•"■ :^ •-.< A A = =^ <— A = - — GO = — —1 n ^ = JD u = 4 9 1 3 1 4 1 Institute of Jamaica, Kingston Jamaica Cartography THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY ; aRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE MAPS OF JAMAICA IN THE' LIBRAEY OF THE INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA, BOTH ON SEPA- RATE SHEETS AND IN BOOKS: WITH SOME NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF THE PARISHES OF THE ISLAND. BY FRANK CUNDALL, F.S.A., Secretary and Librarian of the Institute of Jamaica. Reprinted from "Tub Handbook of Jamaica for 1897." KINGSTON, JAMAICA ISSTITDTB OF jAtTAIOi, Dmk TrRB HiI,L : AOEHTS IN London— H. Sotbbran & Co., 140 Str.ind, W.C, and 37 Picoauili.v, W. AoBNTS IN Nbw York— G. 1'. Putnam's & Sons, 27 4 39 VVkst 23rd Street, Vi 1. \ol ^ JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. Chronohgical List of the Maps of Jamaica in the Library of the Institute of Ja- maica, both on separate sheets a7id in books: with some notes on the Hist" ry of the Parishes o/ the Islaml. Maps of Jamaica. In the following list, a few titles of Jamaica Maps which are known to have been publish d have been adde 1 to those which are already in the Library of the Institute. These additional maps are marked with an *. Notes in italics have been inserted of events in Jamaica Bistory which have had an effect on its carto- graphy. The notes between square brackets are not on the maps themselves. 1494. Jamaica, (liscx)vercd by Columbus. 1587. 1. Cuba Insula et Jamaica, [n.d. P 1587. No scale : island 2^ in. long.] 1639. 2. Insula lamaica [On mme sheet ivith Cuba insula, Hispaniola insula &c Scale If in. =15 miliaria germanica. From "Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas sive Cosmographica Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura, primiim d Gerardo Mercatore inchoatce, dlnde a Judoco Hondio piae memoriae ad Jincm perdxictce jam rero mnltis in locis emendatae et de novo in lucem editae. Ed. decima. Q.en- ricus Hondixis." Amsterdami, 1630.] 3. Cuba Insula et Jamaica, [n.d. French edition of No. 2.j 1655. British Occupation, 1661. 4. Map of Jamaica. Scale 7in.=12 Leagues. [In HickeringilV$ " Jamaica view'd, with all the Forts, Harbours, -etc.," 1661.] 1664. Modyford's " Vie^v of Javiaica" sent to England. 1671. Survey made by order of Modxjford. *' 5. A New and Exact Mapp of ye Isle of Jamaica as it was lately surveyed by order of Sr. Thomas Mediford, Bart. : late Gover. : divided into Precincts, or Parishes, with its Ports, Bayes, etc. Printed for Richard Blome, London, 1671 . Scale liin=20 miles. [In " A Description of the Island of Jamaica, die." By R. Blome, 1678.] 1671-73. G. Isle de la Jamaique diuisee par Paroises ou sont exactement remarques les Ports et les Bayes Par le Sieur Modiford. E. Michault scrip. Scale IJ in. =20 miles, [n. d. Copied from Blome' s map]. « 7. Nova Designatio Insulse Jamaicseex Antillanis Americae Septen- rion. non postremse secundum Gubernationes suas accurataa seri incisa et publici juris facta a Matthreo Seuttero, Sac. Coea. et Reg. Oathol. Maj. Geogr. Augustse Vindel. [n. d. Scale 3 7^ in. = 10 miles. Copied from Blome's Map.] 8. A Map of Jamaii-a. Sold by Thomas Basset in Fleet Street, and Richard Chiswell in St. Paul's Churchyard. [On one sheet with Barbados. Description onback.] [n. d. Scale 2iin. = 30 miles. Copied from Blome.] 9. Jamaica, American Septentrionalis ampla insula, a Christophoro Columbo detecta, in suas Gubernationes peiaccu'ate Oistincta. perNicolaum Visser, Amst : Bat: cum Privilo. ordinui. Gene- ralm. Belgii Fiederati. L. v. Anse schulp. [Dutch, n. d. Scale 2 in. = 6 miles. Copied from Blome.] 10. L'Isle de !a Jamaique, divisdo par Paroisses. Dressuo sur des Memoires Anglois parle Srde Fer Geographe de sa Mti'-. Catolie. a Pari.s. n.d. Scale 3J in =50 miles. [Copied from Blome.] 83(^037 JAMAICA CAKTOGllAPHY. 1G73 Parish of Vere formed. 1G75 Parishes of St. Thomas-in-the-Vale and St. Dorothy formed. 1677 Act passed imming the fifteen parishes 1C81 Act passed confirming the iMmes of fifteen parishes. 1675-1 G93 11. A uew Map of the Island of Jamaica. Most humbly inscribed to the Hight Hoiible. Th»)mas EatI of Stamford, &c. [With inset map of the Harbour of Port Royal. Fart of A. new map of the English Empire in the ocean of America or West Indies. Re- vis'd by I Senex. 1 Harris Scuip. n. d. bet. 1675 and 1693.] Scale 3in = 20 miles. 1684 12, A new and exact Mapp of the Island of Jamaica with ye true and just Scituation of ye severall Townes and Churches and alsoe the Plantations with theif names and ye names of ye Proprie- tors, with amendments of great part of ye sea coast, but more especially ye Harbour of Port Royall, by actuall survey to satisfy such as desiie to know ye true Longitude and Latitude of any places mentioned in this map, i he latitude of Port Royall was ac- curately taken by a gnoman of more than 23 foot high and found to bee 17* 32' and its Longitude from Loudon 76* westward or 5 hours and 4 minutes. The chai actors exprest in ye mapp are for Townes, Churches, Sugar Workes, Indicn Workes, Cotton. Workes ami Provision Plantations, Cacao Walkes, and Craules for Hoggs and Pens for Cattel. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Lynch, Governor, by Charles Bochart and Humphrey Knollis. Lonoon n. d. Scale 5J in = 15 miles. [In " Tlie Laws of Ja- maica * * * to which is added The state of Jamaica, as it is now under the Government of Sir Thotnas Lynch,''' London 16SJ^.'] 1693. Parish of Kingston formed. 1693-1703. 13. The Island of Jamaica divided into its principal parishes with the roads, &c. By H. Moll, Geographer, [n. d. Scale 3^ in. = 60 miles. Photographic copy.] '• 14. Insula Jamaica in suas Parochias divisa, et secundum Exemplar primitivum Londinense excusa. [Part of Die Englische Colonie- Laender auf den lusuln von America, und zwar die Insuln S. Christophori, Antego, Jamaica, Barbados, n. d. Scale 3fin. = 70 miles. Copied from Moll.'] *' 15. A new and accurate map of the island of Jamaica. Divided into its pi'incipal parishes. Drawn from surveys and regulated by astronl. observatns. By Eman. Howen. [With inset maps of Harbours of Port Antonio and Kingston, n. d.J Scale 2fin. = 30 miles. 1703. Parish of Westmoreland formed, 1723. Parishes of Portland and Hanover formed. 1725. 16. A New Map of the Island of Jamaica. With Characters ei- prest for towns, churches, sugar-works, indico works, cotton and provisions, cacao walks, Crawles for hoggs and pens for cattle. IVith the Harbour of Port Poyall. Scale 3in.=25 miles. [In Sloane's " Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nevis, St. Christopher's and Jamaica. 1725.] 1740. 17. A New Map of the Island of Jamaica. [With Characters ex- pressed in the Map for Towns, Churches, Sugar Works, Indico Works, Cotton, Provision and Cacao Walks, Crawles for Hogs and Pens for Cattle]. With the Harbour of Port Royal. 1740. Scale 3 in. — 25 miles. [In Leslie's " A New History of Ja- maica" 2nd ed. 1740. Copied from Sloane's map.] JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 3 1746. *18. La Jamaique aux Anglois dans le golfe du Mexique. [and! Bermude. a Paris chez le Sr Le Rouge, 1746. 1750. *18a. Isle de la Jamaiqije. [3750]. 1753. 19. A map of the island of Jamaica with exact plans of the Towns of Port Royal and Kingston. By Archibald Bontein, His Majesty's chief Engineer in ye said Island during the late war. Dedicatea to H. R H. William, Duke of Cumberland. Published Ist March, 1753. No scale. *' 20, Carte reduite de I'isle de la Jamaique pour ssrvir aux vai3«eaux du Roy, dresse au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine en 1753. Par ordre de M. R 'uille, Chr. Comte de Jouy &ca Minis- tre et Secretaire d'Etat aj'ant le Departemt. de la Marine. Par le Sr. Bellin, Ingeaieur de la Marine et du Depost des Plans, Censeur Royal, de 1' Academic de Marine et de la Societe Royala de Londres. J 'ay fait une Carte particuliere de la Jamaique en plus grand Point et plus detaillee que celle cy. Scale 4iu. =: H nautical miles. 1758. *20a. Carte particuliere de la Jamaique dresses au depot de la Marina par Bellin, 1758. " Gounties formed. 1759. 2L Carte de I'Isle de la Jamaique. Par le Sr. Bellin. Ingr. de la Marine. 1759 Scale 2 in. = 8 French marine Lieues. [In " Description Gengraphiqiie des Isles Antilles possed^es par lea Anglois." By BelUn. 1758. J 1762, *21a. Carte de I'isle de la Jamaique — par le Sr. Bellin, Paris. 1762. 1723-1770. 22. Carta rappresentante I'lsola della Giammaica. D. Ver Rossi, M. V. sc. n. d. Scale 1| in. =8 French marine leagues, 1758-1770 23. A Chart of the Island of Jamaica with its Bays, Harbours, Rocks, Sounding, &c. n. d. Scale 2| in. = 20 miles. " 24. Carte de I'Isle de la Jamaique. Par. M. Bonne, Ingenieur — Hy« drographe de la Marine, n. d. Scale 2^ in = 32 miles, " 25. Carte des Ibles de la Jamaique et de St. Domingue, [n. d.l Scale 3Jin. = 139 statute miles. 1767. 26. ( ja Jamaique aux Anglois dans le Golfe du Mexique. a Paris chez Crepy, 1707. [On same sheet with "La Bermude."] Scale l|in. = 40 miles. 1770. Parish of Trelawny formed. " *26a. Carta rappresentante I'isola della Giammaica, 1770, 1770-1814, 27. A New Map of Jamaica exliibiting the boundaries of each parish »nd the ditferent Post Roads throughout the island, laid down from the latest surveys. Scale 2iin. = 30 miles. [With inset map of *' A general plan of Port Royal in which the diHerent states of the town are accui'ately laid down." n. d. Scale 1 in,= 8U0 feet.] 1771. 28. A new Map of Jamaica, in which the several Towns, Forts and Settlements are accurately laid down, as well as the situations and depths of the most noted Harbours and anchoring places, with the lii'iita and bovxndatys of the different Parishes, as thoy have been regulated by law or settled by Custom, the greater part drawn or corrected from actual surveys made by Mr. Shottield and others. London, 1st Jan., 1771. [With inset map of "A general plan of Port Royal, in wliich the difibront states of the Town [before and after the earthquake] are accurately laid down."] Scale 3^in. = '.:0 miles. JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 1774. 28a Map cf Jamaica, according to a snrvey made in the year mdclxx^ No scale. T. Kitchin, sculp. [In Long^s '' History of JaTuaica." 1774. Copied from Blome ] 1774. 29. Island of Jamaica. Divided into Counties and Parishes, accord- ing to the best Authorities. By Thos. Kitchin, Geogr. Hydro- grapher to His Majesty. 1774. Scale 4in. = 25 miles. [In Long's " History of Jamaica," 1774, and in Browne's " Civil and Natural History of Jamaica," 1789.] " *29a. Kaart van het eiland Janiaika. Bachiene, 1774. 1775. 30. Jamaica, from the latest surveys ; improved and enlarged by Thomas JefFerys, Geographer to the King. London, 20th Feb., 1775. Scale Sin. = '^5 miles. [With inset Maps of tho Har- bours of (i) Kingston and Port Royal, and (ii) Bluefields. In Jcfferys's " West Indian Atlas," 1775.] 1778. 31. Anew and correct Chart of the Island of Jamaica. Wiih its Bays, Harbours, Rocks, Soundings, &c., 1778. Scale 3in. = 16 miles. [Ill " The English Pilot", 1778.] •* 32. La Jamaique. Dressue sur les derniers Plans. Par Jefferys, tra- duite de 1' Anglais a Paris. [With inset Maps of the harbours of Blueiields, and Kingston and Port Eoyal.] 1778. Scale l^in. = 10 miles. 1779. 33. L'islede la Jamaique. par M. T. J. [? Monsieur Thomas Jefferys],. Ingenieur Anglois, a Paris, 1779. C. P. R. [With inset maps of the Harbours of Bluefields, and Kingston and Port 'oyal.] 1780. 34. A Chart of the Island of Jamaica with the Bays, Harbours, Rocks, Soundings, &c. London 31st Aug., 1780, Jno. Lodge,, sculp. Scale 2jin. = miles. 1794. 35. A Map of the Island of Jamaica, divided into Counties and Par- ishes for the History of the British West Indies by Bryan. Edwards, Esq , 1794. With explanations of Plantation.s and Settlements, Churches and Chapels, Forts and Bai racks. Rivers, Roads, Anchorage for Large and Small Vessels, Parish Boun- daries, Centre of the Island, and Bryan Castle. 1794. Scale^ 4in. = 25 miles. [In Bryan Edwards's ^'History of the West Indies;' 2nd ed. 1794.] " 36. Jamaica, from the latest surveys, improved and engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King. Publishei 12th May, 1794. Scale 3f in. == 30 miles. [With two inset maps: (1) The harbours of Kingston and Port Royal and (ii) The har- bour of Bluefields.] 1799. *36a. Carte de I'lle de la Jamaique, extraite des cartes angloises de Craskell et Simpson, corrig^e el augmentee en 1799 et publie au d^pot de la Marine. 1803. 37. Jamaica. Exhibiting the Boundaries of each Parish and the different Post Roads throughout the Island, laid down from the latest surveys with the Maroon Towns, and seat of the Maroon War. 1803. Scale liin. =20 miles. [In Dallas's •' History of the Maroon War," 1803.] 1804. 28. To His Royal Highness the Duke of York, this Map of the County of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys under the authority of the Hon. Hou.se of Assembly, by whom it hath been examined and unanimously approved, is, with permission, most humbly inscribed by His Royal Highness's faithful and most devoted servant, James Robertson, A.M. 1804. London, published November 1st, 1804 by James Robertson, A.M., late of Jamaica. Scale lin .= 1 mile. JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 180i. 39. To His Royal Highness, the Duke of Clarence, this map of tha County of Surrey, in the Island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys, under the authority '~>f theHon. House of As- sembly, by whom it has been examined and unanimousl}' ap- pro%'ed, is, with permission, most humbly inscribed by His Royal Highness's faithful and most devoted servant, James Robertson, A. M. 1804. London, published November i st 1804 by James Robertson, A.M., late of Jamaica. Scale lin. ^1 mile. « 40. To His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, this Map of the County of Cornwall in the Island of Jamaica, constructed from actu .1 surveys, under the authority of the Hon. House of As- sembly ; by whom it hath been examined and unanimously ap- proved, is, with permission, most humbly inscribed by His Royal Higlmess's faithful and most devoted servant James Ro- bertson A.M., London, published November 1st 1804, by James Robertson A. M., late of Jamaica. Scale lin. := 1 mile. « 41. To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, this Map of the Island of Jamaica, constructed from actual survey under the authority of the Hon. House of Assembly ; by whim it hath been ex- amined and unanimously approved, is, with His Gracious Per- mission, most humbly inbCriOed uy His Majesty's moBt dutiful, and loyal subject and servant, James Robertson, A. M., Lon- don. Published Nov. 1st 18u4 by James Robertson A.M., late of Jamaica. Scale |in. = 1 mile. [For these four maps (38-41 J a sum if £7,500 xoas voted to Bo- hcrtson by the House of Assembly. (Votes 1799-1800, p. ^88 J] 1807. 42. Jamaica, with Plan of the Town of Kingston. 1807. Scale :^in. =; 25 miles, [In Benny'' s " History of Jamaica."'] 1810. *42a. Jamaica from the latest surveys improved and engraved by Th. Jeffery. London, 1810. 1814. Parish of Manchester formed. " 43. Jamaica [With inset maps of the Harbours of Blueiields, and Kingston and Port RoyalJ. 1814. Drawn and engraved for John Thomson & Co's. ISew General Atlas, 12 August 1814. Scale 3f in. = 30 miles 1822. *43a. Geographic d, statistical and historical map of Jamaica. Carey and Lea. Philadelphia, 1822. 1823. 44. Geological Map of Eastern hilf of Jamaica. By Sir Henry Thomas de la Beche. 1823. [In " Bemarks on the Geology of Jamaica, B ad beforethe Boyal Geological Society 1825 and 1826, London, 1827.] 1825. *44a. Carte g^ographique, statistique et historique de la Jamaique. Par Buchon, 1825. " *44b. Geographische, statistische und historischo Charte von Jamaika. Weimar, 1825. 1836. 45. Jamaica with illustrations. The Map Drawn and Engraved by J. Rapliin, [n.d.] Scale 2in. = 25 miles. [Tn Martin's ^' Bri- tish Possessions in the West Indies."] 1839. *45a. Map of Jamaica compiled chiefly from manuscripts in the Colo- nial Office and Admiralty, by John Arrowsmith, 1839. 1841. Parish of Metcalfe formed. 1847. 45b. Map of the Province of Surrey in the Island of Jamaica, con- structed from the Maps of the Counties as subdivided into Pa- JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. rishes under Mr. Barclay's Act for the subdivision of the Pa- rishes of the Island, 1st Vic. cap. 34 and 9 Vic. cap. 44, with numerous additions of Roads, Rivers, Settlements, Mountains, &c. &c., carefully collected from the large surveys, and this Map drawn by tie orders and under the inspection of the Honourable House of Assembly in 1846 and 1847, by Edward McGeachy, Crown Surveyor for the Province of Surrey. M.S. Scale 1 mile ^ 1 inch. 1847. 45c. Map of the Province of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica. Is compiled according to the Acts of the Legislature for the sub- division of the Parishes ; Passed the 1 and 9 Vic. caps. 34 and 44, and entitled An Act to appoint Commissioners to make a new arrangement of Parishes for their better Civil and Ecclesiastical Government. Drawn by the Order of the Hon- ourable House of Assembly in the years, 1846-47 and 48, by Jobn M. Smith, Crown Surveyor, Middlesex. M.S. Scale 1 mile ;= 1 inch. [The sfA was completed by a third map, of the Province of Cornwall, prepait.d ly John, U. Smith in IS4G-4S ; but this lias been unfor- tunately destroyed, 1848. 46. Island of Jamaica. Lithographed and printed by W. J. Kidd for P. C. Labcitt's " Catechism of the History of Jamaica." 1848, [No Scale. Island Bi in long.] 1851. 47. Jamaica, 1851. Scale IJin. =40 miles. [In Anderson's De- scription and History of the island of Jamaica," 1851 .] 1854. 48. Jamaica [with Moravian Church-stations, with the year of their foundation.] Scale ]|in. = 20 miles. [In Btichner's " History of the Misdun of the United Bretheren's Church to the negroes in the idat.d of Jamaica." 185Jf.] 1858. 49. Ford and Gall's New Map of Jamaica, showing the Roads, Post Offices, and Shipping Ports, &c. 1858. Scale 4in. = 60 miles. [In HilVs Tyhjhts and Shaduivs of Jamaica History," 1859.] 1860-67. 50. Geoloficfl IV^nps of ihe Parishes of Jamaica, made in I860— IBGGjby the officers of the Geological Survey of the Island. [Scale of all: lin. = 1 mile.'] (a.) Parish of Portland. 1860. W. Metcalfe, litho. Cambridge. (6.) Parish of Portland. [Duplicate of (a)] (c.) Sections of the Parish of Portland. M.S. n.d. (d) Parish of St. Thomas in-the-East, 1861, lith. (e.) Parish of St. David and part of St. Thomas- in-the-East. By J. G. Sawkins, F.O.S., W.I. Geological Survey, 1861. M.S. (/.) Parish of St. David. 1801, lith. (g ) Sections of St. David and western part of St. Thomas-in- th«-Fast. West India Geological Survey, 1861. M.S. (h.) Parish of Port Royal [With vertical sections]. By J. G. Sawkins, F.G.S. West India Geological Survey, 1862. M.S. (i.) I'ari.-h ot St. Andrew [yyith vertical sections]. 1863. M.S. (j-) Western Divivion of the Parish of Metcalfe. 1863. M.S. (k ) Parish of St. George and part of the Parish of Metcalfe^ lith. 1861. (I.) Pari.-h of St. George and part of the Parish of Metcalfe,, [hiih vert cal sections.] 1867. M.S. (m.) Parish of St. Mary, 1^63. M.S. (71,.) Pciri.sii oi Sc, Thomas- in- the-Vale, 1863. M.S. (0.) Parish of St. Dorothy [With vertical sections]. 1864. M.S^ JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. (jj.) Sections illustrating the Geological structure of the Pa- rishes of Metcalfe, St. Mary and St. Thomas in the Vale, 1863. M.S. (q.) Parish of St. Catherine, 1864. M.S. (r.) Parish of St. John, [With veHieal sections]. 1864. MS.. (s.) Parish of Vere, [With vertical sections] 1864, M.S. (t.) Parish of Manchester, 18fi5. M.S. (u.) Parish of Clarendon, [With vertical sections]. 1865. M.S. (v ) Parish of St. Ann, [With vertical sections]. 1866. M.S. (w) Parish of St. Elizabeth, 1865. M.S. (x.) Sections illustrnd from 1o tiores and upward'^, and shew the extent, area, boundaries and names as well as the names of the owners ; also the Roads, Rivers and the topographical de- tails, in the ISurveyor-ljetieral's othce, Kingston]. So:de 20 chains or a quarter of a mile = 1 inch. (a.) Kingston, 1887. (h.) St. James, 1839. [b.) St. Andrr^w, ls77. (i) Han-ver, 1891. (e.) St. Thomas, 1881. (;.) Westmoreland, 1890. (d) Portland, 187« (k.) St. Elizabeth, 1886. (e.) St. Mary, 1880. (I.) Manchester, 1885. (/.) St. Ann, lt-79. (m.) Clarendon, 188;J-84, (g.) Trrdawny, 1888. (/t.) St. Catherine, 1883. S JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 1877. 54. Jamaica. Tho north and west Coasts compiled chiefly from a running survey by Coii.mander 11. Owen, R.N., 1831. The ti'outh Coast from the survey.s of Stafi Commander G. Stanlej'-, Tv.N., 1873-75 ; and Lieutenant T. F. Pullen, R.N., 1876, Published at the Admiralty 31st March, 1866 ; under the superintendence of Captain G. H. Richards, R.N., Hydi'ographer, Corrtoiiona Nov. 1877. 1879. *54a. The Island of Jamaica. James Wyld, Geographir to the Queen, London, 1879. Lithograph. Scale n miles := 1 inch. Ifc80. 65. Jamaica. Surveyed by Stafi' Counnander G. Htanlej', R.N. , 1873-5 and Lieut. T. F Pullen, R.N., 1876-;'. Morant Cays by Lieut. A. Carpenter and the Oflicers of H.M S. " Sparrowhawk,'" J8S0. London. Publishei.l at the Admiralty '27th20ctober, 1880 ; under the^superiutendence of Captain F. J. Evans, K.N., C B.,°K R.S^ 1884. 56. United Presbyterian Missionary Map of Jamaica, 1882. Scale lin. = 20 miles. [In Carlilc^s " 'rhirtij-eight years Mission Life ill Jamaica," ISS^-] 1885. 57. The Map of thfi Island of Jamaica prepared for the Jan.aica Handbook under the direction of Thomas Harrison, Govt. Sur- veyor, by Colin Liddell. 1885. [This Map first appeared in '• The Handbook of Jamaica" for 1886, and amended editions have appeared in svhseqii nt editions of the book.] 1886. 58. Map of Jamaica. By C. Washington Eves. 1886. Scale Ifin. = 10 miles. [In Evis's ^^ Jamaica at the Colonial and Ii dia i. Exhibition."'] 1888. 59. Map of Jamaica prepared from the best authorities by order of His Excellency Sir Henry Vv'ylie Norman, (J.C B., Captain-Gene- ral and Governor-in-Chief, 188.S. Prepared in the Public Woks Department by Colin Liddell, Acting 'Government Surveyor, Kingston, Jamaica, '.:6th January. 1888. Scalvj 5|in. = 15 miles. 1890. 60. Sugar Map of Jamaica, Showing Sugar Estates in 1790 and in 1890. Prcp.ired for the Institute of Jamaica by Colin Liddell. 1890. M.S." Scale J^ inches = 4 miles, " 61. Hydrographic Map of Jamaica, shewing the River Basins and the Rainfall. Prepared for the Institute of Jamaica by Colin Liddell. 3890. M.S. Scale ]i inches = 4 miles. *« 62. Geological Map of Jamaica, enlarged from the Map of Sawkins and Brown for the Inst tute of Jamaica, by Colin Liddell. JS90. M.S. Scale 1| inches = 4 miles. *' 63. Map, showing the Mountain and River Systems of Jamaica, pre- pared for the Institute of Jamaica by Colni Liddell. 1890. iM.S. Scale 1^ inches := 4 miles. " 64. Map, shewing the Extejit and Distribution of Land occupied in small holdings, i.e. those of 200 acres and under throughout the Island of J;imaica, prepared for the Institute of Jamaica by Colin Liddell. 189U. M.S. Scide IJ inches = 4 miles. 1891. 65. Mnp of the Lsland of Jamaica. Compiled for Aston W. Gardner & Co., Kingston, Ja nd. [? 1891.] Scale 4Ain. = 28 miles. 1892. 65a. The Rainfall of J^ maica. Thirteen maps showing the average Rainfall in each month and during the year with explanat )ry text. By Maxwell Hall,M A. folio, Kingston, Ja., 1892. Scale 1-16 inch = 1 mile. 1894. 66. Mission Map of Jamaica [Showing the ^'ission Stations of The United I'resbyterian Clunch in the Island.] 1894. Scale ^in.=5 miles. [In Eobson's " Tlie Story of our Jamaica Mission" 1894-] JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. ISOo. 67. A Map of the Island of Jamaic.i prepared for "Jamaica in 1895." Scale Sin. = 25 miles. [In "Jamaica in 1895." A revised edi- tion appeared in ISOGJ] Plans of Towns. Kingston and Port Royal 16S3. 68. Port Royal. Photographic copy of part of a Manuscript Map ia the British Museum by G. Hack, 1683. 173c. G8. Port Royal. Facsimile of the map which accompanies Sir Hans Sloane's Account of the Port Royal Earthquake in the " Tran- sactions of the Ptoyal Society." [In the Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, 1893.] " 70. Kingston Harbour in Jamaica. [In Popple's "Map of the British Empire in America." 1733.] 3740. *70a. Kingston, capitale de la Jnmaique, batie par les Anglois es 1692. [and] Port Royal de Jamaique. [1740]. 1758. 71. Plan de la Ville de Kingston, suivant le projet donn^ par le Colo- nel Christian Lilly. [In '■ Description Geographiques des Isles. Antilles xiossedees par les Anglois. '^ Paris. 1758.] ^ 72. Carte des Harves de Kingstown, et de Port Royal. [In " Des- cription Geographiques des Isles Antilles possedees par les Anglois. Paris. 1758.] 1762. *72a. Plan de la ville de Port Royal, Jamaique. Bellin, Paris, 1702. " *72b. Plan dela ville de Kingston, suivant le projet donne par le Colonel Christian Lilly, par le Sr. Bellin, Paris, 1762. " *72c. Carte des havres de Kingstown et de Port Royal. Bellin, Paris 1762. 1774, 73. A Draught of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston. 1774. [In Long^s " History of Jamaica."] 1782. 74. A Draught of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston, in Ja- maica, with the Fortifications correctly laid down ; also all the Keys and Shoals adjacent. J no. Lodge, sculp. London 28th of Feby. 1782. Scale Ofin. == 5 miles. 1799. 75. Port Royal in Jamaica. Engraved for Luft'man's " Select rian^ of the principal cities, ports, harbours and forts in the woi Id.'s Published July 1, 1799 London, Scale Ifin. = 4 miles. 1803. 70. Plan des Rades et Villes de Kingston et Port Royal, dans I'ls'e de la Jamaique, dessine d'aprcs celui de Don Lopez, par George de Bois St. lys, Anc, Oflfr. Fran9ais 1803. [M,S.] Scale |ia = 400 Toises, 18- S. *7G;'. A J^lan of the City of Kingston in the Island of Jamaica. Pro- tracted from the Original Surveys of Lilly, Sheriff and Munro and P. H. Keiffe. 1823. [By David Smith]. No scale. 1843. 77. A Plan of the City of Kingston, shewing the th-eadful confltgra- tion on the 26-27 of August, 1843. Description. Kingston a.s laid down by C. Lilly in 1093, extending from West Street to Fleet Street but only to Rum Lane above it. Lithographed by G, Muguet. Scale l|in. == 1,000 feet. 1848. 78. Kidd'sNew Plan of the City of Kingston, Lithographed for and published by A. deCordova and Nephew, [n.d.ab. 1848.] 1872, *78a. Plan of the city of Kingston in sheets. Scale 88 feet=l inch. [Prepared about 1872.] [MS. in Public Works Office.] 10 JAMAICA CARTOGEAPHY. 1880. 79. Plan of the City of Kingston and its suburbs prepared for Aston W. Gardner & Co. London 1889. Scale lin. = fiOO ft. 1891. 79a. Kingston, Jamaica. Rough sketch of county round Kingston, .7 an)aica, compiled from Maps, and corrected by reference to the Admiralty Charts. Sketches by T. Harrison ; Captain Wood- ford, York and Lancashire Regiment ; Capt. Thwaytes, Lieut. Phillips and Lieut. Climo, W. India Regiment, and personal observation by Major C. E. de la Poer Beresford, DA.A.G. Published on behalf of the War Office. London, 1891. 1892-97. *79b. Map of the City of Kingston in sheets. Scale 10ft. =1 inch. Prepared 1892-1897 for the Kingston Improvement Commis- sioners. [MS. in Commissioners Office.] 1896, *79c. Plan of the Town of Port Royal, Jamaica, made by an order of the Magistrates and Vestry, dated 16th November, 1896. By Archibald Turnbull, Surveyor. M.S. 100ft. = lin. [See also Nos. 11 , 15-18, 27-30, 32, 33, 36, 43.] Port Antonio. 80. Plan des Havres de Port Antonio et de Saint Francois, situds h la coste du Nord Est de I'lsle de la Jamaique. n.d. Scale lin. = 300 Toises. 81, Puerto Antonio, Jamayca. n.d. 1733. 82. A plan of the Harbour of Port Antonio in Jamaica, [In Popple'^ '■^ Map of the British Empire in Jamaica." 1733] 1762. *82a. Plan des havres de Port Antonio et de Saint Fran9ois situes h, la cole du N.E. de la Jamaique. Bellin. Paris 1762. 1774. 83. Plan of the Harbours of Port Antonio in the Island of Jamaica, survey'd A.D. 1771. Engraved by T. Kitchin. 1774. [In Long's " History of Jamaica.''] 1788. 84. The Harbours of Port Antonio in Jamaica. London, Printed fur Robert Sayer, June 1. 1788. 85, The Harbours of Port Antonio in Jamaica. London. Jany. 1st 17^'8. 1706. *85a. A Plan of the Town of Titclifield [now Port Antonio]. Pe"- fiTmed by order of the Ve>tiy, June, 1795, by David Cowan. [MS. in the Surveyr GeneraVs Office]. Scale 200 feet = 1 inch. [See also No 16.] LUCEA AND MONTEGO BaY. 1788. *85b. Plan of Lucia Harbour and Montega Bay in Jamaica, London, Sayer. 1788. 1825. *85a. Plan of the Town of Montego Bay, No date : supposed to be by Morris and Cunningham, Surveyors, some time in 1825. Scale J 00 feet =^ 1 inch. [M.S. in Public Works Offixe.] Savan^na-la-Mar. 1889. *86. Plan of the Town of Savanua-la-Mar and suburbs. Surveyed in 1889 by Thomas Harrison, Surveyor-General. Scale 5 chains =1 in. M.S. [In Surveyor General's Office.] Bluefields. [See Nos. 30, 32, 36, 43.] Southern Jamaica. 1682, 87. Southern Jamaica. Photographic copy of Part of a Map in the British Museum by Gulielmus Hack. 1682. JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 11 St. Jago de la Vega. 88. Plan of the Town of St. Jago de la Vega, Jamaica, David Scares, Town warden. A. Duperly, lith. [n.d.] Scale lin II five chains. Cock Pits. 1803. 80. Map of the Interior Part of Jamaica called the Cock Pits, Avhich was the seat of the Maroon Wa- in 1795 and 1796. Drawn by J. Robertson, Esq , A. M., whose new maps of that Island are now engraving, Jan. 1st. 1803. [In Dalits^ s '' History of the Maroons."] Turks Islands. 1775. 90. Turks Islands, from a survey made in 1753, by the sloops I'Aigle and I'Emeraude, by order of the French ( Jovernor of Hispaniola, with improvements from observations made in 1770, in tlie Sr. Edward Hawke, King's Schooner. London 20 Feb. 1775^ Scale liin. ^1 mile. The History of the Parishes. As many of the maps in the list given above are without dates, it became neces- sary to trace the formation and alteration of the various parishes of the islaiid in order to give to them an approximate date, and the notes which were made for- that purpose are now appended. In Hickeringill's "Jamaica View'd" published in the year 1661, appears what is probably the oldest English map of the Island With the exception of Guana- boa, The Seven Plantations, The Angels and St. Jago de la Vega ; only towns on- the sea-board are mentioned in it, and there is no ■dLii.f.m^ii to divide thu ialaud into parishes. In acensu?^ taken in 1662 (cf. Bridges' " Annals" I. 427) the Island was divided into ten districts as follows : — the Precincts of Port Moranto; Morant ; Yealoth ; and Legene ; the town of Saint Angelo Delvega [St, .Tijr. > de la Vega] ; Between Black River, Bower Savanna and thereabouts ; In the Angles Quarters ; la the Seven Plantations, Macaria, Qaathebeca ; IntheQ'iartorsQuanaboaandQuardalena ; and Upon Point Gangway. Sir Thomas Modyford, in his " View of the condition of Jamaica, the 1st of October, 1664," reprinted in the appendix to the fir.st volume of the " Joa Dials of the Heuse of Assembly" ([Spanish Town] 1811), says "There is in the said island but seven established parishes ; videlicet, the town and jiarish of St. Kiii-henne's St. John's, the town and parish of Port Royal, Clarendon, St. David's, St. Andrew's, and St. Thomas, which are very large, and in them all i)ut one church, ihai. at St. Katherine's." Roby. in his " History of the Parish ot St. Janiea," obseives — " It is true that Long says, that about the time when Col «anl Edward D'Oyloy received his commission as Governor from Charles IL, in l(i61, or soon afterwards, the is- land was divided into twelve districts which he enumerates, adding to the seven parishes already mentioned St. Geo ge, St. Mary, St. aine, St. Jameb, and St» Elizabeth ; and states, it was afterwards surveyed and divided unMer Sir i'homas Modyford's government [inlO*^^], bii+ no "t^w parisbe^' or districts nr^fled hy name [cf. Long 1. 164]." As 1 have found no mention of any of the five list-named parishes until after 1664, and Sir Thomas mentions only seven existing, I am of opinion that our parish [St. James] and the other four did not rcccivo thoir re- spective appellatitjns before tlio vfy end of 1664, or more probably until I6G5"- The parish of St. David was part of the precinct of St. Thomas-in the-East, and. St. George was part of the precinct of St. Mary. Attached to Modyfor I's " Answers to the enquiri s (^f his Majesty'.s commis- sioners" (" Journals of the House of As.seuibly" I. appendix) is the following Table :—— 12 JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. Survey of the Island, September, 10 «tH aj'^ m S " S ® _ In the same year (1673), Vere was formed by cutting off a portion of Clarendon but it still remained part of the precinct of Clarendon ; and in 1675, St. Thomaa- in-the Vale was taken from St. Catherine ; and Clarendon lost another piece out of which was formed St. Dorothy, which parish became part of the precinct of St. Catherine. In " The State oi Jamaica under Sir Thomas Lynch, his Majesty's present. Captain General and Chief Governour, September 20th 1683," prefixed to the "Laws of Jamaica," (London 1684), it states "since that time (1661) it has been divided into Fifteen Parishes, and they into eight Provinces or Precincts." In the somewhat lengthy "Journal kept by Col. Wm. Beeston from his first coming to Jamaica [1660-1680]" ("Interesting Tracts"— St. Jago de la Vega 1800), no mention is made of the parishes. The first Act on record havitig reference to the parishes of the island was passed in 1677. The law itself had noc been preserved, but it is recited in a law passed in 16B1 (33 Car. 2) " An Act for the maintenance of Ministers, and the Poor, and erecting and Repairing of churches." ("The Laws of Jamaica," London 1684) : " And whereas this Island, in the twenty-ninth year of his Majesties reign, by an Act of this Country, was divided into fifteen parishes, which were called, dis- tinguished, and known, by the several names hereafter mentioned, that is to say, St. Thomas, St. Davids, Port Royal, St. Audreios, St. Katharines, St. Dorothys 14 JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 8t. Thomas iii the Valley, Clarendorb, Vere, St. Johns, St. Georges St. Maries, at. Anns, St. James and St. Elizabeths ; Be it therefore Enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every of the said several Parishes, rest, remain, and for ever hereafter be distinguished and known by the aforesaid re- spective Names, and by no other whatsoever, anything in this or any other Law to the contrary notwithstanding." ! In 1692, on the destruction of the greater part of Port Royal by earthquake, most of the inhabitants that survived settled in hastily erected buildings in St. Andrew, on the harbour, and in the following year the parish of Kingston was formed.* In 1703, Westmoreland was formed out of a portion of St. Elizabeth. In 17 23, Portland was formed, the land being taken partly from St. Thomas-in-the-East, and partly from St Greoge (by 10 Geo. I.) ; and Hanover was formed out of part of Westmoreland. In 1739 (12 Geo. II. ch. 6) parts of the Carpenters' Mountains, heretofore esteemed part of St. Elizabeth and Clarendon, were trans- ferred to Vere. In 1758, the three counties of Surrey, Middlesex and Cornwall were created (by 31 Geo. II. ch. 15,) with a view to the more convenient holding of courts of jus- tice. King.ston was declared the county town of Surrey ; St. Jago de la Vega, that of Midcilesex ; and Savanna-la-Mar, that of Cornwall. In the first named were the seven parishes of Port Royal, Kingston, St. Andrew, St. David, Port- land, St. George and St. Th')mas-m-the-East ; Middlesex comprised St. Cathe- rine, St. John, St. Thomas-in-the Vale, St. Dorothy, Clarendon, Vere, St. Ann and St. Mary ; while Cornwall had, but four parishes, St. Elizabeth, Westmore- land, Hanover and St. James. The next change was in 1 770, when Trelawny was formed out of a portion of St. James. In 1814 Manchester was created by taking parts frinn Clarendon, Vere and St. Elizabeth : thus transferring a portion of Cornwall to Middlesex. In J800 a law was passed (50 Geo. III.) for fixing the boundaries of the several Counties and Parishes of this Island by which the extent and boundaries of the said several and respective Counties and Parishes of this Island, as laid down and delineated in the three maps of the representative counties and the general map of this Island, made and pul)lished by James Robertson, were taken as the bounds of the counties and parishes, and printed copies of the maps were recognized as evidence in airCourts of Justice in the Island of the boundaries of the said seve- ral counties and parishes. In 1841, the last parish to be created in the history of Jamaica, Metcalfe, was formed out of the Parishes cf St. Mary and St. George, whereby Middlesex again gained laud, this time at the expense of Surrey. The Parishes then numbered 22. In 1844, an Act,, (8 Vic. c. 39) was passed defining the boundaries of Kingston Harbour. In 1867, was passed the law for the reduction of the number of parishes. In Sun-ey, Kingston was increased by taking part of St. A.ndrew, a part of the pa- rish and the whole town of Poit Royal. St. Andrew took the remaining part of Port Royal parish ; and St. David was merged into St. Thomas in-the-Bast, and St. George into Portland, which also took the Manchioneal district of St. Thomas- in-the-East. lu Middlesex the recently created parish of Metcalfe was merged again into the parish of St. Mary. St. Thomas-in the- Vale, St. John and St. Dorothy, were all merged into St. Catherine, and Vere again became part of C/larendon ; St. Anne and Manchester remaining as they were. In Cornwall there was no altera- tion, the five parishes remaining as they were. The table at the c^d of this article may help to make the story of the various divisions of the pari: lies plainer. See "An A«t for u :.kiu^ Kingston a Parish" in Haneon'g " Layrs of Jamaica." 1662, Census. Point Gangway Precinct of Legene Precinct of Yealoth Precinct of Port Moranto Precinct of Morant Town of St. Angelo del Vega The Angels (sic) Quarters Quarters of Quanaboa and Quardelena The Seven Plantations, Macaria, Quathebeca Between the Black River, Bower Savanna and thereabouts Po S. S. s. he Cl 1841. Port Royal Kingston S. Andrew S. David S. Thomas Portland S. George Metcalfe S. Mary S. Ann S. Catherine S. Thomas-in the Vale S. John S. Dorothy Clarendon Vere Manchester S. Elizabeth Westmoreland Hanover S. James Trelawny 1867. I Kingston J St. Andbbw > S. Thomas Poetlanb \ S. Mary S.Ann ^-S. Cathebink j Clarendon Manchester S. Elizabeth Westmoreland Hanover S. Jamea Trelawny THE HISTORY OF THE PARISHES. 1662, 1661. Modyford'e 1670. Modyford'B 1673. 1676. 1693. 1703. ! 1723. 1758. 1770. 18U. 1841, 2'2 1B67. CCDBUB. "View." "Survey." 11 3 o — Point Caugway Port Royal Port Royal Port Royal Port Royal J Port Royal KINOSTON Port Royal Kingatoa Fort Boya! Kingston 1 r Port Royal Kingston Port Royal Kingston Port Royal Kingston Port Royal Kingston [Kingston Precinct of Legene 8. Andrew 8. Andrew S. Andrew 8. Andrew ( 8. Andbew 8. Andrew S.Andrew |. S. Andrew S. Andrew 8. Andrew 8. Andrew J St. Andbbw Precinct of Yealotb 8, David S. David 8. David S. David 8. David 8. David 8. David S. David S. Uavid 8. David 8. David Pricinctof PortMoranto S. Thomas-in- tbb-East 8. Thomas S. Thomas S. Thomas S. Thomas S. Thomas S. Thomas the Vale 8. John S. Tbomae-ln the Vale 8. John ?-S. Cathebink ) 8. Dorothy 8. Dorothy 8. Dorothy S. Dorothy S. Dorothy S. Dorothy 8. Dorothy 8. Dorothy , The Seven PlantatiocB, Maoaria, ( ■ clabendon; ... Clarendon Clabbndon 1 Clabbndon Clarendon Clarendon Clarendon Clarendon Clarendon -) Clabkndon Clarendon Clabendon Quathebeca i Vbbb Vere Vere; Vere Vere I Vere Vere Vebe Vere nQDamed preoiaot ... Manchestbb Manchester Manchester Between the Black Rlver.Bower Savanna S. Elizabeth S, Elizabeth S. Eliaabeth S. Elizabeth 1 St. Elizabeth ... S. Elizabeth 8. Elizabeth 8. Elizabeth 8. Elizabeth .. S. Elizabeth 8. Elizabeth ) Westmobeland I Westmobeland... .g. Westmoreland .. Westmoreland ... Westmoreland .. Westmoreland ... Weitmorelaod Unnamed precinct ... 1 Hanoveb Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover Hanover 8. James 8. Jamos S. JanitB S. James 8. James S. James §. 8. James 1 8. Jajibb Tbblawny 8. James Trelawny S. James Trelawny S. Jamea Trelawny o c JAMAICA CARTOGRAPHY. 15 The following account of the origin of the names of the various parishes, taken in great part from Roby's " History of the Parish of St. James," may prove of interest. St. Catherine was named after Catherine of Portugal, the wife of Charles II, who was King of England when the parish was formed. In the first act in which it is mentioned the correct spelling of the name is used, Katharine. The parish of Clarendon was named in honour of the celebrated chancellor, Edward Hyde^ first Earl of Clarendon. St. James was named after the Duke of York, subsequently James II ; and St. Ann after his wife, the eldest daughter of Lord Clarendon. If Roby is right in this ; the correct spelling of the name of the parish would be St. Anne, as indeed Long and others spell it. The parishes of St. George, St. Andrew and St. David, are derived from the patron saints of England, Scotland and Wales, but Roby thinks that the name of St. George might have received additional appropriateness from the fact that George was the Christian name of the Duke of Albermarle, Sir Thomas Modyford'a relative and patron, as also of Colonel Nedham, his son-in-law. Roby points out also that although St. Thomas was so called before the arrival of Sir Thomas Modyford, D'Oyley's immerliate successor in the Government was Thomas Hickman, Lord Windsor, after whom it may have been called. The parish of Port Royal obtained its appellation from its port, the name of which was changed f i om Cagua about three years after the Restoration. The parish of St. Mary Avas probably so called from the port (Puerto Santa Ma- ria) thus named by the Spaniards, but Roby points out that Modyford's daughter's name was Mary, and it was immediately next to the parish of St. George, the name of her husband being George Nedham. St. Elizabeth was probably named in honour of Elizabeth, Lady Modyford, the daughter of William Palmer, whose tomb.stone is in the Cathedral. Vere was named after Vere, daughter of Sir Edward Herbert, Attorney General to Charles I., and first wife of Sir Thomas Lynch, who, with her two sons, died or was lost on her passage from England to this island in 1()83. St. Thomas-in-the-Vale was probably named after Sir Thomas Lynch. St. Do- rothy, Roby conjectures, received its name in compliment to Dorothy Wale, who had probably a large estate there. Kingston is the common form of King's Town. Westmoreland obtained its name from being the western-most parish of the island ; while Hanover was named after the reigning English family, albeit the Aa- eembly wished to confer on the new parish the name of St. Sophia in honour of the mother of George I., but in this it was ovei-ridden by the Council. The four remaining parishes received their names from Governors in the Island at the date of their formation ; Portland, Trelawny, Manchester and Metcalfe. When in 1758 the island was divided into three counties, the middle one was appropriately called Middlesex, the westernmost was named after the most western county in England, Cornwall ; and the eastern division was called Surrey, pro- bably because, like Surrey in England, its chief town was Kingston. • i i / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RECTO tD-URD 'Hm APR 5^^""' Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN. 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