Physical Sciences UbrafV Bverslty of California ^ Riverside. ■;-f..';''«)5:.'.%5 mm 'PFAU OF STAN OoTl> 1922 CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister; Charles Camsell, Deputy Minister MINES BRANCH John McLeish, Director Report on Structural Materials along the St. Lawrence River, between Prescott, Ont., and Lachine, Que. BY Joseph Keele and L. Heber Cole OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1922 No. 549 ^7Zf\ : k? CANADA DEPARTiMENT OF MINES Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister; Camseil, Deplty Minister MINES BRANCH John McLeish, Director Report on Structural Materials along the St. Lawrence River, between Prescott, Ont., and Lachine, Que. BY Joseph Keele and L. Heber Cole OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTKR TO THF. KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1922 No. 549 40839—1 By Transfer MAR 3 1924 DIRECTOR'S PREFACE 111 April, 1919. the Department of Mines received a request from the Dominion Power Board for a report on the structural materiak in the super- ficial, unconsolidated and bed-rock deposits bordering the St. Lawrence river. The resolution asking for and defining the work required was as follows: — It was resolved, that in addition to engineering data to be supplied the Dominion Power Board in reference to the St. Lawrence river navigation and power projects by the Public Works, Railways and Canals, and Marine and Fisheries Departments, and by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission, and any additional surveys undertaken by the Dominion Power Board, that it would be necessary for the Board to obtain information regarding the super- ficial deposits, of under surface rock structure of the river valley, as well as a critical survey of the building material of the vicinity for any possible future engineering structures, such as sand, gravel, stone, and materials for the making of cement. That as this information can best be obtained by the engineers of the Department of Mines, the Chairman of the Board should be requested to present the matter to the Honourable the Minister of Mines with the request that the information already on the records of the Department of Mines be compiled, and that such information should be supplemented, where necessary, by field surveys during the coming season, and that such physical and chemical tests as will be required of the materials collected in connection with this investigation be made, as will further the objects of the examination. As a result of this request, Mest^rs. J. Keele and L. H. Cole, of the Mines Branch, were assigned to the work. With a view to providing the desired infor- mation for the Dominion Power Board, relative jo conditions in the region along the St. Lawrence river, in the provinces of Otitarici. and Quebec it was found necessary — in order to supplement ihe • data already in existence — to make detailed surveys of a strip extending from Prescott to Lachine. back from the river some six to twelve miles. The field work in connexion with this investiga- tion was accomplished during the field seasons of 11919 and 1920; and the accom- l)anying report was submitted b.v the Deputy Minister of ^Mines, on May 13, 1921, to the Dominion Power Board, which body made the following recommen- dations : — Ottavi^a, May 21, 1921, Hon. Sir James Lougheed, K.C.M.G., Chairman, Dominion Power Board, Ottawa, Ont. Sir,— Development of St. Lavv^rence River, Construction Materials 1. If and when it be decided to undertake the further navigational and power development of the St. Lawrence river one of the problems will be that of supplying the structural materials, such as sand, gravel, and rock, that w^ill be necessary in tremendous quantities for the making of the huge concrete structures that will be required. 2. In view of the foregoing this Board suggested to the Mines Department, through the Chairman of the Board and the Minister of Mines, that such inspection and survey be made of the St. Lawrence district as would show what structural materials are found in the territory contiguous to the river, their qualities, and in what quantities they are available. 3. The Mines Department very kindly undertook this work and have now forwarded a report thereon, attached hereto for your information. It is obvi- 4f)839— U i ously a very fine document, the result of much painstaking labour combined with complete technical knowledge of the subject, and one that will undoubtedly be of great use to all those concerned with the engineering side of the develop- ment of the river, besides being of much help to industries, present or prospective, that use such materials and are interested in the St. Lawrence territory. 4. In view of the completeness and great value of the report, we take pleasure on behalf of the Board in both acknowledging the gi'eat assistance which the Mines Department has given by making it, and in strongly recom- mending that it be published, with its accompanying maps, as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Board, (Signed) A. St, Laurent, Yicc-Cliairnian. (Signed) J. B. Challies, Secretary. Pursuant to the above recommendation, and in conformity with the publi- cation policy of the Department of Mines, this report is now being made avail- able for public distribution. (Signed) John McLeish, Acting Director Mines Branch. CONTExNTS CHAPTER I PAGE Director's Preface '.i Introductory y Historical outline 9 Location and area 9 iMaps .* 10 ]*revioiiR work 11 Acknowledgments 11 liibliogiaphy 12 CHAPTER n General Topography and Geology 14 Cii'neral topography 14 Influence of bed-rock 14 Drainage 15 Erosion 16 Sui)ei-ficial geology 16 Glaciation 16 Land s\ibmergcnce and sedimentation 17 Bed-rock geology 18 Table of formations 19 Description of formations 19 Trenton group 19 Black River group 19 Chazy 20 Beekmantown 20 Potsdam sandstone 20 Grenvillc series 20 CHAPTER ni Pleistocene and Recent Deposits 21 General account 21 Clays 22 Boulder clays or till 22 Silt 25 Champlain marine clays 26 Sands and gravels 29 Fluvio-glacial sands and gravels 29 Marine beach sands and gravels 30 Champlain sands 31 Alluvial and dune sands 32 Boulder deposits 32 Swamp and peat deposits S4 Swamps 34 Bogs . . ..'.V. .'. .• 34 Marshes 35 Extent of swamp lands .....;... .''.'.' :L:l'?V.!'.^'. .'!'.' ^^ .TV. 35 Reclamation of swamp lands 35 ?]conomic value of swamp lands 36 Timber 36 Cultivation 36 Peat ; 3S CHAPTER IV PAGE Structural Materials 37 Brick and tile clays 37 General account 37 Composition of Champlain clays 37 Chemical analysis of Champlain clays 38 Table of physical tests 39 Explanation of physical tests 41 Description of clay deposits by townships 43 Building stones 51 Sandstones 51 Limestones and dolomites 52 Cement makin)^ materials 59 . Sands and gravels 60 Sands 60 Gravels 61 Tables 62 Summary of physical tests 62 Granulometric analyses 63 List of localities where samples were collected 63 Description of sand samples 63 Explanation of phj'sical tests on sands 65 Granulometric analysis 65 Percentage of silt and clay 66 Specific gravity 66 Weight per cubic foot and percentage of voids 66 Tensile strength 66 Compressive strength 67 Description of gravel deposits by townships 67 Northfield gravel deposits 72 Windfall deposit 72 Conclusions 77 Sand deposits 77 Gravel deposits 77 Concrete materials 78 Cement 78 Sand 78 Coarse aggregate 78 Gravel deposits 78 Field stone 79 Deposits of bed-rock 79 Lime 80 Road material survey in Beauhamois and Chateauguay counties, Que 81 Introduction 81 General considerations 81 Road materials 82 Bed-rock 82 Deposits of bed-rock 83 Potsdam sandstone formation 85 Table indicating results of tests on bed-rock 87 Field stone 87 Character of field stone deposits 88 CHAPTER V Data from Well Records, Drill Cores, and other Sources 89 General statement 89 Overburden 89 Configuration of the rock surface 90 Character of the bed-rock 92 Classification and details of drillings 93 CHAPTER VI PAflE Industries 90 General stateiuent Qji Silicate industries 9Jj Clay working industrj' 9G Historical 96 Future of clay working industr}- 97 Silica-sand industry 99 Glass industn,' 100 Texture 100 Chemical composition 100 Carborundum industry 1 00 Sand for steel foundries 101 Concrete structural materials 101 Sand-lime brick 101 Moulding sand for iron foundries 101 APPENDIX A. Pleistocene and Recent Fossils of the St. Lawrence Valley, from Prescott to Beauhamois — By E. J. Whitt.akkr 103 B. Ordovician Fossils from St. Lawrence Canal System Localities: Ontario and Quebec — Collected by L. H. Cole and J. Keele; identified bv Ai.iCK K. Wilson '. 109 Index 113 ILLUSTRATIONS Photographs Plato 1. Sfnam erosion on bank of St. Luwroncc river, at Farran Point, Ont. P^nd. " IL Meandering stream entrenched in marine clav ])lain at St. Lazare, Que : " " III. Tjpical topography in Cornwall morainal belt near headwaters of Baudet liver " IV. Fanning land in Cornwall morainal belt. Church of St. Raphael, Glengarry county, Ont., in distance " \. Marine clay plain, with wooded patches " \l. Slides in clay plain on bank of St. Lawrence river between Cedars and Cascades rapids. Que , " VIL Boulder clay, east bank of creek near Farran Point. A typical example of the boulder clay or till of this region " " \l\l. Typical exposure of freshly excavated marine clay in St. Lawrence valley " IX. Marine clay terrace, two miles west of Vaudreyil, Que " X. Low ridge with deposit of marine beach gravel along northwestern flank _ " " XI. Gravel pit in beach ridge shown in Plate X " XII. Sand ridge, partly wooded. Gi'enville county, Ont " XIII. Sand drifting from ridges. Grenville county, Ont " " XIV. Exces.sively stony ridge. Beauharnois county, Que " XV. Stony ridge, partly wooded. Glengarry county. Ont ** " XVI. Boulders and blocks on stony ridge, one mile south of St. Raphael, Glengarry covmty, Ont " XVII. Huge granite erratic, near Mille Roches, Ont " XVIII. Potsdam sandstone quarry in bed of St. Louis river, Beauharnois, Que XIX. Model of Windfall gravel pit |] " XX. Gravel pit, showing stratification and bed-rock floor " XXI. Gravel pit, east of Ventnor, Ont " XXII. HoUister gravel pit, Stormont county, Ont " XXIII. Shallow gravel pit, with large percentage of cobbles " XXR\ Mitchell gravel pit. Glengarry county, Ont " XXV. Beaupre gravel pit, Glengarry county, Ont " XXVI. General view of Potsdam sandstone quarries at Melocheville, Que. " XXVII. Plant for crushing sandstone at Melocheville, Que " " XXVIII. Abandoned quarry, west of Cardinal, Ont " '' XXIX. Quarry near St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauharnois county, Que " " XXX. Quariy near Chateauguay, Que Drawings Fig. 1. Diagrammatic section showing arrangement of glacial and post glacial deposits overlying the bed-rock -1 " 2. Diagram showing successive stages of shrinkage of Champlain clay, drawn from actual size of test pieces 41 " 3. Sketch plan of Xorthfield gravel pits 73 " 4. Transverse section .1-K across St. Lawrence valley 91 " 5. Sections showing depths to bed-rock in Huntingdon, Beauharnois. and Soulanges counties, Que 92 Maps N^o. .551. Morrisburg sheet — St. I^awrence River section, Ont End " 552. Cornwall sheet — St. Lawrence River .seel ion, Ont. and Que " " 553. Valleyfield sheet — St. Lawrence River section, Que " STRUCTURAL MATERIALS ALONG THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BETWEEN PRESCOTT, ONT., AND LACHINE, QUE. CHAPTER I IXTRODUCTORY HISTORICAL OUTLINE In the early part of 19-19, instructions were received by the writers to make a survey of a portion of the valley of the St. Lawrence river, situated in Ontario and Quebec. This work was undertaken at the requeet of the Power Board of Canada. The object of the eurvc.v was to examine and sample any deposits of material which could be used for structural purposes; also to ascertain the character of the bed-rock and overlying unconsolidated formations, in so far as they affected the storage of water or the deepening and deflection of the present canal system. It was found, at the outset, that it would be necessary to make a complete geological map of the district, as no maps of the kind were in existence. A map, showing the supposed bed-rock formation underlying the area included between the Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers, was published by the Geological Survey in 19^>6; but, inasmuch as this region is almost entirely covered by unconsolidated material, and outcrops of bed-rook are so small in extent, and scattered, the existing map was unsuitable for the present purpose. The unconsolidated materials with which the surface of the r^ion is strewn are due, entirely, either directly or indirectly, to glaciation. These materiale are known as the drift sheet, because, in most instances, they have been shifted from their places of origin by ice action. The melting of large bodies of land ice, together with submergence and emergence of the land surface from under sea water, has, to some extent, washed and sorted the glacial drift, and furnished materials of construction, such as sand, gravel, and brick clay. A survey of the available road materials along the north side of the (St. Lawrence river between Prescott and Montreal was completed and the results published, before the general work outlined above was undertaken, otherwise that report "wouJd have been incorporaited in the record of general results here given. The testing of materials and the experimental work in connexion with this report "were done by the writers and their assistants in the laboratories of the Mines Branch of the Department of Klines, Ottawa. 45 samples of brick clay; 24 samples of sand and gravel; 4 samples of bed- rock; and 3 samples of boulder clay, were collected and examined. The entire investigation in the field and laboratory occupied about nine months during 1919 and 1920. LOCATION AND AREA The area included in the investigation along tlio ."^t. Lawrence river reaches from Prescott to Lachine, a distance of 100 miles, and extends back from the 9 10 river from 6 to 12 -niiles. Witliin this area are the southern portione of Gren- ville, Dundae, Storniont, and Glengarry countiets, in tlie province of Ontario. Investigation and mapping were done on both sides of the river in the province of Quebec, so that portions of Chateauguay, Huntingdon, and Beauharnois, on the south side, and Soiihinges, Vaudreuil, and Jacques Cartier counties, on the north side, are shown on the map. The entire area covered by mape and report is about 1,030 square miles. MAPS For convenience of handling and reference, the map is published in three parts, on a scale of one mile to the inch. The map sheets are named after the principal towns in the area. From east to west they are called, respectively : Morrisburg, Cornwall, and Valleyfield sheets. The base used was the maps published by the Department of Militia and Defence, with the contours omitted. The geology was done from the roads and from paced traverses « cress country between each road. If the area between roads was large, more than one traverse was made across it. The different kinds of superficial materials are shown by various colours. Although the classification of the superficial material as shown on the map is a sound one, based' on the essential character of each distinct member of the drift series, yet these materials grade into one another or overlap in such a manner that the rigid boundaries shown between them, for mapping purposes, does not in many cases hold true in nature. For example, the stoneless marine clay overlaps and thins out on boulder clay, and cultivation on the marginal area between them brings to the surface some of the stones in the boulder clay, so that there is a mixture of marine and boulder clay over a certain strip. The sand which overlies the marine stoneless clay varies in thickness from a few inches to ten feet. In this case, it is necessary to adopt some rule in mapping areas over which the sand covering is thin. We have, therefore, mapped as clay, those areas where the sand above the clay is less than a foot in thickness. The boulder clay or till varies widely in character. In some looalities it contains very little clay, being mostly composed of sand and stones. In other localities clay is the predominant constituent. We have mapped tlie clayey and standy boulder clays under one colour beoause they are the general till sheet or ground moraine of the region. An effort has been made to delineate sand deposits according to their origin and manner of deposition; consequently, we have used different colours for sands which very often have a similar texture and appearance; but the shape of the deposits and their place in the toiwgraphy of the region are sufficient to differentiate them. The size of the gravel deposits shown on the map is frequently exaggerated, in order to emphasize the occurrences. Sometimes, however, the gravels may exceed the limits outlined for them. The areas mapped as swamps are nearly always covered with a more or less dense forest growth. Most of these areas are wet underfoot during a portion of the year, but in summers of light rainfall they. may be dry, while in other 11 areas surface water is always visible, except in winter. High and dry areas of forest land have the surface formation shown in colour, a^ far as it could be determined. The mnjiis will be found useful as a basis for soil surveys and, in fact, can be used for that purpose as they are. It would be better for agricultural pur- poses, however, if the boulder clay areas were differentiated into the various soil types, depending on the clay content. There are rather extreme soil types in this formation. As already stated, the work was undertaken with certain definite objects in view — mainly economic; and since the time devoted to it was short, many inaccuracies may be found, particularly in the question of boundaries between formations. The following report differs from most of the reports hitherto published by the Department of Mines, inasmuch as it aims to give a complete account of the geology, topography, and economic materials of a region, as well as a com- plete technological report on the properties and uses of all the materials within its boundaries, in so far as they apply to the secpe of the department. The portion of the island of Montreal shown in the Valleyfield map was taken from the map which accompanies the report on the Pleistocene and Recent Deposits of the Island of Montreal, by J. Stansfield, Memoir 73, Geological Sur- vey, Ottawa. PREVIOUS WORK Geological. — The geological work previously published on the area covered by the three map sheets is very meagre, and consists mostb' of incidental refer- ence? in the reports of the Geological 'Survey, or in papers published elsewhere by members of the Survey staff. Probably the most important work was carried on first by Sir Wm. Dawson, whose nomenclature for the various formations in the Pleistocene series forms the basis for the classification adopted in this report. His work was followed up by several men on the Survey staff, notably: Giroiix, Ells, and Chalmers. Short reports by these writers are mentioned in the biblio- graphy. The bed-rock geology of the district has been shown on the Cornwall sheet (Geol. Survey. Map 'No. 120) and the S. W. sheet of the Eastern Townships map (Geol. Survey, Map No. 571, Montreal sheet), both by E. W. Ells. Among the more recent reports on the area covered in this report is one by J. Stansfield on the Pleistocene and Recent Deposits of Montreal island. This work was carried on in sufficient detail to be used for the section of Montreal island which is included in the Vaudreuil sheet. Economic. — Considerable data relating to the economic possibilities of the district have been published in numerous governmental and other reports; the principal ones being listed in the accompanying bibliography. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writers wish to extend their hearty thanks to a number of gentlemen for their kindly services in supplying information and data relative to the sub- ject of this report : notably, Mr. ^l. C. Hendry, of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission. !Morrisburg, for permission to examine the drill cores obtained 12 from the bod of the St. Lawrence river at Morrieburg; Mr. D. W. McLachlan. of the Department of Railways and Canals, for numerous section*; and records of drill holes; Mr. George P. Ilowley, resident engineer, The Cedar Rapids Manufacturing and Power Co., Cedars, Que., for sections and numerous records of drill holes; Mr. W. A, Robert, Beauharnoic, for maps and other kindly ser- vices ; and many others. The section on " Road Materials " incorporated in this report was prepared by Mr. Henri Gauthier, and the Appendix by Mir. E. J. Whittaker and Mies A. E. Wikon, of the Palffontological Division of the Geological Survey. Mr. J. Ross Taylor acted ae field assistant during the field season of 1919, and Mr. Maseie Baker during 1920. Both gentlemen performed their work in a satisfactory manner. Mr. J. A. Robert, of the Borings Division, Geological Survey, spent six weeks with the writers in the field during the season of 1920, procuring well records in Soulanges and Beauharnois counties, province of Quebec. His long experience in the Borings Division of the Department of Mines enabled him to render valuable service in interpreting the information gathered from well drillings, and in sifting the evidence regarding the topography of the bed-rock surface concealed beneath the drift cover; while his ability to talk French made greatly for progress in a rural district where the Erench language is almost exclusively spoken. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pleistocexe Geology Date Title Author By whom published 1863 Geol. Surv. Can., 1863. 1892 1893 1901 1913 1915 On Pleistocene Changes of Level in Eastern North America. The Canadian Ice Age Sea Beaches of Eastern Ontario Excursions in Neighbourhood of Montreal and Ottawa. The Pleistocene and Recent De- posits of the Is' and of Montreal. Baron Gerard De Geer Sir .7. Wm. Dawson. . . A. P. Coleman J. W. Goldthwait, Keele and Johnston. J. Stansfield Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist., Boston, Vol. XXV. pp. 4.54-477. Wm. V. Dawson, Montreal. Ontario Bureau of Mines, Tor- onto, Vol. X. 1900. Geol. Sur^'. Can., 12th Inter. Geol. Con. Guide Book No. 3, p. 17. Geol. Surv'. Can., Memoir No. 73. 13 General and Economic Repohts Date Title Author By whom published 1904 Artesian and Other Deep Wells on the Island of Montreal. The Limestones of Ontario Building Stones of Canada F. D. Adams Geol. Sur\'. Can. 1904 O. E. T>eRoy W. G. Miller No. 863. Ontario Bureau of Mines, Vol. W. A. Parks. XIII, Part II. Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines, 1912 1914 1915 Vol. I, Ontario. Vol. III. Quebec. Road Materials Survev L. Reineckc No. 100. No. 279. Geol. Surv. Can., Memoir No. 1915 Clay and Shale Deposits, Quebec. The Artesian Wells of Montreal. . . . Sand and Gravel in Ontario Structural Materials in Dundas, Stormont.and Glengarry counties, eastern Ontario (Preliminary Report). Report on Road Materials along the St. Lawrence River, from the Quebec Boundary line to Cardinal, Ontario. J. Keele 99. No. 1686. Geol. Surv'. Can., Memoir No. 1915 1918 C. L. Cumming A. Ledoux 64, No. 1451. Geol. Surv. Can., Memoir No. 72. Ont. Bureau of Mines, Vol. 1920 J. Keele XXVII, Pt. II. Mines Branch, Sum. Rep. 1919, 1920 L. H. Cole. R. H. Richer pp. 114-127. Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines Bull. No. 32, Pub. No. 530. Bed-rock Geology Date Author By whom published 1851-2 1894 1895 1900 1896 1912 1913 A. Murrav. R. W. Ells. On the Geolog>' of the Region be- tween the Ottawa, the St. Law- rence, and the Rideau rivers. The Potsdam and Calciferous For- mations of Quebec and Eastern Ontario. Work in Area of Ottawa and Corn-|N. .1. Giroux and R wall Sheet. I W. Ells. Report on aportion of the Province R. W. Ells of Quebec comprised in the S.W.I Sheet of the Eastern Townships! Map. The Trenton Group in Ontario and! P. E. Raymond Quebec. I Ordovicianof Montreal and Ottawa, P. E. Raymond 1917 Pleistocene and Recent Deposits iniW. A. Johnston, the vicinity of Ottawa. I Geol. Surv. Can., Rep. of Pro- gress for the year 1851-2. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Sec. IV, p. 26. Geol. Surv. Can.. Sum. Reports 1895-1900. Geol. Surv. Can., No. 597. Geol. Surv. Can., Sum. Rep. 1912. Geol. Surv. Can., 12th Inter. CJeol. Con. Guide Book No. 3, pp. 140-141. Memoir 101. No. 1693. 14 CHAPTER II GENERAL TOPOOEAPHY AND GEOLOGY GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY The St. Lawrence river flowt over an undulating plain in which it has carved scarcely any valley. Furthermore, its banks are generally low compared with the eize of the stream. Between Pregcott and Cornwall, the St. Lawrence river has an average width of about a mile. At two places on its course farther east, there are expanses four to six miles in width, namely, lake St. Francis, below Cornwall, and lake St. Louis, below the Cascades rapid. The mean level of lake Ontario and of the St. Lawrence through the Thousand islands is 24G feet above tide. At Prescott it is 244 feet; at lake St. Francis, 153 feet; and at lake St. Louis, 09 feet. The highest land in the Morrisburg sheet is about four miles north of Prescott, where an elevation of 375 feet is reached; which means an extreme relief of only 131 feet. The highest land in the Cornwall sheet is at the village of Xorthfield, where the highest elevation in the region mapped (352 feet) is reached. This is 199 feet above mean water level below the Cornwall canal. The greatest relief is in the Valleyfield feheet, wihere the >siand plateau of St. Lazare rises 231 feet above the mean level of lake St. Louis. The area mapped, as a whole presents four fairly well distinguished topo- graphical provinces; a morainal 'belt about 12 miles wide in the western part of the Morrisburg sheet; a wider morainal belt in the Cornwall sheet; between these a flat or gently roliing intei-morainal area ; and east of tbe Cornwall moraine, a region that is mostly a low flat plain, made up of marine sediments. The "whole area is so covered with glacial drift, and rock exposures are so infrequent, that the mapping of bed-rook formation boundaries is uncertain and unsatisfactory; therefore, no attempt has been made to show them, and only the actual outcrops, as far as they could be found, are shown on the maps. Influence of Bed-rock For the most part, the influence of the underlying bed-rock, which is, gen- erally, almost flat lying, is reflected on the surface. The minor elevations in the morainal areas are mounds and ridges of heaped up drift materials. Bed-rock outcrops, rising .in successive, receding steps from the river at Prescott. to an elevation of IfW) feet, present the appearance of the front of a c.uesta. This is the only point at which the river oan be said to ihave a valley. The land rises to a height of 30 to 40 feet flbove the river just north of Cardinal, 10 miles east of Prescott; but within four miles north of the river drops to a general elevation of about 10 feet above river level; and no bed-rock outcrops occur except at low elevations, close to the river banks. Evidently the cuesta whose escarpment ov^curs at Prescott only extends for a few miles along the river, as no evidence of it was found at any other part of the are^i. It was observed that many of the stony ridges in various parts of the area were perched on bed-rock pedestals. The bed-rock, in most cases, is not visible 15 underneath the stony ridgee, but well borinp? and the large amount of unworn slabs of rock in their vicinity indicate that the solid rock ir; not far below the surface. The rapide on the St. Lawrence are all caused by the river flowing over bed-rock, and the six rapids that occur in the area are at these hard parts in the bed of the river. The bed of the river consists of unconsolidated drift material in the slack water portions, between the rapids. Drainage The overflow from the Great Lake* basins it? varried by the St. Lawrence river. The influx of the Ottawa river adde a considerable amount to its volume, but it receives only an insignificant amount of water in its course between lake Ontario and the mouth of the Ottawa river. The interstream area between the Ottawa and St. Lawrence contributes very little water directly to it. The land in the Morrisburg sheet riees gradually for a few miles from the bank of the St. Lawrence to the north, and then it slants northward toward the Ottawa valley. Consequently, all the Avater received by the St. Lawrence from the area ie the run oif from the narrow slopes adjoining the river, while the Nation river and its branches carry the principal part of the drainage to the Ottawa. The watershed is only about one and one-half mile north of the river at Prescott. At Cardinal it is three miles to the north, and farther east gradually trends away from the St. Lawrence. The drainage of the Cornwall area is nearly all carried by the Raisin river and its branches which discharge into the St. Lawrence at iSouth Lancaster. These are small sluggish streams, meandering interminably among the ridges and knolls of the Cornwall moraine. The Baudet and Delisle river* farther east are of the same type, but while the upper portions of these streams drain the morainal areas their lower courses are over the flat marine plains east of the moraines. Owing to the general flatness of one part of the region, and the maze of morainal ridges in another part, which prevent streams from taking the shortest and steepest route to the main river, a great part of the area is badly drained, and numerous patches of swamp lands exist. Furthermore, the slight fall of the streams renders the drainage of cultivated lands difficult, and constant dredging of existinir streams and digging of ditches are necessary in order to dry the lands in the spring. The drainage of Beauharnois county, which lies on the south side of the river between lake St. Francis and lake St. Louis, is carried by the St, Louis river, a small stream discharging at the village of Beauharnois. The head- waters of this stream are close to lake St. Francis, and the land surface there lies so low that during high water stages the lake overflowed considerable por- tions of it until restrained by a dyke built in recent years. The flow of the St. Louis river is augmented by a shallow ditch to lake St. Francis, which supplies a sufficient discharge for power jnirposes at Beauharnois during the summer. The Chateaugua.v river entering the south side of lake St. T>ouis is the largest of the smaller streams within the area. Its head waters lie along the base of the highlands at the international boundary, and the drainage basin of its many branchc? covers the greater part of four co\inties. I 16 Erosion The form of the surface of the land is due to the various unoonsolidated deposits left upon it during the different phases of glaciation, submergence under sea water, and subsequent uplift. Since its emergence, running water and wave action are the chief agencies that have altered or modified the appear- ance of the land surfaoe. The alteration by water ercsion, however, has been very slight. The iSt. Lawrence river, evidently a new comer to its- present position in the area, has not worn down a "bed to any great depth in the glacial drift. Wlierever bed-rock is encountered beneath the drift, so little work has been done on it that rapids with steep gradients occur. A great deal of the original drift on the course of the river still remains in the form of islands, some of which are built of stoneless marine clay, the moist easily eroded member of the drift serias. The 'banks of the river show very little signs of wear, except at a few place* where steep clay banks occur, which are liable to slump during seiisons of exces- sive rainfall (Plate VI). There are two reasons why the St. Lawrence does not do more work on its bed and banks, one being that extreme changes in the level of its waters do not occur owing to the natural reservoirs in the Great Lakes basin which control the discharge and confine the rise and fall of the river within narrow limits, and another being the absence of sediment. Materials like fine sand and silt which can be carried by rivers are the cutting tools with which it wears down its bed. The St. Lawrence is not provided with any of these, as they are dropped in the lake basins, from which it flows as clear water. The small tributary streams of the area have not entrenched themselves on the land but practically flow on or near the surface (Plate in), except near the banks of the St. Lawrence, where they cut little valleys more or less steep sided according to the material in the banks (Plate I). Many of the morainal ridges have ibeaches built along their southwest flanks, generally about the 300-foot level. The beach material has been derived by wave erosion of the ridges, but this action is somewhat compensatory, because, while there is reduction at one point along the ridge there is filling at another, the fine material only being carried away. The stones and boulders on the surfaces of many of the ridges (Plate XVI) are the residual materials which were too heavy to be removed by the waves. The annual rainfall removes a quantity of fine material every year from the upland, and the amount increases as deforest- ation and cultivation is extended. Some of the sand ridges in the eastern part <>f the Morrisburg sheet have been denuded of their forest growth, and cultivated. The wind is beginning to drift the sand and reduce the height of the ridges (Plate XIII). This is the only example in the area of power of wind to reduce land forms. SUPERFICIAL GEOLOGY Glaciation The presence of large blocks of granitic rocks utterly foreign to the area, and of ridges and mounds of fluviatile gravels placed without any reference to ordinary land drainage, and the general absence of deep weathering, are among the more obvious evidences of Pleistocc-ne glaciation over the area. 17 The principal change that glaciation makee in a region is, by the removal of most of the old pre-glacial material such as decayed and loose rock and old soils, and substituting freshly scoured rock surfaces and new soils. During the maximum stage of glaciation the region appears to have been occupied by an ice-cap several hundred feet in thickness ; but it is in the follow- ing period, when the ice was melting and land surfaces began to appear again, that most of the materials utod for structural purposes were accumulated. A mass of ice moving over land aecumulatee a considerable amount of loose debris which works up from the surface of the ground and becomes incorporated in the ice, so that the lower portion resembles a concrete in which the aggregates are bound together by ice. When the rock aggregates are released by the melting of the ice, they fall in heaps, or spread out in a layer of varying thickness, according to the amount of debris contained in the ice. The water released by melting ice is frequently retained in channels under the ice, or else flows along its margins, washing, transporting, and sorting the thawed debris of glaciation. Many of the deposits in the mounds and ridges which reach from Ottawa to Prescott "were formed in this manner. Where the ice melts without any concentrated water discharges, a layer of unsorted material is laid down, usually conforming with the bed-rock surface below it. The comparatively flat area in Dundas county, between the Ottawa- Prescott and Cornwall moraines, carries a fairly uniform cover of till or boulder clay over a nearly flat lying rock surface. The numerous ridges of the Cornwall moraine are usually heaps of unsorted drift, and contain only occasional deposits sorted and arranged by running waters. It is evident that this belt has received more than its share of glacial drift, owing, probably, to readvances of the ice sheet between periods of waning. Deposits of sand and gravel of glaeio-fluviatile origin are occasionally con- cealed by a layer of till or unsorted drift of a later advance, and their presence is only revealed by well borings or by stream erosion. The scratches and grooving seen occasionally on the few patches of bed-rock exposed were made by ice moving in a southerly direction in this area. Beyond the limits of the moraines the markings point to a movement toward the west. These facts suggest that an ice lobe persisted in the area after the general ice sheet had disappeared. Land Submergence and Sedimentation Whether the sea rose on the land, following the return of large volumes of water released from the American and European ice-caps, or the land was slowly subsiding as the ice-caps melted, it is evident that submergence followed in the wake of the waning ice. The consequence of this was that the land became covered with gradually deepening water and the glacial deposits became sea bottoms and received the sediments thrown down in the "water bodies. The greatest depth to which this area sank or the height to which sea water rose upon it is registered by the highest marine beaches, remnants of wliich have been found at various points in the province of Quebec. The two points nearest the area under consideration at which the highest raised marine beaches exist, are on Covey hill, 2S miles southeiast of VaJleyfield, and on Eigaud mountain, 15 miles northwest of Valleyfield, at height-s of 625 and 670 feet, respectively. Sea water then must have stood at a depth of over 300 feet above the highest 40839—2 18 point ill tilt' area along the iSt. Lawrence, t^o that the combined basing of the St. Lawirnce and Ottawa rivers formed an estuary bounded on the north and l^outh by hij-hlands very like the present estuary on tbe lower part of the St. Lawrence river. A great tjnantity of clay and silt was deposited on the floor of this estuary and gradually tilled in all the low place* in the floor of «rlacial drift. The areas on which thie clay lies now constitute the most desirable farming lands in the region, and al&o furnish the raw material for the manufacture of brick and tile. Instead of rising at a uniform rate to its present level the land seeme to have halted for prolonged periods at certain intermediate levels. Only two of these levels are registered in the St. Lawrence area, one at 300 feet and the other at about 100 feet above the present sea level. The portion of the area viisible when the water etood at the SW-foot level was confined to a multitude of small islands representing principally the upper part of the highest ridges of the Cornwall moraine. • A great number of these ridges have beaches built along their southwest sides, which appear to have faced the prevailing winds of that time. These beaches are the sources of the local supplies of road material and will be referred to in detail later on. The lowest standing water record above the present one has no economic significance. It is indicated in the terraces at various levels along the Ottawa river and on the St. Lawrence (Plate IX), which stand at about one to two hundred feet above the present sea level. BED-ROCK GEOLOGY A heavy mantle of unconsolidated material, varying from a few feet to 150 feet in thickness, covers the bed-rock almost everywhere in the region. The St. Lawrence river has not quite succeeded in cutting down through this cover, so that, with only one exception.^ outcrops of rocks are not visible on its banks in Dundas, Stormont, or Glengarry counties. At the western and eastern ends of the area shown on the. map sheets, however, rook exposures are more frequent, and at Prescott in the west, and Melocheville and Cascades point in the east, the rock is exposed right on the river banks. In a few places in the channel, an occasional patch which stands at a higher level than the rest of the bed-rock of the district, is being scoured by the water; but everywhere else the river flows over clay, sand, or gravel. As stated elsewhere in this report, these outcrops of rock in the bed of the river cause the series of rapids which occur on the St. Lawrence between Prescott and lake iSt. Louis. The chief information regarding the character of the bed-rock was obtained from small scattered outcrops, in some of which quarries have been opened in past years, to supply building stone. Information was obtained also from diamond drill cores taken from the bed of the St. Lawrence river between IMJorrisburg and the Xew York state shore by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, and from borings made by the engineers of the Department of Railways and Canals, and by private companies in other parts of the river channel. Although the amount of bed-rock accessible for inspection is meagre, cer- tain generalizations can be made regarding its character as a whole. 1 At the southeast corner of Sheek island, rocks of the Chazy formation are exposed at a roui>le of iH>int.s in the hanks, about one foot above the level of the water. 19 The rocks of this portion of the St. Lawrence valley are made up largely of nearly flat lying beds of more or leee pure limestones, magnesian limestones, dolomites, and shaly limestones, with a minor amount of ehale. In the eastern part of the area, sandstone outcrops are frequent and at one locality north of Prescott, in the weetern part of the district, a small outorop of quartzite was noted. In age, they include four subdivisions of the Ordovician rocks, viz., Trenton, Black River, Chazy, and Beekmantown: the Potsdam of Cambrian age; and quartzite of the Grenville series of the Pre-Cambrian. The following table shows the relationship of the different formations found in the area, arranged in descending order: — Table of Formations in District Adjacent to St. Lawrence Canal System as shown by Fossils (collected) Period Formation l-itliology (liiiiactrristif Fossils Ordovifian. Trenton . . Limestone Calymene senaria Parastrophia hemipHeata. Black River.. . . . . Limestone . . . .iPianodema .-ubsequata Tetradium 1 cellulosum. Chazy' . . Magnesian shales. lime 'Stone- and Beekmantown. . . . {Dolomites, magnesian- Hormotoma anna. limestones, calcareous! Isoteloide-s whitfieldi, Raymond, sandstone and sand- stone. ('ambrian Potsdam ; Sandstone Lingulepis acuminata (rare) Pre-Cambrian JGrenville series. . . iQuartzite | 'No fossils collected from this horizon. Included on the evidence of Ells map. Description of Formations Trenton Group. — The Trenton formation can be seen in several outcrops in the area investigated, a good example being exposed at the Mille Roches quarries. The rock consists mostly of fine-grained limestone, dark in colour, with numerous small fossils scattered through it. Exposed to the weather it turns much lighter in colour, and gradually exhibits wavy disintegration along the planes of bedding. This charaoteristic can be plainly seen in the blocks which are lying around the abandoned quarries. On examination with the microscope, the limestone is seen to be composed of calcite grains cemented together with calcium carbonate, kaolin, and small quantities of iron oxide. Black Biver Group. — The Black River formation lies above the Ohazy and below the Trenton. A typical outcrop of this formation is to be found three- fourths of a mile east of Bouckhill, lot 21. concession V, township of Williams- burg, Dundas cotmty, Ontario. These rocks consist of dark grey to ^ey, com- pact, fine-grained limestones, generally carrying numerous fossils. ' The beds arc usually of sufiicient thickness to allow of large blocks being quarried for building purposes. 40839 — 2J 20 Chazy. — This formation was seen at only one locality, namely, on the road half way between Chateauguay and Gaughnawaga, Quebec. (See section in quarry under heading, Building Stones.) According to Br. Parks, the Chazy formation is exposed in a quarry on the north side of Sheek island opposite Mille Roches.^ He states that the workings are situated at a low level, so that they are flooded at eeasons of high water. Evidently, this quarry was covered by water when the writers visited the island, as we did not see it. The rocks of thia formation are mostly onagneeian limestones, in some cases highly fossili- ferous, with some fairly thick beds suitable for building purposes. The upper beds in the first quarry mentioned are badly broken up by joint planes, which traverse them in all directions, and there are occasional thin bands of shale, sometimes badly weathered, which are interbedded with the heavier beds. The thick beds sliow a fine-grained compact stone, with small crystals scattered throughout the general mass. Beelcmantown. — Probably the formation which is exposed in most of the outcrops noted is the Beekmantown. Practically all the dolomitic or calcareous outcrops encountered in the eastern end of the district are of Beekmantown age. West of Iroquois the rock exposures are all of this formation. The formation is made up of beds of varying thickness composed of siliceous dolomites, dense, grey, miagnesian limestones, and a few t3iin .beds of black shale. In nearly all the rocks of the Beekmantown formation examined vugs or cavities containing calcite, and sometimes barite or celestite were a notable feature. Some of the beds exhibit saccharoidal texture, and may be mistaken for fine-grained sand- stones. Potsdam Sandstone. — The Potsdam sandstone, the basal member of the Palaeozoic, is well developed in the district between Beauharnois and Melodic - ville, at Cascades point, and on Isle Perrot. There are no exposures of this formation on the western part of the district. The rock consists of sandstones of varying degrees of hardness and purity, with some of the beds badly stained by iron oxide. There are, however, a number of localities where beds of a fair degree of purity can be obtained, and these lend themselves to the manufacture of a higth-grade silica sand. The beds on the average are funder one foot- f'n thickness; but in places, such as the outcrop in the bed of the St. Louis river at Beauharnois, 'beds up to four feet in thickness can be obtained. This formation has furnished considerable building material (Plate XYIII). Grenville Series.- — Only one outcrop was noted in which the rock was of an age older than the Ordovician or Cambrian, and that was a quartzite ridge to the northeast of Prescott on lots 34 and 35, concession IV, township of Edwards- burg, Grenville county, Ontario. The exposure of quartzite is about one-third of a mile long, and about 150 yards wide at its widest part. Dolomite is exposed on all sides of the quartzite. and at one place where the contact between the two is bare, fragments of the quartzite are included in the dolomite. 1 The Building and Ornamental Stones of Canada, Vol. I, by W. A. Parks, Mines Br., Dept. of Mines, Ottawa. 21 CHAPTER III PLEISTOCEXE AND RECENT DEPOSITS General Account The varioue unconsolidated materials which are distributed over 6o much of Canada and the neighbouring parts of the United Statee are often referred to as the " drift,'' that is, they are mostly the products of glaciation laid do\\'n during Pleistocene time and have been moved from their places of origin. The principal member of the glacial series is known as till, or boulder clay : and these names are ueed interchangeably throughout this report. Till is the ground moraine or material released by thawing ice. It is a mixture of materials of all sizes and properties, varying from the finest grained clay to large rocks and boulderti. Streams, beneath, upon, and along the margins of the melting ice, wash out and transport the earthy and stony materials, and distribute them in a more or less sorted condition; but the great mass of till remained untouched except by sub-aerial weathering; so that sand, gravel, and clay deposits — the pi"o- duote of washing processes by streams — are of rare occurrence over large stretches of country, although abundant at certain points. A reference to the maps of the strip of country along the St. Lawrence which accompany this report, show that boulder clay occupies the greater part of the superficial area. Owing to unusual conditions already mentioned in connexion with submer- gence, stoneless clay and fine sand are widespread over a part of the area, while gravel and coarse sand deposits are comparatively rare. The thickness of these unconsolidated deposits overlying bed-rock is vari- able. Well records show up to 100 feet and more, and sometimes bed-rock ie found a couple of feet below the surface. The average thickness of the deposits over all the area is about 50 feet. When various deposits are superimposed upon one another, the lowest, overlying the bed-rock, is boulder clay, although there is frequently a layer of loose blocks and fragments of fced-rock between the solid beds below and the boulder clay above. The stoneless clays overlie the boulder clay, and a layer of fine sand of varying thickness may overlie the clay (see Fig, 1). As a general rule, the boulder clay in this area shows no parting of Stony /f/c>-- ^^ ^, .a.'e>'ore/// ^.\\^ Fie- 1- Diagrammatic section showing arrangement of glacial and post glacial depo.sits overlying the bed-rock. sand or gravel or other glacio-fluviatile material, as it does toward the western end of lake Ontario, although wells are frequently stated to have pierced stony clay and found water in gravel below it. Xone of the natural sections that we have examined show this sequence. I 28 The marine or estuarine clay was deposited in the depressions of an uneven floor of glacial drift, and was the chief agent in producing the extensive plains in Soulanges, Vaudreuil, and Beauharnois counties shown on the Valleyfield sheet. It reduced the relief of the morainal ridges to some extent by filling in the hollows between them. The marked ateence of lakes in those areas is prob- ably due to tliis filling of depressions which would otherwise be lake basins. As the clay with its accompanying sand was the last formation laid down, it is quite probable that it covers and conceals many deposits of glacio-fluviatile gravels. It is difficult to detect the presence of these deposits from surface indi- cations, 'but they have ibeen found in digging wells. The deposits classed as recent have been formed since the uplift, when what was formerly sea bottom became land surface, subject to the general conditions (if stream erosion, sub-aerial weathering, and the support of a plant and forest growth. The principal recent deposits within the area are those accumulated by the growth and decay of plants and trees in shallow, badly drained depressions. These depressions probably he'ld open water at first; liut they have since beeome filled with the products of decayed vegetable matter, and are now swampy areas, which support, for the most part, a thick forest growth. The material accumu- lated in these depressions in commonly termed muck when the decayed vege- table matter ivS mixed with mud, or peat, when it is free or nearly so from inorganic matter. The bottom of the depressions consist either of fine siltv sand or clay. Lime carbonate or marl deposits — which frequently underlie swamps — have not been found, so far, in the area. Rivers and streams often overflow their 'banks in the spring freshets, and spread over the adjoining land. A good deal of sediment is carried at these times, and is found in layers on the flooded land after the water falls back to the summer level. Such deposits as these are recent, and are still being laid down. There are very few areas of flood plain material large enough to be shown on a map within the area. Fig. No. 1 is a diagram showing relations and sequence of the unconsoli- dated deposits in this region. These materials were deposited in the following order: — Recent. — Peat and swamp deposits, alluvial sands and silts. Pleistocene. — ^larine beach gravels. Champlain sands. Champlain clays. Fluvio-glacial sands and gravels. Boulder clay, or till. CLAYS Boulder Clay, or Till The principal part of the unconsolidated material that covers the St. Law- rence area is boulder clay or till, an accumulation of stony and earthy sub- stances of varying texture and character, which was gathered by the continental ice sheet from the surface over which it moved. As a rule the stones in the till are angular and not muvrh worn, but there are many round or partly rounded 23 stones or pelbbles included in it. Most of the angular etonee are fragments from the underlying bed-rock o£ the district, which is limestone or magnesian lime- stone, and the well-worn pebbles are usually from crystalline rocks which occur in place in the region north of the Ottawa river. The boulder clay is unevenly distributed over the surface of the underlying ibed-rock. In some places it is piled in irregular heaps, as iu the morainal belts, but generally it presents an undulating surface with alternatt.' swells and tJa^h; and it is never quite flat like the marine or Champlain areas. The large, scattered boulders or blocks of rock seen on parts of the area are not all confined to the surface, but are sometimes found imhedded at all depths in the boulder clay; but as a general rule the largest boulders occur in the upper part of the deposit. Borings made for wells or other pur[X)ses frequently encounter these large blocks, and tlicy may 'be mistaken for bed-rock if they are not pierced. The boulder clay in this area ajjpears to be all one mass and is not divided into an upper and lower part with layers of sand and silt between as it is in southwestern Ontario. The composition *>i' tlio houlder clay varies considerably throughout the region, the variatiijii usually depending on the kind of tine ujaterial filling the spaces bf'tween the stones, usually called the matrix of tlie deposit. The 'boulder clay then may be classed in a broad way in three types, clayey, sandy, or gravelly, depending on the character of the matrix, and the ^oil survey man would probably subdivide these types. In another type of till large boulders or blocks of rocks form the larger part of the mass and the fine material the smaller. This type of deposit is treated separately under the heading " Boulder Deposits." Good exposures of the till are found only on the banks of the St. Lawrence river, or on small streams at their point of entrance into the main river. Natural and artificial exposures are rarely seen inland, as the streams have not cut down very deeply, and the railways seldom had occasion to make any deep cuts. A good example of the compact, clayey type of till is seen on the 'banks of a small creek just below the highway bridge at the east end of Farran Point (Plate VII). Thir; section is an example of the kind uf till found widespread over a large part of the area. It is packed with angular stones and pebbles, but is not excessively bouldery. The stones are firmly held with plastic clay mixed with sand, and the 'bank forms a vertical face of this dense, compavt material which is almost as resistant to weathering and erosion as some of the softer bed-rocks. A steep bank abont .50 feet high at the west end of Sheek island, just below llie Long Sault rapid, is an example of an excessively bouldery till. A talus of heavy blocks of limestone and large crystalline bouldere loosened from this de[x>sit is accumulated along the bottom of the bank at the waters edge. The St. Lawrence river has cut throngh a ridge of similar composition just above the island, and the roughness of the rapid developed there is probably due to tl>e presence of an interlocking mass of heavy blocks of rock which have been loosened from the ridge and accumulated on the bottom of the river. Aibout five miles above Cornwall junction, on the Ottawa and Xew York railway, there is a cutting a-bout 18 feet in depth through a ridge of till. This ridse consists mostly of sand with a little clay and a great qaiantity of angular limestone fragments 6 to S inches in diameter, and is a good example of the sandy type 24 of till. The part of the Ottawa-Prescott highway in Granville county ie mostly over sandy till. Other good sections of till are seen on the canal bank west of Morrieburg, and along the canal east of Dickinson Landing. Clay and silt predominate generally in the composition of the boulder clays of Matilda and Williamsburg town>hiji6 in Uundas county, and of Osnabruck township in Stormont county. The boulder clays of the township of Edwards- burg in Dundii^ county are of the sandy type, and those of Charlottenburg and Lancaster in Qlengarry county are of the gravelly type. The most clayey type of till in the region is found in Chateauguay county, Queibec. The clay content of this till is 60 large and the stones so few and scattered in parts of the deposit that it is difficult to distinguish it from the sedimentary or Champlain clay. The composition of the boulder clay and the variation of its ingredients are illusti-ated by the analyses of two samples taken from different points where pits were dug to a depth of three feet. The samples were dried and weighed, then washed in an excess of water, and the materials classified as follows: The particles which passed through a 200-mesh screen were called silt and clay ; those which passed through the 100-mesh, but wpre too large to pass a 200-me6h screen, were classed as fine sand; material between 16 and 100-mesh was called sand, and between a 1-inch screen and a 10-mesh was classed as gravel; while larger than 1-inch was called stones. A B Stones 18% 22% Gravel 34% 20% Sand 5% 16% Fine sand 10% 7% Clay and silt 26% 35% A. From trench beside Ottawa-Prescott highway, 2 miles south of Spencerville. B. One mile north of Riverside P.O., Williamsburg township, Dundas county. There is a greater quantity of coarse and less fine material in A, which gives it a more open and porous structure than B. The clay and silt content in B is more plastic than the same class of material in A. The effect of the larger quantity of plastic binder, and the finer texture of the coarser non-plastic ingredients is to make a more compact formation, almost, and in some cases absolutely, impervious to water. The material in sample B was derived mostly from the limestone or dolo- mite bed-rock underlying the till. All the stones and over '95 per cent of the gravel were of this rock, and the sand was largely composed of limestone par- ticles. The sand in sample A, on the other hand, was nearly all rounded quartz grains, which indicates that fluviatile material from a distance was mingled with the ground moraine. The depth to which weathering has proceeded in the boulder clay of the St. Lawrence area is insignificant compared with the similar formation in south- western Ontario, where weathering and oxidation reach as far down as 10 feet below the surface. In the St. Lawrence area weathering has not penetrated more than a foot or two into the glacial till. The coarse material washed from the sample in Williamsburg township was closely examined, but absolutely no indication of weathering was detected on the rock particles. The boulder clay thrown out from post holes and road trenches in the intermorainal area is always bluish-grey in colour, and no yellow coloration due to the oxidation of the iron content was observed. This shallow weathering may mean that a rem- nant of land ice persisted as a lobe over this area for a long period after the 25 ice had withdrawn from the land to the westward; furthermore, the long period during which this land was submerged below marine waters and protected from weathering while the land to the westward was probably dry, would help to account for the difference in oxidation. The name hard pan is frequently applied to the boulder clay or glacial till. The lower part of it is often incredibly hard and difficult to excavate, and owing to its lack of cleavage or structural planer, it is not easily ibroken out by explo- sives. Contractors have repeatedly estimated for work on excavation in boulder clay on a clay classification, to find that the material is more expensive to remove than some classes of rock. The boulder clay makes the best foundation for buildings of any of the superficial deposits, and will support the heaviest kind of structures, if it is not deprived of lateral support, as may happen if much ground is taken out in the vicinity of the base of the foundations. In localities where there is an upper and lower boulder clay deposit, with stratified silt and sand beds between, the foundations of heavy structures are not so secure, as it is impossible to go down so deep in order to provide for a 'basement, that the footings of the structure are too near the silt beds, and consequently would not be secure. A dam with its ends in the hard glacial till would be absolutely secure against leakage as far as that part of the structure is concerned; and the more clayey variety of till may be used for puddling. The s«il types which result from the weathering and cultivation of the surface of the boulder clay naturally depend on the variations in its texture and composition. The glacial till soils in the vicinity of Ottawa are classified 'by Johnston as shale loam, stony loam, and sandy gravelly loam.^ There is no shale loam in the St. Lawrence area, but there are several other classes of glacial till soils there which an- not found in the Ottawa area, such as fine sandy loam and silt loam. Silt The wet grinding of rocks in glacial processes gives a large output of fine- grained material called silt. All the boulder clays or tills contain more or less silt. Streams flowing over boulder clay areas carry clay, silt, an-d sand in sus- pension. Great alluvial deposits are often found on flood plains of rivers and in deltas or points of discharge of rivers into bodies of still water. Reduced velocity of water contributes to deposition of stream-borne sediments, so that sand and silt are deposited close to mouths of rivers, while clay particles remain longer in suspension and are carried farther before coming to rest. Kemp defines silt- as a general name for the muddy deposit of fine sedi- ment in bays and harbours, and one much employed in connexion with engineer- ing enterprises. Silt although fine-grained and composed of powdered rock, is only feebly plastic, and never as plastic and fine-grained as true clay. Silts are largely the result of mechanical action alone, while clays are the result of both chemical and mechanical processes applied to rocks. Silts are easily recognized by their flabby feel when moist. They have a tendency to adhere to the hand and to dry 1 Memoir 101, Geological Survey, page 45. 2 Kemp, J. F. A handbook of rocks, 1904. I 26 quickly, while a true clay wiieu moist feels like putty, does not adhere to the hand, and dries slowly. Nearly all the surface clays throughout Canada are silty as a result of their glacial origin, while some of the deposits which look like clays are really entirely composed of silt or mud. A typical deposit is exposed between Woodlands and ])ickinsori Landing in Osnabruck township, Stormont county; the bank of the river is there made up of 12 feet of dark grey, etratified, slimy silt, overlain by 8 feet of sand. Water seepage occurs along the line of contact between the silt and sand, and waves from passing steamboats wash the silt at the base of the bank. The constant erosion by underground water and waves is slowly under- mining the bank and endangering the higliway built along it. The surface material over a large part of the flat land in Beauharnois county, Quebec, near the east end of lake St. Francis, is more nearly a silt than a clay, although it is shown on the map as Champlain clay on account of the difficulty in determining the position of the boundary between silt and clay. The silt deposit in this locality may be due to periodical flooding of the land by the water of lake 'St. Francis, which deposited sediments cf a silty character. Silt makes a very unstable foundation, as it will flow under heavy loads and cause settlement. The lower beds of the Champlain clay are frequently composed of sticky silt which has a greasy feel. Many landslides have occurred on the banks of rivers, by the massive upper clay slipping on the greasy silts (Plate VI). The silts are liable to cause trouble in borings or excavations on account of their tendency to slump like quicksands unless supported immediately, while the boulder clay or marine clay can be relied upon to hold a vertical face for a reasonable time. The behaviour of silts and silty clays in working and burning in the manu- facture of brick and tile is discussed in the chapter on Structural Materials. In the table of tests of brick clays, Ncs. 691, G9'6, and 710 are examples of silt. Champlain Marine Clays The deep-water sediments laid down during the submergence below sea level of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa valleys form a considerable portion of the actual land surface and subsoil of this region at the present day. These sedi- ments were named the Champlain or Leda clays by Sir William Dawson. Approximately three-fourths of the area included in the Valleyfield map sheet is covered by these clays. They form extensive plains en both sides of the St. Lawrence river, in Soulanges, Vaudreuil, and Beauharnois counties, at elevations of 140 to 180 feet above sea level (Plate V). Sedimentation did not continue saifficiently long to form a deposit thick enough to cover the higher ridges in the morainal belts west of these plains; but the crests of some of the lower ones emerge or form swells or low humps in the plain, while many of the lower ridges are completely submerged under the cover of Champlain clay. The greatest thickness and the largest contiiuious areas of clay in the region are represented on the Valleyfield sheet. The best sections where the structure of the clay can be observed are in the two terraces rising one above the other to a height of 100 feet above lake St. Louis on the south side of Isle Perrot Sections up to 40 feet in height are exposed at many points in cut 27 banks on both sides of the St. Lawrence river, between Cedar and Cascade rapids, and oa the north side, between Cedar and Coteau rapids. The greatest thickness of marine clay is found in Vaudreuil county, south of Kigaud mountain, where several well borings pierced through 100 feet of clay, the deepest record 'being liiO foet. The Suulanges plain extends into the C<>rnw-all map area and occupies the greater part of the township of Lancaster in (ilengarry county, but most of this plain is covered with a veneer of fine sand on top of 'Champlain clay. The (^hamplain day, therefore, exposed at the surface, is confined to small detached patches lyinj; in some of the depressions between the ridges and moimds of till, l)iit the total extent of these patches forms a comparatively small portion of the surface material within the area. The amount of Champlain clay exposed in the wtstern portion of the Mor- risburg map area is insignificant, being confined to a few narrow patches along the river front; but some of the large swamp areas in that district may be underlain by vslay. There is a considerable expanse of plain east of the Ottawa- Preseott moraine which is underlain by clay, although it has a sand covering for the most part. The clay extends northward along the Nation river and its branches and appears to be continuous with the wide clay plains 'bordering the Ottawa river. The general altitude of this plain is about 2'50 feet in Edwards- burg township, or only 6 feet flbove the level of the river aibove Galop rapid. The Champlain clay is of no great thickness in the Cornwall and Morris- burg areas. A large part of it is not more than a few feet thick, while a thick- ness of over 30 feet is rare, and good sections of the deijosit are rarely exposed. A considerable portion of the Champlain clay has been removed by Tiver and stream erosion. Several of the islands in the St. Lawrence river are built of marine clay, and were evidently connected at one time with patches of similar clay on tlie banks. It is certain that the clay deposit extended right across the course of the river in an unbroken plain between the 'Coteau and the Cascade rapid before the river cut it away. The small streams liave done only a minor amount of erosion in the clay, and in many cases have only removed the sand covering and laid the clay bare in the vicinity of their 'banks. There is frequently a nuirked difference in the character of the upper and lower portions of the Champlain clay. Tlie lower part is a sandy and silty olay. often well laminated, especially toward the base, "but Ijecoraes more massive and less distinctly bedded in the upper part. The lowest part of the clay, however, just above its contact with the till, or whatever it may rest on. is seldom exposed in the region under discussion, and most of the sections available for examina- tion are confined altogether to the upper clay; r>r the exposun^ may include several feet of a transition stage of silty clay which is not so stiff and plastic as the upper part nor so sandy as tlie lower part. In general, the clay exhibits a marked similarity of appearance throughout the region as far as a casual inspection of the outv?rops is concerned, and only by close scrutiny and testing of samples are differences in physical character determined. These general characteristics are the cr>lour, which is imifonnly lead grey, tending to brownish in the upper two feet, massive structure without jiartings or 'bedding, rather marked plasticity and smoothness when wet. and freedom from stones, pebbles, or coarse grit. The clay breaks down in irregular fragments, which frequently show a conchoidal fracture, and slakes readily on oxi)osure to moisture (Plate Vni). i 28 The baee of the marine clay and the underlying till are seen along the banks of the small creek which enters the St. Lawrence at the village of Aulte- ville, 8 miles eaet of Morrisburg. A few layers of roughly etratified silt, sand or fine gravel generally occur between the massive stonelee^ olay and the till, but at one point the stoneless clay was found to rest on the till without any transition bed between them. The surface of the till rises irregularly going up stream, and the greatest accumulations of stratified material appear to be con- tained in hollows on the till surface; but along all the section the time during which stratified material was accumulated in shallow waters was very short before deep-water conditions of sedimentation abruptly commenced. On the bank of the St. Lawrence, one mile west of Aultsville, stony boulder clay is exposed near the river level; overlying the boulder clay is about a foot of stratified silt carrying numerous pebbles and some large stones; above this there is a foot or two of irregularly stratified clay and silt without pebbles, grading upward into massive stoneless clay of the usual kind. A small creek three miles west of Aultsville cuts through Champlain clay with a sand cover, at a point a few hundred yards north of the highway along the St. Lawrence. A section cut by the creek shows 4 feet of laminated grey silty clay at the bottom, with massive clay above, while farther up the creek and at a slightly higher elevation the bottom of the section shows stiff, massive, plastic clay, with a few sicattered pebbles, for a thickness of 3 feet, and above this a similar 'but stoneless clay to the top of the 'bank. The canal bank at the northwest end of Sheek island consists of 10 feet of sand underlain by 15 feet of dark grey, stratified silt, with some thin bands of fine sand. This section contains material similar to that in the bank of the St. Lawrence between Woodlands and Dickinson Landing, already mentioned under the description of silt, except that the fine, sandy layers are additional. The silt continues below low water level in both cases, so that neither the base of the section nor the underlying material is exposed. A layer of marine fossil shells occurs in a stratum near the water level in both localities. (See Appen- dix A). The sections exposed in the cut banks lower down the river, in the province of Quebec, do not show a pronounced stratified, silty phase in this lower portion, like the two examples just quoted. In many cases, however, the lower parts of the Quebec sections are silty in character, but they are massive silty clays rarely showing partings or laminations, and differ from the upper clays only by being less pkstic. At various pvoints along the sni-all streams of the upland, sections of Cham- plain clays are exposed on the 'banks, but owing to the slight extent that the streams have cut downwards the sections are generally thin and only occasion- alb' show the base of the clays. In some cases the massive upper clay is seen to rest directly on stony till, but at several points one or two feet of tetratified layers of sand and silt are interposed between the clay and till. In some cases the clay rests directl.v on bed-rock or on fluvio-glacial gravels. The evidence gathered in this region appears to indicate that as the ice melted shallow water 'bodies were ponded in depressions in the boulder clay surface vacated by the ice, and ^hat coarse-grained stratified materials accumu- lated in these depressions. This stage was followed by gradually deepening marine waters in which the lower massive silts and, finally, the upper massive fine-grained clays were laid down. 29 ' A more detailed description of these deposits, together with their chemical and physical properties and uses, is given in the chapter on Structural Materials. The Chaniplain clays have been examined for a distance of 300 miles along tlie Ottawa and St. Lawrence valleye, and the variations in the general character of these sediments are so slight that the observations and tests given in this report can be applied to their whole extent. SANDS AND GRAVELS Fluvio-Glacial Sands and Gravels Stratified eaiidt? and gravels of fluvio-glacial origin are of local and irregular occurrence in the St. Lawrence area. These deposits are rarely exposed at the surface, being generally 'buried beneath a covering of mairine deposits or till. In general v?hnvacter the ffluvio-glacial deposits are more sandy than gravelly, but in places they contain numerous large boulders and occasionally masses of till ; they are (generally markedly cress-bedded and show abundant evidence of minor folding and faulting due to 'the meltiriig of included ice 'blocks and con- sequent settling, otr to overriding by the ice sheet. Sand and gravel deposits of this kind close enough to the surface to be worked appear to occur only in the morainal areas. Even there they are few in number, and there are none in the 'flat areas. There are doubtless many deposits of this kind xinknown to us at present, buried deeply under othe 1 01 B 2 .0 t.'o 0-C "0 s a c 5 S a B "5 B ~ c 0; JZ ^ _a 0. i! 5 ^ _a B a E is 1 11 h a = B.5 := M C ~ I. -^ s n a ■^ Ji S u SJ -"• c = a !- •■£ _ ^■^•^^°'^ b1 -0»-*» Or. ^--3-5_- -i 1 ^s CS ■ "x. !->• liasJ-2- r fc; j; r ■f =«- ""o = c"ot"=l !st=-3is t.— . 1. '^ t. T -ir-i 1 "Z o3^ e< .r .i: > ^ ^ 5 2> Sg|§>^t--H|8tg§! is .|iS>. 8 >>i u.< ^ < -f < -f:^--0-«r-r:^ ^C:^-:^-: ai- i. ::;"<: c -»:-«: X ■a ^ " s = -— to ts -p 5 o 0. - = 5 3 I : 5 s s 3 3 CO 0 J3 ■** § a e Zi e^" ^ „ C< , o = - =- : « •-'5 — — M — ^ — no 2-^ £ s 01 u (U .a "J i ac ^ •«• « s5 !0 r- ■.I '*50»ox-^t^C'irc».': — 3C Cl« _ X-* u c V a i Ph a "oi a S g -,, _ *c „ „ c-l 0=0=0== — — — — — — — — = — — no £•? ^CC s> b. jfe J= K, ^^ c u a _^ ^_ „ oc n QC SI t^ u-^ X u*OiOOOO--nX — X i 51 3; 00 ' » c ^ ' t*^'?- c t C- ~ -= I "3 £ 0: C'l CI <--5 C-4 1^ 0(Mr*aor^ot^ao ="^J:;S « r^— Oi U -M OJ u nn m n (MC-JMrt WMC^J M CO CO 00 « ^ ?o cc cc « c^ c^ S B Z p^si 5 •2 6 -co ^ ts •0 ^ a^ t- t^ t^ S5 — W c3 :3 ?o^a»c^ie^rocossr^i^ X X » M ^0.? S^ ?io X GC X 00 C: - cscsososacsoiOi^ oo»o t- '- :o:C!3-o:2:o:3 !0?00000:00:£ r, t^ cor* '^ t^r^t^ a> . . ^ X i c = Z : - i 73 i-r - C c _a •0 "0 ■ E 1 : ** > :z 02 : S : _2 > .-2 3 •^ c 5 2 r B c _o. 1 = -^ ■ : . - ■ d, ^ _: - >- "^ ■^ r 1 "^ :^* -..- . !-* B > : « ■ ; > a oi >. \_ ~ ■ s ^ — c a ?■■ h^H^ - .'-•-2»'C3 = - "Io'm >> >>— _ - Mil 111 2^ I'm So - OJ I2 » ax "a III p1 6 c £ » . £^ S-3 ■> B £ d B 6 C "0 r |j > c a'^ ?i r a a a *" c~ c id B 3 a 6, 3 ^ - B.a.s- B.s = r.^ '.'-.- B ±'-^-- "TTT '■■'="0 i - - - ^ C C c . -^.= ££^1= = : Iain's "BoSI 2|ss=^2;|0c . 3 r £ i 2 - • ? i 1 z 6 >> d - t-. X ll B 01 9> ■>■> 'o'o adx §.§ 6 d u ;^ '33 ££ -313 3 3 -3 !- a X. ■ -^J^ = s = 3 a a a a Bh ;^ S — ;^ xsz c fc KZ Z '.^ xr w w — — — — -' •^ 40 » ; Is > o §•5 aO go 5- t;-^ S-= 2 y< ^ — : ■< v: X So S > c o 2>J> *H CS) ^ — ■ ci> re :z: — r- o — C— c^ = — I '- O ^ en r£>Z> — — O — o c) -^ o o ; ^r J;Z tO CD ^ CCi K K K PU P4 &H 3 c3 S - o ^ 5 •> m ■? > > 1 > 2; 5: ^ ^ c » ^ .^ .E .J H o.Sc^.S'^.S o "Z rz o~ o~ o a g gSgogoS 3 g o ^M .S'o 2E" C — 30 So" ^ o 00 ■5 S-s- =3 — ° ° _ >t» 0.5 6 6 :— - CO*" 33 X O S O - g c £::: gr: c c3 '^ 05 P tS g CS 3 o 3N aM 3 g5cgo3o3»a>c;a; >>>>P3mC5ffi 41 There does not seem to be much difference between the top and bottom por- tion of the Champlain clay as far as the chemical composition is concerned, and in the case of the clay at Sheek island there is not much difference in the physical properties. The difference between the upper and lower part of the clay near Vaudreuil is quite noticeable from a working standpoint, as the lower clay is very silty, while the upper part is very stiff and plaetic. The chemical analysis gives no clue to this difference; in fact, the lower silica and the higher water content of the lower clay would indicate that it was more plastic than the upper. The amount of lime and magnesia present is quite large, but not large enough to interfere with the development of a good red colour in the burned product. When the amount of lime and magnesia, together, is equal to or greater than three times the iron, then the clay will burn to a buff colour. All the upper clays and most of the underclays in the region burn to red colours. The two samples of silty clays, 691 and 696, are both underclays, with a suffi- ciently high lime content to cause them to burn to buff colours. Explanation of Physical Tests The clays were made up for testing by grinding, wetting, and working them until the best working consistency for each sample was arrived at, and then moulding them into test pieces, 4 inches by li inches by 1 inch in size. The clay requires different quantities of water for mixing, the amount varying according to the texture. The pasty, highly plastic clays require more than the silty, open working clays. Lab. No. 691 is an example of the latter type, and No. 692 of the former. The clays that require a large quantity of water in mixing are generally hard to dry, and any of the clays taking 30 per cent or U Mr> i r.f- ( — — Burned — > • Fig. 2. Diagram showing successive stages of stirinkage of Champlain clay, drawn from actual size of test pieces. more of water, will probably crack when made up into brick shapes and set to dry; furthermore, they shrink too much. The cracking and shrinkage can generally be cured by the addition of sand, and some of the defective samples were treated in this way. The figures in the table show that the shrinkage was considerably reduced, and drying and burning difficulties were overcome. Fig. 2 shows the amount of shrinkage the test pieces made of marine clay undergo from the moist to the burned condition. 42 When the test pieces were thoroughly air-dried, they were set in a down- draft, coal-fired kiln and burned tor 32 hours. Standard pyrometric cones and a recording pyrometer were ueed to measure the heat treatment. It was found that ecne 010 went down at about 1,700 on the pyrometer and cone 06 at 1,850 degreet? Fahr. The c'haracter of the burned 'body at the different temperatures ifi indicated in the table under the headings, percentage of shrinkage, and absorption, the effect of the increasing heat being to make the teet pieces smaller and denser in most cases. Vitrification has been accomplished in Nos. 693, 097, and 6S>9 at the higher temperature, so that their capacity for taking up water has vanished, but the pieces show high shrinkage. The tests indicate that the drying shrinkage of most of the clays is too high. When the percentage is eight or over, it is generally necessary to add sand for brick-making purposes, although it may not always be nev^essary for thinner ware, like drain tile. The time occupied in burning has an effect on the character of the burned clay body. If the time of firing is prolonged, a denser body is produced at a given temperature than in a shorter period of firing, hence test kilns do not give quite the same results as commercial kilns. In firing most of the red-burning surface clays of Ontario and Quebec, the finishing temperature of the kilns varies from 1,650 to 1,800 degrees Fahr. If the temperature of the kiln should reach higher, than this, most of the upper portion of the bricks in a down-draft kiln would be softened and deformed. These clays have what is known as a short range of vitrification, which means that the difference in temperature between vitrification and softening is small, and therefore vitrified products such as sewer pipe or paving brick can- not 'be made from them. The Champlain clays melt at a temperature of about 1,900 degrees Fahr. It is necessary to add a word of caution with reference to the drying of these clays after they have been moulded into shape. Even with a liberal quantity of sand added, it is impossible, in most cases, to dry bricks made from the Champlain clay, safely, in an artificial dryer. The best practice hitherto has been to use the rack and pallet, outdoor system, and depend on the weather for drying. This method does not admit of a large output, as the rate of drying is slow compared to that in artificially heated dryers, but before building a dryer the clay should be submitted *to ample tests to prove if it is capable of standing fast drying. The silts are better materials to work with as far as drying is concerned. "WTiile sand must be used with the Champlain clays, in order to make them workable, it is possible to add too much. The effect of too much is to reduce the strength of the 'brick, as shown by the following results of tests made on mixtures of sand and clay in the laboratory. The sand and clay mixtures were made up into 3-inch cubes, and burned in the test kiln along with the other test pieces, to 1,T5'0 degrees Fahr. The cubes were placed in the compression test machine, and the load applied until failure occurred. Compressive strength in lbs. per square inch One part sand to three parts clay 2,314 One part sand to two parts clay 1,785 One part sand to one part clay 1,464 These tests show very clearly that the strength of the burned bricks is seriously impaired by the addition of too much sand, and that it is inadvisable to use more than one part of sand to two parts of clay for making building brick. 43 DESCRIPTION OF CLAY DEPOSITS GRENVILL.E COUNTY. ONT. Edwardshurg Township. — A considerable part of the northeastern portion of thie township is underlain by sand and stonelees clay; but the sand covering is generally too thick, except in the vicinity of the stream banks. Further- more, the area underlain by clay is flat and drainage is sluggish, so that it would be difficult to keep the water out of clay pite during a great part of the working season. In the southern and western portions of the township the brick clay oovnirs only in small patches surrounded by etony or sandy ground. Four samples from different localities were tested with the following results : — Lab. No. 703 represents a small area a'bout half a mile east of the town of Prescott. The deposit extends along the 'St. Lawrence river nearly to Wind- mill point, and is about a quarter of a mile wide. It has a steep bank facing the river from which it was possible to secure an average sample to a depth of 12 feet beginning at the surface, but the total depth of the deposit is 16 feet. It is the ordinary grey, massive, Champlain clay, working up very plastic and smooth when wet. Bricks made from it will dry in air, but crack if subjected to drying in an artificial dryer, even when the temperature of the dryer is as low as 125 degrees Fahr. The addition of sand helps to dry the brick, but does not make it able to stand high temperature drying. The shrinkage in drying is too high, but this can be reduced by adding sand. The burned colour is a good red and the body is hard and strong. This clay is suitable for making drain tile as well as common brick. Sample No. 704 was taken from a 4-foot section on Dnimmond island, the surface of which is all composed of this clay, It works up into a very stiff mass when ground and wet, burns to a dense red body, but has abnormally high shrinkage and is liable to check in firing. The addition of sand overcomes this to some extent, but the material is not recommended for the manufacture of burned clay products. Lab. No. 721. — This sample was taken from the road ditch about 2 miles west of Spencerville, where the stoneless clay covers an area about one square mile in extent. There is another smaller patoh of clay about li mile south of this one, not far south of the village of Roebuck. These two patches of cla.v are the only ones for many miles around Spencerville. The sample represents only about 3 feet in depth from the surface, as it was imposeible to secure one from a greater depth without boring or digging. This clay works up very well, not being too stiff when wet. It burns to a deep red colour and hard body, and will make a good strong field drain tile as well as building brick. It required the addition of about 25 per cent of sand in order to reduce the shrinkage and help in drying. Sample No. 706 was taken from a cut bank on the St. Lawrence river, in a bay just west of the canal entrance at Cardinal. The deposit is a small one, and has a thickness of 15 feet above the river level. This clay works well in the raw state, and has a fairly low drying shrinkage. It burns to a good red sound body, and will make field drain tile as well as brick. It is not necessary to add sand to this clay in making field tile. This is the best of the clays examined in Edwardshurg township. 44 DUNDAS COUNTY. ONT. Matilda Township. — The western part of this township is mostly underlain by marine, stonelees clay and eand, while stony clay covers meet of the eastern and eouthern parte. The marine clay was found outcropping only at two places alon^ the bank of the St. Lawrence, at points from one to two miles east of Iroquoie village. The surface of the township ie generally flat. Sample No. 705 was taken by an auger from a clay deposit li mile east of Hainsville, on lot 24, concession lY. The deposit consisted of seven and a half feet of stiff, marine, stonelees clay, and below the clay one foot of silty clay, underlain by fine gravel. This clay hae good working qualities, but hae the usual high shrinkage and defective drying qualities, 6o that sand has to be added for brick-making pur- poses. It will make a good, strong, red, farm tile. There is an extensive area underlain by this kind of clay, and sand can be procured in the vicinity. Williamshurg Township. — The surface of this township is covered mostly with stony clay; but there is a considerable area of swamp land, and some of the depressions which contain ewamps may be underlain by marine clay. A few outcrops of stonelees clay are found along the St. Lawrence river, beginning about 2 miles east of Morrisburg. There is also a small area of stoneless clay in concessions V and YI, along the banks of a small stream flowing into the Nation river. Sample No. 707 was taken from the bank of this stream, on lot 32, conces- sion YI; it represents a bed about 4 feet in thickness. This clay is a rather indifferent material; its shrinkage is too high, and it is liable to crack in burning. It would require to be mixed with one-third its bulk in sand in order to make it workable, and there is no convenient source of sand. The clay deposits along the St. Lawrence river are in places quite sandy and silty in the upper part, particularly near the old brickyard site, a short distance east of the Chrysler monument, and along the shore on lot 10, where sample No. 687 was collected. The upper part of the deposit at this point is flood-plain material deposited by the river before it had cut down to its present level. This material contains silt and fine sand as well as clay, hence it is more easily worked and dried than the ordinary, stiff, marine clay, and it has less shrinkage. Sample No. 6S7B represents the lower part of the bank at this point, and is the typical unmodified marine clay of the region. The material worked for brickmaking by Mr. Casselman, who formerly operated a plant a short distance north of this point, was similar to the upper part of the deposit exposed on the river bank which was sampled. A section on the oreek bank, just south of the old brickyard, shows about 6 feet of yellowish silty clay in the upper part, and stiff plastic blue-grey clay below. A sand cover, varying from a few inches to 5 feet in thickness, covers most of the clay in the vicinity. This was a favourable point to carry on brickmaking as a good working mixture of the stiff bottom plastic clay, the upper silt, and the sand could be obtained. The clay pits were easily drained into the small creek which cut through the deposit and a supply of water could be obtained all through the summer. The table of tests shows the results obtained from the different parts of the deposit, also from an average sample including both top and bottom of the bank. The great advantage of the silty clay in this locality lies in its having lower shrinkage and easier working and better drying qualities than the ordi- nary stiff grey clay. 45 STORMONT COUNTY, ONT. Osnahruck Township. — The area underlain by stoneless clay in this town- ship is comparatively small, and ie confined to patches, principally in the southern part. Sample No. 690 was procured from a clay area just north of the village of Farran Point, where a section of about 9 feet is exposed on the bank of a small creek. The sample represents an average of the deposit from top to bottom. This is a good brick material as it is not so stiff in working as most of the marine clays and has a reasonable shrinkage. It appears to contain a rather high percentage of lime, as the burned colour is pale and not a good red on account of the bleaching action which the lime exercises on the iron during firing. This clay is scarcely strong enough to make round tile, except the smaller sizes; the larger ones are apt to become deformed as they issue from the die of the machine. Two patches of stoneless clay north of Dickinson Landing, along Doherty brook, contain brick and tile clays of a strong plastic character, but the deposits are mostly too shallow to admit of working. The clay is 15 feet thick in a narrow band at the Grand Trunk railway bridge, and this band of clay con- tinues farther south along Hoople creek, but does not reach the banks of the St. Lawrence. The steep bank along the St. Lawrence river between Woodlands and Dickinson Landing consists of dark grey silty clay overlain by yellow sand. Sample No. 691 was an average of about 10 feet of the silty clay. It is a strati- fied deposit, very greasy to the feel when wet, and represents a phase of sediment often found in the lower part of the Champlain clays. A reference to the table of tests shows that it takes' less water for mixing and has a far lower drying shrinkage than the upper clay. Furthermore, this material con- tains such a high percentage of lime that it burns to a cream colour, which is in strong contrast to the prevailing red burned colour of the upper clay. A small brick plant operated in this locality about 70 years ago, but the upper red burning clay only appears to have been used at that time. The bottom silt deposit would make a very fine, cream-coloured, soft mud brick, but it is doubtful if sufficient space could be found for a brick plant there now. There is a small area of clay and swamp land along the Kaisin river, east of Lunenburg. A boring was made in this deposit on lot 2, concession IV, and the followinn: materials were found from the surface downward: — ft. in. Drab, non-calcareous, plastic clay. Lab. No. 695 4-0 Peat 1-6 Grey sand 2—0 Highly calcareous, grey, silty clay. Lab. 696 8-6 The bottom of the silt deposit was not reached as water came into the bore hole at the peat bed level, and finally the silt became so liquid that it could no longer be lifted in the boring auger. Sample No. 695 is a good brick material; it works more easily, dries more readily, and shrinks less than the ordinary marine clay of the region. It burns to a good, sound, red body, and will make drain tile as well as brick. Sample No. 696 is a typical silt; it contains very little real clay substance, and has not much plasticity, so that it was difficult to mould into shape for testing purposes. This material will stand fast drying without cracking, and 46 has a very email drying shrinkage. It burns to a light red colour, at the lower temperature, and to bufiF or cream colour at the higher heat. Thie material could scarcely be used alone for brickmaking, but it would be useful to mix with the upper clay. It resembles Xo. 691, but ie not so plastic, and these are the only two examples of buff burning material encountered during the investi- gation. Bricks were formerly made at the village of Auksville, but none have been made there in recent years. A teet w^as made from a sample of clay taken from one of the small clay areas in the vicinity of the village. The sample is number 680 in the table of tests, and appears to be the regular Champlain clay of the region. Cornwall Toumship. — There are several irregular patches of rtonele&s clay in depressions between the morainal ridges of glacial drift in this township. Many of these depressions still contain swamps, and some of those that now contain stoneless clays may formerly have been swampy, before draining and cultivation began. Some of the clays of this area are more recent than the marine clays. They appear to have been washed down from the more elevated ground and carried into temporary ponds or swampy basins as the marine waters receded from the land. In this manner some of the clay sed'ment became mixed with peaty matter, and when this finely divided carbonaceous matter is intimately mixed with a stiff plastic clay it often causes trouble in burning, as such a clay is very liable to bloat and become cindery, especially if the temperature in the brick kiln is raised too rapidly. The carbonaceous clays are frequently proved to have defective properties in the raw state, such as excessive stickiness, bad drying qualities, and abnormally high shrinkages. Samples Xos. 6Q6, 697, and QQ^ are examples of this kind; but such clays can be improved by the addition of a liberal quantity of sand, as indicated in the table, where the results of two clays thus treated are given below the corres- ponding number without the sand addition. These clays, however, are not recommended for use in the manufacture of burned clay products, unless nothing better can be procured in the district in which they are needed. Sample No. 693 was taken from an auger hole bored in order to ascertain the depth of material in the small clay area adjacent to the quarries one mile north of Moulinette, for information with regard to the possibility of manu- facturing Portland cement at this point. The depth of the deposit is 15 feet, which includes 6 feet of brownish-grey upper stiff clay, and below, 9 feet of silty grey clay, resting on limestone bed-rock. Sample No. 694 was taken from a hole bored in a field on the west side of the road, in lot 25. concession VI. This clay deposit, which lies in the vallev of the Eaisin river, was found to be 15 feet thick at the point tested, and is underlain by boulder clay. The deposit is stiff grey clay in the upper part and more silty below and the sample was an average of the whole depth. This clay would be suitable for the manufacture of field drain tile as well as brick, but for the latter purpose it needs a sand addition. Black River station on the New York and Ottawa railway is about one mile west of the deposit. The best exposure of stoneless clay in the township, where the material can be inspected to the best advantage, is in the artificial cutting below the sluiceway at the eastern end of Sheek island. The upper and lower part of the bank, qbout 14 feet in all. was sampled at this point, but there is very little 47 difference in their qualitiec:, either in the raw or burned state. Nor did the chemioal analyses t^how much difference, so that the deposit can be regarded as homogeneous. The results of the physical tests obtained at this point are quoted in the table of teste, under Nos. 093 and G9Qa, and the chemical analysis is given on page 38. This clay deposit is unworkable on account of its position, but it was selected as a convenient place at which to sample a typivial outcrop of the Champlain clay. At the northwestern end of Sheek island, opposite the last house on the road, there is a section of dark grey stratified silt, sand, and clay in alternate layers, rising to a height of 12 feet above the river level, and overlain by 10 feet of sand. This is a very different material from the maseive clay at the eastern end of the island, but it lies almost on the same level. They are both marine sediments. GL.EGARRY COUNTY, ONT. CharJoitenlmrg Township. — This township is similar in topography to Cornwall, and has the same kind of isolated stoneless clay deposits lying between the ridges of the glacial moraine. One of the largest of these clay patches, nearly a mile in width, occurs along the valley of Raisin river, southeast of Martintown. Sample No. 708, taken from a ditch one mile north of Macgilli- vray bridge, represents the clay in this locality and identifies it as the ordinary marine clay of the region. Sample No. 700 was taken from the bank of a small creek flowing into Raisin river on lot 3, concession IV, one mile south of Williamstown, where 5 feet of clay is exposed above water level, overlain by 3 feet of sandy loam. If this clay were mixed with an equal proportion of the sandy loam, it w^ould work well for brick or tile. There is quite a large area between Williamstown and Lancaster in which clay occurs beneath a covering of variable thickness of fine sand or sandy loam. The land, horwever, is quite flat, and drainage of clay pits would be difficult in any part of it except close to Raisin river. Sample No. 697 was taken by an auger boring from the bank of Grays ereek in concession I. This clay is defective in working and drying qualities, and the shrinkage is excessive, hence it is not recommended for the manufacture of clay products. Lancaster Township. — Most of the southern portion of this township is flat land, with sand, sandy loam, and sometimes clay as the surface material. A large part of it has stoneless clay as subsoil, with sand or loam as a covering of variable depth. North of the flat, sandy area, the topography is the same as that of Charlottenburg, in which there are a few long narrow patches of stoneless clay along stream valleys and between some of the ridges of glacial drift. Sample No. 709 was an average of the material thrown out while digging a well in a field near the road, one-fourth of a mile north of North Lancaster station on the Canadian Pacific railway, on lot 24, concession IV. The well was probably dug to a depth of 6 feet or more, and among the ordinary grey clay thrown out of the excavation, some reddish clay was noticed. A layer, or band of red clay is occasionally seen in the Champlain clay, but it rarely occur? in the region so far examined. 48 This is a good brick and tile clay, it works easily and its shrinkage is not too large. It burns to a good red colour, with a hard, sound body, and is recommended for the manufacture of field drain tile. The only drawback to working this clay is the lack of drainage necessary to keep the excavation from being flooded. Sample No. 698 was taken from the bank of a small creek on lot 30 in concession V. Sand overlies the clay a short distance from the banks of the creek. This is one of the good brick and tile clays. Sample No. 713 was taken from the bank of a creek on lot 10 in concession VI, three-fourths of a mile south of Dalhousie station. This clay works easily, has good drying qualities, and the shrinkages are not unduly large. It is recommended for the manufacture of red building brick or field drain tile. The clay is only 3 feet thick at this point, and is underlain by sand; but there may be more clay below the sand. Sample No. 714 was collected on the bank of a creek at the railway bridge, half a mile east of Bridge End station, on the Canadian Pacific line. A thick- ness of seven feet is exposed showing stratified clay, but one of the layers, about two inches thick, is a fine-grained, jeddish, highly plastic clay. An average sample of this deix)sit, with the proper amount of sand in addition, would be suitable for making brick and drain tile. The drainage in this vicinity is good, and wood for fuel can be procured in the district. VAUDREUIL-SOULANGES, QUE. The portions of Yaudreuil and Soulanges counties which come within the limits of the map sheets are mostly flat plains of Champlain clay, but a layer of sand of varying thickness covers the clay in some places. The clay deposit is so widespread and its character so uniform, in this district, that a few examples will suffice to give general information regarding the whole area. Sample No. 715 was collected on the bank of Quinchien creek at a point just south of St. Lazare station on the Canadian Pacific railway. The little creek has cut into the clay plain to a depth of about 23 feet (Plate II), but only 8 feet of the top part of the bank was included in the sample. There is an 18-inch layer of sandy loam overlying the clay, and a separate sample of this was collected. It is No. 715A on the list of tests. No. 715 is tlie ordinary grey Champlain clay which is so abundant in this region. It is grey in colour, very smooth and plastic when wet, but has good working qualities, not being too stiff. It must be dried slowly in order to avoid cracking, and it has a high shrinkage from the wet to the dry state. It burns to a hard body with a good red colour. The sandy loam, No. 715A, contains enough clay substance to enable it to be moulded into shape, but it is very low in plasticity, and forms a punky, wet body which is liable to get out of shape when dumped from the moulds. It can be dried quickly without cracking, and its shrinkage is low. It burns to a porous red body of no great strength. While neither of these materials is good when used alone, a mixture of equal parts of each will make an excellent red brick or field drain tile. 49 Sample No. 716 was collected from a high clay bank beside the Canadian Pacific Kailway line, at a point 2^ miles west of the village of Vaudreuil. The river Quinchien flows at the base of this bank, and sample Xo. 716B was taken from the bank of that stream. Three different kinds of clay are represented there: the upper part of the high bank, the lower part of the bank, and, below, the clay along the base of the high bank into which the stream has cut down to a depth of 7 feet (Plate IX). No. 716 is an average sample of the npper 15 feet of the high bank. It is a stiff, plastic, smooth, brownish-grey clay, similar in all respects to that at St- Lazare. No. 716A is an average sample of 10 feet of the lower part of the bank. It differs in appearance from the upper clay, being bluish-grey in colour, and showing banding or stratification, while the upper clay is massive, and shows no banding. This lower clay is not so stiff as the upper, hence it works easier. It is also difficult to dry fast without cracking, but the shrinkage in drying and burning is not so great as in the upper clay. The burned body is not quite so hard as that of the upper clay, and the red c<3lour is not quite so strong. No. 716B, the material from the bank of the stream, is stratified, yellowish sandy clay, carrying numerous particles of mica. Some of the layers are more sandy than others, but the whole works up when wet into a fairly plastic mass with good working qualities. This clay will stand fast drying, and its shrinkage on drying is much less than the Champlain clays in the high bank. It burns to a deep red colour and strong body. This is the best brick clay so far found in the region, and it would also be suitable for the manufacture of hollow building block or fireproofing. The site at which these clays occur has many advantages for a plant designed to make brick and tile. There is an abundance and variety of clay, easily worked from excavations that can be kept well drained. Sand for moulding purposes or for mixing with the clay occurs on top of the high bank, and a water supply can be obtained throughout the summer. There is convenient railway transportation, and the highways in the vicinity are well maintained, so that field drain tile and building material made at this point could be readily distributed. The chemical analysis of samples Xos. 716 and 716 A is given on page 38. ISLE PERROT, QUE. There is a very heavy deposit of Champlain clay on parte of Isle Perrot. The high bank along the south shore of the island is composed of this material, and the deposit reaches to the north shore also. No samples were taken from this locality, but the clay will be found similar to that of Beauharnois county, of which tests are given below. There is an abundant forest growth on the higher and more rugged parts of the island, so that a plant making brick or tile there would be assured of a good fuel supply. BEAUHARNOIS COUNTY, QUE. The greater part of Beauharnois county is flat land, underlain by Cham- plain clay of precisely the same character as the clay lands north of the St. 40839—4 50 Lawrence in Sonlanges-Vaudreuil. The best places at which to examine the clays are along the banks of the St. Lawrence river, or on the clay terrace adjacent to it. Sample No. 719 was collected from a clay bank at the roadside near Maple Grove station on the New York Central railway. The terrace front from which this clay was taken continues weetward through the villages of Beauharnois and Melocheville. This clay has a high shrinkage, and would require the addition of one- third of ite weight in sand for the manufacture of brick or tile. Sample No. 720 w'as taken from the clay terrace one mile west of the village of Beauharnois. It is an average of 7 feet of the clay along a farm road lead- ing to the fields on top of the terrace. This clay is highly plastic, smooth Champlain clay, and ie in no way different from Xo. 719. The chemical analysis of the clay is given on page 38. There is no sand available in the olay area from which these samples were taken, but it could probably be obtained from the shallow water along the shore of the river. Brick and tile could be made from the clay anywhere in this vicinity, provided sand for mixing and moulding can be procured conveniently. Sample No. 718 was obtained from the steep bank on the St. Lawrence river, at a point midway between Melocheville and St. Timothee. It is an average of 15 feet of the clay from the surface downward, and is the same kind of clay as Nos. 719 and 720. Sample No. 717 was an average of 10 feet in depth from the bank of the south channel of the St. Lawrence, near the east end of DeSalaberry island. It behaves similarly to the above clays in the raw state, but its shrinkage after firing is greater. Sample No. 712 was taken from an irrigation ditch one mile north of St. Louis de Gonzague. About a foot of peat overlies the clay in this vicinity. This is the ordinary Champlain clay of the region. There is no sand available in this vicinity. Sample No. 711 was taken from a hole bored with an auger beside a drainage ditch on the north side of St. Louis river, about two miles northwest of St. Louis de Gonzague. The following materials were obtained: — No. 711A. Fine grey silty sand with a little clay 5 ft. No. 711. Stiff browning Champlain clay, containing fossil shells 2 ft. Bluish-grey silty clay to boulder clay at bottom.. 6 ft. The upper material. No. 7rLlA, contains a good deal of fine grit and is not so smooth and plastic as the ordinary Champlain clay. It has enough plasticitv to enable it to be moulded into shape. It dries readily, and its drying shrinkage is within practical limits. It burns to a fine red colour and strong body, and would make very good building brick by the soft mud process. It is a much better brick material than the ordinary Champlain clay. No. 711 is an average of the lower 8 feet of the hole. This is the ordinary smooth, plastic Champlain clay, with the usual high shrinkage and poor drying qualities. By mixing two parts of the top clay No. 7llA to one part of the lower stiff clay, a mixture could be secured for making good building brick and field drain tile. 51 Sample No. 710 was taken from a drainage ditch at the roadside, about 4 miles northeast of St. Barbe. This material is mostly silt, but containe enough clay to enable it to be worked for brickmaking. It dries readily and its shrinkage on drying is low. It burns to a good deep red colour and strong body. This material is recommended for brickmaking on account of ite good working and drying qualities and its character and colour when burned. This kind of material is widespread in this part of the country, and appears to be a silt deposit laid over the land by flood water from lake St. Francis. It is more suitable for brickmaking than the highly plastic Charaplain clay, but it is doubtful if it would make drain tile on aeeount of its lack of plasticity. BUILDING STONES Stone for building purposes can be obtained at a few places in the district; but on account of the heavy mantle of drift material which covers most of the area, the outcrops of rock are not very numerous. The materials obtainable are limestone or dolomite, and sandstone. The principal quarries, which have been worked from time to time, have been described by Dr. Parks in his report on the Building Stones of Canada.^ Sandstones Outcrops of sandstone of Potsdam age are to be found along the river front in Beauharnois county, between Meloeheville and Beauharnois, and a number of quarries have been opened up. Outcrops of similar material are also to be found at Cascades Point, and at a number of places on Isle Perrot, Yaudreuil county. BEAUHARNOIS COUNTY, QUE. The most important outcrop in this county occurs along the river front between the villages of Meloeheville and Beauharnois. The rock is exposed almost continuously between these two places. Several quarries have been opened on this outcrop in the vicinity of Meloeheville, the principal one being situated at the eastern limits of the village. This quarry is operated at the present time, and the material excavated is crushed in a mill on the bank of the canal, and the sand produced shipped to Montreal for use in steel foundries and in glas^ making. The quarry ha? a 10-foot face, of fairly white, clean sand- stone, in beds approximately 18 inv?hes thick. It would be hard to obtain blocks of large dimensions from this quarry, but considerable rubble material could be obtained. In the bed of the St. Louis river, on the western outskirts of the town of Beauharnois, a quarry is being operated by Wm. Robert, from which blocks up to 4 feet in thickness could be obtained. The material in this quarry is creamy white, and of very even texture (Plate XVIII). On the north side of the river, at Cascades Point, there is an abandoned sandstone quarry from which considerable material has been excavated from time to time, both for building purposes and for the manufacture of steel foundry sand. The rock is harder than similar material on the south side of the river. The beds average about one foot in thickness. ' Building Stones of Canada, Vols. I and III, Mines Branch. Department of Mines, Ottawa. 40839—45 52 There are a number of places on Isle Perrot where outcrops of sandstone are to be seen. A large quarry has been operated in past years at Isle Perrot Nord, southeast of Ste. Anne de Bellevue. The rock in the quarry is reddish coloured, coarse-grained sandstone, with well defined cross bedding. The whole exposure shows lamination. Quarry buildings, derricks, and loading bine are still in place. An average section of the face of this quarry is as follows: — 12 inches.. ..Coarse-grained, reddish sandstone 12 " .. ..Coarse, loosely cemented sandstone, with rounded quartz grains up to I" diameter i 36 "... .Coarse-grained, red sandstone 42 " ... .Coarse-grained, reddish sandstone 3 " .... Parting bed of weathered shale 48 " .. ..Coarse-grained, reddish sandstone 153 inches.. ..or 12 feet 9 inches face At the northeastern corner of the island another extensive outcrop of sand- stone occurs, but only small quantities of rock have been excavated from two or three small quarries, for use locally. Sandstone from these localities is suitable for use in building construction; and the material can probably be obtained in sufficient quantity to quarry on a large scale. Crushing tests were made on 2-inch cylinders cut by a diamond drill from blocks taken from the quarry of Wm. Eobert at Beauharnois. The results obtained from these will apply to all the sandstone of the district. Crushing Test of Sandstone Crushing strength Test No. Size of specimen Total Per sq. inch 1 3"x2" 60,750 lbs. 19,337 lbs. 2 3"x2" 87,400 lbs. 24,637 lbs. Average strength per sq. in. 21,987 lbs. This crushing strength compares very favourably with the crushing strength of limestone tested by Dr. Parks, and obtained from the following localities : — Crushing strength lbs. per sq. in. Mille Roches quarries 22,356 Sheek Island quarry 21,693 Limestones and Dolomites Limestones and dolomites have been quarried at a number of localities in the district, and considerable material has been excavated for building pur- poses. There are only a few places, however, from which blocks of large dimen- sions can be obtained, since most of the beds are thin, and badly jointed. The more important outcrops and quarries are briefly described in the following pages. GRENVILLE COUNTY, ONT. Augttsta Township. — Bed-rock outcrops are frequent in the narrow strip of this township which appears on the Morrisburg map sheet. The rock is mostly dolomite of Beekmantown age, and quarries have been opened in several places on the exposures. In the town of Prescott there is a quarry in which an exposure of 9 feet of dark, blue-grey weathering dolomite can be seen. The beds are thin, from 53 2 inches to 8 inches in thickness. The rock is flat lying, and ie overlain by 18 inches of sandy boulder clay. All the beds are coarsely crystalline. There is another exposure of the same outcrop in a quarry opened on the street. Both quarries have supplied stone for road making purposes, and one or two houses in the town have been built with it, but the beds are hardly thick enough for good building stone. There is also a considerable area of bed-rock exposed north of the railway station, lying parallel with the tracks. Farther north there are a number of other exposures, but practically no quarrying work has been done on any of them, except in the vicinity of Dom- ville, where a small amount of work has been done on the east side of the road about one-fourth of a mile to the north of the village. A face of 4 feet is exposed at this quarry. The top beds are thin and badly weathered, and carry numerous calcite patches. The bed in the bottom is harder and not weathered. The rock in the lower bed is a buff-coloured, compact, fine-grained dolomite. On the road east of the quarry and on the same outcrop, there is a well-marked escarpment, in some places 10 feet high. Near the village of Koebuck beds of flat lying dolomite are exposed for about half a mile in the bed of the creek, but practically no rock has been excavated. To the north, the mantle of drift material seems to become heavier, and no rock exposures of any importance were noted. Edmardsburg Township. — In the western and northern part of this town- ship, included in the Morrisburg map sheet, rock outcrops are to be seen at a number of localities. The drift covering appears to be thin and in most cases the rock surfaces exposed are of considerable extent. To the east and south- east of this township the mantle of drift or marine sediments becomes thicker and, consequently, rock exposures are rare. One of the most extensive quarries in the township has been operated from time to time at Windmill point, south of the river road and just east of the old windmill. In this quarry a section of nearly 32 feet has been exposed. The quarry has been worked out to the water level of the river and back as far as the road. The following is a typical section seen in this quarry : — Section in Windmill Point Quarry 6' — 0". .In this section beds are very weathered and tliin — from 2" to 6", but appear to be iden- tical with the reddish-grey, crystalline bed directly below. 3' - 10". .Reddish-grey, mite. crystalline dolo- 0". .Dark red, soft bed, showing iron stains. 1". .Reddish-grey beds, with the top 1 0" a light, reddish-grey, finer in texture. l"..Seam of fine-grained, blue dolo- mite. 3". .Ijaminated beds. These show up best on weathered surfaces. 1' - 8". .Thin-bedded, reddish-grey, shaly dolomite. 3' - 9".. Dark, reddish-grey beds, 8" to 12" thick. 1' - 3' .Reddish-grey bed. 3' - 6 "..Grey dolomite beds. 1' - 0". .Reddish-grey bed. 3' - 6". .Grey, crystalline dolomite, bluish in places. Beds 8" to 12", with occasional vertical cal- cite seams. St. Lawrence river water level. Total section 31' - 11". 54 To the north of Windmill point, along the Ottawa-Frescott highway, there is an extensive exposure in the third concession. A group of quarries on this ridge, on lots 23 to 26, had been worked intermittently on a small scale. The rock is brown in colour, with a yellowish cast, and is fine-grained and crystal- line. On lots 34 and 35, concession V, there is a bed-rock outcrop with beds of fiat lying, greyish-blue dolomite, fine in texture. A small amount of rock has been quarried at this locality, for local use. The bed-rock outcrops shown to the north of these are of a very similar nature. On most of them there has been little or no work done, and their character could not be determined. In the southeastern part of the townshiiJ there is a quarry of considerable extent on lots 11 and 12, con. I, owned by Mr. McLaughlin. The quarry is filled with water at the present time, but is said to be 15 feet deep in places. Above the water level there is a face of 28 feet exposed (Plate XXVIII). The follow- ing section is typical of the upper beds of this quarry: — Section in Quarry One Mile West of Cardinal 27' 26' - 7' 2'o' 18' 14' .Top soil, 1 foot. - T . Soil with rock fragments partly in original position, 3 feet. .Thick-bedded dolomite, filled with chert which runs par- allel to bedding, and across it, with partings of oolitic dolomite, 3 feet. 20' - 7". .Thick-bedded and thin-bedded Ijrownish weathering dolo- mite, with thin limey part- ings, 2' - 6". — 1".. Covered interval, 4 feet. - 1". .Thick-bedded layer of grey dolomite like that at water's edge ; beds 8" to 10" thick, with a few calcite inclusions, 1' - 6" thick. 7' - 1".. Thinner bedded, grey dolomite, 4" to 6" thick, with many faulted laminae beds separ- ated by very thin shaly part- ings ; calcite concretions scarcer in these beds, 5' - 6". 6' - 10". .Dolomitic parting, 3" - 2". .Thick-bedded dolomite as below but thinner partings than below. 4' - 8". .Heavy-bedded dolomite, with calcite-filled caverns ; beds about 10" thick, 2' - 2" ; water's edge. Water 14' to 15' deep, with rock to bottom. About half a mile to the nor'th of this quarry the same beds are exposed on both sides of the railway tracks, and half a mile farther north another outcrop is to be seen. In the latter exposure the beds are thin, and weathered, 12 inches being the thickest bed noted. The rock is mostly grey to dark grey dolomite, with calcite inclusions in places. DUNDAS COUNTY, ONT. Matilda Township. — With the exception of a few isolated exposures in the southwestern part of the township, rock outcrops are practically absent. The outcrops to be seen are all of small extent and, with one exception, have not been worked, or have had only small amounts of material excavated. On the north half of lot 35, con. I, on the property of Wm. Saver, a quarry has been opened and considerable rock excavated. The material exposed is mostly grey to dark grey dolomite, in beds up to 18 inches in thickness. Some of the firet material quarried from this property was employed in the building of the original canal at Cardinal. A good face and quarry could be opened on this property. 55 The same ledge is exposed about one-fourth of a mile farther north, where a small quarry has been opened, and the material used for local construction. This quarry is owned by John Bewley. Two miles east of the station at Cardinal, on the north side of the railway, a small excavation on an outcrop shows a 6-foot section of thin bands of blue, shaly dolomite, with about 18 inches of grey weathering dolomite on top. Williamshurg Township. — There are no rock exposures along the river front in this township, but back from the river there are occasional outcrops. Two exposures were seen, in the neighbourhood of Bouckhill and on lots 34 and 35, con. VI. At the latter place there is an exposure of limestone of considerable extent, but, in most places, the beds are thin. The thickest noted was only 6 inches. The material is coarsely crystalline and the exposure is worthy of note inasmuch as it is one of the few occurrences in the district of high calcium limestone. The following analyses^ from material taken from outcrops just north of this locality will give an idea of its composition: — No. 1 No. 2 Insol 10. 8 561 FeaOs 0-72 0-70 AI2O3 0-48 010 CaCOa 80 66 89-59 MgCOs 7-58 3-78 No. 1 : Lots 31 and 32, con. VII, Williamsburg tp., Dundas county, Ontario. No. 2 : Lot 19, con. VII, Williamsburg tp., Dundas county, Ontario. At Bouckhill there are two exposures of the same outcrop, about a mile apart, and small quantities of material have from time to time been excavated. The beds are thin, and the material is very friable. STORMONT COUNTY, ONT. Osnabruck Township. — There is only one quarry in this township, situated over five miles back from the river front, on lot 27, con. V. Here, a quarry, over an acre in extent, has been opened up to an average depth of 3 feet. The beds exposed dip to the south at an angle of about 2 degrees. At the top the beds are thin and badly weathered. The bottom beds might yield material one foot in thickness. There are some shaly layers interbedded with the limestone. It is stated that the stone for the locks at Farran Point was taken from this quarry. Cornwall Township. — Although rock outcrops in this township are not numerous, they are of considerable economic importance. Several extensive quarries have been operated in past years, and a large amount of heavy dimen- sion stone has been taken out, principally for canal construction. The main group of quarries is situated to the north of the town of Mille Roches, Ont. These quarries have not been operated for a number of years, and are filled with water at the present time. The openings are all in the low land of the district, and the overburden which has been removed varied froon 2 to 16 feet. Extending these quarries would involve the removal of a heavy amount of covering. The beds in these quarries are very heavy, and blocks of nearly any dimensions required could be obtained. At the pi-esent time there is a large amount of broken stone at the quarries that would be suitable either for use 1 Mines Branch, Summary Report, 1916, pp. 29-30, samples 38 and 39. 56 in concrete or for the manufacture of cement. A sample of this loose material was analysed, with the following result^ : — Per cent Insol 2-80 Fe203 Tr. AI2O3 0-20 CaCOa 94-58 MgCOa 1-51 This is a high calcium limestone, and its suitability for use in the manu- facture of cement is mentioned elsewhere in this report. To the north of the town of Cornwall are a series of quarries, opened up on a low rock escarpment rising about 10 feet above the surrounding district. The quarries are situated on lots 4, 5, and 6, con. V, Cornwall tp., and the owners are Messrs. Clark, Caimeron, Friend and McLeod. A large amount of stone has been removed from these quarries, and there is possibly a big tonnage still available. The beds are very massive, the top bed varying from 38 inches to 69 inches thick, with beds beneath quite as thick. The rock is a dark, blackish-grey, massive limestone, very dense in texture, with a large number of calcite streaks and many minute shaly partings. The overburden at the quarries varies from one foot to ten feet, becoming thicker to the north. The beds have a slight dip to the north. Rock from these quarries was used in the construction of the Cornwall canal. Half a mile to the south of the quarries, there are three or four small rock outcrops, but the possibility of opening up quarries on these exposures is very slight, on account of the difficulty of proper drainage. About 9 miles north of Cornwall there is a large area of land in which rock outcrops are numerous and over which the drift covering is very thin. To the north of Sandfield Mills, bed-rock is exposed in the bed of the north branch of Eaisin river, practically continuously, for a distance of li mile. Most of the beds noted were thin. GLENGARRY COUNTY, ONT. Oharlottenhurg Township. — No quarry work of any great extent has been carried on in this township, and with the exception of the small quarry 1^ mile southeast of Summerstown station, no outcrops were noted nearer to the river front than 6 miles. The quarry to the southeast of Summerstown station was not visited, but E. H. Picher^ in his report on the road materials of the district described it as follows : — Chazy limestone formation. Limestone is light grey. Slightly banded, medium to coarse-grained, thick-bedded, but splitting up easily into thin layers. Beds have a gentle dip northwest. The stone taken out of an old quarry, 250 cubic yards in size, was used by the Grand Trunk Company over 50 years ago, for bridges and culverts. There are no outcrops, and the overburden varies from a few inches to 2 feet in thickness. A few thousand cubic yards could be taken out in a dry season, assuming an average depth of 1 yard. Owner : D. Cattanach, Summerstown station, R.R. 1. In the northern part of the township there are several minor quarries, from which small dimension material has been obtained from time to time, for local use; but it is highly improbable that any of these exposures will furnish a large tonnage in the future. 1 Mines Branch, Summary Report, 1916. 2 Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines, Bulletin No. 32, 1920, p. 17. 57 Lancaster Township. — With the exception of two small rock outcrops ehovm on the map, in the neighbourhood of Glenevie, in the northern part of the town- ship, there are no quarries or rock exposures from which stone of any descrip- tion can be obtained. SOULANGES COUNTY, QUE. In this county, the bed-rock outcrops are confined to the area lying between the St. Lawrence river and the Deliele river, and extending laterally from Coteau Landing and Coteau-du-lac, Que. In this area four small outcrops or quarries have been operated spasmodically at different times, and stone for local use excavated. The rock exposed is all highly magncsian limestone of Beek- mantown age, and it is not likely that any great tonnage of material suitable for heavy construction work could be obtained, owing to difficulty in draining and the heavy overburden which in places would have to be removed. One quarry situated one-fourth of a mile to the east of the railway bridge and half a mile to the north of the canal road was sampled and analysed with the fol- lowing result: — Insol C-90 FeoOs 114 AI2O3 0-26 CaCOs 53 03 MgCOs 38 58 This quarry is idle at the present time but has been operated recently for road material. Blocks up to 2 feet in thickness could be obtained from it. VAUDREUIL COUNTY, QUE. In this county no outcrops of limestone or dolomite were encountered in the area mapped.^ BEAUHARNOIS COUNTY, QUE. The beds of limestone found in this county are all of Beekmantown age. A noticeable topographic feature of the district is, that wherever boulder clay has been encountered, bed-rock was, in nearly all cases, only a short distance below the surface. A number of outcrops are being operated, or have been quarried recently to obtain rock for local use. To the north of the railway station at Bellerive, on DeSalaberry island, a quarry, owned by George Lapierre, is being operated at the present time for road material. The lower beds only are being used for this purpose, as the upper beds are from 4 to 8 feet in thickness — very massive and compact. The beds in the lower strata vary from six inches to one foot. The rock is very hard and brittle, breaks with a conchoidal fracture, and has been found to be a diffi- cult rock to chisel and dress for building purposes. In some of the lower beds small crystals of iron pyrites are noticed, and these have, in cases, become decomposed with the formation of gypsum crystals in the vugs and cavities. The presence of these iron pyrites crystals might be injurious if the materia] were utilized as the coarse aggregate for concrete. The overburden is not very thick, and there is a large amount of material available from this and the other quarries in the neighbourhood. 1 In that part of the island of Montreal which is sho%vn on the Valleyfield sheet, the rock outcrops were not examined, but descriptions of these exposures are given in the Stansfield report previously referred to, as well as in Dr. Parks' report on the Building Stones of the Province of Quebec. 58 To the eaet of these quarries, about one mile, there is an abandoned quarry- in which a face of 10 feet was formerly worked. The quarry is filled with water at the present time, and the bedfi exposed above the water are all thin. A typical quarry, in Beekmantown formation, of this county is to be seen about half a mile to the west of St. Timothee station, on the Xew York Central and Hudson River railway. A total eection of 13i feet is exposed. The follow- ing is an avera£2;e section:-^ G".. ..Fairly coarse-grained, grey dolo-i 1" mite (fossiliferous). i 10" 16".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite (fossiliferous). :.'l" s". . . .Coarse-grained, grey dolomite. ' IS".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, 10" very wavy structure. Numerous cavities filled with calcite and 12" occasional quartz crystals. 8".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, 20" shaly structure. IS".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, ! banded structure with cavities 163" filled with crystalline calcite. ' 9". . . .Fine-grained, compact, grey dolo- I mite. i .Chert seam. .Medium-grained, light grey dolo- mite, wavy blended structure. .Coarse, crystalline, dark grey dolo- mite. .Coarse-grained. grey dolomite, sandy texture. .Medium-grained, grey dolomite, occasional banded structure. . Medium-grrained, grey dolomite (bluish) compact. .13* ft. Another quarry, in material similar to the one ju6t described, has been operated on the north side of the Beau'harnois canal, about li mile east of the village of St. Timothee, Que. The quarry at the present time is nearly filled with water. About four miles to the south and west of Valleyfield there is a group of rock exposures from which small quantities of rook have been taken. In one of the exposures a 3-foot section of fine-grained grey dolomite occurs overlying a shaly parting bed one-half inch to one inch in thickness. The beds exposed were from 8 inches to 13 inches thick. Two miles to the east of the town of Beauharnols dolomite has been quar- ried from a series of small quarries en the point at Afaple Grove. One quarry owned by Francois Hebert, Maple Grove, Que., is being operated at the present time for road material. It was from this quarry that the large sample for the concrete test, referred to in another section of this report, was obtained. The overburden in the vicinity of these exposures is boulder clay, from one to three feet thick. There is a section of Si feet exposed at the largest quarry. The :ock is fine-grained and compact, with a rather flinty fracture, and on this account is hard to chisel and dress. An analysis of this stone proves it to be highly magnesian.^ Insoluble matter Ferric oxide and alumina. Calcium oxide Magnesium oxide. Per cent 5 10 6-36 29 35 equivalent to .52-41% carbonate of lime 15-96 equivalent to 33-4% carbonate of magnesia Two-inch cylinders were drilled in the laboratory from blocks taken frcm this quarry, and tested for compressive strength, with the following results: — No. 1 . . No. 2 . . No. 3 . . Average . 17,826 lbs. per square inch 21,454 21,900 20,393 Compare these results with the results obtained from the sandstone, and noted on page 52 of this report. Other small exposures, similar to those described above, are noted on the map. 1 Mines Br.inch report No. 279, 1914, p. 107, Dr. Parks. 59 CHATKAUGUAV COUXTY, QUE. In this county tlicre is a prominent escarpment of rwk, outcroppijis almost continuously from Bollevue to Woodlands, and thenco southeasterly to the village of Chateauguay. Quarries have been opened up on thio expoisure in several looalitiee, the principal one being at the most easterly end of the escarp- ment about half a mile west of Chateauguay village. In this quarry there are 17 feet exposed, and the following section is typical: — 6" to 24".. ..Overburden of 1)oulder clay. 24".. . .Fine-grainefl, banded dolomite. 7".. ..Fine-grained, grey dolomite. 12".. ..Coarse-grained, dark grey dolomite, with shaly bands. 4".. ..Fine-grained, shaly dolomite. 14".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, banded structure. S". . ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, banded structure. h" . . ..Shaly parting plane. 3".. . .rine-grained, grey dolomite. 5".. . . ^ledium-grained, dark grey dolomite, with shaly bands. 24".. ..Fine-grained, mottled dolomite. 31".. ..Medium-grained, blue-grey dolomite, numerous- bedding planes. 3".. ..Shale band with mud cracks. ) 2".. ..Coarse-grained, dark blue dolomite. 15".. ..Fine-grained, blue dolomite, with numerous joint planes. 3".. ..Medium-grained, shaly dolomite. 7".. ..Fine-grained, dark grey, banded dolomite. 9".. ..Fine-grained, compact, blue dolomite. 6".. ..Dark grey, line-grained dolomite. 12".. ..Medium-grained, grey dolomite, banded structure. 14". . . .Fine-grained, compact, blue dolomite. There is considerable stone available in this area, with onlv a small amount of overburden. (Plate XXX). LAPRAIRIE COUNTY, QUE. In the small part of this county included in the Valleyfield sheet there is one quarry, in Chazy formation, about one mile to the southwest of Primeau station, on the west side of the road. In this quarry there is a face of over 7 feet ex^wsed. The following is a representative section : — 24".. ..Coarsely crystalline, blue limestone, fossiliferous. 21".. ..Coarsely crystalline, blue limestone, sparsely fossiliferous. 8".. ..Medium-grained, blue limestone, sparsely fossiliferous. 5". . . .Weathered band of sandy clay (residual?) probably due to the weather- ing of a band of shale. 30".. ..Medium-grained, blue limestone with few fossils. In the top four feet, the beds show vertical joint planes, along which pro- nounced weathering has taken place. The quarry is being worked at the present time to supply material for road work in the district. CEMENT MAKING MATERIALS Clay and Limestone The raw materials used in the manufacture of portland cement are lime- stone and clay, the mixture being generally in the proportion of three part© limestone to one part clay. A clay deposit suitable for the manufacture of cement can be more easily obtained than a suitable limestone. The most desirable site on which a cement plant can be built is one at which both limestone and clay are within easy reach, Failing to obtain clay and limestone deposits side by side, cement plants are generally built at the lime- stone deposit, and the clay, which is the smaller portion of the mixture, is brought from a distant point. Other considerations, however, such as a con- venient fuel supply, sometimes modify the above procedure. A cement plant near Medicine Hat, for example, has abundance of clay in its vicinity, but no eo limestone, the latter being obtained at a point 250 miles farther west; but the inducement of a cheap supply of natural gas for burning offsets the long haul of the limestone. The large cement plants at Hull, Que., near the city of Ottawa, and at Maisonneuve, near Montreal, draw their supplies of raw materials from their immediate vicinity, but fuel must be brought from Nova Scotia or Pennsylvania. The area examined contains limestones and clays similar to those used in the Ottawa and Montreal plants, but the limestones, as a rule, are not exposed to the same extent, for advantageous working. One of the requirements in a limestone for cement purposes is that the amount of magnesian carbonate it contains must be low. The limestone in the old quarries north of Mille Roches, in the township of Cornwall, Stormont county, Ontario, would be suitable for cement purpoees according to the chemical analysis given on page 56, but it would be impossible to quarry it extensively on account of the thick overburden of glacial drift which would have to be removed. A good deal of limestone could now be obtained at the locality without an excessive overburden, but ultimately expensive stripping would be necessary. There is a deposit of clay in the valley of a small stream immediately north of the limestone quarries. The deposit is not extensive, and its depth, as ascertained by boring, is not more than 15 feet. There is, however, a more extensive clay deposit about a mile east of the quarries, as shown on the map. Limestone outcrops in a low escarpment on lots 4, 5, and 6 in the fourth concession of the township of Cornwall, in Stormont county, at a point 3 miles north of the town of Cornwall. The beds are similar to those mentioned abovC; and probably contain as high a percentage of calcium, but no chemical analysis was made of samples from this locality. A narrow depression immediately to the south of the limestone outcrops contains a clay suitable for cement pur- poses. With the exception of the two outcrops above mentioned there do not appear to be any limestone deposits suitable for cement purjxises within the boundaries of the region examined. All the other limestones contain too high a percentage of magnesia, and consequently, are not suitable for cement-making purposes. SANDS AND GRAVELS A general description of the sands and gravels has been given in a previous chapter, hence their economic importance only will be dealt with here. Sands The sand areas, like the marine stoneless clays, are confined to the lower elevations of the region. In the tovpnship of Williamsburg, in Dundas county, the sand areas are close to the St. Lawrence river, on terraces standing at elevations of 225 to 250 feet. The sands on the narrow terrace bordering the river between Farran Point and Dickinson Landing, in Stormont county, are from 200 to 225 feet in elevation, while the largest areas of sand in the region are in Glengarry county, lying on plains about 175 feet above sea level. The position of these sands and the slope of their surface seem to indicate that they were laid down by the St. Lawrence river, when it stood at a higher <>levation. The sand from deposits of this nature, in this district, is fine in 61 texture, having an average fineness of about 80, and the greater part consists of well rounded grains of quartz. The greater part of the limestone grains which one would naturally expect to find in sands of this district, has been removed. The numerous beaches which have been built up by wave action on the slopes of the boulder ridges of the district, at the 300-foot level, or higher, contain quantities of sand, mixed with larger gravel material. This could be screened to supply small amounts of sand for concrete, but could not be relied upon for a large tonnage. Unlike the river terrace sands, thie material has not been subjected to much erosion, hence the grains are subangular to angular. A large percentage of the grains is composed of limestone. A few scattered deposits of fluvio-glacial material are to be found in this district, but it is doubtful if they will furnish any considerable tonnage for concrete construction. Like the sands in the beach deposits, they are composed, for the most part, of limestone, but the grains are more rounded than in the beaches. Typical samples of sand from this district were collected and tested for concrete. The results of these tests are given in the accompanying tables. Gravels The gravel supply of the district is chiefly obtained from raised sea beaches, which are mostly situated at the 300-foot level, or from 100 to 150 feet above the levels of the St. Lawrence river. As the land which stood above what is now the 300-foot level was confined to a group of small scattered islands, at the time of beach building, the amount of gravels formed was limited to small, isolated deposits. Furthermore, these deposits, in addition to being small, are mostly situated beyond wagon haulage distance from the river, hence they cannot be relied upon as an important source of concrete material. They are worked, however, at various points to supply material for the maintenance of roads, and for building barn foundations. Apparently, when the water fell below the 300-foot level, the sea was too shallow and the land too flat for effective wave work, consequently the gravels are either missing below that level or consist only of a layer generally not more than a foot in thickness, lying just below the surface soil. Notwithstanding the small amount of gravel in these thin sheets, they have been utilized at many points for road maintenance. Many of the larger gravel deposits are limited in their usefulness, because intermingled with the finer materials they contained a high percentage of cobble stones and boulders which are too large to enter into the composition of a concrete mixture; hence the local users, in the absence of a stone crusher, are forced to reject considerable quantities of most of these deposits. The source of gravel is still further curtailed by the fact that dwellings and farm buildings frequently occupy a position over the most desirable portions of the deposits. It is probable, then, that for large quantities of concrete required for engi- neering works on the St. Lawrence, reliance will have to be placed on crushed stone derived from rock outcrops close to the river, such as those in the vicinity of Cardinal ; the crushed stone being brought down in barges to the points where it is required. A large amount of field stone could also be assembled at most 62 localities along the river front, but for short land hauls of this kind of material some points are more favourable than others. The following tables give the results of the tests on the sand samples collected : — TABLE II Summary Table of Tests of Sands from Localities in Eastern Canada 1907 1908 1912 1913 1917 1918 1921 1925 1928 1929 1930 1931 Per cent of gravel. Material retained on 3 mesh Nil Nil Nil 11-86 Nil Nil Nil 24-83 Nil 5-18 14-67 Nil Percent sand. Material parsing 1 3 mesh 100 08 1000 1000 88-14 1000 100-0 1000 75-17 1000 94-82 85-33 1000 Per cent silt in sand 2-90 3-15 8-20 2-37 5-45 4-30 5-35 5-35 3-35 2-45 3-85 5-40 Sp. Gr. sand 2-61 2-70 2-63 2-70 2-70 2-63 2-63 2-70 2-61 2-63 2-70 2-77 Weight per cubic foot sand 89- 15 86 -70 92- 1.' 95-51 87-81 88-70 88-11 98 -o; 92-19 102-3 106-1 89-87 Per cent voids in sand 45-3 4S-4 43-8 43-2 47-8 460 46-3 41-7 43-5 37-5 37-0 48-0 7 days ey 68 90 255 44 61 167 89 267 292 90 Tensile Strength of Sand Average of three briquettes in pounds per square inch — Per cent Sample — Standard . 41-05 40-5 53-6 151-8 26-2 36-3 99-4 530 158-9 173-8 53-6 28 days 118 120 150 352 77 133 288 i 166 ;394 413 187 Per cent Sample — Standard . . 39-6 40-3 50-3 118-1 25-8 44-6 96-7 55-7 132-2 138-6 62-7 7 days 668 530 902 2,196 307 657 1,570 774 2.396 2,938 764 Compression Strength of Sand Average of 3 cylinders (2' diam. X 4' high)— Per cent Sample— Standard . 48-8 38-8 65-9 160-5 22-4 48-0 114-8 56-6 175-3 214-8 55-7 28 days 986 1,029 1,379 3,670 557 1,007 2,514 1,507|3,777 4,307 1.442 Pounds per square inch — Per cent Sample— Standard . 43-7 45-5 6M 162-5 24-8 44-6 111-3 66-7 167-2 190-8 63-8 TABLE II— Contimied Summary Table of Tests of Sands from Localities in Eastern Canada 1932 1933 2007 2008 2009 2012 2014 2015 2020 2021 2037 Nil 21-97 53-91 Nil 24-65 Nil 56-07 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1000 5-50 2-77 92-15 46-7 123 78-03 3-25 2-70 101-2 39-9 282 46-09 35-55 2-43 98-35 35-1 164 1000 37-30 2-50 92-75 40-6 92 75-35 2-05 2-55 101-4 36-3 170 1000 31-55 2-50 97-12 37-8 105 43-93 9-90 2-43 104-0 31-5 222 100 19-97 2-50 90-36 42-1 42 100 1500 2-43 92-36 39-1 95 100-0 13-30 2-55 89-24 43-9 49 100 4-55 2-55 92-11 42-1 108 73-2 213 71-5 ■986 167-8 366 122-8 2,673 96-5 269 88-5 1,061 54- 1 205 67-4 520 100-0 441 1450 2,663 61-8 202 66-4 658 130-6 429 141-1 1,613 24-7 140 46-4 329 55-9 183 60-2 796 28-8 98 32-2 339 63-5 267 87-8 626 72-1 1.814 195-4 3,893 79-4 2,960 38-9 1,305 199-2 5,443 49-2 1,454 120-6 3,573 24-6 1,039 59-5 2,005 25-4 817 46-8 1,655 80-3 172-3 95-6 42-1 176-1 46-9 115-4 33-6 64-7 26-4 53-4 2038 Per cent of gravel. Material retained on 3 mesh Per cent sand. Material passing 3 mesh Per cent silt in sand Sp. Gr. sand Weight per cubic foot sand Per cent voids in sand 7 days Tensile Strength of Sand AverajB;e of three briquettes in pound.s per .square inch — Per cent Sample — Standard. 28 days Per cent Sample — Standard . . . 7 days Compression Stre.ngth of Sand Average of 3 cylinders (2' diam. X 4' high) — Per cent Sample — Standard . . 28 days I'ounds per square inch — Per cent Sample — Standard.. . 21-68 78-32 4-30 2-50 93-75 39-1 191 112-4 343 112-8 1.316 98-4 3.386 115-7 63 TABLE III Granulometric Analysis of Sands from Localities in Eastern Ontario 1907 1908 1912 1913 1917 1918 1925 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 Cumulative per cent p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1-81 3-22 4-92 702 10-82 20-97 42-53 67-83 83-26 89-41 92-95 93-80 94-20 p.c. p.c. p.c. 9-40 17-05 23-55 29-65 33-35 38-45 44-20 54-61 69-96 84-26 93-52 95-37 96-88 p.c. ■ 0-60 1-30 1-95 9-35 22-25 51-10 87-00 93-97 98-81 p.c. 2-90 6-35 10-25 17-15 23-85 34-15 47-50 62-20 76-86 86-81 9316 95-91 97-86 p.c. 5-47 10-84 18-89 28-64 37-64 45-09 53-94 64-87 76-57 35-72 93 02 94-77 97-39 p.c. p.c. " 6 " " 8 " " 10 " ■• 14 " 0-45 1-06 1-81 5-81 18-11 43-76 7401 81-94 93-34 0-45 5-31 30-42 68-68 78-19 91-50 i-05 " 20 " 0-15 0-35 100 2-66 7-26 38-26 61-16 93-21 "6-io 1-10 16-10 63-68 76-12 91-76 1-45 28 " 0-40 0-90 5-50 29-95 77-56 88-32 98-03 0-35 1-43 6-68 30-60 74-91 87-51 97-11 2-15 35 " 7-45 48 " 29-50 65 " 56-65 " 100 " 79-50 " 150 " 85-85 200 " 94-35 73-33 a. 74-79 a. 76-08 a. 36-22 b. 107-56 a. 90-80 a. 34-60 b. 59-99 a. 33-65 c. 32-33 c. 84-64 c. 67-33 c. TABLE III — Continued Granulometric Analysis of Sands from Localities in Eastern Ontario 1933 2007 2008 2009 2012 2014 1015 2920 2021 2037 2038 p.c. 10-16 18-67 26-53 36-04 4405 53-20 62-81 77-41 88-36 93 06 95 06 95-51 96-31 p.c. 9-30 16-23 22-03 27-38 30-78 35-05 43-70 61-44 84-09 90-09 92-99 93-74 96-18 p.c. o-io 0-40 1-15 5-25 21-40 65-25 79-95 97-55 p.c. 6-53 19-48 36 03 67-84 83-70 93-96 97-11 98-61 99-07 99-17 99-22 99-23 99-24 p.c. :::::: "6-i2 0-23 0-48 4-41 26-39 54-48 79-94 86-84 97-39 p.c. 9-36 18-66 25-56 31-66 34-81 38-33 42- 19 46-99 66-20 85-45 94-55 96-74 98-04 p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1-31 " 6 *' 2-86 8 " 0-28 0-64 1-09 1-94 10-37 21-27 67-02 85-82 96-97 98-64 99-69 0-28 0-54 0-84 1-31 1-56 17-88 52-25 77-55 93 -.10 95-65 98-43 5-27 10 " 0-65 0-55 2-40 6-20 26-30 58-06 87-21 92-18 96-68 1-10 2-18 5-83 16-34 48-71 79-06 87-56 92-61 94-24 97-04 11-94 " 14 " 20-75 20 " 38-65 28 " 64-65 35 " 81-78 48 " 91-64 " 65 " 73-51 100 " 94-66 150 " " 200 " 95-96 96-71 25-91 b. 33-07 84-83 9-41 66-17 33-60 60-33 40-69 40-64 48-28 27-58 LIST OF SAMPLE LOCALITIES Description of Sand Samples Sample No. 1907. — Locality: south half lot 37, concession I, township Osnabruck, Stormont county. Tliis sample was taken from drillings with post hole auger, through 6 feot of sand, from top to bottom of dune. Sample No. 1908. — Locality: lot 7, concession L township of Williamsburg, Dundas county. Taken from drillings from post hole auger, from top to bottom of dune, 8 feet in depth. 64 Sample No. 1913. — Locality: lot 23, concession VIII, township of Corn- wall, Stormont county. A prominent boulder ridge running N.E. and S.W. is flanked on the N.W. by a steep pitching beach ridge. A pit has been opened up on this beach, and a small amount of gravel was obtained. To the southwestern part of the pit, about 4 feet of sand has been exposed, nicely stratified, and covered by about 2J feet of gravelly till. The bottom of the sand was not exposed, nor was its con- tinuation to the southwest determined, as it was covered. The sample was taken vertically down the face of the exposed layers. Sample No. 1917. — Locality: lot 22, concession I, township of Williams- burg, Dundas county. Sample taken from borings from auger drill in dunes to southwest corner of cemetery. The sand was of uniform texture throughout the whole 8 feet drilled. Sample No. 1918. — Locality: lot 15, concession I, township of Osnabruck, Stormont county. Sample taken from bank of St. Lawrence river from 12-foot section of sand overlying clay. The top 3 feet of the sand was iron stained, and reddish in colour, below which, for 7 feet, a clean, greyish sand was obtained. The bottom 2 feet was slightly clayey. Sample No. 1925. — Locality: lot 23, concession I, N.S.E. township Char- lottenburg. Glengarry county. Sand and gravel pit owned by Frank Lefevre. This is a well developed beach ridge, built upon the western end of a boulder ridge. Stratification is well marked wherever a face is exposed, and shells are abundant throughout. The sample was taken from a loaded rig, which was drawing material for con- crete from this pit. Sample No. 1928. — Locality: lot 6, concession I, township of Osnabruck, Stormont county. Sample taken from sand pit opened on east side of road opposite cemetery. The sand contains numerous shells. Samples Nos. 1929-1930-1931-1932.— Locality: north half lot 5, con- cession IV, N.S.E., township of Charlottenburg, Glengarry county. This deposit is probably of glacio-fluviatile origin, and is composed of sand and gravel, covered in places with a thin layer, 12 inches thick, of beach material carrying shell. No shells were to be found in the material sampled. Four samples were taken from different parts of this pit to represent four different grades of material. No. 1929 — fine gravel with sand; No. 1930^ — coarse gravel with sand; No. 1931— fine sand; No. 1932— coarse eand. Sample No. 1933. — Locality: lot 6, concession VIII, township of Charlot- tenburg, Glengarry county. There is a pit opened on this property on a ridge of considerable extent. It rises fully 40 feet above the valley. Shells are abundant, and there are con- siderable quantities of coarse material. General sample taken. Sample No. 2007.— Locality: A mile southeast of Northfield station of the New York Central railway. 05 Sample No. 2008. — Locality, north J lot 35. con. IV, township of Edwards- burp:, Grenville county. Average sample of sand taken from 12-foot section. Sample No. 2009. — Locality: lot 3, con. VI, township of Augusta, Gren- ville ooiinty. Sample No. 2012. — Locality: lot 3, con. I, township of Augusta, Gren- ville county. Sand dune just north of cemetery at Prcscott. Average of 10 feet in depth. Sample No. 2014. — Locality: sample of concrete material from the Windfall pit taken ivom a face of 8 feet at the southern end of the pit. Sample No. 2015. — Locality: lot 24, con. IV, township of Matilda, Dundas county. Sample from sand dune on north side of road. Average of material from a 9-foot auger hole. Sample No. 2020. — Locality: sample of recent river sand from the east bank at the mouth of Chateauguay river. Sample No. 2021. — Locality: sample of river sand from off the north shore of St. Bernard's island. Sample taken from under water. Sample No. 2037. — Locality: sample of iluvio-glacial sand from pit on the south side of the railway I mile west of River Baudet station, Quebec. Sample No. 2038. — Locality: sample of gravelly sand from morainic ridge 2 miles northwest of River Baudet station. Que. EXPLANATION OF PHYSICAL TESTS ON SANDS The samples of sand tested averaged about 20 pounds in weight. They were passed through a 3-mesh screen, and the material retained on the screen was called gravel, and that passing through was called sand. The results of the tests tabulated in the accompanying tables were obtained from the material passing through the 3-mesh screen. Granulometric Analysis In all cases, 100 grams of the sand to be tested was employed. The results obtained from this test give an idea of the texture of the sand with regard to size of grain. The test was carried out as follows: — The 100-gram sample was placed on the coai-sest screen, which was nested on the next size finer, and so on down to the 200'-mesh, with retaining pari on the bottom. The nest of screens was then thoroughly shaken on a mechanical shaker for 10 minutes, the material retained on each screen being collected, weighed, and noted. The sample, in the first place, being 100 grams, the \veight recorded as retained on each screen is the percentage retained on that screen and passing through the next size larger; and the cumulative percentage, or the percentage of all material that would be retained on any one screen, if that screen alone were employed, can readily be determined by totalling the weights retained on all coarser screens. The results obtained in these tests are tabulated as cumulative percentages in the accompanying table. To gain an idea of the fineness of the grain of the sand, and to be able to express this in one figure for purposes of comparison, the average fineness of 4 0S?,9 — 5 66 each sample was calculated as follows: The quantity of material passing through each screen and retained on the next smaller was multiplied by the mesh of the screen passed through and the results thus obtained totalled, and divided by 100, the final results being the average fineness. In other words, if all the grains of the sample were brought to an average size, they would juet pass through a screen whose mesh was equal to the average fineness of the sample. Percentage of Silt and Clay The percentage of silt and clay was determined by the elutriation method, 100 grams of sand being used in each case. The weighed sample of sand was placed in a glass vessel and subjected to a rising current of water of constant head which carried away the silt and clay. When the water being siphoned off was clear, the material remaining in the vessel was dried to constant weight and weighed, and the percentage of silt and clay calculated. Specific Gravity The specific gravity was determined by means of a Le Cbatelier specific gravity flask. The bulk of the flask was filled with water, and the height of the column of water read on the graduated stem. Fifty grams of sand were admit- ted, care being taken to permit the escape of the air; and the new height of the water column read. The difference in the two readings gave the volume of water displaced by 50 grams of sand. From this data the specific gravity of the sand was computed. Weight per Cubic Foot and Percentage of Voids The weight per cubic foot, and the percentage of voids, were calculated from the weight of 500 c.c. of sand. The method of obtaining the weight of 500 c.c. of sand was as follows: Two brass cylinders were used, one having a volume of exactly 600 c.c. and the other having an outside diameter slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the first one, but twice as long. The longer cylinder was filled with sand, and the 500 c.c. cylinder inverted over the top of it. The two cylinders were then inverted and the long cylinder withdrawn, leaving the sand in the graduated cylinder. The sand was then struck off level, and the amount of sand in the 500 c.c. cylinder weighed. The weight per cubic foot when calculated is probably lower than when other methods are employed for compacting the sand in the 500 c.c. cylinders; but it was found that the results obtained on the same sand, when this method was used, were so uniform, even when different operators performed the test, that it was thought advisable to adopt it. The percentage of voids calculated from the weight obtained by the above method is also, for the same reason, higher than when other methods are employed. Tensile Strength The tensile test was made in the usual manner on briquettes similar to those used in standard cement testing, using a 1 : 3 mixture. Three briquettes were broken at 7 days and three at 28 days, and compared with briquettes made of the same cement and standard Ottawa. Ills., sand. 67 Compressive Strength The compressive tests were made on mixes of 1 : 3 mortar, iieing the same cement with the different eande to be tested. Cylinders 2 inches by 4 inches were employed, and breaks were made at 7 and 28 days, and compared witt standard cylinders, run concurrently. An examination of the tabulated results of all these teste shows that the (finer sands make poor concrete material. Ae a general rule, if there ie n? organic matter present, and the percentage of silt and clay is low, a sand -which has 75 per cent retained on the 48 mesh will make a good concrete, one thai would be safe to employ, with a coarse aggregate, for concrete work. A good sand should have a strength at least equal to the standard, at both 7 and 28 days. DESCRIPTION OF GRAVEL DEPOSITS GRENVILLE COUNTY. ONT. Augusta Township. — Only a narrow strip of the eastern part of Augusta is included in the Morrisburg sheet. It contains two gravel deposits of impor- tance, the larger lying just east of the village of Eoebuck, in lot 4, concession VI. This deposit covers about 70 acres and has a thickness of at least 14 feet in one of the excavations made in removing the gravel. The material is largely com- posed of beds of pea-size gravel and sand associated with coarser gravel, with occasional cobble stones scattered through the mass. There is a smaller deposit of gravel covering about 20 acres, on lot 3, con- cession VIII. A fuller account of the gi'avel deposits in Augusta township and their com- mercial development is given in the Geological Survey report for 1915.^ A sample of sand taken from the gravel pit at Roebuck, owned by Mrs. Smith, was tested in order to determine its fitness for concrete construction, the results being given elsewhere in the report. (Sample No. 2009). Edwardsburg Township. — Deposits of gravel are scattered rather sparingly over the western part of Edwardsburg, and there are none in the southern part adjacent to 'the St. Lawrence river, the nearest deposit to the river being at the Froom gravel pit one mile north of the village of Cardinal. In this deposit which extends across lots 4 and 5, con. I, there is a face of 7 feet opened up and the material shows a slight stratification. The gravel is fairly well graded for coarse concrete and is comparatively clean. It ranges in size from 6-inch material down to fine sand. It is a typical marine beach deposit built on the northwest slope of a boulder till ridge and carries a few well developed specimens of shells. (See Appendix). One of the largest deposits in the township is on lot 12, con. VII, about a mile southeast of the village of Ventnor (Plate XXI). It covers an area of at least 20 acres and is 15 feet in thickness. The material is mostly fine, clean gravel of fluvio-glaciai origin, overlain by 3 feet of boulders embedded in sandy clay. There are two excavations in this deposit, from which gravel is drawn for road surfacing; and on account of its freedom from silt and clay it is also extensively sold for concrete mixtures. The scarcity 1 Road Material Surveys in 1915, Memoir 99, Geological Survey, Ottawa. 40S:?9 T>T: 68 of gravels suitable for concrete constru'Ction in this region is evident from tli6 fiict that farmers come from a distance of 15 miles to this deposit, for gravel. Another important gravel deposit is situated about two miles south of Spencerville. A great part of this deix>sit was used during the years 1919 and 1920 in the construction of the Ottawa-Pres(X)tt highway. The material is mostly coarse gravel with a considerable percentage of cobble stones. As can be seen from the map, bed-rock was encountered beneath the gravel. The deposit is owned by Dr. Mcintosh, of Spencerville. On the south half of lot 25, con IX, a small but well developed, stratified gravel deposit has recently been L»i)ened up. A face of 12 feet is exposed in this pit, and the material varies from cobble stones 1 foot in diameter to fine sand. The floor of the pit is flat lying limestone or dolomite. On lot 12, con. Ill, a small gravel and sand pit has been opened on the north .side of the road. This deposit is a beach ridge, built on the southwestern end of a boulder clay elevation. The material in the east end of the pit is gravel and cobble stones up to 6 inches in diameter, but gradually becomes finer to the southwest. A large reserve supply of gravel for local use still remains in this deposit. The smaller gravel deposits in Edwardsburg are described in detail in the two reports on road materials by Messrs. Reinecke and Picher. DUXDAS COUNTY, ONT. Matilda Township. — Deposits of gravel are extremely rare in Matilda and there are none near the banks of the St. Lawrence river. The few deposits that exist are small in extent and shallow, and are principally used for the surfacing of roads nearby, or for local concrete work. This township, as well as Williamsburg, is situated in the comparatively flat area between two glacial morainal belts, and as gravel deposits are generally connected with moraine features there is not miich probability of finding any deposits other than those already known. On lots 21 and 22, con. II, there is a well marked gravel ridge covered with a varying amount of fine dune sand. The sand shows distinct stratification in places. On the stratified sand, which is light coloured, rests, apparently unconformably, an unstratified reddish sand of about the same texture. In places the stratified sand is missing and the reddish sand rests directly on the marine gravels with a distinct line of demarkation. The gravel ridge is a true marine beach carrying considerable quantities of marine shells in the lower 5 feet of the face. The gravelly material varies from coarse sand up to cobble stones 10 inches in diameter. It is well and uniformly graded and is cleaner than the usual run of beach material. An analysis of the coarser pieces gave: — Limestone 1'Z% Sandstone 4 % Archaean 24% The percentage of Archaean material is higher than is usual in this kind of deposit. The deposit has had considerable material taken from it, but a small tmnage is still available. Lots 11 and 12, Con. VI. WiUiamshurg Township. — A gravel ridge about three-fourths of a mile in length and about 300 feet wide occurs on lots 11 and 12, con. VI. It is the property of Mr. Luther Decks and has been used freely for road material, but 69 only a comparatively small portion of the gravels in the entire ridge has been excavated. The pits show a face of about 7 feet, composed of suocessive layerh of gravel sloping to the southwest. The average size of the material is about three-quarters of an inch in diameter in the upper part of the ridge; but cobble stones are numerous in the lower part. This is an unusually well formed beach ridge with three bars extending to the we-st. It rises about 20 feet above the surrounding country. The elevation at the base of the ridge is 289 feet, so that the crest of the ridge is about 309 feet above sea level. The low ground to the west of the ridge is swamjjv and bush covered. The slope and plain to the westward is cultivated. iShallow pits dug in a field on the lowest slope of the ridge revealed a mass of marine fossil shells in sand and gravel, underlying mud. The shells were all of one variety, Saxicava riigosa. Lots 19 and 20. Con. VH. A low narrow ridge parallels the road 2 miles east of Elma and extends for about a mile in a northerly direction beyond the limit of the Morrisburg sheet. This ridge contains patches of gravel from 2 to 5 feet in thickness and of small extent. The gravels are finer than in most of the other pits and carry a smaller perc-entage of cobble stones and boulders. The gravels at the southern end of thi6 ridge are nearly all worked out. Lot 5, Con. VI. There is an extensive deposit of gravel at the southern end of a low liouldery ridge on lot 5, con. VI. It contains layers of pea gravel and a few thin streaks of sand; but most of the material is coarser limestone pebbles averaging about the size of potatoes. The deposit has been worked down to the' underlying boulder clay, in places to a depth of 15 feet from the surface of the gravels. This beach slopes toward the south and is backed by boulder clay which rises to the surface north of the gravels. A great profusion of the fossil shells Macoma and Saxicava, principally in a fragment-ary condition, are mixed with the gravels in places. This deposit still contains several years supply for local use. The ridge in which these gravels are situated continues in a northerly direction into concession VII and follows the 300-foot contour running parallel to the road for about a mile on lot 2, to the north of the Morrisburg sheet. There are gravels on the northern portion of this narrow ridge, but in shallow deposits from 2 to 5 feet at most. A long, narrow, sinuous ridge of slight relief trends in a southwesterly direction from Bouckhill toward the boundary line between the townships of Williamsburg and Matilda, its total length being 5 miles and its width from 200 to 600 feet. Most of the surface of the ridge is strewn with large boulders, consisting mainly of crystalline Archaean rocks but including a few of Potsdam sandstone. Parts of the ridge are cultivated and the boulders piled along the fences, but most of it is woodland. At a few points sand or gravel accumula- tions have been laid down against the ridge by wave action but the deposits are not of large extent. The largest gravel patch occurs on the western flank of the ridge, on the property of Mr. Omer Coughlin. on lot 35, on the line between the third and 70 fourth concessions. About 12 feet of gravel, overlying boulder clay, is exposed in a pit near the road where gravel for the roads is excavated. The deposit contains many cobblestonee, most of them too large for road surfacing. The sand and fine gravel filling the spaces between the larger stones is the material most in use. Fossil shells, Macoma halthica,, are scattered plentifully through the deposit from top to bottom, and gravel of finer texture than the general body is found on the southwesterly slope of the beach. The beach curves in a northeasterly direction along the flank of the boulder ridge in concession III, and is probably over half a mile in length, but the total gravel content is not very large. An analysis of the pebbles from the excavation in this deposit shows that 11 per cent are Archsean, 2 per cent sandstone, and 87 per cent limestone. A narrow strip of beach gravels about a quarter of a mile in length occurs on the western flank of the long ridge near its northern extremity at Bouckhill. A cemetery occupies the southern tip of the gravel strip and the remainder of the area is cultivated. No excavation for gravel was seen on this deposit. Between Bouckhill and the Coughlin pit the only gravels seen on the ridge occur on lot 28, where it is crossed by the road between the fourth and fifth concessions. The ridge at this point consists of a thin deposit of yellowish sand and fine gravel which is used to some extent for road surfacing. Lot 31, Cons. V and VI. A pit has been opened up at this locality on a beach gravel deiwsit built on the southwest slope of a boulder clay elevation. A considerable amount of material has been taken from this deposit, and at present there is a face of 10 feet exposed. Cobble stones up to 6 inches in diameter, mostly limestone, are • common and a layer of fine gravel and sand, 18 inches thick, containing shells resting on boulder clay, is exposed at the bottom of the face. Above this stratum and apparently resting iinconformably on it is a coarse bouldery gravel with alternate coarse and fine seams through it, and about 6 inches of bouldery till lies on top of the whole deposit. The coarse upper gravel contains only frag- ments of shells very sparsely scattered through it. There is still considerable tonnage available for local use. STOKMONT COUNTY, ONT. Osnahruch Township. — Gravel deposits are more numerous and larger in this township than in the township of Williamsburg, but none of them are extensive. They supply material for the surfacing of roads, and in a few of the deposits a small supply of clean gravel can be obtained for use in concrete build- ing. But they can only be relied upon to supply the local needs of the town- ship. Most of the deposits contain so many large stones that the actual amount of gravel obtained represents a comparatively small portion of the mass. The largest deposits in Osnabruck are remote from the St. Lawrence Eiver front. The following descriptions apply to the more important gravel pits that are worked for road material or concrete. Several others which are small or nearly worked out are not described but are shown on the map. 71 A very tiiiely formed beach ridge, facing southerly, crosses the road between lots 30 and 31 in the sixth concession, on the property of Mr. J. W. Hamilton. Two pit6 have been opened on this deposit behind Mr. Hamilton's house, to the west of the road, to supply gravel for concrete construction and road surfacing. The gravel is stratified and well graded from fine clean pea gravel to 4-inch material, about 90 per cent being limestone. The deposit varies from 5 to 10 feet in depth overlying boulder clay. There is a larger percentage of fine gravel in these pits than is usually the case in this district. The extent of the deposit is not known, but the beach ridge appears to follow the 300-foot contour line for a considerable distance east of the road. As far as could be teen no test pits had been opened along the slopes of the ridge in that direction. The pit owned and worked by Mr. X. Gallinger lies just beside the road, on lot 31 in the fourth concession. A large excavation has been made here and the gravel expo.^ed in the highest portion of the pit shows a thickness of 20 feet. There is quite a variation in the size of the material. Near the bottom of the pit there is a three-foot bed of fine gravel, sand, and shell fragments, the latter being almost as abundant as the pebbles. A great part of the material in the face is cobble stones, mostly partly rounded limestone with some well rounded harder stones, an average analysis of the composition of the gravel being: — Archaean pebbles 7% Sandstone " 10% Limestone " 83% A considerable part of the output of this pit is used in concrete construc- tion and the gravel is frequently hauled as far as Aultsville. The best part of the gravel remaining in this deposit lies under the buildings and orchard adjacent to the pit. A gravel pit, owned by Mr. Wm. X. Hollister, on lot 26 in the fourth con- cession, is opened on the southwest point of a boulder strewn ridge which trends northeast for about a mile. It is freely drawn upon to supply road and con- crete materials, and a working face 700 feet long and 17 feet high was exposed in 1919. The deix)sit is made up of large stones irregularly laid down, with fine clean gravel filling the spaces between them (see Plate XXII). The stones in the upper five feet average about a foot in diameter; below, the material is somewhat finer, the average being 4 to 6-inch stones cemented together with pea gravel; and in the bottom of the pit there are a few feet of roughly stratified pea-sized gravel. Most of the stones in the deposit are rather angular and average from 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Several large blocks of limestone, 3 to 5 feet long, are embedded in the upper 5 feet of the deposit, and Archaean boulders 3 feet in diameter are common. Xearly 90 per cent of the smaller stones are limestone. Marine fossil shells, Saxicnva rugosa and Macoma halthica, are extremely abundant throughout this deposit, from the surface to the bottom. They are found with the valves together, in single shells and in fragments, lying under the heaviest boulders in the heap. Very fragile fossil shells of Balarius crenatus may be seen still sticking to the boulders on which they lived when the se^* water washed this beach. About a quarter of a mile northeast of the Hollister pit and backed by the Bame bouldery ridge, there is a smaller patch of gravels in which a pit about 250 feet across and 6 to 8 feet deep has been excavated to supply road material. The finest material was foimd nearest to the surface, but a good deal of the lower part of the deposit was discarded as being too coarse for road surfacing and now lies in heaps on the bottom of the worked out portions of the pits. The entire ridge against which these gravel deposits have been built by wave action appears to be made up of a network of boulders with only a small proportion of fine materials. A crvisher installed at this point would have a steady supply of stone for a long period, from the discarded materials in the two pits and the stone from the entire ridge. A shallow deposit of gravel occurs on the road between the third and fourth concession on the boundary line between the townships of Osnabruok and "Williamsburg. This deposit contains a number of large blocks of limestn account of the manner in which the samples were crushed there was practically no material finer than ^-inch mesh. If they had been crushed in a crusher there would have been a considerable quantity of fines. The screen analysis of the two samples, after crushing, was as follows: — Mesh Retained on 2|" 2 " li" • 1" a " I" '.'. '.'. '. 1" 4 100 Samp' le of Sandstone Limestone Per cent Per cent 42-7 35-8 2800 13-9 4200 31 2000 2 4-66 1-1 2-66 1-4 2 68 1 Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines, Bull. No. 32, pp. 23-33, 1920. 80 Cylinders of concrete were made, using the sandstone and limestone, respectively, for the coarse aggregate and standard Ottawa (Ills.) sand for the fine aggregate, with the same brand of cement in each case. The proportions tised were: — 1 Cement. 3 Standard sand.^ 5 Coarse aggregate. Eight cylinders were made up: four with the sandstone as the coarse aggre- gate, and four with the limestone. Both ends of each cylinder were faced with l inch of neat cement, to ensure a smooth bearing surface in the crushing machine. Two cylinders of each were brohen at the end of 7 days, and the rest at the end of 28 days. The following results were obtained: — Sandstone Limestone 7 days 28 days 7 days 28 days lbs. per sq. in. lbs. per sq. in. 8"xl6" 517 1,297 .515 1,049 8"xl6" 499 1,140 194 862 Average 508 1,218 504 956 Either of these stones would be suitable for use in concrete structures, and as the samples were fairly representative of their respective classes, it is safe to say that crushed rock suitable for use in concrete cuuld he obtained from many of the quarries and rock outcrops which are to be found throughout the district. LIME The burning of lime has been carried on in the counties bordering the St. Lawrence since the first settlers began to build houses of stone and brick and to use whitewash. The remains of the crude pot kilns used for lime- burning are scattered all over the region. As boulders collected from the fields constituted the main source of supply of limestone the kilns were placed wherever convenient, and without reference, in most cases, to rock outcrops. The kilns were, generally, roughly built, and designed for a small output for local use only. With the growing scarcity of wood for fuel, and the decline of building, these small kilns went out of use, and were allowed to go to ruin. By that time, too, owing to increased transportation facilities, lime was beginning to come in from more distant points where it could be made to better advantage than in the St. Lawrence district. The largest kiln in the district was operated in conjunction with the exten- sive stone quarries north of Mille Roches, in Stormont county, Ontario. This was a draw kiln with masonry walls. The collecting of scattered limestone boulders as the raw material for the ])rodnction of lime cannot be considered feasible for a modern limeburning industry. It is necessary to find a suitable deposit of high grade limestone or dolomite, and to oi>en it up by quarrying methods. Improved kilns of large capacity, fired with wood, coal, or gas, and continuous in operation, are neces- sary for a successful industry. 1 By using the standard Ottawa (Ills.) sand which is a well rounded sand running between the 20 and 30 mesh, it is probable that the results of the crushing tests are con- siderably lower than they would have been if a well graded sand had been used. »1 Limeetoues show a considerable range of composition. Calcium carbonate is an essential constituent, and, in the case of a pure, high calcium limestone, the stone ie composed almost wholly of this compound. Generally, a portion of the calcium carbonate is replaced with magnesium carbonate, in proportions ranging up to ab<:)ut 45 per cent magnesium carbonate, and 55 x>er cent calcium carbonate. As this limit is approached, the stone is termed dolomite. Impuri- ties such as silica and silicates and compounds of iron and aluminium are almost invariably present. Either high calcium limestone or dolomite is used for the production of lime for building purposes and in a number of manufacturing industries. The total percentage of impurities in the stxDne should be as low as possible, since they are decidedly objectionable in either industrial or building limes. Within the area covered by this report, there are very few outcrops of limestone suitable for limeburning and these are probably limited to certain exposures of the Trenton and Black River formations which approach the St. Lawrence in the neighbourhood of Cornwall. On account of the thick covering of glacial drift which is so widespread over the region, the choice of stone is confined to a few outcrops, or to occasional localities where bed- rock can be obtained by the removal of a moderate amount of overburden. The possibility of establishing a limeburning industry in this district is remote. ROAD MATERIAL SURVEY IX BEAUHARXOIS AND CHATEAUGUAY COUNTIES, QUEBEC Introduction During the first half of the summer of 1919, the whole county of Beau- harnois and the adjoining easterly portion of Chateauguay county were visited. This area lies to the south of the St. Lawrence river and extends from lake St. Francis to lake St. Louis. Valleyfield. the most important centre of the district, is situated opposite DeSalaberry island, at the head of Coteau. Cedar and Cascades rapids, 30 miles southwest of Montreal. The investigation was carried on with the object of obtaining infoi^mation on the available road materials, and supplementing similar work done during previous years along the St. Lawrence river between Kingston and !^^ontreal. The work consisted in mapping and examining every occurrence of bed-rock and all field stone deposits and in securing samples from the more important quarries for laboratory tests. General Considerations The general character of the country is a clay flat with occasional slight rises with boulder clay subsoil. The rock formations lie nearly flat and the overlying mantle of clay and boulder clay is generally thick, hence bed-rock outcrops are not frequent and, except in a few instances, do not present good opportunities for quarrying. The geiological formations encountered are Potsdam sandstone and Beekmantown dolomite and magnesian limestones. The former extends as a narrow band from the international boundary through Chateau- guay and the northeastern part of Beauharnois counties. The latter, more widely distributed, underlies the remaining portions of both counties. The boulder clay is seen along the St. Lawrence river, on DeSalaberry island, and in small patches in Beauharnois county, but the soil of the major part of the 4 OS 3 9 — a 62 district surveyed consists of stonele&s clay. The land in both counties is very fertile and produces, especially, hay and oats. Truck fanning is carried on to a certain extent near the town of Valleyfield, but Montreal is the main market for the farmer. The products are shipped by rail. Most of the main roads are now macadamized but they are often connected by stretches of clay roads almost impassable in wet weather. For this reason, and tbecause of the absence of a connecting link with the system of good roads reaching Montreal, motor trucks are scarce and touring cars compara lively few, considering the irajwrtance of the counties. Road Materials The area surveyed is devoid of sand and gravel, but bed-rock and field stone constitute a suflScient supply of road material for local needs. Bed-rock Outcrops of dolomites and magnesian limestones of the Beekmantown formation are not frequent in the area surveyed, but are found at intervals. They have been quarried for building or crushed stone purposes at Bellerive (DeSalaberry Island), St. Timothee, St. Louis de Gonzague. Chateauguay, and Bellerive station. In every case, however, the quarries are of local importance only. The stone is, as a rule, bluish-grey, fine-grained, and rather even in texture, and is generally fresh. It is less siliceous than the dolomite occurring north of the St. Lawrence river. The amount of weathered stone that must be rejected as road surfacing material is comparatively small. The top of the outcrops is weathered to a sandy, yellowish-brown, soft material but the weathering is generally limited to the upper layers of the formation. This dolomite, or magnesian limestone, has given good service in the con- struction of water bound macadam, and upwards of 50 milee of such roads built throughout the two counties since 1915 have proved to be economical under the actual country trafiic. Laboratory tests have shown that this stone has good road-making qualities. It is hard, tough, and has a good wearing quality. Its cementing value is known to be much lower than that of a pure limestone, but the present condition of the macadam roads referred to above, shows that it has more binding power than dolomite usually has. Being of good ability to stand abrasion under traffic, it doe^ not yield a dusty and rutty road surface, but must be properly rolled in order to prevent a rough sur- face undesirable for steel tire vehicles. Outcrops of Potsdam sandstone are fewer than outcrops of Beekmantown dolomite. Over the area examined this rock formation is heavily overlain with marine clay and in most occurrences the extent of the exposure is small. How- ever, beds of Potsdam are more or less continuously exposed for a distance three miles west of the village of Beauharnois. The stone varies in character from a hard, white, flinty sandstone to a soft, greyish-white, medium-grained sandstone much shattered in places and stained with iron. The more important openings are those at the Euclide Montpetit quarry, where the sandstone has been extensively quarried for dimension stone, rubble, and crushed stone for concrete aggregate. Most of the material is soft and should not be used in roadwork, but the harder type S3 can be advantageously used in the construction of road foundations and drain^. Because of its non-binding property, however, even the hardeS't variety of this rock cannot be considered as road surfacing material. A 'brief description of the deposits of bed-rock that were seen is given below, and in Table IV will be found the results of laboratory tests upon samples collected from the more im,portant quarries. Deposits of Bed-rock beauharnois county No. 1. — DeSalaberry island, immediately north of the town of Bellerive. Quarry owned by M. Lapierre. Formation: Beekmontown dolomite. Bluish- grey, even, fine-grained dolomite, weathering to yellowish-brown. The etone is particularly fresh, hard and tough, breaking with conchoidal fracture. The pit is T2 yarde by 50 yards by 2 yards = 7,200 -cubic yards in size. Workings for building stone have progressed in two benches facing east. Three beds, 6 to 18 inches thick are exposed. They dip slightly to the southwest and strike east 25 degrees south, with vertical joints, 3 to 5 feet apart, trending south 20 degrees west and east 25 degrees south. The beds are massive and less fractured than those in the occurrences. More stone can be obtained but not without strip- ping an overburden of 3 to 4 feet of boulder clay. The quarry floor is below ground-water level, and drainage by pumping is necessary. Further develop- ment is possible to the west and north of the actual opening but in the latter case only over a distance of a few hundred feet. This is about the best road- making stone to be had in the neighbourhood of Valleyfield. Results of laboratory tests upon samples collected are given in Table IV, 'No. 1. No. 2. — DeSalaberry island. jSTorthwestem town limit, Bellerive. Owner: Magloire Theoret. Eeekmantown dolomite. Quarry located just north of Grand Trunk Railway track, including several old openings formerly known as Simpson's quarries which are now filled with debris and tailings. About 10 feet of stone is exposed on the western wall of a crescent-shaped pit. The stone ranges from light grey, compact to fine-grained, steel-blue, with irregular, wavy streaks of darker material. It (xjcurs in thin, irregular beds, separated by thin layers of clay and shale. The fresh material is tough but a good deal of the stone in the upper layers is much weathered. The beds vary from 2 to 7 inches in thickness and are nearly flat lying with irregular wavy bedding- planes. They are moderately jointed at various angles. The deposit foi-ms a ridge running east-west, approximately 250 yards by 100 yards in extent, with its highest point about 10 feet above the surrounding surface. The overburden ranges from 2 to 3 feet and consists of boulder clay. More stone can be had without difficulty from the northern edge of the ridge where it forms an escarp- ment, but in order to get fresh material quarrying will have to proceed to a lower level than the foot of the ridge. Crushed stone obtained here is being used for road work in Bellerive. Service as well as laJboratory tests have shown that this stone has very good wearing quality. See results of tests in Table IV, 1^0. 2. No. 3. — North shore of DeSalaberry island. On the property of Mr. A. !McSheen, outcrops of Eeekmantown dolomite occur along the river shore for a short distance, about opposite Coteau rapids. In a small opening 4 yards by 5 40S39 — 65 84 yards, thore is an exposure of 3 to 5 feet of stone resembling that described in No. 1. The chances for future development are poor on account of a thick overburden and because the top of the outcrop is nearly level with the river. No. 4. — St. Louis de Gonzague. One and one-half mile west of village, concession VI. Property of Arsene Meloche. Outcrops of Beekmantown dolo- mite exposed along a low ridge on the south side of the road. Exposure of 5 feet of stone in an excavation measuring 50 yards Dy 30 yards. Thin bedded steel-grey and fine-grained dolomite with irregular streaks of darker coloured material. The stone is' fairly fresh excepting one foot at the top which is weathered to brownish. Flat lying beds separated by thin layers of clay and shale. Breaking joints are frequent and in various directions, but the stone is not shattered and a good crushed product can be obtained. The overburden, consisting of boulder clay and carrying weathered blocks from the upper beds, is from 3 to 6 feet thick. The dei)03it forms a slight elevation trending nearly east-west for a distance of about one hundred yards and rises to approximately 10 feet above the surrounding country. (Plate XXIX.) Water-bound macadam road built with material from this quarry was found in fair condition after .5 years of service and the dolomite apparently had enough binding power to wear down to a smooth surface. Shallow ruts had formed in the road but it was dustless and the interstices between the road crust aggregate were well filled with cemented powder. Stone tested. See Table TV, No. 4. No. 5. — St. Louis de Gonzague, Cone. VJLL. Doubtful outcrops of Beek- mantown dolomite. Low ridge showing half buried blocks just north of St. Louis road and extending in a northeast direction from Durham road for about one-quarter mile. Overburden apparently is light. No. 6. — St. Stanislas-de-Kostka. Beekmantown formation. Immediately north and south of the village two outcrop areas form hillocks of small extent. The stone, which is mostly covered, is sandy dolomite weathered to a dark colour on the surface. The facilities for quarrying are not good. No. 7. — Two miles northwest of St. Stanislas-de-Kostka, outcrops of Beek- mantown dolomite occur over an area 70 yards by 50 yards in extent between the river road and lake St. Francis. The deposit forms a round-topped hillock 6 to 8 feet high and partly covered with a light overburden. The stone on the surface is much weathered. No. 8. — St. Timothee. Quarry owned by Wilbrod Breault and Alexis Dorais. Beekmantown formation. One quarter mile southwest of the Xew York Central Ry. station along the edge of a bush there is a quarry 60 yards by 45 yards by 3 yards = 8,100 cubic yards, from which stone has been taken for road metal. Dolomite is exposed to a depth of nine feet, an ascending section of which is as follows : — (a) Dark-grey, medium-grained, siliceous dolomite, in rather massive bedi. fresh — 3 feet. (b) Thin-bedded, light grey, compact, splintery, fresh dolomite — 1 foot. (c) Irregularly thin-bedded, shaly and weathered dolomite with streaks, up to 1 inch thick, of blaok cherty material — 1 foot. (d) Massive, fine-grained dolomite with geodes of secondary calcite — 1 foot. (e) Irregular beds, dark coloured, partly shaly, partly sandy, much weathered ntul shattered — 3 feet. 86 The cmtCTops are seen over an area of approximately 500 yards by 300 yards partly covered with a light overburden. They form a noticeable ridge, imme- diately north of road, from which several thousand cubic yards of fairly good road stone are to he had. Further o.uarrying will involve a certain amoiint of stripping but there will be no drainage trouble, the actual quarry floor being above ground-water level. Some of this stone has been used in the construction of water-bound macadam roads in the parish of St. Timothee. After 3 yeai.^ of service under medium traffic these roads were in good condition. One sample was collected and has been tested. See Table IV, No. 3. Uo. 9. — Two miles southeast of St. Timothee village, con. I and II, outcrops of Potsdam sandstone, covering an area of three-quarter mile by one-half mile, extend along both sides of the road. White to greyish sandstone, iron stained, = ift and partly weathered on the surface. Too soft to be used as road metal. No. 10. — Immediately east of the sandstone outcrops above described, there is an occurrence of Beekmantown dolomite on the farm of Mr. Lauzon, a few hundred feet north of the road. About 5 feet of thin-bedded stone is exposed in an old excavation measuring 30 yards by 15 yards. Bluish-grey, sandy dolo- mite of sugary texture and weathered on the surface to a depth of one to two inches. A renewal of operations is possible advancing southward from the actual opening, 'but the overburden may reach several feet of boulder clay c-ai-rying many large boulders. However, a few thousand cubic yards of stone can be had without much trouble. This stone resembles in character some of the dolomite occurring in No. 8, and its value as road raaterial may be compared to that rock. Potsdam S.^xdstone Formatiox Village of Beauharnois. Bare outcrops of sandstone are exposed along the St. Lawrence river, west of the village of Beauharnois, for a distance of three miles. The stone has been worked at several places, but the most important openings are located at the west end of the outcrops near Melocheville, These are owned by Euclide Montpetit. The quarried beds form an escarj)- ment to the south of the river road and are exposed to a depth of from 10 to 15 feet along a working face 250 yards in length. The beds are practically horizontal and badly shattered. They consist of interbcdded white flinty and greyish-white, fine to medium-grained sandstones, spotted with brown oxide of iron and containing pockets of coarser grained quart^itic material. Large quantities of stone were obtained here for rough building and crushed stone. A good section of the sandstone foinnation is also exposed at the falls on river St. Louis, immediately west of the village of Beauharnois, where a hard white flinty variety of the sandstone predominates. The amount of available material in this deposit is great, but it is a poor road metal, and should not be used except with a bituminous binder. Sample tested. See Table IV, Xo. 5. CHATEAUGUAT COUNTY Bellevue sta.. Ville de Lery. On the farms of Messrs. Alphonse and Donat Faubert, Beekmantown formation. Outcrops of dolomite along the northern edge of a ridge running parallel to and just south of the Xew York Central TJy. Bed-rock shows at intervals for a distance of 200 yards but is covered to the south with a thick clay terrace. I 86 Small openings have been made for rough huilding stone on Mr. Alphonse Faubert's farm, and for road metal on the next lot to the west owned by Mr. Donat Faubert. The stone at the two places is identical. It is bluish, siliceous, tine-grained dolomite, rather even in texture. At one place 5 feet of it is exposed. The stone is fresh except in the upper layer where about one inch of the surface is weathered to yellowish-brown. More stone can be obtained with- out drainage trouble by quarrying along the northern edge of the outcrops where a 10-foot working face is possible. Operations, however, could not advance far to the south on account of the heavy overburden. The amount of available stone may reach a few thousand cubic yards. Only a small quantity of this stone has been used for road building. Loose or fence stone, resembling it very much in character, but somewhat weathered on the surface, has given satis- factory results in water-bound macadam on the river road. Stone tested. See Table IV, No. 6. Chateauguay. One-half mile west of the village. Laberge quarry. Beek- mantown dolomite and magnesian limestone. Quarry measuring 75 yards by 50 yards by 5 yards = 18,750 cubic yards, located to the south of the Chateauguay- Woodlands road. Two working faces have progressed in southerly and south- westerly directions, the face in the latter case being developed in two benches. A total height of wall of over 20 feet is reached, but the deeper part of the quarry is covered with 6 to 8 feet of standing water. The character of the stone is rather uneven. It varies iu texture from fine- to somewhat coarse-grained. It is darker in colour and much less siliceous than the dolomite in Beauharnois county. The coarse-grained variety, which look? more like magnesian limestone, occurs in the lower 10 feet of the quarry wall, while the finer and more even-grained dolomitic stone overlies it. The latter type shows a good deal of lamination, carrying numerous thin black shaly partings along the bedding planes. It is as a rule more irregularly and much more thinly bedded than the lower stone. The formation is nearly flat lying, with a good deal of fracturing in various directions, (Plate XXX). The outcrops extend over an area about one-half mile square and rise to approximately 20 feet above the surrounding ground forming a small escarp- ment where they are quarried. Much more stone is available without difficulty in quarrying. This material does not give as imiforrn a crushed product as that from the deposits described in Nos. 1, 2, 4, but laboratory tests made upon one sample collected have proved that in percentage of wear and toughness it resembles the dolomite from near St. Timothee. Results of laboratory test-s on sample are giveai in Table IV. Outcrops of Beekmantown dolomite are seen at a point on Chateauguay river, just north of Primeauville. The location of the occurrence, however, is very unfavourable for future development. Beekmantown formation. Outcrops of bed-rock are exposed on both shores of Chateauguay river, one-half to one mile south of the village; but the chances for quarrying are poor as they occur at a level below high water mark. 87 TABLE IV Results of Tests on Bed-rock CHATEAUGUAY AND BEAUHARNOIS COUNTIE.S. QUE. Locality Lapierre quarry, Bellerive.. Miigloire Theorct quarry, Bellerive Alexis Dorais quarry, St. Timothee Arsdne Melcche quarrj", St. Louis de Gonzague Montpetit quarry, Beauhar- nois. Alphonj-e Faubert's farm, Bellerive Station, Ville de Lery Laberge quarry, Chateau- guay Rock typo Beekmantown dolomite Potsdam sandstone. Beekmantown dolomite. .. . Per cent of wear 1-S6 2-50 3-06 2-.W 2-34 2-30 2-3S Physical Properties 21-6 160 13- 1 15-5 17- 1 17-4 16-8 Tough- ness Hardness Specific gravity 24 18- 1 2-74 21 161 2-79 14 16-1 2-85 2.5 17-8 2-76 6 17-3 2-65 23 180 2-74 15 18-2 2-77 .Absorp- tion in lbs. per cu. ft. 104 0-40 0-57 0-62 0-74 0-32 0-38 Field Stone Field boulders piled in fences, or scattered in the fields are not plentiful in Beauharnois county, but they are generally to be found at intervals within short hauling distance of the ix)ads. In Chateauguay large quantities lie along the river shore from the western houndary of the county eastward through Bois- briand and Pointe-Mercie, to a point beyond Woodlands; but it is doubtful if in these summer resorts, the owners would permit the removal of stone fences for road building while quarried stone can be had nearby. In the neighbourhood of Chateauguay village and south of it field bouldei-a are scarce. The aggregate in each of the above mentioned occurrences does not vary much in character. It is composed, in varying proportions, of three main types of rock : Beekmantown dolomite and niagnesian limestones, Potsdam sandstones, and igneous rocks which are mostly gneisses. As a rule dolomites predominate in the composition of deposits in the western part of the area surveyed. Sand- stones, except in occurrences between St. Timothee and Beauharnois village where they form the bed-rock, constitute from 15 tn 40 per cent of the total yardage of the aggregate. The boulders of igneous origin, which are chiefly gneisses but also include some granites, syenites, quartzites, anorthosites, etc., are uniformly distributed, but in comparatively small quantities. Composition estimates of each deposit are given in Table V. As to the rela- tive road making quality of the aggregate in any locality, it can be calculated, if the average wearing value of each rock species and its relative proportion in the combination are known : Thus, if the percentage of wear of the various species are expressed by Wi W2 — W^ and the percentage proportions in which they occur in the mixture Ci C2 — C„, the per cent of wear of the mixture W^ ZCW . 100 is given by the formula W„= It was found in previous surveys where field boulders resemble in character those of this district that the average per cent of wear of each species is as 88 follows: Beekmantown dolomite 3-3 per cent, gneisses 3-0 per cent, Potsdam *;andstonc Chard, fine-grained type) 2-2 per cent. The coarse-grained Potsdam sandstone is known to have a high per cent of wear and is not suitable for road construction. TABLE V Character of Deposits of Field Stone Location Average of Whole Deposit DeSalaberry island, north shore road . along Northeast end of DeSala- berry island. Stock piles along road north of Bellerive. Parish of St. Timothde, south of village. Parish of St. Timothte, con. I and II, west of station road Parish of St. Timoth^e, con. II, east of station road. Parish of St. Timoth^e, con. I and II. Parish of .Ste. Madeline, con. II and III, from N.Y. Cen- tral R. linetoG.T.R. line. Con. IV, 4 miles south of Valleyfield. Parish of St. Louis de Gon- zague, west of village, con. VI and VII. South of village of St. Stanis- las-de-Kostka Con. IV and V, 3 miles south- east of St. Stanislas IJ mile west of village of Beauharnois Along lake shore from 2 miles east of Beauharnois to Wood- Umds in Chateauguay county Per cent of Dolo- mite 50 60 45 65 70 65 20 SO 100 Igneous 5 5 5 5 Oto 5 Sand- stone 40 40 35 20 10 90 Oto 20 Per cent stone over 1 ft. dia- meter 35 50 33 33 30 50 20 10 15 20 20 25 20 Total yardage 1.000 100 uh 1.500 1,800 2,500 2,000 5,000 900 S.OOO 1.500 2,500 1,500 Remarks Dolomite is weathered on the sur- face but fairly fresh inside. Sand- stone is soft and a poor road material. Igneous is largely composed of gneisses. About 50 per cent of the sandstone is very soft. The dolomite is fairly fresh. [Dolomite is fine-grained, bluish- grey, somewhat weathered to brownish colour on the surface. It has been used with success in macadamizing work. Both the soft friable and the tough quartzitic varieties of the sand- stone occur in about equal I amount. The latter can be used I with advantage in foundation [ work. Dolomite partly fresh, partly weathered. Sandstone is soft. The amount of field boulders, not estimated, on account of the built up character of the area where thev occur, not less than 20,000 cubic yards. 89 CHAPTER V DATA FROM WELL RECORDS, DRILL CORES, AXD OTHER SOURCES General Statement During the course of this investigation, considerable data were obtained relating to the depth of the overburden, the general configuration of the rock surface, and the character of the bed-rock. While much of this information was of a general nature, and referred to isolated areas, some of it is considered of sufficient importance for a place in this report. Overburden The overburden covering nearly the whole of the area mapped, is com- posed of glacial drift, or material derived from it, and by far the greater part of it is boulder clay, marine clay, or silt. The characteristics of these different classes of materials have already been described. A few word?, however, are necessary as to their suitability for foundations, hnnks, dam construction, and other uses. The boulder clay, or hardpan as it is more commonly known to civil engi- neers and contractors, is in nearly every case a suitable material for foundation work, or canal banks. It compacts w-ell, and is practically impervious to water, especially in the district east of Cardinal. Another point in its favour is, that it is the lowest member of the Pleistocene series, and consequently rests directly un the bed-rock. With the exception of bed-rock it is the most suitable of all the different strata in the whole district for the above purposes. The marine clay when not underlain by silty clay is also a fairly suitable material for foundation and constructional work, as it is more impervious to water seepage than the boulder clay. It is, however, iu nearly all parts of the district, underlain by a silty clay, which, when wet, is very liable to cause the stiffer and more compact marine clay to slip or slide along the contact between the two materials. This slipping, or sliding, due to the lower silty clay becoming saturated with water, and forming practically a quicksand, takes place along the banks of the St. Lawrence river on the north shore, a few miles to the east of Cedars, Que. (See Plate VI.) It is evident that the banks of a canal excavated in stiff marine clay lying directly on boulder clay or bed-rock, hold their position better than if a layer of silt lies beneath the stiff clay. The depth of the overburden varies greatly over the whole area. In some parts of the district, rock outcrops at the surface, or the overburden is very thin, while in other localities the unconsolidated mantle, in places, extends to a depth of 115 feet, and even deeper. The average depth of unconsolidated material would be about 40 feet, if spread uniformly over the whole of the rock surface. Xear Prescott, Ont., the overburden of drift is, on an average, comparatively thin, and rock outcrops in this area are fairly numerous. In the intermorainal area, in Matilda and Williamsburg townships, Dundas county, and Osnabruck township, Stormont county, the drift covering is considerably thicker, in some places attaining a depth of 70 feet or more. In the bed of the St, Lawrence, at Morrisburg, where the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission drilled 40 holes, the average depth of overliurden resting on the rock is 41 feet. 90 The drift covering is very unevenly distributed over Cornwall township, Storniont county, and in Charlotteniburg township, Glengarry county, where the Cornwall niorainal belt is beet developed. The ridges of drift in this region are hi^h but the bed-rock is only a few feet below the surface of many of the depressions between the ridges. The territory included in the eastern end of the Cornwall map sheet and in the Yalleyfield sheet is covered principally by marine sediments, that are in most cases of considerable thickness, especially in the eastern end of the area mapped. Some drilled wells in Soulanges county, Que., for example, are reported to have penetrated about 150 feet of marine clays and silts before bed- rock was encountered. A noticeable feature of the Valleyfield area and one that holds true for practically all the area included in the Valleyfield map sheet, is, that whenever boulder clay is encountered, bed-rock is relatively near the surface. Configuration of the Rock Surface The rock surface over the whole area mapped, as far as could be ascertained, is comparatively flat, with only slight undulations here and there. Much of the rock surface exposed shows glaciation; and it is probable any pronounced inequalities which there may have been originally in the rock floor have been removed by that agency. ' It is iwssible that there may be some preglacial stream gorges not obliterated by glacial erosion and buried beneath the glacial drift, but the boring done so far has not revealed them. The data obtained up to the present refer mostly to the St. Lawrence Eiver bed and to areas near the river to which it would be advantageous to divert the existing canal if the proposed work for a deeper waterway and the development of waterpower is carried on. Several borings have been made between Prescott and lake St. Louis under the direction of Mr. D. W. McLaughlin of the Railway? and Canals Depart- ment. The borings were not made at regular intervals along the river, but were grouped at certain points where construction is considered necessary, and at some of these places the surface of the bed-rock beneath the drift cover is well defined as a result of this work. The borings in the bed of the St. Lawrence river at Morrisburg, Ont., by the Hydro-Electric Commission, and the borings in the vicinity of the power plant of the Cedar Eapids Manufacturing and Power Company at Cedars, Que., give the depths at which bed-rock was encountered at these localities. The average height of the rock surface in the river bed in the neighbourhood of Prescott, Ont., is about 215 feet, and at Cascades Point, Que., 87 miles east, it is 67 feet above sea level. The river descends between these levels by a series of steps placed at irregular intervals, and at most of these i>oints bed-rock is found closer to the river bed than in the intervals between them. The remnants of a rock escarpment can be traced for a short distance along the north side of the St. Lawrence east from Prescott. The profile of this escarp- ment from the river bottom at Morrislburg, Ont., to the rock outcrop at Bouck's Hill, 8 miles to the north, and the drift cover on the bed-rock is shown in Fig. 4. The field work done by Mr. J. A. Eo'bert in Soulanges and Beauhamois counties. Que., gives a good deal of information about the rock surface beneath 91 MUOA MJN i 1 l\ "^ o 1 %■ \ \ Vl 1 \ hii F % t\ 1 '\ A y*-- ^■w^. ■]\ _JiJ J / ^ ■ 2/ VO oi 7 syi wno 1 1 I I ^ I > ' ~^ ^/ ~ n n ' r / /' f . / \^ /'/ !/,/■ 7^ / -A- / ,' / ,^ > /'^ / / '' ^ ^i -^ ^H h^ , — h— — , — 1 — — — n — :^ zn. — , — — — — , , _ _ , -j _ , _ _ _ I □ , 1j — 1 ^^ z -^ ■~" "^ -^ ^^ ■4- — ^ ^ ^ B :;^ — — -2 — ^ — — □ . y / J 1/ »' / 1 — = ^' f 6 — -^ — — -JL — / ^''z .y F^ ^> — — . — — 1 -* y^^^mtl^ )^ ,« / — yi — — ...V,' / -A — — )/ — -^ — — = _ r ~ = ~ ~ f — ^ ^ ^ — — ^-«= -^ I :: ~z^ Z\ □ — — ^ =v ^ ^ - ^ ■"■ ^ hj h I / ,^ ' ~ (< ^< ,.^ ~ ~ r^ ^ 1 ~ / J ■^ ^ ^ — — — — ^ — — /_ — — // — — — 1 / -t: — ^ ^ — ^ /■■ _2 — //^/ r '1 -— ~ ^ — , — 1 H — / — — -^ -it J / jd k — 1 — — t ^ = = = == ^ ~ ^ ^= — — z. "^ •^ «^ _ ^ ^ — ^ = == — — — — ^ 'w ^ ^ ^ p= — — - - 1 = — — — ' ^ — — n ~ SECTIONS SHOWING DEPTH TO BEDROCK BELOW SURFACE HUNTINGDON. BEAUHARNOIS AND SOULANGES COUNTIES. QUEBEC. 93 iiiagne.»iiin liimestones. When the percentage of magnesium carbonate becomes high enoujch in projKjrtion to the lime carbonate they are known as dolomites. It should be noted that variation in the chemical composition of the rock does not necessarily affect its physical character, for dolomites are often to be preferred to limestones for certain classes of structural work. The dark shales are slaty rather than ehaly in character as they do not slake in water even when crushed and ground. A clav shale slakes readily and becomes plastic under this treatment. The 40-foot section of rock revealed by the drill cores shows no defects whatever from an engineering standpoint, and while there are only two or three drill holes which extend to a depth of 70 feet, the rock in these cores is the same. There is no trace of weathering, the top of all the cores being just as fresh and unweathered as the bottom. There are no open seams or cracks, either vertical or horizontal. Each bed or layer of rock is solidly welded to the layers above and below it and the vertical joint planes are tight and impervious. Very little siliceous material is present; consequently, there are no sand- stone beds or layers which might be porous, but not necessarily so. It would be difficult to find a better bed-rock than this for dam foundations and water storage. For the purpose of description, the beds encounter c?d in the drilling were classified as follows : Drillhole No. 31 being used as a typical example of the •iO-foot holes, and Hole No. 7B as representative of the deeper holes. Classification and Details of Drillings Class I — Light Grey Dolomite This material consists of all the light coloured, fine-grained, compact dolo- mite, strongly resembling lithographic stone in appearance. Class II — Grey Dolomite Under this class is grouped all the grey, fine, medium or coarse-grained rocks, either dolomitic or calcareous. The rock varies in texture from very dense compact, fine-grained, to coarsely crystalline, with calcite seams or small cavities lined with calcite crystals or pyrite. Class III — Dark Grey Dolomite The difference between the material grouped under this class and that in Class II is one of colour only; otherwise the description for the grey rock will hold for this. The material grouped under this class is considerably darker in colour; and since many of the dark beds are persistent through a number of holes, it was thought better to separate them in order to help in identifying the different beds. Class IV — Shaly Dolomite Under this class is grouped all the material which contains shaly partings, and all dolomite which has a tendency to a shaly structure. It varies from light to dark in colour and from coarse to fine in texture. Class V — Shale These beds consist of the true shale bands, which are of sufficient size to note. 94 HOLE No. 31 Locality. — In the bed of the St. Lawrence river, off southeast corner of Canada island. Depth of Water. — 5 feet 9 inches. Elevation Ground Surface. — 208-09 feet above sea-level. Ground Penetrated. — 38 feet ^ inch. Elevation of Rock Surface. — 170-07 feet above sea-level. Rock Penetrated. — 41 feet ^ inch. 0' 0" — 1' 6" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 1' 6" — 6' 2" Fine-grained, dark grey dolomit-e 6' 2" — 8' 0" Medium-grained, light grey dolomite 8' 0" — 11' 0" Fine-grained, compact, dark grey dolomite 11' 0" — 12' 0". .Medium-grained, shaly, dolomite (dark grey), with calcite 12' 0" — 13' 6" Fine-grained, grey, compact dolomite 13' 6"— 14' 0" Black shale band 14' 0" — 15' 4" Fine-grained, dark grey dolomite 15' 4" — 16' 4" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 16' 4" — 26' 9" Fine-grained, compact, light grey dolomite 26' 9" — 27' 5" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 27' 5"— 27' 7" Black shale band 27' 7" — 29' 10" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 29' 10" — 31' 2". .Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite with calcite seams and patches 31' 2" — 33' 0" Fine-grained, compact, dark grey dolomite 33' 0" — 36' 4" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 36' 4" — 37' 10" Medium-grained, grey dolomite, with calcite patches 37' 10" — 41' 0^" Fine-grained, compact, dark grey dolomite HOLE No. 7 B Locality. — In channel between Clark island and U.S. mainland. Depth of Water.— 32 feet 8 inches. Elevation of Ground Surface. — 181-88 feet above sea-level. Ground Penetrated. — 1 foot. Elevation of Rock Surface. — 180-88 feet above sea-level. Rock Penetrated. — 77 feet 3f inches. 0' 0" — 5' 0" Dark grey, granular dolomite 5' 0" — 10' 0" Grey dolomite, very compact 10' 0" — 11' 6" Grey dolomite, very compact, fine-grained and banded 11' 6" — 14' 0" Grev dolomite, very compact 14' 0"— 15' 0" Dark grey, shaly dolomite 15' 0" — 21' 0" Compact grey dolomite 21' 0" — 26' 0" Compact grev dolomite, banded 26' 0"— 32' 8" Dark grey, shaly dolomite 32' 8" — 40' 0" Fine-grained, flinty, grey dolomite 40' 0" — 46' 0" Fine-grained, compact, grey dolomite 46' 0" — 49' 2" .. Dark grey, shaly dolomite 49' 2" — 55' 0"..Grey dolomite, fine-grained, compact, with calcite seams and nPS 55' 0"— 56' 0" Grey, flinty dolomite 56' 0" — 63' 0" Grey dolomite, fine-grained, with calcite seams 63' 0"— 63' 8" Grey, flinty dolomite 63' 8" — 66' 0"..Grey, granular dolomite, with numerous cavities and calcite seams 66' 0" — 68' 6" Grey dolomite, compact, and fine-grained 68' 6" — 70' 0".. ..Grey granular dolomite, with cavities and calcite seams 70' 0" — 73' 6" Grey compact dolomite, with cavities and calcite seams 73' 6" — 77' 32" Light grey, flinty dolomite A few ostracods were the only fossil remains that could be detected in the above core. There are no sandy beds in the lower portion of the core, and no indication that coarse siliceous sediments are coming into this portion of the beds. 95 In the vicinity of the power plant of the Cedar Rapids Manufacturing: and Power Company, at Cedars, Que., a number of drill holes have been put down, both in the bed of the river and on the shore. The writers were permitted to inspect these cores, and the following log of one of the veils will illustrate the character of rock encountered in that district: — HOLE No. 6 (Power House) Location. — Near southeast corner of new power house. Elevation of collar of hole. — 125 feet. 0' 0" — 7' 0" Clay and boulders 7' 0" — 8' 3" Loose, shattered rock 8' 3" — 14' 10". .Hard sandstone, light in colour, with rounded grains and cal- careous bond 14' 10"— 17' 7" Dark grey dolomite 17' 7" — 24' 6" Medium-grained sandstone, with rounded grains 24' 6" — 25' 9" Dark grey, crystalline dolomite 25' 9" — 31' 0".. Compact, greyish-white sandstone. At 28' 6" there is a 6-inch seam of coarse, sugary sandstone, without any bond. This material is porous and carries water. 31' 0" — 32' 6" Fine-grained, dark grey, crystalline dolomite 32' 6" — 37' 6". .Greyish-white porous sandstone, calcareous bond, and rounded grains 37' 6" — 37' 9". .Fine-grained, compact, dark grey dolomite, with sandy inclu- sions 37' 9" — 38' 0" Fine-grained, compact, greyish sandstone 38' 0" — 40' 0" Fine-grained, compact, light grey, crystalline dolomite 40' 0" — 41' 0" Dark grey, calcareous sandstone 41' 0" — 41' 8" White sandstone, rounded grains and calcareous bond 41' 8" — 41' 11" Dark grey, coarse-grained dolomite 41' 11" — 42' 8" White sandstone, rounded grains and calcareous bond 42' 8" — 42' 11" Dark grey, coarse-grained dolomite 42' 11" — 43' 11" Dark grey, calcareous sandstone 43' 11" — 47' 9". .Fine-grained, whitish compact sandstone, calcareous bond 47' 9" — 50' 0".. White, porous sandstone, with rounded grains and calcareous bond 96 CHAPTER VI INDUSTRIES General Statement The industries which may be based on the raw materials available in the district are those using silica, lime, clay, sands, and gravels. The silicate industries include cement, clay products, silica sand, sand- lime brick, artificial stone, glass, carborundum, etc. The lime using industries include the production of lime for various pur- poses, as fertilizer, building material, paint, etc., or for the manufacture of cement. The opportunities for establishing cement plants or limeburning industries have already been indicated under the sections on " Cement Material *' and " Lime". SILICATE INDUSTRIES The raw materials found in the district covered by this report, which could be employed in the silicate industries are sandstone, sands and gravels, and clays. The occurrences of these materials are all shown on the accompanying maps, and descriptions of the several deposits are to be found elsewhere in this report. Brief descriptions of the methods of using these materials in the several industries follow. Clay-Working Industry Historical A number of small plants made soft mud building brick at various points along the St. Lawi-ence river in former times. These plants were located at Prescott, Cardinal, East Williamsburg. Aultsville, Santa Cruz, Dickinson Land- ing, Moulinette, Cornwall, and Lancaster, in Ontario, and at the village of Beauharnois in Quebec. They were all small plants, making soft mud brick by hand, or with horse, or steam power driven brick machine. The drying was done on open floors, or on racks and pallets built out of doors. The bricks were built up in scove or clamp kilns for burning, and the fuel used was wood. The output was small, probably a million bricks a year would be the greatest for one plant, and in many cases half that quantity, or less. None of these brickyards are in operation at present, in fact it would be difficult to find the sites of several of them. Bricks, however, were extensively used in building up the towns and villages, and in places like Prescott, Morrishurg, and Cornwall, the majority of the shops and houses are built of the red brick made in the vicinity. Many of the farm houses along the roads are also built of red brick. Some of the red brick buildings were erected 80 years ago, and are still intact as far as the bricks are concerned. Weather seems to have very little effect on them and there are few buildings in which the bricks are spalling. Some of the brickyards had an underclay that burned to a cream or buff colour, so that thev were able to make two classes of brick, but there does 9r not seem to have been much demand for the buff coloured brick. Occasionally they were used for trimming around doors and windows, or at the corners of houses. The best example of the use of buff bricks is the Methodist church at Moulin 3tte, which was built about 100 years ago, and remodelled in 1871, by having 8 feet taken oif the height. The bricks were made water struck; they are a little smaller than the standard size, and burned to a good hard body of buff colour. These bricks show absolutely no indication of weathering; but, on the con- trary, are hardening with age. The site of the brickyard at Moulinette was probably near the river bank just west of the English church, as some masses of fused and waste brick were found among the weeds t'-t that jwint. The brickyard that supplied Cardinal and vicinity was placed on a small patch of Champlain clay on lot 10 in the second concession, about 2 miles northwest of Cardinal. It was owned by James Sayer, and went out of operation about 10 years ago. It was stated that the workmen, who were getting 75 cents a day wages, demanded a dollar, so the owner decided he could not make money under these conditions, and closed down. The prevailing rate of wages for labour in brickyards in 1908 was $1.25 tc $2, the number of men employed being 5 to 12, according to output. These brickyards supplied a very cheap but good structural material when it was most needed, hence they were extremely useful to the communities in which they were situated. They were only operated during the summer months, but as the amount invested in the plant was small, they had little or no overhead expenses during the winter months when they were idle. Future of the Clay Working- Industry Industries based on the Champlain clay are practically limited to three classes of product — building brick, hollow blocks, and field drain tile, but up to the present building brick seems to have been the only product made in the strip of country along the St. Lawrence. With the introduction of intensive farming, or improved farming methods, it is likely that there will be an increased use of tile for underdrainage. Underdrainage is specially needed in the flat lands underlain by Champlain clay, such as those in Soulanges, Vaudreuil, and Beau- harnois counties, but at present it seems to be made use of very little, or not at all. A favourable site for a tile plant which could supply the greater part of these counties with brick and drain tile, has been indicated on a previous page. One of the problems that troubles clayworkers to-day is that of fuel. ]\rost of them use coal, but this fuel is becoming more expensive every year, and it is not always possible to provide an adequate supply. It is true that, while the large clay plants use coal, either direct fired, or turnejjl to gas in producers, many of the smaller plants still continue to use wood for firing their kilns. There is an extensive area of forest land on the slopes of Ri^aud mountain, in the northern part of Vaudreuil county, from which supplies of cordwood could be drawn in winter for use in a brickyard. As the greater portion of the upland of Rigaud mountain is tmsuitable for agricultural purposes, it should prove a constant source of firewood if the woodlands arc taken care of. Hollow blocks made of burned clay have increased in use in recent years more than any other class of structural material. They have many advantages, 40839 — 7 98 among them being cheapness of construction and better resistance to extremes of heat and oold than the ordinary solid walls. Hard burned, hollow ware cannot be made from the Champlain clay, but it is possible to make the soft, porous kind known as terra cotta lumber, which is made from a mixture of clay, sand, and sawdust. The sawdust burns out and leaves cavities in the burned clay, so that nails can be driven into it. There is a large plant for the maniifacture of this class of structural material at Lakeside, Quebec. Future plans for housing on a large scale at any point along the St. Lawrence should take into consideration the use of hollow blocks. We have stated that the industry based on the Cham.plain clays and sands of the district is limited to a few classes of products, owing to the low fusibility of the clay, and the imix)ssibility of making vitrified wares, such as sewer pipe, paving bricks, and floor tile. Many experiments have been made with a view to extending the usefulness of this clay by the addition of some cheap material. Keele has experimented with various mine wastes, such as the tailings from the graphite mines at Buckingham, and from the asbestos mines at Thetford; also with quicklime, marl, ground limestone, and dolomite, ground talc schist from Sherbrooke, and coal ashes. All of these materials were found to be valuable, chiefly in helping the working and drying qualities of the clay, particularly the use of quicklime in drying. A detailed account of the effect of adding these materials is given in the report on the clay and shale deposits of the province of Quebec, Memoir 64, Geological Survey, Ottawa. The vitrification range was raised slightly, but some of the material had the effect of scumming the burned product. The material to be added would have to be one that could be obtained con- veniently and cheaply, such as the tailings from the silver mines at Cobalt, which are added to the brick clay at Haileybury^ -with good results. Fireclay, or discarded fire brick, ground up fine enough, probably gives the best results for increasing the refractoriness of the Champlain clays; but any quantity less than about 35 per cent would not have much effect and there is no occurrence of fireclay that we are aware of along the St. Lawrence River valley. The nearest deiK)5its to the district under consideration are in the province of Xova Scotia. This fireclay costs $4 per ton loaded on cars at the mine. The freight in 1920 to points in eastern Ontario was $8 to $10 a ton, so that fireclay is quite an expensive raw material to bring into this locality. If, in the future, ocean vessels can proceed to the ports on the upper St. Law- rence, it would be possible to bring over cargoes of Scotch or English fireclay at a cheaper rate. In many places it is possible to accumulate a large supply of coal ashes convenient to a brick plant. This if ground would be a useful ingredient to add to the Champlain clay. It would have a certain fuel value on account of the particles of unburned or partly consumed coal, and it would help in the drying and increase slightly the range of vitrification. The ashes, however, would spoil the red colour of the burned ware; but this would not matter for hollow blocks or drain tile, where the ware is concealed behind a coating of plaster, or buried in the ground. 1 Mines Branch, Summary report, 1917, p. 103. 99 Silica Sand Industry The Potsdam sandstones found in numerous outcrops in the vicinity of Beauharnois, Melocheville, and Cascades Point, province of Quebec, also in the outcrops on Isle Perrot, have eome beds which are white, and which, when crushed, washed and dried, produce a silica sand that is suitable for several purposes. The most important industries which employ silica sand in one form or another are the glass industry, carborundum manufacture, steel foundries, and the pottery industry. At the present time there is one company operating a silica sand plant in the district. (See Plate XXVII). This is the plant operated by the Con- solidated Sand and Supply Company, Ltd., Melocheville. Quebec. The plant produces silica sand of two grades and sells it in Montreal to glass manufacturers and steel foundries. The sand is produced from sandstone, quarried on the outskirts of the village. (See Plate XXVI). The stone is teamed to the mill, situated on the south bank of the east end of the Beauharnois canal, where it is crushed, ground, and screened. The product is shipped in barges to the Montreal market. The following is a flow sheet of this mill : — FLOvi^ Sheet — Melocheville Sand Plant Rock (sandstone from quarry) — run of quarry. Dodge jaw crusher to 2-inch size. (irizzly |-inoh epace — oversize. • . Disintegrator Bucket elevator. J -inch rotary trommel. 30 mesh inclined screen — oversize. 30 mesh material and finer. (ilats manufacturers — shipped to steel foundries. The average throughput of this mill is 100 tons of crude rock per day, and the plant operates during the summer months only. The power to drive the mill is supplied by a steam boiler operating a 70 h.p. engine. The following is the screen analysis of samples of the two products pre- pared at this mill, the first being of the coarse and the second of the fine sand : — No. 1 No. 2 Cumulative Cumulative Retained on mesh Per cent Per cent 8 20 47 10 70 17 14 87-85 20 9405 28 95-91 018 35 97-01 8 53 48 98 27 44-63 65 98-92 74-68 100 99.28 88-63 150 99-38 91.18 200 99-48 95-12 40839 — 7J 100 A chemical analysis of tlie material used for the glass industries, as repv- iresented by a sample taken from one of the barges loaded at the plant ready for shipment, gave the following results: — Per cent SiOs 98-25 FeoOs 016 AI2O3 17 CaO 70 MgO Loss on ignition 35 It is probable that this material could be improved by subjecting it to a thorough washing in standard type log washers, and afterwards drying before marketing. There is a good market in Canada for silica sand of different grades, the glass industry alone consuming nearly 50,000 tons each year; and if the material from this district can be washed so that the silica content is above 99 per cent and the iron decreased, there should be a good opportunity for the extension of the silica sand industry in the district. Glass Industry The glass industry is closely allied to the silica sand industry, since silica sand is, in point of bulk, the most important ingredient of all glass. It is doubtful if the manufacture of glass will be undertaken within the district covered by this report since there are so many factors entering into the question of the location of a glass plant, nearness to a sand supply being only of minor importance. The industry is of interest to the district, however; for it is one of the biggest consumers of the silica sand now being produced, and it is probable that it would use a considerably larger tonnage provided sand of sufficient purity can be produced for the higher grades of glass. The requirements in a good glass sand include both physical and chemical properties, which may be enumerated as follows: Textwe.— The sand should be very uniform in grain, and 9.5 per cent should pass through 20 mesh (-SSo mm. opening) and be retained on 100 mesh (•147 mm. opening). Glass manufacturers in most cases call for the grains to be angular, or semi-angular, in preference to rounded, as they state that the latter are more difficult to melt. Chemical Composition. — Glass sand, as a general rule, should contain less than 1 per cent of iron oxide (Fe203)«, and in the case of the better grades of glass not more than 0-5 per cent. Lime, alumina, and magnesia may, in some cases, be permissible in small percentages, since for certain glasses these materials have to be added to the batch; but, as a general rule, it is best to depend on the sand only as a source of pure silica, and to add the other ingredients as required. Thus, a good silica sand for use in the manufacture of glass is made up of uniform, angular grains, contains over 99 per cent silica, and is as free from iron as possible. Carborundum Industry A possible industry, incidental to the development of electrical power and the production of a high grade silica sand, is the manufacture of carborundum. For this industry cheap electrical power is needed, and a sand containing over 99-25 per cent SiOa and of uniform grade. 101 Sand for Steel Foundries Silica sand for steel foundry use is now being produced in the district. The high temperature to which steel is subjected in the furnace, and which it retains on being poured into the mould, necessitates the employment of a highly refractory sand, hence, although some natural moulding sands are suitable for this work, the greater number of castings are made in moulds consisting largely of a high silica sand, to which some artificial bonding material has been added. The bonding material generally contains a highly plastic fireclay, flour, molasses, etc. For this use. a sand running well over 95 per cent SiOa is necessary, and the tendency is towards increasing this minimum percentage. Iron oxide and other fluxing impurities are undesirable because they tend to increase the liability of failure of the mould, and to produce scabs on the casting. The sand should all pass through the 8 mesh (2-362 mm. opening) screen, and be retained on the 100 mesh (-147 mm. opening) screen, the greater bulk being between the 20 mesh (-883 mm. opening) and the 48 mesh (-295 mm. opening). Concrete Structural Materials There is a good opportunity for the establishment of several small plants for the manufacture of concrete blocks, drain tiles, etc.. for local use. At the present time one plant is in operation 2 miles north of River Baudet, Que., where concrete blocks and drain tiles up to 3 feet inside diameter are being manufactured. At this plant the sand and gravel is obtained from the Baudet moraine. Sand Lime Brick These are building bricks made from a mixture of sand and lime, as the name implies. About 6 per cent of hydrated lime is added to the sand and thoroughly mixed. The mixture is pressed into brick shapes, and hardened under steam pressure in cylindrical steel chambers. A medium to fine-grained, clean sand, composed mostly of quartz grains is used for this purpose. Sand from the deposits along the St. Lawrence, such as those in Williamsburg township, Dundas county, Ont., would be suitable. Sand lime bricks of good quality have an established place in building practice, especially for interior basement walls, and for rear walls, where light coloured surfaces are required. Apart from this use, the sand lime brick fulfils no purpose for which the ordinary clay brick cannot be used. Moulding Sand for Iron Foundries Moulding sands are made up mostly of quartz grains with each individual grain coated with clay or silt, which acts as a bonding material when the sand is moistened. They are generally found where deposits of sand and clay have been worked over by water, intermingled, and deposited on river terraces, flood plains, and raised beaches. The greater part of the alluvial sand near the St. Lawrence river is not suitable for moulding, but at a few localities they appear to possess the require- ments for use in iron and brass foundries. One mile north of Bainsville, in Glengarry county, Ont., sand was noticed very similar in texture and composition to Xo. O Albany sand. This deposit is thin and of limited extent. 102 A larger deposit is situated on a farm 2^ miles west of Cardinal, Ont., in the first concession, Edwardsburj? township, Grenville county. Test pitr; on this sand have shown it to be four feet deep, in places. Samples collected by Mr. Wm. Leacy of Prescott, and tested in the Mines Branch laboratory, proved it to be similar to moulding sand obtained near Brockville,^ and it corresponds very closely to No. 1 Albany sand, an American sand used in many of the foundries in Canada. Sand very similar in appearance was seen on the roadside un lots 20 to 25 in the second concession, Edwardsburg township. I Report on Occurrence and Testing of Foundry Moulding Sands. L. Heber Cole, Bullelin No. 21, Mines Branch, Department of Mines, No. 476, 1917. 103 APPENDIX A PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT FOSSILS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY FROM PRESCOTT TO BEAUHARNOIS BY E. J. Whittaker The different suibdivisions of the Pleistocene of the St. Lawrence valley have been enumerated in the preceding report. The fossils here listed are from four distinct facies of the Pleistocene and Recent deposits: — 1. Alluvial deposits. Freshwater and marine fossils. (The latter from stream-eroded marine beds). Recent. 2. Clay and peat laid down in former ponds and swamps. Freshwater fossils only. Recent. 3. Marine sands and gravels (Champlain sands) ^larine fossils. Pleisto- cene. 4. Marine clays. Marine fossils. Pleistocene. FOSSIL LOCALITIES Alluvial Deposits River terraces, etc., of present streams: — 1. Low river terrace at S.E. corner Sheek island, St. Lawrence river, Corn- wall tp. 2. Lot >), con. VI. on small creek which crosees road, Charlottenburg tp., Glen- garry CO., Ont. 3. Sand terrace, lot 8, con. I, Osnabruck tp., Stormont co., creek near Wales Station, Ont. 4. At Black River, lot 26, con. III. Cornwall tp., Stormont co., Ont. Peat and Swamp Deposits 5. At small creek at St. Louis de Gonzague, S.W. of St. Timothee, Beauhar- nois CO., Que. Marine Sands and Gravels 6. 3 miles W. of Preecott, on bank of St. Lawrence just south of Blue Church. 7. At intersev:tion of Grand Trunk Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway tracks just east of Prescott, Ont. 8. Gravel pit, lot 8, con. II, WHlIiam-sburg tp., Dundae co., Ont., midway between Morrisburg and Aultsville, on north side of road. 9. Hamilton gravel pit, lot 3L con. VT, Osnabruck tp., Stormont co. 10. HoUister pit, lot 27, con. IV. Osnabruck tp.. near Gallingertowm, Ont. 104 11. WindfaD pit, lot 36, con. Ill, Covmvall tp.. Storraont co., near Mille Roches, Ont. 12. Frank Lefevre gravel pit, lot 21, con. 5, Charlottenburg tp., Glengarry co., near Williamstown, Ont. 13. Beaupre pit, lot 6, con. VIII, Charlottenburg tp.. Glengarry co., 6 miles west of North Lancaster. Marine Clay 14. Lot 3, con. I, Williamsburg tp., Dundas co., Ont., near Aultsville on bank of St. Lawrence river. 15. In bank of small creek which crosses road just west of and leading north from Farran Point, just east of bridge which crosses road and one- fourth of a mile from St. Lawrence river. It!. 1 mile west of Dickinson Landing, Ont., on bank of St. Lawrence river. 17. Opposite Moulinette, on Sheek island, St. Lawrence river. 18. 4 miles west of Melocheville, Beauharnois co., Quebec, on bank of St. Lawrence river. In the Champlain elays^ the following species were noted in the field col- lections' : — PORIFERA Tethea {Craniella) loganl, Dawson, rare, 16. MOLLUSCA Portlandia arctica, Grey, abundant. 14. 15. IS. Saxicava rugosa, Lamarck, rare, 14, 15, 16. Nucula tenuis, Montagu, rare, 16. Leda minuta, Fabricius. rare, 15. Mytilus edulis, Linn, rare, 15. Macoma calcarea, Gmelin. rare, IS. Macoma halthica, L. abundant, 14-18. Natica cla\isa, Brod. and Sow. 15. CRUSTACEA Balanus crenatus, 'Brag, rare, 16. In the marine fauna of the Champlain or Saxicava sands the following species were noted: — MOLLUSCA Saxicava rugosa, L. common, 6, 8, 10-12. Macoma halthica, L. very common, 6-13. Mytilus edulis, L. rare, 10. Mya arenarin, L. 12, 13. 1 See "The Pleistocene and Recent Depo.sitp of the Island of Montreal" by J. Stansfield. Memoir 73. Geological Survey, Dept. of Mines, Canada, pp. 65-68, for complete lists of Pleistocene and Recent fossils of the Island of Montreal. 2Tn the succeeding lists the number following each species indicates that it was found at the locality designated by that number in the above list of fossil localities. 105 CRUSTACEA Balanus hameri, Ascanius, 10. Balanus crenatus, Brug. 10, 11. The swamp and pond deposits furnished the folio-wing species from the base of a peat bed a short distance only above the marine clay at locality 5. MOLLUSCA Calyculina securis. Prime. Pisidium dbditum, Haldeman. Pisidium compressxim. Say. Pisidium sp. Amnicola porata. Say. Planorhis parvus, Say. Planorhis exacvous. Say. Planorhis antrosuSj Conrad. Valvata tricarinata. Say. Yalvata tricarinata, var. Valvata hicarinaius, var. normalis. Walker. Valvata sincera, Say. Lymnaea (Galha) paJustris, Muller. Lymnaea sp. c.f. stognalis appressa, immature specimens. Ancylus rivularis. Say. The following species were obtained in the alluvial deposits: — MOLLUSCA Anodonta grandis footiana, Lea, 2. Anodontoides ferussacjaniis. Lea, 2. Sphaerium soliduJum. Say, 1. ! SphaeHum rhomloideun. Say, 4. ^^^'^'^^ '^'^^^^ ^*-''^°^- Sphaerium similej Say, 2, 3. Pisidium sp., 3. Lymnaea (Galha) palustris, Muller, 2, 3. Planorhis antrosus, Conrad, 3. Planorhis parvus. Say, 2. 3. Physa ancillaria. Say, 4. Physa heterostropha. Say. 2, 4. Amnicola porata. Say, 3. 4. Pomatiopsis lustrica, Pilsbry, 3. Valvata tricarinata. Say, 3. Pleurocera suhlare. Say, 1, Pleurocera elevatum. Say, 1. Campelona suhsolidum, Anthony, 1. Saxicava rugosa, L., 3, 4. Macoma halthica, L., 3. 4. Macoma calcarea, Gmelin, 4. Portlandia arctica. Gray, 3, 4. Fresh water forms. Fresh water forms. Marine forms. 106 CHAMPLAIN CLAYS Interest centres largely in the fauna of the Champlain sands and clays, owinp: to the association of these sands and clays with the other Pleistocene deposits. Fossils are rare in the marine clay, as a rule, except in certain beds which are very prolific in specimens. Large areas of the marine clay may be searched without result, and, while the total number of forms is large, only a few species are found at any one locality. Searching for fossils in the marine clays is usually difficult, as sections occur only in the banks of the St. Lawrence and its tributaries, and the surface drainage makes these clay banks very slip- pery and muddy. One of the most prolific fossil localities is the bank of a small brook which crosses the road just west of and leading north from Farran Point. At this exposure there is about six feet of marine clay overlain by a bed of sand. The fossils are practically confined to a thin layer about two feet from the bottom of the section. One mile west of Dickinson Landing there is a sev?tion of 10 feet of clay, which contains besides the common memberi; of the fauna, considerable numbers of the sponge Tethea (Craniella) logani. This cannot usually be seen in the field except by washing out with a sieve. The fine siliceous spicules are readily recognized with a lens. Isolated sponge spicules are found commonly throughout the marine clay. Just west of Aultsvillo, there is a section of 12 feet of sand overlying 5'+ of marine clay where the com- mon species occur, but poorly preserved. Farther east foseiliferous marine clays occur 4 miles west of Melocheville, Quebec, on the river bank. At this locality Portlandia arctica is large and abundant. Portlandia arctica is the most persistent and characteristic fossil of the whole marine clay fauna. Formerly called Leda glacialis, its name was given by Sir J. W. Dawson to these deposits, which he called Leda clays. Mature specimens measure 15 mm. in length and ■'s mm. in height, but many individuals are less than half these measurement? where conditions were unfavourable. As a rule, the less silt or sand in the clay the larger the size attained by these pelecypods. Mucoimi hnlthica, while present in the clay, is small compared to the forms occurring in the sand and gravel deposits. The following measurements are a fair average: — Mnconm hnlthica l^^^T^^]"""'', ^^^^^^ ^^ rn^- Length 16 mm. (Sand. Height 21 mm. Length 26 mm. A larae percentage of the specimens of 3/. haJthica in the clays, show by their thin shells and indistinct dentition and muscle scars that they are immature forms, which did not long survive the unfavourable environment. Owintf tu the great variability in Snxicava ingosa it is impossible to give for that species such definite comparisons as the above, but in general the specimens in the clay are smaller than those in sand and gravel. The barnacle Balanus crenatus, found rarely in the Champlain clays of this area, has been washed down from shallower waters in most cases. Sands and Gravels of Champlain Age These formations, which occur irregularly scattered over a considerable part of the area, are well shown on the maps accompanying the report. Certain species of the marine fauna are nearly always found wherever these gravels 107 are exposed, but a few localities are of especial interest. Among these are the Beaupre pit, the Hollister pit, and the Windfall pit. The position of these are indicated in the previous report. In the Beaupre pit the section as described by Mr. Cole is as follows : — Beach shingle on top. Clay and sand, with ^fy(l arenaria only. Gravel, with Mncoiiiti balthica common. Gravel, with Sa^icavn riigosa common. Boulder clay. Mya arenaria, the common class, was found west of this locality at one place only, on lot 21, con. V, Charlottenburg tp.. Glengarry county, at the Frank Lefevre pit. The specimens from the Beaupre pit are large and well-developed, in contrast with the stunted, ill-developed forms from the Lefevre pit. Mya ie a characteristically intertidal species, while Macoma and Saxicava are shallow water forms. At the Hollister pit a section of about 17 feet is exposed, consist- ing of huge boulders 1 foot and over in diameter at the top, with finer material below and filling the interstices between the larger boulders. In this finer material Saxicava and Macoma are found in perfect preservation, with the valves united, while the fragile barnacles Balanns crenatus remain attached in their original position to the larger boulders. Considering the perfect preserva- tion of the fossils it seems unlikely that the large boulders were subjected to very llea^•y wave action, otherwise in rolling about the fragile shells would have been crushed. It is possible that when the morainie ridge was being reworked by the waves, these large boulders were shifted very little from their original positions. Saxicava and Macoma while present throughout the section are especially abundant about six feet from the top. At the Windfall pit, which is a beach deposit of roughly stratified material cut out of the old morainal ridge, there is the same fauna as that at the Hollister pit, except that the shells of Saxicava are much smaller and more rare in the upper portion of the section. The smaller size is due to a lees favourable environment — pcsisibly warmer or frciher water. Three miles west of Prescott, on the river road just south of the Blue Church, a blufi' facing the river contains in abundance Macoma balthica and, very rarely, Saxicava rugosa. At this locality, about twelve feet of sand lies against a sloping bank of roughly stratified blue clay containing a few boulders. The clay is apparently a boulder clay though more brittle than usual. The fossils are largely confined to certain bands in the sand, in which, however, they are very abundant. At the very top of the section boulders occur rarely. This was the most westerly exposure seen by the writer, but many years ago Dr. Robert Bell found traces of marine fossils in clay in an excavation for a tunnel under the town of Brockville, eight miles farther west. There is a most interesting fossil occurrence in a small ditch at the inter- section of the Canadian Pacific Railway and Grand Trunk Railway tracks just east of Prescott. At this section there are two feet of fine silty sand covered by about two feet of coarser rust-stained sand and a thin layer of top soil. In the lower fine sand there are great numbers of large Macoma balthica, the shells of which have the epidermis largely preserved. This is quite unusual. The specimens have not been subject to much wave action, as the two valves are commonly united and the epidermis has not been abraded. 106 Mucoina haUhica is found farther west than any of its contemporaries in these beds, and more readily adapted itself to unfavourable conditions, in this ease fresh water from the west. In contrast, the westerly limit of Mya arenaria is fifty-five miles east, farther down the river. The barnacles also could not stand fresh water so well and their westerly limit is over thirty miles east of that of Macoma halthica. Saxicava occupies nearly the same territory, though not quite so far west as the latter, but is rarer at the western limit. When the total number of species given above is couipared with the large list from Mont- real^, it is readily seen that the fauna becomes constantly more sparse toward the west. This fact is verified by the examination of Pleistocene deixisits farther east, from Three Rivers and Quebec, with their abundant and diver- sified fossil remains. Xo vertebrate fossil remains were collected in this area. As a whole the fauna is simple compared with that found in beds of similar age in the Ottawa valley and does not extend as far west as the latter. It is probable that the great influx of fresh water from the west into the Gulf was effective in restricting the number of species which could live under these conditions. Farther east, the water was more salty and more species could survive. A similar condition can be seen at the present time farther down the St. Lawrence. At Murray Bay sea shells are rare; at Tadousac they are more plentiful and of more species; and farther down are still more common. On the other hand the amount of fresh water coming down the Ottawa valley was too small to make the sea water very brackish aud a more diversified fauna was established. PEAT DEPOSITS A fresh water fauna associated with clay and peat was found in a small creek near St. Louis de Gonzague, southwest of St. Timothee. These rest directly on marine clay and the fossils were picked from a bed only three inches above the clay. ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS These deposits have been formed by streams which have cut through all the different members of Pleistocene and Recent age. In consequence they include many of the marine fossils which have been washed out of the older beds and also a modern freshwater fauna of molluscs which lived in the streams and whose dead shells are thus intermingled with the earlier forms. As neither these beds nor the peat deposits have any great geological significance they are not further discussed in this paper. 1 The discrepancy between the list in Memoir 73 by Mr. Stansfield and the list quoted above is more apparent than real, as the former contains all the species discovered during many years, while the latter records only those discovered by the party in 1919 and 1920. 109 B ORDOYICIAN FOSSILS FROM ST. LAWRENCE CAXAL SYSTEM LOCALITIES, ONTAKIO AND QUEBEC COLLECTED BY L. H. Cole and J. Keele IDENTIFIED BY Alice E. Wilson G.S.C. Loc. 6336, quarry at lot 2T, con. V, Osnabruck tp.. Stormont co., Ont. Trenton formation. Prasopora sp. Dalmanella rogata (Sardecon). Bafinisquina alternata (Emmons). Zygospira recur virostris (Hall). Rhynchotrema increhescens (Hall), cf. Modiolon patulus (Ulrich). Liospira sp. Calymene senaria (Conrad). Ceraurus sp. Ostracoda. G.S.C. Loc. No. 6344, lot 26, con. III. Cornwall tp., Stormont co., Out. Lower Trenton beds. Dalmanella rogata (Sardesou). Plectamhonites sericens (Sowerby). Rafinisquina alternata (Emmons). Strophomena filitexta (Hall). Rhynchotrema increhescens (Hall). Zygospira recurvirostris (Hall). Dinorthis pectineJla (Emmons). Hormoioma hellicincta (Hall). Hormotoma gracilis (Hall). G.S.C. Loc. 6327, lots 4, 5, 6, con. IV, Cornwall tp., Stormont co., Ont. Trenton formation. Rafinisquina camerata (Conrad). Pleurotomaria agave (Billings). G.S.C. Loc. 6322, lot 20, con. IV, Charlottenburg tp.. Glengarry co., Ont. Tren- ton formation. Bryozoa. Plectamhonites sericeus (Sowerby) Para-strophia hemiplicata (Hall). Platystrophia trentonensis (McEwan). Liospira sp. Hormotoma sp. Pterygometopus sp. 110 G.S.C. Loe. Xo. 6323, lot 45, con. VIT, Charlottenburg tp., Glengarry eo., Ont. Trenton formation. Dalmnnella rogata (Sardeson) B'lfinisquina altemnta (Emmons). Plectamhonites sericeus (Sowerby). Zycjospira recurvirosfris (Hall), Isotelus sp. — fragments. Bumastus sp. — cephalon. G.S.C. Loc. Xo. 6324, lot 46, con. VII. Charlottenburg tp., Glengarry Co., Ont. Trenton formation. Bryozoa. Rafinisquina nUernahi (Emmons). DfihiumeUa rognfa (Sardeson). Zygospira recnrvirostris (Hall). Pterygometopus cf. callicephalus (Hall). G.S.C. Loc. Xo. 6357, three-fourth.-? of a mile east of Bouckhill, lot 21, con. V, Williamsburg tp., Dundas co., Ont. Black Klver. Crinoid stems. Tetradium cellulosum (Hall). Bryozoa. Ddlmnnella rogata (Sardeson). Pianodema siihapquata (Conrad). Crytodonta sp. Lophospira pprangulata (Hall). Bathyurus extans (Hall). G.S.C. Loc. Xo. 6358, one-half mile north of Bouckhill. lot 24, con. V, Williams- burg tp., Dundas co., Ont. Black Eivcr or Trenton. Crinoid stems. Rhinidictya sp. Dahnanella rogata (Sardeson). Strophomena filitexta (Hall). Zygospira recnrvirostris (Hall). Bumastus sp. Ostracod. G.S.C. Loc. Xo. 6359. In the bed of a creek, lot 11. con. VII, Williamsburg tp., Dundas co., Ont. Trenton. Prasopora sp. Zygospira recurvirostris (Hall). Maclurites sp. Ceraurus sp. Bumastus trentonensis. Ostracoda. 1. Southeast of Melocheville, Que. Beekmantown. Ophileta complanata (Vanuxeum). 2. Maple Grove, Que., just east of Beauharnois. Beekmantown. Tryhlidinm sp. Ophilrtn complanata (Vanuxeum). Ill 3. Lots 34 and 35, eon. VT. Wi]lianisl)urt> tp., Duiida:- cm,, Ont. Black River: Lowville. Tetradium ceUidosvm (Hall). Tetradium. hnlysitoidrs (Hayinond). (Jyrtodonta sp. Liospira sp. Leperditia sp. 4. Bed of creek one-half mile east Black River station, Xew York Central Ry., Ont. Trenton limestone. Bryozoa — undetermined. Phaenopora sp. Prasopora .sp. Dalmanella rogata (Sardeson). Rafinisquina alternaia (Emmons). Dinorthis pectinelln (Emmons). Strophomenn sp. Zygospira recurvirostris (Hall). Plcctamhonites sericeus (Sowerby). 5. About 2 miles northeast of Yalleyfield, Que., on DeSalaberry island. Beek- mantown. of. Orthis (ipicalis (Billings). Hormotoma anna (Billings). Hormotoma cf. cassin-a (Whitfield). Isofcloides tuhitfie.ldi (Raymond). Dolichometopus ? rarus (Billings) Goniunis sp. Pl.ATF. I Stream erosion on bank of St. I^awrence river, at Farran Point, Ontario. Pl.\te JI !flR |r I^RP-.* ^.^^1^^ It ■HI ^iMmHmaBKmm^mi^tmMMmm^^^^^m^mw^iimt^m C-. Meandering stream entrenched on clay plain at St. Lazare. Que. 40839 — 8 Plate III pp*- ^^^Pl; llJl^^^^H ^-- .^ Typical topography in Cornwall morainal belt near headwaters of Baudet river. Plate IV Farming lanfl in Cornwall morainal belt. Church of St. Raphael, Glengarry county. Ontario, in distance. Plate V Clay plain, with ■wooded patches, Soulanges co., Que. Plate VI Slides on clay bank, between Cedars and Cascades rapids, Que. 40839— 8i Plate VII Boulder clay, east bank of creek near Farran Point. This is a typical example of the boulder clay or till of this region. Plate VIII 'fi\A Cx Typical f.xiiusuro of frf>^. V ■-i^'^^ Gravel pit, showing stratification and bed-rock floor. Plate XXI Gravel pit east of Ventnor, Ont. Typical deposit of tluvio-glacial origin. Plate XXII ■-V^.t- . -. "< "*■ '"%'^5iyK'*" """^^^ •%t '^iw-.'^^^ Hollister gravel pit, Osnabruck tp., Stormont co., (>nt. Plate XXIII Shallow gravel pit, with large percentage of coljbles. Lot 16, con. V, Osnabruek tp., Stormont co., Ont. Plate XXIV Mitchell gravel pit, Charlottenburg tp., Glengarry co., Ont. Plate XXV :f^.-"??*%^- Beaupre gravel pit, Charlottenburg tp., Glengarry co., Unt. Plate XXVI General view of Potsdam sandstone quarries at Melocheville, Que. Plate XXVII Plant for crushing sandstone at Melocheville, Que. Plate XXVIII Abandoned quarry in Beekmantown dolomite, one and a half mile west of Cardinal, Ont. Plate XXIX Quarry in Beekmantown dolomite on property of Mr. Arsene Meloche, near St. Louis de Gonzague, Beauharnois county, Que. Road material sample Xo. 254. Pl.\te XJ'CX Beds of Beekmantown dolomite in Laberge quarry near Chateauguay, Que. Used for road material on Woodlands-Chateauguay road. Road material sample No. 257 INDEX A Page Acknowledgments 11 Agricultural lands*. 31 Alluvial deposits : fossils 1 08 " sands 32 Analysis : Champlain clay 38 " Cornwall townshi]) limestone 56 " Matilda township gravel 68 " Melocheville silica sand 99,100 ", Osnabruck township gravel 71 " Soulanges county limestone 57 " Williamsburg township limestone 55 Appendix A. — Pleistocene and Recent Fossils 103 B.- — Ordovician Fossils 109 Archsean boulders 69, 71, 72 material: high percentage in Matilda tp. gravel deposits 68 pebbles 70 Area covered by investigation 10 Augusta township : dolomite quarries 52 " " gravel deposits 67 " " sand sample 65 Aultsville : brickmaking at ceased 46 B Bainsville : small deposit of moulding sand near 101 Baker, Massie : field assistant 12 Balarius crenatus fossils 71 Baudet : gravel pit near 77 " river 15 Beauharnois county : boulder clay 81 " " clay deposits described 49 " " deposits of bed-rock 83 " " limestone beds 57 " " no gravel pits 77 " " results of tests on bed-rock 87 " " sandstone outcrops 51 " " quarries 51 " village : outcrops of sandstone 85 Beaupre, Parfait : deposit gravel and sand 75 Beekmantown dolomite : Augusta township 52 " " Beauharnois and Chateauguay counties 81 " *' Chateauguay 82 " formation 20 " limestone 57 Bed-rock: Beauharnois and Chateauguay counties 82 character of 92 deposits 79, 83 " few outcrops 18 " influence of 14 " results of crushing tests 79 "tests 87 suitable for dam foundations 93 Bellerive : Beekmantown dolomite quarries 83 " limestone quarried at 82 " quarry 57 Bellevue sta., Ville deLery : outcrops of dolomite 85 Bibliography 12 Black River formation 19 Bogs 34 Bonville : gravel pit 74 Bouckhill : gravel ridge 69, 70 " two exposures calcium limestone 55 Boulder clay 22. 89 " " deposits 32 40839—9 114 Page Bourbonnais, Ed. — concrete material pit 76 Bowley, John : dolomite quarry 55 Breault, Wilbrod : Beekmantown formation quarry 84 Brick making 96 Bridge End station: stratified clay deposits 48 Building stones 51 C Carborundum industry : possibilities 100 Cardinal : clay deposit 43 " deposit of moulding sand 102 Cascades Point : sandstone outcrop 51 " " quarry 51 Casselman, Mr. — brick plant operated by 44 Cattanach, D. — owner limestone quarry 56 Cedar Rapids Manufacturing and Power Co.— borings by 92, 95 Cement making materials 59 " manufacturing possibilities 78 Champlain clay : abundant in Vaudreuil — Soulanges co 48 " " deposit near Prescott 43 " " experiments with 98 " " suitable for terra cotta lumber 98 clays and gravel : fossils 106 " " chemical analysis 38 " " fossils 106 " " used for brick and tile 37 " marine clays 26 " sands 31 Charlottenburg township: clay deposits described 47 " " gravel deposits 74 " " gravel deposits numerous and extensive 72 " " limestone quarry 56 " " sand samples 64 Chateauguay : dolomite and magnesian limestone quarried at 82 " county : limestone quarries 59 " " no gravel pits 77 " " outcrops of dolomite 85 " " results of tests on bed-rock 87 " river 15 " " sample of sand 65 " village: Laberge dolomite and magnesian limestone quarry.. .. 86 Chazy formation 20 " " quarry in 59 Clark, Cameron, Friend and McLeod : limestone quarries 56 Clary, Thos. — sand and gravel pit 74 Clay : character of 10, 89 " deposits described 43 working industry 96 future of 97 Clays : brick and tile 37 " surface : physical tests 39 " " " " explanation 41 Concrete block and culvert plant 76, 101 " materials 78 " results of tests 80 Consolidated Sand and Supply Co., Ltd 99 Cornwall, town : gravel beach near 73 Cornwall township: clay deposits described ;. .. 46 " " gravel deposits numerous and extensive 72 " " limestone quarries 55 " " sand sample 64 Coughlin, Omer : gravel property 69 Counties included in investigation 10 Covey hill, marine beach 17 D Dalhousie station : good clay near 48 Dams In boulder clay 25 Date of investigation 9 115 Page Deeks, Luther : gravel property 68 Del isle river 15 DeSalaberry island : boulder clay 81 " " deposits of bed-r