.^i UC-NRLF $C m? 217 LIBRARY UNIVEBSITY Of \CAUFOtNIA, ^.,o V ^'f 4 / have had printed at my Private Press fifty copies of the Registers of Kempsford, co. Gloucester, 1653 to 1700, copied from a MS. in my possession, made by the late W.. H. Black, Esq., of Her Majesty s Record Office. This copy is No. jo. Grove Park, Denmark Hill, lX>NDON, S.E. REGISTERS OF KEMPSFORD. THE REGISTERS OF KEMPSFORD, CO. GLOUCESTER. 1653-1700. PRINTED AT THE PRIVATE PRESS OF FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP. 1887. LOAN STAOf CONTENTS. PAGES Registers » — '<» Index >« — 16 057 REGISTERS, A REGISTER BELONGING TO THE PARISH OF KEMPSFORD." / was shown, in the Office of Fr. Townsend, Esq., Rouge Dragon Poursuivant at Arms in the Heralds College, July loih, 1828, a small and very much mutilated parchment book with a cover of parchment, in quarto, within the cover of which a hand much later than the book had written the foregoing Title. It is written at both ends, but on what is properly the first leaf are written two Affidavits of the Registrars elect, according to the Statute. Then follow five leaves of Births, Burials, and Marriages, and one shamefully torn loose leaf, which seems to be one of many torn out after the fourth leaf, then after two more, very many leaves, perhaps more than now remain altogether have been cut out, fragments only of the inner margin remain. The rest of the book, nine leaves, begins at the other end, cy contains an account of Church briefs for fires 6^ the amount collected under each, from 1694 to 1744. W. H. Black, 12/7/28. February the 16"", 1653. Walter Couling of Kempsford being Chosen Register of the parish of Kempsford aforesad and Aproved on according to the Statut, was sworne the day and yeare aboue written to keepe a true register, and fairely enter in writing in this Booke, all publications, Marriages, births of Children, and burialls, of all Sorts of P'sons, and the names of every of them, and the dayes of the month and Yeare of publications, marriages, births, and burialls, and the parents, gardians, and overseers names before me * John Gearing. January the so first, 1655. Leonard Cowling of Kempsford being Chosen Regester of the perish of Kempsford aforesaid, and aproued on according to the Statute, was sworne the day and yeare aboue written, Two keepe a trew Regester and fairely Enter in writing in this booke all publications, Marriges, birth of Children, and Burialls, of all sorts of P'sones, and the names of Eueri of them and the day of the Month and yeare of publications, Marriges, berth, and burialls, and the parents, gardines, and Ouerseers names before Mee - John Gearing, girtheji 1653. William Parker sonn of Richard Parker & Elizabeth Parker was borne the is'*" of March. Martha Curtes daughter of William & Sisly Curtis was borne the 16"' of March. §itthfi» 1654. So in the Mary priginai. gara Chanler the daughter of Thomas & Kathren Chanler was borne the 13"' of Aprill. Fraunces Coue the sonn of ffraunces & Elizabeth Coue was borne the 9*'' of May. Kuthren Robbins daughter of Judeth Robbins was borne the 17 of May. John Kente sonn of John Kente & Elizabeth Kente was borne y* i y'*" of July. Walter Harberte sonn of Edward & Sisly Harberte was borne the 21 of July. Sara Edwardes daughter of Walter & Ann Edwards was borne the 22 of July. Thomas Packer sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth Packer was borne the 1 1 of September. William Shorte sonn of Roger and Elner Shorte was borne the 26 of September. Robert Jenner sonn of Edward & Margert Jenner was borne the 13"* of Nouember. Elizabeth Haynes daughter of Thomas & Mary Haynes was borne the third of January, ffraunces Constable sonn of Henry and Sara Constable was borne the 15"" of January. Susana Sanders daughter of Edward and Sibbel Sanders was borne the I y**" of January. Anne Payne daughter of John and Mabell payne was borne the S*"* of ffebruary. Alsa Day daughter of William and Mary day was borne the 28"" of ffebruary. Alse Dubber daughter of William and Elizabeth Dubber was borne th? 21 of March. 3 girthw 1655. Walter Prator sonn of Walter and Elizabeth Prator was borne the last day of March. Edmond Wane sonn of Thomas and Mary Wane was borne the 13 of March. Katheren Jenner Daugter of Robert and Amy Jenner was borne the 21 of May. Henry Smyth sonn of Ralph and Ann Smyth was borne the 30"" of July- John Packer sonn of Henry and Elizabeth Packer was borne the 17 of September. William Coue sonn of ffraunces and Elizabeth Coue was borne the ii"" of Nouember. Robert Kinge sonn of Richard and Katherin Kinge was borne the 26 of December. John Haynes sonn of Thomas and Mary Haynes was borne the 28 of December. William Smyth sonn of William and Mary Smyth was borne the 29 of December. Mary Arnoll daughter of Richard and Martha ArnoU was borne the 29*'* of May. Alse Harberte Daughter of Edward and Sisly Harberte was borne the 29"" of December. Alexander Harberte sonn of James and Mercy Harberte was borne the 9"" of January. Isaac Vine sonne of Richard and Jane Vine was borne the 6 day of ffebruary. Katherin Packer Daughter of John and ann Packer was borne the third day of March, ffrauncis Richins sonne of ffrauncis And Christian Richins was borne the 12*'' day of March. Elizebeth Edwardes doughter of Walter And Ann Edwardes was borne the I y**" day of March. ^itrthw 1656. Ales Simones daughter of Richard And Ketheren Simones was borne the 9"" day of Aprill. WiUiam Sanders sonne of Edmond and Sibbel Sanders was borne the 21 day of June. Joane Richens daughter of Nicolas and Alles Richens was borne the 26 day of August. Ralph Bell sonn of Sara Bell was borne the 19*'' day of October. Jone Griffin daughter of Richard & Katherin Griffin was borne the a day of Jenuary. Katherin Carpenter daughter of Richard and ffrancis Carpenter was borne the 20 first day Jenuary. Edward Jenner sonn of Edward and Margreat Jenner was borne the first day of Februarie. Ann Dubber daughter of William and Elizabeth Dubber was borne the 23 day of Februarie. 4 Thomas Cunstable sonn of Henry and Sarah Cunstable \va.s Iwrno the is"" day of March. Jone Chandler daughter of Thomas and Katherin Chandler was borne the 5 day of March. 1657- Edward Kinge sonn of Richard and Elizabeth Kinge was borne the 31 day of March. Mary Smith daughter of Ralph and Ann Smith was borne the 3 day of Aprill. Thomas Haines sonn of Thomas and Mary Haines was borne the 8 day of Aprill. Thomas Coue sonn of ffrauncis and Elizabeth Coue was borne the 24 day of Aprill. Susanna Packer daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Packer was borne the 1 1 day of August. Sarah Willis daughter of ffrauncis and Margreate Willis was borne y" 1 7 day of August. William Day sonne of William and Mary day was borne the 6 day of October. Martha Edwardes daughter of Walter and Ann Edwardes was borne the 1 1"» day of October. Margreate Wane daugter of Thomas and Mary Wane was borne the 29"* day of September. Mary ffoster daughter of James and Mary foster was borne the 29"* day of Nouember. Judah Bell daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bell was borne the 3 day of December. Robert Turner sunn of John and Bridget Turner was borne the 29 day of December. Thomas Hewer sunn of Anthony and Dorothy Hewer was borne the 22"' day of March. Berthcjf 1658. Thomas Sanders sunn of Edmond and Sihbell Sanders was borne the 03"" day of March, ffrauncis Kinge sunn of Richard and Katherin Kinge was borne the 22 day of September. Jone Richens daughter of ffrauncis and Elizabeth Richens was borne the 30 day of September, Susanna Dubber daughter of William and Elizabeth Dubber was borne the 1 7"" day of October. Charles Harbet sunn of James and Merci Harbet was borne the 27 day of October. Elizabeth Burlingane daughter of William and Ann Burlingame was borne the 28 day of Nouember. Phillip Paret sunn of Simon and Jone paret was borne the iS"" day of Januarie. Martha Willis daughter of ffrauncis and Margreate Willis was borne the first day of fcbruary. 5 Elizabeth Smith daughter of William and Mary Smith was borne the 3 day of february. Thomas Griffin sunn of Richard and Katharin Griffin was borne the 26 day of february. Here, after this fourth leaf, begins the mutilation ; so that from the begin- ning of i6^() to 1695 there is nothing remaining but one leaf wilfully torn, in one part an inch and a half into the inner margin, namely, at " Thomas Bell," &"(. With the exception of this leaf of marriages from 1653-7, there are no burials nor marriages until 1695 / and then only two leaves, which are written by a clever man, in a close hand, betraying a laborious &• studious mind. It is likely that he began to write in 1693, as the Church Briefs begin in the same hand at the end of that year, and are continued to 1711/ the rest by different hands to 1744-5. l^uMtfafions antl |llamgf.« 1653. Thomas Haynes & Mary Gillet were Published 3 lordes . . yes begining the 12 of March and were Married the 39* of March 1654. gttbUatiottiS ittttl PaytiDesi 1654. Thomas Sauory & Mary Prince were Published 3 lordes dayes begininge the 4 of June and were Married the 19 of June. William Curtis and Kathren Standeforde were Published . . lordes dayes begininge the iG"" of July and were Married . . 10 of August. . . . Kente and Elizabeth Elbero were Published 3 lordes .... be- gininge the 16"' of July & were Married the 31 of July. ... as Coue and Mary Day were Published 3 lordes . . s begin- inge the n"" of March 1654 and were , . rried the 29"* of March 1655. Igttttlcatjonis and marrige.s 1655. . . . Eyles and Ann Archer were Published . . lords dayes begin- inge the lo* of June . . ere married the second of July. . . . Acot and Ann Hall were Published three .... dayes begininge the 16 of September and . . arried the 8''' of October. , . . Prater and Elizabeth Hayword were .... shed three Lords dayes begininge the 28*'' of .... er and were married the as of Nouember. More, . W" Cowling, Cr, Kempsford. 1655- Richard Symmons and Katherin Smyth were Published 3 lords dayes begininge 18"' of Nouember and were Married the 13"' of December. 6 Richard Griffin and Katherin Smyth weare Published 3 iordes dayen beginninge y' 17"' day of february and weare Marri . . The is"* day of March. 1656. Richard King and Elizabeth Pr . . . . were Published 3 lords dayes begin .... The 20**^ day of April and weere m . . . . The 8"* day of May. ffrauncis Willis and Marye Ca . . . . were published 3 Iordes dayes beg .... the 31 day of August and weare .... the zq"" day of September. Thomas Bell and Elizabeth Ed ... . published 3 lords dayes be- gin .... 4 day of Jenuary and were .... The g"" day of February. 1657. John ffreeman and Katheren .... were published 3 lords dayes b . . . the 31 day of May and weare .... the jo day of June. 1695. James Philpot dyed May zi"". Henry y" Son of Rob' Smart & Jane his Wife dyed August 7*''. Abraham y' Son of Walt. Packer & Cath : his Wife dyed Sept. 7"". Catherine y» Wife of Edward Saunders Juni'^ dyed Nov : ao"". Tho : Ritchins of Whilford dyed Jan : 2"». Jone y" Daughter of John Chaunler & Barbara his Wife dyed Feb 1 Edward y' Son of Rob' Jenner & Amye his Wife dyed March 13. Mary y° Wife of John Packer of Whelford dyed March 19. 1696. Mary y" Daughf of John Pack' of Whelford & Mary his late Wife dyeej March 28. Eliz : y' Daughf of Tho : Cooling & Marg' his Wife dyed April so. Eliz : y' Daught' of Edw : Hallow & Eliz : his Wife. .... Coplin Widow (a Strang') dyed June 8. Walt' ye Son of Waif Edwards & Anne his Wife dyed March 14, 1697, Alice Turner dyed May 5. Rob' Bown alias Elborough June a. Hester Bourton Sept : 22. John Parker, Gent : Sept. 27. Elizabeth y« Wife of Edward Ballow Oct : 4. Philip y« Son of William Parret & Elizabeth his Wife Feb. 8, ?at;r } y { Daughf } °f J-^ C-e (spur :) Feb . 2 1. 7 l697- Catherine y' Daught' of John Midwinter & Mary his \\'ife b. Ap : 5. Rob' y« Son of Tobye George & Alice his Wife b . . . . b : Ap : 28. Eliz. y' Daughf of Rob' Jenner & Amye his Wife b . . . . b : May 2 1 . Rob' y" Son of Rob' Humphryes & Marg' his Wife b. Oct : 4 b. Oct : 8. William y' Son of Rich"* Eldridge & Susannah his Wife b. Jan : 9 b. Jan. It. Susannah y' Daughf of George Brown & Susannah his Wife b. Jan : 10 b. Jan : 15. Philip y' Son of Will : Parret & Elizabeth his Wife b. & bapt : Feb : 7. Pa°ye°" } '''^'' { f Daught. } "^ J^^ ^ove } Spur { b.bapt:Feb:x6. John y» Son of Will : Patye & Catherine his Wife b. March b. M : 6. John y' Son of John Edwards & Eliz : his Wife b. Februar : 20. b. M. 19, John y« Son of Rob' Bridge als Burge & Alice his Wife b. Dec. b. M. 17. 1698. Will : y" Son of John Griffith & Mary his Wife b. Ap. b. A : . . . . Apr : 14. L. Anne y' Daughter of Edward Redford & Jone his Wife b. May b. May 8. L. Elizabeth y» Daughter of Robert Lock & Rachel his Wife b. May is'" b. May 16. H. John y" Son of Tho : Moulder & Jane his Wife b. May 2 7'^ b. J : 18, A. Jonathan y' Son of John Haines & Jone his Wife b. J., b. June 19. H. Jane y* Daughf of John Alexander & Elizabeth his Wife b. July 15, b. July 16. A. Richard y"^ Son of John Painter & Anne his Wife b. Aug : 8, bap-. tised Aug : 9. H. Jone y' Daughf of Toby George & Alice his Wife b. Oct : 20, bapt : Oct. 25. L. Susannah y' Daughf of Will. Packer & Margar' his Wife b. Nov. 5. L. William y" Son of Will. Ballinger & Mary his Wife b : Dec : 6, b. Dec. 17. C. Sarah f Daughter of Tho : Coding & Margaret his Wife b. March '7- L. Anne y* Daughf of Christoph : Cawdle & Anne his Wife b. April 2. L. Tho : y' Son of Rob' Fawkes & Eliz : his Wife b. June 3. A. Mary y" Daughf of John Midwinter & Mary his Wife b. Aug. i, b Aug: 13. A. Mary y» Daughf of Francis Tuckwell & Elianor his Wife Sept : 30, A. William Parret buryed Labou'' May 21. A. Thomas Blake Labou' Nov : 7. A. Catherine Parret y' Daughf of Eliz : Parret Widow Poor Dec : 2, A. Judith Robins of Whilford Poor Dec : 28. 1699, A. Eliz : y' Daughter of Francis Newell of Faringdon Nov : 13. A. Walter Toms Serv' Jan : 13. 8 lyoo. A. William Smith y' Shoemaker. A. Oct : 30. A. Jone f Wife of Simon Parret. A. Dec: 2. A. Robert y" Son of Rob' Bridge als Burge Taylor & Alice his Wife. A. Jan : 12. A. Elianor Cooling Widow Feb. 27. A. Elizabeth y* Wife of Walter Smith March 6. The rest of this page, about half is vacant, wherefore possibly this register did not come longer than 1 700, notwithstanding what I have here- tofore noted ; it is observable that the relics of 4 leaves which have been cut out of the middle of the book, have no sign of writing upon them, b' perhaps many of them were blank, yet there has been un- doubtedly an abominably jvilful mutilation of this important Book, whether for concealment sake or mere ignorance 1 am not to judge, but the latter cover bears evident marks of having been long placed under a garden pot ft! Partiagfu. 1699. John Edwards & Anne Smith were marryed Aug : 3, B, 1700. Thomas Carter of Chedworth & Anne Bourton of ys Parish May 30. B. Y. Nicholas Curtis of Hunmington & Alice Gedding of y* same June 6. B. ffihriistfning 1699. L. Elizabeth y' Daughf of John George & Eliz : his Wife Oct : 12. L. Richard y« Son of Rich"* Griffith & Cordalis his Wife b. Nov : 3*^ b. Nov : 9. Y. Marthah y" Daughf of Vincent Davis & Elizabeth his Wife b. No : 21, b. Nov : 25. C. Elianor y" Daught' of Leonard Coeling & Eliz : his Wife b. Dec : 4, b. Dec. 9. Y. Tho : y° Son of George Browne & Susannah his Wife b. Dec. 1 1, b. Dec : 19. Timothy y" Son of Henry Cove & Mary his Wife bapt : Jan : 25. Mary y" Daughf of William Patye & Catharine his Wife bapt : March 21. 1700. Y. John y' Son of John Alexander & Eliz. his Wife b. March 29*'', bapt. March 30. A. Mary y° Daught' of Simon Giles & Jane his Wife bapt April 7. Y. Isabell y° Daughter of Tho : Moulder & Jone his Wife bapt June 1 1. Y. Anne y* Daughter of Rob' Jenner & Amye his Wife bapt : June 13. y. William y° Son of Will : Harding, Yeoman & Mary his Wife bapt : June 19. 9 A. Elizabeth y° Daughter of John Edwards y' Fish' & Anne his Wife bapt : Aug : 3. H. William y" Son of Tobye George, Husbandman & Alice his Wife bapt : Sept : 12. A. William y* Son of Thomas Wane, Almsman & Mary his Wife bapt : , Sept : 28. L. Elizabeth y" Daughter of Rob' Keble, Labour"" & Anne his Wife bapt Sept : 28. C. Richard y' Son of Thomas Cooling, Carpenter & Margar' his Wife bapt : Nov : 27. A. Anne y" Daughter of John Griffith, Almsman & Mary his Wife bapt ; Dec : 7. Y. Elizabeth y* Daughter of Vincent Davis, Yeoman & Eliz : his Wife bapt : Feb : 10. L. Henry y' Son of William Packer Labour' & Margaret his Wife b. &b. Feb: 17. A. William y* Son of John Painter & Anne his Wife b. M. 18, b. March This is a true copy of all the genealogical entries that were then existing in the Register, to t/ie number of 164. W, H. Black, 10/7/33. 10 INDEX. INDEX ACOT. Anne, 6. ,6. Alexander. Elizabeth, 8, 9. Jane, 8. John, 8, 9. Archer. Anne, 6. Arnoll. Martha, 4. Mary, 4. Richard, 4. Ballinger. Mary, 8. William, 8. Ballow. Edward, 7. Elizabeth, 7. Bell. Elizabeth, 5, 7. Judah, 5. Ralph, 4. Sarah, 4. Thomas, 5-7. Black. VV. H., I, 10. Blake. Thomas, 8. BowN. Robert, 7. 12 Bridge alias Burge, Alice, 8, 9. John, 8. Robert, 8, 9. Browne. ' George, 8, 9. Susannah, 8, 9. Thomas, 9. Burlingame. Anne, 5. Elizabeth, 5. William, 5. Burton. Anne, 9. Hester, 7. Carpenter. Frances, 4. Katherine, 4, Richard, 4, Carter. Anne, 9. Thomas, 9. Cawdle. Anne, 9. Christopher, 8. Ca . . . . Mary, 7. Chandler. Barbara, 7. John, 7. Jone, 5, 7. Katherine, 3, 5. Chandler— ( 7- Cove. Elizabeth, 3-5. Francis, 3-5. Henry, 9. Jane, 7, 8. Mary, 6, 9. Morton, 7, 8. Patty, 7, 8. Thomas, 5, 6. Timothy, 9. William, 4. Cowling. Elianor, 9. Elizabeth, 7, 9. Leonard, 2, 9. Margaret, 7, 8, ;o, Richard, 10. Sarah, 8. Thomas, 7, 8, ro. Walter, 2. William, 6. Curtis. Alice, 9. Cicely, 3. Katherine, 6. Martha, 3. Nicholas, 9. William, 3, 6. Davis. Elizabeth, 9, ip. Martha, 9. Vincent, 9, 10. Day. Alicia, 3. Mary, 3, 5, 6. William, 3, 5. , DUBBER. Alice, 3. Anne, 4. Elizabeth, 3-5. Susanna, 5. William, 3-5. Edwards. Anne, 3-5, 7, 9, 10. Elizabeth, 4, 7, 8, 10. John, 8-10. Martha, 5. Sarah, 3. Walter, 3-5, 7. Elborough. Elizabeth, 6. Robert, 7. Eldridge. Richard, 8. Susannah, 8. William, 8. Eyles. « Anne, 6. ,6. Fawkes. Elizabeth, 8. Robert, 8. Thomas, 8. Foster. James, 5. Mary, 5. Freeman. John, 7. Katherine, 7, Gearing. John, 2. Gedding. Alice, 9. George. Ahce, 8, 10. Elizabeth, 9. John, 9. Jone, 8. Robert, 8. Toby, 8, 10. William, 10. Giles. Jane, 9. Mary, 9. Simon, 9. 13 GiLLET. Mary, 6. Griffith, or Griffin. Anne, lo. Cordalis, 9. John, 8, 10. Jone, 4. Katherine, 4, 6, 7. Mary, 8, 10. Richard, 4, 6, 7, 9. Thomas, 6. William, 8. Hall. Ann, 6. Harbert. Alexander, 4. Alice, 4. Charles, 5. Cicely, 3, 4. Edward, 3, 4. James, 4, 5. Mercy, 4, 5. Walter, 3. Harding. Mary, 9. William, 9. Haynes. EHzabeth, 3. John, 4, 8. Jonathan, 8. Jone, 8. Mary, 3-6. Thomas, 3-6. Hayward. Elizabeth, 6. Hewer. Anthony, 5. Dorothy, 5. Thomas, 5. Humphreys. Margaret, 8, Robert, 8. Jenner. Amy, 4, 7-9. Anne, 9. Edward, 3, 4, 7. Elizabeth, 8. Katherine, 4. Margaret, 3, 4. Robert, 3, 4, 7-9. 14 Keble. Anne, 10. Elizabeth, 10. Robert, 10. Kent. Elizabeth, 3, 6. John, 3, 6. King. Edward, 5. Elizabeth, 5, 7. Francis, 5. Katherine, 4, 5. Richard, 4, 5, 7. Robert, 4. Lock. Elizabeth, 8. Rachel, 8. Robert, 8. Midwinter. Catherine, 8. John, 8. Mary, 8. More. - — ,6. Moulder. Isabel, 9. lane, 8. John, 8. jone, 9. Thomas, 8, 9. Newell. Elizabeth, 8. Francis, 8. Packer. Abraham, 7. Anne, 4. Elizabeth, 3-5. Henry, 4, 10. John, 4, 7. Katherine, 4, 7, Margaret, 8, 10. Mary, 7. Susannah, 5, 8, Thomas, 3, 5. Walter, 7. William, 8, 10. Painter. Anne, 8, 10. John, 8, 10. Richard, 8. William, 10. Parker. Elizabeth, 3. John, 7. Richard, 3. William, 3. Parret. Catherine, 8. Elizabeth, 7, 8. Jone, 5, 9. Philip, 5, 7, 8. Simon, 5, 9. William, 7, 8. Patty. Catherine, 8, -9. John, 8. Mary, 9. AVilliam, 8, 9. Payne. Anne, 3. John, 3. Mabel, 3. Philpot. James, 7. Prater. Elizabeth, 4, 6. Walter, 4, 6. Prince. Mary, 6, Pr . . . . Elizabeth, 7. {Bedford. Anne, 8. Edward, 8. Jone, 8. RiCHENS. Alice, 4. Christian, 4. Elizabeth, 5. Francis, 4, 5. Joane, 4, 5. Nicholas, 4. Thomas, 7. Robins. Judith, 3, 8. Katherine, 3. Saunders. Edmund, 4, 5. Edward, 3, 7. Isabel, 3-5. Saunders — {continued). Katherine, 7. Susanna, 3. Thomas, 5. William, 4. Savory. Mary, 6. Thomas, 6. Short, Eleanor, 3. Roger, 3. William, 3. Simons. Alice, 4. Katherine, 4, 6. Richard, 4, 6. Smart. Henry, 7. Jane, 7. Robert, 7. Smith. Anne, 4, 5, 9. Elizabeth, 6, 9. Henry, 4. Katherine, 6, 7. Mary, 4-6. Ralph, 4, 5. Walter, 9. William, 4, 6, 9, Stanford. Katherine, 6, Toms. Walter, 8. Townsend. Fr., Rouge Dragon, i, TUCKWELL. Eleanor, 8. Francis, 8. " Mary, 8. Turner. Alice, 9. Bridget, 5. John, 5. Robert, 5. Vine. Isaac, 4. Jane, 4. Richard, 4. 15 m Wane. Edmund, 4, Margaret, 5. Mary, 4, 5, 10. Thomas, 4, 5, lo, William, lo, Willis. Francis, 5, 7, Margaret, 5, Martha, 5. Mary, 7. Sarah, 5, ■jtJ^ 16