a. TREATY SERIES. No. 10. 1905. CONVENTION UNITED KINGDOM AND FRANCE 9 6 RESPECTING ^J COMMERCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN FRANCE AND THE BRITISH PROTECTORATES OF EAST AFRICA, CENTRAL AFRICA, AND UGANDA, Signed at London, February 23, 1903. [Ratification* exchanged at London, March 27, 1905.] Presented to both Houses oj Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April I 905. LO,\ \)u^ . i.'ICE, BY IIAKRISOX A. VI-:, And fco be p p, from . ; or : or E. I'ONSoXliY, ] ' ,.ix. fCd. 2486.] Price id. * I w r ct>r* TREATY SERIES. No. 10. 1905, CON VE tfTIOX THE UNITED KINGDOM AND FRANCE RESPECTING COMMERCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN FRANCE AND THE BRITISH | PROTECTORATES OF EAST AFRICA, CENTRAL AFRICA, 1 AND UGANDA, Signed at London, February 23, 1903. [Ratifications exchanged at London, March 27, 1905.] Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. April 1905. LONDON = FEINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, PEINTER3 IN ORDIXAEY TO 1113 MAJESTT. And to be purchased either directly or through anv Bojkseller, from W Y.MAN AND SONS, LTD., FETTEU LAXE, E.C.; and 32, AsiyGDoy STBEET, AVESTMIXSIEE, S.W. ; or OLIVER AND BOYD, EDIXBURGU ; or E. PONSONBY, 11G, GRAFION SIKLEI, f Cd. 2486.] Price {d. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED KING- DOM AND FRANCE RESPECTING COM- MERCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN FRANCE AND THE BRITISH PROTECTORATES OF EAST AFRICA, CENTRAL AFRICA, AND UGANDA. Signed at London, February 23, 1903. [Ratifications exchanged at London, March 27, 1905.] His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and the President of the French Repub- lic, desiring to facilitate the commercial relations between France and the British Protec- torates of East Africa, Central Africa, and Uganda, have re- solved to conclude a Convention to that effect, and have named as their respective Plenipoten- tiaries : His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas. Emperor of India, the [65] SA Majeste le Eoi du Eoyaume - Uni de Grande - Bretagne et d'lrlande et des Territoires Britanniques au dela des Mers, Empereur des Indes, et le President de la Republique Franchise, desirant faciliter les relations commerciales entre la France etlesProtectorats Britan- niques de 1'Est Africain, du Centre Africain et de 1'Ouganda, ont decide de conclure ime Con- vention a cet effet, et ont nomme pour leurs Plenipotentiaries respectifs : Sa Majest^ le Roi du Royaume - Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'Trlande et des Territoires Britanniques an dela des Mers, Empereur des Indes, Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, Mar- ques;? of Lansdowne, Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ; And the President of the French Republic, Monsieur Paul Cainbon, Ambassador of the French Republic at London ; Who, having reciprocally com- municated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows : le Ires Honorable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, Mar- quis de Lansdowne, Principal Secretaire d'etat de Sa Majest4 au De'pn.rtement des Affaires Etrangeres ; Et le President de la Re- publique Franchise, Monsieur Paul Cambon, Ambassadeur de Fiance a Londres ; Lesquels, apres s'etre com- munique leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit : ARTICLE I. The following colonial pro- ducts : coffee, cocoa, pepper, pimento, amomums and carda- moms, cinnamon, cassia lignea, nutmegs, mace, cloves, vanilla, and tea, produce of the said British Protectorates, shall en- joy, on importation into France, Algeria, French Colonies and possessions, and the Protec- torates of Indo-China and Tunis, the lowest customs duties ap- plicable to similar products of any other foreign origin. ARTICLE I. Les denrees colonialos de . consommation suivantes : cafe, [cacao, poivre, piment, aniomes et cardamomes, cannelle, cassia lignea, nmscades, macis, girofles, vanille, et the, originates des idits Protectorats Brita uniques, : beneficieront, a leur importa- tion en France, en Algerie, dans les Colonies et possessions Franchises, dans les pays de Protectorat de 1'Indo -Chine et de la Tunisie, des taxes de douane les plus reduites ap- plicables aux produits similaires de toute autre origine etrangere. ARTICLE II. Reciprocally, the natural and manufactured products of France, Algeria, French Colo- nies and possessions, and the Protectorates of Indo-China and Tunis, shall enjoy, without restriction or reserve, on impor- tation into the said British Pro- tectorates, the lowest customs duties applicable to similar pro- ducts of other foreign origin. ARTICLE II. Reciproquement, les produits laturels et fabriques, originaires le France, d'Algerie, des Colo- lies et possessions Franchises, les pays de Protectorat de Irindo- Chine et de la Tuni- [sie, be'ne'ficieront, sans aucune 'restriction ni reserve, a leur importation dans les dils Pro- tectorats Britanniques, des taxes de douane les plus re'duites ap- plicables aux produits similaires de toute autre origine etrangere. ^ ARTICLE III. ARTICLE III. The certificates of origin which may be required for the admission of goods to the pre- ferential conditions stipulated in the present Convention shall be vis6 by French Consuls and by British Consuls without levying Consular fees. Les certificate d'origine qui seraient exiges pour 1'adniis- sion des marchandises aux regimes de faveurs stipules par la presente Convention seront vises par les Consuls Francais et par les Consuls Britanniqiies en gratuite des taxes Consu- laires de Chancellerie. AETICLE IV. Tlie present Convention shall be ratified by the two Govern- ments as soon as possible, and the ratifications shall be ex- changed at London. It shall come into effect immediately after the exchange of ratifica- tions, and shall remain in force until the expiration of a year from the day on which one of the High Contracting Parties shall have announced the inten- tion of terminating it. In witness whereof the above - mentioned Plenipoten- tiaries have signed the present Convention and have affixed thereto their seals. Done at London, in dupli- cate, the 23rd day of February, 1903. AETICLE IV. La presente Convention sera ratifiee par les deux Gouverne- ments aussitot que faire se pourra, et les ratifications en seront echangees & Londres. Elle entrera en vigueur inline - diatement apres 1'echaiige des ratifications, et demeuiera exe- cutoire jusqu'a 1'expiration d'une an nee a partir du jour ou rune des Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes aura uotifie son intention d'en faire cesser les effets. En foi de quoi les Plenipo- tentiaires mentionne's ci-dessus ont signe la presente Conven- tion et y ont appose leurs cachets. Fait, en double exemplaire, a Londres, le 23 Fevrier, 1903. (L.S.) LANSDOWNE. (L.S.) PAUL CAMBON. 000080906 OCT 1 9 1964 LIBRARY PUBS. RC