(TWO up ers lam ./^ PRIVATE PAPERS OF WILLIAM WILBERFORCE Uiii/oriii, ill sivit' ami price, xvith this I'oliiiiic. THE COURTSHIPS OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. I'.y Martin A. S. Himk, Willi I'mtniil-. 41I1 chI. THE YEAR AFTER THE ARMADA, and Other Historical Studies, liy iMaktin A. S. JIimk. Jiid (.■kknii.i.. lllu-ii.iUil. LIFE AND LETTERS OF MR. ENDYMION PORTER: Sometime (ientleman of the Bed- chamber to Kins Charles the First. Hy DdK'DTHi.A Tdu xMiKNi). With 1 '. uliaits. ISItoitly. TALKS ABOUT AUTOGRAPHS. By George HiKKHKCK Hii.L, D.C.L., LL.D. With Frontispiece portrait, and many Facsimiles. LETTERS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI, 1854-70. Ivditctl bv G. I'.iKMiKCK Hill, D.C.L., LL I) [//; [-iipiViitior London : T. FISHER rXWIX. WIL LIAM WILBLRFOP^F i^' ^' FOR THE COUNTY OF VC ■ Private Papers of William Wilberforce / 1 Collected and Edited^ with a Preface^ by A. M. Wilberforce With Portraits r London T. FISHER UNJVIN 1897 [All ni^hb nscnc-tl.'] PREFACE William Wilberforce is remembered on account of his long and successful efforts for the Abolition of the Slave Trade. In a House of Commons that counted Pitt, Fox, Burke, and Sheridan amonost its members, he held a front rank o both as a speaker and debater. Of one ot his speeches in 1789 Burke said, "it equalled any- thino- he had heard in modern times, and was not, perhaps, to be surpassed in the remains of Grecian eloquence." And Pitt said, " Of all the men I ever knew Wilberforce has the greatest natural eloquence." But an even greater power than his oratory was perhaps the influence that he acquired over all ranks of society. Friendship is often the means by which influence is gained, and Wilber- force's friendship with Pitt, beginning long before his anti-Slave Trade davs and continued till the 261001 CONTENTS PAGE LETTERS FROM PITT .... I SKETCH OF PITT BV W. WILBERFORCE . . 43 LETTERS FROM FRIENDS . . . • ^3 HOME LETTERS . . , . • 163 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 1. WILLIAM WILHERFORCE, M.P. FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK .... Frofitispiece. {From a fictiire by J. Rising. ) 2. WILBERFORCE OAK. . . Facing page 17 (At the foot of an old tree at Hollwood, after a conversa- tion with Pitt, Wilberforce resolved to give notice in the House of Commons of his intention to bring for- ward the Abolition of the Slave Trade.) 3. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE \YILLIAM PITT Facing page 79 {Fro??i a plate fakoi from an origitial d^-azvijig by the late Mr. Sayers.) 4. BIRTHPLACE OF WILLIAM WILBERFORCE AT HULL . . . . Facing page 163 5. SAMUEL WILBERFORCE, AGED 29 „ 245 [From a drawing by George Richmond.) LETTERS FROM PITT I LETTERS FROM PITT. The first of Pitt's letters to Wilberforce is " per- haps the only one extant that is racy of those rollick- ing times when the ' fruits of Pitt's earlier rising ' appeared in the careful sowing of the garden beds with the fragments of Ryder's opera hat." ^ " Grafton Street, "J^/jSi, 1782. " Dear Wilberforce, — I shall not have the least difficulty in applying immediately to Lord Shelburne in behalf of your friend Mr. Thompson, and the favour is not such as to require a great exertion of interest, if there has been no prior engagement. I will let you know the result as soon as I can. Pray have no delicacy in mentioning to me whatever occurs of any kind in which I can be of any use to you. Whenever there is anything to prevent my doing as I should wish in consequence, I will tell you, so we shall be upon fair terms. I trust you ' Lord Rosebery's preface to " Pitt and Wilberforce Letters,' privately printed. 3 4 I'RivATi-: r.\n:Rs of wii.i^^rforce fiiul all possible advaiuat^c from sea-bathing and sea-air. ... 1 am as well as il is possible in the midst of all this si// and sea coal, and. lor a Chancellor of the F2.\cheqiier who has exchanged his liappici- lioiti\ j)ass \w\ lime \ery tolerably. Mven Cjoostree's is not absolutely extinct, but has a chance of li\ ing thro' the dog days. 1 shall be happy to hear from you. whether in the shaj)e (tf an official despatch or a familiar epistle. 1 am \erv glad to see you write without the assist- ance of a secretary. Perhaps, however, you will not be able to read without the assistance of a decypherer. At least in compassion to your eye- sight it is as well for me to lr\ il no hiriher. " .So adieu. \ rs. e\er sincerely, •• \V. Put." " HklC.HTHEl.MSTONE, " nV(///h lianlK in tloubt. We are iiK^re successful everywhere, with only a very few exceptions, than can be iniaLiined. I hope you bear all the tatii^ue tolerabl). 1 wish it was (j\-er. God bless you. " Most trLi]\- yours, •• W. Pitt. " Compts. to Smith, and many thanks for his letter. I hope he is still with nou. The numbers at Westminster to-day are - Mood. \\'ra\. hOx. 3936 3622 3413 .Saw ljridL;e has beat Atkinson onl\ b\ seven, and there is to be a scrutiny. The other members are Watson, Eewes. and Xewnli.un. .Sir R. Cla\ ton declines tor .Surrex. l>\'n!4" will probabK be beat." " Downing Stkket, " 5////(/r;\', Daciiihir 19, 17S4. " My i>i:.\i; \\'ii.i;i:r force, — I have been so dili- gentl\' tiDiuiig my thoughts on all sides since we parted, that tho' the\' ha\e been turned to \ ou as often as to an\' other (juarter, 1 ha\e nexer found th(,- moment to ])ut them into wriliiiL; till now. I ha\c not time to thank nou sulticicnlK' lor the |)iituresque and ])ortical cpistk' I received trom you dated, as I remembci-. Irom \oui' boat, Irom the insitle and the imperial ol \(»ur poslchaise, aiui two or three places more, and coiuainim; unonj; a \ai'Iet\' oi accurate tlescrij)lioiis one in parlicul.ir. LETTERS FROM PITT 9 viewed from all th(j.se different situations, of the sun setting" in the middle of the day. I hope the whole of your tour has continued to be embellished by these happ\' incidents, and has ke[)t you through- out in as niad and rhapsodical a mood as at that moment. I have some remorse in the immediate occasion of my writing- to you just now ; which, however, all things considered, I am bound to overcome. Be it known to you, then, that as much as I wish you to bask on, under an Italian sun, I am perhaps likely to be the instrument of snatching you from your present paradise, and hurrying you back to ' the rank vapours of this sin-worn mould.' A variety of circumstances concur to make it necessary to give notice immediately on the meeting of Parliament of the day on which I shall move the question of the Reform. We meet on the 25//^ of faiiuary, and I think about three weeks after, which will allow lull time for a call of the House, will be as late as I can easily defer it. I would not for a thousand reasons have you absent, tho' I hate that you should come before your time, and if any particular circumstances made a week or ten da\^s a matter of real import- ance to you, I think I could postpone it as long as that. " Only let me hear from you positively before the meeting of Parliament. The chief thing neces.sary 10 PRIVATE PAPERS OF W ILBERFORCE is that I should then be able to name sonic cla\ . and the precise day is of less consequence. \ im will hardly believe me if 1 tell xou that I entertain the strongest hope of coming- very near, if not absolutely succeedinii-. I have seen the Oracle of \'orkshire, \\\\ill. and made him compleatly happy with the prospect. "All things are going, on the whole, exceeding well. Vou will have learnt that the 0/(f Jhiy at last overcame his doubts, and lias ventured single into the Cabinet, which is a great j)oint happily settled. God bless you. " Ever most faithfully yours. ••W. Pitt." "17S4. " Mv nr.AK W'li.iJKKFORCK, — I am sorry to find from your letter from Nottingham that the Knight ot \'orkshire is in so much dudgeon. Tho', to sav the truth, the instances of neglect you mention are enough to pro\-oke common patience. \\ hat is worse, I know no remecK toi' il. M\ lellcr, which missed \'ou, contained no oihei' mtoi'ination ih.ui that the place of Marshall ot the Admirali\ had been long since filled u|). .Some ot the worKl is here at present, and will be mu]li])l\ing e\cr\' ila\ till the meeting ot I'.uliamciU. 1 e.\|)ecl hJiol in a \erv lew da\s. 1 kii()W iKilhuiL^ ot U.uiki-s \cv\ l.iicK. i'r.iN come to Wimbledon as soon as possible; I LETTERS EROM PITT ii want to talk with you about your navy bills, which, tho' all your ideas now must go to landed property, you should not entirely forget, and about ten thousand other things. By the by. Lord Scar- borough is risen from the dead, as you probably know. I have just received an account from Whit- bread that St. Andrew loses his election by three ; and would probably lose by more if he chooses a scrutiny or a petition. Adieu. " Ever yrs., "W. Pitt. " For the sake of this letter I am leaving a thousand others unanswered, and a thousand pro- jects unread. You will probably think it was hardly worth while." The brotherly intimacy between Pitt and Wilber- force is clearly shown in the next letter. Wilber- force had written to Pitt to tell him of the change in his religious opinions, and, in consequence, of his probable retirement from political life. He no doubt thought that Pitt would fail to sympathise with his altered views, but the man who was "so absorbed in politics that he had never given him- self time for due reflection on religion " ■ wished to understand the religious difficulties of his friend, and with the greatest tenderness begs him to open I " Life of Wilberforce," vol. i. p. 95. 12 PRIVATK PATERS Ol' WILBRRFORCE his mind ii> "one who docs not know liow to separate your h.i|)])iness from his own." " Downing Street, " DciCinbcr 2, 1785. " l\h' i)i;.\k W'li.HKi^FoktK, — P)ol) Smith' men- tioned to me on Wednesday the letters he had received from noli, which prepared me for that I received from you \esterday. I am indeed too deeply interested in whatever concerns \ ou not to be very sensibly affected b\- what has the appear- ance ot a new a^ra in \our lite, antl so imj)ortant in its conseciueiices lor Noursell and \our h-iemls. As to any public condiut which )"our o[)inions ma\' ever lead \'ou to, 1 will not disguise to y(»u that lew thiiii^s could j^o nearer m\" heart than to tiiul myself differing" from you essentially on an\" threat principle. " I trust and beliexc that it is a circumstance which can hardly occur. Ikit if it e\er should, and e\"en it I should ex|)erience as much jKiin in such an event, as 1 ha\r found hitherto encouragement and pleasure in the re\ erse. believe \\\v it is imj)ossible that it should shake the sentiments ol affection anil Iriciulship which I \)vav tow.u'ds \ ou, .uul which 1 must be tor^cilul and insensible indeed it I cN'er could |)arl with. Ihcx' arc sentiments enLirawd ill m\ lieail, and will ne\er be ellaced or weakened. ' Alldwards liibl Lord Can"in;:lon. LKTTKRS FROM PITT 13 If I knew how to state all I feel, and could hope that you are open to consider it, I should say a great deal more on the subject of the resolution you seem to have formed. You will not suspect me of thinkino" liyhtK" ot any moral or reliirious motives which guide you. As little will you believe that I think your understanding or judgment easily misled. But forgive me if I cannot help expressing my fear that you are nevertheless deluding yourself into principles which have but too much tendency to counteract your own object, and to render )'our virtues and your talents useless both to yourself and mankind. I am not, however, without hopes that my anxiety paints this too strongly. For you confess that the character of religion is not a gloomy one, and that it is not that of an enthusiast. But why then this preparation of solitude, which can hardly avoid tincturing the mind either with melancholy or superstition } If a Christian may act in the several relations of life, must he seclude himself from them all to become so } Surely the principles as well as the practice of Christianity are simple, and lead not to meditation (Hily but to action. I will not, however, enlarge upon these subjects now. What I would ask of you, as a mark both of your friendship and of the candour which belongs to your mind, is to open yourself fully and without reserve to one, who, believe me, does not 14 I'RiwA'ri-: r.\i'i:Ks ov \\"ii.hi:ri-()K( e know how lo separate \'oiir liappincss Iroin his own. \()ii do not explain either the degree or the dura- tion of the retirement which you have prescribed to \ourself; you do not tell me how the future course of xour life is to be directed, when you think the same pri\acy no longer necessary ; nor. in short, what idea \"ou have formed of the duties which you are from this time to practise. 1 am sure you will not wonder il 1 am in(|Liisiti\e on such a subject. The onl\' wa\' in which nou can satisl\' me is by conversation. There ought to be no awkwardness or embarrassment to either of us. tho' there ma\" be some anxiety; and it \'ou will oj)en to me lairK" the whole state of your mind on these subjects, tho" I shall \'enture to state to you tairK the points where I tear we may difter, and to tlesire you to re-examine your own ideas where I think \-ou are mistaken, I will not imijorimu- now with Iruitless discussion on an)' opinion which \i)u ha\e deliber- ately formed. You will, I am sure, do justice to the motives and teelings which iiuluce me to urge this so strongl)' to you. 1 think nou will not retuse it; if you do not, name an\- hour at whith 1 can call upon \i)U lo nio|-i-ow. I am going into Kent, and can lake W imbledon in m\ wa\. Reflect, I beg of \ ou, that no printiplcs arc ihc worse tor being discussed, and bclic\c mr thai at all cxcnts the full know lc(l''i' ol the nature and extent ot Nour LETTERS EROM ITTT 15 opinions and intentions will be to me a lastini^ satisfaction. " Believe me, affectionately and Linalterably yours, "W. Pitt." Pitt came the next morning according to his proposal in this remarkable letter : when Wilber- force ' "conversed with Pitt near two hours, and opened myself completely to him. . . . He tried to reason me out of my convictions, but soon found himself unable to combat their correctness if Christianity were true." To quote Lord Rose- bery's Preface- to these letters: "Surely a memorable episode, this heart-searching of the young saint and the young minister. They went their different ways, each following their high ideal in the way that seemed best to him. And so it went on to the end, Wilberforce ever hoping to renew the sacred conversation." " Downing Street, "September, 23, 1786. " Mv DEAR Wilberforce, — At length all the obstacles of business, of idleness, and of procrasti- nation are so far overcome that I find myself with my pen in my hand to answer your three letters. I have seriously had it upon my conscience for ' "Life of Wilberforce," vol. i. p. 95. 2 Privately printed. i6 I'RiwATi-: r.\n-:iur assist- Wll HKKlOkt K OAK. LETTERS FROM PITT 17 ance in providing a chaplain. The enclosed will, however, show you that its interests have not been neglected, as well as that )'ou have a nearer con- nection with them than perhaps you were yourself aware of. Seriously speaking, if you can find such a clergy nian as you niention we shall be very glad of it ; but it must be soon. My sister was brought to bed of a daughter on Wednesday, and was at first surprising well ; but she has since had some fever, which was to such a degree yesterday as to make us very uneasy. She is now, however, almost entirely free from it, and going on as well as possible. I am in hopes of getting into Somerset- shire the middle of next week for about ten days. Soon after I hope I niay see you at H oil wood. Bob Smith was in town lately, much better on the whole, but not quite so well as I hoped to see him. Adieu. " Ever yours, "W. Pitt." " Downing Street, " TiitSihiy, April 8, 1788. " My dear Wilberforce, — I have just received your letter of yesterday, and as I can easil)' imagine how much the subject of it interests you, I will not lose a moment in answering it. As to the Slave Trade, I wish on every account it should come for- ward in your hands rather than any other. But 3 is rRi\-.\Ti-: i'AI'i:rs oi- wili^krforce thai in the j)rcsent year is iinj)racticable ; and I only hope \<)u will resolve to ilisniiss it as much as pos- sible from your iniiul. It is both the ri^htest and wisest tiling nou can do. If it will contribute to settinj^ \()U at ease, that / should personally brin^" it forward (supposinj^' circumstances will admit ot its beinL; brought forward this session) your wish will decide. At all e\ents. if it is in such a state that it can be brought on. 1 will take care that it shall be moved in a respectable way. and 1 w ill take m\ part in it as actixely as it I was myself the mover. And if 1 was to consult entirely m\" own inclination or opinion, 1 am not sure whether this may not be best for the business itselt ; but on this, as 1 have said alread\-, Nour wish shall tlecide me. With regard to the j)(»ssibilit\- of its l)eino- brought on and fmished this session. 1 can hardly yet judge. The incjuiry has been constantly going on, antl we have made a great progress. Hut it takes una\ » )idably more time than 1 e.xpected. In one wortl. howe\er. be assured that 1 will continue to gi\e the business constant attention, and do e\cr\lhing to forward it. Whenever it is in such a slate thai \»)U could \our- self ha\e brought it on widi a^K.uUage to the cause. I will do it or undertake for its being done, in what- e\'er wa\' seems most j)roj)ei'. 1 mean, iherelore. to accei)t it as a trust trom \ ou to tlu- whole extent you can wish, and lo make m\sell responsible lor il. LETTERS FROM PITT 19 unless it is necessarily delayed till you are able to resume it yourself. " Any applications from your Society shall most certainly be attended to. Justice Addington's grievance in particular, which I was before ac- quainted with by a memorial, will be immediately removed. I do not like to write you a longer letter than is absolutely necessary. I trust I need not lengthen it to tell how impatiently 1 look to the satisfaction of seeing you again, as stout and strong as I hope you will return to us. Let me have from time to time a line from any hand you can most conveniently employ, to tell me how you go on, and what are your motions during the summer. I wish I may be able to arrange mine, when holidays come, so as to tall in with you somewhere or other. As soon as I can judge about Parliament meeting before Christmas or not, you shall hear. If it sits pretty late now, it probably will not meet till after. Adieu for the present. Every good wish attend you. " Ever affectionately yours, "W. Pitt." I have had very good accounts ot you trom two or three quarters. '' Pembroke Hall, ^' Salunfiiy, June 28, 1788. " My dear Wilberforce, — I have no small 20 IMUVATl-: I'Al'F.RS OF WHJU^RFORCE pleasure in wriiiiiL; to xou (juietly from hence, after hearing- the ocjod account you sent me of yourself conlirnied 1)\' those who saw you then, and es- pecially by our friend (iKnn. 1 am lucky enough to ha\e a wet cxeninL;, which, besides the good I hope it will do to the country at laroe. has the peculiar ad\antage of j)reventin^ me from paying' my personal resj)ects to an\ one of my constituents, and so gives me the leisure to answer scn'cr/iv/ the several sections of your letter. The business res- pecting the Slave Trade meets just now with some rub in the I louse of Lords, even in the temporary regulation respecting the conve\ance. which 1 wonder how an\- human being can resist, and which 1 therefore believe we shall carry ; tho' it creates some trouble, and will still protract the session a week or ten days. We hear \er\- little \"et from the West Indies, but a few weeks must bring" more, and I ha\e no doubt the summer ma\' l)e employed in treating with foreign Powers to ad\aiuage. 1 shall set ab(jut it with the utmost acii\ii\ and with good hopes of success, tho' founded as \ el rather on general grounds than an\ jjosiiixe inlormalion. 1 lu,-re seems not a shadow ol doubt as to the conduct ol the House of Commons next \ear, antl 1 ihink with good managt'nu'iu the ditticullies in the olher I b)Use m,i\ be goi o\ er. N oui' ])l.in ol a mission to Hengal 1 mention onl\ to show the LETTERS EROM ITTT 21 piinctUcility of answering your letter, as you reserve the discussion till we meet. As for Dr. Glass, I was obliged to answer Thornton, who applied to me for some such person (I think for this same Dr. Glass), that the state of my engagements leaves me not at liberty at present, and if you have any occasion to say anything about it to them, be so good to speak of it in the same style. Of the Penitentiary Houses what can I say more? But in due time they shall not be forgotten. " My plan of visiting you and your lakes is, I assure you, not at all laid aside. I cannot speak quite certainly as to the time, but if there happens nothing which I do not now foresee, it will be either the beo'innino- or middle of Auo-ust ; I rather think the former, but I shall be able to judge better in about a fortnight, and then you shall hear from me. Nothing is decided about the meeting of Parlia- ment, but it is clear the trial w^ill not o'o on till February. I rather believe, however, that we ought to meet and employ a month before Christ- mas ; as what with Slave Trade, Quebec Petition, Poor Laws, Tobacco, &c., we shall have more on our hands than can be got through in any decent time while we are exposed to the interruption from Westminster Hall. I think I have now dispatched all the points to which I was called upon to reply, and come now to open my own budget ; which 22 I'RIVATi: I'AIM'RS OI' WI I.ni:RFORCE must 1)(' done, however, in a 7v/iispc?\ and must not as yet be repeated excn to the most solitary echoes of Windermere. \ Du will wonder what mystery I have to impart. At the first part you will not be much surprised, which is that Lord Howe and his friend Brett are to (|uit the Admiralty as soon as the session closes. The cause (tho' its effects have slept so long) is what passed last summer respecting the promotion of Sir Charles Middleton. You will not come to the sur])rising j)art when I add that Lord Howe's successor must be a landm.ui, as there is no seaman who is altogether tit for the first place at that boartl. lUit what will \"ou say when I tell \ou that the landman in <|uestion is no other than m\" brotlier? He undertakes it \'ery readily, and will 1 am sure set about the business in earnest, to which 1 believe you think him as equal as I do. Lord Hood is to be at the board; not without some risk of losing \\\-stminster, but b\- keeping our secret till the moment, 1 hope cxcn that ma\" l^e saved; but it is comj)arali\ cb ol lillle conse(|uence. I feel the arrangement is liable to some in\ itlious objections, but 1 am satished the\- an- more ih.ui counterbalanced b\' the solid advantage ol establish- ing a compleat concert with so essential a di'part- ment, and removing all appearance of a sej)arate interest. I shall be impalieiu, howexer, to hear what \<)U think < i| in\ stheme. I here is nothin*>" LETTERS FROM PITT 23 else that occurs worth adding to this long scrawl, and I am obliged to seal it up, as in spite of the rain which keeps me at home, I am in expectation of an agreeable collection of dons whom Turner has convened to smoke and sleep round his table this evening, God bless you. " Believe me, ever affectionately yours, " W. Pitt.' " Downing Street, " Monday, September i, 1788. " My dear Wilberforce, — I have certainly given a considerable latitude to my promise of writinor in a fortnifjht, in defence of which I have nothing to sav, but that in addition to the common causes of delaying a letter I could not easily resolve to tell you that my northern scheme has for some time grown desperate. Powers farther north and the unsetded state of all the Continent (tho' not at all likely to involve us in anything disagreeable) require in our present system too much watching to allow for a long absence. I have not yet got even to Burton, which you will allow must be my tirst object. But I assure you I am not the more in love with Continental politics for having interfered with a prospect I had set my heart so much upon, as spending some quiet days on the bank ot your lake. Pray let me know in your turn what your motions are likely to be, and when you think ot 24 PRIVATI-: I'Al'KRS OF WILBKRFORCE bcini;- in this pjiri of the world. Parlianicnl will not meet till after Christmas. As to the .Slave Trade, we are dioestinfi^ our l\ei)ort as far as j)resent materials l^o. and you shall then have it ; but we are still in expectation of the answer h-om the Islands. 1 had a lono- conversation with the French Ambassador on the subject some time ago, just before his going to France. He promised to represent it properly, and seemed to think there would be a favourable disposition. Their confusion has been such since that scarce an\ thing was likely to be attended to; but I am in hoi:>es Necker's coming in will |)rove very fa\-ourable to this object. The moment I hear ainihing respecting it 1 will write again ; and at all events in less than ))iy last fo7'tnighl. 1 must end now in haste to save the ]ii;ar W'li.in.Ri'ORci;, We ha\-e found it necessary to make some corrections on looking o\er the proof sheets ol the iveporl, which will ilela\- the presenting it till W'ednesdax . I sh.ill ha\'e no difficult)' in sa\ ing then that the business must of course be postponed on llie grounds \t)u mention, antl 1 uill nio\e to fix it lor this d.i\ loilni'-lu il \oii LETTERS FROM ITTT 25 see no objection. I imao-ine the House must meet on Friday on account of Hastings's business, but that will probably be a reason for their adjourning as soon as they come back from W^estminster Hall, and your business may, I dare say. wait till Monday. In that case I would certainly meet you at H oil wood on Friday, as I wish extremely to talk over with you the w'hole business, and show' you our project, with which, like most projectors, we are much delighted. From what you mention of the parts you have been studying. I do not imagine there is anything behind more material than what you have seen, but I see no part of our case that is not made out upon the strongest grounds. Steele has shown me your letter to him. There certainly cannot be the least reason for your coming up merely to attend St. Paul's. " Ever affectionately yours. " \\\ Pitt." " Downing Street, " U^'diicscfav, Febniaiy 2, 1796. " Mv DEAR WiLBERFOKCE, — I have seen Sir \\\ Faw'cett, &c.. and settled with them that they shall take iniiucdiately the necessary measures for ha\'ing a sufficient number of officers to receive men at additional places of rendezvous. They propose for the West Riding (in addition to Pontefract). Bradford and Barnsley, as appearing to take in all 26 PRivATi-: r.\n:RS of wilberforce thf iiiDst iiiaU'rial districts, and will send the orders accordini^ly ; hut an\- fartht-r arran^cinent may be made alterwards which ma\- a])|)ear to be waiitiii^'. This and the explanatory act will. I trust, (|uiet the difticiiliN. Mv coUl is much better, and I have hardK any tloubt of beini^' in comlition lor service on I'ridav, to which daw \ou j^robably know, the business is put oH. " \ Ours e\er. '• W. P." " DOWNMNC, .StRKKT, " Aiij^iial 4, 1796. " Mv Di.AR \\'ili;i;rforci:, — 1 am anxious not to let the post go without telling you that I cann(^t have a moment's hesitatit)n in assuring you that in case of the Deanery of \'ork becoming vacant, 1 shall witli the utmost pleasure recommend Mr. Clarke to succeed to it. On the im])ortaiu points in your other letter, 1 h.ive not time just now to write at large ; but 1 think the idea you suggest very desirable to be carried into execution, and 1 will turn in my mind the means of putting it into ti'ain. 1 certainK am nni iiulined e\en n<>\\ to think gloomiK ' "t public allairs ; but 1 must at the same time nww that 1 leel the crisis lo be a most serious one, and to re([uii'e the utmost exertion and management. " F\'er \ours sincereK', •W. Tiir."' LETTERS FROM PITT 27 " DowNixc. Street, " ScplcDibcr 7, 1796. " Mv \)\:.\K W'lLr.KRKORCK, — I think it nearly certain that l^irlianient will meet on the 27th, and I wish niuch it may suit you to come this way some time before. " Our application is gone for a passport for a person to go directly to Paris. The message of the Directory confessing in such strong terms their distress (and the Archduke's recent victory on the 22nd, the account of which is in last night's Gazette, may be relied on), give some chance that our over- tures may be successful. In the meantime it will be indispensable to take very strong measures indeed, both of finance and military defence ; and if the spirit of the country is equal to the exigency, I am confident all will yet end well. An immediate Spanish war is, I think, nearly certain. The only motive to it is the fear of France preponderating over their fear of us ; and the pretexts as futile as could be wished. The alarm respecting the effect on our trade is greatly overrated, as the whole proportion of our exports thither compared with the rest of the world is inconsiderable. Vou will see that an Order of Council is published giving liberty for the export of manufactures and the payment of bills, which will, I hope, be satisfactory in your part of the world. I delayed writing to Mr. Cookson 28 PRIVATl': r.Ari'.RS OI- W II.r.l-.KI-ORCK til] I could icll him llu- measure was taken ; aiul when il was taken. Ixmul; in the lmrr\ ( il a journey to \\C\ mouth and hack. I deferred it a^ain. so that it was ahxad)' announced in the GazcHc. and it became too late to write. I'c-rhaps y(tu can make m\' excuses. " Ever yours, ••W. P." " Dowxixo Street, " Scplciiibcr 20, 1797. " Mv DKAR \\'iij;i;RFOKri:, — I know what your feelings will he on receixin^' the melancholy account which I have to send you, and which reached me from Cornwall this morning;, that a renewal of I'Lliot's com|)laint has ended fatally and tle|)ri\eel us of him. " After the attacks he has had, it is impossible to say that the blow could ever be wholK unexpected, but I had derix'cd Li'reat hopes from the accounts ior some time, and was not at this moment at all pre- pared tor what has ha|)])ened. \ ou will not wonder that I caimot write to \(Ui on any other subject, i)ut 1 will as soon as I can. " Ever sincerel) \»)urs. •W. I'lTT." " l-'ll(lil\\ 4 I'.M. "M\' IHAR \\'ii.i!i:i'.i()Rci:, I am onl\ anxious to a\<)id cmbai'r.issmenl to xour (|uesiion as well as to LETTERS FROM PITT 29 the general course of business ; and will call on you in a few minutes on my way to the House. " Ever aff yours, "W. P." " Downing Street, " Thursday, Aui^iisl 14, 1800. " My dear W^ilberforce, — I have no thoughts of going to W^almer till the very end of the month, and it is doubtful whether I can accomplish it then. In the interval the Castle is quite disengaged, and it will give me great pleasure if it can afford you any accommodation. If you should not find any situation before the ist of September perfectly to your mind, I beg you to believe that your prolong- ing your stay will be no inconvenience and a great pleasure to me, supposing I am able to come. The improvements made since you were there, with the help of a cottage with some tolerable bedrooms, are quite sufficient for your family, and for myself and the only two or three persons who would be likely to come with me, such as perhaps Carrington, the Master of the Rolls, and Long. Be so good, therefore, to consult entirely your own convenience. " Ever yours, "W. P. " Let me know what day next week you fix for being there, and everything shall be ready for you. You may as well send your servant to my manager 30 TRIVATI-. l'.\ri-.kS ()V \VI IJil^KFORCK Inillock, who will arninn'e everything' about cellar and oihrr hoiist'hokl coiucrns. " "Park Pi.ack, " Oilobcr 1, 1801. " Ah' DKAR WiLDKRiORCK, — I Cannot refrain from contrratulatin^' xoii most sincereh' on the happy event of the Signature of Preliminaries, which vou will, 1 ljclie\'e, hear from Addin^ton. The terms arc such as 1 am persuaded you will be well satisfied with, and tho' they are not in every })oint ( j)articiilarly (^ne material one) exactly all that 1 should ha\'e wished, 1 have no hesitiition in saying" that I think them on the whole hiL;hl\' honourable to the counlrx and \ery advantageous. The event is most fortunate l)olh for C"jo\ernment antl the public, and for the sake of both, i^ives me inlinite satisfaction. I ani but just in time lor the post. " Ever sincerely yours, "W. Pitt." "DowNixc; Stkkki, Siilniiidy. " Ah 1)1:ak \\'ii.i;i.ki()K( 1:, 1 shall be very L;lad if you can call here an\ time alter nine this exenini;', as I wish to show )()u a j)aper from the other side of the water, of a \er\ inlereslinL; nature, dio' not such as was niost to be wished or at all to be expected. " \ ours, "W. v.' LETTERS EROM ITTT 31 "AX'almkr Castle, " .l/(/v 31, I Ho 2. " Mv DEAR WiLBKRFORCE, — I founcl your letter on my arrival here yesterday, having escaped to H oil wood on Eridax' only as a preparation for pursuing- my journey hither with less interruption than I should have been exposed to, starting- from town. An absence of ten davs or a fortni^rht has been so much recommended, and indeed I beo^an myself to feel so much in want of it, that I am afraid I must not think of returninor for vour motion. Indeed, tho' I should most eagerly support it (sup- posing you can provide, as I trust you can, means of making the execution in the detail practicable and effectual), I see no chance in the present state of the session of your carrying it, unless Addington can be brought really to see the propriety of it, and to concur in it at once w^ithout debate. This last I should hope might be managed, and whatever impression parts of his speech may have made on your mind, I am sure I need not suggest to you that the best chance of doing this will be to endea- vour coolly to lay before him the case as it really is, unmixed as far as possible with any topics of soreness, which evidently were not absent from his mind on Canning's motion. I certainly, on the whole, judge much more favourably of his general inten- tions on the whole subject (or, I should rather say, 32 TRIVATK PAPERS OF WILBERFORCE of his probable conduct) than you do. But I admit that one part of his sj)ecch was as unsatisfactory as possible. This I reall\' believe proceeded in a great measure from the evident embarrassment and distress under which he was speaking, and which I am persuaded j)rc\cnted him from doing any justice to his own ideas. I may deceive anci flatter my- self, but tho' I know we shall be far from obtaining all that you and 1 wish. 1 reall\- think there is much chance of great real and substantial ground being gained towards the ultimate and not remote object of total abolition next session. This is lar from a reason f(jr not endeavouring, if possible, to prevent the aggravation of the e\il in the meantime, and 1 heartily wish you may be successful in the attempt. " Ever affy. yrs., •• \V. P." "W.ALMER Castle, " Si'plciiibtr 22, i8o2. " Mv Di.AK \\'iLni:Ri"ORCK, — 1 am much obliged to you for your kind letter of in(|uiry. My com- plaint has entirely left me. 1 am recovering my strength every day, ami 1 have no doubt ol being in a very short li nu- as well as 1 was bel(M*e the attack. l"'an|uhar. however, seems strongl\- (.lis- posetl to recommend Hath bi-t/7//r///;\s- ,• the differ- ences arose commonl\ h'om a different view of facts, or a different estimate of contingencies and probabilities. Where there was a difference of j)o]itical j)rinciples, it scarce))' ever was stich as arose from moral considerations ; still less such as was produced by any distrust of Mr. Pitt's main intention beino- to promote the well-being- and prosperity of his country. Mr. Pitt from his early childhood had but an indifferent constitution ; the s^'outy habit of body which harassed him throughout his life, was mani- fested by an actual fit of that disorder when he was still a boy. As earh' as fourteen years of aj^e he was jilaced at Pemliroke Hall. Cam])ridoe ; he had even then e.xcited sanguine expectations of future eminence. His father had manifested a peculiar res^ard for him ; he had never. I believe, been under any other than the paternal roof where his studies had been sui)erintended b\- a prixate tutor ; and besides a considerable i)roticiency in the Greek anil Latin lan^uaL^es. he had written a j)lay in I"",nL;lish. which was sj)oken of in iiii^h terms by those who had perused il. 1 am sorry lo hear SKETCH OI- I' ITT 47 that this early fruit of genius is not anywhere to be found. \\ hilc he was at the Universit\' his stuchcs, I understand, were carried on with steady dih^'ence both in classics and mathematics, and though as a nobleman he could not establish his superiority over the other young men of his time by his place upon the tripos, I ha\e Ijcen assured that his proficiency in every branch of study was such as would have placed him abo\'e almost all com- petitors. He continued at the University till he was near one-and-twenty, and it was during the latter part of that period that I becanie acquainted with him. I knew him, however, very little till the winter of 1779-80, when he occupied chambers in Lincoln's Inn, and I myself was a good deal in London. During that winter we became more acquainted with each other ; we used often to meet in the Gallery of the House of Commons, and occasionally at Lady St. John's and at other places, and it was impossible not to be sensible of his extraordinary powers. On the calling of a new Parliament in the begin- ning of September, 1780, I was elected one of the Members for Hull. Mr. Pitt, if I mistake not, was an unsuccessful candidate for the University of Cambridge; but about Christmas 1780-81, throuo'h the intervention ot some common friends 4S rki\'.\ri-: i'Ari-:Rs oi-" \\iij^1':r!<"()rck (more than one ha\'c claimed the honour ol the hrst sii^L^estion, Ciovernor Johnston, the Duke of Rutland, tK:c.), he receivetl and accepted an offer ol a seat in Parliament made to him in the most handsome terms ])y Sir fames Lowther. h rom the time of his lakiiiLi" his seat he became a constant attendant, and a club was lormed ol a considerable nundjer ol \(iung men who had about the same lime left the rniverslty and most of them entered into ])ublic lile. llu; chief members were Mr. Pitt, Lord luiston, now Duke of Grafton, Lord Chatham, tlie ]Mar([uis of (iraham, now Duke of NLintrose, the Hon. Mr. IVatt, now ALu'cjuis of Camden, the Hon. St. Andrew St. |ohn, Henrv Bankes, Est}., the Hon. ALiurice Robinson, now Lord R()keb\-, Lord Duncannon, now Lord Pes- borough, Lord Herl)ert, ])()stea PLarl of Pembroke, Lord Althorp, now Lord .Sj)encer, Ivobert vSmith, Esq., now Lord Carrin^ton, Mr. l^ridgenian, Ah". Steele, several others, and nnselt. 1 o these were soon afterwards added Lortl Apsley, Mr. (iren\ille, now Lord (irenxiHe, Pepper Artlen. alterwards Lord Alvanlc)', Charles Lon^-, alterwards Lonl Earnborough, Sir W illiam AL)lesw()rih, «S:c. <^c. Of the whole number Mr. Pitt was {)erhaj)s the most constant allcndanl, and as we lre(|uenll\ dined, and slill more tre([U(iuIy supped loL^i'dier. and as our Pai'liamt'iUarx alleiulancH- ''a\'e us so SKETCH OF PITT 49 many occasions for mutual conference and discus- sion, our acquaintance grew into great intimacy. Mr. Bankes and I (Lord Westmoreland only excepted, with whom, on account of his politics, Mr. Pitt had little connection) were the only members of the society who had houses of their own, Mr. Bankes in London, and I at Wimbolton ' in Surrey. Mr. Bankes often received his friends to dinner at his own house, and they frequently visited me in the country, but more in the following Parliamentary session or two. In the spring of one of these years Mr. Pitt, who was remarkably fond of sleeping in the country, and would often go out of town for that purpose as late as eleven or twelve o'clock at night, slept at Wimbolton for two or three months together. It was, I believe, rather at a later period that he often used to sleep also at Mr. Robert Smith's house at Hamstead.- Mr. Pitt was not loni>' in the House of Commons before he took a part in the debates : I was present the first time he spoke, and I well recollect the effect produced on the whole House ; his friends had expected much from him, but he surpassed all their expectations, and Mr. Hatsell, the chief clerk and a few of the older members who recollected his father, declared that Mr. Pitt gave indications of being his superior. I remember to this day the ' AVimbltdoii. ^ Hampstead. s 50 rklXATl': r.ArilRS Ol- WIUn^RFORCE L^Tcal |)ain I siiffcrc-d Iroiii liiulinL;' nnscli coiiipcllccl 1>\ nn jiu1l;iiu'iU lo vote against him on the second occasion ot his ct)iiiinn lorward, when the (jiiestion was whether some Commissioners ol pubhc accounts should, or should not, lie members of rarliameni : indeed 1 never can lor^et the mixed emotions I experiencetl wlun m\ feehngs had all the warmth and ireshness ol early youth, between m\- admiration of his powers, my sympath)- with his rising reputation, and hopes of his anticipated gre.Uness, while I ne\ertheless deemed it my duty in this instance to den\ him m\" sujij:)ort. Mr. Pitt was a decided and warm opponent of Lord North's administration ; so indeed were most of our society, though I occasionally su{)portcd him. Prom the first, however, I concurred with Mr. Pitt in opposing the American War, and we rejoiced together in ])utting an nwd to it in about March. 17S2, when Loi\l North's ministr\ terminateil ; ant! alter a painhil, and I think considerable, interwd, during which it was said the King had e\en talked of going o\er to flanoxer, and was supposed at last to \ ield to the ct)unsels ol the luirl ol Mansfield, a new administration was lornied consisting ol the Rockingham and .Shelburiie jKirties, the Manjuis ol Rockingham being hirst Lord ol the Treasur) , aiul Lord Shelburne aiul Mr. l'"ox the two Secretaries of State. But though tiie parlies had combined SKETCH OF PITT 51 together ag-ainst their coniinoii enemy, no sooner had he been removed than mutual jealousies immediately begcUi to show themselves between the Rockmghani and Shelburne parties. I well remember attending by invitation at Mr. Thcniias Townshejid's, since Lord .Sydney, with Mr. Pitt and most of the young" members who had voted with the Opposition, when Mr. Fox wMth apparent reluctance stated that Lord Rockingham had not then been admitted into the King's presence, but had onlv received communications through Lord Shelburne ; and little circumstances soon afterwards arose which plainly indicated the mutual distrust of the two parties. Lord Rockingham's constitution was much shaken, and after a short illness his death took place before the end of the session of Parliament, about the middle of June, 1782.' Mr. Pitt had taken occasion to declare in the House of Commons that he would accept no subordinate situation, otherwise there is no doubt he would have been offered a seat at the Treasury Board, or indeed any office out of the Cabinet ; but on Lord Rockingham's death, notwithstanding Mr. Fox's endeavour to prevent a rupture by declaring that no disunion existed r the disaoreement between the o ' Here Mr. Wilberforce adds a pencilled note : " Devonshire House Ball. King."' - Mr. A\'ilberforce has written over this in pencil : " Qy. — Not a stroke of Providence could sever. ' 52 I'Rix'A ri-: r.\ri:Rs oi-" wilbkrforce parties, of which so inan\- sNinptoins had before manitcsit'cl ihemseKes. became complete and notorious. Lord .Shdhurne beino- invited by the Kino- to supply Lord Rockingham's place. Mr. Fox with most of the Rockin^liani ])arly retired from office, and Mr. Pin accepted the offer made him by Lord Shelburne of becoming" Chancellor ol the Exchequer : he had completed his twenty-third year the 2Sth of Ma\- precedini^-. There was more than one day of debate even durino- that session, in which Mr. Pitt indicated that gravit\- and dii^nit)' which became the hii4"h station which he had assunied at so early an age. He continued in office till the ensuing winter, when, after peace had been made both with America and her continental allies France and Spain, Ltjrd Shclburne's administration was removed through tlie unprincipled coalition between Lord North and Mr. Fox and their respective parties. It was sup- posed to have been brought about in a great degree through the influence of Lord North's eldest son. who had mainlainetl a friendl)- accjuaintance with Mr. Fox, a man the fascination of whose manners and temper was such as to render it impossible for any one to maintain a |)ersonal intercourse with him without conceiving hjr him sincere a/ct dc cJiaiubi'e, and if, with all the opportunities I enjoyed of seeing Mr. Pitt in his most inartificial and unguarded moments, he nevertheless appeared to me to be a man of extraordinary intellectual and moral powers, it is due to him that it should be known that this opinion was formed by one in whose instance Mr. Pitt's character was subjected to its most severe test, which Rochefoucault appeared to think could be stood by no human hero. Mr. Pitt's intellectual powers were of the highest order, and in private no less than in public, when he was explaining his sentiments in any complicated question and stating the arguments on both sides, it was impossible not to admire the clearness of his conceptions, the precision with which he contem- plated every particular object, and a variety of objects, without confusion. They who have had occasion to discuss political questions with him in private will acknowledge that there never was a fairer reasoner, never any one more promptly recog- nising, and allowinor its full weight to everv consider- ation and aro-ument which was uro-ed against the opinion he had embraced. You always saw where 62 I'RIVATl-: rAI'I-:RS of W'lI.l^l'.RFORCK you ditfcrctl Irmn him antl k>//v. I he clifTcrence arose CDiiiinouU- h-oni his sanL;iiiiH-; temper leadiiiL;' him to !L;i\e crecht to miormalion which others mi^lu dislriisl, and to e.\|)ect that doiihthil coiuiii^'encies would have a more favourable issue than (jthers miL^ht \-enture to anlieip.ite. 1 nex'cr met with an\- man who comljined in an ef|ual deL^ree this extra- ordinarx' precision ol understandinL;' with the same mtuiti\e appi'ehension of every shad(j ol opinicjn, or of feeling, which mi^ht l>e indicated hy those with whom he was con\ersant. In taking' an estimate ol Mr. Pitt's intellectual powers, his extraordinarx' memory ou^ht to be special!) noticed. it was indeed remarkable for two excellencies which arc seldom found united in the same person -a t"acilit\- of receivinL;' impressions, and a Inanness and })recision in retaining" them. llis i^reat rixal, Mr. I'Ox. was also endowed with a memor\ which to mxself used to appear pertcctK" wonderful. ( )fien in the e.u-lier part of m\' i^u'liamentary life 1 ha\ e he.u'd him (l*\)x) at a \er\" late hour speak, without haxiiiL; taken any notes, tor two or three hours, noticing" ever)^ material argument that had l)een urL^cd b\- every speaker of tlu' (»pposile part) : this lie com- mitnl) did in the order in whicli those ari^uments had been delivered, whereas it was rather Mr. Pitts hal)it to form the jjfan of a speech in his mind w hile the debate was Li'oinLi" forw. u'd. and to distribute his SKETCH OF PITT 63 conimcMits on the various statements and remarks of his opponents according to the arrangement whicli he had made. Such was his (Pitt's) recollection of the great classical authors of antiquity that scarcely a passage could be quoted of their works, whether in verse or prose, with which he was not so familiar as to be able to take up the clue and go on with w4iat immediately followed. This was particularly the case in the works of Virgil, Horace, and Cicero, and I am assured that he was also scarcely less familiar with Homer and Thucydides. He had considerable powers of imagination and much ready wit, but this quality appeared more to arise from every idea, and e\'ery expression that belonged to it, being at once present to his mind, so as to enable him at will to make such combinations as suited the purpose of the moment, than as it his mind was only conscious at the time ot that particular coruscation which the collision of objects caused to tiash before the mental eye. It arose out of this distinctive peculiarity that he was not carried away by his own wit, though he could at any time com- mand its exercise, and no man, perhaps, at proper seasons ever indulged more freely or happily in that playful facetiousness which gratifies all without wounding any. He had great natural courage and fortitude, and though alwa)'s of a disordered stomach and gouty tendencies (on account of which port wine 64 rRiVATi: I'APKRS OF \viij^i-:rforce h.'ul l)('cn rccomiiicnclcd to hini in his earliest youth, and ch'iiikiiiL;- I'rcnch wine tor a clay or two would at an\ time produce ^'outy pains in the extremities), \"ct his bodily temperament ne\er produced the smallest appearance ot mental weakness or sinking". I think it was from this source, combined with that ol his naturall)' sanL;uine temper, that though mani- festly showing how deej)ly he felt on public affairs, he never was harassed or distressed by them, and till his last illness, when his bodily powers were almost utterly exhausted, his inward emotions never ap- peared to cloud his spirits, or affect his temper. Always he was ready in the little intervals of a busy man to indulge in those sallies of wit and good humour which were naturally called forth. Excepting only the cases of those who have had reason to apprehend the loss of life or liberty, never was a public man in circumstances more harassing" than those of Mr. I'itt in 17S4: for several w^eeks the fate of his administration and that of his oppo- nents were trembling on the beam, sometimes one scale preponderating, sometimes the other; almost daily it appeared doubtful whether he was to con- tinue Prime Minister or retire into prix'aie life. \ et though then not live-and-twenly I do not believe that the anxiety ol his situation v\rv k(|)i him awake tor a single minute, or e\er appeared to sadden or cast a gloom over his hours of relaxation SKETCH OF PITT 65 It cannot perhaps be affirmed that he was alto- gether free from pride, but great natural shyness, ' and even awkwardness (French gaucJicrie), often produced effects for which pride was falsely charged on him ; and really that confidence which might be justly placed in his own powers by a man who could not but be conscious ot their superiority might sometimes appear like pride, though not fairly deserv- ing that appellation ; and this should be the rather conceded, because from most of the acknowledged effects of pride upon the character he was eminently free. No man, as I have already remarked, ever listened more attentively to what was stated against his own opinions ; no man appeared to feel more for others when in distress ; no man was ever more kind and indulgent to his inferiors and dependents of every class, and never were there any of those little acts of superciliousness, or indifference to the feel- ings and comforts of others, by which secret pride is sometimes betrayed. But if Mr. Pitt was not wholly free from pride, it may truly be affirmed that no man was perhaps e\'er more devoid ol vanity in all its forms. One particular more in Mr. Pitt's character, scarcely ever found in a proud man, was the extraordinary good humour and candour with which he explained and discussed any plan or ' Here there is a pencil note : " For he was one of the shyest men I ever knew." 6 66 rRIVAII': I'.\IM:RS ()!• wilbi-.rforce measure, of which he had foriTiccl the outline In his miiul, with ihosr ])r()h'ssi()iial men who were neces- saril\- to l)c ('ini)l<)yetl in .^ixini; it a Parhanicntary form antl languai^e. I do not beHeve thai tliere is a single professional man or the head ot any board who ever chd l)usiness with him. who would not acknowledge that he was on such occasions the most easy and accommodable man with whom they ever carried on ofhcial intercourse.' One instance ol this kind shall be mentioned as a specimen of the others. He had formed a plan of importance (I think in some Revenue matter) on which it was necessary for him to consult with the Attorney-General of the day, I believe Chief Haron Macdonald ; Mr. Pitt had been for some time ruminating' on the measure, his mind had been occupied lor perhaps a month in moulding" it into form and in dexisini;" exj)edients tor its more complete execution. it may here be not out of place to mention as a peculiarity of his cha- racter that he was habitually apt to have almost his whole thoughts and attention and time occupied with the particular object or plan which he was then devising and wishing- to introduce into j^ractice. He was as usual lull ol his scheme, and detailed it to his j)rofessional friend with the- warmth and ability natural to him on such occasions. IWil the .Attorney- General soon became con \i need that there were legal objections to the measure, which must be SKETCH OF PITT '^y decisive aoainst its adoption. These therefore he explained to Mr. Pitt. \\h(j ininiediately oave up his plan with the most unruttled uood-huniour, without attempting- to hang by it, or to devise methods of propping it up, but, casting it at once aside, he pur- sued his other business as cheerfully and pleasantly as usual. But there are many who with undisturbed com- posure and with a good grace can on important occasions thus change their line ot conduct and assume a course contrary to that which they would have preferred. It is, however, far more rare to tind men who on little occasions, which are not of sufficient moment to call a man's dignity into action, and which are not under the public eye, can bear to have their opinions opposed and their plans set aside, without manifesting some irritation or momen- tary fretfulness. But on the lesser scale as well as on the greater ^Ir. Pitt's good-humour was preserved. This same disposition of mind was attended with the most important advantages, and in truth was one which eminently qualified him to be the Minister of a free country. If towards the latter end of his life his temper was not so entirely free from those occasional ap- proaches to fretfulness which continued disease and the necessity of struggling against it too often pro- duce, it ouuht to be taken into account that another 68 PRIVAIK PAPHRS OF \VI LBERFORCP: powerful cause besides human infinniiv mi^ht have tended to lessen that kindness and j^ood-humour for which h(; was for the ^rc'ater part of his life so re- markal)lc. 1 he (Ictcrcncc that was |)ai(,l to him was jusll)- L^rcat. 1)111 though no man less than himself exacted anxlhiiiL; like ser\ilit\' from his companions, it is imj)ossil)le to deny that there were those who attemj)t('(l lo culli\atc his f;L\our 1)\- this sj)ecies of adulation. Another pailitular in Mr. I'ill. seldom connected with pride, was the kind interest he took in the rising' talents ot e\er\' N'oiin^" public man of. an\" j)romise whose j)olitics were conL^enial widi his own; as well as the justice which he did to the powers of his opponents — a qualit\ which it is but fair to .say was no less apparent in Mr. b'o.x also. It he sometimes appeared to be desirous of letting" a debate come to a close without hearing' some friends who wished to take a part in it, this arose in some degree in his wishing to get away, from his being tired out with Parliamentary speaking and hearing, or Irom thiid<.ing thai the debate would close more advantageous!) at the point at which he stopped. In society he was rem.u'kablv cheerful and pleasant, full of wit and playfulness, neither, like Mr. Fox, fond ol arguing a ([uesiion, nor x^et holding lorth, like some others.' lie was alwa\s reatl\ to hear others as well as to icdk himself ' rciK-il note : " W'yiidhani." SKETCH OF PITT 69 In very earl\- life he now and then engaged in games of chance, and the vehemence with which he was animated was certainly very great ; but hnd- ing that he was t(KO much interested ])y them, all at once he entirely and for life desisted from gambling. His regard for truth was greater than I ever saw in any nian who was not strongly under the inrtuence of a powerful principle of religion : he appeared to adhere to it out of respect to himself, from a certain moral purity which appeared to be a part of his nature. A little incident may afford an example of his delicacy in this respect. A common friend of ours, a member of the House of Lords, was reflected upon with considerable acrimony in the House of Commons by one of Mr. Pitt's political opponents. Being with him, as often happened, the next morning, while he was at breakfast, I told him that the animadversions which had been made on our friend the night before were stated in the newspaper, and I ex- pressed some surprise that he himselt had not contradicted the fact which was the ground of the reprehension. " This," said he, " I might have done, but you will remember that it was a circumstance in which, if I deviated Irom strict truth, no other man could know of it, and in such a case it is peculiarly requisite to keep within the strictest limits of veracity." 70 PRIVATK PAPERS OF WILRERFORCE The remark I am aljout to make may deserve the more attention on account of its general appli- cation, and becaiis(,- it may probably tend to illustrate other characters. It may. I believe, be truly affirmed that the imputations which were sometimes thrown out ai^ainst Mr. Pitt, that he was wantino" in sim- plicity and frankness, and the answers he made to questions put to him concerning his future conduct, or the principles which were regulating the course of measures he pursued, were in truth a direct consequence of that \'ery strictness and veracity for which he was so remarkable. Wlien men are not very scrupulous as to truth, they natura1]\- deal in broad assertions, especialK" in cases in which their feelings are at all warml\- engaged ; but it seldom happens that a ])()]itical man can thus assume a principle and ai)j^l\- it to all the cases, which, in the use he is about to make of it. it mav be supposed to comprehend, without some (lualifi- cations and distinctions ; and a man of strict veracity therefore makes a contlitional declaration or gives a qualified assurance. The same remark applies to the judgments we ma\' e.\j)ress of the character and C(3nduct of j)ul)lic men. In order to be strictlx correct we cannot al\va\s use broad and strong colouring, but there must be shades and gradations in our drauglu. \'et such is the natural and e\'en commendable lo\e whiih men generally SKETCH OF PITT 71 have of truth and honesty, that we feel an instinctive preference of simple and strong affirmations or nega- tions as indicating more blunt and straightforward principles and dispositions, than where men express themselves in measured and qualified and conditional propositions. No man, I believe, ever loved his country with a warmer or more sincere affection ; it was highly gratifying to converse familiarly with him on the plans he was forming for the public good; or to witness the pleasure he experienced from indulging speculations of the benefits which his country might derive from the realising of such or such a hope. But notwithstanding all my admiration of Mr. Pitt's extraordinary powers, and still more, with the deepest and most assured conviction of his public spirit and patriotism, I cannot but think that even his uncommon excellencies were not without some alloy of human infirmity. In particular he appeared to me to be defective in his knowledge of human nature, or that from some cause or other he was less sagacious than might have been expected from his superior talents, in his estimate of future events, and sometimes in his judgment of character. This might probably arise in part from his naturally sanguine temper, which in estimating future contin- gencies might lead him to assiijn too little weight to those probabilities which were opposed to his ultimate /-' PRIVATK r.XrKRS OF WILHKRFORCE conclusion. Vn\l if 1 niiisl he honest in delineating" Mr. Pitt's character and ([ualities, 1 must also confess that in considerinL^- their j^ractical influence on the fortunes of his countr)-, I have sometimes been ahnost ready to believe that powers far inferior to his, under the direction of a mind equally sincere and equally warm in its zeal for the public i^ood, might have been the instrument of conferring" far ^"reater benefits on his countr\ . His great qualities, under the imj3ulse and guidance of true religion, would prol)al)lv have been the means of obtaining lor his country much greater temporal blessings, together with others of a far higher order, and more durable effects. The circumstances of the period at which he llrst came into the situation of Prime Minister were such as almost to in\-est him with absolute power. All his faculti(;s then possessed the bloom of youthful beauty as well as the full \igour of maturer age : his mind was ardent, his principles were pure, his patriotism warm, his mind as vet altogether unsullied by habitually associating with men of worldly ways of thinking and acting, in short, with a class which may be not unfitl\ termed trading politicians ; this is a class with which perhaps no one, however originall\- purt', can habiiualK" associate. especialK" in the hours of friciulU inter- course and of social recreation, without coniracling insensibl\- more or less tlctilcmciu. No one who SKETCH OF PITT 73 had not been an eye-witness could conceive the ascendency which Mr. Pitt then possessed over the House of Commons, and if he had then gene- rously adopted the resolution to govern his country b\' principle rather than b)' influence, it was a resolution which he could then have carried into execution with success, and the full effects of which, both on the national character, interests, and happi- ness, it is scarcely possible perhaps to estimate ; but it would be a curious and no unprofitable speculation to trace the probable effects which would have resulted from the assumption of this high moral tone, in the actual circumstances of this country, in reference both to our internal interests and our foreign relations. This is a task I cannot now undertake, but I may reniind the reader that the principles were then beginning to propagate themselves with the greatest success which not long after exhibited their true nature and ruinous effects in the French Revo- lution. Such a spirit of patriotism would have been kindled, such a o-enerous confidence in the Kino-'s orovernment would have been diffused throughout all classes, that the very idea of the danger of our being infected with the principles of French licentiousness, which might have produced among our people a general taint of disloyalty, would have been an apprehension not to be admitted into the bosom of the most timid poli- 74 rRI\'ATE TAPERS OF W'lT.BKRFORCE tician ; while the various reforms which would have taken j)lace, ami ihc manifest independence of l^u-liamenl wnuld ha\e j^eneraled and ensured in tile minds of all reasonable men a continualh" in- creasino- oratitudc and affection for the constitution and laws of our country. On the other hand, the I'rench, infatuated as they were, and wicked as were the men who then j)ossessed the chiet inlluence in the coimsels of that country, could never have been so blind to their own manifest interest, as to have eni^aij^ed their people in a war with Great Britain from any idea of our confederatiuL;" with the Crowned Heads of Europe to crush the risinj^ spirit of libertN' in 1*' ranee. Hence we should have escaped that Iohl;- and bloody war, which, however, in its ultimate issue justly deserving' the epithet of glorious, is nexertheless the cause of all our present dangers antl sufferings, from the insupportable burdens with which it has loaded us. Nor is it onl\' Financial e\ils ol which our long protracted warlare has been the cause ; to tliis source also we must probabK trace much ot lliat Moral e\il, which in so main' different forms has been of late beginning to nianilesi iisell, especialK" among the lower orders ol oui' peoj)lc. I lie gracious l'i-o\idcnce ol (lod has indeed abundanlK answered the pra\ers ol man\' among us, who 1 trust iiax'e all along been looking up lo the (ii\er SKETCH OF PITT 75 of all Good for their country's safety and pros- perity; and while those causes were in operation which were hereafter to manifest themselves in various forms of social and domestic evil, it pleased God to diffuse a spirit of an opposite kind, which beg-an to display its love of God and love of man by the formation of societies of a religious and moral nature, which have already contributed in no small deo-ree to bless almost all nations, while they have invested our own countr)' with a moral glory never before enjoyed b)' any nation upon earth. The diffusion of the Sacred Scriptures, the establishment of societies for spreading- throughout the world the blessings of religious light and of moral improvement, the growing attention to the education of our people, with societies and institutions for relieving every species of suffering which vice and misery can ever produce among the human race, — what would have been the effects of all this, if not obstructed and counteracted in all the various ways by which war, that greatest scourge of the human race, carries on its baleful and wide wasting operations. ' Is it not a melancholy consideration that this very country, the constitution and laws of which have been the objects of the highest possible ' A note : " Vary here." 76 PRIVATl-: IWIM'.RS OF WILl^KR FORCE admiraiioii of ihc wisest men. should be in such a state that hut too hu-^e a part of the j^reat body of our ])(M)j)]c, instead i»l IdnkiiiL; uj) to Heaven with i^ratiludc fur bciiiL;- fax'oured with ])lessinu-s never before enjoyed by any nation, should be led by their sufferings to reij^ard that very constitution and those \'er\- laws with disgust and aversion ? Of this unhappy state of things the war. as haviuLj' been the cause of our llnancial distresses and difficulties, is in fact the source. Ihit there is nothing' in whicli we are so apt to deceive ourseh'es as in conceiving" that we are capable of estimating" the full amount of moral i^-ood or evil ; short-siu"hted as we are. there is nothing" in which our \"iews are more manifestly narrow and contracted ; an impor- tant, na)", an awtul consideration, which, while it may well encourage to acti\"it\" in all L;"ood. should make us tremble to admit (the slightest speck) the smallest seed of moral evil to pollute our c(nintrv's soil. i)Ul I ha\"e been led to expatiate more than I intended on this topic, though merely n'lancin;^" at some of the most important of the considerations which it presents to the \iew e\en of the most superficial observer. Returning to the consideration ot the ettect ol true religion on the character and conduct ot the L^real man who has been the subject ol this m(|uii-\", I .un naturalK led to remark th.il thei"e can be no SKETCH OF PITT yy possible occasion on which the application of the principle on which I have been lately speaking would suggest wider scope for our reflection. But if we consider the effect which true religion would have produced either in himself or in others around him, how immense would appear the mass of bene- fits, in the employment of his time, in the applica- tion of his faculties, in the selection ot his com- panions, perhaps, above all, in his giving their just weight to religious and moral principles and cha- racter in the exercise of his unlimited patronage, both in Church and State ; and considering that every religious and good man, who by him should have been invested with power and influence, would himself have selected others of similar principles and character, throughout the descending series of official appointments, and through all the variety of social occupations, who can say what would have been the effect of these religious and moral secre- tions, if they may be so termed, which throughout the whole political body would ha\'e been gradually producing their blessed effects in augmenting its fulness, symmetry, and strength ? ' And these effects, remember, wT)uld have been of a merely public, still less of a merely political character. They would have been, to say the least, full as manifest, and even more fertile in the production ' A note :— -" Dilate, and Figure.'' 78 I'Kix'ATi-: i'.\ri":RS of wilhkrforck of happiness in all the walks of pri\-atc life and all the xarielic'S ot social conibinatiun. In consitlcrinL;- the estimates which were formed of Mr. Pill's and Mr. I^'ox's characters respectively, more especially in ])oint of what ma\- he called popularity; and also as to their reputation l<»r oenius, wit, and classical taste, it should be remembered that Mr. I-'ox haj)])ened to have become connected, both at school and at (Jxtord, with a circle of men eminent for talents and classical proficiency, men also who were not shut up in cloisters, but who lived in the world, and i^ave the lone in the highest and most polished societies of the metropolis. Among these were Mr. Hare, General bitzpatrick. Lord John Townshend ; and to these must be added Mr. Windham, Mr. I^>skine, and, above all, Mr. Sheridan. .Mr. I'iii had also several college friends who came into I'arliament about the same period with himself, men of no inferior consideration — Mr. Hankes, Mr. Kliot. Lord Abercorn, Lord Spencer, and se\eral others. lUit these, it must be confessed, were 1)\ no means men of the same decree of brilliancy as the former set ; nor did the)' in the same decree li\e in the circle of fashion and there dilliise their own opinions. Again Mr. Fox's political connections were numerous, and such as nalurall)- tended to stamp a high \alue on his character. IWiike, IJarre— tor thei'e were those THE KIC.HT HONKI.K. WII.I.IAM I'll T. SKETCH OF PITT 79 also who though not of h^ox's party, often associated with him in j:)rivatc, and tended to sustain the general estimate ot his suj)eri()rity ; of these were Gibbon, Lord Thurlow, Dunning, Jeykell. Again, the necessity under which Mr. Pitt often lay of opening and speaking upon subjects of a low and vulgarising quality, such as the excise on tobacco, wine, &c., &c., topics almost incapable with propriety, of an association with wit or grace, especially in one who was so utterly devoid of all disposition to seek occasions for shining, tended to produce a real mediocrity of sentiment and a lack of ornament, as well as to increase the impression that such was the nature of his oratory. Also the speeches of a minister were of necessity more guarded, and his subjects, except where he was opening some new proposition or plan, were rather prescribed to him by others, than selected by him- self.' The MS. of Canning's lines on Pitt is amongst the Wilberforce Papers ; they are so little known that no apology is needed for inserting them here. Canning wrote them for the feast in honour of Pitt's birthday, May 28, 1802. It will be remembered that Pitt had resigned in 1801, because the Kini>" would not accept his Irish policy. A vote of cen- ' Here is added in pencil, " 2nd Nov. 182 1." So I'RIVATK r.Ari-.RS OI- WILBERFORCE sure had been moved, and was not merely rejected. i)ut, 1)\- an ()\er\v]iclmin^4 majority, it was carried "that the Rii^ht 1 Ion. William Pitt has rendered j^reat and important ser\ices to his country, and especially deserved the gratitude of this House." ' TJIK I'll.UT THAI" WKAIHKRI) THE STORM. (.1 So/i^i;^ written in 1802.^ If hush'd the loud whirlwind that ruffled the deep, The sky, if no longer dark tempests deform ; When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep ? No ! Here's to the Pilot that weather'd the storm ! At the footstool of Power let flattery fawn, Let faction her idols extol to the skies ; To Virtue, in humble retirement withdrawn, Unblam'd may the merits of gratitude rise. And shall not his memory to Britain be dear, Whose example with envy all nations behold ; A Statesman unbiased by int'rest or fear. By pow'r uncorrupted, untainted by gold ? Who, when terror and duubt through the universe reigned, While rapine and treason their standards unfurl'd. The heart and the hopes of his country maintained. And one kingdom preserved midst the wreck of the world. Unheeding, unthankful, we bask in the blaze, \\'hile the beams of the sun in full majesty shine ; \\'hcn he sinks into twilight, with fondness we gaze, And mark the mild lustre that gilds his decline. ' Rosebery's " Life of Pitt," p. 2},i. SKETCH OF PITT Ri Lo ! Pitt, when the course of thy greatness is o'er, I'hy talents, thy virtues, we fondly recall ! Now justly we prize thee, when lost we deplore ; Admir'd in thy zenith, hut lov'd in thy full. Oh ! take, then — for dangers by wisdom repelled, J'or evils, by courage and constancy brav'd — Oh take ! for a throne by thy counsels upheld The thanks of a people thy firmness has sav'd. And oh ! if again the rude whirlwind should rise ! The dawning of peace should fresh darkness deform. The regrets of the good, and the fears of the wise, Shall turn to the Pilot that weather'd the storm LETTERS FROM FRIENDS 83 llw Idlers w/iii/i fo/Ioic arc from friends of ]]^ilbcr force i)c/icccii the years 1786-1832: they touch on a variety of sul^jccts. George Rose^ zvrites in 1 790 /// the full //nsh of excitement on the neius of '" peace certain and nnc^nrvoca/ on the Z'cry teivns prescrilh'd from hence y ' I'lun Ckik of rurlianicnts. Rose writes to WilhcrfDrcc lain : " 1 shall iu\cr fiiul words. titlKr in speaking or writing, to express what I think of you." »*■« LETTERS FROM FRIENDS Right Hon. George Rose to Mr. Wilbcrforcc. " Old Palace Yard, " Xoi'Liiibcr 4, 1790. " 1\Iy dear Wilberforce, — I was shocked this morning in putting" my papers in order on my table to find a letter I wrote to you before I went into the country ; you must have thought me shamefully inattentive to you, which I trust I never shall be while I retain my senses, for anxious as I am to avoid such an imputation in general I do assure you I am particularly so to stand clear of that in your opinion. I will now, however, make you ample amends for the seeming neglect by telling you that the expected messenger is arrived and brings us an account of peace certain and unequi- vocal, on the very terms (I may say to you) prescribed from hence ; they secure to us great and essential points important to the interests of the country, and must prevent future occasions S6 I'KW.Vl'K I'APKRS OF WILBERFORCE of quarrel with Sjxiin ; war witli all its certain and |)()ssil)le consecjuences are [sn') axoicled. So much for public benefits ; what it must {produce to the indi\idual ' to whom the merit is justly ami lairl\- to be ascribed it is impossible at once to foresee — -I mean with respect to character of everything that can be valuable to a man in his situation. " I have actually been drunk ever since ten o'clock this morning', and ha\'e not yet quite the use of m)' reason, l)ut 1 am " Yours most faithfully and cordially, " Georue Rose." Pitt's views as to a bounty on corn in the scarcity then - prexailin^" are given by Rose in the next letter. /^/o/i/ Hon. a. /\osc to Mr. ]\'ilbcrforcc. "Mv iiKAR W'li.Di.RioRci:,— It would be very odd il )our writing to me on the subject of )"our last, or indeed t)n an\ other, could require an apology ; 1 regret only that 1 cannot give you the light uj)on it )()u wish. " W ilh respect to measures within the re.ich of Government to relieve the scarcit\ I tear none can be effectual. Mr. Pitt caimot, as you know, after his declaration in Parliament, import at the ' Pill. » About iSoj. LETTERS FROM FRIENDS 87 expense or risk of the public, but he is inchned to give a bounty on corn imported when it shall be below a certain price within a limited time. This is a new principle, but I really believe it would produce much good. The idea occurred to him on reading Mr. Richardson's letter to you, who stated the great discouragement of individuals importing to be the risk of prices being low on the arrival of cargoes in the spring ; I was so much struck with Mr. Richardson's observations that I wrote to beg him to call on me last Monday, but he had unfortunately set off that morning for Liverpool. I am more than half disposed to take the chance of prevailing with him to come up again. " During- our late sittino- the Scotch distilleries were stopped, but the prices of barley in England were not then such as to induce any man to hint even at the English ; and of course there is now no power to prevent them going on. We did prohibit the distillation of wheat ; and allowed the importation of starch at the Home Duty, which will stop that manufactory ; but I deplore most sincerely and earnesdy any agreement against the use of hair powder, not merely for the sake of a laro-e revenue, but to avoid other mischief which I am very sure is not enough attended to, the distinction of dress and external appearance. 88 I'RIVATK I'APKRS 01-' WILBKRFORCE The inattention to that has l)een a threat support of Jacobinism. " The resokitions which were taken in the last scarcit)' for restraining; the use of flour, &;c., were so httle attended, and were on the whole productive of so Hllle i^ood that Mr. Pitt has not thoui^ht it yet advisable to recur to them. 1 beliexe imich may be done. especiall\' in towns, by soup shops, respecting" which I should think Mr. Bernard can inform you as full)' as any one, from the share he took in the conduct ol them in London last winter. Perhaps the article ma\' be made somewliat cheaper here than an\- where else froni there beini;' a larger (juantily of ct^arse parts ol the meat than in any counlr\ place, but the souj) was made admirably good, palatable and nulriti\e lor twopence a (juart, and retailed at half that price ; one pint an ample allowance for each person, taking adults and children together, so that for one halfpenny a dav a comfortable mess was pi'o\idcd lor a j)oor person. 1 am making the experiment both at Christ Church and L\ lulhurst and I shall soon see liow ii will answer. I am ikiI sure but thai sonu- geiiei'.d plan ol that sort will l)e as likel\ .is an\ t»ther to be useful now. I think also ol imijoiling a cargo of corn now, as I tlid j)oi'k on the last occasion, and it ma\' be a gootl thing to encourage others to do the same tor the suppK' ol their respecti\e neighbi)ur- LETTERS EROM ERIENDS 89 hoods, which people will be more disposed to do if Mr. Pitt should propose the bounty I have alluded to. "The dr\- weather during- the last twelve days I hope will be productive of infinite good ; nothing- could be more fortunate, as the seed I hope will now be all well got in, which may have an imme- diate effect in lowering the prices." A letter of a later date from Rose follows as to the payment of Pitt's debts by subscription amongst his friends. W'ilberforce was sanguine as to the success of this plan " considering the number of affluent men connected with Pitt, some of whom have got great and lucrative places from him." Wilberforce drew up a list of sixty-three persons who " might be expected to contribute." But the plan of a private subscription fell to the ground. Right Hon. G. Rose to Mr. Wilberforce. " Old Palace Yard, " January 25, 1806, Saturday. " Mv DEAR Wilberforcp:, — I told you, imme- diately after the receipt of your former letters, that all th(jught of applying to Parliament for payment of Mr. Pitt's debts was abandoned ; and measures are taking for the attainment of that object, which will be very greatly assisted by your endeavours I am sure. Mr. Samuel Thornton and Mr. Anoferstein are to meet several gentlemen in the city on Tuesday morning to promote a private 90 I'RIVATI-: r.AIMCRS 01~ W ILBERFORC1-: subscrij)ti(^n, aiul wliatcvcr may be necessary to be done al this ciul of the town I trust will be effectetl. I hope I expressed ni\sell intellii^ibl)" respecting' Noiir moti\'es — you cannot be more certain of them than 1 am — and 1 felt deeply obh'Ljed by the plainness with which you expressed \()ur sentiments ; they decided m\- conduct instantly, as I told )'ou before. "As U) the wish expressed by oin" late inestimable friend relati\e to the Stanhopes, I sun^estetl to nou that as pro\ision had been made tor the husbands of the two elder ones, ecjual to /, i,ooo a year, I believe, for each, 1 tliou^hl a further one by Parliament could hardly be acquiesced in. b'or Lady Hester I hoped no difficulty would l)e made in [)ro\'idin«4- an amuiitx' to that amount. The two )ounL;' men are in the ■drmy—///iy are not of Mr. Pitt's blood — and small sinecure employments are given to them which will aid their income. " Three gentlemen are to meet in the city on Monday to concert the best measures tor i)romoting the subscription, and you shall know the result. W)u will, I am persuaded, come in lo allend the 1 louse on that day. "The l)ishop of Lincoln is at the l)eanery. " 1 am, my dear \V ilbertorce, " Most trul) yours, "Gi;oRc;i-: Rosi:." LETTERS FROM I<'RI1<:XDS 91 The next two letters are from Dundas. afterwards Lord Melville.' " the only minister to whose judge- ment Pitt greatly deferred." Wllberforce writes of him as "an excellent man of business and a fine, warm-hearted fellow," but later on he says, " his connection with Dundas was Pitt's great misfortune." - The first letter is on the subject of free exports of our manufactures to Holland. Rio/if Hon. Henry Dundas to Mr. W^ilbcrforce. " \\'l.MliI,EDON, August 15, 1796. " My dear W., — I have spoke both with Mr. Pitt and Lord Grenville on the subject of a free exportation of our manufactures from this country to Holland. I think they agree with me in thinking that if the restraint was ever a politick one the time is passed. Lord Liverpool, I believe, is of a different opinion, but it will imniediately come under discussion, and I would hope he will act wisely upon it. For my own part, I am of opinion that it is a degree of infatuation at the present moment to prevent the trade and manu- factures of the country finding an exit and a vent in any mode and by any channel the enterprise of the merchants can devise. I am as well as can be under all the anxieties which the state of the ' Lecky, vol. vii. p. 32. ^ Dundas, who had been Treasurer to the Navy, was impeached on April 29, 1805, on a charge of misappropriating ^10,000 worth of public money. He was acquitted June 12, 1805. 92 I'RIWATK rATLkS Ul' W ILJ51-:KI-(JRCE country naturally sug-gests, and the pain arising;' from that anxiclx" is not diminished by feelincr oneself free from ihc hlamc of all the mischief which is uoinu' <»ii. W ho would ha\e UioliliIu not many years aoo that in the year 1796 (ireat Britain should he the only nation to be lound true to its own interests, or in a situation to maintain them. Init 1 tind m\- pen rumiin^' away with nif, and must conclude with con^ratiilatinL;' you on the line weather and Kixiiriant crops, and with bein^", m)- dear \Vil, " \'ours sincerely, " I 1i;nk\ I )lni)As." Dundas's remarks on the defence of the country and the raisiuL^' of Nohintcer and \eomanr\' corps in 1798 are not widitml interest in 1S97. " W i.Mi;i.i-.ii< )\, ydiiiiiirv 2g, I7(>8. '' M\- i)i;.\K \\'ili;i:ri()Kci:, I'here can not be a douljt of the wishes of Government to brin^' forward the zeal and exertions ot the countr\' in every j)raclicabl(' shaj)e ; at present I am not aware ihal an\ ihin^ cheaper (it realK elticieiU) can be resorted to than the s\sU'm ol xnliinieer corj)s and xt-omam')' coi'i)s to which e\er\' encoiii'a^e- ment is j^ix-en. At the same lime it an\ proj)osal through the I'c^iilar channel tan be- laid before ( iovermneiU haxin;^ the same teiulencw there tan not be a tloubl oi its bein-' dul\ alleiuletl lo. Ll-mi'.RS I'ROM 1-RI1-:.\US 93 The on]\' satisfactory answer therefore which I can make to your letter is to suggest to you the propriety of mentioning to \'our friends who have apphed to you, that it would be best for them to put in writing the specified plan they would seve- rall\- wish to adopt, and if that is sent to the Duke of Portland by the Lord Lieutenant, I haxe no reason to doubt that it will be duly attended to. If a copy of the proposal is at the same time extra officially laid before me, it might be the means of expediting" the consideration of it, as I have frequent opportunities of conversing with the Dukes of York and Portland, and like- wise with Mr. Pitt on all subjects of that nature. Indeed the proper defence of the country by every possible means it can be done with effect and economy occupies my unremitting attention, and if I observe it neglected in any department, it vexes and distresses me more than I can describe, and perhaps more than is convenient consistently with keeping one's mind in a constant tenor of steady and unruffled attention. I was sorry to learn within these two days that Mrs. Wilberforce is ailing, and " I remain, my dear W^ilberforce, "Yours very sincerely, " Henry Dundas." In his later days when he had withdrawn to 94 rRI\'.\Tl-: I'AIM'.KS OF W I l.m'.RFORCE a L^rcat cxtciU frnni the society which he had charmed in his Noiiih W'ilberforce's chief female friends were Hannali More, of whose letters hun- dreds remain, Martha More, Mrs. I'ry. Maria Edo'eworth. In stroni^' contrast stand out the friendships n\ the \oiilhhi] da\ s. when W'ilher- torce s W inihlcdon \illa was the resort ot witty and fashionable, rather than of learned and cha- ritable ladies, when he was " sitting ujj all night singing " and w hen the society he frecjuented included Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Crewe, Mrs. She- ridan, the 1 )uchess of Portland, and last Init not least, the beautiful and bewitching Jane Duchess of Gordon, she who raised the regiment of Cior- doii I 1 iglilandcrs b\ gi\ing, as was .saitl, the shilling from her mouth to the recruits. The Duchess of Gordon writes to William W'ilberforce in July, I7u, as it is a satislac- lion to me to think that \(»u will pitv me. in spite of the nenlect of xour adxice, which I ha\e hetrayed. After ha\-inL;' had the carriage at the door to leave this place (the 1 )uchcss of (iordon's) in order that we mi^'ht s])end tomoi'row (|UKtl\. about twenty miles off I ha\(,' sutferetl nnself to l)e persuaded to sta\- here till Mond.iy. () how suhlle are the de- vices of the enem\' of our peace, and how weak our natuial means of defence; the real cause of my falling' into this temptation is now ])lain enough, hut the shadow of tlelusion that for a moment imposed uj)on me was the idea of ha\inLi' some serious con- x'ersation with the I )uchess, when we were llk(l\- to he almost alone, and which com|).in\ has hitheiao L;i\('n me hul little opporlunil\ for; and this 1 was weak enough to indulge m spite of more soher c'on- \ictions and the adx ice of Mr. ( loi'ham and other uhjettions. and 1 am just aw.ikened ttj sec the LETTERS EROM I-^RIICXDS 103 extent of my folly, conceit, cincl wilful depravity, by hiulin:^- that we are to have no chance of ha\'inL;' niy imagination o-ratirted, as Sir Win. Scott has written word that he is coming to-morrow, and the delight with which the Duchess welcomed the intelligence has opened my eyes to my sottishness in thinking her sincere in her wish that I might pass a Sunday with her. I cannot conceive a scene more calcu- lated to excite feelings of devotion and to expose worldly vanities than this spot, which is (|uite lovely, yet here I have found how strongly the world may engage the affections ; there is something in the Duchess that pleases, although against the judgment (perhaps a little in the way of Falstaff), and makes her entertaining even when she is the subject of melancholy reflections ; indeed, I feel how neces sary your warnings against her fascinations were ; she talked a great deal about her friend \\ ilber- force, and threatens you with a letter about me, and told me all my faults which she intended to report to you ; I have not spent a Sunday (for it is now over) with so much self-reproach since I came into Scotland. She seems to be on the same kind of terms with religion as she is with her Duke, that is, on terms ot great nominal familiarity without ever meeting each other except in an hotel or in the streets of Edin- burgh. She fell asleep on Sunday while 1 was reading to her part of Leighton's Commentary I04 rkix'ATi-: i'An-:KS ov wilhkrforck and awoke with li\cl\ cxjircssions ol admiration at what she had not heard ; she talks of setting' oil tor Ircland in a \vw weeks and ol L^'oinLi' to Lomlon afterwards, so I hope that she will do no harm at lulinbur^h next winter. I lett Kinrara on Monday and L;i)t to l)lair at ni^^ht ; 1 found there more of ancient staleliness than 1 ha\'e \ct seen, and 1 think the 1 )iike ol Athol is lond ot kee])In^ it up ; he has some ver\' fme scenery ahout him there, and his other place 1 )unkeld, which is twent\" miles oft, is j)erhaj)s more heautiiul although less wild and mannificent. Sir W. Scott (whom 1 ne\-er see without thinking' ot \'ou)is on a \isiim^' tour, and went trom iJlair with Lord hrederick Campbell to Lord MeKille's and trom thence goes to the Duke of Aru)le's and Montrose's hack to Edinbtirt;h ; he was \'ery tortuous and amusini;. 1 ha\e written this b) scra})s, and am ashamed to ha\e been so Ioiil;" about it. Man\ thanks lor \"our last letter, and especially for )our kindness in L;i\ iiii; me such full and uselul directions lor at-(|uirin;4 a talent lor public speaking ; 1 will endea\-our, as lar as 1 am able, to do justice to them, and I expect to jnul )'our technical lines ot i^reat serxice to me. 1 be- lieve that the plan ot relii^ious reading which \t)U mention is the best, and sureK 1 ha\e no small encouragement to pui'sut' it, and when I am so <>reat a ''.liner b\ Us benelicial ettecis m \ our lase. lI':tti<:rs i-rom 1'RI1':ni)s 105 I spent yestercla\- at Lord Maiisricld's. at Scoone, where the Kin^s of Scotlaiul used to he crowned ; the old palace has l)een pulled down, and a very large Gothic house l)uilt upon its site. I hoj^c you are enjoying- health and quiet where you are, and every other blessing. Give my kindest remem- brance to Mrs. \\'. " Believe me, my dear sir, " Affectly yours, " Caltiioki'E. " You shall hear from me again." W'ilberforce's influence with Pitt was also known to Maria, Duchess of Gloucester.' It will be remem- bered that Henry W^illiam, third son of George II. (created Duke of Gloucester in 1764), married Maria, Dowager Countess of Waldegrave, in 1766. This lady writes to W^ilberforce, hoping that through his "mediation with Pitt " a regiment of dragoons may be given to her son Lord Waldegrave. The Duchess of Gloucester to Mr. ]]'ilberforce. " CiENOA, February -j, 1786. " Sir, — Although you did not succeed in one of my requests to Mr. Pitt, you were more successful in the other, and for that I return you my thanks. I did not very much Hatter myself that Mr. Pitt would add a place to what Lord Waldegrave at ' She was second daughter of Sir Edward Walpole ; her uncle Horace ^^'alpole writes of her : " For beauty 1 think slie is the first match in England, she has infinite wit and vivacity." loT) pRix'ATi-: r.APKRs OF \\ilhi-:rforce present jjossesses, indeed a regiment is almost the ()iil\- atlditlon he is likely to L^ain ; and as Mr. l^ll lias exjjressccl his salislaction in the marks of la\()ur already received from the Kin^. may I hope, through your mediation, that Mr. I'itt will be so good as to remind His Majest\- how \ery accept- able a regiment of dragoons will be to Lord W'aldegrave. If Lord W'aldegraxe was distressed from his own extravagance I would not trouble Mr. Pitt, but m\- daughter's father left his brother a clear estate which is now encumbered as much as if the late Lord W'aldegrave had come to the title and estate, at twent\"-four, insteatl of fort\-four. The Duke of (irafton's reconciliation with his son is now so old a story that 1 onl\ mention it as a fact that I am sensil)le gives you pleasure? Mr. Pitt is so much attached to Lord pAiston, that I must take part in an e\ent that I know gi\es him so much pleasure. I hope Lord Lucan will sufter the match to take place, but till it is o\ er 1 shall have my doubts. It Mrs. W ilberforce antl vour sister are in town will xou give them my best conipHmciUs. .Soj)hia ani'i\/i w hen I sa\ that voii are the oii/y iwiiiQ- whose ((Hiiisels would /// d// ponifs ha\'e exactly lallcii in with nw own ideas Ironi \i)ur unilni^' a critical knowledge of the world in its higher classes with such deep religious feelings — either of these 1 nii^ht have found in a ver\- tew. hut not both in an\." Hannah M(jre and her friends had apparently unfortunate experiences with re_L;'ard to the spiritual help to he obtained ironi the hii^her ranks ot tlie cler<7-y at that time, as she writes : "1 ha\e had nian\' interxiews with Ladies \\ aldci^raxf and luiston. Thev told me that, though aiii will iiol charL^c me with (letecli\-e candour; the things iliat are alreadx' done will surely luo clearK jusiil\- \\hale\cr inlerenee I ha\'e drawn Iroin them. " Ma\' e\cr\ haj)))niess attend \ ou and \ours — in opposition to j)i-osj)ects I sa\' it; l)Ut it a few ^"(jod men ma\' not sav^e a nation, the) ) et may save and purchase fav(jiir to themseK'es. • " 1 am e\er. m\' dear W ilher., " Most ler\entl\' \durs, '•W. P,." Loi'd //a>'(hvi(kc to Mr. W'ilhcrforcc. " Scpicni her 30, 1 80 1 . "1 think the alterations made 1)\" the l'nii»n are in some respects likely to facilitate the conduct of j;)ublic business in this countrv with a \-icw to the pul)lic IxMiefit. 1 ha\e hitherto had i^reat reason to he satistied with m\" reception. The city of I)ul)lin, 1 mean the leatlin;.^' j)art ot it. is extremely lo\al and attached to ( io\ernment, but they still consider the Union as ha\in^' atlected in some decree their local interests, and it will l)e some time before this feeliiiL;' is entirely removed. 1 here can ho\\c\fr be little tloulH that when they see the I'nilcd Tarliament as attenti\e to Irish as the\ h;i\e been trtccl hv contribution of the colle^'e. and some ])ri\ale contributions; but such is tlie temper ot the Irish that e\en their charities, hberal as the\' rre(|uentl\ are. are more the result of pride and \anit\ than ot an\' ot the true feelings of the charitable mind. 1 think Dr. .Stokes's work will lie very useful ; and that in sjiite of all the arts of the priests, the circulation of the .Scriptures will prexail amongst the lower orders, and must reform even the Irish Catholic Church, which 1 take to l)e the most corrupt now remaining" of all the menibers of the Church of Rome. It will also ha\e the effect of enablini^" the Protestant clergy of the I'^staljlishment to perform their dut)- ; namelw to endeavour to instruct those who do not understand the English language ; and 1 think it will also enable the gentlemen of the counlrx to gain so much of the Irish language as will gi\e them some inter- course with their poor neighbours, where the Elnglish language is not spoken ; antl 1 think it will also contril)ute to diffuse the b. nglish language, which 1 think is a most important adxantage. I ha\e thought it my dut\- to subscribe ten guineas for the encouragement of Hr. .Stokes, and 1 beliixe a few subscriptions with what the College pro- LKTTKRS FROM FRIKXDS 115 poses to L;ive him, will encourage him to proceed with activity ; as I have strong" assurances that he seeks for nothing' hut iiulcmnit)' and desires no compensation (or his time or his labour. I yesterday L^ax'e up the (ireat Seal, in consequence of Lord Spencer's ha\in^" thought ht to advise His Majesty, alter he had signed a warrant for Mr. Ponsonby's appointment, to sign another for putting" the Great Seal in commission, and then to send it by express, directing the Lord Lieu- tenant to lose no tune in procuring the Commission to pass the Seal. This has been done in so much hurry that I have great doubts of its regularity ; and if it had been the case of any man but myself, I should have refused to put the Great Seal to the patent, without further consideration ; and I find the Lords Commissioners are very much puzzled how to act. But this I feel prin- cipally as a marked and gross personal affront to me, and through me to the Lord Lieutenant. " I could do nothing (without the Lord Lieu- tenant's warrant) but despatch the business of the Court of Chancery ; and yet I am not to be trusted with the Great Seal for a few days till the arrival of Mr, Ponsonby for that purpose ; and the suitors of the Court of Chancery were to be equally injured ; for the Commissioners being the Chief Justice and Chief Baron, who iir, pRU'ATK i'.\im:rs of wilhkrforcr lia\L' too much l)iisiiK'ss in their own courts to sit ill the Court of C'hiuiccry, and the Master of the Rolls who cannot (from the state of his health) do more business than he does as Master ot the Rolls, ver\- little of the l)usiness which would have been dispatched b\- me can be done till the arri\al of Mr. Ponsonbx ; and by that time all the Counsel will be L^nne the circuit. 1 must confess I resent this wanton and childish insult (for I ha\(' no doubt the afh'oiU was intended b\' Lord Spencer) much more than m\' removal from m\' office, and nothing- could be more insulting- than the terms of the letters written l)y my old friend C. W. \\'\ nne, by order of Lord Spencer, with the directions to have the patent to the Com- missioners sealed forthwith, b^rom L(^rd Spencer and from \\'\-nne 1 liad certainlv a claim at least to personal cixility. But it is the miserable effect of j^art)' violence to blind all those who suffer themselves to be led 1)\- it. 1 ha\e the satisfac- tion of knowing' that all those j)ersons here whose good opinion is of :\\w \alue regret my remoxal, and ha\'e gi\en me most affectionate testimonies of their regard. I am sorry to add that the conduct of His Majesty's ministers, in \arious instances, has raised in the I'rotestant inhabi- tants ol this counir\' great and serious alarm. The e.xpressioiis of Mr. \u)\ on the subject of LETTERS EROM ERIENDS 117 the Union ha\e sunk deep into their minds ; and thouL^h it has been contrived to rfuiet those adverse to the Union for the nioinent, with a view to prevent alarm, the poison is working in their minds, and you will probably soon perceive its effects. Mr. Fox's answ^er to Lord Shrewsbury and Mr. vScully, as stated in the papers, has also had a very unfortunate effect. It is a libel on the Government of the country in all its parts ; imputin<4' to it gross partiality even in the administration of justice, and it promises the Roman Catholics a different order of things ; not by the interposition of the legislature, but by the iii/^liicncc and favour of the executive government; and it applies itself directly and particularly to the aruiy, as if it were intended to frighten the Protestants into acquiescence. It should be recol- lected that Lord Shrewsbury is not connected in any way with Ireland, except by a claim of peerage; and that Mr. .Scully is the author of a pamphlet in which he wTites of James the Second as the /aic/u/ Kiu^- of Ireland at the battle of the Boyne, and King William as a Dutch inva- der. You can have no conception of the gloom which prevails in the minds of thinking people in this country. Our Chief Justice and Chief Baron, both very sound men and highly esteemed, are very strongly affected. The Chief Justice fore- ns i'Ki\'.\ri-: I'Ari'.KS oi- wii.hi'.ri'orci-: bodes every species ot mischief. Lord Xoriniry. whn is Chicl luslicc ol the COminoii I'lcas, is ot a lighter turn ol iniiid, and irnlalcd 1)\ a l^toss and nduiilous atlroiu in oiniiiinL^ his name in the Commission for cusiocK ol the (ireat Seal — ev'i- dciul\ a mere piece ot j)arl\ mah'ce. P)Ut lie also is till! ot gloomy apprehensions ot" the result of the measures likely to he adoj)ted. "P)iit m\' aj)[)rehensions are ^reatK increasetl 1)\- ol)S('r\in^ that Lord (ireinille and Lord Spencer are mere dupes to the other part)' in the Cabinet with respect to Ireland, if not i^eneralh' so. Lord ("irenxille and Lord Spencer perhaps imagine that the\- ma\- have some intluence in Ireland ihroui^h Mr. hJlioit and .Sir J. Newport. Most certainl\ the\- will haxc none. 1 he Ponsonhy lamiK' will L;'o\'ern Ireland ihrouL^h the Lord Lieutenant, who is com})letel\' in their hands. Lord (ireinille and Lortl Spt'ucer seem also to ha\c put .Scotland and linli.i out ot their control ; and with the intluence of all the L^reat aj)penda_n"es ot the h", mpire ai^ainst them, and a majorit)' in the Cabinet to contend with at home, what can the\ hope tor.-^ As the least of two e\ils, 1 shall \ei teel it m\ dui\ lo support them against their rixals in the ("abinel, though the j)ersonal insults I ha\'e receix'ed ha\'e conu- ihrouLjh them, and iheir rivals ha\e been compar.uiveK- li-:tt1':rs m^om I'Rii:xi)s 119 ci\il. I sliall t^cl ritl ol in\' property here as soon as I can, aiul with the niisLTaljlc remains trans- port niNselt to IuiL;lantl tor the rest ot mv days. " I have had enough ot otiice, and especially in my last change, which has had the effect of makin^^" mv. pa\' a tme of at least twenty thou- sand jjounds tor the honour ot servini^" four vears in a laborious oHice, separated trom my tamily and all my old friends, I shall return to England, however, with pleasure ; for though I shall be reduced to practise an economy to which for thirty \ ears I have been a strani^er, I shall return to my old friends, and to a country where my life will probably be in no greater clanger than that of any other person, and where Lady Redesdale will be relieved from the fear and anxieties which have lono- ao-itated her mind, and made her ardently wish that I had never taken the office of Chancellor of Ireland ; a wish in w^hich I most heartily concur. The remainder of my life I trust will be passed more quietly than the last three years. Lady Redesdale begs to join in respects to Mrs. \\ ilberforce, and I am " Truly, my dear sir, "Your faithtlil, humble servant, " Rkdksdale." Sydney Smith writes in 1S07 with regard to the Yorkshire election, and the state of I20 I'RIXWri-: I'AI'l-'.RS Ol- WII.in-.Rl-^ORCK Irelaiul : his Ii-ilcr is marked "characteristic" by \\ ill)crt(>rce. ■■l)i;\k SiK, \\ Mrs. S. remains in her present state of heahh I hardK' know how I can go clown to \'orkshirc at all. It is ci^ht weeks since her KiiiL^-in, aiul she cannot \'et stand upon her feet. It 1 do come 1 will certainly vote inr Lord Milton and lor now. I hoj)e now \'ou have done with Africa \"ou will tlo something" lor Ireland, which is surely the greatest cjuesiion and interest connected with this I^mpire. 1 here is no man in I'.n^land who from acti\il\', undersiandinL;', character, and neutralitv could do it so effectually as Mr. W ilherforce — and when this country conceded a centur\' at^o an eslahlishment to the I'reslnterian Church, it is horrible to see lour millions of Christians ol another persuasion instructed by raL;L;ed priests, and j)raisinL;' their Creator in wet ditches. 1 hope to ( iod xou will stir in this ^real business, ,uid then w c will \ote vou the consul- ship tor lite, and you shall be perpetuaL member tor \ orkshn'e. " in the meantime 1 remain, with L;reat resj)ect. " \()ur ol)edient ser\ant, " S\ i>\i:\- S.Mrni." W'ilberlorce had e\idenll\ wi'illen lo Lord Lldon bei^j^in^ him not to take up the u;r(.-at (piesiion ol aboliiion ot sla\c-r\' on |);u'l\' L^rounds; .md I .ord LKTTKRS FR01\I FRIENDS 121 F^ldon wrote llial he wished thai the House ot Lords iiiiLiht not ch's^race itself by its mode ot proceeding, as he saw a strong' inclination to do justice, "if al)olition he justice, in a most unjust mode." This letter is undated ; it was j)robably written in 1802. Lord E /don (0 Mi'. W'ilbcrforcc. "Dear Sir,— -I thank you for your book, and I add my thanks for your letter. You may be assured that I am incapable of ' takiny," up this great question on party grounds.' As a proof of that. I may mention that after listening more than once, with the partiality which my love of his virtues created, to Mr. Pitt himself in the House of Commons, and discussing the subject with him in |)rivate, again and again, the difficulties which 1 had upon immediate abolition, and abolition without compensation previously pledged (not compensation for British debts out of African blood, but out ot British treasure) never were so tar surmounted, as to induce me to think I had clear grounds for voting zvitli hiiu. After such a statement, I need not say that, although my political life has, at least so I fancy, for near twenty-four years been so far really reo-ulated bv a sincere belief that I am actino' according" to the dictates of duty in an uniform unin- terrupted opposition to some persons now in power, that I feel it verv difficult to class amono' mv 122 rkixAri". I'Ai'i-.Ks oi- \\ii.hi:ki'ORCK honoiirahlc iViciuls L;ciulcnK'n wlio hcive never, ihdt 1 know of, clisiUDWi'd ilu- j)rinciples ai^ainsi which I ha\"e been \vaL;inL;' war. and who, I presume, have never disa\-owed ihcni because they entertained iheni. as siiuerel)' as 1 tletest them; \et, in a case of this sort. I know that I must either stand or tall by takiiiL;' diliL^rnt heed that in what I do or forbear to do 1 am j^overned by the best lights, which my own reason, aided by information, can afford me; and I should think m\ self a worse nicUi, if 1 was inlluenced b)' part)' considerations in such a business, than indiscreet zeal has yet represented a West India planter to be. "What 1 shall linalK' do I know not. 1 wish the House of Lords ma\- not disL;Tace itself b\' its mode of proceeding". I see or think I see a strong inclina- tion, if abolition be justice, to do justice in a most unjust mode. I'erliaps the dilatory conduct t)f that House lormerK', it is now thoUL^hl, can be atoned for l)y hurry and precipitation. And that its char- acter will be best maintained bv its IjeinL; doubly disLTraced. I wish m\ mind had been so framed as to feel no doubts on this awful and fearful lousiness, but as that is not the case, 1 must endeaxour to tlo as riL;hll\ as, with m) intn'milies of mind I ma\ be able to act. I shall see lo-da\ what course the matters take, and it m\ \ iew ot the subject leads me to determine to \-oie and 1 feel il likeK lo be l)ene- li-:ttI':rs vrom frii<:nds 123 ficial to converse upon facts, as well as to read all I can hnd. I shall seek the benefit \-ou kintll\- olier me. " Yours sincerely, " Eldon." W'ilberforce had met Lord Ellenborou^-h on the Continent in 17S5, and had maintained a friendly intercourse with him. The following- letter froni Lord Ellenboroug-h shows his attitude towards abolition. Thouoh he acknowledoed the viciousness of the system he was extremely alarmed at the consequences of disturbing it (especially in the then convulsed state of the world). At the same time he said that he should not be governed by any supposed policy of man. if he were clear as to the will of God on the point. His letter is marked "truly pleasing" by Wilberforce. Lord Ellcnborough to Mr. ]]^ilbcrforcc. " Bloomsbury Square, " y/zz/f 27, 1802. " Mv DEAR Sir, — I recollect perfectly the conver- sation between us in the House of Commons to which you allude, and should be extreme happy to appoint a time when I might have the benefit, which I should certainly derive from a communication with you upon the important subject mentioned in your letter, — it I could do so with convenience to you, and without breaking in upon my necessary attend- ance during' the sittings at Westminster and Guild- 124 rKix'ATi'. PAPKRS OI-' w'l i.hI':ki! Lords till helweeii fu'e and six. 1( tliei-e he an\' morning' this week diirini; whieh ni\ sittini^s will continue at Westminster, when it mi^ht he ci)n\'enient to vou to he at nu" ehamher at Westminster, called the Kind's iU-nch FreasurN ( hamher, \)V hall-past eiL;ht, 1 would he down there h\ that time, which wDuld allow me the satislaction ot seeing" \ ou lor hall hour helore mv sittings, which commence at nine, hei^in. 1 leel the inlmite importance of the (]uesti<)n ot aholition. and will L^ix'e no x'ote ujxm it at all, unless 1 can do so with a much more satished judg- ment and conscience t)n thi; suhject than 1 ha\'e attained at j)resent. 1 have alwaws lelt a L;reat ahhorrence ot the mode hy which these unlortunate creatures are lorn Irom tln-ir lamilies cuul countr\ , anil ha\e douhted whether an\ sound polic-\ could oToW' out ot a SNStem whiih seemed to he so \icious in its touiulation ; hut 1 .un extremeh alarmed at the consecjuences ot disturhiiiLi it. ])articulai-l\ in the present con\'ulsed state ot the world. In short, m\" dear sir, I am almost ashamed to say that 1 tremble at L^^'ivini;' their lull ettect to the impressions which the suhject naluralU makes on m\ mind, in the hrst \iew ot it, as a man and a ( hristian. I am lriL;hteiK-d at the conse(|uences ot an\ mno\alion u|)on a lon^- LKTTl'.RS I 'ROM FRII'.XDS 125 established j)racticc, at a j)C'ri()(l so lull of dano-er as the present. At the same time I cannot well reconcile it with the will of (iod, and if I was (]iiite clear on that head, 1 should he decided b\' it, and should not be governed by any supposed policy of man which mio-ht be set up in opposition to it. I write this in confidence to yourself I remain, my dear sir, with very sincere respect, '■ \ our obedient servant, " Elli:ni;orouc;ii." Wilberforce had written to Lord Ellenborough on the evils of his havino- a seat in the Cabinet, Lord Ellenborough being- at that time Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and the next letter contains Lord Ellenborough's defence of his conduct, which does not err on the side of brevity and which Wilberforce describes as "a very handsome answer." Lord EllcuboroiiQ'h to Mr. ]]ilhcrforcc. " BLOOMSr.URV SgUARK, '' February 4, 1806. " Mv DEAR Sir, — I sit down to thank you for the favour ot your letter in the very instant in which I have received it. I regret very much that I have no opportunity of personal communication with you on the subject of it : if I had I could explain more per- fectly and unreservedly than I can do by letter all the motives which have induced my reluctant acquies- cence in a nomination of myself to a place in the 126 i'Ri\'.\ri-: r.\ri:RS of wilhkrforci-: Cabinet. 1 he siiiiaiioii has notoiiK- not been sought by me. l)Ut 1 appeal to e\er\ nieniber ol the Govern- ment about to be tormed who is ac(jiiaintecl with the tiansaction, whellicr it was not accepted b\ me with extreme reluctance, and after objections raised by myself which nothing' but a superior sense ot the present dut\ and a })rospect ot present usefulness to the public would ha\e surmounted. If I had felt that a situation in the Cabinet would ha\e ])lacetl me under circumstances inconsistent with the due and impartial dischari^e ol m\' judicial lunctions, no con- sideration on earth would ha\e induced me to accept it. A member ot the Cabinet is onlv a member of a Select Committee ot the Pri\\ Council, of which Priv\ Council at laroe every justice ot the K.l). is of course a member. In that lander Fri\\- Council his Majest)' ma\ and trecjueniK- does take the opinion of its members on matters which ma\' come in (jues- tion judiciall)- before some of them. I^ut 1 think that no man can correctK act in l)oth capacities, and theretore when a cjuestion ot a hi^h criminal nature was al)out a \ear ai^'o under discussion at a Prix'X' Council at which I was jxirticularK desirc-tl b\ the C hancellor to attend. 1 siij)ulated expressK with m\" \j)\\\ Chancellor that I should not be inclucUHl in a .Sjiecial Commission to tr\ the offence then undc-r consideration. 1 think both m\ Loril C. |. liolt. and \'er\- lateK' m\' Lord C". j. i''\re wouKl have LKTTKRS FROM FRn<:NT)S 127 clone better to liave forl^ome ])eini4- present at the preliniinar\- incjuiries I)efore the Pri\-y C>)uncil, the sul)jects of wliich in the resuh mi^ht l)e, and after- wards in fact were, tried lieforc? them; hut the; objec- tion is not so nuicli in ni\- opinion that I niiL^ht be led to particij)ate in the counsels of the Executive Go\-ernnient upon (juestions connected with the criminal jurisdiction which 1 am to exercise else- where (because from these I should of course in\ari- ably withdraw m\self) but because it mi^ht i^ive a political cast and bias to a judicial mind, mi^ht s^'enerate views of ambition, and destroy that indiffer- ence and impartiality on all questions which is the proper characteristic of a I)ritish judge, and e\'en if it had not that effect, it mi^ht be supposed by the world at large to produce it, which very opinion of others would detract much from the public credit and consequent usefulness ot the person so circum- stanced. " The consideration ot this objection at first gave m\ mind no small degree of anxiety. I was conscious to myself that I had no views of ambition to gratify. Those views, if I had entertained any such, would have been better consulted by accepting the Great Seal, and with it a highly efficient place in the public Councils — but which I had already refused — indeed every view of that kind has been long since more than satisfied. I lent myself at the earnest soHcita I2S I'RIX'A'll-: 1'.\1'1-:RS OI-' \\llJiI-:RFORCE tinii of oiIkm^s lo ilic L;rcal j)iil)lic object of form- iiiL^" a slnnii^" and iinilt-d atlininislralion, which, j)rrha|)s. wiihoiil iin coiisciU to accc|)l this situa- tion could not, trom j)ai-li(ular circumstances and ditiicultics which I am not at liberty to state, have been formed. " In acceptinLi' it 1 ha\c stij)ulated that I should not lie exj)ected to attend except on |)articularl\ impor- tant occasions, and on such occasions some ot m\' predecessors and particularU Lord Mansfield has, I understaml, been called upon for his ad\ice, and indeed, in \irtue of ni)- oath as Pri\'y Councillor I am botmd to .L;ive that acKice when re(juired. "Will \"ou accjuit me of \anit\'? I hope \t)u will, when 1 L;i\e one reason more for mv consenting' to become lor a time (I hope it will Ix- a short one) an ostensil)le member of his Majesty's select and confi- dential Cotincil. As I had, so I hoped I should be understood to have, no motixe of amliition or interest inducing" me to take this place in his Majestv's Councils. I had in i^cnei'al been supj)osed on most subjects to think ior nnsell. 1 had, I beliexe, been considered in s^eneral as a zealous Irieiitl to the just j)rero'Li;ati\es ol the Crown. 1 had no particular stain upon m\ j)ri\ate characlei': in the miscellaneous composition ot v\vr\ ailmimsiiMiion. and ot diis. amongst othei's, I thouL^lu a person swch as 1 mii^ht be esteemed to be. and on the ''n>und o| thai estima- lktt1':rs i-'rom frii-:xds 129 tion particular]}", would he an in^rc-dient not wholly without its use. " So it appeared to some of my friends. So it did (I speak it in confidence) particularly to Lord Sidmouth, as to the purity of whose views and conduct in the formation of the present arrangement I can bear the fullest testimony, and whose earnest request (I speak it still in the same confidence) overcame my reluctance, and induced me to make this sacrifice ot private convenience and to incur the hazard which your kind and honourable letter represents to me as greater than I had thought it, of suffering" in the good opinion of others. If, after this explanation, unavoidably less perfect than I could have wished to make it, you shall still retain your unfavourable opinion of the step I have taken, I shall learn it from you (and I am sure in that case you will have the frankness to tell me so) with inexpressible pain. As long as I shall continue a member of his Majesty's Councils (and I hope the necessity which induced my acceptance of the situation will not be of long continuance) I will give a faithful, honest, and fearless opinion upon the subjects under consideration, and, although it is possible that good men may doubt of the prudence or propriety ot my conduct in accepting it, I am confident that no good man who shall have the means of knowing the actual course I shall pursue 10 130 PRIVATl-: I'Ai^KRS OF WILHRRFORCE in thai situation will Jiavc reason to blame it. The exjjjanaiion I ha\e i^iven \"oli is entirely confiden- tial. W iih an anxious wish consisteiuK in perforni all the \arious dulirs which press upon me at this moment antl to })reserve the j^ood opinion of good men, and especial!)' of one whom on many accounts I ha\e so lon^" and so highly esteemed as yourself. " I remain, ni)- dear sir, "Most sincerely and faiihrull)- )()urs, " KlLKN BOROUGH." In 1802, on the supposition that Lord W'ellesley's resignation as Governor-General of India was im- minent, an idea had been entertained that Lord Castlereagh should be offered the Governor- Generalship, and W'ilberforce had been asked to approach him on the subject. bVom Lord Camden's letter to W'ilberforce, given below, it will be seen that Pitt had objected to an appointment that would take Lord Castlereagh from the House of Commons, which he thought should be the theatre ol his future fame. Lord CaDidcii to Mi'. Wllhcrfonc. " Tiitniiiiy 7, 1S02. " I)i:,\K \\^i.I',i:ki-()Rck, — I lament extreme))- that Lady Camden and I have been dej)ri\ed of the pleasure we should ha\'e IluI in receiving )'ou and Mrs. W'ilberforce here, and still more that )-ou should ha\e been confined to Loiulon b\ the \'ery LETTERS ERO!\I ERIENDS 131 anxious attendance you have undergone. I thank you for coiiimunicatinu- with me on the subject of Lord Casdereagh, and I will explain to you all I know of his objects as connected with the situation you have mentioned. " Amongst the many unpleasant circumstances attendinuf our secession from office I have con- sidered Lord Castlereagh's actual situation as one peculiarly awkward to himself, and I have also thought that in the present dearth of men of spirit and sense who can take office it was unfortunate for the country that he should be excluded. With a view of relieving him, if possible, from such exclu- sion, I contrived that he should meet Pitt here about a month ago, and have a full and explicit conversa- tion with him and me relative to the future views of the one and the future prospects of the other. (I confess I was not indifferent at the same time to the consideration of the line I may myself hereafter think it right to adopt.) In a previous conversation I had with Pitt respecting Lord Castlereagh, he expressed his anxiety that he should take office, and he is desirous of contriving it if possible with credit to him ; and amongst the objects to which Lord Castlereagh might look, he took notice to me of an idea which he knew had been entertained of send- ing him to the East Indies as Governor-General. He (Pitt), however, expressed an objection to this 132 PRIVATE r.APKRS OF WIT^RKRFORCE appoiiitnu-iu. as it woiiUl take him from the House of Commons, which he thought should \w the theatre of his tutiire tame, aiul where, whenever Lord FIavvkesl)ur\- is remcned. he will Ije much wanted. In ])r('i)arinL; Lord Castlerea_n"h for his conversation wiili Pill I mentioned to hini the idea which had l)een entertained of his (roin<>- to hidia, but i took notice of it as a mere floating- idea that had not been matured, and in the short con\ersation upon that ])art of the subject which ensued, his impression appeared to Ije an unwillingness to banish himself from his country and to withdraw for ever (as he should conceive he did, b\- now abandoning- it) from the situation he had a riL;'ht to look for in the hiouse of Commons. In the sub- sequent conversation with Pitt at which I was present, not a word passed on this subject, and I should therefore conceive that Lord Castlereagh has never had the subject fairly before him. I am convinced he would have communicated with me if he had ; and although I should concei\e it \erv doubtful if the event might turn out as \-ou wish, if the proposition were made to him. 1 \ et think if the dircx'tors of the luist India Compan\- have reall\- thought of him. he ought to ha\c' the oj)por- tunit)' of weighing a subject of this great impor- tance in his mind before he has bec-n untlerstood to decline the ojlei-. I5\ \\a\ of appi-ising Lord LETTERS EROM ERIENDS 133 Castlereagh upon the subject I will enclose him your letter (if you have no objection), which I think will L;i\e him the opinion of a person indifferent to everything- concerning him except his public cha- racter, and open the business in as advantageous a manner as it can be done. " Believe me, " Ever most sincerely yours, " Camden." In 1803 the tardiness of our military preparations had been accentuated in a debate on the second reading of the Army Reserve Bill. Windham, of whom Wilberforce sa\s that " he had many of the true characteristics of a hero, but he had one great fault as a statesman, he hated the popular side of any question," gives as his opinion in the next letter, that he saw no impossibility in two armies of from twenty to thirty thousand men being landed in different places, and being opposed only b\' yeomanry and volunteers they might advance to London or wherever else they pleased. " Government acknowledge that there is an utter want of firearms."' \\ indham's hope was that Buonaparte might, for some reason or other, not come ; though he confesses that he did not know of any foundation for such hope. ' Wilberforce to Henry Bankes. " Life of \\'. ^^'ilberforce," vol. iii. p. 1 17. 134 PRIVATE PATERS OF WILBERFORCE Right Iloii. W'illia})! ]\'i]idlia))i to Mr. ]\llbcj-forcc. " Hkaconsfiei.k, '' Am^iisl 1 8, 1803. "Dear \\'ii.p.i:kforce, — The breakintr up of Parliament. acKanced as the season is, I can hardly help regretting' on another account. One wants a means of publishing the abominable backwardness in which things are with respect to defence : so as lite- rally to put us in the situation, described b\- some writer in the Moiiitcur, namely that if fift\- thousand men can anxhow get on shore, the)' must concjuer the island. What shall we sa\' to the fact, that at the end of now more than five nionths since the King's message not a single ball cartridge (I suppose) has been in-ed from one end of the country to the other, unless perhaps a few that I have desired to be fired just b_\' me in Norfolk, and some that 1 hear Cjrey has been using u])on the same principle in Northumber- land ? that the corj)s, which ha\'e been raising, such as the)' are. remain to this monient for the greater part without arms .-* that e.Kcepting. I ani afraid, a \'ery few thousand men to the arm\' of reserve, not the smallest a(.ldiii(»n has been or can be made to a force truK' regul.u-, such as can alone be opposed upon ciiual ternis to the troops 1)\ which we shall be inxaded? — and that llu' w hok' assist- ance, that would be to \^v rccei\(.'d trtun woi'ks, ot whatever sort, is all \ el to be be>'un. and e\en LETTERS EROM ERIEXDS 135 settled ? When men talk of the difficulties and impracticability of inx'asion, of the impossibility of conquering a country such as this, they say what may be true, but which is certainly not so for any reasons which they can, or at least which they do, give. It is all a kind of loose, general vague notion founded on what they have been accustomed to see and to conceive, to which the answer is that so was everything which we have seen successively happen for these last fourteen years. Considering things not in much detail, but upon principles some- what less oeneral than those which I have been alluding to, I can see no impossibility in the suppo- sition of two armies landing in different places of from twenty to thirty thousand men each, of their beating, severally, the troops immediately opposed to them, and that having nothing then to encounter but volunteers and yeomanry, and other troops of this description, in the midst of all the confusion and panick which would then prevail, that they might advance to London or wherever else they pleased. Wliat the further consequences might be, one has no pleasure in attempting to trace ; but I should be obliged to any one who would show me some distinct limits to them. The persons to do this are, I am sure, not those who talk so glibly of crushing and overwhelming, and smothering, and I know not what all ; without the least idea how 136 PRIVAT1-: I'APKRS OF WILHKRFORCE any of tlicsc things are to 1)C' clone, while the persons attackinu; us know how these things are, sometimes at least, not done, by the example of the numerous countries which they have over- run in spite of all such threatened opposition. 1 shall go from here, that is from London, as soon as 1 ha\e settled some necessary business, and see whether I can be of an\ use in Norfolk, though I do not perceixe how widi the aid of only a single regiment of militia (all (jur present force) we are to stop a l)od\' ot ex'en one thousand men. or how tor the present. an\ thing at all can be done, when there is not as yet a provision for even the delivery of arms. All the hrelocks which the\' ha\'e as yet got immediately about here have been sent down at my own expense. My chief hopes are I confess that Buonaparte ma)-, for some reason or another, not come, or at least for some time ; but what founda- tion there is for any such hojie I confess 1 do not know. b^)rgi\'e m\- running on at this rate. The importance oi die subject would certainK' warrant me if 1 had an) thing new to say. " \'ours ver\ inilv, " W . W IMHIA.M." 1 .oi'd ( "hatham ' at thai limr Masier-( leneral of die (Jrdnance, writes on the same subject : al an\ rale ' IJiolhcr to Mr. Tilt, ot whom l.onl Mldoii yaw it as liis deliberate opinion tliat "the al)ksl niaii 1 ever knew in the Cabinet was Lord Chatham." l1':tt1':rs from i-rii<:nds 137 there were " one hundred thousand pikes ready for the defence of the country, but there was an indis- position to take them." Lord Chalhani to Mr. U^ilbcrforcc. " St. James' Squ.\re, " September 2, 1803. " I had certainly felt it my duty (as only follow- ing up the plan proposed before I came to the Ordnance) to endea\our to restore at the Peace, and with such impro\'ements as could be suggested, the manufacture of the old Tower musquet, which our troops used to have, but which the necessities of the late war, and the naked state of our arsenals at its commencement, had obliged us to depart from, and to have recourse to an inferior arm. I found of course considerable opposition to any improve- ment, not only from the manufacturers, but from all the interior servants of the Ordnance. This was, however, nearly surmounted, and the manufacture of the better sort of arm on the point of taking place, when this sudden and unprecedented demand for arms took place. I ought here to state that had it not been with a view to improvement, and intend- ing graduall)' to dispose of those of inferior quality through the medium of the India Company, we should not ha\-e been, previous to the war breaking out, carrying on any manufacture ot arms, our arsenals beinL!' ox'erllovviniJ", calculatiuL!' on the most 138 PRIVAT1-: TAl'lCRS OF W ILJ51:RI-C)RCK extended scale the Department had ever heen called upon to furiiish. I have, however, in consecjuence of the cxlraordiiiary calls of the present crisis, detenniiicd to use every effort, to meet it, and directions have been L;i\en to the Hoard of (Ordnance to revert to the same arm as was made last war. and to manufacture to the utmost possible extent the muscjuet of the India palicrn. You will easily believe I must have felt some reluctance in being obliged to lake this step after all the pains I have bestowed, but 1 hojx- 1 ha\e judged lor the best. I have great satisfaction in thinking that the stock of arms we j)ossess will enable us in the hrst instance, to arm to a consideraljle extent j)er- haps all that is really useful, and as arms come in, which with the exertions of the manufacturers they will do <|uickl\", and with the aid oi what we exj)ect trom aljroad the remainder will be proxiiled before long. We ha\'e alread)' one hundred thousand pikes, and can increase them rapid!) , but in general there is an indisposition to take them. 1 shoukl like much to talk over with \"ou, not onl\ the subject of arms, but the whole (juesliou of \dhmteering which 1 C(jniem|)late as a most serious one. b'x- cuse great haste with which 1 ha\e wrliim, antl with Lad\ < halham's \cr_\ bcsi i-cincinbranccs to \()U. " l)c-lie\e nic, yours \'ci"\ sincci'eb', " CuA ru.wi." LETTERS EROM ERIENDS i39 Henry Bankes, the old friend of both Pitt and Wilberforce, writes on the political situation in i S07 as follows : — Mr. Bankes to Mr. Wilberforce. " Kingston Hall, " January i, 1807. " Mv DEAR \\'iliu:rforce, — upon perusing the French papers I am well satisfied with the conduct of our Government. The tone is firm and uniform, and the den^iands such that we might have felt extremely happy to have made peace if we could have obtained them. There is somewhat of a blundering about the basis, which you will recollect Lord Malmesbury wrote so much ingenious non- sense about upon a former occasion, and it is to be lamented that Mr. Fox (whose letters upon the whole do him great honour) laid down an indistinct and indefinite basis in general terms of loose con- struction instead of binding that Proteus, his friend Talleyrand, to whom in his first address he professes the most perfect attachuieut (what a word from a Minister not born in the days of Charles II.!) to the sense in which he meant to interpret, fairly as I think, his words, and the words of his master. " Nothing can equal the shabbiness. chicanery, and double dealing of the French negotiators, and their proceedings do in fact but little credit I40 privatp: r.\i'i-:RS of wilhkrforce to their iiiulfrsiaiulinL;s, if they have any opinion of ours. " Believe me, my dear Wilberforce, " Most siiicc-rel\' yours, " 1 Ii;xk\ P).\NKi:s." Lortl llarrowhy. who twice refused the Premier- ship, writes ot the state of parties in 1809. Lord Jlan'oivby to Mr. W'ilbcr force. '■' l'riihi\\ Scplciiibir 22, 1809. " Dkar \\'ii.i;i:Ri(jkri;, — \nu must ha\c thought me a threat l^ear imi to have thanked you sooner lor your knid recollection of m\- wish to see a sketch of Mrs. II. Mores rustic huikliuL^". It is much more finished than 1 wished, and shall be sent to Kensington as soon as Mrs. Rwler has taken a slight sketch of it. " I have, since I received it, taken two journics into I )e\"onshire, upon Ma\nooth Inisiness, and have not had, when in town, a spare moment from Indian and domestic torments. The histor\- of the latter could not he put upon p.ijxr. and it il could, would l)e as xoluminous as an Indian despatch. You know enough of the parties not to suspentl )'our opiin'on till xou know as much as is necessar\' to form il. The 1 )ukc of Portland's resi;.4nalion has onl\' accelerated the I'risis. and \ ou know t-nouL;h of Perce\al to he sui'c ih.il w f are not lnokt-n u]), because /ic insists ujxtn h.i\ in;^ ilir w lioU- powci' in LETTERS EROM 1-R11-:XDS 141 his own hands, and will not serve under any third person. Under these circumstances, and a thousand others, there seemed no resource left, but to attempt an overture to Lord Grey and Grenville jointly, which is made with the Kind's consent and authority. It it is met m the spirit in which it is made, 1 trust it will be successful. Whatever we may be driven to do, if the\" shut their ears to the proposal of an extended and combined administra- tion, we shall not, in my opinion, have been justified in our own eyes or in those of the country, if any party feelings prevented us from endeavouring bond fide to form such a Government as may both protect the King, and be fit for these times. They are, I believe, as little able to form a separate Government as ourselves, unless they mean to re-unite them- selves with those at whose proceedings they were so evidently alarmed last year. If they come in alone by force, they will have the Catholic question as a millstone round their necks. The very tact of an union with us who are known to entertain a decidedly opposite opinion upon that question (some of us for ever, and all during the King's life) would enable them to get rid of it for the present, as, without any pledge, which, after all that has passed, could neither be asked nor given, that question could never be made a Government question with- out the immediate dissolution of the administration. 142 l'RI\'.\TK I'Al'l'lRS OF W I LB MR FORCE " \'()u express a \ery datlerinn' satisfaction at my return to public life. It will probably be a \ery short excursion, and certainK" a most painful one. 1 look lor no comtort but in planting' turnips in m\' Sabine farm. " \ Ours (;\er most sincerely, " Harrowi'.v." Lord Erskine writes in 1813. to Wilberforce : — " I cannot sufficiently discharo^e a duty 1 owe to the public without telling" you what 1 think of the speech you sent me on the Christian question in India. The subject, though j^reat and important, was local and temporary ; but the manner in which you treated it made your sjicech ot the greatest value in the shield of Christianit)' that clociucnce and faith could possibly have manufactured. " I read it with the hi^'hest admiration, and as I am now a prixate man lor the remaining' years of m)' lite, I may say, without the presumption of station to give weight to my opinion, that it deserves a place in the library of ('\er\ man of letters, even if he were an atheist, for its merit in everything that characterises an aj)j)eal to a Christian assembl\" on the subject of Christianitv. W ith the greatest regard 1 ever am, " M)' dear sir, " \'our most fiilhlul ser\-anl, " I'lkSKlXK." LETTERS FROM r'RllCNDS 143 Rowland Hill, the celebrated preacher, the disciple of Wliilefield. and the founder (jf the Surrey Chapel, writes to hrin^- jjefore W'ilberforce's notice the; (luestion of " untaxed worship," with regard to his chai)el. Rev. Row/and Hill lo Mr. Wllbcrforce. " Surrey Church, ''April 16, 1 8 14. " My dear Sir, — Another prosecution for poor rates on our chapel has commenced. Though the appellant, Mr. Farquarson, a man of no character and involved in debt, is the ostensible person, yet all the evil arises from a Mr. Whitlock. who has a place in the lottery office under Government, who probably might have been quiet had he received a hint from the Government that his designs were not correspondent with their wishes. As matters are, the most vexatious and perplexing consequences must be the result. Different persons are subpoena'd down as far as Rygate, while these large expenses a thii'd tiiiic over is the least of the evil that must result. If they gain a verdict, for the sake of thousands of religious people that must be ruined by such a taxation, we must and shall resist. Surely the present mild Government will not suffer us to be deprived of the privilege of untaxed worship that we have uninterruptedly so long en- joyed. 144 i'Ri\'.\ri: r.\i'i-:ks oi- w ilhi:ri<^orce " If. dear sir, you couKl l)iil hint to Mr. \'ansittart what iiuisi lie ihc rcsiili ol his iK-^iccliii^" lo answer our rcspccthil jx'litions so as to obtain s(»mc redress on our hehaKcs, thousands would have to bless you, and none Jiiore so than " \ DLirs most respectfully, " Rowland I lii.i.. "It should appear according" to the new French consiitulii Ml that our relii^ious liberties in I'^n^land are soon likely to be much iiilcridr to those in brance. " We humbly conceive we ha\e some little claim on the attention oi the Government aL^ainst these \'e\atious disputes, haxin^' made the largest collec- tion ol any place ol worship in the kinml«im on different {patriotic calls." It will be remembered that when the I )uke ol Wellington was ambassatlor to Paris in 1S14 he took up ver\ warmb" the (]uestion of the .Slave Trade, himsell circulating in Paris W ilbcrlorce's letter to his \'oi-kshire coiisliiueiils nn the subject, which Madam de .Siac'-I had translated at the I )uke's suggestion, and also tmdertaking to dis])erse W ilber- force's pamphlet to Tallex rand. The I )iikc writes from Paris, I )ecember 14. 1S14. The Ihtkc of irc/Iiiioioii lo Mr. ]\'i/hcrforcc. " It is impossible to tlescribe the prejudice of all classes here upon the subjeii, j)arlicularly those of our determined enemies, the priniij)al itfficers aiul LETTERS FROM FRIENDS 145 employes in the public departments. I was in hopes that the King's measures had changed the pubHc opinion in some degree, of which the silence of the public journals appeared an e\idence. But I found yesterday that I was much mistaken, and that the desire to obtain the gain expected in the trade is surpassed only by that ot misrepresenting our views and measures, and depreciating the merit we have in the abolition. I was yesterday told gravely by the Directeur de la Marine that one of our objects in abolishiny' the Slave Trade was to ^et recruits to fight our battles in America ! and it was hinted that a man mioht as well be a slave for agricultural labour as a soldier for life, and that the difference was not worth the trouble of discussing it." The Duke goes on to complain that what was taking place in Paris as to the Slavery question had got into the English newspapers. The Duke of Wellington to Mr. Wilberforce. " I am quite convinced that the only mode in which the public opinion upon it here can be brought to the state in which we wish to see it, is to keep the question out of discussion in England by public bodies and by the newspapers, and I must say that it is but fair towards the Kino- of France not to make public in England that which he has not published to his subjects. We shall do good in this question in France only in proportion as we shall II 14^1 PRIX'ATl-: IWri'.RS 01-' W II.HKRFORCE anticipate and carry ibc j)ul)lic ()j)iiiit>ii with us ; and in recommcndiiiL;' to axoid discussion at j)rcscnt in order to mal-cc some progress in the oj)inion ol France, 1 ina\ laN' claim to the merit ol sacrificin;4 the poj)ularit\" which I shouKl have acquired by ha\in;^' been the instrument to prevail upon the French Goxcrmnent to prevent the renewal oi the trade on that part of the coast on which we had effectually abolished it duriiiL^- the war. I see that Mr. \\ hitbread mentioned the subject at a |)ublic meeting- in the city, which 1 ho|)e will be avoided at least till the French Government w ill have carried into execution all it proposes to do at present. " Elver, m\- dear sir, yours most faithfully, " \\'i.i.lin(;ton." The Duke of W elliuL^ion's letter to General IMacaulay is on the same subject : he says that in the case of the Slave Trade he could only be succe.ss- ful in b'rance by beini;' secret. He evidently ilis- approves of the people " who will have news and newspapers at their breaklasts," and thinks that the great cause had sutlered from premaiui\-l\ publishetl reports. The Puke of ]]\-//iii<^/oii fo (icncra/ Maiaii/av. " I'aris. December 22, 1814. " Mv Di.AR Ma( Aii.AV , — I receixed onl\ \ ester- dity yoin- letter ol the gih, and 1 had alreadx' re- ceived one Irom Mr. W ilberlorce on the same LKT'riCKS VROM I-RIICXDS 147 subject, to which I have written an answer. I am quite certain that he has nothing- to say to the pubhcation in (|uestion. "It is, I believe, very true that secrecy in such a matter cannot be expected, but the people of England ought to advert to this circumstance when they are pushing their objects, and if they will have news and newspapers at their breakfasts they should show a little forbearance towards their Governments, if Foreign Courts are a little close towards their agents. In the case of the Slave Trade I could be successful in this country only by being secret, and in proportion as we should be secret. And in point of fact I have found the agents of this Government much more disposed lately to oppose our views than they were six weeks ago, and I have been reproached with having allowed what has been done to be published in our newspapers. " I must observe also that thouoh Mr. Wilber- force could not prevent what was published from appearing in the newspapers, Mr. Whitbread might have avoided to mention the subject at a public meeting held in London upon some other subject ; but the truth is that we mix up our party politics with our philanthr<){)y and everything else, and I suspect we don't much care what object succeMs or fails provided it affects the Ministers of the day. i4>^ I'RixATi': i'.\ri:Ks of wilhkrforce " Matters here are ap})areiuly in the same state as when you went away, but I beUeve are really in a better state ; the aj)})()intments of Monsieur Didule to the Police and of Marshal Soult to the W^ar Department have done some good. " Ever yours, " Wellington." Wilberforce was a member of a committee for the relief of the " poor German sufferers, " the wounded Prussians in i 8 14 15. The translation of Marshal Blucher's letter to the Managing' Committee after Waterloo is as follcjws. ' " Chatillon sur Sambre, '"y II lie 24, 1 81 5. " Are vou now satisfied ? In eioht davs I have fought two bloodv battles, besides five considerable engagements. 1 have taken one fortress, and keep three more surrounded. Yesterday the worthy Wellington was with me : we are agreed, we go hand in hand : the blockaded fortresses will not stop our operations, and if the Austrians and Russians do not specdiK' push forwartl. we shall finish the game ourselves. I'^u'cwell, and remember me to all England. " Hlucukk. ' I'arl of this letter only is priiUeil in "" l.itc of William NN'ilbcrforce." LETTRRS FROM FRIENDS 149 "It is all very well, hut I ha\'e twenty-two thou- santl killed and wounded. It is one consolation that they fell in the cause of humanity. I hope in England care will be taken of our suffering brethren ; put it to the feelings of Mr. Wilberforce and other friends." In a later letter to Wilberforce, Marshal Blucher disclaims the idea that personal affection for himself had had anything to do with the unexampled liberality of the English to his suffering fellow countrymen. For this liberality he begs to be allowed to offer other motives, i. The flattering description by the Duke of Wellington of the con- duct of the Prussians at the Battle of W^aterloo ; 2. The command of the Prince Regent to make collections for them in all the churches of Great Britain ; and 3. Wilberforce's " own noble exer- tions in their behalf." He entreats \\'ilberforce to be the organ of his gratitude to the whole English nation. Alarshal Blucher to Mr. Mllberforcc. "Bonn, Decciiibcr 7, 1815. "Sir, — Your letter, dated the 31st of October, reached me in safety, and w^ith it the cheering in- telliofence that the Eno-jish nation, and all the subscribers for the relief of the Prussians who have suffered in the present war, and for the survivors of those who have fallen, have borne an honourable I50 I'Rix'ATi-: i'A1'i:rs of \vilhi:rforce testimony to their lixcly interest in the cause, by the greatest and most unexampled liberaHty. " In vour letter, sir, nou arc so L^ood as to say. that it is in some measure owinij;" to the j)ers()nal affection felt for me by your countrymen, that this liberality has exceeded any which in similar cir- cumstances has ever been exhibited ; and you appeal to my own experience in the support of this assertion. It is true that during my residence in England 1 met everywhere with the most flatter- \\v^ reception ; and 1 hope I shall always remember it with gratitude. Wwi this very recollection con- firms my belief, that the imagination of my services was magnified by that affectionate goodwill which is always the result of personal intercourse. I cannot otherwise account for the attentions which I receiv(,'(l. " I)Lit, sir, allow me to say that other motives than those of personal goodwill to me have quick- ened the exertions of the British nation fi)r the relief of the suffering Prussians. I allude to the flattering description of their conduct at the battle of Waterloo, by the most noble the Duke of WV'll- ington, and to the command of llis Roxal Highness the Prince Regent, to make collections for ihcm in all the cliLirches of Cireal P)rllaln : neither let me forget to mention as a most |)owerful cause your own noble exertions in ihi-ir behalf. LETTERS EROM ERIENDS 151 "Allow me, sir, to present you my most cordial thanks for this fresh service which you have rendered to suffering" humanity. Let me also en- treat you, my truly noble friend, you, who so richly deserve the blessings of the whole human race, for having so courageously defended their rights, to be the organ of my gratitude, and to present my ac- knowledgments to the whole English nation for their very generous assistance to my brave com- panions in arms, and to the survivors of those who have fallen. May this liberality, which we cannot but receive as an undoubted proof of the truest friendship and esteem, prove a fresh bond of union between us. W^e fought for the highest blessings which human nature is capable of enjoying — for Liberality and Peace. May our high-spirited people be firmly united in so noble a confederacy, and may that union never be interrupted. " Much as, at my advanced age, I cannot but feel the necessity of repose, still should it please Providence to prolong my life, I shall yet hope once more to revisit England, and to repeat my thanks for the sympathy of that generous nation. " I entreat you to accept the assurances of my sincere esteem and high consideration ; and I have the honour to remain, sir, your most devoted servant, " Blucher." 152 rRIVATl'. PATERS OF WILRERFORCE Lord Ilolland,' clL'Scril)C'd as "truly fascinatintr liaxiiiL;" somcihiiiL; oj his uncle's ^ood humour." bv W'ilhcrforcc, writes ol Abolition to hiin in 1S15, and tliinks "the cause had been very c<3ldly sup- ported, if not actually betrayed, at Paris, at Madrid, and at Rio Janeiro ; and that we ought to ha\e imposed conditions on this subject when b'erdinand \'II. wanted money, instead of giving him the mone)' hrst." Lord 1 1 ol laud to Mr. ]]ilbc7'forcc. " HoLi.ANo House, " Xoriiiihcr 13, 181 5. " Dear Sir. — I heard that you were anxious to get some j)aper on the Slave Trade translated into Italian. An Italian gentleman who is upon a visit to me will, I am sure, very willingly under- take it. and is well (jualitied for the task, as he writes his language with great elegance and understands ours. I am ah'aid \"ou will not hntl his Holiness as much disposed to anathematise rapine and murder committed under the sanction ot the j)owerlul C'rown ot Spain, as to disdain the extravagances of the Catholicks in Ireland. There was no diHicnlty in abolishing the i'^rench .Sla\'e Trade last \ far but in the breasts ot the Ii(mrbons aiul their adherents. Hona|)arle bv ' 'I'lic third I And Holland was I'ox's nephew, and iDiiverte*.! his palace at Kensington into a .sort ol temple in hoiu)ur of Fox's memory. LETTERS FROM FRIENDS .i; :)j doin!4' it at once lost no adherents either in France or in the colonies, and the repuL^nance felt in 1S14 to the measure at Court orig"inated from their persuasion that the principles of all Abolitionists, as well as of all toleration in religion, are more or less connected with notions of political liberty which they know t(j be incompatible with their system of Government. True French Royal- ists, and many English Royalists too, make no difference between you and me or between me and Tom Paine. We are all equally heretics in Religion and Jacobins in Politics. There is there- fore nothing to be done with that class of men in the o-reat cause of Abolition, but bv fear. We have already lost many opportunities, and if we do not now insist on Portugal and Spain abandon- ing the trade, and on F ranee and the other powers treating it as piracy if they do not, we shall have shifted the ignominy from ourselves, but we shall not have rescued the world from the e\'il. May I ask if you understand why the complete abolition in France (it that measure of Bonaparte be really and in proper form confirmed) does not make part of the treaty.'^ It seems to me that at Paris, at Madrid, and at Rio Janeiro the cause has been very coldly, or at least very inefficiently, supported, if it has not been actually betrayed. W^hen Fer- dinand Vn. wanted money we might ha\e imposed 154 I'RIVATl-: I'AriCRS OV WWAUUU'ORCi: conditions on this and on othc-r subjects, but we gave the inone\- In-sl, and he now sets us at defiance. With many ajxiloL^ies for tlie length ot nu' letter, " I am, sir, yours trul\-, " \^\SSALL HuLLAND." Karl)- in 1S25, W'ilham NVilberforce's brilliant Parliamentary career came to an end b\- his own \-olunlar\- retirement. The Speaker's ' letter is the expression of a \-er\- g-eneral leelinL; b'lili in the House and outside it, T/ic Rii^lit Hon. Speaker of the House of Couinwns to Mr. IVi/ber force. " I'ai.ack Yard, '^ FclviiiiiT 19, 1S25 " Mv DEAR Sir. — W^'ith respect to your quitting- iis for more prix^ate retirement, permit me to say with the; truest sinceritw and in accordance 1 am persuaded with the unanimous .sentiment of the whole House, that we shall leel we have lost one of our briL^hlest (M-namenls, and \\hale\er ma\- be the honest variance of opinion on j)iilitical (juestions, 1 know we must all be ol one mind in regretting the absence ol one as disiinguishetl lor e\'er\' moral \irtue as tor the brilliancy ot his talents. "That retirement mio more private lite ma\' ' (Jliarlcs Manners .Sullon, .Spc ikcr of llu- 1 Idusc of Coninioiis, 1817 1834; created Viscount (.■anlcil)iiry 1835; died 1845. Li<:Tri-:RS m^om I'Rii-:xds 155 contribute lar^'ely to your personal ease, and to the entire restoration of \'our health, is, my dear sir, the sincere wish of your most faithful and respectful " Friend and servant, " C. Manners Sutton." Lord John Russell's answer to Wilberforce's anti-bribery suggestions at the time of the first Reform Ih'll is oiven below. It is marked "kind and pleasing " by W'ilberforce. Lord John Russell to Mr. ]Vilberfoi^ce. "South Audley Street, ''June 3. " Mv DEAR Sir, — I w^as very much gratified at receiving your letter, not only for the kind senti- ments personally expressed towards me, but still more for the high testimony of your authority in favour of the course I have been pursuing. The resolutions I lately moved were directed against the \'ery practice of which you complain in your letter ; only instead of an election committee I propose a separate public committee for the purpose. The expenses of an election committee are such as to deter any from seeking that remedy but a candidate who has hopes of acquiring the seat himself, and the public is wronged for want of some one bound over to prosecute these offences. After all, we must trust more to the frequent 156 PRIVATE PAPERS OF \VI LHICRFORCE canvassing- of the qiu'stion, and the improvement of moral tcclinu;-, which ma\- be expected from etUicalioii, iliaii to the letter of any law that we can trainc. " I showed your letter to Mr. Pitt and Mr. \\'\nne, and should have been f^lad to have read it to the ib)use, but I did not like to do so without your permission. Wisliini;- xou many years of happiness in your retirement, enhanced by reflect- ing- on the usefulness of your past life, " 1 remain, yours faithfully, " j. RlSSELL." Wilberforce writes on the same subject in October, 1831, to an old friend: — " I cannot but think the Lords managed it very ill not to attempt the discovery of some comj)romisr. L;i\ iiiL^" up the rotten bonHiLj,-hs. L^-rant- ing- niembers to threat towns, accepting- the new county members, and yet somewhat raising- the (jualilication (surely no pau[)er shouKl have the rii^hl ol x'oliiiL^") ; this must at least ha\'e pre\-ented the comnion ti'aud now |)ractised on the j)eople, that ol impuliiiL;- to those who \'oted at all against the Hill that the\- wished to retain all the worst abuses, which, in tact, ihvv were as willing as the reformers to ab( »lish. Hut 1 must bi'eak oil. NOu. and I hope I, are prompted to sa\' with oKl Hooker, 1 ha\e li\ed Ion-' enou''h to see that LKTTKRS FROM FRIENDS 157 the world is made up of perturbations. P)Ut. blessed be God, there remaineth a rest for the people of God. May I be permitted to meet you there, my dear sir." On the different effects of the Oxford and Cambridge system on the minds of young men, Wilberforce writes to a friend : — Mr. Wilberforce to Mr. William Gray. " Dcxciiibcr 31, 1830. "It is curious to observe the effects of the Oxford system in producing on the minds of young men a strong propensity to what may be termed Tory principles. From myself and the general tenour of our family and social circle, it might have been supposed that my children, though averse to party, would be inclined to adopt Liberal or, so far as would be consistent with party, Whig principles, but all my three Oxonians are strono- friends to Hio-h Church and Kinor doctrines. The effects I mvself have wit- nessed would certainly induce me, had I to decide on the University to which any young protege of mine should go, were he by natural temper or any other causes too prone to excess on the Tory side, I should decidedly send him to Cambridge, Trinity ; were the opposite the case he should be fixed at Oriel, Oxford. 158 rkix'ATi". i'.\ri:Rs oi-^ w ilhi-:rI''orci'. ".As tor the gentleman you mention,' his character is not to be expressed in a few words. ( )t his extraorcHnary jiowers no one ever entertained a doul)l. I hc-re are also \er\- j)leasino- traits of private character: I ha\e been assured ot his in- cessant and kind attentions to his old mother. On his brother's failiiiL;', I believe, in business, he paid his debts to a lart^'e aniouiu and took on himself, I am assured, before beini; in office, the charge of his eij^ht or nine children. Of his own little o-irl he was excessi\el\' fond, and he was alwa\s kintl in what concerned friends or accjuaintances. I cannot also but ho])e that he has seen so much of religious men as almost to ha\e superior con- hdence in them. lUit )ki\'.\ ri-: I'Ai'i-.RS ov w ilherforce heard such an account <»f him from my sons, as jj^ives me reason to form sanL;"uine hoj)cs that he will he a hlessinu;" to his tellow creatures. ' The next extract reters "to the paintinu; of the well-known jiicture of Wilberforce now in the National Tortrait Ciallery. Sir Thomas Laivrcucc to Mr. Wilberforce. " You make a too flattering' apology for sending me but \()ur name in your own handwriting. I hanlK' know what other wortl in our laiiLiuatre could b(jast ot ecjual interest, and \'ou may be assured, my clear sir, that by those the nearest to me it will be eciually |)rized wiien the person to whom it is written can no longer produce it as evidence of his too fortunate career." The date of the following lines of Cowper and also of Hayley is not given. They are marked " Verses sent to me by Cowper and Hayley." To ]J1/Iia))i Wilberforce, Esq re. SONNET. Thy counlry, ^\'ilbcrforce, with just disdain, Hears thcc by cruel men and impious called Fanatic, for thy zeal to loose th' enthralled I'roni exile, public sale, and slav'ry's chain. l-'riend of the poor, the wronged, the fetter gall'il. Fear not lest labour such as thine be vain. Thou hast achieved a part — hast gaineil the ear Of ]5ritain's senate to thy glorious cause ; LETTERS EROM ERIEXDS i6i Hope smiles, joy si)iings, and tliout^h cold (^aulioii pause And weave delay, the better hour is near That shall remunerate thy toils severe By peace for Afrie feiici'd with liritish laws. Enjoy what thou hast won, esteem and love From all the good on earth, and all the Blest above ! W'l I.I.I AM COWPER. To Williaiii ]]'ilbcrforce, Esqn\ on the preccdiiio- Sonnet. \\'hen Virtue saw with brave disdain Lucre's infuriate sons profane Her Wilberforce's worth ; As she beheld with generous ire, His image fashioned for the fire Of diabolic mirth : " Firm friend of suffering slaves ! " she cried, " These frantic outrages deride, While I protect thy name ! Soon shall one dear selected hand Richly o'erpay at my command, Lidignity with Fame : " Since thou hast won, in Nature's cause, My fondest love, my prime applause, Thy Honour is my care ; Now shall my favourite Bard be thine : My Cowper, guard of glory's shine ! Shall grave thy merits there." William Havley. 13 HOME LETTERS it>3 IIOMK LKTrKRS. Till-: iamily letters which toUow are some ot a reliofious character, while others turn on more general topics. Four letters written by Wilberforce to his daughter Elizabeth, aged fifteen at the date the correspondence begins, show the care with which he instilled into her niind all that he considered of niost moment ; also how he exercised " the privilege ot a friend," tor such he considered him- self to his daughter, and " told her frankly all her faults." Mr. Wilberforce to his daughter Elizabeth. '"' y^ ovt'iwhcy 30, 1 81 6. " This is but a short letter to my dear Elizabeth. When I do address my dear girl, I ought to con- sider how I can best testify my friendship : for friendship let there be between us ; never can you have a friend niore warmh" attached to \ou or more interested in your welldoing and happiness than myself. Ikit if we are to be friends, you 105 i66 i'Ri\'.\ri': i'.\1']-;rs oi- w ii,hi:ri-()kc1": nuisl allow me the prixilcL^r ot a triciul, a j)rivi- IcL^c 1)\- lar the iiinsi \aliialilc i>l all its cxcc-llcncies. So ihoii^lu \()iir ileal- I lulc Su'phcn.' when in the x'L'i')' fxtrfinc hiiUTiicss of his ^rief. which was as iijreat as that ot aii\' one I e\er witnessed, though he is now al)le to control his leelin^s before companw he said to me while cnlarL^inL; on the various j)articiilars ot \u\ dear sisters extraordinar\ cha- racter, ' ( ), she was a Irieiid lo iin soul! She told nie h'ankK' all \u\ taults,' an ottice in which, I am ohlii^ed to conless, he charged me with ha\ in^' been deficient. This has arisen, however, solelv from m\- scarcely ever having seen him alone, when only I could converse with him confidentialK-. \h\t if I am to exercise this best prero^atixe. this most sacred and indispensable dut\" ot triendshij), it will be necessar\- lor m\- tlccU- bdi/abeth to pre- pare her mind and temper lor receiving' it {)roperly, and tor dei-i\in^' Irom it all the benehts it is capable of imparting. Shall I be honest, and I must be so or be silent; were 1 otherwise, the \'ery sheet which I am wriliiiL;" would rise up in jiKlL^nient against me at the last da\ ; it lluMi. 1 am traid<. and honest, 1 must declai-e to xou, that it is on this (juarter that it will be necessary lor m\ dear gii-1 to guard hersell With the utmost watchtulness, and. still more, {n /y/r/^(f;r //t'rsi'// with consi-ieiuious ' Mr. j.mu>i Stcplun niairiiii \\'ili)frluRL"\ sister. HOMl<: LETTERS 167 care. This is whal St. Paul terms " exercising herself to maintain a conscience Noid of offence towards (iod and towards man " : what the Hook ot Proverbs styles, " keepini;' the heart wilh all diligence :'^ for unless we have accustomed ourselves to self-suspicion, if I may use such a j)hrase, w^e never benefit as we mii^ht from the friendly reproofs of a real friend. We may receive his remarks with civility, and even i^'ive hini credit for his kind intentions, but we shall be almost sure to let it appear to any acute observer at least, that we rather tolerate his frank- ness out of principle, or put up with it in C(jn- sideration of the friendly motives by which it has been prompted, than that we listen to it with a sincere desire of profiting from it, still less that we welcome it as one of the most valuable services in design, even when not in fact, that C(juld be rendered to us. The grand preparation that is needed is. Humility ; that sense of our own in- firmities and our own weakness, which is felt by every true, at least by every flourishing Christian. We read in the Scripture that ' our hearts are deceitful above all things : ' by which is meant, that we are all pnjne to flatter ourselves, to form too high an estimate of our own good qualities, and too low an idea of our bad ones. Now it is the first office of the Holy Spirit to teach us to i68 I'RIVATl-: r.\l'l-:RS of WILBKRFORCE know ourselves, aiul imiiu-dialely to suspect our- scKl'S as the first ettect of thai knowledge. Now l)c honest with yourself, my \er\' clear child. 1 la\e \«)U Ix'cn accustomed to distrust the jud;^- meiu you ha\'e been in the hahil ot tormiuL;" of \our own character, as you would ha\ e done it it had been formed and stated to \'ou 1)\- any one whom \-ou knew to he a notorious liar? \ et this is i-call\' ihc wa\' in whith we oUL;ht to leel ; I know how difficult it is in ])ractice from m\ own experience ; and because it is so difht uli, it is here that we need the special aid ot the Holy Spirit, and should earnest!)^ [)ray tor Ills l)lessed inlluence to teach us to know ourselves. Be earnest, then, in prayer, my \er)' dear Iilizabeth. and trecjuent in self-examination on this x'ery point. I ha\e often delected m\- own selt-partialit\- and sjlt-deceit b\' observini; how differenth" the same tault, be it small or L;real, aj)pears to me when c )mmitted b\ mxselt, and when committed by others, how much more read\ 1 am with apoloj^ies t.)r it, or with extenuations tor its J4"uili. It a servant has clone am ihiuL^ wroni^, or omitted some act ot dut\, 1 observe ho-w it appears lo me, and it 1 ha\'c done much the s.unc tault, oj- been i^uilt)' ot the same omission, how much less does it imj)ress itself on nic how much soonei' do 1 toro"et it. I assure \<»u, 1 speak sincei'eh when 1 tell HOME LIlTTI'LRS 169 you I fiiul this the case with myself: now observe whether you do ; and if so, then it will l)e a sub- ject for humiliation before (jod, and a motive for earnest prayer. Let my dearest Lizzie be par- ticularly watchful to improve the present season ; for as you have heard me say, Christ — as is stated in Rev. iii. — 'stands at the door and knocks,' that is. He uses particular events and circumstances of our lives, for impressing us with the im- portance of spiritual things, and if the event and the circumstances pass over without producing their proper effect, there is always a positive bad consequence. So much grace is, as it were expended on us in vain. The heart becomes harder and less favourably disposed on another occasion. And though we must not limit the grace and power (jf God, yet it is a great point to know what the Scripture (2 Cor. vi.) terms "our appointed time, our day of salvation." I am sure you find your heart softened and affected more than usual just now. O try, my beloved girl, to render this permanently, let me say eternally, useful to you. I understand you are reading Doddrid""e's ' Rise and Progress.' You cannot read a better book. I hope it was one of the means of turning my heart to God. Certainly, there are few books which have been so extensively useful. Pray over some of the prayers at the I/O i'Ri\'.\ri-: r.\n-:R.s oi^" wiuiicRFORCE conclusion of the chaj)lcrs ; as, for instance, if I rcincnilxT ri^ht. that al [he. end of the chapter. ' Atu-r a siaU- ol spiritual cleca\.' l)Ut 1 have not the hook al hand, and cannot (|uote it from nienior\-. Don't read this till vou ha\ e half an hours leisure." < )i the j)i-i\ ilcL^c ot friendship alluded li> in this letter. W ilherlorce also writes later to his dau^'hter I{liz,d)eth : " \'ou will ne\er find telling' Rohert" (after- wards Archdeacon W'ilherforce), "of an\- fault offend him, it you do it when nou are Ictc a tcU\ and when he sees trom )'our manner and from the circumstances that \()u can onl\ haxc his happiness at heart, I mean that this triendly regard can alone j)rom])t you to such a proof of real attachment. " Ml-. W'i/bcrforcc to his daui^hlcr I'^/izahcfli. " I Iasi iN(;s, " ^timuiry 17, 1 Si 7. " Ah- i)i,Ai;i,si \a/:/.\\ A'our letter to-da\- L;ives me pleasure. W'e heard from Marianne (Thornton ) of her hax'inL; paid \'ou a \isit. Her friendK att.ich- ment to liarhara ' and xou, 1 account as one of the special hlessin^s of I'roxidence ; aiul there are man\ j)articulars, thoui^h not all, in which I should he- very L;iad to haxc her tlu- ohject of xour imitation. I am half aslecj) from not ha\ in^" had a Li"ood ni^lu, and Imd nnself oceasionalK writiiiL; one woi-d ni- ' Mr. \\ ill)( rIoK I's M-coiul (lauuliln. HOiME IJ^yiTERS 171 stead of another — a slip which I sometimes witness in my dear Lizzv's case ; I know not whether it be from the same cause, I hoj)e not. h'or my last night's wakefulness arose in pari from m\- thinking- on some sul)jects of deep interest from which, thouoh 1 made several efforts, I could not altogether with- draw m\- ihouL;hts. My mind obeyed me indeed while I conlinuetl wide awake, but when dropping half asleep, it started aside from the serious and composing train of ideas to which I had forced it up, and like a swerving horse, it chose to go its own way rather than mine. It is a delightful considera- tion, my clearest child, that there is a gracious and tender Saviour who, in our sleeping as well as waking hours, is watching over us for good, if we are of the number of those who look to Him habitually lor consolation and peace, and such I trust will be more and more the case of my clear Elizabeth." The next letter is in a more lively strain and explains to Elizabeth the system of Bishop Berke- ley. Mr. Wilbcrforcc to his daughter Elizabeth. " HiGHwooD Hill, ''July 13, 1830. " Mv 1)i;ar Lizzy, — If many intentions to write could be admitted as making up one letter, you would have to thank me for beino- so uood a corres- 172 I'KIVATi: TAPERS OF WIIJil-.RFORCE poiulcnl. lull I tear ihai Lliis is a iiintle ot calcula- tion thai will oiiK conic into use. when the system ot ^■of)cl Hishoj) rx-rkelcN- has become established. I caiuiol explain what this is so well as Robert coultl, but its (lisiinctix'e principle is that there are no such things as substances. \'ou may suppose that \du ha\e had the ple.isure ot re-visiting" a very dear Iriend, called Miss Palmer, and \ou ]jrobably would assure me. it" i asked \ ou whether they still continued at the Hall an\' such vulvar pnictice as that of eatiny", iIku the turkies anel fowls were as ^"ooel and as treel\" bestowcLl as when 1 used to par- take of them in earlier years. All mere delusion. All imagination. All ideal. There is no I"llizrd)eth (she onl\- appcaird to occup)' an ideal j)lace in an ideal carriage, when she travelled down to Mosely and I'Jmdnn), there is no Miss Palmer, nor are the ft)wls and turkies a whit more substantial thcUi ihe suj)posed eaters ot them. 1 really am serious — such is the s\stem ot one ot the ablest aiul best ot men (he was sj)oken ot bv Pope as " lla\in^ exery virtue under heaxen); he held that the Almighty tormed us so as to ha\'e im|)ressions produced on u^. as il these were i-ealitic-s, but that lhi>. was all. I little inlt'uded when 1 look u|) m\ j)en to ^i\e yi^)U such a Lecture in Meta|)h\ sics. 1 am siu'e 1 have had a Lecture, a |)ractical one. on the tlul\ ot bear- ing inlerrui)iions with _L;ood humtau'. 1 his morn- HOME LETTERS 173 ino' (il is now 4 j).m. and dinner lakin^' on the tabic) I look ii|) ni\' pen al ioo"c:]o(~k, and m\' first ihoii^ius were; naturall)- drawn to \'ou. Scarcely had I linished m\' lirst sentence when in came Knowles (as queer he is as ever) and announced Lord Teii^n- mouth. Vp 1 went to him in the drawinu^-room, and as cordial a shake of the hand he received from me as one friend can give to another. But I own I be^an to wish I could be in two places at once. I had secured as I thought, several h(jurs of quiet, and my eyes happened to be better than for some- time past, and I was therefore hoping to pay away a great part ot my epistolary arrears, when in comes my friend, and remains with me between three and lour hours, refusing to stay dinner, l)ut not depart- ing till alter the post had gone out. H(3wever, such incidents are salutary, they accustom us to bear with cheerfulness the little vexatious interruptions which people sometimes bear with less equanimity than more serious grievances. Here enter Lhicle Stephen But with some pressing I have got him to agree to stay till to-morrow morning, so I may fini.sh my letter. I must first tell you what I think a remarkably well-expressed description of Lady Raffles, contained in a letter from the Duchesse de Broglie, to whom I gave Lady R. a letter of introduction — ' C'est une personne (|ui inspire un profond interet. Fdle a tant de dignite et de 1/4 rRIX'AT]': I'AI'l-.RS OF W ILr.KRFORCE douceur.' The c'j)ith('ts appear to nie x'erv haj)p\-. And now, m\' dear \a/.v.\\ I must conclude nu' \'ery disjointed letter, written a p/nsicrs 7'cpriscs as the French j)hrase it." rji/ahcll") would scc-ni to ha\e written to her father as to her solitariness of spirit in so con- fidential a strain that his sympathx' had been thoroughh awakened, in his answer he excuses him- self for not ha\ino- been more of a comj)anion to her on the L^round that he had been so lon^- engaged in public business, and also that as he had been almost an old bachelor before he married, he had got out ol the habit of tender attention to young women of education and delicacy ; but he assures her she will alwa\'s find in him unfeigned tenderness of spirit for all her feelings, and all her intuMiiities. His remedies for "solitariness of sj)irit" are most practical. Mr. W'ilbcrforcc to fiis daughter Elizabeth. " Hic.HwooD Hn.L, " /"(v -^\ 1S30. " Ah" \ i:m dkar Li/./\, — Thotigh, owing to my having been betra\ed into forgetfulness of the flight of time while sitting under the shade nf the lime tree it is now so late that 1 shall not be abK' to write to you so full)- as 1 wishetl aiul intencK'd, 1 must not be so unjust to m\self or so unkind to \'ou as I certainly should be if 1 were not to repl\' to HOME LETTKRS 175 your last interesting" letter as soon as possible. And yet. my dear i^irl, it could be only from nervous sensibility that you could doubt of m\' putting' the right construction on your openino' your heart to me without disguise. I wish you could have seen the whole interior of mine when I had read through it : I am not ashamed to say that I melted into tears of affectionate sympathy. Your letter really contained nothino- but what tended to call forth feelinos of esteem and regard tor you. My dear Lizz)', I will return your openness by a similar display of it. I will confess to you that I have not seldom blamed myself for not endeavouring more to cheer your solitary hours, when you ha\'e had no friend of your own sex to whom you could open your heart, and I will try to amend of this fault. My not walking with you more frequently has, however, been often caused by the circumstance you mention, that at the very hour at which I can get out, just when the post has departed, you are yourself employed in a way of which 1 always think with pleasure, and which I doubt not will bring down a blessing on your head. But there is another cause which may have some effect in rendering me less tenderly attentive than yoimg women of education and delicacy like persons to be, and must in some measure find them, before they can open their hearts to them with unreserved freedom. I allude 176 rRIX'ATl-. I'Al'KRS OK WILHERFORCK to m\- ha\ iiiL; l)c-t'ii so Iniit^" ;iiul so constantly cn- j^'UL^C'd in j)ul)lic l)usincss aiul ha\inn' l)ecn almost an old i)ac:hc'lor ht-torc I married. Let m\- dear chiltl, howcNcr. !)(' assurt'd that she will always experience from me an unteii^ned tenderness ot s[)irit and a kind consideration tor all her teeliniLi"s and even, shall I say it, all her infirmities. Meanwhile let me advise yon. mv dear child, whenever yon dn feel anvthin^' of that solitariness ot spirit ot which nou sj)eak, to endeavour to tind an antidote tor it in prayer. There is otten much of bodily nervousness in it. I am ashametl to acknowledge that 1 am sometimes conscious ot it nnselt. Another nuihod which 1 would recommend to you tor ^ettinj^" the better ot it, is to engage in some active exertion, teaching some child, instructing some serxant, comforting some poor sufferer from poverty and sickness. I deeply feel the Bishop and Mrs. Rxder's kindness to you, but it is of a pi(,'ce with all their conduct towards me and mine. Cjod bless them. 1 sa\' from the heart." In 1S14, Mr. W'ilbertorce at the age of ht't\-tive, begins his corresj)ondence with his son .Samuel, aged nine. I he tather is alread)- seeking tor a proot ot the grand change ot conx'ersion in his child. A//: \\ ilhi')/o)ic to Jus sou Scui/iu/. ''Stpliiiilnr 13, 1S14. "1 was shocked to luai' that \ttu art- nine \ears HOME LETTERS i;; oltl ; I th()UL;hl it \v;is ci^hl. ^'()ll must take i;"rcat pains to prove to nie tliat you are nine not in years onl\, l)ut in heatl and heart and mind. Alcove all, my dearest Samuel, 1 am anxious to see decisive marks of your having" be^un to underoo the great change. 1 come ao-ain and a^ain to look to see if it really be be^un, just as a gardener walks up a^ain and attain to examine his fruit trees and see if his peaches are set ; if they are swelling and becoming larger, finally if they are becoming ripe and rosy. I would willingly walk barefoot from this place to Sandgate to see a clear proof of the o^rand chanoe beino' beo-un in my dear Samuel at the end of my journey."' ^^ Ma nil 25, 181 7. " I do hope, my dear Samuel, like his great namesake at a still earlier period ot lite, is beginning to turn in earnest to his God. Oh, remember prayer is the great means of spiritual im[)rovement, and guard as you would against a wild beast which was lying in a bush by which you were to pass, ready to spring upon you — guard in like manner, I say, against wandering thoughts when you are at prayer either by yourself or in the family,- Nothing ' Part of this letter is in "Life of \Vilberforce." ^ This thought, thus strongly impressed on Samuel's mind, was many years afterwards expanded by him into the lovely allegory of the "Children and the Lion," published in " Agathos and other Stories.'' 13 i;8 l'RI\'.\'H': I'AI'KRS 01-' W I l.HKRFORCE t^rieves ihc Spirit more than our w illiiv^iy sLilferino" our ihoin^hts lo waiulcr ami lix themselves on anv ol)jeci which hapjjcus at the time to interest us." " yiiiiL- 5, 1817. ".M\ 1)1:ak Samikl, — LoxiiiL; \ ou as clearly as I do, ii miL^ht seem strange to some ihouL;htless jjeople that 1 am L;lail to hear noli are unhappy. lUit as it is about your soul, and as 1 know that a short unhappiness of this kind often leads to lastiiiL; happiness and peace and jo\-. I cannot but rejoice. 1 trust, m\- dear boy. it is the .Spirit of Ood knock- ing" at the door ot your heart, as the Scrij)ture exj)resses it, and making" \nu feel uneasy, that you may Ije dri\en to find pardon and the sanctilxino- inlluences ol the Holy Spirit, and so be made one of Christ's llock and be taken care of in this world and Ije delixered troni hell, and be taken when \t»u die, whether sooner or later, to exerlastiuL^' happi- ness in heaven. My dearest bo\ , \\hene\i'r \ ( "U leel in this \\a\-, 1 beseech \'ou, i^et alone ami f.iU on your knees, and pra\- as earnest]) as noli can to God loi- Christ's sake to lor^i\-e \ ou ami to .s,uiciif\ )()U, and in short to make you to l)e born a^ain, as our .Saxiour e\j)ressetl it to Nicodemus." " "7///v 19///. "I will |)i-ocure antl semi \ ou ( loKlsmith's 'Grecian llistor),' it \ ou will read it attenti\el\ , thouL^h it is by no means .so gocd a histoi) as Mitfoiil's; it is HOMi: LETTERS 179 little l)ettcr than an epitome. Let me tell you I was pleased with xoiir skeleton of Mr. LanL;"ston's sermon, and I should be i^lad of such another bat;' ot bones. I\l\" dear l)o\-, \\hene\er nou teel any melting's ot mnul, an\' sorrow" tor sin, or an\' concern about \()ur soul, do not, I bei;' ot \"oli, stitle it or turn away your thoughts to another subject, but t^et alone and pray to God to hear and bless you, to take away the ston\" heart and substitute a heart of tlesh in its place." "T//,i,v/s/ 15///, 1817. " The great rule practically for pleasing- our Saviour in all the little events of the day is to be chinking of Him occasionally and trying to please Him, by not merely not doing evil, but by doing good ; not merely negatively trying not to be unkind, not to be disobedient, not to give pain, but trying positively, to be kind, to be obedient, to give pleasure." " Xoi'cnibcr i, 181 7. " Mv VERY DEAR Samuel, — Though Some com- pa;ny who are to dine with me are already in the draw'ino--room, I must leave them to themselves t(jr two minutes while I express the very great pleasure I have received from Mr. Marsh's account ot both my dear boys. Being a political economist, I cannot but admit the beneficial effects which always fiow from the division of labour, and must therefore i8o TRIXATl-: I'Al'KRS OF WILBKRFORCE rather comnicnd than l)lanH' llic instance o\' it which is afinrded h\ Nour wrilinu; the letter while l^)b is l)uilclinL; the house. it is (jiiite a drop ot balm into nn heart when 1 hear of nn dear boys going on well." " Mtiv 2, 1818. "Could \'oii both l)Lil look into my heart and there see the tender antl warm lo\e I teel tor you ! ilow m\ heart bleeds at the idea of your being drawn into the paths of sin and Ijrin^inL;" the ^rey hairs of \"our j)oor old lather with sorrow to the grave — a most unlikely issue 1 do really hope ; and. on the other hand, could xou witness the glow ot affection which is kindled b\ the j)rospect of your becoming the consolation of m\" declining years, you would want no more powertul motives to Christian obedience." "April 25, iSiS. "Oui" West Indian wartare is begun, and our ojjponents are commencing in the wa)' ot some ( 1 wont add an epithet) classes ot enemies b\" the poisoneil arrows ot calumn\' and talsehood. Ilul how ihaiiktul should we be to lixc in a countr\' in which the law protects us trom pei'sonal injin'N' ! " " 'tiiiii' -'>, 1S18. '' M \ dccU' children little think how otien we parents are ruminating about them when we are absent trom them, peril. ips in \er) bustling scenes IIOMK LETTERS i8i like that from which I come. Mr. l)ahino-t()n is a candidate for. the county of Leicester, and I really trust he will succeed ; the two other candidates are Lord Robert Manners, the Duke of Rutland's brother, and Mr. Phillips, a country gentleman of large property. My dear Samuel, keep going on well. Pra)er and self-denial, as you used to be taught when a very little boy, are the grand things." " Fchiiian' 13, 181 9. " I am very glad that you like your new situation. One of the grand secrets to be remembered, in order to enable us to pass through life with comfort, is n(^t to expect too much from any new place or plan, or from the accomplishment of any new purpose." " Mdirli 12, 1819. "On the whole, Mr. Hodson's report of you is a gratifying one. But there is one ground for doubts and fears, and I hope my beloved child will en- deavour to brighten that quarter of my pro.spect. I fear you do not apply to your business with energy. This, remember, was yom- fault at Mr. Marsh's, and you alleged, n(3t without plausibility, that this arose in a great degree from your wanting spirits, in consequence of your having no play- fellows lor your hours of recreation, no schoolmates for your season ot business. A horse never goes i82 TRIWATK l'.\ri':RS ()!• \\I LB1<:R1-X)R('K so chcerfullv aloiK- as wlicn animated In the presence ol a c<)ni|)aninn, and a hny |)rnhis tntni the same (luickeninL;' ])rinciple. Ikit m\' dearest Samuel has not now this danger to plead at Mr. Hodson's, antl 1 h()j)e he will now hear in mind that this indis|)()siti()n to work streniiousK' ' is one ot his hesettini;" sins." - "MuY 2 2. 1819. '' I hear with pleasure of your L;oinL;s on. and 1 ma\- adil that we all thouniu our dear boy j^'reatiy im|)ro\cd when he was last with us. How delii^ht- ful will it he lo me in m\- decliniuL;" years to hear that m\ dearest Samuel is doiuL;' eredit to his name and family ! " '' Mdv 25, 1819. " I do not like to write mereK" on the oii/sic/r ot this co\er, though I ha\e time to insert \ery little within, \et as when \'ou were a little l)o\" 1 used to deli<^"ht in taking' a jxissin^' kiss ot you. so now it is (|uite L;ralil\ ini;" to exelian^e a salutatit)n with you on pa])er, though hut tor a miiuilc oi' two. The sii^ht «)! m\' handwriting' will tall torth in the miiul ot m\ dear, atUHiionale .Samuel all those imaLi'es ot' j)areiUal and l.uniK tenderness \\idi ' ISisho]) \\'ill)crr()rfc oiiic told hi. Woodford ( Hisliop of Kly) tlial he was naturally iiulokiit and had at first "to floi^ liimscif uj) to his \vorl< " (I Jfc, vol. iii. p. ,105). To those wlio rcmcinhcr Hisliop W'ilhcrforoc, and to iiadcis of his Life, tlicse passages nuist appear surprising indeed. I'Iun afford a strikini,' instance of a natural defect turned into the eonlrarv ("hristi.m ^racc. I'art of this letter is in the " Life of \\ ilberforce." HOME LETTERS 183 which the Ahni^hu' pci-niits us to be refreshed when chikh-cii or {);irents are separated from each other far asunder. \'ou have a Heavenly blather, too, inv dearest boy, who loves you dearly, and who has promised He will ne\^er leave you nor torsake you if you will but devote yoiu'self to His service in His app )inted way. And so I trust you are resoU'ed to do. I hope you i^'ot yoLU" parcel safe, and that the lavender-water had not oozed out of the bottle ; the cork did not seem tight. Farewell, my very dear Samuel." " .SV/i/t7///u-/' 17, 1819. " Mv DKAR Bov, — It is a great pleasure to me that )'ou wish to know your faults. Even it we are a little nettled when we first hear of them, especial!)' when they are such as we thought we were free from, or such as we are ashamed that others should discover, yet if we soon recover our gooddiumour, and treat with kindness the person who has told us of theni, it is a very good sign. It may help us to do this to reflect that such persons are rendering us, even when they them- . selves may not mean it, but may even only be gratifying; their own dislike ot us, the greatest almost ot all services, perhaps may be helping us to obtain an eternal increase of our happiness and glory. F^or w^e never should torget that though we are reconciled to God through the atoning iS4 rkiVATic i'.\ri-:RS nv wilberforce hlood of Christ, allotrclhcr frcclv and of mere un- tl('ser\('(l inci-c\", \cl when once reconciled, and become the t hildren of ( iod, the degrees of hapj)!- ness and u;lor\ which lie will o;rani to us will be j)roj)oriioned to the degree of holiness we have obtained, the degree (in other words) in which we ha\c improxcd the talents committed to our slewardshi])." " Wrvmouth, Scplcinhcr, 1820. " I have this day learned for the first time that there were to be oratorios at Gloucester, and that some of the l)o\-s were to go to them. I will be \'er\' honest with \-ou. When I heard that the cost was to be halt a guinea, I greatly doubted whether it would l)e \\ari-antable to jkiv such a sum loi' such a |)crtormance for such youth. This last consideration has considerable weiG^ht with me, both as it renders the j)leasure ot the entertain- ment less, and as at \iiur carK a'^e the sources ot ])lcasurc arc so numerous. Inil m\" dithcullies were all i-'Mno\cd by Imding that the mone\' would not merel)' be applied to the use ol twcedK-dum and tweedledee (though I write this, no one is fonder than nnself of music), but was to go to the relief ol the ( Icr^A wid()\\sand childi'en. I sa\' ihcreioi-i- yes. g.l'.D." " .S'( •/>/<•;///'(•/■ 4, iSjo. " I am j)ersuaded that m\ dear Samuel will HOME LETTERS 185 eiKlea\'OLir to keep his mind in such a right frame as to enable him to enjoy the pleasures of the scenes through which he is passin^', and to be cheered by the consciousness that he is now carrying forward all the necessary agricultural pro- cesses in order to his hereafter reaping a rich and abundant harvest. Use yourself, dear boy, to take time occasionally for reflection. Let this be done especially before you engage in prayer, a duty which I hope you always endeavour to perform with all possible seriousness. As I have often told you, it is the grand test by which the state of a Christian may always be best estimated." " Bath, Stptc'iiibcr 23, 1820. " Did you ever cross a river with a horse in a ferry boat? If so, you must have observed, if you are an observing creature, which if you are not I beg you will become with all possible celerity, that the said horse is perfectly quiet after he is once fairly in the boat — a line of conduct in which it would be well if this four-footed navigator were imitated by some young bipeds I have known in their aquatic exercitations. And so said animal continues — the quadruped I mean, mind — perfectly quiet until he begins to approach the opposite shore. Then he begins to show manifest signs of impatience by dancing and frisking sometimes to such a degree as to overset the boat, to the no i86 rkiwATi-: i'.\ri:KS oi-" w ilhicri'orck small injur\- of olhcrs (for whom he \cr\- liiilc cares) as well as himscll. 1 his is whal max he well c-allc(l makiiiL;' moi-c haste than good s})(x*d. Xoiu- the less, though 1 am tulK aware that the same frisking i]ua(lrLij)ecl is a \er\ im])ro])er suljject of imitation, not onl\ to an old hipcil hut to an e.\j)erienced M.I', of forty years' standini^", vet I lind mxself in a state of mind e.\actl\' like that of the horse abo\'e mentioned, though it has not the same efTects on m\ animal powers, and though, Ix'ing on dr\' land and m a ])arlour, not a lioat, I might frisk awa\ if I chose with perfect imjjunity tonnscif and others. Ihit to (|nit metaphor which 1 ha\ (,■ faii'h woi'n out, or, rathei', rode- to death, when I was a hundred miles fi'om \n\ dear Samuel. thou'j;h m\' affection for him was as strong and m\' sentiments and f(.'elinj4"s as much emplo\ed in him as now, \ ct these are now accompanied with an impatient longing' to extinguish the comparati\"el\' little distance that is between us, anil to ha\e m\ dearest l)o\ not onl\' in m\ heart l»ui in m\' arms, and \ct on reflection this \-er\' feeling is henelicial. I recollect that our se])aration is an act of self-denial, and I <)lfer it up to m\' Sa\iour with a humble sense of I lis goodness, m subjecting me to such few and lhi)se t'( impai'ali\'el\ such eas\" crosses. M\ dearest .Samui'l will remember to ha\e our blessed I .ord conlmualU in remembrance. HOME IJ:TT1':RS 187 and 1)\- associaliiii; lliin llius with all the little circumstances of lite, it is that we are to live in His lo\-e and tear continually." " Xo-i'ciiihcr 20, 1820. "We quite enjoyed Nour pleasure in Robert's \isit. In truth the gratification we parents derive from our children's innocent, much more their commendable, enjoyments is one ot the greatest ot our pleasures." "Bath. Xoi'fiiibcr iS, 1S20. " INh- DKAR Samuel. — I am sorry to hear that your examination is. or part ot it at least, disad- vantageous to )'ou. Does not this arise in part from ^•our having^ staved with us when your school- fellows were at Maiseniore ? If so, the lesson is one which, if my dear boy duly digests it and bottles it up for tliture use. may be a most valuable one for the rest of his life. It illustrates a remark which I well remember in I^ishop Butler's 'Analogy,' that our faults often brins^" on some bad conse- quence lono" after they have been committed, and when they perhaps have been entirely banished from our memory. Some self-indulgence per- haps ma\" have lost us an advantage, the benefit of which might have extended through life. Hut it is due to my dear Samuel to remark that, though his stay was protracted a very little out ot selt- indulgence (as much ours as his), yet it was chiefly iSS I'RIXWT]-, l'Al'I<: RS OF WILHKR FORCE occasioned \)y tlic necessity of his goinj^- up to FonJon on account oi his ancle. (By the way, tell me in two words- ancle better or worse or idoji.) l)Ut in\- Samuel must not vex himself with the idea of iallin^" below the boy who has commonK bc-en his competitor, owing to his stay haxiiiL^ })re\ented his reading what is to Ije in part the subject of the examination. It would really be quite wronj^' to feel much on this account, and that tor several reasons. First, everybody about you will know the disathanta^es under which you start, and will make allowances accord- inyiv. Next, if xou tlo as well or better in the parts you hare read, you will show the probabilitv ol \'our hax'inL;' done well in the other also, it \(>u had po.s.sessed with it the same advantai^e. And what I wish m\ dearest bo\' seriousK to consider is, that an\ uneasiness he miy;ht feel on account ot this circumstance would deserve no better a name than emulation, whiih the aj)oslle enumerates as one ot the lusts ol the llesh. ^'ou sliouKl ilo \<)ur business and tr\ to excel in it, to please \'our .Sa\iour, as a small return lor all lie has done for \-ou, but a return which lie will b\- no means despise. It is this whiih constiiules the cliaracter of a real ( hi'isiian : th.it, ci>nsiderinn' himselt as bouL^hl with .1 price \ i/., that ot the blood (tt Jesus Christ he rej^ards it as his dul\ to tr) and HOME LETTERS 189 please his Saviour in everything. And to be honest with you, my very dear boy, let me tell you that it appears to me very probable that the Heavenly Shepherd, whose tender care of His people is, you must remember, described to us as like that of a shepherd towards the tender lambs of his flock, may have designed by this very incident to discover to you that you were too much under the influence of emulation, and to impress you with a sense of the duty of rooting" it out. Emu- lation has a great tendency to lessen love. It is scarcely possible to have a fellow-feeling (that is, duly to sympathise) with any one if we are thinking much about, and setting" our hearts on, o-ettino- before him, or his not getting before us. This disposition of mind, which includes in it an over- estimation ot the praise ot our tellow-creatures, is perhaps the most subtle and powerful of all our corruptions, and that which costs a real Christian the most trouble and pain ; for he will never be satisfied in his mind unless the chief motive in his mind and feelings is the way to please his Saviour. The best way to promote the right temper of mind will be after earnest prayer to God to bless your endeavours, to try to keep the idea of Jesus Christ and of His sufferings, and of the love which prompted Him willingly to undergo them, in your mind continually, and especially ujo PRIVATK I'.\1'1:RS OF WI LI^KRFORCE when \()ii ai'c- .^'Hiil; l«> clo, occasioiialK' when xou are doin^", xoiii' l)usiness. .And ihen recollect that lie has declared lie will kindK accept as a tribute of L^ralilmle \\hate\er we do to please Him. and call lo mind all His kintlness, all His sacrihces ; what L;l'>r\' and haj)piness He lett, what humiliation ,uid shame and aL;(>n\' He enduretl; and then rellect that the onl\ return He, who is then, rememher. at that \c'rv moment actualK looking;- uj)on you, ex- pects from \()U, is that \"ou should I'ememher His Hea\enlv Father who sent Him, and Him Himself, and (as I said helore) entleaxour to ])lease Him. This He tells iis is to he done l)\ keeping God's commandments. And ni}- dear .Samuel knows th' as I do, and bearino- in mind that you are an immortal beini^- who must be happy or miserable for ever, I were not, above all things, anxious to see you manifest those buds and shoots which alone are true indications of a celestial plant, the fruits of which are the produce of the Garden of God. My dear Samuel, be honest with yourself; you have enjoyed and still enjoy many advantages for which you are responsible. Use them honestly ; that is, according to their just intention and lair employment and improvement. Above all things, m)- dearest boy, cultivate a spirit of prayer. Never hurry over your devotions, still less omit them. Farew'ell, my dearest boy." "1821. "In speaking of the pros and cons of Maisemore, you spoke of one great boy with whom you dis- agreed. I always meant to ask you about the nature, causes, and extent of your difference. And the very idea of a standing feud is so opposite to the Christian character that I can scarcely under- stand it. I can, how^ever, conceive a youth of such crabbed and wayward temper that the only way of going on with him is that of avoiding all intercourse with him as much as possible. But, nine times out of ten, it one of two parties be really intent on healing the breach and preventing the renewal of it, 14 194 I'RIVATl-: r.XPKRS OF WILHKRFORCE the thiiiL; nia\ he done. Now. my dear Samuel, ma\- iiol \u will see there that the execulin*'' or remillin'j a ihrealenimj" HOME LETTERS I97 of veiii^'cancc is inadc to cle{)('ml on ihc object of the tlircats UiniiiiL;' from his evil way or contiiuiin^;- in it. This is very remarkable. Only pray, my dearest boy, and all will be well ; and strive not to orieve the Holy Spirit. Before you actually engage in prayer always pause a minute or two and recollect yourself, and especially practise my rule of endea\()uring to imagine myself in the presence of God, and to remember that to God all the bad actions, bad tenipers, bad words of my whole life are all open in their entire freshness ot circum- stances and colourinci^ ; and when I recollect how I felt on the first committing of a wrong action, and then call to mind that to God sin must appear in itself far more hateful than to me, this reflection 1 often find to pnxluce in me a deep humiliation ; and then the promise is sure — the Lord is nigh to them that are of a contrite heart, and will save such as be of a humble spirit. I rejoice that it has pleased God to touch your heart. May I live, if it please God, to see you an honour to your family and a blessing to your fellow-creatures." " Miinli 30, 1822. "It is scarcely possible for children to have an adequate conception of the delight it gives to a parent's heart to receive a favourable report ot a dear child. And of late God has been very gracious to me in this particular. 1 trust 1 shall iqs PRivATi-: r.M'i-.RS OF \vilri-:rforce CDiitiiuic to ciijo)' such L;"raiificati<)n, and that the tla\' will conic when my dear Samuel will in his turn become a })areiu and be solaced and cheered widi such .iccounts as he himself will now furnish. And then, when I am dead and ^one, he will re- member his old father, and the letter he had from him on Sunda\-, 31st March, 1822." ''April, 1822. " I houi^h honc-sily in\- purse is in such a state ihcU I cannot buy books except very sparingly, I beg \-ou will bu\ llume and Smollett, 13 vols, large 8vo, for ^5 ios.,and Oibbon's ' Rome ' you may also purchase, if you wish it, for ^4 los., 12 \-ols. But you must take these two birthday presents tor Scotch pints — each douljle. Had I as much money as I have gootl will \ou should wish lor no book that I would not get nou." " OclohiT 22, 1822. "The train of your idea and feelings is precisely that which 1 believe is commonly experienced at the outset of a religious course. It was my own. I am sure ; I mean specialK thai j)ainful apprehension of which you speak, lest sour sorrow lor sin should be less on account of its guilt than its danger, less on account of its hatehilness in the sight ot dod, and its ingratitude towards \(»ur Redeemer, th.ui on that of its subjc-cting \t>u to the w r.idi and punishment of God. Hut, m\ dear Samuel, blessed be Inul, we HOME LETTERS 199 serve a gracious Master, a mcrcitiil Sovereign, who has denounced those threatenings for the very purpose of exciting our fears ; and thereby being driven to flee from the wrath to come and la)- hold on eternal life. By degrees the humble hope of your having obtained the pardon of your sins and the possession of the Divine favour will enable you to look up to God with feelings of filial confidence and love, and to Christ as to an advocate and a friend. The more you do this the better. Use yourself, my dearest Samuel, to take now and then a solitary walk, and in it to indulge in these spiritual meditations. The disposition to do this will gradually become a habit, and a habit of unspeak- able value. I have long considered it as a great mis- fortune, or rather, I should say, as having been very injurious to your bnjther William, that he never courted solitude in his walks, or indeed at any time. Some people are too much inclined to it, I grant ; they often thereby lose the inestimable benefit which results from having a friend to whom we open our hearts, one of the most valuable of all possessions both for this world and the next. When I was led into speaking ot occasional intervals of solitude ('when Isaac, like the solitary saint, Walks forth to meditate at eventide,' you remember the passage, I doubt not), I was men- tioning that holy, peaceful, childlike trust in the 200 TKlXAri': I'APKRS OF W ILHICRI'UKCK fatherly love of our God and Saviour which gradually tlilTiiscs itself through the- soul and takes possession ot il. when we are habitually strixing to walk by faith under the inlluence of the Holy S|)irit. W hen we allow ourseK'es to slacken or be indok-iu in our religious exercises, much more when we fall into actual sin. or have not watched over our tempers so as to be ashamed of looking our Heavenly Father in the face (if 1 may so express myself. 1 am sure with no irreverent meaniuL;), then this holy confidence lessens and its diminution is a warning- tn us that we are o'ointr on ill. We must then renew our repentance and supplications, and endeavour to obtain a renewed supply of the blessed influences of the divine Spirit ; and then we shall again enjoy the light of God's countenance. There are two or three beautiful sections in Doddridge's ' Rise and Progress ' on these heads, and I earnestly recommend especially to you that, the subject of which is, I think, the Christian under the hiding of God's presence. 1 have been looking, and 1 hnd the section, or rallicr chaj)ter 1 allude to, is that entitled, 'Case <>! spiritual decay and languor in religion.' There is a f)llowing one on 'Case of a relapse into known sin.' and 1 trust you ha\'e a |)r(;tt\' good edition ot this super-excellent book. " 1 ha\c a word to sa\' on .mother topic that, 1 mean, ol puril\- the necessity ot most scruj)ulous HOME LETTERS 201 gLiardiiiL;' against the very first coninienccmcnt or even against the appearance of evil is in no instance so just and so imj)ortant as in the case of all sins of this class. Man\' a man who would have been restrained from the commission ot sins ot this class b\- motives of worldly prudence or considera- tions of humanity, has been hurried into sin by not attending' to this warning. I myself remember an instance of this kind in two people, both of whom I knew. And as Paley truly remarks that there is no class of vices which so depraves the character as illicit intercourse with the female sex, so he likewise mentions it as a striking proof of the superior excellence of Christ's moral precepts, that in the case of chastity and purity it lays the restraint on the heart and on the thouoJits as the only way of providing against the grossest acts of disobedience. Oh, my dear Samuel, guard here with especial care, and may God protect and keep you. Indeed, I trust He will, and it is with exceeding pleasure that I think of you, and humbly and hopefully look forward on your advancing course in lite. I did not intend saying half so much, but when I enter into conversation with n^iy Samuel 1 know not how to stop. ' With thee conversing I forget all course of seasons and their change.' " "Oitobcr 26, 1822. " I cannot to-day send you the account of /////c. 202 rkix'Aii-: rAri:Rs or w ii.hi:rit)rc]<: but I will transmit it to you. It was a very simple business, aiul the chief object was to take precautions a^-ainst the disposition to waste time at breakfast and other rciia/criwis, wliich I have found in mvself when with agreeable companions, and to prove to mxselt by the decisive test of figures that I was not working so hard as I should have supposed rom a general sur\ey of m\- daw The grand point is to maintain an habitual sense of responsibilit)- and to })ractise selt-examination dail\- as to the past and the future da\"." ".l/<;/i7/ 17, iSjj. "No man has perhaps more cause for gratitude to God than myself lUit of all the various instances of His goodness, the greatest •>f all. excepting only His Heavenly Grace, is the many kind friends with whom ,1 Gracious Pro\"idence has blessed me. ( )h rcnK-mbcr, m\- dearest boy, tt) form Iriendships with those onl\ who love and serve God. and when once xou ha\ e formed them, then preserve them as the most valuable of all posses- sions. " One o( m\- chiel motixes now lorpaxing visits is to cultixate the h'Icndship of woriln peojjK- who, I trust, will be kind to m\ clearest children when 1 am no mi-itaiii, in such a century, such a i)art of it, such a rank in life, such a class aiul character ol parents, then m\' personal pri\ileges. lUit 1 have no time to-(.lay lor long conversation." HOME LETTERS 205 The next letter touches on topics of the day, and then refers to the son's question, Why had not his father a settled home? lu'idently Samuel felt it a desolate arranoement. hut Wilberforce, as was his wont, finds certain advantages in the very dis- comforts of the plan. ^^ December 5, 1822. " I believe I never answered your question who it was that advised me to retire from Parliament. I entirely forget. Your question, Will there be war ? I answer, I know no more than you do, but I am inclined to believe the French will attack Spain, very unadvisedly in my opinion, and I shall be surprised if the French Government itself, how- ever priding- itself on its policy, will not ultimately have reason to form the same judgment. . . . Never was there before a country on earth, the public affairs of which (for many years past at least I may affirm it.) were administered with such a simple and strong desire to promote the public welfare as those of Great Britain. And it is very remarkable that some of those very measures which were brought forward and carried through with the most general concurrence have subsequently appeared most doubtful. The present extreme distress of the agricultural class throughout the whole kingdom, is admitted by all to have been in some degree, by many to 2o6 PR1\ ATI-: I'APKRS OF WILBERFORCE have been cnlircK", caused by <>ur ill-nianaLiL-tl if not ill-a(l\isc(l rcuini to cash pa\nKMUs, in which ncarl) the whole of both Houses con- curred. Surel\ this should teach us to be diffident in our judgments of others, and to hold our own oj)inions with moderation. In short, ni\ dear .Samuel, llie best preparation tor bein^- a good j)olitician, as well as a superior man in every other line, is to be a truly religious man. For this includes in it all those qualities which fit men to pass through life witli benefit to others and w iih reputation to ourselves. \\ hatever is to be the effect produced by the subordinate machinery, the main-sj)ring must be the desire to please God, which, in a Christian, implies faith in Christ and a grateful sense ot the mercies of G(xl through a Redeemer, and an aspiration after increasing lioliness of heart and life. And I am reminded (\<)u \\ill soon see the connection of m\ ideas) of a passage in a former letter of yours al)out a home, and 1 do not dvny that your remarks were very natural. Yet every human situation has its ad\antag"es as well as its e\ils. And if the want iA a liome deprixe us of the main' and great pleasures which arise out of the relations ami associations, especialK- in the case of a large famil\. with which it is comiected, ) et there is an adxant.ige. HOMK LETTERS 207 and of a vlt}- hi^h (jrder, in our not having" this well-known anchoring- u-round, it I may so term it. We are less likely to lose the consciousness of our true condition in this life; less likely to foro"et that while sailing- in the ocean of life we are always exposed to the buffeting- of the billows, nay, more, to the rock and the quicksand. The very feeling of desolateness of which you speak — for I do not den)- having formerl)- experienced some sensations of this kind, chiefly when I used to be long an inmate of the houses of friends who had wives and families to welcome them home again after a temporary absence — this very feeling led me, and taught me in some measure habitually to look upwards to my per- manent and never failing inheritance, and to feel that I was to consider myself here as a pilgrim and a stranger who had no continuing city but who sought one to come. Yet this very con- viction is by no means incompatible with the attachment and enjoyment of home-born pleasures, which doubtless are natural and virtuous pleasures, such as it gratifies me and fills me with hope to see that my very dear Sam relishes with such vivid delight, and that he looks forward to them with such grateful anticipations. I have not time now to explain to you, as otherwise I would, how it happened that I do 2o8 l'RI\\\TF. P.\P1:RS OF WILBERFORCE nor j)()sscss a C()iinlr\ house. Inil I max" state to \<)U in ^fiicral, thai it arose from my not ha\ inL; a lar^e fortune, coiTi})arecl. I mean, with m\- situation, and from the j)eculiar duties and circumstances ot m\- Hfe." "Muirli 23, 1S23. "Above all remember ///c one //////;' needful. I had far rather that you should be a true Christian than a learned man, luit I wish you to become the latter thrcjugh the influence of the former. 1 had far rather see you unlearned than learned from tlic impulse ot the love of human estimation as Nour main principle." On the 13th of May Mr. V. lUixton moved this resolution in the House ot Commons: "That the state of sla\er\- is repugnant to the j)rinciples of the Ih-ilish Constitution and of the Christian Relitrjon. and that it ou!>ht to he abolished ijraduallv o o .^ , throughout the IJritish Colonies with as much ex- pedition as ma\ be lound consistent with a due regard to the well-being of the parties concerned." The main j)oint was that all negro children born after a certain da\ were to be tree. ".1/(;\' 17, 1S23. " 1 he debate was b\ no means so interesting as we exjX'cled. iUixion s oj)ening sj)eech was not so good as his ojxnings ha\'e before been. llis rej)l\ hiiwexci". lhi)Ugh sh repeal the prayers to myself, either in a whisper or mentally, as the minister has bein;^' ;4<)in;4 alon^', and I liiL^hl) approxe of making" responses, and al\va\s when you were children tried to have you make them ; but I used to think vour mother did not join me in this when you were next to her, partly probably from her own mind beini!; more closely engaged in the service — pra\er beini^ the grand means ot maintaining our communication with heaven, and the life of religfion in the soul claiming" all possible attention." In the next letter W^ilberforce mentions that he had limited his personal expenditure so as to have larger sums to give away. He says that he had left off giving claret, then a costh- wine, and some other expensive articles still exhibited bv those of his rank. He speaks strongly against gratifying all the cravings of fashion, thoughtless- ness, or caprice. "Baknkh'th, Oclohcr 14, iS.'^. "Mv \i:rv di:ar Sa.mukl, — I again take up m\- pen to gi\'e \'ou m\' sentiments on tlie imporiant subject on which I promised to write to \-ou. and on which you have kindlv asked m\ adxice. l)Ut belon- 1 j)roceed to fulfil this engagement let me meiuioii what I had inientleil to slate in m\ last, but omiiiiHl, ih.u 1 ha\e reason to HOME LETTERS 213 believe dear Robert has suffered in the estimation of some of my friends, whether rightly or wrongly I really know not, from the idea that his associates were not religious men (irreligious in its conimon acceptation would convey more than I mean), and therefore that he preferred that class of com- panions. Now when people have once conceived anything of a prejudice against another, on what- ever grounds, they are disposed to view all he says and does with different eyes, and to draw from it different conclusions from those w^hich would otherwise have been produced, and I sus- pect dear Robert has suffered unjustly in this way. However, he will. I doubt not, live through it, and so long as all is really right, I care less for such temporary misconceptions, though, by the way, they may be very injurious to the temporal interests, and to the acceptance of the subject of them. " But now let me state to you my sentiments concerning your principles and conduct as to society, and first I must say that if I were in your case I should be very slow in forming new acquaintances. Having already such good com- panions in Robert, Sir G. Prevost, and I hope Ryder, it would surely be wise to be satisfied with them at the first, unless there were any in whose instance I was sure I was on safe and 214 I'RIVATI-: P.\PI:RS of \\II.in':RFORCE good Li'rouiul. lUii now to your question itself. There are two points of view in which this subject of Lrood associates must naturally be regarded. The one in that which is the ordinary object (jf social intercourse, that I mean of recreation : for it certainly is one of the very best recreations, and may be rendered indeed not merely such, but conducive to higher and better ends. On this first head, however, I trust I need say nothing in your case, I will therefore pass it by for the present. It would, 1 am jiersuaded, be no recreation to you to be in a party which should be disgraced by obscenity or profaneness. But the second view is that which most belongs to our present inquiry— that, I mean, of the society in which it may aj)pcar necessary to take a share on grounds of conformit)' (where there is nothing wrong) to the ordinary customs of life, and even on the j:)rinciple of ' ])ro\iding things honest in the sight of all men " (honest in the Greek is ^luaioc'j and not suffering Nour good to be evil spoken of. Now in considering this question. I am persuaded I need not begin in my dear Saniuel's instance with arguing for. but may assume the j)rincij)le that there are no indifferent actions j)n)])erl)' speaking, 1 should rather sa\- none with which religion has nothing to tlo. 1 his ho\\c\er is the coininonK recei\ed HOME LETTERS 215 doctrine of those who consider theniselves as very good Christians. Just as in Law it is an axiom, ' De minimis non curat lex.' On the contrary, a true Christian holds, in obedience to the injunction, 'Whatever you do in word or deed' tliat the desire to please his God and Saviour must be universal. It is thus that the habit of living in Christ, and to Christ is to be formed. And the difference between real and nominal Christians is more manifest on small occasions than on greater. In the latter all who do not disclaim the authority of Christ's commands must obey them, but in the former only they will apply them who do make religion their grand business, and pleasing their God and Saviour, and pleasing, instead of grieving the Spirit, their continual and habitual aim. We are therefore to decide the question of the com- pany you should keep on Scriptural principles, and the principle I lately quoted ' Provide things honest,' &c. (There are several others of a like import, and I think they are not always sufficiently borne in mind by really good people, this of course forbids all needless singularities, &c.) That principle must doubtless be kept in view. But again, yoii. will not require me to prove that it can only have any jurisdiction where there is nothing wrong to be participated in or encouraged. And therefore I am sure you will not deny that you 216 1>RI\'.\T1' PAl'KRS OF WILRERFORCE oucrht not to make a pari of any society in wliich )()ii will l)c licarinL;' what is indecent nr profane. I lio])(' that there are not many of the Oriel undergraduates Ironi whom xou would he likely to hear obscenity or j^rofaneness, and 1 trust that you will not knowingly visit any such. As to the wine [jarties, if I have a correct idea of them they are the youni^' men L^fjing after dinner to each other's rooms to drink their wine, eat their fruit, ike. ; and with the qualification above speci- fied, I see no reason for your absenting yourself from them, if your so doing would fairly subject you to the charge ot moroseness or anv other evil im])ulalion. 1 understand there is no excess, and that you separate after a short time. Its being more aorccablc to you to stay awa\- I should ncn deem a legitimate motive if alone. But in all these questions the practical question often is. how the expenditure of any given amount of time and money (for the former I estimate full as highly as the latter) can be made producti\e of the best effect. There is one ])articular member of \-our college w'ith wliom 1 hope v<■? ;// Chris- tians in general, there is danger lest a j)arl\- sj)iril should creep in with its usual effects and evils. Against this, therefore, we should be on the watch. And yet. though not enlisting ourselves in a party. we ought, as I think you will admit, to assign con- siderable weight to any opinions or practices which have been sanctioned by the authority of good men in general. As again, you will 1 think admit, that in any case in which the more adxancetl Christians and the less adxanced are both affected, the former and their interests deserve more of our conside- ration than the latter. kor instance, it is alleged HOME LETTERS 231 in behalf of certain worldly compliances, that by makinij;" them you will give a favourable idea, produce a pleasing impression of your religious principles, and dispose people the rather to adopt them. But then, if you thereby are likely to become an offence (in the Scripture sense) to weaker Christians, (persons, with all their infirmities, eminently dear to Christ.) )'ou may do more harm than good, and that to the class which had the stronger claim to your kind offices. Let my dear Samuel think over the topic to which I was about next to proceed. I mean our Saviour's language to the Laodicean Church expressing His abhor- rence and disgust at lukewarmness, and the danoer of clamping the religious affections by such re- creations as He had in mind. Of course I don't object to domestic dances. It is not the act, the salhis, but the ii'hole tone of an assembly." ** Cliftox, May 27, 1826. " I am very glad to think that you will be with us. Your dear mother's spirits are not always the most buoyant, and, coming first to reside in a large, new house without having some of her children around her, would be very likely to infuse a secret melancholy which might sadden the whole scene, and even produce, by permanent association, a lasting impression of despondency. I finish this letter after hearing an excellent sermon from 2^2 PRIX'ATl-: 1'.\1'1:RS oi^^ wilbkrforce Robert Hall, li was not merely an exhibition of powerful intellect, but of fervent antl feeling- piety. especialK' impressing on his hearers to live by the faith of the love of Christ daily, habitually looking to Him in all Mis characters. Prayer, prayer, my dear Samuel ; let your religion consist much in prayer. May you be enabled more and more to walk by faith and not by sight, to feel habitually as well as to recognise in all your more deliberate calculations and plans, that the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal. Then you will live above the world, as one who is waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." ■ "April 20, 1826. " I would gladly fill my sheet, yet I can prescribe what ma\' do almost as well. Shut your door and muse until you fancy me by your side, and then think what 1 should say to you. which I dare say your own mind would supply." '^ Sept I III her 30. •'I am thankful to reflect that at the very moment I am now thinking of you and addressing you ; you also are probably engaged in .some religious exer- cise, S(jlilar\- or social (for I was nuuh gratified by learning fi-om a |)assage in one ol \(>ur letters to your mother thai nou and Antlerson went through ■ Ihc beginning of this IcUcr is in ihc " Life of W'ilberforce." HOME LETTERS 233 the serv'ice of our bcjuitiful liturgy together). Per- haps you are thinking of your poor old father, and, my dear boy, I hope you often pray for me, and I beg vou will continue to do so. " I am not sure whether or not I told you of our having been for a week at Lea,' having been de- tained there by my being slightly indisposed. But it was worth while to be so, if it were only to witness, or rather to experience, Lady Anderson's exceeding kindness. I really do not recollect having ever before known such high merits and accomplish- ments — the pencil and music combined with such unpretending humility, such true simplicity and benevolence. With these last Sir Charles is also eminently endowed. He reads his family prayers with great feeling, and especially with a reverence which is always particularly pleasing to me. There is, in 'Jonathan Edwards on the Religious Affec- tions,' a book from which you will, I think, gain much useful matter, a very striking passage, in which he condemns with great severity, but not at all too great, me judicc, that familiarity with the Supreme King which was affected by some of the religionists of his day, as well as by Dr. Hawker recently, and remarks very truly that Moses and ' Lea, Lincolnshire — the residence of Sir C. and I>ady Anderson. The son, in his turn. Sir Charles Anderson, w.is Bishop Wilberforce's hfe-long friend. 234 I'KIX'ATE rATHRS OF W 1 LI ;i:K FORCE I'-lijah, and Aljr.ihain the friend of God (and all of them lionoiircd b\- such especial marks of the Divine condescension), al\va\s manifested a holy awe and reverence when in the Divine presence." Samuel \\'ill)erf()rce had written to his father asking- him what athice he should o-i\e to a friend whose family was \'ery irreligious. In the house of this friend ' it was a common phrase accompany- ing a shake of each other's hands on meeting, " I\Iay we meet together in //r//.'" The answer to the appeal for advice is as follows : — " -T/z/v -nS, 1826. " 1 will frankh' confess to you that the clearness and strength of the command of the apostle, 'Children, obey your parents in all things' (though in one pas.sage it is added, 'in the Lord ') weighed so strongly with me as to lead me, at first, to doubt whether or not it did not overbalance all opposing considerations and injunctions, yet more reflection has brought me to the conclusion, to which almost all those whom 1 consulted came still more j)romi)il\ , that it is the dul\' of )-our young Iriend to resist his parents' injunction to go to the j)la\ or the opera. Thai the)' are (juile hotbeds ol \ ice no one, 1 think, can dcnw lor muih more might be said against lliem than is contained in m\ ' Practical \ iew,' though 1 own the considerations there staled appear to m\" understanding such as must to any one who means HOME LETTERS 235 to act on Christian principles be perfectly decisive. One argument against the young man's giving up the point in these instances, which has great weight with me, is this, that he must either give himself entirely up to his friends and suffer them at least to dictate to him his course of conduct, or make a stand somewhere. Now I know not what ground he will be likely to find so strong as this must be confessed to be, by all who will argue the question with him on Scriptural principles, and more especially on those I have suggested in my ' Practical View ' of the love of God, and I might have added, that of the apostle's injunction, ' Whatever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father through Him.' I scarcely need remark that the refusal should be rendered as unobjectionable as possible by the modest and affectionate manner of urging it, and bv endeavouring to render the whole conduct and demeanour doubly kind and assiduous. I well remember that when first it pleased God to touch my heart, now rather above forty years ago, it had been reported of me that I was deranged, and various other rumours were propagated to my disadvantage. It was under the cloud of these prejudices that I presented myself to some old friends, and spent some time with them (after the close of the session) at Scarborough. I conversed and behaved in the 236 IMilVATR PAPERS OF WILHERFORCE spirit above recommended, and I was careful to embrace aii\ little opportunity ol pleasiny them (little presents often have no small effects), and 1 endeavoiH'cd to imj:)ress them with a persuasion that I was not less happ\ than before. The consequence was all I could desire, and I well recollect that the late Mrs. llenr\" Ihornton's mother, a woman of very superior powers and of L^reat intluence in our social circle, one day broke out to my mother — she afterwards said to me something- of the same kind, not without tears — 'Well. I can only say if he is deranged I hope we all shall become so.' To your young friend again I need not suggest the duty of constant prayer for his nearest relatives. By degrees they will become softened, and he will j)robably enjoy the delight of Imding them come over to the blessed path he is himself jnirsuing. lie will also fiiul that self-denial, and a dispositicMi to subject himself to any trouble or annoyance in order to |)romote his friends' comfort, or exem[)tion trom some grievance, will have a very powerful effect in conciliating his friends. With all the courtesy that prevails in high life, no one. 1 think, can associate with those who move in it. without seeing how great a share selfish- ness has in dccitling their language and conduct, saving themseK'cs trouble or monc\ , »S:c., (S:c. naj)pily the objeitions of woildb parents to their children becoming religious are C(.)nsiderably weak- HOME LETTERS 237 ened since it has pleased God to diffuse serious religion so much through the higher ranks in society : the)- no longer despair, as they once did. of their sons and daughters not forming any eligible matrimonial alliance or any respectable acquaintances or friend- ships. The grand blessing of acting in the way I recommend is the peace of conscience it is likely to produce. There are, we know, occasions to which our Saviour's words must apply, ' He that loveth lather and mother more than Me is not worthy of Me,' and I doubt not that if your friend does the violence to his natural feelings which the case sup- poses, in the spirit of faith and prayer, he will be rewarded even by a present enjoyment of spiritual comfort. If I mistake not I wrote to you lately on the topic of the joy which Christians ought to find familiar to them, still more the peace ; and the course he would pursue would, I believe, be very likely to ensure the possession of them. We have been, and still are, highly gratified by finding true religion establishing itself more and more widely. Lord Mandeville, whose parent stock on both sides must be confessed to be as unfavourable as could be well imagined in this highly favoured country, is truly in earnest. He, you may have forgot, married Lady Olivia's only daughter. He is a man of very good sense ; though having been destined to the Navy, which had been for generations a family 238 PRIVATI<: PAI'KRS OF WII.l^KRFORCP: service, his educati(Mi was probably not quite such as one woiiUI wish. He is a man of the greatest simplicity of character, only rather too (|iiiet and silent." " HuiHwoon Hill, " Xovtiiihc-r 27, 1826. " I hope you are pleased, I assure you I am, with the result of your B.A. course. And I scarcely dare allow myself to wish that you may be in the I St class, or at least to wish it with any degree of earnestness or still less of anxiety. The Almighty has been so signally kind to me even in m\ wt)rldly affairs, and so much more gracious than 1 deserved in my domestic concerns, that it would indicate a heart never to be satisfied were I not disposed in all that concerns my children, to cast all my care on Him : indeed, you pleased me not a little by stating your persuasion that it JuioJit be better for you ulti- mately not to have succeeded (to the utmost) on this very occasion. And I rejoice the more in this impression of yours, because I am sure it does not in your instance arise from the want of feeling ; from that cold-blooded and torpid temperament that often tends to indolence, and if it sometimes saves its j)ropriclor a disappoinlmciU. estranges him from man\- who might otherwise attach themscKes to him, and shuts him out h'om many sources of pure and \iriuous pleasure. HOME LETTERS 239 " Your dc;ir mother in all weather that is not bad enouofh to drive the labourers within doors, is her- self si/i) dio, studying" the grounds, ^"iving directions for new walks, new plantations, Hovver-beds, &c. And I am thankful for being able to say that the exposure to cold and dew hitherto has not hurt her — perhaps it has been beneficial." '* August 25, 1827. " I was lately looking into Wrangham's ' British Biography,' and I was forcibly struck by observing that by far the larger part of the worthies the work commemorates were carried off before they reached to the age 1 have attained to. And yet, as I think, I must have told you. Dr. Warren, the first medical authority of that day, declared in 1788 that I could not then last above two or three weeks, not so much from the violence of an illness from which I had then suffered, as from the utter want of stamina. Yet a gracious Providence has not only spared my life, but permitted me to see several of my dear children advancing into life, and you, my dear Samuel, as well as Robert, ^ibout to enter into Holy Orders so early that if it should please God to spare my life for about a couple of years, which according to my present state of health seems by no means improbable. I may have the first and great pleasure of witnessing your performance of the sacred service of the Church. It is little in me — I 240 PRIVATK PAPKRS OF \\I I. PERFORCE mean a vcrv ordiiiarv proof of n"i\ preference of sj)iriiual lo earthly things, of ni\- desirincr to walk rather hy faitli than by sight — that I rejoice in the prospect of your becoming" a clerg) man rather than a lawyer, which appeared the alternative in your instance ; but it is due to you, my dear Samuel, to say that it is a very striking- proof of your ha\ing been enabled by, I humbly trust, the highest of all influences, to form this decision, when from your talents and qualifications it appeared by no means improbable that in the legal line you might not improbably rise into the enjoNinent of rank and ailluence. It is but too true that m\ feelings would, at your time of life, have been powerfully active in another direction. Perhaps this \-er\" determination may have been in part produced b\- that connection to which you look forward. And may it j)lease God, my dear Samuel, to grant you the desire of your heart in this particular and to render the union con- ducive to your spiritual benefit and that of your partner also, so that it may be looked back upon with gratitude even in a better world, as that which has tended not only to vour mutual happiness during the journe\' of life, but has contributed to bring \(H1 both after its blessed termination to the enjo\inent of the rest that remaiiuth lor the people ol Ciod." This letter refers to .Samuel W ilberforce's marriage with l'.mil\- .Sargent, as to whiih his lather remarks : HOME LETTERS 241 "Viewed in a worUly li.^ht, llie connection cannot be deemed favourable to either of you." "Mnnh 20, 1S28. " The cheerfulness, which at an earlier period of my life mii;ht have been a copious spring supplying my letters with a stream of pleasant sentiments and feelings, has been chilled even to freezing by advancing years, and yet, to do myself justice, though this may have dulled the activity and liveli- ness of my epistles, I think it has not cooled the kindly warmth of heart with which I write to my friends and least of all to my children." " yiily 22, 1828. " I am glad that any opportunity for your coming forward as a public speaker has occurred, I mean an opportunity proper for you to embrace, in which you were rather a drawn (though not a pressed) man and not a volunteer. We have had the oreat pleasure of having dear Robert officiate twice, both in the reading-desk and the pulpit. The apparent, as well as real, simplicity of his whole performance must have impressed every observant and feeling hearer with a very favourable view of his character. His language remarkably simple, much every way in his sermon to esteem and love. It sugra-ested one or two important topics for consideration, which I shall be glad to talk over with you hereafter, as well as with Rubert himself. One is, whether he 17 242 PRIVATK r.APKRS OF WILHERFORCE (lid iiol fall iiUo wliai 1 ha\c oflcn ihou^ln an error in ihc sermons ot sound di\ines. and in those j)erhaps of Oxonians more than Cantabs — that I mean of adchx-ssini^" their congregations as being all real Christians chikhT'ii ot ("lod, tvc. who needed (to use our Saxiotir's ligure in John xiii.) only to ha\e their feet washed. Whatever may be the ri^ht doctrinal o])inion as to baptismal regeneration, all reall\- orthodox men will i^rant, I presume, that as people L;row up they may lose that privilege ot being children of dod which we trust they who were baptised in their intancx did enjoy, and would have reaped the benetit of it had they died before, by the gradual development of their mental powers, they became moral agents capable of responsibility. And if so, should not their particular sins ot dis- position, temper, or conduct be used rather to convince them of their being in a sintul state, and as therefore recjuiring the converting grace ot Ciod, than as merely wanting a little retormation ? " " XOi'illllhlJO, iSji>. "Has Sargent' heard of the tresh explosion in the British and Foreign i>ible Society? 1 truly and deeply regrtt it. It has proceeded troni a j)roj)osal to print the Sei)tuagint. In the tliscussion that took place on that topic it was perhaps unwarily ''the Kcv. John Sargent, oi Lavington, I'alhcr olMis. Saimn.'! Wilbcrlorcc. HOME LKTT]-:RS 243 said there was no proper standard of the Holy Scriptures. No standard ! ! ! ! ! Then we have no Bible ! You see how a little Christian candour would have prevented this rupture. Oh that they would all remember that the end of the command- ment is Love. I fear this is not the test by which in our days Christians are to be ascertained : may we all cultivate in ourselves this blessed principle and pray for it more earnestly. I am quite pleased myself, Robert is delighted, by the appointment to the Professorship (Hebrew) of Pusey — above ^1,200 per annum. Pusey had opposition, and is appointed by the Duke of Wellington, solely we suppose on the ground of superior merit." " February 20, 1829. " Legh Richmond," though an excellent man, was not a man of refinement or of taste. I cannot deny the justice of your remarks as far as I can fairly allow myself to form a judgment without referring to the book. I entirely concur in your censure of Richmond's commonplace, I had almost termed it profane, way in which he speaks of the Evil Spirit. This falls under the condemnation justly pronounced by Paley against levity in religion. " When I can spare a little eyesight or time, I feel myself warranted to indulge the pleasure I always have in the exercise of the domestic affections, ' His life had been recently published. 244 I'KIWMI'. I'ArKKS OI-" W 1 1 BKRFORCE aiul in L;raiiiyii\L; \ ou (as 1 hujjc ii is nut vanity to think I do) in writini;" to you at a time when you are in circumstance's of more ([uiet than usual, though I am aware that a man of xour a^e, who is spending his first year of married life with a partner, between wh<^m and himself there was great mutual attachment, grounded on esteem, and a mutual acquaintance with each other's characters and dispositions, can never be so happy as when he is enjoying a tctc-a- tetc with his bride. By the way, do you keep any- thing in the nature of a journal ? A commonplace book I take it for granted you keep ; and speaking of books, let me strongly urge you to keep your accounts regularly, and somewhat at least in the mode in which we keep ours — under different heads. If you have not the plan, tell me and I will send it to you. Its excellence is that it enables you with ease to see how your money goes ; and remember we li\e in da\ s in which a single sovereign given by an individual is often productive of great effects. Where is it that a single drop (stalactite) from a roof, falling inilorv of the Great Mo^ul .'^ And now also, remember ilie Church Missionary Society is so poor, that it will l)c compelled to cjuit some fields whitening to the harvest, unless it can have its fLinds considerablv auLinientet-l." SAMUEL WILBERFORCE, Aged 29. HOME LETTERS 245 The next letter refers to the offer of the vicarac^e of Ribchester, near Preston, in Lancasliire, made by the Bishop of Chester to Samuel W ilberforce. *' March 3, 1829. " Whether regarded in relation to your bodily strength, your spiritual interests, or to prudence in affairs, I should be disposed to advise you to decline, with a due sense of kindness, &c., the Bishop's offer. Your constitution is not a strono- one, and it is highly desirable in that view alone that you should for a time officiate in a small sphere, and if it may be in a place where, as from your vicinity to Oxford, you can have assistance when you are not equal yourself to the whole duty. With such a scattered population, there must be a call I conceive for great bodily strength. Secondly, the situation appears to me still less elioible considered on hio-her grounds. It is no ground of blame to you that your studies have not hitherto been of divinity. Supply all that I should say under that head, were I not writing to one who is capable himself of suggesting it to his own mind. Again, you cannot have that acquaint- ance with human nature, either in general, or in your own self, which it would be desirable for any one to possess who was to be placed in so wide and populous a field, especially in one so circumstanced as this particular place. Then you would be at a distance from almost all your friends, which I men- 246 iM^^ivATi-: i'.\im:rs of wii.i^krforce tion now in reference to the sj)iritual disadvantages of tlie situation, not in relation to your comfort and I'^niiK's. in wliich, however, it may he fairly admitted to some weight. Again, / should much regret your being placed where you would naturally be called to study controversial anti- Roman Catholic divinity, rather than that which expects the cultivation of personal holiness in vourself and your parishioners. I could say much on this head. Thirdly, Mr. Neale sees the objections on the ground of pecuniary interest, as alone of so much weight, as to warrant your refusing the offer — a vicarage. Its income is commonly derived from small payments, and in that district probably of poor people whom you would not, could not scjueeze, and yet without squeezing from whom ynu probably would get nothing. Most likely a curate would be indispensable." On the same topic W^ilberforce writes again : — "'Mil nil 17///, 1829. "I ought to tell you that in the reasons I assigned to the Bishop for declining his offer, one, and in itself perhaps the strongest, (nay, certainl\- so, not perhaps,) was my persuasion that tor any one educated and associated as you have been, it was of very great im})ortance with a view to your spiritual state, (more es})eciall\- lor the cultixation of dt'X'otional feelings and s|)iritualil\ ol mintl,) that he should in the outset ol his ministerial course l)e HOME LETTERS 247 for some time in a quiet and retired situation, where he could hve in the enjoyment of domestic comfort, of leisure for relii^ious readincr and meditation, and devotional exercises ; while, on the contrary, it was very undesirable in lieu of these to be placed in circumstances in which he would almost necessarily be alniost incessantly arguing for Protestant principles — in short, would be occupied in the religion of the head rather than of the heart. I own to you in confidence (though I believe I shall make the avowal to my dear Robert himself) that I am sometimes uneasy on a ground somewhat congenial with this, about the tutor of Oriel. For though I doubt not the solidity of his religious character, yet I fear his situation is far from favourable to the growth in grace, and would, alas ! need every help we can have for the advancement of personal religion within us, and can scarcely bear without injury any circumstances that have an unfavourable tendency. I trust my dear Samuel will himself consider that he is now responsible for living in circumstances peculiarly favourable to the growth of personal piety, and therefore that he should use his utmost endeavours to derive the benefits that appear, (humanly speaking,) to be placed within his reach. Oh, my dearest boy, we are all too sadly lukewarm, sadly too little urging forward with the earnestness that might justly be expected from 248 TRIVATl-: IWPKRS OF WlT.Rl-.RFORCE those that arc contcndiiiL;- for an incorruptible crown. Dill sou ever read Owen on sj)iritLial- mindedness ? There are some passages tliat to me appear almost unintelligible (one at least), but it is in the main, 1 think, a highly useful book. I need not say how sorr\- we are to hear of Emily being' poorh'. Hut our gourds must ha\e some- thing to alloy their sweets. I). G. your mother is recovering gradually, and now profits much from a jumbling pony-chair ; its shaking quality renders its value to her double what it would be other- wise." ' " Mdirli 19, 1829. " In speaking of W'hately's book I ought to have said that 1 had not got to the part in which he speaks of imputed righteousness. I remember it was an objection made to my 'Practical View' by a certain strange head of a college that I was silent on that point. The honest truth is, 1 never considered it. 1 have always been disposed to believe it to be in some sort true, but not to tlcem it a matter oi importance, it the doctrine ol tree grace and justification by faith be held, w hich are, I believe, of primar)- importance. Hooker, unless I forget, is clcarK tor it ; see his sermon on |usii- lualion. 1 trust 1 need not tear xoui' misc(»nsiruing ' riic first lew lines of lliis Itltcr arc in llic " Lite ol IJisliop Wilberforce." HOME LETTERS 249 nic, and supposinq- I can be advisinq- you, cither to be roguisli, or slial)l)ilv reserved. Hut really I do think that nou ma\' produce an unlaxourable and false impression of )'our principles and professional character, by talking unguardedly about I\[ctJiodisticaI persons and opinions. Mrs. R. may report you as UNSOUND to the Bishop of Winchester, and he imbibe a prejudice against you. Besides, my dear Samuel, I am sure you will not fire when I say that you may see reason on farther reading, and reflection, and more experience to change or qualify some of the opinions you may now hold. I own, (I should not be honest if I did not say so,) that I think I have myself witnessed occasions which have strengthened with me the impression that you may need this hint. . . . Have you any parishioners who have been used to hear Methodists or Dissenters, or have you any who appear to have had, or still to have, much feeling of religion ? I cannot help suspecting that it is a mistaken notion that the lower orders are to be chiefly instructed in the ordinary practical duties of religion, whereas I own I believe them to be quite capable of impressions on their affections : on the infinite love of their God and Redeemer, and of their corresponding- obligation to Love and Obedience. \\ e found peasants more open to attacks on their consciences, on the score of being wanting in gratitude, than on any other." 250 TRIVATK PAPERS OF WIT.RERFORCE 'M/-/773, 1829. " Articles sent to Mr. Samuel — Bewick, X'cnn's Sermons (2 \<)ls. ), Wliite's ' Selborne ' (2 \<)ls. l)oiincl in one), 2ncl xol. of 'The Monastery.' A lending" library is, I ihiiik, likely to be considerably beneficial. It cannot but have a tendency to generate in the poor a disposition favourable to domestic habits and pleasures, and to seek their enjoyments at home rather than in the alehouse, and it strikes me as likely to contirm this taste, to enccuirage the poor people's children to read to them. .Send me a list of an\" books you will like to have for your lending library, and 1 will by degrees pick them up for you. . . . " We ought to be always making it our endeavour to be e.xperiencing peace and joy in believing, and that we do not enjoy more of this sunshine of the breast is, I fear, almost always our own fault. We ought not to acquiesce quieth in the want of them, whereas we are too apt to be satisfied if our con- sciences do not rej)roach us with anxthing wrong, if we can on good grounds entertain the persuasion that we are .safe ; and we do not sufficientl\- consider that we ser\e a gracious and kind master who is willing that we should l.isic thai lie is gracious. Ijoth in .St. John's first general I^pisilc, and in our Lord's declaration in John x\., we are assur(.-d thai our Lord's object aiul the apostles in telling us of HOME LETTERS 251 our having" spiritual .su[)plic.s and communion, is that our joy may he full. It is a great comfort to me to reflect that you are in circumstances peculiarly favourable to your best interests. To be spiritually- minded is both life and peace. How much happier would your dear mother be if she were living the quiet life you and Emily do, instead of being cumbered about many things ; yet she is in the path of duty, and that is all in all." " Scplciiibc'i- 7, 1829. "An admirable expedient has this moment suggested itself to me, which will supersede the necessity for my giving expression to sentiments and feelino-s. for which vou will o-ive me full credit, though unexpressed. It is that of following the precedent set by a candidate for the City of Bristol in conjunction with Mr. Burke. The latter had addressed his electors in a fuller effusion of eloquence than was used to flow e\en from his lips, when his colleague, conscious that he should appear to great disadvantage were he to attempt a speech, very wisely confined himself to, ' Gentle- men, you have heard Mr. Burke's excellent speech. I say ditto to the whole of it.' Sure I am that no lanofuaee of mine could oive vou warmer or more sincere assurances of parental affection than you will have received in the letter of your dear mother, which she has just put into my hands to 252 PRTVATR r.XPKRS OF WILRRRFORCE be inserted into my letter. To all she has said, therefore. I sa\- ditto. My dear Samuel, 1 must tell \ nu ilic j)!(asure with which 1 look back on what 1 witnessed at Checkendon,' and how it combines with, and au^inents the joyful oratulations with which I welcome the 7th of September.- I hoj)c- I am deep]} thankful to the bountiful Giver of all L2ood for having' granted me in you a son to whose future course I can look with so much humble ho})e, and even jo\ful confidence. It is also with no little thankfulness that 1 reflect on your domestic prospects, from the excellent qualities of your, let me say oui\ dear b'miK". 1 must sto[), the rest shall be j)rayer, prayer for both of you, that y(jur course in this lite ma\" be usetul and honour- able, and that xou ma\" at length, accompanied by a large assemblage of the sheep of Christ, whom you have been the honoured instrument oi bringing- to the fold of Christ, have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of God." " ScpU-iiihiT 28, 1829. " Mow much do the) lose of comfort, as well as, 1 bcliexe, in incentixes to gratitude anil love, and ii it l)e not their own lault thereb\' in the means ol practical impros cmcnl, who do not accustom thcm- seKes to watch the operations ol the Pixine 1 buul. ' < hcckcndon, on the ('hiltt.in Hills in Oxfordshire, SanuiL-l W illjcrforcc's first curac), wIkil- his uicinorN' was lonu rlKrishcd. '■' Samuel's birdiday. HOME LETTERS 253 I have often thouylu thai, had it not been for the positive declarations of the Holy Scriptures con- cerning" the attention of the Almiyhty (Governor of the universe to our minutest comforts and interests enforced by a comparison with the o-T-Ojoy*; of parental affection, we should not dare to be so presumptuous as to believe, that He who rolls the spheres along, would condescend thus to sympathise with our feelings, and attend to our minutest interests. Here also Dr. Chalmers' suooestions, derived from the discoveries made to us through the microscope, come in to confirm the same delightful persuasion. I am persuaded that many true Christians lose much pleasure they might otherwise enjoy from not sufficiently watching the various events of their lives, more especially in those little incidents, as we rather unfitly term them ; for, considering them as links in the chain, they maintain the continuity, as much as those which we are apt to regard as of greater size and consequence." ^^ November 21, 1829. " We have been for a few days at Battersea Rise. But your mother will, I doubt not, have told you the memorabilia of this visit, and especially the inexhaustible conversational powers of Sir James Mackintosh. I wish I may be able, some time or other, to enable you to hear these powers exerted. Poor fellow ! he is, however, the victim 254 PKivATi': i'.\i'i:rs or wili^krforck of his iiwn social dispositions and excellences. For I caniioi l)iit Ijclieve. thai the superlUioiis hours dissipated in these talks, mii^ht suffice for the performance ot a i:;Teat work. They are to him, what, alas I in some detiree. mv letters were io me during my Parliamentary life, and even to this day. " " Dc'cciiihcr 17, 1829. "We ought not to expect this life to How on smoothly without rubs or mortification. Indeed, it is a sentiment which I often inculcate on myself that, to use a familiar phrase, we here have more than our bargain, as Christians, in the days in which we live ; for I apprehend the promise of the life that now is, combined with that which is to come, was meant to refer rather to mental peace and comfort, than to temporal prosperity. My thoughts have been of late often led into reflections on the degree in which we are wanting to ourselves, in relation to the rich and bright prospects set before us as attainable in the W Ord of Ciod. More especially I refer to thai of the Christian's hope and peace and joy. Again and again we are assured that jo\- is ordinarily and generalh to be the portion of the Christian. Vet how prone are but too commonK those, whom we realK" believe to be entitled to the name of Christians, disposed to remain contented without the possession ol this HOME LETTERS 255 delightful state of heart ; and to regard it as the privilege of some rarely gifted, and eminently favoured Christians, rather than as the general character of all, yet I believe that except for some hypochondriacal affection, or state of spirits arising from bodily ailments, every Christian ought to be very distrustful of himself, and to call himself to account, as It lucrc, if he is not able to maintain a settled frame (3f 'inward peace,' if not joy. It is to be obtained through the Holy Spirit, and there- fore when St. Paul prays for the Roman Christians that they may be filled with all peace and joy in believing, and may abound in hope, it is added, through the power of the Holy Ghost." " HiGHwooD Hill, " December 31, 1829. "Mv DEAR Children, — For to both of you I address myself. An idea, which for so old a fellow as myself you will allow somewhat to be deserving the praise of brightness, has just struck my mind, and I proceed to act upon it. Are you Yorkshire- man enough to know^ the article (an excellent one it is) entitled a Christmas, or sometimes a goose or a turkey pie.'* Its composition is this. Take first the smallest of eatable birds, as a snipe, for instance, then put it within its next neighbour of the feathered race, I mean in point of size, the woodcock, insert the two into a teal, the teal into a duck, the duck 256 PRIVATE PAPERS OE WILBEREORCE and Co. into a fowl, th(^ low! into a t^'oose, the goose and Co. into a turkey. In imit.ilion of this laudable precedent, 1 j)rop()se, though with a \ariatit)n, as our Speaker would sa\', in the order ot (jur proceeding, that this large sheet which 1 have selected tor the purpose should contain the united epistles of all the family circle, from the fullest grown if not largest in dimensions, myself, to the most dimunitive, little William. ' As the thought is my own. I will begin the execution of it, and if any vacant space should remain, I will hll it, just as any orifices left vacant in said pie are supplied by the pouring in of the jelly. But I begin to be ashamed of this jocoseness when I call to mind on what da\" I am writing — the day which, combined with the succeeding one, the 1st of Januar\", I consider, except perhaps my birth- day, as the most important of the whole year. For a long period (as long as I lived in the neighbour- hood of the Lock, or rather not far from it) I used to receive the Sacrament, which was always administered there on New Year's Day. And the heart must be hard and cold, which that sacred ordinance in such a relation, would not solten anil warm into religious sensibility and tenderness. I was naturally led into looking backwanls to the past da\ s ol in\ lite, and torward to the tuture ; led to consider in what pleasant places my lines were fallen, ' Only son uf \\ ilbcrforcc'.s eldest son William. HOME LETTERS 557 how g-oodly was my herita^'e, that the bounds of my life should be fixed in that little spot, in which, of the whole earth, there has been the greatest measure of temporal comforts, and of spiritual j^rivilcgcs. That it should be also in the eighteenth century, for where should I have been, a small, weakly man, had I been born either among our painted or skin- clothed ancestors, or in almost any other before or after it ? As they would have begun b)- exposing me, there need be no more inquiry as to the sequel of the piece. Next take my station in life, neither so high as naturally to intoxicate me, nor so low as to excite to envy or degradation. Take then the other particulars of my condition, both personal and circumstantial. But I need go no farther, but leave it to you to supply the rest. And you will likewise, I doubt not, pursue the same mental process in your own instance also, and find, as may well be the case, that the retrospect and prospect afford abundant matter for gratitude and humiliation, (I am sure I find the latter most powerfully called forth in my heart by my own survey). Many thanks for your last kind letter. You have precisely anticipated what was said by the several di^aniatis personce. It is a real sacrifice for Emily and you to be absent from my family circle. But the sacrifice is to duty, and that is enough. And you have no small ground for comfort, from your not having to go through 18 25S I'RIVATl-: I'AI'KRS OF WII.HKRFORCE the 'experiment solitary.' as Lord Bacon terms it, but to have one, to whom nou niay say that solitude is sweet. lUit 1 must surrender the pen to your dear mother." The country was at that time extremely disturbed b\- what were known as the "Swini^ Riots." ' Bands ot rioters went about, burning- ricks and threshing' machines, then newly introduced, and considered by the labourers as depriving them of the winter threshing" work. W ilberforce seems to have shared this leeling. " HlGHWOOD Hh-l, " Xovc'iiibcr 2^, 1830. " Your mother sum>ests that a threshing" machine used to be kept in one of your barns. If so I really think it should be removed. I should be very sorry to have it stated that a threshing" machine had been burnt on the premises of the Rev. Samuel W'ilber- force ; they take away one of the surest sources of occupation for farmers in frost and snow times. In what a dreadlul state the country now is! Gisborne, I lind. has stated his opinion, that the present is the period of pouring out the 7th \'ial, when there was to be general confusion, insubordination, and misery. It really appears in the political world, like what the abolition of some of the great elements in ' The laidcr of ihcsc riots, whose exact peisonaHty is unknown, was called "Jack Swing," and in this name the mob sent their threats and summonses. HOME LETTERS 259 the physical world would be ; the extinction, for instance, of the principle of gravity." " December 9, 1S30. " I have been delaying;- the books that all mii^ht go together. Mather's ' Magnalia ' ' shall be one of them. There is a very curious passage in it early in the volume, in which in Charles I's time, he says, expenses have been increasing so much of late years that men can no longer maintain their rank in society. Assuredly this Government is greatly to be preferred before the last. Brougham better than Copley, and several highly respectable besides, the Grants (Charles is in the Cabinet), Lord Althorp, Sir James Graham, Lord Grey himself, highly respectable as family men ; Denman a very honest fellow. The worst appointment is Holland, Duchy of Lancaster; he has much church patronage which, thouph I love the man, I cannot think decorous. Lord Lansdowne, very decent, Lord Goderich ditto. But your mother is worrying me all this time to force me out, and Joseph declares the letters will be too late. So farewell." "December 17, 1830. " I have always thought that your having a ' " Magnalia Christi Americana, or Ecclesiastical History of New England," by Cotton Mather, U.D. It was a costly book with a large map. Southey considered it one of the most " singular books in this or any other language." 26o PRIVATE r.Al'KRS OF WILBERFORCE strong virtuous attachment when you first went to the University was a great security to you. The blessed effects of this safeguard we shall one da\- know. It will he a mutual augmentation of attachment and happiness to find that those whom we loved best had been rendered the instruments more or less of our salvati(jn. . . . " That religious feelings are contagious (ii I may use the word so), is undeniable, and there may be temporary accesses of religious feeling, which may produce a temporary effervescence, with little or none of the real work of God on the heart. But you and I, who are n(jt Calvinists, believe that even where the influence of the Holy Spirit was in the heart, that Spirit may be grieved and quenched. The good seed in the hearts of the stony-ground hearers is just an instance in point. When my friend Terrot was chaplain, of the Defence 1 think, great num- bers of the rough .sailors were deeply affected by his conversation and sermons, of whom, I think he said, thirty only appeared in the sequel to be per- manently changed." *' yanuavy 4, 1831 . "You are now a man possessed of as much leisure as you are ever likely to possess. What think N'ou of la\ing in materials for a Doctrinal and practical History of Religion in I*lngland, indifferent classes of society, and of males and females, from HOME LETTERS 261 the time of the Reformation to the present time or perhaps to 1760. It was once my wish to write such a work, but the state of my eyes long ago rendered it impracticable. The sources from whence the particulars for the work must be derived are chiefly Lives and Memoirs. Numbers of these have been published of late years, and the object is one which would give opportunities for exercising sagacity, as well as candour. There is this also of good in it that, nullus dies sine lined, you might be continually finding some fresh fact or hint, which would afterwards be capable of being turned to good account. The Annual Registers and the different magazines and reviews would be rich mines of raw material. Do meditate on these suggestions. How very strong has dear Henry become both in his opinions and his language! Really if he were to 00 into the law, which Robert seems to think not improbable, there would be considerable danger of his getting into quarrels which might draw on him challenges, the more probably because people might suppose from his parentage, &c., that he most likely would not answer a call to the field. I must say that the becoming exempt, even in the world's estimate, from the obligation to challenge or being challenged may be no unfair principle of preference of an ecclesiastical profession to any other. The subject of duelling is one which I never saw well 262 I'RIX'ATK I'APKRS OF WIIJ^ERFORCE treated ; a verv worthx- and sensible man, a Scotch- man who was shi])wrfckc-(l in Madaf^ascar, I forget his name (was it 1 )uncan ?) sent me one, his own wriiinL;, hut 1 ihou^in il uauo;ht. And now my very dear box larewcll." \\ ilbertorce writes to Mrs. Samuel Wilberforce tlu- da\" alter his daughter b'Ji/.abeth's marria^'e. Mr. ]]'ilhcrfoi-cc to Mrs. Samuel Wilberforce. " Hk.hwoop Hii.i., " Tdlllldl'V 12, 1831. " Mv DKAR b^MiL\-. — We had a delic^'htful day yesterday for our ceremony, and after tlie indis- soluble knot had been tied in due form, tlie parties drove off about 12 o'clock to spend a few days at Mr. Stephen's fax'ourite residence of Healihx Hill. as he terms it, Missendeii. 1 really au^ur well of this connection, haxiuL^" strong' reasons for believing Mr. James to be a truK aimahle as well as })ious man, and m\ ck^ar Liz/y is really well fitted for the office ol a parson's aider and comforter. It has gi\-en me no little pleasure to ha\e been assured 1)\' Mr. 1 )upre. the curate of lh(; ])arish, that she has been lrul\- use- ful to the poor (.■ollagers around us. llis expression was, '.She has done more good than she knows of.' This event, combined widi the close of another \ ear and the amn'\ersar\- of m\ own dear wile's birthda\-, has called loi'lh in me a li\el\' sense ol the Li'oodness HOME LETTERS 263 of that t^racious Beino- who has dealt so bounti- fully with me durini>" a long succession of years. Dr. Warren, in 1788, as I was reniinded when at Brighstone, declared that for want of stamina there would be an end of my feeble frame in two or three weeks, and then I was a bachelor. After this, near ten years after, 1 became a husband, and now I have assured me full grown descendants, and an offset in my Elizabeth. I have been receiv- ing many congratulations from being perhaps the only living father of three first-class men, one of them a double first and the two others in the second also. Above all their literary acquirements I value their having, as I verily believe, passed through the fiery trial of an university, for such I honestly account it, without injury. And it gives me no little pleasure (as I think I have before assured you), to add that I ascribe this in part to the instrumentality of a certain young lady, who was a sort of Guardian ano-el hoverino- around him *_? o in fancy and exerting a benign influence over the sensibility and tenderness of his lively spirit. Fare- well, my dear Emily. " Believe me, begging a kiss to baby, " Ever affectionately yours, " W. WiLBERFORCE." 264 PRIVATK PAPERS OF WILBERFORCE Mr. lVi/berfo?rc to the Rev. Sannicl ]\'ilberforce. " Fcbnmry 8, 1831. " Mv DKAR Samuel,- Pray botli for your mother and for ])()()r William that tlic-y may be delivered from intfi(nv. 530). HOME LETTERS 283 members of the community, instead of beinir under the arbitrary commands of their masters, and (perhaps after a year) they will be still more completely emancipated. I was truly glad to find in the evidence taken before the House of Com- mons' Committee (which the indefatigable Zachary ' is analysing), highly honourable testimony to our friend's (Wildman's) treatment of his slaves. But I ought not to conceal from you the connection in which \\\ Smith's suo-o-estion of the orreat benefit that would result from my sons taking a forward part in befriending the attempts that would be made to stir up a petitioning spirit in support of our cause, (for he informed me that efforts for that purpose would be made). He stated that it had been observed almost everywhere that the clergy had been shamefully lukewarm in our cause ; and of course this, which I fear cannot be denied, has been used in many instances for the injury of the Church. You and I see plainly how this has happened : that the most active supporters of our cause have too often been democrats, and radicals, with whom the regular clergy could not bring themselves to associate. Vet even when subjected to such a painful alternative, to unite with them, or to sufter the interests of justice and humanity, and latterly of religion too, to be in ' Macaukiy. 284 l'KI\ATK I'Al'KRS OF WILBERFORCE question without rcceivin^j^ any support from them, or to do \ iolence to, 1 will n. Cloth, I2S. "A clear and very intefesting account. An excellent book." — The Times. " We would counsel a perusal of that very remarkable volume, ' The Coiuiships of Queen Elizabeth,' which, besides being in the highest degree entertaining, ftirnishes utterly new views of the spacious times of great Elizabeth." — The Daily Telegraph (Leading Article). " A delightful book." — The Daily Telegraph (Review). " Without a perusal of Mr. Hume's most researchful and interesting volume, no one, no student even of Eroude can claim to have thoroughly grasped the character and aims of our good Queen Bess." — The Daily Chronicle. " Mr. Hume, who is the learned editor of the Calendar of Spanish State Papers issued by the Record Office, has gone to the fountain-head. A connected and consistent — though assuredly a most extraordinary story. A fascinating picture." — Standard (Leader), " Mr. Hume has performed his task admirably. In his hands the story of a unique series of farcical courtships becomes a luminous study in sixteenth century international diplomacy." — TJie Daily News. "A luminous and fascinating narrative. Mr. Hume's masterlv and impartial narrative. It is undeniably an important addition to the history of the Elizabethan period, and it will rank as the foremost authority on the most interesting aspect of the character of the Tudor Queen." — Pall Mall Gazette. "Among the historians of the later Victorian era Mr. Hume will take high rank. His contributions to our know- ledge of Elizabethan times are the result of attainments which no other writer can claim to possess. He is to be congratulated on producing a work with which no student can afford to dispense if desirous of understanding the character of Elizabeth, and which no other living English- man could have prodticed." — TJie Ohseiver. 20 THE COIKISHII'S OF OIKEX ELIZABETH (coutiuiud ). " Mr. Hume is a serious authority with far too great a keenness for facts to be a partisan. One might make dozens of pointed extracts, but the book is distinctly one to be read by those who care for past manners." — Daily Courier. " Mr. Hume tells an interesting tale with enviable clear- ness and felicity of language. He may claim to have made a valuable addition to our knowledge of one of the greatest 'of our national benefactors." — 'flic Echo. " Eminentlv thorough and lucid, and throws fresh light on what has hjng been one of the most perplexing as it will ever be the most amusing chapter in the English annals."— The (il(L\i^Ou' Hcrahl. "The volume is based on authentic State papers . . . ex}')l()ied with great pains and marvellous industry." — Dublin Daily Telegraph. "A careful and .learned piece of work." — Manchester Gnardian. "A serious and able work." — Spectator. "This volume is a splendid contriiiution to English historv." Tlie Hirniin