^o :=e> zi^ ZJ^ ZJJV :=?V -r> -O CX^' .r^ THE Roman and EngTiJb COM E D Y Considered and Compar'd. with R E M A R K s on the SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND. AND An Exam EN into the Merit of the prefent COMIC ACTORS. By S. F o o T E, Efq-, LONDON: Printed for T. Waller, in Eeei-ftreet, 1747.^ [ Price Om Shilling, } 50430 (3) fl3r THE Roman and Englijb COMEDY Consider'd and Compar'd. ROM the Indulgence fliewn to my Treatife on the Paffions, in whieh I have confider'd the Merit of the Tragic A dors only, I have been encouraged to extend that Dcfign ; and now venture to prefent the Pubhc with my Judgment on fuch of their Theatrical Ser- vants, as have diftinguiflied themfclves in G>medy. A 2 But ( 4 ) But In order to eftablifh my Credit with the Reader, it may not be amifs previoufly to ob- viate an Objedion or two, that have been made to my Criticifm on the Charadler of Lear, I have been condemned for impeaching Mr. Garrkk*s Manner of clofing the Curfe, at the End of the firft A61, with Tears ; and that becaufc Shakefpear (who bed knows his own Meaning) has by the following Expreffioh dilated fuch a Behaviour to the A6tor, / am ajham^df - ^at thou had Power tojhake my Manhood thus, 'ithat thefe hot Tearfy which break from me perforce, &c. This Obfervation, prima facie, has, I muft own, a tolerable Afpedt ; but if thefe Critics had been a litde more minute in their Enqui- ries, they would foon have difcovered, that thefe Words have no Relation to any Part of the Anathema, but allude to a Paflage that im- mediately fucceeds it : Go, go, my People, " The poor old King, enfeebled by Age, and his Spirits (s) Spirits almofl: exhaufted by the Rage and Vio- lence of the preceding Paffion, in attempting to recover from the Pofture of Kneeling, flag- gers, and is ready to fall 5 at that Jundure, re- ceiving the Affiftance of his Attendants, it oc- curs to his Mind, that he is foon to be depri- ved of their Service, and they of his Protedlion, either of which Refledlions are fufficient to alter the Mode of the Mind, render the Tran- fition from Rage to Tendernefs natural, and account for the Faffage that has occafioned this Difpute. , ' This Queftion being (I flatter myftlf^ pretty well fettled, I am at Liberty to purfue the Defign of the prefent Treatife, which is to draw a Comparifon between, Antient and Mo- dern Gomedy, and determine to which the Preference is due : To this I {hall add fomc Obfervations on the Comic A