fact that its fumes are heavier than air. Sometimes it is desirable to use carbon bisulphide 153 154 FUMIGATION METHODS in connection with hycjrocyanic acid gas in buildings and other enclosures. On one occasion the writer had a large quantity of grain badly infested with insects stored in an old building. The wheat was confined in several large rooms more or less open. Carbon bisulphide was used liberally for the destruction of the insects in the grain, but it was found that a large number of the creatures in the upper part of the build- ing escaped, owing to the openness of the enclosure. The building was made as tight as possible by hang- ing blankets, fertilizer bags, etc. , over the cracks, and a charge of hydrocyanic acid gas was liberated. Double the quantity ordinarily recommended for a tight enclosure was used. The experiment was largely successful, and the insects were thoroughly destroyed both in the grain and throughout the building. It is not desirable, however, to generate the tw r o gases at the same time. In this instance the hydrocyanic acid gas was applied forty-eight hours after the carbon bisulphide was used. The strongest arguments in favor of hydrocyanic acid gas are: (i) it is generated without fire; (2) it is comparatively cheap; (3) non-inflammable and non- explosive when generated with normal amounts; (4) does not injure grain or manufactured products, machinery, furniture, or equipment of any kind; (5) leaves no odor or residue after fumigation; (6) is lighter than air, and quickly permeates all cracks and crevices in which pests hide; (7) can be used at night or in the daytime at pleasure; (8) creates a death atmosphere in which no animal can live, including rats, mice, and other vermin; (9) its very deadly nature MIU,S AND OTHER BUILDINGS 155 when inhaled lessens the possibility of accident, and (10) it affords insurance companies and others all the protection possible under such conditions. First use of hydrocyanic acid gas in mills, etc. The use of hydrocyanic acid gas for the distraction of insects in mills, elevators and other large enclosures where grain is stored and manufactured was first suggested by the writer in an article in the American Miller for March, 1898. Up to that time, we believe, no attempt had been made to fumigate large buildings with this gas for the destruction of vermin. In this article attention was called to a large mill in North Carolina, overrun with cockroaches, and the following statement was made : ' ' We are going to try a new remedy. It has never been used, to my knowledge, for destroying insects in mills. It is simple and easy to apply, but a very dangerous and deadly poison, and must, like dynamite, gunpowder, kerosene, or carbon bisulphide, be handled cautiously and by expert hands. Our new remedy is hydrocyanic acid gas, one of the most deadly poisons known. I have used this gas in my experimental work the past two years for killing insects upon young fruit trees, nursery stock and in bearing orchards, and in buildings for destroying rats, with marked success. I will now apply it to the modern mill and storehouse, and my candid belief is that it will be one of the coming remedies for all vermin, including rats and mice, within such enclosures. ' ' The opportunity did not offer itself at the time for the experiment and we were obliged to let the matter drop. The spring of 1899, however, offered us a 156 FUMIGATION METHODS chance to use the gas in a granary and storehouse. The results were so gratifying we decided to apply the same methods to a modern mill, if an infested one could be found and the owner would consent to the experiment. Two infested mills where we could try the gas on a large scale were soon found. Both contained three stories with basement and attic. One was 70 by 40 feet and the other 50 by 50 feet. Before filling an entire building with the gas, we decided to confine our experiment to one floor. All arrange- ments were made with a Pennsylvania miller and final directions were sent for the work. The first charge was set off June 10, 1899, using five pounds of potassium cyanide, an equivalent of o. 10 gramme cyanide per cubic foot of space enclosed. Five days later the following letter was received from the owner: " We made use of the chemicals sent us, as directed, on the loth instant, and had some success, at least enough to convince us that through its use we can retain possession of our mill. Most of the weevil on the first floor are either on the floor or very close to it, and we find that a good many of them escaped punishment. In the rooms above the first floor we will have a better chance at them, they being higher up in places where we can not get at them with anything but gas. We would like to have you arrange to send us enough of the potassium cyanide to go through our mill from the first floor up. Any information you can give us concerning the second treatment will be greatly appreciated. We found a dead cat on the mill floor when we went in after airing the room thoroughly. ' ' MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 157 This experiment was thoroughly satisfactory, and being the first of the kind ever tried in a mill, so far as known, was of special importance. Where only a single floor is fumigated, we would naturally expect some insects in the floor and beneath it to escape, as the gas is lighter than air and rises. A room, there- fore, would have to be perfectly tight, and enough gas generated to fill it before the fumes would reach the floor and penetrate the cracks and crevices. It would be only a few moments after fumigation before insects would again come through the cracks in the floor from the basement below and perhaps the floor above. To be successful in the greatest degree the mill should be thoroughly filled at one time with the gas. For instance, if only a single room or floor is used and the gas is generated, the insects become very uneasy when they begin to feel uncomfortable, and run here and there in search of a crack through which to escape; but if every room is full of gas there is no possible means of escape, except through some crack leading outdoors. Second experiment in mills. In an Ohio mill, June 20, 1899, we tried another experiment on one floor only, using ten pounds of cyanide at the rate of 0.12 gramme per cubic foot of air space. The chemicals were placed, according to my directions, in the hands of an expert chemist. June 3oth the owner sent a sample of web and material from the room, and wrote me as follows: "I send you by mail, under separate cover, a sample of moth, weevil, and bugs the gas destroyed. I wish to thank you for what you 158 FUMIGATION METHODS have done for me and to tell you that the experiment was a grand success." A careful examination of the material sent showed seven species of dead insects, as follows: (i) Flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, adults and larvae; (2) bolting-cloth beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicus, adults; (3) American meal worm, Tenebrio molitor, adults; (4) flour weevil, Tribolium confusum, adult and larvae; (5) black carpet beetle, Attagenus piceus, adult; (6) a lady beetle, and (7) a hemipterous insect. The latter two were, no doubt, feeding upon some soft- bodied creatures, as they are both predaceous. This web, flour, dust, and insects was placed in a breeding- cage and was under daily observation for three weeks and no life made its appearance. When the package was received one living specimen of the flour weevil, Tribolium confusum, was found. It was, no doubt, a straggler from some crack where the death atmosphere did not reach. From recent results we are convinced that this gas is one of the most powerful and penetrating materials ever used in a mill or other buildings for the destruction of vermin. It diffuses so readily that it will permeate all parts of a mill or enclosure in a few minutes. It is a deadly poison if inhaled by a human being, it is true, but there is no necessity of one breathing the fumes if the proper precautions are taken. The writer is satisfied that by its use many a miller can retain possession of his mill who would otherwise be obliged to give it up and acknowledge, in the "struggle for existence," it is the '' survival of the fittest ' ' that wins out. It is humiliating, indeed, MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 159 to be forced to concede that the flour moth or weevil is the fittest thing in existence, but some millers have actually been forced to abandon their mills on account of these insect foes. Necessary preparations. In fumigating a mill, ele- vator, warehouse or other enclosure containing stored grain or manufactured products, several things are to be taken into consideration. 1 . The nature of the structure has a great deal to do with the effectiveness of the remedy. As the gas is lighter than air and very penetrating, it would soon escape and lose its deadly effect upon animal life in a building more or less open. 2. The weather conditions have to be considered. It is not desirable under any circumstances to fumi- gate an enclosure when the wind is blowing. A calm, quiet day or night should be selected for the work. 3. The building should be made practically gas- tight by closing up all the cracks and external open- ings. This can be done best by pasting strips of ordi- nary paper over the cracks. Special attention should be given to windows and doors, and they should be thoroughly secured before the gas is generated. 4. There should be no lights or fire in the build- ing while it is filled with gas. It is non-explosive when used according to normal dose ; but to preclude possible accident it is best to be on the safe side, thus this suggestion. 5. In a mill all machines, chests, spouts, eleva- tors, elevator legs, bins, barrels, boxes, etc., should be opened, and all unnecessary material should be removed and burned before the chemicals are placed. l6o FUMIGATION METHODS 6. A door and several windows or other open- ings should be adjusted so they can be opened from the outside to permit the escape of the gas after fumigation is completed. Where convenient several windows on each floor should have .the top sash ar- ranged so they can be lowered by means of a rope from the outside. In this manner ventilation is per- fect and the gas soon escapes. 7. A special watchman should be detailed to look after the fumigation and guard the premises while the gas is enclosed and after it is released. 8. In buildings where several rooms or floors are fumigated at the same time, each room or floor should be shut off from the other as much as possible. Where open stairways lead from one floor to another, it will be necessary to cover them temporarily with light boards, over which can be thrown old bags, sacks, blankets, etc. Care should be taken not to blockade the stairway so the operator cannot readily escape when the gas is generated. By closing the doors be- tween the rooms and covering the stairways the gas is kept at a very uniform density in each room for a longer period. Making the gas. The chemicals used for making hydrocyanic acid gas are potassium cyanide, sulphuric acid and water. Special directions for combining these chemicals for generating the gas are given in Chapter II. These instructions should be carefully studied and followed specifically, as the process will admit of no guesswork. The cautions cited should be heeded and considered at all times. The acid is first placed in a crock of earthenware or a wooden vessel and the water MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS l6l poured upon it. The cyanide is afterwards dropped into the liquid, bag and all. The acid soon eats through the paper and a bubbling reaction follows, similar to that produced by placing a piece of red-hot iron in cold water. This lasts a few moments only, or until the acid acts upon the cyanide. A cloud of white steam is almost instantaneously disseminated throughout the room or enclosure. The odor of this gas is decidedly that of peach pits, and is therefore easily detected. It is considered one of the most deadly poisons known to chemical science and is cer- tain death to any animal inhaling it. If a person should breathe his lungs full of it he would not live to know when he took his second breath, if he got it at all. Attention has been called to the dangerous character of the cyanide and this gas in each chapter, and the writer again cautions those who are interested in the subject to handle the material with great care. When so handled there is no danger whatever, and the results are satisfactory in every respect. The effects on animal life given in Chapter IV. should be carefully read in this connection. Resisting power of insecJs. After much experi- mental work and many practical tests, we have found that the most resistant insects infesting grain and manufactured products are destroyed when the gas is generated at the rate of 0.25 gramme cyanide per cubic foot of space enclosed. The adults of the Med- iterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniclla, the Angou- mois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella, and the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella , are destroyed readily with 0.12 to 0.15 gramme cyanide per cubic foot. The 1 62 FUMIGATION METHODS difference in the resisting powers of various species of insects is so slight we generally recommend for indoor fumigation the use of the 0.25 gramme formula. Un- der no circumstances should a less amount be used, unless specifically designated by an expert. Some beetles require the full strength to destroy them in most enclosures. This is particularly true of the bolting-cloth beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicus , and its young, a small, flat, whitish, greasy-looking crea- ture, about one-third to one-half inch long, familiar to millers ; the flour beetle, Tribolium confusum, and its young ; the grain weevils, Calandra granaria and C. oryza ; and the American meal worm, Tenebrio molitor. In fact, nearly all the beetles commonly found in mills and other enclosures where farinaceous foods are stored or manufactured are not as easily killed with the gas as moths and their young. Bearing these facts in mind, it is, therefore, best to use the gas in accordance with the 0.25 gramme formula. Estimating chemicals. The amount of cyanide necessary for any enclosure is determined in terms of grammes per cubic foot of space enclosed. To deter- mine the exact amount of cyanide necessary to fumi- gate a room, car, ship, or building of any kind, the cubic contents must be accurately computed. As an example, a room 20 x 30 x 10 feet contains 6,000 cubic feet of air space. To estimate the amount of cyanide required for this enclosure, multiply 6,000 by 0.25 ; thus: 6,000x0.25= 1,500 grammes. To reduce this to ounces, divide by 28.35, as there are 28.35 grammes in an ounce; thus: 1,500-4- 28.35 = 53 ounces, the exact amount of cyanide needed for the enclosure. It AND QTHER BUILDINGS 163 is now easy to determine the amount of acid and water, as a half more acid, liquid measure, than cyanide, and a half more water than acid are used; thus: 53-1-2 = 26.5, which, added to 53, equals 79.5 ounces of acid, or practically 5 pounds, liquid measure. Again, 79.5, or practically 80, as we usually discard fractions, divided by 2 equals 40, which added to 80 makes 120 ounces of water. Therefore, a room 20 x 30 x 10 feet requires 53 ounces, by weight, of cyanide, 80 ounces, liquid measure, sulphuric acid, and 120 ounces, liquid meas- ure, water. The total cost of chemicals will be about $1-25- Application. The methods used for generating the gas in large enclosures, such as a mill or other building, is not unlike that illustrated in Fig. 70, Chapter XIV. In our early experimental work it was thought desir- able to weigh the cyanide in bags of one pound each, but more recent practical tests have shown that it is more economical and satisfactory to have it weighed out in packages of three pounds each. Where used in this manner the jars or wooden vessels for acid and water should hold two or three gallons each. If, for example, we had a room in which 18 pounds of cyanide were required, it would be weighed out in six packages of three pounds each. Each package will require a separate generator; therefore, six crocks or wooden vessels will be necessary. They should be arranged at various places in the room. Strings should be arranged so as to hang directly over each vessel, and carried through screw-eyes in 164 FUMIGATION METHODS the ceiling or woodwork to the door or stairway lead- ing out of the room, as shown in Fig. 74. The screw-eyes should be firmly secured, and only strings of good quality used. The bags of cyanide should be thoroughly fastened and suspended over the FIG. 74 DIAGRAM SHOWING THE INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT OF AN ENCLOSURE READY FOR FUMIGATION vessels before the acid and water are placed in them. A small wire hook, as shown in the figure, can be used, but a string tied firmly around the neck of the sack is less trouble and more secure. With each three-pound bag of cyanide use 4^ pounds, liquid measure, sulphuric acid, and 6^ pounds water. The operator should begin on the top floor, lower the cyanide into the jars containing the acid and water, quickly close the door or other opening, and MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 165 get out. The next story should be handled in the same manner and the room closed. Kach floor below, including the basement, is handled the same way. Whenever the gas is generated in a basement, cellar, or in a room where the operator can not get out quickly without climbing a ladder or going up-stairs, great care should be taken. The lines of string lead- ing from the cyanide should be arranged so they can be cut from a point where the operator will have no difficulty in escaping quickly. Under no circum- stances should one go into a basement or other enclosure, unite the chemicals, and attempt to escape by climbing a ladder or stair. Such a procedure would be exceedingly hazardous and should be avoided. Outside doors or other openings in buildings where persons are admitted should be carefully locked or barred, so that no one could possibly enter while the gas is enclosed. Airing the enclosure. In buildings where large quantities of grain, manufactured products, or other materials, are stored the gas should be left, where it is convenient to do so, from five to twenty- four hours, or even longer. During this time more or less of the gas will escape, and when the doors or ventilators are opened great care should be taken not to inhale the escaping gas. The building should be left open and allowed to thoroughly air for half an hour or longer before anybody is permitted to enter it. In tight enclosures, such as basements and lower rooms, where free circulation is not available, a longer time may be required to eliminate the gas. In such cases extra precaution should be taken. If there is the slightest 1 66 FUMIGATION METHODS indication of the peach^pit odor, the enclosure should not be entered until after it has disappeared. Residue in vessels. The material left in the vessels after fumigation should be handled carefully. It is an excellent fertilizer, and can be used for that purpose if composted with earth or other material. Where available, it can best be utilized by throwing it upon a manure pile. Wash quickly in cold water, if by accident the acid is gotten upon the flesh. The chemical composition and value of the residue is given fully in Chapter II. Cars and ships. Not infrequently railroad coaches, street-cars and ships become badly infested and over- run with vermin of various sorts. Such enclosures can be readily fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas by following the directions given herewith. In South Africa some railroad companies have found it expedient to fumigate their passenger coaches to keep them free from bedbugs and other pests. Very often ships are overrun with cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, etc. The gas can be supplied in such places with perfect success for the total destruction of the vermin. In any case whatever enclosure is to be fumigated the same precautions and methods for handling and generating this gas should be observed. Dwelling-houses and storerooms. This gas can also be used with perfect safety in the hands of an expert in dwelling-houses or storerooms infested with the ordinary household pests. In such cases, however, great care should be taken in handling the material, and no person should be allowed to remain in the MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 167 house during the process of fumigation. It has re- cently been applied in a room of the Division of Botany, United States Department of Agriculture, by W. R. Beattie, for the destruction of cockroaches. He recommends the use of the gas at the rate of o.io to 0.22 gramme cyanide per cubic foot for the destruc- tion of flies, cockroaches, moths, etc. For fleas and bedbugs the writer has found that a dose varying from 0.20 to 0.22 gramme cyanide per cubic foot is far more desirable. This method will be found very useful in clearing large hotels, dwelling-houses and other buildings used as summer resorts of undesirable pests. The gas should be applied at a time when the buildings are not occupied. On account of its very rapid diffusion, from three to twenty-four hours will accomplish the desired results. No fumigation for less than three hours is recommended for household pests. Under no circumstances should it be used in a house or other building occupied by other individuals, either above, below, or on either side of the room or apartment fumigated. The gas will in no way injure any article of furniture found in the ordinary household, Care should be taken, however, to remove all edible mate- rials. Water used for drinking should not be left in the room. The gas should not be handled by persons who are not thoroughly familiar with its deadly na- ture. It is, therefore, not generally recommended for use in houses unless applied by an expert. Explosive properties. In all our experiments and recommendations we have kept the amount of potas- sium cyanide considerably below the danger limit, so 1 68 FUMIGATION METHODS far as combustion is concerned. The gas is non-ex- plosive when used at or below 0.25 gramme potassium cyanide per cubic foot of space enclosed, other condi- tions being normal. We have asked Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, for his opinion re- garding this matter, and quote the following letter from him : "Cyanogen gas, or hydrocyanic acid gas, mixed with air or oxygen, forms an explosive mixture, but I should not think that in the proportions you mention, viz., 0.25 gramme of potassium cyanide for each cubic foot of air space, it would produce an atmosphere which would be explosive. Hydrocyanic acid, how- ever, is combustible and could be mixed with air, I presume, so as to form an explosive mixture. I have looked over the authorities, but can find no mention of explosive properties. ' ' The danger of hydrocyanic acid, in my opinion, is not from its explosive properties, but from its highly poi- sonous nature. Small quantities of hydrocyanic acid gas inhaled are extremely poisonous, and are apt to produce fatal results. // would be equivalent to instant death for any one to enter a building filled with it. ' ' While I do not think there would be danger of an explosion in the proportions you mention (0.25 gramme), I would advise great circumspection in the introduction of a light, unless it be an incandescent electric light, enclosed in an air-tight globe. Such lights should always be used where there is any danger of explosion. ' ' Practical application. The following testimonials MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 169 from a large number of individuals throughout the country, who have used hydrocyanic acid gas in mills, warehouses, elevators and other places, are sufficient to corroborate the statement that it is of very great economic value when used in such places. In quot- ing these letters all reference to individual and firm names has been omitted purposely. The following is a letter from a Utah milling firm who used this gas recently : We procured the necessary chemicals and proceeded to carry out your instructions specifically. We believe that we are safe in saying that the experiment was entirely successful, (i) because on leaving the build- ing, after dropping the chemicals into the water and acid, we heard the bubbling described by you, thus proving that action took place between the cyanide and the adulterated acid; (2) when we opened the door of the building, after leaving it closed as directed, two dead pigeons were found (we had placed them in the building purposely), the gas had entirely filled the enclosure, as the two birds were in different places in the rooms; and (3) the best proof that the experiment was successful is the fact that we cannot find any trace of the pests which formerly existed, even though warm weather is here. We wish again to thank you for the interest taken in this matter, as well as the favors extended to us. Tobacco warehouse. The writer personally con- ducted the fumigation of a five-story brick building in Baltimore, September 18, 1900, infested with insects {Lasioderma serricorne}, injuring leaf tobacco in store, and the method was thoroughly successful. Fifty 1 70 FUMIGATION METHODS pounds of cyanide wei^ used in this building at one time. The four upper stories were fumigated first, and a few days later the basement and first floors. We demonstrated that this gas can be used even in the heart of a solidly built-up city block if properly handled. The building in question is located in the heart of the business center of the city. Bvery crack about the windows was pasted up with narrow strips of paper. We used string and bags, suspending 3^ pounds of cyanide over each four-gallon jar. We had six jars each on the second and third floors and two each on the fourth and fifth floors. The gas was gen- erated after office hours at 7.30 and the windows were lowered from the outside about 12 o'clock, midnight, the same night. The windows in the fifth story were lowered first, and by opening a door below a draft was created through the elevator shaft carrying the bulk of the gas out above the building. The other windows were opened a few minutes later and the building aired the rest of the night, one man remaining on guard all the time. The results were very gratifying. The pests were thoroughly destroyed, and in addition seven dead rats were found on the basement floor and one on the third floor. Mills and elevators. The following is from a Cana- dian firm : In connection with our use of hydro- cyanic acid gas for the extermination of the Mediter- ranean flour moth, we beg to report the following : The cubic contents of our buildings figure 290,472 cubic feet, for which we used 151 pounds cyanide of potassium, 226 pounds sulphuric acid, and 338 pounds water. We distributed 150 crocks throughout the MILLS AND OTHER BUILDINGS 1 71 buildings, as directed by you, putting about an equal number on each floor, and into each crock we put i >^ pounds sulphuric acid and 2^ pounds water. We then weighed out 151 pounds of cyanide and put this up in manila bags of i pound each ; each bag was tied with a string, upon which was left a loop. We placed screw-hooks into different parts of the wood- work, spouts, elevator legs, etc., passed through the hooks stout twine, so arranged that it would come directly over the center of each crock. Just where the string passed over the crock we tied an S-hook, on which we hung the bags of potassium. The stairways leading from the basement to the top of our mill go up at the side and nearly at the end of the building, one stair directly above the other. At the side and the ends of the mill farthest from the stairway we started six different lines of string, tying one end of each line to the opposite wall, and leading each string to the stairway by a different route over the floor and tying each string tightly to the stairway rail. At the proper moment all the strings on the floor could be cut at the same time, and all the little bags of cyanide would fall immediately into the solu- tion of acid and water. Each opening at the stairs had been provided with a tight door. The man who cut the strings started at the top floor, worked downward, cutting the strings on each floor as he passed through and closing the door behind him quickly, so that it was impossible for even a whiff of the gas to reach him. We cut these strings at 8 o'clock Saturday night and placed a man on guard all night. The odor 172 FUMIGATION METHODS of the gas was quite, noticeable twelve feet away from the mill, although every precaution had been taken to close all the cracks by pasting strips of paper around the window-sash and door-frames, and otherwise making the mill as tight as possible. We opened the building at 9 o'clock Monday morning and could not detect more than the faintest odor of the gas. A careful examination showed the floor plentifully sprinkled with moths, flies, spiders, and occasionally a mouse or two. We examined care- fully for the grubs or larvae and found plenty of them dead, and but two or three alive in a mass of flour, but these were not by any means lively. We have watched carefully ever since, over two months, and have seen only an occasional moth. We believe it is impossible to find a moth in our two buildings to-day. We are delighted with the results of this gas. In our case it has certainly been a decided success. We would say to any one intending to use it they should take every precaution to have the manila bags of good quality. The cyanide of potassium liquidizes after being placed in the bags and exposed to the air. It is apt to drop into the solution by the bag becoming wet and tearing at the bottom before the strings are ready to be cut. In conclusion, we wish to express our hearty appreciation of your painstaking care in the instructions of the use of this gas and also for your personal letters to us with regard to certain particulars. The following report is from a Western miller : After carefully reading your instructions and closely following them, we fumigated a i5o-barrel mill with MIU 64 15 14 2,127 10J4 31 19 19 4,630 23 23 69 15 15 2,279 ii)4 11)4 33 19 20 4,874 24 24 72 15 16 2,430 12 12 36 19 21 5,118 25 25 75 15 17 2,582 12^4 12% 37 19 22 5,362 26J4 26J4 78 15 18 2,734 13J^ 13)4 40 19 23 5,605 28 28 84 15 19 2,886 14^4 14^4 42 19 24 5,849 29 29 87 15 20 3,038 15 15 45 20 13 3,512 17^ 52 16 10 1,728 8}^ 24 20 14 3,782 18J4 18)4 55 16 11 1,901 9J/2 9)4 28 20 15 4,053 20 20 60 16 12 2.074 10*4 10)4 30 20 16 4,323 63 16 13 2,247 11 11 33 20 17 4.593 22% 22% 67 16 14 2,420 12 12 36 20 18 4,863 24 24 72 16 16 15 16 2,492 2,765 18% 13% 37 40 20 20 19 20 5,133 5,404 ^ 25)4 27 75 81 16 17 2,938 14J4 43 20 21 5,674 28 28 84 16 18 3,111 15)4 iy> 46 20 22 5,944 29^ 29)4 88 16 19 3,284 16)4 16J4 48 20 23 6,214 31 31 93 16 20 3,456 17J4 1714 51 20 24 6,484 32 32 96 16 21 3,629 18 18 54 21 14 4,168 20J4 60 16 22 3,802 19 19 57 21 15 4,466 22 22 66 17 12 2,341 11*4 H)4 34 21 16 4,763 23)4 69 17 13 2,536 12}^ 12)4 37 21 17 5,061 25 2 25 75 17 14 2,731 13}4 13J4 40 21 18 5,359 26J4 26)4 78 17 15 2,926 14J4 14)4 43 21 19 5,657 28 28 84 17 16 3,122 151^ 15/4 46 21 20 5,954 29^ 29)4 88 17 17 3,317 16^ 16Vj 49 21 21 6,252 31 31 93 17 18 3,512 17)4 17)4 52 21 22 6,550 32J4 32)4 97 17 19 3,707 18)4 18)4 55 21 23 6,847 34 34 102 17 20 3,901 19/4 58 21 24 7,145 3514 35)4 106 17 21 4.096 20j| 20 J4 60 21 25 7,443 37 37 111 17 22 4,291 21)4 21 J4 63 22 15 4.901 24J4 24)4 73 18 12 2,625 13 13 39 22 16 5,228 26 26 78 18 13 2,843 14 14 42 22 17 5,555 27^ 27)^ 82 18 14 3,062 15^4 1514 45 22 18 5,881 29 29 87 18 15 3,281 16/4 16J4 48 22 19 6,208 31 31 93 18 16 3,500 17% 52 22 20 6,535 32J4 32)4 97 RECENT WORK WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 211 AI^EN'S FUMIGATION TABLE FOR NEW SOUTH WAIVES ORCHARDS. Continued 23 7,188 7,515 7,842 8,168 8,495 5,357 5,714 6,071 oz. 34 40^ 42 oz. 34 8* 30 oz. 102 106 112 117 121 126 79 85 90 6.785 7,142 7,500 7,857 8,214 8,571 oz. 32 86 41 4214 41 oz. 96 100 106 112 117 123 127 133 138 As a final caution, Mr. Allen says the full height and width of the tree should be taken after the tent is in place. Give a full charge of chemicals; it is better to give a fraction of an ounce too much than too little. Especial attention is called to Fig. 76, reproduced from Mr. Allen's report. For full directions for making and applying the gas, see Chapters II. and V. to X., inclusive. Orchard work in Cape Colony, South Africa. The fumigation of orchards in Cape Colony is largely due to the work of Prof. Charles P. Lounsbury, the Gov- ernment Entomologist. The methods followed are very similar to those used in California. The condi- tions, however, governing the citrus industry of southern California are somewhat different from those found in Cape Colony. In California the black scale is one of the principal pests against which fumi- gation is conducted. This insect is practically un- known to the colonial fruit growers, and where it does exist it is kept in check by natural enemies. In point 212 FUMIGATION METHODS of prominence, the redscale ranks next to the black scale in California. The red scale is also familiar to fruit growers in the colonial orchards. Considering all things, Professor Lounsbury is of the opinion that fumigation conducted by the contract system would be more advantageous to the colony than that done by local organizations. There are only a few slight dif- ferences in the methods of operating and handling sheet tents. The derrick-poles used in the colonial orchards for manipulating the tents are very much the same as those employed in California. The dome- shaped covers, known as bell tents, are used. In a recent circular Professor Lounsbury makes the following statement : ' ' Californians have demonstrated that they can grow citrus fruits at a profit, in spite of the heavy expense of fumigation. They fully realize that they may have to keep fumigating for an in- definite time. Their hope is, as ours, that efficient natural enemies of the scale insects will be found in the future. For South African fumigators it is espe- cially recommended that changing poles be adopted for small sheets. A few colonial parties have fumigated for the white peach scale, Diaspis amygdali, and con- sider the remedy economical and satisfactory. If light weight sheets, handled with changing poles, were used it is probable that the gas treatment for this scale would become popular with a large number of our fruit growers. ' ' New experiments at New York Agricultural Exper- iment Station. Some timely and practical work has been recently completed at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station by Prof. V. H. Lowe, the entomol- RECKNT WORK WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 213 ogist. Through the courtesy of Director W. H. Jor- dan, the writer secured the following summary of the experiments. In regard to these tests, Professor Lowe says : ' ' Our work consisted principally of experiments in the orchard and with bud-sticks. The former were mainly for the purpose of determining the strength of gas re- quired to kill the scale during the winter and spring, and incidentally the effect of the gas upon the trees, and the latter to determine the effect of the gas at dif- ferent strengths upon fruit buds. The experiments in the orchard were divided into two series, as shown by the following summaries : WINTER TREATMENT Trees fumigated December 13-24; weather cloudy TREES Strength of gas Time of exposure Results 6 pli 8 8 7 7 , 1 1 im ach 0.18 gran 0.18 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.18 0.18 0.30 0.30 ime Hho M 1 Y l M ur Scales not killed; trees uninjured Many live scales found; trees uninjured Scales dead; trees uninjured Scales not killed; trees uninjured Tree dead Trees f-u SPRING EXPERIMENT igatedjune 6-8 and June 16-24; weather cloudy TREES Strength of gas Time of exposure Results 4 plum 0.18 gramme J^3 hour Scales dead; trees uninjured 0.18 ' ^ i 44 *4 44 It 87 025 ri Scales dead ; trees uninjured, except three trees, which showed slight in- I 025 , i jury to foliage Scales dead; foliage slightly injured 2 0.30 ' M 1 Foliage slightly injured 2 0.30 i 214 FUMIGATION METHODS ' ' From this summary it will be noticed that the gas at o.i 8 and 0.25 gramme had little or no effect upon the scale when the fumigating was done in the winter; but that 0.30 gramme was strong enough to kill the scales. Also that the spring treatment resulted in killing the scales with the gas at o. 18 gramme and only one-half hour exposure. All of the plum trees treated were European varieties, and both plums and peaches were healthy, vigorous trees. We used the box fumigator shown at Figs. 43 and 81 in all cases. Fig. 8 1 shows our improved method of fastening the door on our fumigator. ' ' All of the trees were badly infested with the scale. Where the term ' scales dead ' is used it means that after very careful search at various times during the summer following the experiment no live scales could be found. The statement that the trees were uninjured means that there was no effect on the foliage and fruit buds. " The buds included in the fumigation experiment were of the following varieties : Apples Jonathan, Fall Pippin, Oldenburg, Ben Davis, Fameuse, and Transcendant. Cherries May Duke, Windsor, and Early Richmond. Pears Anjou, Bartlett, Seckel, and Kieffer. Peaches Elberta, Early Crawford, Blenheim, Early Rivers, Beersmock, and Alexander. Plums Italian Prune, Reine Claude, Bradshaw, Shropshire Damson, Burbank, Yellow Spanish, Yellow Egg, Lom- bard, and De Soto. ' ' The buds were fumigated in a small box made especially for the purpose. The gas was used at the following strengths: o. 18, 0.22, and 0.30 gramme. FIG. 79 IMPROVED METHOD OF FASTENING THE DOOR OF THE LOWE BOX FUMIGATOR 2l6 FUMIGATION METHODS The exposure in each case was one -half hour and one hour. The bud sticks were divided into lots, so that each variety received the maximum and minimum ex- posures of the various strengths of gas. Our bulletin contains a number of tables showing the percentage in each case of the buds that set, and comparisons are made with checks. " In all, 4,483 buds w r ere treated, of which 78 per cent. set. The checks numbered 4,864 buds, 85.5 per cent, of which set, making a difference of 7.5 per cent. in favor of the checks. A careful examination of the tables shows that the gas evidently had no effect upon any of the varieties except peaches, which were slightly injured by the 0.30 gramme with an exposure of one- half hour and one hour. In all cases the growth of the treated buds was nearly or quite equal to that of the checks. The conditions of the treated buds were not quite as favorable, after they had been set into the nursery trees, as those of the checks. The treated buds were set a little out of season, somewhat later than the checks. They were also placed about four inches above the checks, where they were too high to be protected by the earth thrown against the trees during the fall cultivation. They were also placed on the furrow side of the trees, thus endangering them to injury during cultivation. These unfavorable con- ditions were probably, in large part, the cause for the failure of the treated buds to set equally as well as the checks." Sirrine* s folding fumigator. Another type of fumigator has been developed and used by Prof. F. A. Sirrine, of the New York Agricultural Experiment RECENT WORK WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS 2IJ Station. This fumigator is about n^ feet high and S)4 feet in diameter. As shown in Fig. 82, it is six- sided and is intended to fold up when not in use. FIG. 8O THE SIRRINE TYPE OF FOLDING FUMIGATOR Kach of the six sides is rectangular and rigid. They are fastened together by hinges. When in use the whole fumigator is made rigid by a series of cross- braces. The top is held in place by a series of hooks. 2l8 FUMIGATION METHODS The front of the fumigator can be opened as a double door of a width equal to the shortest diameter of the box. Unbleached sheeting so treated as to be gas- tight is used as a cover. Careful tests with this fumi- gator showed that it was practically gas-tight. Fumigation of orchard trees near Albany. A series of tests were made by Dr. E. P. Felt, State Kntomol- ogist, in the spring of 1900, with hydrocyanic acid gas for the purpose of ascertaining its efficiency and prac- ticability in the latitude of Albany, N. Y. A canvas tent 6x6x8 feet with a fixed pyramidal hood 7 feet high, as shown in Fig. 81, was constructed of eight- ounce duck thoroughly oiled with boiled linseed oil. The rectangular part of the tent was supported on a light wooden frame, to reduce the variation in cubic contents as much as practicable. The tent was lifted with a thirty-foot pole and eight-foot gaff, and thus dropped over the tree. The hood was kept extended during the process of fumigation, as shown in the fig- ure, illustrating also the manner of guying the pole and tent. The tent and apparatus for handling it cost about $38, but they could undoubtedly be made for less when several were needed. A good pole and gaff from near-by woods could be gotten at little expense. The bottom of the tent was provided with what Dr. Felt calls a " sod cloth." It consists of a flap six to eight inches wide, which was covered with earth to prevent the escape of the gas. An uncovered space was always left on the windward side for the insertion of the chemicals. The trees in these tests were exposed to the gas for 35 minutes. After fumigation the guy- lines were released, the sod cloth uncovered, and the FIG. 8l FELT TYPE OF CANVAS TENT WITH PYRAMIDAL HOOD 220 FUMIGATION METHODS tent quickly raised and dropped over an adjacent tree. It is quite important to have the pole on the windward side of the tent. The trees were fumigated April 19, 20 and 21, using one ounce of potassium cyanide to 75, 100 and 150 cubic feet of space respectively. The trees fumigated were peach and pear, several varieties, and the buds were beginning to swell. The outcome of the tests showed clearly that the scale was all killed, even on trees where the gas was used at the rate of one ounce of cyanide per 150 cubic feet of space enclosed. A CHAPTER XX ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION FTER a most careful consideration of the sub- ject of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas from every point of view, the writer is of the opinion that it is indispensable in orchards, nurseries, greenhouses, mills, elevators, and various other enclosures where insect pests are to be destroyed. Nothing is more easily applied, and certainly no other material has been found so deadly to animal life. Its cheapness, quick diffusion, and thoroughness make it a practical remedy for ready use in many ways. In addition to the many methods cited, it can be used to good advantage for the destruction of animals, such as dogs, cats, etc., rounded up and captured in large cities. Such animals, including old or injured horses and cattle, could be easily and painlessly put to death by being enclosed in a room in which this gas could be generated. It is not beyond human possibility that it may supersede the primitive method of hanging and the more modern idea of electrocuting criminals. Cells or death chambers could be made in any enclosure in which hydrocyanic acid gas could be easily generated, and the occupant painlessly and instantly put to death, without any of the horrors accompanying the gallows and electric chair. From the humanitarian point of view it certainly deserves consideration. 221 222 FUMIGATION METHODS The following letteis or quotations from scientific and practical men who have either used hydrocyanic acid gas or are thoroughly familiar with its properties and economic values are interesting in this connection. We have alluded to the early history of the discovery FIG. 82 FUMIGATED CITRUS Orchard of J. W. Henderson, near National City, California, only a short distance from the Stearns ranch, on which Fig. 83 was taken. Orchards about the same time. Note the difference. of the gas as an insecticide in Chapter I. There seems to be some misunderstanding as to its first application to nursery stock. In the "Year-Book of the United States Department of Agriculture for 1899," Dr. L,. O. Howard, Entomologist, is of the opinion that he first recommended the use of hydrocyanic acid gas as a dis- ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 223 infectant for nursery stock. The writer being aware of the use of this gas in California upon nursery stock as early as 1890, wrote Alexander Craw, State Ento- mologist and Quarantine Officer of California, who re- plies as follows : First use upon nursery stock. "Fumigation by FIG. 83 SPRAYED ORANGE TREE Orchard of W. F. Stearns, near National City, California (Photograph by H. R. Fitch, July 18, 1901) hydrocyanic acid gas was practiced in Southern California for the disinfection of nursery stock as early as 1889-90. Upon page 479 of the ' Report of the California State Board of Horticulture for 1890' the following reference to fumigating nursery trees is made : ' The Commission has used the utmost vigi- 224 FUMIGATION METHODS lance in causing all Flprida trees to be disinfected by both dipping and gas treatment. The red scale of Florida, Aspidiotus ficus, has been introduced on im- ported trees, but was without doubt eradicated by the gas treatment that the trees received. ' This is over the signature of F. Edward Gray, at that time one of the Horticultural Commissioners of L,os Angeles County, 'California. In June, 1891, a shipment of 325,000 oranges arrived at the Port of San Pedro from Tahiti, and were fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas. ' * During the above years the county commissioners in Southern California demanded certificates that nur- sery stock had been fumigated or dipped. Dr. L. O. Ho ward's history of fumigation, as printed in the 'Year- Book for 1899, United States Department of Agricul- ture,' is not correct. I notice on page 151 of that re- port that he considers, in 1894, ne was the fi rst to recommend fumigation of nursery stock before delivery to purchasers. I know that previous to 1894, as cited above, that hundreds of thousands of nursery trees had been fumigated in California before being delivered to purchasers. The fact of the matter is the United States Department of Agriculture had practically noth- ing to do with the discovery of the gas treatment, as Mr. Coquillett was not then in the employ of the Department." Fumigate greenhouses regularly. I fumigate my greenhouses and cold frames about four or five times a year with it, and have thus been able to keep down all insect and animal pests except the red spider. How- ever, about 80 per cent, of the red spiders are killed by the regular treatment recommended, but to com- ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 225 pletely control the spider it is necessary to use water under pressure. Dr. ALBERT F. WOODS, United States Department of Agriculture. Olive trees fumigated. In more than a score of instances in Southern California olive trees have been fumigated with the most satisfactory results. Trees which had not borne fruit for several years, after an application of fumigation, bore very heavy crops. The olive trees had been affected by black scale and smut which was totally destroyed by the application of fumigation. Peaches, apricots, plums, apples, and pears fumigated have brought large crops and superior fruit, not alone in flavor but also in size. Deciduous trees must be fumigated while they are dormant before the fruit buds or leaf buds begin to unfold or after the ripe fruit has been taken from the trees. This, in fact, we consider the best time to fumigate. It is a serious blunder to neglect to avail one's self of the advantages of fumigation in the belief that it is an expensive operation. Quite the contrary is the case. It makes but a small part of the orchardists' expense while the benefits ramify in every direction. The Rural Calif ornian. Fumigation understood and appreciated. A fumi- gated tree conserves its energy and produces clean fruit, having a brighter color and a better flavor than, fruit which has gone through the process of washing and cleansing, and brings from 20 to 25 per cent, more in price in the market. The washing of oranges and lemons to remove black, purple, or red scale often breaks the skin and spoils the appearance and flavor of 226 FUMIGATION METHODS the fruit. Fruit thafc has required washing is fre- quently unsalable when clean grown fruit is seen be- side it. This is a fact well understood and appreciated in the districts where the application of cyanide gas is practiced. Any one wishing to convince himself of the vast superiority of fumigating over the old spraying methods only needs to visit the orchards of Duarte, Monrovia, Azusa, Covina, Pomona, and Riverside, and consult the Horticultural Commissioners. It may safely be stated that 99 out of every 100 of the Horti- cultural Commissioners in the country are heartily in favor of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. The Rural Calif ornian. ( ' Does it pay to fzimigate ?" is answered by editor C. M. Heintz. He says: ' ' This question is asked daily The Rural Calif ornian, and we wish to state that there is nothing known at present which will assist the fruit- growers all over the United States as much to eradicate scale-insect pest as the process of fumigation. We in California have tried it for years, have been benefited by the operation, and permit us to say if it had not been for the fumigation procedure the citrus fruit in- dustry of California would have been a lamentable failure. ' ' The actual and continuous use of hydrocyanic acid gas has demonstrated beyond the question of a doubt that by exterminating the scale insect the citrus fruit- grower has marketed a profitable crop. Districts like Riverside, Ontario, Pomona, Azusa, Orange, Tustin, Colegrove, San Dimas, Lamanda Park, and portion of San Diego County, will each testify to that which we state, namely ^fumigation pays, and pays three hundred- ECONOMIC VALUE- OF FUMIGATION 227 fold. The importance of freeing orange and lemon orchards of the red, purple, and black scale at this particular season when the insects commence to breed must be obvious to every grower. It means when the shipping season opens healthier trees, larger crop, and gilt-edge fruit, and an increase of receipts. ' ' These are f acts and considerations that no com- mercial grower can ignore, and are of such vital im- portance that unless conscientiously practiced the chances are five to one that failure to realize a profit from his trees can be traced directly to neglect in this direction. We also know that the time has come when every nurseryman in this country will find fumi- gation a necessity in order to keep clean his nursery stock, not alone for his own protection, but for his customers as well." In a paper read recently by J. W. Jeffrey, Horti- cultural Commissioner, L,os Angeles County, at the Fruit Growers' Convention, he said : {< Fumigation was more universal last fall than at any other time. It has been reduced to a science, and while the practice is not always successful, poor work is no longer tolerated without penalty upon the fumigator. There is little complaint of impure cyanide, but much of its improper applications. Daylight applications, or, more prop- erly, warm weather fumigation, is under ban, but a few otherwise practical growers have not discovered it. Two or three of the leading citrus counties do this work at the treasury's expense, afterward collecting from the lands treated. Los Angeles still requires the orchardists to do their own fumigation. No new scale pests have developed since your last reports were 228 FUMIGATION METHODS out, nor is there evideftce that parasites have taken the contract to disinfect the orchards of Southern Cali- fornia." The practice among the fruit-growers giving their fumigation to the lowest bidder is a bad one. The question should not be how cheap you will do it, but how good will you do it? And, again, the work should not be let by the tree, but by the hour. We do not deem it necessary to dwell upon the efficacy of fumigation, as we are confident that no one will dis- agree with us when we say that fumigation has been, and still is, the salvation of the citrus fruit industry of Southern California. W. H. PAYNE, Horticultural Inspector, California. Recently The Rural Calif ornian quoted the follow- ing from Professor Cook : ' ' Fumigation has been so long and favorably known that we do not need to speak its praises. * By their fruits ye shall know them. ' The fruits of fumigation are the thousands of dollars saved to the citrus growers of Southern California. ' * We must remember that the foliage on orange trees is very dense, even more so than on the lemon, and it is not easy to reach every scale insect. Here, as I have often urged, is the rock on which the spray- ing process will split if anywhere. It is yet to be determined whether even in careful hands the spray can be thorough enough to be effective in the orange orchard. ' ' The superiority of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas as a remedy for the destruction of red, black, or, in fact, almost any other variety of scale, is no longer a question of doubt with people who have tried all ECONOMIC VAUJE OF FUMIGATION 229 methods for the destruction of scale pests. The in- creased cost of fumigation over spraying has, however, induced some orchardists in Southern California to resort to the cheaper method of spraying. Fumiga- tion is the only remedy considered at all effective for the red scale. The amount of cyanide required to destroy black scale, if done at the proper time, is about one-half that required for red scale. In addition to my duties as Horticultural Commissioner, I am also Superintendent of Fumigation. I have been connected with the horticultural commission of Riverside County for the past six and a half years. R. P. CUNDIFF. Arizona. In July, 1900, I employed this treat- ment for the destruction of the date palm scale, Parla- toria viflrix, imported with a large consignment of some four hundred date-palm suckers from Algeria. We subjected the suckers to fumigations varying from 0.3 to 0.5 per cent. gas. The foliage of the plants, being of exceptionally hard and impervious nature, was not injured. Prof. R. H. FORBES, Director Ari- zona Experiment Station. Arkansas. I am convinced that the treatment with hydrocyanic acid gas is an excellent method and destined to become of general service. I have been recommending it to nurserymen on occasion, though entirely on the basis of knowledge derived from the reports of others, such as your own. Prof. KRNEST WALKER, Entomologist Arkansas Experiment Station. Fumigation operations in Canada. The following report was furnished the writer by Prof. William L,ochhead, of the Ontario Agriculture College : In 230 FUMIGATION METHODS Ontario we are operating under the San Jose Scale Ammendment Act, passed April i, 1899, Legislature of Ontario, and the following are the chief clauses or sections relating directly to the inspection and fumi- gation of nursery stock: Portion of the San Jos / Scale Act. The following are the sections of the San Jose Scale Act dealing with the fumigation of nursery stock, 62d Victoria, Chapter 35: 3. No person shall import or bring, or cause to be imported or brought, into the Province of Ontario, for any purpose whatsoever, any plant infested with scale. 4. No person shall keep, or have, or offer for exchange or sale, any plant infested with scale,, 5. The owner or proprietor of any nursery shall not send out, or permit any plant to be removed, from his nursery, without the same first being fumigated by hydrocyanic acid gas, in accordance with regulations prescribed by order of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. 62 Vic., Chap. 35. 6. No person shall sell, or dispose of, or offer for sale, any plant obtained, taken or sent out from a nursery unless the said plant has previously been fumigated in accordance with these regulations. 62 Vic., Chap. 35. 7. In case the Inspector finds scale in any nursery and so reports to the Minister, the Minister may thereupon inform, by writing, the owner or proprietor or manager of said nursery of the existence of scale in his nursery, and the owner or proprietor or manager of said nursery shall not thereafter permit any plant or plants to be removed from the said nursery until the Inspector reports to the Minister that it is safe in the public interest to permit the said nursery stock to be removed after fumigation. 62 Vic., Chap. 35. Canadian fumigation regulations. The following regulations have been prescribed by order of the ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 231 Lieutenant- Governor in Council, in accordance with the provisions of the San Jose Scale Amendment Adi, passed April i, 1899 : 1. Fumigation must be carried on in a box, room, com- partment, or house, suitable for the purpose, which must be air-tight and capable of rapid ventilation. The owner or proprietor will notify the Minister as soon as preparation for fumigation is complete. The Minister will thereupon order an inspection of the fumigation appliances. No fumigation under the Act is to be carried on until such inspection has been made and a satisfactory report sent to the Minister. 2. The Inspector, after examining and measuring the box or house, or other compartment in which fumigation is to be carried on, will prescribe the amounts of material to be used for every fumigation, and the instructions as to the same must be carefully followed out. The Inspector may. if thought advisable, supply the material for each fumigation in weighed packages. 3. The fumigation house (which shall include all apparatus or appliances used in the fumigation, such as generators, etc.) is to be subject to the orders of the Minister on the recom- mendation of the Inspector. Subject to the approval of the Inspector, the fumigation house may be on other lots than those on which the nursery stock are growing. *^.' The fumigation is to be by hydrocyanic acid gas, pro- duced according to the instructions of the Inspector and from such formulas as he prescribes for the purpose. 5. The fumigation is to be continued for a period of not less than forty-five minutes. After the expiration of this time, or longer, and when fumigation is complete, the house is to be thoroughly ventilated for fifteen minutes at least. 6. No person is to be allowed to enter the fumigating house until after the ventilation period has expired. Enter- ing before may prove injurious, if not fatal, as the gas is a deadly poison. 7. The fumigation of buds and scions may be done in 232 FUMIGATION METHODS fumigation boxes of not lots than thirty cubic feet capacity, the same to be subject to inspection and approval. 8. Immediately after inspection of the fumigation house the Inspector will report to the Minister, and the Minister or Inspector will thereupon give permission in writing for the owner or proprietor to begin fumigation. 9. The owner or proprietor of every nursery will attach to every box and to every package of nursery stock a certificate as follows, and he will furnish every purchaser who so desires a copy of the same: Certificate of fumigation. This is to certify that this package of nursery stock, consisting of was properly fumigated on or about the day of 1901, in accordance with the regulations prescribed by order of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, in accordance with 62d Victoria, Chapter 35. Amount of nursery stock fumigated. We have in Ontario 117 names on the nursery list, but probably it would be more nearly correct to say that there are not more than 100 different nurserymen in Ontario, about four-fifths of the work being done by five or six of the largest nurserymen. Three out of every four nursery- men on the list do nothing more than a local business, but the four or five large concerns handle an immense amount of stock. It is somewhat difficult to get informa- tion from Canadian nurserymen regarding the amount of stock fumigated. However, one large nurseryman wrote me as follows : " It is a hard matter to give any accurate report as to the number of trees put through our fumigation house in a year, but would estimate that the trees would be about as follows : 200,000 apples, 25,000 pears, 40,000 plums, 35,000 cherries, 50,000 peaches, 50,000 ornamental trees and shrubs, 135,000 small fruits making a total of 535,- ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 233 ooo." There are four nurserymen doing business almost as large as the one quoted. On the supposi- tion that these four nurseries have about the same out- put and that they do four-fifths of the total business of the province, the amount of stock sent through Ca- nadian fumigation houses would be in the neighbor- hood of two and a half million trees. Fumigation in Ontario has been limited almost altogether to nursery stock, and practically nothing has been done on orchard trees. As far as the work in the nursery is concerned, I can say candidly that I am much pleased with the results. No trace of scale has yet been found on stock which has been fumigated. It is true that the first year the Act was in operation houses were built very hurriedly and frequently in a slipshod manner, and fumiga- tion was also performed in a half-hearted and be- grudging manner by the nurserymen, but I have found no trace of scale on nursery stock sent out that year. I have made no improvement over the methods and equipment outlined by yourself. I still follow your formula as amended and your method of con- structing fumigation houses. Of course, individual nurserymen may have special contrivances for fixing the door and providing ventilation. I find by expe- rience that the doors and windows are the parts of the house which are most apt to get out of repair. Dr. James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, who has had charge of the fumigation houses at the ports of entry, writes that in the fumigation of the nursery stock in boxes at the border every bit of packing right down to the roots is removed, and only the roots are 234 FUMIGATION METHODS allowed to be covered.. He has found no instance, as yet, of living scale on any such treated stock. Orchard fumigation. One of Canada's fruit grow- ers writes Professor Lochhead regarding the application of the tent system of fumigation on small orchard trees as follows : " We took a common apple barrel, mak- ing it fit the trees by using a width of ten- cent factory cotton well soaked in linseed oil, and while wet tacked it on the barrel. When dry it seemed to adhere to the barrel, making it practically air-tight. Then I headed back the three-year-old plum trees, so as to drop the sacks over them. For large trees we made tents 6x7x9 feet high, with posts at each end and sills and plates, these being well braced both horizon- tally and perpendicularly. Then I made a door, fastened to one post by three hinges, and shut to next post by a bolt in center and buttons at the top and bottom. I measured out factory cotton twenty-six inches long and sewed three widths together. This was oiled and tacked on while wet. We put on top piece first with tacks, then commenced side cover- ings where the door shuts, and brought it right around the frame, letting it lap two inches on top and leave a balance of ten inches to lay on ground, which is cov- ered with earth. Then a common lath is nailed over the lap all around the top. When complete cut out the hole on the side the door hinges on, to allow the tent to pass over the tree. This will require three days to dry properly. Trees treated with the last tent were eight years old and had borne four crops of fruit. We had to head them back considerably. It takes three men to handle these large tents, but one man ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 235 can handle the small ones nicely. In fadl, three men could manage ten large tents in one hour. From every appearance now the scale seems to be thoroughly killed and the trees to be do : ng well." Certificate of fumigation. Professor lyochhead says : ' ' In Ontario there is one particular in which we differ from most of the states to the south of us, and that is in allowing the proprietor of every nursery to attach his own certificate of fumigation. Per- sonally, I think this is neither fair to the nurserymen nor to the public, but the Department of Agriculture here in Ontario has never seen fit to appoint official fumigators to take charge of the fumigation at every nursery. The department allows the nurseryman to do his own fumigating and to attach a certificate of fumigation to every package sent out. The inspector, of course, and his assistants are moving about during fumigation time, and the nurseryman does not know when to expect a visit. Of course, we look after those nurseryman who live in infested regions. All the nurseries in the scale-infested regions are examined for scale, so that there is a double check on all stock sent out." Nurserymen willing to fumigate. "I find that there is quite a change of opinion regarding the merits of fumigation within the past year. I can say now, without hesitation, that nearly every nurseryman is perfectly willing to fumigate his stock according to directions, and to do it carefully. He feels that his reputation and his business are at stake should scale be found on his stock. We examine every fumigation 236 FUMIGATION METHODS house twice a year, aud we test it with smoke before we allow it to be used, in order to show the position of any possible leakage. For the first two years one or two nurserymen blamed fumigation for the death of many of their peach trees, but they have now become convinced that the damage was done by the very severe winter of 1898-99." Connecticut. I have not used the gas against San Jose scale, but have examined stock which had been fumigated and could find no living specimens a year later. We have used the gas in the tomato forcing house, using 3 and 2^ ounces of cyanide per 1,000 cubic feet of space to kill white fly, Alerodes vaporarioum Westwood. The plants were slightly injured at the top and every insect killed. Have also tried it in a barn to kill the clover-hay worm, Pyralis co stalls. Prof. W. K. BRITTON, State Entomologist, Connecticut. Florida. The following timely account of the work in Florida has been furnished us by Prof. S. A. Gossard, Entomologist of the Experiment Station: " We commenced some extensive experimentation in fumigating orange trees for white fly, Alerodes citri, in 1900. We found that the treatment destroyed the insects in fact, practically exterminated them with smaller charges than are used by the California people. Most of our work was done in the daytime, and while I have not seen the treated trees for several weeks a report by letter indicates that they are all right and have a good set of fruit. The trees dropped from one-fourth to nearly all of their leaves, but put out again immediately and seem to have a good set of ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 237 fruit. It would appear, therefore, that dropping the leaves from the trees is not so apt to work injury to the orange in Florida as in California. We fumigated trees of various sizes from mere bushes up to 30 feet in hight and 25 feet in diameter, using various styles of tents. The hoop tent proved most satis- factory for trees not over 12 feet in hight and of equal diameter, but for larger trees we used the bell tent, handling it by means of a new form of derrick. We ceased fumigation work when the trees com- menced to blossom freely, and put the tents away. " Several hundred trees were fumigated, and four or five times as many sprayed with resin wash and with a few other materials for comparison. The gas method is the more expensive to begin with, but we are inclined to believe it may be the cheapest in the end. I found that about seventy -five per cent, of the insects were killed by a single spraying with resin wash, but in examining thousands of insects upon many different trees that were fumigated I was able to find but a single living representative. I have no doubt that the practical application of the process to two or three of our orange-growing counties will mean a net profit of $250,000 to $500,000 annually inside of three or four years, if the treatment is generally adopted. We have not worked with deciduous trees, not because we believe it impracticable, but for lack of time up to the present. A number of our nurserymen use the gas in fumigating their nursery stock, and in a more limited way plants and shrubs, upon their premises. Nearly all of our nurserymen doing a large and extensive business have excellent fumigating appliances. 238 FUMIGATION METHODS " One form of fumigating box in use by some of our nurserymen deserves notice. It consits of a smaller box resting inside of a larger one, about six inches of space separating the two between the bot- toms and about the sides, which is filled with loose sand or clay. The top is either constructed with a similar space filled in with sand or earth, or may be of the usual pattern double-boarded with tarred paper between. This lid has a rim of beveled inch-board six inches deep, projecting downward and falling into the sand above mentioned, being brought perfectly into place by a wooden wedge above. This produces a box that is absolutely air-tight, and can never have an unsuspected leak of any kind in it. " Judging from the evidence in my office, the gas treatment carefully applied is absolute protection against San Jose scale and other insect pests upon nursery stock. I have known instances where much nursery stock had gone forth infested when fumiga- tion was either not practiced at all or was carelessly done, but have failed to learn of a single case of infested stock going out from the same nurseries after the stock was carefully treated." Idaho. No experimental work with hydrocyanic gas has been done at this station. The question of infested nursery stock has not been a pressing one. In this state I knew of one infested nursery, but it was abandoned. The owner made some inquiries of me about the subject of fumigation, and constructed a fumigating room, which he used for a year or two with success. As to fumigation of commercial orchards, there has been none of it here so far ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 239 as I know. Prof. J. M. ALDRICH, University of Idaho. Louisiana. We are much interested in the use of this gas. Some fumigation of orange trees was made a few years ago, as noted in a special bulletin from the Louisiana Kxperiment Station entitled, ' ' In- sects of Orange." We have used hydrocj^anic acid gas with good results for the cow-pea or bean weevil. The cow-peas were stored in a closed room and the amount of cyanide used was according to your own formula. We have arranged to fumigate plants com- ing into Louisiana, and it is our intention to use the gas much more extensively. Prof. H. A. MORGAN, Entomologist Louisiana Experiment Station. Massachusetts. My candid opinion as to the effi- ciency of the gas method for the destruction of insects is that it should be much more widely used, but only by experienced hands. I believe it to be available for the fumigation of greenhouses, warehouses, and other places, but do not believe in its use where carbon bisul- phide will do the work, considering the latter to be safer. The Kxperiment Station is strongly in favor of fumigation, but in the absence of any law on the sub- ject can only make use of moral suasion. DR. H. T. FERNALD, Associate Entomologist, Hatch Experiment Station, Massachusetts. In Michigan cheap and reliable. We now have excellent spraying laws and others, requiring the inspection of nurseries and orchards for San Jose scale and other dangerous insects and diseases, but it has not been found necessary to require the fumigation of all 240 FUMIGATION METHODS nursery stock. The San Jose scale has only secured a foothold in a few localities, and even there has been confined to comparatively small areas. So far as is known, there is no San Jose scale within several miles of any of our nurseries. In one or two instances fumi- gation has been required where the black peach aphis has been found in a nursery, and under our present law it will be possible to compel nurserymen to fumigate their stock before it is sent out if the scale is found in a nursery, or in such close proximity that there is a possibility that the trees may be infested, even though careful inspection fails to reveal its presence. In case the scale continues to spread a move will be made to secure a compulsory fumigating law that will apply to all nurseries. At the present time it seems the cheapest and most reliable method of treating nursery stock, as well as for the destruction of many insects that are found in buildings. Prof. L,. R. TAFT, Michigan Agricul- tural College. Urges law in Mississippi. There has never been anything done with hydrocyanic acid gas in this state. We have no laws on fumigation of nursery stock, but I have been urging laws, and think I shall present the matter to the legislature. Prof. GLENN W. HERRICK, Entomologist Mississippi Experiment Station. Successful mill fumigation in Missouri. Some nur- series have erected a fumigating house and have fumi- gated both the material entering and leaving the nursery, but no one knows that it ever had the San Jose scale in any case. Some greenhouses have also been fumigated, and always with success, but of course ECONOMIC VALUE OP FUMIGATION 241 this was for the ordinary greenhouse inse<5l pests. I have never fumigated nursery stock or trees that had the San Jose scale with hydrocyanic acid gas and then made careful tests to see if all scales were killed, and hence I can not speak on that point. Several mills in this state have been fumigated with this gas, and with success, but it is difficult to get the mills aired out properly without danger, unless special arrangements be made to do this from the outside. This state has no fumigation laws, and probably will not for some time. We have only just succeeded in getting a law passed requiring stock entering the state to bear certi- ficate of inspection. Prof. J. M. STEADMAN, Univer- sity of Missouri. Nebraska fumigates doubtful stock. Although we have done comparatively little in the way of using hydrocyanic acid gas for the purpose of fumigating nursery stock, a little has been done in this direction, chiefly by our nurserymen when they receive stock from abroad about which they feel a little dubious. Prof. LAWRENCE BRUNER, University of Nebraska. North Carolina. I think that it is only a question of a very short time before fumigation will be one of the regular operations of the nurseryman. Where there are great interests at stake, I do not think that laws compelling fumigation are out of place but rather a necessity. Most people are too much inclined to look upon fumigation requirements only with reference to San Jose scale. It seems to me that it is equally fatal to other insects, and it cannot fail to be of very great benefit to the fruit grower. The cost of 242 FUMIGATION METHODS fumigation to the nurseryman, as compared with the cost to the grower, for spraying, etc., is very small. Of course a system of fumigation will not do away with the necessity of spraying in orchards, but it will greatly decrease the loss that growers now sustain from the attacks of various insects. Prof. FRANKLIN SHERMAN, Jr., State Entomologist, North Carolina. North Dakota fumigated palms. Owing to the fact that the number of fruit trees grown in this state is very small, and that scale and other insedls have not yet appeared, its use has not become general. I have used the gas with very satisfactory results at this sta- tion to kill the scale on palms. I have known of its use with equally good results in the destruction of bed- bugs in houses. C. B. WA^DRON, North Dakota Agricultural College. New Jersey. Personally I have done so little with the hydrocyanic acid gas that I do not consider my- self entitled to any opinion as to its value, i.e., no opinion formed as the results of original work. The truth is, I never like to duplicate another man's work, and as you have been doing the fumigation line most thoroughly I was willing to accept your results, de- voting my time to other lines of investigation. Dr. JOHN B. SMITH, State Entomologist, New Jersey. New York. I have not had much experience in the use of hydrocyanic acid gas on nursery stock, but from what I have used and from what I know of it in other respects, it seems to me to be one of the very best and perhaps the only satisfactory method of treating young trees for the purpose of killing insect pests upon them. ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 243 Were I to buy trees for personal use I should most cer- tainly insist upon their being fumigated, especially if the grounds of my neighbor were badly infested with San Jose scale. I believe fumigation is a good thing aside from any suspicion of the presence of the San Jose scale, because it enables a man to start his trees as free from insect pests as perhaps any process through which he could put them. Dr. E. P. FELT, State Entomolo- gist ', New York. Ohio. I have not had any reason to change my former opinion as to its efficiency. Used at the proper season, I do not know that there is the least danger to nursery stock, and I do not believe, if properly used, it is possible for a scale insect to pass through a fumi- gating house alive. We may say, as among other things connected with nursery work, and, in fact, every- thing else, much depends upon whether fumigating is done properly or improperly. All of the houses that I have had built have been provided with slat floors and we have generated the gas underneath. I find this is much more practical than any other way that I have tried. Of course for very small nurseries we have advocated a tight box, but this is only where plants like raspberries and blackberries are fumigated. Prof. F. M. WEBSTER, Entomologist Ohio Experiment Station. Pennsylvania. I have not made a thorough canvass of our state in regard to the use of hydrocyanic acid gas, but know that many of our nurseries have con- structed fumigating houses and are carefully subjecting infested stock to the gas treatment. This treatment is 244 FUMIGATION METHODS the most effectual method we have to clean up nursery stock of its insect pests, and has given great satisfaction where it has been judiciously handled. There are cases in which the exposure to the gas was unneces- sarily long, resulting in marked injury to the trees. It is useless, of course, to subject trees to the gas which are free from insects. The gas treatment should find favor in warehouses, flour-mills, etc., where vermin are to be destroyed and no life is at stake, but I have met with no experience in such places. I cannot recommend it for conservatories or greenhouses where a mixed lot of plants are grown. In my own experi- ence I have found many kinds of plants suffer greatly in an exposure that is too weak and brief to kill all of the red spiders or mealy bugs. If a single house can be closed off and the stock is wholly of one kind of plants, as violets or chrysanthemums or carnations, it is possible to so adjust the treatment that no injury will befall the plants and the insects will be destroyed. Prof. GEORGE C. BUTZ, Horticulturist Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. Rhode Island. I believe that the gas treatment for the destruction of insects upon nursery stock is the only efficient method for the destruction of certain of the pests, and personally were I to buy plants for a large orchard, or for use in the orchards which I already have planted which are now free from San Jos6 scale, I would most surely buy them from some nursery which would fumigate trees before shipment. I believe that as the efficiency of this method of treat- ment is more fully understood and appreciated by warehouse and flour-mill owners that this will become ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 245 the method in vogue for the destruction of insects which harbor in such buildings. G. K. ADAMS, Assistant Horticulturist Rhode Island Experiment Sta- tion. Virginia. In my several bulletins on the San Jose" scale and reports as state inspector for the same, I have mentioned more or less frequently the subject of fumigation. We have never attempted fumigating orchards or plants of any kind, except nursery stock in closed houses. Our present formula to each 100 cubic feet of space in room for fumigating nursery stock is as follows: Fused potassium cyanide, 98 per cent., i ounce; commercial sulphuric acid, high grade, i 1 /;. fluid ounces; water, 3 fluid ounces. This has proved very satisfactory, and thus far we have no instance in which it has damaged the stock. I am happy to say no instance has come to our notice in which the scale has survived treatment by the above formula. Prof. WILLIAM B. ALWOOD, State Ento- mologist, Virginia. Sound Advice. In an address before the New York Fruit Growers' Association, L,. T. Yeomans, a prom- inent New York fruit-grower, said: "Our firm has not planted a tree during the past two years which has not been fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas. We do the work ourselves cheaply, quickly, and with- out injury to even peach trees, notwithstanding the assertion of some nurserymen that it is unsafe, ex- pensive, and dangerous. A nurseryman in western New York who has fumigated for several years all the nursery stock he sells, says the expense to him does 246 FUMIGATION METHODS not exceed 25 cento per 1,000 trees of regular one dollar size. If all planters would refuse to buy trees which had not been fumigated, the nurserymen would see it for their interest to fumigate. I am happy to say that there are some nurserymen who fumigate all their stock. No trees can be shipped into Canada without fumigation, and yet there are some who raise a cry about the hardships it would be for them if com- pelled to fumigate stock sold to the grower, yet these same nurserymen find it to their interests to comply with the Canadian law rather than abandon their trade across the border. ' ' Views of a practical fruit grower and nurseryman. The following statement was received from C. M. Hooker, the senior member of the well-known nursery firm Hooker, Wyman & Co., of Rochester: "I am strongly in favor of the fumigation of all nursery stock, when it can be safely done, before dissemination or planting. This should be done by the nurseryman, but to be perfectly safe I personally fumigate all stock planted on our place. I have done so for years, and can- not afford to take any risk of infestation of San Jose scale from the carelessness of others. That nursery stock should be fumigated before planting is evident from the rapid spread of this pest when it is neglected and the serious loss of all those who plant infested stock. All infested nurseries should be compelled to fumigate their stock if the people are to be safe in buying their trees. Answers objeftors. "The objections which are made to a law requiring fumigation by some nursery- men I think are not of great force. ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 247 "is/. They object to the cost. We reply that it is proven that it is not over 25 cents per 1,000 trees. " 2d. Delay of shipment. This cannot be over a few hours. "3^. Nobody knows that the process is effectual. Many tests prove that it is the best known and never fails if properly done. "4^. Dangerous to employees. No one was ever seriously injured by the gas, and with a little care it is perfectly safe. "5^. Inspection is sufficient. This has been proven a failure in many cases. Of course, inspection is necessary and good so far as it goes, especially in locating the pest in nurseries and orchards. " 6th, Dangerous to nursery stock. This does not prove to be the case when properly conducted. One nursery firm in Geneva has fumigated over one million trees without damage to one. ' ' 7/A. Wait for a federal law. Of course this is only an excuse for delay. We shall never get a federal law, and in any event should take care of our own scale. " 8M. Not constitutional. Give us the law, and we will risk that. " gth. Other states will retaliate by passing similar laws. Well, we are not certain what other states may do, but we should do what is right to protect our state from the San Jose scale and let other states do what they think best for their interests. There are other and more important interests than the nursery interests, yet it certainly is for the interests of the nurserymen to keep New York State as free as possi- ble from the scale. 248 FUMIGATION METHODS " loth. It is an injury to the nursery business to agitate the subject. This has been proven false by a large concern in Geneva, who advertise that they fumigate all their stock, and paste large cards on their boxes, stating ' This stock has been fumigated,'' and have very largely increased their business since they adopted this process. ' ' The San Jose scale is doubtless with us to stay, but it is our duty to do all that we possibly can to keep it under control, and in my opinion we cannot be too careful about it for the interests of the fruit grow- ers and every one else in the state. The serious dam- age to orcharding from this pest may be judged from a letter I have received from a prominent fruit-grower in western New York informing me that he expected to destroy about fifteen acres of valuable bearing trees this season because they were ruined by San Jose scale." Common- sense view. The following letter from Isaac C. Rogers, of the Rogers Nurseries, is a plain, straightforward statement of f acts : ' ' Our f umigato- rium is a room inside the packing-shed. The great bulk we usually fumigate in a frost-proof and air-tight room after we are ready for billing out in the spring; then the small lots dug from time to time are run into the smaller room, with an opening at the top for the escape of the gas through the roof after done. The expense of fumigating is a small matter. The bother is a small matter compared with the feeling of security and the fact that after the trees have been through that deadly stuff they go out through the country carrying no mischief and trouble making insects. The ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 249 extra expense of handling is really a small item. The only way it bothers us is sometimes in loading a car there will be a shipment to get off that has to have a few trees fumigated, and then with thirty minutes out of an hour taken up with the fumigating one has to jump around pretty lively to make connections. But the rush and jump are only parts of the nursery busi- ness and all in the same line, so we do not mind it. On an average it costs us 25 to 30 cents per thousand for the actual fumigation, including the extra hand- ling. 1 ' We have been fumigating now for three or four years and have had no trouble from loss of trees as yet, although we were assured by the antifumigators that we would have our trees to replace. We are careful to fumigate the trees when dry, and for that reason like the fumigating room as a part of the packing-shed much better than to have it as a separate building. If the trees come in during a wet day they can be allowed to dry before being put in the fumigator, and it is far more convenient to be able to step into the room from the packing-shed during any kind of weather. " The objection generally made by nurserymen is from the fact that a very large part of the nursery stock grown in western New York does not go direct to planters, but is shipped here and there to dealers and nurserymen all over the United States. Nurserymen in other sections must have their stock shipped early so they can reship to their customers, probably back in New York. In order to get this done and the trees planted before it freezes up, they have to be dug before they are fully matured. Some nurserymen fear that 250 FUMIGATION METHODS fumigation will injure them in this condition. There will be kicks along the line, for frequently trees are shipped and reshipped, sold and resold, several times before they are eventually planted, and no doubt fre- quently set a few miles from where they were grown. At the other end of the season there are always lots of people who forget all about ordering until the trees begin to grow or come into bloom, and then it is too late to fumigate safely at the usual strength. These two extremes seem to block the way and prejudice many nurserymen against fumigation. * ' We do not have to depend upon the notions of other nurserymen hundreds of miles away. We can dig, fumigate, and pack our trees when the right time comes. This accounts, in part, for our not being * in the ring,' as it were, fighting our own interests, as some nurserymen have been doing. In some cases with a large majority of tree growers in New York there is really no connection or kindred interest between them and the fruit grower. Their product is frequently sold before digging-time, to go in car-load lots to other nurseries hundreds of miles out of New York, and little or nothing do they care what becomes of the trees after- ward or whether they are planted in New York or in South Africa." Protects customers. We are thoroughly convinced that fumigation is most necessary in order that the grower of nursery stock may supply his customers with trees and vines absolutely free from all insect life. While most nursery stock grown in this section is not infested with San Jose scale, yet all is more or less infested with aphis and other troublesome forms of ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 251 insect life, that can but be deleterious to the tree if allowed to remain thereon in an active condition. For the past two years we have fumigated everything that we have sent out except evergeens, and so far have never detected any injurious effects. THE R. G. CHASE COMPANY, Nurseries, New York. Utah. We believe this is the most efficient treat- ment that nursery stock can be given. If the build- ing is air-tight and the chemicals are mixed in the proper proportion, it is undoubtedly destructive to all kinds of insects and no harm results to the stock. After putting gas into the building we leave our stock stand from one-half to three-fourths of an hour, then throw the double doors wide open, and allow the building to ventilate from fifteen to twenty-five min- utes before attempting to remove the stock. We believe it pays us to run all nursery stock through our cyanide house. We have treated from two to three hundred thousand trees annually for the past three years. In 1901 we expect to treat half a million. If one had more stock than this it would be advisable to build a larger house. We think it quite necessary to have the roots of the trees comparatively clean. If they are covered with dirt, especially clay soil, the gas may not penetrate to the insects, especially woolly aphis. Do not think our building cost to exceed $50. VAN METER, HARNESS & Co., Proprietors Davis County Nurseries, Utah. Utah. I have followed your directions for fumi- gating, which have proven very satisfactory. I have had no opportunity for experimenting with scale, but 252 FUMIGATION METHODS find the gas a sure remedy for woolly aphis and other insects. D. M. MOORE, Moore's Nurseries, Utah. Opinions of orchardists on fumigation in New South Wales. Bevan Brothers, of Galston, write W. J. Allen, the government expert, as follows: " We have fumigated some 1,500 trees since this time (July) last year, and the results have been very satisfactory. Without doubt nearly every scale has been killed, the trees are healthy, and the fruit clean. We formerly sprayed from three to four times a year, tried several preparations, and never got thorough satisfaction out of any. Occasionally patches of live scale do remain on trees that have been fumigated, but, as far as we can judge, this has only happened where fruit with scale on it has pressed against the side of the tent, or where the dose of acid has not been quite sufficient to poison the scale on the lower limbs. 1 ' Several of our neighbors having seen the results on our trees have had tents made, and set to work cyaniding. This is surely the best proof of its value. You are aware that we use a cheap tent made of calico, costing wholesale about is. $d. per yard, double width. So far this has answered admirably. Tents 10 feet in diameter by 12 high cost from 305. to 355. This re- duction in the cost of the tent really made fumigation possible to us. We have had to thank your depart- ment for many things, but for none are our thanks more deserved than for teaching us cyaniding. ' ' R. If. Sheppard, Wesbank, Emu Plains, says in same report : "I was prompted to enter upon what seemed at first rather an arduous undertaking, viz., the fumigation of my citrus trees for the destruction of ECONOMIC VAIJJK OF FUMIGATION 253 scale, by a practical demonstration given by W. J. Allen, government fruit expert, who at the same time placed at my disposal a large amount of useful infor- mation for my guidance at the start. The first diffi- culty which presented itself was that of procuring tents how many to get, what sizes, and where to get them at a reasonable cost. Firms in Sydney asked a price that was practically prohibitory. In my diffi- culty I applied to Mr. Walter Bevan, of Galston, who at this time was having his trees treated by this pro- cess, and he it was who put me in the way of getting them at a moderate figure. The least expensive method is to buy the material at some wholesale house and have it made up at home. For the purpose noth- ing could be better than ' circus- tent calico, ' both for lightness and durability. At present the wholesale price is is. $/4d. per yard of 6 feet wide. ' ' In my opinion no grower should bother with tents, but have the material made into square sheets the sizes he requires. They are easier to make than tents, answer the same purpose exactly, and are much more readily placed over the trees. The number to get and the sizes will naturally depend on the trees the grower has. I got four tents and two sheets, each sheet being 40 x 40 feet, and with this number two men can do from 30 to 50 trees each day. I began fumigating about the end of January last, and instead of doing the work at night, which is generally accepted as the proper time, I did all mine by daylight. Orange trees badly infested with scale, I found, lost a large portion of their leaves, those with less scale a much smaller quantity. Having the cyanide broken up too 254 FUMIGATION METHODS finely, and thus causing the gas to generate very quickly, seemed to tend to defoliation as much as anything. However, a very strong, new growth started, and the trees soon assumed a splendid appearance. Curiously enough, lemon and mandarin trees, though treated in the very hottest days, lost no leaves at all. Fumiga- tion, no doubt, is the only royal road to clean trees it absolutely blots the red scale out, and if done before the fruit is too large, a clean crop is assured, as the expansion of the fruit causes the scale to drop off. Brown olive scale is decimated, but not always alto- gether destroyed, though it looks as if, of the two, it would be easier to kill. So far I have treated 1,800 trees of various sizes, and I am sure growers will be pleased to know that the average cost per tree, includ- ing labor, price of tents, chemicals, etc., only amounts to T%d. Thus for *]d you get a healthy tree and clean fruit. How much more is this worth than a sickly tree and unmarketable fruit? To show how fumiga- tion is regarded on Emu Plains, I can inform those who are in doubt that since my neighbor growers witnessed the effect of the treatment here some have already com- menced, and others contemplate doing so." M. Brown, of Messrs. Rodgers & Co., Galston, writes Mr. Allen as follows: "We have fumigated this year some i , 800 trees, and are entirely satisfied with the result. We started fumigating the first week in May, and a live scale cannot be found on any of the trees done. Fully 50 per cent, of the scale have been cleaned off the trees, and I hope to see the greater part of the remainder cleared off before the bulk of the fruit is marketed. Of course, you will understand ECONOMIC VALUE OF FUMIGATION 255 that May is too late to commence fumigating to obtain the best result, but we could not start earlier, and next year I intend to start early in February, so that the oranges, while still growing, will throw off the dead scale. My reason for starting in February is that I have done some experimenting, and have closely watched the result, and feel sure that citrus trees done in that month will be almost absolutely clean by May. I did some twelve or fourteen of the worst trees I could find in the orchard fourteen months ago with the government tents which you lent me, and at the pres- ent time they are almost perfectly clean ; what little scale there is on them has only come in the last two months. ' ' As you know, I have had some experience with spraying, and have tried practically every known spray, and also had Mr. Chomley up here experiment- ing with different sprays, and I have no hesitation in saying that spraying is a thing of the past, and quite out of date compared with fumigation, as the fumiga- tion gives a ten times better result, and is not nearly so costly, once you buy the tents, and these are not very expensive. I bought strong unbleached calico, double width, wholesale, at is. 2d. per yard, and find this will hold the fumes as well as canvas, if it is not blowing a strong wind. I got 200 yards, which made nine tents of various sizes (but all of them are a good size), and cut the stuff out myself in the following manner : Cut out a circle 6 feet in diameter, then one length of calico 30 feet long, and sew round the circle ; then cut out another length 30 feet long, and join on the other piece and sew up the seam ; this will give 256 FUMIGATION METHODS you a tent which will cover a well-grown ten-year-old orange tree, provided the tree is not more than 13 feet high. ( ' What I should like to see the government do is to get together a large plant (say, twenty-five tents) and employ four men to manage it, and go round to various orchards in each district and fumigate them, charging the owner the cost of cyanide, etc., labor, and enough to allow for wear and tear in tents, and interest on their outlay for same, as I feel sure many orchard owners would be only too glad to have their orchards done, but they have not the capital to spare to get the necessary plant, as one wants a fair num- ber of tents to do the work quickly. I find myself and one man can manage fourteen tents comfortably. Your formula of one cyanide, one acid, and three water is not sufficient to work off the cyanide in forty-five minutes, so I use one, one-and-a-half of acid, and three. You are welcome to publish all of this if you think it of any use, and to say that I strongly urge growers to go in for fumigating, as there is nothing else to compare with it in efficiency and cheapness. ' ' CHAPTER XXI FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID T"!HE fact that carbon bisulphid volatilizes readily, has fumes heavier than air, creates an atmos- phere in -which no animal life can exist, and can be used without injury to edible materials, all combine to make it one of the very best substances for the destruction of certain subterranean insects and other undesirable animals. For killing insect pests in stored grains and other materials in bulk it has no superior. Its vapor will penetrate to the lowermost cracks and crevices in a granery, carrying the death- dealing atmosphere with it. It can be used economic- ally where hydrocyanic acid gas cannot be employed on account of its heavy vapor. First use of carbon bisulphid to destroy inseEls. During 1856 and 1857 M. Doyere used carbon bisul- phid as an insecticide. He demonstrated that it could be used to destroy weevils and other pests in corn and barley without injuring the grain either for planting or edible purposes. Since that time it has been used for combatting various insect pests. At first the cost of carbon bisulphid precluded its general use as an insecticide on a very extensive scale. Largely through the efforts and inventive genius of Kdward R. Taylor, a manufacturing chemist, a grade known as " Fuma carbon bisulphid ' ' was placed upon the market a few years ago. It is now the standard for insecticide pur- 257 258 FUMIGATION METHODS poses and is sold at a $>rice within reach of those who desire to use if for economic purposes. Chemical properties. Carbon bisulphid is a color- less liquid resembling water. It is formed by the union of two elementary particles of sulphur with one of carbon (charcoal) ; thus the chemical symbol CS 2 . It is made on a large scale by a new electric process invented and patented by Edward R. Taylor. The fumes of burning sulphur are passed over red-hot charcoal and the resulting vapors are condensed to a liquid by cooling. Mr. Taylor's new plant at Pen Yan, New York, has a daily capacity of 20,000 pounds at present. The liquid is one-fourth heavier than water. Its specific gravity is 1.29 at the freezing temperature of water. It is very refractive, reflecting light much more readily than water when its surface is disturbed. It is extremely volatile and evaporation is rapid when the surface is exposed to the air. The temperature of the liquid and the air, as well as the evaporating sur- face, determines the rapidity of evaporation. By cov- ering the surface of carbon bisulphid with water, which is lighter, evaporation can be prevented. Carbon bisulphid is not necessarily dangerous to the skin, but when the fingers or hands are frequently moistened with it the skin becomes rather dry and harsh and liable to crack or chafe. On account of its volatility it absorbs considerable heat. Perfectly pure carbon bisulphid has an acrid taste and a rather sweetish, not disagreeable, etherial odor, similar indeed to that of ether or chloroform. Pure carbon bisulphid will not injure or stain the finest garments or fabrics. It can be poured directly upon food stuffs without im- FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 259 pairing their edibility. All trace of the odor dis- appears quickly when such produces are exposed to the air. The ordinary commercial article has a slightly yellowish tinge due to its impurities, which also give it a rank fetid odor that is extremely obnoxious. When an impure article is used, a slight residue may be left after the evaporation of the liquid. Such a grade will stain fabrics, and it should be poured upon food stuffs with care, though its vapor will do no harm. Liquid carbon bisulphid is not explosive, and there need be no fear of handling it, provided the vessels are perfectly tight. It should be kept where there is no fire in a dry place, so the cans will not rust. Carbon bisulphid boils at 115 F. One volume of the liquid is said to give 375 volumes of vapor upon evaporation. Properties of vapor. Owing to its heavy properties the vapor of carbon bisulphid can be poured from one vessel to another, like water. It is 2.63 times heavier than air. It diffuses quite readily through the air, as can be perceived by its odor. It has a tendency to seek lower levels, and consequently will be more dense as it works downward. This fact should be borne in mind, as it has an important bearing upon the applica- tion of this material. It is the opposite of hydrocyanic acid gas, which is lighter than air. Carbon bisulphid in both liquid and vapor form is an efficient disinfectant. Meats have been kept in its atmosphere for many weeks. The disinfectant is the same gas as is formed by burn- ing sulphur or brimstone. Inhaling the gas. The extreme effects of the vapor of carbon bisulphid if inhaled are giddiness, vomiting, congestion, coma, and death. The material can be 260 FUMIGATION METHODS used in mills, warehouses, and other enclosures with perfect safety. A reasonable amount of the vapor can be inhaled, while the liquid is being distributed in a building without injury to the operator. From per- sonal experience in making many practical applications of carbon bisulphid in buildings, the writer has never experienced any ill feeling or bad after-effects from the gas. The sense of smell is the first affected. If one is confined in a room where the gas is being gen- erated, for a short time the olfactory organs are benumbed or deadened. As the oxygen in the lungs becomes exhausted, the heart-throbs become more rapid. The mind becomes sluggish, while hearing and sight are weakened. This is usually followed by dizzi- ness. The sensation is not disagreeable, and a person has no immediate desire to get out of the gas. A person in this condition should leave the building being fumigated at once and freely inhale fresh air. Mr. W. E. Hinds, who has had some experience with the practical application of this gas, in a recent Farmers' Bulletin (No. 145) by the United States De- partment of Agriculture, says : ' l Owing to the effect of the gas upon the heart action, it may be well to caution persons having any trouble or weakness about the heart against taking any extended part in the application of the bisulphid. It should be clearly understood by those who use it that the action of the gas is somewhat poisoning as well as suffocating. Should the operator persist in remaining in the room after the dizziness comes on, he will be in danger of falling, and, if not discovered, he will soon suffocate. Even if he should get out safely, the ill effects will be FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 26 1 more marked and a severe headache, at least, might ensue. If upon the approach of dizziness, the operator goes at once to a window, or better still out of doors, an abundance of fresh air will in a few minutes remove all ill effects, and no injury will result from the experi- ence. The inhalation of the fumes can be somewhat retarded by tying a wet handkerchief tightly over the face. This, however, merely diminishes the amount of air taken into the lungs without affecting the propor- tion of vapor contained therein. ' ' When obliged to enter a room in which the air is charged with any considerable amount of vapor, Mr. Hinds makes use of the following simple device, which is perfectly effectual : A large paper bag holding 20 quarts or more is tied tightly around a short piece of tubing of glass, rubber, or metal. When inflated, the bag contains sufficient air to enable one to respire into it for several minutes without discomfort. Being very light, it can be carried by the tube in the mouth, thus leaving the hands free for any work desired. Carbon bisulphid can be handled with much greater safety and far less fear than is possible where the user knows there is danger but does not know just what the danger is. The danger from its use is practically of the same kind as that from gasoline, which is in com- mon daily use. The danger is very much less, how- ever, since every precaution is taken to keep carbon bisulphid from the proximity of fire, while gasoline is used principally in connection with it. Commercial uses. Although the insecticide proper- ties of carbon bisulphid were discovered by Doyere in 1856, and tested three years later by Baron Paul The- 262 FUMIGATION METHODS nard, it remained for M. Cornu and M. Mouillefert, two French investigators, to determine its real value in this connection nearly twenty years later. They ex- perimented upon many species of insects representing various groups, paying particular attention to the grape phylloxera, the most serious pest to the vine- yards of France. They found that an atmosphere containing one part of carbon bisulphid and nine parts of air killed insects within a few seconds when con- fined in the vapor ; and that one part in 254 parts of air was also fatal in about one and one-quarter hours. The application of carbon bisulphid for the de- struction of insects in mills, elevators, and other places where large quantities of grain is stored is of recent origin. Its extensive use to kill gophers, ground squirrels, and other noxious subterranean and undesir- able rodents is a comparatively new method. In the arts it is employed as a solvent of sulphur, phosphorous, oils, resins, caoutchouc, gutta-percha, etc. It is indispensable in the manufacture of rubber and waterproof goods. In the manufacture of woolen goods it is used to abstract oils and fats from the wool. It is not considered an extra hazardous material, otherwise it w r ould not be so extensively used. Work in France against Phylloxera. The treatment of vines in France with carbon bisulphid for the destruction of phylloxera is very extensive. Some years more than a quarter of a million acres receive treatment. Upon being introduced into the soil at some depth below the surface the liquid evaporates as it does in the open air, but much more slowly. The vapor diffuses through the air spaces of the soil. It FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 263 produces an atmosphere fatal to all insects within its reach. The rapidity of evaporation, extent of dif- fusion, and persistence of the vapor in the soil vary widely in different soils. It evaporates most rapidly in a warm, dry, sandy soil. The persistence of the vapor is also shortest in such a soil, and it diffuses so rapidly most insects will survive an ordinary dose. The treatment cannot be successfully applied on such a soil in its dry condition. On the other hand, diffu- sion is slowest in heavy, wet, clay soil; and when such soil is saturated with water it is almost entirely pre- vented. Moisture lowers the temperature and de- creases the permeability of the soil ; it also prevents the evaporation of the liquid, and thus retards diffu- sion. Between these two extremes there is a medium condition of moisture which is most favorable for treat- ment. Action in different soils . Sandy soils permit an even but too rapid diffusion of the vapor. Rocky soils are not of even texture, and naturally the vapors follow the lines of least resistance. Heavy clay soils, when very dry, are usually much broken by cracks and fissures, which may run from the surface to a consider- able depth. Through such fissures the vapor escapes rapidly without permeating the soil to any extent, and its insecticidal value is therefore slight. But when such a soil is well moistened it is even in texture and very favorable to treatment. The depth of the soil is an important factor in determining how much carbon bisulphid must be used for a given area. If the soil is shallow and the subsoil very dense and impervious, it is evident that much less liquid will be required to 264 FUMIGATION METHODS produce a death atmosphere than will be needed in a soil of much greater depth. In soils of the same character and condition the amount needed will be proportional to the permeable depth of the soil. In heavy, compact soils increase the number of injections and diminish the dose; in light, deep, permeable soils decrease the number of holes and increase the dose. In field experiments with the grape, using plain carbon bisulphid in quite fresh soil, vines withstood 105 c. c. of carbon bisulphid, nearly 4.4 ounces, divided equally among three holes placed about 16 inches from the base of the vine and at a depth of about 20 inches; but 180 c. c. , 7^ ounces, proved fatal to the vines. In warmer, drier, more shallow soil a dose of 90 c. c. per vine, similarly placed, proved fatal. After considerable rain, when the ground was quite wet, a vine withstood 260 c. c. of carbon bisulphid, and some vines are said to have withstood 400 c. c. The treatment should never be applied for some time after plowing or cultivating, as a firm, compact, moist surface is much more favorable to the retention of the vapor. For the same reason about fifteen days should be allowed after treatment before cultivation is re- sumed. If the soil is either very wet or dry, treatment should be withheld. To be in the most favorable con- dition for treatment, the soil should be quite moist and moderately permeable, with a firm, even surface, well compacted by rain and having a depth of at least eight inches. The extent of diffusion of the vapor determines the distance apart at which the injections must be made to reach all parts of 'the soil evenly and effectively. This FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 265 varies considerably with the amount of the dose, the temperature and humidity of the soil, and other con- ditions. It has been found more satisfactory to employ smaller and more frequent doses rather than a few large ones. A dose of 5 or 6 grammes, */ 6 to '/ 4 ounce, is believed to be thoroughly effective through a radius of from 1 2 to 20 inches, though it may penetrate much farther than that. The general rule is to make three injections per square meter, nearly i'/ 6 square yards, in light soils, and four injections in heavy soil. The holes should be at regular intervals, so as to cover the ground evenly, and never nearer than one foot to the base of the vine. To be effective all the ground must be treated. On account of the liability of injuring the vines it has been found best to make the treatment in two small applications, separated by an interval of from six to ten days. This decreases the density of the vapor, but continues its action for a much longer time. It removes the danger of injuring the vines, and gives even better results upon the insects than would be obtained by one large dose. The total amount of car- bon bisulphid to be used should be divided into as many equal parts as there are injections to be made. The holes for the second treatment should be inter- mediate between those for the first. The depth of the holes will depend somewhat upon the depth and per- meability of the soil. The average depth is about one foot. Holes 1 6 inches deep are desirable on very permeable soil. Treatment may be applied at any season of the year; but, as it is followed by a slight check in growth, it 266 FUMIGATION METHODS should not be applied either at the flowering or fruit- ing season, as the check would injure the crop most at those seasons. The injury to the vines results' from the killing of the tender, fibrous, feeding roots. It would therefore be better to apply the treatment before these roots have started in early spring, or after they have become hardened in the fall. The condition of the soil usually favors the spring treatment, and the condition of the insect is said to make it more suscep- tible at that time. Amount to use per acre. To secure extinction it is usual to apply about 300 grammes, nearly 10 ounces, per vine, using 150 grammes in each of two applica- tions ten or twelve days apart. This will kill ninety- nine out of every hundred vines. In cultural treat- ment the amount of the liquid to be used varies from 140 to 265 pounds per acre. Instruments for application. One of the principal difficulties in the first use of carbon bisulphid was to force the vapors to the desired depth. When first used below the surface it was poured into holes formed by driving an iron bar with a maul. The demand for a more convenient, accurate, and rapid working in- strument was soon met by the invention of the pal- injector by M. Gastine. This instrument was later improved by M. Vermorel. The carbon bisulphid is placed in a large chamber, from which an outlet leads down through a series of valves, so adjusted that the amount of each discharge can be exactly regulated as desired, and opens near the tip of the pointed bar. The instrument is forced into the ground by the handle and the pressure of the foot upon the spur to a FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 267 depth of about one foot ; the central plunger is then pressed down and the desired amount of the liquid is discharged ; the instrument is withdrawn, and the hole closed with the foot, or, as is usual in extensive work, another workman follows with a rammer, with which the holes are closed, and the soil at the same time is firmly compacted. It is said that two men working together in this way can make between 2,000 and 3,000 injections per day. One acre will require on the aver- age from 10,000 to 12,000 holes. Plows have also been devised for injecting carbon bisulphid into the the soil, but they are not altogether satisfactory. The same methods can be applied to other subterranean insects and underground creatures. Root-maggots and root-worms. Both the larvae and pupae of the cabbage root-maggot are destroyed with carbon bisulphid. Prof. M. V. Slingerland, of Cor- nell University, has determined these points with accuracy, giving the details of his experiments in bul- letin form. (Bulletin No. 78, Cornell University Ex- periment Station. ) Where used for the root-maggot the hole should start 3 or 4 inches from the stem of the plant and run down obliquely a little below the roots, where the liquid is deposited. The dose re- quired varies from a teaspoonful for each small plant to a tablespoonful for large plants, an equivalent of about one-quarter of an ounce in the former case and one ounce in the latter. One injection will be sufficient if made in time. The conditions of the soil noted under phylloxera treatment will have practically the same influence in this case. A similar method of treatment will be equally 268 FUMIGATION METHODS effective against the -grape root- worm, Fidia vitidda. To facilitate the application of -carbon bisulphid the McGowen injector was invented. It is a very con- venient instrument, and can be adapted to nearly all uses of carbon bisulphid for underground insects. Destroying ants in lawns and other places. Usually by careful observation the common ants, excepting, perhaps, the little red ants frequenting houses, can be traced to their outside homes. The treatment consists in making one or more holes in the nest with a stick or iron bar, one to two feet deep, and pouring into each hole a couple of ounces of carbon bisulphid. The hole should be closed immediately. The vapor may be exploded at the mouth of the hole with a match, in order to drive the fumes deeper into the chambers. If the latter method is adopted, the hole should be covered with fresh earth immediately after the explo- sion, so as to put out the fire and retain the fumes. Otherwise a large portion of the gas will be burned and the efficiency of the treatment considerably lessened. After the explosion the vapor burns with a colorless, invisible flame. Carefully observe this point before an attempt to recharge a nest is made. Other- wise an explosion might follow, with serious results to the operator. If a large area is infested the holes should be about one and one-half feet apart each way. After the carbon bisulphid has been applied the ground should be thoroughly watered to prevent too rapid diffusion of the fumes. White grubs and mole crickets, sometimes found in lawns and gardens, can be treated in the manner de- FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 269 scribed for ants. One ounce per square yard divided between three or four injections will be satisfactory. The most favorable time for treating the grubs is after they descend in the ground in the fall and before they come up again in the spring. In midsummer many of the small insects near the surface will escape injury from treatment. Carbon bisulphid may also prove useful for the destructive nematode worms. For borers in trunks of trees clean out the mouth of the burrow and insert a small quantity of carbon bisul- phid and close the hole with thick clay or other material. The borers are easily killed without injury to the tree. The saving of time fully pays for the small amount of carbon bisulphid required. A spring- bottom oil-can may be used for applying the liquid. Melon plant-lice can be treated successfully with carbon bisulphid. The method consists in covering the young vines with tight boxes, 12 to 18 inches in diameter, made of wood or paper, and introducing under each box a saucer containing one or two tea- spoonfuls of carbon bisulphid. The vines of older plants may be gathered about the hill and folded under large boxes or tubs. In such cases a greater but pro- portional amount of material must be used. The covering is usually left over the plants from three- quarters to an hour. With 50 to 100 boxes a field may be treated quite rapidly. This method of intro- ducing the bisulphid can be improved by boring a hole about one inch in diameter in the middle of the top of each box, and fastening a small bunch of cotton- waste, rags, or any absorbent material. By fitting a stopper 270 FUMIGATION METHODS in the hole the box Js ready for use. In placing it over a plant, be careful that the edges set firmly into the dirt. Remove the stopper, add the desired amount of liquid, and close it quickly. Fumigation of mills and other buildings. Carbon bisulphid can be thrown directly upon grain without injuring its edible qualities, and will not effect its vital- ity in the least. In mills it can be used about the machinery, spouts and elevators with perfect assurance that the manufactured products will not be damaged. I know of no instance where the slightest deleterious effect has been realized by persons applying it in mills, although they unavoidably inhale some of the fumes. The amount of liquid to be used depends ( i ) on the size of the building, (2) on its tightness, and (3) on the magnitude of the attack. Where the building is reasonably tight and but slightly infested, one pound of carbon bisulphid is sufficient for every thousand cubic feet of air-space enclosed. If it is somewhat open or badly infested the amount should be doubled. When applied to bins containing stored grain, one pound of liquid to every hundred bushels of grain is commonly used ; but if the insects are very abundant, twice this amount should be used. Methods of application. A number of ways for using carbon bisulphid have been suggested and tested. The most effective manner of applying it in mills consists in simply pouring the liquid into shallow dishes, such as soup-plates, pans, or wooden vessels, and distributing them about the building. Bits of cotton-waste satu- rated with the liquid should also be thrust into spouts, FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISUIyPHID 271 elevator legs, machines, and other places where the pests usually congregate in great numbers. Spraying or throwing the liquid broadcast into badly infested corners, on machines, and other pieces of apparatus where the pests are particularly abundant, has been attended with very good results. Time to do the work, Saturday afternoon is the best time for fumigating a mill or large building. After sweeping from top to bottom, all fires about the premises should be extinguished and the building closed as tightly as possible. The vessels and cotton-waste should be previously distributed, so there will be no unnecessary delay. The number and distribution of the vessels will depend, as already stated, upon the con- dition of the mill and the severity of the attack. It is best to begin with the lowest story and work upward. The operators can then keep above the settling gas. When the bisulphid has been applied throughout the mill it should be locked and kept closed until the fol- lowing Monday morning. All windows and doors should then be thrown wide open and the building allowed to air an hour or more before fire is started in it. Where the building is large and a great quantity of material has been used, it is wise to have a watch- man stationed outside to prevent any one from entering or loitering about the building during fumigation. Practical application. As a guide to those who may use this method, I quote several letters from practical millers who have used carbon bisulphid successfully. The superintendent of a large Pennsylvania milling company, whose name I withhold by request, wrote me 272 FUMIGATION METHODS the following letter. It is a valuable contribution, and should be read by every wide-awake miller and grain- dealer : ' * We have delayed answering your valued letter until we were able to report the result of our efforts to destroy the weevils in our mill. Following the line of your advice, we ran our stock down low and thoroughly renovated our mill from" top to bottom, cleaning all reels and purifiers. We then fumigated the whole building with carbon bisulphid. We dis- tributed 300 soup-plates about half filled with bisul- phid through the mill, and saturated balls of cotton with the same material and placed them in all the reels and purifiers. We did this on Saturday night, closed the mill tight and left the weevils to their destruction. ' * We opened the mill Monday morning and thoroughly ventilated it before entering it. We found we had destroyed thousands of the pests, and in the reels and purifiers we had killed them all. In the course of a few days a few insects began to show up in the cracks in the floors and in dark corners. Two weeks later we repeated the dose in the same manner and obtained about the same results. In the mean time we whitewashed the mill from top to bottom (that is, every place that could be covered) , putting on a good heavy coat. We have reduced the bugs to a very small number, and eternal vigilance is the order of the day with us. ' ' We are still fighting them. Our plan is to keep a stock of bisulphid on> hand outside of the main build- ing. We do not think it is advisable to store it in the mill. Wherever we find a place infested by the weevil we use it freely, taking care to do it when the mill is FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 273 shut down and closed up tight. We find the best results from the use of carbon bisulphid can be obtained by spraying it on the floors and in infested places. We think when placed in plates it does not evaporate quick enough to produce the death atmosphere required." Extra precautions. The writer has called atten- tion to the dangers from fire when the fumes of carbon bisulphid are present. Special reference is now made in connection with the treatment of buildings with this gas. Not even a lighted cigar or pipe should be al- lowed in the building. Always do the work in day- light. No artificial lights of any kind are allowable. Bven electric lights should not be used. When turn- ing them on or off there is always danger of producing a spark, which might prove disastrous. Heated steam- pipes should be allowed to cool before the application is made. Electric fans should not be run. There should be no heat of any kind in the building while the vapor is enclosed. Owners of adjoining premises should be informed of the nature of the work being done and cautioned to be on their guard during the hours of fumigation. Germination of seeds. Fifty-four varieties of seeds, including the principal grain and garden seeds, were recently treated with carbon bisulphid by the Division of Botany, United States Department of Agriculture. Every precaution was taken to insure uniformity in the seeds of each lot, treated and untreated. The treated lots were exposed to an atmosphere saturated with carbon bisulphid vapor for forty-eight hours. Under the most extreme treatment, the severity of 274 FUMIGATION METHODS which would neverbe equaled in ordinary practice, a majority of the varieties tested showed no injury and germination was practically, the same in each lot. Seeds of the grass family appeared more tender than other kinds. Experiments were also conducted upon grain in bulk, using the liquid at the rate of one pound to 100 bushels of grain. The exposure lasted twenty- four hours. No injury could be detected in even the most delicate seeds. Treating seed and grain in bulk. Such seeds as corn, wheat, rice, peas, beans, cow-peas, and others are frequently attacked by insects and seriously injured or entirely destroyed. No insecticide now known is equal to carbon bisulphid for the destruction of such pests. Seeds or grains to be fumigated should be placed in barrels, bins, or rooms. The enclosure should be tight. Apply the carbon bisulphid as directed above, at the rate of from one to one and a half pounds for each 1,000 cubic feet of space. A bin or room ten feet each way, or 1,000 cubic feet, will hold about 100 bushels of grain. A barrel or small enclosure will require a larger proportional amount unless it is very tight. Place the liquid on top of the seed in shallow vessels. A small bin or barrel should be covered with heavy blankets to better retain the vapor. Close the receptacle for 24 or 36 hours. The germinating power of the seed will not be injured in the least, other conditions being normal. Rye, millet, barley, and crimson clover are the most liable to injury and should receive proportionately a less amount. As many of these pests enter the seeds in the open field while the grain is in shock, stack, or growing, it is FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 275 desirable to fumigate large bulks of grain, etc. , a.s soon as possible after it is put in store. This is especially true of wheat, corn, peas, and beans, particularly those to be used for propagating purposes later. L,arger warehouses or granaries can be successfully treated if the directions cited above are followed. With large bulks of grain the vapor may be left for two or three days, or even longer. Stimulating effects on plants. It is an acknowledged fact that the growth of plants on soil following treat- ment is unusually good. Treatment of a corn-field yielded an increase of 46.8 per cent, in the grain and 21.73 P er cent, in the stover. Potatoes showed an increase in weight, varying from 5.3 per cent, to 38.7 per cent. In a series of experiments upon corn, oats, beets, potatoes, and clover, much the same results were obtained, but the most marked increase was in the clover. It was found that the vapor was not detrimental to the active bacteria causing the nodules upon the roots of this legume, but rather seemed to favor their multiplication. Furthermore, it was found upon these same plats that the beneficent influence of the treatment was quite apparent the following year, though less marked than it had been the first year. EffeEl upon fruit. Recently an Italian investigator, M. F. Sestini, has determined the effect of carbon bi- sulphid upon fresh fruits. His conclusions are as fol- lows: One volume of carbon bisulphid evaporated in 10,000 volumes of air produces no alteration in the character of the fruit during an exposure of twenty- four hours. After the treatment flavor is normal and 276 FUMIGATION METHODS it appears that the perfume of each fruit gains in fine- ness and intensity. The color of fruits not entirely sound becomes deeper, especially upon those parts of their surfaces which have been bruised during ripening or from defects in packing ; it is thus very easy to choose carefully, rejecting such fruit as could not have been preserved. Woolens, furs, and clothes. Woolens, furs, and other wearing apparel may be placed in a tight, paper- lined trunk or a large box, and treated with carbon bisulphid. When stored away, place a shallow dish holding a few ounces of the liquid on the goods, and spread some newspapers over the top and close. No further attention will be required ; but if the box is not tight, it will be necessary to repeat the dose every few weeks during the hot weather. An excel- lent plan is to provide a large packing-chest having a close-fitting cover. By boring a hole through the cover and fastening a small sponge or bit of cotton- waste inside, it may be fumigated by pouring the bi- sulphid through the hole upon the absorbent when it is necessary. Carpets, rugs, robes, etc., can be freed of all pests if fumigated for a few days in such a box. The odor is less persistent in the goods than that of moth balls, tarred paper, or other materials. When used on fine fabrics it will not stain or injure the most delicate articles, provided the pure carbon bisulphid is gotten. Such household pests as cockroaches, fish moths, bedbugs, fleas, carpet-beetles, etc., can be destroyed in tight rooms by a liberal application of carbon bisul- FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 277 phid. Frequently the holds of ships are cleared of pests in this manner. The liquid is quite generally used for the destruction of a number of insects commonly called museum pests. When specimens are inclosed in fairly tight showcases or trays, they can be easily treated in the cabinet or drawer. As a measure of safety, in many museums the fumigation is done annually, regardless of the absence or presence of the pests. Killing prairie-dogs, gophers, squirrels, etc. For the destruction of small animals that burrow under ground, such as prairie-dogs, gophers, woodchucks, squirrels, moles, rats, mice, etc., nothing has been used with such gratifying results as carbon bisulphid. Some years ago, when the writer was located at the University of Illinois, several plots of land on the Experiment Station farm were overrun with gophers. Their presence greatly interfered with the experiments being conducted, and carbon bisulphid was used to destroy them. The holes or burrows were located. A piece of cotton about the size of a hen's egg was satu- rated with the liquid, thrust into the hole, and closed with a small piece of sod and loose dirt stamped down firmly. A few hours later several of the burrows were opened, and in every case a dead animal was found with its nose thrust into the cotton. It evidently had made an attempt to escape the deadly vapor. Amount to use. A pint of carbon bisulphid, a lit- tle more than a pound, is sufficient to treat twenty ordinary burrows. The amount used, however, de- pends somewhat upon the size and character of the burrow. If rather small and in a somewhat compact 278 FUMIGATION METHODS soil, a small quantity will suffice ; but if the burrow is large, rather shallow, and with several openings lead- ing to the surface, much more liquid will be required. As a rule, a small wad of cotton ; wool, old rags, excel- sior, even dry grass or a corn-cob, saturated with a little less than one ounce of the liquid and heeled in the holes, will do the work. A Nebraska farmer says he uses dried balls of horse manure. They hold the liquid well, are less expensive than cotton, and easily obtained. On the Laramie Experiment Farm in Wyoming ninety -six burrows were treated during the month of July. The applications were, with few exceptions, made in the evening. The next day the treated bur- rows were visited, and in no instance had the earth which had been used for plugging the opening been disturbed. A second and third visit to these burrows found them securely plugged. In two instances some animal, presumably a ground squirrel, had made an effort to dig open the burrow from the outside. The opening extended only to the ball of cotton, when, from all appearances, the task was given up. In forty -three instances gophers (squirrels) were driven or seen going into the burrows and treated at once. None of the animals ever again saw daylight. It is best to perform the work in the evening, other- wise some of the treated burrows will be dug open by out-lying squirrels. The remedy can best be applied in the spring, while the ground is yet compact. Where the balls of dried horse-dung are used the cost is reduced and the rounded masses carry the chemical beyond the reach of the dirt used in closing the hole. FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISUUPHID 279 At the Idaho Experiment Station a test was made upon thirty holes. Twenty-seven of these were undisturbed; two were scratched open from the outside and one from the inside. Several holes were afterward dug open and in each was found a dead squirrel. Expert opinions. There have been many exagger- ated reports about the nature of this chemical com- pound. In this connection I can do no greater service than to quote a letter from Edward R. Taylor, the leading manufacturer of carbon bisulphid in this country. He says : "I have seen a great many very random statements on the subject of the inflamma- bility of carbon bisulphid. One says, ' Use the same care as with gunpowder ' ; another says, ' it is a very explosive liquid.' These are both very misleading statements with reference to its properties. I have quoted the statements, however, in my printed matter for the reason that farmers and many others use the goods, and will be sufficiently startled by such state- ments to be careful and have no light or fire about. ' ' Nearly everybody is now familiar with gasoline. The properties of that liquid and carbon bisulphid are practically identical, in that both are inflammable but neither of them explosive. The vapor of either of them mixed with air is explosive, but the liquids are not explosive. I have shipped thousands of pounds of bisulphid to millers, elevator operators, and farmers, and have yet to have the first report of any disaster, even of the most trivial character. Need I say more ? My directions are explicit. Do the work Saturday afternoon by daylight. Have absolutely no light or fire of any kind about. Close the building and leave 28O FUMIGATION METHODS the bugs to their c^estrudlion till Monday morning, Then open doors and windows, and thoroughly venti- late before going to work." The vapor of carbon bisulphid takes fire in air at about 300 F. and burns with a faint blue flame, diffi- cultly visible in daylight, but evolving considerable heat and decomposing the carbon bisulphid into carbon dioxide (CO,) and sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ). The latter is the familiar gas given off by the burning of sulphur matches and is a strongly poisonous, suffocating gas which should not be inhaled. Carbon bisulphid vapor mixed with three times its volume of oxygen, or an amount of air containing that amount of oxygen, forms a mixture which is very highly explosive upon ignition. As 21 per cent, of the air is oxygen, one volume of liquid carbon bisulphid evaporated in 5,357 volumes of air would form such a mixture. An atmosphere com- posed of one volume of carbon bisulphid vapor to approximately 14.3 volumes of air is liable to violent explosion in the presence of fire of any kind whatever, or a temperature of about 300 F. without flame. We have here about the maximum danger-point from explosion in the use of carbon bisulphid. Exterminating the flour moth. My experience with the Mediterranean flour moth is of nearly seven years' standing. Until I took charge of my mill six years ago I had never seen nor heard of the insect, and when I found it here and learned what it was I doubted whether such a delicate little creature could do any more harm than a house-fly. I soon had evidence, however, of its capacity for mischief. For one day it FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 28 1 actually succeeded in shutting down our 100 h. p. en- gine by so choking conveyors, elevators, etc. , with its webs that the wheels simply could not turn. This is an absolute fadl. Meanwhile I had written to Prof. W. G. Johnson, the expert, about the pest and sent him a sample of its work. When the mill was finally choked to a standstill I knew what to do: I first put six men at work taking spouts and elevator legs apart and cleaning them thoroughly, and when that was done I had them go for the machines. It took us just six days to get cleaned up. Under the Professor's advice I had provided ten gallons of carbon bisulphid and about 200 tin pie-plates. Saturday afternoon we closed and packed all the doors and windows, distrib- uted the plates throughout the mill, filled them with bisulphid, and "let her simmer " until Monday morn- ing. Opening up the mill we found dead moths every- where. L. C. SCHROEDER, New York. Some insurance companies were a little uneasy lest they should suffer loss by fire originating from the use of carbon bisulphid in mills. The American Miller investigated this subject by sending letters of inquiry to all the important millers' insurance com- panies in the United States and Canada, and did not learn of a single fire known to have been caused by the use of carbon bisulphid. The properties of the fluid have been fully described above, and millers have been warned to keep lights and fire away from the vapor, lest an explosion should occur. The fact that it has been used so long without fires being traceable to it gives strength to the opinion that millers, out of con- sideration for their own lives, have heeded the warning 282 FUMIGATION METHODS and have been exceedingly careful in applying it. It should not be stored near the mill, as this increases the fire risk. A break in the can or drum might unex- pectedly release fumes which would soon fill the mill. Death to weevils. Carbon bisulphid settled the weevil family in our mill. It was so full of them we thought we would have to abandon it for a time. Bi- sulphid cleaned them out and saved us. A. Wii,- HEiyM, Ohio. All a miller wants for weevils and other mill pests is " Fuma " carbon bisulphid. It knocked them out for us. J. C. BRIGHT & SON, West Virginia. Exterminating moles. When there were indications of moles to be seen, we found the run, and inserted a ball of cotton thoroughly saturated with * ' Fuma ' ' in each opening. The earth was firmly packed over the opening. As these little animals have so many turns to their paths, I followed the run and put in eight more well-saturated cotton balls, always being careful to pack the earth firmly over the opening. Anything worth doing at all is worth doing well. We were about discouraged, as the moles were fast destroying a lawn we were anxious to save. We determined to give " Fuma " a trial, and am glad we did, as we were soon rid of moles. A. B. SWAN, Long Island. Destroying woodchucks. I have always had my share of woodchucks, and I never could get rid of them until last season. I got an ounce of carbon bisulphid, used one-half on three burrows, and in about three hours all three had been dug out. I used the other half where an old one had young; the next morning I FUMIGATION WITH CARBON BISULPHID 283 dug out the hole and found them dead. A neighbor joined with me and we got twenty pounds of carbon bisulphid. One pound is enough for fifty, and not one has ever dug out of the hundreds that we have treated, unless there was some opening that we missed. Pour from one to two spoonfuls on anything that will absorb the stuff, push it into the hole three feet, push down a sod nearly to it, hoe on earth and tramp down. Treat all main outlets the same, and next summer one will be puzzled to find the place. A. B. JOHNSON, New York. Destruction to prairie- dogs. I cleared a pasture of eighty acres with fifty pounds of carbon bisulphid and not a dog showed up all summer. Five or six came from another town late in the fall, but I soon put them to sleep and they have not waked up yet. It is the cheapest means by which prairie dogs can be destroyed. THOMAS SHEFFRAY, Nebraska. I have destroyed the prairie-dogs on about eighty acres at a cost of $30. This one operation increased the value of the land $500. One pound of of carbon bisulphid will treat twenty-five holes. ISAIAH L,IGHT- NER, Platte County ', Nebraska. We killed the prairie-dogs on about a hundred acres with five gallons of carbon bisulphid. It is the best, as well as the cheapest, way of getting rid of them. Kansas Farmer. Rats and mice easily destroyed. Some years ago the writer's attention was called to a granery in Maryland, under which a large number of rats had burrowed into the ground. The building was double, set on posts 284 FUMIGATION METHODS raised about eighteen tnches above the ground, with a driveway between. The earth underneath was com- pletely honeycombed with burrows. Two pounds of carbon bisulphid were secured. Wads of cotton, vary- ing in size from a hen's egg to one's fist, were saturated and thrust into every burrow that opened on the sur- face. The holes were securely closed. Only in two instances were the holes opened by their occupants, and these were quickly destroyed by a second dose. Wherever a burrow is found about any building it can be treated in the same way. In fields where rats and mice frequently do serious injury to corn and other grain in shock they can be de- stroyed by saturating a small wad of corn-silk or husks and pushing them in the holes after the shock has been overturned. Frequently cellars and root-houses are infested with rats. A few ounces of carbon bisulphid used as indicated will exterminate them. How carbon bisulphid is put up. This material is usually put up in steel drums holding fifty pounds each and costs about ten cents a pound. It can be purchased from local dealers in smaller quantities. In such cases the price is about double that quoted, or even more. The grade known as Fuma carbon bisul- phid is cheaper than the chemically pure article. Only in rare cases is it necessary to use the pure bisulphid. For general insecticide purposes ' ' Fuma ' ' is the standard and entirely satisfactory. The writer has used large quantities of it with most excellent results in every case. CHAPTER XXII LAWS REGULATING NURSERY AND ORCHARD INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION >R many years California has been protecting her horticultural interests by strictly en- forcing laws enacted for that purpose. That State was the pioneer in this movement, and the benefits arising therefrom have been very marked. Not only have California orchards been greatly in- creased in area, but many dangerous insect pests and diseases have been kept out by the vigilance of the quarantine officers. With the invasion of the San Jose scale in the Eastern States, various local laws have been passed to meet conditions prevailing in many states or territories. In Maryland, Delaware, and Canada the fumiga- tion of all nursery stock with hydrocyanic acid gas is required. North Carolina has recently adopted fumi- gation methods, and nurserymen in that State will be required to fumigate all trees offered for sale. In New York and Montana the inspection laws require fumigation of all nursery stock if thought necessary. In Oregon all apple, pear, or other stock grown on apple roots must be fumigated before delivery. Con- ditions are such that other states will soon be obliged to incorporate in their laws the fumigation require- 285 286 FUMIGATION METHODS ment with rules regulating the inspection of nurseries. Maryland has done more in perfecting fumigation methods in the East than any other State. The Canadian government practically adopted the Maryland system, after sending a representative to familiarize himself with details and methods used in that State. The following states and territories have no laws at present, December i, 1901, governing the transporta- tion or inspection of nursery stock : Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Missis- sippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Wyoming. If special information is desired relative to inspection or the shipment of nursery stock into any of the above states or territories, it can be secured through the Directors of Experiment Stations. A brief synopsis of the horticultural laws and rulings regulating the inspection of nurseries and orchards, and the shipment of nursery stock in the various states and territories is given herewith. Most states require copies of the authorized certificate of inspection to accompany and be attached to each con- signment of nursery stock. Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, and Montana require all nursery stock entering their borders to be inspected by local inspectors. Canada receives no stock, as noted in Chapter XXIII., except through certain ports of entry, where it is fumigated. This is true also in Montana and Oregon. All stock shipped into New York from other states must be fumigated. Nurserymen desiring to ship into those states should bear this in mind and look up the points of entry. Duplicate certificates are required for ship- INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 287 merit of nursery stock into Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. California. The State Quarantine Officer at San Francisco, Cal., must be notified of the receipt of nurs- ery stock, pits, fruits or vegetables, which must beheld for inspection. Any consignment found infested with injurious insects or plant diseases shall be treated under the direction of the quarantine officer. If the ship- ment is found to contain pests not established in the State, the entire consignment shall be destroyed or sent out of the State. Any nursery stock affected by yellows or rosette will be destroyed or returned to the consignee. The county boards of horticulture cause the inspection of nurseries, orchards, vegetables, vines, and fruits. Owners are obliged to suppress injurious insect pests if found on their premises. Colorado. The regulations for the prevention of diseases in orchards and nurseries are placed in the hands of the State Board of Horticulture. County inspectors are appointed, and they must examine all shipments of nursery stock before delivery. If found infested, they shall be disinfected, destroyed, or re- moved from the county, at the option of the inspector. An orchard, nursery, fruit-packing house or storeroom found infested with injurious insect pests or diseases dangerous to fruit trees, vines, or the horticultural in- terests in general, must be disinfected or treated ac- cording to the direction of the county inspector. If he shall neglect or refuse to treat or destroy as directed, the owner shall be guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and liable to a fine. If found guilty, the inspector has 288 FUMIGATION METHODS a right to abate the jiuisance at the expense of the owner. Connecticut. The State Entomologist, who shall have an office at the Experiment Station at New Haven, Conn., under the direction of the Board of Control of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, has charge of the nursery and orchard inspec- tion in that State. All nursery stock shipped from other states, counties, or provinces shall bear a certifi- cate. In case a shipment is made not bearing a cer- tificate, it can be inspected by the State Entomologist at the request of the owner, and if found free from pests and disease it may be received, and the cost of inspection deducted from the consignor's bill for said stock. All nurseries in the State shall be inspected at least once a year, and if no serious pests are found a certificate to that effect is given to the owner. If pests of a dangerous character are discovered, the owner is required to suppress the same under the direction of the State Entomologist. This act went into effect July i, 1901. Delaware. The orchards and nurseries of the State must be inspected at least once a year by the inspector authorized by the State Board of Agriculture at Dover, Del. Nursery stock shipped into the State must be accompanied by a certificate. Since August i, 1901, nurserymen are required to fumigate all stock offered for sale or shipment. Florida. A penalty for knowingly selling diseased nursery stock is provided by the statutes, but they are inoperative. The Entomologist at the Experiment INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 289 Station at Lake City, Fla., issues certificates to nurserymen in the State upon request. Georgia. A State Entomologist is appointed by the State Board of Entomology, with headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. The Board formulates rules for the treatment or destruction ot trees, and prevent whenever possible the introduction of any pests considered dangerous to the horticultural interests. A certificate from the State Entomologist must accompany all stock shipped by nurserymen of the State. Nurserymen from other places desiring to ship into Georgia must file a copy of their accredited certificate of inspection with the Commissioner of Agriculture at Atlanta, Ga. When the proper certificate is filed by nurserymen from without the State, the State Board of Entomology will issue its certificate permitting shipment of stock into the State. Official tags, bearing a facsimile of this certificate, are required and will be furnished by the Board at cost, viz. : Fifty cents for the first one .hundred and twenty-five cents for each additional hundred. Idaho. A general State inspector and ten district inspectors are appointed by the State Board of Hor- ticulture at Moscow. These officials are required to inspect orchards, fruit houses, etc. , and if pests of a dangerous nature are found the premises may be dis- infected or the fruit may be destroyed, at the option of the officer in charge. Peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, almond and other trees budded or grafted on peach stock grown in districts where peach yellows or peach rosette are known to exist are prohibited sale or dis- tribution in the State. All nursery stock offered for 2 QO FUMIGATION METHODS sale from other sources must be examined by the in- spector, and if not approved it must be destroyed. To all shipments of nursery stock intended for the State shall be affixed a label showing the contents, together with the name of the shipper and the locality where the stock was gro\vn. Illinois. The State Entomologist, whose office is at Urbana, 111., has full charge of the nursery and orchard inspection. Nurseries are inspected annually and certificates granted, copies of which must accom- pany all shipments. It is unlawful for transportation companies to deliver nursery stock of any kind within the State unless such stock is accompanied by a certi- fied certificate approved by the State Kntomologist. Indiana. All the nurseries of the State shall be inspected at least once a year by the State Entomolo- gist, whose office is at Lafayette, Ind. Certificates of inspection are given to nurserymen within the State, and copies of the same must accompany all shipments. All stock received from other states must bear a cer- tificate signed by State or government inspectors. Iowa. Quarantine maybe established against dan- gerous insects and plant diseases by the State Ento- mologist at Ames, la. Nurseries are inspected at least once a year and certificates issued accordingly. It is unlawful to bring nursery stock into the State unless accompanied by proper certificate from an authorized official. Kentucky. The nurseries of the State are inspected at least once a year by the State Entomologist at Lex- INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 29! ington, Ky. Certificates are issued when the stock is found in good condition, and whenever a nurseryman sells trees, vines, plants, or other nursery stock, he shall attach to each package a certificate signed by himself, stating that the contents has been examined by a properly certified official and found free from San Jose scale and other destructive and injurious insect pests or fungus diseases. All stock shipped into the State must be plainly labeled with the name of the consignor and the consignee by the State or govern- ment inspector. Stock arriving without certificate shall be returned to the consignor or inspected by the State Entomologist at the expense of the consignor; otherwise it will be burned. Louisiana. It is unlawful to bring into the State nursery stock, pits or any kind of fruit infested with disease or insects of an injurious nature. It is unlaw- ful to propagate or offer for sale any such stock. All fruit trees and other nursery stock brought into the State shall be labeled with the name of the owner or grower, the locality where grown, and shall be subject to inspection by the Entomologist of the Experiment Station at Baton Rouge, La. It is the duty of the owner to disinfect or destroy any fruit trees perniciously affected with disease. Maryland. Co-operating under the laws creating a State Horticultural Department, the State Entomolo- gist and State Pathologist are required to inspect once every six months all nurseries within the State and issue certificates to the owners. All nursery stock shipped must be accompanied by a printed copy of the 2Q2 FUMIGATION METHODS official certificate attached to each package. Nurseries are compelled to fumigate with hydrocyanic acid gas all stock grown or handled by them under the direction of the State officers. Every package of nursery stock shipped into the State must be plainly labeled with the name of the consignor and consignee and a certificate showing that the contents has been inspected by the proper official. Transportation companies receiving nursery stock arriving into the State without such certificate must send notice to the inspectors at College Park, Md. Failure to return a shipment not properly certified renders the stock liable to seizure and destruc- tion by burning. Massachusetts, The Trustees of the Agricultural College at Amherst, Mass. , have appointed two inspec- tors, who inspect all nurseries within the State when called upon to do so. All certificates expire July i following the date of issue. Michigan. The State Inspector of nurseries and orchards is appointed by the State Board of Agricul- ture, Lansing, Mich. All orchards and nurseries of the State are properly inspected and certified and cer- tificates issued to the latter. All persons growing or offering for sale any nursery stock within the State are obliged to apply to the State Board of Agriculture and request inspection before August i of each year. A deposit fee of $5.00 as a license is required, the license being good for one year and not transferable. Any person, firm or corporation resident of another State shall not engage in the business of selling nursery within the State without first having a proper license INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 293 from the State Board. A bond in the sumof$i,ooo is required on condition that nurserymen and dealers will comply with all the provisions of the law, and upon demand will file with the Board a list of the per- sons to whom they have sold or delivered any nursery stock, giving the species, together with the address of each purchaser. Failure on the part of any nursery- man, grower, agent or dealer to comply with these provisions shall render him liable to a fine. Missouri. An inspector is appointed, whose duty it is to visit sections of the State and prescribe reme- dies for diseased trees and orchards. Nursery stock arriving from without the State must be accompanied by the entomologist's certificate, and no package can be delivered until such certificate is attached. The work is under the general direction of the State Board of Agriculture, Columbia, Mo. Montana. The State Board of Horticulture shall appoint an inspector of fruit pests for each of the six districts. The nurseries, orchards, fruits, etc., shall be visited regularly and the regulations of the Board enforced. Every person selling or delivering nursery stock is required to notify the inspector at least five days before the said stock is to be delivered, giving date and the nursery and railroad station where the said stock is to be delivered. It shall be the duty of the inspector to inspect such stock, and if any of it is found infested or diseased to order its destruction. Under the ruling of the Board of the Inspectors at large, inspectors shall inspect or fumigate all nursery stock growing in the State, and shall have authority 294 FUMIGATION METHODS to order all nursery stock fumigated with hydrocy- anic acid gas or other method. All stock shipped into the State before delivery to the purchaser must be inspected and fumigated as follows : Consignment over the Northern Pacific R. R. from the West, in- spected and fumigated at Missoula; over the Oregon Short Line from the South, at Dillon; over the North- ern Pacific R. R. from the East, and over the Burling- ton railway, at Miles City or Billings; over the Great Northern, at Kalispall; over the Great Falls and Can- ada Railway, and from the East over the Great North- ern Railway, at either Glasgow, Chinook, Fort Bentori or Great Falls. Any nursery stock brought in on wagons or otherwise shall be inspected and fumigated at the nearest quarantine station. Importers of nursery stock may have an inspection at any point in the State by paying the expense thereof. All boxes, packages, or wrappings used in importing nursery stock shall be burned as soon as emptied. A fee of $10 shall be charged for each car load to cover the cost of inspection and fumigation. All green or citrus fruits offered for sale in the State shall be inspected, and if found free of disease and infection shall be branded ' ' Inspected and passed. ' ' If infested they shall be burned. A fee of two cents per box, with a maximum fee of $5 for each lot in- spected, shall be exacted. Every person offering to sell or deliver nursery stock in the State shall place on each package, or car, a label stating whether or not the stock was grown in Montana. General informa- tion can be secured from the Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, Missoula, Mont. INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 295 New Jersey. Any nurseryman or grower of plants offered for sale may require the State Entomologist at New Brunswick, N. J. , to examine or have examined the stock grown by him. If no injurious insects liable to spread are discovered he may demand a certificate to that effect. All nursery stock shipped into the State must be accompanied by a proper certificate. Any stock received without a certificate may be detained by the State Entomologist or his deputy, and in case it is found infested it may be destroyed or reshipped to the original shipper. Florists' stock is exempt under this act. Not more than three commissioners are appointed for each county. They are empowered to report the presence of any injurious insects or diseases liable to spread to the State Entomologist, who may order such treatment as seems best. Persons failing to carry out the instructions of the State Entomologist shall be fined. New York. The orchards and nurseries of the State are inspected annually under the direction of the Com- missioner of Agriculture, Albany, N. Y. Prior to the first of September each year every nursery or other 1 place where trees, shrubs, or plants, commonly known as nursery stock, are grown for sale must be inspected and proper certificates issued to the owner. All nursery stock transported in any manner shall be accompanied by a copy of said certificate attached to each car, box, bale, or package. All transportation companies within the State receiving or carrying nursery stock from any point without the State to any point within shall immediately upon receipt of such consignment notify the Commissioner of Agriculture, 296 FUMIGATION METHODS giving the name of the consignor, the consignee, and the point of destination. If in the judgment of the Commissioner of Agri- culture, or his representative, the consignment should be entirely destroyed, such destruction shall be carried on and completed under the supervision of the person in charge. The commissioner shall notify the owner of the trees immediately, giving a brief statement of the facts, and calling attention to the law under which it is proposed to destroy them. In case of objection to the findings of the inspector or agent of the Com- missioner of Agriculture, an appeal shall be made to such commissioner, whose decision shall be final. An appeal must be taken within three days from service of said notice and shall act as a stay of proceedings until it is heard and decided. The recent law passed by the New York Legisla- ture, 1902, requires the fumigation of all nursery stock coming into the State from other States. When fumi- gated by the consignor a certificate should be attached indicating same. All nurseries within the State located within one-half mile of a district infested with the San Jose scale must fumigate all their nursery stock before shipment or distribution. North Carolina. No person shall sell or give away any trees, shrubs, or woody vines until a license to deal in such plants has been previously obtained from the Commission Controlling Crop Pests at Raleigh, N. C. Certificates previously certified must accom- pany all consignments of nursery stock, and transpor- tation companies shall not deliver any such stock unless a certificate is attached to each package. All INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 297 nursery stock not properly labeled may be seized or destroyed. Transportation companies having nursery stock in their possession not properly labeled or certi- fied shall destroy it or send it out of the State within forty-eight hours, if brought from without the State or otherwise. All licenses to sell nursery stock issued by the commissioner shall bear a uniform date, April ist or October ist, and shall be good for six months and no longer. Licenses to dealers shall be granted to residents of the State, who shall sign an agreement not to purchase nursery stock of any nursery or dealer located within or without the State unless such a nursery is already licensed by the commissioner. Licenses shall be granted only to agents employed by licensed nurseries or dealers, and the principals shall be held responsible for the stock sold by such agents. No fees are charged for licenses, but nurserymen and dealers will be required to pay the actual traveling expenses of the State Ento- mologist who is sent semi-annually to inspect their establishments. Nurserymen outside the State must send their official certificates properly certified to the Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. One hundred official tags will be furnished free of charge to the nurserymen filing certificates. Additional tags will cost forty cents per hundred. One of these tags must be attached to each consignment of nursery stock shipped into the State. Ohio. Not later than August 15 all nurseries in the State shall be examined annually by the Inspector or his representative appointed by the Agricultural Experiment Station at Wooster, Ohio. If the nurser- 298 . FUMIGATION METHODS ies appear free from, dangerous diseases and insect pests, the inspector shall give each owner of the nurs- ery a certificate to that effect on receipt of $10 for the first day's inspection, and $5 for each subsequent day. Copies of said certificate must accompany all ship- ments of nursery stock. Bvery package of nursery stock shipped into the State must be accompanied by a copy of the official inspection certificate. Transpor- tation companies are required to report to the Inspec- tor of a consignment not properly certified. Oregon. The State is divided into five quarantine districts by the State Board of Horticulture. All con- signments of nursery stock arriving from without the State must be inspected on arrival at the quarantine station. If such stock is found free from pests or dis- eases, the officer in charge shall issue a certificate to that effect. If any trees are found infested, they are to be disinfected and remain in quarantine until pro- nounced clean. No peach, nectarine, apricot, plum or almond trees, or other stock worked on peach roots, or pits or cuttings, buds or scions of such-named trees grown in the district where yellows or rosette are known to exist, shall be admitted into the State. All nursery stock from foreign countries found in- fested with insects or diseases hitherto unknown in the State are not allowed to land. Nursery stock may be disinfected by dipping into a solution of whale oil soap, or fumigated with hydrocyanic acid gas. All nurseries must be inspected by the quarantine officers of the dis- trict in the months of September, October, or Novem- ber prior to shipment each year. Certificates shall be issued where the stock is found in proper condition, INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 299 provided the owner shall fumigate with hydrocyanic acid gas all pear and apple trees, or other stock grown on apple roots after digging and before delivery. Gen- eral information regarding the control of apple pests may be had by addressing the State Board of Horticul- ture, Salem, Oregon. Pennsylvania.. The Secretary of Agriculture at Harrisburg, Pa., shall have all nurseries within the State examined each year. If found free from dan- gerous insect pests and other diseases, the owner shall receive a certificate. Nurserymen receiving such cer- tificate must attach a copy to each package of nursery stock shipped. Transportation companies shall reject stock not accompanied by such certificate. Nursery stock shipped into the State shall be plainly labeled with the name of the consignor and the consignee, and a certificate showing that the contents have been in- spected by State or government officers. Greenhouse stock is exempt under the provision of this law. South Carolina. The Board of Trustees of Clem- son College designates, every two years, three of their members who constitute the State Board of Entomol- ogy. This Board has full power to adopt rules and regulations governing the inspection, certification, sale, transportation, and introduction of nursery stock. The Entomologist at Clemson College, (P. O.), S. C., shall direct the work and inspect each nursery in the State during the months of August and September of each year. Infested orchards shall be treated when- ever discovered. The owners of infested orchards or nurseries shall pay all cost for such treatment, except 3OO FUMIGATION METHODS the traveling and incidental expenses of the entomol- ogist. All nurserymen and dealers in nursery stock located and doing business within the State limits are required to accompany all stock with a copy of the official certificate issued them by the inspector. All certificates are invalid after June i of each year, but must be renewed before October i of the same year. All persons or incorporations without the State who desire to sell nursery stock in South Carolina shall register their name and file a copy of their certificate of inspection with the Chairman of the Board of Ento- mology. Upon failure to comply with this, shipments may be destroyed. Tennessee. Nursery stock cannot be oifered for sale in Tennessee without a certificate from the State Entomologist being attached to each package, as well as the name of the consignor and consignee. Certifi- cates are valid twelve months from date of issue. It is the duty of the State Entomologist to inspect all nurseries and floral establishments when he deems it necessary. All infested nursery stock must be de- stroyed. Consignments of nursery stock from other States shipped into Tennessee must bear certificates of inspection, as well as the name of the consignor and consignee. Unless a certificate is attached the trans- portation company receiving same must notify the State Entomologist at Nashville. A fee of $5.00 is required from florists and nurserymen who have less than fifty acres; the inspection fee is $10.00 for nur- series over fifty and less than one hundred acres, and $15.00 for more than one hundred acres. In effect April 20, 1901. INSPECTION AND FUMIGATION LAWS 301 Utah. The State Board of Horticulture consists of three members, each representing a district. It is the duty of every owner of an orchard, vineyard, or nursery to disinfect trees, vines, or nursery stock if affected with any fruit-destroying disease. All per- sons who make a general business of spraying trees must first get a certificate from the Board. It is the duty of the Board to have inspected all orchards and nurseries within the State. All persons or nursery- men shall report to the inspectors the receipt of any trees from points outside of the State, and such inspec- tors shall examine all such stock as well as stock grown or offered for sale in the State. General infor- mation can be secured from the State Board of Horti- culture at Logan, Utah. Virginia. The rules regulating the inspection of orchards and nurseries are made by the Board of Crop Pest Commissioners. No person shall sell or trans- port any fruit trees or other plants when infested with woolly aphis, San Jose scale, peach yellows, black knot of the plum, fire blight of the pear, or crown gall. Any nursery found infested with these pests shall not be entitled to a certificate until such pests have been eliminated under the direction of the inspector. It is unlawful for a nursery to offer for sale nursery stock unless accompanied by a certificate of inspection. All nursery stock entering the State from without must be accompanied by a certificate from an official and a competent inspector. The State Entomologist and Pathologist at Blacksburg, Va., shall furnish to all nurserymen in other states doing business in Virginia an official tag upon request, if the certificate of inspec- 302 FUMIGATION METHODS tion filed by said nurseryman from without is found satisfactory. Transportation companies can not deliver nursery stock, except when accompanied by a certifi- cate of inspection and the official tag of the State officer. All nursery premises must be inspected at least once a year. West Virginia. All nurseries must be examined once a year, not later than August i5th, by the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Morgantown, or by his assistants. Nurserymen are required to pay a fee of $10.00 for the first day's in- spection, and $5.00 for each additional day required, before a certificate is given. The certificate is void after August i5th of the following year. Nurserymen must also furnish transportation to and from railway stations to their nurseries. Any person growing trees for sale must apply to the Director for a certificate. All orchards, gardens, and other premises where dan- gerous pests are supposed to exist, must be examined and given such treatment as may be deemed necessary. All nursery stock from other States must be properly certified, and plainly labeled with name of consignor and consignee. In effect May 16, 1901. Wisconsin. The law in this State requires that all nursery stock entering shall bear certificate showing that it has been properly inspected, and is apparently free from San Jose scale and other injurious insects or plant diseases. The inspection is in charge of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Madison, Wis. CHAPTER XXIII FOREIGN LAWS REGULATING SHIPMENTS OF FRUITS AND NURSERY STOCK T ""THERE have been so many laws enacted in for- eign countries regulating the importation from America of all plants commonly called nursery stock, it is expedient to give briefly an abstract of the regulations adopted by these coun- tries. These statements will serve as a guide to nur- serymen and others who contemplate exporting nursery stock and other supplies. Austria- Hungary. By a decree April 20, 1898, prohibits importation from America of living plants, grafts and layers and fresh plant refuse of every kind if on examination San Jose scale is found. It also in- cludes the barrels, boxes, and other coverings in which such goods or refuse may be packed. It embodies fresh fruit and the refuse of fresh fruit, as well as the packings which may cover the same. Admission lim- ited to Bodenbach-Tetschen, Trieste and Fiume. Also prohibits transit of infested goods through the Empire. Belgium. Importation and transit of fresh fruits, living plants, and fresh parts of plants from the United States can be made only by way of the ports of Ant- werp, Ghent, and Ostende, upon production of a cer- tificate from a competent authority asserting that products are not infested by San Jose scale. If not accompanied by certificate, the products can not be 303 304 FUMIGATION METHODS delivered until inspected. If found infested they must be destroyed with packings. The cost of all services at the expense of the importer. This order went into effect March 15, 1899, but does not apply to shipments in direct transit by railway under supervision of custom authorities. British Columbia. Rules and regulations, pub- lished June 25, 1897, under the authority of the Hor- ticultural Board Act, 1894, provide that all importers of nursery stock, trees, plants, or fruit must give notice upon arrival, and before removal from wharf or station, to a member of the Board or to the Inspector of Fruit Pests, who shall inspect the same and, if clean, issue a certificate which shall be good for three months, unless revoked by further inspection. Nursery stock found to be infected shall be disinfected or destroyed. Fruit found to be infected shall be destroyed or reshipped. Canada. According to the San Jose scale act, March. 18, 1898, Canada prohibits importation of nurs- ery stock from the United States, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii. Stock imported in violation of the law will be destroyed, and the importer is liable to a pen- alty of $200 for each offense, prescribed by Section 6 of Customs Tariff. The following exemptions are made : Nursery stock of all kinds can be imported from Europe without fumigation, as it is supposed the San Jose scale has not gained a foothold in European countries. Certain other plants, not liable to the attack of the San Jose scale, are also exempted from treatment under this act. These are: (i) green- .FOREIGN LAWS REGULATING SHIPMENTS 305 house plants, including roses in leaf which have been propagated under glass ; (2) herbaceous perennials, including strawberry plants; (3) herbaceous bedding plants; (4) all conifers; (5) bulbs and tubers. As all vegetation is much earlier in Oregon and Washington States, from which most shipments are made into British Columbia, it has been arranged that for that province the fumigating house shall be kept open for the winter months from October 1 5 till March 15. For Manitoba and the Eastern Provinces the spring season is from March 15 till May 15, and the autumn season from October 7 till December 7. These fumigating houses are located at the customs ports of St. John, New Brunswick; St. John's, Que- bec; Niagara Falls and Windsor, Ontario; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and Vancouver, British Columbia. The whole expense of these stations is assumed by the Dominion Government, but all shipments are made entirely at the risk of the shippers or consignees, the government assuming no risk whatever. The pack- ages must be addressed so as to enter Canada at one of the above-named ports of entry, and the route by which they are to be shipped clearly stated upon each. Cape of Good Hope. Regulations published March 25, 1896, under authority of act No. 9, dated 1896, prohibits importation of any stone-fruit tree, or any fruit, scion, cutting, graft, root, or seed, the growth or produce thereof, from the United States, and any one importing such article as aforesaid shall be subject to a fine not exceeding 100 sterling or six months' im- prisonment, and, in addition, the articles will be destroyed. It is likely this will be modified, especially 306 FUMIGATION METHODS for states in which "neither peach yellows nor peach rosette exists. France prohibits, decree of November 30, 1898, entry into and passing through France of trees, shrubs, products of nurseries, cuttings, and all other plants or parts of living plants, as well as fresh debris from them, from United States, directly or in storage, as well as cases, sacks, etc. , used for packing. Also pro- hibits fresh fruit and debris, when examination proves presence of insect at entry into France. GERMANY. A decree of February 5, 1898, prohibits importation of living plants and parts of living plants from America, and barrels, boxes,etc. , used for packing. Also fresh fruit or fresh parts of fruit when examina- tion at port of entry shows presence of San Jose scale. Imperial chancellor authorized to grant exceptions. By commercial agreement July 10, 1900, this was amended by annulling the regulation providing that dried or evaporated fruits from the United States be inspected. Such fruits are now admitted without other charge than customs duties, and may be admitted at the boundary at the following places: Prussia. Main customs offices at Eydtkuhen, Pil- lau, Danzig, L,iebau, Aachen, inclusive of the customs inspection office in the depot of Templerbend, and the freight depot of Roth Erde ; Emmerich, inclusive of the two steamship inspection offices, and the customs inspection office located at that place; Kaldenkirchen, inclusive of the customs inspection office at the depot at that place; Geestemiinde, Flensburg, Hadersleben, inclusive of the sub-customs office i Woyens; Kiel and FOREIGN LAWS REGULATING SHIPMENTS 307 office at the depot in L,uxemberg. Also main tax offices at Konigsberg i Pr. and Stettin, and subcustom offices at i Oderberg, i Ziegenhals, i Halbstadt, i Seidenberg, Herbesthal, Bentheim, Borken, and Weener. Bavaria. Main customs offices at landau, Passau, Simbach, and subcustoms office at Scharding a. Th., and Furth a. W. Also subcustoms offices at Kufstein, Salzburg, Kger, Obernzell, and at the depot of Kisenstein. Kingdom of Saxony. Main custom offices atZittau and Schandau; subcustoms offices at Bodenbach and Tetschen, Voitersreuth, Reitzenhain, and i Warnsdorf. Wiirttemberg. Main customs office at Friedrich- shafen. Baden. Main customs offices at Konstanz, the depots of Schafthausen and Waldshut, and at the depot of Basel ; main tax office at Singen and Seckingen, and subcustom office at Erzingen. Oldenburg. Subcustoms office at i Nordenham. Liibeck. Main customs house at L,iibeck. Bremen. Ports of entry at Bremen and Bremer- haven. Hamburg. Quay office, Hamburg. Alsace-Lorraine. Subcustoms offices at Fentsch, Amanweiler, Noveant, Chambrey, Deutsch-Avri- court, Altmiinsterol, Basel, Markirch, Saales, Diedols- hausen, and Urbis. 308 FUMIGATION METHODS Netherlands. By decree of May 23, 1899, prohibits importation and transit, direct or indirct, of live trees and shrubs, or live parts thereof, produced in America, including boxes, casks, baskets, sacks, vessels, and other articles used for packing, unless accompanied by certificate issued by consular officer of Netherlands or competent authority in port of shipment, and objects shall not be landed unless certificate is satisfactory to receiver of import duties. The following exceptions are made: (i) Importa- tions from countries bordering on the Netherlands in which measures have been taken for combating the San Jose scale; (2) importations for scientific purposes; and (3) to meet requirements of frontier commerce. New Zealand. The act of 1896 prohibits impor- tation of fruit of any kind infested with fruit-flies. Fruit infested with codling moth will be destroyed unless immediately reshipped. Fruit, plants, trees, cuttings or buds infested with any scale insect will be admitted only when accompanied by certificate. Other- wise it will be fumigated at expense of importer or destroyed. Imported fruit admitted only at Bluff, Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland. Live plants admitted only at Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland. Fumigation performed only at Dunedin, Christ- church, Wellington, and Auckland. Switzerland. Prohibits plants; prohibits importa- tion of fresh fruit from America, except through Customs Bureau at Basle, where it is subject to an examination by an expert for San Jose scale or other FOREIGN LAWS REGULATING SHIPMENTS 309 parasites. No restri(5lions to dire(5l importation of dried fruits. Turkey. In 1899 it was stated that the imperial government had decided to interdicl the importation of trees, plants, and fruits coming from the United States. The writer has made every effort to obtain copies of the decree, but has been unable to secure anything more definite than the above. INDEX PAGE Actinic rays 6 Alkali action on 11 Apparatus, Orchard 27 Apple trees 16 Arkansas 229 Arizona 229 Bell tents 27,35 Black scale 80 Box, Fumigation 8, 96, 238 Brown scale 80 Buds 214 Building 165 Cabbage 150 Cacti 136 California 54, 223 Canada 229 Cantaloups 24 Cape Colony 211 Carbon bisulphid 153 Action in soils 263 Amount to use 266, 270, 277 Ants in lawns 268 Application, when 265 Borers in trees 269 Chemical properties 258 Clothes 276 Commercial uses 261 Diffusion 264 Effects on fruits 275 Extra precaution 273 Fidia viticida 268 First use 2, 257 Flour moth 280 France 262 Furs .- 276 Germination of seeds 273 Gophers 277 Ground moles 282 Household pests 276 How put up 284 In the arts 262 Inhaling gas 259 Instruments for application... 266 Insurance companies 281 Melon plant-lice 269 Method of application 270 Mice destroyed 283 Mills and other buildings 270 Mole cricket 268 Phylloxera 262 Prairie-dogs . . . 277 PAGE Carbon bisulphid Continued Rats destroyed 283 Root-maggots 267 Root- worms 267 Squirrels. 277 Stimulating effects on plants. 274 Time to do work 271 Treatment of seeds 274 Vapor 259, 280 Weevils 282 White grubs 268 Woodchucks 282 Woolens 276 Wyoming 278 Carnations 135 Cars 166 Certificates 232, 235 Chemicals 9 Comparative value of cyanide. 83 Cost of 66 Estimating amount. 76, 77, 118, 162 Estimating for California orchards 78 Estimating for Eastern or- chards 83 Needed on damp ground 81 Cold frames 144 Coleus 134 Connecticut 236 Conservatories 200 Cottony cushion scale 1 Criminals 221 Cucumbers 24, 150 Culver fumigator 27, 81 Cuttings 199 Daylight fumigation 84 Deadly nature 25 Deposits forming 11 Diffusion 114, 186, 189, 193 Dry gas process 4 Dwelling-house 166 Economic use 1 Effects on animal life 25 Elevators 153, 170 Emory fumigator 8, 28, 59 England 198 Explosive properties 167 Ferns 133 Florida 236 Foliage 3, 127, 192 311 3 I2 FUMIGATION METHODS AGE Fresh earth 192 Fumigation, Cost of 89, 119, 247 Equipment 93 Figures 209 Materials needed 121 Value of 221 vs. Spraying 226 FuHiigatoriurn 97, 98, 99, 104 109, 110 Fu mi gator, box type 72 Box used in Canada 95 Box used in South 94 Cost 66. 71, 75 Lowe type 74 Miller type 67 Sirrine type 216 Generating 4,9,115, 160, 164 Generator, position 113 Good points 154 Grain 153, 177 Grapes 127, 136 Greenhouses. ... 15, 126, 136, 140, 145 202, 203, 224 Help required 66 Hoop tent 41, 89 Houses 174 Idaho 238 Insects in mills 158, 161 Jars, Preparing 130 June buds 22 Laboratory 174 Ladybirds Introduction 5 Laws 285 Alsace-Lorraine 307 Austria-Hungary 303 Baden 307 Bavaria 307 Bremen 307 British Columbia 304 California 287 Canada 230, 304 Cape of Good Hope 305 Colorado 287 Connecticut 287 Delaware 288 Florida 288 France 306 Georgia 289 Germany 306 Hamburg 307 Idaho 289 Illinois 290 Indiana 290 Iowa 290 Kentucky 290 Kingdom of Saxony 307 Louisiana 291 PAGE Laws Continued. Liibeck 307 Maryland 291 Massachusetts 292 Michigan 292 Missouri \ 293 Montana 293 Netherlands 308 New Jersey 295 New York 295 New Zealand 308 North Carolina 296 Ohio 297 Oldenberg 307 Oregon 298 Pennsylvania 299 Prussia . .., 306 South Carolina 299 Switzerland 308 Tennessee. . .t 300 Turkey 309 Utah 301 Virginia 301 West Virginia 302 Wisconsin 302 Wurttemberg 307 Leaf buds 11 Leaf -rollers 24 Lemons 254 Lettuce 24 Lifter 52 Louisiana... .. 239 Mandarin 254 Massachusetts 239 Mealy bugs 203 Mechanical mixer 191 Melons 150 Michigan 239 Mills 8, 155,159, 170 Mississippi 240 Missouri 240 Morse f umigator 28, 32 Nebraska 241 New Jersey 242 New South Wales 203, 252 New York 212, 242 Night fumigation 6 North Carolina 241 North Dakota 242 Nursery stock 42, 16, 223, 232 Nurserymen, Points for 123 Objectors 246 Ohio 243 Olive trees 225 Ontario 233 Oranges 253 Orchard trees 7, 65, 218, 234 INDEX 313 Paint 31 Palm scale 229 Peach trees 20 Pennsylvania 243 Plants 135, 150 Plum trees 15, 19 Preble f umigator 36 Purple scale 80 Red scale 5, 80, 227 Residue 11, 166 Rhode Island 244 Root aphis 24 22, 135 San Jos6 scale 7 Scale insects, Aspidiotus auran- tii 5 Aspidiotus ficus 224 Aspidiotus perniciosus 7 Icerya purchasi 2 Seeds 24, 177, 180, 181 Sheet tent, Construction 48 Covering orange tree 51 Management 48 Removing with horse 55 Ships 166 Small plants 132 Soda process 3 Strawberry plants 24, 147 Sulphur fumes 153 PAGE Tents, Adjusting hoop 41 Canvas 27, 32 Care 91 Construction 28 Cost 30, 206 Covering tree 44 Manipulating 48 Materials 28, 206 Oiling and painting 31 Raising 35 Removing 39 Sheet 31 Size 28 Testimonials 168 Titus f umigator 27 Tobacco fumes 153 Warehouses 169 Tomatoes 136 Trees 4, 120 Utah... 251 Value 1 Vegetable houses 139 Ventilators 112 Vessels 10 Vineries 200 Violets 127,134,146 Virginia 245 Wagon 91 Winter treatment 213 Wolf skill f umigator 27 Works at: Perth Amboy New Jersey Cyanide of Potassium Guaranteed ? 8 / 99 per cent. FOR GENERATING Hydrocyanic Acid Gas THE MOST EFFECTIVE FUMIGATING MATERIAL To Destroy Scale Insects on Fruit Trees, Nur- sery Stock, and Plants of all kinds under Glass and in Greenhouses; also Insects in Mills, Elevators, Warehouses, Cars, Ships, etc. ... Manufactured by the ... Roessler 6 H&>ssl&.cher Chemical Co. 100 William Street, New York FUM A CARBON BISULPHID Creates a death atmosphere in which no animal life can exist "The wheels of the gods grind slow but exceeding small." So do weevil, but don't let them grind your grain. Kill them with "FUMA," as others are doing. I reach the consumer direct, and FUMA reaches all insect pests in stored grains and seeds, and gophers, prairie-dogs, woodchucks and ants in the field. " A simple, effective, and comparatively cheap remedy for insect pests in stored grain is FUMA CARBON BISUIyPHID." Prof. W. G.JOHNSON. Orders for FUMA come from practical men every day. EDWARD R. TAYLOR, Penn Yan, N. Y. Dear Sir: Four years ago we were bothered with weevil. We bought five gallons of FUMA and it did the work. Ship at once (Sept. 3, 1901) five gallons more of the same stuff. Yours very truly, HENRY W. HUNT, Palmyra, Wis. WELLAND, ONT., Sept. 19, 1901. Dear Sir: The last FUMA sent us has done the business. Occasionally we find bugs on bags, etc., but they are dead. In bins we used cotton-waste balls well saturated with FUMA instead of plates, as before. We also poured FUMA around spouts and on wheat, which in our opinion is the safest way of exterminating the pests. BROWN BROS. A bit of cotton, rags, dry horse-manure balls, or even grass, saturated with about two tablespoonfuls of FUMA, and thrust into the burrow of a gopher or squirrel, will kill them every time. Do not ask dealers to make you prices, but write to me. Price of FUMA, f. o. b. cars at Penn Yan, N. Y., in 50-pound steel drums, 10 cents per pound. Cash must accompany the order. For minute directions for using and applying FUMA see CHAPTER XXI. in this book ; but write to EDWARD R. TAYLOR, Manufacturing' Chemist, Penn Yan, N. Y., ,..AND GET THE ONLY GENUINE... FUMA STANDARD BOOKS ..PUBLISHED BY.. ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO 52 & 54. Lafayette Place Marquette Building T>OOKS sent to all parts of the world for catalog '^ price. Discounts for large quantities on appli- cation. Correspondence invited. Brief descriptive catalog free. Large illustrated catalog, six cents : : : RECENT BOOKS BY THOMAS SHAW Professor of Animal Husbandry at the University of Minnesota, formerly Professor of Agriculture at the Ontaiio Agricultural College. Animal Breeding The most complete and comprehensive work ever published on the subject of which it treats, and the first book of the kind ever given to the world which has systematized the subject of animal breeding. 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Cloth, i2mo. $ i.oo. Grape Culturist. By ANDREW S. FULLER. This is one of the very best of works on the culture of the hardy grapes, with full directions for all depart- ments of propagation, culture, etc., with 150 excellent engravings, illustrating planting, training, grafting, etc. Cloth, i2mo. $1.50. RETURN ENTOMOLOGY LIBRARY TO*- 210 Wellman Hall 642-2030 LOAN PERIOD 1 fa HAYS 4 2 3 ~ ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 26 198t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD 1 2, 2.5m, 1 1 778 BERKELEY, CA 94720 s u.c BERKELEY LIBRARIES