/^' iL J^ ^' «'. *" THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES y'^A W-^^^ ^^ ^' "t< y . ^ m >/(^ /'^yreJi ^^egisters BROAD CHALKE, CO. WILTS. 3Rrgistcis OF CO. WILTS, FROM 1538 TO 1780. EDITED BY THE HEV. CECIL GULDEN MOORE, M.A., VICAR. PRIVATELY PRINTED. EIGHTY COPIES (FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY). LONDON : MITCHELL AND HUGHES, PRINTERS, UO WARDOUR STREET, W. 1881, LONDON : PRINTED BY MITCHELL AND HUGHES, HO WAEDOUB STREET, W. PRETACE. The* parisli of Broad Chalke is in the Hundred of Chalke, the ^rant in AD. 955. greater part of which was granted'in 955 by King Eadwic to ' * the nuns of Wilton, and described as Ceolcan. The two parishes of Broad and Bower Chalke are surveyed Mention in Domesday Book under the name of Chelche. day Book.' In ' Testa de Nevill ' it is stated that the Abbess of Wilton in ' Testa held Villam de Chalke in capite of our Lord the King, and that ^ ^ ^^^ ■ it was the chief manor of her barony. Also that Robert Maskarel held a knight's fee in Girardston of the said Abbess ; that Joan de Nevill held half a knight's fee in KJnighton of the said Abbess ; and that Eois de Verdun held the vill of Stoke in socage of the Abbess. As these three sub-divisions of the parish, together with another called Moulsell, are occasionally mentioned in the Registers, I proceed to give a brief account of their early history. 1. Girardston, vulyo Guston, was held, at the time of the Girard- completion of Domesday Book, by Girard. A lineal descendant ' of his was a Gerard living 12th Henry II., who assiuned the name of De Chelcha of Chalk Parva ; his daughter married Robert de Maskarel, who thus came into possession of the estate, as mentioned in ' Testa de NevilL' The Marria Maskerell of the Marriage Register for 1563 was, probably, a member of this family. The still older name of Girard may possibly be traced in the Name of Girard variously spelt entries of Gerret, Garret, Gerard, Gerrard, Jered, still exist- and Jeret, an^ if so, that race has one descendant still repre- ^as- senting it in the parish. 2. The hamlet of Knighton, anciently, and still a manor, Knighton, was included in the before-mentioned grant by King Eadwic to the nuns of Wilton. The half-knight's fee held here by Joan de Nevill descended Joan de from her to the Saint Martins, and afterwards to the families estate, of Lord Lovell, Sir Roger Caleston, and the Darells. In 38 * Abridged from Bowles's Hundred of Chalk in Hoare's ' History of Wiltshire.' London, 1833. 629910 VI , PREFACE. Henry VIIT. it was the property of Sir Edward Darell, and shortly after appears to have been bouf:jht by the Earl of Pem- broke, in possession of whose descendant it remains. Alan's or Bosides this estate, there were lands in Knif:jhton belon<,nng estate! to Alan or Alwyn, connected with the Alans or Fitzalans, Earls of Arundel. This John Alan had licence from Edward II. to Chantry found a chantry or chapel to the honour of God and All Saints.* This was in existence from its foundation, in 1322, until the dissolution of chantries, in the beginning of the reign of Edward VI. It was on the south side of the church, and is still called the Knighton aisle. The property given for the maintenance of the chantry priest appears to have been granted to the Saint Loe family, whose name is frequently mentioned in the Eegis- ters, but is now extinct. The rest of the Alan property belonged, at various periods, to the Le Despencers, Paynells, Dukes of Gloucester, Earls of Arundel, and finally to the Earls of Pembroke, stoke Vcr- 3. Stoke, Stoke Verdon, or Stoke Farthing, is also a manor. °°' It was formerly the seat of the Lords de Verdon. Rois de Verdon, who held it at the date of the ' Testa de Nevill,' was foundress of the Monastery of Grace Dieu, in Leicestershire, and afterwards married Theobald de Botiller, who took his wife's name of Verdon. The last male representative of this family died in 1316, since which time the Barony has remained in abeyance. The estate then went to Lord Furnival, who had married the eldest daughter. Comes to In 1406 it came, by marriage, into the possession of Lord Shrews- Talbot, afterwards created Earl of Shrewsbury. He was killed hury. while commanding the English forces in France, 20 July, 1453, and among the titles inscribed on bis tomb at Rouen is that of " Lord Verdon of Acton." In the reign of Henry VIII. the property came into possession of the Earls of Pembroke, who still own it. iMouiseii. 4. Mouse-hill, Mount Sorrell, or Moulsell, was formerly pari Family of of tlie possessions of the family of Gawen, of which Aubrey, in his 'Miscellanies,' published in 1721, says, that they had owned this property for 450 years, and perhaps more. Tradition tells us that the Gawens were descended from Gawain or Gawyn, sister's son of King Arthur. Estate of The principal estate of Broad Chalke, with mansion house, ruddo^ckes ^^c, was leased, for many years, from the Earls of Pembroke by andAu- the Penruddockes ; subsequently by the Aubreys. On an old breys. * The Parish Church is dedicated to All Saints. PREFACE. VU beam, now in tlie belfrey of the cliurcli, is the following inscription : — " This church repaired and the five bells made six, ano 1629. G. Penruddocke and John Aubrey Esq""^^ Church- wardens." This John Aubrey was the well-known historian, or archseologist who died at Oxford, and was buried there in 1697. The Registers here printed are contained in seven parts : The 1. Old Vellum book, - ^^^'^^"" a. Baptisms 1538—1653. h. Marriages 1562—1649. c. Burials 1552—1653. 2. Parchment sheet, " Eegister of the Births," 1653—1658. 3. Four parchment sheets, a. Burials 1660—1676. h. Baptisms 1700—1722. 4. Paper Register, a. Bui'ials 1677—1716. I. Ditto 1720—1782. Certificates of Burials in Woollen are entered from 25 Sep- tember, 1677, to 29 November, 1770. 5. Nineteen leaves of vellum. Baptisms 1723—1802. 6. Two leaves of vellum. Marriages 1725—1754. 7. Printed Register, Marriages 1754 — 1801. From this it will appear that the Registers for the follow- Missing • „ • Registers. mg years are missing, viz. : — ^ Baptisms 1659—1700 = 41 years. Marriages 1650—1725 = 75 years. Burials 1654—1660 = 6 years. Ditto 1716—1720 = 4 years. The general destination of missing Registers seems to have been to be sold to lace-makers. I have endeavoured to supply the gap caused by the careless- Search in ness of Some of my predecessors by a careful search in the Ecgistry. Sarum Diocesan Registry, the results of which will be found printed as an Appendix. The earliest volume is in very good preservation, though some entries are illegible from the fading of the ink. I have followed the self-evident incorrect spelling in such of the entries as have clearly been left to the care of a parish clerk. ^^vtiAn^x 1 • 1 o •^ J 1 1 change of Two instances of the way in which family naines get changed names. VIU PREFACE. from what they orij^'iually wore, cither by a mere contraction, or by being spelt according to popular pronunciation, may here be cited. Fox- The name of Foxhanger (misprinted as Foxganger) appears imngcr. -j^ ^j^^^ Marriage Register for 1618, and on various subsequent occasions, but in 1629 it will be seen that two children of an Edward Foxhanger are called simply Foxe, and in 1631, both child and father are described as Fox. The other instance is a more remarkable one. In the Baptismal Register for 1540 there appears the name of John Yellow. Yelow; in the Marriage Register for 1609, Christopher Eilfe marries Jane Randoll. In the Baptisms for 1611, there is the following entry: — Jane Eilffe d. Christopher Eilffe, but in the original MS. the name Yellow is first written, in each case, and then struck through and Eilffe written above. In 1615, 1619, and 1622 this same Christopher has his surname spelt in three different ways, — 1st, YeKes ; 2nd, Yellowes ; and 3rd, Yelf . There must have been something veiy peculiar in the common pronunciation of this name which could render possible such different versions of it in writing. The Families mentioned in the Registers more than 300 Surviving years ago, which still have representatives in the parish, are the Families, following:— Langtree, first mentioned in Baptismal Register, 1538. King, ditto Golden, ditto Selwood, ditto Pen(n)y, ditto Witte, ditto Shergall, ditto Scammell, ditto Gerret, ditto Francis, ditto Barter, ditto Humby, ditto ditto 1539. ditto 1541. ditto 1542. ditto 1550. ditto 1551. ditto 1552. ditto 1562. ditto 1509. ditto 1573. ditto 1577. ditto 1579. General The parish of Broad Chalke had 811 inhabitants by the f^rt"" Census of 1871. It contains very nearly 7000 acres. The living is a Vicarage in the gift of the Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, who are the lay impropriators, and is held in conjunction Avith the adjoining parish of Bower Chalke, anciently called Burr or Burgh Chalke. C. G. MOORE. Broad Chalice Vicarage, December, 1880. OF iSroati C|)alKe. lEtlts. REGISTRUM DE JUNCTIS IN STABILI CONNUBIO A VICESIMO QUARTO MENSIS DECEMBRIS DIE IN A'NO D'NI 1562. 1562. Bartholomew Penny & Sible Selby 24 Dec. Peter flBetcher (?) & Elizabeth Witt 25 Dec. Michaell Streete & Joaiie Jeffiy 28 Jan. Henry Good & Elizabeth Stayner 10 Feb. John King & Mary Hunt 11 June John fFanner & Alec Kendall 12 July Roger Cashman (?") & Margaret King 15 Dec. 1563. Rob* Anthony & Joane Deyn 6 Sep. John Bastard & Margerie Townsend 6 Oct. W"" Scammell & Joane Hunt 9 Oct. John Luke & Joane Penn 20 Oct. John Chappell & Margerie Skinner 28 Nov. Robert Golding & Agnes Odber 24 July John Penny & Amy 24 Jan. Thomas King & Gyles Kendall 17 June Ralphe Sweete ca Marria ]\Iakerell 8 Nov. 1564. John Gregorie & Alec White 12 April Roger Strete & Margaret Ober 28 May John Jeffery & Joane Savidge 31 Sep. Stephen Strong 26 Oct. 1567. Walter Perse & Julian King 7 Sep. John Hardie & Agnes Whitmarsh 5 Oct. 1568. W™ Odborne & Joane Burges 21 July Thomas Fripp & Joane King 26 Sep. Johne Cook & Joane Winter 27 Oct. Thomas Taubet & Christian Dent 10 Nov. 1569. Pet- New & Jone Cook 18 June John West & Agnes Gerret 7 Oct. Stephe' Due & Elizabeth Sydna 8 Oct. Robt. Antrame & Jone Ogborne 12 Nov. Tho. Strete & Jone Cook 16 Nov. Tho. DoUman & Marie Line 6 Jan. 1570. Alex. Kendall 7 June John Hutchens& Dorothie Lodge 11 Nov. 1572. Barthol. Good & Jone Odber 28 Nov. Tho. Selwood & Edith Kendall 5 Dec. John Willobye k Michaell Smith 17 Dec. 1573. John LawRC & Jane Selwood 17 Jan. Stephen Odber Ot Margaret Blake 2 April Nicholas King & Olive Orchard 7 June George Tayler & .Mary Due 10 Sep. 1574. John fforde & Jone Brine 22 June Walter tfolyat & Alec Selby 8 Nov. Barth. King & Jone Hunt 25 Nov. 1575. John Briue & Jone Claidon 20 Feb. B THE REGISTERS OF BROAD CHALKE, WILTS. Riilph Elmcs (t Aloe Cliotno 3] July Moirice Loder & Elizaljctli TowiiHt-nd 11 Aiic Julyan Savidge 11 Oct. Richai'd Laurence & Joane Brine 24 Jan. 1594. John Kendall & Mary Newman 27 May Henry Good & Edith Lodge eod. die John Oliver & Jone Golde 3 June Stephen Odber & Jone Richarde 9 July MARRIAGES. Michael! Ingram & Christian Bowne 28 Dec. 1595. John Lodge & Marye Brine 17 Feb. Henry Gilbert & Dorothie Wydall eod die Thomas Windson & Julyan Davis 30 June Christopher King & Luce Streete 7 July John Ledford & Joane Symmes 29 Sep. Nicholas Whitmarsh & Dennis North 6 Oct. 1596. John Brocke & Jone Winterborne 30 May Tho. Witt & Jone Cane 5 July W" Gilbert & Elizabeth Pitchland 10 Nov. Tho. Lodge & Anne Cooke 21 Nov. 1597. John Pillin & Margerie Miller 1 Feb. Peter fletcher & Edith Rumsey 18 April Georgius Bispon (?) et Maria Purches 4 July Barthol. Dewe et Maria Thorne 10 Aug. Robtus Cane et Agnes Elliott 25 Sep. Barthol. Penny et Anna Savidge 21 Nov. Johannes Hardye & Avicia Garland primo die 1598. Arthurus Philpott et Elenora Golding 16 Jan. Henricus Davis et Maria Skinner 24 Jan. Johannes Kendall et Lucida King 26 June Tho. Witt et Alicia Bartlett 3 July Georgius Reade et Avicia Kendall 17 July Guilielmus Antramme et Dorothea Kendall . 24 July Guilielmus Symmes et Agnes Moore 21 Aug. Robtus Whitmarsh et Alicia Bower 2 Nov. 1599. Johannes Targett et Marriana Bedford 25 April Alexander Bell et Katherina Streete 25 June Johannes Harte et Johanna Hardey 7 Sep. John Griffine and Anne Good 19 Nov. Thomas Witt and Johan New 26 Nov. 1600. Raphe Streete & Joanne Kinge 14 Jan. John Randole & Joan Savidge 14 Jan. John Lannam and Alice ftblliat 26 May Thomas Lange and Ehzabeth Lokesly 6 June John folliote and Ann Randale 30 June John Williams & Elizabeth Truncat 12 Oct. John Morksom & Marie Payne 3 Nov. John Lane & Joan Skilling 27 Nov. 1601. John Lantry and Grace Thorne 20 April Thomas Scammell & Elizabeth King 15 June Will'm Lawes & Ann Randall 18 Jan. 1602. Alexander Champion et Maria Angod 21 June Thomas Holly and Alice Brine 2 Aug. John Simmes and Joane Standy 14 Oct. Robert Randoll and Alice Birkfeilde 28 Nov. 1603. Walter Brine and Elizabeth Dawlinge 21 Feb. John Miller and Mary Cooke 20 Aug. James Witt & Mary Kinge 21 Aug. Richard Shergoll and Annie Whitemarsh 7 Nov. 1604. Anthony Birde and Elizabeth Hutchins 22 April Ralfe White and Elizabeth Due 1 May Daniell Deane and Katherine Lanctry same day Thomas Witt and Anne Brine 4 June John Sparke and ffbrtune Thomas 18 June Walter Blake and Annie Kinge 8 Oct. John Randoll and Tomisine Newaiu 4 Nov. WiUiam Baberstooke and Sibell Eurtise 28 Jan. 1605. William Savery and Annie Randoll 1 May William Copall and Martha Browne 29 May John Thringe and Mary Bennett 1 July Walter Newman and Annie .... 7 Oct. John Norris and Annie Odber 21 Dec. John Combes and Anna Angod 3 Feb. 1606. John Ploughman and Alice Witt 12 ilay William Speiringe (?) and Jane Penny 9 Oct. John Shergoll and Ehzabeth Combs 23 Oct. Robert Tillier and Kathcriu Bell 19 Jan. Edward Goald and Marriau Streete 27 Jan. THE REGISTERS OF RROAD CIIALKE, WILTS. Arthiiro Slopor and Dorithie Pitiimn 12 Feb. John Kiin.loll and Marv Tlirinfrc -'7 April TluanuH WliitnuiiHlic and .Mar^M-rv An<,njd 27 .Inly Robert Oake alias White and .lane Savidgc 9 Nov. Thomns Penny and Mur<,'eret Strccte 26 Nov. 1608. William Grey and Katherine Wcekes 26 Aprir William Whitmarshe and Cislv Ilutchins 4 .Inly Wilkes Sherf^'oll and Avis Kinp:e 11 July Walter Iluyme and Elizabeth RandoU 2;") J Illy John Randic and Dorchas Thomas same dayc Thomas New and Jane Streete 1 Aug. George Tynte and Barbara ffaulkener 7 Dec. 1609. Thomas Chater and Raclioll Pillon 27 April Christopher Silfe and Jane Randoll 25 Sep. Robert Kinge and Martlia Pillon 26 Oct. Edward Si mans & Mildred Kinge 22 Jan. 1610. Jolm Goldingo and Agnes Garrat 2 July William White and Margery Bryne 14 Oct. Thomas Kinge and Annie Phillpott 1 5 Oct. Henry Norris and Joane Clenton 1.5 Oct. Thomas Pitman and Judith Goode 28 Oct. Silvester Pope and Anncs Savidge -1 Nov. Henry Lund and ^largi-ett Streete 12 Nov. Andrewe Dcane and Elizabeth Pillen 31 Jan. 1611. John Peny and Alec Angod 23 Jan. 1612. William ^lichcll and Avis Shergoll 11 May John Eastman and Dorothy Kinge 7 June Thomas Lambe and Mary Kinge 29 June John (Jriffine and Avis Sliergoll 8 July Henry Gilbert and Denys Newman 24 Aug. Will'm Gram'ell & Grace Kinge 25 Jan. Clement White and Annie Savery same dav ^ 1613. Edmund Swcetaple & Sibille Bennct 3 Mav John Slreetcund Michaell M<..\liam 4 July Leonard Weel (?) & widdow Tillier 18 Oct. Henrie frase and Hester Angod 24 Oct. Thomas Dredge & Agnes Plowman 29 Nov. 1614. John Amy and Jane Angod 30 May Margery "Wilkins & John Sheppard 28 June Thomas Bennet & Margrett Sweetaple 1 3 Nov. Epher Simmes & Grizill Hutchins 27 Nov. 1615. Henry Hurst and Grace Angod 5 June 1616. Cornelius Miles and Agnes Clinton 22 April Thomas Antram and Edith Hibbard 10 July Richard Lawes and Alice Lodge 15 July 1617. Timothie Lodge & Anne Shergall 6 Oct. Henrv Pennv & Edith Lodge 6 Oct. Edmond White & Margaret Randall 12 Oct. Walter Pilling & Alice Pinhorne 12 Xov. 1618. Gabriell Kinge & Anne Whitmarsh 4 May John Scot &' Elizabeth Stoakes 26 July * Robert Whitmarsh & Alice AVyat 19 Oct. John Mcatyarde & Anne King 2 Nov. Edward ft'oxganger & Jane Cooke 23 Nov. Thomas Kinge & Elizabeth Moxam 25 Jan. John Saunders & Anne Whitmarsh 25 Jan. 1619. John Not & Marie Barber 8 Nov. Thomas Burton & Elizabeth Lodge 8 Jan. 1620. John Hurrold & Grace Scammell 17 July Henrv Got id i.^- Elizabeth Pennv 2 Oct. Wiirln Due Cc Jane Chalke 16 Oct. Thomas Moxam & Michaell Pennv 30 Oct. Ralph Penn ct Mary Moxam 29 Jan. MARRIAGES. 1621. Edward Brine & Margaret Savidge 23 July Edmond Coles & Dorothie Watkinson 14 Ang. Edmond White & Marie Harris 20 Aug. 1622. Wil. Bull & Edith Blacker 23 Sep. (?) ander Francis & Joan (?) 7 Oct. Anto. Angod & Eliz. Osbnrne Dec. 1 Joh. Bown & Elionor Phillips Jan. 8 Abraha. Penny & Mary flalconer Feb. 11 1623. Henry Sponge & Dorithee Sheargool June 6 Hen. King & Mary Randall Oct. 25 1624. Henry Johnson & Jane Good Jan. 14. Edward Henlot & Jane Randal Jan. 30 John Randall & A vies Berbry Feb. 12 1625. John Bennett & Elizabeth Codimore July 4 Edward Osman & Grace Pennie Feb. 21 1626. Henry Penny & Grace Kinge Nov. 6 1627. ¥*«■• Walter Waller Vicar of Broad Chalk & M""^ Elizabeth Sainte Lowe d. of W Elizabeth Sainte Lowe April 30 Richard MulUns & Marie Norrham 18 June Rich. Best & Susan Street July 2 John More & Alice Lawes Aug. 5 Robert Bedford & Joan Dier Aug. 12 John Stocke & Marie Shergoll Feb. 7 Richard Barter & Hester Savage Feb. 25 1628. Richard Skeel & Elizabeth Bill Aprill 22 Walter Whitmarsh & Anne Shergoll Aug. 21 1629. Nicholas Sanders & Jane Good June 3 1630. John Chubb & Jane Miles Jan. 29 John Lawes & Elizabeth Street May 31 Nicholas Welsted & Rachel Scammell July 29 John Marsheman & Catharin Frances Feb. 3 1631. Christopher Sims & fii'ancis Kinge 12 June (?) Sa . . . nt & Marie Butler Oct. 19 Edmond Penny & Marie Lewsoune 26 Jan. 1632. Thomas Penn & Elizabeth King June 4 Thomas Randall & Marie Randall 20 Aug. Gulielmus Short & ]\Iaria Angod 25 Oct. Stephanus Short & Elizabetha Randal 26 Nov. 1633. Henricus Dandy (?) & Alecia Penn 29 ■ April Thomas Hixts & Elizabeth Grove Jan. 2 John Cobb & Dorothea Penny Jan. 14 16>S4. Robert King & Frances Sims 19 July 1635. Michal Farrant & Maria Garret 2 Aug. 1636. Johanes Ford & Elizabetha Scammel 5 Oct. George Bolton & Eleanora Bryne 29 Nov. Johannes Feltham & Cecilia Rando 126 Jan. 1637. Willm. Katky & Dorothie Folliat 8 May 1638. Walter Bryne & Joane Frances April 26 William Penny & Ezth. Roberts 11 June Thomas Penn & Mary Davies 21 Jan. 1639. John Snooke & Margaret Street 5 May William Harris & Ann Randol Sep. 30 Thomas White & Emma Simms Oct. 2 1640. Willm. Pickford & Avis Brynie 20 April John Holowayed & Elizabeth Ford 10 Aug. William Deane & Margaret Shergal 12 Oct. 1641. John Guier & Sisly Peanie May 4 Thomas Frances & Ann Jones May 14 John May & Jean Reed Aug. 9 John Lane & Avis Hneman (?) Nov. 1 William Segar & Edith Pride Nov. 27 Thomas Page & Jean Whitmarsh Jan. I 7 1646. Samuel Lisle of Breamore & Margaret Ran- doll of Broade Chalke March 30 1647. Will. Good & Michael Mccksliam .May 4 Edward Chalke & Jeane Due July 26 1619. William King &, Margaret Street Oct. 16 THE REGISTERS OF I'.ROAT) CIIALKE, WILTS. IIEGISTIUJM l)i: HAMTIZATIS AJJ IM'l L(J M K^'SiS JJECEM- BlilS A'^O DM'i 15:38 USQUE AD ANNUM 1579. New written by Mr. IIknuie Brooke : out of the Old Booke l.');;.s. i;ihn 3() May Ralplic ll'eyre s. W"' 29 June .Foane Teujple d. John 30 June W'" Bryne s. Rol/' 15 Aug. John C'ullens s. Nicholas 17 Aug. Bartholomew Newman s. W'" 80 Aug. .Vice. King d. John (• Oct. John Fanner spurius Johannis 3 Nov. Avis Lyme d. John 5 Nov. John I'yper s. John Nov. AV"' Rouffs. Edward 2(3 Nov. Alec. Good d. Alexander 11 Dec. Agnes Yelow d. W"' 11 Dec. Agnes Whitmarsh d. Walter 18 Dec. Agnes Staple d. Stephen S Jan. Elizabeth Uussey d. AV"' 11 Jan. 1540. Alexander Curtes s. Henry 80 March Nicholas Kendall s. W"' y May Avis Gawnt d. Roger 13 Aug. Agnes Bayne d. Thomas 25 July Joane Whitmarsh d. Roger 18 Aug. Edward Langtree s. Thomas 28 Sept. John Lawse s. John 80 Oct. Sybell Py|)er d. Hobt. 19 Nov. John Yclow W'" Yelow sons W"" 3 Jan. Avis Kendall d. Nicholas 17 Jan. Julyan . . . sons d. Leonard 25 Jan. John Barnard s. John 20 ^larch liUce Butler d. Jaci)b 20 March Owin King s. John 28 March 1541. Ralphe Stronge s. John 3(i April W"' Webb s. John 9 June Bartholomew Iluszey s. W"» 17 June Stephen Golden s. John 30 July Alex. Good s. Alex. 11 Aug. Elizabeth Brine d. Robt. 22 Aug. Alec. Gregorie d. John 27 Aug. Annis Ileire d. W"" 31 Aug. Alec. Willis d. Walter G Sep. Edward King s. Tho. 2 Oct. Margaret Bryne d. W"' 3 Oct. Olive Rendall d. W'" 10 Oct. Joan Whitmarsh d. Roger 31 Oct. Joan Deane d. Jo. 9 Nov. John Terajjle d. John 17 Dec. John Clever s. George 15 Jan. AV- Gav s. W'" 9 Feb. Katliennc Fix (?) d. John 10 Feb. Joan Dean d. AV"' 5 March Katherine ffishe d. of Tho. 6 March 1542. Joan Lyne d. Jo. 5 April Alec. Selwood d. Tho. 8 April Katherine ffanner d. Jo. 22 April Sybill Selby d. John 26 April Joan AA^isedome d. St. 26 May Joan Curtis d. Henrie 29 July Henricus Rendall s. Nicholas 2 Aug. Henricus Laurence s. AA''" 18 Aug. Henricus Huszey s. AA"™ 23 Aug. Joan Gool d. John 23 Sep. AA'™ Bryne s. Tho. 1 Oct. Elizabeth AA^isedome d. Steph. 10 Oct. AA^'" King s. Tho. 17 Oct. Agnes Selwood d. Tho. 18 Oct. Ralphe AYhite s. Job. 22 Oct. Alex. Ayre s. AA'"" 30 Oct. 1543. George Chlvver s. George 1 Jan. .Marks Bryne s. Tho. 3 Jan. Agues Deane d. AA'"' 5 Jan. Elizabeth Steving d. AV'" 9 Jan. Aves Bryne d. Robt. 10 Jan. Thomas Line s. Tho. 7 Feb. John Willis s. AValter 7 Feb. 1544. Tho. Temple s. of John 4 April Margaret Selby d. John 15 April John Rendall s. Thomas It! April Alec. Bryne d. AV'" 23 April AV'" A'anner s. John 6 May Sybly Colleiis d. W"" 8 June Stephen Laurence s. Alex. 1 Oct. AV'" Rendall s. Nicholas 3 Oct. Tho. AVisedome s. Stephen 16 Oct. BAPTISMS. Walter Gregorie s. John 11 March Avis Temple d. Jo. 22 Aug.* 1548. Helena Brjne d. John 13 May Marie Rendall d. Tho. 17 May Julyan Townscnd d. W™ 20 May John Due ^ John 23 May John Kentchinton s. W™ 3 June Ralphe Curtes s. Henrie 5 July John Bryne s. Robt. 7 Aug. Thomas Lantree s. John 17 Aug. Henrie Bryne, Alee Brine 8 Sep. Mary King d. Tho. 9 Sep. Alee King d. John 29 Sep. Joan Wisedome d. Stephen 12 Jan. W™ Amis s. W'" 17 Jan. Joan Due d. John 2 Sep. 1550. Tho. Rendall s. Nicholas 6 Jan. Alee Savidg d. W^^ 15 Jan. Amy Lantree d. Tho. 23 Jan. John Townsend s. W'" 1 March Elizabeth Ames 12 March John Peny s. W'" 27 March 1551. Dorothy Newman 25 May Margaret Ames 2 July Elizabeth Bryne 6 Sep. Tho. Rendall 10 Sep. Ames Butcher 20 Sep. Christian Savidge 19 Sep. Alee King 21 Oct. Joan Rendall 22 Oct. Olive Strong 24 Oct. John Deane 29 Oct. Dorothy Wisedom 8 Dec. Philip Kentchenton 22 Jan. Thomas Witte 24 Jan. Edith Penny 30 Jan. Hugh King 13 Feb. Alee Rendall 23 Feb. Thomas Townsend 26 Feb. 1552. Joane Whitmarsh d. Roger 20 Sep. Joane Cooke d. John 24 Sep. W'" Shergall s. Tho. 9 Oct. Dorothy Logge d. John 10 Nov. * In the original Register this entry occurs at the bottom of the page, and on the top of the following one the date 1548 is written in the margin. There is no entry in the original MS. between the years 1544 and 1548. Joane King d. Tho. 20 Nov. Mary Deane d. W"' 20 Aug. 1553. Thomas King s. Tho. 2 Jan. Dorothy Temple d. John 9 Feb. Joane Witt d. Tho. 12 Feb. John Clarke s. W"> 12 March Julyan Bryne d. Robt. 20 April Julyan Rendall d. Henry 2 May Richard Alyn 27 Sep. 1554. Tho. Lodge 28 Sep. Joane Lawden 29 Sep. John Dean, Bai'th. Deane 29 Sep, Nicholas Deane 1 5 Jan. John Doning 25 Feb. Isabell Selbie 1 March Stephen Collens 4 March John ffann s. John 30 ilarch Joane fish 30 May 1555. John Rendall s. John 26 Sep. John Street s. Michaell 30 Sep. John Netton s. Davy 15 Oct. Stephen fish s. Thomas 20 Jan. 1556. W™ Savidg s. W'" 3 Feb. Thomas Gowles s. John 15 Feb. Margaret King d. Gabriell 3 ]\rarch Marie King d. Thomas 22 March Thomas Odberr s. Richard 25 March John Lodge s. John 2 April Margaret Cook d. John 4 June Joan King d. John 9 July Edmond Smith s. Tho. 29 Sep. Ellen Wisedome d. Step. 20 Oct. Joane Skinner d. W°^ 12 Dec. John Sillige 13 Nov. Margerie Staple 13 Nov. Henrie Netton s. David 29 Nov. John Due s. John 29 Nov. John Street s. Thomas 29 Nov. Elizabeth Due d. John 17 Feb. Henry Holland 10 Feb. Amy Bryne d. W"' 3 Feb. Margai-et Streete d. Nicholas 1 March 1557. Alee Odber d. Richard 14 April Margaret Rendall d. Tho. 11 June Thomas Skinner s. John 30 June Mary Angod d. Thomas 15 July Thomas Cook s. John 14 Aug. TTTE REGISTERS OF BROAD CHALKE, WILTS. .Inane Slierjrall d. TIki, I Scj). Ellen 'I'owiiHcnd d. 'I'lio. KJ Oct. Tlio. Rendall k. Alex. -Jl March John Mrviu! s. W'" iT) .March Owen .Sa'vid;: H. W"' -JS March John Strcclc s. Tho. 2.'5 .Vpril .loanc Kin<; d. (Jaltricll 2:5 May Mary Skinner d. John 30 May .Inhn Deane s. W'" -j:) Jnne 'riinntliy liodi,'e s. John '24 Jnne Henry Syninies s, John 27 Jnly John liowe s. John 18 An*;;. .Sybell Rendall d. Henry 2;') Aug. Avis Peny d. W"' 2V> Sep. Alee C'nrtes d. Henrie 10 Dec. Amy Smith d. M'' Tho. 12 Dec. W»' Odber 20 Dec. Adrey Kinjf d. John 20 Jan. Bla.sc Sherj^all s. Tho. 3 Feb. Nicholas Skinner s. W'" 9 Feb. Symon ffish s. Tho. 1 2 Feb. loCO. Henrie ffinckly s. W'" 6 Nov. Michaell Netton d. John 15 Dec. W"' Nun-y s. W"' 20 Feb. 3i[ar sen. 24 May Joane Good d. Barth. 14 June Joyce King d. Edward 12 Oct. 1573. ffortune Gregorie 20 ^larcli Nicholas ffrancis s. John 22 March George Lawse s. John 12 April Ralph Due b. Tho. 1 July John Strete s. John 1 July John Penny s. W'" jun'' 'J-J Sep. 1574. Dionize Parkins d. Rob' 31 Jan. Richard Bedford s. John 22 Feb. Henry Odber s. Stephen 6 March Alexander Good s. Henrie 24 March Amy Good d. Barth. 27 March Agnes Selwood d. Tho. 4 April Elizabeth Whitmarsh d. Tho. 18 April Jane Curtes d. Alex. 15 June Agnes Nurry d. Richard 16 June W'" Penny s. Barth. 7 Sep. John Strete s. Ralph 18 Oct. Jane Hardy d. John 7 Nov. Joane New d. Peter 19 Dec. 1575. Marie King d. Tho. 2 Jan. Agnes Rendall d. John 23 Jan. W" Lawse s. John 12 April Mary King d. Barth. 12 April Katherine Streete d. Tho. 25 June Sibbell Witt d. Nichomead 8 July W'" Penny s. John 8 July Alee Taylor d. -lohn 3 Aug. Joane AVard d. Richard 28 Ang. Agnes Odber d. Steplien 18 Sep. Tho. Bryne s. John 30 Oct. Elizabeth Good d. Barth. 6 Nov. Stephen Netton s. Ralphe 20 Nov. 1576. Elner Cable d. Rob' 20 Jan. Richard Due s. Steph. 20 Jan. W'" Angod s. W'» spur. 7 March Alee ifrancis 14 June Alee Witt d. W'" 12 Aug. Walter Newman s. John 2 Sep. W'" Scamraell s. W"> 9 Sep. John IFolyat s. Walter 14 Oct. Mary Curtes d. Alex. 1 Nov. Avis Bryne d. John 1 Nov. ]\Ia;arter h. TIi(\ 7 .Inly .loliii Ikeiidull it Alex. Honnes of .hjlm 1 I Slide Heimct il. Eilwartl 24 Aug. Hol.t. riek 7 Sep. Mar-:arot Slite d. John H Oct. Liico Strccte d. Kalplic Ki Oct. TIu). Aiij^od s. \V"' iM Nov. Rol»t. Eliiies 8. Halplic H Dec. Aiiiiis Wliitniarsh d. Tlio. 20 Marcli 1578. W'" Kintr b. Tho. IH April Edith Due d. Tho. Dl May John Elmos s. Kalphe 15 May Stephen Savid^^e r. Jolin IG May IVIary Kinij 19 May Kalphe ^liles s. Ellize 3 June Grace King 10 June 1579. W'" Angod s. W'" 10 ]\Iay Tymothy francis s. John 23 May ]\lary Humby 24 May IJalphc Good s. ITenry 24 ]\Iay Henry (lood s. Bartli. 24 ]\Iay Dionize Nortli d. Richard 28 May John Kendall s. Tho. 7 June Elizabetli Curtes 21 June ]\rargaret Kendall 24 June Henry AVitt 12 July John Lawse s. John 2 Aug. Joane Wyat d. W'" 2 Aug. W'" Selwood s. Tho. 9 Aug. John Plowman s. John 9 Sep. Christian ffolyat d. Walter 21 Sep. Elizabeth Angod 25 Sep. 1580. Thomas Penny s. "W'" 27 ^Tarch "Margaret Elmes d. Ralph 10 April Edward Nicholas 24 Aug. Charitas Penny d. Earth. 8 Oct. Dorcas & Thomas s. & d. W'" 11 Oct. John Davis s. W"' 21 Oct. John NoAvman 10 Nov. James Witt s. Tho. 2(J Nov. 1581. W™ Kendall s. Henry 5 Jan. ^lary Good d. Barth. .... Robt. Hcnston 10 Feb. Phillip Humby 19 March Walter Angod s. Tho. 25 ^Nfarch John Winterborne 6. Tho. 15 April Annis Kendall d. .lohn 24 April Mellord King k. of iJarth. 30 May Henry EawHC s. John June 2 Annis Savidgcd. of W'" 20 Aug, .Margaret Davis d. of W"' i) Oct. Martha J'illin d. of John 22 Oct. John Thripp 20 Nov. John (irey s. John 20 Dee. 1582. Mary Angod d. W"' 25 Jan. Mary Bennet (! Feb. Marrian Streted. Thomas 23 Feb. Annis Curtes 3 March Walter Ifolyat 29 March Annis Savidge d. John 2 April Richard Humby s. of Phillip 30 May Joh n Sherman 8 Aug. Michaell Due 22 Sep. Thomas Plowman 23 Sep. Jane Penny 26 Sep. Alee Everet spur. Henry 20 Oct. Mary Cook d. Stephen 15 Nov. John Gray s. John 20 Dec. Robt. Henston s. Robt. 27 Dec. Annis Good d. Barth. 6 Jan. Henry Rendall s. Henry 15 Jan. W"" Cook s. John 21 Jan. Mathew Humby spurius 21 Jan. John Penny s. Barth. 27 Jan. Stephen Angod s. Tho. 7 Feb. ffortunc Hunt d. Richard 21 Feb. Edith EUet d. Humfrey 24 Feb. Jane Good d. Henry 3 March 1583. Anne Due d. Tho. 13 April Richard Wilkins s. Pet. 2i6 May Mary Penruddock d. John E.squire borne 'y« 20 of June 7 July Sara Stephens d. Richard gent, (borne y* 10 July) 14 July Sybell ffrancis 1 Sep. John Humbv s. Phillip 15 Sep. Henry Gilbert s. W^" 21 Oct. Dorothy Rendall d. Nicholas 3 Nov. Jane Rendall d. John 9 Nov. Elizabeth Pillin d. John 13 Dec. Thomas Lawse s. John 15 Dec. Alex. Cook s. John 20 Dec. Joane King d. Alex. 10 Jan. John Bennet s. Edward 12 Jan. John Thring s. Edgar 31 Jan. Valentine Kendall s. Tho. 6 Feb. Dorothy King d. Barth. 15 Feb. 1584. Joane Savidge d. W™ 12 April BAPTISMS. 11 Anne King d. Barth. 9 May John Thomas s. W"^ 20 May Dorothy Hunt d. Richard 2 Aug. John Loxlye s. Tho. 11 Aug. Clement Bryne s. John 16 Aug. Nicholas Stenton (?) s. Ralph 30 Sep. Grace Penny d. W'" 12 Oct. Mary Prow d. Tho. gent. 18 Oct. 1585. Thomas Odber s. Tho. 25 Jan. Annes Curtes d. Alee 25 April Alee Brooke d. W'" 20 May Dionize s. John Newman 6 June John Good s. Henry 15 Aug. Agnes Skinner d. Ralph 22 Aug. John folyat s. Walter 4 Sep. Priscilla Pillin d. John 26 Sep. Richard Angod s. Tho. 20 Oct. Edward Rendall s. Alex. 7 Nov. Andrew Deane s. Tho. 21 Nov. Stephen Davis s. W^ 26 Dec. Edward Thring s. Edgar 9 Jan. Agnes Plowman d. John 17 Jan. Agnes Savidge spur. d. Walter 5 Feb. Katherine Nicholas d. Richard gent. 21 Feb. Tho. King s. Barth. 5 March 1586. Grace Savidge 7'*^ d. Steph. 31 March Walter Bennett s. Edward 17 April Amy Streete d. Richard 1 May W^ Grudd s. W'" 29 May W™ Due spur. s. John 24 June Tho. Davis s. W"" 14 Aug. Anthony Angod s. W™ 17 Aug. Joseph Cook s. John 18 Sep. John Rendall s. John 25 Nov. John Flower s. John 25 Dec. Ralphe Penne s. Henry 28 Dec. 1587. Sara Loxly d. Tho. 14 April Michaell Selwood d.* Tho. 14 April Christobell Savidge d. W"" 1 May Ralph Penny s. John 15 May Avis King d. Tho. 17 June Henry Erley s. John 6 Aug. Rachell Pillin d. John 8 Sep. Harbart Nicholas s. Richard 10 Sep. ffrancis King & Grace s. &d. of Tho. 24 Oct. Avis Jjodge d. John 27 Jan. John Cook s. John 28 Jan. Anthony Selby s. Tho. 30 Jan. Step. Streete s. Richard 30 Jan. * Sic. 1588. W" Skinner s. Ralph 3 1 :^[arch Henry Rendall s. John 24 June Gabriell King s. Barth. 24 Nov. Annis Savidge d. Walt. 2 Feb. Judith Good d. Henrie 12 Feb. Henrie Good s. John 28 Feb. Jane Angod d. W"" 2 March Mary Bryne d. John 16 March 1589. Jahn Savidg s. Steph. 28 March Ann Loxly d. Tho. 1 April Walter Pillin s. John 27 April Henry Selwood s. Tho. 1 May W^i Marshraan s. John 30 ^May Maude Savidge d. W"" 15 June W°' Penny s. Nicholas 4 July Briget Flower d. John 23 Sep. Joane Bostone d. Rob*^ 8 Oct. Thomas Elmes s. Ralphe 1 Nov. ffrancis Streete s. Rich. 16 Nov. Joane Book d 19 Nov, John Early s. John 7 Dec. Avis Hunt d. Richard 27 Jan. Thomas Cook s. John 28 Jan. Alee Lodge d. John 7 Feb. Elizabeth Penny d. Pet. 8 March John Penny s. John 20 March Thomas King s. Tho. 22 March 1590. John Skinner s. Ralphe 29 March Margaret Sainctlow d. John gent. 13 May Jane Follyat d. Walt. 16 May Thomas King s. Nicholas 25 Sep. Henry Plowman s. John 29 Sep. Jane Clinton d. Ralphe 29 Seji. Richard Dyer s. Tho. 14 Oct. Tymothie Lodge s. Timoth. 4 Nov. Jane Bennet d. Edward 4 Nov. Briget Pillin d. John 1 Jan. Ralphe Elmes s. Ralphe 14 Feb. Alee Angod d. Wn» 14 March Mary Bostone d. Rob* 16 March 1591. Christopher Siinmes s. W™ 27 ^[arch Alee ^larshman d. John 3 April Barthol. King s. Barth. 16 April Katherine Loxly d. Tho. 18 April Anne Pitchland d. Edward 30 April Anna Sainctlow d. John gent. 3u May Elizabeth Angod d. Tiio. 29 June Elizabeth Penne d. Henry 15 Aug. Mary Francis d. John 15 Sep. Annis Odber d. Henry 1 5 Oct. Annis Thring d. Edgar lo Xov. 12 Tin; i;i;(iis'n:i;s ui' iiiioad ciialke, wii/j'S. Miirf^fnrot Conk d. .lolm i'7 Xnv. ('liii.sln]ili(M- riowinim H. John 2'.» Nov, ,l(iliii DyiT s. 'IMio. •_';") Dec. riiillii) Surlc 8. Kichiinl i' .laii. .luhii SlitM|,Mll s, Tlio. Alanli Katlicriiic Vvuny d. Niclidlas I April .lolm K"ii(laII s. Alex. '25 A|iril Katlirrino IViiiiv d. IVt. !';» May Tho. ;il Mail Alee riU'IiIaiid I(» Juno I\rarie Cnok 1 1 Juno Richard Savid.u'C 10 Sep. Nicholas Savidw 1 , ,,., „ , _ c. W-Savid.irc js'^^""'- ^-P- Bartholomew Scgar 17 Sej). Elizabeth Penny d. John 4 Feb. Thomas Finkiys. 'J'ho. 10 Feb. Mary Savidyo d. Stepli. '5 ]\rarch 1503. Thomas Simmcs s. "\V"' 29 March James Hunt s. Richard 29 June Alex, llollyat s. Walt. 19 July Henry Odbor s. Ifeiuie 19 Aug. Henry Loxly s. TIio. 2 Sep, Martha Sainotlow d. John gent. 25 Nov. Joane Savidgc d. Owin 30 Dee. Brightwced Clenton s. Iial])lie 30 Dec. John Lamb s. Thomas 3 Feb. Mary Wivalld. Tho. 20 Feb. Thomas King s. Nicholas 3 March 1594. Amy Angod d. ]\richaoll May John Segar s. Tho. 13 May Thomas Dyer s. Tho. 1(3 May Elizabeth Penny d. John 3 June ^lary Penny d. Peter 12 June Jolin Stocky s. Nicholas 23 June Annis Olyver d. John 5 July Solomon & Margaret Penny e. iS: d. Bartho. •2S July ^lary Cook d. Joseph 2-2 Sept. Thomas Penne s. Henry 12 Oct. Jt)hn Cook s. Jolin 25 bet. Nicholas Rendall s. John 31 Oct. Christopher Cook 14 Feb. 1595. Gryzell Ilntcliens d. John 2 March Dina King d. John 2 March Amy Angod d. Tho. 30 March Thomas Brync s. "Walt. 30 ]\[arch Steph. Edney s. Walt. 10 ]\Iav Klizabeth K'ingd. Tho. 14 May Dennis tfraneis s. John 20 Mav Elizabeth Suinctlow d. of .lohn, gent. 7 June John King h. Bart hoi. 17 June lOdward Brync s. 'i'ho. 2 Oct. .loaiie Penny d. Nicholas 4 Oct. John Odber s. of Henry 5 Oct. 159G. Elizabeth TiOdgc d. John 10 Jan. :\Iargaret Savidg d. W'" 14 Jan. Rolji Bedford s. John 18 Jan. Thomas Penny s. John 10 Feb. Edward spurius s. Katherine King 3 March Michaell Penny d. Pet. 28 March Amy Angod d. Michaell 25 April Joane Lamb d. Tho. 25 April ^largaret Wyvall d. Tho. 25 July Amy King d. Thomas 10 Aug. ]\rargaret Edney d. Walt. S Oct. Ralph IVrancis s. John 10 Oct. Ralphe Segar s. Thos. 10 Nov. Thomas Hunt s. Richard 17 Nov. 1597. Edward King s. Christopher 23 Jan. Stephen Cook s. John 1 1 Feb. ;Mary Dier d. Thomas 3 March John Kendall s. John 25 March Tho. Gilbert s. Gulielmi 2 July Henricus Good s. Henrici 10 July Petrus Skeele s. Ricbardi lo July Johannes Sainctlow s. Johaunis 14 Aug. Stephan . . . s. Thoraa) 7 Sep. Thomas Lodge s. Thom;i3 20 Sep. Anna Angod\l. Tho. 9 Oct. Alex. Kings. Bartholomei 29 Nov. Rowland Savidges. Steph. 18 Dec. Stephanus Clynton s. Rodolph Dec. 1598. Thomas francis s. Joannis 2 Feb. Jacobus (?) & Jane Cook s. &d. Johannis 18 Feb. Guilielmus Odber s. Henrici 17 March Editha Lodge d. Joannis 18 March Johannes Cane d. Robti 18 April Guilielmus Scaramell s. Guilielmi 11 Auo-. Abrahamus Penny s. Johannis 10 Sep. Gertruda Sainctlow d. Joannis gener. 1 8 Oct. 1599. Johannes Chater s. Thomte 28 Jan. Thomas Dewc s. Bartholomei 8 Feb. Alicia Penne d. Henrici 8 ilarch Henricus Davye s. Henrici 9 ifarch Charitas Bryne d. Thoma? 13 March Thomas Newman s. Alexandri 23 March Dorothea Shargall d. Thoma^ 27 ]\rarch BAPTISMS. 13 Eobertus Fishe b. Joannis 27 March Maria Pennie d. Joannis 1 April Thomas Lamb s. Thoma 13 May Hester Savidg & Juhana Savidg daughs. Guihelmi 13 May Alexander Kendall s. Johannis 25 May Anthonius Wilkins s. Johannis 27 May Joanna Dyer d. Thomae 28 June Elizbetha Whitmarsh d. ThomaB 29 June Thomas Cook s. Johannis 15 July Joanna Edney d. Walteri 20 July ffardinando Sayntlo s. Johannis Sayntlo Sep. Anna ftrancis d. Alexandri ffrancis 30 Nov. Nicholas Penny s. Bartholomew Penny 21 Dec. 1600. Christabell . . . d. John ... 14 Jan. Alexander Randole s. John 23 Feb. John Griffin (?)s. John 23 Feb. John Steels. . . . Steel 19 March Avis Penny d. Nicholas Penny 13 April [Four or five entries here are undeci- pherable from the effects of damp.] Jean Good d. Harry Good 27 July John Witt s. Thomas Witt 31 Aug. ffrancis Whitmarsh d. Henry Whitmarsh 1 Oct. William Joye s. William 14 Dec. Robert Cane s. Robert Cane 14 Dec. Thomas Fish s. John Fish 19 Dec. 1601. Thomas ffrances s. Alice ffrances 30 Jan. Johan Davie d. Henrie Davie 30 Jan. . . . Sentlowe d. John Sentlow 2 Feb. Henrie Penny s. John 2 Feb. John ffaukner s. Henry 8 Feb. Henrie Randale s. John 8 Feb. Katheren fli-ances d. John ffrances 13 Feb. Grace Cook d. John 18 Feb. Henry Penny s. Peter 10 March Marie Gerret d. An 2 May Lanelot Bell s. Alexander 7 June John Smale & Elizabeth Smalc children of William 24 June Alexander Streete s. Thomas 9 Aug. Walter Whitmarsh s. Nicholas 20 Sep. Katherine Wilkins d. John 16 Dec. 1602. Priscilla Hart d. John 1 Jan. Avis Griffine d. John 16 Jan. John Scammell s. George 23 Jan. Rebecka King d. Katherine spur. 13 Feb. Darathie Coal d. Edwarde 24 Feb. Mary Shergale d. Thomas 28 Feb. Mary ffrancis d. Alexander 26 March J\Iary Joye d. William 28 March Thomas Grove s. AVilliam 25 April Edgar Randall s. Alexander 16 May Joan Cooke d. ]\Iary Cooke 25 May Johannes ffolliate s. Johannis ffoliate 23 June Dorithy Wayefolde d. Dorythy Wavefolde 28 June Charles An god s. Thomas Angod 21 Sep. Mary Savidge d. William Savidge 14 Oct. Elizabeth Edny d. Gualter Edny 20 Oct. John Penny s. John Penny 21 Oct. Thomas Witt s. Thomas Witt 1 Nov. Annis Whitemarsh d. William White- marshe 6 Nov. Mary Angod d. of Thomas Angod 26 Nov. Jane Randoll d. Thomas Randoll 3 Dec. 1603. John Harby s. John Harby 13 March William Dew s. Bartholomew Dew 13 March Jane Lamme d. Thomas Lamme 20 IMarch Anna Penny d. Nicholas Penny 3 April John Randoll s. Robert Randoll 7 May Katherine Penruddocke d. M'' Thomas Penruddocke 16 June Jane Odber d. Henry Odber 25 June Joye Smale d. Wilham Smale 2 Julv Robert Holly s. Thomas Holly 10 July William Randol s. John Randol the farmer of Moulsell* 9 Sep. Elizabeth Bell d. Alexander Bell 20 Oct. Alexander Lawes s. William Lawes in Dec. Michaell Penny d. John Penny of Radishe farmer t 20 Jan. Anna Miles d. Ralphe Miles 25 Jan. Ann Griffine d. John Griffine 29 Jan. Rachell Scammell d. George Scammell 25 Feb. Walter ff..lliate s. John ffolliate 27 Feb. Alice Witt d. Jeames Witt 7 Marcli Sara Streete d. Ralfe Streete 7 March 1604. Alice ffrannces d. Alice ffrannces 8 May Daniel Thringe s. Edgar Thringe 27 May * rropcrly Mount Sorrel, now called Mouse- hole. f Now Reddish House. 14 TIIK IIIICISTMUS OF I'.KoAh ( IIAI-KK, WILTS. Alexander Miller s. .I..hii Miller -JH May Ellinor (Joule (1. I'Mward (Iniilc (.f Stoiike Verticil i;i .Iiilv Joanc ll.-lly d. Tlin'mas Holly I'l Sr|). Idy Aiid 2;'. Sep. Lawreiieo Suyiitlow 8. M' .loliii Sayntlow ^ :U) Sep. Georf^c Peiiruddocke s. Sir Thomas Ten- riiddockc 80 Oct. Avis Ilandoll d. Thomas itandoU 31 Oct. Alice Harte d. .John Ilarte 18 Nov. William Whitemarshe s. Nicholas White- marsh 2^) Nov. Elinor Brine d. Walter Brine 21 Dec. Mary Deaiie d. Daniell Deane 21 Dec. Elizabeth llrances d. Alexander ffrances 2 Jan. Ralfe Streete s. Thomas Streete 27 Jan. EUinor Penny d. Bartholomew Penny the yonnf^er of Stoake Verden 27 Feb. Emme Whitemarshe d. Thomas White- marshe 20 Feb. John Browne base s. ^lartha Browne 20 Feb. Idy ffishe d. John ffishe 3 March 1605. Annis RandoU d. Alexander Randoll alias Newman 5 May Thomas Anj^^od s. Thomas Angod 29 May Robert Randoll s. Robert Randoll 16 June William Coll^-ns s. John Coll/ns 20 July Jane Shergoll d. Thomas Shergoll of Hirkgam 2 1 Jnly Sible Savery d. William Savery 1 1 Aug. Henry Penny s. John Penny of Stoake Verden 18 Aug. Anthony Smale s. AVilliam Smale 18 Aug. Grace Edme d. Walter Edme of Stoake Verden 24 Aug. Avis Phripp d. John Phripp 4 Sep. Rachel! Hardie d. John Hardy of Stoake Verden 4 Oct. Edward Witt s. Thomas Witt 26 Oct. ^fary Davy d. Henrie Davy 28 Oct. William Baberstoke s. AVilliam Baber- stoke 3 Nov. Robert Scammell s. George Scammell 22 Dec. Joane Streate base d. Marrian Streate 26 Dec. Jane ililes d. Ralfe Miles 5 Jan. John Randoll s. John Randoll of Moul- sell the elder 10 Jan. l{ob(;rt Noiris k. John .Noriis I'J Jan. Richard Evans s. John Evans 19 Jan. 1 606. Jane Lawes d. John Lawcs 2.0 March Klizaheth Sayntelow d. M'' John Saint- low 26 May Katheriiie Streete d. Ralphe Streete 27 J Illy Edmond Deane s. Daniell Deane 2 Aug. Thomas Odber s. Henry Odber 3 Aug. William Penruddocke s. Sir Thomas Pen- ruddocke 9 Aug. Elizabeth Randoll d. Thomas Randoll 25 Oct. Thomas Holly s. Thomas Holly 29 Oct. .Jane Due d. Bartholomew Due 10 Dec. Elizabeth ffoUiat d. John flfolliat 11 Dec. Huyge Randoll s. John Randoll of Stoake 18 .Jan. Mary Witt d. Thomas Witt the younger 1 Feb. John Street s. John Street 6 March Thomas Phripp s. John Phripp 4 March 1607. Grace Kinge d. William Ivinge 28 ^larch Tomisin Pillen base d. Rachell Pillen 10 April John Cane s. Robert Cane 26 April Avis Speeringe d. William Speeringe 21 June George Lawes s. John Lawes the younger 24 July Mary Thringe d. JohnThringe 29 July Alice Lawes d. William Lawes 5 Aug. William Deane s. Daniell Deane 4 Sep. John Wilkins s. John Wilkins 23 Sep. William Peiin\ s. John Penny of Stoake Verden 27 Sep. Elizabeth Scammell d. George Scammell 18 Oct. Ann Randoll d. Robert Randoll 31 Dec. Millesant ffrances d. Alexander ffrances 17 Jan. Melior Baberstocke d. William Baber- stocke 29 .Jan. Joane Miles d. Ralfe ililes 30 .Jan. Mary Collens d. John CoUens 14 Feb. Edmund Penny s. Bartholomey Penny of Stoake the younger 1 March Avis Newman d. Walter Newman 28 ^larch BAPTISMS. 15 1608. Thomas Witt s. James "Witt 28 March Idie Phripp d. John Phripp 17 April John Randoll s. Alexander Eandoll alias Newman 16 July Annis Penny d. Thomas Penny 31 Aug. Robert Whitmarsh s. Nicholas Whit- marsh 24 Sep. Joane Shergoll d. Thomas Shergoll 8 Oct. Walter Oake alias White 18 Dec. Annis Griffen d. John Griffen 25 Jan. Elizabeth Witt d. Thomas Witt the elder 3 March Annis Randoll d. Thomas Randoll the younger 8 March Henry & William Pennyrott sons William Pennyrott 29 March 1609. Mary Miller d. John Miller 26 March John Randeie s. John Randeie of Knigh- ton 7 May John Speiringe s. William Speiringe 9 Aug. Ann Shergoll d. Wilks Shergoll 25 Aug. Walter Holly s. Thomas Holiy 18 Sep. Dorathy fltoUeat d. John fFolleat 24 Sep. Ralfe Streate s. Ralfe Streate 18 Oct. Dorathy Whitmarshe d. William Whit- marshe 22 Oct. Richard Scammell s. George Scammell 15 Nov. Jane Streate d. John Streate 26 Feb. Thomas Deane s. Daniell Deane 9 March 1610. Barbara Collens d. John Collens 6 May Edward Penny s. Johannis of Stoke 10 June Jane Thringe d. John Thringe 6 July John Kinge s. Rob^ Kinge 8 July Margret Myles d. Ralfe Myles 19 Aug. Nathaniell Lawse 21 Sep. Margrett Shergoll d. Richard Shergoll 30 Sep. Alexander Rendoll s. Robert RendoU 5 Oct. John Witt 8. Thomas Witt 1 1 Nov. John Miller s. John Miller 13 Jan. Joane Rendoll d. John Rendoll 13 Jan. Moses Newman 25 Jan. John Lawes 10 Feb. Henry Shergoll s. Weeke Shergoll 17 Feb. Henry GriflBne 17 Feb. Christopher Rendoll 20 Feb. 1611. Martha Owen d. Peter Owen Cleri 12 May John Peny s. Bartholomew Peny of Stoke 12 June Dorothye Deane d. Daniell Deane 4 Sep. Ralph Witt 29 Sep. Avis Rendoll d. Alexander Rendoll 2 Oct. Cicely Rendoll d. Thomas Rendoll 13 Oct. Dominicke bastard of Alee Wyat 14 Feb. Anne Streete d. Ralph Streete 15 Feb. Alexander fPrancis 15 March Jane EilfPe d. Christopher Eilffe 19 March 1612. Jane Griffine 29 March Michaell & Mary Penny dd. John Peny the younger 30 March Jane Whitmarshe 30 May Syble Deane d. Andrew Deane 32 (sic) May Thomas Rendoll s. Thomas Rendoll 8 June Thomas Priest s. Edward Priest 27 June Mary King d. Thomas Kinge 26 July William Peny s. Thomas Peny 16 Aug. Christopher Scammell s. George Scammell 23 Aug. Walter Gilbert s. Henry Gilbert 18 Oct. Walter Newman s. John Newman 11 Nov. John Dewe s. Bartholomew Dewe 11 Dec. Cornelius Miles s. Rafe Miles 14 Feb. Margrett Peny d. John Peny 21 Feb. 1613. Anne Thring d. John Thring 3 April Elizabeth Holly d. Thomas Holly 4 July Jane Lawes d. John 11 July Julian White d. Clement 11 July Elizabeth Speering d. W°> 18 July John Peny s. John 28 July Als Witt d. Thomas 15 Aug. Margret Jones d. Will"" 22 Aug. Toby Randall s. Rob' 12 Sep. Jane ffolliatt d. John 18 Sep. Perteisty (?) Witt d. James 24 Sep. Thomas s. Andrew Deane 17 Oct. Anne d. Samuell Whitehead 2 Feb. Cornelius s. Thomas AYitt 13 Feb. 1614. Michaell d. Alexander Randall 22 June Josias s. John Blake 24 June ]\Iichaell d. Thomas Lambe 1 1 Sep. William s. William Smale 2 Oct. Tymothy & Anthony ss. William Jey 21 Oct. Elizabeth d. John Streete 2^ Nov. Elizabeth d. Edward Priest 21 Dec. Joane d. W'" Michell 23 Dec. 10 TllK KEdl.STEltS OF H]{OAI) ( IIAIJvi:, WILTS. xMury (1. Eilward Sciunriicll 1 Martli 1 C 1 .'.. "William s. Willin. liiiwes :*\i April llomiu 8, Walter Newman IH Aluy Andrew s. Anilirw Di-anc 4 Juno Mary d. Thomas Kamlall 11 June William 8. Koliert Kin;; 1« .July Amy d. Julin VeUam :}() July (iabriell 8. Thomas Kin^' 17 Sep. Elizabeth d. Christopher YeUes '2i Sep. Sihillo d. John Tlirin^ 25 Nov. Thonnis s. llenrie Gilbert alias Stud 18 Oct. 8. Ralph Aliles 10 Dec. Thoma.s s. Alexander llVancis 17 Dec. Jane d. Thomas Holly 10 Jan. Christopher Peny s. Thomas 28 Jan. Thomas s. John Randall 27 Feb. 1C16. Thomas s. John Peny 1 ;^ April Joane d. Thomas Randall 11 April Mary d. Robert Randall 21 Alay John s. John Tjawes 16 Dec. Nicholas s. Robert Kin^ 22 Jan. AVilliam s. Thomas Holly 9 Feb. John s. Nicholas Whitmarsh 12 Feb. 1617. Luce d. Alexander Randall 5 April AVill'" s. Bartholomew Segar 29 June Solomon s. Thomas King 31 Aug. Jane d. John tioliat 21 Sep. Andrew s. Edward Priest 5 Oct. Charles s. Walter Newman 1-i Dec. Emmc d. Christo])her Simmes 1 Feb. Thomas s. John Thringe 4 Feb. John s. W William Jones, gent., 22 Feb. Henry l<: Will'" ss. John Penny 25 Feb. Antgre (?) d. John Blake 20 March 1018. AVill'" s. Will"' Angod 4 April John s. James Witte 12 April Thomas s. M"" Adam Waters, Clark '^0 July Thomas s. Andrew Deane 2 Aug. Anne d. George Scammcll 28 Sep. William s. William Spccring 17 Nov. Timothy s. Thomas King 2^5 Jan. Edward s. Thomas PennV 9 Feb. John 6. Gabriell King 28 Feb. Henrye & :M:irie s. ct d. Henry Scud alias Gilbert 13 March Elizabeth d. John Randoll of Knighton 17 March 1619. Anne d. Johir'Scot 3 April Taberet d. Christopher Vellowes IH July William b. Edward ll'o.vhangcr 24 Oct. Ellis B. Edward I'riest 26 Dec. Will"' 8. Henry Xorris 27 Feb. 1 620. Michaell d. John Pcnnv the vounger 1.0 April Elizal>eth d. John Saunders 19 April Doi'othic d. Thomas Randoll 19 May Thomas s. M/ Adam Waters, Clark, 28 May Thomas s. Timothie Lodge 11 June Elizabeth d. Bartholomew Penny of Stoake 25 June Anis d. Will'" Michell 3 Sep. Christopher s. Thomas Holland 19 Nov. Elizabeth d. John Thringe 13 Dec. Gabriell s. Gabriell King 21 Jan, Mary d. John Not 11 Feb. Anne d. M"" William Grove junior 12 March Sarah d. Christopher Simes 18 March 1621. Mary d. Timothy Lodge 2 April James s. Edward ffoxanger 15 April Anne d. William Spcering 9 June Maiy d. John Randoll 16 June Thomas s. Tliomas King 5 Aug. John s. Ralph Pen 7 Oct. Thomas s. George Scammell 23 Nov. Thomas s. Peter Steven (?) 9 Dec. Henry s. John Penny 16 Jan. John s. Henry Scud alias Gilbert 30 Jan. Thomas s. Will'" Angod 24 March 1622. John s. Will'" Duo 31 March Alee spur. d. Elinor Lylly 10 April Will"' s. Edward Brine 8 May Charles s. John Saunders 12 May Henry s. Henry Good 26 ^lay Joane d. Andrew Deane 29 June Johu Notte s. John 30 June Robert Rushe s. Robert Rushe 6 Oct. Sarah Yclf d. Christopher Yelf 18 Dec. John s. John Paradise 24 Jan. AUice d. Heui-y Studd 9 Feb. 1623. Elizabeth d. :M^ Will. Grove 30 March Bai-tholomew Seger s. Bartholomew 17 June Elenor Dew d. William 9 Aug. Alice Francis d. Alexander 15 Sep. BAPTISMS. r Anna Lodge d. Timothie 16 Sep. Anne Shergoll d. Robert 18 Sep, Margaret Skeel d. Peter 2 Oct. Elizabeth Angood d. Anthonie 19 Oct. Francis Erneley d. Edward 14 Dec. Christobell Spering d. AYilliam 15 Dec. William King s. Gabriel 31 Dec. Anne Lodge d. Timothie IG Sep. Gartrude Good d. Henrie 1(5 Jan. William Michel s. William 20 Jan. Margaret Scammell d. George 4 Feb. Alexander Pennie s. John 19 Feb. 1624. Henrie Sims s. Christoph. Sims 11 April Edward Bjfelchom s. Christopher Byfel- chom 11 May Henrie Pen s. Ralph Pen 3 June Willem King s. Thomas King 22 July Honor Fox d. Edward Fox 15 Aug. Mari Penni d. Abram Penni 28 Nov. Michaell d. Anthony Angod 5 Dec. Michaell d. Thomas Moxam 12 Dec. Edward s. Walter Rennell 21 Dec. Henry s. Willeam Angod 28 Dec. Abraham s. Christopher Goold 9 Jan. Alexander s. Ralfe Streat 15 Jan. Henry s. Henry Lawes 31 Jan, John s. Willem Skenner 20 Feb. Alse d. Thomas Gilford 24 Feb. 1625. Dennes d. Edward Brine 3 April Mary d. Thomas Yellow Edward s. John Sanders 15 May Willem s. Willem Grove 19 j\Iay Alexander Frances s. Alexander Frances 2 Oct. Thomas s. Thomas Burden 4 Dec. Timothi Lodge s, Timothi Lodge 18 Dec. Nicholas s. John Not 18 Dec. Jane Deane d. Andry Dean 27 Dec. John Savidge s. Nicholas Savidge 1 Jan. Ralph Good s. Henry Good 8 Jan. Jafra Whit s. Edward Whit 29 Jan. Elizabeth Peni d, John Penney 5 March 1626. Edith Norris d. Henry 2 April Margaret Rendoll d. John 7 May Alice Lawes d. Henry 3 May Ane Penny d. Bartholomew' Penny 6 June Willum Gilburd s. Hinry Gilbord 16 July Elezabeth & Barbry Penney dd. Abram Penney 11 Sep, Christibell d, Gabrell King 15 Oct. Thomas s. Thomas Gillbord 26 Nov, Elzebeth Whit d. John Whit 21 Dec. Robert s. Thomas King of Stoke Verden 21 Dec. Thomas s. Walter Bennet 7 Jan, John Nay s. Richard Nay 20 Jan, 1627, Agnis Stocks d, William Stoeks 3 May AVillia'm Cook s. Christopher 6 ]May Michael Pennie d, Henrie Pennie 26 ^fay AYihiam Angood s, Antone Angood 3 June Jane Fox d. Edward Fox 15 July Henrie Priest s. Edw. Priest 6 Aug, Christopher Sinnnes s. Christopher 24 Aug. Ehzabeth Mullins d, Richard ^ilullins 10 Nov. Richard Randol s. Thomas Randol 24 Feb. John Sanders s. John Sanders 9 ]March Alice Lodge d. Timothie Lodge 10 March John Penie s. Abraham Penie 12 ]\[arch John Lawes s. Henrie Lawes 20 March 1628. John Good s. Henrie Good 2 April Rachel Randol d. Thomas Randol 2 April Nicolas Francis s. Alexander Francis 5 April Jane Keylock d. Robert 14 April John Bedford s. Robert Bedford 4 May Walter Penny s. John Peny 3 Aug. Margaret Orvington d. Thomas Orvington 16 Aug. Marie White d, Edmund White 7 Sep, Ehzabeth Moxam d. Thomas Moxam 21 Sep. Elizabeth Barter d. Richard Barter 21 Feb. Joane Savage d. Nicholas Savadge 14 Feb. WilKam Savadge s. William Savadge 25 Feb. William King s. Gabriell King 10 March John RandoU s. Will'm Randoll 15 March 1629. Henry Norris s. Henry Norris 12 April Susan Archer d. William Archer 25 April Jeane Dewe d. William Dewe 25 April Walter Bennet s. Walter Bennet 10 May Mary d. Henry Good 17 IMay Elizabeth d. Anthonie Angood 28 June Margaret Brine d. Edward Brine 25 Aug. Joyce Penny d. Henrie Penny 13 Sep. Ann Whitmarsh d. Walter Whitmarsh 27 Sep. Walter Savage s. John Savage 29 Nov. Amie Skeele d. Richard Skeclc 17 Jan. Jane Gilbert d. Thomas Gilbert 31 Jan. Maria Sims d. Ch. Sims 13 Feb. D IM 'I'lIH KK(ilS'l'i:i;S OK lUiOAI) CIIAI-Ki:, WILTS. Kli/.iilK'tli Doanc d. Aiulrewc Dcaiu! 20 Fcl). Tlio. Lo(ln;o H. Timolliio Lod^^c 2.s Feb. Kclwaid it Miiric Foxc B. it d. Kdward Foxchanjjcr 28 Feb. ic.ao. Rllen Lillio d. .Fohn LiHic 1 1 April Anne (Jo(jd d. Ilcn. (Joud (liu }()un{,'cr l-l Api'il Joliii Saiiitloc R. Jdlin Saintloc of London Afarc'liant 21 June WilTin Frances r. Alex. Frances 25 July Hen. Dowc s. Hen. 2!) Au^. 'I'lionias Orvinjxton s. Thn. l Nov. Jeane violins d. Riehard Molins 14 Nov. Nickolas bastard s. Joane Lambe 14 Nov. Jane Nott d. John Nott 2 Jan. Avis Whitmarsii d. Walter Whitmarsh 23 Jan. Will'm Dew s. Will'm Dew 13 Feb. John White s. John White 16 Feb. Christian d. John Chnbb 27 Feb. John ^Fartchman s. John Martchman 18 March 1031. John Randal s. John Randal 5 Jnne Eliz. Brine d. Edward Biine 24 July Will'm Archer s. Will'm Archer 17 Aug. Mary Molins d. Richard ^Molins 20 Nov. Samuel King s. Gabriel King 30 Nov. l\Iarie Moxom d. Th. Moxom 4 Dec. John s. Hen. 4 Dec. Richard Wag. s. Richard Wag 11 Dec. Ann Fox d. Edward Fox 11 Dec. ]\rarie Sanders d. John Sanders 1 Jan. Alice Penny d. Ralph Penny 9 Feb. 1632. John Savage s. John 25 Slareh Ann Sjiratt filia peregrinantis Richard Sprat t 27 Mairh .... Savadge d. Nicholas Savadge 29 April Ann Eawcs d. Alexander Lawcs 21 'May William Lodge s. Tymothy Lodge 10 June Henry Penny s. Henry Penny 24 June Anthony Penny s. John Penny 1 July •William Grove s. Thomas Gi'ove 1 Aug. Charles King s. John 2 Sep. Avis Angod d. Anthony Angod 2 Sep. Robert Haylock s. Robert Haylock 19 Oct. Ann Short'd. AVilliam Short 16 Dec. Thomas Randal s. Thomas Randall 27 Dec. Dorothy Skeele d. Richard Skcele 6 Jan. William Marshman s. John Alarshman 9 Jan. .... Ovciiton d. Thomas Ovonton 13 Jan. Avis WhitmarKh d. Walter Whitmarsh -'3 Jan. Alice Fvens 27 Fob. Ann Archer 10 March Elizabeth .Myles 17 Mnvch Susan Brync 17 March 1 63,3. Elizabeth Good d. Henry Good 10 June Thomas fdius ))cregrinantis 17 Nov. Bartholomew Peimy s. John Penny 21 Nov. Joanna Savage d. .John Savage 15 Dec. John Chubl) s. John Clmbb 12 Jan. Elizabeth Davis d. Henry Davis 9 Feb. 1634. John Francis s. Alexander Francis 25 April Angod Evens d. Thomas Evens 30 April William Savidge s. William Savidge 4 ilay Martha Foxhanger d. Edward Foxhanger 13 May Phillip White s. John White 8 .Tune John Smyth s. John Smyth 23 July Anthonie Angod s. Anthonie Angod 31 Aug. Ann King d. Gabriel King 28 Sep. Phillip Ilexts s. Thomas Hexts 5 Oct. John Lawes s. John Lawes 12 Oct. Joan Cook d. Christopher Cook 26 Oct. Ann Molins d. Richard violins 2 Nov. Anthonie Lodg s. Timothie Lodg 2 Dec. Elizabeth Eandol d. Thomas Randol 14 Dec. Simon Penny e. John Penny 15 Jan. William Lawes s. Alexander Lawes 2 Feb. John Short s. William Short 8 Feb. Sarah Penny d. Ralphe Penny 22 Feb. 1635. Edward Bryne s. Edward Bryne 30 March John Penny s. John Penny 5 April Ann Penny d. Nicholas Penny 5 April Thomas Moxam s. Thomas Moxam 19 April Ann Svmmonds d. Elizabeth Symmonds 19'Aug. Bartholomew Ovington b. Thomas Oving- ton 26 Aug. Ann Penny d. Abraham Penny 13 Sep. AValter AViiitmarsh s. Walter Wliitmarsh Henry White s. Edmond White 14 Feb. Christopher Smith s. John Smith 25 Feb. Mary Strcat d. John Streat 28 Feb. BAPTISMS. 10 Anne Sanders d. John Sanders 13 March Walter Wagg s. Richard Wagg 20 March 1636. John Archer s. Anthony Archer 19 April John Randol s. Henry Randol 11 May Mary Lawes d. John Lawes 15 May Mary Faranton d. Michael Farenton 22 May Elizabeth Savadge d. Nickolas Savadg 19 June William Good s. Henry Good 26 June John Bennet s. Walter Benuet 3 July Isack Savadge s. William Savadge 4 Sep. William Foxe s. Edward Foxe 11 Sep. Christopher Ford s. John Ford 9 Oct. Thomas Feltam s. John Feltam 30 Oct. Bartholomew Penny s. John Penny 6 Nov. Laurence Saintloe s. M"" Laurence Saynt- loe 2 Feb. Joane Penny d. Abraham Penny 20 Feb. Joane Penny d. John Penny 19 March 1637. George Lawes s. George Lawes 10 April George Bolton s. George Bolton 16 April Anthony Lydford s. Robert Lydford 1 May Avis Odbur d. Th. Odbur 9 June Elizabeth Randol d. Hen. Randol 1r()se Richards boni I I Anjj. Sarah d. Edward IV-rry Imp. It Oct. Henry 8. .lohn Ftillct r» Nov. "Walter k. Walter Whit marsh 21 Nov. Dorothy d. Riclinrd Lush J^O Nov. C}cor<;c B. (leor ]\Iarch Sarah d. Jolm Powell ;)(» April John s. John Biggs IG IMay William s. Tiiomas Batt 5 .July George s. David Skinner 5 July Sarah d. Richard & Elisabeth Barter 25 Aug. Henry s. John & Mellier Angood 30 Aug. Thomas s. George & Sarah Read 17 Sep. ]\Iary d. James & Joyce Stickland 18 Sep. John s. Thomas & Mary Ingram 22 Oct. Jane d. Anthony & Jane Penny oO Oct. William s. William & Anne Williams 8 Nov. Robert s. Thomas & Anne Moody 16 Nov. Edith d. William & Edith Angood 3 Dec. Thomas s. Jane Cookman 7 Dec. Jolm s. John & Elisabeth Gibbs 25 Dec. Alice d. l]dward & Alice I'errv 7 Feb. James s. Ralph & Ruth Streight 11 Feb. Aime d. Henry & Jane Iving 11 Feb. .Joseph B. Thomas & Mary Smith 16 Feb. 1728. AVilliam s. William & Mary King 17 June Elisabeth d. Robert & Elisabeth Merchant 24 July ^\i\vy d. Thomas it 'Slary Jving 18 Aug. Hannah d. John & Hannah l^aws 18 Sep. Roger s. Roger & Margaret Beling 1;] ' Oct. Sarah d. Robert & Edith Best 16 Oct. Henry s. Henry & :Martha Cook 29 Nov. Eliz. d. Tho. & Hester JolliHe 1 Dec. James s. Stephen it Mary Hort 22 Dec. Anne d. John it Anne Grey 2i) Dec. Anne d. Jolm & ]\Iary Powell 1!) Jan. Mary d. William & Anne Willismis 26 Jan. Mary Noise bast. d. Jane Dewe 31 Jan. Anthonv s. Thomas & Jane Ingram 9 Feb. Betty d. Walter & Joyce Belin"- 14 I^eb. Stephen s. Wilham & Elisabeth Smith 23 Feb. 172;>. Osniyii H. Osniyn it Mary Martin 15 April Hdward h. Samuel & Anne Penny 20 Ajiril Aimis d. Richard & Elisabeth liarter 4 May Anne d. William & Mary Laws 26 June Jilisabetli d. Anthony & Jane Penny 8 July Sarah d. Thomas & .Jane Laws 10 July William & Mary children of Henry & Jane Stainer 7 Sep. I\rary d. David & Jane Skinner 24 Sep. Henry s. James it Joyce Strickland 1 Oct. Bethiah d. Roger & Elisabeth Barns 26 Nov. Thomas s. George & Sarah Read 6 Jan. Mary d. John & Elisabeth Gibbs 2U Jan. Moses bast. s. Honour Biddlecome 2 Feb. John 8. Robert & Elisabeth Merchant 25 Feb. 1730. Mary d. William & Mary King 25 April Richard s. Richard & Betty Foliat 24 iJay William s. Thomas & Esther Jolliffe 26 July John s. Richard & ^Lary .Johnson 2 Aug. Hannah d. Jolm «t ]\Iary Powel S Nov. John s. Thomas & Mary Smith 2 Dec. John s. Roger it Margaret Beling 10 Jan. Elias s. George & Sarah liead 16 Jan. Mary d. .John & Hannah Laws 7 March Jolm s. William it Anne Williams 7 March 1731. John bast. s. Elizabeth Speering 19 April Henry s. Henry & ]\Iary Penn 27 May Mary Anne d. Osmvn & M?ry ^lartin 18 July Mary d. Richard & Elisabeth Barter 25 July Hannah d. Philip it ^lary Jvirley 15 Aug. George s. William it Mary Laws 25 Aug. Susanna d. Joseph it Eleanor Combes 27 Aug. ]\Iarv d. Robert & ^lary Fox 31 Aug. Mary d. William it :Mary Hewlet 12 Sep. Charles s. Thomas it Elisabeth Batt 1 Nov. Edward s. Henry it ]\Iartha Cook 1 Nov. Mary d. Laurence & Elisabeth Thick 5 Nov. Zechariah s. Jeremiah & Mary Baily 14 Nov. Joyce d. Walter it Joyce Beling 21 Nov. Jane d. Thomas it Jane Laws 6 Jan. BAPTISMS. 29 James s. James & Joyce Strickland 19 Jan. Eobert s. Robert & Elisabeth Merchant 2 Feb. Anne d. John & Elisabeth Gibbs 13 Feb. Betty d. Richard & Betty Foliot 5 March George s. M"" Roger & Elisabeth Barns 16 March 1732. Martha d. John & Mary Powel 7 April George s. William & Elisabeth Northover 25 April Mary d. John & Patience ]\Iartin 9 July John s. Thomas & Esther Jollyffe 25 Jnly Jane d. William & Mary King G Aug. Robert s. Robert & Mary Fox 1 Oct.^ Mary d. Wilham & Jane Langtry 24 Oct. Lucy d. Philip cVs Mary Kirley 10 Dec. James s. John & Uannah Laws 17 Dec. Ehsabeth d. Thomas & Susanna Laws 28 Jan. Sarah d. George & Mary Northover 18 Feb. Elisabeth d. Henry & Christiane Kerley il March Hannah d. James & Joyce Strickland 23 March 1733. Rebecca d. Robert & Edith Best 25 March Mary d. Miles & Elisabeth Northover 1 May Ruth d. William Frecker & Philippe 10 June Anne d. Thomas & Anne Hesket 11 June Mary d. William & Sarah Hayward 29 June Jane bast. d. Jinny Penny 29 Sep. Anne d. Richard & Elisabeth Barter 7 Oct. Thomas s. Henry & Mary Penn 1 Nov. John bast. s. Anne Stent 30 Nov. Sarah d. Richard & Monica JoUitf 2G Dec. 1734. Elisabeth d. William & Elisabeth Scam- mel 10 April Elisabeth d. John & Elisabeth Gibbs — May Sarah d. Thomas & Mary Smith 1 Sep. Henry s. David & Anne Smith 8 Sep. Sarah d. Thomas & Anne Hesket 15 Sep. Jane & Roger s. and d. Thomas & Esther Jollyffe 5 Oct. Mary d. Richard & Betty Folliot 18 Oct. George s. George & Mary Northover 28 Oct. William a. M"" William & Mary Gifford 28 Oct. John s. John & Mary Yates 21 Jan. William s. John & Mary Powel 25 Jan. Joseph s. Joseph & Eleanor Combes 2 March 1735. Mary d. Eobert & Mary Fox 25 April Thomas s. William & ]\Iary Hewlet 1 May John s. Samuel & Elisabeth King 25 May Sarah d. William & ]\Iary King 2(5 May James s. Thomas & Elisabeth Moody 15 June John s. John & Mary Barnet 15 July Mary d. Henry & Christiane Kirley 20 July Sarah d. Gehazi & Anne Baker 10 Aug. Mary d. Jeremiah & ]\Iary Baily 31 Aug. Esther d. Wilham & Philippe Frecker 28 Sep. Sarah d. William & Sarah Haywood 4 Nov. Sai'ah d. John & Hannah Laws 5 Nov. John s. William & Sarah Butcher 27 Dec. Thomas s. Thomas & Jane Jjaws 6 Jan. Stephen s. David & Anne Smith 12 Jan. Anne d. Charles & Mary Hiscock 28 Jan. Ralph s. Henry & Mary Penny 1 1 Feb. Miles s. Miles & Ehsabeth Nortliover 7 March Sarah d. John & Elisabeth Gibs 14 March Sarah d. AVilliam & Betty Scammel 17 March 1736. Mary d. M-" William & Mary Gifford 6 April Miles s. John & Mary Powel 9 May Elizabeth d, William & Elisabeth North- over 29 May William bast. s. Jane Smith 1 4 June John s. John & Elisabeth Young 24 June William s. Tiiomas & Elisabeth Vincent 27 June Elisabeth d. Jonathan & Jane Roberts 29 June James s. George & Elisabeth Northover 1 Aug. Jane d. James & Joyce Strickland 2 Sep. Richard s. Richard & Elisabeth Barter 17 Oct. Benjamin s. Robert & Edith Best 12 Dec. Sarah d. David & Anne Smith 27 Dec. Honour d. William & Honour Yiny G Feb. John Laurence s. Charles & Mary His- cock 27 Feb. 30 THE REGISTERS OF BROAD CIIALKE, WILTS. Christ()])hcr b. William & Martha reiiiiy () March Milct? 8. Miles & Elisabeth Northovcr 15 March 17:57. William s. Hohcrt Fox & Mary 27 ]\Iarch Kichard s. Richard & Betty Folliot 30 May Anuc d. John & Millierc Angood 5 June Ocorfrc 8. AVilliam & Mary King 3 July Caleb 8. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 10 July Aimee bast. d. Mary Harvey 10 July Thomas s. George & Mary Northovcr 24 . July Jane d. Thomas & Mary Gold 31 .luly Mary d. John & Martha Merchant 21 Sep. Christiane d. llcnry & Christiane Kirley 12 Nov. John s. John & Honour Pin 20 Nov. Jane d. Aaron & Jane Thompson 20 Nov. Mary d. George & Anne Laws 11 Dec. Sarah d. William & Sarah Haywood 18 Dec. Anne d. William & Mary Hewlet 8 Jan. Luke s. Luke & Esther Francis 15 Jan. Anne d. Thomas & Esther Jollyff 15 Jan. Mary d. James & Anne Channt 25 Jan. John s. Thomas & Anne Hesket 1 9 Feb. Thomas s. Thomas & Elisabeth Vincent 19 Feb. John s. John & Mary Abbot 12 March 1738. ^[artha d. John & Elisabeth Gibs 5 April Hannah d. Nicholas & Hannah White 9 April Susanna d. Thomas & Rebecca Read 11 April John s. Jonathan & Jane Roberts 23 May Henry s. William & Sarah Butcher 29 May Jane d. M' William & Mary Gifford 22 Aug. Joseph s. Benjamin & Jane Johnson 26 Aug. Charles s. M"^ Charles & Elisabeth Chanliss 20 Sep. George s. Robert & Mary Fox 1 Oct. Thomas s. John & Jane Witt 5 Nov. Jane d. David & Anne Smith 6 Dec. Mary d. Samuel & Diana King 29 Dec. Matthew Frarapton bast. s. Elisabeth Brookman 2 Jan. Jane d. WiUiam & Elisabeth Northovcr 7 March 1739. William 8. Richard & Jane LubIi 8 April William s. John Everett & Anne 23 April Mary d. Thomas & Edith Cook May John 8. Philip Sc Martha Kirley 24 June Josiah s. Thomas Sc Mary Gold 2(j June Mary d. John & Jane Penny 8 July Betty d. William & Mary King 9 Sep. William s. John & Hannah Laws 29 Sep. George s. John & ^Lary Abbot 7 Oct. Samuel s. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 11 Oct. Betty d. John & Martha Merchant 21 Oct. Elisabeth d. James & Joyce Strickland 11 Nov. Jane d. Thomas & Elisabeth Vincent 16 Dec. John bastard s. Jane Humphreys 20 Jan. Martha d. of Richard & Betty Folliot 20 Jan. Henry s. John & Honour Pin 27 Jan. John s. Robert & Jane Golding 20 Feb. Jane bastard d. Ann Feltham 25 Feb. Sarah d. Thomas & Rebecca Read 4 Mar. 1740. Esther d. Luke & Esther Francis 30 Mar. Henry s. Nicholas & Hannah White 28 May Robert s. John & Anne "\A illiams 27 June Rose d. John & Elizabeth Young 29 June Robina d. John & Jane Witt 29 June Mary d. James & Anne Smith 7 July John s. John & Jane Whittridge 27 July David s. Jonathan & Jane Roberts 17 Aug. James s. Charles & Marv Hiscock 31 Aug. Anne d. M-^ William & Mary Gifford '4 Sep. Stephen s. Robert & Mary Fox 1 2 Oct. James s. Richard & Elisabeth Barter 30 Oct. Henry s. Aaron & Jane Thompson 2 Nov. Elisabeth d. Thomas &, Mary Barfoot 29 Dec. Anne d. David & Anne Smith 4 Jan. Jane d. John & Anne Everett 6 Jan. William s. George & Elizabeth Turner 25 Jan. 1741. John s. James & Anne Smith 18 May George & Elizabeth s. and d. Elias & Elisabeth Ingram 26 July William s. William »t Anne Stevens 27 July John s. William & Elisabeth Barret 30 Sep. William s. William & Elisabeth North- over 11 Oct. Robert s. John & Mary Perry 15 Nov. BAPTISMS. 31 Charles s. Tliomas & Rebecca Eead 6 Jan. Sarah d. John & Honour Pin 2-i Feb. Mary d. Richard & Jane Lush 3 March Martha d. Thomas & EHsabeth Vincent 11 March 1742. ]\Iary d. John & Jane Witt 25 March WiUiam s. John & Jane Vettridge James s. Joseph & Eleanor Combs IG April Sarah d. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 19 April "William s. William & Mary King 5 May Eebecca d. Edward & Susanna Witt 24 June Henry bastard s. Martha Savage 29 June Bravant s. Bravant & Mary "West 18 July Martha d. Gyles & Martha Pickford (?) 25 July Anne d. John & Elizabeth Young 24 Aug. Robert s. Robert & Jane Golding 10 Oct. Betty d. Robert & Mary Fox if Oct. George s. George & Elisabeth Turner 1 Nov. Elisabeth d. David & Anne Smith 14 JSTov. William s. Benjamin & Jane Johnson 19 Dec. John s. John & Martha Perry 16 Jan. John s. Luke & Esther Francis 23 Jan. William s. Samuel & Diana King 13 Mar, 1743. Mary d. "yVilliam & Mary Crine 10 April Jane d. William & Mary Hewlet 31 July John s. Antony & Grace Penny 14 Aug. James s. James & Anne Smith 18 Sep. James s. Charles & Anne Silcock 18 Sep. Elias s. EHas & Elisabeth Ingram 29 Sep. Thomas bastard s. Mary Ingram 23 Oct. Anne d. William & Sarah King 22 Jan. John s. John & Jane Witt 25 Jan. Ether s. Richard & Jane Lush 12 Feb. Jane d. John & Jane Vettridge 12 Feb. Mary d. John & Anne Everett 26 Feb. James & John ss. John & Mary Dibben 28 Feb. 1744. John s. John & Mary Chaunt 25 March Robert & Thomas ss. WiUiam & Elisabeth Northover 25 jMarch George s. Thomas & Rebecca Read 23 April William s. Wilham & Martha Penny 16 May John s. Thomas & Mary Gold 17 June Joseph s, Bravall & Mary West 17 June John s. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 29 June Thomas s. George & Elisabeth Turner 25 July Sarah d. Henry & Elisabeth Jay 5 Aug. Nicolas s. Nicolas & Hannah White°29 Sep. Susanna d. Edward & Susanna Witt 27 Oct. James s. John & Elisabeth Young 28 Oct. Stephen s. William & Mary Crine 1 Nov, Sarah d. Tliomas & Mary Moody 11 Nov. Stephen s. Robert & i\Iai-y Fox 30 Nov. William s. William & Anne Stephens 2 Feb. Joha s. Joseph & Eleanor Combs 9 March 1745. Abraham s. Henry & Hannah White 12 April Susana d. Thomas & Elisabeth Vincent 15 April Betty bastard d. Mary King 16 April Charles s. Charles & Mary Hiscock 25 April Thomas s. William & Elisabeth Northover 29 June George s. Elias & Elisabeth Ingram 14 July Mary d. John & Bridget Perry 25 July Ruth d. John & Honour Pin 4 Aug. William s. John & Mary Dibben 15 Aug. Thomas s. Henry & Elisabeth Jay 29 Sep. Henry s. William & Sarah King 29 Sep. William s. Benjamin & Jane Johnson 3 Nov. Mary d. Robert & Jane Golding 17 Nov. Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Moody 21 Nov. Elisabeth d. Luke & Esther Francis 1 Dec. Anne d. John & Anne Evcret 25 Jan. George s. William & Elisabeth King 23 Feb. Betty d. John & Jane Witt 24 Feb. Betty d. George & Elisabeth Turner 2 March John s. George & ]\Iary Sansom 9 ]\Iar. Elisabeth d. Roger & Anne Barns 9 ^lareh 1746. Mary d. William & Jane Langtrv 1 April Sarah d. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 22 .Alay John s. John & Jane Roaf 25 May Anstice d. John & Elisabeth Young 8 June Mary d. Antony & Grace Penny 15 June Nathanael s. William & JMary Crine 30 July Sarah d. Luke & Jane Taylour 31 Aug. Henry bastard s. Mary Ingram 14 Sep. Thomas s. Thomas & Rebecca Road 9 Oct ;52 THK REIJISTKIW OF iJJiUAl)' CIIAI.KK, WILTS. Sanili <1. William .V Miiry llcwltl 7 Dec. •Idscpli s. .Iiiliii (t IJrif^ct l*erry 14 Dec. William s. William »t Sarah Kiiif,' 1 Mar. Mary tl. Charles & .Mary lliscock 1 March 1717. Sarah d. Thomas A: Mary fJold 25 March William* s. William & Jane Ijan<,'try 5 A])ri] Catharine d. Nicolas & Hannah White 2;") Ajiril Georp^e s. Henry & Hannah White 24 May Jolin s. .Idhn it l^Ii.^allL•Lh Cook 7 June Mary d. John it Elisabeth ICmmc 21) Aug. Marv d. Thomas & Mary Turner G Dec. Charles s. John & Mary Hazil 2 Nov. John s. ]]enjamin & Jane Johnson 17 Jan John s. John & Anne Everet 30 Jan. Joseph s. Thomas & Elisa)3eth Vincent 2 Feb. Sarah d. John & Mary Dibbens 7 Feb. Stephen e. Henry & Elisabeth Jay 14 Feb. William s. Luke & Esther Francis 6 Mar. 1748. Edward s. Edward & ]\Iary Presly 27 ^lar. Mary d. Thomas & Susanna Laws 27 Mar. Sarah d. Thomas & Elisabeth Emme 27 Mar. Joseph s. John & Honour Pin 3 April William s. Stephen & Mary Smith 11 April Richard s. Richard & Jane Lush 5 June Sarah d. "William & Jane Langtry 7 July Anne d. Antony & Grace Penny 11 Sep. Henry s. AVilliam & Mary Crine 11 Sep. Martha d. Samuel & Diana King 23 Sep. John s. William & Sarah King 25 Sep. John s. John & Jane Grey 2 Oct. Betty d. John & Betty Young 10 Oct. ^Lary d. John & Mary Chaunt 23 Oct. Rebecca d. Thomas & Martha Heydon 27 Nov. Jane d. Robert & Jane Golding 27 Nov. William s. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 20 Dec. Mary d. John & Elisabeth Cook 22 Jan. William s. John & Martha ]\Ierchant 5 Feb. George s. George & !Mary Sansum 1 2 Feb. Sarah d. ifohn & Anne Williams 1 9 Mar. 1749. Susanna d. Thomas & Rebecca Read 30 ]\Lar. Stephen s. John & ]\Iary Dibbens 22 April Robert s. John & Bridget Perry 30 A\m\ * Note in Register : " Clerk of the Parish in 1826." JoRcph K. John & Jane Witt 25 June Betty Ijastard d. Jane I^angtry 23 July (Jrace d. 'I'liomas it Mary (lold G Aug. Sarah d. William & Jane Langtry 13 Aug. James h. Thomas & Mary 'J'urner 2 Dec. Jane d. Stephen & Mary Smith 3 Dee. Jietty d. John & ElisabeLli Lmmc 5 Jan. Betty d. Charles & .Mary Hiscock 7 Jan. Jane d. .lohn & Jane lioai' 28 Feb. Charles p. William & Mary Stephens 10 .Mar. 1750. Henry s. John & Mary Hazel 1 April Henry s. John & Anne Everet 1 April John s. John & Mary Barter 1 April George s. William & Mary Hewlet 29 April Joseph s. Thomas & Elisabeth Emme 29 April Lucy d. John & Honour Pin 29 April John s. Henry & Elisabetli Jay 25 July Sarah d. Thomas & Elisabeth Vincent 5 Aug. Joseph s. Ralph & Ruth Street 16 Sep. James s. Benjamin & Jane Johnson 28 Oct. Betty d. Robert & Jane Penny 25 Nov. Harry s. John & Betty Cook 27 Dec. George s. AVilliam & Sarah King 23 Dec. Martha & Mary dd. John & Jane Smith, travellers, 24 Jan. James s. William & Jane Langtry, 24 March 1751. William s. William & Elisabeth King 12 April Charles s. William & Martha Penny 20 April Sarah d. George & MaiT Sansom 27 ^lay John s. Samuel & Diana King 14 July Sarah d. John & ^larv Dibbens 14 July William s. John & ilary Hasel 21 July Jeams s. John it Mary Powel 19 Aug. George s. Robert ct Jane Golden 1 Sep. Thomas s. Thomas & ilarthar Haideu 5 Sep. Elizabeth d. John & Anne Williames 13 Oct. Jeams s. John it Bidjet Perry 27 Oct. Lucy d. John it ^lary Barter 22 Nov. Mary d. John & Elizabeth Emme 26 Dec. 1752. Anne d. Robert & Jane Pcnnv 14 Jan. Mary d. Caleb & Tabita Cavil 13 March Charles s. Stephen it ^NFary Smith 16 Aug. BAPTISMS. 33 John s. William & Mary Tudgey 1 Sep. Elizabeth d. Daniel & Betty Thompson 1 Oct. Mary d. John & Elizabeth Emme 10 Dec. Jane Langtree d. William & Jane 17 Dec. 1753. (K S.) Mary d. John & Mary Powel 5 Jan. John s. John & Elizabeth King 21 Jan. Mary Smith base-born d. Mary King 11 Feb. Mary d. George & Mary Sansom 25 Feb. Anne d. Thomas & Betty Gould 27 March Mary d. Edward & Anne Hardymaa 1 April John s. Thomas & Mary Batcbelor 4 April John s. John & Jane Toomer 24 April Betty d. John & Ann Everet 3 June Thomas s. Luke& Esther Francis 10 June Grace d. Anthony & Grace Penny 1 1 June James s. John & Bridget Perry 11 June William s. John & Elizabeth Emme 12 June Sarah d. Henry & Hannah White 28 Oct. Mary d. Henry & Elizabeth Jay 23 Dec. 1754. William s. Robert & Jane Golding 20 Jan. Thomas So John & Betty Cook 3 Mar. Thomas s. Benjamin & Jane Johnson 3 March George s. John & Mary Lawes 20 March James s. William & Mary Tudgey 20 April Henry s. John & Mary Dibben 2 June Ann d. John & Ann Williams 3 June Sarah d. John & Jane Toomer 7 July William s. Thomas & Alice Teague 4 Aug, John s. Edward & Anne Hardyman 8 Sep. John s. Edward & Mary Angood 21 Sep. William s. Thomas & Elizabeth Cook 22 Sep. Samuel, base-born, s. Ann Lawes 27 Oct. Harry s. Robert & Jane Penny 3 Nov. Thomas b. Thomas & Mary Batchelor 24 Nov. Mary d. Daniel & Elizabeth Thompson 24 Nov. Thomas s. George & Mary Sansom 1 Dec. Joseph s. John & Honour Pin 26 Dec. 1755. Lucy d. Samuel & Mary Prestly (Travellers) 26 Jan. John s. David & Ann Gerard 8 March Harry s. William & Elizabeth King 8 Mar. Elizabeth d. Thomas & Elizabeth Emme 13 April Elizabeth d. William & Jane Langtree 13 April Rose (base-born) d. Joyce Beling 4 May Betty d. John & Ann Everet 2'J June Deborah d. Thomas & Mary Gould 13 July James s. Henry & Mary Strickland 27 July Joshua s. Stephen & Mary Smith 31 Aug. Jenny d. Richard & Jane Lush 21 Sep. James s. Christopher & Eleanor Stone 28 Sep. Mai'y d. William & Elizabeth Shepherd 5 Oct. Thomas s. John & Jane Witt 1 Nov. Esau s. Thomas & ^lavj Batchelor 30 Nov, William s. John & Elizabeth Cook 26 Dec. William s. William & Mary Tudgey 26 Dec. 1756. Charles s. John & Mary Dibl>en 29 Jan. Harry s. Thomas &. Elizabeth Cook 24 Feb. Sarah d. Charles A; Hannah Smith 7 i\Iar. John s. John & Mary Lawes 17 i\Iar. William s. Anthony & Mary Digram 28 Mar. Uriah (base-born) s. Mary Baker 28 Mar. Elizabeth d. Thomas & Martha Hayden 9 May Anastase d. John & Ann Williams 7 June Henry s. William & Elizabeth King 20 June George s, Henry & Elizabeth Jay 20 June Daniel s. Caleb & Tabitha Cavil 22 Aug. George s. Henry & Jane King 12 Sep. Urettad. Henry & Hannah White 28 Nov. Sarah d. Thomas & Elizabeth Cook 12 Dec. Elizabeth d. William & Elizabeth Shepherd 19 Dec. John, bastard s. Ann Russel 27 Dec. 1757. Jeremiah s. Thomas & Alice Teague 7 Jan, Jane d. Christopher & Eleanor Stone 9 Jan. James s. William & Jane Langtree 16 Jan. George s. Robert & Jane Penny 6 Feb. William s. William & Mary James 8 April Ann d. Robert c^ Jane Golding 11 April Jenny d. Mary Mitchel (base-I)orn) 11 April . Mary d. Luke & Esther Francis 15 May John s. WiUiam & Elizabeth Penny .") June .^l THE REGISTERS OF BROAD f HALKE, WILTS. Sarali (1. .Tdliii tt Mary Foycl 28 Anp. licali d. Charles &, Ilannali Smith 1 Sep. "Wilhain s. Henry & Elizaheth .Fay 25 Sep. Ann (1. .John & Jane (Jrey 2.') Sep. Ann (1. 'IMiunias & Ehzahcth Einine 9 Oct. Jiieliard b. Wilhain i^ ^lary Tudgey 16 Oct. Sarah d. .Tolin A- r.rid-ifet Perry 23 Oct. Maiy d. John & Susanna Combes .^O Oct. I'ctty d. Anthony & (Jrace Penny 5 Nov. Jenny d. Thomas & Alice Teague 18 Dec. 1758. Elizabeth d. Hichard & Sarah Tooraer 1 Jan. Tlcnry-Pcnny (base-born) s. Martha Gibbs 8 Jan. Martha d. William & Elizabeth Shepherd 8 Jan. William s. Daniel & Elizabeth Thompson 5 ilay John s. James & Mary Dean 21 May Christopher s. William & Mary James 21 May Jolin ) twin children of Thomas & Elizabeth j Judith Trowbridge 21 May P.etty d. John & INIary Stephens 4 June Harry s. Edward & Mary Angood 30 July Elizabeth d. John & Elizabeth Cook 6 Aug. ]\rargare't d. David & Ann Gerard 29 Oct. Nanny d. John & Grace Grey 3 Dec. 1759. Jolm s. John & Ann Williams (1) 22 Feb- Williiun s, John & Mary Dibben (2) 12 Jan. Nanny d. William & Mary Stephens 24 March William s. Henry & ]\Iary Strickland 1 April ^lary d. Stejihen & IMary Smith G April James s. William & Elizabeth Penny 8 A])ril Elizabeth d. George & Mary Sansom 27 l^Iay ^lary d. Jeremiah & Mary Dowling 4 June Elizabeth d. William & Elizabeth Shep- herd 15 July Uriah (bastard) s. Mary Barter 10 Aug. Prudence d. Thomas & Elizabeth Cook 26 Aug. John 8. David & Jane Long 9 Sop. Betty d. Charles & Hannah Smith 9 Dec. 1760. Thomas s. John & Jane Grey 13 Jan. Betty d. William & Elizabeth King 20 Jan. ThomaR k. Tiiomas & Judith Trowbridge 2 Feb. Thomas b. Thomas & Mary Batchelor 2 March Sarah (base-born) d. Mary Mitchel 4 May James s. Robert & Jane Golding 4 May Jenny d. Piieliard & Sarah Tooraer 4 May John H. William & Maiy 'i'udgey 25 May John 8. John & Mary Shepherd 25 May John 8. John & ]\Iary HilJjerd 1 Aug. William s. William & Elizabetii Shepherd 24 Aug. James s. John & Grace Grey 6 Sep. Priscilla d. Thomas & Elizabeth Emme 1 Nov.- Henry s. Richard & Jane Read 14 Nov. Jenny d. Thomas & Elizabeth Foyle 26 Dec. 17G1. Robina d. William & Robina Penny 2 Jan. Henry s. David & Sarah Long 18 Feb. Henry s. David & Ann Gerard 24 Feb. John s. Henry & Elizabeth Penny 24 Mar. Sarah d. John & Bridget Perry 9 April Mary d. John & Ann Haskel 11 April Lucy d. John & Mary Foyle 1 1 May Nanny d. Elias & Elizabeth Read 12 May Elizabeth d. William & Elizabeth Penny 25 May Rose d. Daniel & Elizabeth Thompson 14 June John "] Ann I ss. & dd. of John & Elizabeth ]\Iargaret f Emme 1 Aug. James J Dinah d. George & Susanna Read 15 Aug. Susannah d. Thomas & Mary Batchelor 30 Aug. Thomas s. William & Elizabeth Shepherd 15 Sep. George s. Richard & Jane Read 19 Sep. George (base-born) s. Amy Harvey 27 Sep. William s. William & Mary James 29 Nov. Eunice d. Henry & Jane King 6 Dec. Marv d. Thomas & Judith Trowbridge 6 'Dec. Betty d. George & Mary Northover 16 Dec. Jenny d. Henry & Mary Strickland 21 Dec. James s. John & Susanna Street 25 Dec. 1762. James s. William & MaryTudgey 17 Jan. Phoebe d. John & Mary Finn 24 Jan. Jenny d. Charles & Hannah Smith 9 May Josiah s. John & Jane Burton 16 May Catharine d. Thomas & Elizabeth Cook 31 May BAPTISMS. 35 Elizabeth d. John & Mary Stephens 1 Aug. Thomas (base-born) s. Mary Baker 5 Sep. Thomas s. Thomas & EHzabeth Foyle 12 Sep. Nanny d. Robert & Ruth Barefoot 17 Dec. Betty d. Davy & Sarah Long 19 Dec. 1763. William s. John & Ann Woodland 1 6 Jan. Davy s. John & Mary Dibben 10 March William s. Thomas & Judith Trowbridge 22 March William s. Jeremiah & Mary Dowling 22 April Soi^hia Diana d. George & Mary Northover 6 May Richard s. Richard & Sarah Toomer 8 Aug. Sarah d. Ellis & Eliz. Read 16 Aug. James s. Daniel & Elizabeth Thompson 31 Aug. Elizabeth d. Richard & Jane Read 19 Nov. Mary d. Thos. & Mary Vincent 4 Dec. Richard s. Richard & Sarah Turner 26 Dec. Sarah d. John & Mary Finn 26 Dec. 1764. William s. Henry & Jane King 5 Feb. George s. Henry & Elizabeth Penny 5 Feb. John s. John & Jane Burton 5 Feb. William s. Edward & Mary Angood 26 Feb. William s. William & Sarah Powel 21 Mar. James s. John & Mary Hibberd 6 May Stephen s. Charles & Hannah Smith 9 May Sarah d. John & Rachel Penny 24 June James s. Thomas & Elizabeth Foyle 26 Nov. Sarah d. Rinold & Hannah Randol 17 Dec. 1765. EHzabeth d. John & Jane Pigot 3 Feb. Sarah d. W™ & Sarah Lush 22 Feb. Ehzabeth d. John & IMary Hazel 25 Feb. Betty d. Jeremiah & Mary Dowland 21 April W^ s. W™ & Betty King 5 May George s. Thos. & Alice Turner 26 May James s. John & Ann AVoodland 2(j May Henry s, W"' & Robina Penny 16 June Betty d. Henry & Mary Strickland 23 June Margaret d. John & Ann Haskele 1 Sep. John s. John & Ann Gerrard 1 Dec. Mary d. George & Mary Northover 3 Dec. George s. Ehas & Betty Read 26 Dec. 1766. Elizalieth d. Thos. & Judith Trubridge 2 Feb. George s. Raynold & Hannah Randole 6 April Sarah d. Raynold & Hannah Randole 6 April James s. John & Mary Stevens 4 'Ma.j Henry s. Henry & Jane King 18 ^May Jane d. W« & ^lartha Humby 19 May Betty d. Henry & Mary Newman 19 May Jane d. W™ & Elizabeth Shepherd 25 :\Iay Sarah d. John & Jane Burton 25 May John s, John & Elizabeth Johnson 11 June Ma_ry d. Stephen & ilary Smith 15 June Nancy d. Charles & Hannah Smith 5 Oct. W'" s. Henry & Elizabeth Penny 2 Nov. Henry s. W™ & Robina Penny 2 Nov. Jane d. W'» & Mary King 25 Dec. John s. W"> & Sarah Powell 26 Dec. 1767. Mary d. John & Elizabeth Gould 6 Feb. Elizabeth d. Thos. & Elizabeth Foyle 14 Feb. John & David ss. Henrv & Martha Penny 4 ]\Iarch Sarah d. Henry & Martha Penny 4 March Nancy d. John & Mary Pinn 5 April David Lawes base born 5 April George s. Thos. & Bridget Coxs 12 April George s. George & Mary Northover 17 April Robert & John ss. Jolni & Jane Pigot 19 July W'» s. Thos. & Alice Turner 26 July Jane d. Thos. & Juditli Trubridge G Sep. Mary d. W'" & Sarah Lush 4 Oct. Catharine d. W"i & Elizabeth Shepherd 22 Nov. 1768. Ann d. W™ Vitredge & Jane Russel base- born 31 Jan. George s. EHas & Elizabeth Read 18 June Betty d. George Turner & Joyce Beleu base born 25 June James s. Charles & PLxnnah Smith 17 July Jane d. John & ]\Iary Stevens 17 Jnly Edmund s. John & Francos Jollifle 23 Oct. Henry s. W"> & Mary King 25 Dec. 1769. Etty d. Elias & Ann Ingi-am 1 1 Jan. Rhoda d. Harry & Jane King 19 Fob. Elizabeth d. Sanuicl and Jane Ptu-rot 19 Feb. Mary d. John & Mavj Bonnet 19 March James s. Thos. & Eliz. Ennn 14 ^lay George s. Thos. & Eliz. Ennn 14 May sr, TIIK Ri:(!ISTKi;S OF BROAD CHALKE, WILTS. Sanili (1. Fninris Sc .lane hiicas II .May .Injiii i'ciiiiy ((pf riper years) I Dec. W'" Penny' ((»r riper yearH) L'C Dec. .lolm Millenor (of liper years) 20 Dee. liiiee I'eniiy 2(! Dec. 1770. Ann (1. (Miarles it Ann .Feirery 7 .Ian. .Idlm s. Tlios. & Alice 'I'nrner IK I-'cb. Miivy d. Sam. & .lane Parrot 27 May W'" 8. Henry & Martha Penny 4 .June Betty d. Love & Betty Bunjjy 4 June John s. base born John & Mary Penny 22 Oct. Mary d. base born James Davis & Ann Jollif 27 Oct. John s. Luke & Susanna Frances 11 Nov. James e. John & Fanny Jollilie 9 Dec. Jane d. AV"' & Mary Foyle 25 Dec. 1771. Henry s. W" & Sarah Powel 3 Feb. Luce d. (base born) Timothy Harris «S: Luce Pin 3 Feb. W'" s. W'" & Mary Langtry 17 Feb. Henry s. Henry & Eliz." Penny G March John s. Joseph & Mary Perry 10 March Joseph s. Thos, & Judith Trowbridge 7 April W"* s. John & Mary Stephens 27 April Mary d. Charles & Hannah Smith 28 April Elias s. George & Mary Ingram 15 May Ann d. "W" & Mary King 15 May Stephen (base born) s Stephen Jay & JIary Cavil 2G May Hannah d. Reynold & Hannah Randol 11 Aug. Mary d. .John & Ann Woodlands 15 Dec. Mary d. Francis & Jane Lucas 25 Dec. Mary d. Joseph & Mary AVitt 5 Jan. Harry s. David & Aim Gerrard 12 Jan. John s. John & Mary Bennett 19 Jan. George s. John & Frances JoHifie 23 Feb. Elias s. Elias & Ann Ingram 20 April AV'" s. Love & Betty Bungey 7 June James s. AV'" & INIary Foyle 7 June John base born s. John & Mary Penny 14 June Rob' s. James & Sarah Feltham 10 July .lames s. AV" & Mary Langtry 13 Sep, .lolin s. AA'"' & Eliz. Gasper 1 Nov. Ann d. John & Mary Martin 1 Nov. I^Iary d. Rob» & Sarah Perry 8 Nov. :\lary d. Joel & Ann Rowdcn 28 Dec. 1773. Elizabeth d. .lohn & Mary Chant 17 .Jan. .lohn s. .btshua tt Franr^es Dixon 25 Jan. John 8. Ambrose & l>etty lioder 31 Jan. Mary d. John ril John 8. .John & Ann AVest 14 June AV"" 8. Thomas & Betty Gosney 5 Sep. Mary d. AVilliam & Hannah Hewlet 12 Sep. Sarah d. AA^illiam & Mary King 17 Oct. Jose})h s. Joseph & ilary Perry 24 Oct. Thomas s. John & ]\Iary AVitt 24 Nov. Sarah d. Charles & ^lary Read 1 Dec. AVilliam s. F'rancis & Jane Luke 26 Dec. Luke 8. Luke & Susan Francis 26 Dec. 1774. Elizabeth d. Stephen & Sarah Jay 23 Jan. John 8. Robert & Betty Golden 27 Feb. John s. John & Betty Francis 27 March John s. Elias & Anne Ingram 3 April Thomas s. AVilliam & Mary Langtry 24 April AVilliam s. Robert & Sarah Perry 24 April AVilliam s. Joseph & ^lary AA'itt 11 May ]\Iichael s. Thomas & Bridget Cox 29 M'ay Jane d. James & Sarah Feltham 10 July Aley d. John & Mary Chant 10 July A\"illiam s. John & Fanney Jollitf 17 July Sarah d. John & Anne Jered 24 July Charlote d. George & Mary Pinckney 10 Aug. Elizabeth d. Samuel & Jane Parrot 2 Oct. AVilliam s. AVilliam & Mary Foyle 30 Oct. Jane d. AVilliam & Anne Chubb 25 Dec. 1775. Jacob s. George & Mary Ingram 9 Jan. Keriah d. AVilliam & Elizabeth Peny 9 Jan. Jemimah d. Thos. I't Briget Cox 5 Feb. .lohn s. Joseph & Fanny Pool 19 Feb. Fanny d. James Laws & Anne Pool 19 Feb. Elizabeth d. John & ]\Iarv Bcnet 21 ^lay Dinah d. Bcnet & Ilanah Read 21 .Alay Catherine d. Joel & Ann Rowden 5 June John s. AVilliam & Joan Ingi'am 11 June James s. AAllliam King & Joic Bealon 11 June Anne d. James & Sarah Feltham 3 Dec. Henrv s. Love 82. Richard Iliiinlier JU) May. I\I:ir<,'ery Ivelidiill 21 .luiic IJiihiinl Ilniiibcr 1(1 Dec. John Olyver 17 Dec. Joan AVyat IH Dec. A vice SLi-eetc 22 Dec. Mirhaell Xetton 25 Dec. forLniie Hunt 2S Feb. Robert Penruddoeke 7 March 1583. John Cane 1 April Thomas lirync G A]m\ Jolianncs Sliennan Clericus 8 April John Cooke 30 May Thomas King 8 Oct. Nic'las Savidge 18 Feb. 1584. Alee Brine 24 April John Selbye 4 May Mary Small 14 May John Deaiio 26 Aug. John Good 19 March 1585. Thomas Rcndall 9 April Jolm Savidg 23 June Mavy Prow 25 June John Pope 19 Jan. 1586. Jonc Ecndall 4 April Tliomas Elmcs 17 April Ralph Netton 3 June Tho. Jeffery 10 June Alee Rendall 4 July Dorithy (?) Savidg 16 July Margaret Strete 21 July Jone Strong 21 Sep. Thomas Angod 2 Dec. John Kendall 5 Dec. 1587. Jane Lawse 26 May Sibell Penny 27 IMay Alee Langtrce 7 June Thomas Due 17 June Frisewecd Okeford 19 June Joane Newman 21 Aug. Thomas King 30 Aug. Thomas Savidge 2 Dec. Michaell Selwood 12 Dec. Annis Angod 20 Dec. Grace King 28 Jan. Nicholas Ilcndall 2 ^larch Jane Angod 12 March 1 588. Agnes Goldc 8 April Tliomas Itendall 6 >ray Thomas Whitmarsli de fiefield 2 June Julyan Strete 13 July Christobell Savidge 2 Aug. Mary Scudd 6 Aug. Anne Curtes 9 Aug. John Lodge 2 Jan. Joane Plowman 19 Feb. 1589. Edith Plowman 31 March Thomas Okeford 3 July Jane Pitchland 8 Nov. Katherine Angod 19 Nov. 1590. Alex. Strete 28 May Agnes Good 22 Aug. Thomas Selby 3 Nov. Jone Scammcll 15 Dec. John Brine 20 Jan. 1592. Walt. Savidg 31 May Richard North 7 June Agnes Ayers 13 July Jone Newman 21 Aug. Thomas Brine 15 Sep. Jone flower G Oct. PhiUis New 5 Nov. Thomas Newman 28 Nov. Jone Lodg 3 Dec. W'" Savidge 27 Dec. Jane Selwood 14 Jan. John Pitchland 23 Jan. Joyce Penruddoeke 31 Jan. 1593. Avice fishe 2 May John Rendall G May Dorothie Poten mortem obiit 20 May Christian Lawse 14 June .... Okeford 20 June Margaret Sainctlow 24 Aug. John Newman 2 Sep. Thomas Browne gener. 25 Jan. ]\Iary Bennet 26 Aug. Thomas New 16 Dec. Julian Brync 6 Jan. 1594. Weaker Follvat 11 April Sir John de Fiefield 19 April BURIALS. 41 Henricus Miller 28 Nov. 1595. Edith Kendall 12 Jan. Elizabeth Penny 12 Jan. Jone Mountague 29 Jan. John Mountague 12 Feb. Thomas King 28 April Elizabeth King 12 May Arthur Golding 6 June Stephen Edney 28 Sep. John Marshman 14 Feb. Alee Laurence 25 Feb. Avice Curtes 10 March Jone Cooke vid. 15 March 1596. Agnes Antramme 12 April Alee Gilbert 1 May John Harris 4 Aug. W"" Cleydon 22 Aug. Priscilla Whitmarsh 28 Nov, John Good 17 Jan. Margaret Plowman 29 Jan. Luce Wilkins 4 Feb. 1597. Ralphe Skinner 1 1 April Joane Penny 30 April Guilielmus Brine 1 May Rodolphus Elmes 14 June Henricus Garland 10 Aug. Anna Smith 31 Aug. Johannes Pillin 6 Sep. ffranny Brine 16 Sep. Maria Ledford 2 1 Sep. Walterus Angod 22 Sep. Thomas Lodge 26 Sep. Arthurus King 13 Nov. Elizabeth Bryne 14 Nov. Anna Sainctlow fil. Johannis gener. 2 Dec. Vid. Seynens 23 Dec. 1598. Joanna Knight 15 Feb. Maria Cane 22 Feb. Vid. Knight 22 Feb. Jacobus Cooke 23 Feb. Guilielmus Savidge 28 Feb. Dorothea Symmes 22 IMarch Alicia Evered 24 March Henricus Everet 9 April Johannes Clytherlie 10 April Stephanus Langtree 13 April Egidius Ledford 1 6 April Amy Penny 19 April Johannes Ledford 19 April Joanna Witt 21 April .... Bryne (?) 21 April Thomas Dier 2 May Johannes Kendall 14 May Bartholomeus King 22 May Johannes Due 24 May Agnes Kendall 31 May Thomas Brine 2 June Alicia Miller 12 June Avicia Symmes 9 July Thomas Loxely 27 July jMargareta Warumm 6 Aug. Johannes Sellwood 22 Nov. Vidua Butler 28 Dec. 1599. Avicia Kendall 3 Jan. Gabriel King 2 March Maria Penuie 5 April Georgius Clytherlie 6 May Thomas Kinge 29 Sep. Alicia Whitmarsh 11 Feb. 1600. Johannes Cane 14 Oct. Georgius Aynold 5 Nov. Petrus Stone 21 Nov, 1601. Maude Harney 9 Feb. Henry Penny 2 April William Jaye s. of William Jaye 22 April John Savaige 28 June Elizabeth Smale d. William 3 July Anna Neweman vid. 25 July Gyles Man widow 9 Jan. Peter fflecher 22 Jan. John Simes 16 Feb. Aymie Angod vidua 7 March .... Savage 7 March Catharin Ault 1602. Joane Davis d. Henry Davis 8 July Grace ('ooke d. John Cooke 8 July John Cane s. Robert Cane 18 Sep. Mary Savidge d. William 14 Oct. Annis Skinner 11 Dec. John Scammell 23 March 1603. William Penny of Stoake 27 March John Savidge of Stoake 2;i Se]t. Robert Holly s. Thomas Holly 12 Oct. Joane Leonard 17 Nov. John Streete 10 Jan. Alexander RandoU the younger 21 Jan. Thomas Deanc 25 Jan. G TIIK Ri:ciISTEil.S OF JUlUAl) CIIALKK, WII/l'S. Klliiiorc Witt 4 Ki-h. Will (low liimctry 12 Fob. I'liillip (Mic R. Simon Clio 2r) Feb. I'iiillis White will- of liuiplie White 20 Vvh. Alexiindcr ]5cll 14 Mar. 1C04. .Tonne Brine w. Thomas Brine 20 May Juanc Whitemarshe w. Thomas Wbite- marsbe 4 Feb. Thomas Strecte 20 Feb. 1605. IMieliaell Anfjod ? April Henry (Jood 24 Auj;- William Gilbert 8 Nov. Isabell (Jilbert 2;") Nov. William Seammell 5 Dec. Thomas Witte 21 Dec. Edward Witt s. Thomas Witt the j'ounger 1) Jan. Alexander Street s. Jane Street widdow 10 Mar. 160G. Edgar Thringe 20 April Elizabetli Lodge of Easte Gerardstoue, widdow, 23 May Jane Lawes d. John Lawes 16 May John ft'rances 25 May Alice ITrances 29 ]\Iay Elizabeth Bateraan 20 Jnly Edmonde Deaue s. Daniell Dcane 3 Aug. M"^ ffowke Drake, parson of Fyfeilde 7 Aug. William Skinner 12 Aug. Thomas Angod 14 Aug. Hughe Randoll s. John Randoll of Stoake 22 Jan. Annis Thringe d. Edgar Thringe 3 March Thomas Kinge of Stoake 13 March Ealphe Good: 22 March 1607. Thoma? Phrippe s. John Phripp 2 A\)y\\ Alice Brooke w. John Brooke 12 April Edmond Beerhe(?) 29 April Annis Dawne 26 April Steevon Odber 1 ]\Iay Avis Speeringe of* William Speeringe 8 July Elizabeth Phripp widdow 5 Sep. Melior llaviland d. M"" Thomas Haviland 24 Dec. Elizal)eth Penn of* Henry Penn 11 Feb. * Sic. EUinor Randoll d. John Randoll of Knighton 2 March Bartholomew Goode 4 March 1 60H. Joane Whitmai-she w. William Whit- marsiie of West Gcrardstone 28 Mar. John Newman 2 April Thomas Witt s. James Witt 16 April Alice liawes w. John Lawes the elder 21 Aj)ril Brigett J'illon d. John Pillon 2 June Mary Go(k1 wyddow 31 July Elizabeth Gregory 27 Oct. Thomas Streete the elder 18 Nov. Beniamin Drake 15 Dec. AVilliam Penruddocke s. Sir Tho. Penrud- docke 18 Dec. 16(t9. Margerett Chubb 28 March Alexander Randoll sen^ 1 May Maude Savidge d. William Savidge 22 July Edward Kinge s. Christopher Kinge 24 July Ralphe White 6 Aug. Denize Savidge w. William Savidge 17 Aug. Joane Streete wyddow 8 Sep. John Goode 15 Oct. Walter Holly s. Thomas Holly 15 Oct. Joane Newe 30 Nov. Mawde ffrances 27 Jan. Ralphe Clenton 11 Feb. Elizabeth Golden 25 Feb. James Creede s. William Creede 16 Mar. Anne Pounce d. W"™ Pounce 17 Mar. 1610. Thomas Deane s. Daniell Dcane 16 April John Witt s. Thomas Witt 28 April Leah Oliver d. William Oliver 4 ihiy William Thomas 4 !May John Collins 22 June Millisant ffrancis 23 June Jane Rendoll 6 July Edward Warde 10 Oct. Jane Rendoll 26 Nov. Thomas Rendoll 7 Nov. Joane Lambe (?) 5 Jan. Agnes Good 14 Jan. Marve iloxam 14 Jan. Thomas Shergoll 2 Feb. Elizabeth Monday 10 Feb. Edward Kinge s. Thomas Kinge 24 Feb. Richard Whit tier 9 Mai'ch BURIALS. 43 1611. John Rendoll of the greene 29 March John Wilkins s. John Wilkins 6 April Margery JMudford 6 April Henry Griffithe s. John Griffithe 12 April Ralf Segare 12 April Mary ffraneis 15 April John Stedmun 17 April Marye Angod w. "William Angod 14 June ]\Iargery Browne vid. 20 June Thorn. Rendoll 21 June Katherine Kinge 17 Aug. Sibill Peny 19 Sep. Martha Stedmun d. Jhs. Stednniu 5 Nov. George Teynt 6 Nov. 1C12. Joane Griffine d. John Griffine 28 March Amye Griffine tv. John Griffine 2 May Stephen Cook 3 May WilKam Willoughl)y 29 May Margret Kinge 5 June Moses Newman 6 June Agnes Savadge wydow 11 June Jane ShergoU d. Thomas Shergoll 19 July Avis Garland 22 Sep. Alee Kinge 25 Oct. Marye Miller 12 Nov. Martha Sayntloe 28 Jan. Harry Odburre 6 March 1613. Kathei'ine King 17 May Thomas Angod 29 May Vv^atkin Gruffin 20 June Robt. Tillier 23 June John Peny of Stoake the elder 5 Aug. John Wilkins 10 Sep. Joane Miles 30 Oct. Nicholas Clinton 17 Nov. Joane Streete 5 Dec. Judith Skeele w. Richard 11 Dec. 1614. Danicll Deane 30 March John Lawes the elder 1 May Alexander Curteise 12 May Agnes Wiatt 29 May Michaell Streete 10 Oct. Edward King 5 March Katherin Streete 7 March 1G15. Dominicke spur, Joannis Street 9 May Agnes w. Clement White 20 Miiy Isabell w. Ral])h Whitmansh 31 .July I\Iary d. Thomas Wittc 14 Sep. Cicilly w. William Whitmarsh 3 Oct. Agnes w. Raph Miles 10 Dec. Mai-gret Miles 17 Dec. Priscilla Pillen 29 Dec. Alexander ffraneis 26 Dec. Alice Witt 6 Jan. Ellinore Penie 25 Jan. John Jey 25 Jan. Rachell Harvie 27 Jan. Jane Hollye 4 Fel). Bartholomew Penv senior 5 Feb. SiBle Savery d. Will'" 24 Feb. 1616. Dorothie Antrara 23 June Margerie Whitmersh 24 Aug. John Hurny 7 Dec. Agnes Cooke 27 Dec. Joane widdow of Will'" Peny 10 March 1617. Elizabeth Whitemarsh 3 Aug. Olive King 29 Sep. Solomon King 26 Dec. Elizabeth White widowe 1 Feb. 1618. Marie King widowe 25 March Edith Cooke widowe 17 April Thomas Whitmarshe 18 April Henry Penny 31 July Mr. John Saintlo gentleman 26 Oct. Thomas s. M'" Adam Waters dark 12 Dec. Elizabeth w. Mr. William Grove of Ger- rardstone — Dec. Steven Savidge 20 Dec. William Scannnell 20 Dec. Rol)ert Cane 21 Jan. Edith Marshman widow 6 Feb. 1619. William Goldstone 19 April Thomas Brine the yonger of Stoake 20 Aug. Marian Streete widdowe 23 Sep. Jane Newe widdowe 5 Jan. Will'" s. Edward Foxhauger 18 Jan. John Griffin 9 Feb. 1620. Joane Hoddcr 2 April Agnes d. George Scammell 5 ]May Alice w. AVill'" Bull 8 -May Thomas s. Tiniothie [.odge 8 June Thomas Brine the elder of Stoake 26 .Innc Michael d. Julin Penny of Mountsorrell 22 July ■ii TIIH RIXilSTKRS OF BROAD C'lIAI.Ki:, WII-TS. .Tonno w. .lolin Pillcn L'D .Inly Ilciiiy s. Henry Send nlins Gilbert 29 Aug. Julian Wliilc! II IMiir(!li Anne \v. Mr. Willni. CI rove junior 17 March Kutherine Acklin IH IMarch 1 V,2 1 . ^larcfiirct w. Edmond White 23 May Thomas AVhiteniarHli 2 .Inly Alexander Kinc; 24 Oct. William s. Henry Norris 22 Nov. Elizabeth Smalwell widdow 22 Nov. Thomas s. Henry Scud alias Gilbert 23 Nov. Bridget w. Alexander iTrancis ?8 Nov. Thomas s. Henry Scud alias Gilbert 1 Feb. 1022. Dennis w. Nicolas Whitmarsh 25 March Amy d. John Griffin 30 March Alice spur, of Elinor Lvlly 20 April Elizabeth Randall w. .To. Randall 7 Oct. Joan North vid. 10 .lune Henry Angood vv. An. Angood 10 June Jo. Aires 20 Dec. Jo. Paradise G Jan. Tho. Witt 19 Feb. 1623. William Hardiman 3 Nov. Ralphe Whitemarsh 11 Dec. .loan Randall 12 Dec. Elizabeth Angood 10 Jan. Francis Ernelv 14 Feb. William .Michel 2 Feb. 1624. .Toan Dean 10 April Tlunnas King 21 April Agnes d. John Griffin 28 Ai)ril Agnes Skiner 8 ^lay John Ploman 30 May Yedith Good 20 Oct. John Moxam 5 Nov. Elizabeth d. Alexander francos 28 Nov. Yedeth Simes 2 Dec. John Lodge 19 Dec. Jone w. John Hale 14 Feb. 1625. Bartholomu King of Stoke, e. Bartholomu King 15 June Thomas Cope s. francos Cope 14 Aug. John Harrod s. Thomas HaiToJ of Sales- burv 9 Nov. ? ? 5 Deo. ? Brync of Stoke 20 Feb. Christian Bartrnme w. of Thomas Bar- trum 3 March 1620. Tomson Foxhanger \v. Robert 4 May Agnes Savadge d. William Savadge 24 June Thomas Rendoll 22 July An King w. Bartholomu King 18 Oct. Mestres Margret w. Maeter Anthoney Browne 1 Nov. Barthollmu Penney of Stoke Verden 1 5 Nov. Nicholas Whitmarsh of Stoke 30 Dec. 1627. Grace Harvey w. John Harvey of Stoke 7 April William Savage of Stoke 15 May Thomas Dyer 24 May Catherine Brine w. Thomas Brine 18 Oct. Honour Hancock w. Th. Hancock 24 Oct. Elizabeth Holland d. Thomas Holland 8 Nov. 1028. Lucy Randoll d. Alxdr. 31 March Thomas Randoll s. Alxdr. 1 April Thomas Bertram 15 July Robert Rover 25 July Sibill Finckly 5 Aug. Walter Penny s. John Peny 4 Sep. Henry Shargoll s. Wilkes Shargoll IS Nov. Thomas Dew s. William Dew 20 Jan. Marie Witt w. .lames Witt 20 Jan. Thomas Lylye 18 Feb. Marye Randole w. John Randole 4 ^larch Alice Hutcheus vidua 8 March Margaret Scammell w. George Scammell 22 March 1029. Wilyam King 4 ]\r:iy Anna Odber vid. ^Fay Mr. Walter Waller vicar of Broad Chalk 14 May Mrs. Anne Penny w. John Penny 22 July John Randall 3 Dec. Anne Whitmarshe 7 Dec. Grissill Sims w. Christopher Sims 13 Feb. Margaret Pennie w. Tho. Pcnnie 25 Feb. BURIALS. 45 1630. Marie Foxe d. Edward Foxe 7 April John Brooked 10 May Will. Savadge s. "Will. Savadge 24 June Edward Foxe s. Edward Foxe 18 July John Golden 18 July Willm. Hayes G Oct. Jane Molins d. Richard Molins 11 Nov. Joane Good 16 Nov. John Randall 8 Dec. Nicholas bastard child of Joane Lambe 16 Dec. Joane King 29 Dec. The wife of John Nott 12 Jan. The widdowe Lillie 16 Jan. Elizabeth Grove w. Willm. the younger 19 Jan. John Sims 22 Jan. Gabriel King s. Thomas 30 Jan. William Antrum — March 1631. Eliza : Whitmarsh w. Thomas White- marsh 12 April Robt. Stent — April Edw. Bennet 26 May Mary Scudd d. Henry Scudd — May Margaret Pen 8 Oct. Thomas Lodg s. Timothie Lodge 9 Dec. Christopher Sims 15 Dec. Elizabeth Saintlo 24 Feb. Katherina Seagar 3 March 1632. Lewes RandoU 18 May Alf. Gould 29 May Walter Savidg 2 June Henry Penn 20 June William Grove 21 June Guliel. Grove s. Tho. Grove 2 Aug. Jeana Grove wife Tho. Grove 3 Aug. Dorothea Deane 23 Sep. John Hare 29 Sep. Thomas Seagor 10 Oct. Martha Archer 16 Oct. France Harwood d. Mr. Harwood de Sa- rum nova 13 Dec. Alecia Evens 2 March Emm. Stocken 14 March 1633. Elizabetha Witt 20 March Georgius Saintloe s. Edwardi Saintloc 1 June Ann Penny d. Edmund Penny 29 June Nickolas Penny 22 Sep, Elizabetha Brine w. Gualteri Brine 25 Oct. Margaret Dyer 24 Dec. Martha King 9 Jan. Bartholomew Penny 25 Jan. Mrs. Alice Watkinson 26 Feb. John Pillion 21 March 1634. Avice Evens 4 May John Cooke 30 June Joan Ledford 8 July Ann Penny 23 Aug. Gtiorge Scamraell 9 Sep, Margaret Randol 20 Sep. Maria White 2 Nov. Alexander Frances 8 Dec. Dorothie Gray 14 Jan. Elhs INIiles 1 Marcli William Angod 10 March 1635. Simon Penny 30 March Dora Jana Grove wife Gulielmi Grove 22 April Margaret Savage 19 May Cecilia Bennet 28 May Thomas Finckly 1 June Michael Penny 11 June Guillielmus Angod 1 1 July M'' Johannes Penny 9 Aug. Ann Davis 30 Aug. Cecilia Dew 14 Feb. Thomas Curtis 26 Feb. Josephus Cooke 16 March 1636. Maria Archer 23 April Joane Randol w. John Randol 3 l\ray Henry Penny s. John Penny 21 June John Randol s. Henry Randoll 20 July John Dewe s. Bartholomew Dewe 8 Dec. M''^ Saintloe wife M"" Lawrence 7 Feb. Lawrence Sayntloe s. M"" Lawrence 8 Feb. 1637. Richard Baker 4 May Tagi Witt 28 May Anthonie Lydford 1 June John Savadge 8 Sep, Thomas Moxara s. Th. I\Ioxam — Sc-p. Sara Penny — Sep. T. Moxam — Oct, Jane Spering 7 Nov, Jone Bennet 12 Nov. INIargaret Skinner 1 Dec, Marie King 14 Dec, IVTarie Lodg 21 Dec. Pereirrinus (moriebatur super campo) 31 Dec. AC> TIIK inOdlSTERS OK HliOAI) CIIALKE, WILTS. Joliii IiiukLjI lit .Jan. .Ioiuk; Sims '2H iliin. Williiiiii (Joud 2r) Feb. 1 038. Jolin Dcjiiic 25 April Kliziihi'tli I'oii 2;") .lunc Ann (}()0(1 18 July Alice IVnny 25 .July Aloxiiiidcr Riindol T) Sep. Katarin Tenny 5 Sep. Avis Folliat 9 Sep. John Ford 15 Sep. .John Cooke 22 Sep. John Folliat 23 Sep. Annis Lawes 23 Sep. Ann Cooke 21 Sep. Mary Davics 1 Oct. pjlizabeth Antram 9 Oct. Michael Penny 23 Oct. Jolin Ford 24 Oct. Edininul Saint Lowe 2 Nov. Avis Whitemarsli 2 March 1639. Ann Clouter 6 May Perct^rina puella 23 May Christoplicr Ford 16 July John Randol 1-4 Oct. Edith Fnlford 20 Oct. Walter Bryue 24 Oct. Marie Burt 3 Dec. Michael Street 25 Dec. 1640. Michael Penny 25 ]\Iarch Annis Penny 27 ]\Iarch Laurence Saintlo s. M'' Laurence Saintlo 6 April John Street 23 April Hester Beunet 1 May Walter Scud 19 May Bartholomew Dewe 24 i\LT,y Jeane Odburre 11 July Richard Wheeler 15 July Roger White 8 Aug. Joane Bryne 15 Aug. M'' William Grove 31 Aug. Ann Pillcn 13 Oct. M'' Anthony Browne 21 Nov. Mathewe Fulford 1 Dec. Ann Street 26 Dec. Avis Whitmarshe 14 Peb. Alex. Penny 21 March 1641. Ilellcn Dewe 12 June 'I'lionias Rennet ?,i) .Jinie Christftpher Holly II Aug. Jitliii Sireot 5 Sej). Williiim Short 7 Sep. Martha King 18 Sop. George Bacon (?) 24 Oct. M-- Jiiehard Browne 23 Nov. liobert Antram 9 Feb. John Randol 22 Feb. 1642. Anne Randol 20 April Thomas Lamb 20 May f]lizabeth Merifeild 2Cj May Jolin Sanse))ury (?) 18 June Joane Witt 9 July Grace Edny 16 July Thomas Page 18 July Anthony Augod 6 Aug. Ann Golden 3 1 Dec, John Golden 12 Feb. William Dewe 2 March I\Iary Lydford 12 March Richard Skeele 17 March Thomas Shergoll 23 March 1643. Thomas Andrew 4 May Julian Edney 9 May Christopher Scammell 14 June Elizabeth Dewe 15 June Edward Priest 30 July Margery Cook 3 Aug. John Griffin 15 Aug. Mary Short 18 Sep. Michael Penny 8 Oct. Anne Segor 3 Dec. M'-'' Peyton 13 Dec. Robert Shargale 15 Jan. Thomas Golding 28 Jan. Anne Shargale 4 Feb. 1644. Marie Boulton 1 ]\Lay Alice Holmes 23 ^laj Walter Edney 11 Aug. John White 15 Aug. M' Robert Peyton 23 Aug. Edmond White 28 Aug. Anne Miles 1 Sep. John Penny 6 Sep. Thomas Francis 8 Sep. Thomas Dewe 13 Oct. Francis Holly 15 Nov. John Dewe 18 Dec. Robert Whitmarsh 1 Jan. John AVhite 14 Jan. BURIALS. 47 Alice Randole 8 Feb. Mr Edmond Browne 12 Feb. Avis Wagge 15 Feb. 1645. John Chubbe 12 April Katherine Deane 25 April John 8. John Bundy 3 July William Penne 30 Nov. Elizabeth Saintloe d. Mr. Laurence Saint- loe 18 July Thomas Witte s. Cornelius "Witt — Dec. Anne Witt a widow — Dec. Mary Norris d. Henry Norris 20 Dec. Avis widow Folliat 6 Jan. Margaret w. John King 23 Jan. William Dewe 25 Jan. The wife of Anthony Archer 15 March 1646. Sarah w. John Smallwell 30 March Ralph Penne 5 April Anne S' Loe d. M"" Laurence S' Loe 11 April 1647. Norris w. Hen. Norris 6 May Christian Chub d. John Chub 9 May Witt 31 July 1648. Amy Whitmarsh 3 April Mary Due widdow 7 June Jone Randol d. Henry Randol 18 June Ralph Miles 18 June Catharine Marshman w. John 30 June Ralph Street 7 Feb. 1649. Mary Lamb 27 March Richard Shergol 10 April Alice Streete 3 July Thomas Finckly 13 July John Randol 24 July Martha Newman 8 Oct. Susanna Andrews 19 Nov. Jane Plowman 2 Dec. John Penn 21 Jan. ]\Iary Holly 22 Feb. William Penny s. John 23 March 1650. Jone Dew wid. 9 April Bartho. King 16 April Joyce Odber of William 17 April Amy Whitmarsh w. AVilliam 31 May Beniamin Stone s. William 2 Aug. .lane Lawes s. William 10 Aug. Airnes Sherjcoll w. Richard 22 Oct. 1651. Agnes Shergoll w. Robert 12 April Thom. Randoll s. Tlio. 3 July William Whitmarsh 10 July William Ooode s. Henry 24 Aug. Margaret Bennett w. Tho. 18 Oct. Mary Deane d. William 1 Nov. Willm. Laugtrey 3 Jan. 1652. Henry Good sen' 30 March George Moore 30 March Ch'ristian Randoll w. Alex. — April Walter Newman's wife — May Bartho. Segar — June John Lawes 3 Aug. Thomas Deane 3 Oct. Anne Miles d. Cornelius 5 Oct. Maude Penny 7 Feb. Annis Penny d. Thomas — Feb. Anne Curtis widow 11 March Tho. Penny stump* 18 March Morris Mountygue 20 March 1653. Thomas Angood 12 April Richard Aulorey, of Broad Chalke, Esq., died at Chalke, 21 of October, and buried at Kington St. Michael, the 26 of the same month. Anno 1652. Kington is neare Chippenham in N. Wilts. (To this entry the following pencil note is appended : " Probably the handwriting of John Aubrey, the Antiquarian.") (Signed) E. W. Aavdry. [End of first Register Book.] 1660.t Mary Penne wife of Ralph 31 Aug. Nicholas Savidge of Knighton 21 Sep. Willm. Michell of Stoke 26 Sep. 1661. Ambrose New 20 June William Lawes 4 Aug. Thomas Deane s. Thomas 12 Aug. John Odber & Thomas Odber ss. of Henry 21 Aug. Nicholas ffrancis s. Alexander 1 3 Sep. Margery Shergoll w. Richard 28 Sep. Marian Goal 27 Nov. Grace Osmond wid. 19 Seji. Somuell King s. Sanuiell 26 Dec. Mary Way d. Richard 26 Feb. * Sic. t Registers IG.'jS — 1000 arc niis.sing, but sec Appendix. 48 Till': UEGISTEUS (JF HKOAD ('IIAIJ. Elizabotli Dew d. 'riiomas lo July .Folic ^^llll(■Il,s (1. Ilicliiird l;> Aw^. lliilpli Miles s. IsiiiK; "i;") Ailetli lianddll w. Tliuiniis, North Street, iL'.Iaii. John trccp (?) 1'.) Jiui. Mary Raiidoll w. John of Churchstile 20 Feb. 1GG3. Ursnhi Antram w. Robert 1 1 May Jolm Smith the miller 27 IMay William Odber s. Thomas of Stoke 18 June AVilliam Archer s. "William dc . . . 23 June * Th. Randoll s. John at Churchstile 21 March * wid. wife of Ralph 23 March 16G4. * . . , s. Nicholas 8 April * . . . w. Henry 5 June *....!! June John Scamell 29 July * . . . w. John Randoll 4 Sep. * Wilh. ... 11 Sep. * Jane . . . w. Nicholas 12 Jan. * Eliz . . . mm w. Ralph 14 Jan. 1GG5. Peter Streat 4 April Mary Haylocke Avid. w.f Robert 22 June Sibeily Jenkins w. Jenkins 24 Nov. IGGG. Susan Goulding w. John 1 April John Stocky 18 Aug. Jane Spcering of Stoke w. William 3 Oct. Edward foxhanger 7 Oct. Alexander Randoll 24 Dec. John Deane s. William 3 Jan. William Savidge of Stoke 8 Jan. John Sanders of Knighton 24 Jan, Gartrude Good d. Ralph 18 Feb. Christopher Cook of Stoke 12 March 1GG7. Michael! Iluntly May IMichaell ffarrant 2G May Thomas Dew 25 June * Destroyed by mice. t Sic. Michaell RcKb w. John Best ravall & .Mary West II -hily Alexander l*enny 15 July Sarah Chalk 28 Aug. Thomas Penny !) Sep. Anne Street 28 Sep. Sarah d. Thomas & Mary bloody IG Nov. Alice Grey 20 Nov. Samuel Penny 28 Jan. Elisabeth Laws — Feb. John Rains 9 March 1745. Dinah Lilly 31 March William King 23 April James s. John & Elisabeth Young 1 June ]\Iary Fox 12 June Elisabeth w. Miles Northover 28 June Charles s. Charles & Mary Hiscock 20 Aug. William s. John & Mary Dibbeus 27 Aug. Henry Penny 8 Sep. Henry Norris 9 Oct. Edward Fish 27 Nov. James Strickland 12 Jan. Henry Stockey 22 Jan. Thomas Street 12 March 174G. Joseph Gold 29 March Anne d. John Gibbs G April Susanna Savage 29 April M'' Henry Good of Hatch 13 .June Hannah d. Edward Savage '22 June Thomas Binney a stranger who died on the road 27 July William Smith 21 Aug. Jane w. David Gerard 6 Oct. Mary AVitt 18 Oct. Charles Hartford 19 Oct. Susanna d. Thomas & Rebecca Read 29 Oct. Jane King 9 March Mary w. Thomas ]\Ioody 14 March 1747. Nicolas Savage 27 Mai'ch Sarali d. John & Anne Williams 22 May Anne w. William Stephens 25 ^May Aimy d. George Penruddock Esq. 30 May Elisabetli w. George Turner Jun"" 9 June William Biggs 30 June ^lary w. John Hazel of Fifield G July Joan Fox 28 July Anne Fish 21 Amr. BURIALS. 59 Anne d. "William & Sarah King 22 Aug. Elisabeth Thick 18 Oct. Mary d. Luke & Esther Francis 21 Oct. Sarah Biggs 24 Oct. Ruth White fi-om Alvedeston 3 Nov. Martha Cook 3 Xov. M'-s Jane Dunford 1 Feb. John Roberts 23 March 1748. Elisabeth w. Robert Merchant 20 May George Penruddock Esq. 24 May Ruth d. John & Honour Pin 6 June Betty d. George Turner 13 June Thomas Hort 2 July Sarah d. John & Mary Dibbens — July William s. Stephen & Mary Smith — Aug. Betty d. John & Betty Young Nathanael s. William & Mary Crine Katharine d. of Nicolas & Hannah White 15 Oct. Sarah d. WiUiam & Jane Langtry 1 Nov. Mary Laws 21 Nov. John s. John & Jane Grey 29 Nov. M"^ Ralph Good 28 Feb. Joseph s. John & Honour Pin 1 March 1749. David Penny 30 March Thomas Read 6 April Robert Hort 20 June Elisabeth w. John Young 7 Aug. Roger Beling 18 Sep. Charles Hiscock 18 Oct. Grace w. Thomas Northover 23 Nov. Joan Savage 16 Jan. Esther w. Thomas JoUifEe 27 Jan. Ehsabeth widow of William Smith 7 Feb. Anne w. William Johnson 12 Feb. William Randol 13 Feb. Jane w. John Penny 16 Feb. George Turner 24 March 1750. Mary d. John & Elisabeth Emme 16 April Henry s. John & Ann Everet 23 April John s. Henry & Jane Stainer 23 May Elisabeth Fox 18 June Henry Angood 20 June Mary Laws 30 Aug. Josiah s. Thomas & Mary Gold 80 Sep. Abigail w. George Bradley 12 Oct. Dinah Elderton from Bishopstou 20 Oct. Elisabeth Garret 9 Jan. Martha & Mary dd. John & Jane Smith 27 Jan. Thomas Barnes 12 Feb. 1751. Elisabeth w. Jasper Whitmarsh 2 April Charles s. William & Martha Penny 23 April Mary wife George Sansom 27 ]\Iay John 8. John & Jane Rolf 2 July Rev'J Aaron Thompson, Vicar 1 Aug. Sarah Randol, widdow 3 Nov. John Gibs 12 Nov. James Perry 17 Nov. 1752. Joan Mills 19 Jan. Anne d. Robert & Jane Penny 26 Jan. Mary w. Richard Stent 29 Jan. Sarah d. Willm. & Sarah King, the Hut, 26 April John s. Willm. & Mary Tudgey 16 Sep. Ann Dean, widow 18 Sep. 1753. N.S. Ann King 3 Jan. John Angood 1 May Mary d. Edward & Ann Hardyman June James s. John & Bridget Perry 28 June Mary Ingram 8 July Robert Merchant 11 Aug. Edith Angood 2 Oct. William Harris 31 Oct. 1754. John s. Samuel & Diana King 12 Feb. John Roaf 24 ]\Iarch James s. William & iSlavy Tudgey 22 April Mary w. George Lawes 11 May Mary Ingram 9 June Inn w. Edward Hardyman 21 Sep. John s. Edward i!c Ann Hardyman 28 Sep. David Skinner (from Wiley) 13 Oct. ilartha Cook 28 Oct. Elizabeth w. Thomas Batt 5 Nov. Thomas s. Thomas & Mary Batchelor 20 Dec. Thomas Turner 31 Dec. 1755. Mary Hiscock 1 Jan. Jane d. Anthony Penny 3 Jan. Rebecca Laws 4 Jan. Mary Smith base-born d. Jlary King 15 Jan. j\Iary w. John Powel 21 Jan. Betty d. Jolm & Ann Everet 29 Jan. Harry s. William & Elizabeth King 8 April 60 THE RECISTERS OF BROAD CHALKE, WILTS. Mnry Kiiip: I .Tmie ]i()se l)!iHe-l)()rii d. Joyce Bcling 8 June Anno w. Joliii Day 17 Oct. AVilliiim H. TlioiniiH & Eliziihelli Cook 29 Oc-t. ITcnry Kiiifi;, sen^ fidin llie Ilut 3U Oct. Ruth Antrim, widow, 11 Nov. Mary KiiiLr, widow, I'O Nov. Harry s. Rohcrt A: Jane Peuny 21 Dec. Samuel King 28 Dee. 1756. Mary Roaf, widow, 1 Jan, John Roaf 10 Jan, Jane Street, widow, 1 9 Fel). Mary w. Thomas Gould 10 March Elizabeth Gould 9 April M" Edith (Jood, widow, 14 IMay Elizabeth d. Thomas & ]\Iartha Hayden 27 May IMary Harford 20 June Sarah d. Charles & IMary Smith 13 July George s, Henry & Elizabeth Jay 25 July ]\Iary w. John Hazel, from Filield, 2 x\ug. Christobel Harford 22 Dec. 1757, Ann w, John Grey 8 Jan. Jeremiah s, Thomas & Alice Teague 10 Jan. Jane d. Christopher & Eleanor Stone 21 Jan. Martha w. "Walter Whitmarsh 24 Jan. George Wood 11 Feb. William s, John & Mary Dibben 13 April William s, William & Mary James 24 April Edith ]3est, widow, 1 May Ann d. John & Ann Williams 12 May Jovce w. Walter Beling 16 July W'llliam Harford 7 Sep. Urclla d. Henry & Hannah White 30 Sep, Sarah d. John & Bridget Perry -28 Oct. Thomas s. Henry & Elizabeth Jay 30 Oct. Betty d. John & Jane Grey 5 Nov. M"" Timothy Lodge 30 Nov. 1758. Anthony Penny 3 Jan, Jaspei Whitmarsh 12 Jan, Alexander s, AVilliam & Mary Stephens 14 Jan. Jane w. Henry Stainer 7 April Ann w. Thomas ]Major 18 April Mary w. James Dcane 16 June Betty d. John »razier 14 Ang. William Powell & Sarah I*inn 14 Dec. •John Cook & Ruth Smith 16 Dec. 1764. John Johnson & Elizabeth Parret 30 .Jan. Raynold RandoU & Hannah Bowden 6 March James Barter & Sarah Wilkins 24 April William Lush & Sarah Folliot 29 Oct. Stephen Smith & Mary Vincent, widow, 5 Nov. 1765. William Wright & Mary Penny 29 April Robert Golden & Jane Frampton of Bower Chalk 7 May John Gould & Betty Witt 28 Oct. 1766. William King & Mary Ingram 18 Jan. John Fiefield & Elizabeth Goodson, widow, 1 April 1767. James Willis of Stratford & Sarah King 9 Feb. John Green & Ann Wilmot, widow, 8 Sep. 1768. Edward Chub & Sarah Gibbs 4 July 1769. John Bennett & Mary Hasell 4 Jan. Joshua Dixon & Frances Humby of Cran- bourn 8 Jan. WiUiam Vitridge & Susan Vincent 4 June Richard Folliot & Ann Saunders 16 Nov. Love Bungey it Bettv King 13 Dec. John Cox & Mary'Flooks of Chilton, Somerset, 17 Dec. 1770. William Foyle & Mary Philips 5 May William Unlet & Hannah Stocky 7 May William Langtry & Mary Peny's June" Nicolas Flooks of Bishopstone & Jane Russel 18 June Joseph Perry A: Mary Powel 8 July George Ingram ».\j Mary Antram 8 Oct. MARRIAGES. 67 1771. Henry Foot & Betty Sutton of Compton Chamberlain 17 Jan. Robert Golden of Bower Chalk & Betty Andrews 8 April Thomas Lass of Combe & Cassandra Jay 28 April John Cerly & Elizabeth Hassel 28 July Ambrose Loader & Betty Tompson 5 Aug. Thomas Goasney & Elizabeth Frances 27 Oct. Charles Read & Mary Parrot 9 Nov. Philip Hiscock of Burford & Rebecca Hayden 20 Nov. Samuel Parret & Sarah Ball 21 Nov. 1772. John Morris & Lucy Barter 28 June 1773. John Golden & Rebecca Webb of Handly 5 July Stephen Jay & Sarah Haskell 19 Aug. 1774. Elias Read & Martha Hayden 3 March William Chub & Anne Bowles 28 May 1775. James Diben & Anne Everet 17 July Edward Musel & Sarah Viney of Bower Chalk 1 Aug. George Hewlet & Rebecca Penny 16 Oct. Robert Soffe of Vernditch Lodge, Extra parochial, & Mary Gifford 23 Nov. 1776. James Smart & Betty Miles 1 6 April John Batchelor & Mary Peuu 8 July John Jay & Mary Tompson 28 Oct. William Langtry & Mary Tudgy 26 Nov. John Goodfellow of Fovent & Jane Ever- ret 27 Nov. 1777. John Johnson of Bishopston &, ]\Iary Jay 5 Feb. James Ilillier & Sarah Jackmin 4 April William Evans, clerk, & Mavy Good, widow, 17 July John Jeret & Hannah Ingram 12 Oct. George Read & Anne Nash 23 Oct. Joseph Emm & Elizabeth Langtry 13 Nov. 1778. Stephen Barter of Bishopston & Elizabeth Barns 1 June William Uphill of Barford & Deborah Gould 31 Aug. 1779. Thomas Ford of Fovant & Mary Small 1-1 Jan. John King of Fifield & Sarali Sanger 18 Oct. 1780. William Feltliam & Anne Emm 5 Feb. Thomas Frances & Sarah Foyle 1 ^lay William Jay & Mary Church 14 June Edward Mussel & Mary Cooke 3 July Thomas Plowman of West Detm & Jane Gifford 24 Aug. James Briant & Elizabeth Emm 17 Sep. John Emm & Jane Scamcl of FovauL 12 Oct. Thomas Parsons of Dinton & Mary Dow- land 16 Oct. John Antram & ]Mary HuflF 23 Nov. Daniel Cavel & Sarah Coox 10 Dec. A P P K N T) I X , BEINfJ srcil KN'I'KIKS TIIOM 'I'llK .M1SSIN(; REGIISTKRS AS AltK TO HE FOUND IN 'llli; IMOCKSAN RIOGISTKV. BIRTHS. 1058. ,I(»lm 8. Julin Stockey Jun"" li> July Edward b. Edward Osmaii 12 Sep, Snsiiah d. (leorge Ackleii 8 Oct. Tho. 8. Christopher Penny ?>{) Nov. Mary d. John Skiuer 13 Dec. Anne d. Tho. Benet 5 Jan. Jeraniiah s. Jeramiah Northest 13 Jan. Elizabeth d. flrances Ilemor 1 1 Feb. Andrew s. Andrew Deane 13 Feb. Anna d. John White 13 March 1659. Richard s. Richard Goold 15 July Anthony s. Anthony Lodge 22 Sep. Snsanah d. Heniy Quinten 22 Sep. IMarv d. Nicholas Nott 12 Dec. ^lary d. M-- Will. Grove IG Dec. Samnall s. Samuall Kinge 3 Jan. Joane d. John l>uiidy 31 Jan. Jane d. Richard Spencer 19 Jan. Mary d. Rob' Jatiery 18 Jan. John s. Henry Penny 7 Feb. Allexander s. AUexander Randoll 14 Feb. Elizabeth d. Anthony Angood 14 Feb. 16G0. John s. Edward Osmand 19 April Tho. s. Tho. Gilbcrd 27 March AUice d. Rob' Kinge 23 April Will. s. Nicholas Urances 14 IMay Elizabeth d. Anthony Randoll 15 May Katherine White d. Henry White 29 June Tho. s. Roi^er Evens 24 Oct. Tho. S.Will. Odber 22 Nov. Henry s. Henry Penn 16 Dec. John s. Walter Gray 1 7 Dec. Arther s. Arther Broolanan 28 Dec. Anna d. Richard AVagge 17 Jan. Sarah d. John Cooper 2 Feb. AVill. s. John Haris 20 Feb. iMary d. :Michall Hnntly 16 Feb, Anna d. Richard Sj>inser 22 Fel). Avis d. Tho. Keade 28 Feb. Edward s. John Penny 10 Mar. ffrancis s. Edward IJidleconil) 21 March 1661. Tho. 8. Tho. Bates 26 Mar. Henry s. Anthony Archer 15 April Sarah d. Edward Brine 15 April Jane d, John White 2 June Bartholume s. Will. Kinge 6 May Sarah d, Andrew Peane 28 July Will. Simons s. Will. Simons 1 Sep, Rose d. Tho. Bennet 22 Oct. ]\Iary d. George Antriun 24 Nov. Elizabeth d. Anthony Penny 12 Jan. John s. M"" Will. (J rove 14 Jan. Anthony s. Anthony Angood 21 Feb. 1662, Anna d. Samuall Kinge 1 April John s. Christopher Baker 20 Ai)ril Anna d. Henry Penny 4 May Edward s. Edward Savcdge 1 1 ^lay Anne d. John Stockey 11 May Eideth d, Nicholas Nott 19 Oct. Tliomas s. Tho. Lovell 2 Nov. ■ Jane d. Rich. Orchard 2 Nov. Rebeckah d. Christopher Penny 5 Nov. John s. Anthony Randoll 9 Nov, Mary d. Edward Brine 16 Nov, Will, s. Will. Lodge 7 Dec. Jane d. Henry White 21 Dec. Rebeckah d. Phillip Bennet 27 Dec, Avis d. Tho. Bates 2.s Dec, Katharen d. John Haris 13 Feb. Anne d, Tho. Gilberd 22 Feb. John s, John Penny 8 Mar, John s, Roger Evens 8 Mar, 1663. Grace d, Edward Osmond 5 April Anne d. Tho, Bro^vue 9 April John s, Andrew Deane 12 April Elizabeth d. George Acklen 14 June Elizabeth d. Henry Watkeiuson 26 July Abraham s. John White 4 Oct. BIRTHS. CO Mary d. Rol)' Kinge 17 Jan. Davidd s. Will. Smith 28 Feb. Anna d. Walter Gray 28 Feb. 1GG4. Elizabeth d. Edwai'd Bidlecomb 8 April Mary d. Richard Wagge 22 May Elizabeth d. Allexauder Randoll 12 June Davidd s. M"" Will. Grove 4 Sep. Mary d. Samuall Kinge 18 Sep. John s. Richard Spencer 22 Oct. Tho. s. Tho. Penny 17 Nov. Sarah d. George Antrum 30 Nov. Will. 8. Will. Andi-ew 18 Dec. Mary d. Tho. Bates 9 Jan. Ralphe s. Henry Penn 10 Jan. Sarah d. Nicholas Nott 5 Feb. 1665. John s. Robert Haillocke 27 Mar. John s. Nicholas Minte 2 Ap. Jane & Elizabeth twins of John Penny 17 Ap. Joane d. Phillip Bennet 30 Ap. Richard s. Richard Aynell 5 June Elizabeth d. John Haris 15 June W™ s. Anthony Angood 22 June Laurance s. Edmund Har\'y 16 July Jane d. Anthony Penny 8 Oct. John s. Michall Huntly 10 Nov. Mary d. W'" ffoxhanger 11 Nov. George s. George Acklen 1 1 Nov. Susanah d. Will. Andrew 10 Mar. Rose d. Tho. Gilberd 12 Mar. Joane d. Rob* Kinge 7 Mar. Avis d. John White 19 Mar. 1666. An d. W™ Carter 29 Mar. Henry s. M"" Will. Blanchard 30 Mar. Anna d. Bartholmue Penny 1(J April Michall d. Will. Lodge 16 April Will. s. Will. Marchent 16 April Jane d. Will. Lawes 22 April Garthred d. Ralphe Good 15 May Mary d. Henry Watkenson 2 June John s. Andi'ew Deane 2 July Tho. s. Anthony Randoll 16 July Jane d. Tho. Browne 15 Oct. Charles s. John Stockey 2\ Oct. Nicholas s. Arther Brookman 28 Oc*-. Richard s. Walter Gray 29 Oct. John s. John Streetc 19 Nov. Mary d. Tho. Penny 3 Dec. Mary d. Richard Spencer 7 Dec. Thos. Rich. Waggc 2 Feb. Joane d. Tho. Bates 11 Feb. Mary d. Davidd Earwood 18 Mar. 1667. Deborah d. Samuall Kinge 8 April Elizabeth d. Rob' Jaliery 23 April Abigail d. AVill. Smyth 1 May George s. George Antrum 10 June Sarah d. Richard Orchard 11 June Richard s. John Penny 8 July Phillip s. Phillip Bennet 28 July Elizabeth d. Will. Neve 29 July Joane d. Will. Prist 18 Aug. Joyce d. Henry Penny 2{j Aug. Sibell d. Edward Osmond 13 Sep. John s. Nicholas Nott 15 Sep. Allexauder s. Allexander flPi-anccs 13 Oct. Will. 8. Will. Hutchens 6 Dec. Jane d. Anthony Randoll 25 Feb. Elizabeth d. Ralphe Good 24 Mar. 1668. Jane d. Rob' Haillock 29 Mar. Will. s. Will, llbxhanger 30 Mar. Will. s. Roger Evens 30 Ap. John s. W"' Marchent 3 May Jonathan s. George Acklen 22 ]\ray Timotliy s. Timothy Lodge 27 May Anna d. John Witte 29 May Sarah d. Rob' Kinge 8 June John s. Tho. ({ill)erd 2-1 Sep. John s. John tfrances 29 Oct. Henry Watkenson 23 Dec. Hester d. xiudrew (? Deane) Peaue 18 Jan. Elizabeth d. John Goulding 1 Mar. Anna d. Tho. Richards 18 Mar. 1669. Elizabeth d. Davidd Earewood 12 April Henry s. Walter Gray 31 ^May Elizabeth d. Jt)hn Street 19 June John s. Anthony Angood 14 Sep. Will. s. Tho. Penny n Oct. Mary d. Heniy Kinge 2 Nov. Jane d. Bartliolmue Peunv 21 Nov. Rich. 8. Rich. Wagge 2 Dec. Jane d. Edward Osmond 10 Dec. Anna d. Anthony Randoll 13 Jan. Mary d. Cornelius Shortc 23 .Ian. Jane d. Samuall Kinge 2{\ Jan. Elizabeth d. George Antrum 27 Feb. Anne d. Tho. Richards 24 Mar. 1670. Will. s. Allexander ITrances hap. 28 Mar. ]\Iary d. Jolm Penny 5 Ap. AVaUer s. PhiUip Bennet 8 May ro THE HECilSTF.HS OF BROAD CIIALKlv WILTS. Al)i;,'iill (1. Will. MarclKMit rercf^roiMio Dove, u wctiultTer, 12 .June Will. B. Ili'iiry I'l'iiiiy ;5 Se|). John 8. Tlio. Hilts ;j Sej). AUice, aged 11 yearcs, d. Oeorf^c Overy 14 Sep. John K. John Brine 24 Sep. Dorothy d. HalplK; (Jood C Nov. John 8. Will. JliiLchenH 9 Dec. Ann d. Will. Andrew 2H Dec. Allice base home d. AUice Penny 11 F.;l). Randoll h. Randoll Lodge 25 Feb. Mary d. John U'ranccs 20 Mar. BAPTISMS. 1G71. William s, Thomas Riehai'ds 29 April Henry h. Henry King 22 May Edith d. W'" Vincent 1 June Thomas s. John liandoll 25 July Elizabeth d. W'" Lawes 30 July W'" 8. John Penny 10 Aug. Jane d. W"' ffox 20 Aug. John 8. George Lawes 6 Nov. Mary d. John Sti-eet, jun^ 28 Nov. Edward s. Phillip Bennett 27 Dec. Elizabeth d. Andrew Deane 4 March 1G72. George Golden s. John 29 May Thomas Richards s. Thomas 17 Jan. Elizabeth Randol d. John 12 Sep. Martha Penny d. Thomas 15 Sep. George Marchaut s. William 24 Sep. Frances Crosse d. William 30 Sep. Eobert Wag s. Richard 1 Nov. Elizabeth Tapper d. John 15 Jan. Ann Odbur d. William 12 April 1673. Denis Brine d. John 7 Sep. Jane flfrancis d. John 21 Sep. Jane King d. Henry 30 Sep. William Randol s. Anthony 20 Nov. Henry Randol s. John 9 Dec. Joseph Hutchins s. William 1 1 Dec. John Witt 8. John 10 Feb. John Stocky s. Thomas 26 Feb. Tuuothy Lodge s. Randol 18 March 1674. William Herford s. William 29 March Margaret Penny d. John 12 April Ann Whitmarsh d. Jasper 20 April Ralphe s. John Boyter 20 May Anne d. Avis White 6 June John s. John Dunne 8 June Ambrose s. Thomas Richards 1 Julv Mary d. Phillip Bennct 28 July John s. Alexandei- ttrancis 5 Aug. William s. William Whitmarsh 9 Sep. Joyce d. William Scager 22 Sep. William s. William Bigs 30 Oct. Cathai-ine d. John Street 9 Nov. John s. Robert Wit 10 Dec. Mary d. John Follet 2 Feb. Henry 8. Henry Cook 1675. Henry 8. Henry Randoll 27 April Janed. Richard Mullins 29 May Henry s. Ralph Good 25 June Henry s. Henry Miles 3 July Abigail d. Anthony Angood 19 Sep. Henry s. Thomas Penny 23 Sep. Christabel Harford d. William 3 Oct. Jasper s. Jasper Whitmarsh 1 Nov. Elizabeth d. Thomas Kichards 29 Dec. Elisabeth d. John Brine 29 Dec. Jane d. John Randoll 5 Jan. Thomas s. Thomas Fish 21 Jan. Jasper s. William Merchant 1 Feb. Thomas s. Andrew Deane 7 Feb. Sarah d. William Biggs 1 1 March *1696. Ann Hasell Joyce Penn Ann Haylock Henry Biddlecomb John White Edward Keed Laurence Hai'vy Sarali Goold Richard Akland Francis Miles Mary Frances Jane Penny Edward Carter ]\Iary Lodge Edith Norris Mary Russel Lucy Austen Joseph Savage Mary Fox * No returns to be found for the iuterval between 1G75— 1GU6.— C. G. M. MAEUIAGES. None between 1649 and 1653. 1653, Nicholas Nott & Edith iMihell 28 Dec. John EandoU & Edith Good 6 Jan, Robert King & Anne King 27 Jan. Rob' Jeffery & Mary Moxham 2 Feb. William Miles & Michaell Angood 7 Mar. William Pitchland & Joyce Penny 20 Mar. 1654. Richard Spenser & Jane Lodge 5 Feb. 1655. Henry Penny & Allice Lodge 4 June Arther Brookman & Joane Savidge 18 June George Aiklem (?) & Mary Mullens 4 July 1656. John Eured & Elizabeth Deane 5 May Samuall King & Joane King 12 June Charles Burden & Mary Mils 25 June Anthony Randoll & Jane Noris 25 June AUexander feances & Elizabeth Miles 27 Sep. John White & Babarah King 15 Dec, Will. Brine & Elizabeth Spiring 2 Feb. 1657. Charles Newman & Eideth Northover 22 Sep. George Northover & Ellinor Brine 29 Sep. 1658. Walter Gray & Anne Mullens 26 April 1660. William Carter & Mary Good 11 June Tho. Lovell & Elizabeth Good 27 Sep, 1661. George Antrum & Jane ffolliat 10 June Bai'tholmue Penny & Margaret Deane 14 Jan. Will, Lodge & Ehzabeth Lawes 5 Feb. 1665, Will. Lawes & Michall Good 3 April John Good & Anna Geret 13 June 1666. John ffrances & Mary Stockey 7 June Will, Ilutchens & Katherine Richardes 29 Nov. 1668, Cornellius Shorte & Ellinor fFarent 30 Mar. Tho. Richards & Ellinor Clarke 6 Aug. George Acklen & Allis Hun tie 23 Nov. 1669. M"" Nicholas Grove & M" Abigale Sloper 18 July 1671. ffrancis Deacon & Jane Bundy 7 Jan. 1672. M"" James Bennet & M" Jane Saintloe 10 April Thomas Penn & Anna Thomas 1 May John Etsal & Dennis Whitmarsh 20 June Robei't Witt & Mary Bidlecomb 24 Nov. 1675. Christopher Smith & Anne Penny 20 June Thomas Fish & Elizabeth Harvy 24 June Christopher Bush & Dorothy Orchard 25 Oct. *1696. Andrew Dew & Abigal ^Icrchant Nathaniel Bowne & Sarah Ford 1711. Arthur Hopkins & Jane Whitmarsli 8 May 1712, Robert Tyler of Crcwkhorn & Michel Dew 21 July William Chalk & Jonc Francis 25 Sep. 1713. Samuel Penny & Sarah r.artcr 18 April Andrew Tapp of Baiford & ^Lary JclTc- ries 30 July * No returns to be found for the intcrvala between 1G75— IC'JC and 1690— 1711.— C.U. M. 72 MAIilllACKS. (le<»rt,'(! CitimI it lliiiiiiiili West both of Sai'Uiii T) Si'p. i7h;. Thomas Fox of Kiist Dean, IlaiiLs it (Jnicc Adlam 5 Nuv. 1717. William Lilly it Dinah fiigram 1 Aug. Peregrine Dove & JMai-y Frampton 30 Sep. John Lewin & Elizabeth Foster 29 Oct. Edward Harvey & ]\Iary Powell 10 Feb. John Angood & Melior Burroughs 16 Feb. 1718. Jasper Willis of Bishopston & Jane Mar- tin 1 June Thomas Viney & Margaret Elkyns 30 Sep. 1719. Rinaldo Freke of Shaf ton & Martha Bun- dy 2b May Anthony Penny & Jane An tram 15 July 'riioiiias Wilkins it Sarah Dnniic I I Jan. Saiiiiiil Penny it Ann Lush 1;') Feb. 1721. William Dawkins of Wilton & Elizabeth Aynold of liishopston 12 (Jet. John IJnrton of lObbesborn it Joyce Ilas- kel of Alvediston 2.0 l^ec. John lliscock it Mary Lodge of Alvediston 7 Feb. 1722. Jacob Jennings & Mary Fish 20 July Thomas Street of Martin & Dorothy Goold 1 Jan. 1724. John Day & Ann Tlaylock 30 April John Laws & Hannah Ilomar 20 !May Samuel Jeffreys & ilary Segar 10 June George Antram & Ruth White 1 Oct. Alexander Penny & Jane Harvey 1 Oct. Simon Marks & Elizabeth King 22 Nov. Edward Fisher & Ann Young 29 JS'ov. 1725. Thomas King & Mary Angood 1 1 April Edward Savajce & Judith Savage 13 Feb. ( 73 ) BURIALS. 1654. Will. s. John Skiner 27 March Elizabeth w. Andrew Deane 9 April Joane w. Will. Angood 11 I\[ay Joane Scud w. Tho. Scud 8 Aug. Will. 8. AUexander King Dec. Allice w. Rob* Whitmarsh 18 Jan. Hannah d. Tho. Holly 20 Feb. 1655. Jane d. John Fringe 27 March John s. Rob' Randoll 20 April Will. Spiring of Stoake 10 June Anis w. Walter NeTnnan 2!) Xov. Garthred d. Henry Good 20 Dec. John s. Will. Lawes 15 Jan. 1656. Moses s. John Bundy 7 IMay Margaret d. Will. King 7 June Tho. s. John Skamell 2-4 .June Cornelius Miles of Stooke 18 July Barbarah w. Will. Andrew 13 Xov. Rob* s. John King 16 Jan. Elizal)eth d. Allex. Randoll ,31 Jan. IMary d. John Sanders 19 March 1657. Abigail w. M' John Sloper 9 April Jane w. Henry Laurence 16 May Anna w. Charles Newman 30 May Will. Angood 31 May Walter Newman 15 July Elizabeth d. Nicholas Savidg 24 .July John s. Samuall Lisle 1 Aug. Tho. s. Edward Bidlecomb 14 Sep. Anne Lodge 5 Oct. Elizabeth ffrances 5 Oct. Elizabeth Angood, widow, 25 Oct. John s. Henry Good de Moulson 2 Nov. Margaret w. Samuall Lisle 5 Nov. Henry Good de Moulson 9 Dec. Daniall s. Will. Peane 16 Dec. Will. s. Daniall Peane 29 Dec. Solloman s. Solloman Penny 24 Jan. Ellianor Brine, widow, 16 Feb. Mary d. M-" Will. Grove 20 Feb. Michall d. John Lawes 23 Feb. Widow Webbe de Moulson 2 Marcli 1658. Laurence Saintloe, gent, 26 April Mat hew Perry 27 Apiil Will. Whitmarsh 28 April Jane d. M^ Will. Grove 9 May Henry s. Henry Good Sen"" de ]\Ioulson 26 May Walter s. Edward Bennet 27 May John d. (sic) Henry Randoll 14 June W^ill. Archer, sen'', 17 July Tho. s. Tho. Pen 1 1 Aug.' Walter s. Richard Wagge 15 Aug. Tho. Ploweman 14 Sep. JNI"" Younge s. of Younge of fFifeld 25 Sep, Kathaiine d. Cornelius Witte 28 Sep, ]\Lary d. Cornelius Witte 7 Oct, Rebecka d. Cornelius Witte 18 Oct, Christian Miles w. Ralphe ililes 23 Oct Anthony s. Anthony Archer 31 Oct. Elizabeth w. John Smyth 6 Jan. Brighteeweed w. Tho. Selwood 6 Jan. Elizabeth King, widow, 8 Jan. Tho. Randoll, in the Greene 14 Jan. Solloman Penny de Stoake 16 Jan. Elizabeth w. John Blake 22 Jan. Mary Prist alias Simons 30 Jan. Rob* Bedford 7 Feb. Anne d. M"" John Sloper 9 Feb. Anna w. Gabrell Kiuge 2o INLarch Henry Lawes of Apsshill 26 Jan. 1659, Mary ffrances of Knighton 16 April Michall w. Rob' Ledford 18 May Rich. s. Christopher Baker 22 June John s. Will, Savidge 5 Nov, John Nott of Knighton 19 Dec. Dioues Scud alias Gilberd w. Tho. Gilbcrd 12 Feb. Henry Thome of Stoake 3 March 1660. Joane w. Bartholmue Segar 13 July Bartholmue s. Bartho. Segar 29 July Mary w. Ralphe Penn 31 Aug. Nicholas Savage 21 Sep. Will. Michell alias Thrasher 2G Sep. 1717. Anthony Perry 2 April Thomas s. Thomas Penny 22 April John Francis 26 Api'il Martha w. J. Marshall of Bishopston 21 May Ann w. Peregrine Dove 8 June Joan Bennet, widow, 4 July Esther Cook, widow, 7 July 74 TITE REGISTERS OF BROAD CIIALKE, WILTS. Ann Odbor, widow, 17 July Aiiiialiclla Sidi-kcv, w iddw, I'J July Kdwiird K. W'" Clialk 2l' Aug. AVilliain Andrews ;{ Soj). Margaret Ann d. Will'" Wray 9 Sop. Lucy Ang(»od 21 Nov. Mary d. Tlionias Young 19 Jan. John 8. John Littlcfield 151 Jan. Jane d. Jolni Littlefield 1 2 Feb. Mary Odber, widow, 12 Feb. John Odber 10 March Joyce w. Will"' Seager 18 March Jolin Lawes 23 I\Iarch 1718. Henry King 20 Ajiril Henry s. Henry King 20 May Joseith R. Henry Randol 24 IMay Joyce ALarchant, widow, 29 May Mavy d. Henry Kandol June Mary Watkins, widow, 7 June Charles Miles 16 Aug. Joan King, widow, 23 Sop. Ivicliard s. Saiiun'l Penny 23 SS, 62-64. 07. Chaffy, 61. Chalke. 4, 5, 21, 22, 25-27, 50. 53. .55-58, 71.74. Champion, 3. Chanlis,s, .30. Chappell, 1. Charel, 56. Chatcr, 2. 4, 12. Chauut, 30-32, 36, 37, 02. 03. Chotue, 2. 76 INDEX. Chubb, 5, 18-20, 3r,. 37, 42, 17, (id, r.7. tliiireli, ()7. L'liirkc, 7, 2f;, 02. 71. Claydon, 1, (">, 11. Clc'inents, 64. Clever, 6. Clie, 42. Clinton, 4, 11, 12, 42, il]. Clitherly, 2, 41. Cloiiter, 4f>. Coal. 13. Cobb, 5. Codimorc, 5. Cole, 2H. Coles, o, 65. Collins, 6, 7, M, lo, 8'.l, 42. Coltnian, (!5. Coltstrccm, 62. Combes, 3, 28, 2:», 31, 34, 37, 48, no, 54, 56, 57, 61,62, 64, 66. Coraptou, 62. Cook, 1-4, 7. 8, 10-13. 17-19. 24-28, 30, 32-34, 38-41, 43, 45, 46, 48. 54-57. 59-63, 65-67, 70, 73. Cookman, 23, 24, 28, 53, 55, 56. Cooper. 22, 68. Coox. 37, 67. Copal 1, 3. Cope, 44. Cox. 35-37, 61. 62, 66. Creedc, 42, 72. Criue, 31, 32, 59, 62, 63. Cross, 70. Crouch, 63. Crume, 57. Curarill, 2. Curtis, G-11, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47. D. Dandy, 5. Danet. 38. Darke, 38. Davis, 2. 3, 5, 10, 11, 18. 36. 38, 41, 45, 46, 50. Davy, 12-14, 48. Dawes, 49. Dawkins, 72. l>awling, 3. Dawiie, 42. Day, 27, 53, 55, 60, 61, 64, 72. Deacon. 71. Deane, 1, 3-8. 11, 14-25, 34, 39- 52, 54-56, 59-61, 65. 66, 68-71, 73. Deare, 49. Deut, 1. Dewe or Due. 1-5, 7-22, 28, 38- 41, 44-48,51,52, 65, 71. Dewey, 52. Diarye. 2. JJibbsn, 31-35, 37, 58-60, 62. 63, Lw, 67. Dibleu, 22. Dixon. 36, 62, 66. Dodd, 23. 24, 56. Dolman, 1. Dnninp, 7. Donne, 72. Dove. 27, 51, 51, 56, 63, 70, 72, 73. Dowe, 18. Dowcs, 2. Dowling, 34, 35, 37, 67. Drake, 39, 42. Dredge, 4. Dun, 53, 58, 70. Dunford, 57, 59. Dupe, 65. Dyer. 5, 11-13, 41, 44, 45. E. Early. 2, 11. Earwood, 53, 69. Eastman, 4. Edmonds, 23, 53, 56. Edney, 2, 12-14, 41, 46. Eilfe, 15, 16. Elderton, 59, 74. Elkins, 72. Ellet, 10. Elliott, 3. Elmcs, 2, 10, 11, 38-41. Ember, 62. Emme, 32-35. 37, 59, 60. 62, 63, 67. Erneley, 17, 44. Etsal,71. Eured, 71. Eurtise, 3. Evans, 8, 14, 18, 45, 48-50, 52, 54, 67-69. Everett, 10, 30-33. 38, 41, 59, 67. Everly, 2. 24, 25, 39, 54, 55. Eyre, 6, 65. F. Fanner, 1, 6-8, 39. Farrant, 5, 19. 48. 52. 71. Ease, 4. Faulkner. 2, 4, 5. 13. Fay, 64. Felpcs, 2. Feltham, 5, 16, 19. 30, 36, 37, 63. 67. Fiefield. 40, 63, 66. Finkley, 2.8. 12, 44, 45,47. Fish, 2, 6-8, 13, 14. 23-25. 38, 40, 52-54, 58, 70-72. Fisher, 50, 52, 72. Fletcher, i, 3, 41. Flooks, 66. Flower, 2, 11, 40, Folliot. 1. 3. 5. 9-16, 19-22, 24- 30, 40, 46. 47. 49. 51-53. 55, oCi. 61, 64, 66. 70, 71. Foot. 67. Ford, 1, 5, 19, 46, 55. 57, 58. 67, 71. Foster. 72.. Fox, 18. 19. 23, 28-31, 45, 49, 52-59. 63, 70, 72. Foxhanger, 4, 16-18, 2.3, 43, 41, 48.51, 69. Foyle, 34-36, 62, 65-67. Framptou, 25, 2(!, 30, 54, 58, 65, 66, 72. Francis, 5, 9-20, 22-25, .30-33, 30, 37, 42-47, 49-54, 57, 59, 61, 63, 67-71, 73. Frccker, 29, 57. Frcke, 72. Frcstonc, 8, 9. Fripp, I. Fulford, 46. G. Gamblen, 65. Garland, 2, 3, 41, 43. Garret, 4. 5, 27, 59. Gartrey, 37. Gasper, 36. Gawnt. 6. Gay. 6. 39. Gerard, Gerret, or Jeret, 1, 9, 13, 33-37, 56. 58, 60-65, 67, 71. Gibbs, 28-.30, 34, 37, 56, 58, 59, 63, 64, 66. Gifford, 29, 30, 61, 62, 67. Gilbert, 2-4. 10, 12, 1.5, 17, 23. 24, 39, 41. 42,51-53, 68. 69. Gilbert alias «cud, 16, 22, 44, 48, 73. Gilford, 17. Goale, 14, 47. Gold, Goold. or Gould. 2, 3. 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30-33. 35, 40, 45, 53, 54, 56-62, 64-68, 70, 72. Golding, or Golden. 1, 3. 4. 6, 8, 9. 19-21, 24-26, 30-34, 36. 37, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48. 50-53, 56, 57, 60, 62, 65-67, 69, 70. Goldstone, 43. Good, 1-6. 8-13, 16-19.21-24. 38, 40-42, 44-49, 51-53. 55, 57-61, 63,67,69-71,73. Goodenow, 39. Goodfellow, 67. Goodson, 61. 66. Gool, 6. Gosmey, 36, 63, 67. Gowles, 7. Gramme!, 4. Grater. 2. Gravel. 53. Gray, 2, 4. 10, 23. 28, 32, 34, 38, 45, 48, 58-61, 65, 66. 68, 69, 71. Greene, 2, 66. Grctrory, 1, 6. 7, 9, 39, 42. Griffin, 3, 4, 13. 15, 43, 44, 46, 66. Griffith, 43. Grout, 2. Grove, 5, 1.3, 16-18, 21-23, 43- 46, 68, 69, 71. 73. Grudd. 11. Gwire. 5. 20, 22, 51. 57, 61,6 4 INDEX. 77 H. Hale, U. Hancock, ii. Harby. 13. Harcourt, 65. Hardiman, 33, 44, 59, 65. Harding. 21, 38. Hardy, 1,_3, 9, 14. Hare, 45. Harney, 41. Harris, 5, 21-23, 36, 39. 41. 59, 62, (18, 69. Harte. 3, 13, 14. Hartford, 2. 24-26, 50, 53-55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 65, 70, 74. Harvey, 22-24, 27, 28, 30, 34, 39, 43, 44, 49-56, 65, 66, 69- 72. Harwood. 44. 45. Haskell, 34, 35, 6.5, 66, 67. 72. Hassell, 32, 35. 51, 52, 56, 58, 60-62. 66, 67. 70. Hatch, 64. Hatclimau, 51. Havard, 64. Haviland, 42. Hawkins, 26. 61. 74. Haydon, 32, 33, 60, 62, 67. Hayes, 45. Haylock. 17, 18, 23, 48, 51, 53, 69, 70, 72. Hayter, 49. 64. Hayward, or Haywood, 25, 29, 30,57, 58, 61, 65. Hemor, 68. Henlot, 5. Henston, 2, 10. Herrington, 65. Hesket', 29, 30, 57, 64. Hewlet, 28-32, 36, 37, 62-64, 66, 67. Hibberd, 4, 23. 34, 35, 50, 52, 53, 66. Hicks, 50. Hill, 39. Hillier. 67. Hinke, 8, 38. Hiscock, 29-32, 58, 59, 64, 67, 72. Hixts, 5, 18. Hodder, 43. Hogget, 8. Holland, 7, 16, 44. Holliday, 64. HoUoway, 5. Holly, 3, 13-16. 19-22, 41-43, 46. 47. 50, 51, 73. Holmes, 25, 38, 40, 46, Homer, 72, Hopkins, 26, 71. Hort, 26-28. 56, 59, 64. Hudson. 20. HufE, 67. Human, 2, 5. Humby, or Humber, 10, 35, -10, 66. Humphreys. 30, 62, 64. Hunt, 1, 2, 10-12. 25. 40, 66. Huntley, 20-22,48,50, 68, 69, 71. Huniey, 43. Hurrold. 4. Hurst, 4. Hussey, 6. Hutchens. 1. 3, 4, 12, 44,50, 55, 69-71. Huyme, 4. I. Ingram, 3, 23, 24, 26-28. 30, 31, 33, 35-37. 52-59, 61-63, 65-67, 72, 74. Jackmiu, 67. Jacob, 2. James, 33.34, 60,61, 65. Jay. 31-34, 36. 37, 41, 60, 63, 64, 67. Jefferies, 1, 22, 36. 40, 48, 50. 62, 68, 69, 71, 72. Jenkins, 48. Jennings, 24-27, 54. 55, 61, 72. Jey, 15, 43. Johnson, 5, 28. 30-33. 35, 37.52, 54, 55, 57-60, 66, 67. Jolliffe. 28-30, 35-37. 56. 59, 62, 63. 65. Jones, 5, 15, 16. Joye, 13. K. Kannor, 2. Katky, 5. Keed. 70. Kendall, 1-3, 6. Kent, 52. Kentchiugton, 7, 38. King, 1-74. Kirley, 28-30, 56. 57. 65. 67. Knight, 41. 63, 66. L. Lamb, 2, 4, 12, 13, 15, 18. 42, 45-47. Lane, 3, 5. Lange, 3. Langtry, 2, 3. 6-8. 26, 27, 29, 31- 33, 36, 37, 40-42, 47, 54, 56, 59, 61-63, 65-67. Lanham, 3, 25, 26, 53. Lass, 67. Lawdcn, 7. Lawes, 1-6,9, 10. 13-21, 23-30, 32. 33. 35-40, 42, 43, 46-62, (;4-66, 69-74. Lawrence, 2, 6, 25, 41, 61, 73. Lawrence aluin Williams, 25. Lcdford. 3. 19-21, 41, 45, 46, 73. Ledge. 61. Leonard, 41. Lewellin, 62. Lewin, 26, 55, 72. Lewsome, 5. Lilly, 16, 18, 22, 26, 27, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54-56, 58, 72, 74. Lisle, 5, 20, 21, 51, 73. Littlefield, 24, 25, 53, 74. Loader, 2, 36, 37, 55, 67. Locke, 9. Lodge, 1-4, 7,8, 1], 12, 16-18, 20-22, 25-27, 40-45, 48, 50-57. 60, 61. Cj6. G8-7.3. Lokesly. 3, 11, 12, 41. Lone, 38. Long, 34, 35, 60, 61, 66. Longman. 64. Lovell, 68, 71. Lowe, 8. Lowtlaer, 56, 64. Lucas, 36, 37. Luke, 1, 36. Lund. 4. Lush. 2, 25-27, 30-33, 35, 37, 54, 62. 63, 65, 66, 72. Lyme, 6. Lyne, 1, 6. M. Major. 60. Jlackerell, 1. Man. 41. Marks, 72. Marsh. 38, 50. Marshall, 65, 73. Marshman, 2, 5, 11, 18.41, 47. Martin. 2, 28. 29, 36. 39, 53, Masters, 64. May, 5, 19, 20, 50. Meatlon. 65. Jleatyardc, 4. Jlell, 21. Merchant, 26, 28-30, 32, 49 53, 56, 57, 69, 61, 62. 64. 69-71, 74. Merifield, 4(;. Michell, 2, 4, 15-17, 33. 31, 47. 48, 60, Jliihell tiHas Thrasher. 73, MighoU, 27, 28. Mihell, 71, Miles, 4, 5, 10, 13-16, 18, 20- 26, 43, 45-52, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74. Millcnor, 36. Miller, 2, ;J, 8, 14, 15, 3^5, 41, Mills. 37, 57,59,62, 71. Miute. 69. Moduli, 38, Mond.iv. 42. Mowlyi 27-29, 31. 54-58, 61. Moore, 3, 5. 47, 62. :^I(>nis. 36. 37, 6:^. 67. Mould, 65. Muuutagu. 41. 47. Mo.\ham, 3-."). 17. 18, 12. U, 49, 71. 43, 64, 51, 6.'), 44, 23, 71, 43. 15. 78 INDEX. M ml ford, 4;]. Miilliiis, Ti, 17-20. 45, IH-r.a. G4, 70, 71. Mussel. f.;i, 07. N. Nnsh, r.». i;7. Nay, 17. NcUoii. 2, 7-9, :V.\ 40. Neve, C)'J. New, 1, 3, 4, 0, ;J8-10, 4i', 4!!, 47-4i). Newam, 3. Newby, 49. Newman, 2-4, (i, 7. 9, 10-12. 14- 16, 21, 35, 38-43, 47, 52, C,:>, 71. 73. Newman ulius Kaiuloll, 14. 15. Nicholas, 10, 11. Nichols, 49. Noise, 28, 66. Nori'ham, 5. Norris, 2-4, 14, 16, 17, 21-24, 44, 47, 49-53, 55, 58, 61, 70, 71. North, 3, 10, .39, 40, 44, 48. Noi-thest, 68. Northover, 23-25, 29-31, 34, 35, 56-59. 61-64. 71. Nott. 4, 16-18. 22, 45, 49, 51-53, 68, 69. 71, 73. Nuny, 8, 9. 0. Oak, 64. Oake alias White, 4, 15. Ober, 1. Odber. 1-3, 7-9, 11-14, 19-22,38, 39, 42-44, 46-48, 50-53, 68, 70, 74. Odborue, 1. 39. Ogborne, 1, 9. Okcford, 2, 40. Oliver, 2, 9, 12, 38-40, 42. Orchard, 1, 21. 22. 51. 68. 69, 71. Orviugtoii, 17-19. Osburne, 5. Osmond, 5, 47, 53, 08, 09. Osmaud aliaa Briggs. 52. Overy, 70. Owen. 15. Oxford, 53. Page, 5, 46. I'ar.idise, 16, 44. Parkins, 9. Panel, 35-37, 62, 66. 67. Parsons, 6. 37, 39, 62, 67. Patlerv. 39. Payne", 3. Pcano, 08, 69, 73. Peauic, 5. I'cnn, 1, 4, 5, 11. 12, 16, 17, 19, 21-24, 28, 29, 38, 39, 42, 45- 48, 51, .5.")-57. 60. 02. 04. 05. 67-71, 73. Pcnnt, 2. Penny. 1-5. 7-38, 40, 41, 43-74. Pennyrottc, 15. Penrnddock, 10, 1.3, 14, 28, 38, 40, 42, 57-59. Peram, 02. Perry, 20-28, 30-34, 30, 37, 54, 58-03, 65, 66, 73. Perse, 1, 9. Peyton, 46. Philips, 5. 66. Philpott, 3, 4. Phripp, 1, 14, 15,20, 42, 48, 49. Pick, 10. Pickford, 5, 31, 65. Piercy, 66. Pi^ot. 35. Pike. 2. Pillin, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14, 41-46. Pinckney, 36. Pinhorne, 4. Pinn, 30-36, 59. 61-64, 66. Pinuick, 64. Pip, 38, 39. Pitchland, 2, 3. 11, 12. 22. 40, 71. Pitman. 4, 50. Pix. 6. Plank, 26. Plowman, 2-4, 10-12, 40, 41, 44, 47, 67, 73. Pook, 11. Pool, 36, 37, Poore, 38. Pope, 2, 4, 40. Poten, 40. Pounce, 42. Powell. 27-29. 32, 3.3, 35-37, 53, 54. 56. 57. 59. 65. 66, 72. Prestley, 32, 33, 50, 65. Prestman, 2. Prestwood, 39. Pride, 5. Priest, 15-17, 46, 50. 51, 69. Priest alias Simons, 73. Prince, 55. Fringe, 73. Prow. 11, 40. Parches, 3, Puruell, 39. Pyper, 6. Quintin, 22, 50. 52, 54-56, 66. 68. R. Randall, or Rendall. 3-27, 35, 36, 38-59. 63, 66, 68-71, 73, Randall alias Newman. 14. 15. Kaudie, 4, 15, Randolph, 20. Paynes. 26, 54, 56, 58. Reade, 3, 5, 20-22, 24, 27, 28, 30-32, .34-37, 49-52, 54-68, Renncll, 17, Ricliards, 2, 24-26, 48, 52-54,57, 58, 64, 69-71, 74. Ki.sh, 51. Roberts, 5, 26, 27, 29, 30, 54, 59, 64, 66. R.>c, 25. Rolfc, 6, 24, 31,32, 51, 52,5.% 59-61,65. Rose, 49. Rover, 44. Rowdcn, 36, 37, 66, Kumsey, 3, Ru.sh, 16, Russell, 33, 35, 50, 52. 54, 60, » 61, 64, 60, 70. a. Saint Lowe. 2, 5, 11-14, 18-21, 39-41, 43, 45-47, 50, 51, 71, 73. Sampson, 62, Sanger, 64, 67. Sanesbury, 46. Sansom, 31-34, 59, 63, Saunders, 4, 5, 16-19, 22, 48,51, 66, 73. Savage, 1-5, 7-13, 17-20, 23-28, 31, 38-45, 47-51, 53-59. 61,62, 64. 65, 68, 70-74. Savery, 3, 4, 14, 43. Sawman, 8, Scammell, 1-5, 8, 9, 12-17, 20- 23, 29, 40-46, 48, 50, 57, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, Scaplin, 57, Scot. 4, 16. Scudd, 23, 40, 45, 46. 73 Scudd alias Gilbert, 16, 22, 44, 48. 73. Seagar, 5, 12. 16, 20. 21. 43. 45- 48. 52-54, 56, 58. 70, 72-74. Setrrum, 2. SefbT, 1,2.6. 7. 11. 40. Selwood, 1, 2, 6, 9-11, 38-41, 73, Semes, 51. Scynens, 41, Shank, 27. Shepherd, 4, 33-35, 60. 61, 63, 65, Shergoll, 3-5. 7, 8. 12-15. 17. 21. 38. 39. 42-44. 46. 47, 49, 52, Sherman, 2, 10. 40. Short. 5, 18. 19, 25, 46, 52. 54, 69, 71. Silcock, 31, 65. Silfe, 4, Sillige, 7, Silverthorne. 52. Simmons, 2, 4. 18, 40, 50, 51. 68, Simons alias Priest. 73. Sims. 2-5. 8. 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 38, 41, 44-46 50. INDEX. 79 Skeele, 2, 5, 12, 17, 18, 43, 46. Skilling, 3. Skinner, 1-3, 7, 8, 11, 17, 22, 26- 28, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 52, 55-57, 59, 68, 73. Slabs, 64. Slite, 10. Sloper, 4, 20-22, 4<), 51. 71, 73. Smale, 13, 14, 15, 41. Small, 2, 40, 67. Smalhvell, 44, 47. Smart, 37, 66, 67. Smith, 1, 7, 8, 18-20, 23-37, 39, 41, 48, 49,51-62,64-66,69,71, 73. Snooks, 5, 58. Soff, 62, 67. Sparkes, 3, 51, 52, 56. Speering, 3, 14-17, 25-28, 42,45, 48, 54, 55,57,64, 71,73, 74. Spencer, 22, 53, 55, 57, 64, 68, 69, 71. Sponge, 5. Spratt, IS. Squire. 39. Standy, 3. Staple, 6, 7, 38, 39. Stayner, 1, 27, 28, 38, 57, 59-61, 65. Stedmun, 43. Steele, 12, 13. Stent, 23, 24, 26, 29, 45, 52, 55, 59, 61, 64. Stenton, 11. Stephens, 2, 10, 30-32, 34-37, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66. Steven, 16. Sieving, 6. Still, 38. Stocke, 5. Stocken, 45. Stockly, 23. Stocky, 2, 12, 24-27, 48, 51-53, 55, 58, 60, 62, 66, 68-71, 74. Stokes, 4, 17. Stones, 33, 41, 47, 60. Storke, 48. Street, 1-5, 7-11, 13-15, 17, 18, 20, 21. 23-26, 28, 32, 34, 38- 43, 46-55, 57, 58, 60-62, 64, 66, 69, 70, 72. Strickland, 23-26, 28-30, 33-35, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 60, 63-65. Strong, ] , 2, 6, 7, 38, 40. Studd, 16. Sturges, 65, Sutton, 67. Sweet, 1. Bweetapple, 4. Sydna, 1. T. Tanswell, 65. Tapp, 71. Tapper, 49, 70. Targett. 3. Taubet, 1. Taylor, 1. 2, 9, 31. Teague, 33, 3 i, 60, 65. Teape, 24, Tempat, 38. Temple. 2, 6, 7. Thick. 28, 59, 64, - Thomas, 3, 4, 8, 11. 42, 71. Thome, 73. Thompson. .30, 33, 35, 57, 59. 61, 64, 65, 67. Thorne, 3, 48, 49, 51. Thrasher alias Michell. 73. Thring, 2-4, 10, 11, 13-16. 42. Thripp, 2, 10. Tillier. 3, 4, 43. Tolley, 57. Toogood, 57. Toomer, 33-35, 60, 61. Townsend. 1, 2. 6-8, 38. Trimby, 65. Trowbridge, 34-36. 60. 61, 66. Truncatt, 3. Tudgev, 33, 34. 59, 61, 62, 67. Turner, 26. 30-32, 35-38, 56, 58- 61, 63, 66. Tyler, 25, 71. Tynte, 4, 43. Uphill, 67. Upjohn, 62. U. V. Vane, 49. Vanner, 6, 39. Vassall, 2. Veltam, 16. Vettridge [Whittridge], 30. 31, 66. Vincent, 24-26, 29-32. 35, 53-55. 57, 61, 62,64, 66, 70. Viney, 26, 29, 56. 57, 64, 65, 67, 72. W. Wagg, 2, 18, 19. 21-23, 26, 27, 47, 49, 51-53, 56, 58. 60, 68-70, 73. Waller, 5, 44. Wallis, 2, 8, 9, 39, Ward, 9, 42. Warm ..... 2. Warum, 41. Waters, 16, 43. Watkins, 53. 74. Watkinson, 5, 45, 48, 68. 69. Way, 47, 48. Wayfold, 13. Webb. 6, 67, 73. Weekes. 4, 64. Weel, 4. Welsted, 5. West, 31, 36, 37, 58. 72. Westbury, 50. Wheeler, 46. 64. White. 1, 3-6, 15, 17-26, .30-33, 42-46, 49-57. 59-61. 64. 68-72. White, aliiif! Oake, 4, 15. Whitehead. 15. Whithorn, 66. Wliitmar.'ih, 1-10. 13-22. 25-27. 40-47, 50. 51, 53-55, 57-60,62- 64, 70.71, 73, 74. Whittier, 42. Whittridge. 30, 31, 66. Wilkins, 4. 10, 13, 14, 27, 41, 43. 52, 61, 66. 72. Williams, 3, 25. 26, 28, 30. 32- 34, 54. 57, 58, 60, 64. Williams alias La\\Tencc. 25. Willins, 2. Willis, 6, 39, 66, 72. Willoughby, 1, 43, Wilmot, 66. Windson, 3. Winter, 1, Wintorborne, 3, 10. Wiscdom. 6, 7, 38, 39. Witt, 1, 3. 7, 9, 10.13-16, 19-27, 30-33, 36-38, 41-48, 50-.'.8. 61. 63, 64. 66, 69-71, 73. Wivall, 12. Wood, 60. Woodford. 19. Woodland, 35. 36, 62. CS. Woodlock, 8, 39. Woodward, 55. Wray, 25-27. 74. Wright, 66. Wyatt, 4, 10, 15, 40, 43. Wydall, 3. Y. Vatcman, 66. Yates. 29. 61.C4-66. Yclfes, 15, 16. YcUowcs. 2. 6. 16. 17.38. Young, 23-26. 29-32. 50, :.l. .M. 5.5. 58, 59. 64-66. 72-71. London : Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardoiir Street, W. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50m-ll, '50 (2554)444 ^J^- ■ ■ 'i^ -y .a S ucu- 9 Beseaa-h l,i CS436 B78 ^gitffZ L 009 638 409 ii36 B78 ^* -'^-A^V ''t'^ ^'. ^, %., H>V vrs «>