A A 1 SOUT HERNR( 2 4 1 2 9 6 EGinNAL LIBRARY FACIl 1 ^Jl^^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^- ;,---fer^ fhire of a book in a catalogue, all reliability on it ceases. — Edward Edwards, in the Encyclopaedia Britanuica, eighth edition, 1857, Art. Libraries, p. 378. j^ 1. An account of the celebration of the jubilee, on the 25th cot. 1809, being- the 49th anniver.sary of the reign of Geo. ill collected and published by a lady. Birmingham [1809], 4o. I should observe that I have not, out of regard to space, put in the pagination, price, &c., and that nearly all the places of ijublication are abbreviated. I have seen every book which I here describe, mostly in the Library of the British Museum. 2. Ailzie Grierson... by a lady. Edin. Jolinstone 1846, 16o. 3. Almeda, or the Neapolitan revenge, a tragic drama, by a lady. Lond. Symonds 1801, 8o. This is in five acts and in verse. The advertisement states that part of the plot, which relates to the revenge of the Countess (Almeda) was taken from the " Lite of Rozelli." — The author's name was not known to the editors of the Biographia Dramatica 1812. 4. An alphabet of animals, by a lady. Lond. 1865, 5. An anecdotal memoir of the princess royal of England from her birth to her marriage [with prince Frederick William of Prus- Bia] by a lady. Lond. Houlston 1858, small 12o. Prefixed are some verses signed "Mary Bennett." LIST OF ■WORKS BY A LADY. 41 6. Anecdotes of animals selected by a lady for the amusement of her children. Lond. Darton and Harvey 1832, square 16o. 7. An appeal to the women of England to discourage the stage, by a lady. Lond. Joseph Masters 1855, 24o. 8. Tlie arithmetical class-l)Ook, or preparatory studies in arith- metic, by a lady ; for the use of schools, and particularly designed as an assistant for female teachers. Lond. Harvey and Darton 1824, 12o, pp. IV. 62. In the preface, dated from " Clapham road place," the authoress says .she has had long experience. This little work is not mentioned by De Mora'au iu his list of Arithmetical books. 9. Tlie Astrologer, a' legend of the Black Forest, by a lady [motto] in two volumes. Lond. Saunders & Otley 1846. 10. The beauties of scripture history for the use of young per- .sons learning English, by a lady. Paris, Ch. Duniol, 29 rue de Tounion 1855. 11. Beauty, what it is, and how to retain it, by a lady : a com- panion volume to [but nut by the authoress of] How to dress on i-15 a year... Lond. Warne [1873] 12o. o'- 12. The book of costumes, or annals of fashion... by a lady of rank, illustrated... new edit. Loud. Colburn 1847. 13. The boy's own text book, containing a text from the old and new Testaments... selected by a lady [motto] Lond. J. F. Shaw 1857. I need scarcely say that this has nothing iu common with " The Boys' Own Book," as to which I had a note in "Notes & Queries" of 27 April, 1878, p. 329. See no. 71. 14. A brief guide to happiness [through religion] by a ladj", 2nd edit, revised. Load. Hope & Co. 1851. 15. Buds and blossoms, or stories of children, by a lady. Lond. Hatchard [1842 /]. The same work, only anonymous, was also published by Groombridge 1852. 16. Caroline and lier mother... principally upon entomological subjects, by a lady [mottoes] Lond. Hatchard 1827. 17. Catechism for the use of young people [motto] by a lady Paris, published by Galignani 1834. 18. A catechism of the history of England, by a lady. Lond. Dolman 1850. One of a series called Dolman's [Catholic] catechisms. The history of France and Germany in the same series are written by A. M. S., and are attributed, with a query, at the British Museum, to Agnes :\I. Stewart. 19. Cato, or interesting adventures of a dog, interspersed with real anecdotes, by a lady, author of Infant's frieml — Easy rliynies, &c. [motto] 3rd edition. Lond. J. Harris, St. i'auls' churchyard [1820?] 12o, pp. 175. Dedicated to " my little girl," by her mother. " Easy rliymes " appears to bo the only one of the above three works in the London Catalogue. 42 LIST OF AVORKS BY A LADY. 20. The child's i,'uide to knowleil,L;e... by a lady. The 2ud edit. 1S2S, the 39th edit. Lond. Siinpkin, 1866. 21. The child's manual of prayer, by a lady ... Loud. Dolman 1849. Approved 4* by Nicholas, bishop ot Melipotaraus. 22. The child's own book on New-church doctrine, by a lady. Lond. 1837. 23. The child's pathway through the history of Englan. Modern household cookery, a new work fur ])rivatii families, by a lady, with an introduction on the pliilosupiiy lA' coukeiy. London, IS^elsoii 1860, 8o, i)p. XV. 396, and plates. 48 LIST OF -WORKS BY A LADY. 1(H. The moileni cookery, written upon the most .approved ami econoiiiii.al princijtles, unci in which everj' receipt has stood tlie test of experience, by a l.iily, :?ecorul edition, with considerable additions by tlie author. Derbv, i)riuted by and for Henry Mo/ley 1820, 12o. 102. ^lurray's modern cookery book. ^Modern domestic cookery l)ased on the well-known works of I\lis. Rundell, but includinj,' all the recent improvements in the culinary art : founded on prin- ciples of economy and practical knowled^^'e and adajited for private families, by a lady, with illustrative woodcuts. Lond. John Mur- ray 1851, 8o, XXVIII, G75. "The arrangement of the whole work, previonsly enriched with the valuable contributions of the late Miss Emma Piol)erts (whos-e receipts are marked E. R. ) has lieen i)lnced under tlie careful inspection of a lady well versed in the art of which it treats. The book has had the furtlier a, Is. Cd. This is a ditiereiit work to the Philanthropist by P. S. Goss. 111. Plain lectures on Genesis fur family reading, by a lady. Lond. Pickering 1841, 8o. LIST OP WORKS BY A LADY. 49 112. Poems for children, by a lad v. Load. Darton and Harvey 1834, 12o, pp. IV. 66. 113. A poetical picture of America, being observations made during a residence of several years at Alexandria and Norfolk in Virginia... 1799 to 1807, by a lady. London, printed for the author and sold by Vernor Hood & Sharpe 31 Poultry 1809, small 8o, pp. 14 and 177. W. Wilson, printer, St. John's square. It has a list of subscribers. 114. Portions of Scripture, with... a view to promote the ob- servance of the Lord's day, by a lady. Lond. J. Hatchard & Son 1837, price 3d, or 2s 6d a dozen, 12o, pp. 12. 115. Portugal, or the young travellers, being some account of Lisbon and its environs, and of a tour in the Alemtejo ; from a journal kept by a lady during three years' actual residence. Lond. Darton & Harvey 1830, 12o. 116. Private memoirs of the Court of Louis xviii, by a lady, 2 vols Lond. Colbiirn 1830, 8o. 117. Prayers, hymns, and texts, by a lady. Lond. Seeley 1846, 12o. 118. Kavensdale, a tale by a lady [of Dublin] 2 vols, Dublin, Curry & co. ; Lond. Longman 1845, 12o. 119. EecoUections of a seven years' residence at the Mauritius or Isle of France, by a lady. London, James Cawthorn 1830, 8o, pp. XI. 208. The work is dedicated to Ellen & Mary. The preface is signed by their "Mother." She speaks of her daughters as orphans. 120. The Redeemed Rose, or Willies rest, by a lady. Lond. 1853, So. 121. A residence at Sierra Leone, described from a journal ^ kept on the spot and from letters written to friends at home, by a lady [edited by the Hon. C. E. S. Norton] Lond. 1849, 16o. One of Murray's Home and Colonial Library. 122. The restoration of the works of art to Italy, a poem by a (^ *^ lady [motto] Oxford, printed by W. Baxter for R. Pearson High ■»^^*' street, Oxford, and J. Ebers, Old Bond street, London 1816, 8o, ?Vft pp. 23. 123. Return to my native village ; and other poems chiefly on sacred subjects, by a lady. Oxford and Lond. Parker 1853, 16o. 124. The Rev. Jabez Bunting, or begging ; with other poems by a lady, printed at the rL-ijuest of friends of the authoress. William Illingworth, printer, top of Kirkgate, Leeds 1833; entered at Stationers' Hall, 12o, pp. 14. 125. The rich old bachelor, a domestic tale [in verse] in the style of Dr. Syntax [by W. Combe] by a lady [motto] Ward, Printer, Canterbury 1824, 80, pp. 312. u 50 LIST OF WORKS BX A LADY. 12(5. The Sceptic, by a lady. Lond. J. Russell Smith 1850, 8o, pp. viiL 168. Crowkcrne (Somersetshire) printed by G. P. 11. Pulman, Market-place. 127. A scriptural guide to the duties of every-day life... com- piled by a lady. Lond. Saunders and Otley 1846, 12o, 128. Selina, a novel, founded on facts, by a lady, in three volumes. Is there not a hand. Which operates unseen, and regulates The vast machine we tread on ? Dr. Hurdis. Lond. printed for C. Law Ave maria lane, by Bye and Law, St. John's-square, Clerkenwell 1800, 12o. The authoress's fii-st work. 129. A series of reflections on the sacred oratorio of the Messiah [by Handel] by a lady. London. Hatchard 1812, 8o. For full title see the British Critic, XL. 201. 130. The siege of Mansoul a drama in five acts [and in verse] the diction of which consists altogether in an accommodation of words from Shakespeare and other poets, by a lady [motto] Bristol, sold by W. Bulgin No. 3 Wine street, sold also by Matthews, strand. Longman, &c., Lond.; and S. Hazard, Bath 1801, 8o, vi. 82. "The composition of a lady now deceased." Part of the preface is written by the Rev. H. Sulger. It is not in Baker's Biog. Dra- matica, 1812. 131. Sketch of ancient geography, by a lady for the use of her own pupils. Brighton & Lond. Whittaker 1857, 8o. 132. Spain yesterday and to-day, by a lady. Lond. Harvey & Darton [1829] sm. 8o. 133. The stepping stone to astronomy, by a lady. Longmans 1858, 16o. 134. Suspirium sanctorum, or holy breathings, a series of prayers for every day in the month, by a lady. Lond. Saunders & Otley 1826, -80. 135. Tales from the German, by a lady. Lond. Anderson [1825 ?] 8o. 13G. Tales of the classics, a new delineation of the most popu- lar fables, legends and allegories commemorated in the works of poets, painters and sculptors, selected and written by a lady for the amusement and instruction of her own daughters [mottoes] in three volumes. London, Colburn and Bentley, 1830, 12o, vol I. XXIV. 302, vol. IL IV, 302, vol iii. 370 the pagination of the ap- pendix is continuous. Dedicated to H.R.H. the princess Victoria of Kent, dated from " Wad- lands," July 1829. 137. A text book [religious] for the sicli and afflicted, selected by a lady. Loud. J. F. Shaw 1858, 16o. LIST OF WORKS BY A LADY. 51 138. ' Tales original and translated from the Spanish, by a lady, embellished with eight engravings on wood. London J. J. Stock- dale, 41 Pall Mall 1810, 8o, pp. 391. Dedicated by the publisher to Anna Eliza Chandos, Countess Temple The advertisement dated from Whitchiirch, Hampshire, states that these are the production of a young lady unknown in the metropo- lis, and unused to writing for the public. 139. Thoughts on our national calamity in a letter to a friend in Ireland, by a lady [motto] Londou, llivington 1817, 8o, pp. 66. On the death of the princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. 140. Translations and sketches of biograjihy from the German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French languages, by a lady. Lond. Saunders & Otley 1839, 8o. 141. Twelve years a go, atale, by [a lady] the author of Letters to unknown friends. Lond. Longman 1847, 16o. 142. Twice Married, my own story, by a lady. Lond. Ward & Lock 1855, 8o. 143. Two fairy tales in a dramatic form, by a lady [MissClode formerly of Wooton under Edge ]] Lond. A. Hall 1851, 12o. 144. Variety, a collection of original poems, by a lady. London, printed by J. Davison, White-friars, for James Wallis, Paternoster row, and Christopher and Jennet, Stockton 1802, small 8o, pp. viiL, 167 and 1. 145. " Vater Unser," a tale for children, illustrative of the Lord's prayer, translated freely from the German, by a lady. Lond. Whittaker & Co. 1844, 12o, pp. 48. Dedicated to A**** M***** B******, a child of seven years old, by her mother. 146. Village incidents, or religious influence in domestic scenes by a lady. London, Hatchard 1828, 12o, pp. viii. 145. 147. Woman as a virgin, wife, and mother, by a lady. Lond. Mitchell [1838] 16o, Is. 6d. 148. A word in favor of female schools, addressed to parents guardians and the public at large, by a lady [motto] London, Longman 1826, 24o, pp. 74, 2s. 6d. 149. AVorkwoman's guide ; containing instructions in cutting tA-> out and completing those articles of wearing apjjarel, etc., which i^j are actually made at home, etc. Lond. Simpkin, Birmingham, print. 1838, 4to. New edit. Simpkin 1840, 4to, 21s. 150. Ward's illustrated geography in question and answer, a sequel to '' First lessons in geogra])liy l)y a lady." Lond. Ward [Bungay printed 1853] 12o, 4 edit. 1859. 151. The young lady's friend, by a lady, Glasgow, W. R. Mc Phun 1857, 16o, pp. 128. A book of advice and etiquette. The English catalogue 1835 — 1862 p. 855 gives a work with this title published by Parker & sou 1852. ADVERTISEMENTS. WORKS BY THE AUTHOR. A martyr to bibliography : a notice of the life and works of Joseph-Marie Qudrard, bibliographer. 1867. Only 200 copies printed : price 3s 6d. Handbook of fictitious names, being a guide to authors chiefly in the lighter literature of the xixth century, who have written under assumed names, and to literary forgers, impostors, plagiar- ists, and imitators, 1868. This work is out of print. "A useful and amnsing guide, especially to English authors of the lighter literature of this century." — Encyclopcedia Britannica, ninth edition. 1875, vol III. p. 658. "A slight and tentative, though useful production, Ls the only work yet published on the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Britain." — Chambers' Cyclopaedia, London, 1874, vol. 11. p. 84. I could quote numerous other notices. Articles have also been written since this work was published on the subject, mostly acknowledging the source of their information. 1 have now determined to limit my collections on this subject, with the end of the year 1879. 1 have been so many years engaged in obtain- ing materials that I think there will be more chance of publishing if I confine myself to revising and correcting what 1 have already collec- ted. 1 make this declaration so that any body else who may be in- clined may take up the subject where 1 leave off, as the presumption that I am collecting might deter others from doing so. This period, 1800—1879 is alone sufficient to occupy a lifetime. A bibliographical list of lord Brougham's publications arranged in chronological order. 1873. Only 100 copies separately printed. Price Is. ADVERTISEMENTS. 53 A few words on Swimming, with practical hints, by R. Har- rington ; to which is added a bibliographical list of works on swimming by Olphar Hamst. Price one shilling. I had a few thick paper copies of the list struck off separately with the following title : — Swimming : a bibliographical list of works on swimming, by the author of the handbook of lictitious names, 1868. I put the word " Swimming " at the head and used a phrase for pseu- donym, so that it might be catalogued under the subject at the British Museum instead of being buried under my name. Catalogue of the Etchings and Drypoints of J, A. M. Whistler. 1874, with an etching by Percy Thomas of Whistler, after a portrait by himself. Only fifty copies printed. One guinea each. INDEX. {Puh. = P2iblisher.) Accurac}- in bibliography, 10, 11, 12. Abbreviation discn.ssed, 12 ; should be indicated, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Additions in cataloguing titles should be indicated, 2'.'. Advertisements in books should be preserved. 17. Advocates Library catalogue of 28. Aggravating ladies why this title taken, 6 anonymous work, 15 list of works by, 40. Aikin, Dr., 9. Ailzie Grierson, 40. Alemtejo, 49. Alexandria, 49. Allibone, Dictionary of English Lite- rature, 30, index to New Testa- ment, 31. Allman, pub. 46. Almeda, 40 Alphabet of animals, 40. America, Public Libraries in, 11 — Pic- ture of, 49. Anacalypsis, 30. Anderson, pub. 50. Audrew.s, pub. 42. Anecdotes of Animals, 41. Anonymous works, 14. — cataloguing, 17.- Dictionary of 15, 16, 19, — means of identifying authors of, 35, not read with confidence, 16. — proportion of, in libraries, 40. — statement that work is anon, not to be relied on, 18. Arithmetical books, list of, 11, 19, 33, 41. Arithmetical class book, 41. Astrologer, the, 41. Astronomj', 50. Atkinson's medical bibliography, 40. Audiffredi, G. B., 15. Aiiteurs Deguisez, 15. Autonymous books, 14, 17. Apocalyptic vision, 48. Axon, W. E. A., 16. Ayscough, 30, 31. Bachelor, rich old, 49. Baillet, A., 15. Ball, pub. 48. Banks, W., 44. Barbier, A. A., 15. Barbier, Olivier, 16, 19. Beauty, 41. Bennett, Jlary, 40. Benson & Barling, pub. 42. Bent, publisher, 36. Bessie Gray, 35. Bibliographers, have been careless in their descriptions, 18. Bibliograph}'', too many meanings to the word, 10, 12. Bibliotheca Oornubiensis, 9. Bibliotheca geographica, 29. Biographia Dramatica, 40. Black Forest, legend of the, 41 . Boase & Courtney's Bibliotheca Oor- nubiensis, 9. Bogue, pub. 45. Book of Costumes, 41, Book, how to describe a, 5, 9, 37, dif- ferent discriptions of, 14, Handy- book about books, 15, 16. — paging should be simi)le, 25. Bookbinders tear away advertise- ments, 17. Botany, study of, 46. Boj''s own book, 41. British Almanac, 23. British Catalogue, the, 36, 37. British Critic, 50. 55 British geography, 42. British Librarian, the, 44. British Museum cataloifue, 11, 35, 41, 53, report on 15, rules 16, Li- brary 35, 40. Brougham, Lord, publications, 17, 19, 27, 52. Brown, George, an imaginary author cited as an example, 12. Brown, rev. J., 46. Buds & blossoms, 41. Bunting, Rev. Jabez, 49. Cadell, pub. 43. Capital letters in titles, 29. Caroline and her mother, 41. Catalogues, 10, 14, not to be relied on, 18, should not alter titles, 2], Art of making, 21. Catechism, a, 41, 45. Cato, a tale, 41. Cawthorn, pub. 49. Chambers Cyclopaedia on the Hand- book of Fictitious names, 52. Chappie, pub. 43. Charades, 45. Charlotte, princess, 47, 48, 51. Child's Guide, 42. „ Manual, 42. „ Own Book, 42. „ Pathway, 42. ,, Treasure, 42. Cholera orphan home, 46. Chollerton, 42. Christian's preacher, 42. ,, Sunday alphabet, 47. Chi-istmas in Ireland, 42. Christopher, pub. 51. Clarke, pub. 43, 45. Clarke, M. Cowden, 31. Cleaver, pub. 47. Colburn, pub. 41, 50. Combe, W., 49. Commandments, the ten, 44. Communicants, address to, 43. Companion to the almanac, 19. Confirmation on, 47. Cook. Mrs., 46. Cookery, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48. Comey, Bolton, 12, 16, 18, 33. Cottage Home, 42. Cottager's Assistant, 43. Cousin Rachel's visit, 43. Cousins, The, 43. Craigh-Melrose Priory, 43. Creniorne viscountess, 43. Crestadoro, A., 19 — 21, 37. Crimean Cooking, 44. Croker, J. W., 48. Crosby, pub. 48. Ci'ew & Spencer, pub. 43. Crucifi.xion, Tiie, 43. Cutter, C. A., 11, 24. Cuttle, Captain, advice quoted, 8. Dartmoor Legends, 43. Darton & Harvey, publishers, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44-45-46, 48, 49, 50. David, history of, 46. Dean, pub. 45. Delepierre, 0., 15. De Morgan, Professor, his Arithme- tical books, referred to, 1, 11, 19, 24, 41, article in the Com- panion to the Almanac, 23 — on sizes of books, 24, on errors, 33. Dictionaries, compilers of copy one another, 33. Dictionary catalogue, 11, of anony- mous authors, 15, 16. Dolman, pub. 41, 42. Domestic economy, 43, 46. Dots of omission, 22. Duniol, pub. 41. East Indians, 36. Easy rhymes, 41. Ebers, pub. 49. Ecclesiasticus, 48. Edgeworth Miss, fictitious reference to her, 37, 38. Edmonds G., 25. Edward Beaumont, 44. Edwards (Edward) 10, 14, 40. Effie's tales, 44. Elwy, vale of, 44. Kmily Trevor, 44. Eacyclopffidia Britannica on anony- mous works, 40, on the Hand- book of Fictitious Names, 52. England, Church of, 44. England, history of, 41, 42, 43, 44. English Catalogue, the, 19, 36, 37. 42, 51. English cookery, 43. English grammar, Lennie's, 21. Enigmas, 45. Errors, difficult to avoid, 32. Erskine, T., 45. Esthwaite water, 44. Etchings, 53. Fairy Tales, 48, 51. Familiar Dialogues, 45. P'ictious names of authors, Handbook of, 5, 14, 16, 19, 36, 52. Fisher, pub. 45. Flamank, J., 36. Flora & Thalia, 45, Ford, ])ub. 42. France Litte'rairc (La) 9. Fi'edorick William, Prince, 40. French Biography, 51. 56 INDEX. French Cookery, 43. French . enigmas in, 45. Friend's books, 19. Galifjnani, pub. 41. Garden, Pleasures of a, 46. Garden of Language, 45. Gaultier's Geography, 42. Genesis, 48. Gentleman's Magazine, 30. Geography, Ancient, 50. „ British, 42. „ First lessons in, 42, 51. „ Modern, 42. George III. jubilee, 40. German Biography, 51. Gilly, \V. S., 42. Girl's Text Book, 45. Gleanings from many fields, 36. Goss, P. S., 48. Greenhouse, guide to, 44. Grammar of bibliography, there is none, 11. — English— 21 ; Universal, 25. Groombridge, pub. 41, 43. Hailes, pub. 42. Halkett, S., 16. Hall, pub. 51. Hamilton, duchess of, 47, Hamst, Olphar, 15, .52. Handbook of fictitious names, 5 ; criticisms on — author determined to stop collecting ^nth the year 1879, 52. Handel, 50. Happiness, Guide to, 41. Hardwicke, pub. 47. Harp of Salem, poems, 45. Harris, pub. 41, 48. Hai-vey see Darton. Hatchard, pub. 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49. .50, 51. Hazlitt, W. C. 34. Hegel, G. W. F., 19. Higgins, G., 30, 31. History Modern, 47 History, Universal, 42. Hodgson, publisher, 36. Holdsworth, A. H., 43. Hope &Co., pub. 41, 46. Houlston, pub. 40—43. Housekeeper's assistant, 46. How to dress on £15 a year, 7, 41, 46. Hurdis. Dr., 50. Hymns, 35, 46, 49. Ida, 42. Index, necessity for an, 80 — one better than two, 31— bad— 31 — Society, 31. Ines and other poems, 46 Infant's friend, 41. Ireland, 51, distress in, 42 — Travel- lers in, 48. Italian Biographj', 51- Italy works of art, 49. Jal, A., 32, 33. Jarrold, pub. 42. .lesus the Messiah, 46, 48. Jewett, C. C., 10, 24. Johnstone, pub. 40. Kaiserswortli Deaconesses, 47. Kent, duchess of, 45. Laconics, manual of, 9. Lancashire dialect, Literature of, 16. Law, pub. 42. Law List, 28, Lennie, W., 21. Leopold, prince, 47. Leslies, the, 46. Letters to my unknown friends, 47. Life assurance, guide to, 47. Linton, Mount, family, 43. Lisbon, 49. Literary men, careless in their refer- ences, 18. Little Lilly, a moral tale, a supposi- titious publication, 38. Little Lilly's Travels, a real book, 38. London Catalogue, the, 36, 42, 46. Longman, pub. 36, 47, 49, 50, 51. Lord's Prayer, on the, 42. Louis XVIII., court of, 49. Low, publisher, 36, 37. Lowndes, W. T., 13, 44. Lusk, pub. 45. Lynmouth Visitors, 47. Lyntot, pub. 43. Maconochie, (]\Irs.) 44. Manchester free library catalogue, 19. Mandeville, 47. Martin's Catalogue of privately printed books, 23. Mary, queen, 47. Alary, Virgin, 47. Masters, pub. 41, 47. Matlock, Journey to, 44. Mauritius, 49. McCulloch, J. E., 16, 33. McGlashan, pub. 44. McPhun, pub. 51. Mansoul, siege of, 50. Memoirs of Libraries, 10, 14. Messiah, The, 50. Metrical Remembrances, 47. Miller, John, his Fly Leaves, 5. Mirror of the graces, 6. Mitchell, pub. 51. Moral Maxims, 48. Motto, on title page, 19. INDEX. 57 Mozley, pub. 48. Mozley, Mrs., works bv, 3.'). Murray, pub. 43. 44, 48, 49. Music for schools, 44. My Norske iiotp Book, 48. Natural history, 45, 48. Naylor, C, 24._ Needlework, 47. Nelson, publisher, 38, 47. New-church doctrine, 42. New Estate, The, 36. 48. Nicholas, Bishop ot Melipotamus, 42. Nichols, John, 31. Nichols, T., 11. Nightingale, F., 45. Nisbet, pub. 46. Norfolk, 49. Norton, hon. C. E. S., 49. Norwaj', month in, 48. Notes and Queries, 5, 10, 16, 17, 24, 36, 41. 6ld Bridge, the, 35. Orb of Light, 48. Oriental Cookery, 43. Oriental Nature, a glimpse of, 45. Original Fables, 48. Orr, pub. 44. Outlines of Truth, 48, Oxford, bishop of, 43. Pauizzi, Sir A., 11. Parke, Justice, 44. Parker, pub. 45, 49, 51. Partridge, pub. 47. Pentateuch, questions from the, 43. Phantasie's birthday, 46. Philanthropist, the, 48. Pickering, pub. 48. Pocock, pub. 44. Political economy, literature of, 16, 33. Polyonymous books, 14. Portugal, a tale, 35, 48, 49. Portuguese Biography, 51. Power, John, 15, 16. Prefaces not dated, 23. Printing, style of, 27. Pnvately printed books, 23. Protestant Church, 44. Pseudonymous books, 14, 17, means of identifying authors of, 35, list of 40, 52. Public libraries in the United States, report on, 11. Publication, place of, 22, date of 23. Publisher's names not often found in book lists, 22 ; when imjior- tant, 23. Punctuation of titles, 29. Qu6rard, J. M., 9, 15, 17, 52. Piavensdale, 49. Kedeemed Ro.se, the, 49, PfcOvelatiiin, 48. llivingtuns pub. 43, 45, 51. Robert Marshall, 35. Roberts pub. 43, 47. Roberts, Emma, 48. Robinson, pub. 44. Rodwell & Martin, pub. 43, Roman Cliurch, 44. Routledge, puli. 46. Rozelli, Life uf, 40. Rules for cataloguing, 10, 11. Ryde, 37, 38. Sacraments, the Tvvo, 44. Saunders in Otley, pub. 41, 50, 51. Seaman, Miss, a fictitious name used for the purpose of illustration, 37 ; supposed works of, 38. Seeley, pub. 46, 49. Selina, a novel, 50. Sceptic, Tlje, 5U. Scotch Cookery, 43. Sermons for children, 43. Shaw, pub. 41, 45, 50. Sierra Leone, 49. Simpkiii, pub. 42, 43, 44, 45, 51. Shakespeare, indexes to, 30 ; woi'ds from 50. Smith, l^ib. 45, 4'i, 47. Smith, J., fictitious publislier"s name, 38. Smith, John, Printer's manual, 32. Smith, John Russell, pub. 50. Smith, Joseph, 19. Smithsonian Report, 24. Spain yesterday and to day, 35, 50. Spanish Biography, 51. Spelling- .simplified, 42. Spratt,"M., 4.5. Stanley Ghost, 35. Stereotyped books, 23. Stevens, H., on catalc;gues, 29. Stewart, Agnes M. 41. Stockdale, Pub. 47, 51. Sulger, H., 50. Supercheries LittSraires, 15. Swimming, list of works on, 19, 53. Symonils. pub. 40. Syntax, Dr., 49. Tabart, {)ub. 44. Tales of the Classics, 42, 50. Tales from the German, 50. ,, ,, ,, Spanish, 51. Taylor, pub. 45. Taylor, J., Manual of Laconics, 9. Temple countess, 51 . Testaniont, Old and New, 42, 46. I Thoma.s, Percy, portrait of Whistler 1 by, 52. rimperley's Printer's manual, 25, 32. , Title page, 12, 13, IS. i INDEX. Tiiicwitt, T., pend., 14. Twelve years ago, 51. Twice ni.arried, Til. Urban, Sylvanus, ps?eiidonym of the editors of tlio Geutleman's Maga- zine, 18. Vatcr Uuser, a tale, 51. Villaf^je incidents, 51. Ventilation, an essay on, snpposi- titiou.s title given as an illusLra- tion, 12. Vernon, Jhs., 44. Versailles, 43. Victoria, )>>-ineess, 45, 50. Vir^iuia, 4'J. Wales, Ti-avellcrs in, 4S. Wallis, pub. fd. Ward,'pnb. 44, 49, 51. Warne. pul). 41, 44, 46. Wa.shh()uvno, |)ub. 45. Wertbeini, jmb. 46, 48. Whatoly. Arcli., 36. Wlieatley, H. B. on indexes, 31. Whistler, catalogue of his etching's, 52. Whittaker. pub. 42, 44, 47, 50, 51. Woman, 51. Workwoman's prnide, 51 . Winchester, Bishop of, 46. Youth's magazine, 46. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. WN Fv?^ Form L9-32m-8,'58(5876s4)444 PLEA