Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/catalogueofcoinsOOunitrich r-m^ 4 X I CATALOGUE of COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS IN THE NUMISMATIC COLLECTION OF THE MINT OF THE UNITED STATES AT PHILADELPHIA. PA. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THE MINT (THIRD EDITION] WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 n Treasury Department, Document No. 2612. Director of the Mint. [Edition of May, 1914.] LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. The Mint op the United States, Philadelphia^ January i, 1912. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a Catalogue of the Coins, Tokens, and Medals in the Numismatic Collection of the Mint of the United States at Philadelphia, prepared pursuant to your instructions by the curator, Mr. T. L. Comparette. It is believed this publication will commend itself to all interested in the coins of the American continents. In Part I the coins of the various countries of the Ameri- can continents and contiguous islands and the medals of the United States of America are described, while only lists of the coins and medals of other countries are given in Part II. Respectfully, John H. Landis, Superintendent. The Director of the Mint, Washington., D. C. 28f/i;^ PART I. THE Ul^ITED STATES OF AMERICA. INTRODUCTION The scarcity of money in the colonies of North America, except the Spanish settlements in the Southwest, was a cause of constant distress, for not only was the incipient foreign commerce of the colonies greatly hamp- ered thereby, but, what was even more annoying, the domestic trade was carried on with the greatest diflSculty for the want of money, especially coin^ of small denominations. This made itself felt immediately on the advent of prosperous conditions in the colonies early in the seventeenth century, and at no period for the ensuing two centuries was there any relief from the embarrassing question. In their endeavors to solve the problems of a standard of values and circulating medium the colonists resorted to nearly every means which had been known to primitive man prior to the invention of the coin. Among these makeshifts, barter must have been the most common method of disposing of and procuring goods. The use of staple products as a means of expressing values and also as money in ordinary business transactions soon became of necessity a gen- eral practice throughout the colonies. The product most extensively employed in the place of coined money was the tobacco of the southern colonies, especially of Virginia. For sev- eral years nearly all of the business of that colony, both domestic and foreign, was carried on by means of tobacco, until the enormous produc- tion of the plant made restriction on its use as money necessary. Powder and bullets were also used as money throughout the colonies, in some of which the legal tender of bullets in payments was limited to a small num- ber. In Massachusetts, and among the New England colonies generally, grain, fish, and furs were in common use as means of exchange; and not only in the settlement of private debts but they were receivable for taxes as well. An order of the General Court of Massachusetts in 1642 (Mass. Records, II, 22) prescribes the valuation per bushel at which wheat, rye, barley, and corn should be received "for the payment of the rate," and then adds, "in these at these prices, or in beaver money, or wampam pay is to bee made. ' ' The use of furs, especially beaver skins, as money obtained throughout the colonial period. And wampum, which served the Indians in nearly all their business transactions, was early recognized in New Eng- land and valuations placed upon it from time to time by the General Court. Thus in 1636 an order of the court fixed the value of wampum, without mention of color, at six to the penny; in 1642 four white pieces, or two blue ones, were fixed as the value of the penny. Evidently this 1 2 CATALOGtTE OF COINS, TOKENS, AiTD MEDALS. apparently trifling wampum afforded the colonists an excellent substitute for small change, inasmuch as there was always ready acceptance of it among the Indians in exchange for articles of substantial value. "With the view of relieving to some extent the money stringency of the colony, Massachusetts in 1651 projected a mint for the coinage of silver. Preliminary arrangements M'ere speedily made, and in the following year the mint was opened at Boston and began operations by striking the almost plain "New England Shilling" (PI. I, 1), the Sixpence and Threepence. The standard of fineness of the new coin was the same as the correspond- ing English coin. It is very improbable that there was any intention to continue long such a simple form of coin as this piece is, being in fact but little more than a plain disk. For it must have been apparent at once that the coins could be easily clipped and also fraudulently "washed" until their weight and value were seriously reduced. It is very likely that the exceedingly simple form of the first issue was the result of great haste to get the mint into operation, and that the preparation of other and more suitable dies was begun at once on the opening of the mint, and that they were put into use as soon as completed. At any rate, in the same year of 1652, the series with a tree on the obverse and on the reverse NEW ENG- LAND A NO. with the date and value within a beaded circle, was begun. This first colonial mint was established without authority from the Crown. The General Court of ISIassachusetts, which authorized it, evidently pro- ceeded with the expectation that the pressure of necessity would outweigh in the minds of the royal ministers considerations of the infringement of the royal prerogative of coining the money. And in fact the operations of the mint went on unnoticed, or at least undisturbed, for several years, an apparent connivance due perhaps to the troubles Cromwell and Charles II were having at home. And while no well-founded and serious objec- tions to the Boston mint were ever brought forth, yet when a grievance against the colony was desired this usurpation of one of the prerogatives of the Crown was ready at hand, and in 1683, after an existence of thirty- one years, the mint was closed, but rather "upon mere prudential consid- erations" than for political reasons. Efforts were made to have the mint reopened, the ground of the petition being the benefit the coinage had been to the colony, but they were ineffectual. It is doubtful whether the mint could have continued in successful operation much longer than it did, even if it had not been disturbed, for the Spanish silver which before had reached Boston through West Indian commerce and West Indian pirates was rapidly being diverted to the better markets in Europe, thereby cutting off the chief supply of bullion. At any rate all requests to reopen the mint were refused by the Crown, which thus contracted the responsi- bility that in time would almost certainly have been properly credited to economic causes. In 1658 Lord Baltimore projected a plan to issue coins for Maryland, and a beginning of a coinage was made in England, specimens of which reached America that year. The series embraced a Shilling, Sixpence, Fourpence, and a small copper coin called Denarium. They have for obverse type a rather refined portrait of Lord Baltimore, the proprietary lord of Maryland {Dominiia Terrae-Mariae), and on the reverse his family CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 8 arms for the silver coins, a ducal coronet on the copper piece. The low weight of 66 grains for the Shilling, with the Sixpence and Groat in the same proportion, suggests that the project, while perhaps intended to supply the great want of money in Maryland, Avas planned with a view of benefiting Baltimore himself. But he had hardly got his plans under way when his activities were suppressed by the Government. Following these unsuccessful efforts to establish special coinages for the American colonies, in order to provide a substitute for barter and the variety of commodity moneys before in use, Spanish- American silver was legalized at prescribed rates in terms of the Shilling, and this, together with copper tokens struck chiefly by speculators, formed the currency of the colonies until after they became independent. In the class of speculators was one William Wood, who received a royal grant to make copper tokens for Ireland and America. Under the terms of this grant, Wood produced the copper pieces (No. 17) known from their reverse type as the "Rosa Americana." But the Irish people objected to the tokens floated among them, and the prospects of enormous profits which Wood was certain to secure at the expense of the Irish and Americans prompted the Govern- ment to induce Wood to surrender his grant in lieu of a pension of three thoiisand pounds a year. This is but one of a large number of speculative ventures in making copper tokens for circulation in America, though the others lacked authority; but to discuss them here would require going far beyond the plan of this brief sketch. NATIONAL AND STATE COINAGE PBIOB TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION. After the American colonies had achieved independence the provision of a coinage became their own sovereign right. The problem was promptly attacked by both the National Congress and by some of the States, the latter of which, if not laying claim to the right of coining money during the period of their loose confederation prior to the adoption of the Con- stitution and the formation of the Union, at least considered it their duty to relieve their citizens of the pressing necessity of an ampler supply of small coin, and likewise to eliminate from circulation the vast amount of light-weight and spurious coppers then commonly current. On April 21, 1787, a congressional committee made a report in favor of the coinage of copper, and accordingly a contract was entered into with a Mr. James Jarvis to coin for the National Treasury three hundred tons of copper, the contractor agreeing to coin an additional forty-five tons and deliver the coins therefrom to the Treasury for the privilege of coining. Before this contract was carried out there arose a difference of opinion in Congress regarding the wisdom of parts of it; but there is no record of how the difficulty was finally adjusted, and it seems probable that.Jarvis insisted on having the terms adhered to and struck the coins. The devices for this the first coin struck by authority of Congress were prescribed by a committee of that body in the following terms: " * * * On one side of which piece * * * thirteen circles linked together, a small circle in the middle, with the words United States around it; and in 4 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. the center ' We Are One;' on the other side of the same piece the follow- ing device, viz, a dial with the hours expressed on the face of it; a merid- ian sun above, on one side of which is to be the word ' Fugio' and on the other the year *1787;' below the dial, the words 'Mind Your Business'" (PI. I, 7) . The types of this piece are very similar to those of the dollar pattern of the proposed continental currency which bears date of 1776, and which were probably designed by an artist who on the earlier piece placed the signature EG FECIT (PL I, 3), The types are interesting as a commentary on the state of mind of the times. The political hope, for it could be only a hope still at that time, of an inseparable union expressed in the obverse type was probably not less prevalent than the caution so graphically set forth by the other that "Time is Flying," so "Mind Your Business" affairs. This terse expression of practical sense, because so much in the spirit of Poor Richard, has won for the coin the name of "Franklin Cent," but Franklin probably had nothing to do with the designing of it. The coins of the Federal Congress were struck chiefly in New York, but the simplicity of the mint requirements of the time enabled the contractor to sublet portions of the contract if he so desired, and the fact that some of these coppers were also struck at New Haven, Connecticut, at Eupert, Vermont, and at other places suggests that the contract was actually farmed out. Besides the Congress, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Massa- chusetts likewise proceeded to coin copper. The first of these to start the movement was Vermont, a Commonwealth that had not formed one of the original thirteen colonies which revolted, nor was Vermont at this time a State, not having been admitted into the Union until 1791. In 1785, by authority of the assembly, a contract was let to Reuben Harmon to coin copper for a term which was first fixed at two years, but finally extended to eight, during three years of which all profits from the coinage were to go to Harmon to indemnify him for his outlay in provid- ing a mint and as profits on his operations, while for the remaining five years of the life of the contract he was to pay to the Commonwealth two and one-half per cent of the amount coined. Two types of coins were struck by Harmon under this contract, or rather the two contracts. The first type (Cat. No. 44), with a green mountain and the sun rising behind it, possessed a local character. But when the act was passed to extend the contract from two to eight years other devices were prescribed and the coppers thereafter issued bore no slight likeness to the English Penny and Halfpenny, for the laureated bust in cuirass is plainly an imitation of the bust of one of the Georges and the figure which was to be taken as emblematic of Liberty is only Britan- nia with a different sentiment expressed by the inscription INDE. ET: LIB:, Independence and Liberty. In the same year, 1785, in which Vermont started to make arrangements for a coinage of copper Connecticut also passed an act providing for a contract to coin ten thousand pounds of that metal, the contractors to pay over to the State five per cent of the total amount coined. The coins of Connecticut, like those of Vermont, closely resemble the English Half- CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 5 penny; the choice of inscriptions similar to those on the Vermont coins (Cat. No. 29) gave marked uniformity to the copper coins of these Com- monwealths; but such similarity was hardly the object in view, as in only a very slight measure could the coppers of one of those States be expected to circulate in the other. Both the Commonwealths doubtless found it convenient to employ types already familiar to the people; hence the rude imitation of the English Halfpenny. Both States, however, avoided an open declaration of any intention to imitate the current English copper by a naive wording of the laws. Vermont's law prescribed "on one side a head," * * * "on the reverse, a woman," with the appropriate inscriptions; and the Connecticut law reads "a man's head on the one side," * * * "and on the other side the emblem of liberty." The act of Assembly that provided for the coinage of copper in New Jersey was passed June 4, 1787, and, in response to their petitions, author- ized a contract with a Mr. Walter Mould and his partners, Thomas Goadsby and Albion Cox, for the coinage of ten thousand pounds of copper. But a disagreement arising between Mr. Mould and his partners, at their request the contract was accommodatingly divided up and one-third let to Mould, the remaining two-thirds to Goadsby and Cox. The original law required that these coins should be of the weight of six pennyweight and six grains and of pure copper, and that they should be struck in the State of New Jersey. Accordingly Mr. Mould established his private mint at Morris- town, while Goadsby and Cox coined at Elizabethtown. The devices of the New Jersey copper Cent are for the obverse a horse's head above a plow, beneath the plow the date of coinage, and the nameof the State in its Latin form, NOVA CAESAREA. On the reverse isa heart-shaped shield of the United States, with the well-known tinctures and the national motto E PLURIBUS UNUM (PI. I, 4). The obverse type has reference simply to the agricultural character of the State, while the shield and motto on the reverse may very reasonably be interpreted as a direct recognition of the General Government. The Great Seal of the United States, in which this shield occurs, was adopted in 1782, five years before New Jersey struck the coins. On the reverse of the coins struck by Massachusetts, mentioned below, there is a spread-eagle with arrows and an olive branch in the claws, a device probably also taken from the Great Seal. This use by some of the individual States of emblems already recognized as possessing a national character is of importance as indicating to what degree they regarded the coinage of money as a sovereign right and how far they looked upon their actual proceedings as merely measures of necessity, for if the coinage of money had been asserted as a sovereign right, then a national emblem would hardly have been employed for a coin device, for to do so meant to recognize the national authority in matters pertaining to coinage. The brief history of coinage in Massachusetts in the period now under consideration differs materially in certain important particulars from that of the other States mentioned. Chief among these is the fact that Massa- chusetts established a mint instead of contracting with a private firm for the manufacture of coins. Furthermore, Massachusetts proposed a much more extensive coinage than any of the other States, aiming to strike the 6 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDAI.S. precious metals as well as copper. Of course the advent of the Union and the constitutional provision for an exclusively national coinage speedily ended all the State had begun and planned to do. The reverse tyjie of the copper cent of this State has already been mentioned. The Indian with bow and arrow and the inscription COMMON -^ WEALTH, with the single star (PI. I, 5), form the obverse type. The indication of the value on both the Cent and Half-cent is a further peculiarity not foimd on the coins of the other States. During the period between the beginning of the War of Revolution and the establishment of a mint in 1792 there was a great interest taken in the types of the expected coins of the country, and a large number of patterns were privately made. Some of these suggestions date as far back as 1776 (PI. I, 3). But the chief interest, apart from certain very rare pieces, attaches to the large number of patterns and tokens (it is not easy to determine which in many cases) that bear the effigy of Washington (Cat. No. 70 ff. ). Many of these pieces were doubtless produced by speculators and floated wherever there was a pressing want of small coins, but on the other hand some specimens undoubtedly were meant to embody the idea urgently advanced by many citizens that the portrait of the President should appear on the coins of the country, or at least on some of the denominations. Of course but one response to such a proposal could be expected from Washington and that was a decided negative. Of coins of this period, two gold pieces deserve mention, and not alone because they are very rare specimens and command enormous prices in the market. One of these is an English Guinea dated 1775 and impressed with the dies with which were struck the copper token known from the inscription on the obverse as the Immune Columbia (PI. I, 8 ) . It is a unique specimen and is probably also an example of a rare practice, that of restriking foreign coins in the precious metals. The other and more inter- esting example is a large gold piece known as a Doubloon, which was pro- duced by Ephraim Brasher, a New York jeweler and goldsmith (PI. I, 9). Brasher' s activity was not limited to the production of these large gold pieces, but apparently he served his community in a more effectual man- ner in regard to its currency by countermarking with his initials (E. B.) some of the foreign gold and silver which passed through his hands and the genuineness of which he had the expert knowledge to determine (No. 64). How extensive this latter practice was can not now be determined, but such a service, if sufficiently extended, must have been of great value to a community that was constantly swindled with bogus coin of every description, for the utterance of bogus money was at that time greatly facilitated by the general use of foreign coins throughout the country. The foreign coins whose currency was most frequently legalized by act of Congress were British and Portuguese, the latter generally meaning Brazilian, gold, and Spanish, or Mexican, silver. In the early history of the country the Spanish " Pillar Dollar," later and at the time under con- sideration the Spanish "Milled Dollar," also known as " Piece of Eight," was the very generally recognized monetary unit. The paper currency issued by the Congress of the united colonies during the War of Revolu- tion was made redeemable in ' * Spanish Milled Dollars or the Value thereof OATALOGtJE OF COINS, TOKEN'S, AND MEDALS. 7 in Gold and Silver;" and in contracts of nearly every description pay- ment is frequently stipulated in the same coin. In the retail trade of the country the Spanish, afterward the Mexican, Real (PL X, 5) and Half Real (PI. X, 6) were in common use until the middle of the nineteenth century. Shilling or Mexican Shilling was the term generally applied to the Real, which was one-eighth of the Peso and approximately 12^ cents. But in certain of the Middle States, especially Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and in much of the South the Real was known as the Levy and the Half Real as the Fippenny or Fippenny Bit, terms which are corrup- tions of eleven and five penny and presumably point to a local valuation placed upon the coins. The act of Congress which stopped the circulation of foreign coins in the country stipulated that the Half Real should be received by the Grovernment agencies at a valuation of five cents, the bul- lion value of it. In the western part of the country the Real was popu- larly known as a Bit — a term which yet survives as a popular money of account, the terms Two Bits, Four Bits, and Six Bits being employed to express the values, twenty-five, fifty, and seventy-five cents. The influence of the Mexican Real Bit, which had a value of approximately 123^2 cents, is probably seen in the application, in parts of the West, of the term Short Bit to the slightly smaller Dime. By the law of 1857 all previous acts authorizing the currency of foreign coins in the United States were repealed. THE NATIONAL COINAGE. The Mint of the United States was established at Philadelphia by resolution of Congress dated April 6, 1792, and the first coins were struck at the new mint in March of the following year. Subsequently several mints were established in different parts of the country, as will be seen from the list of them at the close of this sketch. HISTORY. In a brief sketch it is manifestly impossible to discuss adequately the related subjects which have had a marked influence upon our coinage. The state of the fine arts, the course of its foreign commerce, and chiefly its financial history determine the coinage of any country, especially of a new nation. It will be suflicient here to note how our coinage varied in character and volume under laws which the Congress enacted during over a centiury of heated discussion. Preliminary to the first legislation to establish a mint and monetary system two important documents were submitted to Congress, the one by Robert Morris, possibly written by his assistant, Gouverneur Morris, and later a masterly report by Mr. Hamilton, as Secretary of State in Wash- ington's administration, treating of all the subjects connected with the proposed legislation. The Morris report, made in 1782, proposed to abolish the English sys- tem of pounds, shillings, and pence then prevailing in the several States, and instead establish a coinage on the decimal system with a unit that would agree without a fraction with all the numerous valuations of the Spanish milled dollar in the different States. This small unit would s CATALOaUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. be -j-^ of that dollar. Mr. Jefferson, as a member of the committee to which the report was referred, in a searching review of its proposals, in- dorsed some of the important features, but rejected the proposed unit as too small and inconvenient. He proposed instead that the unit be a dollar of approximately the value of the Spanish milled dollar then generally used in the country, both because it was well known and of convenient size and value. The document submitted to Congress by Secretary Hamilton on January 21, 1791, treated the subject in all its phases, accepted Mr. Jefferson's notion of the dollar as a unit, and urged the coinage of both gold and silver with the relative value of 15 pounds of silver to 1 of gold. The act of April 6, 1792 — Mint establishment created. — This law, which established the monetary system of the country and a mint, provided for the/ree coinage of both gold and silver, fixed the legal ratio of the values of the two metals at 15 to 1, as Mr. Hamilton had urged, and provided for a token coinage in copper. The first coinage of the mint consisted of an issue of copper Cents and Half-cents in 1793, followed in 1794 by the issue of the silver dollar and half-dollars, and in 1795 gold Eagles and Half- eagles. The first issue of the gold Eagle and silver dollar were of the following composition : Pure gold. Alloy. Standard weights. Milesimal fineness. Grains. 247.5 Grains. 22.5 Grains. 270 Grains. 916.7 The other gold coins in proportion. Silver dollar. Pure silver. Grains. 371.25 AUoy. Grains. 44.75 Standard weight. Grains. 416 Milesimal fineness. Grains. 893 The other silver coins in proportion. It soon became evident that the gold coins and the silver dollar were not going into circulation, and investigation proved that they were being either exported or reduced to bullion ; for speculators discovered that the gold coins had been undervalued and the fine gold in an Eagle was worth more than 10 silver dollars; while the new silver dollars could be readily had in exchange for worn Spanish dollars of reduced weight and value, a fact which insured the exports of silver to be made in the new full-weight pieces. Therefore the coinage of the Eagle and Silver Dollar was sus- pended in 1803 and 1804, respectively. At any rate it appears that President Jefferson must have stopped the coinage of the gold Eagle in 1804, and his order, still preserved, of May, 1806, gave formal sanction to the suspension of the coinage of the dollar which had really been dis- continued in 1803. Act of 1834 — Weight of gold coins reduced. — This law of 1834 deals directly only with gold coins, its purpose being, of course, to correct their valua- CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 9 tion. The fine gold in the Eagle was reduced from 247.5 to 232 grains and the full standard weight (including the alloy) was fixed at 258 grains. The increased coinage of gold the new law was expected to insxu-e was confined for several years to the Half-eagle and Quarter-eagle, the two coins least liable to exportation. In fact the coinage of the Half-eagle had been interrupted for only the years 1816-17 since its first appearance, though in certain years but few were struck. The extreme scarcity of the Half-eagle bearing certain early dates can hardly be urged as an argument against the recorded amount of the coin- age; for when the weight of the gold coins was reduced the older and heavier pieces were of course melted down. But following the passage of the law of June 28, 1834, the coinage of the Half-eagle rose to over three and a half million dollars, and of the Quarter-eagle from $10,400 in 1833 to over a quarter million the latter half of 1834. Not until 1842 did the an- nual coinage of the Eagle pass the million-dollar mark. Preparations to resume the coinage of the Silver Dollar were begun soon after the enactment of the law of 1834. New patterns were struck in 1836 (PI. VII, 1), but there was no issue of this denomination until 1839; and the coinage of the Silver Dollar was insignificant until after the enactment of certain laws in the seventies. Law of 1837 — Change of weights and alloys. — One result of the changes effected by the law of 1834 was to modify the composition of standard gold by increasing the percentage of alloy from 8§ to approximately lOyl^y. This was so near a standard of 90 per cent fine gold, 10 per cent alloy, per- centages that would be far more convenient for commerce, that a law of this year prescribed that 2 grains of fine gold be added to the Eagle, the standard weight remaining the same, and that the weight of the Silver Dollar be reduced to 412J grains, while the amount of fine silver remain unchanged. The result of these slight changes in the coins was to intro- duce a uniform standard of 900 thousandths fine for the coins of both metals. The silver coinage of 1792-1837 was 893 thousandths fine. Law of 1853 — Fractional silver coins made subsidiary. — The operations of the mint for a few years following the act of 1834 are of special interest. The coinage of gold rose from an inconsiderable amount prior to 1834 to nearly $60,000,000 in 1852; the coinage of silver increased until 1842 when about $3,600,000 in Half and Quarter Dollars were coined, but dropped below $175,000 in 1852. The law of 1834 had placed too low a valuation on silver, and the result was that the silver coins were bought up and sold as bullion at a profit and gold sent to the mints for coinage. And since the issues of the Silver Dollars were small, speculators dealt in the fractional coins. The Half-dollar, Quarter-dollar, and even smaller silver coins be- came scarce and domestic trade was hampered. To remedy this evil the law of 1853 reduced the weight of the Half-dollar from 206^ to 192 grains of standard silver and of the other silver coins in proportion; they were thus made subsidiary. The free coinage of these fractional silver pieces was by the same law prohibited. The bullion for such coinage was thereafter bought by the Secretary of the Treasiury for the account of the Government. The coinage of fractional silver in 1853 totaled nearly $10,000,000. Act of 1857 — Circulation of foreign coins prohibited. — In 1793 the circula- tion of foreign coins, chiefly, in fact, Spanish-American silver, had been 10 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. legalized as a measure of necessity to supply the country with legal tender money for the domestic retail trade. Various causes had restricted the volume of the national silver coinage and not until 1857 did conditions warrant the repeal of that law so as to eliminate the large volume of foreign coins from the currency of the country. So, after the fractional silver coins had been made subsidiary and their circulation apparently assured, and perhaps to assure that result, the law making all foreign coins a legal tender was repealed. The Secretary of the Treasury prescribed the valu- ation at wliich the "Levy" and the "Bit,'^ for these small Mexican Real and Medio real pieces were the chief foreign coins then in use, should be received in exchange and they soon disappeared. Acts of 1864, 1865, and 1866 — Additional minor coins. — On account of the high premium to which silver rose in the early years of the Civil War coins of that metal, including the smallest denominations, went out of circulation and retail trade was greatly embarrassed. The final disap- pearance of the fractional silver pieces came about in 1862. The coinage of silver in 1862 was less than half what it had been in 1861, and in sub- sequent years there was further decrease. In the following year of 1863 thousands of merchants throughout the country resorted to the use of private tokens, of the value of 1 cent, to relieve the stringency of small change. Enormous quantities of these "Civil War Tokens" still exist, interesting evidence of the financial distress of the times. But the private issue of these One-cent tokens was immediately checked by the issue of fractional paper currency which first appeared in 1863. In tliis period of great scaxcity of small coins required for change three denominations of minor coins were added to the series; these were the bronze Two cents (1864), nickel Three cents (1865), and the nickel Five cents (1866). Act of 1873 — New coins — Metric weight legalized. — The monetary legisla- tion of this year amounted to a complete revision of the laws governing the coinage, but largely it legalized what had already come into practice of necessity. The act is most noted for its omissions. Bearing most directly upon the phase of the subject of importance here four denominations were discontinued, the silver Twenty cents. Half- dime and Three cents, and the bronze Two cents, while a Three-dollar gold piece and a silver Trade Dollar were added to the series. The last piece was coined in response to a petition addressed to Congress by western trade bodies through the medium of the California Legislature, by whom it was expected that this coin, because struck on the same standard as the Mexican dollar (420 grains 0.900 fine) which circulated freely in China and Japan, would assist their trade with the Orient. The act specifically provides for the continued coinage of all the gold coins and the fractional silver pieces, but omits any mention of the standard silver dollar. For four years following the enactment of this law, 1874- 1877, no standard silver dollars were coined, but about 35,000,000 Trade Dol- lars were struck. The expected results from the Trade Dollar were not realized, and many of them went into the circulation at home. In 1886 they were withdrawn from circulation and recoined into standard dollars. The law also contained the important provision that the Half-dollar should weigh 12.5 grams, with the Quarter and Dime in proportion, which required an addition of but .9 grains troy to its standard weight. The CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 11 purpose of this paragraph of the measure was to bring the silver coins into harmony with the coinage of the Latiu Monetary Union of Europe. As in 1853, so again in 1873, the new fractional coins of modified standard were made readily distinguishable by means of arrowheads beside the date (Nos. 735, 841, 958). Act of 1875 — Coinage of fractional silver to redeem outstanding fractional paper currency. — The resumption of specie payment provided for in the law of 1875 had a marked influence upon the volume of the coinage; for the amount of such small paper bills outstanding was nearly $50,000,000, and while about $15,000,000 of it was never presented for redemption, being either destroyed or otherwise kept back, yet the coinage of small silver, chiefly for that purpose, amounted to over $45,000,000 from 1875 to 1879. Act of 1878— Purchase of bullion for coinage of the dollar. — The law of this year affected the sUver dollar alone. The coinage of this denomina- tion had from the first been restricted by one cause or another. To make the bimetallic standard effective, a policy to which Congress had formally committed the country, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to purchase not less than $2,000,000 nor more than $4,000,000 worth of silver bullion per month, and have this bullion coined into silver dollars as rapidly as purchased or as fast as possible. The coinage of silver dollars in 1879 was 22,495,550, or about three times the aggregate coinage of that de- nomination in the entire period from 1794 to 1878. The whole coinage of standard silver dollars under the act of 1878 was 378,166,793. Act of July 14, 1890 — Increased purchase of silver; coinage of silver dollar limited. — This second act, which particularly affected the coinage of the silver dollar, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase 4,500,000 ounces of silver monthly, or a half million more than the maxi- mum amount authorized to be purchased under the act of 1878; but instead of coining the whole amount as fast as purchased, it directed the Secretary to coin only 2,000,000 ounces monthly into standard silver dollars until July 1, 1891. After the latter date the coinage of the silver dollar was to be limited to enough to redeem the Treaeiuy notes issued for the purchase of silver bullion. In 1891 the coinage of the standard silver dollar rose to 38,043,004, the greatest in its history; while in 1897 the coinage of the same piece fell below a million. Act of November 1, 1893 — Purchase of silver discontinued.— The law requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase 4,500,000 ounces of silver monthly was repealed by this act, but he was still left the dis- cretion to coin the bullion already purchased, and a law of June 13, 1898, required that the bullion then in the Treasury should be coined into silver dollars at the rate of $1,500,000 monthly. This supply was finally ex- hausted in 1904, at which time the last standard silver dollar was coined. The coinage of silver dollars under the act of 1890 amounted to $78,751,- 257, and the total coinage of dollars under the acts of 1878 and 1890 was $570,166,793. Act of 1911 — Issue of certificates against refined gold bars authorized; coinage of gold reduced. — Prior to the enactment of this law the vast issues of gold certificates were made only against the deposits of the metal after 12 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. it had been converted into coins, and American Eagles formed a large portion of the occasional exports of gold from this country. By authoriz- ing the issue of certificates against the deposit of fine gold bars the heavy expense of coining them is saved. The amount of bullion in the reserves against gold certificates is however limited to one-third of the total amount of certificates outstanding. THE TYPES. m X In the act establishing the mint the devices and legends for the new coins were prescribed as follows: "Upon one side of each of the said coins there shall be an impression emblematic of liberty with an inscription of the word Liberty and the year of the coinage; and upon the reverse of each of the gold and silver coins there shall be the figure or representation of an eagle, with the inscription, 'United States of America,' and upon the reverse of the copper coins there shall be an inscription which shall express the denomination of the piece, namely, Cent or Half-cent, as the case may require." """^he device chosen as suitably emblematic of liberty for the first coins issued was a bust of the Groddess of Liberty, though the law permitted the greatest freedom in the composition of a design to express the idea. The bust of Liberty which appeared on the Cent and Half-cent in 1793 (PL V, 1), the only denominations struck that first year of the operation of the mint, is almost certainly a conscious imitation, if not indeed an unskilled medallist's copy, of the bust on the medal made by the cele- brated French artist, Dupr^, to commemorate the victories of Saratoga and Yorktown. At first the liberty pole of the medal was omitted from the coin, but before the end of the year that detail too was added (PI. V, 3). Between the busts on the silver coins that first appeared in 1794 (PL III, 1) and that on the gold that followed in 1795 (PI. II, 2), the former having the hair hanging down upon the neck, and the latter wearing a Phrygian cap, there are marked differences for each of the metals. This original practice, which was evidently based upon a sound principle of affording a sharp distinction between the types of the three metals, was lost sight of in later years, as will be noted below. On the obverse of the gold and silver of 1795 there are fifteen stars, and later we find as many as sixteen stars, the number in each case corresponding to the number of States to which the Union had grown. The same practice of adding a star for each State was also begun on the reverse, after the Great Seal type was placed thereon, but it was soon found to be inconvenient because of the large number of stars that would soon be required, so they were limited to thirteen, the number of the original States. The eagle which the law required for the reverse was at first a naturalistic bird with expanded wings, standing upon a palm branch on the gold coins and holding aloft in his bill a laurel wreath (PL II, 2). It is noticeable that on none of the earliest coins does one find associated with the national emblem any symbol relating to war or to peace or to dominion, such as are so often found on coins and which soon became important featiu-es of the reverse types of all United States gold and silver. In the first year of the coinage of gold, 1795, a second reverse type was prepared, and one which presented, with omission of slight details, the device of the Great Seal of CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 13 the United States (PI. II, 7). An interesting variation from the true form of the seal is the disposition of the very emblems just alluded to, the arrows and branch of olive, the former on the coins being in the right claw and the latter in the left, or just contrary to their positions on the seal. Npw in the case of the Great Seal the position of the emblem of peace in the dexter claw and that of war in the sinister is understood to express a preference for peace. The interchange of their positions on the coins can hardly be interpreted as significant; it is more likely a case of confusing the heraldic use of "right" and "left" with the manner of employing those terms in coin descriptions, "left" in the latter case being the spectator's left. If, there- fore, the engraver meant to adopt the latter use of the terms, then he placed the arrows in the "left" claw and the olive in the "right," thereby cor- recting a blunder in the seal, as he may have supposed. The eagle which appeared on the Half-dollar in 1807 holds the olive in the right claw and the arrows in the left, and that was afterward recognized as the correct position, and so they were placed with one exception until 1907, when radical changes respecting these emblems were introduced. That one exception was the Trade-dollar, a coin specially intended to serve an international commerce, and thus the coin which above all should have been free from reference to anything but peace and commerce. The eagle on that piece holds three arrows in the right claw. With the Half-eagle and Half-dollar of 1807 Mr. Reich began a ten- dency toward similarity of types for the different metals. The bust of Liberty on his Half-dollar is in general very similar to the one on his Half- eagle. On the reverse of the Half-dollar the eagle's wings are inverted, which makes a marked difference, but otherwise the two representations are very similar. And from that date on, the original principle of differ- entiating the types of the coins of the various metals was lost sight of and similarity became virtually the rule. For example, there is too strong a likeness between the bust on the Cent of 1808 (PL V, 4) and the one on the Half-eagle of 1834 (PI. II, 5); and likewise when the coinage of the Eagle was resumed in 1838, after an interruption lasting from 1804, the bust placed upon it was merely a refinement (PI. II, 3) of the one on the Cent and Half-cent (PL V, 12). Other close resemblances among the types on coins of different metals, where reason and general practice would sug- gest that there should be sharp differences, might be pointed out, but examples enough have been given to illustrate the unfortunate tendency. In 1840 the silver Dollar, which had not been coined since 1803, or per- haps 1804, was restored, and Christian Gobrecht produced for it the figure of Liberty seated to right (PL III, 3), which was on all the silver coins until 1878. This moderately graceful figure was a refreshing irmovation and somewhat of an improvement on what had gone before. But con- servativeness prevented the adoption of the powerful flying eagle which Mr. Gobrecht engraved for the reverse of his dollar and which is seen in the pattern that was made in 1836 (PL VII, 1). On the pattern just referred to Mr. Gobrecht represents the bird in flight amid a cluster of twenty-six stars of varying magnitude, the number being equal to the number of States of the Union. 22023°— 14 2 14 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. But though it was not accepted as a suitable device for the reverse of the silver Dollar, such a representation of the eagle was regarded favorably by many. Patterns for a new design of the large copper Cent were prepared in 1855 with an eagle in flight for the obverse. In 1856 another pattern of a Cent with a flying eagle, the piece being of smaller size, only twelve- sixteenths of an inch in diameter or five-sixteenths smaller than the old coppers; and in the following year, 1857, this "Flying Eagle" cent was regularly issued. The new piece weighed only 72 grains, while the Cent authorized in 1792 weighed 264 grains, which was reduced to 168 grains in 1795. The law which authorized the Cent of reduced size also prescribed that it should consist of 88 per cent copper and 12 per cent nickel, a com- position that was so light in color that the pieces are often called popularly the "White Cent. " This design of the flying eagle, the choice of which was made by the Director of the Mint with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, as prescribed by the law, was retained only for the years 1857 and 1858, when it was replaced with the Indian-head Cent, the familiar type in use until 1909. In 1849 Congress authorized the coinage of a Double-eagle and a gold Dollar. The preparation of dies for the new coins fell to the lot of Mr. James B. Longacre, at the time engraver at the mint. The bust of Liberty which Mr. Longacre modeled for the new coins is one of the best of the entire series. Its largeness of style, strength, and beauty contrast strongly with the weak and insipid work which until recently was found on the gold coins of the country. The same head was employed on both of the coins authorized that year, and with a different headdress, a feather bon- net, on the Three-dollar piece which was added to the gold series in 1854 (PI. II, 8); it was likewise used for the nickel Three-cent piece, and finally with a different arrangement of feathers from that on the Three-dollar gold piece, the same head became the "Indian head" of the One-cent piece of 1859, which is still in common circulation. The silver Dollar of 1878 by Mr. George T. Moi^an, and the Half-dollar, Quarter, and Dime by Mr. C. E. Barber in 1892, were the last revision of the types of the silver coins. The return to a simple bust instead of the full-seated figure by Mr. Gobrecht was a happy improvement, or return to the early practice. For the types of the subsidiary coins Mr. Barber re- stored the device of the Great Seal, with the omission, however, of certain details, as the clouds above the eagle's head. The coins of both these engravers were an advance in artistic quality over their predecessors in the series. The latest creations for the devices of the gold coins are by two eminent American sculptors, the late Mr. Saint-Gaudens and Mr. Bela L. Pratt, of Boston. They depart in many ways from the established traditions of the coins, a fact that explains much of the sharp criticism that has been urged against them; for of their power and artistic beauty there can be no ques- tion. The majestic standing figure of Liberty on the Double-eagle is a work of greatest beauty, while the Indian head on the Eagle, if found on a Greek coin, would suggest to archaeologists a Scopasian influence. It is worth noting, perhaps, that this Indian head was originally intended for the One-cent piece. It was of course the intention at that time to con- tinue on the Cent the traditional Indian head. This change of plan, due CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 15 to I know not what cause, has resulted in placing an Indian head on three of the gold coins, a rather far-reaching result, for of course the Indian chief's head on the Half-eagle and Quarter-eagle was but a sequence of the change of plan in regard to the design for the One-cent piece. In one respect the reverse type of the Double-eagle is of special interest. Mention has already been made of the treatment of the symbols of war and peace on the earlier coins. In the case of the new coins, on all but the Double-eagle an olive branch lies upon a bundle of arrows and the eagle is standing upon both, a composition which is without definite sig- nificance. In the case of the Double-eagle, however, these symbols have been removed from the reverse, and on the obverse Liberty holds out in her left hand a branch of olive, and in her right, in place of the cus- tomary arrows or any other symbol of war, she holds firmly aloft the Torch ot-Progress. The One-cent of 1909, with the splendid bust of Abraham Lincoln, pre- sents a new feature for the coins of the United States, namely, a portrait coin in the regular series. A pattern of a Two-cent piece with the portrait of Washington was produced in 1863, and a pattern of a Five-cent piece with a bust of Lincoln was submitted in 1866, but neither suggestion was V favorably received — in fact, there has always been a prejudice against the use of portraits on the coins of the coimtry, but the sentiment aroused during the hundredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth proved stronger than the long-standing prejudice and the coin in question was the result. The mottoes. — Two legends have appeared on many of the coins of the United States, the, one from almost the beginning of the national coinage, the other since the Civil War. Neither, however, has had an uninter- rupted history, nor has either been employed on all the denominations of the series. ^he motto E Plurihus Unum was first used on the coins in 1795, when the reverse type of the Half-eagle presented the main features of the Great Seal, ^ on the scroll of which the motto belongs. The same device was a few years later extended to the other denominations in gold and silver, so that the motto was soon found on all the coins in the precious metals, and of course in its proper position on the scroll held in the beak of the eagle'^ But when a new type of eagle was introduced on the Half-dollar and Half- eagle in 1807, a scroll bearing the motto was placed in the field above the eagle as a purely decorative feature, for its presence was not required on the coins by law, nor was it an essential part of the new device as it had been of the preceding one. And in 1834 the scroll and motto were re- moved from the gold coins then issued, the Half-eagle and Quarter-eagle, and did not reappear on those denominations until 1908, when it was re- stored on the new issue. But the motto was placed on the Double-eagle when first issued in 1849, on the scroll held by the eagle, and has always been retained thereon. This motto was also omitted from the silver with the obverse type of Liberty seated— that is, from 1840 to 1873, in the case of the Dollar, and from 1836, when it was removed from the older type, until 1892, for the Half-dollar. In 1878 the motto was placed on the Dollar again, but with even less regard for its original relation and significance than shown by Mr. Reich in 1807, for on the Dollar of 1878 it was re- moved from th^ reverse and from the eagle, the emblem of the united 16- CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. power and authority of the States, and placed as a principal inscription on the obverse. On the gold coins of recent issue this motto is placed again on the reverse as a secondary legend in the field, except on the Double- eagle, where together with the thirteen stars it adorns and protects the ed^e. . "fhe religious motto. In God We Trust, first appeared on the coins of the ' country in 1864, and owes its presence there largely to the increased reli- gious sentiment in the dreaded crisis of the Civil War. Hon. S. P. Chase, then Secretary of the Treasury, received a number of appeals from devout persons throughout the country suggesting and urging that the Deity be recognized suitably on our coins in a manner similar to that commonly found on the coins of other nations. Accordingly, on November 30, 1861, Secretary Chase addressed a letter to the Director of the Mint at Philadel- phia, and with the statement of his reason that "no nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins," ordered, "You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest words possible this national recognition." Several forms of motto expressing the intention were suggested. Patterns for the Half-dollar and Half-eagle prepared in 1862 have '^God Our Trust," and a pattern for a bronze Two-cent piece made in 1863 has the bust of Washington on the obverse and the legend "God mid Our Country;"- but the familiar form of the motto was finally decided upon, and it first appeared on a new Two-cent piece in 1864. In the following year patterns of the Double-eagle, Eagle, and Half-eagle, and of the ailver Dollar, Half- j, dollar, and Quarter-dollar, with the motto were prepared, and in 1866 I those denominations were issued bearing the motto. Of the smaller coins this motto has been placed on only the bronze Two-cent piece, as already - gt,ated. and on the nickel Five-cent piece from 1868 to 1883. When the Double-eagle and Eagle of new design appeared in 1907, it was soon discovered that the religious motto had been omitted from them; and in response to a general demand Congress ordered it restored, which was done in 1908, and the popular will was also respected in this regard when the new Half-eagle was brought out in the following year. The form of the star. — The use of stars as symbols of the States began in the first years of the national coinage. Until 1892 the six-pointed form of the star was employed; but on the reverse of the Half-dollar and Quarter of that year the five-pointed character was introduced, while the tradi- tional six-point star was retained on the obverse. This change was prob- ably due to the presence of a five-point star on the Great Seal, an adapta- tion of which forms the reverse type of these coins. Mr. Pratt went an ill-advised step further and placed five-pointed stars on the obverse of the Half-eagle and Quarter-eagle of 1908, a disregard of a well-established tradition which Mr. Saint-Gaudens respected in his designs for the Double- eagle and Eagle of 1907, on the obverses and edges of whicli the stars are in all cases of the six-point variety. Signatures on dies. — The custom of placing the signature of the engraver upon a coin die dates from remote antiquity. Many Greek coins, especially the splendid creations produced by the cities of Sicily and Magna Graecia, are signed with the initials of the artist, and in some cases with his full CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 17 name. The same practice has prevailed generally in European countries. On the coins of the United States but few signatures occur. There were none until the Double-eagle appeared in 1849, when the signature of Mr. Longacre, J. B. L., was placed on the truncation of the bust.* The same signature is of course found on the Three-dollar gold piece of 1854, where the same bust of Liberty is used as on the Double-eagle. Mr. Longacre also signed the die of the Indian-head Cent of 1859, placing an L most unobtrusively on the ribbon that hangs from the back part of the band of the feather bonnet down over the hair. Before the signed dies of Mr. Longacre appeared Mr. Gobrecht had signed the dies of his silver Dollar in 1836, placing his full name C. GOBRECHT in the exergue at first, then on the base of the figure of Liberty. But only patterns with the signed dies were made, and the name of the artist was unfortunately erased when the design was accepted for the coin. The silver Dollar of 1878 bears the signature of the engraver, Mr. G. T. Morgan, on both dies, an M on the truncation of the bust and also on the ribbon that unites the branches of the wreath on the reverse. In like manner, the signature of Mr. C. E. Barber occurs as a letter B on the trun- cation of the bust of Liberty on the Half-dollar, Quarter, and Dime of 1892. Of the recent gold coins, Mr. Saint-Gaudens placed his eignatiu*e, ASG in monogram, beneath the date on the Double-eagle, but left the Eagle dies unsigned; while the Half-eagle bears the initials, B. L. P., of the artist, Bela L. Pratt, prominently beneath the bust of the Indian. The One-cent piece of 1909, with the bust of Lincoln, originally bore the signature of the artist, V. D. B., Victor D. Brenner, on the reverse, but after an issue of nearly thirty million pieces the initials were remove^ Statements of value. — On the first gold coins of the country there was no statement of the value, the size of the pieces being deemed sufficient to assure a true appreciation of their correct value. The silver Dollar and Half-dolla»had their values, ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT and FIFTY CENTS OR HALF DOLLAR, milled on their edges, so inconspicuously, however, and often so illegibly that they were of but little value as ready aids to the eye in perceiving quickly the values of the pieces. But in 1804 the value of the Quarter-dollar was indicated by 25 C on the reverse beneath the eagle, and the practice then begun has had a steady development, until now the value fully written out is found on all the coins, as it was of course from the first on the Cent and Half-cent. In 1807 the values 50 C and 5 D were placed on the Half-dollar and Half-eagle, respec- tively; in 1838 the value of the Eagle was given as TEN D. ; on the Half- dollar of 1836-7 the unusual form 50 CENTS ccciu-s, which was changed to HALF-DOL. the following year. The practice of gradually expanding the abbreviated form went on until the full expressions TRADE DOLLAR and TWENTY DOLLARS 'were introduced in 1873, and all new designs prepared thereafter have the statement of value written in full. SPECIAL COINAGES AND SUPERFLUOUS DENOMINATIONS. Commemorative coins. — The commemorative coin, which in many other countries has had an extensive history, has never been much employed in the United States. Of the small list of such coins all belong to recent years, and all are related to important aimiversaries of the nation's history. The 18 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. first of these were the Columbian Half-dollar and Quarter-dollar, issued in 1892 and 1893, the former with the bust of Columbus and the latter with the crowned bust of Isabella of Spain. The Lafayette Dollar, in silver, issued in 1900 to commemorate the unveiling in Paris of the equestrian statue erected by the youth of America to General Lafayette, has on the obverse the conjoined busts of Washington and Lafayette, and on the reverse a representation of the statue by Bartlett (PI. Ill, 5). The special gold coinage of 1903, the dollar with the busts of Presidents McKinley and Jefferson, is commemorative of the hundredth anniversary of the Purchase of the Louisiana Territory; and the similar coinage of gold dollars in 1904 and 1905, with the busts of Mr. Clark and of Mr. Lewis, was in connection with the celebration at Portland, Oreg., of the hundredth anniversary of the exploration of the Northwest by Lewis and Clark. Superfluous denominations. — New denominations have from time to time been added to the series of United States coins with the view of rendering them more serviceable for the retail trade of the country. These experi- ments began in 1849 with the addition of the Double-eagle and Dollar to the gold series, and was followed by the addition of a Three-cent silver piece in 1851, and a Three-dollar gold piece in 1854; in 1864 a bronze Two- cent piece was added and in the following year a nickel Three-cents, then the still-retained nickel Five-cent piece in 1866, and so on until the addi- tion of the Trade-dollar in 1873 brought the number of denominations actually issued in that year up to seventeen. That many of these denomi- nations were soon found to be useless and some of them very inconvenient is only what could be expected. Some of them, as the gold Dollar, the Half-dime, and Three-cent piece, were too small; the three-unit pieces belong to a duodecimal system and did not fit readily into a decimal sys- tem, while the large number of the series made it almost impossible to avoid having two denominations of nearly the same size, which was the case with the silver Dime and the nickel Three-cent piece, where the simi- larity of color of the two metals aided their frequent confusion. The proc- ess of elimination soon began, and in 1889 the series was reduced to the present practical proportions. DISCONTINUED COINS AND THE DATES OF THEIR COINAGE. GOLD. Three-dollars 1854-1889 Dollar 1849-1889 SILVER. Trade-dollar 1873 — {discontinued, 1883; demonetized, 1887) Twenty-cents 1875-1878 Half-dime 1794-1873 Three-cents 1851-1873 NICKEL. Three-cents 1865-1889 BRONZE. Two-cents 1864-1873 Half-cent 1793-1857 I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 19 PATTERNS. Apart from a slight artistic interest to be derived from comparison among themselves of objects that in but few cases rise above mediocrity, the chief interest of the large number of patterns for United States coins lies in numer- ous proposals of unusual denominations. Some of the patterns of this class embody the results of serious efforts to reach a solution of monetary problems, while others represent purely visionary theories. In the former class belong the goloid Dollar (PI. VII, 4), and the goloid metric Dollar, coins which, as their inscriptions reveal, were made of an alloy of silver and gold, in equal value, on the theory that the coin would preserve the same value amid the fluctuations in the value of silver. If the theory were sound, the coin would be unpractical because only an assayer could detect the presence of the gold in the piece, the color remaining that of silver. Another group of patterns is composed of those which were to serve as international coins (PI. VII, 5). The proposition to add a foiu--dollar gold piece, to be denominated a Stella, was also considered in 1879 (Pl.VI, 5), and in spite of the patent absurdity of it there seems to have been suflBcient discussion to warrant the production of a few patterns in the following year, 1880. In 1850 a gold pattern Dollar with a large central hole (No. 1394) was submitted for consideration to the Treasury authorities, and in 1884 nickel Five-cent (No. 1546) and One-cent patterns of similar design were offered. The purpose of the earlier suggestion was evidently to make a piece of larger diameter, and thus overcome the valid objection to the small size of a gold piece of that denomination. The suggestion of a nickel piece with a central hole probably came from the practice of certain other countries. But there was no such reason for the device as existed where it served as a ready means of distinguishing the coins from those of a contiguous country using the same denomination and module. Other unusual patterns are those of a Fifty-dollar gold piece produced in 1877. The question of larger gold coins had been mooted in Congress, sug- gested apparently by the rather extensive use of pieces of that value in the West, over which they had spread in former years from the private coinage establishments in California. Two splendid patterns (PI. VI, 1) were produced by Mr. William Barber, then engraver at the mint, but the project never advanced beyond that initial stage. It would not be desirable here to enter into any discussion of the numer- ous patterns and varieties of these patterns which have been produced for the regular series of oiu* coins. The subject is sufficiently large to warrant a separate treatise, and which it is now understood will presently appear. TOKENS AND PRIVATE COINS. Merchants^ tohens. — At two periods since the nation began to coin money there has arisen a stringency of small coins, which made it necessary for business firms to supply their wants by the issue of copper tokens redeem- able in legal money by the firms which issued them. The first period to witness such an issue came in 1837, when many business houses had pre- %0 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. pared for their use copper tokens of the size of the large copper Cent. The types of these tokens then, as usually, were of two principal classes, the one strongly political with devices and inscriptions giving vivid expression to the partisan slogans of the day; while the other bore simply the adver- tisement of the merchant who issued them. Again, in 1863, the dearth of small coins gave rise to an enormous issue of such tokens, at that time again in the module of the current bronze One-cent piece. These pieces are commonly known as "Civil War Tokens" and "Merchants' Cards," the former bearing types of a political character and the latter, as in 1837, hav- ing simply the names of business firms and advertisements. Thousands of business houses tlu-oughout t^e Northern States resorted to the use of copper tokens issued in their own names; on the other hand, many of the so-called "Civil War Tokens" possess a general character and were evidently produced in quantities and sold wherever there was a demand for them. Private gold coins.— Oi an entirely different character are the privately issued gold pieces which were struck in Georgia and North Carolina, and also in the West after the discovery of gold in California and Colorado. The first privately issued gold pieces which readily went into circulation as coins were struck by Tempi eton Reid, an assay er, who in 1830 estab- lished himself near the gold mines in Lumpkin County, Ga., and converted the gold from the mines into a coin form (PI. VIII, 1). The example of Mr. Reid was soon followed by a Mr. Bechtler, at Rutherfordton, N. C. (PI. VIII, 2). There can hardly have been any reason of necessity for either of these enterprises, since neither community was beyond the reach of assay offices where gold could have been disposed of. But in the case of the Far West, the Government connived at the irregularity, regarding it as necessary under the circumstances. In fact, the Government opened negotiations with the firm of Moffat and Company with a view of having that company coin gold for the Treasury of the United States, but the decision to estab- lish a mint at San Francisco rendered such an arrangement unnecessary. The production of gold "coins" of a private character in the West was very extensive and carried on by a large number of mirdng companies and banking establishments. The pieces thus issued ranged in value from 2}/^ dollars up to 50 dollars. While, as a rule, the form of this gold is the normal one of the usual coin, and in many cases the devices of the national coins were employed with legends suitable to the private character of the issuer, yet a few abnormal shapes are found among them. Thus an octagonal piece of the value of $50 was issued by August Humbert, a United States assayer (PI. VIII, 4); and of simpler form, the bar or ingot, with appropriate inscriptions attest- ing the fineness, weight, and value, and finally the name of the firm or assayer guaranteeing the correctness of the figiures was issued by Moffat and Company (PI. VIII, 7), and by F. D. Kohler, the State assayer of California.^ » See Adams' Premium List of United States, Private and Territorial Gold Coins, and the same writer's articles on Private gold coinage, in American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. XLV, 1911. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 21 THE MINTS OF THE UNITED STATES. The inints of the United States are under control of a Bureau of the Mint at Washington, D. C, which was established in 1873, and ia in charge of a Director of the Mint. The minting establishments of the United States, the marks by which their respective coins are distinguished, and also the dates of organization, and in some cases the dates of their suspension, are as follows: The Mint at Philadelpliia, no mark 1793 New Orleans, La. , mint-mark O 1838 Suspended 1861 Reopened 1879 Closed 1910 Charlotte, N. C, mint-mark C; for the coinage of gold only 1838-1861 Dahlonega, Ga., mint-mark D; for the coinage of gold only 1838-1861 San Francisco, mint-mark S 1854 Carson City, Nov., mint-mark CC 1870-June 30, 1893 Denver, Colo., mint-mark D 1906 Weight and fineness of the principal gold and silver coins. GOLD EAGLE. Authorized. Weight. Fineness. 1792 Orains. 270 258 258 Thousandths. 916^ 899.225 1834 1837 900 Other gold coins in proportion. SILVER DOLLAR. 1792 416 412H 892.4 1837 900 HALF-DOLLAR. 1792 208 208 192 192.9 892.4 1837 900 1853 900 1873 900 The Quarter-dollar and Dime, like the Half-dollar, were reduced in weight in 1853, and thereby made subsidiary. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Crosby, Sylvester S. The Early Coins of America. Boston, 1875. DicKEsoN, M. W. American Numismatic Manual; Colonial, State, and United States Coins. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1860. EcKFELDT, J. R., and Du Bois, W. E. A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations, Struck Within the Past Century. Philadelphia, 1842. The chapter on coins of the United States, p. 138 ff. 22 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKElfS, AND MEDALS. Evans, G. G. Illustrated History of the United States Mint, and a Com- plete Description of the American Coinage. Philadelphia, 1892. Heaton, a. G. A Treatise on the Coinage of the United States Branch Mints. Washington, D. C, 1893. A treatise of mint-marks. HicKcox, John H. A Historical Account of American Coinage. 1858. Snowden, James Ross. A Description of Ancient and Modern Coins in the Cabinet Collection (U. S. Mint at Phila.). pp. 83-128. Lippin- cott & Co., Philadelphia, 1860. Watson, David K. History of American Coinage. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1899. The following sales catalogues are of considerable value because of the rare pieces they include: LoRiN G. Parmleb Collection, by New York Stamp and Coin Co., New York, N. Y., 1890. Matthew A. Stickney Collection, by Henry Chapman, Jr., Philadelphia, 1907. William H. Woodin Collection of U. S. Gold Coins, by Thos. L. Elder, New York, 1911. GLOSSARY OF TERMS. In order to render the catalogue more accessible to the layman who may wish to consult it, the following glossary of a few of the more important technical terms and expressions is given: AV.— Gold. AR.— Silver. AE. — Copper, or bronze. Obv. — Obverse, the side which bears the more important device or inscrip- tion, as the head of the monarch, the arms, and name of the State; and Rev. — Reverse, the other side of the coin. Edge. — The surface of the tliickness of a coin. Field. — The portion of the surface of a coin not occupied by the main device and principal inscriptions. Type. — The type includes everytliing on the side of a coin; but type is also used to designate the device exclusive of the inscriptions. Symbol. — ^A secondary device, generally in the Jield. Eocergue. — The portion of the reverse which is below the device, from which it is distinctly separated. Head. — The head and any portion of the neck. Bust. — The head including at least a portion of the collar bone. Right and left. — The spectator's right and left. Mint-mark. — A difference by which the coin struck by a particular mint is distinguished. MEASUREMENTS. The measurements of the coins of the United States are given in six- teenths of the inch, the unit in common use in this country, and generally found in the literature of the subject. The measurements of the medals, and of the coins of other countries, where given, are in millimeters. THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA. ENGLISH COLONIES. MASSACHUSETTS. COINS. 1. AR. Shilling, undated. Ohv. N E (New England), in a small incused depression at top of the field, the remainder of the field being plain. Bev. Value, XII, in incused depression at top of the field, the remainder of the field being plain. Size, 18; wt., 72 grs. PI. I, 1. 2. AR. Shilling, 1662.i Oh). MASATHVSETS IN. between two beaded circles; within the inner circle, an oak tree. Rev. NEWEN GLAND. AN. DOM., between two beaded circles; within the inner circle, 1652 | XII. Size, 17; wt., 75 grs. PI. 1, 2. 3. AR. Shilling, 1652. Oh). MASATHVSETS IN. between two beaded circles; within the inner circle, a pine tree. E&i). NEWEN GLAND. AN. DOM., between beaded cir- cles, and 1652 | XII within. Size, 19; wt., 70.2 grs. 4. AR. Shilling, 1652. Legends and types similar to No. 3, except that the letter N in New England is correctly placed. Size, 17; wt., 60.2 grs. 5. AR. Shilling, 1652. Olv. MASATHVSETS :: IN :: be- tween two circles of short, thick bars. Rev. N E W E N G- L A N D . A N . D . , between two circles of short, thick bars; within, 1652 | XII. Size. 16; wt., 60.3 grs. 6. AR. Shilling, 1652. Similar to No. 5. Size, 16; wt., 64 grs. 7. AR. Sixpence, 1652. Ohv. MASATHUSETS IN between beaded circles; within, pine tree. Rev. NEWENG- LAND. ANO., between beaded circles; within, 1652 | VI. Size, 7; wt., 29.2 grs. ^ The date, 1652, on Nos. 2-11, is without significance, as the dies were not altered in respect to the date after the first year of issue, so that some of the pieces bearing date of 1652 may have been struck later. 23 24 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 8. AR. Sixpence, 1652. Similar to No. 7, but with a dot at each side of stem of tree. Size, 8; wt., 12 grs. 9. AR. Threepence, 1652. Obv. IN. M ASATHVSETS, between beaded circles, pine tree within circle. Rev. N EW- ENGLAND, between two beaded circles; within inner circle, 1652 | 111. Size, lOi; wt, 27.5 grs. 10. Threepence, 1652. Similar to No. 9, but with rosette as stop after ENGLAND. Size, 9; wt., 9.5 grs. 11. Twopence, 1652. Similar to No. 9, but with 1652 j II within circle on reverse. Size, 8; wt., 10 grs. MARYLAND. Coinage of Lord Baltimore for Maryland.^ about 1659. 12. AR. Shilling, undated. Ohv. C/ECILIVS : DNS. : TER- R/E-MARl/E : &.CT. Draped bust of Lord Baltimore to left. Rev. CRESCITE : ET : MVLTIPLICAMINI. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, X — II. Size, 151-; wt., 71 grs. 13. AR. Sixpence, undated. Legends and types similar to No. 12, but with mark of value, V - I, on reverse. Size, 14; wt., 38.5 grs. 14. AR. Groat, or Fourpence, undated. Similar to No. 12, but with mark of value, I - V, on reverse. Size, 10. 16. AE. Penny. Ohv. Similar to No. 12. Rev. D E N A R I U M : TERR/E-MARI/E. A ducal crown surmounted by two pennants. Size, 13. TOKENS. CAROLINA. 16. AE. Penny, 1694. Olv. An elephant standing to left. Rev. god: | preserve: | Carolina: and: | the: lords: I PROPRIETORS | 1694. Size, 28i. The '"''Rosa Americana'''' toTcens. 17. AE. Twopence, undated. Olv. G EO RG I VS . D : G : M AG : BRI : FRA : ET. H I B : REX. Laureated bust of George 1 to right. Rev. A full blown rose; above, ROSA AMERICANA; below, on a scroll, UTILE DULCI. Size, 20. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 25 18-19. AE. Twopence, 1723. Ohv. Similar to No. 17. E&v. A crowned rose; above, ROSA . AMERICANA . 1723; below, on a scroll, UTILE . DULCI . Size, 20. 20. AE. Penny, 1722. Ohv. GEORGIUS . DEI. GRA- TIA . REX. Laureated bust to right. Rev. ROSA. AMERICANA •UTILE . DULCI . 1722. Full blown rose. Size, 17. 21. AE. Penny, 1723. Similar to No. 20, but with period after AMERICANA. Size, 15. 22. AE. Halfpenny, 1723. Legends and types similar to No. 20. Size, 17. Issued hy John Higley.^ Granhy^ Connecticut. 23. AE. Threepence, undated. Ohv. VALUE . ME . AS YOU . PLEASE.*. A deer standing to left, within a circle; below, III. Rev. I . CUT . MY . WAY . THROUGH.I^^. A broad-ax. 28 mm. 24. AE. Similar to No. 23; double struck. 26. AE. Threepence, 1737. Ohv. THE. VALVE. OF. THREE. PENCE.a^^. A deer, standing to left. Rev. COH- NECTICVT. Three hammers, each crowned; below,* 1737. Size, 18. VIRGINIA. * 26-27. AE. Halfpenny, 1773. 6>5v. GEORGIVS III. REX. Laureated bust to right. Rev. VIRGI NIA. A crowned shield of arms, the crown dividing the date, 17 - 73. Size, 16. 28. AE. 1773. Electrotype copy of a variety of No. 26, with- out the period after G EO RG I U S. Size, 18. THE SOVEREIGN STATES FROM THE TREATY OF PEACE WITH ENGLAND TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CONSTI- TUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, A. D. 1783-1789. CONNECTICUT. COINS. 29. AE. Cent, 1785. Ohv. AUCTORI. .CON NEC: Laure- ated bust to right. Rev. I N D E : ET L I B : Liberty, seated to left upon a globe, holding olive branch in extended right hand, and supporting liberty pole in left; below, 1785. Size, 18. 26 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 30. AE. Cent, 1786. Ohv. Similar to No. 29, but letters of inscription are smaller. Bev. Similar to No. 29, but the legend begins on right. Size, 18. 31-32. AE. Cents, 1787. Ohv. AUCTORI : * •CONNEC: Laureated bust, with mantle, to left. Hev. * INDE • • * ET.LIB •. Type as No. 29; below, date. Border, scallop pattern. Size, 18. 33. AE. Cent, 1787. Ohv. AUCTORI : -•-CONNEC : Laure- ated bust to left. Bev. • INDE: •• * ET LIB: Tj'^pe as No. 29, with date below. Size, 18. MASSACHUSETTS. 34-35. AE. Cents, 1787. Ohv. MASSACHUSETTS. An eagle displayed, bearing on breast a shield inscribed CENT; below, date. ^6-y. COMMON* WEALTH. An Indian, standing, to left, with bow in right, and arrow in left, hand. 18 mm. PI. I, 6. 36. AE. Cent, 1788. Similar to No. 34, but from different die; the letters being smaller. 37. AE. Half-cent, 1787. Legends and types similar to No. 34, but variety with small letters in inscriptions as No. 36. Size, 14. 38. AE. Half-cent, 1788. Legends and types similar to No. 34. Size, 14. NEW JERSEY. 39-40. AE. Cent, 1786. Ohv. NOVA C/ESAREA. Horse's head, to right; below, a plow, and the date beneath. Rev. • E * PLURIBUS • UNUM • . Shield. Point pattern on borders. Size, 17. 41. AE. Cent, 1787. Similar to No. 39, except the date; but of different die, the horse's neck being larger. Size, 18. PI. I, 4. 42. AE. Cent, 1788. Similar to No. 39, except the date. 43. AE. Cent, 1788. Similar to No. 39, but with the horse's head to left, and dated 1788. Size, 18. 1 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 27 VERMONT. 44-45. AE. Cents, 1786. Ohv. VERMONTENSIUM. RES. PUBLICA, The sun, rising behind pine-covered moun- tains; in front, a plow; below, .1786. Hev. STELLA . QUARTA . DECIMA. An eye, surrounded by thir- teen rays which extend to a circle of thirteen stars. Size, lY. 46. AE. Cent, 1786. Ohv. AUCTORI : - VERMON: Lau- reated bust to right. Rev. INDE-*-ET: LIB: Liberty, seated to left, holding olive branch in right, and a pole in left hand; below, 1 786. Size, 18. NATIONAL CONGRESS. 47. AE. Cent, 1787. "FngioCent." Ohv. UN ITED STATES, on a small raised circle which incloses the words, we | ARE I one; around, thirteen rings interlinked. Rev. A sundial with the hours indicated, and meridian sun above; to left, * FU G 1 * ; to right, * 1 787 * ; in ex- ergue, MIND YOUR I BUSINESS. Size, 18. 18. AE. Cent, 1787. Similar to No. 47, but united states reading from top right. Size, 18; PI. I, 7. 49. AE. Cent, 1787. Similar to No. 47, but with rings inscribed with names of States. Size, 19. PATTERNS AND TOKENS. 60. Tin. Pattern dollar, 1776. Ohv. Between two circles AMERICAN CONGRESS; within the inner circle, WE I ARE I one; around the outer circle, rays which ex- tend to an endless chain of thirteen round links, each inscribed with the name of one of the original States of the Union; on border, pellets. Rev. Between two circles CONTINENTAL CURRENCY 1776; on the left, and occupying about one-third of the circumfer- ence, FU G 1 ; within the inner circle, sun shining upon a sundial; below, mind your | business. Size, 25. 61, Similar, but reading curency. 28 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 52. Tin. Patten dollar, 1776. Similar to No. 50, with the sun placed higher up; between the two circles, sur- rounding the central device, on reverse, e. g. fecit. Size, 25; PI. I, 3. 53. AE. Cent, 1781. OU. NORTH AMERICAN TOKEN. A female, seated to left, her left hand resting upon a harp; below, 1 781 . Rev. A ship, sailing to left; above, COMMERCE. Size, 17. ANNAPOIilS TOKENS. 54-54a. AR. Shillings, 1783. Ohv. I. CHALMERS, ANNAP- OLIS. Two hands clasped, within a laurel wreath. Rev. . 8 . ONE • SHILLING . 8 . 1783. Within a circle of dots, the field divided by a horizontal, zigzag pattern, a serpent in upper part, and in lower, two doves, standing vis-a-vis and holding a sprig of olive in their beaks. Edge reeded. Size 4i; wt., 56.5 (54), and 57 (54a) grs. 54b. AR. Shilling, 1783. Similar to No. 54; pierced. Size, 14; wt., 53 grs. 55 AR. Sixpence, 1783. Olv. I. CHALMERS. ANNAPO- LIS. A mullet, within a laurel wreath. Iie'\3. I . C. S I X PENCE 1783. Two clasped hands, upon a voided cross, two of whose arms terminate in stars and two in crescents; in the angles, leaves. Size, 11. 55a. AR. Threepence, 1783. Ohv. I. CHALMERS. AN- NA P'S. Two hands clasped. i?ev. A sprig of olive, within a laurel wreath; around,THREE PENCE 1783. Size 8. The ^'Nova Constellatio.^' 56. AE. Cent, 1783. Ohv. NOVA CONSTELLATIO. An eye in a glory, surrounded by a circle of thirteen stars. Rev. LIBERTAS • JVSTITIA. Within a laurel wreath, U. S.; below, 1783. Size, 18. 67. AE. Cent, 1785. Similar to No. 66, with the letters, U.S., in script and interlaced, and reading LIBERTAS ET J U ST I T I A on reverse. Size, 18. 58. AE. Cent, undated (Bar Cent.). Ohv. U. S. A., in plain field; border dentilated. Rev. Thirteen bars. Size, 17. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 29 ''''The Immune Golumhia.^^ 69. AV. Gninea, 1786. Ohv. NOVA CONSTELLATIO. An eye in a glory, surrounded by thirteen stars. Rev. IMMUNE COLUMBIA. Columbia, seated to right; holds liberty pole in right, and scales in left hand; below, 1785. Size, 16; wt., 128.7 grs.; PI. I, 8. Struck over Guinea of George III, of 1775. 60. AE. Cent, 1785. Ohv. IMMUNE COLUMBIA. Colum- bia, seated to right, supporting liberty pole and cap with right hand, and holding scales in left; below, 1787. Rev, CEORCIVS • III. REX. Laureated bust, cuirassed, to right. 61-62. AE. Cents, 1787. 6>5i;. IM MUNIS COLUMBIA. Col- umbia seated r. on globe. Rev. E. PLURIBUS. UNUM. An eagle displayed, with olive branch in right claw and arrows in the left. NEW YORK. 63. AV. Doubloon, 1787 (E. BRASHER). Ohv. • NOVA • EBORACA • COLUMBIA* EXCELSIOR.* The sun, rising over a mountain; in front, the sea; below, BRASHER. Rev. *UNUM*E* PLURIBUS. An eagle displayed, with shield (of the U. S.) on breast, olive branch in right claw, and arrows in left; about head, thirteen stars; on right wing, e. b., incused; the whole within a laurel wreath; below, 1787. Size, 19i; wt., 406.8 grs.; PL 1. 9. 64. AR. Necessity piece. Mexican Peseta of 1785 with E B stamped on obverse. 65. AE. Cent, 1787. Ohv. NOVA EBORAC. Laureated bust to right. Rev. VIRT. ET. LIB. Liberty seated to right, holding liberty pole and olive branch; beside her, shield of New York; below, 1 787. 66. AE. Cent, 1787. Similar, but Liberty seated left. 67. AE. Cent, 1783. Ohv. GEORGIVS. TRIUMPHO. A laureated bust to right. Rev. VOCE PO PO L I . Lib- erty standing to left with olive branch in left hand and liberty pole in right; in front, a screen with thirteen vertical bars and a fleur-de-lis at each corner; below, 1783. Size, 18. 22023° — 14 3 30 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 68. AE. Cent, undated (Kentucky Cent). Ohv. E PLURI- BUSUNUM. A pyramid of fifteen stars, each in- scribed with the initial of the name of a State (the top one being marked K (Kentucky), hence the name), surrounded by rays. Bev. UNANIMITY IS THE STRENGTH OF SOCIETY. • A hand extending a scroll inscribed, our | cause ] is | just. Size, 19. 69. Similar, but on edge: payable in Lancaster london OR BRISTOL. TOKENS AND PATTERNS WHICH PRESENT THE LIKENESS OF WASHINGTON. 70. AE. Cent, 1783. Ohv. WASHINGTON & INDEPEN- DENCE. Draped bustof Washington, laureate, to left; below, 1783. Rev. UNITY STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, one | cent.; beneath the wreath, l/lOO. Size, 18. PI. I, 6. 71. AE. Cent, 1783. As No. 70. 72. AE. Cent, 1783. Olv. Similar to No. 70, but the bust is narrower. Rev. UNITED STATES. Liberty seated to left upon a rock by the sea, holding olive branch in extended right hand and with the left supporting a liberty pole surmounted by the cap. Edge, a central hatching. Size, 18. 73. AE. Cent, 1783. Similar to No. 72. 74. AE. Cent, 1783. Ohv. WASHINGTON & INDEPEN- DENCE. Laureated bust of Washington to left, with mantle secured by a clasp on left shoulder. Rev. Similar to No. 72. Plain edge. Size, 18. 76-76. AE. Cent, 1783. Ohv. Inscription as on No. 74. Bust of Washington, laureate, in uniform, to left; beneath, 1783. Rev. Similar to No. 72. In exergue, left, T. V. I.; right, K. S. Size, 18. 77-78. AE. Cents, 1791. Ohv. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Bust of Washington in uniform to left; below, 1 791 . Rev. An eagle displayed, with shield on the breast, an olive branch in right claw, thirteen arrows in left; in beak, a scroll with unum e pluribus; above, on border, N E C E N T. Edge, united states of America. Size, 19. TATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 31 79-80. AE. Cents, 1791. Ohv. Similar to No. 77, without date beneath the bust. Bev. An eagle displayed, simi- lar to No. 77, with eight stars about the head, and above, an arch of clouds extending from wing to wing; on border, above, ONE CENT; below, 1791. Edge, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SizC, 19. 81-2. AE. Cents, undated. Ohv. WASHINGTON. Laure- ated bust to left, in uniform. Bev. The same bust as on obverse; above, on border, ONE CENT. Size, 17. 83. AE. Cent, 1792. Ohv. WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. Bust of Washington to left, in uniform; beneath, 1 792. Bev. An eagle displayed, having U. S. shield on breast, olive branch in right claw, and arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed unum e plueibus; above, on border, thirteen stars. Size, 19^. 84. AE. Cent, 1792. 6>5v. Similar to No. 83. ^^. general | OF THE I AMERICAN ARMIES | 1775 | RESIGNED | 1783 | PRESIDENT I OF THE | UNITED STATES | 1789. Size, 19. 86. AE. Cent,1792. Ohv. G.WASHINGTON PRESIDENT. I. Bust of Washington in uniform to left; beneath, 1792. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle displayed, with shield on breast, olive branch in the right claw, and arrows in the left; above, about the head, fifteen stars. Size, 21. 86. AE. Cent, 1792. Legends and types similar to No. 85, but with reeded borders. Size, 23. 87-88. AE. Halfpenny, 1793. Ohv. WASHINGTON PRESI- DENT. Bust of Washington, in uniform, to left. Bev. A ship sailing to right; above, HALFPENNY; below, 1 793, in an incused depression. Size, 19. 89. AE. Half-cent, 1793. Ohv. Bust of Washington, in uni- form, to right; above, LIBERTY; below, 1793. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, half | cent, with ^^-^ beneath the wreath. Edge, TWO. HUNDREDTHS. OR. HALF. CENT. SizB, 14. 32 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 90. AE. Cent, 1796. Ohv. GEORGE WASH I NGTON. Bust of Washington to right, in uniform. Rev. LIBERTY AND SECURITY. A heart-shaped shield, argent, fifteen pales gules, impaling azure, fifteen stars; above, an eagle displayed, with olive branch in right claw and arrows in left; below, divided by the shield, 1 7 - 95. Edge, PAYABLE AT LONDON LIVERPOOL OR BRISTOL. Size, 18. 91. AE. Cent, 1795. Similar to No. 90, but on the edge, BIRMINGHAM REDRUTH & SWANSEA. COINS STRUCK BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AFTER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MINT AT PHILADELPHIA. 1793. Nearly all the coins of the United States in the collection were struck at the Philadelphia mint. So few of them bear the marks of other mints that it was not deemed best to make separate lists for the different mints. All mint-marks, however, are carefully noted. GOLD. 92. Double-eagle, 1849. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; be- neath, 1849. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, displayed, with the shield of the United States on the breast; olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll extending symmetrically to left and right, and inscribed (left) E PLURiBUS - (right) unum; above, thirteen stars in form of an oval, and rays extending from wing to wing of the eagle; below, TWENTY D. Borders dentilated. Reeded edge. Size, 21; wt., 516 grs. By Longacre. PI. n, 1. Unique. 93. Double-eagle, 1850. Similar to No. 92, except date. 94. Double-eagle, 1851. Similar to No. 92, except date. 95. Double-eagle, 1852. Similar to No. 92, except date. 96. Double-eagle, 1853. Similar to No. 92, except date. 97. Double-eagle, 1854. Similar to No. 92, except date. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 33 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. Double-eagle, 1855. Similar to No. 92, but with S (San Francisco Mint) beneath the eagle, on reverse, and dated 1 855. , Double-eagle, 1856. Similar to No. 92, except date. Double-eagle, 1857. Similar to No. 92, but with S (San Francisco Mint) beneath the eagle, on reverse, and dated 1857. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, except date. Similar to No. 92, but within the TRUST, and dated Double-eagle, 1858. Double-eagle, 1859. Double-eagle, 1860. Double-eagle, 1861. Double-eagle, 1862. Double-eagle, 1863. Double-eagle, 1864. Double-eagle, 1865. Double-eagle, 1866. oval of stars, on reverse, in god we 1866. Double-eagle, 1867. Double-eagle, 1868. Double-eagle, 1869. Double-eagle, 1870. Double-eagle, 1871. Double-eagle, 1872. Double-eagle, 1873. Double-eagle, 1874. Double-eagle, 1875. Double-eagle, 1876. Double-eagle, 1877. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, except date. Similar to No. 109, but the head of Ijiberty is larger and more centrally placed than in the original design of 1849, No. 92; and the stars are in different relation to the bust, so that the top of the diadem is between the sixth and seventh stars instead of below the seventh. On reverse, the value reads TWENTY DOLLARS. 34 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 160. CATALOGUE Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double -eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double -eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle Double-eagle OF COINS, TOKENS, 1878. Similar to No. 1879. Similar to No. 1880.* Similar to No. 1881. Similar to No. 1882. Similar to No. 1883. Similar to No. 1884. Similar to No. 1885. Similar to No. 1886. Similar to No. 1887. Similar to No. 1888. Similar to No. 1889. Similar to No. 1890. Similar to No. 1891. Similar to No. 1892. Similar to No. 1893. Similar to No. 1894. Similar to No. 1895. Similar to No. 1896. Similar to No. 1897. Similar to No. 1898. Similar to No. 1899. Similar to No. 1900. Similar to No. 1901. Similar to No. 1902. Similar to No. 1903. Similar to No. 1904. Similar to No. 1905. Similar to No. 1906. Similar to No. 1907. Similar to No. AND MEDALS. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date, 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. 120, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKEN'S, AND MEDALS. 35 l61. Double-eagle, 1907. 6>J^. LIBERTY. Liberty with long, loose hair, standing- facing, on right foot, the left raised and resting upon a rock, in front of which lies an oak branch; she holds a torch in her right hand and an olive branch in the left; in the distance to left, the Capitol of the United States; to right, the date, M. C, M. VI I. and beneath the date asg (Augustus Saint-Gaudens) in monogram; in background, rising sun; the whole within a circle of forty six stars. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ] TWENTY DOLLARS. An eagle flying to left athwart the rays of the rising sun. Edge, E * PLURIBUS* UNUM ******** * * * . Compare PL VI, 2. The types of No. 151 are in very high relief; about 12,250 speci- mens of it were issued. 152. Double-eagle, 1907. Similar to No. 151, but with types in lower relief, and the date, 1 907. 153. Double-eagle, 1908. Similar to No. 152, except date. 154. Double-eagle, 1908. Similar to No. 152, but on orb of the sun on reverse the motto, in god we trust; and dated 1 908. 155. Double-eagle, 1909. Similar to No. 154, except date. 156. Double-eagle, 1910. Similar to No. 154, except date. 157. Eagle, 1795. Ohv. ********** LIBERTY *****. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long, loose hair and wearing liberty cap; below, 1795. J?ev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, standing upon a palm branch, and holding a laurel wreath in bill. Edge reeded. Size, 21; wt., 270 grs. PI. II, 2. 158. Eagle, 1796. Similar to No. 157, biit with sixteen stars on the obverse, grouped eight to right and eight to left of LIBERTY, and dated 1796. 169. Eagle, 1797. Similar to No. 157, but with sixteen stars on the obverse, grouped twelve to left and four to right of LIBERTY, and dated 1797. 36 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 160. Eagle, 1797. Ohv. Similar to No. 157, but with sixteen stars on the obverse, grouped ten to left and six to right of LIBERTY, and dated 1797. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle displayed, bear- ing shield of the United States on the breast, arrows in the right claw and olive branch in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e plueibus - unum; above the head, thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Eeeded edge. Size, 21. 161. Eagle, 1798.^ Similar to No. 160, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped nine to left and four to right of LIBERTY, and dated 1798. 162. Eagle, 1798.^ Similar to No. 160, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right of LIBERTY, and dated 1798. 163. Eagle, 1799. Similar to No. 160, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped eight to left and five to right of LIBERTY, and dated 1799. 164. Eagle, 1800. Similar to No. 163, except date. 165. Eagle, 1801. Similar to No. 163, except date. 166. Eagle, 1803. Similar to No. 163, but with small stars on reverse. 167. Eagle, 1803. Similar to No. 163, but with large stars on reverse. 167a. Eagle, 1804. Similar to No. 163, except date. 168. Eagle, 1838. Ohv. Bust of Liberty to left, with hair knotted at back of head and secured by a cord of pearls; in hair a fillet inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1838. Bev. An eagle, with wings displayed, the head turned to left, bearing on breast shield of the U. S., an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; below, TEND. Reeded edge. Size, 17; wt., 129 grs. PI. U, 3. 169. Eagle, 1839. Similar to No. 168, except date. 170. Eagle, 1840. Similar to No. 168, but the lock of hair has been removed from over the ear and the curls on forehead extend down to the ear, which is visible. ^ Date changed from 1797. Such conversions were of frequent occur- rence in the early period of the mint's operations. Other examples are: Half-eagle, 1795 to 1796; quarter-eagle, 1804 to 1806; dime, 1809 to 1811; cente, 1799 to 1800, 1822 to 1823; half-cent, 1802 to 1803. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 37 ~171. Eagle, 1841. Similar to No. 170, except date. 172. Eagle, 1842. Similar to No. 170, except date. 173. Eagle, 1843. Similar to No. 170, except date. 174. Eagle, 1844. Similar to No. 170, except date. 176. Eagle, 1845. Similar to No. 170, except date. 176. Eagle, 1846. Similar to No. 170, except date. 177. Eagle, 1847. Similar to No. 170, except date. 178. Eagle, 1848. Similar to No. 170, except date. 179. Eagle, 1849. Similar to No. 170, except date. 180. Eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 170, except date. 181. Eagle, 1851. Similar to No. 170, except date. 182. Eagle, 1852. Similar to No. 170, except date. 183. Eagle, 1853. Similar to No. 170, except date. 184. Eagle, 1854. Similar to No. 170, except date. 185. Eagle, 1855. Similar to No. 170, except date. 186. Eagle, 1856. Similar to No. 170, but with letter S. (San Francisco Mint) beneath eagle and dated 1856. 187. Eagle, 1857. Similar to No. 170, except date. 188. Eagle, 1858. Similar to No. 170, except date. 189. Eagle, 1859. Similar to No. 170, except date. 190. Eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 170, except date. 191. Eagle, 1861. Similar to No. 170, except date. 192. Eagle, 1862. Similar to No. 170, except date. 193. Eagle, 1863. Similar to No. 170, except date. 194. Eagle, 1864. Similar to No. 170, except date. 196. Eagle, 1866. Similar to No. 170, except date. 196. Eagle, 1866. Similar to No. 170, but on a scroll above the eagle in god - we - trust. 197. Eagle, 1867. Similar to No. 196, except date. 198. Eagle, 1868. Similar to No. 196, except date. 199. Eagle, 1869. Similar to No. 196, except date. 38 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 200. Eagle, 1870. Similar to No. 196, except date. 201. Eagle, 1871. Similar to No. 196, except date. 202. Eagle, 1872. Similar to No. 196, except date. 203. Eagle, 1873. Similar to No. 196, except date. 204. Eagle, 1874. Similar to No. 196, except date. 206. Eagle, 1875. Similar to No. 196, except date. 206. Eagle, 1876. Similar to No. 196, except date. 207. Eagle, 1877. Similar to No. 196, except date. 208. Eagle, 1878. Similar to No. 196, except date. 209. Eagle, 1879. Similar to No. 196, except date. 210. Eagle, 1880. Similar to No. 196, except date. 211. Eagle, 1881. Similar to No. 196, except date. 212. Eagle, 1882. Similar to No. 196, except date. 213. Eagle, 1883. Similar to No. 196, except date. 214. Eagle, 1884. Similar to No. 196, except date. 215. Eagle, 1886. Similar to No. 196, except date. 216. Eagle, 1886. Similar to No. 196, except date. 217. Eagle, 1887. Similar to No. 196, except date. 218. Eagle, 1888. Similar to No. 196, except date. 219. Eagle, 1889. Similar to No. 196, except date. 220. Eagle, 1890. Similar to No. 196, except date. 221. Eagle, 1891. Similar to No. 196, except date. 222. Eagle, 1892. Similar to No. 196, except date. 223. Eagle, 1893. Similar to No. 196, except date. 224. Eagle, 1894. Similar to No. 196, except date. 226. Eagle, 1895. Similar to No. 196, except date. 226. Eagle, 1896. Similar to No. 196, except date. 227. Eagle, 1897. Similar to No. 196, except date. 228. Eagle, 1898. Similar to No. 196, except date. 229. Eagle, 1899. Similar to No. 196, except date. 230. Eagle, 1900. Similar to No. 196, except date. tTALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 39 ^31. Eagle, 1901. Similar to No. 196, except date. 232. Eagle, 1902. Similar to No. 196, except date. 233. Eagle, 1903. Similar to No. 196, except date. 234. Eagle, 1904. Similar to No. 196, except date. 236. Eagle, 1905. Similar to No. 196, except date. 236. Eagle, 1906. Similar to No. 196, except date. 237. Eagle, 1907. Similar to No. 196, except date. 238. Eagle, 1907. Ohv. Head of an Indian girl to left, with feather bonnet, the band of which is inscribed liberty; above, thirteen stars; below, 1907. Rev. UNITED.STATES.OF.AMERICA. An eagle, stand- ing to left, upon a bundle of arrows on which lies an olive branch; to right, e | pluribus | unum; below, TEN.DOLLARS. Edge, 46 stars. By Saint-Gaudens. Compare PI. VI, 4. 239. Eagle, 1908. Similar to No. 238, except date. 240. Eagle, 1908. Ohv. Similar to No. 238, but to left of eagle, in | god we | trust. 241. Eagle, 1909. Similar to No. 240, except date. 242. Eagle, 1910. Similar to No. 240, except date. 243. Half-eagle, 1795. Ohv. •••••••*•• LIBERTY •*•••. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long, loose hair, and wearing liberty cap; below,1795. ^ev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, standing upon a palm branch, and holding aloft a wreath of laurel in bill. Border dentilated. Reeded edge. Size, 16; wt., 135 grs. 244. Half-eagle, 1795. Ohv. Similar to No. 243. B&o. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle dis- played, bearing shield of the U. S. on breast; arrows in right claw and olive branch in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e pluribus - unum; above the head, sixteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Reeded edge. Size, 16; wt., 135 grs. 40 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 245. Half-eagle, 1796. Similar to No. 243, except date. 246. Half-eagle, 1797. Similar to No. 244, but with fifteen stars on obverse, grouped ten to left and five to right of LIBERTY. 247. Half-eagle, 1797. Similar to No. 243, but with sixteen stars on obverse, grouped eleven to left and five to right of LIBERTY. 248. Half-eagle, 1798. Similar to No. 243, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped eight to left and five to right of LIBERTY. 249. Half-eagle, 1798. Similar to No. 244, but on obverse thirteen stars, grouped eight to left and five to right of LIBERTY; and on reverse, thirteen stars above the head of the eagle. 250. Half-eagle, 1799. Similar to 249, except date. 251. Half-eagle, 1799. Similar to No. 249, but with minor variations in the die, and dated 1 799. 252. Half -eagle, 1800. Similar to No. 249, except date. 253. Half-eagle, 1802. Similar to No. 249, except date. 254. Half -eagle, 1802. Similar to No. 249, but with 2 over 1 in the date. 255-6. Half-eagle, 1803. Similar to No. 249, but with 3 over 2 in date. 257. Half-eagle, 1804. Similar to No. 249, except date. 268. Half-eagle, 1805. Similar to No. 249, except date 259. Half -eagle, 1806. Similar to No. 249, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right of L I B E RT Y, and dated 1 806. 260. Half-eagle, 1807. Similar to No. 259, except date. 261. Half-eagle, 1807. Ohv. Draped bust of Liberty to left, the hair falling loosely about neck and shoulders, and wearing a liberty cap, the band of which is in- scribed liberty; around, ******* — ******; below, 1807. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played, an olive branch in the right claw, and arrows in the left; above the eagle, a scroll with e pluribus unum; below, 5 D. Reeded edge. Size, 16. By Eeich. PI. II, 4. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 41 262. Half-eagle, 1808. Similar to No. 261, except date. 263-4. Half-eagle, 1809. Similar to No. 261, except dates. 265. Half-eagle, 1810. Similar to No. 261, except date. 266. Half -eagle, 1811. Similar to No. 261, except date. 267-8. Half-eagle, 1812. Similar to No. 261, except date. 269. Half-eagle, 1813. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, the hair falling in ringlets on neck and shoulders, with liberty cap the band of which is inscribed liberty; around, *************; be- low, 181 3. Rev. Similar to No. 261. Size, 16. 270. Half-eagle, 1814. Similar to No. 269, except date. 271. Half-eagle, 1815. Similar to No. 269, except date. 272. Half-eagle, 1818. Similar to No. 269, except date. 273. Half-eagle, 1819. Similar to No. 269, except date. 274. Half-eagle, 1820. Similar to No. 269, except date. 275. Half-eagle, 1821. Similar to No. 269, except date. 276. Half-eagle, 1822. Similar to No. 269, except date. 277. Half-eagle, 1823. Similar to No. 269, except date. 278. Half-eagle, 1824. Similar to No. 269, except date. 279. Half-eagle, 1825. Similar to No. 269, except date. 280. Half-eagle, 1826. Similar to No. 269, except date. 281. Half-eagle, 1827. Similar to No. 269, except date. 282. Half-eagle, 1828. Similar to No. 269, except date. 283. Half-eagle, 1829. Similar to No. 269, except date. 284. Half-eagle, 1830. Similar to No. 269, except date. 285. Half-eagle, 1831. Similar to No. 269, except date. 286. Half -eagle, 1832. Similar to No. 269, except date. 287. Half-eagle, 1833. Similar to No. 269, except date. 288. Half-eagle, 1834. Similar to No. 269, except date. 289. Half-eagle, 1834. Obv. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; her hair is wavy, and locks fall on neck; around, thirteen stars; below bust, 1834. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ah eagle, with wings displayed, the head turned to left, bearing shield of the U. S. on breast; an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in left; below, 5 D. Reeded edge. Size, 14; wt., 129 grs.; PI. II, 6. 42 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 290. Half-eagle, 1835. Similar to No. 289, except date. 291. Half -eagle, 1836. Similar to No. 289, except date. 292. Half-eagle, 1837. Similar to No. 289, except date. 293. Half-eagle, 1838. Similar to No. 289, except date. 294. Half-eagle, 1839. Ohv. Bust of Liberty to left, with hair in a knot at back of head and secured by rope of pearls; in hair, a fillet inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1839. Bev. Similar to No. 289, except for variations in the olive branch and the posi- tion of the arrows in claws of the eagle, and the state- ment of value, which is FIVE D. Size, 14. 295. Half-eagle, 1840. Similar to No. 294, but the stars on obverse are smaller. 296. Half -eagle, 1841. Similar to No. 294, except date. 297. Half-eagle, 1842. Similar to No. 294, except date. 298. Half-eagle, 1843. Similar to No. 294, except date. 299. Half-eagle, 1844. Similar to No. 294, except date. 300. Half-eagle, 1845. Similar to No. 294, except date. 301. Half-eagle, 1846. Similar to No. 294, except date. 302. Half-eagle, 1847. Similar to No. 294, except date. 303. Half-eagle, 1848. Similar to No. 294, except date. 304. Half-eagle, 1849. Similar to No. 294, except date. 305. Half-eagle, 1850. Similar to No. 294, except date. 306. Half -eagle, 1851. Similar to No. 294, except date. 307. Half-eagle, 1852. Similar to No. 294, but with D (Dah- lonega Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. 308. Half-eagle, 1853. Similar to No. 294, except date. 309. Half-eagle, 1854. Similar to No. 294, except date. 310. Half-eagle, 1855. Similar to No. 294, except date. 311. Half -eagle, 1856. Similar to No. 294, but with C (Char- lotte Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. 312. Half-eagle, 1857. Similar to No. 294, except date. 813. Half-eagle, 1858. Similar to No. 294, except date. CATALiOGTJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 43 314. Half -eagle, 1859. Similar to No. 294, except date. 316. Half-eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 294, except date. 316. Half -eagle, 1861. Similar to No. 294, except date. 317. Half-eagle, 1862. Similar to No. 294, except date. 318. Half-eagle, 1863. Similar to No. 294, except date. 319. Half-eagle, 1864. Similar to No. 294, except date. 320. Half-eagle, 1865. Similar to No. 294, except date. 321. Half -eagle, 1866. Similar to No. 294, but above the eagle on reverse a scroll bearing in god - we - trust. 322. Half-eagle, 1867. Similar to No. 321, except date. 323. Half-eagle, 1868. Similar to No. 321, except date. 324. Half -eagle, 1869. Similar to No. 321, except date. 325. Half-eagle, 1870. Similar to No. 321, except date. 326. Half-eagle, 1871. Similar to No. 321, except date. 327. Half-eagle, 1872. Similar to No. 321, except date. 328. Half-eagle, 1873. Similar to No. 321, except date. 329. Half-eagle, 1874. Similar to No. 321, except date. 330. Half-eagle, 1875. Similar to No. 321, except date. 331. Half-eagle, 1876. Similar to No. 321, except date. 332. Half-eagle, 1877. Similar to No. 321, except date. 333. Half-eagle, 1878. Similar to No. 321, except date. 334. Half-eagle, 1879. Similar to No. 321, except date. 335. Half-eagle, 1880. Similar to No. 821, except date. 336. Half-eagle, 1881. Similar to No. 321, except date. 337. Half -eagle, 1882. Similar to No. 321, except date. 338. Half -eagle, 1883. Similar to No. 321, except date. 339. Half-eagle, 1884. Similar to No. 321, except date. 340. Half -eagle, 1885. Similar to No. 321, except date. 341. Half -eagle, 1886. Similar to No. 321, except date. 342. Half-eagle, 1887. Similar to No. 321, except date. 343. Half -eagle, 1888. Similar to No. 321, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Half-eagle, 1889. Similar to No. 321, except date. 44 344. 346. Half-eagle, 1890. Similar to No. 321, except date. 346. Half-eagle, 1891. Similar to No. 321, except date. 347. Half-eagle, 1892. Similar to No. 321, except date. 348. Half-eagle, 1893. Similar to No. 321, except date. 349. Half-eagle, 1894. Similar to No. 321, except date. 360. Half-eagle, 1895. Similar to No. 321, except date. 351. Half -eagle, 1896. Similar to No. 321, except date. 362. Half-eagle, 1897. Similar to No. 321, except date. 353. Half-eagle, 1898. Similar to No. 321, except date. 354. Half-eagle, 1899. Similar to No. 321, except date. 365. Half-eagle, 1900. Similar to No. 321, except date. 356. Half -eagle, 1901. Similar to No. 321, except date. 367. Half-eagle, 1902. Similar to No. 321, except date. 368. Half-eagle, 1903. Similar to No. 321, except date. 369. Half-eagle, 1904. Similar to No. 321, except date. 360. Half-eagle, 1906. Similar to No. 321, except date. 361. Half-eagle, 1906. Similar to No. 321, except date. 362. Half-eagle, 1907. Similar to No. 321, except date. 363. Half-eagle, 1908. Similar to No. 321, except date. 364. Half-eagle, 1908. Ohv. In an incuse depression, bust of an Indian to left, with bonnet of eagle feathers, and a necklace of claws; around, ****** LIBERTY *******; below, 1 908. Beneath the bust, B. L. P. (Bela Lyon Pratt). Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, incuse; an eagle, standing to left, upon a bundle of arrows on which lies an olive branch; the whole in an incuse depression; to left of the eagle, e [ pluribus | unum; to right, in | god | WE I trust; below, FIVE DOLLARS. Without raised margin. Edge, reeded. Size, 13^. PL II, 6. 365. Half-eagle, 1909. Similar to No. 364, except date. 366. Half -eagle, 1910. Similar to No. 364, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 45 I 367-368. Three-dollars, 1854. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An Indian female head, to left, with feather bonnet, the band of which is inscribed liberty. Reo. 3 I DOLLARS I 1854 | within a wreath of cotton and wheat. Edge, reeded. Size, 13; wt., 77.4 grs. By Longacre. PI. W^ 8. 369. Three-dollars, 1855. Similar to No. 367, but beneath the wreath, the letter S (San Francisco mint) and 1855. 370. Three-dollars, 1856. Similar to No. 369, except date. 371. Three-dollars, 1857. Similar to No. 367, except date. 372. Three-dollars, 1858. Similar to No. 367, except date. 373. Three-dollars, 1859. Similar to No. 367, except date. 374. Three-dollars, 1860. Similar to No. 367, except date. 375. Three-dollars, 1861. Similar to No. 367, except date. 376. Three-dollars, 1862. Similar to No. 367, except date. 377. Three-dollars, 1863. Similar to No. 367, except date. 378. Three-dollars, 1864. Similar to No. 367, except date. 379. Three-dollars, 1865. Similar to No. 367, except date. 380. Three-dollars, 1866. Similar to No. 367, except date. 381. Three-dollars, 1867. Similar to No. 367, except date. 382. Three-dollars, 1868. Similar to No. 367, except date. 383. Three-dollars, 1869. Similar to No. 367, except date. 384. Three-dollars, 1870. Similar to No. 367, except date. 385. Three-dollars, 1871. Similar to No. 367, except date. 386. Three-dollars, 1872. Similar to No. 367, except date. 387. Three-dollars, 1873. Similar to No. 367, except date. 388. Three -dollars, 1874. Similar to No. 367, except date. 389. Three-dollars, 1875. Similar to No. 367, except date. 390. Three-dollars, 1876. Similar to No. 367, except date. 391. Three-dollars, 1877. Similar to No. 367, except date. 392. Three-dollars, 1878. Similar to No. 367, except date. 393. Three-dollars, 1879. Similar to No. 367, except date. 22023°— 14 4 46 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 394. Three-dollars, 1880. Similar to No. 367, except date. 395. Three-dollars, 1881. Similar to No. 367, except date. 396. Three-dollars, 1882. Similar to No. 367, except date. 397. Three-dollars, 1883. Similar to No. 367, except date. 398. Three-dollars, 1884. Similar to No. 367, except date. 399. Three-dollars, 1885. Similar to No. 367, except date. 400. Three-dollars, 1886. Similar to No. 367, except date. 401. Three-dollars, 1887. Similar to No. 367, except date. 402. Three-dollars, 1888. Similar to No. 367, except date. 403. Three-dollars, 1889. Similar to No. 367, except date. 404. Quarter-eagle, 1796. Ohv. LIBERTY. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long hair falling on neck and shoulders, and with liberty cap; beneath, 1796. (No stars on border.) Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle displayed, with shield of U. S. on breast, grasping arrows in right claw, and olive branch in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e pluribus-unum; about the head, sixteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Size, 13 ; 67. 5 gr. ; PI. II, 7. 405. Quarter-eagle, 1796. Similar to No. 404, but on obverse •••••*••• LIBERTY********. 406. Quarter-eagle, 1797. Similar to No. 404, but with thirteen stars on obverse, seven to left and six to right, of LIBERTY. 407. Quarter-eagle, 1798. Similar to No. 404, but with thirteen stars on obverse, grouped six to left and seven to right of LIBERTY, and thirteen on reverse above the head of the eagle. 408. Quarter-eagle, 1802. Ohv. Similar to No. 404, but with thirteen stars, grouped eight to left and five to right of LIBERTY. Rev. Similar to No. 404, but thirteen stars about the head of the eagle. 409. Quarter-eagle, 1804. Similar to No. 408, but with fourteen stars over the head of eagle on reverse, and dated 1804. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 47 410. Quarter-eagle, 1805. Similar to No. 408, but with thirteen stars on obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right of LIBERTY. 411. Quarter-eagle, 1806. Similar to No. 410, except date. 411a. Quarter-eagle, 1806. Similar to No. 408, but with thirteen stars, grouped eight to left and five to right of LIBERTY. 412. Quarter-eagle, 1807. Similar to No. 410, except date. 413. Quarter-eagle, 1808. Types similar to the Half -eagle, No. 261, but with mark of value, 2-1/2 D., beneath the eagle on reverse, and dated 1808. Edge, reeded. Size, 13. 414. Quarter-eagle, 1821. Similar to the Half -eagle. No. 269, but with mark of value, 2-1 /2D. and dated 1821. Edge, reeded. Size, 12. 415. Quarter-eagle, 1824. Similar to No. 414, except date. 416. Quarter-eagle, 1826. Similar to No. 414, except date. 417. Quarter-eagle, 1827. Similar to No. 414, except date. 418. Quarter-eagle, 1829. Similar to No. 414, except date. 419. Quarter-eagle, 1830. Similar to No. 414, except date. 420. Quarter-eagle, 1831. Similar to No. 414, except date. 421. Quarter-eagle, 1832. Similar to No. 414, except date. 422. Quarter-eagle, 1833. Similar to No. 414, except date. 423. Quarter-eagle, 1834. Similar to No. 414, except date. 424. Quarter-eagle, 1834. Obv. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; her hair is wavy, and locks fall on neck; around, thirteen stars; below, 1834. Eev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, the head turned to left, bearing shield of the U. S. on breast; olive branch in right claw and three arrows in left; below 2-1/2 D. Reeded edge. Size, Hi. Wt., 64.5grs. 425. Quarter-eagle, 1835. Similar to No. 424, except date. 426. Quarter-eagle, 1836. Similar to No. 424, except date. 427. Quarter-eagle, 1837. Similar to No. 424, except date. 48 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 428. Quarter-eagle, 1838. Similar to No. 424, except date. 429. Quarter-eagle, 1839. Similar to No. 424, except date. 430. Quarter-eagle, 1840. Ohv. Bust of Liberty to left, with hair in a knot at back of head and secured by rope of pearls; in hair a fillet inscribed liberty; around, thir- teen stars; below, 1840. Rev. Similar to No. 424, but of different die, the olive branch in the eagle's claw being much larger. 431. Quarter-eagle, 1841. Similar to No. 430, except date. 432. Quarter-eagle, 1842. Similar to No. 430, except date. 433. Quarter-eagle, 1843. Similar to No. 430, except date. 434. Quarter-eagle, 1844. Similar to No. 430, except date. 435. Quarter-eagle, 1845. Similar to No. 430, except date. 436. Quarter-eagle, 1846. Similar to No. 430, except date. 437. Quarter-eagle, 1847. Similar to No. 430, except date. 438. Quarter-eagle, 1848. Similar to No. 430, except date. 439. Quarter-eagle, 1849. Similar to No. 430, except date. 440. Quarter-eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 430, except date. 441. Quarter-eagle, 1851. Similar to No. 430, except date. 442. Quarter-eagle, 1852. Similar to No. 430, except date. 443. Quarter-eagle, 1853. Similar to No. 430, except date. 444. Quarter-eagle, 1854. Similar to No. 430, except date. 445. Quarter-eagle, 1855. Similar to No, 430, except date. 446. Quarter-eagle, 1856. Similar to No. 430, except date. 447. Quarter-eagle, 1857. Similar to No. 430, except date. 448. Quarter-eagle, 1858. Similar to No, 430, except date. 449. Qfiarter-eagle, 1859. Similar to No. 430, except date. 450. Quarter-eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 430, except date. 451. Quarter-eagle, 1861. Similar to No. 430, except date. 452. Quarter-eagle, 1862. Similar to No. 430, except date. 453. Quarter-eagle, 1863. Similar to No. 430, except date. 454. Quarter-eagle, 1864. Similar to No. 430, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 49 455. Quarter-eagle, 1865. Similar to No. 430, except date. 456. Quarter-eagle, 1866. Similar to No. 430, except date. 457. Quarter-eagle, 1867. Similar to No. 430, except date. 468. Quarter-eagle, 1868. Similar to No. 430, except date. 459. Quarter-eagle, 1869. Similar to No. 430, except date. 460. Quarter-eagle, 1870. Similar to No. 430, except date. 461. Quarter-eagle, 1871. Similar to No. 430, except date. 462. Quarter-eagle, 1872. Similar to No. 430, except date. 463. Quarter-eagle, 1873. Similar to No. 430, except date. 464. Quarter-eagle, 1874. Similar to No. 430, except date. 465. Quarter-eagle, 1875. Similar to No. 430, except date. 466. Quarter-eagle, 1876. Similar to No. 430, except date. 467. Quarter-eagle, 1877. Similar to No. 430, except date. 468. Quarter-eagle, 1878. Similar to No. 430, except date. 469. Quarter-eagle, 1879. Similar to No. 430, except date. 470. Quarter-eagle, 1880. Similar to No. 430, except date. 471. Quarter-eagle, 1881. Similar to No. 430, except date. 472. Quarter-eagle, 1882. Similar to No. 430, except date. 473. Quarter-eagle, 1883. Similar to No. 430, except date. 474. Quarter-eagle, 1884. Similar to No. 430, except date. 475. Quarter-eagle, 1886. Similar to No. 430, except date. 476. Quarter-eagle, 1886. Similar to No. 430, except date. 477. Quarter-eagle, 1887. Similar to No. 430, except date. 478. Quarter-eagle, 1888. Similar to No. 430, except date. 479. Quarter-eagle, 1889. Similar to No. 430, except date. ; 480. Quarter-eagle, 1890. Similar to No. 430, except date. 481. Quarter-eagle, 1891. Similar to No. 430, except date. 482. Quarter-eagle, 1892. Similar to No. 430, except date. 483. Quarter-eagle, 1893. Similar to No. 430, except date. 484. Quarter-eagle, 1894. Similar to No. 430, except date. 60 CAtALOGUB OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 485. Quarter-eagle, 1895. Similar to No. 430, except date. 486. Quarter-eagle, 1896. Similar to No. 430, except date. 487. Quarter-eagle, 1897. Similar to No. 430, except date. 488. Quarter-eagle, 1898. Similar to No. 430, except date. 489. Quarter-eagle, 1899. Similar to No. 430, except date. 490. Quarter-eagle, 1900. Similar to No. 430, except date. 491. Quarter-eagle, 1901. Similar to No. 430, except date. 492. Quarter-eagle, 1902. Similar to No. 430, except date. 493. Quarter-eagle, 1903. Similar to No. 430, except date. 494. Quarter-eagle, 1904. Similar to No. 430, except date. 495. Quarter-eagle, 1905. Similar to No. 430, except date. 496. Quarter-eagle, 1906. Similar to No. 430, except date. 497. Quarter-eagle, 1907. Similar to No. 430, except date. 498. Quarter-eagle, 1908. Similar to the Eagle, No. 364, but reading 2-1 /2 D. below the eagle on reverse. Size, 11. 499. Quarter-eagle, 1909. Similar to No. 498, except date. 600. Quarter-eagle, 1910. Similar to No. 498, except date. 501. Dollar, 1849. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, with dia- dem inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, i | dollar | 1849. Reeded edge. Size, 8; wt., 25.8 grs.; PI. II, 9. 502. Dollar, 1850. Similar to No. 501, except date. 503. Dollar, 1851. Similar to No. 501, except date. 504-505. Dollar, 1852. Similar to No. 501, except date. 506-507. Dollar, 1853. Similar to No. 501, except date. 608. Dollar, 1854. Similar to No. 501, except date. 609. Dollar, 1854. Olv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An Indian female head to left, with feather bonnet, the band of which is inscribed liberty. Eev. Within a wreath of cotton and wheat, l [ dollar | 1854. Size, 9i; wt., 25.8 grs.; PI. II, 10. 1 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 610. Dollar, 1855. Similar to No. 509, except date. 611. Dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 509, except date. 612. Dollar, 1857. Similar to No. 509, except date. 613. Dollar, 1868. Similar to No. 509, except date. 514. Dollar, 1859. Similar to No. 509, except date. 616. Dollar, 1860. Similar to No. 509, except date. 616. Dollar, 1861. Similar to No. 509, except date. 517. Dollar, 1862. Similar to No. 509, except date. 518. Dollar, 1863. Similar to No. 509, except date. 619. Dollar, 1864. Similar to No. 509, except date. 620. Dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 509, except date. 521. Dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 509, except date. 622. Dollar, 1867. Similar to No. 509, except date. 523. Dollar, 1868. Similar to No. 509, except date. 524. Dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 509, except date. 626. Dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 509, except date. 626. Dollar, 1871. Similar to No. 509, except date. 627. Dollar, 1872. Similar to No. 509, except date. 628. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 509, except date. 629. Dollar, 1874. Similar to No. 509, except date. 630. Dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 509, except date. 631. Dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 509, except date. 632. Dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 509, except date. 633. Dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 509, except date. 634. Dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 509, except date. 636. Dollar, 1880. Similar to No. 609, except date. 636. Dollar, 1881. Similar to No. 509, except date. 537. Dollar, 1882. Similar to No. 509, except date. 638. Dollar, 1883. Similar to No. 509, except date. 639. Dollar, 1884. Similar to No. 509, except date. 640. Dollar, 1886. Similar to No. 509, except date. 541. Dollar, 1886. Similar to No. 509, except date. 51 52 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 642. Dollar, 1887. Similar to No. 509, except date. 543. Dollar, 1888. Similar to No. 509, except date. 644. Dollar, 1889. Similar to No. 509, except date. 645-646. Dollar, 1903. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, spe- cial issue. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust of President McKinley to left. Rev. LOUISI- ANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS. In field, ONE I DOLLAR | {ollve hranch) \ 1803 | 1903. Reeded edge. Size, 9. By C. E. Barber. 547. Dollar, 1903. Similar to No. 545, but with bust of Jefferson to left, on obverse. 648-649. Dollar, 1904. Lewis and Clark Exposition, special issue. Ohv. LEWIS-CLARK EXPOSITION PORT- LAND ORE. Bust of Mr. Meriweather Lewis to left; below, date. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust of Mr. William Clark to left; beneath, ONE DOLLAR. Reeded edge. Size, 9. By C. E. Barber. 650-561. Dollar, 1906. Similar to No. 548, except date. SILVER. 662. Dollar, 1794. Ohv. i^i^i^-kiri^ici LIBERTY *•*****. Bust of Liberty to right, with loosehair hanging on neck; below, 1 795. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played, the head turned to right, standing upon a rock; the whole within an olive wreath. Edge, HUNDRED □ O □ O □ * * CENTS * * □ O CZl * * ONE * * DOLLAR * * OR * * UNIT □□***. Size, 24i; wt., 416 grs. 663. Dollar, 1796. Similar to No. 552, except date; variety with three leaves beneath left wing of eagle. PI. Ill, 1. 664. Dollar, 1796. Ohv. LIBERTY. Draped bust of Lib- erty to right, with long hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; around, fifteen stars grouped eight to left and seven to right; below, 1 795. Rev. Eagle similar to No. 552, but perched upon a cloud and within a wreath of olive and palm branches. Edge as No. 552. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 53 555. DoUax, 1796. Similar to No. 554, except date. 556. Dollar, 1797. Similar to No. 554, but with sixteen stars on the obverse, grouped nine to left and seven to right of LIBERTY. 557. Dollar, 1797. Similar to No. 554, but with sixteen stars on the obverse, grouped ten to left and six to right of LIBERTY. 558. Dollar, 1798. Similar to No. 554, but with fifteen stars on the obverse, grouped eight to left and seven to right of LIBERTY. Size, 25. 559. Dollar, 1798. Similar to No. 554, but with thirteen stars on the obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right of LIBERTY. 560. Dollar, 1798. Ohv. Similar to No. 554, but with thir- teen stars on the obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right of LIBERTY; below, 1798. Eev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle displayed, with shield of the U. S. on breast, thirteen arrows in right claw and olive branch in left; in beak, a scroll inscribed E PLURiBUS - unum; about the head, thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Edge as No. 552. 561. Dollar, 1799. Similar to No. 560, except date. 561a. Dollar, 1799. Similar to No. 560, but with stars grouped eight to left and five to right of LI BERT Y. 562-3. Dollars, 1800. Similar to No. 560, except date. 564. Dollar, 1801. Similar to No. 560, except date. 565-6. Dollars, 1802. Similar to No. 560, with numeral 2 over 1 in the date. 567. Dollar, 1803. Similar to No. 560, except date. 568. Dollar, 1804. Types similar to No. 560, but with a bead- ing around the borders. The edge, which is similar to No. 552, is very faintly struck, the legend being only legible, while the condition of the specimen is other- wise "uncirculated." Very rare. PI. Ill, 2. 669. Dollar, 1804. Types similar to No. 560, but with several minor variations, and with a plain edge. This piece is understood to have been struck several years later than the date it bears. 54 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 670. Dollar, 1840. Ohv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, with neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, the head turned to left; she holds in left hand a pole sur- mounted by liberty cap, the right hand supporting the shield of the United States which rests upon the ground by her side; across the shield is a scroll inscribed lib- erty; beneath, 1840. R&c. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted ; an olive branch in right claw and arrows in left; below, ON E DOL. Reeded edge. Size, 24; PL III, 3. 1841. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1842. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1843. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1844. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1845. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1846. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1847. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1848. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1849. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1850. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1851. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1852. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1853. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1864. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1856. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1866. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1867. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1868. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1869. Similar to No. 570, except date. 1860. Similar to No. 570, except date. 671. Dollar, 672. Dollar, 673. Dollar, 674. Dollar, 676. Dollar, 676. Dollar, 677. Dollar, 678. Dollar, 679. Dollar, 680. Dollar, 681. Dollar, 682. Dollar, 683. Dollar, 684. Dollar, 686. Dollar, 686. Dollar, 687. Dollar, 688. Dollar, 689. Dollar, 690. Dollar, CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 55 691. Dollar, 1861. Similar to No. 570, except date. 692. Dollar, 1862. Similar to No. 570, except date. 693. Dollar, 1863. Similar to No. 570, except date. 694. Dollar, 1864. Similar to No. 570, except date. 696. Dollar, 1865. Similar to No. 570, except date. 696. Dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 570, but on a scroll above the eagle on reverse, in god - we - trust, and dated 1866. 697. Dollar, 1867. Similar to No. 596, except date. 698. Dollar, 1868. Similar to No. 596, except date. 699. Dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 596, except date. 600. Dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 596, except date. Similar to No. 596, except date. Similar to No. 596, except date. Similar to No. 596, except date. 601. Dollar, 1871. 602. Dollar, 1872. 603. Dollar, 1873. I 604-5. Trade-dollars, 1873. Ohv. Liberty, with diadem, wear- ing Greek chiton, her neck and arms bare, seated to left upon a bale of goods by the sea; holds a branch of olive in extended right hand and in her left, which hangs by her side, a scroll on which, Liberty; behind and leaning against the bale of goods, sheaf of wheat; beneath the bale, a scroll inscribed in god we trust; around, thirteen stars; below, 1873. Iteo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings dis- played inverted, the head turned to right, three ar- rows in right claw and olive branch in left; above, on a scroll, e pluribus unum; beneath the eagle, 420 GRAINS 900 FINE, and on margin, TRADE DOLLAR. Keeded edge. Size, 24. PI. Ill, 4. 606. Trade-dollar, 1874. Similar to No. 604, except date. 607. Trade-dollar, 1875. Similar to No. 604, except date. 608. Trade-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 604, except date. 609. Trade-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 604, except date. 610. Trade-dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 604, except date. 56 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 611-12. Dollars, 1878. Obv. Head of Liberty to left, with liberty cap, the band of which is inscribed liberty; in hair, cotton bolls and wheat heads; around, • •••**• E. PLURIBUS . UNUM • ••••*; below, 1878. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed erect, the head turned to left, an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in left, within an olive wreath; above, in straight line, 3(n (Sinb tup truHt; below, ONE DOLLAR. Keeded edge. Size, 24; wt., 412i grs. By Morgan. 613. Trade-dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 604, except date. 614. Dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 611, except date. 615. Trade-dollar, 1880. Similar to No, 604, except date. 616. Dollar, 1880. Similar to No. 611, except date. 617. Trade-dollar, 1881. Similar to No. 604, except date. 618. Dollar, 1881. Similar to No. 611, except date. 619. Trade-dollar, 1882. Similar to No. 604, except date. 620. Dollar, 1882. Similar to No. 611, except date. 621. Trade-dollar, 1883. Similar to No. 604, except date. 622. Dollar, 1883. Similar to No. 611, except date. 623. Dollar, 1884. Sunilar to No. 611, except date. 624. Dollar, 1885. Similar to No. 611, except date. 625. Dollar, 1886. Similar to No. 611, except date. 626. Dollar, 1887. Similar to No. 611, except date. 627. Dollar, 1888. Similar to No. 611, except date. 628. Dollar, 1889. Similar to No. 611, except date. 629. Dollar, 1890. Similar to No. 611, except date. 630. Dollar, 1891. Similar to No. 611, except date. 631. Dollar, 1892. Similar to No. 611, except date. 632. Dollar, 1893. Similar to No. 611, except date. 633. Dollar, 1894. Similar to No. 611, except date. 634. Dollar, 1895. Similar to No. 611, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 67 635. Dollar, 1896. Similar to No. 611, except date. 636. Dollar, 1897. Similar to No. 611, except date. 637. Dollar, 1898. Similar to No. 611, except date. 638. Dollar, 1899. Similar to No. 611, except date. 639. Dollar, 1900. Similar to No. 611, except date. 640-1. Lafayette Dollar, 1900. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Heads of Washington and Lafayette, conjoined, to right; below, LAFAYETTE DOLLAR. Rev. ERECTED . BY . THE . YOUTH . OF . THE . UNITED . STATES . IN . HONOR . OF . GEN . LAFAYETTE. Equestrian statue of Gen. Lafayette, to left; on base, baetlett; below, * PA R I S. * 1 900. * Edge, reeded. Size, 24. By C. E. Barber and Bart- lett. PI. in, 5. 642. Dollar, 1901. Similar to No. 611, except date. 643. Dollar, 1902. Similar to No. 611, except date. 644. Dollar, 1903. Similar to No. 611, except date. 645-6. Dollars, 1904. Similar to No. 611, except date. 647-8. Half-dollar, 1794. Ohv. •••••••• LIB- ERTY • ••••*•. Bust of Liberty, with long, loose hair, to right; below, 1794. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played, standing upon a rock, the head turned to right, within a wreath of laurel branches; scallop pattern on borders. Edge, * -k fifty * * 000 cents* * * or □ HALF * * A * * DOLLAR * * czioao. Size, 21; wt., 208 grs. 649. Half-dollar, 1795. Similar to No. 647, but with heavier wreath and dated 1 795. 660. Half-dollar, 1796. Ohv. LIBERTY. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long, loose hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; around, fifteen stars, grouped eight to left and seven to right of lib- erty; beneath, 1796. Rev. Similar to No. 647, but with wreath of olive and palm branches. Edge, as No. 647. 58 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 661. Half-dollar, 1796. Similar to No. 650, but with sixteen stars, grouped nine to left and seven to right. 652. Half-dollar, 1797. Similar to No. 650, except date. 653. Half-dollar, 1801. Ohv. Similar to No. 650, but with thirteen stars, grouped seven to left and six to right of liberty; beneath, 1801 . Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle displayed, with shield of U. S. on breast, grasping thirteen arrows in right claw and an olive branch in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e plumbus-unum; about the head, thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Edge, similar to No. 647. Size, 21; wt., 208 grs. 654. Half-dollar, 1802. Similar to No. 653, except date. 655. Half-dollar, 1803. Similar to No. 653, except date. 656. Half-dollar, 1805. Similar to No. 653, except date. 657. Half-dollar, 1806. Similar to No. 653, except date. 658-9. Half-dollar, 1807. Similar to No. 653, except date. 660. Half-dollar, 1807. Ohv. Draped bust of Liberty to left, the hair falling loosely about neck and shoulders, with liberty cap, the band of which is inscribed liberty; around, ******* — ******; below,1807. ^^7j. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, bearing U. S. shield on breast, an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in left; above, a scroll inscribed e pluri- bus unum; below, 50 C. Edge, fifty cents or HALF A DOLLAR. Size, 21. By Reich. PI. IV. 1. 661. Half-dollar, 1808. Similar to No. 660, except date. 662. Half-dollar, 1809. Similar to No. 660, except date. 663. Half-dollar, 1810. Similar to No. 660, except date. 664. Half-dollar, 1811. Similar to No. 660, except date. 665. Half-dollar, 1812. Similar to No. 660, except date. 666. Half-dollar, 1813. Similar to No. 660, except date. 667. Half-dollar, 1814. Similar to No. 660, except date. 668. Half-dollar, 1815. Similar to No. 660, except date. 669. Half-dollar, 1817. Similar to No. 660, except date. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 59 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. Half-dollar date. Half-dollar Half-dollar 1817. Similar to No. 660, with Y over 3 in 1818. Similar to No. 660, except date. 1818. Similar to No. 660, with 8 over 7 in date. Half-dollar, 1819. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1820. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1821. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1822. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1823. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1824. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1825. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1826. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1827. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1828. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1829. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1830. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1831. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1832. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1833. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1834. Similar to No. 660, except date. Half-dollar, 1834. Similar to No. 660, but the stars, the figures in date, and the letters of inscription on reverse are smaller. Half-dollar, 1835. Similar to No, 689, except date. Half-dollar, 1836. Similar to No. 689, except date. Half-dollar, 1836. Ohv. Around, •*•••• - ******* Bust of Liberty, draped, to left, with loose hair falling on neck and shoulders, and wearing a liberty cap, the band of which is inscribed liberty; below, 1836. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in left; below, 50 CENTS. Edge, reeded, Size, 19, 60 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 693. Half-dollar, 1837. Similar to No. 692, except date. 694. Half-dollar, 1838. Similar to No. 692, but reading HALF DOL. below the eagle on reverse. 695. Half-dollar, 1838. Similar to No. 692, but with (New Orleans Mint) beneath the bust. 696. Half-dollar, 1838. Types similar to No. 570— the seated figure of Liberty, and on reverse the eagle with wings displayed inverted — but reading HALF DOL. below the eagle on reverse. Reeded edge. Size, 19. 697-8. Half-dollar, 1839. Similar to No. 696, except date. 699. Half-dollar, 1839. Similar to No. 692, but with (New Orleans Mint) beneath the bust. 700. Half-dollar, 1840. Similar to No. 696, except date. 700a. Half-dollar, 1840. Similar to No. 696, but with O (New Orleans Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. 701. Half-dollar, 1841. Similar to No. 696, except date. 702. Half-dollar, 1841. Similar to No. 696, but with (New Orleans Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. 703. Half-dollar, 1842. Similar to No. 696, except date. 704. Half-dollar, 1843. Similar to No. 696, except date. 704a. Half-dollar, 1843. Similar to No. 696, but with (New Orleans Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. 705. Half-dollar, 1844. Similar to No. 696, except date. 706. Half-dollar, 1845. Similar to No. 696, except date. 707. Half-dollar, 1846. Similar to No. 696, except date. 708. Half-dollar, 1847. Similar to No. 696, except date. 709. Half-dollar, 1848. Similar to No. 696, except date. 710. Half-dollar, 1849. Similar to No. 696, except date. 711. Half-dollar, 1850. Similar to No. 696, except date. 712. Half-dollar, 1851. Similar to No. 696, except date. 713. Half-dollar, 1852. Similar to No. 696, except date. 714. Half-dollar, 1853. Similar to No. 696, but with arrow- heads at sides of the date; and on reverse the eagle is surrounded by rays. Size, 18; wt., reduced to 192 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 61 I 716. 716. 716a 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. Half-dollar, 1854. Similar to No. 696, but with arrow- heads at sides of the date, the rays of 714 omitted from reverse. Half-dollar, 1855. Similar to No. 715, but with letter S (San Francisco Mint) beneath the eagle on reverse. , Half-dollar, 1855. Similar to No. 715, except date. Half-dollar, 1856. Similar to No. 696, except date — the arrowheads omitted. Half-dollar, 1857. Sim Half-dollar, 1858. Sim Half-dollar, 1859. Sim Half-dollar, 1860. Sim Half-dollar, 1861. Sim Half-dollar, 1862. Sim Half-dollar, 1863. Sim Half-dollar, 1864. Sim Half-dollar, 1865. Sim Half-dollar, 1866. Sim lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, except date, lar to No. 696, but above the eagle, on reverse, a scroll on which in god - we - TRUST. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, except date. Similar to No. 727, but with an arrow- head at each side of the date. Wt., 12.600 grams. Half-dollar, 1874. Similar to No. 735, except date. Half-dollar, 1875. Similar to No. 727, except date— the arrowheads of 735 being omitted. Half-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 727, except date. 22023°— 14 5 Half-dollar, 1867. Half-dollar, 1868. Half-dollar, 1869. Half-dollar, 1870. Half-dollar, 1871. Half-dollar, 1872. Half-dollar, 1873. Half-dollar, 1873. 62 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 739. Half-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 727, except date. 740. Half-dollar, 741. Half-dollar 742. Half-dollar 743. Half-dollar 744. Half-dollar 745. Half-dollar 746. Half-dollar 747. Half-dollar 748. Half-dollar, 749. Half-dollar 750. Half-dollar 751. Half-dollar 752. Half-dollar 753. Half-dollar 764. Half-dollar 1878. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1879. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1880. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1881. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1882. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1883. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1884. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1886. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1886. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1887. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1888. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1889. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1890. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1891. Similar to No. 727, except date. 1892. Obv. Head of Liberty to right, wear- ing liberty cap with laurel wreath over the cap; in front hair a fillet inscribed liberty; around, ****** IN GOD WE TRUST *******; below head, 1 892. R&v. An eagle displayed, bearing shield of the United States on breast; a branch of olive in right claw and thirteen arrows in the left; in beak a scroll on which is E pluribus - unum; above the head, thirteen stars; below the eagle, .HALF DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. Size, 19. By C. E. Barber. PI. IV, 2. 765-6. ColTunbian half-dollar, 1892. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust of Columbus to right; below, COLUMBIAN HALF DOLLAR. Rev. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO. A ship, sailing to left; below, two hemispheres, divided by which is the date, 14 - 92; below, 1 892. Edge, reeded. Size, 19. By C. E. Barber. 767. Half-dollar, 1893. Similar to No. 754, except date. 758. Columbian half-dollar, 1893. Similar to No. 755, except date. PL IV, 3. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. imilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date, ilar to No. 754, except date. 63 Half-dollar, Half-dollar, Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar, Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar, Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar Half-dollar 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. I 776. Quarter-dollar, 1796. Ohv. ••••••••LIB- ERTY • ••••••. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long loose hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; below, 1796. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, standing upon a rock, the head turned to right, within a wreath of laurel branches; scallop pattern on borders. Reeded edge. Size, 18. 777. Quarter-dollar, 1804. Ohv. Similar to No. 776, but with thirteen stars, grouped seven to left and six to right; below, 1804. ^6?;. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle, displayed, with shield of U. S. on breast, grasping arrows in right claw and olive branch in left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e pluribus-unum; about the head thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds; below, 25 C. Reeded edge. Size, 18; wt., 104 grs. 64 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 778. Quarter-dollar, 1805. Similar to No. 777, except date. 779. Quarter-dollar, 1806. Similar to No. 777, except date. 780. Quarter-dollar, 1807. Similar to No. 777, except date. 781-2. Quarter-dollar, 1816. Ohv. Around, ••••••• - ****** Draped bust of Liberty to left, the hair falling loosely about the neck and shoulders, with lib- erty cap, the band of which is inscribed liberty; below, 1815. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, bearing U. S. shield on breast, grasping olive branches in right claw and three arrows in left; above, a scroll inscribed e PLURiBus unum; below, 25 C. Reeded edge. 783. Quarter-dollar, 1818. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781 , except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, except date. 784. Quarter-dollar, 1819. 785. Quarter-dollar, 1820. 786. Quarter-dollar, 1821. 787. Quarter-dollar, 1822. 788. Quarter-dollar, 1823. 789. Quarter-dollar, 1824. 790. Quarter-dollar. 1825. 791. Quarter-dollar, 1827. PI. IV, 4. 792. Quarter-dollar, 1828. 793. Quarter-dollar, 1831. Similar to No. 781, except date. Similar to No. 781, but scroll with motto omitted on reverse. Size, 15. 794-795. Quarter-dollar, 1832. Similar to No. 793, except date. 796. Quarter-dollar, 1833. Similar to No. 793, except date. Similar to No. 793, except date. Similar to No. 793, except date. Similar to No. 793, except date. Similar to No. 793, except date. Similar to No. 793, except date. 797. Quarter-dollar, 1834. 798. Quarter-dollar, 1835. 799. Quarter-dollar, 1836. 800. Quarter-dollar, 1837. 801. Quarter-dollar, 1838. CATALOGtlE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 65 II 802. Quarter-dollar, 1838. Obv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, with neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, the head turned to left; she holds in left hand a pole surmounted by liberty cap, the right hand supporting the shield of the United States; across the shield is a scroll inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1838. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, grasping olive branch in right claw and arrows in left; below, QUA R.DOL Reeded edge. Size, 15. 803. Quarter-dollar, 1839. Similar to No. 802, except date. 804. Quarter-dollar, 1840. Similar to No. 802, except date. 805. Quarter-dollar, 1841. Similar to No. 802, except date. 806. Quarter-dollar, 1842. Similar to No. 802, except date. 807. Quarter-dollar, 1843. Similar to No. 802, except date. 808. Quarter-dollar, 1844. Similar to No. 802, except date. 809. Quarter-dollar, 1845. Similar to No. 802, except date. 810. Quarter-dollar, 1846. Similar to No. 802, except date. 811. Quarter-dollar, 1847. Similar to No. 802, except date. 812. Quarter-dollar, 1848. Similar to No. 802, except date. 813. Quarter-dollar, 1849. Similar to No. 802, except date. 814. Quarter-dollar, 1850. Similar to No. 802, except date. 815. Quarter-dollar, 1851. Similar to No. 802, except date. 816. Quarter-dollar, 1852. Similar to No. 802, except date. 817-818. Quarter-dollar, 1863. Similar to No. 802, except date. 819. Quarter-dollar, 1853. Similar to No. 802, but with arrow- heads at sides of the date; and on reverse the eagle is surrounded by rays. Weight reduced to 96 grains. Size, 16. 820. Quarter-dollar, 1864. Similar to No. 802, but with arrow- heads at sides of the date. (The rays of No. 819 omitted from reverse.) . 66 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 821-822. Quarter-dollar, 1855. Similar to No. 820, except date. 823. Quarter-dollar, 1856. Similar to No. 802, except date. 824. Quarter-dollar, 1857. Similar to No. 802, except date. 825. Quarter-dollar, 1858. Similar to No. 802, except date. 826. Quarter-dollar, 1859. Similar to No. 802, except date. 827. Quarter-dollar, 1860. Similar to No. 802, except date. 828. Quarter-dollar, 1861. Similar to No. 802, except date. 829. Quarter-dollar, 1862. Similar to No. 802, except date. 830. Quarter-dollar, 1863. Similar to No. 802, except date. 831. Quarter-dollar, 1864. Similar to No. 802, except date. 832. Quarter-dollar, 1865. Similar to No. 802, except date. 833. Quarter-dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 802, but above the eagle, on reverse, a scroll on which is in god - we - TRUST. 834. Quarter-dollar, 1867. Similar to No. 833, except date. 835. Quarter-dollar, 1868. Similar to No. 833, except date. 836. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 833, except date. 387. Quarter-dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 833, except date. 838. Quarter-dollar, 1871. Similar to No. 833, except date. 839. Quarter-dollar, 1872. Similar to No. 833, except date. 840. Quarter-dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 833, except date. 841. Quarter-dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 833, but with arrow- heads at sides of date. Wt., 6.250 grams, 842. Quarter-dollar, 1874. Similar to No. 841, except date. 843. Quarter-dollar, 1875. Similar to No. 833, except date — the arrow-heads of No. 841 being omitted from obverse. 844. Quarter-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 833, except date. 845. Quarter-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 833, except date. 846. Quarter-dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 833, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 67 847. Quarter-dollar, 1879. Sim 848. Quarter-dollar, 1880. Sim 849. Quarter-dollar, 1881. Sim 850. Quarter-dollar, 1882. Sim 851. Quarter-dollar, 1883. Sim 852. Quarter-dollar, 1884. Sim 853. Quarter-dollar, 1885. Sim 854. Quarter-dollar, 1886. Sim 855. Quarter-dollar, 1887. Sim 856. Quarter-dollar, 1888. Sim 857. Quarter-dollar, 1889. Similar to No. 833, except date. 858. Quarter-dollar, 1890. Sim lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date. lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date, lar to No. 833, except date. lar to No. 833, except date. 859. Quarter-dollar, 1891. Similar to No. 833, except date. 860. Quarter-dollar, 1892. Obv. •••••• IN GODWE TRUST •••*••• Head of Liberty to right, wearing liberty cap, over which is a laurel wreath; in front hair a fillet inscribed liberty; below, 1892. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle displayed, bearing shield of the United States on breast; a branch of olive in right claw and thirteen ar- rows in left; in beak, a scroll on which is e plueibus- unum; above the head, thirteen stars; below the eagle, QUARTER DOLLAR. Reeded edge. Size, 15^. By C. E. Barber. 861. Quarter-dollar, 1893. Similar to No. 860, except date. 862-3. Columbian Quarter-dollar, 1893. Obv. UNITED STATES — OF AMERICA. Crowned bust of Isabella of Spain, to left; in field, on right, 1893. Rev. BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. A spinner, kneeling to left, a distafi' in her left hand and a spindle in right; below, COLUMBIAN QUAR.DOL Reeded edge. Size, 15. By C. E. Barber. PI. IV, 5. 864. Quarter-dollar, 1894. Similar to No. 860, except date. 68 CATALOGUE 866. Quarter-dollar, 866. Quarter-dollar, 867. Quarter-dollar, 868. Quarter-dollar, 869. Quarter-dollar, 870. Quarter-dollar, 871. Quarter-dollar, 872. Quarter-dollar, 873. Quarter-dollar, 874. Quarter-dollar, 875. Quarter-dollar, 876. Quarter-dollar, 877. Quarter-dollar, 878. Quarter-dollar, 879. Quarter-dollar, 880. Quarter-dollar, OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1895. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1896. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1897. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1898. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1899. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1900. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1901. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1902. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1903. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1904. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1905. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1906. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1907. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1908. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1909. Similar to No. 860, except date. 1910. Similar to No. 860, except date. 881-882. Twenty cents, 1876. Obv. Liberty, wearing Greek- chiton, with neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, her head turned to left; she holds in left hand a pole surmounted by liberty cap, the right hand sup- porting the shield of the United States; across the shield is a scroll inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; beneath, 1875. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to right, three arrows in right claw and an olive branch in the left; below TWENTY CENTS. (This is the same type of eagle as on Trade Dollar, No. 604.) Edge, plain. Size, 14; wt., 76.16 grs. 883. Twenty cents, 1876. Similar to No. 881, except date. 884. Twenty cents, 1877. Similar to No. 881, except date. 886. Twenty cents, 1878. Similar to No. 881. except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MfiDALS. 69 886. Dime, 1796. Olv. •tV****** LIBERTY *******. Draped . bust of Liberty to right, with long loose hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; below, 1796. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played, the head turned to right, standing upon a rock, within a wreath of olive and palm branches. Edge, reeded. Size, 13 ; wt. , 41. 6 grs. Same type as PI. Ill, 1. 887. Dime, 1797. Similar to No. 886, but with sixteen stars on the obverse grouped nine to left and seven to right. Dated 1797. 888. Dime, 1798. Obi). Similar to No. 886, but with thirteen stars on obverse, grouped seven to left and six to right; below, 1798. ^6v. UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. An eagle displayed, with shield of the United States on breast, arrows in right claw and olive branch in left; in beak, a scroll inscribed e pluribus - unum; about the head, thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Reeded edge. Size, 13. 889. Dime, 1800. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. Similar to No. 888, except date. ' Ohv. Around, ******* * * * Draped bust of Liberty, to 890. Dime, 1801. 891. Dime, 1802. 892. Dime, 1803. 893. Dime, 1804. 894. Dime, 1805. 896. Dime, 1807. 896-7. Dime, 1809. — * * * left, with hair falling loosely about neck and shoulders, wearing a liberty cap, on the band of which is liberty; below,1809. i?6^j. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, bearing shield of the United States on breast, olive branches in right claw and three arrows in left; above, on a scroll, E PLURIBUS unum; bclow, 10 C. Size, 12. Same type as PL IV, 1. 898. Dime, 1811. Similar to No. 896, except date. 70 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 899. Dime, 1814. Similar to No. 896, except date. 900. Dime, 1820. Similar to No. 896, except date. 901. Dime, 1821. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. Similar to No. 896, except date. 917-18. Dime, 1837. Oh'o. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, with neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, her head turned to left; she holds in left hand a pole surmounted by liberty cap, the right hand supporting tbfe shield of the United States; on a scroll across the shield, liberty; below, 1837. Rev. UN ITED STATES OF AM ERICA. Within an olive wreath, one \ dime. Edge, reeded. Size, Hi. By Gobrecht, Obverse type is similar to the Dollar, No. 570. Obverse type same as Fl. Ill, 3. 919. Dime, 1838. Similar to No. 917, but reading one | dime | o I (New Orleans Mint) within wreath on obverse. 920. Dime, 1838. Similar to No. 917, but with thirteen stars on the obverse. 921. Dime, 1839. Similar to No. 920, except date. 922. Dime, 1840. Similar to No. 920, except date. 902. Dime, 1822. 903. Dime, 1823. 904. Dime, 1824. 905. Dime, 1825. 906. Dime, 1827. 907. Dime, 1828. 908.. Dime, 1829. 909. Dime, 1830. 910. Dime, 1831. 911. Dime, 1832. 912. Dime, 1833. 913. Dime, 1834. 914. Dime, 1835. 915. Dime, 1836. 916. Dime, 1837. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 71 923. Dime, 1841. Similar to No. 920, except date. 924. Dime, 1842. Similar to No. 920, except date. 925. Dime, 1843. Similar to No. 920, except date. 926. Dime, 1844. Similar to No. 920, except date. 927. Dime, 1846. Similar to No. 920, except date. 928. Dime, 1846. Similar to No. 920, except date. 929. Dime, 1847. Similar to No. 920, except date. 930. Dime, 1848. Similar to No. 920, except date. 931. Dime, 1849. Similar to No. 920, except date. 932. Dime, 1850. Similar to No. 920, except date. 933. Dime, 1851. Similar to No. 920, except date. 934. Dime, 1852. Similar to No. 920, except date. 935. Dime, 1853. Similar to No. 920, except date. 936. Dime, 1853. Similar to No. 920, but with an arrowhead at each side of the date. Wt., 38.4 grs. 937. Dime, 1854. Similar to No. 936, except date. 938. Dime, 1855. Similar to No. 936, except date. 939. Dime, 1856. Similar to No. 920, except date (the arrow- heads of No. 936 being omitted). 940. Dime, 1867. Similar to No. 920, except date. 941. Dime, 1858. Similar to No. 920, except date. 942. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 920, except date. 943. Dime, 1860. Similar to No. 920, but with S (San Fran- cisco Mint) beneath the value on reverse. 944. Dime, 1860. OU, UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. Liberty seated, as No. 917. Rev. one | dime | within a wreath of oak and corn. 945. Dime, 1861. Similar to No. 944, except date. 946. Dime, 1862. Similar to No. 944, except date. 947. Dime, 1863. Similar to No. 944, except date. 948. Dime, 1864. Similar to No. 944, except date. 949. Dime, 1866. Similar to No. 944, except date. 7S 950. 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 957. 968. 969. 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. 966. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. 976. 976. 977. Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime Dime CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, except date. Similar to No. 944, but with arrow-head at each side of date Dime Dime 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1873. 1874. 1876. Sim Sim Wt., 2.500 grams, lar to No. 958, except date, lar to No. 944, except date (the arrow- heads of No. 958 omitted). Dime, 1876. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1877. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1878. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1879. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1880. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1881. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1882. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1883. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1884. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1885. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1886. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1887, Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1888. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1889. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1890. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1891. Similar to No. 944, except date. Dime, 1892. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to right, wearing liberty cap with laurel over the cap; in front hair, a ribbon inscribed liberty; below, 1892. Rev. one | dime j within a wreath of oak, corn and wheat. Size, 11^. 978. Dime, 979. Dime, 980. Dime, 981. Dime, 982. Dime, 983. Dime, 984. Dime, 985. Dime, 986. Dime, 987. Dime, 988. Dime, 989. Dime, 990. Dime, 991. Dime, 992. Dime, 993. Dime, 994. Dime, 995. Dime, CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1893. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1894. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1895. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1896. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1897. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1898. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1899. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1900. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1901. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1902. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1903. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1904. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1905. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1906. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1907. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1908. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1909. Similar to No. 977, except date. 1910. Similar to No. 977, except date. 73 996. Half -dime, 1794. Ohv. •••••••• LIBE RT Y • • -K * * * *. Bust of Liberty, with long flowing hair, to right; below, 1794. Rei). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed, standing upon a rock, the head turned to right, within a wreath of laurel branches; scallop pattern on borders. Edge, reeded. Size, 10; wt., 20.8 grs. 997. Half-dime, 1795. Similar to No. 996, except date. PI. IV, 6. 998. Half-dime, 1796. 999. Half-dime, 1797. Similar to No. 996, except date. Ohv. LIBERTY. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long loose hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; around, fifteen stars, grouped eight to left and seven to right, and 1797 beneath. Rev. Similar to No. 996, but with wreath of olive and palm branches. 74 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1000. Half -dime, 1797. Similar to No. 999, but with thirteen stars, grouped seven to left and six to right. 1001. Half -dime, 1800. Olv. Similar to No. 1000. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle dis- played, with shield of United States on breast, thirteen arrows in right claw and olive branch in left; in beak, a scroll on which is e pluribus unum; about the head thirteen stars beneath an arch of clouds. Edge, reeded. Size, lOi; wt., 20.8 grs. 1002. Half -dime, 1801. Similar to No. 1001, except date. 1003. Half -dime, 1802. Similar to No. 1001, except date. 1004. Half -dime, 1803. Similar to No. 1001, except date. 1005. Half-dime, 1806. Similar to No. 1001, except date. 1006. Half-dime, 1829. Olv. Around, ••••••• — ******. Draped bust of Liberty to left, the hair falling loosely about neck and shoulders, with liberty cap, the band of which is inscribed liberty; below, 1829. Rev. UN ITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, bearing United States shield on breast; olive branches in right claw and three arrows in left; above, a scroll inscribed e pluribus unum; below, 5 C. Edge, reeded. Size, 10. 1007. Half-dime, 1830. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1008. Half -dime, 1831. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1009. Half-dime, 1832. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1010. Half-dime, 1833. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1011. Half-dime, 1834. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1012. Half-dime, 1835. Similar to No. 1006, except date. 1013. Half-dime, 1835. Similar to No. 1006, but with smaller figures in date. 1014. Half-dime, 1836. Similar to No. 1013, except date. 1015. Half-dime, 1837. Similar to No. 1013, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 75 1016-17. Half-dime, 1837. Ohv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, with neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, her head turned to left; she holds in left hand a pole surmounted by liberty cap, the right hand sup- porting the shield of the United States; on a scroll across the shield, liberty; below, 1837. Refv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, HALF I DIME. Edge, reeded. (Obverse type is similar to the Dollar, No. 5Y().) Size, 10. 1018. Half-dime, 1838. Similar to No. 1016, but with half | DIME I o I (NewOrleansMint)withinwreath on reverse. 1019. Half-dime, 1838. Similar to No. 1016, but with thirteen stars on obverse and dated 1838. 1020. Half -dime, 1839. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1021. Half-dime, 1840. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1022-3. Half-dime, 1841. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1024. Half -dime, 1842. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1025. Half -dime, 1843. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1026. Half-dime, 1844. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1027. Half-dime, 1845. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1028. Half-dime, 1846. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1029. Half -dime, 1847. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1030. Half-dime, 1848. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1031. Half-dime, 1849. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1032. Half-dime, 1850. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1033. Half-dime, 1851. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1034. Half-dime, 1852. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1035. Half-dime, 1853. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1036. Half-dime, 1853. Similar to No. 1019, but with arrow- heads at sides of date. Size, 10; wt., 19.2. 1037. Half-dime, 1854. Similar to No. 1036, except date. 1038. Half -dime, 1855. Similar to No. 1036, except date. 1039. Half -dime, 1856. Similar to No. 1019, except date, the arrow-heads of No. 1036 being omitted. Y6 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1040. Half-dime, 1857. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1041. Half-dime, 1868. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1042. Half -dime, 1859. Similar to No. 1019, except date. 1043. Half-dime, 1860. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Liberty as No. 1016. R&o. half | dime within wreath of oak and com. 1044. Half-dime, 1861. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1045. Half-dime, 1862. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1046. Half -dime, 1863. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1047. Half-dime, 1864. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1048. Half-dime, 1865. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1049. Half-dime, 1866. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1050. Half-dime, 1867. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1051. Half-dime, 1868. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1052. Half-dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1053. Half-dime, 1870. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1054. Half-dime, 1871. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1056. Half -dime, 1872. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1066. Half-dime, 1873. Similar to No. 1043, except date. 1057. Three-cents, 1861. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Shield of the Cnited States on a six- pointed star; below, 1851. Rev. Roman numeral III within the letter C; around, thirteen stars. Edge, plain. Size, 9; wt., 11.52 grs.; PI. IV, 7. 1058. Three-cents, 1862. Similar to No. 1057, except date. 1069. Three-cents, 1863. Similar to No. 1057, except date. 1060. Three-cents, 1864. Types similar to No. 1057, but larger star on obverse, and on reverse a sprig of olive above, and three arrows beneath, the numeral 1 1 1 within the letter C. 1061-79. Three-cents, 1855-1873. Similar to No. 1060, ex- cept dates. CATALOGUE OF COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 77 NICKEL. 1080-1. Five-cents, 1866. Ohv. Garnished shield of the United States, with olive branch hanging from the top and down each side; back of the base, two arrows, crossed; above, IN GOD WE TRUST; below, 1866. Bev, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Numerals within a circle of thirteen stars interspersed with thir- teen rays; below, CENTS. Edge, plain. Size, 13; PI. IV, 8. 1082. Five-cents, 1867. Similar to No. 1080, except date. 1083. Five-cents, 1867. Similar to No. 1080, but with numeral 5 within a circle of thirteen stars. 1084-99. Five-cents, 1868-1883. Similar to No. 1083, except date. 1100. Five-cents, 1883. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libeety, and with cotton bolls and wheat heads in hair; around, thirteen stars; below, 1883. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Roman numeral V within wreath of cotton and corn; below, E pluribds unum. Size, 14^. By C. E. Barber. 1101. Five-cents, 1883. Similar to No. 1100 but with e pluri- Bus UNUM above, and CENTS below the wreath. 1102-28. Five-cents, 1884r-1910. Similar to No. 1101, except dates. 1129. Three-cents, 1865. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem, on which is LiBERxr. Rev. Roman numeral III within an olive wreath. Edge, plain. Size, 11; PI. IV, 9. 1130-53. Three-cents, 1866-1889. Similar to No. 1129, except dates. COPPER AND BRONZE. 1164. Two cents, 1864. Ohv. Garnished shield of the United States over two arrows in saltire; olive branches hang from the top and down sides of the shield; on a scroll above, in god - we - trust; below, 1864. Refo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of wheat, 2 | gents. Size, 14; PI. V, 13. 22023° — 14 6 78 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1155-63. Two cents, 1865-1873. Similar to No. 1154, except dates. 1164. Cent, 1793. Ohv. LIBERTY. Bust of Liberty to right, with loose, flowing hair; below, 1793. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A chain of fifteen links encircling one | cent | t^t- Plain bor- ders. Edge partly reeded, partly adorned with a vine. Size, 18; PI. V, 1. 1164a. Cent, 1793. Similar to No. 1164, but reading UNITED STATES OF AMERI. on reverse. 1165. Cent, 1793. Ohv. Similar to No. 1164, but bust is longer, and below, three olive leaves on a stem that is turned to right. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath, one | cent; beneath the wreath, y^^; beaded borders. Size, 17i; PI. V, 2. 1166. Cent, 1793. Similar to No. 1165, but the stem of the olive twig is turned to left. Size, 17. 1167. Cent, 1793. Ohv. LIBERTY. Bust of Liberty to right, a liberty pole surmounted by cap over left shoulder; below,1793. Rev. UN ITED STATES OF AM ERICA. Within an olive wreath, one | cent; below, y^^; beaded borders. Edge, one hundred for a dollar. Size, 18. 1168. Cent, 1794. Similar to No. 1167, except date. 1169. Cent, 1795. Similar to No. 1167, except date. 1170. Cent, 1795. Similar to No. 1167, but with a smaller and more compact wreath, reeded borders, and a plain edge. Size, 19. 1171. Cent, 1796. Similar to No. 1170, except date. 1172. Cent, 1796. Ohv. LIBERTY (the letter B over an H). Draped bust of Liberty to right, with long hair falling on neck and back and two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; below, 1796. Rev. Similar to No. 1167. PL Y, 3. 1173. Cent, 1797. Similar to No. 1172, but the word LIBERTY written without error. 1174. Cent, 1798. Similar to No. 1173, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 79 1176. Cent, 1799. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1176. Cent, 1800. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1177. Cent, 1801. Similar to No. 1173, but reading 1 1 N ITED in the legend on the reverse; and beneath the wreath, Holy 1178. Cent, 1802. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1179-80. Cent, 1803. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1181. Cent, 1804. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1182. Cent, 1805. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1183. Cent, 1806. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1184-85. Cent, 1807. Similar to No. 1173, except date. 1186-87. Cent, 1808. Ohv. Around, ••••••• ****■*■* Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; below, 1808. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of a single laurel branch, one | cent. Size, 18; PI. V, 4. 1188. Cent, 1809. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1189. Cent, 1810. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1190. Cent, 1811. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1191. Cent, 1812. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1192. Cent, 1813. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1193. Cent, 1814. Similar to No. 1186, except date. 1194. Cent, 1816. Ohv. Around, ••••••••••••• Bust of Liberty to left, with hair knotted at back of head, and with fillet inscribed liberty; below, 1816. Bev. Similar to No. 1186. Size, 18; PI. V,. 5. 1196. Cent, 1817. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1196. Cent, 1817. Similar to No. 1194, but with fifteen stars on the obverse. 1197. Cent, 1818. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1198. Cent, 1819. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1199. Cent, 1820. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1200. Cent, 1821. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 80 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1201. Cent, 1822. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1202. Cent, 1823. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1203-4. Cent, 1824. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1205-6. Cent, 1825. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1207. Cent, 1826. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1208. Cent, 1827. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1209. Cent, 1828. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1210. Cent, 1829. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1211. Cent, 1830. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1212. Cent, 1831. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1213. Cent, 1832. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1214. Cent, 1833. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1215. Cent, 1834. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1216. Cent, 1835. Similar to No. 1194, except date. 1217. Cent, 1836. Similar to No. 1194, but the head of Lib- erty has been retouched, and slightly improved; the fillet in hair is broader than on earlier type. 1218. Cent, 1837. Similar to No. 1217, except date. 1219. Cent, 1838. Similar to No. 1217, except date. 1220. Cent, 1839. Similar to No. 1217, except date. 1221. Cent, 1840. Similar to No. 1217, but the head of Lib- ert}'^ is smaller, the neck is longer, and the lock of hair which is turned under the bust is brought further for- ward. Size, 18. 1222. Cent, 1841. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1223. Cent, 1842. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1224. Cent, 1843. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1225. Cent, 1844. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1226. Cent, 1845. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1227. Cent, 1846. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1228. Cent, 1847. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1229. Cent, 1848. Similar to No. 1221, except date. CATALOGtJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 81 1230. Cent, 1849. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1231. Cent, 1850. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 12S2. Cent, 1851. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1233. Cent, 1852. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1234. Cent, 1853. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1235. Cent, 1854. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1236. Cent, 1855. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1237. Cent, 1856. Similar to No. 1221, except date. 1238. Cent, 1857. Similar to No. 1221, except date. NICKEL — BRONZE. 1239. Cent, 1857. Olv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle flying to left; below, 1 857. Rev. one I cent | within a wreath of corn, wheat, and cotton. Size, 12; wt.,72grs. Pl.V, 6. 1240. Cent, 1858. Similar to No. 1239, except date. 1241. Cent, 1859. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. An Indian head to left, with feather bonnet, on band of which is liberty; below, 1859. Bev. one | cent I within an olive wreath. By Longacre. Size, 12; PI. V, 7. 1242. Cent, 1860. Obv. Similar to No. 1241. Rev. one | CENT I within an oak wreath, with three arrows in- serted under the ribbon that binds the two branches of the wreath; above, between the ends of the branches, shield of the United States. Size, 12. 1243. Cent, 1861. Similar to No. 1242, except date. 1244. Cent, 1862. Similar to No. 1242, except date. 1245. Cent, 1863. Similar to No. 1242, except date. 1246. Cent, 1864. Similar to No. 1242, except date. BRONZE. 1247. Cent, 1864. Types similar to No. 1242, but thinner and lighter, and dated 1864. Wt., 48 grs. 82 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDA1«. 1248-91. Cents, 1865-1908. Similar to No. 1247, except dates. 1292. Cent, 1908. Similar to No. 1247, but beneath the wreath on reverse, letter S (San Francisco Mint), and dated 1908. 1293. Cent, 1909. Similar to No. 1247, except date. 1294. Cent, 1909. Ohv. Bust of Abraham Lincoln to right; above, IN GOD WE TRUST; to left, liberty; to right, 1909. Rev. ONE | CENT | united states | of AMERICA I between two wheat heads; above, E PLURI- BUS UNUM ;; below, on margin, v. d. b. (Victor D. Brenner). PL V, 8. 1295. Cent, 1909. Similar to No. 1294, but the letter S (San Francisco Mint) beneath date. 1296. Cent, 1909. Similar to No. 1294, but initials v. d. b. omitted from reverse. 1297. Cent, 1910. Similar to No. 1296, except date. 1298. Half-cent, 1793. (95v. LIBERTY. Bust of Liberty to left, with long, loose hair; over right shoulder, pole sur- mounted by liberty cap; below, 1793. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of olive, HALF I cent; below wreath, t^^^. Edge, two hun- dred FOR A DOLLAR. Size, 14; PL V, 9. 1299. Half-cent, 1793. Similar to No. 1298, except for minor variations in the wreath. 1300. Half -cent, 1794. 6>5v. LIBERTY. Bust of Liberty to right, with long, loose hair; over left shoulder, pole sur- mounted by liberty cap; below, 1 794, in large figures placed near bust. Rev. Similar to No. 1298, but the wreath is larger, and less compact; the ends of the rib- bon uniting the branches are symmetrically arranged about the fraction ^^7. Edge as No. 1298. 1301. Half -cent, 1794. Similar to No. 1300, but date is smaller and placed lower. 1302. Half-cent, 1795. Similar to No. 1300, except date. 1303. Half-cent, 1796. Similar to No. 1300, except date. 1304. Half-cent, 1797. Similar to No. 1300, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 83 1305. Half-cent, 1800. (95^. LIBERTY. Draped bust of Lib- ^ erty to right, with long, loose hair, two side locks drawn back and tied with a ribbon; below, 1 800. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, half | cent, and ^^^ beneath the wreath. Size, 15; PI. V, 10. 1306. Half -cent, 1802. Similar to No. 1305, but with 2 over in date. 1307-8. Half-cent, 1803. Similar to No. 1305, except date. 1309. Half -cent, 1804. Similar to No. 1306; the crossbar of the numeral 4 has a perpendicular finishing stroke, and the ends of the stems of the branches forming the wreath are omitted. 1310. Half-cent, 1804. Similar to No. 1309, except date. 1311. Half -cent, 1805. Similar to No. 1309, except date. 1312. Half-cent, 1806. Similar to No. 1305, except date. 1313-14. Half-cent, 1807. Similar to No. 1305, except date. 1315. Half-cent, 1808. Similar to No. 1305, except date. 1316. Half-cent, 1809. Ohv. Around, ••••••• — •• * * * * Bust of Liberty to left, with a fillet inscribed liberty; below, 1809. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of a single laurel branch, HALF I CENT. Size, 15; PL V, 11. 1317. Half-cent, 1810. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1318. Half-cent, 1811. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1319. Half -cent, 1825. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1320. Half-cent, 1826. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1321. Half -cent, 1828. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1322. Half -cent, 1829. Similar to No. 1316, except date. 1323. Half-cent, 1831. Similar to No. 1316, but with beaded border, a higher milling, and smaller figures in the date. 1324. Half-cent, 1832. Similar to No. 1323, except date. 1325. Half-cent, 1833. Similar to No. 1323, except date. 1326. Half -cent, 1834. Similar to No. 1323, except date. 84 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1327. Half-cent, 1835. Similar to No. 1323, except date. 1328. Half-cent, 1836. Similar to No. 1323, except date. 1329. Half-cent, 1840. Obv, Around, •••••*•*• * * * * Bust of Liberty to left, with hair knotted at back of head and with fillet inscribed liberty; be- low, 1840. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of a single laurel branch, half | cent. PI. V, 12. 1330. Half -cent, 1841. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1331. Half-cent, 1842. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1332. Half-cent, 1843. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1333. Half-cent, 1844. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1334. Half-cent, 1845. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1336. Half-cent, 1846. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1336. Half-cent, 1847. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1337. Half-cent, 1848. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1338. Half-cent, 1849. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1339. Half-cent, 1850. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1340. Half-cent, 1861. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1341. Half -cent, 1852. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1342. Half-cent, 1853. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1343. Half-cent, 1854. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1344. Half-cent, 1855. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1346-1346. Half -cent, 1866. Similar to No. 1329, except date. 1347. Half -cent, 1857. Similar to No. 1329, except date. PATTERNS. 1348. AV. Five-eagles ($60.00), 1877. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with beaded diadem inscribed liberty; a scroll and trefoil ornament runs along base of diadem; the hair, which is straight, in knot at back of head, with large locks falling down neck; around, thirteen stars; below, 1877. Beneath the head, B (William Barber). Reo. Similar to the Double eagle of 1849, No. 92, but reading FIFTY DOLLARS beneath the eagle on re- verse. Edge, reeded. Size, 32; wt. 1,287.9 grs. (nor- mal weight 1,290 grs.). PI. VI, 1. Unique. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 85 1349. AV. Five-eagles ($50.00), 1877. Similar to No. 1348, except that the head of Liberty is larger, the hair is wavy, and the diadem is plain. Wt., 1,289.9 grs. Unique. 1360. AE. Five-eagles ($50.00), 1877. Similar to No. 1348. 1361. AV. Double-eagle, 1860. Similar to No. 92, the Double eagle of 1849, but the oval of stars above the eagle on reverse is lower and does not touch the rays. 1352. AV. Double-eagle, 1866. Similar to No. 92, but within the oval of stars on reverse, in god we | trust. 1363. AE. Double-eagle, 1872. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with long loose hair falling below neck, and with lib- erty cap, on the band of which, liberty; around, • ••••••••••••; below, 1872. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left, with three arrows in right claw, the left upraised and grasp- ing shield of the United States, across which falls a scroll inscribed in god we trust; below, TWENTY DOL. Edge, reeded. Size, 21|. By W. Barber. Nos. 1353, 1364, 1378, 1390, 1391, and 1396 form a series with identical types. 1354. AE. Double-eagle, 1879. Ohv. Head of Liberty similar to No. 92, the Double eagle of 1849; around, * 30 • G. • 1.5 • S. • 3.5 • C • 35 • G • R • A • M • S •; below, 1879. Rev. Similar to No. 92, but with DEO EST I GLORIA in the oval of stars above the eagle, and below the eagle reading, TWENTY DOL- LARS. Edge, reeded. Size, 22. Longacre. 1365. AV. Double-eagle, 1906. Ohv. Draped bust of Liberty to left, with liberty cap, on the band of which is lib- erty; over the cap, branch of olive; around, thirteen stars; below, 1906. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Columbia, standing, with head turned to left, holding liberty pole in left hand, the right resting upon a sword; behind, an eagle standing to right, with wings upraised; about head of Columbia, rays through which runs the motto in god we trust. Edge, E*P*L*U*R*I*B*U*S*U*N*U*M*. By C. E. Barber. PI. VI, 3. 86 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1366. AV. Double-eagle, 1907. Legends and types similar to No. 151, but the types are in very high relief, the field is concave, and without a raised border. 1367-68. AV. Double-eagle; 1907. As last, but size 17, the module of the Eagle. The only specimens of this pattern. PI. VI, 2. 1369. AE. Eagle, 1862. Types similar to No. 168, the Eagle then coined, but above the eagle on reverse, god our TRUST. 1360-61. AE. Eagle, 1862. Types as last, but the motto god OUR TRUST is on a scroll. Size, 17. 1362. AV. Eagle, 1866. Types similar to last, but the scroll has two folds and the motto reads in god - we - trust. 1363. AL. Eagle, 1868. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1 868. Rev. Similar to last. 1364. AE. Eagle, 1872. Similar to No. 1353, pattern of Double eagle of same year. 1365. AE. Eagle, 1874. Proposed international coin. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with a coronet adorned with five stars and a jewel in front; on the coronet, liberty; the hair is wavy and in flat knot at back of head; an olive branch across the shoulder; below, 1874. Rev. In six compartments surrounded by rope, the value in six national units: DOLLARS STERLING MARKEN KRONEN GULDEN 10 £2.1.1 41.99 37.31 20.73 FRANCS 51.81 5 in the center, 16.72 | grams | 900 fine | ubique. Edge, plain. Size, 22. By W. Barber. PI. VII, 5. 1366. AE. Eagle, 1877. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with liberty cap, on the band of which is liberty; around, E PLURIBUS UNUM; beneath, 1877. Reo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed erect, an olive branch in the right claw and three arrows in left; above, 3(n ^nh v^t truHt; below, TEN DOL. Beaded borders. Edge, reeded. Size, 17. By Morgan. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 87 1367-8. AE. Eagle, 1878. Similar to last. 1369. AE. Eagle, 1878. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, with liberty cap, on the broad band of which is libeety; wheat heads over top of cap; around, ******* IN GOD WE TRUST ******; below, 1878. Eev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed erect, the left wing thrown out farther than the right; olive branch in right, and arrows in left, claw; above, e pluribus unum; below, *TEN DOLLARS.* Edge, reeded. W.Barber. 1370-1. AV. Eagle, 1907. Legends and types similar to the Eagle, No. 238, but the border is not raised, and dots between the words of the inscriptions and at the begin- ning of the same. First impressions of the dies. By Saint-Gaudens. PI. VI, 4. 1372-3. AV. Eagle, 1907. Similar to last, but with a narrow raised border. 1374. AE. Half-eagle, 1860. Olv. Bust of Liberty to right, with liberty cap; on forehead, three stars; across shoulder, a ribbon inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1860. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle with wings displayed erect; on breast, shield of the U. S.; an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll in- scribed e PLURIBUS unum; below, FIVE DOLLARS. Edge, reeded. Size, 17^. 1376. AV. Half-eagle, 1865. Similar to the Eagle, No. 168, but on a scroll above eagle on reverse, m god - we - TRUST. 1376-7. AL. Half-eagle (5 Dollars, or 25 Francs), 1868. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; below, 1 868. Bev. Within a wreath of laurel and oak, 5 | dollars | 25 ) FRANCS. Edge, plain. Size, 17. By Paquet. 1378. AE. Half -eagle, 1872. Legends and types similar to No. 1353, but reading FIVE DOL. beneath the eagle on re- verse. Edge, reeded. Size, 14. 8S OATALOOTTB OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1379-80. AE. Half-eagle, 1878. Similar to the Eagle pattern of 1877, No. 1366, but reading FIVE DOL. beneath the eagle on reverse. Size, 14. By Morgan. 1381-2. AE. Half-eagle, 1878. Types similar to No. 1369, but with the motto e pluribus | unum in two lines above the eagle, and reading FIVE DOLLARS beneath eagle. Edge, reeded. Size, 14;. 1383-4. AE. Half-eagle, 1878. Oh). Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed ubertt; her hair falls in ring- lets on neck; around, E PLURIBUS UNUM; below, 1878. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, grasping olive branch in right claw and in left three arrows that extend past the wing; below, FIVE DOLLARS. Edge, reeded. Size, 16. By W. Barber. 1386-6. AE. Half-eagle, 1878. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, with double fillet, the forward one inscribed lib- erty; around, E PLURIBUS UNUM; below, 1878. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, grasping olive branch in right and three short arrows in left claw; below, FIVE DOLLARS. Edge, reeded. Size, 16. By Morgan. 1387-8. AE. Half-eagle, 1878. Similar to the last, but in curved line round over the eagle, in god we trust; and reading FIVE DOL. below eagle. Edge, reeded. Size, 16. 1389. AV. "Stella" ($4.00), 1879. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; the hair falls in ringlets on neck; around, *6*G*.3*S*.7* C*7 •G^R^A^M^S*; below, 1879. R&u. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A five-pointed star, on which ONE | stella | 400 | cents; above (curved line), E PLURIBUS unum; beneath star (curved line), DEO EST gloria; bclow, FOUR DOL. Edge, reeded, Size, 14. By C. E. Barber. PI. VI, 5. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 89 1390. AE. Three-dollars, 1872. Leg^ends and types similar to No. 1353, but reading THREE DOL. beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 13. 1391. AE. Quarter-eagle ($2.50), 1872. Legends and types similar to No. 1353, but reading 2V2 DOL beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 11^. 1392. AE. Quarter-eagle ($2.60), 1878. Legends and types similar to No. 1385, but reading 2V2 DOLLARS be- neath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 13. 1393. AV. Dollar, 1836. Ohv. A liberty cap in a glory; the band of the cap inscribed liberty. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. Within a palm wreath, 1 | D. Edge, plain. Size, 10. PI. VI, 6. 1394. AV. Dollar, 1860. "Ring dollar." Oh). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and olive branches, round a large central hole. Bev. Plain. Borders beaded. Edge, reeded. Size, 11; wt, 26.3 grs. 1396. AR. Dollar, 1862. "Ring dollar." Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1852. A scroll ornament about a central hole. Mev. DOLLAR; below, wreath. Size, lOi. 1396. AE. Dollar, 1872. Legends and types similar to No. 1353, but reading ONE DOL. beneath the eagle on re- verse. Edge, reeded. Size, 10. 1397. AV. Half-dollar, 1860. "Ring" piece. Similar to No. 1394. Size, 9i; wt., 13 grs. SILVER. 1398. AR. Dollar, 1836. Olv. Liberty, wearing a Greek chiton, the neck and arms bare, seated to right upon a rock, her head turned to left; she holds pole sur- mounted by liberty cap in left hand, her right support- $6 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ing shield of the U. S., across which falls a scroll in- scribed liberty; beneath the seat, gobrecht; below, 1836. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle flying to left; in field, twenty -six stars of varying sizes; below, ONE DOLLAR. Edge, plain. Size, 24. By Gobrecht. PI. VII, 1. 1399. AR. Dollar, 1838. Obv. Similar to No. 1398, but thir- teen stars around, and engraver's name omitted. Rev. Flying eagle as No. 1395, but no stars in field. Edge, reeded. 1400. AR. Dollar, 1839. Similar to No. 1399, except date. 1401. AR. Dollar, 1865. Types similar to No. 570, the Dollar then coined, but on a scroll above the eagle on reverse, IN GOD - WE - trust. 1402. AR. Dollar, 1870. Ohv. An Indian woman, wearing a feather bonnet, seated to left on a globe; she holds lib- erty pole surmounted by cap in right hand, the left rest- ing on the globe, which is inscribed liberty; to right, two flags; around, thirteen stars; below, 1870. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed, as No. 570; above, on a scroll, in GOD - WE - TRUST. Design in very high relief. Edge, reeded. By Longacre. 1403. AR. Dollar, 1870. Ohv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, seated to left, her right hand supporting shield of U. S. , and holding a ribbon inscribed liberty; in the left, an olive branch; in background stands a liberty pole surmounted by cap; around, thirteen stars; below, 1 870. Rev. As No. 1402. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. Nos. 1403, 1462, 1486, 1510, and 1519 form a series with identical types except reverses of Dime and Half- dime. 1404. AR. Dollar, 1871. Ohv. Similar to No. 1402. Ret). 1 I DOLLAR within a wreath of corn and cotton; above, standard. Edge, reeded. By Longacre. PI. VII, 2. Nos. 1404, 1463, 1487, 1511, and 1520 form a series with identical types except reverses of Dime and Hali-dime. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 91 1406. AE. Dollar, 1872. Commercial dollar. Olm. Similar to No. 1402, but the relief of the type is lower. Renu UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, commercial | dollar | 420 grains | 900 fine; on a libbon uniting the branches, god — our — trust. Edge, reeded. No8. IJfOG to llf,16 are patterns svhinitted for the Trade dollar^ 1873. 1406. AR. I. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Similar to No. 1402, but with tj^pe in lower relief. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. A small eagle, wings displayed inverted, the head turned to right; in right claw, three arrows, and an olive branch in the left; above, on a scroll, E I PLURIBUS I UNUM; bclow, 420 GRAINS | 900 FINE, beneath which is a scroll inscribed in god - we - trust; below, •TRADE DOLLAR •. Edge, reeded. By Longacre. 1407. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1406. ?*I 1408. AR. II. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, with beaded diadem, seated to left upon a globe on which is liberty, holding liberty pole in right hand, her left resting upon the globe; at her feet, to left, bale of goods; behind, plow and sheaf of grain; around, above, thirteen stars; beneath, 1873. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played inverted, grasping in right claw three long ar- rows which project past the wing, the left upraised and holding a shield of the U. S., across which falls a ribbon inscribed in god we trust ; in beak of eagle, a scroll inscribed e pluribus unum; beneath, 420 grains 900 FINE, and below, on margin, * TRADE DOLLAR •. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1409. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1408. 1410. AR. III. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Head of Liberty, to left, with beaded diadem, on which is liberty; the hair in a knot at back of head and secured by a comb; around, above, thirteen stars; below, 1873. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, trade I dollar I — . — I 420 grains I 900 fine; over 92 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. the stems of the branches forming the wreath, a ribbon inscribed in god - we - trust. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1411. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1410. 1412. AR. IV. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Liberty, with diadem, wearing Greek chiton, seated to left on a bale of goods by the sea; in right hand she extends an olive branch, her left, which hangs by her side, holds a scroll inscribed LIBERTY ; behind, a sheaf of grain; beneath, on a scroll, in god we trust; around, above, thirteen stars; below, 1873. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left, grasping olive branch in right claw, three long arrows in left; in beak, a scroll in- scribed E PLURiBus - unum; beneath, 420 grains. 900 fine; below, on margin, TRADE DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1413. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1412. 1414. AE. V. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Liberty, wearing Greek chiton, seated to left on a globe, on which is liberty; to left, an olive branch upon bales of goods; to right, sheaf of grain; around, thirteen stars; below, 1873. ^ev. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. Asmalleagle, rising, with olive branch in right claw and arrows in left, upon a shield of the U. S. ; above, e pluribus unum; beneath eagle, a scroll inscribed in god we trust; below the scroll, 420 grains | 900 fine; beneath, on margin, *TRADE DOLLAR*. By Bailly. 1416. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1414. 1416. AR. VI. Dollar, 1873. Ohv. Female head to left, with hair in tight flat knot at back of head; in hair a chap- let of ivy, and star on forehead; around, above, thir- teen stars; below, 1873. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Eagle as No. 1408; above, e pluribus unum; beneath, 420 grains 900 fine; below, on margin, • TRADE DOLLAR •. Edge, reeded. By Bailly & Barber. 1417. AE. Dollar, 1873. Similar to No. 1416. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 93 Nbs. lli.18 to lJi36 are patterns suhmitted for a new coinage of the silver Dollar which appeared in 1878. 1418. AR. Dollar, 1878. Ohv. ir-kidd^-kic IN GOD WE TRUST ••••••. Head of Liberty to left, with beaded diadem inscribed liberty; below, 1878. Jiev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left; in right claw, olive branch, in left, three arrows; above, in curved line over the eagle, t pinnbus unum ; below, • ONE DOLLAR •. Edge, reeded. By Wm. Barber. PI. VII, 3. 1419-20. AE. Dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 1418. 1421. AR. Dollar, 1878. Types similar to No. 611, except that the olive branch in right claw of the eagle has but three leaves. By Morgan. 1422-3. AE. Dollar, 1878. As No. 1421. Edge, reeded. 1424-5. AR. Dollar, 1878. "Goloid dollar." Ohv. • • • • • • • E PLURIBUS UNUM ••••••. Head of Liberty to left, with liberty cap, on the broad band of which is liberty; cotton boils and wheat heads are inserted under the band; below, 1878. I^ev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a circle of stars, GOLOID I 1 - G I 24 - S. I .9 FINE [ — | 258 GRS. | ; be- low, ONE DOLLAR. Beaded borders. Edge, reeded. Size, 21. By W. Barber. PL VH, 4. 1426. AR. Dollar, 1878. Ohv. Similar to No. 1424. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a circle of stars, GOLoiD. | metric. | 1 - G. | 16.1 - S. | 1.9 - o. 1 GRAMS 14.25 I ; below, 100 CENTS. Edge, reeded. Size, 21. By W. Barber. 1427. AE. Dollar, 1878. Ohv. Similar to No. 1424. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath, GOLOID I — • — I 1 GOLD. ] 24 SILVER. | .9 FINE. | 258 GRS. I ; below, •ONE DOLLAR*. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1428. AR. Dollar, 1879. Ohv. Similar to No. 1424. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Within a circle 22023°— 14 7 94 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. of stars, 15.3 - G. I 236.7 - 8. | 28 - C. | 14 GRAMS | ; without the circle of stars, above, goloid metric dol- lar; below, DEO EST GLORIA \ * 1 00 C E N TS * . Edge, reeded. Size, 21. By W. Barber. 1429. Dollar, 1879. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; around ******* IN GOD WE TRUST ******; below, 1879. Eev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left, olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; above, e pluribus unum; the whole within an olive wreath; below, ONE DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1430. AR. Dollar, 1379. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; the hair falls on neck and is tied back by a ribbon; necklace of pearls; around, * * E PLU Ri BUS******* U N U M ****; below, 1879. ^6v. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. An eagle, with wings upraised, standing to left upon a tablet flanked with (left) olive and (right) arrows; on the tablet, in . god . ] we . trust; below, ONE DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. By Morgan. PL VH, 6. 1431. AR. Dollar, 1879. Ohv. Similar to No. 611. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left, an olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; below, ONE DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. By Morgan and Barber. 1432. AR. Dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 1431, but in curved line round over the eagle, in god we trust. • 1433. AR. Dollar, 1879. Ohv. Similar to No. 611. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left, a long olive branch in right claw and three long arrows in the left; above, e pluribus unum; below, * ONE DOLLAR *. Edge, reeded. By Morgan. 1434, AR. Dollar, 1879. Similar to No, 6H, CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKEN'S, AND MEDALS. 95 1436. AE. Dollar, 1879. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed liberty; wheat heads inserted under the fillet; hair is wavy and in loose knot on back of head; around, •••••••IN GOD WE TRUST • •••••; below, 1879. B&v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displaj^ed in- verted, the head turned to left, a long olive branch in right claw, and three long arrows in left; the left wing higher than right, and latter extends to border; above, round eagle, E plueibus unum. Below, ONE DOL- LAR. By C. E. Barber. 1436. AE. Dollar, 1879. Obv. Head of Liberty to left, with beaded diadem inscribed liberty; around, ir -k ir ir ic-k ir E PLURIBUS UNUM ••••••; below, 1879. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. "Within a wreath of wheat, corn, and cotton, a beaded circle inclosing, 895.8 s. j 4.2- g. ] 100 - c | (curved) 25 GRAMS 1 ; above, on a tablet, dec est gloria; below, ONE DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1437. AR. Dollar, 1882. Ohv. Head of Liberty to right, with a fillet inscribed liberty; the hair drawn forward tightly on top of head, and falls loosely on neck; an ear- ring with small shield of U. S. as pendant; around, • ••••• E. PLURIBUS. UNUM •••••••; below, 1882. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle rising to right, olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; below,^ONE DOLLAR. • Edge, reeded. By Morgan. 1438. AR. Dollar, 1885. Similar to No. 611. Edge, e • pluri- BUS^UNUM •••••••••••. By Morgan. 1439. Platinum. Half-dollar, 1814. Legends and types similar to No. 660, the Half dollar of 1807, except date. 1440. AR. Half-dollar, 1838. Similar to No. 1398, but reading HALF DOLLAR beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 19. 96 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1441. AR. Half-dollar, 1838. Obv. Similar to No. 1398. Beo. An eagle, with wings displayed, the head turned to right; an olive branch in right claw and four arrows in the left; below, HALF DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. Size, 19. 1442. AR. Half-dollar, 1838. Obv. Draped bust of Liberty to left, with diadem, and a ribbon in hair inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars; below, 1838. Reu, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to left; on breast, shield of U. S. ; olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; below, HALF DOL. Edge, reeded. 1443. AE. Half-dollar, 1839. Obv. Bust of Liberty to right, with diadem inscribed liberty; hair knotted at back of head with lock falling on the shoulder; around, thirteen stars; below, 1839. Rev. Similar to No. 1442. Edge, reeded. 1444-6. AR. Half-dollar, 1859. Obv. Liberty, with Greek chiton, seated to left; her right hand resting on con- sular fasces, the left upon the shield of the U. S.; around, thirteen stars; below, 1859. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings dis- played inverted, the head turned to left; on breast, the shield of the U. S,; olive branch in right claw and three arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed E PLURiBUS unum; below, HALF DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. 1446-7. AR. Half-dollar, 1859. Obv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Bust of Liberty to right, with chaplet of oak leaves ; about neck and shoulders, a ribbon in- scribed liberty; below, 1859. ^(gv. 1/2 | dollar | within a wreath of oak and corn. Edge, reeded. Size, 19i. 1448. AR. Half-dollar, 1859. 6>Jv. Similar to No. 1446. Rev. 50 1 CENTS within a wreath of oak and corn. Edge, reeded. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 97 1449. AE. Half-dollar, 1859. Similar to No. 1448, but reading HALF I DOLLAR within the wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1460. AR. Half-dollar, 1862. Types similar to No. 570— the seated Liberty and eagle — but above the eagle on reverse, god our trust. Edge, reeded. 1451. AR. Half-dollar, 1862. Similar to last, but the motto is on a scroll. 1452. AR. Half-dollar, 1865. As No. 696, but on a scroll above the eagle on reverse, in god - we - trust. 1453. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with fillet inscribed liberty; a star on forehead, the hair falling in heavy locks on neck; beneath, on a scroll, in god we trust. Eev. STANDARD SILVER. Within a wreath of oak and olive, 50 | cents; below, 1869. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1454. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. As last, but edge plain. 1455. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 1453, but Liberty has a plain diadem instead of the star on forehead. Edge, reeded. Size, 18. W. Barber. 1456. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. As last, but edge plain. 1457. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. Obv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with Phrygian cap and two stars on forehead; front hair thrown back over edge of the cap; two large curls hang down the back and third curl is brought forward over right shoulder; over the hair and neck, a ribbon inscribed liberty, and on a fold of the ribbon, B (Barber); beneath, a scroll inscribed in god we trust. Rev. STANDARD SILVER. Within a wreath of oak and olive, 50 | cents; below, 1869. Edge, reeded. Size, 18. By W. Barber. 1458. AR. Half-dollar, 1869. As last, but edge plain. 98 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1459. AR. Half-dollar, 1870. (95v. Similar to No. 1453. Rev. 50 I CENTS I 1870 | within a wreath of wheat, corn, and cotton ; above, STANDARD. Edge, reeded. Size, 18^. By W. Barber. 1460. AR. Half-dollar, 1870. OU. Similar to No. 1455. Reo. As No. 1459. Edge, reeded. 1461. AR. Half-dollar, 1870. 6>Jv. Similar to No. 1457. Reo. As No. 1459. Edge, reeded. By W. Barber. 1462. AR. Half-dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 1403, but reading HALF DOL beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1463. AR. Half-dollar, 1871. Similar to No. 1404, but reading 50 I CENTS within the wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 18i. 1464. AR. Half-dollar, 1879. Obv. Similar to No. 611, but around, • E PLURIBUS ••••*••• UNUM • • • • 1 879. Rev. Similar to No. 1432, but with the motto in god we trust in a curved line beneath the eagle; below, HALF DOLLAR. Edge, reeded. Size, 19^. By Morgan and W. Barber. 1465. AR. Half-dollar, 1879. OU, Head similar to No. 611, but around, •••*••• E PLURIBUS UNUM • ••••* 1 879. R&ti. Similar to No. 1464. By Morgan and Barber. 1466. AR. Half-dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 1435, but reading HALF DOLLAR beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1467. AR. Half-dollar, 1882. Similar to No. 1437, but reading HALF DOLLAR on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 1468. AR. Half-dollar, 1891. Pattern of the Half dollar of 1892, No. 754. By C. E. Barber. 1469. AR. Half-dollar, 1891. Similar to the last, but with an arch of clouds above the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1470-1. AR. Half-dollar, 1891. Similar to No. 1469, but type of reverse is smaller, the olive branch has a secondary branch, and the motto on the scroll in beak of eagle is disposed: e plu - ribus unum. Edge, reeded. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 99 1472-3. AR. Half-dollar, 1891. Obv. Similar to No. 754, the Half dollar of 1892. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an oak wreath, a device similar to No. 1470, except that the olive branch is single. Edge, reeded. "1474-5. AR. Half-dollar. 1892. Ohv. -kiririr L*I*B* E*R*T*Y ***. Columbia, standing, with a large eagle standing to right behind her, as No. 1355; below, 1 891 . Rev. Similar to No. 1472, but the eagle is smaller and there are rays above the arch of clouds. By C. E. Barber. 1476. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1865. Similar to No. 802, but above eagle on reverse, in god - we - trust, and dated 1 865. 1477. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Legends and types similar to No. 1453, but reading 25 I cents | within the wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 14. 1478. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 1477, but with plain edge. 1479. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 1455, but reading 25 | cents | within wreath on reverse. 1480. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 1479, but with plain edge. 1481. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Types and legends similar to No. 1457, but reading 25 | cents | within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1482. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1869. Similar to No. 1481, but with plain edge. 1483. AR. Quarter-dollar. 1870. Similar to No. 1459, but read- ing 25 I CENTS I 1870 I within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 14^. 1484. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 1460, but read- ing 25 I CENTS I 1870 | within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 14^. 1485. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 1461, but read- ing 25 1 CENTS I 1870 I within the wreath on reverse. 100 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1486. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1870. Similar to No. 1403, but read- ing QUAR. DOLon reverse. 1487. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1871. Similar to No. 1404, but read- ing 25 I CENTS 1 within the wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 14^. 1488. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1879. Ohv. Similar to No. 1430. R&v. Similar to No. 1464, but reading QUARTER DO LLA R beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 15. 1489. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1879. Legends and types similar to No. 1435, but reading QUAR. DOLLAR beneath the eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1490. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1882. Similar to No. 1437, but read ing QUARTER DOLLAR on reverse. 1491-2. AR. Quarter-dollar, 1891. Legends and types similar to No. 1469, but reading QUARTER DOLLAR beneath eagle on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1493. AR. Twenty-cents, 1874. Ohv. Similar to No. 1414. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed inverted, the head turned to right, three arrows in right claw and an olive branch in the left; below, TWENTY CENTS. Edge, plain. Size, 14. 1494. AE. Dime, 1792. Olv. LIBERTY PARENT OF SCIENCE &. INDUS. Bust of Liberty, with loose hair, to left; below, 1792. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle flying to left; below, DISME. Size, 14i. 1495-6. AR. Dime, 1863. Ohv. EXCHANGE FOR— U. S. NOTES. Shield of the United States on two arrows in saltire, within laurel wreath. Rev. POSTAGE CURRENCY— ACT JULY 1862. In field, lo | cents | 1863. Edge, plain. Size, 11. 1496-7. AI. Dime, 1863. Legends and types similar to No. 1495. OP -■ )) CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, ASD- MEDALS. 101 1498. AE. Dime, 1863. Similar to No. 1495. 1498-9. AL. Dime, 1868. Olw. Similar to No. 1495, but read- ing EXCHANGED, etc. Rev. • | one | dime [ 1868 | within a wreath of oak and corn. By Longacre. 1600. AE. Dime, 1868. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with a diadem inscribed liberty; around, thirteen stars, and date below the head. Reo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, ten | cents. Edge, plain. Size, 17. By Longacre. 1601. AR. Dime, 1869. Types and legends similar to No. 1453, but reading 10 | cents within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, lOi. 1602. AR. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1501, but with plain edge. 1603. AE. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1455, but reading 10 | cents I within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1504. AR. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1503, but with plain edge. 1606. AR. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1457, but reading 10 I cents I within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. 1606. AR. Dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1505, but with plain edge. 1607. AR. Dime, 1870. Similar to No. 1459, but reading 10 | CENTS I within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, lOi. 1608. AR. Dime, 1870. Similar to No. 1460, but reading 10 | CENTS I 1870 I within wreath on reverse. 1609. AR. Dime, 1870. Similar to No. 1461, but reading 10 | CENTS I 1870 ! within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, lOi. 1610. AR. Dime, 1870. Obo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Type of Liberty as on No. 1403. Rev. ONE I DIME I within wreath of oak and corn. Edge, reeded. Size, \\\. 1611. AR. Dime, 1871. Similar to No. 1404, but reading 10 | CENTS I within wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. Size, 102 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1612-13. AR. Dime, 1879. Olv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty as on No. 611; below, 1879. Reo. Within a beaded circle, one | dime; above, E PLUKiBUS UNUM in curvcd line and below, thirteen stars; on border, corn and cotton. Edge, reeded. Size, Hi. By Morgan. 1614. AR. Dime, 1879. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. Head of Liberty similar to No. 1435; below, 1 879. Rev. Within a wreath of wheat, corn and cot- ton, a beaded circle inclosing one | dime; above, a tablet with e pluribus unum. Edge, reeded. Size, lU. 1616-16. AR. Dime, 1891. OU. UNITED' STATES OF AM ERICA. Head of Liberty similar to No. 754; be- low, 1 892. Rei). ONE | dime within a wreath of corn and wheat. Size, 11^. Pattern of 1892 Dime. 1617. AR. Half-disme, 1792. Ohv. LIB. PAR. OF SCIENCE &. INDUSTRY. Bust of Liberty, with short, loose hair, to left; below, 1792. Rev. UNI. STATES OF AMERICA. Eagle flying; below, half | disme | *. Edge, reeded. Size, 11. 1618. AE. Half-disme, 1794. (95v. LIBERTY. Bust of Lib- erty with loose hair, to right; below, 1794. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, head turned to right; below, hai5^. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Liberty seated, as No. 1398. Rev. SI L I N IC. I COP. In exergue, 1869. 1631. N. Five-cents, 1871. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed liberty; below, 1871. R&o. V | cents | within a laurel wreath. Size, 14. By Longacre. 1532. AE. Five-cents, 1871. Similar to No. 1531. Size, 14. 1533. AE. Five-cents, 1871. Similar to No. 1531, but reading 5 I CENTS. Size, 13. 104 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1634. N. Five-cents, 1881. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head to left, with diadem inscribed liberty; cotton and wheat in hair; below, 1881 . Rev. Roman numeral V within wreath of corn, wheat, and cotton. Size, 14. By C. E. Barber. 1536. N. Five-cents, 1881. Similar to No. 1534, but with IN GOD WE TRUST above wreath on reverse. 1636-7. N". Five-cents, 1882. Similar to No. 1534, but with E PLURiBus UNUM above wreath on reverse. By C. E. Barber. 1538. N. Five-cents, 1882. Obv. Head of Liberty as on No. 1534, with thirteen stars around border and 1882 beneath the head. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Roman numeral V in wreath as on No. 1534, but smaller; below, e pluribus unum. By C. E. Barber. 1639. N. Five-cents, 1882. Similar to No. 1534, but with E PLURIBUS UNUM above wreath, on reverse. 1640. N. Five-cents, 1882. Same head as No. 1534; around, • •*•••• IN GOD WE TRUST •••••• and 1882. Reo. Similar to No. 1538. 1641. N. Five-cents, 1883. Same head as on No. 1534, but with plain diadem; around, ****** LI BERTY *******; below, 1 883. Rev. Similar to No. 1538. By C. E. Barber. 1642. N. Five-cents, 1883. Obv. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed LIBERTY; around, thirteen stars; beneath, 1883. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of corn, wheat, and cotton. Roman numeral V; below, CENTS; above wreath, e pluribus unum. 1643-4. N. Five-cents, 1883. Similar to No. 1538, but with cents on scroll across the V, on reverse. By C. E. Barber. 1645. N. Five-cents, 1883. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty as on No. 1534. Rev. Within a wreath of corn and cotton, 75 N. | 25 C; above, FIVE; below, CENTS; seven stars to left and six to right. Size, 14. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 105 1546-7. N. Five-cents, 1884. 6>5^. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Thirteen stars around a central octagonal hole; below, 1884. Rev. FIVE above, and CENTS below the central hole; at each side, U. S. shield. 1548-9. N. Five-cents, 1896. Ohv. Spade-shape shield of United States on two staffs in saltire, the one sur- mounted by liberty cap, the other by an eagle; across the shield, a scroll inscribed liberty; around * Vk- * • ••• E PLURIBUS UNUM •••••• 1896. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of olive, 5 | cents. Unmilled and with pellets around border. By C. E. Barber. 1550. AR. Three-cents, 1849. Obi). Similar to No. 1399, the type of Liberty seated. Rev. Numeral 3. Size, 9^. By Gobrecht. 1551. AR. Three-cents, 1849. Ohv. As last. ^dv. Roman nu- meral III. Size, 9i. 1552. AE. Three-cents, 1850. Ohv. Liberty cap, with band in- scribed LIBERTY, in a glory; below, 1850. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Roman numeral 1 1 1 within a palm wreath. 1553. AE. Three-cents, 1863. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with a diadem inscribed liberT'y; around, * * * * * • ••••*••; below, 1863. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within an olive wreath, 3 I CENTS. Edge, plain. Size, 17. 1654. N. Three-cents, 1868. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with beaded diadem inscribed liberty; below, 1868. Rev. Roman numeral 1 1 1 within a wreath of corn, wheat, and cotton. Size, 12. By Longacre. 1555-6. N. Three-cents, 1881. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem in- scribed liberty; cotton and wheat in hair; below, 1881. Rev. Roman numeral 1 1 1 within a wreath of com, wheat, and cotton. Size, 12. By C. E. Barber, 106 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1567. AE. Two-cents, 1836. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings displayed, standing to left, the head turned to right; below, 1836. Rev. TWO 1 CENTS I within an olive wreath. Edge, reeded. 1558. AE. Two-cents, 1863. Ohv. GODAND OUR COUN- TRY. Bust of Washington to right; below, 1863. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wheat wreath, 2 | cents. Size, 14. 1559. AE. Two-cents, 1863. Ohv. A shield of the U. S. on two arrows in saltire; above, on a scroll, in god-we- trust; two olive branches hang from top of shield, downsides; below, 1863. Rev. Similar to No. 1658. 1560. AE. Cent, 1792. Ohv. LIBERTY PARENT OF SCI - ENCEANDINDUSTRY*. Bust of Liberty to right; on truncation, birch; below, 1792. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath, one | cent; beneath the wreath, y^^. Electrotype. Size, 21. By Birch. 1561. AE. Cent, 1792. Ohv. LIBERTY. Bust of Liberty to right, with hair knotted at back of head; below, 1792. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle, with wings diplayed, standing upon segment of a globe. Edge, reeded. Size, 19. 1562. AE. Cent, 1850. Ohv. U. S. A. and ONE TENTH SILVER round a central hole; Bev. Above hole, cenT; below, 1850; at each side, rosette. Size, 11. 1563. N. Cent, 1853. Ohv. Around, ••••••••*• * * * . Head of Liberty to left, with diadem in- scribed liberty; below, 1853. Bev. one | cent | withinan olive wreath. Size, 11. 1664. AE. Cent, 1854. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed liberty; the hair in knot at back of head and tied with rope of pearls; below, 1854. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within a wreath of single olive branch, one | cent. Edge, plain. Size, 16. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 107 1666. AE. Cent, 1864. Ohv. Around, thirteen stars; an eagle, flying to left; below, 1 854. Rev. Similar to No 1564. Size, 16. 1566-9. AE. Cents, 1866. Similar to No. 1565, except date. 1670. N. Cent, 1866. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. An eagle, flying to left; below, 1856. Rev. Within a wreath of corn and cotton, one | cent. Beaded borders. Size, 12. 1671. AE. Cent, 1868. Ohv. As No. 1570. Rev. Within an oak wreath, one | cent; between ends of branches of the wreath, small shield of U. S. Size, 12. 1672. AE. Cent, 1868. Ohv. An eagle, flying to left, the left wing full spread upward; below, 1858. Rev. Similar to No. 1570. Size, 12. 1673. N. Cent, 1868. Similar to No. 1570, except date. 1674. N. Cent, 1868. Ohv. Similar to No. 1572. Rev. Within an olive wreath, one | cent. Size, 12. 1676. N.CeDt,1868. 6>J?;. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An Indian bead to left; below, 1858. Rev. Similar to No. 1571. 1676. N. Cent, 1858. Ohv. Similar to No. 1575. Rev. one | cent I within a wreath of corn and cotton. 1577. N. Cent, 1858. Ohv. Similar to No. 1575. Rev. one | cent I within an oak wreath. 1678. N. Cent, 1868. Ohv. Similar to No. 1575. R&o. one | CENT I within an olive wreath. 1679. AE. Cent, 1869. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA. An Indian head to left; below, 1859. Rev. ONE I CENT I within an oak wreath, with three arrows inserted under the ribbon that binds the branches of the wreath, and with a shield of U. S. between the ends of the branches at top. Size, 12. 1680. AE. Cent, 1860. Similar to 1579, except date. 1681. AE. Cent, 1863. Similar to No. 1579, but much thinner. 108 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1682. AE. Cent. 1864. Similar to No. 1246, but thinner and also of a different composition of bronze than the first issue of the year. 1683-4. N. Cent, 1881. Types similar to No. 1555, but with Roman numeral i within the wreath on reverse. Size, 10. 1686-6. AE. Cent, 1896. Types similar to No. 1548, but read- ing 1 I CENT within the wreath on reverse. Size, 12. I PRIVATE GOLD COINS ISSUED BY BANKS, MINING COMPANIES, AND ASSAYERS. Templeton Reid^ LumpMn County, Georgia, 1687. 10 Dollars, undated. Olv. TEMPLETON REID - AS- SAYER; in the field, ten | dollars. Hev. GEOR- GIA I GOLD, within a circle of stars. Size, 21; wt., 251 grs.; PI. VllI, 1. 1588. 5 Dollars, 1830. Ohv. TEMPLETON REID - AS- SAYER; in the field, $.5. Rev. GEORGIA GOLD; in the field, $.5.; below, 1830. Size, 15; wt., 123.3 grs. 1689. 2i Dollars, 1830. Ohv. T. REID, ASSAYER; in the field, 2.50. Rev. GEORGIA GOLD ; in the field, 1830. Size, lOi; wt., 60 grs. Christopher Bechtler^ Rutherfordton, North Carolina. 1690. 6 Dollars, 1834. Olv. C. BECHTLER AT RUTH- ERF*; in the field, 5 | dollars. Rev. CAROLINA GOLD; in the field, august l. 1834 | 140 | g. | 20 | car- ats I . Size, 15i; wt., 137.5 grs. 1691. 5 Dollars, 1834. Similar to No. 1690. Size, 15i; wt., 138.5 grs. 1692. 6 Dollars, undated. Olv. C. BECHTLER. ASSAYER*, and forming an inner circle, rutherford county. Rev. NORTH CAROLINA GOLD*; in field, 5 | dol- lars I 20 CARATS I 150. G. | in four curved lines. Size, 16; wt., 135.2 grs. 1693. 6 Dollars, undated. Olv. Similar to No. 1590. Rev. CAROLINA GOLD; in the field, 134 g. | * | 21 carats. Size, 15i; wt., 135.2 grs. 1694. 6 Dollars, undated. Olv. C. BECHTLER. AT RUTH- ERFORD*; in the field, 5 | dollars (curved line)* ^ev. GEORGIA GOLD; inthefield,i28.G. | *; below, 22 carats. Size, 15i; wt., 135.2 grs. PL Vni, 2. 32023°— 14 8 X09 110 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1696. 2M Dollars, undated. Ohv. BECHTLER RUTHERF. In the field, 2.50. ^e«. CAROLINA GOLD. Infield, 70. G I 20 I CARATS. Size, lOi; wt., 68.8 grs. 1596. V/i Dollars, undated. Ohv. Similar to No. 1596. R&o. GEORGIA GOLD; in the field, 64. g. | 22. | carats. Size, 10+; wt., 63.7 grs. 1597. 23^ Dollars, undated. Similar to No. 1596. Size, 10+ ; wt., 63 grs. 1698. Dollar, undated. Ohv. C. BECHTLER. RUTHERF. In the field, 30.G./*. Rev. CAROLINA GOLD.; in the field, ONE; below, DOLLAR. Size, 10+; wt., 29.8 grs. 1599. Dollar, undated. Olv. BECHTLER RUTHERF •.; in the field, 28: g: Rev. CA RO LI N A ; in field, ONE (with the letter N inverted); below, DOLLAR.* Size, 10; wt., 34.5 grs. Augustus Bechtler, Rutherfordton., North Carolina. 1600. Dollar, undated. Ohv. A. BECHTLER.; in the field, 1 dol:*. Rev. CAROLINA GOLD.; in the field, 27. g. I 21. c, in two lines. Size, lOi; wt., 27 grs. 1601. Dollar, undated. Similar to No. 1600. Size, lOi; wt, 21.7 grs. Baldwin am,d Company, San Francisco, California. 1602. 10 Dollars, 1850. Olv. CALIFORNIAGOLD. A cow- boy, mounted, to right, casting lasso; below, 1850, and TEN DOLLARS. Beneath the horse, on ground, GARDNER, the engraver, ^(^y. BALDWI N & CO. An eagle, with expanded wings, a shield on breast, grasp- ing olive branch in right, and three arrows in left talon; below, •••••SAN FRANCISCO^ •• ••. Size, 17+ ; wt., 263.8 grs. 1603. 6 Dollars, 1860. Ohv. Bust of Liberty, to left, with diadem inscribed Baldwin & cc; around, thirteen stars, and the date beneath the bust. Refv. S. M. V. CALIFORNIA GOLD. Eagle as No. 1602; below, FIVE DOL. Size, 14; wt., 132.5 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Ill Cincinnati Mining and Trading Company^ San Francisco^ California. 1604. 10 Dollars, 1849. Olv. CINCINNATI MINING & TRADING COMPANY. Draped bust of an Indian chief, with feather crown, to left. Itero. CALI FORN I A TEN DOLLARS. An eagle, flying to left, carrying in talons shield of U. S. and branch of olive; below, 1849. Edge, reeded. Size, 18; wt., 258.3 grs.; Plate vin, 3. 1606. 5 Dollars, 1849. Similar to No. 1604, but with FIVE DOLLARS in legend on the reverse. Size, 16; wt., 132.5 grs. Augustus Humbert^ assa/yer^ San Francisco^ California. 1606. 50 Dollars, 1851. Octagonal. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle standing upon a rock, grasping a shield and three arrows in talons of right foot, three arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed liberty; above, 887 thous.; below, FIFTY DOLLS.; the whole within a circle; without the circle, Augus- tus - HUMBERT - UNITED - STATES - ASSAYER - OF GOLD - CALIFORNIA - 1851, On the eight sides of the piece. Bev. Concentric circles, within engine turning. Edge, reeded. Size, 26, 28; wt., 1,310 grs. PI. VlII, 4. 1607. 50 Dollars, 1851. Octagonal. Ohv. Type similar to No. 1606, but with 880 thous., and mark of value, 50 DC; border beaded. Rev. Engine turned rays. Edge, AUGUSTUS — HUMBERT — UNITED — STATES — ASSAYER — CALIFORNIA — OF GOLD — 1851 on the eight sides. Size, 26, 28; wt., 1,320 grs. 1608. 10 Dollars, 1852. Ohv. U N ITED STATES OF AM ER- ICA. Eagle as on No. 1606; above the eagle, 884 THOUS.; below, TEN DOLS. Bev. On a tablet, across the field, Augustus Humbert | united states assayer I OF GOLD CALIFORNIA | 1852; abovc and below, engine- turning. Size, 17i; wt., 263 grs. 112 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Kellogg and Company^ San Francisco^ California. 1609. 20 Dollars, 1854. Olv. Head of Liberty, similar to that on the regular issue of the Double-eagle of that date; on the diadem, kellogg & co. ; around, thirteen stars, and the date beneath the head. Eev. SAN FRAN- CISCO CALIFORNIA. An eagle similar to that on the Double-eagle, No. 633, but the motto omitted from the scroll; below, TWENTY D. Edge, reeded. Size, 22; wt., 515.7 grs. MassacJiusetts am,d California Mining Comjpa/tiy. 1610. 6 Dollars, undated. 05v. Arms: Shield, bearing mounted cow boy, supported by stag and bear; beneath, a scroll inscribed alta; around, thirteen stars. Rev. MAS- SACHUSETTS &. CALIFORNIA CO. The value, FIVE I D., within a wreath. Size, 14; wt., 115.2 grs. Miners' Bank, San Fram^cisco, California. 1611. 10 Dollars, undated. Olv. CALI FORN I A. Eagle simi- lar to No. 1602; below, thirteen stars. Eev. MINERS'. BANK. •SAN FRANCISCO*. In the field, ten d. Edge, reeded. Size, 13; wt., 213.2 grs. Moffat and Company^ San Francisco, California. 1612. 20 Dollars, 1863. Ohv. Head of Liberty, as No. 1609, with diadem inscribed moffat & co.; below, 1853. Rev. Similar to 1609. Size, 21i; wt., 516 grs. 1613. 20 Dollars, 1853. Similar to No. 1612. Size, 21i; wt., 616 grs. 1614. 16-dollar bar, undated. Olv. moffat & co. | 20k carat | $16.00 in three lines. Rev. Plain. Size, 9 by 22; wt., 444 grs. PI. VIII, 7. 1615. Bar of $9.45 value, undated. Olv. moffat & co. | 21A carat $9.45. Rev. 10 DwT. 6 Grs. Size, 9 by 19i; wt., 245.2 grs. 1616. 10 Dollars, 1849. Olv. Head of Liberty to left, as on Eagle of U. S. of same date; on diadem, moffat & co. Rev. Similar to No. 1602, with TEN D. beneath the Eagle. Edge, reeded. Size, 17; wt., 129.2 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 113 1617. 5 Dollars, 1850. Legends and types similar to No. 1616 but with FIVE DOL. beneath the eagle, on re- verse. Size, 14; wt., 129.2 grs. JVbrt'iSy Grieg and Norris^ Scm Francisco^ California. 1618. 6 Dollars, 1849. Ohv. CALIFORNIA GOLD. An eagle bearing on breast a shield, on which is mark of value, 5; below, WITHOUT ALLOY. Rev. Within a circle of stars, 1849, and above the date, n. g. & n.; beneath, i SAN FRANCISCO; above the circle of stars, FULL WEIGHT.OF; below, .HALF EAGLE. Size, 14; wt., 130.2 grs. Plain edge. .t>J£Ul 1619. 5 Dollars, 1849. Similar to No. 1618. Size, 14; wt., 129.5 grs. Reeded edge. J. S. Ormsby^ Sacramento^ California, 1620. 10 Dollars, undated. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— GAL In the field, j. s. o. Rev. 10 ] DOLLS, in two lines, within a circle of stars. Plain edge. Size, 18; wt., 257.5 grs. PI. VIII, 5. Pacific Mining Company., San Francisco^ California. 1621. 10 Dollars, 1849. 6>5?j. PACIFIC COMPANY CAL- IFORNIA. An eagle volant, with olive branch and hammer in talons; below, 1849. Rev. Liberty pole surmounted by the cap encircled by rays with stars between the rays; below, 10 DOLLARS. Size, 18: wt., 228.5 grs. 1622. 5 Dollars, 1849. Similar to No. 1621, but with 5 DOL- LARS on the reverse. Size, 14^; wt., 129.3 grs. Temjpleton Reid^ San Francisco., California. 1623. 10 Dollars, 1849. 6^5?;. •TEMPLETON REID, above the date, 1849, and ASSAYER below. Rev. CALI- FORNIA • GOLD •. In field, ten | dollaks. Size, 18; wt., 260.5 grs. 114 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. United States assay office, San Francisco^ California, 1624. 20 Dollars, 1863. Oh). U N ITED STATES OF AM ER- ICA. An eagle, as on No. 1606; above, 900 thous.; below, TWENTY D. Eev. united states assay \ OFFICE OF GOLD | SAN FRANCISCO [ CALIFOENL^.. 1853, on a tablet across the field, with engine turning above and below. Size, 21^; wt., 516 grs. 1625. 20 Dollars, 1853. Similar to No. 1624, but indicated fineness, 884 thous. Size, 21i; wt., 523.7 grs. Wass^ Molitor <& Co.^ So/n Francisco, California. 1626. 60 Dollars, 1866. Ohv. Diademed head of Liberty to left; around, thirteen stars; below, 1855. Rev. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA; within a wreath, 50 | dollars; above, on a ribbon, 900 thous.; below the wreath, WASS MOLITOR &. CO. Edge, reeded. Size, 26; wt., 1,287.5 grs.; round. 1627. 10 Dollars, 1862. Ohv. Head of Liberty, diademed, to left; on diadem, w. m. & co. Rei). S. M. V, CALI- FORNIA GOLD. An eagle as on No. 1611, the Eagle of same date: below, TEN. D. Size, 17; wt., 262.7grs. The following pieces, chiefly Half-dollars and Quarter- dollars in gold, cannot be attributed to particular firms or persons, but were evidently produced in California, or, at least, were intended for distribution in California. It is doubtful if they were seriously intended as a part of the ex- tensive necessity coinage of the West. They have served chiefly as souvenirs. 1628. One dollar, 1865. Ohv. Head of Liberty, with diadem, to left; around, thirteen stars. Rev. CALIFORNIA GOLD N. R. Within a wreath, l | dollar | 1855. Octagonal. Size, 7i; wt., 13i grs. 1629. 1/2 Dollar, 1852. 6>^. Similar to No. 1628. ^e^. HALF DOL CALIFORNIA GOLD. The date within a wreath. Size, 7; wt., 11 grs. 1630. 1/2 Dollar, 1853. Ohv. Similar to No. 1628, with eleven stars around the head, and D beneath. R&o. CALI- FORNIA GOLD HALF D. Date within a wreath. Size, 7; wt., 9 grs. J CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 115 1631. 1/2 Dollar, 1859. Ohv. Similar to No. 1630. Rev. i^ | DOLLAR I 1859, within a wreath; octagonal. Size, 63^; wt., 7.5 grs. 1632-3. 1/2 Dollar, 1880. Olv. Indian head to left; around, thirteen stars. Hev. J^ | cal- gold | *, within a wreath. Size, 7i; wt., 4i grs.; octagonal. 1634. 1/4 Dollar, 1864. Ohv. Indian head to left, with six- teen stars around. JRev. California gold-1854, within a wreath and plain circle; octagonal. Size, 6; wt., 3.8 grs. 1636. 1/4 Dollar, 1864. Oh). Liberty head, to left, diademed; four stars around. Eev. }/i \ dollar | 1854, within a circle of dots; octagonal. Size, 6; wt., 3.8 grs. 1636. 1/4 Dollar, 1866. Similar to No. 1635. 1637. 1/4 Dollar, 1869. Ohv. Liberty head to left, diademed; six stars around. Rev. \i \ dollar | 1859, within a laurel wreath. Octagonal. Size, 6; wt., 3.8 grs. 1638. 1/4 Dollar, 1869. Ohv. Liberty head, to left, diademed; ten stars around. Rev. ^i \ dollar | 1859, within a wreath of laurel. Round. Size, 6; wt., 3.8 grs. 1639. 1/4 Dollar, 1880. Ohv. Indian head to left, with thir- teen stars around; date below. Rev. 34 I dollar | cal. within wreath of laurel. Octagonal. Size, 6; wt., 3.8 grs. The Oregon Exchange Company^ Oregon City., Oregon. 1640. 10 Dollars, 1849. Ohv. OREGON EXCHANGECOM- PANY. Inthefield, lO.D. 20.G. | native | gold | tend. in four lines. Rev. A beaver; above, K. M.T. R. C. S. and seven stars; below, 0. T. | 1849 in two lines, be- tween branches. Size, 17; wt., 262 grs. 1641. 6 Dollars, 1849. Ohv. Similar to No. 1640, but the in- scription reading, 130 g. | native | gold | 5 d. Rev. A beaver; above, K. M.T. A. W. R. C. S.; below, T. 0. and date between laurel branches. Size, 14; wt., 129.6 grs. 116 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Clark^ Gruber c& Company^ Denver, Colorado. 1642. 20 Dollars, 1860. Olv. PIKES.PEAKGOLD. Pike's Peak, with Denver beneath, and below, TWENTY D. Eev. CLARK GRUBER &. CO. An eagle, with shield on breast, oliv^e branch and arrows in talons; below, 1860. Edge, reeded. Size, 21i; wt., 568 grs. 1643. 10 Dollars, 1860. Types similar to No. 1642, except the DQark of value. Size, 17; wt., 275.7 grs. 1644. 10 Dollars, 1861. Olv. Bust of Liberty to left, with a diadem inscribed pikes peak; around, thirteen stars; beneath bust, 1861. Eev. CLARK GRUBER & COMPANY, DENVER. A spread-eagle, with shield on breast, olive branch and arrows in talons; below, • TEN D.* Size, 17; wt, 295.7 grs. 1645. 5 Dollars, 1860. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left, with diadem inscribed clark & co. Rev. PIKES - PEAK GOLD - DENVER. An eagle with wings displayed; below, FIVE D. ; around, thirteen stars; below, 1860. Edge, reeded. Size, 14; wt., 138.8 grs. 1646. 23^ Dollars, 1861. Types similar to No. 1644, except for the mark of value, which is 23^ D. and reading, on the reverse, CLARK-GRUBER &. CO-DENVER. Size, Hi; wt., 74 grs. J. J. Conway, Denver, Colorado. 1647. 10 Dollars, undated. Ohv. J. J. CONWAY; within a circle, &. CO; below, BANKERS. Eev. Within a circle of stars, 10; above, PIKES PEAK; below, TEN DOLLARS. Edge, plain. Size, 17; wt., 260 grs. PI. VIII, 6. 1648. 5 Dollars, undated. Olv. J. J. CONWAY; within a circle of stars, & co; below, BANKERS. Eev. In centerof field, 5; above, PIKES PEAK; below, FIVE DOLLARS. Size, 14; wt., 120.8 grs. 1649. 23/^ Dollars, undated. Olv. Similar to No. 1648, but without circle of any sort. Eev. In center of field, 23^; above, PIKES PEAK; below, DOLL'S. Size, 11; wt., 68.5 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 117 ,*3 ^John Parson and Company^ Tarry all Mines^ Colorado. 1650. 6 Dollars, undated. Ohv. PIKES PEAK GOLD. An eagle; below, FIVE D. Bev. JN^. PARSON &. CO. A quartz mill; below, ORO. Size, 14; wt., 128.3 grs. PI. VllI, 9. 1661. 23^ Dollars, undated. Types similar to No. 1650, but reading, on obverse, J. PARSON etc., and on reverse, 2i D. Size, IH; wt., 73.5 grs. Coinage of the Mormons, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1652. 20 Dollars, 1849. Ohv. HOLI NESS.TO.THE.LORD. An eye beneath a miter. Rev. G.S.LC.P.G. Two clasped hands, and the date beneath them; below, TWENTY DOLLARS. Edge, plain. Size, 19; wt., 444.5 grs. PI. VllI, 8. 1653. 10 Dollars, 1849. Olv. Similar to No. 1652. Bev. Two hands clasped and 1849 beneath; above, PURE GOLD; below, TEN. DOLLARS. Edge, plain. Size, 17; wt., 221.5 grs. 1654. 5 Dollars, 1849. Similar to No. 1652, but with the value, FIVE DOLLARS, on reverse. Edge, plain. Size,14; wt., 113.5 grs. 1655. 5 Dollars, 1850. Similar to No. 1652, but with a circle of stars round the eye and miter; and FIVE DOLLARS on the reverse. Size, 14; wt.. Ill grs. 1666. 6 Dollars, 1860. Ohv. "Holiness to the Lord," in cipher; a lion, reclining to left; below, the date. Bev. DESERET ASSAY OFFICE. PURE GOLD. An eagle with beehive on breast; below, 5 . D. Edge, reeded. 1657. 23^ Dollars, 1849. Similar to No. 1652, but reading TWO AND HALF 56.5 grs. DO. on reverse. Si^e, 12; wt.. The following pieces are Cent tokens, and are' of tire size of the copper cent issued at the time they were pro- duced — that is, size 18. The metal of them is copper except in the single instance where the indication of the metal is given. 118 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 1668. 1834. Obv. A PLAIN SYSTEM. VOID OF POMP. President Jackson, standing to left, with large purse in left hand and sword in right. Rev. THE CON ST I- TUTION AS I UNDERSTAND IT. A balking mule, labeled ll.d.; above, roman | fiemness; below, 1834. 1659. 1834. Ohv. MY SUBSTITUTE • FOR THE U. S. BANK*. Facing bust of President Jackson, with my on breast, and below, experiment | my | currency ] MYl GLORY. J?^. PERISH CREDIT. PERISH COM- MERCE. A boar, running to left, with my | third HEAT written on his side; above, my ] victory; below, DOWN with the I BANK, and date beneath. 1660. 1837. 6>Ju SUBSTITUTE FOR SHIN PLASTERS. Aphcenix; below, NOV | 1837. R&c. SPECIE PAY- M ENTS SUSPENDED; within an oak wreath, may | TENTH I 1837. 1661. 1837. OU. As No. 1660. R&o. MILLIONS FOR DEFENCE; within an olive wreath, not | one | CENT I I FOR tribute. 1662. Obv, I TAKE THE • RESPONSIBILITY •. Jack- son, standing in an iron-bound chest, with purse in left and sword in right hand; below, h (engraver's signa- ture). Rev. THE CONSTITUTION . AS I UNDER- STAND IT. An ass standing to left, labeled ll.d.; above, roman | firmness; below, veto. 1663. 1837. Olv. EXECUTIVE . EXPERIMENT. Tor- toise, with a safe marked SUB | TREASURY, on its back; below, 1837 | fiscal agent. Rev. An ass running to left; above, i follow | in the (below) steps | op my I (around) illustrious predecessor. 1664. 1837. Olv. As No. 1662. R&u. VAN BUREN ME- TALLIC CURRENCY. A ship marked experiment wrecked on rocks. 1665. 1837. Obv. Laureated female bust to left; around, ******* e pluribus unum (on a scroll above) ******. Rev. MILLIONS FOR DEFENCE, and within an olive wreath, not | one | cent | — | fob tribute. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 119 1666. 1837. Ohv. Similar to No. 1665, tho from a different die. B&v. MILLIONS FOR DEFENCE, and within a circle of stars, not | one cent | for | tribute | | . 1667. 1837. Olv. Similar to No. 1665. Bev. BENTON IAN CURRENCY. 1837. Within an olive wreath, mint | DROP. 1668. 1838. Oh). " Idiotic " female head to left, with dia- dem inscribed, loco foco; around, eleven stars, with date below the head. Bev. BENTON EX PER IMENT; within an olive wreath, mint | drop. 1669. 1838. Oh). • AM I NOT A WOMAN &. A SISTER. A slave woman, in chains, kneeling to right. Bev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Within olive wreath, liberty ( 1838. 1670. 1841. Olv. WEBSTER CREDIT CURRENCY. A ship with jib sail set, labeled constitution, sailing right. Bev. Similar to No. 1664. 1671. 1841. Ohv. Similar to No. 1670, without jib sail. Beo. Ship, labeled experiment, wrecked on rocks, struck by lightning and mast broken. 1672. 1841. Ohv. Bust similar to No. 1665, but smaller head and other differences of details; above, scroll inscribed, E PLURiBus unum, and branches of rosebush on border. Bev. Similar to No. 1665. 1673. 1841. Ohv. Similar to No. 1672. Bev. SPECIE PAY- MENTS SUSPENDED, and within a heavy oak wreath, may | tenth | 1837. 1674. 1841. Ohv. Similar to No, 1670. Bev. Similar to No. 1666. CONNBCTICUT. WATEBBUKY. 1675. Scoville, 1837. Ohv. J. m. l. & w. h. scovill. water- bury CON. A phoenix, with the date below. Bev. GELT buttons OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. In field, In four lines, sheet brass | plated metal | & | gold PLATE. 120 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NEW HAMPSHIBB. DOVER. 1676. Smith, with Haselton & Palmer, 1837. Ohv. A. c. smith ] DEALER I IN | CROCKERY, GLASS | CHINA «fe BRITANNIA j WARE ETC. DOVER. N. H. 1837. ReV. HASELTON AND PALMER (in field) dealer | in | dry goods etc. * * * DOVER N. H. ,.;., PORTSMOUTH. 1677. March, with Simes & Co. Obv. nathl. march. | book- seller & I stationer 1 NO. 7 EXCHANGE | BUILDINGS | PORTSMOUTH [ N. H. BeV. WILLIAM SIMES & CO. | DEAL- ERS IN I TEAS, WINES, & GROCERIES ETC. * * * PORTSMOUTH | N. H. 1678. Sise & Co., 1837. Ohv. e. f. sise & co. | general | COMMISSION, I AND FORWARDING | MERCHANTS | PORTS- MOUTH I N. H. BeV. IMPORTERS OF CROCKERY ETC. 1837. NBW YORK. NEW YORK CITY. 1679. Anderson, 1837. Ohv. henry Anderson, Chatham SQUARE, N. YORK. A boot; below, on border, mam- moth boot. BeV. HENRY ANDERSON - CHEAP BOOT store; in field, business address and date. 1680. Central Market, 1837. Ohv. Female head, to left, with laurel wreath; above, a scroll inscribed, e pluribus unum; seven stars to left on border, and six to right. B&V, CENTRAL MARKET ACCOMMODATION. Market house; below, 14th ward | n. york. 1681. Crossman, 1837. Ohv. An eagle, with the date beneath; around, thirteen stars. Bev. h. crossman | manufac- turer I NO. 92-1/2 I CHATHAM ST N. Y. An umbrella. 1682. Deveau's, 1837. Ohv. p. b. & s. deveau's 156 Chatham SQUARE. N. YORK. Female head, with laurel wreath, to left. Bev. wholesale & retail boot «fe shoe STORE. A boot, and address repeated. 1683. Jarvis, 1837. Ohv. Similar to No. 1680. Bev. george A. jarvis. wine & TEA DEALER; in field, 142 grand I CORNER OF 1 ELM STREET I NEW YORK. CATAIiOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 121 1684. Maycock, 1837. Ohv. Similar to No. 1681. Bev. s. MAT COCK & CO. 35 CITY HALL PLACE; in field, EVER POINTED I PENCIL CASE | MANUFACTURERS | 8AML. MAY- COCK I JOHN HAGUE. 1686. Merchants' Exchange. Olv. merchants exchange n. YORK. The exchange building. Bev. millions for DEFENCE, and within an olive wreath, not | one | CENT I FOR TRIBUTE. 1686. Phalon, 1837. Ohv. phalon's | new { & \ splendid ) STYLE I OF I HAIR CUTTING. BeV. NO. 35 BOWERY-NEW YORK; scissors and comb. 1687. Smith, 1837. Ohv. smiths | clock ] establishment | NO. 73^ I BOWERY I new YORK | 1837. Beo. A clock dial with time I is I MONEY. 1688. White metal. Feuchtwanger Cent, 1837. Ohv. Eagle with serpent in claws, ^ev. FEUCHTWANGERS • COMPOSITION * ; within a laurel wreath, ONE CENT. Size, 12. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. There are seemingly well-authenticated records that the Confederate States of America, after seizing the mint at New Orleans, made preparations for the coinage of money. Especially, a reverse die was made for a Half- dollar with which it was proposed to use the obverse die of the then current Half-dollar of the United States. The specimen here described is a United States Half-dollar restruck with a restored die, copied from one of the very few alleged genuine specimens of the Confederate States Half-dollar. 1689. AR.Half dollar. Olm. Liberty, seated to right, the head turned to left, holding liberty pole surmounted with the cap in left hand, the right hand resting on shield of the United States, across which falls a ribbon inscribed liberty. R&g. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. A shield argent with seven pales gules, a chief azure seven stars, four and three; sur- mounted with liberty pole and cap; the whole within a wreath of cotton and palm branches; below HALF DOL 1690. AE. One cent token. This piece was of private origin. Oho. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Head of Liberty to left, with liberty cap having six stars on the band; below, the date, 1861. Beo. 1 | CENT within a wreath of cane and cotton, and wheat, springing from two sugar casks between which is a bale of cotton. Size, 12. 122 ^ BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. Since the incorporation of the British North American colonies into the Dominion of Canada in 1867, there has been a single series of coins issued for the entire country, except Newfoundland, for which there is a separate coinage. The special coinage for both countries is restricted to silver and bronze in denominations from One cent to Fifty cents or Half-dollar. The standard of these coins conforms to that of the subsidiary coins of the United States. No distinctive gold coin is issued for the colony, Britiflh and United States gold coins supplying that need. Until 1908 coins for Canada were all struck in England, but in that year a mint was opened at Ottawa, where the coins of the colony are now struck, but with the same designs as before employed and with no distinguishing mark of the mint. Of much greater interest than the legitimate coinage of the country are the numerous and extensive series of bronze tokens that were issued by banks, tradesmen, and in some cases by speculators. Their types often show pronounced local influences, in which respect they are as important as from an economic point of view. 123 THE DOMINION OF CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. CANADA. Victoria, A. D. 1837-1901. SILVER. 1. 60 Cents, 1870. (952;. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA. Coroneted bust to right; below, CANADA. Eev. 50 | CENTS I 1870 I within a wreath of oak branches; crown between the ends of the branches of the wreath. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 2. 60 Cents, 1871. Similar to No. 1, except the date. 3. 26 Cents, 1870. Legends and types similar to No. 1, but with 25 I CENTS I 1870 | within wreath on reverse. 24 mm. 4. 26 Cents, 1872. Similar to No. 3, except the date. 6. 26 Cents, 1885. Similar to No. 3, except the date. 6. 20 Cents, 1868. (95?;. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA. Bust to left, laureated; beneath, CANADA. Bev. 20 I CENTS I 1858 | within oak wreath; a crown above. Edge, reeded, 23 mm. 7. 10 Cents, 1868. Olv. Similar to No. 6. Eev. 10 | cents | 1858 I within oak wreath; a crown above. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 8. 10 Cents, 1870. Similar to No. 7, except the date. 9. 10 Cents, 1872. Similar to No. 7, except the date. 10. 10 Cents, 1882. Similar to No. 7, except the date. 11. 6 Cents, 1868. Similar to No. 7, except statement of value. 16 mm. 12. 6 Cents, 1870. Similar to No. 11, except the date. 124 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 125 BEONZE. 13. One cent, 1858. Ohv. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA RE- GIN A. Laureated bust to left, within beaded circle; below, CANADA. Rero. one | cent | 1858 | within a beaded circle, and a border of maple leaves. Edge plain. 26 mm. 14. One cent, 1884. Similar to No. 13, but with coroneted bust to left on obverse. Edward YII, A. D. 1901-1910. SILVER. 16. 50 Cents, 1902. Ohv. EDWARDVS VII DEI GRATIA REX IMPERATOR. Crowned bust to right. Bev. 50 I cents I CANADA | 1902 | within an oak wreath; a crown between ends of branches of the wreath. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 16. 50 Cents, 1908. Similar to No. 15, except the date. 17. 10 Cents, 1902. Ohv. Similar to No. 15. Rev. 10 | cents I CANADA I 1902 | within an oak wreath, with crown above. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 18. 10 Cents, 1908. Similar to No. 17, except the date. 19. 5 Cents, 1902. Similar to No. 15, except statement of value. 16 mm. 20. 5 Cents, 1908. Similar to No. 19, except the date. BRONZE. 21. One cent, 1902. Ohv. EDWARDVS VII DEI GRATIA REX IMPERATOR. Crowned bust to right, within beaded circle; below, on border, CANADA. Rev. Similar to No. 13, except the date. 22. One cent, 1908. Similar to No. 21, except the date. 22023°— 14 9 126 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NEWFOUNDLAND. Victoria, A. D. 1837-1901. GOLD. 23. Two dollars, 1865. Ohv. VICTORIA D:G:REG: Lau- reatedbust, to left; below, NEWFOUNDLAND. Rev. 2 1 DOLLARS I 1865 I within beaded circle; above, TWO HUNDRED CENTS; below, ONE HUNDRED PENCE. Edge, reeded, l^mm. SILVER. 24. 60 Cents, 1870. Obv. Similar to No. 23. Bev. 50 [ cents | 1870 I within a beaded circle, and an ornamental border. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 26. 20 Cents, 1880. Legends and tj'pes similar to No. 24, but with 20 I CENTS I 1880 | on reverse. BRONZE. 26. One cent, 1865. Ohv. VICTORIA D :G : REG : Laureated bust to left. Rev. A crown with the date beneath, within a beaded circle, surrounded with a wreath; above, ONE CENT; below, NEWFOUND- LAND. 26 mm. Edward YII, A. D. 1901-1910. SILVER. 27. 60 Cents, 1904. 6>5y. EDWARDVS VII DEI GRATIA REX IMPERATOR. Crowned bust to right. Rev. 50 I CENTS I 1904 within a curved line, whose ends ter- minate at bottom in scrolls; above, NEWFOUND- LAND. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 28. 20 Cents, 1904. Legends and types similar to No. 27, but with 20 1 CENTS I 1904 I on reverse. 29. 10 Cents, 1903. Legends and types similar to No. 27, but with 10 I CENTS i 1903 I on reverse. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 30. 6 Cents, 1903. Legends and types similar to No. 27, but with 5 I CENTS 1 1903 I on reverse. Edge, reeded. 16 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 127 BRONZE. 31. One cent, 1904. Ohv. Similar to No. 27. Bev. Similar to No. 26, except the date. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 32-33. AE. One cent, 1871. Ohv. Bast of Queen Victoria to left. Rev. Four trees. I TOKENS. BRONZE. NOVA SCOTIA. 34-35. AE. One penny token, 1832. Ohv. Bust of William IV, laureated, to left. Rev. Thistle with two leaves. 36. AE. Halfpenny token. 1832. As No. 35. 37. AE. One penny token, 1843. Ohv. Bust of Victoria to left. Rev. As No. 35. 38. AE. Halfpenny, 1843. As No. 37. 39. AE. One cent, 1861. Ohv. Bust of Queen Victoria, lau- • reate, to left. Rev. Crown and date within beaded circle and border of roses. HAIilFAX. 40. AE. Halfpenny, 1815, Ohv. Bust of George III, laureate, to right. Rev. Ship under sail. NEW BRUNSWICK. 41. AE. Penny token, 1843. Ohv. Head of Queen Victoria, coroneted, to left. Rev. A frigate sailing to left. 42. AE. Halfpenny, 1843. As No. 41. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 43. AE. Halfpenny, 1867. Ohv. PRINCE EDWARD IS- LAND— 1857. Rev. SELF I GOVERNMENT | AND I FREE I TRADE. k 128 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 44. AE. Halfpenny, undated. Obv. SPEED THE PLOUGH. A plough. Rev, SUCCESS TO THE FISHERIES. A split codfish. MAODAIiEN ISLAND. 46. AE. Penny token, 1815. Ohv. A seal. Rev. As No. 44. CANADA. 46. AE. Halfpenny. 1830. Ohv. CANADA 1830. Rev. HALF PENNY. 47. AE. Halfpenny, 1844. Ohv. PROVINCE OF CANADA. BANK OF MONTREAL. Front view of banking building. Rev. BANK TOKEN. Oval shield of arms. UPPER CANADA. 48. AE. Halfpenny, 1833. Ohv. A yacht under sail. Rev. TO FACILITATE TRADE. A plough. 49. AE. Halfpenny, 1850. Ohv. St. George and dragon, BANK OF UPPER CANADA. Rev. Anchor and sword, crossed: above, a crown; below, two cornu- copise. 50. AE. Penny token, 1852. As No. 49. LOWER CANADA. 61. AE. 1 Sou, 1837. Ohv. PROVINCE DU BAS CAN- ADA. A Canadian farmer, standing facing. Rev. Canadian arms within garter. 52. AE. 1 Sou, undated. Ohv. COMMERCE— BAS CAN- ADA. Two maple leaves, crossed. Rev. J'"*. ROY — MONTREAL. UN i SOU within a wreath. 53. AE. 1 Sou, undated. Ohv. AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE BAS CANADA. A bouquet. Rev. BANQUE DU PEUPLE. un | sou within a wreath of oak leaves. 54. AE. 1 Sou, undated. Ohv. Similar to No. 53, but the stem of the bouquet is much longer. Rev. un | sou within a laurel wreath. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 129 QUEBEC. 66. AE. 2 Sous, 1852. Olv. As No. 51. Rev. QUEBEC BANK TOKEN. A female seated by a rock, on the sea-shore, her right hand resting on a shield; ship in the offing. MIS CBIiliANBOU S . 56. AE. Penny token, 1812. Ohv. Laureated bust of George III, within a thick wreath of oak leaves. Rev. Female seated to left, holding scales and cornucopise. 67. AE. Halfpenny, 1812. As No. 56. 58. AE. Ealfpenny, 1813. Ohv. TRADEAND NAVIGATION. A ship sailing. TO PAPER. Rev. PURE COPPER PREFERABLE Value within a circle. 59. AE. Halfpenny, 1816. Olv. THE ILLUSTRIOUS WEL- LINGTON. Bust of Wellington to left, laureate. Rev. WATERLOO HALFPENNY. I I THE MINTS AND COINAGE OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN COLONIES. I To the silver coinage of the Spanish-American mints, and later to the Mexican silver Dollar, justly belongs the title and distinction of interna- tional coinage — an importance that has marked comparatively few issues in the history of the world. But while other coinages as a rule acquired an international character through the extensive commercial relations of the issuing State, the Spanish- American and Mexican silver was rather drawn into that position because it was ready in abundant supply for the use of countries which had not yet been able to provide themselves with a suflBcient currency, and for employment in commerce with the backward nations of the Orient. In our own country the "Spanish Pillar Dollar" and the "Spanish Milled Dollar," also widely known as the "Piece of Eight," early became the legal monetary unit for some if not for all the several colonies and later for the States (1783-1789). Enormous issues of paper currency authorized by the Congress from 1775 to 1779 read payable in "Spanish Milled Dollars;" while ground leases dating from even later periods of the country's history, and still, or until recently, in force, were often drawn in the same monetary terms. In the domestic trade of the United States until 1857 Mexican coins were in general use, the Real and Medio real circulating under the popular names of the Levy and the Fippeny Bit. And in the commerce of the Orient, as is well known, the Mexican Peso early became, and has since continued to be, the standard unit of values; and Mexican silver forms the chief part of the medium of exchange in that commerce. It is this international character of these coinages which gives them a much greater importance to students of history or economics than would be warranted by the political and commercial history of the issuing countries, at least in the last century. In 1542 the Spanish colonies in America were formed into two viceroyal- ties, one in North America with Mexico as its capital city, the other in South America, of which Lima was the capital. In 1739 a third vice- royalty, that of New Granada, was created; and a short-lived fourth one was erected in 1776 with Buenos Aires as its capital city. In each of these viceroyalties a mint was established at an early date, and in some of them a second and a third mint became necessary because of the extensive pro- duction of the precious metals and the remoteness of mining centers from existing mints. The issues of the different American mints were, with occasional and unimportant exceptions, alike in respect to types and standard, and in the main constitute a single series, with a variety of mint- marks. 131 132 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. The first of the mints to be established in America was at the City of Mexico, in the reign of Charles I (Charles V of the Empire) by decree dated May 11, 1535. This mint was for the coinage of silver only, and the denominations first issued were the Peso, or "Piece of Eight," and its divisions, the Toston (4 Reales), 3 Reales, Peseta (2 Reales), the Real, Medio real (Half-real), and the Cuartino (Quarter-real). Of these denom- inations the 3 Real pie(!e was soon discontinued, because of its frequent confusion with the Toston, from which it differed but slightly in size. In 1542 the viceroy, Antonio de Mendoza, made a futile effort to estab- lish a coinage of copper in Mexico, for the large issue of four and two Maravedi pieces was so ill-received that further coinage of that metal was not attempted. In the viceroyalty in South America the first mint was established at the capital city of Lima by Phihp III (1598-1621); and by Philip IV a second and more important coinage establishment was opened at Potosi, in Bolivia, in 1650. The important mint at Santa Fe de Bogota soon fol- lowed in the reign of Charles II (1665-1700) in what afterwards became the viceroyalty of New Granada, and by Philip V (1701-1724-1746) the first mint in Central America was erected at Guatemala. In 1675 the American mints were accorded the right to coin gold. The denominations of the gold series were the Onza, called also the ' ' Doubloon, ' ' of eight escudos, the Media onza, of four escudos, the Cuarta de onza, the Escudo, and the Medio escudo or gold Peso; and all these denominations were struck at some of the mints in the first year that the coinage of gold was authorized. The large production of the precious metals in the American colonies kept the Spanish mints very active, an activity that was doubtless consid- erably stimulated by legal restrictions on the exportation of gold and silver bullion, for this restriction made it necessary to coin the metal in order to dispose of it in the channels of trade. Soon after the accession of Ferdi- nand VII to the throne of Spain the revolting Spanish colonies one by one achieved their independence, and any further notice of the history of their coinage deals with that of the various Republics then founded. The history of the types of Spanish coinage in Mexico falls into four periods. The first issues have for obverse type a crowned shield of arms — the arms of Leon, Castile, and Granada — and for the reverse two crowned pillars — the Pillars of Hercules — emerging from the sea; and across the field, the legend, PLVS VLTRA, with a figure between the pillars to indi- cate the value (PI. X, No. 1). In the second period, the types as well as the standard are the same as those of the coins of Spain, in accordance with a decree of Philip II, dated May 10, 1570. These types were the crowned shield of arms and the cross; and the American coins of that period are distinguished from the Spanish coins of Europe only by the additional ET INDIARVM in the title of the king, and by the mint-mark (PI. X, No. 2). However, the gold coinage of Charles II at the Mexican mint did not conform to the decree, but was issued with the old types of the Pillars of Hercules. Another change in the types took place in 1732, when in accordance with a decree of Philip V, issued in 1728, the cross CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 133 on the reverse waa supplanted by a type composed of two hemispheres crowned, above the sea, and flanked by the two crowned Pillars of Her- cules. To the Peso of this type was transferred the popular name of "Pillar Dollar," which had originated with the first issue above noted. Finally, on September 15, 1759, a decree was issued requiring the coins of the Spanish- American colonies to bear, for obverse type, the bust of the King, and although patterns for the new type of coins were approved in 1761, yet it was not until 1772 that the first coins presenting the effigy of Charles III appeared. The type of the reverse for this period was the familiar one composed of a crowned shield of the arms of Castile, Leon, and Granada between the Pillars of Hercules. In addition to the series of coins regularly issued by the Spanish-Amer- ican mints, a large number of commemorative pieces are of the greatest interest. The events most frequently commemorated by these special issues were the accessions of the Spanish monarchs; and the proclamation coins issued, not only by the mints in the name of the State, but also, and even more important, those issued by cities and cathedrals, form a con- siderable series in all the denominations in silver. After the Spanish domination had come to an end and independent Republics had succeeded, the issuing of commemorative coins, and coins that were memorials to dis- tinguished generals or civil magistrates, became even more frequent. The series of coins, by thus adding a certain medallic character, possess thereby a greatly enhanced historical interest and importance. The standard of the colonial coinage of Spain was the same as that of the mother country; and while there is considerable variation from the normal in a large percentage of the pieces, it is approximately as follows: Gold, before 1772, 22 carats or 917 thousandths fine; 1772-1785, 21^ carats or 896 thousandths fine; and after 1785, 21 carats or 875 thousandths fine. The weight of the Onza or Doubloon remained 418 grains throughout. Silver, before 1772, 11 dineros or 917 thousandths fine, and after 1772, 10 dineros 20 granos or 903 thousandths fine. The weight of the Peso was, normally, 412 grains both in the earlier and later periods. MEXICO UNDER SPAIN. CITY OF MEXICO. Charles I and Ids mother Joanna, A. D. 1521-1556. SILVER. 1. Toston, undated. 6>5v. CAROLUS : ET: lOHANA : REGES. A crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, quarterly, with a pomegranate on the base; at sides, L. - M. Rev. HISPANIARVM : ET : INDIARVM. Two crowned pillars, standing in the sea; across the field, ^^^ ~ ^^^ ~ ^^^- 31mm.;186.5grs. P1.X,1. 2. Toston, undated. Similar to No. 1, but with O at left of the shield, on obverse. 34 mm.; 186.5 grs. 3. Toston, undated. Similar to No. 1, but with G at the left of the shield on obverse. 33 mm. ; 188 grs. 4. Real, undated. Ohv. CAROLVS: ET: 10 HANA: REGES. Arms as No. 1; at sides, G. - M. Rev. HISPANI- ARVM : ET : INDIARVM. Type similar to No. 1, but reading PLV - SVL - TRA across field. 26 mm. 49 grs. 5. Real, undated. Similar to No. 4, but with J to left and M to right of the shield. 27 mm. ; 56 grs. Philip II, A. D. 1556-1598. SILVER. 6. Toston, undated. Ohv. PHILIP[PVS] II. - DEI GRATIA. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, M | - M. Rev. HISPANIARVM ET INDIARVM. REX. A cross, with lions and castles in the angles, within a tressure of four arches. 32 mm. ; 210.5 grs. 134 Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals. 135 Philip III, A. D. 1598-1621. SILVER. 7. Peso, 1611. 6)Ji;. A cross. REI. IVl. 1611. ^ev. Plain. 33 X 40 mm. A crudely made, cast piece of eight sides of varying lengths. 588 grs. 8. Peso, 1621. 6>Jv. PHILIPPVS. III. DEI. G. 1621. A crowned shield of the royal arms; at sides: (left) m°. | d. ; (right) 8 (reales). Rev. I S PA N I A R V M . ET. I N . D I A- RVM. REX. A cross, with the arms of Leon and Castile in the angles, within a tressure of four arches; the whole within a circle of annulets. 46 mm. 414.5 grs. Philip IT, A. D. 1621-1665. I SILVER. 9. Peso, 1629. An irregular, so-called "Cob" Peso. Obo. PHILIPPVS nil. DEI G. 1629. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, (left) o | m | d, (right) 8. Rev. HIS- PANIARVM. ET. IN.DIARVM.REX. A cross with arms of Leon and Castile in angles, within a tressure of four arches. 47 mm. ; 414 grs. Philip V, A. D. 1700-1746. GOLD. 10. Media onza, 1739. Obv. PHILIP. V. D. G. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. Bust, in cuirass, to right; below, 1739. Rev. INITIUM SAPIENTIAETIMOR DOMINI. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quartered; at sides (left), f | m between rosettes, (right) 4, between rosettes; below, *M*. Edge, obliquely hatched. 30 mm.; 208.5 grs. 11. Cnarta de onza, 1745. Legends and types similar to No. 10, but with numeral 2 to right of shield, on reverse. Edge, obliquely hatched. 23 mm. ; 204 grs. 136 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. SILVER. 12. Peso, 1714. Ohv. PHILIPPVS. V. DEI. G. 1714. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, (left) m° | j, (right) 8. ^^^. HISPANIARVM.ET.INDIARVM.REX. Simi- lar to No. 9. 40 mm. ; 406 grs. PI. X, 2. 13. Peso, 1731. Irregular, thick piece, of eight sides. Obv. (PHILIPPVS. V. DE)I. G. 1731. The left side of a crowned shield, and mm. M*-*. R&v. I I I I I • A cross, within a tressure of four arches. 30 x 35 mm.; 414.5 grs. 14. Peso, 1735. Nearly square. (^J-y. (PHI)LI PPVS.V. DEI . G . 1 735. Similar to No. 12, but with m | f to left, and M° I 8 to right of the shield. Bev. HISPANIARVM.ET. INDIARVM.REX. Type similar to No. 9. 35x37 mm.; 389 grs. 16. Peso, 1737. Olv. PHILIP. V. D. G. HISPAN . ET. IND . REX. Acrownedshieldof thearmsof Leon and Castile, quartered, with three lilies on an inescutcheon and a pomegranate on the base ; at sides, M | F - 8. Rev. • VTRAQUE VNUM •. The two hemispheres, crowned, between two crowned pillars of Hercules, which stand in the sea; about each pillar, a scroll in- scribed (left) plus (right) ultra; below M * 1737 * IVI. Edge, a wreath. 38 mm. ; 414 grs. PI. X, 3. 16. Peso, 1738. Similar to No. 15, except date. 17. Peso, 1740. Similar to No. 15, except date. 18. Peso, 1743. Similar to No. 15, except date. 19. Peso, 1744. Similar to No. 15, except date. 20. Toston, 1742. Legends and types similar to No. 15, but reading M | F - 4 at sides of shield. 31 mm. 21. Toston, 1744. Similar to No. 20, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 137 22. Peseta, 1736. Legends and types similar to No. 15, but reading R - 2 at sides of shield. 22 mm. 23. Peseta, 1742. Ohv. PHS.V. D.G. HISP.ET IND.R. Similar to No. 6. Rev. * VTRA QUE VNUM •. As No. 15; below, IVI • 1742 • M 24. Peseta, 1744. Similar to No. 23, except date. 25. Eeal, 1734. Ohv. Same type as No. 15; at sides of shield, M I F - (right) cross, between two rosettes. Rev. Same type as No. 15, but the scrolls read (left) plu. (right) vlte; below, M * 1734 * IVI. Edge, wreath. 20 mm. 26. Real, 1735. Similar to No. 25, except date. 27. Real, 1736. Similar to No. 25, except date. 28. Real, 1738. Similar to No. 25, except date. 29. Real, 1743. Ohv. PHS. V. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quarterly; at sides, (left) r, (right) 1. Rev. VTRA QUE VNUM. Type as No. 15; below, fd. 1745. M. 21 mm. 30. Real, 1747. Similar to No. 142, except date. 31. Medio real, 1731. Ohv. PHILIPPVS (in monogram) V. D.G. 1731 ; at left of monogram, M | j, to right, y^ Rev. HISP.ET. I NDIARVM.R.EX. A cross, with lions and castles in angles. 17 mm. 32. Medio real, 1738. Ohv. PHS.V. D.G. HISP.ET IND.R. Shield of arms similar to No. 15; at sides, m | f — a sal tire between two rosettes. Rm. Legend and type similar to No. 15; below, fVl.l738.M. 17 mm. 33. Medio real, 1740. Similar to No. 32, except date. 34. Medio real, 1745. Similar to No. 32, but with a rosette at each side of shield on obverse. 138 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Ferdinand VI, A. D. 171,6-1759. GOLD. 36. Media onza, 1769. Ohv. FERDIND. VI. D. G. HISPAN. ET I N D. REX. Bust, in cuirass, to right; below, 1 759. Rev. NOMINAMAGNASEQUOR. A crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, quartered; below M*rCl*M. 31mm.; 208.2 grs. Pi. IX, 1. SILVER. 36. Peso, 1749. Ohv. FERDND.VI.D.G. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. Type similar to No. 15. Rev. Similar to No. 15, except the date. 40 mm. ; 414 grs. 37. Peso, 1761. Similar to No. 36, except date. 38. Peso, 1767. Similar to No. 36, except date. 39. Toston, 1767. Ohv. FERDND. VI. D. G. - HISPAN. ET IND. REX*. Similar to No. 15, but with M | M at left of the shield, on obverse. Rm. Similar to No. 15. 40. Peseta, 1749. 6>5v. FRD.VI.D.G.HISP.ET I ND. R. Sim- ilar to No. 15. Rev. Similar to No. 15, except date. 41. Peseta, 1763. Similar to No. 40, except date. 42. Peseta, 1756. Similar to No. 40, except date. 43. Eeal, 1748. Ohv. FRD. VI. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Similar to No. 15. Rev. Similar to No. 15. 21 mm. 44. Real, 1749. Similar to No. 43, except date. PI. X, 5. 46. Real, 1761. Similar to No. 43, except date. 46. Real, 1764. Similar to No. 43, except date. 47. Medio real, 1749. Olv. FRD. VI. D. G. ET IND. R. Similar to No. 15. Rev. VTRA QUE VNUM. Similar to No. 15. PI. X, 5. 48. Medio real, 1757. Similar to No. 47, except date. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 139 Charles III, A. D. 1760-1788. GOLD. 49. Onza, 1774. Ohv. CAROL III. D. G. — HISP. ET. IND. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1 774. Countermarked, on the head, 16, within an oval. Eev. IN UTROQ. FELIX AUSPICE DEO. A crowned shield of royal arms within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides, value, 8 - e; below, lAi — 'J 'l/M Edge, obliquely hatched. 39 mm.; 432 grs. 50. Escudo, 1771. Ohv. CAR. III. D. G. — HISP. ET. IND. R. Bust, in cuirass, to right; below, 1771. R&v. IN UTROQ. FELIX. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile; below, M. M. F. 18 mm.; 52.5 grs. SILVER. 61. Peso, 1760. Proclamation piece. Ohv. CAROL.II I.D.G. HISPN. REX.MEXIC.PROCLAM. Bust to right, cuirassed and draped; below the mantle hangs the badge of the Golden Fleece; beneath bust, a.b.madero; below, onborder, • 1760. Rev. IMPERATOR INDIARUM. A crowned shield of arms, flanked with flowers; below, consvlatus. Edge, nec non in omni gloria sua CONSIDERATE . . . LINA. 40 mm. 52. Peso, 1761. Ohv. CAROLVS.II I.D.G. HISPAN.ET IND. REX. A crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Cas- tile, quartered, three lilies on an inescutcheon, and a pomegranate on the base; at sides, m | m - 8. Rev. • VTRAQUEVNUM •. The two hemispheres, crowned, between the two pillars of Hercules, which stand in the sea; about each pillar, a scroll inscribed (left) PLUS (right) ultra; below, M * 1761 * iCl. Edge, laurel wreath. 38.5 mm. 63. Peso, 1762. Similar to No. 52, except date. 54. Peso, 1763. Similar to No. 52, but with m | f at left of the shield and the date 1763. 66. Peso, 1764. Similar to No. 54, except date. 66. Peso, 1766. Similar to No. 54, except date. 140 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 67. Peso, 1768. Similar to No. 54, except date. 58. Peso, 1773. Ohv. CAROiyS. III. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1773. Bev. HISPAN.ET IND.REX.IV1.8R. P.M. A crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, quar- tered, with three lilies on an inescutcheon and a pome- granate on the base, between two pillars; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed (left) plus - (right) ultra. Edge, oaoao. 40 mm. 69. Peso, 1774. Similar to No. 58, except date. 40 mm. 60. Peso, 1776. Similar to No. 58, except date. 39 mm. 61. Peso, 1777. Similar to No. 58, except date. 38.5 mm. 62. Peso, 1778. Similar to No. 68, but reading fvl.BR.F.F. in the legend on the reverse, and dated 1778. PI. X, 4. 63. Peso, 1779. Similar to No. 62, except date. 64. Peso, 1780. Similar to No. 62, except date. 66. Peso, 1781. Similar to No. 62, except date. 66. Peso, 1782. Similar to No. 62, except date. 67. Peso, 1783. Similar to No. 62, except date. 68. Peso, 1784. Similar to No. 62, except date. 69. Peso, 1786. Similar to No. 62, except date. 70. Peso, 1786. Similar to No. 62, except date. 71. Peso, 1787. Similar to No. 62, except date'. 72. Peso, 1788. Similar to No. 62, except date. 73. Toston, 1768. Obv. CAROL. 1 1 1.D.G.HISPAN. ET IND. REX. Type similar to No. 62. Hev. Similar to No. 62. 74. Toston, 1773. Oiv. As No. 58. Bev. HI S PA N . ET I N D. REX. lA|.4R.IAId- Type as No. 58. 33 mm. 76-76. Toston, 1777. Similar to No. 74, but with r^ . 4 R. F. M . erect, in legend on reverse. 77. Toston, 1779. Similar to No. 74, but with F. F. in the legend on reverse. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 78. Toston, 1783. Similar to No. 77, except date. 79. Toston, 1788. Similar to No. 77, except date. 141 80. Peseta, 1761. Ohv. CAR.III. D.G. HISP.ET IND.R. Similar to No. 52. Eev. •VTRA QUE VNUM* Similar to No. 52, except date. 81. Peseta, 1763. Similar to No. 80, except date. 82. Peseta, 1771. Similar to No. 80, except date. 83. Peseta, 1772. Ohv. As No. 58. Rev. H I S PA N . ET I N D. REX. lAJ 2 R. |A|- J- Type as No. 58. Edge, ociioao. 28 mm.° 84. Peseta, 1774. Similar to No. 83. but with fVl 2R. F. M. written erect, on reverse. 86. Peseta, 1776. Similar to No. 84, except date. 86. Peseta, 1781. Similar to No. 84, but with F. F. in legend, on the reverse. 87. Peseta, 1782. Similar to No. 86, except date. 88. Peseta, 1784. Similar to No. 86, except date. 89. Peseta, 1786. Similar to No. 86, except date. 90. Peseta, 1786. Similar to No. 86, except date. 91. Real, 1763. Ohv. CAR. ill. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Similar to No. 52. Bev. Similar to No. 52, except date. 92. Real, 1774. Ohv. Similar to No. 58. Rev. HI SPAN. ET IND. REX. rVI 1 R. F. M. Same type as No. 68. 22 mm. 93. Real, 1776. Similar to No. 92, except date. 94. Real, 1778. Similar to No. 92, but reading F. F. in legend on reverse. 96. Real, 1779. Similar to No. 94, except date. 96. Real, 1780. Similar to No. 94, except date. 97. Real, 1781. Similar to No. 94, except date. 98. Real, 1782. Similar to No. 94, except date. 22023°— 14- -10 142 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 99. Real, 1783. Similar to No. 94, except date. 100. Real, 1784. Similar to No. 94, except date. 101. Real, 1786. Similar to No. 92, except date. 102. Medio real, 1763. Olv. CAR. IN. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Crowned shield of arms, with a rosette at each side. Reo. As No. 52. 103. Medio real, 1768. Similar to No. 102, except date. 104. Medio real, 1771. Similar to No. 102, except date. 105. Medio real, 1772. Olv. Similar to No. 58. Rev. H I S P A N . ET IND. REX. |/\|. J. |/\|. Same type as No. 58. 17 mm. 106. Medio real, 1774. Similar to No. 105, but with IVI. F. M. in the legend on the reverse written erect. 107. Medio real, 1776. Similar to No. 105, but reading fVI. F. F. in the legend on the reverse. 108. Medio real, 1779. Similar to No. 107, except date. 109. Medio real, 1781. Similar to No. 107, except date. 110. Medio real, 1782. Similar to No. 107, except date. 111. Medio real, 1783. Similar to No. 107, except date. 112. Medio real, 1786. Similar to No. 106, except date. Charles IV, A. D. 1789-1808. GOLD. 113. Onza, 1794. 6>5y. CAROL. 1 1 1 1. D. G. — HISP. ET IND. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; be- low, 1794. Rev. IN UTROQ. FELIX AUSPICE DEO. Crowned shield of royal arms within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides, 8 - E; below, M. - F.M. 37 mm. ; 417 grs. 114. Onza, 1797. Similar to No. 113, except date; 417.6 grs. PL IX, 2. 115. Media onza, 1794. Legends and types similar to No. 113, but with numeral 4 to left of shield, and E to right. 30 mm.; 208.5 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 143 116a. Cuartade onza, 1789. Ohv. CAROL.IV.D.G. - HISP. ET IND.R. Cuirassed bust to right; below, 1789. Rev. IN.UTROQ. - FELIX.A.D. Crowned shield of royal arms within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides, 1 - S.; below, fVl - F M. Edge, obliquely hatched. 19 mm. ; 52 grs. SILVER. 116. Peso, 1789. Oh). CAROLUS. IV. — DEI. GRA- TIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1789. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. iCl. 8 R. F. M. Between two pillars, a crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, with three lilies on an inescutcheon and a pomegranate on the base; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed (left) plus - (right) ultra. Edge, oaoao. 39 mm. ; 414 grs, 117. Peso, 1790. Similar to No. 116, except date. 118. Peso, 1791. Similar to No. 116, but with the King's title reading CAROLUS. II 11 , and the date, 1791. 119. Peso, 1792. Similar to No. 118, except date. 120. Peso, 1793. Similar to No. 118, except date. 121. Peso, 1794. Similar to No. 118, except date. 122. Peso, 1796. Similar to No. 118, but countermarked on obverse with bust, to right, of George III, of England. 123. Peso, 1797. Similar to No. 118, except date. 124. Peso, 1798. Similar to No. 118, except date. 125. Peso, 1799. Similar to No. 118, except date. 126. Peso, 1800. Similar to No. 118, except date. 127. Peso, 1801. Similar to No. 118, but reading fvl . 8 R. F. T. in legend on reverse, and the date, 1801. 128. Peso, 1802. Similar to No. 127, except date. 129. Peso, 1803. Similar to No. 127, except date. 130. Peso, 1804. Similar to No. 118, but reading fOl . 8 R. T. H . in legend on the reverse. 131. Peso, 1806. Similar to No. 130, except date. 144 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 132. Peso, 1806. Similar to No. 130, except date. 133. Peso, 1807. Similar to No. 130, except date. 134. Peso, 1808. Similar to No. 130, except date. 135. Toston, 1789. Pattern, in bronze, of Proclamation Toston. Olv. A. CARLOS. IV. REY. DE. ESPANA. Y. DE. LAS. YNDIAS. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, between two crowned pillars. Rev. pro- CLAMADO. EN. MEXI | CO. ANO.DE | 1789 | *4R* | within a laurel wreath. Edge, oaonoa 35 mm. 136. Toston, 1790. Ohv. Similar to No. 116. Rev. HI SPAN. ET IND. REX. IV1.4R. P.M. Arms as No. 116. 137. Toston, 1792. Similar to No. 136, but with the reading CA RO LU S I II I in the title on obverse. 138. Toston, 1793. Similar to No. 137, except date. 139. Toston, 1805. Similar to No. 137, but reading IVI. 4R. T. H . in legend on reverse. 140. Toston, 1806. Similar to No. 139, except date. 141. Toston, 1808. Similar to No. 139, except date. 142. Peseta, 1789. Proclamation piece. Ohv. A. CARLOS. I V. REY. DE. ESPANA. Y. DE. LAS. YNDIAS. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quartered, between two crowned pillars. Rev. proclama | do * EN * MEXI I CO * ANO * DE | 1789 | *2r* | witMn a laurel wreath. Edge, cacao. 143. Peseta, 1789. Pattern, in bronze, of No. 142. 144. Peseta, 1800. Ohv. CAROLUS. INI. DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, in armor and mantle, to right; below, 1800. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. 1^. 2R. F. M. Type similar to No. 116. 145. Peseta, 1802. Similar to No. 144, but reading fVl. 2 R. F. T. in the legend on reverse. Catalogue of coins, tokens, ANit> medals. 145 146. Peseta, 1805. Similar to No. 144, but reading IV1. 2 R. T. H . in the legend on reverse. 147. Peseta, 1806. Similar to No. 146, except date. 148. Peseta, 1807. Similar to No. 146, except date. 149. Real, 1789. Proclamation piece. Ohv. A*CARLOS* l-VyrREY*DE*ESPANA*Y*DE*LAS*INDIAS. Crowned shield of arms, between two pillars. Rea. PROCLAMA- I do* en* MEXI- I CO* ANO* DE | 1789 | * IR*. Edge, oaoao. 21 mm. 160. Real, 1792. Olv. Similar to No. 144. Rei;. HI SPAN. ETIND.REX. fVI.IR.F.M. Arms, as No. 116. "^'"■^ 161. Real, 1793. Similar to No. 150, except date. 162. Real, 1797. Similar to No. 150, except date. 163. Real, 1800. Similar to No. 150, except date. 164. Real, 1801. Similar to No. 150, but with IVI.1 R.F.T. in legend on reverse, and date, 1801. 165. Real, 1804. Similar to No. 150, but with lCl.1R.TH. in legend on reverse, and date, 1804. 166. Real, 1806. Similar to No. 155, except date. 167. Real, 1807. Similar to No. 155, except date. 168. Medio real, 1789. Proclamation piece. Ohv. k-kQ,kR- LOS*IV*REY*-DE*ESPANA*-Y*DE*LAS* Y N D I A S * . Crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, between two crowned pillars. Rev. proclama- | DO * EN * MEXI- I CO * ANO * DE | 1789 | * | Edge, oao. 17 mm. 159. Medio real, 1792. Olv. CAROLUS. Illl. DEI. GRA- TIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1792. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. R. iCl. F. M. Same type as No. 116. 160. Medio real, 1797. Similar to No. 159, except date. 161. Medio real, 1800. Similar to No. 159, except date. 146 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 162. Medio real, 1801. Similar to No. 169, but with fvl.F.T. in legend on reverse. 163. Medio real, 1803. Similar to No. 162, except date. 164. Medio real, 1804. Similar to No. 162, except date. 166. Medio real, 1806. Similar to No. 162, except date. 166. Cuartino, 1792. Ohv, Lion. Rev. Castle. 167. Cuartino, 1797. Ohv. Lion. Eev. Castle; to left, fvl ; to right, 1/4; below, 1797. 168. Cuartino, 1802. Similar to No. 167, except date. 169. Cuartino, 1807. Similar to No. 167, except date. PI. X, 7. 170. Cuartino, 1808. Similar to No. 167, except date. Ferdinand VII, A. D. 1808-1821. GOLD. 171. Onza, 1809. (9Jv. FERDI N. VI I. D. G. — HISP. ET I N D. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; be- low, 1809. Bev. IN UTROQ. FELIX AUSPICE DEO. Within collar of the Golden Fleece, a crowned shield of royal arms; at sides of shield, 8 - E; below, M - H. J. 39 mm.; 417 grs. 172. Media onza, 1812. Legends and types similar to No. 171, but reading 4 - S at sides of shield of arms. 30.5 mm. ; 208.5 grs. GUADAIiAXARA. 173. Onza, 182L Ohv. FERDIN. VII. D. G. — HISP. ET I N D. REX. Laureated bust, nude, to right; below, 1821. Rev. Similar to No. 171, but with G^. - F. S. below the arms. 36.5 mm.; 410 grs. PI. IX, 3. SILVER. 174. Peso, 1808. Proclamation piece. Oh). FERDINANDO. VII. REY. DE. ESPANA. Y. DE. LAS. YNDIAS. Crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile; around border, pellets. Rev. pkoclama | do in Mex- ico I a 13. DE AGOST. I DEL ANO DE | * 1808 * ; the whole within a laurel wreath; around border, pellets. Edge, oaoao. 40'mm.; 416.5 grs. CATALOGITE OF COINS, TOKENS, AIfI> MEDALS. 147 176. Peso, 1809. Ohv. FERDIN. VII. — DEI. GRA- TIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1809. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. Pvl. 8 R. T. H. Between two pillars, a crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, with three lilies on an inescutcheon and a pomegranate on the base; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed (left) plus - (right) ultra. 39 mm. ; 414 grs. 176. Peso, 1810. Similar to No. 175, but with bust in mantle only, and with M . 8 R. H . J . in the legend on the reverse ; and the date, 1 81 0. 177. Peso, 1813. Similar to No. 175, but with fCl. 8R. J. J. in the legend on the reverse, and the date, 1813. 178. Peso, 1815. Similar to No. 177, except date. 179. Peso, 1821. Similar to No. 177, except date. SAN FRANCISCO TTXTLAHUACA, STATE OP MEXICO. 180. Peso, 1809. Proclamation peso. Ohv. FERNANDOVII. REY DE ESPANA Y DE LAS INDIAS. Bust to right; beneath, f. gordillo. f. m°. Rev. procla- CO A MADO I EN LA VILLA DE S. | FRAN. TXTLAHUAC | FOR D. JUAN GARCIA | DE LA CUESTA ADMO^'./DE CORREOS. A"./ 1809; above, garland of laurel and flowers; below, a festoon. Edge, plain. 41 mm. DURANGO. 181. Peso, 1822. Types similar to No. 175, but with 0°. 8 R. C. G. in legend on reverse, and the date, 1822. GUANAXUATO. 182. Peso, 1822. Types similar to No. 175, but with G^. 8 R. J . M . in legend on reverse. GUADAIiAXARA. 183. Peso, 1821. Types similar to No. 175, but with G^. 8 R. F. S. in legend on reverse. ZACATECAS. 184-185. Peso, 1820. Types similar to No. 176, but reading Z^ 8R. A. G. in legend on reverse, and dated 1820. 186. Peso, 1821. Similar to No. 184, except date. 187. Peso, 1822. Similar to No. 184, except date. 148 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AlSTD MEDALS. CITY OF MEXICO. 188. Toston, 1811. Ohv. FERDiN. VII. — DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1811. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. fCl 4R. H. J. Arms as No. 1Y5. GTTADAIjAXABA. 189. Toston, 1814. Legends and types similar to No. 188, but reading G^ 4 R. M.R. in the legend on the reverse. 190. Peseta, 1808. Proclamation piece. Oh). FERNANDO. VII. REY. DE. ESPANA. Y. DE. LAS. YNDIAS. A crowned shield of arms. Rev. proclama | do en MEXICO I A. 13. DE AGOST. | DEL ANO DE. | 1808. within a laurel wreath. 28 mm. SAN LUIS POTOSI. 191. Peseta, 1820. Ohv. FERDND. VII. DEI GRATIA. Bust similar to No. 175. Reo. HISPAN. ET IND. REX. P. 2R. F. M. Similar to No. 175. ZACATECAS. 192. Peseta, 1819. 6>5y. Similar to No. 175. ^e^. HISPAN. ET I N D. REX. Zs 2R. A. G. Type similar to No. 175. 193. Peseta, 1820. Similar to No. 192, except date. 194. Peseta, 1821. Similar to No. 192, except date. CHIAPA DE liOS INDIOS, STATE OP LAS CHIAPAS. 196. Peseta, 1808. Proclamation piece. Ohv. FERNANDO. VII . REY . DE . ESPANA . Y . DE . SUS . INDIAS. A crowned shield of arms between two pillars; beneath, 2 R. Re^V. PRO I CLAMADO I EN CIUDAD | E. DE CHI A- ] PA. ANO I 1808, within a laurel wreath. Edge, oaoao. 27 mm. XAIiAPA, STATE OP VERA CRUZ. 196. Peseta, 1808. Proclamation piece. Olv. FERNANDO VII REY DE ESPANA Y DE LAS INDIAS. A crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, within beaded circle. Rev, EN SU PROCLAMACION, be- tween a broad ornamental border and a beaded circle; within the circle, la villa | de xalapa en | 29 de sep | TiEMBRE. de j *1808*. 27 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. CITY OF MEXICO. 149 197. Real, 1809. Obv. FERDIN. VII. - DEI GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1809. Beo. HISPAN.ET IND.REX.IV1. 1 R. T.H. Arms as No. 175. PI. X, 6. ZACATECAS. 198. Real, 1821. Similar to No. 197, but the legend on re- verse reading, HISPAN. ET IND.REX. Z^. 1R.A.G. CITY OF MEXICO. 199. Medio real, 1809. OU. Similar to No. 197. Rev. HIS- PAN. ET IN D.R.IVI. H.J. Similar to No. 175. PI. X, 6. 200. Medio real, 1811. Similar to No. 199, except date. 201. Medio real, 1812. Similar to No. 199, but with H.T. in legend on reverse. 202. Medio real, 1817. Similar to No. 199, but with fvl.J.J. in legend on reverse, and the bust with mantle only. 203. Medio real, 1821. Similar to No. 202, except date. ZACATECAS. 204. Medio real, 1821. Similar to No. 199, but reading Z^. R. G. in legend on reverse. 17 mm. i CITY OF MEXICO. 205. Cuartino, 1809. Ohv. Lion. Refv. Castle; to left, M; to right, 1/4; below, 1809. 206. Cuartino, 1810. Similar to No. 205, except date. 207. Cuartino, 1811. Similar to No. 205, except date. 208. Cuartino, 1815. Similar to No. 205, except date. 209. Cuartino, 1816. Similar to No. 205, except date. MEXICO. The long war of the Mexican Revolution (1810-1822) produced not only permanent changes in the coins of the country, but also equally enduring innovations in the mint establishment of Mexico. For the insecurity of the avenues of transportation on account of the irregular warfare, and especially the conditions which required the generals of both sides on several occasions to issue coins on their own authority to support their military operations, caused the establishment of temporary mints, many of which subsequently became permanent. The list of the Mexican mints at the end of this brief sketch shows how many of them date their exist- ence from the years of greatest military operations. The emergency mints thus set up lacked, of course, the necessary ma- chinery for the manufacture of coins, and recourse was had to the simple process of casting in molds produced from a coin, and also to the primitive method of striking with a hammer a planchet that had been made by the same means. Of the necessity coinages the well-known issues of General Vargas, and of General Morelos in command of the Army of the South, are especially interesting. The necessity coins of the former were issued at Sombrerete, and were made by means of the hammer and puncheons (No. 222 ff. ). The planchets of these pieces were produced by means of a hammer. The types consist chiefly of the name VARGAS and minor characters in the field. The coins issued by Morelos were in silver in all the current denomina- tions, and a large issue of bronze with the indicated values of the current silver series. These necessity coins, both silver and bronze, were cast and are very irregular, both in shape and size, especially the bronze. The types consist, for the obverse, of a bow with fixed arrow, beneath which is the word SUD, "Army of the South ;" and on the reverse, in three lines, the mongram of Morelos, the value, and the date. (No. 225 ff.) After several years of desultory warfare, in which the republican cause seemed completely lost and the leaders scattered, a new revolution was started in February, 1821, by Don Augustin Iturbide, a native Mexican, whom the Spanish viceroy had placed at the head of the Army. Supplied with ample funds, which he had secured by seizing the military chest, the revolutionary movement quickly succeeded and Mexico became independ- ent by treaty with Spain, signed at Cordova, Mexico, August 24 of the same year. On May 19, 1822, the regency of thirty-six leading citizens pro- claimed Iturbide emperor, with the title of Augustin I. The coinage of this brief empire continued the Spanish system. The types of Augustin' s coins bear on the obverse his portrait and the title AUGUSTINUS DEI PROVIDENTIA, and on reverse the arms of the 151 152 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. new empire (PL XI, 3). In March of 1823 Iturbide renounced the Imperial Crown and was allowed to quit the country. Immediately a provisional government was formed, at the head of which were Generals Guadalupe Victoria, Bravo, and Negrete, an arrangement that continued until in October of 1824. The coinage of this provisional government was the forerunner of the coinage of the later Republic in respect to both types and standard. The eagle on the coins of that year, 1824, is stand- ing to left and the wings are upraised in his struggle with the serpent which he is grasping in beak and claw; above is the legend REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The fineness of the new republican coins is indicated in the inscription on the reverse, the 10 D(inero8) 20 G(ranos) of fine silver to the mark being equivalent to 903 thousandths fine. This standard was continued by the Republic as was also the type of the reverse, that of a liberty cap in a glory. On the coins of the Federal Republic, which was established by the adoption of the constitution in October, 1824, the eagle stands upon the nopal plant with his wings displayed and the head turned to right, the type of eagle which remained practically unaltered on the coins of Mexico. The only change made in the reverse was to transfer the word Libertad, which was in script on the crown of the Phrygian cap, to the band, where it appears in capitals. The series of Mexican republican corns was interrupted from 1864 to 1867, during the occupation of the country by French troops and the brief reign of Feidinand Maximilian as Emperor of a projected Empire of Mexico. Four of the mints — namely, those at Mexico City, Guanaxuato, San Luis Fotosi, and Zacatecas — were active during the empire. The Gtivernment of Maximilian introduced the decimal system in the coinage. The coins issued were a 20 Pesos piece in gold, the silver Peso of 100 Centavos, its half of 50 Centavos, two Decimos, and half Decimo. The arms of the empire included the Mexican eagle, and on the gold piece and the silver Peso the shield bearing the arms appears within the chain of the order of the Mexican eagle, an order instituted by the Emperor. Soon after the restoration of the authority of the Republic throughout its territories a new coinage was issued with the eloquent reverse type of a liberty cap in a glory above the scroll of the constitution and a sword, crossed, over which are suspended the scales of Justice (PI. XI, 6). This type, however, was soon discontinued and the earlier types of the Repub- lic restored. In addition to the national coinage, the various States of the Republic issued intermittently autonomous coins in copper, in order to supply a local need of coins of small denomination. These coins were, as a rule, the Cuartilla, the Octavo, and the Medio octavo; and in most cases they were of very crude fabric. In 1838 Cuartillas of excellent workmanship were issued by some of the States, but the promising advance was not maintained; and finally, in the reign of Maximilian (1864-1867), the autonomous State coinages came to an end. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 153 la 1881 a coinage of nickel in the denominations of 5, 2, and 1 Centavo pieces was instituted, but in view of the popular aversion to the metal the coinage of it was discontinued in 1886, but was resumed in 1904, so that the coinage of Mexico remains in the four metals — gold, silver, nickel, and bronze. The following is a list of the mints in Mexico, the dates of their estab- lishment, and the marks by which their respective issues are distinguished: Mint-mark. Mexico City, 1535 M». Zacatecas, 1810 Z». Durango, 1811 D°. Guanaxuato, 1812 G°. Chihuahua, 1811 C*. Guadalaxara, 1814 G*^. San Luis Potosi, 1829 Pi, or P. Culiacan C^, or C. Hermosillo H°. Oaxaca O^, or O. Real de los Alamos A", or A. Guadalupe y Calvo G C. The arms of the Republic of Mexico. — The national coat of arms appears on most of the coins of Mexico, and may be described as follows: In an open wreath of oak and laurel branches, an eagle with wings displayed, the head turned to right, a serpent grasped in beak and right claw, perched with the left foot upon a nopal cactus growing upon a rock which emerges from water. THE NECESSITY COINAGE OF THE SPANISH GENERALS AND OF THE COMMANDERS OF THE MEXICAN FORCES DURING THE WAR OF THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION, A. D. 1811-1822. MEXICO. Coinage of the Central Junta. 210. AR. Peso, 1813. Ohv. VICE. FERD. VII. DEI. GRATIA. An eagle, standing upon a cactus, which grows upon a bridge of three arches; below, 1813. Rev. S^ P. CONG. NAT. GUV. T. 8 R. S. M. A halberd and a quiver with three arrows, crossed; above, a hand hold- ing a bow with arrow fixed and pointing upward; below, a lasso. 39 mm.; 416.5 grs. 211. AE. Peseta, 1812. Ohv. FERDIN. VII. DEI. GRATIA. Type similar to 210, the mark of value, 2 - R, divided by the eagle. Rev. PROVICIONAL FOR LA JUNTA D E. A M E R I . Similar to No. 210. 30 mm. 212. AR. Real, 1813. Legends and types similar to No. 210, except the mark of value, which is 1 R. 17 mm.; 29.5 grs. DURANGO. Coinage of the Central Junta in Nueva Yyzcaya. 213. AR. Peso, 1811. Ohv. (FERD). VII. (REY DE. E) SP' E'. IND.8R. M. A crowned shield of arms between two pillars. Rev. MON. PROV. (DE) NVEV. VIZCA. Within a palm wreath and surmounted by a crown, a tree, beneath which two wolves are running to left, with prey in mouths. 89 mm.; 394.5 grs. ZACATBCAS. Provisional Coinage. 214. AR. Peso, 1811. Ohv. FERDIN. VII. DEI GRATIA. Crowned shield of the arms of Leon and Castile, be- tween two pillars. Rev. MON EDA PROVISIONAL DE ZACATECAS. Two mountain peaks, one of which is surmounted by a cross; below, L. V. O. and rosettes. 41 mm.; 435.5 grs. PI. XI, 1. 154 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS 155 216. AR. Peso, 1812. Ohv. FERDIN . VII . 8R . - DEI G RATI A. Laureated bust of Ferdinand VII to right; below, 1812. Bev. MONEDA PROVISIONAL DE ZAGAT EC AS. Crowned shield of arms between two pillars. Edge, plain. 39 mm. ; 410 grs. 216. AE. Peso, 1812. Ohv. FERDIN . VII . 8R . (DEI GRATIA). Bust to right; below, 1812. Bev. MO- N E DA PRO V I S 1 N A L. Shield of arms between two pillars. 38 mm. ; 390.5 grs. 217. AR. Peso, 1812. Ohv. FERDIN . VII (8 R) - DEI (G) RAT I (A). Draped bust to right; below, 1812. Countermark, l.v.s. in an incused oblong, with border of stars. Bev. MONEDA PROVISIONAL DE ZACA- TECAS. Crowned shield of arms between two pillars. Edge, o □ o □ o . 38 mm. ; 39 Y. 5 grs. 218. AR. Peseta, 1811. Ohv. FERDIN . VII . 2 - R . DEI GRATIA . 1811. Crowned shield of arms between two pillars. i?e'y. (MON)EDA PROVISIONAL Re- mainder of field plain. 27 mm. ; 106 grs. 219. AR. Peseta, 1811. Ohv. FERDIN . VII . 2 - R . DEI . GRATIA .1811. A crowned shield of arms between two pillars. Bev. MONEDA. PROVISIONAL DE ZACATECAS. Similar to No. 214. 28 mm.; 101 grs. CHIHUAHUA. 220. AR. Cast Peso, 1821. Ohv. FERDIN. VII. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1 81 2. Countermarks: L. V.S., as No. 217, and also, to right of head, letter J crowned, between two pillars; to left of head, T incused. Bev. H I SPA N . ET I N D . REX . C A. 8R . R . P. A crowned shield of arms between two pillars. 39 mm.; 405.3 grs. 1220a. Cast Peso, 1821. Similar to No. 220, but without the countermark L. V. S. on obverse. 39 mm.; 405.5 grs. 221. AR. Peso, 1821. A Peso of Charles IV restruck with same tj^pes as No. 220, but the legend on reverse end- ing Ca. C. CA. 8R. R. p. 41 mm.; 405.5 grs. : 156 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS. AND MEDALS. ZACATECAS. Coins struck hy means of a hammer at Somhret^ete^ hy direction of General Vargas. 222. AR. Peso, 1810. Ohv. (R. CAXA DE SO)MB(RERETE). The remainder of the field plain. Bev. vargas, in- cused, at top of field; below, 1810; to left of the date, letter S, crowned, between two pillars; to right, the same as on left; below, 3; all characters incused. Edge, plain. 40 mm.; 382.5 grs. 223. AR. Peso, 1811. Ohv. R.CAXA. D (E) SOMBRERETE. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Similar to No. 222. 40 mm.; 424.5 grs. 224. AE. Peso, undated. Ohv. R.CAXA. DE. SOMBRERETE. A crowned shield of arms, within a beaded circle; on boarder, a letter R opposite each A in CAXA. Rev. Types similar to No. 222, but VARGAS in curved line above date; characters not incused. Edge, plain. 43 mm.; 401.5 grs. OAXACA. Coinage of Juan Martin Morelos^ in command of the Revolutionary Army of the South. 226. AE. Peso, 1812. Ohv. A bow, with arrow fixed and pointed upward; below, S U D. Rev. Monogram of Morelos; below, 8 r | 1812. 37 mm. 226. AE. Peso, 1812. Similar. 39 mm. 227. AE. Peso, 1812. Similar. 34 mm. 228. AE. Peso, 1812. Similar. 36 mm. 229. AE. Peso, 1812. Similar. 35 mm. 230. AR. Peso, 1813. Types similar to No. 225, but with a floriated ornament on the reverse. 38 mm. ; 409.6 grs. PI. XI, 2. 231. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar to No. 225. 38 mm. 232. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar. 37 mm. 233. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar. 40 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 157 234. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar. 34 mm. Very thin. Flori- ated ornament on both sides. 235. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar. 35 mm. Thick planchet. 236. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar. Floriated ornaments on both sides. 237. AE. Peso, 1813. Similar to No. 225; countermark, two stars, on reverse. 238. AR. Peseta, 1812. Types similar to No. 225, except the mark of value, which is 2 r. 26 mm.; 95.5 grs. 239. AE. Peseta, 1812. Similar. 25 mm. 240. AE. Peseta, 1812. Similar. Edge, beveled. 23 mm. 241. AE. Peseta, 1812. Similar to No. 238. Thin. 22 mm. 242. AE. Peseta, 1812. Similar types, with floriated orna- ment on reverse. 22 mm. 243. AE. Peseta, 1812. As last. 28 mm. 244. AE. Real, 1812. Types similar to No. 225, except the mark of value, which is 1 r. 21 mm. 245. AR. Real, 1813. Ohv. A bow, with arrow fixed, be- tween two scrolls; below, S U D. Rev, Monogram of Morelos; below, 1 e ] 1813; the whole within a wreath. 21mm.; 57.5 grs. 246. AR. Real, 1813. Similar to No. 245. 20 mm.; 55.5 grs. 247. AR. Real, 1813. Ohv. Bow and arrow, and S U D, within laurel wreath. Rev. Similar* to No. 245. 17 mm.; 39.7 grs. 248. AR. Real, 1813. Ohv. AMERICA MORELOS. A lion, rampant, to left; below, 1813. Rev. PROVICIONAL DEOAX. Bow and arrow. 16i mm.; 26.7 grs. 22023° — 14 11 THE EMPIHE OE MEXICO. CITY OF MEXICO. GOLD. Augustin /, 1822-1823. 249. Media onza, 1823. Ohv. AUGUSTIN US DEI PROVI- DE NT I A. Nude bust to right; below, .1^. 1823. Bev. MEX. I.IMPERATOR. C0NSTITUT.4. S. J. M. The arms of the empire — a crowned eagle standing upon a cactus, on an oval shield within a garnished cartouche, back of the base of which are arrows and quiver, crossed. Edge, obliquely hatched. 30 mm.; 208.5 grs. SILVER. 250. Peso, 1822. Ohv. AUGUST. - .DEI.PROV. Nude bust to right; below, .fvl. 1822. Bev. MEX. I. IM- PERATOR. C0NSTITUT.8R.J.M. A crowned eagle, with head turned to left, standing with left foot upon a cactus on a rock which is in water. Edge, onoa. 39 mm. ; 416.5 grs. PI. XI, 3. 250a. Peso, 1822. Similar to No. 250. 40 mm. Double struck on obverse. 39 mm.; 413.5 grs. 261. Peso, 1823. Ohv. Similar to No. 250. Bev. M EX. I . I M - PERATOR CONSTITUT. A crowned eagle, with head turned to right, standing with left foot upon a cactus on a rock which is in water; below, .8 R. J.M. Edge, as No. 250. 40 mm. ; 413 grs. GUADAIiAXARA. 252-253. Proclamation pesos, 1822. Ohv. •AUGUSTIN • PRIMER* EMP* - CONSTITUCIONAL*DE • M. Bust, in uniform, with ermine mantle, to right; beneath, Medina f*. Bev. GUADALAXARA • EN SU VENTUROSA • PROCLAMACION. An elm tree, the stem supported by two wolves; below, 1822. 40 mm.; 401 grs. 158 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 159 2M-255. Proclamation pesos, 1822. Olv, Similar to No. 252. Rev. EL CONSULADO ] NACIONAL DE | GUADALAXAKA. Above, an imperial crown in a glory; below, 1822 and a festoon of flowers; the whole within a laurel wreath. Edge, plain. 39 mm. 256. Proclamation peso, 1822. Ohv. Similar to No. 252. Rev. EN SU I AUGUSTA | PROCLAMACION | LA CATEDEAL DE | GUADALAXAKA | 1822; beneath, garland of flowers; the whole within a laurel wreath. 39 mm. ; 428 grs. CITY OF MEXICO. 257. Peseta, 1822. Oh). Legends and types similar to No. 251, except date and the reading .2 R. J. M. beneath arms on reverse. Edge, oaoa. 27 mm. 258. Peseta, 1823. Similar to No. 257, except date. 269. Real, 1822. Legends and types similar to No. 251, except date, and reading only J. M. beneath arms on reverse. 17 mm. 260. Real, 1823. Similar to No. 259, except date. THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. 1824-1864. GOLD. CITY OF MEXICO. 961. Onza, 1824. 6>J^. REPUBLICA M EXICANA. Thearms of Mexico. JRev. LA LIBERTAD EN LA LEL A right hand holding a staff surmounted by liberty cap upon book of the constitution; below, 8 E. M. 1824. J. M. 21 Qs. Edge, ////. 36 mm.; 417 grs. PI. XII, 1. 262. Media onza, 1827. Similar to No. 261, but reading * 4 E. fVl. 1827. J. M. 21 Qs. Edge, //////. 31 mm.; 208.5 grs. 263. Escudo, 1825. Similar to No. 261, but reading 1 E. IVI. 1 825. J . M . 21 Qs on reverse. Edge, ////. 18 mm. ; 52 grs. 264. Medio escudo, 1844. Types similar to No. 261, but read- ing 1/2 E. rCl. 1844. M. F. 21 Qs on reverse. 15 mm.; 25 grs. 265. Medio escudo, 1846. Similar to No. 264, except date; 25 grs. 266. Medio escudo, 1848. Similar to No. 261, but reading 1/2 E. IVI. 1848. G. C. 21 Qs on reverse. 15 mm. 267. Medio escudo, 1851. Similar to No. 266, except date. 268. Medio escudo, 1853. Similar to No. 266, except date. GUADAIiAXARA. 269. Medio escudo, 1837. Types similar to No. 261, but read- ing 1/2 E. QA 1837. J. C. 21 Qs on reverse. 15 mm. GXTADALUPB Y CAL.VO. 270. Medio escudo, 1850. Types similar to No. 261, but read- ing 1 /2 E. G. C. 1 850. M . P. 21 Qs on reverse. 15 mm. 160 I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 161 SILVER. CITY OP MEXICO. The Provisional Government, 1823-182^. 271. Peso, 1824. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. An eagle standing to left, with left foot upon a nopal which is upon a rock in water, and grasping a serpent in beak and right claw; below, oak and laurel branches. R&u. A liberty cap, inscribed ^^■e^.^y, encircled by rays; below, •SR. fVI. 1824. J. M. 10 D^ 20 Qs. Edge, ))))). 38 mm; 416.5 grs. PI. XI, 4. The Reptihlic of Mexico. 272. Peso, 1826. 6>5y. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Thearms of Mexico. Bev. A liberty cap with libertad inscribed around edge, encircled by rays; below, *8R. M. 1825. J. M. 10DS20GS. Edge,))))). 40mm.; 415.6 grs. PI. XI, 5. ' 273. Peso, 1827. Similar to No. 272, except date. 274. Peso, 1828. Similar to No. 272, except date. 275. Peso, 1839. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. fOl. 1839. M. L 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 276a. Peso, 1840. Similar to No. 275, except date. 276b. Peso, 1846. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. iCl. 1846. M. F. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. t276c. Peso, 1847. Similar to No. 275b, except date. 876. Peso, 1868. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. iCl. \ 1858. F. H. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 277. Peso, 1869. Similar to No. 276, except date. 278. Peso, 1863. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. fSl. 1863. T. H. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. CHIHUAHtTA. 279. Peso, 1831. Legends and types similar to No. 272, but reading •BR C^ 1831. M. R. 10 D^ 20 Qs on the reverse. 280. Peso, 1864. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. C^ 1864. M. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 162 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. DTTRANGO. The Provisional Government, 1823-1824" 281. Peso, 1824. Legends and types similar to No. 271, but reading •8R. 0° 1824. R. L. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the reverse. The Bepublic of Mexico. 282. Peso, 1832. Similar to No. 272, but reading •BR. 0° 1832. R. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 283. Peso, 1850. Similar to No. 272, but reading •SR. 0° 1850. J. M. R. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. aUADALUPE Y CALVO. 284. Peso, 1846. Legends and types similar to No. 272, but reading *8R. G. C. 1846. M. P. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the reverse. GUANAXUATO. The Provisional Government^ 1823-182J^. 285. Peso, 1824. Similar to No. 271, but reading •SR. G^ 1824. J.M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. The Rejpvhlic of Mexico. 286. Peso, 1826. Similar to No. 272, but reading •SR. G^ 1825. J.M. 10 DS 20 Gs on the reverse. 287. Peso, 1830. Similar to No. 272, but reading •SR. Go.» 1830. M.J. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 288. Peso, 1832. Similar to No. 287, except date. 289. Peso, 1833. Similar to No. 287, except date. 290. Peso, 1834. Similar to No. 287, except date. 291. Peso, 1847. Similar to No. 272, but reading •SR. Go. 1847. P. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. " 292. Peso, 1859. Similar to No. 272, but reading •SR. Go. 1859. P.P. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 293. Peso, 1860. Similar to No. 292, except date. 294. Peso, 1862. Similar to No. 272, but rea(fing •SR. Go. 1862. Y.P. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. ' Nos. 287 to 294 have the mint mark G with interior o. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, ANI> MEDALS. OAXACA. 163 295. Peso, 1864. Legends and types similar to No. 272, but reading •8R. O. 1864. F.R. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the re- verse. Edge, □ □ en. SAN LUIS POTOSI. 296. Peso, 1829. Legends and types similar to No. 272, but reading •8R. P'. 1829. J.S. 10 D^ 20 G^ on reverse. 39 mm. 297. Peso, 1830. Similar to No. 296, except date. 298. Peso, 1834. Similar to No. 296, except date. 299. Peso, 1835. Similar to No. 296, except date. 38 mm. 300. Peso, 1844. Similar to No. 272, but reading •8R. P' 1844. A.M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 301. Peso, 1849. Similar to No. 300, except date. 38 mm. ZACATECAS. 302. Peso, 1826. Legends and types similar to No. 272, but reading •8R. Z^ 1826. A. Z. 10 D^ 20 G^ 303. Peso, 1828. Similar to No. 272, but reading • 8R. Z^. 1828. A. 0. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 304. Peso, 1831. Similar to No. 272, but reading • 8R. Z^. 1831 . 0. V. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 306. Peso, 1833. Similar to No. 272, but reading • 8R. Z^, 1833. 0. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 306. Peso, 1833. Similar to No. 305, but the letter M in legend on reverse is inverted. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 306, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. lar to No. 305, except date. 307. Peso, 1834. Simi 308. Peso, 1835. Simi 309. Peso, 1836. Simi 310. Peso, 1837. Simi 311. Peso, 1838. Sim] 312. Peso, 1841. Sim] 313. Peso, 1842. Simi 314. Peso, 1844. Sim] 164 CATALOGUE QP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. GUANAXUATA. 315. Toston, 1839. OU. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. The arms of Mexico. Rev. A liberty cap, with libertad inscribed round edge and encircled by rays; below, • 4R. GO 1839. P. J. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. Edge, ))))). 32 mm. 316. Toston, 1863. Similar to No. 315, but reading * 4R. G° 1863. Y. F. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. SAN LUIS POTOSI. 317. Toston, 1844, reading * reverse. 318. Toston, 1836. 1836. O.M. 319. Toston, 1837. 320. Toston, 1842. 321. Toston, 1851. 322. Toston, 1859. 1859. M.O. Legends and types similar to No. 315, but 4R. P'. 1844. A. M. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the ZACATECAS. Similar to No. 315, but reading *4R, Z^ 10 D^ 20 G^ on the reverse. Similar to No. 318, except date. Similar to No. 318, except date. Similar to No. 318, except date. Similar to No. 318, but reading *4R. Z^ 10 D^ 20 G^ on reverse. CITY OP MEXICO. The Provisional Government^ 182S-1821i.. 323. Peseta, 1824. Olv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. An eagle, standing to left with left foot upon a nopal cac- tus on a rock, which is in water, and grasping a ser- pent in beak and right claw; below, oak and laurel branches. Rev. A liberty cap, inscribed .S^e*^«^on the crown, encircled by rays; below *2R. M. 1824. J. M. 10 DS20 Gs 28 mm. The Republic of Mexico. 324. Peseta, 1826. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. The arms of Mexico. Rev. A liberty cap with libertad inscribed on the edge, encircled by rays; below, *2R. fVI. 1826. 10 DS20GS27mm. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 165 326. Peseta, 1827. Similar to No. 324, except date. 326a. Peseta, 1829. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. fCl. 1829. J. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 326b. Peseta, 1859. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. I^. 1859. F. H. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. DTTRANGO. The Provisional Government^ 1823-182^,. 326. Peseta, 1824. Legends and types similar to No. 323, but reading •2R. 0° 1824. R. L. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the re- verse. The Hepvhlic of Mexico. 327. Peseta, 1842. Types similar to No. 324, but reading • 2R. DO 1842. R.M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. QUANAXTJATO. 328. Peseta, 1838. Types similar to No. 324, but reading • 2R. OP 1838. P.J. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 329. Peseta, 1841. Similar to No. 328, except date. 330. Peseta, 1846. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. G^ 1846. P. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 331. Peseta, 1850. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. G^ 1850. P. F. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. ZACATECAS. 332. Peseta, 1828. Types similar to No. 324, but reading *2R. ZA 1828. A. 0. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the reverse. 333. Peseta, 1835. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. Z^ 1835. 0. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 334. Peseta, 1839. Similar to No. 333, except date. 335. Peseta, 1858. Similar to No. 324, but reading •2R. Z^ 1858. M. 0. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 336. Peseta, 1861. Sunilar to No. 324, but reading •2R. Z^ 1861 . V. L. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 337. Peseta, 1863. Similar to No. 336, except date. 166 CATALOGUE OP GOINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. CITY OF MEXICO. 338. Real, 1825. Legends and types similar to the Toston, No. 324, but reading •IR. fVl. 1825. M. F. 10 D^ 20 G^ on the reverse. 21 mm. 339. Real, 1826. Similar to No. 338, except date. 340. Real, 1845. Similar to No. 338, but reading •IR. JSA. 1859. F. H. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. CTIIjIACAN. 341. Real, 1851. Similar to No. 338, but reading •IR. C. 1851. C. E. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. ZACATECAS. 342. Real, 1828. Legends and types similar to No. 324, but reading •IR. Z^ 1828. A. O. 10 D^ 20 G* on the reverse. 21 mm. 343. Real, 1829. Similar to No. 342, except date. 344. Real, 1830. Similar to No. 324, but reading •IR. Z^ 1830. O. V. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 345. Real, 1839. Similar to No. 324, but reading •IR. Z^ 1839. 0. M. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 21 mm. 346. Real, 1847. Similar to No. 345, except date. 347. Real, 184B. Similar to No. 345, except date. 348. Real, 1858. Types similar to No. 324, but reading •I R. Z^ 1858. M. O. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. CITY OP MEXICO. 77ie Provisional Government. 349. Medio real, 1824. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. An eagle standing to left with the left foot upon a nopal, which is upon a rock in water, and grasping a serpent in beak and right claw; below, oak and laurel branches. Rev. A liberty cap with ^^^^^e^^ inscribed on the crown, encircled by rays; below, • iR. M. 1824. J. M. 10 DS20GS 17 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 167 The Bepvhlic. 350. Medio real, 1825. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The arms or Mexico. Hev. Similar to No. 349, but cap has LiBERTAD inscribed on edge. 350a. Medio real, 1826. Similar to No. 350, except date. 351. Medio real, 1827. Similar to No. 350, but reading *iR. iCl. 1827. R. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 352. Medio real, 1845. Similar to No. 350, but reading *iR. IVI. 1846. M. F. 10 Ds 20 Qs on reverse. CUADAIiAXARA. 353. Medio real, 1842. Similar to No. 350, but reading *iR. QA 1842. J. G. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. CUIilACAN. 354. Medio real, 1848. Similar to No. 350, but reading *iR. C. 1848. C. E. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 354a. Medio real, 1849. Similar to No. 354, except date. ZACATBCAS. 366. Medio real, 1828. Types similar to No. 350, but reading • iR. ZA 1855. 0. A. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 356. Medio real, 1855. Similar to No. 350, but reading *iR. ZA1855. 0. M. 10DS20GS. 366a. Medio real, 1856. Similar to No. 366, except date. CITY OF MEXICO. 357. Cuartino, 1842. Oh). Head of Liberty, with Phrygian cap, to left; below, M^ - LR. Rev. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. In field, 1/4; below, 1842. 12 mm. 358. Cuartino, 1845. Similar to No. 357, except date. 358a. Cuartino, 1860. Similar to No. 357, except date. GTJANAXUATO. 369. Cuartino, 1841. Types similar to No. 357, but with mint- mark G° on reverse. 360. Cuartino, 1842. Similar to No. 359, except date. 168 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 361. Cuartino, 1846. Similar to No. 359, except date. 362. Cuartino, 1848. Similar to No. 359, except date. • 363. Cuartino, 1851. Similar to No. 359, except date. SAN IiUIS POTOSI. 364. Cuartino, 1844. Ohv. Head of Liberty, with Phrygian cap, to left; below, S.L.P. Rev. As No. 357. BRONZE. CITY OF MEXICO. 366. Cuartilla, 1830. (9Jv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The arms of Mexico. Bev. Within a palm wreath, 1 /4 | iCl . A. 1830 (curved line). 27 mm. 366. Cuartilla, 1831. Similar to No. 365, except date. 367. Cuartilla, 1832. Similar to No. 365, except date. 368. Cuartilla, 1833. Similar to No. 365, except date. 369. Cuartilla, 1834. Similar to No. 365, except date. 370. Cuartilla, 1835. Similar to No. 365, except date. 371. Cuartilla, 1836. Similar to No. 365, except date. 372. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Bust of an Indian woman, to right, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, •1838*. B&u. UNA | CUAR- TILLA I MO I in straight line. 30 mm. 373. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. U N A | CU ARTI LLA (curved line) M° | within a wreath of oak and laurel branches. 30 mm. DURANGO. 374. Cuartilla, 1838. 6»Jv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. •UNA* | CUARTILLA | D°; below, branches of oak, crossed. 30 mm. QUANAXUATO. 375. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. UNA | CUARTILLA I 0°. 30mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 169 I 376. 377. 378. GUADALAXAKA. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. Within an ornamental tressure of four arches, 1 | CUAR- TILLA I G\ 30 mm. SASr LUIS POTOSI. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. On a cir- cular field of blue, numeral 1 ; above, CUARTILLA; below, S. L. P. 30 mm. Cuartilla, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 372. Rev. Between oak and laurel branches, UNA | CUARTILLA (curved) 1 Zs. 30 mm. 379. 380. 382. 383. 384. MEXICO CIT*T. Octavo, 1830. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The arms of Mexico. Rev. 1/8 | M. A. 1830 | within a palm wreath. 17 mm. Octavo, 1831. Similar to No. 379, except date. Octavo, 1833. Similar to No. 379, except date. Octavo, 1834. Similar to No. 379, except date. Octavo, 1835. Similar to No. 379, except date. I THE EMPIRE OE MAXIMILIAN. 1864-1867. GOLD. CITY OF MEXICO. 385. 20 Pesos, 1866. Ohv. MAXIMILIANO- EMPERADOR. Bust to right; beneath, on a scroll, navalon | ocampo - SPiRiTU. ^^-y. I M PERI MEXICAN 0. Uponasword and scepter in saltire, a crowned oval shield, bearing the Mexican eagle — an eagle standing on a nopal and grasp- ing serpent in beak and claws — within chain of the Order of the Mexican Eagle, and supported by two griffins; below, 20 PESOS - 1866 fvl. Edge, reeded. 36 mm.; wt., 521.5 grs. PI. XII, 2. 386. 20 Pesos, 1866. Similar to No. 385. Wt., 520.5 grs. SILVER. 387. Peso, 1866. Legends and types similar to No. 385, but reading 1 PESO - 18661^. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.; 418 grs. 388. Peso, 1867. Similar to No. 387, except date. POTOSI. 390. Peso, 1866. Legends and types similar to No. 385, but reading 1 PESO - 1866 P'. beneath the arms on reverse. 37.5 mm.; 417.7 grs. 1 CITY OP MEXICO. 391. Medio peso, 1866. Olv. MAXIMILIANO - EMPE- RADOR. Head to right. Rev. IMPERIO MEXI- CAN . A crow ned oval shield of the arms of Mexico — an eagle standing upon a cactus; on rim of the shield, EQUiDAD EN LA JU8TICIA; bclow, 50 CENT. - 1866 M° Edge, reeded. 30 mm.; 209.3 grs. 170 I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 171 392-^93. Decimo, 1864. Obv. IMPERIO MEXICAN 0. Crowned eagle, standing with left foot upon a nopal plant, grasping serpent in right claw and beak; below, oak and laurel branches. Rev. Within a laurel wreath. 10 I CENT I 1864 | M. Edge, recdcd. 18 mm. ; 40 grs. 394-395. Decimo, 1866. Similar to No. 392, except date. 396. Medio decimo, 1864. Types similar to 392, but reading 6 1 CENT I 1864 I M I on reverse. r THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO, RESTORED, LATER, [JNITED STATES OF MEXICO. GOLD. CITY OF MEXICO. 397. 20 Pesos, 1870. Olv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The arms of Mexico; below, 1870. Rev. A pair of scales over scroll of the constitution and a sword in sal tire; on the scroll, ley; above, liberty cap in a glory; below, MOC.VEINTE PESOS. 875. Edge,reeded. 37mm.; wt., 523.5 grs. PI. XII, 3. 398. 20 Pesos, 1904. Similar to No. 397, but reading M^ M. VEI NTE PESOS. 875. on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 34 mm.; wt., 522.3 grs. 399. 10 Pesos, 1904. Types similar to No. 397, but reading MOM. DIEZ PESOS. 875. on reverse. Edge, reeded. 27 mm.; wt., 261 grs. 400. 6 Pesos, 1904. Types similar to No. 397, but reading MO M. GIN CO PESOS. 875. on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 21 mm. ; wt. , 130. 5 grs. 401. Peso, 1904. Obv. Similar to No. 397. Rev, 1 | PESO within oak and laurel wreath; above, M . 875 . M^. Edge, reeded. 14i mm.; wt., 26 grs. Gold coins after the adoption of the gold standard. 402-403. 10 Pesos, 1905. Ohv. Head of Miguel Hidalgo to left; around, DIEZ PESOS - M* 1905. Rev. ES- TADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS. Arms of the Re- public; edge, INDEPENDENCIA. Y. LiBERTAD. 23 mm.; wt., 130.2 grs. 404-405. 5 Pesos, 1905. Types similar to No. 402, except the value, whichis CI NCO PESOS. Edgeaslast. 19mm.; wt., 64.2 grs. 172 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 173 SILVER. CITY OF MEXICO. 406. Peso, 1869. Legends and types similar to No. 397, but reading UN PESO M^ C. 902.7 on reverse. Edge, reeded. 37 mm.; wt., 416 grs. PL XI, 6. 407. Peso, 1871. Similar to No. 406, except date. 408. Peso, 1874. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Thearms of Mexico. Bev. A liberty cap, with libertad in- scribed on the edge, encircled by rays; below, * 8 R. fvl. 1874. M. H. 10 D^ 20 Qs Edge, '^1)1)^^ 39 mm.; wt., 418 grs. 409. Peso, 1879. Similar to No. 408, except date. 410. Peso, 1888. Similar to No. 408, except date. 411. Peso, 1889. Similar to No. 408, except date. 412. Peso, 1892. Similar to No. 408, but reading * 8 R. 1^. 1892. A. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 413. Peso, 1894. Similar to No. 412, except date. 414. Peso, 1895. Similar to No. 412, except date. 415-416. Peso, 1904. Types similar to No. 408, but reading • UN PESO. MO 1904. A.M. 902, 7. on the re- verse. Edge reeded. 39 mm. chihttahua. 417. Peso, 1875. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. C^ 1875. M. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 418. Peso, 1877. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. C^ 1877. J. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs on the reverse. 419. Peso, 1877. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. C^ 1877. E. A. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. DURANOO. 420. Peso, 1876. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. 0° 1876. C. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs op. reverse. GUANAXITATO. 421. Peso, 1877. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. 0° 1877. F. R. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 22023° — 14 12 174 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 422. Peso, 1881. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. 0° 1 881 . S. B. 1 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 423. Peso, 1883. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. G^ 1883. R. R. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. 423a. Peso, 1886. Similar to No. 423, except date. 424. Peso, 1888. Similar to No. 423, except date. 426. Peso, 1898. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. G° 1898. R. S. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. aUADAIiAXABA. 426. Peso, 1896. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. G^ 1895. J. S. 10 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse, CUlilACAN. 427. Peso, 1889. Similar to No. 408, but reading • 8 R. C^ 1 889. A. M . 1 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. HEBMOSIL.L.O. 428. Peso, 1868. Similar to No. 408, but reading * 8 R. A. 1868. P. R. 10 Ds 20 G^ on the reverse. ZACATBCAS. 429. Peso, 1872. Legends and types similar to No. 397, but reading UN PESO Z^ H.902.7 on the reverse. 429a. Peso, 1872. Similar to No. 429, except date. 430. Peso, 1896. Legends and types similar to 408, but read- ing • 8 R. ZA 1 896. F. Z. 1 Ds 20 Gs on the reverse. 431. Peso, 1897. Similar to No. 430, except date. 432. Peso, 1900. Types similar to No. 408, but reading * U N PESO. Zs 1 900. F. Z. 902.7 on the reverse. The United States of Mexico. 433. Peso, 1910. Olv. ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS. The arms of Mexico. The value, UN - PESO, is divided by the stem of the cactus. Rev. A female rep- resenting Mexico, with transparent drapery, her shoulders and arms bare, mounted and riding to left; she holds a branch of oak in right hand and a torch in the upraised left; in background, the rising sun; in exergue, 1910. Edge, independencia y libertad. 39 mm.; wt., 418 gre. Without mint mark. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 175 CITY OF MEXICO. 434. Toston, 1868. Olv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. The arms of Mexico. Rev. Liberty cap, with libertad inscribed on the band, encircled by rays; below, • 4 R. fvl. 1868. P. H. 10 Ds 20 G^. Edge, DDDD 436. Toston, 1877. Ohv. Similar to No. 434, with the addition of the date, 1877, beneath the arms. Reo, A pair of scales over the scroll of the constitution and a sword, crossed; on the scroll let; above, a liberty cap in a glory; below, 50 CENTAVOS M^ M. 902.7. Edge, reeded. 30 mm, SAN litTIS POTOSI. 436. Toston, 1870. Similar to No. 435, but reading 50 CEN- TAVOS P'. H. 902.7 on the reverse. 437. Toston, 1877. Similar to No. 436, except date. CUIilACAN. 438. Toston, 1876. Similar to No. 435, but reading 50 CEN- TAVOS CN P. 902.7 on the reverse. ZACATBCAS. 439. Toston, 1878. Similar to No. 435, but reading 50 CEN- TAVOS Zs S. 902.7 on the reverse. CITY OF MEXICO. 440. Peseta, 1886. Legends and types similar to No. 435, but reading 25 CENTAVOS iCl. M. 902.7. Edge, reeded. 25 mm. 441. Peseta, 1887. Similar to No. 440, except date. 442. Two decimos, 1898. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. The arms of Mexico; below, 1898. Rev. 20 \ centavos; above, M° M. 902.7; below, oak and laurel branches united by a ribbon. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. 442a. Two decimos, 1904. Similar to No. 442, except date. 176 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKEN'S, AND MEDALS. 443. Two decimos, 1905. Obv. ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXI- CAN OS. The arms of Mexico. RefD. Within a wreath of oak and laurel, 20 | centavos | 1905; above, a liberty cap in a glory. Reeded edge. 22 mm. SAN liTJIS P0T08I. 444. Peseta, 1870. Similar to No. 440, but reading 25 CEN- TAVOS P'. G. 902.7 on the reverse. 445. Peseta, 1884. Similar to No. 440, but reading 25 CEN- TAVOS P'. H. 902.7 on reverse. CUIilACAN. 446. Peseta, 1874. Similar to No. 440, but reading 25 CEN- TAVOS CN P. 902.7 on the reverse. ZACATECAS. 447. Peseta, 1869. Types similar to No. 434, but reading • 2R. Zs 1869. Y. H. 10 D^ 20 G^ on reverse. 448. Peseta, 1871. Types similar to No. 435, but reading 25 CENTAVOS Zs H. 902.7 on the reverse. 449. Peseta, 1877. Similar to No. 448, except date. 450. Peseta, 1890. Similar to No. 448, except date. CITY OF MEXICO. 451. Decimo, 1886. Olv. Similar to No. 442. Rev. Within a laurel wreath, 10 | centavos; above, M. M. 902.7. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 452. Decimo, 1890. Similar to No. 451, except date. 452a. Decimo, 1904. Similar to No. 451, except value. 453. Decimo, 1905. Similar to No. 443, but reading 10 \ cen- tavos I 1905 on the reverse. 18 mm. guanaxuato. 464. Decimo, 1891. Similar to No. 451, but reading G° R. 902.7 above the wreath on reverse. \ Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals. 17t SAN liUIS P0T08I. 466. Decimo, 1870. Similar to No. 451, but reading P". G. 902.7 above the wreath on reverse. 466. Decimo, 1884. Similar to No. 455, except date. CUIilACAN. 467. Decimo, 1899. Similar to No. 451, but reading C^ Q. 902,7 above the wreath on reverse. HEBMOSIIiliO. 468. Decimo, 1874. Similar to No. 451, but reading H^ R. 902.7 on reverse. ZACATBCAS. 469. Decimo, 1877. Similar to No. 451, but reading Z^ S. 902.7 on reverse. 460. Decimo, 1879. Similar to No. 459, except date. 461. Decimo, 1896. Similar to No. 451, but reading Z^ Z. 902.7 on reverse. CITY OF MEXICO. 462. Medio decimo, 1879. Obv. REPUBLICA MEXICAN A. Arms of Mexico; below the eagle, 1879. liev. Within a laurel wreath, 5 | centavos; above, M° M. 902.7. Edge, reeded. 15 mm. 463. Medio decimo, 1889. Similar to No. 462, except date. 464. Medio decimo, 1890. Similar to No. 462, except date. 464a. Medio decimo, 1904. Types similar to No. 444, but reading 5 | centavos | on reverse. SAN LUIS POTOSI. 465. Medio decimo, 1870. Similar to No. 462, but reading P' P. 902.7 above the value on reverse. HEBMOSIIiliO. 466. Medio decimo, 1887. Similar to No. 462, but reading H° G. 902.7 above the value on reverse. 178 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ZACATBCAS. 467. Medio decimo, 1885. Similar to No. 462, but reading Z^ G. 902.7 above value on reverse. NICKEL. 468. 5 Centavos, 1883. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Over a pipe of peace, a bow and quiver, crossed, and bound together by a ribbon. Jiev. Numeral V within a wreath. Plain edge. 20 mui. 469. 5 Centavos, 1905. Obv. ESTADOS UN I DOS MEXI- CAN OS. The arms of Mexico. Bev. 1905 | 5 | cen- tavos I within a broad ornamented border. Plain edge. 21 mm. 470. 2 Centavos, 1883. Types similar to No. 468, but with numeral 1 1 1 within the wreath on reverse. 18 mm. 471. 1 Centavo, 1883. Types similar to No. 468, but with numeral I within the wreath on reverse. 16 mm. BRONZE. CITY OF MEXICO. 472. 2 Centavos, 1905. Ohv. ESTADOS UN I DOS MEXI- CAN OS. The arms of Mexico. Bev. Within a laurel wreath, 2 C in monogram; above, between ends of branches forming the wreath, 1905; beneath wreath, m. Plain edge. 25 mm. 473. 1 Centavo, 1871. Obv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. The arms of Mexico. Bev. un | centavo | 1871 | m | within a laurel wreath. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 474. 1 Centavo, 1872. Similar to No. 473, except date. 475. 1 Centavo, 1874. Similar to No. 473, except date. 476. 1 Centavo, 1876. Similar to No. 473, except date. 477. 1 Centavo, 1878. Similar to No. 473, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS, 179 479. 1 Centavo, 1880. Similar to No. 473, except date. 480. 1 Centavo, 1881. Similar to No. 473, except date. 481. 1 Centavo, 1888. Similar to No. 473, except date. 482. 1 Centavo, 1897. Similar to No. 473, except date. 483. 1 Centavo, 1904. Types similar to No. 472, but with 1 C in monogram on the reverse. 20 mm. 484. 1 Centavo, 1905. Similar to No. 483, except date. SAN LUIS P0T08I. 486. 1 Centavo, 1877. Similar to No. 473, except the mint mark, which is P'. 486. 1 Centavo, 1878. Similar to No. 485, except date. 487. 1 Centavo, 1874. which is C^. 488. 1 Centavo, 1875. 489. 1 Centavo, 1877. CUIiIACAN. Similar to No. 473, except mint mark, As No. 487, except date. As No. 487, except date. 490. 1 Centavo, 1881. As No. 487, except date. ZACATECAS. 491. 1 Centavo, 1881. As No. 473, except the mint mark, which is Z^. AUTONOMOUS COINS OF THE MEXICAN STATES. BRONZE. CAMPECHE. 492. Two centavos, 1890. Ohv. RE PUBLIC A MEXICAN A. Bust of Liberty to left, wearing liberty cap on which isastar. ^ev. ESTADO DE CAM PECHE. Within a circle of rosettes and points, the value, dos | centa- vos; below, * 1890 )f . 31 mm. COAHUILA. 493. Two centavos, 1890. Similar to No. 492, but reading EST A DO DE COAHUILA on the reverse. 31 mm. NI7EVO IjEON. 494. Two centavos, 1890. Similar to No. 492, but reading ESTADO DE NUEVO-LEON on the reverse. PUEBIjA. 496. Two centavos, 1890. Similar to No. 492, but reading ESTADO DE PUEBLA on the reverse. QUERETARO. 496. Two centavos, 1890. Similar to No. 492, but reading ESTADO DE QUERETARO on the reverse. CHIHUAHUA. 497. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1838. Ohv. REPUBLICA MEXI- CAN A. A bust, to right, with a fillet inscribed liber- tad; below, date. Rev. ESTADO DE CHIHUAHUA. An Indian, standing facing upon a tortoise, with feather bonnet, and holding an arrow in right, and bow in left, hand. 30 mm. 498. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1846. Ohv. Similar to reverse of No. 497. Bev. ]/i \ 1846, within a wreath. 25 mm. 180 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 181 499. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1856. Similar to No. 497, except date. 600. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1860. Ohv. E. CHIH^ LIBER- TAD, Liberty seated to right, holding a spear in left hand; behind, consular fasces; in exergue; e noviara F. Bev. OCTAVO I DE REAL | 1860 | within a wreath of oak and laurel. 30 mm. 601. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1866. Similar to No. 500, except date. 602. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1868. Similar to No. 500, except date. DURANOO. 603. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1868. Ohv. ESTADO DE DUR- ANGO. The arms of the republic of Mexico. Jiev. CONSTITUCION. Liberty cap, encircled by rays; below, 1/4, 1858. 604. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1858. 6>Jv. Similar to No. 503. Bev. DURANGO 1858 | M, across middle of field. 28 mm. 506. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1866. (5Jy. Similar to No. 503. Bev, INDEPENDENCIA Y LIBERTAD. In the field, 1/4 I 1866; below, two laurel branches. 27 mm. 606. Octavo (1/8 real), 1824. Obv. The arms of the republic of Mexico; on left of the cactus, l/8; to right, d. Bev. Across the middle of the field, a scroll inscribed Lihertad; above the scroll, rays; below, 1824. On borders, scroll patterns. 18 mm. GU AN AXU ATO . 607. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1866. Ohv. EST: LIB:DEGUAN- AXUATO 1856. National arms of Mexico; below, CU ARTI LLA. Bev. Arms — on an oval shield, a hand with a hammer about to strike a chisel held by another hand; shield surmounted by liberty cap in a glory; around, beneath shield, OMNIA VINCIT LABOR; below, two laurel branches. 33 mm. 608. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1867. Similar to No. 506, except date. 182 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 609. Octavo (1/8 real), 1867. Ohv. EST^ LIB^ DE GUANA- XUAT0.1857. The arms of the republic of Mexico; below, OCTAVO. Bev. Similar to No. 506. 25 mm. 810. Octavo (1/8 real), 1867. Similar to No. 509, except date. JALISCO. 511. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1829. Ohv. ESTADO LIBRE DE JALISCO. Mexican flag on a staff standing by a bow and quiver filled with arrows; below, 1829. Rev. Liberty seated to left, holding in right hand pole sur- mounted with liberty cap, her left hand resting upon the seat; in front, a cornucopia lying upon the ground; around, • UN • QUARTO •. 28 mm. 612. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1831. Similar to No. 511, except date. 613. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1833. Similar to No. 511, except date. 614. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1834. Similar to No. 511, except date. 515. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1836. Similar to No. 511, except date. 516. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1836. Similar to No. 511, except date. 517. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1868. Types similar to No. 511, but reading *UNA • CUARTILLA * on the reverse. 32 mm. 518. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1861. Similar to No. 5lY, except date. 619. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1862. Similar to No. 517, except date. 520. Octavo (1/8 real), 1828. Legends and types similar to No. 511, but reading •UN* OCTAVO* on the re- verse. 21 mm. 521. Octavo (1/8 real), 1833. Similar to No. 520, except date. 622. Octavo (1/8 real), 1860. Similar to No. 520, but larger, 28 mm., and dated 1850. 623. Octavo (1/8 real), 1866. Similar to No. 522, except date. 624. Octavo (1/8 real), 1861. Similar to No. 522, except date. 625. Octavo (1/8 real), 1862. Similar to No. 522, except date. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 183 526. Medio octavo (1/16 real), 1861. Legends and types simi- lar to No. 511, but reading *MEDIO* OCTAVO* on reverse. 21 mm. SONORA. 527. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1861. Ohv. EST^ LIB^ Y 506° DE SONORA. National arms of Mexico. Rev. UNA CUARTILLA - DE REAL 1861. Liberty seated to left, similar to No. 511. 34 mm. 528. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1862. Similar to No. 527, except date. HERMOSIIiliO. 529. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1832. Ohv. HERMOSILLO.A.DE. 1832. L.S. Liberty cap in a glory. Rev. EST. DE. SONORA. UNA. CUART. Two cornucopia, turned in opposite directions. 23 mm. 530. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1833. Similar to No. 529, except date. 531. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1835. Similar to No. 529, except date. 532. Cuartilla (1/4 real) , 1837. Similar to No. 529, except date. ZACATECAS. 533. Cuartilla (1/4 real), 1862. Ohv. EST. LIB. FED. DE ZACATECAS. A pyramid, against the front of which leans the book of the constitution, inscribed ley; against the front of the socle lean three wreaths, and a fourth against right side; behind the pyramid, a tree; below, * Q U A RT I LLA * . Rev. An angel, flying to right, the head turned to left, and carrying across left shoulder an arrow surmounted with a liberty cap surrounded by rays; below, on right, a fort with flag flying. COINS OF MUNICIPALITIEa MOREIilA. 534. 1837. Ohv. MUNICIPALIDAD DE MORELIA. 1837. Value, 1/8. Rev. A youth, bearing libert}^ pole sur- mounted by cap in a glory, between oak and laurel branches. 184 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. TAPAIjPA. 635. 1866. 6'J^j.COMMERCIO DETAPALPA. Value, i/8. Rev. SOCIEDAD. Liberty cap; beneath, 1856. CAMPBCHE. 636. 1861. Ohv. MUNICIPIO DE CAM PECHE, with de in center of field. Rev. un | centavo | 1861. MERIDA. 637. 1866. 01m. MERIDA DE YUCATAN. In three lines across the field, part. | de la so- | cied. Rev. 1/2 | GBANO I DE PESO j FUERTE. 27 mm. CENTRAL AMERICA UNDER SPAIN. The mint of the captain-generalcy of Guatemala, or Central America, wag established at Guatemala by Philip V (1701-24-46). The coins of this mint bear the same types as those of the great mints in Mexico and in South America, and are distinguished from the latter by the mint- mark G. (Guatemala), and later by N. G. (Nueva Guatemala). The coinage of gold in Guatemala does not appear to have been very considerable, at least in comparison with the gold coinage of the Spanish mints in North and South America; and the apparently meager produc- tion of gold at this mint has of late been actually reduced considerably by the correct attribution of the coins bearing the mint-mark NR to the mint at Bogota, where the letters refer to Nuevo Reino, or New Granada. MINT AT GUATEMALA, LATER NEW GUATEMALA. SILVER. Ferdinand VI, A. D. 17J,6-1769. 1. Peseta, 1747. Proclamation piece. Ohv. [FERD.] VI. D.G.HISPAN.ET IND. REX. Bust to right. Bev. GUAT. I[N. EIUS.PR]OCLAMATION. Ahorseman, with drawn sword, leaping over two mountain peaks; below, 1747. 2. Peseta, 1767. Ohv. FERD. Vi. D.G.HISP.ET IND.R. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quar- terly, with three lilies on an inescutcheon and a pome- granate on the base; at sides, J - 2. E&v. VTRA QUE V N U M . The two hemispheres, crowned, above the sea, between the two crowned Pillars of Hercules; about each pillar, a scroll inscribed (left) plus - (right) ultra; below, * G * 1770 *G* 28 mm. Charles III, A. D. 1760-1788. 3. Peso, 1777. Oh). CAROLUS. Ill - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1777. Rev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX N G. 8R. P. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quarterly, three lilies on an inescutcheen and a pomegranate on the base, between two pillars; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed (left) plus - (right) ultra. Edge, o □ o en o. 40 mm. ; 415 grs. 185 186 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 4. Toston, 1770. Oh). CAROLUS. II I . D. G . HISPAN . ET IND.REX*. Type similar to No. 2, but reading • |P|*-*|4|* at sides of the shield. Bev. Similar to No. 2, except the date. Edge, laurel wreath. 33 mm. 6. Toston, 1772. Legends and types similar to the Peso, No. 3, but with G.4R.P. in the legend on the reverse. Edge, oaoaoczi. 35 mm. 6. Toston, 1777. Similar to No. 6, except date. 7. Toston, 1778. Similar to No. 5, except date. 8. Peseta, 1763. Ohv. CAR. III. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, P - 2. Bev. Similar to No. 4. 9. Medio real, 1760. Proclamation piece. Ohv. CAROLUS. III. D.G.HISPA.ET IND. REX. Bustto right. Bev. G. IN ElUS PROCLAMATIONE. A horseman, with drawn sword, leaping over two mountain peaks; below, 1760. Charles IV, A. D. 1789-1808. 10. Peso, 1790. Ohv. CAROLUS. IV - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1790. Bev. HISPAN. ET IND. REX NG. 8R. M. Arms as No. 3. 11. Peso, 1792. Similar to No. 10, but the king's title reading CAROLUS. 1 1 1 1 on obverse, and dated 1 792. 12. Peso, 1794. Similar to No. 11, except date. 13. Peso, 1797. Similar to No. 11, except date. 14. Peso, 1798. Similar to No. 11, except date. 16. Peso, 1804. Similar to No. 11, except date. 16. Peso, 1807. Similar to No. 11, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 187 17. Toston, 1793. Legends and types similar to No. 10, but reading N G. 4R. M. in legend on the reverse. 18. Peseta, 1790. reading N o □ o □. 19. Peseta, 1791. 20. Peseta, 1792. 21. Peseta, 1793. 22. Peseta, 1794. 23. Peseta, 1799. 24. Peseta, 1800. 25. Peseta, 1801. 26. Peseta, 1806. Legends and type similar to No. 10, but G. 2R. M. in legend on reverse. Edge, 28 mm. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. Similar to No. 18, except date. 27. Eeal, 1801. Legends and types similar to No. 10, but reading NG. 1 R. M. in the legend on the reverse. 20 mm. 28. Medio real, 1793. Ohv. Similar to No. 10. Rev. H I S PA N . ET IND. R. NG.M. A crowned shield of arms, as No. 3. 16 mm. 29. Medio real, 1802. Similar to No. 28, except date. Ferdinand VII, A. D. 1808-1821. 30. Peso, 1808. Ohv. FERDIND. VII. — DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Charles IV, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1808. Rev. Legend and type similar to No. 3, but reading NG. 8R. M in legend on the reverse. 38.5 mm. 31. Peso, 1809. Similar to No. 30, except date. 32. Peso, 1810. Similar to No. 30, except date. 40 mm. 188 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 33. Peso, 1815. Obv. FERDIN. VII. — DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Ferdinand VII, draped, to right; below, 1 81 5. Rev. Legend and type similar to No. 3, but reading N G. 8R. M in the legend on the reverse. 40 mm. 34. Peso, 1816. Similar to No. 33, except date. 36. Peso, 1817. Similar to No. 33, except date. 36-37. Pesos, 1818. Similar to No. 33, except dates. 38. Peso, 1820. Similar to No. 33, except date. 39-40. Pesos, 1821. Similar to No. 33, except dates. 41. Toston, 1808. Legends and types similar to No. 33, except value, which is 4R(eales). 42. Peseta, 1808. Proclamation piece. Obv. FERDIN. HISP. VII. G U AT. 1 1 . Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1808. Rev. INTER SUSPIRIA FIDES. Crowned shield of arms of Guatemala; at sides, 2 - R. 43. Peseta, 1809. 6>5«. FERDI ND. VI I. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Charles IV, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1809. Rev. Similar to No. 3, except value which is 2 R(eales). 44. Peseta, 1810. Ohv. FERDIN. VII. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Ferdinand VII, draped, to right; below, 1813. Rev. Similar to No. 3. 45. Peseta, 1815. Similar to No. 44. 46. Peseta, 1817. Similar to No. 44. 47. Peseta, 1821. Similar to No. 44. 48. Real, 1810. Obv. FERDIND. VII. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Charles IV, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1810. Rev. Similar to No. 1, but read- ing NG.1 R.M. in legend. 21 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 189 49. Eeal, 1812. OU. FERDIN. VII. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust of Ferdinand VII, draped, to right; below, 1812. Reu. As No. 1. 20 mm. 60. Beal, 1814. Similar to No. 49, except date. 61. Eeal, 1818. Similar to No. 49, except date. 62. Eeal, 1820. Similar to No. 49, except date. 63. Medio real, 1810. 6>Jv. FERDIN D. VII, - DEI. GRA- TIA. Laureated bust of Charles IV, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1810. R&o. HI SPAN. ET I N D. R. N G. M . Type similar to No. 3. UNDEE MEXICO. Augustin i, A. D. 1822-1823. 54. Eeal, 1822. Proclamation piece. Oh). AUGUSTIN. I. EMPERAD. DE. MEXICO. Bust of Augustin, to right. Beo. GUAT. EN LA PROCLAM. DE SU. !«. E M P. Within a laurel wreath, an oval shield of the arms of Guatemala between the ends of the branches. 26 DE DEC. I DE 1822 | 20 DE LA | INDEP. 22023°— 14 13 CENTRAL AMERICA, INDEPENDENT. In 1821 Central America became independent of Spain and formed the confederated RepAblica del Centra de Amirica, composed of Guatemala, CoBta Rica, Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Honduras. This Republic lasted until 1839, when it was dissolved and the five component countries became entirely autonomous. Several attempts to reestablish a union of these countries have proved even less successful than the first, and have left but slight traces of their influence upon the coins. The coins of the Republic of Central America were struck at the old Spanish mint at Guatemala, at Tegucigalpa (mint-mark T.), in Honduras; at San Jose (C R), in Costa Rica; and at Leon (NR), in Nicaragua. The Republic retained the Spanish system with the Peso of 8 reales as the unit. The types, however, were entirely different from those of the royal coins. On obverse they show the sun rising behind a range of five mountains, on reverse a tree and the legend LIBRE CRESCA FECUNDO (PI. XII, 5). EEPUBLIC OF CENTEAL AMERICA, 1824. GOLD. 1. Onza, 1826. Ohv. REPUBLICA DELCENTRO DE AMERICA. Sun rising behind range of five moun- tains; below, 1825. Eev. LIBRECRESCA FECUNDO. A tree, the stem of which divides the mark of value, 8 - E, within a circle; below, NG. M. 21 Qs. Edge, obliquely hatched. 37 mm.; 416.3grs. PI. XII, 5. 2. Cuarta de onza, 1827. Legends and types similar to No. 1, except the mark of value, which is 2 - E. 22.5 mm.; 104 grs. 8. Medio escndo, 1826. Legends and types similar to No. 1, except the mark of value, which is 1/2 - E. 14 mm.; 26 grs. 181 192 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. SILVER. 4. Peso, 1825. Olv. REPUBLICA DEL CENTRO DE AMERICA. Range of five mountains, and the sun rising on left, behind them; below, 1825. Rev. LIBRE CRESCA FECUNDO. A tree, the stem of which divides the mark of value, 8 - R, within a circle; below, N G. M. 10 Ds 20 Qs. Edge, o □ o □. 39 mm.; 416 grs. 5. Peso, 1826. Similar to No. 4, except date. 6. Peso, 1835. Similar to No. 4, except date. 39.5 mm.; 415.3 grs. 7. Peso, 1836. Similar to No. 4, except date. 8. Peso, 1839. Similar to No. 4, except date. 9. Peso, 1842. Similar to No. 4, except date. 10. Peseta, 1825. Olv. REP.D.CENT. D. AMER. Type as No. 4; below, 1825. Rev. LIB.CRESC. FEC. Tree; at sides of stem, 2 - R. ; below, J.D.I.I.I.D. Edge, 00000. 23 mm. 11. Keal, 1824. 6>5?;. REPUBLICA DEL CENTRO DE AMER. Type as No. 4. Rev. Legends and types similar to No. 4, but reading 1 - R. at sides of tree. 11a. Real, 1830. Similar to No. 7, except date. REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA. For several years after the dissolution of the Republic of Central America Guatemala continued on her coins the types of the former, but in 1859 the portrait of President Rafael Carrara (1851-1865) was placed on the obverse (PI. XII, 6), and after his death the portrait was still retained with the inscription, Fundador de la Reji-dblica de Guatemala. Until 1870 the Span- ish system was retained, but in that year the decimal system was adopted for the coinage and a Peso of 100 Centavos was made the unit. The arms of the Republic displaced the portrait of Carrera on the coins issued on the decimal system, and in 1872 the seated female representing Guate- mala (PI. XIV, 1) appeared. GOLD. 12. Onza, 1863. Ohv. RAFAEL CARRERA Rte- DE. LA R^- DE GUATEMALA. Head of Carrera to right; be- neath, FRENER.F. Rev. GUAT^. RA. S. D. - O. M. PROT"^^. A shield of arms, with sun above; at sides of shield, 16- P^; the whole within palm wreath; beneath, 21 Q. - 1863 - R. Edge, reeded. 35 mm.; 417.5 grs. By Frener. 13. Escndo, 1859. Legends and types similar to No. 8, with 2 - P. as mark of value on reverse, and the date 1 859. Edge, reeded. IT mm. ; 52 grs. By Frener. 14. Five pesos, 1874. Ohv. REPUBLICA - DE GUATE- MALA. Female head, Guatemala, laureated, to left; below, CI N CO PESOS. Rev. A parchment inscribed LiBERTAD | 15 ] DE | SETiEMBRE | 1821, surmounted by a bird of paradise, upon a troph}^ of two guns and two swords; below, 0.900 P. 1 874. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. ; 123.6 grs. 16. Peso, 1860. 6>Ji;. Similar to No. 8. RevA \ PESO | 1860, within a palm wreath; below, 21 Q. R. Edge, reeded. 15 mm.; 25.3 grs. 193 194 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 16. Medio peso, 1860. OU. RAFAEL CARRERA.P.D^. L^.R. DEGUATEMALA. Head of Carrera to right. R&o. 4 I REALES I 1860 | within a palm wreath; beneath, 21 Q. R. Edge, reeded. 10 mm.; 12.7 grs. 17-18. Medio pesos, 1861. Similar to No. 12, except date. SILVER. 19. Peso, 1859. OU. RAFAEL CARRERA P^. DE. LA Ra. DE GUATEMALA. Head of Carrera to left; beneath, FRENER F. Rev. Arms; below, 10°. 20°— UN PESO. -1859. Edge, reeded. 39 mm.; 379.5 grs. 20. Peso, 1864. Ohv. Similar to No. 19, but reading P^e instead of P^ in legend. Refo. Arms of the republic; below, L. 10° 20° -UN PESO -1864 R. Reeded edge. 21. Peso, 1866. Ohv. R.CARRERA FUNDADOR DE LA . .^ RCA. D E G U ATE M ALA. Head to left. Refo. Similar to No. 19, except date. 22. Peso, 1872. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA. Female, Guatemala, crowned with oak wreath, seated to left, holding a cornucopia filled with plants and fruits in right hand, her left holding scales and resting upon a column bearing the inscription, 30 | de | junio | de | 1871; on ground, broken chains; below, UN PESO. Rev, A parchment inscribed, libertad j 15 | de | se- tiembre I 1821, surrounded by a bird of paradise, upon a trophy of two guns; the whole over a laurel wreath; below, 0.900-P. 1872. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. PL XIV, 1. 23. Peso, 1882. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA. Arms, as on reverse of No. 22. Rev. Laureated bust of Liberty to left; above, LIBERTAD; below, UN PESO. 0.900. A. E. Edge, reeded. 24. Peso, 1896. Sunilar to No. 22. Edge, reeded. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 195 25. Medio peso, 1868. Similar to No. 21, with the reading R*^, instead of R^^, on obverse; and on reverse, CUATRO R^. beneath the arms. 26. Medio peso, 1870. Obv. REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA. Arms of Guatemala. Hev. The value, 50, within a circle, on seven perpendicular bars of blue, silver, red, gold, red, silver, blue; above, CENTAVOS; below, 0.835. R. 1870. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 27. Peseta, 1861. Similar to No. 19, except for the reading P"''^. on obverse, and the value, which is DOS R^. 27 mm. 28. Peseta, 1865. Legends and types similar to No. 27, but 24 mm. diameter. 29. Peseta, 1866. Ohv. R.CARRERA FUNDADOR DE LA R^DEGUATEMALA. Head of Carrera to left. Bev. Arms of the republic; below, round, L.10° 20° - DOS RL - 1866 R. 30. Peseta, 1868. Similar to No. 29, except date. 31. Peseta, 1869. Similar to No. 29, except date. 32. Peseta, 1870. Similar to No. 29, but reading L. 0.900 - 25 CENT. - 1870 R. on reverse. 33. Peseta, 1872. Ohv. REP^. DE GUATEMALA. A shield, with inscription, 15 | de | set'^. | de | 1821; below, 0.900 P. 1872. liev. 2 | REALES | within a wreath of palm. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. 34. Peseta, 1879. Similar to No. 22, but reading dos reales in the exergue. Edge, reeded. 36. Peseta, 1881. Similar to No. 34, but reading 25 ] cent', j in the exergue on obverse. 36. Peseta, 1892. Similar to No. 35, except date. 37. Peseta, 1894. Similar to No. 35, but with the reading, 2 REALES, in the exergue on obverse. Edge, reeded. 38. Peseta, 1896. Similar to No. 37, except date. 196 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 39. Eeal, 1847. Olv. REPUBLICA DE GUATEM. Arms of Guatemala. Rev. 21 de | marzo | de | 1847 | within a laurel wreath. 21 mm. 40. Real, 1859. Legends and types similar to No. 19, but reading, 10^^ 20^ - UN REAL. - 1859 R. below arms, on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 21 mm. 41. Real, 1861. Similar to No. 39, but reading UN R^ in legend on reverse. 42. Real, 1864. Similar to No. 40, except date. 43. Real, 1865. Similar to No. 40, except date. 44. Real, 1867. Ohv. Similar to No. 29. Rev, Arms of the republic; below, 10° 20^ 1 R^ 1867 R. 45. Real, 1868. Legends and types similar to No. 33, but reading 1 | REAL within wreath on reverse. 46. Real, 1872. Similar to No. 45, except date. 47. Real, 1874. Similar to No. 45, except date. 48. Real, 1881. Oho. REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA. Arms — parchment surmounted by a parrot, over two guns in saltire — within an olive wreath. R&o. 10 | CENT^ I within a palm wreath. 18 mm. 49. Real, 1894. Types similar to No. 22, but reading 1 real in exergue on obverse, and 0.835-1894 on reverse. 60. Medio real, 1872. Legends and types similar to No. 22, but reading 1/2 | real on obverse. 16 mm. Edge, reeded. 61. Medio real, 1879. Similar to No. 50, except date. 52. Medio real, 1880. Ohv. Similar to No. 22, but reading 1/2 R. in exergue. Rev. No legend; type as No. 22; below, 0.835-D. 1880. 63. Medio-real, 1881. Similar to No. 62, but reading medio REAL, on obverse. 64. Medio-real, 1896. Similar to No. 52, except date. CATAIXXJUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 197 65. Cuartino, 1842. Obv. Three mountain peaks; to left, ris- ing sun; below, 1842. Bev. Tree; at sides of stem, G - 1/4. Plain edge. 11 mm. 66. Cuartfno, 1844. Similar to No. 55, except date. BRONZE. 67. Centavo, 1871. Obv. REP. DE GUATEMALA, in sunken letters, on a scroll; beneath, sun rising above a volcano, which is between two mountain peaks; beneath, 1871. Rev. UN I CENTAVO | - * -. 20 mm. 58. Centavo, 1881. Olv. Similar to No. 48. Rev. un [ cen- tavo I - T*r -. 69. Centavo, 1884. Similar to No. 58, except date. HONDURAS. The unit of coinage in Honduras is the Peso, and since 1871 it has been a Peso on the decimal system of 100 Centavos. The types of the coins are the national arms, the traditional tree, or a standing figure of Liberty. The small coinage of the country has sometimes been executed at foreign mints, as were the nickel pieces of 1870. The arms of Honduras. — Adaptation of the national coat of arms appears on the coins of Honduras, the essential features of which are a moun- tain peak surmounted by a Liberty Pole with Phrygian cap in a glory, between two towers on which rest the ends of a rainbow, the whole in a triangular field azure; around, on a broad band, REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS. THE REPUBLIC OF CENTEAL AMERICA. 1. AR. Peseta, 1831. Oh). REPUBLICA DEL CENTRO DE AMERICA. Sun rising behind range of five moun- tains; below, 1831. E&o. LIBRE CRESCA FECUN DO. Within an inner circle, a tree, whose stem divides mark of value, 2 - R ; below T. F. 1 D^ 20 G^. 26 mm. REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS. TOKENS IN BRONZE. 2. 8 Peso pieces, 1862. Olv. Arms of Honduras; on the broad band surrounding the arms, MONEDA PROVI- SIONAL DEL ESTADO DE HONDURAS. Bev. LIBRE CREZCA FECUN DO. Within an inner circle, a tree, the stem dividing mark of value, 8 - p^; below, T.I 862. A. 32 mm. 3. 4 Pesos, 1862. Legends and types similar to No. 2, ex- cept mark of value which is 4 - p^. 4. 2 Peso pieces, 1862. Legends and types similar to No. 2. 26 mm. 198 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MBDALg. 199 6. Peso, 1867. Ohv. MONEDA PROVISIONAL DEL ES- TADO DE HOND. Arms of Honduras. Rev. Simi- lar to No. 2, but reading T. 1857. F. L in legend, and 8 - R. as mark of value. 40 mm. 6. Peso, 1862. Legends and types similar to No. 2, but with 8 - R as mark of value on reverse. 7. 4Eeales, 1852. Obv. MON . PROVISIONAL DEL EST. DE HOND. Arms of Honduras. Rev. LIBRE CREZCA FECUNDO. Tree, the stem dividing mark of value, 4 - R.; below, •t-1852-g. 30 mm. 8. 4 Eeales, 1853. Similar to No. 7. 9. AR. 2 Reales, 1842. Similar to No. 7, but with 2 - e as mark of value on reverse. 19 mm. GOLD. 10. 1896. 6 Pesos. Obv. Head of Liberty to left; above, 15 DE SETIEMBRE DE 1821; below, CENTRO AMERICA; in the field, left, P, right. A, each over trident and caduceus, in saltire. Rev. Arms of Hon- duras; above, a scroll inscribed, u-n-i-o-n; above the scroll, five stars inscribed with the initial letters of the names of the States composing the Union : G . S. H . N .0. ; below, CINCO PESOS. Edge, reeded. 22 mm.; 124 grs. SILVER. 11. Peso, 1881. Obv. Arms of Honduras over a trophy of flags and a quiver filled with arrows; below, 0.900 - 25 qMos I UN PESO - 1881. ^e?;. Liberty, wearing Lib- erty cap, standing to right, her left foot upon the base of a column, supporting with her right hand the standard of the Central American Union, her left supporting the book of the constitution, which rests upon the column; above, 15 DE SETIEMBRE DE 1821; in exergue, CENTRO-AM ERICA ; in field, to left, P. to right. A, each upon a dolphin coiled about a trident. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. By Frener. 12. Peso, 1891. Similar to No. 10, but with bust of Pallas on a scroll beneath the arms; above, UN PESO. 200 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 13. Medio peso (50 centavos), 1871. Ohv. Arms of Honduras i;ui', over a trophy of flags, and crowned. Bev. DIOS 1 'UNION LIBERTAD. Within a circle, a tree, the stem dividing the mark of value, 50 - C, in a laurel wreath open at top; above, eleven stars; below, on border, 15 DE SET. 1821. 0.900. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 14. Medio peso (60 centavos), 1875. Legends and types similar to No. 11, but reading 50 cent* beneath the arms on obverse. Reeded edge. 32 mm. 16. Medio peso (50 centavos), 1879. Ohv. CENTRO AMER- ICA REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS. An eagle, with round shield of arms on breast; above, a scroll inscribed PAZ — progreso — libertad; below, lei 9 dec. FiNO, and on border, 50 CENTAVOS. Rev. ir * ir • • 15 DE SEP. DE 1821 •*•••; Liberty standing, head turned to right, holding in right hand the flag of the Central American Union, the left arm {:'4 .resting upon a column (or altar); below, 1879. Edge, reeded. 31 mm. 16. Medio peso, 1883. Similar to No. 15, except date. 17. Medio peso, 1884. Similar to No. 15, except date. 18. Medio peso, 1887. Similar to No. 15, except date. 19. 26 Centavos, 1871. Legends and types similar to No. 13, except the size, and the mark of value, which is 25 - C. 25 mm. 20. 25 Centavos, 1883. Legends and types similar to No. 11, but with 25 cent^ as mark of value, on reverse. 25 mm. 21. 25 Centavos, 1884. Similar to No. 20, except date. 22. 26 Centavos, 1886. Similar to No. 20, except date. 23. AE. 25 Centavos, 1877. Necessity piece. Ohv. REPU- BLICA DE HONDURAS. A tree within a circle; below, 1877. Hev. Mark of value, 25, within a circle; around, •LA HONDURENA* ZELAYA I DIAZ. 24 mm. CATALOOUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 201 24. 10 Centavos, 1871. Legends and types similar to No. 13, except in size, and the mark of value, which is 10 - c. 18 mm. 26-26. 10 Centavos, 1895. Ohv. Arms of Honduras, within a laurel wreath. Rev. Within a laurel wreath, 10 | cent^. , with a bust of Pallas beneath; around, PAZ * PRO- GRESO • LIBERTAD * 1893. Edge, plam. 19 mm. 27. AE. 10 Centavos, 1877. Necessity piece. Similar to No. 23, but with mark of value, 10, on reverse. 21 mm. 28. 5 Centavos, 1895. Types similar to No. 25, but with 5 CENT^ within the wreath, on reverse. NICKEL. 29-30. 1/2 Real, 1869. Oh). REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS. AMERICA CENTRAL. A fort in a harbor, and war- ship at each side; above, triangular shield of arms; below, trophj'^ of eight flags; beneath, barke. Bev. Within an olive wreath, 1/2 [ real | 1869. Edge, plain. 25 mm. By Barre. Struck at Paris. 31. 1/4 Eeal, 1869. Similar to No. 29, except the value. 20 mm. 32. 1/8 Real, 1869. Similar to No. 29, except the value. 15 mm. BRONZE. 33. Centavo, 1879. <95v. CENTRAL AMERICA REPUBLICA DEHONDURAS. Head of Liberty to left, wearing Phrygian cap; beneath, 1879. Eev. Within a wreath, UN I CENTAVO. 20 mm. 34. Centavo, 1884. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS. Arms of Honduras. Rev. Within an olive wreath, 1 I CENTAVO I 1884. 20 mm. 35. 1/2 Centavo, 1885. Legends and types similar to No. 34, except in size and value. 16 mm. NICARAGUA. Nicaragua declared its independence of Spain in 1823, and joined the Federal Union of Central America, though not until 1854 did Spain recog- nize the independence of Nicaragua. The coinage of Nicaragua has never been extensive, the currency of the country generally having been foreign coins and forced circulation of paper money. The monetary unit of the country is a silver Peso of 100 Centaws. The arms of Nicaragua, which are found on some of the coins, are on a shield azure a chain of five mountain peaks, above which risea sun or. 1. Peseta, 1825. Ohv. REP. D. CENT. D. AMER. Sun, ris- ing behind range of five mountains; below, 1 825. Bev. LIB.CRESC.FEC. A tree, the stem dividing the value, 2-r; below, N. R.T.I I. D. Edge,00000. 24 mm. Thick planchet. 2. 20Centavos, 1880. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA. Arms of the Republic — triangular shield of arms, upon trophy of military arms; below, * 1880 *. Hev. 20 I c'^". I within a wreath; above, 15DESETIEMBRE, and beneath the wreath, 1 821 . Edge, reeded. 23 mm. 3. 20Centavos, 1887. Obv, REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA. Arms of the Republic; below, 15 DE SETIEMBRE 1821. Jiev. 20 I CENTS | 1887 I within laurel wreath. Edge, reeded. 4. 10 Centavos, 1880. Legends and types similar to No. 2, but reading 10 | c^^ I within wreath, on reverse. 5. 10 Centavos, 1887. Legends and types similar to No. 3, but reading 10 | cents | 1887 | on reverse. 6. 6 Centavos, 1880. Legends and types similar to No. 2, but reading 5 | c™ | on reverse. 7. 6 Centavos, 1887. Legends and types similar to No. 3, but reading 5 | cents | 1887 | on reverse. 202 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 203 NICKEL. 8. 1 Centavo, 1878. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA. The arms of Nicaragua; below, 1878. Ren. Within an oak wreath, un j centavo. 21 mm. 9. 6 Centavos, 1898. Ohv. ESTADO DE - NICARAGUA. Within a triangular field, a liberty cap in a glory above a range of five mountains by the sea; beneath, scroll pattern. Ren. Within a wreath, 5 | centavos. 20 mm. BRONZE. 10-11. 2 Centavos, 1887. Legends and types similar to No. 3, but reading 2 | cents | 1887 within laurel wreath. 30 mm. 12. 2 Centavos, 1889. 6>5ij. UNION - CENTRAL- AMERICA. Head of Liberty, with cap, to right; above, five stars; below, ENSATO Rev. COSTA- RICA •GUATEMALA • HONDURAS • NICARAGUA • SALVADOR. Within a wreath, 2 | centavos; below, 1889. 30 mm. 13. Centavo, 1860. Obv. LI BERT AD Y UNION. Three mountain peaks. Reo. REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA. Within a beaded circle, un | centabo | 1860. 26 mm. 14. Centavo, 1889. Similar to No. 12, but reading l | centavo | within the wreath, on reverse. I SALVADOR. The coinage of Salvador has never been of any considerable extent. Whatever need there may be of gold or silver is supplied with the coins of foreign countries, especially of France, England, and the United States. The currency of the country ia inconvertible paper, which is greatly depre- ciated. The legal monetary unit is the silver Peso. The types consist of the arms of the Republic on obverse, and a bust of Columbus, or the value within a wreath on the reverse. The decimal system is now employed. The arms of Salvador: On a shield azure a volcano, behind which rises a sun or, and above, nine stars or; crest, two cornucopise of flowers and a pole or surmounted by a Phrygian cap in a glory. GOLD. 1. 20 Pesos, 1892. Ohv. REPUBLICA DEL SALVADOR, Arms of Salvador within a palm wreath; below, 900. c.A.M. 1892. Bev. AMERICA CENTRAL. Laureated bust of Liberty to left; below 20 PESOS. Edge, reeded. 33 mm.; 497.5 grs. 2. 10 Pesos, 1892. Legends and types similar to No. 1, but with 10 PESOS beneath the bust, on reverse. 27 mm. ; 248.6 grs. 3. 6 Pesos, 1892. Legends and types similar to No. 1, but with 5 PESOS beneath the bust, on reverse. 21 mm.; 122.5 grs. SILVER. 4. Peso, 1892. Ohv. Similar to No. 1. Bev. AMERICA CENTRAL. A flag held by five hands. Edge, reeded. 37 mm. 5. Peso, 1893. Ohv. Similar to No. 1. Bev. Bust of Colum- bus, with hat, to^left; above, CRISTOBAL COLON ; below, UNO PESO. AMERICA CENTRAL Edge, reeded. 38 mm. 204 CATAIX>GUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 205 6. Peso, 1894. Similar to No. 5, except date. 7. Medio peso, 1893. Legends and types similar to No. 5, except in size and value. 8. 20 Centavos, 1892. Ohv. REPUBLICA DEL SALVADOR. Arms of the Republic. R&o, veinte | centavos | within a palm wreath. 9. 10 Centavos, 1892. Similar to No. 8, but reading diez | centavos I on reverse. 10. 6 Centavos, 1892. Similar to No. 8, but reading cinco | centavos I on reverse. nickel. 11. 2 Centavos, 1889. OU. REPUBLICA DEL SALVADOR. Head to left; below, 1889. Ren. Within an olive wreath, 3 | CENTAVOS. 20 mm. 12. 1 Centavo, 1889. Legends and types similar to No. 11, but reading 1 | CENTAVO | in wreath on reverse. 16 mm. BRONZE. 13. Real, 1835. Necessity piece. OU. POR LA LI BERT AD DEL SAL. Within a circle, a mountain peak with letter S. at each side. Rev. MONEDA PROVI- SIONAL. A column, standing by the sea, surmounted by liberty cap; at sides of column, 1 and R, 14. Medio real, 1880. Necessity piece. Ohv. CASINO SA L- VADORE; in field, the date. Rev. medio real in one line across the field. 26 mm. 22023°— 14 14 COSTA EICA. From 1832 to 1850 the coins of Costa Rica bear the type, three moun- tains and tree, of the earlier confederacy, with the exception of the Real, which had for obverse type a female bust. In 1850 the national arms appeare5i;. FRD .VI . D. G . HISP. ET IND. R. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, r - 1. Rev. VTRA — QVE VNUM. Same type as No. 10; below, LM.1755. J.D. Edge, laurel wreath. 21 mm. 12. Medio real, 1756. Oh). FRD.VI.D.G.HISP.ET IND.R. A crowned shield of arms, with rosettes at sides. Rev. VTRA QUE VNUM. Same type as No. 10; below, LM .1 756. J . M . Edge, laurel wreath. 17 mm. 13. Medio real, 1759. Similar to No. 12, except date. POTOSI. GOLD. 14. Onza, 1754. Irregular thick piece. Obv. FERD [VI D. G]. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. [H ISP] ET I N[D]. REX. 1 754. A cross potent, within a tressure of four arches. 30 mm.; 417.5 grs. PI. IX, 5. 16. Media onza, imdated. Ohv. Shield of arms. R&o. Cross. Irregular piece, and very much clipped. 23 mm.; 205.5 grs. 16. Cuarta de onza, undated. 6>Jv. Shield of arms. J?ey. Cross. An irregular thick piece, very much clipped. 20 mm. 100.5 grs. 17. Escndo, undated. Ohv. Crowned shield of arms. Rem. Cross. 17 mm. ; 77 grs. An irregular, thick piece. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 217 SILVER, 18. Peso, 1747. Irregular, thick piece. Ohv. A cross potent, with arms of Leon and Castile in the angles; at sides, P. - "R. Reo. Two pillars; across the field, in three lines, p. - 8 - ^. I PLV - svl - tra. | ^ - 747 - p. Plain edge. 28 mm.; 417.5 grs. SANTIAGO. GOLD. 19. Onza, 1763. Olv. FERDINANDUS.VI.D.G.HISP.REX. Bust, cuirassed, to right; below, *1753*. Rev. NOMINA fylAGNA SEQUOR. A crowned shield of arms, within collar of the Golden Fleece; below, * 5* • J* 37mm.; 416.6. I BOaOTA. 20. Cnarta de onza, 1769. Ohv. FERDND.VI.D.G.HISPAN. ET I N D. REX. Bust, cuirassed, to right; below, 1 759. Rev. NOMINA MAGNA SEQUOR. Crowned shield of arms; below, *n.r* j. 23 mm.; 102 grs. Charles III, A. JD. 1760-1788. IjIMA. SILVER. 21. Peso, 1774. Ohv. CAROLUS. III. - DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1774. Rev. HiSPAN. ET IND. REX. M -SR. M. J. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, three lilies on an inescutcheon, and a pomegranate on base, between two pillars; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed (left) PLUS- (right) ultra. Edge, o^oaoa. 41 mm. ; 409.5 grs. 22. Peso, 1780. Similar to No. 21, except date. 23. Peso, 1786. Similar to No. 21, except date. 24. Peso, 1787. Similar to No. 21, except date. 218 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 25. Toston, 1760. Proclamation jeton. Oh). CAROLUS.III. HISPAN.ET IND.REX. M- Within a circle, bust, cuirassed. Rev. OPTI MO.PRI NC.PUBLFIDELIT. JURAM. A double ea^le, crowned, with shield on breast, between two crowned pillars; beneath talons of eagle, sup - vnd. Edge, laurel wreath. 37 mm. 26. Peseta, 1772. Legends and types similar to No. 21, ex- cept the reading .2R. J, M. on reverse. 27. Peseta, 1781. Similar to No. 26, but reading 2R. M. J. in legend on reverse. 28. Peseta, 1782. Similar to No. 27, except date. 29. Peseta, 1786. Similar to No. 27, except date. 30. Peseta, 1788. Similar to No. 27, except date. 31. Eeal, 1768. Irregular, thick piece. Ohv. Cross, with arms of Leon and Castile in angles. Rev. Two crowned pillars; three line inscription obliterated, except the date (1)768. 42.5 grs. 32. Real, 1776. Legends and types similar to No. 21, except the reading .1 R. M. J. on reverse. 22 mm. 33. Real, 1777. Similar to No. 31, except date. 34. Real, 1779. Similar to No. 31, except date. 36. Real, 1783. Similar to No. 31, except date. POTOSI. SILVER. 37. Peso, 1782. Ohv. Similar to No. 21. Rev. HISPAN. ET I N D. REX. ^ .8 R. P. R. Same type as No. 21. Edge, oaoaoa. 39 mm. 38. Peso, 1787. Similar to No. 37, except date. 39. Peso, 1789. Similar to No. 37, except date. CATALOGUE OF COliTS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 219 40-41. Toston, 1770. OU. CAROLUS. III. D. G. HISPAN. ETIND. REX. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile; at sides, left, J | R, between two rosettes, right, 4, between two rosettes. Rev. VTRA QUE VNUM. Two hemispheres, crowned, above the sea, between two crowned pillars; about each pillar a scroll inscribed, (left) PLUS (right) l^ltea; below, 1^ * 1770 • 1^. Edge, wreath. 33 mm. 42. Toston, 1775. Legends and types similar to No. 37, but reading 4 R. J. R. in legend on the reverse, and dated 1 770. 35 mm. 43. Toston, 1776. Similar to No. 42, except date. 44. Toston, 1777. Similar to No. 42, except date. 45. Toston, 1778. Similar to No. 42, but reading 4 R. P. R. in legend on reverse. 46. Toston, 1780. Similar to No. 46, except date. I 47. Peseta, 1769. Obv. CAR. III. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, R — 2, each between two rosettes. Rev. Similar to No. 40, except the date. 28 mm. 48-49. Peseta, 1774. Legends and types similar to No. 21, except the reading "^ .2 R. J. R, in legend on reverse. 28 mm. 50. Peseta, 1775. Similar to No. 48, except date. 61. Peseta, 1776. Similar to No. 48, except date. » 52. Peseta, 1777. Similar to No. 48, except date. 53. Peseta, 1780. Similar to No. 48, but reading 2R. P. R. in legend on reverse. 54. Peseta, 1783. Similar to No. 53, except date. 66. Real, 1770. Ohv. CAR.III.D.G.HISP.ET IND.R. A crowned shield of arms; at sides, R. - 1. Rev. Similar to No. 40, but reading "^ .1770. J.R. beneath arms, on reverse. 220 CATALOGUE OF COHiTS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 56. Real, 1774. Similar to No. 37, but reading f .1 R. J. R.' in legend, on reverse. BOGOTA. GOLD. 67. Onza, 1779. Olv. CAROLI II.D.G. HISP.ET IND. REX. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1 779. Rev. IN. UTROQ. FELIX. AUSPICE DEO. A crowned shield of arms, within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides of shield, 8 - S ; below, nr. - j j. Edge, ob- liquely hatched. 37 mm. ; 417 grs. 58. Onza, 1786. Similar to No. 67, except date. 416.6 grs. 59. Cnarta de onza, 1765. Legends and types similar to No. 57, but reading nr. * . j v. beneath the arms on the reverse. 22 mm. ; 92 grs. PL IX, 6. 60. Cuarta de onza, 1781. Similar to No. 69, but reading NR. * .J. J. beneath the arms on the reverse. 23 mm.; 103 grs. SILVER. 61. Eeal, 1777. Similar to No. 37, but reading N R. 1 R. J. J. in legend, on reverse. 62. Real, 1790. Similar to No. 61, except date. POPAYAN. GOLD. 63. Media onza, 1762. 6>5v. CAROLVS. III.D*G* HISPAN* ET IND. REX. Bust, cuirassed, to right; below, • 1762*. Rev. •NOMINA MAGNA SEQUOR*. A crowned shield of arms; below, pn* * * j. 31 mm. ; 207 grs. 64. Escndo, 1767. Legends and types similar to No. 63, but reading pn. * j. beneath shield of arms on reverse. 19 mm.; 62.2 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 221 Charles IV, A. D. 1789-1808. IjIMA. GOLD. 66. Onza, 1790. Ohv. CAROL. IV. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1790. Rev. IN UTROQ. FELIX AUSPICE DEO. Crowned shield of arms, within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides, 8 - S ; below, ^ I. J. 38 mm.; 415.6 grs. SILVER. 66. Peso, 1789. Proclamation piece. Ohv. CAROLUS. IV, D. G. HISP. ET. IND. REX. A crowned shield of arms, within collar of the Golden Fleece. Bev. PUBLIC. FIDELIT. JURAM. 10. OCTOBRIS. 1789. A double eagle, crowned, with oval shield of arms (the arms of the city of Lima) on breast, between two pillars; below, CR9 (left) — ix (right). 39 mm. 67. Peso, 1790. Ohv. CAROLUS. IV. DEI. GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1790. Rev. HISPAN ET IND. REX. M -SR- I- J- A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quar- tered, three lilies on an inescutcheon, and a pomegranate on the base, between two pillars; about the pillars a scroll inscribed, plus — ultra. Edge, ocuoao. 40 mm.; 410.7 grs. 68. Peso, 1791. Similar to No. 67, but with the king's title written, CAROLUS. Mil. etc., and dated 1791. 69. Peso, 1796. Similar to No. 68, except date. 70. Peso, 1797. Similar to No. 68, except date. 71. Peso, 1798. Similar to No. 68, except date. 72-73. Pesos, 1799. Similar to No. 68, except dates. 74-75. Pesos, 1802. Similar to No. 68, except dates. 76. Peso, 1803. Similar to No. 68, except date. 77-78. Pesos, 1804. Similar to No. 68, but reading 8R. J. P. in the legend on the reverse, and dated 1 804. 79-80. Pesos, 1806. Similar to No. 77, except dates. 22023° — 14 15 222 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS, 81-82. Pesos, 1806. Similar to No. 77, except dates. 83-84. Pesos, 1807. Similar to No. 77, except dates. 85-86. Pesos, 1808. Similar to No. 77, except dates. 87. Peseta, 1792. Olv. CAROLUS. II 1 1.— DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1792. Rev. HISPAN. ET. IND. REX. 2R. I. J. Type similar to No. 67. 88-89. Pesetas, 1793. Similar to No. 87, except dates. 90. Peseta, 1794. Similar to No. 87, except date. 91. Peseta, 1796. Similar to No. 87, except date. 92. Peseta, 1800. Similar to No. 87, except date. 93-94. Pesetas, 1801. Similar to No. 87, except dates. 95. Peseta, 1802. Similar to No. 87, except date. 96. Peseta, 1804. Similar to No. 87, but reading 2R. J. P. in legend on reverse, and dated 1 804. 97. Peseta, 1805. Similar to No. 96, except date. 98. Peseta, 1806. Similar to No. 96, except date. 99. Peteta, 1808. Similar to No. 96, except date. 100. Real, 1791. Obv. CAROLUS. Mil.— DEI. GRATIA. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1791. Rev, HISPAN. ET IND.REX. .1 R. I.J. Type similar to No. 67. 101. Cuartino, 1797. Obv. Lion, rampant. Rev. Castle; at sides, L. — 1 /4 ; below, date. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 223 P0T08I. ji<,if 811 GOLD. 102. Onza, 1805. 6>5v. CAROL I III. D. G. — HiSP. ET I N D. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1805. Rev, IN UTROQ. FELIX. AUSPICE DEO. Type similar to No. 65, but with P. - J T. below the arms on reverse. Edge, obliquely hatched. 37 mm. ; 417 grs. 102a. Escudo, 1800. Ohv. As No. 102. Rev. IN. UTROQ - FELIX. A. D. Similar to No. 65; below arms, P. -J. F. Edge, oblique hatching, 19 mm.; 51.8 grs. SILVEE. "l03. Peso, 1791. 6>5v. CAROLUS. III!.— DEI. GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1 791 . Rev. Similar to No. 67, but reading ^ 8R. P. R. in legend. 41 mm. ; 410 grs. 104. Peso, 1795. Similar to No. 103, but reading 8R. P. p" in the legend on reverse, and dated 1 795. 105. Peso, 1796. Similar to No. 104, except date; on bust, countermarked with bust of George III, of England. 106. Peso, 1796. Similar to No. 104, except date. 107. Peso, 1798. Similar to No. 104, except date. 108. Peso, 1799. Similar to No. 104, except date. 109. Peso, 1800. Similar to No. 104, except date. ;.i 110. Peso, 1801. Similar to No. 104, except date. 111. Peso, 1805. Similar to No. 104, except date. 112. Peso, 1806. Similar to No. 103, but reading 8R. P. J. in legend on the reverse. 113-114. Pesos, 1807. Similar to No. 112, except dates. 116-116. Pesos, 1808. Similar to No. 112, except dates. 117. Toston, 1792. Legends and types similar to No. 67, ex- cept the reading ^. 4 R. P. R. in legend on reverse. 224 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 118. Toston, 1798. Similar to No. 117, but reading 4R. P. P. in legend on reverse, and dated 1 798. 119. Toston, 1808. Similar to No. 117, but reading 4R. P. J. in legend on reverse, and dated 1 808. 120. Peseta, 1808. Legends and types similar to No. 67, but reading ^ 2 R. P. J. in legend on reverse. 121. Cuartino, 1797. Similar to No. 101, but with mint- mark, ^. 122. Cuartino, 1800. Similar to No. 121, except date. SANTIAGO. SILVEE. 123. Peso, 1794. 6)5v. CAROLUS.IIII.— DEI GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1794. B&o. HISPAN.ET IND.REX. §. 8R. D.A. Arms as No. 67. Edge, aoaoiz:. 40 mm. 124. Cuartino, 1791. OU. CAROL IV. D. G. HiSP. R. Laureated bust to right; below, §. 1 791 . Rev. A cross fleury; at center, an oval shield with three lilies; in angles, arms of Leon and Castile; the whole within a laurel wreath. Edge, oaoao. 13.5 mm. BOGOTA. GOLD. 125. Escudo, 1798. Obv. CAROL INI. - D. G. HISP. ET I N D. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1798. Rev. IN UTROQ. FELIX. A. D. Similar to No. 60, but with l - s at sides of the shield, on reverse. 18 mm.; 52.6 grs. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 225 POPAYAN. 126. Toston, 1790. Proclamation piece. Obv. CAROL. IV. D. G. HISP. ET. IND. R. Bust, cuirassed, to right. Bev. PROCLAMATUS. IN. CIVIT. POPAIANENSI. A city, at the foot of two mountains; above the further mountain, rising sun; on top of the other, three crosses; below, TENORio I 1790. 33 mm. Ferdinand VII, A. D. 1808-1821, lilMA. SILVER. 127-128. Peso, 1808. Proclamation piece. Obv. F E R D I N A N - DUS VII. - D. G. HISP. ET IND. REX. Bust, in uniform, to right. Bev. PUBLICAE FIDELITATIS. JURAM. LIMAE. Arms similar to No. QQ\ below, ABASCAL 13 ocTOB. | 1808. Edge, wreath. 39 mm. 129. Peso, 1810. Olv. FERDIN. VII.— DEI. GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1810. Bev. HISPAN.ET IND. REX. M 5R. J. P. A crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile, quartered, three lilies on an inescutcheon, and a pome- granate on the base, between the two pillars of Hercu- les; about the pillars, a scroll inscribed plus - ultra. Edge, . — . — .—. 39 mm. 130. Peso, 1811. Similar to No. 129, except date. 425.5 grs. 131. Peso, 1811. Ohv. Inscription as No. 129; a short bust, laureated, draped, to right. Bev. Similar to No. 129. 132. Toston, 1816. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading ^ 4R.J.P. in legend on reverse. 133. Peseta, 1810. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading .2R. J. P. in legend on reverse. 134. Peseta, 1811. Similar to No. 133, but the bust in mantle only, and dated 1811. ^^ -^^i oa«^ .061 226 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 135. Peseta, 1814. Similar to No. 134, except date. 136. Peseta, 1815. Similar to No. 134, except date. 137. Peseta, 1816. Similar to No. 134, except date. 138. Peseta, 1818. Similar to No. 134, except date. 139. Eeal, 1818. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading ]VJ. 1 R. J. P. in legend on reverse. 140. Real, 1819. Similar to No. 139, except date. 141. Cuartino, 1812. Obv. Lion rampant. Rev. Castle; at sides, L. - 1/4. 142. Cuartino, 1820. Similar to No. 141, except date. POTOSI. GOLD. 143. Onza,1810. Ohv. FERDND.VII.D.G. HISP.ET IND.R. Bust of Charles IV, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1 81 0. Rm). Similar to No. 65, but with P. J F. below the arms, on reverse. Edge, obliquely hatched. 37 nmi. ; 419 grs. SILVER. 144. Peso, 1808. Proclamation piece. Ohv. OPTIMO*PRINC * PUBLICE* FIDELIT.* JURAT. • Mount Cerro de Potosi, on which appear pdssim llamas and five men; above, a crown, and eagle's wings projecting up- ward from behind the top of the mountain; at each side, a pillar. Rev. potosi [ pro | ferdinando vii | anno | 1808, within a laurel wreath. 40 mm. 145. Peso, 1813. 05v. FERDIN. VII— DEI. GRATIA. Laure- ated bust, draped, to right; below, 1813. Rev. HIS- PAN.ET IND.REX. 1^8R. P.J. Arms similar to No. 129. 39.5 mm.; 416 grs. 146. Peso, 1814. Similar to No. 145, except date. 147-148. Peso, 1817. Similar to No. 145, except dates. 149. Peso, 1818. Similar to No. 145, except date. 150. Peso, 1820. Similar to No. 145, except date. CATAIXWSUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 227 161. Peso, 1822. Similar to No. 145, except date. 162-163. Peso, 1824. Similar to No. 146, except dates. 164. Peso, 1825. Similar to No. 145, but reading 8R. I.L. in legend on reverse. 155. Toston, 1818. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading ^. 4R. P. J. in legend on reverse. I 156. Peseta, 1817. Similar to No. 145, but reading ^ .2R. P. J . in legend, on the reverse. SANTIAGO. SILVER. 157. Peso, 1810. (95y. FERDIN. VI I.— DEI GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 1810. Rev. HISPAN.ET IND. REX. §. 8R. F. J. Arms as No. 129. 40 mm. 168. Peso, 1816. Similar to No. 157, but bust has only the mantle. 169. Toston, 1811. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading §. 4R. F. J. in the legend on reverse. 160. Peseta, 1811. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading §. 2R. F. J. in legend on reverse. 161. Real, 1813. Legends and types similar to No. 129, but reading ^. 1 R. F. J . in legend, on reverse. 162. Cuartino, 1817. Similar to No. 141, except the mint- mark, which is b. 228 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. BOGOTA. GOLD. 163. Escudo,1811. 6>5v. FERDND. VI I. D. G. HISP. ET IND. R. Bust, cuirassed and draped, to right; below, 181 1 . Rev. IN UTROQ. FELIX. A. D. Crowned shield of arms, within collar of the Golden Fleece; at sides, 1 - s; below, nr - j. j. 18 mm. ; 62 grs. PI. IX, 7. SILVER. 164. Real, 1808. Similar to No. 129, but reading N R.I R.F.J. in legend, on reverse. 165. Real, 1818. As No. 164, except date. 166. Real, 1819. As No. 164, except date. SANTA MARTA. 167. AE. Cuartino, 1813. Necessity piece. Ohv. F. VII and the date, within a beaded circle. Rem. S. M. within a beaded circle. 21 mm. 168. AE. Cuartino, 1820. Necessity piece. 6>5i;. Across, with S. M. castle, and a sword, in the angles. Rev. Value, 1/4; between a sword and a castle; crown above. NUEVO SANTANDEB. 169. Peso, 1809. Proclamation piece. Ohv. FERNANDO* VII*REY*DE*ESPANA*Y*LAS* INDIAS. A crowned shield of arms, between two crowned pillars. Rev. PROCLAMADO [ EN LA CAPITAL. | DEL NUEBO SAN | TANDER EN 8 DE I ABRIL DEL | ANO. DE 1809, within a laurel wreath. Edge, oczioaoa. 40 mm. REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. » The coinage of the Republic of Panama, which dates from 1904, is based on the gold Balboa of 1.672 grams and 900 thousandths fine. The actual coinage consists of silver and nickel. The silver Peso, which is equivalent in weight and fineness — 25 grams, 900 thousandths fine — to the 5-frano piece of the Latin Monetary Union, is equivalent to one-half the gold Balboa. The small silver V20 Peso, or 2}/2 centesimos de Balboa, was discon- tinued in 1907 because of its inconveniently small size, and a nickel piece of the same value substituted. SILVER. 1. Peso, 1904. REPUBLICA — DE PANAMA. Mailed bust of Balboa to left, with helmet, on the rim of which is Dios ley libertad; beneath the bust, bal- boa; below, 1904. I2ev. cincuenta centesimos de BALBOA. Arms of the Republic; beneath, g. 25. ley 0.900. Edge, reeded. 36 mm. 2. Medio peso, 1904. Ohv. Similar to No. 1. Rev. veinti- i ciNCO CENTESIMOS DE BALBOA. Arms of the Republic; below, G. 12.500 LEY 0.900. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 13. Decimo, 1904. Similar to No. 1, except the legends on the reverse which are diez centesimos de balboa and q. 5. LEY 0.900. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. 4. Medio decimo, 1904. Similar to No. 1, except the legends on the reverse which are cinco centesimos de balboa and G 2.500 LEY 0.900. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 6. 2 1/2 Centesimos, 1904. Similar to No. 1, except the legends ^_ on the reverse, which are dos y medio centesimos de ^H balboa and g. 1.25 ley 0.900. Edge, reeded. 10 mm. ^R 229 230 CATAlrOGXJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NICKEL. 6. 2 1/2 Centesimos, 1907. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE PANAMA. Arms of the Republic; below, . 1907 . Rev. DOS Y MEDIO CENTESIMOS DE BALBOA; in the field, 2-1/2 I • • • * I • • * . Edge, plain. 21 mm. 7. Medio centesimo, 1907. Obv. REPUBLICA DE PANAMA. Bust of Balboa to left, as No. 1; below, . 1907 . Rev. MEDIO I CENTESIMO | DE | BALBOA | — • — | . Edge, plain. 16 mm. COLOMBIA. In 1811 New Granada declared itself independent of Spain and formed a Republic. In 1819 the Republic of Colombia waa erected out of what are now Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. This union lasted only until 1836, when Venezuela and Ecuador established independent governments, and the States of Colombia were formed into the Granadine Confederation, which finally became the United States of Colombia in 1861. The change in the coins produced by the first political change just noted waa the introduction of the types of the bust of an Indian woman, with the feather crown and the legend Libertad Americana; and on the reverse, the pomegranate (Spanish, granada) , a type parlant referring to the name of the country. The mints of this Republic were at Bogota and Popayan in Colombia proper, and at Quito in Ecuador. Under the Granadine Confederation or the RepHblica de la Nueva Granada, the type of American Liberty and the pomegranate were continued for a short time, but they presently gave way to a Caucasian type of Liberty and the consular fasces over the bow and arrow, between two comucopise. The coinage of the Republic, both of Colombia and of New Granada, retained the Spanish system with the Peso of 8 Reales as the unit until 1847, when a decimal system with a Peso of 10 Reales as the unit was adopted. But for popular convenience in the transition from a long-used system to a different one, the Granadino (No. 28), an 8-real piece after the old system, was also coined. Finally, in 1871 the United States of Colombia adopted the monetary system of the Latin Union, with a gold Peso as the unit. The types of the new coinage brought out on this standard were the head of Liberty and the national arms, and embrace also a statement of the weight and fineness of the piece. The arms of Colombia. — Shield divided per fess, on chief azure a pome- granate vert between two cornucopiae, from which pour piasters; on base Isthmus of Darien azure with ship on each side; on fess argent a Phrygian cap gules on a pole or; crest, an eagle with wings displayed. Motto, LIBBRTAD I ORDEN. 231 .08d^ .6 232 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. KEPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA, 1819-1836. GOLD. BOGOTA. 1. Onza, 1831. 6)Jv. REPUBLICA DECOLOMBIA. Draped bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1831. Rev. Consular fasces, over which are a bow and three arrows in saltire between two cornu- copige; above, BOGOTA; below, 8 . S. * R . S. Edge, obliquely hatched. 37 mm.; 416.5 grs. 2. Cuarta de onza, 1829. Types similar to No. 1, but reading 2. S. * R. S. below arms on reverse. Edge, obliquely hatched. 22 mm. ; 105 grs. 3. Medio escudo, 1825. Types similar to No. 1, but with LIBER, on fillet about head of Liberty, and on reverse reading 1 . P. J . F. Edge, obliquely hatched. 16 mm. ; 26.5 grs. 4. Medio escudo, 1835. Similar to No. 3, except date. 26 grs. POPAYAN. 5. Onza, 1826. Ohv. Similar to No. 1, except the date. Mev. Type similar to No. 1, but with POPAYAN above, and 8. E. * F. M . below, thearms. Edge, obliquely hatched. 36 mm. ; 416 grs. 6. Onza, 1836. Similar to No. 5, but reading 8. E. • U. R. below the arms on the reverse. 36 mm.; 416.5 grs. 7. Escudo, 1823. Types similar to No. 1, but with PO PA Y A N above the arms, and 1. E. * F. M. below. Edge, obliquely hatched. 19 mm. ; 51 grs. SILVER. BOGOTA. 8. Peso, 1819. Olv. LIBERTAD AMERICANA. Bust of an Indian woman, with feather crown, to left; below, .1819. ^6v. NUEVA GRANADA . J . F . A pomegranate with two leaves on the stem; at sides, 8 - R. Edge, oczioao. 39 mm. ; 381 grs. 9. Peso, 1820. Similar to No. 8, except date. I I CATALOGUE OF COIITS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 233 10. Peso, 1820. 6>5?;. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Bust of an Indian woman, with feather crown, to left; below, 1820. ^ev. CUNDINAMARCA. A pomegranate; at sides, 8 — R; below, J. F. Edge, oaoaoa. 39 mm. ; 368 grs. 11. Peso, 1821. Similar to No. 10, but with B^ . J. F. be- neath the pomegranate, on reverse. 12. Peso (Colombiano), 1835. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CO- LO M BIA. Between two cornucopias, consular fasces, over which are bow and three arrows, crossed; below, 1835. Rev. Within a laurel wreath, b. j colombiano | OCHO I REALES ] R. s. | ; abovc, between the ends of the branches of the wreath, libertad, incused on a ribbon. PI. XIV, 2. 13. Peseta, 1821. Olv. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Head of an Indian woman, with feather crown, to left; below, 1821. Rev. CUNDINAMARCA. Pomegran- ate on stem with three leaves; at sides, 2 - R; below, BA. J.F. 27 mm. 14. Eeal, 1821. Similar to the Peso, No. 10, but reading 1 — R. ; below, in field, B^. J. F. 30 mm. 16. Beal, 1827. Obv. Type similar to No. 12, except date. Reo. Within a wreath, B | 1. REAL | R.R. ; above, on a scroll, LIBERTAD. 16. Real, 1829. Similar to No. 15, except date. 17. Real, 1833. Similar to No. 15, but reading b. | l. real. | R. s. I within the wreath on reverse. 18. Real, 1836. Similar to No. 17, except date. GRANADINE CONFEDERATION, 1836-1858. 19. Onza (16 Pesos), 1837. Obv. REPULICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA. Draped bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1837. Reo. Arms of the Confederation: a spade-shaped shield with laurel 234 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND JMEDALS. wreath above, from which spring scrolls inscribed,] LiBERTAD - I ORDEN, and above the whole, a con- dor in downward flight; around, DIEZ I SEIS PESOS. BOGOTA. R. S. Edge, reeded. 36 mm.; 416 grs. PL XIII, 1. 20. Onza, 1838. Similar to No. 19, except date; 416 grs. 21. Onza, 1849. Olv. REPUBLiCA DE LA NUEVA GRA- NADA. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1849. Rev. Arms: a spade-shaped shield of arms over four flags, draped two and two, surmounted by a condor with laurel wreath in beak; above, BOGOTA. PESO-25.8064. G.; below, LEI 0.900. Edge, reeded. 37 mm.; 398 grs. A pattern by Wyon. 22. Onza, 1849. Pattern of No. 21, in silver, but with plain edge. 23. Condor, 1866. Legends and types similar to No. 21, but with PESO-1 6.400. G in legend on reverse. Edge, reeded. 26 mm.; 252.2 grs. 24. Peso 1846. Types similar to No. 19, but with U N PESO. BOGOTA. R. S. on reverse. 14.5 mm.; 25.7 grs. silver. 26. Peso, 1837. Olv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANA- DA. Arms of Colombia; below, 1837. Rev. * BO- GOTA *. Within a laurel wreath, 8 | eeales; below, R * S. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. 26. Peso, 1839. Olv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRA- NADA. A condor, in downward flight; in the beak, a ribbon inscribed libertad i orden; below, a cor- nucopia, and beneath, 1839. Rev. VALE OCHO REALES. Within a closed laurel wreath, lei | ocho | DiNEROs; below, R * BOGOTA * S. Edge, oaooo. 39 mm.; 349 grs. PI. XIV, 3. 27. Peso, 1843. Similar to No. 25, except date. CATAIiOGUE OF COIIirS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 235 28. Peso, 1847. Granadino. Obv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA. Shield of arms, between two laurel branches; below, 1847. Rev. Within a wreath, ocHO I REALEs; around, BOGOTA. - LEY. 0.900. Edge, reeded. 34 mm.; 306 grs. 29. Peso, 1847. Olv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRA- NADA. Arms of the Republic : a shield surmounted by a condor over four flags, crossed; below, 1847. Rev. Within a wreath, diez | reales; below, LEY 0.900. Edge, reeded. 36 mm. ; 385 grs. 30. Peso, 1848. Similar to No. 29, except date. 31. Peseta, 1840. Legends and types similar to No. 26, but reading VALE DOS REALES on reverse. 25 mm. 32. Peseta, 1849. Legends and types similar to No. 28, but reading DOS REALES within wreath on reverse. 18 mm. 33. Peseta, 1860. Similar to No. 32, except date. 34. Peseta, 1851. Similar to No. 32, except date. 35. Peseta, 1857. Olv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRANADA. Arms of the Republic within a wreath; below, 1857. Rev. Within a wreath, dos decimos; above, BOGOTA; below, LEI 0.900. 36. Eeal, 1837. Olv. REPUBLICA DE LA NUEVA GRA- NADA. Pomegranate between two cornucopise. Reo. Within a wreath, l ] real; above, BOGOTA; below, R. * S. Edge, reeded. 20 mm. 37. Real, 1838. Similar to No. 36, except date. 38. Real, 1839. Similar to No. 36, except date. 39. Real, 1845. Similar to No. 36, except date. 40. Real, 1847. Similar to No. 36, but with un J beal { on reverse. 18 mm. 41. Real, 1852. Similar to No. 40, except date. 236 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 42. Cuartino, 1821. Ohv. Pomegranate, with three leaves at- tached to stem. Hev. Liberty cap; below, 1821 ; left, B^i right, 1/4. 12 mm. 43. Cuartino, 1845. Ohv. Cornucopia; below, 1845. R&o. 1/4 I DE I REAL; above, BOGOTA. UNITED STATES OF COLOMBIA. GOLD. BOGOTA. 44. 10 Pesos, 1863. Olv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLUM- BIA. Bust of Liberty to left, with a fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1863, and on border, nine stars. Rev. jjj Arms as No. 4; around, G. 16. 129 • DIEZ PESOS • LEI 0.900; below, BOGOTA. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 45. Peso, 1872. Ohv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLUM- BIA. Bust of Liberty to left; below, date and nine stars. Rero. A condor, with wings expanded; around, G. 1,612. - UN PESO. - LEI 0.900; beneath the condor, BOGOTA. Edge, reeded. 13 mm. 46. Peso, 1873. Similar to No. 45, except date. MBDELIilN. 47. 2 Pesos, 1871. Similar to No. 44, but with G. 3. 225. DOS PESOS in inscription on reverse, and below arms, MEDELLIN. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 48. Peso, 1864. Ohv. Head of Liberty to left; above, CO- LUMBIA; below, nine stars. Rev. 1 | PESO | 1864 within a wreath; around, M. PESO G. 1, 612 - * LEI 0, 900 •. Reeded edge; 14 mm. SILVER. 49. Peso, 1866. Ohv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOMBIA. Arms of the Republic. Rev. Within a wreath, un | PESO I 1866; above, BOGOTA; below, LEI 0.900. Edge, Dios. LEI. LIBERTAD. 37 mm. CATAIiOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 237 60. Peso, 1871. Obv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOMBIA. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1871, and nine stars. Rev. Arms of the Re- public; around, GRAM. 25— UN PESO — LEI. 0.900; below the arms, BOGOTA. Edge as No. 49. 38 mm. MEDEIililN. 61. Peso, 1869. Similar to No. 50, but with MED ELLIN beneath the arms on the reverse. BOGOTA. 62. Medio peso, 1869. Types similar to No. 60, but on the reverse the inscription reads G . 12.500 — CINCO DECI- MOS. — LEI. 0.835. 30 mm. 63. Medio peso, 1881. Types similar to No. 60, but on reverse the inscription reads G. 12.500— GIN CUENTA CEN- TAVOS— LEI 0.835. 64. Medio peso, 1883. Similar to No. 53, except date. 66. Medio peso, 1887. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Head of Liberty to left, with wavy hair, and a fillet in- scribed libertad; below, 1887. Re^. Similar to No. 53, but reading LEI 0.500. Edge as No. 49. 30 mm. 66. Medio peso, 1892. Oh). REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Bust of Columbus left, with cap; below, 1892. Rev, Shield of arms surmounted by condor, over crossed flags; above, CINCUENTA CENTAVOS: below, G. 12.500 LEY 0.835. Edge, reeded. 67. Medio peso, 1898. Similar to No. 55, but with more youthful bust of Liberty, and reading LEI 0.835 to right of arms on reverse. 68. Medio peso, 1902. Similar to No. 55, but on reverse CI N- CUENTA CENTAVOS above, and G.12.500.LEY 0.835 below, arms. Edge, reeded. MBDEIililN. 69. Medio peso, 1876. Similar to No. 51, but reading CI NCO D ECI M OS above, and LEI 0.835 to right, of arms on reverse. 30 mm. 22023°— 14 16 238 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 60. Medio peso, 1888. 6>5v. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1888. Rev. Similar to No. 51, but reading CINCO DECIMOS above, and LEI 0.500 to right of, arms on reverse. 30 mm. BOGOTA. 61. 2 Decimos, 1867. OTyv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE CO- LOMBIA. Shield of arms within a wreath; below, nine stars. Refo. Within a laurel wreath, dos | deci- mos I 1867. Above, BOGOTA; below, LEI 0.835. 62. 20 Centavos, 1884. Ohv. Inscription as No. 61; bust of Liberty to left, with a fillet inscribed libertad. Rev. Between two cornucopise, 20 | cent; below, BOGOTA. Edge, reeded. 19 mm. 63. 20 Centavos, 1897. Obv. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Head of Liberty to right. Reo. Arms of the Republic; above, VEINTE CENTAVOS.; below, * G.5 BO- . GOTA LEY 0.666. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. MlXtSIililTT. 64. 2 Decimos, 1872. Ohv. Similar to No. 62. Rev. Arms of the Republic; above, DOS DECIMOS; below, ME- DELLIN ; to left, G.5.; to right, LEI. 0.900. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 66. 2 Decimos, 1874. Similar to No. 64, except date. BOGOTA. 66. Decimo, 1866. OU. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOM- BIA. A po m egranate between two corn ucopias ; belo w, nine stars. Rev. un ( decimo | 1866 | within a laurel wreath; BOGOTA above, and LEI 0,835 below. Edge, reeded. 11 mm. 67. Decimo, 1868. Obv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOM- BIA. Bust of Liberty left, with fillet inscribed li- bertad; below, 1 868, and nine stars. Rev. Arms of the Republic; above, UN DECIMO; left, G.2.500; right, LEI 0.835; below, BOGOTA. 19 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 239 68. Decimo, 1871. Similar to No. 67, except date. 69. Decimo, 1876. Similar to No. 67. Rev. 10 | cent | be- tween two cornucopiae, crossed, with mouths down- ward; above, GRAM. 2,500 - LEI 0,838; below, BO- GOTA. Edge, reeded. 19 mm. 70. Decimo, 1879. Similar to No. 67, except date. 71. 10 Centavos, 1897. Olv. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Head of Liberty right. Rev. Similar to No. 67, but reading DIEZ CENTAVOS on reverse. 18 mm. 72. Medio decimo, 1868. Legends and tj^pes similar to No. 67, but reading MEDIO DECIMO - G. 1.250 - LEI 0.666 - BOGOTA on reverse. 73. Medio decimo, 1872. Similar to No. 72, except date. 15 mm. 74. Medio decimo, 1876. Types similar to No. 69, but on re- verse reading 5 | cent | within wreath, and around, GRAM.1.250- LEI 0,666. Edge, plain. 14 mm. 76. Medio decimo, 1880. Similar to No. 72, except date. ,, 76. Medio decimo, 1883. Similar to No. 72, except date. , 77. Medio decimo, 1874. Obv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE CO- ILO M B I A . Head of Liberty left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1874, and nine stars. Rev. 5 | cent | between two cornucopias; below, medellin. 15 mm. 78. Cuartino, 1872. Obv. Pomegranate; below, 1872, R&v. lAjl CENT.; above, BOGOTA; below, •••••• • ••. 79. Cuartino, 1880. Similar to No. 78, except date. nickel. 80. 6 Centavos, 1886. Obv. REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA. Bust of Liberty to left, with a fillet inscribed libertad. Rev. Large numeral 5 beneath two sprigs of laurel, with CENTAVOS beneath. 20 mm. 81. 6 Centavos, 1888. Similar to No. 80, except the date, and 5 I CENTAVOS within laurel wreath. 240 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 82-83. 6 Centavos, 1902. Similar to No. 81, except dates. 84-85. 2-1/2 Centavos, 1881. Ohv. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOM BIA. A Liberty cap witiiin a circle of dots; below, nine stars. Rev. DOS I MEDIO CENTAVOS. Value, 2-1/2 {Centavos)^ within circle of dots; below, 1881. 18 mm. 86-87. 2-1/2 Centavos, 1881. Similar to No. 84, but with 2-1/2 C. on reverse. 88-89. 2-1/2 Centavos, 1886. Similar to No. 84, except dates. VENEZUELA. The independence of Venezuela dates from April 19, 1810, when the junta which had acted in behalf of Ferdinand VII and against Joseph Napoleon, then King of Spain, deposed the Spanish captain general and began to govern the country in their own name. From 1819 until 1836 Venezuela was a part of the Republic of Colombia. The autonomous coinage prior to the union with Colombia is limited to a bronze quarter- real, and to some cuartinos in bronze struck at Caracas. The first important coinage law after the breaking up of the Republic of Colombia and the formation of the Republic of Venezuela was enacted in 1857. This law established as unit the gold Venezolano of 100 Centavos, and provided for a series of silver coins consisting of a Peso of 10 Reales, a Medio peso, a Two-real piece, a Real or Decimo, and a Medio real. Of this series, the Peso, first struck in 1863, had for obverse type the head of the distinguished citizen ( CIUDADANO ESCLARICIDO) , Antonio Paez, and on reverse the statement of value. The remainder of the series has the head of Liberty and the arms of the Republic. In 1871 the United States of Venezuela adopted a coinage system which approaches closely to that of the Latin Monetary Union, with a gold Vene- zolano of 1.612 grams, 900 thousandths fine, as the unit. The types of the new coins have on obverse the head of Bolivar, the Liberator, and on reverse the arms of the Republic. The arms of Venezuela. — Party per pale and base, in dexter gules garbe or, in sinister or trophy of two flags, two swords, and a Liberty Pole, on base azure horse courant contournee; crest, two comucopise of flowers; motto, 19 ABRIL 1810 - LIBERTAD - 5 DE JULIO 1811. INDEPENDENT REPXTBLIC. GOLD. 1. Bolivar, 1887. Obv.BOUyAR LIBERTADOR. Head of Bolivar to right; beneath, barre. Hev. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE VENEZUELA. Arms of Venezuela; beneath, laurel and palm branches in saltire, and a scroll inscribed tndepend*^"^ - 5 de julio 1811 to dios t PED^'^ - 28 DE MARzo 1864 CO LIBERTAD; below, GR. 32.2580.1887.LEI 900. Edge, reeded. 22 mm.; 497.6 grs. PI. XIII, 2. 241 242 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 2. 1/4 Bolivar, 1876. Types similar to No. 1, but reading GR. 8.0645.1875.LEI.900 below the arms on reverse. Edge, reeded. 22 mm.; 124.5 grs. 3. 1/6 Bolivar, 1880. Types similar to No. 1, but reading G R. 6.45161.1880. LEI 900 below the arms on reverse. Edge, reeded. 22.5 mm.; 100 grs. SILVER. 4. Venezolano, 1902. (95J?;. CIUDADANO - ESCLARECIDO. Head of President Paez to left. Rei). REPUBLICA DEVENEZUELA. 2 centavos | 1863 | within a wreath. 30 mm. 19. Centavo, 1843. Obv. REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA. Draped bust of Liberty to right, with liberty cap. Rev. 1 1 centavo | 1843 | within a laurel wreath. Edge, central hatching- 32 mm. By Wyon. 20. Centavo, 1862. Oh). REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA. Liberty head to right, with cap, the band inscribed libertad. Rev. i | centavo | 1862 | within a wreath of olive. 26 mm. 21. Centavo, 1863. Similar to No. 20, except date. 22. Medio centavo, 1843. Similar to No. 19, but reading 1 /2 centavo I 1843 ] within wreath on reverse. 23. Medio centavo, 1852. Similar to No. 22, except date. 244 CATALOOUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 24. 1/4 Centavo, 1843. Similar to No. 19, but reading 1/4 CENTAVO I 1843 | within wreatJi on reverse. 26. 1/4 Centavo, 1852. Similar to No. 24, except date. CARACAS. 26. AE. 1/4 Real, 1816. Ohv. ZkRkZk% ANO DE 1816. A lion rampant and a cross, within an oval between two tendrils; above, a crown. Rev. Monogram (Venezuela) and value, 1 /4, below. 27. AE. 1/4 Real, 1817. Similar to No. 26, except date. 28. AE. 1/4 Real, 1818. Similar to No. 26, except date. 29. AE. 1/8 Real, 1818. Similar to No. 26, but with 1/8 below the monogram on reverse. 30. AR. Peseta, 1818. Necessity piece. Obv. Cross potent, with arms of Leon and Castile in angles; above and below, 2. Rev. Two pillars; and across field, lv-svl- TR. I B. 1818. s. I CARACAS. 24.5 mm.; 73.5 grs. 31. AR. Real, 1818. Ohv. Similar to No. 30, but with F on left, and 7 on right, of the cross. R&v. Similar to No. 30. but reading plv-svlt-tra. 32. AR. Toston, 1819. Necessity piece. Similar to No. 31, except the marks of denomination, which above and below the cross are the numeral 4. 32 mm. : 133 grs. ECUADOR From the dissolution of the Kepublic of Colombia in 1836, until 1856, Ecuador adhered to the old Spanish system of coinage with the Peso of 8 Beals. In 1856 the system of the Latin Union was adopted with the Franco as the unit. But the change proved too radical for a population accustomed to the Peso of 8 Reals and had to be modified in 1871, when a more suitable unit, a Peso of 6 Francs, or 10 Reals, 100 Centavos, was established. The system now in use was established in 1884, of which the gold coins are the Double Condor, Condor, Doublon, the i/5 Condor, 1/10 Condor, the last being equivalent to the 5-franc piece of the Latin Union, and the silver Sucre, named after Gen. Sucre, a former President, and its subdivisions on the decimal system. • The types of the silver are the head of President Sucre and the arms of the Republic. The mint of Ecuador is at Quito. The arms of Ecuador. — Three mountains on a coast, off which a steamer with flag on the bow and a caduceus in stern; above, the zodiac with meridian sun, to dexter and sinister of which are two signs of the zodiac; shield supported by consular fasces with ax; crest, an eagle with wings displayed inverted. AS PAET OF THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. GOLD. 1. Doblado, 1835. OU. EL ECUADOR EN COLOMBIA. Draped bust of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; wears earrings; below, I.QUITO.D. H&v. EL PODER EN LA CONSTITUCION. Sun above two mountains, on each of which is perched a condor; below, 1836. G.J. Edge, reeded. 23 mm.; 103 grs. 2. Escudo, 1835. Types similar to No. 1, but with 1 . QU ITO. E. beneath the bust, on obverse. Edge, reeded. 19 mm. ; 51 grs. 246 246 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. REPTTBLIC OF ECUADOR. 3. Onza, 1847. Ohv, EL PODER EN LA CONSTITUCION. Head of Bolivar to left, and the name, bolivar, be- neath; below, 1847. 21 Qs. Rei). REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Arms of the Republic; at sides, 8 — E ; below, Q U I TO . G . J . Edge, wreath. 37 mm. ; 419 grs. 4. Media onza, 1836. Olv. EL PODER EN LA CONSTITU- CION. Bust of Liberty as No. 1 ; below, 21 . Qs 1 836. 4. E. Rev. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Three mountains; on summit of the one to left a castle, on which is perched a condor, and on the two mountains to right a condor and a vulture, respectively; above, zo- diac with meridian sun, and thereover, *******; below, QUITO. P.P. Edge, reeded. 29mm.; 209. 5 grs. PL XIII, 3. 6. 1/2 Condor (10 snores), 1900. Olv. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Head of Gen. Sucre to left; below, 1 900. Eev. Arms of the Republic; above, DIEZ SUCRES; to left, G.8.136; to right, LEY 0.900; below, j.m. [ BIRMINGHAM. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. ; 125.5 grs. SILVER. 6. Sucre, 1884. Olv. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Head of Gen. Sucre to left; below, 1884. R&o. Arms of the Republic; above, UN SUCRE; to left, GRAM. 25; to right, LEI 0.900; below, heaton | Birmingham. Edge, Dios ORDEN LiBERTAD. 37 mm. PI. XIV, 6. 7. Snore, 1888. Similar to No. 6, but with d.t. | Santiago CHILE I on reverse, below the arms. 8. Snore, 1891. Similar to No. 6, but reading on reverse, U N SUCRE - GRAM. 25- 0.900 T. P., and beneath arms, LIMA. 9. Toston, 1842. Olv. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Con- sular fasces, over bow and two arrows, in saltire, be- tween two cornucopise; below, QUITO. Reo. EL PODER EN LA CONSTITUCION. The sun rising above three mountains, on which are perched condors and vultures; at sides of sun, 4 — R: below, 1 842. M .V. 32 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 247 10. Toston, 1844. Ohv. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Shield of arms, surmounted by a condor, between two laurel branches; below, QUITO. M. V. Bev, EL PO- DER EN LA CONSTITUCION. Bust of Bolivar to right, with bolivar on truncation; bust divides 8 - D^; below, 1 844. 28 mm. 11. Toston, 1865. Obv. Inscription as No. 10; arms of the Re- public: an oval shield, surmounted by a condor, over a trophy of four flags; the value, 4 - R, divided by the arms; below, QUITO. G. J. Rev. Inscription as No. 9. Head of Liberty to left, with cap, the band of which inscribed libertad; below, 1855. 12. Toston, 1862. Similar to No. 11, but with only QUITO below the arms on obverse. 13. Toston, 1884. Types similar to No. 6, but reading U N MEDIO SUCRE— GRAM. 12.5 -LEI 0.900. Edge, DIOS OEDEN LIBEBTAD. 30 mm. 14. Peseta, 1837. Olv. EL PODER EN LA CONSTITUCION. Type as No. 9; below, 1837. ^^. REPUBLICA DEL ^' ^^'' ECUADOR. Type as No. 9; value, 2 - R; below, QUITO. F. P. Edge, reeded. 25 mm. 15. Peseta, 1847. Ohv. Similar to No. 11; below the arms, QUITO. G. J. 2. Rs. Rev. EL PODER EN LA CON- STITUCION. Draped bust of Liberty to left ; below, 1849. 8. Ds. 28 mm. 16. Peseta, 1862. Similar to No. 15, except date. 17. 2 Decimos, 1891. Types similar to No. 6, but reading on reverse, DOS DECI MOS DE SUCRE— G. 5.— LEI 0.900; below arms, lima. Edge, reeded. 23 mm. 18. 2 Decimos, 1891. Similar to No. IT. Below arms, on reverse, d. t. | Santiago -chile. 19. 2 Decimos, 1895. Similar to No. IT, but reading G. 5- DOS DECIMOS DE SUCRE.-0.900 T. F.; below arms, Philadelphia. 248 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS;, AND MEDALS. 20. Eeal, 1838. Types similar to No. 9, but with 1838. S. T. on reverse, below arms, and value 1 - R. 21. Decimo, 1889. Types similar to No. 6, but reading G. 2. 5— UN DECIMO DE SUCRE -LEI 0.9; below arms, SANTIAGO-CHILE. 22. Decimo, 1890. Similar to No. 21. Struck by heaton | BIRMINGHAM. 23. Medio real, 1848. Ohv, REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Arms of the Republic; below, QUITO. G. J. M. Rev. EL PODER EN LA CONSTITUCION ; bast of Liberty to left, with fillet inscribed libertad; below, 1848 8. Ds. 24. Medio real, 1849. Similar to No. 23, except date. 26. Medio decimo, 1893. Oh). Inscription as No. 23; head of Sucre left. Rev. G. 1.250-1/2D. DE SUCRE 0.9 T.F. Arms of the Republic, as No. 11. Edge, reeded. 15 mm. 26. Cuartino, 1849. Ohv. EL P. EN LA CONSTITU. Draped bust of Liberty, right, wearing liberty cap; below, 1849G. T. 8D. Rev. REPUBLI. DEL ECUADOR. In field, UN I cuARTo; below, QUITO. 12 mm. NICKEL. 27, Medio decimo, 1886. OU. REPUBLICA DEL ECUA- DOR. Arms of the Republic; below, 1886. Rev. MEDIO I DECIMO, within a wreath; below, heaton j Bir- mingham. 15 mm. 28. 1 Centavo, 1886. Types similar to No. 27, but reading un oentavo I within the wreath, on reverse. 17 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 249 BRONZE. 29. 2 Centavos, 1872. Obv. REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR. Arms of the Republic; below, 1872. Rev. Within a wreath of laurel and palm, dos | centavos; beneath the wreath, heaton. Edge, reeded. 31 mm. 30. 1 Centavo, 1872. Similar to No. 29, but reading un | CENTAVO I within the wreath on reverse. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 31. Medio centavo, 1890. Similar to No. 29, but reading MEDIO I CENTAVO | within the wreath on reverse; be- neath the wreath, h. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. PERU. The first coinage of the Independent Republic of Peru (1821), with the type of Virtue and Justice, was short lived; but in 1825 the remnant of Spanish authority removed, the republican series, this time having the standing figure of Liberty and the arms of the State, was resumed. Until 1857 the Spanish system with the Peso of 8 Reals was retained; but in that year there was established a decimal system, having as basis the gold Sol, equivalent to the 6-Franc piece of the Latin Union, and a gold series consisting of 2, 6, 10, and 20 Sols. The silver coins provided for in the same law are the Sol, its half, fifth, tenth {Denero), and the Medio-denero. The coinage of nickel was authorized in 1863 and 1878, but in 1880 all nickel coins were demonetized and the minor coinage restricted to bronze. The mint of Peru is at Lima, the mints formerly at Arequipa and Cuzco having been closed. The arms of Peru. — Party per pale and base, in dexter chief azure a llama standing contourn^e, in sinister argent a cinchona tree, on base gules a cornucopia from which pours gold coins; crest, a laurel wreath. GOLD. 1. Onza, 1827. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIX POR LA UNION. Liberty, helmeted, standing to right on left foot, holding liberty pole and cap in right hand, her left supporting a shield inscribed, li | ber | tad. Mev. REPUBLICA PERUANA ]^ J. M. Shield of arms upon a trophy of four flags, with laurel wreath above; at sides, value, 8 - E; below, 1827. Edge, reeded. 37 mm.; 415.5 grs. PI. XIII, 5. 2. Onza, 1833. Similar to No. 1, but with M. M. in legend on reverse. 38 mm. ; 416. 5 grs. 3. Cuarta de onza, 1838. Ohv. Similar to No. 1. Bev. EST NOR-PERUANO. Shield of arms upon a trophy of four flags, with laurel wreath above; at sides, value, 2 - E; below, 1838. Edge, reeded. 24 mm.; 103 grs. 4. Cuarta de onza, 1863. Ohv. Similar to No. 1. Rev. RE- PUB. PERUANA. M 2 E.2IQ. M.B. Shield of arms over four crossed flags, with laurel wreath above; be- low, 1853. Edge, oblique hatching. 23 mm. ; 104. 5 grs. 250 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 25! 6. Peso, 1828. Obv. Coat of arms, lined, occupying entire field. Rev. LIMA.J.M. A wreath, and date below. 9 mm. ; 29.7 grs. 6. 20 Pesos, 1856. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIX POR LA UNION. Liberty, wearing liberty cap, standing, her head turned to right, holding liberty pole surmounted with cap, in right hand; her left supporting an oval shield inscribed li | ber | tad; below, 20 PESOS. Rev. REPUBLICA PERUANA. LIMA. 9 DECIMOS FINO. M. B. Arms as No. 1; below, 1855. Edge, reeded. 34 mm. ; 516 grs. 7. 10 Pesos, 1855. Similar to No. 6, but DIES PESOS on obverse. Reeded edge. 27 mm. ; 258 grs. 8. 5 Pesos, 1865. Similar to No. 6, but reading CINCO PESOS, on obverse. 22 mm.; 129 grs. 9. 2 Pesos, 1855. Similar to No. 6, but reading DOS PESOS, on obverse. 19 mm. ; 51.6 grs. 10. Onza, 1863. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIX POR LA UNION. Liberty, seated facing, holding with her right hand liberty pole and cap, to which is attached a pennon inscribed libertad; on right, sun-shield; in exergue, 8 Es. Rev. REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA 21 QUIL- ATES Y. B. Shield of arms, with laurel wreath above, upon a trophy of four flags, the whole between palm and laurel branches. Edge, reeded. 35 mm. ; 418. 5 grs. 11. 10 Sols, 1863. Similar to No. 10, but reading 10 SOLES, in exergue, on obverse. 33 mm. ; 249 grs. 12. 6 Sols, 1863. Similar to No. 10, but reading 5 SOLES, on obverse. 23 mm. is. "libra, 1898. Ohv. VERDAD I JUSTICIA. Bust of an Indian chief, to right, with fillet and two feathers; wears large circular earring; below, UNA LIBRA. 252 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. R&D. REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA.R.OZ. F. Shield of arms, with sun above, between branches of palm and laurel; below, 1 898. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. ; 123.6 grs. 14. Media libra, 1898. Similar to No. 11, but reading 1/2 LI BRA, below bust on obverse. 19 mm.; 62 grs. 16-16. 1/6 libra, 1906. Similar to No. 11, but reading 1/5 DE LI BRA below bust on obverse. 14 mm.; 29.Y grs. SILVER. 17. Peso, 1822. Ohv. POR LA VIRTUD Y LA JUSTICIA. A column, with Doric capital, on a base of four steps; on left, stands Justice, with sword and scales; on right. Virtue, holding olive branch. Rev. PERU LIBRE;^ 8 R.J. P. A shield of arms, with condor and llama as supporters, upon a trophy of four flags, before a palm tree; below, 1822. Countermarked with crown and 1824 beneath it. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.; 424 grs. 18-19. Peso, 1823. Similar to No. 17, but without the coun- termark. 38 mm. ; 388.6 grs. 20-21. Peso, 1826. 6>5«. FIRMEY FELIZ-POR LA UNION. Liberty, helmeted, standing facing, with liberty pole and cap in right hand, her left resting on a shield in- scribed li I BER I TAD. R&vi. REPUB. PERUANA .M- 8R.J. M, A shield of arms within wreath of palm and laurel branches, and crowned with laurel wreath; below, 1 826. 41 mm. ; 437 grs. 22. Peso, 1827. Similar to No. 20, except date. 23. Peso, 1828. Jeton; size of Peso. Proclamation of the Constitution. Olyv. •SANCIONADA. POR EL CON- GRESO JENERAL DEL PERU. In a glory, open book, on which cons | ti - tu | cion. Rev. Within a wreath of oak and laurel, promulgada | y jurada en | 6.DE ABRiL I de 1828. Edge, wreath. 37 mm. » I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 253 24. Peso, 1828. Ohv. Similar to No. 20, but Liberty has a heavy robe, which falls from her right arm behind the pole, and the shield stands nearer to her. Rev. Similar to No. 20, but with larger branches beside the shield, and a heavier wreath above. 39 mm.; 402.5 grs. 25. Peso, 1829. Similar to No. 24, except date. 26. Peso, 1833. Similar to No. 24, but reading ]^ 8 R. M . M . in legend on reverse and dated 1 833. 27. Peso, 1834. Similar to No. 26, except date. 28. Peso, 1836. Oh). Similar to No. 24. Rev. EST. NOR- PERUANA, M sliield as on No. 20, but with 8 R.T.M. 40 mm. 29. Peso, 1837. Similar to No. 28, except date. 30. Peso, 1838. Similar to No. 28, but reading ]vj 8 R. M . in legend, on reverse. 31-32. Peso, 1839. Similar to No. 28, but reading ^ 8 R.M.B. in legend, on reverse. 33. Peso, 1846. 6>5^. FIRM E Y FELIZ — PORLAUNION. Liberty, wearing liberty cap and aegis shield, standing facing, with spear in right hand, her left resting on a spade-shaped shield, which is inscribed libertad. Rev. REPUB. PERUANA, M 8R. 10 D^. 20 G^. M.B. Shield of arms between palm and laurel branches, and crowned with heavy laurel wreath; below, *1846,* Edge, laurel branches and stars. 40 mm. PI. XIV, 5. 34. Peso, 1861. Similar to No. 33, except date. Edge, a chain pattern. 36. Peso, 1863. Similar to No. 33, except date, 36. Peso, 1866. Similar to No. 33, except date. Edge, reeded. 37. Peso, 1866. Similar to No. 33, but with UN PESO be- neath Liberty, on obverse; and on reverse reading REPUBLICA PERUANA. LIMA. 9 DECIMOS FINO M.B. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.; 411.5 grs. 38. Sol,1866. (9Jv. FIRMEYFELIZPOR — LAUNION. Liberty seated to right, her right hand resting on shield, her left holding liberty pole and cap; on right, 22023°— 14 17 254 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. a column, surmounted with laurel wreath and wound with ribbon inscribed liber | tad; below, UN SOL. Uev. REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA 9 DECIMOS PINO. Y.B. Shield of arms, with oak wreath above, between branches of palm and laurel; below, 1865. Edge, reeded. 37 mm. 39. Sol, 1868. Similar to No. 38, except date. 40. Sol, 1871. Similar to No. 38, except date. 41. Sol, 1872. Similar to No. 38, except date. 42. Sol, 1874. Similar to No. 38, except date. 43. Sol, 1879. Similar to No. 38, except date. 44. 5 Pesetas, 1880. Ohv. PROSPERIDAD Y PODER POR LA JUSTICIA. Female head to left, wreath of wheat and flowers in hair, with earrings and pearl necklace; below, 1880. Rev. REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA 9 DECIMOS PINO B. F. Square shield of arms, be- tween branches of palm and olive; and above, laurel wreath in a glory; below, CINCO PESETAS. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. 45. Sol, 1888. Similar to No. 38, except date. 46. Sol, 1890. Similar to No. 38, except date. 47. Sol, 1892. Similar to No. 38, except date. 48. Sol, 1896. Similar to No. 38, except date. ayacucho. 49. 5 Pesetas, 1882. Similar to No. 44, but reading REPUB- LICA PERUANA AYACUCHO 9 DEC PINO L. M.on reverse. cuzco. 60. Peso, 1825. Commemorative piece in honor of Simon Bolivar. Olv, SIMON BOLIVAR LIB". DE CO- LO MB. Y DEL PERU. Bust of Bolivar to right. Rev. EL CUZCO A SU LIBERTADOR. Ruins of the palace of the Inkas, with sun on left; below, 1825. 40 mm. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 255 61. Peso, 1826. Ohv. Similar to No. 20. Rev. REPUB. PE- RUANA. CUZCO. 8R. G. Shield of arms, surmounted by wreath, between branches of palm and olive; below«^ 1 826. Edge, o □ o □ o. 38 mm. 62. Peso, 1838. OU. FIRMEPOR LA UNION. A castle and a volcano, by the sea; in front, cornucopia lying on the ground; in distance, ship at sea; the whole within a laurel wreath; below, .10. d. 20. g. confederacion. b. a. Rev. REPUB. SUD PERUANA | •-•-•-•-•. Radiant sun; below, .8.R. CUZCO 1838. Edge, digs PROTEGE EL ESTADO. 39 mm. . 62a. Medio peso, 1826. Commemorative piece. Ohv. PRECI- DENCIA VITALICIA DEL LIBERTADOR SIMON BOLIVAR.*. A shield of arms of Peru upon a tro- phy of four flags; above, laurel wreath. R&v. SO- LEMNEM . JURADA EN 9. DE Die DE 1826*. Within a wreath of palm and laurel branches, an open book inscribed cons | ti co tu | cion; beneath book, LIMA. Edge, ZZZZZZ 34 mm. 63. Medio peso, 1866. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIZ — POR LA IU N 1 N . Liberty, with tufted helmet, standing facing, with liberty pole in right hand, her left resting on an oval shield which is inscribed libertad. Rev. REP. PERUANA. 4R. 10 D^ 20 Qs M. B. Anns of the Republic as No. 33; below, 1855. f. Medio peso, 1866. Types similar to No. 33, but reading 50 CENTIMOS on obverse; and on reverse, REPU- BLICA PERUANA. LIMA. 9 DECIMOS FINO M. B. . Edge, reeded. 31 mm. Compare No. 3Y. 66. Medio peso, 1868. Similar to No. 54, except date. 66. Medio sol, 1869. Ohv. Legends and types similar to No. 38, but reading 50 C. beneath type. Ret). REPUBLICA I PERUANA LIMA 9 DEQs FINO Y. B. Shield of arms, crowned with wreath, between palm and laurel branches; below, 1859. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 256 CATAL0GI7E OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 67. Medio sol, 1864. Similar to No. 56, but with 1/2 SOL, in exergue, on obverse. 58. Medio peso, 1865. Similar to No. 56, except date. ANCACHS. 59. Medio peso, 1839. Employes of the Cuzco mint to Gen. Gamarra. Olv. LA LEY RESTAURADA POR EL VALOR DEL EJERCITO UNIDO EN ANCACH. View of the battle, and Fame on mountain top, blowing trumpet. Bev. los empleados | de la moneda | al EESTAURADOR | DE SU PATRIA | GRAN MARISCAL GAM- ARRA I CUZCO 1839, within a chain wreath; laurel branches on border. 33 mm. cuzco. 60. Medio peso, 1836. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIZ POR LA UNION. Liberty, standing facing, holding liberty pole with cap in right, and supporting shield with left, hand. Bev. REPUB. PERUANA. CUZCO. 4R. G. Shield of arms, surmounted by wreath of palm and olive; below, 1836. 38 mm. AREQITIPA. 61-62. Medio peso, 1838. Legends and types similar to No. 52, but with AREQ. 1838, below sun on reverse. Edge, DIOS PROTEGE EL ESTADO. 28 mm. 63-64. Peseta, 1821. Commemorative piece. Ohv. LIMA LIBRE JURO SU INDEPENDENCIA EN 28JULIO D.I 821 . Face of radiate sun. Bev. bajo la | protec- CION I DEL EGERCITO | LIBERTADOR | DEL PERU | MAN- DADO I POR SAN I MARTIN. | within a laurel wreath. Edge, oblique central hatching. 29 mm. 65. Peseta, 1826. 6>5'y. FIRM E Y FELIZ PORLAUNION. Liberty, helmeted, standing facing, with liberty pole and cap in right hand, her left resting on a shield in- scribed, LI I BER I TAD. Bcv. REPUB. PERUANA M 2R. J. M. A shield of arms, within wreath of palm and laurel branches, and crowned with laurel wreath; below, 1826. 27 mm. ^H CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 257 6ft-67. Pesetas, 1827. Similar to No. 65, except dates. 68. Peseta, 1828. Similar to No. 65, except date. 69. Peseta, 1828. Special issue, commemorating adoption of the constitution; compare No. 23. Obv. * SANCIO- NADA POR EL CONGRESO JRAL. DEL PERU. Same type as No. 23. Rev. Within a wreath of oak and laurel, pro | mulgada t | jurada en | 20 db ABRiL I DE 1828. Edge, laurel wreath. 2Ti mm. 70. Peseta, 1832. Similar to No. 65, except date. 71. Peseta, 1835. Similar to No. 65, except date. 72-73. Pesetas, 1849. Similar to No. 65, except dates. 74. 20 Centimos, 1865. Legends and types similar to No. 37, but reading 20 C E N T I • beneath figure of Liberty on obverse. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. 75. 20 Centimos, 1859. Legends and types similar to No. 38, but reading 20 C. beneath the figure of Liberty on obverse. 76. 1/5 Sol, 1864. Similar to No. 75, but with 5° D E SOL in exergue on obverse. 77. 1/5 Sol, 1866. Similar to No. 76, except date. 78. 1/5 Sol, 1867. Similar to No. 76, except date. 79. 1/5 Sol, 1874. Similar to No. 76, except date. ^ AREQUIPA. 80. Peseta, 1838. Olv. REPUB. SUD. PERUANA. Radiate face of sun; above, *****; below, AREQ. 1838. R&o. Within a wreath of two laurel branches in saltire, 2 I REALES. Edge, a wreath. 27 mm. cuzco. 81. Peseta, 1837. Ohv. REPUB.SUD. PERUANA. Sun; be- low, CUZCO 1837. Meo. 2 reales | b.a., within laurel wreath. S2-83. Real, 1827. Legends and types similar to No. 20, but reading 1 R. J. M. in legend on reverse. 21 mm. 258 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 84. Real, 1828. Similar to No. 82, except date. 86. Real, 1829. Similar to No. 82, except date. 86-87. Real, 1838. Olv. Similar to No. 82. Bev. EST NOR- PERUANO. 1R. M.B. Shield of arms, within wreath of palm and laurel branches, and crowned with laurel wreath; below, 1838. 88. Real, 1840. Similar to No. 86, except date. 89. Real, 1860. Ohv. Similar to No. 86, Bev. REP. PE- RUANA. LIMAM10DS20GSM.B. Shield of arms between palm and laurel branches, crowned with laurel wreath. 90. Real (10 Centimos), 1865. Similar to No. 33, but with 10 CENTI on obverse; and on reverse reading, RE PUB. PERUANA LIMA-9 DEC. FINO M. B.; beneath the arms, 1855. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 91. Real (10 Centimos), 1869. Similar to No. 38, but with U N REAL on obverse; and on reverse reading, REPUB: PERUANA LIMA 9 DEC: FINO Y. B.; beneath the arms, 1 859. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 92. Real (10 Centimos), 1860. Similar to No. 91, except date. 93. Dinero, 1863. Similar to No. 91, but with UN DIN^, in exergue, on obverse, and dated 1863. 94. Dinero, 1864. Similar to No. 93, except date. 96. Dinero, 1866. Similar to No. 93, except date. 96. Dinero, 1896. Similar to No. 93, except date. 97. Medio real, 1826. Ohv. Similar to No. 20, but only L in- scribed on the shield. Beo. REPUB. PERUANA M J. M. Arms as No. 20; below, 1826. 98. Medio real, 1832. Similar to No. 97, but with M. M. in legend on reverse, and dated 1833. 99. Medio real, 1864. Similar to No. 97, but on reverse read- ing REPUB. PERUANA M 10 ^s 20 Qs M. B. 16 mm. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 259 100. 5 Centimos, 1865. Legends and types similar to No. 37, but reading 5 CENT I beneath figure of Liberty on obverse. 15 mm. 101. Medio real, 1856. Ohv. Similar to No. 97. Reu. REP. PERUANA M M. M. 10 D. 20 G. M. B. Arms of tiie Republic; below, 1856. 102. Medio real, 1858. Similar to Noc 100, but with M . R. as mark of value on obverse. 103. Medio real, 1869. Ohv. FIRME Y FELIZ POR LA UNION. Type, Liberty seated right, as No. 38. Rev. REPUB. PERUANA. LIMA. 9 D. FINO Y.B. Arms of Republic; below, 1859. Edge, reeded. 15.5 mm. 104. Medio real, 1860. Similar to No. 103, except date. 105. Medio dinero, 1863. Similar to No. 103, but with 1/2 D I N°, in exergue on obverse. 15 mm. 106. Medio dinero, 1864. Similar to No. 105, except date. 107. Medio dinero, 1896. Similar to No. 105, except date. 108. Cuartino, 1826. Ohv. Llama. Reu. lima. | 1/4 1 1826. 12 mm. 109. Cuartino, 1831. Similar to No. 108, except date. 110. Cuartino, 1833. Similar to No. 108, except date. 111. Cuartino, 1834. Similar to No. 108, except date. 112. Cuartino, 1836. Similar to No. 108, except date. 113. Cuartino, 1843. Similar to No. 108, except date. 114. Cuartino, 1855. Similar to No. 108, except date. NICKEL. 115. 20 Centavos, 1879. Ohv. REPUBLICA PERUANA 1879. Sun, within a circle; below, VEINTE. CENTAVOS. Rev. M ON EDA PROVISIONAL. Value, 20, within a circle; below, CENTAVOS. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 116. 10 Centavos, 1879. Similar to No. 115, excepting marks of denomination, which are 10-CENTAVOS. 22 mm. 260 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 117. 5 Centavos, 1879. Similar to No. 115, excepting marks of denomination, which are 5-CENTAVOS. 17 mm. 118. 2 Centavos, 1863. (95v. REPUBLICA PERUANA. Ra- diate sun. Rev. dos. | centavos | between two cornu- copise. 25 mm. 119. Centavo, 1863. Similar to No. 118, but with UN | CEN- TAVO I on reverse. BRONZE. 120. 1/4 Peso, 1823. Necessity piece. Ohv. Four mountain peaks; a liberty cap on pole, and shining sun above; in foreground, a llama reclining to right. Rev. RE- PUBLICA PERUANA. M -1823.; in field, quarto | DE PESO. Hatched edge. 28 mm. 120a. 1/8 Peso, 1823. Similar to No. 120, but reading octavo | DE PESO I on reverse. 21 mm. 121. 1/4 Real, 1822. Necessity piece. Ohv. Radiate sun. Rev. PROVISIONAL* 1822 •. In field, 1/4. 122.Ceiitimo, 1855. Ohv. REPUBLICA PERUANA. Sun, with six rays. Rev. UN | centimo | within laurel wreath; above, LIMA; beneath, 1855. 23mm. 123. Medio centimo, 1855. Similar to No. 122, but reading MEDIO I CENTIMO | on reverse. 23 mm. 124. 2 Centavos, 1864. Ohv. REPUBLICA PERUANA. Radiate sun. Rev. dos | centavos | between two cornucopise. 126. Centavo, 1864. Similar to No. 124, but reading un | CENTAVO I on reverse. BOLIYIA. In 1825 the southern portion of Peru, under the leadership of General Sucre, established an independent Republic which took the name of Bolivia, in honor of the great South American liberator, Bolivar. From the foundation of the Republic until 1863 the old Spanish mone- tary system was retained in Bolivia. The new coinage law of 1863 replaced the earlier Peso of 8 Eeales, with a new unit on the decimal system, the silver Boliviano of 100 centavos. The new unit was of 25 grams weight and 900 thoasandths fine, and therefore the equivalent of the 5-franc piece of the Latin Union. Coinage of the Boliviano has long been suspended and the active unit of the country is the Ijd Boliviano^ or 20-centavo piece, equivalent of the Franc. The types of the coins of Bolivia are, on obverse, the bust of Bolivar; on the reverse, for the gold coins, a view of Mount Cerro de Potosi and the sun rising behind it, in front of the mountain stands a llama; the reverse of the silver coins presents a cocoa tree, beneath which lie two llamas. The series of Bolivian coins embraces several commemorative pieces in special honor of Bolivar, of President Belzu, and of numerous events of national importance. The coinage of nickel was introduced in 1883. The mint of Bolivia is at Potosi, the mark of which is '^. INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC, 1826. 1. Onza.lSSl. 6>5v. LIBRE POR LA - CONSTITUCION. Bust of Bolivar, in uniform, to right; below bust, BOLivAE. Rev. REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA. Mount Cerro, with the sun rising behind it; to left, a llama; to right, a sheaf of grain; below ****** | ^. 8S. 1 8 3 1 . J . L . Edge, obliquely hatched. 36 mm. ; 416 grs. PI. xm, 4. 12. Media onza, 1852. Xedallic coin in honor of President Belzn. Ohv. LOS IMPLEADOS DE POTOSI. Liberty, seated to right, holding an infant in her lap and plac- ing her hand upon a boy who stands beside her; to left, oval arms of Bolivia; below, AL PRESIDENTE M. Y. BELZU. Bev. PROVIDENCIA PERSEGUE 281 262 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ELCRIMEN. A hand grasping a flaming sword ex- tends from the clouds and threatens a man who flourishes a burning brand and two serpents. 28 mm. ; 208.5 grs. 3. Cuarta de onza, 1841. Oh). Legend as No. 1; nude bust of Bolivar to right. Rev. Similar to No. 1, but reading 2 S. 1 841 . L. R. beneath the arms. 23 mm. ; 104.5 grs. TNGATI. 4. Cuarta de onza, undated. Ohv. POTOSI TRASMITE A LA POSTERIDAD. An Indian, with feather turban, walking to left, a quiver over shoulder, and olive branch in left hand, blowing a horn; in front of him a llama, lying to right. Rev. LA GLORIA DELVEN- CEDORDEINGAVL A hand, with ballin inscribed on arm, supports a column surmounted with a flag; the whole within a wreath of laurel and palm. 23 mm. ; 104.5 grs. 6. Escudo, undated. Ohv. GRATITUD DE LOS EMPLEA- DOS DE SUCRE. A dove, flying, with olive branch in beak. Rev. AL ILUSTRE VENCEDOR DE IN- GAVL A column, between laurel branches, with rosette at top. 18 mm.; 52.5 grs. 6. Escudo, 1856. Obv. LIBRE POR LA - CONSTITU- CION. Nude bust of Bolivar, laureated, to right; on bottom of bust, bolivae. Rev. Legend and type simi- lar to No. 1, but reading 'f' 1 S. F. 1856. J. beneath arms. Edge, obliquely hatched. 18 mm. ; 52 grs. 7. Escudo, 1868. Ohv. REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA. Arms of the Republic; below, on border, *******•■*- • •. R&c. LA UNION ES LA FUERZA. Within a laurel wreath, 1 | escudo | 50 g^ | 9d^. fino; beneath, f 1868. F.E. Edge, obliquely hatched. 17 mm.; 38 grs. 8. Medio escudo, 1840. Similar to No. 1, but reading 1/2S. 1840.L.R. below arms on reverse. 14 mm.; 25.5 grs. CATALOGUE OP COIISTS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS 263 9. Medio escudo, 1841. Similar to No. 3, but reading 1/2S. 1 841 . E. R. below arms on reverse. 14 mm. ; 26.2 grs. 10. Medio escudo, 1844. Similar to No. 9, except date. 11. Medio escudo, 1861. Similar to No. 6, but reading ^. 1/2. 1852. F. P. below arms on reverse. 12. Medio escudo, 1854. OU. M.Y.BELZU PRESID. CON- STITUCIONAL. Bust of President Belzu, to left, above clouds, within wreath of laurel branches; below, f'1854. ^^y. LA PATRIAALY. DEFENSOR DE SU INDEP^. Female, standing- facing, with an infant in right arqi, and a child standing at each side of her. Edge, obliquely hatched. 15 mm. ; 26 grs. "^13. Medio escudo, 1868. Similar to No. 7, but reading 1 /2 | ESCUDO I 25 Qs I 9 Ds FINO I within wreath on re- verse. 15 mm. ; 18. 5 grs. SILVER. 14. Peso (8Sueldos), 1825. Jeton. 6)5v. SI M ON BOLIVAR LIBERTADOR DE COLOMBIA Y DEL PERU. Bust of Bolivar in uniform, to right. Rev. POTOSI MANIFESTA SU GRATITUD AL GENIO DE LA L I B E RT A D . Mount Cerro de Potosi, with the city at the base, and the rising sun above; below, 1 825. Edge, reeded. 43 mm. 16. Peso(8Sueldos), 1827. Ohi). LIBRE POR LA - CON- STITUCION. Laureated bust of Bolivar, in military uniform, to right; beneath, bolivar. Bev. REPU- BLICABOLIVIANA. A cocoa tree, beneath which lie two llamas, vis-a-vis; above, ******; below, "^ 8S.1827J.M. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. ; 416 grs. 16. Peso (8 Sueldos), 1834. Similar to No. 15, but reading '^ 8S.1834.L.M. on reverse. 17. Peso (8 Sueldos), 1838. Similar to No. 16, except date. 18. Peso (8 Sueldos), 1841. Similar to No. 15, but bust is shorter and nude; and reading ^ 8S.1841.L.R. in legend on reverse. Edge, reeded. 39 mm. 19." Peso (8 Sueldos), 1848. Similar to No. 18, but reading ^ 8S.1848.R. in legend on reverse. 264 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 20. Peso (8 Sueldos), 1849. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA - CON- STITUCION. Bust of Bolivar to left; on bottom of bust, BOLIVAR. Bev. Similar to No." 15, but with 10 to left of tree and 20 to right: below. 1^ F.I 849. M . PI. XV, 1. 21-22. Peso (8 Sueldos), 1850. Similar to No. 20, except date. 23. Boliviano, 1867. Ohv. REPUBLiCA BOLIVIANA. An oval shield of arms, surmounted by a condor, over a trophy of military arms; below, ******* ****. Rev. LA UNION ES LA FUERZA. Within a wreath, 1 | boliviano | 500.g^ ! 9.d^ fino.; below, f .1867. .F.P. Edge, BOLIVIA LIBRE E INDEPENDIENTE 1821. 35 mm.; 382.5 grs. 24. Boliviano, 1870. Ohv. Similar to No. 23. M&v. LA UNION HACE LA FUERZA. Within a wreath of laurel and oak, un | boliviano | 25 g*^ . 9 d^ . fino; below, E.R. 1870. f'. Edge, reeded. 37 mm. 26. Boliviano, 1872. Similar to No. 24, except date. 36 mm. 26. Boliviano, 1884. Similar to No. 24, except date. 35 mm. 27. Medio peso (4 Sueldos), 1827. Types similar to No. 15, but reading '^45.1 827. J . M . in legend on reverse. 32 mm.; 207 grs. 28. Medio peso (4 Sueldos), 1830. Similar to No. 15, but read- ing ^ 4S.1850.J.L. in legend on reverse. 29. Medio peso (4 Sueldos), 1850. Commemorative piece, relat- ing to the suppressing of the insurrection by Pres. Belzu. Ohv. M.Y.BELZU PRESIDENTE CONSTITUCIOal-. DE BOLIVIA. Bust of Belzu to left; below, 1850. Rev. LA FUERZA NACIONAL TRIUNFO DE LA ANARQUIA. Hercules, with torch and club, slaying Hydra. Edge, reeded. 34 mm. 30. Medio peso (4 Sueldos), 1854. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA — CONSTITUCION. Laureated bust of Bolivar to left; on truncation, bolivar. Rev. REPUBLICA BOLI- VIANA. Palm tree, and two llamas lying vis-a-vis under it; above, *********; below, ^ 4S. 1 854. M .J . Edge, reeded. 32 mm. r I I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 265 31. Medio peso (4 Sueldos), 1855. Similar to No. 30, except date. 32-33. Medio boliviano (60 Centavos), 1865. Ohv. A LOS PA- CIFICADORES DE BOLIVIA. The busts, jugate, of Melgarejo and Munoz, to left, with their names at sides. Eev. CANTERIA DE POTOSI SETIEMBRE 5 DE 1 865, and in the field, al | valor | y | al | talento | ****•*•**. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 34-36. Medio boliviano (60 Centavos), 1873. Similar to No. 23, but reading, medio b°. | 50 cent^ . | 12 g^ . 500 M^ . I 9 D^ FiNO I within the wreath on reverse; and be- low wreath, ^ -1 873- F. E. Edge, reeded. 80 mm. 36. Medio boliviano (50 Centavos), 1884. Ohv. Similar to No. 23. Rev. UNION ES LA FUERZA. Within a wreath, MEDIO B° . I 50 CENT^. | — • — | 12 G^. 500 M^ | 9 D^. FINO I, on reverse. 37-38. Medio boliviano (60 Centavos), 1893. Similar to No, 36, except date. 39. Peseta, 1830. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA - CONSTITU- C 1 N . Laureated bust of Bolivar in uniform, to right; on bottom of bust, bolivar. REPUBLICA BOLI- VIAN A. A tree, beneath which lie two llamas, vis-a- vis; above, ic ic ic ir icic ; below, '^ 2S.1830.J.L. 26 mm. 40. 1/6 Boliviano, 1864. Similar to No. 23, but reading 1 /5 | boliviano I 100 g^ I 9 D^ FiNo; below, "^ -1864-.F.P. 41. 1/6 Boliviano, 1866. Similar to No. 32, except in size and value. 42. 1/6 Boliviano, 1868. Ohv. Bust of Melgarejo to left, with laurel and palm branches in saltire, beneath; above, MELGAREJO; below, A POTOSI Y TARATA. Rev. POR LA DEFENSA * DE LA CONSTITUCION • ; in field, el | 24 y 25 | de | diciembre | de | 1868. 25 mm. 43-44. 1/6 Boliviano, 1876. Similar to No. 23, but reading VEiNTE 1 CENT^ | 9 D^. FiNO | within wreath, on re- versej below wreath, "^ - 1875 - F.E. 23 mm. 266 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 45. 1/5 Boliviano, 1878. Similar to No. 43, except date. 46. 1/5 Boliviano, 1879. Similar to No. 43, except date. 47. 1/5 Boliviano, 1879. To President Daza. Ohv. Similar to No. 23, but reading EN ERO 14 DE 1879 on border, below the stars. Rev. EL EJERCITO NAL.AL. PRESIDTE. DE' LA REP^. Head of Daza to left; beneath, h. daza; below, round, 20 get. Edge, reeded. 23 mm. 48. 1/5 Boliviano, 1884. Similar to No. 43, except date. 49. 1/5 Boliviano, 1885. Similar to No. 43, except date. 60. Sueldo, 1827. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA — CONSTITU- CION. Laureated bust of Bolivar, in uniform, to right; on bottom of bust, bolivar. R&u. REPU- BLICA BOLIVIANA. Palm tree and two llamas lying vis-a-vis beneath it; above ******; below, ^ 1S.1827.J.M. 20 mm. 51. Sueldo, 1855. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA — CONSTITU- CION. Laureated bust of Bolivar to left. Rev. Similar to No. 50, but above, *********; and below type, reading, ^ 1 S.I 855. M.J. 20 mm. 52. Sneldo, 1860. Ohv. LIBRE POR LA — CONSTITU- C 1 N . Laureated bust of Bolivar, in uniform, to left; beneath bust, bolivar. Rev. Similar to No. 51, but reading f 1 860. F.J. 53. Sueldo, 1862. Similar to No. 52, except date. 64-55. Sueldo, 1868. Ohv. EL GRAN CIUDADANO DE BOLIVIA. Bust of Melgarejo to left. Rev. A LA CONSTITUCION Book of the Constitution, open; below, DE 1868. Edge, reeded. 19 mm. 66. Decimo, 1871. Ohv. REPUBLICA — BOLIVIANA. Arms of the Kepublic, as No. 23. Rev. LA UNION HACE LA FUERZA. Within a wreath of laurel and oak, DiEz I CENT. I 9 D^. FIND; bclow, E. R. - 1870 - '^. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 67. Decimo, 1878. Similar to No. 66, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 267 \. Decimo, 1884. Similar to No. 56, except date. '69. Decimo, 1885. Similar to No. 56, except date. I. Medio sueldo, 1828. Obv. LIBRE POR LA — CON S- TITUCION. Laureated bust of Bolivar, in uniform, to right; on bottom of bust, bolivar. Bev. REPU- BLICA BOLIVIANA. Palm tree and two llamas lying vis-a-vis beneath it; above, ******; below, ^. .1828 . J.M., in legend on reverse. 17 mm. 61. Medio sueldo, 1830. Similar to No. 60, but reading f . 1830. J. 62. Medio suldo, 1854. Similar to No. 51, but reading 1*' . 1 854 . M. J. on reverse. 17mm. 63. Medio sueldo (Medio real), 1865. Ohv. EL HE ROE DE IDECIEMBRE. Head of Gen. Melgarejo to left; below, ••••••*•••••. Eev. SALVA LA PATR I ADELAANARQUIA. A dragon, threatened with a flaming sword held by a hand from above; below, 1865. . Medio sueldo (Medio real), 1868. Similar to No. 63, except date. 65. Medio sueldo (5 Centavos), 1872. Similar to No. 56, but reading cinco | cent . | 9 d* . find | within wreath on reverse; below wreath, "^ .1872. F. E. 66. Medio sueldo, 1884. Similar to No. 65, except date. 67. Medio sueldo, 1885. Similar to No. 65, except date. COCHABAMBA. 68. Medio sueldo, 1876. Obv. DEPARTAMENTO DE CO- CHABAMBA. A lion couchant, gardant, before a tree. Bev. PAGARA A LA VISTA N I CAS 10 DE GUMUCIO. Within a wreath of laurel and oak, ciNCO I CENT.; below, .1876. Edge, reeded. 15 mm. NICKEL. 69. 10 Centavos, 1883. Obv. REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA. Arms of the Republic. Bev. LA UNION ES LA FUERZA. Within a laurel wreath, 10 | centavos ) * I ; below, A - 1883. Edge, plain. 17 mm. 268 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 70. 10 Centavos, 1897. Olv. REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA. Arms of Bolivia, within an oval of dots; below, * * * ******. Rev. Caduceus; on bottom of staff, laurel and palm branches, in saltire; 10 - C at sides; above, DIEZ CENTAVOS ; below, 1897. Edge, plain. 25 mm. 70a. 10 Centavos, 1907. Similar to No. 69, except date. 71. 5 Centavos, 1883. Similar to No. 69, but reading 5 | cen- tavos I * I within wreath on reverse. 72-73. 5 Centavos, 1899. Similar to No. 70, but reading CINCO CENTAVOS above on reverse, and 5 - c. in field. BRONZE. 74-75. 2 Centavos, 1883. Pattern. Ohv. Similar to No. 69. Rev. 2 I CENTAVOS | within circle of dots; around, LA UNION ES LA FUERZA; below, E. G. 1883 essai. 31 mm. 76-77. Centavo, 1883. Similar to No. 74, but reading l ] cen- TAVO I within wreath on reverse. 25 mm. CHILE. After an unsuccessful effort in 1810 to throw off Spanish domination, Chile, assisted by the Argentine General, Saint Martin, achieved independ- ence in 1817. In that same year Don Hilarion de la Quintana, in the capacity of a virtual dictator, issued a decree which put an end to the Spanish coinage and prescribed the types for the silver coins of the Repub- lic. These types present the active volcano, and the column surmounted by a globe (No. ]5). The first issue of gold, which began at least as early as 1823 (No. 1), has a mountain range and a meridian sun on obverse, and on reverse the column that appears on the silver, and two flags, crossed. In 1836 there was a new coinage of gold with the types of a right hand laid upon the book of the Constitution and the arms of the Republic sup- ported by guemal and condor. In 1839 the standing figure of Liberty was introduced on the gold pieces, but the significant right hand resting upon the book of the Constitution was still retained. In the same year, 1839, a new coinage of silver introduced on that metal a shield bearing the arms of Chile, and on the reverse a representation of a powerful condor. Until 1848 Chile retained the old Spanish monetary system with the peso of 8 reales as the unit, but in that year the decimal system was intro- duced. The silver Peso was divided into 10 decimos and 100 centavos; and was 900 thousandths fine, being thus equal to the French 5-franc piece. The law of 1860 reduced the weight of the divisional coins, so that the double decimo piece, or £0 centavos, weighed 4.6 grams instead of 5; and the law of 1895 made important changes in the entire series, which were fixed as follows: Gold: Grams. Condor (20 pesos) 11.98207] Doblon (10 pesos) 5. 99103 [916. 66 fine. Escudo (5 pesos) 2.9955lJ Silver: Peso 20 20 Centavos 4 10 Centavos 2 5 Centavos 1 The new coins struck in accordance with the law of 1895 represent the work of the eminent French sculptor and medalist, the late M. Louis Oscar Roty. On the obverse of the gold is a female bust representing Chile, and on reverse the arms of Chile. The silver pieces have on obverse a powerful condor perched upon a crag. 22023°— 14 18 269 835 fine. 270 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. The coinage of nickel was introduced in 1870, the denominations being the 2, 1, and J Centavo pieces. The arms of Chile: Party per fess, azure and gules, a star or; crest, three plumes. GOLD. 1. Onza, 1823. Obv. EL ESTADO DE CHILE CONSTIT. INDEPENDIENTE * Range of mountains, two of which are active volcanos; above, shining sun; below, A. D.I 81 8; the whole within a laurel wreath. Hev. POR LA RAZON O LA FUERZA.S.8E.F.L Within a laurel wreath, two flags in saltire, behind a column surmounted by a globe; a star above; below, 1823. 37 mm.; 418 grs. 2. Onza, 1836. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Shield of arms, surmounted with tuft of three plumes supported byguemal and condor, each crowned; beneath, * 1 836* . Bev. IGUALDAD ANTE LA LEL8E. LJ. A right hand laid upon open book inscribed constitucion; above, sun; below, * 21 Q^ *. 38 mm.; 414 grs. PI. XIII, 6. 3. Onza, 1839. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE S. Shield of arms with guemal (left) and condor (right), each crowned, for supporters; below, * 1839*. Jiev. IGUALDAD ANTE LA LEI. 8E.I.J. Liberty, with helmet and antique costume, standing facing, by an altar, her head turned to right, her right hand resting on a book in- scribed CONSTITUCION, which is lying upon the altar, her left on a bundle of fasces, against which lies a cor- nucopia; in exergue, 20 Q^. Edge, reeded. 35 mm. ; 415.5 grs. 4. 10 Pesos, 1855. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Shieldof arms, surmounted with tuft of three plumes, supported by llama and condor, each crowned; below, 1855. I2ev. • IGUALDAD ANTE LA LEI. Liberty in antique costume, standing with head turned to right, her right hand supporting an open book inscribed constitucion, which stands upon an altar; the left hand supports consular fasces, besides which lies a cornucopia; in exergue, 10 P^. Edge, por.la.bazon.o.la.fuerza. 39 mm.; 235 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 271 5. Cuarta de onza, 1838. Legends and types similar to No. 2, but reading 2 E. I. J. in legend on reverse. 23 mm.: 103 grs. 6. 6 Pesos, 1895. Ohv. REPUBUCA — DECHILE. Lib- erty, with close fitting cap, to left. Hev. Shield of arms surmounted with tuft of three feathers, sup- ported by llama and condor, each crowned; above, CI NCO PESOS; below, 1895. Edge,reeded. iTmm.; 47 grs. 7. 2 Pesos, 1867. Types similar to No. 3, but with 2 P^. in exergue on obverse. Edge, reeded. 17 mm. ; 47.5 grs. 8. Peso, 1861. Ohv. Similar to No. 4, but with mint mark S in exergue. Jiev. IGUALDAD ANTE LA LEI • Within a laurel wreath, 1 | peso | 1861. Edge, reeded. 14 mm. ; 23 grs. 9. Condor,1896. 6>&^. REPUBLICA — DECHILE. Draped female bust, laureate, - the Republic - to left. Jiev. Arms, with a llama and condor, crowned, as supporters; mountains in background; above, VEINTE PESOS; below, 1896. Edge, reeded. 27 mm.; 185 grs. By Roty. PI. XIII, 7. 10-11. Doblon, 1896. Similar to No. 9, but reading DIEZ. PESOS, on reverse. Edge, reeded. 17 mm. ; 92.5 grs. 12. 5 Pesos, 1898. Legends and types similar to No. 9, but reading CI NCO PESOS above arms on reverse. Edge, reeded. 17 mm. ; 46 grs. SILVER. 13-14. Peso (Jetons), 1818. Ohv. EL ESTADO DE CHILE CONSTITUIDO INDEPENDTE. ANO DE 1818. A palm tree; above, mountains and rising sun; below, iNDEPENDENCiA. Bev. JUNTOS*Y*UNIDOS* SEREIS * FELICES. A column, supported by two 272 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. hands extended from clouds, and surmounted by a globe; over which, a star with rays pointing downward; above, a scroll inscribed libertad. Edge, reeded. 36 mm. 16. Peso, 1822. ^^J-y. CHILE INDEPENDENTE. A volcano in eruption; above, UN peso within a laurel wreath; below, SANTIAGO. Rev. UNION Y FUERZA.F.J. A column, surmounted by a globe, above which a star; over the star, a scroll inscribed libertad; below the column, 1822. Edge, wreath. 39 mm.; 410.5 grs. 16. Peso, 1849. OU. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. S.M.L. Shield of arms, surmounted by three plumes, within a laurel wreath; at sides, 8 - R; below, 1849. Rev. POR LA RAZON Y LA FUERZA. A condor break- ing his fetters; below, 10 D^. 20 G^. Reeded edge. 38 mm.; 425 grs. PI. XV, 2. 17. Peso, 1853. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. §■ Shield of arms, within laurel wreath; below, *UN PESO. * Rev. POR LA RAZON LA FUERZA. A condor with portion of broken fetter in beak, standing to right with open wings, holding an oval shield with his left talon; below, *1853*. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.: 382.5 grs. 18. Peso, 1854. Similar to No. 16, except date. 19. Peso, 1855. Similar to No. 16, except date. 20. Peso, 1869. Ohv. Similar to No. 17, but with smaller wreath, and plumes on shield extend above ends of wreath. Rev. POR LA RAZON O LA FUERZA. A condor, standing to left, with parts of broken fetters on left leg and in beak; his right talon holding oval shield of arms; below, * 1869 *. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. ; 385 grs. ilar to No. 20, except date. ilar to No. 20, except date. ilar to No. 20, except date. ilar to No. 20, except date. ilar to No. 20, except date. 21. Peso, 1874. Sim] 22. Peso, 1877. Simi 23. Peso, 1878. Simi 24. Peso, 1881. Sim 25. Peso, 1882. Simi CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 273 26. Peso, 1883. Similar to No. 20, except date. 27. Peso, 1896. Obv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. A condor, standing upon a crag, with wings partly spread and neck stretched forward. Rev. Within a laurel wreath UN ( PESO I 1895; above, mint mark S. Edge, reeded. 35 mm. ; 808 grs. By Roty. COPIAPO. 28. Peso, 1865. Necessity piece. Struck during blockade of Chilean coast by Spaniards in 1865. Obv. Within in- cused circle, shield of arms, dividing mark of value, I - P(eso); above, COPIAPO; below, CHILE. R&o. In field, 1 865 ; incused circle on border. 37 mm. ; 288 grs. COQUIMBO. 29. Peso, undated. Necessity piece. Obv. Star on an incused shield; below, I. P in an incused depression. Rev. Plain. 38 mm. ; 339 grs. 30. Medio peso, undated. Necessity piece. Similar to No. 29, but reading 50. C. on obverse. 31. Medio peso, 1853. Obv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Shield of arms, within laurel wreath; below, 50 c. s. Rev. POR LA RAZON LA FUERZA. A condor in flight, with broken fetters in talons and beak; below, 1855. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. 32. Medio peso, 1854. Similar to No. 31, except date. 33. Medio peso, 1855. Similar to No. 31, except date. 34-85. Medio peso, 1856. Similar to No. 31, except date. 36. Medio peso, 1859. Similar to No. 31, except date. 37. Medio peso, 1868. Similar to No. 20, but reading 50 CENTS on obverse. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 38. Medio peso, 1869. Similar to No. 37, except date. 39. Peseta, 1834. Obv. CHILE INDEPENDIENTE. Avol- cano in eruption; above, dos r. within a laurel wreath; below, SANTIAGO. Rev. UNION Y FUERZA. I.J. 274 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. A column surmounted with a globe, above which a star; over the star a scroll inscribed libertad; below the column, 1834. Edge, wreath. 40. Peseta, 1845. Olv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE.S. I.J. Shield of arms, surmounted by three plumes, with value, 2 - R, at sides; the whole within a laurel wreath; below, 1845. Rev. POR LA RAZON Y LA FUERZA. A condor breaking his fetters; below, lOD^ , 20G^. 24 mm. 41. Peseta, 1846. Similar to No. 40, except date. 42. Peseta, 1847. Similar to No. 40, except date. 43. 1/6 Peso, 1852. Olv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Shield of arms, within a laurel wreath; below, 20 C. S. Rev. POR LA RAZON O LA FUERZA. A condor, in flight, with broken fetters in talons and beak; below, 1852. Edge, reeded. 24 mm. 44. Peseta, 1853. Similar to No. 43, except date. 45. Peseta, 1855. Similar to No. 43, except date. 46. Peseta, 1857. Similar to No. 43, except date. 47. Peseta, 1860. Similar to No. 43, except date. 48. Peseta, 1861. Similar to No. 43, except date. 49. Peseta (1/5 Peso), 1867. Pattern in bronze. Legends and types similar to No. 20, but reading 20 CENTI § beneath the arms on reverse. Plain edge. 24 mm. 50. Peseta, 1870. Types similar to No. 49, except date; reeded edge. 51. Peseta, 1871. Similar to No. 50, except date. 52-53. Peseta, 1874. Similar to No. 50, except date. 54. Peseta, 1876. Similar to No. 50, except date. 55. Peseta, 1880. Similar to No. 50, except date. 56. Peseta, 1891. Similar to No. 50, except date. 67. Real, 1834. Types similar to No. 39, but with UN. R. within wreath, above volcano. 22 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 275 67a. Beal, 1838. Legends and types similar to No. 40, but reading 1 - R at sides of the arms on obverse. Edge, reeded. 22 mm." 58. Real, 1843. Similar to No. 57, except date. Edge, reeded, 19i mm. 69. Real, 1844. Similar to No. 58, except date. 60. Decimo, 1855. Olv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Value, UN I DECIMO, within a laurel wreath. Rev. POR LA RAZON LA FUERZA. A condor, in flight, with broken fetters in talons and beak; below, 1855. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 61. Decimo, 1856. Similar to No. 60, except date. 62. Decimo, 1857. Similar to No. 60, except date. 63. Decimo, 1868. Pattern in bronze. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Within laurel wreath, UN I DECIMO. Rev. POR LA RAZON LA FUERZA. A condor, standing to left, with parts of broken fetters on left leg and in beak, his right talon holding oval shield of arms; below, 1868. Edge, reeded. 18mm. 64. AR. Decimo, 1872. Types similar to No. 63, except date. 65. Decimo, 1880. Similar to No. 64, except date. 66. Decimo, 1881. Similar to No. 64, except date. 67. Medio real, 1844. Legends and types similar to No. 40, but reading 1/2 — r at sides of arms on obverse. 68. Medio decimo, 1855. Similar to No. 60, but reading medio | DECIMO I within laurel wreath, on obverse. 16 mm. 69. Medio decimo, 1857. Similar to No. 68, except date. 70. Medio decimo, 1868. Pattern in bronze. Similar to No. 63, but with MEDIO | decimo within wreath, on obverse. 71. AR. Medio real, 1874. Types similar to No. 70, except date. 72. Medio real, 1884. Similar to No. 71, except date. 73. Medio real, 1887. Similar to No. 71, except date. 276 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NICKEL. 74. Two centavos, 1871. Obv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. Female head, the Republic, to left, with Phrygian cap, and over the cap a chapletof grain, flowers, and laurel; below, mint-mark, s. Rev. ECONOMIA ES Rl- QUEZA. The value, dos | centavos | within a beaded circle; below, 1871. 25 mm. 76. Medio centavo, 1871. Types similar to No. 74, but with MEDIO I centavo | on reverse. 21 mm. BRONZE. 76. Two centavos, 1891. Types similar to No. 74. 25^ mm. 77. One centavo, 1835. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CHILE. A star in center of the field; below, 1835. Rev. ECO- NOMIA ES REIQUEZA. Within a laurel wreath, UN I CENTAVO. 30 mm. 78. One centavo, 1851. Similar to No. 77, but thinner, and dated 1851. 79. One centavo, 1853. Similar to No. 78, except date. 80. One centavo, 1882. Types similar to No. 74, but with un | CENTAVO I on reverse. 21 mm. 81. Medio centavo, 1835. Similar to No. 77, but with medio | CENTAVO j on reverse. 22 mm. 82. Medio centavo, 1851. Types similar to No. 81, but thin- ner, and dated 1851. 83. Medio centavo, 1883. Similar to No. 74, except date, but reading medio | centavo | on reverse. ARGENTUSTE REPUBLIC. r I The General Constituent Assembly in 1816 declared the Provinces of Rio de la Plata independent of Spanish domination; but since 1813 this General Assembly had governed the country and had provided an issue of silver coins which were struck at Potosi, in Peru (No. 2). In 1836 Jean Manuel de Rosas was made Dictator, and the name of the country was at the same time changed to Republica Argentina Confederada. The first coins of this confederate Eepublic bore the bust of Rosas, but it was later displaced by the arms of the Republic, and the earlier legend, EN UNION Y LIBERTAD gave way to ETERNO LOOR AL REST A- VRADOR ROSAS. In 1854 the Government, since 1852 the Argentine Republic, had 4, 2, and 1 Centavo (Nos. 34 and 35) pieces in bronze struck at the Paris mint; but the currency of the country was almost exclusively a forced circulation of paper. In 1875 an effort was made at monetary reform. The law of 1875 provided for two mints, one at Buenos Ayres, which was actually established in 1877, the other at Salta; and established a gold standard and as a unit a Peso of 1.666 grams weight and 900 thousandths fine. The gold coins provided by that law were the Colon of 10 pesos, the Medio colon of 5 pesos, and the Peso, and a silver Peso de plata of 27.110 grams, 900 fine. In 1881 the monetary system now in use was established, when provi- sion was made for a coinage in the four metals — gold, silver, nickel, and bronze. The unit was a Peso of either gold or silver. The denominations of the new coins are the gold Argentino of 5 pesos and its half, and the silver Peso and its subdivisions. The types of the gold and silver coins of the Argentine Republic are the a,rms of the State with the legend REPUBLICA ARGENTINA, and a bust of Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap. The mints of the Argentine Republic are Rioja (RA), and Cordova 1843- 1855; but the country has often turned to other mints, and especially to the mint of Santiago de Chile, for the production of its coins. The arms of the Argentine Republic. — An oval shield party per fess, in chief azure a Liberty Cap on a pole supported by two hands on base argent; crest, sun. CONFEDERATE PROVINCES OF RIO DE LA PLATA. GOLD. 1. Onza, 1828. (RAy Obv. PROVINCIAS DEL RIO DE LA PLATA. Thesun. 5^. EN UN ION Y LIBERTAD. RA.P.8 S. An oval shield of arms, between two laurel 1 indication of the mint is thus given immediately after the denomination and date, instead of distributing the small and fragmentary collection according to mints. 277 278 CATALOGtJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. branches, upon a trophy of four flags, two cannon barrels and a drum; beneath, 1828. Edge, reeded. 36 mm. ; 416 grs. SILVER. 2. Peso, 1813. (f ) Ohv. PROVINCIAS DEL RIO DE LA PLATA. Thesun. ^^^^ EN UN ION Y LIBERTAD f' .J . On an oval shield, two hands, joined, holding a spear surmounted by a liberty cap; the whole within laurel wreath; at sides, 8 - R; below, 1813. Edge, laurel wreath. 39 mm. ; 413 grs. PI. XV, No. 3. 3. Peso, 1815. (RA) Similar to No. 2, except date and mm. 4. Peso, 1827. (RA) Legends and types similar to No. 2, except date and mm. ; 414 grs. 6. Peso, 1836. Similar to No. 4, except date. 6. Medio peso, 1813. Legends and type similar to No. 5, ex- cept the mark of value on reverse, which is 4 - R. 32 mm. ; 205 grs. 7. Medio peso, 1815. As No. 6, except date. 8. Medio peso, 1828. As No. 6, except date. 9. Peseta, 1813. Legends and types similar to No. 2, except the mark of value on the reverse, which is 2 - R. Edge, laurel wreath. 37 mm. 10. Peseta, 1825. Similar to No. 9, except date. 11. Peseta, 1826. Similar to No. 9, except date. 12. Real, 1813. (^). Legends and types similar to No. 2, except the mark of value on reverse, which is 1 - R. 13. Real, 1815. Similar to No. 12, except date. 14. Real, 1824. (R). Similar to No. 12, except date and mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 279 ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. 15. Onza, 1836. (RA) Oh). REPUB. ARGENT. - CONFE- DERADA. Bust of the dictator Rosas in uniform, to left; below, eosas. Bev. POR LA LIGA LITORAL SERA FELIZ.R.8 S. A mountain by the sea; below, trophy of arms; beneath, 1 836. Edge, reeded. 39 mm. ; 416 grs. PL XIII, 8. 16. Doblada, 1843. Oh). REPUB. ARGENT.CON FEDE- RADA. An oval shield of arms upon a trophy of military arms; below, R. 1843 B. Bev. ETERNO LOOR AL RESTAURADOR ROSAS. The sunrising above a mountain; below, two furled flags; in field, 2 — E. Edge, wreath. 25 mm.; 103.5 grs. I I 17-18. Peso, 1838. (R) Ohv. ETERNO LOOR AL RESTAU- RADOR ROSAS. Arms of the Confederation— with- in an oak wreath, oval shield of arms, the sun above; atsides,8— R. Bev. REPUB. ARGENTI NA CONFE- DERADA. R. A mountain by the sea; below, a trophy of two flags, two cannon barrels, and three cannon balls; beneath, 1838. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.; 421.5 grs. 19. Medio peso, 1845. Olv. RESTAURADOR D. JUAN M. DE ROSAS. Bust of Gen. Rosas, in uniform, to right; beneath, 1841. Bev. VIVA LA CONFEDERACION ARGENTINA. Oval shield of arms surmounted by sun, within an oak wreath. Edge, plain. 32 mm. Proof piece. 20. Medio peso, 1846. Oh). REPUB. ARGENT. CONFED. Arms within laurel wreath; below, R. 1846 . 9 D^ . V. Bev. ETERNO LOOR AL RESTAURAD. ROSAS •. A mountain; above, a scroll inscribed, C. DEL G. R., and below, a trophy of two flags and two cannon barrels, crossed. Edge, hatched. 33 mm. 21. Medio, peso, 1849. Similar to No. 20, but reading, R. 1 849. 9 . D^ . B, beneath arms on obverse. 280 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 22. Peseta, 1843. Legends and types similar to No. 15, except the mark of value, which is 2 - R, and on the scroll, on reverse, C. D. G. R. 13 mm. 23. Peseta, 1848. Ohv. REPUB. ARGENT. CONFEDE- RADA. R. Similar to No. 15, except the date. Ren. RESTAURADOR DE LAS LEYES. Bust of Rosas to left, with the name, rosas, beneath. Edge, laurel wreath. 27 mm. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 24. Argentine, 1883. Olv. REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Oval shield of arms; beneath, *1883*. Refo. Head of Liberty to right, with liberty cap; above, * LIBER- TAD*; on left, 5 PESOS* UN ARGENTINO* 9 D°^. Fl NO. Edge, igualdad ante la ley. 23 mm. ; 124.5 grs. By Oudin^. 26. Peso, 1882. (R) Ohv. REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Arms of the republic; beneath, 1882. Rev. Head of Liberty, with cap, to left; above, LIBERTAD; to left, UN PESO; to right 9 Dos. FINO. Edge, igualdad ANTE LA LEY, and seven stars. 38 mm. ; 835 grs. By Oudine. 26. Peseta (20 Centavos), 1883. Ohv. REPUBLICA ARGEN- TINA. Oval shield of arms within beaded circle; be- neath, * 1 883 * . Rev. Head of Liberty, with liberty cap, to left; beneath, ovdin^; above, * LIBERTAD*; below, 20 CENTOS. • 9 DOS. FINO. g^ge, reeded. 24 mm. 27. 10 Centavos, 1882. Oh), REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Arms of the Republic; below, 1882. Rev. Similar to No. 26, but reading 10 CENT^s. •g D^s. FINO. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 28. 10 Centavos, 1883. Similar to No. 27, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 281 NICKEL. 29. 20 Centavos, 1887. Ohv. Arms of the republic. Bev. REBUBLICA ARGENTINA. Within a circle, 20; be- low, around, ^20 CENTAVOS 1887*. Plain edge. 24 mm. 30. 20 Centavos, 1896. Obv. REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Head of Liberty to left; beneath, 1 896. E&u. 20 | cen- tavos I within a laurel wreath. Edge, reeded. 21 mm. By Oudin^. 30a. 20 Centavos, 1898. Similar to No. 30, except date. I I 31. 10 Centavos, 1896. Similar to No. 30, but reading 10 centavos I on reverse. 20 mm. 32. 10 Centavos, 1898. Similar to No. 31, except date. 33. 6 Centavos, 1896. Similar to No. 30, but reading 5 | cen- tavos I on reverse. 17i mm. bronze. 34. 4 Centavos, 1864. Ohv. CONFEDERACION ARGEN- TINA. The sun; beneath, 1854. ^ev. TESORO NA- CIONAL. In the field, cuatro | centavos; below, banco. 36 mm. 35. 2 Centavos, 1854. Legends and types similar to No. 34, but reading dos | centavos | on reverse. 30 mm. 36. 2 Centavos, 1888. Ohv. REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Arms, within beaded circle; beneath, *1888*. Rev. Head of Liberty to left; above, LIBERTAD; below, • DOS CENTAVOS* 30i mm. By Oudin^. 37. 2 Centavos, 1891. Similar to No. 36, except date. 38. 2 Centavos, 1893. Similar to No. 36, except date. 282 CATALOGUE OP COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 39. 1 Centavo, 1884. Legends and types similar to No. 36, except the value, which is UN CENTAVO. 25 mm. 40. 1 Centavo, 1888. As No. 39, except date. BUENOS AYRBS. BBONZE. 41. Decimo, 1822. Ohv, Within a laurel wreath, oval shield of arms. ^.S'y.BUENOSAYREs | 1822 I UN DECIMO I within a laurel wreath. 24 mm. 42. 20 Decimos, 1827. 6>5v. A phoenix in flames, within a band inscribed ardescit et virescit; on border, points. Rev. 20 | decim. | within a wreath of laurel; above, BANCA NACIONAL; below, in two lines, BUENOS- AYRES | 1827. 32 mm. 4i mm. thick. 43. 20 Decimos, 1828. Similar to No. 42, except date. 44. 10 Decimos, 1827. Similar to No. 42, but reading 10 I DECIM I on reverse. 29 mm. 46. 10 Decimos, 1828. Similar to No. 44, but with beaded borders. 46. 6/10 Decimo, 1827. Ohv. buenos | atres | 1827 | within laurel wreath. Rev. BANCA NATIONAL. In an inner, circular field azure, 5/1 0. 47. 6/10 Decimo, 1830. Similar to No. 46, except date. 48. 2 Reales, 1840. Ohv. dos | reales | within laurel wreath; above, CASA DE MONEDA; below, BUENOS- AYRES. ^62;. VIVA LA FEDERACION. Value, 2 [ R^ I within palm wreath; below, 1840. 32 mm. 49. 2 Keales, 1844. Similar to No. 48, except date. I I I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 283 50-61. 2 Reales, 1863. Olv. PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AYRES. Numeral 2, within oak wreath. RefD.Ct\'^k DE MONEDA; date within laurel wreath; below, dos EEALES. 32 mm. 62. 2 Eeales, 1865. Similar to No. 50, except date. 53. Eeal, 1840. Legends and types similar to No. 48, but with 1 I R within wreath on reverse. 26 mm. 64. 1/2 Eeal, 1844. Similar to No. 48, but with 5/10 within wreath on reverse. 23 mm. CORDOVA. 56. AE. Eeal, 1841. Ohv. PROVINCIA DE CORDOVA. Oval shield of arms between laurel branches; below, 1841. ^^y. CONFEDERADA.*P*P. Radiate sun; below, P.N. P. 66. AE. Peseta, 1844. Ohv. PROVI NCIA.DE.CORDOBA. A castle, with flag waving left, flanked by six crossed flags; below, two laurel branches. Rev. CON FED E- RADA. Sun between sprigs of laurel; below, 2 R^. 1 844.9. Ds. 28 mm. 57. AE. Eeal, 1847. OU. Similar to No. 56. Rev. As No. 55. 58. AE. Eeal, 1848. OU, PROVINCIA DE CORDOVA. In field, 1 I REAL I • I . Re'u. Sun; below, 9.1848 D. 19 ram. 69. AE. Peseta, 1849. Olv. PROVINCIA DE CORDOBA. Castle, with flag waving right, flanked by six flags. Rev. CONFEDERADA. Radiate sun, and 2R 1849 9 D. beneath. 60. AE. Toston, 1861. Similar to No. 59, but reading 4R 1851 9D. in legend on reverse. 30 mm. URUGUAY. The treaty of peace between Brazil and Argentine Republic signed in 1828 created the Republica Oriental del Uruguay. The coinage of Uruguay, which began in 1840, was in copper only until 1870. An interesting ex- ception is the obsidional coinage of 1844. During the long siege of Monte- video in the civil war Gen. Oribe, who commanded the estanceros, set up a mint and struck these silver Pesos fuertos, which bear on the reverse an in- scription, SITIO DE MONTEVIDEO, that declares their real character. Uruguay has no mint, the coins of the country having been struck at various mints in Europe and South America. Thus an extensive coinage of copper was struck in France in 1857, and likewise in 1869. The silver coinage of 1877 was executed by the mint of Paris (No. 3), that of 1892 at Santiago, Chile, and in 1895 the mint at Buenos Ayres coined silver for Uruguay. The law of 1876 established the gold standard in Uruguay and adopted the monetary system of the Latin Union. The silver coins consist of the Peso, and the divisions of 50, 20, and 10 centesimos, while the bronze coins are of the value of 4, 2, and 1 centesimos. SILVER. 1. Peso, 1844. Ohv. REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URU- GUAY. Shield of arms, within oak wreath; below, 1844. Bev. SITIO DE MONTEVIDEO. In field, UN PESO I FUERTE | surrounded by nine stars; below, 10-1/2 Ds. 39 mm.; 415 grs. 2. Peso, 1893. Ohv. REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL UR- UGUAY. Within laurel wreath, oval shield of arms, upon trophy of military arms. Hev. LIBRE Y CONS- TITU IDA. Within a laurel wreath, 1 \ PESO ; below, 1893. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. ; 385 grs. 3. Medio peso, 1877. Legends and types similar to No. 2, but reading 50 | centesimos | within the wreath, on reverse. Edge, reeded. 33 mm. 284 I I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 285 4. Medio peso, 1893. Similar to No. 3, except date. 6. Peseta, 1877. Legends and types similar to No. 3, but with 20 I CENTEsiMOS | within the wreath, on reverse. 25 mm. BRONZE. 6. 40 Centesimos, 1855. Ohv. REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY. Radiate face of the sun; below, 1855. Rev. In a circular field, azure, 40, and a scroll above inscribed centesimos; the whole within a palm wreath. 38 mm. 4 mm. thick. 7. 20 Centesimos, 1864. Legends and types similar to No. 6, except the value, which is 20. 38 mm. 8. 20 Centesimos, 1857. Similar to No. 7, except date. 9. 6 Centesimos, 1856. Legends and types similar to No. 6, except the mark of value, which is 5. 24 mm. 10. 5 Centesimos, 1857. Similar to No. 9, except date. 11. 4 Centesimos, 1869. Legends and types similar to No. 6, except the value, which is 4, on the reverse. 36 mm. 12. 2 Centesimos, 1869. Similar to No. 6, except the value, which is 2, on the reverse. 30 mm. 13. 1 Centesimo, 1869. Similar to No. 6, except the value, which is 1 , on reverse. 22023°— 14 19 PARAGUAY The history of the coinage of Paraguay is very meager. The earliest coins of the country were copper pieces with the value of y^ of the Medio Real or xij of the silver Peso (No. 3). In 1855 a coinage of silver Pesos was proposed and several patterns were produced at the mint of Paris (No. 1), but no coins were struck for circulation. In 186-4 a silver Peso was issued with types composed of a seated figure of Liberty and the arms of the Republic; and subsequently the Peso with the type of a radiant star (No. 2) within a wreath was issued. Until 1870 Paraguay retained the Spanish system with a silver Peso of 8 reales, but in that year adopted the decimal system and a Peso of 100 centavos. By the law of 1903 the gold and silver coins of the Argentine Republic are made the legal currency of the country. 1. Tin. Peso fuerte, 1865. Ohv. Liberty, seated facing, a star on head, a laurel branch in right hand, and pair of scales in the left hand which rests on a sword; the whole between laurel and palm branches. Hev. RE- PUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY. A lion sejant gardant before a pole surmounted by a liberty cap in a glory; across the field, below the cap, paz t-justicia; in exergue, 10 R^. Edge, plain. 38 mm. 2. AR. Peso, 1889. Obv. REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY. A five-point star within a wreath of palm and laurel; below, 1889. Bev. A lion sejant gardant before a pole surmounted by a liberty cap in a glory; above, PAZ Y JUSTICIA; below, UN PESO 9 Dos FINO. Edge, IGUALDAD ANTE LA LEY. 38 mm. 3. 1/12 Medio real, 1845. Ohv. A lion sejant gardant before a pole surmounted by a liberty cap in a glory; the whole within a laurel wreath. Bev. REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY. On a circular field azure, 1/12; below, 1845. 286 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 287 4. AE. 2 Centesimos. 1868. Ohv. REPUBLICA DEL PARA- GUAY. Type similar to No. 3, within a beaded circle; below, 1 838. Rev. dos | cent« | within a beaded circle; above, PAZ Y JUSTICIA; below, •••••. 30 mm. 5. AE. 4 Centesimos, 1870. Ohv. REPUBLICA DEL PARA- GUAY. A star within a wreath of laurel and oak. Rev. The numeral 4 on a circular field azure, above which, CENTESIMOS on a scroll; the whole within a laurel wreath open at the bottom; between the ends of the branches of the wreath, 1 870. 36 mm. r AE. 2 Centesimos, 1870. Similar to No. 5, but with the numeral 2 on the reverse. 25 mm. 7. AE. 1 Centesimo, 1870. Similar to No. 6, but with the numeral 1 on the reverse. 23 mm. BRITISH GUIANA. This British colony consists of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice, and was acquired from the Dutch in 1803. The first English coinage of 1809 retained the monetary system of the Dutch and pieces of 3 Guilders, 2 Guilders, the Guilder, and its Half and Quarter were struck for the colony. In 1839 this system was abolished and the American system with the Dollar and its divisions adopted, but no coins on this system were ever struck, the currency of the colony being composed chiefly of legalized silver of neighboring countries. In 1891 a Fourpence piece was struck for British Guiana and the West Indies, which was exactly equivalent to the 1/4 Stuiver or BU. George IV, A. D. 1803-1820. SILVER. 1. SGuilders, 1809. Ohv. GEORGIUS llll DEI GRATIA. Bust of George IV, laureated, to right. Rev. COLO- NIES OF ESSIQUIBO &. DEMARARY TOKEN. Numeral 3, with crown above, within a wreath; below, 1 809. Edge, obliquely hatched. 38 mm. 2-3. 2 Guilders, 1809. Similar to No. 1, but with the numeral 2, crowned, on reverse. 34 mm. 4. 2 Guilders, 1816. Similar to No. 2, except date. 28 mm. 6. Guilder, 1809. Similar to No. 1, but with the numeral 1 , crowned, on reverse. 25 mm. 6. Guilder, 1816. Similar to No. 5, except date. 7. 1/2 Guilder, 1816. Types and legends similar to No. 1, but with 1 /2, crowned, on reverse. 20 mm. 8. 1/4 Guilder, 1809. Similar to No. 1, but with 1/4, crowned, on reverse. 17 mm. 9. 1/4 Guilder, 1816. Similar to No. 8, except date. BRONZE. 10. 1/2 Stuiver, 1815. Types and legends similar to No. 1. Edge, centrally hatched. 28 mm. 288 I « I OATALOGUE Of coins, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ^89 William JV, A. B. 1820-1837. SILVER. 11-12. 3 Guilders, 1832. Olv. GULIELMUS MM D: G - BRITANNIAR: REX. F: D: Head to right. Rev. UNITED COLONY OFDEMARARY& ESSIQUIBO. Numeral 3, crowned, within a wreath; below, 1832. Edge, plain. 35 mm, 13. 2 Guilders, 1832. Similar to No. 11, but with numeral 2, crowned, on reverse. Edge, plain. 28 mm. 14. Guilder, 1832. Similar to No. 11, but with numeral 1, crowned, on reverse. Edge, plain. 23 mm. 15. 1/2 Guilder, 1835. Similar to No. 11, but with 1 /2, crowned, on reverse. 19 mm. 16. 1/4 Guilder, 1835. Similar to No. 11, but with 1/4 GUILDER, crowned, on reverse. 13 mm. Victoria, A. D. 1837-1901. SILVER. 17. AE. 4 Pence, 1891. Ohv. VICTORIA — QUEEN. Coroneted bust to left. Bev. BRITISH GUIANA AND WEST INDIES. Within a wreath, FOUR PENCE, and crown above; below, 1891. 16 mm. Edward VIl, A. D. 1901-1910. SILVER. 18. AR. 4 Pence, 1805. Ohv. EDWARD VII KING AND EMPEROR. Crowned bust of the king to right. Hev. Similar to No. 17. 16 mm. CAYENNE OR FRENCH GUIANA. This French colony, which has been a penal colony since the latter part of the eighteenth century, has never developed to such a degree as to require a special coinage of any importance. The first measure looking to a provision of a currency for the colony was the edict of Louis XVI, dated December 10, 1779, ordering the trans- fer to the colony of 30,000 livres of retired billon doubles sols of France; and the supply of such coinage being exhausted before the amount named in the edict was made up, new pieces were struck, and with the same device, a crowned letter C, as was employed for countermarking the retired £ sols -pieces; and, as in the latter case, the new pieces were stamped on one side only. Again, in 1781 an edict issued in March made provision for a special coinage for the French Antilles, Isle de Bourbon, and for Cayenne; but the three sols pieces ordered by the colony did not come into circulation, and in 1782 a billon double sou, valued at 1/10 livre, was struck (No. 3). In 1818 Louis XVIII struck for Guyanne Franqaise billon 10 centimes pieces, with the crowned monogram of the king on the obverse. This colony also received part of a general colonial coinage in bronze of 10 and 5 centimes pieces issued in 1825 and destined for all the French colonies. These pieces bear the eflBgy of Charles X. (See West Indies, French Pos- sessions, No. 3.) These bronze pieces were heavy and were practically rejected by the colonists. More successful was the issue of billion 10 centimes pieces in 1846, which are still in circulation, coins popularly designated marquis blancs. Zauis XVI, A. D. 177^-1792. 1. Bil. Son, undated. (95v. Crowned C. i? Owing to the fragmentary character of the collection of Brazilian coins, it seemed best not to try to distribute them according to mints. The indication of the mint is given, therefore, immediately after the denomination and date of the coins, where such information was obtainable or important. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 295 SILVER. 2. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1695. (B). Ohv. PETRVS. II. D. G. PORT. REX. ET. BRAS. D. Arms of Portugal, crowned; at sides, 640 reading downward - three rosettes in perpendicular line; the date, 16 - 95, is divided by the crown. ^^. SUBQ.- SIGN.- NATA- STAB. A globe over cross of the Order of Christ; on girdle of globe, B. Edge, obliquely hatched. Without mint mark. 38 mm. ; 290 grs. 2 Patacas (640 Eels), 1699. (R). Similar to No. 2, except date. 4. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1701. (R) . Similar to No. 2; the final numeral 1 in date is over 0. 5. Pataca (320 Reis), 1701. (B). Legends and types similar to No. 2, but reading 320 (reis) to left of arms, on ob- verse; numeral 1 over in date. Edge, obliquely Hb • hatched. 31 mm. 6. Meia pataca (160 Reis), 1700. (R). Similar to No. 2, but ^1 reading 160 to left of the arms Edge, obliquely WL hatched. 31 mm. I Brnn Joao F, A. D. 1706-1760, GOLD. I 7. Moeda, 1720. (R). Ohv. JOANNES. V. D. G. PORT. ET. ALG. REX. Similar to No. 1. R&v. Sunilar to No. 1. 29.5 mm.; 160 grs. 8. Dobrao, or 6 Moedas (20,000 Reis), 1726. (M). Ohv. In- scription and type similar to No. 7, but at left side of shield, 20000, and at right, five rosettes in perpendicular line. Bev. Inscription as No. 1, but with rosettes for stops; cross of the Order of Christ, with letter M (Minas) in each angle. Edge, wreath, 39 mm.; 827.7 grs. 9. Dobra of 8 Escudos (12,800 Reis), 1729. (M). Oh). lOAN- NES. V. D. G. PORT. ET. ALG. REX. Laureated bust to right; beneath, M (Minas) | 1729. Bev. A garnished shield of the arms of Portugal, crowned. Edge, a wreath. 37 mm. ; 437 grs. 296 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 10. 1/2 Dobra or 4 Escudos (6,400 Reis), 1736. (B). Legends and types similar to No. 9, but with the mint-mark b. beneath the bust. 32 mm.; 215.5 grs. 11. 4 Milreis, 1749. Struck at Lisbon for Maranhao. Obv, lOANNES. V. D. G. PORTVG. REX. Shield of the arms of Portugal, crowned; at sides, left, 4000 reading downward, right, three rosettes in perpendicular line. Rev. ET BRASILIAE. DOMINUS. ANNO. 1749. Cross of St. George, within a tressure of four lobes. Edge, obliquely hatched. 27 mm.; 125.6 grs. SILVER. 12. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1749. (R). OU. JOANNES.V.D. G. PORT. REX. ET BRAS. D. Type similar to No. 2. Rev. Similar to No. 2, but on girdle of the globe, R (Rio de Janeiro). 37.5 mm.; 280 grs. 13. Pataca (320 Reis), 1749. (R). Similar to No. 12, except value. BRONZE. 14. Vintem, 1746. Obv. lOANNES. V. D. G. ET. BRASIL REX. Thevajue X X, crowned; beneath, 1746. Rev. PECUNIATOTUM CIRCUIT ORBEM. Aglobe. Dom Jose /, A. D. 1750-1777. GOLD. 16. Meia dobra, 1758. (R). (95v. JOSEPHUS.I.D.G. - PORT. ET.ALG.REX. Laureated bust, draped, to right; below, R 1758. Rev. Garnished shield of arms of Portugal, crowned. Edge, wreath. 32 mm.; 216 grs. 16. Meia dobra, 1762. (R). Similar to No. 15, except date. 32 mm.; 166.5 grs. Countermarked on obverse with an eye, beneath the chin, and on neck, W. SILVER. 17. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1751. (R). Olv. JOSEPHUS. I. D. G. P. REX. ET BRAS. D. Similar to No. 2. Rev. Similar to No. 2, but with R (Rio de Janeiro) on the girdle of the globe. 38 mm. ; 270.5 grs. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 297 18. 2 Patacas (640 Eeis), 1771. Similar to No. 17, except date. 19. Pataca (320 Eels), 1751. (R). Types similar to No. 17, except value. Special Corns for Mining Districts. 20. Pataca (300 Eeis), 1762. Ohv. Letter J, crowned, with 300 to left, and to right, three small crosses. Re'o. Similar to No. 2. 21. Pataca (300 Eeis), 1764. (E). Similar to No. 20, but countermarked, on obverse, with shield of arms of Portugal. 22. Pataca (300 Eeis), 1768. (E.) Similar to No. 21, except date. • 23. Meia pataca (160 Eeis), 1771. (P). Olv. JOSEPHUS.I, D.G.P.REX.ET.BRAS.D. Similar to No. 2, except value. Rev. Similar to No. 2, but with P (Pernam- B buco) on girdle of the globe. '24. Tostao, 1771. Olv. JOSEPH US. I. D. G. P. REX. ET. tBRAS. D. Crowned shield of arms, with value, 80, on left, and three rosettes on right, the crown dividing the date, 17-71. ^^v. SVGB.-SIGN. -NATA-STAB. Globe over a cross of the Order of Christ. BRONZE. 25. Vintem, 1760. JOSEPHUS. I. D. G. P. ET BRASILIAE. REX. As No. 14, except date, 1760. 41 mm. Da Maria land Dom Pedro III, A. D. 1777-1786. GOLD. '4 Milreis, 1779. (L). 6>5^?. MARIA. I. ET. PETRUS. III. D.G.PORTUS. REGES. The arms of Portugal, crowned; at sides: to left, 4000 reading downward, to right, four rosettes in perpendicular line. Rev. ET BRASILIAE. DOMINI. ANNO. 1779. Cross of St. George, within a tressure of four lobes. Edge, obliquely hatched. 27 mm.; 279.5gr8. 298 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. SILVER. 27. 2Patacas (640 Reis), 1780. (L). OU. MARIA. I. ET. PRETRUS III. D. G. PORT. REGES. ET. BRAS. D. The arms of Portugal; at sides, 640, reading down- ward — three rosettes, in perpendicular line; the date, 17 - 80, divided by crown. Rev. SUBQ. - SIGN. - NATA - STAB. Globe over cross of the Order of Christ. Struck at Lisbon. Without mint-mark. 28. Pataca (320 Reis), 1780. Ohv. MARIA.I.ET.PETRUS. III.D.G.PORT.REGES.ET.BRAS.D. Similar to No. 27, but reading 320 to left of arms. Refo. Similar to No. 27, without mm. 29. Half pataca (160 Reis), 1787. (I). Ohv. MARIA. LET. PETRUS.III.D.G.PORT.REGES.ET.BRAS.D. Simi- lar to No. 27, but reading 160 to left of the arms. Rev. Similar to No. 27; without mm. 30. Vintem, 1784. MARIA. I. ET PETRUS. III.D.G.P. ET. BRASIL. REGES. Types similar to No. 14. 31. 10 Reis, 1782. Similar to No. 30, except mark of value, which is X, and the date, 1 782. 26 mm. Maria /, A. D. 1786-1799. SILVER. 32. 2Patacas (640 Reis), 1800. (L). Ohv. MARIA. I.D.G. PORT. REG IN A. ET. BRAS. D. Similar to No. 27. Rev. Similar to No. 27. Without mint mark. 33. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1804. (B). Similar to No. 32, but with B (Bahia) on girdle of globe. 38 mm.; 303.5 grs. 34. Pataca (320 Reis), 1802. (R). Ohv. MARIA. I.D.G. PORT.REGINA.ET.BRAS.D. Similar to No. 27, but reading 320 to left of arms. Rev. Type similar to No. 27; on girdle of globe, R. BRONZE. 36. 2 Vintems, 1790. Ohv. MARIA. I. D. G. P. BRASILIAE. REG IN A. Mark of value, X L, crowned; beneath, 1790. ^^. PECUNIATOTUMCIRCUMITORBEM. A globe. 35 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 299 36. 2 Vintems, 1791. Similar to No. 35, except date. 37. Vintem, 1767. MARIA. I. D. G. P. ET BRASILIAE. R E G I N A . Types similar to No. 35. 38. Vintem, 1796. Similar to last, except date. Counter- marked with arms of Portugal. 39. 10 Reis, 1787. Similar to No. 36, except mark of value, which is X, and dated 1 787. Countermarked, over mark of value, with arms of Portugal. Dom Joao, Prince Regent^ A. D. 1799-1818. GOLD. Meia dobra, 1807. (R). 6^5v. JOAN NES.D.G. PORT. - ET.ALG.P.REGENS. Laureated bust, draped, to right; below, 1807.R. Rev. Oval shield of arms, within ornamental scroll work, crowned. Edge, wreath. 32 mm.; 220.5 grs. 41. 4 Milreis, 1811. (95^. JOANNES. D.G.PORT.ET.ALG. I P. REG ENS. Arms of Portugal, crowned; at sides, .4000. — three rosettes, as on No. 26. Rev. .ET.BRA- S1LI/€.D0MINUS.ANN0. • .1811. * Within a tressure of four lobes, cross of St. George. Edge, a wreath. 27 mm. AO SILVER. (Spanish Pesos countermarked and valued at 960 Reis.) 42. Peso of Charles IIII, of the Potosi mint, dated 1807. Obv. Countermark, oval shield of arms, crowned, within a ). wreath; beneath the wreath, 960. Rev. Countermark, a globe. 43. Peso of Charles IIII, Potosi mint, dated 1813. Counter- marked as No. 42. 44. 3 Patacas (960 Reis), 1810. (R). Obv. JOAN N ES. D. G. I PORT. P. REGENS ET BRAS. D. Armsof Portugal, crowned; at sides, 960 reading down ward — three rosettes in perpendicular line; the date, 18 - 10 divided by the crown. .^^. SUBQ. -SIGN- NATA.- STAB, Globe 300 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. over cross of the Order of Christ. On girdle of the globe, R (Rio de Janeiro). Edge, a wreath. 42 mm. ; 416.5 grs. PI. XV, 4. 45. SPatacas (960 Eeis), 1815. Similar to No. 44, except date. 46. 3 Patacas (960 Reis), 1816. Similar to No. 44, except date. 47. 3 Patacas (960 Reis), 1814. (B). Similar to No. 44, but on girdle of globe B (Bahia). 48. Pataca (320 Reis), 1812. Obv. JOAN NES.D.G.PORT.P. REG ENS ET BRAS.D. Similar to No. 44, but read- ing 320 to left of arms. Rev. Similar to No. 44. BRONZE. 49. 2 Vintems, 1812. (B). Ohv. JOANNES D. G. P. ET BRASILIAE P. REGENS. Similar to No. 35. Rev. Similar to No. 35, but with B (Bahia) on girdle of globe. 35 mm. 50. Vintem, 1803. JOANNES D. G. (sic) ET BRASILIAE P. REGENS. Types similar to No. 49. 31 mm. 51. 10 Reis, 1803. JOANNES. D. G. P. ET BRASILIAE. P. REGENS. Types similar to No. 49. Dom Joao VI, A. D. 1818-1822. GOLD. 52. 4 Milreis, 1819. (R). Obv. Arms of Portugal over a globe, crowned — being the arms of the United Kingdom — between oak and laurel branches; beneath, .4000. Rev. JOANNES.VI.D.G.PORT.ET. BRAS. ET.ALG. REX. Cross of St. George, within a tressure of four lobes; below, +1819 +. 26 mm. SILVER. 53. SPatacas (960 Reis), 1818. (R). Ohv. JOANNES. VI. D. G. PORT. BRAS. ET. ALG. REX. Within a laurel wreath, 960 | 1818 | R. | ; above, a crown. Rev. SUBQ.- SIGN. - NATA. - STAB. Types similar to No. 44. 41 mm. ; 414 grs. i CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 301 64. 3 Patacas (960 Reis), 1820. Similar to No. 53, except date. 65. 3 Patacas (960 Reis), 1821. Similar to No. 63, except date. 66. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1818. (R). Ohv. JOANNES. VI. D. G. PORT. BRAS. ET. ALG. REX. Within a laurel wreath, 640 | 1818 ] r; above, a crown. Bev. Similar to No. 53. 67. 2 Patacas (640 Reis), 1821. (R). Similar to No. 66, ex- cept date. 68. Pataca (320 Reis), 1820. JOANNES VI.D.G.PORT. BRAS. ET.ALG. REX. Within a wreath, 320 | 1820 | r [ ; above, a crown. Bev. Type similar to No. 53. 69. Half pataca (160 Reis), 1818. Ohv. JOAN NES.VI.D.G. PORT. BRAS. ET. ALG. REX. Within laurel wreath, 160 I 1818 I r; above, a crown. Bev, Similar to No. 63. 60. Meia pataca (160 Reis), 1820. Similar to No. 69, except date. 61. Tostao, 1818. (R). Ohv. JOANNES. VI. D. G. PORT. BRAS. ET. ALG. REX. Within laurel wreath, 80 [ 1881 1 R. 1 ; above, a crown. Bev. Similar to No. 63. 62. Tostao, 1820. Similar to No. 61, except date. 63. Tostao, 1821. Similar to No. 61, except date. THE EMPIRE OF BRAZIL. Dom Pedro 7, A. D. 1822-1831. SILVER. 64. Patagon (960 Reis), 1823. (R). Ohv. PETRUS.I.D.G. CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 960; below, 1823 R. B&v. in hoc signo viNCES. Arms of Brazil. Struck over a Peso of Ferdinand VII. 40 mm.; 414.5 grs. 66. Patagon (960 Reis), 1826. (R). Legends and types sim- ilar to No. 64, except date; not surfrapjpe. 22023° — 14 20 302 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDAL/S. 66. Double pataca (640 Reis), 1824. Ohv. PETRUS.I.D.G. CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 640; below, + 1824 R + R&v. + IN + HOC + SIGNO + VINCES +. Arms of Brazil. Edge, laurel wreath. 37 mm. 67. Double pataca (640 Reis), 1825. Similar to No. 66, except date. BRONZE. 68. 80 Reis, 1827. Ohv. PETRUS. I. D. G. CONST. IMP. ET. PERP. BRAS. DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 80; ,, below, +1827 R+. R&o. IN . HOC . SIGNO . VINCES. ' / The arms of Brazil. Edge, central reeding. 41 mm. 69. 80 Reis, 1828. Similar to No. 68, except date. 40 mm. 70. 80 Reis, 1829. Similar to No. 68, except date. 39 mm. 71. 80 Reis, 1829. As last, but countermarked 40 over the 80. 72. 80 Reis, 1830. Similar to No. 68, except date. 73. 80 Reis, 1830. As last, but countermarked 40 over the 80. 74. 20 Reis, 1824. (R). (95^. PETRUS.I.D.G.CONST.IMP. ET. PER P. BRAS. DEF. Within a laurel wreath, mark of value, 20 ; beneath wreath, + 1 824. R +. Rev. + I N + HOC + SIGNO + VINCES +. ■ The arms of Brazil. 30 mm. 75. 20 Reis, 1825. Similar to No. 74, except date. 76. 20 Reis, 1827. Similar to No. 74, except date. 77. 20 Reis, 1827. (B). Similar to No. 74, but reading + 1827.B + beneath the wreath. 32 mm. Dom Pedro II, A. D. 1831-1889. GOLD. 78. Meia dobra (6,400 Reis), 1833. Obv. PETRUS.II.D.G. CONST.IMP.PERP.ET.BRAS.DEF. Nude bust of the Emperor as a child, to right; below, + 1833.R +. Rev.\n + HOC + SIGNO + VINCES. Arms of Brazil; below, + 6400 +. Edge, a wreath. 32 mm.; wt., 221 grs. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 303 79. Moeda (10,000 Eeis), 1838. Ohi. PETRUS.I I.D.G. IMP. - ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF. Nude bust of emperor as a boy, to right; below, 1838. Rev. Arms of Brazil; above, in hoc s. - vinces. Edge, reeded. 28 mm.; wt., 221 grs. 80. Moeda (10,000 Eels), 1848. Ohv, Inscription as No. 79; youthful bust, in uniform, to left; below, 1 848. R&o. Similar to No. 79. Edge, reeded. 28 mm., wt., 220.6 grs. 181. Dobra (20,000 Eeis), 1851. Olv. PETRUS I I.D.G. IMP. - ET PERP.BRAS.DEF. Bust, in admiral's uni- ^' form, with collar of the Golden Fleece, to left; below, *■ 1851 . Rev, Arms of Brazil; above, in straight line, in ' HOC s. - VINCES. Edge, reeded. 30 mm.; wt., 275 grs. 82. Dobra (20,000 Eeis), 1852. Ohv. Inscription as No. 81, ^ but in larger letters; nude bust, with heavy beard, to Hf left; below, 1852. Rev. Arms of Brazil; above, in ^ft. HOC 81 + - + GNO VINCES, in curvcd line. Edge, HP' reeded. 30 mm. 83. Dobra (20,000 Eeis), 1867. Similar to No. 82, except date. 84. Mela dobra (5,000 Eeis), 1868. Legends and types similar SILVER. 85. 3 Crnzados (1,200 Eeis), 1834. Ohv. PETRUS. II. D.G. ICONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 1200; below, 1834. Rev. Arms of Brazil; above, in hoc s. - vinces. Edge, reeded. 38 mm.; 412 grs. 86. 3 Crnzados (1,200 Eeis), 1837. Similar to No. 85, except date. VI. 2 Crnzados (800 Eeis) 1838. Ohv. Inscription similar to No. 85; within laurel wreath, 800; below, 1838. R&v. Similar to No. 85. Reeded edge. 32 mm. 304 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 88. Cruzado, 1837. Similar to No. 86, but reading 400 within the wreath, on obverse. Reeded edge. 28 mm. 89. Half cruzado, 1837. Similar to No. 85, but 200 within the wreath on the obverse. Reeded edge. 23 mm. 90. 100 Reis, 1837. Legends and types similar to No. 85, but reading 1 00 within the wreath on obverse. 19 mm. 91. 100 Reis, 1846. Similar to No. 90, except date. 92. 2Milreis (2,000 Reis), 1854. Ohv. Inscription as No. 85; within laurel wreath, 2000; below, 1854. Rero. in hoc SI - - GNO viNCES. Arms of Brazil. Reeded edge. 37 mm. ; 393 grs. 93. 2 Milreis (2,000 Reis), 1868. OU. PETRUS II D.G.C. IMP. ET PERP.BRAS.DEF. Nude bust to left; below, • 1868 •. Rev. Arms of Brazil; below, 2000 REIS. 37 mm. 94. 2 Milreis (2,000 Reis), 1888. Ohv. Similar to No. 93. Rev. DECRETO -DE 1870. Arms of Brazil; below, 2000 REIS. 37 mm. 96. Milreis, 1851. 6'&v.PETRUS ll.D.G.CONST.IM P.PERP. BRAS.DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 1000; below, 1851. Rev. Arms of Brazil; above, in straight line, IN HOC s. - VINCES. Edge, reeded. 96. Milreis, 1854. Similar to No. 95, but the branches of coffee and tobacco at sides of the shield of arms are smaller, and the motto in hoc si - - gno vinces is in curved line. 97. Milreis, 1865. Similar to No. 96, except date. 98. Milreis, 1856. Similar to No. 96, except date. 99. Milreis, 1859. Similar to No. 96, except date. 100. Milreis, 1861. Similar to No. 96, except date. 101. Milreis, 1866. Similar to No. 96, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 305 102. Milreis, 1876. Ohv. Similar to No. 96. Rev. decreto - DE 1870. Arms of Brazil; below, 1000 RE IS. 30 mm. 103. 500 Reis, 1852. Similar to No. 95, but reading 500 within the wreath, on the obverse. 26 mm. 104. 500 Reis, 1854. Similar to No. 103, except date. 105. 500 Reis, 1861. Similar to No. 103, except date. 106. 500 Reis, 1866. Similar to No. 103, except date. 107. 500 Reis, 1868. Similar to No. 93, but reading 500 R E I S below the arms on reverse. 25 mm. 108. Half cruzado, 1854. Similar to No. 96, but reading 200 within the wreath on obverse. Edge, reeded; 19.5 mm. ; wt. , 39 grs. 109. Half cmzado, 1862. Similar to No. 96, except date. 110. Half cruzado, 1867. Similar to No. 93, but reading 200 REIS below arms on reverse. 19.5 mm.; wt., 39 grs. h NICKEL. 111-112. 200 Reis, 1871. Obv. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. Arms of Brazil; below, •1871*. Rev. DECRETO NO 1817. DE 3 DE SETEMBRO 1870. Within a ■k^ circle, 200 I REIS. Edge, plain. 32 mm. T13. 200 Reis, 1884. Similar to No. Ill, except date. 114. 100 Reis, 1871. Legends and types sunilar to No. Ill, but reading 100 | REIS on reverse. 27 mm. 115. 100 Reis, 1884. Similar to No. 114, except date. 116. 100 Reis, 1888. Similar to No. 114, except date. 117. 50 Reis, 1886. Legends and types similar to No. Ill, but reading 50 | REIS on a field sable within a beaded circle. 22 mm. 306 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. BRONZE. 118. SOReis, 1832. PETRUS. II. D. G. CONST. IMP. ET. PERP. BRAS. DEF. Within a laurel wreath, 80; be- low, + 1 832 R +. Bev. in. hoc. signo. vinces. The arms of Brazil. Edge, central reeding. 40 mm. 119. 80 Reis, 1832. Similar to No. 118, but countermarked 40 over the 80. 120. SOReis, 1832. As No. 118, but countermarked M | X*X on obverse. 41 mm. 121. 40 Reis, 1823. Legends and types similar to No. 118, but with value, 40, on obverse. 36 mm. 122. 40 Reis, 1824. Similar to No. 121, except date. 35 mm. 123. 40 Reis, 1824. As last, but countermarked 20 over the 40. 124. 40 Reis, 1826. Similar to No. 121, except date. 126. 40 Reis, 1826. As last, but countermarked 20 over 40. 126. 40 Reis, 1827. Similar to No. 121, countermarked 20 over 40. 36 mm. 127. 40 Reis, 1829. Similar to No. 121, except date. 128. 40 Reis, 1830. Similar to No. 121, except date. 129. 40 Reis, 1828. (C). Legends and types similar to No. 118, but reading * 1828 C * beneath the wreath on obverse. 29 mm. 130. 40 Reis, 1828. As last, but countermarked 1 over the 40. 131. 40 Reis, 1827. (G). Legends and types similar to No. 118, but reading * 1827 G * beneath the wreath on obverse. 30 mm. 132. 40 Reis, 1874. Ohv. PETRUS II D.G.I MP. - ET PERP. BRAS. DEF. Nude bust, bearded, to right; below, 1873 between a globe and a cross. Rev. Arms of Brazil, crowned; twenty stars round the globe; in field, 40 - Rs. Edge, plain. 30 mm. Struck at Brussels. 133. 40 Reis, 1876. Similar to No. 132, except date. CATALOGtJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 307 134. 20 Reis, 1868. Legends and types similar to No. 132, but reading 20 - R^ on reverse. 25 mm. 135. 20 Reis, 1869. Similar to No. 134, except date. I THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL, 1889. qq^ jj^j SILVER. 136. Dois milreis, 1891. Obv. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOSDO BRAZIL. Laureated head of liberty to left; below, • 1891 •. Bev. ORDEM E PROGESSO. Between laurel and oak branches, on a field azure, the Southern Cross within a circle surrounded by 21 stars;, above, a star; below, DOIS MILREIS. Edge, reeded. 37 mm.; 393.5 grs. 137. Dois milreis, 1906. Ohv, Inscription as No. 136; bust of Liberty, with Phrygian cap, laureate, to left; below, • 1906 *. Bev. ORDEM E PROGRESSO; in the field, 2000 I REIS; below, • XX GRAMMAS •.. Edge, reeded. 33 mm. 138. Dois milreis, 1907. Similar to No. 137, except date. L 139. Milreis, 1889. Obv. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS DO BRAZI L. Draped bust of Liberty, with Phrygian cap, to left; below, • 1889 •. Bev. ORDEM E PRO- GRESSO. On afield azure, the Southern Cross, within a circle, surrounded by 21 stars; below, * 1000 REIS*. Edge, reeded. 30 mm. 140. Milreis, 1906. Legends and types similar to No. 137, but reading 1000 | REIS in field on reverse; and below the arms, • X GRAMMAS *. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 141. Milreis, 1907. Similar to No. 140, except date. 142. 600 Reis, 1889. Legends and types similar to No. 139, but reading 500 REIS on reverse. 25 mm. 308 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 143. 600 Eeis, 1906. Legends and types similar to No. 137, but reading 500 | REIS, and • V GRAMMAS • on reverse. 22 mm. 144. 400 Eels, 1907. Similar to No. 143, except date. NICKEL. 145. 400 Reis, 1901. Olv. Draped bust of Liberty, with fillet inscribed LIBERT. ; around21 stars. Eev. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO- BRAZIL The arms of Brazil; to left, an olive branch; beneath, mcmi; above, in field, 400 | reis. Edge, plain. 30 mm. 146. 200 Reis, 1889. Ohv. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRAZI L. On a field azure, the south- ern cross within a circle, surrounded by 21 stars; below, • 1889*. Rev. ORDEM E PROGRESSO. On a reticulated (sable) field, 200 | REIS; below, • 15 DE NOVEMBRODE1889*. Edge, plain. 32 mm. 147. 200 Reis, 1900. Legends and types similar to No. 145, but reading 200 | reis | in the field on reverse. 25 mm. 148. 100 Reis, 1889. Legends and types similar to No. 146, but reading 200 | reis [ on reverse. 27 mm. 149. 100 Reis, 1900. Legends and types similar to No. 145, but reading 100 | reis | in the field on reverse. BRONZE. 160. 40 Reis, 1889. Ohv. Similar to No. 146. Rev. A ECO- NOMIA FAZ A PROSPERIDADE •. Within a beaded circle, 40 | reis. 30 mm. 161. 40 Reis, 1900. Similar to No. 150, except date. 162. 20 Reis, 1889. Ohv. Inscription as on No. 146; arms of the Republic; below, • 1889 •. Rev. VINTEM POUPADO, VINTEM GANHO *. Within a beaded circle, on a field azure, 20 | reis. Plain edge. 25^ mm. 163. 20 Reis, 1904. Similar to No. 152, except date. THE WEST INDIES. HAYTI. When the island of Hayti became independent of France in 1804, it fell into three warring communities with governments occupying the north- western, the southwestern, and the eastern sections. In 1822 the entire island was united under the presidency of Jean Pierre Boyer; but in 1843 the territory was again divided into the present Republics of Hayti and Santo Domingo. The coinage of the northern Republic, first issued in 1807, under the presidency of Henri Christophe, consisted of Eacalins of 15 Sols and Half escalins, with a standing figure of Liberty and the inscription MONNOIE D' HAITI on the obverse, and on reverse a crowned shield bearing the initials HC of the President. In 1812 Christophe assumed the title of King, and as Henry I issued coins bearing his bust and the newly con- trived arms of the Kingdom. Several patterns, especially of the silver Gourde, were made for this series (PI. XV, 5) . The coinage of the mulatto Republic in the south of the island began in the Presidency of Alexander Petion (1807-1819) and consisted of 25, 12, and 6 Centime pieces. On the obverse of these coins is fo.und a trophy of military arms, and on the reverse the date of independence as an xi, but more often with Arabian numerals, within a serpent circle. In 1817 the portrait of Petion appeared on the coins, as later did also that of his successor Boyer, who by 1822 jaad become recognized as President of the whole island. For on the latter date San Domingo, which had been taken by the English in 1809 and later ceded to Spain, again secured independ- ence and joined the Republic in the West. The coins issued by this Republic of a united Hayti have on the reverse the consular fasces and the legend LIBERTE EGALITE. In 1843 the island was again split up into two Republics of Hayti and of San Domingo. The Republic of Hayti. — This Republic was proclaimed an empire in 1849 by the President Faustin Soulouque, who with the title of Faustin I held sway until 1858, when the republican title of president was restored by Geffrard. Copper coins of the value of 6, 2, and 1 Centimes (No. 42) were struck by the titular Emperor Faustin and bear his portrait, as do also the coins issued in the presidency of Geffrard and Nord Alexis. A monetary law of 1880 provided for a coinage of gold and silver with a unit called a Gourde. No gold coins have been struck, but the silver Gourde, which is equivalent to the 5-franc piece of the Latin Union, and its divi- sions, were issued in 1881 (No. 49 ff.). 309 310 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Santo Domingo. — The first coins issued by Santo Domingo were small Caartillas bearing simply the name of the country on the one side and on the other the value, 1/4, and the date. The law of 1889 established a mone- tary system with a silver Dominicano as the unit. The silver coinage of 1891 was based on the standard of the Latin Union. In 1901 Santo Domingo adopted the gold standard of the United States. THE NORTHERN REPUBLIC. Henri Christophe, President^ 1807-18 H. 1-3. AR. Escalin, 1807. Ohv. LI BERT AS RELIGIO MORES. A shield with h c (Henri Christophe) in monogram, within an olive wreath. Mev. MON- NOIE - D'HAYTI. Liberty, holding liberty pole surmounted with cap in right hand and bundle of fasces in left, standing facing; at sides 15 - sols. 19 mm. 4. AR. Escalin, 1808. Similar to No. 1, except date. 6. AE. Centime, 1807. Ohv. HENRI CHRISTOPHE PRESI- DENT. Facing bust of Christophe with hat; below, 1807. BeD. LE GOUVERNMENTDE HAYTI.* In the field, une | centieme. 26 mm. Henri Christophe^ King, A. D. 1812-1820. 6. AE. Gourde, 1812. Pattern. Oh). HENRICUS DEI GRA- TIA HAITI REX. Laureated bust to right; below, ESSAY. Rev. DEUS CAUSA ATQUE GLADIUS MEUS. Within a broad band inscribed ex ciner- IBUS NASCiTUK*, a shield azure charged with a phoenix rising from flames; the whole crowned; below, 1812. 29 mm. 7. AR. Gourdin, year X (1813). Oh). REPUBLIQUE D'HAYTI. Within serpent circle, 25 c. ; below, * an 10. Rev. A palm tree, surmounted by a liberty cap, in front of a trophy of military arms: two cannons, four muskets, four flags, all crossed. 22 mm. 8. AR. Gourdin, year XII (1815). Similar to No. 7, but dated • an 12. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 311 9. AE. Gourdin, year XIII (1816). Similar to No. 7, but dated *AN 13. 10. AR. Q-ourdin, 1814. Similar to No. 7, except date. 11. AR. Real, year XI of Independence (1814). Obv. REPU- BLIQUE D'HAYTI. Within serpent circle, 12 c; be- low, *AN XI*. Rev. Tree with liberty cap at top, in front of a trophy of two cannons and flags. 16 mm. 12. AR. Double gourde, 1820. Olv. HENRICUS DEI GRATIA HAITI REX. Laureated bust to right, with mantleover cuirass; beneath, 1820. Rev. Inscription and arms as No. 6, with h, crowned, to left and L-M in ligature, crowned, to right of shield; below, l'an 17. Edge, plain. 37 mm. PI. XV, 5. mulatto republic. Alexandre Petion, A. D. 1807-1818. 13-16. AR. Gourdins, year XIV of Independence (1817). Ohv. A. PETION - PRESIDENT. Bust to left; below, AN 14. Rev. REPUBLIQUE D'HAYTI; type similar to No. 8; below, *25*c*. 20 mm. 16-17. AR. Escalins, year XIV. Similar to No. 13 with *12 *c* in exergue on reverse. UNITED HAYTI. Jean Pierre B(yyer, President, 1818-1820, 1822-1843, 18-19. AR. Gourdins, year XV (1818). Ohv. J.P.BOYER - PRESIDENT. Bust to left; beneath, an 15. Rev. Similar to No. 13. 20-23. AR. Gourdins, year 24 (1827). Oh). Similar to No. 18. ^e^. REPUBLIQUE - D'HAYTI •; arms as No. 7; beneath arms, 25 *c. 24. AR. Gourdin, year 25. Similar to No. 18. 312 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 26. AR. Medio real, year XV. Similar to No. 18, but reading 6.0. on reverse. 13 mm. 26. AR. Escalin, year XXIV. Similar to No. 20, but with 12. c. below arms on reverse. 27. AE. Pattern half gourde, year 25 (1828). Similar to No. 18 with 50 * c. * on reverse. 28. AR. Half gourde, year 25. Similar to No. 27. 29. AR. Gourde, year 26 (1829). Ohv. Similar to No. 18. Rev. A palm tree surmounted by a liberty cap, in front of a trophy of two cannon, eight spears, muskets, and flags; below, 100 o. Edge, reeded. 31 mm. 30-31. AR. Gourdes, year 27 (1830). Similar to No. 29. 32. AR. Half gourde, year XXIX (1832). Similar to No. 29 with a trophy of only five pairs of small arms, and two cannon; below, 50. c. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 33. AR. Gourde, year 30 (1833). Similar to No. 29, except date. 34. AE. 2 Centimes, year 27. 6>Jv. LIBERTE EGALITE. Consular fasces with ax; in field, 2 - c; below, AN 27. ^^v. REPUBLIQUE - D'HAYTI. Within palm wreath, deux | centimes | 1831. 25 mm. 36. AE. 2 Centimes, year XXXVIII (1841). Similar to No. 34. 36. AE. Centime, year XXIX (1832). Similar to No. 34, but reading un | centime | 1832 | on reverse. 37. AE. Centime, year XXXI (1834). Similar to No. 35. the republic of hayti, after 1843. 38. AE. 6 Centimes, year XLIII (1846). Similar to No. 34, but with SIX I centimes | 1846 on reverse. 36 mm. 39. AE. 2 Centimes, year XLIII. Similar to No. 34. 40-41. AE. Centime, year XIIII. Similar to No. 36. CATAIX)GTJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 313 Faustin I, Emperor, A. D. 18^3-1858. 42. AE. 6 Centimes, 1850. Ohv. FAUSTIN 1^". - EMPE- REUR D'HAYTI. Crowned bust, draped, to left; below, 1850. B&u. LIBERT^ INDEPENDANCE. Crowned shield of arms, with supporters; below, six CENTIMES UN QUART. Plain edge. 33 mm. 43. AE. 2 Centimes, 1850. Ohv. LIBERT E INDEPEN- DANCE. Crowned shield of arms, with supporters. Bev. EMPIRE D'HAYTI. Value, deux ] centimes] 1850 I within palm wreath. 44. AE. Centime, 1850. Similar to No. 43, but with un | cen- time I 1850 I within wreath on reverse. 22 mm. Nicole Fdbre Geffra/rd, President, A. D. 1858-1867. 45. AR. Gourde, 1882. Ohv. REPUBLIQUE*D' HAITI AN 79. Head of Liberty to right; below, 900. M I LL.1 882. 25 GRAM. Bev. LIBERTE EGALITE FRATER- N ITE. Arms of Hayti; beneath on a scroll, union fait LA force; below, 1 GOURDE. Edge, reeded. 38mm. 46. AR. Half gourde, 1882. Similar to No. 45, but reading 50 cent^^. on reverse. 47. AR. Half gourde, 1887. Similar to No. 46 except date. 48. AE. Double decime, 1863. Ohv. GEFFRARD PRESI- DENT. Head to left, within beaded circle; below, 1863. jffev. REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI. Armsof Hayti; below, viNGT centimes. 28 mm. 49. AE. Decime, 1863. Similar to No. 48, but reading dix centimes * below arms on reverse. 22 mm. 60. AE. Sou, 1863. Similar to No. 48, but reading cinq cen- times, below arms, on reverse. 61. AE. Double decime, 1877. Ohv. REPUBLIQUE D'HAT- T I . Head of Mercury, with winged petasus, to left, within beaded circle; beneath, essai; below, *1877*. Bev. * LIBERTE * EGALITE •. Within a beaded circle, 20 | centimes ] ; beneath, sword and olive branch in saltire; below, hb — Human mask — c.t. 81 mm. 314 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 62. AE. Double decime, 1881. Similar to No. 45, but reading 20 CENT^^. on reverse. 29 mm. 53. AE. Decime, 1881. Similar to No. 45, but reading 10 CENT^^. on reverse. 64. AE. Decime, 1887. Similar to No. 53. 65. AE. Centime, 1881. Similar to No. 45, but reading l CENTIME, on reverse. Gen. Nord Alexis^ President^ A. D. 1902. 66. N. 60 Centimes, 1907. 6>5^. REPUBLIQUE - D'HAI- Tl. Bust to left; below, 1907. ^ev. LIBERIE. EGA- LITE. FRATERN ITE. Arms of Hayti; below, 50. Edge, plain. 29 mm. 67. N. 20 Centimes, 1907. Similar to No. 56, but with 20 below arms on reverse. Edge, plain. 27 mm. 68. N. 10 Centimes, 1907. Similar to No. 56, but with 10 be- low arms on reverse. Edge, plain. 23 mm. REPUBLIC OF SAN DOMINGO. 1. AE. Cuartilla, undated. Necessity piece. Ohv. Monogram, F 7 (Ferdinand VII), crowned. ReHi. S.D. and 1/4 beneath, within a laurel wreath. Size, 24 mm. 2-4. AE. Cuartilla, 1848. Ohv. REPUBLICA DOMINI- CAN A. Plain field within circle. Rev. Value, 1/4, within a circle; below, 1848, on wide border. Size, 24 mm. 6. N. 5Centavos, 1877. Ohv. REPUBLICA DOMINICAN A. Open book; below, 1877. Rev. 5 | centavos | within laurel wreath. 6. N. 2-1/2 Centavos, 1877. Ohv. A cross within a wreath. Rev. REPUBLICA DOMINICANA. In field, 2-1/2 | centavos; below, 1877. 16 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 315 7. Brass. Centavo, 1877. Ohv. REPUBICA DOM I N ICANA. Date, 1 877, in field. Bev. Within laurel wreath, un | CENTAVO. 20 mm. 8. AE. 2 Centavos, 1878. 6>5«. REPUBLICA DOM IN ICANA. Shield of arms over palm and olive branches, crossed; the whole within circle of dots. ^^. DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD. Within a circle of dots, 2 | centavos | with palm and olive branches, crossed, below. 30 mm. 9. AE. Centavo, 1878. Similar to No. 8, but reading un [ CENTAVO. 25 mm. 10. N. 1-1/4 Centavo, 1882. Ohv. REPUBLICA DOMINI- CAN A. Shield; below, 1882. i?6v. l>i [centavos* | within laurel wreath. 16 mm. 11. N. 2-1/2 Centavos, 1888. Similar to No. 10, but reading 2^^ I centavos* 1 within laurel wreath. 18 mm. 12. AR. 6 Francs, 1891. Obv. Head of Liberty to left, with feather bonnet, on band of which, libertad; wears large circular earrings and a necklace; around, 1891. CINCO FRANCOS; below, tasset. Rev. REPU- BLICA . DOM I N ICANA. Shield of arms, within a wreath of palm and laurel branches joined by a ribbon inscribed dios-libertad-patria; below, *GRAM. 25*LEI.900*. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. 13. AR. Franco, 1891. Similar to No. 12, but reading UNO FRANCO on obverse and *GRAM.5*LEI.835* on reverse. 23 mm. 14r-16. AR. Half franc, 1891. Similar to No. 12, but reading 50 CENTESIMOS DE FRANCO on obverse, and onreverse, •GRAM. 2H* LEI 835. 18 mm. THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Great Britain has never provided her possessions in the Antilles with a coinage of any importance. In 1822 the Government of George IV author- ized the coinage of a Half-dollar, Quarter, an Eighth, and Sixteenth of a Dollar; and in the reign of William IV copper Threepenny and Three half- penny pieces were struck for these islands. Both the earlier and the later of these coins bear the bust of the monarch. But the currency of the islands has always been largely composed of coins of various western countries, chiefly Spanish dollars, and a large quantity of cut and countermarked pieces. Excellent specimens of these necessity pieces are those of St. Lucia (PI. XV, 7), of Tortola (PI. XV, 6), and the countermarked Cayenne Sous of St. Kitts and Tobago. Among the early coins and tokens that found currency in these islands specially interesting are those of the Sommer Islands, now known as Ber- muda. They are copper pieces ranging in value from the Shilling down to the Twopence, and have for types a hog, and a ship under sail. Since the Sommer Islands once belonged to the Virginia Company American numis- matists have generally felt inclined to assimilate the coins struck for them to the American colonial series, and thus Mr. Crosby treats them in his excellent work on "The Early Coins of America." But to associate them so closely with the early currency of the English colonies of North America is somewhat misleading and not warranted by a possible plea of conven- ience inasmuch as the series may be more appropriately grouped with those of the West Indies. The first special coinage for Jamaica consisted of Threepenny and Three halfpenny pieces in silver, and first issued in 1834. But there was no con- tinuous coinage of these pieces, and many years elapsed between issues, which were few. In 1869 there was a coinage of nickel in the denomina- tions of the Penny and Halfpenny to take the place of the bronze, because of the aversion of the colored population to the latter metal. The nickel Three-farthing piece was added to the series in 1880. BAHAMA ISLANDS. 1-2. AE. Halfpennies, 1806. Proof pieces. Olv. G EO RG I U S III. D. G. REX. Laureated bust to right; below, 1806. Rev. BAHAMA. A three-masted ship, an is- land in distance, and two small ships near by; in exergue, EXPUL8I8 PIRATIS | RESTITUTA | COMMERCIA. Edge, centrally hatched. 29 mm. 316 I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 317 BARBAUOES. 3. AE. Penny, 1788. Obv. Crowned bust of a negro to left; below, I. SERVE. Reu. BARBADOES PENNY. A pine-apple; beneath, 1788. 32 mm. 4. AE. Halfpenny, 1792. Ohv. Similar to No. 3, Rev. BAR- BADOES HALFPENNY. George III, crowned and holding trident in right hand, seated in Hippocamp car, moving to left; in exergue, 1792. 25 mm. BERMUDA (formerly Sommer Islanas). 6. AE. Shilling, undated. Ohv. • SOMMER • ISLANDS. A wild boar standing to left; above, mark of value, X M . Rev. Three-masted ship, sailing to right. 31 mm. 6. AE. Sixpence, undated. Similar to No. 5, but with V I as mark of value above back of boar. 26 mm. 7. AE. Twopence, undated. Ohv. Wild boar, standing to left, within beaded circle; over his back mark of value, II; beneath his head, a star, and another star between front and hind legs. Reo. As No. 5. 18 mm. 8-9. AE. Halfpennies, 1793. Obv. GEORGIUS III D. G. REX. Laureated bust to right. Refv. BERMUDA. A ship sailing to right; in exergue, 1 793. 31 mm. JAMAICA. 10. AR. Necessity piece. A Mexican Peso of 1768, counter- marked G. R. (Georgius Rex) on both sides. 11. N. Penny, 1871. Ohv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Coroneted bust to left, within beaded circle; below, 1870. Rev. JAMAICA * ONE PENNY.* Within beaded circle, shield of arms, with crocodile above; beneath, on a scroll, INDUS - UTERQUE CO SERVIET - UNI. 25 mm. 12. N. Penny, 1880. Similar to No. 11, except date. 13. Penny, 1884. Similar to No. 11, except date. 14. N. Halfpenny, 1870 Similar to No. 11, but reading JA- MAICA HALFPENNY, on reverse. 30mm. 22023°— 14 21 318 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 16. N. Halfpenny, 1871. Similar to No. 14. 25 mm. 16. N. Halfpenny, 1882. Similar to No. 14, except date. 17. N. Halfpenny, 1884. Similar to No. 14, except date. 18. N. Farthing, 1882. Similar to No. 11, but reading JA- MAICA FARTHING, on reverse. 20mm. 19. N. Farthing, 1887. Similar to No. 18, except date. Edward VIL 20. Penny, 1903. Ohv. EDWARD VII KING AND EM- PEROR. Crowned bust to right. Bev. Similar to No. 12, except date. 21. H". Halfpenny, 1903. Similar to No. 20, but reading JA- MAICA - HALF PENNY on reverse. 22. N. Farthing, 1903. Similar to No. 20, but reading JA- MAICA - FARTHING on reverse. ST. IjTJCIA. 23. AR. 1810. Necessity piece struck during the English oc- cupation of 1810. Middle segment of a Mexican Peso of 1798 stamped S.LUCIA in a long incused depression. 232.5 grs. PI. XV, 7. 24. N. Token, 1886. Oh). CENTRAL SANTA LUCIA - Gl- B A R A . Palm tree within a beaded circle. Bev. VALE POR MEDIO RACION. Within a circle of dots, S L R. in monogram; below, 1886. 17 mm. ST. CHRISTOPHER ISI^AND (ST. KITT8). 26. AE. Necessity piece. A Cayenne Sou stamped with S.K., incuse. TOBAGO. 26. AR. Necessity piece. A peseta of Charles III, struck at City of Mexico, stamped with letter T, incuse. 27. AE. Necessity piece. Cayenne Sou, stamped on reverse with T. 28. AE. Necessity piece. Cayenne Sou, stamped on reverse with T. B. O. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 319 29. AE. Necessity piece. Cayenne Sou of Louis XV, stamped on each side with T. B. 0. 30. AE. Necessity piece. Cayenne Sou of Louis XV, stamped on obverse with T. B. 0. TORTOLA. 31. AB. Necessity piece. Nearly half of a Spanish- American Peso, struck at Lima, with TORTOLA in deep incused depression on obverse. Wt., 301.5 grs.; PI. XV, 6. 32. AR. Necessity piece. About one-third of a Mexican Peso, dated ///8 (?), stamped with TORTOLA incuse on re- verse. Wt., 165.5 grs. 33. AR. Necessity piece. One-eighth of a Toston, with one side smoothed off and the other stamped as No. 32. Wt., 51.5 grs. THE FRENCH POSSESSIONS. The French colonies in the West Indies have, from the first years of their existence, shared the usual experience of the colonies of other Euro- pean countries in America, except the Spanish, in suffering from a chronic scarcity of money. Repeated but generally futile efforts were made from time to time, first by a private company, then by the Government, to remedy the difficulty. The short life of the French East India Company (1664-1677) accounts for the results of its well-planned colonial coinage, which consisted of silver and copper. In 1716 the Government undertook to provide a suitable currency for the American colonies, which was fol- lowed in 1721 by a second colonial coinage of a general nature. The types of the latter consisted of two L's in saltire and on the reverse COLONIES | FRANCOISES. More especially for the Antilles were the silver coins of 12 and 6 Sols value, struck in 1731-2, though they bear the designation ISLES DU VENT. The obverse of these coins bears the portrait bust of the King. Again in 1767 copper Sous were issued by the French Government for her American colonies, which later were current in Guadeloupe, but gen- erally countermarked R F. The countermarked necessity pieces were a large and striking feature of the makeshift currency of Guadeloupe. For this purpose the coins of many countries were laid under contribution, in- cluding also those of the mother country (Nos. 10 and 11). But Spanish silver, especially the Peso, was the chief coin which the countermark con- verted into the lawful currency of Guadeloupe. In order to provide pieces of lower value the Peso was cut into sections and the sections countermarked. In 1897 the mint at Paris struck for Guadeloupe Bona de caisse in nickel of the denomination of a Franc and J Franc (No. 15). The types of this interesting token coinage are, on obverse, a fine Indian head and on reverse a tree. FRENCH COLONIES IN GENERAIi. 1. AE. Sou, 1721. Obv. SIT NOMEN DOMINI DENE- DICTUM. Two L's in saltire, crowned. Hev. colo- nies I FRANCOISES ] 1721 | H | . (Mint of La Rochelle). 2. AE. Sou, 1722. Similar to No. 1, except date. Charles X. 3. AE. Double sou, 1826. Ohv. CHARLESXROI - DE FRANCE. Laureated bust 1. Rev. COLONIES - FRANCAISES. Within a wreath, 10 cent; below, 1825. Edge, oblique central hatching. 31 mm. 320 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 321 4. AE. Sou, 1828. Similar to No. 3, but reading 5 | cent | on reverse. WINDWARD ISIiAXDS. Louis XV, A. D. 171S-1774. 5. AR. livre, 1731. Obv. LVD.XV.D.G.FR.ET NAV.REX. Laureated bust to right; beneath, h. (Mint of La Rochelle). Bev. ISLES | DU | VENT, the last word between two tendrils springing from a lily ; below, 1731. 20 mm. 6. AR. 1/2 Livre, 1731. Similar to No. 5, except size, which is 18 mm. 7. AR. 1/2 Livre, 1732. Similar to No. 6, except date. aUADAIiOUPE. 8. AE. Double sou, 1767. Ohv. COLONIES | FRANCOISES. Two scepters in saltire, separating L - XV. Jiev. SIT NOMEN DOMINI BENEDICTUM. Stamped on shield within a wreath, r f (R^publique Fran^aise). 22 mm. 9. AR. Necessity piece. A Mexican Real of Philip V, with a heart-shaped piece cut out. 10. AR. Necessity piece. 1/4 Ecu Aux Lauriers, R (Saint- Andre) mint, of Louis XVI, 1786, of France, counter- marked on bust with G, crowned, incuse. 11. AR. Necessity piece. 1/5 Ecu Aux Lauriers, of Louis XVI of France, dated 1782, countermarked on bust with G, crowned. Mint-mark A (Paris). 12. AR. Necessity piece. Dixieme D'Ecu Aux Lauriers, Louis XV, of France, dated 1729, countermarked on bust with a crowned G. 13. AR. Necessity piece. A Spanish Peso of Charles IV, struck at Mexico City, 1801, from the center of which an octagonal piece has been cut, the remainder having the value of 8 Escalins. 14. AE. Necessity piece. A One-cent piece of the United States, dated 1811, countermarked on reverse with a heart-shaped device, incuse. 322 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALB. 16. N. Franc, 1903. C^J-y. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE.- An Indian head, with feathers in hair, to left; below, GU A- DELOUPE ET DEPENDANCES. ^^. A palm tree; above, BON POUR | 1 F(ranc); below, CONTRE- VALEURDEPOSEEAU TRESOR; thedatel9 - 03 is divided by the stem of the tree. 26 mm. 16. N. 1/2 Franc, 1903. Similar to No. 15, but reading BON POUR I 50 C^^^ I on reverse, above palm tree. 22 mm. THE DANISH POSSESSIONS. As early as 1740 the Danish Government established a special coinage [for its West Indian possessions, which consist of the islands of St. John, St. Thomas, and St. Croix, and there has been no very long interruption of this coinage since its inception. The first coins issued by Christian "VI were Skillings and its multiples in copper and silver. The types of these coins were, on obverse, the royal monogram and on the reverse of the silver, a ship under sail, while the copper pieces bear on reverse simply the state- ment of their value and the date. These denominations and types con- tinued until the reign of Frederick VII (1808-1839), when a crowned shield of arms replaced the royal monogram (No. 4) on the new coinage, which consisted of a Double real of 20 Skillings, a Ileal of 10, and a Stuher of 2 Skillings. On the silver coins which Frederick VII issued for the West Indies is found the head of the King, and on the reverse the earlier inscription: DANSK AMERICANSK MYNT is superseded by DANSK VESTINDSK MONT. Frederick F, A. D. 17^6-1766. 1. AR. 24 Skillings, 1763. Ohv. Royal monogram, crowned; around, D .G . DAN . NOR. VAN .GOT. REX. Bev. XXIIII SKILL. DANSKE AMERICANSK.M. Ship sailing to right; beneath, 1 763. 25 mm. 2. AR. 24 Skillings, 1765. Similar to No. 1, except date. 28 mm. Christian VII, A. D. 1766-1808. 8. AR. 12 Skillings, 1767. Ohv. C V 1 1 in monogram, crowned; around, DAN. NOR.VAN.GOT.REX. Bev. Similar to No. 1. Frederick VI, A. D. 1808-1839. 4-6. AR. Double real, 1816. Oh). Crowned shield of arms. Bev. XX I SKILLING | DANSK | AMERICANSK j M Y N T I 1 81 6. Edge, reeded. 21 mm. 6. AR. Real, 1816. Similar to No. 4, but reading X | SKIL- LING 1 DANSK I AMERICANSK | MYNT | 1816, on reverse. 7. AR. Stuber, 1837. Similar to No. 4, but reading II | SKIL- LING I DANSK. I AMERIK. | MYNT, on reverse. 323 324 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Christian YIII, A, D. 1839-181^. 8. AR. Double real, 1848. Similar to No. 4, except date. Frederick VII, A. D. 181^-1863. 9. AR. 20 Cents, 1869. Olv. FREDERICK VII KONGE AF DANMARK. Head to right; below, 1859, R&d. DANSK VESTINDISK MONT. Ship; below, 20 CENT^ Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 10. AR. 20 Cents, 1862. Similar to No. 9, except date. 11. AR. 10 Cents, 1859. Ohv. Similar to No. 9. Rev. In- scription similar to No. 9; three stalks of sugar cane; below, 10 CENTS. 21 mm. 12. AR. 10 Cents, 1862. Similar to No. 11, except date. 13. AR. 5 Cents, 1859. Similar to No. 9, but reading 5 cents beneath ship. Edge, reeded. 16 mm. 14. AR. 3 Cents, 1869. Similar to No. 9, but reading 3 cents beneath ship. Edge, reeded. 16 mm. 15. AE. 1 Cent, 1859. Olv. FREDERICK VII KONGE AF DANMARK. Crowned shield of arms. Re^. DANSK VESTINDISK MONT. Within a wreath, 1 I cent; below, 1859. 21 mm. ST. THOMAS. 16. N. 5 Cent token. Olv. and Rev, alike, DELVALLE & CO. ST. THOMAS. In the field, V c. | MEXIC. 17. N. 3 Cent token. Similar to No. 16, but reading 3^ | MEXIC I in the field. 18. N. 1 Cent token. Similar to No. 16, but reading 1^ | MEXIC I in the field. SWEDISH POSSESSIONS. ST. BABTHOIjEMY. 1. AE. Necessity piece. A Cayenne Sou, stamped with a crowned D on reverse. 2. AE. Necessity piece. Cayenne Sou of Louis XV, counter- marked with a crowned D on obverse. 3. AE. A French bronze piece of 1762(?), countermarked with a crowned D. 16 mm. 4. AE. Similar. 15 mm. SPANISH POSSESSIONS. CITBA. HAVANA. 1. AR. Toston, 1789. Necessity piece. Oh). CAROLUS. Mil. DEI . GRATIA. Laureated bust to right; beiow, 1789. Rev. M IGUEL CIRIACO ARANCO. HABANA. Three castles; beneath, two keys, in saltire. 28 mm. 2. AE. Real, undated. Olv. S. MUNICIPIO DE BAYAMO, between two circles; within the inner circle, 1 R.; both inscription and circles incuse. Bev. Plain, except for the traces of the obverse impression. Octagonal. 30 mm. 3. AE. Souvenir Peso, 1897. Ohv. REPUBLICA DE CUBA. Crowned shield of arms within wreath of oak and laurel; below, around, 900 •*•••• PINO. Rev. PAIR I A Y LI BERT AD. Female head, to right; at sides, 18-97; below, souvenir. Edge, reeded. 36 mm. MATANZA8. 4. AE. Proclamation Peseta of Isabella II, 1834. Olv. ELISA- BETH. II. HISP. ET IND. REGINA. Crowned shield of arms — a castle and a bridge by the sea. Rev. accla- MATIO I AVGVSTA | VIII. FEB. | MDCCCXXXIV | MATAN- ZAS I . Pierced. 29 mm. PORTO RICO. Alfonso XIII, A. D. 1886. 6. AE. Peso, 1895. Olv. ALFONSO XIII P. L. G. D. D. REY C.DE.ESPANA. Head of King as boy, to left ; beneath, 1895. Rev. ISLA DE PUERTO RICO. The arms of Spain; beneath, 1 PESO = 5 P^as. Edge, lilies. 325 326 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 6. AE. 2 Pesetas, 1896. Similar to No. 5, but reading 40 cen- TAVos on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 28 mm. 7. AR. Peseta, 1896. Similar to No. 5, but reading 20 cen- TAVos on the reverse. Edge, reeded. 8. AR. Half Peseta, 1896. Similar to No. 5, but reading 10 CENTAVOS on the reverse. 9. AE. lOCentavos, 1890. Olv. ISLA DE PUERTO- RICO. A shield of arms; beneath, *1890*. Rev. Radiant sun; above, CIEN PEZAS EN Kl LOG.; below, * DIEZ CENTIMOS •. 30mm. 10. AE. 6 Centavos, 1896. Ohv. The arms of Spain. Rev. ISLA DE PUERTO- RICO. In field, 5 1 centavos; below, 1896. Edge, reeded. 15 mm. r DUTCH POSSESSIONS. The possessions of Holland in the West Indies consist of a portion of the island of St. Martin and the island of Curagao. The early currency of St. Martin included a great deal of cut and countermarked Spanish Pesos. Similar necessity coins were employed in Curasao, but in 1821-22 a special coinage of Reals and Sluivers was issued for the island. CURACAO. 1. AR. Necessity piece. A section of a Mexican Peso stamped with a star-shaped device of five arms, incuse. Wt. , 80 grs. 2. 1-1/2 Real. Necessity piece. A one-fourth section of a Holland Gulden, stamped with the letter C, incuse. Wt., 40.5 grs. 3. 1-1/2 Real. Similar to No. 2; and possibly from the same piece. Wt., 40 grs. 4. AR. Real, 1821. Ohv. CURACAO. Caduceus and stalk of cane, in saltire; below, on border, 1821. Reo. 1 I KEAL I * I within a wreath of oak and laurel. Edge, reeded. 18 mm. 6. AR. Stuiver, 1822. Olv. CURACAO; across field, 1822 | — I *. Rev. 1 I — I STUIVER I *. 15 mm. ST. MARTINS. 6. AR. Real. Necessity piece. Portion of a Spanish-Amer- ican Peso of Charles III, countermarked s. martin, in- cuse; below, bunch of arrows. Wt., 72 grs. PI. XV, 8. 827 MEDALS UNITED STATES OF AMEMCA. 329 I I I. MEDALS STRUCK BY AXTTHORITY OF CONGRESS IN RECOGNITION OF DISTINGUISHED SERVICES TO THE REPUBLIC. I> A. MEDALS AWARDED TO OFFICERS OF THE ARMY AND NAVY. THE ARMT. THE WAK OF REVOLUTION. [The medals marked with * are for sale at the mint at Philadelphia.] *1. Gen. George Washington, 1776. Retaking of Boston.. Ohv. GEORGIO WASHINGTON SVPREMO DVCI EX- ERCITVVM ADSERTORI LIBERTATIS. Nude bust to right; below, comitia Americana. JRev. H OSTI BUS PRIMO FUG ATI S. Washington and his aids, mounted, in the field before Boston; in exergue, bostonium ke- cuperatum xvii martii mdcclxxvi. AE. QS mm. By Du Vivier. *2. Gen. Horatio Gates, 1777. Battle of Saratoga. Ohv. HORATIO GATES DUCI STRENUO. BustUoleft; below, comitia AMERICANA. Eev. SALUSREGIONUM SEPTENTRIONAL. The surrender at Saratoga, Grates receiving Burgoyne's sword in presence of the two opposing armies; in exergue, hoste ad saratogam | IN DEDITION . ACCEPTO | DIE XVII. OCT . MDCCLXXII | . AE. 56 mm. By Gatteaux. • 3. Major Henry Lee, 1779. Ohv. HENRICO LEE LE- GION IS EQUIT.PRAEFECTO. Bust to right; be- low, comitia AMERICANA. Bev. Plain. 45 mm. •Where not specified as "nude" or "draped" the busts on the following described medals are to be understood as clad in ciyilian dress, army or nary uniform, appropriate to the status and rank of the subject. 331 332 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. •4. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 1779. Battle of Stony Point. Obv. ANTONIO WAYNE DUCI EXERCITUS.— COMITIA AMERICANA. General Wayne receiving a wreath and mural crown from an Indian woman with feather bon- net, who represents America; at the feet of the latter, a shield of the U. S. and an alligator. Rev. STONY- POINT EXPUGN AT UM. American troops assaulting the fort; on river, six ships; in exergue, xv.jul. MDCCLxxix. AE. 55 mm. By Gatteaux. *6. Due de Fleury, 1779. Battle of Stony Point. Olv. VIRTUTIS ET AUDACIAE MONUM. ET PRAE- MIUM. Armed warrior on fallen rampart wall; in exergue de fleury equit.gallo | peimo super mu- Ros I resp.americ d.d. I Rev. AGGERES PALU- DES HOSTES VICTI. The fortress of Stony Point and seven ships in river; in exergue, stony-pt. expugn | XV. JUL. MDCCLXXIX. 47 mm. By Du Vivier. *6. Gen. Nathaniel Greene, 1781. Battle of Eutaw Springs. Olv. NATHANIEL GREEN EGREGIO DUCI CO- MITIA AMERICANA. Bust to left. ^6^. SAL US REGIONUM AUSTRALIUM. Victory with palm branch and wreath lighting on a shield; in exergue, HOSTIBUS AD EUTAW | DEBELLATIS DIE VIII SEPT. ] MDCCLXxxi. 57 mm. By Dupre. *7. Gen. Daniel Morgan, 1781. Battle of Cowpens. Ohv. DANIELI MORGAN DUCI EXERCITUS. An In- dian, emblamatic of America, placing a wreath on the head of Morgan; in background, trophy of arms and flags; below, comitia Americana. Rev. VICTORIA LIBERTATIS VINDEX. A battle scene; in exergue, fvgatis captis avt caesis I ad cowpens hostibvs I XVII. JAN. MDCCLXXXI ; beneath, dupre inv et f. AE. 66 mm. *8. Colonel John E. Howard, 1781. Battle of Cowpens. Ohv. JOH. HOWARD LEGIONIS PEDITUM PRAE- FECTO. Victory, carrying a palm branch and a wreath, inspiring a mounted officer and standard bearer to the charge; below, comitia Americana. Rev. quod | in NUTANTEM HOSTIUM ACIEM | SUBITO IRRUANS | PRAE- CLARUM BELLICAE VIRTUTIS | SPECIMEN DEDIT | IN PUGNA AD COWPENS | XVII JAN. MDCCLXXXI, within a wreath of laurel. AE. 47 mm. By du Vivier. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 333 • 9. Col. William Washington, 1781. Battle of the Cow- pens. Ohv. GULIELMO WASHINGTON LEGIONIS EQUIT. PRAEFECTO. A cavalry charge; Victory with palm branches and wreath flying above; below, COMITIA AMERICANA. ReV. QUOD | PARVA MILITUM MANU I STRENUE PROSECUTUS HOSTES | VIRTUTI8 IN- GENITAE I PRAECLARUM SPECIMEN DEDIT | IN PUGNA AD cowPENS I XVII. JAN. MDCCLXxxi. 47 mm. By Du Vivier. 10. Paulding, Williams and Van Wart. For the capture of Major Andre. Obv. A shield within a wreath of palm and laurel; above, upon a scroll, fidelity. Rev. amor PATRIAE viNciT. Wreath of palm branches. Oval. AE. 43 X 68 mm. THE WAR OF 1812. *11. Gen. William H. Harrison. Battle of the Thames, 1813. Ohv, MAJOR GENERALWILLIAM H. HARRISON. Busttoright. Rev. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS APRIL 4. 1818. A female in short chiton, holding an oval United States shield and a spear in right hand, with left placing a crown upon a trophy of arms, from which hangs a tablet inscribed, fort | meigs | battle | OF THE I THAMES; in CXCrgue, BATTLE OF THE THAMES | OCTOBER 5, 1813. I AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. • 12. Col. George Croghan. Battle of Sandusky, 1813. Ohv. PRESENTED BY CONGRESS TO COLONEL GEORGE CROGHAN - 1835 -. Bust, in uni- form, to right. Rev. View of the storming of the fort at Sandusky; above, on a scroll, PARS MAGNA FUIT; in exergue, sanduskt | 2: august | 1813. | AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *13. Gen. Alexander Macomb. Battle of Plattsburg, 1814. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL — ALEXANDER MA- COMB. Bust to right. Rev. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS NOVEMBER 3, 1814. View of the storming of the enemy's position by land and water; in exergue, battle of plattsburg, | sept, ll, 1814. | AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. 22023°— 14 ^22 334 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. *14. Gen. Winfield S. Scott. Battle of Chippewa and Niagara, 1814. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT. Bust to right, ^^•y. resolution | of | con- gress I NOVEMBER 3. 1814 | BATTLES OF CHIPPEWA ] JULY 5, 1814 I NIAGARA | JULY 25, 1814. | within serpent circle entwined with laurel and palm. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *15. Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown, 1814. Battles of Chippewa, Ni- agara, and Erie. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL JACOB BROWN. Bust in military coat, to right. Rev. RESOLUTION OF CONG^RESS NOVEMBER 3, 1814. A trophy of arms built about consular fasces crowned with laurel wreath, from which hang shields inscribed Niagara, erie, and chippewa; in exergue, BATTLES OF | CHIPPEWA, JULY 5, 1814. | NIAGARA JULY 25, 1814. I ERIE. SEPT. 17, 1814. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. ic 16. Gen. James Miller, 1814. Battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie. Ohv. BRIGADIER GENL. JAMES MILLER. Bust to right; below, i'll try. Bev. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS NOVEMBER 3. 1 81 4. Attack upon the battery on the hill, in battle of Lundy'sLane; in exergue, battle of chippewa | july 5, 1814 I NIAGARA, JULY 25, 1814. | ERIE, SEPT. 17, 1814. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. * 17. Gen. Peter B. Porter, 1814, Battles of Chippewa, Niagara, and Erie. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL PETER B. PORTER. Bust to right. Bev. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS NOVEMBER 3.1814. History, seated upon the ground to left, recording the battles which Victory, who stands before her, with palm branches and laurel wreath in right hand, announces by means of three streamers, inscribed: erie. Niagara, chippe- wa. ; in exergue, battles of chippewa. | july 5. 1814. I NIAGARA JULY 25. 1814. | ERIE SEPT. 17. 1814. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. • 18. Brig. Gen. Eleazer W. Ripley, 1814. Chippewa, Ni- agara, and Erie. (9J^. BRIG. GENERAL ELEA- ZER W. RIPLEY. Bust to right. Bev. RESOLD- I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 335 TION OF CONGRESS NOVEMBER 3. 1814. Vic- tory attaching to a palm tree a shield inscribed with the names of the battles: chippewa | Niagara | erie.; in exergue, battles of chippewa | jult 5. 1814. | Ni- agara JULY 25. 1814. I ERIE AUG. 17. 1814. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. • 19. Maj. Gen. Edmund P. Gaines, 1814. Battle of Fort Erie. Olv. MAJORGENERAL EDMUND P.GAINES. Bust to right. R&a. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS NOVEMBER 3. 1814. Victory placing a wreath upon a trophy of arms; in exergue, battle of erie | aug. 15. 1814. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. • 20. Gov. Isaac Shelby, 1818. Battle of the Thames. Ohv. GOVERNOR ISAAC SHELBY. Bust to right. Rev. BATTLE OF THE THAMES OCTO. 5. 1813. Battle of the Thames, with firing of infantry and charging of cavalry; in exergue, resolution of con- gress I APRIL 4. 1818. I AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. •21. Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson, 1815. Battle of New Orleans. Olv. MAJOR-GENERAL ANDREV7 JACKSON. Bustto right. Rev. RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS FEBRUARY 27. 1815. Victory seated, showing to Co- lumbia a tablet inscribed Orleans, who stands with olive branch in right hand and reaches for the laurel wreath held by Victory; both clad in talaric chitons; in exergue, battle of new-orleans | January 8. 1815. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. WAR WITH MEXICO. •22. Maj. Gen. Zachary Taylor, 1846. Battle of Palo Alto. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR. Bust to right. Rev. resolution | of | congress | JULY 16TH, 1846. I PALO ALTO. | MAY 8TH, 1846. j RESACA DE LA PALMA. | MAY 9TH, 1846., within a wreath composed of serpent, laurel, and palm. AE. 65 mm. 336 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. • 23. The same, 1847. Battle of Buena Vista. Obv. MAJOR GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR. Nude bust, to right; below, branches of oak and laurel in sal tire, and beneath them, resolution of congress may 9. 1843. Bev. BUENA VISTA FEB. 22 &. 23. 1847. Scene of battle of Buena Vista, within a serpent wreath. AE. 90 mm. By Wright and Smith. • 24. The same, 1847. Battle of Monterey. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR. Bust to right. Bev. RESOLUTION | OF | CONGRESS, | MARCH 2^°, 1847. ] MONTEREY | SEPTEMBER 1846., within an oak wreath. AE. 65 mm. • 25. Major General Winfield Scott, 1848. For Mexican Victories. Ohv. Nude bust of Gen. Scott, to left; above, on a scroll, MAJOR-GENERAL WINFIELD- SCOTT; thirty stars, grouped 15 to left and 15 to right of the bust; below, resolution of congress | march 9. 1848; beneath, s. ellis del. Jiev. Scenes of six battles of Mexican campaign, each within a wreath of oak and laurel, and designated: vera cruz. cerro gordo. CONTEERAS. SAN ANTONIA & OHURUBUSCO. MOLINO DEL REY. CHAPULTEPEc; in center, bird's-eye view of City of Mexico, with flag of the U. S. on staff in foreground; above, city | of | mexico. AE, 90 mm. By Wright. THE NAVY. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. )f26. Capt. Jolin Paul Jones, 1779. Capture of the Serapis. 6>5v. JOANNI PAVLO JONES — CLASSIS PRAE- FECTO. Bust to right; below, •COM IT! A AMERI- CANA^ Bev. HOSTIVM NAVIBVS CAPTIS AVT FVGATIS. Two ships in battle, a third to left in distance; exergue, ad oram scottiae xxiii sept. | MDCCLxxviiii. 51 mm. By Dupre.^ • 27. Capt. Thomas Tmxton, 1800. Action with la Vengeance. Ohv. Bust to left. Bev. Two ships, the Constellation and La Vengeance, in an engagement. Exergue, by vote of congress, to I THOMAS TRUXTON | 24. MARCH, 1800. AE. 68 mm. CATALOGtTE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 337 :A'28. Capt. Edward Preble, 1804, Storming of Forts at Tripoli. OU. EDWARDO PREBLE DUCI STRENUO. Bust to left; below, comitia Americana. Re^. VINDICI COMMERCII AMERICANI. American ships attack- ing forts of Tripoli. Exergue, ante. Tripoli | mdccciv. Electrotype. 65 mm. By Reich. » THE WAR OF 1812. *29. Capt. Isaac Hull, 1812. Capture of Guerriere. Ohv. PERITOS ARTE SUPERAT JUL. MDCCCXII AUG. CKRTAMINE FORTES. Bust to left; below, ISAACUS HULL. R&v. HORAE MOMENTO VICTORIA. Battle between the Constitution and the Guerriere. Exergue, inter CONST. NAV. AMER. | ET GUER. ANGL. AE. 65 mm. By Reich. |, *30. Capt. Jacob Jones, 1812. Capture of the Frolic. Ohv. lACOBUS JONES VIRTUS IN ARDUA TENDIT. Bust to right. Rev. VICTORIAM HOSTI MAJORI CELERRIME RAPUIT. Battle between the Wasp and the Frolic. Exergue, inter wasp nav. ameri. | et FROLIC NAV. ANG. | DIE XVIII, OCT. | MDCCCXH. AE. 65 mm. :^31. Capt. Stephen Decatur, 1812. Capture of the Macedonian. Ohv. STEPHANUS DECATUR NAVARCHUS PUGNIS — PLURIBUS. VICTOR. Bust to right. Rev. OCCIDITSIGNUM HOSTILE SIDERA SUR- GUNT. Two ships in battle. Exergue, inter sta. UNI. NAV. AMERI. | ET. MACEDO. NAV. ANG. DIE | XXV ocTOBRis I MDCCCxn. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *32. William Bainbridge, 1812. Capture of the Java. Ohv, GULIELMUS BAINBRIDGE PATRIA VICTISQUE LAUDATUS. Bust to right. Rev. PUGNANDO. Naval engagement. Exergue, inter const, nav. AMERI. I et JAV. nav. ANGL. | DIE XXIX DECEM. | MDCCCXII. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. •kZZ, Capt. James Lawrence, 1813. Capture of the Peacock. Obc. JAC.LAV\/RENCE DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI. Bust to right. R&o. MAN- S3 8 CAl^ALOGUfi OF COmS^ TOKENS, AKD MEDALS. SUETUDO.MAJ.QUAM. VICTORIA. Two ships in action. Exergue, inter hornet nav. ameri. ( et pea- cock NAV. ANG. I DIE XXIV. FEB. | MDCCOXIII. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *34. lieut. W. Burrows, 1813. Capture of the Boxer. Obv. VICTORIAM TIB! CLARAM PATRIAE MAESTAM. An urn upon a casket inscribed W. BURROWS and bedecked with weapons of war. Hev. VIVERE SAT VINCERE. Two ships in battle. Exergue, inter ENTERPRIZE NAV. | AMERI. ET BOXER NAV. ] BRIT. DIE IV SEPT. I MDCCcxiii. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *35. Lieut. Edward E. McCall, 1813. Capture of the Boxer. Ohv. EDWARD R. McCALL NAVIS ENTERPRISE PRAE PECTUS. Bust to right; below, sic itur ad ASTRA. Rev. VIVERES AT VINCERE. Engagement between the Enterprise and Boxer. Exergue, inter ENTERPRISE NAV. | AMERI. ET BOXER NAV. ( BRIT. DIE IV SEPT. I MDCCCXIII. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *36. Commodore Oliver H. Perry, 1813. Battle of lake Erie. 6*5^. OLIVERUS H.PERRY PRINCEPS STAGNO ERIENSE. Bust to right; below, CLASSIM TOT AM CONTUDIT. Rev. VIAM INVENIT VIRTUS AUT FACIT. A naval engagement — battle of Lake Erie. Exergue, inter class, ameri. | et brit. die x. sep. | MDCccxni. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *37. Capt. Louis Warrington, 1814. Capture of the Epervier. Oh). LUDOVICUS WARRINGTON DUX NAVA- LIS AMERI. Bust to right. Rev. PRO PATRIA PARATUS AUT VINCERE AUT MORI. Battle be- tween the Peacock and the Epervier. Exergue, inter PEACOCK NAV. AMERI. | ET EPERVIER NAV. ANG. DIE XXIX MAR. I MDCccxrv. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *38. Capt. Johnston Blakeley, 1814. Capture of the Reindeer. Olv. JOHNSTON BLAKELEY REIP.FAED.AM. NAV.WASPDUX. Busttoright. ^^. EHEUIBJS VICTOR PATRIA TUA TE LUGET PLAUDITQ. Battle between Wasp and Reindeer. Exergue, inter WASP NAV. AMERI. | ET REINDEER NAV. ANG. | DIE XXVIH JUNIUS (sic) I MDCCcxrv. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. ^■-^-39. Capt. Jesse D. Elliott, 1814. Battle of lake Erie. Ohv. ■r JESSE D. ELLIOTT NIL ACTUM REPUTANS SI ■ QUID SUPERESSET AGENDUM. Bust to J right. ^^. VIAM INVENIT VIRTUS AUT FACIT. ** Two fleets engaged in battle. Exergue, inter class. AMERI. I ET BRIT. DIE X SEP. | MDCOCXni. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. P-A-40. Lieut. Stephen Cassin, 1814. Battle of Lake Champlain. Oh). STEP. CASSIN TICONDEROGA PRAEFECT. QUAE REGIO IN TERRIS NOS. - NON PLENA LAB. Bust to right. Rev. UNO LATERE PER- CUSSO. ALTERUM— IMPAVIDE VERTIT. Naval battle. Exergue, inter class, ameri. | et beit. die XI SEPT. I MDCCcxini. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *41. Capt. Robert Henley Eagle, 1814. Battle of Lake Cham- plain. Ohv. ROB. HENLEY EAGLE PRAEFECT. PALMA VIRTU. PER AETERNIT. FLOREBIT. Bust to right. Bev. Same legend as No, 39. Naval battle; in exergue, inter class, ameri. | et brit. die XI SEPT. I mdcccxiiii. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. -A- 42. Capt. Thomas MacDonongh, 1814. Battle of Lake Cham- plain. OJ^.THO.MACDONOUGH.STAGNO CHAM- PLAIN CLAS.REG.BRIT. SUPERAVIT. Bust to right. Bev. UNO LATERE PERCUSSO. ALTE- RUM- IMPAVIDE VERTIT. Two fleets engaged in battle. Exergue, inter class, ameri. | et brit. DIE XI SEPT. I mdcccxiiii. AE. 65 mm. *43. Capt. James Biddle, 1815. Capture of the Penguin. Ohv. THE CONGRESS OFTHE U. S. TO CAPT. JAMES BIDDLE, Bust to right; below, for his gallantry GOOD COXDUCT AND SERVICE. Rev. CAPTURE OF THE BRITISH SHIP PENGUIN — BY THE U. S. SHIP HORN ET. Engagement between the Wasp and Penguin. Exergue, off tristan d'agunha | march xxni I MDCccxv. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *44. Capt. Charles Stewart, 1815. Capture of the Cyane and the Levant. OUk CAROLUS STEWART NAVIS AMER. CONSTITUTION DUX. Bust to right. Bev. UNA VICTORIAM ERIPUIT RATIBUS BINIS. Three 340 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ships of war in action. Exergue, inter constitu. NAV. AMERI. I ET LEVANT ET CYANE NAV. | ANG. DIB XX. FEBE. 1 MDcccxv. AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. *45. Capt. Duncan M". Ingraham, 1854. Rescue of Martin Koszta at Smyrna. Ohv. The harbor at Smyrna, with the St. Louis and the Hussar in the foreground; below, SMYRNA. I AMERICAN | SLOOP OF WAR | ST. LOTUS | — AUS- TRIAN I BRIG OF WAR | HUSSAR. By Eastman and Cross. Refli. PRESENTED | BY THE | PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES I TO I COMMANDER DUNCAN N, INGRAHAM | AS A TESTIMONIAL OF THE HIGH SENSE | ENTERTAINED BY CONGRESS I OF HIS GALLANT AND JUDICIOUS CONDUCT | ON THE 2^°. OF JULY 1853 | JOINT RESOLUTION OF CON- GRESS. AUGUST 4™ 1854; below, an eagle with wings displayed, standing upon an anchor, beneath a sky sown with 30 stars; the whole within wreath of laurel and oak. AE. 105 mm. By Eastman and Longacre. CIVIL WAR. *46. Gen. TI. S. Grant, 1863. Opening of the Mississippi Eiver. Ohv. MAJOR GENERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT. Bust to left; in first circle, above, laurel and oak branches, below, cane, cotton, tobacco, and wheat; be- low, JOINT RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS, DECEMBER 17, 1863. Rev. A female figure, America, in long chiton, holding cornucopia and U. S. shield, inscribed, in bend, donel- SON, floating on a rainbow, above a trophy of arms, which stands by the Mississippi River; to left of tro- phy, vicKSBURG, and to the right, Chattanooga; around, the Mississippi River, and four steamboats. AE. 103 mm. By Antrobus-Paquet. SPANISH WAR. 47. Com. George Dewey, 1898. Battle of Manila Bay. Ohv. the - GIFT I OF - THE | PEOPLE - OF THE | UNITED - STATES I TO THE - OFFICERS I AND MEN - OF I \ i CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 341 THE I ASIATIC - SQUADRON | UNDER THE - COM- MAND I OP COM - MODORE I GEORGE - DEWEY. Bust of Dewey, in uniform, to right; on truncation of bust, D. o. FRENCH-1889. B&v. I N . M EMORY . OF. THE . VICTORY . OF. MANILLA . BAY MAY . 1 1898. A gunner, half nude, seated upon a gun. AE. 47 mm. By French. 48. Cardenas, 1900. Odv. Victory, with winged cap, holding olive branch in left hand and sword in right, above the scene of the Hudson making fast a line to the Winslow; in distance, mountains; below, cardenas | may 11, 1898. BeV. JOINT RESOLUTIONS | OF CONGRESS | AP- PROVED MAY 3, 1900. I IN RECOGNITION OF THE GAL- LANTRY I OF THE OFFICERS AND | MEN OF THE HUDSON | WHO IN THE FACE OF | A GALLING FIRE | TOWED THE WINSLOW I OUT OF RANGE OP | THE ENEMY's GUNS. A nude female, standing to right, and using chisel and hammer; to left, palm branch with laurel wreath; be- low, tablet within laurel branches for name of recipient. AE. 78 mm. By C. E. Barber. B. MEDALS BESTOWED UPON CIVILIANS. ■A'49. Dr. Frederick Rose, 1858. Assistance to American Sea- men. 6>5v. JAMES BUCHANAN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust of Brest. Buchanan, to right. Bev. TO DR. FREDERICK ROSE, AS- SISTANT SURGEON . ROYAL NAVY, G.B. ^scu- lapius standing and shielding a man and a woman from Death, who with his scythe stands stooping on the left. Exergue, for kindness and humanity | to the offi- cers AND CREW I OF THE U. S. STEAMER | SUSQUEHANNA. AE. 78 mm. By Paquet. *60. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1865. Gift of a Steamship to the Government. Ohv. A GRATEFUL COUNTRY TO HER GENEROUS SON. Nude bust to right; below, CORNELIUS VANDERBILT. Bev. A female, America, standing to left, with sword and shield of the U. S. , to whom a kneeling figure wearing a mural crown pre- sents a trident and ship's prow; to right, an eagle; in background, a steamship; in exergue, bis dat qui TEMPORE DAT. AE. 76 mm. By Leutze and Ellis. 342 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. *61. Cyrus W. Field, 1867. laying the Atlantic Cable. Obv. HONOR AND FAME - ARE THE REWARD. On a cloud over mid-ocean, nude bust of Field to left, upon whose head a hand from cloud above is about to place a wreath; on left, the western hemisphere inscribed AMERICA, on right the other inscribed europe, con- nected by a cable passing beneath the ocean, and along which is the inscription, indomitable perseverance | AND ENDURING FAITH ACHIEVED THE SUCCESS. ReV. BY RESOLUTION OF THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. ; in the field, march 2, 1867 | to | CYRUS W. FIELD | OF I NEW YORK | FOR HIS FORESIGHT, FAITH, AND PER- SISTENCY, I IN ESTABLISHING | TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNI- CATION I BY MEANS OF THE | ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH, | CONNECTING THE OLD WITH THE NEW WORLD; beloW, a globe flanked by laurel and oak branches, and sur- mounted by caduceus and torch; in field, left, shield of U. S. , right, large star composed of thirty small stars. AE. 105 mm. By J. G. Bruff. *62. George F. Robinson, 1871. Protection of Secretary Seward. Ohv. AWARDED BY THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 1, 1871. -TO GEORGE F. ROBINSON. Bust of Robinson to left; above his head, two wreaths, one of oak leaves, the other of laurel, united; in field, on both sides of the bust: - for his HEROIC - CONDUCT ON THE | 14. DAY OF APRIL - 1865, IN SAVING I THE LIFE OF - THE HONORABLE | WM. H. SEW- ARD - THEN SECRETARY ] OF STATE - OF THE | UNITED - STATES. Rev. Mr. Robinson grappling with the assail- ant of Secretary Seward, who reclines to right behind partly opened curtain in background; below, g. y. COFFIN. DES. - PAQUET. F. AE. 78 mm. By Coffin and Paquet. *62. Joseph Francis, 1888. Formation of the life Saving Service. Ohv. THE. VNITED. STATES. OF. AMER- ICA. BY. ACT.OF.CONGRESS. 27. AVGVST. 1888. . . Bust of Mr. Francis^ to left; above, to . Joseph . Fran- cis I inventor AND framer; below, of. the. means FOR I the . LIFE . SAVING . service . | OF. THE. COVNTRY; the whole within a circle of stars. Rev, Within a beaded I CATALOGUE OP COIiSTS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 343 circle, a life-saving squad effecting the rescue of pas- sengers from wrecked vessel; around, oak wreath; border, egg and dart pattern. AE. 105 mm. ir 64. John Horn, jr., 1874. Rescue from drowning. Obv. JOHN HORN, JR. Head,toleft. ^6^. BY ACT OF CON- GRESS, JUNE 20. 1874; within a laurel wreath, IN I BECOGNITION | OF HIS | HEROIC EXPLOITS | IN | BES- CUING MEN I WOMEN & CHn.DREN | FROM DROWNING | IN I DETROIT RIVER. AE. 44 mm. • 56. Orville and Wilbnr Wright, 1909. For Successful Navi- gation of the Air. Ohv. Busts of the brothers, con- joined, to left; to r., bottom, WILBUR | WRIGHT; at top, Great Seal of U. S. in laurel wreath; to 1., at top, ORVILLE I WRIGHT; bottom, resolution | of CONGRESS I MARCH 4 | 1909; beloW, IN . RECOGNITION . AND . APPRECIATION | OF . THEIR . ABILITY . COURAGE . AND I SUCCESS . IN . NAVIGATING . THE . AIR. Bev. SHALL . MOUNT .UP . WITH . WINGS . AS . EAGLES. A wingcd figure, the Genius of Aviation, with torch, flying to right above the earth. AE. 67 x 82 mm. By C. E. Barber. C. MEDALS AWARDED BY CONOBESS FOB BESCUING FBOM SHIPWBECK. *66. Wreck of the Somers, off Vera Cruz. Awarded to the officers and men of the French, British, and Spanish warships for rescuing many of the American officers and men. Ohv. SOMERS NAVIS AMERICANA ANTE VERA CRUZ. ] DEC. IO^h. 1846. The wreck of the Somers lying upon her beams. Hev. PRO VITIS AMERICANORUM CONSERVATIS. Three small boats engaged in the work of rescue. AE. 57 mm. By Wright. • 67. Wreck of the Metis, on Long Island Sound, 1872. Ohv. A boat engaged in rescuing people from the water; the wreck of the Metis in the distance. Hev. BY RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS, FEBRUARY 24, 1843. Within a heavy oak wreath, to | for | COURAGE AND HUMANITY | IN THE [ SAVING OF LIFE j FROM THE WRECK | OF THE \ STEAMER METIS | ON \ LONG ISLAND SOUND. | AUGUST 31. 1872. AE. 63 mm. By W. and C. Barber, 344 CATALOGtJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. II. PRESIDENTIAL MEDALS. Medals produced at the mint at Philadelphia, with portraits of the Presidents of the United States, and generally known as " Presidential Medals." They are all of bronze. • 58. George Washington, 1789. Obv. GEORGE WASHING- TON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Nude bust, to right; below, 1789. By Du Vivier. Bev. PEACE I- AND | - FRIENDSHIP. Pipe of peace and tomahawk, in saltire, above two clasped hands. AE. 76 mm. • 59. John Adams, 1797. Olv. SOWW ADAMS PRESIDENT OF THE U' S. Bust, to right; below, A. D. 1797. Rev. Similar to No. 68. 76 mm. • 60. Thomas Jefferson, 1801. 6>Jv.TH. JEFFERSON PRES- IDENT OF THE U. S. A. D. 1801. Bust to left. Rev. Similar to No. 58. 76 mm. • 61. James Madison, 1809. 6)5v. JAMES MADISON PRES- IDENT U. S., A. D. 1809. Bust to left. Rev. Simi- lar to No. 58. 76 mm. • 62. James Monroe, 1817. Olv. JAMES MONROE PRES- IDENT U. S. A. D. 1817. Bust to right. Reo. Simi- lar to No. 58. 76 mm. By Fuerst. • 63. John Quincy Adams, 1826. Olv. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS PRESIDENT UNITED STATES. Draped bust to right; below, 1825. Rev. Similar to No. 68. 76 mm. • 64. Andrew Jackson, 1829. Obv. ANDREW JACKSON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bustto right; below, 1829. Rev. Similar to No. 58. 76 mm. By Fuerst. •65. Martin Van Buren, 1837. Obv. MARTIN VAN BUREN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bustto right; below, A. d. 1837 and fuerst. R&o. Similar to No. 58. 76 mm. • 66. William Henry Harrison, 1841. (95^. WILLIAM H. - HARRISON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Facing bust. R&v. inaugurated j presi- dent I OF THE j united STATES | MARCH 4, 1841. | DIED | APRIL 4, 1841, within a laurel wreath. 76 mm. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 345 • 67, John Tyler, 1841. Obv. JOHN TYLER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Draped bust to left; below, 1841. Rev. Similar to No. 58. 76 mm. • 68. James K. Polk, 1845. Olv. JAMES K. POLK PRESI- DENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Draped bust to left; below, 1845. R&c. Similar to No. 58. 76 mm. • 69. Zachary Taylor, 1849. OU. ZACHARY TAYLOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Draped bust to left; below, 1849. Rev. Similar to No 68. 76 mm. : •70. Millard Fillmore, 1850. Olv. MILLARD FILLMORE PRESIDENTOFTHE UNITED STATES. Nudebust to right; below, 1850; beneath truncation of bust, s. ellis. Rev, A white man and an Indian, standing before a flag, in an agricultural scene;, above, labor virtue HONOR. 76 mm. By Ellis and Willson. • 71. Franklin Pierce, 1853. Ohv. FRANKLIN PIERCE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Nude bust to left; below, 1853. Reo. Similar to No. 70. 76 mm. By Ellis and Willson. • 72. James Buchanan, 1857. Oh). JAMES BUCHANAN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust to right; below, 1857. R&d. Similar to No. 70. 76 mm. By Ellis and Willson. •73. Abraham Lincoln, 1861. Ohv. ABRAHAM - LIN- COLN. Nude bust to right. Rev. inaugurated! PRESIDENT I OF THE j UNITED STATES | MARCH 4, 1861. j SECOND TERM | MARCH 4, 1865. | ASSASSINATED | APRIL 14, 1865 I within an oak wreath. 76 mm. •74. Andrew Johnson, 1865. Olv. ANDREW JOHNSON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Nude bust to right; below, 1865; beneath bust, paquet f. Rev. A female figure, Columbia, in long chiton and flowing robe, grasping the hand of an Indian chief before a tomb surmounted with a bust of Washington; below, paquet. 76 mm. 346 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS^ AND MEDALS. • 76. ITlysses S. Grant, 1869. Olv. ULYSSES - S. GRANT. Nude bust to right; beneath, w. & c. barber F. B&ii. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Within a laurel wreath, inaugurated | first term | MARCH 4, 1869 | — • • — ( SECOND TERM | MARCH 4, 1873; beneath, two small branches of oak, in saltire. 76 mm. W. «& C. Barber. • 76. Rntherford B. Hayes, 1877. OU. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. Nude bu.st to left. Rev. Similar to No. 75, but within the wreath reading INAUGURATED! MARCH 5. I 1877. 76 mm. By Morgan. • 77. James A. Garfield, 1881. 6>Jv. JAMESA. - GAR- FIELD. Nude bust to left. Rev. Similar to No. 75, but within the wreath reading INAUGURATED] MARCH 4. I 1881. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 78. Chester A. Arthur, 1881. Olv. CHESTER - A. ARTHUR. Nude bust to right, ^ev. Similar to No. 75, but within the wreath reading INAUGURATED | SEPTEMBER 20 | 1881. 76 mm. By C. E.Barber. • 79. Grover Cleveland, 1885 and 1893. Olv. G ROVER CLEVELAND. Bust to right. Rev. Within a laurel wreath, inaugurated | president | of the | united STATES I MARCH 4 | 1885. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 80. Benjamin Harrison, 1889. Ohv. BENJAMIN - HAR- RISON. Bust to left. Rev. Similar to No. 79. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. 81. William McKinley, 1897. Obo. WILLIAM - Mc- K I N L EY. Bust to left. Rev. Within wreath of single laurel branch, inaugurated. | president. | of. the. | UNITED STATES | MARCH 4.1897.; below, consular fasces. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 82. William McKinley, 1901. OU. WILLIAM - Mc- KINLEY. Bust to left. Rev. inaugurated | presi- dent OF THE I UNITED STATES | MARCH 4 1897. | SECOND TERM I MARCH 4, 1901. j ASSASSINATED | SEPT. 6, 1901. | DIED SEPT. 14, 1 1901. To left, Columbia standing, weep- ing; below, palm branch and oak wreath. 76 mm. By Morgan. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 347 •83. Theodore Roosevelt, 1901. Obv. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Bust to left. Rev. inaugurated! PRESIDENT I OP THE ] UNITED STATES | SEPT. 14, 1901 | SECOND TERM | MARCH 4, | 1905. To left, Columbia standing, her right hand resting upon an altar, on which is a cinerary urn, in her extended left, a scroll; above, National Capitol. 76 mm. "Br^ Barber and Morgan. • 84. William H. Taf t, 1909. Obv. WILLIAM - H.TAFT. Bust to right. Reo. inaugurated | president op THE I united states | MARCH 4, | 1909. Sibyl seated in front of National Capitol. 76 mm. By Barber and Morgan. III. MEDALS PERTAINING TO THE TREASURY DEPART- MENT AND TO MINT AFFAIRS. SECRETARIES OF THE TREASURY. • 85. William Windom, 1889. Obv. WILLIAM WINDOM. Bust to right. Rev. representative | in congress | 1859-1869 I SENATOR. OF. THE | UNITED. STATES | DEC. 5. 1870-MAR.4.1881 ] DEC.5.1881-MAR.4.1883 | SECRETARY OF THE I TREASURY, | MAR. 5, 1881-NOV. 14,1881 | MAR.5,1889. within a laurel wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 86. Daniel Manning, 1885-87. 6)5v. DANIEL - MAN- NING. Bust, three-quarters facing; below, two keys in saltire. Rev. secretary | of the | treasury | 1885- 1887., within a laurel wreath. 76 mm. By Morgan. •87. John G. Carlisle, 1893. Olv. JOHNGRIFFIN CARLISLE. Bust to left. Rev. representative | in congress. 1877-1890 | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | FORTY- EIGHTH . FORTY - NINTH j AND . FIFTIETH CONGRESSES | SENATOR. 1890.1893 | SECRETARY OF THE ] TREASURY MAR. 6, 1893; above, crossed keys; below, fasces and wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. •88. lyman J. Gage, 1897. Olv. LYMAN - J. GAGE. Facing bust. Reo. secretary | of the | treasury | 1897 I within oak and laurel branches. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber, 348 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. • 89. Leslie M. Shaw, 1902. Ohv. Bust to left; below, LESLI E M. SHAW. Rev. secretary | of the [ treasury j or THE UNITED STATES | FEB. 1, 1902. Above, twO kejS in saltire; on right, oak branch, to the lower end of which is attached a ribbon inscribed e - pluribus - unum. Rectangular plaque. 54 x 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. DIRECTORS OF THE BTJRBATT OF THE MINT. • 90. Horatio C. Burchard, 1879. Ohv. H RATI C. BURCHARD. Bust to left. Rev. director j of the | MINT i OF the I united STATES ] APPOINTED FEB. 22 | 1879. within a laurel wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 91. James P. Kimball, 1885. Olv. J A M ES P. KIMBALL. Bust to left. Ren). Similar to No. 90. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 92. Edward 0. leech, 1889. Ohv. EDWARD 0. LEECH. Bust to left. Rev. edwakd owen leech | DIRECTOR OF THE | MINT. APPOINTED IN [ MINT BUREAU UPON 1 ITS ORGANIZATION 1873. | DIRECTOR OCTOBER | 16, 1889. within olive wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber* • 93. Robert E. Preston, 1893. Ohv. ROBERT E. PRESTON. Bust to left. Rev. . appointed clerk | FIRST auditor's | OFFICE APRIL 1856 | . EXAMINER MINT j BUREAU JULY 1874 | DIRECTOR OF THE MINT | NOVEMBER 1893. upon a tablet suspended from a laurel wreath, within which it hangs. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. • 94. George E. Roberts, 1898. Ohv. GEORGE E. ROBERTS. Bust to right. R&d. director | of. the. MINT . OF 1 THE . UNITED . STATES | APPOINTED | FEB. 14. 1898 I on a tablet within an oak wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. DIRECTORS AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE MINT AT PHIliADEIiPHIA. • 95. David Rittenhouse, 1792-1795. Ohv. DAVID RITTEN- HOUSE PT. DIRECTR U. S. MINT. Nude bust to CATALOGUE OP COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 349 left; below, 1792-1795. E&o. "he [ belonged | to the | WHOLE HUMAN | EACE" | BORN 1732 | DIED 1796 \ . Exergue, MEDAL SERIES OF THE ] U. S. MINT ( J. POLLOCK 1871 DIRECTOR. AE. 46 mm. By W. Barber. • 96. Robert M. Patterson, 1835-1851. Ohv. ROBERT M. PATTERSON DIRECTOR OF THE U. S. MINT. Nude bust to left; below, 1835-51. Hev. a parting TOKEN I OF REGARD | FROM THE | OFFICERS [ AND CLERKS I OF THE MINT | 1851 |; above, on a scroll, CODEX MONETAE 1837; the whole within serpent, palm, and laurel wreath. 65 mm. By Wright. • 97. James Ross Snowden, 1859. Ohv. PRESENTED TO JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN DIRECTOR OF THE MINT BY HIS PERSONAL FRIENDS [ as a mark OF REGARD FOR HIM AS AN OFFICER AND THEIR | ESTEEM FOR HIM AS A CITIZEN. Facing bust. ^e-y. THE MINT OFTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PHILA- DELPHIA. Front view of the building; below, built 1832 I RENDERED FIREPROOF 1856. 76 mm. By Paquet. • 98. James Pollock. Ohv. THE HON. JAMES POLLOCK. L. L. D. Bust to left. Bev. governor | of | Pennsyl- vania I 1855-1858 1 DIRECTOR | OF THE U. S. MINT 1861 | RESIGNED 1866 | REAPPOINTED | 1869, within a wrsath of oak and laurel. 76 mm. By W. Barber. •99. H. R. Linderman, 1867-1869. Ohv. Bust to right. B&v. H. R. LINDERMAN | DIRECTOR | OF THE U. S. MINT | FROM APRIL 1867 I TO MAY 1869, within a wreath of oak and laurel. 76 mm. By W. Barber. 100. A. louden Snowden, 1879. Ohv. A. LOUDEN SNOWDEN. Bust to right; below, 1879; on trun- cation of bust, MORGAN. S. C. J^eV. APPOINTED ] REG- ISTRAR U. S. MINT I 1857 I CHIEF COINER | 1866 | POST MASTER I 1877 | SUPERINTENDENT | U. S. MINT | 1879, within a laurel wreath; around, presented by the OFFICERS U. S. MINT PHILA. MAY 7, 1880. 81 mm. By Morgan. 101. A. londen Snowden, 1879. Ohv. Similar to No. 100. Hev. Similar to No. 97. 76 mm. 22023°— 14 23 350 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 102. Daniel M. Fox, 1885. Obv. DANIEL - M. FOX. Bust, three-quarters facing. Bev. mayor | of | Phila- delphia I 1869-1872- I MEMBER OF THE U. S. POSTAL COM- MISSION 1 APPOINTED BT THE \ PRESIDENT 1876 | ALSO OF THE 1 CENTENNIAL BOARD | OF FINANCE- | SUPT. U. S. MINT I PHILADELPHIA [ JULY 1885 | withiu an oak and laurel wreath. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. 103. Oliver C. Bosbyshell, 1889. (9Jv. OLIVER C. - BOS- BYSHELL. Bust to right. Rev. registrar of de- posits I IN MINT 1869 | ASSISTANT TO COINER 1872 | COINER 1877 I SUPERINTENDENT [ NOV. 1 1889, OH tablet within laurel branches. 76 mm. By Morgan. 104. Eugene Townsend, 1894. 6>Jv. EUGENE - TOWN- SEND. Bust, three-quarters facing. R&v. member OF I SELECT COUNCIL | OF PAILDELPIIIA | 1882-1885 | AS- SISTANT NAVAL OFFICER | 1885-1889 | APPOINTED | SUPER- INTENDENT I MINT OF THE U. S. ] APRIL 1894. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. 106. Herman Kretz, 1895. Ohv. HERMAN - KRETZ. Bust to left. Rev. appointed [ superintendent | U. S. mint I PHILADELPHIA | MAY 7, 1895. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. OPERATIVE OFFICERS OF THE MINT AT PHILADEIiPHIA. 106. Adam Eckfeldt, 1814-1839. Olv. ADAM ECKFELDT CHIEFCOINER U.S. MINT. Bust to right. Rev. A 1 FAREWELL TRIBUTE | OF | AFFECTIONATE REGARD | TO I ADAM ECKFELDT | FROM HIS | FELLOW OFFICERS | OF THE I u. s. MINT | 1839. 61 mm. By Furst. 107. William Barber. (95v. WILLIAM BARBER. Bust to left. Rev. engraver | u. s. mint | Philadelphia | NA. 1807. OB 1879 I within a laurel wreath. 32 mm. By C. E. Barber. HONOSABY MEDALS PRESENTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ANNUAL ASSAY COMMISSION. 108. 1860. Olv. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA. Female bust to right, wearing chaplet of oak leaves. Rev. annual | assay | i860 ) within wreath of laurel. 33 mm. By Longacre, 109. 1861. Similar to No. 108. 33 mm. 110. 1867. Similar to No. 108. Aluminum. 33 mm. »111. 1868. Ohv MINTOFTHE UNITED STATES. Columbia standing to left by a pile of arms; holds olive I branch in left hand and sword in right; below, phila. Bev. ANNUAL I ASSAY | 1868 | within wreath of oak leaves and olive. Aluminum. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 112. 1869. Ohv. Columbia in long chiton seated to left; behind her, liberty pole and cap; her left hand rests on U. S. shield. R&o. Similar to No. Ill; wreath joined at top by ribbon inscribed let us have peace. Aluminum. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 113. 1870. ^5'y. Columbia standing, her head turned to right, ^^ clad in long chiton and peplos; holds scales in extended ^^ left hand, a ring in right; at her feet, a dog; below, ^■^ J. POLLOCK, DIRECTOR. ReV. ANNUAL | ASSAY | 1870 j ^H| within wreath. Aluminum. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 11^^114. 1871. (95t;. Archimedes, (originator of the humid assay), with beard and wearing a long robe, stands leaning to left against a mantle. Reti. annual | assay | 1871 1 within a wreath of oak leaves and palm. AE. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 116. 1874. Ohv. Similar to No. 114. Rev. annual | assay | 1874; above, a casket inscribed j. torrey | ob. mar. 10, '71 I on which rests an urn and a heavy pall; the whole within a wreath of bay. AE. 33 mm. By W, Barber. 116. 1875. Ohv. Similar to No. 114. R&o. annual | assay | 1875 I within olive wreath. AE. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 117.1876. 6>5^. Bust of Washington, to right. ^^. YEAR ONE HUNDRED — OF AMERICAN INDEPEND- ENCE. Within an oak wreath, 1776 | annual | as- say I 1876. AE. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 118. 1877. Ohv. Similar to No. 114. Reo. annual [ assay | 1877 I within wreath of oak and laurel. AE. 33 mm. By W. Barber. 352 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 119. 1878. Olv. Similar to No. 117. Rev. annual | assay | 1878 I within wreatli of laurel. AE. 33 mm. By W. Rarber. 120. 1879. Ohv. H. R. LINDERMAN na. 1825. ob 1879. Busttoright. ^e^;. AN N UAL ASSAY 1879 sciENTiA VIRTUS VERITAS. Beneath a cypress tree, a tomb surmounted by a cinerary urn on which a woman is laying a wreath; on the tomb the epitaph, henry; beneath, JOSEPH HENRY. AE. 33 mm. By W.Barber. 121. 1880. Ohv. THE MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust of President Hayes, to left; below, annual assay 1882. Rev.ZVV\CkC\ DO MANUS SCIENTIAE. A female figure kneeling to left and lighting the lamp of Science; in exergue, Philadelphia. AE. 33 mm. By Barber and Morgan. 122. 1881. Ohv. Similar to No. 121. Rev. A coining press and two women in long transparent chitons, standing, the one to right with box of coins, the other with head turned to left and holding scales; in exergue, ne quid DETRIMENTI | RESPUBLICA | CAPIAT. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 123. 1882. Ohv. Same legend as No. 121. Bust of President Garfield, to left. Rev. LIBRA PROBAT OPUS. A female, in long chiton and peplos, kneeling to right and testing scales for a child. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 124. 1883. Ohv. THE M INT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust of President Arthur, to left; below, annual as- SAY-1883. Rev. Similar to No. 123. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 125. 1884. Similar to No. 124. 126. 1885. Similar to No. 124. 127. 1886. Ohv. THE M INT OF THE UN ITED STATES. Bust of President Cleveland, to right; below, annual ASSAY 1886. ^^uJUSTITIA LAMPUS MONETAE ALLUCET. Statue of Justice, with blazing torch up- raised, before mint building. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 128. 1887. Similar to No. 127. CATALOGITE OP COll^S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 853 J9. 1888. Ohv. GROVER — CLEVELAND. Bust to right. Bev. mint | of the | united states | assay ] COMMISSION I 1888, within laurel wreath. AE. 76 mm. By C. E. Barber. ISO. 1889. Similar to No. 129. 131. 1890. Oh}. THE MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust of President Harrison, to left; below, annual, assay 1890. Bev. Similar to No. 123. AE. 33 mm. By Barber and Morgan. 132. 1891. Oh). Inscription same as No. 131. Bast of Wil- liam Windom, to right; in field, WILLIAM - WIN- DOM. ^ev.SCIENTIACORONATOPUS. Awork- man examining the metal in a crucible in the furnace. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 133. 1892. Ohv. BENJAMIN — HARRISON. Bust to left. Bev.lHL MINT OF THE UNITED STATES ANNUAL ASSAY. Description sunilar to No. 123; in exergue, 1892. 134. 1893. Ohv. THE MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust of President Harrison, to left; below, annual ASSAY 1893. Bev. FIDEM REIPUBLICAE. UT.SER- VEM. Female seated to right, testing scales; hexa- style temple. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 136. 1894. Ohv. Same inscription as No. 134. Bust of Presi- dent Cleveland, to right. Bev. Female, in long chiton and peplos, seated to left, holding up a weight with right hand; before her a child, standing, holding a casket of weights; in exergue eem acu. AE. 33 mm. By Barber and Morgan. 136. 1896, Ohv. GROVER — CLEVELAND. Bust to right. Bev. mint j of the | united states | assay | COMMISSION I 1895 | within a laurel wreath. AE. 78 mm. By C. E. Barber. 137.1896. 6^5?;. Similar to No. 136. i?6'y. THE M INT.OF. THE. UNITED. STATES. ANNUAL ASSAY. 1896. Female figure in chiton, standing facing, and holding 354 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. up a pair of scales with her left hand; on right, hel- meted head of Pallas on a medallion over an olive branch. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 138. 1897o Similar to No. 137. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 139. 1898. Ohv, WILLIAM MCKINLEY. Bust to left. Eev. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES ANNUAL ASSAY. Bust of Pallas in Corinthian hel- met on fasces; to left, female standing facing, and holding palm branch and scales; to right, a workman. Exergue, 1898. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 140. 1899. Olv. WILLIAM MCKINLEY. Bust to left. ^^. UNITED STATES MINT ANNUAL AS- SAY 1899. Pair of scales on a shield of U. S.; above, bust of Pallas in Corinthian helmet; below, an eagle with outstretched wings; the whole within an olive wreath. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 141. 1900. Ohv. Similar to No. 139. Rev. U N I TED STATES ANNUAL ASSAY 1900; similar to No. 134. AE. 33 mm. Barber and Morgan. 142. 1901. Oh). WILLIAM. MCKINLEY. Bust to left; be- low, PRESIDENT I OF THE | UNITED STATES. BeV. A workman examining metal in a furnace; below, mint. OF.THE. UNITED. STATES | ANNUAL. ASSAY. 1901. A plaque, AE. 40 X 55 mm. Barber and Morgan. 143. 1902. Ohv. FIRST MEETING OF ASSAY COMMIS- SION IN THE. (below) NEW MINT. Thenewmint building, in front of which statue of a female holding up a blazing torch. Refo. UNITED STATES MINT -AN N UAL ASSAY 1902. Pair of scales on a shield of the United States; above, bust of Pallas, left; below, eagle; the whole within olive wreath, AE. 33 mm. By Morgan. 144. 1903. C5v. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Facing bust; below, PRESIDENT | OF THE | UNITED STATES. ReV, Similar to No. 142. Plaque, 40 x 55 mm. By Morgan. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 355 146. 1904. OU. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Bust, to ^H left; below, president | of the . | united states. ^B ReO. MINT I OF the 1 UNITED STATES | ANNUAL | ASSAY ^B I 1904. In upper left corner, Treasury seal, surmounted ^H by an eagle; at bottom, olive branch. AE. Plaque ^B 40 X 55 mm. Barber and Morgan. p 146. 1905. Similar to No. 145. 147. 1906. Obv. Similar to No. 144. Bev. Treasury seal sur- mounted by an eagle, within a scroll pattern ; below, MINT . OF . THE . UNITED STATES. | ANNUAL ASSAY. 1906. AE. Plaque, 40 x 55 mm. Barber and Morgan. i^ 148. 1907. Similar to No. 147. X 149. 1908. Similar to No. 147. [• •ISO. 1909. Obv. GEORGE B. CORTELYOU. Bust to right; below, secretary • of • | the • treasury. Rev. As No. 145. AE. Plaque, 40 x 55 mm. Morgan. 161.1910. Obv. WILLIAM. H. TA FT. PRES I D ENT OF.THE.UNITED. STATES. Bust to right. Reo. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. Two genii seated vis-a-vis^ and holding between them a tablet sur- mounted by an eagle; on the tablet, 1910; beneath genii, scroll inscribed e pluribus unum; below, ANNUALASSAY. AE. 45 mm. Barber and Morgan. THE HONORARY DIPLOMATIC MEDAL. • 152. This medal was intended for presentation to "diplo- matic characters on taking leave of us," and represents an idea of President Jefferson. It was so presented but twice and the practice was then discontinued. Ohv.lO PEACE AND COMMERCE. America, rep- resented by an Indian woman with feather bonnet and quiver swung over shoulder, seated to right amid bales of merchandise, against one of which leans an anchor; hands a cornucopia filled with fruits to Mercury, who stands to left, wearing petasus and chlamys; below, iv JUL. MDCCLxxvL Rev. THE UNITED STATES - OF AMERICA. Great seal of the U. S. AE. 68 mm. By Dupre. 556 CATALOGUE OF COlNS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. INDIAN PEACE MEDALS. It was formerly the custom of the War Department to present medals to Indian chieftains on the conclusion of treaties of peace. Those medals had for obverse type a bust of the President of the United States and for reverse types appropriate designs referring to peace and friendship. The reverse designs of these medals have been appropriated for the reverses of the so-called Presidential Medals, with the result that it is impossible to decide which medals, presenting the Indian Peace Medal reverse designs, were ever employed for the purpose intended. For that reason the re- verse types of the Indian Peace Medals have been described without reference to any particular specimens in the cabinet, excepting, of course. No. 153. •163. 1757. Ohv. GEORGIVS. II. -DEI. GRATIA. Lau- reated bust, cuirassed, to left. Hev. let us look to THE MOST HIGH WHO BLESSED OUR FATHERS WITH PEACE. Beneath a tree, an Indian and a white man, seated, with a camp-fire between them, the latter offer- ing the pipe of peace; above, sun; Exergue, 1757. AR. U mm. By Duffield. * 154. Ohv. Bust of the President. Hev. peace [ and | FRIENDSHIP. Two hauds clasped; above, a pipe of peace and tomahawk in saltire. AE. 62 mm. * 154a. Ohv. Bust of the President. Ji&v. Indian and white man joining hands before a monument to Washington, on which is inscribed peace. AE. 63 mm. By Paquet. * 155. Ohv. Bust of the President, ^ev. A pioneer with ax in hand, standing and talking to an Indian chief, before a cottage; above, PEACE; below, olive wreath over calumet and tomahawk in saltire. AE. 60 x 75 mm. By Morgan. This reverse is used for medals of Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison. * 156. Ohv. Bust of the President. Hev. Two medallions, of which the one presents an Indian and his wigwam, the other a white pioneer farmer with his work horse and cottage, and a school house; above, olive branch and wreath over cahimet and tomahawk in saltire, through which runs the word PEACE; below, on a scroll, PROGRESS, olive branches and a plow. CATALOGTTE OF OOISTS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 357 IV. AWARD MEDALS. MEDALS AWAEDED BY CONGRESS FOE THE SAVING OF LIVES AT SEA. 157. First Class. Ohv. LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE FIRST CLASS — • UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA *. A crew of three men in a boat rescu- ing a man from the sea; on left, wrecked ship. Rev. IN TESTIMONY OF HEROIC DEEDS IN SAVING LIFE FROM THE PERILS OFTHE SEA. Amonu- ment surmounted by an eagle; on right, anchor, sails, navigation instruments, and branch of laurel on corner of socle; on left, a woman standing and leaning against corner of the monument, with laurel wreath in left hand and with stylus in right ready to inscribe the name of hero; below, act of congress | june 20th. 1874. AE. 76 mm. By Paquet. 168. Second Class. Ohv. LIFE SAVING MEDAL OF THE SECOND CLASS. •UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA.* A female figure in classical costume hovers over a man struggling in the waves and extends to him one end of a long scarf. Rev. Inscription as No. 157; a laurel wreath and at the top of the field inclosed thereby, act of congress june 20. 1874. AE. 62 mm. By Paquet. 159. For American Sailors. Ohv. A man clinging to a floating mast which bears the letters U. S.; on left, a ship under full sail; above, clouds and vultures. Rev. A wreath of laurel (left) and oak (right) branches with an eagle grasping the crossed stems of the branches; at top of field so inclosed, thirty-one stars. AE. 62 mm. By Koehler. 160. For Foreign Sailors. Ohv. A sailor dragging a man up on a rock from the wreck of a ship that is half sunken just off the coast; to left, in the distance, a lighthouse; above, a scroll for name of recipient; below, leutze DEL. ELLissc. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA; within a circle, arms of the United States — an eagle displayed, bearing on breast shield with three stars in a chief azure, seven pales gules on a field ar- 358 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDAI^S. gent, olive branch in right claw, and arrows in thel left — above, a scroll inscribed e plurebus untjm. AE. 66 mm. By Leutze and Ellis. 161. Coast Survey Award Medal. Established 1846. Oho.'' THE I TREASURY DEPARTMENT | OF THE UNITED STATES | COAST SURVEY . TO . . Reo. FOR | GALLAN- TRY I AND HUMANITY | DEO. 1846. | within laurel wreath. AE. 34 mm. 162. Railroad Life-Saving Medal. Established 1905. Olv. Al nude youth, with a large mantle in right and flamingl torch in left hand, stands with knee upon a bowlder be- tween the rails of a railroad; in field, to left, lavs, vi -RTVTis I HEROis. PR- AEMivM. | divided by oak branch. Rev. Around, THE. UNITED. STATES.MEDALFOR. LIFE.SAVING. ON. RAILROADS. A tablet for name of the recipient on a laurel wreath; above the tablet and withinthe wreath, .FOR. | bravery. | awarded.to. — | and below, act of.congress | feb.23.1905. AE. 46 mm. By A. Weinman. MARKSMANSHIP MEDAliS. 163. Distinguished Marksmanship, First Class. Ohv. COMPE- TITION OF DISTINGUISHED MARKSMANSHIP. An Indian discharging an arrow at a buffalo, from a horse in full pursuit; below, on border, Fl RST CLASS PRIZE. ^€>v. A laurel wreath. AE. 51mm. 164. The same, Second Class. Ohv. COMPETITION OF DISTINGUISHED MARKSMANSHIP. An Indian camp with three wigwams; below, SECOND CLASS PRIZE. Rem. A laurel wreath. AE. 51 mm. 166. Army Marksmanship, First Prize. Obn. FIRST PRIZE ARMY MARKSMANSHIP. An eagle volant, carry- ing rifle and laurel wreath in claws. Ref^i. A laurel wreath within a circle of pellets. AE. 48 mm. 166. The same. Second Prize. Ohv. SECOND CLASS PRIZE ARMY MARKSMANSHIP. Bust of Mars, with head turned to left; wears Corinthian helmet adorned with quadriga in full career. Reo. Laurel wreath. AE. 45 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 359 167. The same, Third Prize. Olv. THIRD CLASS PRIZE ARMY MARKSMANSHIP. Head of Pallas in tufted Attic helmet, to left; the helmet adorned with griffin. Beo. Laurel wreath. AE. 45 mm. 168. Department Marksmanship, First Prize. Ohv. FIRST PRIZE DEPARTMENT MARKSMANSHIP. A target on two guns, in saltire, over shield of the United States, which in turn is upon two large letters, U. S., in monogram, on crossed pennant staffs; above, five pointed star; the whole within a laurel wreath. Eeo. Laurel wreath. AE. 41 mm. 169. The same, Second Prize. 6>Jv. D EPA RTM ENT MARKS- MANSHIP. SECOND CLASS PRIZE. Stand of arms surmounted with helmet; behind, U. S. in mono- gram. Rev. A laurel wreath. AE. 38 mm. 170. The same, Third Prize. Ohv. D EPA RT M E NT MARKS- MANSHIP. THIRD CLASS PRIZE. Two swords in saltire on shield of arms of United States, with pistol in the chief azure. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 38 mm. 171. Cavalry competition, First Prize. Ohv. FIRST PRIZE CAVALRY COMPETITION. A cavalryman firing rifle from horse. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 45 mm. 172. The same, Second Prize. Ohv. SECOND CLASS PRIZE CAVALRY COMPETITION. Cavalryman firing rifle from kneeling position. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 41 mm. 173. The same, Third Prize. Ohv. THIRD CLASS PRIZE CAVALRY COMPETITION. Cavalryman, dis- mounted, firing from rest. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 41 mm. 174. Revolver match, First Prize. Ohv. REVOLVER MATCH. FIRST PRIZE. Four cavalrymen riding abreast to left, and firing revolvers. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 41 mm. 176. The same, Second Prize. Ohv. REVOLVER MATCH. SECOND CLASS PRIZE. Cavalryman with horse at full speed firing with revolver at an Indian who, standing on the ground, discharges arrow at former. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 38 mm. 360 CATALOGUE OF COIKS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 176. The same, Third Prize. Oh), REVOLVER MATCH. THIRD CLASS PRIZE. Cavalryman, dismounted, holding horse and firing revolver. Rev. Laurel wreath. AE. 38 mm. 177. Medal of Honor, The Navy. A five-point star, the points terminating in trefoils with a wreath of oak and laurel on each ray; within a circle of thirty-four stars, America, in classical costume, with helmet surmounted by an eagle, the left hand supporting fasces with ax, and holding shield of the U. S. in the right, van- quishes Discord who is armed with serpents. Mount ^ Anchor. JRibhon^ 1 inch wide, red and white stripes with chief azure. Clasps, (1) open bar, three-eighths inch wide, of fasces, on which a star; (2) similar bar without the star. Institution, Act of Congress of December 21, 1861. AR. Bj Paquet. 178. Medal of Honor, The Army. Medal similar to No. 177. Mount, two cannon barrels, in saltire, upon which lies a sword, surmounted by an eagle; below, eight cannon balls. Ribbon, as No. 177. Clasp, shield of arms of the U. S. between two cornucopias filled with fruits, the base of the shield flanked with laurel branches. Institution, Act of Congress of July 12, 1862. AR. By Paquet. 179. Good Conduct Medal, Marine Corps. Ohv. Within a rope circle, a gunner standing behind a gun; below; a scroll inscribed SEMPER FiDELis; around, UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS; the whole over an anchor and within the chain of the anchor. Rev. FIDELITY ZEALOBEDIENCE. Mount, a musket. Ribbon, 1}4 inch wide, red, blue, and red. CUisps, (1) plain bar, (2) bar inscribed marine corps. 180. Good Conduct Medal, The Navy. Obv. Within a rope circle, warship sailing to right; below, constitution; around, UNITED STATES NAVY; the whole over an anchor and within the chain of the anchor. No. 179. Unmounted. Rev, As CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 361 181. Badge of the Grand Army of the Republic. Five-pointed star, the points terminating in trefoils, with star on each trefoil; on the rays, two muskets, two cannon barrels, a trumpet, an anchor, and two swords in sal- tire, respectively; within a circular band inscribed GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, 1861-VETERAN-1866. America, with tufted helmet and long classical robe, standing facing; before her, soldier and sailor joining hands above the heads of a kneeling woman and a child; to left, flag and eagle; to right, flag and fasces. Hibhon^ inch wide, red and white stripes with thirteen stars in a chief azure. Clasp^ two cannon barrels cross-wise, over which lies a sword surmounted by an eagle; beneath, eight cannon balls. 182. American Red Cross. First Aid Competition. Olv. AMERICAN RED CROSS. Facing figure of a female in classical costume, standing with hands extended, the one above a widowed mother, seated on the right, with babe in arms, the other over a bearded soldier kneel- ing on the left; below, olive branch. Bev. Beneath a laurel wreath, awarded to | | first aid | com- petition. AE. 32 mm. By Morgan. MEDALS AWARDED BY SCHOOLS SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER SOCIETIES. 183. American Institute of Architects. Ol/v. PRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHI- TECTS • ORGANIZED M.D.C.C.C.LVIl.* Three busts, laureated, in a row, to left. Rev. An eagle, laying hold of laurel branch with claws and bill. AE. 57 mm. By Weinmann. 184. Alcorn University. Oh). ALCORN UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDED 1871. A bust to right. Eev. awarded to . A wreath. AE. 40 mm. By Barber. 185. Carnegie Hero Fund. 6>Jv. CARNEGIE HERO FUND ESTABLISHED APRIL 15, 1904. Bust of Mr. Carnegie to right. Bev. GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THAN THIS THAT A MAN LAY DOWN HIS 362 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. LIFE FOR HIS FRIEND. Three shields of arms- United States, Canada, and Newfoundland — on a map of North America, and tablet for name of recipient inscribed awarded to . AR. 76 mm. By Osborne. 186. College of the City of New York. Obv. LIGHT, LIB- ERTY, LAW. A female bust, diademate, to left; stars on forehead. Rev. the new york free academy | WAS FOUNDED | 1847 | BY ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE j AND I VOTE OF THE CITIZENS. | ITS NAME WAS CHANGED I 1866 I BY ACT TAKING EFFECT ] MAY 1 [ TO | COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. AE. 60 mm. By Key. 187. Cornell University, College of Architecture. Obo. On the right of a large disk, a female figure, with heavy drapery drawn back and raised above her head with left hand, and bearing a model of a peristyle temple in her right, is floating in the air; on the left of the tab- let sits a youthful figure in a winged car, while Fame behind him, also winged, is blowing a trumpet. Reo, COLLEGE OF | ARCHITECTURE | CORNELL VNI | VERSITY. THE I CHARLES GOODWIN | SANDS MEMORIAL. A COm- pass within a wreath of oak and laurel branches; be- low, a winged disk. AE. 76 mm. By Grufly. 188. Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. Obo. A female seated left amid machinery, tools, and the products of art and industry — a cogwheel, anvil, palette, bust, and a vase, with a factory to right in the distance; around, four seated female figures representing four different civilizations — classical, oriental, Egyptian, and Ameri- can — and thirty-six stars in four groups of nine each. Refo. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. PHILA- DELPHIA, MDCCCLXXVI. Within a laurel wreath, AWARDED BY | UNITED STATES j CENTENNIAL | COMMIS- SION. AE. 76 mm. By Mitchell. 189. Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Obv. Columbus landing in the western world; behind him, flag-bearer with large Spanish flag, followed by a second com- panion; on right, at top of field, plvs | vltra between two pillars of Hercules; in field, Christopher | co- CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 363 LVMBVS I GOT. XII | Mccccxcii. Bj Augustus Saint- Gaudens. R0O. world's . Columbian . exposition | in. COMMEMORATION . OF . THE . FOUR. HUNDREDTH. ANNIVER- SARY I OP. THE. LANDING. OF. COLUMBUS | MDCCCXCU . MDCCCXcm. I TO . upon a large tablet; above, a globe to the left of which Fame blowing a trumpet and History on the right with tablet and stylus; at each end of the large tablet, a torch; below, a Spanish galley. AE. 57 mm. By C. E. Barber. 190. Cotton States Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. Oh). ATLANTA, GEORGIA, U.S.A. Columbia in long chiton, holding a cornucopia filled with fruits in right arm, standing to left; in front of her, a winged wheel, and a small winged genius bearing a tablet inscribed industry; in background to left, an exposition building. RefO. COTTON STATES | AND INTERNATIONAL | EXPOSITION | AWARDED TO | (sOUVENIR) | ATLANTA | GEORGIA | U.S.A. I MDCOCXCV. between a palm branch (left) and stock of cotton (right); above, an eagle. AE. 57 mm. By Martiny. 191. Howard Worcester Gilbert, Old English Prize. (95^. Bust of King Alfred, facing; in field, ALFRED — 871-901. Refo. HOWARD WORCESTER GILBERT OLD ENGLISH PRIZE, FOUNDED 1895. Wreath. AE. 45 mm. By Morgan. 192. Louisiana Pnrchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Grand Prize. OU. VNIVERSAL. EXPOSITION . SAINT. LOVIS.VNITED . STATES. OF. AMERICA. Col- umbia in talaric chiton, standing facing, her mantle spread out behind her with both hands and extending over a half -nude young girl with hair in braids, stand- ing, her head turned to loft toward Columbia; below, in exergue, m.c.m.iv. Rev. A large eagle, standing on a tablet inscribed, grand prize | lovisiana pvrchase | exposition; below, two dolphins. Pentagonal. AE. 63 X 74 mm. By Weinman.. 193. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Gold Medal. Types same as No. 192, but reading gold medal, etc., on reverse; triangular, with sides curved outward, AE. 71 mm. 364 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 194. Louisiana Furcliase Exposision, St. Louis, 1904. Silver Medal. Types same as No. 192, but reading silver MEDAL, etc., on reverse; square. AE. 67 x 67 mm. 195. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Bronze Medal. Types same as No. 192, but reading bronze MEDAL, etc., on reverse; round. AE. 67 mm. 196. Fulton Institute, Lancaster, Pa. Ohv. FULTOH INSTI- TUTE.LANCASTER PA. FOUNDED 1858. Bust of Fulton, to right. Bev. awarded | to . An oak wreath. AR. 60 mm. By Key. 197. Franklin Institute. The Scott Premium. Ohv. FRANK- LIN INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYL- VANIA. Bust of Franklin, to left, ^^. the scott PREMIUM TO THE MOST DESERVING. AE. 54 mm. 198. Maryland Institute. Ohv. MARYLAND INSTITUTE FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE MECHANIC ARTS. A female, standing, holding scales in left hand, sword and olive branch in right; ships in the har- bor; below, BALTIMORE. ^eV. AWARDED TO ; a wreath. AE. 50 mm. 199. Massachusetts Humane Society. Ohv. HUMANE SO- CIETY OF — MASSACHUSETTS. Ashieldwith two boats in a chief azure, a ship on a base azure, and on the fess gules, two hands clasped; above, a house marked refuge. jRev. reward of merit, courage AND PERSEVERANCE. AE. 67 mm. By Wyon. 200. Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Ohv. A female in a Greek chiton, seated amid various tools, wheels,etc. Bev. MASSACHUSETTS CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION founded, 1785- INCOR. 1806. A wreath. AE. 50 mm. By Mitchell. 201. Metropolitan Mechanics Institute. Ohv. Bust of Wash- ington, to left. Hev. PRESENTED BY , with escutcheon for the name of recipient. AE. 40 mm. By Mitchell. 202. Middlesex Mechanic Association, Lowell, Mass. Ohv. MIDDLESEX MECHANIC ASSOCIATION, LOW- ELL, MASS. Arm and hammer, and scales; beneath, scroll inscribed, we aim to be just. Hev. awarded ^ J wreath. AE. 38 mm. By Wright. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 365 203. National Academy of Design. Ohv. NATIONAL ACAD- EMYOFDESIGN. A female seated to left, plucki ng laurel leaves for a wreath. Bev. Plain. AE. 50 mm. By Brenner. 204. Pittsburg Female College. Ohv. THOMAS M^KEE PRIZE FOR SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE IN MUSIC. Bust, to left. Rev. A laurel wreath; above PITTS- BURG FEMALE COLLEGE; below, laurus dignis- siMO {sic.) DETUR. AE. 41 mm. By Key. 205. Peabody Medal. Institution unnamed. 6>5y. PEA BODY MEDAL. A bearded man i n academical gown steering a boat, while a youth sets the sails; below, education A DEBT DUE — FROM THE PRESENT — TO FUTURE — GEN- ERATIONS. Bev. A wreath of oak, on which is hung a scroll inscribed presented to . AE. 45 mm. By Mitchell. 206. Pennsylvania Institute of Philadelphia. Ohv. PENN- SYLVANIA INSTITUTE OF PHILADELPHIA. A youth, laureate, seated to left, holding a sketch of a portrait in right hand; below, 1855. Rev. Wreath of oak; above, second premium. AE. 41 mm. By Chormann. 207. Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Jennie Sesnan Prize. Ohv. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. A nude youth, seated to right, holding a tablet in left hand; below, founded 1805. Rev. the | JENNIE sesnan | PRIZE | IN | MEMORIAM | SARAH | CAZ- enove I ROBERTS | between branches of laurel; below, FOUNDED 1902. AE. 45 mm. By Saven. 208. Portsmouth, Virginia. Ohv. A public building; above, on a scroll, palmam qui meruit ferat. Rev. PRE- SENTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PORTSMOUTH VIRGINIA. A wreath. AE. 63 mm. By Mitchell. 209. Rumford Medal for Discoveries in light or Heat. Ohv. BENJAMIN COUNT RUM FORD. Bust, to left; below, BORN 1753 DIED 1814. Rev. Around, RUM- FORD MEDAL FOR DISCOVERIES IN LIGHT OR HEAT; in the field, awarded | by the | American ACADEMY 1 of | ARTS AND SCIENCES | TO . AE. 65 mm. By Fuerst. 22023°— 14 24 366 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 210. Tuberculosis, International Congress on, Washington, 1908. Obv. A nurse, standing facing, her hands upraised and in the left a winged hour-glass; at her feet, a winged dragon; from above burst rays of light in which is the word LVMEN. Rev. An eagle on U. S. shield within a wreath; below, the international congress | on TVBERCVLOSIS ] WASHINGTON 1908 | AWARDS THIS MEDAL TO . AE. 50 mm. By Brenner. 211. University of Pennsylvania. For Architectural Design. Ohv. A tablet surmounted by lamp of Science, in a niche with columns and entablature; at bottom of tablet, UNIVERSITY I or | Pennsylvania. Rev. the ] ARTHUR SPAYD | BROOKE | MEMORIAL | PRIZE | OU a scroll resting on a laurel branch; below, for | merit IN I architectural I DESIGN. Rectangular, 35 x 50 mm. By Paul Cret. 212. Vessel Owners Association, PMladelphia. Oh). VESSEL OWNERS&CAPTAINS ASSOCIATION OFPHIL'A. Storm at sea, wrecked ship and boat engaged in rescue; below, REWARD OF MERIT. ReV. AWARDED TO ; laurel wreath. AE. 75 mm. By Lawrence, and W. and C. Barber. 213. Washington and lee TTniversity. For Oratory. Ohv. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. Busts of Washington and Lee, jugate, to right. Rev. A wreath of laurel; in field, orator medal | awarded TO . JUNE 18. AE. 50 mm. By Barber. 214. Worcester High School. Bullock Medal. (9Jv. WORCES- TER HIGH SCHOOL. BULLOCK MEDAL. A female, coroneted, seated to left, extending a laurel wreath; below, 1859. Rev. awarded to. Wreath of laurel. AE. 41 mm. By Kinny and Lang. 215. Worcester County Mechanics Association. Ohv. A female in long chiton and peplos, standing facing, amid tools, machinery, and instruments of science. Rev. WORCESTER COUNTY MECHANICS ASSOCIA- TION. 1841. Plain field. AE. 44 mm. By Mitchell, CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 367 AWARDS OF AGRICTJIiTURAIj SOCIETIES. 216. Oh). UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A female clad in long chiton, seated facing, holding a wreath in her upraised right hand and a sickle in her left. Exergue, MDCccLn. Refo. awaeded to , on a scroll, at top; a plow and wreath at bottom. AE. 74.5 mm. By Mitchell. 217. (>5v. CONNECTICUT STATE AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETY. Shield of arms resting on an anvil, a sheaf of grain above; on each side, a woman standing; in ex- ergue, iNCORP.MAY 1 1852. RefG. Oak wreath; awarded TO , at top. AE. 50 mm. By Smith and Hartman. 218. Oh). LANCASTER CO. AGRICULTURAL &. ME- CHANICAL SOCIETY 1858. An undraped bust of Washington, to right; below, the farmer of mount VERNON. Refo. A broken column, farm implements, and stalks of corn and wheat; awarded to AE. 45 mm. By Key. 219. Oh). MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETY. A female, seated to right; her right hand resting on a shield of arms; on the left, ships in the harbor; on the right, sheaf of grain and farm imple- ments. Rev. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED MARCH 24, 1849; in jSeld, TO FOR AT THE MEETING 18 . AE. 59 mm. By Wright. 220. OU. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY. Seal of Pennsylvania; below, INSTITUTED | A.D. | 1851. Reo. Wreath of oak and grapes and corn and wheat. White metal. 63.5 mm. By Morin. 221. Olv. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF PHILA- DELPHIA; above, VENERATE THE PLOUGH; a yoke of oxen hitched to a plow; below, the agri- cultural I society I OF PHILADELPHIA. Reo. Har- row, cradle, churn, rake, and other farm implemeuts, AE. 50 mm, 368 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. VI. HISTOEICAI MEDALS. 222. Destruction of Kittanning, 1756. Ohv. THE GIFT OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PHILA- DELPHIA. Shield of arms. Bev. KITTANNING DESTROYED BY COL. ARMSTRONG. Alog-built town in flames. Exergue, September 8, 1756. AE. 45 mm. 223-224. Battles of Saratoga and Yorktown, and American Inde- pendence, 1777, 1781. Ohv. LI BERTAS AMERICANA. Bust of Liberty, with loose flowing hair; to left, a liberty pole surmounted with cap over shoulder; below, 4 july, 1776. Bev. NON SINE DIIS ANIMOSUS INFANS. Pallas, armed with spear and shield, protecting from attack of a lion the infant Heracles, who is throttling two serpents which have attacked him while sleeping; 17 1777 in exergue, OCT. AE. 48 mm. By Dupr6. 226. Washington, Military and Civil Career. Oiv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. His bust in military uniform, to right; on truncation, twigg. Rev. general ] of the AMERICAN 1 ARMIES. 1775. | RESIGN'd THE | COMMAND. 1783. I ELECTED PRESIDENT | OF THE UNITED | STATES | 1789. White metah 36 mm. 226. Washington, 1775-1795. Olv. Bust of Washington, to left. Bev. GENERAL I OF THE AMERICAN | ARMIES. 1775. | RESIGNED COMMAND 1783. | ELECTED PRESIDENT OF | THE UNITED STATES 1789 | RE-ELECTED 1795. | RESIGN'd | 1797. White metal. 38 mm. By Wyon. 227. Washington, 1796. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust to right, in citizen's clothes; below, 1 796. Bev. In three concentric lines, genl. op the American armies 1795 I ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 1789. ] RESIGNED THE PRESIDENCY 1796. Within the inner circle of the inscription and inclosed by a circle of dots, a cannon barrel and bundle of fasces, in saltire, over which lie a caduceus and a scroll inscribed, repub ] ameri. AE. 33 mm. By W. Wyon. 228. Washington. Similar to No. 226, but of white metal. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. S69 229. Washington. Similar to No. 226, but with dates of birth and death beneath the bust. 230. Washington, 1789. Olm. GEORGE WASHINGTON BORN IN VIRGINIA. Bust, to left; beneath, fee. 11, I 1732. Red, GENERAL | OF THE [ AMERICAN ARMIES | RESIGNED I 1783. | PRESIDENT | OF THE | UNITED STATES I 1789. AE. 48 mm. By Manley. *231. Washington, The Presidency Relinquished, 1797. Obv. G.WASHINGTON PRES. UNIT. STA. Bust to right. ^^.COMMISS. RESIGNED: PRESIDENCY RELINQ; in exergue, 1797. Sword and fasces in a wreath on a casket. AE. 54 mm. By Halladay. 232. Washington, Death of, 1799". 6>5v. GEORGE WASH- INGTON. Bust to left, within a wreath of laurel. Reo. HE IS IN GLORY THE WORLD IN TEARS. A cinerary urn on a tomb, flanked with military arms and flags; on left, Pallas with shield of arms of the U. S. bends over the tomb, while an infant weeps over the urn; below, born fee. 11 1732. ob.dec. 14, 1799. White metal. 57 mm. • 233. Washington. Wreath. OU. Bust to right, by Du Vivier. Rev. born ] 1732 | died | 1799 | within a wreath. AE. 19 mm. By Paquet. 234. Washington. Death of, 1799. Wreath. Oh). Bust, to right. The Du Vivier bust; see No. 1. ^/^v. COM MODORE M.C. PERRY. Bust to left. Rev. presented I to I com. 37^ CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. M. C. PERRY I SPECIAL MINISTER FROM THE | U. S. A. | BY MERCHANTS OF BOSTON j IN TOKEN OF THEIR APPRECIA- TION I OF HIS SERVICES IN NEGOTIATING | A TREATY WITH JAPAN, I SIGNED AT YOKU-HAMA, | MARCH 31, i AND WITH LEW-CHEW | AT NAPA, JULY 11 | 1854 | within a wreath of oak and laurel, the branches united by a ring inscribed Mississippi. AE. 63 mm. By Mitchell. 248. San Francisco, Committee of Vigilance, 1856. Ohv. COMMITTEE OF VIGILANCE. An eye in a glory; around, organized 9 june 1851. reorganized 14th MAY, 1856. Bev. BE JUST AND FEAR NOT. FIAT JUSTITIA RUATCOELUM. A female representing San Francisco, standing facing, holding scales in right and sword in left hand; below, san francisco, | Cali- fornia. AV. 36 mm. 249. Inauguration of the Washington Cabinet of Medals (now the Numismatic Collection) in the mint at Philadelphia, 1860. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. . BORN FEB. 22 1732. DIED DEC. 14, 1799. Nude bust to right; below, paquet f. (the bust on this medal is in fact a copy of the bust by Du Vivier made for the "Washington Before Boston " medal). Bev. WASH- INGTON CABINET OF MEDALS, U. S. MINT. . INAUGURATED FEB. 22, 1860. A cabinet of Wash- ington medals within a railing, and surmounted by a bust of Washington. AR. 59 mm. By Du Vivier- Paquet. • 250. First Embassy from Japan, 1860. Olv. JAMES BU- CHANAN PRESIDENTOFTHE UNITED STATES. Bust, to right. Bev. in | commemoration | of the | first embassy from I JAPAN | TO THE | UNITED STATES 1 1860 I within an oak wreath. AE. 76 mm. By Paquet. 251. Robert Anderson. Defense of Fort Sumpter, 1861. Obv. ROBERT — ANDERSON. Nude bust to right. Bev. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW- YORK, HONORS THE DEFENDERS [ —OF FORT SUMPTER, FIRST TO WITHSTAND TREASON. A soldier replacing a flag on top of fort. AE. 64 mm. By Miiller. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 373 •252. Oath of Allegiance by Mint Officials, 1861. Ohv. THE CONSTITUTION IS SACREDLY OBLIGATORY ON ALL. Bust of Washington, to left. R&o. u. s. MINT I OATH OF ALLEGIANCE [ TAKEN BY THE | OFFICERS AND WORKMEN | SEPT. 9. 1861. JA8. POLLOCK DIR. | within an olive wreath. AE. 30 mm. By Du Vivier-Paquet. *263. Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, 1863. OU. ABRAHAM LINCOLN PRESIDENT UNITED STATES. Nude bust to right. Re^). march 4 j 1861 | TO I APRIL 15, 1861 I EMANCIPATION | PROCLAIMED | JAN. 1. 1863. Exergue, medal series of the | u. s. mint. AE. 50 mm. By Barber. 254. Gen. George G. Meade. Battle of Gettysburg. 6>5v. PRE- SENTED JULY4TH. 1866 TO MAJ. GEN. GEORGE G. MEADE BY THE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILA- DELPHIA. I AS A TOKEN OF THE GRATITUDE OF HIS COUNTRYMEN. Nude bust to right. Rev. the victor AT GETTYSBURG. THE DELIVERER OF OUR STATE. THE FAITHFUL SOLDIER OF OUR COUNTRY. * 1862 *. Co- lumbia, coroneted, seated to right, holding flag sur- mounted with liberty cap, and presenting a wreath to Gen. Meade who stands before her. AE. 79 mm. By Paquet. 265. Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan. Obo. MAJ. GEN. GEORGE B. — MCCLELLAN. Nude bust to left. RefO. NEC QUERERE | NEC SPERNERE | HONOREM within a wreath. AE. 35 mm. By Lovett. 256. North Western Sanitary Fair, Chicago, 111., 1865. Oho. MEMORIAM IN AETERNAM. Nude bust of Brest. Lincoln, to right; below, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Reo, NORTH WESTERN — SANITARY FAIR. Columbia, with long chiton, standing to left and hold- ing a large flag in left hand; to right, the lake and ships; to left, camp, and a mountain, over which rises the sun; in front, barrels and boxes of merchandise; in exergue, Chicago, ill [ 1865. AE. 67 mm. By Paquet. 257. Abraham Lincoln, Second Inangnration, 1865. Ohv. 1809* ABRAHAM LINCOLN* 1865. Bust, beardless, to 374 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. right. Refo. with | malice, toward. | noneowith. CHARITY I FOR ALLoWITH. FIRMNESS. | IN. THE. RIGHT. AS. GOD. I GIVES VS. TO SEE. THE. | RIGHT. LET. VS. STRIVE. ON I ******* I LET.V8. HAVE. FAITH, etc. AE. 33 mm. By H. Zearing. 258. Abraham Lincoln, 1866. Ohv. SALVATOR PATRIAE. Bust to right. Rev. in | memory | of the | life acts AND death I OF | ABRAHAM LINCOLN | BORN FEBRUARY 12, 1809 I DIED APRIL 15, 1865 | within a laurel wreath in which is entwined a ribbon inscribed pub -by the- AMERICAN-NUMISMATIC-AND- ARCHAEOLOGICAL-SOCIETY- NEW YORK. AE. 84 mm. By Siegel. *259. Abraham Lincoln. Death, 1866. Ohv. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bust to right; beneath, 1 865. ^^v.heis IN GLORY AND THE NATION IN TEARS. A broken Column, flanked with flags; below, born feb. 12, 1809 | assassi- nated I APR. 14, 1865. White metal. 50 mm. By Key. 260. Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. C'Jv. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. The arms of Pennsylvania; below, Gettysburg | july 3, 1863. Rev). A trophy of military arms and flags; an eagle in flight with arrows in right and wreath in left claw; above, bull run. cedar mt. chancellorville | Fred- ericksburg. I ANTiETAM. | in curvcd lines; below, me- CHANICSVILLE I GAINES' MILL. GREENDALE. | CHATTA- NOOGA. LOOKOUT MTN. I in curved lines. AR. 39 mm. 261. Unveiling Washington Statue, Union Square, New York, 1861. Ohv. Head of Washington, to right; around, a ribbon held by an eagle above, bearing the inscription, TALEM FERENT NULLUM SECLA FUTURA VIRUM. RefO. Side view of the statue. White metal. 50 mm. By G. H. Lovett. 262. First Production of Copper in Colorado, 1860. Obo. M N - NIER METALLURGIC TREATMENT OF SUL- PHUR ETS. Interior view of a smelter. Rev. In field, STRUCK FROM | THE | FIRST COPPER | PRODUCED j IN | COLORADO I 1866; around, THE MONNIER METAL- LURGICAL COMPANY OF COLORADO. AE. 76 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 375 ^B AGE AND FIDELITY HE DEFENDED THE CONSTITUTION ^M AND BY JUSTICE AND MAGNANIMITY RESTORED ALIEN- ^H ATED STATES, within a wreath of oak and laurel. AE. ^" 76 mm. By Barber. *264. Completion of the XTnion Pacific Railway, 1869. Ohv. PRESIDENCY — OF U.S. GRANT. Bustto right; below, THE OCEANS UNITED | BY RAILWAY | MAY 10, 1869. Hev. A railway train among the mountains; above, EVERY MOUNTAIN SHALL BE MADE LOW. Exergue, MEDAL SERIES OF THE U. S. MINT. AE. 44 mm. 265. Rebuilding of Chicago. Ohv. View of the burning city, above which, Angel of Destruction with drawn sword; in exergue, Chicago oct. 3-9 1871 | fort dearborn, CHic° I 1812. Bev. MADE FROM CHICAGO COURT HOUSE BELL. A phoenix; below, semper resur- GENS. AE. 50 mm. By W. Barber. 266. Washington Grays. Ohv. A. C. WASH I NGTON GRAYS SEMI CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY, APRIL 19. 1 872 ; within an oak wreath, to | our | fallen | BRAVE I 1861-1865. Bev. Names of the officers who fell during the war, within a wreath of oak and laurel. AE. 50 mm. •267. Ulysses S. Grant, Peace Medal. Ohv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.— LIBERTY JUSTICE AND EQUAL- ITY. Bust to right; above, "let us have peace"; below, calumet and olive branch, the whole within a laurel wreath. Bev. A globe surmounted by a Bible, and flanked by implements of agriculture; above, ON EARTH PEACE, below, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN— 1871, within circle of stars. AE. 63 mm. By Paquet. 268. Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence. Ohv. A liberty cap and a hornet's nest on a branch; below, 1775-1875, two hands clasped; the whole surrounded with rays. Bev. MECHLENBERG DECLARATION OF INDE- PENDENCE. Within a circle, 20 | may | 1775. AE. 28 mm. 376 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 269. Centennial Anniversary of American Independence, 1876.' Olv. THESE UNITED COLONIES ARE AND 0F| RIGHT OUGHT TO BE FREE AND INDEPEND- ENT STATES. Columbia kneeling, a sword in her right hand, her left raised toward heaven; on edge of platform, 1776. Eev. IN COMMEMORATION OF THE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF AMER-, ICAN INDEPENDENCE. A female, standing facing, holding wreaths in her outstretched hands which she is about to place on the heads of two kneeling female fig- ures, which represent Science and Art; below, act of CONGRESS JUNE | 1874. Brass. 5Y mm. 270. Same event. Similar to No. 269, but with inscription on reverse in eight lines. AR. 38 mm. 271. Centennial of the Signing of the Declaration of Independ- ence, 1876. Ohv. GEORGE — WASHINGTON. Bust of Washington, to left. Rev. DECLARATION OF (above,and)INDEPENDENCE,JULY 4. 1776 (be- low); interior of room representing the signing of the Declaration of Independence. AE. 92 mm. By Wright. 272. Same event. Obv. A large square tablet on which are written important events in American history. Hev. Similar to No. 271. AE. 92 mm. 273. Dedication of Centennial Fountain, Fairmount Park, Phila., 1876. Ohv. ERECTED BY THE CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTINENCE UNION OF AMERICA. Arms of the Union. Bev. CENTENNIAL FOUNTAIN. Repre- sentation of the fountain. Exergue, fairmotdnt park | DEDICATED TO | AMERICAN LIBERTY | JULY 4, 1876 j PHiL'*^. Brass. 37 mm. • 274. Valley Forge Centennial, 1878. Ohv. GEORGE WASH- INGTON— *COM MANDER IN CHIEF*. Bust to right. Rev. VALLEY FORGE CENTENNIAL— 1 778-1 878. Within a wreath, in commemoration of THE departure OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY JUNE 19. AE. 41 mm. By W. Barber. •276. James Abram Garfield, Death of, 1881. Obv. Bust of Garfield to left. Rev. j. a. garfield | born | nov. 19, 1831 I DIED I SEP. 19, 1881 I within a wreath. AE. 26 mm. By Paquet. CATAIiOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 377 *276. Bi-Centennial of the State of Pennsylvania, 1882. Ohv. MINT OF THE UNITED STATES. PHILADEL- PHIA. Bust of William Penn. Eev. Names of the officers of the mint. AE. 26 mm. By Morgan. 277. Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Springfield, Mass., 1885. Ohv. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. DEDICATED SEP. 29, 1885. Representation of the monument. Rev. ERECTED I TO THE MEMORY | OF THE MEN OF | SPRING- FIELD I WHO DIED * * * * I ON LAND OR SEA | IN DE- FENCE OF I OUR NATIONAL UNION. N. 50 mm. By Merritt. 278. Centennial of the Constitution of the United States, 1887. Ohv. CENTENNIAL OFTHE CONSTITUTION OF THE UN ITED STATES. Scroll of the Constitution, flanked with flags. Rev. john a. kasson, president (around), amos r. little | chr. ex. com. | hampton l. CARSON I SEC. I A. LOUDEN SNOWDEN | MAR. CIV. & IN- DUs'l DEPT. I CLINTON P. PAINE, IN CHARGE OF MIL'y DEPT. 1787-1887. AE. 50 mm. By P. L. Kriden. 279. Centennial Anniversary of the Inauguration of Washington as President of the United States, 1889. Ohv. GEORGE WAS H I N GTO N . Bust to left; on right, fasces; across the field and divided by bust and fasces, PATER - PATRIAE I MDCCL - XXXIX; beneath bust, philip. MARTINY. MODELER. DESIGN. AND | COPYRIGHT. BY. A VGVS- TVS.SAiNT-GAUDENS. On border, 13 stars. Rev. to COM MEMORATE | THEINAV GVRATION | OF. GEORGE. WASHINGTON | AS. FIRST. PRESIDENT. OF. THE VNITED-STATES . OF . AMERICA | AT . NEW . YORK . APRIL. XXX I M.D.O.C.LXXXIX [ B Y . AUTHORITY . O F | THE. COMMITTEE i ON. CELEBRATION | NEW. YORK. APRIL | XXX. | M.D.c.c.c. Lxxxix; above the inscription, an eagle grasping a bundle of arrows and laurel branch; on border, 38 stars. AE. 114 mm. By St. Gaudens and Martiny. See frontispiece. This medal was cast. 280. The Sugar House Prison, Demolition of, 1892. Ohv. OLD SUGAR HOUSE ROSE ST., N. Y.— founded 1763, DEMOLISHED 1892. Vicw of the building. Rev. British PRISON I DURING THE | REVOLUTION. Key and chains, AE. 35 ram. 378 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 281. California Mid-Winter Exposition, San Francisco, 1894. Olv. EUREKA. Pallas, fully armed, seated to left; near her, a bear, a miner digging, and ships in the bav; thirty-one stars on the border. Bev. THE LA N D OF SUNSHINE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS; in the field, SOUVENIR I CALIFORNIA | MIDWINTER | EXPOSI- TION I SAN FRANCISCO | 1894. AE. 35 mm. 282. Hundredth Anniversary of Onondaga County, New York, 1894. Olv. THE COMMEMORATION OF THE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COUNTY OF ONONDAGA. MARCH 5, 1894. Bev. the BOUNTY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK TO HER SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. A map inscribed THE MILITARY TRACT. AE. 50 mm. 283. Cotton States and International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895. 6»Z'V. OFFICIALSOUVENIR MEDAL. Bustof Henry Grady, to right. Rev. COTTON STATES AND IN- TERNATIONAL EXPOSITION •ATLANTA*. A bale of cotton; above which, a phoenix rising from a flame marked 1865; above the head of the phoenix, a scroll inscribed 1895. AE. 35 mm. 284. Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Princeton University, 1896. Ohv. View of Nassau Hall, Princeton Univer- sity; below, A V LA NASSOVICA I MDCCCXVI. Reo. On a scroll, det — sub — numine; below, viget quod ANTEA FVIT | COLLEGIVM | NEOCAESARIENSE | NVNC ANNIS -f CL + COMPLETIS | VNIVERSITAS | TRINCETONI- ENSIS I SAECVLVM SPECTAT | NOVVM. AE. 76 mm. By T. S. C. 286. Unveiling of Washington Monument, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 1897. Olv. SOCIETAS CINCINNA- TORUM INSTITUTA A. D. MDCCLXXXIII. The badge of the society — an eagle displayed. Rev. View of the monument; below, in commemoration of the UNVEILING OF THE | WASHINGTON MONUMENT | AT PHIL- ADELPHIA I MAY 15. 1897. AE. 76 mm. By Frank and Krider. 286. Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. 6^5^. TRANS- MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION, OMAHA, 1898. Afe- male bust, to left. Rev. An Indian, on horseback, driv- ing a spear into a buffalo; below, 1 848. AE, 35 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 379 287. Battle of Santiago, 1898. Obv. U. S. NAVAL CAM- PAIGN - WEST INDIES. 1898. Bust of Admiral Sampson, to left; left, william | t | sampson; right, COMMANDER | IN | CHIEF. Ite\). A lieutenant, gunner, and marine, on deck of warship; in exergue, guanta- NAMO I JUNE 11, 12, 13. AE. 38 mm. 288. Victor Blue. Olv. EXPLORATOR FORTISSIMUS IN PONTO SYLVISQUE FLORUIT. A three-masted ship sailing to right, in front of which an eagle with extended wings stands on a large anchor; below, thir- teen stars. Rm. The Great Seal of the State of South Carolina; on left, a female, standing, with libert}'^ pole surmounted with cap in right hand, the left holding a wreath resting on the seal; on right, a man standing with sword in right hand; above. Fame, flying to right, blowing a trumpet; below, the women of south Caro- lina TO I LIEUT. VICTOR BLUE U. S. N. | IN HIGH APPRE- CIATION OF HIS I COURAGE ENTERPRISE AND | DISTIN- GUISHED SERVICES I IN THE SANTIAGO DE CUBA | CAM- PAIGN I 1898. AE. 59 mm. 289. Centenary of the Founding of the City of Washington, 1900. Olv. JOHN ADAMS 1800 WILLIAM MCKINLEY 1 900. Busts of John Adams and William McKinley, conjoined, to right. Rev. commemorative of | the ESTABLISHMENT OF | THE CAPITOL IN THE | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA I on a tablet; below, view of the Capitol of 1800; above, view of the Capitol of 1900. AE. 45 mm. 290. Pan- American Exposition, Buffalo, N. Y., 1901. Obv. An Indian, borne on the back of a large eagle. Refo. pan. AMERICAN I EXPOSITION | BUFFALO. N. Y. V. S. A. | MAY 1, NOV.l, I MDCDi. Continents of North and South Amer- ica; in field, to right, p a e (in monogram). AE. 35 mm. By Brewster. 291. Visit of Henry, Prince of Prussia, to the United States, 1902. Olv. Bust of Prince Henry, to left. Rev. TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE HENRY OF PRUSSIA. Mer- cury bearing flowers and fruits. AR. 70 mm. By Brenner. This medal was issued by the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York, 1902. 380 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 292. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. OflBlcial Souvenir. Ohv. LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, 1904. OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Busts of Jefferson and Napoleon, jugate, to left. ^6^;. Map of the territory; above, Louisiana tekritory, 1803; below, st. louis, 1904. AR. 35 mm. 293. Louisiana Purcliase Exposition. The Commemorative Medal of the Exposition. Same designs as No. 192. Triangular shape with curved sides. AE. 70 mm. By Weinman. 294. Inauguration of President Eoosevelt, 1905. Ohv. Bust of Mr. Roosevelt, to left. Bev. inaugurated president of the united states march 4, 1905. Branches of oak and laurel. AE. 45 mm. 295. John Paul Jones. Transfer of His Remains from Paris to Annapolis, Maryland, 1905. Olv.^OWH PAUL JONES 1747-1797. Bust to left, with branch of laurel over shoulder. Rev. The casket on a gun carriage drawn by six horses; at right end of the plaque stands Fame with wreaths in right arm and blowing a trumpet; above, AMERICA CLAIMS HEROWN. AR. Plaque, 60 X 80 mm. By Brenner. Issued by American Numismatic feociety. 296. Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Settlement of the Jews in the United States, 1905. Ohv. COMMEMO- RATING .THE .250. AN N I VERSARY . OF. JEWISH. SETTLEMENT. IN. THE. UNITED. STATES. Lib- erty, wearing liberty cap and laurel wreath, seated to right; behind, a female figure. Truth (?), with sword in r. hand, from whom emanate rays of light; below, a female figure, Ignorance, crouches to left. Rev. In Hebrew, "Liberty is born of Heaven; Righteousness and Judgment are the supports of her throne.'" His- tory, standing to right, a stylus in r. hand, and in 1. a tablet inscribed 1665 | 1905; behind, an eagle with wings displayed perched upon a rock; to left, a laurel tree. AR. 76 mm. By Konti. 297. Centenary of the Discovery of Pike's Peak, 1906. Ohv. 2EBUL0N MONTGOMERY PIKE 1779-1813. Bust, to right. R&c. SOUTHWEST EXPEDITI0N.COM- CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 381 MEMORATIVE MEDAL. - COLORADO 1806-1906. View of Pike's Peak. AE. 50 mm. 1. Benjamin Franklin, Bicentenary of His Birth, 1906. Ohv. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust of Franklin to left between laurel branches; to right, 1706 | 1790; below, PRINTER. PHILOSOPHER | .SCIENTIST. STATESMAN | . DIPLOMAT. E^. History, a fe- male, diademate, in long chiton and peplos, seated to right upon a platform and writing upon an oval tablet; before her, standing to left, are Literature, a female, Science, a youth with thunderbolt in hand, and Phi- losophy, a bearded old man with parchment in hands; above the heads of the figures the designations his- tory, LITERATURE, SCIENCE, and FHILOSO ] PHY; aboVB, STRUCK BY ACT OF THE CONGRESS | OF THE VNITED STATES. — exergue^ to commemorate the two hun- dredth I ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF | BENJAMIN FRANKLIN j M.C. M.V.I. •299. World Cruise of Atlantic Squadron, 1907. Ohv. THEO- DORE I ROOSEVELT - PRESIDENT | OF THE ] UNITED I STATES. Bust to left. Rev. Columbia standing beneath a flag which is hoisted by a cupid, her right hand resting on an atlas, waves farewell to the departing fleet; on wall, hampton. roads dec. 16, 1907 | DEPARTURE . OF . UNITED STATES . ATLANTIC | FLEET. ON. CRUISE AROUND. THE. WORLD. Plaque, 62 X 81 mm. By Barber and Morgan. ,300. Wilbur and Orville Wright. First Successful Navigation of the Air, 1908. Ohv. AERO CLUB OF AMERICA. Busts, jugate, of Messrs. Wilbur and Orville Wright, to left; in field on left, w. wright [ sep. 21. 1908. | le mans I FRANCE; on right, o. wright | sep. 9, 1908. ] FORT I MYER VA. | V. s. A.; above, CANCELED. Rev. An aeroplane in flight; below, seal of the Aero Club of America; in field, canceled. AE. 76 mm. By V. D. Brenner. 301. Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Ohv. TER-CENTEN N lAL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN. Bust of an Indian girl, to left. Reo. LANDING OF EX- PEDITION UNDER CAPT. JOHN SMITH. Two ships under sail; below, may 13, 1607. AE. 35 mm. 22023°— 14 25 f 382 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 302. Abraham Lincoln, Centenary of Birth, 1909. Olv. WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE WITH CHARITY FOR ALL. Bust of Lincoln to left; below, 1809. Refv. THIS MEDAL | WAS STRUCK FOR | THE GRAND ARMY | OF THE REPUBLIC | IN COMMEMORATION | OF THE | 100 AN- NIVERSARY I OF THE BIRTH OF | ABRAHAM LINCOLN | within a wreath of oak and laurel. AE. 76 mm. By Roine. 303. Abraham Lincoln, Centenary of Birth, 1909. Ohv. ABRA- HAM — LINCOLN 1809-1865. Bust to left. BeV. EMANCIPATION | PROCLAMATION | SIGNED | JAN- UARY FIRST, 1863 I within a wreath; above, LIBER- ATOR ; below, CENTEN N I AL COM MEM ORATION 1909. AE. 63.5 mm. By Roin6. 304. Abraham Lincoln, Centenary of Birth, 1909. Olv. Bust to right; below, ABRAHAM LINCOLN | * * 1809- 1909* *. ^e?;. Plain, AE. Plaque, 67 x 89 mm. By Brenner. The bust of this plaque is the same as that employed for the Lincoln Cent of 1909. 305. Abraham Lincoln, Centenary of Birth, 1909. Ohv. Bust of Mr. Lincoln to right. 1809 — 1909. Eev. A high cliff against which the waves of the ocean beat; on top of cliff, an eagle; above, the sun's rays bursting through the clouds; in field, preserve protect | de- fend, AE. 63.5 mm. By Brenner. *306. Abraham Lincoln, Centenary of Birth, 1909, Ohv. ABRAHAM — LINCOLN. Bust, to right. Bev. 1809-1909 WITH MALICE | TOWARD NONE | WITH CHARITY | FOR ALL. Palm and laurel branches on left. AE. 62 mm. By Morgan. 307. President Taft and Vice-President Sherman. Ohv. INAU- G U RAT ION. Bust of President and Vice-President, jugate, to left; below, march 4, 1909. Rev. william | HOWARD I TAFT | PRESIDENT | JAMES | SCHOOLCRAFT | SHERMAN I VICE-PRESIDENT. AE. 50 mm. 308. Hudson-Fulton Celebration, New York, 1909. Ohv. Three females seated upon a platform, the central one, facing, the other two to left and right, with heads facing; the CATALOGUE OF COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 383 central figure holds a model of the steamship Clermont, the one on left holds an anchor, and the one on right, a scroll; above, between two columns, a medallion of Fulton; in the distance on left, New York of 1809, on right, the city of 1909; in exergue, first use of STEAM IN NAVIGATION | ON THE HUDSON RIVEK | 1807. Reo. DISCOVERY OF— HUDSON RIVER BY- HENRY HUDSON— A. D. MDCIX. The deck of the Half Moon, showing Hudson and sailors; below, small representation of the ship and the name half - maene; to left of which, the American | numismatic society; and to right, hudson-fulton | celebration comm. AR. 101 mm. By Fuchs. Medal issued by the American Numismatic Society. )9. Hudson-Fulton Celebration, New York, 1909. The same as No. 309, in bronze. HO. Tricentennial of the Discovery of the Hudson River, 1909. Oh). • HENDRIX * HUDSON *. Bustof Hudson with large ruff, to right; below, 1609. Refo, The Half Moon sailing to right; above, on border, NIEUW. AM - STERDAM; below, mcmix. | h | i daaldeb. AV. 15 mm. By Higgins. \\\. Centennial of the Sailing of the Clermont, 1909. Ohv. ROBERT FULTON. Facing bust; below, 1809-1909. Ren. The steamship Clermont; above, NEW YORK TO ALBANY ; below, the clermont | h j one . trip. AV. 15 mm. By Higgins. U2. Visit of the U. S. S. Nashville to Chicago, 1909. Obo. U.S. S. NASHVILLE. Representation of the Nash- ville. Rev. ARRIVAL OF | V. 8. S. NASHVILLE | IN CHI- CAGO HARBOR JUNE 5 1909 | FIRED FIRST SHOT | IN SPAN- ISH-AMERICAN WAR. AE. Rectangular, 38 x 76 mm. By Ripstra. Issued by the Chicago Numismatic Society. \\Z. Tercentenary of the Discovery of Lake Champlain, 1909 Ohv. Bustof Champlain, facing; above, 1609 - 1909; below, champlain. Reo. Champlain and companions inacanoe; THE TER-CENTEN NIAL OFTHE DIS- COVERY OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN. AR. 27 mm. 384 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 314. Visit of Japanese Commercial Representatives to United States, 1909. Olv. WILLIAM H. TAFT PRESI- DENT — OF THE UNITED STATES; bust, to right. Rev. visit of the | honorable commercial ] COMMISSION OF JAPAN ] TO THE UNITED STATES | OCTO- BER, 1909 I in English and Japanese, within a wreath of laurel. AE. 76 mm. By Barber and Morgan. The following medals relate to Washington. Many of them are of recent origin, and but few of them are of importance: 315. Ohv. WASHINGTON BORN FEB. 22, 1732. Bust of Washington, to right. Rev. the defender of lib- erty; within a wreath, U.S.A. Lead. 37 mm. 316. Ohv. Farm-yard scene, with cow and sheep; below, U.S.A. Rev. SECOND PRESIDENCY OF WASHINGTON MDCCXCVI within a wreath. AE. 48 mm. 317. Oh). Inside view of a cottage, a woman spinning, etc. Reo. Similar to No. 315. AE. 48 mm. 318. Obv. A man sowing grain. Refd. Similar to No. 315. 48 mm. 319. 6>Jv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to left. Reo. LIBERTY AND SECURITY. A shield; above, an eagle displayed. AE. 33 mm. 320. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to right. Reo. MARTHA WASHINGTON; bust, to left. AR. 21 mm. 321. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ. Bust, to right; below, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Rev. MADE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE AMERICAN FORCES THE IS^h JUNE 1775. Within a laurel wreath, with courage | and FIDELITY I he DEFENDED THE | RIGHTS [ OF A FREE PEOPLE. I DIED DEC 14 1799 | AGED | 68. AE. 33 mm. 322. Ohv. G. WASHINGTON E^. COMMANDER OF THE CONTIN'- ARMY IN AMERICA. Bust to right. Refo. Trophy of military arms. AE. 33 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 385 323. Ohv. GEORGIUS WASHINGTON PRAES. PRIM. IRER.CONF.AMER. MDCCLXXXIX Bust, to right. R^. NATUS FEB. XXII.MDCCXXXIX — OBIIT DEC. XIV.MDCCXCIX; Pallas wearing Corinthian helmet, seated to left; above, fideli certa merces; beneath, mdccclx. White metal. 52.5 mm. By Lovett. 324. 6>Jv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to left. Eev. Within a wreath, born feb. 22, 1732 | chosen com- mander IN I CHIEF JULY, 1776 | CHOSEN PRESIDENT 1789 | DIED DEC^. 14, 1799 | AGED 68 YEARS. White metal. 45 mm. By W. F^. 325. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON PRESIDENT OF THEUNITED STATES. Draped bust to right, upon a pedestal, on front of which is a relief representing pastoral scene; on left, an Indian; on right, Columbia wearing helmet and holding spear; below, born feb^. ■ 1732 I DIED I DEC^1799. No reverse. A cliche in white ^H metal. 63.5 mm. Hb26. Olv. PATRIAE PATER. Bust, to left. Rev. provi- ^B DENCE I LEFT HIM . | CHILDLESS | THAT THE NATION | ^K, MIGHT CALL HIM | FATHER | 1799. AE. 28 mm. 327. Similar to No. 325. White metal. 28 mm. 328. Olv. THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. Bust, to right; below, born feb. 22, 1732. Rev. NATIONAL MONUMENT. Representation of the shaft; below, JULY 4, 1848. White metal. 40 mm. 329. Ohv. Bust of Washington on a medallion borne by an eagle; a scroll, inscribed, patriae pater. Rev. STRUCK I AND DISTRIBUTED IN | THE CIVIC PROCESSION | FEB'y 22. 1832 | THE CENTENNIAL | ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1 BIRTHDAY OF | WASHINGTON | BY THE GOLD AND SILVER I ARTIFICERS OF | PHILAD. AE. 41 mm. 330. Ohv. GEORGE — WASHINGTON. Bust, to left. Rev. I HOPE THAT | LIBERAL ALLOWANCES | WILL BE MADE FOR THE | POLITICAL OPINIONS OF | EACH OTHER. WITHOUT THESE | I DO NOT SEE HOW THE REINS | OF GOVERNMENT ARE TO BE | MANAGED OR HOW | THE 386 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. UNION OF THE STATES | CAN BE MUCH LONGER | PEE- SERVED. White metal. 69 mm. 331. 6^5^. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to left. Ren. Mount Vernon residence; in exergue, residence of WASHINGTON | MOUNT VERNON VIRGINIA. White metal, 63.5 mm. By Smith and Horst. 332. Obv. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to right. Rev. Mount Vernon residence. AE. Electrotype. 81 mm. By Demarest. 333. Ohxi. Similar to No. 332. Rev. Tomb of Washington. 334. Ohv. GEORGE WASHINGTON, FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE U". STATES. Draped bust, to right; the whole within a wreath. Rev. Washington's residence, his residence;] below, AT MOUNT VERNON. White metal. 33 mm. By Lovett. The following five medalets are known as Sage's Historical Tokens and include Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the series: 836. Oh). THE HOME OF WASHINGTON. View of the house; below, mount vernon. Ren. the women of AMERICA I NOBLE | PRESERVERS | OF | OUR FATHER'S | HOME, within circle of stars. AE. 32 mm. (Sage No. 7.) 336. Hasbrook House. 6>5v.THE OLD HASBROOK HOUSE. View of the house; below, newburg, n. y. RefG. Washington's | head | quarters within palm wreath. AE. 32 mm. (Sage No. 8.) 337. Richmond Hill House. Ohv. RICHMONDHILLHOUSE, N.Y. View of the house; below, erected 1760. Rem. WASHINGTON | HEAD | QUARTERS | MAY 1776 | withiu a wreath; above, scales. AE. 32 mm. (Sage No. 9.) 338. Tappan Headquarters. Obv. WAS H I N GTO N 'S H EAD- QUARTERS. View of the house; below, at tappan. Reo. LIBERTY TREE; a pine tree. AE. 32 mm. (Sage No. 10.) i CATALOGUE OF COIlirS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 387 339. Valley Forge. Olv. WASHINGTON'S HEADQUAR- TERS. View of the house; below, AT VALLEY FORGE. Ren. don't tread on me | i have danger- ous fangs; a serpent coiled ready to strike. AE. 32 mm. (Sage No. 11.) 340. Siege of Boston. Ohv. GEO WASHINGTON, 1776. Washington mounted, before Boston. Re^. siege of [ BOSTON, within a wreath. AE. 32 mm. 341. Siege of Boston. Ohv. Bust of Washington, to right. Rev. Similar to obverse of No. 340. White metal. 32 mm. 342. Oh). Bust of Washington, to left. R€f\). Plain. Iron. 108 mm. 343. Washington. Oval plaque with bust, to left. AE. 53 X TO mm. 344. Washington Grays. Plaque with bust, to left. AE. 56 X 78 mm, 345. Washington, Kosciusko and Lafayette. Obv. TO THE HEROS OF LIBERTY THE FRIENDS OF THE PEOPLES INDEPENDENCE. Busts of the three generals in a row, to left. Rev. Dates of birth and death of each general, with an oak wreath above each inscription. Electrotype. AE. 51 mm. 346. Washington and Franklin. Ohv. Busts of Washington and Franklin. Refo. par | nobile | fratum | within a wreath. White metal. 27 mm. *347. Washington and Jackson. Ohv. Bust of Washington, to right. By Du Vivier. Rev. Bust of Jackson, to left. ByPaquet. AE. 19 mm. *348. Washington and Lincoln. Ohv. Similar to No. 347. Rev. Bust of Lincoln, to right. AE. 19 mm. •349. Washington and Grant. Ohv. Similar to No. 347. Rev. Bust of Grant, to right. AE. 19 mm. • 350. Time Increases His Fame. Ohv. GEORGE WASH- I N GTO N . Bust, to right. Rev. time | increases | HIS I FAME 1 within a laurel wreath. AE. 28 mm. 388 CATALOGUE OF COIKS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 361. Washington and Lafayette. Olv. Busts of Washington and Lafayette, vis-a-vis^ within a wreath, Mefo. par NOBiLE FRATRUM, within laurel wreath. White metal. IT mm. 362. Washington and Webster. 6>Ji;. PATRIAE PATER. Bust,toleft. Eefv.DkH\£L WEBSTER. Bust, to right. White metal. 17 mm. 353. Washington and Everett. Olv. GEORGE WASH- INGTON. Bust, to right; below, feb. 22^°, 1732. Beo. EDWARD EVERETT. Bust, to left; below, APR. ll"^^, 1794. White metal. 20 mm. 364. Washington and Franklin. Olv. GEORGE WAS H I N G- TO N . Bust, to right; below, born feb. 22, 1732. Bev. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust to left; below, born JAN. 17, 1706. AE. 20 mm. 366. Valley Forge. Ohv. GEORGEWASHINGTON. Bust, to left, wearing military hat; in field, to left, 1778, to right, VALLEY I FORGE. Rev. 125TH. ANNIVERSARY; the headquarters; below, valley forge headquar- ters 1798-1903. AE. 24 mm. 366. 160'^^- Anniversary of Washington's Initiation as Free- mason. Ohv. SESQUI -CENTENNIAL OF WASH- INGTON INITIATION INTO FREEMASONRY. A. L. 5902. Bust of Washington, to left; below, e.a. NOV.4,5752. | F.C.MAR.3,5753 | M.M.AUG.4.5753. BeV. GRAND LODGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Medusa mask within rays; below, virtute silentio amore. AE. 52 mm. 357. 160'^^- Anniversary of Washington's Initiation as Free- mason. Ohv. SESQUI-CENTENNIAL OF THE INI- TIATION OF WASHINGTON INTO FREEMA- SONRY. Bust of Washington, to left; below, nov.4, A.L.5752. Bev. PHILO LODGE N0.444.F.&. A.M. PHILADELPHIA. Busts of Edgar A. Tennis and John Lindsay, respectively Grand Master and Worshipful Master, jugate, to left; below, November 29,a.d.1902. AE. 52 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 389 368. 160'^^- Anniversary of Washington's Initiation as Free- mason. 6>5i;. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, to right; above, on border, eagle holding in bill streamer inscribed talem-ferent-nullum-secla-fu- tura-vikum; below, standards, arms, and shield. Rev. Plan of a masonic lodge and emblems of masonry. AE. 32 mm. 369. Washington Memorial Association. Ohv. STRUCK BY ORDER OF CONGRESS TO COMMEMORATE THE CENTENARY OFWASHINGTON'S DEATH. Bust, to right; below, Washington | monument | as- SOCIA I TION ALEXAN 1 DRIA VA. Rev. WASH- INGTON; masonic apron, master Alexandria LODGE, NO. 22, A. F. & A. M. 1788; the whole within laurel wreath. AE. 26 mm. 360. Washington Memorial Association. Ohv, Similar to No. 359. Rev. Washington surveyed Alexandria. 1749. A surveyor's instrument, within a wreath. AE. 26 mm. 361. Washington Memorial Association. Ohv. Similar to No. 359. Rev. Washington member of friendship FIRE CO. 1773. A hand fire engine, within wreath. AE. 26 mm. 362. Washington Memorial Association. Ohv. Similar to No. 359. ^ev. WASHINGTON FOREMOST FARMER OF HIS DAY. A winged female with torch, floating over a harvest field. AE. 26 mm. VI. HONORARY AIU) PERSONAL MEDALS. *363. Professor Louis Agassiz. Ohv. AGASSIZ. Bust, to right. i?ev. TERRA M ARIQUE DUCTOR I NDAGA- TIONE NATURAE. Within laurel wreath, na. 1807 | OB. 1873. AE. 46 mm. By W. Barber. 364. Henry Ward Beecher. Ohv. Bust of Mr. Beecher, to right. Rev. henky ward beecher | born june 24. 1818. 1 DIED I march 8, 1887 | within a laurel wreath. AE. 76 mm. 390 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 366. Daniel Garrison Brinton. Ohv. DANIEL. GARRISON. B R I N TO N . Bust of Dr. Brinton, to left ; in field, and divided by the bust, m.d.c. - c.c. | xcv - iii. ^ev.THE. NUMISMATIC. AND. ANTIQUA - RIAN. SOCIETY. OF.PHILADELPHIA. The seal of the so- ciet}'^; in the field, left, vestigia | rerum. | seq | ui; to right, M.D. I c.c.c. | lviii. AE. 63 mm. By J. Flanagan. 366. J. Fennimore Cooper. OU. THE PERSONIFICATION OF HONOR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Bust of Mr. Cooper, to left. i?ev. to ] j. fennimore cooper | the OFFERING I OF A I GRATEFUL HEART ] FOR HIS DISIN- TERESTED I VINDICATION I OF HIS | BROTHER SAILOR | JESSE D. ELLIOTT., Within oak wreath. White metal. 50 mm. By Lovett. *367. Captains Creighton, low, and Stouffer, for Rescue of Passengers from Steamer San Francisco, 1854. Ohv. Arms of City of Philadelphia. IlefG. testimonial | to | CAPTAINS I CREIGHTON, LOW AND STOUFFER. | OF THE SHIPS I THREE BELLS, KILBY, AND ANTARCTIC. | FROM THE CORPORATION | OF THE | CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. | FOR THEIR GALLANTRY IN RESCUING | THE PASSENGERS FROM THE WRECK OF | THE STEAMER | SAN FRANCISCO | JANUARY 1854. AE. 75 mm. 368. John Ericsson. Olv. JOHANNES ERICSSON MA- CHIN ARUM INVENTOR. Head, to right; below, N. 1803 & o, 1889. Rev. INGENIOARTEM ET MAR- TEM DIREXIT. Warship of Monitor type. Ex- ergue, SOCIO INCLUTISSIMO | REG. ACAD. SCIENT. SUEG. | MDCCCXciii. AE. 32 mm. By Alhorn. 369. Edwin Forrest. OU. EDWIN — FORREST. Bust to left. Reo. born in the city of pailadelphia | MARCH 9"^°. 1806. JUST TO | OPPOSERS | AND TO FRIENDS | sincere I within a laurel wreath. AE. 76 mm. By Jones. 370. Benjamin Franklin. Ohv. LIGHTNING AVERTED. — TYRANNY REPELLED. Bust of Franklin, to right. Reo. An eagle with a laurel branch in the beak, grasps the lightning in his talons; above, 1783; below, portion of globe inscribed united states. AE. 40 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 391 371. Benjamin Franklin. Ohv. BENJ. FRANKLIN NAT US BOSTON XVII JAN.MDCCVI. Bust to left; on truncation of the bust, dupre f. Refo. ERIPUIT COELO FULMEN SCEPTRUM QUE TYRANNIS. A winged youth with drapery hanging from outstretched right arm, standing facing; on ground, to right, broken scepter and crown; on left, a round peristyle temple with lightning rod receiving a bolt of lightning from the clouds. Exergue, soulpsit et dicavit | aug. DUPRE ANNO | MDCCLXxxiv. AE. 46 mm. By Dupre. 372. Benjamin Franklin. Laureated bust of Franklin, to left; around, on border, palm branches to right and left, and BENJAMIN FRAN KL I N above; below, printer. PHILOSOPHER. I SCIENTIST . STATESMAN . | DIPLOMAT; in the field, left, 1706; right, 1790. AE. 435 mm. By Saint-Gaudens. This medallion was cast from the original model of the first study- by Mr. Saint-Gaudens for the medal made to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Mr. Franklin's birth in 1906. 373. Robert and louisa Gilmore; 50th Anniversary of their marriage. Ohv. ROBERT AND LOUISA GIL- MORE. Busts of the pair, jugate, to left; below, MARRIED FIFTY YEARS | THE 25TH SEPTEMBER | 1821. ^^. TO CON -JUGAL HAPPINESS. Acupidwith torch over shoulder. AE. 41 mm. By Faulkner. • 374. David Hosack, M. D. Obv. DAVID HOSACK M.D. Head to right. Refo. ARTS AND SCIENCE. Globe, palette, lyre, etc. AE. 33 mm. By Furst. 376. Washington Irving. Ohv. Nude bust of Mr. Irving, to left. Rev. WASHINGTON IRVING | BORN | APRIL 3, 1783 | DIED I NOVEMBER28, | 1859 | within a wreath of oak and laurel. White metal. 70 mm. By Henning. 376. Thomas Jefferson. Ohv. TRIBUTE TO THE AUTHOR OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1776. Bust of Mr. Jefferson, to left. Ren. THE THOMAS JEFFERSON MEMORIAL ASSOCIA- TION OF THE UNITED STATES | 1903; in field, WE HOLD THESE | TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT | THAT ALL MEN I ARE CREATED EQUAL | THAT THEY ARE EN- DOWED I BY THEIR CREATOR WITH | CERTAIN INALIEN- ABLE RIGHTS I THAT AMONG THESE | ARE LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF | HAPPINESS. AE. 76 mm. 392 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. *377. Lincoln and Garfield. Ohv. Bust of Lincoln, to right. Rev. Bust of Garfield, to left. AE. 19 mm. By Barber. *378. Lincoln and Grant. Ohv. Similar to No. 377. Rev. Bust of Grant, to right. AE. 19 mm. By Barber. *379. Lincoln and Broken Column. Obv. Bust of Lincoln, to right. Rev. Broken column, flags, and scroll. 19 mm. 380. Joseph J. Mickley, 1867. Olv. JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. 1867. Bust to left. R&v. president | of the | nu- mismatic I AND I antiquarian | SOCIETY ] OF | PHILA- DELPHIA. AE. 35 mm. By Key. 381. Will Page. Oh). WILL PAGE. 1848. Bust to right. Rev. A palette. AE. 48 mm. By Wright. 382. Dr. Joseph Pancoast. Ohv. PAN CO AST. Bust to left. Rev. JOSEPH pancoast M. D. I PROF. OF ANATOMY | JEF- FERSON MEDICAL 1 COLLEGE BORN 1805 | within a Wreath of oak and laurel. AE. 78 mm. By W. Barber. 383. Charles Willson Peale, Founder of the Philadelphia Museiun, 1821. 6>5v. CHARLES WILLSON PEALE. Bust to left. Reo. PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM INCORPO- RATED 1821; within a laurel wreath, to | s. moore. AR. 32 mm. 384. Benjamin Rush, M. D. Ohv. BENJAMIN RUSH. M. D. OF PHILADELPHIA. Bust to left. ^^. A stream of water; in field, sidenham; on right, an open book on a rock, which bears the words, read, | think, | ob- serve; below, a. mdcccviii. AE. 43 mm. ByFiirst. 386. Carl Schurz, 1829-1906. Ohv. Half-length figure of Mr. Schurz, facing, holding a paper in left hand, the arm resting on a column inscribed vbi | libertas | ibi | patria. Rev. Two youths, standing to right, the fore- most with left hand upraised. AE. Plaque, 36 x 48 mm. By Brenner. 386. Henry Shaw. Ohv. HENRY SHAW. Bust to left. Rev. BUCKINGHAM | CLUB | ST LOUIS | U. S. A. SEPT. 22, 1904 I within a wreath of oak leaves; around, 15^"^ AN- NUAL BANQUET OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDENS. AE. 70mm. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 393 387. Algernon Sydney Sullivan. Ohv. IN HONOR OFAL- GERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN, 1826-1887. Bust of Mr. Sullivan, to left; on lower part of bust, j. e. eoine; below, he reached out both hands in con- stant I helpfulness to his fellow men. Reo. A youth lighting a torch from the torch of Mr. Sullivan; below, AS one lamp lights another nor grows less I so nobleness enkindleth nobleness. Plaque, 60 X 89 mm. By Roine. 388. Frederick Samuel Tallmadge. Ohv. FREDERICK SAM- UEL TALL MADGE. Bust to right; in the field, on left, president | new tork society | sons of the | REVOLUTION | 1884-1904; on the right, the pvrchase | OF FRAVNCES TAVERN | HIS LAST OFFICIAL ACT ] — HIS WILL GENEROUSLY | PROVIDED MEANS | FOR PAYMENT. Reo. View of Fraunces tavern. HERE WAS H I N G- TON BADE FAREWELLTO HIS 0FFICERS4 DE- CEMBER 1783 1 ; on a scroll above the tavern, here SONS OF THE REVOLUTION ORGANIZED 4 DECEMBER 1883; below, BECAME THE OWNER 29 JULY, 1904; in exergue, FRAVNCES TAVERN | NEW TORK. AE. 65 mm. 389. Daniel Webster. Obo. DANIEL WEBSTER. Bust to right. Refo. A column surmounted by a globe, on base of which, i still live; around, LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEP- ARABLE; the whole within a laurel wreath with shield of the U. S. over the union of the branches at the bot- tom. Electrotypes. 76 mm. By Greene and Wright. CHURCH MEDALS. 390. Completion of the Seminary of St. Borromeo, 1883. Ohv. JACOBUS FREDERICUS ARCHIEPIS. PHILA- DELPHIEN. PRIMUS. Bust of the Archbishop, to right; below, 1813-1883. Rec. View of the building; below, SEMINARIUM SANCTI — CAROLI BORROMAEI — IN- CBPiT ABSOLviT. AE. 50 mm. By Key. 394 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 391. Consecration of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, 1890. Olm. CATHEDRAL OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL, PHILADELPHIA. | CON- SECRATED-JUNE 30, 1890. View of the cathedral; below, BEGUN 1846 I COMPLETED 1864. ReV. TU ES PETRIS ET SUPER HANC PETKAM AEDIFICABO ECCLESIAM MEAM - VAS ELECTIONIS EST MIHI ISTE UT PORTET NOMEN MEUM CORAM GENTiBUS. View of the interior of the cathe- dral. Copper plated with silver. 80 mm. ByPaquet. 392. Semicentennial Wharton St. M. E. Church, Philadelphia, 1892. Ohv. WHARTON ST. M.E. CHURCH. View of the church; below, founded 1842. Rev. semi-cen- tennial I memorial medal I WHARTON STREET [ METHODIST EPISCOPAL | CHURCH | PHILADELPHIA | OC- TOBER I 1842-1892. Aluminum. 45 mm. MEDALS PERTAINING TO MASONRY.' 393. Ohv. DEDICATED TO COLLECTORS OF MASONIC M ED A LS. A bust to left, within square and compass. Reo. A magic square. AE. By G. H. Lovett. 394. Pilgrimage of Mary Commandery, K'S Templars of Phila- delphia, to San Francisco, 1883. Ohv. A shield of arms on a Maltese cross. Ren. Inscription within a wreath. AE. 54 mm. 395. Same event. Ohv. Crown on Maltese Cross. Ref\). A pil- grim; around, the names of the Commanderies, Kadosh, St. Albans, Corinthian, and Kensington, which partici- pated in the pilgrimage. Brass. 49 mm. 396. Hundredth Anniversary of Founding of Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, 1891. Ohv. A bust to left. Reo. Achievement of arms with supporters. AE. 40 mm. 397. Obo. KADOSH COMMANDERY NO. 29, K.T.PHILA- DELPHIA. A shield of arms upon a triangle. Reo. Plain. Brass. 46 mm. 398. Obv. THE OLD ROUND HOUSE, LE ROY N.Y. View of the building; below, dedicated 1826. demolished 1857. Reo. OLIVE BRANCH NO. 39 CHARTERED 1813. An olive branch on the square and compass. de WITT CLINTON G. M. AE. 35 mm. 1 See also Nos. 357 and 358, p. 388. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 395 SEALS. *399. Great Seal of the TJnited States. Ohv. An eagle dis- played, bearing on breast the shield of the U. S., an olive branch in the right claw and thirteen arrows in the left; in beak, a scroll inscribed E PLURIBUS- U N U M ; above eagle's head, thirteen stars beneath a canopy of clouds, which are encircled by rays. In the form of a medal the seal is provided with a reverse, of which the device is: An unfinished pyramid, with the date MDCGLXXVi on the bottom course of stone; above, an eye on the detached, triangular apex of the pyramid in a glory; above, annuit coeptis. Exergue, novus ORDO SECLORUM. AE. 62 mm. 400.- Great Seal of the Confederate States of America. THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: 22 FEB- RUARY 1862. An equestrian statue of Washington, to left, within a wreath of cane, corn, tobacco, cotton, and wheat. The head of Washington on this Seal was modeled after that on the statue of Washington in the Capitol Square in Richmond, Virginia. Electrotype copy. 95 mm. Wyon. SUPPLEMENTARY. 401. Badge of the Cincinnati. A golden eagle displayed, the wings inverted; on breast, a medallion with represen- tation of Cincinnatus receiving the dictator's sword from three Roman senators; around, an enameled band inscribed omnia: relinquit: servare: rempublicam. On back, or reverse, a medallion with representation of Cincinnatus turning from a pile of implements of war to his plow; in background, the sun rising over a city with open gates, ships in harbor; above, Fame blow- ing a trumpet; around, an enameled band inscribed sociETAs: cicinnatorum: instituta: a: d: 1783; un- mounted. 402. Temple Trust Fund Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. (9Jv. JOSEPH E. -TEMPLE. Bust, to right. Rev. the Pennsylvania academy of the fine arts founded 1805. Fiont view of the Academy build- 396 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ing, before which a female in classical costume, sup- porting with left hand an oval shield on which are the names, COPLEY | STUART | TRUMBULL | ALLS- TO N , and about to place a laurel wreath upon the head of a young artist; below, tablet for name of recipient. AE. 54 mm. By Morgan. 403. The Award Medal of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Olv. THE. PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY. OF. THE. FINE. ARTS. FOUNDED. 1805. Fame, standing to left, with a palm branch in her left hand, about to place a laurel wreath upon the head of an artist who is seated to right in his studio: below, daniel DUPUIS. Rev. PEG. CAUSA. ARTIS. HONGS. HONORATIS. A palette between the branches of an olive bough; above, awarded | to . AE. 63 mm. By Daniel Dupuis. •404. Lincoln Indian Peace Medal, 1862. Ohv. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENTOFTHE UNITED STATES. Bearded bust of Lincoln to right; mantle over civilian dress; beneath truncation, s. ellis. del. sc. ; below, 1862. Rev. Within circle, rural scene:- an Indian, with feather bonnet, plowing; children playing ball; cabin and church; above circle, Indian warrior grasping white man by hair with left, and holding knife in right, hand; below, quiver, bust of a squaw, bow and calu- met. AE. 76 mm. By Ellis. This medal should follow No. 156. 405. The same. White metal; provided with a ring. 76 mm. 406. The same. AE. 63 mm. Plate I. on ,£2 .S '\D\AUJTR^ QMAJOHB W3M' s .on .£2 .q ".on^jJiHa 33m ami .on ,^^^^^^^^^^M q .TH30 OIOUT' >QUE OP 001 ^ly MEDALS. ixigy before which : ,. ,.M,wr with left h: COPLEY ! TON, and ; of a yovv- AE. :• 403. The Award K eostuiD' which a -ULL I upon t! laie of recipit'iM, •U'myof the Fine ACADEMY. PBO. CAUSA. ABTIR. H0N08. HON< branches of an olive bou^ - , . AE. 63 mm. i, f>«niel Dupuis. PLATE I. Coins, T[6j< ENS, AND Patterns of Private pR!QJN,oF,THE_i^MiCAwppLOW^^ B^-aWrb^w ENGLAND s^^fuf ^^-j P. ^^^ i^yer civilian 1 NO. 2., "PINE jTREE SHILLING," P. 23. NO. 2.. , ^ ^6' 3.' PATtERN ' C(t)NTiNENTAL DOLLAR, P. 27,' I^O.' k ^l^^' ^8^. 4. CENT, NEW JERSEY, P. 26, NO. 41. ' "■" ^^ ^■ With. Si CENT, MASSACHUSETTS, P. 26,'NO. 34i<- plajing caW^ifenPENT, PATTERN, P. 30, NO. Fftclittn warrior graspin^ wffftfe^mri'^P^'.^il^^^T." p. 27. NQ. ,47. m<5t. 8. GJJINEA, . I) IMMUNE COLUMBIA," P. 29, NO. 59. '9. 'BoObLddN. BRAsWCR, W2g, NO. 63. AE. T6 mm. By Ellis. This medal V uieu wiu) H X iu<:. ( o LUii) Plate I. Plate I!. aMioO ajoO .r .on •s .on .£ .on .^ .on 6Aa-5JA;i .a .on J AH .d .on 3nHT s .on 3JOA3-R3TnAUp .8 .On n .05 .q .flAj 02 .q .fl 10 PLATE II. Gold Coins of the United States of America. no. 1. double-eagle, p. 32, no. 92. no. 2. eagle, p. 35, no. 157. NO. 3. EAGLE, P. 36. NO. 158. NO. 4. HALF-EAGLE, P. 40, NO. 261. NO. 5. HALF-EAGLE, P. 41, NO. 289. NO. 6. HALF-EAGLE, P. 44, NO. 364. NO. 7. THREE-DOLLARS, P. 45, NO. 367. NO. 8. QUARTER-EAGLE, P. 46, NO. 404. NO. 9. DOLLAR. P. 50. NO. 501. NO. 10. DOLLAR, P. 50, NO. 509. Plate II. Plate III. PLATE 111. Silver Dollars, United States. no. 1. dollar, p. 52, no. 553. no. 2. dollar, p. 53, no. 568. no. 3. dollar, p. 54, no. 570. no. 4. trade-dollar, p. 55, no. 604. NO. 5. LAFAYETTE DOLLAR, P. 57, NO. 640. Plate III. Plate IV. .Odd .on ,8e .9 .flAJJOa-^JAH .WT .on .w .1 ,flAJJoa-3JAH .flAJJOa-^JAt n >d .q .flAJ. ,JOa-fl3TnAUl .■^ec .'^n ,£TJ V .s .navjia' .^x .q .J3>tom PLATE IV. United States Subsidiary and Minor Coins. NO. 1. half-dollar, p. 58, NO. 660. NO. 2. half-dollar, P. 62, NO. 754. NO. 3. COLUMBIAN HALF-DOLLAR, P. 62, NO. 758. NO. 4. QUARTER-DOLLAR, P. 64, NO. 791. NO. 5. COLUMBIAN QUARTER-DOLLAR. P. 67, NO. 862 NO. 6. HALF-DIME, P. 73, NO. 997. NO. 7. THREE-CENTS, SILVER, P. 76, NO. 1057. NO. 8. FIVE-CENTS, NICKEL, P. 77, NO. 1080. NO. 9. THREE-CENTS, NICKEL, P. 77, NO. 1129. Plate IV. Plate V. PLATE V. United States Minor Coins, in Copper and Bronze. CENT, p. 78, NO. 1164. CENT, P. 78, NO. 1165. CENT, P. 78, NO. 1172. CENT, P. 79, NO. 1185. CENT, P. 79, NO. 1194. CENT, P. 81, NO. 1239. CENT, P. 81, NO. 1241. CENT, P. 82. NO. 1294. HALF-CENT, P. 82, NO. 1298. HALF-CENT, P. 83, NO. 1305. HALF-CENT, P. 83, NO. 1316. HALF-CE^JT. P. 84, NO. 1329 TWO-CENTS, P. 77, NO. 1154. NO. 1. NO. 2. NO. 3. NO. 4. NO. 5. NO. 6. NO. 7. NO. 8. NO. 9. NO. 10. NO. 11. NO. 12. NO. 13. Plate V. Plate VI. I .8MIOO aJOO MH3TTAR ,(Oel) 23JOA3-3 .q ,3JOA3-3Ja .q ,3JOA3-3ja r .on .w .s ,3J r .OM .88 .1 .AJJ .on .68 .9 .51AJJ PLATE VI. Pattern Gold Coins. NO. 1. FIVE-EAGLES ($50). P. 84. NO. 134a NO. 2. DOUBLE-EAGLE. P. 86, NO. 1357. NO. 3. DOUBLE-EAGLE. P. 85. NO. 1355. NO. 4. EAGLE. P. 87. NO. 1370. NO. 5. STELLA. P. 88. NO. 1389. NO. 6. DOLLAR, P. 89. NO. 1393. Plate VI. Plate VII. PLATE VII. Pattern Silver Dollars, no. 1. dollar, p. 89, no. 1393. NO. 2. DOLLAR. P. 90, NO. 1404. NO. 3. DOLLAR, P. 93, NO. 1418. NO. 4. DOLLAR, P. 93, NO. 1424. NO. 5. INTERNATIONAL 10 DOLLARS, ETC.. NO. 6. DOLLAR, P. 94, NO. 1430. P. 86, NO. 1365. Plate VII. ^ Plate VIII. t .^<,^ .903 r .omI PLATE VIII. Private Gold Coins. no. 1. 10 dollars, templeton reid, p. 109, no. 1587. NO. 2. 5 DOLLARS, C. BECHTLER, P. 109, NO. 1594. NO. 3. 10 DOLLARS, CINCINNATI MINING & TRADING CO., P. Ill, NO. 1604. NO. 4. 50 DOLLARS, AUGUST HUMBERT, P. Ill, NO. 1606. NO. 5. 10 DOLLARS, J. S. ORMSBY, P. 113, NO. 1620. NO. 6. 10 DOLLARS, J. J. CONWAY &. CO., P. 116. NO. 1647. NO. 7. 16 DOLLARS, MOFFAT & CO., P. 112, NO. 1614. NO. 8. 20 DOLLARS, THE MORMONS, P. 117, NO. 1652. NO. 9. 5 DOLLARS, JOHN PARSON & CO., P. 117, NO. 1550. I Plate VIM. i i Plate IX. XI BTAjq *iioO aJoO HAom3MA-H3inAq3 r .S .O0IX3M .ASMO M .2*r .q .ODIX3 n ,a*r .1 ,ooix .on .ars .q .A M ,dt2 .'^ .lao OOOa .ASMO 9 3SS .H .ATOOOa PLATE IX. Spanish-American Gold Coins. NO. 1. MEDIA-ONZA, MEXICO, P. 138, NO. 35. NO. 2. ONZA, MEXICO, P. 142, NO. 114. NO. 3. ONZA, MEXICO, P. 146, NO. 173. NO. 4. ONZA, LIMA, P. 215, NO. 6. NO. 5. ONZA, POTOSI, P. 216, NO. 14. NO. 6. CUARTA de ONZA, BOGOTA, P. 220, NO. 59. NO. 7. ESCUDO, BOGOTA, P. 228, NO. 163. Plate IX. Plate X. IRI? PLATE X. Silver Coins of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Mexico. NO. 1. TOSTON, p. 134, NO. 1. NO. 2. PESO, P. 136, NO. 12. NO. 3. PESO, P. 136, NO. 15. NO. 4. PESO, P. 140. NO. 62. NO. 5. REAL. P. 138, NO. 44. NO. 6. MEDIO-REAL, P. 146. NO. 169. NO. 7. CUARTINO, P. 149, NO. 205. Plate X. Plate XI. 0239 .£ .OM 02^ t PLATE XI. Necessity Coins of the Mexican Revolution. no. 1. peso, zacatecas, p. 154, no. 214. no. 2. peso. issued by morelos, p. 156, no. 230. no. 3. peso, empire, 1822-1823, p. 158, no. 250. no. 4. peso, provisional government, p. 161, no. 271. no. 5. peso, republic, p. 161, no. 272. no. 6. peso, republic, p. 173, no. 406. Plate XI. Plate XII. PLATE XII. Gold Coins of Republic of Mexico and Central American Countries. NO. 1. ONZA, MEXICO, P. 160, NO. 261. NO. 2. 20 PESOS, MEXICAN EMPIRE OF MAXIMILIAN, P. 170, NO. 385. NO. 3. 20 PESOS, REPUBLIC, P. 172, NO. 397. NO. 5. ONZA, CENTRAL AMERICA, SPANISH VICEROYALTY, P. 191, NO. 1. NO. 6. ONZA, GUATEMALA, P. 193, NO. 6. NO. 7. 5 PESOS, GUATEMALA, P. 193, NO. 7. NO. 8. MEDIA-ONZA. COSTA-RICA, P. 207, NO. 7. 1ii^i\wm; Plate XII. Plate XIII. PLATE XIII. Gold Coins of South American Republics. NO. 1. ONZA, GRANADINE CONFEDERATION, P. 233, NO. 19. NO. 2. BOLIVAR, VENEZUELA, P. 241, NO. 6. NO. 3. MEDIA-ONZA, ECUADOR, P. 246, NO. 4. NO. 4. ONZA, BOLIVIA, P. 261, NO. 1. NO. 5. ONZA, PERU, P. 250, NO. 1. NO. 6. ONZA, CHILE, P. 270, NO. 2. NO. 7. CONDOR, CHILE, P. 271, NO. 9. NO. 8. ONZA, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, P. 279, NO. 15. Plate XIII. Plait. XIV. 5ir .OM .££S PLATE XIV. Silver Coins of Central and South American Countries. no. 1. peso. guatemala, p. 194, no. 22. NO. 2. PESO, REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA, P. 233, NO. 12. NO. 3. PESO, GRANADINE CONFEDERATION, P. 234, NO. 26. NO. 4. VENEZOLANO, VENEZUELA. P. 242, NO. 4. NO. 5. PESO, PERU, P. 253. NO. 33. NO. 6. SUCRE. ECUADOR, P. 246. NO. 6. Plate XIV. Plate XV. PLATE XV. Silver Coins of South American Republics, and Necessity Pieces of West Indian Islands. NO. 1. PESO, BOLIVIA. P. 264, NO. 20. NO. 2. PESO, CHILE, P. 272, NO. 16. NO. 3. PESO. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, P. 278, NO. 2. NO. 4. PATAGON, BRAZIL, P. 299, NO. 44. NO. 5. DOUBLE GOURDE, PATTERN. HAITI, P. 311. NO. 12. NO. 6. NECESSITY PIECE, TORTOLA, P. 319. NO. 31. NO. 7. NECESSITY PIECE. ST. LUCIA, P. 318, NO. 23. NO. 8. NECESSITY PIECE, i SECTION OF SPANISH PESO, OR REAL, P. 327, NO. i SECTION Of TY '•! Plate XV. ANTIQUE AND MODERN FOREIGN COINS AND MEDALS. 22023°— 14— -26 PART II. I ANTIQUE COINS. GlRfEEKt GAIjIjIA. 1. Massilia. AR. Drachm. Ohv. Head of Artemis. Rev. MAIIA. Lion r. 42.5 grs. Circ. 350 B. C. 2. AJB. Drachm. Obv. Head of Artemis r., with quiver on Bhoulder, Rev. MAIIAAIHTQN. Lion. 40 grs. Circ. 200 B. C. 3. AR. Drachm. Obv. Head of Artemis r. Rev. MAIIA. Lion. CAMPANIA. 4. Neapolis. AR. Didrachm. Obv. Head of Dia-Hebe r. Rev. Campanian bull. Exergue, NEOnOAITQN. 120.5 grs. B. C. 340-268. 5. AR. Didrachm. Similar to No. 4; symbol, cornucopise. 110.5 grs. 6. AE. Litra. Ohv. Head of Apollo. Rev. Bull. 18 mm. 7. Phistelia. AR. Obol. Obv. Facing head. Rev. Mussel shell. liUCANIA. 8. Metapontum. AR. Stater. Obv. MET A. Wheat head. Rev. Obverse type incuse. 117.5 grs. B. C. 550-480. 9. AR. Stater. Obv. Head of Demeter with veil. Rev. META. Wheat- head. 117.5 grs. B. C. 330-300. 10. Thurlum. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Athena. Rev. SOTPIQN. Rushing bull. 245.3 grs. B. C. 390-350. 11. AR. Stater. Obv. Head of Athena. Rev. Bull 1.; one fish in exergue. 12. Velia. AR. Stater. 06w. Pallas with helmet. Rev.TEAHTQN. Lion devouring stag. 216 grs. B. C. 400-268. 13. AR. Stater. Obv. Head of Pallas with helmet, on which is olive branch. Rev. Prowling lion. Ill grs. 14. Sybaris. AR. Stater. Obv. Bull with head reverted. Rev. TM. Same type incuse. 120.4 grs. B. C. 560-510. BRUTTIUM. Tripod. Rev. Same incase. 127.5 Rev. Same incuse. 122.3 grs. B. C. 16. Croton. AR. Stater. Obv. <)P0. grs. B. C. 550-480. 16. AR. Stater. Obv. ^PO. Tripod. 480-420. 17. AR. Stater. Obv. Eagle. Ra\ Tripod. 121.5 grs. B. C. 420-390. 18. Locri Epizephyrii. AR. Corinthian Stater. Obv. AOKPQN. Head of Pallas in helmet. Rev. Pegasus; below, fulmen. 135.9 grs. B. C. 344-332. 19. AR. Stater. Obv. Eagle devouring hare. Rev. AOKPQN. Fulmen; symbol, caduceus. 116.5 grs. B. C. 300-280. 397 ■ 398 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. CALABRIA. 20. Tarentum. AR. Stater. Obv.IAPAT. Taras on dolphin. Rev. I AP AT. Winged sea-horse. 120 grs. B. C. 500-473. 21. AR. Stater. Obv. Naked horseman r. Rev. Taras on dolphin, with wreath in r. hand. 120.5 grs. B. C. 400-360. 22. AR. Stater. Obv. Naked horseman with shield in 1. hand. Rev. Taras on dolphin, with sea-urchin in r. hand. 114.3 grs. 23. AR. Stater. Obv. Naked horseman with spear. Rev. Taras on dolphin; behind, star. 120.5 grs. 24. AR. Stater. Obv. Naked youth crowning horse, Nike crowning rider. Rev. Taras on dolphin. 123.3 grs. 26. AR. Diobol. Obv. Head of Pallas r. Rev. Heracles and lion. 17 grs. 26. AR. Diobol. Obv. Head of Pallas 1. Rev. As last. 18.2 grs. SICILY. 27. Agrigentum. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. AKPACANTOI. Eagle stand- ing 1. Rev. Crab; volute pattern. 268.3 grs. B. C. 472-415. 28. AE. HemiUtron. Obv. Eagle tearing hare. Rev. Crab; below, pistrix. 23 mm. 226.5 grs. 29. Catania. AR. Stater. Obv. KATANAION. Young male head. Rev. Fast quadriga, Nike crowning driver. 145.5 grs. B. C. 415-403. 30. Gela. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Quadriga 1. Rev. Fore part of bearded, man-headed bull. 265.6 grs. Before B. C. 406. 31. AR. Didraclim. Obv. Horseman with spear. Rev. CEAAI. As last. 132.5 grs. B. C. 415-405. 32. AR. Litra. Types similar to last. 6.3 grs. 33. Leontini. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Victorious quadriga. Rev. Lion's head. 264.5 grs. B. C. 500-466. 34. S3n^acuse. AR. Litra. Obv. Archaic head r. Rev. Sepia. 9.5 grs. 35. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. ITPAKOSION. Female head, surrounded by dolphins. Rev. Slow quadriga, Nike above. 254 grs. 36. AR. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 35, but Nike is crowning the horses 265 grs. 37. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Female head with broad taenia r. Rev. Slow quadriga. 265.5 grs. B. C. 480-415. 38. AR. Ditto. 263.2 grs. 39. AE. Obv. Head of Pallas with Corinthian helmet. Rev. Starfish between two dolphins. 201.5 grs. 28 mm. 40. AE. Litra. Obv. Head of Artemis r. Rev. Fulmen. 22 mm. 41. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Philistis. Rev. BAIIAIIIA- 0IAIITUOI. Victory in quadriga. B. C. 280-216. 42. AR. 6 Litrae. Similar to last. 60 grs. 43. AR. 30 Litrae. Obv. Head of Hieronymus 1. Rev. BAIIAEOI lEPQNrMOr. Fulmen. 130.5 grs. B. C. 216-215. MACEDON. 44. Neapolis. AR. Hemidrachm. OfetJ. Gorgon head. Rev.NEOU. Head of Aphrodite. 28.3 grs. B. C. 411-350. 46. Eion. AR. Obol. Obv. Goose. Rev. Incuse square. 15 grs. B. C. 500-437. 46. Lete. AR. Hemiobol. Obv. Silenos. Rev. Incuse square. 8 grs. Cu-c. 500 B. C. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 39d 47. Aegae. AB. Obol. Obv. He-goat. Rev. Incuse square. 14.3 grs. B. C. 500-480. 48. AB. OboL As last. 44.4 grs. 49. Olynthus. AR. Hemidrachm. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. Lyre. 41.5 grs. B. C. 392-379. 60. PMlip n, B. C. 359-336. AV. Stater. Obv. Head of Apollo laureate. Rev. QIAinnor. Biga. 131.5 grs. 61. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Zeus. Rev. (PIAIIinor. Boy rider. crowning horse r. 215 grs. 62. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. As last. Rev. Bearded horseman, with kausia and chlamys 1. 223 grs. 63. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. As No. 51. Rev. As last; between legs of horse, Helios. 222.5 grs. 64. AB. Triobol. Obv. Head of Apollo with taenia. Rev. (PIAUIIIOr. Naked horseman. 66. AE. Obv. Head of Apollo with taenia. Rev. ^lAIIHIOT. Naked horseman r. 20 mm. 66. AE. Similar to last. 20 mm. 67. Alexander m, Great, B. C. 336-323. AV. Stater. Ohv. Head of Pallas r. Rev. AAESANAPOr. Nike with trophy and laurel branch. 133.4 grs. 68. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of young Heracles in lion's skin. Rev. AAE3ANAP0T. Zeus seated on throne, holding eagle and scepter. 264.5 grs. 69. AB. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 58; in field on reverse, wreath. 255.4 grs. 60. AB. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 58. 254.5 grs. 61. AB. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 58; symbol, torch. 262 grs. 62. AB. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 58; symbol, crescent. 266.7 grs. 63. AB. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 58; symbol, rose. 261 grs. 64. AB. Tetradrachm. As last, but weakly struck. 261 grs. 66. AB. Drachm. Obv. Head of young Heracles in lion's skin. Rev. Zeus seated on throne and holding eagle, with wings slightly open. 64.5 grs. 66. AB. Drachm. Similar to No. 65. 65 grs. 67. AB. Drachm. Similar to No. 65; beneath throne, crescent. 64.5 grs. 68. AB. Drachm. Similar to No. 65; beneath throne, double-edged ax. 63.5 grs. 69. AB. Drachm. As No. 65. 53 grs. 70. AB. Drachm. Similar to No. 65; symbol, a bee. 63 grs. 71. AB. Hemidrachm. As No. 65. 31.4 grs. 72. AE. Obv. Young male head with taenia r. Rev. Free horse. 27 mm. 73. AE. Obv. Head of young Heracles in lion's skin. Rev. Club. 31.4 grs. 74. Philip m, Aridaeus, B. C. 323-316. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of young Heracles in lion's skin. Rev. ^lAIIHIOT. Zeus aetephorus seated on throne, holding scepter; in field, M. 263 grs. 78. AB. Drachm. Types similar to last. 66.1 gts. 76. AB. Drachm. Ditto. 65 grs. 77. Cassander, B. C. 316-297. AE. Obv. Head of Heracles. Rev. Boy on a horse. 18 mm. 78. Antigonus Doson, B. C. 229-220. AB. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Pan in center of Macedonian shield. Rev. BA2IAEQ2 ANTIFONOr. Athena Alkis. 233.2 grs. 400 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKEIfS, AND MEDALg. 79. AE, Obv. ANTI. in monogram in center of Macedonian shield. ReD. Helmet. 12 mm. 80. PhiUp V, B. C. 220-179. AR. Drachm. Obv. Head, diademate. Rev. Club within wreath. 65 grs. 81. Perseus, B. C. 178-168. AE. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head. Rev. BAIIAEQS nEPIEQI. Eagle on fulmen. 82. AE. Types similar to No. 81. 83. After Conquest by Borne, B. C. 168-146. AR. Tetradrachm. Ohv. Bust of Artemis on shield. Rev. MAKEJONQN nPQTHI. Club within oak wreath. 255.5 grs. 84. AE. Tetradrachm. Obv. Bust of Artemis, large head. Rev. As last. 260.4 grs. 86. AE. Triobol. Obv. Head of Bacchante. Rev. Prow of ship. 33.5 grs. 86. Eoman Province, B. C. 146-. AE. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Arte- mis on shield. Rev.L^Q.MAKEAONQN. 260.3 grs. 87. AE. Tetradrachm. Obv. Bust of Alexander Great r. Rev. A ES ILL AS. Quaestorial insignia. 254.8 grs. THRACE. 88. Maroneia. AE. Drachm. Obv. Forepart of horse. Rev. Grapes in in- cuse square. 40 grs. B. C. 500-450. 89. AE. Types similar to No. 88. 90. Thasos. AE. Stater. Obv. Kneeling Silenos. Rev. Incuse square. 122.3 grs. B. C. 465-411. 91. AE. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of young Dionysius. Rev. HPAKAOYS SQTHP. Heracles. 258 grs. After B. C. 146. 92. AE. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 91. 258.2 grs. 93. Byzantium. AE. Trihemiobol. 06?'. Bull standing on dolphin. Rev. Incuse square. 19.3 grs. B. C. 400-350. 94. AE. Hemidrachm. Obv. Forepart of bull. Rev. Trident. 28.3 grs. 95. Ditto. 26.4 grs. 96. Ditto. 28 grs. 97. AE. Drachm. Types as No. 94. 59.5 grs. B. C. 350-280. 98. Istrus. AE. Drachm. Obv. Heads of Dioskuri in opposite directions. Rev. IITPIH. Sea eagle on a dolphin. 63.4 grs. B. C. 300. 99. Kingdom of Thrace. Lysimachus, B. C. 323-281. AV. Stater. Obv. Head of deified Alexander. Rev. BAIIAEQI ATIIMAXOT. Pallas Nikephoros seated. 130.5 grs. 100. AE. Tetradrachm. Types similar to No. 99. 261.5 grs. 101. Ditto. 258 grs. THESSALY. 102. Larissa. AE. Drachm. Obv. Facing head of nymph, Larissa. Rev. AAPIIAIQN. Grazing horse. 91 grs. 103. Ditto. 93.5 grs. 104. Ditto, 91 grs. 106. Ditto. 91.5 grs. 106. Pharsalos. AE. Tetrobol. Obv. Head of Pallas. Rev. OAP. Horse's head. 46 grs. B. C. 480-344. 107. Thessali. AE. Double Victoriatus. Obv. Head of Zeus, crowned with oak; behind, NIKOKPATOYI. Rev. WIAOSENIA. HETPAIOS OESIA-AQN. Aethena Itonia. 96.5 grs. B. C. 196-146. CATALOGUE 6F COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 401 IIiIiYRIA. 108. ApoUonia. AR. Draclun. Obv. Cow and calf. Rev. AIIOA EUI KA AOr. "Garden of Alcinous." B. C. 400-350. 109. AB. Drachm. Similar to No. 108. 110. AR. Drachm. Ditto. 111. AE. Drachm. Obv. Head of Apollo. 0IAQN. Rev. Three nymphs dancing. After B. C. 100. 112. AR. Denarius. Obv.ArQNITHIOr. Head of Apollo 1. Rev.AINOKPA- THI EPIMANAI YOT. Three nymphs. 112. AR. Epirus, AR. Drachm. Obv. Head of Zeus. Rev. AIIEI PQTAN Eagle on fulmen. 73 grs. B. C. 342. 113. Ditto. 71.5 grs. 114. AR. Hemidrachm. Obv. Zeus Dodonaeus. Rev. Fulmen within oak wreath. ACARNANIA. 115. Palaerus. AR. Diobol. Obv. Female head. Rev. Pegasus. 20.5 grs. B. C. 350-250. 116. Leucas. AR. Stater. Obv. Head of Pallas; behind, caduceus and /\. Rev. Pegasus flying r. 128.5 grs. Before 250 B. C. 117. AR. Stater. Oii;. As No. 116. i^^v. Pegasus flying 1. 125.7 grs. '^' 118. Ditto. Obv. As No. 116; behind head, Boeotian shield. Rev. Asll7. 112.6 grs. 119. Aetolia. AR. Hemidrachm. Obv. Head of Aetolia. Rev. AETQAQN. Boar charging r. 120. Locris. AR. Tetrobol. Oto. Head of Persephone. Rev. OIJONTISN. Locrian Ajax, armed. 41 grs. B. C. 400. 121. AR. Hemidrachm. Similar to last; Cantharus in field on reverse. 33.5 grs. 122. Thebes, Boeotia. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Boeotian shield. Rev. Cantharus dividing KA - BI. 123. AR. Hemidrachm. Obv. As last. Rev. Cantharus dividing BO -Ji 38 grs. jif EUBOEA. 124. Chalcis. AR. Tetrabol. Obv. Female head. Rev. Eagle with ser- pent. 47 grs. 126. AE. Types similar to No. 124. 81.5 grs. 126. Histiaea. AR. Hemidrachm. Obv. Head of a Maenad. Rev. IITIAIEQN. Nymph Istiaea seated on ship prow. 36 grs. B. C. 313-265. 127. Ditto. 35.5 grs. 128. Ditto. 34.5 grs. 129. AR. Diobol. Types similar to No. 126. 18.6 grs. ATTICA. 130. Athens. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Archaic head of Athena r. Rev. AdE. Owl in incuse square. 262.2 grs. B. C. 594-527. 131. AR. Hemiobol. Similar to No. 130. 132. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Athena r., witti helmet adorned with olive leaves. Rev. ABE. Owl in incuse square; behind, crescent and sprig of olive. 262.8 grs. B. C. 527-430. 133. Ditto. 265.1 grs. 134. AR. Drachm. Types similar to No. 132. 61.45 grs. .JI 402 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 186. AR. OboL Types as No. 132, but only one leaf of olive on reverse. 9.9 grs. 136. AB. Hemiobol. Similar to No, 135. 5.3 grs. 137. AR. Tetradrachm. Fine style, B. C. 430-. Obv. Head of Athena. Rev. Owl and spray of olive in incuse square. 265.2 grs. 138. Ditto. 265.3 grs. 139. Ditto. 264.8 grs. 140. Drachm. Similar to No. 137. 65.8 grs. 141. AR. Trihemitartemorion. Obv. Head of Athena r. Rev. Kalathos in incuse square. 4.5 grs. 142. Ditto. As No. 140, but owl in incuse square on reverse. 4.1 grs. 143. New Style. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Athena Parthenos wear- ing helmet with triple crest. Rev. AdE JHMHTPIOI ArASinnOS. Owl standing on an amphora lying on its side. 257.9 grs. B. C. 220-196. 144. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. As No. 143. Rev. Similar to 143; symbol, Triptolemus in serpent car. Mags. , Eumarides and Cleomenas. 256. 5 grs. B. C. 196-187. 146. AR. Tetradrachm. Similar to No. 143, but Athena wears plain hel- met. Mags., Ktesi and Euma. AR. 236.1 grs. 146. Aeglna. AR. Stater. Obv. Tortoise with plain shell and dots. Rev. Incuse square. 167.5 grs. B. C. 550-480. 147. AR. Obol. Types similar to No. 146. 13 grs. 148. AR. Triobol. Obv. Tortoise with plates of shell indicated. Rev. In- cuse square. 43 grs. B. C. 480-456. 149. Corinth. AR. Stater. Obv. Pegasus bridled, wings curled, walking r. Rev. Incused square. 124,4 grs. B. C. 600-500. 160. AR. Stater. Obv. Similar to last. Rev, Head of Pallas to left, wear- ing Corinthian helmet without crest over leather flap; in field, tripod. 134.4 grs. B. C. 400-350. 161. Ditto. Obv. Pegasus flying 1. Rev. As last; symbol on reverse, cicala. 131.5 grs. 162. Ditto. Symbol, griffin's head. 130.8 grs. 153. Ditto. Symbol, flying Nike. 131.7 grs. B. C. 338. 154. Ditto. Symbol, bow and quiver. 131.3 grs. 155. Ditto. Obv. As No. 151. Rev. Head of Pallas wearing Corinthian helmet bound with olive over leather flap. Symbol, boar. 129,8 grs. B. C. 338-300. 156. Stater. As last. Symbol, Gorgon head on Aegis. 131.5 grs. 167. AR. Stater. Obv. As No. 151. Rev. Head of Pallas with Corinthian helmet without crest, over leathern flap. In field. Palladium, 133 grs. 168. Ditto. Symbol, cornucopia. 130.9 grs, 169. Ditto. Symbol, plough. 131 grs, 160. Ditto, Symbol, thyrsos, 131,43 grs. 161. Ditto, Symbol, Helios, 130,5 grs, 162. Ditto. Symbol, Artemis running to left holding torch in both hands. 130.9 grs. 163. Ditto, As last, 130.5 grs, PELOPONNESUS . 164. Sicyon, AR, Stater, Obv. Chimaera walking 1. Rev. Flying dove. 167.5 grs. B. C. 400-322. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 403 166. A3.. Drachm. Similar to last. 68 grs. 166. AE. Hemidrachm. Types as No. 164. 36 grs. 167. Ditto. 40 grs. 168. AE. Hemidrachm. Obv. Flying dove. Rev. 2 in incuse square. 34.5 grs. B. C. 322-251. ACHAEAN LEAGUE, B. C. 280-176. 169. Cersmeia. AB. Hemidrachm. Ohv. Head of Zeus. Rev. AX. in mon- ogram. 37.4 grs. 170. Elis. As last. 171. Dyme. Ditto. IiACONIA. 172. Lacedemon. AB. Hemidrachm. Ohv. Head of Heracles. Rev. Am- phora between pelei of Dioskuri. 35 grs. 173. Argos, Argolis. AB. Tetrobol, Obv. Forepart of wolf. Rev. Large A beneath two incuse impressions. 39.5 grs. B. C. 468^00. 174. Ditto. Aalast. 175. AE. Obv. Head of Apollo. Rev. Tripod. ARCADIA. 176. Megalopolis. AB. Triobol. Obv. Head of Zeus Lykaeus. Rev. Pan seated upon a rock. 37.5 grs. B. C. 300-257. CRETE. 177. Cnossus. AB. Drachm. Obv. Head of Apollo. Rev. KNQIIQN. Theseus seated on square labyrinth, and nolding Nike. 87.5 gra. B. C. 350-300. 178. Bronze. Ohv. Europa riding on bull. Rev. Labyrinth. 19 mm. 179. Qortyna. AB. Stater. Obv. Europa seated in tree. Rev. Bull. 171 grs. B. C. 400. 180. Sinope, Paphlagonia. AB. Stater. Obv. Head of Sinope. Rev. IINQ. Sea eagle on a dolphin. 91 grs. B. C. 415-364. BITHYNIA. 181. Calchedon. AB. Drachm. Obv. Bull on ear of com. Rev. "Mill sail" incuse square. 58.3 grs. B. C. 350-280. 182. AB, Drachm. As last. 59.5 gra. 183. AB. Hemidrachm. Obv. As No. 181. Rev. Three ears of corn. 184. Kingdom. Prusias TL, B. C. 180-149. Bronze. Obv. Head of young Dionysius, Rev. Cheiron playing lyre, nPOrZIOT BAIIAEOr. 12 mm. 185. AE. As last. 18 mm. 186. AE. Obv. Head of Prusias r. Rev. Heracles standing. MYSIA. 187. Apollonia ad Bhyndicum. AB. Drachm. Obv. Gorgoneion. Rev. A. Anchor and lobster. 51 grs. B. C. 400-330. 188. AB. Drachm. As last, 49 grs. 189. Parium. AB. Hemidrachm. Obv. Gorgoneion. Rev. IIA PI. Bull standing to left. 35.5 grs. B. C. 350-300. 190. Pergamum, AB, Tetradrachm (Cistophorus). Obv. Serpent emerg- ing from cista. Rev. Two serpents coiled; to right, staff of Aescu- lapius entwined with serpent. gTE. 192.5 grs. B, C, 133-167. 404 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 191-192. Ditto, Other varieties of No. 190. 188 and 190 grs. 193. Tenedos, Troas. AR. Drachm. Obv. Janiform head of male and female— Dionysus and Ariadne (?). Rev. TEN . . . ON. Double ax in incuse square. 55 grs. B. C. 400-350. AEOIiIS. 194. Cyme. Lead. Tetradrachm. Ohv. Head of Kyme, founder of the city. Rev. Horse; vase; all within a wreath. 196. Myrina. AR. Tetradrachm. 06v. Head of Apollo. Rev. Mr PI MAI DN. Statue of Apollo; omphalos and amphora. 229.5 grs. After B. C. 197. IONIA. 196. Ephesus. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. E-0. A bee. Rev. Forepart of stag; magistrate's name, NHIAPXOS. 232.5 grs. B. C. 394-295. 197. Bronze. Obv. Head of Artemis. Rev. Bee. 17 mm. 198. AR. Drachm. Ohv. Bee; border of dots. Rev. Stag and palm tree. 59.5 grs. B. C. 202-189. 199. AR. Tetradrachm (Cistophorus). Ohv. As No. 190. Rev. Coiled ser- pents, and Victory standing between their upraised heads. 191 grs. B. C. 189-67. 200. Miletus. EL. Stater. Ohv. Forepart of lion. Rev. Triple incuse de- pression. 73 grs. B. C. 700-494. 201. AR. Trihemiobol. Obv. Forepart of lion 1., with head reverted. Rev. Star in incuse square. 17 grs. B. C. 478-390. 202. Ditto. Similar types, but lion to right. 18 grs. 203. Phocaea. EL. Hecta. Ohv. Head of Athena 1. Rev. Incuse square. 39 grs. B. C. 650-560. 204. Samos. AR. Drachm. Obv. Lion's scalp. Ra\ Forepart of bull. 72 grs. B. C. 494-439. CARIA. 205-206. Rhodes. AR. Trihemiobol. Ohv. Facing head of Helios. Rev. Rose with bud between P - 0. 17.7 and 17.5 grs. B. C. 400-304. 20T. AR. Trihemidrachm. Ohv. Facing head of Helios. Rev. Rose with bud; Magistrate, TIMOOr. 79 grs. B. C. 304-168. 208. AR. Tetrobol. Obv. Head of Helios radiate r. Rev. Rose with bud in incuse square; above, JEKPATHI. 39 grs. 209. AR. Drachm. Obv. Facing head of Helios. Rev. Rose, full blown, within circle of dots. 56.3 grs. 88-43 B. C. 210. Bronze. Obv. Bust of Artemis r. Rev. AppoUo standing with lyre. 24 mm. B. C. 150-50. LYDIA. 211. Philadelphia. Bronze. Obv. As last. Rev. Zeus seated 1. ; in front, eagle on column. 0IAAJEA0- • 21mm. 212. Ditto. Obv. Head of Zeus r. Rev. 0IAAJEA0ESN. Lyre. 213. Philadelphia under Rome. Bronze. Obv. AEMOI. Bust of Demos. Rev. (PIAAJEA(PEQN NEQKOPQN. Aphrodite with mirror arrang- ing her hair. 24 mm. B. C 150-. 214. Ditto. Ohv. As last. Rev. Artemis with bow and quiver and hound. 215. Ditto. Ohv. As 213. Rev. Lion charging r. 216. Sardes. Bronze. Obv. Artemis veiled. Rev. lAPJIANSN. Zeus standing. 18 mm. B. 0. 200-50. CAtALOOUfi OP COIN'S, f OKEKS, AKD MEDALS. 405 PAMPHYLIA. 217. Aspendus. AE. Stater. Obv. Two wrestlers. Rev. EITFEAIITS. Slinger and triskelis in incuse square. 167 grs. B. C. 400-300. 218. AR. Stater. Similar. 167.2 grs. 219. Side. AH. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Pallas with Corinthian helmet. Rev. Nike holding a wreath. 252 grs. B. C. 190-36. Countermark, anchor. CILICIA. 220. Tarsus, Pharnabazus, B, C. 378-372. AR. Stater, Obv. Head of Arethuaa facing. Rev. Bearded head of Ares. 160 grs. 221. Mazaeus, B. C. 362-328. AR. Stater. 06i). Baaltara on throne. Rev. Lion devouring stag. 149.6 grs. 222. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. As last. Rev. Lion walking; above, anchor. 247.5 grs. B. C. 331-328. CAPPADOCIA. 223. AR. Ariarathes IX, B. C. 96-94. Obv. Head of king r. Rev. BAIIAEQI APIAPAdOr EIEBOrS. Pallas Nikephoros, standing. 64 grs. 224. AR. Ditto. 61 grs. 226. AR. Ariobarzanes m, B. C. 61-42. Obv. Head r. Rev. BAIIAEQI APIBAPZANOr EIEBOri KAI ^lAAPQMAIOY. Pallas nikephoros. 54 grs. SYRIA. 226. Seleucus I, B. C. 312-280. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head of Zeus. Rev. BAIIAEQI lEAETKOr. Pallas in quadriga. 233 grs. 227. Antiochus I, B. C. 281-261. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head. Rev. BAIIAEQI ANTIOXOY. Apollo sitting on omphalos. 259.5 grs. 228. Seleucus m, B. C. 226-223. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Youthful head. Rev. BAIIAEQI lEAETKOr. As last. 267 grs. 229. Antiochus m, B.C. 222-187. 06?;. Head diademed. Rev. BAIIAEQI ANTIOXOr. As 227. 259.7 grs. 230. Seleucus IV, B. C. 187-186. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head, dia- demed. Rev. BAIIAEQI IE AErKOr. Apollo seated on omphalos. 259.7 grs. 231. Antiochus V, B. C. 164-162. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head, dia- demater. Rev. BAIIAEQI ANTIOXOY EVnATOPOI. Zeus Nike- phoros seated 1. 257.2 grs. 232. Demetrius I, B. C. 162-160. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Diademed head of king. Rev. BAIIAEQI JHMHTPIOT. Tyche on throne; behind, Nike. 256.5 grs. 233. AR. Tatradrachm. Obv. As Last. Rev. As last with IQTHPOI added to title. 259.2 grs. 234. AR. Drachm. Types similar to No. 232. 60.9 grs. 236. Bronze. Types similar to No. 232. 29 mm. 193 grs. 236. Alexander I Bala, B. C. 163-144. Obv. Head of king diademate. Rev. BAIIAEQI AAESANAPOT BEOnATOPOI ETEPPETOr. Zeus Nikephoros seated 1. 256.9 grs. 237. AR. Drachm. Obv. As last. Rev. Apollo seated on omphalos. 238. Antiochus VI, B. C. 146-142. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Radiate head r. Rev. BAIIAEQI ANTIOXOT EUWANOri AIONTIOT. Dios- curi in flight. 257.2 grs. 239. AR. Drachm. Obv. As No. 238. Rev. Apollo seated on omphalos. 63.3 grs. 406 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 240. Antiochus Vn, B. C. 138-129. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Head diade- mate r. Rev. BAIIAEQI ANTIOXOT EYEPrETOr. Pallaa Nike- phoros. 252.9 grs. 241. Ditto. 240.1 grs. 242. AR. Drach.m. Obv. Head r. Rev. Nike diademate. 50.5 grs. 243. Bronze. Obv. Ship's prow. Rev. Spear, 23 mm. 244. Demetrius n, Nicator, B. C* 130-126. AR. Tetradrachm. Obv. Youthful head diademate. Rev. BAIIAEQI JHMHTPIOr OEOT . M. METELLVS Q. F. Mace- donian shield. B. 28. 75. Ohv. ROMA. Head of Apollo. Rev. Same as No. 74. B. 30. 76. Ohv. Head of Roma r. Rev. ROMA. A female figure (Pietas?) in biga r. B. 38. 77. Ohv. Female head. Rev. Q. C. M, P. I. Elephant 1. B. 43. 78. Same as No. 77. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 413 79. Obv. L. METEL. A. ALB. S. F. Head of Apollo r. Rev. C. MAL. ROMA. Victory crowning Roma. B. 45. 80. Obv. Q. METEL. PIVS. Bust of Jupiter as terminal figure r. Rev. SCIPIO. IMP. Elephant. 81. Caesia. Obv. Bust of Apollo seen from back, head 1. Rev. L. CAESI. Two Lares, seated. B. 1. 82. CaUdia. Obv. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. M. CALID. Q. MET. ON. PL. Victory in biga 1. B. 1. 83. Calpumia. Obv. PISO CAEPIO. Q. Head of Saturn r. Rev. AD FRV. EMV. EX. S. C. Quaestors seated on subsellium. B. 5. 84. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. L. PISO FRVGI. ROMA. Horse- man galloping r. B. 12. 85. AE. As. Obv. Head of Janus. Rev. L. PISO FRVGI. Ship's prow surmounted by Victory. B. 18. 86. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. C. PISO L. F. FRVGI. Horseman. B. 24. 87. Variety of No. 86. Behind head of Apollo, anchor. 88. Canlnia. Obv. AVGVSTVS. Head of Augustus r. Rev. L. CANI- NIVSGALLVSIIIVIR. A kneeling man presents standard. B. 3. 89. Carisia. Obv. MONETA. Head of Juno Moneta r. Rev. T. CARI- SIVS. Tools for coining money. B. 1. 90. Obv. Winged bust of Victory r. Rev. T. CARISI. Victory in quad- riga. B. 3. 91. Cassia. Obv. Male head r. Rev. Q. CASSIVS. Eagle on thunder- bolt, between lituua and praefericulum. B. 7. 92. Obv. Q. CASSIVS VEST. Head of Vesta r. iJcv. Temple of Vesta. B. 9. 93. Obv. Veiled head of Vesta 1. Rev. Man casting ballot marked, V (Uti rogas). B. 10. 94. Cestia. Obv. Bust of Africa r. Rev. L.CESTIVS C.NORBA. A curule chair and helmet. B. 1. 96. Obv. Bust of Venus r. Rev. S. C. Cybele in lion chariot 1. B. 2. 96. Cipia, 06v. M.CIPI.M.F. Head of Roma r. i?^. ROMA. Victory in biga r. B. 1. 97. Claudia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. C.PVLCHER. Victory in biga r. 98. Obv. Bust of Diana r. Rev. Tl .CLAV D. Tl . F. A P. N . Victory in biga. B. 5. 99. Obv. Head of Flora. Rev. VESTALIS, A vestal virgin seated to left. B. 12. 100. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. P. CLODIVS M.F. A female standing. B. 14. 101. Obv. Head of sun god r. Rev. P. CLODIVS M.F. Crescent and five stars. B. 16. 102. ClouUa. Obv. Head of Roma r.; below, ROMA. Rev. T.CLOVLI. Victory in biga r. B. 1. 103. Cloulia. AR. Quinarius. Obv. Head of Jupiter r.; on r., S. Rev. T.CLOVLI. Victory crowning a trophy. 104. Clovia. AE. Semis. Obv. CAESAR DIC.TER. Bust of Victory r. Rev. Pallas walking 1. 27 mm. B. 11. 106. Coceia. 06w. Head of Antony r. iJet). L.ANTONIVS COS. Head of Lucius Antonius r. B. 1. 106. CoiUa. Obv. Head of Roma 1. Rev. C.COIL.CALD. Victory in biga 1. B. 2. 414 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 107. CoeUa. Obv. C.COEL. CALDVS. COS. Head of Caius Coelius Caldus r. Rev. CALDVS III VIR. Head of sun god r. B. 7. 108. Considia. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. C. CONSIDI.PAETI. A curule chair. B. 2. 109. Cordia. 06i;. RVFVS III VIR. Heads of the Dioscuri r. Rev. MH. CORDIVS. Venus standing. B. 1. 110. Obv. RVFVS S. C. Head of Venus r. Rev. MN. CORDIVS. Cupid riding dolphin. B. 3. 111. Obv. RVFVS. Corinthian helmet. Rev. MN CORDIVS. Aegis shield. B. 4. 112. Cornelia. Obv. Male head r. Rev. ROMA- Jupiter standing be- tween Juno and Minerva. B. 19. 113. Obv. Head of Saturn 1. Rev. L.SCIP. AS! AG (enus). Jupiter in quadriga. Serrate edge. B. 24. 114. Obv. ROMA. Bust of young Hercules r. Rev. LENT. MAR. F. Roma armed, crowned by Abundance. B. 25. 116. Obv. Female head r. Rev. Double cornucopia filled with fruit. B. 32. 116. AE. Obv. Head of Janus. Rev. EX S.C. Prow of ship surmoimted by soldier. 28 mm. B. 45. 117. AR. Quinarius. Obv. Head of Jupiter r. Rev. CN.LENT. Victory crowning a trophy. B. 51. 118. Obv. G.P.R. Male bust r. Rev. Globe between scepter and rudder. B. 54. 119. Obv. S.C. Head of Venus r. Rev. Three trophies; Ex., FAVST in monogram. B. 63. 120. Obv. Triskelis with Medusa head at center. Rev. LENT. MARC. COS. Jupiter standing. B. 64. 121. Crepereia. Ofei;. Female bust r. i2et;. Q.CREPEREI. ROCVS. Nep- tune in hippocamp biga r. B. 1. 122. Crepusia. Obv. Male head r. Rev. P. CREPVSI. Horseman r. B. 1. 123. Cupiennia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. L.CVP.ROMA Dioscuri. B. 1. 124. Curiatia. Obv. TRIGE. Head of Roma r. Rev. C.CVR. ROMA. Female in quadriga. B. 1. 125. Same type as No. 124, but reading TRIG. B. 2. 126. Curtia. Obv. Q. CVRT. Same type as No. 124. Rev. M. SI LA. ROMA. Jupiter in quadriga r. B. 2. 127. Didia. Obv. ROMA, in monogram. Head of Roma r. Rev. T. DEIDI. A man armed^ scourging a captive. B. 2. 128. Domitia. Obv. C. MALLE C. F. Head of Roma r. Rev. Mars in quadriga r. Serrated. B. 17. 129. Egnatia. Obv. MAXVMVS. Head of Liberty r. Rev. Roma and Venus standing vis-i- vis. B. 2. 130. Egnatuleia. AR. Quinarius. Obv. C. EGNATULEIAC. F. Male head r. Rev. ROMA. Victory writing upon the shield of a trophy. B. 1. 131. Eppia. Obv. Q. METELL. SCI RIO IMP. Head of Africa r. Rev. EPPIUS LEG. F. C. Hercules standing. B. 1. 132. Fabia. Obv. LABEO ROMA. Head of Roma. Rev. Q. FABI. Jupiter in quadriga r. 133. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. N. FABI PICTOR. A male figure seated to 1. B. 11. 134. Fannia. Obv. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. M. FAN. C. F. Victory in quadriga r. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 415 136. Farsuleia. Obv. MEHSOR. Bust of Liberty r. i2ef. L. FARSVLEI. Man in citizen's costume about to mount a biga. B. 1. 136. Flaminia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Bev. L. FLAMINI CILO. Vic- tory in biga r. B. 1. 137. Obv. Head of Julius Caesar r. Rev. L. FLAMINIVS llll VIR. A female standing 1. B. 3. 138. Fonteia. 06v. Heads of the Dioscuri, jugate, r. jRew. MN. FONTEI. Galley r. B. 7. 139. Obv. MN. FONTEI. C. F. Male head (Apollo?) r. Rev. Cupid mounted on a goat r. B. 10.2. 140. Obv. Helmeted bust of mars r., a trophy on shoulder. Rev. MN. FONT.TR.MIL. Cavalryman. B. 17L3. 141. Fufeia. 06d. KALENI. Heads of Honor and Valor, jugate, r. Rev. Italia in long tunic standing r., offers hand to Roma. Serrated. B. 1. 142. Fulvia. Obv. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. CN. FOVL. M.CAL. Q. MET. Victory in biga r. B. 1. 143. Fundania. Obv. Roma r. Rev. Man in quadriga r. B. 1. 144. Furia. Obv. Roma r. Rev. PVR. ROMA. Diana in a biga r. 145. Obv. M. FOVRI. L. F. Head of Janus. RetK PHILI ROMA. Roma placing wreath on trophy. B. 18. 146. Obv. A ED. CVR. Female head with mural crown r. Rev. Curule chair. B. 19. 147. Obv. BROCCHI III VIR. Head of Ceres r. Rev. L. FVRI. CN. F. Curule chair. B. 23. 148. Gargilia. 06w. Head of Apollo r. ^ct. GAR. OCVL. VER. Jupiter in quadriga r. B. 1. 149. Gellia. Obv. Roma r. Rev. CN. GEL ROMA. Male and female in quadriga r. B. 1. 150. Herrennia. Obv. PI ETAS. Female head r. iJw. Amphinomus" car- rying parent on shoulder. B. 1. 151. Hirtia. Obv. C. CAESAR COS. TER. Female head r. Rev. A. HIRTIVS PR. Axe, lituus, and praefericulum. B. 1. 152. Hosidia. Obv. GETA III VIR. Bust of Diana, diademed, r. Rev. C.HOSIDI. C.F. A wild boar pierced by spears. B. 1.2. 163. Similar to No. 152, but without diadem. 154. Hostilia. Obv. Bearded head of Fear. Rev. L. HOSTILIA SASERN. Warrior lighting from chariot. B. 2. 155. Obv. Beardless head of Pavor r. Rev. L. HOSTILIVS SASERNA. Diana standing facing. B. 4. 156. Julia. 06w. Romar. i^ev. L. IVLI. ROMA. Dioscuri mounted. B. 1. 167. Obv. CAESAR. Head of Mars 1. Rev. L. IVLI L. F. Rev. Venus in car drawn by two Amores. B. 4. 158. Similar to No. 157,- in field, P. 169. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. L. IVLI. BVRSIO. Victory in quad- riga; C. O. B. 5. 160. 06f. CAESAR. Elephant, r., treading on a dragon. iJev. Pontifical instrumenta. B. 9. 161. 06 y. Head of Venus r. Rev. CAESAR. Aneas carrying father and palladium. B. 10. 162. Obv. COS. TERT. DICT. ITER. Head of Ceres crowned r. Rev. AVGR. PONT. MAX. Instruments of pontifical oflice. B. 16. 163. 06v. CAESAR DICT. PERPETVO. Head of Julius Caesar r. Rev. SEPVLLIVS MACER. Venus standmg 1. B. 49. 416 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 164. As No. 163, but head veiled. B. 50. 166. Obv. C. CAESAR IMP. Head of Octavius r. Rev. Equestrian statue of Octavius 1. ; S. C. B. 63. 166. Obv. Head of Caesar r. Rev. C. CAESAR COS. PONT. AVG. Head of young Augustus r. B. 64. 167. Obv. CAESAR III VIR R.P.C. Head of Mars r. Rev. S. C. Eagle and trophy between legionary standards. B. 67. 168. Obv. C. CAESAR III VIR R. P.C. Head of Octavius r. iJw.Awinged thunderbolt. B. 92. 169. Similar to No. 168, but with winged fulmen on reverse. B. 93. 170. Obv. DIVOS IVLIVS. Head of Julius Caesar 1. Rev. CAESAR DIVI F, Head of young Augustus r. B. 98. 171. Obv. Head of Venus. Rev. CAESAR DIVI F. Legionary soldier. B. 105. 172. Obv. Head of Octavius r. Rev. CAESAR DIVI F. Peace standing. B. 115. ^ 173. Obv. Bust of Victory r. Rev. CAESAR DIVI F. Neptune standing. B. 117. 174. Quinarius. 06v. Head of Octavius r. i?w. ASIA RECEPTA. Victory standing upon a cista. B. 145. 176. Obv. Victory. Rev. IMP. CAESAR. Octavius in slow quadriga. B. 154. 176. Obv. Head of Octavius r. Rev. Quadriga on triumphal arch. B. 162. 177. 06r. IMP. Head of Mars r. iJev. CAESAR. Round shield on two spears. B. 164. 178. Junia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. D. SILANVS L. F. ROMA. Victory in quadriga r. B. 15. 179. Oov. Head of Junius Brutus r. i2ev. AHALA. Head of Ahala r. B. 29. 180. 06v. LIBERTAS. Head of Liberty r. iiev. BRVTVS. Brutuswalk- ing between two lictors and preceded by a courier. B. 31. 181. Obv. L. SESTI. PRO Q. Veiled bust of Liberty r. Rev. Tripod between ax and simpulum. B. 36. 182. Obv. COSTA LEG. Laureate head of Liberty r. Rev. BRVTV3 I M P. Trophy. B. 42. 183. Obv. CASCA LONG VS. Head of Neptune r. Rev. BRVTVS IMP. Victory walking r. over a broken sceptre. B. 44. 184. Licinia. Obv. ROMA. Bust of Roma. JRev. P.NERVA. Two men in voting booth. B. 7. 186. 06i;. Bust of Apollo, i?^. C.LICINIVS L.F.MACER. Pallas armed, in quadriga, r. B. 16. 186. Obv. Bust of Venus. Rev. P.CRASSVS M.F. Cavalryman standing by horse. B. 18. 187. 06i;. FIDES NERVA. Head of Fides r. iJev. Cavalryman dragging a captive. B. 24. 188. Livineia. Obv. Male head r. iJev. L. L I V I N E I V S R E G V L V S . Curule chair between fasces. B. 8. 189. Lucilia. Obv. Head of Roma r.; behind, P V. Rev. M.LVCILI RVF. Victory driving biga. B. 1. 190. Lucretia. Obv. TRIO. Head of Roma r. Rev. CN LVCR.ROMA. Dioscuri riding r. B. 1. 191. Obv. Head of sun god r. Rev. L.LVCRETI. TRIO. A crescent moon and seven stars. B. 2. 192. Luria. Obv. Head of Augustus r. Rev. P.LVRIVSAGRIPPAIIIVIR A.A.A.F.F.; infield, S.C. B. 3. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 41'/ 193. Lutatia. 06i;. CERCO ROMA. Head of Roma r., helmeted. Rev. Q.LVTATI.Q. A galley r. B. 2. 194. Maenia. Ofev. Head of Roma r. JRev. P.MAE. ANT. ROM A. Victory in quadriga. B. 7. 195. Maiania. 06d. Head of Roma r. JRct. C. MAIANI. ROMA. Victory in biga. B. 1. 196. Mallia. 06d. Head of Roma r. i2eu. AP.CL. T. MAL.Q.VR. Victory in biga r. B. 1. 197. Mamilia. Obv. Bust of Mercury r. Rev. MAMIL.LIMETAN. Ulys- SU8 in sailor costume. 198. ManUa. Obv. ROMA. Helmeted head. Rev. L.TORQVAT. Q.EX S.C. Horseman armed 1. B. 2. 199. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. L.SVLLA IM. Sulla in quadriga r., crowned by Victory. B. 3. 200. Marcia. Obv. ROMA, in monogram. Head of Philip V. Rev. Equestrian statue; base, L.PHILIPPVS. B. 12. 201. 06t;. Head of Apollo r. ie^. L. CENSOR. Satyr standing. B. 24. 202 . Obv. L.CENSORIN. Veiled head of Venus r. Rev. Female figure in biga r. B. 27. 203. 06v. ANCVS. Head of Ancus Marcius r. J^ct. PHILIPPVS. Eques- trian statue on an aqueduct. B. 28, 204. Maria. Ot?;. C.MARI.C.F.CAPIT. Head of Ceres r. i^w. Ox team and driver; above XXIII. Serrate edge. B. 7. 205. Types similar to No. 204, but with numeral XXVIII on reverse. B. 8. 206. Memmia. Obv. Head of youth r. Rev. L.MEM I. Dioscuri, facing. B. 1. 207. 06v. ROMA. Head of Saturn L iJew. L.MEM Ml. GAL. Venus in biga r. B. 2. 208. Obv. EX. S.C. Head of Saturn 1. Rev. L.C.MEMIVS L.F.GAL. Venus in quadriga, r. B. 8. 209. Obv. C.MEMML C.F. Head of Ceres. Rev. C.MEMMIVS IMPE- RATOR. Captive with arms tied supporting trophy. B. 10. 210. Mescenia. Obv. Head of Augustus r. Rev. MESCENIVS RVFVS. Mars standing on pedestal. B. 6. 211. Minucia. 06i'. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. CAVG. Anionic column surmounted by figure. B. 3. 212. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. ROMA.L.MINVCI. Jupiter in quad- riga r. B. 15. 213. Obv. Head of Roma 1. Rev. Q. THERM. M.F. A Roman soldier in combat with barbarian. B. 19. 214. Mussidia. Obv. CONCORDIA. Head of Concord r. Rev. L. MVSSIDIVS LONGVS. Two persons standing facing in vessel. B.6. 216. Obv. Bust of sun god facing. Rev. Similar to No. 214. B. 7. 216. Naevia. Obv. S.C. Head of Venus r. i2ey. C.NAE.BALB. Victory in quadriga r. B. 6. 217. Nasidia. 06t;. NEPTUNI. Head of Pompey r. iJev. Q.NASIDIVS. Galley. B. 1. 218. Nonia. Obv. Head of Saturn r. Rev. SEX. NO N I. PR. L. V.P.F. Roma seated on shields. B. 1. 219. Norbana. Obv. C.NORBANVS. Head of Venus r. Rev. Wheat- head, fasces, and caduceus. B. 2. 418 CATALOGtril Ol* COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 220. Numonia. Obv. Bust of Victory r. Rev. C NVMONIVS VAALA. Roman soldier. B. 1. 221. Opimia. 06y. Head of Roma r. iJev. L, OPEIMI. ROMA. Victory in quadriga r. B. 12. 222. Papia. 06v. Female head r. Rev. L. PAPI. Griffin running right. B. 1. 223. 06i'. Female head r. Rev. L.PAPIVS CELSVS III VIR. A wolf r. B. 2. 224. Obv. TRIVMPHVS. Head of Triumph r. Rev. Similar to No. 223. B. 3. 226. Papilla. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. M.CARBO.ROMA. Jupiter in quadriga r. B. 6. 226. Petillia. Oftr'.CAPlTOLINVS. Head of Jupiter r. i2e?;. PETILLIVS. Hexastyle temple. B. 1. 227. Ofev. PETILLIVS CAPITOLINVS. Eagle, i?^. Similar to No. 226, but with S 1. and F r. B. 3. 228. Petronia. Oftv. Male head r. iJw. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. SIGNIS. RECE. Parthian warrior kneeling. B. 10. 229. Pinaria. 06t). Head of Roma r. Rev. NATTA. ROMA. Victory in biga. B. 1. 230. Plaetoria. Obv. CESTIANVS. S.C. Female head r. Rev. PLAE- TORIVS M.F. AED.CVR. Eagle on fulmen. B. 4. 231. Obv. Head of youth r. Rev. M.PLAETORIVS. CEST. EX. S. C. Winged caduceus. B. 5. 232. Plancia. Oft?». CN. PLANCIVS.AED. CVR. S.C. Head of Diana r. Rev. Stag walking r. B. 1. 233. Plautia. 06^^. P.YPSAE. S.C. Head of Neptune r. J2et;. C.YPSAE. COS. PRiV. CEPIT. Jupiter in quadriga 1. B. 11. 234. 06w. P. YPSAE. S. C. Female head r. iieu. Same as No. 233. 235. Obv. Female head r. Rev. BACCHIVS IVDAEVS. Male figure kneeling r. B. 13.2. 236. 06v. L. PLAVTIVS. Facing mask. 7?et'. PLAN CVS. Aurora fly- ing. B. 13. 237. Poblicia. Obv. Head of Mars r. Rev. C. MAL. A naked youth 1. B. 8. 238. Obv. ROMA. Bust of Roma r. Rev. C. POBLICI. Q. F. Her- cules strangling lion 1. B. 9. 239. Pompela. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. SEX. PO. FOSTLVS. ROMA. Faustulus discovering wolf suckling Romulus and Remus. B. 1. 240. Obv. Q. POMPEI. Q. F. RVFVS COS. Curulechair. Rev. SVLLA COS. Q. POMPEI. RVF. Curulechair. B. 5. 241. Obv. MAGN. Head of Janus. Rev. PIVS IMP. Ship's prow r. B. 20. 242. Pomponia. Obv. L. POM PON I. CN. F. Head of Roma r. Rev. L. Lie. CN. DOM. Male figure r. B. 7. 243. Obv. Q. POMPONIVS. MVSA. Head of Apollo r. Rev. HER- CVLES MVSARVM. Hercules Musagetes r. B. 8. 244. Obv. Head of Apollo r. Rev. Q. POMPONIVS MVSA. Female figure standing 1. B. 22. 245. Porcia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. C. CATO. ROMA. Victory in biga r. B. 1. 246. 06t;. P. LAECA. Head of Roma r. iJev. PROVOCO. Soldier ex- tends hand over citizen. B. 4. Catalogue of coins, tokens, and medals. 41d 247. Obv. M. CATO. ROMA. Head of Liberty r. Rev. VICTRIX. Victory seated r. B. 5. 248. Postumia. Obv. Head of Diana r. Rev. A. POST. A. F. S. N. Priest sprinkling bull. B. 7. 249. Obv. HISPAN. Female head r. Rev. A. POST. A. F. S. N. ALBIN. Man in toga 1. B. 8. 260. 06v. Bust of Diana r. jRev. C. POSTVMI. Dog running r. B. 9. 261. 06i;. PIETAS. Female head r. iJev. ALBIN VS BRVTI F. Cadu- ceus. B. 10. 262. Obv. Head of Mars r. Rev. ALBIN V. BRVTI F. Two Gallic trumpets, in saltire. B. 11. 263. Obv. A. POSTVMIVS COS. Male head r. Rev. ALBIN V | BRVTI F. B. 14. 264. ProciUa. Obv. Head of Jupiter r. Rev. L. PROCILI F. Female figure r. 266. Obv. Female head r. Rev. L. PROCILI F. Female figure fully armed, in biga. B. 2. 266. Quinctia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. T. Q. ROMA. The Dios- curi, mounted, charging r. B. 2. 267. Renia. Obv. Similar to No. 256. Rev. C. REN I. ROMA. Juno in biga drawn by goats r. B. 1. 268. Roscia. Obv. L. ROSCI. Head of female r. Rev. R. FABATI. Female figure r. B. 1. 269. Rubria. Obv. DOSS EN. Head of Jupiter r. Rev. L. RVBRI. Triumphal carr. B. 1. 260. 06i;. DOS. Head of Juno. i2er. Similar to No. 259. B. 2. 261. Rvstia. Obv. S. C. Head of Mara r. Rev. RVSTI. A ram r. 262. Obv. Q. RVSTIVS. Two female heads, jugate, r. Rev. CAESARI AVGVSTO. An altar. B. 3. 263. Rutilia. Obv. FLAG. Head of Roma r. iJer. L. RVTILI. Victory in biga. 264. Satrlena. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. P. SATRIENVS. ROMA. Wolf walking r. B. 1. 266. Saufeia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. L. SAVF. ROMA. Victory driving biga r. B. 1. 266. Scribonia. Obv. BON. EVENT. LIBO. Head of Bonus Eventus r. iiey. P V T E A L S C R I B O N . Curb of the puteal of Scribonius. B. 8. 267. Sempronia. 06?-. PITIO. HeadofRomar. i?cv. L. SEMP. ROMA. The Dioscuri. B. 2. 268. Sergia. Obv. ROMA EX S. C. Head of Roma r. Rev. M. SERGI. SILVS. Cavalryman dashing r. B. 1. 269. Servilia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. C. SERVEILI. M. F. The Dioscuri charging in opposite directions. B. 1. 270. Obv. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. C. SERVE I L. Cavalryman charging 1. and piercing enemy. B. 5. 271. Obv. Head of Flora r. Rev. C. SERVEIL. C. F. Two soldiers stand- ing vis-a-vis. B. 15. 272. Sicinia. Obv. Q. SICINIVS III VIR. Head of Apollo r. Rev. C. COPONIVS PR. S. C. The club of Hercules. B. 1. 273. Spurilia. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. A. SPVRI.ROMA. Female figure driving biga r. B. 1. 274. Obv. TAVRVS. REGVLVS. PLVCH ER. A caduceus grasped by two clasped hands. Rev. Ill VIR A. A. A. F. F. In field, S. C. B. 2. 4^0 CATALOGUE OP c6lNS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 275. Sulpicia. Ohv. D. P. P. Penates. Rev. C. SVLPICI. C. F. Two men standing. B. 1. 276. Terentia. 06v. Head of Roma r. i2ev. C. TER. LVC. ROMA. Dios- curi. B. 10. 277. Titia. Obv. Head of Bacchus r. Rev. Q. TIT I. Pegasus in flight. B. 2. 278. Tituria. Obv. Bearded head r. Rev. L. TITVRI. Two men carry- ing two women. B. 1. 279. Obv. S A B I N . Bearded head r. Rev. L. T IT V R I . Tarpeia upon her knees. B. 4. 280. Trebania. Obv. Head of Roma r. Rev. L. TREBANI. ROMA. Jupiter in quadriga r. B. 1. 281. TuUia. Obv. ROMA. Head of Roma r. Rev. M.TVLU. Victory in quadriga r. 282. Valeria. Obv. Bust of Victory r. Rev. L. VALERi FLACCI. Mars nude, standing 1. B. 11. 283. Obv. Winged bust of Victory r. Rev. C. VAL. FLA. IMPERAT. EX. S. C. Legionary standard between two cohort standards. B. 12. 284. Vargnnteia. Obv. M. VARG. Head of Roma r. Rev. ROMA. Jupiter in quadriga. 285. Vettia. 06?;. SABINVS. Bearded head of Tatius r. i?e«. T. VETTIVS IVDEX. A male figure standing in quadriga 1. B. 2. 286. Veturia. Obv. TL. VET. Bust of Mars r. Rev. ROMA. Two men standing. B. 1. 287. Vibia. Obv. PANSA. Head of Apollo r. Rev. C. VIBIVS. C. F. Minerva in quadriga r. B. 1. 288. Obv. PANSA. Mask of Pan r. Rev. lOVIS. AXVR. C. VIBIVS. C. F. C. N. Male figure seated 1. B. 18. 289. Obv. Head of Bacchus r. jRei^.C.VlBIVSVARVS. A lion with fore- paws on altar of Bacchus. B. 24. 290. Volteia. Obv. Head of Jupiter r. Rev. M. VOLTE!. M. F. Tetra- style temple. B. 1. 291. Obv. Head of Hercules in lion's skin r. Rev. M. VOLT EL M. F. Boar running to r. B. 2. 292. Obv. Youthful head r. Rev. M. VOLTEI. M. F. Female figure in chariot r. B. 3. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. The reference C. is to H. Cohen's Monnaies frappies sous r Empire romain, 2d edition, Paris, 1880-1892. 293. Julius Caesar and Octavius. AE. As. 06v. DIVOS IVLIVS. Head of Caesar r. Rev. CAESAR DIVI F. Bare head of Octavius r. C. 3. 294. Augustus, B. C. 27-A. D. 14. AB. Qulnarius. Obv. Head of Octa- viusr. Rev. ASIA RECEPTA. Victory standing upon cista. C. 14. 296. AB. Denarius. Obv. Head of Octavius r. Rev. C. L. CAESARES AVGVSTI F. COS. DESIG. PRINC. IVVENT. Caius and Lucius Caesar standing. C. 42. 296. AR. Denarius. Obv. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Head of Octavius 1. 2?ev. DIVVS IVLIVS. A comet. C. 97. 297. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head of Octavius r. Rev. IMP. CAESAR. Triumphal arch. C. 123. i CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 4^1 298. AB. Denarius. Obv. AVGVSTVS DIVI F. Head r. Rev. IMP. X. Bunting bull. C. 137. 299. AV. Aureus. Obv. As No. 298. Rev. IMP. X. ACT. Apollo stand- ing 1. C. 143. 800. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head r. Rev. OB CIVIS SERVATOS. Oak wreath; within, S. P. Q. R. CL. V. 0. 215. 801. AB. Triple Denarius. Obv. IMP. CAESAR DIVI F. COS. VI. Ll- BERTATIS P. R. VINDEX. Head r. Rev. PAX. Peace standing 1. C. 218. 802. AE. As. Obv. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. Head of Octavius 1. Rev. PROVIDENT. An altar. C. 228. 808. AE. Semis. Similar to No. 302, except value. 804. AE. Dupondius. Obv. As No. 303. Rev. S. C. within oak wreath. C. 252. 806. AR. Denarius. 06tJ. As No. 300. i2ev. SIGNIS RECEPTIS. Mars standing facing. C. 259. 806. AE. Sestertius. (56v. Octavius in elephant quadriga. iJew.TI. CAESAR DIVI F. AVGVST. P. M. TR. POT. XXXIX.— S. C. C. 308. 307. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head of Octavius r. i2ev. Gate of city of Emer- ita. C. 397. 308. AE. Sestertius. Restored by Titus. Obv. Octavius seated 1. Rev. IMP. T. CAES. DIVI. VESP. F. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS. VIM. REST.— S. C. C. 548. 309. Livia. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Tl. CAESAR DIVI AVG. P. M.TR. POT. XXIlf. In field, S. C. C. 5. 310. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Tl. CAESAR DIVI AVG. F. AVGVST. P. M. TR. POT. XXIIII.— S. C. iiev. Carpentum drawn by mules. C. 6. 311. Agrippa. AE. Dupondius. Obv. M. AGRIPPA L. F. COS. Head 1. Rev. S. C. Neptune standing. C. 2. 312. Agrippa and Augustus. AR. Denarius. 06^;. M. AGRIPPA PLATORI- NVS III VIR. Head of Agrippa r. i2ev. CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Head of Augustus r. C. 3. 318. Nemausus (Nimes). AE. As. Obv. IMP. DIVI. F. Heads of Au- gustus and Agrippa. Rev. COL. NEM. A crocodile. C. 7. 314. Tiberius, A.D. 14^-87. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Tl. CAESAR DIVI F. AVGVST. IMP. VIII. Laureated head 1. Rev. A globe and hehn. C. 14. 316. AV. Aureus. 06?;. Similar to No. 314. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM. Livia seated r. C. 15. 816. AR. Denarius. Same types as No. 315. C. 16. 817. AE. Sestertius. Obv. **IMPERAT. V. Head 1. Rev. ROM ET AVG. An altar between two columns, each surmounted by a Victory. C. 31. 818. AE. As. Same types as No. 317; I M PERAT V 1 1 , and head r. C. 37. 819. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Tl. CAESAR DIVI AVG.F.AVGVST.P.M.TR. POT.XXXI IX; in field, S.C. Rev. A quadriga r. C. 67. 820. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 319, but reading TR.POT. XXXVII. Rev. A hexasty le temple. C. 69. 321. Drusus. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Heads of two children of Drusus on cornucopia. Rev. DRVSVS CAESAR TI.AVG.F., etc.; in field, S.C. C. 1. 822. AE. As. Obv. Head r. Rev. PONTIF.TRIBVN.POTEST.ITER.; in field, S.C. C. 2. 328. Drusus and Tiberius. AR. Denarius. Obv. DRVSVS CAES.TI. AVG.F.COS.II.TR.P. Head r. i2ev. Head of Tiberius r. 422 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 324. Nero Dnisus. AE. Sestertius. Obv. NERO CLAUDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP. Bust 1. /ie«. Claudius seated 1. C. 8. 326. Antonia. AR. Denarius. Obv. ANTON I A AVGVSTA. Bust r. Rev. Ceres standing r. C. 1. 326. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 325. Rev. TI.CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG.P.M.TR.P.IMP. Antonia standing I.; infield, S.C. C. 6. 327. Germanicus. AE. As. Ofty. GERMANICVS CAESAR Tl. AVGVST. F.DIVI.AVG.N. Head 1. Rev. C. CAESAR. DIVI AVG.PRON. AVG.P.M.TR.P.IIII.P.P.; infield, S.C. C. 4. 328. AE. As. Obv. Head r. Rev. Tl. CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG.GERM. P.M.TR.P.IMP.P.P.; infield, S.C. C. 9. 328a. AE. As. Obv. Head 1. Rev. VESTA. Vesta seated 1.; in field, S. C. 329. Agrippina. AE. Sestertius. Obv. AGRIPPINA M. F.MAT. C.CAE- SARIS AVGVSTI. Bust r. iiev. Carpentum 1. C. 1. 330. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 329. Rev. TI.CLAVDIVS CAE- SAR AVG.GERM. P.M.TR.P.IMP.P.P.; in field, S.C. C. 3. 331. Nero and Drusus. AE.Dupondius. Obv. NERO ET DRUSUS CAE- SARES. Nero and Drusus galloping r. Rev. CAESAR DIVI AVG. PRON. AVG.P.M.TR.P.IIII.P.P.; infield, S.C. C. 3. 332. Caligula, A. D. 37-41. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. S.P.Q.R. OB C.S. within an oak wreath. C. 21. 383. AE. As. Obv. Head 1. Rev. VESTA. Vesta veiled seated 1; in field, S.C. C. 28. 334. Claudius, A. D. 41-64. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. EX. S.C. P.P.OB GIVES SER VAT OS. within an oak wreath. C. 38. 336. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. S.P.Q.R. P. P. OB C.S. within an oak wreath. 336. AE. As. Obv. Head 1. Rev. LIBERTAS AVGVSTA. Liberty stand- ing r. C. 47. 337. AE. As. Obv. Head of Claudius 1. Rev. Pallas standing r.; in field, S.C. C. 84. 338. AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. S.P.Q.R.— P.P.— OB. C.S., within an oak wreath. C. 88. 339. Agrippina (minor) and Claudius. AR. Denarius. 06i;. AGRIPPIN AE. AVGVSTAE. Bust of Agrippina r. Rev. Laureated head of Clau- dius r. C. 3. 340. Agrippina and Nero. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head of Nero and bust of Agrippina, vis-a-vis. Rev. A wreath of oak; within, EX. S.C. C. 6. 341. Nero. AR. Denarius. Obv. NERO CAESAR. Laureated head r. Rev. AVGVSTVS GERMANICVS. Nero, head radiate, standing facing. C. 44. 342. AE. Sestertius. 06v. Laureated bust r. i^ei;. DECVRSIO S.C. Nero mounted and galloping r. C. 83. 343. AV. Aureus. Obv. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, Laureated bust r. i2e«. IVPITER CVSTOS. Jupiter seated 1. C. 118. 344. AE. As. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. PACE PR.VBIQ.PARTA lANVM CLVSIT SC. Temple of Janus. C. 176. 345. AR. Double-denarius. Obv. NERO CLAVD. CAESAR AVG. GER- MAN. TR. P. I MP. P. P. Similar to No. 341. i^e?). Similar to No. 344. 346. AE. Sestertius. Obv. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG.GER.P.M. TR.P.IMP.P.P. Bust r. Rev. ROMA. Roma seated 1.; in field, S.C. C. 264. 847. Claudius Macer. AR. Denarius. Obv. L.CLODIVS MACER. S.C. Headr. i2ei;. PROPRAE. AFRICAE. Galley r. C. 13. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 423 348. Galba, A. D. 68-69. AB. Denarius. 06i;. IMP. GALBA. Laureated headr. iJet;. LIBERTAS PVBLICA. Liberty standing 1. C. 118. 349. AE. As. 06i;. IMP. SER. GALBA CAES.AVG.tr. P. Headr. Rev. Similar to No. 348. C. 120. 360. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 348. C. 130. 361. AE. Sestertius. Obv. SER. GALBA IMP. CAES.AVG.TR.P. Draped bust r. Rev. Roma seated. C. 169. 362. AE. Sestertius. 61;. Laureated head r. i2ev. Aesculapius nude, stand- ing facing; infield, S.C. C. 265. 363. AV. Aureus. 0&?;. IMP. SER. GALBA AVG. Headr. Rev.S.P.Q.R. OB C.S., within an oak wreath. C. 286. 364. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 353. 366. Otho. A. D. 68. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP.OTHO CAESAR AVG. TR.P. Headr. Rev.PONT.MAX. Abundance standing 1. CIO. 366. AR. Denarius. Obv. Headr. i^CT. SECVRITAS P.R. Female fig- ure standing r. C. 20. 367. AR. Denarius. Obv. Headr. i2e«. VICTORIA OTHONIS. Victory moving 1. C. 23. 368. Vitellius, A. D. 68. AR. Denarius. Obv. A.VITELLIVS IMP. GER- MAN. Laureated head 1. Rev. FIDES EXERCITVVM. Two hands joined. C. 32. 389. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. LIBERTAS RESTI- TVTA. Liberty standing r. C. 47. 360. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 359. Rev. MARS VICTOR. Mars rushing r.; infield, S.C. C. 58. 361. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No. 359. Rev. XV.VIR.SACR.FAC. Tripod; above, a dolphin. C. 110. 362. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 361. 363. AR. Denarious. Obv. Similar to No. 359. Rev. LIBER! IMP.GER- MAN. Busts of son and daughter of Vitellius, vis-ii-vis. C.l. 364. Vespasian, A. D. 68-79. AR. Denarius. Obv. IM P.CAESAR VES- PASIANVS AVG. Laureated head r. Rev. AVGVR PON. MAX. Simpulum, sacrificial vase, and wand, of the augur. C. 41. 366. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 364. Rev. COS. VI I. An eagle standing upon an altar. C. 121. 366. AR. Dupondius. 06v. Radiate head r. iJev. FELICITAS PVBLICA. S.C. Female figure standing facing. C. 154. 367. AR. Denarius. 06t). Laureated headr. Rev. IMP. XIX. A modiua with wheat-heads and poppies. C. 219. 368. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 367. Rev. lOVIS CVSTOS. Jupiter standing by an altar. C. 222. 369. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. TP. P. Laureated head r. Rev. IVDAEA DEVICTA. Judaea standing. C. 243. 370. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PON. MAX. TR. P. COS. V. A winged caduceus. C. 362. 371. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PONTIF.MAXIM. Vespasian seated r. C. 386. 372. AE. Sestertius. Obv. IMP.CAES.VESP.AVG.P.M.TR.P.P.P.COS. nil. Rev. S.C. Mars moving r. C. 446. 373. AE. Sestertius. Obv. IMP.CAES.VESP.AVG.P.M.TR.P.P.P.COS. VII. Laureated head r. Rev. S.C. A hexastyle temple. C. 492. 374. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 373. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTI. Victory standing r. C. 618. 424 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 878. AE. Sestertius. Obv. IMP. CAES.VESP.AVG.P.M.COS.III. Sir lar to No. 373. Rev. Victory standing r. writing OB C1V.SER| upon a shield. C. 621. 376. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No. 364. Rev. COS. ITER. TR. PO' Female figure seated 1. 377. Domitilla. AB. Denarius. Obv. DIVA DOMITILLA AVGVSTA. Bust r. Rev. FORTVNA AVGVSTA. Fortuna standing r. C. 3. 378. Titus, A. D. 79-81. AV. Aureus. Obv. T.CAESAR I M P.VESPA- SIAN . Head r. Rev. CO S . II II . Bull charging r. C. 48. 379. AE. As. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. AEQVITAS AVGVSTI S.C. Justice standing 1. C. 6. 380. AE. As. Obv. Laureated head 1. Rev. CERES AVGVSTI S.C. Cerea standing 1. 381. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 380. Rev. PAX. AVGVSTI S. C. Goddess of Peace standing 1. C. 137. 382. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 380. Rev. S. C. A female fig- ure standing 1. C. 221. 383. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. S.C. Titus in quad- riga. C. 228. 384. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head r. Rev. TR. P. Villi. IMP. Xllll. COS. VII. P. P. Female figure upon a rostral column. C. 272. 386. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 384. Rev. Capricorn above a globe. C. 279. 386. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 384. Rev. TR. P. IX. IMP. XV. COS. VIII. P. P. Athrone. C. 311. 387. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. TR. POT. VIII. COS. VII. A Jew kneeling r. C. 334. 388. Julia. AR. Denaruis. 06t\ IVLIA AVGVSTA. Bust r. Rev. D\\/\ TITI FILIA. A peacock. C. 5. 389. AE. As. Obv. IVLIA IMP. T. AVG. F. AVGVSTA. Bust r. Rev. VESTA. Vesta veiled, seated r. C. 16. 390. Domitian, A. D. 81-96. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. CAES. DOMI- TiAN. AVG. GERM. P. M. TR. P. VIII. Laureated head r. Rev. COS. Xllll. A cippus inscribed: LVD. SAEC. FEC; the whole within a laurel wreath. C. 71. 391. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. COS. Xllll. LVD. SAEC. A POP.— FRVG. AC— S. C. Domitian seated r. upon a platform. C. 82. 392. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Head radiate r. Rev. COS. Xllll. LVD. SAEC. FEC. S. C. The emperor sacrificing at an altar behind which flutist and a lyrist; 1. river god. C. 91. 393. AE. As. Obv. Bearded bust. Rev. FELICITAS PUBLICA S. C. A female figure standing 1. V. 98. 394. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 390. Rev. IMP. XXI. COS. Xllll. CENS. P. P. P. Minerva standing upon a ship's prow. 396. AR. Denarius. Similar to 394, but with COS. XV. 396. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. lOVI VICTOR! S. C. Jupiter, bearded, seated 1. C. 315. 897. AV. Aureus. Obv. CAES. AVG. F. DOMIT. COS. III. Similar to No. 396. Rev. PRI NCEPS I VVENTVT. Female figure standing 1. C. 374. 398. AR. Denarius. 06i;. Bearded head 1. i2ev. PRINCEPS IVVENTU- TIS. Two hands clasped, holding a legionary standard, resting upon a prow of a ship. C. 393. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 425 399. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head 1. Rev. TR. P. COS. VII. D ES. VIII. P. P. An anchor around which a dolphin is entwined. C. 568. 400. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 396. Rev. S. C. Domitian being crowned by Victory. C. 513. 401. AB. Denarius. Obv. CAES. AVG. F. DOMIT. COS. II. Laureated head r. Rev. Domitian riding 1. C. 664. 402. Nerva, A. D. 96-98. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. NERVA CAES. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS. II. P. P. Laureated head of Nerva r. i2ei;. AEQVITAS AVGVST. Justice standing 1. C. 3. 403. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 402. Rev. CONCORDIA EXER- CITVVM. Two hands joined. C. 16. 404. AE. As. Same types as No. 403, but with S. C. on reverse. C. 17. 406. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No. 402. Rev. COS. III. PATER PATRIAE. Simpulum, sprinkler, sacrificial vase, and wand of the augur. C. 47. 406. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 405. 407. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 402. Rev. FORTVN A AVG VST. Fortune standing 1. C. 59. 408. AE. Sestertius. Same types as No. 405, with S. C. on reverse. C. 60. 409. AE. As. Similar to No. 408. C. 61. 410. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. CONGIAR. P. R. S. C. Nerva seated upon a curule chair distributing a congiarium. C. 38. 411. Trajan, A. D. 99-117. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. TRAIANO AVG. GER. DAC. P. M. TR. P. Draped bust r. Rev. COS. V. P. P. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO. PRINCIPI. Victory walking 1. 412. AV. Aureus. Obv. SimilartoNo. 411. Rev. COS. VI. P. P. S. P. Q. R. A nude male figure standing 1. C. 104. 413. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 412. Rer. FORT. RED. S. C. (inex.) SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS. Fortuna seated 1. 414. AE. Sestertius. Same types as No. 413, but from different dies. 415. AR. Denarius. Obv. Draped bust laureate r. Rev. PARTHICO. P. M. TR. P. COS. VI. P. P. S. P. Q. R. Mars walking r. C. 190. 416. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. P. M. TR. P. COS. 1 1 1 1. P. P. Victory walking r. and looking back. C. 245. 417. AR. Denarius. Same inscriptions as No. 416. Victory standing r., about to write upon a shield. C. 247. 418. AR. Quinarius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Victory walking r. C. 430. ^ 419. AR. Denarius. 06v. Draped bust r. JRev. Victory standing 1. C. 426. 420. AE. Dupondius Obv. Bust r. Rev. Victory erecting trophy. C. 446. 421. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 419. Rev. Equestrian statue of Trajan 1. C. 497. 422. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 418. Rev. A Dacian seated r. C. 537. 423. AE. Depondius. Obv. Eadiate head r. Rev. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI S.C. Atrophy. C. 573. 424. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Three military stand- ards. C. 573. 426. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. TR. POT. COS. 1 1 II. P. P. S. C. A female figure seated 1. C. 637. 426. Plotina. AV. Aureus. Obv. PLOTINA AVG. TRAIANI. Bust, diademate, r. Rev. CAES. AVG. GERMA. DAC. COS. VI. P. P. Vesta seated 1. C. 2. 426 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 427, 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 436. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 426. Rev. CONSECRATIO. An eagle. C. 8. Plotina and Matidia. AV. Aureus. Obv. Simlilar to No. 426. Rev. MATIDIAE. Bust, diademate, r. C. 1. Hadrian, A. D. 117-138. AR. Denarius. Obv. HADRIANVS AVG. COS. III. P.P. Laureated head r. Rev. AEGYPTOS. A female figure reclining 1. ; before her, an ibis. AB. Denarius. 06d. Head r. JRei;. AFRICA. Africa with elephant's trunk on her head, reclining 1. C. 140. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. CONCORD (in ex.) P.M.TR.P.COS.IIi. Concord seated 1. AR. Denarius. Obv. Draped bust. Rev. Cornucopia beneath chair. C. 255. AR. Denarius. Rev. COS. III. AR. Denarius. C. 461. AR. Denarius'. Obv. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS. Victory standing r., half nude. Obv. Similar to No. 433. Rev. Laureated head r. C. 359. Star and crescent. Obv. Draped bust laureate r. Rev. Fortuna stand- Rev. HI SPAN I A. Hispania re- Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. FELICITAS P.R. Fe- male figure standing r. C. 649. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Bust in cuirass r. Rev. A galley moving 1. AB. Denarius. Obv. Draped bust laureate r. Rev. Fortuna seated 1. C. 750. AE. Sestertius, ing 1. C. 772. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 435. dining 1. ; to left, hare. C. 831. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 439, but hare to r. C. 835. AV. Aureus. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. LIBERTAS AVG. VI. Lib- erty standing 1. C. 934. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Bnstr. i?CT. LIBERTAS PVBLICA S.C. Lib- erty seated 1. C. 948. AR. Denarius. 06y. Head r. Rev. NILVS. Nile god reclining r. C. 989. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 433. Rev. SALVS AVGVSTI COS. I II. S.C. Sal us standing 1. C. 1357. AR. Denarius. 06?;. Similar to No. 443. Rev. RESTITVTORI H IS- P A N I A E . Hadrian standing r. C. 1257. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 443. Rev. Hadrian lifting uo kneeling Hispania. C. 1260. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head r. Rev. Salus standing r, C.1335. AR. Denarius. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. SALVS AVG. (in ex.) P.M.TR.P.COS.III. SalusseatedL C. 1354. AE. As. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. SALVS AVGVSTI COS. III. S.C. Salus standing 1. Sabina. AR. Denarius. 06?;. SABINA AVGVSTA. Bust of Sabina r. J^ei;. CONCORDIA AVG. Concord seated 1. CIO. AE. Dupondius. 06?;. Similar to No. 450. Rev. PI ETAS AVG. S.C. Pietas standing 1. C. 53. AE. Sestertius. 06?;. Similar to No. 450. Rev. S.C. Female figure seated r. C. 65. AR.Denarius. 06i;. Similar to No. 450. T^e?;. VENERI GENETRICI. Venus standing r. C. 73. AE. Sestertius. 06?;. Similar to No. 451. Rev. VESTA. Vesta seated 1. C. 82. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 427 466. Lucius AeUus. AR. Denarius. Obv. L.AELIVS CAESAR. Head r. iJev.TR.POT.COS.il. Peace standing 1. 0. 50. 466. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 455. Rev. Hope walking r. C. 56. 467. Antoninus Titus Pius, A. D. 138-161. AE. Denarius. Obv. DIVVS ANTONINVS. Headr. i?ev. CONSECRATIO. An eagle stand- ing upon an altar. C. 157. 468. AB. Denarius. 06v. Similar to No. 457. iJei;. A funeral pyre, C. 164. 469. AR. Denarius. Oiu. Laureated head r. Eev. COS. 1 1 II. Abundantia standing 1. C. 288. 460, AE, Sestertius. Obv. Bustr. Rev. DIVO PIO. Statue of Antoninus Pius, C, 354, 461, AR, Denarius, Obv. Similar to No, 457. Rev. An altar, C. 357. 462, AE, As, Obv. Head r. Rev. IMPERATOR II. S. C. She-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus. C, 448. 463, AE, Sestertius, Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Sow suckling pigs. C. 450. 464, AE. Sestertius, Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. INDVLGENTIA AVG. COS. 1 1 1 1. S. C. A female figure 1. C, 452, 466. AR, Denarius. 6 v. Laureated head r, Rev.\TAL\A. Italiaseated 1., upon a globe. C. 463, 466, AE. Sestertius. Same types as No. 465, 467, AR, Denarius, 06v. Similar to No, 464, Rev. PACI, AVG. COS. IIII, Female figure standing 1. C. 573. 468, AR, Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Pietas standing beside altar; Ex., PIETAS. C, 616, 469, AE, Sestertius. 06v, Similar to No. 462; head, laureate, Rev.SALWS AVG. A female standing 1. C 711. 470, AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. TR. POT, COS, II. A female figure standing 1. C, 862, 471, Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius. AR, Denarius, Obv. Similar to No, 462. i?ei;. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG. Pll F. COS. Headr. C, 14, 472, AR, Denarius, Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Head of young Au- relius 1. 473, AE. Sestertius, Obv. Similar to No, 472. Rev. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG. PJI F. COS. S. C. Draped bustr. 474, Faustina mater. AR. Denarius, Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA. Bust r, i?CT. AETERNITAS. Female figure veiled, standing 1, C, 6, 476, AE. As, Obv. Similar to No. 474, Rev. Eternity standing 1. 476. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Veiled bust r. Rev. Eternity seated 1. C. 15. 477, AR, Denarius, Obv. Similar to No. 474. Rev. AVGVSTA. Ceres standing 1. C, 79. 478. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No, 474, Rev. Ceres, veiled, standing 1. C, 88. 479. AE, As, 06i;. Similar to No, 474, iJei;. CONSECRATIO S. C. Vesta standing 1. C, 163, 480, AR. Denarius, Obv. Similar to No. 474. Rev. IVNO. Juno stand- ing 1. 0. 209, 481. AE. Sestertius, Similar to No, 480, with S, C. on reverse. C, 210, 482, AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No, 474. Rev. IVNONI REGINAE. Throne. C. 221. 483, Marcus Aurelius, A, D, 161-180, AR. Denarius, 06i;. ANTONINUS AVG. ARMENIACVS. Laureated headr. Rev. ARM EN (in ex,) P, M,TR. P. XVIII. COS. Ill, Armenia seated on ground 1, C, 7. 2202.3° — 14 28 428 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 484. AE. Sestertius. 06i;. Bustr. iJcv. CONSECRATIO S. C. An eagle in flight, carrying Aurelius. 0. 93. 485. AE. Sestertius. 06t;. Similar to No. 484. iJetJ. Funeral pyre. C. 96. 486. AE. Sestertius. Oftv.Laureatedbustr. i?e7;. Stack of arms. C. 163. 487. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Head radiate r. Rev. DE SARM. (in ex.) IMP. VIII. COS. III. P. P. S. C. Atrophy; at foot, Sarmatian woman and man. C. 168. 488. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Draped bustr. Rev. IMP. VII. COS. III. S. C. Jupiter seated 1. C. 311. 489. AB. Denarius. Obv. Youthful bust r. Rev. TR. P. II. COS. II. Pallas standing r. C. 606. 490. AV. Aureus. Obv. Head r. Rev. Female figure standing r. C. 612. 491. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. TR. P. IMP. VIII. COS. 1 1 1 . S .C. Abundantia standing 1. C. 921. 492. AE. As. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. TR.P.XXX.IMP.Vlil.COS. S.C. Two hands joined. C. 940. 493. Faustina Junior. AE. Sestertius. Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA PI A. Bustr. i?CT. AETERNITAS. Eternity standing 1. C. 7. 494. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No, 493. Rev. CONCORDIA. Con- cord standing facing, with head turned r. C. 46. 496. AR. Denarius. 06v. Similar to No. 493. Rev. FECUND. AVGVS- TAE. Fecunditas standing facing. C. 95. 496. AE, Dupondius. Obv. Similar to No. 493. Rev. LAETITIA. Joy standing 1. C. 158. 497. AE. Sestertius. 06 v. Similar to No. 493. /?ct. SALVTI AVGVSTAE. Goddess of health seated 1. C. 200. 498. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 493. Rev. SAECVLI FELICIT. A throne. C 190. 499. AE. Sestertius. 06^;. Bust diademate r. jRet). VENERI GENETRICI S.C. Venus standing 1. C. 237. 600. AE. As. 06?;. Bustr. i?CT. VENVS. Venus standing 1. C. 253. 601. Lucius Verus, A. D. 161-169. AE. Sestertius. Obv. IMP.CAES.L. AVREL.VERVS.AVG. Head r. Rev. CONCORD. AVGVSTOR. TR. P. COS. II. S.C. Verus and Marcus Aurelius standing and join- ing hands. C. 26. 602. AE. Sestertius. Same legends and types as No. 501, but laureated head r. C. 28. 603. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 501. Rev. CONSECRATIO. Funeral pyre. C. 58. 804. AE. Sestertius. 06i). Laureated bustr. iJeiJ. TR.P.IIII.IMP.II.COS. 1 1 . Victory standing r. C. 249. 605. AR. Denarius. 06i;. Head r. Rev. TR.P.V.IMP.COS.II. Mars standing r. C. 262. 606. AR. Denarius. Obv. Bare head r. Rev. TR. P. V.I MP. 1 1 1. COS. 1 1. Armenian seated r. 607. Lucilla. AR. Denarius. 06-!;. LVCILLAE AVG.ANTONiNI AVG.F. Bustr. i?ct;. DIANA LVCIFERA. Diana standing r. C. 16. 508. AE. Sestertius. 61;. Bust r. Rev. HILARITAS. Joy standing 1. C. 29. 609. AE. Sestertius, Obv. Similar to No. 508. Rev. IV NO S.C. Juno seated 1. C. 35. 610. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 508. Rev. PI ETAS. Pietas, veiled, standing 1. C. 53. 611. AR. Denarius. 06^. Similar to No. 507. Rev. VOTA PVBLICA. within a laurel wreath. C. 98. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 429 612. Commodus, A. D. 180-193. AR. Denarius. Oftv. COMMODO CAES. AVG.FIL.GERM.SARM. Draped bust r. iJer. Similar to No. 508. C. 215. 613. AE. Sestertius. 06i;. Laureated bust r. i2ev. LIBERTAS.AVG.IMP. II.COS.P.P.S.C. Liberty standing 1. C. 330. 614. AE. As. Obv. Yonng head r. Rev. PI ETAS AVG.S.C. Sacrificial vase. C. 404. 616. AV. Aureus. Obv. Draped bust laureate r. Rev. Jupiter seated 1. C. 421. 616. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Victory seated r. C. 946. 617. Crispina. AR. Denarius. 06v. CRISPINA AVG. Bust r. Rev.D\S GENITALIBVS. A lighted altar. C. 15. 618. AV. Aureus. 06?;. Bust r. TJer. VENUS FELIX. Venus seated 1. C. 39. 619. Pertinax, A. D. 193. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP.CAES.P.HELV. PERTIN.AVG. Head, radiate r. Rev. PROVID.DECOR.COS.il. Providentia standing 1. C. 40. 620. AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Providentia standing 1. C. 42. 621. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM COS.II.S.C. Similar to No. 519. 622. Didius Julianus, A. D. 193. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP.CAESAR M. DID.IVLIAN.AVG. Laureated head r. Rev. RECTOR ORBIS. Julianus standing 1. C. 15. 623. Manlia ScantUla. AR. Denarius. Obv. MANL.SCANTILLA AVG. Bustr. jRei;. IVNO REGINA. Juno standing 1. C. 1. 624. Didia Clara. AR. Denarius. Obv. DIDIA CLARA AVG. Bust r. i?CT. HILAR. TEMPOR. Female standing 1. 2. 625. AE. Sestertius. Similar to No. 524. C. 3. 626. Pescennius Niger, A. D. 193-194. AV. Aureus. Obv. IMP.CAES.C. PESC. NIGER IVSTVS.AVG. Draped bust, laureate, r. Rev. CONCORDIA (the D reversed). Concordia standing 1. 627. Lucius Septimius Severus A. D. 193-311. AR. Denarius. Obv. SEVERVS PiVS AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. INDVLGENTIA AVGG.IN CARTH. Goddess of Carthage seated facing, on a lion. C. 217. 628. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. P.M.TR.P.IIII.COS. I I . P . P . Pallas standing 1. C. 416. 629. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. P.M.TR.P.XVIII.COS. I I I . P. P. Neptune standing 1. C. 542. 630. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. RESTITVTOR VRBIS. Severus standing 1. C. 598. 631. Julia Domna. AR. Denarius. Obv. IVLIA AVGVSTA. Bust r. i?ei;. FELICITAS. Female figure standing 1. C. 47. 632. AR. Denarius. O&r. Similar to No. 531. jRev. IVNO. Juno, veiled, standing 1. C. 81. 633. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 531. Rev. MATER DEVM. Cybele, wearing turret crown, seated 1. C. 123. 634. AE. As. Similar to No. 533. C. 125. 636. AR. Denarius. 06i;. Bust r. Rev. VESTA. Vesta seated 1. C. 226. 636. AR. Antoninianus. Obv. Bust, diademate, r. i?ev. VENVS GENE- TRIX. Venus seated r. C. 211. 637. Marcus Aurelius Caracalla, A. D. 211-217. AR. Denarius. Obv. AH - TONINVS PIVS AVG. Young bust draped and laureate r. Rev. INDVLGENTIA AVG. IN CART. Cybele seated on a lion. C. 97. 430 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 638. AE. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. lOVI CONSERVA- TOR I . J upiter standing 1. C. 107. 539. AB. Antoninianus. Obv. Bust, radiate r. Rev. P.M.TR.P.XVIII. COS. 1 1 1 1 . P. P. Jupiter nude, standing r. C. 279. 640. AR. Denarius. Obv. Beardless head, laureate, r. Rev. PONTIF TR. P.X.COS.II. Caracalla riding, r. C. 436. 641. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PROFECTIO AVG. Caracalla standing r. C. 508. 642. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 541. Rev. PROVIDENT I AE D E O R V M . Pro videntia standing I. C. 533. 643. Plautilla. AR. Denarius. Obv. PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA. Bust r. JJei;. CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord standing 1. C. 1. 644. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 543. Rev. PI ETAS AVGG. Plautilla standing r. C. 16. 646. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 543. 646. AR. Denarius. Similar to No. 544. 647. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 543. Rev. PROPAGO IMPERI. Plautilla and Caracalla standing vis-d-vis and joining hands. C. 21. 648. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 543. Rev. VENVS GENETRIX. Venus, nude, standing 1. C. 25. 649. Geta. AE. As. 06i;. P. SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES. Head r. Rev. PONTiF.COS.il. Female figure standing r. C. 113. 660. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head r. Rev. PONTIF. TR. P. II. COS. II. Female figure standing r. C. 137. 661. AR. Denarius. Obv. Young bust draped r. Rev. PRINC. IVVEN- TVTIS. Geta standing 1. C. 157. 662. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. TR. P. III. COS. II P. P. A female figure, standing facing. C. 200. 663. AR. Denarius. 6 v. Draped bust r. Rev. V OTA PVBLICA. Geta standing 1. C. 230. 664. Marcus Opelius Macrinus, A. D. 217-218. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. C. M. OPEL. SEV. MACRINVS AVG. Laureated bust r. Rev. FIDES MILITVM. Female figure standing 1. C. 26. 666. AE. As. 06tJ. Draped bust, laureate, r. JKev. Macrinus in quadriga 1. C. 106. 666. Diadumenianus. AR. Denarius. Obv. M. OPEL. DIADUMENIA- NVS CAES. Draped bust, radiate, r. iJet;. PRINC. IVVENTVTIS. D. standing 1. C. 12. 667. AE. As. Same types as No. 556, with S. C. on reverse. C. 13. 668. Elagabalus. (M. Aurelius Antoninus), A. D. 218-222. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. IN- VICTUS SACERDOS AVG. Elagabalus sacrificing at an altar. C. 61. 669. AE. As. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. P. M. TR. P. V. COS. I II I. P. P. Emperor in quadriga. C. 220. 660. AR. Denarius. 06d. Same as No. 558. Rev. SACERD. DEI. SOLIS ELAGAB. Elagabalus sacrificing. C. 246. 661. AR. Antoninianus. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. SALVS ANTON INI AVG. Female figure, Salus, standing r. C. 255. 662. Julia Paula. AR. Denarius. Obv. IVLIA PAVLA AVG. Bust r. Rev. CONCORDIA. Elagabalus and Paula joining hands. C. 12. 563. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 562. Rev. Corcord seated 1. 664. Julia Soaemias. AR. Denarius. Obv. IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG. Bustr. iJev. VENVS CAELESTIS. Venus standing 1. C. 8. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS, 431 666. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 564. Rev. Venus, diademate, seated 1. C. 14. 666. JUlia Maesa. AR. Denarius. Obv. IVLIA MAESA AVG. Bust r. iJei;. FECVNDITAS AVG. Fecundity standing 1. C. 8. 867. AR. Denarius. 06w. Similar to No. 566. i?ev. PIETAS AVG. Fe- male figure standing 1. 0. 29. 668. AR. Antoninianus. Obv. Similar to No. 566. Rev. PVDICITIA, Modesty seated 1. C. 36. 669. Alexander Severus, A. D. 222-236. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. CM. AVR.SEV.ALEXAND.AVG. Draped bust, laureate, r. iJei;. CON- CORDIA. Concord seated 1. C. 38. 570. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 569. Rev. P. M. T R. P. II. COS. P. P. Jupiter, nude, standing 1. C. 228. 671. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Radiate head r. Rev. P. M.TR. P. VI 1 1. COS. 111. P. P. Alexander in quadriga r. C. 380. 572. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. P. M. TR. P. XII. COS. III. P. P. Sol radiate, walking 1. C. 441. 673. AR. Denarius. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. SPES PVBLICA. Hope walking 1. C. 542. 674. Julia Mamaea. AR. Denarius. 06i;. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG. Bust, diademate, r. iJet). FELICITAS PVBLICA. Female standing look- ing 1. C. 17. 675. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Bust, diademate, r. Rev. Female figure seated 1. 0. 26. 676. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 574. Rev. VENERI FELICI. Venus standing 1. C. 60. 677. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 574. Rev. VENVS VICTRIX. Venus standing 1. C. 76. 678. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 574. Rev. VESTA. Vesta standing 1. G. 85. 679. Caius Julius Verus Maximinus, A. D. 236-237. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG. Draped bust, laureate, r. Rev. FIDES MILITVM. Faith standing L C. 7. 680. AE. Sestertius. Similar to No. 579, with addition of S. C. on reverse. C. 10. 681. AE. Sestertius. Same types as No. 580. C. 13. 682. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 579. Rev. PAX AVG VST! . Peace standing 1. C. 31. 683. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Similar to No. 579. Rev. P. M. TR. P. II. COS. P. P. S. C. Maximinus standing facing. C. 59. 684. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Similar to No. 579. Rev. SALVS AVGVSTI. Salus seated 1. C. 88. 686. AR. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 579. Rev. VICTORIA GERM. Victory standing 1. C. 107. 586. Paulina. AR. Denarius. Obv. DIVA PAVLINA. Bust r. Rev. CONSECRATIO. Paulina carried on back of peacock. C. 2. 687. Balbinus, A. D. 238. AR. Antoninianus. Obv. IMP. CAES. D. CAEL. BALBINVS AVG. Draped bust r. iJev. PIETAS MVTVA AVGG. Two hands joined. C. 17. 688. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. C. D. CAEL. BALBINUS AVG. Draped buatr. Rev. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM. Providentia standing 1. C. 23. 689. Pupienus, A. D. 238. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. CAES. PVPIEN- MAXIMVS. AVG. Bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. Victory standing facing, looking 1. C. 41. 432 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 696. 696. 697. 698. 699. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 606. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 616. AE. Antoninianus. Obv. Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. PATRES SENATVS. Two hands joined. C. 19. M. Antonius Gordianus, A. D. 238-244. AK.> Obv. IMP. CAES. M. ANT. GORDIANVSAVG. Radiate bust r. iJcv. lOVI CONSERVA- TOR I. Jupiter standing 1. C. 105. AB. 06v. Radiate bust r. jRev. lOVI STATORI. Jupiter standing 1. C. 109. AS. 06i). Similar to 591. iJev. LAETITIA AVG N. Laetitia stand- ing 1. C. 118. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 593, with addition of S. C. C. 122. AB. 06v. Similar to No. 592. i?ev. MARTEM PROPVGNATOREM. Mars walking r. C. 160. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 592. Rev. PRIENS AVG. Sun god stand- ing 1. C. 167. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 592. Rev. PAX AVGVSTI. Goddess of Peace running 1. C. 179. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 592. Rev. P.M.TR.P.IIII.COS.III.P.P. Apollo half nude seated 1. C. 250. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 592. Rev. Gordian in military uniform, standing r. C. 253. AB. Denarius. 06?;. Similar to No. 592. Rev. P.M.TR.P.III.COS. P.P. Gordian mounted 1. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 592. Rev. SAECVLI FELICITAS. The emperor standing r. C. 319. AB. 06i;. Similar to No. 592. i?ez;. SECVRITAS PERPETVA. Se- curitas standing 1. C. 336. Tranquillina. AB. Obv. SABINA TRANQUILLINA AVG. Bust, diademate, r. iJet). CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord seated r. C. 1. PhiUppus Pater, A. D. 244-249. AB. 06i;. IMP.M.IVL.PHILIPPVS. AVG. Radiate bust r. i?ev. AEQVITAS AVG. Justice standing 1. C. 7. AB. 06v. IMP. PHILIPPVS. AVG. Radiate bust r. iJev. AETER- NITASAVGG. Elephant walking 1. C. 17. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 604. Rev. ANNONAAVGG. Female fig- ure standing 1. C. 25. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. FELICITAS TEMP. Female figure standing 1. C. 44. AB. 06i). Similar to No. 604. i?ev. FIDES Ml LIT. Female figure standing 1. C. 55. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 605. seated 1. C. 35. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 604. figure standing 1. C. 80. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 605. seated 1. C. 165. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 605. walking r. C. 173 AE. Obv. Similar to No. 605. Rev. FORTVNA REDVX. Fortuna Rev. LAETIT. FVNDAT. Female Rev. ROMAE AETERNAE. Roma Rev. SAECVLARES AVGG. Lion Rev. A stag r. Ex., V. C. 182. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Same as No. 613. C. 183. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 605. Rev. A cippus on which is inscribed COS. III. C. 192. • Unless otherwise specified coins hereafter designated AR are what numismatists gen- erally agree to call the Antoninianus. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 433 616. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 614. Rev. Similar to No. 615. C. 196. 617. AB. 06v. Similar to No. 604. iJev. VIRTVS. AVG. Valor, wearing helmet, seated 1. C. 240. 618. Otacilia Severina. AR. Obv. OTACIL.SEVERA.AVG. Bust, dia- demate, r. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord seated 1. C. 14. 619. AE. Sestertius. Oftf. Bust, diademate, r. Rev. PIETAS AVG.S.C. Pietas standing 1. C. 31. 620. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 619, but with bust in crescent. Rev. Simi- lar to No. 619, but with infant beside Pietas. C. 37. 621. AR. 06i;. Similar to No. 620. i?CT. PIETAS AVGVSTAE. Similar to No. 619. C. 43. 622. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 620. Rev. SAECVLARES AVGG. A hip- popotamus r. C. 63. 623. Philippus Filius, A. D. 249-261. AR. Obv. IMP.PHILIPPVS AVG. Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. PAX AETERNA. Peace standing 1. C. 23. 624. AE. Sestertius. Similar to No. 623 with laureated bust r. and S.C. on reverse. C. 26. 625. AR. 06v. Bust radiate r. iJei;. PR! NCI PI I WENT. Philip inmili- tary uniform standing 1. C. 48. 626. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 625. Rev. Philip standing 1. C. 57. 627. AR. 06^;. Similar to No. 623. i?ev. SAECVLARES AVGG. A she- goat walking 1. C. 72. 628. Trajan Decius, A. D. 249-261. AR. Obv. IMP.C.M.Q.TRAIANVS AVG. Bust of Decius in cuirass, radiate, 1. iJev. ADVENTVS AVG. Decius mounted 1. C. 4. 629. AR. 06iJ. Draped bust, laureate, r. Rev.DAC\A. Dacia standing 1. C. 13. 630. AR. 06t>. Bust, radiate, r. Rev. GEU ILLYRiCI. A Genius stand- ing 1. C. 45. 631. AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 630. C. 48. 632. AR. Similar to No. 630. C. 49. 633. AE.As. 06i). Draped bust in cuirass, laureate, r. i?ev. PANNONIAE. Two female figures, standing, turning from each other. C. 88. 634. EtrusciUa. AR. 06i;. HER.ETRVSCILLA AVG. Bust r. in cres- cent. iJe^;. PVDICITIA AVG. Female figure standing 1. C. 17. 636. AV. Aureus. OfttJ. Similar to No. 634. iJei). PVDICITIA. Female figure seated 1. C. 18. 636. AR. Similar to No. 635. C. 19. , • ' 637. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 634. Rev. PVDICITIA AVG. S.C. Same type as No. 635. C. 23. 638. Herennius Etruscus. AR. 06v. Q.HER.ETR.MES.DECIVS NOB. C. Bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. Herennius in mili- tary uniform standing 1. C. 26. 639. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 638, but with S.C. C. 28. 640. Trebonianus Gallus, A. D. 252-254. AR. Obv. IMP.CAE.C.VIB. TREB.GALLVS AVG. Bust, radiate, r. iSei;. APOLL.SALVTARI. Apollo standing 1. C. 20. 641. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 640. Rev. IVNO MARTIALIS. Juno seated 1. C. 46. 642. AR. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. LIBERTAS AVGG. Liberty standing 1. C. 63. 434 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 643. AE. As. Obv. Similar to No. 640. Rev. PI ETAS AVG. Female standing 1. C. 90. 644. Volusianus. AR. Obv. IMP. CAE. C. VIB. VOLVSIANO AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord standing 1. C. 20. 645. AE. As, Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Concord seated 1. C. 27. 646. AB. 06v. Bust, radiate, r. i?«?;. PAX AETERNA. Peace standing 1. C. 66. 647. AB. 06v. Similar to No. 644. iJev. VIRTVS AVGG. Valor stand- ing r. C. 133. 648. Aemilianus. AB. Obv. IMP. AEMILIANUS PIVS PEL. AVG. Draped bust r. iJg'j;. MARTI PRO PVGT. Mars standing 1. C. 25. 649. AB. Obv. Bust, radiate, r. Rev. ROMAE AETERNAE. Roma standing 1. C. 41. 660. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 649. Rev. SPES PVBLICA. Hope walk- ing r. C. 47. 661. AB. Obv. Bust, radiate, r. Rev. Victory moving 1. C. 52. 662. Valerianus, A. D. 251-260. AB. Obv. IMP. C. P. LIC. VALERI- ANVS AVG. Radiate bust r. i?ev. APOLINI PROPVG. Apollo standing r. C. 25. 663. AB. 61;. Radiate bust r. i?ei). FELICITAS AVGG. Female figure standing 1. C. 54. 664. AB. O61;. Legend and type as No. 653. Rev. FIDES MILITVM. Female figure standing 1. C. 68. 666. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 653. Rev. FORTUNA REDVX. standing 1. C. 76. 666. AB, O61;. Similar to No, 652. i?ei;. lOVI CONSERVITORI. standing 1, C, 94, 667. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 652. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. standing 1. C. 230. 668 AB. Obv. Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. ORIENS AVGG. figure running 1. 669. Mariniana. AB, Obv. DIVAE MARINIANAE. Veiled bust r., in crescent. Rev. CON SEC RAT 10. Peacock, facing. C. 2. 660. AE, Sestertius, Obv. Veiled bust, diademate, r. Rev. Peacock walk- ing r. C, 12, 661. AB, Obv. Veiled bust, in crescent, r. Rev. Peacock bearing Mari- niana to the gods. C. 14, 662. AB, Similar to No. 661; peacock flying r. C, 16. 663. GalUenus, A, D. 254^268, AB. Obv. GALLIENVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust, radiate r, i^ev. GERMANICVS MAX. V. Trophy, at foot, two German captives. C. 308. 664. AB O61;, Draped bust r, i2et). lOVI CONSERVATORI. Gallienus standing r. C, 378. 666, AB, O61J. Draped bust r. JRev. LIBERALITAS AVGG. Liberalitas standing 1, C. 570. 666. AB. Obv. Bust, radiate, 1. Rev. VICT. GERMANICA. Victory running 1, C, 1059, 667. AB, Obv. Similar to No, ( 668. AB, Obv. Bust, radiate, r, ing r, C, 1320, 669. AB. Quinarius. Obv. Bust, laureate, 1. Rev. VICTORIA AVG, Vic- tory running r, 670. Salonina. AB, 06^. SALONINA AVG. Bust, diademate, r, ROMAE AETERNAE, Gallienus standing r. C, 103, Mercury Jupiter Victory Male S. Rev. Victory running r. C. 1062, i?ev. VIRTVS AVGSTI. Hercules stand- Rev. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 435 671. AB. 06t>. Similar to No. 670. i?ev. VENVS FELIX. Venus seated 1. C. 115. 672. AR. Obv. Bust, in crescent, r. Rev. VESTA. Vesta standing 1. C. 138. 673. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 670. Rev. Vesta seated 1. C. 143. 674. Saloninus, A. D. 263-269. AE. Sestertius. Obv. DIVO CAES. VALERIANO. Draped bust r. Rev. CONSECRATIO. Funeral pyre. C. 16. 676. AR. 06v. Draped bust, radiate, r. i?ei;. PIETAS AVG. Sacrificial vase. C. 41. 676. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 675. Rev. PRINC.IVVENT. Saloninus standing 1. beside trophy. C. 64. 677. Postumus, A. D. 259-267. AR. Obv. IMP. C. POSTVMVS P. F. AVG. Similar to No. 675. iJei;. lOVI PROPVGNATORI. Jupi- ter walking 1. C. 155. 678. AR. 06t;. Similar to No. 677. iJei;. MONETA AVG. Female figure standing 1. C. 199. 679. AR. 06v. Similar to No. 677. iJev. PAX. AVG. Peace standing 1. C. 215. 680. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 677. Rev. VIRTVS AVG. Mars standing 1. C. 419. 681. AR. Quinarius. 06t). Draped bust, laureate, r. i?ei;. VICTORIA AVG. Victory running r. 682. Victorinus, A. D. 267. AE. Obv. IMP. C. VICTORINUS P. F. AVG. Bust, radiate, r. Rev. \n\l\CJ^S. Male figure walking 1. C. 49. 683. AE. Obv. Similar to No. 682. Rev. PAX AVG. Peace standing 1. C. 79. 684. AE. Obv. IMP. C. VICTORINUS. P. F. AVG. Bust , radiate, r. Rev. VIRTVS AVG. Hercules standing 1. 685. Marius, A. D. 267. AR. Obv. IMP. C. MARIVS P. F. AVG. Bust, radiate, r. Rev. CONCORDIA MILITVM. Two hands, joined. C. 4. 686. AR. Obv. Similar to No. 685. Rev. SAEC. FELICITAS. Female figure standing 1. C. 11. 687. Tetricus Pater, A. D. 267-272. AV. Aureus. Obv. IMP. C. TETRI- CVS p. F. AVG. Laureated bust r., in cuirass. Rev. P. M.TR. P. COS. P. P. The emperor standing 1. C. 126. 688. Obv. Busts of emperor and son r. Rev. AETERNITAS AVGG. Felicitas standing 1. C. 155. 689. Tetricus Filius. AV. Aureus. Obv. C. P. ES. TETRICVS CAES. Draped bust r. i?CT.SPESAVGG. Hope walking 1. C. 84. 690. AR. Same legends and types as No. 689. 691. Claudius n, A. D. 268. Obv. IMP. CLAVDIVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust, laureate, r. Rev. PAX EXERC. Peace standing r. 692. AV. Aureus. 06-i;. Similar to No. 691. i?ei). VICTORI AVG. Vic- tory moving 1. C. 300. 693. Aurelianus, A. D. 270-276. AE. As. Oftv. IMP. AVRELIANVS AVG. Draped bust r. i?ei;. CONCORDIA AVG. Aurelian and Severina, standing vis-a-vis and joining hands. C. 35. 694. AR. Obv. Radiate bust r. Rev. FORTUNA REDVX. Fortuna seated 1. C 95. 695. Severina. AR. Obv. SEVERINA AVG. Bust r. Rev. CONCOR- DIAEMILITVM. Concord standing 1. C. 7. 696. Probus, A. D. 276-282. AR. Obv. IMP. C. M. AVR. PROBVS. P. F. AVG. Radiate bust r. Rev. ROMAEAETER. Hexastyle temple, C. 538. 436 CATALOGUE OF COIKS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 697. AV. Aureus. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. SECVRITAS SAECVLI. Female figure seated 1. 698. AB. Obv. IMP. PROBVS AVG. Bust r. Rev. Female figure stand- ing r. C. 728. 699. Numerianus, A. D. 282-284. AB. Obv. IMP. NVMERIANVS AVG. Radiate bust r. Rev. PI ETAS AVGG. Mercury standing 1. C. 57. 700. AV. Aureus. Obv. M. AVR. NUMERIANVS NOB. C. Draped bust r. iJei;. PRINCIPIIVVENT. Numerianus standing 1. C. 65. 701. AR. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Numerianus standing 1. C. 68. 702. AB. Obv. Similar to No. 701. Rev. PROVIDENT. AVGG. Provi- dentia standing 1. C 83. 703. Carinus, A. D. 282-285. AB. 06v. M.AVR.CARINVS NOB.CAES. Draped bust r. Rev. PI ETAS AVGG. Sacrificial implements of the augur. C. 74. 704. AB. 06i;. Similar to No. 703. iJev. PRINCIPI IVVENTVT. Carinus standing 1. C. 104. 705. Diocletian, A. D. 284-305. AE. FolUs. Obv. IMP.DIOCLETIANVS AVG. Laureated head r. Rev. GEN 10 POPVLI ROMAN I. A male figure standing 1. C. 85. 706. AB. Obv. Radiate bust, in cuirass, r. Rev. lOVI. AVGG. Jupiter, nude, standing 1. C. 147. 707. AB. Obv. Radiate bust, draped. Rev. Jupiter seated 1. C. 169. 708. AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. lOVI CONSERVATORI. Jupiter standing 1. C. 246. 709. AB. MiUarensis. Obv. Similar to No. 708. Rev. VIRTVS Ml LIT. Four soldiers sacrificing at a tripod. C. 516. 710. AB. 06v.Bustr. iiev. lOVI TVTATORI AVGG. Jupiter standing 1. C. 543. 711. AB. MiUarensis. Obv. Similar to No. 708. Rev. XCVI within a wreath. C. 548. 712. Maximian, A. D. 286-305. AB. Antoninianus. Obv. IMP.C.MAXI- MIANVS.P.F.EN.(sic) AVG. Laureated head r. Rev. GENIO IMPERATORIS. A male figure standing 1. C. 136. 713. AE. Follis. 06i;. Bust r. i?ev. GENIO POPVLI RQMANI. Similar to No. 712; the Genius wears turret crown. C. 189. 714. AE. Follis. 06^;. Laureated head r. iJev. SALVIS AVGG.ET.CAESS. PEL. KART. Female figure standing L 0.510. 715. AV. Aureus. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. VIRTUS MILITVM. Four soldiers sacrificing. C. 622. 716. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No. 714. Rev. VIRTVTI HERCVLIS. Hercules standing r. C. 662. 717. AB. MiUarensis. Obv. Similar to No. 714. Rev. XCVI. within wreath. C. 696. 718. Galerius Maximian, A. D. 292-305. AE. FolUs. Obv. GAL.VAL. MAXIMIANVS NOB.CAES. Laureated head r. Rev. GENIO AVGG.ET CAESARVM NN. Male figure standing L C. 39. 719. AE. FolUs. 06t;. Similar to No. 718. iJet). GEN 10 POPVLI ROMAN!. Similar to No. 718; figure holding patera and cornucopia. C. 90. 720. AB. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 718. Rev. VIRTVS MILITVM. A gate, open, surmounted by three towers. C. 223. 721. AE. Follis. Obv. Similar to No. 718. Rev. SACR MONET. AVGG. ETCAESNOSTR. Juno Moneta standing 1. C. 188. 722. Constantine, A. D. 306-337. AV. Aiureus. 06i;. CONSTANTINVS AVGVTVS. Diademed head r. Rev. lOVI CONSERVATORI AVG. Jupiter standing 1. In exergue, T.S.B. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 437 728. AE. Middle bronze. 06v. Draped bust, diademate, r. Rev. MARTI PATRI CONSERVATOR I. Mars standing r. 724. AE. Middle bronze. 06?;. Bust in cuirass, laureate, r. Rev. MARTI PATRI PROPVG. Mars rushing r. 726. AE. SmaU bronze. Ohv. Head radiate, r. Rev. PROVIDENTIA A V G G . A gateway. 726. Pausta, wife of Constantine. AH. Denarius. 06i;. FL.MAX.FAVSTA AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. SPES REIPVBLICAE. Woman standing 1.; below, S.I.R.M. 727. Crispus, A. D. 317-326. Small bronze. Ohv. CRISPVS NOB. C. Laureated bust r. i?ei;. VICT LAETAE PRINC.PERP. Two Vic- tories placing a shield upon an altar. C. 140. 728. AE. Small bronze. Ohv. Back view of bust 1. Rev. VIRTVS EXER- CIT. Bound captives seated on ground. In exergue, SISI, retro- grade. 729. AE. Small Br. Ohv. Laureated bust r. Rev. CAESARVM NOS- TRORVM, around; within a wreath, VOT. X. 730. Delmatius, A. D. 336-337. AE. Middle bronze. 06?;. FL.DELMATIUS NOB.CAES. Draped bust r. Rev. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. Delmatius in military uniform standing 1.; to left, two legionary standards. 781. Constantine n, A. D. 817-337. AV. Aureus. Ohv. Anepigraphous; head r. Rev. CONSTANTINVS CAESAR. Victory walking 1.; below, SMTS. 782. AE. Small Br. Ohv. Draped bust r. Rev. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two soldiers standing vis-d-vis. 783. AE. Small Br. 06v. Draped bust r. i?ev. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS. Camp gate. 734. AE. Small Br. Ohv. Laureated head r. Rev. VOT. V. within a palm wreath; around, CAESARVM NOSTRORVM. 736. AE. Small Br. Similar to No. 734, but with VOT. X. on reverse. 736. Constans I, A. D. 333-360. AV. Aureus. Ohv. CONSTANS AV- GVSTVS. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIAE DD NN AVGG. Two Victories supporting shield inscribed VOT. X. MVLT.XX. In exergue, T.R. 787. AE. Small Br. Similar to No. 736, but with two Victories standing vis-h-vis. 788. AE. Middle Br. Oftv. Draped bust r. iJev. FEL.TEMP.REPARATIO. Constans standing 1. in a galley, holding globe surmounted with phoenix. 789. AE. Middle Br. Ohv. Similar to No. 738, except globe is surmounted with a Victory. 740. Constantius H, A. D. 323-361. AV. Aureus. Ohv. FL.IVL.CON- STANTIUS PERP. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. GLORIA REI- PVBLICAE. Constantinople seated 1; Roma seated facing, the two supporting shield inscribed VOT. XX. MVLT. XXX. In exergue, SMNT. 741. AV. Quinarius. Ohv. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTVS N . Victory seated r. 742. AE. Small Br. Ohv. Draped bustr. Rev. FEL.TEMP.REPARATIO. Soldier piercing an enemy. 748. AB. Denarius. Ohv. Head r. Rev. VOTIS XXV MVLTIS XXX within a wreath. 744. AB. Denarius. XXXX. Similar to No. 743, but reading VOTIS XXX. MVLT IS 438 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 746. AE. Middle Br. Ofti;. Draped bust r. i?ei;. GLORIA ROMANORVM- Constantius charging to right. 746. Vetranius.A.D. 350. AE. 06?;. D.N.VETRANIO.P.F.AVG. Draped bustr. i?ei;. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. Vetranius standing 1.; to right, two legionary ensigns. In exergue, T.R. 747. Decentius, A. D. 351. AE. Double Denarius. 06?;. D.N.DECENTiUS NOB CAES. Bustr.; to left, in field, symbol X- Rev. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS. Decentius standing r. 748. JuUann, A. D. 360-363. AV. Aureus. Obv. FL.CL.IVLIANVS. P.P. AVG. Draped bustr. i?e?;. VIRTVS EXERCITVS ROMANORVM. Julian walking r. ; in exergue, S I A M . 749. AE. large Br. Obv. Similar to No. 748. Rev. SECV RITAS REIPVB. Apis standing r.; above, two stars; below the bull's head, eagle on a wreath. 760. AE. Denarius. Obv. Similar to No. 748. Rev. VOT.X MVLT.XX within a wreath. 751. Jovianus, A. D. 363-364. AE. Small. Obv. lOVIANVS P.P. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VOT.V.MVLT.X. within a wreath. 762. Valentinianus I, A. D. 364r-375. AV. Aureus. Obv. D.N.VALEN- TINIANVS P.F.AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. Valentinian and his son seated facing; behind them. Victory. In exergue, TR. OB. 753. AV. Aureus. Obv. Similar to No. 752. Rev. RESTITUTOR REI- PVB L I C A E . Valentinian standing facing. 754. AE. Small Br. Obv. Similar to No. 752. Rev. GLORIA ROM ANO- RVM. Valentinian moving r. carrying banner with monogram )?:, and dragging captive by hair. 766. AE. Small Br. Similar to No. 752. Rev. VOT.X. MVLT.XX. within a wreath. 766. Valens, A.D. 364r-378. AE. Small Br. Obv. DN.VALENS. P.F.AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VRBS ROMA. Roma seated 1. In exergue, TRPN. 757. AE. Small Br. Obv. Similar to No. 756. Rev. RESTITVTOR REIP. Valens standing facing. 758. AE. Small Br. 06?;. Similar to No. 756. iJev. SECVRITAS REIPVB- LICAE. Victory moving 1. 759. Procopius, A. D. 365-366. AE. Quinarius. Obv. D.N. PROCOPIVS P.P. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. A cross within a wreath; above, CONOB. 760. Gratianus, A. D. 367-383. AV. Aureus. Obv. D N GRATIANVS P.P. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. Same type as No. 751. 761. AE. Middle Br. Obv. Similar to No. 760. Rev. REPARATIO REIPVB. Gratian standing 1. 762. AE. Small Br. Obv. Similar to No. 760. Rev. Similar to No. 756. 763. Valentinian n, A. D. 375-392. AV. Aureus. 06i;. D.N. VALENTIN!- ANVS P.F.AVG. Draped bustr. i?ei;. VICTORIA AVGG. Same type as No. 752. 764. AE. Middle Br. Obv. Similar to No. 763. Rev. Similar to No. 761. 766. Theodosius, A. D. 379-396. A V. Aureus. Oiv. D.N. THEODOSIVS P.P. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 760. 766. AE. Middle Br. Obv. Similar to No. 765 Rev. Similar to No. 761. 767. AE. Small Br. Obv. Similar to No. 765. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG. Roma seated facing. 768. Flacilla. AE. Middle. 06i;. AEL. FLACILLA AVG. Bustr. Rev. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. Flacilla standing facing. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 439 769. Arcadius, A. D. 394-408. AV. Aureus. Obv. DN ARCADIVS P.F. A V G . Draped bust r. jRev.VICTORIAAVGGG. Arcadius stand- ing r. and trampling upon a fallen enemy. 770. AV. Aureus. Obv. DN ARCADIUS P. F. AVG. A helmeted bust facing. iJe?;. CONCORDIA AVGG. Pallas seated r. In exergue, CONOB. 771. AE. Obv. Draped bust r., upon which a hand from above is placing a wreath, iiev. GLORIA ROM AN ORVM. Arcadius standing r. In exergue, CONS and a star. 772. AE. Middle Br. Obv. Similar to No. 771, except there are two crosses in field to right and T to left on reverse. In exergue, ANTE. 773. AR. Quinarius. 06i). Similar to No. 769. iJe?;. VIRTVS ROMANVM. Roma seated 1. ; below, BNPS. 774. Honorius, A. D. 464. AV. Aureus. Obv. HONORIVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. M. Similar to No. 769. CONOB. 776. BL. 06i;. Similar to No. 774. i?ev. VIRTVS ROMANORVM. Roma standing 1. 776. Constans m, A. D. 411-421. AR. Denarius. Obv. DN CONSTAN- TIVS P. F. AVG. A draped bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 769. CONOB. 777. Theodosius H, A. D. 408-438. AR. Quinarius. Obv. THEODOSIVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VOT. XXX. M VLT. XXXX within wreath; below, CONS. 778. John, A. D. 423-425. AR. Denarius. Obv. DN lOHANNES P.F. AVG. Draped bast r. i?e7;. VICTORIA AVGGG. Similar to No. 769. COM. 779. Valentinian m, A. D. 425-456. AV. Aureus. Obv. DN PLA. VAL- ENTINIANVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG. Valentinian standing facing, trampling on human-headed serpent. In exergue, CONOB. 780. Honoria, A. D. 433-454. AE. SmaU. Obv. D. N. I VST. GRAT. HONORIA P. F. AVG. Bust r. Rev. BONO REIPVBLICAE. Victory standing 1. In exergue, CONOB. 781. Severus m, A. D. 461-465. AV. Aureus. Obv. D.N. LIBIVS SEVE- RVS P. F. AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG. Type as No. 779. 782. Leo, A. D. 457-474. AV. Aureus. Obv. DN. LEO PERPET. AVG. Helmeted bust facing. JRct. VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory stand- ing L In exergue, CONOB. 783. JuUus Nepos, A. D. 474. AV. Triens. Obv. DN. ANICIVS OLY- B R I V S AVG. Bust r. Rev . Cross within a wreath ; below, CONOB. 784. Zeno, A. D. 474-491. AV. Aureus. Obv. DN. ZENO PERP. AVG. Helmeted bust facing. Rev. Similar to No. 782. BYZANTINE COINS. 785. Anastasius I, A. D. 491-618. AV. SoUdus. Obv. DN.ANASTASIVS P.P.AVG. Beardless bust r. i?ei;. VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory standing L; below, CONOB. 786. AV. SoUdus. Obv. Similar to No. 785. i?ei;. VICTORIA AVGGG H. Victory holding cross surmounted with monogram -f-. 787. AV. Tremissis. Obv. ANASTASIVS AVG. Draped bust r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM. Victory standing. 440 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 788. AE. 40 Nummia. Ohv. DN. ANASTASIVS P P AVG. Similar to No. 787. Rev. M between two stars; above, a cross; in exergue, CON. 789. AE. 20 Nummia. Ohv. Similar to No. 788. Rev. K; on 1., cross; on r., e. 790. AE. 10 Nummia. Ohv. Similar to No. 788. Rev. CON CORD I around the mark of value, I. 791. Justin I, A. D. 518-627. AV. SoUdus. 06t). DN.IVSTINVS P.P. AVG. Bust of Justin, facing. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory stand- ing facing; below, CO NOB. 792. AV. Tremissis. Ohv. Bust, diademate, r. Rev. Victory standing facing. 798. AE. 40 Nummia. Ohv. Bust of Justinus r. Rev. M between two stars. 794. AE. 40 Nummia. Similar to No. 793, with cross and stars on reverse. 796. Justinianus I, A. D. 627. AV. SoUdus. Ohv. DN. IVSTINIANVS P.P.AVG. Bust in armor facing. i?ev. VICTORIA AVGGG. Vic- tory standing 1. 796. AE. 40 Nummia. 06?;. Bust facing. Rev. ANNO M X|ll|ll. In exergue, CON. 797. AE. 40 Nummia. Similar to No. 796, but reading ANNO-XVI on reverse. 798. 20 Nummia. Similar to No. 796, but reading K and ANNO-XV on reverse. 799. 20 Nummia. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. K; on 1., cross. 800. Justinus n, A. D. 665-578. AV. SoUdus. Obv. DNI VSTINVS P.P. AVG. Bust facing. i?ev. VICTORIA AVGGG P. Constantinople seated facing. In exergue, CO NOB. 801. Maurice Tiberius, A. D. 582-578. AV. Solidus. Ohv. DH MAVRC TIBER AVG. Bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and cuirass. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. B. Victory standing 1.; below, CONOB. 802. AE. 40 Nummia. Ohv. Similar to No. 801. Rev. M— ANNO X; below, NIKO. 803. Phocas, A. D. 602-610. AV. SoUdus. Ohv. DN.FOCAS PERP AVG. Crowned bust facing. Rev . VICTORIA AVGG. Victory standing facing. 804. AV. SoUdus. Similar to No. 803. 806. AE. 40 Nummia. Ohv. Phocas and Leontia standing facing. Rev. ANNO M 111. 806. HeracUus I, A. D. 610-641. AV. Semissis. Ohv. Heraclius, Hera- clius Constantine and Heraclonas standing facing. Rev. V I CTO R I A AG US. Cross. 807. AB. Ohv. DDNN. HERACLIUS ET HERA. CONS. Heraclius and Constans seated facing. i?ev. DEUSADIUTAROMANIS. Cross. 808. AE. Ohv. Helmeted bust in cuirass. Rev. M— ANNO II. CON. 809. Constans n (Constantinus m), A. D. 641-668. AV. SoUdus. Ohv. DN.CONSTANTINUS PP AVG. Bust facing. Rev. VICTORIA kMQxMS. A cross potent; below, CONOB-f. 810. Justinianus n, A. D. 685-695. AV. SoUdus. 06?;. DN. IVSTINIA- NVS PF AV. Crowned bust facing. Rev. VICTORIA AVGV. Cross potent; below, CONOB. 811. Anastasius n, A. D. 713-716. AV. Solidus. Ohv. DH ARTEMIUS ANASTASIUS MULA. Crowned bust facmg. Rev. VICTORIA AVGV A. Cross potent, CONOB. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS, 441 812. Michael I, A. D. 811-813. AE.40Nummia. 61;. Busts of Michael and his son Theophylactus facing. Rev. M. ; ANN O — XXX. 813. Theophilus, A. D. 829-842. AV. Semissis. Theophilus with his father, Michael II, and his son, Constantine. Obv. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Busts of Michael and Constantine facing; above them a cross. 814. AE. Follis. Obv. Half length figure of emperor standing, facing. Rev. Name and title. 816. AE. 40 Nummia. Obv. Crowned bust facing. Rev. M. AN NO XXX. 816. Michael III, A. D. 842-867. AV. Solidus. Obv. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Draped bust of Christ facing. 817. Basil 1(1) and Constantine, A. D. 867-879. AV. Solidus. Obv. Crowned busts facing. Rev. Facing bearded Christ, seated. 818. Leo VI, A. D. 886-912. AE. Follis. Obv. Leo VI seated on throne. Rev. Name, etc., in four lines. 819-820, AE, Follis, Similar to No. 818, 821. Leo and Alexander. AE. Follis, Obv. Leo and Alexander standing facing. Rev. Names, etc. 822. Constantine VH, A. D. 913-959. AE. Follis. Constantine VII with the Regent Zoe. O61;. Half length figures facing. i?ey. CONSTAN- TINUS &ZOE BASILIS ROMEON. 823. AV. Solidus. Constantine VII and his son Romanus II. Obv. Crowned busts facing. Rev. Bust of Christ facing. 824. AV. Solidus. Romanus I and his son Christopher. Obv. Crowned busts facing. Rev. Christ seated. 826. Nicephonis n, A. D. 963-969, AV. Nomisma. Obv. Crowned bust wearing robe with square pattern; on left, bust of Virgin, nimbate. Rev. Bust of Christ, nimbate. 826. John I. Zimisces, A. D, 969-975. AV. Nomisma. Obv. On left, bust of John facing; on right, Virgin, nimbate and placing crown on head of John. Rev. Similar to No. 823. 827. AE. Follis. Obv. Bust of Christ, bearded and nimbate. Rev lESUS XRISTUS etc. 828. Michael IV, A. D. 1034-1041. AV, Nomisma, Obv. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Bust of Christ. 829. Eomanus HI, A. D. 1028-1034. AV, Nomisma, Obv. Romanus standing; on right, Virgin. Rev. Christ seated on throne. 830. Michael VH, 1071-1078. AV. Nomisma. A numnius scyphatus. Obv. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Christ with long beard and flowing hair, 831. Nicephorus HI, A. D. 1078-1081. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. Obv. Bust of Nicephorus III, crowned. Rev. Bust of Christ, nimbate. 832. AV. Nomisma. Num. Sey. Obv. The emperor standing facing, crowned. Rev. Christ seated, nimbate. 833. Alexis I, A. D. 1081-1118. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. Obv. The emperor standing facing, crowned. Rev. Similar to No. 832. 834. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. Obv. Alexis, crowned, standing facing. Rev. Similar to No. 832. 886. John n, A. D. 1118-1143. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. John II standing facing; on right. Virgin, nimbate, places crown on head of emperor. Rev. Christ, nimbate, seated facing. 836. Manuel I, A. D. 1143-1180. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. Obv. The emperor, crowned, standing facing. Rev. Bust of Christ, nimbate. 887. Michael vm, A. D. 1261-1282. AV. Nomisma. Nummus scyphatus. Obv. Michael VIII kneeling, supported by angel; on right, Christ, nimbate. Rev. Virgin seated. GREAT BRITAIN. 1. AE. 06t). Head to right. Rev. Horse t. Immitation of Gallic bronze. 19 mm. MERCIA. 2. Sceatta. Obv. Rude head r. Rev. T o T etc. within a square. Rud- ing, C. B. PI. 1, No. 8. 3. Burgred, A. D. 853-874. AR. Penny. Obv. BURGRED REX. Bust, diademate, to right. Rev. MON. | HE AWL | .ETA. KINGDOM OF WESSEX. 4. Aethelbearht, A. D. 856-866. AR. Penny. Obv. AEDELBEARHT. Head to right. Rev. DVDVINE MON ETA between the arma of a cross. 4a. Alfred the Great, A. D. 872-901. Obv. +ELFRED RE. Cross in circle. Rev. EDELV | LFMO | (=Ethelwulf Moneyer). 21 mm. 5. Eadred, A. D. 946-955. AR. Penny. Obv. EADRED REX. Small cross. Rev. HVNR. | x x x | ED MO; pellets above and below. 6. AR. Penny. Obv. Similar to No. 5; moneyer, MAN AN. ENGLAND. 7. William lor n, 1066 (1087 )-1100. AR. Penny. Exeter. 6 1;. Facing bust, crowned, r. i?^. Cross; SERINE ON LEXECI. 8. AR. Penny. London. Similar to No. 7, but with EDRIC ON LVN- D i N E I on reverse. 9. AR.Penny. Similar to No. 7, but with LIFPORD ON PINE on reverse. 10. Henry I, A. D. 1100-1135. AR. Penny. Obv. Facing head in a triangle. Rev. Cross; trefoils in angles. 11. Jolin, A. D. 1199-1216. AR. Penny. Obv. lOHANVS REX. Facing head in a triangle. Rev. Crescent and star. 12. AR. Penny, Similar to No. 11. 18. Henry m, A. D. 1216-1272. AR. Penny. Obv. HENRICVS. REX. Facing head. Rev.CAUT. Short cross. 14. AR. Penny. Similar to No. 13. 15. AR. Penny. London. Similar to No. 13, but with 10 HAN ON. LVND, on reverse. 16. AR.Penny. Winchester. Obv. HENRICVS REX III. Facing head, crowned. Rev. Cross. 17. Edward I, A. D. 1272-1307. AR.Penny. Obv. EDWR' ANGL DNS. HYB. Facing bust, crowned. i?CT. Cross. 18. AR. Penny. Dublin. Obv. Crowned bust. Rev. Cross. 19. Edward H, A. D. 1307-1327. AR. Penny. London. Obv. EDWAR. R. ANGL. HYB. Facing bust, crowned. i?ei;. Cross. 20. Edward m, A. D. 1327-1376. AV. Quarter Noble. Obv. EDWARD. DEI.GRA.REX. ANGL. Shield of arms. Rev. EXALTABITVR. IN. GLORIA. Cross. 21. Edward the Black Prince, A. D. 1362-1376. AV. Royal d'Or. Obv. ED'.PO: ENS: REG: ANGL: PNCS: A. The prince standing, facing. Rev. DNS. AIUTO PTECTO ME. & IIPO: SPAVI. COR. MEVM:B. Cross. 442 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 443 23 23. 24. 26. 26. 27. Henry IV, A. D. 1399-1413. AB. Penny. Calais. 06i;. HEN RICVS REX ANGLIE. Facing bust, crowned. Rev. Cross. Henry V, A. D. 1413-1422. AV. Noble. Obv. HENRIC: Dl': GRA': ANGL: &. : FRANC: DNS:HYB'. The king standing in a ship. Rev. Cross. AR. Groat. London. Obv. Facing head, crowned. Rev. Long cross. AE. Groat. Calais. Obv. Full-face head, crowned. Rev. Long cross. AR. Groat. Similar to No. 25. Edward rv, A. D. 1461-1483. AR. Groat. London. 06i;. EDWARD: DI:GRA:ANGL': &. : FRANC. Facing bust, crowned. Rev. Long dross. 28-30. AR. Groats. Similar to No. 27. 31. Henry Vn, A. D. 1485-1509. AV. Angel. Obv. HENRIC. Dl'. GRA'. REX. ANGL'. & . FRANC. St. Michael and dragon. Rev. Shield of arms. AR. Groat. London. Obv. Facing bust, crowned. Rev. Long cross. AR. Groat. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. Henry Vm, A. D. 1609-1547. AV. Sovereign. 06v. HENRIC'8': Dl': GRA: AGL'.FR ANCIE: & : HIBER.REX. King seated. Rev. Crowned arms, with supporters. 35. AR. Groat. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Arms over cross. 36. Edward VI, A. D. 1647-1663. AR. Half-sovereign. Obv. EDWARD. VI.D.G.AGL.FRA.Z.HIB.REX. Crowned bust r. i?ev. Oval shield, crowned. Obv. Full-face bust, crowned. Rev. Shield of arms on 32 34 37 AR. Shilling. cross. AR. Shilling. Mary, A. D. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Similar to No. 37. 1663-1558. AR. Groat. Shield of arms. 40-42. AR. Groats. Similar to No. 39. 43 Philip and Mary, A. D. 1554r-1558. AR. Half-crown. Obv. PHILIP- PVS.D.G.P.ANG.FRA.NEAP.PR.HISP. Bust r. iJe-y. Bust 1. 44. AR.Shilling. 06t). PH ILIP.ET MARIA. D.G. REX. ET.REGINA.ANG. Busts vis-cL-vis. Rev. Oval shield of arms of England and Spain. 45. EUzaheth, A. D. 1568-1603. AV. Sovereign. 06v. ELIZABETH :D:G: ANG:FRA'. REGINA. Queen crowned, seated. Rev. Shield of arms. 46. AR. Shilling. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 47-48. AR. Sixpences, 1662. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 49. AR. Groat, 1664. Types and legends similar to No. 47. 60. AR. Groat, 1584. Similar to No. 49. 61. James I, A. D. 1603-1625. AV. Rose Royal. Obv. lACOBVS. D:G: MA. BRI. FR. ET HIB:REX. Crowned king, seated. Rev. Shield of arms. 62-64. AV. Laurels, or Twenty-shilling pieces. Obv. Bust laureate L Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 66. AV. Double-crown or Half Unite. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 66-57. AR. Shillings. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 58. AR. Sixpence, 1604. Obv. Similar to No. 56. Rev. EXVRGAT. DEVS etc. Shield. 69-60. AR. Sixpences. Obv. Similar to No. 56. Rev. QVAE. DEVS etc. Shield of arms. 22023°— 14 29 444 CATALOGUE OF COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 61. Charles I, A. D. 1625-1649. AV. Three sovereigns, 1643. Obv. CAROLVS. D. G. MAGN. BRIT. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. Crowned bustr. Rev. Infield: III | RELIG. PROT. 1 LEG. ANG. | LIBER. PAR I 1643. 62. AV. Twenty shillings. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 63. AV. Five shillings. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 64 AB. Pound, 1642. Necessity piece, Obv. Charles I, mounted. Rev. EXVRGAT DEVS: etc. In field, RELIG. PROT. LEG. | ANG. LIBER. PAR.; above XX. 48 mm. 1,808 grs. 65. AE; Half-pound, 1642. Necessity piece. Types similar to No. 64. 67. AR. Shilling, 1645. Siege piece; Newark. Obv. A crown; at sides, C - R; beneath, XII. Rev. OBS: | NEWARK 1 1645. Lozenge form. 68-69. AS. Shillings. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Oval shield of arms. 70-71. AR. Sixpences. Obv. Similar to No. 68. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 72. Commonwealth. AR. Half-crown, 1654. Obv. THE COMMON- WEALTH OF ENGLAND. Shield, bearing cross of St. George. Rev. GOD WITH US. Two shields. 73. AB. Shilling, 1654. Legends and types similar to No. 72. 74. Cromwell, A. D. 1653-1658. AV. Broad, 1656. Obv. OLIVAR. D. G. R. P. ANG. SCO. ET. HIB. &. PRO. Head of Cromwell 1. Rev. PAX. QVAERITVR. BELLO. Arms of the Protectorate, crowned. 76. AR. Crown, 1658. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Similar to No. 74. 76. AR. Half-crown, 1658. Legends and types similar to No. 75. 77. AR. Shilling, 1658. Similar to No. 75. 78. Charles n, A. D. 1660-1685. AV. Five-guineas, 1679. 06?;. CAROLVS DEI GRATIA. Bust r. Rev. MAG. BR. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. Four crowned shields, crosswise. 79. AV. Guinea, 1667. Legends and types similar to No. 78. 80. AR. Crown, 1672. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Four crowned shields, crosswise. 81. AR. Half-crown, 1669. Types similar to No. 80. 82. AR. Half-crown, 1677. Ditto. 83. AR. Shilling, 1668. Legends and types similar to No. 78, but with two C's interlinked between shields. 84. AR. Shilling, 1671. Similar to No. 83. Reeded edge. 85. AR. Sixpence, 1674. Types similar to No. 83. 86. AB. Threepence, undated. Obv. Crowned bust Rev. Shield of arms; above, crown. 87. AB. Fourpence, 1679. Obv. Similar to No. 81. Rev. Four C's inter- linked. 88. AB. Threepence, 1679. Obv. Similar to No. 81. Rev. Similar to No. 87, but with four C's interlinked and crowned. 89. AB. Twopence, 1679. Similar to No. 87, but with two C's crowned, on reverse. 90. AE. Halfpenny, 1673. Obv. CAROLVS A. CAROLO. Bust 1. Rev. BRITANNIA. Britannia seated 1. 91. AE. Farthing, 1679. Legends and types similar to No. 90. 92. James n, A. D. 1685-1688. AV. Guinea, 1688. Obv. lACOBVS • II ' DEI • GRATIA. Bust 1. Rev, Four shields of arms, crosswise, with scepters in angles. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 445 98. AE. Crown, 1687. Obv. Draped bust 1. Rev. Four crowned shields, crosswise. 94. AB. Crown, 1688. Similar to No. 93. 96. AH. Half-crown, 1685. Legends and types similar to No. 93. 96. AR. Half-crown, 1687. Legends and types similar to No. 93. 97. FoTirpence, 1686. Obv. Similar to No. 92. Rev. Numeral Mil, crowned, 98. Threepence, 1687. Similar to No. 97, but with 1 1 1 on reverse. 99. Twopence, 1686. Similar to No. 97, but with 1 1 on reverse. GUN MONEY. 100. AE. Crown, 1690. Obv. lAC. II. DEI GRA. MAG. BRI. FRA. ET HIB. REX. King bareheaded, on horseback, 1. Rev. CHRISTO VIC- TORE TRIVMPHO. Four crowned shields of arms, crosswise. 32 mm. 101. AE. Crown, 1690. Similar to No. 100. 34 mm. 102. AE. Half-crown, 1689. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crown; above, XXX; be- low, JxJbA^. 33 mm. 103. AE. Half-crown, 1690. Similar to No. 102. 29 mm. 104. AE. ShilUng, 1689. Similar to No. 102, but with mark of value, XII. 24 mm. 106. AE. Sixpence, 1689. Similar to No. 102, but with value, VI. 21 mm. 106. William and Mary, A. D. 1688-1694. AV. Guinea, 1692. Obv. GVLIELMVS ET MARIA DEI GRATIA. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. 107. AE. Half-crown, 1689. Types similar to No. 106. 108. AE. Half-crown, 1693. Obv. Similar to No. 106. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms, crosswise, with V^ M in angles. 109. AR. Fourpence, 1689. Obv. Similar to No. 106. Rev. "4," crowned. 110. AE. Threepence, 1689. Similar to No. 109, but with "3," crowned, on reverse. 111. AE. Farthing, 1691. Obv. Similar to No. 106. Rev. Britannia seated 1. 112. Wimamm, A. D. 1694-1701. AV. Guinea, 1697. Obv. GVLIELMVS. III. DEI. GRA. Bust r. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms, cross- wise, with scepters in angles. 113. AE. Crown, 1696. Types similar to No. 112, but without scepters. 114. AE. Half-crown, 1698. Similar to No. 113. 116. AE. ShilUng. Similar to No. 113. 116. AE. Sixpence. Similar to No. 113. 117. Anne, A. D. 1701-1714. AV. Guinea, 1714. Obv. ANNA. DEI. GRA- TIA. Bust 1. Rev. Similar to No. 112, but Star of Garter in center. 118. AE. Crown, 1703. Types similar to No. 117, but with VIGO below bust. 119. AE. Crown, 1707. Similar to No. 117, but with E below bust. 120. AE. Half-crown, 1708. Similar to No. 119. 121. AE. Shilling, 1708. Similar to No. 119. Edge obliquely hatched. 122. AE. Sixpence, 1711. Similar to No. 121. 123. AE. Farthing, 1714. Obv. Similar to No. 117. Rev. BRITANNIA. Britannia seated 1. 446 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 124. George I, A. D, 1714-1727. AV. Guinea, 1726. Obv. GEORGIVS D. G.M.BR.FR.ET HIB.REX F.D. Bust r. Rev. BRVN.ET L:DVX S.R.I.A.TH.ET EL. 1726. Four shields of arms, crosswise, with scepters in angles. 126. AV. 1/4 Guinea, 1718. Similar to No. 124. 126. AB. Shilling, 1723. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms, crosswise, with SS. C. in angles. 127. AR. Sixpence, 1723. Similar to No. 126. 128. AE. Halfpenny, 1717. Obv. Mailed bust r. Rev. Britannia seated 1. 129. AE. Farthing, 1721. Similar to No. 128. 130. George H, A. D. 1727-1760. AV. Two-guineas, 1748. Obv. GEOR- GIVS.II.DEI.GRATIA. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. 131. AV. Guinea, 1761. Types similar to No. 130. 132. AB. Crown, 1735. Obv. Draped bust 1. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms, crosswise, with Star of Garter in center, plumes and roses in the angles. 133. AB. Half-crown, 1745. Similar to No. 132. 134. AE. Half-crown, 1746. Similar to No. 132, but without plumes and roses on reverse. 136. AB. Shilling, 1745. Types similar to No. 132. 136. AB. Shilling, 1758. Similar to No. 134. 137. AB. Sixpence, 1768. Similar to No. 134. 138. AB. Fourpence, 1746. Obv. Youthful bust 1. Rev. Numeral 4, crowned. 139. AB. Pence, 1766. Similar to No. 138, except value. 140. AE. Halfpenny, 1732. Obv. Mailed bust 1. Rev. Britannia seated 1. 141. George m, A. D. 1760-1820. AV. Guinea, 1774. Obv. GEORGIVS III DEI GRATIA. Bust r. i2et;. Shield of arms. 142. AV. Guinea, 1787. Obv. Similar to No. 141. Rev. Spade-shaped shield of arms. 143. AV. Guinea, 1813. Obv. Head r. Rev. BRITANNIARVM REX FID El DEFENSOR. Shield of arms. 144. AV. Sovereign, 1818. 06v. GEORGIVS III D. G. BRITANNIAR.REX F.D. Head r. Rev. St. George and the Dragon. 145. AV. Half-guinea, 1801. Types similar to No. 143. 146. AV. Half-guinea, 1817. Types similar to No. 141. 147. AV. Seven shillings, 1808. Obv. Similar to No. 141. Rev. Inscrip- tion similar to No. 143. Crown and date. 148. AV. Seven shillings, 1813. Similar to No. 147. 149-150. AV. Quarter-guinea, 1762. Types similar to No. 141. 151. AB, Crown, 1819. Obv. Head r. Rev. St. George and dragon. 152. AB. Half-crown, 1817. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms crowned. 153. AB. Half-crown, 1820. Obv. Head r. Rev. Similar to No. 152. 154. AB. Shilling, 1787. Obv. Mailed bust r. Rev. Four crowns and shields arranged cruciformly, with Star of the Garter in center. 155. AB. ShilUng, 1820. Similar to No. 153. 156. AB. Sixpence, 1787. Types similar to No. 154. 157. AB. Sixpence, 1820. Similar to No. 155. 158. AB. Fourpence, 1820. Obv. Head r. Rev. Numeral 4, crowned. 169. AB. Threepence, 1762. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Numeral 3 crowned . 160. AR. Threepence, 1817. Types similar to No. 158. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 447 161. AB. Twopence, 1818. Type similar to No. 159. 162. AR. Penny, 1776. Similar to No. 159. 163. AR. Penny, 1820. Similar to No. 158. 164. AE. Twopence, 1797. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Britannia seated by the sea. 41 mm. 165. AE. Penny, 1797. Similar to No. 164. 36 mm. 166. AE. Penny, 1806. Type similar to No. 164. 34 mm. 167. AE. Halfpenny, 1799. Similar to No. 166. 31 mm. 168. AE. Farthing, 1799. Similar to No. 166, but reading 1. FARTHING below Britannia. 169. George rv, 1820-1830. AV. Five-pounds, 1826. Obv. GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA. Head 1. /^ct. Square shield of arms within ermine mantle. 170. AV. Double-sovereign, 1823. Obv. GEORGIUS 1 1 II D:G:BRITAN- NIAR.REX F.D. Head 1. Rev. St. George and the dragon. 171. AV. Double-sovereign, 1826. Similar to No. 169. 172. AV. Sovereign, 1821. Similar to No. 170. 173. AV. Sovereign, 1826. Similar to No. 169, but with garnished shield of arms on reverse. 174. AV. Half-sovereign, 1826. Similar to No. 173. 175. AV. Half-sovereign, 1825. 061;. Laureated head 1. Rev. Square shield of arms, crowned; around, ANNO 1825. 176. AR. Crown, 1822. Similar to No. 170. 177. AR. Half-crown, 1821. Obv. Similar to No. 170. Rev. Similar to No. 173. 178. AR. Half-crown, 1823. Obv. Similar to No. 170. Rev. Crowned arms within Garter and in collar of Golden Fleece. 179. AR. Shilling, 1824. Similar to No. 178, but shield in Garter. 180. AR. Shilling, 1825. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Royal crest. 181. AR. Sixpence, 1824. Similar to No. 179. 182. AR. Fourpence, 1830. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Numeral 4, crowned. 183. AR. Threepence, 1830. Similar to No. 182; numeral 3. 184. AR. Twopence, 1828. Similar to No. 182; numeral 2. 185. AE. Halfpenny, 1827. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Britannia r. 186. AE. Farthing, 1826. Similar to No. 185. 186a. AE. Half farthing, 1827. Similar to No. 185. 187. William IV, A. D. 1830-1837. AV. Double-sovereign, 1831. Obv. GULIELMUS INI D:G:BRITANN1AR. REX F:D: Head r. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned, within an ermine mantle. 188. AV. Sovereign, 1831. Obv. Similar to No. 187. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 189. AV. Half-sovereign. Similar to No. 188. 190. AR. Crown, 1831. Types similar to No. 187. 191. AR. Half-crown, 1831. Similar to No. 187. 192. AR. Shilling, 1831. Obv. Similar to No. 187. Rev. Value and crown. 193. AR. Sixpence, 1831. Similar to No. 192. 194. AR. Groat, 1831. Obv. Similar to No. 187. Rev. Numeral 4, crowned, within oak wreath. 195. AR. Threepence, 1831. Similar to No. 194, but with 3, crowned. 196. AR. Twopence, 1831. Similar to No. 194, but with 2, crowned. 197. AR. Penny, 1831. Similar to No. 194, except value. 44 S CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 198. AE. Penny, 1831. Obv. GUILEMUS llll DEI GRATIA. Head r. Rev. BRITANNIAR.REX FID:DEF: Britannia seated r. 199. AE. Halfpenny, 1831. Similar to No. 198. 200. AE. Farthing, 1831. Similar to No. 198. 201. AE. Half-farthing, 1831. Similar to No. 198. 202-203. Victoria, A. D. 1837-1901. AV. Sovereign, 1838. Obv. VIC- TORIA DEI GRATIA. Headl. i?et). BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID: DEF: Shield of arms, crowned. 204. AV. Sovereign, 1872. Similar to No. 202, except date. 205. AV. Sovereign, 1872. Obv. VICTORIA D.G.BRITANNIAR: REG: F : D : Head 1. Rev. St. George and the dragon. 206. AV. Half-sovereign, 1867. Obv. Similar to No. 202. Rev. Garnished shield of arms, crowned. 207. AV. Half-sovereign, 1872. Similar to No. 206. 208. AR. Crown, 1844. Types similar to No. 202. 209. AR. Crown, 1847. Obv. "Victoria dei. Gratia Britanniar reg. f. d." in 0. E. ; crowned bust 1. Rev. "tueatur unita deus anno domini mdcccxlvii." in 0. E. Four shields, crowned, arranged cruciformly. 210. AR. Half-crown, 1840. Similar to No. 202. 211. AB. Florin, 1849. Similar to No. 209, but with inscription in Roman letters. 212. AR. Florin, 1863. Obv. " Victoria d. g. Brit. reg. f: d: mdcccliii" in 0. E. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Four shields, crosswise. 213. AR. Shilling, 1872. Obv. Similar to No. 205. Rev. Value and crown. 214. AR. Sixpence, 1838. Types similar to No. 213. 216. AR. Sixpence, 1872. Similar to No. 213. 216. AR. Groat, 1838. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Britannia r.; around, FOUR PENCE. 217. AR. Threepence, 1838. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Numeral 3, crowned. 218. AR. Twopence, 1838. Similar to No. 217, but with 2, crowned. 219. AR. 1^ Pence, 1838. Similar to No. 217, but with IJ, crowned. 220-223. AR. Series of Maundy coins, 1872. Similar to Nos. 217, 218. 224-225. AR. Threepence and Twopence, 1873. As Nos. 217-218. 226. AE. Penny, 1860. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Britannia, helmeted, seated 1. 227-229. AE. Pennies, 1872, 1873, and 1887. Similar to No. 226. 230-233. AE. Half-pennies, 1861, 1870, 1872, 1887. Similar to No. 226. 234. AE. Farthing, 1839. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Britannia seated r. 235. AE. Farthing, 1869, Similar to No. 226. 236. AE. Farthing, 1887. Similar to No. 226. 237. AE. Half-farthing, 1839. Obv. Similar to No. 234. Rev. Value, crowned. 238. AE. Third-farthing, 1868. Similar to No. 237. 239. AE. Quarter-farthing, 1839. Similar to No. 237. JUBILEE COINAGE, 1887. 240. AV. Five-pounds, 1887. Obv. VICTORIA D: G: BRITT: REG: F: D: Crowned and veiled bust 1. Rev. St. George and Dragon. 241. AV. Two-pounds, 1887. Similar to No. 240. 242. AV. Sovereign, 1887. Similar to No. 240. 243. AV. Half-sovereign, 1887. Obv. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Bust as No. 240. Rev. BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID. DEF. Shield of arms, crowned. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 449 244. AE. Crown, 1887. Similar to No. 240. 245. AR. Double-florin, 1887. Obv. Similar to No. 243. Rev. BRITT. REG. FID: DEF: Four crowned shields, crosswise. 246. AE. Half-crown, 1887. Obv. Similar to No. 243. Rev. Square shield of arms. 247. AE. Florin, 1887. Legends and types similar to No. 245. 248. AE. Shilling, 1887. Similar to No. 246. 249. AE. Sixpence, 1887. Similar to No. 246. 250. AE. Fourpence, 1890. Similar to No. 240, but with numeral 4, crowned. 251. AV. Sovereign, 1893. Obv. VICTORIA DEI GRA. BRITT. REGINA. FID. DEF. IND. IMP. Veiled bust 1. Rev. St. George and Dragon. 252. AE. Crown, 1893. Legends and types as No. 251. 263. AE. Half-crown, 1893. Obv. VICTORIA. DEI. GRA. BRITT. REG. Veiled bust 1. Rev. FID. DEF. IND. IMP. Spade-shaped shield within collar of Garter. 264. AE. Florin, 1893. Obv. Similar to No. 251. Rev. Three shields of arms; around, ONE FLORIN— TWO SHILLINGS. 266. AE. Shilling, 1893. Obv. Similar to No. 251. Rev. Three crowned shields, in triangular position, within Garter. 286. AE. Sixpence, 1893. Obv. Similar to No. 251. Rev. Value, crowned. 267. AE. Threepence, 1893. Similar to No. 256, but with 3, crowned, on reverse. 258. AE, Penny, 1896. Obv. Similar to No. 251. Rev. Britannia seated r. 269. AE. Halfpenny, 1896. Types similar to No. 258. 260. AE. Farthing, 1896. Similar to No. 258. 261. Edward VH, A. D. 1901-1910. AV. Five poUnds, 1902. Obv. ED- WARDVS VII DEI GRA: BRITT: OMN : REX FID: DEF: IND: IN P. Head r. Rev. St. George and Dragon. 262. AV. Two pounds, 1902. Similar to No. 261. 263. AV. Sovereign, 1902. Similar to No. 261. 264. AV. Half-sovereign, 1902. Similar to No. 261. 265. AE. Crown, 1902. Same types and legends as No. 261. 266. AE. Half-crown, 1902. Obv. EDWARDVS VII DEI GRA. BRITT: OMN:REX. Headr. iJgi;. FID. DEF.IND: IMP:— HALF CROWN. Crowned shield of arms. 267. AE. Florin, 1902. Obv. Similar to No. 261. Rev. Britannia standing facing, on ship; around, ONE FLORIN — TWO SHILLINGS. 268. AE. SMUing, 1902. Obv. Similar to No. 266. Rev. FID: DEF: IND: IMP:— ONE SHILLING. Royal crest. 269. AE. Sixpence, 1902. Obv. Similar to No. 261. Rev. SIX PENCE, crowned. 270. AE. Fourpence, 1902. Obv. Similar to No. 266. Rev. Numeral 4, crowned. 271. AE. Threepence, 1902. Similar to No. 270; 3, crowned. 272. AE. Twopence, 1902. Similar to No. 270; 2, crowned. 273. AE. Penny, 1902. Similar to No. 270; 1, crowned. 274. AE. Penny, 1902. Obv. Similar to No. 261. Rev. Britannia seated. 276. AE. Halfpenny, 1902. Similar to No. 274. 276. AE. Farthing, 1902. Similar to No. 274. 450 CATAL0GT7E OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. PATTBBNS OF PRIVATE ORIGIN. 277. AE. Obv. VICTORIA REG. Head 1.; around, ONE PENNY MODEL. iJei). Numeral 1 on white metal central disk; same in- scription on copper rim as on obverse. 278. AE. Halfpenny. Similar to No. 277, but with V - R on obverse. 279. AE. Quarter-farthing, 1848. Obv. Similar to No. 277. Rev. MODEL I QUARTER I FARTHING | 1848. 280. AE. Model Eighth Farthing. 1848. Similar to No. 279. BANK OF ENGLAND TOKENS. 281-282. AR. Dollar, 1804. Obv. GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA REX. Bust r. Rev. Britannia seated 1. 283. AR. Three-shilUng, 1812. Obv. Head r. Rev. BANK TOKEN 3 SHILL. 1812. 284. AR. Three-shilling, 1812. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 283. 285. AR, Eighteenpence, 1811. Similar to No. 284, but with IS. 6D on reverse. 286. AR. Eighteenpence, 1812. Similar to No. 285, but with Is. 6d. on reverse. 287. AR. Eighteenpence, 1816, Similar to No. 286. BANK OF IRELAND TOKENS. 288, AR, Six-shilling token, 1804, Obv. Bust of George lU. r. Rev. BANK OF IRELAND TOKEN. Hibernia seated 1. 289. AR. Thirtypence token, 1808. Similar to No. 288. 290-291. AR. Tenpence token, 1813, Obv. Similar to No. 288. Rev. BANK I TOKEN | 10 PENCE | IRISH | 1813. 292. AR, Fivepence token, 1805, Similar to No. 290, but with 5 PENCE IRISH 1805. TRADESMEN'S TOKENS. 293, Andover. Twelvepence, 1811. W, S. & I. Wakeford. Arms, and wreath. 294, Bath. Four-shilling token, 1811. S. Whitechurch and Wm, Dore. Obv. Arms with supporters. Rev. Inscription. 295, Bradford. Shilling, 1812, Obv. Shield, wreath. Rev. Justice, scales, merchandise. 296-297. Bristol, Shilling, 1811, 61;. Arms of Bristol, i^er. Inscription. 298. Shilling, 1811, Messrs. Oarrett, Terrell and Bird, Obv. Arms of Bristol. Rev. Inscription. 299. Sixpence token, 1811, Obv. Shield in wreath. Rev. Value. 300. Shilling, 1811. Niblock and Latham, Obv. Bridge. Rev. Value. 301. Sixpence, 1811, Similar to No. 300. 302. Shilling, 1811. Bryan. Obv. Arms with supporters. Rev. Inscrip- tion. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 451 303. Sixpence, 1811. Similar to No. 299. 304. Sixpence, 1811. B. Trip and Co. Obv. Value within star. Rev. Equivalent values. 305. Birmingham. Shilling, 1811. Workhouse. Obv. View of the work- house. Rev. One Pound note for 20 tokens, at workhouse. 306. Bilstone. Shilling, 1811. Rushbury and WooUey. 06^^. Arms. Rev. Equivalent value. 307. Bridlington. Twelvepence, 1812. Cook and Harwood. 06i^. Shield. Rev. Value. 308. Duncaster. Shilling, 1812. Obv. Justice with scales. Rev. Birkin- shaw; a shaft. 309. Derby. Shilling. Obv. Shield. Rev. Derby-Leicester shilling. 310. Devon. Shilling. 06i). Lighthouse and ships. jRetJ. Devon token. 311. Epworth Isle. Shilling, 1812. T. & W. Read. Obv. Building. Rev. Inscription. 312. Fazeley. Sixpence, 1811. Obv. Wreath. Rev. Inscription. 313-314. Flintshire. ShilUng, 1811. Obv. Shield-keys, lily. Rev. Value. 315. Gainsbro. Shilling, 1811. 06i;. GAINSBRO TOKEN. Ship. Rev. Bridge. 316. Twelvepence, 1811. Obv. Ship under sail. Rev. Windmill. 317. Gloucester. Shilling. Obv. Shield and wreath. Rev. PAYABLE AT JAS. WHALLEY'S, etc. 318. Twelvepence, 1811. Obv. City building. Rev. Crowned shield, wreath. 319. Hampshire. ShilUng, 1811. 06^. HAMPSHIRE SILVER TOKEN. Shield. Rev. Ship. 320. HuU. Sixpence, 1811. Obv. HULL. 1811. Shield and wreath. Rev. Value. 321. Isle of Wight. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Ship under sail. Rev. Inscrip- tion. 322. Jersey, States of. Eighteenpence, 1813. 06 v. Shield. JRev. EIGHT- EEN PENCE TOKEN. Wreath. 323. Launceston. ShilUng, 1811. Obv. Castle. Rev. ISSUED TO FA- CILITATE TRADE - W. & G. PEARSE. 324. Leeds. ShilUng, 1811. Obv. Justice seated. Rev. Shield of arms. 325. Shilling, 1812. Obv. Shield supported by owls. Rev. Inscription. 326. Lincoln. Shilling, 1812. Ofct;. Shield and wreath. iJetJ. MILSON AND PRESTON, etc. 327. London, Shilling, 1811. Obv. Britannia seated. Rev. LONDON TOKEN PAYABLE AT LLOYDS. 328. Dollar. Obv. Arms. Rev. Inscription. 329. Shilling. Obv. ONE SHILLING TOKEN, ISSUED BY ROBERT WARREN, LONDON. i?CT. PAYABLE AT etc. Bottle. 330. Charing Cross, London. ShilUng, Obv. Equestrian statue. Rev. One Shilling Value, within wreath. 831-332, Shilling. Obv. Similar to No. 330. Rev. Shield of arms. 333, Shilling. Wm. Jones, Obv. Similar to No. 330, Rev. Equivalent value. 334, ShiUing. Morgan Bathbone, Similar to No. 333. 336, Marlborough, Sixpence, 1811. Obv. SIXPENCE TOKEN, MARL- BOROUGH OLD BANK. Rev. Four hands clasped. 336. Nantwick. ShilUng, 1811. 06i;. Shield. Rev. POUND NOTE FOR 20TOKENS ATTHEOLD BANK. 452 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 337. Newark. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Town hall. Rev. T.STANSALL. CHAMOORetal. 338. Newcastle. Thirtypence, 1811. Obv. Britannia seated. Rev. PAY- ABLE BY JOHN ROBERTSON. NEWCASTLE ON TYNE. Arms. 338a. Twelvepence, 1811. As No. 338. 339. Norfolk. Twelvepence, 1811. Obv. Building. Rev. Arms. 340. Peterborough. Eighteenpence, 1811. Obv. Cathedral. Rev. PE- TERBOROUGH BANK TOKEN, FOR 18 PENCE. COLE & Co. 341. Twelvepence, 1811. Similar to No. 340. 342. Poole. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Arms and wreath. Rev. VALUE, SHILLING. JAMES FERRIS, &c. 343. Beading. Eighteenpence, 1811. Obv. Arms. Rev. 18 PENCE TO- KEN, SPAN. DOLL. 4dwts. 344. Selwood. Twelvepence, 1811. Obv. Bust crowned. Rev. ONE POUND NOTE GIVEN FOR 20, BY MESSRS. SPARKS, GUART et al. 345. Shaftesbury. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Shield and wreath. Rev. DOR- SETSHIRE, SHAFTESBURY &c. TOKEN. 346. Sheffield. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Eight arrows crossed. Rev. OVER- SEERS OF THE POOR, ONE SHILLING TOKEN. 347. Shilling, 1811. Obv. Justice seated. Rev. Eight arrows, crossed. 348. Stamford. 1 Shilling and 6 pence, 1811. Obv. Lion, flag, crown above. Rev. PAYABLE IN CASH NOTES - BY EWD. & FRA. BUTT. 349. Stockport. Shilling, 1812. Obv. Justice seated. Rev. Beehive. 360. Swansea and London. Shilling. Obv. Four hands clasped. Rev. TO FACILITATE TRADE. 351. York. Shilling, 1811. 06^;. Shield and wreath. jReu. ONE SHIL- LING, CATTLE & BARBER. 352-353. Sixpence, 1811. Similar to No. 351 . 354. Anglesey. Penny, 1788. Obv. Bust of Druid within wreath. Rev. R. M. CO. in monogram. 355. Bath. 1794. Obv. REMEMBER THE DEBTORS etc. Female seated, i?^. W. GYE, etc. Arms of Bath. 356. Obv. Arms, with supporters. Rev. Bathhouse. 357. Birmingham. Halfpenny, 1792. 06v. GENERAL ELLIOTT. Bust 1. Rev. Lilies. 358. Halfpenny, 1792. Obv. JOHN HOWARD, F. R. S. Bust 1. Rev. BIRMINGHAM PROMISSORY HALFPENNY; in field T. T. C. C. 359. Halfpenny, 1794. Obv. Bust of Mars. Rev. PRO BONO PVB- LICO. Ship, 360. Coventry. Halfpenny, 1793. 06i;. Man and charger. iJer. COVEN- TRY HALFPENNY. Elephant. 361-362. Cronebane. Halfpenny. Obv. Bust T. Rev. IRISH MINERS, etc. Shield of arms. 363-364. Crooms, W, Obv. Arms. Rev. SELLS WHOLESALE, etc. 365. Dublin. Halfpenny. 06tJ. Three castles— wreath. 7?ev. GOD GRANT PEACE. Harp, ship. 366-367. Edenburg. Halfpenny, 1790. Obv. Shield of arms Rev. St. Andrew. 368. Glassgow. Penny, 1791. Obv. Aquarius. Rev. Arms. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 453 369. Ireland. Halipenny, 1760. Obv. Hibemia and harp. Rev. VOCE POPULI. Bustr. 370. Halfpenny, 1792. Obv. Hibernia seated, with harp. Rev. CAM AC, RYAN. etc. 371. Hull. Halfpenny, 1791. Obv. Equestrian figure. Rev. Arms of Hull. 372. Jersey, States of, 1861. 06i). VICTORIA D. G. etc. Bust 1. Rev. STATES OF JERSEY 1/26 of shilling; shield of arms. 373-374. Lancaster. Penny. 06i;. JOHN OF GAUNT, etc. Bust 1. Rev. SUCCESS TO NAVIGATION. Shield of arms. 376-376. Liverpool. Halfpenny, 1791. Obv. Arms of Liverpool. Rev. A ship. 377. London. Halfpenny. 06^;. GEORGE PRINCE OF WALES. Bustr. Rev. Crest. 378. Macclesfield. Halfpenny, 1791. Obv. Bust of Charles Roe. Rev. Female, seated. 379. Cheshire Halfpenny, 1789. Obv. Female, seated. Rev. Beehive. 380. Promissory Halfpenny, 1793. 06i;. Arms of Manchester. iJe^;. Heart; above, 4. 381. Warwickshire. Halfpenny, 1791. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Seated figure. 382. Waterloo Halfpenny, 1816. Obv. Bust in uniform. Rev. WATER- LOO HALFPENNY. Harp and crown. 383. Wellington. Penny, 1869. Obv. Justice, seated. Rev. JAMES WALLACE, etc. 384-386. Obv. JOHN WILKINSON. IRON MASTER. 1790; Bust. Rev. Forging with trip hammer. 886. Obv. Similar to No. 384. Rev. Man forging with hand hammer. 387. York. Halfpenny, 1795. Obv. Bust of Duke of York r. Rev. THE WOODEN WALLS OF OLD ENGLAND. Ship. ISL.K OP MAN. 388. Penny, 1733. Obv. SANS CHANGER. 1773. Eagle devouring prey. Rev. STABIT QUOCUNQUE lECERIS. Triskelis. 389. Halfpenny, 1831. Obv. Similar to No. 388. Rev. PRO BONO PUBLICO. HALFPENNY TOKEN. OIBBAIiTAR. 390. Quarto, 1810. 06i;. VALUE ONE QUARTO. Three pillars. Rev. PAYABLE AT ROBERT KEELING, etc. Lion holding key. THE CHANNEL ISLANDS. 891. Guernsey. AE. 8 Doubles, 1834. Obv. Shield of arms; above, GUERNSEY. Rev. 8 | DOUBLES | 1834 within wreath. Plain edge. 35 mm. 392. AE. 8 Doubles, 1885. Legends and types similar to No. 391. 393. AE. 4 Doubles, 1885. Similar to No. 391, except value. 394. AE. 2 Doubles, 1885. Similar to No. 391, except value. 395. AE. 1 Double, 1885. Similar to No. 391. 396. AE. 8 Doubles, 1902. Similar to No. 391. 397. AE. 4 Doubles, 1902. Similar to No. 393. 398. AE. 2 Doubles, 1902. Similar to No. 394. 399. AE. 1 Double, 1902. Similar to No. 395. 400. Jersey. AE. One-thirteenth shilUng, 1870. Obv. VICTORIA D:G: BRITANN!AR:REGINA F.D. Coroneted bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 401. AE. One-twenty-sixth shilling, 1870. Similar to No. 400. 402. AE. One-twenty-fourth shilling, 1877. Obv. Similar to No. 400. Rev. Spade-shaped shield of arms. 403. AE. One-forty-eighth shilling, 1877. Similar to No. 402. 454 SCOTLAND. 404. William the Lion, A. D. 1165-1214. AR. Penny, second coinage. Ohv. LE.WILA.RX. Crowned head 1. Rev. HVE. WALTER. Cross. 405. AR. Penny. Variety of No. 404. 406-407. Alexander in, A. D. 1229-1285. AR. Penny, sterling. Ohv. ALEXANDER. DEI. GRA. Crowned head L i?ev. REX SCOTO- R V M . Long cross. 408. John BaUol, A. D. 1292-1306. AR. Penny. Ohv. lOANNES DEI GRA. Crowned head 1. Rev. Similar to No. 432. 409. David n, A. D. 1329-1371. AR. Groat. Ohv. DAVID DEI. GRA. SCOTORVM. CrownedbustL iJev. DNS.P-TECTOR. MS.LIBA- TOR MS in outer circle, and in inner circle VILLA DE PERTH. Long cross. 410. AR. Half-groat. Similar to No. 409. 411. Robert H, A. D. 1371-1390. AR. Groat of Perth. Ohv. ROBERTVS, etc. Crowned bust 1. Rev. DNS . P TECTOR MS LI BATOR. VILLA DE PERTH. Long cross. 412. Robert m, A. D. 1390-1406. AR. Groat. Ohv. ROBERTVS DEI GRA. REX SCOTORVM. Crowned bust facing. Rev. Similar to No. 437, but with VILLA EDINBURGH. 413. James I, A. D. 1406-1437. AR. Groat. Ohv. lACOBVS DEI. etc. Facing bust. Rev. Similar to No. 412. 414. James IV, A. D. 1488-1614. AR. Groat, second coinage. Ohv. lACOBVS DEI GRACIA REX COTTO. Crowned bust facing. Rev. DNS. PROTEOR M. ET ERATO. Longcross. 416. James V, A. D. 1614^1542. AR. Groat. Ohv. lACOBVS 5 DEI GRA. REX SCOTOR., etc. Bust r.; arched crown. Rev. OPPODV E-DINB-VRGI. Arms of Scotland. 416. One-third groat. Similar to No. 415. 417. Mary I, A. D. 1642-1567. AR. Testoon, 1556. Ohv. MARIA DEI GRA SCOTORVM REGINA. Crowned head r. Rev. DELICIE. ' DNI.COR.HVMILE. Shield of arms. 418. AR. Ryal, 1666. Ohv. MARIA .&. HENRIC . DEI . GRA . R .&. R. SCOTORV. Crowned arms of Scotland. i?ei;. EXVRGAT.DEVS. &.DISSIPENTR.INIMICI.E1'. Crowned yew tree; scroll inscribed DAT GLORIA VIRES. 419. James VI, A. D. 1567-1625. AR. Thirty shillings, 1570. Ohv. lACO- BVS. 5. DEI. GRATIA. REX SCOTORVM. Crowned arms of Scot- land. Rev. PRO.ME.SI.MEREOR. IN ME. Crowned sword erect. "Sword Dollar." 420. AR. Quarter-merk. The 8th coinage. Ohv. Similar to No. 419. Rev, REGEM.IOVA.PROTEGIT. Thistle head crowned. 421. Charles I, A. B. 1626-1649. AE. Turner. Ohv. CAR. D.G.SCOT. ANG.FRA.ET.HIB. R. Monogram, C.R., crowned. Rev.HE.UO ME IMPVNE LACESSET. Thistle with two leaves. 455 IRELAND. 422. EUzabeth, A. D. 1658-1603. AE. ShilUng, 1661. Obv. ELIZABETH : D:G: A: F: ET H IBERN IE: REG: Crowned bust 1. i2ei;.P0SVI: DEVM:ADIVTOREM:MEVM: Three harps crowned. 423. Charles I, A. D. 1626-1649. AE. Farthing. Obv. CARO: D.G.MAG: BR I. Crown over scepters. Rev. FRA:ET H IB: REX. Harp crowned. 424. Charles H, A. D. 1660-1685. Halfpenny, 1683. Obv. CAROLVS II DEI GRATIA. Bust r. i?e?;. MAG.BR.FRA.ET H IB.REX. Harp crowned. 426. James U, A. D. 1686-1689. Halfpenny, 1686. Obv. lACOBVS II - DEI GRATIA. Bustl. i?ei;. Similar to No. 424. 426. Farthing, 1693. Obv. Similar to No. 425. Rev. HI BERN I A. Hi- bernia seated 1. 427. William and Mary, A. D. 1689-1694. Farthing, 1694. Obv. GVLIEL- MVS.ET. MARIA. DEI. GRATIA. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Crowned harp. 428. George I, A. D. 1714-1727. Halfpenny, 1723. Obv. GEORGIUS. DEI. GRATIA. REX. Bust r. i?et). Similar to No. 428. 429. George n, A. D. 1727-1760. Halfpenny, 1742. 06t). GEORGIVS II REX. Head 1. i?eD. Harp crowned. 430-431. Farthings, 1760. Legends and types similar to No. 429. 432. George HI, A. D. 1760-1820. Penny, 1806. Obv. GEORGIVS III. D.G. REX. Bust r. iJev. Crowned harp. 433. Farthing, 1806. Similar to No. 432. 434. George IV, A. D. 1820-1830. Penny, 1822. Obv. GEORGIUS IV D.G. REX. Bust 1. Rev. Similar to No. 432. 436. Halfpenny, 1822. Legends and types similar to No. 434. 456 THE NETHERLANDS. BRABANT. 1. Philip n, 1655-1676. AR. Philippus Daalder, 1567. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms, over cross. 2. Albert and Isabella, 1698-1621. AR. Double Ducaton, 1619. Ohv. AL- BERTUS ET ELISABET. DEI GRATIA. Busts r. Rev. Arms supported by lions. 3. AR. Ducaton, 1619. Types similar to No. 2. 3a. AR. Half-patagon, 1616. Obv. As No. 2. Rev. Cross and monograms, crowned. 5. Philip IV, 1621-1666. Quadruple Daalder, 1626. Ohv. Cross, crown above, and date. Rev. Crowned arms. 6. AR. Patagon, 1631. Ohv. Cross, crown, and date. Rev. Crowned arms. 7. AR. Ducaton, 1636. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 8. Charles n, 1666-1700. AR. Daalder, 1672. 06?;. Bust r. i^CT. Crowned arms. 9. Philip V, 1700-1711. Ohv. Cross and crown; in field, to 1. and r., P-V crowned. Rev. Crowned arms. 10. Maria Theresia, 1740-1780. AR, Ducaton, 1760. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. 11. AR. Crown, 1764. Ohv. Cross with crowns in angles. Rev. Double eagle. 11a. AR. Half-crown, 1752. Types similar to No. 11. 12. Joseph n, A. D. 1780-1790. AR. Half-crown, 1789. Ohv. Bustr. Rev. Crowned cross. 13. AR. Quarter-crown, 1788. Same as No. 12. UNITED BEIjGIAN STATES, 1789-1790. 14. AR. Lion d'argent, 1790. Ohv. Lion. iJet;. Shield of arms of 11 provinces. 16. AR. Florin, 1790. Ohv. Lion rampant r. Rev. Two hands clasping 11 arrows. 16. Austria Restored— Leopold n, 1790-1792. AR. Crown, 1790. Ohv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Cross with three crowns. 17. Francis H, A. D. 1792-1797. AV. Double sovereign d'Or, 1793. Ohv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms, crowned. 18. AR. Crown, 1793. Obv. Same as No. 17. Rev. Same as No. 16. 19. AR. Quarter-crown, 1796. Same as No. 18. I OBSIDIONAIi COINS OF AMSTERDAM, 1578. 20. AR. 40 Stuiver, 1578. Square. Ohv. Crowned arms of the city; below, 1578 I XL. i^ev. Plain. 21. AR. 6 Stuiver, 1678. Square. 06v. Crowned arms dividing V- S | 15- 78. Rev. Plain. 457 458 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. UNITED PROVINCES. 22. Holland, AR. Leeuwandaalder, 1586. Obv. MO. NO. ARG. ORDIN. HOL. Helmeted warrior. jRct. Lion rampant. 28. AV. Double Ducat, 1656. Obv. CONCORDIA RES PARVAE ORES. HOL. Warrior standing r., holding sword and arrows. Obv. MON. AVR. PROV IN. etc., on tablet. 23a. AV. Ducat, 1763. Types similar to No. 22. 24. AB. Gulden, 1794. Obv. HANCTVEMUR HAC NITIMVR. Liberty standing. Rev. Crowned arms. 25. AR. Half-gulden, 1748. Types as No. 24. 26. AR. 2 Stuiver, 1769. Obv. Crowned arma. Rev. HOLLANDIA 1791. 27. AR. Ditto, 1791. 28. AR. Stuiver, 1738. Obv. Bundle of arrows. Rev. date. 29. Zeeland. AR. 10 Escallns, 1687. Obv. Warrior standing 1. by a crowned shield. Rev. Seven escutcheons. 30. Ditto, 1689. 31. AR. Riksdaalder, 1696. Obv. Warrior standing r. by crowned shield. Rev. CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCUNT. Crowned shield of arms, three rosettes above. 32. AR. Riksdaalder, 1762. Variety of No. 31, reading MON. NO. etc., on reverse, and no rosettes. 33. AR. Riksdaalder, 1768. As No. 32, but reading MON. NOV. etc., on reverse. 34. AR. Half-daalder, 1761. Types similar to No. 32. 35. AR. Quarter-daalder, 1776. Obv. Warrior standing r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 36. AR. Gulden, 1763. Types as No. 24. 37. AR. 3 Gulden, 1764. Similar to No. 24. 38. AR. Schelling, 1780. Obv. Ship under sail. Rev. Lion. 39. AR. Quarter-snaphan, 1786. Types similar to No. 32. 40. Gelders. AV. Half-rijder, 1760. Obv. Horseman r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 41. AR. Stuiver, 1785. Obv. GEL | RIA | 1785. Rev. Arrows. 42. AE. Duit, 1793. Obv. D | GEL | RIA | 1793, Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 43. rtrecht. AV. Ducat, 1761. 06i). Helmeted warrior. JRet;. MO.ORD. | PROV IN I etc., on a square tablet. 44. AV. Rijder, 1763. Obv. Horseman. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 46. AR. Leeuwandaalder, 1643. Obv. Helmeted warrior standing. Rev. Lion rampant. 46. AR. 3 Gulden, 1682. Obv. Liberty standing facing. Rev. Crowned arms. 47. AR. Quarter-gulden. Similar to last. 48. AR. Half-ducaton, 1785. Obv. Horseman galloping r. Rev. Shield of arms with supporters. 49. AR. Rijksdaalder, 1802. Obv. Warrior standing r. with sword over left shoulder. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 60. AR. Ditto, 1804. 61. West Friesland. AR. Riksdaalder, 1626. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms, dividing date, 16 - 25. 62. AR. Daalder, 1686. Obv. Warrior with sword; shield of arms. Rev. Three shields of anna. Verkade 362. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 459 63. AB. Ducaton, 1774. Types similar to No. 48. ^A^ .88-TiR 64. AR. Gulden, 1703. Obv. Liberty standing facing. Rev. CrcTWn'efl shield of arms. 66. AB. Half-gulden, 1787. Types similar to No. 54. 66. Friesland. AB. 28 Stuiver, 1690. Obv. Bust r., with sword; counter- marked HOL. Rev. Crowned arms. 67. Ditto, 1691. Similar to No. 56. HOL. on reverse. 68-89. OverysseL 3 Daalder, undated. Obv. ORDINVM. TRANSIS- SVLANIAE. INSIGNIA. Four shields of arms. J^e-y. Horseman in armor r. 57 mm. 60. Gronigen. AB. 12-1/2 Stuiver, 1672. Square. Obsidional. Obv. I V R E ET T E M PO R E. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Plain. 61. AB. 6 1/4 Stuiver, 1672. Similar to No. 60. 62. AB. Daalder, 1672. Broad commemorative piece, relating to siege of Gronigen. Obv. SIT SVMMA GLORIA etc., and inscription in field. Rev. View of beleagured city. 57 mm. 63. AB. Daalder, 1672. Similar. Obv. View of beleagured city. Rev. The storming of Coeverden. 52 mm. 64. Blingdom of Holland. Louis Napoleon. AV. Ducat, 1809. Obv. LO- DEW. NAP. KON. VAN. HOLL. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 66-66. AB. Crown, 50 Stuivers, 1808. Obv. NAP. LODEW. I. KON. VAN HOLL. Bust r. J?ei;. Crowned shield of arms. KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS. Rev. MO. AUR. REG., etc., Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 73. 67. William 1, 1814-1840. AV. 10 Gulden, 1837. Obv. WILLEM KONING DER NED.G. H.V. L. Bust L iJei;. MUNI VAN HEX KONING- RYK DER NEDERLANDEN. Crowned arms. AV. 6 Gulden, 1827. Similar to No. 67. Ducat, 1829. 06u. Hollander standing r. on square tablet. Ditto. 1839. 71-72. Ditto. 1849. 73. AB. 3 Gulden, 1824. Ditto. 1832. AB. Gulden, 1832. Types similar to No. AB. Half-gulden, 1832. Ditto. AB. 25 Cents, 1825. Obv. Initial W, crowned; date, arms. 78. AB. 10 Cents, 1827. Similar to No. 77. 79. AB. 5 Cents, 1827. Similar to No. 77. 80. William H, 1840-1849. AB. Gulden, 1846. Obv. V/ILLEM II KO- NING DER NED. G. H. V. L. BustL i?CT. AsNo. 67. 81-82. William m, 1849-1889, AV. 10 Gulden, 1851. 06v. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 83-84. AV. 5 Gulden, 1851. Types similar to No. 81. 86-86. AV. Double ducats, 1851. 06i;. Hollander standing r. Rev. MO, AUR. REG. etc., on square tablet. 22023°— 14 30 Rev. Crowned k 460 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 87-88. AV. 20 Gulden, 1853. Similar to No. 81. 89. AV. 10 Gulden, 1876. Obv. Bust r.; above, GOD ZIJ MET ONS; below, KONING WILLEM DE DERDE. Rev. Crowned anna. 90. AR. 2 1/2 Gulden, 1862. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 91-92. Ditto. 1863. 93. Ditto. 1863. 94. Ditto. 1872. 96. AR. Gulden, 1863. Similar to No. 90. 96-97. Ditto. 1866. 98. Ditto. 1867. 99. AE. Half-gulden, 1862. Types similar to No. 90. 100. Ditto. 1863. 101. Ditto. 1866. 102-103. AB. 25 Cents, 1853. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value in wreath. 104. AR. 10 Cents, 1856. Types similar to No. 102. 106-106. Ditto. 1863. 107. AR. 6 Cents, 1863. Types similar to No. 102. 108. Ditto. 1869. 109-110. AE. Cent, 1863. Obv. Initial letter W, crowned. Rev. Arms and value. 111-112. AE. Half-cent, 1863. Types similar to No. 109. 113. AE. 2 1/2 Cent, 1880. Obv. Shield of arms within beaded circle. Rev. Value in wreath. 114. AE. Cent, 1881. Similar to No. 113. 118. Ditto. 1884. 116. AE. Half-cent, 1886. Types similar to No. 113. 117. Wilhelmina, 1889-. AR. Gulden, 1892. Obv. WILHELMINA KO- NINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN. Bust of queen as child 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 118. AR. 26 Cents, 1892. Obv. As No. 117. Rev. Value and date in oak wreath. 119. AR. 10 Cents, 1892. Similar to No. 118. 120. AV. 10 Gulden, 1898. Obv. KONINGIN WILHELMINA. GOD ZiJ MET ONS. Head r. iJei). Crowned shield of arms. 121. AR. 2 1/2 Gulden, 1898. 06iJ. WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NE- DERLANDEN. Head 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 122. AR. Gulden, 1908. Types similar to No. 121. 123. AR. Half-gulden, 1904. Ditto. 124. AR. 26 Cents, 1904. Obv. Head I. J?ei). Value and date in wreath. 125. AR. 10 Cents, 1906. Similar to No. 124. 126. N. 5 Cents, 1907. Obv. Royal crest. Rev. Value within wreath. 127. AE. 2 1/2 Cent, 1905. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value in wreath. 128. AE. Cent, 1905. Types similar to No. 127. 189. AE. Half-cent, 1906. Ditto. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 461 KINGDOM OF BELGIUM. Leopold I, 1831-1866. AV. 40 Francs, 1835. Obv. LEOPOLD PRE- MIER ROI DES BELGES. Bust with oak wreath r. Rev. 40 1 FRANCS I 1835 | within wreath. AV. 20 Francs, 1835. Types similar to No. 1. AR. 5 Francs, 1836. Obv. Bust I. Rev. 5 | FRANCS | 1835 in wreath. AR. 2 Francs, 1836. Types similar to No. 3. AB. Franc, 1838. Ditto. AE. Half-franc, 1835. Ditto. AB. Quarter-franc, 1835. Ditto. AK. 20 Centimes, 1863. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. Obv. Head r. Rev. Lion. Ditto. 06t;. Initial L, crowned. iJ^.Lion. 37 mm. Ditto. 28 mm. Ditto. 22 mm. AV. 20 Francs, 1870. Obv. LEOPOLD II - Head r. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle, N. 20 Centimes, 1861. N. 10 Centimes, 1861. Ditto, 1863. A£. 10 Centimes, 1836. A£. 6 Centimes, 1835. AE. 2 Centimes, 1835. Leopold n, 1865-1909. ROI DES BELGES. crowned. Ditto, 1871. AB. 6 Francs, 1873. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms in wreath. Ditto, 1875. AB. 2 Francs, 1868. 06?;. Head 1. i?ei;. Two scepters in saltire; crown above. AB. Franc, 1869. Types as No. 20. AB. Franc, 1880. Obv. Busts of Leopold I and Leopold II r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms in laurel wreath. AB. 60 Centimes, 1880. Types as No. 20. Second coinage. AB. 2 Francs, 1904. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value and date within oak wreath. AB. Franc, 1904. Types as last. AB. 60 Centimes, 1901. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Lion regardant. N. 10 Centimes, 1902. Obv. Monogram, crowned. Rev. Value and olive branch. Central hole. Ditto, 1904. N. 6 Centimes, 1902. Similar to No. 27. Ditto, 1904. AE. 2 Centimes, 1902. Obv. Initial L (script), crowned. Rev. Lion. AE. 1 Centime, 1902. As No. 31. THE SCAITDINAVIAN COUNTRIES. SWEDEN. 1. Gustavus I, A. D. 1623-1660. AR. Thaler, 1645. Obv. GOSTAVS D. G.SVE.GOT:WAN:REX. Crowned bust r. Rev. SALVATOR: MVNDI:ADIVVA:NOS. Christ standing facing. 2. Charles IX, A. D. 1604-1611. AR. Thaler, 1610. Obv. CAROLVS.iX. D.G.SVEGOR.GOTHOR.VANDALOR. REX. The king standing 1. iJev. lEHOVAH SOLATIVM.MEVM. As No. 1. 3. Gustavus Adolphus U, Great, 1611-1632. AV. Ducat, 1623. Obv. GUS- TAV. ADOLPH.D.G.SVECO GOTHOR. VANDALOR.REX. Bust r. Rev. Arms, crowned. 4. AR. Thaler, 1617. Obv. Half-length figure 1. Rev. As No. 2. 6. AR. 4 Marks. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Square shield of arms, crowned. 6. AR. 4 Marks, 1617. Obv. Laureated bust 1. Rev. Three shields, crowned. 7. Christina, A. D. 1632-1664. AR. Thaler, 1642. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. As No. 1. 8. AR. 4 Marks, 1644. Types similar to No. 7. 9. AE. 1 Or, 1661. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Crossed arrows. 10. AE. Quarter-or, 1637. Obv. As last. Rev. C R S and three crowns. 11. Charles XI, 1660-1697. AR. 8 Marks, 1696. Obv. CAROLVS.XI.D.G. REX.SVE. Draped bustr. i?CT. DOMINVS. PROTECTOR. MEVS. Crowned arms. 12. AR. 4 Marks, 1696. As No. 11. 13. AR. Mark, 1688. Obv. As No. 11. Rev. Three crowns. 14. AE. Or, 1683. O&w. Shield of arms — lion rampant — crowned. Rev. Ar- rows. 16. Charles XH, A. D. 1697-1720. AV. Ducat, 1714. Obv. CAR0L9.XII D.G. REX.SVE. Bust r. Rev. FACT9 EST.D0MIN9 PROTEC- TOR. ME9. Royal monogram, crowned. 16. AR. 4 Caroliner, 1718. Obv. Royal monogram, crowned. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms. 17. AR. Mark, 1701. Same types as No. 15. NECESSITY PIECES. 18. AE. Daler, 1715. Obv. Crown and date. Rev. 1 DALER S.M. 19. AE. Daler, 1716. 06v. PVBLICA.FIDE. Female figure seated 1. Rev. Mark of value. 20. AE. Daler, 1717. Obv. WELT OCH WAPEN. Soldier standing 1. Rev. Value. 21. AE. Daler, 1718. Obv. Mercury. Rev. Value. 22. AE. Daler, 1718. Obv. Jupiter standing facing. Rev. Value. 23. AE. Daler, 1718. Obv. Mars full armed, standing facing. Rev. Value. 24. AE. Daler, 1718. Obv. Saturn walking. Rev. Value, 462 . CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 463 26. AE. Daler, 1718. Obv. Phoebus standing in the sun. Rev. Value. 26. AE. Daler, 1718. Oft-y. FLINK OCH FARDIG. Armed warrior stand- ing. Rev. Value. 27. AE. Daler, 1719, Obv. HOPPEL. Female in attitude of supplication. Rev. Value. 28. Frederick I, A. D. 1720-1761. AB. Biksdaler, 1731. Obv. FRIDERI- CVS.ET.VLR.ELEON.D.G.REX.ET.REG SVECIAE. Busts of Frederick and Ulrica r. Rev. Royal arms, crowned. 29-32. AE. Riksdalers, 1724, 1736, 1740, 1761. Obv. Bust of king. Rev. Same as No. 28. The following necessity pieces are square, and often styled "Plate Money": 33. AE. 4 Daler, 1736. Obv. F. R. S. crowned in center and at comers. Rev. Plain. Weight, 93.83 ounces. Size, 220 by 245 mm. 34. AE. 2 Daler, 1725. Same as No. 33. Weight, 49.73 ounces. Size, 176 by 207 mm. 36. AE. Daler, 1741. Same as No. 33. Weight, 24.84 ounces. Size, 110 by 140 mm. 36. AE. Half-daler, 1733. Same as No. 33. Weight, 12.29 ounces. Size, 90 by 120 mm. 37. Adolph Frederick, A. D. 1751-1771. AE. Or, 1768. Obv. Initials A.F. in monogram, crowned. Rev. Two arrows, crossed. 88-39. Gustavus m, A. D. 1771-1792. AR. Biksdaler, Species, 1781-1782. Obv. GUSTAVUS 111. D.G. REX. SVECIAE. Bust r. Rev. Round shield of arms crowned. 40. AR. 16 0re, 1776. Types as No. 38. 41. Gustavus IV, A. D. 1792-1809. AB. Biksdaler, Species, 1797. Obv. GUSTAF IV ADOLPH SV.G.OCH W.KONUNG. Bustr. Rev.Aa No. 38. 42. Charles XIV, A. D. 1818-1844. AV. 4 Ducats, 1848. Obv. CARL.XIV. SVERIGES NORR.G.OCH V.KONUNG. Bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms within collar of the Seraphim; the whole within an ermine mantle. 43. AV. Ducat, 1838. As No. 42. 44. AB. Biksdaler, Species, 1838. Obv. Same as No. 42. Rev. Shield of royal arms. 45. AB. Half-riksdaler, Species, 1832. Same types as No. 44. 46. AR. Quarter-daler, 1832. As No. 44, but arms of Norway only on reverse. 47. AB. Eighth-daler, 1832. As No. 46. 48. AE. 2 Skillings, 1837. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Two arrows in saltire. 49. AE. SkilUng, 1838. As No. 48. 60-51. AE. Skilling, 1819-1821. Obv. Monogram, crowned. Rev. As No. 48. 62. AE. Two-third SkilUng, 1859. As No. 48. 63. AE. Half-skilling, 1819. Same types as No. 50. 64. AE. Third-skilUng, 1837. As No. 50. 66. AE. Quarter-skilling, 1821. As No. 50. 66. AE. Sixth-skilling, 1836. As No. 50. 464 CATAIiOQUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 67-69. Oscar I, A. D. 1844r-1859. AR. Riksdaler, Species, 1844, 1865, 1867. 06i;. OSCAR SVERIGES NORR.GOTH. OCH VEND.KONUNG. Bust r. Rev. RATT OCH SANNING. Crowned shield of arme, with supporters. 60. Charles XV, A. D. 1869-1872. AV. Ducat, 1868. Obv. CARL XV. SVERIGES NORR. GOTH. O. VEND. KONUNG. Bust r. Rev. Royal arms within mantle, surmounted with a crown. 61-62. AV. CaroUn, 1868. Obv. Same as No. 60. Rev. Round shield of Arms of Norway, crowned. 63. AE. 4 Riksdaler, 1870. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned arms with sup- porters. 64. AR. 2 Riksdalers, 1871. Same as No. 63. 66. AR. Riksdaler, 1871. Same as No. 63. 66. AR. 50 Pre, 1862. Obv. Same as No. 63. Rev. Crown and mark of value. 67. AR. 26 pre, 1871. Same as No. 66. 68. AR. 10 Pre, 1871. Same as No. 66. 69 AE. 5 pre, 1867. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Mark of value. 70 AR. 2 pre, 1871. Same as No. 69. 71. AE. Pre, 1870. Same as No. 69. 72. AE. Half-Pre, 1867. Same as No. 69. 73-74. Oscar H, AD. 1872-73. AV. 20 Kroner, 1890. Obv. OSCAR II. SVERIGES O. NORGES KONUNG. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms within mantle, crowned. 76. Ditto, 1890. 76-78. AV. 10 Kroner, 1873, 1880 Same as No. 73. 79. AV. 5 Kroner, 1886. Obv. Same as No. 73. Rev. Mark of value, within laurel wreath. 80. AR. 2 Kroner, 1890. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms with supporters. 81-83. AR. 2 Kroner, 1897. Commemorative piece. Obv. OSCAR. II. SVERIGES. NORGES. G. O. V. KONUNG. Crowned bust 1. Rev. MINNE AF TJUGUFEMARIG REGERING. Crowned arms with supporters. 84-86. AR. Kroner, 1875, 1884, 1890. Same as No. 80. 87-88. AR. 60 Pre, 1881, 1886. Obv. Monogram, crowned. Rev. Mark of value. 89-90. AR. 26 Pre, 1883, 1890. Same as No. 87. 91-93. AR. 10 Pre, 1880, 1884, 1891. Same as No. 87. 94-95. AE. 6 pre, 1882, 1892. Same as No. 87. 96-98. AE. 2 Ore, 1876, 1886, 1891. Same as No. 87. 99. AE. pre, 1878. Same as No. 87. NORWAY. 100. Frederick m, A. D. 1648-1670. Species Daler, 1660. Obv. FRE- DERICVS III. D. G. DAN. NORVE. VAN. GOTT. REX. Bust r. Rev. DOMINVS PROVI DEBIT. Arms within laurel wreath. 101. Christian V, A. D. 1670-1699. AR. 4 Marks, 1690. Obv. C 5, in monogram. Rev. Arms within laurel branches. 102. AR. 4 Marks, 1696. Obv. PIETATE ET lUSTITIA. Royal mono- gram, crowned. Rev. As No. 101. 6AtAt.6GUiE OF COIN-S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 466 103. Christian VI, A. D. 1730-1746. AB. 24 Skillings, 1740. Obv. C 6 in monogram, crowned; aromid, NORV. VA GO. D. G. REX. Rev. Arms crowned. 104. Frederick V, A. D. 1746-1766. AR. 24 SkilUngs, 1760. Obv. F 4, crowned. Rev. As No. 103. 106. Christian VH, A. D. 1766-1814. AE. Half-skilUng, 1771. Obv. Mono- gram C 7, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 106. Charles XIH, A. D. 1814r-1814. AE. Skilling, 1816. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. As No. 105. 107. Charles XIV, John. A. D. 1818-1844. AE. Species Daler, 1831. Obv. CARL. XIV. lOHAN. NORGES SVER. G. OC. V KONGE. Bust draped r. Rev. Square shield of arms, crowned. 108. AR. 24 Skillings, 1827. As No. 107. 109. AE. 8 Skillings, 1826. As No. 107. 110. AE. Species 4 Skillings, 1826. Obv. Square shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 111. AE. 2 SkilUngs, 1833. As No. 110. 112. Oscar I, A. D. 1844^1869. AE. Species Daler, 1860. Obv. OSCAR NORGES SVER. G. OC V. KONGE. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms within oak wreath, crowned. 113. Oscar H, A. D. 1872-1906. AV. 20 Kroner, 1886. Obv. OSCAR II NORGES o. SVER. KONGE. Head r.; below, BRODERFOLK- ENES VEL. Rev. Shield of arms within oak wreath; value and date. 114. AV. 10 Kroner, 1877. As No. 113. 116. AE. 2 Kroner, 1892. Obv. Head 1. Rev. As No. 113. 116. AE. Krone, 1893. As No. 115. 117. AE. 60 0re, 1893. Same types as No. 115. 118. AE, 25 pre, 1876. Obv. O II, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Shield of arms dividing date. 119. AE. 10 pre, 1874. Obv. Crowned shield of arms; in field, OSC. II. Rev. Value and date. 120. AE. 10 pre, 1892. As No. 118. 121-122. AE. 6 Pre, 1878. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Value within wreath. 123. AE. 2 pre, 1889. As No. 121. 124. Hakon VH, A. D. 1906-. AE. 2 Kroner, 1906. Obv. Shield of arms within ermine mantle; above, value; below, date. Rev. NORGES \ UAFHAENGIGHED | CJENNEMFORT | 1905. 126. AE. 6 Pre, 1906. Obv. H 7 in monogram, crowned; KONIGERIKO N O R G E o . Rev. Value and date. 126. AE. 6 pre, 1907. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned; dividing H — VII. Rev. Value within oak wreath; below, date. 127. AE. 2 0re, 1907. As No. 126. 128. AE. 0re, 1906. As No. 126. DENMARK. 129. Frederick n, 1669-1688. AE. 8 Skillings, 1683. Obv. FRIDERICUS 2 D. G. DAN I. Crowned arms over cross. Rev. NORWEGIE SL. VO: GOTO: Q: REX. Value and date. 180. Christian IV, 1688-1648. AV. Ducat, 1646. Obv. King, crowned, standing r. Rev. lUSTUS (Jehova in Hebrew) lUDEX; date. 466 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 131. AR. Double thaler, 1627. Obv. REGNA FIRMAT PIETAS. Bust r. Rev. Arms of Denmark within circle of 14 escutcheons. 132. AR. Crown, 1618. 06i;. CHRISTIANVS IIII. D. G. DANIAE. King standing r. iic'i;. Crown; below, CORONA. DANICA, 133. AB. Half-crown, 1619. Similar to No. 132, but date above crown. 134. AR. 8 Skillings, 1608. Obv. Half-length figure. Rev. Shield of arms. 135. Frederick m, 1648-1670. AR. Half-crown, 1669. Obv. F 3, in mono- gram, crowned; around, DOMINVS PROVI DEBIT. Rev. Shield of arms. 136. AR. 2 Marks, 1660. Obv. Monogram as No. 135; around, value. Rev. Arms over cross; around, DOMINVS PROVIDEBIT. 137. Christian V, 1670-1699. AR. Mark, 1676. Obv. C 3, in monogram, crowned; around, PIETATE ET lUSTITIA. iJe-y. Value and date. 138. AR. Mark, 1696. Obv. CHRIST. V. DEI GRA. Bustr. Rev.Croyni. 139. Frederick IV, 1699-1730. AR. Half-crown, 1724. Obv. DOMINVS MIHIADIVTOR. Double monogram, crowned. i?ev. Crown. 140. AR. 16 Skillings, 1716. Obv. Bust r. Rev. "Value and date. 141. Ditto, 1716. 142. AR. 12 Skillings, 1711. Obv. F 4, in double monogram, crowned. Rev. Value— TOLF | SKILLING— and date. 143. Ditto, 1724; but reading XII. SKILLING, etc., on reverse. 144. AR. 8 SkilUngs, 1703. Obv. FRID. IV. DEI. GRAT. Bust r. Rev. Crown, value and date. 144a. Ditto, 1708. 145. Ditto, 1712. 145a. Ditto, 1729. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value and date. 146. Frederick V, 1746-1766. AV. Ducat, 1749. Obv. FRID. V. D. G. DAN. NOR. V.G. REX. King mounted r. iSei;. Crowned shield of arms. 147. AV. Ducat, 1767. Obv. Bust r., helmeted. Rev. As No. 146. 148. AV. Ducat, 1761. 06i). FREDERICVS. V. etc. Bare head r. Rev. Crown; beneath, value. 149. AR. 24 Skillings Courant, 1762. Obv. F 5, in monogram; around, D. G. DAN. NOR. etc. Rev. Crowned arms. 160. Christian VH, 1766-1808. AV. Pistole or Christian d'Or, 1773. Obv. CHRIST. Vil. D. G. REX. DAN. NORV. V. G. Bustr. Rev. GLORIA EX AMORE PATRIAE. Three royal monograms, crowned. 151. AV. Species Ducat, 1802. Obv. Nude man supporting shield of arms. Rev. Three monograms, crowned. 152. AR. Species Riksdaler, 1776. Obv. C 7, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Oval shield of arms. 163. Ditto, 1777. 154. AR. Species Third-riksdaler, 1798. Obv. Bare head r. Rev. Oval shield of arms. 155. AR. Species Fifth-riksdaler, 1798. Obv. C R, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 156. Ditto, 1801. 157. AR. 2 Skillings, 1800. Obv. Crowned monogram. Rev. Value and date. 168. Frederick VI, 1808-1839. AV. 2 Friedrichs d'Or, 1827. Obv. FRE- DERICVS VI REX DANIAE. Head 1. iJcv. Value and date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 467 159. AV. 2 Friedrichs d'Or, 1831. Obv. As No. 158. Rev. Crowned arms. 160. Ditto, 1836. As No. 158. 161. Ditto, 1837. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of royal arms, crowned, within ermine mantle. 162. Ditto, 1838. 163. AR. Eiksdaler, Species, 1820. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of royal arms, crowned. 164. Ditto, 1837. 166. AR. Riksbankdaler, 1813. Obv. FRIDERICUS VI DEI GRATIA REX. Bust r. JSetJ. Crowned arms. 166-167. AR. Sixth-riksdaler, 1808. Obv. Royal monogram, crowned; around, value. Rev. FRIVILLIGT | OFFER | TIL | etc. within wreath. 168. AR. 32 Riksbankskillings, 1820. Obv. F R in monogram, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 169. AR. 16 Riksbankskillings, 1831. Types as No. 168. 170. AR. 8 Riksbankskillings, 1819. Types similar to No. 168. 171. AR. 4 SkilUngs, 1815. Types similar to No. 168. 172. Ditto, 1836. 173. AR. 3 SkiUings, 1836. Types similar to No. 168. 174. AR. 2 Skillings, 1810. Types similar to No. 168. 176. Ditto, 1816. 176. Ditto, 1836. 177. AE. 2 Riksbankskillings, 1818. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned; above, 1/48 RIGSBANKDALER. JSe-y. 2 RIGSBANK SKILLING. 178. AE. Skilling, 1818. Types as No. 177. 179-180. Christian Vm, 1839-1848. AR. Speciesthaler, 1840. 06v. CHRIS- TIANUS Vill.D.G.DANIAE V.G.REX. Bust r. iJet;. As No. 161. 181. Frederick VH, 1848-1863. AR. Speciesthaler, 1848. Obv. FRE- DERIK VII KONGE AF DANMARK. Head r. i2ei;. CHRISTIAN VII etc.— DOD DEN 20JANUAR 1848. Head r. 182. AR. 2 Riksdaler, 1864. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value within wreath. 183. Ditto, 1865. 184. AR. Riksdaler, 1864. Types similar to No. 182. 186-186. Ditto, 1886. 187. AR. Half-riksdaler, 1854. Types as No. 182. 188-189. Ditto, 1866. 190-191. AR. 16 Skillings, 1857. Types as No. 182. 192-193. AR. 4 SkilUngs, 1866. Ditto. 194-196. AE. Skilling, 1856. Obv. Royal monogram, crowned, within wreath. Rev. 1— SKILLING RiGSMONT;the numeral 1 in field azure. 197-198. AE. Half-skilUng, 1856. Types as No. 194. 199. Christian IX, 1863-1906. AV. 20 Kroner, 1890. Obv. CHRISTIAN IX. KONGE AFDANMARK. Headr. i?ev. Female figure seated 1. with scepter in r. hand. 200. AV. 10 Kroner, 1890. Similar to No. 199. 201. AR. 2 Riksdalers, 1863. Obv. CHRISTIAN IX. Head r. Rev. FREDERIK VII etc.— DOD DEN 15 NOVEMBER 1863. Laureated head r. 202. AR. 2 Riksdaler, 1868. Oftv. CHRISTIANVS IX— D:G:DANIAE V: REX. Bust r. Rev. Value within wreath. 468 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEt>ALS. 203. AR. 2 Kroner, 1876. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned arms; wheat head and dolphin. 204. AB. 2 Kroner, 1903. Fortieth anniversary of reign. Obv. Bustr. Rev. MED.GVD.FOR.AERE.OG.RET. Female hgure seated 1. 206. AR. Krone, 1892. Types similar to No. 203. 206. AB. 26 0re, 1874. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value between dolphin and wheat head. 207. Ditto, 1891. 208-209. AR. 10 0re, 1874. Types as No. 206. 210-211. AE. Skillings, 1867. Obv. C IX, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Value. 212. AE. Half-skilling, 1868. Types similar to No. 210. 213, AE. 6 0re, 1874. Obv. As No. 210. Rev. Value between dolphin and wheat head. 213. Ditto, 1891. 216. Ditto, 1891. 216-217, AE. 0re, 1891. As No. 213. 218. Frederick Vm, A. D. 1903. AR. 26 0re, 1907. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value; wide border of lis and dart pattern. 219. AE. 6 0re, 1907. Obv. Royal monogram, crowned. Rev. KONGE- RIGET. DANMARK. Value within circle of dots. 220. AE. 2 0re, 1907. As No. 219. 221. AE. 0re, 1907. As No. 219. SCHIiESWIG-HOIiSTEIN. 222. Christian VII, A. D. 1766-1808. AR. Speciesdaler, 1788. Obv. CHRISTIANVS VII. D. G. DAN. NORV.V. G. REX. Bust r. Rev. 60 SCHILLING SCHLESW.HOLST COURANT, Oval shield, crowned. 223. Ditto, 1794. 224. AR. 40 Schillings, 1727. Obv. Head r. Rev. Arms, crowned. 225. AR. 20 Schillings, 1808. As No. 222. 226. AR. 10 Schillings, 1787. As No. 224. 227. Ditto, 1789. 228. AR. 6 SchilUngs, 1797. As No. 224. 229. AR, 2 1/2 Schillings, 1797. As No. 224. GERMANY. [Nos. 1-69 are " Bracteates."] 1. Anhalt. The prince standing; sword — flag. 2. The prince seated; cross and shield. 3. Arnstedt. Gate with two towers; above, an eagle. 4. Augsburg. Bust with crook and staff surmounted by cross. 6. Frederick n, 1212-1252. Bust with cross in each hand. 6. Wolfard, 1288-1303. Head; crook and key at sides. 7-8. Bust between two amulets. 9-10. Brandenburg. Albrecht the Bear, 1134-1170. Bust with sword and banner, in an arch with three towers. 11-12. The count standing between two towers. 13-14. Similar, but smaller. 16-16. The count seated; to right, sword; left, flag. 17-18. Otto n, A. D. 1184-1205. OTO mart. As No. 15. 19. As No. 18, without name and title. 20. The count standing; to left, flag; to right, shield surmounted by cross. 21. Heinrich von Gardelegen, A. D. 1104-1192. Bust, with sword and flag. 22. Frederick U, A. D. 1440-1470. Half of eagle. 23. Eagle and barley com. 24. Helmet. 25. Joachim I, A. D. 1499-1636. Scepter, and shield with eagle. 26. An eagle. 27. Braunschweig. Heinrich der Loewe, A. D. 1166-1180. Lion standing to right, in an arch. 28. Lion, running to right. 29. Lion, standing to left, upon a wall. 80. Lion to left, upon a tower. 31. Wilhelm, A. D. 1184-1213. willbhblmvs dg. lvn. Lion standing to right. 32. Otto, der Kind, otto dvx de brvn. Lion over a city gate. 33. Lion standing to left; below, a lily. 34. Lion standing to right, over city gate. 36. OTTE DE LVNEBURG. Liou, to right. 36. Albrecht, The Great. Lion, standing to left, in an arch. 37. Lion, with shield on breast, standing to left. 38. Lion, standing to left, in front of a tower. 39. Lion, standing to right; below, a cross. 40. Lion, with double tail, to left. 41. Similar to No. 40, but tail of lion single. 42. The City of Braunschweig. Lion, to left, within beaded circle. 43. Lion, to left; plain border. 469 470 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 44. Half-pfennige. As No. 43. 46. Lion, to left, head facing. 46. Breslau. Boleslaus der Hohe, A. D. 1103-1120. Head beneath an arch. 47. Arch and bridge. 48. Two busts over an arch. 49. German Emperors. Frederick I. Emperor seated on an arch; to right, a lily; to left, imperial globe. 60. FREDERICVS. IMPERATOR. ET. SEMP. A. Emperor seated on arch. 61. As No. 50, with globe and lily. 62. Otto rv, A. D. 1198-1218. Emperor seated, holding scepter and orb. 63. Heinrich Raspe. A. D. 1246-1248. As No. 52. 64. Ditto. 66. Helmet. 66. Erfurt. Heinrich, A. D. 1142-1153. The bishop with staff and cross on arch with towers. 67. Luebeck. Crowned head amid rays. 68. Mecklenberg. Buffalo head. 69. Silesia. Feathered helmet. 60. Eagle wing and key. 61. Winged sheep shears. 62. Crab. 63. Crowned eagle's head. 64. Building with towers. 65. Crescent and star. 66-67. Crescent, with cross above. 68-69. A plant between two crescents. I. THE EOMAN-GERMAN EMPIRE. EMPERORS. f 70. Ferdinand, I, 1666-1664. AB. Thaler, 1569. Obv. FERDI. D. G. EL. RO. IM. etc. Crowned bust r. iZe-y. Double eagle. 71. MaximiUan H, 1664-1576. AE. Guldenthaler, 1570. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Double eagle. Mad. Thlc. I. 26. 72. AE. Thaler, 1571. As last. 73. Maximilian, Charles, and Ferdinand. AV. 6 Ducats. Obv. MAX I. CARO. V ET FERD. D. G. ROM. CAES. REG. HISP. Three busts r. Rev. Double eagle. 74. AE. Thaler, 1590. Obv. MAXI. CARO. ET FERD. etc. Three busts 1. Rev. Double eagle. 75. Eudolph n, 1576-1612. AE. Double-thaler, 1611. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 76. AE. Thaler, 1607. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. NECNON ARCHI- DUCESAVS. etc. Crowned arms. S.-R. , Thlc. No. 180. 77. Matthias, 1612-1637. AE. Thaler, 1617. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle. 78. Ferdinand m, 1637-1668. AE. Thaler. Obv. Laureated bust, cui- rassed, r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. Carinthian Thaler. 79. AE. Double Thaler, 1641. Styria. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Round shield of arms. 80. Leopold I, 1658-1705. AV. Third Ducat, 1676. 06^. Bust r.; below, mark of value. Rev. Double eagle. 81. AE. Double Thaler. Tyrol. Obv. Bust r. ; mask on r. shoulder. Rev. Tyrolean eagle, crowned. 82. AE. Double Thaler, 1682. Broad. Styria. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Round shield of arms. 83. Joseph I, 1705-1711. AV. Ducat, 1710. Obv. lOSEPHVS D. G. R. I. etc. Bust r. i?ei;. Double eagle. 84. AE. Double Thaler. Thick. Tyrol. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Tyrolean eagle, crowned. 85. Charles VI, 1711-1740. AV. Ducat, 1738. Styria. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 86. AE. Double Thaler. Tyrol. Obv. Bust r., with chain of Golden Fleece. Rev. Double eagle. 87. AV. Half-ducat, 1759. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle. 88. AE. Thaler, 1766. Tyrol. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 89. AE. Convention Thaler, 1766. Obv. Shield of arms, supported by griffins. Rev. AD NORMAM CONVENT. 1766 within wreath. 90. Maria Theresia, 1740-1780. AE. Thaler, 1780. Obv. Veiled bust r. Rev. Double eagle. S.-R., Thlrc. 503. 91. AE. Half-thaler, 1743. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 92. AE. Half-thaler, 1779. Types similar to No. 90. 93. Francis I, 1745-1766. AE. Convention-thaler, 1760. Obv. FRANC. D, G. R. I. S. A. GE. TER. R, Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 471 472 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 94. AK. Convention-tlialer, 1763. Obv. FRANCISCVS. D. G. ROM. IMP. etc. Double eagle. Rev. BENEDICTUS. DOMINVS. QVI DEDIT PACEM IN FINIBVS NOSTRIS. Female sacrificing at altar. 95. Joseph n, 1765-1790. AV. Ducat, 1787. Obv. lOS. D. G. R. I. etc. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 96. AV. Ducat, 1787. As No. 95. 97. Francis n, 1792-1804. AR. Thaler, 1805. Obv. FRANCISCVS II. D. G. ROM. ET. HAER. AVST. IMP. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 98. AE. 6 Kreutzer, 1800. Obv. Head r. Rev. Double eagle. 99. AE. Kreutzer, 1800. Similar to No. 98. PRINCELY HOUSES. 100. Austria. Maximilian. AE. Thaler, 1479. Obv. Bust r.; in field, ETA TIS 19. Rev. Bust of Mary of Burgundy r.; in field, ETAT— IS 20. 101. Tyrol. Sigismund, 1439-1496. AV. Ducat. Obv. Duke standing fac- ing, crowned. Rev. Cross, with arms in angles. 102. AB. Thaler, 1486. Obv. Duke standing; to left, lion; to right, helmet. Rev. Knight, armed and mounted, r. ; around, 16 shields of arms. 103. AB. Half-thaler, 1484. Obv. Bust crowned, with scepter. Rev. As No. 102. 104-105. Ferdinard I, 1521-1664. AB. Thalers. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms within chain of Golden Fleece. 106. Maximilian, 1612-1618. AR. Thaler, 1613. Obv. The duke standing. Rev. Knight riding 1. 107. AB. Thaler, 1615. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 108. AB. Thaler, 1818. Obv. As No. 107, but chain with cross about neck. Rev. Arms. 109. Leopold V. AB. Thaler, 1621. Obv. Bust in priestly robes r. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. Madai Thlrc. II, 3868. 110. AB. Double Thaler. Obv. LEOPOLDVS. ARCH ID. AVS. ET. CLAVDIA. ARCHIDVCISA AVS. MEDIC. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Tyrolean eagle. 111. Anhalt Schaumburg. Carl Ludwig, 1772-1806. AB. Kreutzer, 1774. Ausbeutestueck. 06-!;. CARL LUDV/IG FURST ZU etc. Rev. Mining camp. 33 mm. 112. Margraviate of Baden. Carl Frederick. AB. Thaler, 1766. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms, with eagles as sup- porters. 113. AB. Thaler, 1778. Obv. Head r. Rev. Similar to No. 112. 113a. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1773. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms. 114. Duchy of Bavaria. Ludwig, 1608-1545. AV. Ducat. 06i;. LVDWIG. P.R.DVX.BAVAR. Arms. Rev. Three shields in triangular position. 116. Albert HI, 1660-1679. AV. Ducat. Obv. ALBERTI.AVRVM.BA- VARIE.DVCIS. Arms. i?CT. Duke kneeling before the Virgin. 116. Ferdinand, 1661-1679. AV. Ducat, 1674. Obv. F.M.V.B.& P.S. etc. Draped bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 117. Maximilian Emanuel, 1679-1726. AB. Speciesthaler, 1717. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 118. Charles Albert, 1726-1746. AV. Double-ducat, 1734. Obv. C.A.D.G. V. B. etc. Bust r. Rev. Virgin, crowned, holding Child and scepter. 119. MaximiUan m. Joseph, 1746-1778. AV. Ducat, 1747. Obv. Busts of duke and duchess r. Rev. DESIGNANT AMBO SERENUM, Banks of Bhine; sun. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 473 120. AR. Speciesthaler, 1755. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Arms with sup- porters. 121. AB. Speciesthaler, 1768. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 122. AB. Ditto, 1771. As last. 123. Carl Theodore, 1778-1799. AB. Thaler, 1778. Obv. TH.D.G.C.P.R. U.B: D. etc. Bust r. Rev. Madonna and Child. 124. AB. Thaler, 1799. Similar to 123. 125. AB. Thaler, 1792. Obv. CARL. ••• EL. PROV.&. VICAR. Bust r. Rev. IN.PARTLRHENL etc. Double eagle. 126. Brandenburg Beyreuth. Christian, 1603-1656. AB. 4 Kreutzer, 1630. Obv. Two shields, value and date. Rev. Eagle. 127. Friedrich, 1736-1763. AB. Beichsthaler, 1762. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned eagle on a shield; trophy. 128. Frederick Christian, 1763-1769. AB. Thaler, 1766. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Arms with supporters. 41 mm. 129. AV. Ducat, 1767. Obv. Margrave, mounted, r. Rev. Badge of Order of Red Eagle. 23 mm. 130. Brandenburg Ansbach. Albert Alcibiades, 1627-1667. AB. Thaler, 1548. Obv. BustL Rev. SI DE9 PRO NOBIS QVIS CONTRA NOS. Cross with shields in angles. 131. AB. Thaler, 1660. Variety of 274. 132. Friedrich, Albert, and Christian, AV. Ducat, 16.1. Obv. Three facing busts. Rev. Shield of arms. 133. Carl Wilhelm Frederick, 1723-1767. AB. Speciesthaler, 1764. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle displayed. 134. Alexander, 1757-1791. AV. Ducat, 1769. Obv. PATRI PATRIAE DEVOTISSIMVS. Placing heart on burning altar. Rev. Inscrip- tion. 136. AB. Speciesthaler, 1769. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shields of Culmbach and Anspach. 136. AB. Ditto, 1774. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield, supported by lion, amid military arms. 137. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1762. Obv. Bust r. within laurel wreath. Rev. Eagle, displayed and crowned. 138. Duchy of Brunswlck-Lttneburg. A. Line of Brunswlck-Wolfenbuet- tel. Heinrich der Juenger, A. D. 1514^1568. AB. Thaler, 1662. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms, helmeted. 139. Heinrich Julius, 1589-1613. AB. Thaler, 1599. " Wespenthaler." Obv. Twelve shields of arms in form of rose. Rev. Lion attacked by wasps. 140. AB. Pelikanthaler, 1599. Obv. Shield of arms, helmeted, supported by wild man. Rev. PRO ARIS ET FOCIS. Pelican. 141. AB. Thaler, 1600. Obv. Helmeted shield. Rev. St. Andrew with cross. 142. Frederick Uhric, 1613-1634. AB. Thaler, 1628. Oftv. Helmeted shield. Rev. Wild man. 143. Brunswick-Lttneburg. New line. Augustus, 1698-1666. AB. IV. Glockenthaler, 1643. Obv. Half-length bust. Rev. Bell clapper. 144. AB. V. Glockenthaler, 1643. Obv. Helmeted shield of arms. Rev. Bell rung by three hands. 145. AB. Thaler, 1643. A variety of No. 144. 146. Budolph Augustus, 1666-1685. AB. Thaler, 1671. Obv. D.G.RU- DOLPH AUGUSTUS DUX BR:E;L: Bust. Rev. Open Bible, flanked by flags. 474 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 147. AB. Doppelthaler, 1683. Obv. Duke, mounted. Rev. Helmeted shield of arms. 148. AB. 3 Thalers, 1686, Obv. Helmeted shield. Rev. Lute player. Lauthenthal Ausbeutestueck. 74 mm. 149. Budolph Augustus and Anton TTlrich, 1686-1704. AB. Speciestlialer, 1691. Obv. D.G.RVD.AVG:& ANTH : VLR: D. D. BRVN. a^LVN: Helmeted shield of arms. Rev. Two wild men. 160. AB. 24 Mariengroschen, 1692. Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value within a circle. 161. AB. Ditto, 1694. Obv. Free horse. Rev. NACH DEM LEIPZIGER FU S.I 694. Value. 162. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1695. Obv. Free horse 1. Rev. REMIGIO. ALTISSIMI VNI. Crowned shield of arms. 163. AB. 24 Mariengroschen, 1698. Obv. Free horse; below, two-thirds. Rev. Value. 164. Anton Ulric, 1704-1714. AB. 24 Mariengroschen, 1704. Obv. Wild man. Rev. LABORE ET CONSTANTIA 1704. Value. 166. AB. Ditto, 1712. Obv. D.G.ANTON |9 ULRICA DUX etc. Value. Rev. Wild man. 166. AB. Sterbethaler of Elizabeth, 1704. Obv. Bust. Rev. Duchess re- clining on a cloud above castle of Salzthaler. 167. Ludwig Budolph, 1714-1731. AV. Ducat, 1717. Obv. LVD.RVD.D. G.DVX BR.ET LVN. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Wild man. 168. Carl I, 1735-1780. AV. 6 Thaler, 1749. Obv. CAROLVS D.G. DVX BR.ET LVN. Draped bust r. i?ei;. Free horse r. 159. AV. 10 Thalers, 1760. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 158. 160. AB. 8 Groschen, 1760. Obv. Crowned C. Rev. Value. 161. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1764. Obv. Bust r. Rev. NUNQUAM RE- TRORSUM, 1764. Free horse. 162. AB, 24 Mariengroschen, 1768. Obv. Value. Rev. Free horse. 163-164. Charles Wilhelm Ferdinand, A. D. 1780-1806. AB. Speciesthaler, 1790, Obv. CAROLVS GVIL. FERD.D.G.DVX BRVNSV. ET LVN, Shield of arms. Rev. I | SPECIES | THALER | 1790 | M.G. 165. AV. 5 Thaler, 1795. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value. 166-167, AB, 24 Mariengroschen, 1800, Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value. 168, Bninswick-Llineburg, New Line Lueneburg, Frederick 1636-1648. AB, Speciesthaler, 1646, Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield with five helmets. 169, Christian Ludwig, A. D. 1641-1648-1666. AV. Ducat, 1661, Obv. CHRIST. LUD.D.G. DUX BR. ET LUNEB. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Free horse in a wreath. 170, AB, Speciesthaler, 1662. Obv. Helmeted shield of arms. Rev. Free horse, 171, John Frederick, 1665-1679. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1676, Rev. Draped bust 1, Rev. Palm tree on a rock, 172, AB. Two-thirds thaler, undated, Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value, 173, AB. One-third thaler, 1673, Obv. Bust r. Rev. As No, 171, 174, George n, 1727-1760, AV, Ducat, 1729, 06i>. Laureated bust, draped, 1, Rev. Four shields crosswise, 176, AV, 6 Thaler, 1758, Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value. 176, AB, Thaler, 1729, Obv. Shield of arms with supporters. Rev. Free horse. 177, AB. Thaler, 1737. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Horse. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 475 178. AB. Two-tMrds thaler, 1733. 06?;. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Free horse. 179. AE. Two-thirds thaler, 1760. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Wild man, 180. George m, 1760-1820. AR. Thaler, 1766. Obv. GEORG. III.D.G.M. BRIT. etc. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. St. Andrew with cross, 41 mm. 181. AE. 24 Mariengrocohen, 1783. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value. 182. AE. Ditto. 1796. 183. AR. Ditto. 1797. 184. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1801. Rev. Laureated bust r. Rev. Value. 185. Ditto. 1807. Obv. Round shield of arms. Rev. Value, 186-187. Dietrichstein. Ferdinand. AE. Thaler, 1693. Obv. FERD: S: R:l: PRINCEPS. A. DIETRICHSTEIN. Bust with wig r. Rev. Shield of arms. 188. Henneberg. AE. Two-thirds thaler, 1693. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Crowned hen. 189. AE. Thaler, 1693. Obv. Helmeted arms of Saxony and Henneberj?. Rev. Crowned hen. 46 mm. 190. s'Heerenberg. William IV, 1576-1686. AE. Crown. Obv. Crowned bust. Rev. Lion rampant, holding arms of s'H. 191. Landgraviate of Hesse-Cassel. William V, 1627-1637. AE. Species- thaler 1636. Obv. Crowned lion, rampant. Rev. I EH OVA VOLENTE HVMILIS LEVABOR. Sheaf of grain. 192. Ludwig Vm, 1739-1768. AV. Ducat, 1761. Obv. Four pairs of LL's, addorsed, crosswise. Rev. Arms within circle of seven escutcheons. 193. Frederick n, A. D. 1760-1785. AV. Pistole, 1771. Oftt;. FRIDERICUS. ll.D.G.HASS. L.H.C. Bust r. Rev. Star. 194. AV. Double pistole, 1785. Similar to No. 193. 196. AE. Speciesthaler, 1766. 06?;. FRIDERICUS. ll.D.G.HASS, LANDG. HAN.COM. Bust r. Rev. Arms with supporters. 196. AE. Half-reichsthaler, 1785. Similar to No. 195. 197. AE. Quarter-reichsthaler, 1767. 06?;. Arms. Rev. Value on a shield. 198. AE. Ditto, 1768. As No. 195, except value is within a circle. 199. AE. Sixth-thaler, 1767. Obv. Shield supported by crowned lion. Rev. Value in a circle. 200. William IX, A. D. 1786-1821. AV. 6 Thaler, 1799. 06?;. WILHELMUS IX D.G.HASS.LANDG.H.C. Bust r. Rev. Lion, couchant, before a trophy. 201. AE. Thaler, 1789. 06?;. Bust r. Rev. Arms crowned. 202. AE. Sixth-thaler, 1791. 06?;. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value. 203. Wilhelm I, Elector, A. D. 1802. AV. 6 Thaler, 1817. 06?;. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms; above, 5. THALER. 204. AE. Thaler, 1819. 06?;. WILHELM I.KURF.SOUV.LANDGR. Short bust r. Rev. Value and date within wreath. 206. AE, Half-thaler, 1819. 06?;. WILHELM I. KURF.S. L. Z. etc Bust r. Rev. Value and date within wreath. 206. Hohenlohe Neuenstein. Wolfgang Julius, 1676-1698. AE. Thaler, 1697. 06?;. W. I. G. V. H. G. H. Z. L. V. G. G. F. M. O. V. R. Bust r. Rev. Knight in armor, mounted, r. 207. Ludwig Frederick Carl, A. D. 1765-1805. AE. Speciesthaler, 1770. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Shield of arms within mantle. 22023° — 14 31 476 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 208. Hohonlohe Gleichen. Carol August, 1737-1767. AB. Speciesthaler, 1738. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield surmounted by three helmets. 41 mm. 209. Duchy of Holstein. Peter m of Bussia. AB. Thaler, 1763. Obv. PETRUS. D. G. MAGNUS DUX TOTIUS RUSSIAE. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 210. Lippi. Simon Augustus, 1734-1782. AB. Sixth-thaler, 1770. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value. 211. L3wenstein-Wertheim. Euchair Casimir, 1681-1698. AB. Thaler, 1697. Obv. Tree held together by bars; — the same split by two hands. Rev. Helmeted shield. 212. Carol, 1735-1789. AB. Speciesthaler, 1769. 06?;. Bust, draped, r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms with supporters. 213. Mansfeld. Peter Ernest et al. AB. Thaler, 1582. Obv. PE: ERN: IO:AL:IO:HO:BRV:HO:CHR:FRA:ET:PATR. Helmeted arms. Rev. St. George and Dragon. 214. AB. Thaler, 1597. Obv. PETER.ERN.BRVNO.GE.HA.GE.P. As last. Rev. St. George and Dragon. 216. AB. Half-thaler, 1593. Similar to last. 216. AB. Thaler, undated. Obv. HOIGER.GEBHAR.ALBER.ET.PHILP. Helmeted arms. Rev. St. George, mounted, spearing dragon. 217. Palatinate of the Bhine. Carl Ludwig, 1650-1680. AB. Thaler, 1660. Obv. BuBtr. i?CT. DOMINVS PROVIDEBIT. Arms. 218. Carl Philip, 1716-1713. AV. Ducat, 1721. Obv. The count mounted r. Rev. Five shields crosswise. 219. AV. Double ducat, 1733. Obv. CAR. PHILIP. D. G. EL. PALATI- NUS. Bust r. Rev. Arms; CC and PP crosswise. 220. Carl Theodore, 1743-1799. AV. Ducat, 1757. 06v. Nude bust r. Rev. SIC FULGENT LITTORA RHENI. Mining scene on Rhine. 221. AB. Speciesthaler, 1758. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Two shields of arms. 222. AB. Speciesthaler, 1765. Obv. Short bust r. Rev. Two shields of arms, crowned; at sides, olive and palm branches. 223. AB. Speciesthaler, 1766. Obv. As. No. 222. Rev. Crowned arms sup- ported by lion on right. 224. AB. Speciesthaler, 1774. Obv. Head r. Rev. Similar to No. 222. 225. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1751. Obv. Bust, cuirassed, r. Rev. EX VIS- CERIBVS FODINAE WILDBERG. Crowned arms. 226. AB. Half-speciesthaler, 1765. Similar to No. 222. 227. Duchy of Saxony and Possessions. Ernestine Line. Frederick HI, George, and John, 1486-1526. AB. Thaler, undated. " Klapmuetze- thaler." Obv. Bust with cap r. Rev. Busts of John and George, vis-h-vis. 41 mm. 228. John der Bestaendige, and Georg, 1526-1532. AB. Thaler, undated. Obv. Bust of John r. Rev. Bust of George 1. 229. Saxe Gotha. John Casimir, 1570-1600. AB. Thaler, 1598. Obv. D. G. lOHA. CASI. ET. lOH. ERNS. FRA. DVCES. SAXONIAE. Half-length busts vis-d-vis. Rev. Shield of arms encircled by 13 small shields. 230. SaxeAltenberg. AB. Thaler, 1607. 06v. lOH AN :- PHILIP. ET - FRIDERI-DEI GRA. Busts vis-cL-vis. Rev. lOH: WIL:-ET. FR I D : - W I L. etc. Busts vis-d-ins. 40 mm. 231. Saxe-alt- Weimar. Frederick Wilhelm and John, 1676-1602. AB. Thaler, 1682. Obv. D. G. FRI. — WIL. DV. — SAX. LA — N. THV. E — MA. R. Ml. — MO. IMP. Facing bust. Rev. D. G. 10 — HAN. DV — SAX. etc. Facing bust. 41 mm. ^■S32. Saze Weimer (Middle line). Tlie Eight Brothers. AV. Ducat, 1614. ^ft 06u. MONETA — AVREA — 8. FRAT. — DVC. SAX. Four facing ^B busts. Rev. Four facing busts. B'S33. AB. Thaler, 1611. Ohv. D. G. 10: ERNES: — FRIDERICVS — H WILHELMVS — ALBERTVS. Four facing busts. i?ei;. Four facing busts. 40 mm. 234. Saze neu-Weimar. John Ernest, A. D. 1662-1683. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1677. Ohv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 136. Saze-Salfeld-Coburg. Ernest Frederick. AB. Speciesthaler, 1765. Ohv. Cuirassed bust. Rev. Shield of arms. 236. Albertine Line. George, 1500-1539. AB. Thaler, 1630. Ohv. NAW. ^m MVNT. HERZOG.GEORGEN.ZV.SAXE. Bust 1. iJet;. Five ^B- shields crosswise. ^bsT. The Electors. August, 1553-1586. AB. Thaler, 1656. Ohv. AV- ^m GVSTVS.D.G.DVX.SAXONIAE.S.A.ROMA.IM. Bust r. Rev. ^^R. Helmeted shield of arms. ^288. AB. Thaler, 1667. Ohv. TANDEM •BONA •CAVSA^TRIVM- PH AT. Two swords in saltire, on shield. Rev. Inscription. ■ 239. Christian, John George I, and Augustus, 1591-1601. AB. Thaler, 1692. Three facing busts. Rev. Helmeted shield of arms. 240. AB. Thaler, 1593. As No. 231. 241. John George I, 1611-1656. AB. Clippethaler, 1615. Ohv. Half length figure of duke. Rev. Two swords in saltire. 40 by 42 mm. 242. AV. "Sophienducat," 1616. Ohv. S C in monogram over sword and scepter, crowned. Rev. I H.S; eye above. 243. AV. Luther Anniversary Ducat, 1617. Ohv. John George crowned r. Rev. Bust of Frederick III crowned r. 244. AB. Thaler, 1619. Ohv. PRO LEGE ET GREGE. Duke moimted. R&v. D.G. I lOHANN. GEORG | DVX SAX. etc. Twelve-line in- scription. AB. Speciesthaler, 1636. Ohv. Mailed bust. Rev. Shield of arms, surmounted by six helmets. 46 mm. [946. AB. Speciesthaler, 1656. Ohv. Inscription in two circles; facing bust. Rev. Nine-line inscription. Sterbethaler. 47 mm. AB. Half-thaler, 1630. Ohv. Mailed bust. Rev. Shield of arms. John George n, 1666-1680. AB. Speciesthaler, 1660. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms surmounted by eight helmets. |S49. John George m, 1630-1691. AB. Speciesthaler, 1686. Ohv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Helmeted shield of arms. 46 mm. Frederick Augustus I, 1694-1733. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1696. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms, crowned, between palm branches. 39 mm. f861. AV. Ducat, 1711. Ohv. Elector, mounted, r. Rev. Two altars; scep- ter, crown and orb on one; crown and sword on other. 252. Frederick Augustus m, 1763-1806. A. Xavier, Prince regent. AB. Speciesthaler, 1767. Ohv. XAVIERVS D.G.REG:PR:POL: &. LITH : DVX SAX. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 263. AB. Thaler, 1764. Ofiv. FRID. AUGUST, etc. Bust r. iJev. Shield of arms, crowned. 43 mm. AB. Thaler, 1766. Ohv. Draped bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms crowned; below, DER SEEGEN DES BERGBAUES. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1766. Ohv. As last. Rev. Two shields, crowned. 34 mm. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1768. Siioilar to last 478 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDAIjS. 267. AR. Twelfth-thaler, 1764. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value. 268. AR. Twenty-fourth thaler, 1764. Similar to No. 257, except value. 269. B. Augustus, after reaching majority. AV. 10 Thaler, 1783. Obv. FRID: AUGUST: D: G: DUX SAX: ELECTOR. Bust r. Rev. Two shields of arms crowned. 260. AV. 10 Thaler, 1794. Obv. Cuirassed bust, draped, r. Rev. Arms within palm branches. 261. AV. 6 Thaler, 1777. Obv. Similar to No. 259. Rev. Two shields, crowned. 262. AR. Speciesthaler, 1776. Obv. As No. 259. Rev. X.EINE MARCK F. Arms crowned. 263. AR. Ditto, 1790. Similar to No. 262. 264. AR. Speciesthaler, 1790. " Vicariatsthaler.". Obv. FRID . AVG. • ••VICARIVS EMPERII. Bust r. i?e^. Double eagle. 266. AR. Speciesthaler, 1806. Obv. As No. 260. Rev. Crowned arms within palm wreath. 266. AR, Ditto, 1806. "Ausbeutethaler." Obv. As No. 260. Rev. DER SEEGEN DES BERGBAUES. Arms as last. 267. Saxe Seitz. Maurice. AR. Thaler, 1667. Commemorating completion of palace. Obv. Facing bust. Rev. Palace at Zeitz. 46 mm. 268. Schwarzburg Rudolstadt. Frederic Carl I, 1790-1793. AR. Half- thaler, 1791. Obv. D.G. FRID. CAROL, etc. Bust r. Rev. Arms crowned. 269. Stolberg, Wernigerode. Ludwig, 1544-1674. AV. Ducat, undated, Obv. LVDOVI. CO. STOL. KON. RVT. WER*. Five shields of arms crosswise. Rev. MAXIMIL. II. ROMANO. IMPER. Orb and eagle. 270. Wolfgang George, 1612-1631, AR, Speciesthaler, 1626. Obv. Hel- meted shield of arms. Rev. Stag 1. 271. Duchy of WUrtemburg. AV, Half-ducat, 1732. Obv. EBER.LUD.D. G.DVX.WUR.&. T. Bustr. i^ev. Shield of arms. 272. Charles Eugene, 1737-1793. AV. Ducat, 1790. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Garnished shield of arms. 278. AR, Thaler, 1760. Obv. CAROLVS D.G.DVX.WURT. & T. Bustr. Rev. Arms within wreath. 274. AR. Thaler, 1781. Obv. As No. 273. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 276. AR, 16 Kreutzer, 1769, Obv. Bustr. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. CITIES. 276. Imperial City of Augsburg. Ferdinand TL. AV. Ducat, 1623. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. AVGVSTA V I N D ELIC. Arms of city— fir cone. 276a. Ferdinand in. AV. Ducat, 1631. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Arms of city-fir cone. 277. Leopold I. AR. Speciesthaler, 1694, Obv. Double eagle. Rev. AV- GVSTA VINDELICORVM. Arms supported by Neptune and Aquarius. 278. Bremen, Imperial City. Ferdinand n, 1619-1637. AR. 3 Grote, 1736. ' Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Key and date. 279. Ferdinand m, A. D, 1637-1668, AR, 24 Grote, 1643, Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Key on shield. 280. AR, 12 Grote, 1661, As No. 279. 281. AR. 12 Grote, 1667, Obv. Double eagle. Rev. STAT. GELT BREMER. Crowned key. 30 mm. I I CATALOGUE OF COIlTS, TOKENS, AKD MEDALS. 479 AR. 6 Grote, 1646. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. MONE - NO. REIP. BREM - ENSIS. Shield on cross. 283. AR. 2 Grote, 1642. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Key. 284. Leopoldl, 1668-1705. AV. Double Ducat, 1667. 06i;. LEOPOLD:D:G: ROM - IMP:SEM:AUGUS: The Emperor, standing, crowned. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 29 mm. 286. AV. Ducat, 1672. Obv. Laureated bust 1. Rev. Crowned key in a wreath. 286. AR. Doppelthaler, 1668. Obv. Crowned shield of arms with support- ers. Rev. Double eagle. 287. AR. Thaler, 1660. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Shield of arms with supporters. 45 mm. 888. AR. Thaler, 1660. Another variety of No. 287. 289. AR. 24 Grote, 1661. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 37 mm. 290. AR. 24 Grote, 1666. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. As last, but with SEMP. in legend. 291. AR. 12 Grote, 1666. Similar to No. 290. 292. AR. 6 Grote, 1672. Obv. BREMER STAT GELT. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Double eagle. 293. AR. 3 Grote, 1677. As last. 294. Bil. Grote, 1674. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Double eagle. 295. Charles VI, 1711-1740. Bil. Grote, 1733. Obv. CAROL. VL etc. Double eagle. Rev. Shield of arms. 296. Bil. Grote, 1739. 06^;. CAR: VL etc. Double eagle. i2CT.AsNo.201. 297-298. Francis I, 1745-1765. AR. 24 Grote, 1749. Obv. FRANCISCVS. D. G. etc. Double eagle, crowned. Rev. Shield of arms. 299, AR. 48 Grote, 1753. Obv. As No. 297. Rev. Crowned shield of arms with supporters. 37 mm. 299a. Bil. Grote, 1754. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Shield of arms. 300. Campen, Imperial City. Matthias. AR. Florin. Obv. Double eagle; stamped HOL. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 801. AV. Double ducat, 1656. Obv. FERD.IILD.G.R. etc. King stand- ing r. holding scepter and orb. iJcu. MO.NOV I AVREA | I M PERI I CAMPEN. 802. Imperial City of Constanz. AR. Thaler, 1626. Obv. FERD.N.D.G. ROM.IMPER etc. Arms. i?ei;. Crowned shield of arms. 803. Daventer, Imperial City. Leopold, 1668-1705. AR. Florin (16)86. 06i). FERDINAND. ILD. G.ROM. SEM.AV. Doubleeagle; stamped HOL. iJei;. Crowned shield. 304. AR. Florin, 1684. Obv. LEOP.IGN. D.G. . LEG. R. . IMP.SEM. AVG. Doubleeagle. i?ei;. Crowned shield. 805. Frankfort, Imperial City. AV. Election Ducat of Matthias, 1612. Obv. Emperor seated. Rev. Eagle crowning an angel. 806. AV. Election Ducat of Charles vn, 1742. Obv. Laureated bast r. Rev. Volume inscribed DEC A | LOG US. 806a. AV. Election Ducat of Francis n, 1792. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Sword, scepter, and crown on altar. 807. Friedberg, Imperial City. AR. Two-thirds reichsthaler, 1747. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. MONETA CASTRI IMP. FRIDBERG. St. George and dragon. 808. Halberstadt. AR. Thaler, 1631. Obv. Arms of the city. Rev. S. STEPHANU: PROTOMAR. St. Stephen standing. 480 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 309. Hamburg. AV. Ducat, 1644. Obv. AVCPLCR GRACIA 1644. Ma- donna and Holy Child. Rev. Madonna and Child; anna of Hamburg. 23 mm. 310. Hambtirg, Imperial City. Charles VI. AE. 16 Schilllnge, 1726. Obv. HAMBURGER. CURRENT. GELDT. Shield of arms. Rev. Double eagle. 34 mm. 811. AR. 8 ScMlUnge, 1726. Similar to No. 310. 312. AR. 2 Schillinge, 1720. Obv. City Gate. Rev. Double eagle. 313. Joseph n, 1765-1790. AR. 16 SchilUnge, 1789. Obv. Arms of Ham- burg. Rev. Double eagle. 314-318. Francis H, 1792-1804. AR. 32 SchilUnge, 1795. Obv. As No. 313. Rev. Double eagle. 316. AR. 8 SchilUnge, 1797. Similar to No. 314; large types. 317. AR. 8 SchilUnge, 1797, Similar to No. 314, but types are smaller. 318. AR, 4 SchilUnge, 1797. Similar to No. 316, except value. 319. Hildesheim. AR. Sixth-thaler, 1644. Obv. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. Rev. Value. 320. Magdeburg. AV. Ducat, 1679. 06v. FERDINAND. I. D.G.RO:! :S:A, Double eagle. Rev. Maid upon city gate. 321. AR. Thaler, 1617. Luther anniversary piece. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Busts of Huss and Luther. 322. Metz. AR. Speciesthaler, 1660. Obv. St. Stephen. Rev. Shield. 323. NordUngen. Frederick IV, Emperor, 1440-1493. AV. Ducat. Obv. Orb within tressure of three arches. Rev. St. John. 324. Nuremberg. Frederick and Sigismond, 1486-1495. AV. Ducat. Obv. FRID:&: SIGISM : MARCH. BRAND. St. John. Rev. Cross with shields in angles. 23.5 mm. 325. AV. Ducat. 06v. MONETA: COMVNIS: D: NVREMBERG. Eagle displayed. Rev. St. Lawrence with grill. 326. AV. Ducat, 1521. Obv. Eagle. Rev. St. Lawrence with grill. 327. AV. Ducat, 1523. Similar to last. 328. AV. Ducat, 1612. Obv. MONE-f-REIPVB-|-NVRENBERG. Eagle. Rev. St. Lawrence. 329. AV. Ducat, 1613. 06t;. Shield; above, winged seraph head. Rev. St. Lawrence supporting large grill. 330. AV. Ducat, 1617. Obv. Oval shield. Rev. SANCTVS LAVRENTIVS. The saint supporting grill. 23 mm. 331. AV. Ducat, 1640. Obv. DVCATVS REIPVB NORIMBERG. Eagle. Rev. St. Sebald supporting two shields. 832. AV. Ducat, 1700. Obv. SECVLVM NOVVM CELEBRAT RESP. NORIBERGENSIS. Three shields. Rev. Lamb on globe. 833. AV. Half-ducat, 1700. Similar to last. 334. AV. Quarter-ducat, 1700. Obv. MON.REIP.NORIMB. Shield of arms. Rev. As No. 332. 336. AV. Third-ducat, undated. Obv. Shield with mural crown. Rev. Ab 332. 336. AV. Ducat, square. Types similar to No. 332. 19 by 19 mm. 337. AV. Half-ducat, square. Types similar to No. 334. 15 by 15 mm. 338. AV. Quarter-ducat, square. Types similar to No. 335. 339. AV. One thirty-second ducat, undated. Obv. Shield. Rev. Paschal lamb. ^m S40. Imperial City of Nuremberg. AR. 30 Kreutzer, 1673. Obv. MAXI- ■ MILIAN.IMP.AVG.P.F.DECRETO. Double eagle. Rev. Two ^B shields. B 3*1- AB.eOKreutzer, 1611. 06v. RVDOLPH: II: ROM: IMP: etc. Eagle. Rev. As No. 311. 342. AV. Ducat, 1612. Obv. D: MATHIAE RO: IMP: ET ANNAE etc. Busts r. Rev. Three shields of arms. 343. AB. Half-thaler, 1621. Obv. FERDINANDVS. II. D: G: ROMAN etc. Double eagle. Rev. Three shields. 344. AR. Speciesthaler, 1767. Obv. FRANCiSCUS. D.G.ROM. IMP. etc. Bust r. Rev. Two shields. 42 mm. 345. AE. Ditto, 1769. Another variety of 344. 846. AR. Speciesthaler, 1765. Obv. lOSEPHVS II. D.G.ROM. IMP. Double eagle. Rev. View of city. 347. Imperial City of Getting. Carl Wolfgang, 1622-1649. AR. Thaler, 1641. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Helmeted shield of arms. 348. Albert Ernest I, 1669-1683. AR. 60 Kreutzer, 1676. Obv. A E, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Dog 1. 349. Imperial City of Regensberg. AV. Ducat. Obv. FRANCISC.I.D.G. ROM. IMP. Bustr. iJev. View of the city. 350. Schwarzenberg. Ferdinand & Maria Anna, 1683-1698. AR. Species- thaler, 1696. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Two oval shields within ermine mantle. 361. Stralsund. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1707. 61;. Miter, value and date. Rev. Cross. 852. Strassburg. AV. Ducat. O61;. VRBEM. CHRISTE. TVAM. SERVA. Madonna and Child. Rev. AVREVS. VRBIS. ARGENTINAE. NVMMVS. Arms. 363. AR. Thaler. 06t;. Lily. Rev. NVMMVS REIP. ARGENTORATEN- SIS. Arms. 354. AR. Groschen. 06?;. Lily. Rev. GLORIA* IN*EXCELSIS*DEO*. Cross. 356. Imperial City of Ulm. AR. Siege Half-thaler, 1704. Obv. Arms oi city. i?e?;. DA. PACEM. NOBIS. DOMINE. 1704. Double eagle. 356. ZwoUe. AR. Florin. Obv. Double eagle; stamped HOL. Rev. ^ Crowned arms. |K Bissrops. ^H 857. Bishopric of Bremen. Heinrich I, 1463-1496. AV. Florin. Obv. St. ^^f Peter standing. Rev. Shield of arms. 368. Christopher, A. D. 1511-1668. AR. 6 Grote, 1612. Obv. St. Peter seated. Rev. Key. 359. Coblentz. AV. Ducat. Obv. WERNER AR. EP. TR. St. John seated. Rev. Arms. 360. Lothair von Meternich, 1599-1623. AV. Florin, 1610. Obv. LOTHA- RIUS D. G. AR. TR. PR. EL. St. Peter. Rev. MO. NO. A. CO. N. 1510. Four shields. 861. Archbishopric of Cologne. Dietrich n, 1414-1463. AV. Florin. Obv. THEODIC. ARCHI. COL. St. Peter, seated. Four shields cross- wise. 362. AV. Florin. Obv. St. Peter standing. Rev. Shield of arms. 363. AV. Florin. 06?;. THEODI CAREPI COLONI. Shield of arms. Rev. St. Peter standing facing. I 482 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 364. AV. Florin. Obv. Arms over long cross. Rev. Three shields in tri- angular position. 365. Rupert of Bavaria, 1463-1480. AV. Florin. 06tJ. ROPERTVS ARCPI. St. Peter seated. Rev. Cross with shields in angles. 366. Maximilian Heinrich, 1650-1688. AR. Thaler, 1666. Obv. MAX, HAN. D. G. ARC. COL. PRIN. EL. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 367. AE. Thaler, 1669. As No. 366, but reading MAX. H EN. on obverse. 368. Archbishopric of Mainz. John Adam, A. D. 1601-1604. AV. Ducat, undated. 06d. lOHISAR* •EP. MOGV. Bishop seated. Rev. Shield of arms. 369. AV. Ducat, undated. Obv. St. Martin. Rev. Shield of arms. 370. John Philip, 1729-1732. AB. Thaler, 1671. 06t). lOANN. PHILIP: D:G:ARCHIEP:M0G:1. 6. 7. 1. Bust r. iJe-y. Shield of arms. 371. Francis Louis, 1729-1732. AV. Ducat,1730. Obv. D. G. FRANC. LVD. ARCHIEP. MOG. PR. EL. Bust r. i?et;. DEO DVCE. Lion. 372. Emerick Joseph, 1763-1774. AR. Speciesthaler, 1766. Obv. EMERWC. lOSEPH. D. G. A. EP. MOG etc. Bust r. Rev. Two shields of arms. Edge, DEO •PATRIA • ET • SVBDITIS. 43 mm. 373. Friedrich Carl, 1774-1802. AR. Speciesthaler, 1794. Obv. CHUR- MAINZ. Shield of arms i^e-y. X | El NE PEINE MARK | 1794. 374. Bishopric of Miinster. Frederick Christian, 1688-1706. AR. 24 Ma- riengroschen, 1692. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value within a circle. 375. AR. Ditto, 1693. As No. 374. 376. Bisphoric of OsnabrUck. Ernest August, 1662-1698. AR. Thaler, 1687. Obv. 'Buatr. iiet;. Shield of arms surmounted by five helmets. 377. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1690. Obv. Arms, over scepter and Bishop's staff in sal tire. Rev. Wild matf. 378. Bisphoric of Paderborn. Herman Werner Wolf, 1683-1704. AR. Thaler, 1685. Obv. St. Anthony and Holy Child, crowned by the Madonna. Rev. Oval shield surmounted by five helmets. 379. Abbey of Quedlinburg. Anna Sophia, 1645-1680. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1675. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Helmeted shield of arms. 380. Bishopric of Regensberg. Sede Vacante. AR. Speciesthaler, 1787. Obv. St. Peter. Rev. REGNANS | CAPITULUM | etc. 381. Archbishopric of Salzburg. Paris of London, 1619-1653. AV. Ducat, 1640. Square. Obv. St. Rupert seated. Rev. Shield of arms. 382. AR. Speciesthaler, 1628. Obv. Facade of cathedral. Rev. Casket borne by four bishops. 383. Maximilian Gandolphus, 1668-1687. AV. Half-ducat, 1668. Obv. M AX. G A N D . etc. Shield of arms. Rev. St. Rupert seated. 384. AR. Speciesthaler, 1682. Obv. Two archbishops with shield between them. Rev. Bishop, St. Martin, and four martyrs. 886. John Ernst, 1687-1727. AR. Speciesthaler, 1692. Obv. Arms; above, Virgin and Child. Rev. St. Rupert standing. 886. Francis Anthony, 1709-1727. AV. Quarter-ducat, 1714. Obv. Arms. Rev. St. Rupert seated. 387. AV. Ditto, 1719. 388. Sigismund HI, 1753-1771. AR. Speciesthaler, 1754. Obv. Madonna and Child. Rev. St. Rupert seated 1. 389. Jerome von CoUoredo Wallsee, 1772-1803. AV. Half-ducat, 1776. 06v. HIERONYMOVS D.G.A. &. P.S. etc. Bust r. Rev. Arms within crowned mantle. 390. AV. Ducat, 1794. Similar to No. 389. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 483 391. AH. Thaler, 1785. Types similar to No. 390. 392. Bishopric of Spires. AV. Ducat, 1770. Obv. AVGVSTVS D. G. EP. SP. S. R. I. P. etc. • Arms within an ermine mantle. Rev. Pallas standing between Justice and Peace. 393. AR. Half-thaler, 1770. Legends and types similar to No. 392. 394. Archbishopric of Treves. Werner von Falkenstein, 1388-1418. AV. Florin. Obv. WERNER ARC P. TRE. St. John standing facing. iJet;. MONET A. NOVA. WESAN. Three shields. 395. Bishopric of Wuerzburg. Francis Ludwig, 1779-1795. AR. Spe- ciesthaler, 1781. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Within ermine mantle, arms over sword and scepter. 396. John Gotfried, 1684-1698. AR. Thaler, 1693. Obv. Helmeted shield of arms over sword and scepter. Rev. St. Killian. 46 mm. 397. Adam Frederick, A. D. 1756-1779. AV. Ducat, 1764. Obv. Bust r. and oval shield. Rev. FLOREBOREDIVIVO HOCGERMINE PACIS. St. Killian. Date in chronogram. For coins of Prussia issued prior to the dissolution of the Empire, 1806, see page 493, Nos. 634-658. KINGDOM OF WESTPHAIIA. 398. Jerome Napoleon, 1807-1813. AV. 10 Thaler, 1810. Obv. HI EP- ONYMOUS NAPOLEON. Crowned shield of arms. Rev.KOEH\G VON WESTPH ALIEN FR. PR. Value and date. 399. AV. 10 Thaler, 1811. Obv. Laureated bust 1. Rev. As No. 398. 400. AV. 10 Thaler, 1813. As last. 401. AV. 10 Francs, 1813. Obv. As No. 399. Rev. Value; rnm— eagle head — C. 402. AR. Thaler, 1812. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. As No. 398. 403. Ditto, 1813. As last. 404. AR. Two-third thaler, 1810. As No. 402. 406. Ditto, 1813. 406. AR. 2 Francs, 1818. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. 2 MARK, within a wreath. 407. AE. 6 Centimes, 1809. Obv. H N, in mongram. Rev. 5 CENT. Legend on the border incused. 484 n. MODERN GERMANY. KINGDOM OF BAVARIA. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 426. 426. 427. 428. Maximilian Joseph I, 1806-1825. AB. Thaler, 1807. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield with supporters. AR. Thaler, 1809. Obv. Head r. Rev. Scepter and sword in saltire; above, a crown. AR. Thaler, 1818. 06t;. Laureatedbust, cuirassed.r. iJei). MAGNUS AB INTEGRO SAECLORUM NASCITUR ORDO. Strong-box inscribed CHARTA MAGNA BAVARIAE. AR. Thaler, 1822. Similar to No. 408. AR. Thaler, 1826. Similar to No. 409. Ludwig I, 1825-1848. AR. Kronenthaler, 1826. Obv. LUDWIG KOENIG VON BAYERN. Head r. i?ei;. GERECHT UND BE- HARRLICH. Crown within a wreath. AR. Speciesthaler, 1826. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. VERLEGUNG DER LUDWIG MAXIMILIANS SCHULE VON LANDSHUT NACH MUENCHEN. AR. Thaler, 1827. Ofet). As No. 413. i?ev. Cross of Order of Theresia. AR. Thaler, 1828. As No. 413. AR. Thaler, 1828. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Bust of Queen Theresia surrounded by busts of eight children. AR. Thaler, 1832. 06?;. As No. 413. iJgv. OTTO PRINZ V. BAYERN GRIECHENLANDS ERSTER KOENIG. The prince receiving the crown from Hellas. AR. Thaler, 1833. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Female, standing, hold- ing cornucopia. Commemorates Bavaria's admission to Zollverein. AR. Thaler, 1833. Obv. Similar to 413; below bust, ZEHN EINE PEINE MARK. i2«v. Monument to soldiers of Russian campaign. AR. Thaler, 1834. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. LANDTAG | 1834 | within oak wreath. AR. Thaler, 1835. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Caduceus within olive wreath. Commemorates Bavaria's admission to German Zollverein. AR. Thaler, 1835. Obv. Similar to No. 413. Rev. Monument mark- ing place where Queen parted with her son, Otto. AR. Thaler, 1836. Obv. No. 420. Rev. Prince Otto chapel, marking his departure for Greece. AR. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1837. 06?;. As No. 413. iSev. MUNZVEREINIGUNG SUDTEUTSCHER STAATEN. Female with scales and cornu- copia, standing. Edge, value. 38 mm. AR. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1838. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. DIE | El NTH E I L- UNG I D. KONIGREICHS I AUP GESCHICHTL. | GRUND- LAGE I ZUROCKGEPOHRT. Names of provinces within wreaths, 38 mm. Commemorating marriage of Crown Prince. AR. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1842. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Busts, jugate, r. 38 mm. AR. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1844. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. PELDHERRN- HALLE. Front view of structure. 38 mm. 485 486 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 429. AE. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1848. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Arms with sup- porters; below, VEREINSMUNZE. 41mm. 430. AE. 2 Gulden, 1847. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Arms with supporters; value and date. 431. AE. Gulden, 1840. Obv. As No. 413. Rev. Value and date within oak wreath. 432. AE. Gulden, 1841. As last. 433. AE. Half-gulden, 1838. Types similar to No. 431. 434. AE. 3 Kreutzer, 1839. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 436. AE. Kreutzer, 1839. Types similar to last. 436. AE. Pfennig, 1839. Obv. Crowned arms within oak wreath. Rev. Value and date. 437. AE. Heller, 1839. Types as last. 438. Maximilian H, 1848-1864. AE. 3 1/2 Gulden, 1854. Obv. MAXI- MILIAN 11— KOENIG V. BAYERN. _ Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms with supporters; below, VEREINSMUNZE. 41 mm. 439. AE. 2 Gulden, 1865. Obv. As No. 438. Rev. Arms with supporters; value and date. 439a. AE. 2 Gulden, 1865. Obv. As No. 438. Rev. Statue of the Madonna. Commemorative of the restoration of Marieneaule, Munich. 440. AE. Vereinsthaler, 1889, Obv. As No. 438. Rev. Arms; value and date. 441. Ditto, 1861. 442. AE. Gulden, 1863. Obv. As No. 438. Rev. Value and date within oak wreath. 443. Ludwign, 1864r-1886. AE. Vereinsthaler, 1867. Obv. LUDWIG II— KOENIG V. BAYERN. Head r. iJei;. Crowned arms with sup- porters. 444. Ditto, 1869. 445. AE. Gulden, 1870. Obv. As No. 443. Rev. Value within wreath. 446. AE. Half-gulden. Types as last. 447. AE. Zreutzer, 1869. Obv. Arms. Rev. As No. 445. 448. AE. 2 Pfenning, 1870. Obv. Arms within oak wreath. Rev. Value and date. 449. AE. 1 Pfenning, 1869. Types similar to laat. GRAND-DTTCHY OP BADEN. 460. Charles, 1811-1818. AE. Kronenthaler, 1813. Obv. GROSSHER- ZOGTUM BADEN. Arms within mantle. Rev.Yalne. 451. Ditto, 1816. Obverse type larger. 452. Ludwig Wilhelm, 1818-1830. AV. 10 Gulden, 1819. Ofei;. WILHELM GROSHERZOG VON BADEN. Bust r. Rev. Arme. 463. AV. 5 Gulden, 1826. Types similar to No. 452. 464. AV. 6 Gulden, 1830. Obv. As No. 452. Rev. Arms within Order chain, and the whole within olive wreath. 466. AE. Kronenthaler, 1819. Obv. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. Rev. Value. 466. AE. Kronenthaler, 1819. Obv. Similar to No. 452. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle; below, value. 467. AE. 2 Gulden, 1825. Obv. As No. 452. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 458. AE, 10 Kreutzer, 1830. Obv. As No. 452. Rev. Value. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 487 1831. Obv. LEOPOLD Rev. Crowned arms sup- 459. Leopold, 1830-1852. AB. Eronenthaler, GROSHERZOG VON BADEN. Bust r. ported by griffins. 460. AB. Erouentlialer, 1834. As last. 461. AB. Gulden, 1839. Obv. As No. 459. Rev. Value and date within wreath. 462. AB. 6 Kreutzer, 1834. Types as last. 463. AE. 1 Kreutzer, 1835. Types similar to No. 461. 464. Frederic, 1866-1907. AB. Gulden, 1863. Obv. FRIEDERICH GROSHERZOG VON BADEN. Head r. i?CT. L BAD. LANDES- SCHIESSEN MANNHEIM 28JUNI 1863. Female figure, standing. 465. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1869. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle. 466. AB. Half-giaden, 1869. 06v. As No. 464. iiev. Value within wreath. 467. AB. 3 Kreutzer, 1870. 06i;. BADEN. Arms. Rev. Value. 468. AE. 1 Kreutzer, 1870. As No. 467. 469. AE. Half-kreutzer, 1870. As No. 467. BRATJNSCHWEia-WOLFENBTTETTEIj. 470. Frederick William, 1806-1815. AV. 10 Thaler, 1813. Obv. FRI- DERICVS GVLIELMVS. Crowned arms. Rev. D. G. DVX etc. Value. 471. George, Prince Begent. AV. 10 Thaler, 1817. 06i;. GEORGIVS D. G. PRINC. REGENS. Arms. Rev. TVTOR. NOM. CAROLL DVCIS BRVNS.ET LVN. Value and date. 472. AB. Twenty-fourth thaler, 1820. Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value. 473. AB. 1 Mariengroschen, 1819. Similar to last. 474. AB. 4 Pfennige, 1823. Similar to No. 472. 475. Carl Frederic Wilhelm, 1823-1830. AV. 10 Thaler, 1825. Obv. CARL. HERZOG ZU BR. U. LUEN. Arms, crowned. iJev. Value and date. 476. AB. 12 Mariengroschen, 1830. Obv. Horse. Rev. Value. 477. Wilhelm, 1830-1884. AV. 10 Thaler, 1831. Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value and date. 478. AV. 10 Thaler, 1834. Obv. Crowned arms, supported by wild men. Rev. Value and date. 479. AB. Thaler, 1838. Obv. Head r. Rev.. Shield of arms within a mantle. 480. Ditto, 1841. 481. AB. Doppel vereinsthaler, 1866. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned arms within mantle. 41 mm. 482. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1866. Types similar to last. KINGDOM OP HANOVER. 483. Georg Wilhelm Frederick, 1814-1820. AV. 10 Thaler, 1814. Obv. Free horse. Rev. Value. 484. Another specimen of No. 483. 486. AV. 5 Thaler, 1815. Obv. Arms within the Garter. Rev. Value. 486. AV. 2 1/2 Thaler, 1814. Types similar to No. 483. 487. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1814. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value and date. 488. Georg Augustus Frederick, 1820-1830. AV. 10 Thaler, 1829. Obv. GEORGIVS IV D.G. BRIT. &. HANOV. REXF.D. Head 1. Rev. Value and date. 488 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 489. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1828. Obv. Laureated head 1. Rev. Value. 490. WiUiam Heinrich, 1830-1837. AV. 10 Thaler, 1832. Obv. GULIEL- MUS IV. D.G.BRIT. ET.HANOV. REX. F.D. &c. Head r. Rev. Round shield of arms, crowned. 491. AV. 6 Thaler, 1838. Obv. Similar to last. Rev. Arms crowned. 492. AH. Sixth-thaler, 1834. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms within the Garter. 493. Ernest Augustus, 1837-1861. AV. 10 Thaler, 1838. Obv. ERNEST AUGUST V.G.G. KOENIG V. HANOVER. Head r. iJev. As No. 492. 494. AV. 10 Thaler, 1860. Obv. Head (aged) r. Rev. Arms. 496, AV. 2 1/2 Thaler, 1839. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value and date. 496. AE. Thaler, 1838. Types similar to No. 493. 497. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1839. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value. Edge, N EC ASPERATERRENT. 498. AB. Twelfth-thaler, 1838. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value. 499. AB. 4 Pfennige, 1838. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value. 600. AE. Pfennige, 1838. Obv. E A R, in monogram, crowned. Rev. Value. 601. Georg V, 1861-1866. AV. Krone, 1867. Obv. GEORG.V.v.G.G. KOENlGv. HANNOVER. Headl. i?CT. 1 | KRONE | 1857 | within wreath. 602. AB. Thaler, 1862. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms. Edge, NEC ASPERATERRENT. 603. AB. Doppelthaler, 1864. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Arms, with supporters, within chain of Garter. 604. AB. Thaler, 1866. As last. FREE CITY OP BREMEN. 606, AB. 36 Grote, 1846. Obv. Oval shield of arms with supporters. Rev. Value within oak wreath. 606. AB. 12 Grote, 1841. Obv. FREIE HANSESTADT BREMEN. Anns of city. Rev. Value within oak wreath. 507. AB. 12 Grote, 1860. As No. 506, but smaller module. 608. AB. 6 Grote, 1840. As No. 506 except value. 609. AB. 6 Grote, 1861. As No. 508, but of smaller module. 610. AB, Grote, 1840. As No. 506 except value. 611. AE. Half-grote, 1841. Types similar to No. 506. 612. AE, 2 1/2 Schwaren, 1863, Obv. Key and date. Rev. Value. 613. AE, Schwaren, 1869, Similar to No. 512. 614. AB. Thaler, 1866. Obv. Crowned arms with supporters; beneath, EIN I THALER GOLD. Rev. ZWEITES I DEUTSCHES I BUN- DES- 1 SCHIESSEN i IN BREMEN | 1865. 616. AB. Thaler, 1871. Obv. As No. 514. Rev. ZUR ERINNERUNG | AN DEN I GLORREICH | ERKAMPFTEN ( FRIEDEN | VOM 10 MAI I 1871. FREE CITY OF FRANKFORT. 616. AB. Thaler, 1672. Obv. MONETA.NOVA.REI : PUB : FRANCO- FURT*. Eagle displayed and crowned. Rev. Cross. 37 mm. 617. AB. 3 1/2 Gulden, 2 Vereinsthaler, 1846. Obv. View of the city. Rev. Values within oak wreath. 41.5 mm. I CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AKD MEDALS. 489 618. AK. 2 Gulden, 1845. Obv. Crowned eagle. Rev. Value and date. 619. AE. 2 Gulden, 1848. Obv. CONSTITUIRENDE VERSAMMLUNG I.D.F. STADT FRANKFURT 18 MAI 1848. Double eagle. Rev. Crowned eagle. 620. AE. 2 Gulden, 1848. Obv. Aa No. 519. Rev. In field, ERZH ERZOG I JOHANN I VON I OESTERREICH; around, ERWAHLT ZUM REICHSVERWESERetc. 36 mm. 621. AB. 2 Gulden, 1866. Obv. Crowned eagle. Rev. ZUR | DRITTEN | SACULARFEIER I DES | RELIGIONS I FRIEDENS I VOM 25 SEPT I 1555 - ... - 1855. 622. AB. Gulden, 1838. Obv. FREIE STADT. Eagle; below, FRANK- FURT. Rev. 1 I GULDEN | 1838. 623. AR. Gulden, 1863. Obv. Crowned eagle. Rev. 1 | GULDEN ( 1863 | within a wreath. 624. AR. Half-gulden, 1838. Similar to No. 522. 626. AR. 6 Zreutzer, 1838. Types similar to No. 522. 626. AR. 3 Kreutzer, 1838. Ditto. 627. AR. Kreutzer, 1838. Ditto. 628. AR. Vereinsthaler, 1859. Obv. Female bust r. Rev. Crowned eagle. Edge, STARK IM RECHT. 629. AB. Ditto, 1860. 630-631. AB. Doppelvereinsthaler, 1861. Types similar to No. -528. PRINCIPALITY OF SESSEi. 632. Wilhelm n, 1821-1847. AB. Third-thaler, 1824. 06i). WILHELM II KURF.S.L.HESSEN.G.H.V.FULDA. Bustr. i?et;.Value and date. 633. AV. 6 Thaler, 1840. 062).WILH.II.KURF.U.FRIEDR.WILH.KURPR. U . M I T R E G . Arms. Rev . In field, value and date. 634. AB. Thaler, 1836. Legends and types similar to No. 533, except value and date. 635. AB. Sixth-thaler, 1831. Types similar to No. 532. 636. AB. Sixth-thaler, 1835. 06v.A8No.532. J?ei;. KURFURSTENTHUM H E S S E N . In field, value and date. 637. AB. Sixth-thaler, 1838. As No. 536. 638-539. Frederic Wilhelm, 1847-1866. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1836. Obv. FRIEDR. WILHELM I KURFURST V. HESSEN. Head r. Rev. Arms within an ermine mantle. Edge, gott mit uns. 33 mm. GRAND DUCHY OF HESSE-DARMSTADT. 640. Ludwig I, 1806-1830. AB. Speciesthaler, 1809. Obv. LUDEWIG GROSH ERZOG VON HESSEN. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 40 mm. 641. AB. Kronenthaler, 1825. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle. 39 mm. 642. Ludwig H, 1830-1848. AV. 6 Gulden, 1840. Obv. LUDWIG II GROSHERZOG VON HESSEN. Head 1. jf?ei;. As 541. 643. AB. Kronenthaler, 1836. Obv. Similar to No. 542. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle. 644. AB. 3 1/2 Gulden, or Doppelvereinsthaler, 1839. Obv. Head r. Rev. 3-1_/2 GULDEN • 2 THALER; within a wreath, VEREINS MUNZE I 1839. 646. AB. Half-gulden, 1838. Obv. As 542. Rev. 1/2 | GULDEN | 1838 | within a wreath. 19.5 mm. 490 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 646. AB. Ditto, 1839. 647. AB. Gulden, 1840. Legends and types similar to No. 543. 648. Ludwigm, 1848-1877. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1869. Obv. LUDWIG III GROSHERZOG VON H ESSEN. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms with supporters. 33 mm. 649. Ditto, 1870. MECKLENBTJRG-SCHWBRIN. 650. Frederic Franz I, 1786-1837. AB. Two-thirds-thaler, 1808. Obv. FRIED. FRANZ V.G.G.HERZOG ZU MECKLENB. SCHWERIN. Oval shield of arms, on crowned cartouche. Rev. Value. 661. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1828. Obv. Headl. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle. 562. AB. 8 Schillinge, 1827. Obv. F.F. in monogram. Rev. Value and date. 653. AB. 4 Schillinge, 1830. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value and date. 564. AV. 10 Thaler, 1831. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Shield supported by bull and griffin, within ermine mantle. 665. Paul Frederic, 1837-1842. AV. 10 Thaler, 1839. 06i;. PAUL FRIEDR. GROSSHERZOG V. MECKLENBURG SCHWERIN. Head r. Rev. As No. 554. 656. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1840. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 667. Frederic Franz n, 1842-1883. AB. Thaler, 1864. 06?;. FRIEDERICH FRANZ V.G.G. GROSSH.V. MECKLENB. SCHW. Headr. Rev. Crowned arms. 668-659. AB. Thaler, 1870. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Round shield of arms within the Garter. NASSAU. 660-661. Frederic, 1806-1816. AB. Thaler. 1813. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 662. Wilhelm, 1816-1839. AB. Kronenthaler, 1817. Obv. Arms within ermine laurel. Rev. Value within wreath of laurel. 563. AB. Kronenthaler, 1818. Obv. Bust r. Rev. As obverse of No. 562. 664. Ditto, 1826. Types as last. 665. AB. Gulden, 1838. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value within oak wreath. 666. AB. Half-gulden, 1839. Types as last. 567. AB. Half-gulden, 1840. Ditto. 668. AB. 6 Kreutzer, 1860. Obv. Arms. Rev. As No. 565. 669. Adolph, 1839-1866. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1860. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms with supporters. 670. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1864. Obv. Head, laureated, 1. Rev. ZUR FEIER 25 JAEHRIGER SEGENSREICHER REGIERUNG; 1864 within wreath. GRAND DUCHY OF OLDENBURG. 671. Peter Frederic Wilhelm, 1786-1823. Third Thaler, 1816. 06t;. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. Rev. Value and date. 672. AB. 12 Grote, 1816. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 673. Nicholas Frederic Peter, 1863-1900. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1858. Obv. NICOLAUS FRIEDR. PETER GR. H.V.OLDENBURG. Headl. Rev. Crowned arms. 674. Ditto, 1866. f CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 491 KINGDOM OF SAXONY. 675. Frederic Augustus, 1806-1827. AV. 10 Thaler, 1817. Obv. FRID. AVGVST . D . G . REX SAXON lAE. Bust r. Rev. Oval shield, crowned. 676. AV. 10 Thaler, 1818. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. As No. 575. 677. AR. Thaler, 1809. Types similar to No. 575. 678. AK. Thaler, 1819. Similar to No. 576. 679. AR. Thaler, 1820. Ditto. 680. AR. Speciesthaler, 1821. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. DER SEGEN DES BERGBAUES. Oval shield of arms, crowned. 681. AR. Speciesthaler, 1823. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms. 682. AR. Speciesthaler, 1824. Obv. Bust 1. Shorter than 581. Rev. DER SEGEN DES BERGBAUES. Shield of arms. 683. AR. Speciesthaler, 1824. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield, with curved sides, crowned. 684. AR. Ditto, 1826. 685. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1813. Types as No. 575. 586. Anthony Clement, 1827-1836. AV. 10 Thaler, 1830. Obv. ANTON V. KOENIG VON SACHSEN. Head r. 7?ei;. Crowned shield of arms within olive wreath. 687. AV. 6 Thaler, 1834. Similar to last. 688. AR. Speciesthaler, 1836. Types similar to No. 586. 689. AR. Ditto, 1836. 890. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1827. Similar to No. 586. 691. AR. Sixth thaler, 1829. Similar to No. 586. 692. Frederic Augustus, 1836-1864. AV. 5 Thaler, 1839. Obv. FRIED- RICH AUGUST V.G.G. KOENIG V. SACHSEN. Head r. Rev. Crowned arms. 693. AR. Speciesthaler, 1836. Types similar to No. 592. 694. AR. Ditto, 1838. 696. AR. Conventionthaler, 1839. Obv. As No. 592. Rev. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. 696. AR. Ditto, 1841. 697. AR. Sixth-thaler, 1841. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 698. AR. Twelfth-thaler, 1836. Similar to last. 699. AR. 2 Neu-Groschen, 1841. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value. 600. AR. Neugroschen, 1841. As last. 601. AE. 2 Pfennige, 1841. As No. 599. 602-603. John, 1854-1873. AR. Vereinsthaler, 1856. Obv. lOHANN V.G.G. KOENIG VON SACHSEN. Head 1. i?ei;. Arihs within ermine mantle. 604-605. AR. Doppelvereinsthaler, 1858. Obv. As last. Rev. ZWEi VER- EINSTHALER. Arms within ermine mantle. 606. AR. Vereinsthaler, 1865. Obv. As No. 602. Rev. Crowned shield of I arms; below, PROVIDENTIAE MEMOR. 607. AR. Vereinsthaler, 1866. Obv. As No. 602. Rev. SEGEN DES BERGBAUES. Shield of arms supported by prince and peasant. GRAND DITCHY OF SAXE- WEIMAR. 608. Carl August, 1816-1828. AR. Speciesthaler, 1816. Obv. GROSS- HERZOGTHUM SACHSEN. Arms crowned. i?et). Within wreath, DEM I VATERLANDE. | 1815. 22023°— 14 32 492 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 609. Carl Frederic, 1828-1863. AR. Vereinsthaler, 1841. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. 610. Carl Alexander, 1853-1901. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1868. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms within mantle. 611. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1870. As last. 8 AXE- MEININGEN. 612. Bemhard, 1803-1866. AB. Gulden, 1838. Obv. BERN HARD HER- ZOG ZU SACHSEN MEININGEN. Head 1. i?ei;. Value and date. 613. AB 3 1/3 Gulden or Doppelthaler, 1864. Obv. Bearded head 1. Rev. Helmeted arms within mantle. 8 AXE- ALTENBTJRG . 614. Ernst, 1863-. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1869. Obv. ERNST HERZOG VON SACHSEN ALTENBURG. Head r. Rev. Arms within a mantle. SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA. 616. EmstI, 1806(1826)-1844. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1836. Obv. Bnstl. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 616. Ernst H, 1844-1893. AB. 3 1/2 Gulden, or 2 Thaler, 1864. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Arms within ermine mantle. KINGDOM OF WtJ^RTEMBERG. 617. Frederic I, 1805-1816. AB. 6 Kreutzer, 1808. Obv. F R in mono- gram. Rev. Round shield of arms, crowned. 618. AB. Kronenthaler, 1810. Obv. FRIDERICH I. KOENIG VON WURTTEMBERG. Short bust 1. Rev. Shield supported by lion and stag. 619. AB. Thaler, 1812. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 618. 620. Wilhelm I, 1816-1864. AV. Ducat, 1818. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 618. 621. AV. 6 Gulden, 1825. 06iJ. As last. J?gt;. Heart-shaped shield within oak and olive wreath. 622. AV. Ducat, 1841. Obv. Head \. iJev. Shield of arms with supporters. 623. AB. Kronenthaler, 1817. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Value, crown, and date, within wreath. 624. AB. Gulden, 1824. Obv. As No. 620. Rev. Round shield, crowned. 625. AB. Kronenthaler, 1825. Legends and types as No. 621. 626. Ditto, 1833. Obv. As 'No. 620. iJet). H ANDELSFREIHEIT DURCH EINTRACHT. Female standing; cornucopia, aged man reclining. 627. Ditto, 1837. Similar to No. 625. 628. Carl I, 1864-1891. Doppelthaler, 1869. Obv. Head r. Rev. ZUR ERINNERUNG AN D. WIEDERHERSTELLUNG D. MUEN- STERS IN ULM. View of cathedral. 629. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1870. Obv. As No. 628. Rev. Shield of arms supported by lion and stag. 630. AB. Half-gulden, 1870. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value and date within a wreath. 631. AB. 1 Kreutzer, 1871. 61;. Shield of arms. iJeiJ. Value and date. 632. AE. Half-kreutzer, 1870. As last. 633. AE. Quarter-kreutzer, 1872. Ditto. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 493 DUCHT OP PRUSSIA. 684. Albert von Brandenburg, 1625-1668. AB. 3 Groschen, 1546. Obv. Headr. Rev.lW \ GROSS:AR | TRIPLEX I ALBER:DVC. I PRVS- SIE I 1545. 636. Frederic Wilhelm, 164Q-1688. AH, Two-thirds thaler, 1688. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Crowned shild of arras. 636. Frederifc HI, 1688-1701-1713. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1689. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 637. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1689. As last, but narrower shield on reverse. KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA. 638. Frederic Wilhelm I, 1713-1740. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1714. Obv. FRID.WILH. D.G.REX BORUSSIAE. Bust r. Rev. Notched shield of arms. 639. AR. Two-thirds thaler, 1720. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Round shield of arms. 640. Frederick H, 1740-1786. AV. Doppel Frederick d'Or, 1760. Obv. FREDERICVS BORUSSORVM REX. Bust r. Rev. Eagle on trophy of arms. 641. AV. Doppel Frederick d'Or, 1767. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Eagle on arms 642. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1752. Obv. As No. 640. Rev. Eagle on arms. 643. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1763. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned eagle perched on trophy. 644. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1776. As No. 641. 646. AV. Half Frederick d'Or, 1763. Similar to No. 643. 646. AR. Reichsthaler, 1750. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle perched on a trophy of arms. mm. F. 647. AR. Ditto, 1764. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. As last. 848. AR. Reichsthaler, 1785. Similar to No. 646. mm. A. 649. Ditto, 1786. 660. AR. Half-reichsthaler, 1764. As 647. 661. AR. Third-thaler, 1769. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value and date. 682. Ditto, 1771. 663. Ditto, 1774. 654. Frederick Wilhelm H, 1786-1797. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1795. Obv. FRIED:W1LHELM III. KOENIG VON PREUSSEN. Bustr. Rev. Eagle on trophy. 666. Ditto, 1796. 666. AR. Thaler, 1791. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Crowned eagle on scepter. 667. AR. Thaler, 1796. Obv. As last. Rev. Crowned arms supported by wild man. 668. AR. Third-thaler, 1788. 06i;. As 656. iJev. Crowned shield of arms. 669. Frederick Wilhelm m, 1797-1840. AV. Doppel Frederick d'Or, 1801. Obv. FRIEDR. WILHELM III. KOENIG VON PREUSSEN. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned eagle on trophy. 660. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1803. Similar to last. 661. AV. Half Frederick d'Or, 1817. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Eagle on a trophy. 662. AV. Doppel Frederick d'Or, 1831. 06i;. Headr. i?ctJ. Eagle on trophy. 663. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1826. As last. 664. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1836. Similar to 662. 494 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 666. AB. Thaler, 1802. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Arms supported by wild man, 666. AB. Eeichstlialer, 1814. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value and date within oak wreath. 667. Ditto, 1816. 668. AB. Thaler, 1818. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. E^le on trophy, mm. A. 669. Ditto, 1819. mm. D. 670. AB. Conventions-thaler, 1824. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 671. Ditto, 1826. 672. AB. Thaler, 1829. Similar to No. 670. 673. AB. Thaler, 1832. Obv. Head r. Rev. SEGEN DES I MANS- FELDER I BERGBAUES. 674. AB. 2 Thaler or 3 1/2 Gulden, 1840. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. 676. AB. Two-thirds thaler, 1801. 06i;. Oval shield of arms. Rev.Yalue. 676. Fifth-thaler, 1822. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms. 676a. Ditto, 1826. 677. AB. Groschen, 1821. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value and date. 678. AB. Half -groschen, 1831. As last. 679. Frederick William IV, 1840-1861. AV. Frederick d'Or, 1866. Obv. FRIEDR. WILHELM IV KOENIG V. PREUSSEN. Headr. Rev. Crowned eagle perched on trophy. 680. AV. Half Frederick d'Or, 1855. As last, 681. AB. 2 Thaler or 3 1/2 Gulden, 1841. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. 682. Ditto, 1842. 683. AB. Conventionsthaler, 1861. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms within Order chain. 684. Ditto, 1855. 686. AE. Vereinsthaler, 1867. Obv. Headr. JRev. Prussian eagle, crowned. 686. Ditto, 1859. As last. 687. Wilhelml, 1861-1871. AV. Krone, 1867. Obv. WILHELM KOENIG VON PREUSSEN. Head r. Rev. Value and date, 688. AV. Half-krone, 1867. As last, 689-690, AB, KrSnungsthaler, 1861. Ofti). Busts of king and queen r. Rev. Eagle; V^ and A, crowned, in form of cross, and R's in angles. 691. AB, Vereinsthaler, 1867, Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Eagle, 692. Ditto, 1867. 693, AB. 2 Vereinsthaler, 1867. As No. 691. 694, Vereinsthaler, 1871, As No. 691, 696, AB, Sixth-thaler, 1867, Types similar to No, 691. 696. AB. 2 1/2 Groschen, 1867. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value. 697. AB. 2 1/2 Grsochen, 1871. As No, 696. 698. AB. 1 Groschen, 1867. As 696, 699. AB, 1 Groschen, 1871, As No, 696. 700. AB, Half-groschen, 1867, Ditto, 701. AE, 4 Pfennige, 1871. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value. 702. AE, 2 Pfennige, 1871, As last. 703. AE. 1 Pfennig, 1871. Ditto. I III. THE GERMAN EMPIRE. PRUSSIA. 704. Wilhelm 1, 1871-1888. AV. 20 Mark, 1872. Obv. WILHELM DEUTSCHER KAISER KOENIG V. PREUSSEN. Head r. Rev. Eagle. 706. AR. Mark, 1874. Obv. DEUTSCHES REICH. Value within wreath. Rev. Eagle. 706. AR. 20 Pfennige, 1876. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value. 707. N. 10 Pfennige, 1874. Types similar to No. 706. 708. N. 6 Pfennige, 1874. Ditto. 709. AE. 2 Pfennige, 1874. Ditto. 710. AE. 1 Pfennig, 1874. Ditto. 711. Frederick, 1888. AV. 20 Mark. 06y. FRIEDERICH DEUTSCHER KAISER KOENIG V. PREUSSEN. Head r. Rev. Eagle. 712-713. AV. 10 Mark. As last. 714. AR. 6 Mark. Types similar to No. 711. 716. AR. 2 Mark. Ditto. 716. Wimelm II, 1888-. AV. 20 Mark, 1888. Obv. WILHELM II DEUTSCHER KAISER KOENIG V. PREUSSEN. Head r. Rev. Eagle. 717. AV. 20 Mark, 1903. As last. 718. AV. 10 Mark, 1903. Ditto. 719. AR. 6 Mark, 1901. Obv. FRIEDERICH I 1701 -WILHELM II. 1901. Busts 1. Rev. Eagle. 720. AR. 2 Mark, 1901. Similar to last. 721. AR. 5 Mark, 1903. Types similar to No. 716. 722. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Types similar to No. 716. 723. AR. Mark, 1903. Ditto. 724. AR. 60 Pfennige, 1903. Ditto. 726. AR. Half-mark, 1905. Obv. Eagle. Rev. 1/2 | MARK within wreath. 726. N. 25 Pfennige, 1909. Obv. DEUTSCHES REICH. Eagle. Rev. 25 I PFENNIG between wheat heads. 727. N. 10 Pfennige, 1903. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value. 728. N. 6 Pfennige, 1903. As last. 729. AE. 2 Pfennige, 1903. Ditto. 7S0. AE. 1 Pfennig, 1903. Ditto. GRAND DUCHY OP BADBN. 731. Frederick, Regent, then Grand Duke, 1862(1856)-1907. AR. 6 Mark, 1876. 06t). FRIEDERICH GROSHERZOG VON BADEN. Head 1. Rev. Eagle. 732. AR. 6 Mark, 1902. Obv. Head r. Rev. Eagle. 783. AR. 6 Mark, 1902. Jubilee Piece. Obv. As No. 732, but with branch of laurel beneath bust, and dates 1852-1902. Rev. Eagle. 495 496 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 734. AE. 2 Mark, 1876. Similar to No. 731. 736. AR. 2 Mark, 1906. Obv. FRIEDERICH UND LUISE VON BADEN 1856-1906. Busts r. i?CT. Eagle. 736. Frederick H, 1907-. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Ohv. FRIEDERICH II GROSSHERZOG VON BADEN. Head 1. iJei;. Eagle. KINODOM OF BAVARIA. 737. Otto, 1886-. AV. 10 Mark, 1888. Ohv. OTTO KOENIG VON B A Y E R N . Head 1. Rev . Imperial eagle. 738. AR. 6 Mark, 1891. Legends and types similar to last. 739. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Ditto. GRAND DUCHT" OP HESSEi. 740. Ludwig m, 1848-1877. AR. 5 Mark, 1875. Obv. LUDWIG III GROSHERZOG VON HESSE. Head r. /?e7;. Imperial eagle. 741. Ernest Ludwig m, 1892-. AR. 6 Mark, 1896. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Eagle. FREE CITY OF HAMBURG. 742. AR.2Mark, 1876. Obv. FREIE UND HANSE STADT HAMBURG. Arms of Hamburg. Rev. Imperial eagle. 743. Ditto, 1903. 744. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Similar to No. 742, except value. MECKLENBTTRG-SCHWERIN. 746. Frederick Franz IV, 1897-. AR. 2 Mark, 1901. Obv. FRIEDERICH FRANZ V. G. G. GROSSH. V. MECKLENB. SCHW. Head r. Rev. Eagle. GRAND DTTCHY OF OLDENBURG. 746. Frederick August, 1900-. AR. 2 Mark, 1900. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle. KINGDOM OP SAXONY. 747. Albert, 1873-1903. AV. 20 Mark, 1894. Obv. ALBERT KOENIG VON SACHSEN. Head r. Rev. Eagle. 748. AR. 6 Mark, 1893. Legends and types similar to No. 747. 749. Georg, 1903-1904. AR. 5 Mark, 1903. Obv. GEORG KOENIG VON SACHSEN. Head r. JRct. Imperial eagle. 750. AR. 2 Mark, 1902. Legends and types similar to last. 751. Ditto, 1903. 752. Frederick Augustus, 1903-. AR. 3 Mark, 1909. Obv. FRIEDRICH AUGUST KOENIG V. SACHSEN. Head r. Rev. Eagle. GRAND DUCHY OP SAXB- WEIMAR. 763. Wilhelm Ernest, 1901-. AR. 2 Mark, 1901. Ohv. Head 1. Rev. Eagle. 764. AR. 6 Mark, 1903. Obv. V^ILHELM ERNST-CAROLINE GROSZ- HERZOG U. GROSZHERZOGIN V. SACHSEN. Busts r. Rev. Eagle. 766. AR. 2 Mark, 1903. As last. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 497 SAXE-MEININaEN. 766. Gcorg H. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Obv. GEORG II. HERZOG VON SACHSEN-MEININGEN. Bust L Rev. Eagle. SAXB-ALTENBURQ. 767. Ernst. AR. 6 Mark, 1901. Obv. ERNST HERZOG VON SACHSEN ALTENBURG. Head r. i^^. Eagle. 768. Ditto, 1903. KINQDOM OP WT&RTEMBERG. 769. Carll, 1864-1891. AV. 6 Mark, 1877. Obv. KARL KOENIG VON WUERTTEMBERG. Headr. jRev. Imperial eagle. 760. AR. 6 Mark, 1875. Legends and types similar to last. 761. Wilhelm n, 1891-. AR. 6 Mark, 1903. Obv.\N\L\-\ELM II. KOENIG VON WUERTTEMBERG. Headr. i?^. Eagle. 762. AR. 2 Mark, 1903. Legends and types similar to last. 763. AR. 3 Mark, 1908. Ditto. Edge, gott mit uns. SUPPLEMENTARY TO ROMAN-GERMAN EMPIRE. SILESIA. AV. Dncat, 1639. Obv. Eagle. Rev. SALVS ET VICTORIA NOSTRA within a circle; JEHOVA above clouds. lilEONITZ. 3. George m, and brothers, 1639-1664. AV. Ducat, 1659. Obv. D.G. GEORGIUS.LUDOVIC. & CHRISTIA.FRAT. Three facing busts with swords. Bev. Shield of arms. 4. AE. Thaler, 1652. As No. 3, but without swords in hands of the dukes. 6. AB,. Thaler, 1659. As No. 3, but two on left grasp swords with right hands, the one on right with the left. BOHEMIA. 1. John I, 1310-1347. AE. Grossus. Obv. A crown. Rev. GROSSI PRAGENSES. Lion. 2. Ladislas 11, 1471-1516. AB. Grossus. Obv. Types as No. 1. 3. Frederic, 1619-1620. AR. Half-thaler, 1620. Obv. Draped bust crowned. Rev. Round shield of arms. 4. Protestant Revolt of 1618-1620. AR. Quarter-thaler, 1619. Obv. Crown and date. Rev. Lion. 6. Counts SchUck. AR. Thaler, 1619. Obv. LVDOVICVSOPRIMODO GRACIAOROBOO Lion. Rev. AR(ma) DOMI(norum) SLI (ckorum) STE(fani) ET FRA(trum) CO(mitum) D(e) B(assano). St. Joachim standing 1. The Joachimsthaler. TRANSYLVANIA. 1. Sigismund Bathori, 1581-1596. AR. Thaler. Obv. Bust, with cuirass, r. Rev. Shield of arms. 2. Gabriel Bethlen, 1613-1629. AR. Thaler, 1627. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms crowned. 3. George Rakoezy, 1649-1658. AV. Ducat, 1650. Obv. GEO. RA. D. G. TRA. Bust in cuirass. iJei;. Virgin and Holy Child. 4. Michael I, Apalfi, 1662-1668. AR. Thaler, 1664. Obv. Half-length bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 498 HUNGARY. 1. Stephen I, A. D. 997-1038. AR. Denarius. Obv. STEPHANVS REX. Across. i?ev. CIVITAS REGIA. Cross. 2. Andrew I, A. D. 1047-1061. AB. Denarius. Obv. ANDREAS REX. Cross, with triple arms. Rev. Cross. 3. Bela I, A. D 1061-1074. AE. 06t>. REX BELA REX STS. Belaand son Stephen seated. Rev. The Virgin seated. 4. Louis I, A. D. 1342-1382. AR. Denarius. Obv. LODOVICI. Shield. Rev. St. Ladislaus standing facing. 6. Ladislaus V, A. D. 1462-1468. AV. Ducat. Obv. Shield of arms. * Rev. St. Ladislaus standing. 6. Matthias Corrinus, A. D. 1468-1490. AV. Ducat. Obv. Madonna and Child. Rev. St. Ladislaus; in field, K P. 7. AV. Ducat. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. St. Ladislaus; in field, N ; to right, shield. 8. AV. Ducat. Obv. As No. 7. Rev. As No. 7 with crossed hammers on shield. 9. AV. Ducat. Types as No. 7 with H M in field. UNDER AUSTRIA. 10. Ferdinand I, A. D. 1640-1663. AV. Ducat, 1649. Obv. Virgin and Child. Rev. St. Ladislaus. 11. AR. Thaler, 1566. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 12. Rodolph n, A. D. 1676-1612. AV. Ducat, 1699. Obv. Virgin and Child. Rev. St. Ladislaus. 13. AR. Thaler, 1686. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Imperial eagle; mm. NB. 14. AR. Thaler, 1592. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Imperial eagle. 15. Ferdinand in, A. D. 1626-1647. AV. Ducat, 1646. Obv. King, crowned, standing r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 16. Ditto, 1655. 17. AR. Thaler, 1646. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Austrian eagle. 18. Leopold I, A. D. 1658-1706. AV. Sixth-ducat. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 19. AR. Thaler, 1691. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Imperial eagle. 20. AR. Thaler, 1695. As No. 19. 21. AR. Half-thaler, 1693. As No. 19. 22. AR. Half-thaler, 1704. Obv. Garnished shield of arms. Rev. PA- TRONAHVNG:! 704. Virgin and Child. 23. Charles VI, A. D. 1712-1741. AV. Ducat, 1724. Obv. CAROLVS.VI. D.G.R.T.S.A.G.H.H.B.R.,readingfromtopof field. The emperor standing r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 24. AV. Ducat, 1738. Obv. Same titles, etc., as No. 23, but reading from bottom. Rev. As No. 23. 26. Maria Theresia, A. D. 1741-1780. AV. Ducat, 1742. Obv. MA. THE- RESIA D.G.REG.HV.BO. The empress standing r. Rev. As No. 23. 26. AR. Thaler, 1767. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Virgin and Child standing. «7. AR. Thaler, 1761. As No. 26. 499 500 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 28. AB. Thaler, 1780. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Madonna and Child seated. 29. AB. Half-thaler, 1780. As No. 28. 30-31. Joseph n, A. D. 1780-1790. AR. Thaler, 1780. lOS.II.D.G.IMP. S.A.G.H.B.REX.A.A.D.B. &. L. Same types as No. 28. 32. AV. Ducat, 1784. Obv. King, crowned. Rev. Virgin and Child seated. 33. Ferdinand I, A. D. 1836-1848. AV. Ducat, 1839. Obv. FERD.I.D.G. AVST.IMP.HVNG.B.REX.etc. King standing r. i?e?;. Virgin and Child. 34. AV. Ducat, 1848. Obv. V.FERD.MAGY.H.T.ORSZ. etc. Emperor standing 1. Rev. Virgin and Child. 35. AB. Thaler, 1839. Obv. Head r. Rev. As No. 33. 36. AB. Florin, 1839. Types as No. 35. 37. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1839. Types as No. 35. 38. AB. 10 Kreutzer, 1839. Types as No. 35. 39. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1848. Obv. Head r. Rev. Virgin and Child. 40. AE. Kreutzer, 1848. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value and date. 41. Francis Joseph, 1848-. AV. 10 Francs, 1870. 06i). FERENCZ JOSEF I.K.A.CS.ES.M.H.S.D.O.AP.KIR. Head r. i^ei;. Crowned shield of arms. 42. AV. 10 Francs, 1871. Similar to No. 41. 43. AB. Florin, 1871. Obv. FERENCZ JOSEF A. CSASAR. Laureated head r. Rev. Crown supported by two angels over shield of arms. 44. AB. Florin, 1871. Obv. As No. 41. Rev. Crowned shield of arms within beaded circle. 46. AB. Florin, 1891. Obv. Similar to No. 41. Rev. Crowned shield with in-curved sides. 46. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1870. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value and crown. 47. AB. 10 Kreutzer, 1870. Similar to No. 46. 48. AB. 6 Kreutzer, 1849. Obv. MAGYAR KIRALYI VALTO PENZ. Crowned shield. Rev. Value and date. 49. AE. 4 Kreutzer, 1868. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 60. AB. 3 Kreutzer, 1849. Similar to No. 48. 61. AV. 20 Kronen, 1892. Obv. Emperor standing. Rev. Crowned shield of arms supported by angels. 62. Ditto, 1904. 63. AV. 10 Kronen, 1904. Types similar to No. 51. 64. Ditto, 1906. 66. AB. 6 Korona, 1900. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Crown supported by angels. 66. AB. 1 Korona, 1896. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value and crown. 67. N. 20 Filler, 1893. Obv. Crown and date. Rev. Value in wreath. 68. Jubilee Coinage. AV. 100 Krona, 1907. Obv. Emperor standing r. holdmg scepter and orb. i?et;. MAGYAR KIRALYSAG. Crowned J ,. ., , shield. 59. AV. 100 Korona, 1907. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Anointing of the king. 60. AB. 6 Korona, 1907. Types similar to No. 59. AirSTIlIA. 1. Francis I, 1806-1835. AV. 4 Ducats, 1830. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 2. AV. Ducat, 1834. Types similar to No. 1. 8. AB. Thaler, 1821. Obv. FRANCISCVS l.D.G.AVSTRIAE IMPERA- TOR. Laureated bust r. i?ei;. Double eagle, mm. y. 4. AB. Thaler, 1834. Types as No. 3. mm. A. 5. Ditto, 1835. 6. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1826. Obv. Laureated head. Rev. Double eagle. 7. Ditto, 1834. 8. AB. 5 Kieutzer, 1833. Types as No. 6. j 9. AB. 3 Kreutzer, 1828. Types as No. 6. \ 10. AB. 3 Kreutzer, 1833. Similar to No. 6, but with value on eagle's breast. 11. AE. Kruetzer, 1816. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value and date. 12. AE. Kreutzer, 1816. Types as No. 11; smaller planchet. ' 13. AE. Half-kreutzer, 1816. Types as No. 11. 14. AE. Quarter-kreutzer, 1816. Types as No. 11. 16. Ferdinand I, A. D. 1836-1848. AV. 4 Ducats, 1840. Obv. FERD.I.D. G.AVSTR.IMP.HVNG.BOH.R.H.N.V. Laureated bust r. Rev. Double eagle. ] 16. AV. Ducat, 1840. Similar to No. 15. I 17. AB. Thaler, 1840. Obv. Short bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 18. AB. Gulden, 1840. Types as No. 17. 19. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1840. Types as No. 17. 20. AB. 10 Kreutzer, 1840. Types as No. 17. 21. AB. 5 Kreutzer, 1840. Types as No. 17. 22. AB. 3 Kreutzer, 1840. Types as No. 17. 23. Francis Joseph 1, 1848-. AB. 6 Kreutzer, 1848. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value and date. 24-28. AE. 3, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4 Kreutzer pieces, 1861. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value. 29. AB. Vereinsthaler, 1867. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Double eagle. 30-32. AB. 20, 10, 6 Kreutzer pieces, 1870. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Eagle. 38. AV. 4 Ducats, 1871. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Double eagle with shield of arms on breast. 34. AV. Ducat, 1871. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. As No. 33. 36. AV. 4. Florin, 1871. Obv. Laureated head. Rev. IMPERIVM AVS- TRIACVM. Small double eagle. 36. AB, Florin, 1871. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Double eagle. 37. AB. 2 Gulden, 1879. Commemorating silver wedding, Obv. FRANC. lOS.D.G.AVSTR.lMP.ET.HVNG.REX AP. ELISABETHA.IMP. ET. REG. Busts r. Rev. Female figure seated holding ship's helm and cornucopia. 501 502 CATALOGUE Of COINS, TOKENS, AN1> MEDALS. 38. AV. 20 Kronen, 1892. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Double eagle. 39-40. Ditto, 1903. 41-42. 10 Kronen, 1897. Types similar to No. 38. 43-44. AB. 6 Kronen, 1900. Obv. Laureauted head r. Rev. Double eagle within olive wreath. 46-46. AB. 1 Krone, 1901. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Numeral 1 and crown. 47-48. N. 20, 10 Kreutzer pieces, 1893. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value on a shield. 49-50. AE. 2 Kreutzer pieces, 1895. Types similar to No. 47. 61. Jubilee Coinage. AV. 100 Kronen, 1908. Obv. Bust r. Rev. DVODE- CEM LVSTRIS GLORIOSE PERACTIS. Female figure reclining upon a cloud. 62. AV. 20 Kronen, 1908. Obv. As No. 51. Rev. Inscription as on No. 51; double eagle; above, 1848-1908. 63. AV. 10 Kronen, 1908. Similar to No. 52; dates 1848-1908 below the eagle. 64. AB. 5 Kronen, 1908. Obv. As No. 51. Rev. Dancing girl. 65. AB. Krone, 1908. Obv. As No. 51. Rev. Monogram, F J I, and laurel spray; above, crown. LICHTBNSTBIN. 66. John n, AB. 5 Kronen, 1904. Oftv. JOHANN II FURST VON LIGHTEN STEIN. Bust r. Rev . Crowned shield of arms in wreath . 67. AB. Krone, 1904. Types similar to No. 56. Ofi SWITZERLAND. THE CANTONS. 1. Oberwalden. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1726. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Eagle. 2. Lucerne. AB. 10 Batzen, 1793. 06i;. Crowned arms. iJev. Four mono- grams (LL) placed cruciformly. 3. AB. 6 Batzen, 1793. Types similar to No. 2. 4. AB. 20 Batzen, 1795. Obv. Crowned arms within wreath. Rev. As No. 2. 6. Zurich AB. Thaler, 1727. Obv. MONETA REIPUBLICAE TIGU- RINAE. Arms. iJet). View of city. 6. AB. Half-thaler, 1736. Obv. Legend as No. 5; arms supported by lion. Rev. As No. 5. 7. AB. Half-thaler, 1776. Obv. Oval shield of arms supported by lion. Rev. lUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA within wreath. S.Berne. AV. Ducat, 1794. 06i;. RESPUBLICA BERNENSIS. Crowned arms. Rev. Value and date within wreath. 9. AV. Ducat, 1797. Obv. DEUS PROVIDEBIT. A Swiss standing, hold- ing battle ax and fasces. Rev. Shield of arms. 10. AB. Thaler, 1494. Obv. St. Vincent. Rev. Bear and eagle beneath arch of seven shields; around, shields. 11. AB. Thaler, 1795. 06v. DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT. Swiss standmg. Rev. Spade-shaped shield of arms. 12-13. AB. Thaler, 1798. Similar to No. 11. 14. AB. Half-thaler, 1796. Types similar to No. 11. 15. AB. Half-thaler, 1797. Ditto. 16. AB. Quarter-thaler, 1797. Obv. Shield of arms crowned. Rev. Four monograms (BB) in form of cross. 17. AB. 20 Kreutzer, 1756. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value in wreath. 18. Solothurn. AB. 10 Batzen, 1794. Obv. Oval shield of arms. Rev. Letter S over a cross. 19. Friburg. AB. 2 Batzen, 1788. Obv. Crowned arms within wreath. Rev. Four monograms (FF) crosswise. 20. Basle. AV. Florin, undated. Obv. Liberty pole; laurel and palm branches. Rev. Arms of city. 21. AV. Quarter-florin, 1702. 06ij. Shield of arms supported by lion. Rev. Date. 22. AV. Pistole, 1795. Obv. Arms surmounted by plumed hat. Rev. DOMINE I CONSERVA | NOS | IN PACE in wreath. 23. AB. Thaler, 1640. Obv. Arms of Basle. Rev. Eagle. 24. AB. Doppelthaler, 1741. Obv. View of the city. Rev. Basilisk holding shield of arms. 25. AB. Doppelthaler, undated. Obv. View of city, with bridge. Rev. Basilisk holding shield of arms; around, eight escutcheons. 26. AB. Thaler, undated. Obv. Similar to No. 25. Rev. Arms supported by basilisks, 503 504 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 27-28. AH. Thalers, 1766. Obv. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. Arma supported by basilisk. Rev. Value and date witliin wreath. 29. AB. Half-thaler, 1766. Types similar to No. 27. 30. AE. TMrd-thaler, 1766. Ditto. 31. AE. Sixth-thaler, 1766. Ditto. 32. AS. 3 Batzen, 1766. Obv. Arms. Rev. Value. 33. St. Gall. AB. Half-thaler, 1877. Obv. BEDA. D. G. S. R. I. P. Arms within a mantle. Rev. Bear erect with stick of wood on shoulder. 34. Chur. AV. Florin. Obv. Facing bust of St. Lucius. Rev. Double eagle. 36. Geneva. AE. Thaler, 1723. Obv. Shield of arms; sun above. Rev. POST TENEBRAS LUX. Double eagle, crowned. 36. AE. Half-thaler, 1796. Obv. Arms: — half eagle and key within circle. Rev. Value encircled by rays. 37. AE. 21 Sols, 1721. 06v. Shield of arms. JRev. Shield inscribed POST TENEBRAS LUX. 38. AE. 21 Sols, 1721. Similar to No. 37. 39. AE. 16 Sols, 1794. Obv. EGALITE . LIBERTE . INDEPENDANCE. Value within rays. Rev. Eagle. 40. AE. 10 1/2 Sols, 1714. Similar to No. 37. 41. AE. 6 Sols, 1677. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. LH.S. in a glory. 42. AE. 6 Sols, 1760. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Cross. 43. AE. 6 Sols, 1797. Obv. Arms: — half eagle and key within circle. Rev. Value. 44. AE. 6 Sols, 1689. As No. 41. 45. AE. 3 Sols, 1708. Ditto. 46. AE. 3 Sols, 1730. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Double eagle. 47. AE. 3 Sols, 1795. As No. 43. 48-49. AE. Six Sols, 1590. Necessity pieces. 06?;. Arms of Geneva sur- rounded by rays. Rev. SIX | SOLS | POVR LES | SOLDATS DE I GENEVE | 1590. the: HEIiVETIAN REPUBLIC, 1798-1803. 60. AV. 16 Franken, 1800. Obv. HELVETISCHE REPUBLIK. Flag bearer. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 61. AE. 10 Batzen, 1801. Oftv. Similar to No. 50; date below. Rev.Ya.lne in wreath. 62. AE. Half-batzen, 1799. Obv. HELVET. REPUB. within wreath. Rev. Value within wreath. THE CONFEDERATED CANTONS, 1803-1848. 63. Lucerne. AE. Batz, 1808. Obv. CANTON LUCERN. Oval shield of arms. Rev. Value in oak wreath. 64. AE. 10 Batzen, 1812. O&i). SCHWEIZERISCHE EIDSGENOSSEN- SCHAFT. Armed soldier. jRezJ. Crowned shield of arms. 66. AE. 4 Franken, 1814. Similar to No. 54. 66. Zurich. AE. 8 Batzen, 1810. Obv. Spade-shaped shield of arms between olive and palm branches. Rev. Value. 67. Berne. AE. Frank, 1811. 06v. Oval shield of arms, crowned, within palm wreath. Rev. SCWEIZ; EIDSGENOSS. A swiss hero sup- porting shield inscribed XIX CAN -TONE. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 505 58. AE. 4 Kreutzer, 1818. Obv. Arms of Berne. Rev. Cross. 59. Basle. AH. Batz, 1810. 06v. Shield of arms. Rev.'Valne and date. 60. St. Gall. (AB. Thaler, 1621. Obv. MO.NO.CIVIT.SAN GALLENSIS. Bear. Rev. Double eagle.) 61. AB. Batz, 1813. Obv. CANTON ST. GALLEN. Shield of arms. Rev. Value within wreath. 62. Geneva. AR. 1 Sol, 6 Denier, 1825. 06v. Shield of arms. Rev.Yalne. 63. B. Denier, 1819. Obv. Half eagle and key within circle. Rev. Value. 64. AR. Sol, 1825. As No. 62. 65. Ditto, 1833. 66. B. 26 Centimes, 1839. As No. 63. 67-70. Bil. 10, 4, 2, and 1 Centimes, 1839. Similar to No. 63. 71. Aargau. AR. 20 Batzen, 1809. Obv. Warrior seated r. holding battle- ax and shield. Rev. Shield of arms. 72. AR. 6 Batzen, 1811. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 73. Canton Vaud. AR. 6 Batzen, 1810. Obv. CANTON DE VAUD. Shield of arms. Rev. Value in wreath. 74. AR. 6 Batzen, 1830. Obv. Arms between olive branches. Rev. Cross. 76. AR. 1 Batzen, 1831. Types as last. FBDERAIi RBPUBIjIC. 76. AV. 20 Francs, 1892. Obv. CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA. Head 1. Rev. Arms and star in wreath. 77. AV. 20 Francs, 1900. Obv. HELVETIA. Bust of Helvetia 1. Rev. Shield of arms. By Landry. 78. AR. 6 Francs, 1860. Obv. Helvetia seated 1. Rev. Value and date in a wreath. 79. AR. 6 Francs, 1892. Obv. Head 1., with chaplet of flowers. Rev. Similar to No. 76. 80. AR. 2 Francs, 1860. Types similar to No. 78. 81. AR. 2 Francs, 1886. Obv. Helvetia standing, holding spear and shield. Rev. 2 Fr. | 1886 in wreath. 82. AR. 1 Franc, 1860. Types similar to No. 78. 83. AR. 1 Franc, 1887. Types similar to No. 81. 84. AR. Half-franc, 1850. Types similar to No. 78. 85. AR. Half-franc, 1892. Types similar to No. 81. 86. Bil. 20 Centimes, 1860. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value. 87. Bil. 10 Centimes, 1851. Types as last. 88. Bil. 5 Centimes, 1851. Ditto. 89. N. 20 Centimes, 1885. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value in oak wreath. 90. N. 10 Centimes, 1885. Types as last. 91. N. 5 Centimes, 1885. Ditto. 92. AE. 2 Centimes, 1850. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Value in a wreath. 93. AE. 2 Centimes, 1890. As last. 94. AE. 1 Centime, 1867. Types as No. 92. 95. Ditto, 1887. SPECIAL ISSUES TO COMMEMORATE THE NATIONAL BIFLE MATCHES. 96. Graubunden. AR. 4 Swiss Franks, 1842. 06 v. Three shields of arms. Rev. Shield over trophy of guns and flags. 506 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 97. Chaux-de-Fonds. AR. 6 Francs, 1863. Obv. Helvetia seated 1. Rev. Shield of arms over a trophy. By Siber. 98. Schaflfausen. AR. 6 Francs, 1865. Obv. Helvetia seated r., a child standing in front of her. Rev. Shield of arms over cross, within a tressure. 99. Schweiz. AR. 6 Francs, 1867. Obv. Lion grasping sword and shield of arms. Rev. Trophy of arms. By Bovy. 100. Zug. AR. 6 Francs, 1869. Obv. Hans Landwing, holding the ban- ner. Rev. Two shields in wreath. By Bovy. 101. Zurich. AR. 6 Francs, 1872. Obv. Helvetia standing 1. Rev. Shield of arms over fasces and two guns in saltire. By Landry. 102. St, Gall. AR. 6 Francs, 1874. Obv. Shield of arms over two guns in saltire, cross above; below, procession. Rev. Opposing armies at Morat, 1476. By Bovy. 103. Lausanne. AR. 6 Francs, 1876. Obv. View of the city. Rev. Two females, with right hands joined, pledging union before trophy of flags and fasces. By Durussel. 104. Basle. AR. 5 Francs, 1879. Obv. DAS SCHWERT ZUR HAND IM HERZEN GOTT SO WIRD D.SCHWEIZER NIE Z.SPOTT. Young Swiss, with long sword, standing facing. Rev. Arms of Basle m circle of small escutcheons. By Durussel. 106. Frlburg. AR. 6 Francs, 1881. Obv. View of the city. Rev. Hel- vetia receiving Friburg and Solothurn into federation, 1481. By Durussel. 106. Lugano. AR. 6 Francs, 1883. Obv. Trophy of guns and flags; above, TIR FEDERALE IN LU-GANO 1883. Rev. Helvetia and nude aged man sitting above opening of railway tunnel. By Durussel. 107. Bern. AR. 5 Francs, 1886. Obv. Arms of Bern over two guns in sal- tire. Rev. Helvetia; behind, bear. By Durussel. FRANCE. 1-2. Maine. After Herbert I, A. D. 1015-1036. B. Denier. Obv. COMES CENOMANNIS. Monogram of Herbert. Rev. Cross. 3. Narbonne. Eaimond I, A. D, 966-1023. B. Denier. 06i;. NAIOUONA. Four annulets. Rev. lAMNVN. Cross. 4. Lorraine. Antoine, A. D. 1508-1544. AR. Testoon, 1531. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield crowned. 6. Dombes. Henry H, de Montpensier, A. D. 1592-1608. AB. Testoon, 1605. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield and two " H's" crowned. 6. AR. Testoon, 1606. Similar to No. 5, with smaller head. 7. Anne Marie Louise, A. D. 1650-1693. AR. Twelfth-ecu, 1664. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Arms and date. 8. Bretagne, Jean V, A. D. 1339-1442. B. Blanc d'Argent. Obv. Nine spots of ermine. Rev. Cross pattee. 9. Francis I and n, A. D. 1458-1481. B. Blanc d'Argent. Obv. Shield of six spots of ermine. Rev. Cross fleury. 10. Chateau-Benaud. Francois de Bourbon, A. D. 1614-1631. B. Escalin d'Argent. Obv. Shield of arms crowned. Rev. Double eagle. 11. Charlemagne, A. D. 768-814. B. Denier, Obv. METULLO. Cross. Rev. CARLVS REX. Monogram. 12. Louis I, le Debonair, A. D. 814^840. B. Denier. Obv. Temple type. Rev. Cross pattee. 13. Charles the Simple, A. D. 893-920. B. Denier. Obv. CARLVS REX. Cross. Rev. MET ALO. in two lines. 14. Louis IX, A. D. 1226-1270. B. Denier. Obv. LVDOVICVS REX. Cross. iJw. TVRONVS CIVIS. Chapel. 15. AR. Gros Toumois. 06^;. LUDOVICVS REX. Cross. Rev. Chapel. 16. PhiUp m, A. D. 1270-1285. AR. Gros Toumois. Obv. PHILIPPVS REX. Cross. jRct. Similar to No. 15. 17. Philip rv, A. D. 1285-1314. AR. Gros Toumois. Obv. PHILIPPVS REX. Cross. Rev. Chapel. 18. Philip VI, A. D. 1328-1350. AR. Maille Tierce. Obv. PHILIPPVS REX. Cross. Rev. Portal. 19. Charles VI, A. D. 1380-1422. AR. Grand Blanc. Obv. KAROLVS FRANCORVM REX. Arms. Eev. Cross pattee. 20. Charles VH, A. D. 1422-1461. AR. Grand Blanc. Obv. KAROLVS FRANCORV. Arms. Rev. SIT NOME: DNI: BENEDICTV. Cross. 21. Charles VHI, A. D. 1482-1498. B. Carolus de Bretagne. Obv. K crowned. Rev. Cross pattee. 22. B. Carolus. Similar to No. 21. 23. B. Liard au Dauphin. Obv. KAROLVS. Dolphin. i?CT. Cross pattee. 24-25. AR. Grand Blanc. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Cross pattee. 26-27. Louis XH, A. D. 1498-1616. AR. Denier. Obv. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Cross. 28. Francis I, A. D, 1516-1647. AV. Ecu d'Or du Dauphing. Obv. FRAN- CISCVS DEI. GRACIA FRANCOR REX. Arms of France and Dauphine. Rev. XPS VINCIT XPS RENAT XRS IMPERAT. Cross. *i07 22023°— 14 33 508 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 29. AB. Testoon. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned. 30. AB,. Half-testoon. Types similar to No. 29. 31. Bil. Douzain. Obv. Shield of anns. Rev. Cross. 32. Henry n, 1647-1669. AR. Testoon, 1663. 06i;.Headr. iJei;. Crowned arms. 33. AR. Testoon, 1556. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 34. AR. Half Gros de Nisle, 1651. Obv. Letter H crowned. Rev. Cross. 35. Bil. Douzain, 1660. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Cross. 36. Bil. Jeton du Marriage. Obv. DENIER. P. O. V. R. Rev. ESPOVSER. Maltese cross. 37. Francis n, 1659-1668. AR. Testoon, 1560. Obv. HENRICUS II etc. Cross. Rev. Crowned arms. 38. Charles X of the League. AV. Ecu d'Or, 1692. 06^;. CAROLVS . . . FR. ANCOR. REX. Crowned arms. Rev. CHRISTVS. REGNAT. VINCIT. ET IMPERAT. Cross. 39. Henry IV, A. D. 1689-1610. AR. auarter-ecu, 1690. Obv. HENRICVS nil. D. G. FRAN. ET. NAV. REX. Cross, i^e-y. SIT NOMEN etc. Crowned arms. 40. AR. Quarter-ecu, 1697. Similar types as No. 39, but of smaller module. 41. AR. Quarter-ecu, 1603. Similar to No. 39. 42. Ditto, 1608. 43. Bil. Douzain, 1695. Obv. Cross. Rev. Crowned arms. 44. AE. Double Tournois, 1607. Types similar to last. 46. Louis Xm, 1610-1643. AV. Demi Louis d'Or, 1641. Obv. LVD. XIII. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX. Bust r. Rev. Four crowned mono- grams of addorsed LL's in form of cross. 46. AE. Tournois, 1640. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Three lilies, value and date. 47. Louis XIV, 1643-1716. AV. Double Louis d'Or, 1710. Obv. LVD. Xllll. D. G. •. - FR. ET. NAV. REX. Laureated bust r. Rev. Four crowned monograms of addorsed LL's in form of cross, with fleur de lis in the angles. 48. AV. Louis d'Or, 1648. Obv. Child bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 47. > 49. AV. Louis d'Or, 1668. Obv. Youthful bust r. Rev. As No. 4?. 60. Ditto, 1694. 06i>. Mature bust, laureated, r. 2?ct. Four crowned fleur de lis in form of cross with L's in angles. 61. Ditto, 1703. Types similar to No. 47, but the cross of monograms on reverse is over two scepters in saltire. 62. AR. Ecu Blanc, 1680. Obv. Cuirassed bustr.' Rev. Crowned shield of arms. _ 63. AR. Ecu, 1690. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 47. 64. AR. Ecu, 1709. Obv. Cuirassed bust, draped, r. Rev. Three crowns. 66. AR. Demi-ecu Blanc, 1680. Types similar to No. 52. 66. AR. Demi-ecu, 1692. Types similar to No. 53. 67. AR. Demi-ecu, 1693. 062). Bust r. i?ei;. Round shield between palms. 68. Ditto, 1695. 69. AR. Demi-ecu, 1709. Types similar to No. 54. 60. AR. Quarter-ecu, 1713. Ditto. 61. AR. Twelfth-ecu, 1644. Obv. Child bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 62. AE. Liard, 1656. 61;. Crowned bust r. Rev. LIARD DE FRANCE. Three lilies. I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 509 63. Louis XV, 1716-1774. AV. Louis d'Or, 1728. Obv. LUD. XV. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX. Bust 1. Rev. Two oval shields of arms and crown above. 64. AB. Ecu, 1718. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms, quartered, crowned. 66. AB. Ecu, 1728. Obv. Cuirassed bust 1. Rev. Oval shield of arms, crowned, in laurel wreath. 66. AR. Ecu, 1768. Similar to last. 67. Ditto, 1774. 68. AR. Demi-ecu, 1729. Types similar to No. 65. 69. AR. Quarter-ecu, 1720. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Four crowned monograms of addorsed LL's in form of cross. 70. AR. Twentieth-ecu, 1744. Types similar to No. 65. 71. Louis XVI, 1774H793. AV. Double Louis d'Or, 1786. 06i;. LUD. XVI. D. G. FR. ET NAV. REX. Bust 1. ByDuVivier. Rev. CHRS. REGN. VINC. IMPER— 1786. Two square shields of arms, side by side, crowned. 72. AV. Louis d'Or, 1777. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Two oval shields of arms crowned. 73. AV. Louis d'Or, 1789. Types similar to No. 71. 74. AR. Ecu, 1780. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Oval shield of arms, crowned, in laurel wreath. 76. Ditto, 1786. 76. AR. Ecu de six Livres, 1792, I'an 4. 06?;. LOUIS XVI ROI DES FRANCOIS. Nudebustl. i?^. REGNE DE LA LOI. Genius of France inscribing "Constitution" on tablet. 77. Ditto, 1793, I'an 6. 78. AR. Demi-ecu, 1791. Similar to No. 74. 79-80. AR. 30 Sols, 1791. Types similar to No. 76. 81. AR. 15 Sols, 1791. Ditto. 82. AR. Tenth-ecu, 1784. Types similar to No. 74. 83. AE. 2 Sols, 1792. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Fasces in wreath. 84. Ditto, 1793. 86-86. AE. Sol, 1791. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms. 87. AE. Demi-sol, 1792. As No. 83. FIRST REPUBLIC, A. D. 1792-1804. 88-88. AR. Ecu de six Livres, 1793, I'an n. Obv. REGNE DE LA LOI. Genius writing on tablet. Rev. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. , Value and date. 90. AR. 6 Francs, 1797. Obv. UNION ET FORCE. Hercules uniting Liberty and Equality. Rev. 5 | FRANCS | L'AN 6 | in wreath. 91. Ditto, 1799. 92. AE. Decime, 1798. 06?;. Female bust, representing France, 1. Rev. Value and year of liberty in wreath. - 93. Ditto, I'an 8. 94. AE. 6 Centimes, 1796, I'an 4. Similar to No. 92. 95. Ditto, I'an 6. 96. Ditto, I'an 6. 97. Ditto, I'an 8. 98. AE. 1 Centime, 1798. Obv. As No. 92. Rev. Value.\ 510 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. THE CONSTTIjATB. 99. AV. 40 Francs, I'an 12. Obv. BON A PART PREMIER CONSUL. Nudebustl. i?CT. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Value in wreath. 100. AR. 5 Francs, I'an 11. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Value in laurel wreath. 101. Ditto, ran 12. 102. AR. Demi-franc, I'an 12. Types similaj: to No. 100. 103. AR. Quart de franc, I'an 12. Ditto. THE FIRST EMPIRE, 1804-1814. 104. AV. 40 Francs, I'an 13. Obv. NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. Nude bustL i?ev. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Value in wreath. 105. Ditto, 1806. 106. Ditto, 1811. Obv. Laureated bust L Bev. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Value in wreath. 107. AV. 20 Francs, I'an 12. Types as No. 104. 108. AV. 20 Francs, 1811. Similar to No. 106. 109. AR. 5 Francs, 1806. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Value in laurel wreath. 110-112. Ditto, mm. L. 1806, 1808, 1810. 113. AR. 1 Franc, I'an 13. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value in wreath. 114. AR. Demi-franc, 1810. Types similar to No. 109. 115-116. AR. 10 Centimes, 1808. Obv. Letter N, crowned. Rev. Value. 117. AE, Decime, 1814. Obv. Letter N, crowned, within a wreath. Rev. Value and date in wreath. FIRST RESTORATION. 118-119. Louis XVm, 1814-1824. AV. 20 Francs, 1814. Obv. LOUIS XVIII ROI DE FRANCE. Bustr. Rev. P\ECE DE 20 FRANCS. Crowned arms. 120. AR. 6 Francs, 1814. Types similar to No. 118. RETURN OF NAPOIiBON. 121. Napoleon Emperor. AV. 20 Francs, 1815. Obv. NAPOLEON EM- PEREUR. Laureated bust L Rev. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Value in wreath. SECOND RESTORATION. 122. Louis XVm. AV. 40 Francs, 1817. Obv. LOUIS XVIII ROI DE FRANCE. Bustr. Rev. Crowned shield of arms in laurel wreath. 123. AV. 20 Francs, 1818. Similar to No. 122. 124. AR. 6 Francs, 1815. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. PIECE DE 5 FRANCS. Crowned arras in wreath. .Mm, M. 125-126. AR. 5 Francs, 1820-1824. Obv. Nude bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield dividing value, 5 — F, in wreath. 127. AR. 2 Francs, 1821. Types similar to No. 124. 128. AR. Demi-franc, 1822. Ditto. 129-130. Charles X, 1824-1830. AV. 40 Francs, 1824-1830. Obv. CHARLES X — ROI DE FRANCE. Bustr. i2et;. Crowned arms, date and value. 131. AV. 20 Francs, 1830. Types similar to No. 129. 132-133. AR. 6 Francs, 1825-1828. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms, date and value. 134. AR. 2 Francs, 1828. Types similar to No. 132. I Catalogue op coin's, I^okens, and medals. 511 135. AK. Demi-franc, 1827. Types similar to No. 132. 136. AK. Quart de franc, 1828. Ditto. 137. Henry V. Pretender. AR. 6 Francs, 1831. Obv. HENRY V ROI DE FRANCE. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms, value, and date. 138. Louis Philippe, 1830-1848. AV. 40 Francs, 1833. Obv. LOUIS PHI- LIPPE I ROI DES FRANCAIS. Bustl. i2e'y.40 I FRANCS I 1833. within wreath. 139. AV. 20 Francs, 1834. Types similar to No. 138. 140. AB. 5 Francs, 1831. 06?;. Laureated head r. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 141-142. Ditto, 1833. 143. Ditto, 1848. 144. AR. 2 Francs, 1831. Types similar to No. 140. 146. AR. Franc, 1831. Ditto. 146. Ditto, 1844. 147. AR. Demi-franc, 1833. Types similar to No. 140. 148. AR. 60 Centimes, 1841. Obv. Head r. Rev. 50 CENT, and date. 149. AR. Quart de franc, 1833. Similar to No. 148. THE SECOND REPUBIilC, 1848-1852. 160. AV. 20 Francs, 1848. Obv. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Genius inscribing CONSTITUTION. 2?ct. LIBERTE. EGALITE. PRA- TE R N I T E . Value and date in oak wreath. 151. AV. 20 Francs, 1851. Obv. Female head, emblematical of the repub- lic, r. Rev. Value in wreath of laurel and oak. 162. AV. 10 Francs, 1861. Types as No. 151. 163. AR. 5 Francs, 1848. Obv. Hercules standing, uniting Equality and Liberty. Rev. Value and date. 164. Ditto, 1849. 166. AR. 6 Francs, 1849. Obv. Head, similar to No. 151, 1. Rev. 5 I FRANCS I 1849, in oak wreath. 156. AR. 2 Francs, 1851. Types similar to No. 155. 157. AR. 1 Franc, 1851. Ditto. 158. AR. Demi-franc, 1849. As No. 155; reading 50 | CENT., on reverse. 159. AR. 20 Centimes, 1861. Similar to No. 155. EMPIRE REVIVED. 160. Napoleon m, 1852-1873. AV. 100 Francs, 1855. Obv. NAPOLEON III - EMPEREUR. Headr. i?^. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Shield of arms, within ermine mantle surmounted by crown. 161. AV. 50 Francs, 1857. Similar to No. 160. 162. AV. 20 Francs, 1857. Obv. Head r. Rev. 20 | FRANCS, within wreath. 163. Ditto, 1860. 164. AV. 20 Francs, 1861. Types similar to No. 160. 165. AV. 10 Francs, 1869. As No. 162, except value. 166-167. AV. 6 Francs, 1854. Ditto. 14.5 mm. 168. AV. 5 Francs, 1857. Types similar to No. 162. 17 mm. 169. Ditto, 1859. 170. Ditto, 1866. 171. AR. 5 Francs, 1862. Obv. LOUIS-NAPOLEON - BONAPARTE. Headl. i?^. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Value and date in wreath composed of oak and laurel. 512 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 172. AB. 6 Francs, 1866. Obv. NAPOLEON III - EMPEREUR. Head 1. Rev. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Round shield of arms, within ermine mantle surmounted by crown. 173. Ditto, 1856. 174. Ditto, 1861. 176. Ditto, 1867. 176. Ditto, 1868. 177. AB. 2 Francs, 1864. 06i;.Headl. Rev. 2 | FRANCS ] 1854 | in laurel wreath. 178. AB. 2 Francs, 1866. Types similar to No. 172. 179. Ditto, 1867. 180. Ditto, 1868. 181. AB. 1 Franc, 1852. Legends and types similar to No. 171. 182. AB. 1 Franc, 1864. Obv. As No. 172. Re^K Value and date in laurel wreath. 183. Ditto, 1867. As No. 172. 184. Ditto, 1868. 185. AB. Demi-franc, 1869. Obv. Head 1. Rev. 50 | CENT | 1859 | in laurel wreath. 186. AB. Demi-franc, 1867. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crown; beneath, 50 CENT. I 1867. 187. Ditto, 1868. 188. AB. 20 Centimes, 1853. Obv. Head 1. Rev. 20 | CENT. | 1853 | in wreath. 189-190. AB. 20 Centimes, 1867. Types similar to No. 186. 191. Ditto, 1868. 192. AE. 10 Centimes, 1852. Obv. NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR. Head 1., in beaded circle, i^e^;. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Eagle on thun- derbolt. 193. Ditto, 1854. 194-195. Ditto, 1862, 1864. 196. AE. 6 Centimes, 1853. Types similar to No 192. 197. AE. 2 Centimes, 1853. Ditto. 198. AE. 1 Centime, 1853. Ditto. THE REPUBLIC, 1870. 199. AV. 100 Francs, 1903. Obv. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAiSE. Genius of France inscribing CONSTITUTIONona tablet. i?ei) . L I B E RT E . EGALITE.FRATERNITE. Within oak wreath, 100 1 FRANCS I 1903. 200. AV. 60 Francs, 1896. Types similar to No. 199. 201. AV. 20 Francs, 1899. Obv. Bust of Liberty r. Rev. Cock. 202. AV. 10 Francs, 1900. Types as No. 201. 203. AB. 6 Francs, 1870. Obv. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Head, em- blematical of the republic, 1. Rev. Value and date in wreath of oak and laurel. 204. Ditto, 1871. 206-206. AB. 6 Francs, 1871. Obv. LIBERTE EGALITE etc. Hercules standing, and uniting Liberty and Justice. Rev. 5 | FRANCS j 187L 207. Ditto, 1876. 208. AB. 2 Francs, 1870. Types similar to No. 203. * I CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, ANI> MEDALS. 6lS 209. Ditto, 1872. 210. AR. 2 Francs, 1902. Obv. The sower. Rev. LIBERIE etc.; 2 | FRANCS I and branch of olive beneath. 211. AR. 1 Franc, 1872. Types similar to No. 203; value, 1 | FRANC. 212. AR. 1 Franc, 1904. Similar to No. 210. 213. AR. Demi-franc, 1871. Types similar to No. 203. 214. AR. Demi-franc, 1897. Types similar to No. 210; value, 50 I CEN- TIMES. 215. Ditto, 1903. 216. N. 25 Centimes, 1903. 06v. Bust of Liberty 1. JRei;. Value in a square. 217. N. 26 Centimes, 1904. Obv. As last. Rev. Fasces and oak branch; value in field. 218. AE. 10 Centimes, 1871. Obv. Same head as No. 203 in beaded circle. Rev. 10 1 CENTIMES | in wreath. 219. AE. 10 Centimes, 1899. Obv. Bust of Liberty r. Rev. Female figure representing France, seated 1., holding standard and olive; beside her, child with wheat, etc., in hand. 220. AE. 6 Centimes, 1871. As No. 218, except value. 221. AE. 6 Centimes, 1904. As No. 219. 222. Ditto, 1909. 223. AE. 2 Centimes, 1903. Obv. Bust of Liberty r. Rev. Value and date. 224. AE. 1 Centime, 1872. Types similar to No. 218, except value. 226. AE. 1 Centime, 1902. Types similar to No. 223, except value. I ITAIY. PBRRARA. 1. Hercules I, d'Este, 1471-1505. AR. Half-testone. Obv. HERCULES. DVX. FERRARIE. Bust 1. iiew. DEVS FORTITVDO. MEA • + •. St. George and dragon. FliOKBNCB, REPUBLIC. 2. AV. Fiorino. Obv. FLORENTIA. Triple lily. Rev. S. lOHANNES. B. The saint standing. 3-6. AV. Fiorino. Similar to No. 2, but with variations in the symbol to left of head. DUCHY OP ETRVRIA. 6. Alexander, A. D. 1633-1537. AR. Testone. Obv. ALEXANDER. M.R.P.FLOREN.DVX. BustL iiei;. S.DAMIANVS. S.COSMVS. The saints standing. 7. Francis I, 1574-1687. AR. Testone, 1676. Obv. FRAN. MED. MAGN. DVX.ETRVRIAE.M. Bust r. Eev. S. lOANNES BAPTISTA. John the Baptist seated. 8. AR. Scudo, 1676. Obv. Bust r. Rev. John the Baptist seated. 9. AR. Testone, 1677. Similar to No. 8. 10. Cosmo n, 1608-1621. AR. Testone. Obv. COSMVS. MED. R. P. FLOREN.DVX.il. Bust r. iJev. St. John seated. 11-12. AR. Testone. Obv. COSMVS MED. FLOREN. ET SENARM DVX. Bust r. Rev. Madonna in clouds above city. 13. Ferdinand n, 1621-1670. AR. Scudo, 1623. Ofei". FERDIN.II.MAGN. DVX.ETRVRIAE. Bust r. Rev. John the Baptist. 14. AR. Scudo, 1666. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. GRATIA OBV I A ULTIO QUAESITA. Rosebush. 16. AR. Testone, 1627. Obv. Similar to No. 13. Rev. Similar to No. 10. 16. Ditto, 1636. 17. Cosmo ra, 1670-1723. AR. Scudo, 1681. Obv. COSMVS. I II. D.G. MAGN.DVX.ETRVRI.VI. Bust r. iie?;. St. John seated. 18. AR. Scudo, 1692. Obv. Bust, with Oriental crown, r. Rev. ET PATET ETFAVET. A harbor. 19. AR. Scudo, 1706. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Similar to No. 14. 20. Ditto, 1718. 21. AR. Testone, 1677. Obv. COSMVS III. D.G. MAGN. D. ETRV.VI. Bust r. Rev. St. John. 22. John Gaston, 1723-1737. AV. Fiorino, 1725. Obv. lOAN.GASTO.I. D.G.M.DVX.ETR. Florentine lily. Rev. St. John seated. 28-24. Francis U, 1737-1765. AR. Francescone, 1748. Obv. FRAN- CISCVS.D.G.R.I.S A G.H.REX.LOT.BAR.M.D.ETR. Bust r. Rev. IN TE DOMINE SPERAVI. Crowned arms on breast of double- headed eagle. 26. Leopold I, 1765-1790. AR. Francescone, 1767. Obv. PETRVS LEO- POLDVS D.G.P.R.H.ET.B.A.A.M.D.ETRVR. Bust 1. Rev. DU RIGE DOMINE GRESSVS MEOS. Crowned arms. Pisis. 26-27. Ditto, 1769, 1770. 514 i CAa?ALOG0iE OF COINS, TOKENS, AlfD MEDALS. 515 28. AE. Francescone, 1774. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms upon a maltese cross. 29. Ditto, 1784. 30. AR. Testone, 1782. Similar to No. 28, but shield is oval. 31. AB. Paolo, 1783. Similar to No. 28. 32. Ferdinand m, 1790-1800. AR. Francescone, 1796. Ohv. FERDI- NANDVS.Iil.D.G.P.R.H.F.T.B.A.A.M.D.ETRVR. Bust r. Rev. LEX TVA VERITAS. Similar to No. 28. 33. Ditto, 1798. KINGDOM OF BTRtJRIA, 1801-1803. 34. Charles Louis, 1801-1803. AR. Francescone, 1803. Ohv. LUDO- VICUS. I.D.G. HISP. INF. REX. ETRURIAE etc. Bust r. Rev. VIDEANT PAUPERES ET LAETENTUR. Crowned arms. 36. AR. Louis n, 1803-1807. Francescone, 1803. 06d. CAROLVS.LVD. D.G.REX. ETR. k M. ALOYSIA. R. RECTRIX. I.I.H.H. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. DOMINE SPES MEA A lUVENTATE MEA. Similar to No. 28. 36. AR. Francescone, 1806. Ohv. Similar to No. 35. Rev. Crowned arms, as No. 28. 37. Ditto, 1807. DUCHY RBSTORBD. 38. Ferdinand m, 1814-1824 (Restored). AR. Mezzo-francescone, 1820. Ohv. FERD.III.D.G.P.I.A.R.H.ET B.A.A.M.D.ETR. Bu^ix. Reo. LEX TVA VERITAS. Round shield of arms. 39. AR. 10 Soldi, 1823. Obv. FERD. II.A.D.A.G.D.DI TUSC. Shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 40. Leopold H, 1824-1859. AV. Fiorino, 1824. Ohv. LEOPOLDVS II. D.G.A.A.M.D.ETR. Florentine lily. i2ev. S. lOANNESetc. Saint John seated 1. 41. AR. Francescone, 1834. Obv. LEOPOLDVS. II. D. G.P.I. A. P.R.H.ET B.A.A. MAGN. DVX.ETR. Bustr. iJer. Crowned shield of arms. 42. AR. Mezzo-francescone, 1829. Obv. short bust r. Rev. Heart-shaped shield of arms. 43. AR. Fiorino, 1826. Obv. LEOPOLDO.II.A.D.A. GRAN.DUCA. Dl TOSC A N A. Bust r. Rev. Value and Mly. 44. AR. Mezzo-fiorino, 1827. Ohv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value and date. 46. AR. 10 Quattrini, 1826. Obw. Oval shield of arms crowned. J?ev. Simi- lar to No. 44. GENOA. a. REPVBLIC. 46. Republic, A. D. 1139-1252. AR. Third-genovino. Oiw. IAN VA. Gate- way, iiev. CVNRADVS REX. Cross. 47. AV. Quarter-genovino. Types similar to No. 46. 48. AR. Denaro. Types similar to No. 46. 49. AR. Grosso. "Types similar to No. 46. 60. AR. Obol. Types similar to No. 46. 61. AR. Double-scudo, 1663. Obv. DVX. ET GVBERNATORES. REIP GEN. Cross with yimr de Zis in angles. Rev. Madonna and Child. 62. AR. 8 Soldi, 1653. Obv. Cross with stars in angles. Rev. ET REGE N O S . Madonna and Child. 616 CATALOGtfE OF COIKS, lOKElSrS, AND MEDALS. 63. AE. 10 Soldi, 1675. Obv. Crowned shield of arms and value. Rev. NON SVRREXIT MAIOR. St. John the Baptist. 64. AR. 8 Lire, 1796. Similar to No. 53. 66. AE. 4 Lire, 1795. Similar to No. 53. 56. AE. 2 Lire, 1794. Similar to No. 53. 57. AE. Lire, 1794. Similar to No. 63. 58-59. AE. 10 Soldi, 1814. 06v. RESPUBBLICA GENUENSIS. Shield of arms. Rev. NON. SURREXIT MAIOR. St. John. 60. N. 4 Soldi, 1814. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. EX PROBITATE ROBU R. St. George and the dragon. t). FRENCH liiaURIAN REPUBIjIC. 61. AV. 96 Lire, 1798. 06?;. REPUBLICA LIGURE. ANNO. 1. Female figure representing the Republic, wearing mural crown, seated, 1. Rev. NELL. UNIONE LA FORZA. Fasces. REPTJBIilC OP liUCCA. 62. AE. Scudo, 1743. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. SANCTUS MARTIN US. St. Martin and a beggar. IiTTCCA AND PIOMBINO. 63. Felice and Elisa, 1806-1809. AE. 6 FrancM, 1808. Obv. FELICE ED ELISA PP.DI LUCCA E PIOMBINO. Busts r. Rev. PRINCI- PATO Dl LUCCA E PIOMBINO. Value. 64. Ditto, 1809. 65. AE. Franco, 1807. Similar to No. 63. MILAN. 66. Jolin Galeazzo, 1476-1481. AE. Teston. Obv. 10 GZ. M. SF. VICECO. DVX. MLI.SX. Bust r. J?et;. LVDOVICVS. PATRVVS. GVBERNANS. Bust r. 67. Charles VI. AE. Scudo, 1708. Obv. CAROLVS. D. G. IMP. ET HIS. REX. Bust r. iiev. DVX. ET C. MEDIOLANI. Crowned arms. 68. Joseph n, 1780-1790. AE. Scudo, 1781. Obv. JOSEPH. II. D. G. R. IMP. etc. Bust r. Rev. MEDIOLANI ET MANT. DUX. Oval shield of arms. 69. Francis H, 1792-1797. 30 Soldi, 1796. Obv. FRANC. II. D. G. R. IMP. S. AUG. G. II. ET. B. REX. A. A. Head r. Rev. MED\0- LAN I DUX. Shield of arms. (See Lombardo — Venetian Kingdom. ) M ONTFERRAT. 70. William n, 1494-1518. AE. Mezzo-scudo. Obv. GVILLIEMVS MAR. MONT. FER. TE. Bust L J?w. Shield of arms. NAPOLEONIC R]gGIME IN NORTHERN ITALY. a. CISPADANE REPUBIjIC. * 71. Bologna. AE. Scudo, 1796. Obv. POPVLVS ET SENATVS BONON. Shield of arms. Rev. PRAESIDIVM ET DECVS. View of city of Bologna; above, Madonna and Child. 72. Ditto, 1797. 73. Mezzo-scudo, 1796. Types similar to No. 71. CATALOGUE OF COINS, t6KENS, AKD MEDALS. 617 to. cisaijPinb republic. 74. AS.. 30 Soldi, 1801. Obv. REPVBLICA CISALPINA. Bust of Re- public r. Rev. PACE | CELEBRATA I FORO BONAPARTE I FONDATO I ANNO IX. | C. KINODOM OP ITAIjY. 76. Napoleon, 1806-1814. AV. 40 Lire, 1814. Obv. NAPOLEONE IM- PERATORE E RE. Head 1. i^gv. REGNO D'lTALIA. Eagle displayed, within an ermine mantle, surmounted by a crown. Edge, DIO PKOTEGGE L' ITALIA. 76. AV. 20 Lire, 1808. Similar to No. 75. 77. AB. 6 Lire, 1814. Obv. Head r. Rev. Similar to No. 75. 78. AB. 2 Lire, 1811. Similar to No. 77. 79. AE. Lira, 1810. Similar to No. 77; stars on edge. 80. AB. 10 Soldi, 1810. Obv. Similar to No. 77. Rev. A crown. 81. AB. 6 Soldi, 1811. Similar to No. 80. PIEDMONT REPTTBIjIC. 82. AB. 6 Francs, 1803. Obv. SUBALPINE GAULE. Italy and France. Rev. LIBERIE EGALITE • ERIDANIA. Value and date. PARMA AND PIACENZA. 83. AB. Scudo, 1628. Obv. ODOARDVS. FAR. PL. ET PAR. DVX. Bust r. Rev. St. Anthony standing. 84. AV. 2 Scudi, 1786. Obv. FERDINANDVS. I. HISPANIAR. INFANS. Head r. Rev. D. G. PARMAE. PLAC. ET VASTAL. DVX. Shield of arms. 86. Maria Lucia, 1814-. AV. 40 Lire, 1816. Obv. MARIA LUIGIA PRINC. IMP. ARCID. D'AUSTRIA. Bustl. i?«u. Shield of arms. 86. AB. 6 Lire, 1816. Similar to No. 85. 87. AB, Lira Nuova, 1816. Similar to No. 85. 88. AB. 10 Soldi, 1815. Obv. Similar to No. 85. Rev. M L, crowned. 89. AB. 6 Soldi, 1818. Similar to No. 88. REPUBIilC OP VENICE. 90. Giovanni Soranzo, 1312-1328. AV. Ducat. Obv. 10. SVPANTIO DVX S. M. VENETI. Kneeling Doge receiving the banner from St. Mark. Rev. SIT. T. XRE. DAT. Q. TV. REGIS. ISTE. DVCAT. Christ standing, within an oval of stars. 91. Bartheleml Gradenigo, 1339-1342. AV. Ducat. Same types as No. 90. 92. Andrea Dandolo, 1343-1354. AV, Ducat. Similar to No. 90, 93. Giovanni Delfino, 1356-1361, AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 90. 94. Marco Comaro, 1365-1368. AV. Ducat. Obv. MARCO CORNARI DVX S. M. VENETI. Same types as No. 90. 96, Andrea Gritti, 1623-1639, AV, Ducat. Similar to No. 90. 96. Pietro Loredano, 1667-1670. AV. Third-ducat. Obv. PET. LAV. DVX. S. M. VEN. i^er. EGO SVM LVX MVNDI. Types as No. 90. 97. Alvise Mocenigo I, 1570-1677. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 90. 98. Antonio Priuli, 1618-1623. AB. Ducat della Croce. Obv. ANTON. PRIOL. DVX. VEN. Cross fleury. Rev. SANCTVS. MARCVS. VEN. Shield of arms. 518 CATALOGUE OP COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALg. 99. Giovanni I Cornari, 1625-1630. AB. Mezzo-scudo della Croce. I O A N . CORNER. DVX. VEN. Same typea as No. 98. 100. Silvestro Valier, 1694-1700. AE. Ducaton. Obv. SILV. VALERIO DVX S.M.VENETV. Same type aa No. 90. i?ew. FIDES ET VIC- TOR. Winged lion. 101. Francesco Erizzo, A. D. 1631-1646. AR. Ducaton. Similar to No. 98. 102. Paulo Renier, 1779-1789. AV. Ducat. S.M.V.PAVL RAINEAR D. Types same as No. 90. 103-4. AR. Ducatus. Obv. S.M.V.PAVL.RAINERIVS.D. Rev. D\/CA- TUSVENETUS. Same typea aa No. 100. 105. Luigi Manin, 1789-1797. AV. Ducat. Typea similar to No. 90. 106. AR. Scudo, 1789. Obv. REPUBLICA VENETA. Buat r. Rev. LUDO- V ICO MANIN DUCA. Winged lion. 107. AR. Ducaton della Croce. Similar to No. 98. FRENCH OCCUPATION, 1797. 108. AV. 10 Lire, 1797. Obv. LIBERIA EGUAGLIANZA. Liberty stand- ing. Rev. ANNO. I. DELLA LIBERXA ITALIANA 1797. Within wreath, LIRE | DIECI | VENETE. AUSTRIAN IjOMBARDO-VBNETIAN KINGDOM. 109. Francis I. AR. Lira, 1824. Obv. FRANCISCVS.I.D.G.AVSTRIAE IMPERATOR. Bust r. Rev. LOMB.ET VEN REX A. A. 1824. Austrian double eagle. 110. Ferdinand I. AV. 30 Lire, 1838. Obv. FERD.I.D.G.AVSTR.IMP. HVNG.BOH.R.H.N.V. Bust r. Rev. Arma of Austria. 111. AV. 16 Lire, 1839. Similar to No. 110. 112. AR. 6 Lire, 1839. Types similar to No. 110. 113. AR. 3 Lire, 1839. Types similar to No. 110. 114. AR. Lira Austrica. Obv. FERD.I.D.G.AVSTRIAE IMPERATOR. Bustr. Rev. LOMB.ET. VEN. etc. Arms of Austria. 115. AR. Half-lira, 1839. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 116. AR. Quarter-lira, 1839. Similar to No. 115. IiOMBARDY (PROVISIONAIi GOVERNMENT OF 1848). 117. AV. 20 Lire, 1848. Obv. ITALIA LIBERA DIO LO VUOLE. Italia standing. Rev. GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Dl LOMBARDIA. Value within wreath. 118. AR. 6 Lira, 1848. Similar to No. 117. VENICE (PROVISIONAIi GOVERNMENT). 119-120. AR. 15 Soldi, 1848. Obv. GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Dl VENEZIA. Winged lion. Rev. Yalue. 121. AR. 6 Soldi, 1849. Similar to No. 119. STATES OF THE CHURCH. ROMAN SENATE, 1190-1347. 122. AV. Ducat. Obv. SA.NT PETR N. Florentine Uly. Rev. S.IOHANNES.B. St. John Baptist. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 519 123. AV. Zecchino. Ohv. S.PETERVS SEN ATOR URBIS. Popekneel- ing before St. Peter. Rev. EflSgy of Christ within an oval of stars. COINAGE OP THE POPES. 124. Paul V, 1606-1621. AR. Scudo, 1620. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. St. Michael slaying dragon. 125. Clement X, 1670-1676. AR. Scudo, 1676. 06?;. Shield of arms. Rev. DABIT FRVCTVM SVVM IN TEMPORE. A tomb. 126. AR. Scudo, 1676. Ohv. Arms. Rev. Entrance to cathedral; on archi- trave, DILIGIT DNVS. PORTAS. SIGN. 127. Alexander Vm, 1689-1691. AR. Testone, 1690. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. RE.FRVMENTARIA.RESTITVTA. Yoke of oxen hitched to plow. 128. Clement XI, 1700-1721. AV. Scudo, 1712. 06r. CL.EM.XI. P.M. A. XII. Arms of Pope. Rev. FERRO NOCENTIVS AVRVM, on a shield. 129. AV. Half-scudo, 1709. Ohv. Similar to No. 148. Rev. SANCTVS PETRVS.AP. Head of St. Peter. 130. AV. Half-scudo, 1717. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. S. PETRVS. APOST. Bust of St. Peter, back view, head 1. 131. AV. Half-scudo. Ohv. Shield of arms. Rev. FERRO I NOCEN I TIVS I AVRVM. Shield. 132. AR. Grosso, 1800. Ohv. Papal arms. Rev. DATE ET DABITVR. Shield. 133. Clement XH, 1730-1740. AR. Testone, 1736. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. 134. AR. Grosso, 1736. Ohv. S. PETRVS AP. Bust of St. Peter. Rev. Shield of arms. 136. AR. Grosso, 1738. Ohv. Sunilar to No. 134. Rev. IN CI BOS I PAVPERVM.and date within wreath. 186. AR. Grosso, 1739. Obv. Similar to No. 134. Rev. HABETIS PAV- PERES, and date within wreath. 137. AR. Grosso. Obv. Similar to No. 134. Rev. IMPLETI | ILLV- SION I BVS 1 and date on shield. ' 138. Benedict XIV, 1740-1788. AV. 2 Scudl, 1744. Obv. BENED.XIV. P.M. Madonna in clouds. Rev. REPENTE DE CAELO. Arms. 139. AV. Scudo, 1746. 06?;. BEN. XIV. P.M. 1746. Madonna in nubi- bus. Rev. Similar to No. 138. 140. AV. Half-scudo. Obv. BEN | XIV. Keys and crown. Rev. PETRVS. Bust r. 141. AR. Gluglio, 1757. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Madonna in nubibus. 142. Clement Xm, 1768-1769. AR. Grosso, 1763. Obv. C. EM. XIII. PONT. M. A. V. Shield of arms. Rev. OBLECTAT IVSTOS MISERICORDIA. Date. 143. AR. Half-grosso, 1764. Ohv. Similar to No. 142. Rev. VTERE QVASI HOMO FRVGI. Date. 144. Clement XIV, 1769-1775. AR. Teston, 1773. 06?j. CLEMENS. XIV PONT. MAX. A.V. Shield of arms. Rev. S. PETRVS. S. PAVLVS. The two apostles standing vis-cL-vis. 146. Sede Vacante, 1774. AR. Fifth-scudo, 1774. 06?;. SEDE. VACANTE. MDCCLXXIV. Shield of arms. Rev. VENI LVMEN. CORDIVM. Dove. 146. Pius VI, 1776-1800. AV. Ducat, 1787. Ohv. APOSTOLOR PRIN- CE PS. St. Peter. i2ev. A lily. F147-148. AR. Giuglio, 1776. 06?;. Shield of arms. Rev. A tomb. 520 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 149. AR. Scudo, 1780. Obv. Similar to No. 147. Rev. AVXILIVM DE S A N CT O . Madonna in clouds. 160. AR. Half-scudo, 1777. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 149. 161. AR. Half-scudo, 1781. Obv. Bust r. Rev. A chapel; BON ON I A 1781. 162. AR. Quarter-scudo, 1796. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Peter and Andrew. 163. AR. 2 Giuglii, 1796. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Similar to No. 149. 164. AR. Fifth-scudo, 1784. Similar to No. 153. 166. AR. Grosso, 1788. Obv. Similar to No. 153. Rev. AVXILIVM DE SANCTO. 166. AR. 6 Baiocchi, 1778. Obv. Lily. Rev. Shield of arms. 167. Pius Vn, 1800-1823. AV. Doppia, 1804. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. APOSTOLOR. PRINCEPS. St. Peter. 168. AR. Scudo, 1802. Similar to No. 149. 169. AR. Half-scudo, 1802. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Similar to No. 149. 160. AR. Half-giuglio, 1816. Obv. Arms. Rev. PAVPERI I PORRIGE I MANVM. Date. 161, Sede Vacante, A. D. 1830. AR. 30 Baiocchi, 1830. Obv. SEDE VACANTE. Papalarms. i^w. VENI LVMEN CORDIVM. Dove. 162-163. Gregory XVI, 1831-1846. AV. 10 Scudi, 1836. Obv. GRE- GORIVS, XVI. PON. MAX. A. V. I. Bust 1. Rev. Value and date. 164. AV. 6 Scudi, 1836. Similar to No. 162. 166-166. AV. 2 1/2 Scudi, 1836. Similar to No. 162. 167. AR. Scudo, 1834. Obv. Similar to No. 162. Rev. LVMEN AD RE- VELATIONEM GENTIVM. Simeon blessing the infant Jesus. 168. Republic of 1849. N. 40 Baiocchi, 1849. Ohv. DIO E POPOLO. Eagle on fasces. Rev. REPUBBLICA ROMANA. Value. 169. N. 16 Baiocchi, 1849. Similar to No. 168. 170. N. 8 Baiocchi, 1849. Ditto. 171. N. 4 Baiocchi, 1849. Ditto. 172. AE. 3 Baiocchi, 1849. Types similar to No. 168. 173. AE. 1 Baiocco, 1849. Ditto. 174. AE. Half-baiocco, 1849. Ditto. SIEGE TOKENS. 176. N. 40 Baiocchi, 1849. Square. Obv. ROMA|OBSESSA|ABEX. ERCiTV|FRANCORVM| Rev. She- wol f suckling twins. 176. N. 20 Baiocchi, 1849. Types similar to No. 175. 177. N. 10 Baiocchi, 1849. Ditto. 178. N. 6 Baiocchi, 1849. Ditto. 179. Pius IX, 1846-1878. AV. 2 1/2 Scudi, 1868. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Value and date within a laurel wreath. 180. AV. Scudo, 1853. Similar to 179; pontifical year VIII. 181. AR. Scudo, 1848. Similar to No. 179; pontifical year II. Edge reeded. 182. Ditto, 1863. 183. AR. 60 Baiocchi, 1860. Similar to No. 179; pontifical year V. 184. AR. 20 Baiocchi, 1860. Types similar to No. 179, but endless wreath. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 521 186. AE. 10 Baiocchi, 1868. Obv. PIVSIXPON.MAX.AN.XII. Arms. Bev. 10 BAIOCCHI, within wreath. 186. AB,. 6 Baiocchi, 1866. Types similar to No. 185. 187. AR. 20 Baiocclii, 1866. Types similar to No. 179, but with endless wreath. 188. AB. 10 Baiocchi, 1865. Types as last. 189. AB. 6 Baiocchi, 1866. Ditto. 190. Second issue. AV. 20 Lire, 1868. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. STATO PON- T I F I C 1 . Value and date. 191. AB. 2 Lire, 1869. Types similar to No. 190; pontifical year XXIV. 192. AB. Lira, 1869. Types similar to No. 191, 193. AB. Lire, 1867. Obv. Similar to No. 190. Rev. STATO PONTIFICIO. 10 SOLDI within wreath. 194. AB. 6 Soldi, 1867. Similar to No. 193. THE SICIIIES. NAPIiBS. 195. Ferdinand I, 1468-1494. AB. Carlin. Obv. FERNANDVS. D. G. R. SICI LI E. Bust r. Rev. St. Michael slaying dragon. THE TWO SICILIBS. Obv. CAROLVS. i2cv.VNVS.N0N. 196-197. Charles H, A. D. 1665-1700. AB. Scudo, 1684. II.D.G. HISPANIAR.ET.NEAP.REX. Bust r. S V F F I C I T . Scepter surmounted by a crown. 198. AB. 50 Grani, 1693. Obv. Bust, crowned, r. Bev. Value and date. 199. AB. 20 Grani, 1691. Similar to No. 198. 200. Ditto, 1696. 201. 20 Grani, 1687. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. HIS.VICI. ET. REGNO, Globe, fasces and cornucopije crowned. 202. Charles m of Austria, A. D. 1707 (1713 )-1734. AB. Double Scudo, 1732. 06i. CAROL.III.D.G.SICIL.ET.HIER.REX. Laureated bust r. Rev. Phoenix. 203. Charles IV (in of Spain). AV. Ducat, 1761. Obv. CAROLVS. D.G. SIC.ET.HIE.REX. Bust r. iJw. RESVRGIT. Phoenix. 204. AB. Piastra, 1735. Obv. CAR. D. G. REX. NEAP HISP. INFANS. Shield of arms. iJev. DE SOCIO PRINCEPS. Recumbent figure by the sea. 205-206. Ditto, 1736. 207. AB. Piastra, 1760. Ofet;. CAR.D.G.VTR.SIC.ET.HIER.REX. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. AB. Half-piastra, 1734. Similar to No. 204. AB. 60 Grani, 1736. Coronation piece. Obv. Bwtr. JSw. FAUSTO CORONATIONIS ANNO. Cross. AB. Half-piastra, 1750. Similar to No. 207. Ferdinand IV, A. D. 1769-1806. AV. 6 Ducats, 1785. Obv. FER- DINAN. IV. D.G.SICIL. ET HIER REX. Bust r. iJcv. INFANS HISPA.IAR. Shield of arms. 212. AB. Neapolitan Ducat, 1786. Obv. Similar to No. 211, JRev. Crowned shield of arms. 208. 209 210 211 522 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 213. AB. Piastra, 1796. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms; at sides A — P. 214. AB. 10 Grani, 1791. Obv. FERDINAND IV.SICIL.REX. Bust r. Rev. Cross. 216. AB. 20 Grani, 1796. Obv. Similaj to No. 214. Rev. Date, value, and crown. 216. AB. 10 Grani, 1796. Obv. Similar to No. 214. Rev. IN HOC SI G NO VINCES. Cross. 217. AB. 12 Tari, 1798. Obv. Bust r. Rev. HISPANIARUM IN FANS. Eagle displayed. 218. AB. 3 Tari, 1796. Obv. Similar to No. 217. Rev. Cross. PARTHBNOPEAN RBPUBIiIC, A. D. 1799, JANUARY TO JUNE. 219. AB. 12 CarUni, 1799. Obv. REPUBLICA NAPOLITANA. A maiden (Parthenos) with liberty pole. Rev. ANNO SETTIMO DELIA LIBERTA. CAR. | LINL | DODOCI within wreath. 220. AB. 6 Carlini, 1799. Similar to No. 219. 221-222. Ferdinand IV (restored). AB. Piastra, 1806. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. THE KINGDOM OP NAPIjBS. 223-224. Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte, A. D. 1806-1808. AB. Piastra, 1808. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 228. Joachim Murat, A. D. 1808. AV. 20 Lire, 1813. Obv. GIOACCHINO NAPOLEONE. Head 1. Rev. REGNO DELLE DUE SICILIE. Value. 226. AB. 12 Carlini, 1809. Obv. Head 1. Rev. PRINCIPE E GRAND AMMIRAGLIO Dl FRANCIA. Value. 227. Ditto, 1810. 228-229. AB. Lira, 1813. Obv. Bust r. Rev. 1 LIRA within wreath. SICIIiY. 230. Ferdinand m, 1806-1816. AB. 12 Tari, 1810. Obv. Bust r. Rev. VTR. SIC. HIER. INFANS. HISP. Eagle within wreath. THE TWO SICIIiIBS. 231-232. Ferdinand I, 1815-1825. AB. Piastra, 1818. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. Edge, PROVIDENTIA OPTIMI PRINCIPIS. 283. AB. Half-piastra, 1818. Similar to No. 231. 234. AB. 10 Grani, 1818. Similar to No. 231. 236. Ferdinand n, 1830-1869. AV. 6 Ducats, 1831. Obv. Head r. Rev. Victory with shield. 236-237. AB. Piastra, 1831. Obv. Similar to No. 235; inscription continues over head. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 238. AB. Piastra, 1837. Similar to No. 235, except that head is bearded. 239. AB. 20 Grani, 1840. Similar to No. 238. 240. AB. 10 Grani, 1866. Similar to No. 238. CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 523 HOUSE OF SAVOY. SAVOY. 241. Charles Emanuel, 1680-1630. AR.Tallero, 1670, Obv. CAR.EM.D.G. DVX.SABAVD.P.PED. Bust r. i2er. Shield of arms, crowned. 242. Charles Emanuel U, 1638-1675. AR. Tallero, 1652. Obv. CH R. FR A N . CAR.EMAN.DVCES.SABAV. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Similar to No. 1. SARDINIA. 243. Charles Emanuel m, 1730-1773. AR. Scudo, 1757. 05v. CAR.EM.D. G.REX.SAR.CYP.ET.IER. Bust 1. i?et;. Shield of arms, crowned. 244. AR, Quarter-scudo, 1755. Similar to No. 243. 245. Victor Amedeus, 1773-1796. AR. 20 Soldi, 1795. O&w. VICT.AMED. D.G. REX. SARD. Bustr. Bev. Crowned arms. 246. Victor Emanuel I, 1802-1805 and 1814-1821. AV. 20 Lire, 1818. Obv. VICT. EM. D. G. REX. SAR. CYP. ET.IER. Bust l. Bev. Arms crowned, within collar of Order of Annunciation. 247-248. AR. 6 Lire, 1817. Types similar to No. 246. 249. Charles Felix, A. D. 1821-1831. AV. 80 Lire, 1827. Obv. CAR. FELIX D.G.REX SAR.CYP.ET HIER. Bust 1. iiw. Shield of arms. 250. AV. 40 Lire, 1831. Similar to No. 249. 261. AV. 20 Lire, 1827. Similar to No. 249. 262. AR. 5 Lire, 1827. Obv. Bust r. Bev. Shield of arms. 263. Ditto, 1828. 264. AR. 2 Lire, 1825. Types similar to No. 254. 256. Ditto, 1828. 266. AR. Lira, 1828. Similar to No. 254. 257. AR. 50 Centesiml, 1826. Similar to No. 254. 258. Charles Albert, A. D. 1831-1849. AV. 20 Lire, 1836. Obv. CAR. AL- BERTVS D. G. etc. Head 1. Bev. Crowned shield of arms. 269. AV. 10 Lire, 1833. Similar to No. 258. 260. AR. 6 Lire, 1833. 06?;. Head r. Bev. Crowned arms as No. 258. KINGDOM OP ITALY. 261. Victor Emanuel n, 1861-1878. AR. 6 Lire, 1861. 06t;. VITTORIO EMANUELE II. Head r. Bev. REGNO D'lTALIA. Crowned shield of arms. 262. AR. 5Lire, 1861. Obv. Similar to No. 26L i?e«. CINQUE LIRE ITALIANE. Similar to No. 261. 263. Umberto I, 1878-1900. AV. 100 Lire, 1891. 06t). UMBERTO I. RE D'lTALIA. HeadL jRev. Shield of arms. 264. AV. 60 Lire, 1891. Similar to No. 263. 265. AV. 20 Lire, 1891. Similar to No. 263. 266. AR. 5 Lire, 1879. Obv. Head r. Bev. Similar to No. 263. 267. AR. 2 Lire, 1885. Similar to No. 266. 268. AR. Lira, 1886. Similar to No. 266. 269. AR. 60 Centesimi, 1889. Similar to No. 266. 270. Victor Emanuel HI, 1900-. AV. 100 Lire, 1905. Obv. Head 1. Bev. REGNO D'lTALIA. Eagle crowned. 271. AR. 2 Lire, 1906. Obv. Head r. Bev. Similar to No. 270. 272. AR. 2 Lire, 1908. Obv. Bust r. Bev. Italia in quadriga. 273. AR. Lira, 1906. Similar to No. 271. 22023°— 14 34 524 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 274. Ditto, 1907. 275. AR. Lira, 1908. Similar to No. 272. 276. N. 26 Centesimi, 1902. Ohv. Shield of arms and date. Rev. Value in wreath. 277. N. 20 Centesimi, 1904. Ohv. REGNO D' ITALIA. Value. Rev. Crown and date in wreath. 278. N. 20 Centesimi, 1908. 06u. ITALIA. Bust of Italia L iJ^. Liberty, floating above shield of arms. 279. AE. 6 Centesimi, 1909. Ohv. VICTOR EMANUEL III RE D'lTALIA. Bust 1. Rev. Italia standing facing on ship's prow. 280. AE. 2 Centesimi, 1909. Ohv. Similar to No. 279. Rev. Value and date. 281. AE. 1 Centesimo, 1909. Similar to No. 280. SPECIAL COINS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, MILAN, 1906. 282. AJR. 20 Centesimi, 1909. Obv. Facing female bust. Rev. CENTmi I 20, within a ribbon inscribed VALEVOLE NELL' INTERNO DELL' ESPOSIZiONE. 283. AE. Similar types and marked with the same value as No. 282. RAGUSA. 284. AR. Scudo, 1793. Ohv. RHACVS. RESPVBL. A female bust, diademate, r. Rev. DVCE DEO FIDE ET IVST. Shield of arms crowned. MALTA. 286. Knights of St. John. Adrian de Wignacourt, 1690-1697. AV. Ducat, 1694. Obv. S. 10. BAPT. F. A. DE WIGNAC. Grand Master kneeling. Rev. M. M. HOSPIT. ET S. SEP. HIE. Shield of arms. 286. Emanuel Pinto, 1741-1773. AV. Ducat. 06w. F.EMANVEL PINTO M.M. BustL i2ev.H0SPiT.ETS.SEP.HIER. Shield of arms. 287. AR. Scudo, 1767. Ohv. Shield of arms. Rev. NON SURREXIT M A I O R. St. John in Wilderness. 288. Francisco Ximenes, 1778-1775. AR. 12 Tari, 1773. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms. PRINCIPAIilTY OP MONACO. 1. Honorius n, 1605-1662. AR. Thaler, 1663. Oftv. HONO.II.D.G.PRIN : MONOICI. Draped bust r. Rev. DVX VALENT: etc. Crowned shield of arms. 2. Charles m, 1856-1889. AV. 20 Francs, 1879. Ohv. CHARLES III. PRINCE DE MONACO. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms, within a mantle. 3. Albert I, 1889-. AV. 100 Francs, 1891. Ohv. Head 1. Rev. Oval shield of arms, crowned, within wreath of palm and olive; above, DEO IVVANTE. SPAIN. 1. Barcelona. James n, 1291-1327. AB. Grosso. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Long cross. 2. Ferdinand and Isabella, 1479-1612. AV. Double escudo. Obv. FER- NANDVS°ET°ELISABETH°REX:ET:REG + . Crowned busts vis- a-vis. i?et).SVB:VMBRA:ALARVM:TVA. Shield of arms on breast of an eagle displayed. 3. AV. Escudo. Same types as No. 2. FERNANDVS:ET:HAELISABET:D:EI. TypesasNo. 2. 4. AV. Escudo. mm. S. 6. AS. 4 Beals 6-7. AB. Beal. Obv. Shield of arms. Rev. Yoke and arrows. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. REX ET REGINA etc. Yoke and bunch of arrows within beaded circle. 8. AB. Medio-real. Obv. Yoke. Rev. Same legend as No. 6. Arrows. 9-10. AB. Cuarto de Beal. As No. 8. 11. Philip n, 1566-1698. AB. Peso, 1598. Obv. PHILIPPVS. D.G. OM- NI V M . Crowned shield of arms. Rev . Arms of Leon and Castile. 12. PhiUp m, 1598-1621. AE. D.G. Arms of Castile. 06v. PHILIPPVS. 8 Maravedis, 1608. Rev. Arms of Leon. 60 Beals, 1626. Obv. PHILIPPVS + IIII + /2ei;. HISPANIARVM + REX.+ Armsof Obv. Shield of royal arms. Rev. Arms of Leon Rev. Monogram mm. M. Rev. 13. PMUp IV, 1621-1665. AB. D.+G. Shield of arms. Leon and Castile. 14. AB. 8 Beals, 1660. and Castile. 16. AB. 2 Beals, 1627. Similar to No. 14. 16. Charles n, 1666-1700. AB. 2 Beals, 1682. 06v. CAROLVS4-II + 1682. Armsof Leon and Castile. Rev. CAROLVS (in ligatures) crowned. 17. AE. 1 Maravedi. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms. 18. Philip V, 1700-1724. AV. 8 Escudos, 1712. Obv. PHILIPPVS + V-}- DEI.GRAT. Crowned shield of arms. iicv. HISPANIARVM REX. A cross. 19-20. AB. 2 Beals, 1708. Obv. Crowned shield of arms, crowned. 21. AB. 2 Beals, 1704. Obv. Crowned shield of arms; Arms of Leon and Castile. 22. AB. Beal, 1707. As No. 19. 23. AB. Beal, 1721. As No. 21. 24. Charles m (Pretender), 1702-1714. AB. 2 Beals, 1708, 1710, 1714. 06i;. CAROLVS+D.G. Crowned shield of arms. i?et>. CAROLVS (in monogram) III, crowned. 26-26. Ditto, 1710, 1714. 27. Luis 1, 1724. AB. 2 Beals, 1724. O&v. LUDOVICUS. I.D.G. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 28. Philip V, 1724-1746. AV. 2 Escudos (Madrid), 1740. Obv. PHILIP. V.D.G.HISPAN.ET.IND.REX. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 29. AB. 8 Beals (Seville), 1721. Obv. Shield of royal arms crowned. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 525 526 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 30. AR. 4 Reals (Madrid), 1734. Types similar to No. 29. 31. AR. 2 Reals (Seville), 1734. Types similar to No. 29. 32. AR. Real (Seville), 1726. Types similar to No. 29. 33. Ditto, 1738. 84. AR. Half-real (Madrid), 1738. Types similar to No. 29. 36. Ferdinand VI, 1746-1769. AV. Escudo, 1750. Obv. FERDINAND. V I . D . G . Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 36. Ditto, 1766. 37. AR. 2 Reals, 1764. Types similar to No. 29. 38. Ditto, 1768. 39. AR. Real, 1761. Types similar to No. 29. 40. Charles IH, 1759-1788. AV. 8 Escudos (Madrid), 1778. Obv. CAROL. lll.D.G.HISP.ET.IND.R. Bust r. /?et;. Crowned shield of arms. 41. AV. 4 Escudos, 1788. Types similar to No. 40. 42. AV. Escudo, 1781. Types similar to No. 40. 43. AV. Half-escudo, 1783. Obv. Carol.III.D.G.HISP.R. Bust r. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 44. AV. Half-escudo, 1786. As No. 43. 46. Ditto, 1788. 46-47. AR. Peso (Seville), 1762. Obv. Shield of royal arms crowned. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 48 AR. Peso, 1774. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 49. AR. Toston, 1779. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Same as No. 48. 60. AR. Peseta, 1771. Types similar to No. 46. 81. AR. Peseta, 1773. Types similar to No. 48. 62. Charles IV, 1788-1808. AV. 4 Escudos (Madrid), 1792. 06t; CAROL IIILD.G.HISP.ET.IND.R. Bust r. i?ev. Crowned shield of royal arms. 63. AV. 1 Escudo, 1793. Types similar to No. 52. 64. AR. Peso (Seville), 1792. Obv. Similar to No. 52. Rev. Crowned arms of Leon and Castile. 66. AR. Peso (Madrid), 1803. Similar to No. 54. 66. AR. Toston, 1797. Types similar to No. 54. 67. AR. Peseta, 1808. Types similar to No. 54. 68. AR. Half-real, 1793. Types similar to No. 54. 69. Ferdinand VH, 1808-1813. AR. 5 Pesetas (Siege piece of Tarragone), 1809. Obv. Arms in plain field; wreath on border. Rev. 5. PS | PER VU. I 1 809 in incused depressions. 60. AR. Duro (Siege piece of Gerona), 1808. Obv. PER. VH. in a plain field. Rev. GNA- j 1808 | UN DURO; plain field. 61. Joseph Bonaparte, 1808-1813. AV. 2 Escudos, 1811. Obv. I OS E PH. NAP. D.G.HISP. ET. IND.R. Bustl. iicv. Arms and value. mm.M. 62. AR. Duro, 1809. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 63. Ditto, 1812. 64. AR. Medio-duro, 1812. Types as No. 62. 66, AR. Peseta of 4 Reals, 1812. Types similar to No. 62. 66-67. AR. 6 Pesetas, 1810. Obv. Arms of Barcelona. Rev. EN. BAR- CELONA. Value and palm branches. 68. AR. 2 Reals, 1811. Types as No. 66. 69. Ferdinand VH, 1813-1833. AV. 80 Reals, 1822. Obv. FERN7.°P0R LA G. DE DIOS Y LA CONST. Head r. Rev. REY DE LAS E 5 P A N A 5 • Crowned shield of arms. ^| CATA1/)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 527 70. AV. 4 Escudos, 1820. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 71. AV. 2 Escudos, 1817. Types similar to No. 70. 72. AR. 8 Reals, 1813. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 64. *73. Ditto, 1816. 74. AR. 30 Sous (Majorca), 1821. Obv. SALUS POPULI. Shield of arms. Rev. FRO.— VII | ; Top and bottom, 1821 | 30 SOUS. 75-76. AR. 10 Reals, 1821. Obv. Head r. Rev. RESELLADO and value. 77. AR. 20 Reals, 1822. Obv. Type as No. 69. Rev. Crowned shield of arms between pillars. 78. Ditto, 1823. 79. AR. 20 Reals (Madrid), 1833. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 80. AR. 4 Reals (Barcelona), 1821. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 81. AR. 2 Reals, 1830. Types similar to No. 72, with mm. S on reverse. 82. Ditto, 1833. 83. IsabeUa H, 1833-1870. AV. 10 Escudos, or 80 Reals, 1846. Obv. ISABEL 2A. POR LA GRACIA etc. Bust r. Rev. REYNA DE LAS ESPANAS. Crowned shield of arms. 84. AV. Doubloon or 100 Reals, 1857. Obv. Draped bust 1. Rev. Oval shield of arms. 86. AV. 10 Escudos, 1868. Obv. Draped bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms within an ermine mantle. 86. AV. 40 Reals, 1862. Types similar to No. 84. 87. AV. 4 Escudos, 1868. Same types as No. 85. 88. AR. Duro or 20 Reals, 1836. Same types as No. 83; mm. M. 89. AR. 4 Real, 1833. Same types as No. 83. 90. AR. Real, 1848. Same types as No. 83. 91. Second Coinage, Decree of 1848. AR. Duro of 20 Reals. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms between pillars of Hercules. 92. AR. lO Real, 1853. Types similar to No. 91. 93. AR. 4 Real, 1852. Obv. Type as No. 91. Rev. Arms of Leon and Castile. 94. Ditto, 1863. 96. AR. 2 Reals, 1852. Types similar to No. 93. 96. Ditto, 1853. 97. AR. Real, 1853. Types similar to No. 93. 98. Ditto, 1864. 99. AR. Duro of 20 Reals, 1856. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Shield of arms between the pillars of Hercules. 100-101. Ditto, 1859. 102. AR. 4 Reals, 1868. Obv. Similar to No. 99. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 103-104. AR. 26 Centimos, 1869. Obv. Similar type to No. 99. Rev. Shield of arms within laurel wreath. 106. Third Coinage. AR. Escudo (10 Reals). Obv. Similar to No. 99. Rev. Arms and crown between pillars. 106. AE. 5 Centimos de Escudo, 1866. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Oval shield of arms crowned. 107. AE. 2 1/2 Centimos de Escudo, 1867. Types similar to No. 106. 108. AE. Half-centimo, 1867. Types similar to No. 106. 528 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 109. Provisional Government, A. D. 1869-1870. AR. 6 Pesetas, 1870. Obv. ESPANA. Hispania reclining 1. Rev. Crowned arms between pillars of Hercules. 110. AB. Peseta, 1869. 06v. GOBERNO PROVISIONAL. Similar type to No. 109. Rev. Similar type to No. 109. 111. AK. 60 Centimos, 1869. Similar types to No, 110. 112. AE. 10 Centimos, 1870. Obv. Hispania seated r. Rev. Lion support- ing shield of arms. 113. AE. 6 Centimos, 1870. Similar types to No. 112. 114. AE. 2 Centimos, 1870. Types similar to No. 112. 116. AE. 1 Centimo, 1870. Types similar to No. 112. 116. Amadeol, 1870-1873. AE. 6 Pesetas, 1871. Obv. AMADEO I. REY D E ES PA N A. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms between two pillars. 117. Charles VH (Pretender), 1874. AR. 6 Pesetas, 1874. Obv. CARO- LUS VII REY DE LAS ESPANAS. Laureated head r. Rev. DIOS PATRIAYREY. Crowned arms. 118. AE. 6 Centimos, 1876. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Crowned arms between two crowned monograms. 119-120. Alfonso XH, 1874-1886. AB. 6 Pesetas, 1876. Obv. ALFONSO XII REY DE ESPANA. Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms between pillars. 121. AK. 2 Pesetas, 1879. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Type similar to No. 119. 122. AE. 10 Centimos, 1877. Obv. Similar to No. 121. Rev. Crowned arms within laurel wreath. 123. Alfonso XHI, 1886. AV. 20 Pesetas, 1889. Obv. ALFONSO XIII PORLAG.DEDIOS. Bust r. Rev. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. 124. AR. 6 Pesetas, 1894. Obv. Inscription as on No. 123; bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms between pillars. 126-126. AR. Peseta, 1894. Obv. Head of the King as a child. Rev. Type similar to No. 124. 127. AR. Peseta, 1896. Type similar to No. 125 with boyish head of the King. 128. AR. 60 Centimos, 1894. Types similar to No. 125. 129-130. AR. 60 Centimos, 1904. Similar to No. 125, with bust of King in maturity. PORTUGAL 1. Don Sebastian, 1667-1578. AV. Crozado. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Cross. 2. Philip n, 1698-1640. AE. Tostao. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Cross. 3. Alfonso VI, 1650-1683. AB. Tostao, 1664. 06i;. ALPHONSVS.VI.D. G.PORTVG.ET ALG.REX. Crowned arms and value. i?CT. Cross. 4. Pedro n, 1683-1704. AE. Tostao (80 Eeis). Obv. Crown and value. Rev. Cross. 6. 2 Vintens. Types similar to last. 6. Joao V, 1706-1760. AV. Quarto de Moeda, 1722. Obv. lOAN N ES.V.D. G.PORT.ET ALG.REX. Crowned shield. Rev. Gross. 7. Ditto, 1739. 8. AV. Escudo, 1723. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crownod shield. 9. AV. Escudo, 1724. Similar to No. 8. 10. AV. Meio-escudo, 1730. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 11. Ditto, 1736. 12. AV. Crozado novo, 1730. Obv. Crown in wreath. Rev. Cross. 13. AE. Tostao (80 Eeis). Obv. Crown and value. Rev. Cross. 14. AE. 2 Vintens. Types similar to last. 15. AE. 10 Eeis, 1731. Obv. J V crowned. Rev. Value in wreath. 16. AE. 5 Eeis, 1732. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. As No. 15. 17. Jose I, 1760-1792. AE. TostSo. Obv. lOSEPH US. I. D. G.PORT.ET. ALG.REX. Crown and value. Rev . Cross. 18. AE. 10 Eeis. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value in wreath. 19. Maria I and Pedro m, 1777-1799. AV. Pega, 1785. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. A crowned shield. 20. AV. Meia-pega, 1785. Types similar to last. 21. AE. Meio-cnizado, 1781. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Cross. 22. AE. 6 Vintens. Similar types to No. 21. 23. Maria I, alone. AV. Pega, 1787. 06i). MARIA. l.D.G.PORT.ET.ALG. REGI N A. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield. 24. AE. Crozado novo, 1788. Obv. Crowned shield, value and date. Rev. Cross. 36. AE. 2 Vintens. Obv. Crown and value. Rev. Cross and motto. 26. AE. 20 Eeis, 1796. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Value in wreath. 27. AE. 10 Eeis, 1795. Types as last. 28. Jo5o, Eegent, 1792-1816. AV. Pega, 1807. Obv. JOANNES.D.G. PORT.ET. ALG.P.REGENS. Draped bust, laureated, r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 29. AE. Crozado, 1815. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Cross; IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. 30-31. Ditto, 1816. 32. AE. 4 Eeis, 1804. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value in wreath. 33. Joao VI, 1816-1826. AV. Pega, 1823. Obv. Draped bust, laureated, r. Rev. Crowned arms within oak wreath. 529 530 CATALOGUE 6f c6lNS, fOKENS, AND MEDALS. 84. AB. Crozado, 1820. 61;. Round shield of arms, crowned. Rev.CroBa. 36. D. Pedro IV, 1826-1828. AE. 40 Beis, 1827. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. 36. Maria n, 1828-1853. AE. 80 Beis, 1829, Island of Terceira. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. ILHA TERCEIRA. UTILITATI. PUBLICAE. Value in a wreath. 37. AE. 6 Beis, 1830. Obv. MARIA II. DEI. GRATIA. Crowned shield. JRei;. PORTUGALIAE, etc. Value in wreath. 38. D. Miguel, 1823-1833. AE. 40 Beis, 1832. Obv. MICHAEL DEI GRATIA. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value in wreath. 39. AE. 10 Beis, 1831. Types similar to last. 40. Maria n (restored). AV. Pega, 1834. Obv. Draped bust 1. Rev. Crowned arms within wreath. 41. AV. Coroa, or 6,000 Beis, 1838. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Shield of arms within ermine mantle. By Wyon. 42. AV. Meia-cor6a, 1838. Types similar to No. 41. 43. AB. Cor6a, 1838. Types similar to No. 41. 44. AB. Meia-coroa, 1838. Ditto. 45. AB. 2 TostSes (200 Beis), 1838. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Value in wreath. 46. AB. Tostao (100 Beis), 1838. Ditto. 47-48. Luis 1, 1861-1889. AV. Meia-cor6a, or 6,000 Beis, 1871. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Shield of arms within a mantle. 49. AV. Quinto de Coroa, 1871. Types similar to last. 60-51. AB. 6 TostSes (600 Beis), 1871. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms in a wreath. 62-63. AB. 2 Tostoes, 1871. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value in wreath. 64-55. AB. Tostao, 1871. Types as last. 66. AB. Meio-tostao, 1864. Oftv. Crown and date. J?ev. Value in wreath. 67. AE. Vintem, 1865. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. i?et). 20 in wreath. 68. AE. Vintem, 1867. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. XX in wreath. 69. AE. Vintem, 1885. Obv. D.LUIZ I.REI, etc. Head 1. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 60. AE. X Beis, 1867. Types similar to No. 58. 61. AE. X Beis, 1885. Types similar to No. 59. 62. AE. V Beis, 1868. Similar to No. 58. 63. AE. V Beis, 1882. Similar to No. 59. 64. AE. m Beis, 1868. Similar to No. 58. 65. D. Carlos, 1889-1909. AB. Milreis, 1898. (Commemorating discovery of India.) Obv. Busts of king and queen, jugate, 1. Rev. Cross. 66. AB. Milreis, 1899. Obv. Head t. i?CT. Shield of arms within mantle. 67. AB. 600 Beis, 1892. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms within a wreath. 68. AB. 600 Beis, 1898. Types similar to No. 65. 69. AB. 200 Beis, 1898. Ditto. 70. AE. Vintem, 1892. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value in wreath. 71. AE. X Beis, 1892. Types as No. 70. 72. AE. V Beis, 1892. Ditto. BUIGARIA. 1. AB. 2 Leva, 1882. Obv. Crowned shield of arms within mantle. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 2. AB. Lev, 1882. Typea similar to No. 1. 3. AR. 60 Stotinki, 1883. Ditto. 4. AE. 10 Centim, 1880. Obv. Arms. Rev. Value. 6. AE. 6 Stotinki, 1881. As No. 4. 6. Ferdinand I, 1887-. AV. 20 Leva, 1894. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 7. AV. 10 Leva, 1894. Similar to No. 6. 8. AE. 2 Leva, 1891. Obv. As No. 6. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 9. AH. 1 Lev, 1894. Types similar to last. 10. N. 20 Stotinki, 1888. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 11. N. 20 Stotinki, 1906. Similar to last, but typea and letters of legends smaller. 12. N. 10 Stotinki, 1888. Types similar to No. 10. 13. N. 10 Stotinki, 1906. Similar to No. 11. 14. N. 6 Stotinki, 1888. Similar to No. 10. 15. AE. 2 Stotinki, 1901. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 16. AE. 1 Stotinki, 1901. Similar to last. BOTJMAinA. 1. AB. 2 Lei, 1873. Obv. Shield of arms within a mantle surmounted with a crown. Rev. ROM AN I A. Value within a wreath. 2. Carl I, A. D. 1881-. AB. 6 Lei, 1883. Obv. CAROL I REGE AL RO- M A N I E I . Head 1. Rev. Crowned arms within a mantle. 3. AB. 1 Leu, 1900. As No. 2. 4. AB. 50 Bani, 1900. 06i;. AsNo. 2. iJei;. Value and date within wreath. 6-6. N. 10, and 6 Bani, 1900. Obv. Crown and date within wreath. Rev. Value. 7-10. AE. 10, 6, 2, and 1 Bani pieces, 1867. Obv. Shield of arms within a mantle. Rev. Value and date within a wreath. 11-13. N. 20, 10, and 6 Bani pieces, 1906. Obv. ROMANIA on a scroll; above, a crown. Rev. Value and date. Hole in center. 12. AV. 20 Lei, 1906. 06i;. CAROL I REGE AL ROMANIEI. Headofthe Kingl; below, 1865-1906. iJev. CARL I. DOMNUL ROMANIEI. Head 1. 13. AE. 6 Lei, 1906. Similar to No. 12. 14. AE. Leu, 1906. Similar to No. 12. 531 SERVIA. 1. Obrenovltch m, A. D. 1860-1868. AE. 10 Para, 1868. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value and date within wreath of oak and laurel; above, crown. 2-3. AE. 6 and 1 Para, 1868. As No. 1. 4. Milan I, A. D. 1868-1903. AV. 20 Denara, 1882. Obv. Head r. Rev. As No. 1. 6. Peter I, A. D. 1903-. AR. 6 Denara, 1904. Obv. Heads of Peter I. and Kara George, jugate, r. Rev. A crowned shield of arms within a mantle; above, 1804 - 1904. 6-7. AE. 2 and 1 Denar, 1904. Obv. Head r. Rev. Value within a wreath; above, crown. 8. AB. 60 Para, 1904. As No. 6. 9. N. 5 Para, 1904. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value. 10. AE. 2 Para, 1904. As No. 9. GKEECE. 1. Otho I, A. D. 1832-1863. AV. 20 Drachma!, 1833. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms within a wreath of laurel. 2. AB. 6 Drachmai, 1833. Obv. Head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms between laurel branches. 3-5. AB. 1, Half, Quarter Drachmai pieces, 1833. As No. 2. 6. AE. 10 Lepta, 1837. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value and date within laurel wreath. 7-9. AE. 01)0108, 1840; 2 Lepta, 1838; Lepton, 1839. As No. 6. 10. George 1, 1863. AB. Drachma, 1878. 06?^. Head of king 1. i?et). Shield of arms within a mantle; below, value. 11. N. 20 Lepta, 1894. Obv. A crown. Rev. Value within laurel wreath. 12-16. AE. 10, 6, 2, and 1 Lepta pieces, 1869. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Value within a wreath. 532 BirssiA. 1. Ivan m, 1462-1506. AS. Denga. Inscriptions on bo£h sides. 2. AR. Denga. Obv. Grand Duke mounted. Rev. Inscription. 3. AB. Denga. Another variety of last. 4. AB. Denga. Obv. St. George and dragon. Rev. Tartar inscription. 6. Ivan IV, 1633-1584. AR. Denga. Obv. St. George. Rev. Inscription. 6. AB. Denga. Variety of last. 7. Feodor I, 1684-1698. AB. Denga. Types similar to No. 5. 8. Ditto. Another variety. 9. Boris Godonof, 1698-1605. AB. Denga. Types similar to No. 5. 10-11. Vasili Ivanovitch, 1606-1610. Types similar to No. 5. Struck at Novgorod. 12. Hicliael Feodorovitch, 1613-1646. AB. Denga. Types similar to No. 5. 13-16. AB. Dengas. Varieties of last. 16. Peter I, 1689-1726. AB. 2 Boubles, 1722. Obv. HETPb. A. HMHE- PATOPb. I CAM0^EP3KEI],b. BCEPOCCIH. CKIH. Bust. r. Rev. MOHETA. HOBAA HEHA ^A PYBJIH. Four monograms in form of cross. 17. AB. Buble, 1721. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 18-19. AB. Bubles, 1725. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Similar to No. 16. 20. AB. Altinik. Obv. St. George and dragon. Rev. Value. 21. AE. Kopek, 1718. Obv. St. George mounted r. Rev. Value. 22. Catherine I, 1726-1727. AB. Buble, 1726. Obv. EKATEPIHA. IMHEPATPmA. I CAM0^EP}KHI];A. BCEPOCICKAil. Bust 1. Rev. MOHETA. HOBAH II,EHA. PYBJIb. 1725. Eagle. 23. Peter H, 1727-1730. AB. Buble, 1727. Obv. HETPb. II. IMHE- PATOPb. H CAMO;];EP}KEII,b. BCEPOCICKH. Laureated bust r. Rev. Four monograms in form of cross. 24. AB. Buble, 1729. Similar to No. 23. 26. Anna, 1730-1740. AB. Buble, 1734. Obv. B. M. AHHA. IMHEPA- TPHHiA. I CAMO,Zp:PHC. BCEPOCHCKAH. Bust r. Rev. MO- HETA. PyB.7Ib. 1734. Eagle. 26. AB. Buble, 1732. As last. 27. AB. Grivinik, 1736. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value and date. 28. AE. Denga, 1731. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value. 29. AE. Polushka, 1731. Types similar to last. 30. Elizabeth, 1741-1761. AV. 2 Bubles, 1766. Obv. B. M. EJEHCABTb. I. I ME. I CAM0,Z1,. BCEPOC. Bust. r. Rev. MOH. I1,EHA. ^A. PYBJIH. Eagle. 31. AB. Buble, 1741. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Eagle. 32. AB. Buble, 1762. Obv. Coroneted bust r. Rev. Ei^le. 33. AB. Grivinik, 1747. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crown and value. 34. Peter HI, 1761-1762. Obv. Cuirassed bust r. Rev. Four monograms in form of cross. 36. Catherine H, 1762-1796. AV. Imperial. Obv. B. M. EKATEPHHA. II. IMH. H CAMO^I. BCEPOCC. Coroneted bust r. Rev. MOH. ^EHA ^ECilT. PYB. IMHPCKAH POCClfiC. Four crowned ebields of arms arranged cruciformly about eagle. 533 6^4 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOltEFS, AND MEDALS. 86. AV. Buble, 1779. Obv. As No. 35. Rev. Eagle. 37. AV. Half-ruble, 1777. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Monogram. 88. AH. Euble, 1764. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 89. AE. 20 Kopeks, 1769. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle. 40. Ditto, 1778. 41. AR. 15 Kopeks, 1779. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Double eagle and value. 42. AR. Grivinik, 1774. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crown, value, and date. 43. Ditto, 1784. 44. Ditto, 1795. 45. AE. 6 Kopeks, 1772. Obv. Crowned monogram in wreath. Rev. Double eagle. 46. Ditto, 1790. 47. Ditto, 1796. 48. Paul I, 1796-1801. AR. Ruble, 1799. Obv. MOHETA DiEHA PyBJIb 1799. Four monograms, crowned, in form of cross. Rev. HE HAM'L I HE HAMt | A HMHHH | TBOEMY, on a tablet 49. AR. Half-ruble, 1798. Types similar to No. 48. 60. AR. Half-ruble, 1800. Ditto. 61. AE. 2 Kopeks, 1797. Obv. Crowned H. Rev. Value and date. 62. AE. Ditto, 1800. 83. AE. Kopek, 1798. Types similar to No. 51. 64. AE. Denga, 1798. Ditto. 65. Alexander I, 1801-1825. AV. Half-imperial, 1818. Obv. IIHTb PYB- JIEJl— ISlSrO^. Double eagle, i^ev. Beneath crown, ^IHCTArO I 30JI0TA I 1 30.Z10TH | 39 ^OJIEH. 66. AR. Ruble, 1807. Obv. B. M. AJIEKCAH,a;Pl> I. HMHEPATOFb H CAM0,Z1,EP. BCEPOC. Bust r . Rev. MOHETA. rOCYMPCTB. POCClKCKAH. In field, PYBJIb. 67. AR. Ruble, 1808. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. rOCY^^AP— I CTBEH- HAH I POCClilCKAH \ MOHETA. within wreath. 68. AR. Ruble, 1813. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. ^IHCTArO | CEPEBPA I 4 30.;iOTH I 21 ^OJIfl. 59. AR. Poltina, 1812. Types similar to No. 58. 60. AR. 10 Kopeks, 1810. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value and date. 61. Ditto, 1811. 62. AE. 5 Kopeks, 1804. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value and date. 63. AE. 2 Kopeks, 1811. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Value and date within a wreath. 64. AE. Kopek, 1813. Types similar to No. 63. 65. Ditto, 1816. 66. Nicholas I, 1825-1855. Platinum. 12 Roubles, 1832. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. 9 30JI. 68 JS,0J1. ^HCTOfi yPAJIbCKOfl BJIATHBM; in field, 12 | PyBJIEll | HACEPEBPO— 1832. 67. PI. 6 Rubles, 1831. Types similar to No. 66. 68. Ditto, 1832. 69. PL 3 Rubles, 1831. Types as No. 66. 70. Ditto, 1837. 71. AV. Half-imperial, 1839. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value and date. 73. Ditto, 1853. 74. AR. Ruble, 1838. Obv. Double eagle within circle. Rev. Value and date within wreath. 76. Ditto, 1861. CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 535 76. AK. Poltina, 1837. Types similar to No. 74. 77. Ditto, 1861. 78. AK. 25 Kopeks, 1839. Types similar to No. 74. 79. Ditto, 1847. 80. AR. 20 Kopeks, 1839. Types similar to No. 74, but no circle on ob- verse. 81. Ditto, 1853. 82. AR. 10 Kopeks, 1853. Types as No. 80. 83. AR. 6 Kopeks. Ditto. 84-85. AE. 10 Kopeks, 1830. Obv. Double eagle, 1830. Rev. Value. 86. AE. 5 Kopeks, 1830. Types as No. 84. 87. AE. 2 Kopeks, 1830. Ditto. 88. AE. Kopek, 1830. Ditto. 89. Alexander n, 1866-1883. AV. Half-imperial, 1876. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. qHCTArO 30JI0TA 1 30JI0THHK1> 39 AOJIEtl; in field, 5 I PYBJIEH. 90. AV. 3 Rubles, 1876. Types as last. 91. AR. Ruble, 1876. Obv. Double eagle within circle. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 92. AR. Poltina, 1876. Types similar to Rouble No. 91. 93. AR. 25 Kopeks, 1876. Ditto. 94. AR. 20 Kopeks, 1876. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 95. AR. 15 Kopeks, 1867. Types similar to No. 94. 96. Ditto, 1870. 97. Ditto, 1876. 98. AR. 10 Kopeks, 1867. Types similar to No. 94. 99. Ditto, 1870. 100. Ditto, 1876. 101. 6 Kopeks, 1867. Types similar to No. 94. 102. Ditto, 1876. 103. AE. 5 Kopeks, 1869. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value within circle. 104. AE. 3 Kopeks, 1869. Types similar to last. 105. AE. 2 Kopeks, 1873. Ditto. 106. AE. 1 Kopek, 1877. Obv. Crowned monogram. Rev. Value and date. 107. AE. Half-kopek, 1883. Ditto. 108. AE. Quarter-kopek, 1883. Ditto. 109. Alexander m, 1883-1894. AV. Imperial, 1893. Obv. Head r. Rev. Double eagle. 110. AV. Half-imperial, 1893. Similar to last. 111. AR. Ruble, 1883. Coronation piece. Obv. Bust t.; below, "Crowned at Moscow I 1883." Rev. Crown, scepter, and orb. 112. AR. Ruble, 1886. Obv. Head r. Rev. Double eagle. 113. Ditto, 1893. 114. AR. Half-ruble, 1886. As No. 112. 115. AR. Ditto, 1893. 116. AR. 25 Kopeks, 1886. Types as No. 112. 117. AR. Ditto, 1893. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value. 118. AR. 20 Kopeks, 1893. Types as No. 117. 119. AR. 15 Kopeks, 1893. Ditto. 536 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 120. AB. 10 Kopeks, 1893. Ditto. 121. AB. 6 Kopeks, 1886. Ditto. 122. AE. 3 Kopeks, 1893. Obv. Double eagle; below, value. Rev. Value in beaded circle. 123. AE. 2 Kopeks, 1893. Types as last. 124. AE. 1 Kopek, 1893. Ditto. 126. Nicolas H, 1896-. AV. Imperial (16 Boubles), 1897. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Double eagle. 126. AV. Imperial (10 Boubles), 1904. Types similar to No. 125. 127. AV. Half-imperial (7 1/2 Boubles), 1897. As No. 125. 128. AV. 6 Bubles, 1898. As No. 125. 129. AV. Half-imperial (6 Boubles), 1904. As No. 125. 130. AB. Buble, 1896. Types similar to No. 125. 131. Ditto, 1904. 132. AB. 60 Kopeks, 1896. Types similar to No. 125. 133. Ditto, 1904. 134. AB. 20 Kopeks, 1904. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 136. Ditto, 1906. 136. AB. 16 Kopeks, 1904. As No. 134. 137. Ditto, 1905. 138. AB. 10 Kopeks, 1904. As No. 134. 139. Ditto, 1906. 140. AB. 6 Kopeks, 1906. As No. 134. 141-143. AE. 3, 2, and 1 Kopek pieces, 1904. Obv. Double eagle. Rev. Value. RUSSIAN EAST PRTTSSIA. 146. EUzabeth. AB. Tymf, 1761. 06i;. ELISAB: I: D.G.IMP:TOT: RUSS. Bust r. Rev. Prussian eagle; below, mark of value. SIBERIA. 146. Catharine II. AE. 10 Kopeks, 1769. Obv. Monogram crowned ij within wreath. Rev. A crowned shield supported by two martens. 147. AE. 6, 2, and 1 Kopeks, 1771, 1769, and 1768, respectively. Of same types as No. 146. RUSSIAN POIjAND. 148. Alexander I, A. D. 1816-1826. AB. 2 Zlote, 1817. Obv. ALE- XANDER I CESARZ SA.W.ROS.KROL POLSKI. Bust of the Czar r. Rev. Russian imperial eagle. 149. AB. 1 Zlote, 1818. Similar to No. 148. 160. BepubUc, 1830-1831. AB. 6 Zlote, 1831. Obv. KROLESTWO POL- SKIE. Crowned shield of arms of Poland and Lithuania. Rev. 5 ZLOT. POL. within an oak wreath; below, ROKU 1831, 161. AB. 2 Zlote, 1831. Similar to No. 150. 152-163. AE. 3 Grosze, 1831. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value and date within oak wreath. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 537 164. Nicolas I, 1825-1856. AB. 6 Zlote, 1829. Obv. ALEXANDER I. CES. ROS.WSKRZESICIEL KROL.POLS. Laureated bust of Alexander I r. Rev. MIKOLAY I. CES. POLSKI PANUIACY. Eussian imperial arms. 165-166. AE. 2 Zlote, 1832. Obv. As No. 154. Rev. Value and date within an oak wreath. 167. Poland as a Eussian province. 1 1/2 Euble (10 Zlote), 1833. Obv. Imperial Russian arms. Rev. The value in Russian and Polish units within wreath of oak and laurel. 168-169. 1 1/2 Euble (10 Zlote), 1836. As No. 157. 160-161. Three-quarter ruble (6 Zlote), 1836, 1837. Similar to No. 157. 162. AV. 3 Euble (20 Zlote), 1838. Obv. Russian eagle. Rev. Marks of value. 163. AE. 30 Kopeks, 2 Zlote, 1838. Similar to No. 162. 164r-165. AE. 25 Kopeks, 60 Groszy, 1846, 1848. Similar to No. 157. 166. AE. 15 Kopeks, 1 Zloty, 1838. Similar to No. 163. 167-168. AE. 10 Groszy, 1840. Obv. Russian eagle. Rev. Value within wreath of laurel and oak. 169. AE. 3 Groszy, 1840. Similar to No. 167. FINIiAND. 170. Alexander n, 1866-1881. AV. 20 Markaa, 1878. Obv. FINLAND SUOMI. Russian eagle. Eer. Value and date. 171. AE. 2 Markaa, 1865. Obv. Eagle within beaded circle. Rev. Value within wreath. 172. AE. Marka, 1865. As No. 171. 173. AE. 60 Pennia, 1866. Obv. Uninscribed; eagle. Rev. Value within wreath. 174. AE. 26 Pennia, 1866. As No. 173. 176. AE. 10 Pennia, 1866. Obv. Monogram of Alexander II crowned. Rev. As No. 171. 176-177. AE. 6 Pennia, 1867. As No. 175. 178-179. Nicholas n, 1894-. AV. 20 and 10 Maikaa, 1904, 1906. As No. 170. 180-181. AE. 2 and 1 Marka, 1893. As No. 171. 182-183. AE. 60 and 25 Pennia, 1893 and 1902. As No. 173. 184-186. AE. 10 and 6 Pennia, and 1 Penni, 1900, 1901, and 1904. As No. 175. h POLAND. 1. Boleslas IV, 114fr-1173. AB. Denar. Obv. The Duke facing, seated on a throne. Rev. The duke standing 1. 2. AR. Denar. Obv. Bust with sword and cross. Rev. Bust with book and scepter. 3. Miecislas m, 1173-1177. AR. Denar. Obv. Knight standing before seated personage. Rev. Man slaying a lion. 4. Casimir m, 1333-1370. AR. Ternar. Oftr. MONETA KASIMIR. An eagle. i2ev. POLONIE REGIS. Crown. 6. Ladislas Jagello, 1382-1434. AR. Denar. Obv. A crown. Rev. Eagle. 6. AR. Denar. As No. 5. 7. Ladislas m, 1434-1444. AR. Temar. Obv. Patriarchal cross. Rev. Eagle. 8. John Albert, 1492-1601. AR. Half-grosz. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Crown. 9-10. Alexander Jagello, 1501-1606. AR. Half-grosz. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Crown. 11. Sigismund I, 1606-1648. AR. 3 Groszy, 1628. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Eagle. 12. AR. 3 Groszy, 1830. As No. 11. 13. AR. Denar, 1508. Obv. Eagle. Rev. A crown. 14-16. AR. Denars, 1528, 1530. As No. 13. 16. Stephen Bathory, 1576-1586. AR. 3 Groszy, 1682. Obv. STEPHAN. D. G. REX PO. M. D. Crowned bust r. Rev. Maxkot value; eagle. 17. AR. 3 Groszy, 1583. As No. 16. 18. Sigismund m, 1587-1632. AR. Thaler, 1629. Obv. SIG. III. D. G. REX. POL. M.D LIT. RVS. PRV. MAS. Crowned bust r. Rev. SAM. L I V . etc. Shield of royal arms crowned within chain of Order of Golden Fleece. 19. AR. Ort, or Quarter-thaler, 1622. Obv. As No. 18. Rev. As No. 18, but the chain and badge are omitted. 20. AR. Ort, 1624. As No. 19. 21. AR. 6 Groszy, 1696. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Three coats of arms; above, crown. 22. AR. 6 Groszy, 1626. As No. 21. 23-28. AR. 3 Groszy, 1690. As No. 16. Also specimens of 1594 (2) , 1596, 1597, and 1598. 29. AR. Grosz, 1604. Obv. Bust crowned r. Rev. GROSSVS REGN I etc.; eagle. 30. AR. Grosz, 1608. 06v. Name in three lines; above, crown. Rev. Eagle. 31. Ditto, 1613. 32. AR. DreipSlker, 1424 (sic). Obv. Shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Orb surmounted with cross. 33-34. AR. Dreipolker, 1624. As No. 32. 35. AR. Schilling, 1689. Obv. Two coats of arms crowned. Rev. Letter S crowned. 36. Ditto, 1698. 538 I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 539 37. AE. Schilling, 1623. Obv. S R, crowned. Rev. Mark of value. 38. AH. ScMUing, 1627, 1629. As No. 37. 39. John Casimir, A. D. 1648-1668. AR. Thaler, 1649. Obv. lOANNES. CASIMIR D. G. REX. POLON. MAG. DVX. LIT. RVS. PRVS. M. S. Half-length figure, crowned, r. Rev. SA. SF. CZ. etc. Crowned shield of arms within chain of Golden Fleece. 40. AR. Tymf, 1664. Obv. J C R, in monogram, crowned. Rev. A crowned shield of arms. 41. AR. Ort, 1655. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Crowned shield. 42. AR. 6 Groszy, 1666. Obv. As No. 41. Rev. Three coats of arms; above, crown. 43. AR. 3 Groszy, 1662. Obv. Crowned shield. Rev. Orb and cross. 44. AR. 2 Groszy, 1660. Obv. Eagle. Rev. Crown and value. 45. AE. Schilling, 1660. Obv. Crowned monogram. Rev. Mark of value and date. 46. John m, Sobieski, 1674-1696. AR. Ort, 1677. Obv. lOAN. Ill D.G. REX.POL.M.D.L.R.PR. Laureated bust r. i?CT. Crowned shield of arms. 47. AR. 6 Groszy, 1683. Obv. Similar to No. 46. Rev. Three coats of arms with a crown above. 48. Augustus n, 1697-1733. AV. Ducat, 1697. Obv. The King on horse- back r. Rev. Date of the election; above, crown and palm branches. 49. Augustus m, 1733-1763. AR. Coronation jeton, 1733. Obv. MERUIT ET TVEBITVR. A crown. iJetJ. AVGVSTVS III REX POLON I- ARVM * * * CORONATVS XVII.IAN:MADCCXXXIV. 80. AV. 10Thalers,1766. 06^;. D.G.AVGVSTUS 111 REX POLONIARVM. Crowned bust r. Rev. A round shield of arms, crowned. 51. AR. Thaler, 1755. Types similar to No. 50. 62-53. AR. Tymf, 1753. Types similar to No. 50. 64. AR. 3 Groszy, 1764. Types similar to No. 50. 66-66. AE. Schilling, 1764, 1765. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Arms and crown. 67. Stanislaus Augustus, 1764-1795. AV. Ducat, 1786. Obv. STANIS- LAUS AVG. D.G. REX POL.M.D.L. Bustr. iJei). AUREUS NUM. M US POLON I AE ANNO 1785 within a laurel wreath. 68. AR. Thaler, 1766. Obv. STANISLAUS AVGUSTUS D.G. REX. POL. M.D.LITHU. Draped bustr. i?ei'. Round shield of arms, crowned. 69. AR. Thaler, 1776. Obv. Inscription as on No. 58; short bust of the King r. Rev. Similar to No. 58. 60. AR. Half-thaler, 1778. Similar types to No. 59. 61. AR. Half-thaler, 1788. Similar to No. 59, but with shorter bust. 62. AR. Double-gulden, 1780. As No. 59. 63. AR. Double-gulden, 1792. As No. 61. 64. AR. Gulden, 1766. As No. 59. 65. AR, Gulden, 1787. Similar types to No. 61. 66. AR. 10 Groszy, 1790. Obv. Round shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 67. AR. 6 Groszy, 1796. Similar to No. 66. 68. AR. Half-groszy, 1768. Obv. Crowned monogram. Rev. Value and date. 69. Frederick Augustus, 1807-1816. AR. 10 Groszy, 1813. Obv. Oval shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Value and date. 70. AR. 6 Groszy, 1811. Similar to No. 69. 22023°— 14 35 TURKEY. 1. SuleymanI, A. D. 1620-1666. AE. Thick piece. Obv. Ornamental in- cused markings. Rev. Inscription. 2. Mustapha H, A. D. 1696-1703, A. H. 1102. AB. Piastre. Constanti- nople. 3. Ahmed HI, A. D. 1703-1730, A. H. 1110. AR. Piastre. Constanti- nople. 4. Mahmud I, A. D. 1730-1764, A. H. 1143. AE. Piastre. Constanti- nople. 6. Mustapha HI, A. D. 1767-1774, A. H. 1171. AV. Half-sequin. Is- lambol. 6. AS. Yuzlik. Islambol. 7. AR. Onlik. Islambol. Year 10. 8. AB. Onlik. Islambol. Year 10. 9. AR. Para. Islambol. Year 6. Pierced. 10. AR. Akcheh. Islambol. Pierced. 11. AV. Sequin. Egypt. 12. AV. Half-sequin. Egypt. Pierced. 13. AE. Small bronze. Tripoli. 14. Abdul Hamid I, A. D. 1774-1789, A. H. 1187. AV. 2 Sequins. Is- lambol. Year of reign, 1. 16. AV. Half-sequin. Islambol. Year of reign, 10. 16. AR. Piastre. Constantinople. 17. AR. Piastre. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 18. AR. Yigirmilik. Constantinople. 19. AR. Onlik. Constantinople. 20. AR. Para. Constantinople. 21. Saleem m, A. D. 1789-1807, A. H. 1203. AV. Sequin. Islambol. 22. AV. Half-sequin. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 23. AR. Altmishlik. Islambol. 24. AR. Yuzlik. Islambol. 490 grains. 26. AR. Altmishlik. Islambol. 26. AR. Piastre. Islambol. Year of reign, 4. 28. AR. Piastre. Islambol. Year of reign, 8. 29. AR. Onlik. Islambol. 30. AR. Para. Islambol. 31. AV. Quarter-sequin. Egypt. 32. AR. Akcheh. Egypt. 33. AR. Onlik. Tripoli. Year of reign, 10. 34. Mustapha IV, A. D. 1807-1808, A. H. 1222. AR. Yigirmilik. Constan- tinople. 35. AR. Akcheh. Constantinople. 36. AR. Para. Egypt. 37. Mahmud U, A. D. 1808-1839. AV. Sequin. Constantinople. Year of reign 20. Wavj'^ ornament on the border. 540 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 541 38. AV. Sequin. Constantinople. Year 20. Similar to No. 37. 39. AV. Sequin. Constantinople. Year 26. Cartouches on border. 40. AV. Sequin. Constantinople. Year 27. Similar to No. 37. 41. AV. Quarter-sequin. Constantinople. Year 29. Similar to No. 37. 42. AB. Old Beshlik. Constantinople. 390 grains. 43. AB. Yuzlik. Constantinople. 44. AB. Altmishlik. Constantinople. 45. AB. Piastre. Constantinople. 46. AB. Yigirmilik. Constantinople. 47. AB. On-paralik. Constantinople. Year 4. 48. AB. Besh-paralik. Constantinople. Year 16. 49. AB. Para. Constantinople. Year 18. 60. AB. New Beshlik. Constantinople. Year 23. 61. AB. Yuzlik. Constantinople. Year 23. 62. AB. Piastre. Constantinople. Year 23. 63. AB. Yigirmilik. Constantinople. Year 24. 64. AV. Half-sequin. Egypt. Year of reign, 21. 66. AV. Half-sequin. Egypt. Year of reign, 24. NBW ISSUE. 66. AB. 20 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 29. 67. AB. 6 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 29. 68. AE. Para. Egypt. Year of reign, 29. 69. AB. Piastre. Tripoli. Year of reign, 24. 60. AB. Yigirmilik. Tripoli. Year of reign, 24. 61-62. AB. On-paralik. Tripoli. Year of reign, 24. 63. AB. Piastre. Tripoli. Year of reign, 26. 64. AB. Yigirmilik. Tripoli. Year of reign, 26. 66. AB. Onlik. Tripoli. Year of reign, 26. 66. AV. Sequin. Algiers. A. H. 1244. 67. AV. Sequin. Algiers. A. H. 1247. 68. AB. Piastre. Algiers. A. H. 1247. 69. AB. Yigirmi-paralik. Algiers. 70. AB. Para. Tughra with wreath. A. H. 1246. 71-72. AB. New Beshlik. Tunis. AH. 1246. 73. Abdul Medjied, A. D. 1839-1861, A. H. 1226. AV. Sequin. Constan- tinople. Year of reign, 1. 74-76. AV. Half-sequin. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 76. AV. Quarter-sequin. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 77. AB. TJchlik. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 78. AB. Altmishlik. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 79. AB. Yigirmi-paralik. Constantinople. Year of reign, 2. 80. AB. On-paralik. Constantinople. Year of reign, 1. 81. AB. Para. Constantinople. Year of reign, 4. NEW COINAGE. 82. AV. 100 Piastres. Constantinople. Year of reign, 6. Obv. Tughra: above, seven stars; below, two quivers, crossed, and two laurel branches. 542 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 83. AV. 100 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 12. Similar to No. 82. 84. AV. 50 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 6. Similar to No. 82. 86. AV. 50 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 13. As No. 82. 86. AB. 20 Piastres. Constantinople. Year of reign, 6. Obv. Tughra, within a border of crescents and 12 stars. Rev. Inscription and a similar border. 87. AR. 20 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 12. As No. 86. 88. AR. 10 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 6. As No. 86. 89. AR. 6 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 6. As No. 86. 90. AR. 2 Piastres. Constantinople. Year, 15. Border of stars. 91. AR. Piastre. Constantinople. Year, 15. 92. AV. 100 Piastres. Egypt. Obv. Tughra; below, indication of value. Rev. Inscription and dates. Year of reign 1. 93. AV. 50 Piastres. Egypt. Year 1. As No. 92. 94. AV. 20 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Types similar to No. 92. 95. AV. 10 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 96. AV. 5 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 97. AR. 20 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 98. AR. 10 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 99. AR. 1 Piastre. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 100. AR. 20 Paras. Egypt. Year of reign, 1 . Ditto. 101. AR. 10 Paras. Egypt. Year of reign, 1. Ditto. 102. AE. 5 Paras. Egypt. Year of reign, 5. Ditto. 103. AR. Piastre. Tunis. A. H. 1265. 104. AR. 6 Burden. Tunis. A. H. 1272. 106. Abdul Azeez, A. D. 1861-1876, A. H. 1277. AV. 500 Piastres. Con- stantinople. Year of reign 11. Obv. Tughra; above, seven stars; below, two laurel branches, and two quivers crossed. Rev. Inscrip- tion within laurel wreath. 106. AV. 100 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 12. 107. AR. 20 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 2. 108. AR. 5 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 4. 109. AR. 2 Piastres. Egypt. Year of reign, 9. 110. AR. Piastre. Egypt. Year of reign, 7. 111. AR. Piastre. Egypt. Year of reign, 13. 112. AR. 10 Paras. Egypt. Year of reign, 7. 113. AR. 5 Paras. Egypt. Year of reign, 10. 114. AR. 6 Piastres. Algiers. Year of reign, 8. 116. AV. Sequin. Tunis. 116. AV. Quarter-sequin. Tunis. 117. AE. 8 Caroubs. Tunis. Obv. Laurel wreath and value. Rev. Palm wreath. 118. AE. 4 Caroubs. Tunis. Similar to No. 117. 119. AE. 2 Caroubs. Tunis. Similar to No. 117. 120-121. 1 and 1/2 Caroub pieces. Tunis. Similar to No. 117. AFRICA. INDEPENDENT STATES. MOROCCO. El Gliarb. AS. Methkal, A. H. 1190. Inscriptions on both sides. AR. Methkal, A. H. 1191. Similar to No. 1. Muley-Hassan, A. D. 1873-1894. AS. 5 Dirhem. A. H. 1299=1881-82. Obv. An inscription on a six-pointed star. Rev. Date and inscrip- tion; stars on edge. AS. 2 1/2 Dirhem, 1299. As No. 3. AS. Dirhem, A. H. 1299. Same Types as No. 3, with reeded edge. AS. Half-dirhem. As No. 5. AS. Quarter-dirhem. Ditto. ABYSSINTA. Menelikn. AS. Dollar. 06w. MENELIK II of Menelik II r., with Ethiopian tiara, and holding a banner. By Lagrange. AS. Half-dollar. As No. 1. AS. Quarter-dollar. Similar to No. 1. AS. Eighth-dollar. Same as No. 1. AS. Sixteenth-dollar. As No. 1. SUIiTANATB OP ZANZIBAR. , KING OF KINGS. Bust Rev. A lion r., crowned, ;. 1. AS. Dollar. Inscriptions in native language on both sides. LIBERIA. 1. AS. Quarter-dollar. Obv. Female figure (Liberia) seated r. with head turned back 1.; a type identical with the one used on the silver of the United States coins of the same year. Rev. REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA. An eagle with expanded wings, shield of Liberia on breast; below, QUAR. DOL. Edge reeded. 2-3. AE. 2 and 1 Cents, 1847. Obv. REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA. Female head, wearing Liberty cap, 1. Rev. A palm tree. Sizes, 35 and 29 mm. 4. AE. 1 Cent, 1889. Obv. REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA. Shield of Liberia. Rev. ONE CENT within an oak wreath, with a star between the ends of the wreath. Size 19 mm. This piece is of the same size and composition as the United States Cent. SOUTH AFRICAN REPTJBIjIC. 1. AV. Pond, 1892. Obv. ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. Bust of President Krueger 1. Rev. Arms of the Republic, date, and value. The wagon in arms has thills. 2. AV. Half-pond, 1892. Types as No. 1. 543 544 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 3. AB. 5 Shillings, 1892. Similar to No. 1. Wagon in arms has thills. 4. AB. 6 Shillings, 1892. The wagon in arms has pole. 6. AE. 2 1/2 ShilUngs, 1892. As No. 4. 6-7. AK. 2 Shillings, 1892. Obv. Bust of Krueger 1. Rev. ZUiD AFRIK. R E P U B . Arms of the Republic. 8. AE. Shilling, 1892. Obv. As No. 6. Rev. Value and date in wreath. 9. AB. Sixpence, 1892. As last. 10. AB. Threepence, 1892. Ditto. 11. AE. Penny, 1890. Obv. ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK. Arms of the republic. Rev. Value within wreath. 12. AE. Penny, 1892. Obv. ZUID AFRIK. REPUB. Bust of Krueger. Rev. Bound shield of arms. ORANGE FREE STATE. 1. AE. Penny, 1888. Oftv. ORANJE VRYJSTAAT. Arms within wreath. Rev. 1 I PENNY, in wreath of oak and laurel. CONGO FREE STATE. 1. AB. 6 Francs, 1887. Obv. LEOPOLD II.R.D.BELGES SOUV.DE L'ETAT INDEP.DU CONGO. Head 1. i?ev. Belgian arms. 2-4. AB. 2, 1, and 1/2 Francs, 1887. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 6. AE. 10 Centimes, 1888. Obv. Inscription as No. 1; five royal mono- grams, crowned, arranged around a central hole. Rev. A star, value and date. 6-8. AE. 6, 2, and 1 Centimes, 1888. Same types aa No. 4. ETJEOPEAN COLONIES. PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. 1. Joseph I, 1760-1777. AR. 12 Macutas, 1763. 06i;.J0SEPHUS.I.D.G. REX.P.ET.D.GUINEAE. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Value within a wreath. 2. AE. 6 Macutas, 1770. As No. 1. 3. AB. 3 Macutas, 1762. As No. 1. 4. AE. 1 Macuta, 1763. Similar types, but shield is round. 5. Maria I and Peter m. AB. 12 Macutas, 1783. M A R I A . I 111. etc. Types similar to No. 1. 6. AB. 10 Macutas, 1783. Similar to No. 1. 7-9. Maria I. AB. 10, 8, and 2 Macutas, 1796. MARIA. I etc. Types similar to No. 1. 10. AE. 1 Macuta, 1789. As No. 4. Countermark on obverse. Size, 44 mm. .ET.PETRUS. .D.G.REGINA FRENCH COLONIES. ISIiE DB FRANCE. 1. AB. 10 Livres, 1810. Ohv. ILES DE FRANCE ET BONAPARTE. An eagle, crowned, on a thunderbolt. Rev. Value within a laurel wreath. 2. AB. 10 Livres, 1810. Same as No. 1. ILB DB IiA REUNION. I. N Franc, token, 1896. Ohv. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. ILE DE LA REUNION. Head of Mercury 1., wearing winged petasus. i?«;.CONTRE-VALEUR DEPOSEE—AU TRESOR COLONIAL.— BON POUR UN FRANC. 2. N. 60 Centimes, 1896. Similar to No. 1. PROTECTORATE OP THE GRANDE-COMORO. 1. AB. 6 Francs, A. H. 1308=A. D. 1891. Ohv. "Said Ali, Son of Said Omar, whom the Great God protect." Weapons — bow and arrows, pistol, sword, etc. Rev. "Protectorate of the glorious French Government," etc., two flags, crossed, within wreath of palm and laurel. 2. AE. 10 Centimes, A. H. 1308. Same inscriptions as on No. 1, but with- out the weapons. 3. AE. 5 Centimes, A. H. 1308. As No. 2. PROTECTORATE OP TUNIS. 1. AV. 20 Francs, 1891, Ohv. Native inscription and date, 1308, between palm and olive branches. Rev. Value and date in French. 2-3. AV. 10 Francs. As No. 1. 4-6. AB. 2 and 1 Francs, and 60 Centimes. As No. 1. 7-10. AE. 10, 6, 2, and 1 Centimes. Ohv. As No. 1. Rero. Similar, but with heart-shaped figures around border. 545 546 CATALOGUE OP COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ENGLISH COLONIES. SIERRA tiEONB. 1-2. AE. One-dollar piece, 1791. Obv. SIERRA LEONE COMPANY. A prowling lion; in exergue, AFRICA. Rev. Clasped hands, value, and date. 8. AS.. Half-dollar piece, 1791. Same types as No. 1. 4. AE. Ten-cent piece, 1796. As No. 1. 6. AE. One-penny piece, 1791. Same types as No. 1. 6. AE. One-cent piece, 1791. As No. 1. CAPE OP GOOD HOPE. 1. AE. 1889. Halfpenny, 1889. Obv. Head, diademate, of Queen Victoria 1. Rev. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Arms and supporters. ST. HELENA. 1. AE. Halfpenny, 1821. Obv. Arms and supporters of the East India Company. Rev. ST. HELENA | HALFPENNY | 1821 | in three lines within a wreath. INDIAN STRAITS. MAUEITITJS. 1. AE. Quarter-dollar, 1820. Obv. GEORGIUS IV. D: G: BRITAN- NIARUM F: D: Shield of arms. Rev. COLON lAR: BRITAN: MONET: 1820. An anchor crowned; at sides, II and II. 2-3. AE. Quarter-dollar, 1822. Similar to No. 1. 4-5. AE. Eighth-dollar, 1822. Similar to No. 1. 6-7. AE. Sixteenth-dollar, 1822. Similar to No. 1. 8. White metaL 60 Sous. Obv. GOUV: DE MAURICE ET DEP. Palm trees. Rev. REC. AU BUR. DE TRES; within a circle, pour 50 soils. 9-11. AE. 6, 2, and 1 Cents, 1888. Obv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Bust of the Queen, coroneted, L Rev. MAURITUS FIVE CENTS 1888. Numeral 5, (2, or 1) within a circle. GRIQUA TOWN. 1. AE. Halfpenny. Obv. Head of Queen Victoria 1. Rev. A dove flying, with an olive branch in bill. MOMBASA. IMPERIAL BRITISH EAST AFRICA CO. 1. AE. One rupee, 1888. Obv. IMPERIAL EAST AFRICA COMPANY. A pair of scales. Rev. A crown above a blazing sun; below, a scroll inscribed LIGHT AND LIBERTY. 2. AE. Half-rupee, 1890. Oft-y. MOMBASA. Value within a wreath. Rev. IMPERIAL EAST AFRICA COMPANY. Type as No 1. 5. AE. Quarter-rupee, 1890. As No. 2. 4. AE. 2 Annas, 1890. As No. 1. i I I CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 547 GERMAN EAST AFEICA. BAST AFRICAN COMPANY. 1-2. AR. 2 Eupees. Obv. GUILELMUS II IMPERATOR. Bust of the Emperor 1. with military uniform and helmet. Rev. DEUTSCH- OSTAFRIKAANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT. Arms. 3. AB. Eupie, 1902. Same types as No. 1. 4. AE. Half-rupie. Ditto. AE. Quarter-rupie. Ditto. AE. Eupie, 1904. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Value and date within wreath. AE. Half-rupie, 1904. As No 6. AE. Quarter-rupie, 1904. As No. 6. AE. Heller, 1904. Obv. Crown. Rev. Value and date within wreath. AE. Half-heUer, 1904. As last. ASIA. BITRMAH. » 1. AB. Bnpee, 1888. Obv. Peacock with tail spread into circular fonn. Rev. Inscription and wreath. 2. AB. Half-rupee. Similar to No. 1. 3. AB. Quarter-rupee. As No. 1. 4. AB. Eighth-rupee. As No. 1. 6. AB. Sixteenth-rupee. As No. 1. CAMBODIA. 1. Norodom I. AE. 10 Centimes, 1860. Obv. NORODOM I ROI DU CAM BODG E. Head of the King 1. Rev. Shield of arms within an ermine mantle, surmounted by a conical crown; value in Siamese and French. 2. AE. 6 Centimes, 1860. Similar to No. 1. SIAM. Nos. 1 to 15 belong to the early coinage of Slam, before the introduction of modem minting apparatus and the adoption of the western form of coin, in the reign of King Mongkut, A. D. 1851-1868. These pieces are almost round and seem to have been put into that form by taking a short round ingot and bending the ends together. Each specimen has two small incused types on the back and on side. Weight, 112.2 grains. Weight, 64 grains. Weight, 35.7 grains: Weight, 17.2 grains. Weight, 937 grains. Weight, 469.2 grains. Weight, 235.2 grains. Weight, 217.7 grains. 9. AB. Half-tlcal. Weight, 109.3 grains. 10. AB. Fuang. Weight, 30 grains. Only one type on this piece. 11. AB. ^ Tical. Weight, 10.2 grains. 12. AB. ^ Tical. Weight, 7.2 grains. 13. AB. -^ Tical. Weight, 4 grains. 14. AB. ^ Tical. Weight, 2 grains. 15. Uongkut, 1861-1868. AB. 2-tical piece. Obv. Royal crown between two conical umbrellas. Rev. Elephant within chakr ornament. 16-17. Ticals. Similar types to No. 15. 18. AB. Hall-tical. Similar to No. 15. 19. AB. Quarter-tical. As No. 15. 648 1. AV. 8 ticals. 2. AV. 4 ticals. 3. AV. 2 ticals. 4. AV. 1 tical. 6. AB. 4 ticals. 6. AB. 2 ticals. 7. AB. 1 tical. 8. AB. 1 tical. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 549 AB. Eighth-ticaL As No. 15. AB. Sixteenth-ticaL As No. 15. Khoulalonkorn, 1868-. AB. Tical. Arms of Siam. AB. Quarter-tical. Same types as No. 22. 24. AB. Eighth-tical. Similar to No. 22. 26-27. AE. Four, Two, and One Att pieces. The King, crowned, seated r. . , , , several localities. Obv. Bust of the King 1. Rev. 06v. Bust of the King 1. Rev. I I CHINA. 1. Pu coins. Imitation. Circa 770-256. Obv. "Chin Wu of Liang's Treasury" (?). Rev. Plain. 2. Obv. An Yang in State of Shan-tung. Rev. Three lines. 3. Obv. Ho Yang, place name. 4. Inscription on both sides doubtful. 5. Enife coins of uncertain origin. Obv. Straight lines. Rev. Plain. 6. Obv. Straight lines. Rev. Plain. Oval hole at end. 7. Knife coins of the City Ming, in Chao. Obv. Ming. Rev. Tso Pa, in seal hand. 8. Obv. As No. 7. Rev. Tso Shang. 9. Obv. As No. 7. Rev. Tso Chiu. 10. Obv. As No. 7. Rev. Tso San. 11. Empress LU, Han Dynasty, B. C. 187. Obv. "Half Tael" in seal character. Rev. Plain. 12-13. Emperor Wen Ti, B. C. 179-156. Similar to No. 11. 14. Emperor Wang Mang, A. D. 9-23. Obv. Ta Ch'uan Wu Shih, "Large coin fifty." Rev.Flain. 15. Knife coin. Obv. Yi Tao, "One knife"— Fing Wu Ch'ien, "Equal to five thousand" in seal character. 16. Ditto. Obv. Round hole, Ch'i Tao, "A graving knife;" on blade, Wu Po, "Five hundred" in seal character. 17. Pu coins. Obv. Huo Pu, "Exchange Pu;" fong lines. Rev. Lines from hole to end of coin. 18. Obv. Ta Pu Huang Ch'ien, "Large pu worth 1000." Rev. Perpen- dicular line. 19. Bound coin. Obv. Huo-Ch'iian, "Exchange currency." Rev. Plain. 20. 06y. Pu-Ch'iian, "Currency." i?^. Plain. 21. The Later Han Dynasty. Emperor Kuang Wu Ti, A. D. 25-58. Obv. Wu Chu, "Five Chu" in seal character. Rev. Plain. 22. The Liang Dynasty. Emperor Wu Ti, A. D. 502-550. Obv. T'ai P'ing Po Chu, "One hundred Chu T'ai-p'ing period." Rev. Plain. 23. The Northern Ch'i Dynasty. Emperor Wen Hslian Ti, A. D. 550-560. Obv. Shang P'ing Wu Chu, "Common standard Five Chu." Rev. Plain. 24. The Northern Chou Dynasty. Emperor Wu Ti, A. D. 561-572. Obv. Wu Hsing Ta Pu, "Five elements large pu coin" in seal character. Rev. Plain. 25. The T'ang Dynasty. Emperor Kao Tsu, A. D. 618-627. Obv. K'ai Yuan T'ang Pao, "Currency of the inauguration." Rev. Plain. 26. Similar, but with crescent above hole. 27. Similar, but with curved mark below hole. 28. Emperor Su Tsung, A. D. 756-763. Obv. Ch'ien Yiian Chung Pao, "Heavy coin of the Ch'ien Yuan period." 29. Similar, but smaller. 30. Emperor Wu Tsung, A. D. 841-847. Obv. K'ai Yiian T'ung Pao, "Cur- rency or coin of the inauguration." Rev. Above hole, Ch'ang. 660 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 551 31. Obv. Similar. Rev. Above hole, Hsing. 32. Obv. Similar. Rev. Yung=Yung Chou. 33. Obv. Similar. Rev. Above hole, Tung; below, crescent. 34. The Later Chou Dynasty, A. D. 951-960. Obv. Chou Yiian T'ung Pao, "Coin of the Chou Yiian period." Rev. To r,, dot; to 1., crescent. 35. Obv. Similar. Rev. To r. of hole, perpendicular line. 36. The Sung Dynasty. Emperor T'ai Tsu, A. D. 960-976. Obv. Sung Yiian T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Sung Yiian period." Rev. Plain. 37. Obv. Similar. Rev. Dot below hole. 38. 06i^. Similar. i?ei;. Horizontalline above hole. 39. Emperor T'ai Tsung, A. D. 976-998. Obv, T'ai P'ing T'ung Pao, "Cur- rency of the T'ai P'ing period." Rev. Plain. 40. Obv. Similar. Rev. Crescent above hole. 41. Obv. Shun Hua Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Shun Hua period," in imperial autograph. Rev. Plain. 42. Similar, except form of writing. 43. Obv. Chih Tao Yuan Pao, "Original coin of the Chih Tao period." Rev. Plain. 44. Similar, except form of writing. 46. Emperor Chen Tsung, A. D. 998-1023. Obv. Hsien P'ing Yiian Pao, "Original coin of tne Hsien P'ing period." Rev. Plain. 46. Obv. Ching Te Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Ching T6 period." Rev. Plain. 47. Obv. Hsiang Fu Yiian Pao, "Currency of the Hsiang Fu period." Rev. Plain. 48. Obv. Hsiang Fu T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hsiang Fu period." Rev. Plain. 49. Obv. T'ien Hsi T'ung Pao, "Currency of the T'ien Hsi period." Rev. Plain. 60. Emperor Jgn Tsung, A. D. 1023-1064. Obv. T'ien Sh^ng Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the T'ien Sh^ng period." Rev. Plain. 61. Similar, bnt legend in seal character. 62. Obv. Ming Tao Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Ming Tao period." Rev. Plain. 63. Similar, but in seal character. 64. Obv. Ching Yu Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Ching Yu period." Rev. Plain. 66. Similar, but in seal character. 66. Obv. Huang Sung T'ung Pao, "Original coin of the Huang Sung period." Rev. Plain. 67-68. Similar. 69. Obv. Ch'ing Li Chung Pao, "Heavy coin of the Ch'ing Li period." Rev. Plain. 60. Obv. Chih Ho T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Chih Ho period." Rev. Plain. 61. Obv. Chih Ho Yiian Pao, "Original coin of theChih Ho period." Rev. Plain. 62. Obv. ChiaYu T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ohia Yu period." Rev. Plain. 63. Similar, but in seal character. 652 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 64. Emperor Ying Tsung, A. D. 1064-1068. Obv. Ohih Fing T'ung Pao. ' ' Currency of the Chih P' ing period "in seal character. Rev . Plain. 66. Another variety of last. 66. Obv. Chih Fing Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Chih Fing period." Rev. Plain. 67. Similar. 68-69. Similar, but legend in seal character. 70. Emperor ShSn Tsung, A. D. 1068-1086. Obv. Hsi Ning Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Hsi period." Rev. Plain. 71. Similar. 72-74. Similar, but in seal character. 76. Obv. Hsi Ning Chung Pao, "Heavy coin of the Hsi Ning period." Rev. Plain. 76-77. Similar, but in seal character. 78. Obv. Yiian F^ng T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Yiian F6ng period." Rev. Plain. 79-80. Similar; varieties of sizes and inscriptions. 81. Obv. Similar. Rev. Dot over hole. 82. Obv. Similar. Rev. Crescent over hole. 83. Obv. Yiian Yu T'ung Pao, " Original coin of the Yiian period." Rev. Plain. 84. Another variety of last. 86. Obv. Similar to No. 83. Rev. Dot above hole. 86. Obv. Shao Sheng Yuan Pao, " Original coin of the Shao Sh^ng period." Rev. Plain. 87. Another variety. 88. Obv. Similar. Rev. Dot below hole. 89. Obv. Shao Sh^ng Yuan Pao, " Original coin of the Shao Sh^ng period." Rev. Plain. Larger than No. 86. 90. Similar. 91. Obv. Yiian Fu T'lmg Pao, "Currency of the Yiian Fu period." Rev. Plain. 92-94. Similar; varieties in size and inscriptions. 96. Obv. SMng Sung Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Sh^ng Sung period." Rev. Plain. 96. Similar, but with different style of inscription. 97. Obv. Ta Kuan T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ta Kuan period." Rev. Plain. 98. Similar, but dot below hole on reverse. 99. Obv. Ch^n^ Ho T'ung Pao, " Currency of the Ch6ng Ho period." Rev. Plain. 100-101. Similar, except style of inscriptions. 102. Obv. Hsuan Ho T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hsiian Ho period." Rev. Plain. 103. Similar; different style of inscription. 104. Legend as No. 102, but larger module. 106. As No. 102, but with legend in different style. 106. Southern Sung Dynasty. Emperor Kao Tsung, A. D. 1127-1163. Obv. Chien Yen Tung Pao, "Currency of the Chien Yen period." Rev. Plain. 107. Similar, except that legend is in different style. r CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 553 108. Obv. Shao Hsing Yuan Pao, "Orignal coin of the Shao Hsing period." Rev. Plain. 109. Similar, but smaller. 110. Obv. Similar to No. 108. Rev. Crescent above hole, and dot below. 111. Obv. Similar to No. 108. Rev. Crescent above hole. 112. Emperor Hsiao Tsung, A. D. 1163-1190. Obv. Lung Hsing Yuan Pao, " Currency of the Lung Hsing period." Rev. Plain. 113. Similar; variety with different style of inscription. 114. Obv. Ch'ien Tao Yuan Pao, " Original coin of the Ch'ien period " in seal character. Rev. Plain. 116. Obv. As No. 114. Rev. Crescent above hole, a dot below. 116. Obv. Shun Hsi Ylian Pao, "Original coin of the Shun Hsi period." Rev. Shih erb, "Twelve," number of regnal year. 117. Similar, but in year "Sixteen." 118. Obv. As No. 116. Rev. Dot below and crescent above hole. 119. Similar; plain reverse. 120. Similar to No. 118, but larger. 121. As No. 116, but of " seventh " year of reign. 122. The same; year "Eight." 123. The same; year "Nine." 124. The same; year "Ten." 126. The same; year "Eleven." 126. The same; year "Twelve." 127. The same; year "Thirteen." 128. The same; year "Fourteen." 129. The same; year "Fifteen." 130. The same; year "Sixteen." 131. Emperor Kuang Tsung, A. D. 1190-1196. Obv. Shao Hsi Yuan Pao, "Original coin of the Shao Hsi period." Rev. Yiian, first year of the reign. 132. Obv. As No. 131. Rev. Year "Two." 133. The same; year "Three." 134. The same; year "Four." 136. The same; year "Five." 186. Emperor Ning Tsung, A. D. 1196-1226. Obv. Ch'ing Yiian T'ung Pao. Rev. Yiian, below hole, first year of reign. 137. The same; year "Three." 138. Similar to No. 136, but of larger size. 139. As No. 137, but of larger size. 140. Obv. As No. 136. Rev. Wu, "Fifth." Larger than No. 138. 141. The same; year "Six." 142. Obv. Chia T'ai T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Chia T'ai period." Rev. Ssii, fourth year of reign. 143. The same; first year of reign; large size. 144. The same; year "Two." 146. The same; year "Four." 146. Obv. K'ai Hsi T'ung Pao, " Currency of the K'ai Hsi period." Rev. Yiian, first year of the period. 147. Similar; year "Three;" larger. 148. Similar; year "One;" still larger than No. 147. 149. The same; year "Two." 554 cataijOgue of coins, tokens, and medals. IfiO. The same; year "Three." 161. The same; year "Seven." 162. The same; year "Eight." 153. The same; year "Ten." 164. The same; year "Eleven." 165. The same; year "Twelve." 166. The same; year " Thirteen." 167. The same; year "Fourteen." 168. Emperor LI Tsung, A. D. 1226-1266. Obv. Ta Sung Yuan Pao, "Original coin of the Great Sung." Rev. San, "Third" year of the period. 169. Obv. Shao Ting T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Shao Ting period." Rev. Yiian, first year of period. 160. Similar 161. Similar 162. Similar 163. Similar 164. Similar "Second" year of period. "First" year; larger size. "Second" year. " Fourth " year of period. " Fifth " year of period. 165. Similar to last; larger. 166. Obv. Tuan P'ing Yuan Pao, "Original coin of the Tuan P'ing period." Rev. Plain. 167. Obv. Shun Yu Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Shun Yu period." Rev. Yiian, first year of the period. 29 mm. 168. Similar; "Seventh" year of period. 169. Similar; "Ninth" year of the period. 170. Similar; Shih, "Tenth" year of the period. 171. Similar; " Elevenlh " year of period. 172. Similar; "Twelfth" year of the period. 173. Obv. Shun Yu T'ung Pao, " Currency of the Shun Yu period." Rev. Tang Po, "Equivalent of a hundred." 50 mm. 174. Obv. Huang Sung Yiian Pao, "The original coin of the Imperial Sung." Rev. San, "Third" year of period. 25 mm. 175. Similar. 29 mm. 176. Obv. Ching Ting Yiian Pao, " Original coin of the Ching Ting period." Rev. Yiian, first year of period. 177. Similar; "Third" year of period. 178. Emperor Tu Tsung, A. D. 1266-1275. Obv. Hsien Shun Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Hsien Shun period." Rev. San, "third" year of the period. 179. Similar; "Eleventh" year of the period. 180. Emperor Zung Ti, A. D. 1275-1276. Obv. Lin An Fu Hsing Yung, "Current in the Government of Lin An Fu." Rev. Chun Wu Po W6n Sheng, "Reduced value equal to 500 cash." A bar 68 mm. long. 181. The Liao Dynasty. Emperor Tao Tsung, A. D. 1065-1101. Obv. Shou Ch'ang Yiian Pao, "Original coin of the Shou Ch'ang period." Rev. Plain. 182. The Chin Dynasty. Emperor Chang Tsung, A. D. 1190-1209. Obv. T'ai Ho Chung Pao, "Heavy coin of the T'ai Ho period." Rev. Plain. 43 mm. 183. Yiian Dynasty. Emperor Wu Tsung, A. D. 1308-1312. Obv. Chih Ta T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Chih Ta period," in Mongolian character. Rev. Plain. 42 mm. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 555 184. Emperor Shun Ti, A. D. 1333-1341. Ohv. Chih Ch^ng T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Chih Cheng period." Rev. Tzti, in MongoUan. 30 mm. 186. Ohv. Similar. Rev. "Ten," in Mongolian. 186. Ming Dynasty. Emperor T'ai Tsu, A. D. 1368-1399. Ohv. Ta Chung T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ta Chung period." Rev. Plain. 28 mm. 187. Similar to No. 186. 38 mm. 188. Ohv. As No. 186. Rev. Shih, "Ten," above, and Che, for Che-chiang, below hole. 189. Ohv. Hung Wu Tung Pao, "Currency of the Hung Wu period." Reo. Chih, above hole. 190. Ohv. As No. 189. Rev. Below hole, Fu for Fu-kien. 191. Ohv. As No. 189. Rev. Above hole, Shih, "ten;" to right, Yi Liang, "one tael." 192. Ohv. As No. 189. Rev. "Ten"— and Fu, for Fu-kien. 193. Ohv. As No. 189. Rev. "Ten"— and Kuang, for Kuang-si. 194. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Wu Ch'ien, "Five mace." 196. Similar, but with "Three mace" on reverse. 196. Similar, but with "Three" above, and "Fu" below hole on reverse. 197. Emperor Cli'gng Tsu, A. D. 1403-1425. Ohv. Yung Lo T'lmg Pao, "Currency of the Yung Lo period." Rev. Plain. 198. Emperor Hsuan Tsung, A. D. 1426-1436. Ohv. Hsuan T6 T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hsuan T6 period." Rev. Plain. 199. Emperor Hsiao Tsung, A. D. 1488-1606. Ohv. Hung Chih T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hung Chih period." Rev. Plain. 200. Emperor Shen Tsung, A. D. 1573-1620. Ohv. Wan Li T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Wan Li period." Rev. Plain. 201. Ohv. As last. Rev. " Li," to right of hole. 202. Emperor Kuang Tsung, A. D. 1620-1621. Ohv. T'ai Ch'ang T'ung Pao, "Currency of the T'ai Ch'ang period." Rev. Plain. 203. Emperor Hsi Tsung, A. D. 1621-1628. Ohv. T'ien Ch'i T'ung Pao, "Currency of the T'ien Ch'i period." Rev. "Board of Revenue" above hole. 204. Ohv. As No. 203. Rev. "Board of Works." 206. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. "Province of Yiin-nan." 206. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Yuan, "Establishment." 207. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Kung, "Board of Works" below hole. 208. Rev. Dot above hole. 209. Ditto, but smaller. 210. Emperor Chuang Lieh Ti, A. D. 1628-1642. Ohv. Ch'ung ChSng T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ch'img Chdng period." Rev. Dot above hole. 211. Similar to last, but larger. 212. Ohv. As No. 210. Rev. Ying= Ying-t'ien Fu. 213. Ohv. As No. 210. Rev. Kuei=Kuei-chou (Province). 214. 06v. Ditto. iJei;. "Board of Revenue." 216. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Lu=Lu-chou. 216. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Chia=Chia-chou. 217. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Chu, "Board." 218. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Chung=Chung-ch'ing Fu. 219. Ohv. Ditto. Rev. Kuang=Kuang-tung (Province). 22023°— 14 36 556 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 220. Obv. Ditto. Rev. Chung, — crescent. 221. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Board of Works." 222. Obv. Ch'ung Ch^ng Nien Tsao, "Made in the reign of Ch'ung Ch^ng." Rev. Plain. 223. Obv. As No. 222. Rev. Below hole, horse. 224. Descendants of the Ming Emperors. T'ang Wang, at Fu-chou, A. D. 1646. Obv. Lung Wu T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Lung Wu pe- riod." Rev. Plain. 225. Similar; dot above hole. 226. Obv. As No. 224. Rev. "Board of Revenue." 227. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Board of Works." 228. As No. 224, but larger. 229. Yung Ming Wang, in Kwang-tung, A. D. 1646. Obv. Yung Li T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Yung Li period." Rev. Plain. 230. Similar, but larger. 231. Obv. As No. 229. Rev. "Ming." 232. Obv. As No. 229. Rev. Fu, "Aid." 233. Obv. Ditto. Rev. Kuo, "Nation." 234. Obv. Ditto. Rev." Equal two Li of silver." 236. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Equal five Li of silver." 236. Lu Wang, at T'ai-chou, circ. A. D. 1648. Obv. Ta Ming T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ta Ming period." Rev. "Board of Revenue." COINS OF THE REBELS AT THE TRANSITION PROM THE MING TO THE CH'iNG DYNASTY. 237. Chang Hsien-chung, at Ch'eng Tu, 1644. Obv. Ta Shun T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Tu Shun period." Rev. Plain. 238. Obv. As No. 237. Rev. "Board of Works." 239. Sun K'o-wang, at Kwei-yang, A. D. 1655. Obv. Hsing Ch'ao T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hsing Ch'ao period." Rev. "Board of Works." 240. Wu San-kuei, A. D. 1674. Obv. Li Yung T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Li Yung Mint." Rev. Plain. 241. Obv. As No. 240. Rev. Kuei=Kuei-chou. 242. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Equal one Li silver." 243. Wu Shih-fan, A. D. 1679. Obv. Hung Hua T'ung Pao. "Currency of the Hung Hua period." Rev. Plain. 244. Obv. As No. 243. Rev. "Board of Works." 246. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Board of Revenue." 246. K6ng Ching-chung, A. D. 1676. Obv. Yii Min Tung Pao, "Currency of the Yii Min period." Rev. Plain. 247. Obv. As No. 246. Rev. "Equal one Fen silver." 248. The Ch'ing Dynasty. Emperor Shih Tsu, 1644-1662. Obv. Shun Chih T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Shun Chih period." Rev. Plain. 249. Obv. As No. 248. Rev. "Board of Revenue Mint." 250. Obv. Ditto. Rev. "Board of Works Mint." 251. Similar; Shan-hsi mint. 262. Similar; Ho-nan mint. 263. Similar; Fu-chien mint. 264. Similar; Ning-po mint. 266. Similar; Shang-tung mint. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 557 266. Similar; Chd-chiang mint. 267. Similar; Wu-ch'ang mint. 268. Obv. As No. 248. Rev. To right of hole, Hu, " Board of Revenue." 269. Obv. As No. 248. Rev. To right of hole, Kung, "Board of Works." 260. Obv. As No. 248. Rev. Ta-t'ung mint. 261. Similar; Hsuan Fu mint. 262. Obv. As No. 248. Rev. Right of hole, Hu, " Board of Revenue." Obverses as No. 248, the reverses of the following bear names of the mints: 263. Chi=Chi-chou. 264. Ho=Ho-nan. 266. Tung=Shan-tung. 266. Che=Ch^-chiang. 267. Yang=Yang-ho. 268. Ch'ang=Wu-ch'ang. 269. Yiin=Mih-yun. 270. T'ung=Ta-t'ung. 271. Hsuan=Hsuan Fu. 272. Chiang=Chiang-ning. 273. Emperor Sheng Tsu J6n Huang Ti, A. D. 1662-1723. Obv. K'ang Hsi T'ung Pao, "Currency of the K'ang Hsi period." Rev. Pao Yuan, "The Board of Works Mint." Obverses as No. 273, the reverses of the following bear the name of the mints: 274. Chiang=Chiang-ning. 276. T'ung=Ta-t'ung. 276. Fu=Fu-chou. 277. Lin=Lin-ching. 278. Tung=Shan-tung. 279. Hsiian=H8uan-Fu. 280. Yiian=T'ai-yiian. 281. Su=Su-chou. 282. Chi=Chi-chou. 283. Ch'ang= Wu-ch'ang. 284. Ho=Ho-nan. 286. Nan=Hu-nan. 286. Che=Ch6-chiang. 287. Kuei=Kuei-lin. 288. Shen=Shen-hsi Province. 289. Yiin=Yiin-nan Province. 290. Tung=Kuang-tung. 291. Chang=Ohang-chou. 292. Ning=Ning-po. 293. Kuang=Kuang-tung Province. 294. T'ai=T'ai-wan (Formosa). 296. Emperor Eao Tsung Shun Huang Ti, A. D. 1736-1796. Obv. Ch'ien Lung T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Ch'ien Lung period." Rev. Pao Yuan, " Board of Works Mint." 558 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Obverses as No. 295, the reverses of the following bear the mint-marks; 298. Pao Su=Su-chou mint. 298. Pao Che=Che-chiang mint. 299. Pao Yiin=Yun-nan mint. 300. Pao Fu=Fu-chien. 301. Pao Gui=Kuei-lin. 302. Pao Tzin=Shan-hsi. 303. Pao Tchuwan=Ssii-ch'uan. 304. Pao Wu=Wu-ch'ang Mint in Hu-pei. 306. Similar, but with dot above hole. 306. Pao ch'ang=Nan-ch'ang. 307. Pao Nan=Hu-nan. 308. Pao Chi=Chi-nan. 809. Pao Chih=Pao-ting, Chih-li. 310. Pao Kuang=Kuang-tung. 311. Pao Shan=Shen-hsi. 812. Pao T'ai=T'ai Wan. J 313. Emperor Jen Ch'ung Jul Huang Ti, A. D. 1796-1821. Obv. Chia ■ Ch'ing T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Chia Ch'ing period." Rev. Pao Ch'uan, " Board of Ke venue Mint." 314. As last, but dot above hole on reverse. I 315. Obv. As No. 313. Rev. Pao Yuwan, "Board of Works Mint." * Obverses as No. 313, the reverses of the following bear the mint marks: 316. Pao Su=Soochou. J 317. Pao Cheh=Oh^-chiang. 1 318. Pao Tung=Shan-tung. 319. Pao Fu=Fu-chien. 320. Pao Ch'ien=Kuei-chou. 321. Pao Gui=Kuei-lin. 322. Pao Chin=Shan-hsi. 323. Pao Ch'uan=Ssii-ch'uan. 324. Pao Wu=Wu-ch'ang. 325. Pao Ch'ang=Nan-ch'ang. 326. Pao Chih=Pao Ting. 327. Pao An=An-hui. 328. Pao Kuang=Kuang-tung. 329. Pao Yun=Yim-nan. 330. Emperor Hsiian Ch'ung Ch'ing Huang Ti, A. D. 1821-1851. Obv. Tao Kuang T'ung Pao, " Currency of the Tao Kuang period." Rev. Pau Ch'eowan, "Board of Revenue Mint." 331. Obv. As No. 330. Rev. Pau Yuwan, "Board of WorksMint." Obverses as No. 330, the reverses of the following bear the mint marks: 332. Pao Su=Soochow. 333. Pao Che=Chd-chiang. 334. Pao Tung= Shantung. 335. Pao Shen=Shen-h8i. 336. Pao Kuei=Kuei-lin. 337. Pao Chin=Shan-hsi. 338. Pao Ch'uan. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 559 339. Pao Wu=Wu-ch'ang. 340. Pao Ch'ang=:Nan-ch'ang. 341. Pao Kuang=Kuang-tung. 342. Pao Yun=Yun-nan. 343. Pao Ch'ien=Kuei-chou. 344. As last, but circle at top. 346. Pao Fu=Fu-chien. ^^j^ ,;. 346. Pao Chih=Paoting, Chih-li. ftf^ ^ff. 347. Emperor W6n Ch'ung Hsien Huang Ti, A. D. 1851-1862. Ohv. Hsien Feng T'ung Pao, "Currency of the Hsien F§ng period." Rev. Pao Ch'uan, " Board of Revenue Mint." 348. Obv. As No. 347. Rev. Pao Yuan, "Board of Works Mint." Obverses as No. 347, the reverses of the following bear the mint marks: 349. Pao Su=Soochow. 350. Pao Wu=Wu-ch'ang. 351. Pao Fu=Fu-chien. 352. Pao Kung=Kung-ch'ang. 353. Pao Che=Che-chiang. 354. Pao Ch'uan, "Board of Revenue Mint;" and, top and bottom. Tang —Ch'ien, " Equal to 1000." 356. Similar to No. 354, but smaller. 366. Pao — Fu, left and right, =Fu-chien; and, top and bottom, Yi — Pai, "One hundred." 357. Pao — Wu, left and right, =Wu-ch'ang; and, top and bottom. Tang —Pai, " Equal to 100." 358. Left and right, Pao — Fu=Fu-chien; top and bottom, Wu — Shih, "Fifty;" on rim, Erh Liang Wu Ch'ien, "Two taels five mace." 369. Pao — Ch'ang=Nan-ch'ang Fu; top and bottom. Tang Wu Shih, " Equal to Fifty." 360. Pao Su=Soochow; top and bottom. Tang Wu Shih, "Equal to fifty." 361. As No. 358; top and bottom. Tang Erh Shih, "Equal to Twenty." 862. As No. 361; on the rim, Chi Chung Yi Liang, " One tael in weight." 363. Pao Yiian, "Board of Works Mint;" top and bottom. Tang Shih, "Equal to Ten." 364. Pao Chin=Shan-hsi; top and bottom, Tang Shih, " Equal to Ten." 366. Pao Chd=Che-chiang; top and bottom, Tang Shih, "Equal to Ten." 366. Obv. Hsien Fdng Chung Pao, "Heavy coin of the Hsien Feng period." Rev. Pao Fu, Fu-chien mint; top and bottom, Yi Shih, "Ten." 367. Obv. As No. 366. Rev. Same legends in field as No. 366; on rim, Chi Chung Wu Ch'ien, " Five mace in weight." 368. Obv. As No. 366. Rev. Pao Yuan, "Board of Works Mint;" top and bottom. Tang Wu, "Equal to Five." 369. AE. Piastre, uncertain attribution. Countermarked by private firms. 370. AB. Gulden of Gelders, 1753, countermarked repeatedly on both sides. 371. AB. Spanish Toston of Charles (?), with numerous countermarks on both sides. 872. AE. Spanish Peseta struck at City of Mexico, 1736, countermarked on both sides many times. 560 CATALOGUE OP COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 373. AV. Bar. Weight, 11| ounces; size, 75 by 25 by 10 mm. On four sides, Chinese characters. 374. Kwang-Tung Province. AB. 7 Mace 2 Candareens. Obv. Dragon. Rev. Name of Province, value, etc, in Chinese. Reeded edge. 39 mm. 876. AB. 3 Mace 6 Candareens. Similar to No. 374. 376. AB. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens. Ditto. 377. AB. 7.2 Candareens. Ditto. 378. AB. 3.6 Candareens. Ditto. 379. AE. 1 Cent. Types similar to No. 374. 380. AE. Cent. Obv. TAI-CHING-TI-KUO COPPER COIN. Dragon. Rev. Native legends. 381. AE. Cash. Struck. " Board of Works Mint." 382. Szechuen Province. AB. 7 Mace 2 Candareens. Obv. Dragon. Name of Province, value, etc., in Chineese. Reeded edge. 39 mm. 383. Brass. Pattern of last. 384. AB. 3 Mace 6 Candareens. Types similar to No. 382. 386. Brass. Pattern of last. 386. AB. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens. Similar to No. 382. 387. Brass. Pattern of last. 388. AB. 7.2 Candareens. Types similar to No. 382. 389. Brass. Pattern of last. 390. AB. 3.6 Candareens. Types as No. 382. 391. Brass. Pattern of last. 392. AE. Cash. Struck. COINS USED AS AMUIiBTS. 393. Obv. Horse. Rev. Plain. 394. Obv. Twelve branches and twelve animals. Rev. "Official Promo- tion" — "Increase of Salary;" deer, and a monkey. 396. Obv. Two charm characters, and long legend. Rev. Eight diagrams. 396. Obv. Fu, "Happiness," in 24 different forms of the character. Rev. Shou, "Longevity," in 24 different forms. 397. Obv. Ch'ang Ming Fu Kuei — Chiu Yti Man T'ang, "Long life, riches and honor" — "Gold and precious things filling the halls." Rev. Deer, stork, and cypress. 398. Obv. Charm character at each side of inscription, "Heaven is round and earth is square," etc. Rev. A man, charm characters, and the eight diagrams. ANNAM. 1. King, The To Cao Hoang De, A. D. 1776-1820. AB. Bar. Obv. Gia Long Nien Tao, "made in the Gia Long period." Rev. Tinh Ngdn Nhat Luong, "Pure silver one tael." Right side, equivalent value; left side, name of balance. 2. King, Hien To Chuong Hoang De, A. D. 1838-1846. AB. Bar. Obv. Tu Due Nien Tao, " Made in the reign of Tu Due. Rev. Gia Tien Nhat Tao, " Three strings of cash in value." 3. AB. Bar. Obv. Similar to No. 2. Rev. Name of Province; "Public Treasury, One Ounce;" below, in corner, inspector's signature. CATAIX)GUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 561 HONa KONQ (UNDER GRRA.T BRITAIN). 1-2. Victoria. AH. Dollar, 1866. Obv. Coroneted bust of Victoria 1. Rev. ONE DOLLAR— HONG KONG 1856; Chinese characters within a tressure. 3. AB. Dollar, 1896. Obv. Britannia standing facing 1. Rev. Chinese characters within a tressure. 4. Ditto, 1899. 6. AB. Half-dollar, 1868. Types similar to No. 1. 6. AR. Half-dollar, 1891. Obv. Bust of Victoria 1. Rev. Value. 7. AE. 20 Cents, 1868. Obv. As last. Rev. Chinese characters within beaded circle. 8. AB. 10 Cents, 1863. Similar to No. 7. 9. Ditto, 1868. 10. AR. 5 Cents, 1868. Types similar to No. 7. 11. AE. 1 Cent, 1863. Obv. Coroneted bust 1. Rev. Value in Chinese within beaded circle. 12. AE. 1 Mil, 1863. Obv. A central hole within a square; above, crown; below, V. R. Rev. Value in Chinese characters. 13. Edward vn. AE. Half-dollar, 1902. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Value within circle. 14. AB. 20 Cents, 1902. Obv. As last. Rev. Chinese characters within beaded circle. 15. AB. 10 Cents, 1903. Types similar to last. 16. AB. 6 Cents, 1903. Ditto. 17. AE. Cent, 1904. Similar. Obv. Kwan-Ei Tsu-Ho, Plain. 1. JAPAN. L. Emperor Mei Sio, At). 1624-1643. AE. Sen. "Currency of the Kwan-Ei period." Rev. 2. AV. Keproduction in gold of a specimen of No. 1. 8. Emperor Bel-Gen, A. D. 1661-1672. AE. Sen. Obv. Similar to No. Rev. Bun. 4. Emperor Naka Mikado, A. D. 1710-1726. AV. Koban, 1714. Obv. Two kiri crests, value, and name, Mitsutsugu. Rev. Signature and two small characters. Oval form. 6. AV. Eoban. Similar to No. 4. 6. AV. 1 Bu. Obv. Two kiri crests and value. Rev. " Gen " and signature Mitsutsugu. 7. AV. 1 Bu. Similar to No. 6, but slightly loiter. 8. AV. 1 Bu. Similar to No. 6. 9. Emperor Sakura MacM, A. D. 1736-1740. AE. Sen. Obv. Kwan-Ei Tsu-Ho, "Currency of the Kwan-Ei period." Rev. Gren, Osaka, place of issue. 10. Emperor Qo-Sakura Machi, A. D. 1763-1770. AE. Sen. Obv. As No. 9. Rev. Wavy lines. 11-12. AE. Sens. Similar to No. 10. 13. Emperor Ninko, A. D. 1817-1846. AV. Tempo Oban, 1838. Obv. Four kiri crests stamped on; value and name of mint master, Goto, in ink. Rev. Two kiri crests, signature, and three minor characters. 94 by 102 mm. 14. AV. Tempo Eoban, 1837. Obv. Four kiri crests, value, and signature. Rev. Signature, and "Ho." 562 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 16, 2 Bu-Bunsei Ni Bu Kin, 1828. Obv. Two kiri crests. Rev. Mitsu- tsugu. 16. Ditto. 17. AE. 1 Shu-Bunsei Isshu gin, 1829. Obv. "Sixteen exchangeable for oneRyo." Rev. "Ginza," the mint; "Jyoze," name of mint official; "Jo," guaranteed. 18. AE. 100 Mon, 1835. Obv. "Tern Po Tsu Ho," "Currency of the Tern Po period." Rev. "To-Hiaku," "The equivalent of a hundred" above, and below a central hole, signature. Oval. 33 by 49 mm. 19. Emperor Komei, 1847-1864. AV. Manen Koban, 1860. Obv. Two kiri crests, name, and value, one Ryo. Rev. Signature and two minor characters. Oval. 20. Ditto. 21. AV. 2 Shu piece, Manen Ni Shu Blin. Obv. One kiri crest and mark of value. Rev. Name of mint master and signature. 22-23, 1 Bu, Ansei icM Bu Gin, 1869. Obv. Ichi BuGin, " one Bu silver." Rev. Similar to No. 21. 24-26. AB. 1 Shu, Ansei Ni Shu Gin, 1853. Obv. Value. Rev. Similar to to No. 16. 26. AB. 2 Shu, Ansei Ni Shu Gin, 1859. Obv. Mark of value. Rev. Simi- lar to No. 16. A very heavy coin for the denomination it bears. 27. AV. 2 Shu, Manen Ni Shu Kin, 1860. Obv. Two kiri crests, signature and value. Rev. Signature mark and minor characters. 28. AE. Sen, 1863. Obv. Bun-Kyu Ei-Ho, " The eternal currency of Bun- Kyu." Rev. Eleven curved lines. The long silver pieces, "Cho Gin," described below were employed for presentation in official recognition of superior services. The custom dates back many centuries. The small round pieces, Nos. 30-36, were given to eke out the short weight of the Cho Gin, which was habitually made less than the supposed weight. The small pieces are called "Bean Money" (Mame Gin), because of their form. 29. AB. Cho Gin. 06v. Inscription illegible. i?«;. Plain. Length, 75 mm. 30-36. AB. "Mame Gin." Small round silver pieces varying in weight from 189 to 29 grains. One specimen has plain reverse. 37. Province of Koshu. AV. 1 Bu. Obv. The name "Matsuki." Rev. Ko- Jo-Kin, "pure gold of the province of Koshu." A round piece of nearly the same form as occidental coins. 38. Emperor Matsuhito, A. D. 1867-. AV. 20 Yen, 1870. Obv. "Dai Nip- pon. Meiji San Nen. Ni Jiu Yen=Great Japan. Third Year of Meiji. 20 Yen." Dragon within beaded circle, iiev. Blazing sun within wreath of kiri and chrysanthemum, over crossed staffs of two standards. 35 mm. 39. AV. 5 Yen, 1870. Types similar to No. 38, but value "Go yen." 40. AV. 2 Yen, 1870. Ditto, but value "Ni yen." 41. AV. Yen, 1870. Obv. Legend as No. 38; in field, "Ichi yen." Rev. As No. 38. 42-43. AV. Yen, 1870. As No. 41. 44. AB. Yen, 1870. Obv. As No. 38. Rev. Blazing sun within beaded circle. 46. AB. Yen, 1874. Obv. Similar to No. 38, but added, below type, 416. O N E Y E N . 900. Rev. Value within wreath. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 563 46. AB. Trade Dollar. 1877. Obv. Dragon; 420 GRAINS TRADE DOL- LAR. 900 FINE. Rev. Value in wreath. 47. AB. 60 Sen, 1870. Types similar to No. 44. 48. AB. 50 Sen, 1874. Types similar to No. 45. 49. AB. 20 Sen, 1870. Types similar to No. 44. 60. AB. 20 Sen, 1874. Similar to No. 45. 61. Ditto, 1888. 62. AB. 10 Sen, 1870. Similar to No. 44. 63. AB. 10 Sen, 1874. Similar to No. 45. 54. AB. 5 Sen, 1870. Types similar to No. 44. 55. AB. 5 Sen, 1874. Types similar to No. 45. 56. N. 5 Sen, 1889. Obv. Chrysanthemum, and value in Japanese and English. Rev. Value within beaded circle. 57. Ditto, 1890. 58. AE. 2 Sen, 1874. Obv. Dragon. Rev. Value in wreath. 69. AE. Half-sen, 1874. Types as last. 60. AE. Bin, 1874. Ditto. COINAGE ON GOLD STANDARD. 61. AV. 20 Yen, 1903. Obv. Legend as No. 38; a blazing sun within a tres- sure. Rev. Value within a wreath. 29 mm. 62. AV. 20 Yen, 1907. As last. 63-64. AV. 10 Yen, 1904. Types as No. 61. 65. AV. 5 Yen, 1898. Types as No. 61. 66. Ditto, 1903. 67. AB. 60 Sen, 1907. Obv. Blazing sun within wreath of kiri blossoms; below, 50 SEN. Rev. Value within wreath. 68. AB. 20 Sen, 1904. Obv. Dragon. Rev. Value in wreath. 69. AB. 20 Sen, 1907. Obv. Blazing sun. Rev. Value in wreath. 70. AB. 10 Sen, 1903. As No. 68. 71. AB. 10 Sen, 1907. As No. 69. 72. N. 6 Sen, 1903. Obv. Blazing sun. Rev. Value in wreath of rice. 73. AE. 2 Sen, 1903. Types similar to last. COREA. COPPER CASH, WHEN NOT OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. 1. Obv. Shang P'ing T'ung Pao, "Ordinary Currency." Rev. Hu- Huang, ' ' Board of Revenue " — ' * Limitless. ' ' 2. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Hu-Shih, "Board of Revenue"—" 10." 3. Obv. AsNo.l. i?ei;. Hsien-T'ien, "HsienChing Province" — "Heaven." 4. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Ch6n-Erh, "Relief Department"— "Two;" to left of hole, crescent and dot. 6. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Ying-Erh. "Imperial Military Department" — "No. 2." 6. AB. 2 Shot. Obv. Value, etc. Rev. Enameled center. 7. AB. Shot. Similar. 564 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 8. Brass, 20 Warn. 9. Brass, 10 Warn. 10. Brass, 5 Warn. 11. Brass, 2 Warn. 12. Brass, 1 Warn. PATTEBNS FOB STBUCK COINS. For gold coins. Obv. Dragons. Rev. Value within a wreath. 36 mm. Types similar to No. 8. 29 mm. Ditto. 24 mm. Ditto. 18 mm. Ditto. 14 mm. For silver coins. 13. AL. 1 Warn. 14. AL. 6 Niang. 16. AL. 2 Niang. 16. AL. 1 Niang. Types similar to No. 8. Ditto. 32 mm. Ditto. 24 mm. Ditto. 18 mm. Reeded edge. 38 mm. 17. AL. Half-Niang. Ditto. 15 mm. 18. AE. 20 Mun. Types similar to No. 8. 31 mm. 19. A£. 10 Mun. Ditto. 18 mm. EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS. BNOIilSH BAST INDIA COMPANY. 1. Bombay Presidency. AE. Half-anna, 1834. Obv. EAST INDIA COM- PANY. Arms of the company, iJei). Scales. 2. AE. Quarter-anna, 1833. As. No. 1. 3. AE. Pie, 1831. As No. 1. 4. Bengal Presidency. AV. Mohur. Nineteenth year of Emperor Shah Aulum, or after 1773. Edge, obliquely milled. Weight, 189 grains. 5. AV. Half-mohur. Similar to No. 4. 6. AV. Quarter-mohur. Similar to No. 4. 7. AB. Sicca-nipee. Year 19. Oblique milling; mint-mark, star. 8. AB. Sicca-rupee. Similar to No. 7, but with upright milling on edge. 9. AB. Half-rupee. As No. 8. 10. Quarter-rupee. As No. 8. 11. 2 Annas. Dated 1204. Year 20. 12. Sicca-rupee (1832-1836). Same as No. 4. Edge, plain. 13. Half-rupee. As No. 12. 14. Quarter-rupee. As No. 12. 16. AE. Half-anna, 1846. Obv. Arms of the East India Company. Rev. Value within laurel wreath. 16. AE. 1 Pie. Obv. Value in English and Bengalee. Rev. Value in Per- sian and Nagree. 17. Madras Presidency. AV. Star pagoda. Obv. The god Swami. Rev. Five-pointed star with three rows of dots. 18. AV. 2 Pagoda. Obv. A pagoda with nine stars on each side, within a garter, inscribed with value, TWO PAGODAS, and the same in Persian. Rev. The god Swami within three circles of dots. 19. AV. Mohur. 06t;. ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY. The arms of the company. Rev. Value in Persian. 20. AV. Quarter-mohur. Obv. Shield of arms of the East India Company with crest. Rev. Value in Persian characters. 21. AB. Arcot Bupee. Struck at Arcot in sixth year of Aulumgeer. Mint mark, a lotus. 22. AB. Quarter-pagoda. Similar to No. 18. 23. AB. Double-rupee. Struck at Arcot, over Spanish dollar. Dated 1182. 24. AB. Bupee. Year 2. Struck at Arcot. 26. HaU-rupee. As No. 24. 565 566 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. THE GENERAL COINAGE OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY FOR INDIA. 26. AR. Rupee, 1835. Obv. WILLIAM llll KING. Head r. Rev. EAST 1 N D I A CO M PA N Y. Value within laurel wreath. 27-28. Half and quarter rupee, 1835. As No. 26. 29. Victoria. AB. Rupee, 1840. Obv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Youthful head 1. Rev. EAST INDIA COMPANY. Value within laurel wreath. 30. AR, Half-rupee. As No. 29. 31. AR. 2 Annas, 1841. As No. 29. BRITISH INDIA. I. Victoria. AV. Mohur, 1862. Obv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Crowned bustr. Rev. ONE MOHUR* •• INDIA 1862; wide border with floral and meander pattern. 2-3. AR. Rupee, 1862. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Value and date within floral pattern. 4. AR. Rupee, 1901. As No. 2. 6. AR. Half-rupee. As No. 2. 6. Quarter-rupee, 1862. As No. 2. 7. 2 Annas, 1862. As No. 2. 8. AE. Half-anna, 1862. As No. 2, but with row of dots around the mark of value and date. 9. AE. Quarter-anna, 1862. As No. 8. 10. AE. Half-pice, 1862. As No. 8. II. AE. Twelfth-anna, 1862. As No. 8. 12. AV. 10 Rupees, 1870. Same types and inscriptions as No. 1. 13. AV. 6 Rupees, 1870. As No. 12. 14. Edward Vn, Emperor. AR. Rupee, 1904. Obv. EDWARD VII KING &. EMPEROR. Head r. Rev. Value and crown within wreath. 15. AR. Quarter-rupee, 1904. As No. 14. 16. AR. 2 Annas, 1904. As No. 14. 17. N. 1 Anna, 1907. 06?;. EDWARD VII KING & EMPEROR. Crowned bust r. Rev. Value and date. Scalloped edge. 18. AE. Quarter-anna, 1904. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. As No. 8. 19. AE. Half-pice, 1904. As No. 18. 20. AE. Twelfth-anna, 1904. As No. 18, CEYION. 1. AE. ^j Rupee, 1802, Obv. An elephant standing 1.; below, 1802. Rev. CEYLON GOVERNMENT encircling value, 48. 2. AE. -^s Rupee, 1802. As No. 1. 3. AE. j\-2 Rupee, 1802. As No. 1. 4. George IV, AR, 1 Rix Dollar, 1821, Obv. GEORGIUS IV D.G. BRI- TANNIAR: REX F.D. Laureated head 1. iJei). An elephant within an oak wreath. 6. Victoria. AE, 6 Cents, 1870. Obv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Head, dia- demate, 1, Rev. Palm tree. 6-8. AE. Cent, Half-cent, and quarter-cent, 1870, As No. 5. 9. AR, 25 Cents, 1892. Obv. Head, diademate, r. Rev. Palm tree between figures 2 and 5, CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 567 10-12. AR. 10 Cents, 1893, 1894, 1896. As No. 9. 13. Edward VH. AR. 60 Cents, 1902. Obv. EDWARD KING & EM- P E R R . Crowned bust r. iiev . As No. 9. 14. AB. 25 Cents, 1902. As No. 13. 16. AB. 10 Cents, 1902. As No. 13. 16. AE. 1 Cent, 1904. Obv. As No. 13. Rev. Palm tree. 17. AE. Half-cent, 1904. As No. 16. 18. AE. Quarter-cent, 1904. As No. 16. MALACCA. 1. AE. 2 Kapangs, 1247-1836. Obv. Cock, and "Malayan Land" in Malay characters. Rev. Value in Persian. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 1. Victoria, AE. 50 Cents, 189L Obv. VICTORIA QUEEN. Head, dia- demate,l. i?et;. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. FIFTY CENTS 1891. 50 within a beaded circle. 2. AE. Cent, 1862. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. INDIA STRAITS. Value and date within laurel wreath. 3. AE. Half-cent, 1862. As No. 2. 4. AE. Quarter-cent, 1862. As No. 2. 5. Edward Vn. AR. 60 Cents, 1903. Obv. EDWARD VII KING &. EM- PEROR. Crowned bust r. Rev. As No. 1. 6. AR. 10 Cents, 1903. As No. 5. 7. AR. 5 Cents, 1903. As No. 5. 8. AE. Cent, 1904. Same types as No. 5. JAVA (ENGLISH), 1811-1814. EAST INDIA COMPANY. 1. AR. Rupee, 1813. Obv. Javanese inscription. Rev. Persian inscription and date, 1228- A. H. 2. AR. Rupee, 1814. As No. 1, with date 1232. (=1814). 3. AE. Stiver, 1811. Obv. 1 -St.; bale-mark of East India Company. Rev.^AWA 1811 Z. ISLAND OF SUMATEA. COINAGE OP THE BBITIBH EAST INDIA COMPANY. 1. AE. Kapang, 1804. Obv. ISLAND OF SUMATRA. Arms with crest and supporters. Rev. Inscription, Malay, with date A. H. 1219. ISLAND OF SULTANA. COINAGE OF BRITISH EAST INDIA COMPANY. 1. AE. Kapang, 1804. ISLAND OF SULTANA. Similar in all other respects to the Sumatra Kapang.- 568 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. SARAWAK (NORTH BORNEO). 1. 1 Cent, 1892. Obv. C. BROOKE RAJAH. Bust of the Rajah above a central hole, flags below the hole. Rev. ONE CENT within a wreath; above, SARAWAK. 2. 1 Cent, 1892. As No. 1. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY. 1. 1 Cent, 1886. Obv. Arms of the company with two natives as supporters; on a ribbon below, PERGO ET PERAGO. Rev. ONE CENT and native inscription within a wreath; around, BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. 2. 1 Cent, 1886. Similar to No. 1. 3. Half-cent, 1886. Types as No. 1. INDO-CHINA (FRENCH). 1-2. AB. Piastre de Commerce, 1889. Obv. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Female figure representing France seated 1. Rev. PIASTRE DE COMMERCE within a wreath; around, INDO-CHINE FRAN- CAISE. TITRE 0.900. POIDS 27.215. 3. Ditto, 1900. 4-6. AB. 60 Centimes, 1889. Types similar to No. 1. 6. Ditto, 1900. 7-8. AR. 20 Centimes, 1889. Similar to No. 1. 9. Ditto, 1900. 10-11. AB. 10 Centimes, 1889. Types similar to No. 1. 12. Ditto, 1900. 13-14. AE. 1 Cent, 1889. Obv. France seated 1. Rev. Native legend on label; in field 1 - C. 16. AE. 1 Cent, 1900. Obv. France seated 1., flag in r. hand, the 1. hold- ing mantle over native female figure. Rev. Value about central hole. 16-17. AE. Sapeques, 1889. Obv. INDO-CHINE FRANCAISE 1889-. Square central hole. Rev. Chinese inscription. 18. Ditto, 1900. PORTUGUESE INDIA. 1. AR. Rupia de Goa, 1806. Obv. RUPIA GOA. Bust r. i?ei;. Shield of arms crowned. 2. AR. Rupia de Goa, 1841. 06?;. Bust of Maria II, 1. i?ci;. Shield of arms, within an olive branch, crowned. 3. AR. Rupia de Goa, 1860. Obv. PETRUS. V. PORTUG.ET.ALGARB. REX. Head r. Rev. Value within laurel wreath. CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 569 AUSTRALIA. 1-2. AV. One Pound, 1853. Obv. GOVERNMENT ASSAY OFFICE* ADELAIDE. Crown and date. Rev. VALUE ( ONE | POUND ■within circle of dots and wavy line; around, WEIGHT 5 DWT: 15 GRS— 22 CARATS. 3. AV. Two ounce piece, 1853. Obv. FORT PHILIP AUSTRALIA incuse on a broad, engined rim; a kangaroo, with date below. Rev. PURE AUSTRALIAN GOLD. TWO OUNCES incuse on engined border. Numeral 2 inscribed TWO-OUNCES. 35 mm. 4. AV. Half-ounce piece, 1863. Similar to No. 3. 5. AV. One Sovereign, 1856. Obv. VICTOAIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REGINA F: D: Filleted head of the Queen 1., with date below. Rev. AUSTRALIA, with a crown above, within an olive wreath; around, SYDNEY MINT— ONE SOVEREIGN. 6. AV. One Sovereign, 1860. Obv. Head of Queen Victoria 1., with laurel wreath; inscription as on No. 5, but reads REG. instead of Regina. Rev. As No. 5. 7-8. AV. One Sovereign, 1866. As No. 6. BRONZE. 9. Auckland. Penny. Obv. Justice, scales and cornucopia. Rev. Palm tree. 10. Melbourne. Penny. Obv. PEACE AND PLENTY. Female between lion and lamb. Rev. J. MCPARLANE, GROCER. 11. Penny, 1858. 06t). MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. Justice, with scales and cornucopia. Rev. PEACE AND PLENTY. Arms of Australia. 12. Penny, 1862. Obv. GEORGE NiCKOLS, ete. Rev. Arms of Aus- tralia. 13. Penny, 1862. Obv. VICTORIA. 1862. IN VINO VERITAS. Wreath. Rev. Similar to No. 12. 14. Penny, 1862. Obv. ROBISON BROS., ete. Rev. VICTORIA 1862. Ostrich. 15-16. Penny. Obv. BRITANNIA. Britannia, seated. Rev. AN NAN D SMITH & CO., etc. 17. Penny. Obv. VICTORIA. Justice, with scales, staff. Rev. SMITH- FIELD CO., MELBOURNE. 18. Penny, 1866. Obv. Similar to No. 11. Rev. HIDE AND DECARLE, etc. Lion, crowned; shield. 19. Penny, 1855. Obv. Similar to No. 11. Rev. E. DECARLE, ete. Lion, crowned. 20. Halfpenny. Obv. AUSTRALIA. Britannia, seated Rev. MEL- BOURNE. Kangaroo. 21. Sidney. Penny, 1820. Obv. AUSTRALIA. Justice, standing. Rev. IREDALE &C0., ete. 22. Penny, 1866. Obv. AUSTRALIA. Justice, seated. Rev. A. TOO- GOOD MERCHANT. SIDNEY. 23. Penny, 1867. Obv. PEACE AND PLENTY. Arms, ostrich and kangaroo as supporters. Rev. HANKS &. CO., etc. 24. Halfpenny. Obv. Similar to No. 400. Rev. WEIGHT k JOHNSON, DRAPERS. London and Sidney. 25. Halfpenny, 1866. Obv. THE SIDNEY RAILWAY; opening of. Rev. HANKS & LLOYD, TEA MART. 570 CATALOGUE OF COINS^ TOKENS^ AND MEDALS. TASMANIA. 26-27. Penny, 1855. Obv. TASMANIA, 1855. Justice, seated. Rev. EDW. DECARLE, etc. Auctioneer. 28. Penny, 1857. Obv. Similar to No. 26. Rev. I. FRIEDMAN, PAWN- BROKER. 29. Geelong, Penny, Obv. Similar to No. 26. Rev. R. PARKER, IRON MONGER, GEELONG. 80. HobartTown. Penny. Obv. Similar to No. 26. Rev. R. ANDREW MATHER, HOBARTTOWN. 31. Penny. 06?;. Kangaroo and emu. Rev. G. MUTTON, IRON- MONGER, etc. 82. Penny, 1850. Obv. ECONOMY HOUSE PENNY TOKEN. Rev. JOSEPH MOIR, etc. 33. Halfpenny. Obv. O. H. HEDBERG, SWEDISH HOUSE. iJet). In- scription. 34. Van Dieman's Land. 1866. Obv. Justice, seated. Rev. R. JO- SEPH'S, etc. Tollhouse. DUTCH EAST INDIA. EAST INDIA COMPANY. 1. AS. Pattern of Dute of Utrecht, 1765. Obv. O V C in monogram. Rev. Arms. 2. AB. Pattern of Half-dute of Utrecht, 1766. Similar to No. 1. 3. AE. Dute, 1790. Similar to No. 1. 4. AE. Half-Dute, 1790. As No. 1. 6. AB. Gulden, 1802. Obv. INDIAE BATAVORUM. A ship sailing r.; below, date. Rev. MO: ARG: ORD: FOED: BELG: HOL: A shield of arms crowned. 6. AB. Eighth-gulden, 1802. As No. 5. 7. AB. Gulden, 1821. Obv. WILLEM KONING DER NED. G. H. V. L. Head r. Rev. MUNT VAN HET KONINGRYK DER NEDER- L A N D E N etc. Crowned shield of arms. 8. AB. Half-gulden, 1834. Obv. As No. 7. Rev. Value within a palm wreath. 9. AB. Quarter-gulden, 1840. As No. 8. 10. AE. 2 Cents, 1839. Obv. NEDERL. INDIE. Rev. Crowned shield. 11. AE. Quarter-stuiver, 1826. As. No. 10. 12. AB. Quarter-gulden. Obv. NEDRL. INDIE. Shield of arms crowned. Rev. Inscription in Malayan and Javanese. 13. AB. Tenth-gulden. As No. 12. 14. AB. Twentieth-gulden. As No. 12. 16. AE. 2 1/2 Cents, 1867. Obv. Similar to No. 12, with dots around the shield. Rev. Similar to No. 12. 16. AE. 1 Cent, 1860. As No. 15. 17. AE. Half-cent, 1867. As No. 15. CHBRIBON. 1. Tin. Pitji. Obv. Name of country round central hole. Rev. Plain. 1. Tin. Pitji. Similar to No. 1, but of lighter weight. 22023°— 14— 37 571 NEW GUINEA (GEKMAN). 1. AV. 20 Marks, 1896. Obv. Bird of paradise. Rev.Yalue, 20— NEU GUINEA— MARK— 1895, within a wreath; above, NEU-GUINEA COMPAGNIE. 2. AV. 10 Marks, 1896. Similar to No. 1. 3-4. AB. 6 Marks, 1894. Similar to No. 1, except value. 5-6. AR. 2 Marks, 1894. Similar to No. 1, except value. 7-8. AB. 1 Mark, 1894. Similar to No. 1, except value. 9-10. AH. Half-mark, 1894. Similar to No. 1, except value. 11-12. AE. 10 Pfennig, 1894. Similar to No. 1, except value. 13-14. AE. 2 Pfennig, 1894. Obv. NEU-GUINEA | COMPAGNIE; below, two palm branches crossed. Rev. Numeral within circle of dots; around, ZWEI NEU-GUINEA PFENNIG 1894. 15-16. AE. 1 Pfennig, 1894. Similar to No. 13. 572 I HAWAII. 1-2. Kamehameham, 1824r-1864. AE. Cents, 1847. O61;. KAMEHAMEHA III KA MOI. Facing bust of the King in uniform. Rev. HAPA | HENERI, within a laurel wreath; around, AUPUNI HAWAII. 3-4. Kalakaua I, 1874-1891. AE. DoUar, 1883. Obv. KALAKAUA I KING OF HAWAII. Head r. iJe?;. Crowned shield of arms within an ermine mantle, looped up at the sides with tasseled cords and sur- mounted with a crown; around, UA MAU KE EA O KA-AINA I KA PONO; below, AKAH! DALA. Reeded edge. 38 mm. 6-6. AR. Half-dollars, 1883. Obv. As No. 3. Rev. Shield of arms, crowned, separating the mark of value, 1/2 - D. ; inscription as No. 3; below, HAPALUA. 7-8. AE. Quarter-dollars, 1883. Similar to No. 5. 9-10. AE. Eighth-doUars, 1883. O&v.AsNo. 1. iJei;. HAPAWALU, within a laurel wreath; above, a crown. 11. AE. Dime, 1883. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. ONE DIME, within a wreath; a crown and inscription as No. 3. PHIIIPPINE ISLANDS. UNDER SPAIN. 1. Isabel n. AV. 4 Pesos, 1868. Obv. ISABEL 2A. POR LA G. DE DIOS Y LA CONST. Laureated head 1. Rev. REINA DE LAS ESPANAS. Arms of Spain; below, F! LI PIN AS. 2. AV. 2 Pesos, 1863. Types similar to No. 1. 3. AV. Peso, 1868. Ditto. 4. Alfonso Xra. AE. Peso, 1897. Obv. ALFONSO XIII P.L.G.D.D. REY C. DE ESPANA. Youthful head L iJer. ISLAS FILIPINAS. Armsof Spain; below, UN PESO. 37 mm. POSSESSION OF THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. The act of March 2, 1903, which authorized a coinage for the Philippine Islands was amended by the act of June 23, 1906, so as to reduce the weight, fineness, and size of the silver coins. The following table shows the changes thus made: Act of Mar. 2, 1903. Act of June 23, 1906. Weight (grains). Fine- ness. Size (mm.). Weight (grains). Fine- ness. Size (mm.). Peso 416 208 83 41.56 900 900 900 900 38 31 23 18 308.640 154. 320 61. 728 30.864 800 760 750 750 36 Medio-peso 27 20 Centavos 21 10 Centavos 17 573 574 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Types as No. 5. 36 mm. 6. AR. Peso, 1903. Obv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An eagle with wings displayed perched upon shield of the United States; below, 1903. Rev. Female figure standing 1., holding olive branch in left hand and in the right a hammer which she rests upon an anvil; to right, a volcano; around, ONE PESO. Fl LI PIN AS. Reeded edge. 38 mm. 6. Ditto, 1904. 7. Ditto, 1905. 8. Ditto, 1906. 9. Peso, 1907. 10. Ditto, 1908. 11. Ditto, 1909. 12. Ditto, 1910. 13. AE. Medio-peso, 1903. 14. Ditto, 1904. 16. Ditto, 1906. 16. Ditto, 1906. 17. AB. Medio-peso, 1907. 27 mm. 18. Ditto, 1908. 19. Ditto, 1909. 20. AR. 20 Centavos, 1903. 21. Ditto, 1904. 22. Ditto, 1906. 23. Ditto, 1906. 24. AB. 20 Centavos, 1907. 21 mm. 25. Ditto, 1908. 26. Ditto, 1909. 26a. Ditto, 1910. 27. AE. 10 Centavos, 1903. Ditto, 1904. Ditto, 1905. Ditto, 1906. AE. 10 Centavos, 1907. 17 mm. Ditto, 1908. Ditto, 1909. N. 6 Centavos, 1903. Obv. As No. 5. Rev. A youth with hammer in r. hand seated to r, by an anvil; to r., volcano; above, FIVE CEN- TAVOS; below, FILIPINAS. 21mm. Ditto, 1905. 36. Ditto, 1906. 37. Ditto, 1907. 38. Ditto, 1908. 39. Ditto, 1909. AE. 1 Centavo, 1903, Types similar to No. 34. 25 mm. Ditto, 1904. Ditto, 1905. Ditto, 1906, 35 Legends and types similar to No. 5. 31 mm. Legends and types as before, but measuring Legends and types similar to No. 5. 23 mm. Legends and types as before, but measuring Legends and types similar to No. 5. 18 mm. Legends and types as before, but measuring OATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 575 44. Ditto, 1907. 45. Ditto, 1908. 46. Ditto, 1909. 47. Ditto, 1910. 48. AE. Half-centavo, 1903. 49. Ditto, 1904. 50. Ditto, 1905. 51. Ditto, 1906. 62. Ditto, 1907. 53. Ditto, 1908. 54. Ditto, 1909. Types similar to No. 34. 18 mm. MEDALS. ITALIAN MEDALS. 1. Leonello D'Este. Marriage medal, 1444. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. A lion be- ing taught to sing. Electrotype. 103 mm. By Pisanello. 2. The same. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Two men carrying baskets of fruit. Early copy. AE. 68 mm. 3. Isotta degli Atti, 1446. Obv. Bust 1. of Isotta. Rev. An elephant. AE. 82 mm. By Di Pasti. 4. Cecilia Gonzaga. Obv. Bust of Cecilia Gonzaga 1. Rev. A young maiden sitting by a unicorn. Electrotypes. By Pisanello. 6. Alfonso I, of Naples, 1449. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Eagle perched upon a stub of a tree; at the foot a dead fawn and four birds of prey. Elec- trotypes. By Pisanello. 6. Cosmo n, 1611. 06t>. Draped bust r. No reverse. Electrotye. 92 mm. 7. Leonardo da Vinci, 1669. Bust of da Vinci 1. By Herard. 8. Victory of Venice over the Turks, 1686. Obv. Venice with mural crown seated 1. Rev. Busts of Dogi, M. Ant. Justiniano, and Morisini. Brass. 38 mm. 9. The Eight-hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the University of Bologna, 1888. Obv. Bust of King Humbert 1 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 75 mm. By Giorgi. 10. Christopher Columbus. Obv. Bust of Columbus 1. Rev. An angel with torch and cornucopia. AE. 102 mm. 11. The same. Obv. Bust of Columbus 1. Rev. Columbus landing. Elec- trotype. 128 mm. 12. The same. Obv. Columbus at the helm of a ship. Rev. View of a building. AE. 65 mm. 13. The same. Similar to No. 10. White metal. 59 mm. 14. The same. Obv. Bust of Columbus 1. Rev. Indian girl standing by Fortuna of Genova. Aluminum. 90 mm. 16. The International Exposition at Milan, 1906. Obv. Row of five busts r., representing the arts and industries. Rev. Laborer seated r. by a drill. AR. 44 mm. 16. Same Event. Ofti". Mercury uniting hands of Italy and France. Rev. Gateway of exposition grounds. AE. 56 mm. 17. Same Event. Plaque. 06v. Similar to No. 16. 2vev. Oceania, America, Africa, Europa, and Asia, in circle round the earth. AR. Rec- tangular. 50 by 73 mm. 18. Similar to No. 17, in bronze. 576 CATAIiOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 577 PAPAL MEDALS. In the following list of medals struck by authority of the Roman pon- tiffs, reference to the obverse has been omitted except in the case of a single specimen for each pope, where the portrait bust is mentioned and the direction in which it is turned. In a majority of cases the medals of a pope present his portrait in the same aspect, and where a change is made the fact is mentioned. The chief interest in the series lies in the reverse designs, the subjects of which are stated and the inscriptions given, but no attempt at descrip- tion has been made. [All medals of this series are of bronze.] 20. Martin V, A. D. 1417-1431, Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. QVEM.CRE- ANT.ADORANT. Coronation of the pope. 43 mm. 21. Rev. ANNO PRIMO MCDXVII PONT. Arms on oval shield, the crossed keys and tiara above. 43 mm. 22. Rev. DIRVTAS.AC.LABANTES.VRBIS.RESTAVR.ECCLES. View of a church. 41 mm. 23. Rev. IVSTI INTRABVNT PER EAM. Doorway with a bust above, and candlestick. 43 mm. 24. Eugenius IV, A. D. 1431-1447. Obv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. QVEM. CREANT.ADORANT. Scene of coronation. 43 mm. 26. Rev. NICOLAI.TOLENTINATIS. etc. Canonization of St. Nicholas of Tolentina, June 6, 1446. 43 mm. 26. Rev. REDDE CVIQVE SVVM. A hand from the clouds holds a pair of scales, etc. 43 mm. 27. Nicholas V, A. D. 1447-1465. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. TOMAS.LVGANO. DI.SARZANA.M.CD.IIIL. Shield of arms upon crossed keys. 43 mm. 28. i?w. VICTRIX. CASTA. FIDES. Two palm branches lying upon a Greek cross. 43 mm. 29. jRw. ANNO. IVBIL. ALMA. The holy door. 43 mm. 30. Calixtus IH, A. D. 1466-1468. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. HOC.VOVI.DEO. Departure of fleet to war with Turks. 41 mm. 81. iiev. NE.MVLTORVM.SVBRVATVR.SECVRITAS. The city of Rome and fortifications. 41 mm. 32. Bey. OMNES.REGES.SERVIENT.EI. The tiara above a Latin cross. 43 mm. 33. Pius n, A. D. 1458-1464. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. GLORIA. SENENSI.D. C. PICCOLOM I N I. Shield of arms, keys, and tiara. 43 mm. 34. Rev. VELOCITER.SCRIBENTIS.SOBOLES. A table covered with books. 43 mm. 86. i?cr . O PT I M O P R I N C I P I in three lines across the field. 43 mm. 36. Paul n, A. D. 1464-1471. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. AN NO. M. DC. LXIV.ROMA. Arms. 43 mm. 37. i?ea).SOLVM. IN. FERAS. PIUS. BELLATUR. PASTOR. Ahunterpur- suing wild beasts. 43 mm. 38. Rev. HILARITAS.PUBLICA. A female standing, holding a palm branch and cornucopia. 43 mm. 678 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 39. Rev. ANNO CHRISTI MCCCLXX HAS AEDES CONDIDIT in five lines within a wreath. 43 mm. 40. Sixtus, IV, A. D. 1471-1482. Ohv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. ESTI. ANNOSA.GERMINAT. Arms surmounted by keys and tiara. 43 mm. 41. i?«;. ANNO. IVBIL. ALMA. ROMA. The holy door. 43 mm. 42. i?ev. CITA.APERITIO. BREVES. AETERNAT.DIES. Opening the holy door. 43 mm. 43. Innocent Vni, A. D. 1484^1492. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. ANNO. DOMINI. M. CD. LXXIV. Arms surmounted by the keys and tiara. 43 mm. 44. Rev. ECCE.SIC.BENEDICETVR.HOMO. The pope bestowing his blessing upon the Duke of Calabria. 43 mm. 45. Alexander VI, A. D. 1492-1503. Ohv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. RO- DRICO.LENZVOLA. BORGIA. SP.M. CD. XCII. Arms of the house Borgia surmounted by the crossed keys and tiara. 43 mm. 46. Rev. RESERAVIT.ET.CLAVSIT.AN.JVB. Closing the holy door. 43 mm. 47. Rev. CITA.APERITIO. BREVES. AETERNAT.DIES. Opening the holy door. 43 mm. 48. Pius m, A. D. 1503. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. GLORIA.SENENSI. D.C. PICCOLOMINI. Arms of the house of Piccolomini sur- mounted by keys and tiara. 43 mm. 49. Rev. SVB. UMBRA. ALARVM.TVARVM. Caesar Borgia imploring Orsini. 43 mm. 60. JuUus n, A. D. 1503-1513. Ohv. Bust of pope r. iJer. ESTI.ANNOSA. G ERM ! N AT. The arms of the Rovere family surmounted by keys and tiara. 43 mm. 61. Rev. VATICANVS.MONS. A view of St. Peter's from the designs of Bramante. 37 mm. 62. Rev. ANNONA.PVBLICA. A figure of the goddess Ceres. 35 mm. bZ. Rev. PORTVS.CENTVM.CELLAE. Fortifications at Civita Vecchia. 43 mm. 64. Rev. Similar to No. 53, but of smaller module. 66. iJei;. TEMPLVM.VIRG.LAVRETI. View of Notre Dame of Loretto. 35 mm. 66. Leo X, A. D. 1513-1521. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. GLORIA. ET. HONORE CORONASTI.EVM.ROMA. Arms of the Medici with keys and tiara. 43 mm. 67. Rev. LIBERALITAS.PONTIFICIA. A female figure standing hold- ing a cornucopia, etc. 43 mm. 68. Similar to No. 57, but of a smaller module. 59. Hadrian VI, A. D. 1522-1523. Ohv. QVEM.CREANT.ADORANT. View of the coronation of Hadrian VI. 43 mm. 60. Rev. SPIRITVS.SAPIENTIAE. A trophy of books, crossed keys, tiara, etc. 43 mm. 61. Rev. S.PETRVS.S.PAVLVS.ROMA. Half-length figures in alcoves. 35 mm. 62. Clement Vn, A. D. 1523-1534. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. GLORIA ET HONORE CORONASTI.EVM.ROMA. Arms of the Medici, with keys and tiara. 43 mm. 63. Rev. RESERAVIT.ET.CLAVSIT.ANN.IVB. The ceremony of closmg the holy door. 43 mm. \ OATALOGtTE OP COIN'S, TOKENS, ANI> MEDALS. 679 64. Rev. EGO.SVM.IOSEPH.FRATER.VESTER. Joseph and his breth- ren. 37 mm. 66. Paul in, A. D. 1534-1649. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. AVITE.FAR- NESIORVM.STIRPIS. Arms of the Famese family, with keys and tiara above. 43 mm. 66. i?ei;. AN NONA. PONT. Figure of Ceres. 35 mm. 67. Rev. IN.VIRTVTE.TVA.SERVATI.SVMVS. Unicom, serpent, etc. 37 mm. 68. Rev. HARVM.AEDIVM.FVNDATOR. Facade of Farnese Palace. 37 mm. 69. Rev. Ganymede and eagle. 43 mm. 70. Rev. TVSCVLO.REST. Bird's-eye view of Frascati with Villa R VEIN A above. 37 mm. 71. Rev. ALMA. ROMA. Bird's-eye view of the city. 43 mm. 72. Julius m, A. D. 1660-1566. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. PETRO. A POST. PR INC. Fagade of St. Peter's at Rome as projected by San Gallo. 43 mm. 78. Same as No. 72, but smaller module. 37 mm. 74. Rev. HAEC.PORTA.DOMINI. MDL. The holy door inscribed ANNO. IVBILEI. Ex. ROMA. 43mm. 76. Rev. HILARITAS.PVBLICA. A female figure standing, with cornu- copia, etc. 43 mm. 76. Rev. Figures emblematical of Prudence and Fortune. 35 mm. 77. iJcv. VIRGO. TVA. GLORIA. PARTVS. The Virgin and Child. 32mm. 78. Rev. HILARITAS.PVBLICA. Same as No. 75. 26 mm. 79. Rev. EGO. SVM. VIA. VERITAS. ET.VITA. Half-length figure of the Saviour. 28 mm. 80. i?CT. DIVO. PETRO. APOST.PRINCIPI. Head of St. Peter 1. 26mm. 81. Rev. PONS. VIRGINIS. VILLAE. JVLI>£. Fagade of the Villa Julia. Ex. VILLAE. IVLIAE. 35 mm. 82. Rev. (AN. III.) ANNONA.PONT. Figure of Ceres; behind her, prow of a galley. 35 mm. 83. Rev. BEATI QVI.CVSTODIVNT. VIAS.MEAS. Head of theSaviour. 35 mm. 84. Rev. S.PETRVS.S.PAVLVS, The two apostles standing on the threshold of the church. 32 mm. 85. Rev. (A. V.) ANNONA. PONT. Figureof Ceres seated. 32 mm. 86. jRct.CLAVES. REGNI. CELOR. Christ presenting the keys to Peter. Ex. ROMA. 32 mm. 87. HILARITAS. PONTIFICIA. A female figure with cornucopia, etc. 32 mm. 88. Marcellus n, A. D. 1658. 61;. Bust of pope 1. iJeu. CLAVES. REGNI. CELOR. Christ giving the keys to Peter. 32 mm. 89. i?e^J. HILIARITAS PONTIFICIA. Standing figure of Ceres. 32 mm. 90. Rev. Christ in the Temple with the Doctors. 32 mm. 91. Paul IV, A. D. 1556-1559. Obv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. CLAVES. REGNI. CELOR. Christ giving the keys to Peter. 32 mm. 92. Rev. DOMVS. MEA. DO. OR. Christ driving the money-changers out of the Temple. 32 mm. 93. Rev. IN. FLVCTIB. EMERGENS. St. Peter and the other disciples fishing. 32 mm. 580 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 94. Rev. ROMA RESVRGENS. Minerva standing between trophies of armour. 32 mm. 96. Rev. Bust of Saviour 1. 32 mm. 96. Same as No. 95. 32 mm. 97. Pius IV, A. D. 1660-1565. Ofe-y. Bust of pope 1. JRct. CLAVES.REGNI. CELOR. Same as No. 91. Ex. ROMA. 32 mm. 98. Same as No. 97. 32 mm. 99. Rev. DOMVS.MEA.DOMVS. ORATIONIS.VOC. Same as No. 92. 32 mm. 100. i^ev. MENDICIS.IN.PTOCHOPHIVM.REDACTIS. Figure of Char- ity with children. 32 mm. 101. Rev. PAX. Figure of Peace standing, holding cornucopia in one hand and in the other a torch. 32 mm. 102. Rev. ROMA.RESURGENS. Minerva standing between trophies of armour. 32 mm. 103. Rev. VIRGO. TVA. GLORIA. PARTVS. Virgin and Child. 32 mm. 104. Rev. INSTAVRATA. Bird's-eye view of the Castle of St. Angelo. 32 mm. 106. i2ei;. DISCITE.IVSTITIAM.MONITI. Figure of Justice. 35 mm. 106. Rev. NE. DETERIVS. VOBIS. CONTINGAT. Christ healing the sick. 35 mm. 107, iJCT.DIVAE. CATHERINAE.TEMPLVM. ANNO CHRIST! MDLXI. View of Church of St. Catherine. 35 mm. 10%. Rev. SECVRITAS.POPVLI.ROMANI. Seated figure symbolical of peace and security. 37 mm. 109. Pius V, A. D. 1566-1572. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. MILITANS.DE. INFERNO.TRIUMPHAT.ECCLESIA. The pope casting out devils from a woman. 43 mm. 110. Rev. E.TENEBRIS.E.LVCO.LVX.LVCET. A landscape, with a temple and holy dove above. 28 mm. 111. Rev. BEATI.QVI.CVSTODIVNT.VIAS.MEAS. Bust of the Saviour. 28 mm. 112. Rev. IN. FLVCTIB'. EMERGENS. St. Peter and the other disciples fishing. 28 mm. 113. Rev. PAX, Figure of Peace, standing, with a cornucopia in one hand and a torch in the other. 32 mm. 114. Rev. DOMVS.MEA.DOMVS. ORATIONIS.VOC. Christ cleansing the Temple. 28 mm. 116. Ohv. Bareheaded bust r. in act of benediction. Rev. A. DOMINO. FACTVM.EST.INSTVD 1571, View of a naval engagement. 43 mm. 116. i?ev.DEXTERA.TVA. DOM. PERCVSSIT.INIMICVM. 1571. Viewof a naval engagement. 37 mm. 117. Ohv. Same as No. 115. Rev. FOEDERIS, IN.TVRCAS.SANCTIO. Three figures, Eome, Spain, and Venice, embracing. 43 mm. 118. Rev. BEATI.QVI.CVSTODIVNT.VIAS.MEAS. Bust of the Saviour. 37 mm. 119. Rev. BOSCHEN.SANCTE.CRVCIS.ORDINIS.PRAEDICATORUM. View of a church surmounted by a cross. Ex. M. D.LXXI. 37 mm. 120. Rev. DOMiNE.QVIS.SIMILIS.TIBI. Head of the Saviour r., in high relief. 37 mm. 121. Rev. ILLVMINARE.HIERVSALEM. Worship of the Magi. Ex. PIVS. V. P. M. 37 mm. CATALOGUE OF COmS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 581 122. Gregory xm, A. D. 1672-1685. Obv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. ET. IN. NATIONES GRATIA. SPIRITVS SANCTI. St. Paul preaching at Athens. 40 mm. 123. Rev. GREGORIANA. D. NATZIANZANO. DICATA. Interior of the Gregorian Chapel in the Vatican. 40 mm. 124. Rev. SVPER. H ANC. PETRAM. View of St. Peter's. Ex. ROMA. 40 mm. 126. Rev. IN FLVCTIB. EMERGENS. St. Peter and other disciples fish- ing. 28 mm. 126. Rev. MENDICIS.IN.PTOCHOTROPHIVM.REDACTIS. Figure of Charity with children. 37 mm. 127. Rev. TVTVM.REGIMEN. Seated figure symbolical of Rome. Ex. ROMA. 35 mm. 128. Rev. CLAVES.REGNI.CELOR.INSTAVR.URBE.Q.VALLO. AUXIT. Christ giving the keys to Peter. Ex. ROMA. 32 mm. 129. i?CT. VIRGO. TVA. GLORIA. PARTVS. The Virgin and Child. 32mm. 130. Rev. VGONOTTORVM.STRAGES. 1572. The Massacre of the Huguenots. 32 mm. 131. Rev. APERVIT. ET. CLAVSIT. ANNO. MDLXXV. The holy door. Ex. ROMA. 40 mm. 132. Rev. DOMVS.DEI.ET.PORTA.COELI. 1575. Opening the holy door. 40 mm. 133. Rev. ANNONA PONT. Figure of Ceres standing. 40 mm. 134. Rev. ET.PORTAE.CAELI.APERTAE.SVNT. The holy door. Ex. ROMA. 35. mm. 136. Rev. BEATI.QVI.CVSTODIVNT.VIAS.MEAS. Bust of the Saviour. 37 mm. 136. Rev. VIATORVM.SALVTI.ANN.DNI.MDLXXX. A bridge of six arches, with PELIA above it. 40 mm. 137. Rev. ANNO.RESTITVTO. MDLXXXII. A ram's head with a gar- land of flowers. 40 mm. 138. Rev. VT. FAMVLV.TVV. GREGG. CONSERVARE.DIGNE. Viewof church. Ex. 1582. 40 mm. 139. Rev. PROVIDENTIA. CHRIST. Female standing with spear and rudder. 35 mm. 140. Rev. VERVS.DEI.CVLTVS. A female standing, with books, etc. 37 mm. 141. Sixtus V, A. D. 1686-1590. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. Same as No. 135. 37 mm. 142. Rev. TVTVM.REGIMEN. Seated figure, symbolical of Rome. Ex. ROMA. 37 mm. 143. /Zct. PIVS.V.PONTIFEX.MAX. Bust r. 32 mm. 144. Rev. IN. FLVCTIB. EMERGENS. Peter and other disciples fishing. 32 mm. 146. iJei; . C V R A . P O N T I F I C I A . The Virgin and Child surrounded by St. Laurence, St. John, et al. 35 mm. 146. Rev. EXALTAVIT.HVMILES 1587. SS. Peter and Paul. 35 mm. 147. Rev. PERFECTA.SECVRITAS. A man lymg under a fig tree. 35 mm. 148. i?cr. TERRA. MARI.SECVRITAS. Five galleys. 35 mm. 149. i?etJ. CRVCI.FELICIVS.CONSECRATA. Four obelisks. 40 mm. 160. Rev. MEM. FL. CONSTANT. RESTITVTA. The two horses of the Quirinal, a fountain between. 37 mm. 682 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEt>AliS. 161. JRev. SECVRITAS.POPULI.ROMANI. Female seated, symbolical of security. 37 mm. 162. Reo. SVPER.HANC.PETRAM. View of St. Peter's. Ex. ROMA 40 mm. 163. Urban Vn, A. D. 1690. Ohv. Bust of pope 1, Rev. SE.IVSTITIA ET CLEMENTIA.COMPLEXAE.SUNT. Mercy and Justice em- bracing. 35 mm. 164. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. SIC.LVCEAT.LVX.VESTRA. A seven- branch candlestick. 41 mm. 166. Rev. SPONSVM.MEVM.DECORAVIT.CORONA. Female seated, holding a cross and tiara. 37 mm. 166. Gregory XIV, A. D. 1590-1691. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. GRE- GORIVS.XIIII.PON.M. Shield of arms, surmounted by the keys and tiara. 35 mm. 167. i?ei). DEXTERA.DOMINE.FACIAT.VIRTUTEM. The pope present- ing standard to a soldier. 35 mm. 168. Rev. DIEBVS.FAMIS.SATVRAB. Figure of Ceres standmg with cornucopia, etc. 35 mm. 169. Rev. SPONSVM.MEVM.DECORAVIT.CORONA. Female seated, holding a cross and the tiara. 35 mm. 160. Innocent rx, A. D. 1691. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. INNOCENTIA. IX. PON. MAX. Shield of arms of the Facchinetti family, upon crossed keys, tiara above. 35 mm. 161. Rev. DEXTERA.DOMINE.FACIAT.VIRTUTEM. The pope pre- senting standard to a soldier. 35 mm. 162. Rev. Same as No. 153. 35 mm. 168. 7?CT. IVSTITIA.ET. PAX. OSCVLATAE. SUNT. The crossed keys; the whole within a wreath. 32 mm. 164. Rev. RECTIS CORDE. An angel holding the tiara. Ex. 1591. 32 mm. 166. Rev. ROMA.RESVRGENS. Minerva standing with spear and shield. 32 mm. 166. Clement Vm, A. D. 1692-1606. Ohv. Bust of pope 1. Rev. CON- SECRATIO. Scene of consecration. 35 mm. 167. Rev. (A. VII.) ANNONA.PVBLICA. Figure of Ceres from the an- tique. 35 mm. 168. Rev. FERRARIA.RECVPERATA. View of the town of Ferrara. 35 mm. 169. i2CT.(A. VIII.) IVBILEI. INDICTIO. The pope seated on his throne proclaiming the Jubilee. Ex. AN. M. DC. 41mm. 170. Rev. PAX.ET.SALVS.A. DOMINO. Figure of Peace with cross and torch. 43 mm. 171. iJCT.SALVA.NOS.DOMINE. Christ stilling the tempest on the sea. 41 mm. 172. Rev. VELLINO.EMISSO. A. MDC. View of the cascade of Temi. 41 mm. 173. Rev. VNVS.DEUS. VNA. FIDES. Female figure emblematical of Religion. Ex. M.DCll. 40mm. 174. Leo XI, A. D. 1606. 06v. Bust of pope 1. Rev. DE.FORTI.DVL- C E DO. A dead lion with a swarm of bees at its mouth. 90 mm: 176. Paul V, A. D. 1605-1621. Ohv. (A. 11.) COMPLEAT.GLORIA, MARIAE DONVM.ISTAM. View of the unfinished Chapel Bor- ghese. 35 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 583 176. Reo. (AN. Villi.) DE.GENITRICE. SEMPER. VIRGINE. View of Chapel Borghese. 40 mm. 177. ReiK IN.HONOREM.PRINCIPIS.APOST. Fagade of St. Peter's. Ex. ET.PORTAE.INFI.no. etc. 40 mm. 178. Rev. (AN. Xlil.) PRO. TVI. NOMINIS. GLORIA. Column of St. Mary Majoris. 40 mm. 179. Rev. TV. DOM I NVS.ET.M AGISTER. Christ washing the disciples' feet. 27 mm. 180. Rev.ikH. XVI.) CEPERANI. PONS. SVPER.LIRIM. Bridge and fort at Ciprano. Ex. RESTITVTVS. 52 mm. 181. Rev. PALATII. VATICAN I. PORTA. RESTITVTA. A view of the Vatican. 52 mm. 182. 'Rev. SACELLVM.IN.PALATIO.QVIRIN. Chapel in the Quirinal. 40 mm. 183. Similar to No. 182, but of a larger module. 52 mm. 184. Gregory XV, A. D. 1621-1623. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. (AN. I.) CAVSA.NOSTRAE.LAETITIAE. The Virgin and Child. 32 mm. 186. Rev. QVINQVE.BEATIS.COELESTES.HONORES. The pope receiving pilgrims. Ex. DECERN IT. 1622. 35 mm. 186. i?ev. (1623) PACIS.ET.RELIGIONIS.AMOR. Two figures emblem- atical of Religion and Peace. 37 mm. 187. i2et;.BEATI.QVI.CVST0DIVNT.VIAS.MEAS. Bust of the Saviour. 37 mm. 188. Urban VHI, A. D. 1623-1644. Ohv. Bust of pope r. Rev. (1623) FACIT MIRABILIA. MAGNA. SOLVS. Scene of the Transfigura- tion. 35 mm. 189. Rev. (AN. I.) PAX.IN.VIRTVTE.TVA. Figure of Justice seated. Ex. 1624. 35 mm. 190. i2ei;,(A.II.)AB.VRBAN0.VIII.CAN0NIZATA. Doorway and figures. 37 mm. 191. i?et). RESERAVIT.ET.CLAVSIT. The holy door. ANNIVB. Ex. MDCXXV. 35 mm. 192. Similar to No. 191, but larger. 43 mm. 193. Rev. TE.MANE.TE.VESPERE. The pope kneeling to St. Gabriel, the archangel. 35 mm. 194. Rev. AEDE.S.BIBIANAE. RESTITVTA. ET.ORN. Church of St. Bibiano. Ex. ROMAE. 43 mm. 195. Rev. ORNATO.SS. PETRI. ET.PAVLI.SEPVLCHRO. View of the tomb of the Apostles in St. Peter's at Rome. Ex. MDCXXVI. 43 mm. 196. Rev. S.PETRI.BASILICA.CONSECRATA. Ceremony of consecra- tion. Ex. ROMA. 40 mm. 197. Rev. SECVRITAS PVBLICA. View of fort Urbano; St. Peterabove. 40 mm. 198. iJe^;. TV.DOMINVS.ET.MAGISTER. Christ washing disciples' feet. Ex. ESEMPL. DEDI.VOBIS. 28 mm. 199. Rev. INSTRVCTA.MVNITA.PERFECTA. View of the castle of St. Angelo. Ex. MDCXXVIII. ROMA. 37mm. 200. Rev. S. PETRI. BASCILICA.CONSECRATA. Ceremony of conse- cration. Ex. ROMA. 37 mm. 201. Rev. NVNC.RE.PERFECTA. View of port of Civita Vecchia. 40 mm. 584 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 202. Rev. (A. VIII.) AVCTA.AD.METRAVRVM.DITIONE. Seated figure symbolical of Rome. Ex. ROMAE. 40 mm. 203. Rev.(A.X\\.) DENVO.EXAEDIFICATA. Fagade of Church of St. Caius. 41 mm. 204. Rev. (A.XIII.) AEDE.EXORNATA.FACIE.RESTITVTA. Facade of the Church of St. Anastasia. 43 ram. 205. i2ei). DOMINE.QVIS.SIMILIS.TIBI. Head of the Saviour 1. 25mm. 206. Rev. ORNATO.CONST.LAVACRO.ET.INSTAVRATO. Interior of Baptistry in the Lateran. Ex. ROMAE. 43 mm. 207. Rev. PACIS.INCOLVMITATI. View of armory in the Vatican. 43 mm. 208. Rev. SALVA.NOS.DOMINE. Christ stilling the tempest. 43 mm. 209. Rev. SVBVRBANO.RECESSV.CONSTRUCTO. View of a 'street and villa. Ex. ROMA. 43 mm. 210. Rev. S.PETRIS.PRINCEPS.APOSTOLORVM. Head of St. Peter with aureole and keys. 43 mm. 211. Rev. ASSAGGIVM.GENERALE.MDCXXXIX. Crossed keys and gonfalon. 35 mm. 212. Rev. HOMINIBVS.VOLVNTATIS. Procession of pilgrims entering the holy door. Ex. ROMA. 35 mm. 213. Rev. (A. XIX.) FERRI.FODINIS.APERTIS. View of iron works. 52 mm. 214. Rev. VBERIORI. AN N0NA.COM MODO. View of corn granaries. 45 mm. 216. Rev. ADDITIS.VRBI.PROPVGNACVLIS. The fortifications of Rome. Gate 1. 43 mm. 216. 22gi;. S.ELIZABETH. REGINA.LVSITANIA. Crowned bust of Queen Elizabeth of Portugal. 35 x 28 mm. 217. Rev. PRVDENTER.PASSUS.FORTITER.EGIT. Figures emblem- atical of Strength, Prudence, etc. 43 mm. 218. Innocent X, A. D. 1644-1656. Obv. Bust of pope r. Rev. (AN. I.) ANNO.IVBIL. Group of pilgrims at the holy door. Ex. MDCL. 27 mm. 219. Rev. FRVCTVM.SVVM.DEDIT.IN. TEMPORE. Two angels kneel- ing at the foot of the cross. 32 mm. 220. jRev. TV.DOMINVS.ET.MAGISTER. Christ washing the disciples' feet. 32 mm. 221. 22ev. IVSTITIA.ET.CLEMENTIA.COMPLEXAE.SUNT.se. Justice and Mercy. 35 mm. 222. Rev. (AN. II.) AEDIFICAT. ET. CVSTODIT. (AN. III.) DECOR. DOMVS. DOMINI. Interior of St. Peter's. 37 mm. 223. i2e'y.(A.IIII.)SACELLIS.INSIGNITIS.VATICANIS. Interior of the Vatican, showing the High Altar. 37 mm. 224. Rev. (AN.V.) ABLVTO.AQVA.VIRGINE, etc. View of the fountain in the Cirque des Agonales. 40 mm. 226. Rev. VT. THESAVROS. ANNI. SANCTIORIS. TECVM. APERIAM. St. Peter seated in nubibus. 40 mm. 226. iJet). APERVIT.ET.CLAVSIT. Theholydoor. Ex. ROMA. 40mm. 227. Rev. FIAT.PAX.VIRTVTE.TVA. The Father sitting in the clouds. 40 mm. 228. Rev. AGNETI.VIRGINI.ET.MARTYRI.SACRVM in five lines within a wreath. 40 mm. 1 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 585 229. iJer. ET.PORTAE.CAELI.APERTAE.SVNT. The holy door. MD CL. Ex. ROMA. 32 mm. 230. i2et;.LAVDENT.IN.P0RTIS. OPERA. EIVS. The ceremony of closmg the Holy Door. 32 mm. 281. Rev. OSTIVM.COELI.APERTVM.IN.TERRIS. The ceremony of opening the Holy Door. 40 mm. 282. iJcv. (AN. IX. under bust.) REPLEVIT.ORBEM TERRARVM. The holy dove, in a glory. 40 mm. 283. Rev. TV. DOM 1 N VS. ET.M AGISTER. Christ washing the disciples' feet. 32 mm. 234. Rev. D. AGENETI. VIRGINI. ET. MART. SACRVM. View of the Church of St. Agnes. 40 mm. 286. Rev. (A.X. following legend) AEDIFiCAT.ET.CVSTODIT. Fandoii anci Persia. AE. 76 mm. By A. B. Wyon, CATALOGUE OF COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 601 72. Visit of the Emperor of Bussia to London, 1874. Obv. Facing bust. Rev. City of London greeting the Czar. AE. 77 mm. By Chas. Wiener. 73. Temple Bar, 1878. View of the old Temple Bar building. Lead. 105 mm. By C. H. & J. Mabey. 74. Visit of King George of Greece to London, 1880. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. City of London receiving Athena in the presence of Britannia. AE. 76 mm. By G. G. Adams. 76. Dedication of Epping Forest, 1882. Obv. Bust of Queen Victoria 1. Rev. Eoadway in the forest; City of London standing 1. AE. 76 mm. By Chas. Wiener. 76. City of London School, 1882. Obv. ALBERT EDWARD. ALEX- ANDRA. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Front view of school building. AE. 77 mm. J. S. & A. B. Wyon. 77. Opening of New Council Chamber, Guildhall, 1884, Obv. City of Lon- don standing upon platform surrounded by Commerce, Unity, Lib- erty, Plenty, and Science. Rev. Council Chamber. AE. 77 mm. By J. S. & A. B. Wyon. 78. Prince of Wales Receiving Freedom of London, 1886, Obv. Bust r. Rev. The Prince receiving casket from the Lord Mayor. AE. 77 mm. By G. G. Adams. 79. Colonial and Indian Reception, 1886. Obv. Crowned arms of England in a glory. Rev. Interior of Guildhall. AE. 77 mm. By Elkin- ton & Son. 80. Jubilee of Victoria, 1887. Obv. Youthful head as Queen and elderly head as Empress, jugate, 1. Rev. Britannia in lion biga. AE. 80 mm. By Scharff. 81. Seven hundredth Anniversary of the Mayoralty, 1889. Obv. Busts of Richard I and Victoria. Rev. Winged figure in mediaeval coat of chain armor handing mace to City of London. AE. 80 mm. By Elkinton & Son. 82. Visit of the Emperor and Empress of Germany, 1891. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Britannia receiving Germania. AE. 80 mm. By Elkinton & Son. 83. Duke and Duchess of York, 1893. Obv. Busts, jugate, 1. Rev. Duke and Duchess in a biga entering gateway to London. AE, 76 mm. By G. G. Adams. 84. Visit of Christian IX of Denmark to London, 1893, Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. City of London holding aloft a scroll inscribed WELCOME CHRISTIAN IX TO LONDON. AE. 75 mm. By Bowcher. 85. Opening of Tower Bridge, 1894. Obv. Busts of Victoria, Prince and Princess of Wales 1. Rev. View of the Tower Bridge. AE. 76 mm. By Bowcher. 86. Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1897. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Britan- nia, Industry, and Progress receiving Commerce and the Colonies inpresenceof the City of London. AE. 77 mm. By Spink & Son. 87. City of London Imperial Volunteers, 1900. Obv. City of London seated 1, presents freedom of city to departing Volunteers. Rev. Sun of the empire rising behind a hill surrounded by young oaks representing the new colonies. AE. 77 mm. By Frampton. 88. Coronation Visit to London of Edward vn and Alexandra, 1902, Obv. Buste, jugate, 1. Rev. Guildhall and the King and Queen seated r. AE. 76 mm. By Seayle & Co, 602 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. FRENCH MEDALS. 1. Maria de Medici, 1624. 06?;. MARIA AUGUSTA GALLIAE ET NA- VARRE REGINIA, in mirror style. Bust r. Rev. Plain. AE. 106 mm. By Dupre. 2. Louis Xra. Birth of Son, September 6, 1678. Obv. LUDOVICVS XIII. FR.ET.NAV.REX. Draped bust r. iiev. Facade of Val-de-Grace. AE. 74 mm. 3. Louis XIV. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Chariot of the sun. AE. 63 mm. 4. Louis XV, 1745. Obv. LVD.XV.CHRISTIANISS. Bust r. Rev. Winged Victory seated upon arms. 6. Louis XV. Restorer of Liberty. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Plain. Lead. 64 mm. 6. Louis XVI. Obv. Bust r. By Gatteaux. Rev. Floral decoration and crown. AR. 33 mm. 7. Siege of the Bastile, 1780. 06v. Mob attacking the Bastile. Rev.Fl&in. Lead. 64 mm. By Andrieu. 8. Balloon Ascension of 1783. Obv. Two balloons ascending. Rev. In- scription. 9. Dedication of Medical School, 1793. Obv. Busts r. of Jean Femel and Ambroise Pare. iJer. Fagade of the building. Lead. 60 mm. By Gatteaux. 10. Death of Louis XVI. Obv. Head r. Rev. A woman weeping over an urn. AR. 30 mm. 11. Execution of Marie Antoinette, 1793. Obv. Bust of queen 1. Rev. Queen in tombereau before guillotine. AE. 53 mm. 12. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, 1793. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. The guillotine and a guard of soldiers. 13. Arrival in Paris, 1789. ARRIVEEDUROIA PARIS. Royal carriage with escort. 84 mm. 14. Death of Louis XVn, 1795. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Broken lily. AR. 30 mm. 16. Napoleon, Commander of Army in Italy, 1796. Obv. Bust of Napoleon r. Rev. Napoleon mounted, crowned by Victory. AE. 56 mm. By Du Vivier. 16. Napoleon, Conqueror of Eg3rpt, 1798. 06?;. Bust facing. iJev. Napoleon in camel chariot. AE. 41mm. By-Jouannim. 17. Napoleon Crossing the Alps, 1798. Obv. The Emperor standing on craggy mountain. Rev. Bust r. over a tablet. Lead. 67 mm. By Montaguy. 18. The Three Consuls, 1802. 061;. Busts of Napoleon, Cambaceres, and Lebrunr. Rev. AUX CONSULS DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRAN- CA! SE; in field, inscription. White metal. 68 mm. 19. Peace of Amiens, 1802. 06v. BustL J?ev. Reclining figure with mural crown. AE. 50 mm. 20. Due d' Enghien, 1804. Obv. Bust of duke L Rev. A riderless horse r.; PERIIT HERDS. AE. 41mm. By Gatteaux. 21. Bonaparte, 1804. Obv. Emperor standing on shield held aloft. Rev. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE LE TRES GLORIEUX ET TRES AVGVSTE EMPEREUR etc. AE. 44mm. 22. Battle of Jena, 1806. Obv. Laureate bust of _ Emperor r. Rev. The Emperor aa Jupiter borne on back of eagle in the fight. 28. Same Event. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Napoleon as Jupiter hurls thunderbolt. AE. 41 mm. By Andrieu. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 603 24. Visit of Joseph Napoleon to the Academy des Beaux Arts, 1809. Obv. Front view of building. Rev. Inscription. AE. 41 mm. 26. Peace of Vienna, 1809. Obv. Laureated bust of Napoleon r. Rev. Fortuna standing r. pouring incense on burning altar. AE. 68 mm. By Droz. 86. Napoleon at Elba, 1815, Obv. Bust in uniform r. Rev. Fortuna seated 1. AE. 41 mm. 27. Josephine. Obv. Draped bust, diademate, r. Rev. Plain. Lead. 68 mm. By Andrieu. 28. Marie Louise. Obv. Draped bust, diademate. Rev. Plain. Lead. 68 mm. By Andrieu. 29. Napoleon and Marie Louise. Obv. Head of Napoleon, laureated, 1. Rev. Head of Napoleon, laureated, and of Marie Louise, diademate, I. 138 mm. By Andrieu. 30. Napoleon at St. Helena. Obv. Laureated bust 1. Rev. Island of St. Helena. Brass. 68 mm. By Andrieu. 31. Louis XVm. Arrival in Paris, 1814. Obv. Bust of King r. Rev. France offers King homage of army and navy. AE. 68 mm. By Galle. 82. Louis XVni, Coronation, 06i;. King seated facing. Rev.Arma. Lead. 125 mm. 33. Duchesse d' Angouleme at Bochelle, 1824. Obv. View of harbor. Rev. Scene in street of Rochelle. AE. 69 mm. 34. Completion of the Equestrian Statue of Louis XIV at Lyons. Obv. Busts, jugate, of Louis XVIII and Charles X r. Rev. Equestrian statue of Louis XIV, 85. Signing of the Constitution by Due d' Orleans, 1830. Obv. Duke sign- ing the constitution. Rev. Inscription. 86. Public Order. Obv. Head of Louis Philippe I r. Rev. France, hel- meted, protecting woman. AE. 51 mm. 87. Louis Philippe and Marie Amelie. Obv. Busts of King and Queen, vis-^-vis. Lead. 75 mm, 88. De Pastoret, 1830. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 50 mm. By Galle. 39. Epidemic of Cholera, 1832. Obv. Aesculapius stands r. warding off Death. Rev. Plain. Lead. 84 mm. 40. Establishment of Primary Schools in the Provinces, 1833. Obv. Bust of King r. Rev. A school scene, AE. 52 mm. 41. Thonellier, Inventor of the Coining Press, 1833. Obv. Head of Louis Philippe r. Rev. Inscription. AR. 38 mm. 42. Enlargement of Palace of Marie de Medici, 1836. Obv. Medallion of Louis Philippe upheld by Hercules and Venus, Rev. Medallion of Marie de Medici. 43. Marriage of Due d' Orleans and Helene of Mecklenberg, 1837. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Inscription. 44. Taking of Constantina by Damremont, 1837, Obv. Crowned bust of Louis Philippe I. Rev. Soldier in armor standing on ruins of wall. By Caqu6, 45. Dedication of Triumphal Arch, 1838. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. An Arch. AE. 25 mm. 46. Same Event. The Ordinance of June, 1840. Obv. Crowned head I. Rev. Inscription. AE. 37 mm. By Barre. 47.- Transfer of Bemains of Napoleon from St, Helena to Paris, 1840. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Eagle on thunderbolt. AE. 53 mm. 22023°— 14 39 604 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 48. Bemoval of Remains of Napoleon from St. Helena to Paris, 1840, Obv. Bust of Louis Philippe r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 52 mm. 49. Establishing the Ecole Normale, 1841. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Inscription. 68 mm. 60. Baptism of the Count of Paris, 1841. Obv. Head of King, crowned, r. /2ev. Priest administering sacrament of baptism. AE. 68 mm. By Petit. 61. Opening of the Railways, 1842. Obv. Crowned head 1. Rev. Railway trains running in four different directions. AE. 113 mm. By Bovy. 62. Session of the Chambers of Deputies for 1842. Obv. Head, laureate, r. i?ei>. Female figure standing facing. AE. 57 mm. By Petit. 53. Death of Ferdinand, Duo d'Orleans, 1842, Obv. Bust of prince roya[ 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 52 mm. By Caque. 54. The Same. Obv. Headr. i?ei). France weeping over funeral urn. AE. 53 mm. By Petit. 55. Laying of the Corner Stone of the Library of St. Genevieve, 1843. Obv. Medallion of Louis Philippe above tablet. Rev. Inscription. AE. 69 mm. By Klagmann and Fournera. 56. Industrial Exhibition of 1843. Obv. View of Paris. Rev. A steamship and a sailing vessel. AE. 53 mm. 67. First Anniversary of the Death of Ferdinand Duke of Orleans, 1843. Obv. Bust of duke in uniform r. Rev. Maussoleum. AE. 52 mm. By Fontaine and Caqu^. 58. Reception to French Exhibitors at Exposition of 1844. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 33 mm. By Caque. 59. Enlargement of the Port of Havre, 1844. Obv. Crowned head of Louis Philippe r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 69 mm. By Bovy. 60. Marechal Bugeaud, Governor of Algiers, 1844. Obv. Bust of Louis Philippe r. Rev. King's letter to Bugeaud. AE. 53 mm. By Caque. 61. Taking of Tangiers and Mogador, 1844. Obv. Bust of Prince de Join- ville r. Rev. Fleet engaging forta. AE. 33 mm. By Caqu4. 62. Provisional Government of 1848. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Inscrip- tion. AE. 32 mm. By Caque. 63. Completion of the Palace of Foreign Affairs, 1845. Obv. Crowned head 1. Rev. Front view of palace. AE. 69 mm. By Klagmann and Fournera. 64. Completion of the Viaduc de Dinan, 1845. Obv. Bust crowned 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 69 mm. By Bovy. 65. Opening of the Paris-Brussels Railway, 1846. 06i;. Brussels and Paris seated facing. Rev. Victory on column. AE. 36 mm. By Hart. 66. Election of Prince Louis Napoleon President of France, 1848. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Volume of the Constitution. Aluminum. 45 mm. 67. Same Event. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 51 mm. By Barre. 68. Establishment of the Museum of Coins and Medals, 1862. Obv. Bust of Count de Susay r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 69 mm. By Caque. 69. Marriage of the Duo de Montpensier and Louise Ferdinande of Spain, 1846. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 52 mm. By Borrel. 70. Exposition Universelle, 1865. Obv. Head of Napoleon III. Rev. Arms of France. AE. 60 mm. By Barre. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 605 71. The Vicitms of 1870. Obv. France standing with head r. Rev. In- scription. AE. 70 mm. By Soldi. 72. B6publique Frangaise. A plaque. 06v. Bust of France r. iJev. Branch of olive. AE. 50 by 74 mm. By Vernier. 73. Proclamation of the French Republic, 1870. Obv. Female seated r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 80 mm. By Dubois. 74. Paris Exposition of 1878. Obv. Laureated bust 1. Rev. Fame flying above exposition building. AR. 68 mm. By Chaplain. 76. President Carnot, 1887. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Book of the Constitution. AE. 73 mm. By Chaplain. 76. President CasimirPerrier, 1894. Ofev. Bustl. i?e v. Female figure cast- ing ballot. AE. 73 mm. By Chaplain. 77. President Felix Faure, 1895. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. France standing with head turned 1. AE. 73 mm. By Chaplain. 78. President Emile Loubet, 1899. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. France preparing ballot. AE. 73 mm. By Chaplain. 79. Bichat, Xavier, 1771-1822. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 50 mm. 80. Franklin and Montyon, 1833. Obv. Busts of Franklin and Montyon 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 42 mm. By Barre. 81. Qambetta. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Star and branches of oak and laurel. AE. 69 mm. By Roty. 82. Hugo. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Star and branches of olive and laurel. AR. 69 mm. By Borrel. 83. Jeanrichard, Daniel. Obv. Jeanrichard standing 1. Rev. Arms. 84. Lafayette. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Inscription. 86. Manuel, Esconniere, and Perreau. Obv. Three busts in row r. Rev. Plain. AE. 59 mm. By Gatteaux. 86. Moliere. Obv. Bust \. iJei;. Monument. AE. 57 mm. ByCaunois. 87. Mouton, Charles. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Tablet on trophy of flags. 88. Richelieu. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Ship under sail. AR. 27 mm. VARIOUS AWARD AND OTHER MEDALS ISSUED BY THE MINT AT PARIS. 89. Prize medal for Marksmanship. Obv. Contestants displaying target or firing. Rev. Wreath. AE. 50 mm. By Dubois. 90. The Marksman. Obv. Marksman standing facing. Rev. Wreath. AE. 50 mm. By Merley. 91. The Duel. Plaque. Obv. A duel. Rev. Laurel branch, arms and gloves. AE. 44 by 67 mm. By Coudray. 92. Sports. Obv. Female figure standing r. Rev. Instruments of the vari- ous sports. AE. 68 mm. By Coudray. 93. Orpheus. Prize medal for excellence in Music. Obv. Laureated bust. Rev. Winged genius of music. AE. 69 mm. By Coudray. 94. Agriculture. Obv. Man ploughing. Rev. A reaper. Plaque. 63 by 100. By Coudray. 96. Group of Animals. Obv. Domestic animals. Rev. Wreath of animal heads and laurel. AE. 42 mm. By Dubois. 96. Flora. Obv. Woman standing smelling rose on bush. Rev. Flowers. AE. 36 by 75 mm. By Coudray. 606 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 97. Horticulture. Obv. Two women standing. Rev. Child with flowers. AE. 49 by 62 mm. By Daniel Dupuia. 98. Vine culture. OI!)t). Nude female figure. i?cv. Boy in vineyard. AE. 38 by 68 mm. By Dupuis. 99. Redemption. Obv. Madonna stands 1.; lifts infant Jesus high above her head. Rev. Youth praying. AE. 74 mm. By Duprl. 100. Hommage aux Graveurs. Obv. Nude female standing r. Rev. Branch of laurel. AE. 48 by 63 mm. By Lechevrel. MEDALS OF IL.IiTJ8TRIOUS MEN. [Issued at Paris by a M. Durand.] These medals uniformly present on the obverse the portrait of the sub- ject, and on the reverse an inscription stating the place and date of birth, and date of death. They were issued from 1818 to 1830, and are of the uniform size of 41 mm. 101. Boerhaave, Herman. Bust 1. By Vivier. 102. Bacon, Boger. Bust r. By Gayrard. 103. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Laureated bust r. By Wolff. 104. Bembo, Pietro. Bust r. By Veyrat. 105. Bergmann, Thobern. Bust 1. By Salmson. 106. Cimarosa, Domenico. Bust 1. By Barre. 107. Camoens, Luiz de. Laureated head r. By Caqu6. 108. Cortes, Hernando. Bust wearing large ruff 1. By Vivier. 109. Camden, William. Bust 1. By Caqu^. 110. Descartes. Bust 1. By Henrionnet. 111. Erasmus Desiderius. Bust 1. By Pingret. 112. Gellert, Christian Fuerchtgott. Bust r. By Brandt 113. Gluck, Christopher. Bust r. By Gayrard. 114. Goujon, Jean. Bust r. By Veyrat. 115. Haller, Albert. Bust r. By Caqu6. 116. Hedlinger, J. Carl. Bust 1. By Caqu6. 117. Hoffmann, Frederick. Bust 1. By Wolff. 118. Hugenius, Christian. Bust r. By Henrionnet. 119. Lacaille, N. Louis. Bust 1. By Schmit. 120. Lefort, Francis. Bust r. By Pettit. 121. Le Sueur, Eustachius. Bust 1. By Veyrat. 122. Leuchtenberg, Eugenius, Graf von. Bust 1. 123. Linnaeus, Carl. Bust 1. By Dubois. 124. Milton, John. Bust 1. By Vivier. 126. Molifere, Poquelin de. Bust 1. By Gayrard. 126. Oxenstiern, Axelius. Bust 1. By Salmson. 127. Petrarch, Francisco. Laureated bust r. By Jeuffroy. 128. Suflfern, Pierre Andr6 de. Bust r. By Barre. 129. Thou, Auguste de. Bust r. By Rogat. 130. Tilly, N. Jean. Bust 1. By Pingret. 131. Turgot, A. B. Jacques. Bust 1. By Desbceufs. 132. Vesalius, Andreas. Bust r. By Lefevre. 133. WaUstein, Albert. Bust r. By Wolff, CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 607 134. Washington, George. Head r. By Bacon. 135. Washington, George. Bust 1. By Vivier. 136. Witt, Johann de. Bust r. By Pingret. 137. Waldeck-Rousseau. A plaque. Bustr. ; in field to right, F. VER- NON , the artist. AK. 70 by 99 mm. 138. Emile Gaston Boutmy. A plaque. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Gallia, in classical costume, standing. AR. 43 by 60 mm. By Roty. 139. Princess Helena Bibesco. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Piano with a cupid hovering above. AR. 80 by 92 mm. By Chaplain. 140. President Chalmin. A plaque. Bust 1. AR. 103 by 127 mm. By Chaplain. 141. Anatole France. A plaque. Bust r. AE. 103 by 123 mm. By Nocq. 142. International Conference on Cancer, 1910. Obv. Paris seated 1., by the Seine. Rev. Female seated, instructing youth. AE. 56 by 82 mm. By Szirmai. 143. First Peace Congress at The Hague, 1907. Obv. Busts of Nicolas II and Wilhelmina, vis-a-vis. Rev. Crowned female seated r. AE. 72 by 90. By Szirmai. 144. Conciliation Internationale. Obv. Female kissing another on fore- head. Rev. Inscription and olive branch. AE. 45 mm. By Yencesse. GERMAN MEDALS. 1. Homage to Frederick Wilhelm, the "Great Elector," 1663. Obv. Wreath over sword and scepter, crosswise. Rev. Inscription. AR. 25 mm. 2. Frederic Wilhelm, King of Prussia. Obv. Bust in armor 1. Electro- type. 42 mm. By Loos. 3. Frederick n. 06 v. Radiate bust of King r. Electrotype. 42 mm. By Loos. 4. Marksmanship Prize Medal. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. DEM | BESTEN | SCHUETZ EN. within an oak wreath. AR. 42 mm. 6. Friederich Philip Rosentiel, 1828. Obv. Draped bust of Rosentiel 1. Rev. Inscription within oak wreath. AE. 45 mm. 6. Frederic Wilhelm IV, 1851. Obv. Head r. Rev. ZURHVLDIGUNG- HOHENZOLLERN D. 23. AUGUST 1851. AE. 31mm. 7. Christopher Fried. Goedeking, Fiftieth Anniversary of Service. Obv. Head of Goedeking r. Rev. Inscription within an oak wreath. AR. 45 mm. 8. The same. Similar to No. 7, but in bronze. 9. Ernst Moritz Arndt. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. White metal. 43 mm. 10. Restoration of Peace, 1779. Obv. Broken column; an army in camp. iJev. RESTAVRATA. A peace monument. AR. 46 mm. 11. Medal for Service in War. Obv. W R in monogram, crowned. Rev. KRIEGS VERDIENST. White metal. 40 mm. 608 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 12. Hamburg, 1732. Obv. Arms of Hamburg. Rev. Neptune and Aqua- rius. White metal. 49 mm. 13. Hamburg, Thousandth Anniversary of the City, 1803. Obv. Hammonia seated 1. Rev. View of the citv; HAMBURGS TAUSENDJAEH- RIGE JUBELFEIER. 1803. AE. 40 mm. 14. The Three Hundredth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Municipal Constitution. Obv. Citizens of Hamburg receiving constitution. Rev. Arms of Hamburg. AR. 42 mm. 15. Johan George Rausch. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. AR. 42 mm. 16. Commemorating War of 1813-14, by Hanseatic League. Obv. GOTT WAR MIT UNS. Three shields of arms. iJev. Inscription. 17. Peace of Westphalia, 1648. Obv. Three doves placing olive branches upon crown and scepter. Rev. View of the city. AV. 41 mm. 18. Taking of Breisack, 1674. Obv. Barnard, Duke of Saxony, mounted 1. Rev. View of city. AR. 59 mm. 19. Franco-German Peace of 1697. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Female standing. AR. 32 mm. 20. Bestoration of Leisnig, 1800. Obv. The burning city. Rev. City re- stored. AR. 25 mm. 21. Field Marshall Wrede, Bavaria, 1814. Jetton. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Female standing and placing wreath upon a tomb. AR. 35 mm. 22. Fiftieth Anniversary of Marriage, John and Queen Amalia of Saxony, 1872. Obv. Busts, jugate, r. Rev. 1822 | 10. NOVEMBER | 1872. AR. 41 mm. 23. For Promotion of Mechanical Arts and Industries. Obv. DIE GE- SELLSCHAFT ZUR VERVOLLKOMMNUNG DER MECHANI- SCHEN KUENSTE UND GEWERBE ZU WUERZBURG. Rev. Inscription. AR. 36 mm. 24. Marriage Medal. Obv. A bridal couple. Rev. The wedding feast of Cana. AR. 61 mm. 26. Edward Jenner. 06?;. Bustof Jennerl. J?ei;. Children in circle about a cow. AE. 37 mm. By Loos. 26. Beethoven. Obv. Head of Beethoven 1. Rev. An ancient lyre. 27. Sigismund Diederich Ruecker. Obv. Arms. Rev. DEM | UNER- MUDETEN I BORGER, 17 OCT. 1838. AR. 43mm. ByAlsing, 28. World's Exposition, Vienna, 1873. Obv. A female holding a wreath, bornealoft by a dragon. Rev.\NE.LT AUSSTELLUNG 1873 IN WIEN. AE. 53 mm. 29. Harvest Medal. Obv. Hand extended from cloud, pouring fruit from a cornucopia. Rev. Sheaf of grain. White metal. 38 mm. 30. The Creation of the Human Race. Obv. The creation of Eve. Rev. Ejection of Adam and Eve from the garden. White metal. 56 mm. 31. Baptism of Christ. Obv. Christ baptized by St. John. Rev. Inscrip- tion. AE. 39 mm. 32. Same Subject. Obv. Bust of Christ 1. Rev. The ceremony of baptism. AE. 37 mm. 33. Burial of Christ, Obv. Burial of Christ. Rev. Skull and butterfly, and a Bible on a table. AE. 51 mm. 34. Prophecy of the Brazen Serpent Fulfilled. Obv. Worshipping the brazen serpent. Rev. Christ on the cross; worshippers. AR. 46 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 609 86. The Christ. Obv. Facing bust of Christ. Rev. Inscription. AE. 42 mm. 86. John Huss, Martyrdom of, 1416. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Huss tied to stake. AR. 43 mm. 37. Luther, 1526. 06t;. Bust of Luther 1. Rev.S.M.L. A.D. 1526. 38. Luther, 1637. Oftt;. Half-length figure of Luther. i?ei;. IN SILENTIO ET SPES. Two cherubim supporting a heart. AR. 45 mm. FIRST CENTENNIAL OP THE REFORMATION, 1617. 39. Luther and Huss. Obv. A goose on spit. Rev. A swan (Luther) swimming. AR. 33 mm. 40. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. MEMORIA JUBILEI EVANGELICI A.D. 1617. A heart. AR. 33 mm. 41. 06v. Luther removing bushel from over candle. Rev. MARTI NVS LVTHERVS THEOLOGIE.D. Date in chronogram. 42. Obv. Bust of Huss r. Rev. Bust of Luther 1. 43. Obv. Bust of Luther. Rev. View of Wittenburg. SOLE ORIENTE NOVO SIT WITTENBERGA PERENNIVS. AR. 44mm. SECOND CENTENNIAL OF THE REFORMATION, 1717. 44. Obv. Luther removing bushel from over candle. Rev. Trumpet, wreath, and Bible. 46. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. View of Jerusalem. AR. 44 mm. 46. Obv. Frederick III, and John George of Saxony, holding Bible. Rev. Similar to obverse of No. 44. AR. 33 mm. 47. Obv. Female seated r., with chalice in hand. Rev. A swan loosing the cords that tie a Bible. AE. 38 mm. 48. Obv. Christ walking between Luther and Melancthon. Rev. Luther trimming a candle. AR. 42 mm. 49. Obv. Luther and Frederick III at the altar. Rev. Inscription. AE. 44 mm. 60. Schwemfort. Obv. View of the city of Schweinfort. Rev. A flying angel carrying a Bible. AE. 38 mm. 61. Eisenach. Obv. Luther standing by a table with candle and Bible. Rev. Lighthouse. AR. 41 mm. 62. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Inscription. AR. 30 mm. 63. Halle. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. An ark; NULLAS HIC ME- TUETUNDAS, with date in chronogram. 64. Nuremburg. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. A palm tree; FOLIVM EIVS NEC DEFLVET with date in chronogram. AR. 38 mm. 66. Eegensburg. Obv. CVSTODE DEO CUSTpDIO IVRA. Seated figure (the church) and swan. Rev. Inscription. THIRD CENTENNIAL OF THE REFORMATION, 1817. 66. Obv. Bust of Luther; MARTINVS LVTHERVS DOCTOR SACRAE THEOLOGIAE with date in chronogram. iJei;. An open Bible on a pulpit. AR. 25 mm. 67. Vienna. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Inscription. AR. 40 mm. By Lang. 68. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Busts of Zwingli and Melancthon. AR. 40 mm. By Loos. 610 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 69. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Luther standing with Bible and candle AR. 37 mm. 60. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Open Bible, heart, and cross on a pulpit AE. 45 mm. 61. Obv. Busts of Luther and Calvin r. Rev. An open Bible in a glory. AR. 42 mm. 62. Hamburg. Obv. GOTTES WORT UND LUTHERS LEHR WIRD VERGEHEN NIMMERMEHR. Bust of Luther 1. Rev.Armaoi the city of Hamburg. 63. Obv. Bust of Luther pointing to the open Bible. Rev. Luther affixing theses to church door in Wittemburg. AR. 43 mm. 64. Obv. Similar to No. 58. Rev. Luther with lighted candle drawing back curtain and revealing the Christ. AR. 43 mm. 66. Obv. Luther standing with Bible and candle. Rev. A castle. AR. 30 mm. FIRST CBNTBNNIAIj OP THE ArTGSBTJRG CONFESSION, 1630. 66. Obv. Half-length figure of Luther 1. Rev. Inscription. 67. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. Bust of Huss r. 68. Obv. Similar to No. 67. Rev. Two cherubim each with an open Bible. SECOND CENTENNIAL OF THE AUGSBURG CONFESSION, 1730. 69. Augsburg. Obv. A female seated, with arms of the city at her side. Rev. Eye and rays shining on a tablet inscribed CON F.AVG. AR. 24 mm. 70. Obv. View of the city of Augsburg. Rev. Luther presenting the Con- fession to Charles V. AR. 42 mm. 71. Obv. King on throne. Rev. Luther writing in his library. AR. 31 mm. 72. Obv. Busts of Luther and Melancthon r. Rev. Worshippers kneeling. AR. 44 mm. 73. Obv. Similar to No. 66. Rev. Reading the confession in the Diet. A medallic box containirg 23 vignettes. White metal. 44 mm. 74. Eisenach. Obv. Passage of scripture. Rev. A church on a hill; Scrip- ture texts. AR. 76. Nuremburg. Obv. DeHvering the Confession to Charles V. Rev. In- scription. AR. 76. Obv. Busts of Luther and Melancthon r. Rev. Christ seated in clouds. AR. 32 mm. 77. Obv. Bust of Christ. Rev. Inscription with date in chronogram. THIRD CENTENNIAL OF THE AUGSBURG CONFESSION, 1830. 78. Augsburg. Obv. Busts of Luther and Melancthon r. Rev. Bishop's palace at Augsburg, 1530. 79. Berlin. Obv. Presenting the Confession. Rev. Large shield of arms. AE. 45 mm. 80. Obv. Luther and Melancthon standing. Rev. Inscription. Electro- types. 81. Dresden. Obv. Busts of Luther, John the Elector, and Melancthon. Rev. Dr. Bayer presenting the Confession to the King. 82. Obv. Luther and Melancthon standing. Rev. Inscription. AR. 83. Leipsic. Ofcv. Luther preaching. iJe^;. Bust of Duke Henry the Pius 1. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 611 84. Wittemburg. Third Centennial of the Completion of Luther's Transla- tion of the Bible. Obv. Bust of Luther 1. Rev. Luther presenting the translation to Germania. 86. Obv. Bust of Luther 1. Rev. Monument. 86. Saxony. Obv. John George of Saxony and four dukes of Hesse, An- halt, Brandenburg, and Lueneberg. Rev. The same taking oath to the confession. AR. 42 mm. 87. Expulsion of the Protestants from Salzburg. Obv. The exodus from Salzburg. Rev. Inscription. AR, 88. Centennial Anniversary of the Peace of Westphalia, 1748. Obv. View of the city of Muenster. Rev. View of the city of Augsburg. AR. 89. The Four Hundredth Anniversary of Luther's Birth, 1867. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. John Huss at the stake. AR. 90. Strasburg Cathedral. Obv. View of the Cathedral. Rev. Portrait sta- tue of the architect. 91. Worms. 06"!;. The Luther monument in Worms. Rev. Inscription. AR. 60 mm. SUPPLEMENTARY. 92. Franz von Lenbach. Plaque. Obv. Bust of Lenbach r. Rev. A female representing Art seated r. AR. 70 by 100 mm. By H. Kautsch. 93. Madam Kautsch. Obv. Bust 1. No reverse. AR. 100 mm. By Kautsch. 94. Theodore Mommsen. A plaque. Facing bust of Mommsen. AE. 66 by 106 mm. By Kounitzky. RUSSIAN MEDALS. 1. Anna, Empress, A. D. 1730-1740. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. EflBgy of the Empress in nubibus. AE. 75 mm. 2. Amnesty to Political Prisoners, 1741. Obv. Bust of Empress Elizabeth r. Rev. CLEMENTIA AVGUSTA. Empress standing offering a palm branch to prisoners. AE. 65. mm. 3. Catherine n. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. The Empress standing, lead- ing young Czarevitch; in front, woman standing with bowed head. AE, 65 mm. 4. Destruction of Turkish Fleet, 1770. Obv. Bust of admiral Count Alexis Orloff r. Rev. Map of scene of the engagement. AE. 93 mm. 5. Deliverance of Moscow, 1771. Obv. Bust of Count Gregorovitch Orloff 1. Rev. The count, mounted, 1. AE. 93 mm. 6. Peace of Kutchuk Kainardji, 1774. Obv. Bust of Count Romanzoff r. Rev. A warrior, fully armed, standing facing; arms and a trophy. AE. 94 mm. 7. Marriage of Czarevitch Paul and Maria Feodorovna, 1776. Obv. Two busts r. Rev. Winged genius setting fire to two hearts. AE. 65 mm. 8. Unveiling Monument to Peter the Great, 1782. Obv. Bust of Catharine II 1. Rev. View of the monument. AE. 62 mm. 9. Hospital at Moscow Dedicated 1804. Obv. Bust of Count Nicolas Scheremetof 1. Rev. Female extending olive branch to a mother and her hand to a lame man; above, " Compassion." AE. 78 mm, 10. Dedication of Bourse, St. Petersburg, 1806. Obv. Bust of Alexander I r. Rev. View of the building. AR. 51 mm. 612 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 11. Battle of Elizabethpol, 1826. Obv. Imperial Russian eagle. Rev. Rus- Bian warrior striking cavalryman. AE. 65 mm. 12. Taking of Tauris, 1827. Obv. Imperial Russian eagle in wreath. Rev. Two priests and an oflBcer making submission to Russia. AE. 65 mm. 13. Death of Empress Maria Feodorovna, 1828. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. An angel pointing upward. AE. 68 mm. 14. Russo-Turkish War, 1828-1829. Obv. Russian imperial eagle. Rev. Armed warrior and large eagle, making way across mountains (Balkans). AE. 65 mm. 16. Crossing the Danube, June 8, 1828. Obv. As last. Rev. Russian war- rior standing in a boat. AE. 65 mm. 16. Capture of Kars, July 16, 1828. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Russian soldier standing on rampart. AE. 65 mm. 17. Surrender of Turkish Forts Beyond Danube, 1828. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Three Turks, representing Varna, Braila, and Shumla, make submission to Russia. AE. 65 mm. 18. Taking of Akhaliz, 1828. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Crumbling rampart; fallen and fleeing soldiers. AE. 65 mm. 19. Defeat of the Turks, July 2, 1829. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. "Total de- struction of two divisionsof the Turkish army." Hand-to-hand fight. AE. 65 mm. 20. Taking of Erzerum, 1829. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Russian soldier standing before a tablet inscribed " Erzerum." AE. 65 mm. 21. Engagement of the Warship Mercury, 1829. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Mercury standing on a shell waging battle with two monsters on hippocampi. AE. 65 mm. 22. Taking of Adrianople, 1829. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Russian warrior seated; to left, eagle; to right, military arms. AE. 65 mm. 23. Peace of Adrianople, 1829. Obv. "Peace with Russia." View of Adrianople. Rev. View of the city of Burgas. 24. Taking of Erivan, October 13, 1829. Obv. As No. 14. Rev. Russian warrior standing in broken rampart walls. AE. 65 mm. 26. Completion of Moscow Cathedral, 1838. Obv. Front view of the ca- thedral. Rev. " Not unto us, not unto us, but in thy name." An eye in a glory. 26. Dedication of St, Isaacs, St. Petersburg, 1868. Obv. Bust of Peter I; around, busts of Catharine II, Paul I, Alexander I, and Nicolas I. Rev. View of the building. AE. 80 mm. 27. Dedication of the Eoyal Mining Institute, 1873. Obv. Busts of Cath- arine II and Alexander II. Rev. View of the building. AE. 80 mm. 28. Opening of the Astronomical Observatory at Poltava, 1839. Obv. Bust of Nicolas I r. Rev. View of the building. AE. 66 mm. 29. Prize Medal of the Imperial Technological Institute. Obv. A cog- wheel in center of a triangle. Rev. Central, plain field for recipient's name. AE. 65 mm. 80. Centennial Jubilee of Academy of Science, 1864. Obv. Bust of Catherine II upon a column; near base of column, seated female figures representing sculpture, architecture, and painting. Rev. Bust of Alexander II. 31. Alexander n. A medallion. Obv. Bnstr. Rev.Flain. AE. 108mm. 82. Prize Medal of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Obv. Russian eagle upon Corinthian column. Rev. Winged female figure seated upon capital of a column. AE. 51 mm. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKEKS, AND MEDALS. 61S 33. Award Medal for Merit in Science. Obv. Head of Nicolas I 1. Rev. Athena placing a wreath upon head of kneeling warrior. AE. 67 mm. 34. IvanBetzki; "Unveiling of Monument. Obv. Bust of Betzki r. Rev. The monument, at the foot of which sit female and two small chil- dren. AE. 35 mm. 36. Gen. Peter Schoovalof. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Youth wearing chlamys seated 1. upon a cannon. AE. 55 mm. 36. Ivan Fedorovitch Krusenstem ; Fiftieth Year in Navy. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Winged female standing in front of model of a ship. 37. Paul Gregorevitch Demidoflf. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 65 mm. 38. Ivan Andreivitch Krylof ; Fiftieth Year of Literary Activity, 1838. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. AE. 51 mm. 39. Count Georg Canchrene, Financier, 1843. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. VI Rl EGREGIE DE PATRIA MERITI. etc., in four lines. AE. 55mm. 40. Nicolas Souhazanet; Fiftieth Year of Service, 1861. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Inscription. 41. Alexander Maxsimovitch Kneivitch, 1861. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscrip- tion. 42. Constantine Ton; Fiftieth Year of Active Work, 1865. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 52 mm. 43. F. H. Brunn; the Fiftieth Year with Imperial Academy of Arts, 1868. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. 44. Alexander Paulovitch Brunoff ; the Fiftieth Year as Professor of Archi- tecture, 1871. Obv. BuatT. i?eu. " In memory of fifty years service." 1871. AE. 52 mm. 46. Prof. Victor Boonjakowsky; the Fiftieth Year as Professor of Mathe- matics, University of Paris, 1876. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription as No. 44. AE. 70 mm. 46. Dr. John Frederic Brandt; Fiftieth Year as Professor of Medicine at University of Berlin, 1876. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription within laurel wreath. AE. 70 mm. 47. Prof. Jordan, Director of Painting, Academy of Arts, 1874. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Inscription. AE. 48. Count Feodor Litke, Geographer. Obv. Bnatr. jRe?;. "From the impe- rial Russian geographical society;" scientific apparatus; below, "For his labors in geography." DUTCH. 1. Admiral Maarten Harpertzoon van Tromp, A. D. 1697-1663. Obv. Facing bust of van Tromp. Rev. Plain. 71 mm. 2. Treaty of Breda, 1667. Obv. A lion trampling on cannon and other arms. Rev. Plain. 70 mm. 3. Cornelius and John de Witt, A. D. 1623-1672. Obv. Busts vis-Jl-vis. Rev. A many-headed monster, the Populace, devouring the two men. 72 mm. 4. Recognition of the Independence of the United States by Friesland, 1782. Obv. A Frisian joins hands with America and rejects the olive branch offered by Britannia. Rev. A hand extends from the clouds a crowned shield bearing the arms of Friesland. 44 mm. 614 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 6. Recognition of the Independence of the United States by the States General, 1782. Obv. A female, representing the Netherlands, and an Indian woman, America, join hands over a burning altar. Rev. TYRANNIS VIRTUTE REPULSA. A unicorn which has broken his horn on a lofty rock. 45 mm. 6. Commercial Treaty Between the Netherlands and the tTnited States, 1782. 06i;. JUSTITIAM ET NON TE.MNERE DIVOS. A monu- ment, and Mercury placing a wreath upon a shield attached to its side; basket of fruit and ship's anchor. Rev. Fame, seated on clouds, holds shield with the arms of Netherlands and another with 13 stars. 45 mm. 7. Michael de Ruiter. Bust of de Ruiter in armor and draped. 70 mm. 8. Baron Imhoflf. Obv. Bust r. Rev. The governor general starting for India. 72 mm. 9. Second Centennial of the Lutheran Reformation, 1717. Obv. Luther trampling on a papal tiara. Rev. Standing and kneeling figures. 10. Second Centennial of Augsburg Confession, 1730. Obv. Bust of Luther r. Rev. VERITATI TRIVMPHVS. A female figure seated, an- other standing beneath a palm. 11. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, A. D. 1748. Obv. Bust of the Staatholder r. Rev. Holland sacrificing at an altar. 12. Same Event. Obv. Louis XV as Hercules resisting the offers of Vic- tory and receiving the pleas of Peace. Rev. Inscription. 13. Reception in Netherlands of the Protestants Driven from Salzburg, 1732. Obv. Liberty seated facing. Rev. Hollander offering protec- tion to the exiles. 14. Same Event. Obv. Holland seated r.; boat and cow. Rev. Holland receiving the exiles. I BELGIAN. 1. Patria. Obv. Facing female bust. Rev. Plain. AE. 80 mm. By Wissaert. 56 mm. 2. Second Peace Congress, 1907. Obv. Peace with olive branch in right hand, directs the attention of a seated warrior to a plowman. Rev. A ship in a stormy sea. 65 mm. By Le Roy. 3. Origin of the Art of Design. A plaque. Obv. A maiden outlining the shadow of her lover's head upon a wall. Rev. SOCIETY HOL- LANDAISE-BELGE | DES AMIS DE LA | MEDAILLE D'ART | 1903. 52 by 60 mm. By Devreese. 4. Henri Beyaert, Architect. Plaque. An angel bearing a medallion with bust of Beyaert 1. 85 by 137 mm. By Devreese. DANISH. 1. Accession of Christian IX, 1863. Obv. Busts of Christian IX and Queen Louise. Rev. Inscription. 53 mm. 2. Silver Wedding of Christian IX and Queen Louise, 1867. Obv. Busts, jugate, 1. By Schmaelfeld. Rev. The Fates, Clotho and Lachesis. AE. 39 mm. By Olrik and Schmaelfeld. 3. Golden Wedding of Christian IX and Queen Louise, 1892. Obv. Busts vis-k-vis. Rev. King and queen seated in a Viking ship. AE. 65 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 615 SWEDEN. » 1. Second Centennial of Eeformation, 1721. Obv. FREDERICVS D.G. REX.SVECIAE. Bust r. Rev. Busts vis-k-vis of Charles I and Gus- tavus Adolphus, AR. 42 mm. 2. Excursion to view Midnight sun. Obv. Bust of King Oscar II r. Rev. Mermaid. White metal. 40 mm. 3. Prof. Em. Hildebrand, Antiquarian and Director of Royal Cabinet of Coins, 1878. Obv. Bust I. i^et;. A female sacrificing at altar. 56 mm. 4. Jenny Llnd. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Monument to Jenny Lind. 78 mm. SWITZERLAND. 1. Haller and Kolb, 1720. Obv. Busts r. Rev. Christ walking between Haller and Kolb. 2. John Calvin Jubilee, 1809. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. A pulpit, and in field, IL TEINT FERME | COME S'lL EVST VEV CELVI | QVI EST INVISIBLE. AE. 108 mm. By Bovy. 3. Haller, Berchtold, 1828. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Inscription. 4. Same Event. Obv. Berne, with mural crown, seated r. Rev. Inscrip- tion. 5. Sixth Centennial of the First Federation, 1891. Obv. Representatives of three Cantons taking solemn oath. Rev. A tree with 22 shields. Aluminum. 50 mm. SPANISH. 1. Maria Christine, Queen Begent, 1833. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Inscription. 51 mm. 2. The Four Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America, 1892. Obv. Ferdinand and Isabella receiving Columbus. Rev. Columbus and companions on board ship. 71 mm. By Maura. 3. Michel Molinos. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Molinos in prison. PORTUGUESE. 1. Dom Joam, Prince Regent, 1809. Obv. Laureated head 1. Rev. Plain. AE. 51 mm. By Pidgeon. 2. Dom Miguel, 1827. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. NASCEO EM LISBOA etc. within laurel wreath. Lead. 51 mm. By Ghardigny. MEXICAN. 1. Mexican Independence, 1823. Obv. CON LA TRIPLE GARANTIA. Three interlaced rings; below, two hemispheres. Rev. A wreath. AE. 50 mm. 2. Guadalupe Victoria. 06v. Bustr. Rev. Arms of Mexico. AR. 42 mm. By Guarrerro. 3. Maximilian and Carlotta, 1866. Obv. Busts, jugate, 1. Rev. The Virgin standing on crescent. AE. 34 mm. By Ocampo. 616 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 4. Death of Maximilian, 1867. Obv. Head of Emperor r. Rev. Female figure with book and trumpet seated by tomb. White metal. 41 mm. By Kleeberg. JAPAN. MEDALS OF THE NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TOKIO, 1877. 1. Prize Medal of the First Class. Obv. Kadiant sun between two dragons. Rev. Square label for name. AE. 44 mm. 2. Prize Medal of the Second Class. Similar to No. 1. AE. 60 mm. 3. Prize Medal of the Third Class. Similar to No. 1. AE. 48 mm. MEDALS OF AWARD. 4. For Improvement. Obv. Kadiant sun between kiri and wistaria. Rev. Aged man standing addressing a kneeling workman. AE. 67 mm. 6. Skill in the Arts. Obv. Similar to No. 4. Rev. An artist — Kanaoke of Kose — sitting. AE. 67 mm. 6. For Merit. Obv. As No. 4. Rev. Aged man standing, hands in sleeves. AE. 67 mm. 7. For Advancement of the Arts. Obv. Sun. Rev. Aged man seated. AE. 67 mm. EXPOSITION OF THE PREFECTURE OF MIYOQI, 1880. 8. Prize Medal of the First Class. Obv. Legend within wreath of chrys- anthemums; above, peacock. Rev. Label within a tressure. AE. 58 mm. 9. Prize Medal of the Second Class. Similar to No. 8, but peacock omitted. AE. 49 mm. 10. Prize Medal of the Third Class. Similar to No. 9. AE. 40 mm. I 11. Fishery Exposition, Tokio, 1883. Obv. Sun. Rev. Two fishermen. AE. 67 mm. 12. Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Marriage of the Emperor, March 9, 1894. Obv. Two howo birds with chrysanthemum branches in bills. Rev. Inscription. AE. 55 mm. 13. Marriage of the Crown Prince, May 10, 1900. Obv. Two fans. Rev. Inscription. AE. 55 mm. 14. Visit of the Empress to the Mint at Osaki, November, 1891. Obv. Fan and inscription. Rev. Inscription. AE. 61 mm. 16. Boyal mint at Osaka. Obv. Front view of the mint. Rev. Inscription. AE. 67 mm. 16. Medal of Busso-Japanese War, 1904-5. Obv. Laurel wreath over a projectile flanked by royal standards. Rev. Inscription. AE. 65 mm. HAWAII. 1. Boyal Agricultural Society. Obv. Merchandise and ships. Rev. PRE- MIUM FOR THE BEST EXHIBITED. Awreath. AE. 64 mm. By Mitchell. ADDENDA. UNITED STATES OF AMEEICA. GOLD. Philadelphia Mint. 1. Double-eagle, 1911. Same as No. 151, page 35, except date. 2. Double-eagle, 1912. Similar, except date. 3. Double-eagle, 1913. Similar, except date. 4. Eagle, 1911. Same as No. 238, page 39, except date. 6. Eagle, 1912. Similar, except date. 6. Eagle, 1913. Similar, except date. Mint at San Francisco. 7. Eagle, 1912. Similar to No. 4, except date and the mint mark, S, on reverse, to left of value. Mint at Philadelphia. 8. Half-eagle, 1911. Types similar to No. 364, page 44, except date. 9. Half-eagle, 1912. Similar, except date. 10. Half-eagle, 1913. Similar, except date. Mint at San Francisco, 11. Half-eagle, 1912. Similar to No. 8, except date and the mint mark, S, on reverse, to left of value. Mint at Philadelphia. 12. Quarter-eagle, 1911. Same as No. 498, page 50, except date. 13. Quarter-eagle, 1912. Similar, except date. 14. Quarter-eagle, 1913. Similar, except date. Mint at Charlotte, N. C. 16. Dollar, 1867. Same types as No. 512, page 51, except date and mint mark, C, beneath vnreath on reverse. Size 9^. Mint at Dahlonega, Ga. 16. Dollar, 1849. As No. 15, except mint mark, which is D. Mint at San Francisco. 17. Dollar, 1868. As No. 15, except mint mark, which ia S. 617 618 CATALOGUE OF ' COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Mint at Carson City. 18. Dollar, 1872. Similar to No. 596, page 65, except date and the mint mark, C C, beneath eagle on reverse. 19. Dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 611, page 56, except date and mint mark, C C, beneath wreath on reverse. 20. Dollar, 1879. Similar to No. 19, except date. 21. Trade-dollar, 1875. Similar to No. 604, page 55, except date and the mint mark, CC, above value on reverse. Mint at New Orleans. 22. Dollar, 1850. Similar to No. 596, page 55, except date and the mint mark, O, beneath eagle on reverse. 28. Dollar, 1859. Similar to No. 22, except date. 24. Dollar, 1860. Similar to No. 22, except date. 25. Dollar, 1903. Similar to No. 611, except date and the mint mark, O, beneath wreath on reverse. Mint at San Francisco. 26. Dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 611, page 56, except date and mint mark, S, beneath wreath on reverse. 27. Trade-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 604, page 55, except date and mint mark, S (large), above value on reverse. 28. Trade-dollar, 1876. As last, but mint mark, s (small). 29. Trade-dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 27, except date. Mint at Philadelphia. 30. Half-dollar, 1911. Similar to No. 754, page 62, except date. 31. Half-dollar, 1912. Similar, except date. 32. Half-dollar, 1913. Similar, except date. Mint at Carson City. 33. Half-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 737, page 61, except date and the mint mark, CC, beneath eagle. 34. Half-dollar, 1876. Similar to No. 33, except date. 35. Half-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 33, except date. Mint at Denver. 36. Half-dollar, 1906. Similar to No. 754, page 62, except date and the mint mark, D, beneath eagle on reverse. 37. Half-dollar, 1907. Similar to No. 36, except date. 38. Half-dollar, 1908. Similar to No. 36, except date. 39. Half-dollar, 1909. Similar to No. 36, except date. 40. Half-dollar, 1912. Similar to No. 36, except date. 41. Half-dollar, 1913. Similar to No. 36, except date. Mint at New Orleans. 42. Half-dollar, 1842. Similar to No. 696, page 60, except date and the mint mark, O, beneath eagle on reverse. .48. H^f-dollar, 1846. Similar to No. 42, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 619 44. Half-dollar, 1846. Similar to No. 46. Half-dollar, 1847. Similar to No. 46. Half-dollar, 1848. Similar to No. 47. Half-dollar, 1862. Similar to No. 48. Half-dollar, 1853. Similar to No mark, O. Weight 192 grains. 49. Half-dollar, 1854. Similar to No omitted from reverse. 60. Half-dollar, 1855. Similar to No. 61. Half-dollar, 1866. 62. Half-dollar, 1858. 53. Half-dollar, 1860. 64. Half-dollar, 1894. mint mark, O, beneath eagle. 66. Half-dollar, 1895. Similar to No 66. Half-dollar, 1896. 67. Half-dollar, 1897. 68. Half-dollar, 1898. 69. Half-dollar, 1899. 60. Half-dollar, 1900. 61. Half-dollar, 1901. 62. Half-dollar, 1902. 63. Half-dollar, 1903. 64. Half-doUar, 1904. 65. Half-dollar, 1907. 66. Half-dollar, 1908. 67. Half-dollar, 1909. Similar to No. -^ Similar to No. Similar to No, Similar to No Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. 42, except date. 42, except date. 42, except date. 42, except date. . 714, page 60, except date and mint 715, page 61, except date. Rays 49, except date. 2, except date. Arrowheads omitted. 42, except date. . 42, except date. , 754, page 62, except date and the 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 64, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. 54, except date. Mint at San Francisco. 70. Half-dollar, 1868. 71. Half-doUar, 1871. 72. Half-dollar, 1876. 73. Half-doUar, 1876. 74. Half-dollar, 1877. 75. Half-dollar, 1892 68. Half-dollar, 1858. Similar to No. 696, page 60, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath the eagle on reverse. 69. Half-dollar, 1863. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 68, except date. Similar to No. 754, page 62, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath eagle on reverse. 76. Half-dollar, 1893. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No, 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No, 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. Similar to No. 75, except date. 77. Half-dollar, 1894, 78. Half-dollar, 1896. 79. Half-dollar, 1896. 80. Half-dollar, 1898. 81. Half-dollar, 1899, 82. Half-dollar, 1900, 83. Half-dollar, 1902. 84. Half-dollar, 1903. 86. Half-dollar, 1904. 22023°— 14 40 620 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 86. Half-dollar, 87. Half-dollar, 88. Half-dollar, 89. Half-dollar, Half-dollar, Half-dollar, Half-dollar, Half-dollar, Half-dollar, 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. Similar to No. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 75, except date. 95. Quarter-dollar, 1911. 96. Quarter-dollar, 1912. 97. Quarter-dollar, 1913. Mint at Philadelphia. Similar to No. 860, page 67, except date. Similar, except date. Similar, except date. Mint at Carson City. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Quarter-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 833, page 66, except date and the mint mark, C C, beneath eagle on reverse. Quarter-dollar, 1878. Similar to No. 98, except date. Mint at Denver. Quarter-dollar, 1906. Similar to No. 860, page 67, except date and the mint mark, D, beneath eagle. Quarter-dollar, 1907. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Similar to No. 100, except date. Quarter-dollar, 1908. Quarter-dollar, 1909. Quarter-dollar, 1910. Quarter-dollar, 1911. Quarter-dollar, 1912. Quarter-dollar, 1913. 108. Quarter-dollar, 1840. the mint mark, O, 109. Quarter-dollar, 1841. 110. Quarter-dollar, 1843, 111. Quarter-dollar, 1844. 112. Quarter-dollar, 1848. 113. Quarter-dollar, 1853 the mint mark, O. 114. Quarter-doUar, 1857, 116. Quarter-dollar, 1892 the mint mark, O, 116. Quarter-dollar, 1893, 117. Quarter-dollar, 1894. 118. Quarter-dollar, 1895. 119. Quarter-dollar, 1896. 120. Quarter-dollar, 1897. 121. Quarter-dollar, 1898. 122. Quarter-dollar, 1899 Mint at New Orleans. Similar to No. 802, page 65, except date and beneath the eagle on reverse. . Similar to No. 108, except date. Similar to No. 108, except date. . Similar to No. 108, except date. , Similar to No. 108, except date. . Similar to No. 819, page 65, except date and Has arrowheads and rays. . Similar to No. 108, except date. . Similar to No. 860, page 67, except date and beneath eagle on reverse. , Similar to No. 115, except date. . Similar to No. 115, except date. . Similar to No. 115, except date. . Similar to No. 115, except date. . Similar to No. 115, except date. . Similar to No. 115, except date. Similar to No. 115, except date. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 621 133. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 146. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- Quarter- dollar, •dollar, •dollar, dollar, dollar, •dollar, dollar, dollar, dollar, dollar, 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar to No to No to No to No, to No, to No, to No, to No, to No. to No. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. 115, except date. Mint at San Francisco. Quarter-dollar, 1877. Similar to No. 833, page 66, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath eagle on reverse. Quarter-dollar, 1892. Similar to No. 860, page 67, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath eagle on reverse. Quarter-dollar, 1894. Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except < Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except ^ Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Similar to No. 134, except Quarter-dollar, 1895. Quarter-dollar, 1896. Quarter-dollar, 1897. Quarter-dollar, 1900. Quarter-dollar, 1901. Quarter-dollar, 1902. Quarter-dollar, 1903. Quarter-dollar, 1904. Quarter-dollar, 1905. Quarter-dollar, 1906. Quarter-dollar, 1907. Quarter-dollar, 1908. Quarter-dollar, 1909. Quarter-dollar, 1911. Quarter-dollar, 1912. date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date, date. 151. Dime, 1911. 162. Dime, 1912. 163. Dime, 1913. Mint at Philadelphia. Similar to No. 977, page 72, except date. Similar, except date. Similar, except date. Mint at Carson City. 164. Dime, 1877. Similar to No. 944, page 71, except date and mint mark, C C, beneath wreath on reverse. Mint at Denver. 166. Dime, 1906. Similar to No. 977, page 72, except date and mint mark, D, beneath wreath on reverse. 166. Dime, 1907. Similar to No. 155, except date. 157. Dime, 1908. Similar to No. 155, except date. 158. Dime, 1909. Similar to No. 155, except date. 169. Dime, 1910. Similar to No. 155, except date. 160. Dime, 1911. Similar to No. 155, except date. 622 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Mint at New Orleans. 161. Dime, 1839. Similar to No. 920, page 70, except date and the mint mark, 0, beneath value, within wreath, on reverse. 162. Dime, 1859. Similar to No. 161, except date. 163. Dime, 1892. Similar to No. 977, page 72, except date and mint mark, O, beneath wreath on reverse. 164. Dime, 1893. Similar to No. 163, except date. 165. Dime, 1895. Similar to No. 163, except date. 166. Dime, 1896. Similar to No. 163, except date. 167. Dime, 1897. Similar to No. 163, except date, 168. Dime, 1898. Similar to No. 163, except date. 169. Dime, 1899. Similar to No. 163, except date. 170. Dime, 1900. Similar to No. 163, except date. 171. Dime, 1901. Similar to No. 163, except date. 172. Dime, 1902. Similar to No. 163, except date. 173. Dime, 1903. Similar to No. 163, except date. 174. Dime, 1905. Similar to No. 163, except date. 175. Dime, 1906. Similar to No. 163, except date, 176. Dime, 1907. Similar to No. 163, except date. 176a. Dime, 1908. Similar to No. 163, except date. 177. Dime, 1909. Similar to No. 163, except date. Mint at San Francisco. 178. Dime, 1887. Similar to No. 944, page 71, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath wreath on reverse. 179. Dime, 1893. Similar to No. 977, page 72, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath wreath on reverse. 180. Dime, 1895. Similar to No. 179, except date, 181. Dime, 1896. Similar to No. 179, except date. 182. Dime, 1897. Similar to No. 179, except date. 183. Dime, 1898. Similar to No. 179, except date. 184. Dime, 1900. Similar to No. 179, except date. 185. Dime, 1901. Similar to No. 179, except date. 186. Dime, 1902. Similar to No. 179*, except date. 187. Dime, 1904. Similar to No. 179, except date. 188. Dime, 1905. Similar to No. 179, except date, 189. Dime, 1907. Similar to No. 179, except date. 190. Dime, 1908. Similar to No. 179, except date. 191. Dime, 1909. Similar to No. 179, except date. 192. Dime, 1910. Similar to No. 179, except date. 193. Dime, 1911. Similar to No. 179, except date, 194. Dime, 1912. Similar to No. 179, except date. 195. Half-dime, 1869. Similar to No. 1043, page 76, except date and mint mark, S, beneath wreath on reverse. 196. Half-dime, 1872. Similar to No. 195, except date; S within wreath. 197. Half-dime, 1873. Similar to No. 195, except date. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 623 NICKEL. Mint at Philadelphia. 198. Five cents, 1911. Similar to No. 1101, page 77, except date. 199. Five cents, 1912. Obv. LIBERTY. Indian bust to right; on shoul- der, 1913. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bull buffalo to left; in field, above, e/pluribus/ unum/ ; below, FIVE CENTS. Size, 13^. 200. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 199, but the value in an exergue. t Mint at Denver. 201. Five cents, 1912. Similar to No. 1101, p. 77, except date and the mint mark, D, beneath point to left of value. 202. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 199, but with mint mark, D, beneath value. 203. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 202, but value in an exergue. Mint at San Francisco. 204. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 199, but with mint mark, S, be- neath the value. 206. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 204, but value in an exergue, BRONZE. Mint at Philadelphia. 206. Cent, 1911. Similar to No. 1294, page 82, except date. 207. Cent, 1912. Similar, except date. 208. Cent, 1913. Similar, except date. Mint at Denver. 209. Cent, 1911. Similar to No. 1294, page 82, except date and mint mark, D, beneath date. 210. Cent, 1912. Similar to No. 209, except date. 211. Cent, 1913. Similar to No. 209, except date. Mint at San Francisco. 212. Cent, 1913. Similar to No. 1294, page 82, except date and the mint mark, S, beneath date. 624 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. PATTERNS. 213. AE. Half-dollar, 1877. Obv. ••••••• in god we trust • **••* Bust of Liberty to left, her hair in knot at back of head, and wearing diadem inscribed LI BERT Y ; below, 1877; beaded border. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Eagle displayed, shield of U. S. on breast, olive branch in r. and arrows in 1. claw; in field, between wings (curved line), e plueibus unum; below, HALF DOLLAR. Reeded edge. Size, 19. 214. N. Five cents, 1906. Similar to No. 1548, page 105, but of pure nickel. 216. N. Five cents, 1909. Obv. Similar to No. 1548, but on margin only the thirteen stars. Rev. As No. 1548, but beneath the wreath, E PLURIBU3 unum. By Morgan. 216. N. Five cents, 1909. Obv. Bust of Washington, in citizen's clothes, to left; to right, on margin, LI BERTY ; in field, to left, 1909. Rev. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | e pluribus unum. Between two olive branches, large 5 and cents across the field. 217. N. Five cents, 1909. Obv. The same as No. 216. Rev. UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. Within wreath of a single olive branch, 5 1 cents; below, e pluribus unum. 218. N. Five cents, 1909. Obv. ••••••• LIBERTY • • • • • • Bust of Washington to right; below, 1909. Rev. Similar to No. 217. 219. N. Five cents, 1909. Similar to No. 218, but on obverse, around, • •••••••••••• LIBERTY. 220. N. Five cents, 1909. Similar to No. 218, but on obverse, around, L**I**B* — Tk-E^^R^^T^Tk-Y*. 221. N. Five cents, 1910. Obv. LIBERTY — 1810. Bust of Washington to left. Older than bust of No. 216. Rev. Similar to No. 216, but with IN GOD WE TRUST added beneath olive branches. 222. N. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 199. This pattern differs from the regular issue only in the treatment of the border. 223. N. Five cents, 1913. Similar to No. 222, but dze 14. EARLY AMERICAN TOKENS. 224. AB. "Pitt Token," 1766. Obv. THE RESTORER OF COMMERCE 1766. Bust to left; below, NO STAMPS. Rev. THANKS TO THE FRIENDS OF LIBERTY AND TRADE. Ship with lion figurehead sailing r. with America written athwart her course just in front of her brow. Size 18. 225. AE. Similar to No. 224. 226. AE. Talbot, AUum & Lee. Edge: we promise to pay the bearer ONE CF.NT. — Obv. AT THE STORE OF TALBOT ALLUM & LEE NEW YORK. Ship sailing to right. iJev. LIBERTY & COM- MERCE. Liberty, holding Liberty Pole in r. hand, standing facing, beside a bale of merchandise. Size 18. One of the first private tokens struck in the United States. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 625 CANADA. George V, 1910- 1. Sovereign, 1911. Ohv. GEORGIVS V D. G. BRITT: OMN: REX F. D. IND: IMP: Head 1.; on truncation, b. m. (=Makennel). Rev. St. George and Dragon; on base, (Canada); in exergue 1911 and B. p. Edge, reeded. 22 mm. 2. Ten dollars, 1912. Ohv. GEORGIVS V DEI GRA:— REX ET IND: IMP: Crowned bust 1.; on truncation, b. m. Rev. Within oak wreath, the arms of Canada; above, Canada; below, 1912 | TEN DOLLARS]. Edge, reeded. 26 mm. 3. Five dollars, 1912. Legends and types similar to No. 2, except value. 21 mm. SILVER. 4. 60 cents, 1911. Ohv. GEORGIVS V REX— ET IND: IMP: Crowned bustl., as No. 1. Rev. Within an oak-wreath, 50 | cents | Can- ada 1 — I 1911 I ; above, crown. 29 mm. 6. 60 cents, 1912. Ohv. GEORGIVS V DEI GRA: REX ET IND: IMP: Bust as No. 4. Rev. Similar to No. 4. 6. 25 cents, 1911. Legends and types similar to No. 4, except value. 23 mm. 7. 26 cents, 1912. 8. 10 cents, 1911 17 mm. 9. 10 cents, 1912. 10. 6 cents, 1911. 15 mm. 11. 5 cents, 1912. Similar to No. 6, but DEI GRA : added to legend. Legends and types similar to No. 4, except value. Similar to No. 8, but DEI GRA : added to legend. Legends and types similar to No. 4, except value. Similar to No. 10, but DEI GRA: added to legend. BRONZE. 12 One cent, 1911 ONE I CENT , plain. 26 mm. 13. One cent, 1912. Similar to No legend of obverse, Ohv. Similar to No. 4. Rev. Within a beaded circle. CANADA I — I 1911 I ; wide border of oak leaves. Edge, 12, but with DEI GRA: added to 14. NEWFOUNDLAND. George V, 1910-. AR. 60 Cents, 1911. Ohv. Similar to Canada No. 4. Rev. NEW- FOUNDLAND; within a curved line, with both ends terminat- ing in loops and scrolls. Edge, reeded. 29 mm. 626 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. MEXICO. UNDER SPAIN. Charles I and his mother Joanna. o 1. AR. Eeal, undated. Obv. Similar to No. 4, p. 134, but reading M - in field beside arms. Rev. HISPANIARVM ° ET ° INDIAM (sic) Crowned pillars of Hercules; across field, pl - vs - vl. 24 mm. Philip II. 2. AV. Cuatro de Onza, undated. "Cob piece." Ohv. Crowned arms; tor., M I o. Rev HISPANIA In treasure of four lobes, cross potent; at center of cross, countermark dh. 3. AR. Peso, irregular, undated. Ohv. PHILIPPVS ° II °<,DEI ° GRA- TIA Crowned shield of royal arms; at sides, 8 - M. Rev. HIS- PANIARVM ° REX Cross with lions and castles in angles. 39 mm. 3a. AR. Peso, square, undated. Legends and types similar to No. 2. 29 X 29 mm. 4. AR. Medio Real, undated. Ohv. PHILIPPVS. Il-o (d. g.) Within circle, PHILIPPVS in monogram; at sides, O - M; Rev. HISPAN- IARVM ° ET.IND ° R ° TypeasNo.2. 20 mm. Philip V. 6. AR. Peseta, 1734. Legends and types similar to No. 15, page 136, ex- cept mark of value. Ferdinand VI. 6. AR. Peseta, 1760. Similar to No. 40, page 138. Charles IV. ORIZAVA, STATE OP VERA CEUZ. 7. AR. Proclamation Toston, 1790. Obv. A CARLOS. IV. REY DE ESPARA. Y de LAS YNDIAS Arms of Spain; wide border of oak leaves. Rev. en su proclamacion * (in field^ la mui | leal VILLA I DE ORIZAVA. | EN 11. DB ABRiL. | DE 1790 [ ; bordor OS on obverse. Edge, o □ o □ o. 34 mm. SOMBRERETE. 8. AE. Pattern Proclamation Toston, 1791. Ohv. CAROL • II II • DEI • GRATIA • HISPANI • ET IND • REX • Within double inner circles, crowned shield of arms of Spain; border of large dots. Rev. JURA • DE • SOM.BRERETE * ANO * DE • 1791. Mount Sombrereto; border of dots. Edge, o □ o □ o. 38 mm. THE EMPIRE, 1822-1824. Augustin I. 9. AR. Peso, 1822. Very crude piece. Ohv. AGVST. I. (imp.) ERA (to) R D.MEXIC. Crowned eagle standing to right upon a cactus; beneath, 1822. Rev. JURADO | EN 6 DE | OCTUB. with arrow above and below; around, MEX MVNVMENT | AGVST DE FELL Inscriptions are repeated because the piece is apparently double- Btruck. The type was merely sketched on the die. 35 mm. h CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 627 CHIAPA DE LOS INDIOS. 10. AR. Proclamation Real, 1822. Obv. LAS CHIAPAS - POR AGUST I. Bust 1.; below, 1823. Rev. CHIAPAS PROCLAMAN - CON- STAN CI A. Crowned oval shield of the arms of Mexico; from the crown hangs a chain down both sides of the shield, 20 mm. OAXACA. 11. AR. Proclamation Peseta, 1822. Obv. A. AGUSTIN I. EMPERA- DOR CONSTITUCiONAL DE MEJI° within ornamental border; draped bust to right; beneath, f. gordillo. Rev. Within border similar to that on obverse, lo juro el 8 | de diciembre I del ano 1823. LA I M.N.c. I DE OAJACA ] with festoon of flowers above and below. Edge, o □ o □ . 27 mm. REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Mint at Chihuahua. 12. AV. Onza, 1848. Obv. REPUBLICA MEXICANA. Arms of Mexico; below, oak and laurel branches in saltire. Rev. LA LIBERTAD EN LA LEY Hand holding liberty pole and cap upon book of constitution; below, 8 E C^ 1848. KG. 21 Q». Mint at Culiacan. 13. AV. Onza, 1863. Similar to No. 12, but legend on reverse reads: *8E.C.1863.C.R. 21 Q». Mint at Hermosillo. 14. AR. Pattern for-Onza, 1865. Similar to No. 12, but legend on reverse reads: *8E. H. 1865. F.M. 21 Q». state op durango. 16. AE. Cuartilla, 1860. Obv. DEPARTMENTO DE DURANGO Arms of Mexico. Rev. Within oak wreath, libertad en el orden.; in field, 1/4. I 1860 | . 27 mm. CENTRAL AMERICA. COSTA RICA. 1. AR. 2 Reales, 1846. Necessity piece. A Spanish- American "cob" Peseta counter marked: Obv. .repub. del cent, de amer. Shining sun above three mountain peaks; below, .1846. Rev. habilitada en costa-rica. Tree whose stem divides value, 2 - R. 13 mm. GUATEMALA. 2. AR. Peseta, 1837, commemorating reorganization of courts, Obv. JUICIO POR JURADOS Sword and scales upon an altar inscribed GUAT. I 1837 i ; above, eye in a glory. Rev. EL PUEBLO JUEZ Female figure standing, turned to r., holding pomegranate in raised r. and two serpents in 1. hand; at feet, two money bags. Obliquely milled edge. 25 mm. 628 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NICAKAGUA, HONDURAS, AND SAN SALVADOR, UNITED 1849-1851. 8. AB. Necessity Peso. Peso of Charles II, Potosi mint, 1683, counter- marked on obverse: shining sun above three mountain peaks. Diameter of countermark, G mm. 4. AS.. Necessity Peso. Rectangular piece dated 1747, struck at City of Mexico, and countermarked on reverse above left column similarly to No. 3. 25 by 34 mm. 5. AR. Necessity Peso. Irregular hexagonal piece bearing types of Peso, dated 1757, and countermarked as No. 3. 25 by 34 mm.; 415 grs. 6. AR. Necessity Medio Peso. Irregular pentagonal portion of a Peso dated 1757, countermarked as No. 3. 25 by 30 mm.; 201 grs. 7. AH. Necessity Medio Peso. Irregular piece bearing types of cross and shield of arms, countermarked on reverse as No. 3. 32 by 46 mm.; 191.5 grs. NICARAGUA. 8. AK. Cordoba, 1912. Obv. REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA Within a circle, facing bust of Gen. Jose Cordova; below, • • 1912 • • . Rev. EN DIGS CO N Fl A M GS Within a circle, sun rising from be- hind range of five mountains; below, • • UN CORDOBA • • . Edge, reeded. 38 mm. 9. AR. Medio Cordoba, 1912. Legends and types similar to No. 8, but value reads: 50 CENTAVOS DE CORDOBA. 30 mm. 10. AR. Cuatro de Cordoba, 1912. Similar to the Cordoba, but the value reads: 25 CENTAVOS DE CORDOBA. 24 mm. 11. AR. 10 Centavos, 1912. Similar to the Cordoba, but the value reads: 10 CENTAVOS DE CORDOBA. 18 mm. 12. Nic. 6 Centavos, 1912. Obv. REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA Na- tional arms: — on triangular escutcheon, sun above range of five mountains; below, 1912 | H | . Rev. Within wreath, cinco | cen- tavos I DE I CORDOBA | . Plain edge. 21 mm. 13. AE. 1 Centavo, 1912. Legends and types similar to No. 12, but the value reads un | centavo | de | coedoba | . 20 mm. 14. AE. Medio Centavo, 1912. Similar to No. 12, but value reads medio I CENTAVO | DE ] CORDOBA | . 17 mm. SALVADOR. Provisional Government. 16. AR. Peseta, 1829. Obv. MONEDA PROVISIONAL. R. L. Within a border of dots, a volcano standing by sea; below, • 1829 *. Rev. POR LA LIBERTAD . SALVAD. Within a circle of dots a column standing by the sea and sm-mounted by a Liberty Cap; in field, 2-R. 26 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 629 BRITISH HONDURAS. 16. AK. 60 Cents, 1911. Obv. GEORGE V KING AND EMPEROR OF INDIA Crowned bust to left; on truncation, b.m. (Makennel). Rev. BRITISH — HONDURAS — 1911. Within beaded circle, 50 [ cents. Reeded edge. 30 mm. 17. AB. 25 Cents, 1911. Legends and types similar to No. 16, except value. 23 mm. 16. Nic. 6 Cents, 1911. Obv. Same legend and bust as on No. 16, but the bust in beaded circle, and beneath, 1911. Rev. Within beaded circle, 5 | cents. Plain edge. 20 mm. 17. AE. Cent, 1911. Obv. Similar to No. 16. Rev. BRITISH HON- DURAS = ONE CENT 1911; within beaded circle, L Plain edge. 27i mm. SOUTH AMERICA. UNDER SPAIN. Charles IV. 1. AH. Proclamation Peso, 1789. Obv. CAROLUS • IV* — HISP* ETIND • R* (PLATA in monogram). Draped bustr.; below, • 1789* Rev. OPTIMO* PRINC* PUBLICE* FIDELIT • JURAT* Before two mountains, each surmounted by a cross, two columns resting upon castles and grasped in claws of a two-headed eagle, each head crowned, and the wings spread above the col- umns; beneath, a r. hand holding a flag, and in field five masks. Edge, wreath. 40 mm. Ferdinand VII. 2. AV. Onza, 1818. Obv. FERDND. VII. D. G.— HISP. ET IND. R. Cuirassed bust of Charles IV. to right; below, . 1818. Rev. IN UTROQ. FELIX. —.AUSPICE. DEO. Crowmed shield of royal arms within chain of the Golden Fleece; at sides 8 — S ; below, P. — F.M. 37 mm. 3. AK. Peseta, 1808. Proclamation piece of Bogota. Obv. AUGUSTA I PROCLAMACION | DELN(uevo) . R(eino) . D(e) . G(kanada). A pomegranate with two leaves attached to stem, above and below legend. Rev. REI DE ESPA— NA E INDIAS; Crowned shield of arms of Leon and Castile. 27 mm. ARGENTINA. 4. AB. Patagon, 1879. Pattern. 06^. REPUBLICA — ARGENTINA Fe- male bust to left, wearing Phrygian helmet, inscribed, above fore- head, LIBERTAD ; below, essai 1879 G. wurden. Rev. LEY DEL 25 DESETIEMBRE1878 The national arms; below, * UN PATAGON*. Edge, reeded. 38 mm. BOLIVIA. Chuquisaca. 5. AB. Peso, 1825. In honor of Simon Bolivar. Obv. PADRE DE LA PATRIA SIMON BOLIVAR Bust in uniform to right. Rev. LA GRATITUD DE CHUQUISACA A SU LIBERTADOR. The western hemisphere, before which stand a warrior in antique armor r., a woman 1., each holding wreath; below, 1825. Reeded edge. 42 mm. 630 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Catapalco. 6. AE. 20 Centavos, undated. Obv. CAMPANIA | • LA LIGUA • | CATA- PALCO I . Rev. Around, REDIMIBLE EN CANTIDADES UN PESO; in field, 20 | C^s | . 28 mm. San Juan. 7. AE. Toston, 1861. Commemorating adoption of new constitution. 06i;. EL PUEBLO DE CBBA. AL VENCEDOR S.JUAN. Bust to left. Rev. • SALVO LE CONSTITUCION DE 1851 • Liberty standing turned slightly to right, holding Liberty Pole in 1. hand, and in r., scroll inscribed cons | titu | cion. CHILE. Mint at Santiago. 8. AR. Peso, 1910. Legends and types similar to No. 27, page 273, but much smaller. 32 mm. 186 grs. 9. .AR. Medio Peso, 1903. Similar to the Peso, No. 8, but value reads 50 I CENTAVOS I . 28 mm. 10. AR. 40 Centavos, 1908. Similar to Peso, but value reads 40 | CEN- TAVOS 1 . 25 mm. 11. AR. 20 Centavos, 1907. Similar to Peso, but value reads VEINTE [ CENTAVOS I . 22 mm. 12. AR. 10 Centavos, 1908. Similar to Peso, but value reads DIEZ | CEN- TAVOS I . 17 mm. 13. AR. 6 Centavos, 1907. Similar to Peso, but value reads CINCO | CENTAVOS I . 15 mm. PERU. 14. AV. Onza, 1838. Confederation of South Peru. Obv. REPUB. SUD PERUANA. Radiate sun over trophy of four flags draped two and two in saltire; below, CUZCO ANO DE J838. 06v. FIRME POR LA UNION Within a laurel wreath, a ship at sea, and on shore a smok- ing volcano and fortress; below, se. 21. q. confedekacion. m. s. Edge, Dios protege el estado VENEZUELA. 16. AE. 1/4 REAL, 1812. Obv. In middle of a large seven-point star, .1.9., i. e. April 19, 1910, the date when the Spanish captain general was deposed by the supreme Junta conservadora de Fernando. Rev. Within a tulip wreath, 1/4 j DE REAL | 1812 | . 28 mm. 16. AR. Cuartino, 1829. Obv. Within a laurel wreath, C. 1/2 S. Rev. Cornu- copiae filled with fruits and flowers; below, 1829. Angostura, or Spanish Guiana. 17. AE. Medio Real, 1814. Necessity piece. Obv. F. VII. ANO DE 1814. Lionl. i?ei). PROVINCIA.de GVIAN A Castle; in field, 1/2. 26 mm. 18. Ditto. Similar to No. 17, but diameter 22 mm. 19. Ditto. Similar; double struck. 22 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 631 BRAZIL. Under Portugal. 20. AV. Moeda, 1796. 06iJ. MARIA. I. D.G. PORT.— ET. ALG. REGINA. Bust of queen to right; below, 1796. R. R&v. On garnislied. cartouche, crowned, the arms of Portugal. Republic. 21. AR. 4Milreis, 1900. No3. 22 to 24 commemorate four hundredth anni- versary of the discovery of Brazil. Obv. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS DE BRASIL * * * * Arms of Portugal and of Brazil in cartouches, side by side; above, 4000 | REIS; below, 1500 — 1900. i2ey. 4° CENTENARIO DO DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL * 1900 * Within a circle, Cabral standing facing, holding flag and cap; below, on a scroll, pedr' alvares cabral. Edge, reeded. 51 mm. 22. AR. 2 Milreis, 1900. Obv. REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS DO BRA- SIL* Within a circle, ship sailing 1.; rising sun. Rev. Legend as on No. 21 ; within wreath of oak and laurel, 2000 | REIS; above, 1500; below, 1900. Edge, reeded. 37 mm. 23. AR. Milreis, 1900. Obv. Legend as on No. 21; head of Liberty r. ; above, LIBERTAS; to left, ship; to right, locomotive; beneath, plow. Rev. As No. 22, except value. Reeded edge. 30 mm. 24. AR. 400Reis, 1900. Obv. Legend as on No. 21; within a circle, cross and constellation of the Southern Cross; around, in hoc signo vin- CES. Rev. Similar to No. 22, except value. 23 mm. BRITISH GUIANA. 25. George V. AR. Groat. Obv. GEORGE V KING AND — EMPEROR OF INDIA Crowned bust to left; on truncation, b. m. Rev. BRITISH GUIANA AND WEST INDIES Two oak branches in saltire; between them, crown and four | pence; below, 1911. Edge, reeded. 16^ mm. FRENCH GUIANA. 26. AR. 5 Francs, 1887; pattern. Obv. REPUBLIQUE DE LA GUYANNE INDEPENDANTE. Female bust to left, wearing Phrygian helmet; beneath, ESSAi and a rosette. i?CT. LI BERTE • JUSTICE On a Maltese cross, 5 | FRANCS | within olive wreath; beneath, * poid 25 G? • 1887 • TiTRE 0.900 Reeded edge. 38 mm. 632 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. WEST INDIES. HAITI. 1. AB. Gourde, 1881; pattern. Similar to No. 45, page 313, except the date DANISH WEST INDIES. Christian IX. 2. AB. 60 Bit, or 10 Cents, 1905. O&v. CHRISTIAN IX. 1905. — DANSK VESTINDIEN King's head to left. Rev. bO \ ^\J— {olive hranch)— 10 I CENTS 1 ; infield, to right, G.I. 18 mm. 3. Nic, 26 Bit, or 6 Cents, 1906. 06i;. DANSK — VESTINDIEN. Double monogram of C 9, crowned. Rev. Sickle lying upon a trident and winged caduceus in saltire; above, 5 CENTS and at sides of saltire, 25 — BIT; below, g.i. Plain edge. 21 mm. 4. AE. 6 Bit, 1 Cent, 1906. Legends and types similar to No. 3. Plain edge. 23 mm. FRENCH POSSESSIONS. 6. AE. Necessity piece. A peseta of Charles IV, Lima mint, 1793, counter- marked on obverse with two scepters in saltire in incuse depression, a crown above. SPANISH POSSESSIONS. 6. AB. Necessity peso. Ohv. Peso of the Republic of Peru, LIMAE. 8R. M.T. 1835, countermarked on obverse with: Y.II., crowned, in circular incuse depression. BERMUDA. 7. AB. Pattern Penny, 1793. George HI. Ohv. GEORGIVS III.D.G. REX.Laur. bust r. T^ct. BERMUDA. Ship sailing 1.; in exergue, 1 7 9 3 I Edge, plain. ANTIQUE COINS. HISPANIA. 1. AB. Denarius. Obv. Bearded head r.; behind, * N. Rev. Man on horseback, with spear, r. ; beneath, X t" M A j. 18 mm. 60 grs. GALLIA. 2. AE. Bronze. Obv. Crude head r. Rev. Horseman 1. 21 mm. 155 gra. MAGNA GRAECLA.. BRUTTIUM. 3. Locri Epizephyrii. AE. Stater. Obv. Head of Zeus r. Rev. Eagle de- vouring hare; in field, and K. 111.5 grs. B. C. 326-300. 4. Eheglum. AE. 1/3 Litra. Obv. Head of Artemis, r. Rev. PHTINQN. Lyre. 15 mm. 37 grs. B. C. 270-203. 6. AE. Litra. Obv. Head of Apollo, laureate; torch. Rev. PHTINQ!^ Tripod. 121 grs. 23 mm. 6. AE. 1/3 Litra. Types similar to No. 5. CALABRIA. 7. Tarentum. AR. Hemiobol. Obv. Female head r. Rev. Dolphin; in field, ^, P — I. CAMPANIA. 8. PMstelia. AB. Obol. Obv. Facing head. Rev. Lion. 9. Cales. AE. Calchus. Obv. Head of Pallas wearing crested Corinthian helmet. Reo. C A i E N O Cock standing r. 20 mm. 92 grs. 10. Ditto. 20 mm. 107 grs. liUCANIA. 11. Heraclea. AB. Diobol. Obv. Helmeted head r. Rev. Heracles strug- gling with lion. 11 mm. 27 grs. 12. Metapontum. AB. Didrachm. Obv. Head of Demeter 1. Rev. MET A Wheat-head with amphora on one leaf; below amphora, 91. 121 grs. B. C. 330-300. 13. Velia. AE. Didrachm. Obv. Helmeted head to left. Rev. Lion to right; above,

. PONTIF. MAXIM. TRIBVN. POT. X)^XIIII;in field, S. C. 29 mm. 86. AE. Denarius. Obv. AVGVSTVS. — DIVI.F. Head r. Rev. Caius Caesar on horseback galloping r.; above, C.CAES. ; below, AVGVS.F. Tiberius. 87. AE. Dupondius. 06v. Bust of T. 1. JSev. P6TIF.MAXIM. TRIBVN. POTEST.XXIIII; infield, S. C. 88. AE. As. Obv. Head of Augustus r. Rev. As last. C. 226. 89. AE. As. Obv. Bare head of T. r. Rev. Similar to 87, but T. P. XII. C. 27. Claudius. 90. AV. Aureus. 06v. Nude bust, diademed, r. /Jei;. CON- STANTI AE AVGVSTl Female figure seated 1. 91. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Within oak wreath, EX.S.C. I OB I GIVES | SERVATOS. 92. AE. As. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. LIBERTAS AVGVSTA Liberty stand- ing. C. 47. 93. AE. As. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Pallas standing r., hurling lance. C. 84. 94. AE. Quadrans. Obv. Right hand holding balance. Rev. PON.M. TR. P. etc. COS. II. C. 73. Nero. 95. AV. Aureus. Obv. Nude bust r. Rev. PONTIF. MAX.TR.P. II 1 1. P. P.; within oak wreath, EX S. C. 96. AE. As. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Victory rising in air bearing shield inscribed S.P.Q.R. C. 288. Oalba. 97. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. Victory walk- ing r. Vespasian. 98. AV. Aureus. Obv. Nude bust, laureated, 1. Rev. Roma wearing crested helmet; below, COS. VI. 99. AV. Aureus. Obv. Nude bust, laureated, 1. Rev. Carpentum with four horses. 100. AB. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PON. MAX.TR.P. COS. VI. Female figure seated 1. C. 371. 101. Ditto. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. Round buckler inscribed S. C. supported by two goats. C. 497. 102. AE. Sestertius. 67;. Laureated head r. i?CT. PAX AVGVSTl God- dess of Peace standing facing. C. 272. 103. AE. As. Obv. T.CAES. etc. COS.V. Laureated head r. Rev. GEN I. P.R. Genius standing 1., holding patera over burning altar. C. 95. Julia. 104. AR. Denarius. Obv. Diademed bust r. Rev. VENVS AV- GVS. Venus, deminude, standing, back view. C. 14. Domitian. 105. AE. Dupondius. Obv. IMP.CAES. etc. COS. XVIII etc. Bust radiate, r. Rev. VI RTVTI — AVGVSTl Valor standing r. 644 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Nerya. 106. AE. As. Obv. IMP.NERVA etc. COS. 1 1. P. P. Laureated bustr. iJev. FORTVNA AVGVST. Fortuna standing 1. C. 61. Trajan. 107. AB. Denarius. Obv. IMP. TRAIANO etc. Laureated bustr. iJei;. COS. V.P.P.S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI Victory standing 1. 0. 75. 108. Ditto. Obv. As No. 107. i?CT. Legend aa No. 107; Danube, crowned with roses, reclining r.; exergue, DANVVIVS. C. 136. 109. Ditto. Obv. Similar to No. 107, but COS. VI. in legend. Rev. S.P.Q.R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI Genius standing facing. C. 396. 110. Ditto. Obv. Similar, but COS.V. Rev. Legend as No. 109; Dacian captive seated at base of trophy. C. 537. Hadrian. 111. AV. Aureus. Obv. IMP. CAES. TRAIAN HADRIANO etc. Cuirassed bust, laureated, r. iJe^. DIVI NER.NEP.P.M. TR.P. COS. ; radiate head of Sol r.; beneath, ORIENS. C. 1003. 112. AR. Quinarius. Obv. Draped bust, laureate, r. Rev. P.M. TR.P. COS. III. Victory standing facing. C. 1129. Antoninus Pius. 113. AR. Denarius. Obv. IMP. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureated bust, cuirassed, r. Rev. LIBERTAS AVG. Li- bertas standing, turned 1. C. 144. 114. Ditto. Oii). Laureated bust r. Rev. PONTIF. TR. P. COS. II. Se- curitas seated r. on curule chair; in front lighted altar. C. 434. Marcus Aurelius. 115. AE. Sestertius. 06-!;. Draped bust r. Rev. TR.P. Villi COS. 1 1. Pallas standing 1. Faustina Junior. 116. Obv. FAVSTINA — AVGVSTA; draped bust 1 Rev. AVGVSTI — PI I FIL. Diana standing 1. C. 19. 117. AR. Denarius. Oft'i;. DIVA FAV-STINA PIA. Bustr. Rev. COHSE- CRATIO Peacock r. C. 71. 118. Ditto. Obv. Bust r.. Rev. FECVN — DITAS. Fecunditas standing r. holding babe in 1. arm. C. 99. 119. Ditto. Obv. Similar to No. 118. Rev. iVNONI REGINAE. Juno seated 1.; in-front, peacock. C. 99. 120. Ditto. Obv. Diademed bust r. Rev. SAECVLI FELICITAS. Two infants under canopy. C. 190. 121. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Draped bust, diademed, r. Rev. LAETI -TIA Joy standing facing. C. 149. Lucius Verus. 122. AV. Aureus. Obv. Cuirassed bust, laureate, r. Rev. TR P VII I M P 1 1 1 1 COS 1 1 Victory standing I. 123. AE. As. Obv.BustT. J?ei;. PROFECTIO AVG. TR.P. III. Verus mounted on horseback r.; in field, S — C, COS II. C. 139. 124. AE. Sestertius. 06?;. Laureated bust r. Rev.TR.POT.y. I MP. 1 1. COS. II. Mars standing r. 125. AE. Dupondius. Obv. Bust, radiate, 1. Rev.TR. POT. VII. IMP. nil. COS. II. Victory standing 1. C. 210. Commodus. 126. AR. Denarius. Obv. Head r., in lion's skin. Rev. HER — CVL I RO MAN I AV GV. Club standing on end, in wreath. 0.189. 127. Ditto. Obv. Laureated bustr. Rev. P.M. TR.P. Villi. IMP.VI. etc. Abundantia standing facing; at feet, modius. C. 445. 128. Ditto. Obv. Diademed bust r. Rev. Legend as preceding, but I M P. VII. Abundantia standing r. C. 463. 129. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Laureated bust r. Rev. LIBERALITAS AVG — TR.P.V.IMP.IIII.COS.II.PP. Commodus seated on high plat- form making donation. Similar to C. 300. Crispina. 130. AR. Denarius. Obv. Draped bustr. Rev. VENVS FE- LIX. Venus seated 1., holding a Victory and scepter. C. 42. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 645 Lucilla. 131. AV. Aureus. O&v. Draped bust r. Rev.V -E-H^S. Venus standing holding apple and scepter. C. 69. Caracalla. 132. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated head r. Rev. PONTIF. TR.P.XI.COS.III. Mars standing r. C. 447. 133. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Cuirassed bust, laureated, r. Rev. P.M. TR. P.XVI— COS.IIl.P.P. Mars, with Victory in r. hand, standing facing. C. 293. Qeta. 134. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Draped bust, laureated, r. Rev. COL. CA ES. — A NTI OC H . Lunus standing facing. Victory in 1. hand, a cock at feet. For Antioch. Macrinus. 135. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated bust, draped, r. Rev. AEQVITAS AVG. Justice standing, head to r. C. 2. 136. Ditto. Obv. Cuirassed bust, laureated, r. Rev. FELICITAS TEM- PO RVM Prosperitas standing 1. C. 19. 137. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Bust, laureated, r. Rev. lOVI CONSERVA- TOR! Jupiter standing facing; at feet, small human figure. Elagabulus. 138. AR. Antoninianus. 06i). Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. LAETITIA PVBL. Joy standing, holding crown and helm. C. 70. Julia Paula. 139. AR. Denarius. Obv. Bust r. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord seated 1. C. 16. Maximus. 140. AE. Sestertius. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. PI ETAS AVG. Pontifical utensils. 141. Ditto. 06i;. As No. 140. iJei;. PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS Maximus standing 1. Balbinus. 142. AR. Antoninianus. Obv. Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG. Two hands clasped. C. 3. 143. AE. Sestertius. 06y. As No. 142. i?ev. PROVIDENTIA DEORVM Providentia standing facing, holding distaff and cornucopia. C. 25. Pupienus. 144. AR. Antoninianus. Draped bust, radiate, r. Rev. AMOR MVTVVS AVGG. Two hands clasped. C. 1. Galerla Valeria. 145. AE. As. O67;. Bust r. i?ci;. VENERI V — ICTRI- Cl. Venus standing facing; below, A N T(ioch). Maximianus Daza. 146. AE. As. Obv. Nude bust, laureated, r. Rev. SACRA MON VRB AVGG ET CAESS NN. Moneta standing facing. 147. AE. Quadrans. 06v. Similar to preceding. Rev. GENIOCA-ESA- RIS Genius, with high crown, standing, holding globe. 148. Ditto. Obv. Similar to preceding. Rev. GENIO — AVGVSTI Gen- ius, wearing high crown, standing facing. Fausta. 149. AE. Quadrans. Obv. Bust r. Rev. SALVS REI — PVB- LICAE Salus standing facing, holding two babes. Julian n. 150. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated bust, cuirassed and draped, r. Rev. Within a wreath, VOTIS | V | MVLTIS | X. Helena. 151. AE. Quadrans. O61;. Bust r. Rev. SECVRITAS — REI PVBLICAE Female figure standing facing. Jovianus. 152. AV. Solidus. Obv. Cuirassed bust, diademate, r. Rev. SECVRITA — S REI — PVBLICAE Shield inscribed VOT | V | M V L I X I supported by two female figures. Valentinianus I. 163. AR. Denarius. Obv. Laureated bust, r. Rev, Within wreath, VOT ] X | MVLT | XX | . Valens. 154. AV. Solidus. Bust, diademed, r. jRct. RESTITVTOR — REI — PVBLICAE Emperor in armor, standing holding labarum in r. and Victory in 1. hand. Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius. 166. AV. Triens. Obv. AEL.EVDOXIA AVG. Bust r. Rev. Cross within wreath; below, CON. 646 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKEN'S, AND MEDALS. Anthemius. 166. AV. Solidus. Obv. Facing bust, crowned. Rev. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Two emperors standing facing. C . 7 Julius Nepos. 157. AV. Quinarius. Obv. DN. IVL NE — POSPFAVG. Bust r. Rev. Cross within wreath; below, CO NOB. BYZANTINE COINS. EASTERN EMPIRE. Justinian I. 168. AV. Tremissis. Obv. Bust, cuirassed and diademed, r. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM Victory standing facing, hold- ing wreath and orb. Constantine IV. 169. AV. Semissis. Obv. Bearded bust facing. Rev. Cross on base of three steps; at sides, Heraclius and Tiberius. Justinian n. 160. AV. Tremissis. Obv. Facing bust. Rev. VICT R A AVGV Cross potent; beneath CO NOB. S. 9. Leo and Constantine V, 716-741. 161. AV. Solidus. Obv. Facing bust holding orb. Rev. DNO LEO PA MVL Facing bust holding orb. Constantine V and Leo IV, 761-776. 162. AV. Tremissis. Obv. Facing bust of Constantine. Rev. Facing busts of Constantine and son. MODERN FOREIGN COINS. GREAT BRITAIN. 1. Canute, A. D. 1016-1035. AK. Penny. Obv. +CNVT REX ANGLOR Crowned bust in circle. Rev. Long cross, voided. 2. AE. Penny. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. ELDRED ON LVND. Short cross, with annulet at center. 3. AE. Penny. Obv. Draped bust 1., in circle. Rev. Long cross, the arms terminating in crescents. 4. Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066. AE. Penny. Obv. Crowned bust r., holding scepter. Rev. + STIR COL ON EOFER (York). Cross in circle. 6. Edward IV. 1461-1483. AE. London Groat. Obv. + EDWARD. D.GRA REX ANGL X FRAN. Facing bust, crowned, in tressure. Rev. POSVI DEVM etc. Long cross potent. 6. Victoria, 1837. AV. Pattern Five-pounds, 1839. Obv. Bust r. with fillet in hair and handover forehead. Rev. DIRIGE DEUS GRESSUS MEOS. Queen, crowned, walking 1. and directing lion. 7. George V. Av. 6 Pounds, 1911. Obv. GEORGIVS V DEI GRA: BRITT: 0MN:REX:FID:DEF:IND:1MP: Headl. Rev. St. George and dragon. 8. Av. 2 Pounds, 1911. Similar to No. 7. 9. Av. Pound, 1911. Similar to No. 7, but reading D. G. for DEI GRA: 10. AV. Half-pound, 1911. Similar to No. 9. 11. AE. Half-crown, 1911. Obv. Headl. Rev. FID:DEF: — IND:IMP: Crowned shield of arms within the Garter. 12. AE. Florin, 1911. Obv. Similar to No. 9. Rev. Four crowned shields of arms placed in form of cross. 13. AE. Shilling, 1911. Obv. GEORGIVS V DEI GRA: etc. Head 1. Rev. FID:DEF:IND:IMP: Royal crest. 14. AE. Sixpence, 1911. Similar to shilling. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 647 15. AR. Groat, 1911. Obv. Legend as No. 7, but reading D. G. Head 1. Rev. Figure 4, crowned, in oak wreath. 16. AR. Threepence, 1911. Similar to Groat except value. 17. AR. Twopence, 1911. Ditto. 18. AB. Pence, 1911. Ditto. 19. AE. Penny, 1913. Obv. Similar to No. 7. Rev. Britannia seated r. 30 mm. 20. AE. Halfpenny, 1913. Similar to No. 19, except value. 25 mm. 21. AE. Farthing, 1913. Ditto. 20 mm. STATES OP JERSEY. 22. AE. Penny, 1911. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. STATES OF JERSEY — ONE TWELFTH OF A SHILLING. Shield of arms. 23. AE. Halfpenny, 1911. Similar to preceding, but reading on reverse ONE TWENTY - FOURTH OF A SHILLING. TOKENS OF GIBRALTAR. 24. AE. 2 Quarto Token, 1818. Spittles. Obv. PAYABLE AT JAMES SPITTLES Lion sejant; exerg., GIBRALTAR. Rev. Moorish castle; below, 1818. 28 mm. 26. AE. 2 Quarto Token, 1810. Keeling and Sons. Obv. As No. 24, ex- cept firm name. Rev. As No. 24. 27.5 mm. 26. AE. 1 Quarto, 1810. Similar to No. 25, except value. 21 mm. GERMANY. AACHEN. 1. Rudolph, A. D. 1292-1298. AR. Denier. Obv. +RVDOLPH ROM. REX. Emperor seated facing. JRei;. Cathedral. 2. AR. Denier. Variety of preceding. 3. Albert A. D. 1298-1308. AR. Denier. Obv. ALBERT' etc. Emperor seated facing. Rev. \fRBS. AQVENSISetc. Cathedral. ANHAIjT. 4. Alexius Friedrich Christian. AB. Halbthaler, 1806. Obv. ALEXIUS FRIED, etc. Within laurel wreath, xx | bine eine | mark | 1806 | . Rev. Crowned bear walking 1. 6. Friedrich, 1904. AR. 3 Mark, 1911. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Imperial Ger- man eagle. BADBN. 6. Friedrich 1866-1907. AR. Sterbefttnf mark, 1907. Obv. Headr.; below, *1828. !1907. Rev. Imperial eagle. BAVARIA. 7. HeinrlchI, 1255-1290. AR. Denier. Obv. -H. DVX. Panther 1. Rev. Two men standing facing, one holding crozier, the other sword. 8. Ludwig I, 1826-1848. AR. Conventionthaler, 1827. Zollverein. Obv. Bustr. i?ei;. BAYERISCH - WORTEMBERGISCHER ZOLLVEREIN GESCHLOSSEN 1827. Caduceus and comucopiae. 648 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 9 AB. Conventionthaler, 1829. Commercial Treaty between Bavaria, Prus- sia, Wlirtemberg, and Hesse. Obv. Bust r. Rev. HANDELSVER- TRAG ZWISCHEN BAYERN, PREUSSEN, WURTEMBERG UND H ESS E N . Saltire of caduceus and cornucopiae, arms in angles. 10. Ditto, 1830. Allegiance to Dynasty. Obv. Bust r. Rev. BAYERNS- TREUE Bavaria seated 1.; before her, dog lying 1. 11. Ditto, 1831. Eoyal Motto. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Lion supporting a shield inscribed gerecht | und | behark | lich | . 12. Ditto, 1834. Monument to B's Allegiance to Dynasty. Obv. Bustr. Rev. DENKMAHL DER ANHAENGLICHKEIT BAYERNS AN SEINEN HERRSCHERSTAMM \ ERRICHTET ZU OBERWITTELSBACH. Monument. 13. Ditto, 1836. Monument to Maximilian Joseph. Obv. Bust rl Rev. Kins: seated upon high pedestal ; ERRICHTETVON DER HAUPT- STADT MUNCHEN. 14. Ditto, 1835. Nuremberg-Furth Railway. Obv. Bustr. Rev. ERSTE EISENBAHN IN TEUTSCHLAND MIT DAMPFWAGEN [ von NURNBERG NACH FURTH. Female Seated on ground holding winged wheel and winged caduceus. 16. Ditto. 1836. School restored to Benedictines. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Two children standing between two monks. 16. 3-1/2 Gulden, 1839. Unveiling of Maximilian Statue. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Equestrian statue of the Elector 1.; exergue, errichtet v. KONIG I LUDWIG I | 1839. 17. Ditto, 1840. Statue of DUrer. Obv. Bust r. Rev. STANDBILD A. DURERS ERRICHTET ZU NURNBERG 1840. Facing statue. 18. Ditto, 1841. Statue to Jean Paul Eichter. Obv. Bustr. Rev. Statue with facing figure: ERRICHTET ZU — BAYREUTH 1841. 19. Ditto, 1842. WalhaUa. Obv. Bustr. Rev. Temple of Fame at Do- naustauf; above, WALHALLA. 20. Ditto, 1843. Centenary of University of Erlangen. Obv. Bustr. Rev. HUNDERTJAHRIGE GRGNDUNG DER HOCHSCHULEZU ERLAN- GEN Statue of Markgraf Friedrich. 21. Ditto, 1846. Birth of Ludwig, Crown Prince, and of Ludwig, Prince Royal, Obv. Bust r. Rev. Bavaria holding two shields each in- scribed with L. 22. Prinz Regent Luitpold, Sterbedreimark, 1911. Obv. Head r.: below, 1821*. 12MARZ • 1911. Rev. Imperial eagle. LANDAU. 28. AR. 2 Florin 8 Zreutzer, 1713; Siege Piece. Obv. Center, arms in a wreath; above, PRO CAES:& IMP: below, BEL. LANDAU | 2 FL8 K; monograms in corners. Rev. Plain. BRATTNSCHWEIG-WOIiFENBUETTEIi. 28. Julius. AR. Lichtthaler, 1669. 06?;. Man walking 1., carrying lighted torch in r. hand. Rev. MAXI — MILL etc. Double eagle, crowned. 26. Heinrich Julius. AR. Rebellenthaler, 1696. 06?;. Wild man walking r., carrying torch and spear. Rev. Within circle of eleven shields, destruction of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. 27. AR. LUgenthaler, 1596. 06?;, Helmeted shield of arms supported by wild man. Rev. HVETE.DICH.FVR.DER.TADT.DER.LVEGEN. WIRDT.WOL.RADT.HH. Angel crowning recumbent lion which holds wild goat. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 649 28. AR. Wahrheitsthaler, 1697. Obv. Within circle, RECTE | FACIEN- DO 1 NEMINEM I TIMEAS | 15 97 | . Rev. Truth standing upon Calumny and Mendacity; in field, Veritas ] vincit ] omnia. 29. August. AR. 1/4 H. Glockenthaler, 1643. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. ALLESMITBEDACHT. Bell hung, without clapper. 30. AS. Schiflfsthaler, Undated. Obv. Bust. Rev. ALLES MIT BE- DACHT. Ship ready to sail. BRAUNSCHWEIG-Iit^NEBURa. 81. Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand. AB. 16 Gute Groschen, 1796. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. In field, XVI 1 GVTE I GROSCH I 1795 I . HESSE. 82. Ernst Ludwig. AR. 6 Mark, 1904. Jubilee piece. Obv. Busts of Philip and Ernst Ludwig, conjoined, 1.; below, i3.NOV. I 1504-1904. Rev. DEUTSCHES REICH. Imperial German eagle. 33. AB. 3 Mark, 1910. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. As No. 32. LIPPE. 34. Leopold IV. AR. 2 Mark, 1906. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Similar to No. 32. MECKIiENBURG- STREIilTZ. 86. Adolf Friedricli, 1904. AR. 2 Mark, 1906. Obv. Bust I. i?gv. A8No.32. MBCKXENBURQ - S CHWERIN. 36. Friedricli Franz IV, 1897. AR. 6 Mark, 1904. Marriage piece. Obv. Busts of Friedrich and Alexandra, jugate, 1. Rev. As No. 32. PRUSSIA. 87. Wilhelm I, 1861-1871-1888. AR. 6 Mark, 1874. Obv. WILHELM DEUTSCHER KAISER KONIG V. PREUSSEN. Head r. Rev. Similar to No. 32. 38. AR. 2 Mark, 1877. Types similar to last. 39. Wilhelm n, 1888. AR. 3 Mark, 1910. Centenary of founding of University of Berlin, 1810. Obv. FRIEDRICH WILHELM III. WILHELM II — UNIVERSITAT BERLIN — 1810- 1910. Busts conjoined, 1. Rev. Imperial eagle; above, ducal hat. 40. AR. 3 Mark, 1911. Centenary of University of Breslau, 1811. Obv. Busts as No. 39; below, 1811 UNIVERSITAT BRESLAU 1911. Rev. Eagle. 41. AR. 3 Mark, 1913. 26th Anniversary of Reign. Obv. Bust in uniform r.; below, laurel branch and dates, 1888-1913. Rev. Imperial eagle. 42. AR. 2 Mark, 1913. Similar to No. 41, except value. 43. AR. 3 Mark, 1913. Centennial of War of Liberation. Obv. DER KONIG RIEF UND ALLE KAMEN. Friedrich Wilhelm III. on horseback, facing, at whose sides six persons stand responding to call; exergue, mit gott fur konig f und vaterland ] 17 . 3 . 1813. I Rev. Eagle volant holding serpent in claws. 44. AR. 2 Mark, X913. Similar to No. 43, 650 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. REUS8-GKEIZ. Older Line. 45. Heinrich XXn, 1869-1902. AE. 2 Mark, 1899. Ohv. Bust r. Rev. Im- perial eagle. 46. Heinrich XXIV, 1902. AR. 3 Mark, 1909. Ohv. HEINRICH XXIV. FORSTREUSS AELTERER LIN IE. Bust r. JRei). As No. 32. BBUS-S CHIjBITZ. Younger Line. 47. Heinrich XIV, 1867. AE. 2 Mark, 1884. Ohv. HEINRICH XIV J. L. REG. FGRST REUSS. Bust 1. Rev. Imperial eagle. KINGDOM OF 8AXONT. 48. Friedrich Augustus m, 1904. AE. SterbefUnfmark. Ohv. GEORG KOENIGVON SACHSEN. Head r.; infield, •8.VIII.1832 f 15. X.1904. Rev. Imperial eagle. 49. AE. 3 Mark, 1913. Ohv. Nude bust r. Rev. Imperial eagle. GRAND DTTCHY OF 8AXB-WBIMAR. 60. Wilhelm Ernst, 1901. AE. 6 Mark, 1908. 260th Anniversary of University of Jena. Ohv. JOH.FRID.D.GROSZMUT.KURF.V. SACHSEN. STIFTER D.UNIV.JENA. Facing bust; in field, ^| Rev. Imperial eagle. 51. AE, 2 Mark, 1908. Similar types to preceding, 62. AE. 3 Mark, 1910. Marriage Piece. Ohv. Busts of Wil. Ernst and Feodora, jugate, 1.; below, .VI. I. Rev. Imperial eagle. S AXE- COBURG - GOTH A. 63. Carl Eduard, 1900. AE. 5 Mark, 1907. Ohv. Head r. Rev. Imperial eagle. SAXE-COBURG-SAALFBIiD. 64. Franz, 1800-1806. AE. Thaler, 1806. Ohv. FRANZ HERZOG ZU SACHSEN COB. SAALFELD. Oval shield of arms with chaplet of laurel. Rev. In wreath, X 1 EINE FEINE ] MARK | . 66. Ernst, 1806-1844. AE. Speciesthaler, 1817. Ohv. Bust in uniform 1. Rev. FOR GOTT UND VATERLAND Crowned shield of arms. SAXB-MEININGBN. 66. Qeorg H, 1866. AE. 6 Mark, 1901. Ohv. Head r. Rev. Imperial eagle, SCHAITMBUBG-IjIPPE. 67. Qeorg, 1893-1911. AE. Sterbedreimark, 1911. 06v. Headl.; below, • 10 X 1848 !29 IV 1911. Rev. Imperial eagle. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOIiSTADT. 68. Guenther, 1890. AE. 2 Mark, 1898. Ohv. Head 1. Rev. Imperial eagle. Reeded edge. SCHWARZBURG-SONDBRHAUSBN. 69. Karl Guenther, 1880-1909. AE. Sterbethaler, 1909. Ohv. Head r.; below, •1830- ti909. Rev. Imperial eagle. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 651 WITERTEMBBRG. 60. Wilhelmn, 1891. AR. 3 Mark. 1911. MarriagcPiece. 06^;. WIL- HELM II. UND. CHARLOTTE. VON. WORTEMBERG Their busts, jugate, r. Rev. Imperial eagle. AUGSBURG. 61. Imperial City. Ferdinand m. AR. Thaler, 1642. Obv. Laur. bust r. Rev. AVGVSTA. VINDELICORVM View of the city; fir cone. COINAGES OF BISHOPS. Arcliblslioprlo of Olmtltz (Moravia). 62. Karl m, 1695-1711. AR. Speciesthaler, 1706. 06i;.Bustr. Rev. DVX LOTH A R et BAR. etc. Crowned shield of arms supported by griffins. 63. Wolfgang von Schrattenbach, 1711-1738. AR. Speciesthaler. Obv. Bustr. iiei;. DVX S: R: l:P:R:C: etc. Arms. Arolitolslioprlc of Salzburg (Austria). 64. Johann Ernst, 1687-1709. AR. Thaler, 1696. 06?;. Madonna, crowned, standing facing. Rev. S: RVDBERTUS.EPS.SALISBVRG: 1596. The Saint wearing miter standing facing. Bishopric of Augsburg. 66. Conrad, A. D. 1160-1167. AR. Bracteate. Obv. +AVGVSTA VDA Head of St. Udalric in gateway of city wall; above, head of emperor. Rev. Incuse impression of obverse type. Blsboprlo of Bamberg. 66. Franz Ludwig von Erthal, 1779-1796. AR. Thaler, 1786. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Winged genius holding wreath and cornucopia standing on platform. BOHEMIA. 67. Wenceslas 11,1278-1305. AR. Groschen, 06t). Crown. i2ei;. GROSSI: PRAGENSES Bohemian lion. 68. John I, 1310-1346. Groschen. Types similar to preceding. 69. Karl v. Luxemburg, 1347-1378. AR. Groschen. Similar to No. 67. SWEDEN. 1. Qustavus Adolphus, 1611-1632. AV. Ducat, 1634. Obv. Laur. bust r. Rev. In field, ioh.x.ein | gvtee.hirtb | lessbt sein | lbben fvr | DIE SCHAFF. HOLIAND. 1. Qronlgen and Ommland. AR. Gulden of 28 Stuivers, 1674. Obv. Bust wearing hat r. Rev. Shield of arms; at sides, 28 — ST. 2. Breda. AE. Obsidional 2 Sols, 1626. Square. Obv. .11. ] BREDA OBSESS A 1 ; below, two saltires on shield. Rev. Plain. 3. Kingdom. Wilhelm m. AR. 2-1/2 Gulden, 1874. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. 22023°— 14 42 652 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. FRANCE. FBTTDAIi COINAGES. Anjou. 1. Foulques IV, 1060-1109. AB, Denier. Obv. Monogram. Rev. Cross. 2. Ditto; but with slight variation. 3. Foulques V, 1109-1129. AB. Denier. Same types as No. 1. Bearn. 4. Catnlle IV, 1058-1088. AR. Denier. Obv. Cross with pellets in two angles. Rev. +ONOR FORCAS. Infield, PAX. Bourgogne. 6, Philip de Rouvre, 1350-1361. AV. Florin. Obv. Lily. Rev. St. John Baptist. Deols. 6. Baoul, 1160-1176. AR. Denier. Obv. Cross. Rev. Six-point star. Iiyons, Arclil)lslioprlo of. 7. Anonymous. AR. Denier. Obv. Cruciform letter L. Rev. Cross. Metz. 8. Frederic de Pluvoise, 1171-1173. AR. Denier. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Cross, with crescent and star in angles. Maine. 9-10. Successors of Herbert I. Two varieties of No. 1, p. 507. Pentlilere. 11. Stephen I, 1093-1136. AR. Denier. Obv. Cross in inner circle. Rev. Head r. Tours. 12. Anonymous. AR. Denier. Obv. SOS. MARTIN VS. Chatel. Rev. Cross. ROYAL COINAGE. 13. Louis m, 879-882. AR. Denier de Tours. Obv. KAROLVS in monogram. Rev. Cross. 14. Carloman, 879-884. AR. Denier de Aries. Obv. Monogram. Rev. Cross. 16. Charles le Chauve, 884-887. AR. Denier de Nevers. Obv. Cross. Rev, KAROLVS in monogram. 16. Eudes, 887-898. AR. Denier de Toulouse. Obv. In field, OD | DO. Rev. Cross. 17. Charles le Simple, 893-920. AR. Denier. Obv. Cross. Rev. In field, MET I ALO | . 18. Henry 1, 1031-1060. AR. Denier de Paris. 06r. Within beaded circle, A and Q. Rev. Cross. 19. Philip I, 1060-1108. AR. Denier. Obv. DEI . DEXTRA BE etc. Chatel. Rev. Cross with A and Q in angles. 20. Louis VI and Louis VH, 1108, 1137, 1180. AR. Denier. Obv. Crowned head, bearded, facing. Rev. Floriated cross. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 653 21. Louis IX. AR. Qros Toumois. Obv. +BNDICTV:SIT: etc. — LVDOVICVS REX: Cross. Rev. Chateau. 22. Philip VI, 1328-1360. AV. Ecu. Obv. King seated facing. Rev. Cross. 23. AV. Pavilon d'or. Obv. King on throne beneath canopy. Rev. Cross with crowns in angles. 24. Jean n le Bon. A V. Royal d'or. 06w. King crowned, standing. Rev. Cross with fleurs de lis in angles. 26. Charles V, 1364-1380. AV. Franc-a-pied d'or. Obv. King standing facing. Rev. Cross with crowns in angles. 26. AR. Gros Toumois. Similar to No. 21. 27. Charles VI, 1380-1422. AV. Ecu d'or. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Similar to No. 25. 28. Charles Vn, 1422-1461. AV. Royal d'or. Obv. King standing facing; fleurs de lis in field. Rev. Similar to No. 25. 29. Louis XI, 1461-1483. AV. Ecu de Soleil. Obv. Sun above crowned arms. Rev. Cross. 30. AV. Ecu a la Couronne. Obv. Crowned arms; at sides, crowned fleurs de lis. Rev. Similar to No. 25. 31. Louis Xn, 1498-1615. AV. Ecu au porc-epi. Obv. Crowned arms supported by porcupines. Rev. Cross with L's and porcupines in angles. 32. Charles IX, 1660-1674. AR. Testoon. Obv. Bust, cuirassed, 1. Rev. Crowned arms. 33. Henri IV, 1689-1610. AR. Quart de Ecu, de Beam. Obv. Cross. Rev. Crowned arms; at sides, II — 11. 84. Louis Xin, 1610-1643. AV. Ecu d'or. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Cross; at center, 7n-m. B. 36. Louis XV, 1715-1774. AV. Louis d'or. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Two LL's, crowned, between three fleurs de lis. 36. AV. Louis d'or, Mirliton. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Two cursive LL's, inter- laced, crowned. 37. Napoleon I., "The Hundred Days", 1816. 6 Francs. 06v. Laureated head r. Rev. In laurel wreath, 5 ] FRANCS; below, 1815. TOKENS. 88. AR. 6 Blancs, 1791. Obv. PAYABLE EN ECHANGE D'ASSIG- NATS Femalebustl. /?eu. CAiSSE DE BONNE FOY ETABLIE A PARIS. Two hands holding two Liberty Poles. 88. AE. Legends and types as No. 38. CASTORIiAND. Proposed French colony in State of New York. * 40. AR. Jeton, 1796. Obv. FRANCO-AMERICANA COLONIA Female head r., wearing turret crown, olive wreath and a veil; in exergue, CASTORLAND | 1795 | . Rev. SALVE MAGNA — PARENS FRU- GUM Female figure standing beside maple tree that has been tapped. Plain edge. 31 mm. 41. AE. Similar to No. 40. 654 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. BELGIUM. 1. Leopold n. Nio. 20 Centimes, 1860. Pattern. Obv. L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE Lion rampant; below, 20 Cg Rev. ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE In field sable, 20. 2. Albert I, 1909. AB. 2 Francs, 1912. Obv. ALBERT. ROI — DES BELGES. Bust 1. Rev. L'UNION FAIT. etc. In wreath, 2 | FRANCS I 1912 1 . 8. AB. 1 Franc, 1912. Types similar to No. 2. 4. AB. 60 Centimes, 1912. Ditto. 5. Nic. 26 Centimes, 1913. Obv. ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE. Letter A crowned. Rev. Laurel branch to 1. and 25/Ces to r. of central hole. 6. AE. 2 Centimes, 1912. Obv. ALBERT ROI, etc. Letter A crowned. Rev. L'UNION FA IT etc. Lion gardant supporting inscribed tablet. 7. AE. 1 Centime, 1912. Types similar to preceding. 8. AB. 2 Frank, 1912. Obv. ALBERT. KONING — DER BELGEN Bustl. Rev. EENDRACHT.MAAKT.MACHT. In wreath, 2| FRANK | 1912. 9. AB. 1 Frank, 1912. Types similar to No. 8. 10. AB. 60 Centimes, 1912. Ditto. 11. Nic. 25 Centimes, 1913. Obv. KONINGRIJK — BELGIE. Letter A crowned. Rev. Laurel branch to 1. and 25 Cen. to r. of cen- tral hole. 12. Nic. 6 Centimes, 1910. Types similar to No. 11. 13. AE. 2 Centimes, 1912. Types similar to No. 6. 14. AE. 1 Centime, 1912. As No. 13. BELGIAN CONGO. 16. Albert I. Nic. 20 Centimes, 1911. Obv. CONGO BELGE. BELGISCH CONGO Around a central hole, five crowned A's. Rev. Star of five points, value and date. 16. Nic. 10 Centimes, 1911. Similar to No. 15, except value. 17. Nic. 6 Centimes, 1911. Ditto. 18. AE. 2 Centimes, 1910. Legends and types similar to No. 15. Reeded edge. 19. AE. 1 Centime, 1910. Ditto. ITALY. BENBVENTO. 1. Grimualdus in. With Charlemagne, 788-791. AV. Taris d'or. Obv. GRIMVALD Facing bust. Rev. DOMS.CAR.RX. Cross; in ex., VIC. PIiORENCB, REPTTBLIC, 1189-1532. 2. AV. Fiorino d'oro. Obv. FLORENTIA Lily. Rev. John the Baptist standing facing; in field, tongs. 3. AB. Fiorino d'argento. Obv. Lily. Rev. Facing bust of John the B. TUSCANY. 4. Leopold I, 1766-1790. AV. Zecchino, 1787. Obv. Lily. Rev. St. John Baptist, naked, seated on rock. 5. Ferdinand m, 1790-1800. AB. Scudo, 1796. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms within collar of Golden Fleece. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 655 GBNOA. 8. Simon Baccanegra, 1339-1344. AV. Genovino. Ohv. Gateway in trea- sure of eight arches. Rev. CONRADVS REX etc. Cross. GITBBIO. 4. Frederic m, 1444, 1474, 1482. AB. Mezzo grosso. Obv. Eagle. Rev. DVoEVoGVoBlo. Letter A. LUCCA. 6. In name of Otto IV. AB. Grosso. Obv. +S.VVLT'.DE LVCA Crowned head facing. Rev. Monogram of Otto. 6. AB. Grosso. Similar to No. 5, but hair and beard unkempt. 7. AB. Grosso, Similar to No. 5, but head larger. 8. In name of Charles VI. AB. Grosso. Ohv. SANCTVS.VVLTVS etc. Crowned head facing. i?ei;. +CAROLVS.IMPERATOR. Cruciform arrangement of the letters L.V.C.A. MACEKATA. 9. Autonomous. AB. Mezzo Grosso, circ. 1404. Obv. +SAN0IVS0IV0LI0, and in field, A-N-V-S. Rev. Letter in midst of four annulets. Mill AN. 10. Luigi Maria, 1494-1500. AB. Testone. Obv. Mailed bust r. Rev. Crowned arms. REPTJBIilC OP SAN MARINO. 11. AB. 6 Lire, 1898. 06t). Crowned shield of arms. i?et). RELINQVO VOS LIBEROS AB VTROQVE HOMINE San Marino standing facing. 12. AE. 10 Centesimi, 1876. Obv. Arms. Rev. 10 ] CENTESIMI | 1875 | . 13. AE. 6 Centesimi, 1864. Similar to preceding, but legend of reverse in lam-el wreath. VENICE. 14. Banier Zeno, 1262-1368. AB. Matapan. Obv. RA.CENO.S.M.VE- NETI Doge standing, receiving standard from St. Mark; infield, DVX. Rev. Byzantine Christ seated facing; in field, IC — XC. 15. Lorenzo Tiepoli, 1268-1275. AB. Matapan. Similar to No. 14, but reading, LA.TEVPL' — S.M.VENETI. 16. Giovanni Dandolo, 1279-1289. AB. Matapan. Similar to No. 14, but reading, lO.DANDVL. etc. 17. Pedro Gradenigo, 1289-1311. AB. Matapan. Similar to No. 14, but reading PE.GRADONIGO etc. 18. Giovanni Soranzo, 1312-1328. AV. Ducat. Obv. lO.SVPANTIO — DVX S.M.VENETI. Kneeling doge receiving; banner from St. Mark. Rev. SIT.T.XRE.DAT.Q.TV.REGIS.ISTE.DVCAT. Christ standing within an oval. 19. AB. Matapan. Similar to No. 14, but reading lO.SVPANTIO etc. 20. Francesco Dandolo, 1329-1339. AB. Matapan. Similar to No. 14, but reading FRA.DANDVL. etc. 21. Andreas Dandolo, 1343-1354. AB. Mezzanine. As No. 14, but read- ing ANDR. DANDVLO. 22. Lorenzo Kelso, 1361-1365. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but read- ing LAV R. CELSOetc. 656 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 23. Marco Comaro, 136&-1368. AR, Soldino. Obv. Doge kneeling 1, holding banner. iJev. S.MARCVS.VENETI Winged lion grasping standard. 24. Andreas Cantarini, 1367-1382. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but reading ANDR' QTARENO etc. 26. AR. Soldino. Types similar to No. 23. 26. Antonio Venerio, 1382-1400. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but read- ing ANTO' VENERIO etc. 27. Michel Steno, 1400-1413. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but reading MICHAEL. STEN. etc. 28. AS. Soldino. 06i;. MICHAEL— STEN. DVX Doge standing 1. hold- ing banner. iJev. •S.M.VENETI. Winged lion. 29. Thomas Mocenlgo, 1413-1423. AR. Soldino. Similar to No. 28, but reading TOM.MOCENIGO etc. 30. Francisco Foscari, 1423-1457. AB. Grossetto. Similar to No. 28. 31. Nicolo Marcello, 1473-1474. AR. Grosso. Obv. Similar to No. 18, but reading Nl. MARCEL, etc. Rev. TIBI.LAVS.ET GLORIA. ' Christ seated. 32. Augustin Barbarigo, 1486-1601. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but reading AVG. BARBADiCO etc. 83, Lorenzo Priuli, 1566-1559. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but read- ing LAVR. PRIO. etc. 84. Aloysius Mocenigo, 157Q-1677. AV. Mezzo Ducato. Obv. As No. 18, butreading ALOY.MOC. etc. i?ei;. EGO.SVM.LVX.MVN. Type as No. 18. 35. Marin Grimani, 1596-1606. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but read- ing MARIN: GRIM. etc. 36. Leonardo Donate, 1606-1612. AV. Mezzo Ducato. 06i;. LION.DONAT. S.M.VEN. Doge kneeling and receiving banner from St. Mark, who is seated; in Ex., DVX. Rev. DVCATVS*REIPVB Winged lion. 37. Carlo Contarini, 1666-1656. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but read- ing CAROL. CONT. etc. 38. Carlo Ruzzini, 1732-1736. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but reading CAROL*RVZINI etc. 39. Marco Foscarini, 1762-1763. AV. Ducat. Similar to No. 18, but reading M. FOSCARENVS. etc. COINS OF THE POPES. 40. Innocent XI, 1676-1689. AR. Scudo, 1684. Obv. Bust r.; below. lo. HERMANvs. P. Rev. Within palm wreath, DEXTERA I TVA DOMINE 1 PERCVSSIT | INIMICVM | 1684 1 . 41. Cardinal Camerlingo, Sede Vacante, 1689. AR. Scudo. Obv. Arms of Card. Cam. Paluzzo di Altieri over Maltese cross. Rev. EM ITT E SPIRITVM TVVM. Holy dove descending. 42. Innocent Xn. AR. Scudo, 1695. Obv. INNOCEN. XII. PONT. MAX. A N N . V I . Bust r. Rev. Pope on throne r. 43. AR. Scudo, 1696. 06i). Bearded bust r. iJetJ. LOQVITUR.PACEM. G E N T I B V S . Pope seated facing on throne . 44. Clement XI. AR. Scudo, 1702. Obv. CLEMENS. XI. PONT. MAX A.1 1. Madonna seated facing, holding Holy Child and patriarchal cross. 46. AR. Scudo, 1704. Obv. Garnished shield of arms, crowned. Rev. Simeon blessing Holy Child; near by, angel. Madonna, Anna, and Joseph. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 657 MALTA. 46. Martin de Garzes, 1695. AV. Zecchino. Obv. F.MARTINVS.M.F. GARZES Grandmaster kneeling and receiving banner from St. John. Rev. Christ standing facing, in oval. SICILY. 47. William n, 1166-1190. AV. Taris d'or. 06v. Star and Arabic legend. Rev. IC— XC 1 Nl — KA I Cross. 48. Frederick n, 1198-1250, AV. Augustale. 06v. IMP. ROM. — CESAR AVG. Laur. bust, cuirassed and draped, r. Rev. FRIDERICVS. Eagle. 49. Ferdinand IV, 1759. 3 Scudi, 1791. Obv. Mailed bust r. Rev. Phoe- nix rising from flames. 56 mm. 50. Ferdinand n (Two Sicilies), 1830-1859. AV. 3 Ducats, 1854. Obv. Head r. Rev. Victory placing crown upon column. 61. AR. Scudo, 1856. Obv. Bearded head r. Rev. Crowned shield of arms. SPAIN. 1. Cartagena. AB. 5 Pesetas, 1873. Siege piece. Obv. CARTAGENA SITIADA POR LOS CENTRALISTAS. In beaded circle, SETI- EMBRE 1 1873 ] . Rev. REVOLUCION — CANTONAL — CINCO PESETAS. 2. AB. 2 Pesetas, 1793. Types similar to preceding. PORTUGAL. 1. Alfonso V, 1438-1481. AE. Ceitil. Obv. Crowned arms. Rev. Castle of three towers. 2. Joao m, 1521-1567. AR. Tost5o. Obv. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. Cross with stars in angles. 3. Emanuel n. AR. Milreis, 1910. Ofti). Head 1. iJc'U. CENTENARIO DA GUERRA PENINSULAR. Arms of Portugal over muskets and cannon barrel. 4. AR. 500 Reis, 1910. Types similar to preceding. 5. AR, 500 Reis, 1908. Obv. Similar to No. 3. Rev. Crowned arms be- tween oak and laurel branches. 6. AR. 500 Reis, 1910, In Honor of Marquez de Pombal. Obv. Head of king 1. Rev. MOEDA COMMEMORATIVA MARQUEZ DE POMBAL. Victory holding arms of Portugal and crowning bust of Pombal. 7. AR. 200 Reis, 1909. Obv. Similar to No. 3. Rev. 200 | REIS ] in oak and laurel wreath. 8. AR. 100 Reis, 1910. As last except the value. 9. AE. 6 Reis, 1910. Obv. Head in beaded circle. Rev. Value in wreath. KEPUBIilC. 10. AR. 50 Centavos, 1913. 06i;. REPUBLICA — PORTUGUESA. Draped bust of Libertasl., wearing Phrygian helmet. Rev. Arms in wreath. 11. AR. 20 Centavos, 1913. Similar to No. 10, 658 CATALOGUE OF COIITS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. RUSSIA. 1. Elizabeth I. AV. Imperial, 1754. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Four escutcheons in form of cross with arms of Russia at center. BALKAN STATES. GREECE. 1. George I, 1863-1913. AR. Drachma, 1911. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Athena seated 1.; behind her, hippocamp. MONTENEGRO. 2. Nicolas I, 1860. AR. 2 Perpera, 1910. Obv. Head r. Rev. Shield of arms in ermine mantle. 3. AR. 1 Perper, 1910. Types similar to No, 2. AFRICA. PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. 1. JoSon, 1481-1495. AR. Real. Obv. +IOHANES:****D (ominus): G (uineae): Letter J crowned. Rev. Crowned arms. 2. JoSoin, 1521-1557. AR. TostSo. Obv. I0HANNES:3: • • • • D: GVI N E. Crowned shield of arms. Rev. Cross. 3. AR. Real. Types similar to No. 1. ERITRIA. Italy. 1. Umberto I. AR. 5 Tallero, 1891. Obv. Crowned bust of king r. Rev. COLONIA ERITRIA. Eagle displayed erect, arms of Savoy on breast; infield, L — 5; below, TALLERO. 2. AR. 2 Lire, 1890. Obv. As No. 1. Rev. Value and two-line native legend. 3. AR. 1 Lire, 1890. Similar to No. 2, except value. 4. AR. 10 Centesimi, 1891. Ditto. UGANDA. British. 1. AR. 60 cents, 1911. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. EAST AFRICA & UNGANDA PROTECTORATES Lion standing 1. THE lATIN ORIENT. (The Crusaders.) DTJCHY OP ATHENS. 1. William I, 1280-1287. AR. Obol. Obv. G.DVX.ATENES. Cross in beaded circle. Rev. Portal. 2. Guy n, 1287-1308. Bil. Obol. Similar to preceding, but reading GVI. DVX. ATENES. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 659 Principality of Antlocli. 8. Bohemtmd, 1201-1232. AB. Deniers. Oftv. +BOAMVNDVS. Bust 1. Rev . +ANTIOCHIA Cross with crescents in angles . ACHAIA. 4. Philip of Tarant, 1324r-1332. AE. Deniers. Obv. +PHS.P.ACH. TAR.D.R. Cross. i?ev. +DE CLARENTIA. Tournois chapel. ^NGDOM OP JSRTJSAIjEM. 6. Amaury I, 1162-1173. Bil. OboL Obv. AMALRICVS REX Cross. /?fit). +DE lERVSALEM Holy Sepulcre. KINGDOM OP CYPBITS. 6. Heinrich U, 1286-1324. AR. Gros. Obv. HENRI REI DE King, crowned, seated facing. Rev. lERVSALEM E D CHIPRE Cross with saltires in angles. 7. AE. 1 / 2 Gros. Types similar to No. 6. 8. Hugo IV, 1324^1359. AE. Gros. Obv. King, crowned, seated facing. Rev. Jerusalem cross. 9. AE. 1 / 2 Gros. Similar to preceding. TRIPOLI. 10. Eaymond n, 1152-1187. Bil. Obol. 06v. CI VITAS Caatle with bat- tlements. Rev. TRIPOLIS Star and cross. DESPOTATB OP GREAT WALIjACHIA. 11. Jean H, I'Ange Commene, 1303-1318. Bil. Obol, Obv. ANGELVS SAB.C. Cross. Rev. DELLA PATRA. Tournois chapel. THE OEIENT. 1. The Abbasee Khalifs Haroon. Er-Easheed, 170 A. H. (A. D. 786). AE. Dirhem. On both sides quotations from Koran. 25 mm. 2. Ditto. 24 mm. 3. El Musta'een, 248 A. H. (A. D. 862). AE. Dirhem. Mint at Medeenet- Es-Selam. 4. El Moatadid, A. H. 279 (A. D. 892). AE. Dirhem. Mint at El-Mosil. 6. El Muktefee, A. H. 289 (A, D. 902). AE. Dirhem. Mint at Damascus. 6. A. E. Dirhem. Ditto. 7. EI Muktedir, A. H. 295 (A. D. 908). A. E. Dirhem. Mint at Damascus. 8. En-Nasir, A. H. 575 (A. D. 1180). AV. Dinar. Mint at Medecnet-Es- Selam. 9. Egypt. Fatimee Kahlifs. El-Amir, A. H. 495 (A. D. 1101). AV. Dinar. Slint at Medeenet Koos; year 519. 10. Spain. Amawee Elialifs. El-Hakim I, A. H. 180 (A. D. 796). AE. Dirhem. Mint at Cordova. 11. Almoravids. Ali-Ibi-Yoosuf, A. H. 539. AV. Dinar. Cordova. 12. Turkey. For Tripoli. Mahmood U, A. H. 1223. AV. Sequin. 660 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. OHAZNAWBES. Afghanistan. 1. Mes'ood m, A. H. 492. Copper. Legends on both sides. 13 mm. 2. Khusroo-Melik, A. H. 665. Copper. Legends on both, sides. 14 mm, Khuwarezm. 3. Shah Ala-ed-deen Mohammad, A. H. 596. Copper. Ohv. Legend. Rev. Horseman 1. 13 mm. 4. Copper. Similar. 14.5 mm. 5. Bidlis, Armenia. Fir Bulad E3ian and Shah Yusuf Noyan, rebels. A. D. 1462-1467. AB. Dirhem. Legends on both sides. TTJRKTTMAN HOUSES. 1. Seljookees. Er-Boom. Kay Khusroo n, 1236-1245. AR. Dirhem. Ohv. Lionr.; sun above. Rev. Legend. 2. TJrtukees of Keyfa and Amid. Noor-ed-deen Mohammad, 570 A. H. Copper, A. H. 571. Obv. Angel nimbate holding scroll. Rev. 5-line legend. 3. Nejm-ed-deen Alpee, A. H. 547. Copper, undated. Ohv. Two facing heads ; legends. Rev. Facing head, 4. Copper, undated. Ohv. Two busts, diademed, facing. Rev. Two figures standing facing. 6, TJrtukees of Marideen. Hosam-ed-deen Yooluk Arslan, A, H. 580. Copper, A. H, 596. Ohv. Seated figure holding head by tufted hel- met. Rev. Legend. 6. Copper, undated. Ohv. Two busts, the one diademed, the other crowned. Rev. Legend. 7. Nasir-ed-deen TJrtuk Arslan, A. H. 697. Copper, A. H. 637. Ohv. Facing head. Rev. 5-line legend. 8. Copper. Ohv. Laur. head 1., in a square. Rev. Legend. 9. Copper. Ohv. In square, facing seated figure. Rev. Legend in straight lines. 10. Benee Zengee, El Mosil. Kutb-ed-deen Modood, A. H. 644. Obv. Facing bust; above, two victories. Rev. Legends. 11. Seyf-ed-deen Ghazee n, A. H. 565. Copper, A. H. 666, Obv. Similar to No. 10. Rev. 5-line legend. 12. Nasir-ed-deen Mahmood, A. H. 616. Copper, A. H. 620. Ohv. Similar to No. 10. Rev. 7-line legend. 13. Copper. Ohv. Seated figure upholding moon, star beneath each elbow. Rev. 7-line legend. 14. Bedr-ed-deen Lu-lu, A. H. 631. Copper, A. H. 631. Ohv. Diademed head 1., in square. Rev. Legends. 15. Copper. Legends on both sides. 16. Benee Zengee, in Sinjar. Kutb-ed-deen Mohammad, A. H. 594, Ohv. Armored bust 1., with spear. Rev. Legend, INDIA. SULTANS OF DEliHI. 1. Balban, A. H. 664=A. D. 1265. Silver. Ohv. Legend in circle and square. Rev. Legend in square. 30 mm. 2. Muhammad Shah H, A. H. 695=A. D. 1296. Silver. Ohv. Legend in square. Rev. Legends in square and on roargin. 8. Silver. Similar. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 661 ASSAM. 4. Siva Simha, in name of Queen Pramathesvarl. Silver; square. Obv. Persian legend: "Coin stmch * * by order of Queen Pramathes- vari." Rev. Legend continued: "in year 15 of the fortunate reign, struck at Gargaon, 1651." 6. Brajnatha Simha, Feb. 1818. Silver, 1739; octagonal. 06v. Four-line legend. Rev. "Coin of the deity of heaven," etc. 6. Similar. 24 mm. TRAVANCORE. 7. AR. Chukram. Obv. Curved line and three pelletts. Rev. Curved line and 12 pellets. 5 mm. 8. Ditto. Obv. Curved line and seven pellets. Rev. Curved line and 12 pellets. 7 mm. 9. Ditto. Obv. Curved line and two pellets. Rev. Curved line and loz- enge. 6 mm. 10. Similar. 11. AE. Double Chuiram. Obv. Shell, crescent, and 12 pellets. Rev. Curved line and one pellet in cxirve; outside of curve, 12 pellets. 8 mm. 12. AE. Trebel Chukram. Obv. Complete form of the curve-and-pellets device of the Chukram; around, legend. Rev. In "wreath, nu- meral (?). 12 mm. 13. Eaja Eama Varma, 1860-1880. AE. 2 Chukrams. Obv. R V in circle; around, 2 CHS. 10.5 mm. Rev. Conch shell in wreath. 14. Similar. 16. AE. Chukram. Obv. R V in monogram; ONE CHUCK RAM. Rev. Inverted conch shell. 26 mm. 16. AE. 8 Cash. Similar to preceding, except value. 21 mm. 17. AE. Cash. Ditto. 16 mm. 18. AE. Half Chukram. Obv. Shell. Rev. Native legend. MTTGHAIi EMPERORS. 1. Jahangir, A. H. 1014=A. D. 1606. AE. Eupee, A. H. 1027. Obv. Leg- end. Rev. Ram to left, sun above. 2. AE. Eupee, A. H. 1027. Obv. Legend. Rev. Lion to left, the sun above. 3. Shah Jahan, A. H. 1037=A. D. 1628. AE. Eupee. On both sides, legends, the reverse one in square. 20 mm. 4. Similar. 21 mm. 6. Similar. 6. Shah Alam, A. H. 1173=A, D, 1769. AE. Eupee. Native legends on both sides. 18 mm. 7. Similar. 20 mm. 8. Similar. 21 mm. 9. Similar. 23 mm. 10. Half-rupee. Similar types, 16 mm. MAIiAE. 11. Mtihmad Shah, A. H. 839=A. D. 1436. Silver. 9 by 141/2 mm, Obv. Punch marks. Rev. Plain. 662 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. NEPAL. 12. Prithvi Narayana, A. D. 1768. Silver. Obv. Trident in a square; above, sun, moon, and stars. Rev. Legends in and around central circle. THIBET. 13. Silver, A. D. 1760? Obv. "Ga-den palace victorious on all sides'' around wheellike design. Rev. Eight lucky signs of Buddhism around central floral design. OHIND. Hmau. 14. Spalaspati-Deva, end of 9th century. Silver. Obv. Bull and legend. Rev. Horseman. 16. Silver. Similar. 16. Sri Samada Deva, early 10th century. Types similar to No. 14. NORTHERN INDIA. Puncli-inarlcea coins. 17. Silver. Obv, Arc of circle, rays in corners, and curved lines. Rev. Plain. 12 by 14 mm. 18. Silver. Obv. Elephant, hare, and humped bull. Rev. Various marks. 15 by 20. 19. Silver. Obv. Pellets in circles. Rev. Plain. 15 by 17 mm. 20. Copper. Obv. Humped bull, circles, etc. Rev. Plain. 14 by 16 mm. BRITISH INDIA. ALWAR STATE. 21. Victoria. AR. Bupee, 1877. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. ONE RUPEE — ALWAR STATE Native legend in circle. 30 mm. IMPERIAIi INDIAN COINAGE. 22. George V. AR. Rupee, 1911. Obv. GEORGE V KING & EM- PEROR Crowned bust 1. wearing collar and badge of Order of In- dian Empire. Rev. Infield, ONE | RUPEE | INDIA | 1911 | . 23. AR. Rupee, 1912. Similar types to No. 22. When No. 22 appeared the natives raised objection that the elephant of the badge resembled a hog, and consequently a new die was cut with a more naturalistic elephant; No. 23 is a specimen of the latter. CEYLON. 1. George V. AR. 26 Cents, 1911. Obv. Crowned bust 1. Rev. Palm tree, whose stem divides the mai-k of value. 25 | CENTS | 191 1 j . 2. AR. 10 Cents, 1911. Types similar to preceding, except value. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 663 AUSTRAIIA. 1. George V. A3.. Florin, 1911. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. ONE FLORIN - TWO SHILLINGS Arms of Australia. 2. AS.. Shilling, 1911. Similar to No. 1, except value. 3. AB. Sixpence, 1911. Ditto. 4. AB. Tlireepence, 1911. Ditto. MAUEITIXTS. 1. AE. 2 Cents, 1911. Obv. GEORGE V KING AND EMPEROR OF INDIA. Crowned bust 1. Rev. MAURITIUS. TWO CENTS 1911; in beaded circle, figure 2. 2. AE. Cent, 1911. Similar to preceding, except value. CHINA. 1. Imperial. AR. 10 Cents. Obv. Dragon. Rev. Inscriptions. 2. AE. 10 Cash. Obv. Dragon in beaded circle. Rev. Value in wreath. 3. Foo-Kien. AE. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens. Obv. MADE IN FOO-KIEN MINT* 1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS. Three flags. Rev. Value in circle. 4. AB. 1 Mace 4.4 Candareens. Obv. FOO-KIEN Circular device; be- low, 1 MACE etc. 6. AB. 7.2 Candareens. Types similar to No. 3. 6. AE. 10 Cash. Obv. FOO-KIEN COPPER COIN Three flags. Rev. Value in circle. 7. Hu-Nan. AE. 10 Cash. Obv. HU-N A N —TEN CASH Eight- point star in circle. Rev. Inscriptions. 8. Kiang-See. AE. 10 Cash. Obv. KIANG-SEE; eight-point star; TEN CASH. Rev. Inscriptions. 9. Kwang-Tung. AB. 20 Cents. Obv. KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE; in beaded circle, 20; TWENTY CENTS. Rev. Inscriptions. 10. AE. 1 Cent. Types similar to preceding. 11. Bepublic. AB. Dollar. Obv. Bust of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Rev. THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA. In circle, two stalks of rice; below, ONE DOLLAR. 12. AB. 20 Cents. Obv. MEMENTO • BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Head of Dr. Sun 1. Rev. Two flags in saltire. 13. AE. 10 Cash. Obv. THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Value between two stalks of rice; below, ten cash. Rev. Two flags in saltire. 664 CATALOGUE OF COIN'S, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1. Isabel n. AV. Peso, 1864. Obv. Laur. bust 1. Rev. Arms of Spain: below, Fl LI PIN AS. 2. AB. Peso. Obv. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Eagle perched upon arms of U. S. Rev. Female figure standing by an anvil: below, Fl LI PIN AS. 3. Ditto, 1912. 4. AE. 20 Centavos, 1911. Types similar to No. 2, except value. 5. Ditto, 1912. 6. Ditto, 1913. 7. AB. 10 Centavos, 1912. Types similar to No. 2, except value. 8. Ditto, 1913. 9. AE. 1 Centavo, 1911. Obv. Similar to No. 2. Rev. Youth with hammer seated by anvil. 10. Ditto, 1912. MEDALS. XJlflTED STATES OF AMEEICA. MBDAIiS AWARDED BY CONGRESS. 1. For Relief of Arctic Whalers, 1897-1898. 2nd. Lieut. E. P. Bertholf. Ohv. AWARDED. BY. ACT. OF. CONGRESS. JUNE. 28. 1902. FOR. HEROIC. SERVICE. Bust to left, in uniform; in the field, 2nd Lieut. E.P. — BERTHOLF | R.C.S. Rev. An Esquimau, with dog in leash, looking in direction pointed by Columbia to two whalers in distance; near shore, the Kevenue Cutter Bear; below, U.S. REVENUE | CUTTER. BEAR | OVERLAND. EXPEDITION | RELIEF. OF WHALERS. 1 NOV. 27. 1897. SEPT. 13. 1898 | ; on r. margin, morgan. AE. 68 mm. 2. Same cause. Surgeon Samuel J. Call. Ohv. Inscription as on No. 1. Bust to right; in field, to right, SAMUEL.J.CALL [ SURGEON R.C.S. Rev. As No. 1. AE. 68 mm. 3. Same cause. Lieut. D. H. Jarvis. Ohv. Inscription as on No. 1. Bust to r.; in field, 1st. Lieut. D.H. — JARVIS | r.c.s.comd'g. Rev. As No. 1. AE. 68 mm. TRBASTJRY DEPARTMENT AFFAIRS. *4. Secretary Franklin MacVeagh. Ohv. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH.SEC. OF THE TREASURY. 1909.1913. Bust 1. iJev. THESAVRI.AM- ERICAE.SEPTENTRIONALIS.SIGILLVM. Seal of the Treasury. AE. 76 mm. Barber and Morgan. 6. Honorary Medal presented to Members of Annual Assay Commission. 1911. Similar to No. 151, page 355. Barber and Morgan. 6. Ditto, 1912. 7. Ditto, 1913. MISCEIj1:.ANB017S HISTORICAIi AND OTHER MBDAIiS. 8. Inauguration of President Wilson and Vice President Marshall, 1913. Ohv. INAVGVRATION MARCH 4. 1913. Bust of President Wilson to left. Rev. woodrow | wilson ] president || thomas | riley | MARSHALL | VICE PRESIDENT | ; above, eagle witn wings displayed ; at sides, fasces with hatchet; below, laurel branch. AE. 70 mm. W. & H. Co. 9. Unveiling Pennsylvania Monument at Gettysburg, 1910. Ohv. MEADE Bust of Gen. George R. Meade in uniform to r.; border of spool and reel pattern; on wide margin, laurel branches with crossed swords. Rev. PENNSYLVANIA'S. TRIBVTE — TO.HER.HEROIC • SONS • ; below, • 1853. GETTYSBVRG. 1910. • Viewofthe monument. AE. 64 mm. By Roiu6. 10. Centenary of the Diocese of New York, 1908. 06i;. CENTENARY. OF. I THE. ESTABLISHMENT. — OF.THE. DIOCESE — NEW YORK the legend being interspersed with three coats of arms; front view of the cathedral and two churches in background; below, 1 808 - 1 908 divided by fourth coat of ajrius. Rev. Within a wreath, bust of 665 666 CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Archbishop Farley and around it, ABP. —JOHN M. FARLEY; around the central bust, the busts of six bishops of the diocese, with names opposite on margin: CARD. ABP.McCLOSKEY + ABP. M. CORRIcfAN.+.ABP.J.HVGHES.+.BPJ.DVBOIS. + .BP.CONCAN- EN.O.P.+.BP.CONNOLLY.O.P.; above, dove in downward flight; below, cross. AE. 76 mm. By Roin6. 11. Carol H. Beck Memorial Medal, Penna. Academy Fine Arts. Obv. MEMORIAL . TO . CAROL . H . BECK. Female figure with long veil, stooping 1. to place a wreath upon palette; below, MDCCCCIX— J. J.Boyle. Eev.jy^E. PENNSYLVANIA. | .ACAD- EMY. OF. THE FINE. ARTS. | .ANNUAL. EXHIBITION. I .AWARDED. TO. | ( ); above, rising sun; below, palette and laurel branch. AE. 51 mm. 12. Pan-American Exposition, Bnflfalo. Special Award to Augustus Saint- Gaudens. Obv. • PAN. AMERICAN. EXPOSITION • — * BUF- FALO. NEW. YORK. MCMI • Bustof S.-G. to left; infield, SPECIAL. MEDAL OP. — HONOR CREATED.FOR — ■ AVGVSTVS | SAINT — GAVDENS; beneath bust, james earle eraser fecit. Rev. A young artist with mantle over 1. shoulder and round loins standing to r. with chisel and mallet, before relief of Pegasus flying 1.; in field, to right, star; near right foot of youth, fraser | fecit | incuse. AE. 91 mm. By J. E. Fraser. SPECIAL MEDAIiS OF NUMISMATIC SOCIETIES. 15. Chicago Numismatic Society; 60th Meeting. Obv. CHICAGO. NU- MISMATIC. SOCIETY. Indian head to left, with two feathers in- serted under band of beads. Rev. in commemoration | of the | — 50TH — I MONTHLY ] MEETING | MARCH 6TH 1908. | AE. 35.5 mm. 14. The same. 100th Meeting, 1912. 06v. CHICAGO NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Athenian owl; olive sprig and i4 .E. i?ev. one | hun- dredth I MEETING : MAY 8, 1912 | . AE. 31 mm. 16. Augustus G. Heaton. Obv. AVGVSTVS G. H EATON. PRESI- DENT.N.Y.NVMISMATIC.CLVB.MCMXIl. Bust to right; on shoulder, j.m.swanson mcmxii. Rev. THE. NEW. YORK. NVMIS- MATIC. CLVB. Seal of the club: two hands, one holding coin, the other a magnifying glass; in field, org. dec | 1908 | . Edge, STERUNG. — WHITEHEAD HOAG. PBRSONAIj MEDAIjS. 16. Samuel p. Avery. Medallion. Obv. SAMUEL. PUTNAM. AVERY. M. A. MODELED . BY . VICTOR . DAVID . BRENNER. Bust of Mr. Avery to left. Rev. Plain. AE. 170 mm. 17. Dr. Otto Binswanger. Plaque. 06i;. DR. OTTO. — BINSWANGER. Bust to right; below, V.D.BRENNER | MCMV! 1 . Rev. Plain. 110 by 152 mm. AE. By Brenner. 18. Thomas A. Edison. Obv. THOMAS . ALVA . EDISON. Bust to left; below, c.g.brixmah co. Rev. NEW GRAND CENTRAL PALACE In field, (electric lamp) ] the electrical | exposition & I MOTORSHOw I OF 1913 | ; below, NEW YORK OCT. 15 to 25 1913. AE. 31mm. 19. John Hay. Tribute from Rowfant Club, Cleveland, Ohio. Obv. Bust of Mr. Hay to left; above, JOHN HAY; below, THE ROWFANT CLVB CLEVELAND OHIO; in field, to right, v.d.brenner. Rev. OPEN DOOR IN THE FAR EAST Female figurewearing classical costume, seated 1. before library table, her head resting upon r. hand; on table, globe, map of China and other articles. AE, Cliches. 71 mm. Brenner. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 667 20. WiUiam U. HenseL Tribute of friends. 06d. WILLIAM. VHLER.— HENSEL.1851 -1911. Bust r.; in field, to left, dec. | 4. Rev. THIS MEDAL | ATTESTS THE ESTEEM OF | HIS NEIGHBORS FOR THE I JOVRNALIST | LAWYER | FRIEND OF EDVCATION | CITIZEN | WHOSE I DEVOTION TO HIS NATIVE | COVNTY THROVGH AN AC- TIVE I AND VSEFVL LIFE HAS ADDED | LV8TRE TO ITS HISTORY | TRA- DITIONS AND I HONOR | ; in field, to left, seal of Lancaster County; to right, country seat of Mr. H. AE. Original in gold. 71 mm. Morgan. 21. Collis P. Huntington. Plaque. Obv. Bust to left, wearing coat and hat. Rev. Plain. Galvanotype. 97 by 120 mm. By Brenner. 22. Maurits Leefson. Musician of Philadelphia. Obv. Bust of Mr. L. to left; below, MAVRITS LEEFSON; in field, to left, is monogram AP I 1912. Rev. Plain. Plaque; 50 by 75 mm. By A. Peaks. 23. George A. Lucas. Obv. GEORGE . ALOYSIVS . LVCAS. Bust to right; on margin, to right, V.D.BRENNER PARIS '99. Rev. Plain. Galvanotype, gilded. 238 mm. By Brenner. 24. Theodore Roosevelt. Obv. Bust to left; below, THEODORE.ROOSE- VELT.MCMVll. Rev. Plain. Galvanotype plaque. 128 by 170 mm. By Brenner. 25. Joaquin SoroUa, Spanish painter. Obv. Nude youth drinking from a spring issuing from natural rock; in field, above, joaqvin | sorolla. y.bastida; to left, on margin, v.d.brenner. Rev. A young artist seated r., painting; in exergue, v.d.brenner. GaJvanotypes, gilded. 89 mm. 26. Hon. William H. Taft. Obv. Facing bust of President Taft; in field, to left, OHIO SOCIETY | OF | PHILADELPHIA i ; below, cluster of buckeyes; to right, EIGHTH ANNUAL | banquet | march 30TH 1912. AE. Plaque. 57 by 77 mm. Breal. 27. Mrs. Katrina Trask. Obv. Mrs. Trask seated 1. at piano. Rev. Plain. Galvanotype, plaque. 152 by 152 mm. Brenner. 28. Spencer Trask. Obv. Bust three-quarter r.; below, spenoBr trask; in field, to right, v.d.brenner. Rev. Plain. Galvanotype plaque. 83 by 90 mm. 29. James McNeil Whistler, Obv. Half-length figure of Mr. W. to left; in field, to left, (butterfly) I JAMES McNEILL WHISTLER j PAINTER ETCHER J AVTHOR; at top, v.d.brenner. Rev. Peacock standing to right; in field, " MESSiBnRs les bnnemis "; at top, v.d.brenner sc. 30. Abdul Baha. Persian Reformer. O&i;. Bust wearing fez to left; below, ABDUL . BAHA I PERSIAN. REFORMER • APOSTLE. OF. PEACE 1 TRIBUTE. FROM. THE. C.OF.F.OF.M. | MCMXII; in upper left corner, louis | potter | . Rev. Female figure in Persian costume standing facing, holding branch of olive in r. hand; below, LOVE. PEACE. UNITY. Plaque. 51 by 76 mm. By Potter. 31. Marquis de Lafayette. Obv. Within a frame of fasces bound by rib- ands, a garland of flowers at top, the bust of L. to left, in uniform; below, marie. JOSEPH. PAVL. I YVES. ROCHE. gilbert. DVMOTIER. | .MARQVIS DE LAFAYETTE. | major. general. in.the. service. OF I THE. VNITED. states. of. AMERICA. | AND. NOBLEST. PATRIOT. OP. the.french.revolvtion; in lower r. corner, j.e.roine. Rev. Columbia with upraised sword in r., military standards in 1. hand advancing to right, an eagle in front of her; rising sun inscribed 1776; insky, 1789; below, AD. PERPETVAM.REI. | MEMORIAM | MCMXI. Plaque. 48 by 76 mm. By Roin6. ^ 22023°— 14 43 668 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. INDIAN PORTRAITS. The following 32 portraits of North American Indians, of various tribes, are the work of Mr. Edward W. Sawyer. They are all electrotypes and the reverses are plain. Apaobe. 82. Old Jim. OLD JIM — APACHE — AGUA-CALIENTE. Bust to left; in field, to right, sawyer | mcmviii. 66 mm. 83. Without name. APACHE. Bust to left, with loose, unkempt hair; in field, to left, AGUA.CALIENTE [ ARIZONA | SAWYER | 1908. 70 mm. 84. Naiche. NAICHE APACHE. Bust to left, wearing heavy coat or blanket; in field, to left, port. sill | Oklahoma | 1913 | ; to right, SAWYER I . 70 mm. Arapalioe. 86. Ba-Haw (Big Boy). BA - H AW ARAPAHOE. Bust to left, with long hair, a curl hanging over left shoulder; in field, to left, geary | OKLAHOMA | 1912 | ; to right, SAWYER. 70 mm. 36. Han-Ni-Ait. ARAPAHOE — HAN-NI-AIT. Bust to right, a braid of hair falling forward over r. shoulder; in field, to left, geary | Okla- homa 1 SAWYER 1 1912 | . 70 mm. 87. Ne-Aie-Ta-Ha-Wa (Eagle Chief). N E - Al E - TA- H A - WA — ARAPA- HOE. Bust to left, wearing blanket, braid of hair falling over 1. shoulder; in field, to left, geary | Oklahoma | 1912 | ; to right, saw- yer. 70 mm. 38. Esh-Sha-A-Nlsh-Is (Two Moons). ESH-SHA-A-NISH-IS — CHEYENNE Bust to left, braided hair brought forward beneath blanket; in field, to left, lame deer | mont. | 1912 j sawyer | . 70 mm. Cbeyenne. 39. Ho-Tua-Hwo-Zo-Mas (Buffalo Hump). HO-TUA-HWO-KO- MAS — CHEYENNE. Bust to left, the hair braided and brought forward beneath the blanket; in field, to left, lame deer | Mon- tana I 1912 I ; to right, sawyer | . 70 mm. 40. Ma-Zi-Na-Ko (Big Bear). MA - Kl - NA - KO — CHEYEN NE. Bust to left, wearing blanket, plait of hair forward across shoulder, another braid of top hair hanging from pole of head; in field, to left, lamb deer I MONTANA | SAWYER | 1912 f . South. Clieyeniie. 41. Che-Ho-Ni (little Wolf). CHIEF- CHE - HO - Nl —SO. CHEYENNE. Bust to left, blanketed, with long curl of hair falling forward across shoulder; in field, to left, clinton | Oklahoma | 1912 | ; to right, SAWYER I . 70 mm. 42. Nogo-To-Mah-. NOGO-TO-MAH — SO.CHEYENNE. Blanketed bust to left, with braid of hair forward over shoulder, a long pendant hanging from ear; in field, geary | Oklahoma | 1912 ] ; to right, SAWYER. 70 mm. 43. Ma-Si-Ni (Red Breast). MA - SI - Nl — SO.CHEYENNE Blan- keted bust to left, large braid of hair hanging forward across shoulder; in ear, chain and pendant; in field, to left, clinton ) Oklahoma | 1912 1 ; to right, SAWYER I . 70 mm. CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 669 Comanclie. 44. Tah-Do-Ni-Pper. TAH - DO - Nl - PPER. — COMANCHE Bust to left, draped, a round plait of hair falling across shoulder; in field, to left, CACHE I OKLAHOMA | SAWYER | 1912 | . 70 mm. 45. Timbo. TIMBO — COMANCHE Bust to left, wearing blanket; in field, to left, cache | Oklahoma | sawyer | 1912 | . 70 mm. Crow. 46. Be-Sha-E-Chi-E-Di-Esha (Big Ox). BE-SHA-E-CHI-E-DI- ESHA — CROW. Blanketed bust to left, a small curl of hair hanging down cheek; wears heavy ear pendant and necklace; in field, to left, CROW.AGENCY I MONTANA f SAWYER | 1912 | . 70 mm. 47. Curley-Custer. CURLEY - CUSTER — SCOUT - CROW Blan- keted bust to left, a heavy braid of hair falling down shoulder; in field, beneath chin, crow agency | mont. | 1912 1 sawyer | . 70 mm. 48. Ech-Spa-Di-E-Ash (Hunts the Enemy). ECH - SPA - Dl - E - ASH — CROW Blanketed bust to left, the top hair reached high, the side hair falling in long braid down across shoulder; in fiela, to left, ^ CROW.AGENCY | MONTANA | SAWYER | 1912 | . 70 mm. Elckapoo. 49. Be-Me-Tha. KICKAPOO — BE - ME -THA. Bust to right, heavy loose hair falling down her back; in field, to left, sawyer | 1912 | to right, mCcloud | Oklahoma | . 70 mm. 60. On-Ah-Shin-Nin-Nah. ON - AH - SHIN - NIN - NAH — KICKA- POO. Bust to left, the hair hanging straight; in ear, pendant of three drops; necklace of four strands of wampum; in field, to left, mCclOUD I OKLAHOMA [ SAWYER | 1912 | . 70 mm. Navajo. 61. Chief Tja-Yo-Ni. CHIEF -TJA - YO - Nl — NAVAJO Blanketed bust to left, with cloth band around head; in field, to left, ganado | ARIZONA I SAWYER | 1912 | . 70 mm. 62. Est-Zan-Lopa. EST - ZAN - LOPA — NAVAJO Bust to left, the hair in bowknot at back of head, pendant in ear, necklace; in field, to left, GANADO 1 ARIZONA | SAWYER | 1912 ] . 70 mm. 83. Nol-To-I. NOL - TO - I — NAVAJO Blanketed bust to left, hair in bowknot at back of head, cloth around head; wears heavy earring; in field, to left, ganado | Arizona | sawyer | 1904 | . 70 mm. Oglala Sioux. 54. Chief Seta (Smoke). CHIEF - SOTA — OGLALA - SIOUX Bust, blanketed, to left, braid of hair hanging down shoulder and long lock falling from top of head on neck; in field, beneath chin, mander- SON I SO. DAK. 1912 | SAWYER ] . 70 mm. 65. Hunpe Ka (Moccasins). HUNPE - KA — OGLALA-SIOUX Bust, blan- keted, to left, the hair parted on forehead and falling on shoulders; in field, beneath chin, manderson | so.dakota 1 sawyer ] 1912 | . 70 mm. 66. Sunka Hanska (Tall Dog). SUNKA - HANSKA — OGLALA - SIOUX. Bust, blanketed, to left, a braid of hair falling down across shoul- der; in field, beneath chin, sianderson [ so,dakota | 1912 | ; to right, SAWYER. 70 mm. 670 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. Osage. 67. Kah-Wah-Se (Yellow Horse). KAH - WAH - SE OSAGE. Bust with blanket to left, braided hair beneath the blanket; wears turban hat; in field, to left, pawhuska | Oklahoma | 1913 | ; to right, saw- yer. 70 mm. 68. See-Hah (Buffalo Feet). OSAGE — SEE - HAH Blanketed bust to right, the hair shaved from head, except top hair, which is roached high; in field, to right, pawhuska | Oklahoma | sawyer | 1912 j . 70 mm. Pawnee. 59. Sah-Cooh-Ru-Tu-Bee-Hoo (Big Sun). SAH - COOH - RU - TU - REE - HOO — PAWNEE. Bust, blanketed, to left, braid of hair forward across shoulder; in field, to left, pawnee | Oklahoma | sawyer | 1912 1 . 70 mm. 60. Stah-Pe-TJ. STAH - PE - U — PAWN EE. Bust of young girl to left, with braid of hair brought forward across shoulder; in field, to left, pawnee I OKLAHOMA | 1913 | ; to right, sawyer. 70 mm. 61. Pee-Ru-Ths (Fat Woman). PAWNEE — PEE - RU - THS. Fe- male head, blanketed, to right, braid of hair forwarded over shoulder; in field, to left, sawyer; to right, pawnee | Oklahoma | 1912. 70 mm. . Wlcmta. 62. Chief To-Wak-Oni-Jim. CHIEF-TO -WAK- ONI -JIM — WICHITA. Bust, with blanket, to left; long, loose hair; in field, to left, ana- DARKO I OKLAHOMA | SAWYER ] 1912. 70 mm. Yuma. 63. Ne-I-So-Meh. NE - I - SO - MEH — YUMA. Blanketed bust to left, with long, loose hair; infield, to left, sawyer | yuma ] 1904. 70 mm. BRAZIL. 64. James Monroe. 1894. Obv. Within a laurel wreath, A | JAMESMON- ROE I .^ . ^. I 1823-1894 | ; around, above, A AMERICA AOS AMERICANOS; below,*0 BRAZIL AOS BRAZILER0S*i2ev. Over a laurel branch, arms of Brazil and of the United States ; on scroll, above, 4 DEJULHO | ; below, 1894; rising sun in back- ground. Lead. 47 mm. MEXICO. BIi RBAIi DEL CATORCB. 66. Proclamation of Accession of Carlo IV, 1789. 06i;.*D*D*CAR0LI* 1III*0MNIA*VINCIT*AM0R^ Bust r., with mantle and sash; below, .G. A. GIL. Rev. sic I exxjltat | el real J delcatorcb [ cum I D.GEORGE J PARRODi | ; above. Star ; below, SED NOS CEDAMUS AMORI. AR. 41.5 mm. GTJANAXUATO CITY. 66. Same. Obv. A CARLOS*llll • Y*LUISA*REYS^DE*ESPAI\lA* Y*DE LAS*YNDIAS*EN SU • FELIZ*EXALTON*aL TRO- NO* I Their busts, conjoined, r.; below, G. a. gil. Rev. CONSA- GR0*ESTE*M0NUMENT0*DE*SU • PI DELI DAD •EL* MARQUES* DE*SAN*JUAN*DE*RAYAS*Y*LE | | (inner line) proclamo* EN* guanaxuato* Oval shield of arms; below, *A*1790* AR. 47 mm. CATALOGUE OP COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 671 67. The same. Obv. CARLOS+llll+REY + DE+ESPAfslA+Y + DE+LAS+ INDIAS+ Bust r., with mantle, sash, and badge of the Golden Fleece; below, g. a. gil. Rev. ACLAMADO* EN •LA*C*DE • GANUAXAT0*P0R*SUS*LEALES*M1NER0S^ The in- terior of a silver mine showing men at work in three stopes ; below, .EN. 28DE*OCTUBRE. I .DE.*.1790. I AR. 47 mm. liOS ANGELES. 68. The same. Obv. •A*CARLOS*IV*REY*CATOLICO* Bustr., with mantle, sash, and badge of Order of Golden Fleece ; below, G.A.GIL. Rev. EN.SU.FELIZ.PROCLAMACION — LA.CIUDAD. DE. LOS. ANGELES Between palm and laurel branches, round shield of arms ; church edifice supported by seraphim; in field, K — IV, crowned; on bordure of shield, .angelis.svis.devs.man- DAVIT.DE.TE.VT.CVSTODIANT.TE.IN.OMNIBVS.VIIS.TVIS.* AR. 49 mm. MOREIilA. 69. The same. Obv. CARLOS. IIILREY. DE.ESPAR A. Y.DE. LAS. YN- DIAS. Bust to right; below, G.A.GIL. Rev. PROCLAMADO* EN • LA*C1UDAD*DE*VALLAD0LID*DE*MICH0ACAN \ (inner line) POR • su • alperez • r • d • jose — Bernardo • foncerrado On a shield garnished with palm branches and crowned, three busts upon a single base ; below, 1791 . AR. 44.5 mm. PARRAS. 70. Accession of Ferdinand vn, 1809. Obv. FERDINANDUS. VII . REX MAXIMUS. INTACTAE FIDEI . COLUMN A IMMORTA Bust in uniform to right; below, f. gordillo.p.m°. Rev. expectatis- SIMO NOSTRO ] FERDINANDO .VII: | HISPANIARUM ET INDIAR** | REGI CATHOLICO: I INCOLARUM DE PARRAS I AETERNAE PIDELITATI8 | MON- umentum: I ANO 1809 I ; above and down sides, garland of flowers; below, roses. AR. 40 mm. THE EMPIRE, 1821-1823. 71. Accession of Augustin I, 1821. Obv. PRO RELIGIONE — ET PATTRIA Mexico hands sword to Iturbide standing to left bare- headed, with sceptre in hands; above, in clouds, radiant cross and fruits; exergue, jose . Guerrero . n . db fi. | a. de 1821. Rev. Eagle grasping serpent perched upon a banner, which bears the inscrip- tion: AVGVSTINO.de. ITURBIDE I LIBERTATIS. PATRIAE I VINDICI . STRENVO I MEXICAN . IMPER . AN. I. | ; A,E. AN. I. 1 ; around, incised, "gift op comd^^. ja? barron to john p. WATSON 1841"; below, dedicadopoe EL MisMO ARTIFICE. AR. 56mm. 72. Military Award. Obv. SPONSIONS TRIPLICI • Three interlaced rings inscribed summa libertas — religio — concordia; below, the two hemispheres, from each of which hangs a piece of chain, and beneath, ORBEM AB ORBE SOLVIT. Rev. PRIMA EPOCHA Within wreath. Gift of \ Comdre. Jas Barron \ to JnP. F. Watson; below, J. GUERRERO. AR. 49 mm. 672 CATALOGUE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. ETJEOPEAN MEDAIS. FRENCH. 1. Siege of Paris, 1870-1871. Obv. Female figure standing facing, hold- ing musket. Rev. Monument and dates of battles. AE. 68 mm. By Chaplain. 2. University of Paris. Obv. History seated facing and teaching man and woman; below, 1215-1885. Rev. Ship. 3. Bestoration of San Francisco, Cal., copy of gold medal presented to the city by France, 1906. Obv. AU PEU PLEAMERICAIN ET A LA VILLE DE SAN FRANCISCO. France seated by sea extending olive branch to eagle grasping shield of United States; below, SYM- PATHIE 1 ADMIRATION — LA REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Rev. Female figure, San Francisco, standing in midst of ruined city. AE. 90 mm. By Bottee. 4. Empress Eugenie, 1870. Obv. Crowned bust r. Rev. Wreath of flow- ers. AE. 50 mm. By Bovy. 6. President L. A. Thiers, 1871-3. Obv. Biist 1. Rev. Legend in wreath. AE. 70 mm. By Oudui^. 6. Pres't Marshal Mac Mahon. Obv. Bust to left. Rev. Sword with point erect and passing through a crown; two batons. 70 mm. Chaplain. 7. Pres't. Jules Grevy, 1879. Obv. Bust three-quarter to r. Rev. Legend in wreath. AE. 09 mm. D. Dupuis. 8. Pres't. Armand Fallieres, 1906. Obv. Bust r. Rev. Two bxmdles of fasces upon an altar. AE. 73 mm. By L. Deschamps. 9. Auguste Comte, 1902. Obv. Bustl.; below, •••FONDATEUR DU POSITIVISME I 1798-1857. i?6v. Monument at Paris. AE. Plaque. 50 by 72 mm. Vernier. 10. Victor Cousin, 1873. Unveiling of monument. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Inscriptions. AE. 82 mm. Carrier-Belleuse. 11. ErnestM Babelon, 1910. Obv. Bustl. Rev. Helmeted head of Athena. AR. 65 mm. Devreese. 12. The same. Bronze. 13. Hector Berlioz, 1903. Obv. Bust three-quarter face 1.; music stand and scene from Les Troyens. Rev. Kneeling singer placing palm branch on monument of Berlioz. AE. Plaque. 47 by 67 mm. G. Dupr6. 14. Leon Gambetta. Obv. Bust to left. Rev. Oak tree partly fallen, ita roots struck round and under the altar of France. AE. 70 mm. Chaplain. 15. The same. Unveiling of monument to G. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. The Gambetta monument. AE. 70 mm. Vernier. 16. Victor Hugo, 1885. Obv. Draped bust r. Rev. Lyi-e and laurel branch in clouds; setting sun. AR. 50 mm. Chaplain. 17. Louis Liard. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Female figure in classical costume, seated 1. upon globe, holding volume and torch. AE. Plaque. 55 by 70 mm. Chaplain. 18. Duo de Loubat. Obv. Nude bust 1. Rev. Before crowned mantle, with sides looped up, shield of arms supported by two lions. AE. 59 mm. Vernon. 19. The same. Obv. Bust 1., wearing citizen's clothes. Rev. Legend: ^LU I ASSociE Stranger | de uinstitut | etc. CATALOGTJE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. 673 20. Frlderi Mistral. Tribute from friends and admirers. Obv. Bust with coat and hat. Rev. Peasant woman praying; distant church and setting sun. AE. Plaque. 55 by 65 mm. By G. Dupr6. 21. Jean Jacques Kousseau. Obv. Nude bust 1. Rev. PANTHEON | OU VERT A I etc. AE. 3? mm. Demarest. 22. The same. Obv. Bust I. iJev. NE | A GENEVE j etc. AE. 40 mm. By Dubois. 23. The same. Obv. Bust \. iJe-y. CO NTRAT SOCIAL LI V. 3 CHAP. 1.; LA PUISANCE I LEGISLATIVE | APPARTIENT AU PETTPLE | etC. AE. 35 mm. Demarest. 24. Eichard Wagner. Obv. Bust 1, wearing coat. Rev. Opera house at Beyreuth. AE. Plaque. 47 by 55 mm. By Yencesse. OERMAN. 1. Otto E. L. von Bismarck, on dedication of bust in Walhalla, at Begens- burg, 1908. Obv. Head three-quarter face 1. Rev. The Walhalla. AE. 81 mm. Goetz. 2. Heinrich Heine. Obv. Facing bust. Rev. Tablet inscribed MEIN LIED WAR LVST VND FEUR-FIN; two women placing garland of flowers. AE. Plaque. 52 by 72 mm. Frl. Staudinger. 3. Helmuth von Moltke. Obv. Head 1. Rev. St. Michael crushing the dragon. AE. 79 mm. Goetz. 4. Schiller. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Female figure, Poesy, seated 1. AE. 55 mm. Greiner. 5. Schiller. Obv. Bust 1. Rev. Muse with harp sitting upon an eagle in flight. AE. 60 mm. Christ. 6. Bichard Wagner. Obv. Head 1. Rev. Artist struggling with winged genius. AE. 65 mm. Bosselt. 7. Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Obv. Facing bust. Rev. Dirigible balloon in flight above a lake. AR. 33 mm. M. & W. St. 1. Giacomo Puccini. Obv. Bust to left. Rev. Plain. AE. Plaque. 34 by 54 mm. By Teles. CATALOGUER S NOTE It is perhaps unnecessary for the writer to state that the foregoing catalogue makes no pretensions to illustrate the splendid methods of the cataloguer's art as it is now de- veloped. A cursory examination of the contents of the col- lection will readily reveal its exceedingly fragmentary condition — a fact which made it seem necessary to adopt special schemes of arrangement of the coins, which would not have been considered had the collection been more fully representative. To render the actual contents of the col- lection easily accessible has been the main object, steadily kept in view when departing from the well-known methods of arrangement of the coins of the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Part II is to serve primarily as a check-list for official uses, a fact which will explain the otherwise ap- parently unnecessary publication of those coins. The collectors of the coins of the United States, especially those who have much regard for minute variations in the dies with the same types, will have reason to feel some disap- pointment, not only because of the numerous and wide lacunae in the collection, but also because of the omission, in some instances, to mention the slight variations in the specimens that are in the collection ; but here the official advice, to note only real varieties — tJiat is, the varieties tJiat originated in an intentional change in the type — is doubtless wise; while the lack of specimens of the large number of industriously deter- mined die varieties would in many cases have compelled resort to explanations of some length, if the facts were to be made clear to others than expert collectors, and such ex- planations would have encumbered and certainly impaired the value of the work. For such "varieties" are chiefly evidence of unskillful or slovenly workmanship at the mint; they have but little if any bearing upon the history of the 675 676 OATALOGtTE OF COINS, TOKENS, AND MEDALS. coinage, and concern for the most part the collectors of coins, whose interests in that particular are already served by a number of well-known publications, which the specimens in the mint collection in nowise supplement. Few men can lay claim to expert knowledge of the coin- ages of the world, ancient and modern — probably none would do so — and certainly the writer does not claim a tithe of the whole field, yet it has fallen to his lot to prepare this cata- logue, in which coinages of nearly the entire world are rep- resented, and to do so within a rather brief space of time, without special preparation and without the benefit of any advice of specialists in the various fields and often with in- adequate Hterary aids. That errors are to be found in the volume is to be expected; yet if the work, in addition to being a published record of the contents of the collection, as desired, should also in a measure serve the purposes of students and persons interested in the subject the utmost hopes of the writer will be realized. I]?fDEX. A. Page. Aachen, coins of 647 Aargau, coins of 505 Abyssinia, coins of 543 Academy of Fine Arts, Pennsylvania, medal of 390 Academy of Design, National, medal of 365 Achaean League, coins of 403 Aegae, coins of 399 Aegina, coins of 402 Aetolia, coins of 401 Afghanistan, coins of 660 Agassiz, Prof. Louis, medal 389 Agrigentum, coins of 398, 633 Alcorn, University, medal 361 Alexandria, coins of 638 Allegiance, oath of, by mint officials, 1861, medal 373 Alwar 662 American independence, medal 368 American independence, Centeimial of, medal 376 American Institute of Architects, medal 361 American Numismatic Society, medals issued by 379, 383 Amsterdam, Obsidional coins of 457 Amulet coins, Chinese 560 Anderson, Robert, medal of 372 Ancachs, coins of 256 Angostura 630 Anhalt-Schaumburg, coins of 472,647 Annam, coins of 560 Antique coins 397, 633 Antioch, coins of 637 Apollonia, coins of 401 ApoUonia and Rhyndicum, coins of 403 Aradus, coins of. 406 Argentine Republic, coins of 277, 629 Argos, Argolis, coins of 483 Army, medal of honor 360 Arrows on United States coins 12 Aspendus, coins of 405 Assam, coins of. 661 Assay, Commissioners, medals for 350, 665 Athens, coins of 401 Atlantic Squadron, cruise of, medal 381 Augsburg, coins of 478 Augsburg, Confession, medals pertaining to 610 Augustale, earliest modem gold coin 657 Augustin I (Iturbide), Emperor of Mexico 158 Australia; coins of. 569, 663 Austria, coins of. 601 Avory, Samuel P. , medal of. 666 677 678 INDEX. Award medals: Page. Congressional life saving 357 Marksmanship 358 Army and Navy medals of honor 360 Schools and scientific societies 361 B. Bactria, coins of. 408,637 Baden, Grand Duchy 486,495 Baden, Margraviate 472 Bahama Islands, coins of 316 BaUly, medaUist 92 Bainbridge, William, medal of 337 Baldwin & Co., private coins of 110 Baltimore, Lord, coinage of 6, 24 Bank of England, tokens 460 Bank of Ireland, tokens 450 Barbadoes, coins of 317 Barber, C. E., engraver 14,63,85,88 Barber, William: Engraver 92,352 Medal of 350 Basle, coins of 503, 605 Bavaria: Duchy 472 Kingdom 485,496,647 Bechtler, Augustus, private gold coins of 110 Bechtler, Christopher, private gold coins of 109 Beecher, Henry Ward, medal of 389 Belgian medals 614 Belgium, coins of 461, 654 Belize, coins of 213 Belzu, coins in honor of 261, 264 Bengal presidency , coins of 665 Bermuda, coins of 317, 632 Berne, coins of 603,504 Bertholf, Lieut. E. P., medal of 665 Biddle, Capt. James, medal of 339 Bithynia, Kingdom, coins of 403 Bitts, 2, 4,6 7 Blakeley, Capt. Johnston, medal of 338 Bliss, Lieut. Col., medal of 370 Blue, Victor, medal of 379 Bohemia, coins of 498, 661 Bolivia, coins of 261, 629 Bombay, Presidency 666 Borneo, British North, coins of 668 Bosbyshell, Oliver C, medal of 350 Brabant, coins of 457 Bracteates 469 Brandenburg: Beyreuth, coins of 473 Ansbach, coins of 473 Brasher, Doubloon 29 Brazil: Portuguese Colony, coins of 294, 631 Necessity coinage of 299 The Empire, coins of 301 Republic, corns of 307,631 Medal of, to Prest. Monroe ....... 670 INDEX. 679 Bremen: Page. Bishopric, coins of 481 City , coins of 478, 488 Brenner, V. D., medalist 82,380 Breslau, coins of 498 Brewster, medalist 379 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, medal of 390 British Guiana, coins of '. 288, 630 British Honduras, coins of 212, 629 Brown, Maj. Gen. Jacob, medal of 334 Bruff, J. G., medalist 342 Brunswick-Luneburg, coins of 473, 648 Buenos Ayres, coins of 282 Bullets, legal tender 1 BuUion, purchases of 11 Bullock medal, Worcester High School 366 Burchard, Horatio C. , medal of 348 Burmah, coins of 548 Burrows, Lieut. W., medal of 338 Byzantine coins 439, 646 Byzantium, coins of 400 C. Calchedon, coins of 403 Cales 633 California, gold dollar, half-dollar and quarter-dollar 114 Call, Surg. SamuelJ., medal of 665 Cambodia, coins of 648 Campania, coins of 410 Campen, coins of 479 Canada: Coins of 124,625 Tokens 127 Cape of Good Hope, coins of 546 Cappadocia, kingdom, coins of 405 Caracas, coins of. 244 Cardenas, medal 341 Carta 404,636 Carlisle, John O., medal of 347 Carnegie Hero Fund, medal 361 Carolina, tokens 24 Carrera, Rafael 193 Carson City, mint at 21, 618 Carthage, coins of 409, 639 Cassin, Lieut. Stephen, medal 339 Catania, coins of 398 Catapalco, tokens 630 Castorland, tokens 653 Cathedral of Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, medal 394 Cent: Coin of United States, copper 78 Nickel-bronze 81 Bronze 81 Patterns 106 Centeimial Exhibition, award medal 362 Centermial Fountain, Fairmount Park, medal 376 Central Junta of Mexico, necessity coinage of 164 Ceryneia, coins of 403 Ceylon, coins of 666, 662 Chalcis, coins of 401 Chalmers' tokens 28 Champlain, Lake, Tercentenary of discovery, medal 388 680 INDEX, Page, Charlotte, N.C., mint at 21 Cheribon, coins of 571 Cliiapa de los Indios, Las Chiapas, coins of 148,627 Chicago, rebuilding of, medal 375 Chicago Numismatic Society, medal issued by 383 Chihuahua, necessity coinage of 155 Chile, corns of 2C9, 630 Chma, coins of 550,663 Cho Gin, Japanese tokens 562 Chur , coins of 504 Church medals 393 Cincimiati Mining Co HI Cisalpine Republic, coins of 517 Cispadane Republic, coins of 516 Clark, Gruber &Co., private gold coins 116 Clay, Henry, medal of 371 Cnossus, coins of 403 Coast Survey , medal 358 Coblentz, bishopric, coins of 481 Cochabamba, coins of 267 CofBn, medalist 342 Cologne, Archbishopric, coins of. 481 Colon, gold coin of Costa Rica, Central America 208 Colonial coins of America 1, 23 Columbian Exposition, award medal of 362 Colombiano, silver coin of Colombia 233 Colombia: Republic, coins of 232 Granadine Confederation 233 United States of 236 Commemorative coins : 17 Corea: Coins of 563 Patterns for coins of. 564 Condor, gold coin of Ecuador 246 Confederate States of America, coins of 122 Congo Free State, coins of 544, 664 Congress, coinage of, prior to 1792 7, 27 Coimecticut, coinage of. 8, 25 Constitution of United States of America, centennial of, medal 377 Constanz, coins of 479 Continental currency, 1776 27 Conway, J. J., private gold coinage 116 Cooper, J. F. , medal 390 Copiapo, coins of 273 Copper, first production in Colorado, medal 374 Cordova, coins of. 283 Cornell College of Architecture, medal for 362 Corinth, coins of 402, 635 Cortelyou, George B., medal 355 Costa Rica, coins of 206, 627 Cotton States Exposition: Medal for 378 Award medal of. 363 Creighton, Low and Stouffer, medal for 390 Cret, P., medalist 366 Croghan, Col. George, medal of 333 Croton, coins of 397 Central America: Under Spain 186 Jlepublic ,..,..., ,-. ^91 INDEX. 681 Page. Crusaders, coinages of C58 Cuba, coins of 325 Curacao, coins of 327 Cyme, coins of 404 Cyrene, coins of 409 D. Dahlonega, mmt at 21 Danish medals 614 Danish West Indies, coins of 323, 632 Daric, gold coin of Persia 408 Daventer, coins of 479 Decatiur, Capt. Stephen, medal of 337 Declaration of Independence, centennial of, medal 376 Delhi, Sultans of, coins 660 Denga, Russian coin 633 Denmark, coins of 465 Denver, Colo., mint at 21, 621 Dewey, Commodore George, medal of 340 Dietrichstein, coins of 475 Dime: Silver coin of United States , 69, 621 Pattern of. 100 Diocese of N. Y., medal 665 Diplomatic medal 365 Discontinued coins 18 Dohlado, gold coin of Ecuador 245 Dollar: Gold coin of United States 50, 617 Patterns of. 89 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, special issue 52 Lewis and Clark Exposition, special issue 52 Silver 52,617 Silver, patterns of 89 Lafayette 57 Double eagle: Gold coin of United States 32,617 Patterns of. 85 Drachma, coin of modern Greece 632 DuflBeld, E., engraver 356 Dupuis, D., medalist 396 Durango, Nueva Vyzcaya, Mexico, provisional coinage 154 Department of 627 Diu'and medals of illustrous men 686 Dutch East India, coins of 571 Dutch medals 613 Du Vivier, P. S. B., medalist 331,332 TO Eagle: Gold coin of United States 35,617 Patterns of. 86 Eagle, Capt. R. H., medal of 339 Eckfeld t, Adam, medal of. 360 Ecuador, coins of. 245 Edison, Thomas A., medal 666 Egypt, coins of. 409, 638 Eion, coins of 398 Ellis, S., engraver 341, 396 Elliot, Capt. Jesse D., medaj of, ,,, , ,-..,.., ,-.. 339 682 INDEX. Emancipation proclamation, medal 373 English East India Co., coins of 566 English medals 597 England: Coins of 442 Tradesmen's tokens 450 Ephesus, coins of. 404 Epirus, coins of 401 E PluribusUnum 15 Emblems of war and peace on United States coins 12 Ericsson, John, medal of 390 Eritria, coins of 658 £ truria, coins of. 614, 654 F. Ferrara, coins of. 614 Field, Cyras W., medal of. 342 Fifty-dollars or flve-eagles, pattern gold coin United States 84 Finland, coins of 537 Fippenny, flppenny bit 11,131 Fineness of gold and silver coins of United States 21 Five-cents: Nickel coin of United States 77, 623 Patterns of. 102,624 Flanigan, John, engraver 390 Fleury, Due de, medal of. 332 Florence, Republic 5'14, 654 "Flying eagle cent" 14,81 Forrest, Edwin, medal of. 390 Fox, Daniel M., medal of. 350 France: Coins of 507,652 First Republic, coins of 609 Consulate 610 First Empire 510 Second Republic 611 Second E mpire 511 Third Republic 612 ' ' Franklin cent " 4 Franklin, Benjamin: Bicentenary of birth, medal 381 Medals of. 390,391 Franklin Institute, Scott premium medal 364 Frankfort, coins of 479, 488 Francis Joseph I, of Austria, medal of 342 French Guiana, coins of 290,631 French, D., medalist 341 French medals 602, 672 French West Indies, coins of 320, 632 Freiburg, coins of 603 Fried berg, coins of 478 Fuchs, E., medalist 383 Fuerst, M. , engraver 338 " Fugio cent " 7, 27 Fulton Institute, medal for 364 G. Gage, Lyman J., medal of. 347 Gaines, Maj. Gen. Edmund P., medal of 335 Gallia, coins of 397 Garfield, President J. A., death of, , , 376 INDEX. 683 Page. Gates, Gen. Horatio; medal, battle of Saratoga 331 Gatteaux, N. M., medalist 331 Gela, coins of 398 Geneva, coins of 504, 505 Genoa, coins of. 615 German East Africa, coins of 547 German medals 607, 673 Germany: Coins of 469 Koman-German Empire 471 Modem 485 Empire 495 Gilbert, Howard Worcester, old English prize medal 363 God Our Trust, motto 16, 86 God and Our Country. 16, 106 Gortyna, coins of 403 Grafly, Chas., medalist 362 Granadino, coin of Colombia 235 Grand Army, medal of 361 Grande-Comoro, coins of 645 Grant Peace Medal 375 Grant, Gon. U. S., medals of 340,346 Great Britain, coins of 442, 646 Greece, modem 532, 658 Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, medal of 332 Griqua Town, coins of 646 Guadaloupe, coins of 321 Guatemala, coins of 193, 627 Guernsey, coins of 454 H. Halberstadt, coins of 479 Half-cent, copper coin of United States .• 82 Half-dollar: Silver coin. United States 57,618 Patterns of 95,624 Columbian 62 Half-dime: Silver coin United States 73 Patterns of. 102 Half-eagle: Gold coin of United States 39 Patterns of. '- 87 Hamburg, coins of 480, 496 Hamilton, Alexander 7, 8 Hanover, Kingdom, coins of 487 "Hard Times " tokens 118 Harmon, contractor of Vermont coinage 8 Haroon-er-Rasheed , coins 659 Harrison, Gen. William H., medal of. 333 Hartman, engraver 367 Hawaii, coins of 573 Hay, John, medal of 666 Hayti: Coins of 309 Northern Republic 310 Mulatto Republic 311 United 311 Republic, 1843 312 Empire 312 Republic restored , , 313 22023*— 14 44 684 INDEX. Heaton, Augustus G., medal of. 666 Helvetian Republic, coins of 504 Henneberg, coins of 476 Henry, Prince of Prussia, visit to United States, medal of 379 Hensel, Hon. Wm. U., medal of. 667 Hesse-Cassel: Coins of 475 Principality of 489 Hesse-Darmstadt, coins of 489 S'Herrenberg, coins of 475 Higley tokens 25 Histiaea, coins of. 401 Historical medals 308 Hohenlohe-Gleichen, coins of 476 Hohenlohe Neuenstein 475 Holland, Kingdom of, coins 459,651 Holstein, Duchy, coins of 476 Honduras, coins of 198 Hong Kong, coins of 661 Horn, John, jr., medal of 343 Horst, medalist 386 Hosack, David, M. D., medal of 391 Howard, John E., medal of 332 Hudson-Fulton Celebration, medal for 382 Hull, Capt. Isaac, medal of 337 Humbert, Augustus Ill Hungary, coins of 499 Himtington, CoUis P., medal 667 I. De de France, coins of. 545 He de la Reunion, coins of 545 India, British, coins of. 566,662 Indian Peace Medals 356 Indians, North American, medals of 668 In God We Trust, motto 16 Ingraham, Capt. Duncan, medal of 340 "Immune Columbia" 29 Ireland, coins of 456 Irving, Washington, medal of 391 Isle of Man, coins of 453 Istrus, coins of 400 Italy, Kingdom: 1805-1814 617 1861 623 Italian Medals 576 J. Jackson, Maj. Gen. Andrew, medal of 335 Jamestown Exposition, medal for 381 Jamaica, coins of 317 Japan: Coins of 561 Embassy from, medal 372 Japanese Commercial Commission to United States of America, medal for 38 4 Japanese medals 616 Jarvis, Lieut. D. H., medal of 665 Java, English East India Co., coins of 567 Jefferson, Thomas, medal of 391 Jefferson, Thomas, Report of, on coinage system 8 Jersey, coins of 454 INDEX. 685 Page. Jews, two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of settlement in America, medal 380 Joachimsthaler Bohemia No. 5 498 Johnson, Andrew, medal of 375 Jones, Capt. Jacob, medal of 337 Jones, Capt. John Paul, medal of. 336, 380 Judaea, coins of 406 K. Kahlifs, coins of. 659 Kane, Dr. E.K., medal of 371 Kellogg & Co., private gold coins 112 " Kentucky cent " 30 Key, W. H., engraver 365, 392 Kimball, James P., medal of 348 Kinny, medalist 366 Klttanning, destruction of, medal 368 Klapmiitzethaler No. 227, 476 Knife Cash 650 Kohler, J. L., medalist 357 Konti, Isidor, medalist 380 Kretz, Herman, medal of 350 Kriden, P. L., medalist 377 li. Lacedsemon, coins of 403 Lafayette dollar 15, 57 Landau, siege piece of 648 Lang, engraver 366 Larissa, coins of 400 Lawrence, Capt. James, medal of 337 Lee, Henry, medal of 331 Leefson, Maurits, medal of 667 Lei, Roumanian coin 531 Leontini, coins of 398 Lete, coins of 398 Leucas, coins of 401, 635 Lev, Bulgarian coin 531 Levy, Mexican coin used in the United States 11, 131 Liberia, coins of. 643 Libra, gold coin of Peru 251 Lichtenstein, coins of 602 Liegnitz, coins of 498 Life-saving medals 357 Ligurian Republic, coins of 516 Lima, necessity coinage of, 1822-23 260 Linderman, H. R., medal of 349 Lincoln cent 14,82 Lincoln, Abraham: Centenary of birth, medals 382 Medal of 373,374 Medal, " Broken Column" 392 Lincoln Indian peace medal 396 Lincoln and Garfield, medal 392 Lincoln and Grant, medal 392 Lippe, coins of 476 Locri Epizephyrii, coins of 397 Locris, Acamania, coins of 401 Lombardo- Venetian Kingdom, coins of 518 Lombardy, Provisional Gevemment, 1848, coins of , 518 London, medals of city 600 Longacre, J. B., engraver 17,32 686 INDEX. Louisiana Purchase Exposition: Page. Medal of 380 " Official souvenir " 380 Award medals of 363 Lovett, G. H., medalist 373,374 Lowenstein-Wertheim, coins of 476 Lucas, G. A., medal of 667 Lucca, coins of 516, 665 Lucca and Piombino, coins of 516 Lucerne, coins of 603, 504 Liigenthaler 648 M. Macedon: Kingdom of 399,634 Roman Province 400 Macomb, Gen. Alexander, medal of 333 MacDonough, Capt. Thos., medal of 339 MacVeagh, Hon. Franklin, medal of 665 Madras Presidency, coins of 661 Madgeburg, coins of 480 Mainz, coins of 482 Malak, coins of 661 Malacca, coins of 567 Malta, coins of 524 Mame Gin, " Bean Money," Japanese 662 Manley, J., medalist 369 Manning, Daniel, medal of 347 Mansfeld, coins of 476 Marine Corps, good-conduct medal 360 Marksmanship, medals for 358 Martihy , medalist 363 Maroneia, coins of 400 Maryland, coins of 2 Maryland Institute, award medal of 364 Masonic medals 394 Massachusetts and California Mining Co., private gold coins of 112 Massachusetts: Colonial mint 2,23 State mint 6, 26 Humane Society 364 Charitable Mechanical Association, medal of 364 Massilia, coins of 397 Mauritania, coins of 409 Mauritius, coins of 540, 663 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, coins of 170 Mazaeus, coins of 405 McCall, Lieut. Edward R., medal of 338 McKinley, William, medals of 346, 354 McClellan, Maj. Gen. George B., medal of 373 Meade, Gen. George G . , medal of 373 Mecklenberg declaration of independence, medal 375 Mecklenberg-Schwerin, coins of 490, 496 Medals pertaining to Treasury Department: Secretaries of Treasury 347 Directors of Mint 348 Superintendents Philadelphia Mint 348 Assay medals 350,665 Medals of United States, given by Congress: Army 331 Navy .' 336 Civilians ,., , 341 INDEX, ;87 Megalopolis, coins of 403 Mercia, coins of 442 Merritt, medalist 377 Metapontum, coins of 397, 633 Metis, steamship, medal for saving life from wreck of 343 Metric weight, legalized 10 Metropolitan Mechanic Institute, medal of 364 Metz, coins of 480 Mexico: Arms of 153 Coins of, used in United States 10 E mpire 158, 626 Empire of Maximilian 170 Medals 615,670 Mints .. 153 Necessity coinage of Revolution 154 Republic, coins of 151, ICO Spanish Viceroyalty 131, 626 Middlesex Mechanic Association, medal of 364 Midwinter Exposition, San Francisco, medal 378 Milan, coins of 675 Miletus, coins of 404 "MiUed Dollar, Spanish" 6,131 Miller, Gen. James, medal of 334 Miners' Bank, private coins of 112 Mint of United States established 7 Mints of United States 21 Mitchell, H., medalist 362,365 " Mite, the widow's" 407 Moflatt & Co., private coins of 112 Moghul Emperors 661 Mombasa, coins of 646 Monaco, coins of 624 Montferrat, coins of 616 Montenegro, coins of 658 Montevideo, siege pieces '. 284 Morelos, necessity coinage of 151, 156 Morgan, Gen. Daniel, medal of 332 Morgan, O. T., engraver 14,56 Morin, A. C, engraver 367 Mormons, coins of 117 Morocco, coins of 543 Morris, Gouvemeur 7 Morris, Robert, proposed coinage system 7 Mottoes on United States coins 15 Miiller, medalist 372 Miinster, Bishopric, coins of 482 Myrina, coins of 404 K. Naples: Coins of 521 Kingdom, coins of 622 Nashville, steamship, visit to Chicago, medal 683 Nassau, coins of 490 Navalon, S., medalist 170 Navy: Medal of honor 360 Good-conduct medal 360 Neapolis, Campania, coins of ; 397 Neapolis, Macedon 388 68 S INDEX. Page. Nepal 663 Netherlands, Kingdom of, coins 459 New England shilling 2, 23 Newfoundland, coins of 126, 625 New Guinea, coins of 572 New Jersey, coins of 5, 26 New York City Hall, dedication of, medal 369 New York Industrial Exhibition, medal for 371 Nicaragua, coins of 202,628 Nicaragua with Honduras and Salvador 628 Nordlingen, coins of. 480 Norris, Grieg & Norris, private gold coins of. 113 North Western Sanitary Fair, medal for 373 Norway, coins of 464 "NovaConstellatio" 28 Nuevo Santander, proclamation Peso of 228 Numidia, coins of 409 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Philadelphia, medals struck by 390, 392 Numismatic Society, Chicago, medals of. 666 Numismatic Club, New York, medals of. 666 Nuremberg, coins of. 480 O. Oaxaca 156,627 Oberwalden, Canton, coins of 603 Ocampo, C, engraver 170 Ohind, coins of 662 Oldenburg, coins of 490, 496 Olive branches, on coins of United States 12 Olmiitz, Archbishopric of, coins 651 Olynthus, coins of 399 Onondaga Coimty, N. Y., centennial of, medal 378 Orange Free State, coins of. 544 Oregon Exchange Co., private gold coins 116 Orizava, Proclamation Toston 626 Ormsby, J. S., private gold coins of 113 Osborne, C, medalist 362 Osnabriick, bishopric, coins of. 482 P. Pacific Mining Co., gold coins of. 113 Paderbom, bishopric, coins of 482 Page, Wm, medal of 392 Palatinate of the Rhine, coins of. 476 Palaerus, coins of 401 Panama, coins of. 229 Pan American Exposition, medal for 379 Pancoast, Dr. Joseph, medal of. 392 Paquet, A. C, medalist..-. 87,340,341 Para, coin of Servia 532 Paraguay, coins of. 286 Parma, coins of 517 Parium, coins of 403 Parson, John, & Co., private coins of 117 Parthia, coins of. 407 Parthenopean Republic, coins of 522 Patterns, coins of United States 19, 84 Patterson, Robert M., medal of 349 Paulding, Williams, and Van Wart, medal for 333 Peabody medal 365 INDEX. 689 Page. Peale, Charles Wilson, museum token 393 Pennsylvaxiia Academy of Fine Arts, Sesnan medal 365 Pennsylvania, bicentennial of, medal for 377 Pennsylvania Institute, medal of 365 Pennsylvania Volunteers, battle of Lake Erie 370 Pennsylvania Volunteers, Gettysburg, medal for 374 Pergamum, coins of 403, 636 Perry, Commodore M. C, medal of 371 Perry, Capt. Oliver H., medals of 338, 369 Persia, coins of 408 Personal medals 389 Peru, coins of 250, 630 Pharsalia, coins of •. 400 Philadelphia, Lydise, coins of 404 Philippine Islands, coins of. 573, 664 Phistelia, coins of 397 Phocipa, coins of 404 "Piece of Eight" ' 6,131 Piedmont Republic, coins of. 517 Pike's Peak, centenary of discovery, medal 380 Pillar Dollar, Spanish , 6,133 "Pitt Token" 624 Pittsburg Female College, medal of. 365 Placentia, coins of 516 Platinum: Pattern half dollar, United States of America 95 Russia, rubles of, 12, 6, and 3 534 Pollock, James, medal of 349 Poland, Russian, coins of 636 Popes: Coinage of 518, 656 Medals of 577 Porter, Gen. Peter B., medal of 334 Porto Rico, coins of 325 Portugal : Coins of 529,657 Medals of 615 Portuguese India, coins of. 668 Portuguese W est Africa, coins of 545, 658 Pratt, Bela L. , medalist 14, 44 Preble, Capt. Edward, medal of 337 Presidential medals 344 Preston, Robert E., medal of. 348 Princeton University, one hundred and fiftieth anniversary; medal 378 Prince Edward Island, coins of. 127 Private gold coins 20, 109 Proclamation coins, Spanish American 144, 145, 146, 147 Prussia: Duchy, coins of 493 Kingdom, coins of 493, 495, 649 Fu coins, China 650 Q. Quarter^iollar: Silver coin of United States of America 63, 620 Patterns of. 99 Columbian 67 Quarter-eagle: Gold coin of United States of America 46 Patterns of. 89 Quinnipiack-New Haven, medal 370 690 INDEX. R. Page, Railroad lire-saving medal 358 Ragusa, coins of. 524 Rebollenthaler 648 Red Cross, medal for first aid 361 Reformation, medals pertaining to 609 Regensberg: Bishopric of, coins 482 Imperial city, coins of 481 Reich, engraver 12, 337 Reid, Templeton: Private gold coins, Georgia 109 Private gold coin, California 113 Reixss 650 Rhodes, coins of. 404 Ripley, Brig. Gen. Eleazer W., medal of 334 Ripstra, J. H. , medalist 383 Rittenhouse, David, medal of 384 Roberts, George E. , medal of. .' 348 Robinson, George F., medal of 342 Roin^, J. E., medalist 382 " Rosa Americana," tokens 7 Rose, Dr. Frederick, medal of 341 Rome, coinage of senate, A. D. 1190-1347 519 Rome, republic 410, 639 Rome, Empire 426, 643 Roosevelt, Theodore, medals of 347,355,380 Rumford medal 365 Rush, Dr. Benjamin, medal of 392 Russian East Prussia, coins of. 536 Russian medals 611 S. Sage, Washington tokens 386 Saint-Gaudens, medalist 14, 35, 39, 391 Saint-Gaudens, medal of 666 Sampson, Admiral W. T., medal of 379 Salzburg, archbishopric 482 Samos, coins of 404 Santiago, battle of, medal for 379 San Domingo, coins of. 314 San Francisco Yxtlahuaca, proclamation peso 147 San Francisco, Cal., vlgUance committee, medal 372 Mint at 21 San Francisco, steamship, medal for rescue from wreck of 390 Santa Marta, coins 228 Salvador, coins of 204, 628 Sarawak, coins of. 668 Sardes, coins of. 404, 636 Sardinia, coins of 514 Sassanidae, coins of. 408 Saven, medalist 365 Savoy, coins of 523 Sawyer, E . S. , medalist 668 Saxe-Alenberg, coins of. 476, 492 Saxe-Coburg, coins of. 477, 492 Saxe-Gotha, coins of. 476 Saxe-Meiningen, coins of 492 Saxe-alt-Weimar, coins of 476 Saxe-neu- Weimar, coins of 477 INDEX. 691 Saxe-Weimar, Grand Duchy, coins of 491, 496 Saxe-Zeitz, coins 478 Saxony, Albertine Line 477 Saxony, Kingdom of, coins 491, 496 Schleswig-Holstein, coins of 468 Schurz, Carl, medal of 392 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, coins of 478 Schwarzenberg, coins of 481 Scotland 455 Scott, Gen. Winfleld S., medals of 334,336,370 Seals 395 Shaw, Leslie M., medal of 348 Shaw, Henry, medal of 392 Shekel, silver coin of Judaea 406 Shelby, Gov. Isaac, medal of 335 Sherman, Vice President J. S., medal of 382 Slam, coins of 648 Siberia, coins 636 Sicilies, Two, coins of. 622, 657 Sicyon, colos of 402 Side, coins of. , 405 1, medalist 374 I pieces: Amsterdam 457 Gronigon. 459 Newark 444 Ubn 481 Sierra Leone, coins of. 646 Siglos, silver coin of Persia 408 Signatures on dies 18 Silesia 498 Sinope, coins of 403 Solothum, coins of 603 Sombrerete, necessity coins of 156 Sombrerete, Proclamation Toston of 626 Sommer Islands. See Bermuda. Bomers, steamship, medal for rescue from wreck 343 Sorolla, Joaquin, medal of 667 South African Republic, coins of 643 South America, under Spain 214, 629 Spain, coins of 625, 657 Provisional government of, coins 628 Spanish medals 615 Stars, form of, on United States coins 16 Steam coinage, first use in United States, medal 370 Stella, pattern gold coin of United States 88 Stewart, Capt. Charles, medal of 839 Stolberg, coins of 478 Straits Settlements, coins of 667 Stralsund, coins of 481 Strassburg, coins of , 481 St. Barromeo, Seminary of, medal 393 St. Christopher, coins of 318 St. Gall, coins of 604 St. Helena 646 St. Kitts. See St. Christopher. St. Lucia 318 St. Martins 827 Sol, silver coin of Peru 263 Sucre, silver coin of Ecuador 248 692 INDEX. Sugar House Prison, medal of 377 Sueldo, silver coin of Bolivia 266 Sullivan, A. S., medal of 393 Sultana, coins of 567 Superfluous denominations. United States coins 18 Sumatra, coins of 567 Snowden, A. Louden, medal of 349 Snowden, James Ross, medal of 349 Sweden: Coins of 462,651 Medals of 615 Possessions in West Indies 324 Switzerland: Coins of 503 Medals of 615 Schiitzenmiinze 505 Sybaris, coins of 397 Syria, Seleucld Kingdom, coins of 405 Syracuse, coins of 398, 634 T. Taft, William H., medal of 347,355 Taft, W. H., and Sherman, J. S., medal of 382 Talbot, Allum, and Lee, token of 624 Tallmadge, F. S., medal of 393 Tasmania, tokens 570 Tarentum, coins of 398 Tarsus, coins of 405 Taylor, Gen. Zachary, medals of -. 335,336,371 Temple medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 395 Tenedos, coins of 404 Terms, numismatic 22 Thaler, Schauthaler of Maximilian 1 472, No. 100 Thasos, coins of 400 Thebes, coins of 401, 635 Thessalla, coins of. 400 Thibet, coins of 662 Thrace, Kingdom, coins of 400, 634 Three-dollars: Gold coin of United States 45 Patterns of 89 Three-cents: Silver coin of United States 76 Patterns of 105 Nickel coin of United States 77 Patterns of. 105 Thurium, coins of 397 Tlcal, silver coin of Burmah 648 Tobacco, legal tender 1 Tobago 318 Tokens, merchants' and "Civil War" 10, 19, 117 Tortola 319 Townsend, Eugene, medal of. 350 Trade-dollar: Silver coin of United States 10, 65 Patterns of 91 Silver coin of Japan 663 Trans-Mississippi Exposition, medal for 378 Transylvania, coins of 498 Travancore, coins of 661 Treves, archbishopric, coins of. 483 INDEX. 603 .«i. Page. TTuxton, Capt. Thomas, medal of 336 Tuberculosis Congress, Washington, medal for 336 Tunis, coins of 545 Turkuman Houses, coins of 660 Twenty-cents: Coin of United States 68 Pattern of. 100 Two-cents: Bronze coin of United States 77 Patterns of. 106 Types of coins on different metals 12 Types of United States coins 12 Tyre, coins of 486 Tyrol, coins of 472 Tf. Uganda, coin of 658 United Provinces, Netherlands, coins of 458 United States Assay Office, San Francisco, gold coins 114 United States, coins of 32 Union Pacific Railway, completion of, medal 375 University of Pennsylvania, School of Architecture, medal for 366 Uruguay, coins of 284 V. Valley Forge: Centennial of, medal 376 One hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of, medal 388 Value, statements of, on coins of United States 17 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, medal of 341 Vargas, Gen., necessity coins of 156 Vaud , Canton, coins of 505 Velia, coins of 397 Venice: French occupation of 518 Provisional government, coins of 618 Republic, coins of 517,655 Venezuela, coins of 241, 630 Vermont, coinage of 4,27 Vessel Owners Association, Philadelphia, medal for 366 Virginia tokens 25 W. Wahrheitsthaler 648 Wampum , legal tender 1 Warrington, Capt. Louis, medal of 333 Washington: Cabinet of medals, inauguration of, medal 372 Centennial of inauguration of, medal for 377 Cent, tokens and patterns 30 Effigy of, proposed for coin type 10 Miscellaneous medals of 384 One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of initiation into masonry, medal of 388 Retaking of Boston, medal for 331 Sage tokens of 386 Statue of, Union Square, N. Y., unveiled, medal 374 " Time increases his fame," medal 387 Washington and Franklin, medal of. 1 387,388 Washington and Grant, medal of 378 Washington and Jackson, medal of 387 Washington and Lafayette, medal 388 Washington and Lee University, medal for oratory 366 694 INDEX. Page. Washington and Lincoln, medal of 387 Washington, city, centennial of, medal of 379 Washington Grays, medal for 375 Washington and Webster, medal of 388 Washington, Col. William, medal of 333 Washington Monument, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, medal 378 Wass, Molitor & Co., private gold coins of 114 Wayne, Gen. Anthony, medal of 332 Webster, Daniel, medal of 393 Weight of gold and silver coins. United States 21 Weinmann, A., medalist .' 358,363 Wessex, coins of 442 Westphalia, Kingdom, coins of 484 Whistler, J. McNeU, medal of 667 " White cent," nickel-bronze coin of United States 14 Wilson, Prest. Woodrow, medal of 665 Windom, William, medal of S47 Windward Islands, coins of 321 Worcester County Mechanics Association, medal of 366 Wright, C. C, medalist .^ 343,371 Wright, C. W., medalist 371 Wright, Orville and Wilbur, medals of 343, 381 Wiirtemberg: Duchy of, coins 478 Kingdom of, coins 492, 497 Wurzburg, bishopric, coins of 483 Wyon, W., medalist 364,368 X, Xalapa, Vera Cruz, coin 148 T. Yngavi, Bolivia, gold coins 262 Z. Zacatecas: Provisional coinage 01 154 Coinage of Gen. Vargas 156 Zanzibar, coin of 643 Zearing, H., medalist 374 Zurich, Canton, coins of 603, 504 Zwolle, coins of 481 o 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. REC'D LD OCT 2 1952 ( i tOVl8l377 i l0^p^ 63RC iiico i^^^ 7Z moZT 180cf'63B8 REcn L-e S«H ^ ■m -fe-fe^ — «i : c. 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