TO 179 Hydraulic tables, efficients, and CO Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles Form L-l TC, This book is DUE on last date stamped below 19281 AW? 5 HYDRAULIC TABLES, COEFFICIENTS, AND FORMULA FINDING THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM ORIFICES, NOTCHES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. BY JOHN NEVILLE, C.E., M.R.I.A., COUNTY SCBVEYOR OF LOUTH, AND OP THE COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF DBOGHEDA. 46475 " It ought to be more generally known, that theory is nothing more than the conclusions of reason from numerous and accurately-observed phenomena, and the deduction of the laws which connect causes with effects; that practice is the application of those general truths and principles to the common affairs and purposes of life; and that Science is the recorded experience and discoveries of mankind, or, as it has been well defined, 'the knowledge of many, orderly and methodically digested and arranged, so as to become attainable by one." " American Quarterly Review. LONDON : JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBORN. 1853. SAN FRANCISCO E. J. MUYGRIDGB, LONDON : WOODFALL AND KINDER, PRINTERS, TC IT? CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . vii SECT. ^ I. Application and use of the Tables, Formulae, &c. . 1 II. Formulae for the Velocity and Discharge from Orifices, Weirs, and Notches. Coefficients of Velocity, Contrac- tion, and Discharge. Practical Remarks on the Use of the Formulas . . " . . . . . 17 III. Experimental Results. Coefficients of Discharge . . 31 Vj IV. Variations in the Coefficients from the Position of the Orifice. General and Partial Contraction. Velocity of Approach. Central and Mean Velocities ... 51 V. Submerged Orifices and Weirs. Contracted River Chan- nels 71 VI. Short Tubes, Mouth-pieces, and Approaches. Coefficients of Discharge for Simple and Compound Short Tubes. "Shoots .' 78 VII. Lateral Contact of the Water and Tube. Atmospheric Pressure. Head measured to the Discharging Orifice. Coefficient of Resistance. Formula for the Discharge from a Short Tube. Diaphragms. Oblique Junctions. Formula for the Time of the Surface sinking a Given Depth 89 VIII. Flow of Water in uniform Channels. Mean Velocity. Mean Radii and Hydraulic Mean Depths. Border. Train. Hydraulic Inclination. Effects of Friction. Formulae for calculating the Mean Velocity. Applica- tion of the Formulae and Tables to the Solutions of three useful Problems . ' , . . . . 99 IX. Best forms of the Channel. Regimen .... 127 X. Effects of Enlargements and Contractions. Backwater Weir Case. Long and Short Weirs .... 136 XI. Bends and Curves. Branch Pipes. Different Losses of Head. General Equation for finding the Velocity. Hydrostatic and Hydraulic Pressure. Piezometer. Catchment Basins. Rain Fall per annum. Water Power . . ' 150 A 2 IV CONTENTS. PAGE. NOTE A. Discharge from one Vessel or Chamber into another. Lock-chambers 169 TABLE. I. Coefficients of Discharge from Square and Differently Pro- portioned Rectangular Lateral Orifices in Thin Verti- cal Plates 174 II. For Finding the Velocities from the Altitudes and the Altitudes from the Velocities 176 III. Square Roots for finding the Effects of the Velocity of Approach when the Orifice is small in proportion to the Head. Also for finding the Increase in the Discharge from an Increase of Head. See p. 55 . . . . 186 IV. For Finding the Discharge through Rectangular Orifices ; in which n = ~ Also for Finding the Effects of the Velocity of Approach to Weirs, and the Depression on the Crest. See p. 55 188 V. Coefficients of Discharge for different Ratios of the Chan- nel to the Orifice 192 VI. The Discharge over Weirs or Notches of One Foot in Length in Cubic Feet per Minute .... 198 VII. For Finding the Mean Velocity from the Maximum Velo- city at the Surface, in Mill Races, Streams, and Rivers with uniform Channels ; and the Maximum Velocity from the Mean Velocity. See p. 101 . . . . 204 VIII. For Finding the Mean Velocities of Water flowing in Pipes, Drains, Streams, and Rivers . . . . 205 IX. For Finding the Discharge in Cubic Feet, per Minute, when the Diameter of a Pipe, or Orifice, and the Velo- city of Discharge, are known ; and vice versd . . 218 X. For Finding the Depths on Weirs of different Lengths, the Quantity discharged over each being supposed constant. See pages 149 and 150 220 XI. Relative Dimensions of equal Discharging Trapezoidal Channels, with slopes from to 1, up to 2 to 1 . . 221 XII. Discharges from the Primary Channel in the first column of TABLE XI. ... : . ... . . 222 XIII. The Square Roots of the Fifth Powers of Numbers for finding the Diameter of a Pipe, or Dimensions of a Channel from the Discharge, or the reverse ; showing the relative discharging powers of Pipes of different Diameters, and of any similar Channels whatever, closed or open. (See pages 13, 123, 124, &c.) . . .224 ERRATA. Page 4, line 11, for "3807" read " '3807." Page 6, line 10, for " 1-497" read " 14-97.' line 15, for "1-3089" read " 18-089." line 16, for " -1745" read "1745." line 17, for " -0131" read " -131." line 18, for "-0004" read " -004." line 19, for " 1-4969" read " 14-969." line 22, for " 1-497" read " 14-97." for "1-485" read "14-85." Page 9, line 24, for "1732-2" read "17322." Page 13, line 15, for " TABLE IV." read " TABLE XIII." lines 30 and 31, for "EXAMPLE 9, page 6" read "EXAMPLE IX., page 109. Page 14, line 5 from the bottom, for "formulae" read " formula." Page 20, line 13, for "or = '617oR" read " or = '7854 o K." Page 24, line 2, for -" read "-". Page 25, line 8, for " 3-4478" read " "34478." Page 29, line 15, for ".? ^2?' read "- */2J 3 Page 36, in note, for " -637" read " -636." Page 142, line 9, for " proposition" read "proportion." INTRODUCTION. IN preparing the following little work, we had three objects in view: first, a collection of useful hydraulic formulae; secondly, a collection of experimental results, and coeffi- cients ; and, thirdly, a collection of useful practical tables, some calculated entirely from the formulae and experiments, and others for the purpose of rendering the calculations more easy. The TABLES at the end of the volume are all original, with the exception of TABLE I., which contains the well-known coefficients of PONCELET and LESBROS ; but those are newly arranged, the heads reduced to English inches, and the coeffi- cients for heads measured over and back from the orifice, placed side by side, for more ready comparison. The coeffi- cients in the small Tables throughout the work have been all calculated by us from the original experiments ; the formulas have been carefully examined, and the continental ones re- duced to English measures some of them, as will be seen, for the first time. No labour has been spared in preparing the TABLES, and they are all purely hydraulic, though some of them are capable of being otherwise applied. We have filled no gap by the introduction of Tables applicable to other subjects, and in every-day use. The correction of some of the experimental formulae, par- ticularly the continental ones, as printed in some English books, cost us some labour. Even Du Buat's well-known formula is frequently misprinted ; and in a late hydraulic work, x/^ "1, one of the factors, is printed \/d '1 in every page where it is quoted. It is not always that such mistakes can be avoided, but experimental formulae are so often copied from one work into another without sufficient Vlll INTRODUCTION. examination, that an error of this kind frequently becomes fixed ; and when applied to practical purposes erroneous for- mulae get the correct ones into disrepute. See note to for- mula (91), p. 113. The TABLES of velocities and discharges over weirs and notches have been calculated for a great number of coeffi- cients to meet different circumstances of approach and over- fall, and for various heads from th of an inch up to 6 feet. TABLE II. embodies the velocities acquired by falling bodies under the head of " theoretical velocity," and the velocities, suited to various coefficients, for heads up to 40 feet. The formulae for calculating the effects of the velocity of approach to orifices and weirs, and the necessary corrections for the ratio of the channel to the orifice, as well as TABLE V., we believe to be original. They will be found of much value in determining the proper coefficients suited to various ratios. The remarks throughout SECTION IV. are particularly appli- cable to the proper use of this TABLE. TABLE VII. of surface and mean velocities will be found to vary from those generally in use, and to be much more correct, and better suited for practical purposes, particularly as applied to finding the mean velocities in rivers. We have extended TABLE VIII. so as to make it directly available for hydraulic mean depths, from T ^th of an inch to 12 feet, and for various hydraulic inclinations, even up to ver- tical, for pipes. The fall in rivers seldom exceeds 2 or 3 feet per mile, or the velocity 5 or 6 feet per second. The exten- sion of the table for great inclinations, and consequently great velocities, was made for purposes of calculation, and to include pipes. It must be understood throughout this TABLE that the velocities are those which continue unchanged for any length of channel, viz., when the resistance of friction is equal to the acceleration of gravity, the moving water and channel being then in train. Several of Du Buat's experi- ments were made with small vertical pipes. Thfs TABLE is equally applicable to pipes and rivers, and gives directly either the hydraulic inclination, the hydraulic mean depth, or the velocity when any two of them are known. INTRODUCTION. IX Hydraulic formulae have been frequently rendered unneces- sarily complex, and unsuited for practical application, by combining them with those of mere mensuration in order to find the discharge. We have therefore given formulae for finding the mean velocity principally, unless in a few in- stances, as in orifices near the surface, where the discharge it- self is first necessary to find the mean velocity : this once determined, the calculation of the discharge becomes one of simple mensuration. We have preferred giving the mean velocity to the dis- charge itself in TABLE VIII., because, while an infinite number of channels having the same hydraulic inclination (5) and the same hydraulic mean depth (r) must have the same velocity (V), yet the sectional areas, and consequently the discharges, may vary upwards from 6'2832r 2 , the area of a semicircular channel, to any extent; and the operation of multiplying the area by the mean velocity, to find the dis- charge, is so very simple that any tabulation for that purpose is unnecessary. Besides this, the banks of rivers, unless artificially protected, remain very seldom at a constant slope, and therefore any TABLES of discharge for particular side slopes are only of use so far as they apply to hypothetical cases. Indeed we have seen, in new river cuts, the banks, cut first to a given slope, alter very considerably in a few months ; while the necessary regimen between the velocity of the water and the channel was in the course of being esta- blished. The velocity suited to the permanency of any pro- posed river channels, though too often entirely neglected, is the very first element to be considered. For circular pipes, however, TABLE IX. gives the discharge in cubic feet per minute when the velocity in inches per second is known, or found from TABLE VIII., and is calculated for pipes from Jth of an inch up to 12 inches in diameter. TABLE XII. gives also the discharges in cubic feet per minute from the different equivalent river channels in TABLE XI. TABLE X., for finding the heads on weirs of different lengths, TABLE XI., of equal discharging river channels, and TABLE XII., of the actual discharges from the equivalents in X INTRODUCTION. TABLE XL, will be found of great practical value when new weirs and water-cuts have to be made. TABLES XI. and XII. are equally applicable to channels having side slopes, the widths being then the mean or central widths : seepages 124, 125, and 126. When the discharge and fall are known, and the hydraulic mean depth and the dimensions of any channel have to be determined, Problem III., page 122, as illustrated in EX- AMPLE 17, page 13, gives a new and perhaps the most practically useful solution yet published. Tables XL, XII., and XIII. are particularly applicable to this problem. A uniform notation is preserved throughout the work, so that the different experimental formulae can be compared without any further reduction. The letter h is used in every instance for the head, c for the coefficient, r for the mean radius or hydraulic mean depth, and s for the sine of the hydraulic inclination, unless it be otherwise stated. In order to designate particular values, the primary letters have depo- nent or initial letters below to explain them. Thus h t is the head to the top of an orifice, h b the head at the bottom, A w the head on a weir, h f the head due to friction, c d the coefficient of discharge, c v the coefficient of velocity, c c the coefficient of contraction, &c. When the whole head is made up of different elements, such as the portions due to friction, velocity, contractions, bends, &c., it is expressed by the capital letter H. Some writers and engineers appear to confound the inclina- tion of a pipe, simply so called, or the head divided by the length, with the hydraulic inclination ; and consequently have fallen into error in applying such of the known formulae as take into consideration only the head due to the resistance of friction. When pipes are of considerable length, and the water is supplied from a reservoir at one end, the inclination, found as above, and the hydraulic inclination, may be taken equal to each other without sensible error; but for shorter pipes, of say up to 100 feet long, or even longer, the greater number of formulae, as Du Buat's and others, do not directly apply ; and it is necessary to take into consideration the head INTRODUCTION. XI due to the orifice of entry, the velocity in the tube, and also to the impulse of supply when there are junctions. These separate elements, and their effects, will be considered in the following pages ; but it will be of use to refer here to some late experiments, and the imperfect application of formulae to them, first premising that a pipe may be horizontal, or even turn upwards, and yet have a considerable hydraulic in- clination. Mr. Pro vis's valuable experiments* with IJ-inch pipes, from 20 to 100 feet long, have been used in a recent work for the purpose of testing the accuracy of Du Buat's and some other formulas ; but the head divided by the length is assumed to be the hydraulic inclination throughout, and no allowance is made for the head due to the orifice of entry and velocity in the pipe. Of course the writer's conclusions are erroneous. We have shown, SECTION I., page 12, how nearly the formulae and experiments agree. The formulas appear to have been also misunderstood by the surveyor who experimented for the General Board of Health ; for the inclination of the pipe in itself is assumed to be the hydraulic inclination, and no allowance is made for the head due to the impulse of supply. We quote from the CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, Vol. XV., page 366, in which it is stated that "the chief results as respect the house drains are thus described in the examination of the surveyor appointed to make the trials."*t" " What quantity of water would be discharged through a 3-inch pipe on an inclination of 1 in 120 1 Full at the head, it would discharge 100 gallons in three minutes, the pipe being 50 feet in length. This is with stone-ware pipe manufactured at Lambeth. This applies to a pipe receiving water only at the inlet, the water not being higher than the head of the pipe. " What water was this ? Sewage-water of the full consistency, and it was discharged so completely that the pipe was perfectly clean. * Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. II., pp. 201 210. t Minutes of Information with reference to Works for the removal of Soil, Water, or Drainage, fr m TABLE III., as 1 : 1-3038, whence we get the discharge sought equal 1-3038 x 18 = 23-4684 cubic feet. EXAMPLE 7. What is the value of the expression c d 1 1 "*" 5 ^~~r f i n Aquation (45), when c d = '617, and \. tn c ,jJ m == 2 ? Here we have ' 4--6\7*~ 3^6193 ~' W52 ' whence the expression becomes equal to '617 (1-1052)* equal, from TABLE III., -617 x 1-0513 = -649, the value sought. TABLE V. contains the values of this expression for various values of c d and m, which latter, m, stands for the ratio of the channel to an orifice ; and we can immediately find from it, opposite 2 in the first column, and under the coefficient 617 in the sixth column, -649, the value sought. When the head due to the pressure, and the velocity of approach, are both known, we can determine the new coefficient of dis- charge by the above expression, and thence the discharge itself. The coefficient suited to the velocity of approach is, however, to be found directly in TABLE V. EXAMPLE 8. What is the discharge from an orifice 17 inches long and 9 inches deep, having the upper edge placed 4 inches below the surface, and the lower edge 13 inches ? The expression for the discharge is 2 3 equation (43), in which we must take d = 9 inches ; h t = 9 inches; A = 17x9=153 square inches; and It \v |. a .S 1 s t^ 111 <9 II > III H* ^2 I 1 u w.l 11 3? 11 3 n w 100 35 2-275 37-082 3| 311 37-6 36-53 2-242 80 35 2-500 40-750 3| 3H 30-8 41-18 2-521 60 35 2-874 46-846 5 30 24-0 48-02 2-946 40 35 3-504 57-115 7i 27| 17-5 58-50 3-590 20 35 4-528 73'801 1ft 22| 10-7 78-61 4-824 The velocities in the fourth column have been calculated by the writer from the observed quantities discharged, from which the height due to the orifice of entry and velocity in column 5 is determined, and thence the quantities in the other columns as above shown. The differences between the experimental and calculated results are not large, and had we used a lesser coefficient than '750 for the velocity, stop-cock, and orifice of entry, say '715, the calculated results, and those in all of Mr. Pro vis's experiments in the work referred to, would be nearly identical t. EXAMPLE 17. It is proposed to supply a reservoir near the town of Drogheda with water by a long pipe, having an inclination of 1 in 480, the daily supply to be 80,000 cubic feet; what must the diameter of the pipe be? The discharge * " Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers," vol. ii. p. 203. " Experiments on the Flow of Water through small Pipes." By W. A. Provis. t In a late work, " Researches in Hydraulics," the author is led into a series of mistakes as to the accuracy of Du Buat's and several other formulae, from neglecting to take into consideration the head due to the velocity and orifice of entry when testing them by the experiments above referred to. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 13 80 000 per minute must be ' = 56 cubic feet, nearly. Assume a pipe whose "mean radius" is 1 inch, or diameter 4 inches, and the velocity per second found from TABLE VIII. will be 14-41 inches. We then have from TABLE IX., Inches. Cubic feet. For a velocity of 10*00 a discharge of 4-363 4-00 1-745 40 -175 01 -004 14-41 6-287 The discharge from a pipe 4 inches in diameter would be therefore 6-287 cubic feet per minute. We then have 4* : d* : : 6'287 : 56, or 1 : d* : : '196 : 56 : : 1 : 286; therefore d* = 286, and d = 9'61 inches, nearly, as found from TABLE IV., &c. This is the required diameter. It is to be observed that this diameter will not agree exactly with Du Buat's formula, because by it the discharges are not strictly as d^, but in practice the difference is immaterial. EXAMPLE 18. The area of a channel is 50 square feet, and the border 20'6 feet; the surface has an inclination of 4 inches in a mile; what is the mean velocity of discharge? t 50 = 2-427 feet = 29'124 inches is the hydraulic mean depth; and we get from TABLE VIII. 12-03 - l ' 3Q * * 876 =: 12*03 "19 = 11'84 inches per second for the required velocity. Though this velocity will be found under the true value for straight clear channels, it will yet be more correct for ordinary river courses, with bends and turns, of the di- mensions given, than the velocity found from equation (114). For a straight clear channel of these dimensions, Watt found the mean velocity to be 13'35 inches. See EXAMPLE 9, page 6. EXAMPLE 19. A pipe 5 inches in diameter , 14637 feet in length) has a fall of 44 feet; what is the discharge in cubic 14 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM feet per minute'? The inclination is 14637 = 332-7, and mean radius = 1J. We then find from TABLE VIII. the 41 v 4-8 velocity equal to 19'81 + * * = 19'81 + -16 = 19'97, 12'o or 20 inches per second very nearly; and by TABLE IX. the discharge in cubic feet per minute is, as before found to be, 13-635. EXAMPLE 20. What is the velocity of discharge from a pipe or culvert 4 feet in diameter, having a fall of 1 foot to a mile ? Here s = J an ^ r ] foot - We then find the velocity of discharge from TABLE VIII. to be 14'09 inches equal 1'174 feet per second. By calculating from the different formulae referred to below, we shall find the velocities as follows : Velocity in feet. Reduction of Du Buat's formula ....... equation (81) 1-174 Girard's do. (Canals with aquatic plants) (86) -521 Prony's do. (Canals) ....... (88) 1-201 Prony's do. (Pipes) ....... (90) 1-257 Prony's do. (Pipes and Canals) ... (92) 1-229 Eytelwein's do. (Rivers) ..... (94) 1-200 Eytelwein's do. (Rivers) ..... (96) 1-285 Eytelwein's do. (Pipes) ..... (98) 1-364 Eytelwein's do. (Pipes) ..... (99) 1-350 Dr. Young's do ......... (104) 1-120 D'Aiibuisson's do. (Pipes) ..... (109) 1-259 D'Aubuisson's do. (Rivers) .... (111) 1-199 The writer's do. (Clear straight Channels) (114) 1-268 Weisbach's do. (Pipes) ...... (119) 1-285 We have calculated this example from the several formulas above referred to, whether for pipes or rivers, in order that the results may be more readily compared. The formulae from which the velocity and tables for the discharge in rivers are usually calculated is, for measures in feet, v = 94- 17 \/rs. This gives the mean velocity, in the foregoing example, equal to 1'295 feet per second, which is ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 15 certainly much too high if bends and curves be not allowed for separately. For all practical purposes the result of Du Buat's general formula, equation (81), should be adopted ; and we have, accordingly, preferred calculating the results in TABLE VIII. from it, notwithstanding the greater additional labour required in the calculations, than from any other. Dr. Young's formula gives less results for rivers and large pipes than Du Buat's, but they are too small unless where the curves and bends are numerous and sudden. Girard's formula (86) is only suited for canals containing aquatic plants, and must be increased by about '7 foot per second to find the velocity in clear channels. A knowledge of various formulae, and their comparative results, applied to any par- ticular case, will be found of great value to the hydraulic engineer, and the differences in the results show the probable amount of error. EXAMPLE 21. Water flowing down a river rises to a height of 10 inches on a weir 62 feet long; to what height will the same quantity of water rise, on a weir similarly 62 circumstanced, 12Q feet long? ='517, nearly. In TABLE X. we find, by inspection, opposite to '517, the ratio of the lengths, the coefficient '644, rejecting the fourth place of decimals; whence 10|- x '644 = 6'76 inches, the height required. When the height is given in inches it is not necessary to take out the coefficient to further than two places of decimals. EXAMPLE 22. The head on a weir 220 feet long is 6 inches; what will the head be on a weir 60 feet long, similarly circumstanced, the same quantity of water flowing over each ? ~ = '273. As this lies between -27 and '28, we find from TABLE X. the coefficient '4208; hence =. 14'26 inches, the head required. TABLE X. will be found equally applicable in finding the head at the pass into weir basins and in contracted water channels. See SECTION X. 16 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM EXAMPLE 23. A river channel 40 feet wide and 4'5 feet deep is to be altered and widened to 70 feet; what must the depth of the new channel be so that the surface inclination and discharge shall remain unaltered? In "TABLE XL, OF EQUAL DISCHARGING RECTANGULAR CHANNELS," W6 find opposite to 4'54, in the column of 40 feet widths, 3 in the column of 70 feet widths, which is the depth required. EXAMPLE 24. It is necessary to unwater a river channel 7Qfeet wide and 1 foot deep, by a rectangular side cut 1 Qfeet wide; what must the depth of the side cut be, the surface inclination remaining the same as in the old channel? In TABLE XI. we find 4'5 feet for the required depth. When the width of a channel remains constant, the discharge varies as \/r s X d, in which d is the depth ; and when the width is very large compared with the depth, the hydraulic mean depth r approximates very closely to the depth d, and d = r; consequently the discharge varies as d* x * , and when it is given d* must vary inversely as * , or more generally dr* must vary inversely, as * , when the width and discharge remain constant. In narrow cuts for unwatering, it is prudent to make the depth of the water half the width of the cut very nearly, when local circumstances will admit of these proportions * j for then a maximum effect will be obtained with the least possible quantity of excavation ; but for rivers and permanent channels the proper relation of the depth to the width must be regulated by the principles referred to in SECTION IX. TABLE XI. is equally applicable, whether the measures be in feet, yards, or any other standards. * Section IX. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 17 SECTION II. FORMULA FOR THE VELOCITY AND DISCHARGE FROM ORI- FICES, WEIRS, AND NOTCHES. - COEFFICIENTS OF VELOCITY, CONTRACTION, AND DISCHARGE. - PRACTICAL REMARKS ON THE USE OF THE FORMULA. The quantity of water discharged in a given time through an aperture of a given area in the side or bottom of a vessel, is modified by different circumstances, and varies more or less with the form, position, and depth of the orifice ; but the discharge may be easily found, when we have determined the velocity and the contraction of the fluid vein. VELOCITY. If g be the velocity acquired by a heavy body falling from a state of rest for one second, in vacuo, then it has been shown by writers on mechanics, that the velocity v per second acquired by falling from a height h, will be The numerical value of g varies with the latitude ; we shall assume 2g =. 772'84 inches = 64-403 feet. These will give for measures in inches, v = 27-8 vT,* and h = and for measures in feet, = 8-025 v/T, and Ass * The velocities for different heights are given in the column num- ber 1, TABLE II. t The force of gravity increases with the latitude, and decreases with the altitude above the level of the sea, but not to any considerable extent. If X be the latitude, and h the altitude, in feet, above the sea level, then we may, generally, take g = 32-17 (1 -0029 cos 2X) x ( I \ in which B, the radius of the earth at the given latitude is equal to 20887600 (1 + -0016 cos 2 X). C 18 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM COEFFICIENT OF VELOCITY. Let the vessel ABCD, Fig. 1, be filled with water to the level EF: then it has been found by experiment that the velocity of discharge through a small orifice o, in a thin plate, at the distance of half the diameter outside it, will be very nearly that due to a heavy body falling freely from the height h, of the surface of the water EF, above the centre of the orifice. The velocity of discharge determined by the equation v = \/2gh, for falling bodies, is, therefore, called the theoretical velocity. If we now put v d for the actual mean velocity of discharge, and c v for its ratio to the theo- retical velocity v, we shall get v d = c v v ; and by substituting for v, its value \/2ffh. (2.) v d = c v v/2p; c v is termed the coefficient of velocity; its numerical value at half the diameter from the orifice is about '974, and, consequently, tf d = -974 v/20A. This for measures in inches becomes v d = 27-077 -v/A,* and for measures in feet v d = 7-816 v/A. * The velocities for different heights calculated from this formula, are given in the column numbered 2, TABLE II. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 19 The orifice o, is termed an horizontal orifice in Fig. 1, and in Fig. 2 a vertical or lateral orifice. When small, each is found to have practically the same velocity of discharge, when the centres of the contracted sections are at the same depth, h, below the surface; but when lateral orifices are large, or rather deep, the velocity at the centre is not, even practically, the mean velocity; and in thick plates and modified forms of adjutage, the mean velocities are found to vary. VE.VA-CONTRACTA AND CONTRACTION. It has been found that the diameter of a column issuing from a circular orifice in a thin plate, is contracted to very nearly eight-tenths of the whole diameter at the distance of the radius from it, and that at this distance the con- traction is greatest. The ratio of the diameter of the orifice to that of the contracted vein, vena-contracta, is not always found constant by the same or different experimentalists. Newton makes it 1: -841, and, therefore, that of the areas as 1 -707 (7156 (622 802 1 -6432 8 1 -64 (81 f-656 (-818 " L \-669 816 1 -667 798 1 -637 64 617 Poleni Borda Michellotti Bossut 841, and, therefore, that of the areas as 1 -846 -7854 DuBuat Venturi Eytelwein Bayer Bayer's value for the contraction has been determined on the hypothesis, that the velocities of the particles of water as they approach the orifice from all sides, are inversely as the squares of their distances from its centre ; and the cal- culations made of the discharge from circular, square, and rectangular orifices, on this hypothesis, coincide pretty closely with experiments. FORM OF THE CONTRACTED VEIN. Let o li = d, Fig. 3, be the diameter of an orifice ; then at the distance RS = the contraction is found to be greatest; c 2 20 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM Fig. 3 we shall assume the contracted diameter or = '7854 d. If we suppose the fluid column between OK and or to be so reduced, that the curve lines Rr and oo shall become arcs of circles, then it is easy to show from the proper- ties of the circle, that the radius cr must be equal to 1'22 d. The mean ve- locity in the orifice, OR, is to that in the vena- contracta, or, as '617 : 1; and the mouth piece, Rroo, Fig. 4, in which OJOZZ^OR, and or = '617 OR, will give for the velocity of discharge at o, r, v d = -974 \/2#A = 7-816 ^/~h, in feet very nearly. In speaking of the velocity of discharge from orifices in thin plates, we always take it to be the velocity in the vena-contracta, and not that in the orifice it- Fig-. 4 self, unless in TABLE II., where the mean velocity in the latter, as representing c d \/2gh, is also given. COEFFICIENTS OF CONTRACTION AND DISCHARGE. If we put A for the area of the orifice OR, Fig. 3, and c c x A for that of the contracted section at or, then c c is called the coefficient of contraction. The velocity of dis- charge u d is equal to c v \/2gh, equation (2). If we mul- tiply this by the area of the contracted section c c x A, we shall get for the discharge D = c v x c c x A \/2gh.* * The expression c v c c \/2yA = Cd \/2yA is the coefficient of the area A, and, consequently, represents the mean velocity in the orifice, the coefficient of which is, therefore, equal to Cd- The values of c d for different heights and coefficients, are given in TABLE II, ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 21 It is evident A \/2gh would be the discharge if there were no contraction and no change of velocity due to the height h ; C Y x c c is therefore equal to the coefficient of discharge. If we call the latter c d , we shall have the equation (3.) c d = c v x c c , and hence we perceive that the coefficient of discharge is equal to the product of the coefficients of velocity and con- traction. In the foregoing expression for the discharge D, h must be so taken, that the velocity at that depth shall be the mean velocity in the orifice A. In full prismatic tubes the coefficients of velocity and discharge are equal to each other. MEAN AND CENTRAL VELOCITY. In order to find the mean velocity of discharge from an orifice, it is, in the first instance, necessary to determine the velocity due to each point in its surface, and the discharge itself; after which, the mean velocity is found by simply dividing the area of the orifice into the discharge. The velocity due to the height of water at the centre of a circular, square, or rectangular orifice, is not the mean velocity, nor is the latter in these, or other figures, that at the centre of gravity. When, however, an orifice is small in proportion to its depth in the water, the velocity of efflux determined for the centre approaches very closely to the mean velocity ; and, indeed, at depths exceeding four times the depth of the orifice, the error in assuming the mean velocity to be that at the centre of the orifice is so small as to be of little or no practical consequence. It is, therefore, for greater sim- plicity, the practice to determine the velocity from the depth h of the centre of the orifice ; and the coefficients of dis- charge and velocity in the following pages have been cal- culated from experiments on this assumption, unless it be otherwise stated. DISCHARGES THROUGH ORIFICES OF DIFFERENT FORMS IN THIN PLATES. The orifices which we have to deal with in practice are square, rectangular, or circular; and sometimes, perhaps, triangular or quadrangular in form. It will be necessary to 22 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM give here the theoretical expressions for the discharge and velocity for each kind of form, but as the demonstrations are unsuited to our present purposes we shall omit them. TRAPEZOIDAL ORIFICES WITH TWO HORIZONTAL SIDES. Put d for the vertical depth of an orifice, h t for the altitude of pressure above the upper side, and h b for the altitude above the lower side, we then get h b - h, = d. Let us also represent the upper side of the orifice A or c, Fig. 5, by l t) and the lower side by Z b , and put + 4, - Now, when l t = Z b , the trapezoid becomes a parallelogram whose length is / and depth d; and putting h for the depth to the centre of gravity, we get the equation The general expression for the discharge, D, through a tra* pezoidal orifice, A, is (4.) D = c d v/27 x | l b hl - l t hl + (/ t - / b ) ^ in which e d is the coefficient of discharge; and when the smaller side is uppermost as at c, (5.) D = c d ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 23 PARALLELOGRAMIC AND RECTANGULAR ORIFICES. When l t = l b = I, the orifice becomes a parallelogram, or a rectangle, B, and we have for the discharge (6.) DZZ^X/^X |/{4 -A*}. NOTCHES. When the upper sides of the orifices A, B, and c, rise to the surface as at AO, B O , and C , h t becomes nothing, and we get as h b = d : for the trapezoidal notch A with the larger side up, (7.) D = c dV / %x for the trapezoidal notch, c , with the smaller side up, (8.) D = and for a parallelogramic or rectangular notch, B O , (9.) D = c d JTg x /d 8 - = It is easy to perceive that the forms of equations (4) and (5), and also of equations (7) and (8), are identical. The values for the discharge in equations (6) and (9) are equally applicable, whether the form of the orifice be a parallelogram or a rectangle, the only difference being in the value of the coefficient of discharge, c d , which becomes slightly modified for each form of orifice. TRIANGULAR ORIFICES WITH HORIZONTAL BASES AND RECTILINEAL ORIFICES IN GENERAL. When the length of the lower side, l b = 0, the orifice becomes a triangle, D, Fig. 6, with the base upwards. 24 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM In this case, equation (4) becomes (10.) D = . which gives the discharge through the triangular orifice, D. When l t = 0, in equation (5), the orifice becomes a triangle F, with the base downwards; in this case, we find for the value of the discharge, (11.) D = As any triangular orifice whatever can be divided into two others by a line of division through one of the angles parallel to the horizon; and as the discharge from the triangular orifice D or F is the same as for any other on the same base and between the same parallels, we can easily find, by such a division, the discharge from any triangle not having one side parallel to the horizon. If the triangle F be raised so that the base shall be on the same level with the upper side of the triangular orifice D ; if, also, the bases be equal, and also the depths, we shall find, by adding equations (10) and (11), and making the necessary changes indicated by the diagram, (12.) D = c d (hi + Af - 2 x for the discharge from a parallelogram E with one diagonal horizontal. If the orifices D, F, and E rise to the surface of the water, as at D O , E O , and F O , we shall then have for the dis- charge from the notch D O , ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 25 (13.) D = < for the discharge from the notch F O , (14.) D = c d \/2g x jT/ b d . and for the discharge through the notch E O , (15.) D = Qv2 x - - -9752 /rfl When the parallelogram E O becomes a square I =z2d, and hence, (16.) D = '9752 1* x 3'4478 1*. The foregoing equations will enable us to find an expression for the discharge from any rectilineal orifice whatever, as it can be divided into triangles, the discharge from each of which can be determined, as already shown in the remark following equation (11). The examples which we have given will be found to comprehend every form of rectilineal orifice which occurs in practice ; but for the greater number of orifices, sunk to any depth below the surface, the discharge will be found with sufficient accuracy by multiplying the area by the velocity due to the centre. CIRCULAR AND SEMICIRCULAR ORIFICES. The discharge through circular and semicircular orifices in thin plates can only be represented by means of infinite series. Let us represent by ^ the sum of the series Fig. 7 26 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM fi /i i\ /i ivr! /i i s swi 1 3\^_ l2~\2"4V Vi'4/7 Vice's; U'i'e/ A 4 '4'6'8'10'12/ \2'4'6'8M 8 Let us also represent by s. 2 the sum of the series l 1VL , /"l 1 3 3-1416 then the discharge from the semicircle G, Fig. 7, with the diameter upwards and horizontal, is (17.) D = c d \/2ffh x 3-1416/- 2 (s, + sj. And the discharge from the semicircle i, with the diameter downwards and horizontal, is (18.) D = c d ^27^ x 3-1416 r 2 (^ 2 ). If we put A for the area, we shall also have for the discharge from a circle H, (19.) D = c dV /27A x 2 AS,. In each of these three equations (17), (18), and (19), h is the depth of the centre of the circumference below the surface, and r the radius. When the orifices rise to the surface, we have for the discharge from a semicircular notch G O , with the diameter horizontal and at the surface, (20.) D = c d v/2 ,, x -9796 A. x '9815A. h _l_d x -9854A. n x -9864 A. h =; d, , x -9890A. x -9896 A. A- 3rf * 2~ x -9953 A. x -9954A. h = 2d, x -9974A. x -9974A. * = / x -9983 A. x -9983 A. A = 3d, x -9988 A. x -9988A. h - 7d h--, x -9991 A. x -9991 A. h = 4 d, x -9994A. x -9994A. A = lOd, x -9999 A. x -9999A. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 31 In the foregoing Table the first column contains the head at the centre of the orifice expressed in parts of its height d; the second contains the values of the discharges according to equation (30); and the third column contains the approximate values determined from equation (29), the results in which are something larger than those in column 2, derived from the correct formula. The numerical coefficients of A, at every depth, are less in both than unity, the constant coefficient according to the common formula. The latter, therefore (as in circular orifices), gives results exceeding the true ones, but the excess is inappreciable at greater depths than h = 3d, and for lesser depths than this the error cannot exceed six per cent. It may be useful to remark here, that when the orifice rises to the surface the centre of mean velocity is at four- ninths of the depth, and the centre of gravity at two-thirds of the depth from the surface. The former fraction is the square of the latter. SECTION III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE. We have heretofore dwelt but very partially on the numerical values of the general coefficient of discharge C A . In order to determine its value under different circumstances more par- ticularly, it will be now necessary to consider some of the experiments which have been made from time to time. These do not always give the same results, even when conducted under the same circumstances and by the same parties, and there appears to exist a certain amount of error, more or less, inseparable from the subject. The experiments with orifices in thin plates afford the most consistent results; but even here the differences are sometimes greater than might be expected. In many of the earlier experiments the value of the coefficient c d comes out too large, which arises, very probably, from the orifices experimented with not being in 32 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM thin plates, and partaking, more or less, of the nature of a short tube or mouth-piece with rounded arrisses, which we shall see gives larger coefficients than- simple orifices. When an orifice is in the bottom of a vessel, it would appear more correct to measure the head from the surface to the vena- contracta than from the surface to the orifice itself; and as any error in measuring the head in any experiment must affect the value of the coefficient derived from such experi- ment, so as to increase it when the error is to make the head less, and vice versd, it appears that heads measured to an orifice in the bottom of a vessel, and not to the vena-contracta, must give larger coefficients from the experimental results than, perhaps, the true ones. The coefficients in the following pages have been almost all arranged and calculated, by the writer, from the original experiments. In 1739 Dr. Bryan Robinson made some experiments on the discharge through small circular orifices, from one- tenth to eight-tenths of an inch in diameter, with heads of two and four feet*, which give the following coefficients. COEFFICIENTS FROM DK. B. ROBINSON'S EXPERIMENTS. Heads. T\5inch diameter. ft inch diameter. inch diameter. ^sinch diameter. 2 feet head 768 767 761 728 4 feet head 768 774 765 742 These results are pretty uniform, and the values from which they are derived are said to be " means taken from five or six experiments;" as values of C A they are, however, too high. The apparatus made use of is not described ; but it is probable, from the results, that the plate containing the hole or orifice was of some thickness, and that the inner arriss was slightly rounded. There is here, however, a very perceptible increase in the coefficients for the smaller orifices, but none for the smaller depth. * Helsham's Lectures, p. 390. Dublin, 1739. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 33 In a paper in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. ii. p. 81, read March 1st, 1788, Dr. Mathew Young de- termines the value of the coefficient for an orifice ^V mcn m diameter, with a mean head of 14 inches, to be '623. The manner in which this value is determined is very elegant, viz. by comparing the observed with the theoretical time of the water in the vessel sinking from 16 inches to 12 inches. The following experiments by Michelotti, with circular orifices from 1 to about 3 inches diameter, and with from 6 to 23 feet heads, give for the mean value c d = '613 ; and for square orifices of from 1 to 9 square inches in area, at like depths, the mean value of c d = '628. The experiments are given in French feet and inches, according to which standard we have, in feet, D =: I'll A \/Jt X t, t being the time in seconds*. As the time of discharge in these experiments varies from ten minutes to an hour, and as the depths are considerable, the results must be looked upon as pretty accu- rate ; and it is worthy of note that here the coefficients are larger for square than for circular orifices. * The value of */2ffh, equation (1), for measures in French feet, is 7'77 s/ k, and for measures in French inches, 26-9 V h, g being equal to 30-2 feet, or 362-4 inches, French measure. One French foot is equal to 1-06578 English feet, and the inches preserve the same proportion. The resulting coefficients must be the same, whatever standards we make our calculations from. Many of the most valuable formulae and experi- ments in hydraulics are given in French measures of the old style. As our object, however, in the present section is simply to determine from experiment the relation of the experimental to the theoretical dis- charge, it is not necessary to reduce the experiments to other measures than those in the original; but the value of the force of gravity, g, must of course be taken in those measures with which the experiments were made. In the French decimal, or modern style, the metre is equal to 3-2809 English feet, or 39-371 inches. The tenth part of a metre is the decimetre, and the tenth part of the decimetre is the centimetre, as the names imply. 34 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM COEFFICIENTS FROM MICHELOTTl's EXPERIMENTS. Description and size of orifice, in French inches. Depth of the centre of the orifice, in French feet Quantity discharged, in cubic feet. Time of discharge, in seconds. Theoretical time, calculated from t D . Resulting coefficients of discharge. 7-77 A V h Square orifice, 3" X 3" 6-613 6-852 11-676 11-818 21-691 21-715 463-604 566-458 516-785 612-118 415-437 499-222 600 720 510 600 300 360 371-3 445-6 311-4 366-6 183-7 220-6 619 619 610 611 612 613 Mean value of the coefficient ; square orifice 3" x 3" 614 Square orifice, 2" X 2" 6-625 11-426 21-442 329-806 423-465 385-333 900 900 600 594- 580-4 385-7 660 645 643 Mean value of the coefficient ; square orifice 2" x 2" 649 Square orifice, 1" X 1" 6-757 11-889 21-507 158-549 163-792 562-944 1800 1440 3600 1585- 880-6 2249-9 628 612 625 Mean value of the coefficient; square orifice 1" x 1" 621 Circular orifice, 3" diameter 6-694 11-590 21-611 542-85 570-972 521-299 900 720 480 550-1 439-6 293-8 611 610 612 Mean value of the coefficient ; circular orifice 3" diameter -611 Circular orifice, 2" diameter 6-785 11-722 21-903 488-687 589-535 575-486 1800 1680 1200 1108-1 1016-4 725-9 616 605 605 Mean value of the coefficient ; circular orifice 2" diameter -609 Circular orifice, 1" diameter 6-875 11-743 . 22-014 247-354 324-11 444-535 3600 3600 3600 2227- 2233- 2237-2 619 620 621 Mean value of the coefficient ; circular orifice 1" diara eter 620 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 35 The experiments made by the Abbe Bossut, contained in the following table, give the mean value of c d , for both circular and square orifices, equal to '616 nearly; and it may be per- ceived that, for the small depth in the last experiment, the coefficient rises so high as '649. These and other experiments COEFFICIENTS FROM BOSSUl's EXPERIMENTS. Description, position, and size of orifice, in French inches. Depth of the centre of the orifice, in French inches. Number of French cubical inches discharged per minute. Theoretical discharge per minute, D = l6l4A*/Jl. Resulting coefficients. Horizontal and circular, 5" diameter 140-832 2311 3760-8 614 Horizontal and circular, 1" diameter 140-832 9281 15043-3 617 Horizontal and circular, 2" diameter 140-832 37203 60173-1 618 Horizontal and rectangular,!" x 4" 140-832 2933 4788-4 613 Horizontal and square, 1" X 1" - 140-832 11817 19153-7 617 Horizontal and square, 2" X 2" ... 140-832 47361 76614-6 618 Lateral and circular, 5" diameter... 108- 2018 3293-3 613 Lateral and circular, 1" diameter... 108- 8135 13173-3 617 Lateral and circular, \' diameter... 48- 1353 2195-5 616 Lateral and circular, 1" diameter. . . 48- 5436 8782-2 619 Lateral and circular, 1" diameter... 0-5833 628 968- 649 led the Abbe to construct a table of the discharges, at dif- ferent depths, from a circular orifice 1 inch in diameter, from which we have determined the following table of coefficients. COEFFICIENTS DEDUCED FROM BOSSUl's EXPERIMENTS. Heads, infect. Coefficients. Heads, in feet. Coefficients. Heads, in feet. Coefficients. 1 621 6 620 11 619 2 621 7 620 12 618 3 621 8 619 13 618 4 620 9 619 14 618 5 620 10 619 16 617 These increase, as the orifice approaches the surface, from '617 to '621 ; and at lesser depths than 1 foot other experi- D 2 36 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM ments show an increase in the coefficient up to '650. The experiments of Poncelet and Lesbros show, however, a re- duction in the coefficients for square orifices 8" x 8" as they approach the surface from "601 to '572. Brindley and Smeaton's experiments, with an orifice 1 inch square placed at different depths, give a mean value for C A of COEFFICIENTS CALCULATED FROM BRINDLEY AND SMEATON'S EXPERIMENTS. 1 foot head : orifice 1" x 1" : coefficient -639 \ 2 feet head : orifice 1" X 1" : coefficient -635 j 3 feet head : orifice 1" x 1" : coefficient -648 > mean " 4 feet head : orifice 1" x 1" : coefficient '632 5 feet head : orifice 1" X 1": coefficient -632 6 feet head : orifice J" X J" : coefficient -577 637. The last experiment, with an orifice only % inch by inch, gives so small a coefficient as '557 placed at a depth of 6 feet ! For notches 6 inches wide and from 1 to 6j inches deep, Brindley and Smeaton's experiments give the mean value of COEFFICIENTS FOR NOTCHES, CALCULATED FROM BRINDLET AND SMEATON'S EXPERIMENTS. Ratio of the to the tepth. Size of notches in inches. Coefficients. Ratio of the length to the depth. Size of notches in inches. Coefficients. 92 to 1 6x6J 633 3-7 to 1 6 x 1| 638 1-07 to 1 6X6| 571 4-4 to 1 6 X If 654 1-2 tol 6x5 609 4-8 to 1 6 X 1J 681 1-92 to 1 6 X 3| 602 6- tol 6X 1 713 2-4 tol 6 X 2f s * 636 Mean value. 637 c d = '637. The coefficient of discharge for notches and orifices appear to differ as little from each other as those for either do in themselves. The results also show a general though not uniform increase in the coefficients for smaller depths. Du Buat's experiments with notches 18'4 inches long, * This depth is misprinted 2 T 5 5 inches in the Encyclopaedias, the resulting coefficient for which would be '568 instead of '637, as above, for a depth of 2^ inches. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 37 give the mean value of c d = "632, which differs very little from the mean value determined from Brindley and Smeaton's experiments. COEFFICIENTS FOR NOTCHES, CALCULATED FROM DTJ BUAT*S EXPERIMENTS. Ratio of the length to the depth. Size of notches in inches. Coefficients. Ratio of the length to the depth. Size of notches in inches. Coefficients. 2-72 to 1 3-94 to 1 18-4 X 6753 18-4 x 4-665 630 627 5-75 to 1 10-3 to 1 18-4 X 3-199 18-4 X 1'778 624 648 Poncelet and Lesbros' experiments give the coefficients in the following table, for notches 8 inches wide ; the mean COEFFICIENTS FOR NOTCHES, BY PONCELET AND LESBROS. Ratio of the length to the depth. Size of notches hi inches. Coefficients. Ratio of the length to the depth. Size of notches in inches. Coefficients. 9 tol 8x9 577 3-33 to 1 8 X 2-4 601 1 tol 8x8 585 5 tol 8 Xl'6 611 1-3 tol 8x6 590 6-7 tol 8 X 1-2 618 2 tol 8x4 592 10 to 1 8 XO-8 625 2-5 tol 8 X 3-2 595 20 tol 8 X 0-4 636 value of all the coefficient in these experiments is '603. Here the coefficients increase in every instance as the depth decreases, or as the ratio of the length of the notch to its depth increases. We shall have to refer to the valuable experiments made at Metz, on the discharge from differently- proportioned orifices immediately. Rennie's experiments for circular orifices at depths from COEFFICIENTS FOR CIRCULAR ORIFICES, FROM RENNIE'S EXPERIMENTS. Heads at the centre of the orifice in feet. iinch diameter. i inch diameter. i inch diameter. 1 inch diameter. Mean values. 1 671 634 644 633 646 2 653 621 652 619 636 3 660 636 632 628 639 4 662 626 614 584" 621 Means 661 629 635 616 635 46475 38 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM 1 foot to 4 feet, and of diameters from % inch to 1 inch, give the following coefficients. Here the increase in the coefficients for lesser orifices and at lesser depths exhibits itself very clearly, notwithstanding a few instances to the contrary. The mean value of the coefficient c d derived from the whole, is '635. For small rectilineal orifices the coefficients were as follows : COEFFICIENTS FOR RECTANGULAR ORIFICES, FROM RENNIE's EXPERIMEHT8. Heads at the centre of gravity, in feet. ' Square orifice, 1 inch x 1 inch. fe I|S- Rectangular orifice, longer side horizontal, li"x|". Equilateral triansle of 1 square inch, with base down. Equilateral triangle of 1 square inch, with base up. 1 617 617 663 596 2 635 635 668 577 3 606 606 606 572 4 693 593 593 593 593 Means 613 613 632 593 585 The most valuable series of experiments of which we are possessed are those made at Metz, by Poncelet and Lesbros. These were made with orifices eight inches wide, nearly, and of different vertical dimensions placed at various depths down to 10 feet. The discrepancies as to any general law in the relation of the different values of the coefficient of discharge c d to the size and depth of the orifice in the pre- ceding experiments, have been remedied to a great extent by these. They give an increase of the coefficients for the smaller and very oblong orifices as they approach the surface, and a decrease under the same circumstances in those for the larger square and oblong orifices. There are a few depths where maximum and minimum values are obtained : we use the terms "maximum and minimum values" for those which are greater in the one case and less in the other than the coefficients immediately before and after them, and not as being numerically the greatest or least values in the column. We have marked with a *, in the arrangement of ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 39 the coefficients, TABLE I., these maximum and minimum values. The heads given in this table are measured to the upper side of the orifices, and by adding half the depth (d) to any particular head, we obtain the head at the centre. As a perceptible sinking of the surface takes place in heads less than from five to three times the depth of the orifice, the coefficients are arranged in pairs, the first column containing the coefficients for heads measured from the still water surface some distance back from the orifice, and the second those obtained when the lesser heads, measured directly at the orifice, were used. A very considerable in- crease in the value of the coefficients for very oblong and shallow small orifices, may be perceived as they approach the surface, and the mean value for all rectilinear orifices at considerable depths, seems to approach to "605 or '606. We have shown, equation (29), that the discharge is approximately, in which d is the depth of the orifice, and h the head at its centre. Now it is to be observed, that it is not the value of C A simply, which is given in TABLE I., but the value of C A jl - - 2 [> the coefficient of A ^/2gh. The coefficients in the table are, therefore, less than the coefficient of discharge, strictly so called, by a quantity equal to -^ .. The value of this expression is in general yo h very small, and it is easy to perceive from the first of the expressions in equation (31), that it can never exceed 4J-per cent., or '0417 in unity. If we wish to know the discharge from an orifice 4 inches square = 4" x 4", with its centre 4 feet below the surface, which is equivalent to a head of 3 feet 10 inches at the upper side, we find from the table the value of c d 1 - = '601 ; hence we get 40 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM D = -601 x A \/2(/h = -601 x - x 8-025 x 2 = 9 601 x I x 16-05 = I x 9-646 = 1-072 cubic feet per second. In the absence of any experiments with larger orifices, we must, when they occur, use the co- efficients given in this table ; and, in order to do so with judgment, it is only necessary to observe the relation of the sides and heads. For example, if the size of an orifice be 16" x 4", we must seek for the coefficient in that column where the ratio of the sides is as four to one, and if the head at the upper side be five times the length of the orifice, we shall find the coefficient "626, which in this case is the same for depths measured behind, or at the orifice. For lesser orifices, the results obtained from the experiments of Mi- chelotti and Bossut, pages 34 and 35, are most applicable; and also the coefficients of Rennie, pages 37 and 38. It is almost needless to observe, that all these coefficients are only applicable to orifices in thin plates, or those having the outside arrises chamfered, as in Fig. 8. Very little de- pendance can be placed on calculations of the quantities of water dis- charged from other ori- fices, unless where the coefficients have been al- ready obtained by ex- periment for them. If the inner arris next the water be rounded, the coefficient will be increased. NOTCHES AND WEIRS. We have already given some coefficients, pages 36 and 37, derived from the experiments of Du Buat, Brindley and Smeaton, and Poncelet and Lesbros, for finding the dis- charge over notches in the sides of large vessels; and it does not appear that there is any difference of importance between ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 41 these and those for orifices sunk some depth below the surface, when the proper formula for finding the discharge for each is used. If we compare Poncelet and Lesbros' co- efficients for notches, page 37, with those for an orifice at the surface, TABLE I., we perceive little practical difference in the results, the heads being measured back from the orifice, unless in the very shallow depths, and where the ratio of the length to the depth exceeds five to one. The depths being in these examples less than an inch, it is probable that the larger coefficients found for the orifice at the surface, arise from the upper edge attracting the fluid to it and lessening the effects of contraction. Indeed, the results obtained from experiments with very shallow weirs, or notches, have not been at all uniform, and at small depths the discharge must proportionably be more affected by move- ments of the air and external circumstances than when the depths are considerable. We shall see that in Mr. Black- well's experiments the coefficient obtained for depths of 1 and 2 inches was '676 for a thin plate 3 feet long, while for a thin plate 10 feet long it increased up to '805. The experiments of Castel, with weirs up to about 30 inches long, and with variable heads of from 1 to 8 inches, lead to the coefficient '597 for notches extending over one-fourth of the side of a reservoir; and to the coefficient '664 when they extend for the whole width. For lesser widths than one-fourth, the coefficients decrease down to "584 ; and for those extending between one-third of, and the whole width, they increase from -600 to '665 and -680. Bidone finds c d *620, and Eytelwein c d = '635. It will be perceived from these and the foregoing results, that the third place of decimals in the value of c d , and even sometimes the second, is very uncertain ; that the coefficient varies with the head and ratio of the notch to the side in which it is placed; and we shall soon show that the form and size of the weir, weir-basin, and approaches, still further modify its value. When the sides and edge of a notch increase in thickness, or are extended into a shoot, the coefficients are found to reduce very considerably; and for small heads, to an extent 42 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM beyond what the increase of resistance, from friction alone, indicates. Poncelet and Lesbros found, for orifices, that the addition of a horizontal shoot, 21 inches long, reduced the coefficient from '604 to '601, with a head of 4 feet; but for a head of only 4 inches, the coefficient fell from '572 to "483, the orifice being 8" x 8". For notches 8 inches wide, with a horizontal shoot 9 feet 10 inches long, the coefficient fell from -582 to '479, for a head of 8 inches; and from -622 to '340, for a head of only 1 inch. Castel found also, for a notch 8 inches wide with a shoot 8 inches long attached and inclined at an angle of 4 18', that the mean coefficient for heads from 2 to 4 inches was only '527*. We have obtained the following table of coefficients from some experiments made by Mr. Ballard, on the river Severn, near Worcester, "with a weir 2 feet long, formed by a board standing perpendicularly across a trough." f The COEFFICIENTS FOR SHORT WBIR3 OVER BOARDS. Heads measured on the crest. Depths in inches. Coefficients. Depths in inches. Coefficients. Depths in inches. Coefficients. 1 762 3 801 5 733 H 662 H 765 H 713 1| 673 >i 748 5k 735 If 692 3| 740 5| 729 2 684 4 759 6 727 s* 702 4* 731 7 716 2* 756 *1 744 8 726 2* 786 4! 745 Mean 732 heads or depths were here measured on the weir, and hence the coefficients are larger than those found from heads mea- sured back to the surface of still water. Experiments made at Chew Magna, in Somersetshire, by Messrs. Blackwell and Simpson, in 1850 J, give the following coefficients. * Traite Hydraulique, par D'Aubuisson, pp. 46, 94 et 95. t Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal for 1851, p. 647. J Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal for 1851, pp. 642 and 645 ORIFICES, WEIRS^ PIPES, AND RIVERS. 43 COEFFICIENTS DERIVED FROM THE EXPERIMENTS OF BkACKWELL AND SIMPSON. Heads in inches. Coefficients. Heads in inches. Coefficients. Heads in inches. Coefficients. 1 to J 591 - : g fe ::::::: n IO *O ? s 1115111?? : it s s -*t< us l>.iSrHOOOOOOiOiCO 1! t- O5 ^ to COO50OCOt>-COO^t< O-^OOOli-IOOi-( ipipipiO(r) equation (6) x 1 - 4 = -646 x Ih to agree pretty closely with his experiments, seems to have assumed that the head h was reduced to 5- in passing over. This is a reduction, however, which never takes place unless with a wide crest and at its lower edge, or where the head h is measured at a considerable distance above the weir, and a loss of head due to the distance and obstructions in channel takes place. When there is a clear weir basin immediately above the weir, we have found that, putting h for the head measured from the surface in the weir basin and h w for the depth on the upper edge of the weir, that (32.) A-A w = -14v/A; for measures in feet, and (33.) h - A w = -48 v/^ for measures in inches. The comparative values of h and 7* w depend, however, a good deal on the particular circum- stances of the case. Dr. Robinson found* A = 1*111 A w , when h was about 5 inches. The expressions we have given are founded on the hypothesis, that h 7i w is as the velocity of discharge, or as the *J h nearly. For small depths, there is a practical difficulty in measuring with sufficient accuracy the relative values of h and A w . Unless for very small heads the sinking will be found in general to vary from yrr to -j, and in practice it will always be useful to observe the depths on the weir as well as the heads for some distances (and where the widths contract) above it. In order to convey to our readers a more definite idea of the differences between the coefficients for heads measured * Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. iv. p. 212. E 50 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM at the weir, or notch, and at some distance above it, we shall assume the difference of the heads h h w = ; hence h = h w and h w = r h. r r + 1 Now the discharge may be considered as that through an orifice whose depth is h w with a head over the upper edge equal to h A w = -j hence from equation (6) the discharge is equal to and substituting for 7t* its value ( r -^- A w J , we shall find the value of (34.) D = -| As the value of the discharge would be expressed by 2 / -^Ihy, \/2gh w X c d if the head h A w were neglected, it is evident the coefficient is increased, under the circumstances, from c d to or, more correctly, the common formula has to be multiplied by (l + _ V ( V, to find the true discharge, and the value of this expression for different values of =: n will be found in TABLE IV. If we suppose that and we find from the table ( 1 +-V - (-Y = M221. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 51 Now if we take the value of c d for the full head h to be -628, we shall find 1 "1221 x '628 r= '705, rejecting the latter figures, for the coefficient when the head is measured at the orifice; and if _ = - =. n, we should find in the same manner r 10 the new coefficient to be 1-2251 x '628 = -769 nearly. The increase of the coefficients determined, page 42, from Mr. Ballard's experiments is, therefore, evident from prin- ciple, as the heads were taken at the notch ; and it is also pretty clear that, in order to determine the true discharge, the heads both on, at, and above a weir should be taken. SECTION IV. VARIATIONS IN THE COEFFICIENTS FROM THE POSITION OF THE ORIFICE. GENERAL AND PARTIAL CONTRACTION. VELO- CITY OF APPROACH. CENTRAL AND MEAN VELOCITIES. A glance at Table I. will show us that the coefficients increase as the orifices approach the surface, to a certain depth dependent on the ratio of the sides, and that this increase increases with the ratio of the length to the depth. Some experimenters have found the increase to continue uninterrupted for all orifices up to the surface, but this seems to hold only for depths taken at or near the orifice when it is square or nearly so. It has also been found that the co- efficient increases as the orifice approaches to the sides or bottom of a vessel : as the contraction becomes imperfect the coefficient increases. The lateral orifices A, B, c, D, E, F, G, H, i, and K, Fig. 11, have coefficients differing more or less from each other. The coefficient for A is found to be larger than either of those for B, c, E, or D ; that for G or K larger than that for H or i; that for H larger than that for i; and that for F, where the contraction is general, least of all. The contraction of the fluid on entering the orifice F removed from the bottom and sides is complete ; it is termed, therefore, E2 52 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM Fig". 11 general contraction ; that at the orifices A, E, G, H, i, K, and D, is interfered with by the sides ; it is therefore incomplete, and termed partial contraction. The increase in the co- efficients for the same-sized orifices at the same mean depths may be assumed as proportionate to the length of the perimeter at which the contraction is partial, or from which the lateral flow is shut off; for example, the increase for the orifice G is to that for H as cd + de : de; and in the same manner the increase for G is to that for E as c d + d e : c d. If we put n for the ratio of the contracted portion cde to the entire perimeter, and, as before, c d for the coefficient of general contraction, we shall find the coefficient of partial contraction to be equal to (35.) + -09 n for rectangular orifices. The value of the second term *09 n is derived from experiments. If we assume *617 for the mean value of c d , we may change the expression into the form (1 + -146)c d . When n = i, this becomes 1*036 c d ; when n = , it becomes 1*073 e d ; and when n = f, contraction is prevented for three-fourths of the perimeter, and the coefficient for partial contraction becomes M09c d . The form which we have given equation (35) is, however, the simplest ; but the value of n must not exceed f . If in this case c d = *617, the coefficient for partial contraction becomes '617 + -09 x f = *617 + "067 = '684. Bidone's experiments give for the coefficient of partial contraction (1 + *152w)c d ; and Weis- bach's (1 + -132w)c d . ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 53 VARIATION IN THE COEFFICIENTS FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF APPROACH. Heretofore we have supposed the water in the vessel to be almost still, its surface level unchanged, and the vessel conse- quently large compared with the area of the orifice. When the water flows to the orifice with a perceptible velocity, the contracted vein and the discharge are both found to be increased, other circumstances being the same. If the area of the vessel or channel in front exceed thirty times that of the orifice, the discharge will not be perceptibly increased by the induced velocity in the conduit ; but for lesser areas of the approaching channel corrections due to the velocity of approach become necessary. It is clear that this velocity may arise from either a surface inclination in the channel, an increase of head, or a small channel of approach. We get equation (6) for the discharge from a rectangular Fig. 12 orifice A, Fig. 12, of the length /, with a head measured from still water x *- in which h b and h t are measured at some distance back from the orifice, as shown in the section. The water here, however, must move along the channel towards the orifice with con- siderable velocity. If A be the area of the orifice, and c the area of the channel, we may suppose with tolerable accuracy 64 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM that this velocity is equal to v , in which v represents the mean velocity in the orifice. If we also represent by v & the velocity of approach, we get the equation (36.) v a = x v ot and consequently the height (A a ) due to it is (37.) *. = ? X ^T- The height A a may be considered as an increase of head, converting h b into h b + A a , and A t into h t + A a . The discharge therefore now becomes (38.) D = I c d I v/^{(A b + h^ - (h, + htf} ; which, for notches or weirs, is reduced to (39.) D as A t then vanishes. As D is also equal to A x v of equation (37) may be changed into (40.) *. = J?x^. If this value for A a be substituted in equations (38) and (39), the resulting equations will be of a high order and do not admit of a direct solution; and in (38) and (39), as they stand, A a involves implicitly the value of D, which we are seeking for. By finding at first an approximate value for the velocity of approach, the height A a due to it can be easily found, equation (37) ; this height, substituted in equation (38) or (39), will give a closer value of D, from which again a more correct value of A a can be determined j and by repeating the operation the values of D and h A can be had to any degree of accuracy. In general the values found at the second operation will be sufficiently correct for all practical purposes. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 55 It has been already observed that, for orifices, it is advisable to find the discharge from a formula in which only one head, that at the centre, is made use of; and though TABLE IV., as we shall show, enables us to calculate the discharge with facility from either formula, it will be of use to reduce equation (38) to a form in which only the head (h) at the centre is used. The error in so doing can never exceed six per cent, even at small depths, equation (31), and this is more than balanced by the observed increase in the coefficients for smaller heads. The formula for the discharge from an orifice, h being the head at the centre, is D = c^^/lgh x A; and when the additional head A a due to the velocity of approach is considered, D = b and A = 7 x -; hence x I x -628 {(1*047)* - (*047)*}. The value of (1-047)* (*047)* will be found from TABLE IV. equal to 1*0612; the value of A/ 2g x will be found from TABLE II. equal to 6*552, viz. by dividing the velocity 78*630, to be found opposite 8 inches, by 12; hence D=!x7x?x 6*552 x -628 x 1*0612 3 3 = - x 7 x 4*368 x *628 x 1*0612 3 = |x 7 x 4*368 x *666 nearly 3 = 2 x 7 x 2-909 = 7 x 1*939 3 = 13*573 cubic feet per second = 814-38 cubic feet per minute. Or thus: From TABLE VI. we find, when the coefficient is "628, the discharge from a weir 1 foot long, with ahead of 8 inches, to be 109*731 cubic feet per minute. The discharge for a weir 7 feet long, when j^ = *047 is therefore 109*731 x 7 x 1*0612 = 815*12 cubic feet per minute. The difference between this value and that before found, 814*38 cubic feet, is immaterial, and has arisen from not continuing all the products to a sufficient number of places of decimals. We have, in equations (36) and (37), pointed out the relations between the channel, orifice, velocity of approach, and velocity in the orifice, viz. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 59 A A 2 v* D 2 Vl =- x v , and A a = ? x =^-, m which A a = (neglecting the coefficient of velocity '974 or -956). As v is the velocity in the orifice, head h + # a , and therefore the velocity in the orifice, must be the velocity due to the 1 < x 4 We have hence (44.) substituting this value in equations (41) and (42), there results (45.) A in which m = , for the discharge from an orifice at some depth, and for the discharge from a weir, (46.) D = | The two last equations give the discharge when the ratio of rf-i the channel to the orifice - = m is known, and also when A the whole quantity of water passing through the orifice, that due to the velocity of approach as well as the pressure, suffers a contraction whose coefficient is c d . When e d = 1, equation (45) may be changed into 60 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM This is the equation of Daniel Bernoulli, which is only a particular case of the one we have given. If we put = j^Lp the values of (l + ^A and of 1 + ri - ^f' can be easi| y liad from TABLES III. and IV. We have, however, calculated TABLE V. for different ratios of the channel to the orifice, and for different values of the coefficient of discharge. This table gives at once the values of as new coefficients, and the corresponding value of Aa_ 4 h-m*-cl' It is equally applicable, therefore, to equations (41) and (42) as to equations (45) and (46). For instance, we find here at once the value of 628 {(1'047)^ - (-047)^} in EXAMPLE II., p. 58, equal to -666, as ^ = -047, and the next value to it h for the coefficient '628, in the table, is '046, opposite to which we find '666, the new coefficient sought. The sectional area of the channel in this case, as appears from the first column, must be about three times that of the weir or notch. TABLE V. is calculated from coefficients c d in still water, which vary from '550 to 1. Those from '606 to "650, and the mean value '628 are most suited to practice. When the channel is equal to the orifice, the supply must equal the discharge, and for open channels, with the mean coefficient 628, we find accordingly from the table the new coefficient 1-002 for weirs, or 1 very nearly as it should be. We also find, in the same case, viz. when A = c, and c d = '628, that for short tubes, Fig. 13, the re- sulting new coefficient becomes 807. This, as we shall after- wards see, agrees very closely with the experimental results. When the coefficients in still ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 61 water are less than '628, or more correctly '62725, the orifice, according to our formula, cannot equal the channel unless other resistances take place as from friction in tubes longer than one and a half or two diameters, or in wide crested weirs; and for greater coefficients the junction of the short tube with the vessel must be rounded, Fig. 14, on one or more sides; and in weirs or notches the approaches must slope from the crest and ends to the bottom or sides, and the overfall be sudden. The con- verging form of the approaches must, however, increase the ve- Fig.U locity of approach; and therefore # a is greater than x v when c is measured between ro and RO, Fig. 14, to find the discharge, or new coefficient of an orifice placed at r o. As the coefficients in TABLE V. are calculated for orifices at the end of short cylindrical or prismatic tubes at right angles to the sides or bottom of a cistern, a correction is re- quired when the junction is rounded off as at R o r o, Fig. 14. When the channel is equal to the orifice, the new coefficient in equation (45) becomes = C A x The velocity in the tube Fig. 14 is to that in the tube Fig. 13 as 1 to cA T - -yl nearly, or for the mean value c d =. '628, 1 ~" as 1 to '807. Now, as - is assumed equal to in the cylin- drical or prismatic tube, Fig. 13, - = ~ in the tube Fig. 14 with the rounded junction, for t? a becomes rg^; hence, in order to find the discharge from orifices at the end of the short tube, Fig. 14, we have only to multiply the 62 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM rf-1 numbers representing the ratio - in the first column, TABLE V., by '807, or more generally by C A \ \ __ c * \ > and find the coefficient opposite to the product. Thus if c d = *628, we find, when- = 1, C A ]-, 5-! = -807 in the table. If, A I ^d ) c again, we suppose - = 3, then 3 x '807 = 2-421, the value of for the tube Fig. 14, and opposite this value of -, taken in column 1, we shall find '651 for the new coefficient. For the cylindrical or prismatic tube, Fig. 13, the new coefficient would be -642. DIFFERENT EFFECTS OF CENTRAL AND MEAN VELOCITIES. There is, however, another circumstance to be taken into consideration, and which we shall have to refer to more par- ticularly hereafter ; it is this, that the central velocity directly facing the orifice is also the maximum velocity in the tube, and not the mean velocity. The ratio of these is as 1 : -835 nearly ; hence, in the above example, where - = 3, we get 3 x -835 = 2-505 for the value of j in column 1, TABLE V., opposite to which we shall find '649, the coefficient for an orifice of one-third of the section of the tube when cylin- drical or prismatic, Fig. 13 ; and 3 x '835 x '807 = 2'02 nearly, opposite to which we shall get '661 for the coefficient when the orifice is at the end of the short tube, Fig. 14, with J a rounded junction. We have, therefore, - X '835 equal to the new value of for finding the discharge from orifices at A p the end of cylindrical or prismatic tubes, and x '835 x '807 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 63 o c := - x '67 nearly for the new value of - when finding the A. A. discharge from orifices at the end of a short tube with a rounded junction, nearly. The ratio of the mean velocity in the tube to that facing the orifice cannot be less than '835 to 1, and varies up to 1 to 1 ; the first ratio obtaining when the orifice is pretty small compared with the section of the tube, and the other when they are equal. If we suppose the curve D c, whose abscissae (A b) repre- sent the ratio of the ori- fice to the section of the tube, and whose ordinates (b c) represent the ratio of the mean velocity in the tube to that facing the orifice, to be a parabola, we shall find the following values : Fig 15 Ratios Values of - = do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1-0 165 163 158 150 139 124 106 084 059 031 000 Values of be. 835 837 842 850 861 876 894 916 941 969 1-000 These values of b c are to be multiplied by the corresponding c ratio in order to find a new value, opposite to which will be found, in the table, the coefficient for orifices at the ends of 64 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM short prismatic or cylindrical tubes ; and this new value again -i . i multiplied by '807, or more generally by c d 1 1 __ c * f > will give another new value of -, opposite to which, in the table, will be found the coefficient for orifices at the ends of short tubes with rounded junctions. EXAMPLE III. What is the discharge from an orifice A, Fig. 16, 2 feet long by 1 foot deep, the \ value of ~ being 3, and the depth of the centre of A 1 foot 6 inches below the surface? We have D t = 2 x 1 x 117-945 12 (TABLE II.) = 2 x 9'829 = 19-658 cubic feet per second for the theoretical discharge. From the foregoing table the co- efficient for the mean velocity, facing the orifice, is about '86; c hence - x '86 = 3 x -86 = 2'58. If we take the coefficient from TABLE I., we shall find it (opposite to 2, the ratio of the length of the orifice to its depth) to be '617 ; and, for this co- efficient, opposite to 2-58, in TABLE V., or the next number to it, we find the required coefficient -636 ; hence the discharge is 636 x 1 9-658 = 12-502 cubic feet per second. If we assume the coefficient in still water to be -628, then we shall obtain the new coefficient -647, and the discharge would be -647 x 19*658 = 12-719 cubic feet. If the junction of the tube with the cistern be rounded, as shown by the dotted lines, we have to multiply 2-58 by -807, which gives 2-08 for the new value of -, opposite which we shall find, in TABLE V., when the first coefficient is 628, the new coefficient -659 ; and the discharge in this case would be -659 x 19-658 = 12-955 cubic feet per second. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 65 It is not necessary to take out the coefficient of mean velocity facing the orifice to more than two places of decimals. For sluices in streams and mill races, Fig. 17, the mean co- efficient -628 in still water may be assumed, and thence the new coefficient suited to the ratio may be found, as in the first portion of EXAMPLE III. EXAMPLE IV. What is the discharge through the aper- ture A, equal 2 feet by 1 foot, when the channel is to the orifice as 3'375 to 1, and the depth of the centre is l'25foot below the surface, taken at about 3 feet above the orifice? Here the coefficient of the approaching velocity is '85 nearly, 85 = 2-87; and as whence the new value of - is 3*375 x c d = -628, we shall get from TABLE V. the new coefficient '644. Hence =2 X 1 X 107-669 12 x -644 (TABLE II.) = 2 x 8-972 x -644 = 17-944 x -644 = 11-556 cubic feet per second. Weisbach finds the discharge, by an empirical formula, to be 11-31 cubic feet. If the coefficient be sought in TABLE I., we shall find it -617 nearly, from which, in TABLE V., we shall find the new coefficient to be "632 ; hence 17-944 x "632 = 1 1-341 cubic feet per second. If the coefficient -6225 were used, we should find the new coefficient equals "638, and the discharge 11 -468 cubic feet. Or thus: The ratio of the head at the upper edge to the depth of the orifice is = -75, and from TABLE IV. we find (1-75) (-75) J = 1-6655. Assuming the coefficient to be -644, we find from TABLE VI. the discharge per minute over a weir 12 inches deep and 1 foot long to be 208 ' 650 + 205 ' 119 = 206-884 cubic feet nearly; 66 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM and as the length of the orifice is 2 feet, we have 2X206-884X1-6655 . the correct theoretical discharge for the coefficient "644, and less than the approximate result, 11*556 cubic feet above found, by only a very small difference. The velocity of approach in this example must be derived from the surface inclination of the stream. For notches or Poncelet weirs the approaching velocity is a maximum at or near the surface. If the central velocity at the surface facing the notch be 1, the mean velocity from side to side will be '914. We may therefore assume the variation of the central to the mean velocity to be from 1 to '91 4 ; and hence the ratio of the mean velocity at the surface of the channel to that facing the notch or weir cannot be less than '914 to 1, and varies up to 1 to 1 ; the first ratio obtaining when the notch or weir occupies a very small portion of the side or width of the channel, and the other when the weir extends for the whole width. Following the same mode of calculation as at p. 63, Fig. 15, we shall find as follows : Ratio of the Values of Values of width of the notch j /, r i t ,1 f Q G+ O Cj to the width of -n* i c TV i the channel. Fl g- 15 Fl g 15 -086 -914 1 -085 -915 2 -083 -917 3 -078 -922 4 -072 -928 5 -064 -936 6 -055 -945 7 -044 -956 8 -031 -969 9 -016 -984 1-0 '000 1-000 These values of b c are to be used as before in order to find the value of , opposite to which in the tables, and under the heading for weirs, will be found the new coefficient. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 67 EXAMPLE V. The length of a weir is 1 Ofeet ; the width of the approaching channel is 20 feet ; the head, measured about 6 feet above the weir, is 9 inches ; and the depth of the channel 3 feet : what is the discharge ? Assuming the circumstances of the overfall to be such that the coefficient of discharge for heads, measured from still water in a deep weir basin or reservoir, will be -617, we find from TABLE VI. the discharge to be 128-642 x 10 = 1286-42 cubic feet per minute; but from the smallness of the channel the water approaches the weir with some velocity, and C = 1Q x 3 =: 8. We have also the width of the channel equal to twice the width of the weir, and hence (small table, p. 30) 8 x '936 = 7-488 for the new c value of -. From TABLE V. we now find the new coefficient ' 622 + ' 624 = -623, and hence the discharge is 2 1286-42 X '623 __ 617 Or thus : As the theoretical discharge, TABLE VI., is 2084*96 cubic feet, we get 2084-96 x -623 = 1298-93, the same as before. In this example, however, the mean velocity ap- proaching the overfall bears to the mean velocity in the channel a greater ratio than 1 : '936, as, though the head is pretty large in proportion to the depth of the channel, the ratio of the sections - = -g is small. We shall therefore be more correct by finding the multiplier from the small table, p. 63. By doing so the new value of - is 8 x -838 = 6-704. From this and the coefficient "617 we shall find, as before from TABLE V., the new coefficient to be -627 ; hence we get 2084-96 x -627 = 1307-27 cubic feet per minute for the discharge. The foregoing solution takes for granted that the velocity of approach is subject to contraction before arriving at the overfall or in passing through it; now, as this reduces the mean velocity of approach from 1 to -784, when the coeffi- F 2 68 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM cient for heads in still water is '617, we have to multiply the value of y = 6-704, last found, by '784, and we get A 6-704 x -784 = 5'26 for the value - due to this correction, from which we find the corresponding coefficient in TABLE V. to be -629, and hence the corrected discharge is 2084-96 x '629 = 1311-44 cubic feet. It is to be remarked that the value of - in TABLE V. is A simply an approximate value for the ratio of the velocity in the channel facing the orifice to the velocity in the orifice itself; and the corrections applied in the foregoing examples were for the purpose of finding this ratio more correctly than c the simple expression gives it. The following auxiliary table will enable us to find the correction, and thence the new coefficient, with facility. Thus, if the channel be five times the orifice, and a loss in the approaching velocity takes AUXILIAKY TABLE TO TABLE V. It Il* Multipliers for finding the new values of - in TABLE V., If -.Sic c when the water approaches without contraction or loss of velocity. "o It! 8 Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. S 2 I-" 58 639 628 617 606 595 584 573 835 69 67 65 64 62 60 68 1 837 70 68 66 64 62 60 59 '2 842 70 68 66 64 62 61 59 3 850 71 69 67 65 63 61 59 4 861 72 69 68 66 64 62 60 5 876 73 71 69 67 65 63 61 6 894 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 7 916 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 8 941 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 9 969 81 78 76 74 72 70 68 1-0 1-000 831 807 784 762 740 719 699 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. place equal to that in a short cylindrical tube, we get 5 x -842 = 4-210 for the new value of -, opposite to which, in TABLE V., will be found the coefficient sought. If the coefficient for still water be '606, we shall find it to be -612 for orifices and '623 for weirs. But when the water ap- proaches without loss of velocity, we find from the auxiliary table '64 for the multiplier instead of '842, and consequently the new value of becomes 5 x 64 = 3-2, from which we shall find '617 to be the new coefficient for orifices and '636 for weirs. The auxiliary table is calculated by multiplying the numbers in column 2 (see p. 63) by c d I > , which will be found for the different values of c d in the table, viz. 639, -628, -617, -606, -595, -584, and -573, to be -831, -807, 784, -762, -740, -719, -699 respectively, as given in the top and bottom lines of figures. In weirs at right angles to channels with parallel sides, the sectional area can never equal that of the channel unless it be measured at or above the point A, where the sinking of the overfall commences ; and unless also the bed c D and surface A B have the same inclination. In all open channels, as mill races, streams, rivers, the supply is derived from a surface inclination A B, and this inclination regulates itself to the discharging power of the overfall. When the overfall and channel have the same width, and it is considerable, we have, as shall appear hereafter, 91 \Jhs for the mean velocity in the channel, where h is the depth in feet and s the rate of 2 inclination of the surface A B. We have also g P erna P s > nearer to the maximum results obtainable in comparing the discharge from a compound tube oosTrR, diagram 3, Fig. 25, with those through an orifice in a thin plate, and through a short cylin- drical tube. When the form of the tube becomes curvilineal through- out, as in Fig. 26, ST = 1'Sor and os ^ 9 or, the coeffi- cient suited to the diameter or will be 1*57 nearly, and the discharge will be ^2 = 2'52 times as much as through an orifice or in a thin plate. The whole of the preceding coefficients have been deter- mined from circumstances in which the coefficient for an orifice in a thin plate was '622, and for a short cylindrical tube '822 or '823. When the circumstances of head and approaches in the reservoir are such as to increase or decrease those primary coefficients, the other coefficients for compound adjutages will have to be increased or decreased propor- tionately. 88 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM On examining the foregoing results, it appears sufficiently clear that the utmost effect produced by the formation of the compound mouth-piece o o a T r R, with the exception of No. 16, is simply a restoration of the loss effected by con- traction in passing through the orifice o R in a thin plate, and that the coefficient 2'5 applied to the contracted section at or is simply equal to the theoretical discharge, or the coefficient unity, applied to the primary orifice o R ; for as, orifice OR : orifice or :: 1 : '64, very nearly, when o o r R takes the form of the vena-contracta, and the coeffi- cient of discharge for an orifice or in a. thin plate is '622, we get the theoretical discharge through the orifice o R to the actual discharge through an orifice o r, so is 1 to '622 x '64, so is 1 : -39808 :: 1 : -4 very nearly; and as '4 x 2-5 = 1, it is clear that the form of the tube o o s T r R, when it produces the foregoing effect, simply restores the loss caused by con- traction in the vena-contracta. Venturi's sixteenth experi- ment, from which we have derived the coefficients in No. 1 6, gives the coefficient 1*215 for the orifice OR. This indicates that a greater discharge than the theoretical, through the receiving orifice, may be obtained. It is, however, observable that Venturi, in his seventh proposition, does not rely on this result, and Eytelwein's experiments do not give a larger coefficient than 2'5 applied to the contracted orifice or, which, we have above shown, is equal to the theoretical discharge through o R. SHOOTS. When the sides and under edge of an orifice or notch increase in thickness, so as to be converted into a shoot or small channel, open at the top, the coefficients reduce very considerably, and to an extent beyond what the increased resistance from friction, particularly for small depths, indicates. Poncelet and Lesbros * found for orifices 8" X 8", that the addition of a horizontal shoot 21 inches long reduced the coefficient from -604 to -601, with a head of about 4 feet ; but for a head of 4 inches the coefficient fell from -572 to '483. For notches 8" wide, with the addition of an horizontal shoot 9' 10" long, the coefficient fell from -582 to -479 for a head of 8* ; and from -622 to '340 for a head of 1". Castel also found for a notch 8" wide, with the addition of a shoot 8" long, inclined 4 18', the mean coefficient for heads from 2" to 4J", to be 527 nearly. * Traite d'llydraulique, pp. 46 et 94. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 89 SECTION VII. LATERAL CONTACT OF THE WATER AND TUBE. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. HEAD MEASURED TO THE DISCHARGING ORI- FICE. COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE. FORMULA FOR THE DISCHARGE FROM A SHORT TUBE. DIAPHRAGMS. OB- LIQUE JUNCTIONS. FORMULA FOR THE TIME OF THE SURFACE SINKING A GIVEN DEPTH. The contracted vein or is about *8 times the diameter OR; but it is found, notwith- standing, that water, in pass- ing through a short tube of not less than 1 \ diameter in length, fills the whole of the discharging orifice s T. This is partly effected by the outflowing column of water carrying forward and exhausting a portion of the air between it and the tube, and by the external air then pressing on the column so as to enlarge its diameter and fill the whole tube. When once the water approaches closely to the tube, or is caused to approach, it is attracted and adheres with some force to it. The water between the tube and the vena-contracta is, how- ever, rather in a state of eddy than of forward motion, as appears from the experiments, with the tube, diagram 2, Fig. 25, giving the same discharge as the simple cylindrical tube. If the entrance be even contracted by a diaphragm, as at o R, Fig. 27, the water will generally fill the tube if it be only sufficiently long. Short cylindrical tubes do not fill when the discharge takes place in an exhausted receiver ; but even diverging tubes, D, Fig. 24, will be filled, in the air, when the angle of divergence o does not exceed 7 or 8 degrees, and the length be not very great nor very short. When a tube is fitted, with any inclination, to ihe bottom or side of a vessel, it is found that the discharge is that due to the head measured from the surface of the water to the 90 THE DISCHARGE OP WATER FROM lower or discharging extremity of the tube. It must, how- ever, be sufficiently long, and not too long, to get filled throughout. Guiglielmini was the first who referred this effect to atmospheric pressure, but the first simple explanation is that given by Dr. Mathew Young, in the Transactions oj' the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 7, p. 53. Venturi also, in his fourth proposition, gives a demonstration. The values of the coefficients for short cylindrical tubes, which we have given above, have been derived from experi- ment. Coefficients which agree pretty closely with them, and which are derived from the coefficients for the discharge through an orifice in a thin plate, may, however, be calculated as follows : Let c be the area of the approaching section, Fig. 27, A the area of the discharging short tube, and a the area of the orifice o R which admits the water from the vessel into the tube : also put, as before, h for the head measured from the surface of the water to the centre of the tube, and diaphragm OR; v for the velocity of discharge at s T ; v & for the velocity of approach in the section c towards the diaphragm OR; and c c for the coefficient of contraction in passing from o R to or ; then we have c x r a = A.V, the con- tracted section or c c a, and consequently the velocity at the contracted section = r= c v& . Now a head equal to a c c ac c is necessary to change the velocity v a into v if there be no loss in the passage ; but as the water at the contracted section o r, moving with a velocity , strikes against the water be- tween it and T 8, moving, from the nature of the case, with a slower velocity, a certain loss of effect takes place from the impact. If this be sudden (as it is generally supposed) it is then shown by writers on mechanics that a loss of head equal to that due to the difference of the velocities r, before ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 91 and after the impact must take place. This loss of head is therefore equal to (-- \ac c whence we must have the whole head, (60.) h from which we find the velocity (61.) v-^/~g Now, as v =z ^/2ffh would be the velocity of discharge were there no resistances, or loss sustained, it is evident that i Y is the coefficient of velocity. When the diameter of the diaphragm OR becomes equal to the diameter ST of the tube, A = a, and as the coefficient of velocity becomes equal to the coefficient of discharge when there is no contraction, we get in this case the co- efficient of discharge <> and when the approaching section c is very large compared with the area A, (63.) If c c = '64, we shall find from the last equation c d = *872 ; if c c = '601, Cd = -833; if c c = -617, c d = -847; and if 92 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM e c = '621, c d = '856. These results are in excess of those derived from experiment with cylindrical short tubes, per- fectly square at the ends and of uniform bore. As some loss, however, takes place in the eddy between or and the tube, and from the friction at the sides, not taken into account in the above calculation, it will account for the differences of not more than from 4 to 6 per cent, between the calculation and experiment. If c c be assumed for cal- culation equal '590, then C A =. *821 ; and as this result agrees very closely with the experimental one, c c should be taken of this value in using the above formulae for practical purposes. COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE. LOSS OF MECHANICAL POWER IN THE PASSAGE OF WATER THROUGH THIN PLATES AND PRISMATIC TUBES. The coefficients of contraction, velocity, and discharge have been already defined. The coefficient of resistance is the ratio of the head due to the resistance, to the theoretical head due to the discharging or final velocity. If v be this velocity, the theoretical head due to it is ; and if c r be the coefficient of resistance, then the head due to the resist- ance itself is. from our definition, c r x ^. Now if c, be 20 the coefficient of velocity, the theoretical velocity of discharge must be , and the head due to it is equal - - ; but * the letter r, only remarking here thatybr cylindrical pipes flowing full) or rivers with semicircular beds, it is always equal to half the radius, or one-fourth of the diameter. Du Buat was the first to observe that the head due to the resistance of friction for water flowing in a uniform channel increased directly as the length of the channel I, directly as the border, and inversely as the area of the cross-flowing * M. Girard has conceived it necessary to introduce the coefficient of correction 1/7 as a multiplier to the border for finding r, to allow for the increased resistance from aquatic plants; so that, according to his reduction, area ~ 1-7 border' See Rennie's First Report on Hydraulics as a Branch of Engineering ; Third Report of the British Association, p. 1G7. Also equation (85), p. 112. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 103 section *, very nearly ; that is, as . It also increases as the square of the velocity, nearly ; therefore the head due to the v 2 / v 2 / resistance must be proportionate to o If c t x <5> ~ = h& then c { is the coefficient for the head due to the resistance of friction, as h { is the head necessary to overcome the friction, c { is therefore termed " the coefficient of friction " HYDRAULIC INCLINATION. TRAIN. If I be the length of a pipe or channel, and h t the height due to the resistance of friction of water flowing in it, then y f is the hydraulic inclination. In Fig. 31 the tubes A B, c D, of the same length /, and whose discharging extremities B and D are on the same horizontal plane B D, will have the same hydraulic inclination and the same discharge, no matter what the actual inclinations or the depth of the entrances at A and c may be, so they be of the same kind and bore j and as the velocities in A B and c D are the same, the height h due to them must be the same when the circumstances of the orifices of entry A and c are alike. We have the whole head H = h + h t (see pp. 89 and 90). The hydraulic inclination is not therefore the whole head H, divided by the length / of the pipe, as it is some- times mistaken, but the height h { (found by subtracting the height h, due to the entrance at A or c, and the velocity in the pipe, from the whole height) divided by the length /. When the height h is very small compared with the whole height H, as it is in very long tubes with moderate heads, * Pitot had previously, in 1726, remarked that the diminution arising from friction in pipes is, azteris paribw, inversely as the diameters. 104 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM fit y may be substituted for y without error j but for short pipes up to 100 feet in length the latter only should be used in applying Du Buat's and some other formulae ; otherwise the results will be too large, and only fit to be used approximately in order to determine the height h from the velocity of dis- charge thus found. When the horizontal pipe c D, Fig. 32, is equal in every way to the inclined pipe A B, and the head at A is that due to the velocity in c D, the discharge from the pipe A B will be equal to that from c D ; but a peculiar property belongs to the pipe AB in the position in which it is here placed ; for if we cut it short at any point e, or lengthen it to any extent, to E, the discharge will remain the same and equal to that through the horizontal pipe c D. The velocity in A B at the angle of inclination ABC, when A c h {) and A B = c D, is therefore such that it remains unaffected by the length A E or A e, to which it may be extended or cut short ; and at this inclination the water in the pipe A B is said to be "in train" In like manner a river or stream is said to be " in train " when the inclination of its surface bears such a relation to the cross section that the mean velocity is neither de- creased nor increased by the length of the channel ; and we per- ceive from this that the acceleration caused by the inclination is exactly counterbalanced by the resistances to the motion when the moving water in a pipe or river channel is in train. As h = (1 + c r ) o~ where c r is the coefficient of the height due to the resistance at the orifice of entry A or c, and h t = c f o , vve therefore get ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 105 U 2 IV* / / (73.) H = (1 + C + C f X = and hence we find the mean velocity of discharge (74.) v : When A is small compared with h f , or, which comes to the same thing, 1 + C T small compared with c f x - > lv* (75.) H = c f x 2^, and (76.) c t H If, in the last equation, we substitute s for y, equal the sine of the angle of inclination ABC, we then have (77.) v = i f ) An average value of c f for all pipes with straight channels is 0069914, from which we find equation (77) becomes, for measures in feet, (78.) v = 96 v/ As the mean value of the coefficient of resistance c r for the entrance into a tube is -508, and as 2g := 64'403, and c { = '0069914, equation (74), for measures in feet, becomes 64-403 H 1* 1-508 + -0069914-^J ' nr H + -0001 085 /) ' This, multiplied by the section, gives the discharge. 106 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM DU BUAT S FORMULA. The coefficient of friction c f is not, however, constant, as it varies with the velocity. That which we have just given answers for pipes when the velocity is from 18 to 24 inches per second. For pipes and rivers it is found to increase as the velocity decreases; that is, the loss of head is propor- tionately greater for small than for large velocities. Du Buat found the loss of head to be also greater for small than large channels, and applied a correction accordingly in his formula. This, expressed in French inches, is 297 (r -0-1) (80.) v = ^ , rf- - 4 _-3(r 4 -0-l), (-) -hyp.log.( 7 + l-6) maintaining the preceding notation, in which s =. ~r. In this formula O'l, in the numerator of the first term, is deducted as a correction due to the hydraulic mean depth, as it was found that 297 (r 4 O'l) agreed more exactly with experiment than 297 r* simply. The second term, hyp. log. ( - + 1-6 J, of the denominator is also deducted to compensate for the observed loss of head being greater for less velocities, and the last term '3 (r 4 O'l) is a deduction for a general loss of velocity sustained from the unequal motions of the particles of water in the cross section as they move along the channel. These corrections are empirical; they were, however, deter- mined separately, and after being tested by experiment, applied, as above, to the radical formula v = 297 \/rs. Du Buat's formula was published in his Principes d'Hydr antique, in 1786. It is, as we have seen, partly empirical, but deduced by an ingenious train of reasoning and with considerable penetration from about 125 experi- ments, made with pipes from the 19th part of an inch to 18 inches in diameter, laid horizontally, inclined at various inclinations, and vertical ; and also from experiments on open channels with sectional areas from 19 to 40,000 square inches, ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 107 and inclinations of from 1 in 112 to 1 in 36,000. The lengths of the pipes experimented with varied from 1 to 3, and from 3 to 3600 feet. In several experiments by which we have tested this formula, the resulting velocities found from it were from 1 to 5 per cent, too large for small pipes, and too small for straight rivers in nearly the same proportion. As the experi- ments from which it was derived were made with great care, those with pipes particularly so, this was to be expected. Experiments with pipes of moderate or short lengths should have the circumstances of the orifice of entry from the reservoir duly noted ; for the close agreement of this formula with them must depend a great deal, in such pipes, on the coefficient due to the height h, which must be deducted from the whole head H before the hydraulic inclination, y s, can be obtained ; but for very long pipes and uniform channels this is not necessary. Under all the circumstances, and after comparing the results obtained from this and other formulae, we have pre- ferred calculating tables for the values of v from this formula reduced for measures in English inches, which is 306-596 (f* - -1032) ?; = 7TV~ -77- -r - -2906 (f* - -1032), (-) -hyp.log.(-+l-6) or more simply, 307 (r* - -1) (81.) " = / -) -hyp.log.( 7 +l-6) This gives the value of v a little larger than the original formula, but the difference is immaterial. For measures in English feet it becomes 88-51 (r* - -03) (82.) y= -j - - -84 (** - -03). The results of equation (81) are calculated for different 108 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM values of * and r, and tabulated in'TABLE VIIL, the first eight pages of which contain the velocities for values of r varying from ^th inch to 6 inches ; or if pipes, diameters from J inch to 2 feet, and of various inclinations from horizontal to vertical. The five last pages contain the velocities for values of r from 6 inches to 12 feet, and with falls from 6 inches to 12 feet per mile. EXAMPLE VI II. A pipe, 1^ inch diameter and 100 feet long, has a constant head of 2 feet over the discharging ex- tremity ; what is the velocity of discharge per second ? H 3 . , , 100 CA 1 . The mean radius r rz-f - inches, and - = 50 = -. is 48 % s the approximate hydraulic inclination. At page 2 of TABLE VIIL, in the column under the mean radius -, and opposite to the inclination 1 in 50, we find 30*69 inches for the velocity sought. This, however, is but approximative, as the head due to the velocity should be subtracted from the whole head of 2 feet, before finding the true hydraulic inclination. This head depends on the coefficient of resistance at the entrance orifice, or the coefficient of discharge for a short tube. In all Du Buat's experiments this latter was taken at "8125, but it will depend on the nature of the junction, as, if the tube runs into the cistern, it will become as small as '715; and, if the junction be rounded into the form of the contracted vein, it will rise '974, or 1 nearly. In this case, the coefficient of discharge may be assumed '815*, from which, in TABLE II., we find the head due to a velocity of 30'69 inches to be 1 1 = 1'87 inch nearly, which is the value of h; and hence, H h = h f = 24 - 1-87 = 22-13 inches; and L - ^ * o 12 =54-2 = \ the hf 2Z' lo hydraulic inclination more correctly. With this new in- clination and the mean radius , we find the velocity by interpolating between the inclinations 1 in 50 and 1 in 60, given in the Table to be 30'69 1-34 = 29-35 inches per * See EXAMPLE 16, pp. 10. 12. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 109 second. This operation may be repeated until v is found to any degree of accuracy according to the formula; but it is, practically, unnecessary to do so. If we now wish to find the discharge per minute in cubic feet, we can easily do so from TABLE IX., in which for an inch and a half pipe we get Inches. Cubic feet. For a velocity of 20'00 per second, 1-22718 per minute. 9-00 -55223 30 -01841 04 , -00245 .. 29-34 1-80027 The discharge found experimentally by Mr. Provis, for a tube of the same length, bore, and head, was 1'745 cubic foot per minute. If we suppose the coefficient of discharge due to the orifice of entry and stop-cock in Mr. Provis's 208 experi- ments* with 1 inch lead pipes of 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 feet lengths, to be -715, the results calculated by the tables will agree with the experimental results with very great accuracy, and it is very probable from the circum- stances described, that the ordinary coefficient '815 due to the entry was reduced by the circumstances of the stop- cock and fixing to about '715; but even with -815 for the coefficient, the difference between calculation and experiment is not much, the calculation being then in excess in every experiment, the average being about 5 per cent., and not so much in the example we have given. TABLE VIII. will give the velocity, and thence the discharge immediately, for long pipes, and TABLE X. enables us to cal- culate the cubic feet discharged per minute, with great facility. For river?, the mean velocity, and thence the discharge, is also found with quickness. See also TABLES XL, XII., and XIII. EXAMPLE IX. A watercourse is 7 feet wide at the bottom, the length of each sloping side is 6'Sfeet, the width at the surface is 18 feet, the depth 4 feet, and the inclina- * Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, pp. 201, 210, vol. ii. 110 THE DISCHARGE OP WATER FROM tion of the surface 4 inches in a mile ; what is the quantity flowing down per minute ? (18 + 7)x- 50 Here 7 + 2x g.g = ^ = 2 ' 4272 feet = 29 ' 126 inches = r, is the hydraulic mean depth; and as the fall is 4 inches per mile, we find at the llth page of TABLE VIII., the ve- locity v = 12*03 '16 = 11 '87 inches per second; the dis- charge in cubic feet per minute is, therefore, 50 x H|? x 60 = 2967-5. Watt, in a canal of the fall and dimensions here given, found the mean velocity about 13g inches per second. This corresponds to a fall of 5 inches in the mile, according to the formula. In one of the original experiments with which the formula was tested on the canal of Jard, the measurements accorded very nearly with those in this example, viz. - = 15360, and r =. 29*1 French inches; the observed velocity at the surface was 15'74, and the calculated mean velocity from the formula 11-61 French inches*. TABLE VII. will give 12-29 inches for the mean velocity, corresponding to a superficial velocity of 15*74 inches. This shews that the formula also gives too small a value for v in this case, by about tS-th of the result, it being about -^ part in the other. The probable error in the formula applied to straight clear rivers of about 2 feet 6 inches hydraulic mean depth is nearly -jVth or 8 per cent, of the tabulated velocity, and this must be added for the more correct result; the watercourse being supposed nearly straight and free from aquatic plants. Notwithstanding the differences above remarked on, we are of opinion that the results of this formula, which we * These measures reduced to English inches, give r = 31-014, v = 12-374 ; and the surface velocity 16-775 inches ; reduced for mean velocity 13-101 inches. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. Ill have calculated and tabulated, may be more safely relied on as applied to general practical purposes than most of those others which we shall proceed to lay before our readers. Rivers or watercourses are seldom straight or clear from weeds, and even if the sections, during any improvements, be made uniform, they will seldom continue so, as "the regimen" or adaptation of the velocity to the tenacity of the banks, must vary with the soil and bends of the channel, and can seldom continue permanent for any length of time unless protected. From these causes a loss of velocity takes place, difficult, if not impossible, to estimate accurately, but which may be taken at from 10 to 15 per cent, of that in the clear unobstructed direct channel; but, be this as it may, it is safer to calculate the drainage or mechanical results obtainable from a given fall and river channel, from formula which give lesser, than from those which give larger velocities. This is a principle engineers cannot too much observe. We have before remarked, that for both pipes and rivers the coefficient of resistance increases as the velocity de- creases. This is as much as to say, in the simple formula for the velocity, v =. m \/rs, that m must increase with v, and as some function of it. This is the case in TABLE VIII., through- out which the velocities increase faster than \J~r, the \/s, r the \/7s. In all formulae with which we are acquainted but Du Buat's and Young's, the velocity found is constant when ^/rs or r x s is constant. In Du Buat's formula for r x s constant, v obtains maximum values between r =: f inch and r = 1 inch ; the differences of the velocities for different values of r above 1 inch, r x s being constant, are not much. We may always find the maximum value, or nearly so, by as- suming r f inch, and finding the corresponding inclination from the formula -^-?, which is equal to it. For example, 3 if r = 12 inches, and s = 1Q56o , the velocity is found equal 9'52 inches; but when rs is constant, the inclination s cor- responding to r = I inch is ^l-?lL__ _. _!., f rom wn j c h 112 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM we find from the table v 10'25 inches for the maximum velocity, making a difference of fully 7 per cent. When r "01 of an inch, or a pipe is -^jth part of an inch in diameter, Du Buat's formula fails, but it gives correct results for pipes th of an inch in diameter, and two of the experiments from which it was derived were made with pipes 12 inches long and only -j^th part of an inch in diameter. COULOMB having shown that the resistance opposed to a disc revolving in water increases as the function av + bv* of the velocity v, we may assume that the height due to the resistance of friction in pipes and rivers is also of this form; and that (83.) h f = (av + bv 2 )-, r and, consequently, (84.) rs = av + bv z . GIRARD first gave values to the coefficients a and b. He assumed them equal, and each equal to '0003104 for mea- sures in metres, and thence the velocity in canals, (85.) v = (3221-016 r* + -25)* - '5;* which reduced for measures in English feet becomes (86.) v = (10567-8 rs + 2-67) 1 1-64. The value of a b = '0003104 was obtained by means of twelve experiments by Du Buat and Chezy. Of course the value is four times this in the original, as we use the mean radius in all the formulae instead of the diameter. This formula is only suited for very small velocities in canals containing aquatic plants, and the velocity must be increased by '7 foot per second for clear channels. PRONY found from thirty experiments on canals, that a = -000044450 and b = '0003093 14,f for measures in metres, from which we find (87.) v = (3232-96 rs + -00516)* - -0719; * See Brewster's Encyclopedia, Article Hydrodynamics, p. 529. t Recherches Physico-Mathematiques sur la Theorie des Eaux Courantes. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 113 this reduced for measures in English feet is, (88.) v = (10607-02 rs + -0556)* - -236;* the velocities did not exceed 3 feet per second in the ex- periments from which this was derived. For pipes, Prony found,^ from fifty-one experiments made by Du Buat, Bossut, and Couplet, with pipes from 1 to 5 inches diameter, from 30 to 17,000 feet in length, and one pipe 19 inches diameter and nearly 4000 feet long, that a = -00001733, and b = '0003483, from which values (89.) v - (2871-09 rs + -0006192)* - -0249, for measures in metres, and for measures in English feet, (90.) v = (9419-75 rs + -00665)* - -0816. Prony also gives the following formula applicable to pipes and rivers. It is derived from fifty-one selected experiments with pipes, and thirty-one with open channels : (91.) v = (3041-47 rs + -0022065)* - -0469734,;}: for measures in metres, which, reduced for measures in English feet, is (92.) v = (9978-76 rs + -02375)* -15412. EYTELWEIN, following the method of investigation pursued previously by Prony, found from a large number of experi- ments, a -0000242651, and b = -000365543 in rivers, for measures in metres; and, therefore, * For canals containing aquatic plants, reeds, .-*oo>o o^uscot-coooooo oooooooo gg ooooooooo 999999999 4 -1 IQ ia o o o us us -S 5| Ot-COO>Or-l(MUS 2 cq-<*COO*O AlOJOt-C)^t*CQCOC^ *i: i-ilr-OOOOlOO ?9^?9?9 CO^*^*l> B COUSUS < ^t1 5^feggss tp^CO^M.^OlJt-^ * OCO = 100v/^; and is most applicable to very large rivers and velocities. D'AUBUISSON, from an examination of the results obtained by Prony and Eytelwein, assumes^ for measures in metres that a = -0000189, and b = '0003425 for pipes substituting these in equation (84) and resolving the quadratic (108.) v = (2919-71 rs + -00074)* - -027 ; which reduced for measures in English feet becomes (109.) v = (9579 r s + -00813)* - -0902. For rivers he assumes with Eytelwein,;}; a = '000024123, and b = -0003655, for measures in metres, and hence (110.) v = (2735-98 rs + -0011)*- -033; which for measures in English feet is (111.) v = (8976-5 rs + -012) 4 - -109. When the velocity exceeds two feet per second, he assumes, from the experiments of Couplet, a = 0, and b = '00035875; these values give (112.) v = v / 2787-46>*; for measures in metres, and (113.) v = 95-6 v/rs = x/9145r* for measures in English feet. Equations (110) and (111) are the same as (93) and (94), found from Eytelwein's values of a and 6, and it may be remarked that D'Aubuis- son's equations for the velocity generally are but simple modifications of Prony's and Eytelwein's. * Natural Philosophy, p. 423. t Trait6 d'Hydraulique, p. 224. J Traite d'Hydraulique, p. 133. See Equation (93). ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 119 The values which we have found to agree best with ex- periments on clear straight rivers are a = '0000035, and b = '0001 150 for measures in English feet, from which we find (114.) v = (8695-6 rs + -00023)* - -0152, which for an average velocity of 1 foot per second will give v = 92'3 \/rs nearly, and for large velocities v 93'3<\/rs' > for smaller velocities than lj foot per second, the coefficients of ^/r s decrease pretty rapidly. This formula will be found to agree more accurately with observation and experiment than any other we know of. It is useful to remark in the preceding formulae, that the second term and decimals both tinder the vinculum may be entirely neglected without error. WEISBACH is perhaps the only writer who has modified the form of the equation r s = a v + ft v 2 . In Dr. Young's for- mula, a and b vary with r, but Weisbach assumes that A f := ( a + ) - X , and finds from the fifty-one experi- \ */ a 2ff mentsof Couplet, Bossut and Du Buat, before referred to, one experiment by Guemard, and eleven by himself, all with pipes varying from an inch to five and a half inches in diameter, and with velocities varying from 1^ inch to 15 feet per second, that a = -01439, and b = '0094711 for measures in metres ; hence we have for the metrical standard (115.) A, This reduced for the mean radius r is (116.) h, = (-003597 + - 023678 )lx^ ; \ ?i / r 2ff from which we find for measures in English feet (117.) h, = -003597 + - x r 120 and thence (118.) THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM = (-003597 V and by substituting for 2g, its value 64 - 403, (119.) ..= (.00005585 In equation (117), ( -003597 + ' QQ42887 } = c t is the co- X vi / efficient of the head due to friction. The equation does not admit of a direct solution, but the coefficient should be first determined for different values of the velocity v and tabu- lated, after which the true value of t> can be determined by finding an approximate value and thence taking out the cor- responding coefficient from the table, which does not vary to any considerable extent for small changes of velocity. In the following small table we have calculated the coefficients of friction, and also those of v z , in equation (119), for different values of the velocity v. TABLE OF THE COEFFICIENTS OF FEIOTION IN PIPES. Velocity in feet c f c f Velocity in feet. c f c t 64-4 64-4 >0 Infinity. Infinity. 1-75 006839 0001062 k l 017159 0002664 2 006629 0001029 2 '013186 0002047 2-5 006309 0000979 3 011427 0001774 3 006073 0000943 4 010378 0001611 3-5 005890 0000914 5 009662 0001500 4 005741 0000891 6 009133 0001418 5 005514 0000866 7 008723 0001354 6 005348 .0000830 8 008391 0001303 7 005218 0000810 -9 008117 0001260 8 005113 0000794 1-0 007886 0001224 10 004953 0000769 1-25 007433 0001154 16 004669 0000725 1-5 007098 '0001102 20 004556 0000707 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 121 If the reciprocal of ^-r-j* here found, be substituted in the equation v == A/ - rs, we shall have the value of v. Ac- cording to this table the coefficient of friction for a velocity of seven inches is more than twice that for a velocity of twenty feet. On comparing these coefficients and those for pipes in the preceding formulae, with those for rivers of the same hydraulic depth, we perceive that the loss from friction is greatest in the latter, as might have been anticipated. COEFFICIENTS DUE TO THE ORIFICE OF ENTRY. PROBLEMS. Unless where otherwise expressed, the head due to the velocity and orifice of entry is not considered in the pre- ceding equations. In equation (74), where it is taken into calculation generally, v = -L I \ in which 1 +c r l T c t -r Cf x I / 1 \ 2 is equal to ( J , c t being the coefficient of resistance due to the orifice of entry, and c y the coefficient of velocity or dis- charge from a short tube. If the tube project into the re- servoir, and be of small thickness, c r will be equal *715 nearly, and therefore c t = *956 ; if the tube be square at the junction, the mean value of c v will be '814, and therefore c t = "508; and if the junction be rounded in the form of the contracted vein, c v is equal to unity very nearly, and C T =: 0. For other forms of junction the coefficients of discharge and resistance will vary between these limits, and particular attention must be paid to their values in finding the discharge from shorter tubes and those of moderate lengths, but in very long tubes 1 + c t becomes very small compared with c t x , and may be neglected without practical error. These remarks are ne- cessary to prevent the misapplication of the tables and for- mulae, as the height due to the velocity and orifice of entry is an important element in short tubes. 122 ~ THE DISCHARGE OP WATER FROM We have considered it unnecessary to give any formulae for finding the discharge itself, because, the mean velocity once determined, the calculation of the discharge from the area of the section is one of simple mensuration ; and the introduc- tion of this element into the three problems to which this portion of hydraulic engineering applies itself, renders the equations of solution complex, though easily derived ; and presents them with an appearance of difficulty and want of simplicity which excludes them, nearly altogether, from prac- tical application. The three problems are as follows : I. Given the fall, length, and diameter of a pipe or hy- draulic mean depth of any channel, to find the discharge. Here all that is necessary is to find the mean velocity of discharge, which, multiplied by the area of the section (equal d 2 X '7854 in a cylindrical pipe), gives the discharge sought. TABLE VIII. gives the velocity at once for long channels. TABLE IX. gives the discharge in cubic feet per minute for different diameters of pipes, and velocities in inches per second, when found from TABLE VIII. See also TABLES XI. and XII. II. Given the discharge, and cross section of a channel, to find the fall or hydraulic inclination. If the cross section be circular, as in most pipes, the hy- draulic mean depth is one-fourth of the diameter ; in other channels it is found by dividing the water and channel line of the section, wetted perimeter, or border, into the area. The velocity is found by dividing the area into the discharge, and reducing it to inches per second ; then in TABLE VIII., under the hydraulic mean depth, find the velocity, corresponding to which the fall per mile will be found in the first column, and the hydraulic inclination in the second. III. Given the discharge, length, and fall, to find the diameter of a pipe, or hydraulic mean depth and dimensions of a channel. This is the most useful problem of the three. Assume any mean radius r & and find the discharge D a by Problem I. We shall then have for cylindrical pipes ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 123 5 and as r a , D, and D a are known, r* becomes also known, and thence r. TABLE XIII. will enable us to find r with great facility. Thus, if we had assumed r a = 1 and found D a = 15, D being 33, we then have 1 : r* : : 1 : ?i : : 1 : 2'2, therefore r* = 2'2; 15 and thence by TABLE XIII., r = 1'37, the mean radius required, four times which is the diameter of the pipe. For other channels, the quantity thus found must be the hydraulic mean depth ; and all channels, however varied in the cross section, will have the same velocity of discharge when the fall, length, and hydraulic mean depth are constant. In order to find the dimensions of any polygonal channel whatever, which will give a discharge equal to D, we may assume any channel similar to that proposed, one of whose known sides is s a , and find the corresponding discharge, D a , by Problem I., or from TABLES XI. and XII.; then, if we call the like side of the required channel, s, we shall have s = s a ( ) T , and thence the numerical value from TABLE v D a ' XIII. As it frequently happens that a deposit in, and encrusta- tion of, a pipe takes place from the water passing through it, which diminishes the section considerably from time to time, it is always prudent, when calculating the necessaiy diameter, to take the largest coefficient of friction, c f , or to increase its mean value by perhaps one half, when calculating the diameter from the formulae. Some engineers, as D'Au- buisson, increase the quantity of water by one half to find the diameter; but much must depend on the peculiar cir- cumstances of each case, as sometimes less may be sufficient, or more necessary. The discharge increases in similar figures, as f* or as d*, and the corresponding increase in the diameter for any given or allowed increase in the discharge 124 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM can be easily found by means of TABLE XIII., as shown above. If we increase the dimensions by one-sixth, the dis- charge will be increased by one-half nearly. For shorter pipes, we have to take into consideration the head due to the velocity and orifice of entry. Taking the mean coefficient of velocity or discharge, we find, from TABLE II., the head due to the velocity, if it be known; this subtracted from the whole head, H, leaves the head, h { , due to the hydraulic inclination, which is that we must make use of in the table. If the velocity be not given, we can find it approximately; the head found for this velocity, due to the orifice of entry, when deducted, as before, will give a close value of h { , from which the velocity may be determined with greater accuracy, and so on to any degree of ap- proximation. In general, one approximation to h { will be sufficient, unless the pipes be very short, in which case it is best to use equation (74). Example VIII., page 108, and the explanation of the use of the tables, SECTION I., may be usefully referred to. TABLES XL, XII., and XIII. enable us to solve with considerable facility all questions connected with discharge, dimensions of channel, and the ordinary surface inclinations of rivers. The discharge corresponding to any intermediate channels or falls to those given in TABLES XI. or XII., will be found with abundant accuracy, by inspection and simple interpolation ; and in the same manner the channels from the discharges. Rivers have seldom greater falls than those given in TABLE XII., but in such an event we have only to divide the fall by 4, then twice the corresponding discharge will be that required. TABLE XIII. gives the comparative discharging powers of all similar channels, whether pipes or rivers, and the comparative dimensions from the discharges. We perceive from it, that an increase of one-third in the dimensions doubles, and a decrease of one-fourth reduces the discharge to one-half. By means of this table, we can determine by a simple proportion, the dimensions of any given form of channel when the discharge is known. See EXAMPLE 17, page 12. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 125 The mean widths in TABLES XI. and XII. are calculated for rectangular channels, and those having side slopes of 1-J- to 1. Both these tables are, however, practically, equally applicable to any side slopes from to 1 up to 2 to 1, or even higher, when the mean widths are taken and not those at top or bottom. A semihexagon of all trapezoidal channels of equal area has the greatest discharging power, and the semisquare and all rectangles exactly the same as channels of equal areas and depths with side slopes of 1^ to 1. The maximum discharge is obtained between these for the semihexagon with side slopes, of nearly to 1, but for equal areas and depths the discharge decreases afterwards as the slope flattens. The question of "HOW MUCH?" is here, however, a very important one; for, as we have already pointed out in equations (28) and (31), the differences for any practical purposes may be immaterial. This is par- ticularly so in the case of channels with different side slopes, if, instead of the top or bottom, we make use of the mean width to calculate from. We then have only to subtract the ratio of the slope multiplied by the depth to find the bottom, and add it to find the top. If the mean width be 50 feet, the depth 5 feet, and the side slopes 2 to 1, we get 50 (2 x 5) = 40 for the bottom, and 50 + (2 x 5) = 60 for the top width. Side slopes of 2 to 1 present a greater difference from the mean slope of 1^ to 1, than any others in general practice when new cuts are to be made. A triangular channel having slopes of 2 to 1, and bottom equal to zero, differs more in its discharging power from the half square, equal to it in depth and area, than if the bottom in each was equally increased, yet even here it is easy to show that this maximum difference is only 5 per cent. If the bottom be increased so as to equal the depth, it is only 4 per cent.; when equal to twice the depth, 3'8 per cent. ; and when equal to four times the depth, to 2 per cent.; while the differences in the di- mensions taken in the same order are only 2*2, T8, l - 5, and 0'8 per cent. For greater bottoms in proportion to the depth the differences become of no comparative value. It there- fore appears pretty evident, that TABLES XI. and XII. will 126 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM be found equally applicable to all side slopes from to 1 up to 2 to 1, by taking the mean widths. When new cuts are to be made, we see no reason whatever in starting from bottom rather than mean widths, to calculate the other dimensions; indeed, the necessary extra tables and calcu- lations involved ought entirely to preclude us from doing so. Besides, the formulae for finding the discharge vary in them- selves, and for different velocities the coefficient of friction also varies.* Added to which the inequalities in every river channel, caused by bends and unequal regimen, pre- cludes altogether any regularity in the working slopes and bottom, though the mean width would continue pretty uniform under all circumstances. The quantities in TABLE XII. are calculated, from the velocities found from TABLE VIII., to correspond to a channel 70 feet wide and of different depths, the equivalents to which are given in TABLE XI. In order to apply these tables generally to all open channels, the latter are to be reduced to rectangular ones of the same depth and mean width, or the reverse, as already pointed out. If the dimensions of the given channel be not within the limits of TABLE XL, divide the dimensions of the larger channels by 4, and multiply the corresponding discharge found in TABLE XII. by 32; for smaller channels, multiply the dimensions by 4 and divide by 32. In like manner, if the discharge be given and ex- ceed any to be found in TABLE XIII., divide by 32, and multiply the dimensions of the suitable equivalent channel found in TABLE XL by 4. If we wish to find equivalent channels of less widths than 10 feet for small discharges, multiply the discharge by 32 and divide the dimensions of the corresponding equivalent by 4. Many other multipliers * The coefficients of friction in rivers for velocities from 3 inches to 3 feet per second, varies from about '0082 to '0075 ; yet, strange to say, most tables are calculated from one coefficient alone; or, rather, from a formula equivalent to 94-17 (rs)*, which gives larger results than either, see p. 14. Dimensions of channels calculated by means of this formula are too small. In pipes the variation of the coefficients is shown in the small table, p. 120. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 127 and divisors as well as 4 and 32 may be found from TABLE XIII., such as 3 and 15'6, 6 and 88'2, 7 and 130, 9 and 243, 10 and 316, 12 and 499, &c. The differences indicated at pages 111 and 112, must be expected in the application of these rules, which will give, however, dimensions for new channels which can be depended on for doing duty. It will be seen from TABLE XIII. that a very small increase in the dimensions increases the discharging power very considerably. TABLE XII. also shows that a small increase in the depth alone adds very much to the discharge. If we express in this latter case a small increase in the depth, d, by -, then it is easy to prove that the corresponding increase in the velocity, v, will be -^-; and that in the 2n discharge D, , if the surface inclination continue un- 2 n changed ; but as it is always observable in rivers that the surface inclinations increase with floods, the differences in practice will be found greater than these expressions make it. As in large rivers the surface inclinations are very small, four times the amount will add veiy little to the sectional areas, yet this increase will double fully the discharge, and we thence perceive how rivers may be absorbed into others without any great increase of the depths. SECTION IX. BEST FORMS OF THE CHANNEL. REGIMEN. We have seen above, that the determination of the hy- draulic mean depth does not necessarily determine the section of the channel. If the form be a circle, the diameter is four times the mean radius ; but, though this form be almost always adopted for pipes, the beds of rivers take almost 128 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM every curvilineal and trapezoidal shape. Other things being the same, that form of a river channel, in which the area divided by the border is a maximum, is the best. This is a semicircle having the diameter for the surface line, and in the same manner, half the regular figures, an oc- tagon, hexagon, and square, in Fig. 33, are better forms for the channel, the areas being constant, than any others of the same number of sides. Of all rectangular channels, Diagram 4, in which A BCD is half a square, is the best cross section; and in Diagram 3, ACDB, half a hexagon, is the best trapezoidal form of cross section. When the width of the bottom, CD, Diagram 3, is given, and the slope = n, then, in order that the discharge may be the greatest possible, we must have and = {- - ^ - - }, L2 (n a + 1)* n) CD = n x ca ca in which c is the given area of the channel. As, however, we have never known a river in which the slope of the natural banks continued uniform, even though made so for any im- provements, we consider it almost unnecessary to give tables for different values of n. If, notwithstanding, we put p for the inclination of the slope AC, equal angle CAa, we shall find, as cot.

that the foregoing CD ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 129 and (121.) CD = -^ caxcot.?, ca which will give the best dimensions for the channel when the angle of the slope for the banks is known. When the discharge from a channel of a given area, with given side slopes, is a maximum, it is easy to show that THE HYDRAULIC MEAN DEPTH MUST BE HALF OF THE CENTRAL OR GREATEST DEPTH. This simple principle enables us to con- struct the best form of channel with great facility. Describe any circle on the drawing-board; draw the diameter and produce it on both sides, outside the circle; draw a tangent to the lower circumference parallel to this diameter, and draw the side slopes at the given inclinations, touching the circum- ference also on each side and terminating on the parallel lines: the trapezoid thus formed will he the best form of channel, and the width at the surface will be equal to the sum of the two side slopes. It is easy to perceive that this construction may be, simply, extended for finding the best form of a channel having any polygonal border whatever of more sides than three and of given inclinations. Commencing with the best form of channel, which in prac- tice will have the mean width, about double the depth, an equal discharging section of double the width of the first will have the contents one-eleventh greater, and the depth less in the proportion of 1 to 1*85. A channel of double the mean width of the second must have the sectional area further in- creased by about one-fifth, and a further decrease in the depth from 1'67 to 1 nearly. The greater expense of the excava- tion at greater depths will, in general, more than counter- balance these differences in the contents of the channel. When the banks rise above the flood line, and are unequal in their section, the wider channel involves further upper extra cutting, but there is greater capacity to discharge extra and extraordinary flooding, the banks are less liable to slip or give way, the slopes may be less, and the velocity being also less, the regimen will, in general, be better preserved. K 130 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM Area in terms of the depth d. *53cOOOC and hence the square root of the cube of the channel area, divided by the border, must be constant. With a fall of one or more feet to a mile, two channels, one 70 feet wide and 1 foot deep, and the other 20 feet wide and 2 feet deep, will have the same discharge. If we put w for the width and d for the depth of any rectangular channel, then d*- j 2 fj \ m * we therefore have the cubic equation (122.) for finding the depth d of any other rectangular channel whose width is w, of the same discharging power. We have calculated the depths d for different widths of channel from this equation, assuming a width of 70 feet and different depths to find m from. This table will be found sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes, by taking a mean width, when the banks are sloped. If the hydraulic inclinations vary, then the \/rs must be inversely as the areas of the channels when ^/r s x channel or the discharge is constant ; and if the area of the channel 136 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER PROM and discharge be each constant, r must vary inversely as * ; and r s be also constant. For instance, a channel which has a fall of four feet per mile, and a hydraulic mean depth of one foot, will have the same discharge as another channel of equal area, having a hydraulic mean depth of four feet and a fall per mile of only one foot. DISCHARGING} BEOTANGTJLAB CHANNELS*. Values of m. The widths in feet are given in the top horizontal line, and the corresponding depths in feet in the other horizontal lines. 70 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 8-7 24-6 0-25 0-5 55 30 62 35 73 40 80 45 89 52 1-02 68 1-19 71 1-48 98 2-04 45-0 75 82 94 1-10 1-20 1-35 1-56 1-82 2-28 3-22 69-0 1-0 1-10 1-26 1-48 1-62 1-81 2-10 2-46 3-11 4-50 96-9 1-25 1-39 1-58 1-86 2-04 2-28 2-65 3-12 3-98 5-89 126 1-5 1-67 1-90 2-24 2-46 2-75 3-20 3-80 4-88 7-31 158 1-75 1-95 2-22 2-62 2-88 3-23 3-75 4-50 5-80 8-86 193 2-0 2-23 2-54 3-00 3-31 3-72 4-32 5-22 6-78 10-50 267 2-5 2-79 3-18 3-76 4-16 4-70 5-50 6-68 8-84 14-00 349 3-0 8-35 3-84 4-54 5-04 572 6-69 8-22 11-03 17-68 437 3-5 3-91 4-50 5-33 5-95 6-75 7-93 9-82 13-32 21-68 531 629 4-0 4-5 4-48 5-05 514 5-79 6-13 6-95 6-85 7-75 7-81 8-90 9-21 10-50 11-48 13-19 15-75 18-22 26-00 30-36 732 5-0 5-62 6-45 7-75 8-66 10-00 11-79 14-96 20-80 35-00 839 5-5 6-18 7-12 8-57 9-62 11-10 13-24 16-77 23-47 39-81 951 6-0 6-75 7-80 9-40 10-60 12-22 14-65 18-65 26-25 44-86 SECTION X. EFFECTS OF ENLARGEMENTS AND CONTRACTIONS. BACK- WATER WEIR CASE. LONG AND SHORT WEIRS. WHEN the flowing section in pipes or rivers expands or con- tracts suddenly, a loss of head always ensues ; this is pro- * This table is enlarged in TABLE XI., and is as equally applicable to all other measures, inches, yards, fathoms, &c., as to feet. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 137 bably expended in forming eddies at the sides, or in giving the water its new section. A side current, moving slowly upwards, may be frequently observed in the wide parts of rivers, when the channel is unequal, though the downward current, at the centre, be pretty rapid ; and though we may assume generally that the velocities are inversely as the sec- tions, when the channels are uniform, we cannot properly do so where the motions are so uncertain as those referred to. When a pipe is contracted by a diaphragm at the orifice of entry, Fig. 27, we have seen (equation 60), that the loss of head is, Fig-,36 (123.) When the diaphragm is placed in a uniform pipe, Fig. 36, then A =. c, and we get the loss of head (124.) and the coefficient of resistance as in equation (67). The coefficient of discharge c d is here equal to the coefficient of contraction c c , or very nearly. Now we have shown in equation (45), and the remarks following it, that the value of the coefficient of discharge, c d , varies ac- cording to the ratio of the sections, , and in TABLE V. we have calculated the new coefficients for different values of the ratios, and different values of the primary coefficient but as > * n passing from B to A, the velocity t? 2 v 3 changes from v t to v, there is a loss of head equal ^ > and if c { be the coefficient of friction, there is a loss of head from this cause equal c f x f m ; hence the whole change of head in passing from B to A is equal to c f x x "Tjjrr -hfj But this change of head is equal to BE AD = BO +OE AD = h L + Is h, whence we get 142 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM (126.) h l -h = d i -d = c { x x <*L t _. = _ i 8 . I'm off 2g Av A + A! or as Vi = , and r m = TTT , we get, by a few reductions and change of signs, and therefore we get A* -A? ft hi - -j x (128.) 1 from which we can calculate the length I corresponding to any assumed change of level between A and B. Then, by a simple proposition we can find the change of level for any smaller length. To find the change of level directly from a given length does not admit of a direct solution, for the value of h h t in equation (127) involves A : , which de- pends again on h h l} and further reduction leads to an equation of a higher order; but the length corresponding to a given rise, h 1} is found directly by equation (128). When the width of the channel, w, is constant, and the section equal to w x d nearly, the above equations admit of a further reduction for A 1 = d L w and A = dw; by sub- stituting these values in equation (127) it becomes, after a few reductions, (129.) h h i = d-d i or, as it may be further reduced, s - c ,x-^ 0300 -*,= - -4 ~ ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 143 Now, we may take in this equation for all practical purposes, d + d t x b m _ b 2,d\ d\ if) dtyD approximately, b being the border of the section at AH; and 7,7 n also, -^ - = -, approximately ; therefore, we shall have d l d b v* s - c t x _ x _ d w o (131.) A-A, = 2" l-x^- d 2q and (132.) Now, as - = , 2or = 64*4, and the mean value of the rfw> r coefficient of friction for small velocities c i = '0078, we shall get 64-4 ds- -0078 -t; 2 (133.) 1 = A- and (134.) / = 64-4 rfs- -0078 very nearly. Having by means of these equations found AB from BO or BE, and BO from AB, we can in the same manner proceed up the channel and calculate BjC, B 2 c u &c., until the points B, B U B 2 in the curve of the backwater shall have been determined, and until the last nearly coincides with the original surface of the river. When A ; = 0, we shall have 64-4 ds- -0078 - = 64-4 d-2t; 2 x L 144 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM If we examine equation (134) it appears that when r=2t> 2 , I must be equal to zero; or when = _^ , equal 2 64*4 the height due to the velocity v. When / is infinite, 64'4 d must exceed 2v 2 , and 64'4 ds equal to -0078- v 2 ; = v\ and v = 90'9 v/i7. This is the velocity due to friction in a channel of the depth ?, hydraulic mean depth r, and inclination s; and, as in wide rivers r d nearly, v =. 90'9 \/ds, but when the numerator was zero we had from it v = \/32'2d; equating these values of v, we get s = '0039 = nearly : see p. 70. Now, the larger the fraction s is, the larger will the velocity v become ; and the larger v becomes, the more nearly, in all practical cases, will the terms 64-4 d_ 2 1; 2 and 64-4 ds- -0078 -v\ in the numerator and denominator of equation (134), approach zero ; when 64-4 d 2 v z becomes zero first, / = ; when 64-4 ds -0078 v 2 becomes zero first, / equal infinity ; and when they both become zero at the same time, l = h h L , and * = , see p. 70 ; if s be larger than this fraction, the numerator in equation (134) will generally become zero before the denominator, or negative, in which cases / will also be zero, or negative; and the backwater will take the form FC 2 b. 2 b l ba 1 a, Fig. 38, with a hollow at c 2 . Bidone first observed a hollow, as FC a 2 , when the inclination * was . When the inclina- tion of a river channel changes from greater to less, the velocity is obstructed, and a hollow similar to FC 2 i 2 some- times occurs ; when the difference of velocity is considerable, the upper water at b. z falls backwards towards c 2 and F, and forms a bore, a splendid instance of which is the pororoca, on the Amazon, which takes place where the inclination of ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 145 the surface changes from 6 inches to ^th of an inch per mile, and the velocity from about 22 feet to 4 feet per second. WEIR CASE, LONG AND SHORT WEIRS. When a channel is of very unequal widths, above a weir, we have found the following simple method of calculating the backwater sufficiently accurate, and the results to agree very closely with observation. Having ascertained the surface fall due to friction in the channel at a uniform mean section, add to this fall the height which the whole quantity of water flowing down would rise on a weir having its crest on the same level as the lower weir, and of the same length as the width of the channel in the contracted pass. The sum will be the head of water at some distance above such pass very nearly. A weir was re- cently constructed on the river Blackwater, at the bounds of the counties Armagh and Tyrone, half a mile below certain mills, which, it was asserted, were injuriously affected by backwater thrown into the wheel-pits. The crest of the weir, 220 feet long, was 2 feet 6 inches below the pit; the river channel between varied from 50 and 57 feet to 123 feet in width, from 1 foot to 14 feet deep; and the fall of the surface, with 3 inches of water passing over the weir and the sluices down, was nearly 4 inches in the length of half a mile. Having seen the river in this state in summer, the writer had to calculate the backwater produced by different depths passing over the weir in autumn and winter, which in some cases of extraordinary floods were known to rise to 3 feet. The width of the channel about 60 feet above the weir averaged 120 feet. The width, 2050 feet above the weir and 550 feet below the mills, was narrowed by a slip ifi an adjacent canal bank, to 45 feet at the level of the top of the weir, the average width at this place as the water rose being 55 feet. The channel above and below the slip widened to 80 and 123 feet. Between the mills and the weir there were, therefore, two passes ; one at the slip, averaging 55 feet wide; another above the weir, about 120 feet wide. As- suming as above, that the water rises to the heights due L 146 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM to weirs 55 and 120 feet long, at these passes, we get, by an easy calculation, or by means of TABLE X., the heads in columns two and four of the following table, corresponding to the assumed ones on the weir, given in the first column. TABLE OF CALCULATED AND OBSERVED HEIGHTS ABOVE M'KEAJi's WEIR ON THE RIVER BLACKWATER. Heights at M'Kean's weir 220 feet SS Heights 60 feet above the weir channel 120 feet wide. Heights 2050 feet above the weir channel 55 feet wide; average. Calculated inches. Observed inches. Calculated inches. Observed inches. 1* 2i 24 H 3 41 7i 7 4 6 10 9 5 n 12| Hi 6 9 9 15 16| 7 101 104 171 18| 8 12 20 204 9 18| 121 22 1 201 10 15 24i 20 11 16* 271 24 12 18 17 30J 31 13 19i 18i 32J 33 15 22J 21 37f 40 18 27 25 45i 46 21 31 i 294 53 54 24 36 34 60J 62 As the length of the river was short, and the hydraulic mean depth pretty large, the fall due to friction for 60 feet above the weir was very small, and therefore no allowance was made for it ; even the distance to the slip was comparatively short, being less than half a mile, and as the water approached it with considerable velocity, this was conceived, as the observa- tions afterwards showed, to be a sufficient compensation for the loss of head below by friction. The observations were made by a separate party, over whom the writer had no con- ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 147 trol, and it is necessary to remark, that with the same head of water on the weir, they often differed more from each other than from the calculation. This, probably, arose from the different directions of the wind and the water rising during one observation, and falling during another. The true principle for determining the head at g, Fig. 39, apart from that due to friction, is that pointed out at pages 75 and 76 ; but when the passes are very near each other, or the depth c? 2 , Fig. 23, is small, the effect of the discharge through d z is inconsiderable in reducing the head, as the con- traction and loss of vis-viva are then large, and the head d L becomes that due to a weir of the width of the contracted channel at A, nearly. The reduction in the extent of the backwater, by lowering the head on a longer weir, is found by taking the difference of the amplitudes due to the heads at + sin. 2 = -0^ '= -00375 in feet. in which The angle of deflection, in the experiments from which equation (136) was derived, did not exceed 36. We have already shown the loss of head from the circular bend in ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 153 diagram 1, Fig. 40, where the angle of deflection is nearly i 45, to be 311 g- = -00483 v* t but as the sin. 45 = -707 sin. 2 45 = '5, we get -00483 v* == -00966 v* x sin. 2 45, or more than two and a half times as much as Du Buat's formula would give and if we compare it with Rennie's experiments*, with a pipe 15 feet long, inch diameter, bent into fifteen curves, each 3 inches radius, we should find the formula gives a loss of head not much more than one-half of that which may be derived from the observed change, '419 to '370 cubic feet per minute in the discharge. See p. 156. Dr. Young -f- first perceived the necessity of taking into consideration the length of the curve and the radius of cur- vature. In the twenty-five experiments made by Du Buat, he rejected ten in framing his formula, and the remaining fifteen agreed with it very closely. Dr. Young finds 0000045 f * x v* (140.) h b = - -^ where

= "0000044 >f .x^. and for measures in English feet, Equation (140) agrees to -g^-th of the whole with twenty of Du Buat's experiments, his own formula agreeing so closely with only fifteen of them. The resistance must evidently in- crease with the number of bends or curves ; but when they come close upon, and are grafted into, each other, as in * Philosophical Transactions for 1831, p. 438. t Philosophical Transactions for 1808, pp. 173-175. 154 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM diagram 1, Fig. 41, and in the tube FBC DEG, Fig. 40, the motion in one bend or curve immediately affects those in the adjacent bends or curves, and this law does not hold. Neither Du Buat nor Young took any notice of the rela- tion that must exist between the resistance and the ratio of the radius of curvature to the radius of the pipe. Weisbach does, and combining Du Buat's experiments with some of his own, finds for circular tubes, (143.) /i^ifox {'131 + 1-847 (0}x;g ; and for quadrangular tubes, (144.) A b = - in which

and the third and sixth columns the values of -124 + 3-104 (^- V, d corresponding to different values of f j- ; and it is carried to twice the extent of those given by Weisbach. For bent tubes, diagrams 3, 4, and 5, Fig. 41, the loss of head is considerably greater than for rounded tubes. If, as before, we put the angle N i R = tp, i R being at right angles to i o the line bisecting the angle or bend, we shall find, by ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 155 TABLE OF THE VALUES OF THE EXPRESSIONS 131 + 1-847 (j-\* and -124 + 3-104 (|-\l d *e Circular tubes. Quadrangular tubes. d 2j Circular tubes. Quadrangular tubes. i 131 124 .6 440 643 15 133 128 65 540 811 2 138 135 7 661 1-015 25 145 148 75 806 1-258 3 158 170 8 977 1-545 35 178 203 85 1-177 1-881 4 206 250 9 1-408 . 2-271 45 244 314 95 1-674 2-718 5" 294 398 1-00 1-978 3-228 decomposing the motion, that the head -~- becomes o X cos. 2 2

is more than double the loss from 15 semicircular bends, or * Philosophical Transactions for 1831, p. 438. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 157 2-76 n The loss of head for a right angular bend, deter- 2 mined from Venturi's experiment, is 1'876 JT ; formula (145) makes it o ; and Weisbach's empirical formula, ('9457 sin.

in which 2

from which we find 2^ c d a (A + c) t C d (A + C) in which \/2g 8'025 for measures in feet and equal 27*8 for measures in inches. The whole time of filling to a level the lower empty vessel, is found by adding the time of filling the portion below R, determined in a manner similar to equations (68) and (69) to be (K.) c d a 172 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM to the time of filling above R, given in equation (H), when h is taken equal to zero. Equations (H), (i), and (K) are applicable to the case of the upper and lower chambers of a double lock, after making the necessary change in the diagrams. The above equations require further extensions when water flows into the upper vessel while also flowing from it into the lower; such extensions are, however, of little practical value, and we therefore omit them. For sluices in flood-gates with square arrises, c d may be taken at about *545, but with rounded arrises the coefficient will rise much higher. See SECTIONS III. and VII. NOTE B. In equations (74) and (151), the coefficient of friction c { depends on the velocity v, and its value can be found from an approximate value of that velocity from the small table, page 120. If, however, we use both powers of the velocity, as in equation (83), we shall get, when H is the whole head, and h the head from the surface to the orifice of entry (av + # v ) + (1 + O ~ + h H, a quadratic equation from which we find / gal _ ~ (1 + Cl)r gal or a more general value of the velocity than that given in equation (74). If now we put c s = c r + c b -f c c + c e + c x in equation (151) we shall find gal (1 +c s }r _ gal ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 173 for a more general expression of equation (152), when the simple power of the velocity, as in equation (83), is taken into consideration. For measures in English feet, we may take a = '0000223 and b = -0000854, which correspond to those of Eytelwein, in equation (97). The value of a is the same in English as in French measures, but the value of b in equation (83), for measures in metres, must be divided by 3*2809 to find its corresponding value for measures in English feet. In considering the head ^ c r , due to con- traction at the orifice of entry as not implicitly comprised in the primary values of a and b, equation (83), Eytel- wein is certainly more correct than D'Aubuisson, Traite d'Hydraulique, pp. 223 et 224, as this head varies with the nature of the junction, and should be considered in con- nection with the head due to the velocity, or separately. It can never be correctly considered as a portion of the head due to friction. In all Du Buat's experiments, this head was considered as a portion of that due to the velocity, and the whole head (1 + c r ) deducted to find the hydraulic inclination. VALUES OF a AND b FOR MEASURES IN ENGLISH FEET. a. b. Equation (88.) '0000445 -0000944 (90.) -0000173 -0001061 (94.) -0000243 -0001114 (98.) -0000223 -0000854 (109.) -0000189 -0001044 (111.) -0000241 -0001114 (114.) -0000035 -000115 Mean values for all straight! . 0000221 .Q000892 channels, pipes, or rivers J 174 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE I. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FROM SQUARE AND DIF- FERENTLY PROPORTIONED RECTANGULAR LATERAL ORIFICES IN THIN VERTICAL PLATES. Square orifice Rectangular Rectangular S f 8 /y X 8". orifice 8" x 4". orifice 8' X 2". lyi S ? Ratio of the sides Ratio of the sides Ratio of the sides IfiJ o ^ a&l* ^ II 2|? ^5|? ;i*|f < ?> * CO 5, "* s> "* 5> to OJL 2-78 2-71 2-66 2-39 2-27 2-22 ' 3-48 3-38 3-32 2-99 2-83 2-78 o SJ 6-95 6-77 6-64 5-98 5-66 5-56 0? 9-829 9-57 9-40 8-45 8-01 7-86 Ojg 12-038 11-72 11-51 10-35 9-81 9-63 OJ 13-900 13-54 13-29 11-95 11-33 11-12 Of), 15-541 15-14 14-86 13-36 12-67 12-43 Of 17-024 16-58 16-27 14-64 13-87 13-62 o 07, 18-388 17-91 17-58 15-81 14-99 14-71 0? 19-658 19-15 18-79 16-91 16-02 15-73 o 4 20-850 20-31 19-93 17-93 16-99 16-68 Of 21-978 21-41 21-01 18-90 17-91 17-58 0{' 23-051 22-45 22-04 19-82 18-79 18-44 Of 24-076 23-45 23-02 20-70 19-62 19-26 Oli 25-059 24-41 24-00 21-55 20-42 20-05 Of 26-005 25-33 24-86 22-36 21-19 20-80 0>$ 26-917 26-22 25-73 23-15 21-94 21-53 1 " 27-800 27-08 26-58 23-91 22-66 22-24 11 29-486 28-72 28-19 25-36 24-03 23-59 o if 31-081 30-27 29-71 26-73 25-33 24-87 o if 32-598 31-75 31-16 28-03 26-57 26-08 o i! 34-048 33-19 32-58 29-30 27-75 27-26 o if 35-438 34-52 33-88 30-48 28-88 28-35 If 36-776 35-82 35-16 31-63 29-97 29-42 IJ 38-067 37-08 36-39 32-74 31-02 30-45 2 39-315 38-29 37-59 33-81 32-04 31-45 2J 40-525 39-47 38-74 34-85 33-03 32-42 o 2! 41-700 40-62 39-87 35-86 33-99 33-36 2j- 42-843 41-73 40-96 36-84 34-92 34-27 2, 43-956 42-81 42-02 37-80 35-82 35-16 2j 45-041 4387 43-06 38-74 36-71 36-03 2J- 46-101 44-90 44-07 39-65 37-57 36-88 2i 47-137 45-90 45-06 40-54 38-42 37-71 3 48-151 46-90 46-03 41-41 39-24 38-52 3J 49-144 47-87 46-98 4226 40-05 39-32 3 L 50-117 48-81 47-91 43-10 40-85 40-09 3| 51-072 49-74 48-82 43-92 41-62 40-86 31 52-009 50-66 49-72 44-73 42-39 41-61 3J 52-930 51-55 50-60 45-52 43-14 42-34 3J 53-834 52-43 51-47 46-30 43-88 43-07 3J 54-725 53-30 52-32 47-06 44-60 43-78 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 177 TABLE II. FOB FINDING THE VELOCITIES FBOM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FBOM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes feet Jj inch to Qfeet 3| inches. Coefficients of velocity, and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 1 1 . "2^ 83 8^ S3- I-S3- S3 .5 J sSl . S? 1 S 1 . "*~ 1 n lO 13 00 -~H 5 * '3 c? Js 10-3 5 S *& *o 06 3 i 1 'G *~ 3 OO *o ^ 3 Oi "o "*** ^lil ' lw. CS " d?*' pH-ii'S c.-'ii" .1 ^ i-H S> i-l 5> r-l S> 1-95 1-85 1-75 1-72 1-68 1-62 6 o,fo 2-43 2-31 2-18 2-15 2-11 2-03 0^} 4-87 4-63 4-36 4-29 4-21 4-06 T ' g 6-88 6-55 6-17 6-06 5-96 5-74 8-43 9-73 8-02 9-26 7-56 8-73 7-43 8-58 7-29 8-42 7-03 8-12 0^ 0* 10-88 10-35 9-76 9-59 9-42 9-08 0^ 11-92 11-24 10-69 10-50 10-32 9-94 Of 12-87 12-25 11-55 1135 11-14 10-74 OT% 13-76 12-97 12-34 12-13 11-91 11-48 14-60 13-89 13-09 12-86 12-64 12-18 T 9 g 15-38 14-64 13-80 13-56 13-32 12-84 Of 16-14 15-35 14-48 14-22 13-97 13-46 OU 16-85 16-03 15-12 14-85 14-59 14-06 Of 17-54 16-69 15-74 15-46 15-19 14-63 Ojj! 18-20 17-32 16-33 16-04 15-76 15-09 Of 18-84 17-93 16-90 16-61 16-31 15-72 0{| 19-46 18-51 17-46 17-15 16-85 16-24 1 20-64 19-64 18-52 18-19 17-87 17-22 1J 21-76 20-70 19-52 19-18 18-84 18-15 ]J 22-82 21-71 20-47 20-11 19-75 19-04 If 23-85 22-69 21-38 21-01 20-63 19-88 o 14 24-81 23-60 22-26 21-87 21-48 20-70 If 25-74 24-49 23-10 22-69 22-29 21-48 If 26-65 25-35 23-91 23-49 23-07 22-23 1 27-52 26-18 24-69 24-26 23-82 22-96 2 2837 26-99 25-45 25-00 24-56 23-67 2* 29-19 27-77 26-19 25-73 25-27 24-35 2J 29-99 28-53 26-91 26-43 25-96 25-02 2| 30-77 29-27 27-60 27-12 26-64 25-67 2 31-53 30-00 28-29 27-79 27-29 26-30 2| 32-27 30-70 28-95 28-44 27-94 26-92 2| 33-00 31-39 29-60 29-08 28-57 27-53 2Z 33-71 32-07 30-24 29-71 29-18 28-12 3 34-40 32-73 30-86 30-32 29-78 28-70 3 35-08 33-38 31-47 30-92 30-37 29-27 3 35-75 34-01 32-07 31-51 30-95 29-83 3j 36-41 34-64 32-66 32-09 31-52 30-37 3 37-05 35-25 33-24 32-66 32-08 30-91 3i 37-68 35-85 33-81 33-22 3262 31-44 3; 38-31 36-45 34-37 33-77 3316 31-96 3, 178 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE II. FOR FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes Ofeet 4 inches to 1 foot. Coefficients of velocity and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 1. Altitudes h Values of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in feet and v = 27-8 -J~h, Coeffic 1 . Coeffic*. Coeffit 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . inches. the theoretical 974. 956. 86. 815. 8. velocity. 6 4 55-60 54-15 53-15 47-82 45-31 44-48 4 56-462 54-99 53-98 48-56 46-02 45-17 4 57-311 55-82 54-79 49-29 46-71 45-85 4| 58-148 5664 55-59 5001 47-39 46-52 o 44 58-973 57-44 56-38 50-72 48-06 47-18 4f 59-786 58-23 57-16 51-42 48-73 47-83 4* 60-589 59-01 57-92 52-11 49-38 48-47 4J 61-368 59-77 5867 52-78 50-02 49-09 5 62-163 60-55 59-43 53-46 50-66 49-73 5 62-935 61-30 60-17 54-12 51-29 50-35 5| 63-698 62-04 60-90 54-78 51-91 50-96 5f 64-452 62-78 61-62 55-43 52-53 51-56 54 65-197 63-50 62-33 56-07 53-14 52-16 5f 65-933 64-22 63-03 56-70 53-74 52-75 5| 66662 64-93 63-73 57-33 54-33 5333 5f 67-383 65-63 64-42 57-95 5492 53-91 6 68-096 66-33 65-10 58-56 55-50 54-48 61 69-50 67-69 66-44 59-77 56-64 55-60 6) 70-876 69-03 67-76 60-95 57-24 56-70 6| 72-227 70-35 69-05 62-11 58-86 57-78 7 73-552 71-64 70-32 63-25 59-95 58-84 7J 74-854 72-91 71-56 64-37 61-01 59-88 74 76-133 74-15 72-78 65-47 62-05 60-91 7* 77-392 75-38 73-99 66-56 63-07 61-91 8 78-630 76-59 75-17 67-62 64-08 62-90 8J 79-849 77-77 76-34 68-67 65-08 63-88 8J 81-050 78-94 77-48 69-70 6606 64-84 8| 82-234 80-10 78-62 7072 67-02 65-79 9 83-40 81-23 7973 7172 67-97 66-72 9} 84-550 82-35 80-83 72-71 68-91 67-64 9} 85-685 83-46 81-92 73-69 69-83 68-55 9} 86-805 84-55 82-99 74-65 70-75 6944 10 87-911 85-63 84-04 75-60 71-65 70-33 o 104 89-004 86-69 85-09 76-54 72-54 71-20 10.J 90-082 87-74 86-12 77-47 73-42 72-07 o io| 91-148 88-79 87-14 7839 74-29 72-92 11 92-202 89-80 88-15 79-29 75-14 73-76 o IH 93-244 90-82 89-14 80-19 75-99 74-59 11 \ 94-27-1 91-82 90-13 81-08 76-83 75-42 111 95-294 9282 91-10 81-95 7766 76-23 1 96302 9380 92-06 82-82 78-49 7704 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 179 TABLE II. FOE FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes Qfeet 4 inches to I foot. Coefficients of velocity and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Altitudes h Coeffic'. Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic'. Coeffic'. in feet and 7 666. 628. 617. 606. 584. inches. 38-92 37-03 34-92 34-31 33-69 32-47 6 4 39-52 37-60 35-46 34-84 34-22 32-97 4| 40-12 38-17 35-99 35-36 34-73 33-47 4\ 40-70 38-73 36-52 35-88 35-24 33-96 4| 41-28 39-28 37-03 36-39 35-74 34-44 4* 41-85 39-82 37-55 36-89 36-23 34-92 4| 42-41 40-35 38-05 37-38 36-72 35-38 4J 42-96 40-87 38-54 37-86 37-19 35-84 4 43-51 41-40 39-04 38-35 37-67 36-30 5 44-05 41-91 39-52 38-83 38-14 36-75 5 44-59 42-42 40-00 39-30 38-60 37-20 5i 45-12 42-92 40-48 39-77 39-06 37-64 5| 45-64 43-42 40-94 40-23 39-51 38-07 54 46-15 43-91 41-41 40-68 39-96 38-51 5? 46-66 44-40 41-86 41-13 40-40 38-93 5| 47-17 44-88 42-32 41-58 40-83 39-35 6J 47-67 45-35 42-76 42-02 41-27 39-77 6 48-65 46-29 43-65 42-88 42-12 40-59 6} 49-61 47-20 44-51 43-73 42-95 41-39 6.1 50-56 48-10 45-36 44-56 43-77 42-18 6| 51-49 48-99 46-19 45-38 44-57 42-95 7 52-40 49-85 47-01 46-18 45-36 43-71 7i 53-29 50-70 47-81 4697 46-14 44-46 7i 54-17 51-54 48-60 47-75 46-90 45-20 7| 55-04 52-37 49-38 48-51 47-65 45-92 8 55-89 53-18 50-15 49-27 48-39 46-63 8i 56-74 53-98 50-90 50-01 49-12 47-33 8i 57-56 54-77 51-64 50-74 49-83 48-02 8| 58-38 55-54 52-38 51-46 50-54 48-71 9 59-19 56-31 53-10 52-17 51-24 49-38 9J ' 59-98 57-07 53-81 52-87 51-93 50-04 9J j 60-76 57-81 54-51 53-56 52-60 50-69 9| 61-54 58-55 55-22 54-24 53-27 51-34 10 62-30 59-28 55-89 54-92 5394 51-98 10J 63-06 60-00 5657 55-58 54-59 52-61 o 104 63-80 60-70 57-24 56-24 55-24 5323 10| 64-54 61-41 57-90 56-89 55-87 53-85 11 65-27 62-10 58-56 57-53 56-51 54-45 11J 65-99 62-79 59-70 58-17 57-13 55-06 llj 66-71 63-47 59-84 58-80 57-75 55-65 llf 67-41 64-14 60-48 59-42 5836 56-24 1 180 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE II. FOR FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes I foot 0| inch to 5 feet 3 inches. Coefficients of velocity and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 1. Altitudes h Values of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in feet and v = 27-8 v/I Coeffic'. Coeffic*. CoeffiV. Coeffic*. Coeffic 1 . inches. the theoretica -974. 956. 860. 815. 8. velocity. i 6'i 98-288 95-73 93-96 84-53 80-10 78-63 1 1 100-234 97-63 95-82 86-20 81-69 80-19 1 14 102-144 99-49 97-65 87-84 83-25 81-71 2 104-018 101-31 99-44 89-46 84-77 83-21 1 105-859 103-11 101-20 91-04 86-28 84-69 3 107-669 104-87 102-93 92-60 87-75 86-14 3^ 109-449 106-60 104-63 94-13 89-20 87-56 4 111-200 108-31 106-31 95-63 90-63 88-96 4| 112-924 109-99 107-96 97-11 92-03 90-34 5 114-622 111-42 109-58 98-58 93-42 91-70 5i 116-296 113-27 111-18 100-01 94-78 93-04 6 117-945 114-78 112-76 101-43 96-13 94-36 7 121-177 118-03 115-85 104-21 98-76 9694 8 124-325 121-09 118-86 106-92 101-33 99-46 9 127-396 124-08 121-79 109-56 103-83 101-92 10 130-394 127-00 124-66 112-14 106-27 104-31 11 133-324 129-86 127-46 114-66 108-66 106-66 2 136-192 132-65 130-20 117-12 111-00 108-95 2 H 140-383 136-73 134-21 120-73 114-41 112-31 2 3 144-453 140-70 138-10 124-23 117-73 115-56 2 4 148-411 144-55 141-88 127-64 120-96 118-73 2 6 152-267 148-31 145-57 130-95 124-10 121-81 2 7 156-027 151-97 149-16 134-18 127-16 124-82 2 9 159-699 155-55 152-67 137-34 130-15 127-76 2 10| 163-288 159-04 156-10 140-43 133 80 130-63 3 166-800 162-46 159-46 143-45 135-94 133-44 3 1J 170-240 165-81 162-75 146-41 138-75 136-19 3 3 178-611 169-10 165-97 149-31 141-49 138-89 3 4i 176-918 172-32 169-13 152-15 144-19 141-53 3 6 180-165 175-48 172-24 154-94 146-83 144-13 3 74 183-354 178-59 175-29 157-68 149-43 146-68 3 9 186-488 181-64 178-28 160-38 151-99 149-19 3 10J 189-571 184-64 181-23 163-03 154-50 151-66 4 192-604 187-60 184-13 165-64 156-97 154-08 4 2 196-576 191-46 187-93 169-06 160-21 157-26 4 4 200-469 195-26 191-65 172-40 163-38 160-37 4 6 204-287 198-98 195-30 175-69 166-49 16343 4 8 208-036 20263 198-88 178-91 169-55 166-43 4 10 211-718 206-21 202-40 182-08 172-55 169-37 5 215-338 209-74 205-86 18509 175-50 172-27 5 3 220-656 214-92 210-95 189-76 179-83 17652 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 181 TABLE II. FOR FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes I foot inch to 5 feet 3 inches. Coefficients of velocity and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Altitudes h Coeffic'. Coeffic 1 . Cocffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic*. in feet and 7. 666. 628. 617. 606. 584. inches. 68-80 65-46 6172 60-64 59-56 57-40 i e'i 70-16 66-76 62-95 61-84 60-74 58-54 1 1 71-50 68-03 64-15 63-02 61-90 59-65 1 11 72-81 69-28 65-32 64-18 63-03 60-75 1 2 74-10 70-50 66-48 65-32 64-15 61-82 1 2i 75-37 71-71 67-62 66-43 65-25 62-88 1 3 76-61 72-89 68-73 67-53 66-33 63-92 1 31 77-84 74-06 69-83 68-61 67-34 64-94 1 4 79-05 75-21 70-92 69-67 68-43 65-95 1 4J 80-24 76-34 71-98 70-72 69-46 66-94 1 5 81-41 77-45 73-03 71-75 70-48 67-92 1 51 82-56 78-55 74-07 72-77 71-47 68-88 1 6 84-82 80-70 76-10 74-77 73-43 70-77 1 7 87-03 82-80 78-08 76-71 75-34 72-61 1 8 89-18 84-85 80-00 78-60 77-20 74-40 1 9 91-28 86-84 81-89 80-45 79-02 76-15 1 10 93-33 88-79 8373 82-26 80-79 77-86 1 11 95-33 90-70 85-53 84-03 82-53 79-54 2 98-27 93-50 88-16 86-62 85-07 81-98 2 1* 101-12 96-21 90-72 89-13 87-54 84-36 2 3 103-89 98-84 93-20 91-57 89-94 86-67 2 41 106-59 101-41 95-62 93-95 92-27 88-92 2 6 109-22 103-91 97-99 96-27 94-55 91-12 2 71 111-79 106-36 100-29 98-53 96-78 93-26 2 9 114-30 108-75 102-54 100-75 9895 95-36 2 104 116-76 111-09 104-75 102-92 101-08 97-41 3 119-17 11338 106-91 105-04 103-17 99-42 3 11 121-53 115-62 109-03 10712 105-21 101-39 3 3 1213-84 117-83 111-10 109-16 107-21 103-32 3 44 126-12 119-99 113-14 111-16 109-18 105-22 3 6 i 128-35 122-11 115-15 113-13 111-11 107-08 3 71 ' 130-54 124-20 117-11 115-06 113-01 108-91 3 9 132-70 126-25 119-05 116-97 114-88 110-71 3 101 i 134-82 128-27 120-96 118-84 116-72 112-48 4 137-60 130-92 123-45 121-29 119-12 114'80 4 2 140-33 133-51 125-89 123-69 121-48 117-07 4 4 143-00 136-06 128-29 126-05 12380 119-30 4 6 \ 145-63 138-55 130-65 128-36 126-07 121-49 4 8 ! 148-20 141-00 132-96 130-63 128-30 123-64 4 10 150-74 143-42 135-23 132-86 130-49 125-76 5 154-46 146-96 13857 136-14 133-72 128-86 5 3 182 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE II. FOB FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes 5 feet 6 inches to 17 feet. Coefficients of velocity, and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 1. Altitudes h Values of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in feet and v = 27-8 N/A, Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 1 . Coeffic'. Coeffic*. inches. the theoretical 974. 956. 86. 815. 8. velocity. 5 6 225-848 219-98 215-91 194-23 184-07 180-68 5 9 230-924 224-92 220-76 198-59 188-20 184-74 6 235-891 229-76 225-51 202-87 192-25 188-71 6 3 240-755 234-50 230-16 207-05 196-22 192-60 6 6 245-524 239-14 234-72 211-15 200-10 196-42 6 9 250-200 243-69 23919 215-17 203-91 200-16 7 254-791 248-17 243-58 219-12 207-65 203-83 7 3 259-301 252-56 247-89 222-99 211-33 207-44 7 6 263-734 256-88 252-13 226-81 214-94 210-99 7 9 268-093 261-12 256-30 230-56 218-50 214-47 8 272-383 265-30 260-40 234-25 221-99 217-91 8 3 276-607 269-41 264-44 237-88 225-43 221-29 8 6 280-766 273-47 268-41 241-46 228-82 224-61 8 9 284-865 277-46 272-33 244-98 232-17 227-89 9 288-906 281-39 276-19 248-46 235-46 231-12 9 3 292-891 285-28 280-00 251-89 238-71 234-31 9 6 296-823 289-11 283-76 255-27 241-91 237-46 9 9 300703 292-88 287-47 258-60 245-07 240-56 10 304-534 296-62 291-13 261-90 248-19 243-63 10 3 308-317 300-30 294-75 265-15 251-28 246-65 10 6 312-054 303-94 297-32 268-37 254-32 249-64 10 9 315-747 307-54 303-85 271-54 257-33 252-60 11 319-398 311-09 305-34 274-68 260-31 255-52 11 3 323-007 314-61 308-79 277-79 262-25 258-41 11 6 326-576 318-09 312-21 280-86 266-16 261-26 11 9 330-107 321-52 315-58 283-89 269-04 264-09 12 333-600 324-93 318-92 286-90 271-88 266-88 12 3 337-057 328-29 322-23 289-87 274-70 269-65 12 6 340-479 331-63 325-50 292-81 277-49 272-38 12 9 343-867 334-93 328-74 295-73 280-25 275-09 13 347-222 338-19 331-94 298-61 282-99 277-78 13 3 350-545 341-43 335-12 301-47 285-69 280-44 13 6 353-836 344-64 338-27 304-30 288-38 283-07 13 9 357-097 347-81 341-39 307-10 291-03 285-68 14 360-329 350-96 344-47 309-88 293-67 288-26 14 6 366-707 357-17 350-57 315-37 298-87 293-37 15 372-976 363-28 356-57 320-76 303-98 298-38 15 6 379-141 369-28 362-46 326-06 309-00 303-31 16 385-208 375-19 368-26 331-28 313-94 308-17 16 6 391-181 381-01 373-97 336-42 318-81 312-94 17 397-063 386-74 379-59 341-47 323-61 317-65 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 183 TABLE II. FOR FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes 5 feet 6 inches to 17 feet. Coefficients of velocity, and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Altitudes h Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic 1 . Coeffic'. Coeffic'. in feet and 7. 666. 628. 617. 606. 584. inches. 158-09 150-41 141-83 139-35 136-86 131-90 5 6 161-65 153-80 145-02 142-48 139-94 134-86 5 9 165-12 157-10 148-14 145-55 142-95 137-76 6 168-53 160-34 151-19 148-55 145-90 140-60 6 3 171-87 163-52 154-19 151-49 148-79 143-39 6 6 175-14 166-63 157-13 154-37 151-62 146-12 6 9 178-35 169-69 160-01 157-21 154-40 148-80 7 181-51 172-69 162-84 159-99 157-14 151-43 7 3 184-61 175-65 165-62 162-72 159-82 154-02 7 6 187-67 178-55 168-36 165-41 162-46 156-57 7 9 190-67 ]81-41 171-06 168-06 165-06 159-07 8 193-62 184-22 173-71 170-67 167-62 161-54 8 3 196-54 186-99 176-32 173-23 170-14 163-97 8 6 199-41 189-72 178-90 175-76 172-63 166-36 8 9 202-23 192-41 181-43 178-26 175-08 168-72 9 205-02 195-07 183-94 180-71 177-49 171-05 9 3 207-78 197-68 186-40 ! 183-14 179-87 173-34 9 6 210-49 200-27 188-84 185-53 182-23 175-61 9 9 213-17 202-82 191-25 187-90 184-55 177-85 10 215-82 205-34 193-62 190-23 186-84 180-06 10 3 218-44 207-83 195-97 192-54 189-10 182-24 10 6 221-02 210-29 198-29 194-82 191-34 184-40 10 9 223-58 212-72 200-58 197-07 193-55 186-53 11 226-10 215-12 202-85 199-30 195-74 188-64 11 3 228-60 217-50 205-09 201-50 197-91 190-72 11 6 231-07 219-85 207-31 203-68 200-04 192-78 11 9 233-52 222-18 209-50 205-83 202-16 194-82 12 235-94 224-48 211-67 207-96 204-26 196-84 12 3 238-34 226-76 213-82 210-08 206-33 198-84 12 6 240-71 229-02 215-95 212-17 208-38 200-82 12 9 243-06 231-25 218-06 214-24 210-42 202-78 13 245-38 233-46 220-14 216-29 212-43 204-72 13 3 247-69 235-65 222-21 218-32 214-42 206-64 13 6 249-97 237-83 224-26 220-33 216-40 208-54 13 9 252-23 239-98 226-29 222-32 218-36 210-43 14 256-70 244-23 230-29 226-26 222-22 214-16 14 6 261-08 248-40 234-23 230-13 226-02 217-82 15 265-40 252-51 238-10 233-93 229-76 221-42 15 6 269-65 256-55 241-91 237-67 233-44 224-96 16 273-83 260-53 245-66 241-36 237-06 228-45 16 6 277-94 264-44 249-36 244-99 240-62 231-89 17 184 THE DISCHARGE OP WATER FROM TABLE II. FOR FINDING THE VELOCITIES FROM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes 17 feet 6 inches to 40 feet. Coefficients of velocity, and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 1. Altitudes A Values of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in feet and v = 27-8 v/A, Coeffic 1 . Coeffic 4 . Coeffic*. Coeffic*. Coeffic*. inches. the theoretical 974. 956. 86. 815. 8. velocity. 17 6 402-860 392-39 385-13 346-46 328-33 322-29 18 408-575 397-95 390-60 351-37 332-99 326-86 18 6 414-211 403-44 395-99 356-22 337-58 331-37 19 419-772 408-86 401-30 361-00 342-11 335-82 19 6 425-258 414-20 406-55 365-72 346-59 340-21 20 430-676 419-48 411-73 370-38 351-00 344-54 20 6 436-026 424-69 416-84 374-98 355-36 348-82 21 441-311 429-84 421-89 379-53 359-59 353-05 21 6 446-534 434-92 426-89 384-02 363-93 357-23 22 451-697 439-95 431-82 388-46 368-13 361-36 22 6 456-801 444-92 436-70 392-85 372-29 365-44 23 461-848 449-84 441-53 397-19 376-41 369-48 23 6 466-841 450-70 446-30 401-48 380-48 373-47 24 471-782 459-52 451-02 405-73 384-50 377-43 24 6 476-671 464-28 455-70 409-94 388-49 381-34 25 481-510 468-99 460-32 414-10 392-43 385-21 25 6 486-301 473-66 464-90 418-22 396-34 389-04 26 491-046 478-28 469-44 422-30 400-20 392-84 26 6 495-745 482-86 473-93 426-34 404-03 396-60 27 500-40 487-39 478-38 430-34 407-83 400-32 27 6 505-012 491-88 482-79 434-31 411-58 404-01 28 509-582 496-33 487-16 438-24 415-31 407-67 28 6 514-112 500-75 491-49 442-14 419-00 411-29 29 518-602 505-12 495-78 446-00 422-66 414-88 29 6 523-054 509-45 500-04 449-83 426-29 418-44 30 527-468 513-75 504-26 453-62 429-89 421-97 30 6 531-845 518-02 508-44 457-39 433-45 425-48 31 .0 536-187 622-25 512-59 461-12 436-99 428-95 31 6 540-494 526-44 516-71 464-82 440-50 432-40 32 644-767 530-60 520-80 468-50 443-98 435-81 32 6 549-006 534-73 524-85 472-15 447-44 439-20 33 553-213 538-83 528-87 475-76 450-87 442-57 33 6 557-388 542-90 532-86 479-35 454-27 445-91 34 561-532 546-93 536-83 482-92 457-65 449-23 34 6 565-646 550-94 540-76 486-46 461-00 452-52 35 569-730 554-92 544-66 489-97 464-33 455-78 36 677-812 562-79 552-39 496-92 470-92 462-25 37 585-782 570-55 560-01 503-77 477-41 468-63 38 593-646 578-21 567-53 510-54 483-82 474-92 39 601-406 585-77 574-94 517-21 490-15 481-12 40 609-067 593-23 582-27 523-80 496-39 487-25 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 185 TABLE II. FOB FINDING THE VELOCITIES FBOM THE ALTITUDES, AND THE ALTITUDES FROM THE VELOCITIES. Altitudes 17 feet 6 inches to AQfeet. Coefficients of velocity, and the corresponding velocities of discharge in inches per second. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Altitudes h Coeffic'. Coeffic'. Coeffic*. Coeffic'. Coeffic*. Coeffic 1 . in feet and 7. 666. 628. 617. 606. 584. inches. 282-00 268-30 253-00 248-56 244-13 235-27 17 6 286-00 272-11 256-59 252-09 247-60 238-61 18 289-95 275-86 260-12 255-57 251-01 241-90 18 6 293-84 279-57 263-32 259-00 254-38 245-14 19 297-68 283-22 267-06 26238 257-71 248-35 19 6 301-47 286-83 270-46 265-73 260-99 251-51 20 305-22 290-39 273-82 269-03 264-23 254-64 20 6 308-92 293-91 277-08 272-23 267-37 257-67 21 312-57 297-39 280-42 275-51 270-60 260-78 21 6 316-19 300-83 283-67 278-70 273-73 263-79 22 319-76 304-23 286-87 281-85 276-82 266-77 22 6 323-29 307-59 290-04 284-96 279-88 269-72 23 326-79 310-92 293-18 288-04 282-91 272-64 23 6 330-25 314-21 296-28 291-09 285-90 275-52 24 333-67 317-46 299-35 294-11 288-86 278-38 24 6 337-06 320-69 302-39 297-09 291-80 281-20 25 340-41 323-88 305-40 300-05 294-70 284-00 25 6 343-73 327-04 308-38 302-98 297-57 286-77 26 347-02 330-17 311-33 305-87 300-42 289-52 26 6 350-28 333-13 314-25 308-75 303-24 292-23 27 353-51 336-34 317-15 311-59 306-04 294-93 27 6 356-71 339-38 320-02 314-41 308-81 297-60 28 359-88 342-40 322-86 317-20 311-55 300-24 28 6 363-02 345-39 325-68 319-98 314-27 302-86 29 366-14 348-35 328-48 322-72 316-97 305-46 29 6 369-23 351-29 331-25 325-45 319-65 308-04 30 372-29 354-21 334-00 328-15 322-30 310-60 30 6 375-33 357-10 336-73 330-83 324-93 313-13 31 378-35 359-97 339-43 333-48 327-54 315-60 31 6 381-34 362-81 342-11 336-12 330-13 318-14 32 384-30 365-64 344-78 338-74 332-70 320-62 32 6 387-25 368-44 347-42 341-33 335-25 323-08 33 390-17 371-22 350-04 343-01 337-78 325-51 33 6 393-07 373-98 352-64 346-47 340-29 327-93 34 395-95 376-72 355-23 349-00 342-78 330-34 34 6 398-81 379-44 357-79 351-52 345-26 332-72 35 404-47 384-82 362-87 356-51 350-15 337-44 36 410-05 390-13 367-87 361-43 354-98 342-10 37 415-55 395-37 372-81 366-28 359-75 346-69 38 420-98 400-54 377-68 371-11 364-45 351-22 39 426-35 405-64 382-49 375-79 369-09 355-70 40 186 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE III. SQUARE BOOTS FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF APPROACH WHEN THE ORIFICE IS SMALL IN PRO- PORTION TO THE HEAD. ALSO FOR FINDING THE INCREASE IN THE DISCHARGE FROM AN INCREASE OF HEAD. (See p. 5 5 No. Square root. No. Square root. No. Square root. No. Square root. i-ooo oooo 1-115 1-0559 475 1-2141 1975 1-4053 1-001 0005 1-120 1 -05H3 49 1-2207 1-99 i-4io7 : 1-002 0010 1-125 1-0607 5 1-2247 2-00 1-4142 1-004 0020 1-13 10630 51 1-2288 2-01 4177 1-005 1-0025 1 135 1 -0654 525 1-2349 2-025 4230 1-006 0030 1-14 1-0677 54 1-2410 2-04 1-4283 1-008 1-0040 1-145 1 -0700 155 1-2450 2-05 4318 1-009 1-0044 1-15 10723 1-56 1-2490 206 4353 1-010 1-0050 1 155 1-0747 1-575 2550 2075 4405 1-011 1-0055 1-16 1-0770 1-58 2570 2-09 4457 1012 1-0060 1-165 1-0794 159 2610 2-10 4491 1-014 0070 1-17 1-0817 1-6 2649 211 4526 1015 1-0075 1-175 1 -0840 1 61 2689 2-125 4577 1-016 1-0080 1-18 1-0863 1-625 2748 2-14 4629 1-018 1-0090 1-185 1-0886 1-64 2806 2 15 4663 1-019 1-0095 1-19 1-0909 1-65 2845 2-16 4697 1-020 1-0100 1-195 1-0932 1-66 2884 2-175 4748 1-0225 1-0112 1-2 0954 1-675 12942 2-19 4799 1-025 1-0124 1-21 1000 1-69 1-3000 22 4832 1-0275 1-0137 1-22 1045 1-7 1-3038 2-21 4866 1-03 1-0149 1-23 lorn 1-71 1-3077 2225 49 1 6 1-0325 10161 1-24 1136 1-725 1-3134 224 -49J7 1-035 1-0174 125 1180 1-74 1-3191 2-25 5000 1-0375 1-0186 1-26 1225 1-75 3229 2-26 5033 1-04 1-0198 1-27 1269 1-76 3267 2275 1-5083 1-0425 1-0210 1-28 1314 1-775 3323 2-29 15133 1-045 1-0223 1-29 1358 1-79 3379 2-3 15166 1-0475 1-0235 1-30 1402 1-80 L-3416 2-31 5199 1-05 1-0247 1-31 1446 1-81 3454 2325 5248 1-055 1-0271 1 325 1511 1-825 13509 2-34 5297 1-06 1-0296 1-34 1576 1-84 3565 235 5330 1-065 1-0320 1-35 1619 1-85 3601 2-36 5362 1-07 1-0344 1-36 1662 1-86 3638 2-375 5411 075 1-0368 1-375 1726 1 -875 3693 239 5460 08 1 -0392 1-39 1790 1-89 3748 2-4 5492 085 1-0416 140 1-1832 1-9 3784 241 5524 09 1-0440 141 1-1874 191 3820 2-425 5572 095 1 -0464 1-425 I 1937 1-925 3875 2-44 562 1 1 1-0488 1-44 1-2000 1-91 3928 245 5652 105 1-0512 145 2042 1-95 3964 2-46 5684 110 1 0536 146 1-2083 1-96 4000 2475 5732 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 187 TABLE III. SQUARE ROOTS FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF APPROACH WHEN THE ORIFICE IS SMALL IN PRO- PORTION TO THE HEAD. ALSO FOR FINDING THE INCREASE IN THE DISCHARGE FROM AN INCREASE OF HEAD. (See p. 55.) No. Square root. No. Square I root. No. Square root. No. Square root. 2-49 1-5780 3-0000 1-7321 45 2-1213 26 5-0990 25 1-5811 3-025 1-7393 50 2-5361 27 5-1962 251 1-5843 ' 3-05 1-7^64 5-5 2-3452 28 5-2915 2525 1-5890 3075 1-7536 6-0 2-4495 29 5-3852 254 1-5937 31 1-7607 65 2-5495 30 5-4772 2-55 15969 3125 1-7678 7-0 2-6458 31 5-5678 256 1-6000 315 1-7748 75 2-7386 32 5-6569 2575 1-6047 3 175 1-7819 8-0 2-8284 33 5-7446 259 1-6093 3-2 1-7889 8-5 2-9155 34 5-8310 2-6 1-6125 3225 1-7958 9-0 3-0000 35 5-9161 2-61 1-6155 325 1-8028 95 3-0822 36 6-0000 2625 1-6202 3275 1-8097 10-0 3-1623 37 60828 2-64 1-6248 33 1-8166 10-5 2-2404 38 6-1644 2-65 1-6279 3325 1-8235 11-0 3-3166 39 6-2450 266 16310 3-35 1-8303 11-5 3-3912 40 6-3246 2675 1-6355 3375 1-8371 12-0 3-4641 41 6-4031 269 1-6401 31 1-8439 12-5 35355 42 6-4807 2-7 1-6432 3425 1-8507 13-0 3-6056 43 6-5574 271 1-6462 345 1-8574 13-5 3-6742 44 66332 2725 1-6508 3475 1-8641 14-0 3-7417 45 6-7082 274 1-6553 35 1-8108 14-5 3-8079 46 6-7823 275 1-6583 3525 1-8775 15-0 3-8730 47 6-8557 276 1-6613 355 1-8841 15-5 3-9370 48 6-9282 2775 1-6658 3575 1-8908 160 4-0000 49 7-0000 279 1-6703 36 8974 16-5 4-0620 50 70711 2-8 1-6733 3625 1-9039 17-0 4 1-231 51 7 1414 2-81 1-6763 3-65 1-9105 175 4-1833 52 72111 2-825 1-6808 3-675 9170 18-0 42426 53 7-2810 2-84 1-6852 37 9235 18-5 4-3012 54 7-3485 2-85 1-6882 3725 9300 19-0 4-3589 55 7-4162 2-86 1-6912 375 1-9365 19-5 44159 56 7-4833 2-875 1-6956 3775 1-9429 20-0 4-4721 57 7-5498 2-89 1-7000 38 1-9494 2-05 4-5277 58 7-6158 29 1-7029 3-825 1-9538 21-0 4-5826 59 7-6811 291 1-7059 385 96-21 215 4-6368 60 7-7460 2925 1-7103 3-875 9685 22-0 4-6904 61 7-8102 2-94 1-7146 3-9 9748 22-5 47434 62 7-8740 295 1-7176 3925 9812 230 4-7958 63 79373 296 1-7205 395 9875 235 4-8477 64 8-0000 2975 1-7248 3 975 9938 240 4-8990 65 806-23 299 1-7292 4-0 2-0000 250 50000 66 8- . 240 188 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE IV. FOB FINDING THE DISCHARGE THROUGH RECTANGULAR ORIFICES; h IN WHICH nz=-T. ALSO FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF APPROACH TO WEIRS, AND THE DEPRESSION ON THE CREST. (See p. 55.) l + *i (1 + n)* (l+ w) 2- i !%. J (! + )' (i+*)i-i 1-000 0000 1-0000 1-0000 1-115 0390 1-1774 1384 1-001 oooo 1-0015 1-0015 1-120 0416 1-1853 1437 1-002 0001 1-0030 1-0029 1-125 0442 1-1932 1491 1-004 0003 1-0060 1-0058 1-13 0469 1-2012 1543 1-005 0004 0075 1-0072 1-135 0496 1-2092 1596 006 0005 1-0090 1-0086 1-14 0524 12172 1648 1-008 0007 0120 1-0113 1-145 0552 1-2251 1700 1-009 0009 1-0135 1-0127 1-15 0581 1-2332 1751 1-010 0010 1-0150 10140 1-155 0610 1-2413 1803 1-011 0012 1-0165 1-0154 1-16 0640 1-2494 1854 1-012 0013 1-0181 1-0167 1-165 0670 1-2574 1904 1-014 0017 1-0211 10194 1-17 0701 1-2655 1955 1-015 0018 1-0226 1-0207 1-175 0732 1-2737 2005 1-016 0020 1-0241 1-0221 1-18 0764 1-2818 2054 1-018 0024 1-0271 1-0247 1-185 0-96 1-2900 2104 1-019 0026 1-0286 1-0260 T19 0828 1-2981 V2153 020 0028 1-0301 1 0273 1-195 0861 1-3003 1-2202 1-0225 0034 1-0339 1-0306 1-2 0894 1-3145 1-2251 1 -025 0040 1-0377 1-0338 1-21 0962 1-3310 1-2348 0275 0046 1-0415 1-0370 1-22 1032 13475 1-2443 1-03 0052 1-0453 1-0401 123 1103 3641 12538 0325 0059 1-0491 1-0433 1-24 1176 1-3808 1-2632 1-035 0065 1-0530 1-0464 125 1250 3975 1-2725 1-0375 0073 1-0568 1-0495 1-26 1326 14143 1-2818 1-04 0080 1-0606 1-OJ26 1-27 1403 4312 1-2909 1-0425 0088 10644 1 055? 1-28 1482 4482 1-3000 1-045 0095 1-0683 1-0587 1-29 1562 4652 1 3090 10475 0104 1-0721 1-0617 1-30 1643 4822 1-3179 1-05 0112 1-0759 1-0648 131 1726 4994 1 -3268 1-055 0129 1-0836 1-0707 132) 1853 5252 1-3399 106 0147 1-0913 1-0766 1-34 1983 5512 1 3529 1-065 0166 1-0991 1-0825 1-35 2071 5686 1-3615 1-07 0185 1068 1-0883 1 36 2160 5860 1-3700 1-075 0205 1146 1-0940 1-375 2296 6123 1-3827 1-08 0226 1224 10997 1-39 2436 6388 1-3952 1-085 02 48 1302 1054 1-40 2530 6565 1-4035 1-09 0270 1380 mo 1-41 2625 6743 1-4118 1-095 0293 1458 1166 1-425 2771 1-7011 1-4240 1-1 0316 1537 1221 1-44 2919 1-7280 1-4361 1-105 0340 1-1616 1275 1-45 3019 1-7460 1-4442 I 110 0365 1-1695 1330 1-46 3120 1-7641 1-4521 Values of n from to "46. [Contiiitifd , ORIFICES, WEIKS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 189 TABLE IV. FOE FINDING THE DISCHARGE THROUGH RECTANGULAR ORIFICES; h IN WHICH n = -7- ALSO FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY a OF APPROACH TO WEIRS, &c. (See p. 55.) 1 1 J /i i _ \ 5 1 _i_ 7i\i 1 4-\2 2 i -+ n 7t 1 -r n ) 1 T n ) 1 T n ) * 1-475 3274 1 7914 1-4640 1975 9627 2-7756 1-8128 1-49 3430 1-8188 1-4758 1-99 9850 2-8072 1-8222 15 3536 1-8371 1-4836 2- I -0000 2-8284 18284 l'5l 3642 1-8555 1-4913 2-01 1-0150 28497 1-8346 1-525 3P04 1-8832 1-5028 2-025 1-0377 2-8816 1-8439 1-54 3968 1-9111 1-5143 2-04 1-0606 2-9137 1-P531 1-55 4079 1-9297 1-5218 2-05 1-0759 2-9352 1-8592 1-56 4191 1 9484 1 5294 2-06 1-0913 2-9567 1 -8653 1 575 4360 1-9766 1-5406 2-075 1-1146 2-9890 1-8744 1-58 4417 1-9860 1-5443 2-09 1-1380 3-0215 1-8835 1-59 4532 2-0049 15517 2-10 1-1537 3-0432 1-8895 1-6 4648 20239 1-5591 2-U 1-1695 3-0650 1-8955 1-61 4764 2-0429 1-5664 2-125 1-1932 3-0977 1-9045 1-625 4941 20715 1-5774 2 14 1217-2 3-1306 1-9134 1-64 5120 2-1002 1-5882 2-15 1-2332 3-1525 1-9193 1-65 5240 2-1195 1-5954 2-16 1-2494 3-1745 1-9252 1-66 5362 2-1388 1 -6026 2-175 1-2737 3-2077 19340 1 "675 5546 2-1678 1-6132 2-19 1-2981 3-2409 1-9428 1-69 5732 2-1970 1-6238 22 1-3145 32631 1-9486 1-7 5857 22165 1-6309 2 21 1-3310 3-2854 1-9544 1-71 5983 2-2361 1 6379 2-225 1-3558 3-3189 1-9631 1-725 6173 2-2656 1-6483 5-24 1 3808 33525 1-9717 1-74 6366 2-295-2 1-6586 225 1-3975 3-3750 1-9775 175 '6495 2-3150 l-6f>55 2-26 1-4143 3-3975 1-9832 1-76 6626 2-3349 1-6724 2275 1-4397 3-4314 1-9917 1-775 6823 2-3648 1-6826 229 1-4652 3-4654 2-0002 179 7022 2-3949 1-6927 2-3 1-4822 3-4881 2-0059 1-80 7155 2-4150 1-6994 231 1-4994 3-5109 2-0115 1-81 7290 2-4351 1-7061 2325 1-5252 3-5451 2-0200 1 -825 7493 2465* 1-7161 234 1-5512 3-5795 2-0284 1-84 7699 2-4959 17260 235 1-5686 3-6025 2-0339 1-85 7837 2-5163 1-7326 2-36 1-5860 3-6255 2-0395 1-86 7975 2-5367 1-7392 2375 1-6123 3-6601 2-0478 1-875 8185 2-5674 1-7490 2-39 1-638} 36948 2-0561 1-89 8396 2-5983 1-7587 2-4 1-6565 3-7181 2-0616 1-9 8538 2-6190 1-7652 2-41 1-6743 3-7413 2-0670 191 8681 2-6397 1-7716 2-425 1-7011 37763 2-0752 1-925 8896 2-6709 1-7813 244 1--J280 38114 2-0834 194 9114 2-7021 1-7907 2-45 1-7460 3-8349 2-0888 1-95 9259 ; 2-7^30 17971 2-46 1-7641 3-8584 2-0942 1-96 9406 2-7440 1-8034 2-475 1-7914 38937 2-1023 Values of n from -475 to 1-475. [Continued on next page. 190 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE IV. FOB FINDING THE DISCHARGE THROUGH RECTANGULAR ORIFICES; h IN WHICH n = -. ALSO FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF APPROACH TO WEIRS, &c. (See p. 55.) l + . i (1 + n){ (l+*)5_t& l + n. 'A (i + )i (l + n )l-l 2-49 1-8188 3-9292 2-1104 3 2-8284 5-1962 23677 2-5 1-8371 3-9528 2 1157 3025 2-8816 52612 2-3796 2-51 1-8555 3-9766 21211 3-05 29352 53266 2-3914 2-525 1-8832 4'0123 2-1291 3-075 2-9890 53922 2-4032 2-54 1-9111 4-0481 2-1370 J3-1 3-0432 5-4581 2-4149 2-55 1-9297 4-0720 2-1423 3-125 3-0977 55243 2-4266 2-56 1-9484 4-0960 2-1476 3-15 3-1525 5-5907 2-4382 2-575 1 -9766 4-1321 2 1554 ! 3-175 3-2077 5-6574 24497 2-59 2-0049 4-1682 2-1633 32 3-2631 57243 2-4612 2-6 2-0239 4-1924 2-1685 3 225 3-3189 5-7915 24726 2-61 2-0429 4-2166 2-1747 I 3 25 33750 5-8590 2-4840 2-625 2-0715 4-2530 2-1815 3275 3-4314 5-9268 24953 2-64 2-1002 4-2895 2-1893 33 3-4881 5-9947 2-5066 2-65 2-1195 4-3139 2-1944 3-325 35451 6-0630 2-5179 2-66 2-1388 4-3383 2-1996 335 3-6025 6 1315 2-5290 2-675 2-1678 4-3751 2-2073 3375 3-6601 6-2003 2-5401 2-69 2-1970 4-4119 2-2149 34 3-7181 6-2693 25512 2-7 2-2165 4-4366 2-2200 3-425 3-7763 6-3386 25623 2-71 2-2361 4-4612 22251 3-45 3-8349 6-4081 25732 2-725 2-2656 4-4983 2-2327 3-475 3-8937 64779 2-5842 2-74 2-2952 4-5355 2-2403 3-5 3-9528 6-5479 2-5951 2-75 2-3150 4-5604 2-2453 3525 4-0123 6-6182 2-6059 2-76 2-3349 4-5853 2-2504 3-55 4-0720 6-6887 2-6167 2-775 2-3648 4-6227 2-2579 3-575 4-1321 67595 2-6274 2-79 2-3949 4-6602 2-2654 36 4-1924 6-8305 2-6381 2-8 2-4150 4-6853 2-2703 3-625 4-2530 6-9018 2-6488 2-81 2-1351 4-7104 22753 3-65 4-3139 69733 2-6594 2-825 2-4654 4-7482 2-2827 3 675 4-3751 7-0451 2-6700 2-84 2-4959 4-7861 2-2902 37 4-4366 71171 2-6805 2-85 2-5163 4-8114 2-2951 3-725 4-4983 7-1893 2-6910 2-86 2-5367 4-8367 2-3000 375 4-5604 7-2618 27015 2-875 2-5674 4-8748 2-3074 3-775 4-6227 73346 27119 2-89 2-5983 4-9130 2-3147 3-8 4-6853 7-4076 27223 2-9 2-6190 4-9385 23196 3-825 4-7482 7-4808 2-7326 2-91 2-6397 4-9641 23244 3-85 4-8114 75542 2-7429 2-925 2-6708 5-0025 23317 3-875 4-8748 7-6279 2-7531 2-94 2-7021 5-0411 2-3389 3-9 4-9385 7-7019 2-7634 2-95 2-7230 5-0668 2-3438 3925 5-0025 7-7761 27735 2-96 2-7440 5-0926 2-3486 3-95 5-0668 7-8505 2-7837 2-975 2-7,56 5-1313 2-3558 3-975 51313 7-9251 2-7938 2-99 2-8072 5-1702 2-3630 4- 5-1962 8- 2-8038 Values of n from T49 to 3. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 191 TABLE IV. FOR FINDING THE DISCHARGE THROUGH RECTANGULAR ORIFICES; IN WHICH n = -,- ALSO FOR FINDING THE EFFECTS OF THE VELOCITY OF a APPROACH TO WEIRS, &c. (See p. 55.) 1 + 71. Jl (l + )l (i +)!_*!. l + n. i. (1 + )*. (l+n)*-n%. 4-5 65479 9-5459 2-9980 26- 125-0000 1325745 75745 5-0 8-0000 11-1803 3-1803 27 1325745 1402961 7-7216 5-5 95459 12-8986 33527 28- 140-2961 148 1621 7-8660 6-0 11-1803 14-6969 3-5166 29- 148-1621 156-1698 8-0077 65 12-8986 16-5718 36732 30- 156-1698 164-3168 8-1470 7-0 14-6969 18-5203 3-8234 31- 164-3168 172-6007 8-2839 7'5 165718 20-5396 39678 32- 172-6007 181-0193 8-4186 8-0 18-5203 22-6274 4-1071 33- 181-0193 189-5706 8-5513 8-5 20-5396 24-7815 4-2419 34- 189-5706 198- -'524 8-6818 9-0 22-6274 27-0000 4-3726 35- 198-2524 207-0628 8-8104 9-5 24-7815 29-2810 4-4995 36- 207-0628 216-0000 89372 10-0 27-0000 31-6228 4-6228 37- 216-0000 225-0622 9-0622 10-5 29-2810 34-0239 4-7429 38- 225-0622 234-2477 9-1855 11-0 31-6228 36-4829 4-8601 39- 2342477 2 13-5549 9-307-2 115 34-0239 38-9984 4-9745 40- 243-5549 252-9822 94273 120 36-4829 41-5692 5-0863 41- 252-9822 26-2-5281 9-5459 12-5 38-9984 44-1942 5-1958 42 262-5281 272-1911 9-630 13-0 41-5692 46-8722 5-3030 43 272-1911 281-9699 9-7788 135 44-1942 49-6022 5-4080 44- 28 L -9699 291-8630 9-8931 14-0 46-8722 52-3832 5-5110 45 291-8630 301-8692 10-0062 14-5 49-6022 552144 5-6122 46- 301-8692 311-9872 10-1180 15-0 52-3832 58-0947 57115 47" 311-9872 32-2-2158 10-2286 155 55-2144 61-0236 5-8092 48- 322-2158 332-5538 10-3380 16-0 58-0947 64- 5-9053 49- 332-5538 343-0000 10-4462 165 61-0236 67-0247 6-0011 50- 343-0000 353-5534 105534 17'0 64- 70-0928 6-0928 51- 353-5534 364-21-28 10-6594 175 67-0247 73-2078 6-1831 52 364-2128 3749773 107645 18-0 70-0928 76-3675 6-2747 53 374-9'/73 385-8458 10-8685 18-5 73-2078 79-5715 6-3637 54 385-8458 396-8173 10-9715 19-0 76-3675 82-8191 6-4516 55 3968173 407-8909 110736 19-5 79-5715 86- 1097 6-5382 56- 407-8909 419-0656 111747 20-0 82-8191 89-4427 6-6236 57- 419-0656 430-3406 11-2750 20-5 86-1097 92-8177 6-7080 58- 430-3406 441-7148 11-3742 21-0 89-4427 962341 6-7914 59 441-7148 453-1876 11 4728 215 92-8177 99-6914 6-8737 60- 453-18:6 464-7580 11-5704 22-0 962341 103-1892 69551 61- 464-7580 476-4252 11-6672 225 99-6914 J106-7269 7-0355 62- 476-4252 488-1885 11-7633 23 1031892 110-3041 7-1149 63 488-1885 500-0470 11-8585 23-5 1067269 1 13-9205 7-1936 64- 500-0470 5 12 -0000 11-9530 24 1103041 1175755 7-2714 65- 512-0000 524-0488 12-0468 25- 1175755 125- 7'424> 66' 524-0468 536-1865 121397 Values of n from 3-5 to G6. 192 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Coefficients for heads in still water '550 and '573. Coefficient -550 for heads in Coefficient -573 for heads in still water. still water. Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio the height for orifices : for weirs : the height for orifices : for weirs : of the due to the the heads the heads due to the the heads the heads channel velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured to the approach to the the full approach to the the full orifice. to the head. centres. depth. to the head. centres. depth. 30- 000 550 550 000 573 573 20- 001 550 551 001 573 574 15- 001 550 551 001 573 574 lo- 003 551 552 003 574 576 g- 004 551 553 004 574 576 s' 005 551 554 005 574 577 7' 006 552 555 007 575 578 f 008 552 557 009 576 580 5-5 010 553 558 Oil 576 582 5-0 012 553 559 013 577 584 4-5 015 554 562 016 578 586 4-0 019 555 565 021 579 589 3-75 022 556 566 024 580 592 3-50 025 557 569 028 581 594 3-25 029 558 572 032 582 598 30 035 559 575 038 584 602 2-75 042 561 580 045 586 607 2-50 051 564 586 055 589 614 2-25 064 567 594 069 593 623 2-00 082 572 606 089 598 636 1-95 086 573 609 094 599 639 1-90 091 575 612 100 601 643 1-85 097 576 615 106 603 647 1-80 103 578 619 113 604 651 1-75 110 579 623 120 606 655 1-70 117 581 627 128 609 660 1-65 125 583 632 137 611 666 1-60 134 586 637 147 614 671 1-55 144 588 643 158 617 678 1-50 155 591 649 171 620 685 1-45 168 594 656 185 624 694 1-40 183 598 664 201 628 703 1-35 199 602 673 220 633 713 1-30 218 607 683 241 638 724 1-25 240 612 695 266 645 737 1-20 265 619 707 295 652 753 1-15 297 626 723 330 661 770 1-10 333 635 741 372 671 791 1-05 378 646 762 424 684 816 1-00 434 659 787 489 699 845 See the auxiliary table, p. 68. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 193 TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Coefficients for heads in still water -584 and '595. Ratio Coefficient -584 for heads in still water. Coefficient -595 for heads in still water. of the Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of iCoefficients Coefficients channel to the the height due to the for orifices . the heads for weirs : the heads the height for orifices : due to the the heads for weirs : the heads orifice. velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured approach to the the full approach to the the full to the head. centres. depth. to the head. centres. depth. 30- 000 584 584 000 595 595 20- 001 584 585 001 595 596 15- 002 584 585 002 595 596 10- 003 585 587 004 596 598 9-0 004 585 588 004 596 599 8-0 005 586 588 006 597 600 7-0 007 586 590 007 597 601 6-0 010 587 592 010 598 603 5-5 Oil 587 593 012 599 605 5-0 014 588 595 014 599 607 4-5 017 589 598 018 600 610 4-0 022 590 601 023 602 613 3-75 025 591 604 026 603 616 3-50 029 592 606 030 604 619 3-25 033 594 610 035 605 622 3-0 039 595 614 041 607 627 2-75 047 598 620 049 609 633 2-50 058 601 627 060 613 641 2-25 072 605 637 075 617 651 2-0 093 611 651 097 623 666 1-95 099 612 654 103 625 669 1-90 104 614 660 109 627 673 1-85 111 615 662 115 628 678 1-80 118 617 666 123 630 682 1-75 125 620 671 131 633 687 1-70 134 622 676 140 635 693 1-65 143 624 682 149 638 699 1-60 154 627 689 160 641 706 1-55 166 631 696 173 644 713 1-50 179 634 703 187 648 721 1-45 194 638 712 202 652 730 1-40 211 643 722 220 657 741 1-35 230 648 732 241 663 752 1-30 253 654 745 265 669 765 1-25 279 661 759 293 677 780 1-20 310 669 775 325 685 797 1-15 348 678 794 366 695 818 1-10 393 689 816 414 707 842 1-05 448 703 842 473 722 870 1-00 518 719 874 548 740 905 See the auxiliary table, p. 68. 194 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Coefficients for heads in still water -606 and -617. Coefficient '606 for heads in Coefficient -617 for heads in still water. still water. Ratio of the Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients' channel to the the height due to the for orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads the height due to the for orifices the heads for weirs : ! the heads orifice. velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured approach to the the full approach to the the full to the head. centres. depth. to the head. centres. depth. 30- 000 606 606 000 617 617 20- 001 606 607 001 617 618 15- 002 607 607 002 618 619 10- 004 607 609 004 618 620 9-0 005 607 610 005 618 621 8-0 006 608 611 006 619 622 7-0 008 608 612 008 619 624 6-0 010 609 615 Oil 620 626 5-5 012 610 616 013 621 628 5-0 015 611 619 015 622 630 4-5 018 612 621 019 623 633 4-0 023 613 625 024 624 637 3-75 027 614 628 028 626 640 3-50 031 615 631 032 627 643 3-25 036 617 635 037 628 647 3-00 043 619 640 044 630 653 2-75 051 621 646 053 633 660 2-50 062 625 654 065 637 668 2-25 078 629 665 081 642 679 2-00 101 636 681 105 649 696 1-95 107 638 685 111 650 700 1-90 113 639 689 118 652 704 1-85 119 641 693 125 654 709 1-80 128 644 698 133 657 714 1-75 136 646 703 142 659 720 1-70 146 649 709 152 662 726 1-65 156 652 716 163 665 733 1-60 167 655 723 175 669 741 1-55 180 658 731 188 673 749 1-50 195 662 739 204 677 759 1-45 212 667 749 221 681 768 1-40 231 672 760 241 687 780 1-35 252 678 772 264 694 793 1-30 278 685 786 291 701 808 1-25 307 693 803 322 709 825 1-20 342 702 821 359 719 845 1-16 384 713 843 404 731 868 1-10 436 726 868 459 745 895 1-05 499 742 898 527 763 928 1-00 680 762 936 615 784 969 See the auxiliary table, p. 68. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 195 TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Mean Coefficient '628. Coefficients for heads in still water -628 and '639. Coefficient -628 for heads in Coefficient '639 for heads in Ratio still water. still water. of the Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients channel to the ;he height due to the or orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads the height due to the or orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads orifice. velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured approach to the the full approach to the the full o the head. centres. depth. o the head. centres. depth. 30- 000 628 628 000 639 639 20- 001 628 629 001 639 640 15- 002 629 630 002 640 641 10- 004 629 632 004 640 643 9-0 005 630 632 005 641 644 8-0 006 630 634 006 641 645 7-0 008 631 635 008 642 647 6-0 Oil 631 638 Oil 643 649 5-5 013 632 640 014 643 651 5-0 016 633 642 017 644 654 4-5 020 634 645 021 646 657 4-0 025 636 649 026 647 662 3-75 029 637 652 030 648 665 3-50 033 638 656 034 650 668 3-25 039 639 659 040 652 673 3-0 046 642 666 048 654 678 2-75 055 645 672 057 657 686 2-50 067 649 682 070 661 695 2-25 084 654 694 088 666 708 2-0 109 661 711 114 674 727 1-95 116 663 715 120 676 731 1-90 123 665 720 128 679 736 1-85 130 668 725 135 681 741 1-80 139 670 731 144 684 747 1-75 148 673 737 154 686 753 1-70 158 676 743 165 690 760 1-65 169 679 750 176 693 768 1-60 182 683 758 190 697 776 1-55 196 687 767 205 701 786 1-50 213 692 777 222 706 796 1-45 231 697 788 241 712 808 1-40 252 703 800 262 718 820 1-35 276 709 814 289 725 836 1-30 304 717 830 319 734 853 1-25 338 726 846 354 743 872 1-20 377 734 866 396 755 895 MB 425 750 894 447 769 921 1-10 484 765 924 509 785 953 1-05 557 784 959 588 805 991 1-00 651 807 1-002 690 830 1-038 See the auxiliary table, p. 68. o 2 196 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOR DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Coefficients for heads in still water -650 and -667. Coefficient -650 for heads in Coefficient -667 for heads in Ratio still water. still water. of the Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients channel to the the height due to the for orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads the height due to the 'or orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads orifice. velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured approach to the the full approach to the the full to the head. centres. depth. to the head. centres. depth. 30- 000 650 650 000 667 667 20- 001 650 651 001 667 668 15- 002 651 652 002 667 669 lo- 004 651 654 004 668 671 g- 005 652 655 006 669 672 s' 007 652 656 007 669 673 7-0 009 653 658 009 670 675 6-0 012 654 661 012 671 678 5-5 014 655 663 015 672 680 5-0 017 656 665 018 673 682 4-5 021 657 669 022 674 687 4-0 027 659 674 029 676 692 3-75 031 660 677 033 678 696 3-50 036 662 681 038 679 700 3-25 042 663 686 044 681 705 3-0 049 666 692 052 684 711 2-75 059 669 699 062 687 720 2-50 073 673 709 077 692 731 2-25 091 679 723 096 698 745 2-0 118 687 742 125 707 766 1-95 125 689 747 132 709 771 1-90 133 692 752 140 712 777 1-85 141 694 758 149 715 783 1-80 150 697 764 159 718 790 1-75 160 700 771 170 721 797 1-70 172 704 779 182 725 805 1-65 184 707 786 195 729 814 1-60 198 711 795 210 733 823 1-55 213- 716 805 227 738 833 1-50 231 721 816 246 744 846 1-45 251 727 828 268 751 859 1-40 275 734 842 293 - -758 874 1-35 302 742 858 322 764 888 1-30 333 751 876 356 776 911 1-25 371 761 896 398 788 934 1-20 415 773 920 446 802 961 1-15 469 788 949 506 818 992 MO 537 806 983 580 838 1-030 1-05 621 828 1-024 675 863 1-076 1-00 732 855. 1-074 800 894 1-133 See the auxiliary table, p. 68. ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 197 TABLE V. COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHARGE FOB DIFFERENT RATIOS OF THE CHANNEL TO THE ORIFICE. Coefficients for heads in still water *s/'5 = '7071 and 1. Coefficient -7071 for heads in Coefficient TOGO for heads in still water. still water. Ratio of the Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients Ratio of Coefficients Coefficients channel to the the height due to the for orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads the height due to the for orifices : the heads for weirs : the heads orifice. velocity of measured measured velocity of measured measured approach to the the full approach to the the full ;o the head. centres. depth. to the head. centres. depth. 30- 001 707 708 001 1-001 1-002 20- 001 708 708 003 1-001 1-004 15- 001 708 709 005 1-002 1-006 lo- 005 709 712 010 1-005 1-014 g- 006 709 . -713 013 1-006 1-017 s' 008 710 714 016 1-008 1-021 7- 010 711 717 021 1-010 1-028 6- 014 712 721 029 1-014 1-038 5-5 017 713 723 034 1-017 1-045 5-0 020 714 727 041 1-021 1-055 4-5 025 716 731 052 1-026 1-067 4-0 032 718 737 067 1-033 1-084 3-75 037 720 742 077 1-038 1-096 3-50 043 722 747 089 1-044 1-110 3-25 050 724 753 105 1-051 1-127 3-00 059 728 760 125 1-061 1-149 2-75 071 732 770 152 1-073 1-178 2-50 087 737 783 190 1-091 1-216 2-25 110 745 801 246 1-116 1-269 2-00 143 756 826 333 1-155 347 1-95 151 759 832 356 1-165 1-367 1-90 161 762 839 383 1-176 389 1-85 171 765 846 412 1-188 1-413 1-80 182 769 854 446 1-203 1-441 1-75 195 773 863 484 1-218 1-471 1-70 209 778 873 529 1-237 1-505 1-65 225 783 883 579 1-257 1-543 1-60 243 788 895 641 1-281 1-589 1-55 263 795 908 711 1-308 1-638 1-50 286 802 923 800 1-342 1-699 1-45 312 810 939 903 1-379 1-767 1-40 342 819 958 1-042 1-429 1-854 1-35 378 830 980 1-216 1-489 1-958 1-30 421 842 1-003 1-449 1-565 2-088 1-25 471 857 1-033 1-778 1-667 2-259 1-20 532 875 1-066 2-273 1-810 2-499 1-15 608 897 1-107 3-100 2-025 2844 1-10 704 923 1-155 4-762 2-400 3-440 1-05 830 957 1-216 9-756 3-280 4-803 J-00 1-000 1-000 1-293 infinite. infinite. infinite. 198 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VI THE DISCHARGE OVER WEIRS OR NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE. Depths J inch to 10 inches. Coefficients -667 to -617. GREATER COEFFICIENTS. Heads in inches. Theoretical discharge. Coefficient 667. Coefficient 650. Coefficient 639. Coefficient 628. Coefficient 617. 25 965 644 627 617 606 596 5 2-730 1-821 1-775 1-744 1-714 1-684 75 5-016 3345 3260 3-205 3-150 3-095 I 7722 5-151 5-019 4934 4-849 4-764 1-25 10-792 7-198 7015 6-896 6-777 6-659 1-5 14-186 9-462 9-221 9-065 8-909 8-753 1-75 17-877 11924 11-620 11-423 11227 11-030 2- 21-842 14-569 14-197 13-957 13717 13477 225 26-062 17-383 16-940 16-654 16-367 16-080 2-5 30-524 20-360 19-841 19-505 19-169 18-833 275 35215 23-489 22-890 22-503 22-115 21-728 3- 40-125 26-763 26-081 25-640 25-199 24-757 3-25 45244 30-178 29-408 28-911 28-413 27-915 35 50-563 33726 32-866 32-310 31-754 31-197 3-75 56-077 37-403 36-450 35-833 35-216 34-599 4- 61-777 41-205 40-155 39-476 38-796 38-116 4-25 67-658 45-128 43-978 43233 42-489 41-745 4-5 73-714 49 167 47-914 47-103 46-292 45-482 4-75 79-942 53-321 51-962 51-083 50-203 49-324 5 86-335 57-585 56-118 55-168 54-218 53-269 525 92891 61-958 60379 59-357 58-335 57-314 55 99-604 66-436 64-743 63-647 62-551 61-456 5-75 106-472 71-017 69-207 68-036 66-864 65-693 6- 113-491 75-698 73-769 72-521 71-272 70-024' 625 120-657 80-478 78-427 77-100 75772 74-445 6-5 127-969 85-355 83-180 81-772 80-365 78-957 6-75 135-422 90-326 88-024 86-535 85-045 83555 7- 143-015 95'391 92-960 91-387 89-813 88-240 7-25 150-744 100-546 97-983 96325 94-667 93-009 75 158-608 105-792 103-095 101-350 99-606 97-861 7'75 166-604 111-125 108-292 106-460 104-627 102-795 8- 174731 116-546 113-575 111-653 109-731 107-809 8-25 182-984 122-051 118-940 116-927 114-914 112901 8-5 191-365 127-640 124-387 122-282 120-177 ] 18-072 8-75 199-869 133-313 129-915 127-716 125-518 123-319 9' 208-496 139-067 135522 133229 130-935 128-642 9-25 217-243 144-901 141-207 138-818 136-428 134039 9-5 226-111 150-816 146-972 144485 141 -997 139510 1 9-75 235-093 156-807 152-810 150-225 147- (539 145-053 10- 244-193 162-877 158-725 156-039 153353 150-666 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 199 TABLE VI. THE DISCHARGE OVER WEIRS OR NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE. Depths 10-25 inches to 32 inches. Coefficients -667 to -617. GREATER COEFFICIENTS. Heads in Theoretical inches. discharge. Coefficient 667. Coefficient 650. Coefficient Coefficient 639. -628. Coefficient 617. 10-25 253-407 169-023 164-715 161 927 159-140 156-352 10-5 262-734 175-244 170777 167-887 164-997 162-107 10-75 272173 181-540 176-913 173 919 170 925 167-931 11- 281-723 187-909 183-120 180021 176-922 173-823 1125 291-382 194-352 189-398 186-193 182-988 179-782 11-5 301-148 200-866 195-746 192-434; 189-121 185-808 11-75 311-024 207-451 202-164 198-743 195-321 191-900 12- 321- 214-107 208-650 205-119 201-588 198-057 12-5 341-275 227628 221-826 218-072 214-318 210-564 13- 361-950 241-421 235-268 231-286 227-305 223-323 135 14- 383-031 404-507 255-482 269-806 248-970 262-930 244-757 240-543 236-330 258-480 254-030 1 249-581 14-5 426-368 284-387 277-139 272 449! 267-759 263-069 15 448-611 299-223 291-597 286-662^ 281-728 276-793 155 471-228 314-309 306-298 301-115 295-931 290-748 16- 494-212 329-639 321-238 315-801 310-365 304-929 165 517*558 345-211 336-413 330-720 325 026 319-333 17 541-261 361-021 351-820 345-866! 339-912 333958 175 565-315 377-065 367-455 361-236 355 018 348-799 18- 589-715 393340 383315 376-828 370 341 363-854 18-5 614-443 409-833 399-388 392-629 385-870 379-111 19- 639-533 426-569 415696 408-62 401-627 394-592 195 664-944 443-518 432-214 424-899 417-585 410-270 20- 690-682 460-685 448-943 441-346 433-748 426-151 20-5 716737 478-064 465-879 457-995 450-111 442-227 21- 743-125 495-664 483-031 4-4-857 466-683 458-508 21-5 769-823 513-472 500-385 491-917 483-449 474-981 22- 796-832 531-487 517-941 509-176 500-410 491-645 i 22 5 824-151 549709 535-698 526-632 517-567 508-501; 23- 851-775 568-134 553-654 544-2841 534-915 525-545 235 879*700 586-760 571-805 562-128 552-452 542-775 24- 907-925 605-586 590151 580-164 570-177 560- 190l 25- 965253 643-824 627-414 616-797 606-179 595-561 26- 1023-748 682-840 665-436 654-175 642914 631-653 27- 1083-375 722-611 704-194 692-277 680-360 668-442' 28- 1144-116 763-125 743-675 731-090 718-5051 705-920 29- 1205-950 804-369 783-868 770-602 757-337 744-071: 30- 1268-864 846332 824-762 810-804 796-847 782-889 31- 1332833 889-000 866-341 851-680 837-019 822-358 32- 1397-842 932-361 908-597 193-221 877-845 862-469 200 THE DISCHARGE OP WATER FROM TABLE VI. THE DISCHARGE OVER WEIRS OR NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PER MINOTE. Depths 33 inches to 72 inches. Coefficients -667 to -017. GREATER COEFFICIENTS. Heads in inches. Theoretical discharge. Coefficient 667. Coefficient 650. Coefficient 639. Coefficient 628. Coefficient 617. 33- 1463-875 976-405 951-519 935416 919314 903211 34- 1530-917 1021-122 995-096 978-256 961-416 944-576 35 1598-951 1066500 1039318 1021-730 1004-141 986-553 36- 1667-964 1112-532 1084-177 1065-829 1047-481 1029-134 37 1737-943 1159-208 1129-663 1110546 1091-428 1072-311 38- 1808-8751 1200-520 1175-T6[) 1155871 1135974 1116076 39- 1880-746 1254-458 1222485 1201 797 1181-108 1160-420 40- 1953544 1303014 1269-804 1248315 1226-826 1205337 41- 2027-258 1352-181 1317718 1295-418 1273118 1250-818 42 2101-876 1401-951 1366-219 1343-099 1319-978 1296-857 43- 2177-387 1452-317 1415-302 1391-350 1367-399 1343-448 44. 2253783 1503273 1464-959 1440- 167 1415-376 1390584 45 2331052 1554-812 1515-184 1489-542 1463-901 1438259 46 2409-183 1606-925 1565969 1539-468 1512-967 1486-466 47- 2488-170 1659609 1617-311 1589-941 1562-571 1535-201 48- 2568- 1712-856 1669-200 1640-952 1612-704 1584-456 49- 2648-666 1766-660 1721-633 1692-498 1663362 1634-227 50- 2730-160 1821-021 1774-604 1744572 1714-540 1684-509 51- 2812-474 1875-920 1828 108 1797-17ll 1766-234 1735296 52- 2895597 193T363 1882-138 1850-286 1818-435 1786-583 53- 2979-525 1987-343 1936-691 1903-916 1871-142 1838-367 54- 3064-253 2043-857 1991 764 1958-058 1924-351 1890-644 55- 3149-755 2100-887 2047-341 2012-693 1978-046 1943399 56- 3236-050 2158-445 2103-433 2067-836 2032-239 1996-643 57- 3323-117! 2216-519 2160-026 2123-472! 2086-917 2050-363 58- 3410-946 2275-101 2217-115 2179-594 2142-074 2104-554 59- 3499 542 2334-195 2274702 2236-207 2197-712 2159-217 60- 3588-889 2393-789 2332778 2293-300 2253-822 2214-344 61- 3678-984 2453-882 2391-340 2350-871 2310-402 2269-933 62- 3769 825 2514-473 2450-386 2408-918 2367-450 23-25-982 63- 3861-393 2575-549 2509-905 2467-430 2424955 2382-479 64- 3953694 2637 114 2569-901 2526-4 10 ! 2482-920 2439429 65- 4046-720; 2699-162 2630-368 2585-854' 2541 -340 i 2496'826| 66- 4140-465 2761-690 2691-302 2645-757 2600-212 2554667 67- 4234922 2824-693 2752699 2706-115 2659531 2612-947 68- 4330-086 2888-167 2814-556 2766-925 2719-294 2671-068 69- 4425-954 2952-111 2876-870 2828-185 2779-499 2730-814 70- 4522-516 3016-518 2939635 2889-888 2840-140 2790-392! 71- 4619-774 3081-389 3002-853 2952-036 2901-218 2850-401 72- 4717-718 3146-718 3066-518 3014-622 2962727 | 2910-832 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 201 TABLE VI. THE DISCHARGE OVER WEIRS OR NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE. Depths i inch to 10 inches. Coefficients -606 to -518. LESSER COEFFICIENTS. Heads in 1 inches. Coefficient 606. Coefficient 595. Coefficient 584. Coefficient 562. Coefficient 540. Coefficient 518. 25 585 574 564 542 521 500 5 1 654 1624 1 594 1534 1-474 1-414 75 3-039 2-985 2929 2-819 2-708 2-598 1- 4-680 4-595 4-510 4340 4-170 4-000 1-25 6540 6-42 L 6303 6-065 5-828 5-590 15 8-597 8-441 8-284 7-973 7-660 7-348 1-75 10-833 10-637 10-440 10-047 9-653 9-260 2- 12236 12-996 12-756 12-275 11-795 11-314 2 25 15794 15-507 15-220 14647 14-073 13-500 25 18-498 18-162 17-826 17 155 16-483 15-811 275 21340 20953 20-566 19-791 19-016 18-241 3- 24316 23-874 23433 22-550 21-668 20-785 325 27-418 26920 26-422 , 25-427 24432 23-436 3-5 30641 30-085 29-529 28-416 27-304 26-192 3-75 33-982 33366 32-749 31-515 30-281 29-048 4- 37437 36-757 36-078 34-719 33-360 32-000 4-25 41-001 40-256 39-512 38-024 36-535 35-047 4-5 44671 43-860 43-049 41-427 39-806 38-184 4-75 48-445 47565 46-686 44-927 43-169 41-410 5- 52-319 51-369 50-420 48-520 46621 44-722 5-25 56-292 55-270 54-248 52-205 50-161 48-117 55 60-360 59-264 58-169 55-977 53-786 51-595 575 64-522 63351 62-180 59-837 57-495 55-153 6- 68-776 67527 66-279 63-782 61-285 58-788 625 73-118 71-791 70-464 67-809 65-155 62-500 6'5 77549 76142 74-734 71-919 69-103 66-288 1 6-75 82-066 80-576 79-086 76-107 73-128 70-149 7- 86-667 85-094 83521 80-374 77-228 74-082 725 91-351 89-693 88-034 84-718 81-402 78-085 75 96-116 94-372 92-627 89-138 85-648 82-159 775 lOu-962 99-129 97-297 93-631 89-966 86-301 8- 105-887 103-965 10-2-043 98-199 94-355 90-511 1 8-25 110-889 108-816 106-863 102-837 98-812 94-786 8-5 115-967 113-862 111-757 107-547 103-337 99-127 8-75 121 121 118-922 116-723 112-326 107-929 103-532 9- 126-349 124-055 121-762 117-175 112-588 108-001 925 131-649 129-259 126-870 122-090 117-311 112-532 9-5 137023 134535 132-048 127-074 122-100 117-125 975 142-467 139-881 137-294 132-122 126-950 121-778 10- 147-981 145295 142-609 137237 131-864 126-492 202 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VI. THE DISCHARGE OVER WEIRS OR NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE. Depths 10-25 inches to 32 inches. Coefficients -606 to '518. LESSER COEFFICIENTS. Heads in inches Coeffic'. 606. Coeffic 1 . 595. Coefficient 584. Coefficient 562. Coefficient 540. Coefficient 518. 10-25 153-565 150-777 147-990 142415 136-840 131 265 10-5 159-217 156-327 153-437 147-657 141-876 136-096 10-75 164-937 161-943 158-949 152-961 146-974 140-986 11' 170-724 167-625 164-526 158-328 152-130 145933 11-25 176577 173-372 170-167 163-756 157346 150-936 11-5 182-496 179- 183 175-870 169-245 162-620 155-995 1 1 -75 188-479 185-058 181-636 174-794 167-952 161-109 12- 194-526 190-995 187-464 180-402 173340 166-278 12-5 206-810 203-056 199302 191-794 184-286 176-778 13- 219-342 215-360 211-379 203-415 195453 187-490 13-5 232-117 227-903 223-690 215-263 206-837 198-410 14- 245-131 240-682 2SJ0-232 227-333 218-434 209-535 14-5 258-379 253-689 248-999 239-619 230-239 220-859 15- 271-858 266-924 261-989 252-119 242-250 232-380 15-5 285-564 280-381 275-197 264-830 254-463 244-096 16- 299-492 294-056 288-620 277-747 266-875 256-001 16-5 313-640 307-947 302-253 290-868 279-481 268-095 17- 328-004 322-050 316-096 304-189 292-281 280-373 17-5 342-581 336-362 330-144 317-707 305-270 292-833 18- 357-367 350-880 344-394 331-420 318-446 305-472 18-5 372-352 365-594 358-835 345-317 331-799 318-281 19- 387-557 380-522 373-487 359-418 345-348 331-278 19-5 402-956 395-642 388-327 373-699 359-070 344-441 20- 418-553 410-956 403-358 388-163 372-968 357-773 20-5 434-343 426-458 418-574 402-806 387-038 371-270 21- 450-334 442-159 433-985 417-636 401-288 384-939 21-5 466-513 458-045 449-577 432-641 415-704 398-768 22- 482-880 474115 465-350 447-819 430-289 412-759 22-5 499-436 490-370 481-304 463-173 445-042 426-910 23- 516-176 506-806 497-437 478-698 4 <9 959 441-219 23-5 533-098 523-421 513-745 494-391 475-038 455-685 24- 550-203 540-215 530-228 510-254 490-280 470-305 25- 584-943 574326 563-708 542472 521-237 500-001 26- 620-391 609- 1 30 597-869 575-346 552-824 530-301 27- 656-525 644608 632-691 608-857 585-023 561-188 28- 693-334 680-749 668-164 642-993 617-823 592-652 29- 730-806 717-540 704-275 677-744 651-213 624-682 30- 768-932 754974 741-017 713-102 685-187 657-272 31- 807-697 793-036 778-374 749-052 719-730 690-407 32- 847-092 831-716 816-340 785-587 754-835 724-082 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 203 TABLE VI. THE DISCHARGE OVEB WEIRS OB NOTCHES OF ONE FOOT IN LENGTH, IN CUBIC FEET PEB MINUTE. Depths 33 inches to 1% inches. Coefficients -606 to -518. LESSER COEFFICIENTS. ' 11 Coefficient 606. Coefficient 595. Coefficient 584. Coefficient 562. Coefficient 540. Coefficient 518. 33 887-108 871-006 854-903 822-698 790-493 758-287 34 927-736 910-896 894-056 860-375 826-695 793-015 35 968-964 951-37 933-787 898-610 863-434 828-257 36 1010-786 992-439 974-091 937-396 900-701 864-005 37 1053-193 1034-076 1014-959 976724 938-489 900-254 38 1096-178 1076-281 1056-383 1016-588 976-793 936-997 39 1139-732 1119-044 1098-356 1056-979 1015-603 974226 40 1183-848, 1162-359 1140-870 1097-892 1054-914 1011936 41 1228-518; 1206-219 1183-919 1139-319 1094-719 1050-120 42 1273-737 1250-616 1227496 1181-254 1135-013 1088-772 43 1319497 1295545 1271-594 1223-691 1175-789 1127-886 44 1365-792 1341-001 1316-209 1266-626 1217-043 1167-460 45 1412-618 1386-976 1361-334 1310-051 1258-7613 1207-485 46 1459-965 1433-464 1406-963 1353-961 1300-959 1247-957 47 1507-831 1480-461 1453-091 1398-352 1343612 1288-872 48 1556-208 1527-960 1499-712 1443216 1386-720 1330224 49 1605-092 1575-956 1546-821 1488-550 1430-280 1372-009 50 1654-477 1624445 1594-413 1534-350 1474-286 1414-223 51 1704-359 1673-422 1642-485 1580-610 1518-736 1456-862 52 1754-732 1722-880 1691-029 1627-326 1563622 1499-919 53 1805-592 1772-817 1740043 1674-493 1608-944 1543394 54 1856-937 1823-231 1789-524 1722-110 1654697 1587-283 55 1908-751 1874-104 1839-457 1770-162 1700-868 1631-573 56 1961-046 1925450 1889-853 1818-660 1747-467 1676-274 57 2013-809 1977-255 1940-700 1867-592 1794-483 1721375 58 2067-033 202P-513 1991-992 1916952 1841-911 1766-870 59 2120722 2082-227 2043-733 1966-743 1889-753 1812-763 60 2174-867 2135-389 2095-911 2016-956 1938-000 1859045 61 2229-464 2188-995 2148-527 2067-589 1986-651 1905-714 62 2284-514 2243-046 2201-578 2118-642 2035-706 1952-769 63 2340-004 2297-529 2255-054 2170-103 2085-152 2000-202 64 2395-939 235-2-448 2308-957 2221-976 2134-995 2048-013 65 2452-312 2407-798 2363-284 2274-2 i7 2185-229 2096-201 66 2509-122 2463577 24 18-032 2326-941 2235-851 2144-761 67 2566-363 2519-779 2473-194 2380-026 2286-858 2193-690 68 2624-032 2576-401 2528-770 2433-508 2338-246 2242-985 69 2682-128 2633-443 2584-757 2487-386 2390-015 2292-644 70 2740-645 2690-897 2611-149 2541-654 2442-159 2342-663 71 2799-583 2748-766 2697-948 2596-313 2494-678 2393043 72 2858937 2807-042 2755 147 2651-3-38 2547-568 2443 778 204 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VII. FOR FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITY FROM THE MAXI- MUM VELOCITY AT THE SURFACE, IN MILL RACES, STREAMS, AND RIVERS WITH UNIFORM CHANNELS; AND THE MAXIMUM VELOCITY FROM THE MEAN VELOCITY. (See p. 101.) For the velocity in feet per minute, multiply by 5. Maximum velocity at the surface in inches per second. Mean velocity in large channels in incnes per second. Mean velocity in smaller channels in inches per second. Maximum velocity at the surface in inches per second. Mean velocity in large channels in incnes per second. Mean velocity in smaller channels in inches per second. Maximum velocity at the surface in inches per second. Mean velocity in large channels in inches per second. Mean velocity in smaller channels in inches per second. 1 84 75 41 34-24 33-37 81 67-64 68-86 2 1-67 1-51 42 35-07 34-23 82 68-47 69-77 3 2-51 2-27 43 35-91 35-09 83 69-31 70-68 4 3-34 3-04 44 36-74 35-95 84 70-14 71-59 5 4-18 3-81 45 37-58 36-82 85 70-98 72-50 6 5-01 4-58 46 38-41 37-69 86 71-81 73-42 7 5-85 5-36 47 39-25 38-56 87 72-65 74-33 8 6-68 6-14 48 40-08 39-43 88 73-48 75-24 9 7-52 6-92 49 40-92 40-30 89 74-32 76-16 10 8-35 7-71 50 41-75 41-17 90 75-15 77-08 11 9-19 8-50 51 42-59 42-05 91 75-99 77-99 12 10-02 9-29 52 43-42 42-92 92 76-82 78-91 13 10-86 10-09 53 44-26 43-80 93 77-66 79-83 14 11-69 10-88 54 45-09 44-68 94 78-49 80-75 15 12-53 11-69 55 45-93 45-56 95 79-33 81-67 16 13-36 12-49 56 46-76 46-44 96 80-16 82-59 17 14-20 13-30 57 47-60 47-32 97 81-00 83-51 18 15-03 14-11 58 48-43 48-21 98 81-83 84-43 19 15-87 14-92 59 4927 49-09 99 82-67 85-36 20 16-70 15-73 60 50-10 49-98 100 83-50 86-28 21 17-54 16-55 61 50-94 50-87 101 84-34 87-20 22 18-37 17-37 62 51-77 51-76 102 85-17 88-13 23 19-21 18-19 63 52-61 52-65 103 86-01 89-06 24 20-04 1902 64 53-44 53-54 104 86-84 89-98 25 20-88 19-85 65 54-28 54-43 105 87-68 90-91 26 21-71 20-68 66 55-11 55-33 106 88-51 91-84 27 22-55 21-51 67 55-95 56-H2 107 89-35 92-77 28 23-38 22-34 68 56-78 57-12 108 90-18 93-69 29 24-22 23-18 69 57-62 58-02 109 91-02 94-62 30 25-05 24-02 70 58-45 58-91 110 91-85 95-55 31 25-89 24-86 71 59-29 59-81 111 92-69 96-49 32 26-72 25-70 72 60-12 60-71 112 93-52 97-42 33 27-56 26-54 73 60-96 61-61 113 94-36 98-35 34 28-39 27-39 74 61-79 62-52 114 95-19 99-28 35 29-23 28-24 75 62-63 63-42 115 96-03 100-21 36 30-06 29-09 76 63-46 64-32 116 96-86 101-15 37 30-90 29-94 77 64-30 65-23 117 97-70 102-08 38 31-73 30-79 78 65-13 66-13 118 98-53 103-02 39 32-57 31-65 79 65-97 67-04 119 99-37 103-95 40 33-40 32-51 80 66-80 67-95 120 100-20 104-89 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RITERS. 205 TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes inch to % inches. Falls per mile 1 inch to 12 jeet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations one in T ' 6 inch. J inch. iinch. | inch. \ inch. F. I. 1 63360 14 24 38 49 57 2 31680 22 37 59 76 90 3 21120 28 48 75 97 1-15 4 15840 34 57 89 1-15 1-36 5 12672 38 65 1-02 1-30 1-55 6 10560 42 72 1-13 1-45 1-72 7 9051 46 78 1-24 1-58 1-88 8 7920 50 85 1-33 1-71 2-02 9 7040 53 90 1-43 1-83 2-16 10 6336 57 96 1-51 1-94 2-30 11 5760 60 1-01 1-60 1-96 2-42 1 5280 63 1-06 1-68 2-15 2-54 1 3 4224 71 1-20 1-90 2-43 2-88 1 6 3520 79 33 2-10 2-69 3-19 1 9 3017 87 45 2-29 2-94 3-48 2 2640 93 56 2-47 3-16 3-75 2 3 Interpolated. 99 67 2-63 3-37 3-99 2 6 2112 1-05 1-77 2-79 3-58 4-24 2 9 Interpolated. 1-11 87 2-94 3-77 4-47 3 1760 1-16 1-96 3-09 3-96 4-69 3 3 Interpolated. 1-21 2-05 3-23 4-14 4-91 3 6 1508 1-26 2-14 3-37 4-32 5-12 3 9 Interpolated. 1-31 2-22 3-50 4-48 5-31 4 1320 1-36 2-30 3-63 4-65 5-51 4 6 5 Interpolated. 1056 1-45 1-54 2-45 2-61 3-87 4-11 4-96 5-27 5-88 6-24 5 6 Interpolated. 1-62 2-75 4-33 5-55 6-58 6 880 1-71 2-89 4-55 5-83 6-91 6 6 Interpolated. 1-78 3-02 4-76 6-10 7-22 7 754 1-86 3-15 4-97 6-36 7-54 7 6 Interpolated. 1-93 3-27 6-16 6-61 7-83 8 660 2-01 3-39 5-35 6-86 8-12 8 6 Interpolated. 2-07 3-51 5-53 7-09 8-40 9 587 2-14 3-62 5-72 7-32 8-68 9 6 Interpolated. 2-20 3-74 5-89 755 8-94 10 528 2-28 3-85 6-07 7-77 9-21 10 6 Interpolated. 2-33 3-95 6-24 7-99 9-47 11 480 2-40 4-06 6-40 8-20 9-72 11 6 Interpolated. 2-46 4-16 6-57 8-41 9-97 12 440 2-52 4-27 6-73 8-62 10-21 206 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VIII. FOR FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes ^ inch to 2 inches. Falls per mile 13 feet to 5280 feet. Falls per mile in feet, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations one in T ' s inch. 4 inch. inch. | inch. 4 inch. F. 13-2 400 2-66 4-50 7-10 9-10 10-78 13-6 Interpolated. 2-71 4-59 7-24 9-27 10-98 14-1 375 2-76 4-67 7-37 9-44 11-18 14-6 Interpolated. 2-82 4-76 7-52 9-63 11-41 15-1 350 2-87 4-85 7-66 9-82 11-63 15-6 Interpolated. 2-94 4-96 7-83 10-03 11-88 16-2 325 3-00 5-07 7-99 10-24 12-13 17-6 300 3-14 5-30 8-37 10-72 12-70 19-2 275 3-30 5-58 8-80 11-27 13-35 21-1 250 3-48 5-89 9-39 11-90 14-10 23-5 225 3-70 6-26 9-87 12-65 14-99 26-4 200 3-96 6-70 10-57 13-54 16-04 30-2 175 4-28 7-24 11-42 14-63 17-33 35-2 150 4-68 7-92 12-49 16-00 18-96 377 140 4-88 8-24 13-00 16-66 19-74 42-2 125 5-21 8-81 13-90 17-80 21-09 48- 110 5-62 9-50 14-98 19-19 22-74 52-8 100 5-94 10-05 15-85 20-30 24-06 58-7 90 6-33 10-69 16-87 21-61 25-60 66- 80 6-78 11-47 18-10 23-17 27-46 75-4 70 7-35 12-42 19-59 25-09 29-73 88- 60 8-05 13-61 21-48 27-51 32-60 105-6 50 8-99 15-19 23-96 30-69 36-37 117-3 45 9-57 16-18 25-53 32-70 38-75 132-0 40 10-28 17-37 27-41 35-11 41-60 150-8 35 11-14 18-84 29-71 38-06 45-10 176- 30 12-23 20'68 32-62 41-78 49-51 212-2 25 13-66 23-09 36-43 46-67 55-30 264- 20 15-64 26-44 41-71 53-43 63-30 352- 15 18-61 31-46 49-63 63-57 75-33 528- 10 23-73 40-11 63-28 81-06 96-05 586-7 9 25-26 42-70 67-37 86-29 102-25 660- 8 27-08 45-78 72-22 92-51 109-61 754-3 7 29-29 49-51 78-10 100-04 118-54 880-0 6 32-05 54-15 85-43 109-43 129-66 1056- 5 35-08 60-15 94-89 121-54 144-02 mo- 4 40-40 68-29 107-73 137-99 163-51 mo- 3 47-48 80-25 126-61 162-17 192-16 2640- 2 59-47 100-53 158-59 203-14 240-70 5280- , 1 88-13 148-97 235-02 301-04 356-70 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 207 TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOW1NO IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes 2^ inches to 5 inches. Falls per mile I inch to 12 feet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations one in | inch. | inch. J inch. 1 inch. 1J in. in- terpolated F. I. 1 63360 65 73 79 85 96 2 31680 1-02 1-13 1-23 1-33 1-49 3 21120 1-30 1-45 1-58 1-70 1-91 4 15840 1-54 1-71 1-87 2-01 2-26 5 12672 1-76 1-95 2-13 2-29 2-58 6 10560 1-95 2-17 2-36 2-55 2-86 7 9051 2-13 2-37 2-58 2-78 3-13 8 7920 2-30 2-55 2-78 3-00 3-37 9 7040 2-46 2-73 2-98 3-21 3-61 10 6336 2-61 2-90 3-16 3-40 3-83 11 5760 2-76 3-06 3-33 3-59 4-04 1 5280 2-89 3-21 3-50 3-77 4-24 1 3 4224 3-28 3-64 3-97 4-27 4-81 1 6 3520 3-63 4-03 4-39 4-73 5-32 1 9 3017 3-96 4-39 4-79 5-16 5-80 2 2640 4-26 4-73 5-16 5-55 6-25 2 3 Interpolated. 4-55 5-04 5-50 5-92 6-66 2 6 2112 4-83 5-35 5-84 6-29 7-07 2 9 3 Interpolated. 1760 5-09 5-34 5-64 5-92 6-15 6-46 6-12 6-96 7-46 7-83 3 3 Interpolated. 5-58 6-19 6-75 7-27 8-18 3 6 1508 5-82 6-46 7-04 7-59 8-53 3 9 Interpolated. 6-05 6-71 7-31 7-88 8-86 4 1320 6-27 6-95 7-58 8-17 9-19 4 6 Interpolated. 6-69 7-42 8-09 8-71 9-80 5 1056 7-10 7-88 8-59 9-25 10-41 5 6 Interpolated. 7-48 8-30 9-05 9-76 10-97 6 880 7-86 8-72 9-51 10-25 11-53 6 6 Interpolated. 8-22 9-12 9-94 10-71 12-05 7 754 8-57 9-51 10-37 11-17 12-57 7 6 Interpolated. 8-92 9-89 10-78 11-62 13-06 8 660 9-24 10-25 11-18 12-04 13-54 8 6 Interpolated. 9-55 10-60 11-56 12-45 14-01 9 587 9-87 10-95 11-94 12-86 14-47 9 6 Interpolated. 10-18 11-28 12-31 13-26 14-91 10 528 10-48 11-62 12-67 13-65 15-36 10 6 Interpolated. 10-77 11-95 13-03 14-03 15-78 11 480 11-06 12-27 13-38 14-41 16-21 11 6 Interpolated. 11-34 12-58 13-72 14-82 16-64 12 440 11-62 12-89 14-06 15-22 17-07 208 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes 2 inches to 5 inches. Falls per mile 13 feet to 5280 feet. Falls per mile in feet, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or "mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations one in I inch. J inch. inch. 1 inch. 1J in. in- erpolated F. 13-2 400 12-26 13-60 14-83 15-98 17-98 ' 13-6 Interpolated. 12-49 13-86 15-11 16-28 18-31 i 14-1 375 12-72 14-11 15-39 16-58 18-65 14-6 Interpolated. 12-98 14-39 15-70 16-91 19-02 15-1 350 13-23 14-68 16-00 17-24 19-40 15-6 Interpolated. 13-52 14-99 16-35 17-62 19-81 16-2 325 13-80 15-31 16-79 17-99 20-23 17-6 300 14-45 16-02 17-48 18-83 21-18 19-2 275 15-19 16-85 18-37 19-79 22-26 i 21 -1 250 16-04 17-80 19-40 20-91 23-52 23-5 225 17-05 18-91 20-62 22-21 24-99 26-4 200 18-25 20-24 22-07 23-78 26-75 30-2 175 19-71 21-87 23-85 25-69 28-90 35-2 150 21-57 23-92 26-09 28-11 31-62 37-7 140 22-45 24-91 27-16 29-26 32-92 42-2 125 23-99 26-62 29-03 31-27 35-18 48- 110 25-87 28-69 31-29 33-71 37-92 52-8 100 27-36 30-35 33-10 35-66 40-11 58-7 90 29-12 32-31 35-23 37-96 42-69 66- 80 31-23 34-64 37-78 40-70 4579 75-4 70 33-82 37-51 40-91 44-07 49-58 88-0 60 37-08 41-13 44-86 48-33 54-36 105-6 50 41-37 45-78 50-04 53-91 60-65 117-3 45 44-08 48-89 53-32 57-44 64-62 132- 40 47-32 52-49 57-25 61-67 69-37 150-8 35 51-30 56-90 62-06 66-86 75-20 176- 30 56-32 62-47 68-13 73-40 82-56 211-2 25 62-90 69-77 76-09 81-97 92-21 264- 20 72-01 79-87 87-11 93-84 105-56 352- 15 85-68 95-05 103-66 111-67 125-61 528- 10 109-26 121-19 132-17 142-39 160-17 586-7 9 116-31 129-01 140-70 151-58 170-50 660- 8 , 124-68 138-30 150-83 162-49 182-78 754-3 7 134-84 149-57 163-12 175-73 197-67 880- 6 147-69 163-60 178-42 192-22 216-22 1056- 5 163-82 181-71 198-17 213-50 240-15 1320- 4 185-99 206-31 225-00 242-39 272-66 1760- 3 218-58 242-46 264-42 284-86 320-43 2640- 2 1 273-79 303-70 331-22 356-82 401-37 5280- 1 405-74 450-07 490-84 528-79 594-82 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 209 TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. OPEN DRAINS AND PIPES. Diameters of pipes 6 inches to 12 inches. Falls per mile 1 inch to 1 2 feet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. "Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 1 1 inch. If in. in- erpolated 2 inches. 4 inches. 3 inches. p. i. 1 63360 1-07 1-15 1-24 1-40 1-55 2 31680 1-66 1-80 1-94 2-19 2-41 3 21120 2-12 2-30 2-48 2-80 3-08 4 15840 2-52 2-73 2-94 3-34 3-65 5 12672 2-86 3-11 3-35 3-77 4-16 6 10560 3-18 3-45 3-72 4-19 4-62 ! 7 9051 3-47 3-77 4-06 4-58 5-04 8 7920 3-75 4-06 4-38 4-94 5-44 9 7040 4-01 4-34 4-68 5-28 5-81 10 6336 4-25 4-61 4-97 5-60 6-17 11 5760 4-49 4-86 5-24 5-91 6-51 1 5280 4-71 5-11 5-51 6-21 6-84 1 3 4224 5-34 5-79 6-24 7-03 7-75 1 6 3520 5-91 6-41 6-91 7-79 8-58 1 9 3017 6-44 6-99 7-53 8-49 9-35 2 2640 6-94 7-53 8-11 9-14 10-07 2 3 Interpolated. 7-40 8-03 8-65 9-74 10-74 2 6 2112 7-86 8-52 9-18 10-35 11-40 2 9 Interpolated. 8-28 8-98 9-67 10-90 12-01 3 1760 8-70 9-43 10-16 11-45 12-62 i 3 3 Interpolated. 9-09 9-85 10-62 11-97 13-19 3 6 1508 9-48 10-28 11-08 12-48 13-76 3 9 Interpolated. 9-84 10-67 11-50 12-96 14-29 4 1320 10-21 11-07 11-93 13-44 14-81 4 6 Interpolated. 10-89 11-80 12-72 14-34 15-80 5 1056 11-56 12-54 13-51 15-23 16-78 5 6 Interpolated. 12-18 13-21 14-24 16-04 17-68 ! 6 880 12-80 13-88 14-96 16-86 18-58 ! 6 6 Interpolated. 13-38 14-51 15-64 17-62 19-42 7 754 13-96 15-14 16-32 18-&9 20-26 7 6 Interpolated. 14-51 15-73 16-95 19-10 21-05 8 660 15-05 16-32 17-58 19-82 21-84 : 8 6 Interpolated. 15-56 1687 18-18 20-49 22-58 9 587 16-07 17-43 18-78 21-17 23-32 9 6 Interpolated. 16-57 17-97 19-36 21-82 24-04 10 528 17-06 18-50 19-94 22-47 24-76 10 6 Interpolated. 17-54 19-01 20-49 23-09 25-45 11 . 480 18-01 19-53 21-04 2372 26-13 11 6 Interpolated. 18-47 20-02 21-57 24-32 26-79 12 440 18-92 20-51 22-11 24-91 27-45 210 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VIII. FOR FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND R1VKRS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. PIPES. Diameters of piyes 6 inches to 14 inches. Falls per mile 13 feet to Falls per mile in feet, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or "mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 1J inch. 2 inches. 2 inches. 3 inches. 3^ inches. F. 13-2 400 19-97 23-34 26-30 28-98 31-44 13-6 20-34 23-77 26-79 29-52 32-H3 14-1 375 20-72 24-21 27-28 30-06 32-62 14-6 21-13 24-69 27-83 30-67 33-27 15-1 350 21-55 25-18 28-38 31-27 33-93 15-6 22-01 25-72 28-99 31-94 34-66 16-2 325 22-48 26-27 29-60 32-62 35-39 17-6 300 23-53 27-50' 30-99 34-15 37-05 19-2 275 24-74 28-90 32-57 35-89 38-94 21-1 250 26-13 30-53 34-41 37-91 41-14 23-5 225 27-76 32-44 36-56 40-28 43-71 26-4 200 29-72 34-72 39-13 43-12 46-79 30-2 175 32-11 37-52 42-28 46-59 50-55 35-2 150 35-13 41-04 46-26 50-97 55-30 377 140 36-57 42-73 48-16 53-07 57-58 42-2 125 39-08 45-66 51-46 56-71 61-53 48- 110 42-13 49-23 55-48 61-13 66-33 52-8 100 44-57 52-07 58-69 64-67 70-17 58-7 90 47-43 55-42 62-46 68-83 74-68 66- 80 50-87 59-44 66-99 73-81 80-09 75-4 70 55-08 64-36 72-50 79-92 86-72 88- 60 60-39 70-57 79-53 87-63 95-09 105-6 50 67-38 78-73 88-73 97-77 106-08 117-3 45 71-79 83-88 94-54 104-17 113-03 132- 40 77-07 90-06 101-50 118-84 121-35 150-8 35 83-55 97-63 110-03 121-24 131-55 176- 30 91-72 107-18 120-79 133-10 144-41 211-2 25 102-44 119-70 134-90 148-65 161-29 264- 20 117-28 137-03 154-44 170-18 184-65 352- 15 139-56 163-06 183-78 202-50 219-72 528- 10 177-95 207-92 234-33 258-21 280-16 586-7 9 189-43 221-34 249-45 274-87 298-24 660- 8 203-07 237-28 267-42 294-67 319-72 754-3 7 219-61 256-61 289-20 318-67 345-77 880- 6 240-22 281-36 316-33 348-57 378-20 1056- 5 266-81 311-75 351-35 387-15 420-07 1320- 4 302-92 353-95 398-91 439-55 476-93 1760- 3 356-00 415-96 468-80 516-57 560-49 2640- 2 445-93 521-04 687-22 647-06 702-08 5280- 1 660-84 772-16 870-23 958-91 1040-44 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 211 TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes 14 inches to 22 inches. Falls per mile 1 inch to IZfeet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 3i inches. 4 inches. 4 inches. 5 inches. 5 inches. p. I. 1 63360 1-68 1-80 1-91 2-02 2-13 2 31680 2-61 2-81 2-98 3-15 3-32 3 21120 3-34 3-59 3-82 4-03 4-24 4 15840 3-96 4-25 4-52 4-78 5-02 5 12672 4-51 4-84 5-15 5-44 5-72 6 10560 5-01 5-37 5-72 6-04 6-35 7 9051 5-47 5-87 6-24 6-60 6-94 8 7920 5-90 6-33 6-74 7-12 7-48 9 7040 6-31 6-77 7-20 7-61 8-00 10 6336 6-70 7-18 7-64 8-08 8-49 11 5760 7'06 7-58 8-06 8-52 8-96 1 5280 7-42 7-96 8-47 8-95 9-41 1 3 4224 8-41 9-02 9-60 10-14 10-66 1 6 3520 9-31 9-99 10-63 11-23 11-80 1 9 3017 10-15 10-89 11-58 12-24 12-86 2 2640 10-93 11-73 12-47 13-18 13-86 2 3 Interpolated. 11-65 12-50 13-30 14-05 14-77 2 6 2112 12-37 13-28 14-12 14-93 15-69 2 9 Interpolated. 13-03 13-68 14-88 15-72 16-53 3 1760 13-69 14-69 15-63 16-52 17-36 3 3 Interpolated. 14-31 15-35 16-33 17-26 18-14 3 6 1508 14-92 16-01 17-03 18-00 18-92 3 9 Interpolated. 15-50 16-63 17-69 18-70 19-65 4 1320 16-07 17-25 18-35 19-39 20-38 4 6 Interpolated. 17-14 18-39 19-56 20-68 21-73 5 1056 18-21 19-53 20-78 21-96 23-08 5 6 Interpolated. 19-18 20-58 21-90 23-14 24-32 6 880 20-16 21-63 23-01 24-32 25-56 6 6 Interpolated. 21-07 22-61 24-05 25-42 26-72 7 754 21-98 23-59 25-09 26-52 27-87 7 6 Interpolated. 22-84 24-50 26-07 27-55 28-96 8 660 23-69 25-42 27-04 28-58 30-04 8 6 Interpolated. 24-50 26-29 27-97 29-55 31-06 9 587 25-31 27-54 28-89 30-53 32-09 9 6 Interpolated. 26-09 27-99 29-78 31-47 33-08 10 528 26-87 28-83 30-67 32-41 34-06 10 6 Interpolated. 27-61 29-62 31-52 33-31 35-01 11 480 28-35 30-42 32-37 34-20 35-95 11 6 Interpolated. 29-07 31-19 33-18 35-07 36-86 12 440 29-79 31-96 34-00 35-93 37-77 p 2 212 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. For a full cylindrical pipe, divide the diameter by 4 to find the hydraulic mean depth. Diameters of pipes 16 inches to 2 feet. Falls per mile 13 feet to Falls per mile in feet, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 4 inches. 4^ inches. 5 inches. 5i inches. 6 inches. F. 13-2 400 33-74 35-89 37-93 39-87 41-72 13-6 Interpolated. 34-37 36-56 38-64 40-61 42-50 14-1 375 35-00 37-23 39-35 41-36 43-28 14-6 Interpolated. 35-70 37-98 40-14 42-19 44-15 15-1 350 36-40 38-73 40-92 43-02 45-01 15-6 Interpolated. 37-19 39-56 41-81 43-94 45-99 16-2 325 37-97 40-40 42-69 44-87 46-96 17-6 800 39-75 42-29 44-69 46-97 49-16 19-2 275 41-78 44-45 46-97 49-38 51-67 811 250 44-14 46-95 49-62 52-16 54-58 23-5 225 46-90 49-90 5272 55-42 58-00 26-4 200 50-20 53-41 56-44 59-32 62-08 30-2 175 54-24 57-71 60-98 64-10 67-07 35-2 150 59-34 63-13 66-71 70-12 73-37 377 140 61-78 65-72 69-45 73-00 76-39 42'2 125 66-02 70-23 74-22 78-01 81-64 48- 110 71-17 75-72 80-01 84-10 88-00 52-8 100 75-29 80-09 84-64 88-97 93-10 587 90 80-13 85-25 90-08 94-69 99-09 66- 80 85-93 91-42 96-61 101-54 106-26 75-4 70 93-04 98-98 104-60 109-95 115-05 88- 60 102-02 ] 08-54 114-70 120-56 126-16 105-6 50 113-82 121-09 127-96 134-50 14074 117-3 45 121-2T 129-01 136-34 143-30 149-96 132- 40 130-20 138-51 146-38 153-86 161-00 150-8 35 141-14 150-16 158-68 16679 174-53 176- 30 154-95 164-84 174-20 183-10 191-61 211-2 25 173-05 184-10 194-56 204-50 214-00 264- 20 198-12 21077 222-73 234-11 244-98 352- 15 235-75 250-80 265-04 278-58 291-52 528- 10 300-60 319-80 337-95 355-22 &7171 5867 9 320-00 340-43 359-76 378-14 395-70 660- 8 343-04 359-65 385-67 405-37 424-20 754-3 7 370-99 394-68 417-08 438-39 458-76 880- 6 40579 431-70 456-21 479-52 501-79 1056- 5 450-71 479-49 506-71 532-60 557-34 1320- 4 511-72 544-39 575-30 604-69 632-78 1760- 3 601-38 639-78 676-10 710-64 743-65 j 2640- 2 753-29 801-39 846-89 890-16 931-50 5280- 1 1116-35 1187-62 1255-04 1319-17 1380-44 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 213 TABLE VIII. FOR FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. The hydraulic mean depth is found for all channels, by dividing the wetted perimeter into the area. Hydraulic mean depths 6 inches to 10 inches. Falls per mile ] inch to 1 2 feet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or "mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 6 inches. 7 inches. 8 inches. 9 inches. LO inches. F. I. 1 63360 2-23 2-41 2-58 2-75 2-90 2 31680 3-47 3-76 4-03 4-28 4-52 3 21120 4-43 4-80 5-15 5-47 5-78 4 15840 5-26 5-69 6-10 6-49 6-85 5 12672 5-98 6-48 6-95 7-39 7-80 6 10560 6-65 7-20 7-72 8-20 8-66 7 9051 7-26 7-86 8-43 8-96 9-46 8 7920 7-83 8-48 9-09 9-67 10-21 9 7040 8-37 9-07 9-72 10-33 10-91 10 6336 8-88 9-63 10-32 10-97 11-58 11 5760 9-37 10-16 10-89 11-57 12-22 1 5280 9-84 10-67 11-43 12-15 12-83 1 3 4224 11-16 12-09 12-95 13-77 14-54 1 6 3520 12-35 13-38 14-34 15-25 16-10 1 9 3017 13-46 14-58 15-63 16-61 17-54 2 2640 14-50 15-71 16-84 17-90 18-90 2 3 Interpolated. 15-45 16-75 18-24 19-08 20-15 2 6 2112 16-42 17-79 19-64 20-26 21-40 2 9 Interpolated. 17-29 18-74 20-37 21-34 22-54 3 1760 18-17 19-69 21-10 22-42 23-68 3 3 Interpolated. 18-99 20-57 22-05 23-43 24-75 3 6 1508 19-80 21-46 23-00 24-44 25-81 3 9 Interpolated. 20-56 22-28 23-88 25-38 . 26-80 4 1320 21-33 23-11 24-77 26-82 27-80 4 6 Interpolated. 22-74 24-64 26-41 28-07 29-64 5 1056 24-16 26-17 28-05 29-81 31-48 5 6 Interpolated. 25-45 27-58 29-56 31-42 33-17 6 880 26-75 28-98 31-06 33-02 34-86 6 6 Interpolated. 27-96 30-29 32-47 34-51 36-44 7 754 29-17 31-60 33-87 36-00 38-02 7 6 Interpolated. 30-30 32-83 35-19 37-40 39-50 8 660 31-43 34-06 36-50 38-80 40-97 8 6 Interpolated. 32-51 35-22 37-75 40-12 42-37 9 587 33-58 36-39 38-99 41-45 43-77 9 6 Interpolated. 34-61 37-50 40-20 42-72 45-11 10 528 35-65 38-63 41-40 44-00 46-46 10 6 Interpolated. 36-63 39-69 42-54 45-22 47-75 11 480 37-62 40-76 43-69 46-44 49-03 11 6 Interpolated. 38-57 41-79 44-79 47-61 50-27 12 440 39-52 42-82 45-90 48-78 51-51 214 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE VIII. FOE FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. The hydraulic mean depth is found for all channels by dividing the wetted perimeter into the area. Hydraulic mean depths 1 1 inches to 2 1 inches. Falls per mile 1 inch to IZfeet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 11 inches. 12 inches 15 inches. 18 inches. 21 inches. F. I. 1 63360 3-05 3-19 3-57 3-92 4-25 2 31680 4-75 4-97 5-57 6-12 6-62 3 21120 6-07 6-35 7-12 7-82 8-46 4 15840 7-19 7-53 8-44 9-27 10-03 5 12672 8-19 8-57 9-61 10-55 11-42 6 10560 9-10 9-52 10-67 11-72 12-68 7 9051 9-94 10-39 11-66 12-80 13-85 8 7920 10-72 11-21 12-57 13-81 14-94 9 7041 11-46 11-99 13-44 14-76 15-97 10 6336 12-16 12-72 14-27 15-66 16-95 11 5760 12-83 13-42 15-05 16-53 17-88 1 5280 13-48 14-09 15-81 17-36 18-78 1 3 4224 15-27 15-97 17-91 19-67 21-28 1 6 3520 16-91 17-68 19-83 21-78 23-56 1 9 3017 18-23 19-27 21-62 23-73 25-68 2 2640 19-85 20-76 23-28 25-63 27-66 2 3 Interpolated. 21-16 22-13 24-82 27-29 29-49 2 6 2112 22-48 23-51 26-36 28-95 31-32 2 9 Interpolated. 23-68 24-76 27-77 30-49 32-99 3 1760 24-88 26-02 29-18 32-04 34-67 3 3 Interpolated. 25-99 27-18 30-47 33-48 36-22 3 6 1508 27-11 28-35 31-77 34-92 37*78 3 9 Interpolated. 28-15 29-45 33-01 36-26 39-23 4 1320 29-20 30-54 34-25 37-60 40-69 4 6 Interpolated. 31-13 32-56 36-52 40-10 43-39 5 1056 33-07 34-59 38-79 42-59 46-09 5 6 Interpolated. 34-85 36-44 40-87 44-88 48-56 6 880 36-62 3830 42-95 47-16 51-03 6 6 Interpolated. 38-28 40-03 44-90 49-30 53-34 7 754 39-93 41-76 46-84 51-43 55-65 7 6 Interpolated. 41-48 43-39 48-66 53-43 57-81 8 660 43-04 45-01 50-48 55-42 59-97 8 6 Interpolated. 44-50 46-54 52-20 57-32 62-02 9 587 45-97 48-08 53-92 59-21 64-06 9 6 Interpolated. 47-39 49-56 55-58 61-03 66-04 10 528 48-80 51-04 57-24 62-85 68-01 10 6 Interpolated. 50-15 52-45 58-83 64-59 69-89 11 480 51-51 53-87 60-41 66-33 71-78 11 6 Interpolated. 52-81 55-23 61-94 68-01 73-59 12 440 54-11 56-59 63-47 69-68 75-40 ORIFICES, WEIKS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 215 TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THK MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. The hydraulic mean depth is found for all channels by dividing the wetted perimeter into the area. Hydraulic mean depths 24 inches to 4 feet. Falls per mile 1 inch to 12 feet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 24 inches. 30 inches. 36 inches. 42 inches. 48 inches. F. I. 1 63360 4-54 5-09 5-59 6-04 6-47 2 31680 7-09 7-94 8-71 9-42 10-08 3 21120 9-06 10-15 11-14 12-04 12-89 4 15840 10-73 12-03 13-20 14-27 15-27 5 12672 12-22 13-69 15-03 16-25 17-39 6 10560 13-57 15-21 16-69 18-05 19-31 7 9051 14-83 16-61 18-23 19-71 21-09 8 7920 15-99 17-92 19-66 21-27 22-76 9 7041 17-10 19-16 21-02 22-73 24-33 10 6336 18-15 20-33 22-31 24-13 25-82 11 5760 19-15 21-45 23-54 25-46 27-24 1 5280 20-11 22-53 24-72 26-73 28-61 1 3 4224 22-78 25-53 28-01 30-29 32-42 1 6 3520 25-23 28-27 31-02 33-54 35-90 1 9 3017 27-49 30-81 33-80 36-55 39-12 2 2640 29-62 33-18 36-41 39-38 42-14 2 3 Interpolated. 31-57 35-38 38-82 41-98 44-92 2 6 2112 33-53 37-57 41-22 44-58 47-71 2 9 Interpolated. 35-32 39-58 43-43 46-96 50-26 3 1760 37-11 41-58 45-63 49-34 52-81 3 3 Interpolated. 38-78 43-45 47-68 51-56 55-] 8 3 6 1508 40-45 45-32 49-73 53-78 57-55 3 9 Interpolated. 42-00 47-07 51-64 55-85 59-77 4 1320 43-56 48-81 53-56 57-92 61-98 4 6 Interpolated. 46-45 52-05 57-11 61-76 66-09 5 1056 49-34 55-28 60-66 65-60 70-20 5 6 Interpolated. 51-99 58-25 63-91 69-12 73-97 6 880 54-63 61-22 67-17 72-64 77-74* 6 6 Interpolated. 57-11 63-99 70-21 75-93* 81-25 7 754 59-58 6676 73-25 79-21 84-77 7 6 Interpolated. 61-89 69-35 76-09* 87-29 88-06 8 660 64-21 71-94 78-94 85-37 91-35 8 6 Interpolated. 66-40 74-40 81-63 88-26 94-47 9 587 68-59 76-85* 84-32 91-19 97-59 9 6 Interpolated. 70-60 79-22 86-92 94-00 100-59 10 528 72-81 81-58 89-52 96-81 103-60 10 6 Interpolated. 74-83 83-84 91-99 99-49 106-47 11 480 76-84* 86-10 94-47 102-17 109-33 11 6 Interpolated. 78-78 88-28 96-86 104-75 112-10 12 440 80-72 90-45 99-25 107-33 114-86 -.1 216 THE DISCHARGE OF WATEK FROM TABLE VIII. FOB FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, 8TBEAMS, AND KIVERS. The hydraulic mean depth is found for all channels by dividing the wetted perimeter into the area. Hydraulic mean depths 4 feet 6 inches to 7 feet. Falls per mile 1 inch to \%feet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic inclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 54 inches. 60 inches. 66 inches. 72 inches. 84 inches. F. I. 1 63360 6-86 7-24 7-60 7-94 8-58 2 31680 10-70 11-29 11-85 12-38 13-39 3 21120 13-68 14-62 15-14 15-83 17-11 4 15840 16-21 17-10 17-95 18-76 20-28 5 12672 18-46 19-47 20-43 21-35 23-13 6 10560 20-50 21-63 22-70 23-72 25-64 7 9051 22-39 23-62 24-79 25-90 28-00 8 7920 24-16 25-48 26-74 27-95 30-21 9 7041 25-83 27-24 28-59 29-88 32-30 10 6336 27-41 28-91 30-34 3171 34-28 11 5760 28-92 30-51 32-01 33-46 36-17 1 5280 30-37 32-03 33-62 35-13 37-98 1 3 4224 34-41 36-30 38-10 39-81 43-04 1 6 3520 38-10 40-19 42-18 44-08 47-65 1 9 3017 41-52 43-80 45-97 48-04 51-93 2 2640 44-73 47-18 49-52 51-75 55-94 2 3 Interpolated. 47-69 50-30 52-79 55-17 59-64 2 6 2112 50-65 53-42 56-07 58-59 63-34 2 9 Interpolated. 53-35 56-28 59-06 61-72 66-72 3 1760 56-06 59-13 62-05 64-85 70-10 3 3 Interpolated. 58-57 61-79 64-84 67-76 73-25 3 6 1508 61-09 64-44 67-63 70-67 76-40* 3 9 Interpolated. 63-44 66-92 70-23 73-39 79-35 4 1320 65-80 69-41 72-84 76-11* 82-29 4 6 Interpolated. 70-16 74-01 77-67* 81-16 87-74 5 1056 74-52 78-61* 82-50 86-21 93-20 5 6 Interpolated. 78-52* 82-83 86-92 90-84 98-20 6 880 82-52 87-05 91-35 95-46 103-20 6 6 Interpolated. 86-25 90-98 95-58 99-78 107-87 7 754 89-99 94-92 99-62 104-10 112-54 7 6 Interpolated. 93-48 98-61 103-48 108-14 116-91 8 660 96-98 102-30 107-35 112-19 121-28 8 6 Interpolated. 100-29 105-79 111-02 116-01 125-42 9 587 103-59 109-27 114-68 119-84 129-56 9 6 Interpolated. 106-78 112-64 118-21 123-53 133-55 10 528 109-97 116-01 121-74 127-22 137-54 10 6 Interpolated. 113-02 119-22 125-11 130-74 141-34 11 480 116-06 122-43 128-48 134-27 145-15 11 6 Interpolated. 119-00 125-52 131-73 137-66 148-82 12 440 121-93 128-61 134-97 141-05 152-49 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 217 TABLE VIII. FOR FINDING THE MEAN VELOCITIES OF WATER FLOWING IN PIPES, DRAINS, STREAMS, AND RIVERS. The hydraulic mean depth is found for all channels by dividing the wetted perimeter into the area. Hydraulic mean depths 8 feet to 12 feet. Falls per mile 1 inch to ISfeet. Falls per mile in feet and inches, and the hydraulic nclinations. " Hydraulic mean depths," or " mean radii," and velocities in inches per second. Falls. Inclinations, one in 96 inches. 108 inches. 120 inches. 132 inches. 144 inches. F. I. 1 63360 9-18 9-75 10-28 10-79 11-27 2 31680 14-32 15-20 16-03 16-82 17-57 3 21120 18-30 19-43 20-49 21-50 22-46 4 15840 21-69 23-02 24-28 25-47 26-62 5 12672 24-70 26-21 27-64 29-00 30-31 6 10560 27-43 29-11 30-70 32-21 33-66 7 9051 29-96 31-80 33-53 35-18 36-76 8 7920 32-32 34-30 36-18 37-96 39-66 9 7041 34-55 36-67 38-67 40-58 42-40 10 6336 36-67 38-92 41-04 43-07 45-00 11 5760 38-69 41-06 43-31 45-44 47-48 1 5280 40-63 43-12 45-48 47-72 49-86 1 3 4224 46-04 48-87 51-54 54-07 56-50 1 6 3520 50-98 54-11 57-06 59-87 62-56 1 9 3017 55-60 58-96 62-18 65-25 68-17 2 2640 59-85 63-52 66-98 70-28 73-44* 2 3 Interpolated. 6380 67-72 71-41 74-93* 78-29 2 6 2112 67-76 71-91 75-84* 79-58 83-15 2 9 Interpolated. 71-38 75-75* 79-89 83-83 87-59 3 1760 75-00* 79-59 83-94 88-08 92-03 3 3 Interpolated. 7837 83-17 87-71 92-03 96-16 3 6 1508 81-74 86-75 91-48 95-99 100-30 3 9 Interpolated. 84-88 90-09 95-01 99-69 104-16 4 1320 88-03 93-43 98-53 103-38 108-02 4 6 Interpolated. 93-87 99-62 105-06 110-24 115-18 5 1056 99-70 105-82 111-59 117-09 122-34 5 6 Interpolated. 105-06 111-49 117-58 123-38 128-91 6 880 110-41 117-17 123-57 129-66 135-48 6 6 Interpolated. 115-40 122-47 129-16 135-53 141-61 7 754 120-40 127-76 134-75 141-39 147-73 7 6 Interpolated. 125-07 132-74 139-99 146-88 153-47 8 660 129-75 137-70 145-22 152-38 159-21 8 6 Interpolated. 134-18 142-40 150-18 157-57 164-64 9 587 138-60 147-10 155-13 162-77 170-07 9 6 Interpolated. 142-87 151-63 159-91 167-78 175-31 10 528 147-14 156-16 164-68 172-80 180-55 10 6 Interpolated. 151-21 160-48 169-24 177-58 185-55 11 480 155-29 164-80 173-80 182-36 190-54 11 6 Interpolated. 159-21 168-97 178-19 186-97 195-36 12 440 163-13 173-13 182-59 191-58 200-17 18 218 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE IX. FOR FINDING THE DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET, PER MINUTE, WHEN THE DIAMETER OF A PIPE, OB ORIFICE, AND THE VELOCITY OF DISCHARGE ARE KNOWN ; AND VICE VERSA. ill A** Discharge in cubic feet per minute, for different velocities. Velocity of 100 inches per second. Velocity of 200 inches per second. Velocity of 300 inches per second. Velocity of 400 inches per second. Velocity of 500 inches per second. 1 4 170442 3409 5113 6818 8522 | 68177 1-3635 2-0453 2-7271 3-4089 1-53398 3-0679 4-6019 6-1359 7-6699 i 2-727077 5-4541 8-1812 10-9083 13-6354 H 4-26106 8-5221 12-7832 17-0442 213053 ij 6-13593 12-2718 18-4080 24-5437 30-6797 if 835167 16-7033 25-0550 33-4067 41-7584 2 10-90831 21-1817 32-7249 43-6332 545415 2| 13-80583 27-6117 41-4175 55-2233 69-0291 2f 17-04423 34-0885 51-1327 68-1769 85-2212 2f 20-62352 41-2470 61-8706 82-4941 103-1176 3 24-54369 49-0874 73-6311 98-1748 121-7185 a i 28-80475 57-6095 86-4143 115-2190 144-0238 31 33-40669 66-8134 100-2201 1336268 167-0335 3f 38-34952 76-6990 115-0486 153-3981 191-7476 4 43-63323 87-2665 130-8997 174-5329 218-1662 4i 49-25783 98-5157 147-7735 197-0313 246-2892 4i 55-22331 110-4466 165-6699 220-8932 276-1166 4| 61-52968 123-0594 184-5890 246-1187 307-6484 5 68-17692 136-3539 204-5308 272-7077 340-8846 5 4 75-16506 150-3301 225-4952 300-6603 375-8253 5? 82-49408 164-9882 247-4822 329-9763 412-4704 5f 90-16399 180-3280 270-4920 360-6560 450-8200 G 98-17478 196-3495 294-5243 392-6991 490-8739 63 10652645 2130529 3195794 426-1058 5326323 6^ 115-2190 230-4380 345-6570 460-8760 576-0950 6| 124-25245 248-5049 372-7574 497-0098 621-2623 7 133-6268 267-2536 400-8804 534-5072 668-1340 7i 14334199 286-6840 430-0260 573-3680 716-7100 7i 153-39809 306-7962 460-1943 6135924 766-9905 7f 163-79507 327-5901 491-3852 655-1803 818-9753 8 174-53293 349-0659 523-5988 698-1317 872-6647 8| 197-03132 394-0626 591-0940 788-1253 985-1566 v2 9 220-89325 441-7865 662-6798 883-5730 1104-4663 9| 24611871 492-2374 738-3561 984-4748 1230-5936 10 272-70771 345-4154 818-1231 1090-8308 1363-5386 10| 300-66025 601-3205 901-9808 1202-6410 15033013 11 329-97633 659-9527 989-9290 1319-9053 1649-8817 iii 36065595 7213119 1081-9679 1442-6238 1803-2798 2 12 392-6991 785-3982 1178-0973 1570-7964 1963-4955 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 219 TABLE IX. FOR FINDING THE DISCHARGE IN CUBIC FEET, PER MINUTE, WHEN THE DIAMETER OF A PIPE, OR ORIFICE, AND THE VELOCITY OF DISCHARGE ARE KNOWN J AND VICE VERSA. Discharge in cubic feet per minute, for different velocities. III IW Velocity of 600 inches per second. Velocity of 700 inches per second. Velocity of 800 inches per second. Velocity of 900 inches per second. Velocity of 1000 inches per second. 1-02-27 1-1931 1-3635 1 5340 1-7044 1 4-0906 47724 5-4542 6-1359 6-8177 ^ 9-2039 10-7379 12-2718 13-8058 15-3398 3 163625 19-0895 21-8166 24-5437 27-2708 1 255664 29-8274 34-0885 38-3495 42-6106 *i 36-8155 429515 49-0874 552234 61-3593 i| 50 1100 58-4617 68-8134 75-1650 83-5167 if 65-4499 76-3582 87-2665 98-1748 109-0831 2 82-8350 96-6408 110-4466 124-2525 138-0583 2-1 102-2654 1193096 136-3538 153-3981 1704423 2| 123-7411 1 44-3646 164-9882 185-6117 2062352 2| 147-2621 171-8059 196-3496 220-8933 2454369 3 172-8285 201-6333 230-4380 259-2428 288-0475 3i 2004401 233-8468 267-2535 300-6602 334-0669 3 I 230-0971 268-4467 306-7962 345-1457 3834952 B| 261-7994 305-4326 349-0659 392-6991 4363323 4 295-5470 344-8048 3940626 443-3205 4925783 4 i 331-3399 3865632 441-7865 497-0098 5522331 4 I 369-1781 430-7077 492-2374 553-7671 615-2968 4| 409-0615 477-2384 5454154 613-5923 681-7692 5 450-9904 526-1554 601-3205 676-4855 751-6506 5 4 494-9645 577-4586 659-9526 742-4467 824-9408 5* 5409839 631-1479 721 3119 811-4759 901-6399 5f 589-0486 6872235 785-3982 883-5730 981-7478 6 639-1587 745-6852 852-2116 958-7381 1065-2645 6i 691-3141 806-5330 921-7520 1036-9710 1152-1900 6 745-5147 869-7672 994-0196 1 1 18'272 1 12425245 4 801-7608 935-3876 1069-0144 1202-6412 1336-2680 7 860-051910033939 1146-7359 1290-0779 14334199 1} 920-3885 1073-7866 1227-1847 1380-5828 1533-9809 7 982-77041146-5655 13103605 1474-1556 1637-9507 7f 1047-1976 1221 7305 1396-2634 1570-7964 17453293 8 1182-1879J1379-2192 1576-2506 1773-2819 1970-3132 i 1325-3595 1546-2528 1767'1460 1476-7123 1722 8310 1968-9497 1988-0393 2215-0684 22089325 2461 1871 9 *H 1636-2463 1908 9540 2181-6617 2454 3694 12727 0771 10 1803-96152104-6218:2405-2820 2705-9423 3006-6025 10* 1979-85802309-8343 |2639'8I06 2163-9357 2524-5917 12885 2476 2969-7870 3245^936 32997633 3606-5595 11 iH 2356-1946 2748-8937 3141-5928 35342919 39269910 12 220 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE X. FOR FINDING THE DEPTHS ON WEIRS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS, THE QUANTITY DISCHARGED OVER EACH BEING SUPPOSED CONSTANT. (See pages 149 and 150.) Ratios of lengths. Coeffi- cients. Ratios of lengths. Coeffi- cients. Ratios of lengths. Coeffi- cients. Ratios of lengths. Coeffi- cients. 01 0464 405 5474 605 7153 805 8654 02 0737 410 5519 610 7193 810 8689 03 0965 415 5564 615 7232 815 8725 04 1170 420 5608 620 7271 820 8761 05 1357 425 5653 625 7310 825 8796 06 1533 430 5697 630 7349 830 8832 07 1699 435 5741 635 7388 835 8867 08 1857 440 5785 640 7427 840 8903 09 2008 445 5829 645 7465 845 8938 10 2154 450 5872 650 7504 850 8973 11 2296 455 5916 655 7542 855 9008 12 2433 460 5959 660 7580 860 9043 13 2566 465 6002 665 7619 865 9078 14 2696 470 6045 670 7657 870 9113 15 2U23 475 6088 675 76 ( >5 875 9148 16 2947 480 6130 680 7733 880 9183 17 3069 485 6173 685 7771 885 9218 18 3188 490 6215 690 7808 890 9253 19 3305 495 6258 695 7846 895 9287 20 3420 500 6300 700 7884 900 9322 21 3533 505 6342 705 7921 905 9356 22 3644 510 6383 710 7959 910 9391 23 3754 515 6425 715 7996 915 9425 24 3862 520 6466 720 8033 920 9459 25 3969 525 6508 725 80TO 925 9494 26 4074 530 6549 730 8107 930 9528 27 4177 535 6590 735 8144 935 9562 28 4280 540 6631 740 8181 940 9596 29 4381 545 6672 745 8218 945 9630 30 4481 550 6713 750 8255 950 9664 31 4580 555 6754 755 8291 955 9698 32 4678 560 6794 760 8328 960 9732 33 4775 565 6834 765 8365 965 9762 34 4871 570 6875 770 8401 970 9799 35 4966 575 6915 775 8437 975 9833 36 5061 580 6955 780 8474 980 9866 37 5154 585 6995 785 8510 985 9900 38 5246 590 7035 790 8546 990 9933 39 5338 595 7074 795 8582 995 9967 40 5429 600 7114 800 8618 1-000 1-0000 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 221 TABLE XT. RELATIVE DIMENSIONS OF EQUAL DISCHARGING TRAPE- ZOIDAL CHANNELS, WITH SLOPES FROM TO 1, UP TO 2 TO I. Half sum of the top and bottom is the mean width. The ratio of the slope, multiplied by the depth, subtracted from the mean width, will give the bottom; and if added, will give the top. TABLE XII. gives the discharge in cubic feet per minute from the primary channel, 70 wide, and the corresponding depths taken in feet. For lesser or greater channels and discharges, see Rules, pp. 123, 124, 125, 126, and 135. The mean widths are given in the top horizontal line, and the corresponding depths in the other horizontal lines. They may be taken in inches, feet, yards, fathoms, or any other measures whatever. 70 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 125 13 15 17 20 23 -26 29 35 48 25 27 30 35 40 45 52 58 71 98 375 41 46 54 60 67 76 88 1-09 1-51 5 55 62 73 80 89 1-02 1-19 1-48 2-04 625 68 78 91 1-00 1-12 1-29 1-50 1-88 2-62 75 82 94 1-10 1-20 1-35 1-56 1-82 2-28 3-22 ! 875 96 1-10 1-29 1-41 1-58 1-83 2-14 2-69 386 1- 1-10 1-26 1-48 1-62 1-81 2-10 2-46 3-11 4-50 1-125 1-24 1-42 1-67 1-83 2-04 2-37 2-79 3-54 5-19* 1-25 1-39 1-58 1-86 2-04 2-28 2-65 3-12 1 3-98 5-89 1 1-375 1-53 1-74 2-05 2-25 2-51 2 92 3-46 ! 4-43 660 1-5 1-67 1-90 2-24 2-46 2-75 3-20 3-80 4-88 7-31 1 1-625 1-81 2-06 2-43 2-67 2-99 3-47 4-15 5-34 8-08 1-75 1-95 2-22 2-62 2-88 3-23 3-75 4-50 5-80 8-86 1-875 2-09 2-38 2-81 3-09 3-47 4-03 4-86 6-29 9-68 2- 2-23 2-54 3-00 3-31 3-72 4-32 5-22 6-78 10-50 2-125 2-37 2-70 319 3-52 3-96 4-61 5-58 7-29 11-37 2-25 2-51 2-86 3-38 3-73 4-21 4-91 5-95 i 7-81* 12-25 2-375 2-65 3-02 3-57 3-94 4-45 5-20 6-31 i 8 32 13-12 2-5 2-79 3-18 3-76 4-16 4-70 5-50 6-68 8-84 14-00 2-625 2-93 3-34 3-95 4-38 4-95 5-79 7-06 938 1492 2-75 3-07 3-51 4-15 4-60 5-21 6-09 7-45 9-93 1584 2-875 3-21 3-67 4-34 4-82 5-46 6-39 7-83 10-48 1676 3- 3-35 3-84 4-54 5-04 5-72 6-69 8-22 11 03 17-68 3-125 3-49 4-00 4-73 5-26 5-97 7-00 8-62 11-60 1868 3-25 3-63 4-17 4-93 5-49 6-23 7-31 9-02 1217 1968 3-375 3-77 4-33 5-13 5-72 6-49 7-62 9-42 12-74 2068 3-5 3-91 4-50 5-33 5-95 6-75 7-93 9-82 13-32 2168 3-625 4-05 4-66 5-53 6-17 7-01 8-25 10-23* 13-92 22 76 i 3-75 4-19 4-82 5-73 6-40 7-28 8-57 10 65 14-53 23-84 3-875 4-33 4-98 5-93 6-62 7-54 8-89 11 06 15-14 24 92 1 4- 4-48 5-14 6-13 6-85 7-81 9-21 11-48 15 75 ; 26 00 4-25 4-76 5-46 6-54 7-30 8-35 9-85 12-33 16 98 28-18 4-5 5-05 579 6-95 7-75 8-90 10-50 13-19 18-22 30-36 4-75 5-33 6-12 7-35 8-20 9-45 11-14 14-07 1950 32-68 5- 5-62 6-45 7-75 866 10-00 11-79 1496 2080 35-00 5-25 5-90 6-78 8-16 9-14 10-55 12-51* 1586 22-13 37-40 5-5 6-18 7-12 8-57 9-62 11-10 13-24 16-77 2347 39-81 5-75 6-46 7-46 8-98 10-11 11-66 1394 17-71 24-86 42-33 6- 6-75 7-80 9-40 10-60 12-22 14-65 18-65 2625 44-86 222 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM TABLE XII. DISCHARGES FROM THE PRIMARY CHANNEL IN THE FIRST COLUMN OF TABLE XI. If the dimensions of the primary channel be in inches, divide the discharges in this table by 500 ; if in yards, multiply by 15-6 ; and if in fathoms, by 88-2, &c.: see pp. 126, 127. The final figures in the discharges may be rejected when they do not exceed one-half per cent., or 0'5 in 100. (See pages 123 to 126.) Depths of a channel whose mean width is 70: infect. Falls, inclinations, and discharges in cubic feet per minute. Interpolate for intermodule falls; divide greater falls by 4, and double the corresponding discharges. linch per mile, 1 in 63360 2 inches per mile, 1 in 31680 3 inches 6 inches per mile, per mile, Iin211201inl0560 9 inches per mile, 1 in 7040. 12 inches per mile, 1 in 5280. 15 inches per mile, 1 in 4224. 125 47 72 93 139 175 205 233 25 136 210 268 403 506 596 675 375 249 389 498 746 940 1105 1252 50 387 603 770 1155 1454 1709 1935 625 541 849 1078 1617 2036 2395 2714 75 714 1112 1420 2128 2681 3153 3573 875 900 1401 1791 2685 3382 3978 4507 1- 1100 1714 2190 3283 4134 4862 5507 1-125 1310 2042 2614 3909 4927 .5792 6577 1-25 1534 2384 3058 4581 5766 6780 7690 1-375 1767 2757 3521 5279 6661 7823 8863 1-50 2013 3142 4006 6016 7588 8915 10099 1-625 2268 3540 4525 6781 8541 10044 11381 1-75 2534 3950 5053 7570 9537 11210 12703 1-875 2812 4384 5599 8386 10570 12429 14083 2- 3090 4821 6161 9230 11628 13675 15513 2-125 3377 5273 6738 10092 12718 14956 16943 2-25 3674 5736 7331 10981 13833 16281 18435 2-375 3977 6210 7937 11889 14981 17645 19960 2-50 4293 6699 8563 12829 16161 19045 21534 2-625 4616 7203 9204 13800 17380 20434 23135 2-75 4947 7716 9865 14782 18624 21886 24800 2-875 5280 8233 10525 15773 19887 23360 26473 3- 5621 8762 11204 36788 21165 24833 28176 3-125 5972 9310 11900 17830 22454 26410 29925 3-25 6329 9862 12614 18897 23780 27994 31714 3-375 6689 10420 13320 19963 25145 29570 33507 3-50 7049 10995 14048 21052 26509 31262 35329 3-625 7418 11574 14785 22153 27906 32860 37186 3-75 7794 12163 15526 23284 29321 34479 39080 3-875 8178 12753 16283 24416 30756 36170 41013 4- 8566 13354 17070 25592 32225 37898 42954 4-25 9355 14582 18643 27936 35191 41368 46916 4-50 10173 15849 20267 30366 38254 44982 50973 4-75 11001 17140 21908 32818 41356 48630 55102 5- 11833 18454 23595 35355 44546 52378 59346 5-25 12696 19802 25362 37939 47795 56209 63688 5-50 13576 21172 27248 40564 51097 60079 68097 5-75 14478 22580 29160 43253 54478 64058 72591 6- 15393 23995 31122 45969 57897 68082 77154 ORIFICES, WEIRS, PIPES, AND RIVERS. 223 TABLE XII. DISCHARGES FROM THE PRIMARY CHANNEL IN THE FIRST COLUMN OF TABLE XI. If the dimensions of the primary channel be in inches, divide the discharges in this table by 500 ; if in yards, multiply by 15'6, and if in fathoms by 88-2, &c.": see pp. 126 and 127. The final figures in the discharges may be rejected when they do not exceed one- half per cent., or 0-5 in 100. (See pages 123 to 126.) Falls, inclinations, and discharges in cubic feet per minute. Interpolate for intermediate falls ; divide greater falls by 4, Depths of a and double the corresponding discharges. channel ;18 inches 1 inches 24 inches 27 inches 30 inches 33 inches 36 inches width is per mile, 1 in 3520. per mile, in 3017. per mile, ' per mile, 1 in 2640. 1 in 2347. per mile, per mile, per mile, ]70: infect. 1 1 in 2112.1 in 1920.1 in 1760.1 258 281 303 323 343 362 380 125 748 815 877 936 993 1049 1100 25 1387 1511 1627 1736 1843 1952 2037 375 2145 2336 2515 2684 2852 3023 3155 50 3004 3274 3527 3753 4021 4207 4414 625 3957 4311 4645 4966 5287 5553 5817 75 4991 5422 5859 1 6274 6650 6992 7342 875 6097 6622 7159 7631 8107 8540 8974 1- 7266 7920 8531 9124 9660 10200 10693 1-125 8514 9284 9995 10658 11318 11923 j 12520 1-25 9816 10697 11539 12307 13045 13741 14479 1-375 11182 12185 13152 14007 14862 15656 16448 1-50 12601 13730 14821 157S6 16750 17657 18552 1-625 14069 15331 16525 17616 18700 19698 20696 1-75 15593 16997 18306 19517 20728 21840 22944 1-875 17157 18697 20141 21469 22803 24017 25242 2- 18766 20446 22030 23480 24938 26269 27601 2-125 20410 22247 23965 25547 27129 28578 30027 2-25 22104 24087 25947 27662 29395 30934 32512 2-375 23848 25988 27992 29841 31701 33381 35096 2-50 25669 27953 30100 32069 34086 35910 37725 2-625 27479 29933 32247 34384 36512 38471 40415 2-75 29318 31947 34408 36697 38958 41055 43135 2-875 31206 34002 36624 39050 41464 43880 45896 3- 33141 36112 38897 41482 44048 46398 48747 3-125 35126 38266 41223 43954 46672 49174 51664 3-25 37109 40438 43556 46438 ; 49330 51951 54586 3-375 39140 42631 45925 48963 51993 54775 57550 3-50 41184 44872 48343 51537 54728 57659 50580 3-625 43273 47158 50807 54162 57514 60585 63656 3-75 45407 49468 53300 56840 60341 63560 66784 3-875 47551 51818 55832 59514 i 63200 66576 69951 4- 51911 56586 60973 64974 69013 72694 76383 4-25 56448 61508 66176 70623 75017 79017 82994 4-50 61014 66500 71625 76408 81097 85426 89767 4-75 65713 71628 77140 82250 87351 92015 96653 5- 70509 76863 82779 88200 93731 98729 103745 5-25 75383 82159 88434 94344 100200 105550 110905 5-50 80379 87590 94348 100616 106823 112540 118254 5-75 85407 93093 100275 106911 113505 119616 125664 6- 224 THE DISCHARGE OF WATER FROM PIPES. TABLE XIII. THE SQUARE BOOTS OF THE FIFTH POWERS OF NUMBERS FOR FINDING THE DIAMETER OF A PIPE, OR DIMENSIONS OF A CHANNEL FROM THE DISCHARGE, OR THE REVERSE ; SHOWING THE RELATIVE DISCHARGING POWERS OF PIPES OF DIFFERENT DIA- METERS, AND OF ANY SIMILAR CHANNELS WHATEVER, CLOSED OR OPEN. (See pages 13, 123, 124, Ac.) If d be the diameter of a pipe, in feet, and D the discharge in cubic feet per minute, then for long straight pipes we shall have, for velocities of nearly 3 feet per second, D = 2400 (d 5 s) 4 , and d = -044 f j ; or if D be the discharge per second, D = 40 (oT's) 4 , and d = -228 f V. (See pages 112 to 121.) Relative dimensions or diameters of pipes. Relative discharg- ng powers. Relative dimensions or diameters of pipes. Relative discharg- ing powers. Relative dimensions or diameters of pipes. Relative discharg- ng powers. Relative dimensions or diameters of pipes. Relative discharg- ing powers. 25 031 10-5 357-2 30-5 5138- 61- 29062- 5 177 IV 401-3 31- 5351- 62- 30268- 75 485 11-5 448-5 31-5 5569- 63- 31503- 1- 1- 12- 498-8 32- 5793- 64- 32768- 1-25 1-747 12-5 552-4 32-5 6022- 65- 34063- 1-5 2-756 13- 609-3 33- 6256- 66- 35388- 1-75 4-051 13-5 669-6 33-5 6496- 67- 36744- 2- 5-657 14- 733-4 34- 6741- 68- 38131- 2-25 7-594 14-5 800-6 34-5 6991- 69- 39548- 2-5 9-882 15- 871-4 35- 7247- 70- 40996- 2-75 12-541 15-5 945-9 35-5 7509- 71- 42476- 3- 15-588 16- 1024- 36- 7776- 72- 43988- 3-25 19-042 16-5 1105-9 36-5 8049- 73- 45531- 3-5 22-918 17- 1191-6 37- 8327- 74- 47106- 3-75 27-232 17-5 1281-1 37-5 8611- 75- 48714- 4- 32- 18- 1374-6 38- 8901- 76- 50354- 4-25 37-24 18-5 1472-1 38-5 9197- 77- 52027- 4-5 42-96 19- 1573-6 39- 9498- 78- 53732- 4-75 49-17 19-5 1679-1 39-5 9806- 79- 55471- 5- 55-90 20- 1788-9 40- 10119- 80- 57243- 5-25 63-15 20-5 1902-8 41- 10764- 81- 59049- 5-5 70-94 21- 2020-9 42- 11432- 82- 60888- 5-75 79-28 21-5 2143-4 43- 12125- 83- 62762- 6- 88-18 22- 2270-2 44- 12842- 84- 64669- 6-25 97-66 22-5 2401-4 45- 13584- 85- 66611- 6-5 107-72 23- 2537- 46- 14351- 86- 68588- 6-75 118-38 23-5 2677-1 47- 15144- 87- 70599- 7- 129-64 24- 2821-8 48- 15963- 88- 72645- 7-25 141-53 24-5 2971-1 49- 16807' 89- 74727- 7-5 154-05 25- 3125- 50- 17678- 90- 76843- 7-75 167-21 25-5 3283-6 51- 18575- 91- 78996- 8- 181-02 26- 3446-9 52- 19499- 92- 81184- 8-25 195-50 26-5 3615-1 53- 20450- 93- 83408- 8-5 210-64 27- 3788- 54- 21428- 94- 85668- 8-75 226-48 27-5 3965-8 55- 22434- 95- 87965- 9- 243- 28- 4148-5 56- 23468- 96- 90298- 9-25 260-23 28-5 4336-2 57- 24529- 97- 92668- 9-5 278-17 29- 4528-9 58- 25620- 98- 95075- 9-75 296-83 29-5 4726-7 59- 26738- 99- 97519- 10- 316-23 30- 4929-5 60- 27886- 100' 100000- Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, An^el Court, Skinner Street, London. SOUTHERN BRANCH, yNIVERSlTY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, 1-OS ANGELES, CALIF.