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II 1 Is 6d 121 Grant's Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery in 1800, I, and 2, to New South Wales. II Is 122 History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, and the neighbouring Islands. 2/ 2s 1?3 Griffith's (Dr.) Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia. II IQs h. J 4 HALL'S (('apt. Basil) Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo Choo Island. 2/ 2* 125 Hallam's View of the State of Europe, during the mid- dle ages, 2 vols. 31 Ss 126 Hamilton's Account of the Kingdom ofNepaul, and the Territories annexed to this Dominion, by the house of Gorkha. S/ Ss 127 Egyptinca, or some Account of the Antient and Modern State of Egypt in 1801 and 2, with etchings taken on the spot, by the late Charles Hayes. 1/8* Quarto.] TRAVELS, BIOGRAPHY, &c. 11 128 Hanway's (Jonas) Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea, with a Journal of Travels from England through Russia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany, and Holland, 2 vols. 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(Life and Reign of ) by Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury . 2/ 2* 136 Heraldic Miscellanies, consisting of the Lives of Sir William Dugdale and Gregory King, Esq. written by themselves, with an exact copy of the third part of " the Boke of Saint Albans," first printed in 1486. 15* 137 Heraldry and Chivalry, (Historical Anecdotes of) tend- ing to shew the origin of many English and Foreign Coats of Arms, Circumstances and Customs. 2/ 2* 138 Herbert's (Lord of Cherbury) Life, by himself. U ] s 139 Heriot's Travels through the Canadas. SI 3s 140 Heynes' Historical and Statistical Tracts on India. 21 2* 141 History of the Inquisitions, including the Secret Transactions of those Horrific Tribunals, with plates. 2/ J2* Gd 142 -Popery, with such alterations and addi- tions as may accommodate it to the present state of Popery in Great Britain, by several gentlemen, 2 vols. 1735, 2/2, 12 HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, [Quarto. 143 Hoare's (Sir R. C<) Tour through Elba. II Us 6d 144 ... Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily, tending to illustrate some Districts which have not been described by Mr. Eustace. 2J 2s 145 Hobhouse's (J. C.) Journey through Albania and other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia to Constan- tinople, in 1809 and 10. 515s 146 Holcroft's Travels from Hamburg, through Westphalia^ Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris, 2 vols. 61 6s 147 Holford's (Miss) Margaret of Anjou, a Poem. 2/ 2s 148 Holland's Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. in 1812 and 1813. */ 3s 149 Home's History of the Rebellion in the year 1745 2J 2s 150 Horneman's Travels from Cairo to Moorzouk, the ca- pital of the Kingdom of Fezzan in Africa. II Is 151 Hough's (Bishop) Life, by JohnWilmot, Esq. contain- ing many of his Letters, and Biographical Notices of several persons with whom he was connected. 2/ 2s 152 Howard (the Philantropist) on the State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 2/ 2s 153 Memoirs of his Public and Private Life, by J. B. Browne, Esq. 2/ 5s 154 Human Life, a Poem, by S. Rogers, Esq. 12s 155 Hutchinson's (Colonel, Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town) Life, by Mrs. Hutchinson. 2/ 2s 156 JACKSON'S (James Grey) Account of the Empire of Morocco, and the District of Suse, to which is added an accurate and interesting Account of Timbuctoo, the great emporium of central Africa, with plates.. 2/ 12s 6d 157 Jacob'g Travels in the South of Spain, in Letters, writ- ten in 1809 and 10. 3/3s 158 James the Second's (King of England) Life, collected out of memoirs writ of his own hand, together with the King's Advice to his Son, and His Majesty's Will, published from the original Stuart M.SJS. in Quarto.] TRAVELS, BIOGRAPHY, &c. 13 Carlton House, by the Rev. James Stanier Clarke, 2 vols. 61 6s 159 James's (I. T.) 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MTs : rr,:o7 ,.fr.J ; ii3'-. 14 HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, [Quarto. 172 Roster's Travels in the Brazils, from Pernambuca to Seara, with occasional excursions ; also a Voyage to Maranam. 2/ 12s Gd 173 Krusenstern's (Capt.) Voyage round the Wprld in 1803, 4, 5, and 6, by order of Alexander the Fjrst, tran- slated from the German by R. B. Hoppuer, Esq. 2 vols. 2/ 12* Vd 174LABILLARDIERE'S Voyage in Search of La Perouse, in 1791, 2, 3, and 4. 2/ 2s 175 LallaRookh, an oriental poetical romance, by T. Moore, Esq. 21 Ss 176 La Motte Voyage dans le nord del'Europe, consistant principalement de promenades en Norwege et de quelques courses en Suede, dans 1807, avec des planches. 2/2$ 177 Langsdorff's Voyages and Travels in various Parts of the World, in 1803, 4, 5,6, and 7, 2 vols. with numerous plates. 4/ 10? Vol. I. containing the Voyage to Brazil, the South Sea, Kamtschatka, and Japan. II. The Voyage to the Aleutian Islands, and North- West Coast of America, and return by land over the North-East Parts of Asia, through Siberia to Petersburgh. 178 Latrobe's Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 18 15. 2/2$ 179 Leake's (Martin) Researches in Greece, with remarks on the modern languages. SI 3s 180 Legh's Travels in Egypt. 11 Is 181 Leland's(Dr-) History of Ireland, from the Invasion of Henry II. 3 vols. 5/ 5* 182 Letter from Athens addressed to a Friend in England lib 183 Lettere Farnilan del Conte Migalotti, 3 torn. 2/ 2* 184 Lewis and Clarke's Travels to the Source of the Missouri River across the American Continent, to the Pacific Ocean, in the years 1804, 5, and 6. 2/ J2j 6rf Quarto.] TRAVELS, BIOGRAPHY, &c. 15 185 Lichtenstein's Travels in Southern Africa, in 1803, 4, 5, and 6, translated from the German, by Anne PI umpire, 2 vols. with numerous plates. 31 12*. 186 Light's Travels in Egypt, Nubia, and the Holy Land, in 1814. 2/2* 187 Lines written at Ampthill Park, in the autumn of 1818 5s Gd 188 Lisiansky's Voyage round the World, in 1803, 4, 5, and 6, performed by order of Alexander the First, in the ship Neva. 31 3s 189 Lockhart Papers, 2 vols. 51 5s 190 Lucretius, translated by Dr. Busby, 2 vols. 51 5s 191 Lyson's Environs of London, being an historical ac- count of the towns, villages, and hamlets, within twelve miles of that capital, with biogra- phical anecdotes, 4 vols. 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J 8 HISTORY, ANTIQUITIES, [Quarto; 225 More's (Sir Thomas) Memoirs, with a New Translation of his Utopia, by Cayley, 2 vols. 31 3s 226 Morier's Journeys through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, 1808 to 1816, including some Account of the Proceedings of his Majesty's Mis- sion under Sir Harford Jones, Bart, to the Court of Persia, with plates, 2 vols. 71 7s 227 Morland's (George, the painter) Life, with critical and descriptive observations on his works, by Hassel. U Is 228 Mudford's Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands in 1815, comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo, drawn up from the first authorities, and illustrated with plans, maps, and colored plates. 6/6* 2?9 Murphy's (Arthur, Esq.) Life, by Jesse Foot. 2/ 9s 230 History of the Mahommedan Empire in Spain. 1/15* 31 General View of the State of Portugal. ]/ 11* (> > 2/ 2s 257 Literary Life, by himself. M Is 258 History of Quadrupeds, 2 vols. 31 3s 259 Percival's (Capt. Robt.) 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STO. & 12m.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, fcc. 1480 Finch's Essays on Man, delineating his intellectual and moral qualities. 65 1481 Fitzosborne's Letters, by Melmoth. 85 1482 Flowers of Literature, or Characteristic Sketches of Human Nature and Modern Manners, for 1802> 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8 vols. 31 4* 1483 Fontenelle's Dialogues of the Dead. 4* 1484 Plurality of Worlds. 5s 1485 Fordyce's Addresses to Young Men, 2 vols. 7s 1486 - Sermons to Young Women, 2 vols. 7* 1487 Foster's Essays, in a Series of Letters to a Friend, 2 vols. 8* 1488 French Anas, 3 vols. 15* 1489 Frere on the Prophecies of Daniel. 9* 1490 Friend, a Series of Essays, by S. T. Coleridge. 18* 1491 GARDINER'S (Col.) Life by Dr. Doddridge. 5* 1492 Gener's Letters on Life and Manners, translated by Muckersy, 3 vols. 1/4* 1493 Genlis' Moral Tales. 4* 1494 Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, from January, 1783, to June, 1819, 73 vols. 39/16* Vol. I. Jan. to June, 1783. II. July - Dec. 1783. III. 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July - Dec. 1802. XLI. Jan. - June, 1 C 03. XLII. July - Dec. 1803. XLI 1 1. Jan. - June, 1804. XLIV. July - Dec. 180*. XLV. Jan. - June, 1805. XLVI. July - Dec. 1805. XLVI I. Jan. - June, 1806. XLVIIF. July - Dec 1806. XLX1X. Jan. - June, 1807. " . 8TO.&12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 149i Gentleman *s Magazine, continued. Vol. L. July to Dec. 1807. LL Jan. - June, 1808. LI I. July - Dec. 1808. LIU. Jan. - June, 1809. LIV. July - Dec. 1809. LV. Jan. - June, 1810. LVI. July - Dec. 1810. LVII. Jan. - June, 1811. LV11I. July - Dec. 18JI. LIX. Jan. - June, 1812. LX. July - Dec. 1812. LXI. Jan. - June, 1813. LXII. July - Dec. 1813. LXII1. Jan. - June, 1814. LX1V. July - Dec. 1814. LXV. Jan. - June, 1815. LXVI. July - Dec. 1815. LXV1I. Jan. - June, 1816. LXV11I. July - Dec. 1816. LXTX. Jan. - June, 1817. LXX. July - Dec. 1817. - LXX I. Jan. - June, 1818. LXXII. July - Dec. 1818. LXXIII. Jan. - June, 1819. 1495 Gessner's (Solomon) Works, translated from the Ger- man, 3 vols. 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Jan. - June, 1797 17& DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, 1615 Monthly Magazine, continued. Vol " . IV. July to Dec. 1797 V. Jan. - June, 1793 VI. July - Dec. 1798 VI F. Jan. - June, 1799 VII I. July - Dec. 1799 IX. Jan. - June, 1800 X. July - Dec. 1800 XL Jan. - June, 1801 XII. July - Dec. 1801 XIII. Jan. - June 1802 XIV. July - Dec. 1802 XV. Jan. - June, 1803 XVI. July - Dec. 1803 XVII. Jan. - June, 1804 XVIII. July - Dec. 1804 XIX. Jan. - June, 1805 XX. July - Dec. 1805 XXI. Jan. - June, 1806 XXII. July - Dec. 1806 XXIII.* Jan. - June, 1807 XXIV. July - Dec. 1807 XXV. Jan. - June, 1808 XXVI. July - Dec. 1808 XXVII. Jan. - June, 1809 XXVIII. July - Dec. 1809 XXIX. Jan. - June, 1810 XXX. July - Dec. 1810 XXXI. Jan. - June, 1811 XXXII. July - Dec. 1811 XXXIII. Jan. - June, 1812 XXXIV. July - Dec. 1812 - XXXV. Jan. - June, 1813 XXXVI. July - Dec. 1813 XXXVII Jan. - June, 1814 [STO. & 12mo. 8vo. & 12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, Ac. 177 1615 Monthly Magazine, continued. Vol. XXXVII [I.July to Dec. 1814 XXXIX. Jan. - June, 1815 XL. July - Dec- 1815 XLI. Jan. - June, 1816 XLII. July - Dec. 1816 XLIII. Jan.- June, 1817 - XLIV. July - Dec; 1817 XLV. Jan. - June, 1818 -. XLVT. July - Dec. 1818 XLVII. Jan. - June, 1819 XLVIII. July - Dec. 1819 1616 Monthly Review enlarged, from 1791 to 1819, 87 vols. 521 Us Vol. I. Jan. to April, 1791 II. May - Aug. 1791 ~ III. Sept. - Dec. 1791 - IV. Jan. - April, 1792 V. May - Aug. 1792 vr. Sept. - Dec. 1792 vrr. Jan. - April, 1793 .. VJII. May - Aug. 1793 IX. Sept. - Dec. 1793 Y cm,* Jan. - April, J794 XI. May - Aug. 1794 XII. Sept. - Dec. 1*94 XIII. Jan. - April, 1795 XIV. May - Aug. 1795 XV. Sept. - Dec. 1795 XVI. Jan. - April, me XVII. May - Aug. 1796 XVIII. Sept. - Dec. 1793 XIX. Jan. - April, 1797 XX. May - Aug. 1797 - XXI. Sept. - Dec. 1797 XXII. Jan. - April, 1798 X 178 IHVlWTf, BELLES LETTRES, [8ro. & ISrao. 1616 Monthly Review enlarged, Continued. Vol. XXIIL May to Aug. 1798 XXIV. Sept. - Dec. 1798 xXv. Jan. - April, l7 { J9 XXvr. May - Aug. 1799 XXVII. Sept. - Dec. 1799 XXVIII. Jan. - April, 1800 XXIX. May - Ang. 1800 - XXX. Sept. - Dec 1800 XXXI. Jan. - April, 1801 XXXI I. May - Aug. 1801 XXXIlf. ept. - Dec. 1801 Xxxiv. Jan. - April, 1802 XXXV. May - Aug. 1802 XXxvi. Sept. - Dec. 1802 XXX Vll. Jan. - April, 1803 XXXVHI. May - Aug. 1803 XXxix. Sept. - Dec. 1803 XL. Jan. - April, 1804 XLI. May - Aug. 1804 *V | T T -* ' * X A Sept. - Dec. 1804 XLIII. Jan. - April, 105 XLIV. May - Aug. Is05 XLV. Sept. w Dec. 1605 XLVI, Jan. - April, 1-806 XLV1I. May - Aug. 1806 X LVUH. Sept. ^ Dec. 4806 XL IX. Jan. ^ April, 1807 L. May > Aug. 1807 *LY. Sept. * Dec. 1807 LIT. Jan. * April, 1808 L\ll, May -- Aug. 1808 LIV. "Sept. -- Dec. ^08 LV. Jan. *> April, 1'809 LVI. May *'- Aug. -1S09 1VII. Sept. -- Dec. -1809 LV1II. Jan. - April, 1810 8ro. & 12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 179 16J.6 Monthly Magazine enlarged, continued. Vol . LXIX. May to Aug. 1810 LX. Sept. - Dec. 1810 LXI. Jan. - April, 1811 -*- LXII. May * Aug. 1811 LXIII. Sept. - Dec. 1811 LXIV. Jan. - April, 1812 LXV. May - Aug. 1812 LXVI. Sept. - Dec. 1812 LXVIL Jan. - April, 1813 LXVIII. May - Aug. 1813 LXIX. Sept. - Dec. 1813 LXX. Jan. - April, 1814 LXXI. May - Aug. 1814 LXXII. Sept. - Dec. 1814 LXXIII. Jan. - April, 1815 LXXI V. May - Aug. 1815 LXXV. Sept* - Dec, 1815 LXXVL Jan. - April, 1816 LXX VII. May - Aug. 1816 LXXV1I1. Sept. - Dec. 1816 LXXIX. Jan. - April, 1817 LXXX. May - Aug. 1817 LXXXI. Sept. - Dec. 1817 LXXXII. Jan. - April, 1818 LXXXJII. May - Aug. 1818 LXXXI V. Sept. - Dec. 1818 LXXXV. Jan. - April, 1819 LXXXVI. May * Aug. 1819 LXXXVII. Sept. - Dec. 1819 1617 Mooriana, or Selections from the Moral, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Works of the late Dr. John Moore, 2 vols. 10* 1618 Morality of Fiction, or an Inquiry into the tendency of Fictitious Narratives, by Murray. 5* N2 ISO DIVINITY', I3ELLES LETTRES, [8vo & 12mo. 1619 More Miseries, addressed to the Morbid, the Melan- choly, and the Irritable. 5s 1620 More's (Sir Thos.) 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Dr. Marsh's Let- ter to Gandolphy, on the Reformation lately conceded to the Church of Rome. Report of the Committee of Correspon- dence of the East India Company on the firo. &l?mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c* 185 1658 Pamphleteer, continued. Vol. II. Claims of the Out-Ports. Hints relative to the Question of Renewing the East In- dia Company's Charter. Second Report of the Committee of the Fish Association AnAddress to Parliament on the Claim of Authors to their own Copyright. 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Musgrave on the Balance of Power Wilberforce's Speech on the Clause in the East India Bill for promoting Re- ligious Instruction in India Strictures on the Right, Expedience, and Indis- criminate Denunciation of Capital Pu- nishment Two Letters on the Catholic Emancipation, by Conciliator Life of Henry Maseres de Latude The Origin, Object, and Operation of the Apprentice Laws Insurance against Robbery Philippart's Observations on the Bill rendering the Militia disposable for Fo- reign Service Lord Sheffield on the Trade in Wool and Woollens Elmes' Letter to Thomas Hope, Esq. on the cause of the Decline of Pure Taste in that Branch of the Fine Arts, Architec- ture Fearn's Review of first Principles of Bishop Berkely, Dr. Reid and Pro- fessor Stewart Narrative of the Cruci- fixion of Matthew Lovat, executed by his own hand at Venice, July, 1805 Eliot's Letter to Lord Liverpool, on the Political and Financial State of the Na- tion Observations on Medical Reform Chateaubriand on Buonaparte and the Bourbons An Appeal to the Legislature for the Repeal of the Act relating to the Marriage of the Royal Family Val- py's Sketch of a short Trip to Paris, 1788 Bishop Milner's Reflections on the Letters of Conciliator, 8?o.&12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 187 1568 Pamphleteer, continued. 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Benj. de Constant on the Liberty of the Press Sir H. Bate Dudley's Ad- dresses to the Lord Primate of Ireland respecting Tithes Report from the 190 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, [8vo, & 12mo. 1658 Pamphleteer, continued. Vol. VI. Committee of the House of Commons relating to Madhouses An abridged Statement of the leading Transactions of the British and Foreign Bible So- cietyBennett on the Commutation of Tithes A Letter to Dr. Marsh in con- futation of his Assertion Dr. Marsh's Answer to the preceding Kerrison's Observations on the Bill for better re- gulating the Medical Profession as far as regards Apothecaries Wardrop's History of James Mitchel, a Boy, born blind and Deaf American Encroach- ments on British Rights, by N. 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Letter to Earl Fitzwillianv-Beddoes on the Bill of Rights Young on the British ConstitutionRamsey on American Independence Thelwall on Parliamentary Reform Consi- derations on Bills against Treason Jeffery's Plan of Parliamentary Re- form TwoLetters from Earl Fitz- william to Earl Carlisle Thoughts on the English Government. 1660 Parke's Chemical Catechism, with Notes and Illustra- tions. 12s 1661 Pearson's Lectures on the subject of the Prophecies re- ^ lating to the Christian Church. 14s Pascal's Thoughts on Religion, and other Subjects. 7s 8vo.&12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c- 2O3 1663 Pearson's Remarks on the Controversy between the Armenian and Calvinistic Ministers of the Church of England. 10s 6d J664 Penn's (Granville, Esq.) 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Miscellaneous Pieces. 1668 Philosophy of Nature, by the Author of Amusements in Retirement, 2 vols. 18s 1669 Pic Nic, 2 vols. 16* 1670 Piozzi's (Mrs.) British Synonomy, or an Attempt to regulate the choice of Words in Familiar Conversa- tion, 2 vols. 16 1671 Pleasures of Human Life, in a dozen Dissertations on Blale, Female, and Neuter Pleasures. 8* 1672 Pliny's Letters, by Melmoth, 2 vols. 18s 1673 Polyanthea, or a Collection of Interesting Fragments in Prose and Verse, 2 vols. 18s 1674 Pope's Letters from 1705 to 1735. 5s 1675 Works (Supplementary) containing some Pieces of Poetry, and a Collection of Letters, now first published. 16s 1676 Porteus's (Bishop) Sermons, 2 vols. 18s 1677 Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 2vols. 18s 16/8 Summary of the Principal Evidences of the Christian Revelation. 5s 16/9 Beneficial Effects of Christianity. 5s 204 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTllES, [8vo. & 12mo. 1680 Porteus's Tracts, on various Subjects. 9s 1681 Portfolio, containing Essays, Letters, and Narratives, 2 vols. 14* 1682 Pratt's Gleanings in England, 2 vols. II 1683 , -^ in Wales, Holland, and Westphalia, 3 vols. llllsOd 1.684 Harvest Home, consisting of Supplementary Gleanings, Original Dramas, and Poems, 3 vols. II \ls6d 1685 Pretyman's Elements of Christian Theology, 2 v. II Is 16S6 Price's Essays on the Picturesque. 9s 1687 Private Education, or a practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies, by Miss Appleton. 7s Gd 1688 Progress of the Pilgrim Good Intent, in Jacobinical Times. 5s 1689 Pulpit, or a Biographical and Literary Account of Eminent Popular Preachers, by Onesimus, 3 vols. 1/10* 1690 QUARTERLY RE VI EW, from 1809 to 1819,22vol, Vol. I. 1809, Part 1, II. 1809, 2 III. 1810, 1 IV. 1810, 2. V. 1811, i VI. 1811, 2. VII. 1812, I. VIII. 1812, g^ IX. 1813, j_ X. 1813, ?. - XI. 1814, 1. XII. 1814, 2. T~ XIII. 1815, 1. XIV. 1815, g ( 8ro. & 12tno.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, Ac. 203 1 690 Quarterly Review, continued. Vol. XV. 1816, Part 1. XVI. 1816, 2. XVII. 1817, 1. XVIII. 1817, 2. XIX. 1818, 1. XX. 1818, 2. XXI. 1819, I. XXII. 1819, 2. 1691 Quevedo's (Don Francisco de) Works, translated front the Spanish, 3 vols. II Ijf Vol. I. Author's LifeVisions. II. Night Adventurer Paul the Spanish Sharper. III. Spanish Sharper, continued Treatise of all Things, past, present, and to come. 1692 RABELAIS' (Francis) Works, 4 vols. II 1693 Rabener's Satirical Letters, translated from the Ger- man, 2 vols. 10s 1694 Rambler, by Johnson, 4 vols. 10* 1695 Reflector (The) 2 vols. 12* 1696 Reformer, comprising twenty-two ^Essays on Religion and Morality. 8* 1697 Reid on the Powers of the Human Mind, 3 v. I/ 11s 6d 1698 Religion and Policy, by the Earl of Clarendon, 2 v. 116s 1699 Repton's (Humphry) Odd Whims and Miscellanies, 2 vols. 1700 Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Works, 3 vols. 1701 Richardson's (Samuel) Life and Correspondence, by Mrs. Barbauld, 6 vols. 2/ 2s 1702 Robinson's Scripture Characters, or a practical Im- provement of the principal Histories in the Old and Netv Testament, 4 vols. 1/8* 1703 Roche's Inquiry concerning the Author of the Letters of Junius. 9s 206 DTVfNITY, BELLES LKTTRES, [8ro. $ Hmo. 1704 Rochefoucault's Maxims and Moral Reflections. 3s 1705 Roll in's Method of teaching and studying the Belles Lettres, 4 vols. II Is Vol. I. Of the understanding Languages Poetry. II. Of Rhetoric, Composition, Thoughts, Passions, &c. III. Of History, sacred and profane, &c. IV. Of profane History, Antiquities, Philoso- phy, &c. 1706 Rousseau's Confessions, with the Reveries of a Solitary Walker, 5 vols. II Ws 1707 Original Correspondence, with Madame Franqueville, et M. de Peyrou, 2 vols. 16* ] 708 Letters on the Writings and Character of, by the Baroness de Stael. 5s 1709 Letters on the Elements of Botany. 12s 1710 Rowe's Works, 4 vols. 1/1, 1711 Rumford's (Count) Essays. 10* Gd 1712 Ruminator, containing a series of moral, critical, and sentimental Essays, by Sir Egerton Brydges,2 v. 18s 1713 Rundell's (Mrs.) Letters addressed to two absent Daughters. 7* 1714 SAINT JOHN'S Practical Sermons on several im- portant Subjects, for the use of families, 2 vols. 17s 1715 Saint Pierre's Studies of Nature, translated from the French, by Shoberl, 4 vols. 2/ 2* 1716 Harmonies of Nature, 3 vols. 11 16s 1717 Salmagundi, or the Whim Whams and Opinions of Lancelot Langstaff, Esq. 2 vols. 12s 1718 Sancho's (Ignatius) Letters, with Memoirs of his Life, by J. Jekyll, Esq. 8s 1719 Sauntcrer, a periodical Paper, 2 vols. 8* 1 720 Savillc's Discourses on the peculiar Doctrines of Reve- lation. 10s Gd 8ro.&12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 1721 Schlegel's Lectures on the History of Literature, an- cient and modern, 2 vols. II ]s 1722 School for good Living, or a literary and historical Es- say on the European Kitchen, beginning with Cad- mus the Cook and King, and ending with the Union of Cookery and Chemistry. 6* 1723 Scott's (Thomas) Remarks on Tomline's Refutation of Calvinism. 12$ 1724 Seeker, (Archbishop) Review of his Life and Character, by Porteus. - -~ 7* 1725 's(Dr.) Family Sermons, a Selection of Dis- courses for eveiy Sunday in the Year, 2 vols. II Is 1726 Selection of curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, 4 vols. 2/ 12s 6d 1727 Selections from the most celebrated Foreign Journals, 2 vols. \6s 1728 from the Spectator, Taller, Guardian, and Freeholder, by Mrs. Barbauld, 3 vols. 18s 1729 Seneca's Morals, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. 12s SERMONS Alison's, 2 vols. ( 1290) II 4* Blair's, 5 vols. (1328) II 15* Bawdier 1 s on Doctrines and Duties, (1333) 6s __ on the Character of Christ, (1334) 14* Buchanan's. (1351) Ws 6d Carr's, 2 vols. (1S67) 7* Chalmers'. (1366) 12* Cooper's on the leading Doctrines of the Gospel. (1401) Ws6d designed for Parochial and Domestic Instruction^ 2vol. (1402) U f Fordyce's to Young Men, 2 vols. (1185) 208 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, [8vo.&12m. SERMONS Fordyce's to Young Women, 2 vols, (1486) 7* M Gisborne's, 2 vols. ( 1504 ) II Is on Christian Morality, (1506) 9s If aggies, to Country Congregations, 2 vols. (1517) 14s . Horsley*s, 3 vol. ( 1540 ) 1/7* ' on our Lord's Resurrection, (1544) 9* Lamont's 3 vols. (1574) II 4* Layarffs. (1577) 10* Logan's 2 vols. (1591) 14* Mant's (Academical) (1603) 10* 6d Maturings. (1606) 12* Milner's 2 vols. (1609) II 4* Paley's. ( 1655 ) 10*6rf Porteus's) 2 vols. (1676) 18* St. John's (Practical) 2 vols. (1714) 17* Seeker's (Family) 2 vols. (1725) II 1* Sherlock's 2 vols. (1740) 1/1* Smith's (Rev, Sidney) 2 vols. (1746) 18* " Toy/or'* (Dn) 2 vols (1773) 14* TillotsorCs 13 vols. (1779) 2/12*6d Va Ipy's , 2 vols. ( 1 788) 1 8* Van Mildcrt's) 2 vols, (1789) I/ I* Venn's, 3 vols. (1793) I/ 1 1* 6d < Wellwood's, (Sir H. M.) (1876) 8* 6d > Wesley's. (1818) 9* Zollikoffer's, on the Dignity of Man, (1835) 2 vols. I/ I* on Education, &c. 2 v.(I8S6) 1/4* on the Fasts and Festivals of the Church, 2 vols. (1837) 1/4* 8vo. & 12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 209 1730 Sevigne's (Madame Be) Letters to her Daughter, the Countess de Grignon, 7 vols. \l \$ s 1731 Seward's (Anna) Letters, written between 1781 and 1807, 6 vols. 31 3 S 1732 Shaftesbury'g Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opi- nions, and Times, with a Collection of Letters, 3 v. 12* 1733 Shepherd, Joyce, and Carpenter, on Systematic Edu- cation, 2 vols. I/ 11s 6d 1734 Sheridan's (Richard Brinsley) Speeches, 5 vols. 31 1735 - Lectures on the Art of Reading. 10$ 6d 1736 Sherlock's Discourse on Divine Providence. 5s 1737 Discourses preached at the Temple Church, 3 vols. ]/ 1* 1738 Practical Discourse concerning a future Judgment. 6* Practical Discourse concerning Death. 5* Sermons on several Occasions, 2 vols. II Is 1741 Siddons's (Henry) practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action. 11 Is 1742 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Aphorisms, by Miss Porter, 2 vols. 12s 1743 Sinclair's (Sir John) Code of Health and Longevity, 4 vols. 2/8, 1744 Sketch of the New Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain and Nervous System, by Drs. Gall and Spurz- heim, by Foster. 12* 1745 Sketches of Truth, Moral and Religious, 2 vols. 10s 1746 Smith's (Rev. Sidney) Sermons, 2 vols. 18s 1747 (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments, 2 vols. II Is 1748 Letters to unmarried Ladies, 2 vols. Ss 1749 Smollett's (Tobias) Miscellaneous Works, by Ander- son, 6 vols. 2/I2.?6rf Vol. I. Life Roderick Random. 210 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, [8vo. & 12mo. 1749 Smollett's Works, continued.- Vol. II. Peregrine Pickle. .[ III. Peregrine Pickle continued. IV. Count Fathom. V. Sir Launcelot Greaves Travels in France and Italy. VI. Humphrey Clinker Adventures of an Atom. 1750 Spectacle de la Nature; or Nature delineated, 4 vols. Itti 1751 Spectator, 8 vols. 1/7* SPEECHES Burke's in the House of Commons, and in Westminster Hall, & vols. ( 516 ) 2/ Currants, on State Trials. (1413) 13* Er shine's at the Bar, 4 vols. ( 641 ) 3/3* Fox's in the House of Commons, 6 vols. ( 669 ) 4/ 4* PitCs ditto, 4 vols. (1011) 2/ 2* Sheridan's ditto, 5 vols. (1734) 3/ Windham's ditto, 3 vols. (1264) 1116s ' (a Selection of the most admired) by Browne, 3 vols. (1343) II 1 1* 6d -i~'>"" '"' 1MU5 f:'ii_/ .'nfl ycj . 'ij;>j <'-'*! r,mi, >/''. '; ( '.:''.'.' 1752 Spirit of the Public Journals, 18 vols. 6/6* Vol. I. For the Year 1797 II. 1798 III. 1799 IV. 1800 V. 1801 VI // J802 VII. 1803 VIII. 1804 IX. 1805 Svo. & Hmo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 211 1752 Spirit of the Public Journals, continued. Vol. X. For the Year 1806 XL 1807 XII. 1808 XIII. 1809 XIV. 1810 XV. 1811 XVI. 1812 XVII. 1813 XVIII. 1814 1753 Stack's Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. 7* 1754 Stael's (Madame de) Reflections on Suicide. 5s 1755 on the Influence of the Passions, upon the Happiness of Individuals and of Nations. \Qs6d 1756 on the Influence of Literature upon Society, with a Memoir of her Life and Writings, 2 v. 14s 1757 Steele's (Sir Richard) Epistolary Correspondence. 14s 1758 Sterne's (Laurence) Works, 7 vols. I/ 10* Vol. I. Memoirs of Sterne, Tristram Shandy. II. Tristram Shandy continued. HI. IV. Sentimental Journey. V. Sermons. VI. Sermons continued. VII. Letters. 1759 Stevens's (Geo. Alex.) Lecture on Heads, as delivered by Mr. Charles Lee Lewes. 5s 1760 Stewart's (Dugald) Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 2 vols. II 4s 1761 Stillingfleet's Literary Life, and select Works, by Coxe, 3 vols. 2/ 2s 1762 Stockdale's (Percival) Lectures on the truly eminent English Poets, 2 vols. II 4s 1763 Sturm's Reflections for every Day in the Year, on the Works of God in the Creation, 3 v. 15s p2 212 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, [8vo. * I2mo. 1764 Submission exemplified, or the Amiable Stranger. 7s 1765 Sullivan's View of Nature, in Letters to a Traveller among the Alps, with Reflections on Atheistical Philosophy, 6 vols. 31 3s 1766 Swift's (Dr. Jonathan) Works, 24 vols. 8/ 8s* Vol. I. Swift's Life. II. Private Memoirs of Swift. Discourse of the Contests and Dissensions between the Nobles and Commons in Athens and Rome, &c. III. Tale of a Tub. History of Merlin. Battle of the Books, &c. IV. The Sacramental Test. Merlin's Prophecy. ~Advancement of Religion. New Way of selling Places at Court, &c. '^ 'i V. Examiner. Conduct of the Allies, &c. VI. Letter to the Bishop of St. Asaph - Public Spirit of the Whigs, &c. VII. Account of the Court and Empire of Japan. Character of Herodotus, &c VIII. Essay on Modern Education. A d- Tice to a young Poet. Tatler. Intel- ligencer, &c. IX. Voyage to Lilliput Voyage to Brob- dingnag, &c. X. Poems, Ballade, and Riddles. XI. Ditto. XII. Letter* Swearer's Bank Story of an injured Lady, and an Answer to it, &c. XIII. Modest Proposal to the Public. Answer to the Craftman Badges for Beggars, &c. XIV. Sermons Memoirs of Capt. Creigh- ton, &c. TO.&12mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &. 213 1766 Swift's Works, continued. Vol. XV. Dean Swift's Correspondence. XVI. Ditto, XVII. Ditto, XVIII. Ditto. XIX. Ditto. XX. Ditto. XXI. Journal to Stella. XXIL Ditto and Dialogues. XXII L History of John Bull Art of Politi- cal Lying- Thoughts on various Subjects, &c. XXIV. Art of Punning Remarks on Dr. Gibb'a Psalms Index. 7 Swiftiana, a Collection of Anecdotes relating to Dr. Swift, 2 vols. 12* 1768 TABLET of Memory, shewing every remarkable event in History, from the earliest period. 6s 1709 Talbot's (Mrs. Catharine) Works, by the Rev. Mon- tagu Pennington. IQs 6d 1770 (Miss Catharine) Essays. 5* 1771 Taplin's Sporting and Rural Repository of general Information, appertaining to tire Sports of the Field, 5 vols. 18* 1772 Tatler, by Steele, &c. 4 vols. 16* 1773 Taylor's (Dr. John) Sermons on different Subjects, 2 vols. ; - 14s 1774 (Jeremy) Life, by Bonny. ls 1775 Theory of Dreams, or an Inquiry into the Power and Faculties of the Human Mind, % vols. 8* 1776 Thomas's Modem Practice of Physic, 2 vob. II Is 1777 Essay on the Character, Manners, and Un- derstanding of Women, translated from the French. 5s 1778 Thoughts on Affectation. 6* 214 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES, [8vo.&.12oo. 1779 Tillotson's (Archbishop) Sermons, 13 vols. %l 12* M 1780 Tpmline's (Bishop) Refutation of Calvinism. 12* 1781 Tooke's Pantheon, or History of the Heathen Gods. 4y 1782 Tourifications of Malachi Meldrum, Esq. of Mel- drum Hall, by D. Coufe, 2 vols. 10s 1783 Trimmer (Mrs.) Economy of Charity, or an Address to Ladies, adapted to the present State of Charitable Institutions in England, 2 v. 12* 1784 Account of her Life and Writings, with iioM - original Letters, Meditations and Prayers, selected from her Journal, 2 vols. II 4s 1785 Turkish Spy, (Letters written by a) who lived forty years undiscovered at Paris, 9 vols. \l 7s 1786 Twiss's Miscellanies, 2 vols. 16s 1787 URQUHART'S (Rev. D.H.) Commentaries on Clas- sical Learning. 10s 6d 1788 Valpy's (Dr.) Sermons, preached on public Occasions, 2 vols. 18s 1789 Van Mildert's (Rev. W.) Sermons, 2 vols. Ills 1790 .Varieties of Literature, from foreign Literary Jour- nals, 2 vols. II Is 1791 Velvet Cushion, by Cunningham 5* 1792 new Covering to. 5s 6d 1793 Venn's Sermons, 3 vols. 1/lls Qd 1794 Verulamiana, or Opinions on Men, Manners, Litera- ture, Politics, and Theology, by Lord Bacon. 7s 1795 Visconti on the Elgin Marbles 12s 1796 Voltaire's Treatise on Toleration 7s 1797 Philosophical, Literary, . and Historical Miscellanies 7s 1798 Works, translated from the French, 36v. 71 7s | I Vol. I. Of China, Persia, Italy, Charle- magne, &c. II. Of Henry IV. The Crusades 8vo.& 12aio.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, &c. 215 1798 Voltaire's Works, continued. Philip the Fair State of Europe, &c. Vol. III. Of Charles VII.-Lewis XL-Spain Lewis XII., &c. IV. Troubles in Germany Of Luther and Zuinglius Religion o fEng- land, &c. V. Massacre of St. Bartholomew Henry IV. Reign of Lewis X11I. Germany, &c. VI. Of Pope Sixtus V. Holland Russia Japan Age of Lewis XIV. - VII. Age of Lewis XIV. VIII. Anecdotes of the Reign of Lewis XIV. IX. Of Calvinism Quietism French Writers. X. History of Charles XII. XL History of Charles XII. -^ XII. Of the Jews Of Dioclesian Ju- lian Dante The Alcoran Fu- neral Eulogium, &c. Mil Memnon, or Human Wisdom Of Suicide History of the Quakers On Toleration On Fanaticism, &c. XIV. History of the War of 1741. XV. Charlemagne Charles the Bald- Charles III. Henry the Fowler, &c. XVI. Frederick II. Lewis V. Wen- ceslaus Maximilian, &c. XVII. Charles V.Rodolphus II. Fer- dinand 1 1. Of Germany. On Wit, &cv 216 DIVINITY, BELLES LETT11ES, [8f, & 1798 Voltaire's WorkB, continued. Vol. xvm. XIX. u Remarks on Pascal's Thoughts Elements of Newton's Philosophy. XX. XXI. XXlf. xxnr. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. Additions to General History. Ditto ditto. Treatise upon Toleration. XXV. Tales of William Vade. Princess of Babylon Man worth forty Crowns. XX V1L CEdipus Mariamne Brutus XXVIII. Semiramis-Julius Caesar Amelia, or the Duke of Fort. XXIX. Orestes Prodigal Letters. XXX. Merope Nanine The Babbler. XXXI. Zara The Prude---Pandora. XXXII. Mahomet Socrates Alzira. XXXIII. Catiline Cofiee-House, or 'tlie Scotchwoman Orphan of China. 'iitfu XXXIV. Poetical Pieces. it5 l- XXXV Olympia--*Poetical Epistles. XXXVI. Henriade. 17U9 Voltairiana; a Collection of Anecdotes relating to Voltaire, by Mary Julia Young, 4 vols. \l Is 1800 WALKER on Elocution 10s 6d 1801 's Essays on various Subjects, 2 Vols. ]/ 1* J802 Walpole'ft Dissertation on Parties 10* 6d 1803 Walpoliana, a Collection of Anecdotes relating to the Hon. Horace Warpole, 2 vols. 1 2s 1804 Wanderer, a Collection of Essays, by Charles Fother- gin,2vol B . 12* 1805 Wanley's Wonders of the "Little World, or a Gene- ral History of Man, 2 vols'. II 4* 8fo,*13mo.] CRITICISM, PHfLOSOPHY, &c. 1806 Warburton's (Bishop) Principles of Natural and Re- vealed Religion, 2 vols. \l \s 1807 . Correspondence with Bishop Hurd. 12* 1808 Works, by Hurd, 12 vols. 61 6s Vol. I. Life of the Author Divine Legation of Moses. II. Divine Legation of Moses. III. Ditto ditto. IV. Ditto ditto. V. Ditto ditto. VI. Ditto ditto. VII. Alliance between Church and State. VIII. Julian's Attempt to rebuild the Temple Doctrine of Grace. IX. Sermons on the Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. X; Sermons and Discourses on various Sub- jects and Occasions. XI. Controversial Facts. XII. Remarks on several Reflections View of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy Re- marks on Neal's History of the Puritans, and Letters. 1809 Warburton's (Bishop) Letters to Bishop Hurd 15s 1810 Warton*s Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, 2 vols. J/ 1* 1811 Watson's (Bishop) Chemical Essays, 5 vols. II Is 1812 ' Apology for Christianity, in a Series of Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq. 3s 6d 1813 Apology for the Bible. 5* 1814 Watts (Dr.) on the Improvement of the Mind. 10s 6d 1815 's Logic, or the Right Use of Reason. 10s 6d 1816 Welwood's (Sir Henry Moncrief) Sermon*. S* 6d 18 IT Wesley's (John) Life, by Whitehead, 2 vols. II Is 1818 Sermons. 9s 218 DIVINITY, BELLES LETTRES. [8vo. & 12*10. 1819 West's (Mrs.) Letters to a Young Man on his first Entrance into Life, 3 vols. Ills 1820 Letters to a Young Lady, in which the Duties and Character of Women are considered, 3 vols. Ills 1821 Scriptural Essays, 2 vols. 12s 1822 White's (Rev. Gilbert) Natural History of Selborne, 2 vols. 16* 1823 Whiston's Josephus, 6 vols. ,,ntfj 11 10s 1824 Wilberforce (W. Esq.) on Christianity. 7s 1825 Wilkes' (John) Correspondence with his Friends, to which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life, by Almon, 5 vols. lllOs 1826 Williams (John Esq.) on the Climate of Great Britain. Ws6d 1827 Willich's Lectures on Diet and Regimen. 10* 6d 1828 Wilson (Bishop) on the Sacrament. 5s 1829 Wonderful Magazine and Marvellous Chronicle, 5 vols. 2/25 1830 Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Biography, or Lives of , - ..Eminent Men, connected with the History of Reli- gion in England, 6 vols. 31 15s 1S31 World, by Adam Fitz-Adam, 4 vols. \6s Vol. I. History of Gonzales de Castro Story of Mr. Wilson, &c. II. On Uncharitableness to the Failings of the Fair Sex, &c. III. Custom of Painting among the Ladies. IV. Causes of the Degeneracy of Servants On Passion, &c. 1832 World without Souls, by the Rev. J. W. Cunningham. 7s 1833 ZIMMERMAN'S Reflections on Men and Things. 6* 1834 on Solitude, with respect to its dangerous Influence on the Mind and Heart, 2 vols. 12* 8vo. l2mo.] CRITICISM, PHILOSOPHY, Ac. 219 1835 Zollikoffer's Sermons on the Dignity of Man, trans- lated from the German, by the Rev. W. Tooke, 2 vols. I/ |$ 1836 Sermons on Education, on Charity, and various other Topics, by the Rev. W. Tooke, 2 vols. 1/4 s 1837 Sermons on the Great Festivals and Fasts of the Church, 2 vols. II 4s POETRY, CLASSICS, THE DRAMA, &c. Octavo and Duodecimo. 1838 ACCEPTED Addresses, or Premium Poetarum, to which are added Macbeth travestie, in Three Acts, and Miscellanies by different hands. 5s 1839 JEschylus' Tragedies, translated from the Greek, by Potter, 2 vols. II Is 1840 Akenside's Pleasures of Imagination. 7s 1841 Alfieri's Tragedies, translated from the Italian, by Lloyd, Svols. 1/16* Vol. I. Philip, Polinices, Antigone, Virginia, Agamemnon, Orestes. II. Rosmunda, Octairo, Timoleon, Merope, Mary Stuart, the Conspiracy of Pazzi. III. Don Garcia, Saul, Agis, Sophonisba, the First Brutus, Myrrha, the Second Brutus, 1842 All the Talents, a Satirical Poem. 3s 1843 Angela, or the Moas-Grown Cell, a poem, by John Henry Church. 5s 1844 Anstey's New Bath Guide, or Memoirs of the B n d Family, in a Series of Poetical Epistles. 7s 1845 Pleader's Guide, a Poem. 65 6d 1846 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, translated from the Italian by Hoole, 5 vols. II IGs 1847 Aristophanes' Comedies, viz. the Clouds, Plutus, the Frogs and the Birds, with Notes. 12s 1818 Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry, translated by Twining 2 vols. 11 Is 1849 Armstrong's Art of preserving Health. 7s 1850 BAILIE'S (Miss Joanna) Series of Plays, to illustrate the Passions, 3 vols. II 4s 8vo. &12mo.] THE DRAMA, Sec. 1831 Bannochbum, a Poem. 6s 1852 Battle of Talavera, a Poem. 5* 1853 Beatie's Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius, with other Poems. 6s 1854 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, 10 vote. 6/ 6* Vol. I. Prefaces, Maid's Tragedy, Philaster, King and no King, Scornful Lady. II. Custom of the Country, Elder Brother, Spanish Curate, Wit without Money, Beggars' Bush. III. Humourous Lieutenant, Faithful Shep- herdess, Mad Lover, Loyal Subject, Rule a Wife and have a Wife. IV. Laws of Candy, the False One, the Little French Lawyer, Tragedy of Va- lentinian, Monsieur Thomas. V. The Chances, Tragedy of Rollo Duke of Normandy, Wild-goose Chase, Wife for a Month, Lover's Progress, Pilgrim. VI. Captain, Prophetess, Queen of Corinth, Tragedy of Bonduca, Knight of the Burning Pestle. VII. Love's Pilgrimage, Double Marriage, Maid in the Mill, Knight of Malta, Love's Cure, or the Martial Maid. VIII. Women Pleased, Night Walker, or the Little Thief, Island Princess, Wo- man's Prize, Noble Gentleman IX. Coronation, Sea Voyage, Coxcomb, Wit at several Weapons, Fair Maid of the Inn, Cupids' Revenge. X. Two Noble Kinsmen, Tragedy of Thierry and Theodoret, Woman Hater, Nice Valour, or the Passionate Mad- man, Honest Man's Fortune, Masque, Four Plays, or Moral Representations, in one. 222 POETRY, CLASSICS. [8vo. & 12mo. 1855 Beauties of Pope, containing useful and entertaining Passages from his Works, 2 vols. 7* 1856 Shakespeare, selected from his Works. 3s 6d 1857 Bidlake's Year, a Poem. 10* 6d 1858 Bingham's Pains of Memory, a Poem. 5s 6d 1859 Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Play- house, originally compiled by Baker ; continued by Isaac Reed to 1782, and brought down to the end of November, 1811, by Stephen Jones, 4 vols. 21 8s 1860 Blackett's Remains, 2 vols. II 1861 Blair's Poetical Works, containing the Grave, &c. 6* 1862 Eland's (Rev. Robert) Four Slaves of Cythera a Poe- tical Romance. 9* 1863 Collections from the Greek Anthology, and from the Pastoral, Elegiac, and Dramatic Poets of Greece. 18s 1864 Edwy and Elgiva, and Sir Everard. 7s 1865 Bloomfield's (Robert) Farmer's Boy. 7s 1866 Wild Flowers, or Pastoral and Local Poetiy. 7s 1867 Rural Tales. 7s 1868 Banks of the Wye, a Poem. 5s 1869 Bouquet, a Selection of Poems from the most cele- brated Authors, 2 vols. 12.? 1870 Bowdler's (Miss) Poems and Essays, 2 vols. 10s 187 j (John, Jun.) Select Pieces in Verse and Prose, 2 vols. 18s 1872 Bowie's (Rev. W. L.) Sonnets and other Poems, 4 v. II 14s 1873 Missionary, a Poem. 7s 1874 Bradstreet's Sabine Farm, a Poem, chiefly descriptive of the Villa, and Life qf Horace, with Plates. 16s 1875 Bridal of Triermain, or the Vale of St. John, a Poem, by Walter Scott. 7s 6d 8vo. & 12mo.J THE DRAMA, &c. 223 1876 British Poets, 124 vols. bound in 61. 12/ 8s Vols. I. to VIII. XIII. VII. XII. Chaucer. Spencer. Waller. XIV. XV. Milton. XVI. XVII. Butler. XVIII. XX. XXV. XXVI. XIX. XXIV. XXVII. Cowley. Dryden. King- Prior. XXVIII. Pom fret. XXIX. XXX. Swift. XXXI. Addison . xxxii. $;!. XXXIII. Rowe. XXXIV. - XXXV. Watts. XXXVI. Parnell. XXXVII. Garth. XXXVIII. Somerville. XXXIX. - XLV. XLVI I. XLIV. XLVI. Pope. Gay. Broome. XLVIII. - XLIX. Young. L. - LI. LII. - LIII. LIV. LVI. LVU. LIX. LX. LXI. 1877 British Theatre, 18 vols. Vol. I. Savage. Thomson . Dyer. Hammond. - LV. Shenstone. Akenside. - LVIII. Churchill. Falconer. Armstrong. Sir W. Jones. 4/ 10.9 Love for Love, Love Makes a Man, Busy Body, Orphan. 224 POETIIY, CLASSICS. [8?o. & I2mo. 1877 British Theatre, continued. IF. Albion Queens, Cato, Country Girl, Chances. Til. Every Man in his Humour, Philaster, Careless Husband, Provoked Hus- band. IV. Boadicia, Oronooko. Bold Stroke for a Wife, Lady Jane Gray. V. Minor, Earl Warwickj Natural Son, Roman Father. VI. Amphitryon, Foundling, Good Na- tared Man, the Brothers. VII. Drummer, Clandestine Marriage, School for Wives, Fashionable Lover. VIII. Jealous Wife, Refusal, She Would and She Would not, Double Gallant. IX. Isabella, Funeral, Fatal Curiosity, Henry the Second. X. Provoked Wife, All for Love, Elfrida, All in the Wrong. XI. False Delicacy, Theodosius, Gentle Shepherd-. XII. Word to the Wise, Tancred Sigis- munda, School for Lovers. - XIII. King Charles the First, Choleric Man, Countess of Salisbury. XIV. Battle of Hastings, Country Lasses. Rival Queens. XV. Critic, r /ara, Mourning Bride, Cym- beline, Merchant of Venice, Gamester. Careless Husband. XVI. Cleone, Discovery, Medea, Ximenn. XVII. Oedipus, Lady's last Stake. X VIII. Suspicious Husband, Carmelite, She Stoops to Conquer, Alzira. Sro. & 12mo.] THE DRAMA, &c. 225 1878 Brooke's (Henry) Poetical Works, 4 vols. II 12* Vol. I. Life, Jack the Giant Queller, Contending Brothers, Female Officer, Marriage Con- tract, Ruth, an Oratorio, &c. II. Universal Beauty, Tasso's Jerusalem, Constantia. III. Impostor, Earl of Westmoreland, Cymbe- line, Montezuma. IV. Fables, Last Speech of John Good, Gus- tavus Vasa, Earl of Essex, Conrade, a Fragment. 1879 Burgoyne's (Lieut. Gen.) Dramatic and Poetical Works. Q vols. 16 s Vol. I. Life of the Author, Maid of the Oaks, Lord of the Manor. II. Heiress, Richard Cceur de Lioh, Poems, &c. 1880 Burgoyne's Three Plays, by Wm. Hayley, Esq. 12* J881 Burn's (Robert) Poetical Works, with Life by Dr. Currie, 4 vols. 2/ 1882 Reliques, consisting chiefly of original Let- ters, Poems, &c. by Cromek. 10s 6d 1883 Busk's (Hans) Vestriad, a Poem. 12s 1884 Butler's Hudibras. 3s Gd 1S85 Byron's (Lord) Works j T vols. 2/ 9* Vol. I. Childe Harolde, Cantos 1 and 2. II. The Giaour, the Bride of Abydos. III. The Corsair, Lara. IV. Prisoner of Chillon, Manfred, Lament of Tasso, Minor Poems. V. Siege of Corinth, Parisina, Poems. VI. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, Poems, Hebrew Melodies. VII. Childe Harold, Cantos iii. and iv. 1886 Byron's (Lord) Beppo Ss Gd 1887 Prisoner of Chillon. 5s 6d I8S8 - Siege of Corinth, and Parisina. 5s Gd Q 226 POETRY, CLASSICS, [8vo. & 12mo. 1889 Byron's (Lord) Hebrew Melodies. 5s 6d 1890 Giaour. 5s 6d 1891 Bride of Abydos. 5s 6d 1892 Corsair. 5s 6d 189S Childe Harold, Cantos, i. ii. iii. iv. I/ 9s 6d 1894 Childe Harold, Cantos iii. and iv. 17s 6d 1895 Manfred. 5* 6d 1896 Mazeppa. 5s 6d 1897 CAMPBELL'S (Thomas) Specimens of the British Poets, with Biographical and Critical Notices, 7 vols. 3l\3s6d Vol. I. Essay on English Poetry. II. Chaucer to Beaumont. III. Dray ton to Phillips. IV. Shirley to Prior. V. Sewill to Carey. VI . Churchill to Johnson. VII. Whitehead to Anstey. 1898 Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems. 8s 1899 Pleasures of Hope. 7s 1900 Camoens' (Luis de)Lusiad,or the Discovery of India, an Epic Poem, translated from the Portu- guese, by Mickle, 2 vols. 18s 1901 Poems, with Remarksonhis Life and Writ- ings, by Lord Strangford. 7$ 1902 Carlisle's (Earl of) Tragedies and Poems. 7s 6d 1903 Carr's (Sir John) Poems. 10$ 6d 1904 Carter's (Mrs.) Poems. 5s 1905 Carysfort's (Earl of) Dramatic and Narrative Poems, 2 vols. II Is 1906 Chatterton's (Thomas) Works, 3 vols. II \ Is 6d 1907 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 3 vols. II Is Vol. I. Life of Chaucer, Introductory Discourse, Characters of the Pilgrims, The Knight's Tale. 8*0. & 12rao.] THE DRAMA, &c. 227 1907 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, continued. Vol. II. The Cook's Tale, the Man of Law's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, the Fryar's Tale, the Sumnir's Tale, the Clerk of Oxford's Tale, the Merchant's Tale. III. The Squire's Tale, the Franklein's Tale, the Doctor's Tale, the Par- doner's Tale, the Shipman's Tale, the Prioress's Tale, the Monk's Tale, the Nun's Priest's Tale. 1908 Cibber (Colley) Apology for the Life of. 7* 1909 Churchill's (Charles) Poetical Works, 2 vols. 16s Vol. I. Rosciad, Apology, Night, Prophecy of Famine, Epistle to Hogarth, Ghost. - II. Conference, Author, Duellist, Gotham, Candidate, Farewell, Times, Independ- ence, and a Fragment of a Journey. 1910 Cicero's Epistles to Atticus, byGuthrie, 3 vols. II Is 1911 on Oratory and Orators, 2 vols. 16* ]Q12 on Old Age and Friendship, by Melmoth. 12s 1913 Coleridge's (S. T.) Christabel, Kuli Khan, a Vision, and the Pains of Sleep. 4* 6d 1914 Sybilline Leaves, a Collection of Poems. JO* ft* 1915 Poems. 6s 1916 Zapolya, a Poem. 5s 6d 1917 Collins's( William) Poetical Works, with Life. 10* 1918 Colman's (George) Eccentricities for Edinburgh. 6* 1919 Broad Grins, Tales in Verse. 6s 1920 Comedies, (a Collection of) 26 vols. 91 2*? *^v ,9 ''' T*rft r*^-* 230 POETRY, CLASSICS, [8vo. & 1920 Comedies, continued. Vol. XX. Double Dealer, Ourselves, Right and Wrong, Living in London. XXI. Kiss, Sons of Erin, Students of Sala- manca, Time's a Tell Tale, Trial by Jury, Riches, or the Wife and Brother (Sir J. B. Burges). XXII. Jew, Wild Oats (O'Keeffe), Cho- leric Fathers, Ramah Droog, Incle and Yarico (Colman), Lady of the Rock, English Fleet. XX III. English Merchant (Colman), School for Lovers, Good Natured Man, 'Tis Well its no Worse, Man of Ten Thousand (Holcroft). XXIV. First Impressions, Merchant of Bru- ges, Lost and Found, Right and Wrong, Students of Salamanca. XXV. Mayor of Garratt, Rehearsal, Royal Garland, False Impressions (Cum- berland), Country Girl, Devil upon Two Sticks (Foote), False Shame (Kotzebue). XXVI. Smiles and Tears, First Impressions, Education, Touchstone, Debtor and Creditor, Where to find a Friend. 1921 Condemned Vestal, a Poem. 5$ 1922 Confession, and other Poems, by the author of " Purity of Heart." 4* 1923 Congreve's (W.) Plays and Poems, 3 vols. 125 Vol. I. Old Bachelor, Double Dealer. II. Love for Love, Mourning Bride. III. Way of the World, Semele and other Poems. 1924 Cooke's (George Fred.) Memoirs, by W. Dunlap, Esq. comprising original Anecdotes of that celebrated Actor,and of l.s TheatricalContcmpoiariee, 2 v. II Is STO. & 1 2mo. ] Til E DR A M A , &c. 23 1 1925 Court and Parliament of Beasts, from the Animali Parlanti of Giambatisto Casti, by William Stewart Rose, Esq. 6s 6d 1926 Cowley's (Abraham) Works, by Aikin, with a Preface, by Dr. Johnson, 3 vols. 18s 1927 Cowper's (W.) Poems, 3 vols. II Is *s Translation of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, 4 vols. (2016) 2/ 2s 1928 Crabbe's (Rev. G.) Borough, a Poem. 12* 1929 Tales, in verse. 12s 1930 - Village, Parish Register, and other Poems. 10s 6d 1931 Tales of the Hall, 2 vols. II 4s 1932 Crescent, a National Poem to commemorate the glo- rious Victory of Algiers, by Mrs. M'Mullin. 6* 1 933 Cribb's Memorial to Congress. 5s 6d 1934 Cumberland's Calvary, or the Death of Christ, 2 v. 12s 1935 Cunningham's De Ranee, a Poem. 7s 1936 DANTE'S Divine Comedies, translated by Boyd, 3 vols. llllsGd Vol. I. The Inferno, in English verse. II. Purgatory. III. Paradise. 1937 Darwin's (Dr.) Botanic Garden, 2 vols. II 11s 6d 1938 Day's Shepherd's Boy, or Pastoral Tales. 7s 1939 Days of Harold, a Poem. 12s 1940 Dermody's Harp of Erin, 2 vols. 14* 1941 Extravaganza, and other Poems. 5s 1942 Dibdin's complete History of the English Stage, 5 vols. 2/ 12s 6d 1943 Dodsley's Collection of Poems, 3 vols. 12s 1944 Dragon Knight, a Poem, by Sir James Bland Burgess. 12s 1945 Dramatic Scenes, and other Poems, by Barry Corn- wall. 6s 232 POETRY, CLASSICS, [8vo. & 12mo. 1946 Dramatic Tales, by the author of the " Poetic Mirror," 2 vols. 12* 19 17 Drunken Barnaby's four Journeys to the North of England. Is 1948 Dryden'a Dramatic Works, 6 vols. II Ws Vol. I. Wild Gallant, Rival Ladies, Indian Queen, Indian Emperor. II. Secret Love, Sir Martin Marrall, Tem- pest, Evening's Love, Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr. HI. Almanzor and Almahide, in two parts, Marriage-a-la-Mode, Assignation, Am- boyqa. iy. r .Th.e Sta^e of Innocence, Aurengzebe, All for Love, or the World well Lost, Limberham, Qildipu^. V. froilus, Spanish Friar, Duke of Guise, Albion. VI. Don Sebastian, A mphitryon, Cleomenes, King of Sparta, King Arthur, Love Triumphant. 1949 Dryden's Fables. 6s 1950 Poetical Works, 3 vols. 15* Virgil's Works, 4 vols. (2191) II Is 1951 Edgeworth's (Miss) Comic Dramas 8* 1952 Ellis (George) Specimens of early English Metrical Romances, 3 vols. H Us 6d J953 Specimens of early English Poetry, 3 vols, \lllsQd 195,^ Elton's Specimens of ^e Classic Poets, from Homer to Tiyphiodorus, 3 vols. II IGs J955 Epics of the Ton, or the Glories of the Great Wprld. 10* 1956 Epitaphs (Collection of) a.nd Monumental Inscrip- tions, with Dr. Johnson's Essay on Epitaphs, 2 vols. 8vo. & I2mo.] THE DRAMA, fee. 233 1957 Euripides' Tragedies, translated by Wodhull, 3 vols. 18* 1958 Evans' old Ballads, 4 vols. II IQs 1959 Falconer's Shipwreck $s 1960 Farquhar's Plays, 2 vols. 12s Vol. I. Love and a Bottle Constant Couple Sir Harry Wildair. : II. Inconstant Twin Rivals Recruiting Offi- cer Beaux Stratagem,. 196 1 Fergusson's ( R. ) Poems on various Subjects 4$ 1962 Fielding's Dramatic Works, 3 vols. 18s Vol. I. Love in several Masks Temple Beaux Pleasures of the Town Rape uponRape Tom Thumb th,e Great Letter Writers. II. Grub Street Opera The Masquerade Lottery Modern Husband. III. Intriguing Chambermaid -Don Quixote in England Modern II usband Mock Doctor Debauchees JYIiser. 1963 Finlay's Scottish, Historical, and Romantic Ballads, 2 vols. -- 14s 1964 Fisher Boy, a Poem, comprising his several Avoca- tions during the four Seasons of the Year 6s 1965 Foote's Dramatic Works, 3 vols. 18s Vol. I . Orators Minor Liar 'Patron. II . Maid of Bath Nabob Devil upon Two Sticks Trip to Calais Capuchin. , III. Commissary Lame Lover Bankrupt Cozener s. 1966 Ford's Dramatic Works, by Weeber, 2 vpla, II 10s 1967 Fowling, a Poem, descriptive of Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, Woodcock, Duck, and Snipe Shooting 6s 1968 Friendly Visits from the Muse, or the Consolations of Solitude 7s Frances's Horace's Works, 4 vols. ( 2022 ) 12s 1969 Fudge Family in Paris, by Thomas Brown the Younger, Author of the Two-penny Post- Bag. 7s 6d 234 POETRY, CLASSICS, [vo. & 12mo Francklin's Sophocles' Tragedies, ( 2158 ) 10s 6d Garth's Ovid's Metamorphoses, 2 vols. ( 2087 ) 7* 1970 Gay's Fables, 2 vols. 7s 1971 : -Plays, viz. the Captives Beggar's Opera- Polly Achilles Distressed Wife, and Rehear- sal at Gotham 7* 1972 Shepherd's Week 5* 1973 General Post-bag, or News, Foreign and Domestic, by Humphry Hedgehog, Esq. 4* 6d ] 974 Genevieve, or the Spirit of the Drave, a Poem, by John Stewart, Esq. 9s 1975 Genius of the Thames, a lyrical Poem, by Peacock 7s 1976 Genlis (Madame De) Theatre of Education, 4 v- II Is Vol. 1. Hagar in the Desert, Beauty and the Monster, the Phials, Happy Island, Spoiled Child, Effects of Curiosity, Dan- gers of the World* 11. Blind Woman of Spa, the Dove, Gene- rous Enemies, Good Mother, Busy Body, III. Children's Ball, Traveller, Vathek, False Friends, the Judge. IV. Queen of the Rose of Salency, Milliner, Linen Draper, Bookseller, Truly Wise Man, Portrait. 1977 Genuine rejected Addresses 6s 1978 Gifford's Baviad and Maeviad Ss 1979 Gilliand's Dramatic Mirror, containing the History of the Stage from the earliest Periods, 2 vols. II Is 1980 Goldoni (the celebrated Italian Dramatist,) Memoirs of, written by himself, forming a complete History of his Life and Writings, 2 vols. II Is 1981 Goldsmith's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Ss Vol. I. Life, the Hermit, Traveller, Deserted Vil- lage, and other Poems. II. The good natured Man, She Stoops to conquer. gvo. & I2mo.] THE DRAMA, &c. 235 1982 Grahame's Sabbath and other Poems, 2 vols. 1* igg3 . Birds of Scotland. 6s 1984 Grant's (Johnson) Arabia, a Poem. 6s 1985 (Mrs.) Highlanders and other Poems 10* Gd 1986 Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen, a poem. 6s 1987 Gray's Poetical Works. 5s 1988 Works, by Mason, 2 vols. 14* 1989 Greeks (the) a poem. 6s 1990 HAMMOND'S Poetical Works. 6s 1991 Harold the Dauntless, by the Author of the Bridal of Triermain 7? 1 992 Hawkes' Babylon, and other poems, 6* 1993 Hayley's Triumphs of Temper. 8* 1994 Ballads. 65 1995 Hazlitt's View of the English Stage, or a Series of Dra- matic Criticisms 12s 1996 Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. 12s 1997 Lectures on the English Poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution. 10s 6d 1998 Headley's select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, by the Rev- Henry Kett, 2 vols. 14s 1999 Heber's (Reginald) Poems and Translations 6s 2000 Heman's Tales and Historical Scenes, in verse. 9s Qd 2001 Herbert's (the Hon. Wm.) Helga, a poem. 10s 2002 Hobhouse's (J. C.) Imitations and Translations from the ancient and modern Classics, together with ori- ginal Poems never before published. 10s 6d 2003 Hodgson's (Rev. F.) Friends, a poem. 7 S 2004 Lady Jane Gray, a tale, with miscellaneous Poems in English and Latin. 10s 6d 2005 Sir Edgar, a tale, with various Translations from the Ancients, and many Imitations of the Mo- dern. 10s 6d 2006 Hogg's Mountain Bard, consisting of Ballads and Songs, founded on Facts, and Legendary Tales. 10s 236 POETRY, CLASSICS, [8fO. & 12mo. 2007 Hogg's Pilgrims of the Sun, a poem Is Qd 2008 - Queen's Wake, a legendary poem. 12* 2009 - Mador of the Moor, a Poem. Is 6d 2010 Holford's (Miss) Wallace, or the Fight of Falkirk, a metrical Romance. 10* 6d 2011 - Poems. *- 6* 2012 - - The Past, a Poem. Us 2013 Holloway's Peasant's Fate. s 2014 -- Country Pastor, or Rural Philantropist, a a Poem. 5* Hqole's Ariosto, 5 yo>. (1846) II IGs - Metastasio's (Abbe) Dramas, an,d other Po- emsj 3 yob. (2059) II 10s - Tasso's Jerusalem delivered (2178) 2 Y. 12s 2015 Home, a poem. 7* 2016 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, translated into blank yerse, by Cowper, 4 vols. 2/ 2s 2017 - Iliad, by Pope, 6 r vol^. 18* 2018 ... ..... :. ..-. Odyssey, by Pope, 6 vols. 18s 20191 - Iliad travestied, by Bridges, 2 yoU. II Is 2020 Hoppner'g Oriental Tales^ translated jn,tp. JCnglish verse. -- 5s 2021 Horace in London, consisting of Imitations of the first two Books of the Odes of Horace, by the Author of " Rejected Addresses." ->- 7s 202? rrrrTT 's \Vorks, translated biy Frances, 4 vols. 12s 2Q23 .... ,., .. ........ translated by Smart, 2 vols. 7s 2024 Hours of Solitude, by ftosa ^latilda, 2 vq^s. I/ 1 s 2025 Hudson's (Henry) Hours, a poem, in fp.ur Jdylls 8s 8Q26 Hunt's (I^gh) foliage, OJF Ppems, original and trans- Decent of liberty, a masjc. 6* 2028 -f-rrrr S^tory p( Rimini, a poem. -^ 6s 6d 205Q - Juvenilia, a Collection of Poems. 7s 6d 8Q-0 - Feast of the Poets, with. Itfotes, and other pieces 8vo. & 12nu>0 THE DRAMA, &c. 237 2031 Hurdis's favourite Village, with an additiorfel Poem, and Tragedy. 12* 2032 ^ ' Village Curate, and other Poems. 12* 2033 Inchbald's (Mrs.) British Theatre, 25 vols. 8/ Ss Vol. I. Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King John, King Richard III. II. King Henry IV. Parts 1 and 2, Mer- chant of Venice, King Henry V. Much kdo about Nothing. ~ III. As you like it, Merry Wives of Windsor, King Henry VIII., Mea- sure for Measure, Winter's Tale. IV. King Lekr, Cymbeline, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra. V. -Coriolahus, Othello, Twelfth Night, Tempest, Every Man in his Hu- mour. VI. Rule a Wife arid have a Wife, Chances, New Way to Pay Old Debts, Alexander the Great, All for Love. VII. Isabella, Oronooko, Distressed Mo- ther, Zara, Gustavus Vasa. VIII. Constant 'Couple, The Inconstant) Recruiting Officer, Beaux Stratagem, Cato. ^ IX. Provoked Wife, Provoked Husband? Love makes a Man, She wou'd and she Wou'd not, The Careless Hus- band. X. Tamerlane, Fair Penitent, Jane Shore, Lady Jane Grey, Siege of Damascus. 238 POETRY, CLASSICS, & 12mo. 2033 Inchbald's British Theatre, continued. Vol. XL Busy Body, The Wonder, Bold Stroke for a Wife, George Barnwell, Fatal Curiosity. XII. Orphan, Venice Preserved, Conscious Lovers, Revenge, Beggar's Opera. XIII. Love for Love, Mourning Bride, Mahomet, Tancred and Sigismunda, Suspicious Husband. XIV. Man of the World, Foundling, Game- ster, Roman Father, Edward the Black Prince. XV. .Barbarossa, Way to keep him, all in the Wrong, Grecian Daughter, Know your own Mind. XVI. Country Girl, Jealous Wife, Clan- destine Marriage, Countess of Salis- bury, Douglas. XVII. Good Natured-Man, She Stoops to Conquer, Love in a Village, Maid of the Mill, Lionel and Clarissa. XVIII. Brothers, West Indian, Jew, First Love, Wheel of Fortune. XIX. Earl of Warwick, Rivals, Duenna, Belle's Stratagem, Bold Stroke for a Husband. XX , Dramatists, Count of Narbonne, Inkle and Yarico, Battle of Hexham, Sur- render of Calais. XXL Mountaineers, Iron Chest, Heir at Law, John Bull, Poor Gentleman. XXII. Castle of Andalusia, Fontainbleau, Wild Oats, Heiress, Earl of Essex. XXIII. Such Things are, Every one has his Fault, Wives as they were, Lovers' Vows, to Marry or not to Marry. Sro. & 12mo.] THE DRAMA, &c. 239 2033 Inchbald's British Theatre, continued. Vol. XXIV. Road to Ruin, Deserted Daughter, Stranger, De Montfort, Point of Honour. XXV. Way to get Married, Cure for the Heart Ache, Speed the Plough, School of Reform, Honey Moon. 2034 Inchbald's Modern Theatre, 10 vols. 3/ 3* Vol. I. The Will, Rage, Life, How to grow Rich, Notoriety. II. Speculation, Delinquent, Laugh when you can, Fortune's Fool, Folly as it flies. III. Votary of Wealth, Zorinski, Secrets worth knowing, Who wants a Guinea, Werter. IV. Duplicity, School for Arrogance, He is much to blame, Seduction, School for Prejudice. V. False Impressions, Mysterious Hus- band, Box Lobby Challenge, Natural Son, Carmelite. VI. Impostor, Wife of Two Husbands, Ramah Droog, Law of Lombardy, Braganza. VII. I'll tell you what, Next door Neigh- bours, Wise Men of the East, Percy, Trip to Scarborough. VIII. Matilda, Mary Queen of Scots, Fugi- tive, He would be a Soldier, England preserved. IX. Bank Note, Chapter of Accidents, English Merchant, School for Wives, Henry II. X. Fashionable Levities, Time's a Tell- Tale, Which is the Man, What is She, Lie of the Day. 240 POETRY, CLASSICS, [8vo. & 12mo. 5035 Inchbald's British Farces, 7 vols. 2/ 12* 6d Vol. 1. Child of Nature, Wedding Day, Mid- night Hour, Raising the Wind, Matri- mony, Ella Rosenberg, Blind Boy, Who's the Dupe, Love-a-la-Mode. II. Birth Day, Jew and the Doctor, Irish- man in London, Prisoner at Large, Poor Soldier, Fawner, Highland Reel, Two Strings to your Bow, Deserter. III. Hartford Bridge, Register Offiee, Net- ley Abbey, Apprentice, Turnpike Gate, Critic^ Lock and Key, Sultan, Ro- sina. IV. All the World's a Stage, Lying Valet, Citizen, Three Weeks after Marriage, Catherine and Petruchio, Padlock, Miss in her Teens, Quaker, Guardian. V. High Life below Stairs, Irish Widow, Bon Ton, Minor, Mock Doctor, Devil to pay, Mayor of Garratt, Lyar, Flora. VI. Deuce is in Him, Edgar and Emme- line, First Floor, Doctor and Apothe- cary, Richard Cceur de Lion, Tom Thumb, Maid of the Oaks, Adopted Child. VII. Lodoiska, Waterman, Way sand Means, Comus, Author, Old Maid, Miller of Mansfield, Midas, School for Authors. 20S6 JAMIESON'S Popular Ballads and Songs, 2 v. 1/ls 2037 Jonah, a poem, by Edward Smedley, Jun. 10* 6d 2038 Jonson's (Ben) Plays, viz. Alchymist, Silent Woman, Volpone, every Man in his Humour. 5* 2039 Juvenal and Persius Satires, translated by Madan, 2 185 8TO. &12mo.] THE DRAMA, &c. 241 2010 KEMBLE'S (J. P.) 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ON the publication of this SUPPLEMENT to their Library Catalogue, MESSRS. SAUNDERS AND OTLEY cannot omit embracing the opportunity thus afforded them of respectfully presenting their grateful acknow- ledgments to their numerous Subscribers and the Pub- lic, for the very distinguished patronage with which they have been hitherto honoured, and of repeating the assurance of their determination to spare no effort or expense in order to preserve to this establishment the high reputation which it has so long enjoyed, of afford- ing one of the most complete and satisfactory channels of access to the various and successive productions of the press (British and Foreign) extant. VI. ADDRESS. From the increasing attention paid to German Lite- rature, and in conformity with the wishes of several of their Subscribers, MESSRS. 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