THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CERF LIBRARY PRESENTED BY REBECCA CERF *O2 IN THE NAMES OF CHARLOTTE CERF 95 MARCEL E. CERF 97 BARRY CERF 02 allaite. BY CHARLES G. LELAND row, f nlarjged and PHILADELPHIA: T. B. PETERSOX & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT STREET. Entered accordiug to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by CHARLES G. LELAND, iu the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States, iu and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. L- 5-3-7 PAOB HANS BRETTMANN S PARTY, .... 5 BREITMANN IN BATTLE, 7 BREITMANN IN MARYLAND, ... 12 BREITMANN AS A BUMMER, . . . . IT BREITMANN IN KANSAS, ... .22 DIE SCH(ENE WITTWE. (DE POOTY VIDDER.) VOT DE YANKEE CHAP SUNG, . . 20 HOW DER BREITMANN CUT HIM OUT, . . 27 BREITMANN AND THE TURNERS, . . 28 BALLAD, 31 HANS BREITMANN S CHRISTMAS, ... 33 DER FREISCIIUETZ, 41 HANS BREITMANN ABOUT TOWN, . . . 47 SCHNITZERL S PHILOSOPEDE PARDT FIRSDT, . 53 SCHNITZERL S PHILOSOPEDE PARDT SECONDT, 55 A BALLAD APOUT DE ROWDIES, . . G7 WEIN GETST, 69 (3) HANS BREITMANN IN POLITICS: I. THE NOMINATION, 72 II. THE COMMITTEE OF INSTRUCTION, . . 75 III. MR. TWINE EXPLAINS BEING "SOUND UPON THE GOOSE," 78 IV. HOW BREITMANN AND SCHMIT WERE RE PORTED TO BE LOG-ROLLING, . . 83 V. HOW THEY HELD THE MASS MEETING, . 87 VI. BREITM ANN S GREAT SPEECH, . . 89 VII. THE AUTHOR ASSERTS THE VAST INTEL LECTUAL SUPERIORITY OF GERMANS TO AMERICANS, 95 VIII. SHOWING HOW MR. HIRAM TWINE " PLAYED OFF" ON SMITH, . . . . 98 BREITMANN S GOING TO CHURCH, . . . 107 THE FIRST EDITION OF BREITMANN. SHOWING HOW AND WHY IT WAS THAT IT NEVER APPEARED, 121 I GILI ROMANESKRO. A GIPSY BALLAD, . 132 STEINLI VON SLANG. A BALLAD, . . . 135 TO A FRIEND STUDYING GERMAN, . . .144 LOVE SONG, 147 GLOSSARY, ..... . 149 Hans Breitmann s Party. HANS BREITMANN gife a barty, Dey had biano-blayin ; I felled in lofe mit a Meriean frau, Her name vas Madilda Yane. She hat haar as prown ash a pretzel, Her eyes vas himmel-plue, Und ven dey looket indo mine, Dey shplit mine heart in two. Hans Breitmann gife a barty, I vent dere you ll pe pound. I valtzet mit Madilda Yane Und vent shpinnen round und round. De pootiest Fraeulein in de House, She vayed pout dwo hoondred pound, Und efery dime she gife a shoomp She make de vindows sound. Hans Breitmann gife a barty, I dells you it cost him dear. Dey rolled in more ash sefen kecks Of foost-rate Lager Beer. Und venefer dey knocks de shpicket in De Deutschers gifes a cheer. I dinks dat so vine a barty, Nefer coom to a het dis year. (5) Hans Breitmann gife a baity ; Dere all vas Souse und Brouse, Yen de sooper corned in, de gompany Did make demselfs to house ; Dey ate das Brot and Gensy broost, De Bratwurst and Braten fine, Und vash der Abendessen down Mit four parrels of Neckarwein. Hans Breitmann gife a barty We all cot troonk ash bigs. I poot mine mout to a parrel of bier Und emptied it oop mit a schwigs. Und denn I gissed Madilda Yane Und she shlog me on de kop, Und .de gompany fited mit daple-lecks Dill de coonshtable made oos shtop. Hans Breitmann gife a barty Where ish dat barty now ! Where ish de lofely golden cloud Dat float on de moundain s prow ? Where ish de himmelstrahlende Stern De shtar of de shpirit s light ? All goned afay mit de Lager Beer Afay in de ewigkeit ! Ereitmann in Battle. iapfre aosfttljrm tmtnm tt J&tiris bigtmnt jjoium wjagm lobrnn." 3DER FADEB TOD DER SON, I dinks I ll go a fitin outspoke der Breitemann, " It s eighdeen hoonderd fordy eight since I kits swordt in hand ; Dese fourdeen years mit Hecker all roostin I haf been, Boot now I kicks der Teufel oop and goes for sailin in." " If you go land out-ridin," said Caspar Pickletongue, " Foost ding you knows you cooms across some repels prave and young, Away down Sout in Tixey, dey ll split you like a clani" " For dat," spoke out der Breitmann, " I doos not gare one tarn/* AVho der Teufel pe s de repels und vhere dey kits deir sass, If dey make a run on Breitmann he ll soon let out de gas; I ll shplit dem like kartoffels : I ll slog em on de kop ; I ll set de plackguarts roonin so dey don t know vhere to shtop." 00 8 Und den outshpoke der Breitmann, mit his schlaeger py his side : " Forvarts, my pully landsmen ! it s dime to run und ride ; Will riden, will fighten der Copitain I ll pe, [rie I" It s sporn und horn und saddle now all in de Cavall- Und ash dey rode troo Winchester, so herrlich to pe seen, Dere coomed some repel cavallrie a riden on de creen ; Mit a sassy repel Dootchman an colonel in gommand : Says he, " Vot Teufel makes you here in dis mein Faderland ? " You re dressed oop like a shentleman mit your plack- guard Yankee crew, You mudsills and meganics ! Der Teufel put you troo ! Old Yank you ought to shtay at home und dake your liddle horn, Mit some oldt voomans for a noorse" der Breitmann laugh mit shkorn. " Und should I trink mein lager-bier und roost mine self to home ? [thoom : Ife got too many dings like you to mash beneat my In many a fray und fierce foray dis Deutschman will be feared [his peard." Pefore he stops dis vightin trade twas dere he greyed " I pools dat peard out by de roots I gifes him sooch a dwist [tionist ! Dill all de plood roons out, you tamned old Apoli- Your creenpacks mit your swordt und watch right ofcr you moost shell, [h-H !" Und den you goes to Libby straight und after dat to " Mein creenpacks und mein schlaeger, I kits em in New York, [talk/ 7 To gife dem up to creenhorns, young man, is not de De heroes shtopped deir sassin here und grossed deir sabres dwice, Und de vay dese Deutschers vent to vork vos von pig ding on ice. Der younger fetch de older such a gottallmachty smack Der Breitmann dinks he really hears his skool go shplit und crack ; Der repel choomps dwelfe paces back, und so he safe his life : Der Breitmann says : "I guess dem choomps you learns dem of your vife." "If I should learn of vomans I dinks it vere a shame, Bei Gott I am a shentleman, aristograt, and game. My fader vos anoder I lose him fery young Tor teufel take your soul ! Coom on ! I ll split your waggin tongue I" 2 10 A Yankee drick der Breitmann dried dat oldt gray- pearded man [he ran. For ash the repel raised his swordt, beneat dat sword t All roundt der shlim yoong repel s waist his arms oldt Breitmann pound, Und shlinged him down oopon his pack und laidt him on der ground. " Who rubs against olt kittle-pots may keep vite if he can, [man ? Say vot you dinks of vightin now mit dis old shentle- Your dime is oop; you got to die, und I your breest Till pe ; Peliev st dou in Moral Ideas ? If so I lets you free." " I don t know nix apout Ideas no more dan pout Saint Paul, Since I peen down in Tixey I kits no books at all I m greener ash do clofer-grass ; I m shtupid as a shpoon ; I m ignoranter ash de nigs for dey takes de Tribune. " Mem fader s name vas Breitmann, I heard mein mut ter say, She read de bapers dat he died after she rooned afay ; Dey say he leaf some broperty berhaps twas all a sell If I could lay mein hands on it I likes it mighty well/ 11 " Und vas dy fader Breitmann ? Bist du his kit und kin ? Denn know dat ich der Breitmann dein lieber Vater bin?" Der Breitmann poolled his hand-shoe off und shooked him py de hand ; " Ve ll hafe some trinks on strengt of dis or else may I pe tam d !" " Oh ! fader, how I shlog your kop," der younger Breitmann said ; " I d den dimes sooner had it coom right down on mine own headt !" " Oh, never mind dat soon dry oop I shticks him mit a blaster; [der." If I had shplit you like a fish, dat vere an vorse tisas- Dis fight did last all afternoon wold to de fesper tide, Und droo de streeds of Vinchesder, der Breitmann he did ride. [tory ! Vot vears der Breitmann on his hat ? De ploom of fie- Who s dat aridin py his side ? " Dis here s mein son," says he. How stately rode der Breitmann oop ! how lordly he kit down ? [prown [ How glorious from de great pokal he drink de bier so But der Yunger bick der parrel oop und schwig him all at one. [mein son \" -< Bei Gott ! dat settles all dis dings I know dou art 12 Der one has got a fader ; de oder found a child. Bote ride oopon one war-path now in pattle fierce und wild. It makes so glad our hearts to hear dat dey did so suc ceed Und dainit hat sein Ende DES JUNGEN BREITMANN S LIED. Breitmann in Maryland. DER Breitmann mit his gompany, Rode out in Marylandt. " Dere s nichts to trink in dis countrie; Mine treat s as dry as sand. It s light canteen und haversack, It s hoonger mixed mit doorst; Und if we had some lager-bier I d trink oontil I boorst. Gling, glang, gloria ! We d trink oontil we boorst. 13 u Herr Leut nant, take a dozen men, Und ride dis land around ! Herr Feldwebel, go foragin Dill somedings goot is found. Gotts-doonder ! men, go ploonder! We hafn t trinked a bit Dis fourdeen hours ! If I had bier I d sauf oontil I shplit ! Gling, glang, gloria ! "We d sauf oontil we shplit !" At mitternacht a horse s hoofs Coom rattlin troo de camp ; " House dere ! coom rouse der house dere ! Herr Copitain we moost tromp ! De scouds have found a repel town, Mit repel davern near, A repel keller in de cround, Mit repel lager bier ! ! Gling, glang, gloria ! All fool of lager-bier ! Gottsdonnerkreuzschockschwerenoth I How Breitmann broked de bush ! " let me see dat lager bier ! let me at him rush ! Und is inein sabre sharp und true, Und is niein war-horse goot ? 14 To get one quart of lager bier I d shpill a sea of ploot. Grling, glang. gloria ! I d shpill a sea of ploot. " Fuenf hoonderd repels hold de down, One hoonderd strong are we ; Who gares a tarn for all de odds Wenn men so dirsty pe." And in dey smashed and down dey crashed, Like donder-polts dey fly, Hush fort as der wild yaeger cooms Mit blitzen troo de shky. Grling, glang, gloria ! Like blitzen troo de shky. How flewed to rite, how flewd to left De moundains, drees Tint hedge ; How left und rite de yseger corps Went donderin troo de pridge. Und splash und splosh dey ford de shtream Where not some pridges pe : All dripplin in de moondlight peam Stracks went de cavallrie ! Gling, glang, gloria ! Der Breitmann s cavallrie. 15 Und hoory, hoory on dey rote, Oonheedin vet or try ; Und horse und rider shnort und blowed ; Und shparklin bepples fly. Ropp ! ropp ! I shmell de barley-prew ! Dere s somedings goot ish near. Ropp ! Ropp ! I scent de kneiperei ; We ve got to lager bier ! Gling, glang gloria ! We ve got to lager bier ! Hei ! how de carpine pullets klinged Oopon de helmets hart ! Oh, Breitmann how dy sabre ringed; Du alter Knasterbart f De contrapands dey sing for choy To see de rebs go down, Und hear der Breitmann grimly gry : Hoorah ! we ve dook de down. Gling, glang, gloria ! Victoria, victoria ! De Dootch have dook de down. Mid shout and crash and sabre flash, And wild husaren shout De Dootchmen boorst de keller in, Unt rolled de lager out ; 16 And in the coorlin powder shmoke, While shtill de pullets sung. Dere shtood der Breitmann, axe in hand, A knockin out de boong. Gling, glang, gloria ! Victoria ! Encoria ! De shpicket beats de boong. Gotts ! vot a shpree der Breitmann had While yet his hand was red, A trinkin lager from his poots Among de repel tead. Twas dus dey went at mitternight Along der moundain side ; Twas dus dey help make history ! Dis was der Breitmann s ride. Gling, glang, gloria ; Victoria ! Victoria ! Cer visia, encoria ? De treadful mitnight ride Of Breitmann s wild Freischarlinger, All famous, broad, und wide. Breitmann as a Bummer. DER Shetieral Sherman holts oop on his coorse. He shtops at de gross-road und reins in his horse . Dere s a ford on de rifer dis day we moost dake. Or elshe de grand army in bieces shall preak !" Yen shoost ash dis vord from, his lips had gone bast, There coomed a young orterly gallopin fast, Who grymit amazement: "Here Shen ral ! GootLord Dat bummer der JBreitmann ish lioldin der ford ! Der Shen ral he ootered no hymn und no psalm, But opened his lips und he priefly say " D n ! Dere moost hafe been viskey on dat side der rifer To get it dose shaps would set hell in a shiver, But now dat dey hold it, ride quick to deir aid : Ho Sickles ! move promp ly, send down a prigade Dat Dootchman moost work mighty hard mit his sword If againsd a whole army he holds to de ford." Dey spoored on, dey hoory d on, gallopin shtraight, But for Breitmann help coomed shust a liddle too late, For ash de Lauwine* goes smash mit her pound, So on to de Bummers de repels coom down : Heinrich von Schinkenstein s lead in de road, Dieterich Hinkelbein s flat ash a toad ; Und Sepperl Tyroler shpoke nefer a vord, But shoost "Mutter Gottes !" und died in de ford. 3 (17) 18 Itsch l of Innspruck ish drilled troo de hair, Einer aus Bocblingen lie too vash dere Karli of Karlisruh s shot near de fence, (His horse vash o erloadet mit toorkies und hens,) Und dough he like a ravin mad cannibal fought, Yet der Breitmann-der capt n-der hero vash caught ; Und de last dings ve saw, he was tied mit a cord, For de repels had goppled him oop at de ford. Dey shtripped off his goat und skyugled his poots, Dey dressed him mit rags of a repel recruits ; But von grey-haared oldt veller shmiled crimly und bet Dat Breitman vouldt pe a pad egg for dem, yet. " lie has more on his pipe as dem vellers allows ; He has cardts yet in hand und das Spiel ist nichtaus, Dey 11 find dat dey took in der teufel to board, De day dey pooled Breitmann well ofer de ford." In de Bowery each bier-haus mit crape vas oop-done, Yen dey read in de bapers dat Breitmann vas gone ; Und de Dootch all cot troonk oopon lager und wein, At the great Trauer-fest of de Toorner Verein Derc vas wein-en mit weinen ven beoples did dink Dat Sherman s great Sherman cood nefermore trink. Und in Villiam Shtreet veepin und vailen vas hoor d, Pecause der Hans Breitmann vas lost at de ford. SECONDT PABDT, IJV dulcejubilo now ve all sings, A-waivin de panners like avery dings. De preeze troo de bine-drees ish cooler und salt, Und der Shen ral is merry venefer ve halt; Loosty und merry he schmells at de preeze, Lustiy und heifer he looks troo de drees, Lustig und lieiter ash veil he may pe, For Sherman, at last, has marched down to the sea ! Dere s a gry from de guart dere s a clotter und drainp, Yen dat fery same orterly rides troo de camp, Who report on de ford. Dere ish droples and awe In de face of de youf apout somedings he saw; Und he shpeak me in Frasntsch, like he always do : (l Look ! [his spook 1 Sayre pleu I fentre Tieu ! dere ish Breitmann He ish goming dis way ! Nom de garce I can it pe Dat de spooks of te tead men coom down to de sea !" Und ve looks, und ve sees, und ve tremples mit tread, For risin all swart on de efenin red Vas Johannes der Breitmann der war es, bei Gott ! Coom ridin to oos-ward, right shtrait to de shpot ! All mouse-still ve shtood, yet mit oop-shoompiu hearts, For he look shoost so pig ash de shiant of de Hartz ; Und I heard de Sout Deutschers say "Ave Morie ! Braise Gott all goot shpirids py land und py sea !" (19) 20 Boot Itzig of Frankfort lie lift oop his nose, Und be-mark dat de shpook hat peen changin his clothes, For he seemed like an Greneralissimus drest In a vlamin new coat and magnificent vest. Six bistols beschlagen mit silber he wore, Und a gold mounted swordt like an Kaisar he bore, Und ve dinks dat de ghosdt or votever he pe Moost hafe proken some panks on his vay to de sea. " Id is he !" " Und er lelt noch ! he lifes," ve all say : Der Breitmann Oldt Breitmann ! Hans Breit- mann ! Ilerr Je !" Und ve roosh to emprace him, and shtill more ve find Dat vherefer he d peen, he d left noding pehind. In bote of his poots dere vas porte-moneys crammed, Mit creen-packs stoof full all his haversack jammed, In his bockets cold dollars were shinglin deir doons Mit two doozen votches und four doozen shpoons, Und dwo silber tea-pods for makiii his dea, Der ghosdt hafe pring mit him, en route to de sea. Mit goot sweed-botatoes, und doorkies, und rice, Ve makes him a sooper of avery dings nice. Und de bummers hoont roundt apout, aUe wie ein, Dill dey findt a plantaschion mit parrels of wein. 21 Den t vas " here s to you, Breitmann ! Alt Schwcd List zuruck ? Yot teufels you makes since dis fourteen nights week ?" Und ve holds von shtupendous und derriple shpree For choy dat der Breitmann has got to de sea. But in fain tid ve ashk vhere der Breitmann hat peen, Vot he tid ; vot he pass troo or vot he might seen ? Yhere he kits his vine horse, or who gafe him dem woons, Und how Brovidence plessed him mit tea-pods und shpoons ? For to all of dem queeries he only reblies " If you dells me no quesdions, I ashks you no lies I" So twas glear dat some derriple mysh dry moost pe Vhere he kits all dat ploonder he prings to de sea. Dere ish bapers in Richmond dells derriple lies How Sherman s grand armee hafe raise deir sooplies : For ve readt in brindt dat der Sheneral Grant Say de bummers hafe only shoost dake vat dey vant. But tis vhispered dat vhile a refolfer ll go round Der BREITMANN vill nefer a peggin be found; Or shtarvin ash brisner by doonder ! not he, Vhile der teufel could help him to ged to de sea. Breitmann in Kansas. YONCE oopon a dimes, goot vhile afder der war vas ofer, der Herr Breitmann vent oud West, drafellin apout like afery dings " circuivit terrain et perambulavit earn," ash der Tyfel said ven dey ask him : " how vash you and how you has peen ?" Yon efenings he vas drafel mit some ladies und shendlemans, und he shtaid iticognitus. Und dey singed songs, dill py und py one of de ladies say : Ish any podies here ash know de crate pallad of Hans Breit- uiann s Barty ?" Den Hans say : ll Ecce Gallus I I tun dat rooster I" Den der Hans dook a trink und a let-bencil und a biece of baper, and goes indo himself a little dimes und denn coomes out again mit dis boeui : Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He drafel fast und far. He rided shoost drei dousand miles All in von rail-roat car. He knowed foost rate how far he goed He gounted all de vile. Dere vash shoost one bottle of champagne, Dat bopped at efery mile. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; I dell you vot my poy. You bet dey hat a pully dimes In crossin Illinoy. (22) 23 Dey speaked dere speaks to all de folk A shtandin in de car; Den ask deni in to dake a trink, Und corned em ganz und gar. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; By shings ! dey did it prown. Ven he cot into Leafenvort, He found himself in town. Dey dined him at de Blanter s House, More goot as man could dink; Mit avery dings on eart to eat, Und dwice as mooch to trink. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He vent it on de loud. At Ellsvort, in de prairie land, He foundt a pully crowd. He looked for bleedin Kansas, But dat s " blayed out," dey say ; De whisky keg s de only dings Dat s bleedin der to-day. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas, To see vot he could hear. He foundt soom Deutschers dat exisdt Py makin lager bier. 24 Says he: " Wie gehts du Alt Gesdl?" But no dings could be heard } Dey d growed so fat in Kansas Dat dey couldn t speak a vord. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas j Py shings ! I dell you vot. Yon day he met a crisly bear Dat rooshed him down, bei Gott ! Boot der Breitmann took und bind der bear, Und bleased him fery much For efery vordt der crisly growled Vas goot Bavarian Dutch ! Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ! By donder dat is so ! He ridet out upon de plains To shase- de boofalo. He fired his rifle at the bools, Und gallop troo de shmoke, Und shoomp de canyons shoost as if Der tyfel vas a choke ! It s hey de trail to Santa Fe j It s ho ! agross de plain. It s lope along de Denver road, Until we toorn again. 25 Und de railroad dravel after us Apout as quick as we ; Dis Kansas ish de fastest land Ash efer I did see. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; He have a pully dime ; Bu tvas in oldt Missouri Dat dey rooshed him up sublime. Dey took him to der Bilot Nob, Und all der nobs around; Dey spreed him und dey tea d him Dill* dey roon him to de ground. Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas ; Troo all dis earthly land, A vorkin out life s mission here Soobyectifly und grand. Some beoblesh runs de beautiful, Some works philosophic; Der Breitmann solfe de infinide Ash von eternal shpree ! 4 Die Schosne Wittwe. (DE POOTY VIDDER.) Vot de Yankee Chap sung. DAT pooty liddle vidder Yot we dosh nt vish to name, Ish still leben on dat liddle shtreet, A-doin shuss de same. De glerks aroundt de gorners Somedimes goes round to zee How die tarlin liddle vitchy ees, Und ask er how she pe. Dey lofes her ver goot liqurer, Dey lofes her liddle shtore; Dey lofes her liddle paby, But dey lofes die vidder more. To dalk mit dat shveet vidder, Ven she hands das lager round, Vill make der shap dat does id Pe happy, ve ll be pound. Dat ish if ve can veil pelieve De glerks vat drinks das peer, Who goes in dere for noding elshe, Put simply for to zee her." (26) 27 How der Breitmann cut him out. On yes I know die wittwe, Mit eyes so prite und proun ! She s de allerschoenste wittwe Vot live in dis here town. In her plack silk gown mine grashious ! All puttoned to de neck Und a pooty liddle collar, Mitout a shpot or shpeck. Ho! clear de drack you oderfraus You cant pegin to shine Ven de lofely vidder cooras along Dis vidder ash ish mine! Ho ! clear de drack you Yankee chaps, You Englishers und sooch. You cant pegin to coot me out, Mit out you dalks in Dootch. Ich hab die schoene wittwe Schon lange nit gesehn, Ich sah sie gestern Abend Wohl bei dem Counter stehn. Die Wangen rein wie Milch und Blut, Die Augen hell und klar. Ich hab sie sechsmal auch gekusst Potztausend ! das ist wahr. Breitmann and the Turners. HANS BREITMANN choined de Turners Novemper in de fall, Und dey gifed a boostin bender All in de Toorner Hall. Dere cooined de whole Gesangverein Mit der Liederlich Aepfel Chor, Und dey blowed on de drooms und stroomed on de fifes Till dey couldn t refife no more. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Dey all set oop some shouts, Dey took d him into deir Toorner Hall, Und poots him a course of shprouts, Dey poots him on de barrell-hell pars Und shtands him oop on his head, Und dey poomps de beer mit an enchine libse In his mout dill he s pout half tead ! Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners ; Dey make shimnastig dricks He stoot on de middle of de floor, Und put oop a fifdy-six. Und den he trows it to de roof, Und schwig off a tread ful trink : De veight coom toomple pack on his headt, Und py shinks ! he didn t vink ! (28) 29 Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : Mein Gott ! how dey drinked und shwore Dere vas Schwabians und Tyrolers, Und Bavarians by de score. Some vellers coomed from de Rheinland, Und Frankfort-on-de-Main ; Boot dere vas only von Sharman dere, Uiid he vas a Ilolstein Dane. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Mit a Limpurg cheese he coom; Yen he open de box it schmell so louut It knock de musik doomb. Yen de Deutschers kit de flavor, It coorl de haar on dere head ; Boot dere vas dwo Amerigans dere ; Und, py tarn ! it kilt dem dead I Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners ; De ladies coomed in to see ; Dey poot dem in de blace for de gals, All in der gal-lerie. Dey ashk : " Vhere ish der Breitmann ?" And dey dremple mit awe and fear Yen dey see him schwingen py de toes, A trinken lager bier. 30 Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : I dells you vot py tarn ! Dey slogs de great Urbummellied : De holy Sharman psalm. Und ven dey kits to de gorus You ought to hear dem dramp ! It scared der Teufel down below To hear de Dootchmen stamp. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners : By Donner ! it vas grand, Vhen de whole of dem goes a valkin Und dancin on dere hand, Mit de veet all wavin in de air, Gottstausend ! vot a dricks ! Dill der Breitmann fall und dey all go down Shoost like a row of bricks. Hans Breitmann choined de Toorners, Dey lay dere in a heap, And slept dill de early sonnen shine Come in at de window creep ; And de preeze it vake dem from deir dream, And dey go to kit deir feed : Here hat dis song an Ende Das ist DES BREITMANNSLIED. Ballad. D ER noble Hitter Hugo Yon Schwillensaufenstein, Rode out niit shpeer and helmet, Und he coom to de panks of de Rhino. Und oop dere rose a meer maid, Vot hadn t got nodings on, Und she say, " Oh, Ritter Hugo, Vhere you goes mit yourself alone ?" And he says, " I rides in de creenwood Mit helmet und niit shpeer, Till 1 cooms into em Gasthaus, Und dere I trinks some beer." Und den outshpoke de maiden Vot hadn t got nodings on : " I tont dink mooch ol beoplesh Dat goes mit uemselfs alone. " You d petter coom down in de wasser, Yere deres heaps of dings to see, Und hafe a shplendid tinner Und drafel along mit me. 31) 32 " Dere you sees de fisch a schwimmin, Und you catches dem efery one :" So sang dis wasser maiden Vot hadn t got nodings on. " Dere ish drunks all full mit money In ships dat vent down of old; Und you helpsh yourself, by dunder ! To shimmerin crowns of gold. " Shoost look at dese shpoons und vatches! Shoost see dese diamant rings ! Coom down und full your bockets, Und I ll giss you like avery dings. u Vot you vantsh mit your schnapps und lager? Coom down into der Rhine ! Der ish pottles der Kaiser Charlemagne Vonce filled mit gold-red wine!" Dat fetched him he shtood all shpell pound; She pooled his coat-tails down, She drawed him oonder der wasser, De maidens mit nodings on. Hans Breitmann s Christmas. "ffsec eat ilia bona dies Et vocata Isetn quies Vina sitientibus. Nullus metus, nee labores, Nulla cura, nee dolores, Sint in hoc symposia." [De Generibus Ebriosorum, Francoforti ad Mcenum, A. D. 1565.] ID vas on Weihnachtsabend vot Ghristmas Efe dey call Der Breitmann mit his Breitmen tid rent de Musik Hall ; Ash de Breitmen und die vomen who were in de Lie- derkranz Vouldt plend deir souls in harmonic to have a bleasin tantz. Dey reefed de Hall mid pushes so nople to be seen, Aroundt Beethoven s buster dey on-did a garlandt creen; De laties vork like tyfels two days to scroob de vloor, Und hanged a crate serenity mit Willkomm ! oop de toor ! Und vhile dere vas a Schwein-blatt whose redakteur tid say : Dat Breitmann he vas liederlich vet antworded dis away, Ye maked anoder serenity mid ledders plue und red : " Our Leader lick de repels ! N. G-." (enof gesaid.) Und anoder serene dransparency ve make de veller baint, Boot de vay he potch und vertyfeled it vas enof to shvear a saint, 5 (33) 34 For ve vanted La G-ermania boot der ardist mit a bloonder Vent und vlorished Lager agross id und denn poot Mania oonder ! Und as Ghristmas Efe was gekommen de beoples weren im Hall, I shvears you id vas Gott-full dat shplendit, pe-glo- riedball? Ve hat foon wie der Teufel in Frankreich we coot oop like ter tyfel in France, Und valk pair-wise in, while de musik blayed loudt de Fackel-Tanz. But ven de valtz shtrike oopwart we most went out of fits, Ash der Breitmann led off on a dwister mid de lofely Helmina Schmitz. He valtz shoost like he vas shtandin shtill, mit a peau- diful solemn shmile, Und Mina say he nafer shtop poussiren allaweil. " Es tcent, es rauschet Saitenklang I hear de musik call Den kerzenhellen Saal entlang all troo de gleamin Hall, moccht ich schweben stolz und froh mighdt I efer pe Mit dir durchs ganze Leben so ! my Lebenlang by dee." 35 Und faster play de musik de Wellen und Wogcn von Strauss ; Und some drop into de tantzen und some of dem drop aus; Und soon like a shtorm in de Meere I feel de reelin vloor, So de shpinners shtop mit de shpinsters, for-dey couldn t shpin no more. Now weren ve all frolic, und lauter guter ding, Und dirsty ash a broosh-pinder ven ve hear some glsesses ring; Foorst mild und sonft in de distants like de song of a y nightingoll, Den a ringin und rottlin und clotterin ash de Gluck ofEdenhall? Hei ! how we roosh on de liquor ! hei de kell- ners coom ! Hei ! how we busted de bier kegs und poonished de Punsch a la Rhum, Like lonely wafes at mitternight oopon some shiant shore ; Like an awful shtorm in de Waelder was de dirsty Deutschers roar ! I pyed some carts for a dime abiece I pyed shoost fifdy-dwo. Dey were goot for bier, or schnapps, or wein py don- der how dey flew! 36 I ring de deck on de vaiters for liquor hot und cool, Und avery dime I blays a cart, py shings, I rake de pool ! Und ash ve trinked so comforble, like boogs in any roog, De trompets blowed tan da ra del, und dere coom in a Maskenzug, A peaudiful brocession, soul-raisin und sooplime, De marrnorbilds of de heroes of de early Sherman dime. Dere vent der gross Arminius, mit his frau Thusnelda, too, De vellers ash lam de Romans dill dey roon mit noses plue, Den vollowed Quinctilius Varus, who carry a Roman yoke, Und arm-in-arm mit Gambrinus come der Allemane Chroc. Der alte Friedrich Rothbart, und Kaiser Karl der crate, Mit Roland und Uliverus ven shveepin on in shtate ; Und Conradin whose s-ad-full deat shtill makes our heartsen pleed, Und all of dem oldt vellers aus dern Niblungen .Lied. Und as dey mofed on, der Breitmann maked a tyfeled shplendid witz In anti-word to dis quesdion from de lofely Mina Schmitz : 37 " Vy ish id dey always makes in shtone dcm vellers so andiquatet ?" 11 Vy dey set in de laps of Ages dill dey got lapi dated !" Und shoost ash de last of dis hisdory hat fonished troo de toor, Ve heardt a ge-screech, und Pelz Nickel coom howlin on de vloor ; Den de laties yell like der tyfel, und vly like gulls mit vings, Und der Peltz Nickel lick em mit svitches und ve laughed like averydings. I nefer hafe sooch laughen before dat I was geborn, Und Pelz Nickel ven twas ober he blow on a yacger horn Und denounce do all de beople gesembled in de hall : Dat a Ghristmas dree vas vaiten mit bresents for oos all ! So ve vollowed him into de zimmer so quick ash dese vords he said, To kit dem peaudiful bresents, all gratis und on de dead, Und in facdt a shplendid Weihnachtsbaum mid lighds ve druly found, Und liddel kifts dat ge-kostet a benny abieceall round! Dere vas Rika Stange die Dessauerinn a maedchen shtraigdt und tall, She got a bicture of Cupid boot she didn t see it at all 38 Dill der Breitniann say mit his shplendid shtylc dat all de laties dake : " Dat pend of de bow is de Grecian pend dat you so ofden make !" Anoder scharmante laty, Maria Top, did got A schwingin mid a ribbon, a liddle benny pot; Boot Breitmann hafe id de roughest of any oder mans 3 For he kit a yellow gratle mit a liddle wooden Hans. Den next Beethoven s Sinfonie, die orkester did blay ; Adagio allegro andante cantabile. We sat in shtill commotion so dat a bin mighdt drops, Und de deers roon town der Breitmann s sheeks mit- whiles he was trinkin schnapps. Next dings ve had de Weinnachtstraum gesung by de Liederkranz. Denn I trinked dwelf schoppens of glee wine to sed me oop for a tanz Dis dimes I tanz wle der Tyfel we shriek de volk on de vloor ; Und boost right indo de sooper room for ve tanzt a hole troo de door ! Denn twas rowdy tow und hop-sossa, ve hollered, Mann und Weib ; "Rip Sam und sed her oop acain ! ve re all of de Shackdaw tribe !" 39 Venn Pelz Nickel blow his trump once more, und peg peg oos to shtop our din, Und troo de open toor dere corned nine denpins marchin in. t Nine vellers tressed like denpins dey goed to der end der ball, Und dwo Hans Wurst, shack-puddin glowns dey rolled at em mit a pall. De palls vas painted peaudiful ; dey vas vifdeen feet aroundt ; Und de rule of de came : whoefer cot hidt moost doom- pie on de croundt. Somedimes dey hit de denpins somedimes de oder volk Und pooty soon de gompany was all laid out in shoke ; Boot I tells you vot it makes oos laugh dill ve py nearly shplits, Yen der Breitmann he roll ofer and drip up de Mina Schmitz. Dis lets itself in Sherman pe foost-rade word-blayed on, Und mongst oos be giftet vellers you pet dat it vas tone! How der Breitmann mighdt drafel as brideman on de roadt dat ish breit and krumm; Here de drumpets soundt, and pair-wise ve goed for de sooper room. 40 Ye goed for ge-roasted Welsh-hens, ve goed for ge- spickter hare, Ye goed for kartoffel salade mit butter brod Kaviar ; Ye roosh at de lordtly sauer-kraut und de wurst vich * lofely shine, Und oh mem Grott in Kimmel ! how we goed for de Mosel-wein ! Und troonker more, und troonker yet, und troonker shtill got ve, In rosy lighdt shtill drivin on agross a fairy see ; Den madder, wilder, frantic-er I proked a salat dish ! Und shoost like roarin elefants ve tanzt aroundt de tish. I fe shvimmed in heafenly troonks pefore boot nefer von like dis, De morgen-het-ache only seemt a bortion of de bliss. De while in trilling peauty roundt like heafenly vind- harps rang A goosh of golden melodic de Rhine weinbechers Klang. De meltin minnesingers song a droonk of honeyd rhyme De b wildrin-dipsy Bardic shants of Teutoburgic dime, Back to de runic dim Yalhall und Balder s foamin mead; Here ents in heller glorie schein des Breitmann s Weihnachtslied ! Der Freischuets. WIE geht s my frients if you ll allow, I sings you rite avay shoosfc now Some dretful shdories vitch dey calls DER FREYSCHUETZ ; or, de Magic Balls. Wolil in Bohemian land it cooms, Where folks trinks prandy mate of p-luras ; Dere lifed ein Yager Maxerl Schmit, Who shot mit goons and nefer hit. Und dere vas one old Yager, who Says, " Maxerl, dis vill nefer do ; If you should miss on trial day, Dere l pe de tyfel den to pay. li If you do miss, you shtupid goose, Dere l pe de donnerwetter loose ; For you shant have mine taughter s hand, Nor pe de Hertshog s yagersmann." It coomed pefore de day was set, Dat all de chaps togeder met, Und Maxerl fired his bix and missed, Und all de gals cot round and hissed. r, (41) 42 Dey laughed pefore, and hissed pehind ; Put one chap, Kaspar, set : u tont mind! I dells you what, you stuns em alls, If yoost you shoot mit magic palls." " De magic palls oh vot is dat !" "I got dern in mine hoontin hat ; De re plack as kohl und shoot so true, Oh dems de sort of palls for you. " You see dat eagle flyin high, Ein hoondred miles up in de sky ? Shoot at dat eagle mit your bix, You kills him dead as doonderblix." " I tont pelieve de dings you say." " You fool," says Kass, "den plaze avay !" He plazed avay, ven sure as blood, Down coomed de eagle in de mud. "0 was ist das?" said Maxerl Schmit, " Vy dat s de ea s^ e vat y u h^ You kills um. vhen you plaze avay ; But dat s a ting you nix ferstay. tl Und you moost go to make dem balls To de Wolf s Glen ven mitnight falls Dow knowst de shpot? alone and late" " ja I knows him ganz foost-rate." 43 " But denn I does not likes to go Among dem dings." Says Kass, "Ach sho I I ll help you fix dem tyfel chaps; Like a goot fellow take some schnapps ! "(HilfZamiel! liilf!} Here, trink some more !" Den Kass vent shtomping roundt de floor, Und coomed his hoomboogs ofer Schmit, Till Max said "Nun ich gehe mit !" All in de fluster mitternockt, When oder folks in shleep vas locked, Down in de Wolfssclilucht Kass did try His tyfel-strikes und Tiexerei. Mit skools and pones he made a ring, De howls and spooks pegin to sing; Und all de tyfels oonter ground Coome breaking loose and rushin round. Den Maxerl cooms along ; says he, ; Mein G-ott ! what dings is dis I see ! I dinks de fery tyfel und all Moost help to make dem magic pall. " I vish dat I had nix cum rous, Und shtaid mineself in bett to house. "^ "Ililf Zam iel /" cried Kass, u you whelp ! You red Dootch tyfel coom und help !" 44 Den up dere coomed a tredful slitonn, De todtengrips aroundt did schwarm ; De howl joomped oop und flapt his vings, Und turned his het like averydings. Up troo de groundt here coomed a pot, Mit leadt und dings to make de shot ; Und hoellisch fire in crimson plaze, Und awful schmells like Schweitzer kaes . Across de scene a pine shtiek flew, Mit seferal jail-pirds fastent to, Six treadful jail-birds, mit deir vings Tied to de shticks mit magic shtrings. All troo de air. all in a row, Die wilde J<igd was seen to go ; De hounts und deer all made of pone, Und hoonted by a skilleton. Dere coomed de dretful shpectre pig Who shpitten fire, away did dig; Und fiery drocks und tyfel-snake A scootin troo de air tid preak. But Kass he tidn t mind dem alls, But casted out de pullet palls ; Six was to go as dey wouldt like, De sevent moost for de tyfel strike. 45 At last oopon de trial day De gals coomed round so nice and gay : Und dena dey goes and makes a tanz Und stinged apout de Jungftrnkranz. Und dena der Hertshog dat s de Duke Cooms down und dinks he ll take a look ; Young mans/ to Maxerl dena says he, " Shoost shoot dem dove upon dat dree !" Denn Maxerl pointed mit de bix Potzblitz !" says he, < dat dove I U fix P J He fired his rifle at de Tcatb, When Kass rolled over in de Staub. De pride she failed too in de dust. De gals dey cried de men dey cussed : De Hertshog says, "It s fery clear Dat dere has peen some tyfels here ; u llnd Max has shot mit tyfels-Wei. P- ! die verfluchte Hexer cimilian! O du Gthst nil mil rechten Dingen zu /" Bat den a hermits coomed in late, Says he. I ll fix dese dings foost-rate." Und telld de Hertshog dat young men Will raise der tyfel now and denn^ 46 De Duke forgifed de Kaspar dann Und made of him em Yagersmann, What shoots mit bixen gua and pfeil, Und talks apout de Waidmannslieil. Und denn de pride she coomed to life, Und cot to pe de Maxerl s wife ; Den all de beoples cried Hoorah ! Das ist recht brav ! und hopsasa ! MORAL. Py dis dings may pe oondershtood Dat vhat is pad vorks ofden goot : Or, MaximiUa Maximil- ibus curantur if you will. Breitmann about Town. DER Schwackenhammer coom to down, Pefore de Fall vas past, Und by der Breitmann drawed he in Ash dreirnals honored gast. Led s see de sighdts ! In self und worldt, Dere s " sighdts" for him, to see, Who Selbstanschaungsvermregen hat, Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de Opera Haus, Und dere dey vound em blayin . Of Offenbach, ( der open brook,) His show spiel Belle Helene. "Dere s Offenbach, Sebastian Bach, Mit Kaulbach, dat makes dree : I alvayS likes soosh brooks ash dese ." Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de Bibliothek, Vhich Mishder Astor bilt : Some pooks vere only en Iroschure, Und some vere pound und gilt. " Dat makes de gold dat makes de sinn, Mit pooks, ash men, ve see, De pest tressed vellers gilt de most :" Said Breitemann, said he. (47) "48 Dey vent to see an edider, Who d shanged his flag und doon, Und crowed oopon der oder side, Dat very afdernoon. De anciends vorshipped wetter-cocks, To wetter fanes pent de knee; Pow down, rnein Schwackenhammer, pow I" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented py a panker s hause, Und Schwackenhammer shvore, Id only vant a pig red shield Hoong oop pefore de toor ; One side of red, one side of gold, Like de knighd s in hisdorie " De schildern of dat schild is rich," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent oonto a bicture sale, Of frames wort many a cent, De broberty of a shendleman, Who oonto Europe vent. " Dont gry he ll soon pe pack again Mit anoder gallerie : He sells dem oud dwelf dimes a year/ Said Breitemann, said he. 40 Dey vented to dis berson s house, To see his furnidure, Sold oud at aucdion rite afay, Berembdory und sure. "He geeps six houses all at vonce Each veek a sale dere pe, Gotts ! vat a dime his vife moost hafe !" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to vind a goot cigar, Long dimes dey roamed apout, Yon veller had a pran new sort, De fery latest out. " 3Iein freund I dinks you errs yourself De shmell ish oldt to me ; De Infamias Stinlcadorcs brand, "- Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de virst hotel, De prandy make dem creep, A trop of id s enough to make A brazen monkey veep. " Dey say a viner house ash dis, Vill soon ge-bildet pe, Crate Gott ! vot can dey mean to trink ?" Said Breitemann, said he. 7 50 Dey vented droo de Irish shtreeds, Dey saw vrom haus to haus, Und gountet oop, pout more or less, Vive hoondred awful rows. " If all dese liddle vights dey waste, Could von crate pattle pe, Gotts ! how de Fenian funds vouldt rise !" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to see de Ridualisds, Who vorship Gott mitt viewers, In hobes he ll lofe dem pack again, In winter among de showers. "Then de Pacific railroat s done Dis dings imbrofed vill pe, De joss-sticks vill pe santal vood," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to hear a breecher of De last sensadion shtyle, Twas nough to make der tyfel weep To see his " awful shmile." Vot bities dat der Fechter ne er Yas in Theologie. Dey d make him pishop in dis shoorsh/ Said Breitemann, said he. 51 Dey vent indo a shpordin crib, De rowdies cloostered dick, Dey ashk him dell dem vot o glock, Und dat infernal quick. Der Breitmann draw d his volver oud, Ash gool ash gool couldt pe, " Id s shoost a goin to shdrike six," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent polid gal meedins next, Dey hear dem rant and rail, Der bresident vas a forger, Shoost bardoned oud of jail. He does it oud of cratitood, To dem who set him vree : "Id s Harmonie of Inderesds," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to a clairfoyand witch, A plack-eyed handsome maid, She wahrsagt all der vortunes denn " Fife dollars, gents !" she said. u Dese vitches are nod of dis eart , Und yed are on id, I see Der Shakesbeare knew de preed right veil/ Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to a restaurand, Der vaiter coot a dash ; He garfed a shicken in a vink, TJnd serfed id at a vlash. fc "Dat shap knows veil shoost how to coot, Und roon mit poulteric, He vas copitain oonder Turchin vonce," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de Yoman s Righds, Yere laties all agrees, De gals should pe de voters, Und deir beaux all de votees. For efery man dat nefer vorks, Yon frau should vranchised pe : Dat ish de vay I solf dis ding/ Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented oop, dey vented down, Tvas like a roarin rif er, De sighds vas here de sighds vas dere- Und de vorldt vent on forefer. De more ve trinks, de more ve sees, Dis vorldt a derwisch pe ; Das Werden s all von whirling droonk/ Said Breitemann, said he. Schnitzel s Philosopede. PAHDT FIESDT. HERR SCHNITZERL make a philosopede, Yon of de pullyest kind; It vent mitout a vheel in front, And hadn t none pehind. Von vheel vas in de mittel, dough, And it vent as sure as ecks, For he shtraddled on de axle dree Mit de vheel petween his leeks. Und ven he vant to shtart id off He paddlet mit his veet, Und soon he cot to go so vast Dat avery dings he peat. He run her out on Broader shtreed, He shkeeted like der vind, Hei ! how he bassed de vancy crabs, And lef dem all pehind ! De vellers mit de trottin nags Pooled oop to see him bass; De Deutschers all erstaunished saidt : "Potztausend ! Was ist das ?" Boot vaster shtill der Schnitzerl flewed On mit a gashtly smile ; (53) 54 He tidn t tooch de dirt, py stings ! Not yonce in hal-f a mile. Oh, vot ish all dis eartly pliss ? Oh, vot ish man s soocksess ? Oh, vot ish various kinds of dings ? Und vot ish hobbiness ? Ye find a pank-node in de shtreedt, Next dings der pank is preak ; Ye foils, und knocks our outsides in, Yen ve a ten shtrike make. So vas it mit der Schnitzerlein On his philosopede. His feet both shlipped outsideward shoost Yhen at his extra shpeed. He felled oopon der vheel of course; De vheel like blitzen flew : Und Schnitzerl he vas schnitz in vact For id shlished him grod in two. Und as for his philosopede, Id cot so shkared, men say, It pounded onward till it vent Ganz teufelwards afay. Boot vhere ish now de Schnitzerl s soul? Yhere dos his shbirit pide ? In Himmel troo de entless plue, It takes a medeor ride. Schnitzerl s Philosopede. FAULT SECONDT, VEN Breitmann hear dat Schnitzerl Vas quardered into dwo, Und how his crate philosopede To m teufel had gone flew; He dinked and dinked so heafy As only Deutschers can, Denn saidt, " Who raighdt bclicfet Dis ish de ent of man? " De human souls of beoples Exisdt in deir idees, Und dis of Wolfram Schnitzerl Mighdt dravel many vays, In his Bestimmung des Menschen Der Fichte makes peliefe Dat ve brogress oon-endly In vot pehind we leafe. " De shbarrow falls ground-downwarts. Or drafels to de West; De shbarrows dat coom afder Bild shoost de same oldt nest. Man hat not rings or fedders, Und in oder dings, tis saidt, (55) 56 He tont coom oop to shbarrows ; Boot on nests he goes ahet. " vilest dou troo bornin vorldts Und nebuloser foam, By monsdrous mitnight shiant forms Or vhere red tyfels roam, Or vhere de chosts of shky rackets Peyond creadion flee ? Vhere er dou art, oh Schnitzerlein ! Crate saint ! look down on me ! u Und deach me how you maket Dat crate philosopede, Vitch roon dwice six mals vaster Ash any Arap shteed, Und deach me how to Astonish folk Und knock dem out de shpots. Come pack to eart, Schnitzerlein, Und pring it down to dots !" Shoost ash dis vort vent outvarts Hans dinked he see a vlash, Und unterwards de dable He doornple mit a crash, Und to him, moong de glaesses, Und pottles ash vas proke, Mit his het in a cigar box, An foice from Himmel shpoke : 57 Adsum Dotnine Breitmann ! Herr Capitain here I pe ! So dell me right Tioneste Quare inquietasti me ? Te video inter spoonibus, Et largis glassis too, Cerevisia repletis, Slcut percussus tonitru!" Derm Breitmann ansver Schnitzerl : " Coarctor nimis. See! Siquidem Phili&tiim JPugnant adversum me. Ergo vocavi te, Ash Saul vocavit Sam uel, ut mi ostendcres Quid teuMfaciam ?" Denn der shpirit, in Lateinisch Saidt " Benc dat s de dalk ! Non habes in hoc shanty A shingle et some chalk ? Non video inkum et calamos : (I shbose some bummer shdole em) Levate oculos tuos, son Et aspice ad linteolum /" 8 58 Den Breitmann see de chalk-piece Vitch riset from de floor, Und signet a philosopede Alone oopon de toor, De von dat Schnitzerl fabricate, Und oonderneat he see : Probate inter equites : " Try dis in de cavallrie." Den Breitmann shtoot ooprightly Und leanet on a bost, [peen Und saidt ; " If dis couldt, shouldt hafe It vouldt mighdt peen a chost ! Boot if it pe nouomenon, Phenomenoned indeed, Or de soobyective obyectified, Tfe cot de philosopede." Denn out he seekt a plack schmidt Ash vork in iron shteel ; To make him a philosopede Mit shoost an only vheel. De dings vas maket simple, Ash all crate idees should pe ; For twas noding boot a gart vheel Mit a two veet achsel-dree. 59 De dimes der Breitmann doomple In learnin for to ride, Yas ofdener ash de sand grains Dat rollen in de tide. De dimes he cot oopsetted In shdeerin lefdt und righdt, Yas ofdener as de cleamin shdars Dat shtud de shky py nighdt. Boot de vorstest of de veadures In dis von vheel horse, you bet, Ish dat man couldt go so nicely Pefore he got oopset, Some dimes he go like plazes Und toorn her, extra-fein, Und denn shlop ofer dis is vhat Hafe kill der Schnitzerlein. Soosh droples as der Breitmann hafe To make dis Vention go, Yas nefer seen py mordal man Oopon dis vorldt pelow. He doompled righdt, he doompled lefdt, He hafe a tousand toomps, Dere nefer vas a gricket-ball Yot got soosh fernal boomps. 60 Boot ash he shvear t he d do it, He shvore id should pe done, Dough he schimpft und fluchte laesterlich, He visht he d ne er pegun. Hagcll Blitz! Kreuzsakrament ! He maket de houser ring, Und hoped de Schnitzerl pe verdammt For deachin him dis ding. Nun goot ! Ad last he got it. Und peaudifool he goed, Dis day, saidt he, " I ll stonish folk A ridin on de road ; Dis day py shinks I ll do it ! Und knock dings out of sight !" Ach weh ! for Breitmann dat day Vas not pe-markt mit vhite. De noompers of de Deutsche folk Dat coom dis feat to see, I dink in soper earnest-hood, Mighdt not ge-reckonet pe. For miles dey shtood along de road, Mein Grott ! but dey vas dry ; Dey trinked den lager-beer shops oop, Pefore der Hans coom py. Vhen all at vonce drementous gries De fery country shook ; Und beoples shkreemt : " Da ist er ! Schau ! Dere ish der Breitmann ! Look I" Mein Gott ! vas efer soosh a shoudt? Vas efer soosh a gry ? Ven like a brick-bat in a vight, Der Breitemann roosh py. mordal man ! Vy ish id, dow Hast passion to go vast ? Vy ish id dat de tog und horse Likes shbeed too quick to last ? De pugs, de pirds, de pumple-pees, Und all dat ish, twould seem, Ish nefer hoppy boot, exsept When pilin on de shteam. Der Breitmann flew I Yon mighdy gry, Ash he vent scootin bast, Von derriple, drementous yell Dat day de virst and last. Vot ha ! vot ho ! Vy ish id dus ? Vot makes dem shdare aghast ? Vy cooms dat vail of wild tespair ? Ish somedings got gesmasht ? 62 Yea efen so. Yea, ferily Shbeak, soul ! It is dy biz ! Der Breitmann shkeet so vast along, Dey fairly heard him whizz. Ven shoost oopon a hill-top point It caught a pranch ge-pent, Und like an opple vrom a svitch, Afay Hans Breitmann vent. Vent troo de air a hoondert feet, (Allowin more or less) Denn poll poll poll a mile or dwo ? He rollet along I guess. Say hast dou seen a gannon ball Half shpent, shtill poundin on j Like made of gummi-lasticum ? So vent der Breitemann. Dey bick him up dey pring him in No wort der Breitmann shpoke. Der doktor look he shvear erstaunt Dat nodings ish peen proke ! He rollet de rocky road entlong, He pouncet o er shtock und shtone ? You d dink he d knocked his outsides in, Yet nefer preak a pone ! 63 All shtill Hans lay bevilderfied Nor seemet to mind de snaps, Nor moofed, oontil der medieus Hafe dose him veil mit schnapps. De schmell voke oop de boetry Of lays ven he vas young, Und he murmulte de frogmends Of an sad romandic song : " As summer pring de roses, Und roses pring de dew, So Deutschland gifes de maidens Vot fetch de bier to you. Komrn Maidlein ! Rothe Waenglein ! Mit a wein glass in your paw ! Ve ll ged troonk amoong de roses Und lie soper on de shdraw ! " As winter prings de ice-wind, Dat plow o er burg und hill, Hard times pring in de lantlord, Und de lantlord pring de bill. Boot sing Maidlein ! Kothe Waengelein I Mit wein glass in your paw ! Ve ll ged troonk amoong de roses Und lie sober on de shdraw I" Dey dook der Breitruann homewarts, Boot efer on de vay, He nefer shbeaket no man, Und noding else could say : Boot "Maidlein Rothe Wasngelein ! Mit wein glass in her paw, We ll ged troonk amoong de rosen Und lie soper on de shdraw \" Dey laid der Hans im Bette, Peneat de eider-doun, Und sempled all de doktors Vot doktored in de town. Dat ish, de Deutsche Aertzte, ForBreitmann alfays says, De Deutschers ish de onlies Mit originell idees. Dere vas Doktor Moritz Schlinkenschlog, Dat vork ash caf 6opath, Und der learned Cobus Schoepfskopf, Dat use de inilchy bath ; Und Korschalitschky aus Boehmen, Yot cure mit slibovitz, Und Wechselbalg from Berlin, Who only tend to fits. 65 Dere vas Strobbich aus Westfalen Who inofe all eart ly ills Mit concentrirter schinken juice, Und Pumpernickel pills ; Ilnd a bier-kur man from Munich, Und a grape-curist from Rhein, Und von who shkare tisease afay Mit dose of Schlesier wein. So dey meed in consooldation Mit Doktor Winkeleck, Who brackdise "renovation " Mit sauerkraut und speck. Und dat no man shouldt pe shlightet Or treatet ash a tunce, Dey greed to try deir systems Oopon Breitmann all at vonce. Dat ish, mit de excepdion, Of gifin Schlesier wein ; For de remedy vas danger-full On von who trink from Ilhiue. Ash der teufel once declaret Yen he taste it on a shpree, Dat a man to trink soosh liquor Moost a born Silesian pe. 9 So de all vent los at Breitmann, Und woonderfool to dell, He coomed to his gesundheit, Und pooty soon cot veil, Some hinted at Natura Mit de oldt vis eanatrix, Boot each dokter shvore he cured him, Und de rest were Taugenix. I know not vot der Breitmann More newly has pegun, Boot dey say he dalks day-daily Mit Dana of de Sun. Dey dalk in Deutsch togeder, Und volk say de ent vill pe Philosopedal changes In de Union cavallrie. Gott help de howlin safage ! Gott help de Indi-an ! Shouldt Breitmann choin his forces MitSheneral Sheridan. Und denn to sing his braises Acain I ll gife a lied Hier hat dis dale an ende Of Breitrnann s philosopede. A Ballad apout de Rowdies. DE moon shines ofer de cloudleus. Und de cloudts plow ofer de sea, Und I vent to Coney Island, Und I took mein Schatz mit me. Mine Schatz, Katriua Bauer, I gife her mein heart und vordt; Boot ve tidn t know vot beoples De Dampsschiffhafecot on poard. De preeze plowed cool und bleasant, We looket at de town Mit sonn-light on de shdeebles, Und wetter fanes doornin round. Ye sat on de deck in a gorner Und dropled nopody dere, Yen all aroundt oos de rowdies Peginned to plackguard und schvear ! A voman mit a papy Yas sittin in de blace; Yon tooket a chew tobacco Und trowed it indo her vace. De voinan got coonvulshons, De papy pegin to gry ; Und de rowdies shkreemed out a laffin, Und saidt dat de fun vas high." (67) 68 Pirnepy ve become some hoonger Katrina Baur und I, I openet de lit of mine pasket, Und pringed out a cherry bie. A cherry kooken mit pretzels, " How goot !" Katrina said, Yen a rowdy snatched it from her, Und preaked it ofer mine het. I dells him he pe a plackguart I gifed him a biece my mind, I vouldt saidt it pefore a tousand, Mit der teufel himself pehiud. Den he knocks me down mit a sloong-shot, Und peats me plack and plue ; Und all de plackguards kick me, .Dill I vainted, und dat ish drue. De rich American beoples Don t know how de rowdies shtrike Der poor hardt-workin Sherman, He knows it more ash he like. If de Deutsche speakers und bapers Are sometimes too hard on dis land, Shoost dink how de Deutsch kit driven Along by de rowdy s hand ! I Wein Geist. STOOMPLED oud ov a daf ern, Berauscht mit a gallon of wein, Und I rooshed along de Strassen, Like a derriple Eberschwein. Und like a lordly boar-big, I doompled de soper folk ; Und I trowed a shtone droo a slidreed lamp, Und bot of de classes I proke. Und a gal vent roonin bast me. Like a vild coose on de vings, Boot I gatch her for all her skreechin, Und giss her like afery dings. Und denn mit an board und a shdore-box. I blay de horse-viddle a biece. Dill de neighbours shkreem " deat I" und " murder !" Und holler aloudt "bolice ?" Und vhen der crim night wsechter Says all of dis foon moost shtop, I oop mit mem oombrella, Und schlog him ober de kop. (69) r o I leaf him like tead on de bavemend, Und roosh droo a darklin lane. Dill inoonlighd und tisdand musik, Priug me roundt to my soul again. Und I sits all oonder de linden, De hearts-leaf linden dree ] Und I dink of de quick ge-vanisht lofe Dat vent like de vind from me. Und I voonders in mine dipsy hood, If a damsel or dream vas she ! Dis life ish all a lindens , Mit holes dat show de Plue; Und pedween de finite pranches, Cooms Hinimel light shinin troo. Und efery leaf ish a fay, Und dey vait dill de "Windsbraut comet, To pear dem in Fall afay. Und I look at a rock py de rifer, Vhere a stein ish of harpe form. -Year dausend in, oud, it shtandet Und nopody blays but de shtorm. 71 Here vonce on a dimes a vitches, Sooin melodies here peginned, De harpe ward all zu steine, Die melodie ward zu wind. "Und so mit dis tox-i-cation, Vitch hardens de outer Me ; Uber stein and scKwein, de weine, Shdill harps oud a melodie. Boot deeper de Ur-lied ringet, Ober stein und wein und svines, Dill it endet vhere all peginnet, Und alles wird ewig zu eins, In de dipsy, treamless sloomper Yhich units de Nichts und Seyns. Breitmann in Politics. I The Nomination, YHEN ash de var vas ober, Und Beace her shnow-wice vings, Vas vafin o er de coondry (In shpods) like afery dings; Und heroes vere revardtet, De beople all pegan To say tvas shame dat nodings Vas done for Breitemann. No man wised how id vas shtartet, Or where der fore shlog came, Boot dey shveared it vas a cinder, Dereto a purnin shame : "Dere is Schnitzerl in de Gustom-House Potzblitz ! can dis dings pe ? Und Breitmann he hafe nodings : Vot sights is dis to see ! Nod de virst ret cendt for Breitmann ! Ish dis do pe de gry On de man dat sacked de repels Und trinked dem high und dry ? (72) By meine Seel I shvears id, Und vot s more I deglares id s drue, He vonce gleaned out a down in half an oor, Und shtripped id strumpf und shoe. " He was shoost like Koenig Etzel, Of whom de shdory dell, Der Hun who go for de Romans Und gife dem shinin hell, Only dis dat dey say no grass vouldt crow Vhere Etzel s horse had trot, Und I really peliefe vere Breitmann go De hops shpring oop, bei Gott !" If once you tie a dog loose, Dere ish more soon gets arount, Und wenn dis vas shtartedt on Breitmann It was rings aroom be-foundt ; I>ough vliy he moos^Tiafe somedings Vas not by no mean glear, Xor tid id, like Paulus confersion, On de snap to all abbear ! Und, in facdt, Balthazar Bumchen Saidt he couldtent nicht blainly see Vy a veller for gadderin riches Shood dus revartedt pe : 10 74 Der Breitmann own drei Houser. Mit a wein-handle in a stohr. Dazu ein Lager- Wirthschaft, Und sonst was somedings more. Dis plasted plackguard none-sense Ye couldn t no means shtand, From a narrow-mineted shvine s kopf, Of our nople captain grand : Soosh low, goarse, betty bornirtheit A shentleman deplores ; So ve called him verfluchter Hundsfott Und shmysed him out of toors. So ve all dissolfed dat Breitmann Shouldt hafe a nomination To go to de Legisladoor, To make some dings off de nation ; Mit de helb of a Connedigut man, In whom ve hafe great hobes, Who hat shange his boledics fivdeen dimes, Und derefore knew de robes. II The Committee of Instruction. DENN for our Insdructions Comedy De ding vas protocollirt, By Docktor Emsig Grubler, Who in Jena vonce studiret ; Und for Brcitmann his instrugtions De Comedy tid say Dat de All out-going from de Ones Vash die first Moral Idee. Und de segondt crate Moral Idee Dat into him ve rings, Vas dat government for avery man Moost alfays do avery dings j Und die next Idee do vitch his mindt Esbecially ve gall, Ish to do mitout a Bresident Und no government at all. Und die fourt Idee ve vish der Hans Vouldt alfays keeb in new, Tsh to cooldifate die Peaudifool, Likewise de Goot and Drue ; Und de form of dis oopright-hood In proctise to present, He most get our little pills all bassed Mitout id s gostin a cent. (75) Und die fift Idee ash learnin Ish de cratest ding on eart, And ash Shoopider der Vater To Minerfa gife ge-birt Ye peg dat Breitmann oonto oos All pooblic tockuments Yich he can grap or shteal vill sendt Franked mit his gompliments. Die sechste crate Moral Idee Since id fery veil ish known Dat mind ish de resooldt of food, Ash der Moleschott has shown, Und ash mind ish de highest form of Gott, As in Fichte dot abbear He moost alfays go mit de barty Dat go for lager-bier. Now ash all dese instrugdions Yere showed to Misder Twine, De Yangee boledician, He say dey vere fery fine : Dey vere pesser ash goot, und almosdt nice A tarnal tall concern ; Boot dey hafe some little trawpacks, Und in fagdt weren t worth a dern 77 Boot yed, init our bermissiou, If de shentleinans allow Here all der Shermans in de room Dake off deir hats und pow lie vouldt gife our honored gandidate Some nodions of his own, Hafing managed some elecdions Mit sookcess, as veil vas known. Let him plow id all his own vay, He d pet as sure as born, ])at our mann vouldt not coom out of Der liddle endt der horn, Mit his gootproac? Sherman shoulders- Pis maket oos laugh, py shink ! So de comedy shtart for Breitmann s Not a bene afder a trink I Ill Mr. Twine Explains Being " Sound Upon the Goose." DERE in his crate corved oaken shtuhl Der Breitmann sot lie : He lookt slioost like de shiant In de Kinder hishdorie ; Und pefore him, on de tische, Yas vhere man alfays foundt it Dwelf inches of goot lage*, 31it a Boemisch glass aroundt it. De foorst vordt dat der Breitmann spoke. He maked no sbeech or sign : De next remark vas, " Zapfet aus /" De dird vas, " Schenket ein !" Yhen in coomed liddle Gottlieb Und Trina mit a shtock Of allerbest Markgraefler wein Dazu dwelf glaeser Bock. Denn Misder Twine deglare dat he Yas happy to denounce Dat as Copdain Breitmann smited oos Egsockdly do an ounce, (78) 79 He vas ged de nomination, And need nod more eckshblain : Der Breitmann dink in silence, And denii roar aloudt, CHAMPAGNE ! Den Mishder Twine, while trinken weiii, Mitwhiles vent on do say, Dat long insdruckdions in dis age Vere nod de dime of tay Und de only ding der Breitmann need To pe of any use Vas shoost to dell to afery mans He s soundt oopon der coosc. Und ash dis little frase berhops Vas nod do oos bekannt, He dakes de liberdy do make Dat ve shall oondershtand, And vouldt tell a liddle shdory Vitch dock blace pefore de wars : Here der Breitmann nod to Trina, Und she bass aroundt cigars. Id ish a longe dime, now here, In Bennsylvanien s Shtate, All in der down of Horrisburg Dere rosed a vierce depate, 80 Tween vamilies mit cooses, Und dose vhere none vere foundt- If cooses might, by common law, G-o squanderin aroundt ? Dose who vere nod pe-gifted Mit gooses, und vere poor, All shvear de law forbid dis crime, Py shings and cerdain sure ; But de coose-holders teklare a coose Greadt liberty tid need, And to pen dem oop vas gruel, Und a mosdt oon-Christian teed. Und denn anoder party Idself tid soon refeal, Of arisdograts who kepd no coose, Pecause twas not shendeel : Tey tid not vish de splodderin geese Shouldt on deir pafemends bass, So dey shoined de anti-coosers, Or de oonder lower glass !" Here Breitmann led his shdeani out: " Dis shdory goes to show Dat in poledicks, ash lager, Virtus in medio. 81 De drecks ish ad de pottom De skooni floads high inteed ; Boot das bier ish in de mittle, Says an goot old Sherman lied. " Und shoost apout elegdion-dimes De scoom und drecks, ve see, Have a pully Wahl-verwandtschaft, Or election-sympathie." " Dis is very vine," says Misder Twine, " Yot here you indroduce : Mit your bermission, I ll grack on Mit my shdory of de coose. " A gandertate for sheriff De coose-beholders run, Who shvear de coose de noblest dings Yot valk peneat de sun ; For de cooses safe de Capidol In Rome long dimes ago, Und Horrisburg need safin Mighty pad, ash all do know. " Acainsd dis mighdy Goose-man Anoder veller rose, Who keepedt himself ungommon shtill Yen oders came to plows ; 82 Und if any ask how twas he shtoodt, His vriends wouldt virik so loose, Und visper ash dey dapped deir nose He s soundt oopon de coose ! " l He s 0. K. oopon de soobject; Shoost pet your pile on dat ; On dis bartik ler qtiesdion He intends to coot it fat/ So de veller cot elegded Pefore de beople foundt On vitch site of der coose it vas He shtick so awful soundt. " Dis shdory s all I hafe to dell," Says Misder Hiram Twine ; " Und I advise Herr Breitmann Shoost to vight id on dis line." De volk who of dese boledics Woiild oder chapters read, Moost waiten for de segondt pardt Of dis here Breitraann s Lied. IV, How Breitmann and Schmit v;cre Reported to be Log-Roiling, ID happenet in de yar of crace. Ven all dese dings pegan, Dat Mishder Schmit, de shap who rooncd Acainsd der Breitemann, Yas a man who look like Mishder Twine So moosh dat beoples say Dey pliefe dey nioost ge-brudert pe Grott weiss in vot a vay ! Und id vas also moosh be-marked Vitch look shoost like a bruder Dat ven Twine vas vork on any side Der Schniit vas on de oder : A fery gommon dodge ish dis Mit de arisdocracie ; So dat votefer eardt toorns oop, Id s game for de fainilie ! Nun, goot ! Howefer dis mighdt pe, Tvas cerdain on dis hit Der Twine vas do his teufelest To euchre Mishder Schniit ; Und Schmit, I criefe to say, exglaimed : " (roll darn me for a fool, But I ll smash old Dutch to cholera fits And rake the eternal pool !" (83) 84 So dey cot some liddle ledders, Ash brifate ash could pe, Vitch Breitmann writed long agone To friendts in Germany Und dey brinted dem in efery vay To make de beoples laugh, Und comment on dem in de shtyle Dat a sports" call "slasher-gaff." Dere to as vash known py shoodshment Und glearly ascerdaind, Dat Breitmann hafe lossed money Py a valse und schwindlin friend So dey roon it troo de newsbapers, Uud shbeech do make pegan, Dat Breitmann shtole de gelt himself Und rop der oder man. Boot de ding dat jam de hardest On de men dat bull de vires, Und showed dat Captain Breitmann Shtood pedween dwo heafy vires, Yas, pecause he vas a soldier Von could see id at a clanse Dey had pud him in a tisdrigt Vhere he hadn t half a shanse. 85 For ash de pold solidaten Ish more prafe ash oder mans, Dey moost lead de hope verloren Und pattle in de vans Und ash defeat ish honoraple To men in honor shtrict, Dey honor dern py puttin em Vhere dey re cerdain to pe licked. Boot dis dimes it shlopped over, Tvas de dird or secondt heat Dat a soldier in dis tisdrigt Had been poot oop und beat : So de Plue Goats dink it over Und go quietly to vork : Be bow ven too moosh aufgespannt Vlies packward mit a yerk. Now Mishder Twine deglaret on dis De ding seemed doubtenfull, Boot mitout delay he dook de horns So poldly py de bull, Und shpread de shdory eferyvhere, Dill folk to pliefe pegan, Dat Mishder Schmit had sold de vfght Unto der Breitemann ! He fix de liddle tedails How moosh der Schmit hafe got For sellin out his barty To let Breitmann haul de pot Und he showed a brifate ledder From Breitemann to Schmit, Vhere he bromise him for Congress If he shoost let oop a bit. Der Twine vas writet dis ledder ; For der Copitain Breitemann Vould nefer hafe shtood soosh hoompoogks Since virst his life pegan ; He hat tone some rough dings in der war, In de ploonder-und-morder line, Boot vas hoockelperry-persimmoned Mit dese boledics of Twine. Howefer, dis ledder vorket foorst-rade Mit de Merigans pest of all, For dey mostly dinked it de naturalest ding As efer could t pefall ; For to sheat von s own gonstituents Ish de pest mofe in de came, Und dey nefer sooposed a Dootchman Hafe de sense to do de same V. Hov/ they held the Mass Meeting. DERE S nodings in dis vorldt so pad, Ash all oov us may learn, Boot may shange from dark to lighthood, If loock should dake a doom ; So it happenet mit Breitmann, "Who in shpite of sin und Schmit, Grontrified ad shoost dis yooncture Do make a glucky hit. Dey hat sendet out some plackarts To de Deutsche buergers all (N. B. Dish ish not mean plackarts, Boot de pills dey shtick on de vail), To say data Massenversamralung Or a meeding of all de masses Yould be held in de Arbeiter-Halle, To consisd of de Sharman classes. Now dey gife de brintin of de pills To a new gekommene man, Who dinked dat Demokratisch Vas de same ash Repooblican : Gott in Himmel weiss where he hid himself On dish free Coloompian shore Dat he scaped de naturalizationisds, Und hadn t found out pefore. (87) 88 Boot to dis Deutsche brinter, De only tifference he Petween Repooblicanish Und Demokratisch tid see, Yas dat von vash dwo ledders longer ; So he dook shoost vot seem pat To make de poster handsome Likewise a liddle fat. How ofden in dis buzzlin life Small grubs grows oop to vings ! How ofden shoost from moostard sect A virst-glass pusiness shprings ! Vant Idein komt men tot t groote, Ash de Hollanders hafe said : Mit dese dwo ledders Breitemann Caved in der Schmitsy s head. VI Breitmann s Great Speech. Dis tale dat Schmit hafe sett, de viglit Cot so much put apout Dat many of his beoples vere In fery tupious toubt ; Pove all, dose who were on de make, And easy change deir lodge, Und, pein awfool smart demselfs, Pelieve in every dodge. Vhen de meeding vas gesempled, Und dey found no Schmit vas dere, Dey looket at von anoder Mit a ganz erstaunished air; But dey saw it glear as taylight, Und around a vink dere ran, Ven pefore dem rose de shiant form Of Copitain Breitemann ! Den Breitemann vent los at dem : " He could nichts well exbress De rapdure dat besqueezed his hearts De wonnevol hoppiness To meed in friendlich council And glasp de hand of dose Who had peen mit most oonreason Und unkindtly galled his foes. 12 (89) 9U 11 Berhaps o er all dis shrnilin eart He vould say it dere and den Soosh shpecdagles eouldt nod pe seen Of soosh imbartial men, So tefoid of pase sospicion, So apove all betty dricks, Ash to gome und lisden .vairly To a voe in poledicks ; " Dat ish to say, a so-galled voe For he feeled id in his soul Dat de Principles vitch mofed dem Vere de same oopon de whole ; But he lack a vord to exbress dem. In manners opportunes " Here a veller in de gallery Cry oud, oonkindly, " Shpoons !" Und dere der Breitmann goppled him : " If shpoons our modifes pe, Dere s not a man pefore oos Who lossed a shpoon by me : Far rader had Igife you all A shpoons to eaten mit, Und I hope to get a ladle for Minefriendt, der Mishder Schmit." 91 Dis fetch das Haus like doonder It raised der teufel s dust, TJnd for sefen-lefen minudes Dey ooplauded on a bust ; Und de blokes dat dinked of hedgin Saw a ring as round as ; So dey boked cash oder in de rips, Und said, " I dold vou so !" For dis d lusion to de ladle Vas as glear ash city milk, Und drawd it on de beoples So vine ash flossen silk, Dat Hans und Schmit vere rollin locks, Und de locks were ready cut ; Only Breitmann hafe de liddle end, Und Schmitsy dake de butt ! Den Breitemann he crack onward : " If any lightened man Will seeken in his Bibel, He ll find dat a publican Is a barty ash sells lager ; Und das ding is ferry blain, Dat a re-publican ish von Who sells id gain und gain. 92 " Now since dat I sells lager, I gant agreen mifc De demprance brinciples I hear Distriputet to Schmit ; Boot dis I dells you vairly, Und no one to teseife If I were Sclimit, I d pliefen Shoost vot der Sclimit peliefe. " And to mine Sherman, liperal friends I might mention in dis shpot Dat I hear an oonfoundet rumor Dat der Schmit peliefe in Gott Und also dat he coes to shoorsh Mit a prayer-book for salfadion : Ivould not for die welt say dings To hoort his repudadion. " Und nodin is more likely Dat it all a shlander pe, So also de rumor dat ven young He shtoody divinidy : I myself, ash a publican, Moost pe a sinner by fate, Und in dis sense I denounce myself Ash Re-publi-candidate ! 93 (t Und dat ve may meed in gommon, I declare here in dis hall Und I shvears mineself to hold to it, Fotefer may pef all Dat any man who gifes me his fote Votevefer his boledicks pe Shall alfay&pe regartet Ash bolidiyal friendt py me." (Dis voonderfol condescension Pring down drementous applause, Und dose who catch de nodion (rife most derriple hooraws ; Eshbecially some Amerigans Ash vas shtandin near de door, Und who in all deir leben long Nefer heard so moosh sense pefore.) " Dese ish de brincibles I holts, And dose in vitch I run : Dey ish fixed firm and inmmtaple Ash te course of de ternal sun : Boot if you ton t abbrove of dem Blease nodice vot I say I shall only pe too happy To alder dem right afay. 94 - Und unto my Demogratic friendts I vould very glearly shtate Since dis useless mit oop-gecleared minds To hold a long depate Dat dere s no man in de cidy Dat sells besser liquor ash I, Und I shtand de tread ts free-gradis Vhenefer mine friendts ish try. Adfinem in de ende I moost mendion do you all, Dat a dootzen parrels of lager bier Ish a-gomin to dis hall : Dere ish none of mine own barty here, Boot we ll do mitout deir helfs } Und I kess, on de whole, twill peshoost so goot, If ve trink it all ourselfs." Soosh drementous up-loudation Pefore was nefer seen, Ash dey shvored dat Copitan Breitmann Vas a brick-pat, and no sardine ; Und dey trinked demselfs besoffen, Sayin, " Hope you wird sookceed !" De nexter theil will pe de ent Of dis historisch lied. VII The Author Asserts the Vast Intellectual Superiority of Germans to Americans, DERE S a liddle fact in hishdory Vich few hafe oonderstand Dat de Deutschers are, dejure, De owners of dis land ; Und I brides mineself unspeakbarly Dat I foorst make be-known De primordial cause dat Columpus Yas derivet from Cologne ; For ash his name vas Colon, It fisibly does shine Dat his elders are geboren been In Co-logne on der Rhein ; Und Colonia pein ? colony, It sehr bemarkbar ist Dat Columbus in America Was der firster colonist. Und ash Columbus is a tofe, Id is wort de drople to mark Dat a bidgeon foorst tiscofered land A-vlyin from de ark ; Und shtill wider in de peginnin, Mitout de leastest toubt, A tofe vas vly ofer de wassers Und pring de vorldt herout. (95) 96 Ash mine goot oldt teacher der Kreutzer To me tid often shbeak, De mythus of name reheats idself (V ich ve see in his Symbolik ) ; So also de name America, If ve a liddle look, Vas coom from de oldt King Emerich In de Deutsche Ileldenbuch. Und id vas from dat very Heldenbuch How voonderful id run ! Dat I shdole de "Song of Hildebrand, Or der Vater und der Son/ Und dishtripute it to Breitmann, For a reason vitch now ish plain, Dat dis Sagen-Cyclus, full-endet, Pring me round to der Hans again ! Dese laws of un-endly un-wigglin Ish so teep und hroad und tall Dat nopody boot a Deutscher Have a het to versteh dem at all ; Und should I write mine dinks all oud, I ton t peliefe, indeed, Dat I mineself vould versteh de half Of dis here, Breitmannslied. 97 Ash de Hegel say of his system, Dat only von mans knew Vot der teufel id meandt, und he could t tell ; Und der Jean Paul Richter too, Who said, " G-ott knows I meant somedings When foorst dis buch I writ, Boot G-ott only wise vot de buch means now, Vor I have vergotten it." And all of dis be-wises So blain ash de face on your nose, Dat der Deutscher hafe efen more intellects, Dan he himself soopose ; Und his tifference mit de over-again vorldt, Ash I really do soospect, Ish dat oder volk hafe more soopose, Und lesser intellect. Yet ooprightly I gonfess it Mitout ashkin vhy or vhence Dere ish also dimes vhen Amerigans Hafe ge-shown sharp-pointed sense ; Und a fery outsigned example Of genius in dis line Vas dishblayed in dis elegdion Py Mishder Hiram Twine, lo VIII Showing How Mr. Hiram Twine "Played off" on Smith. VIDE LICET : Dere vas a fillage "Whose vode alone vouldt pe Apout enoof to elegdt a man, Und gife a majority ; So de von who couldt scoop dis seddlement Yould make a pully hit ; Boot dough dey vere Deutschers, von und all, Dey all go von on Schmit. Now it happenet to gome to bass Dat in dis liddle town De Deutsch vas all exshpegdin Dat Mishder Schmit coom down, His brinciples to fore-setzen Und his idees to deach, (Dat is, fix oop de brifate pargains) Und telifer a pooblic sbeech. Now Twine vas a gyrotwistive cuss, Ash blainly ish peen shown, Und vas alfays an out-findin Votefer might pe known ; Und mit some of his circumswindles He fix de matter so Dat he d pe himself at dis meetin And see how dings vas go. (98) 99 Oh shtrangely in dis leben De dings kits vorked apout ! Oh voonderly Fortuna Makes toorn us insite out ! Oh sinkular de luck-wheel rolls ! Dis liddle meeding dere Fixt Twine ad perpendiculum Shoost suit him to a hair ! Now it hoppenit on dis efenin De Deutschers, von und all, Vere avaitin mit impatience De openin of de ball ] Und de shates of nite vere fallin Und de shdars begin to plink, Und dey vish dat Schmit vouldt hoorry, For d vas dime to dake a trink. Dey hear some hoofs a-dramplin, Und dey saw, und dinked dey knowed, Der bretty greature coomin, On his horse along de road ; Und ash he ride town in-ward t De likeness vas so plain Dey donnered out, " Hooray for Schmit!" Enough to make it rain. 100 Der Twine vas shtart like plazes; Boot oopshtarted too his wit, Und he dinks, " Great Turnips ! what if I Could bass for Colonel Schmit ? Gaul dern my heels ! I ll do it, Und go the total swine ! Oh, Soap-balls ! what a chance !"said dis Dissembulatin Twine. Den twas " Willkomm ! willkomm, Mishder Schmit !" Ringsroom on efery site ; Und First-rate ! How dy-do yourself?" Der Hiram Twine replied. Dey ashk him, Come und dake a trink ?" But dey find it mighdy queer Ven Twine informs dem none boot hogs Yould trink dat shtinkin bier ; Dat all lager vas nodings boot boison ; Und ash for Sherman wein, He dinks it vas erfounden Exshbressly for Sherman schwein ; Dat he himself vas a demperanceler Dat he gloria in de name ; Und atfise dem all, for tecency s sake, To go und do de same. 101 Dese bemarks among de Deutschers Vere apout ash veil receife Ash a cats in a game of den-bins, Ash you may of coorse peliefe : De heat of de reception Vent down a dootzen tegrees, Und in place of hurraws dere vas only heardi De rooslin of de drees. Und so in solemn stille Dey scorched him to de hall, Vhere he inaket de oradion Vitch vas so moosh to blease dem all Und dis vay he pegin it : " Pefore I furder go, I vish dat my obinions You puddin-het Dootch should know. : Und ere I norate to you, I think it only fair We should oonderstand each other Prezactly, chunk and square. Dere are boints on vhich ve tisagree, And I will plank de facts I don t go round slanganderin My friendts pehind deir packs. 102 " So I beg you dake it easy If on do raw I touch, Vhen I say I can t apide de sound Of your groontin, shi-shing Dutch. Should I in the Legisladure As your slumgullion shtand, Fll have a bill forbidding Dutch Troo all dis versal land. " Should a husband talk it to his frau, To deaf he should pe led ; If a mutter breat it to her shild, I d bunch her in de head ; Und I m sure dat none vill atfocate Ids use in public schools, Oonless dey re peastly, nashdy, prutal, Sauerkraut-eatin vools. Here Mishder Twine, to gadder breat, Shoost make a liddle pause, Und see sechs hundert gapin eyes, Sechs hundert shdarin chaws, Dey shtanden erstarrt like frozen ; Yon faindiy dried to hiss; Und von set : " Ish it shleeps I m treamin ? Gottausend! vat ish dis ?" 103 Twine keptet von eye on de vindow. Boot poldly went abet: " Of your oder shtinkin hobits No vordt needt hier pe set, Shtop goozlin bier shtop shmokin bipes Shtop rootin in de mire ; Und sboost un-Dutchify yourselfs : Dat s all dat I require." Und denn dere coomed a shindy Asli if de shky bat trop : " Trow bim mit ecks, py doonder ! Go sblog bim on de kop ! Hei ! Shoot him mit a powie-knifes ; Go for him, ganz and gar ! Sboost tar him mit some fedders ! Led s fedder him mit tar!" Sooch a teufel s row of furie Yas nefer oop-kickt before : Soom roosb to on-climb de blatform Soom hoory to fasten te toor : Yon veller vired his refolfer, Boot de pullet missed her mark : She coot de cort of de sbandelier : It vell 3 und de hall vas tark! 104 Oh veil was it for Hiram Twine Datnimply he couldt shoomp Und veil dat he light on a misthauf, Und nefer feel de boomp ; Und veil for him dat his goot cray horse Shtood sattled shoost outside ; Und veil dat in an augenblick He vas off on a teufel s ride. Bang ! bang ! de sharp pistolen shots Vent pipin py his ear, Boot he tortled oop de barrick road Like any mountain deer : Dey trowed der Hiram Twine mit shteins. But dey only could be-mark Von climpse of his vhite obercoadt, Und a clotterin in de tark. So dey all versembled togeder, Ein ander to sprechen mit, Und allow dat sooch a rede Dey nefer exshpegd from Sehmit Dat he vas a foorst-glass plackguard, And so pig a Lump ash ran ; So, nemine contradicente, Dey vented for Breitemann. 105 Und twas annerthalb yar dcreaftcr Before der Schmit vas know Vot maket dis rural fillage Go pack oopon him so ; Und he schvored at de Dootch more schlimmer Ash Hiram Twine had tone. Nota lene : He tid it in earnesht, Vhile der Hiram s vas pusiness fun. Boot vhen Breitmann heard de shdory How de fillage hat peen dricked, He shvore bei Leib und Leben He d rader hafe been licked Dan pe helpetbei soosh shumgoozlin ; Und twas petter to pe a schwein Dan a schwindlin honeyfooglin shnake, Like dat lyin Yankee Twine. Und pegot so heafy disgoosted Mit de boledicks of dis land Dat his friendts couldn t barely keep him From trowinoop his hand, [poot : Vhen he helt shtraidt flush, mit an ace in his Vich phrase ish all de same, In de science of de pokerology, Ash if he got de game. 14 106 So Breitmann cot elegtet, Pj vollowin de vay Dey manage de elegdions Unto dis fery day ; Yitch shows de Deutsch DummelirUchkeit, Also de Yankee " wit:" Das ist das Abenteuer How Breitmann lick der Schmit Breitmann s Going to Church. " Vide* igifur, Collega carissime, visitationem canonicam esse rem hand ita perlculosam, sed valde amoenam, si modo vinum, (jroggio, et cibi praesto sunt." [Novis&lmce JSpistolw Obscurorum Virorum. Berlini, F. Berg- gold, 18G9. Epistola xx uLp. 63.] D VAS near cle State of Nashfille, In cle town of Tennessee, Der Breitmann vonce vas quarderd Mit all his cavallrie. Der Sheneral kept him glose in camp, He vouldn t let dem go, Dey couldn t shdeal de first plack hen, Or make de red cock crow. Und virst der Breitmann vildly shmiled, Und denn he madly shvore : " Crate h 1 mit shpoons und shinsherbread ! Can dis pe makin war? Yerdammt pe all der discipline ; Yerdammt der Sheneral ; Vere I vonce on de road, his will Were Wurst mir und egal. 2 (107) 108 " Oh vhere ish all de plazin roofs Bat claddened vonce mine eyes, TJnd vhere de crand blantaschions There ve gaddered many a brize ? Und vhere de plasted shpies ve hung A howlin loud mit fear ; Und vhere de rascal push-whackers Ye shashed like vritened deer. " De roofs are shtandin fast und firm Mit repels blottin oonder ; De crand blantaschions lie round loose For Morgan s men to ploonder ; De shbies go valkin out und in, Ash sassy ash can pe, Und in de voods de push- whackers Are makin foon of me ! " 0, vere I on my schimmel grey, Mein sabre in mem hand, Dey should drack me py de ruins Of de houses troo de land. Dey should drack me py de puzzards High sailen ofer head, A vollowin der Breitmann s trail, To claw de repel dead. 7 100 Outspoke cler bold Yon Stossenheim, Who had theories of Gott : Breitmann dis isli shoodgemeiit on De vays dat you liafe trot You only lifes to joy yourself, Yet you yourself moost say Dat self-development requires De religios Idee." Dey set clem down und argued it, Like Deutschers vree from fear, Dill dey schmoke ten pfounds of Knaster Und dr inked drei fass of bier. Der Breitmann go py Schopenhauer, Boot Yeit he had him dcnn, For he dook him on de angles Of de moral oxygen. Der Breitmann low dat pentence Ish known in afery glime, Und dat to grin und bear it Yas healty und sooplime. u For mine Sout Sherman Catoliks Id Yas pe goot I know, Likevise dem Nordland Luterans, If vonce to shoorsh dey go. 110 " Boot how vas id mit oders Who dinks philosophie ? J don t begreif de matter " Said Stossenheim : " Denn see De more dat Shoorsh disgoostet you, Und make despise und bain, De crater merid ish to go, Und de crater ish your gain. " I know a liddle shoorsh mineself Oopon de Bole Jack road ; (De rebs vonce shot dree Federals dere Ash into shoorsh dey goed.) Dere you might make a bilcrimage, Und do it in a tay: Gott only knows vot dings you might Bick oop, oopon de vay." Den oop dere slipoke a contrapand, Yas at de tent id s toor : " Dere s twenty bar ls of whisky hid In dat tabernacle shore ! A rebel he done gone and put It in de cellar true ; No libin man dat secret knows Cept only me an you." Ill Der Stossenheim he grossed himself Und knelt peside de fence, Und gried : " Coptain Breitmann, see, Die finger Providence." Der Breitmann droed his hat afay : Says he, " Pe t hit or miss, I fe heard of miragles pefore, Boot none so hunk ash dis. " Wohl auf, mine pully cafaliers, Ye ll ride to shoorsh to-day ! Each man ash hasn t cot a horse, Moost sliteal von, rite afay. Dere s a raw, green corps from Michigan, Mit horses on de loose ; You men ash vants some hoof-irons, Look out und crip deir shoes 1" All brooshed und fixed, de cavallrie Rode out py moonen-shine ; De cotten fields in shimmerin light Lay white ash elfenbein. Dcy beared a shot close py Lavergne, Und men who rode afay. In de road a-velterin in his ploot A Federal picket lay. 112 Und all dat he hafe dimes to say: " Yhile shtandin at my post, De guerillas got first shot at me ;" Und so gafe oop de ghost. Den a contrapand, who belt his head, Said : " Sah dose grillers all, Is only half a mile from hyar, A dancin at a pall." Der Breitmann shpoke, und brummed it out Ash if his heart ticl schvell, " I ll gife dem music at dat pall Till tantz dem indo hell !" Hei ! arrow-fast a teufel s ride ! De plack man led de vay ; Dey reach de bouse dey see de lights Dey beard de fiddle blay. Dey nefer vaited for a word, Boot galloped from de gloom, Und bang ! a hoonderd carpine shots Dey fired into de room. Oop vent de groans of vountet men, De fittlin died avay ; Boot some of dem vere tead before De music ceased to blay. 113 Den crack und smack coom scatterin shots Troo vinclow und troo door, Boot bang und clang de Germans gife Anoder volley more. Dere let em shlide. Right file, to shoorsli !" Alouclt de orders ran. " I kess I paid dem for dat shot 1" Shpeak grim der Breitemann. All rosen red de mornin fair Shone gaily o er de hill, All violet pine de shky crew teep In rifer, pond und rill. All cloudy grey de limeshtone rocks Coom oop troo dimmerin wood ; All shnowy vite in mornin light De shoorsh pefore dem shtood. " Now loudet veil de Organ oop, To drill mit solemn fear ; Und ring also dat Lumpenglock, To pring de beoples here. Und if it prings guerillas down, Ye ll gife dem, py de Lord ! De low mass of de sabre, und De high mass of de cord ! 15 114 " Du Eberle* aus Freiburg, Du bist ein Musikant. Top-sawyer on de counter-point Und buster in discant, To dee de soul of music All innerly ish known, Du canst mit might fullenden De art of or^el-ton. " Derefore a Miserere Vilt dou, be-ghostet, spiel ; Und vake re-raised yearnin, Also a holy feel : Pe referent, men rememper Dis ish a Gotteshaus - Du, Conrad, go along de aisles, Und schenk de whisky aus !" Dey blay crate dings from Mozart, Beethoven und Mehul, Mit chorals of Sebastian Bach, Sooplime und peaudiful. Der Breitmann feel like holy saints, De tears roon down his fuss, Und he sopped out : " Gott verdammich dis 1st wahres Kunstgenuss!" 115 Der Eberle blayed oop so high He make de rafters ring. Der Eberle blayed lower, und Ye heardt der Breitmann sing, Like a dronin wind in piney woods, Like a nightly moanin sea, Ash he dinked on Sonntags long agone Then a poy in Germany. Und louder und mit louder tone High oop de orgel Mowed, Und plentifuller efer yet Around de whisky goed. Dey singed ash if mit singin dey Might indo Himmel win : I dink in all dis land soosh shprees Ash yet hafe nefer peen. Yhen in de Abendsonnenschein, Mit doost-cloudts troo de door, All plack ash night in goldnen lighdt Dere shtood ein schwartzer Mohr. Dat contrapand so wild und weh, Mit eye-palls glarin round, Und cried : " For Gott s sake, hoory oop ! De reps ish gomin down I" 3 116 Und vhile he yet vas shpeakin, A far-off soundt pegan, Down rollin from de moundain, Of many a ridersmann. Und vhile de waves of musik Yere rollin o er deir heads, Dey heard a foice a schkreemin : " Pile out of thar, you Feds ! "For we uns ar a comin For to guv to you uns fits, And knock you into brimstun, And blast you all to bits " Boot ere it done ids shpeakin Dere vas order in de band, Ash Breitmann, mit an awefool stim Out-dondered his gommand. Und ash fisch-hawk at a mackarel Doth make a splurgin flung, Und ash eagles dab de fisch-hawks Ash if de gods were young ; So from all de doors und vindows, Like shpiders down deir webs, De Dootch went at deir horses, Und de horses at de rebs. 117 Crate shplendors of de treadful Yere in dat pattle rush ; Crate vights mit swordt und carpine Py efery fence and bush ; Ash panters vight mit crislies In famished morder fits For de rebs vere mad ash boison, Und de Dootch ver droonk as blitz. Yet vild ash vas dis pattle, So quickly vas it o er : vhy moost I forefer Pestain mine page mit gore Py liddle und py liddle, Dey drawed demselfs afay ; Oft toornin round to vighten, Like booffaloes at bay. De scatterin shots grew fewer, De scatterin gries more shlow ; Und furder troo de forest Ye heared dem vainter crow. Ye gife von shout " Victoria /" Und den der Breitmann said, Ash he wiped his ploody sabre, "Now, poys, count oop your dead !" 118 small had peen our shoutin For shoy, if ve had known, Dat de Stossenheim im oaken Wald Lay dyin all alone ; Yhile his oldt white horse mit droopin het Look dumbly on him down, Ash if he dinked, " Yy lyest dou here Yhile fightin s goin on ?" Und dreams coom o er de soldier, Slow dyin on de eart, Of a Schloss afar in Baden, Of his mutter, und nople birt Of poverty und sorrow Yhich drofe him like de wind Und he sighed : " Ach weh, for de lofed ones Who wait so far pehind ! " Wohl auf, my soul o er de moundains I Wohl auf well ofer de sea ! Dere s a frau dat sits in de Odenwald, Und shpins, und dinks of me. Dere s a shild ash blays in de greenin grass, Und sings a liddle hymn, Und learns to shpeak a fader s name Dat she nefer will shpeak to him. 119 " But mordal life ends shortly, Und Heafen s life is long . Wo bist du, Breitmann ? glaub es Gott suffers no ding wrong. Now I die like a Christian soldier ; My head oopon my sword : In nomine Domine!" Vas Stossenheim his word. 0, dere vas bitter wailen Vhen Stossenheim vas found, Efen from dose dere lyin Fast dyin on de grount. Boot time vas short for vaiten, De shades vere gadderin dim ; Und I nefer shall forget it, De hour ve purled him. De tramp of horse und soldiers Yas all de funeral knell, De ring of sporn und carpine Vas all de sacrin bell. Mit hoontin knife und sabre Dey digged de grave a span ; From German eyes blue gleamin De holy water ran. 120 Mit moss-grown shticks und bark-thong De plessed cross ve made, Und put it vhere de soldier s head Toward Germany vas laid. Dat grave is lost mid dead leafs, De cross is gone afay, Boot Gott will find der reiter Oopon de Youngest Day. Und dinkin of de fightin, Und dinkin of de dead, Und dinkin of de Organ, To Nashville Breitmann led. Boot long dat rough oldt Hanseii Yas ernsthaft, grim und kalt, Shtill dinkin of de heart s friend, He d left irn gruenen Wald. De verses of dis boem In Heidelberg I write. De night is dark around me, De shtars apove are bright. Studenten in den Gassen Make singen many a song, Ach Faderland ! wie bist du weit ! Ach Zeit ! wie bist du lang ! The First Edition of Breitmann. Sjjofohrg Ijofo anb foljn it fans iljat it tuber appeared " Uiis ist in alien Maeren, Wunders viel geseit, Von Helden lobebaeren, Von grosser Arebeit, Von Festen und Ilochzeilcn, Von Weinen und Klagen, Vvn kuehnen Recken Streiten, Ihr nun Wunderhoren sagen." DER NlBELUNGEN LIED. PIRSDT PARDT. Do oos, in anciend shdory, Crate voonders ish peen told Of lapors fool of glories, Of heroes bluff und bold, Of high oldt times a-kitin, Of howlin und of tears, Of kissin und of vightin : All dis we likes to hears. 16 (121) 122 Dere growed once dimes in Schwaben Since fifty years pegan, An shild of decent elders, His name Hans Breitemann. De gross adfentures dat he had, If you will only look, Ish all bescribed so truly In dis fore-tying book. Und allaweil dese lieder Yere goin troo his het, De writer lay von Sonntay, A-shleepin in his bett ; Yen lo I a yellow bigeon Coom to him in a dream, De same dat Mr. Barnum Yonce had in his Museum. Und dus out-shpoke de bigeon : " If you should brint de songs Or oder dings of Breitmann Yhich to dem on belongs, Dey will tread de road of Sturm und Drang Die wile es mohte leben, Und pe mis-geborn in pattle To dis fate ish it ergeben." 123 Und dus rebly de dreamer: " If on de ice it shlip, Den led it dake ids shanses ; Rip Sam, und let er rip ! Don say st id vill be sturnry. Vot sturmy ish, ish crand. Crate heroes ish de beoples In Uncle Samuel s land. Du bist ein rechter Gelbschnal:el golden bigeon mine : Und I ll fighdt id on dis summer If id dakes me all de line. Full liddle ish de discount Oopon de Yankee peeps." " Go to hell!" exglaim de bigeon : Foreby vas all mine shleeps. 4 SECONDT PARDT. DERE vent to Sout Carolina, A shentleman who dinked, Dat de pallads of der Breitmann Should papered pe und inked. Und dat he vouldt fixed de brintin Pefore de writer know : Dis make to many a brinter Fool many a bitter woe. All in de down of Charleston A druckerei he found, There dey cut de copy into takes, Und sorted it around. Und all vas goot peginnen, For no man heeded mooch Dat half de jours vas Mericans, Und half of dem vas Dutch. Und vorser shtill, anoder half Had vorn de Federal plue, Thile de anti-half in Davis grey Had peen Confeterates true. Great Himmel ! Tot a shindy Tos shtarted in de crowd Then some von read Hans Breitmann His Barty all aloud 1 (124) 125 Und von goot-nadured Yankee He schvear it vos a shame, To dell soosh lies on Dutchmen, Und make of dem a game. But dis make mad Fritz Luder, Und he schvear dis treat of Hans, Yos shoost so goot a barty Ash any oder man s. Und dat nodings vos so looscious, In all dis eartly shpear, Ash a quart mug fool of sauer-kraut, Mit a plate of lager bier. Dat de Yankee might pe tarn mit himself For he, der Fritz, hafe peen In many soosh a barty, Und all dose dings hafe seen. All mad oopsproong de Yankee, Mid all his passion ripe, Und vired at Fritz mit de shootin-shtick, Wheremit he vas settin type. It hit him on de occiput, Und laid him on de floor ; For many a long day afder I ween his het vas sore. 126 Dis roused Piet Weiser der Pfaelzer, Who vas quick to act und dink ; lie held in hand a roller Yhere-mit he vas rollin ink. Und he dake his broof py shtrikin Der Merican top of his het, Und make soosh a vine impression Dat he left do veller for deat. Allaweil dese dings oonfolded, Dere vas rows of anoder kind, Und drople in de wigwam Enough to trife dem plind ; Und a crate six-vooted Soutern man, Yot hafe vorked on a Refiew, Shvear he hope to Gott he mighd pie de forms If de Breitmann s book warn t true. For de Sout vas ploondered derriple, Und in dat darksome hour He hafe lossed a yallow-pine maiden, Of all de land de vlower. Bright gold doblones a hoondered He" willingly vouldt pay, Ash soon ash a thrip for a ginger-cake, Und deem it sheap dat day. 127 To him aut-worded a Yorker, Who shoomp den dimes de boun-ti-ee, (De only dings he lossed in de war Was a sense of broperty :) Says he, " Votefer you hafe dropped, Some oder shap hafe get, Und de yallow-pine like him petter ash 3-011 ; On dat it is safe to bet !" Dead-pale pecame dat Soudern brave, He tidn t so moosh as yell ; Boot he drop right onto de Yorker, Und mit von lick bust his shell. Den out he flashed his pig-sticker, Und mit looks of drementous gloom, Rooshed vildly into de pattle Dat vas ragin round de room. Boot, in angulo, in de corner, Anoder quarrel vas grow Twix a Boston shap mit a Londoner, Und de row ish gekommen so : De Yankee say dat de H-w-mor Of Breitmann vas less dan small ; Dough he maket de beoples laughen, Boot dat vas only all. 128 Den a Deutscher say by Donner I Dat soosh a baradox Yould leafe no hope for writers In all Pandora s baender box. Twas like de sayin dat Heine Hafe no witz in him goot or bad ; Boot he only kept sayin witty dings, To make beoples pelieve he had. Den de oder veller be-headed Dat dere vas not a shbark of foon In de Breitmann Heels, vhen you lead dem Into English correctly done: Den a Proof Sheet veller res-pondered, For he dink de dings vas hard ; " Dat ish shoost like de goot oldt lady Ash vent to hear Arternas Ward. " Und say it vas shames de beoples Yas laugh demselfs most tead At de boor young veller lecturin, Then he tidn t know vot he said." Hereauf de Yankee answered: " Gaul dern it ! Shtop your fuss!" Und all de crowd togeder Go slap in a grand plug-muss. 129 De Yankee shlog de Proof Sheet Soosch an awfool smack on de face, Dat he shvell rite oop like a poonkin Mit a sense of his tisgrace. Boot a Deutscher boosted an ink-keg On dop of de oders hair, It vly troo de air like a boomshell denn Mine Gotts ! Tot a sighdt vas dere ! Denn ofer all de shapel Yierce war vas ragin loose ; Fool many a vighten brinter Got well ge-cooked his goose ; Fool many an nose mit listen I ween vas padly scrouged ; Fool many an eye pright-gleamin Yas ploody out-gegouged. Do wart ufgehauwen Dere vas hewin off of pones. Do horte man dar inne Man heardt soosh treadful croans, Jack war en da die Geste De row vas rough und tough. Genuoge sluogen wunden Dere vas plooty wounds enough. IT 130 De shpirids of anciend brinters From Himmel look down oopon, Und allowed dat in a chapel Dere vas nefer soosh carryins-on. Dere vas Lorenz Coster mit Guttemberg, Und Scheffer mit der Fust, Und Sweynheim mit Pannartz trop deers Oopon dis teufel s dust. Dere vas Yankee jours extincted Who lay oopon de vloor ; Dere vas Soutern rebs destructed Who nefer vouldt Jeff no more. Ash deir souls rise oop to Heafen, Dey heard de oldt brinters calls ; Und Guttemberg gifed clem all a kick Ash he histed dem ofer de walls. Dat ish de vay dese Ballads Foorst vere crooshed in plood und shdorm. Fool many a day moost bass afay Pefore dey dook dis form. De copy flootered o er de preasts Of heroes lyin todt. Dis vas de dire peginnin Das war des BREITMANN S NOTII. 131 Dis song in Philadelphia Long dimes ago pegun ; In Paris vas gondinued, und In Dresden ist full-done. If any toubt apout de facts In nople minds ish grew, Let dem ashk Carl Benson Bristed He knows id all ish drue. Und now dese Breitmann shdories Ish geprindt in many a land, Sogar in far Australia Dey re gestohlen und bekannt. Geh hin mein Puch in alle Welt, Steh auss was dir kompt zu. Man beysse Dich, man reysse Dich, Nur dass man mir nichts thu. Translation, Go forth my book through all the world, Bear what thy fate may be ! They may bite thee, they may tear thee, So they do no harm to me ! 5 I Gili Romaneskro. WHEN der Herr Breitmaim vas a yungling, he vas go, bummin aroundt, goot deal in de Worlt, vestigatin human natur, roulant de vergne en vergne, ash de Fraentsch boet says : " goin from town to town," seein beobles in gemixed so- ciedjr, und learnin dose languages vitch ornamendt a drue moskopolite, or von whose het ish bemost mit ex perience. Mong oder tongues ash it would appeared, he shpoke fluendly Red Welsh, Black Dootch, Kau- der-Waelsch Gaunersprache und Ghipsy, und dis latter langnashe he pring so wide dat he write a pook of pallads in it von of vitch pallads I have intuce him mit moush droples to telifer ofer to de worldt. De inclined reader, vill, mit crate heavy-hood blace pefore himself de fexation und lapor I hafe hat in der Breitmann his absents to get dese Shipsy verses broperly gorrected ; as de only shentleman in town who vas culpable of so doin, ish peen gonfined in de town-brison ; pout some drobles he hat for shdealin (132) 133 some hens, und pefore I couldt consoolt mit him, he vas rooned afay. Den I fond an oldt vomans Shipsy who vas do nodins boot peg, und so wider mit pout five or four oders more. Derfore der erordoms moast pe excused py de enlightened pooplic who are fomiliar mit dis peautiful languashe, vitch is now so shenerally fashioniibel in literary und shpordin circles. I Gili Romaneskro. SCHUNAVA, ke baschko dela godla Schunava Paschomaskro. Te del miro Dewel tumen Dschavena bachtallo. Schunava apre to ruka Chiriklo ke gillela : Kamovela but dives, Eh me pale kamaveva. A po je wa wer divesseste Schunava pro gilaviben, Makana me avava, Pro marzos, pro kuriben. 134 So korava kuri bentc So korava apre drom ; Me kanav miri romni, So kamela la lakero rom. translation. I hear de gock a growin ! I hear de musikant ! Gott gife dee a happy sliourney Yhen you go to a distand landt. I hears oopon de pranches A pird mit merry shdrain ; Goot many tays moost fanish Ere I coom to dis blace again. Oopon some oder tay-times I ll hear dat song from dee ; Boot now I goes ash soldier, To war on de rollin sea. Unt vot I shdeals in pattle, Und vot on de road I shdeal, I ll pring all to my true lofe Who lofes her loafer so well. Steinli von Slang. FlfcSDT FAULT. DER Watchman look out from his tower, Ash de Abendgold glimmer grew dim, Und saw on de road troo de Gajler Ten shpearmen coom rid in to him : Und he schvear : " May I lose my next bitter, Und denn mit der Teufel go hang, If id isn t dat pully young Hitter, De hell-drivin Steinli von Slang." " De vorldt nefer had any such man, He vights like a sturm in its wrath ; You may call me a recular Dutchmann, If he arn t like Goliath of Gath. lie ish pig ash de shiant Brady, More ash sefen feet high on a string, Boot he can t vin de hearts of my lady, De lofely Plectruda von Sling." (133) 136 De lady makes welcome her gast in, Ash he shtep to de dop of de shtairs;, She look like an angel got lost in A forest of autumn-brown hair. Und a bower-maiden said as she tarried : " I wish I may bust mit a bang ! If id isn t a shame she ain t married To der her-re-liche Steinli von Slang !" He pows to de cround fore de lady, Yhile his vace ish ash pale ash de tead ; Und she vhispers oonto him a rede, Ash mit arrow point accents she said : " You hafe long dimes peen dryin to win me, You hafe vight, und mine braises you sing ; Boot I m fraid dat de notion ain t in me." De lady Plectruda von Sling. " Boot brafe-hood teserfes a reward, Sir : Dough you ve hardly a chost of a shanse. Sankt Werolf ! medinks id ish hardt, Sir, I should allaweil lead you dis dance." Like a bees yen it booz troo de clofer, Dese murmurin accents she flang, Vhile singin, a stingin her lofer Der woe-moody Ritter von Slang. 137 " Boot if von ding you do, I ll knock under, Our droples moost enden damit ; Und if you pull troo it, by donder ! I ll own myself euchred und bit. I schvear py de holy Sanct Chlody ! Py mine honor und avery ding ! You may hafe me soul, puttons und pody, Mit de whole of Plectruda von Sling. " Und dis ish de test of your power : Yhile ve shtand ourselfs round in a row, You moost roll from de dop of dis tower Down shtairs to de valley pelow. Id ish rough und ash shteep ash my virtue : (Mit schwanen shweet accents she sang :) " Tout dry if you dinks it vill hurt you, Mine goot liddle Hitter von Slang." An moormoor arosed mong de beoples ; In fain tid she doom in her shcorn. Der votchman on dop of de shdeeples Plowed a sorryfool doon on his horn. Ash dey look down de dousand-foot trepp<5, Dey schveared dey vouldt pass on de ding, Und not roll down de firstest tarn steppe For a hoondred like Fraeulein von Sling. 18 SBCONDT PABDT. MAt WAS Audumn. De dry leafs vere bustlin Und visperin deir elfin-wild talk, A Yen shlow, mit his veet in dem rustlin, Herr Steinli coomed out for a walk. Wild clocks vly afar in de gloamin, He hear a vaint gry vrom de gang ; Und vished he vere off mit dem roamin De heart-wounded Hitter von Slang. Und ash he vent musin und shbeakin, He see, shoost aheat in his vay, In sinkular manner a streakin, An strange liddle pein, in cray, Who toorned on him quick mit a holler, Und cuttin a dwo-bigeon ving, Gried : " Say can you change me a thaler, 0, guest of de Lady von Sling ?" De knight vas a goot nadured veller, (De peggars all knowed him at sight,) So he forked out each groschen und heller Dill he fix de finances aright. Boot shoost ash de liddle man vent, he (Der Hitter) astonished, cried " Dang !" For id vasn t von thaler boot twenty He d bassed on der Hitter von Slang. (138) 139 Oh reater ! soopose soosh a vlight in De vingers of me, or of you, How we d toorned on our heels und gon kitin Dill no von vas left to pursue I Goot Lort ! how we d froze to de ready I Boot mit him dvas a different ding ; For he vent on de high, moral steady, Dis lofer of Fraeulein von Sling:. Und dough no von vill gife any gredit To dis part of mine dale, shdill ids drue, He drafelled, ash if he vould dead it, Dis liddle oldt man to pursue. Und loudly he after him hollers, Till de vales mit de differs loud rang, " You hafe gifed me nine-ten too moosh dollars Hold hard 1" cried de Ritter von Slang. De oldt man ope his eyes like a casement, Und laidt a cold hand on his prow, Denn mutter in ootmosdt amazement: " Yot manner of mordal art dou ? I hafe lifed in dis world a yar tausend, Und nefer yed met soosh a ding ; Yet you find it hart vork to pe spouse und Peloved py de Lady von Sling 1 6 140 " Und she vant you to roll from de tower Down shteps to yon rifulet shpot." (Here de knight whom amazement o erbower Gried " Himmelspotzpumpenherr Gott!") Boot de oldt veller saidt: "I ll arrange it. Let your droples und sorrows co hang! Und no dings vill coom to derange it, Pet high on it, Hitter von Slang." " So get oop dis small oonderstandin ; Dat to-morrow py ten do you hear ? You ll pe mit your trunk on de landin; I ll pe dere on hand, nefer fear. Und I dink ve shall make your young voman A new kind of meloty sing; Dat vain, vicked, cruel, unhuman, Gott tamnaple Fraeulein von Sling I" De fiolet shdars vere apofe him, Vhite moths und vhite dofes shimmered round, All nature seemed seekin to lofe him, Mit perfume und vision und sound. De liddle oldt feller hat fanished In a harp-like melotious twang ; Und mit him all sorrow vas panished Afay from der Steinle von Slang. THIEDT PAEDT. ID vas morn, und de vorldt hat assemplcd Mit panners und lances und dust, Boot de heart of de Paroness trempled, Und ofden her folly she cussed. For she found dat der Hitter vould do it, Und " die or get into de Ring;" Und denn she d pe cerdain to rue it, Aldough she vas Lady von Sling. For no man in Deutschland stood higher Dan he mit de Minnesing crew ; He vas friendet to Heini von Steier, Und Wolfram von Eschenbach too. Und she dinked ash she look from de vinders, How herzlich his braises dey sang ; "JS"ow dey 11 knock my goot name indo flinders For killin der Ritter von Slang." Boot oh ! der goot knight had a schauer, Und felt most ongommonly queer, Yen he find on de dop of de dower De gray man pesite him appear. Den he find he no more could go valkin, Und shtood shoost an petrified ding, Yhile de gray man vent round apout talkin Und chaffin Plectruda von Sling 1 (141) 142 Den at vonce he see indo de problum, Und vas stoggered like rats at ids vim ; His soul had gone indo de goblum, Und de goblum s hat gone into him. Und de eyes of de volk vas enchanted, Dere vas " glamour " oopon de whole gang, For dey dinked dat dis goblum vitch ranted So loose, vas der Ritter von Slang. Und Lordt ! how id dalked ! Oonder heafens Der vas nefer soosh derriple witz, Knockin all dings to sechses und sefens, Und gifin Plectruda Dutch fits. Mem Gott ! how he poonished und chaffed her, Like a hell-stingin, devil-born ding, Yhile de volk lay a-rollin mit laughter At Fraeulein Plectruda von Sling. De lady grew angry und paler, De lady grew rat-full und red, She felt some Satanical jailer Hafe brisoned de tongue in her head. She moost laugh ven she vant to pe cryin, Und vas crushed mit de teufelisch clang, Till she knelt herself, pootty near dyin, To dis derriple image of Slang. 143 Den der goblum shoomp oop to der cieling, Und trow sommerseds round on de vloor, Right ofer Plectruda, a-kneelin, Dill she look more a vool dan pefore. Denn he roll down de shteps light und breezy, His laughs made it all apout ring, Ash he shveared dere vas noding more easy Dan to win a Plectruda von Sling. Und ven he cot down to de pottom, He laugh so to freezen your plood ; Und schwear dat de boomps ash he cot em Hafe make him veel petter ash good. Boot oh how dey shook at his power, Ven he toorned himself roundt mit a bang, Und roll oop to de dop of de tower Vhere he change rnit de oder von Slang ! Den all in an insdand vas altered ; Der Steinli vas coom to himself; Und de sprite, vitch in double sense paltered, From dat moment acain vas an elf. Dey shdill clinked dat von Slang vas de person Who had bobbed oop und down on de ving, Und knew not who tvas lay de curse on De peaudiful Lady von Sling. 144 Nun endlich Plectruda repented, Und gazed on der Bitter mit shoy ; In dime to pe married consented, Und vas plessed mit a peautiful poj. A dwenty gold biece on his bosom Yen geporn vas tiscofered to hang, Mit de inscript " Dis dime don t refuse em."- So endet de tale of von Slang. To a Friend Studying German. Si liceret te amare, Ad Suevorum magnum mare Spousam te perduccrem. [Tristicia Amorosa. Frau Aventiure, von J. V. Schcffel.~\ VILL ST dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Den set it on your card Dat all de nouns have shenders, Und de shenders all are hard. Dere ish also dings called pronoms, Yitch ids shoost ash veil to know ; Boot ach ! de verbs or time-words, Dey ll work you bitter woe. 145 Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Denn you allatag moost go To sinfonies, sonatas, Or an oratorio. Yen you dinks you knows pout musik, More ash any oder man, Pe sure de soul of Deutschland Indo your soul ish ran. Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Dou moost eat apout a peck A week of stinging sauer-kraut, Und sefen pfoundts of shpeck; Mit Gott knows vot in vinegar, Und Deuce knows vot in rum : Dis ish de only cerdain vay To make de accents coom. Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Brepare dy soul to shtand Soosh sendences ash n er vere heardt In any oder landt. Till dou canst bear parentheses Pe twisted ohne Zahl ; Dann wirst clu erst Deutschfertig seyn For a languashe ideal. 19 146 Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Du moost, mitout an fear, Trink efery tay a gallon dry Of foamin Sherman bier. Und de more you trinks, pe cerdain, More Deutsch you ll surely pe, For Gambrinus ish de Emberor Of de whole of Germany. Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? Pe sholly, brav und treu, For dat veller ish kein Deutscher Who ish not a sholly poy ; Find out vot means Gemiithlichkeit, Und try it mitout fail, In Sang und Klang dein Lebenlang, A heart, ganz kreuzfidel. Yill st dou learn de Deutsche Sprache ? If a shendleman dou art, Denn shdrike right into Deutschland, Und get a shveetesheart From Schwabenland or Sachsen, Yhere now dis writer pees, Und de bretty girls all wachsen Shoost like aepples on de drees. 147 Boot if dou bee st a lady, Denn on de oder hand, Take a blonde moustachioed lofer, In de vine-green Sherman land. Und if you shouldt kit married, Vood mit vood soon makes a vire : denn you ll find de Dutch vill coom Ash fast as you desire. Love Song. OVERE mine lofe a sugar-powl, De fery shmallest loomp Youldt shveet de seas from bole to bole, Und make de shildren shoomp. Und if she vere a clofer-fieldtj I d bet mine only pence, It vould nt pe no dime at all Pefore I d shoomp de fence. T 148 Her heafenly foice it drill me so, It really seems to hoort ; She ish de holiest anamile Dat roons oopon de dirt. De re nbow rises ven she sings, De sonn shine ven she dalk, De angels crow und flop deir vings Yen she goes out to valk. So livin vhite so carnadine Mine lofe s gomblexion glow ; It s shoost like abendcarmosine Rich gleamin on de shnow. Her soul makes plooshes in her sheek, As sommer reds de wein, Or sonlight sends a fire-life troo An blank karfunkelstein. De ueberschwengliche idees Dis lofe put in my mind, Yould make a foostrate philosoph Of any human kind. Tis shuderend sweet on eart to meet An himmlisch-hoellisch qual, Und treat mit whiles to kiimmel schnapps De Shoenheitsideal. GLOSSARY. Abendgold, (German) Evening gold. AbendsonnenscJiein, (German) Evening sunshine Ach Faderland, &c., (German) u Oh Fatherland how far art thou ! Oh Time how art thou long !" Ach weTi An exclamation of pain. AUataff, (German) Everv clay. Allaweil, (German) Always ; also whilst. Alles wird ewig zu eins, (German) And all for ever be comes one. Alter Schwed\ (old Swede) A familiar phrase, like old fellow. Anamile, (American) Animal. Annerthalb Yar, Anderthalb GaJir, (German) Year and a half. Anti Word; Antwort Answer. Antworded, (German) Answered. Arbeiterlialle Workingman s hall. Arminius, (Herman.) The Duke of the Chernskans, and destroyer of the Roman legions under Varus, in Teu- toburg Forest. Aroom, Ilerum Around. Aitfgetpannt, (German) Stretched, bent. Augenblick, (German) Twinkling of an eye. Aus, (German) Out. (149) 150 Bach, (German) Brook. * Baender-box Band-box. Barrick, (Pennsylvania German for Berg,} Mountain. Barrel-hell pars Parallel bars ; a part of the gymnastic apparatus. Bc-gJiostet, (German, Begeistert] Inspired. Begreifen, (German) Understand. Beheaded, (German, Behauptet) Asserted. Bei Leib und Leben, (German) By my body and soul. Bekannt Beknown Known. Be-mark, (German Bemerken ) Observe. Bemarks, (German, Bimerkungen ) Remarks. Bemerkbar, (German) Observable. (Should be noticed.) Bemoost, (German) Mossgrowii ; in student s language, ein bemooste Ilaupt, an old student. Bender, (American) A spree; a frolic. To "go on a bender" to go on a spree. Be-raised, Raised, with the augment, literal for German erhoben. Berauscht, (German) Intoxicated. Besoffen, (German) Drunk. Bestimmung des Menschen Vocation of Man. One of Fichte s works. Bewises, (German Beweist, from Beweisen) Proves. Bibliothek Library. Bix, Buchse, (box) Rifle. Bess in Brown Bess is the equivalent of the German Buchse, (Brown being merely an alliterative epithet;) French, buse tube; Flemish, buis. (Still found in blunderbuss, arquebuss.) See Blackley s " Word Gossip." Blaetter, (German) Leaves. Blei Lead. Blitz, (German) Lightning. Blitzen, German) Lightning. Blokes, (English) Men. Bock A strong kind of German beer. Boemisch Bohemian. Bole Jack road Near Murfreeshoro , Tennessee. 151 Bornirtheit Limitedness of capacity. Bountiee, (American) Bounty-money paid during the war as a premium to soldiers. To jump the bounty, was to secure the premium and then run away. 44 This is the song of Billy Jones, Who jumped the boun-ti-ee. n American Ballad of 1864. Bowery A street in New York, inhabited principally by Germans. Brav, (German) Good. Breit, (German) Broad. Bring it down to dots Reduce it to figures. Brisner Prisoner. Broosfi-pinder Brushbinder, (German, Buersteribinder} Brushmaker. The brushmakers are supposed, prob ably on account of their throat-parching business, to be always thirsty. Brummed, (German, Crummer} To make a growling, deep bass sound. Bummer, (American) Alow fellow; applied, during the late civil war in the United States, to hangers-on of the army ; probably a corruption of the German bumm- ler, (loafer.) Bumming From Bummer. BushwJiackers Guerillas. Bust his shell, (American) Broke his head. Butterbrod, (German) Buttered bread. By Nearly ; Beinahe Almost, nearly. Came Game. Canyon, (Spanish, Canon) A narrow passage between high precipitous banks, formed by mountains or table lands, often with a river running beneath. These occur in the great Western prairies, in New Mexico, and California. Carmosine, (German) Crimson. French Cramoisie. Carnadine Incarnadine. Deep pink or blood red. Change their lodge Shift from one " society" to another. 152 Chroc An Alemannic hero, wlio ravaged Gaul. Spoken of by Gregory, of Tours, as Chrocus. Chunk A short thick piece of wood, or of anything else ; a chump. The word is provincial in England and colloquial in the United States. Cinder, Suende German for sins. Comedy Committee. Conradin The last of the imperial house of the Hohen- staufen beheaded at Naples, in 12G8. Coot (To cut) a dash, (to come out a "swell,") to dress extravagantly. Coster The inventor of the art of printing, according to the Dutch. Crate Great. Crislies Grisly, (bear.) Da ist erf Schauf There he is ! look ! Damit, (German) By that. Das war des Breitmann s Noth, (German") That was Breit- mann s need or fatal extremity. Imitated from the last line of Dcr Nibelungen Lied. Deck The cards used in a game. Demperanceler, Temperenzler Temperance man. De Sclianlieitsideal, (German) The ideal of beauty. Dessaueriiin A woman from Dessau. Deutsclifertig, (German) German-ready. A burlesque word. "Then you will be German-ready for an ideal perfect language." Deutschland Germany. Die wile, es mohte leben, (Old German, or Middle High Ger man of the llth century) During all its life: ** Daz wolde er immer dienen Die wile er mohte leben." Kutrun, xv a vent, 756 verse. Dink He, they think ; my dinks my thoughts. Dinked He, they thought. Dishtriputet Instead of attributed. Dissembulatiri* Dissembling. Dissolfed Instead of resolved. Delusion Instead of allusion. 153 Donnered, (German) Thundered. Donnerwetter, (German) Thunder and lightning. Dooks Ducks. Doon Tune. Doonderblix Thunder and lightning. Drawed he in (Literal rendering of the German Zog er eiri) Einziehen, to take up one s abode with. Dreimal, (German) Three times. Drocks Drakes, dragons; (German) Drachen. Druckerei, (German) Printing office^ Du bist ein Musikant Thou art a musician. Dummehrlichkeit, (German) Honest simplicity. Eberschwein, (German) Wild boar. Einander to spreehen mit, (German) To speak together. JSldern, (German, Elterri) Parents. Elders, (German, Eltern) Parents. Elferibein, (German) Ivory. EmerichK\ng Emerich, hero of a German legend. Emsig yruebler, (German) Assidious inquirer ; plodding old fogy. Enticing, (German) Along. Erfounden, (German, Erfunden) Invented. Ergeben, (German) Given over. ErMthaft, (German) Earnest. Error -dom, Irrthum Error. Erstarrt, (German) Aghast. Erstaunislied, erstaunt Astonished ! Erwaitin\ (German, Erwartend) Awaiting, expecting. Euchred From Euchre, a Western game of cards. Fackel Tanz, (German) Torch dance. Fancy crabs Fast horses. Fanes, Wetterfahnen Weathercocks, (double entente. ) Fass, (German) Barrel. Fat Printer s term. Feldwebel, (German) A sergeant. FichU German philosopher. Fimter, (German) Dark, dismal. Foil To fall. Fool Full. 20 154 Foon Fun. Poors First. Fore-by Literal translation of the German Vorbei. Fore-lying Literal translation of Vorliegend. Foreschlag, (German, Vorsclilag} Proposal. Foresetzen To set, put (lay) before an audience. Frau, (German) Woman. Frew, (.German) Free. Freiscliarlinger, (German, FreiscJiaerler} A member of a free corps ; especially applied to those who belonged to the Free Corps formed in Southern Germany during the revolution in 1848. Freischuetz, (German) Free shot ; one who shoots with charmed bullets ; the name of Karl Maria Von Weber s celebrated opera. Friederich Rothbart Frederic Barbarossa, the great em- Eeror of Germany, and one of the German Legendary eroes. He is supposed to sleep in the Kyffnauser in Thuringia, and to awaken one clay, when he will bring great glory over Germany. Frolic Frohlich, merry. Froze to de ready Held fast to the money. Fullenden, (German, Vollenden) To finish, perfect. Fuss, (German) Foot. Fust The partner of Gutemberg, the inventor of the art of printing. GambrinusA. mythical king of Brabant, supposed to have been the inventor of beer. Gandertate Candidate. Ganz, (German) Entirely. Ganz und gar, (German) Altogether ; all over. Gast, (German) Guest. Gauer Vallies. Gaul dern A Yankee oath. Gauner-sprache, (German) Thieves language. Ge-birt\ (German, Geburt) Birth. Ge-bildet Built, with the German augment. Geborn Born, with the augment. Ge-brudert, (formed like ge-schwister.) Brothers. 155 Oeh hin mem Puck, (Gorman of IGth century ) Gehst nit mil rechtcn Dingen zu Dost not clo it by anv natural means ; there is witchcraft in it. Gekommene Arrived, (newly arrived.) Gekommcn so, (German) Come thus. Gelbschnabel, (German) Yellow bill, (t. e. soft ) Mem ing a " greenhorn." Gelt, (German, Geld) Money. Gemuthlichkeit, (German) Good nature; a cheerful tone of mind. . t, (German, Gantebrust) Goose-breast. &0-r0otaZ Roasted, with German augment. Gesembled Assembled, with the augment of the German preterite. Oeshmasht Smashed, with German augment. Gespicked, (German) Larded. Gestolden und bekannt, (German) Stolen, and known Gesundheit, (German) Health. Gesangrerein, (German) Singing-society. QeskostttCoBt, with the German augment. Gilt In the ordinary sense, and also in the same ver^e "gilt implying the meaning of the German verb gelten, to be worth something and guilt. GlauUes, (German) Believe it. Glee-wine, Gluhwein Hot spiced wine. Glueck, (German) Luck. Qtitcky, (German, Gluecklich) Lucky. Goblum For goblin. GoolCool. Go screech, GescJirei Bawling, clamour. Gott-full, goUvollGloriouB, divine. GottaUmachty, (German, &ottallmach(ig)Qo& Almighty Gotteshaut, (German) House of God. Gottwciss, (German) Heaven knows! Gottsdonnerkreuzscliockschwerenoth, (German) Another va riety of big swearing. GotVs-doonder, (German, Got? 8 Donner} God s thunder. See also GoW s tausend, a thundering sort of oath, but never preceded by lightning, for it is only used as a 156 kind of expletive to express great surprise, or to give great emphasis to words which, without it, would seem to be capable of none. Gottstausend, (German) An abbreviation of Gotfs tausend Donner wetter, (God s thousand thunders,) and there fore the comparative of Gotfs doonder ; with most of those who use it, a meaningless phrase. Go von Go one ; bet on him. G rillers Guerillas. Grod, gerard Straight. Gross, (German) Great. GuestfriendUick, gastfreundlicTi Hospitable. Gummi lasticum India Rubber. Gutemberg The inventor of the art of printing. Guve Southern slang for give. Guv, for give, is also English slang as well as American. GyrotwistivfiSn aky . Hand-shoe, (German, HandscJiuTi) Glove. Hanscrl, (German) Jacky. Hans Wurst Merry Andrew ; Zani ; Jack Pudding the latter word being a literal translation of the German Hans Wurst ; the pudding in either case referring to the sausages, or the pretended sausages, which the Merry Andrew always appeared to be swallowing by the yard or fathom. See Blacklegs Word Gossip. Hagel! Blitz! Kreuz Sakrament! (German) Another variety of swearing. Haul te pot Take the stakes. Hause House. Heavy Hood. Hegel Name of the German philosopher. Heine, Heinrich German poet. Heini von Steier Heinrich von Opterdingcn. Heldenbuch Is the title of a collection of epic poems, be longing to the cycle of the German Saga. Heller Glorie schein Bright gloriole. Heller, ( German) Farthing. Hereauf, hierauf Thereupon . Herout, (German, Heraiis) Out. 157 Herrlich, (German) Noble ; lordly. llerr Je, (German,) An abbreviation of Ilerr Jems (O Lord !) ; generally used only by those who are Ibnd of meaningless exclamations. Ilexerei Witchery, sorcery. HertszcnRevzcn ; hearts. Hertzhog, Ilerzog, (German) Duke. Herzlicli, (German) Heartily ; cordially. Hirnmel, ( German) Heaven. Uimmels-Potz-Puinpen-HerrgoUk. mild sort of a German imprecation, untranslatable. Himmlueh-hodKich qual, (German) Heavenly-hellish pain. Hobbiness Happiness. Hoelliscli, ( Germ an ) Hell ish . Honey fooliii 1 , Iloneyfuygle Is believed to be English slang. In America it means blarneying, deceiving. Hoockle perry, Persimmoned u A huckleberry over my persimmon." Surpassed ; outdone. Hoof-irons, (Iluf-eisen in German) Horse-shoe. Hop-sossa, (German) int. Hop ; heyday. Hundsfott, (German Vulg.} Mean scoundrel ; hound. Hunk, (American) Stout, solid, profitable. / Gili romaneskro. This song is written in the German - Gipsy dialect. E1C in the third line of the second verse is the German word ehe, (ere or before.) Kuri- bente, (in war,) is in the Slavonic and Gipsy local case, or as Pott calls it-(Z)^ Zigeimen in Europa und Asia) The second dative. Pasputi, following Puch- mayer, calls it the first dative, as e rakleste "in the child." 1m gruenen Wald, (German) In the green wood. 1m Oaken Wald, (German) In the oak wood. In nomine Doinine, (Latin) In the name of the Lord ; "In nomine Domine ! Was Hero Ilagen s word." In Sang und Klang dein Lebenlang. In song and music all thy life. Jeff, (printer s phrase) A game played by throwing up types and counting the nicks. 158 Joss-stick A name given to small reeds, covered with the dust of odoriferous woods, which the Chinese burn before their idols. Jours Journeymen. Jungfernkranz, (German) Bridal garland. Kcenig Etzel King Attila. Kaiser Karl Charlemagne. Kali, (German) Cold. Kanaster, (German) Canaster tobacco. Karfunkelstein, (German) Carbuncle. Kartoffell, (German) Potato. Kauder- Waelsch, (German) Gibberish. Kellner, (German) Waiter. Kinder, (German) Children. Kitin, a kitin Flying or running rapidly. Knasterbart, (German) Literally, tobacco-beard ; a tough, old bearded, old-fashioned fellow. Kneiperei, (German ) lie vol. Knock dem out de shpots Knock the spots out of them ; astonish. Komm maidelein! Rotlie Waengelein, (German) Come, maiden, red cheeks. Kop, (German Kopf) Head. Kreutzer, Fr. Creutzer, distinguished professor in the University of Heidelberg, author of a great work on "Symbolik." Kreuzfidel, (German) True-hearted ; gallant in the highest degree. - Krumm, (German) Crooked. Breit und Krumm Broad and crooked. Here, a pun on bride and groom. Kummel, (German) Cumin brandy. Kummel Kimmel, (German) Schnapps; dram. Lager, Lagerbeer, (German Lagerbier, i. e. Stockbeer.) Lager Wirthschafl, (German) Beerhouse. Lam To drub ; to beat soundly. LateiniscJi Latin. Lauglien, laclien Laughing. Lavergne A place between Nashville and Murfreesboro , in the State of Tennessee. 159 Lebenlang, (German) Lifelong. Leider, Leids, (German) Sonjrs. Libby The notorious Confederate prison at Richmond, Va. Liddle Pills Legislative enactments. Liederkram, ( German) Glee-union. Licderlicli, (German) Loose, reckless, dissolute. Lighthood, (German Lichtheif) Liclit. Like spiders down tJieir webs Breitmann s soldiers are sup posed to have been expert turners or gymnasts. Loafer A. term which, considered as the German pronun ciation of lover, is a close translation of rom, as this latter means both a Gipsy and a husband. Loosty, (German Lustig) Jolly : merry. Los, los gehen, (German) To go at a thing, at somebody. Loudet, (I^auten in German) To make sound. Lump, (German) Ragamuffin. Lumpenglocke, (German) An abusive term applied to bells, especially to those which give the signal that the beer houses must close. Maedchen, (German) Girl ; maiden. Makana, (Gipsy, Ma akana} But now. * Make de red cock crow" u To set the red cock on the roof," signifies in German, to seta man s house on fire. Marmorbild Marble statue. Markgracfler A pleasant light wine grown in the Duchy of Baden. Maskenzug, (German) Procession of masked persons. Massenvermmmlung, (German) Mass meeting. Mein Freund My Friend. Meine Seel\ (German) By my soul. Mineted Min d ed . Minnesinger Poet of love ; a name given to German lyric poets, who flourished from the twelfth to the four teenth centuries. Mit hoontin knife, &c. 44 With her white hands so lovely Sin; dug the Count his grave, From her dark eyes sad weeping, The holy water she gave." (Old German ballad.) 160 Mitout Without Mitternocht, Mitternacht Midnight. Mitter night, Mitternacht Midnight. Mitz havf, (German) Dung-hill. Moleschott Author of a celebrated work on Physiology. Morgan 3o\\\\ Morgan, a notorious Confederate guerilla during the late war in America. Morgen-hct-ache Morning headache. Moskopolite (American) Cosmopolite. Murmulte Murmured. Mutter, (German) Mother. Nieblungen Lied The lay of the Nieblungen ; the great German national epos. Nix, (German, Nwhts) Nothing. Nix cum raus Had not come out. Norate To speak in an oration. No sardine Not a narrow-minded, small-hearted fellow. Noth, (German) Need, dire extremity. Das war des Breitmann s noth. That was Breitmann s sore trial. Imitated from the last line of the Niebelungen Lied. Nun Now. Nun-endich, (German) Well, at last. Brady An Irish giant commemorated in a once popular song. Oder Other. OdenwaldA. thickly-wooded district in South Germany. OJme Zhal, (German) Without number. On-belongs Literal translation of Zugthort. On-did, to on-do Literal translation of the German an them ; to dun, to put on. On de snapA.\\ at once. Onfang, (German, Anfang} Beginning. Oonslipeakbarly, (German, unanssprechbarlich} Inexpres sibly. Oonendly Undenlich. Oop-gedeared, (German, A ufgeTdaert} Enlightened. Oopright-hood, (German, Aufrichtigkeit} Uprightness. Ooprighty, (German, Aufrichtig) Upright. Oopshtardet, (German, Aufgescharft) Upstarted. . 161 Oop-*proong For auf sprung. Orgel-ion, (German) Organ sound. Orkester Orchestra. Out-sprach Outspoke. Out-signed, (German, ausgezeiclmete) Distinguished, sig nal. Over again Uebringen The remainder ; a rest. Pabst, Der Pabst lebt, fyc. " The Pope he leads a happy life," &c., beginning of a popular German song. Peeps People. "Hard on the American peeps" a phrase ibr anything exacting or severely pressing. Pelznickel, Nick, Nickel ! St. Nicolas is supposed, on the night preceding his name-day, the sixth of December, to pass over the house-tops on his long-eared steed, having baskets suspended on either side filled with sweets ond playthings, and to drop down through the chimneys presents for those children who have been good during the year, but birch-rods for those who have been naughty, would not go to bed early, or objected to being washed, &c. In the expectation of his coming, the children put, on the eve of St. Nicolas day, either a shoe, or a stocking, or a little basket into the chimney-piece of their parents bed-room. We may remark, by the way, that St. Nicolas is the Chris tian successor of the heathen Nikudr, of ancient Ger man mythology. In America he has become confused with Christkinder and Christkinkel. Pesser, besser, (German) Better. Pestain Stain, with the augment. Pfaelzer A man from the Rhenish Palatinate. Pfeil, (German) Arrow. Philosopede Velocipede. Pie the forms Break up and scatter the forms of type. Pig-sticker, (American) Bowie-knife, or indeed, any other kind of knife. Pile out, (American) Hurry out. Plue goats Blue coats ; soldiers. Plug muss, (American Fireman) A fight around a fire plug. 21 162 PokoSL, (Pocnlnm) Goblet. Poker A. favorite game of cards among Western gamblers. Poonkin Pumpkin. Potzausend ! Was ist das f Zounds ! What is that ? Potzblitz, (German) int., The deuce. Poulterie Poultry. Poussiren To court. Pretzel, (German) A kind of fancy bread, twist or the like. Prezackly Precisely,) exactly. Protocollirt, protocolliren To register, record. Pumpernickel A heavy, hard sort of rye-bread. Pye To buy. Raushlin\ rauschend Rustling. Reb An abbreviation of rebel. Redakteur Editor. Rede, (German) Speech. Rede, (German) Speech. Red- WaeUch, Roth-Wae sell, (German) Thieves language. Reiter, (German) Rider. RheinweinbecJiers Klang The Rhine wine goblet s sound. Richter, (Jean Paul, French) Distinguished German au thor. Ridersmann, {Reiter smann in German) Rider. Ring A political clique or cabal. Bitter, (German) Knight. Roland One of the paladins of Charlemagne. Rollin 1 locks Rolling logs ; mutually aiding. Rosen, (German) Roses. Rouse, (German Ileraus) Out ; come out. Saclisen Saxonia, Saxony. Sacrin Consecrating. Sagen Cydus Cycle of legends. Sass, Sassy, Sassin 1 Sauce, saucy, &c. Sauerkraut, (German) Sour krout. Sauerkraut, (German) Pickled cabbage. Saw it Understood it. Scalterin, Scotterin Scattering. Schauer, (German) Shudder. Kchenk aus, (German) Pour out. 163 Schenket ein, (German) Pour in, (fill the glasses.) Schimmel, (German) Grey horse. Schimpft und fluent gar laesterlich, (German) Swears and blasphemes abominally. ScMnken, (German) Ham. Schlager, (German) A kind of sword or broadsword ; a rapier used by students for duelling or fighting matches. Sclilesierwein, (German) Wine grown in Silesia, prover bially sour. Schlimmer, ( German) Worse. Schlishcd, geschlilzt Slit. Schlop him ober de hop Knocked him on the head. Kchlopped Slopped. Schloss, (German) Castle. Schnapps, (German) Dram. Schnitz Pennsylvania German word for cut and dried fruit. Kchniiz, schnitzen, (German) To chop, chip, snip. In Pennsylvania Schnitz or Suits, is applied to cut and dried fruit, apples, pears, or peaches. It was, I believe, Prof. Henry Coppee, who narrated, in Lippincott s Magazine, a _ story to the effect that a school teacher once asked his class if an apple were cut in two, what would the pieces be called? "Halves," replied the boys. "And if cut again?" "Quarters." "And then cut again?" " bnitz," was the unanimous an swer. Schonlieitsideal, (German) The id?al of beauty. Schopenhauer A celebrated German 4i philosophical physi ologist." Schoppen, (German) A liquid measure, chopin, pint. Schwaben Suabia. Schicanen, (German) Swans. Schwartzer Mohr, (German) A black negro. Mohr in German is applied very generally to both Moors and negroes. Schweinblatt (Swine) Dirty paper. Schweitzer kase, (German) Swiss cheese. Schwig, Swig, verb To drink by large draughts. Schwigs, Swig noun A large draught. 164 Scmysed, ^German Schmyssen, from Schmeissen} Threw him out of doors. Scoop Take in ; get. Scorched Escorted ; a negro malapropism. Scrouged, (American) Pressed, jammed. Seelen Ideal. Soul s ideal. Sefen-lefen Seven or eleven. Seifenblasen Soap balls. Seins, (German) The Being. Selbslanchauungsvermogen, (German) Capacity for self- inspection. Serenity A transparency. Shanty A board cabin ; slang for house. Shapel Chapel is an old word for a printing-office. Shdrmctn, Sherman German. Shings Jingo ; by Jingo. Shipsy Gipsy. Shlide Slide. "Let it slide," vulgar for " let it go." Shnow-wice, (German Schnee-weis) Snow-white. Shoopider J upiter. Shootin-stick Shooting stick. It is used for closing np the forms of types. Show-spiel, Sckauspiel Play ; piece. Shpeck Speck, (German) Bacon. Shpicket Spigot ; a pin or peg to stop a small hole in a cask of liquor. Shpoons Spoons ; plunder. Shtuhl, (German Stuhl) Stool ; chair. Sinn, (German) Meaning. Six mals Six times. Skeeted Went fast ; skated (?) Skyugle, (American) u Skyngle " is a word which had a short run during 18G4. It means many things, but chiefly to disappear or to make disappear. Thus a de serter "skyugled," and sometimes he u skyugled a coat or watch." Slanganderin 1 Foolishty slandering. Slather gaff s Spurs for cocks with cutting edges. 165 Slibowitz A Bohemian Schnapps distilled from plums. Slop over Go too far and upset or spill. Applied to men who venture too far in a success. Slumgoozlin^ Slum or slum-guzzling ; humbug. Slumgullion A Mississippi term for a legislator. Solidaten, (German Soldaten} Soldiers. So mit, (German) Thus with. Sonntags, (German) Sundays. Sottelet, (German Gesattelt) Saddled. Sound upon the goose A phrase originating in the Kansas troubles, and signifying true to the cause of slavery. Souse and Brouse, (German Saus und Braus} Revelry and rioting. Spiel, (German) Play. Splodderin 1 Splattering. Spook, (German Simk) A ghost. Sporn, (German) Spur. Sports Sporting men. Staub, (German) Dust. Stein, (German) Stone. Stille^ (German) Stillness. Stim, (German Stimme) Voice. Stohr Store. Straight flush In poker, all the cards of one suit. Stra&sen, (German) Streets. Strauss Name of the celebrated Viennese composer. Strumpf, (German) Stocking. Studentenin den Gassen, (German) Students in the streets or lanes. Sturm und Drang, (German) Storm and pressure. Siceynheim und Pannarts The first printers at Rome. Takes, (printer s phrase) Allotments of copy, or strips, to each printer. Tantzen, (German) To dance. Tantz, (German) Dance. Tarnal Eternal. Taub, taube, (German) Dove. Taugenix, Taugenichts Good-for-nothing fellow. Theil, (German) Part. 166 Thoom Thumb. Thrip, (South American) Three pence. ThusneldaThe wife of Arminius, (Hermann.) Tod, (German) Dead. Todtengrips, Todtengerippe Skeleton. Tofe Dove. To House, (German zu Hause) At home. TortledTo tortle ; to move off. From turtle. Touch the dirt Touch the road. Treppe, (German) Stairs. Treu, (German) Faithful, true. Trow him with ecks Pelt him with eggs. Turner, (German) Gymnast. Turner Verein, (German Tumverein) Gymnastic Society. Tyfel, Tevfel Devil. Tyfeled, Verlevfelt Devilish. Tyfel-zchnake, Teufelschnaken Deviltries ; also devil- snake. Tyful- striken, Tevfel-streicheVcvilstrokes. Tyf til-wards ~Devi\\vai d$. TyfelestFiom Teufel : here in the sense of "best 1 or u worst." Uaberschwengliche, CGerman) Transcendental ; elevated. Ueber Stein and tichwein, (German) Over stone and swine. Ulievrus Oliver, another of the twelve Paladins of Char lemagne who fell at Roncesvalles, (A Rowland for an Oliver.) Und lauter guter Ding, (German) And of thoroughly good cheer. Urbummellied, (German vulgar} Arch-loafer s song ; a student song. Urlied, (German) The song of yore. Van t klein komt men toft groote, (Dutch) Great things may have small beginnings. (Concordia res par- vae cresrunt) Legend on the Dutch ducats. Varus The Roman Commander in Germany, conquered by Arminius. Verdammt, (German) D d. 167 Vcrflucht, (German) Accursed. Verfluchter, (German) Accursed. Verslay, Verstehen Understand. Vertyfeln, Verteufeln To botch. Verloren, (German) Forlorn. Versteh, verstehen (German) To understand. Voonderly, (German) Wunderlich Wondrous ; curious. Von One. Wachsen, (German) Grow : tk Komm ich in s pralanteSachsen, Wo di schcene Maedchen wachsen." Old German Song. Waechter, (German) Watchman. Waelder, (German) Woods. Wahlverwandtschaft, (German) Elective affinity ; sympa thy of souls. Wahrsagt, (German Wahrsagen) To foretell, soothsay. Wahres Kunxtgenuss, (German) Truly artistic enjoyment. Waidmanncheil, (German) Huntsman s weal, or greeting. Ward al zu Steine, (German) Became all stone. Ward zu Wind, (German) Became a wind. Wechsebalg, (German) A changeling ; brat ; urchin. Weihnachtstbaum, (German) Christmas tree. Weiknachtslied, (German) Christmas song. Weingeist, (German) Vinous ; ardent spirit. Wein-handle, (German WeinJiandlung} Wineshop. Weinnachtstraum lit., Winenight s dream; for u Weien- acht," Christmas dream. Wellen and Wogen, (German) Waves and billows. Welshhen Turkey hen. Werden das Werden The becoming to be. We uns, you um We and you. A common vulgarism through the Southern States. , "Tis sad that we,uns from you uns parts, When you HUB have stolen we uns hearts." Wie qeJits, (German) How goes it ? how are you ? WildJagd Wild hunt. Wildun weh, (German) Wild and woe-begone. Wilkomm, (German) Welcome. 168 Windsbraut, (German poet) Storm ; hurricane; gust of wind. Wird, (German) Becomes. Wised, (German Wusste, Irom Wizzen) Knew. Wits, (German) A sally, or witty saying. Wo list du ? (German) Where art ? Woe-moaedy, (German WemutMng) Moanful, doleful WoJil, (German)--Well ! Wohl auf! (German) Literally well up ; but meaning " hey / " or " up there ! " WolfsscJilucht, (German^) Wolfs glen. Wonnevol, (German Wonnevoll) Blissful. Woon, (German Wunde) Wound. Word-May Word-play ; pun; quibble. Wurst, (German) Sausage. Wurst mir und egal,A\\ one to me. Wurst is a German student word for indifference. Yaeger, (German) Huntsmen. Yaegersmann, Faegersmann Huntsman. Yartausend, Jahrtausend A thousand years. Yartausend, Jahrlausend, (German) A thousand years. Yellow pine, (American) A mulatto. Youngest Day, (German) Juengste tag. The Day of Judgment. Yungling, Jungling, (German) Youth. Zimmer, (German) Boom. Zupfet aus, (German) Tap the barrel. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL General Library University of California Berkeley