Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/constitutionstanOOfreerich CON^STITUTION. STAKDmG ORDERS, AND RESOLUTION'S J GRAND LODGE, §,iuinit J^r^^ aitir Jtrtpt^ir Slasoits, TERRITORY OF OREGON, CODE OF BY-LAAVS FOR SUBORDINATE LODGES, ETC., ETC. PnbllsUed by Order of the Grand Iiodge. NEW YORK: WILT.LUI IT. MII.XOR, AMERICAN MASONIC AGENCY, 384 BROADWAY. 18 5 7. rfTI^* ^^J^ ..^^ ,*-/;5^^*ni^ CONSTITUTION, STANDING ORDERS, AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE GRAND LODGE, OF OF THE TERRITORY OF OREGON, WITH CODE OF BY-LAWS FOR SUBORDINATE LODGES, ETC., ETC. Piibllslied l>y Order of the Orand liodge. NEW YORK: WILLIAM H. MILNOR, AMERICAN MASONIC AGENCY, 384 BROADWAY. 1857. Constitution OF THE OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE TERRITORY OF OREGON. Adopted at a Convention, held at Oregon City, September 15, A.D. 1851, A.L. 5851. AKTICLE I. STYLE AND TITLE. The style and title of this Grand Lodge shall be, " The Grand Lodge OF Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons of the Territory of Oregon." ARTICLE 11. RANK AND TITLE OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. The Grand Lodge shall consist of a Most Worshipful Grand Master, ^ Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, " Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, Right W^orshipful Grand Treasurer, Right Worshipful Grand Chaplain, Grand Marshal, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Senior Deacon, Grand Junior Deacon, Two Grand Stewards, Grand Tyler, ViiA);iM. And such other Grand Officers as the Grand Lodge, from time to time, may appoint ; Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters, Right Worshipful Past Deputy Grand Masters, Right Worshipful Past Grand Wardens, ' Right Worshipful Past Grand Secretaries, Right Worshipful Past Grand Treasurers, Together with the AVorshipful Masters and Wardens, for the time being, of the several chartered and constituted Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, or their legally appointed proxies, and the Past Masters, mem- bers of Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS OP THE GRAND LODGE. Section 1. The Regular Communications of the Grand Lodge shall be held in Oregon City, or at such place as the Grand Lodge may hereafter designate, ^ on the second Monday in June, annually. Sec. 2. The Grand Master (or in his absence from the Territory, or inabil- ity to attend, the Deputy Grand Master), at his own discretion, or upon the application of the presiding officers of any two subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction, shall call special meetings of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE lY. election of grand officers. Sec. 1. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, and Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer, shall be elected by ballot at the Regular Communications, and shall hold their of- fices until their successors are duly elected and installed. A majority of the votes cast at an election for Grand Officers, shall be necessary for a choice. All other Grand Officers shall be appointed in such manner as the Lodge may direct. Sec. 2. No Brother shall be eligible to an Elective Office, unless he i^ a Present or Past Master, member of a Subordinate Lodge under this juris- diction. ARTICLE Y. Sec 1. Each of the Grand Officers, for the time being, except the Grand Tyler, and every Elective Past Gmnd Officer, when present at a meeting of the Grand Lodge, shall be entitled to a vote ; each Lodge shall be entitled to three votes, by its proper officers, or, in their absence, their representatives ; and Past Masters, not otherwise entitled to vote, shall be entitled, collectively, to one vote. No member, in his own right, shall be entitled to more than one vote. Sec. 2. In all questions, excepting those decided by ballot, in case of a tie the presiding officer shall have the casting vote. ARTICLE VI. STANDING COMMITTEES. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master, or presiding officer, shall appoint the following standing committees, each to consist of not less than three, nor more than five members, namely : A Committee on Credentials ; A Committee on Greivance, who shall be Past Masters ; A Committee on Finance and Accounts ; A Committee on Foreign Correspondence. ARTICLE YII. GRAND OFFICERS. Sec. 1. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, or Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, may, either of them, upon the petition of seven or more Mas- ter Masons, properly recommended by the nearest, or most convenient Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, working under a Charter, grant Dispensations to form new Lodges within the limits of this jurisdiction, or where no Grand Lodge exists ; which Dispensation shall be returnable at the next Regular Communication of the Grand Lodge, wdien the Grand Lodge may order a perpetual Charter, or continue the Dispensation until the next succeeding regular communication of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. On the first day of the regular Communication of the Grand Lodge, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Grand Master shall lay before the Grand Lodge a written message ; therein detailing an account of his official acts du- ring the recess ; and the state and condition of Masonry in his jurisdiction ; and shall recommend to the Grand Lodge such measures as he m.ay deem ex- pedient and necessary. Sec. 3. The Deputy Grand Master shall also report in writing, at every an- nual meeting of the Grand Lodge, all his acts and doings relating to his office, dm'ing the recess. Sec. 4. The Grand Secretary and Grand Tyler shall receive such compen- sation for their services as the Grand Lodge may, from time to time, deter- mine. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary to pay over to the Grand Treasurer all moneys in his hands belonging to the Grand Lodge at each reg- ular Communication, and quarterly, during the recess thereof ; and render an account of the same at each annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. 6 Sec. 6. The Grand Treasurer shall receive all money from the Grand Sec- retary belonging to the Grand Lodge — keep a correct record thereof, and at each annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, shall render an account of his receipts and disbursements ; but no disbursements shall be made by him with- out an order from the Grand Lodge, signed by the Presiding officer and Grand Secretary. vSec. 7. The Grand Treasurer elect, prior to his installation, shall execute to the Grand Master, for the time being, to the use of the Grand Lodge, a Bond, with security, and for such sum as the Grand Master may approve, condition- ed for the faithful discharge of his duties. Sec. 8. All other Grand officers receiving funds belonging to the Grand Lodge, shall immediately transmit the same to the Grand Secretary. ARTICLE YIII. POWERS OF THE GRAND LODGE. Sec. 1. The Grand Lodge may grant charters for new Lodges, to be located within the limits of its jurisdiction, to a competent number of worthy Breth- ren, applying therefor : Provided, that no new Lodge shall be established by Dispensation, or otherwise, excepting upon the recommendation of the Lodge nearest, or most convenient to the place of the location of the proposed new Lodge ; Provided further, that in case there are two or more Lodges in the same toTvn or place, nearest, or most convenient to said proposed location, the recommendation of any one of them shall be deemed sufficient. Sec. 2. The Grand Lodge shall have full and complete appellant and correct- ive powers, in all cases, relative to the Fraternity, within its jurisdiction. It shall have power to assess upon its subordinate Lodges, such contributions, from time to time, as the good of the Craft may require. ARTICLE IX. Sec. 1. The fee for instituting a subordinate Lodge, shall be seventy-five dollars — fifty dollars of which shall be paid on the issuing of the Dispensation, and twenty-five when a Charter shall have been granted ; but upon the issuing of a Charter, in a case where no previous Dispensation shall have been granted, the whole amount of seventy-five dollars shall be required. And every Lodge, upon receipt of its charter, shall pay the Grand Secretary the sum of ten dol- lars, for engrossing the same, and affixing thereto the seal of the Grand Lodge. _ Sec. 2. Each Lodge shall pay into the Treasury of the Grand Lodge, the sum of one dollar, for every Degree conferred upon candidates ; the sum of one dollar for every affiliating member ; and one dollar, annually, for each con- tributing member. Sec. 3. There shall be paid into the hands of the Grand Secretary, for the use of the Grand Lodge, two dollars, by the applicant, for every Diploma, granted to a member of a subordinate Lodge ; but no Diploma shall issue ex- cept upon the presentation of a certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge of which the applicant is a member, of his good and regular standing therein. Such Diploma, when issued, shall be signed by the Grand Master, or Deputy Grand Master, and countersigned by the Grand Secretary, who shall also affix thereto the seal of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 4. For all and every copy of any portion of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, or of any document in his possession, proper to be published, which the Grand Secretary shall be required to make, he shall demand and re- ceive, for the use of the Grand Lodge, fifty cents for every one hundred words. AETICLE X. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Sec. 1. Every Subordinate Lodge shall elect its officers annually by ballot, by a majority of the votes of its members present, at the stated meeting next preceding the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist ; and they shall be in- stalled on the evening of their election, or at such time as then ordered by the Lodge, and they shall retain their respective offices until their successors in office shall he elected and duly installed. Sec. 2. Each subordinate Lodge shall have the right to adopt By-Laws for its own government, which shall be submitted for the approval of the Grand Lodge, at its regular communication, next ensuing their adoption ; and if ap- proved, no amendment thereto shall be valid until it shall have received the sanction of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 3. Each subordinate Lodge shall assemble for work at least once in every calendar month, and if any Lodge shall fail to meet for six successive months, it shall forfeit its charter. Sec. 4. All the proceedings, ballotiugs, and business of the Lodge, except that of conferring the subordinate degrees, shall be had and done in a Lodge of Master Masons. Sec. 5. No Lodge shall confer the three degrees in Masonry, for less than thirty dollars ; and the fee for each degree as may be regulated by the Lodge, shall be paid invariably in advance. Sec 6. All applications for initiation or membership, shall be made in writ- ing, at a stated meeting of the Lodge, but shall not be acted upon until after the expiration of four weeks ; nor shall there be conferred more than one de- gree upon the same candidate at any one meeting of the Lodge ; and no Lodge shall confer the degrees upon more than five candidates at one meeting, except by special dispensation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, or the Eight Worshipful Deputy Grand Master. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every. Lodge, working under a dispensation, on an application for an extension of such dispensation or for a Charter, to submit its book of records for the inspection of the Grand Lodge. 8 Sec. 8. Each Lodge shall be represented in every annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, when it shall also furnish a correct account of its proceed- ings during the past year, in a form to be prescribed by the Grand Lodge, and make payment of its regular dues ; and in case of the non-performance of these duties for two regular Communications, its Charter may be declared forfeit. Sec. 9. It is not competent for any Lodge to suspend or expel a member from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, for the non-payment of dues ; but any member who shall have neglected to make payment of his dues for the space of one year, except in case of protracted illness, or absence from the Territory, may be summoned to appear before the Lodge, to show cause why his name should not be stricken from the roll of members. And any Mason, whose name shall be stricken from the roll, shall not be received as a member of any other Lodge until he shall have paid up all arrearages to the Lodge of which he was a member ; and in case of non-existence of said Lodge, to the Grand Lodge. Sec. 10. All complaints and charges brought against a Brother before a Lodge, proper to be written, shall be reduced to writing, and filed with the Secretary — a copy of which shall be served upon the accused, at least ten days before he is arraigned for trial ; and after trial had, should the accused be sus- pended, or expelled from the rights and privileges of Masonry, it shall be the duty of the Lodge to report the fact to the Grand Lodge, at its next regular Communication. Sec. 11. In all cases of suspension or expulsion by a subordinate Lodge, the right of appeal lies to the Grand Lodge ; and no suspension or expulsion shall be published until the Grand Lodge shall have cognizance thereof. The Grand Lodge shall prescribe rules and regulations for the trial of appeals. Sec. 12. No appeal from any decision of the Master of a Lodge, shall be taken to the body of the Lodge, nor shall any charge be entertained against him by his Lodge, during his term of office ; but he shall be amenable for his conduct to the Grand Lodge only. Sec. 13. No Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft Mason shall be advanced to a superior degree in any Lodge except that in which he received the previous degree, unless by the consent, in writing, of that Lodge. Sec. 14. On the rejection of any application for initiation or membership by any Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, the Secretary of said Lodge shall forthwith notify all the Lodges in said jurisdiction thereof, and no Lodge shall be allowed his petition short of one year from such rejection. ARTICLE XL miscellaneous. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary, as early as practicable after each annual communication of the Grand Lodge, to cause to be published, in pamphlet form, all such minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge as are proper to be published — appended to which, he shall also publish all stand- ing rules and orders of the Grand Lodge, together with a list of officers and members of each subordinate Lodge, according to the last previous returns : " the times of the stated meetings of said Lodges, and the places where they are respectively located ; copies of which publications shall be forwarded to each Grand Officer, and to each subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction, and to each of the Grand Lodges in the United States. Sec. 2. In case of the forfeiture of the Charter, or the dissolution, from any cause whatever, of a Lodge, all its books, papers, jewels, funds, and other property, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Secretary of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 3. When a Dispensation shall issue to open and hold a Lodge, the of- i ficers therein mentioned shall hold their respective offices until the time of the \expiration of the Dispensation ; and upon the issuing of a Charter, it shall be yie duty of the Grand Master, or Deputy Grand Master, in person or by proxy, kipon notice that the Brethren desire to have the Lodge consecrated), to con- vene said Brethren, at such time as may best suit his and their convenience ; and v^en so convened, to hold an election of officers ; whereupon, he shall proceed to\ consecrate said Lodge, and install such officers, according to the ancient regulations and usages of the craft. Sec. 4. It shall be competent for the Grand Lodge to adopt such other rules and regulations as it may deem necessary, not inconsistent with this Constitu- tion; and the ancient rules and regulations of Free Masonry. I ARTICLE XII. ' AMENDMENTS AND ALTERATIONS. Any proposed amendment or alteration to this Constitution may be pre- sented, in writing, to the Grand Lodge, at an annual Communication, by the representatives of three subordinate Lodges ; and, if sanctioned by a majority of the members present, shall be published with the minutes, as a subject for future action ; and upon its adoption at the next regular Communication of the Grand Lodge, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, the same shall become a part of this Constitution. ARTICLE XIII. DEFINITIONS. The stated meetings of subordinate Lodges, referred to in this Constitution shall not be construed to mean any other than the meetings specified in the By-Laws of the Lodge ; and no adjourned or called meeting shall be consider- ed to be a part of said stated meeting. 10 d J3 o V f- O >» 0£ fl :3 O o Q. U Q! %. o -J < G? ^ 3 d • •s Z tu a> ^ *d < 1 , 6 i^ aa "§■8 i-I o eJ ft t^ . f o »^ ^ »o o -Q H- 1^ '^ d o e8 oc rr ^ u . SQ 3 »'r} 'B^ ,o d 0) 03 C3^ ii d CO •^ ^ n o d It a .2 ^2 ^ ^ d C3 &^ S bo a> rOrO a Z ■< -^ a> -*-• ^ ai es «« « >» o« 1^ a U§ C a S ss. r 5 ':: j-S ^ 3 O sa 2 c . P^ "K.S 3 a g^ ? !^ ^ 3 O c -g^ I z >^-^' :l H 3 *rd -< (3 g t J '^ < 5 d a «( u . -^ •?a c I t-i SR'^ 1 a> e3^ b d::^ \ c3 5 a p: iiiS a ) _< 3 -^ i^.% OF THE an ^ IsT D L O D a E OF THE TERRITORY OF OREGON. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary hereafter cause to be printed and appended to the published minutes of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, at each annual Communication, all the standing orders and resolutions of the Grand Lodge ; and when any one shall be repealed, the order and resolution so repealed shall be omitted in the printed list. The list to be headed, " Standing Orders and Resolutions of the Grand Lodge of the Territory of Oregon." — June, 1855. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary, after each annual communication, commu- nicate to the Grand Lodges in Correspondence with this Grand Lodge, and to the Subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction, the names of the Grand officers elect, accompanying the same with their signatures written with their own proper hand, and duly authenticated under the seal of this Grand Lodge. — June, 1855. Resolved, That, at any session of this M. W. Grand Lodge, it shall be requisite for any member of the Grand Lodge who may wish to withdraw before the close of the session, to first obtain leave of absence from the Grand Lodge. — June, 1853. Resolved, That Subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction shall produce their original records of proceedings, or certified copies thereof, at each annual Com munieation of the Grand Lodge. — June, 1857. Resolved, That in procuring the printing for this Grand Lodge, the Grand Secretary be instructed to discriminate in favor of the lowest and best rates at which the same may be obtained. — June, 1855. Resolved, That no petition shall be received from any candidate for initiation, until he shall have resided one year within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge — June, 1857. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, any Brother of a Subordin- the Lodge has a right to cast a black ball upon an application in his Lodge for aiuj of the degrees, without subjecting his motives or reasons to be called in ques- tion by the Lodge or a Brother. — June, 1854. Resolved, That an applicant whose petition for advancement has been rejected, shall not be entitled to renew his petition in less than six months. — June, 1854. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, it is not sufficient that the Committee to investigate the character and qualifications of a petitioner for the mysteries of Masonry, that they find nothing against him, but must state what his standing and qualifications are. — June, 1857. Resolved, That no applicant for advancement shall be allowed to receive the degrees applied for until he shall have been examined in open Lodge, and prove himself a proficient in the work and lectures of the preceding degree. — June, 1857. Resolved, That this Grand Lodge disapprove of the practice of holding mem- bership in more than one Lodge at the same time. — June, 1857. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Grand Lodge, that a member of a Sub- ordinate Lodge who joins in a petition to form a new Lodge, cease to be a mem- ber of the old Lodge, when a charter is granted to the new. — June, 1857. Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, no Master Mason can with- draw his membership from a Subordinate Lodge, unless he be about to remove from the jurisdiction thereof — or for the purpose of joining another Lodge, and in such case he may demit, upon payment of his dues, provided there be no charges against him. — June, 1854. 12 Resolved, That any non-affiliated Master Mason who shall have resided more than six months in the vicinity of a Lodge under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and who shall refuse to contribute the usual fees and contributions re- quired by the By-Laws of said Lodge from its members, shall be denied the right of visiting any Lodge, or to enjoy any of the rights appertaining to membership of a Subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction. — Jmie, 1854. Resolved, That the Suboixiinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge be instructed to receive the '' Ancient Charges and Ancient Regulations,^' collected from old manuscripts of Brother James Anderson, and printed, by order of the Grand Lodge of England, in 1722, as the only true and authenticated copy thereof. — June, 1854. Resolved, That no Subordinate Lodge has right to draw from the Lodge funds, or make assessments upon members for any purpose, except such as are of a purely charitable nature, nor will this Grand Lodge countenance any such ex^ penditures or assessments by the Subordinate Lodges in this jurisdiction, or aid in enforcing any orders of a Subordinate Lodge for any but purely legitimate purposes. — June, 1855. Resolved, That each Subordinate Lodge is expected to reimburse the Grand Lecturer, whose services are received for the expenses incurred in passing to and from, and while in attendance upon such Subordinate Lodge ; but it shall not be expected that Grand Lectm-ers lecture the Subordinate Lodges more than once annually, except at the request of the Subordinate Lodge. — June, 1857. Resolved, That the W. Masters of Subordinate Lodges be requested to solicit feujjscriptions from all Masons in their jurisdiction in aid of the Washington Mon- ument Association — when collected to be forwarded to M. W. G. M., to be by him remitted to the proper officers of said Association, in the name of this Grand Lodge. — June, 1854. Resolved, That intemperance in the use of intoxicating drinks is an infraction of Masonic obligation, and is a good and legitimate cause for discipline, and should be punished as other offenses. — June, 1855. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge, any member under this jurisdiction who is now. or may be hereafter, engaged in the retail sale and traffic of intoxicating liquors, shall be liable to strict Masonic discipline. And it shall be made the imperative duty of the W. M. of each Subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction to present to his Lodge every Brother culpable in this particular, and, if found guilty, cause him to receive such punishment as is usu- ally inflicted on members for violating the edict in regard to its use. — June, 1857. Resolved, That the W. Masters of the Subordinate Lodges be requested to open subscriptions in their several jurisdictions, for the purpose of raising a sum of money to be used under the direction of the M. W. Grand Lodge as a permanent fund for Educational purposes. Resolved, That every Master Mason within this jurisdiction, be and is hereby earnestly requested to contribute a sum not exceeding Five Dollars, for the pur- pose set forth in the above resolution. Resolved, That all persons feeling an interest in the subject of Education, be and are hereby requested to aid us in our efforts to' establish an Institution of Learning. — June, 1854. Resolved, That the Worshipful Masters of the Subordinate Lodges the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge be, and they are hereby requested to continue their efforts to obtain contributions to the Educational Fund of the Grand Lodge of this Territory. And all Masons within this jurisdiction are hereby earnestly re- quested to contribute toward this object. The amount contributed to be paid over to the Standing Committee on Education. — June, 1855. Resolved, That it be recommended to each Subordinate Lodge under the juris- diction of this Grand Lodge now existing, or hereafter to be established, to pro- cure and possess for the use of the officers and members thereof, a copy of the " Universal Masonic Library," compiled and published by Bro. Robert Morris, of Kentucky. And that each of the Subordinate Lodges filing with the Grand Secretary a certificate that said Library has been procured, shall be annually credited and allowed ten per cent, of the amount of its annual dues to the Grand Lodge, until the whole expense thereby incurred shall have been reimbursed to puch Subordinate Lodge. 13 Resolved, that the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction be, and they are hereby recommended to adopt the following code of By-Laws, filling the blanks at their own discretion. BY-LAWS OF Lodge, No FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, HELD IN ARTICLE I. The officers of this Lodge shall be elected annually by ballot, at the next regular meeting preceding the Anniversary of St. Jolin the Evangelist, and a majority of all the votes cast shall be necessary for an election. ARTICLE IT. The regular meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the , the hour of meetino: shall be ARTICLE III. All applications for initiation or membership shall be made in writing, signed by the petitioner, specifying his age, his residence, and occupation, and be recommended by two members of the Lodge. They shall be presented at a regular meeting, and be referred to a Committee of three members for inquiry and report, and lie over until the next regular meeting : provided, that no candidate shall be balloted for unless his petition shall have been referred four weeks. ARTICLE lY. The fee for conferring the degrees shall be dollars for the first, dollars for the second, and dollars for the third degree, a unanimous vote must be had in favor of the applicant for initiation or for membership, and in no case shall a ballot be taken until the money required for the fee shall be in actual deposit. ARTICLE Y. After a petition has been received, and noted upon the minutes it shall not be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the members present. In no ease shall more than a second ballot be had to correct real or supposed mis- takes. ARTICLE YI. Every candidate for passing or raising, shall, before the degree is conferred, be examined in open Lodge, and shall be found to possess a competent know- ledge of the preceding degree. 14 ARTICLE YII. Each member shall pay quarterly the sum of into the fund of the Lodge. ARTICLE YIII. All applications for demits shall be made in writing. ARTICLE IX. Any member in good standing (not in arrears for dues) shall be entitled to a diploma, on proper application, and paying the Secretary tor the use of the Lodge. ARTICLE X. The name of any member who may be in arrears for one year's dues may be stricken from the roll of members. ARTICLE XL The Master and Wardens shall be ex-officio a Committee of Charity, and shall have power, during recess of the Lodge, to draw orders on the treasury for any sum not exceeding dollars,' for the relief of any one applicant. ARTICLE XII. Xo Brother shall be suspended or expelled for any unmasonic conduct, of any description whatever, unless it be upon written charges and specifications, made out and filed with the Secretary, who shall furnish the accused Brother a copy thereof (if of a nature to be reduced to writing,) at least ten days prior to the trial, with notice of the time and place of trial. It is the privilege of the accused, to take any proof or testimony to be used in evidence that he may desire, upon giving three days notice to the Master of the Lodge ; and, in all cases, when the hearing comes on, the whole testimony shall be reduced to writing, if proper to be written, and be carefully preserved by the Secretary of the Lodge, provided, that when a Brother, charged as aforesaid, shall ab- scond, proceedings may be had in his absence, without notice. ARTICLE XIII. Any Brother feeling himself aggrieved by the decision of the Lodge, pro- nounced against him, may, at any time within one year thereafter, take an ap- peal to the Grand Lodge, and, on his application, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to make out and forward to the Grand Secretary a certified copy of the proceedings had in that case, with the original testimony, so far as the same shall have been reduced to writing, ARTICLE XIY. The W. Master shall, at the time of his installation, appoint a Standing Committee of three members of the Lodge, whose duty it shall be to take cognizance of the conduct of Brethren within the jurisdiction of the Lodge, 15 reconcile difficulties that may arise among the Brethren, and, when proper, prefer charges and specifications for the action of the Lodge. ARTICLE XV. When the Lodge is opened, the following order of business shall be ob served : — 1. Reading of the minutes. 2. Reading and referring petitions. 3. Receiving reports of committees. 4. Balloting for candidates for initiation or admission. 5. Receiving and considering resolutions. 6. Considering unfinished business. 7. Disposing of such other business as may come before the Lodge. 8. Conferring degrees. Provided, that subjects of charity shall always claim precedence. Which order may be deviated from, a majority of the members present concurring. ARTICLE XVL The W. Master may appoint standing or special committees at any time, should he deem the interest of the Lodge to require it. ARTICLE XVII. Any Brother becoming a member of this Lodge, shall express his assent to these By-Laws, by subscribing his name thereto. ARTICLE XYIII. No alteration or amendment of these By-Laws shall be made, unless the same be proposed in writing at a regular meeting, when it shall be entered upon the minutes, and lie over until the next regular meeting, when it shall require the sanction of three-fourths of the members present, and the approval of the Grand Lodge for its adoption. FORM FOR PETITION. To the Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Lodge, No. , of Free and Accepted Masons. The subscriber residing in , aged , by occupation •, begs leave to state that, unbiassed by the improper solicitations of friends, and un- influenced by mercenary motives, he freely and voluntarily offers himself as a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry, and that he is prompted to solicit this privilege, by a favorable opinion conceived of the institution, a desire of know- ledge, and a sincere wish of being serviceable to his fellow-men. Should his petition be granted, he will cheerfully conform to all the ancient established usages and customs of the fraternity. Dated at , this day of 185 (Signed,)