INDIANA UNIVERSITY 1820-1904 "IT SHALL BE . THE . DUTY OF THE - GENERAL ASSEMBLY AS . SOON AS CIRCUMSTANCES WILL PERMIT TO PROVIDE BY LAW FOR A GENERAL SYSTEM- OF- EDUCATION- ASCENDING. IN- A- REGULAR GRADATION FROM TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS TO - A STATE - UNIVERSITY - WHEREIN TUITION - SHALL - BE GRATIS - AND - EQUALLY - OPEN TO - ALL." Indiana State Constitution of 1816. INDIANA UNIVERSITY 1820-1904 Historical Sketch Development of the Course of Instruction Bibliography EDITED BY SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING, PH.D. JUNIOR PROFESSOR OF EUROPEAN HISTORY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA publisbeO t)g tbe 1904 Wm. B. Burford Contractor for State Printing and Binding Indianapolis LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF SANTA BARBARA Preface The authorities of Indiana University, after mature deliberation, decided not to make an exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis partly for lack of sufficient space, and partly because of the great expense necessary to make an adequate showing. Instead, it was determined to pre- pare a book which should set forth in permanent form, for those interested, the salient features of the history and present status of the University. Out of this determination arose the present volume. In the first of the three parts into which the book is divided, are set forth the chief facts in the external history of the institution, its incorporation in the fourth year after the admission of Indiana as a State into the Union, and the steps by which it passed successively from a Seminary to a College, from a College to a University in name, and ultimately to a University in fact. In the second part the attempt has been made to trace the development of the course of instruction, from the condition presented in the first cata- logue in 1831, to the curriculum as at present arranged. This development, it is believed, is typical especially for Western State Universities ; and it is hoped that the careful study which is here presented, may prove a real con- tribution to the history of education in America. The third part of the book is given up to a list of publications by the Faculty, alumni, and students of the University. One test though by no means the sole one of the efficiency of a University, is afforded by the quality and quantity of the publications put forth by its members. From the data here presented, it is believed that a fairly correct idea may be formed of the character of the intellectual discipline which has been here imparted at different stages of the University's history. The illustrations, aside from the charts which show the development of the course of instruction, and the recent growth of the University in comparison with the total body of colleges of Liberal Arts in the United States have been selected with a view to affording means of judging of vn Indiana University the work of the University at the present time. In addition, therefore, to the ordinary views of buildings, laboratories, and the like, considerable space is devoted to representations of instruments devised for carrying on special lines of work, and to reproductions of photographs and drawings illustrative of results attained by some representative researches in various Departments of the University. Many persons have assisted in the preparation of this volume. The gen- eral plan of the work, which was outlined with reference to a possible exhibit at St. Louis, was submitted to Professor Samuel B. Harding and has been carried out entirely under his editorial supervision. The plan for a study of the University curriculum, which had been developed by a number of pre- liminary studies, was proposed to Assistant Professor Lewis C. Carson of the Department of Philosophy, and has been carried out by him with pains- taking thoroughness. The historical sketch with which the volume opens was compiled by Professor William A. Rawles of the Department of Economics and Social Science. Mr. W. A. Alexander of the Library staff has aided much in the compilation of the bibliography; Professor John A. Miller of the Department of Mechanics and Astronomy, and Professor John A. Berg- strom of the Department of Education, have superintended the preparation of the charts; Associate Professor Alfred M. Brooks of the Fine Arts Depart- ment has rendered aid in the selection of the illustrations ; and the proof of large portions of the bibliographical section has been read by Professor Carl H. Eigenmann of the Department of Zoology, Assistant Professor Edgar R. Cumings of the Department of Geology, and Associate Professor Carl Osthaus of the Department of German. WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN, President of the University. HLOOMIXGTON, INDIANA, July 14, 1904. Vlll Table of Contents PAGE PREFACE ............ vii PART I. HISTORICAL SKETCH 1 By WILLIAM A. RAWLES, Ph.D., Junior Professor of Political Economy PART II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION By LEWIS CLINTON CARSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy I. INTRODUCTORY 35 II. DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS 1. THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT TO 1887 ..... 36 2. SPECIAL STUDIES . 67 3. THE MAJOR SUBJECT SYSTEM 72 4. DEPARTMENTS AS NOW CONSTITUTED 76 III. RELATION OF THE UNIVERSITY TO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE STATE 1. FORMER PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT 149 2. COMMISSIONED HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM 152 IV. GRADUATE SCHOOL 161 V. SCHOOL OF LAW 167 VI. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE .......... 176 VII. SUMMER SESSION 180 VIII. BIOLOGICAL STATION 183 IX. DEPARTMENTS NOW DISCONTINUED 1. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT 188 2. NORMAL DEPARTMENT AND MODEL SCHOOLS .... 189 3. ENGINEERING 191 4. MILITARY DEPARTMENT 192 PART HI. BIBLIOGRAPHY I. PUBLICATIONS BY PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY . . . 197 n. PUBLICATIONS BY FORMER MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY . . . 225 HI. PUBLICATIONS BY ALUMNI AND STUDENTS ...... 251 ix List of Illustrations PAGE MAXWELL HALL .......... Frontispiece DAVID H. MAXWELL, M.D. . . . . 3 PRESIDENT ANDREW WYLIE .......... 7 THE OLD COLLEGE ............ 14 OWEN HALL . 22 WYLIE HALL 24 KIRKWOOD HALL .... . . . . . . . .26 SCIENCE HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 MEN'S GYMNASIUM ............ 29 STUDENTS' BUILDING .......... facing 30 CHARTS Development of the Course of Instruction .... 48-50 Number of Instructors, Courses, and Hours of Instruction . . 57 Comparative Increase since 1890 in Number of Undergraduates . 68 Comparative Increase since 1890 in Number of Graduate Students . 70 Comparative Increase since 1890 in Number of Members of Faculty 71 Ratio of Students to Instructors . 74 GREEK A Recitation Room .......... 76 LIBRARY General Reading Room 78 Cataloguing Room . . . . . . . . . .79 WALKS IN THE CAMPUS ... . 82-83 HISTORY Seminary Room .......... 85 ECONOMICS Hand Grist-mill . . . . . . . . . .87 PHILOSOPHY Main Lecture Room ......... 89 Neurological Laboratory ......... 89 Preparation Room in Neurology ....... 90 Psychological Laboratory . ...... 91 EDUCATION Pedagogical Museum . . . . . . . 92-93 Pendulum Chronoscope ......... 94 Tachistoscope ........... 95 Apparatus for Combined Intervals . . . . . . .96 Apparatus for Experiments upon Memory ..... 97 A New Form of Ergograph 98-99 MATHEMATICS Seminary Room 100 xi Indiana University PAGE ASTRONOMY Kirkwood Observatory . . 101 Twelve- inch Refracting Telescope .... . 102 Fifteen-inch Reflecting Telescope 103 Photographs of the Moon 104-105 Drawings of Sunspots . . ...... 106 Nebula of Orion 107 Comet C, 1903 108-109 PHYSICS Lecture Room . . . . . 110 Elementary Laboratory . . . . . . . . .111 Modified Wehnelt Interrupter . . . . . . . .112 Brashear Mounting for Rowland Grating 113 Apparatus for the Study of N-Rays . . . . . . .114 CHEMISTRY Lecture Room 116 Laboratory for Organic and Physiological Chemistry . . .116 Laboratory for Qualitative Analysis . . . . . .116 Apparatus for Measurement of Single Potential Differences . .117 Laboratory for Electro-Chemistry ....... 118 Laboratory for Bacteriology . . . . . . . .118 Rotating Cathode for Rapid Quantitative Analysis by Electrolysis . 119 lodoform from Acetone by Electrolysis ...... 120 Differentiation of Bacillus Typhi Abdominalis and Bacillus Coli Communis ........... 121 GEOLOGY Research Laboratories ........ 122-123 Geological Museum .......... 124 Mineralogical Laboratory ......... 124 Lecture Room ........... 125 ZOOLOGY Elementary Laboratory 126 Office and Private Laboratory . . . . . . . .127 Models to Illustrate Lectures 128 Embryological Laboratory . . . . . . . .128 A Cuban Blind-fish with Unborn Young ...... 129 Ablystoma Opacum . . . . . . . . . .129 South American Fresh- water Fishes . ... 130 Aberrant Spelerpes Maculicanda ....... 131 Leptocephalus of the American Eel ..... . 131 Leptocephalus ........... 131 Differentiation of the Eyes in the Blind-fishes of North America . 132 Cave Farm near Mitchell, Ind. 133 Photographs of Bird-life 134 xii List of Illustrations PAGE BOTANY Laboratory for Plant Physiology 135 Photomicrograph of a Vascular Bundle of Sweet Clover . . 136 Division of the Hereditary Substance in Reproductive Cells of Higher Plants 137-140 Fecundation of the Egg-cell in the Lily ...... 141 ANATOMY Private Laboratory . . . . . . . . . 142 Anatomical Laboratory ......... 143 PHYSIOLOGY Laboratory 144 FINE ARTS Lecture and Drawing Room ...... 146-147 SCHOOL OF LAW Law Library 171-172 Moot Court Room 173 BIOLOGICAL STATION View of Winona Lake, Ind. 183 Lecture Room . . 184 Xlll Historical "IN AN IDEAL UNIVERSITY, AS I CONCEIVE IT, A MAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO OBTAIN INSTRUCTION IN ALL FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE, AND DISCIPLINE IN THE USE OF ALL THE METHODS BY WHICH KNOWLEDGE is OBTAINED. IN SUCH AN UNIVERSITY, THE FORCE OF LIVING EXAMPLE SHOULD FIRE THE STUDENT WITH A NOBLE AMBITION TO EMULATE THE LEARNING OF LEARNED MEN, AND TO FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE EXPLORERS OF NEW FIELDS OF KNOWLEDGE. AND THE VERY AIR HE BREATHES SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH THAT ENTHUSIASM FOR TRUTH, THAT FANATICISM OF VERACITY, WHICH is A GREATER POSSESSION THAN MUCH LEARNING; A NOBLER GIFT THAN THE POWER OF INCREASING KNOWLEDGE ; BY so MUCH GREATER AND NOBLER THAN THESE, AS THE MORAL NATURE OF MAN is GREATER THAN THE INTELLEC- TUAL; FOR VERACITY is THE HEART OF MORALITY." HUXLEY. HISTORICAL SKETCH The Congress of the Confederation expressed its deep-seated faith in Acts of the education in three separate acts. The Ordinance of 1785 reserved the six- ^mted states Government, teenth section of every township of public land "for the maintenance of public schools within the said township;" the Ordinance of 1787 declared that "Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged;" and ten days later (July 23, 1787) Congress granted to the Ohio Company two entire townships of land for the support of a uni- versity. Thus was inaugurated a policy, the continuation of which made pos- sible the early establishment of an institution of higher education in Indiana. The first action of the Federal Congress affecting immediately the founding of a university in Indiana was an act, approved March 26, 1804 four years after the Territory of Indiana was organized providing for the sale of public lands ; among other provisions, it reserved one entire township of land, "to be located by the Secretary of Treasury, for the use of a seminary of learning" in Indiana Territory. In 1806, Albert Gallatin des- ignated for that purpose a township in what is now Gibson County. There- upon the territorial Legislature promptly proceeded to incorporate a uni- versity at Vincennes. The institution did not prosper, and when Indiana was admitted as a State its existence was ignored. The enabling act of Congress authorizing the formation of a state gov- ernment for Indiana contained among other items the grant of an entire township to be designated by the President of the United States, in addition to the one previously given, the title to which was to be vested in the Legislature of the State for the use of a seminary of learning. (2) Indiana University Action of the Constitutional Convention (1816). The convention which framed the Constitution under which Indiana was admitted as a State accepted the grants of Congress by a solemn ordinance, passed on the twenty-ninth day of June, 1816, which contains these words: "That we do, for ourselves and our posterity, agree, determine, declare and ordain that we will and do hereby accept the. propositions of the Con- gress of the United States as made and contained in their act" of April 19, 1816; "and we do, moreover, foiv ourselves and our posterity, hereby declare and ordain that this ordinance and every part thereof, shall forever be and remain irrevocable and inviolate, without the consent of the United States." The State of Indiana is therefore pledged by this ordinance to maintain inviolate the fund derived from this source, and would seem bound to cherish and sustain the institution founded with this endowment, in such a manner that the noble purpose for which this generous gift was made may not be thwarted, but may be realized to its fullest possi- bilities. This same convention, as a further indorsement of the broad plan, de- clared in the Constitution (Article IX, section 2) that "it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, as soon as circumstances will permit, to provide by law for a general system of education, ascending in a regular gradation from township schools to a state university, wherein tuition shall be gratis, and equally open to all." The circumstances of time and place being considered, these are notable words. In that day it was the accepted theory of education that elementary instruction might properly be undertaken by the State, but that higher edu- cation should be left to the control of religious denominations or to indi- vidual benevolence. Xo other State in the Union had then incorporated into its constitution a declaration in favor of a university open to all alike and with free tuition. When, furthermore, the social and material environment is remembered, this broad conception of education seems the more remarkable. At that time barely one-fourth of the land within the State had been purchased from the Indians and thrown open to settlement. There were but thirteen counties represented in the constitutional conven- tion. Settlements were few and far apart. The only means of communi- cation were the uncertain Indian trails, the rough roads, and the waters of rivers and creeks. Even the Ohio River could boast of onlv two or Historical Sketch three small steamboats. The population of the State, all told, did not conditions of exceed 65,000. According to the accounts of this early period, the people the time - were for the most part illiterate, impoverished and disheartened. But there were among them men whose minds, though lacking the graces and refine- ments of the highest culture, had a rude strength combined with acuteness and insight; they were the leaven of the lump. The members of that con- vention were honest, simple-hearted, unpretentious men, firm in their con- sciousness of the rights of the common people, clear in their sense of equity DAVID H. MAXWELL, M.D. Foster-father of the University. and justice, and blessed with that saving quality called common-sense. They believed that education would most surely quicken that unresponsive mass, stimulate the people to greater activity, and inspire them with higher ideals. In that conviction and with prophetic hope they acted. It is a significant fact that the same man who drafted the clause of the Constitution excluding slavery from this State (Dr. David H. Maxwell) is also properly regarded as the "founder of Indiana University" an institution dedicated to intel- lectual freedom, whose seal appropriately bears the motto Lux et Veritas. Indiana University STATE SEMINARY, 1820-1828 The township selected for the support of a university lay in what is now Monroe County, and was later named Perry Township the present seat of Indiana University. It was stipulated in the Constitution that no lands intended for school purposes should be sold prior to 1820. In the first Act establishing month of that year an act to establish a State Seminary was passed and a state seminary rece i ve( j executive approval on January 20, 1820 the date now recognized by the University as Foundation Day. This act named as a Board of Trus- tees Charles Dewey, Jonathan Lindley, David H. Maxwell, John M. Jenkins, Jonathan Nichols and William Lowe. Throughout its history Indiana University has been fortunate in having as trustees men who were devoted to the highest interests of the institution and to the cause of education in general. Foremost on this honorable roll should stand the name of Dr. David H. Maxwell. "During the Seminary period, while the institution was struggling for establishment, from 1820 to 1825 especially, he was not only the presiding officer of the board, but was also its executive officer and corresponding secretary, having the erection of new buildings under his supervision, carrying on a heavy correspondence with prominent men throughout the State in behalf of the institution, while having to contend with a disaffected element at home. Solely on behalf of the Seminary he solicited election to the Legislature, and from 1821 to 1826 he was a member of either the lower house (where he was once Speaker) or of the senate, and at all times he was especially interested in watching jealously the affairs of the new Seminary. In the establishment of institutions it seems that the life and services of some one man are para- mount and essential. In the establishment of the Indiana Seminary Dr. David H. Maxwell was the essential man." 1 In accordance with the provisions of the law of 1820, the Board of Trustees selected for the Seminary a site in the reserved township. The location of the Seminary upon its own lands would, it was believed, greatly enhance the value of the property and would ultimately increase the revenues of the institution. Two years later the Legislature passed an act authorizing the sale of the Seminary township in Gibson County and directing the appli- 1 James Albert Woodburn, Higher Education in Indiana (Washington, 1891), p. 77. 4 Historical Sketch cation of the proceeds to the support of the State Seminary. In justification of this apparent confiscation of the property of Vincennes University it was alleged that the trustees of that institution had illegally sold a portion of their land and had permitted their organization to lapse. By the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1852, and of the Supreme Court of Indiana in 1854, these funds were restored to Vincennes University. In 1826 the General Assembly increased the number of members of the Board of Trustees of Indiana Seminary to nine, and one year later empow- ered the Board to sell all the Seminary lands with the exception of the three sections contiguous to that section on which the buildings of the Seminary were located. The Seminary meantime was opened in 1824 under the direction of The Seminary Eev. Baynard E. Hall, an alumnus of Union College and Princeton Theo- opened (1824)> logical Seminary. Professor Hall was for three years the only instructor, and the only subjects taught were Latin and Greek. The number of students during the first three years was, respectively, 13, 15, and 21. In his sketch of the Indiana Seminary the late Judge David D. Banta places the following estimate upon the services of Professor Hall: "The choice [of Principal] could hardly have fallen upon a worthier man. He was an excellent classical scholar and a persuasive and sometimes eloquent preacher. As a teacher, he was enthusiastic, faithful and painstaking," 1 He entered into the pioneer life of the day with sympathy, but saw its rude and often ludicrous side. Under the pseudonym "Robert Carlton" he published in later life (1846) an entertaining account of his experiences, entitled 'The New Purchase, or Early Years in the Far West.' In 1828 it was deemed advisable to appoint another instructor to teach mathematics and such of the natural sciences as were considered of "suffi- cient importance to engage the attention of aspiring youth." John H. Har- ney, an alumnus of Miami University, was selected to fill this position. The election of Professor Harney elicited from local politicians and other dissatisfied persons a protest to the General Assembly, in which were alleged extravagance and careless and sectarian management. Dr. David H. Max- well, the president of the Board of Trustees, reported to the Legislature that the salary of Professor Hall was $250 per year, and that the only iTheophilus A. Wylie, Indiana University (1890), p. 43. 5 Indiana University subjects taught were Latin and Greek. This evidence, together with other statements, seemed to satisfy the Legislature of the economy of management, for it took no action against the Seminary. Even before the manifestation of dissatisfaction just mentioned, the General Assembly had appointed (January 26, 1827) a Board of Visitors consisting of the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor, the Judges of the Su- preme Court, and nineteen other distinguished men. They were required to visit the school, inspect its records and accounts, examine the students and report to the General Assembly, embodying in their report "any recom- mendations they may think proper to make of such measures within the com- petency of the Legislature as may tend to sustain, foster and improve the Seminary aforesaid." In November of the same year the Board of Visitors made its first visit. It reported that "there was but one opinion among the visitors that more ability to teach was exhibited by the professors and apparent proficiency by the scholars than ever before witnessed on a similar occasion." Upon this favorable report and the specific recommendations of the Board of Visitors, the President of the Board of Trustees and Governor Ray, the General Assembly proceeded, by an act approved January 24, 1828, to raise the Seminary to the rank of a college. From the Seminary period "no records remain of classes ; no records even of names of students in attend- ance. But the few old men yet living who were students during Seminary times all speak in glowing terms of the activity of the professors and the application of the students." 1 Act establishing the Indiana Col- lege (1828). INDIANA COLLEGE, 1828-1838 By the act of January 24, 1828, the "Indiana College" was established for the education of youth in the "American, learned and foreign languages, the useful arts, sciences and literature." The new institution was given authority to confer "such degrees in the liberal arts and sciences as are usually granted and conferred in other colleges in America." The Board of Trustees was increased to fifteen members, and they were empowered to fill vacancies in their own number. Provision was made for a Board iJudge D. D. Banta, in Theophilus A. Wylie's Indiana University (1890), pp. 45-6. 6 Historical Sketch of Visitors consisting of five persons. Freedom of religious opinions was guaranteed to professors and students, and the teaching of sectarian prin- ciples was forbidden. For the responsible work of organizing and developing the new college Dr. Andrew the Board of Trustees chose "Rev. Andrew Wylie, D.D., at that time Wylie elected ' President President of Washington College, Washington, Pennsylvania. At the age (1829). of twenty-one Mr. Wylie was graduated from Jefferson College, Canonsburg, ANDREW WYLIE, D.D. President of the University, 1829-51. Pennsylvania, and immediately appointed a tutor in his alma mater. About a year later he was elected President of that institution ; and in 1817 he was made President of Washington College. In these positions he displayed marked abilities as an administrator and a teacher. The effect of Dr. Wylie's election to the presidency of Indiana Univer- sity, together with the change in the rank of the institution, was soon appar- Indiana University ent in an enlarged faculty, an expanded curriculum, added buildings and an increased number of students. Dr. Wylie, in addition to his duties as President, gave instruction in moral and mental philosophy, political econ- other members omy and polite literature. Rev. Baynard R. Hall, the former Principal of the Seminary, was retained as professor of ancient languages; while Professor John H. Harney occupied the chair of mathematics, natural and mechanical philosophy, and chemistry. Mr. W. H. Stockwell was super- intendent of the Preparatory Department, which was established in 1829 because the secondary schools of the State were inadequate to prepare stu- dents for entrance to the College. When the first College catalogue was published in 1831, there were 60 students in attendance. In the following year, owing to the existence of some trouble in the Faculty and among the students, Professors Hall and Harney resigned, and the number of students fell off, but recovered quickly in the next year. To fill the vacancies in the Faculty, Ebenezer X. Elliott, a graduate of Miami University, was appointed professor of natural philosophy and chemistry, and Beaumont Parks, a graduate of Dartmouth College, professor -of languages. In 1836 Professor Elliott resigned to accept the presidency of Mississippi College. The following appointments were then made: James F. Dodds, an alumnus of Indiana College, as professor of mathematics; Augustus W. Ruter, an alumnus of Augusta College, Ky., as professor of Greek and French ; William R. Harding, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, as principal of the Preparatory Department; and (in 1837) Theophilus A. Wylie, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, as professor of natural philosophy and chemistry. The character of the students of that period is thus described by Dr. T. A. Wylie, whose connection with the institution was long and intimate: "Many of the students were young men brought up on farms, and used to hard work. They came to Bloomington, generally on their own resources, depending on money they had earned or borrowed. It was not unusual for students to attend to their studies for a year and then absent themselves for the same length of time in order to earn money by teaching or otherwise, and to return to complete their college course. Out of this kind of material have many of the graduates been made, who have done honor to their alma mater and their country." 8 Historical Sketch In 1836 a new and more commodious building was completed for the College. It has been described as resembling "an old-fashioned New Eng- land cotton mill," but it at least furnished additional space for actual work. INDIANA UNIVERSITY, 1838-1904 The importance of the College, the growth of the State, and the need for instruction in the professions of law and medicine induced the General Assembly in 1838 to enlarge the scope of the institution and to transform it into a university. By an act of February 25, 1838, Indiana College Act establishing became the Indiana University, with authority to grant additional degrees the Indiana Um ' 7 ' J . versity (1838). in law and medicine. The Board of Trustees was to consist of the Governor of the State and twenty-one other members ; but three years later the number was again reduced to nine. Dr. Wylie continued as President of the enlarged institution, and exhib- ited during his administration still greater power as an executive. But for two or three years the University did not make much progress. In 1839 the Faculty consisted of three members, including the President; and in the following year there were but 64 students. The year 1840 proved a turning point in the University's history. In that year was erected another building adapted to the use of the Department of Natural Philoso- phy and Chemistry. Lieutenant Jacob Ammen, a graduate of West Point and at that time professor of mathematics in Jefferson College, Mississippi, was appointed professor of mathematics in Indiana University; and John I. Morrison, an alumnus of Miami University, was made professor of languages. Professor Ammen organized a Military Department, which, how- ever, was discontinued soon after his resignation in 1843. By that year the number of students had increased to 115. Upon the resignation of Professors Ammen and Morrison in 1843 their places were filled respectively by the appointment of Professors Alfred Ryors and Daniel Read, both of Ohio University. After several ineffectual attempts a Law School was established in 1842 by the election of Judge David McDonald as professor of law. Under Judge McDonald and his successors the law school prospered for many years, and added materially to the number of students in attendance. During the last ten years of Dr. Wylie's administration the University enjoyed 9 Indiana University a high degree of prosperity. The Faculty and the Board of Trustees acted in harmony; outside interference ceased; and the institution com- manded more and more the respect and confidence of the public. Death of Pres- Dr. Wylie's long and successful administration ended with his death on November 11, 1851, from an attack of pneumonia. His place in the history of the institution is thus summed up: "Dr. Wylie's services to Indiana in the capacity of first president of her University, are not easily estimated. As a class-room instructor he disci- plined the minds and molded the characters of young men for useful service in the State. By his personal power he attached every student who had received the benefit of his tuition, to the welfare of the University. As a public educator and lecturer, and as a man among the people, he performed an enormous amount of labor in making known to the citizens of the State, and of other States as well, the advantages of higher education. He thus popularized the University and gave it strength in its appeals for legislative support." 1 That he had great magnetic force is shown by the fact that when he came to Indiana College he was followed by many young men from Pennsylvania and Virginia who had come under his influence while he was teaching in the East; during his entire presidency there was a large attendance at the University of men from the South, even from the Gulf States. Dr. Theophilus Parvin, formerly professor in Jefferson Med- ical College of Philadelphia, and a pupil of Dr. Wylie, assures us "that the students of Dr. Wylie are guilty of no blind idolatry, or no idolatry at all, when they declare that in ability he was one of the first men in all the country." It is interesting to have estimates of his character from his co-workers in the Faculty. Judge David McDonald, professor of law, in speaking of him, used the following language: "Andrew Wylie was a man of truth. He was so not merely because of his views of policy, but because he loved the truth. In thought, in word, in action, he was truthful ; and no man during a long life ever pursued the truth with more unwearied search through all the fields of learning and science." Professor T. A. Wylie gives the following estimate: "He had many strong friends, and there were also some bitterly opposed to him. Those intimately ac- quainted with him will not find it difficult to account for this trait of 1 J. A. Woodburn, Higher Education in Indiana, p. 80. 10 Historical Sketch character. He was tolerant and patient to a fault of everything but mean- ness and duplicity. A person in whom he had no confidence he would keep at arm's length, and although policy might dictate an opposite course he would hardly treat one thus regarded with common courtesy. He would never, to use his own expression, 'throw a sop to Cerberus.' On the other hand, to those in whom he had confidence, no one was more affable. There was sometimes, however, an apparent want of civility, a brusque manner." This was due, our authority informs us, to his habit of so concentrating his thought upon the subject in mind that he scarcely noticed any one or anything else. Such was the character of the man who shaped the University during its formative period and touched the lives of young men as if with a magic wand, aro vising within them aspirations for scholarship, truth and service. The list of alumni of this period is illumined with the names of James S. Some Alumni of Rollins, founder of the University of Missouri and prominent in the politics tbls P enod - of that State ; James Wilson Dunn, lawyer, business man, Lieutenant-Colonel of volunteers; William McKee Dunn, lawyer, Congressman, brevet Briga- dier-General and Judge Advocate General of the United States Army ; An- drew Wylie, Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, 1863- 1884 ; James Darwin Maxwell, physician and member of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University, 1860-1892 ; Parker Campbell, banker, sugar planter, and Major in the Confederate Army ; John S. Watts, Chief Justice of the Territory of New Mexico; William Mitchell Daily, President of Indiana University, 1853-1859; Addison Locke Roache, Judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana; Joseph A. Wright, Governor of Indiana, 1849- 1857, United States Senator from Indiana, and Minister to Prussia ; George Grover Wright, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa, United States Senator from Iowa, 1871-1877; Richard Taylor Allison, lawyer, Paymaster in the United States Navy under Commodore Perry in his expedition to Japan in 1854, and later Paymaster in the Marine Corps of the Confederate States; William Alexander Parsons Martin, missionary, diplomatist, Pres- ident of the Imperial College, Pekin, author and translator, and mandarin of the third rank ; Russell Bigelow Abbott, President of Albert Lea College, Minnesota ; Theophilus Parvin, professor in Jefferson Medical College, Phil- adelphia, and a noted medical author; Michael Steele Bright, lawyer and 11 Indiana University banker; John Henry Wise, Deputy Collector of the port of San Francisco, wool and commission merchant; George D. Wise, lawyer and statesman; Obadiah Jennings Wise, editor of the Richmond (Va.) Enquirer, Captain in the Confederate Army; John James Wise, physician and Captain in the Confederate Army. To this list might be added the names of many others, who won distinction in law, medicine, education or business, or in humbler walks spent their lives in the service of their fellow-men, true to their youthful ideals. The Constitution of Indiana adopted in 1851 does not expressly refer to Indiana University as a State institution, but it does declare that "all trust funds held by the State shall remain inviolate, and be faithfully and exclusively applied to the purpose for which the trust was created." At the first session of the General Assembly under the authority of the new Constitution, the University was explicitly "recognized as the Uni- versity of the State." (Act of June 17, 1852.) In 1852 the Federal Government made an additional grant of 4,166 acres for the use of the University; this yielded in time about $10,000, but the proceeds were not immediately available. The vacancy caused by the death of President Wylie in November, 1851, was not immediately filled by the Board of Trustees, and for that school year Professor Daniel Read and later Professor Theophilus A. Wylie acted as President. The permanent position was first tendered to Dr. John H. La- throp, Chancellor of Wisconsin University, and upon his declination a sim- ilar offer was made to the eminent educator, Henry Barnard of Connecticut. Owing to a carriage accident Dr. Barnard was compelled to decline the invi- tation, and Rev. Alfred Ryors, D.D., who had been professor of mathematics in 1844-48, and was now President of Ohio University, was elected to the office. Presidency of Dr. Ryors began his administration under inauspicious conditions. The Dr - ^ lf d Ryors University was involved for a number of years in the suit with Vincennes University over the Seminary lands in Gibson County, which terminated adversely to Indiana University. The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States threatened to curtail the revenues of the institution, and the number of students declined. Still more discouraging and annoying to President Ryors was the presence of a disaffected and intriguing element 12 Historical Sketch in the Faculty and Board of Trustees. So great was the disappointment of Dr. Ryors that within six months after his coming he tendered his resignation, but' upon the earnest request of the President of the ' Board he withdrew it. The situation, however, did not improve, and at the end of his first year he again presented his resignation, which was then accepted. Dr. Ryors was a man of fine attainments and had been very successful both as a disciplinarian and as an instructor, in the position of President of Ohio University. His presidency of Indiana University was too brief and was begun under circumstances too unfavorable to leave the permanent impression which was properly anticipated from a man of his talents. The only important change made during his administration was the establishment of a Normal Department under the management of Professor Read, which was discontinued after Professor Read's resignation in 1856. Rev. William Mitchell Daily, D.D., an alumnus of the class of 1836, Presidency of was next chosen President, which position he filled from 1853 to 1859. D aiiyn 853-59) Under his presidency the University progressed favorably, until a disastrous fire in April, 1854, completely destroyed the main building, the University library of 1,200 volumes, and the furnishings and libraries of the students' literary societies. This was a severe blow to the institution; but the loss of material equipment was more than compensated for by the zeal and loyalty of the students, alumni, Faculty, Board of Trustees, and citizens of Bloomington. The Board of Trustees within three weeks appointed a building committee. The people of Bloomington and Monroe County subscribed $10,000. A sale of scholarships was authorized by the Board, and the subscriptions were made convertible into scholarships which entitled the holders to free tuition. Money was borrowed, and a new building was ready for use in 1855. The nucleus of a new library was acquired through liberal donations of books from Mr. Henry W. Derby, a bookseller and publisher of Cincinnati, and from Mr. W. H. Jones, of Ft. Wayne. In 1856 the Federal Government donated to the University about 22,000 acres of land in this and in other States to make up the loss occasioned by the decision of the United States Supreme Court in respect to the Gibson County lands. Thus the financial basis of the University was made more solid, and the material equipment enlarged and modernized. At the same time the inner life of the institution was enriched by the coming of two 13 Historical Sketch men who for nearly thirty years gave their services and the inspiration of their lives to the University. In 1854 Elisha Ballantine, of Ohio Uni- versity, came to Indiana University as professor of mathematics ; two years later, upon the resignation of Professor Read, he was transferred to the professorship of languages. At the same time Daniel Kirkwood, then Pres- ident of Newark College, Delaware, was made professor of mathematics. In the resignation of Professor Daniel Read, to accept the professorship of ancient languages in Wisconsin University, Indiana University suffered a loss. Dr. Read was an excellent scholar, a superior teacher and a man of practical affairs. His energy and diplomacy were of great value during the dark days of the early fifties. He was a member of the Constitutional convention of 1850-51, and took an active part in the deliberations of that body, especially upon all questions relating to education. Dr. Daily was untiring in his efforts in behalf of the University. He was much liked by the students on account of his kindly disposition and his interest in their welfare. But because of some untoward circum- stances, resulting in a trial in an ecclesiastical court, in which charges were brought against Dr. Daily, and a popular clamor excited, which he feared might be injurious to the University, he handed in his resignation January 27, 1859, which was accepted. During the remainder of the college year Professor T. A. Wylie again served as temporary President. In this period another change should be noted in the law governing the number and appointment of Trustees. In 1855 the number of mem- bers of the Board was reduced to eight the present number and the power to fill vacancies in their body, which they had had from 1838, was taken away and vested in the State Board of Education. In 1859 Dr. Lathrop was again offered the presidency of Indiana Uni- Presidency of versitv, and this time accepted, although he occupied the office but one Dr- John ** La ~ ' . throp( 1*50-60). year. With the exception of an increase in the number of professors and tutors no important changes were made during that time. In 1860 Dr. Lathrop resigned to accept a professorship in Missouri University, of which institution he had been the first President, from 1840 to 1849. Dr. Cyrus Kutt was elected President in 1860, and at once took up the duties of the office. His formal inauguration occurred on June 7, 1861, at which time Governor Oliver P. Morton delivered the address of investiture. 15 Indiana University Presidenry of Dr. Cyrus Xutt |lS>O-75). The outbreak of the Civil War inevitably reacted disastrously on the growth of the University in President Nutt's administration, as is seen in the record of attendance. In 1860 the number of students enrolled, exclusive of those in the law and preparatory departments, was 99 ; in 1861 it rose to 112; in 1863 it fell to 67. After the close of the war, the ground lost was steadily recovered, and by 1869 the number of students had risen to 182. One of the first questions to occupy the attention of President Nntt and the Board of Trustees was the disposition to be made of Indiana's portion of the public lands granted to the several States, by an act of Con- gress of July 2, 1862, for the establishment of "Colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts." Indiana received as her share of this donation the land scrip of 390,000 acres, from which was realized by sale and by careful management of the proceeds about $340,000. Three prop- ositions for the use of this trust fund were considered by the Legislature: (1) the endowment of agricultural departments in some five of the leading colleges of the State, including a central institution of research at Indi- anapolis; (2) the founding of a separate agricultural college; (3) the establishment of an Indiana State Agricultural College in connection with Indiana University. Dr. Nutt and the friends of the University labored zealously for the adoption of the third plan. The claim of Indiana Uni- versity would probably have been stronger if the Board of Trustees had previously established an agricultural department, which they had authority to do under an act passed by the Legislature in 1852. All arguments, however, were overpowered by the generous gift of $150,000 by John Purdue of Lafayette, and donations of $50,000 by Tippecanoe County and 100 acres of land by the town of West Lafayette, conditioned upon the location of the institution at West Lafayette. However, at about this time Indiana University received an indorsement from the State Legislature which was full of significance. Prior to 1867 the University had received no money from the treasury of the State. In that year an important innovation was made. The General Assembly, recognizing that the "endowment fund of the State University" was "no longer sufficient to meet the growing wants of education and make said University efficient and useful," and believing that "it should be the pride 16 Historical Sketch of every citizen of Indiana to place the State University in the highest condition of usefulness, and make it the crowning glory of our present great common school system," appropriated $8,000 to the use of the University, and in 1873 increased the amount of the annual appropriation to $15,000. The most important innovation during this period was the admission Admission of of women to all the rights and privileges of the University on equal terms Women to the J University with men. Hon. Isaac Jenkinson, then a member and now President of (1868). the Board of Trustees, had advocated this change for several years, but for some time he had stood alone. In the year 1867 Miss Sarah Parke Mor- rison, without any knowledge of the discussion upon the subject within the Board of Trustees, presented a petition to that body requesting that the privilege of attendance at the University be granted to women. This brought the question to a focus, and lay a vote of four to three the petition was granted. Miss Morrison entered the University the next fall, and was graduated with the class of 18(39. To Mr. Jenkinson is due the credit for this advanced step. At that time no other State University had adopted the system of co-education ; although Oberlin University and two other institutions of collegiate rank were committed to such a policy, Indiana University was, among the State Universities, the pioneer in this movement. In 1868 the Military Department of the University was revived under the control of Major-General Eli Long, who began his work in 1869. In the following year he was recalled by the War Department, and Colonel James Thompson was appointed professor of military science and engi- neering. For two or three years considerable interest was show T n in military training; but on account of the time required and the inconvenience to many students their zeal declined and greater emphasis was put upon the civil engineering. In 1875 the military training was discontinued, but Colonel Thompson remained as professor of civil engineering. An effort at this time to secure the construction of a gymnasium proved unsuc- cessful. For some time the University had felt the need of a Medical Department, but because the University was in a small town it was deemed inadvisable to establish a department at Bloomington. In 1871 an arrangement was made with the Indiana Medical College by which that school became the (3) ! Indiana University Medical Department of Indiana University; and for a few years it was recognized in the annual catalogues as a part of the University. The connection, however, was not close, and in 1877 it was completely severed. Commissioned Of scarcely less importance than the admission of women to the Uni- high school versity was the attempt made in 1873 to establish a more intimate connec- SV^tt*lll l'K' ir UIl (1873). tion between the University and the High Schools of the State. The framers of the first Constitution had as their ideal a system of education extending from the graded schools to the University; this had been only partially realized. There existed a hiatus between the common schools and the University, because of the narrow field of the Preparatory Department and the small number of High Schools that were capable of doing work of a high grade, especially in Greek. In 1873 the State Board of Education and a convention of school superintendents and teachers recommended to the Board of Trustees that an increased amount of mathematics and science be accepted as an equivalent for the Greek required for admission, and that the High Schools prepare students for admission to the University. The Board acceded to this request, fixed the minimum standard for admission, and agreed to admit to the University, without further exami- nation, all applicants bearing certificates of a satisfactory examination in the required subjects from certain High Schools, to be thereafter desig- nated by the State Board of Education. As soon as the arrangement went into effect, twenty-one High Schools were chosen and commissioned by the State Board of Education to prepare students for admission to the Freshman class. While the number of commissioned High Schools did not increase very rapidly, a standard was set to which the better High Schools tried to conform. It was not until the presidency of Dr. David Starr Jordan that the importance of this relation was fully appreciated and the unification made more perfect. During this period the Faculty was enlarged, and there were several changes in its personnel. The most notable of these was the appointment in 1863 of Colonel Richard Owen as professor of natural philosophy and chemistry. In 1864 he was transferred to the chair of physics and chem- istry, and in 1868 to the professorship of natural science and chemistry. This increase in the number of instructors, and the growth in the attend- ance, reaching 182 in 1869, caused a demand for better equipment and 18 Historical Sketch accommodations. From the beginning of the annual appropriations by the State in 1867, considerable sums of money were spent upon apparatus and materials for use in the departments of physics, chemistry and natural science. In 1870 the extensive cabinet of the distinguished geologist, David Dale Owen, of New Harmony, was purchased by the University. In order to utilize this valuable collection advantageously and to afford adequate accommodations for the library, the law school and the scientific departments, it was determined to erect a new building, which was completed in 1874. After fifteen years' service, Dr. !N"utt resigned June 30, 1875. During his administration many important changes were made, but in most cases they originated with, and their details were worked out by, the Board of Trustees. In September, 1875, Dr. Lemuel Moss, who had a few months before Presidency of resigned the presidency of the old Chicago University, was elected Presi- Dr. Lemuel MOSS dent, and at once assumed, under favorable auspices, the duties of the office. In the next year the relation between the Indiana Medical College and the University was terminated, and in 1877 the Law School was discontinued after an honorable existence of thirty-five years. Inasmuch as tuition was free, according to a ruling of the Board, the funds of the Uni- versity did not justify so large an expenditure of money as was needed to maintain these schools with high standards. The administration of Dr. Moss saw a further expansion of the college course. The course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science had existed as early as 1854; in 1867 this course was enlarged. In 1878 an additional course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Letters was introduced, which permitted the substitution of French or German in place of the Greek in the classical course. Another innovation of this period was the introduction of courses of special lectures given by the most eminent scholars in science and letters. Among these special lecturers were Professor George F. Barker, M.D., LL.D., of the University of Pennsylvania ; President James B. Angell of the University of Michigan; Richard A. Proctor, B.A., of Cambridge, England; and Professor William T. Harris, LL.D., now Commissioner of Education, Washington, D'. C. Indiana University Removal of the University to a new site (1885). The people of the State showed their increasing confidence in the Uni- versity by the provision made in 1883 for the first permanent endowment of the institution out of State funds. For this purpose the Legislature in 1883 authorized an annual levy of a tax of five mills on each one hundred dollars' worth of taxable property in the State, to be continued for thirteen years. From the operation of this law there was realized a fund of $358,333, the interest on which amounts to $21,500 annually. In the summer of 1883 the University again suffered a severe loss from fire. Science Hall, with practically all of its contents the library of 13,000 volumes, the apparatus of the physical and chemical departments, the museum, and the private collections of Dr. David Starr Jordan, then professor of biology was totally destroyed. The calamity at first seemed overwhelming. But the President, the Faculty, the Board of Trustees, and the loyal friends of the University turned their faces resolutely towards the future. It was a crisis of great import. The momentous question was whether the University should be continued on the old site, with its narrow limits and the annoyances from the noise of the railroad, or whether a new site should be selected which would afford relief from the existing vexations and give wide opportunity for future growth. After careful delib- eration the Board of Trustees determined upon removal, and a beautiful tract of land known as Dunn's woods, lying on the east edge of the town, was purchased. With $20,000 insurance money, and the liberal donation of $50,000 from Monroe County, the erection of buildings was begun in April, 1884, the cornerstone being laid June 10th in that year. Until the new buildings were ready for occupation, the regular work of the University was continued in the one building still remaining on the old site. Notwithstanding the difficulties occasioned by the cramped quar- ters and the inadequate equipment of the library and the laboratories, the students were enthusiastic and patient, and the attendance in the Collegi- ate Department during the first year after the fire was only 24 less than that of the previous year, and in the second year but 10 less; while in the next year it w r as even 35 more than in the last year preceding the fire. On November 8, 1884, the resignation of Dr. Moss was announced. Rev. Elisha Ballantine, formerly professor of Greek, was made temporary president, serving until January 1, 1885. Dr. Moss was a man of great Historical Sketch intellect and power, and ah eloquent preacher. As a teacher he made a deep impression upon his students. While the University made progress under his administration, it was still essentially a college with the old ideals and methods. The usefulness of the old forms and methods should not, however, be misunderstood. That the range of subjects was restricted, that the equip- ment of laboratories was meager, that the opportunities for investigation were lacking, must be admitted. But it must not be inferred that the efforts at this time were fruitless. In spite of all difficulties the young men and women who were graduated during the days of the College acquired a discipline and a culture which made it possible for them to enter upon careers crowned with success and honor. In some part, at least, the want of a variety of courses was compensated for by the close and often intimate relation between the student and the teacher. The contact with such men as Professors Wylie, Owen, Ballantine and Kirkwood was a liberalizing and inspiring influence which wrought in the minds and hearts of the youth subtle and abiding changes. Nevertheless it must be admitted that Indiana University had not kept pace with the younger universities of neighboring States. There was needed an infusion of new and vigorous blood a rejuvenation which would put the institution in touch with the modern movement in higher education a need fully supplied in the administration next following, that of David Starr Jordan. On January 1, 1885, Dr. David Starr Jordan, professor of biology in Presidency of the University, entered upon his duties as President, in succession to Dr. *' a _ %1 ' Starr Jordan Moss. His administration was the beginning of a new epoch in the history (1885-91). of the University, in which it was raised to the level of other State Univer- sities and to an honorable rank among the leading institutions of the country. The chief means by which this was accomplished was the "reorganization of the curriculum to the form in which it now stands, a form which har- monizes individuality with thorough work, and secures an education at once broad and of specific content," Dr. Jordan's conception of a university is stated clearly in his own words : "The highest function of the real university is that of instruction by investigation. The essential quality of the university is the presence 21 Historical Sketch in its Faculty of men qualified to do university work. It matters not how many or how few the subjects taught, or what may be the material equip- ment of the teacher, the school in which study and investigation go hand in hand is in its degree a university." It was this ideal which determined the course of his entire policy in the modification of the curriculum and in the selection of his staff of instructors. It was his plan to choose as professors young men fresh from the best schools where opportunities for graduate work of the best type were offered. He believed that these men, imbued with the spirit -of investigation, would instil into their own students the desire for research work. His expectations were amply realized. Many changes in the personnel of the Faculty were made during his administration. This was due in part to the fact that as the success of the young teachers became known they were called to more responsible and more lucrative positions elsewhere. But their places here were in turn filled by men of the same stamp. Second in importance only to the reorganization of the curriculum was The Preparatory the service of Dr. Jordan in articulating more closely the University and Department , TT . , _. , , ,, , ~ , . , . . . TT . . . . abolished (1890) the High Schools 01 the State, and in popularizing the University without lowering its standard. In the belief that the High Schools had attained such a position that they could offer the secondary instruction necessary for admission to the University, the Preparatory Department was abolished in 1890. The number of commissioned High Schools was increased rapidly, and the quality of their instruction was improved. In this way the influence of Dr. Jordan touched not only the University but the High Schools and even the common schools of the State. In 1885 the buildings on the new campus Owen Hall, Wylie Hall and a frame chapel building now called Mitchell Hall were ready for occupation. In 1890 was erected the present Maxwell Hall, used for the library and the administration offices. Under Dr. Jordan's care the equipment of the chem- ical, physical and zoological laboratories was increased in quantity and im- proved in quality. In 1889, after a discontinuance of thirteen years, the Indiana University The School of School of Law was re-established with Judge David Demaree Banta as Dean. L f7 0( r ^ vived ( lOoD ) Since that time it has made continuous progress by increasing the require- ments for admission and by extending the length of the course to three years. .. -.'.>.. 23 a 3 * I Historical Sketch * In 1891 an important change was made in the method of selecting part of the Board of Trustees. Three members since that time have been elected by the alumni of the University residing in Indiana. Each member serves for a term of three years, one retiring annually. This arrangement has proved to be quite satisfactory and assists in keeping alive the interest of the alumni in their alma mater. In 1891 Dr. Jordan resigned to take the presidency of a new university, planned by Senator Leland Stanford at Palo Alto, California. His loss to Indiana University was a severe blow. As a teacher Dr. Jordan was thor- ough and inspiring. His success in arousing in young men a thirst for knowledge obtained by original investigation is shown by the long list of his students who have achieved scientific distinction. As an executive he was original and positive in his convictions ; to many, his advanced conceptions seemed radical. But he comprehended as no one else did at the time, the future possibilities of Indiana University; and time has only confirmed the wisdom and saneness of his views. It is not extravagant to say that the present position and tendency of the University are due to the influence of Dr. Jordan more than to that of any other one man. The immediate successor of Dr. Jordan was John .Merle Coulter, pro- Presidency of fessor of botanv at Wabash College, whose doctorate of philosophy was con- - ^ ferred by Indiana University in 1884. Imbued with the same spirit, Presi- dent Coulter continued Dr. Jordan's policy ; his presidency was too short for him to work out any individual policy of his own. With diplomatic skill he harmonized some differences which had arisen within the Faculty. His influence tended to allay an unwarranted alarm in some quarters lest the spirit of scientific inquiry at the University might have a detrimental effect on the religious belief of the young people. It was in the first year of his administration that a branch of the Young Men's Christian Association was established in the University, superseding an older, less defined organization composed of men and women students known as the Christian Association. In this movement Dr. Coulter took an active interest, not only in the local branch but in the State Association as well. In 1893 Dr. Coulter resigned to take the presidency of Lake Forest University, and shortly after (1896) accepted the professorship of botany in the University of Chicago. 25 Historical Sketch Dr. Joseph Swain, who succeeded Dr. Coulter in 1893, was the second Presidency of President of the University who had completed within its walls his under- graduate course. He entered the University in the same year (1879) in which Dr. Jordan began his work as professor of biology, and soon came under his influence. After graduating in 1883, he held an instructorship at the University in mathematics and zoology for two years, and in 1885 re- ceived the degree of Master of Science. The following year he studied mathe- matics and astronomy at Edinburgh University, Scotland, and in 1886 he returned to his alma mater as professor of mathematics. Dr. Jordan was so impressed with the soundness of his opinions and the wisdom of his advice that he chose him among the first of the members of the new faculty of Stanford University in 1891 and made him professor of mathematics. During the period of organizing that institution he was one of the most confidential advisers of President Jordan. In this close association he acquired an intimate knowledge of the details of university administration, and upon the resignation of President Coulter in 1893, Professor Swain was elected President of Indiana University. Dr. Swain's educational policy was along the lines marked out by Presi- dent Jordan. New courses were added to the curriculum and other men of the same type as the old were added to the corps of instructors. There was a leveling up of the departments especially those dealing with the human- ities, which to some seemed in danger of being overshadowed by the rapid development of the scientific departments. The maintenance of old standards and the realization of new ideals increased expenditures. In the field of university finance President Swain rendered preeminent service to the University and the cause of higher educa- tion in Indiana. In addition to special appropriations for the erection of three new buildings Kirkwood Hall, a larger heating plant, and Science Hall the Legislature, largely through his influence, was induced to provide a more permanent financial support for the University. In 1895 an act was passed imposing an annual tax equivalent to one-fifteenth of a mill upon each dollar of taxable property within the State for the use of the University a rate subsequently raised (in 1903) to one-tenth of a mill. The increased revenue was expended with strict economy. The growth of the institution in 27 Historical Sketch the estimation of the public is attested by the rapid increase in the attend- ance, which rose in this period from 638 in 1894, to 1,285 in 1902. In 1900 a step was taken which has made the University more fully than Abolition of ever before a school for the people. Although tuition was free, it had long been customary to charge a small fee of five dollars per term for contingent purposes. At the November meeting of the Board of Trustees in 1900, all contingent fees, excepting those in the School of Law, were abolished from and after January 1, 1901. This however did not do away with "reasonable I MEN'S GYMNASIUM (ERECTED 1896) charges for the use of the gymnasium, library, and equipment and supplies for the laboratories." Equally with President Coulter, Dr. Swain encouraged the work of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations and was largely instrumental in making the organizations here the leading branches of the college associations in Indiana. Mainly through the interest and energy of 29 Indiana University Presidency of Dr. William Lowe Bryan, from 1902. his wife, Mrs. Francos Morgan Swain, there was raised from students, alumni, and friends of the University, in the last years of President Swain's administration, a sum which, with an equal amount given by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, secures the erection of a Students' Building to cost approxi- mately $100,000. The building, which is now in process of construction, will contain the women's gymnasium, rooms for the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, and a small auditorium ; and it will become a center for the student life of the University. In 1902 Dr. Swain resigned to accept the presidency of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, in response to an urgent call from those of his own faith the Society of Friends. His most distinctive services to the University were in enriching its material resources and equipment, in defending it against unreasonable attacks, and in perfecting its organi- zation. Dr. William Lowe Bryan, who is now President of the University, was graduated from Indiana University in 1884; he was instructor in Greek in the University from January to June in 1885, and associate professor of phi- losophy from 1885 to 1887. During the year 1886-87 he was a student at the University of Berlin; and during the year 1891-92, he studied at Clark University, from which institution he received the degree of Doctor of Phi- losophy in 1892. From 1887 until his election to the presidency in 1902, he was professor of philosophy in the University. As Vice-President, under Dr. Swain, he was closely associated with the administration of the University ; and, because of his peculiar fitness on account of natural ability, tempera- ment and special training, the Board of Trustees, the Faculty, the students, the alumni and all other friends of the University, with unanimity turned to him as the logical successor to the presidency. His formal installation took place in connection with the celebration of Foundation Day, January 20, 1903 a celebration made doubly memorable by the dedication at the same time of the new Science Hall. In the two years of the present administration, the prosperity of the University has continued unimpaired, and it is believed that the efficiency and usefulness of the institution are at as high a level of excellence as ever before in its history. President Bryan has expressed one of the chief objects of his administration, as follows : 30 Historical Sketch "For eighteen years the chief feature of our curriculum has been the major subject. The major subject has meant some one department of learn- ing chemistry, Greek, or the like in which the candidate for graduation spends one third or one fourth of all his time and in which he has therefore a chance to gain the beginnings of mastery. "Now I believe in vastly widening the meaning of the major subject. It has meant as I have said a department of learning. I wish to see it mean also any group of subjects leading to a learned occupation. I wish to see men given the degree of A.B. in law, medicine, architecture, commerce, journal- ism or any such profession. Second, I wish to see the major subject mean also any group of subjects leading to one of the fine arts. Our whole system of education is one-sided through the almost total neglect of the arts. I hope soon to see the time when all the great arts will be adequately represented in that free public school system which rises 'in regular gradation from the township schools to the State University.' "Toward the accomplishment of these ideals, there has been no rash or sweeping change but, as the official announcements of the University show in detail, a rapid and substantial progress." In reviewing the history of the four-score years of the institution, many Summary: the vicissitudes are noted. "During the first generation of its history the Indi- U mversit y and the people. ana University endured a continuous struggle. It had to contend against the reluctance of the State to give to it a vigorous and liberal financial support ; its lands were unfortunately, or unwisely, managed, and by their too early sale it never realized from its land endowment an income of more than $8,000 ; it was troubled by uncertainty and confusion and subsequent litigation con- cerning this endowment; it was hampered (in the early history of the State) by the antagonisms of religious sects, whose adverse influence was seen some- times in the management of the institution, but more often in unkind and uncalled for opposition to its management and interests ; it suffered two disas- ters by fire ; it had to resist an unreasonable, but common, feeling of suspi- cion, among many of the masses, toward higher education by the State ; all these causes, with some minor ones, have operated to make the growth of the University slow and difficult." 1 1 Woodburn, Higher Education in Indiana, p. 84. 81 Indiana University As the material resources of the State have been developed ; as the people have acquired that competency which brings leisure and opportunity for culture and refinement ; as men have become more tolerant in their religious beliefs ; as the conviction has grown wider and deeper that trained leaders are indispensable in a democracy, the State has become more generous in its support of higher education and made it possible to carry out the ideals of the founders of the University and to accomplish its real functions as conceived by its recent presidents. It bids fair to do its full share in the education of the youth and in the endeavor to attain the ideal democracy. The spirit of its administration is set forth in these words, from President Bryan's inau- gural address : "What the people need and demand is that their children shall have a chance as good a chance as any other children in the world to make the most of themselves, to rise in any and every occupation, including those occupations which require the most thorough training. What the people want is open paths from every corner of the State, through the schools, to the highest and best things which men can achieve. To make such paths, to make them open to the poorest and lead to the highest, is the mission of democ- racy." II Development of tl)e Course of 3n0tructfon (4) "THAT YOUTHFUL COMMUNITY (THE UNIVERSITY) WILL CONSTI- TUTE A WHOLE, IT WILL EMBODY A SPECIFIC IDEA, IT WILL REPRESENT A DOCTRINE, IT WILL ADMINISTER A CODE OF CONDUCT, AND IT WILL FURNISH PRINCIPLES OF THOUGHT AND ACTION. IT WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A LIVING TEACHING, WHICH IN COURSE OF TIME WILL TAKE THE SHAPE OF A SELF-PERPETUATING TRADITION, OR A GENIUS Loci AS IT is SOMETIMES CALLED; WHICH HAUNTS THE HOME WHERE IT HAS BEEN BORN AND WHICH IMBUES AND FORMS MORE OR LESS AND ONE BY ONE EVERY INDIVIDUAL WHO IS SUC- CESSIVELY BROUGHT UNDER ITS SHADOW." CARDINAL NEWMAN. INTRODUCTORY This history of the development of the course of instruction at Indiana Sources of University is derived chiefly from the published annual catalogues, of which the first appeared under the date of August 17, 1831, in the third year of the existence of the institution as a college and the eleventh from its foundation as the State Seminary. With the exception of these catalogues, the official records of the early and middle periods of the institution were nearly all lost in the fires of 1854 and 1883. Throughout the following pages and in the accompanying tables, an academic year is uniformly referred to by mentioning only the later of the two calendar years into which the academic year extends, thus 1850 stands for the academic year 1849-50. For convenience of reference a list of the presidents of Indiana Uni- List of Presi- versity from the time of its foundation as a college is here given, with the Universit . dates of their administrations. 1. Andrew Wylie, D.D 1828-1851 2. Alfred Ryors, D.D 1852-1853 3. William Mitchell Daily, D.D., LL.D 1853-1858 4. John Hiram Lathrop, LL.D 1859-1860 5. Cyrus Nutt, D.D., LL.D 18GO-1875 6. Lemuel Moss, Ph.D., D.D 1875-1884 7. David Starr Jordan, Ph.D., LL.D 1884-1891 8. John Merle Coulter, Ph.D., LL.D 1891-1893 9. Joseph Swain. M.S.. LL.D 1893-1902 10. William Lowe Bryan, Ph.D from 1902 35 DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS GENERAL DEVELOPMENT TO 1887 Rise of the In the early days of the University, there was no subdivision of the " Departments curriculum into separate courses of study or separate departments. The of Liberal Arts." . . . , Preparatory Department, it is true, existed at least from 1830, but this was never an integral part of the "College proper," as the main institution came to be called. A Law School was established in 1842, Normal and Agricul- tural Departments were organized in 1852, a Department of Military Science was added in 1868, and a Medical Department in 1871. The broadening of the course of instruction by the addition of these various departments gradually emphasized the need of some distinctive name for the "College" itself. It is not until 1870, however, that we find the use of the expression "Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts." In the cata- logue of the next year no distinctive name is employed, but from 1872, with the introduction of the course in medicine, the term "Collegiate Department" appears. In 1894 the appointment of a Dean of the Departments of Liberal Arts fixed the official usage for all the sub-departments included in the College proper. Three periods in On the lines of educational policy, the history of the course of instruc- tion in the Collegiate Department of Indiana L^niversity may be divided into instruction. > > three rather clearly defined periods. From 1831, when our earliest records begin, through 1840, the course of instruction was formed with reference to having the student pursue "one principal study at a time." This was the rule, though exceptions were admitted "to suit the convenience of the stu- dent." 1 Catalogue for 1840. 36 Departments of Liberal Arts From the middle of President Wylie's administration, beginning with the year 1841, a change of policy appears. The new plan may be considered as announced in the following statement, which appears in the University cata- logue for 1841 and for several years thereafter: The object of the course of instruction given to the undergraduates in this Insti- tution is to commence a thorough course, arid continue the same, so far as the time of the students' residence at the University will permit. The course prescribed em- braces those subjects only which ought to be understood by everyone who aims at a liberal education. The principles of science and literature are the common basis of all high intellectual attainments. They supply that furniture, and discipline, and elevation to the mind, which are the best aids in the study of any profession. The student, in further prosecution of his professional career, may enter a school of Law, or Medicine, or Theology. With these the undergraduate course is not intended to interfere. The object is, not to teach what is peculiar to any one of the professions, but to lay a foundation which is common to all. The following extract from the catalogue of a few years later also serves to define the new policy of the institution : It is the design of the Faculty of the University to maintain the highest standard of education which the state of the country will admit. It is an evil incident to a new state of society, that young men, from the want of means, from haste to enter professional life, and other causes, take only a partial course of study. But whatever studies the student undertakes, he is required to pursue in a rigorously accurate and thorough manner. None are permitted to graduate unless they have completed the prescribed course, which is as extensive as is usual in our oldest and best established American colleges. In other words, while in the first decade of the recorded history of the University, emphasis was laid on one chief subject and on having that done well, in the second period the student was expected to divide his attention between several subjects of more or less coordinate rank. This second tend- ency is responsible for the introduction into the curriculum of many new lines of work, and so perhaps forms the natural stage of transition from a period of too great specialization to the period in which specialization is combined with breadth of interest. 37 Indiana University The third period in the development of the University's educational policy was not definitely inaugurated until 1887. An account of its intro- duction and character will he found on a subsequent page, in its appropriate place. Number of In the early history of the University the academic year was divided into two sessions, the first commencing with the first of November and ending with the last of April, the second commencing with the first of June and end- ing with the last of September. There were thus two vacation periods, com- prising respectively the month of May and the month of October. Later the two sessions were so shifted as to bring the vacations in April and in October respectively. The three-term plan was introduced in 1850, or possibly the year before, 1 and has continued until the present time. The divisions of the year were practically as at present, except that the "summer term" so-called, corresponding to our "spring term," was separated from the winter term by a vacation period of about a month, thus bringing Commencement about the middle of August instead of, as at present, in the latter part of June. Number and Just how many recitations a day students were required to attend during the early period of the University's existence it is impossible to make out ; but from the year 1841 we read in the catalogues the following rule: "Each of the four classes attends three recitations or lectures in a day." This is practically equivalent to the present requirement in number of periods, but we have no means of determining what was the length of the recitation period at that time. From 1878 the number of lecture or recitation periods a week was raised from fifteen to twenty, and we read: "Every student is required to attend four recitations or lectures a day, unless specially ex- cused." In the first year of President Jordan's administration (1885) the number of periods was reduced once more to fifteen; but by a corresponding lengthening of the period itself it was estimated not only that no time would be lost, but that as a matter of fact some time would be gained. It was thought, also, that more could be accomplished in three studies a day with a relatively longer period than in four with the shorter period. In the two years 1808 and 1899, in order to make room on Tuesdays and Fridays for a chapel hour, the recitation period on those days was shortened in the !The University catalogue for 1849 is missing. 38 Departments of Liberal Arts morning to forty-five minutes, while on the other days of the week it remained fifty-five minutes in length. From 1900 the period has been fixed uniformly at fifty minutes, with ten-minute intermissions. With the gradual introduc- tion of fractional courses, moreover, it was found impracticable to insist on the student dividing his work so as to bring exactly three recitation periods into each day, consequently since 1895 the regular amount of work has been specified as fifteen hours a week, the student being left to distribute those hours as he thinks best. In the College proper, as distinguished from the Preparatory and other FIRST PERIOD Departments, one uniform course of instruction of four vears leading to the FTHECouRSE OF INSTRUCTION degree of Bachelor of Arts was originally prescribed for all students who (1H31-40). were candidates for graduation. In the earliest form in which it appears in the University catalogue, namely in 1831, the second year of President Wylie's administration, this course was as follows : FRESHMAN CLASS Greek Testament, Minora, Majora 1st vol., Majora 2d vol. commenced. Com- positions in English and Latin. Greek Theses. SOPHOMORE CLASS Majora finished, the Iliad. Colburn's Algebra, Cambridge Mathematics. Compositions and themes, as in the Freshman Class. JUNIOR CLASS Mathematics finished. Mechanics, Astronomy, Physics, Mathematical and Physical Geography. Dissertations, and themes and compositions, as before. SENIOR CLASS Moral and Mental Philosophy, Evidences of Christianity in connection with Natural Religion, Rhetoric, with a review of select portions of the Greek, Latin and English Classics, Logic, Political Economy, Constitution of the United States. Dissertations, and composition, in English and Latin. At the end of the first decade already referred to as marking a distinct period in the educational policy of the University, namely in 1840, the course of instruction was as follows : 39 Indiana University FRESHMAN CLASS First Session. Ovid (three first books and thirteenth), Virgil, Horace, Rhetor- ical Reading and Declamation. Second Sfsn'nni. Greek Testament. Collectanea, Grsrea Minorn, Majora com- menced. Rhetorical Reading and Declamation. These are continued throughout the Course. SOPHOMOHE CLASS First Session. Gra?ca Majcra finished, the Iliad. Cicero de Oratore. Second Session. Algebra (Davies' Bourdon), Geometry (Davies' Legendre). JUNIOR CLASS First Session. With the Professor of Mathematics. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Analytical Geometry. Differential and Integral Cal- culus (Davies). With the Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. Heat, Electricity, Galvanism, Electro-Magnetism (Turner's Chemistry), Statics and Dynamics (Cambridge Mechanics). Second Session. Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics (Cambridge Mechanics). Optics (Bache's Brewster), Inorganic and Organic Chemistry (Turner), Astron- omy (Herschel). The instructions in the departments of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry are conveyed in part by Lectures, with experimental illustrations, but principally by the study of approved text-books. THE SENIOR CLASS Spends the whole year under the immediate direction of the President in the following Studies: Rhetoric, by lectures, with critical reference to select portions of the Greek, Latin and English Classics, Blair and Campbell used as text-books; Logic (WhatelyK Mental and Moral Philosophy: Political Economy; Evidences of Christianity; Constitution of the United States. On all these subjects Lectures are given. Dissertations and Syllabuses are required, and a course of reading pointed out. SECOND PERIOD The year 1841 marks the beginning of the period in the history of the OF THE COURSE University when, instead of emphasizing "one principal study at a time," the OF INSTRUCTION ,,..,. , ' .. . . (I840-N5i. student was expected to pursue several distinct lines of work 01 coordinate rank. From this time until the end of President Wylie's administration the course of instruction shows comparatively little development. Two speci- 40 Departments of Liberal Arts mens are subjoined, the first remaining practically unchanged from 1841 through 1845, and the second from 1846 through 1848 : FRESHMAN CLASS First Session. Horace's Odes and Epodes; Jacob's Greek Reader; Fiske's Course of study, Classical Manual, Part I; Grammatical Exercises and Written Translations; 1840-45. Algebra. Second Session. Horace's Satires and Epistles; Xenophon's Anabasis; Fiske's Classical Manual, Part II; Grammatical Exercises and Written Translations; Davies' Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Session. Folsom's Livy; Homer's Iliad, commenced; Classical Manual, Parts III and IV; Anthon's Greek Prosody, with Scanning; Davies' Surveying and Analytical Geometry. Second Session. "Virgil's Georgics and Cicero de Officiis; Homer's Iliad, fin- ished; Classical Manual, Part V, with Ancient Geography; Greek Prosody, with Scanning; DaA r ies' Differential and Integral Calculus. JUNIOR CLASS First Session. Cicero de Oratore; Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates; Davies' Descriptive Geometry; Cambridge Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics; Turner's Chemistry; Heat and Electricity; Blair's and Campbell's Rhetoric, with Lectures. Second Session. Juvenal and Persius, or Cicero de Senectute and Cicero de Amicitia; ^Eschines and Demosthenes de Corona; Cambridge Mechanics, com- pleted; Inorganic Chemistry; Whately's Logic; Lectures by the President. SENIOR CLASS First Session. Tacitus History; Longinus; Optics. Bache's Brewster; Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity, with Lectures by the President. Second Session. Tacitus Manners of the Germans, and Agricola; Woolsey's Greek Plays; Gummere's Astronomy; Chemistry completed: Say's Political Econ- omy; Reid's and Stewart's Mental Philosophy, with Lectures; and Constitution of the United States. Declamations, Essays, and Rhetorical Reading, by the Classes, on every Saturday during the whole course. The course of instruction as it existed from 1846 to 1848, inclusive, was as follows: 41 Indiana University Course of study, FRESHMAN CLASS 1846-48. First Session. Folsom's Livy; Grreca Majora; Flake's Classical Manual, Part I: Grammatical Exercises and Written Translations; Pierce's Algebra. Second Sexxion. Horace Odes and Epodes; Gnvca Majora: Kiske's Classical Manual, Part II; Grammatical Exercises and Written Translations; Davies' Legendre's Geometry. SOPHOMORE CLASS Firxt Session. Horace Satires and Epistles; Grreca Majora; Classical Mnnual. Parts III and IV; Anthon's Greek Prosody, and Scanning; Pierce's Trigonometry and Surveying, and Analytical Geometry. Second Session. Plays of Terence; Homer's Iliad, or Odyssey; Classic il Manual, Part V, with Ancient Geography; Greek Prosody, with Scanning; Pierce's Differential and Integral Calculus. JUNIOR CLASS First Session. Tacitus History, and Manners of the Germans; Greek Drama Euripides; Integral Calculus, completed; Cambridge Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics; Chemistry; Heat and Electricity; Blair's and Campbell's Rhetoric, with Lectures. Second Session. Juvenal; Greek Drama Sophocles; Cambridge Mechanics, completed; Inorganic Chemistry; Whately's Logic; Lectures by the Presulisit. SENIOR CLASS First Session. Cicero De Oratore; Pindar the Olympic and Pythian Od. j s; Optics, Bache's Brewster; Moral Philosophy, and Evidences of Christianity, with Lectures by the President. ^cciniil Si'xxion. Captivi or Miles Gloriosus of Plautus; Prometheus Viuctus of .l^schylus; Astronomy, Gummere; Chemistry, completed; Say's Political EC :i- omy; Reid's and Stewart's Mental Philosophy, with Lectures; and the Cons it u- tion of the United States. The following course of study, taken from the catalogue for 1850, repre- sents the closing years of President Wylie's administration and shows mi early stage of the three-term system : Departments of Liberal Arts FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Livy (Folsom); Grseca Majora; Fiske's Classical Manual, Part Course of study I; Bourdon's Algebra (Uavies); Grammatical Exercises and Written Translations. Second Term. Horace Odes; Grseca Majora; Fiske's Classical Manual, Part II; Algebra, completed; Cieometry (Davies and Legendre); Grammatical Exer- cises and Written Translations. Third Term. Horace, continued; Grseca Majora; Classical Manual, Part II; Geometry, completed. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Horace Epistles, and Art of Poetry; Grseca Majora; Classical Manual, Parts III and IV; Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Davies' Legendre). Second Term. Plays of Terence; Homer's Iliad, or Odyssey; Classical Manual, Parts IV and V; Greek Prosody, and Scanning; Surveying and Analytical Geometry. Third Term. Plays of Terence; Homer's Iliad, or Odyssey; Classical Manual, Part V; Analytical Geometry, completed. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Tacitus History, and Manners of the Germans; Greek Drama- Euripides; Cambridge Mechanics Statics and Dynamics; Turner's Chemistry; Integral and Differential Calculus (Davies); Rhetoric Blair, Campbell, and Lectures. Second Term. Descriptive Geometry (Davies); Greek Drama Sophocles; Cam- bridge Mechanics, completed; Logic Whately and Lectures; Moral Philosophy. Third Term. Juvenal; Political Economy; Inorganic Chemistry; Mental Phi- losophy. SENIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy, continued; Political Economy, Lectures (Say); Cicero De Oratore; Pindar Olympic and Pythian Odes; Evidences of Christianity. Second Term. Optics (Bache's Brewster); Moral Science, reviewed; Plautus Captivi, or Miles Gloriosus; Prometheus Vinctus. Third Term. Astronomy (Gummere); Chemistry, completed; Reviews and catechetical examinations on the main branches of the course; Declamations, Essays, Dissertations, and Rhetorical Reading and by the Senior Class, Original or Extemporaneous Speaking. 43 Indiana University Under President Ryors, who held office for one year only (1853), the course of instruction followed closely that laid down in the later years of his predecessor. Beginning of the From 1845 a considerable body of undergraduates had been grouped Scientific course. together in the catalogue as "Scientific and Irregular." In 1854, the first year of President Daily's administration, there appears for the first time a list of studies which "constitutes the course necessary to be completed in order to receive the degree of Bachelor of Science." This degree was first granted in that year ; but the course of instruction leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science was not graded until 1860. From this time on, however, it appears as a three-year course, and it is probable that before this time it had covered the same period. The following courses of instruction for 1856 are representative of the work under the administration of President Daily, for both the regular and the scientific students: REGULAR COURSE Regular Course FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Livy; Grneca Majora; Grecian and Roman Antiquities (Bojessen); Algebra (Davies' Bourdon); Latin, Greek, and English Composition; Elocution. Second Term. Livy; Grseca Majora; Grecian and Roman Antiquities; Algebra, completed; Geometry (Davies' Legendre) commenced; Latin, Greek, and English Composition; Elocution. Third Term. Horace Odes; Grseca Majora: Geometry (Davies' Legendre) completed; History; Latin, Greek, and English Composition; Elocution. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Horace Satires and Epistles; Grseca Majora; Application of Al- gebra to Geometry; Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Davies); Mensural ion (Davies); Descriptive Geometry (Davies) commenced; History; Elocution; Latin, Greek, and English Composition. Second Term. Horace, finished; Grseca Majora; Descriptive Geometry; Sur- veying (Davies); Analytical Geometry (Davies), commenced; English Litera- ture; Latin, Greek, and English Composition; Elocution. Third Term. Terence; Homer's Iliad or Odyssey; Analytical Geometry: Rhetoric (Blair); Latin, Greek, and English Composition; Elocution. 44 Departments of Liberal Arts JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Rhetoric (Campbell); Elements of Criticism; Chemistry (Silli- man); Tacitus; Greek Drama; Analytical Geometry, completed; Calculus (Davies), commenced; Exercises in English Composition and Declamation. Second Term. Mental Philosophy (Reid); Mechanics (Bartlett), commenced; Agricultural Chemistry; Juvenal; Greek Drama; Calculus; Exercises in English Composition and Declamation. Third Term. Mechanics, completed; Logic (Whately); Evidences of Chris- tianity; Juvenal; Greek Drama; Calculus, finished; English Composition and Declamation. SENIOR CLASS First Twin. Geology; Physiology; Political Economy (Say); Moral Philosophy (Stewart), commenced; Cicero De Oratore; Pindar; Civil Engineering; English Composition and Declamation. Second Term. Moral Philosophy, completed; International Law (Kent); Acous- tics and Optics (Bartlett); Selections from the Latin and Greek Classics; German Language and Literature (optional); Hebrew Language and Literature (optional); English Composition and Declamation. Third Term. Astronomy; Constitution of the United States (Story); Butler's Analogy; Selections from the Latin and Greek Classics; French Language and Literature (optional); Hebrew Language and Literature (optional); English Com- position and Declamation. The following studies constitute the course necessary to be completed in order to graduation to the degree of Bachelor of Science: Mitchell's Ancient and Modern Geographies; Butler's English Grammar; Scientific Course Ray's Arithmetic; Algebra (Davies' First Lessons); Wilson's American History; in I 856 - English Composition and Declamation; Algebra (Davies' Bourdon); Geometry (Davies' Legendre); Application of Algebra to Geometry; Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Davies); Descriptive Geometry (Davies); History; Analytical Ge- ometry (Davies); English Literature; Rhetoric; Elements of Criticism; Chemistry (Silliman); Calculus (Davies); Mental Philosophy (Reid); Geology (Hitchcock); Agricultural Chemistry; Physiology; Mechanics (Bartlett); Logic (Whately); Evidences of Christianity; Political Economy (Say); Moral Philosophy; Survey- ing (Davies); Civil Engineering; International Law; Acoustics and Optics (Bart- lett); Astronomy; Constitution of the United States; Butler's Analogy. 45 Indiana University President Lathrop's administration covered only the one year 1860. Km m this year through 1807 the Scientific Course comprised simply the ^Regular Course except the classics, and was designed to cover three years. The following is the complete course as announced in 1860: The course in FRESHMAN CLASS I860. First Term. Xenoplion History; Sallust; Greek Grammar; Algebra; Ge- ometry. Second Term. Xenoplion: Horace Odes; Grammar; Algebra; Geometry; Trigonometry. Third Term. Herodotus; Horace Odes; Grammar; General History; Naviga- tion; Surveying; Latin. Greek and English Composition, and Elocution, through- out the year. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Analytical Geometry; History of the United States; Plato, or Xenophon's Memorabilia; Greek Syntax; Horace Satires; Antiquities. Second Term. Calculus; English Analysis; Demosthenes, or Thucydides; Horace Epistles; Antiquities; Syntax. Third Term. Mechanics; English Composition; Homer's Iliad; Livy. or Terence; Antiquities; Syntax; Composition and Elocution throughout the year. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy; Chemistry; Sophocles; Tacitus. Second Term. Logic; Chemistry; Physiology; Euripides; Juvenal. Third Term. Rhetoric; Acoustics; Optics; Descriptive Geometry; Elocution and Composition throughout the year. SENIOR CLASS Fir** Term. Criticism; Ethics; Astronomy. Second Term. Geology; Civil Polity; Constitutional and International Law; Christian Evidences. Third Term. Political Economy; English Literature: Longinus. or Pindar; Cicero De Oratore: Composition and Elocution each term. The course of instruction for the year 1865, which follows, differs from that just given in some respects, and may be taken as representative of the period from 1861 through 1867, which fell in the first half of the administra- tion of President Xutt : 46 Departments of Liberal Arts REGULAR COURSE FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Livy; Grseca Majora, Vol. I; Grecian and Roman Antiquities; The course in Latin and Greek Composition; Algebra (Robinson's Second Part); Introduction to English Composition (Quackenbos). Second Term. Odes of Horace; Grseca Majora; Grecian and Roman Antiqui- ties; Algebra (Robinson), completed; Geometry (Robinson), commenced; English Composition (Quackenbos). Third Term. Horace's Odes; Grseca Majora; Geometry (Robinson), completed; History of the United States. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Horace's Satires and Epistles; Grseca Majora; Plane and Spher- ical Trigonometry (Robinson); Surveying begun (Robinson); English Composition. Second Term. Horace, finished; Grreca Majora; Surveying and Navigation (Robinson); Descriptive Geometry. Third Term. Terence; Homer's Iliad or Odyssey; Analytical Geometry (Rob- inson); General History. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy (Haven); Chemistry (Stoeckhardt); Tacitus; Greek Drama; Calculus (Robinson), commenced. Second Term. Logic (Coppee); Juvenal; Greek Drama; Calculus (Robinson), completed; Organic Chemistry (Stoeckhardt); Physiology. Third Term. Juvenal; Greek Drama; Natural Philosophy (Snell's Olmsted); Esthetics (Moffatt), and Lectures; Civil Polity, Lectures. SENIOR CLASS First Term. Political Economy (Way land); Natural Philosophy (Snell's Olm- sted); Cicero De Oratore; Pindar; Elements of Criticism (Kames). Second Term. Ethics (Lectures); Astronomy (Olmsted); Evidences of Chris- tianity (Lectures); Selections from the Latin and Greek Classics. Third Term. Constitutional and International Law; Geology (Dana's Text- Books); English Literature (Shaw). Weekly exercise in Elocution and Composition throughout the Course. SCIENTIFIC COURSE The Scientific Course is the same as the above, without the Ancient Languages. 47 Indiana University 25 = 2 Teachers. 5 Courses .499 hours ..400 hours .300 hours . 200 hours . too hours Admission of Women to the University (1*67). DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION - 1 A change of far-reaching importance was made in the policy of the institution in 1867, when women were admitted to equal privileges with men. Indiana University was the first State University to adopt this policy, and among institutions of collegiate rank was preceded in the establishment of co-education only by Oberlin, Antioch and Fort Wayne Colleges. The change at Indiana University is described by the late Professor Theophilus 48 Departments of Liberal Arts lish HHHlMistory/PoMical Science 3Fme Arts Economics ^ Social Science Philosophy Pedagogy ,5 Courses of teachmq done by Greek Professor hours -500 hours -400 hours -300 hours -200 hours -100 hours DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION - II A. AVylie, in his 'Indiana University, Its History from 1820 to 1890/ as follows : In the preceding year, Mr. [Isaac] .Tenkinson, then of Allen County, a member of the Board of Trustees, offered a resolution to admit females to the same studies (5) ..020 r " hours ...700 hours Mathematics Astronomy and Mechanics Physics Chemistry E Geology and Geography Zoology Botany %: 4 =2 Teachers. 4 Courses. .600 hours 3OG hours ..400 hours .300 hour.5 .zoo hours .100 hours DEVELOPMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION - III Departments of Liberal Arts .and the same standing as the males. For some time before this, the subject "The co-education of the sexes," had been agitated in various educational conventions, and Mr. Jenkinson was a strong advocate in its favor. Co-operating with others like- minded, he had been instrumental in opening the Fort Wayne Female College to males. The other members of the University Board were not prepared for the inno- vation; no member but himself approved of the resolution presented. At a subse- quent meeting. Judge Rhoads offered a substitute for this resolution of Mr. Jenkinson, proposing to admit females to partial rights and privileges, but this was not agreed to by the Board. The original resolution was then pressed, and about the same time a petition was presented by Miss Sarah P[arkc] Morrison, asking that the law of the University should be so changed that females, with regard to their studies and privileges, should be put on the same footing as the males. This request of Miss Morrison, coining when the question was before the Board, had, without doubt, influ- ence in the Board's deciding in favor of Mr. Jenkinson's resolution. The motion, however, was carried only by a majority of one four in favor, three against it. Miss Morrison, who knew nothing of the agitation of this question by the Board, received a reply to her petition that the laws of the University with regard to this matter required no change, and that its doors, with all its rights and privileges, were open to females. Miss Morrison then entered the Sophomore Class at the be- ginning of the next year, 1808-9; and about nine weeks after, a number of young ladies entered the Freshman Class; and before the end of the second term there were twelve female students. 1 In 1868 the Scientific Course was lengthened to four years and given a Coordination of separate schedule of study. This was in accordance with a notice given in f" en ! :ifi 1 c ^ nd J Classical Courses the catalogue of the preceding year : "The . . . course of study may be (1868). modified by the Board of Trustees at their coming session, since the Legis- lature, at their last session, have, by an appropriation of eight thousand dollars per annum, greatly increased the resources of the University. Some new chairs Avill likely be established, and the corps of instructors enlarged, and the facilities for education multiplied." The regular course also at this time received the designation "classical," by which term the course in languages continued to be known until the defi- nite introduction in 1887 of the "major subject" system. During the ten years ending with 1877, the Scientific Course and the Classical Course stood side by side as parallel and of coordinate rank. As representing this period, iTheophilus A. Wylie, Indiana University: Its History from 1820 to 1890 (Indianapolis, 1890), pp. 74-75. 51 Indiana University two tables of courses are subjoined, one for the year 1870, and the other for the year 1875: CLASSICAL COURSE Classical Course FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Greek Xenophon's Anabasis (Boise): Greek Grammar and Com- position (Hartley's Grammar). Latin Livy, Latin Composition. Mathematics- Algebra (Ray). Second Term. Greek Xenophon's Cyropspdia, or Isocrates' Orations; Greek History (Smith). Latin Cicero or Ovid: Roman Antiquities. Mathematics Alge- bra, completed; Geometry (Ray), commenced. Third Term. Greek Herodotus; Greek Antiquities and Literature (Bojessen). Latin Odes of Horace; Roman Antiquities and Literature (Bojessen). Mathe- maticsGeometry, completed. Physiology. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Greek Homer's Iliad (Boise). Latin Horace's Satires and Epis- tles. Mathematics Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Loomis); Surveying com- menced. English Composition (Quackenbos). Second Term. Greek Plato's Crito and Phredo. Latin Cicero. Mathematics Surveying and Navigation completed; Analytical Geometry (Loomis) begun. English Composition (Quackenbos). Third Term. Greek Demosthenes. Latin Cicero. Mathematics Analytical Geometry completed. English Synonyms and Sentential Analysis. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy (Haven), and Lectures. Greek Theocritus, Bion, or Moschus. Latin Tacitus or Juvenal. Chemistry Inorganic (Stoeck- hardt's). Mathematics Calculus (Loomis). Second Term. Logic (Coppee). Greek Sophocles' CEdipus Tyrannus. Latin- Juvenal or Pliny. Natural Philosophy Mechanics (Olmsted) begun-. Chem- istryOrganic (Stoeckhardt). Third Term. Constitutional Law and Civil Polity, with Lectures. Greek- Euripides' Medea. Latin Plautus or Terence. Natural Philosophy Mechanics completed. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Departments of Liberal Arts SENIOR CLASS First Term. Moral Science (Way land) with Lectures. Criticism Kames' Elements. Greek Pindar. Natural Philosophy Acoustics, Optics, Electricity. Second Term. Political Economy (Perry) and Lectures. Evidences of Chris- tianity (Lectures). Latin Selections from the Latin Classics. Astronomy (Loomis). Third Term. International Law (Halleck). Astronomy completed. Geology (Dana). English Literature. SCIENTIFIC COURSE- FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Mathematics Algebra (Ray). Latin Livy. History. Scientific Course Second Term. Mathematics Geometry (Ray) begun. Latin Cicero or Ovid. in 1870. History. Third Term. Mathematics Geometry completed. Latin Odes of Horace, Classical Antiquities. Physiology. History. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Trigonometry Plane and Spherical (Loomis). Latin, or Modern Languages. Botany and Physical Geography. English Composition (Quack- enbos). Second Term. Mathematics Surveying and Navigation (Loomis). Analytical Geometry (Loomis) commenced. Latin or Modern Languages. Zoology. Eng- lish Composition (Quackenbos). Third Term. Mathematics Analytical Geometry completed. Latin or Modern Languages. English Synonyms and Sentential Analysis. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy (Haven) and Lectures. Mathematics Cal- culus (Loomis), Descriptive Geometry (Davies). Chemistry Inorganic (Stoeck- hardt). Second Term. Logic (Coppee). Mathematics Calculus (Loomis). Natural Philosophy Mechanics commenced. Chemistry Organic (Stoeckhardt). Third Term. Constitutional Law and Civil Polity, with Lectures. Practical Surveying and Civil Engineering. Natural Philosophy Mechanics completed, Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 53 Indiana University SENIOR CLASS First Term. Moral Science (Wayland), with Lectures. Criticism Kames' Elements. Natural Philosophy Acoustics, Optics and Electricity (Olmsted). Seeoinl Term. Political Economy (Perry), with Lectures. Evidences of Christianity (Lectures). Astronomy (Loomis) commenced. Third Term. International Law (Halleck). English Literature. Geology (Dana). Astronomy completed. Weekly exercises in all classes, in Elocution and Composition, throughout the course. The second pair of courses mentioned above, those for 1875, represents the work as given in the last year of the administration of President Xntt : CLASSICAL COURSE Classical Course FRESHMAN CLASS in 187f>. First Term, of reek Grammar (Hadley); Boise's First Lessons. Latin- Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. Mathematics Algebra (reviewed), Geometry (Loomis) beginning at the fifth book. Outline Histoi-y. Weekly Lectures in Physiology and Laws of Health. Second Term. Greek Grammar, Lessons, Anabasis (Boise's First Three Books) begun. Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. Mathematics- Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry (Loomis). Outline History. Third Term. Greek Grammar, Lessons, Anabasis (two books completed). Mathematics Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying and Navigation. Outline His- tory. Latin Ovid (Allen and Greenough); Roman Antiquities. .Urjl SOPHOMORE CLASS h'irst Term. Greek Herodotus (Boise and Freeman's Selections), Grammar, Greek Prose Composition (Jones). Latin Horace's Odes, Prosody. Mathematics Analytical Geometry (Loomis). English Rhetoric (Hart). 8emiul Term. Greek Odyssey in Selections, Syntax, Composition. Latin De Amicitia. Chemistry Organic. English Rhetoric (Hart). Third Term. Greek Thucyd ides in Selections. Syntax. Composition. Latin- Horace's Satires and Epistles, Prosody. Chemistry Organic. English Writing and Analysis of Style. 54 Departments of Liberal Arts JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Xenophon and Plato in Selections, Syntax, Composition. Elo- cution. Mental Philosophy (Porter) and Lectures. Lucretius, Calculus, Analy- tical Chemistry, Drawing, or German. Second Term. Greek Demosthenes in Selections (Boise), Exercises in Syn- tax. Natural Philosophy Mechanics. Mental Philosophy finished, and Logic. Tacitus, Calculus, Analytical Chemistry, Drawing, or German. Third Term. Greek Alcestis of Euripides (Woolsey), Exercises in Syntax (Boise). Constitutional Law and Civil Polity (Andrews). Natural Philosophy Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Acoustics and Magnetism. Mineralogy and Litho- logical Geology. SENIOR CLASS First Term. Moral Science (Haven) and Lectures. Natural Philosophy- Optics, Heat and Electricity. Geology Stratigraphical. Greek, German, French, or Oratory. Second Term. Political Economy (Perry) and Lectures. Evidences of Chris- tianity (Lectures). Astronomy (Looniis). Geology (Paleontology), Greek, French, or German. Third Term. International Law (Halleck), or Social Science. Astronomy completed. Latin, Greek, French, or Dynamical Geology. English Literature and Criticism. SCIENTIFIC COURSE FRKSHMAN CLASS First Term. Mathematics Algebra (reviewed); Geometry (Loomis, begin- Scientific Course ning at fifth book). Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. German ln 1S7i) - Grammar and Composition; Otto's Grammar commenced. Outline History. Weekly Lectures on Physiology and Laws of Health. Second Term. Mathematics Geometry completed, Plane Trigonometry (Loomis). Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. German Grammar and Composition; Grammar and Preparatory Course of Reading. Outline His- tory. Third Term. Mathematics Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying and Naviga- tion (Loomis). German Syntax, Selections and Composition. Latin Ovid (Allen and Greenough). Outline History. Indiana University Two lines of transition to the Third Period of the Course of Instruction. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Mathematics Analytical Geometry (Loomis). German Selec- tions from German Literature. English Rhetoric (Hart). Physical I Geography. Second Term. Mathematics Analytical Geometry; Differential Calculus. English Rhetoric (Hart). German Scientific Selections; or French. Chemistry Inorganic (Eliot and Storer's Manual). Third Term. Chemistry Organic. English Writing and Analysis of Style. German Scientific Selections. Analytical Chemistry (Fresenius). JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Mental Philosophy (Porter) and Lectures. Mathematics Inte- gral Calculus. Zoology. Analytical Chemistry, Descriptive Geometry, Drawing, or Elocution. Second Term. Mental Philosophy, completed. Logic. Civil Engineering (Mahan, revised by Wood). Natural Philosophy Mechanics. Third Term. Constitutional Law and Civil Polity. Natural Philosophy- Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Acoustics and Magnetism. Civil Engineering (Mahan, revised by Wood). Mineralogy and Lithological Geology. SENIOR CLASS First Term. Moral Science (Haven) with Lectures. Natural Philosophy- Heat, Optics and Electricity. Stratigraphical Geology. Oratory; or History of Civilization. Second Term. Political Economy (Perry), with Lectures. Evidences of Chris- tianity (Lectures). Astronomy (Loomis). Geology Paleontology. Third Term. International Law (Halleck); or Social Science. Astronomy, completed. English Literature and Criticism. Geology Dynamical. The third period in the development of the educational policy of the Uni- versity is one, as has been stated, in which specialization is combined with a considerable breadth of interest. The student is expected fairly early in his college course to select as his major subject the work of some one Department, and from the other Departments to elect a sufficient amount of work to make up the prescribed number of hours of credit for graduation. This last change in the general educational policy of the University seems to have worked itself out along two distinct lines which finally contributed to a single result. There was first the gradual differentiation of the course of instruction itself into several different courses, representing emphasis upon 56 Departments of Liberal Arts Graph of Crop* of HO NUMBER OF INSTRUCTORS, COURSES, AND HOURS OF INSTRUCTION different lines of work to suit the choice of the student ; and secondly, the introduction and development of the elective system. It is interesting, therefore, to find that in the same year in which the course of instruc- tion itself begins to be differentiated beyond the twofold division already noticed, we find also the first system- atic introduction of elective studies. This was in 1878, the third year of the administration of President Moss. For a period of eight years, begin- (1) Further dif- ning with 1878 and ending with the ^tiation of the curriculum. first year under President Jordan, we find three parallel courses of in- struction. In 1871 German and French had ceased to be special stud- ies and were incorporated in the regular course. The Classical Course The three-course was differentiated, therefore, into epoch (1878-86). "The Course in Ancient Classics," leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), and "The Course in Modern Classics," which led to the degree of Bachelor of Letters (B.L.). The Scientific Course continued to be an independent course, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.). In the Junior and Senior years, moreover, a considerable range of "electives" was allowed, as is shown in the following table of courses for the year 1880, which fair- ly represents this period : 57 Indiana University A. THE COURSE IN ANCIENT CLASSICS The curriculum FRESHMAN" CLASS Fhst Term. Greek Goodwin's Grammar, First Lessons. Latin Cicero's |fll Ancient Classics Course. Orations, and Latin Composition. Mathematics Geometry (Loomis), beginning at the fifth book. Outline History. Weekly Lessons in Elementary Ethics. Second Term. Greek Grammar, Lessons, Anabasis. Latin Cicero's Ora- tions, and Latin Composition. Mathematics Plane Trigonometry (Loomis). Outline History. Weekly Lessons in Elements of Mental Philosophy. Third Term. Greek Anabasis, Prose Composition. Latin Ovid (Allen and Greenough), Roman Antiquities. Mathematics Spherical Trigonometry, Survey- ing and Navigation. Outline History. Weekly literary exercises. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Greek Extracts from Xenophon's Memorabilia, and from Plato's Apology, Crito, and Pha?do; Prose Composition. Latin Horace's Odes; Prosody. Mathematics Analytical Geometry (Loomis). Physiology. Weekly literary exercises. Second Term. Greek Iliad, Composition. Latin Quintilian. English- Rhetoric (Hart). Chemistry Inorganic. Third Term. Greek Iliad, Composition, Essays on Epic Poetry. Latin Horace's Satires and Epistles, Prosody. English Rhetoric (Hart). Chemistry- Organic. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Psychology Porter's Elements. Greek Demosthenes; Essays on the Orators. English Writing and Analysis of Style. Electives German, Latin, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. Second Term. Logic Gilmore's Outlines. Greek Thucydides; Historical Essays. Natural Philosophy Mechanics. Electives German, Latin, Biology. Third Term. Moral Science (Calderwood). Greek Sophocles or Aristophanes; Essays on the Drama. Electives German, Latin, Botany. Political History, Zoology. SENIOR CLASS First Term. History of Philosophy. Natural Philosophy Optics, Heat, and Electricity. Electives French, Greek, Latin, Political History, Geology. Second Term. Political Economy (I'erry's Introduction); Lectures. English Classics. Astronomy (Loomis). Electives Greek, Latin, Political History, Ora- tory. 58' Departments of Liberal Arts Third Term. Social Science. Astronomy (Loomis). History 'of the English Language. Electives Greek, Latin, Political History. B, THE COURSE IN MODERN CLASSICS FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Mathematics Geometry (Loomis, beginning at fifth book). The curriculum Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. French Grammar and Com- in (6) Modern position. Outline History. Weekly lessons in Elementary Ethics. Classics Course Second Term. Mathematics Plane Trigonometry (Loomis). Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. French Grammar and Composition; pre- paratory Course of Reading. Outline History. Weekly lessons in Elements of Mental Philosophy. Third Term. Mathematics Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying and Naviga- tion. French Syntax, Selections and Composition. Latin Ovid (Allen and Greenough). Outline History. Weekly Literaiy Exercises. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Mathematics Analytical Geometry (Loomis)^ German Gram- mar and Composition. *Latin Horace's Odes; Prosody. Physiology! Weekly Literaiy Exercises. . Second Term. English Rhetoric (Hart). German Composition; Reading. Chemistry Inorganic (Eliot and Storer's Manual). * Latin Quintilian. Third Term. Chemistry Organic. English Rhetoric (Hart). German Selections; Syntax; Composition. * Latin Horace's Satires and Epistles; Prosody. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Psychology Porter's Elements. German Selections. English Writing, and Analysis of Style. Electives Latin, Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. Second Term. Logic Gilmore's Outlines. German Scientific Selections. Natural Philosophy. Electives Latin, Drawing, Analytical Chemistry, Biology. Third Term. Moral Science (Calderwood). German. Electives Latin, Botany, English, Political History, Zoology. *During the Sophomore year, the student in this Course may, if he prefer, substitute (for the Latin) the Greek of the Freshman year. 59 Indiana University SENIOR CLASS First Term. History of Philosophy. Natural Philosophy. Electives Latin. German, Political History, Geology. Second Term. Political Economy (Perry's Introduction), with Lectures. English Classics. Astronomy (Loomis). Electives Latin, German, Political His- tory, Paleontology. Third Term. Social Science. Astronomy, completed. History of the English Language. Electives Latin, German, Political History, Comparative Anatomy. The curriculum in 1880: (c) Scientific Course. C. THE COURSE IX SCIENCE FRESHMAN CLASS First Term. Mathematics Geometry (Loomis, beginning at fifth book). Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. French or Greek. Outline History. Weekly Lessons in Elementary Ethics. Second Term. Mathematics Plane Trigonometry (Loomis). Latin Cicero's Orations, and Latin Composition. French or Greek. Outline History. Weekly Lessons in Elements of Mental Philosophy. Third Term. Mathematics. Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying and Naviga- tion. French or Greek. Latin Ovid (Allen and Greenough). Outline History. Weekly Literary Exercises. SOPHOMORE CLASS First Term. Mathematics Analytical Geometry (Loomis). German or Greek. *Latin Horace's Odes; Prosody. Physiology. Second Term. English Rhetoric (Hart). German or Greek. Chemistry In- organic (Eliot and Storer's Manual). "Latin Quintiliari. Third Term. Chemistry Organic. English Rhetoric (Hart). German or Greek. * Latin Horace's Satires and Epistles; Prosody. JUNIOR CLASS First Term. Psychology Porter's Elements. English Writing, and Analysis of Style. Electives Physics, Descriptive Geometry, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. Second Term. Logic Gilmore's Outlines. Natural Philosophy. Electives Physics. Drawing, Analytical Chemistry, Biology. Third Term. Moral Science (Calderwood). Zoology. Electives Botany, Civil Engineering. Analytical Chemistry, Mineralogy. If the student in this Course is taking the Modern Languages instead of Greek, he may now, if he prefer, substitute (for the Latin of the Sophomore year) the Greek of the Freshman. 60 Departments of Liberal Arts SENIOR CLASS First Term. History of Philosophy. Natural Philosophy. Geology. Elec- tives French, Analytical Chemistry, Political History, Second Term. Political Economy (Perry's Introduction), with Lectures. Eng- lish Classics. Astronomy (Loomis). Electives Analytical Chemistry, Paleon- tology. Political History. Third Term. Social Science. Astronomy, completed. History of the English Language. Electives Analytical Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Political History, In 1886 a farther step was taken towards the definite introduction of the Differentiation maior subiect system by the differentiation of the course of instruction into * nto eight , c J f J J J % _ Courses (1886). eight distinct courses, divided into three groups as follows : A. Classical or Language Courses, leading to the Degree of A.B. I. Course in Ancient Classics. n. Course in Modern Classics. B. Courses in History, Philosophy and English Literature, leading to the Degree of Ph.B. III. Course in English Literature. IV. Course in History and Political Science. V. Course in Philosophy. C. Courses in Science, leading to the Degree of B.S. VI. Course in Mathematics and Physics. VIE. Course in Biology and Geology. VIII. Course in Chemistry. The germ of the elective system the second factor in the growth of the (2) The Elective curriculum to its present form appeared in 1868, when students were sys allowed an option between Modern Languages and Latin. With more or less variation, such options continued to be permitted until 1875. In this year the range of options was considerably widened in the Junior and Senior years. The following tables show the development of this optional or narrow elective system from 1875 through 1884. In the first part of this period two, and in the second part three; courses of instruction were offered. The num- bers in parentheses refer respectively to the year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior,) and term of the course; the subjects named are those offered as electives for students of that year and term. 61 Indiana University 1875-1877 I. CLASSICAL COURSE Elections per- 1875. (HE, 1). Lucretius, Calculus, Analytical Chemistry, Drawing, or German, (in, 2). Tacitus, Calculus, Analytical Chemistry, Drawing, or German. (IV, 1). Greek, German, French, or Oratory. (IV, 2). Geology, (Paleontology,) Greek, French, or German. (IV, 3). Latin, Greek, French, or Dynamical Geology. 1876. Same as for 1875. 1877. (Ill, 2). Tacitus, Calculus, Analytical Chemistry, or German. (IV, 1). Greek, German, French, or Oratory. (IV, 2). Geology, (Paleontology,) Greek, French, or German. (IV, 3). Latin, Greek, French, or Dynamical Geology. II. SCIENTIFIC COURSE 1875. (Ill, 1). Analytical Chemistry, Descriptive Geometry, Drawing, or Elocution. (IV, 1).. Oratory, or History of Civilization. 1876. Same as for 1875. 1877. (Ill, 1). Analytical Chemistry, Descriptive Geometry, or Elocution. (IV, 1). Oratory, or History of Civilization. (IV, 3). International Law (Woolsey), Social Science, or Constitution of the United States. 1878-1884 I. THE COURSE IN ANCIENT CLASSICS Elections per- 1878. (Ill, 1). German, Latin, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. mitted, 1878-84: (111,2). German, Latin, English. (a) In Ancient Classics Course. I***' ") German, Latin, Botany, Political History. (IV, 1). French, Greek, Latin, English, Political History. (IV, 2). Greek, Latin, Political History, Oratory. (IV, 3). Greek, Latin, Political History. 1879. Same as for 1878, with the omission of English, which was made a part of the prescribed work. 1880. Same as for 1878, except as follows: (HI, 2). For English substitute Biology. (HI, 3). Add Zoology. (IV, 1). Substitute Geology for English. 62 Departments of Liberal Arts 1881. (Ill, 1). German, Latin (Pliny's Letters), Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Eng- lish Language. (English forms also a part of the prescribed work. ) 'III, 2). German, Latin (Livy), Biology. (Ill, 3). German, Latin (Mostellaria of Plautus), Botany, Political History. (IV, 1). French, Greek, Latin, Political History, Comparative Anatomy. (TV, 2). Greek, Latin, Political History, Anglo-Saxon. (IV, 3). Greek, Latin, Political History, Philosophy of English Literature. 1882. Same as for 1881, except as follows: (IH, 3). For Botany substitute Physiology. 1883. Same as for 1882, except as follows: (IH, 1). For Latin (Pliny's Letters) substitute Latin (Cicero's Letters). (HI, 2). For Latin (Livy) substitute Latin (De Natura Deorum), and add Eng- lish Classics. 1884. Same as for 1883, except as follows: (HI, 1). Add Physics. (Ill, 3). Add Physics. (IV, 1). For elective studies substitute prescribed Greek. (IV, 2). Add History of Philosophy. H. THE COURSE IN MODERN CLASSICS 1878. (HI, 1). Latin, Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. Elections per- (IH, 2). Latin, Drawing/Analytical Chemistry, English. mitted, 1878-84: (6) In Modern (HI, 3). Latin, Botany, English, Political History. Classics Course (IV, 1). Latin, German, Political History. (IV, 2). Latin, German, Political History, Geology. (IV, 3). Latin, German, Political History, Geology. During the Sophomore year, moreover, the student was permitted, if he chose, to substitute for the Latin the Greek of the Freshman year. This option was allowed through 1884. 1879. Same as for 1878, with the omission of English in HI, 2. The English in this course was not added to the prescribed studies. 1880. Same as for 1879, except as follows: (HI, 2). Add Biology. (IH, 3). Add Zoology. (IV, 1). Add Geology. (IV, 2). For Geology substitute Paleontology. (IV, 3). For Geology substitute Comparative Anatomy. 63 Indiana University 1881. (Ill, 1). Latin, Mathematics, Analytical Chemistry, Zo6logy, English Language. (HI, 2). Latin, Drawing, Analytical Chemistry, Biology. (Ill, 3). Latin, Botany, English, Political History. (IV, 1). Latin, German, Political History, Comparative Anatomy. (IV, 2). Latin, German, Political History, Anglo-Saxon (IV, 3). Latin, German, Political History, Philosophy of English Literature. 1882. Same as for 1881. 1883. Same as for 1881, except as follows: (HI, 2). Add English Classics. 1884. Same as for 1883, except as follows : (UI, 1). Add Physics. (HI, 3). Add Physics. (IV, 2). Add History of Philosophy. III. THE COURSE IN SCIENCE Elections per- 1878. (I, 1, 2, 3). French or Greek. mitted, 1878-84: (II> lf 2 , 3). German or Greek. Course ^^' ^' German or Greek, Physics, Descriptive Geometry, Analytical Chemistry, Zoology, Elocution. (IH, 2). German or Greek, Physics, Drawing, Analytical Chemistry. (HI, 3). German or Greek, Botany, Surveying, Analytical Chemistry, Geology. (IV, 1). French, Analytical Chemistry, Political History. (IV, 2). Analytical Chemistry, Geology, Political History. (IV, 3). Analytical Chemistry, Geology, Political History. If the student in this course took Modern Languages instead of Greek, he was permitted also to substitute for the Latin of the Sophomore year the Greek of the Freshman year. This option was allowed through 1883. 1879. Same as for 1878. 1880. Same as for 1878, except as follows : (III, 1, 2, 3). Omit the option, German or Greek. (HI, 2). Add Biology. (IH, 3). For Surveying substitute Civil Engineering ; for Geology substitute Mineralogy. (IV, 2). For Geology substitute Paleontology. (IV, 3). For Geology substitute Comparative Anatomy. 64 Departments of Liberal Arts 1881. (I, 1, 2, 3). (II, 1, 2, 3). (Ill, 1). (in, 2). (Ill, 3). (IV, 1). (IV, 2). (IV, 3). 1882. 1883. 1884. Same as for Same as for (I, 1, 2, 3). (HI, 2). Same as for (HI, 3). French or Greek. German or Greek. Physics, Descriptive Geometry, Zoology, English Language. Drawing, Analytical Chemistry, Biology. Civil Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Mineralogy. French, Analytical Chemistry, Political History, English Classics. Analytical Chemistry, Paleontology, Political History, Anglo- Saxon. Analytical Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Political History, Philosophy of English Literature. 1881. 1881, except as follows: For French or Greek substitute German or Greek. Add English Classics. 1883, except as follows: Add Physics. In the year 1885 the elective plan was modified somewhat and the range Extension of of elective studies very considerably increased. This widening of the range Sys of electives was another step from the old option scheme to the completely developed elective system which was instituted in the following year. Ac- cording to the plan adopted in 1885, a list of elective studies was offered, from which in the Junior and Senior years a student in any one of the three courses might select any two subjects he chose. The other one of the three subjects required to make up his full work was prescribed for him. The list of electives thus offered is appended below. The studies marked with an asterisk (*) extended through two or three terms each, and students electing any one of these received no credit for the work until the whole was finished. First Term Greek Greek Philosophy Latin English Orations English Language Comparative Study of the English Drama French (beginning)* French Classics (6) Second Term Greek Greek Philosophy Latin American Orations English 'Language Comparative Study of Epic Poetry French (beginning)* French Classics 65 Third Term Greek Greek Philosophy Latin English Classics English Language Comparative Study of Lyric Poetry French (beginning)* French Classics Indiana University Completion of development of the Elective sys- tem, 188CJ-87. First Term German (beginning) * German Classics Spanish; Italian Sanscrit * Romanic Philology Political History of the United States Special History Psychology; Ethics Philosophy Calculus Quaternions Physics (Elementary)* Physics (Special)* Chemistry (Elementary)* Chemistry (Qualitative Analysis) Chemistry (Quantitative Analysis) Geology (Special) Paleontology Botany (Special) Biology Comparative Anatomy Zoology (Special) Second Term German (beginning)* German Classics Sanscrit * ^Esthetics Special History Sociology; Political Econ- omy History of Philosophy Philosophy Engineering * Physics (Elementary)* Physics (Special) Chemistry (Elementary)* Chemistry (Qualitative Analysis) Chemistry (Quantitative Analysis) Mineralogy Geology (Elementary)* Geology (Special) Paleontology Botany (Special) Biology Comparative Anatomy Zoology (Special) Third Term German (beginning)* German Classics Anglo-Saxon Norse Sanscrit * Special History International Law Logic; Rhetoric Philosophy of Rhetoric Engineering * Surveying Physics (Special) Chemistry (Qualitative Analysis) Chemistry (Quantitative Analysis) Meteorology Physiology Geology (Elementary)* Geology (Special) Paleontology Botany (Elementary) Botany (Special) Comparative Anatomy Special Zoology Biology Although, as has been said, the major subject system was not fully ma- tured until 1S8T, the elective feature of the system was complete in 1886, in so far, namely, that when the student was permitted to make an election at all, he was allowed to choose from the entire range of subjects offered for instruction. All that was then needed to bring the major subject system to its present form was to remove the restriction which permitted students to take elective studies only in their Junior and Senior years, in conjunction with other studies prescribed for those years. The student is now expectc'l t<> choose his elective work with the advice of the head of the Department in which he has elected his major subject, in order that it may bear some useful G6 Departments of Liberal Arts relation to his other work; and he is advised to leave this general elective work to the latter part of his course, as "he will then know better what to choose and be better prepared for the work he may elect;" but with the exception of these general directions he is allowed a range of freedom as wide as possible in shaping his own course and in making his work center about some one selected line of study. Under the new system the student is re- quired to complete as much work for graduation as under the old, but within the course itself greater flexibility is made possible, both in the kind of stud- ies pursued and in the relations of various subjects to one another in the matter of their sequence. 1 The more narrow use of the term "department" to designate all the courses of instruction offered within some one general field, as a subdivision of the general "Collegiate Department," did not become fixed until 1875. It is only, however, since 1887 that the organization of instruction in the liberal arts has been strictly on the departmental plan. SPECIAL STUDIES From the time of the earliest recorded history of Indiana University until the final development of the departmental system, certain subjects out- side the regular curriculum are indicated in the University catalogues, which may be taken by the student as special studies. In some cases students select- ing such subjects were required to have completed certain preliminary work, and in other cases no such requirement was made. In the first catalogue of the University, for 1831, it is announced that Hebrew and "To such as may wish it, and who have completed the Latin Course, Hebrew French made Special Studies, and French will be taught." Whether these two subjects were offered contiu- in 1831. uously through the first ten years of the University's history, it is impossible now to make out. 2 It is probable that instruction was given at least in French, in which case French has been offered continuously throughout the history of the University; it appears certainly from 1837. ISTo further notice ir The results of the elective system in Indiana University were set forth by Professor Richard G. Boone in two papers in the Educational Review (New York) for June and September, 1892, under the title, 'Results Under an Elective System.' 2The University catalogues in this period are missing for the years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1836 ; and the catalogues that remain are not clear in their specifications regarding extra subjects. 67 Indiana University 100^ '50% too 1 . 50' COMPARATIVE INCREASE SINCE 1890 IN THE NUMBER OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ENROLLED DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS IN THE UNITED STATES The standard of comparison is the enrollment for 1890. To construct the curve, the ex- cess of enrollment for a given year over the enrollment for 1890 was found, and the ratio of this to the standard gave the ordinate for that year. Number of Undergraduate Students enrolled in the Departments 1390 190S of Liberal Arts, Indiana University 309 1,139 Number of Undergraduate Students enrolled in the Colleges of Lib- eral Arts in the United States 45,574 88,979 68 Departments of Liberal Arts is made of Hebrew, however, until 1841, from which time it stands as an extra or special study until 1855, after which it disappears from the pages of the catalogue. From 1841, also, dates separate instruction in civil engineering and book- Engineering and keeping. The full announcement is as follows : "In addition to the regular bookkee P in & . . . . .... added, in 1841 ; course of instruction here given, such as desire it may receive instruction in Hebrew, French, Civil Engineering, and Bookkeeping. And to those who wish to accomplish themselves in Civil Engineering, an opportunity is offered, during the summer session, of exercising under the direction of the Professor, in practical operations with the theodolite, compass and level, and in making maps and draughts for bridges, railroads and other public works." In the catalogue for 1850 the announcement of special studies includes only Hebrew and French. The next year, however, the announcement of all four subjects is made again, and so continues up to and including the year 1853. After this year instruction in bookkeeping seems to have been discontinued altogether. At the same time, in accordance with a provision made by the Board of Trustees in 1852, the work in engineering assumed a more impor- tant position in connection with the Departments of Mathematics and Chemistry. In 1854 German was introduced as a separate study, together with German, in French and Hebrew, without any extra expense to the student. Whether a lf ? 4; ^"f, Q Span " u ish, in 1863. separate fee had been charged before this time for instruction in the special subjects does not clearly appear from the catalogues, but probably not. German, French and Hebrew were offered as special studies through 1863, after which Spanish was substituted for Hebrew. In 1868 the Scientific Course was lengthened to four years and placed upon an independent basis. In this year, in addition to being offered as special studies, "Modern Languages" were made an alternative with Latin in the second year of the Scientific Course, and so continued through 1870. Probably there was not much call for the Spanish, however, for it is plain that during this time classes were formed only in German and French. The option here noted between Latin and modern languages is the first germ of what later developed into the elective system. Beginning with the year 1871, German and French are regularly incorporated in the course of instruction ;and cease to be considered special studies. 69 Indiana University AOOJ 100^ COMPARATIVE INCREASE SINCE 1890 IN THE NUMBER OF GRADUATE STUDENTS ENROLLED DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS IN THE UNITED STATES The standard of comparison is the enrollment for 1890. To construct the curve, the ex- cess of enrollment for a given year over the enrollment for 1890 was found, and the ratio of this to the standard gave the ordinate for that year. 18i>0 j^ Number of Graduate Students enrolled in Indiana University.... 12 73 Number of Graduate Students enrolled in the Colleges of Liberal Arts in the United States 2,176 6,265 70 Departments of Liberal Arts It is worthy of note, in this connection, that in 1881 instruction, not announced as part of any regular course, was given in Italian ; after this year also work in Spanish or Italian was offered as an elective whenever a suffi- cient number of students applied for it. From 1885, with the introduction End of the of a wider range of electives, the courses of instruction tended to become more s P ecial studi es system (1885). flexible, and special studies ceased, in any formal way, to stand outside the regular courses. DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS IN THE UNITED STATES The standard of comparison is the number of members for 1890. To construct the curve, the excess of membership for a given year over the membership for 1890 was found, and the ratio of this to the standard gave the ordinate for that year. Number in the Faculty of Indiana University, Departments of Lib- 1390 1902 eral Arts 25 62 Number in the Faculties of Colleges and Departments of Liberal Arts in the United States 4,509 9,511 71 THE THIRD PERIOD OF THE COURSE OF IN- STRUCTION (since 1886). Adoption of the Major Subject system. The Course as outlined in 1889. Indiana University THE MAJOR SUBJECT SYSTEM The major subject system of instruction, which was the outcome of the foregoing lines of development, was fully worked out in 1887. By that date, the University was organized on the departmental basis; the degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) had become the only degree offered in the Depart- ments of Liberal Arts ; and the plan of laying down a "course of instruction," with specifications for each of the four undergraduate years, was abandoned for a system of "prescribed" and "elective studies" with a "major subject" or "specialty,"- the whole constituting the University "requirements for graduation." This last feature of the plan resulted immediately from a report to the Faculty by the Catalogue Committee, under the chairmanship of Professor Hans C. G. von Jagemann, which was adopted February 19, 1887. It laid down, under the four heads "General," "Special," "Collateral," and "Elec- tive," the amount of work required of every candidate for graduation ; and added: "The above general plan for the course of study is to go into effect immediately. All questions concerning the adjustment of the present stu- dents to the new course are referred, in the case of each student, to the professor or professors concerned in the adjustment." The following account of the new plan, taken from the University cata- logue for 1889, may be regarded as representative for the first years of the major subject system : Every candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts must complete the following work: GENERAL English, one year, daily. Mathematics, one year, daily. Physical Science (Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Zoology or Physiological Psy- chology), three terms, daily. Ancient or Modern Languages, one language two years, or two languages one year each, daily. English Prose Composition and Rhetoric, three times a week throughout the Sophomore year. SPECIAL Every student must select for a specialty the required work in some one department, extending over three or four years. 72 Departments of Liberal Arts COLLATERAL The head of each . department may lay out, in connection with his course, work in related subjects; such required collateral work not to exceed six terms of daily recitations, and to be especially arranged for each student. ELECTIVE The remainder of the student's work, six terms of daily recitations, he may himself elect from any department in the University. During the Freshman year, any three of the required general studies should be Explanation taken. The selection of a specialty is made at the beginning of the Sophomore year. The order in which the required general and collateral studies shall be taken may vary with the conditions in the case of each student. He is to be guided in this matter by the advice of the President, and, when he has chosen his specialty, by the professor in whose department he desires to work. A student may change his specialty at the end of a term, provided he have the consent of the professor in charge of the department which he leaves, and also of the one whose department he wishes to enter. No student will be graduated who has not finished all the work required for graduation in some one department, no matter how much work he may have done in other departments. A student may choose his specialty in any one of the sixteen departments now organized. Each department offers a four years' course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. All the courses demand the same preparation for admission, all require four years for completion, and all oblige the student to follow some special line of study during three or four years. In each course three daily recitations or lectures of one hour each are required weekly, two hours of laboratory work being regarded as the equivalent of one hour of recitations or of lectures. In the arrangement of the courses of study, several principles have been recog- nized. The beginnings of any study are easy compared with the difficulties the stu- dent meets after going beyond the mere elements of his subject, hence a better mental training can be obtained from the continued study of one subject during several years than from the study of various subjects for a short period each. The thorough study of any subject is conducive to good mental discipline, therefore all the departments should be placed on the same footing. Moreover, as no two minds :are alike, and as different minds require different discipline, the student should be granted great freedom in the choice of studies, after the completion of certain sub- jects necessary to all culture, and the continued studs r of a specialty, necessary to efficient mental discipline. The educational value of the element of personal choice, on the part of the student, is also fully recognized. "One of the most important 73 Indiana University Success of the Major Subject system. functions of the school is to place the individual on his feet, to give him the ability of self-direction." To this end no method is more effective than a well-guarded elective system. This plan, in its general outline, is still in force, with one change of detail, and several changes in terminology. The "Collateral" work has been abolished so as to increase the amount of the "Elective" work ; and the terms "General" and "Special" (or "specialty") are now replaced by "Prescribed Work" and "Major Subject." The course of instruction as now established is designed to secure a funda- mental uniformity in the work of all students, and at the same time be 2? < S SS S? !? RATIO OF STUDENTS TO INSTRUCTORS DEPARTMENTS OF LIBERAL ARTS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS IN THE UNITED STATES flexible and adaptable to the needs of individuals. An equal amount of preparation for admission is required of all students ; all must take a group of similar prescribed studies, amounting to about one-third of the student's course ; all must follow some special line of study during three or four years ; and all students meeting the University requirements, receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts. This curriculum, with its stress on the major subject, has now been in operation for eighteen years. Its success has been generally rec- ognized by educators, and may be attributed to three causes: the major requirement, which gives to the student's work continuity and consistency; 74 Departments of Liberal Arts the flexibility, which permits each student to arrange his work as may best meet his needs and requirements as he sees them; the responsibility thrown upon the student in thus allowing him free choice of a third of his work and a large measure of freedom even in his prescribed studies, since compara- tively few courses are specifically prescribed. From the adoption of the curriculum in 1887 it has been possible for the Recent changes student to arrange certain special courses, such as the old Premedical Course m the conce Pt lon of Major Subject, (see p. 178), which gave the student second-year standing when he entered a and of Depart- medical school. In recent years, however, there has been a tendency toward ment - a greater variety in combination. This tendency has received official recogni- tion, so that the term "major subject" has now a somewhat broader meaning. The major subject may, as hitherto, consist of three or four years of continu- ous work in some one department of the University ; but it may also consist of the same amount of work in one of the Schools of the University, or in cer- tain correlated groups of courses chosen from the two or more departments, and leading to a definite end, as for example a vocation in life. With this change in the conception of "major subject," has come a change in the use of the term "department." The term still represents an instruc- tional and administrative unit in the University organization, but in the case of some departments (for example, Fine Arts), the instruction offered does not constitute a major subject group of studies ; conversely, as has just been stated, certain major subjects, as now recognized, fall not in one but in two or more departments. Such cases, however, are exceptions ; and the general rule still is, that each department offers instruction which may be chosen by students as a major subject. 75 Indiana University DEPARTMENTS AS NOW CONSTITUTED A list of the Departments of Liberal Arts, as organized in the University at the present time, together with a brief description of the aims, methods and facilities for work in each, is given below. DEPARTMENT OF GREEK -A RECITATION ROOM 1. Department of Greek. The courses in Greek are designed to meet the needs of two classes of students: first and primarily, those who desire a knowledge of the Greek language and literature; secondly, those whose time is too limited for this, but who wish to know something of the language and literature as supple- mentary to their other studies. 76 Departments of Liberal Arts To fulfill the first purpose, graded courses are offered which lead the student from the elements of the language, through Xenophon's Anabasis and Hellenica, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the lyric, dramatic and bucolic poets, the historians and orators, the philosophers, the Greek Testament and Church Fathers, to the Graduate Seminary, which is designed for those who are specialists in Greek, and intend to become teachers of the subject. In all of the more advanced classes regular lectures are given on the literature and antiquities. To meet the requirements of the second class of students, courses are pro- vided in Greek words in English, and in Greek literature in English. The former is a brief course in Greek, designed to facilitate the understanding of scientific and philosophical terms and other English words of Greek origin. The latter is conducted by means of lectures on the history of Greek litera- ture from Homer to Theocritus, with special reference to the needs of the general student. Reading of the best available English translations, and constant attention to works in modern literature which were inspired by Greek models, are features of this work. The Department is well equipped for doing thorough and scholarly work.; The library consists of about two thousand well selected books covering the entire fields of philology, literature and art, and advanced students are allowed the privilege of admission to the book-stacks for purposes of research. The Department owns one of Walger's famous models of the Athenian Acrop- olis, besides numerous plaster casts and busts, the number of which is being increased from year to year. Besides several large and particularly fine Braun photographs, the number of smaller photographs of landscapes, sites, architectural remains and ancient works of art, is now upwards of six hundred. The Department also owns a stereopticon and has about five hun- dred slides illustrative of the various phases of Greek life, landscape, and art. The purpose underlying the work in Latin is, in general, to give the 2. Department student an accurate knowledge of the civilization of Rome and its relation to of Latin - the civilization of our own time. A knowledge of the Latin language is the first essential in this investigation, and claims, of course, a large share of the student's time, because the sources can be appreciated fully only by those who 77 Indiana University can deal with them directly. A small part only of the students of Latin take the full work offered in the Department, but the courses are arranged with the idea of making even the earliest work of interest and practical value to the student. The six years' work is divided into three parts of two yc;irs each: (1) the foundation courses; (2) the intermediate courses; (3) the special courses. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A PORTION OF THE GENERAL READING ROOM The foundation courses form the preliminary work of students who make Latin their major subject, or the full work of those who take Latin merely to satisfy the language requirement for graduation. As the latter class of students far outnumbers the former, the effort is made to give them a first- hand knowledge of the best portion of the best authors in connection with the 78 Departments of Liberal Arts language drill which is believed to be a valuable means of training the mental faculties. Three hours a week are devoted for two years to the reading of one of the longer orations of Cicero, a book of Livy, a play of Terence, selected odes of Horace, selected letters of Pliny, the Agricola or Germania of Tacitus. The remaining two hours are devoted in the first year to discip- linary drill upon the Latin sentence one hour to the systematic study of the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY -CATALOGUING ROOM new Latin syntax, one hour to composition based upon the prose authors read. In the second year the composition is continued for one hour a week, the second hour being given to a study of the private life of the Romans. The intermediate courses complete the work of those who make Latin their major subject, and are planned to give the student the general survey 79 Indiana University of Latin literature that is necessary for the special courses which are to follow, together with an elementary knowledge of the subjects of paleography, criticism, epigraphy and the philology of the Latin tongue. To this end, a choice is offered each year of a three-hour course in prose and poetry, and in alternate years of the authors of the Republic and the Empire. Fixed courses, regularly repeated, are given in the history of literature, the history of the language, the use of manuscripts, and the reading of inscriptions. Students are taught the use of a library, and are made familiar with the primary and secondary sources of knowledge. Those who complete these courses are recommended with confidence for positions as teachers of Latin in secondary schools. The special courses are offered to graduate students only, and to those who expect to make the study of Latin their life work. The effort is made to acquaint the student with the present position of the several disciplines of philology, to familiarize him with modern methods of research, and to fit him to undertake intelligently investigations of his own. The University is now well supplied with the material for the study of the language and life of Rome, and the courses offered aim to utilize this equipment. 3. Department Courses are offered in this Department in French, Spanish, and Italian. of Romance Lan- j n j^gj^h ^he work for the first two years is prescribed ; it is entirely lin- guages. guistic, the study of literature being deferred until the third and fourth years. After two years of training the student is allowed to choose his courses. During the first year much attention is given to pronunciation. Oral drill is insisted upon, but conversation is not emphasized. The aim of the second year's work is to give the student a fair reading knowledge of the language. The study of grammar is continued and a course in translation is offered which contains the largest possible variety of literary French. The courses in literature are so arranged as to cover the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies and the greater part of the nineteenth. The purpose of the work in these courses is primarily to enable the student to distinguish and to enjoy the best that is in French literature, and secondarily to give him knowledge of the history of the literature. In pursuance of the first object a large number of literary masterpieces are read in whole or in part, and the best criticism dealing with them is studied. The other end is attained through lectures and 80 Departments of Liberal Arts frequent references to works contained in the library. Courses in advanced composition, sight reading and Old French are also offered. In Spanish and Italian two courses are offered in each. In the course in advanced Spanish various authors are read. The advanced course in Italian is devoted to the study of Dante. The elementary courses in German are intended to give the student a 4. Department command of the language, more as an approach to the literature than for the sake of conversational ability. This practical control of the language being taken for granted, the more advanced courses are intended to interpret the language, the literature, and the general culture of Germany to the student, so that he may be led to a sympathetic appreciation of the German spirit and what this spirit has contributed to modern civilization. The study of the literature is made central, at least during the under- graduate course. To emphasize the various important aspects of this study, the courses offered are organized on three different bases historical, bio- graphical, and critical. Under the first head, a cycle of courses is intended to afford both a rapid survey of the entire history of German literature, and a somewhat more detailed examination of important periods or movements, in each case, with the reading and discussion of representative works that will illustrate the leading topics of the historical treatment. Under the second head, a series of courses treat as a unit the life-work of a few of the greatest individual authors. Under the third head, the purpose is to give the student an introduction to the methods and principles of criticism and literary research. In all these courses, the attempt is made to relate the literature studied to the other great national literatures, ancient and modern, with which a comparison may most profitably be made. Parallel with the courses in literature, language courses are offered throughout the undergraduate period, intended to give the student greater facility in writing and speaking the language, and a better knowledge of the formal structure and idiomatic usage of modern German. The more strictly philological study of German the history of the language and the study of its older historic forms is considered as essentially graduate work. The philological courses in Germanic Languages, formerly divided between the Departments of English and German, are now given by a single instructor in (7) 81 5. Department of English. Indiana University the Department of English. A short Teachers' Course is given, for the discussion of books and methods for the teaching of German, and of the relation of German to the other subjects of instruction in secondary schools. The University Library contains a good collection of books for the study of German philology and literature, and a list of twenty-six literary and philological periodicals, pertaining altogether or in part to this Department. Five instructors devote their entire time to the teaching of the German lan- A WALK IN THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS guage and literature; and most of the time of a sixth instructor is given to the courses in Germanic Philology. The work of the Department of English falls into three natural divi- sions language, rhetoric, and literature. An elementary knowledge of English philology is regarded as essential to the student who would master the spirit of our language and literature. 82 Departments of Liberal Arts Each student, therefore, who makes a special study of English is required to take at least one linguistic course, Old English. Courses in Gothic, Old English poetry, Middle English, the history of the language, Old High German, and an introduction to the science of language based on the com- parative philology of Greek and Latin, are also offered ; and courses in Old Norse, Middle High German, and Old Saxon are listed in this Depart- ment, though not at present offered. A WALK IN THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS In rhetoric, or composition, the object is to teach the student to express himself effectively. The regular work begins with a course in narration, description, and exposition. This is required of all students who make English their major subject. Students who distinguish themselves in this class may be admitted into an advanced course, which has as its specific purpose to stimulate original production on the part of those who appear 83 Indiana University to have some literary instinct. Under the head of rhetoric comes also a course in the theory of teaching composition and literature. This course is open to all students who have taught English or who intend to teach it, and the discussion of problems and the exchange of views and experiences have proved valuable to the University in bringing it into closer contact with the high schools of the State. Courses in public speaking debate and the more formal address are offered. The University does not strive to produce "orators," but encourages its students to learn to express them- selves in public easily and unostentatiously. In literature, the Department offers courses covering the more important epochs and authors. An elementary course in Milton, Shakespeare and modern novels leads the student to the study of drama, poetry and fiction. Accompanying this are elementary courses in American literature, in Ten- nyson, Browning, and Matthew Arnold, in Shakespeare, and in Chaucer, Spenser, and Milton. The critical study of poetry begins in the second year. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats are read. English prose style Macaulay, Be Quincey, Carlyle, Newman, Arnold is made the main study of the third year. Courses in eighteenth century literature, in textual criticism, and in metrics, rank with the work of this year. The fourth year's work deals with Elizabethan and pre-Shakespearean drama. A literary seminary for the encouragement of original research is open to graduate students. The aim of the Department is to give to its students an elementary knowledge of the development of the language, a proficiency in the art of expression, and a genuine appreciation of literature. These things can not be attained Avithout careful and sympathetic study. Especially in the study of literature the student must bring his intellect to bear on what he reads. When literature is understood, the love of it will follow. The Department hopes to send out young men and women of literary insight, sympathy, and judgment ; to whom all that is good in literature old and new will constantly appeal, and in whom the forces that make toward true culture will find defenders discriminating, ardent, and modest. Departments of Liberal Arts The first year's work of the Department of History and Political Science 6. Department consists of a term of daily work each in Greek, Roman, and medieval history, J * ' Political Science. based on such text-books as those of Bury and Shuckburgh for Greece and Rome, and supplemented by lectures, collateral reading, and map-drawing. For those who are not special students of history, but wish to complete the survey of general history, a five-hour course is given in the history of modern Europe in the Spring term. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE- SEMINARY ROOM After the first year's work, the student taking history as his major subject may pursue either advanced courses in European history, courses in Ameri- can history, or courses in political science. In European history the ad- vanced work consists of the following: a course in modern Europe (three 85 Indiana University hours a "week throughout the year) ; a course in the Renaissance and Reform- ation (two hours a week throughout the year) ; a course in the political :m:* Photographed by the Department of Astronomy, July 21, 1903. The Department has now in use, in a separate building, a reflecting telescope of fifteen inches aperture, designed mainly for photographic work. The optical parts are by Petitdidier, of Chicago ; the mounting was designed and constructed by the Department. A cut of this instrument, is shown 109 Indiana University on page 103. There is in course of construction a mounting to carry a IJmxvn 4-inch refractor, and a portrait lens of five inches aperture. 12. Department The work of the Physics Department is arranged to meet the needs of four classes of students. (1) For those who desire a general knowledge of the subject of physics, as a part of a liberal education, the development and substantiation of fundamental theories takes precedence over the minutiae DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS - LECTURE ROOM of the subject. (2) For teachers and those preparing to teach phy-ii-- in the high school, the work includes more laboratory practice, besides a special course in the manipulation of physical apparatus, and another in shop practice. In the former of these two courses the student generates oxygen gas, manipulates ex-hydrogen, acetylene and electric stereopticons, 110 Departments of Liberal Arts projects interference fringes and vibrating strings, demonstrates the oscilla- tory character of the Ley den jar discharge, reverses the D-line, etc. In all he repeats some fifty of the more difficult lecture demonstrations. In the latter course he is taught soldering, tempering, brazing, case-hardening, simple glass-blowing, wood and metal turning, screw-cutting, and such other operations as may be required in the repair or manufacture of physical DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS -A ROOM OF THE ELEMENTARY LABORATORY apparatus. (3) For students of engineering, the Department offers special work in advanced electricity, a year's work in dynamo-electric machinery, courses in mechanical drawing and thermodynamics, and a more extended course in shop work than is offered for teachers. (4) For advanced students, the Department offers text courses in advanced mathematical 111 Indiana University electricity and light, and facilities for research work along almost any line in physics. The Department is already fairly well equipped with accurate standards and delicate instruments, and special pieces may be provided when needed in any research. A well equipped shop and the services of a mechani- cian are at the disposal of research students. Investigations are now in DEPARTMKNT OF PHYSICS-A MODIFIED WEHNELT INTKRRUPTER Designed by Professor A. L. Foley and Mr. K. E. Nyswander. progress in the laboratories along the following lines: the spectrum of radium; the ^-rays and other radiations; the effect of radiation upon elec- trolytic resistance; the electromotive force in electrolytes in a variable magnetic field. 112 Departments of Liberal Arts Besides a number of rooms for special purposes, the Department of Physics occupies two research laboratories, and five rooms are used for elementary laboratories, one devoted to general practice, and four small rooms for work in sound and light. The lecture room has an elevated floor and is seated with tablet-arm opera chairs. It is provided with auto- DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS -A BRASHEAK MOUNTING FOR A ROWLAND GRATING Constructed in the Department. matic blinds, screens and blackboards, all under the immediate control of the lecturer. The lecture table is built in three sections, and the plumb- ing and wiring are arranged so that one, two, or three sections may be used at a time. At the table the lecturer has battery and dynamo currents (alternating and direct), rheostats, illuminated dial voltmeters and amme- (9) 113 Indiana University ters, electric motors, calcium and electric lanterns, low and high resistance projecting galvanometers, water, steam, gas, oxygen, acetylene, compressed air, exhaust cocks, and permanent connections to a standard clock. All the laboratories are supplied with water, gas and electricity. The floors are of concrete. There are fifteen large masonry piers and more than three hundred lineal feet of six-inch stone wall shelves. All the developing rooms DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS- APPARATUS KOR THE STUDY OF N-RAY8 have both gas and electric ruby lights, tile shelves, and lockers. Ten rooms are provided with blinds for making them light tight. There are two shop-rooms, equipped with forges, wood and metal-working lathes, screw- cutting lathes, power-saws, a trimmer, shaper, grinder, miller, and other wood- and metal-working tools. In the powerhouse of the University are 114 Departments of Liberal Arts two engines, one of twenty and one of forty horse-power, and an alternator and direct current generator of thirty kilowatts capacity. A one-hundred- twenty-five horse-power engine and an eighty kilowatt generator are being added to the equipment. The work of the Department of Chemistry is arranged to meet the needs 13. Department of students preparing to become professional chemists, chemical electro-chem- ical mining or sanitary engineers, and physicians ; as well as of students in other Departments of the University such as Physics, Geology, Zoology, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY -LECTURE ROOM Botany, and Law (medical jurisprudence) who Avish to acquire a knowl- edge of general chemistry, or to emphasize particular or more advanced lines of chemical work. For students who take chemistry as a major subject, the Department offers prescribed and elective undergraduate courses which cover a period of four years, and consist of lectures, recitations, and labora- tory seminary and research work. In the laboratories each student works independentlv of the others. 115 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY LABORATORY FOR ORGANIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY ^DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY -LABORATORY FOR QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Departments of Liberal Arts The general policy of the Department is : ( 1 ) To give the student com- prehensive training in the fundamentals of general, theoretical, and ana- lytical chemistry, both inorganic and organic, in certain prescribed courses covering eight terms of University work. (2) To permit election of the remainder of the undergraduate work, and specialization within the Depart- ment according to the desire and purpose of the student. Special attention DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY APPARATUS FOB THE MEASUREMENT OF SINGLE POTENTIAL DIFFERENCES Constructed by a student in Physical Chemistry. has been given, in the past nine years, to organic, physiological, bacterio- logical, electro- and technical analytical chemistry, and toxicology ; arrange- ments have now been completed for the expansion of the courses in physical and advanced inorganic chemistry. (3) To encourage research work in the phases of the subject undertaken. It is insisted, however, that the student 117 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY -LABORATORY FOR ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT OK CHEMISTRY-LABORATORY FOR HACTERIOLOSY Departments of Liberal Arts must first have a knowledge of chemistry as a science, and have attained a high degree of accuracy in his work, before undertaking original investiga- tions, which usually are not begun before the fourth year. The investi- gation is of some limited problem, usually emanating from the researches conducted by the instructors in the various divisions of the Department. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY - ROTATING CATHODE FOR RAPID QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS BY ELECTROLYSIS Many of the themes have to do with the study of analogy between sulphur, selenium, and tellurium, in combination with organic radicals ; with problems in applied electro-chemistry, e.g. the production of chloroform, bromoform, and iodoform from acetone by electrolysis (see cut, next page) ; with the study of the salts of berberine ; with clinical methods of urine analysis, e.g. an 119 Indiana University exact method for the determination of albumen ; with bacteriological prob- lems, e.g. a study of pathogenic yeasts ; with the distribution of bacteria in lake water; with the differentiation of bacillus coli and bacillus typhi in casein-sugar-agars (see cut, opposite) ; with fat-producing bacteria, etc. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY -IODOFOEM FROM ACETONE BY ELECTROLYSIS, USING Two CATHODES AND A ROTATING ANODE Method and apparatus devised in the Indiana University Laboratory for Electro-Chemistry, 1904 The results of these investigations, when sufficiently meritorious, are pub- lished in various chemical journals, as contributions from the Chemical Department of Indiana University. Fourteen such articles have appeared ; 120 Departments of Liberal Arts and one electro-metallurgical process, worked out in this series of investiga- tions, has been patented (U. S. patent 742,830). The graduate work of the Department follows in part the lines above described, and in part is embodied in separate graduate courses, consisting of laboratory lecture and seminary work. The Department has general, special, and private laboratories adequately equipped to accommodate one hundred and sixty students. Special labora- tories are provided for organic and physiological chemistry, toxicology, food analysis, assaying and electric-furnace work, physical and electro-chemistry, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY -DIFFERENTIATION OF BACILLUS TYPHI ABDOMINAHS AND BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS BY USE OF CASEIN AGAKS Method devised in the Indiana University Bacteriological Laboratory, 1904. 1. Casein-lactose-agar. 4. Casein-dextrose-agar. 2. Casein-glycerine-agar. 5. Casein-lsevulose-agar. 3 and 6. Casein-mannit-agar. 7. Casein-maltose-agar. A = bacillus typhi ; B = bacillus coli. Cultures 46 hours at 37 centigrade. spectrum gas and water analysis, and bacteriology. The general equipment for graduate work, including library facilities, has been materially increased during the past year. In the period of nine years from 1896 to 1904, the degree of A.B. in Chemistry has been conferred upon three women and ninety-four men. Of 121 Indiana University these ninety-seven graduates, forty-four have pursued or are pursuing the study of medicine, thirteen have received the degree of A.M. in Chemistry after one year of graduate study at Indiana University, four have received this degree elsewhere, and eight have received or are now candidates for the degree of Ph.D. one each at Goettingen (Germany), Johns Hopkins, Yale and Chicago, and two each at Wisconsin and Cornell. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY -RESEARCH LABORATORY 14. Department The courses in geological science are designed to meet the needs as well of those who pursue the subject as a part of a liberal education, as of those who intend to become professional geologists. A five-hour course in geology, extending through the entire year, and a five-hour course in elementary physiography, given in the Spring term, are open to all students 122 Departments of Liberal Arts who have sufficient preparation in physics and chemistry, and ordinarily constitutes the entire work of the first of the two groups of students mentioned above. These courses serve also as an introduction to the science and a foundation for the work of the future specialist. Besides these general courses, there is a special course in field geology given in the fall and DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY -RESEARCH LABORATORY spring, in which attention is paid to the methods of the professional geologist in areal and topographic mapping, stratigraphy and the collection of fossils. The courses in mineralogy, economic geology, advanced physiography and paleontology are largely professional and not designed for elementary stu- dents. Two terms are given to economic geology, one to non-metallic and one to metallic products; field and laboratory work constitute an important 123 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY-A CORKER OF THE GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM In the foreground are several relief maps made by members of the Department. Departments of Liberal Arts part of this course. Paleontology runs throughout the year, consisting entirely of laboratory work. The chief work of advanced students consists in the investigation of some definite problem or problems with a view to publication of the results when of sufficient merit. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY -A CORNER OF THE LECTURE ROOM Several Zittel charts illustrating groups of fossils are shown, and other charts and maps made by members of the Department and by students. To the left are shown cases for topo- graphic sheets and geologic folios. The Department is supplied with commodious quarters. It has a de- partmental library, besides extensive collections of fossils, minerals, rock specimens, products treated in economic geology such as petroleum, coal, clays, cements, ores, etc. and a large series of maps, charts, and plaster models. Many of the latter have been made by students and members of 125 Indiana University the Department. The Zittel charts in particular are of great use in pale- ontology and historical geology. This series is being extended by the addi- tion of charts and a series of lantern slides to illustrate the modern pale- obiological side of paleontology. An extensive series of maps, made by a member of the Department, illustrates the areal distribution of the several DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY -ELEMENTARY LABORATORY geological systems and the hypothetical land and water areas of past geo- logical periods. The plaster models represent topographic types and regions of peculiar or characteristic structure, such as the Appalachian structure of Pennsylvania and Tennessee. The whole range of geology is illustrated by a large and rapidly increasing collection of lantern slides. A series 126 Departments of Liberal Arts now in preparation is designed to illustrate Indiana geology and physical geography. The general policy of the Department of Zoology is to give students 15. Department the solution of original problems at the earliest moment possible, usually of Zool sy- at the end of their second year in the Department. The first courses open DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY- OFFICE AND PRIVATE LABORATORY to students are: (1) a course in general zoology extending through the year and devoted to the examination of a series of invertebrates and ver- tebrates in the laboratory, for their structure, and to the examination of biological problems illustrated by living animals, chiefly as they are found in their native habitat; (2) a course of general lectures extending through 127 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY MODELS TO ILLUSTRATE LECTURES DEPARTMENT OK 7OOLO(JY A CORNER IN THE K.MnRvor.ooirAi, LABORATORY Departments of Liberal Arts two terms on the evolution of organisms and the laws and theories of hereditary transmission of characters. The second group of courses open to students are: (1) courses dealing with the minute structure and embryology of vertebrates, and leading to A CUBAN BLIND-FISH (LUCIFDGA) Itself without visible eyes, but containing unborn young with well-developed eyes. Prepared by Professor C. H. Eigenmann, of the Department of Zoology. the study of medicine or the investigation of anatomical problems; or (2) courses dealing with the species of vertebrates, chiefly fishes. For the course in elementary zoology and embryology the equipment * (10) ABLYSTOMA OPACUM From a water-color drawing by a student of the Department of Zoology. 129 SOUTH AMERICAN FRESH-WATER FISHES Mylosoma albiscopus Cope (representing a new genus), Myleopsis levis Eigenmann and McAtee (representing a new genus), and Myletes tiete Eigenmann and Norris. Departments of Liberal Arts of the Department is equal to that of the best institutions in the country, and comprises charts, models, illustrative specimens, and a varied and prim- , ABERRANT. SPELERPES MACULICANDA (DORSAL AND SIDE VIEWS) From a_drawing by Mr. C. H. Kennedy, a student in the Department of Zoology. itive environment. During the third year each student works at the solu- tion of some special problem. While the work of no two advanced students is alike, their problems usually radiate from the investigations being prose- LEPTOCEPHALUS OF THE AMERICAN EEL Fromja^drawing by Mr. C. H. Kennedy. The specimen represented is the first recognized larva of the American Eel. LEPTOCEPHALUS From a drawing by Mr. C. H. Kennedy. The specimen represented was remarkable for its transparency and for the fact that the spots on the two sides alternate in such a way that they appear as a single regularly arranged series. cuted by the instructors in the Department. The results of such investiga- tions are published as 'Contributions from Zoological Laboratory of Indi- ana University.' 131 I I > If K a .a i O < a _, 11 o a >. ~i f> p S H a E * ft 05 en en S3 o3 O O O O a a o o Departments of Liberal Arts Two chief lines of work have been pursued by the Department: (1) Systematic zoology. The work along this line has dealt very largely with fishes, particularly those of the fresh waters of tropical America, including the region from the south of Mexico to central Argentina. A number of shorter papers have been published or are in preparation, and the greater THE CAVE FARM NEAR MITCHELL, IND. OUTLET OF THE UNDERGROUND RIVER part of the work of compiling a general treatise is completed. For the work on the taxonomy of fishes, but two other universities possess library or museum facilities greater than those of Indiana University. For the work on tropical American fishes the facilities are exceeded only by Harvard with her matchless collection of Brazilian fishes. The University has several thousand species of fishes represented by perhaps 60,000 specimens. Dur- 133 5 2 a s> (C Q 5 1 i a " 8 $ S "55 S i 3 l *o O- ja 5 c 5 3 - a 08 M 60 fcl O C M c K 'Sb * c -g . 3 * 7? = w . . Q rH CO Departments of Liberal Arts ing the past year collections have been received from Cuba, Paraguay (through Prof. J. S. Anisits), the Hawaiian Islands (through the Bureau of Fisheries), and from Japan (through President David Starr Jordan). (2) The second line of research work is on the problem of heredity, which has been . approached from various directions, (a) The Department has issued several papers on the structure and history of the hereditary (sex) cells in the vertebrate, Gymatogaster. (&) A statistical inquiry into DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY LABORATORY FOR PLANT PHYSIOLOGY the variation in successive years of the same species in the same unit of environment was started in 1895. To further this work a Biological Station was established at Turkey Lake and later transferred to Winona Lake (see page 183). While a large amount of material has been gathered and a number of papers published, this phase of the subject has been at least temporarily overshadowed by the line of investigation next described, (c) An inquiry into the process, method, and rate of ontogenic and phylogenic 135 Indiana University modification of the sense organs in the cave animals of North America, particularly of the eyes of blind fishes. An important aid to this work was the recent acquisition by the University of a tract of about 180 acres of primitive woodland, containing numerous dry and wet caves and an underground stream which can be traversed for over a mile. The situation is ideal for transplanting cave animals into the light and epigean forms into the dark. Six papers on this subject have been published, and another DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY PHOTOMICKOGRAPH OF A VASCULAR BUNDLE OF SWEET CLOVER (MELELOTUS ALBA) Prepared by Mr. H. H. Ratcliff, a second-year student in the Department. The cut illustrates a method in histology. one on the eyes of the Cuban blind fishes is being prepared by Professor C. H. Eigenmann, with the aid of a grant from the Carnegie Institution. (d) The Department has begun a series of experiments to test certain features of Mendel's law of heredity. 136 Departments of Liberal Arts The Department of Botany has three laboratories, devoted respectively 16. Department to elementary botany, histology and physiology, and morphology and cytol- c ogy. The morphological laboratory is well equipped with modern apparatus and accessories for the highest grade of cytological and morphological work. tMtioBij^. D DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY DIVISION OF THE HEREDITARY SUBSTANCE IN REPRODUCTIVE CELLS IN HIGHER PLANTS. I A Pollen mother-cell with nucleus in the resting condition ( Podophyllum peltatum). B The nucleus at the beginning of mitosis. C, D Nuclei showing the chromatin thread or spirem split lengthwise (Lilium martagon). The physiological laboratory is provided with the usual apparatus necessary for physiological practicum as well as several pieces designed for special work. New additions are made to this equipment yearly. For research in plant physiology special apparatus is purchased as needed, or is designed 137 Indiana University and constructed by instructor and student. In addition to the customary equipment the elementary laboratory is provided with a Zeiss projection E F H DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY DIVISION OF THE HEREDITARY SUBSTANCE IN REPRODUCTIVE CELLS m HIGHER PLANTS. II E Pollen mother-cell ; the spirem has segmented into the chromosomes, a few of which only are shown ; n, nucleolus. F, G The mitotic spindle of the first mitosis ; the chromosomes are arranged in the equatorial plate. H Metakinesis; the daughter chromosomes are separating, and each is seen to be split again lengthwise. Departments of Liberal Arts apparatus for the projection upon the screen of both microscopic prepa- rations and stereopticon views. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY DIVISION OF THE HEREDITARY SUBSTANCE IN REPRODUCTIVE CELLS IN HIGHER PLANTS. Ill I The anaphase ; the pairs of grand-daughter chromosomes resulting from the second longitudinal splitting are passing to the poles of the spindle. J, K Formation of the daughter nuclei. L The result of the first division (Podophyllum). M Daughter nucleus ready for the second division. Indiana University The work of the department consists of three years of undergraduate instruction, and graduate work leading to the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. R DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY DIVISION OF THE HEREDITARY SUBSTANCE IN REPRODUCTIVE CELLS OF HIGHER PLANTS. IV N to R Successive steps in the second division In the pollen mother-cell (Podophyllum). 140 Departments of Liberal Arts Of the undergraduate work the first year (elementary course) is devoted to a general survey of the plant kingdom in the study of selected types from the great group of plants, supplemented by simple physiological ex- periments, with instruction also in the adaptation of plants to their environ- ment. This course is designed not only as a preliminary to the advanced work but especially for students desiring a general knowledge of plant life. The undergraduate work beyond the first year is in the nature of ad- vanced practicum, but its methods are the same as in original investigation. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY FECUNDATION OF THE EGG-CELL IN THE LILY A Male and female nuclei in contact (Lilium martagon). B Fusion of the sexual nuciei in tfie egg-cell (Lilium candidum). The student may select any of several courses, but his second year's work is, as a rule, histology and practice in plant physiology, and the third year some line of special morphology or embryology. Candidates for advanced degrees are assigned or permitted to select prob- lems for research along some line of morphology, cytology or physiology, the results of which are embodied in a thesis. During recent years the research work of the Department, carried on by instructors and graduate 141 Indiana University students, has been along the line of cytology and embryology, dealing espe- cially with problems of fecundation and the physical basis of heredity. The accompanying figures (pp. 136-141) will illustrate the nature and char- acter of the work referred to. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY PRIVATE LABORATORY AND PREPARATION ROOM IN HISTOLOGY j 17. Department of Anatomy. The Department of Anatomy was established in the fall of 1903. Its work is planned especially for students enrolled in the new School of Medi- cine, but the courses which it offers may also be chosen as electives or as a major subject by students in the Departments of Liberal Arts. The equip- ment, which is entirely adequate for the number of students in attendance, is 142 DEPARTMENT OF AN ATOMY -LABORATORY The room is over seventy feet long, and is excellently lighted from the ends and from five large double windows at the side. During the Fall and Winter terms the room is used for dis- section; in the Spring term it is used for a course in histology. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY -A CORNER OF THE DISSECTING ROOM, WHERE BOOKS, MODELS, ETC., ARE KEPT FOR STUDENT REFERENCE Indiana University similar to that of the best medical schools. The study-room collection will, when completed, contain models, longitudinal and transverse sections of the body, dissections of every portion of the body to show superficial and deep structures, to all of which the student may have access at any time for aid in his work. The dissecting room is a large, airy, well-lighted room. The floor has been specially prepared so as to be easily cleaned. Twenty-five DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY -LABORATORY Bausch and Lomb microscopes of high grade are provided for the work in histology. Thirteen courses are offered at present in this Department. 18. Department The work in physiology has hitherto been given in the Department of of Physiology. Zoology. For the coming year (1904-1905) the work will be modified and enlarged, and for the first time grouped into an independent Department of 144 Departments of Liberal Arts Physiology. Five courses are announced, of which two are introductory and elementary and intended for the general student, and three are more ad- vanced and intended for students in the School of Medicine, for teachers of science, and for others desiring a more thorough training in physiology. The Department is providing a well-equipped laboratory for experimental work in physiology. It is supplied with manikin and other models and charts, kymographs, inductoria, sphygmographs, cardiographs, plethysmographs, stethoscopes, manometers, tambours, htemometers, hsemocytometers, peri- meters, ophthalmoscopes, artificial eyes, etc., necessary for the performance of the important experiments in physiology and for special work. A sufficient number of sets of these instruments is provided, so that the students working in groups of two can perform all of the more important experiments for themselves, the endeavor being to place the work upon a thoroughly experi- mental basis. The Department now takes about a dozen of the more im- portant English, German and French physiological journals, and possesses many of the standard works in physiology. Instruction in this subject was added to the University curriculum in u>. Department 1896, and facilities for the work have since been steadily increased; but the work in fine arts has not as yet been constituted a study in which a major subject may be chosen. Accompanying cuts give views of the drawing and lecture room of the Department. In point of equipment, the aim has been to increase yearly the number of photographs, now amounting to sev- eral thousand, of subjects in architecture, sculpture, and painting. These photographs are used to illustrate the lectures and are always accessible to students. To the same end casts, charts and models are added from time to time, and the University Library has purchased, besides the com- moner books of reference, a considerable number of valuable works, old and new, relating to the fine arts, and especially to architecture. It lias not been forgotten also that a University Department of Fine Arts should have its museum no matter how small in the beginning of really fine things; because, in the pursuit of these studies, the purpose of which is to awaken appreciation and to develop critical power, original, even though slight works of masters, cannot fail to inspire the student, whose time must be devoted mainly to reading and hearing about, and examining repro- (11) 145 Indiana University ductions of, the works of masters. Among the material of this sort owned by Indiana University may be mentioned a fine early drawing by J. M. Turner; two drawings, one of them a water color, by Samuel Prout; a typical piece of color drawing by the English William Hunt ; two drawings, one very characteristic, by John Ruskin; together with others by living DEPARTMENT OF FIXE ARTS-A PART OF THE LECTURE AND DRAWING ROOM artists of repute. The collection contains wood and metal engravings, and etchings by Albert Diirer, Marc Antonio Raimondi, Hollar, Richard Earlom, Prout, Harding and John Lewis, Hogarth, and many others. In addition to these, all of them original works of first-rate quality, there are a number of the peerless landscapes from Turner's 'Liber Studiorum ;' these represent the rare etchings for this work, and several states of the completed mezzo- tints. i i<; Departments of Liberal Arts The teaching in the Department consists of lectures and recitations, accompanied with instruction about the use of lead, ink and water colors; its aim is to lead students to an appreciation and understanding of the works of the greatest masters of architecture, sculpture and painting, rather than to train them technically for the practice of any one of these arts. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS ANOTHER PART OF THE LECTURE AND DRAWING ROOM Separate gymnasiums, and separate courses in physical training, under Physical competent instructors, are provided for both men and women students. ( Both gymnasiums are supplied with baths and lockers. The women's gym- nasium is equipped with Swedish apparatus ; the men's with the usual apparatus and appliances. In both gymnasiums regular class work is given, supplementing such athletic sports as tennis and basketball for the women ; 147 Indiana University tennis, basketball, football, baseball, and track training for the men. For both the men and the women courses in physiology and hygiene are given for the men by the director of the men's gymnasium, and for the women by a practicing woman physician. Physical examinations are given both men and women, and exercises prescribed according to individual needs. The director of the women's gymnasium gives, in the Spring term, a course in theory and practice for women who wish to direct physical training in the public schools. Physical training in the University is not compulsory ; but a small amount of credit is given those students who take regular class work, and comply with certain other requirements. 148 RELATION OF THE UNIVERSITY TO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE STATE FORMER PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT ' A Preparatory Department was maintained in connection with the reg- Early attempts ular Collegiate Department from the first, and was not really discontinued to abohsh Pre " 1 * ... paratory Depart- until after 1890. This curtailment of the course of instruction in the m ent (1869-73). University was the final outcome of a long process of adjustment between the University and the high schools of the State. In 1869 an effort was made hy the Board of Trustees to abolish this Department, in the belief that "it is no part of the legitimate business of the University to furnish instruction in the branches usually taught in the common schools." There seems to have remained, however, a considerable demand for instruction in work lower than the Freshman grade. In the same year with the state- ment that the Preparatory Department as such had been discontinued, we find the enrollment of a so-called "sub-Freshman class;" and in 1872 the following announcement appeared : "It is no part of the legitimate business of the University to furnish instruction in the branches usually taught in the common schools, but opportunity is afforded to those deficient in Latin, Greek and algebra to bring up those studies in a sub-Freshman class." The next year, however, sees a complete retreat from the position taken in 1869, and it is announced that "Arrangements will be made for a Preparatory Department in connection with the University, in which students will be fitted to enter the Freshman class, and those deficient in sub-Freshman branches will have an opportunity of reviewing them under the instructions of able and thorough teachers." 149 Indiana University Bloom ingt on High School as Preparatory De- partment (1874- 85). Revival of Pre- paratory Depart- ment (1885); its abolition (1890). Admission to Preparatory De- partment. In 1874, accordingly, provision was made "for a Preparatory Depart- ment for the University, in connection with the High School at Blooming- ton," and not only were the principal of the High School, with his assistants, counted as members of the University Faculty, but at least in the later period of this arrangement the principal and the first assistant were ap- pointed and paid by the University Board of Trustees. In the first year of President Jordan's administration (1885) plans were made for separating the Preparatory Department from the Bloom- ington High School; and in the next year the following announcement appears: "The connection which formerly existed between the Preparatory Department and the Bloomington High School was dissolved at the end of the last year. The work of the Preparatory School is now carried on in the former main building of the University, which gives to all of its classes an abundance of room." The growth of the Department from this time seems to have been "steady and rapid ;" and this new arrangement continued until 1890, after which date the Department went out of existence. The requirements for admission to the Preparatory Department, so far as requirements were made at all, did not vary much at different times. From 1850, "It is required that the applicant be able to read and write." From 1855, "All candidates for admission into the Preparatory Department must be at least twelve years of age. They will be examined, and must prove themselves able to write a legible hand, to spell with correctness English words in common use, and to read plain English prose with ease and intelligibleness." In 1866 the age requirement was reduced to eleven years. But with this exception the admission requirement remained the same until the De- partment was temporarily discontinued in 1869. After its re-establishment the maximum requirement was "a good knowledge of the 'Common Branches' arithmetic, geography, English grammar, reading, writing and spelling, with the history of the United States. Each applicant must be at least fourteen years old and should have accomplished the equivalent of the first year of the High School. Unless admitted on a school certificate of profi- ciency, or a teacher's license, he will be examined on the above mentioned subjects." 150 Relation to School System The first catalogue of the University (1831) announces "courses of course of study, instruction" in the Preparatory Department as follows : "English grammar, ] arithmetic, geography, Ross's Latin grammar, Viri Roma?, Csesar (Mairs' Introduction), Compositions in English." Between the Preparatory De- partment and the Freshman class there appears also in this same catalogue a so-called "First Class," which seems to have been intermediary between the two. The course of instruction in the "First Class" was as follows: "Sallust, Cicero's De Omciis, Cicero's Select Orations, Ovid, Virgil, Horace, Juvenal, Cicero's De Oratore, Valpy's Greek Grammar, Compositions, Latin themes." In the middle period of the Department's existence say, for example, in 1867, just before the Board of Trustees decided upon abolishing prepar- atory instruction the Preparatory Department was represented by the fol- lowing course: "Ancient and modern geography, Butler's English gram- mar, arithmetic (Ray's), algebra, Latin grammar, Smith's Principia Latina, Greek grammar and exercises (Harkness'), Cornelius Nepos, Virgil, Latin and Greek exercises, English composition and declamation." The Preparatory Department seems at first to have included work for one year only, but from 1855 the students are divided into two classes for two years of study. From 1862, moreover, students pursuing a "Pre- paratory Scientific" course are distinguished from those pursuing the "Regu- lar Preparatory" course. After the re-establishment of the Preparatory Department in connection course of study with the Bloomington High School, the course covered two full years, the at the time 7 when abolished same instruction being given to all students. For 1890, the last year of the Department's existence, the following course of instruction was an- nounced : JUNIOR YEAR Fall Term. Latin Grammar; Algebra; English (1) American Poets, (2) Analy- sis of Sentences. Winter Term. Latin Grammar; Algebra; English (3) American Prose, (2) Principles and rules of Composition, with essay writing. Spring Term. Latin Cfesar; Algebra; English (1) Victorian Literature, (2) Figures and Essays. 151 Indiana University SENIOR YEAR Fall Term. Latin Cicero; Geometry; General History. Winter Term. Latin Cicero, Latin Composition; Geometry; General History. Spring Term. Latin Composition; Physiology; General History. COMMISSIONED HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM Rise of the Com- The maintenance of a Preparatory Department of the University is a missioned High School System. witness to the unsatisfactory relation which long existed between the Uni- versity and the school system of the State. The final adjustment of this relation gave rise to the system of Commissioned High Schools. In the annual report of the University for the academic year 1874 (which includes the University catalogue) we read the following: "The want of a proper adjustment of the High School and Collegiate courses of study has been long and deeply felt. This want of unity has been, for years, the subject of earnest and protracted discussions in State Teachers' and Collegiate Associations, in State Institutes, Educational Conventions and the State Board of Education. The much desired union has at length been reached; and the method by which it has been attained will be explained by the following documents, together with the reasons of the change in the cur- riculum of the University. The authorities of the University rejoice in this happy adjustment of the whole course of instruction in the educational system of Indiana, by which the student can pass without interruption or delay through all the grades, from the Primary through the Interme- diate, High School, Collegiate and University courses of instruction, and thus thoroughly equip himself for life's duties. The hearty support and active cooperation of teachers, principals of High Schools, County Super- intendents and all the friends of education in these new arrangements are earnestly desired." The first of the documents referred to is the following, adopted May 5, 1873, at a meeting held in Indianapolis: Recommenda- Resolved, That the State Board of Education recommend the Trustees and Faculty tion of State of the Indiana University, in order to unite the High Schools of the State and the Board of Educa- University more closely together, to so modify the Preparatory course of study, as tion (1873). 152 Relation to School System to admit students to the Freshman class without the knowledge of Greek, putting in the place thereof an equivalent in the increased amount of Mathematics and Science. A second document consists of the record of a meeting "of the Super- intendents and Principals of schools having an enrollment of four hundred or more pupils," held in the city of Indianapolis, May 7 of the same year, "for the consideration of matters pertaining to the welfare of the schools," at which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we, the members of the Convention of Superintendents of the High Resolutions of Schools of the State, respectfully represent that we fully approve the plan of uniting Superintendents and Principals the High Schools with the University by the method proposed, viz., that the High (1873). Schools shall prepare pupils in Orthography, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog- raphy, Physiology, United States History, Algebra, Geometry, Latin Grammar, Caesar and Virgil, which shall admit them to the Freshman class without the necessity of preparing them in the study of Greek; and that the study of the advanced Mathe- matics be considered an equivalent for the additional amount of Greek now required for admission. Resolved, That Mr. Gow present the above resolution to the Trustees of the University, at their meeting in June, as the expression of our views. When these resolutions were presented to the Faculty and Trustees of the University, the following action was taken by the Board of Trustees : Ordered by the Board of Trustees of Indiana University, that the minimum stand- Action of the ard of admission to the Freshman class in the University, shall be a creditable exam- Board of Trustees, ination in Orthography, Reading, Geography, English Grammar, United States History, Composition, Word Analysis, Physiology, Algebra, Geometry, Latin Gram- mar, Latin Prose Composition, Caesar and Virgil, or their equivalents. Second, in order to bring the University into closer connection- with the High Schools of the State, we recommend the following plan, viz., a certificate from cer- tain High Schools (the schools to be hereafter named by the State Board of Edu- cation) of a satisfactory examination sustained in the Preparatory Course, will entitle the bearer to admittance to our Freshman class. And no one will be admitted as a student in the University (except those admitted to select studies), without such certificate from the authorities of the High Schools, the High School of Bloom- ington being named among the number. 153 Indiana University Effects of the omission of Greek from en- trance require- ments. Dr. Wylie, in his History of Indiana University (p. 78), says: "The part of this arrangement that Greek should not be required for entrance into the Freshman class was quite an innovation, and was regarded by many scholars and literary institutions throughout the State with great disfavor, and as lowering the college standard and a step downward and backward. No evil seems, however, to have resulted from it; the professor of Greek, the late Professor Ballantine, found that in a year after the change had been made he had the scholars as far advanced as under the old arrangement. This may be ascribed to the better and more uniform training in elementary instruction under the Professor himself than the pupil had under different instructors, some better and some worse, and each having his own peculiar- ities." In the University catalogue for the year 1875 there appears the following report of the Faculty to the State Board of Education, showing the results of the recent changes a report which deserves to be quoted in full : Report of the Faculty to State Board of Educa- tion (1875). The want of a proper adjustment of the High Schools of the State to the Colleges had been long and deeply felt. After much discussion in State, Collegiate and High School Associations, upon the recommendation of the Convention of Superintendents of Public Schools, held in the City of Indianapolis in the spring of 1873, the State Board of Education recommended and the Trustees of Indiana State University adopted a modification in the Collegiate course of study. This change was made for the purpose of uniting, harmonizing and completing the school system of Indiana. Middle education is the problem of the age. Where shall students be prepared for college? This is the real question. It is proposed to make the High Schools the middle schools of Indiana, and thus filling the vacuum before existing between the district schools and the University. To perfect this union, it was determined that the study of Greek should be commenced in the Freshman year, and continued through the four years of the college course, thus making the whole amount of Greek equal to that of both the preparatory and collegiate Greek taught in the best institutions in the land. To compensate for this preparatory Greek, transferred to the collegiate course, Higher Algebra, Geometry, Sentential Analysis and Physiology were placed in the preparatory course, and made requisites for admission to the University. This change, while it abates nothing from the extent of thoroughness of the usual curriculum, both preparatory and collegiate, is of the greatest impor- tance, as it unites together and harmonizes all the sections of the public schools of 154 Relation to School System the State into one complete system. The student can now pass directly from the primary, through the intermediate grades and High Schools, to the University, with- out delay or interruption. He is not now required, after completing his High School course, to spend, as heretofore, two years in some preparatory school or academy, in order to bring up his Greek, and fit himself for the Freshman class. As this modification aimed to make the High Schools of the State preparatory "Initiatory schools for the State University, it was also provided that the work done in the examinatio High Schools, which had attained the proper grade, should be recognized and credited by the University. Hence, applicants presenting certificates from the Superintendents of those High Schools, which are commissioned by the State Board of Education, certifying that they had completed the preparatory studies, should be admitted to the Freshman class, without further examination. All applicants not thus furnished with certificates were to be examined by the Superintendent and Principal of the Higl* School of Bloomington. These examinations are conducted in writing, and are very thorough. They em- brace ten questions upon each of the studies in the preparatory course; and a high grade in each is required for admission. The time has been too short, only eighteen months having elapsed since its adop- "Results; tion, to test fully the wisdom and feasibility of the present plan. Thus far, however, the results have been favorable. In 1873, one hundred and nine applied for admis- sion to the University; of whom fifty passed satisfactory examinations, and were admitted on the certificate of the Superintendent and Principal of the High School of Bloomington. Fifty-nine, having failed to pass satisfactory examinations, were rejected. In 1874, there were fewer rejections; as the terms of admission and the high grade of scholarship required, had become more generally known. Of the twenty-one High Schools commissioned by the State Board of Education to prepare and examine students for the State University, only a very few have sent students. Greensburg has sent three; Evansville, two; New Albany, two; Peru, one, and Bloomington, twenty-six. The larger part of these twenty-six had come from other sections of the State to Bloomington, to prepare for college. All the others, who have been admitted to the Freshman class, have been examined by the Superintendent and Principal of the High School of Bloomington. The effect upon the High Schools of the State has been very beneficial. They have been inspired with greater zeal and energy in the work of education, and the standard of scholarship has been elevated. The most of the High Schools which have not already been commissioned to prepare students for the University, are striving to reach that grade which will entitle them to that honor. The failure to send students to the University was not for the want of a disposition to do so, 155 Indiana University "The effect upon the standard of scholarship in the University; "Classical Course ; "The number of students." on the part of the officers of the High Schools. These have generally regarded it an honor to receive a commission from the State Board, and have cordially coop- erated to make the plan a success. The grade of scholarship of the students of the University has been greatly ad- vanced. In accuracy, thoroughness, comprehensiveness, and maturity of mind and culture, the Freshman class is nearly equal to the Sophomore of former years; and the same may be said of the higher classes. It is gratifying to every lover of sound learning, to witness the vigor of thought and breadth of information, with which they grapple with subjects presented for their investigation. Their command of the English language and its resources is also of a high order. Since the change has been made by which Greek is begun in the Freshman year, the number of students taking the classical course has greatly increased. Formerly one-half of the Freshman class were scientific; now nine-tenths are classical. Such, according to present indications, will continue to be the result of the present arrange- ments. Instead of lowering the standard of education, the present plan has greatly elevated it; and instead of the ancient classics being dishonored and ignored, they are now better taught, made popular, and greatly honored. Nor do we deem it too much to say, that classical education has been greatly benefited by the recent arrange- ments. While there has been no diminution in the number of students, but on the contrary, a steady increase, yet the number in attendance is less by one hundred per cent, probably, than it would have been under the old regime, several causes having com- bined to produce this result: 1. The complete separation of the preparatory from the collegiate department has diminished the aggregate number of students. No student, in the preparatory department, is permitted to recite in any of the college classes, and no student in the select course in college is allowed to recite in classes belonging to the preparatory department. This complete isolation of the two departments cuts off a considerable number of irregulars, who desire to recite in preparatory and collegiate studies at the same time. This was allowed in this University some years ago, and is still in vogue in most of the colleges in the West. 2. This arrangement tends to diminish numbers, in the second place, since the preparatory students do not meet in the University chapel for prayers each morning with the students of the collegiate and professional grade; nor do the two departments intermingle, as they do in most Western institutions, in which students of the pre- paratory course mingle indiscriminately with those of collegiate grade, and recite to the same professors. Many prefer institutions where such irregularity prevails. 156 Relation to School System 3. The rigidness of the initiatory examinations, and the thoroughness of scholar- ship required for admission to the University tends also to lessen the number of stu- dents. The sifting process is now applied at the door of admission to the University, instead of being postponed, and too charitably applied, during the collegiate course. The custom of most of the colleges in the State has been to admit students upon an oral and very superficial examination, leaving their subsequent standing to be deter- mined by their success in their studies. This course of necessity produces irregu- larity, lowers the grade of scholarship, and leads to many difficulties. The State University now admits only those who pass satisfactory examinations, and are up in all their studies. This arrangement, while it has introduced order, regularity and system, and elevated the standard of scholarship, has diminished the number, which otherwise would have attended the University. Nearly one hundred applicants for admission to the Freshman class in the last two years have been rejected. 4. The elevation of the standard of scholarship leads some to prefer other insti- tutions where college honors are more easily won. The grade of recitations requisite for graduation from one class to another higher, is seventy per cent, on the general average, and in no one study must the student fall below fifty per cent. A student who fails to reach this standard falls back into the next lower class. Some who have thus failed, have gone to other colleges, rather than to go back into the lower classes, as they could there go on with their class, and graduate a year sooner than at the State University. As, therefore, it might have been reasonably expected, the number of students in attendance is probably one hundred per cent, less than it would have been, had the old order and regulations continued. But what is lost in quantity is more than made up in quality. Yet there has been no decrease in the number of students, as has been incorrectly stated, but on the contrary, the increase has been regular, as the catalogues of the last five years will show: In the year 1870-1, aggregate number 301 In the year 1871-2, aggregate number 358 In the year 1872-3, aggregate number 3G8 In the year 1873-4, aggregate number 371 In the year 1874-5, thus far in the year 389 The number of students at Bloomington, not counting those of the Medical Depart- ment, is as follows: 157 Indiana University 1870-1 (including Normal Class) 301 1871-2 (Normal Class abolished) 268 1872-3, aggregate number 264 1873-4, aggregate number 268 1874-5, aggregate number 282 It is the aim of the Faculty and Trustees to do work of the highest grade and order, making thorough scholars and elevating the standard of scholarship, and when this is secured, numbers will not be wanting; but the popular sentiment has, from the beginning, judged the merits of institutions of learning by the size of the crowd that attends them, not taking into account discipline, thoroughness of scholarship, and training; as if it were the sole business of a college to gain numbers and to graduate a crowd instead of scholars. The present plan we believe to be working well for the interests of education in Indiana, and, if it were comprehended, it would not only be approved, but highly commended by the people. It rests with the educators and friends of education in Indiana, whether the new measures adopted by the University will soon become what it aspires to be, the head and crown of the public school system; a University not only in name, but in reality, ranking among the very first in the land, an honor to the State, and a source of pride to all her citizens. CYKUS NUTT, President, T. A. WYLIE, Professor of Natural Philosophy. R. OWEN, Professor of Natural Science. D. KIEKWOOD, Professor of Mathematics. E. BALLANTINE, Professor of Greek. J. THOMPSON, Professor of Civil Engineering. A. ATWATER, Professor of Latin. G. W. Hoss, Professor of English Literature. S. P. MORRISON, Assistant Professor of English Literature. T. C. VAN NttYS, Professor of Chemistry. This report was accompanied by the following circular of the Faculty : To tlie Superintendents of the Public Schools, and County Superintendents: Circular of the The founders of this Commonwealth, in the original Constitution of Indiana, Faculty, 1875. provided for a system of Free Public Schools, to include in regular gradation the district and intermediate schools and a State University. The same wise and liberal 158 Relation to School System provision is sanctioned in the present Constitution, while the laws of the State recog- nize the institution at Bloomington, Monroe County, as the State University. Although the State University and the graded schools by the above constitutional and legislative provisions form one and the same system of public instruction, they have not, nntil recently, harmoniously cooperated. A plan for adjusting the University course of study to that of the High Schools was very maturely considered by the State Board of Education, by a convention of superintendents of public schools, and by the Trustees and Faculty of the State University; and, as the result, the classical course was enlarged to include all preparatory Greek, and the mathematical and scientific courses correspondingly diminished; the preparatory Latin and the excluded mathe- matics and science being incorporated in the High School course, which is as follows, viz.: Orthography, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, algebra (both elementary and higher), geometry (four books), physiology, history of the United States, Latin grammar, Latin reader, Latin prose composition, two books of Caesar, and two books of Virgil, or their equivalents in Latin. All High Schools in the State which are prepared to teach the above named branches and possess the other qualifications prescribed by the State Board of Educa- tion are entitled to a commission to prepare students for the State University, and to grant certificates of proficiency in the above studies, which shall entitle the holder to admission to the Freshman class of the University without further examination. This commission also authorizes the superintendent to examine any person who may apply, and to grant a certificate, if the applicant is found thoroughly proficient in all the studies of the Preparatory Course. The trouble and expense of a journey to Bloomington may thereby be in some cases avoided. It is earnestly requested that notice be given throughout the section of the State in the vicinity of each designated High School, at what time applications may be made for examination, and that the President of the University be duly notified of the results of these examinations. This system may not be wholly satisfactory to all of the friends of the public schools in Indiana, but it certainly has great merit; and shall it not be faithfully sus- tained and its provisions executed, until an opportune moment for its amendment shall arrive? The State University, chief public school of the State, may not be free from defects, but it is progressive, and it will seek to know the demands of popular educa- tion in Indiana and to meet and satisfy these fully, expecting in return to be cor- dially sustained and liberally supported. CYRUS NUTT, A. ATWATEB, Secretary. President of the Faculty. Bloomington, Indiana, April 15, 1875. 159 Indiana University Number of com- The following table shows the development of the system of Commis- missionc " Schools. sioned High Schools in Indiana from its inception in 1874 until the present time: .To. of .Vo. of Year. Srhools. }'<-nr. Schools. 1S74 21 1889 100 1875 27 1890 107 1870 17 1891 108 1877 28 1892 110 1878 29 1893 107 1879 30 1894 112 1880 33 1895 118 1881 21 189G 123 1882 33 1897 130 1883 38 1898 143 1884 34 1899 156 1885 41 1900 158 1880 83 1901 177 1887 85 1902 17G 1888.. ..99 1903.. ..191 160 GRADUATE SCHOOL The first advanced degrees for work done in course in Indiana TJniver- Requirements for advanced degree announcement of the first definite scheme for graduate degrees, as follows : 1882. sity were granted in 1882. In the catalogue for that year we find the degrees in FOR MASTERS' DEGREES 1. Any graduate of this University, as Bachelor of Arts, Letters, or Science, who subsequently completes a course of study of not less than two years in any reputable professional school of Theology, Law, Medicine, Literature, Music, Advanced Science, or the Mechanic Arts, on presenting to the Faculty of this University satisfactory evidence that he has thus completed any of the professional courses named, and that he has maintained a good character, may receive from the University the Master's Degree of the same name as the Bachelor's Degree he has already received. 2. Any graduate of this University, or of any similar and equal institution, who does not pursue a professional course as above described, may receive from this University a Master's Degree, corresponding to his Bachelor's Degree, at the expira- tion of three years from the date of graduation; provided, he gives evidence of good character and completes a course of study fairly equivalent to any of the professional courses above named under the direction of the Faculty of this University, either in residence at the University or in private, or partly in residence and partly in private. The satisfactoriness of the work to be determined by an examination of each candi- date by the Faculty of this University, and by the presentation on his part of a credit- able thesis on some theme prescribed by this Faculty. Provided, further, that the three years herein required may be reduced to two, if the entire time is spent by the candidate in residence at this University, or under the immediate direction of its Faculty. 161 Indiana University FOR DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY The degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be received by the graduate of this University, or of any other institution of like character and equal rank, five years after graduation; provided, the candidate, in addition to the requirements for the Master's Degree, as above recited, shall still further pursue studies under the direc- tion of the Faculty of this University, pass satisfactory examinations in the same, present in print a satisfactory thesis upon some prescribed or accepted subject, em- bodying original work, and maintain a good character. Provided, further, that the five years herein required may be reduced to three, if the entire time Is spent in residence at this University, or under the immediate direction of its Faculty. Modifications of In 1885 and 1886 it was further required that "A copy of each thesis P resent ed for a Master's degree must be deposited in the University Li- brary." In 1885, it was stipulated that "The degree of Doctor of Philosophy will not be given as an honorary degree, and it will be given to no one who has not obtained prominence as a special student in some department of learning." In 1886 the time requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy was altogether omitted, and the last part of the stipulation just mentioned was modified so as to read as follows: "It will, farther, not be given as a result of any examinations or of any course of study alone, but only on evidence of original work actually done, by some person who has achieved prominence as a special student in some department of learning." It appears that at first not all the departments of the University were prepared to offer instruction of a graduate character. In the catalogue for 1885 we read: "Students holding a degree from Indiana University, or from any college having similar requirements, may select for themselves a course of advanced work, in any one or more departments of the Uni- versity which may be able to provide for them. Facilities for such advanced work are offered in most departments of the University, especially in the Departments of Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology." In the following year the latter part of this announcement was modified to read as follows: "Special courses, leading to the Master's degree (M.A., M.S.), will be arranged to meet the needs of each individual student. The advantages offered in the University for special advanced or original J162 work are now very great/ and it is the aim of those in control of the 'affairs of the University to make it the center of such work in the State in all departments within its scope." In 1887 the following explanation also was added : "As a rule, no degree of any sort will be given by the University to any person who has not, at some time, been a matriculated student in residence at the University. It is not desired to create at the University an 'examining board' to certify : to the value of work done elsewhere." As thus modified and enlarged, this announcement regarding the character of the graduate instruction appears also in the catalogues for 1888 and 1889. Since 1886 the degree of Master of Science has not been granted. In 1887, in the same year in which the degree of Bachelor of Arts Requirements was made the only baccalaureate degree conferred by the University, the degrees in 1887 requirements for the graduate degrees were newly defined as follows: MASTER OF ARTS Any graduate of this University, or of any similar institution, may receive from this University the degree of Master of Arts (A.M.) upon the completion of a course of advanced study, of not less than one year, in residence at the University, under the direction of the Faculty, the value of the work to be determined by an examination of each candidate, and by the presentation of a satisfactory thesis on some theme prescribed or accepted by the Faculty; but graduates of this University may, in special cases, be excused from residence though not from examination at the Uni- versity. Any graduate of this University of three years' standing, who has completed the course of study in a reputable professional school, on presenting to the Faculty of this University a creditable non-professional thesis, with satisfactory evidence that he has maintained a good character, may receive from this University the degree of Master of Arts. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) may be received by the graduate of this University, or of any other institution of similar character and rank, upon the completion of an advanced course of study of not less than three years, at least one of which must be spent in residence at this University, the value of the work done to be shown by a final examination and by the presentation of a satisfactory thesis in print upon some prescribed or accepted subject embodying original work, 163 Indiana University subsequent The requirement regarding evidence of good character was omitted after modifications. -IQQO In 1890 it was provided that the work for the Master's degree be done not under the direction of the Faculty, as hitherto, but "under the direction and supervision of the professor in charge of the Department in whicli studies are carried on," and the work for the Doctor's degree had also to be done "under the direction and supervision of the appropriate member of the Faculty." This provision was only in line with the increasing tendency in the University at this time toward specialization. In the same year the rule that candidates for the Master's degree might in some cases be excused from residence, providing they were graduates of the University, was guarded by the additional provision that "graduates from other institu- tions will in no case be thus excused." The more definite influence of the major subject system upon the plan of graduate instruction began to be felt in 1891. The Master's degree now required "the successful completion of three full courses of study occupying at least one year of three daily recitations, or the equivalent thereof, in residence at the University, such courses to be chosen under the advice of the head of the Department in which the major part of the work is to be done, and to be subject to the approval of the general Faculty." In 1893 provision was made, moreover, that "If at any time during the year an undergraduate has completed the requirements for graduation, a written statement to this effect is given him by the President of the University, and his work for the remainder of the year may be counted toward his higher degree." The number of graduate students registered and the degrees granted in successive vears have been as follows: 164 Graduate School Number of Degrees Conferred Year 1880-1881. In Residence In Absence 1 M.S. 3 2 1 3 3 19 29 17 24 23 1881-1882 1882-1883 1883-1884 1884-1885 1885-1886 1886-1887 1887-1888 1888-1889 1889-1890 12 1890-1891 19 1891-1892 28 1892-1893 22 1893-1894 47 1894-1895 49 1895-1896 62 1896-1897 65 1897-1898 84 1898-1899 77 1899-1900 69 1900-1901 69 1901-1902 82 1902-1903. . 82 Totals 12 A.M. 4 10 5 6 7 14 16 17 16 11 15 14 13 14 15 11 21 18 19 250 Ph.D. 1 2 1 2 1 14 Numbers of graduate stu- dents and de- grees, 1880- 1903. School, 1904. A Committee on Advanced Degrees was first appointed in 1894. Re- Organization of cently (March, 1904), in order to emphasize the facilities offered by the University for work of an advanced nature, a Graduate School has been organized. The requirements for the degree of Master of Arts and of Doctor of Philosophy are thus set forth in the catalogue for 1904: MASTER OF ARTS The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred upon graduates of this University, or of any other institution of the same standing, upon the completion in residence of fifteen hours per term, carried during at least one entire college year. Thirty of the 165 Indiana University Present require- total of forty-five hours must be in one department, or in closely allied departments. merits for ad- Fifteen hours must be distinctly graduate in character. vanced degrees. The Master's degree may be conferred upon graduates of this University upon the completion in absence of fifteen hours per term, or their equivalent, carried during at least two full years under the direction of the.Paculty, hours of private work done in absence being estimated at one-half the credit value of work done at the University. Professional studies are not accepted for this degree, but research work on pro- fessional subjects may be accepted at the option of the professor in charge of the major subject. . ./., " A thesis may be required at the option of the professor in charge of the major subject. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be conferred upon graduates of this Uni- versity, or of any institution of similar character and rank, upon the completion of an advanced course of study of not less than three years. In exceptional cases, on the recommendation of the professor in charge of the major subject and with the concurrence of the Committee on Advanced Degrees, part of this time may be spent in study at other universities. The course of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must be pursued under the direction of a committee consisting of the heads of the Departments in which the work is done, and its value shall be determined by a final examination and by the presentation of a satisfactory thesis embodying original work upon some pre- scribed or accepted subject. In each case a detailed statement, which must be endorsed by the professor in charge of the major work, must be submitted to the Committee on Advanced Degrees not later than May 10th of the year in which the candidate presents himself for examination. The thesis of every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must be pre- sented to the Committee on Advanced Degrees on or before the first day of June of the year in which he proposes to take the degree. The thesis must be endorsed by the head of the Department as being in its final form and ready for the press. Ex- aminations of each candidate for this degree will be conducted before a committee consisting of all the instructors under whom graduate work has been taken. If the candidate is recommended for the degree, five printed copies of the thesis shall be deposited in the library before the degree is conferred. Formal application for the degree of Master of Arts must be filed with the Dean at least three months before the time when the degree is to be given. Formal appli- cation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must be on file at least one year before the candidate is admitted to examination. 166 SCHOOL OF LAW A School of Law has existed at two distinct periods at Indiana Uni- versity, from 1842 to 1877, and from 1889 until the present time. Dr. Wylie says: "The organization of the Law School was agitated in 1835, steps toward if not sooner, earlv in the administration of the first President of the or anizat a Law School, University. The earliest attempt to organize it as a Department of the 1835-41. L'niversity must have been some time between 1835 and 1837. A loose scrap of paper containing a note which the writer probably intended to transfer to the minutes has escaped destruction, on which is the following: "Resolved, That in the opinion of the Board, a professorship of law should be estab- lished, to be connected with the college. "That the law term should consist of four months, from December 1st to- March 31st. "That the salary of the professor shall be $300, to be paid as other salaries of the college officers, and -that he also be entitled to dispose of lecture tickets for his own benefit, the price of which shall not exceed $10 per term. "Resolved, That the Board now proceed to the election of said professor. "Mr. Foster (who was a trustee from 1835 to 1838) was appointed teller, and on counting the votes it appeared that Isaac Blackford was unanimously elected professor. There is no further trace of Judge Black- ford's professorship. From some notes which had been taken from the old record book of the College, destroyed in the fire of 1883, mention is made of Charles Lewis having been chosen professor of law, September 20, 1837. We have no further notice of Mr. Lewis. "At the first meeting of the board, after the College had been made a University, the following appeared on record in its proceedings under 167 Indiana University date of September 25, 1838 : 'On motion of Mr. [John] Law the Board pro- ceeded to the election of a professor of law. The result of the election was that the Hon. Miles G. Eggleston was unanimously elected.' Mr. Eggleston declined, owing to circumstances over which he had no control. Appli- cation was then made to several distinguished jurists, but no one was found willing to accept. The matter was then dropped till 1841, when Gen. Tilghman A. Howard was elected, and a very iirgent letter was sent by the Board requesting his acceptance. General Howard, however, declined this earnest request. About a year after this the names of several dis- tinguished jurists were presented 'to the Board. Of this number David McDonald, who was a resident of Bloomington and a Judge of the Circuit Court, was duly elected, and on the following day his letter of acceptance was received." 1 its first an- We read in the first announcement of the Law School, in the catalogue nouncement, for Ig42j ^ In esta bH s hing this Department, the design of the Board .-of Trustees is (to use their own language), 'jSTothing less than the building up of a Law School, that shall be inferior to none west of the Mountains; one in which the student will be so trained that he shall never, in the attorney, forget the scholar and the gentleman'. It will be the object of the Professor to furnish a complete course of legal education to gentlemen intending for the bar in any of the United States. Persons applying for admission as students will not be examined touching their literary attain- ments. But no one will be admitted who does not produce satisfactory testimonials of his good moral character. The sessions will, in all respects, be the same as in other branches of the University. The course of study will occupy four sessions [at this time there were two sessions each year]. The students will be divided into two classes Junior and Senior. Such, however, as have elsewhere made sufficient progress in the study of law, may, if they prefer, be at once admitted to the Senior Class. And gentle- men not wishing to study municipal law as a profession, may enter the Junior Class for instruction in that part of the course which relates to international, constitutional and commercial law." Instruction in this Department was in general given by means of reci- tations on prescribed text-books, and by lectures. A moot court was held > iWylie, Indiana University (1890), pp. 88-89. 168 School of Law also, in which the students of both classes were exercised in the preparation of pleadings, rules of practice, forms of record entries, and discussion of legal questions. At first this moot court was held every Saturday, but from 1874 it was convened four times a week. The changes from time to time in the course of instruction in the Changes in the Law Department may be seen in the following table of text-books, showing the time during which each of these books was in regular use r 1 JUNIOR CLASS Blackstone's Commentaries, 1842-8, 1850-1, 1853-76. Story's Commentaries on the Constitution, 1842-5. Chitty on Contracts, 1842-8. Stephen on Pleading, 1842-8, 1850-1, 1853-70. Kent's Commentaries, 1842-8, 1850-1, 1853-61, 1871-6. Smith on Contracts, 1850-1, 1853-61. Parsons on Mercantile Law, 1862. Smith or Parsons on Contracts, 18(53-5. Metcalf on Contracts, 1869-70. Parsons on Contracts, 1871-76. SENIOR CLASS Kent's Commentaries, 1842-8, 1850-1, 1853-61. Chitty on Bills, 1842-8. Chitty on Pleading, 1842-8, 1850-1, 1853-4. Starkie's Evidence, 1842-4. .Story's Equity Pleading, 1842. Mitford's Equity Pleading, 1843-8, 1850-1, 1853-61. Greenleafs Evidence, 1845-8, 1850-1, 1853-76. Adams's Equity, 1855-65. Indiana Revised Statutes of 1852 (selections with reference to practice in the State Courts, in Civil and Criminal cases), 1855-61. Williams on Real Property, 1862-70. Bicknell's Practice and the Code, 1871-6. Washburn on Real Property, 1871-6. Story's Equity, 1871-6. !The University catalogue for 1849 is missing; in the catalogue for 1852 no list of text- books is given; also in the catalogue for 1877, which contains the announcement of the suspen- sion of the Law Department in that year, no such list is given. 169 Indiana University Suspension of the Law School, 1877-89; its re- vival In 1889. Development since 1889. Students were also recommended to procure certain books in addition to the text-books, as follows: Williams on Personal Property, 1873-5. Sedgwick on Statutory Construction, 1873-6. May on Insurance, 1874-6. Cooley on Constitutional Limitations, 1874-6. Benjamin on Personal Property, 1876. In 1877 the Law Department of the University closed its doors because of legislative action cutting down the salaries of professors to such a point that competent men could no longer be secured. For twelve years the De- partment was out of existence ; but at a meeting in March, 1889, the Board of Trustees made provision for its reestablishment in the next academic year with a two years' course. Regular instruction was contemplated in the following subjects : "The first, or Junior year, is devoted to the study of the law of real and personal property, contracts, negotiable instruments, criminal law, the law of bailments, and domestic relations. The second, or Senior year, is devoted to the study of equity jurisprudence, pleading evi- dence, the law of torts, constitutional law, federal jurisprudence and practice, and pleading and practice under codes." During the first year of the reopening of the Law Department, instruc- tion was given during the Fall and Winter terms only, but thereafter the terms were made to correspond to the three terms in other Departments of the University. Beginning with 1901 the course in law has covered three years instead of two. In 1903 a fourth term of ten weeks was added, beginning the day after Commencement and ending early in the month of September. This is designed to "enable those who are compelled to remain out of the School during the Fall and Winter terms to make up a portion of their work missed during those terms." The Law Department has undergone a steady development since its reorganization, so that it now constitutes a School of Law, with three pro- fessors, one associate professor, and three non-resident lecturers, besides numbering on its Faculty eight professors from other Departments of the University, representing regular instruction in history and political science, Roman law, economics and social science, medical jurisprudence, and debating and public speaking. In place, moreover, of the original 170 School of Law weekly moot court, there are now two regular practice courts, the Third Year Practice Court (Indiana University Circuit Court), which meets once a week, and the University Supreme Court, which convenes as often as may be required by the business before it, the members of the Faculty of the School of Law acting as judges. Appeals are taken and writs of error prosecuted from the Third Year Practice .CouriL. Besides these two SCHOOL OF LAW -A CORNER OF THE LAW LIBRARY regular practice courts, club courts also are organized for the discussion of legal questions by the students of each class. Applicants for admission to the School of Law must be at least eighteen Requirements years of age; and since 1899 the requirement of scholarship for admission, for admission - except in the case of special students, has been the same as for admission to the Departments of Liberal Arts. Before that time the applicant was 171 Combined course in Arts aivcj S*F, Indiana University required to satisfy the Faculty by standing an examination that he was prepared profitably to undertake the work of the Department, special em- phasis being laid on his ability to use good English. With the beginning of the academic year 1905, there will be offered ^ Q s t u( } en ts in the Departments of Liberal Arts a combined course with law SCHOOL OF LAW ANOTHER PART OF THE LAW LIBRARY as special major subject, leading to the degree of A.B. at the end of four years. The course contemplates the completion of two full years of academic work before the commencement of the law studies. During the third and fourth years the student taking the combined course will be re- Negligence 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 Parliamentary Law 11-3 I 1 I 1 3 1 Partnership 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Patent Law and 1 Trade Marks / * ' I 3 I 3 1" Persons and Do- 1 cs mestic Relations j ' ' 6 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 s 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 Personal Property 52-3 2 2 6 3 S 2 B 2 B 2 B 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 l 2 Private Corporations B 3 53 5 s 53 53 53 53 53 53 6 s B 1 " 2 6 1 " 2 B 1 B 2 Public Corporations B 2 S 2 42 B 3 B 3 S 2 B 3 Quasi-Contracts B 3 Real Property S 2 B 2 S 2 B 2 B 2 S 2 B 2 S 1 S 1 B 1 51-3 52-3 B 1 S 1 Roman Law I 1 Sales of Personal 1 Property J ' ' B 2 B 2 B 2 B 3 8 s B 3 B Torts B 3 B 3 S 3 .. 3 3 3 3 3 s 6 s B 3 B 3 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 Trusts 3 3 3 3 3 3 B 3 B 3 5 s 5 University Su- 1 preme Court j I 1 - 3 11-3 11-3 11-3 I 1 - 3 p-8 Wills and Adminis- 1 cz trntirm f\f TTstntoa f " 52 52 12 12-3 12-3 12-3 2 3 2 3 I 2 43 6 s B 3 6 s 175 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Movement to establish a School of Medi- cine, 1870. Indiana Medical College made the Medical Depart- ment of Indiana University, 1871. In the annual reports of the Board of Trustees for 1870 and 1871,. mention is made, among the wants of the University, of another profes- sional department, that of Medicine, in which tuition shall be free for all. "Then Indiana, with her excellent common schools, her Graded and High Schools, her Normal College at Terre Haute, her Agricultural and Mechanical College at Lafayette, and her State University, embracing the College of Sciences and Arts, the College of Law, the College of Medicine, and that of Military Science, would have her system of education complete, and equal to that of any other State in the Union. Then no young men or women need leave their own State in order to secure the best liberal and professional educations in any vocation they may select. Indiana owes this to herself and her sons and daughters. Her children should not be dependent upon other commonwealths for what she, herself, is abundantly able to furnish." At a meeting of the Board in 1871, the Indiana Medical College, located at Indianapolis, was made the Medical Department of Indiana University,, and the annual announcement of this college was incorporated for the first time in the University catalogue for 1872. Instruction was offered int surgery, obstetrics, diseases of women and children, principles and practice of medicine, pathology and clinical medicine, chemistry and toxicology,, physiology, diseases of the eye, ear and nasal passage, materia medica and therapeutics, medical jurisprudence, descriptive and surgical anatomy. Lectureships were also established on the special branches of diseases of the nervous system, on comparative anatomy and medical botany, and on medical jurisprudence. 176 School of Medicine In the study of anatomy an abundance of material for dissection was furnished at cost. Clinics were held twice each week at the City Hospital at Indianapolis. The BoLbs Free Dispensary also, which was under the control of the Faculty and located in the College building, furnished a great number and variety of interesting cases. The City Dispensary, at which the greater portion of the medical charity of the city is furnished, was located conveniently near and was under the superintendency of a mem- ber of the Faculty of this Department. At least one hour each day was -devoted to clinical instruction. The requirements for graduation in this Department were as follows: Candidates for graduation must furnish proof of good moral character, that they liave studied the science for three years under the instruction of a competent pre- ceptor, and that they have attended two full courses of lectures in a medical college of good reputation, the last of which must have been in this Department. On such proof, and after satisfactory examination in the several branches of study, the candi- date will be entitled to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Four years of reputable practice considered equivalent to attendance upon a first course of lectures. The connection, however, of the Indiana Medical College with the The connection University was little more than nominal and of no particular advantage l !f n inue ' Io7o. to either side. From 1870 tuition had been free in all departments of the University. On this account the Board of Trustees seemed to feel in the case of the Medical Department, as in that of the Law Department a year later, that to undertake to continue its maintenance would require an expenditure beyond the means at their disposal. Accordingly in 1876, after continuing for five years, the connection of the Indiana Medical College with "the University was terminated by mutual consent. The grad- uates of the Department during this period have not been accounted alumni of the University. In 1891 a Medical Preparatory Course was established under the general Medical Prepara- direction of the professors of chemistry and zoology. This course of four years, leading to the degree of A.B., was provided for students who ex- pected afterwards to take up the study of medicine. The major study contained work from both these Departments, and as collateral work courses (13) 177 Indiana University Indiana Univer- sity School of Medicine estab- lished, 1903. Combined course in Arts and Med- cine. in botany and physics were also required. Students completing this course were enabled to enter with advanced standing in the three years' course of most medical colleges. The Premedical Course, as thus planned, was continued through 1895. From 1896 until 1902 this course was under the direction of the Depart- ment of Chemistry, and embodied simply certain suggestions for a scheme of study which met the University requirements for graduation, with chemistry as the major subject, and at the same time formed a suit- able preparation for students who intended later to study medicine. The plan of grouping together certain studies with zoology or chemistry as a major subject, although it enabled graduates of the University to get one year of credit in reputable medical colleges for undergraduate work, yet failed to meet the needs of an increasing body of students who looked forward to Medicine as a career. Consequently, in the fall of 1903, a Department of Anatomy was established, and a substantial increase was made in the equipment for the work in physiology. The situation, how- ever, was not relieved. It was found that a large number of students were intending to study medicine in medical colleges outside the State. Accord- ingly in November, 1903, in accordance with the charter rights of the Uni- versity, a College of Medicine was organized, to be known as the Indiana University School of Medicine. In the fall of 1904 the full work of the first two years will be offered. Only the first two years of the medical course are provided for at present. The School of Medicine as thus planned will be represented by Departments of Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, and will include also work in other departments of the University in neu- rology and embryology. A combined course in Arts and Medicine is now provided for, which is an integral part of the University curriculum. Requirements for admission to this course are the same as to any other Department of the University, and are practically identical with the minimum entrance requirements demanded by the Association of American Medical Colleges. Following is given a tabular conspectus of the combined course leading to the collegiate degree of Bachelor of Arts in Medicine, and giving the student who completes it third-year standing in any medical school of the State and in many medical schools outside the State: 178 School of Medicine Fall Term English 2 hrs. German 5 hrs. Physics 3 hrs. Trigonometry 5 hrs. FIRST YEAR Winter Term English 4 hrs. German 5 lirs. Physics 3 hrs. Elective . . .3 hrs. Spring Term English 4 hrs. German 5 hrs. Physics 3 hrs. Elective . . .3 hrs. Zoology 5 hrs. General Chemistry . . 5 hrs. French 3 hrs. Elective . . .2 hrs. Anatomy 10 hrs. Organic Chemistry. 5 hrs. SECOND YEAR Zoology 5 hrs. Qualitative Analysis 5 hrs. French 3 hrs. Elective . . .2 hrs. THIRD YEAR Anatomy 10 hrs. Physiological Chem- istry 5 hrs. Botany 5 hrs. Qualitative Analysis 5 hrs. French 3 hrs. Hypnotism and Sug- gestion 3 hrs. Histology 10 hrs. Physiological Chem- istry 5 lirs. Anatomy 5 hrs. Physiology 5 hrs Toxicology 3 hrs. Neurology 2 hrs. FOURTH YEAR Physiology 5 hrs. Bacteriology 3 hrs. Neurology 2 hrs. Embryology 5 hrs. Surgical Anatomy . . 5 hrs. Physiology 5 hrs. Bacteriology 5 hrs. For the electives provided for during the first two years, the student is recom- mended to take courses in anthropology, drawing, general biology, French, Greek, history, hygiene, philosophy, and laboratory work in physics. 179 SUMMER SESSION A Summer The Indiana University Summer School was organized in the summer is^mfdea^' of 189 * OT tte P ur P oses ^ extending to those who are occupied during Summer Session, the school year the advantages of advanced instruction in certain Depart- ments, aided by the libraries, laboratories and other facilities for study connected with the University. The policy of the University in presenting thorough courses of study in each Department instead of multiplying short unrelated courses, was followed in this school. In the Summer School the instruction was given by members of the University Faculty, the build- ings and apparatus of the University were at the disposal of the school, credit was given for the work done, and a general supervision over the school was maintained by the University authorities. Nevertheless, the Summer School remained a private venture, the instructors being remu- nerated solely from the fees paid. Subsequently, in 1900 the University assumed full control of this work, and the Summer School gave place to the Summer Session. The instruction now given in the Summer Session is an integral part of the University work. Under the new arrangement it has been found possible to offer a greater number and variety of courses, and the instruction is given for the most part by the heads of the respective Departments. Purpose of the The purpose of the Summer Session remains the same as that of the Summer Session. s ummer School. It is the aim of the Session to present thorough courses which in quality of instruction and grade of work done are equivalent to those offered in the regular University terms. Some of the courses of instruction have been specially arranged for the purpose of aiding those 180 Summer Session who teach, or wish to prepare themselves to teach, in high schools, academies and other schools. Methods of teaching are treated incidentally also in other courses. Since 1899 the session has been six weeks in length. The development of the course of instruction in the Summer Session Courses of in- may be seen from the following table: struction in the Summer Session. NUMBER OF COURSES OFFERED IN EACH SUBJECT IN SUMMER SESSIONS DEPARTMENTS. Greek Latin '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 1 '95 4 '96 3 '97 3 '98 3 '99 3 1900 1 3 '01 2 3 '02 3 '03 4 Romance Languages 2 4 5 2 2 3 3 3 Germanic Languages 2 4 3 3 5 4 4 5 4 4 English . 44435 7 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 History and Political Science . 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 Economics and Social Science 1 3 3 3 3 Philosophy 11 1 1 1 5 3 4 4 Pedagogy (now Education) 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 Mathematics . 76743 7 8 5 8 8 6 8 8 8 Mechanics and Astronomy 111-. 4 4 5 Physics . 3 5 5 .. 1 1 2 2 3 5 3 4 4 6 Chemistry . 3 4 4 .. 1 2 3 6 4 4 3 3 3 7 Geology 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 Zoology . 34411 2 2 3 3 Botany 311 5 4 3 1 .. 3 Nature Study I 3 1 3 The School of Law began in 1897 to offer work in connection with the Work in the Summer School in the form, of such special courses as were applied for. Sch o1 of Law - In 1900 summer instruction in this Department became regularly organized as a part of the course of the Summer Session. The general plan followed was to give instruction in law in any course offered in the regular University session, providing a sufficient number of students applied for it. The following table shows the scope of the work offered in the successive years 181 Indiana University from 1900 through 1902; each course was given daily throughout the term of six weeks: Elementary Law, 1900. Domestic Relations, 1900. Criminal Law, 1900-1902. Personal Property, 1900. Insurance, 1900. Agency, 1900. Partnership, 1900. Bills and Notes, 1900, 1901. Pleading and Practice, 1900-1902. Contracts, 1901, 1902. Equity, 1901, 1902. Evidence, 1901. Torts, 1901. Summer term Beginning with the year 1903, there has been a Summer term of ten of the school wee kg [ n the School of Law, in which there are offered such courses as of Law. are given in the other terms of the School. In the Summer Session of 1903 the following courses were offered, the number in parenthesis indi- cating the number of hours a week : First Ymr Courses- Criminal Law and Procedure (5). Elementary Law: Blackstone (5). Common Law Pleading (5). Second and Third Year Courses Equity Jurisprudence (5). Code Pleading (5). Personal Injuries (5). Criminal Evidence (5). Third Year Practice Court (2). 182 BIOLOGICAL STATION The Indiana University Biological Station arose out of a desire to afford students in connection with the Department of Zoology the advantage of field work, during the summer months, at an inland biological observatory. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL STATION - WINONA LAKE, INDIANA In November, 1894, the Trustees of the University indorsed plans sub- Organization of mitted to them for a biological station, and authorized the use, for this ^ e ioiogicai Station, purpose, of the apparatus of the zoological laboratories. This important step was taken in the adoption of the following recommendation : "That Dr. Eigenmann be permitted to use the zoological apparatus for a summer school of zoology either at or away from the University, he being responsible to the University for such apparatus." Subsequent steps are described as 183 Indiana University follows, in an article in Science for December 22, 1899, by Professor C. II. Eigenmann, the founder of the Station : its purpose. "The Biological Station of Indiana University was planned with a well-defined object in view, the study of the variation of the nonmigratory vertebrates in some unit of environment. The Station was to be located on a lake which would present circumscribed boundaries within which the conditions were supposed to be nearly uniform at any time and from season to season. Here large numbers of the nonmigratory vertebrates were to BIOLOGICAL STATION - LECTURE ROOM be collected, their characteristics tabulated and compared with similar series from other lakes. We were, in short, to conduct a statistical inquiry into evolution. For the work in hand many of the lakes were available. Our location was therefore determined by the finding of an old boathouse suit- able for a laboratory on the shore of Turkey Lake. For the first year the Trustees of the University granted the use of apparatus of the Zoological Department, provided the Station would in no way be an expense to the University. After the first year the Trustees provided generously for the permanent equipment of the Station. To help defray expenses a number 184 Biological Station of courses of instruction were offered for a few students. It was expected that there would be about ten in the party the first year, but there were nineteen." The work of the first summer resulted in a hydrographic map of the lake, a meteorological report, a description of the physical features of the lake, and reports on the characteristics of its inhabitants. These lines of work were continued in subsequent years. In 1899 the Biological Station removed to Winona Lake. In readiness Removed to for its first year in this location, two buildings were erected on the lake- front by the Winona Assembly and Summer School, and were presented to the Station. These buildings are each 25x45 feet, and two stories high. An artesian well, situated between the laboratories, furnishes a supply of 5,000 gallons of water a day. The Station owns boats, nets, sounding and temperature apparatus, glassware, etc. Microscopes and other apparatus needed are moved to the Station from the University at the opening of each summer session. The laboratories will accommodate a hundred stu- dents, and the attendance is restricted to this number. At the Biological Station the following courses have been offered, in courses of in- the years indicated: struction at the J Biological Sta- tion. Courses in Zoology General Zoology, 1895-1903. The Lake Fauna, 1895-1903. Embryology (including Segmentation, Morphogenesis, Histogenesis, and Hist- ology), 1895-1903. Special Investigation, 1895-1902. General Problems in Biology, 1898, 1899, 1901-1903. Courses in Neurology- Neurology, 1901-1903. Gross Anatomy of the Nervous System, 1901-1903. Advanced Neurology, 1903. Courses in Botany Elementary Botany, 1897-1903. General Botany, 1898, 1899. Advanced Botany, 1902, 1903. Microscopic Botany, 1898. 185 Indiana University Courses in Botany (continued) Morphology of Algae, 1899, 1900. Comparative Morphology of Archegoniates, 1899. Vegetable Histology, 1899, 1900. Research, 1899, 1900. Advanced Work in Ecology, 1901. Laboratory and Field Work on Plant Relations, 1901. Lectures on Plant Relations, 1901. Relations of Plants to Insects, 1901. Courses in Bacteriology General Bacteriology, 1899, 1900. Bacteriology Laboratory Practice, 1899, 1900. Advanced Bacteriology, 1899, 1900. Lectures Selected Topics, 1899, 1900. Research, 1899, 1900. A course of ten lectures by Prof. C. F. Hodge, of Clark University, on the point of view of Nature Study was given in 1902. 186 DEPARTMENTS NOW DISCONTINUED After the death of President Wylie in 1851, the Board of Trustees of the University was entirely reorganized. At one of their first meetings, namely, on April 14, of the next year, the new Board made provision for the adoption of each of the following measures, "as calculated to render the University more useful and more popular:" 1. A course of Agricultural Chemistry, to be commenced at such seasons of the Resolutions of year as may be agreed upon as most convenient and suitable. At this time of excite- the Board of Trustees 1852 ment and inquiry as to improvements in agriculture, it will be wise in this University to take the lead in establishing a course of instruction which lies at the very basis of all agricultural improvement. 2. A Normal Seminary consisting of departments for males and for females. There is no measure in regard to the State University more urgently required by public opinion than this. Through this department the common school system of the State will be brought into connection and sympathy w.ith the University. 3. Theoretical and practical engineering, as connected with the Mathematical Department. The numerous public works now in process of construction render civil engineering a most important branch of University education, and it can not be doubted that instruction by an able and accomplished mathematician, in this im- portant branch, together with practical illustrations in the field, would meet one of the present demands of public education in Indiana, and add a new class of valuable students to the University. 4. The adoption of regular graduation for that class of students who take what is denominated a Scientific course. It has been subject of complaint, that proper provision has not been made by our colleges to encourage that class of students who do not complete a full course of classical reading. In order to induce that class to 187 Indiana University continue in the University until they shall have completed a prescribed course in Mathematics and Philosophy, it is recommended that a Diploma be conferred upon them, on the completion of a course of studies, to be prescribed by the Faculty, and that the same formalities be observed as in the conferring of the regular degrees now known in the University. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT The Agricultural Department, J 853-69. In accordance with the terms of these provisions, in the year 1853 there was established an Agricultural Department of the University. This De- partment continued in existence for six years. The work of instruction embraced "Natural philosophy and chemistry, both organic and inorganic, including an account of nutrition, growth, and respiration, in the vegetable and animal economy, and analysis of soils and manures, ores, marls, etc., as connected with agriculture. The course also includes Geology." In 1862, under acts of Congress, public lands were appropriated to the several States for the endowment of agricultural colleges. By an act, ap- proved March 6, 1865, the General Assembly of Indiana accepted and claimed the benefits of the provisions of the acts of Congress and obligated itself to establish such an institution as was therein contemplated. During this time the friends of the University were making a strong effort to have the Agricultural College located at Bloomington in connection with the University, and land and apparatus to the value of $400,000 were pledged to the State by the citizens of Monroe County. During the summer of 1864, President Nutt delivered an urgent address in support of this plan in fifteen counties of central and southern Indiana. 1 By an act of the General Assembly, however, approved May 6, 1869, the State accepted donations made by Mr. John Purdue and other citizens of Tippecanoe County, and the college contemplated and thus provided for was located in Tippecanoe County under the name and style of "Purdue University," where it has remained as the State school of agriculture and mechanic arts. Thus was definitely defeated any hope of maintaining a distinct Agricultural Department in connection with the State University. J For the text of this address, see the University catalogue for 1866. 188 Departments Now Discontinued NORMAL DEPARTMENT AND MODEL SCHOOLS In accordance with the provisions of the -Board of Trustees already Normal Departs referred to, the announcement was made in the catalogue for 1852 of the proposed establishment of a "Normal Department in connection with the University, with a male and female Model School as schools of practice." From the catalogue for 1857 the following description of the work is extracted : This Department is designed to prepare young men for the profession of teaching. Through it, the University designs to afford its aid in carrying forward the great scheme of public education, thus making itself an ally of the general school system of the State. Lectures are given embracing the following subjects: Education, its nature and design; physical education; intellectual education; moral education; sesthetical edu- cation; the history of education; an examination of the powers of the mind, especially with reference to receiving and communicating knowledge; schoolhouse architecture, including school furniture, grounds, etc.; organization and classification of schools J graded schools; the proper incentives for the school; rewards and punishments; modes of teaching different subjects; the office of teacher, his duties to himself, his school, and the public; duty of the State in reference to educating its citizens; the educational policy of Indiana. It is intended, in this course of lectures, to present, as nearly as may be, the whole duty of the teacher, and to point out such modes of school discipline and management as shall assist the young teacher in preparing for his great work. The members of this Department are also required to write on various topics connected with education, and to discuss, in form of debate, such subjects as may be assigned by the Professor. As auxiliary to the training of the Normal Class, the Board of Trustees have fitted up a room in one of the college buildings, and established a model school, under a teacher who has been trained in a Normal School, in order to present to the eye of the learner a common school, as nearly perfect as possible, in its order, arrangement, and modes of teaching; and also as a school of practice, in which to exercise and test the young teacher's ability and tact. The course of lectures on the theory and practice of teaching commences on the first day of May, and continues during the Summer term of the University. The stu- dent designing to qualify himself for teaching is, however, permitted to pursue any of the studies of the literary or scientific course, and may with profit enter the Uni- versity at the opening of any term, as may suit his convenience. 189 Indiana University In addition to the course of lectures on didactics, the student must pass an ex- amination on the following subjects, in order to entitle him to a diploma from the University, as a qualified professional teacher, viz.: reading, writing, linear drawing, mental and written arithmetic, bookkeeping, geography, with outline maps and the use of the globes, English grammar and composition, algebra, geometry, mensuration, surveying, natural philosophy, chemistry, human physiology, history (United States and general), history of English literature. Constitution of the United States and of Indiana, and vocal music. Suspended in "The resolution of the Board to establish a separate Female Department of the Normal School was rescinded in August, 1853. Not long after, a resolution was passed to make the Monroe County Female Seminary, then under the care of Mrs. E. J. McFerson, its accomplished Principal, the Female Normal Seminary of the University. This resolution was never carried into effect. After the resignation of Professor Read in 1856 the Normal Department was discontinued, and in the following year the model school. The model school was hard to manage. The pay of the teachers was insufficient; hence it was impossible to retain competent in- structors. It had a change of teachers nearly every year of its existence." 1 its revival If we may judge from its history, this Department seems not to have had a very successful career. In 1865 an attempt was made to revive it, and in the catalogue for that year we find the following announcement : The Normal Department of Indiana University has been recently reorganized, under the charge of Mr. D. E. Hunter, Superintendent of the Graded Schools of Bloomington, aided by members of the Faculty. Mr. Hunter, from long experience in conducting common and graded schools, is eminently qualified for this Depart- ment. It is intended to form a Normal class at the beginning of each term of the University, to which, for a small fee, the students, and other persons of both sexes, who desire to prepare themselves thoroughly for the practice of the noble and useful profession of teaching, will be admitted. It is the design of this Department to furnish teachers, who shall achieve the highest degree of success in their profession, and that the University may thus con- tribute its aid in carrying forward the great school system of the State. There will also be held in connection with this Department, a Normal Institute, beginning on the first Monday of August and continuing three weeks. JWylie, Indiana University (1890), pp. 6O-61. 190 Departments Now Discontinued No students were enrolled, however, and the Normal Department does not again come to life until 1869. It is worth noting that at this time the instruction in the theory and practice of teaching was put into the hands of the former Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State, Prof. G. W. Hoss, A.M. Several students were enrolled in this and the following year, after which the Department seems completely to have passed out of Final discontin- existence, except in so far as its place was taken in later years by the uance ' exce P fc for r . present Depart- present Department of Education. The establishing of the State Normal ment of Educa- School at Terre Haute, in 1865, was doubtless a factor in putting an end to tion - the attempt to maintain a Normal Department in connection with the State University. ENGINEERING The third of the provisions named above was for instruction in Engi- Early work in Engineering (1841-58). neering. Instruction in this subject was given from 1853 to 1858 in con- nection with the Departments of Mathematics and Chemistry. Civil engi- neering had been offered as a special study, however, from the year 1841. Mechanical instruction of this sort then shared for a time the same fate as did the work in agriculture. In this earlier period of its existence, the "School of Theoretical and Practical Engineering" proposed, "besides the collegiate course in mathematics and natural philosophy, to afford instruction in the theory of roads, railroads, canals, and bridges, the laws of heat and steam, theory and construction of the steam engine, and topographical sur- veying." The work in engineering was revived in 1870 in connection with instruc- Department of tion in military science. In this year it was announced that "a class in Ml ^** r5 [ Science ^ and Civil Civil Engineering, recently formed, is acquiring information likely to be Engineering of important service, as well as in great demand, while our prosperous State ( 1 870-74). continues her work of internal improvement." From 1870 to 1874 we have a distinct "Department of Military Science and Civil Engineering." The engineering feature of this Department included instruction "in prac- tical surveying, in mechanical drawing, in the theory and the construction of bridges, railroads, turnpikes, etc., and in architectural mechanics." "It so happened," says Professor Wylie, "that many of the students of the military class, who lived at a considerable distance from the College, 191 Indiana University Continuance of engineering in present Depart- ments. found it very inconvenient to attend the drill, and obtained permission to withdraw. While the military ardor was thus weakened, the zeal of the students took a new direction; the class of civil engineering wa* enlarged, and soon the military feature of Colonel Thompson's professorship became less and less prominent, while engineering, mechanical drawing, the construction of bridges, practical surveying, etc., became more and more popular." 1 Accordingly, the military features of this Department entirely disap- peared, and from 1874 to 1876 instruction was given only in civil engi- neering, in which scientific students were required to attend daily recita- tions. From this time on, both the theoretical and the practical work of this Department has been undertaken by the Department of Mathematics, in conjunction later with the Department of Mechanics and Astronomy, and the Department of Physics. As was the case with the work in agricul- ture, the founding of Purdue University as a State school, in 1869, was doubtless an important contributory factor in the decline of engineering as a separate department. Military exer- cises, 1841-42. MILITARY DEPARTMENT Instruction in military science was given at three different periods in the history of the University, namely, in 1841 and 1842, again in 1861, and again from 1869 to 1874. In the first and third of these periods* military instruction was auxiliary to the work in civil engineering. During the earliest period we find, under the heading of "Military Exercises/' the following announcement : At such seasons as the weather permits, a portion of the students are instructed by the Professor of Civil Engineering [Lieutenant (later General) Jacob Ammen.) (himself a graduate, and formerly an Assistant Professor at West Point) in Military Exercises. The hour of drill is after recitation hours [every afternoon in the week except Saturday and Sunday] and attendance, on the part of the students, is volun- tary. Arms have been furnished by the Government. After the resignation of Lieutenant Ammen in 1842, the military exer- cises were soon discontinued. But in the first year of President Nutt's iWylie, Indiana University (1890), pp. 78-79. 192 Departments Now Discontinued administration (1861), there was organized among the students of the Uni- versity a company known as the "University Cadets." The following account is given of the purpose and scope of this organization : "As appropriate physical exercise is essential to health, and some knowledge of military tactics is not only desirable, but necessary for the complete education of young men, the students of the University have the opportunity of regular Military Drill, under competent instructors, in a company composed of students, called the University Cadets." This organization does not seem to have lasted beyond this one year. In 1869 a distinct Military Department was organized, and arrangements Military Depart- were made for instruction in "Military Science, also for drill in the school ment ' 1J of the soldier company and battalion." In this Department, "tactics, out- post duty, military engineering, and the science of war" were also to be taught. Arms and accoutrements for infantry and artillery drill were obtained, and Major-General Eli Long was detailed by the President of the United States as Military Professor in the University. After a few months General Long, much to the regret of the Faculty, was relieved from duty by the War Department. The Trustees, however, secured for the next year the services of Colonel James Thompson, formerly an instructor at West Point, who, as professor of military science and civil engineering, carried on this Department until 1874, after which year the military features were discontinued. < 14 > 193 Ill Bibliography (195) ' ' FOR BOOKS AKE NOT ABSOLUTELY DEAD THINGS ; BUT DOE CONTAIN A POTENCIE OF LlFE IN THEM TO BE AS ACTIVE AS THAT SOULE WAS WHOSE PROGENY THEY ARE ; NAY, THEY DO PRESERVE AS IN A VIOLL THE PUREST EFFICACIE AND EXTRACTION OF THAT LIVING INTELLECT THAT BRED THEM. I KNOW THEY ARE AS LIVELY, AND AS VIGOROUSLY PRODUCTIVE, AS THOSE FABULOUS DRAGONS TEETH; AND BEING SOWN UP AND DOWN, MAY CHANCE TO SPRING UP ARMED MEN. AND YET ON THE OTHER HAND, UNLESS WARINESSE BE US'D, AS GOOD ALMOST KILL A MAN AS KILL A GOOD BOOK; WHO KILLS A MAN KILLS A REASONABLE CREATURE, GODS IMAGE ; BUT HEE WHO DESTROYES A GOOD BOOK, KILLS REASON IT SELFE, KILLS THE IMAGE OF GOD AS IT WERE IN THE EYE. MANY A MAN LIVES A BURDEN TO THE EARTH; BUT A GOOD BOOKE IS THE PRETIOUS LlFE-BLOOD OF A MASTER SPIRIT, IMBALM'D AND TREASUR'D UP ON PURPOSE TO A LIFE BEYOND LIFE." MILTON. PUBLICATIONS OF PRESENT FACULTY ***The following' list of the publications of the present members of the Faculty of the University is fairly complete, except for newspaper articles, which have been ex- cluded. So far as possible, the entries have been arranged in chronological order of publication. All degrees received by members of the Faculty from this University are given with the year in which conferred. The omission of the date in connection with a degree indicates that it was conferred by some other institution. ROBERT JUDSON ALEY, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1890), Ph.D. Professor of Mathemat- 1. A practical education. In Univer- sity Press, I, p. 5. (Dec., 1888.) 2. Science in the Schools. In Univer- sity Press, II, pp. 18-19. (March, 1889.) 3. Mathematics in the preparatory schools. In Proc. Indiana Col. Asso., 1889, pp. 46-50. (Dec., 1889.) 4. Scales of notation. In University Press, III, pp. 2-3. (Dec., 1890.) 5. Preparation for teaching. In Uni- versity Press, III, p. 18. (March, 1891.) 6. Modern synthetic geometry versus Euclid. In Science, XX, pp. 297-298. (Dec., 1892.) 7. Some old arithmetics. In The Stu- dent, A Journal of Education, III. (Feb., March, April, 1893.) 8. Bibliography of the history of ge- ometry, also a list of mathematical periodi- cals. In Am. Math. Mo., I, pp. 42-47. (Feb., 1894.) 9. Daniel Kirkwood : biography and bibliography. In Am. Math. Mo., I, pp. 141- 149. (May, 1894.) 10. Indiana University and her presi- dent. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXXIX, pp. 320-323. (June, 1894.) 11. Review of Robert Harris's 'Plane geometrical drawing.' In Inland Educator, I, p. 266. (Nov., 1895.) 12. Review of J. A. McLellan and John Dewey's 'The psychology of number.' In Inland Educator, I, pp. 320-321. (Dec., 1895.) 13. High school mathematical teaching and text-books. In Inland Educator, I, pp. 334-338. (Jan., 1896.) 14. Review of George C. Edward's 'Ele- ments of geometry.' In Inland Educator, II, p. 54. (Feb., 1896.) 15. Review of W. W. Beman and D. E. Smith's 'Plane and solid geometry.' In Inland Educator, II, pp. 55-56. (Feb., 1896.) 16. Review of W. W. R. Ball's 'A primer of the history of mathematics.' In Inland Educator, II, p. 117. (March, 1896.) 17. Daniel Kirkwood. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLI, pp. 170-177. (March, 1896.) 18. Review of Levi L. Conant's 'The number concept.' In Inland Educator, II, pp. 174-175. (April, 1896.) 19T Indiana University 19. Review of A. E. Hornbrook's 'Con- crete geometry.' In Ecluc. llev., XI, pp. 505- 506. (May, 189C.) 20. Review of II. A. Wood's 'Short cuts in arithmetic.' In Inland Educator, II, p. 234. (June, 189G.) 21. Sketch of Judge D. D. Banta. In Inland Educator, II, pp. 2G7-2G8. (June, 189G.) 22. Review of Frank II. Hall's 'The Werner arithmetic for third and fourth grades.' In Inland Educator, II, p. 349. (July, 189G.) 23. Review of E. S. Crawley's 'Ele- ments of plane and spherical trigonometry.' In Inland Educator, III, p. 227. (Nov., 189G.) 24. Review of Arthur Lefevre's 'Num- ber and its algebra.' In Inland Educator, III, p. 227. (Nov., 189G.) 25. Review of Florian Cojori's 'A his- tory of elementary mathematics.' In Inland Educator, IV, p. 54. (Feb., 1897.) 26. A device for extracting the square root of certain surd quantities. In Am. Math. Mo., IV, pp. 204-208. (Sept., 1897.) 27. Contributions to the geometry of the triangle. Philadelphia, 1897. Pp. 32, 1 plate. 28. Note on Charles Smith's definition of multiplication. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, p. 103. 29. Collinear sets of three points con- nected with the triangle. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 103-111. 30. Counting. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLII, pp. 783-785. (Dec., 1897.) 31. Note on Angel's method of inscrib- ing regular polygons. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 92-93. 32. Concurrent sets of three lines con- nected with the triangle. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 93-100. 33. A new triangle and some of its properties. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 89-91. 34. Review of Samuel E. Ilanvund's 'Notes on method in arithmetic.' In Inland Educator, V, p. 301. (Jan., 1898.) 35. The elective system. In Jour, of Education, XLVII, pp. 4-5. (Jan. 6, 1898.) 30. The high school curriculum. In Inland Educator, VI, pp. 14-18. (Feb., 1898.) 37. Review of M. A. Bailey's 'Compre- hensive arithmetic.' In Inland Educator, VI, p. 32. (Feb., 1898.) 38. History of arithmetic. In Inland Educator, VI, pp. 79-80. (March, 1898.) 39. Reasons for failure in arithmetic. In Inland Educator, VI, p. 127. (April, 1898.) 40. Algebra and geometry as a help to arithmetic. /- Inland Educator, VI, pp. 108-169. (May, 1898.) 41. Review of Fletcher Durell's 'The new school algebra.' In Inland Educator, VI, pp. 1G9-170. (May, 1898.) 42. Review of W. W. Speer's arithme- tics. In Inland Educator, VI, p. 210. (June, 1898.) 43. No royal road to mathematics. In Inland Educator, VI, p. 254. (July, 1898.) 44. Liliwati and the hour-glass. In In- land Educator, VI, pp. 254, 255. (July, 1898.) 45. Christopher Dock. In Inland Edu- cator, VII, pp. 4-8, 58-G1. (August, Sept., 1898.) 4G. The history of arithmetic. In In- land Educator, VII, pp. 20-21, 72-73, 124- 125, 169, 226-227, 269-270; VIII, pp. 28- 29, 84, 132-133, 183, 226-227, 279; IX, pp. L0, 78-79, 126, 170-171, 216, 269; X, pp. 23, 82, 131. 183, ^19, 267. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 34-35. (August, 1898, to Sept., 1900.) 47. Review of A. Jones's 'The science 19S Bibliography: Present Faculty of arithmetic.' In Inland Educator, VII, p. 73. (Sept., 1898.) 48. Some suggestions on arithmetic. In Inland Educator, VII, pp. 71-72. (Sept, 1898.) 49. Compound numbers. In Inland Ed- ucator, VII, p. 126. (Oct., 1898.) 50. Review of J. B. Shcwalter's 'Solu- tion book.' In Inland Educator, VII, p. 170. (Nov., 1898.) 51. Fourth institute arithmetic. In In- land Educator, VII, pp. 169-170. (Nov., 1898.) 52. Review of G. E. Fisher and I. J. Schwatt's 'Text-book of algebra with exer- cises.' In Inland Educator, VII, p. 227. (Dec., 1898.) 53. Percentage. In Inland Educator, VII, p. 227. (Dec., 1898.) 54. Review of E. C. Hewett's 'The Rand-McNally arithmetics.' In Inland Ed- ucator, VII, pp. 227-228. (Dec., 1898.) 55. A proposed notation for the geom- etry of the triangle. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 86-87. 56. Some circles connected with the tri- angle. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 88-89. ."7. The point 7' and some of its proper- ties. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 90-93. 58. Squaring the circle. In Inland Ed- ucator, VII, pp. 271-272. (Jan., 1899.) 59. Review of .1. H. Walsh's arithme- tics. In Inland Educator, VII, pp. 270-271. (Jan., 1899.) 60. Review of Augustus De Morgan's 'Study and difficulties of mathematics.' In Inland Educator, VIII, p. 29. (Feb., 1899.) 61. Review of Henry Goldman's 'The arithmachinist.' In Inland Educator, VIII, p. 85. (March, 1899.) 62. The difference between arithmetic and algebra. In Inland Educator, VIII, pp. 84-85. (March, 1899.) 63. Review of Hermann Schubert's 'Es- says and recreations.' In Inland Educator, VIII, p. 133. (April, 1899.) 64. The equation in arithmetic. In In- land Educator, VIII, p. 183. (May, 1889.) 65. Some large numbers. In Inland Educator, VIII, p. 184. (May, 1899.) 66. The order of signs in arithmetic. In Inland Educator, VIII, p. 228. (June, 1899.) 67. Apparatus in rural schools. In In- diana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 331-334. (June, 1899.) 68. Review of J. W. Cook and N. Crop- sey's 'The Indiana arithmetics.' In Inland Educator, IX, pp. 27, 79-80, 127, 171-172. (August to Nov., 1899.) 69. Review of John Graham's 'The farmer's and mechanic's assistant and com- panion ; or a new system of decimal arith- metic.' In Inland Educator, IX, p. 79. (Sept., 1899.) 70. Preparation for teaching arithme- tic. In Inland Educator, IX, pp. 126-127. (Oct., 1899.) 71. Short cuts. lit, Inland Educator, IX, 217, pp. 269-270. ; X, 23-24, 82-83, 131- 132, 183-184, 222, 270. (Dec., 1899, to July, 1900.) 72. Some properties of the symmedean point. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 85-88. 73. Note on McGinnis's universal solu- tion. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 88-90. 74. The beginning of the century. In Inland Educator, X, p. 24. (Feb., 1900.) 75. How to make mathematics interest- ing. In Inland Educator, X, pp. 84-85. (March, 1900.) 76. Review of D. E. Smith's 'The teaching of elementary mathematics.' In Inland Educator, X, p. 222. (June, 1900.) 77. Review of Karl Fink's 'A brief his- tory of mathematics.' In Inland Educator, X, p. 271. (July, 1900.) 78. Review of J. T. Fairchild's 'Solu- 199 Indiana University tion book.' In Educator-Journal, I, p. 36. (August, 1900.) 79. Review of W. W. Rupert's 'Famous geometrical theorems and problems.' In Ed- ucator-Journal, I, p. 37. (August, 1900.) 80. Review of John S. Mackay's 'Arith- metic.' In Educator-Journal, I, pp. 79-80. (Sept., 1900.) 81. Review of John F. Downey's 'Higher algebra.' In Educator-Journal, I, pp. 79-80. (Sept., 1900.) 82. Augustus DeMogan. In Educator- Journal, 1, p. 78. (Sept., 1900.) 83. Explanation in arithmetic work. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 78-79. (Sept., 1900.) 84. John J. Sylvester. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 125-126. (Oct., 1900.) 85. Definitions in mathematics. In Ed- ucator-Journal, I, pp. 126-127. (Oct., 1900.) 86. Joseph L. Lagrange. In Educator- Journal, I, p. 176. (Nov., 1900.) 87. Problem solving. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 177-178. (Nov., 1900.) 88. Graphical representation. In Edu- cator-Journal, I, pp. 219-220. (Dec., 1900.) 89. Sir Isaac Newton. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 219-220. (Jan., 1901.) 90. Karl Frederick Gauss. In Educa- tor-Journal, I, pp. 274-276. (Feb., 1901.) 91. Rene DesCartes. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 380-381. (March, 1901.) 92. Incommensurable number. In Ed- ucator-Journal, I, p. 424. (April, 1901.) 93. Benjamin Pierce. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 479-480. 94. Arthur Caley. In Educator- Jour- nal, I, pp. 525-526. (June, 1901.) 95. William Chauvenet. In Educator- Journal, II, p. 20. (Sept., 1901.) 96. Counting. In Educator-Journal, II, pp. 21-22. (Sept., 1901.) 97. George Bruce Halsted. In Educa- tor-Journal, II, p. 80. (Oct., 1901.) 98. Greater accuracy. In Educator- Journal, II, p. 80. (Oct., 1901.) 99. Proof of the elementary rules by casting out the 9's. In Educator-Journal, II, pp. 120-127. (Nov., 1901.) 100. Graphs, an appendix to Wells's 'Es- sentials of algebra.' Boston, 1901. Pp. 359- 367. 101. Graphs, a monograph. Boston, 1902. Pp. iv, 21. 102. Arithmetic. In Educator-Journal, II, p. 175. (Dec., 1901.) 103. More thought. In Educator-Jour- nal, II, pp. 175-176. (Dec., 1901.) 104. Review of Arthur F. Griffith's 'The easy and speedy reckoner.' In Educator- Journal, II, p. 176. (Dec., 1901.) 105. Review of T. Sundara Row's 'Geo- metric exercises in paper folding.' In Edu- cator-Journal, II, p. 178. (Dec., 1901.) 106. Some obsolete arithmetical subjects. In Educator-Journal, II, p. 234. (Jan., 1902.) 107. Review of E. S. Loomis's 'How to attack an exercise in geometry.' In Edu- cator-Journal, II, p. 280. (Feb., 1902.) 108. Review of Frank H. Hall's 'How to teach arithmetic.' In Educator-Journal, II, pp. 280-281. (Feb., 1902.) 109. Better results in arithmetic. In Educator- Journal, II, pp. 331-332. (March, 1902.) 110. Some curiosities of the digits. In Educator- Journal, II, p. 332. (March, 1902.) 111. Review of Egbert More's 'The tri- section of an angle.' In Educator-Journal, II, p. 402. (April, 1902.) 112. Abridged multiplication. In Edu- cator-Journal, II, p. 402. (April, 1902.) 113. Preparation for teaching high school mathematics. In Educator- Journal, II, pp. 448-450. (May, 1902.) 114. A peculiar number. In Educator- Journal, II, p. 451. (May, 1902.) 200 Beedel Bibliography: Present Faculty 110. Greatest common divisor. In Edu- cator-Journal, II, p. 497-498. (June, 1902.) 117. How to make a table of squares. In Educator- Journal, III, p. 17. (Sept., 1902.) 118. Division and partition. In Educa- tor-Journal, III, p. 72. (Oct., 1902.) 119. Review of W. P. Morgan's 'Teach- er's manual for the Indiana advanced arith- metic.' In Educator-Journal, III, p. 72. (Oct., 1902.) 120. Review of David Hilbert's 'The foundations of geometry.' In Educator- Journal, III, p. 73. (Oct., 1902.) 121. The metric system. In Educator- Journal, III, p. 113. (Nov., 1902.) 122. Circulating decimals. In Educator- Journal, III pp. 162, 214-215. (Dec., 1902, and Jan., 1903.) 123. Ratio and proportion. In Educa- tor-Journal, III, p. 214. (Jan., 1903.) 124. Involution. In Educator-Journal, III, pp. 392-393. (May, 1903.) 125. Review of W. E. Chancellor's 'Graded arithmetics.' In Educator-Journal, III, p. 431. (June, 1903.) 126. Review of O. L. Kelso's 'Arithme- tic for high schools.' In Educator-Journal, III, p. 431. (June, 1903.) 127. Factoring. In Educator-Journal, IV, p. 76. (Oct., 1903.) 128. Counting. In Educator-Journal, IV, pp. 76-77. (Oct., 1903.) 129. Ways of paying a bill in a distant city. In Educator-Journal, IV, pp. 127-128. (Nov., 1903.) 130. The new elementary arithmetic. Re- vision. (Joint author with O. L. Kelso. ) New York, 1903. Pp. x, 276. 131. The new advanced arithmetic. Re- vision. (Joint author with O. L. Kelso.) New York, 1903. Pp. xiii, 327-334. 132. Editorials. In Educator-Journal, 3 to 4 pages in each issue, beginning with Vol. IV, Sept., 1903. 133. The essentials of algebra. (Joint author with D. A. Rothrock. ) New York, 1904. FRANK MARION ANDREWS, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895), B.A.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Botany. 1. Development of the embryo sac of Jeffersonia diphylla. In Bot. Gaz. XX. 2. Karyokinesis in Magnolia and Liri- odendron with special reference to the be- havior of the chromosomes. In Beihefte z. Botan. Centralblatt, XI, pp. 734-742. 3. Ueber die Wirkung der Centrifugal- kraft auf Pflanzen. In Jahrb. f. wissens. Botanik, XXXVIII, pp. 1-40. JOSHUA WILLIAM BEEDE, Ph.D. Instructor in Geology. 1. The McPherson Equus beds. (Joint author with E. Haworth.) In Univ. Geol. Surv. Kansas, II, pp. 287-296; 1 plate, 1 map. (1897.) 2. The stratigraphy of Shawnee coun- ty (Kansas). In Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. XV, pp. 27-34. (1898.) 3. McPherson Equus beds. Revised. In Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. XV, pp. 104- 110. 1 plate, 1 map. (1898.) 4. Notes on Kansas physiography. In Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XV, pp. 114-120 ; 4 plates. (1898.) 5. New corals from the Kansas car- boniferous. In Kansas Univ. Quart., VII, pp. 180-181; 1 plate. (1898.) 6. Variation of external appearance and internal characters of Spirifer camera- tus Morton. In Kansas Univ. Quart., VII, pp. 103-105; 2 plates. (April, 1898.) 7. Notes on Campophyllum torquium Owen, and a new variety of Monopteria gibbosa Meek and Worthen. In Kansas 201 Indiana University \_Beede Uuiv. Quart., VII, pp. 187-190. 1 plate (July, 1898.) 8. Preliminary notice on the correla- tion of the Meek and Marcou section at Ne- braska City, Nebraska, with the Kansas coal measures. In Kansas Univ. Quart., VII, pp. 231-233. (Oct., 1898.) 9. Description of some new forms of Pseudomonotis from the upper coal meas- ures of Kansas. In Kansas Univ. Quart., VIII, pp. 79-84. 2 plates. (April, 1899.) 10. New fossils from the Kansas coal measures. In Kansas Univ. Quart., VIII, pp. 123-icO. 2 plates. (July, 1899.) 11. New and little known Pelecypods from the coal measures. (Joint author with Austin F. Rogers.) In Kansas Univ. Quart., VIII, pp. 131-134; 1 plate. (July, 1899.) 12. On the correlation of the coal meas- ures of Kansas and Nebraska. In Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XVI, pp. 70-84. (1899.) 13. The coal in western Atchison coun- ty. In A. C. H. S. Bull., VI, pp. 9-10. (1899.) 14. Two new crinoids from the Kansas carboniferous. In Kansas Univ. Quart., X, pp. 21-24; 1 plate. (Jan., 1900.) 15. Carboniferous invertebrates, Fora- minifera to Pelecypods. In Univ. Geol. Surv. Kansas, VI, pp. 1-187 ; 22 plates. (1900.) 16. Reconnaissance in the Blue valley Permian. In Kansas Univ. Quart., IX, pp. 191-202; 1 map. (1900.) 17. The age of the Kansas-Oklahoma red-beds. In Atner. Geol., XXVIII, pp. 46- 47. (1901.) 18. Permian Fauna of central United States, Part I. In Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., XVII, pp. 185-190; 2 plates. (1901.) 19. New fossils from the upper carbon- iferous of Kansas. In Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., XI, pp. 147-153; 1 plate. (Sept., 1902.) 20. Invertebrate paleontology of the red- beds. In Adv. Bull. Geol. Surv. Oklahoma Territory, I, pp. 1-11 ; 1 plate. (April, 1902.) 21. Fauna of the Shawnee formation, Wabaunsee formation and the Cottonwood limestone. In Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., I, pp. 163-181. (Sept., 1902.) 22. Cottonwood Falls folio, geological atlas of the United States. (Joint autho* with Charles S. Prosser.) In U. S. Geol. Surv. (In press.) 23. Kansas coal-measures faunal stud- ies ; lower coal measures. (Joint author with Austin F. Rogers.) In Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. (In press.) JOHN ANDREW BERGSTROM, Ph.D., Professor of Pedagogy. 1. Review of Mettier's 'Aural vertigo (Meniere's disease).' (Jour. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1891, XVI, p. 19.) In Am. Jour. Psych., V, p. 102. (Oct., 1892.) 2. Experiments upon physiological memory by means of the interference of asso- ciations. /M Am. Jour. Psych., V, pp. 356- 369. (April, 1893.) 3. Review of Schumann's 'Ueber die Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit fur kleine Zeit- grfissen.' (Zeitschrift f. Psych, u. Phys. der Sinnesorgane, II, p. 294.) In Am. Jour. Psych., V, p. 102. (1893.) 4. Review of Epstein's 'Die logisrlini Principien der Zeitmessung.' In Am. Jour. Psych., V, p. 102. (1893.) 5. Review of J. J. Van Biervliet's 'La momoire.' In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, p. 308. (1894.) 6. An experimental study of some of the conditions of mental activity. In Am. Jour. Psych., VI. pp. 247-274. (Jan., 1894.) 7. The relation of the interference to the practice effect of an association. In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, pp. 433-442. (June, 1894.) 202 Brown} Bibliography: Present Faculty 8. Review of Fridtjuv Berg's 'Peda- gogiska biblioteket i Stockholm,' and of N. G. W. Lagerstedt's 'Katalog b'fver pedagog- iska biblioteket i Stockholm.' In Ped. Sem. Ill, p. 163. (1894.) 9. Review of N. G. W. Lagerstedt's 'Atgiirder mot ofveranstrangning vid de hogre skolorna i Tyskland.' (In Verdandi, 1894.) In Ped. Sem., Ill, p. 1G3. (1894.) 10. Review of G. E. Miiller and F. Schumann's 'Experimentelle Beitriige zur Untersuchung des Gecliichtnisses,' (Zeitschr. f. Psych.u. Phys. d. Sinnesorgane, VI, p. 299.) In Am. Jour. Psych., IV,, p. 299. (Jan., 1894.) 11. Review of Emil Krsepelin's 'Ueber die Beeinflussung einfacher psychischer Vor- giinge durch einige Arzneimittel.' In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, p. 301. (1894.) 12. Review of Dr. Emanuel Rosen- baum's 'Warum miissen wir schlafen? Eine neue Theorie des Schlafes.' In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, p. 307. (1894.) 13. School hygiene. Translation of Dr. Luclwig Kotelmann's 'Ueber Schulgesund- heitspflege. (Joint author with Edward Conradi.) Syracuse, N. Y. 1899. Pp. 391. 14. Review of Nicholas Alechsieff's 'Reactionszeiten bei Durchgangsbeobachtun- gen.' (Phil. Stud., XVI, p. 00.) In Psych. Rev., VII, p. 520. (1900.) 15. A type of pendulum chronoscope and attention apparatus. In Psych. Rev., XII, pp. 483-489. (Sept., 1900.) 1G. A magnet registration key. In Psych. Rev., VII, pp. 612-614. (Nov., 1900.) 17. A new type of ergograph, with a discussion of ergographic experimentation. In Am. Jour. Psych., XIV, pp. 246-276. (1903.) 1. On phenolphthaleiu and methylor- ange as indicators. In Journal of Franklin Institute. (April, 1893.) 2. The atomic weight of palladium. (Joint author with Edward H. Keiser.) In Am. Chem. Jour., 1894. 3. The action of magnesium on ali- phatic alcohols and a new method of pre- paring allylene. In Journal of Franklin Institute, 1895. 4. The polybasic acids of mesitylene. Bryn Mawr Monographs, No. 1. (1901.) ALFRED MANSFIELD BROOKS, A.M. Associ- ate Professor of the History of Art. 1. Decoration of school rooms. In In- land Educator, IX, pp. 272-274 (Jan., 1900) ; also in Indiana Sch. Jour., XLV, pp. 29-32. (Jan., 1900.) 2. Architecture : Greek, Roman, By- zantine, Romanesque and Gothic. In Prog- ress, No. 3, pp. 155-189. (1901.) 3. The study of art in universities. In Education, XXI, pp. 864-371. (Feb., 1901.) 4. On the teaching of art in univer- sities. In Proc. Western Drawing Teachers' Asso. for 1903. 5. Review of Charles Holroyd's 'Mi- chael Angelo Buonarroti.' In Dial, 1904. 6. Review of William Bayne's 'Sir David Wilkie.' In Dial, 1904. 7. Review of Arthur B. Chamberlain's 'Thomas Gainsborough.' In Dial, 1904. MARY BIDWELL BREED, Ph.D. Assistant Pro- fessor of Chemistry, and Dean of Women. OLIVER W. BROWN, A.M. (1896). Assistant Professor of Chemistry. 1. Solubility and boiling point. In Jour. Phys. Chem., I, p. 784. (1897.) 2. Distribution of mercuric chloride between toluene and water. In Jour. Phys. Chem., II, p. 51. (1898.) 203 Indiana University frown 3. Preparation of potassium persele- nate. (Joint author with L. M. Dennis.) In Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., XXIII, p. 358. (1901.) 4. Efficiency of the nickel-plating tank. In Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., IV, pp. 83-99. (1903.) ELMER BURRITT BRYAN, A.B. (1893). Pro- fessor of Educational and Social Psy- chology. 1. School hygiene. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 393-396. (July, 1899.) 2. School diseases. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 465-469. (August, 1899.) 3. The hygiene of instruction. In In- diana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 533-536. (Sept., 1899.) 4. The care of the senses. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 593-594. (Oct., 1899.) 5. Child life. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, p. 649. (Nov., 1899.) 6. Nascent stages and arrested devel- opment. In Pedagogical Seminary, VII, pp. 357-396. (Oct., 1900.) 7. The Philippine situation. In Edu- cator-Journal, IV, pp. 215-217. (Jan., 1904.) WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN, A.B. (1884), A.M. (1886), Ph.D. President of the Uni- versity. 1. Psychology at Indiana University. In Am. Jour, of Psych., Ill, pp. 283-284. (April, 1890.) 2. On the development of voluntary motor ability. In Am. Jour, of Psych., V, pp. 125-204. (Nov., 1892.) 3. Auditory and visual memory in school children. In Proc. Internat. Educ. Asso. for 1893, pp. 779-781. 4. Child study, systematic and unsys- tematic. In Proc. N. E. A. for 1895, pp. 412-418. 5. On the methods and results of child study. Article in Johnson's Encyclopaedia. 6. Science and education. In Proc. N. E. A. for 1895, pp. 161-165. 7. Scientific and non-scientific methods of child study. In Proc. N. E. A. for 1896. pp. 856-860. 8. Studies on the physiology and psy- chology of the telegraphic language. (With Noble Harter.) In Psych. Rev. IV, pp. 27- 53. (Jan., 1897.) 9. Hygiene of motor development. In Proc. N. E. A. for 1897, pp. 279-280. 10. Report of special committee on the organization of a committee on school hy- giene. In Proc. N. E. A. for 1897, pp. 327- 328. 1 1. Plato the teacher ; being selections from the Apology, Euthydemus, Protagoras, Symposium, Phaedrus, Republic, and Phaedo of Plato. Edited with introduction and notes. (Joint author with Mrs. Charlotte Lowe Bryan.) New York, 1897. Pp. xli, 454. 12. The Republic of Plato. With studies for teachers. (Joint author with Mrs. Charlotte Lowe Bryan.) New York, 1898. Pp. 313. 13. Studies on the telegraphic lan- guage. The acquisition of a hierarchy of habits. (Joint author with Noble Harter.) In Psych. Rev. VI. pp. 345-375. (July, 1899.) 14. Science in the daily press. (Joint author with Ernest H. Lindley.) In Sci- ence, N. S., XI, p. 74. (1900.) 15. An arithmetical prodigy. (Jotrt author with E. H. Lindley.) In Proc. Am. Psych. Assoc. for 1900. In Psych. Rev., VII, p. 135. (1900.) 16. The case of Arthur Griffith, arith- metical prodigy. (Joint author with E. H. 204 Cumings ] Bibliography: Present Faculty Lindley. ) In Compte rendu du Congres In- ternational de Psychologic tenu a Paris, 1900, p. 178. 17. Theory and practice. President's address, American Psychological Associa- tion, St. Louis meeting, December, 1903. In Psych. Rev., XI, pp. 71-82. (March, 1904.) LEWIS NATHANIEL CHASE, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English. 1. The English heroic play : a critical description of the rhymed tragedy of the Restoration. New York, 1903. Pp. vii, 250. WILBUR ADELMAN COGSHALL, A.M. (1903). Assistant Professor of Astronomy. 1. November meteors. In Pop. As- tron., VII, pp. 71-74. (Jan., 1899.) 2. Double-star measures. In Astro. Jour., XX, pp. 173-178. 3. Double-star measures. In Astro. Jour., XXI. 4. Double-star measures. In Astro. Jour., XXII, pp. 1-9. 5. Double-star measures. (Joint au- thor with John A. Miller. In Astro. Jour., XXIII, pp. 167-169. (Sept., 1903.) 6. Double-star measures. (Joint au- thor with John A. Miller.) In Astro. Jour., XXIV, pp. 15-16. (1904.) 7. Double-stars discovered at Lowell Observatory. In Astro. Jour. (In press.) 8. Double-star measures. (Joint au- thor with J. A. Miller.) In Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXI. (In press.) EDGAR ROSCOE CUMINGS, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Geology. 1. Sections and thickness of the Lower Silurian formations on West Canada creek and in the Mohawk valley. (Joint author with C. S. Prosser. ) In 15th Ann. Rep. State Geol. New York, pp. 619-659; 13 plates and 3 text-figures. (1897.) 2. Lower Silurian system of eastern Montgomery county, New York. In Bull. New York State Museum, No. 34, VII, pp. 419-468 ; 4 plates ; 4 maps. ( 1900. ) 3. On the Waldron fauna at Tarr Hole, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 174-176. (1900.) 4. The stream gradients of the lower Mohawk valley. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 176-178. (1900.) 5. Notes on the Ordovician rocks of southern Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 200-215. (1901.) 6. Some developmental stages of Ortho- thetes minutus n. sp. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 216-218. (1901.) 7. Orthothetes minutus n. sp. from the Salem limestone of Harrodsburg, Indiana. In Am. Geol., XXVII, pp. 147-149 ; 1 plate. (March, 1901.) 8. The use of Bedford as a formational name. In Jour, of Geol., IX, pp. 232-233. (1901.) 9. A section of the upper Ordovician at Vevay, Indiana. In Am. Geol., XXVIII, pp. 361-381 ; 2 plates. (Dec., 1901.) 10. A revision of the bryozoan genera Dekayia Dekayella and Heterotrypa of the Cincinnati group. In Am. Geol., XXIX, pp. 197-217 ; 4 plates. (April, 1902.) 11. A quantitative study of variation in the fossil brachiopod Platystrophia lynx. (Joint author with Abram V. Mauck.) In Am. Jour. Sci., XIV, pp. 9-16; 2 plates; 1 textfigure. (July, 1902.) 12. The morphogenesis of Platystrophia. A study of the evolution of a Paleozoic brachiopod. In Am. Jour. Sci., XV, pp. 1-48, 121-136; 27 text-figures. (Jan., Feb., 1903.) 13. Review of E. J. Conklin's 'The em- bryology of a brachiopod, Terebratulina sep- 2CK Indiana University [Cumings tentrionnlis, Couthouy.' In Am. Nat., XXXVII, No. 434, pp. 121-122. (Feb., 1903.) 14. Review of E. S. Morse's 'Observa- tions on living Brachiopoda.' In Am. Nat., XXXVII, No. 434, pp. 122-123. (Feb., 1903.) !.". Review of Naohide Yatsu's 'On the development of Lingula anatina.' In Am. Nat.. XXXVII, No. 434, pp. 123-124. (Feb., 1903.) 1(5. Review of Naohide Yatsu's 'Notes on the histology of Lingula anatina Brug- uiere.' In Am. Nat., XXXVII, No. 434, p. 124. (Feb., 1903.) 17. Development of some Paleozoic Bryozoa. In Am. Jour. Sci., XVII, pp. 49-78: S3 textfigures. (Jan., 1904.) Louis SHERMAN DAVIS, A.B. (1891), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry. 1. Ueber die Alkaloide der Samen von Lupinus Augustifalius und Lupinus Albus. In Archiv d. Pharm., pp. 85. (1897.) 2. The qualitative analysis of inor- ganic bodies. (Joint author with Robert E. Lyons.) Anderson, Ind., 18!)7. Pp. 210. 3. A manual of toxicological analysis. (Joint author with II. E. Lyons.) Ander- son. Ind., 1899. Pp. 112. 4. The qualitative analysis of inorganic bodies. Revised edition. (Joint author with R. E. Lyons.) Anderson, Ind.. 1900. Pp. 151. 5. A manual of general chemistry. Chicago, 1904. Pp. 400; 92 plates. SCHUYLER COLFAX DAMSSON, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1892), D. Sc. Associate Pro- fessor of Mathematics. 1. Die geodiitische Linie der Mannig- faltigkeit ds 2 =dx 2 -Hsin z x . dy 2 +dz 2 . Tubingen, 1900. Pp. 20. CARL II. EIGENMANN, A.B. (1886), A.M. (1887), Ph.D. (1889). Professor of Zoology and Director of Biological Sta- tion. 1. A review of the American Eleotridi- nw. (Joint author with Morton W. For- dice. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1885, VIII, pp. 55-80. 2. Notes on skeletons of Etheostomati- na?. (Joint author with David Starr Jor- dan.) 7;i Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, VIII, pp. 68-72. 3. A catalogue of the fishes of Bean Blossom creek, Monroe county. Indiana. (Joint author with M. W. Fordice.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. for 188(5. pp. 233-252. 4. A review of the genera and species of Diodontida? found in American waters. In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Ill, pp. 297-311. (1885.) 5. A review of the American Gast<>ros- teida?. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia for 188(5. pp. 233-252. 0. A review of the GobiidsR of North America. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan, i In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1880. IX, pp. 477-518. 7. Folk-lore of a German village. In Current, V, No. 124. (1886.) 8. A review of the Chaetodontidae of North America. (Joint author with Jennie E. Horning.) In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. III. pp. 1-18. (1887.) 9. Notes on the specific names of < ->T tain North American fishes. In Proc. Aciul. Nat. Sci.. Phila. for 18S7. pp. 295-296. 10. A review . of the North American species of the genera Lagodon. Archosargus, and Diplodus. (Joint author with Elizabeth G. Hughes.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X. pp. C.5-74. 11. Description of a new species of Ophichthys (Ophichthys retropinnis), from Pensacola, Fla. In Proc. L. S. Nat. for 1887, X, p. 116. 206 Eigenmann\ Bibliography: Present Faculty 12. Notes on a collection of fishes sent by Mr. C. C. Leslie from Charleston, S. C. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X, pp. 269-270. 13. A list of the American Gobiidae and Callionymidse, with notes on the specimens contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, Mass. (Joint author with Rosa Smith Eigenmann. ) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, pp. 51-78. (Jan. 25, 1888.) 14. South American Nematognathi. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat. XXIII, pp. 647-649. (July, 1888.) 15. Preliminary notes on South Ameri- can Nematognathi. I. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, pp. 119-172. (July 18, 1888.) 16. Notes on some California fishes, with descriptions of two new species. (Joint author with R. S. Eigeumann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, XI, pp. 463-466. 17. Cyprinodon californiensis, Girard. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., V, pp. 3-4. (Sept., 1888.) 18. Description of a new species of Cyprinodon. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, p. 270. (Jan. 8, 1889.) 19. On the development of California food fishes. In Am. Nat. XXIII, pp. 107- 110. (March, 1889.) 20. Preliminary descriptions of new species and genera of Characinidse. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In AY. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 7-8. (April, 188i/.) 21. Description of new Nematognathoid fishes from Brazil. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In AY. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 8-10. (April, 1889.) 22. Preliminary notes on South Ameri- can Nematognathi. II. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., II, pp. 28-56. (Aug. 18, 1889.) 23. On the phosphorescent spots of Porichthys margaritatus. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In AY. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 32-34. (May, 1889.) 24. Contributions from the San Diego Biological Laboratory. I. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 44-47. (June, 1889.) 25. Contributions from the San Diego biological laboratory. II. On the genesis of the color-cells of fishes. In AY. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 45-46. (July, 1889.) 26. Notes from the San Diego biological laboratory. I. The fishes of Cortez Banks. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In AY. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 123-132. (Oct., 1889, issued Nov. 9, 1889.) 27. A review of the Scisenidae of Amer- ica and Europe. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Ann. Rep. Comin. Fish and Fisheries for 1886, pp. 343-451, 4 plates. (1889.) 28. Notes from the San Diego biological laboratory. II. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 147- 151. (Nov., 1889.) 29. A review of the Erythrininse. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., II, pp. 100-116; i plate. (Nov. 8, 1889.) 30. A revision of the edentulous genera of Curimatina?. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., IV, pp. 1-32. (Nov., 1889.) 31. On the genus Clevelandia. In Am. Nat., XXIII, pp. 916-918. (Oct., 1889.) 32. The development of Micrometrus ag- gregatus. one of the viviparous surf-perches. In Am. Nat. XXIII, pp. 923-927. (Oct., 1889.) 33. Additions to the fauna of San Diego. 207 Indiana University [Eigenmann (Joint author with It. S. Eigennuinn.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., lid ser., Ill, pp. 1-24. (March 24, 1890.) 84. The evolution of the catfishes. In Zoe, I, pp. 10-15. (18!>(>.) 35. Description of a fossil species of Sebastodes. In Zoe, I, p. 10. (1890.) 3C. On the egg membranes and micropyle of some osseus fishes. In Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XIX, pp. 129-154, 3 plates. (March, 1890.) 37. The barracuda. In Zoe, I, pp. 55- 50. (1890.) 38. The Point Loma blind fish and its relatives. In Zoe, I, pp. 65-72. 2 plates. 39. Charles Harvey Bollman. In W. Am. Sci., VII, pp. 5-6. (1890.) 40. The coloration of fishes. In W. Am. Sci., p. 35. (1890.) 41. The food fishes of California fresh waters. In Rep. State Board Fish Comm. California for 1890, pp. 53-65. 42. A revision of the South American Nematognathi or Catfishes. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Occasional papers California Acad. Sci., I, pp. 1-508, figures, map. (July, 1890.) 43. Descriptions of new species of Se- bastodes. (Joint author with R. S. Eigen- mann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., Ill, pp. 36-38. (May 28, 1890.) 44. A review of the genera and species of Serranidae found in the waters of Amer- ica and Europe. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., VIII, pp. 329-441; 20 plates. (1890.) 45. On the precocious segregation of the sex cells in Micrometrus aggregatus Gibbons. In Jour. Morph., V, pp. 480-492; 1 plate. (1891.) 46. A catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of South America. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, pp. 1-18. (1891.) 47. On the genesis of the chromato- phores in fishes. In Am. Nat., XXV, pp. 112-118; 4 plates. (Feb., 1891.) 48. The spawning season of San Diego fishes. In Am. Nat., XXV. (June, 1891.) 49. Cottus beldingi, sp. nov. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat., XXV, pp. 1132-1133. (Dec., 1891.) 50. A new Diodont. In Am. Nat., XXV, p. 1133. (Dec., 1891.) 51. A catalogue of the fishes of the Pa- cific coast of America north of Cerros Island. (Joint author with II. S. Eigenmann.) In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 349-358. (June, 1892.) 52. The fishes of San Diego. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1892, XV, pp. 123-178 ; 9 plates. 53. Branchiostoma elongatum Sunde- vall, at San Diego. In Am. Nat. XXVI, p. 70. (Jan., 1892.) 54. On the presence of an operculum in the Aspredinidae. In Am. Nat., XXVI, p. 70. (Jan., 1892.) Abstract in Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1891, p. 175. 55. The Percopsidffi on the Pacific slope. In Science for 1892, p. 233. 56. Recent additions to the fauna of California. (Joint author with R. S. Eigen- mann.) Abstract in Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 159-161. (1892.) 57. New fishes from Western Canada. (Joint author with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat., XXVI, pp. 961-964. (Nov., 1892.) 58. The continuity of the germ plasm in vertebrates. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 169-172. (1892.) 59. The eyes of blind fishes. Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, p. 175. (1892.) 60. Biological stations. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 172-175. (1892.) 61. Preliminary description of new fishes from the Northwest. (Joint author 208 Eigenmann~\ Bibliography: Present Faculty with R. S. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat., XXVII, pp. 151-154. (Feb., 1893.) 62. On the occurrence of tne spiny box- fish (genus Chilomycterus) on the coast of California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1892, XV, p. 485; 1 plate. (1892.) 03. Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Central America and Southern Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1893, XVI, pp. 53-60. (1893.) 64. Preliminary note on the relation- ship of the species usually united under the generic name Sebastodes. (Joint author with C. H. Beeson.) In Am. Nat., XXVII, pp. 668-671. (July, 1893.) 65. Early stages in the development of Cymatogaster. In I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 58-62. ( 1893. ) 66. Explorations in Western Canada. Abstract in Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, p. 56. (1893.) 67. Local variations. Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, p. 81. (1893.) 68. A revision of the American Cichli- dte. (Joint author with William L. Bray.) In Ann. New York Acad. Sci., VII, pp. 607- 624. (Jan., 1894.) 69. Notes on some South American fishes. In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VII, pp. 625-637. (Feb., 1894.) 70. On the viviparous fishes of the Pacific coast of North America. In Bull. U. S. Fisn Comm. for 1892, pp. 381-478; 27 plates. (1894.) 71. Results of explorations in Western Canada and Northwestern United States. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894, pp. 101- 132; 4 plates. (July 7, 1894.) 72. Biological survey of Indiana : Zool- ogy. In Indiana Acad. Sci. tor 1893, pp. 67-76. (Aug., 1894.) 73. The effect of environment on the mass of local species. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 226-229. (Aug., 1894.) 74. A revision of the fishes of the sub- family Sebastinee of the Pacific coast of America. (Joint author with C. H. Beeson.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, pp. 375-404. (1894.) 75. The fishes of Indiana. Report of the Indiana State Biological Survey. (Joint author with C. H. Beeson.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 76-108. (1894.) 76. The fishes of Indiana. Reprinted from Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893. In Rep. Indiana State Fish Comm. for 1894, pp. 40-64. 77. Names and locations of Indiana streams. In Rep. State Fish Comm. Indiana for 1894, pp. 65-79. 78. Leuciscus balteatus (Richardson). A study in variation. In Am. Nat., XXIX, pp. 10-25; 5 plates. (Jan., 1895.) Also, in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 87-99. (Oct., 1895.) 79. Development of sexual organs in Cymatogaster. hi Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, p. 138. (Oct., 1895.) 80. A new biological station and its aim. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 34-35. (Oct., 1895.) 81. First report of the Indiana Univer- sity biological station. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 203-296. Plates. (Feb., 1896.) Editor, and author of papers on 'Turkey lake as a unit of environment.' 'Plankton,' 'The fishes,' 'The Testudinata,' 'The study of variation.' 82. The bearing of the origin and dif- ferentiation of the sex cells in Cymatogaster on the idea of the continuity of the germ plasma. In Am. Nat., XXX, pp. 265-271. (April, 1896.) 83. Sex-differentiation in the viviparous teleost Cymatogaster. In Archiv f. Ent- wickelungsmechanik, IV, pp. 125-179 ; 6 plates. (April, 1896.) Abstract in Trans. Am. Micro. Soc. XVII, pp. 172-173. (15) 209 Indiana University [ Eigtnmann 83. Steindachneria. hi Am. Nat. XXXI, pp. 158-159. 84. Viviparous fishes. In Overland Monthly. ( IS'.lS. i 84. The Amblyopsida?, the blind fish of America. In Hep. British Assoc. for 1897, pp. OS5-080. (IS! is. i 85. The origin of cave faunas. Abstract in Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 229-230. (185)8.) 80. The Amblyopsidae and eyes of blind fishes. Abstract in I 'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897. pp. 2:10-231. (1898.) 87. A new blind fish. Abstract in Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1897, p. 231. (1898.) 88. A of convergence. In Science. N. S.. IX. Xo. 217. 280-282. (Feb., 1899.) : also in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 247-257. (1899.) 89. Biological station*. /// Indiana Woman for April. 1898. 90. The Indiana University Biological Station. In Science. X. S., IX. pp. 925-929. (Dec. 22, 1899.) Also in Inland Educator for 1900, pj>. 01 -(55. Figures. 91. Plans for the new buildings of the Biological Station. /;/ Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 55-58. ( 1S99. ) 92. Explorations in the caves of Mis- souri and Kentucky. /;/ Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898. pp. 58-01. (1899.) !>.'!. The blind fishes of Xorth America. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LVI. pp. 47:5-480. (Feb., 1899.) 94. The eyes of the blind vertebrates of North America. I. The eyes of the Ambly- opsid;v. Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik. VIII. pp. 545-017 : 5 plates. ( March. 18! (9. i !>5. Xotes on the blind fishes. In Science, X. S.. IX. p. 370. (March 1(1. 1899.) 90. Preliminary notes upon the arrange- ment of rods and cones in the retina of fishes. (Joint author with George Ilansell.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci for 1X98. p. 239. (1899.) 97. Degeneration in the eyes of the Amblyopsida', it.s plan, process and causes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 239-241. (1899.) 98. The ear and the hearing of the blind fishes. (Joint author with Albert ('. Yoder.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for T-'.is. pp. 242-247 ; 2 plates. (1899. ) 99. Chologaster agassizii and its eyes. Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, p. 251. (1899.) 100. The eye of Typhlomolge from the artesian wells of San Marcos, Texas. Ab- stract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, p. 251. (1899.) 101. The eyes of Typhlotriton spelrus. (Joint author with W. A. Denny.) Ab- stract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 252-253. (1899.) 102. The blind rat of Mammoth cave. (Joint author with James Rollin Slonaker.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 253-257. Figures. (1899.) 102. Cave animals, their character, ori- gin and their evidence for or against the transmission of acquired character: . In Sci- ence. X. S. X. p. 88'i. (Dec. 15. !:. i 1(13. The blind fishes. In Biol. Lectures Marine Biol. Lab. of Woods Hole for 1S99. pp. 113-12(5. (1900.) 104. The mosaic of single and twin cones in the retina of fishes. (Joint author with d'eorge Daniel Shafer. ) In Am. Xat.. XXXIV, pp. 1(1-118: 1 plate. (Feb., 1900.) 105. Degeneration in the eyes of the cold-blooded vertebrates of the Xorth Amer- ican caves. In Science, X. S., XL pp. 492- 5(1.",. Figures. (March 30. 1900.) 100. The structure of blind fishes. In Pop. Sci. Mo.. LVI1. pp. 49-58. (May, 1900.) 107. The eyes of blind vertebrates of Xorth America. II. The eyes of Typhlo- molge rathbuni Stejneger. In Tran.s. Am. Micr. Soc.. XXI. pp. 49-00 : 2 plates. (May. 1900.) 210 Eigenmann\ Bibliography: Present Faculty 108. Causes of degeneration in blind fishes. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LVII, pp. 397-407. (August, 1900.) 109. Some cases of saltatory variation. (Joint author with Ulysses Cox.) In Science, N. S., XII, p. 300. (Aug. 24, 1900.) 110. A contribution to the fauna of the caves of Texas. In Science, N. S., XII, p. 301. (Aug. 24, 1900.) 111. Sobre alguns peixes de Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Joint author with Allen A. Nor- ris.) In Revista do Museu Paulista, IV, pp. 349-362. (1900.) 112. Degeneration in the eyes of the cold- blooded vertebrates of the North American caves. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 31-46. Illustrations. (1900.) 113. Convergent evolution as illustrated by the blind lizard Rhineura. In Science, N. S., XII, p. 302. (Aug., 1900.) 114. The development of the eyes in the blind-fish Amblyopsis. In Science, N. S., XII, p. 302. (Aug. 24, 1900.) 115. The eyes of the cave salamander Typhlotriton. In Science, N. S., XII, p. 302. (Aug. 24, 1900.) 116. The development of the Conger eel. In Science, X. S., XII, pp. 401-402. (Sept. 14, 1900.) 117. The eyes of the blind vertebrates of North America. III. The structure and ontogenic degeneration of the eyes of the Missouri cave salamander. (Joint author with Winfield Augustus Denny.) In Biol. Bull. II, pp. 33-40 ; 1 plate. (Oct., 1900.) 118. Description of a new cave sala- mander, Spelerpes stejnegeri, from the caves of Southwestern Missouri. In Trans. Am. Mic. Soc., XXII, pp. 189-192; 2 plates. (1900.) Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 167. (1901.) 119. Some cases of saltatory variation. (Joint author with U. S. Cox.) In Am. Nat., XXXV, pp. 33-38. (Jan., 1901.) 120. Bergiaria. (Joint author with Allen A. Norris. ) In Com. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, I., p. 272. (March 18, 1901.) 121. Unilateral coloration with a bilater- al effect. (Joint author with Clarence Ken- nedy.) In Science, XIII, pp. 828-830. (1901.) 122. Description of a new oceanic fish found off southern New England. In Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXI, p. 35. (1901.) Ab- stract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, p. 166. (1901.) 123. The egg and development of the Conger eel. In Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXI, pp. 37-44. Illustrations. (1901.) Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 165-166. (.1901.) 124. Investigations into the history of the young Squeteague. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., XXI, pp. 45-51. Illustrations. (1901.) Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, p. 166. (1901.1 125. The Leptocephalus of the American eel and other American Leptocephali. (Joint author with Clarence Hamilton Ken- nedy.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., XXI, pp. 81-92. Illustrations. (1901.) Abstract in Science, N. S. XIV, p. 631. (Oct. 25, 1901.) 126. The mounting of the remains of Megalonyx jeffersoni from Henderson, Ky. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, p. 166. (1901.) 127. The solution of the eel question. In Trans. Am. Micr. Soc., XXIII, pp. 5-18; 4 plates. (May, 1902.) 128. The physical basis of heredity. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LXI, pp. 32-44. Illustrations. (May, 1902.) 128a. The blind fish of Cuba. In Sci- ence. N. S. XVI, p. 347. (Aug. 29, 1902.) 129. The Carnegie institution. In Sci- ence. N. S., XVI, pp. 792-793. (Nov. 14, 1902.) 130. The eyes of the blind vertebrates of 211 Indiana University \_Eigenmann North America. IV. The eyes of Khineuru floridaiiii. /'/ I 'roc. Washington Acad. Sci., IV, pp. 533-538; 3 plates. (Sept., 1902.) Abstracts I'M I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, p. 107 (1902), and in Science, N. S. XIV, p. 031. (Oct. 25, 1901.) 131. The history of the eye of Amblyop- sis. Abstracts in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 101-106 (1902) ; in Science, N. S. XIV, p. 631 (Oct. 25, 1901) ; and in Science, N. S. XV, pp. 523-524 (April 4, 1902.) 132. Zoological miscellany. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 107-113. (1902.) 133. The solution of the eel problem. In World Today, IV, pp. 478-482. (April, 1903.) 134. In search of blind fishes in Cuba. In World Today, V, pp. 1129-1136. Illustra- tions. (Sept., 1903.) 135. Auf der Suche nach blinden Fischen in Cuba. In Die Umschau, VII, pp. 365- 367. (May 2, 1903.) 136. Variation notes. (Joint author with C. II. Kennedy.) In Biol. Bull., IV, pp. 227-2SO. (April, 1903.) 137. Report on the freshwater fishes of Western Cuba. In Bull. U. S. Fish Coniin. for 1902, pp. 211-236; 4 plates. (July. 1903.) 138. The water supply of Havana, Cuba. In Science. N. S., XVIII, pp. 281-282. (Aug. 28, 1893) ; and in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902, pp. 65-67. (1903.) 1.''!). On a collection of fishes from Para- guay with a synopsis of the American gen- era, of Cichlids. (Joint author with C. II. Kennedy.) In Proc. Acad. Sci., Phila. for 1903, pp. 497-537. (Sept., 1903.) 140. Some new genera of South Ameri- can fresh-water fishes and new names for some old genera. In Smithson. Misc. Colls., XLV, pp. 14^-148. (Dec., 1903.) 141. The eyes of the blind vertebrates of North America. V. The history of the eye of Amblyopsis from the beginning of its de- velopment to its disintegration in old age. In E. L. Mark anniversary volume, pp. 167- 204: plates xii-xv. (1904.) Abstract in I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 101- 105. AUTIIUU LKE FOLEY, A.B. (is'.ioi. A.M. (1891), Ph.D. Professor of Physics. 1. The surface tension of liquids. /// Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 67-75. 2. Surface tension of liquids. In Phys. Kev., Ill, No. 5, pp. 381-386. (March-April, 1896.) 3. Arc spectra. In Electrical Eng., XXIV. (Sept. 16, 1897.) 4. Arc spectra. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XL VI, pp. 93-94. (1897.) 5. Arc spectra. In Phys. Rev., V. No. 8, pp. 129-151: 5 plates. (Sept., 1897.) 6. Variations in the spectrum of the open and closed electric arc. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1897. pp. 95-9 f. 7. Electrolytic nature of the electric arc. In I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 100-103. 8. The spectrum of cyanogen. In I'roc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 97- 100. 9. X-ray transparency. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 74-75. 10. Diamond fluorescence. In I'roc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 94-95. 11. Review of Cojori's 'History of physics.' In Phys. Rev., XIII, No. 5, pp. 315-316. (May-June, 1899.) 12. Diamond-glass fluorescence. In Science, XIII. pp. 7:52-734. (1901.) 13. A method of measuring the absolute dilation of mercury. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, p. 99. 14. An improved Wehnelt interrupter. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 97-98. 212 Hepburn] Bibliography: Present Faculty 15. A modified Wehnelt interrupter. In Elec. World and Eng., XXXIX, pp. 373-374. (March 1, 1902.) 16. On the use of nickel in the core of a Marconi magnetic detector. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1903. 17. A remarkable distribution of carbon on the bulb of a 'Ilylo' incandescent lamp. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. 18. On the use of manganese dioxide in the generation of oxygen from potassium- chlorate. (Joint author with II. It. Kamsey.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. 19. On the use of nickel in the core of a Marconi magnetic detector. In Phys. Rev., XVIII, pp. 349-354. (May, 1904.) 20. A remarkable distribution of the carbon deposit on the bulb of a 'Hylo' in- candescent lamp. In Science for 1904. 21. A peculiar deposit of carbon on the bulb of a 'Hylo' lamp. In Elec. World and Eng. for 1904. 22. A modified magnetic detector. In Elect. World and Eng. for 1904. ( In press. ) SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING, A.B. (1890), Ph.D. Junior Professor of European History. 1. American history, 1781-1829. (Syl- labus of the university extension department of the University of the State of New York.) Albany, X. Y., 1892. Pp. 61. 2. The 'minimum' principle in the tariff of 1828, and its recent revival. In Annals Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., VI, July, pp. 100-11G. (1895.) Published sep- arately as No. 153 of the publications of Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. 3. Party struggles over the first Penn- sylvania constitution. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1894, pp. 371-402. (1895.) 4. The contest over the ratification of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts. (Harvard historical studies, No. 2.) New York, 1896. Pp. vi, 194. 5. Review of Edward Channing and Albert B. Hart's 'Guide to the study of American history.' In Inland Educator, III, pp. 315-317. (Jan., 1897.) 6. Greek gods, heroes, and men ; a primer of the mythology and history of the Greeks. (Joint author with Mrs. Caroline H. Harding.) Chicago, 1897. Pp. vi, 195; illustrated. 7. The city of the seven hills ; a book of stories from the history of ancient Rome. (Joint author with Mrs. Caroline II. Hard- ing.) Chicago, 1898. Pp. 274; illustrated. Revised edition, 1902, pp. 268. 8. The story of the Middle Ages. Chi- cago, 1901. Pp. 224 ; illustrated. 9. Missouri party struggles in the Civil War period. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1900, I, pp. 85-103. (1901.) 10. Review of Lewis Einstein's 'The Italian Renaissance in England.' In Am. Hist. Rev., VIII, pp. 124-126. (Oct., 1902.) 11. Review of George M. Wrong's 'The British nation ; a history.' In Am. Hist. Rev., IX, pp. 348-350. (Jan., 1904.) 12. Essentials in mediaeval and modern history. (In consultation with Albert Bush- nell Hart.) New York, 1904. Pp. about 500; illustrations and maps. (In press.) 13. Life of George R. Smith, founder of Sedalia, Mo. Privately printed, 1904. Pp. about 400 ; illustrated. (In press. ) CHARLES M. HEPBURN, A.M., LL.B. Pro- fessor of Law. 1. The historical development of code pleading in America and England. Cincin- nati, 1897. Pp. xvi, 318. 2. A selection of cases and statutes on the principles of code pleading. With notes. Cincinnati, 1899. Pp. xxxvi, 651. 213 Indiana University \_Hershey AMOS SHAKTI.E HERSIIEY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of European History and Politics. 1. Die Kontrolle iiber die Gesetzgebung in den Vereingten Staaten von Nord Amer- ika. Heidelberg, 1894. Pp. 72. 2. The recognition of Cuban belliger- ency. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., VII, pp. 450-401. (May, 1896.) Published separately as No. 175 of the publications of the Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. 3. Intervention and the recognition of Cuban independence. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., XI, pp. 353-381. (May, 1898.) Published separately as No. 228 of the publications of the Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. 4. Higher education in Indiana. In Normal Vidette, VII, pp. 113-119; illus- trated. (April, 1900.) 5. The Venezuelan affair in the light of international law. In Am. Law Reg., N. S., XLII, pp. 249-268. (May, 1903.) 6. The importance of dates and maps in the teaching and study of history, or the location of events in time and space. In Educator-Journal, IV, pp. 113-118. (Nov., 1903.) 7. The Panama question. In Green Bag, XVI, pp. 265-267. (April, 1904.) 8. Some questions in international law arising from the Russo-Japanese war : I. Failure to declare war and violation of Ko- rean neutrality. In Green Bag, XVI. (May, 1904.) 9. Some questions in international law arising from the Russo-Japanese war : II. The Hay note and Chinese neutrality. In Green Bag, XVI. (June, 1904.) .TCschylus. /;/ Indiana University Bulletin. March, 1888. 2. The study of man through language and literature. In Proc. Indiana Coll. Asso. for 1889. 3. A catalogue of the fishes of Greece, with notes on the names now in use and those employed by classical authors. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, August 17, 1892. HOBACE ADDISON HOFFMAN, A.B. (1881), A.M. Professor of Greek. 1. The religious and ethical views of HAROLD WHETSTONE JOHNSTON, L.H.D. Professor of Latin. 1. The Roman commonwealth. Chi- cago, 1891. Pp. 25. 2. M. Tulli Ciceronis orationes et epis- tolae selectae. Selected orations and letters of Cicero with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, ex- cursuses, vocabulary, and index. Chicago, 1892. Pp. 814. 3. Revision of C. M. Lowe and J. T. Ewing's 'Caesar's Gallic war.' Chicago, 1894. Pp. 542. 4. Latin manuscripts. Chicago, 1897. Pp. 130; illustrated. 5. A collection of examples illustrat- ing the metrical licenses of Vergil. Chicago, 1898. Pp. 54. 6. The teaching of Vergil. Chicago, 1898. Pp. 10. 7. Review of Macmillan's 'Latin dic- tionary.' In School Rev., VI, pp. 136-7. (Feb., 1898.) 8. Cicero's orations and letters. (Joint author with F. W. Sanford, A.M.) Chi- cago, 1899. Pp. 797. 9. Review of Gudeman's 'Latin liter- ature of the Empire.' In School Review, VIII, pp. 179-180. (March, 1899.) 10. The teaching of second-year Latin, with prefatory note by W. G. Hale. Chicago, 1901. Pp. 16. 214 Lindley~\ Bibliography : Present Faculty 11. The Roman name. Chicago, 1901. Pp. 1C. 12. The teaching of Latin in the second year. In School Review, X, pp. G9-7G. (Jan., 1902.) 13. The private life of the Romans. Chicago, 1903. Pp. 344; illustrated. 14. Caesar's Gallic war. (Joint author with F. \V. Sanford, A.M.) Boston, 1904. Hermann und Dorothea.' In Jour. Ger. Phil., Ill, pp. 380-383. (1901.) ALBERT FREDERICK KUERSTEINER, Ph.D. Professor of Romance Languages. 1. Review of J. A. Perez Bonalde's 'El Kuerbo por Edgar Allan Poe, Traduk- zion direkta del Ingles.' In Le Maitre Pho- netique, X, pp. 146-147. (Aug., 1895.) 2. Note sur Ye muet. In Le Maitre Phonetique, X, pp. 154-155. (Sept., 1895.) 3. Apuntes sobre la pronunciaci6n cas- tellana. In Le Maitre Phonetique, XI, pp. 217-221. (Dec., 1896.) 4. Review of B. Roettger's 'Die Alt- franzosischen Lautgesetze in Tabellen.' In Le Maitre Phonetique, XII, pp. 84-85. (March, 1897.) 5. Review of Peter E. Traub's 'The Spanish verb, with an introduction on Span- ish pronunciation.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVIII, pp. 182-184. (June, 1903.) EUGENE LESER, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German. 1. Fehler und Liicken in der Li Ser- mon saint Bernart benannten Predigtsamm- lung. Nebst einem lexicalischen Anhange. Sondershausen, 1887. Pp. 119. 2. Parler fransais comme une vache espagnolc. In Mod. Lang. Notes, IX, p. 224. 3. Modern French gene = Old French gchinc (from gehir.) In Mod. Lang. Notes, X, pp. 168-169. 4. Review of J. T. Hatfield's 'Goethe's ERNEST HIRAM LIXDLEY, A.B. (1893), A.M. (1894), Ph.D. Professor of Psychology and Philosophy. 1. Review of Theodore Kses's (a) 'Bei- triige zur Kenntniss des Reichtums der Grosshirnrinde des Menschen an markhal- tigen Nervenfasern' ; (b) 'Ueber den Mark- fasergehalt der Grosshirnrinde eines 1*4 jahr- igen miinnlichen Kindes' ; (c) 'Ueber Gross- hirnrindenmasse und liber Anordnung der Markfasersysteme in der Rinde des Men- schen, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Frage : Un terscheidet sich die Rinde des Kulturmen- schen von den niederen Racen in Bezug auf Kaliber, Reichtum und Anordnung der markhaltigen Nervenfasern V In Am. Jour. Psych., VII, pp. 281-284. (Jan., 1896.) 2. A preliminary study of some of the motor phenomena of mental effort. In Am. Jour. Psych., VII, pp. 491-517. (July, 1896.) 3. Some mental automatisms. (Joint author with G. E. Partridge.) In Ped. Sem., V, pp. 41-60. (July, 1897.) 4. A study of puzzles, with special ref- erence to the psychology of mental adapta- tion. In Am. Jour. Psych., VIII, pp. 431- 493. (July, 1897.) 5. Ueber Arbeit und Ruhe. In Psy- chologische Arbeiten, herausg. von E. Kraepe- lin. Heidelberg, III, 3 Heft, pp. 481-534. 6. Child study in Germany. In Indi- ana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 159-160. (March, 1899.) 7. Science in the daily press. (Joint author with William L. Bryan.) In Science, N. S. XI, p. 74. (1900.) 8. An arithmetical prodigy. (Joint author with W. L. Bryan.) In Proc. Am. Psych. Asso., New Haven, 1900. In Psych. Rev., VII, p. 135. (1900.) 215 Indiana University \_Lindley 9. The case of Arthur Griffith, arith- metical prodigy. (Joint author with W. L. Bryan.) In Comte rendu du IVe Congres International de Psychologie tenu a Paris, 1900, p. 178. 10. Review of J. H. Leuba's (a) 'The state of death' (Am. Jour. Psych., XIV, pp. 133-145) ; (b) 'Introduction to a psychologi- cal study of religion' (Monist, XI, pp. 195- 225) ; (c) 'The contents of religious con- sciousness' (Monist, XI, pp. 536-573) ; (d) 'Religion, its impulses and its ends' (Monist, 1902-03). In Am. Jour. Religious Psych, and Educ., I. (May, 1904.) ROBERT EDWARD LYONS, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1890), Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry. 1. A method for the estimation of al- bumin in urine. (Joint author with T. C. Van Niiys.) In Am. Chem. Jour. XII, pp. 1-17. (1890.) 2. Carbon di-oxide in the urine. (Joint author with T. C. Van Niiys.) In Am. Chem. Jour., XIV, pp. 14-20. (1892.) 3. Die Phenylverbiudungen von Schwe- fel, Selen und Tellur. Heidelberg, 1894. Pp. 40. 4. Ueber Diphenylselenide und einige Derivate desselben. (Joint author with F. Krafft.) In Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges., XXVII, pp. 1760-17(58. (1894.) 5. Ueber Diphenyltellurid und eiu Verfahren zur Darstellung von Sulphiden, Seleniden und Telluriden. (Joint author with F. Krafft.) In Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. XXVII, pp. 1768-1773. (1894.) 6. The effect of grape sugar upon the composition of certain fat producing bac- teria. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 85-88. 7. Ueber Diphenylselenon, C 6 H 6 . SeO 2 . C H 6 . (Joint author with F. Krafft.) In Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. XXIX, pp. 424- 429. (1896.) 8. The qualitative analysis of inor- ganic bodies. (Joint author with L. S. Davis.) Anderson, Ind., 1897. Pp. 210. 9. Analyses of certain Indiana shales and fire clays. (Assisted by O. W. Brown.) In Ann. Rep. State Geologist for 1898, pp. 68, 69, 114, 115, 130, 134. 10. A manual lexicological analysis. (Joint author with L. S. Davis.) Ander- son, Ind., 1899. Pp. 112, and color plate. 11. The qualitative analysis of inorganic bodies. (Joint author with L. S. Davis.) Anderson, Ind., 1900. Second edition, pp. 151. 12. Analyses of certain Indiana mineral waters. In Ann. Rep. of State Geologist for 1901, pp. 70, 76, 83. 13. The quantitative determination of selenium in organic compounds. (Joint au- thor with F. L. Shinn.) In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XXIV, pp. 1085-1094 (1902) ; also in Zeits. f. anal. Chem., XLII, pp. 659-661. (1902.) 14. Review of William Dodge Frost's Laboratory guide in elementary bacteriol- ogy.' Second edition. In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XXIV, pp. 595-596. (1902.) 15. Analyses of certain Indiana coals. (Assisted by F. C. Mathers.) In Ann. Rep. of State Geologist for 1903. 16. Analyses of certain Indiana lime- stones and limes. (Assisted by F. C. Math- ers.) In Annual Report of State Geolo- gist, 1903. 17. Review of R. H. Aders Plimmer's 'Chemical changes and products resulting from fermentations.' In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XXVI, pp. 113. (1904.) VERNON FREEMAN MARSTERS, A.M. Pro- fessor of Geology. 1. Triassir trajKs of Nova Scotia, with notes on other intrusives of Pictou and An- 216 Bibliography : Present Faculty tigonish counties, Nova Scotia. In Am. Geol., V, pp. 140-145. (1890.) 2. On certain camptonite dikes near Whitehall, Washington county, N. Y. (Joint author with J. F. Kemp.) In Am. Geol., IV, pp. 97-102. (1889.) 3. The trap dikes of the Lake Cham- plain region. (Joint author with J. F. Kemp.) In Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 107, pp. 11-62. (1893.) 4. Geologic literature of Indiana stratigraphic and economic. (Joint author with E. M. Kindle.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893. (1894.) 5. Camptonites and other intrusives of Lake Memphramagog. In Am. Geol., XVI, pp. 25-39; 1 map. (1895.) 6. Aids in teaching physical geogra- phy. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 54-60; 1 pi. (1900.) 7. Topography and geography of Bean Blossom valley, Monroe county, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 222- 237; 4 figures, 6 plates. (1902.) JOHN ANTHONY MILLER, A.B. (1890), Ph. D. Professor of Mechanics and Astron- omy. 1. A trigonometry for beginners. New York, 1896. Pp. vii, 147 ; 67 plates. 2. An infinite system of forms satis- fying the requirements of Hilbert's law. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 80-84. 3. The leonids of 1898. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 151-153. 1 plate. 4. A linear relation between certain of Klein's X-functions and Sigma-functions of lower division value. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 154-157. 5. Meteor showers. In Inland Edu- cator, VII, pp. 147-151; 2 plates. (Nov., 1898.) 6. The perseids of 1898. In Pop. As- tron., VII, p. 406; 1 plate. (Sept., 1899.) 7. Kirkwood observatory. In Pub. Ast. Soc. of the Pacific, XIII, pp. 139-140 ; 1 plate. 8. Meteor showers. In Inland Edu- cator, IX, pp. 116-121. (Oct., 1899.) 9. The leonids of 1900. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 73-74. 10. The Kirkwood observatory of Indi- ana University. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 85-87. 11. Inorganic nature study: the sky. In Teachers' Journal, III, pp. 20-21, 75-77, 121-124, 235-241, 273-276, 384-416. 14 plates. 12. Photographic observations of comet c 1902. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902, p. 80. 13. Double-star measures. In Astro. Jour., XXIII, pp. 167-169. (Sept., 1903.) 14. Double-star measures. In Astro. Jour., XXIV, pp. 15-16. (1904.) 15. Measures of new double stars, se- lected from the Leipzig A. G. catalogue. In Astronomische Nachrichten, CLXI. (1904.) 16. Concerning certain elliptic func- tions of square rank. In Am. Jour. Math., XXVI. (In press.) WILLIAM J. MOEXKHAUS, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. Associate Pro- fessor of Physiology. 1. Variation in the color-pattern of Etheostoma caprodes. (Abstract.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 231- 232. 2. Some cases of mimicry in fishes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, p. 86. 3. Variation of North American fishes. I. The variation of Etheostoma caprodes Rafinesque. In Am. Nat., XXVIII, pp. 641-658; 4 plates. (August, 1894.) 217 Indiana University \_Moenkhaus 4. Notes on a collection of fishes from Dubois county, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 150-162. 5. Variation of North American fishes. II. The variation of Etheastorna caprodes Rafinesque in Turkey lake and Tippecanoe lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 278-29G ; 9 figures. 6. Material for the study of the vari- ation of Etheostoma caprodes Rafinesque and Etheostoma nigruui Rafinesque in Turkey lake and Tippecanoe lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 207-228; 6 figures. 7. Contribuigao para o conhecimento das aranhas de S. Paulo. In Revista do Museu Paulista, III, pp. 77-112. 1 plate. (1898.) 8. The spinning of the egg-sac in Ly- cosa. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 113-114. 9. Experiments in the hybridization of fishes. (Abstract.) In Proc. Indiana. Acad. Sci. for 1901, p. 114. 10. An aberrant Etheostoma. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 115-11G. 11. The individuality of the maternal and paternal chromosomes in the hybrid be- tween Fundulus heteroclitus and Menidia notata. (Abstract.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902, p. 111. 12. An extra pair of appendages modi- fied for copulatory purposes in Cambarus viridis. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902, pp. 111-112; 2 figures. 13. Description of a new darter from Tippecanoe Lake. In Bull. U. S. Fish Com., XXII, pp. 397-398; 1 figure. (Au- gust, 1903.) 14. The development of the hybrids be- tween Fundulus heteroclitus and Menidia notata with especial reference to the beha- vior of the maternal and paternal chromo- somes. In Amer. Jour. Anat., Ill, pp. 29- 67; 4 plates. (1904.) KmvAKi) I'AYSON MOUTON, A.M., Assistant Professor of English. 1. A lesson in English from a recent novel. In Inland Educator, II. pp. 150-152. (April, 1896.) 2. Shakespeare in the seventeenth cen- tury. In Jour. Ger. Phil., I, pp. 31-44. (1897.) 3. Review of Myra Reynolds's ' The treatment of nature in English poetry from Pope to Wordsworth.' In Jour. Ger. Phil., I, pp. 262-263. (1897.) 4. Review of Francis Turner Pal- grave's 'Landscape in poetry from Homer to Tennyson.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XII, pp. 414-417. (Nov., 1897.) 5. Review of Oscar Kuhns's 'The treatment of nature in Dante's Divma Commedia.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XII, p. 495-498. (Dec., 1897.) 6. Goldsmith's 'Vicar of Wakefield.' Chicago, 1898. Pp. xxv, 254. 7. Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar.' Chi- cago, 1900. Pp. xxvi, 131. 8. Ruskin's 'Pathetic fallacy,' and Keats's treatment of nature. In Poet Lore, XII, 58-70. (Jan.-March, 1900.) 9. A method of teaching metrics. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XV, pp. 193-202. (April, 1900.) 10. Review of Mark Harvey Liddell's 'An introduction to the scientific study of poetry.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVII, pp. 431-434. (Nov., 1902.) 11. Chaucer's Identical rhymes. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVIII, pp. 73-74. (March, 1903.) 12. Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night.' New York, 1903. Pp. xiii, 179. 13. Review of Raymond Macdonald Alden's 'English verse.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVIII, pp. 174-176. (June, 1903.) 14. Review of Joseph Bickersteth Mayor's 'A handbook of modern English metre.' In Mod. Lang, Notes. (In press.) 218 Mottier~\ Bibliography : Present Faculty CHARLES ALFRED MOSEMILLER, A.B. (1890), Assistant Professor of Romance Lan- guages. 1. Concerning the etymology of the French word son (=bran). In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVIII, p. 224. (Nov., 1903.) 2. The origin of the French word canncltcrge. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XIX, pp. 46-47. (Feb., 1904.) DAVID MYERS MOITIER, A.B. (1891), A.M. (1892), Ph.D., Professor of Botany. 1. Notes on the apical growth of liver- worts. In Bot. Gaz., XVI, p. 141. 1 plate. (1891.) 2. On the archegonium and the apical growth of the stem in Tsuga canadensis and Pinus sylvestris. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, p. 141; 1 plate. (1892.) 3. On the development of the embryo- sac of Arisaema triphyllum. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, p. 258; 1 plate. (1892.) 4. The phylogeny of ferns. A review of J. Bretland Farmer's 'On the embry- ogeny of Angiopteris evecta Hoffm.' (Ann. Bot., VI, p. 265.) In Bot. Gaz., XVIII, p. 106. (1893.) 5. On the embryo-sac and embryo of Senecio aureus. In Bot. Gaz., XVIII, pp. 245-253; 2 plates. (1893.) 6. Development of the embryo-sac of Acer rubrum. In Bot. Gaz., XVIII, pp. 375-377; 1 plate. (1893.) 7. Contributions to the life-history of Notothylas. In Ann. Bot., VIII, pp. 391- 402; 3 plates. (1894.) 8. Contributions to the embryology of the Ranunculacea?. In Bot. Gaz., XX, pp. 241-248, 296-304 ; 4 plates. (1895.) 9. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kern- theilung in den Pollenmutterzellen einiger Dikotylen und Monokotylen. In Jahrb. fin* wiss. Bot., XXX, pp. 169-204; 6 plates. (1897.) 10. Ueber das Verhalten der Kerne bei der Entwickelung des Embryosacks und die Vorgjinge bei der Befruchtung. In Jahrb. fiir wiss. Bot., XXXI, pp. 125-158; 3 plates. (1897.) 11. Ueber den zweiten Theilungsschritt in Pollenmutterzellen. (Joint author with Edonard Strasburger.) In Ber. der Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft, XV, pp. 327-332 ; 1 plate. (1897.) 12. Ueber die Chromosomenzahl bei der Entwickelung der Pollenkorner von Allium. In Ber. der Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft, XV, p. 474. (1897.) 13. Das Centrosom bei Dictyota. In Ber. der Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft, XVI, pp. 123-128. (1898.) 14. The centrosome in cells of the gametophyte of Marchantia. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1898. 15. Endosperm haustoria of Lilium can- didum. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898. 16. Nuclear division in vegetative cells. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898. 17. The effect of centrifugal force upon the cell. In Ann. Bot., XIII, pp. 325-361 ; 1 plate. (1899.) 18. Nuclear and cell division in Dicty- ota dichotoma. In Ann. Bot., XIV, pp. 163- 192; 2 plates. (1900.) 19. A practical laboratory guide for the first year in botany. Bloomington, Ind., 1902. 20. The behavior of the chromosomes in the spore mother-cells of higher plants and the homology of the pollen and embryo-sac mother cells. In Bot. Gaz., XXXV, pp. 250-282 ; 4 plates. (1903.) 21. The development of the spermato- zoid of Chara. In Ann. Bot, XVIII; 1 plate. (1904.) 22. Further studies on anomalous di- 219 Indiana University [Mottier cotyli'donous plants. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 11H)4. 23. Fecundation in plants. Washing- ton, I'.MU. BURTON DORB MYERS, M.D. Associate Pro- fessor of Anatomy. 1. The Chiasma of the toad (Bufo len- tiginosus) and of some other vertebrates. In Zeitschrift f. Morphologic u. Anthropol- ogie, III, pp. 183-207; 2 plates. (1901.) 2. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Chias- mas und der Commissuren am Boden des dritten Ventrikels. In Archiv f. Anat. u. Physiologie for 1902, Anatomische Abth., pp. 32 ; 15 plates. 3. Fixation of tissues by injection. In Jour. App. Micr. for Nov., 1903. 4. Review of Gerrish's 'Text-book of anatomy.' In Johns Hopkins Bull, for April, 1903. 5. Review of Karl Camillo Schneider's 'Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Histologie der Thiere.' In Science, Sept. 25, 1903. JOHN SCHOLTE NOLLEN, Ph.D. Professor of German. 1. Gcethes Gotz von Berlichingen auf der Biihne. Leipzig, 1893. Pp. 134. 2. Review of Elias J. MacEwan's translation of Freytag's 'Technique of the drama.' In Dial, XVIII, pp. 77-79. (Feb., 1895.) Also In Mod. Lang. Notes, X, pp. 76-77. (Feb., 1895.) 3. Review of Louis P. Betz's 'Heine in Frankreich.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, X, pp. 441-443. (Nov., 1895.) 4. Heinrich von Kleist's 'Prinz Fried- rich von Homburg.' Boston, 1899. Pp. Ixxii, 172. 5. Review of A. B. Faust's 'Heine's prose.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XV, pp. 103- 108. (Feb., 1900.) 6. Notes on the modern drama : Ibsen and Hauptmaun. In Faculty Corner, Grin- nell, pp. 47-64. (1901.) 7. Heine and Wilhelm MUller. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVII, pp. 207-218, 261- 276. (April, May, 1902.) 8. Kritisches und Prinzipielles zu Wolffs 'Jugendlustspielen von Heinrich von Kleist.' In Jour. Ger. Phil., IV, pp. 483- 519. (1902.) 9. Review of R. M. Meyer's 'Grundriss der neueren deutschen Litteraturgeschichte.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVII, pp. 391-395. (June, 1902.) 10. College and university in the middle west. In Iowa College Circulars, II, pp. 1- 10. (Oct., 1902.) 11. Elective studies and courses in sec- ondary schools. In Iowa College Circulars, 11, pp. 47-59. (Dec., 1902.) 12. Review of Edward Stockton Meyer's 'Franz Grillparzer's Der Traum em Leben.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XVIII, pp. 122-124. (April, 1903.) 13. A chronology and practical bibliog- raphy of modern German literature. Chi- cago, 1903. Pp. 118. 14. Outline history of modern German literature, introductory to the texts of the 'Lake' German series. Chicago, ly03. Pp. 122. 15. German poems, 1800-1850. Chicago, 1904. 16. Review of John G. Robertson's 'A history of German literature.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, XIX, pp. 17-20. (Jan., 1904.) 17. Schiller's poems. New York, 1904. CARL WILHELM FERDINAND OSTIIAVS, A.M. (1890). Associate Professor of German. 1. Review of Hager's 'Freytag's Aus dem Staat Friedrichs des Grossen.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, V, pp. 301-303. (May, 1890.) 220 Rothrock~\ Bibliography : Present Faculty 2. Gei'stacker's 'Germelshausen.' With introduction and English notes. Boston, 1801. Pp. vii, 56. 3. Eichendorff's 'Aus dem Leben eines Taugeniehts.' With introduction and Eng- lish notes. Boston, 1892. Pp. ix, 176. 4. Review of Carruth's 'Schiller's Wil- holm Tell.' In Jour. GPI-. Phil., II, pp. 125- 126. (1898.) 5. Ein litterarischer Vandalismus? (Erwiderung). In Psedagogische Monats- hefte, I, pp. 8-10. (March, 1900.) 6. Abridged editions of modern Ger- man authors. Reviews of nine different novels. In Jour. Ger. Phil., IV, pp. 248- 259. (1902.) 7. Where empire and republic meet. In Western Camera Notes, IV pp. 221-225; 5 plates. (Sept., 1903.) 8. Revision of Mary A. Frost's edition of Schcffel'a 'Trompeter von Siikkingen,' with introduction and notes. New York, 1904. ROY HENDERSON PERKING, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1896). Instructor in German. 1. An English criticism of Schiller's 'Robbers.' In Germ. Amer. Ann. N. S., I, pp. 304-315. (June, 1903.) ROLLA ROY RAMSEY, A.B. (1895), A.M. (1898), Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physics. 1. A photographic study of electrolytic cells. In Phys. Rev., IV, pp. 189-190; 1 plate. ( 1899. ) 2. Eine photographische Untermahung elektrolytercher Tellen. In Physikalische Zeitschrift, I, p. 269. (1900.) 3. The effect of gravity and pressure on electrolytic cells. In Phys. Rev., XIII, pp. 1-30; 17 plates, 9 tables. (1901.) 4. Die Wirkung von Schwere und Druck auf die elektrolyteschen Vorgange. In Physikalische Zeitschrift, ill, pp. 177- 182 ; 4 tables. ( 1902. ) 5. The change of volume in chalk and cadmium cells and its relation to change of electromotive force due to pressure. In Phys. Rev.. XVI, pp. 105-111 ; 1 plate, 3 tables. (1903.) WILLIAM A RAWLES, A.B. (1884), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. Junior Professor of Po- litical Economy. 1. The government of the people of the State of Indiana. Philadelphia, 1897. Pp. vi, 172. 12 plates. 2. Centralizing tendencies in the ad- ministration of Indiana. New York, 1903. Pp. 336. GEORCE Louis REINHARD, LL.D. Professor of Law and Dean of the School of Law. 1. Indiana criminal law. Cincinnati, 1879. Pp. xxii, 523. 2. Judicial opinions and decisions as judge of Indiana Appellate court. In Indi- ana App. Ct. Rep., I-XVI1. (1891-1897.) 3. Agency. A treatise on the law of principal and agent. Indianapolis, 1903. Pp. cxi, 656. 4. The right to practice law. In Proc. Indiana State Bar Asso. for 1902, pp. 129-151, 5. American law schools and the teach- ing of law. In Green Bag, XV. (March, 1904.) DAVID ANDREW ROTHROCK, A.B. (1892), A.M. (1893), Ph.D. Associate Profes- sor of Mathematics. 1. Invariants of the finite continuous groups of the plane. In Am. Math. Mo., V, pp. 249-264. (Nov., 1898.) 221 Indiana University \_Rothrock 2. Point invariants of the Lie groups. In. Proc. Indiana Ac-ad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 119-135. 3. Differential invariants derived from point invariants. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 135-147. 4. An algebra for high schools. (Joint author with R. J. Aley.) New York, 1904. (In press.) MABTIN WRIGHT SAMPSON, A.M. of English. Professor 1. Milton's lyric and dramatic poems. New York, 1901. Pp. 1, 345. 2. Webster's 'Duchess of Malfy,' and 'The white devil.' Boston, 1904. 3. About 250 to 300 reviews and articles in Critic, Dial, Anglia, Outlook, Nation, Modern Language Quarterly, Jour- nal of Germanic Philology, etc. GTJIDO HERMANN STEMPEL, A.M. Asso- ciate Professor of Comparative Philol- ogy. 1. Sein und haben. In Germania, III, pp. 132-1:55. (June 1, 1891.) 2. Review of Charles F. Johnson's 'English words.' In School and College, I, pp. 255-250. (April, 1892.) 3. Review of Emil Trechmann's 'A short historical grammar of the German language, translated and adapted from Pro- fessor Behaghel's Deutsche Sprache.' In Academy, VII, pp. 308-309. (June, 1892.) 4. Wilhelm Miiller. In Germania, VI, 14-18. (May, 1894.) 5. Review of Charles Sears Baldwin's 'The inflections and syntax of the Mort.e d'Arthur.' In Dial, XVIII, p. 25. (Jan. 1, 1895.) 0. Review of Francis B. Gummere's 'Old English ballads.' In Dial, XVIII, p. 87. (Feb. 1. 1895.) 7. Review of Alfred M. Williams's 'Studies in folk-song and popular poetry.' In Dial, XVIII, pp. 182-183. (March 16, 1895.) 8. Review of Oliver Farrar Emerson's 'The history of the English language.' In School Rev., Ill, pp. 229-233. (April, 1895.) 9. Review of Edward S. Joynes's 'Schiller's Maria Stuart.' In Educ. Rev., X, pp. 499-500. (Dec., 1895.) 10. Review of Walter W. Skeat's 'The student's Chaucer.' In School Rev., V. (Oct., 1897.) 11. Review of Hermann B. Boisen's 'Preparatory book of German prose.' In Alumnus, I, No. 2, pp. 32-33. (Nov., 1898.) 12. Review of Caroline H. Harding and Samuel B. Harcling's 'Greek gods, heroes, and men.' In Alumnus, I, No. 2, p. 33. (Nov., 1898.) 13. Review of Carl Osthaus's 'Eichen- dorff's Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts.' In Alumnus, I, No. 2, p. 34. (Nov.. 1898.) 14. Review of Caroline H. Harding and Samuel B. Harding's 'The city of the seven hills.' In Alumnus, I, No. 3, pp. 35-V,u. (Feb., 1898.) 15. Review of Harold W. Johnston's 'Latin manuscripts.' In Alumnus, I, No. 3, pp. 3G-37. (Feb., 1898.) 10. Review of Edward P. Morton's 'Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield.' In Alumnus, I, No. 4, pp. 24-25. (May. 1899.) 17. Questions, etc., and a bibliography. Contributed to Marsh and Royster's 'Teach- ers' manual for the study of English class- ics.' Chicago, 1902. Pp. 95. 18. The Yale bicentennial and compara- tive philology. Review of Hanns Oertel's 'Lectures on the study of language' ; E. Washburn Hopkins's 'India old and new,' and 'The great epic of India' ; E. P. Mor- ris's 'On principles and methods in Latin .syntax.' In Dial, XXXIII, pp. 92-94. (Aug. 10, 1902.) 222 JVoodburn Bibliography : Present Faculty HENRY TIIEW STEPIIENSON, B.S., A.B. Assistant Professor of English. 1. The Elizabethan play-house. In Inland Educator, X, pp. 158-164; 2 plates. (May, 1900.) 2. Patroon Van Volkenberg : A tale of old Manhattan in the year sixteen hun- dred and ninety-nine. Indianapolis, 1900. Pp. 380. Illustrated. 3. The fickle wheel : A tale of Eliza- bethan London. Indianapolis, 1901. Pp. 380. Illustrated. 4. Elizabethan London : A topograph- ical description. (In press.) 5. Elizabethan manners and customs. (In preparation.) ULYSSES GRAXT WEATIIERLV, Ph.D. Pro- fessor of Economics and Social Science. 1. Louis VI, the founder of the French monarchy. Hamilton, X. Y., 1891. Pp. 27. 2. A miniature European state : Liechtenstein. In Cornell Magazine, VI, pp. 205-208. (March, 1894.) 3. Comparative politics. Albany, N. Y., 1895. Pp. 39. 4. Review of Herbert Tuttle's 'His- tory of Prussia under Frederick the Great, 1750-1757.' In Am. Hist. Rev., II, pp. 145- 148. 5. The relation of history and geog- raphy. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLII, pp. 226-251. (April, 1897.) 6. Recent books on historical method. In Inland Educator, V, pp. 247-249. (Dec., 1897.) 7. Review of Georges Pariset's 'L'etat et les eglises en Prusse sous Frederic Guil- laume I, 1715-1740.' In Am. Hist. Rev., Ill, pp. 352-355. (Jan., 1898.) 8. History in the high school. In In- land Educator, VI, pp. 201-262. (July, 1898. ) 9. Review of Godefroy Cavaignac's 'La formation de la Prusse contemporaine, 1808- 1813.' In Am. Hist. Rev., IV, pp. 149-151. (Oct., 1898.) 10. Stein's German policy at the Con- gress of Vienna. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1900, I, pp. 521-534. (1901.) 11. Why charities ought to be organized. In Indiana Bull. Char, and Corr., June, 1902, pp. 91-92. JAMES ALBERT WOODBURN, A.B. (1876), A.M. (1885), Ph.D. Professor of Amer- ican History and Politics. 1. The race problem in the South. In Indiana Student. (Nov., 1885.) 2. Government by the people. In In- diana Student. (Nov., 1886.) 3. The Johns Hopkins University. In Indiana Student. (Jan., 1887.) 4. Needed changes in the school law of Indiana. In Indiana Sch. Jour. (Feb., 1888.) 5. The slave trade. A series of articles on the recent slave trade of the Moham- medans in Central Africa. In United Pres- byterian. (Jan., Feb., 1888.) 6. Review of Sir Henry Maine's 'Lec- tures on international law delivered before the University of Cambridge.' In Christian Union. (June 27, 1889.) 7. The study of history ; an article on the study of history in America sug- gested by the proceedings of the 6th annual session of the American Historical Associa- tion at Washington, D. C., Dec., 1889. In Christian Union. (Jan. 9, 1890.) 8. The speaker and the quorum. An essay on the notable decision of Hon. Thomas B. Reed, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Feb., 1890. In Indiana Student. (March, 1890.) 9. Chautauqua : the growth of its sum- mer school. 7 Christian Union. (Aug. 21, 1890.) 223 Indiana University [ Woodburn 10. History of higher education in In- diana. Washington, 1801. Bureau of Edu- cation, Circulars of Information, No. 1. Pp. 200. 11. States made from colonies. In Chautauquan. (Dec., 1891.) 12. States made from territories. In Chautauquan. (Feb., 1892.) 13. Causes of the American Revolution. In Johns Hop. Univ. Studies, X, pp. 557- 016. (Dec., 1802.) 14. Select orations of Burke and Web- ster, with introduction and notes. (Joint author with C. W. Hodgin.) Boston, 1892. Pp. 583. 15. The historical significance of the Missouri Compromise. In Ann. Rept. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1893, pp. 251-297. 1C. The study of politics in American colleges. In Am. Jour, of Pol. (May, 1894.) 17. American political orations, re-ed- ited with historical notes. 4 vols. New York, 1896. 18. The tariff in legislation. In Chau- tauquan. (April, 1896.) 19. The Monroe doctrine and some of its applications. In Chautauquan. (Feb., 1896.) 20. To what extent may undergraduate students of history be trained in the use of the sources. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1897, pp. 45-49. 21. France in the American Revolution. In Chautauquan. (June, 1897.) 22. The American Revolution, 1763- 1783, being the chapters and passages re- lating to America from Lecky's history of England in the 18th century. Edited with bibliographical and historical notes. New York, 1898. Pp. xviii, 518. 2.".. The making of the Constitution: a syllabus for Madison's Journal. Chicago, 1898. Pp. 41. 24. Washington's foreign policy and the Philippines. In Independent, L. (Oct. 27, 1898.) 25. Our plighted word and the Philip- pines. In Independent, L, pp. 1381-1383. (Nov. 17, 1898.) 26. The American republic and its gov- ernment : an analysis of the government of the United States with a consideration of its fundamental principles and of its relations to the States and Territories. New York, 1902. Pp. iv, 410. 27. Political parties and party problems in the United States : a sketch of American party history and of the development and operations of party machinery, together with a consideration of certain party prob- lems in their relation to political morality. New York, 1902. Pp. ix, 314. 28. Party politics in Indiana during the Civil War. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Assoc. for 1902, I, pp. 225-251. 29. Review of U. B. Phillip's 'Georgia and state rights.' In Am. Hist. Rev., VIII, pp. 785-786. (July, 1903.) 30. Review of Lecky's 'Leaders of pub- lic opinion in Ireland.' In Am. Hist. Rev., IX. pp. 375-377. (Jan.. 1904.) 31. Review of William Henry Smith's 'A political history of slavery.' In Am. Hist. Rev.. IX. pp. .?85-.?80. (Jan.. 1904.) PUBLICATIONS OF FORMER FACULTY ***In the following list the attempt has been made to gather together the publica- tions of former members of the Faculty up to the times when their connections with Indiana University ceased. The list is made as complete as the difficulty of the task and the time at the disposal of the compilers will permit; but it is realized that there must be many omissions, both of names of authors and of titles of publications, which the list as planned should include. EDWIN GEORGE BALDWIN, M.A. Instructor in Latin, 1898-1899. 1. The laws of text and translation. 1899. Pp. 8. the twelve tables : Bloomington, Ind., ELISHA BALLANTINE, D.D., LL.D. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, 1854-1856 ; Pro- fessor of Greek, 1856-1863; 1867-1878. Acting President, 1884 ; Vice President, 1884-1886. Died March 31, 1886, at Bloomington, Ind. 1. Christ, His own witness ; or the words of Jesus concerning Himself. New York, 1877. 2. Old age ; two discourses delivered at Bloomington, Ind. Bloomington, Ind., 1879. Pp. 22. DAVID DEMABEE BANTA, Dean of the School of Law, 1890-96. See Alumni list. EARL BAKNES, Professor of European History, 1889-90. Sec Alumni list. CHARLES HENRY BEESON, Tutor in Latin, 1894-95; Instructor in Latin, 1895-96. See Alumni list. SANFORD BELL, Assistant Professor of Ped- agogy, 1898-1900. See Alumni list. GEORGE AUGUSTUS BICKNELL, A.B., LL.B., LL.D. (1864). Professor of Law, 1861- 70. 1. Commentary on bankrupt law. New York, 1841. 2. About 250 judicial decisions, as judge of the Second (Indiana) Judicial Circuit (1852-76). 3. Bicknell's civil practice. Pp. 700, 2d edition, 1871. 4. Bicknell's criminal -practice. Pp. 500, 2d edition, 1871. ERNEST LUDLOW BOGART, A.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Economics and Social Science, 1898-1900. Now Pro- fessor of Economics and Sociology, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. 1. Financial procedure in the State legislatures. In Ann. Am. Acad. Soc. Pol. Sci., VIII, pp. 236-253. (Sept., 1896.) 2. Geschichte der Volkspartei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. In Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Sta- tistik, LXVII, pp. 577-624. (Oct., 1896.) 3. Die Finanzverhaltnisse der Einzel- staaten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Jena, 1897. Pp. xiii, 157. 225 Indiana University \_Eogart 4. Die Geschichte der Nationalschuld der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. In Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, LXX, pp. 06-88. (Jan., 1898.) 5. Housing of the working people in Yonkers. In Economic Studies of Am. Econ. Assoc., Ill, pp. 373-347. (Oct., 1898.) 6. Public employment bureaus in the United States and Germany. In Quart. Jour. Econ., XIV, pp. 341-377. (May, 1900.) 7. Ten or twelve review articles in Political Science Quarterly, Annals of the American Academy, and Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie. RICHARD GAUSE BOONE, Ph.D. Professor of Pedagogics, 1886-1893. Now editor of 'Education.' 1. Education in the United States. New York, 1889. Pp. xii, 402. 2. History of education in Indiana. New York, 1892. Pp. xi, 454. 3. Results under an elective system. In Educ. Rev., IV, 53-73, 142-156; 16 tables. (June, Sept., 1892.) JOHN CASPER BRANNER, Professor of Geol- ogy, 1885-91. See Alumni list. JAMES RAY MCCORKLE BRYANT, Professor of Law, 1856-1861. Died Feb. 25, 1866. 1. A baccalaureate address to the grad- uating class of the Law Department of In- diana University, March 24, 1858. Bloom- ington, Ind., 1858. Pp. 19. DOUGLAS HOUOHTON CAMPBELL, Ph.D. Professor of Botany, 1888-1891. Now Profesor of Botany, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. 1. The Botanical Institute at Tttbin- gen. In Bot. Gaz. for Jan., 1888. 2. The staining of the living nuclei. In Untersuchungen aus dem Bot. Inst zu TUbingen. (1888.) 3. A meeting of the German Botanical Society. In Bot. Gaz. for June, 1888. 4. The paraffin imbedding process in botany. In Bot. Gaz. for June, 1888. 5. The systematic position of the Rhizocarpese. In Bull. Tor. Bot. Club for Oct., 1888. 6. Report of the Cleveland meetings of the Botanical Club of the A. A. A. S. In Torrey Bull, for Oct., 1888. 7. The development of Pilularia glob- ulifera. In Ann. of Bot, II, No. 3. (1888.) - 8. Einige Notizen iiber die Keimung von Marsilia a>gyptaca. In Berichte der Dent. Bot. Gesell. for Dec., 1888. 9. On the affinities of the Filicinese. In Bot. Gaz. for Jan., 1890. 10. Studies in cell-division. In Bull. Tor. Bot. Club for March, 1890. 11. Elements of structural and sys- tematic botany. New York, 1890. 12. Contributions to the life-history of Isoetes. In Ann. Bot., V, pp. 231-258; 6 plates. (1891.) 13. Notes on the apical growth in the roots of Osmunda and Botrychium. In Bot. Gaz., XVI, pp. 37-42; 1 plate. (1891.) JOHN ROGERS COMMONS, A.M. Professor of Economics and Social Science, Indiana University, 1892-1895. Now Assistant Secretary, National Civic Federation, New York City. 1. The Christian minister and sociol- ogy. In Lend a Hand, VIII, p. 117. (Feb., 1892.) 2. Proportional representation. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., II, pp. 700-707. (March, 1892.) 3. Natural monopolies and protection. In Quar. Jour. Econ., VI, pp. 479-484. (July, 1892.) 226 Griggs ] Bibliography : Former Faculty 4. How to abolish the gerrymander. In Rev. of Rev., VI, p. 541. (Dec., 1892.) 5. The church and poverty in cities. In Charities Rev., II, pp. 347-356. (May, 1893.) 6. The distribution of wealth. New York, 1893. Pp. x, 258. 7. Social reform and the church. New York, 1894. Pp. x, 176. 8. State supervision for cities. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., V, pp. 865-881. (May, 1895.) 9. Progressive individualism. In Am. Mag. Civics, VI, pp. 561-574. (June, 1895.) 10. Taxation in Chicago and Philadel- phia. In Jour. Pol. Econ., Ill, pp. 434-460. (Sept.. 1895.) JOHN MERLE COULTER, President of the Uni- versity and Professor of Botany, 1891- 93. See Alumni list. RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, Ph.D. Professor of History, 1886-89. 1. The causes of the French revolu- tion. New York, 1888. Pp. x, 297. WILLIAM MITCHELL DAILY, D.D., LL.D. President of the University, 1853-59. See Alumni list. GEORGE FLAVEL DANFORTH, Ph.B. Libra- rian, 1898-1903. Bloomington, Ind. 1. Catalogue of the Barnes reference library, Cornell University. Ithaca, N. Y., 1897. 2. United States catalog, books in print, 1899. Bloomington, Ind., 1900. Pp. 1112. 3. Quarterly bibliography of books re- viewed in leading periodicals. Bloomington, Ind., vol. 1 (1902), pp. 207; vol. II (in press ) . FLETCHER BASCOM DRESSLAR, Instructor in Psychology, Sept-Dec., 1892. See Alumni list. FRANK DREW, Instructor in Philosophy, 1895-96. See Alumni list. FRANK ALBERT FETTER, Professor of Eco- nomics and Social Science, 1895-98. See Alumni list. SAMUEL GARNER, Professor of Romance Languages, 1882-1887. Now Professor of Romance Languages, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 1. Review of Julius Siede's 'Syntak- tische Eigentttmlichkeiten der Umgangs- sprache weniger gebildeter Pariser.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, I, pp. 73-75. (1886.) 2. A much needed reform. In Mod. Lang. Notes, I, pp. 52-53. (1886.) 3. Report on Romania. In Am. Jour. Philol., VII, No. 1. (1886.) 4. The gerundial construction in the Romanic languages. In Mod. Lang. Notes, II, pp. 109-117. (1887.) CHARLES HENRY GILBERT, Professor of Zoology, 1888-1891. See Alumni list. OLIVER EDMUNDS GLENN, Instructor in Mathematics, 1902-1903. See Alumni list. EDWARD HOWARD GRIGGS, Instructor in English, 1889-90 ; Associate Professor of English, 1890-91 ; Professor of General Literature, 1891-93. See Alumni list. Indiana University \_Hall BAYNARD RUSH HALL, Principal of Indiana Seminary, 1824-1828; Professor of An- cient Languages, 1828-1831. Died Jan. 23, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 1. Righteousness the safe-guard and glory of a nation ; a sermon preached in the Representative Hall, at Indianapolis, Indi- ana, December 31, 182G. Pp. 23. 2. Something for everybody. New York, 1846. Pp. viii, 223. 3. The new purchase ; or early years in the far West. 1st ed., New York, 1843. Vol. I, pp. 300; vol. II, pp. 316. 2d ed., New Albany, Ind., 1855. Pp. v, 471. LAUNCELOT MINOR HARRIS, Ph.D. Instruc- tor in English, 1893-94 ; Assistant Pro- fessor of English, 1894-96. Now Pro- fessor of English, College of Charles- ton. Charleston, S. C. I. The Creoles of New Orleans. Southern Collegian for 1896. In MARTIN LUTHER HOFFMAN, Instructor in Mathematics, 1896-97. See Alumni list. WALTER RALEIGH HOUGHTON, Principal of the Preparatory Department, 1873-84. See Alumni list. JOSEPH HENRY HOWARD, Assistant Pro- fessor of Latin, 1894-1901. See Alumni list. GEORGE MAXWELL HOWE, Instructor in German, 1893-95. See Alumni list. ERNEST WILSON HUFFCUT, LL.B., Professor of Law, 1890-92. Now Dean of the School of Law, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 1. English in the preparatory schools. (Monographs on education.) Boston, 1892. Pp. 28. JEREMIAH WIIIPPLE JENKS, Ph.D. Profes- sor of Economics and Social Science, 1889-1891. Now Professor of Political Economy and Politics, Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y. 1. Road legislation for the American state. In Monog. Am. Econ. Assoc. (May, 1889. ) 2. The development of the whiskey trust. In Pol. Sci. Quart, for June, 1889. 3. The economic outlook : review of David A. Wells's 'Recent economic changes.' In Dial for Dec., 1889. 4. Trusts and the people. In States- man for Dec., 1889. 5. Review of Yeijiro Ono's 'The in- dustrial transition in Japan' (Monograph of Am. Econ. Asso.). In Pol. Sci. Quart, for 1890. 6. The needs of the farmer. In West- ern Home and Farm for Dec., 1890. 7. Review of Theodora Hertzka's 'Freiland.' In Pol. Sci. Quart, for Dec., 1890. 8. Schoolbook legislation. In Pol. Sci. Quart, for March, 1891. 9. Die Trusts in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. In Jahrb. f. Nation- alok. u. Stat. for Jan., 1891. 10. Review of J. N. Keynes's 'The scope and method of economic science.' In Pol. Sci. Quart, for June, 1891. 11. Land transfer reform. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci. for June, 1891. 12. The university extension movement in Indiana. In Book Notes for May, 1891. HANS CARL GUNTHER VON JAGEMANN, Ph.D. Professor of Germanic Lan- guages and Philology, 1885-1889. Now Professor of Germanic Philology, Har- vard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1. On the relation of the Anglo-Nor- man vowel system to the Norman words in 228 Jordan ] Bibliography : Former Faculty English. In Trans. Am. Philol. Asso., XV, pp. 66-87. (1884.) 2. On the genitive in old French. In Proc. Mod. Lang. Asso., I. (1884.) 3. On the genitive in old French. In Trans. Mod. Lang. Asso. of Am., I, pp. 64- 83. (1884-1885.) 4. On the use of English in teaching foreign languages. In Trans. Mod. Lang. Asso. of Am., I, pp. 216-226. (1884-1885.) 5. On the etymology of inveigle. In Mod. Lang. Notes, I, pp. 18. (1886.) 6. Review of E. Courtonne's 'Langue Internationale Neo-Latine.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, 1, pp. 38-39. (1886.) 7. Review of E. Pillissier's 'French roots and their families.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, I, p. 125. (1886.) 8. Review of R. Kleinpaul's 'Men- schen und Volkernamen.' In Science, VII, pp. 403-404. (1886.) 9. Review of Jean Roemer's 'Origin of the English people and the English lan- guage.' In Dial for Feb., 1887 ; also in Mod. Lang. Notes for March, 1888. 10. Review of Balg's 'Comparative glossary of the Gothic language.' In Mod. Lang. Notes for April, 1888. 11. Fouque's Undine ; a new edition, with notes and vocabulary. New York, 1889. DAVID STARR JORDAN, LL.D. Professor or Biology, 1879-1885; President of the University, 1885-1891. Now President of Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. 1. The colors of vegetation. In Am. Nat., VII, pp. 65-70. (1873.) 2. Hoof-rot in sheep. In Prairie Farmer, 1873. 3. A popular key to the birds, reptiles, batrachians, and fishes of the Northern United States, east of the Mississippi River. (Joint author with Balfour H. Van Vleck.) Appleton, Wis. Pp. 100. (1874.) 4. The flora of Penikese island. In Am. Nat, VIII, pp. 193-187. (1874.) 5. A key to the higher alga? of the Atlantic coast between Newfoundland and Florida. In Am. Nat., VIII, pp. 398-403, 479-493. (1874.) 6. The Sisco of lake Tippecanoe. In Am. Nat., IX, pp. 135-138. (1875.) 7. The Sisco of lake Tippecanoe and its relatives. In Rep. Geol. Surv. Indiana for 1876. 8. A synopsis of the fishes to be looked for in Indiana. In Rep. Geol. Surv. Indi- ana for 1876. 9. The genus Pomoxys Rafinesque. (Joint author with Herbert Edson Cope- land.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, XXVIII, pp. 68-71. (1876.) 10. Concerning the fishes of the Ich- thyologia Ohiensis. In Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist, 1876, pp. 91-97. (1876.) 11. Manual of the vertebrates of the Northern United States, including the dis- trict east of the Mississippi river and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Chicago, 1876. 12. Johnny darters. (Joint author with H. E. Copeland.) In Am. Nat., X, pp. 335-341. (1876.) 13. The sand-darter. (Joint author with H. E. Copeland.) In Am. Nat., XI, pp. 86-88. (1877.) 14. List of fishes of Indiana. (Joint author with Charles Henry Gilbert.) / Indiana Farmer, Jan. 17, 1877. 15. A story of a stone. In St. Nich- olas, Feb. 1877. 16. Check-list of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America. (Joint author with H. E. Copeland.) In Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist, II, pp. 33-164. (1877.) 17. On the fishes of Northern Indiana. In Proc. Acad. Nat Sci. Philadelphia, XXIX, pp. 42-82. (1877.) 229 Indiana University [ Jordan 18. On the genera of North American fresh-water fishes. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, XXIX, pp. 83-104. (1877.) 19. A partial synopsis of the fishes of Upper Georgia. In Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., New York, XI, pp. 307-377. (1877.) 20. Contributions to North American ichthyology, I. Review of Rafinesque's 'Memoirs on North American fishes.' In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, p. 53. (1877.) 21. Contributions to North American ichthyology, II. A. Notes on Cottidse, Etheostomatidffl, Percidse, Centrarchidse, etc., with revisions of genera and descrip- tions of new or little known species. B. Synopsis of the Siluridse of the United States. In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, p. 116. (1877.) 22. On Lagochila, a new genus of catostomoid fishes. (Joint author with Alembert Winthrop Brayton.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXIX, pp. 280-283. (1877.) 23. On the distribution of fresh-water fishes. In Am. Nat., XI, pp. 607-613. (1877.) 24. On the distribution of fresh-water fishes of the United States. In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., I, pp. 92-120. (1878.) 25. A catalogue of the fishes of Illi- nois. In Illinois Lab. Nat. Hist., II. (1878.) 26. Catalogue of the fishes of Indiana. In 27th Ann. Rep. Indiana State Board of Agr. for 1877, XIX. (1878.) 27. Manual of the vertebrates of the Northern United States, including the dis- trict east of the Mississippi river and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, 1878. Pp. 407. 28. Contributions to North American ichthyology, based primarily on the collec- tions of the U. S. Nat. Mus. III. (Joint a ii 1 1 mi- with A. W. Brayton.) A. On the distribution of the fishes of the Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, with descriptions of new or little known species. B. A synopsis of the fam- ily Catostomida?. In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, p. 237. (1878.) 29. Notes on a collection of fishes from Clackamas river, Oregon. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, pp. 69-119. (1878.) 30. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Rio Grande at Brownsville, Texas. In Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Ter., IV, pp. 397- 406. (1878.) 31. A catalogue of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America. In Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Ter., IV, pp. 407-442. (1878.) 32. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Rio Grande at Brownsville, Texas, con- tinued. In Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Ter., IV, pp. 663-667. 33. Report on the collection of fishes made by Dr. Elliott Coues, U. S. A., in Dakota and Montana, during the seasons of 1873 and 1874. In Bull. U. S. Geoi. Surv., IV, pp. 777-799. (1878.) 34. Report on the fishes collected during the years 1875, 1876, and 1877, in California and Nevada. (Joint author with Henry W. Henshaw.) In Rep. Geol. Surv. W. 100th Mer., for 1878. Appendix K, pp. 187-200. 35. Notes on the fishes of Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 365-388. (1879.) 36. Notes on certain typical specimens of American fishes in the British Museum and in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle at Paris. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, pp. 218-226. (1880.) 37. Description of new species of North American fishes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, pp. 235-241. (1880.) 38. Notes on a collection of fishes ob- tained in the streams of Guanajuato, and in Chapala lake, Mexico, by Prof. A. Duges. 230 Jordan ] Bibliography : Former Faculty In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., II, pp. 298-301. (1880.) 39. Manual of the vertebrates of the Northern United States, including the dis- trict east of the Mississippi river and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, 1880, p. 406. 40. Notes on a collection of fishes from East Florida, obtained by Dr. J. A. Hen- shall. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 17-21. (1880.) 41. Notes on a collection of fishes from St. John's river, Florida, obtained by Mr. A. H. Curtiss. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 22. (1880.) 42. Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 23-34. (1880.) 43. Description of a new flounder (.Xystreurys liolepis) from Santa Catalina island, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Must, III, pp. 34-36. (1880.) 44. Description of a new ray (Platy- rhina triseriata) from the coast of Calif or nia. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 36-38. (1880.) 45. Description of a new species of rock cod ( Sebastichthys serriceps) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 38-40. (1880.) 46. On the occurrence of Cephaloscyl- lium laticeps (Dumeril) Gill on the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 40-42. (1880.) 47. On the oil shark of Southern Cali- fornia ( Galeorhinus galeus ) . (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 42-43. (1880.) 48. Description of a new flounder (Pleuronichthys verticalis) from the coast of California, with notes on other species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 49-51. (1880.) 49. Notes on sharks from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 51-52. (1880.) 50. On the generic relations of Platy- rhina exasperata. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat Mus., Ill, p. 53. (1880.) 51. Description of a new species of Sebastichthys (Sebastichthys miniatus) from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 70-73. (1880.) 52. Description of a new species of rock- fish (Sebastichthys carnatus) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 73-75. (1880.) 53. Description of a new species of ray (Raia stellulata) from Monterey, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., pp. 133-135. (1880.) 54. Description of new species of Xiphister and Apodichthys, from Monterey, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 135-140. (1880.) 55. Description of two new species of Sebastichthys ( Sebastichthys entomelas and Sebastichthys rhodochloris ) from Mon- terey Bay, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 142-146. (1880.) 56. Description of a new Agonoid fish (Brachyopsis xyosternus) from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author with G. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill pp. 152-154. (1880.) 57. Description of a new flounder (Hippoglossoides exilis) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gii- 231 Indiana University [Jordan bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 154-156. (1880.) 58. Description of a new species of ray (Raia rhina) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 251-253. (1880.) 59. Description of two new species of fishes (Ascelichthys rhodorus and Scytalina cerdale) from Neah Bay, Washington terri- tory. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 264-268. (1880.) 60. Description of two new species of Scopeloid fishes (Sudis ringens and Mycto- phum crenulare) from Santa Barbara Chan- nel, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 273-276. (1880.) 61. Description of two new species of flounders (Parophrys ischyrus and Hippo- glossoides elassodon) from Puget Sound. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 276-280. (1880.) 62. Description of seven new species of Sebastoid fishes from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 287-298. (1880.) 63. Description of a new Embiotocoid (Abeona aurora) from Monterey, California, with notes on a related species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 299-301. (1880.) 64. Description of a new flounder ( Platysomatichthys stomias) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 301-303. (1880.) 65. Description of a new Embiotocoid fish ( Cymatogaster rosaceus) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 303-305. (1880.) 66. Description of a new species of deep-water fish (Icichthys lockingtoni) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 305-308. (1880.) 67. Description of a new Embiotocoid fish (Ditrema atripes) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 320-322. (1880.) 68. Description of a new Scorpaenoid fish ( Sebastichthys maliger) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 322-324. (1880.) 69. Notes on a forgotten paper of Dr. Ayres, and its bearing on the nomenclature of the Cyprinoid fishes of the San Francisco markets. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 325-327. (1880.) 70. Notes on Senia and Dacentrus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 327. (1880.) 71. Description of a new Scorpsenoid fish (Sebastichthys proriger) from Mon- terey Bay, California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 327-329. (1880.) 72. Description of a new Agonoid (Agonus vulsus) from the coast of Califor- nia. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 330-332. (1880.) 73. Description of a new species of Hemirhamphus (Hemirhamphus rosse) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 335-336. (1880.) 74. Description of a new species of Notidanoid shark (Hexanchus corinus) from the Pacific coast of the United States. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 352-355. (1880.) 75. Scientific names of the black bass. In Forest and Stream, Nov. 28, 1880, p. 340. (Reprinted in Henshall's 'Book of the black bass.) 76. Description of a new species of 232 Jordan ] Bibliography : Former Faculty Nemichthys (Nemichthys avocetta) from Puget Sound. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, 409-410. (1881.) 77. Description of a new species of Paralepis (Paralepis coruscans) from the Straits of Juan de Fuca. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. I). S. Nat. Mus., pp. 411-413. (1881.) 78. List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, with a table showing the distribution of the species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 452-458. (1881.) 79. On the generic relations of Belone exilis Grd. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 459. (1881.) 80. Notes on a collection of fishes from Utah Lake. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 459-465. (1881.) 81. Description of a new species of rock fish ( Sebastichthys chrysomelas) from the coast of California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 465. (1881.) 82. Description of a new species of Caranax (Caranax beani) from Beaufort, North Carolina. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 486-488. (1881.) 83. Observations on the salmon of the Pacific. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Am. Nat., XV, pp. 177-186. (1881.) 84. Check-list of duplicates of fishes from the Pacific coast of North America, distributed by the Smithsonian Institution in behalf of the U. S. Nat. Mus. (Joint author with Pierre Louis Jouy.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 1-18. (1881.) 85. Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, p. 29-70. (1881.) 86. Description of Sebastichthys mys- tinus. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 70-72. (1881.) 87. Description of a new species of Pty- chochilus (Ptychochilus harfordi) from Sac- rainento river. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 72-73. (1881.) 88. Note on Raia inornata. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 73-74. (1881.) 89. Story of a salmon. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XIX, pp. 1-6. (188.1.) 90. On the movements of plants. Re- view of Darwin's 'Power of movement in plants.' In Dial, March, 1881. 91. Notes on a collection of fishes made by Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., on the west coast of Mexico, with descriptions of new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 225-233. (1881.) 92. List of fishes collected by Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., in the Gulf of California, and on the west coast of Lower California, with descriptions of four new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 273-279. (1882.) 93. Description of thirty-three new spe- cies of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 338-365. (1882.) 94. Description of a new species of Pomadasys from Mazatlan, with a key to the species known to inhabit the Pacific coasts of tropical America. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 383-388. (1882.) 95. Description of a new species of Xenichthys (Xenichthys xenurus) from the west coast of Central America. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, p. 454. (1882.) 96. Descriptions of five new species of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint 233 Indiana University [Jordan author with C. II. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 458-4G3. ( 1882. ) 97. Ascent of the Matterhorn. In Our Continent, Nov. 2, 1882. 98. Description of four new species of sharks from Mnzatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 102-110. (1882.) 99. Description of a new shark (Car- charias lamiella) from San Diego, Cali- fornia. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 110-111. (1882.) 100. Bull-trout and Pompano. In Forest and Stream, April 20, 1882. 101. Darwin. In Dial, May 2, 1882. 102. Review of Huxley's 'Science and culture.' In Dial, May 9, 1882. 103. Descriptions of nineteen new species of fishes from the Bay of Panama. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., I, pp. 30G-335. (1882.) 104. Some ichthyological terms. In Forest and Stream, Aug. 20, 1882. 105. The air we breathe. Review of Tyndall's 'Floating matter in the air.' In Dial, Sept., 1882, pp. 90-93. 106. Description of a new Cyprinodont (Zygonectes inurus) from southern Illinois. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 143-144. (1882.) 107. Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea pollicaris) from Lake Michigan. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 222- 223. (1882.) 108. Notes on fishes observed about Pen- sacola, Florida, and Galveston, Texas, with description of new species. (Joint author with C. II. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 241-307. (1882.) 109. Description of a new species of Blenny (Isesthes gilberti) from Santa Bar- bara, California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 349-351. (1882.) 110. Description of a new species of Con- don (Condon serrifer) from Boca Soledad, Lower California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 351-352. (1882.) 111. Catalogue of the fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Cape San Lucas, which are now in the United States National Mu- seum, with descriptions of eight new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 353-371. (1882.) 112. List of fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Colima, Mexico. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 371-372. (1882.) 113. List of fishes collected at Panama by Capt. John M. Dow, now in the United States National Museum. (Joint author with C. II. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 373-378. (1882.) 114. List of a collection of fishes made by Mr. L. Belding, near Cape San Lucas, Lower California. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 378-381. (1882.) 115. List of fishes collected at Panama by Rev. Mr. Rowell, now preserved in the United States National Museum. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 381-382. (1882.) 110. Descriptions of two new species of fishes ( Sebastichthys umbrosus and Cithar- ichthys stigmaeus) collected at Santa Bar- bara, California, by Andrea Larco. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 410-412. (1882.) 117. The Gasper-Gou. In Forest and Stream, Oct. 5, 1882, p. 192. 118. A review of the Siluroid fishes found on the Pacific coast of tropical Amer- ica, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comrn., II, pp. 34-54. (1882.) 119. List of fishes collected at Mazatlan. Mexico, by C. H. Gilbert. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, pp. 105-108. (1882.) 120. List of fishes collected at Panama 234 Jordan ] Bibliography : Former Faculty by C. II. Gilbert. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, pp. 109-111. (1882.) 121. Description of a new species of Goby (Gobiosoma ios) from Vancouver's is- land. (Joint author with C. II. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 437-438. (1882.) 122. The blue-back trout (Salvelinus oquassa). In Forest and Stream, Dec., 1882, p. 389. 123. Dr. Henshall's scientific nomencla- ture again. In Am. Angler, Dec. 16, 1882, p. 391. 124. The nomenclature of our birds. Re- view of the Coues check-list. In Dial, Dec., 1882, pp. 165-167. 125. Report on the fishes of Ohio. In Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, sec. IV, vol. IV, pp. 735-1002. (1882.) 126. On certain neglected generic names of Lacepede. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U, S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 570-576. (1883.) 127. On the synonymy of the genus Bothus Rafinesque. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 576-577. (1883.) 128. Description of a new species of Ar- tedius (Artedius fenestralis) from Puget Sound. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 577-579. (1883.) 129. Description of a new species of Uro- lophus (U. asterias) from Mazatlan and Panama. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 579-580. (1883.) 130. Notes on a collection of fishes from Charleston, South Carolina, with descrip- tions of three new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 580-620. (1883.) 131. List of fishes now in the museum of Yale College, collected by Prof. Frank H. Bradley at Panama, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 620-632. (1883.) 132. Description of two new species of fishes (Myrophis vafer and Chloroscombrus orqueta) from Panama. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 645-647. (1883.) 133. Description of a new eel (Sidera castanea) from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 647-648. (1883.) 134. On the nomenclature of the genus Ophichthys. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 648-651. (1883.) 135. Striped bass or rock-fish. In For- est and Stream, Jan. 4, 1883, p. 450. 136. New methods of anatomical dissec- tion. Review of Wilder and Gage's 'Ana- tomical technology as applied to the do- mestic cat.' In Dial, Jan., 1883, pp. 202- 203. 137. Contributions to North American ichthyology, based primarily on the collec- tions of the U. S. National Museum. IV. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, p. 1145. (1883.) 138. Notes on the nomenclature of cer- tain North American fishes. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 110-111. (1883.) 139. Description of two new species of fishes (Aprion ariommus and Ophidium beani) from Pensacola, Florida. (Joint au- thor with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 142-144. (1883.) 140. A review of the American Carangi- nae. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 198-207. (1883.) 141. Note on the genera of Petromyzon- tidse. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, p. 208. (1883.) 235 Indiana University [ Jordan 142. Description of a new Murienoid eel (Sidera chlevastes) from the Galapagos is- lands. (Joint author with C. II. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 208-210. (1883.) 143. Description of a new species of Khinobntus (Ithinobatus glaucostigma) from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 210-211. (1883.) 144. List of fishes collected in the Clear Fork of the Cumberland, Whitley county, Kentucky, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with Joseph Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 248-251. (1883.) 145. Notes on American fishes, preserved in the museums of London, Paris, Berlin, and Copenhagen. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXV, pp. 281-293. (1883.) 146. Review of Boulenger's 'Catalogue of Batrachia gradientia in the British Mu- seum.' In Science, II, pp. 810. (1883.) 147. Sketch of Felipe Poey. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXV, pp. 547-552. (1884.) 148. Some gossip about Darwin. In Am. Nat., XVIII, p. 108. (1884.) 149. The beginning of life. Review of G. Hilton Scribner's 'Where did life be- gin?' In Science, III, p. 264. (1884.) 150. Review of Yarrow's check-list of North American reptilia and batrachia. In Science, III, p. 264. (1884.) 151. The fishes of the Florida Keys. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., IV, pp. 77-80. (1884.) 152. Proposed propagation of catfish as a food-fish. In Bull. TJ. S. Fis.i Comm., IV, p. 292. (1884.) 153. Notes on fishes improperly included in the fauna of the United States. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXVI, pp. 99-103. (1884.) 154. A review of the species of the genus Calamus. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 14-24. (1884.) 155. Descriptions of ten new species of fishes from Key West, Florida. (Joint au- thor with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 24-32. (1884.) 156. Note on Caranx ruber and Caranx bartholomaei. (Joint author with C. H. Gil- bert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 32-33. (1884.) 157. Notes on a collection of fishes from Pensacola, Florida, obtained by Silas Stearns, with descriptions of two new spe- cies (Exocoetus volador and Gnathypops mystacinus.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 33-40. (1884.) 158. Notes on ^Elurichthys eydouxii and Porichthys porosissimus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 40-41. (1884.) 159. List of fishes from Egmont Key, Florida, in the museum of Yale College, with description of two new species. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXVI, pp. 42-46. (1884.) 160. The Canadian sea trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis immaculatus). In Am. Field, July, 1884. 161. The rainbow trout (Salmo gaird- neri irideus). In Forest and Stream, July, 1884. 162. Note on Calamus proridens, a new species of Calamus. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, p. 150. (1884.) 163. Descriptions of Scaroid fishes from Havana and Key West, including five new species. (Joint author with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat Mus., VII, pp. 81-102. (1884.) 164. List of fishes collected at Key West, Florida, with notes and descriptions. In Proc. II. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 81-102. (1884.) 165. An identification of the figures of fishes in Catesby's 'Natural history of Caro- lina, Florida, and the Bahama islands.' In 236 Jordan ] Bibliography : Former Faculty Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 190-199. (1884.) 166. Notes on fishes collected by D. S. Jordan at Cedar Keys, Florida. (Joint au- thor with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 230-234. (1884.) 167. List of fishes observed in the St. John's river at Jacksonville, Florida. (Joint author with Seth Eugene Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 235-237. (1884.) 168. Notes on fishes collected at Guay- mas, Mexico, by Mr. H. V. Emeric, with a description of Gobiosoma histrio, a new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 260-261. (1884.) 169. A review of the American species of marine Mugilidae. (Joint author with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 261-275. (1884.) 170. A review of the species of the genus Hsemulon. (Joint author with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 281-317. (1884.) 171. List of fishes collected in the vicin- ity of New Orleans by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, U. S. A. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 318-322. (1884.) 172. List of fishes collected in lake Jes- sup and Indiana river, Florida, by Mr. R. E. Earll, with descriptions of two new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 322-324. (1884.) 173. A review of the American species of Epinephelus and related genera. (Joint author with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 358-410. (1884.) 174. A review of the species Lutjaninse and Hoplopagrinae found in American wa- ters. (Joint author with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 427-474. (1884.) 175. Description of four new species of Cyprinidse in the United States National Museum. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 474- 477. (1884.) 176. Description of four new species of Poecilichthys in the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 477-480. (1884.) 177. Description of Sciaena sciera, a new species of Sciaena from Mazatlan and Pan- ama. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, p. 480. (1884.) 178. Description of Zygonectes zonifer, a new species of Zygonectes from Nashville, Georgia. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, p. 482. (1885.) 179. Description of three new species of fishes (Prionotus stearnsi, Prionotus oph- ryas, and Anthias vivanus) collected at Pen- sacola by Mr. Silas Stearns. (Joint au- thor with J. Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 541-545. (1885.) 180. Supplementary notes on North American fishes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 545-548. (1885.) 181. Description of a new species of Hy- bognathus (Hybognathus hayi) from Mis- sissippi. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 548-550. (1885.) 182. List of fishes collected in Iowa and Missouri in August, 1884, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 1-17. (1885.) 183. A review of the American species of flying fishes (Exocoetus). (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 44-67. (1885.) 184. Notes on skeletons of Etheostomat- ihse. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 68-72. (1885.) -| 185. Note on the scientific name of the yellow perch, the striped bass, and other North American fishes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 72-73. (1885.) 237 Indiana University [Jordan 180. Note on Mr. Carman's paper on the American salmon and trout. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mns., VIII, pp. 81-83. (1885.) 187. Identification of the species of Cy- prinidae and Catostomidse, described by Dr. Charles Girard in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 185G. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 118-127. (1885.) 188. On the Etheostoma variatum -jf Kirtland. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 163-165. (1885.) 189. Note on Bpinephelus nigritus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 208-209. (1885.) 190. A catalogue of the fishes known to inhabit tne waters of North America north of the Tropic of Cancer, with notes on the species discovered in 1883 and 1884. Wash- ington : Government Printing Office, Oct., 1885. (Also in Rep. U. S. Fish Comm., XIII, pp. 789-973.) (1885.) 191. A list of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical America, from the Tropic of Cancer to Panama. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 361-394. (1885.) 192. Note on some Linnaean names of American fishes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, pp. 394-396. (1885.) 193. The habits and the value for food of the American channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus, Kafinesque.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., V, p. 34. (1885.) 194. Notes on fishes observed in Lake Superior. In Hull. U. S. Fish Comm., V, pp. 191-192. (1885.) 195. The mountain or salmon trout of Oregon. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., V, p. 310. (1885.) 196. The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States. Prepared through the cooperation of the Commissioner of Fisher- ies and the Superintendent of the Tenth Census, by George Brown Goode, Assistant Director of the U. S. National Museum, and a staff of associates. Section 1, Natural history of useful aquatic animals, with an atlas of 227 plates. Washington : Govern- ment Printing Office, 1884 (Feb., 1885). Pp. 895. (Discussions of fresh-water fishes, chiefly by David S. Jordan ; of Pa- cific coast fishes, in collaboration with C. H. Gilbert.) 197. A manual of the vertebrates of the eastern United States, including the region east of the Mississippi river and north of the northern boundary of Nortn Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Chi- cago, 1885. 198. The standard natural history, III, 110-173. (Part relating to soft-rayed fishes.) Boston, 1885. 199. List of fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas, in September, 1884, with notes and descriptions. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 1-25. (1886.) 200. Notes on fishes collected at Beau- fort, North Carolina, with a revised list of the species known from that locality. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 25-30. (1886.) 201. List of fishes collected at Havana, Cuba, in December, 1883, with notes and descriptions. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 31-55. (1886.) 202. A review of the genera and species of Julidinse found in American waters. (Joint author with Elizabeth G. Hughes.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 56-70. (1886.) 203. Notes on some fishes collected at Pensacola, by Mr. Silas Stearns, with de- scriptions of one new species (Chsetodon aya). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 225-229. (1886.) 204. A review of the American species of Tetraodontidse. (Joint author with Charles L. Edwards.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 230-247. (1886.) 205. Rafinesque. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXIX, pp. 212-221. (1886.) 238 Jordan^ Bibliography : Former Faculty 206. A review of the American species of the genus Prionotus. (Joint author with Elizabeth G. Hughes.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 327-338. (1886.) 207. A review of the American species of Belonidap. (Joint author with W. For- dice.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 339-361. (1886.) 208. A review of Seeley's 'The fresh- water fishes of Europe.' In Dial, June, 1886, pp. 34-35. 208a. The duty of the scholar towards the community, being the baccalaureate ad- dress delivered to the graduating class of 1886 of Indiana University. Richmond, Ind., 1886. Pp. 10. 209. A review of the 'A. O. U. code and check-list of North American birds.' In Auk, July, 1886, pp. 393-398. 210. Description of six new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico, with notes on other species. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 466-476. (1886.) 211. A review of the Gobiidse of North America. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 466-476. (1886.) 212. Notes on typical specimens of fishes described by Cuvier and Valenciennes, and preserved in the Musee d'Histoire Nat- urelle in Paris. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 525-546. (1886.) 213. Ulrich von Hutten. In Current, Dec. 4 and 11, 1886. 214. The origin of the httest. A review of Professor E. D. Cope's 'Origin of the fittest.' In Dial, March, 1887. 215. Thoreau and John Brown. In Cur- rent, April, 1887. 216. A preliminary list of the fishes of the West Indies. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 554-608. (1887.) 217. Note on Polynemus californiensis of Thominot. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, p. 3:^2. (1887.) 218. The food-fishes of Indiana. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Rep. Dept. Agr. Indiana for 1886. (1887.) 219. A review of the flounders and soles ( Pleuronectidae ) of America and Europe. (Joint author with David Kopp Goss.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1886, pp. 225- 342; pi. i-ix. (1887.) 220. A review of the sciaenoid fishes of America and Europe. (Joint author with C. II. Eigenmann.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1886, pp. 343-351 ; pi. i-iv. (1887.) 221. Science sketches. Chicago, 1887. Pp. 261. 222. The dispersion of fresh-water fishes. In 'Science sketches,' pp. 82-132. (1887.) 223. Darwin. In 'Science sketches,' pp. 1/1-195. (1887.) 224. The evolution of the college curric- ulum. In 'Science sketches,' pp. 228-260. (1887.) 225. Notes on a collection of fishes sent by Mr. Charles C. Leslie from Charleston, S. C. (Joint author with C. ri. Eigen- mann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, pp. 269-270. (1887.) 226. Description of a new species of Thalassophryne (Thalassophryne dowi) from Punta Arenas and Panama. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, p. 388. (1887.) 227. Note on the 'Analysis de la Na- ture' of Rafinesque. In Proc. U. fc>. Nat. Mus., X, pp. 480-481. (1887.) 228. Description of a new species of Cal- lionymus (Callionymus bairdi) from the Gulf of Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, pp. 501-502. (1887.) 229. Description of a new species of Xy- richthys (Xyrichthus Jessie) from the Gulf of Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, p. 698. (1887.) 230. Description of two new species of fishes from South America ( Mycteroperca xenarcha ; Cristiceps eigenmanni). In 239 Indiana University [Jordan Proc. Acnd. Nat. Sci. Phila., XXXIX, pp. 387-388. (1887.) 231. Note on Achirus lorentzi. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XXXIX, pp. 389- 391. (1887.) 232. The fisheries and fishery interests of the United States. By George Brown Goode and a staff of associates. Section II. A geographical review of the fishery industries and fishing communities for the year 1880. Pp. 787. Washington, 1887 (issued January, 1888). (Part on fisheries of California, Oregon and Washington, by Jordan and Gilbert.) 233. Description of a new species of Eth- eostoma (E. longimana) from James river, Virginia. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XL, p. 179. (1888.) 234. On the generic name of the tunny. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XL, p. 180. (1888.) 235. The octroi at Issoir ; a city made rich by taxation. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXXIII, pp. 433-456. (Reprinted in 'Sci- ence sketches,' 2d ed., pp. 181-223, as 'The fate of Iceodorum.) (1888.) 23G. Science sketches. Second edition. Chicago, 1888. Pp. 27G. 237. Silas Stearns. In Forest and Stream, Sept. 27, 1888. 238. A manual of the vertebrate animals of the northern United States, including the district north and east of the Ozark mountains, south of the Laurentian hills, north of the southern boundary of Virginia, and east of the Missouri river, inclusive of marine species. Fifth edition, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. Chicago, 1888. Pp. 375. 239. Darwinism : A brief account of the Darwinian theory of the origin of species. Chicago, 1888. Pp. 63. 240. On the occurrence of the Great Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the waters of British Columbia. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, p. 58. (1888.) 241. The Spanish missions in California. In Cornell Review, Oct., 1888. 242. List of fishes collected by Alphonse Forrer about Mazatlan, with descriptions of two new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, pp. 329-334. (1888.) 243. Descriptions of fourteen species of fresh-water fishes collected by the U. S. Fish Commission in the summer of 1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, pp. 351-363; pi. xliii-xlv. (1888.) 244. List of fishes now in the United States National Museum, collected in Nic- aragua by Dr. Louis F. H. Birt. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, pp. 411-416. (1888.) 245. List of fishes collected at Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas by Charles L. Edwards, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with Charles Har- vey Bollman.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, pp. 549-553. (1889.) 246. Studies of insect life. A review of Sir John Lubbock's 'The senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals.' In Dial, March, 1889. 247. Description of new species of fish collected at the Galapagos islands and along the coast of the United States of Colombia, 1887-1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, pp. 149-183. (1889.) 248. A catalogue of fishes collected at Port Castries, Saint Lucia, by the steamer Albatross. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, pp. 645-652. (1889.) 249. Report of explorations made by the U. S. Fish Commission during the summer of 1889, in Colorado and Utah, with an ac- count of the fishes found in each river basin examined. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., IX, pp. 1-40. (1889.) 250. Report of an exploration of the waters of the Yellowstone Park made under the direction of the U. S. Fish Commission. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., IX, pp. 41-63. (1889.) 251. Description of the yellow-finned 240 Karsten ] Bibliography : Former Faculty trout of Twin Lakes, Colorado (Salmo my- kiss macdonaldi). (Joint author with B. W. Evermann. ) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, pp. 453-454. (1889.) 252. A review of the flounders and soles (Pleuronectidae) of America and Europe. (Joint author with D. K. Goss. ) In Rep. U. S. Fish Goram. for 1886, XIV, pp. 225- 342; 9 plates. (1889.) 253. A review of the species of Seranidae found in the waters of America and Europe. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1886, XIV, pp. 343-351; 4 plates. (1889.) 254. Report of explorations made dur- ing the summer and autumn of 1888, in the Alleghany region of Virginia, North Caro- lina, and Tennessee, and in western Indi- ana, with an account of the fishes found in each of the river basins of those regions. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., VIII, pp. 97- 173, plates xiii-xv. (1889.) 255. A list of fishes collected in the har- bor of Bahia, Brazil, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 313-336. (1890.) 256. Description of a new darter (Ethe- ostoma tippecanoe) from the Tippecanoe river, Indiana. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 3-4. 257. List of fishes collected in the waters of southern Florida by Dr. James A. Hen- shall, under the direction of the U. S. Fish Commission. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1890, VIII, pp. 371-379. (1890.) 258. Notes on fishes of the genera Agosia, Algansea, and Zophendum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 287-288. (1890.) 259. Science in the high school. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXVI, pp. 721-727. (1890.) 260. Evolution and the distribution of animals. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XVII, pp. 313- 322, 505-513. (1890.) 261. The fishes of the Yellowstone Park. In Zoe, I, pp. 38-40. (1890.) 262. On the fishes described in Miiller's supplemental volume to the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XLII, pp. 48-50. (1890.) 263. Relations of temperature to verte- brae among fishes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV. pp. 107-120. (1890.) 264. The colors of letters. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXXIX, pp. 367-373. (1891.) 265. The story of a strange land. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XL, p. 447. (1891.) 266. The Sunapee trout (Salvelinus al- pinus aureolus). In Forest and Stream, Jan., 1891. 267. A review of the Labroid fishes of America and Europe. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1887, XV, 599-699. (1891.) GUSTAF E KARSTEN, Ph.D. Professor of Romance Languages, 1886-1890 ; Pro- fessor of Germanic languages, 1890- 1903. Now Instructor in German, Cor- nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 1. Speech unities and their roll in sound change. Paper read before the Mod. Lang. Asso. of Am. at Philadelphia, Dec. 30, 1887. 2. Final / in French soif, bief, etc. In Mod. Lang. Notes, III, pp. 85-88. (1888.) 3. Dantesca. Osservazioni su alquanti passaggi della Divina Commedia. In Mod. Lang. Notes, III, pp. 119-123. (1888.) 4. The origin of the suffix re in French. In Mod. Lang. Notes, III, pp. 187- 188. (1888.) 5. Review of Neumann's 'Die roman- ische Philologie' ; Korting's 'Encyclopaedie und Methodologie der romanischen Philol- ogie' ; Grober's 'Grundriss der romanischen Philologie.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, III, No. 5. (1888.) 6. Review of the chief scientific works on Romance philology published in America. In Litteraturblatt f. german. und roman. Philol. for 1888. No. 6. (17) 241 Indiana University \_Karsten 7. The third annual Neuphilologentag at Dresden, Germany. In Mod. Lang. Notes, III, 241-244. (1888.) 8. Secretary's report on the work done in the Phonetic Section of Mod. Lang. Asso. of Am. In Trans. Mod. Lang. Asso. Am. for 1889. 9. The origin and etymology of the name America. In Mod. Lang. Notes for 1889. 10. Review of J. Ferrette's 'Ecriture fonetique.' In Victor's Phouetische Studien, Marburg, Germany, for 1889. 11. Review of R. J. Lloyd's 'Phonetic attraction.' In Phonetische Studien for 1889. 12. The Journal of Germanic Philology (editor). Bloomington, Ind. Vols. I-V. (1897-1902.) 13. Fauststudien. In Philologische Studien, 1896. 14. On the Hildebrandslied. In Jour. Ger. Phil., I, No. 1. (1897.) CYRUS AMBROSE KING, Instructor in Bot- any, 1900-1902. 8ce Alumni list. JOHN STERLING KINGSLEY, Protessor of Zoology, 1887-1889. Now Professor of Biology, Tufts College, Mass. 1. The development of the compound eye of Crangon. In Jour, of Morph., I, pp. 49-69; 1 plate. (1887.) 2. The embryology of Crangon. In Bull. Essex Inst., XVIII, pp. 60 ; 2 plates. (1887.) 3. Editpr of the 'Standard natural his- tory.' 6 vols. DANIEL KIRKWOOD, LL.D. Professor of Mathematics, 1856-1886. Died 1895 at Riverside, Cal. 1. A new analogy in the periods and rotation of planets. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser.. IX. pp. 359-397. (1850.) 2. Law of rotation of planets. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 2d ser., XI, pp. .'19-1- 398. (1851.) 3. On Saturn's rings. In Am. Jour. Sei. and Arts, 2d ser., Xil, pp. 109-110. (1851.) 4. On certain analogies in the solar system. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XIV, pp. 210-219. (1852.) 5. The lunar world. In Southern Presbyterian Review, Oct., 1854. 6. An aurora of 1859. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 2.1 ser., XXVIII, pp. 396-389. (1859.) 7. Propositions relating to a particu- lar curve. In Runkle'.s Math. Mo., I. (1859.) 8. Distances and magnitudes of the fixed stars. In Literary Record, I. (1859.) 9. On the nebular hypothesis. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XXX, pp. 161- 181. (1860.) 10. Instances of nearly commensurable periods in the solar system. In Runkle's Math. Mo., II. (1860.) 11. The asteroids. In Literary Record, II. (1860.) 12. The meteors of July 13, 1846. In Literary Record, II. (1860.) 13. The new planets. In New Eng- lander. XVIII. (1860.) 14. November meteors, 1860. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. 2d ser.. XXXI, p. 169. (1861.) 15. Astronomical discoveries. In Liter- ary Record, III. (1861.) 16. On the probable existence of undis- covered planets. In Literary Record, III. (1861.) 17. Solar phenomena. In New Eng- lander. XIX. (1861.) 18. Articles contributed to Indiana School Journal as mathematical editor from 1859 to 1863. Kirkwood~\ Bibliography : Former Faculty 19. Orbits of binary stars. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XXXVII, p. 233. (1864.) 20. Harmonies of the solar system. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XXXVIII, pp. 1-18. (1864.) 21. Planetary distances. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XXXIX, pp. 55-59. (1865.) 22. On the theory of meteors. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1866, pp. 8-14. 23. The November meteors. In Iowa Instructor and School Journal, VII. 24. The aurora borealis of Feb. 20. 1866. In Iowa Instructor and School Journal, VII. 25. Meteoric astronomy. Philadelphia, 1867. 26. Asteroids and minor planets. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XII. (1867.) 27. Meteor of July, 1867. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XLIV, p. 288. (1867.) 28. The meteors of Nov. 12, 1867. In Mo. Notices Royal Ast. Soc., XXVIII, p. 33. (1868.) 29. Meteors of November 12-14, 1868. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., X. 30. Comets of 1812 and 1845. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XLVIII, pp. 255-258. (1869.) 31. Periods of meteoric rings. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., XLIX, p. 429. (1869.) 32. On the nebular hypothesis and the approximate commensurability of the plan- etary periods. In Mo. Notices Royal Ast. Soc., XXIX, pp. 96-102. (1869.) 33. The meteors of Nov. 13-14. In Mo. Notices Royal Ast. Soc., XXIX, pp. 62-63. (1869.) 34. On certain harmonies of the solar system. In Danville Quart. Rev. (1869.) 35. On comets and meteors. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XI, pp. 215-220. (1869.) 36. Asteroids between Jupiter and Mars. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XI. (1869.) 37. Periodicity of sun-spots. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XI, pp. 94-102. (1869.) 38. Periodicity of certain planetary rings. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XL (1869.) 39. On comets and meteors, 1st paper. In Scientific Opinion, March 23, 1870. 40. On comets and meteors, 2d paper. In Scientific Opinion, March 30, 1870. 41. Mass of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., I, p. 71. (1871.) 42. Sun-spots of 1843. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., I, p. 275. (1871.) 43. Testimony of the spectroscope on nebular hypothesis. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., II, pp. 155-156. (1871.) 44. On the formation and primitive structure of the solar system. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XII, pp. 163-167. (1871.) 45. Sidereal systems. In Our Monthly, III. (1871.) 46. Astro-meterology. In Pop. Sci Mo., I, pp. 335-339. (1872.) 47. Mean motions of Jupiter, Saturn. Uranus, and Neptune. In Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., Ill, pp. 208-209. (1872.) 48. Meteors of April 30-May 1. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., IV, pp. 52- 53. (1872.) 49. Certain relations between the mean motions of the perihelia of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., IV, pp. 225-226. (1872.) 50. The antiquity of man. In Scien- tific American. (1872.) 51. On the disintegration of comets. In Nature, VI, p. 148. (June 20, 1872.) 52. Meteors of April 30-May 1. In Nature, VI. (August 8, 1872.) 53. On some remarkable relations between the mean motions of Jupiter, Sat- urn, Uranus and Neptune. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XII, pp. 435-436 (1872.) 243 Indiana University \_Kirkwood 54. Changes in celestial scenery. In Our Monthly. IV. (1872.) 55. Total eclipses of the sun. In Our Monthly, IV. (1S72.) 5(5. Comets and meteors. Philadelphia, 1873. Pp. 97. 57. Meteors of November 14th. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., VI, p. 392. (1873.) 58. Biela's comet. In Nature, VIII, pp. 4-5. (May 1, 1873.) 59. On the meteors of Janury 2d. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XIII, pp. 501-502. (1873.) 60. Solution of a problem. In Analyst, I. (1814.) 01. On the relative positions of the as- teroidal orbits. In Analyst, I. (1874.) 62. Distribution of the asteroids. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1875, pp. 74-77. 63. Relations between the motions of some of the minor planets. In Mo. Not. Royal Ast. Soc., XXXV, pp. 62-63. (1875.) 64. Meteors of Nov. 14. In Nature, XII, pp. 85-86. (June 3, 1875.) 65. Reminiscences of William L/enhart, Esq. In Analyst, II. (1875.) 66. Mars and its satellites. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XI, p. 706-709. (Oct., 1877.) (.7. The meteors of Dec. 21, 1876. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXII, pp. 75-76. (1877.) 68. Satellites of Mars and the nebular hypothesis. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., XIV, pp. 327-328. (1877.) 69. On eight meteoric fireballs seen in the United States from July, 1876, to Feb., 1877. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XVI, pp. 590-596. (1877.) 70. Ages of the sun and fixed stars. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XVI, pp. 022-625. (1877.) 71. The eclipse of July 29, 1878. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXIII. (1878.) 72. November meteors. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., XV, p. 76. (1878.) 73. Solar and sidereal heat. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., XV, pp. 291- 293. (1878.) 74. The meteors of August 11, 1878. In Analyst, V. (1878.) 75. Aerolitic epoch of Nov. 12-13. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XVII, pp. 339-341. (1878.) 76. Cosmogony of LaPlace. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XVIII, pp. 324-326. (1879.) 77. Meteoric fireballs seen in U. S. dur- ing the year ending March 31, 1879. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XVIII, pp. 239-246. (1879.) 78. The great southern comet of 1880. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXV, p. 449. (1880.) 70. On the variation in the length of the day. In Analyst, VII. (1880.) 80. On the origin of planets. In Proc. Arf. Philos. Soc., XIX, p. 15. (1880.) 81. The meteors of Nov. 13-15. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XVIII, pp. 542-544. (Feb., 1881.) 82. November meteors. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXVI, p. 543. (1881.) 83. On the limit of planetary stability. In Analyst, VIII. (1881.) 84. Astronomical panics. In Pop. Sci. Mo.. XXI, pp. 182-186. (June, 1882.) 85. The August meteors. In Sidereal Messenger, I, pp. 141-143. (Oct., 1882.) 80. The relative ages of planets, comets and meteors. In Science, II, p. 12. (1883.) 87. Some facts in the early history of Indiana University. In Indiana Sch. Jour. XXVIII, pp. 503-504. (1883.) 88. A large meteor. In Sidereal Mes- senger, II. (1883.) 89. The zone of asteroids and the rings of Saturn. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXI, pp. 203-260. (1883.) 90. The comet of 1812 and 1883. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXIV, pp. 488-491. (Feb., 1884.) 244 Kirkwood] Bibliography : Former Faculty 91. On temporary stars. In Science, IV, p. 291. (1884.) 92. Note on a meteor. In Sidereal Mes- senger, II. (1884.) 93. Temporary stars. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1884, p. 78. 94. The limit of stability of nebulous planets. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXII, pp. 104-113. (1884.) 95. New telescopes and their prospec- tive relations. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXX, pp. 495-497. (1885.) 9G. The limits of stability of the solar system. In Sidereal Messenger, IV, pp. 65- 78. (April, 1885.) 97. Recently discovered asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, IV, pp. 114-116. (May, 1885.) 98. The comet of 1866 and the meteors of Nov. 14. In Sidereal Messenger, IV, pp. 228-230. (Oct., 1885.) 99. Commensurability of motions. In Sidereal Messenger, IV, pp. 257-259. (Nov., 1885.) 100. The comet of 1866 and the meteors of Nov. 14. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXII, pp. 424-428. (1885.) 101. Appleton's Annual American Ency- clopaedia. Articles on astronomy, from be- ginning to 1885. 102. The comets of 1812-1, and 1846-IV. In Sidereal Messenger, V, pp. 13-14. (Jan., 1886.) 103. The Biela meteors. In Sidereal Messenger, V, p. 29. (Jan., 1886.) 104. About comets. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XXXII, pp. 459-460. (1887.) 105. Origin of comets. In Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., XXXIII, p. 50. (1887.) 106. Note on the origin of comets. In Sidereal Messenger, VI, pp. 77-78. (Feb., 1887.) 107. Distribution of the minor planets. In Sidereal Messenger, VI, p. 116. (March, 1887.) 108. The eccentricities and inclinations of the asteroidal orbits. In Sidereal Mes- senger, VI, pp. 169-170. (May, 1887.) 109. The relation of aerolites to shooting stars. In Sidereal Messenger, VI, pp. 248- 250. (Sept., 1887.) 110. Relation of aerolites to shooting stars. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXIV, pp. 111-112. (1887.) 111. Biela's comet and the large meteors of Nov. 27-30. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXIV, pp. 242-243. (1887.) 112. The asteroids. Philadelphia, 1888. Pp. 60. 113. Notes on the progress of astronomy. In Sidereal Messenger, VII, pp. 29-30. (Jan., 1888.) 114. The relation of the short period comets to the zone of asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, VII, p. 95. (Feb., 1888.) 115. On the inclination of asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, VII, pp. 177-179. (May, 1888.) 116. Note on 279th asteroid. In Side- real Messenger, VIII, pp. 83-84. (Feb., 1889. ) 117. On the inclination of the asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, VIII, pp. 305-307. (Aug., 1889.) 118. Notes on the densities of the planets. In Proc. Ast. Soc. Pacific, II, pp. 1-3. (Jan., 1890.) 119. On the similarity of certain orbits in the zone of asteroids. In Proc. Ast. Soc. Pacific, II, pp. 48-49. (Feb., 1890.) 120. On the possible existence of fire- balls and the meteors in the stream of the Bielids. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXVII. 121. On the inclination of the asteroids. In Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., XXVII. 122. The origin of gaps in the zone of asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, X, pp. 194-196. (April, 1891.) 123. Groups of asteroids. In Sidereal Messenger, XI, pp. 785-789. (Oct., 1892.) 245 Indiana University [ Kirkwood 124. The mutual relations between the orbits of certain asteroids. In Proc. Am. Philos. Sot-., XXX, pp. 2159-270. (1802.) 125. The development of the solar sys- tem. In Sidereal Messenger, p. 94. (June, 1893.) 12(1. Holme's comet; its probable relation to the zone of asteroids. In Sidereal Mes- senger, XII, pp. 182-183. (Feb., 1893.) 127. The Leonids, or meteors of Nov. 13. In Sidereal Messenger, XII, pp. 38G-390. (May, 1893.) 128. Relations between the mean motions of Jupiter, Saturn, and certain minor plan- ets. In Sidereal Messenger, XII, pp. 302- 303. (April, 1893.) 129. Tuttle's comet and the Perseids or August meteors. In Sidereal Messenger, XII, pp. 789-792. (Nov., 1893.) CHARLES TOBIAS KNIPP, Instructor in Phys- ics, 1893-1900; Assistant Professor, 1900-1903. Sec Alumni list. JOHN HntAM LATHUOP, LL.D. President of the University, 1859-60. Died, 1866, at Columbia, Mo. 1. Inaugural address, as fourth presi- dent of Indiana University. Indianapolis, 1861. Pp. 32. THOMAS McCABE, Ph.D., Professor of Ger- manic Languages and Literature. 1889- 1890. Died Feb. 22, 1891, at Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1, The Geste of Auberi le Bourgoing. In Trans. Mod. Lang. Asso. for 1889, IV, No. 1. 2. Review of Super's 'Preparatory French reader.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, IV, pp. 26-27. (1889.) 3. Arsene Darmesteter ; an obituary. In Mod. Lang. Notes, IV, p. 95. (1889.) 4. Review of Grober's 'Grundriss der Romanischen Philologie.' In Nation, for May 9, 1889. 5. Review of C. Fontaine's 'Les Po- etes frane.ais du XlXme siecle.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, V, p. 108. (1890.) DAVID MCDONALD, Professor of Law, 1841- 1852. 1. Address on the study of law, deliv- ered in the chapel of Indiana University, Dec. 5. 1842. Bloomington, Ind., 1843. Pp. 22. 2. Treatise on the justices of the peace and constables in Indiana. Cincinnati, 1857. Pp. 1063. 3. Many judicial opinions, in Reports for the U. S. courts for the 7th circuit. JOHN ERNST MATZKE, Ph.D. Professor of Romance Languages, 1890-1891. Now Professor of Romanic Languages, Le- land Stanford Junior University, Stan- ford University, Cal. 1. The historical Hernani. In Mod. Lang. Notes, VI, pp. 37-41. (1891.) 2. Some remarks on the development of ct in the Romance languages. In Mod. Lang. Notes, VI, pp. 136-139. (1891.) 3. Study of the versification and rimes in Hugo's Hernani. In Mod. Lang. Notes, VI, pp. 168-171. (1891.) 4. Victor Hugo's Hernani, with intro- duction and English notes. Boston, 1891. Pp. 228. HAMILTON BYRON MOORE, Instructor in English, 1898-1901; Assistant Profes- sor, 1901-1903. See Alumni list. 246 Bibliography : Former Faculty SAIIAII PARKE MORRISON, Adjunct Proft-ssoi of English Literature, 1873-75. See Alumni list. JOHN FLESHER NEWSOM, Instructor in Ge- ology, 1894-96 ; Assistant Professor, 189G-99. See Alumni list. CYRUS NUTT, D.D., LL.D. President of the University, 1860-1875. Died Aug. 24, 1875, at Bloomington, Ind. 1. Baccalaureate sermon to the grad- uating class of the Indiana State University, June 23, 1861. Indianapolis, 1861. Pp. 25. 2. Baccalaureate sermon to the grad- uating class of Indiana University, 1862. Cincinnati, 1862. 3. Baccalaureate sermon to the grad- uating class of Indiana University, 1863. Cincinnati, 1863. 4. Prayer gauge ; a sermon. Cincin- nati, 1874. Pp. 19. RICHARD OWEN, LL.D. Professor of Nat- ural Philosophy and Chemistry, 1863- 1867 : Professor of Natural Science and Chemistry, 1867-1879. Died March 25, 1890, at New Harmony, Ind. 1. Keport on geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. (Joint author with David Dale Owen.) Philadel- phia, 1852. Pp. xxxviii, 638. 2. Key to the geology of the globe. Boston, 1857. Pp. 256. 3. Report on a geological reconnais- sance of Indiana, made during the years 1859, and 1860, under the direction of the late David Dale Owen. Indianapolis, 1862. Pp. xvi, 368. 4. On quatenery rock salt deposits in Louisiana. In Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., II, pp. 250-252. (1868.) 5. Remarks on E. W. Hilgard's 'Geo- logical history of the Gulf of Mexico.' In Am. Nat., V, pp. 522-523. (1871.) 6. Contribution to physiographic and dynamical geology, involving the discussion of terrestrial magnetism. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XX, pp. 208-216. (1872.) 7. Arkansas geological formations. In Macfarlane's Geological R. R. Guide for 1879, p. 206. 8. The law of land-forming on our globe. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXIX, pp. 437-446. (1881.) 9. On the unification of geological no- menclature. In Science, II, pp. 438-440. (1881.) 10. R6surae d'un rapport sur 1'unifica- tion de la nomenclature geologique. In Con- gres G6ol. Internat., Compte Rendu, 2d ses- sion, pp. 623-626. Boulogne, 1882. 11. Contribution to seismology. (Ab- stract.) In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXI, pp. 329-336. (1883.) 12. Law of fracture or fissuring, ap- plied to inorganic and organic matter. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXI, pp. 337-344. (1883.) 13. The earth's orographic framework ; its seismology and geology. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXII, pp. 253-256. (1884.) 14. The continental type, or normal oro- graphy and geology of continents. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXII, pp. 256-260. (1884.) 15. British earthquakes and their seis- mic relations. (Abstract.) In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIII, pp. 438-443. (1885.) 16. Arkansas (in part). In Macfar- lane's Geol. R. R. Guide, 2d edition, for 1890, pp. 406-407. FREDERICK AUSTIN OGG, Instructor in His- tory, 1902-1903. See Alumni list. 247 Indiana University 'terce GEORGE JAMES PIERCE, Assistant Professor of Botany, 1890-1897. Now Associate Professor of Plant Pnysiology, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University. Cal. 1. Certain changes in the pith cells, preliminary to the formation of cavities in the stems of grasses. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896. 2. The microscopic examination of cer- tain drinking waters. (Joint author with F. M. Andrews and A. C. Life.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896. 3. Review of F. W. Keeble's paper, 'Observations on the Loranthacese of Cey- lon.' In Bot. Gaz., August, 1896. JAMES P PORTER, Instructor in Psychology, 1900-1903. See Alumni list. ERNEST WILLIAM RETTGER, Instructor in Mathematics, 1898-1900. Sec Alumni list. HERBERT GILSON REDDICK, Instructor in Chemistry, 1897-1899. See Alumni list. RUFUS BYRAM RICHARDSON, Ph.D. Pro- fessor of Greek, 1880-1882. Recently director of American School of Clas- sical Studies, Athens, Greece. New York City. 1. Andersonville. (1881.) In New Englander. EDWARD ALSWORTH Ross, Professor of Eco- nomics, 1891-1892. Now Professor of Sociology, University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb. 1. Turning toward Nirvana. In Arena, IV, pp. 736-743. (Nov., 1891.) 2. Sinking funds. In Pub. Am. Econ. Asso., VII, p. 10(5. (1892.) ' 3. A new canon of taxation. In Pol. Sci. Quart.. VII, pp. 585-597. (Dec., 1892.) EDWARD EARNEST RUBY, Tutor in Greek, 1897-98; Tutor in French, 1898-99; In- structor in French, 1901-1902. See Alumni list. HARRY FLETCHER SCOTT, Tutor in Latin, 1899. Now Associate Instructor in Latin, University High School, Chicago. 1. Revision of J. D. S. Riggs's 'In Latinum.' Chicago, 1899. JAMES R. SLONAKER, Ph.D. Instructor in Zoology, 1896-1899. Now Assistant Professor of Physiology, Leland Stan- ford Junior University, Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. 1. A comparative study of the point of acute vision in the vertebrates. In Am. Nat., XXX, pp 24-32. (Jan., 1896.) 2. A comparative study of the area of acute vision in the vertebrates. In Jour, of Morph., XIII, pp. 445-502. (May. 1897.) 3. The fovea. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896, pp. 304-310. 4. A method of preserving the eye for sectioning, or for demonstrating the area of acute vision. In Jour. Applied Microscopy, I, p. 18. (Feb., 1896.) 5. The eye of the Mammoth Cave rat. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 255-257. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER, Librarian, 1880-1893. Sec Alumni list. 248 Wylie} Bibliography: Former Faculty EDGAR HOWARD STURTEVANT, Tutor in Latin, 1895-98; Instructor, 1901-1902. See Alumni list. JOSEPH SWAIN, Instructor in Zoology and Mathematics, 1883-85; Professor of Mathematics, 1886-91 ; President of the University, 1893-1902. tiee Alumni list. FREDERICK WILSON TRUSCOTT, Instructor in German, 1891-93. See Alumni list. ALBERT BRENNUS ULREY, Instructor in Zoology, 1892. See Alumni list. THOMAS CARLTON VAN NUYS, M.D. Pro- fessor of Chemistry, 1874-1895. 1. Analysis of water from the deep wells in Indianapolis. In Rep. Indiana Board of Health for 1883. 2. Apparatus for the estimation of car- bonic acid in the air. In Amer. Chem. Jour., VIII, pp. 190, 315. (1886.) 3. Estimation of carbonic acid in the air. (Joint author with B. F. Adams, Jr.) In Amer. Chem. Jour., IX, p. 64. (1887.) 4. Chemical analysis of healthy and diseased urine. Philadelphia, 1888. Pp. 188 ; 39 cuts. 5. A method for the estimation of al- bumin in urine. (Joint author with R. E. Lyons.) In Amer. Chem. Jour., XII, pp. 336-352. (1890.) 6. Suggestions to teachers of science or mathematics in the high school. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1891, p. 6. 7. Carbon di-oxide in the urine. (Joint author with R. E. Lyons.) In Amer. Chem. Jour., XIV, p. 14. (1892.) 8. Analysis of certain Indiana mineral waters. In Rep. State Geol. of Indiana for 1901, pp. 71, 80, 93, 151. ARTHUR BURNHAM WOODFORD, Ph.D. Asso- ciate Professor of Social Science and Economics and Instructor in History, 1885-1886; Professor of Social Science and Economics, 1886-1889. Now In- structor, Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn. 1. Recent economic discussion. Re- view of books and pamphlets by Denslow, Ely, Ingram and others. In Dial, Nov., 1888. 2. Review of Karl Marx's 'Capital.' In Dial, March, 1889. 3. Review of Marshall's 'Principles of economics,' Vol. I. In Dial, Oct., 1891. ANDREW WYLIE, D.D. President of the Uni- versity, 1829-1851. Died Nov. 11, 1851, at Bloomington, Ind. 1. An English grammar. Washington, Pa., 1817. 2. Religion and state, not church and state ; a sermon delivered July 4, 1830, at Bloomingtou, Ind. Bloomington, Ind., 1830. Pp. 16. 3. A discourse delivered before the In- diana Historical Society. Indianapolis, 1831. Pp. 26. 4. An address delivered at Blooming- ton, Oct. 29, 1829. Indianapolis, 1833. Pp. 30. 5. An address delivered to the gradu- ates in Indiana College. Bloomington, Ind., 1833. 6. Baccalaureate delivered at the fifth commencement of Indiana College, Septem- ber 24, 1834. Bloomington, Ind., 1834. Pp. 11. 7. An eulogy on Lafayette. Cincin- nati, 1835. Pp. 32. 8. The propriety of retaining Greek and Roman classics in their place as a part of study necessary in the course of a liberal 249 Indiana University [ Yoder education. An address delivered at Craw- fordsville, I ml., July, 1838. Bloomington, Ind., 1838. 9. Address to the citizens of Monroe count}' and to the members of the County Lyceum. Bloomington, Ind., 1840. Pp. 26. 10. Sectarianism is heresy. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1840. Pp. 132. 11. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class of Indiana University, at the late commencement. September, 1841. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1841. Pp. 24. 12. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class, on the day of commencement, 1843. Bloomington, Ind., 1843. Pp. 19. 13. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class of Indiana University, at the late commencement. September, 1845. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1845. Pp. 18. 14. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class of 1840, of Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., 1846. Pp. 22. 15. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class of Indiana University, at the late commencement, September, 1847. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1847. Pp. 22. 16. Baccalaureate, addressed to the sen- ior class of Indiana University, at the late commencement, August, 1850. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1850. Pp. 23. 17. The individual ; a baccalaureate de- livered to the class of seniors at the com- mencement of the Indiana University, Aug. 13, 1851. Indianapolis, 1851. Pp. 24. 18. Numerous sermons and translations from Plato. In Equator. THEOPHILTJS ADAM WYLIE, LL.D. Profes- sor of Natural Philosophy, 1837-1852; 1854-1886; Emeritus Professor of Nat- ural Philosophy, 1886-95. ined June 9, 1895, at Bloomington, Ind. 1. Baccalaureate discourse to the grad- uating class of Indiana University, 1859- Indianapolis, 1859. Pp. 30. 2. Andrew Wylie, D.D., first President of Indiana University. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XIII, pp. 175-180. (May, 1868.) PETER A. YODER, Instructor in Chemistry, 1894-96. Sec Alumni list. 250 PUBLICATIONS OF ALUMNI ***The list which follows is intended to include all books, pamphlets and articles (other than newspaper articles) published by alumni and students of Indiana University; but persons connected with the University only by the receipt of an honorary degree have been omitted from this list. Degrees conferred by this University are indicated by add- ing the year in which conferred ; where the year is not given, it is to be understood that the degree was taken elsewhere. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ADAMS, JR., A.B. (1883). Bloomington, Ind. 1. Analysis of oolitic limestone (buff and blue) from Dunn & Dunn's quarry. In Rep. Indiana Geol. Surv. for 1881, pp. 32-33. 2. Estimation of carbonic acid in the air. (Joint author with T. C. Van Niiys.) In Am. Chem. Jour., IX, p. 64. ROBERT JUDSON ALEY, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1890), Ph.D. See Faculty list. FRANK MARION ANDREWS, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. See Faculty list. CHARLES ELLSWORTH ATKINSON, A.B. (1897). Kokomo, Ind. 1. Why study music? In College Index for 1892. 2. Christ in his sanctum sanctorum. 1903. Pp. 18 ; 1 plate. 3. Spirit life. In Christ. Advoc. for 1904. 4. Upon what rests the stability of truth? Pp. 100. (In press.) SAMUEL WEIR AXTELL, LL.B. (1874).- Hoopeston, 111. 1. The secret told, a text-book of psychic healing. Hoopeston, 111. Pp. 250. 2. Know thyself, from a mental science standpoint. Hoopeston, 111. Pp. 70. ORLAN FRANKLIN BAKER, LL.B. (1864).. Died Sept. 9, 1888, at Vincennes, Ind. 1. The primitive dwellers: a history of the population, aboriginal and colonial. 2. Annals of Vincennes. DAVID DEMAREE BANTA, B.S. (1855) ; LL.B. (1857) ; LL.D. Dean of the, School of Law, Indiana University,. 1890-1896. Died April 9, 1896, at Bloomington, Ind. 1. A historical sketch of Johnson coun- ty, Indiana. Chicago, 1881. Pp. 170. 2. Making a neighborhood ; an ad- dress delivered at the Shiloh reunion, May 26, 1887. Franklin, Ind. Pp. 49. 3. The Indiana Seminary. In T. A.. Wylie's 'Indiana University, its history from 1820 to 1900,' pp. 5-37. 4. A history of the Presbyteriani church of Franklin, Ind. 251 Indiana University \_Banta GEORGE BANTA, A.B. (1876). Wis. Menasha, 1. Flying leaves : being a collection of poems, stories, articles, etc., of various mem- bers of tne Banta and Pleasants families. Menasha, Wis. Pp. 300. EARL BARNES, A.B. (1890), M.S. Pro- fessor of European History, Indiana University, 1889-1890. Now editor and lecturer, Philadelphia, Pa. 1. Studies in education. First series. ; Stanford University, 1896-1897. Pp. 400. 2. Sheldon's studies in American his- tory. (Joint author with Mary Sheldon Barnes.) Boston, 1898 (Revised edition). Pp. x, 433. 3. Studies in education. Second series. Philadelphia, 1902. Pp. 400. _FRED HENRY BATMAN, A.B. (1901). Chi- cago. 1. Pneumococcal bronchiolitis (capil- lary bronchitis). (Joint author with C. P. ClarK.) In Jour, of Infectious Diseases, I, -pp. 229-235. (March 19, 1904.) CHARLES ORVILLE BECHTOL, A.B. (1898), M.D. Huntington, Ind. 1. -cast. 1903. An easily detachable plaster-of-paris In Jour. Am. Med. Asso., Sept. 5, CHARLES HENRY BEESON, A.B. (1893), A.M. (1895). Tutor in Latin, Indiana University, 1894-95 ; Instructor in Latin, 1895-96. Now teacher of Latin, High School, Peoria, 111. 1. Second Latin book (Intercollegiate Latin series.) (Joint author with Frank J. Miller.) Chicago, 1902. Pp. 644. 2. Second Latin book. (Text edition.) (Joint author with Frank J. Miller.) Chi- cago, 1902. Pp. 178. SANFORD BELL, A.B. (1899), A.M. (1900). Assistant Professor of Pedagogy, Indi- ana University, 1898-1900. Now Pro- fessor of Education, University of Colo- rado, Boulder, Colo. 1. Methods of observing children. In Child-Study Mo., Ill, pp. 578-584. (April, 1898.) 2. A study of the teacher's influence. In Ped. Sem., VII, pp. 492-525. (Dec., 1900.) 3. An educational object-lesson. In Ped. Sem., IX, pp. 237-247. (June, 1902.) 4. A preliminary study of the emotion of love between the sexes. In Am. Jour. Psych., XIII, pp. 325-354. (July, 1902.) 5. The significance of activity in child life. In Independent, LIV, pp. 911-914. (April 16, 1903.) (>. An introductory study in the psy- chology of foods. In Am. Jour. Psych., 1904. LEE FENT BENNETT, A.B. (1898). Profes- sor of Geology and Mineralogy, North- ern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind. 1. Four comparative cross sections of the Knobstone group in Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 258-262; 1 plate. 2. Notes on the eastern escarpment of the Knobstone formation in Indiana. In Proc. Indian n Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 283- 287; 1 plate. 3. Head-waters of Salt creek in Porter county, Ind. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 164-166 ; 1 plate. 252 Blotch ley ] Bibliography: Alumni 4. Rocks and 1903. Pp. 83. minerals. Valparaiso, WILLIS STANLEY BLATCHLEY, A.B. (1887), A.M. (1891). State Geologist of Indi- ana, Indianapolis. 1. On the American species of the genus Umbra. In Proc. Phila. Acad. Sci. for 1885, pp. 12-13. 2. A review of the species of the genus Pimephales. In Proc. Phila. Acad. Sci. for 1885, pp. 63-71. 3. On the genus Aphredoderus. In Proc. Phila. Acad. Sci. for 1885, pp. 136- 137. 4. A gnatcatcher's strategy. In Au- dubon Magazine, March, 1888. 5. Some Indiana Acrididae. In Canadian Ent., XXIII, pp. 74-81, 98-100 (1891) ; XXIV, pp. 28-34 (1892) ; XXVI, pp. 217-222, 241-245 (1894) : XXX, pp. 54-64 (1898). 6. Notes on the batrachians and rep- tiles of Vigo county, Ind. I. In Jour. Cin- cinnati Soc. Nat. Hist, XIV, pp. 23-35. (1891.) 7. Entomologizing in Mexico. In Ent. News, pp. 111-114, 131-134. (1892.) 8. Cnicus discolor as an insect trap. In Canadian Ent., pp. 310-311. (1892.) 9. The Gryllidae of Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 126-144. 10. A catalogue of the butterflies known to occur in Indiana. In 17th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist, for 1893, pp. 365-408. 11. Some new Locustidse from Indiana. In Canadian Ent., XV, pp. 89-93. (1893.) 12. On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from Mount Orizaba, Mexico, with descriptions of two new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, pp. 37-42. (1893.) 13. The Locustidse of Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 92-153. 14. The Blattidae of Indiana. In Proc.- Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 153-165. J5. Notes on the winter insect fauna of Vigo county, Indiana. In Psyche, June, 1895, pp. 247-250; August, 1895, pp. 267- 270; Sept., 1895, pp. 279-283; Feb., 1896, pp. 336-340 ; May, 1896, pp. 379-381 ; July, 1896, pp. 399-401 ; Oct., 1896, pp. 434-437 ; Dec., 1896, pp. 455-458. 16. A preliminary report on the clays and clay industries of the coal bearing coun- ties of Indiana. In 20th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1895, pp. 23- 185, 4 plates. (1896.) 17. Insects in general and the Orthop- tera of Indiana in particular. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1896, pp. 1-23. 18. How plants and animals spend the- winter. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LI, pp. 496-507. (Feb., 1897.) 19. The natural resources of Indiana.- In 21st Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1896, p. 1-25. (1897.) 20. The petroleum industry in Indiana. In 21st Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1896, pp. 27-96, 1 plate, 1 map. (1897.) 21. Indiana caves and their fauna. In 21st Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat, Res. for 1896. pp. 122-212, 9 plates. (1897.) 22. A catalogue of the uncultivated ferns and fern allies and the flowering plants of Vigo county, Indiana. In 21st Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1896, pp. 577-708. (1897.) 23. Notes on some phanerogams new or rare to the State. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 130-143. 24. Review of Samuel H. Scudder's 'Revision of the Melanopli.' In Canadian Ent., March, 1898. 25. Two new Melanopli from Les Cheneaux Islands, Michigan. In Psyche, April, 1898, pp. 195-197. 26. The geology of Lake and Porter counties, Indiana. In 22d Ann. Rep. Indi- 253 Indiana University [B latch ley .ana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 185)7, pp. -25-104, 1 map. (1898.) 27. The clays and clay industries of northwestern Indiana. In 22d Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1897, pp. 106-153, 1 plate. (1898.) 28. The petroleum industry in Indiana in 1897. In 22d Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1897, pp. 155-181. (1S98.) 29. Gleanings from nature. Indianap- olis, 1899. Pp. 348. Illustrated. 30. The natural resources of Indiana. In 24th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1899, pp. 3-40. (1900.) 31. Notes on the batrachians and rep- tiles of Vigo county, Indiana. II. In 24th Ann. Rep. Indiana Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 537-552. 32. On the species of Nemobius known to occur in Indiana. In Psyche, IX, pp. 51-54. (1900.) 33. Portland cement ; its history, uses, composition, process of manufacture, meth- ods of testing, etc. In 25th Ann. Rep. In- diana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 1-30, 4 plates. (1901.) 34. The lakes of northern Indiana and their associated marl deposits. (Joint au- thor with Geo. II. Ashley.) In 25th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 31-121. Illustrated. (1901.) 35. Oolite and oolitic stone for Port- land cement manufacture. In 25th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 322-330, 1 plate. (1901.) 36. The petroleum industry in Indiana in 1900. In 25th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 481-527. (1901.) 37. On a small collection of batrachians and reptiles, with descriptions of two new species. In 25th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1900, pp. 759-763. 41901.) 38. What the teacher of science can do to make the teaching of science in second- ary schools more popular. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Assoc. for 1901, pp. 777-784. 39. A nature-wooing at Ormond by the sea. Indianapolis, 1902. Pp. 245. Illus- trated. 40. The mineral waters of Indiana. In 26th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1901, pp. 1-158, 19 plates. (1902.) 41. The petroleum industry in Indiana in 1901. In 26th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1901, pp. 303-331. (1902.) 42. Gold and diamonds in Indiana. In 27th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1902, pp. 11-47, 4 plates, 2 maps. (1903.) 43. The orthoptera of Indiana. In 27th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1902, pp. 123-471. Illustrated. (1903.) 44. The petroleum industry in Indiana in 1903. In 27th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1902, pp. 571-576. (1903.) 45. On some mollusca known to occur in Indiana. A supplementary paper to Gall's catalogue. (Joint author with L. B. Daniels.) In 27th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1902, pp. 517-628. Illustrated. (1903.) 46. The petroleum industry in Indiana in 1903. In 28th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1903, pp. 78-209. (1904.) 47. The lime industry in Indiana in 1903. In 2Sth Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res., 1903, pp. 211-257. (1904.) 48. The Indiana of Nature : its evolu- tion. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. (In press.) 254 Bollman Bibliography : Alumni EUGENE WILLIAM BOHANNON, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1892). President State Normal School, Duluth, Minn. 1. Plato and education. In Indiana Sch. Jonr., XXXIV, pp. 535-542. (July, 1889.) 2. Peculiar and exceptional children. In Ped. Sem., IV. pp. 3-00. (Oct., 1896.) 3. The only child in a family. In Ped. Sem., V, pp. 475-496. (April, 1898.) 4. The undue emphasis of method. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 1-16. (Jan., 1899.) MARIE BOISEN. Sec Mrs. Morton C. Brad- ley. CHARLES HARVEY BOLLMAN, A.B. (1889). Died July 13, 1889, at Waycross, Ga. 1. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Allegheny river. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In New York Acad. Sci. for 1886, pp. 335-340. 2. A list of fishes observed in the vi- cinity of Brookville, Franklin county, Indi- ana. In Bull. Brookville Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1886, pp. 1-11. 3. Preliminary descriptions of ten new North American Myriapods. In Am. Nat., XXI, pp. 81-82. (Jan., 1887.) 4. Notes on North American Litho- biidse and Scutigeridse, with description of new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, pp. 255-266. 5. Descriptions of new genera and species of Myriapods. In Ent. Amer., II, pp. 225-228. (1887.) 6. Notes on North American Julidse. In Ann. New York Acad. Sci. for 1887, pp. 25-44. 7. Some new species of Myriapods. In Ann. New York Acad. Sci. for 1887. 8. List of Myriapods of Bloomington, Ind. In Ann. New York Acad. Sci. for 1887. 9. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Escambia river, with description of a new species of Zygonectes. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886. (1887.) 10. New North American Myriapods. In Ent. Amer., Ill, pp. 81-83. (1887.) 11. New genus and species of Polydes- midse. In Entomologica Americana, III, pp. 45-46. (June, 1887.) 12. Notes upon a collection of Myria- poda from East Tennessee. In Ann. New York Acad. Nat. Sci. for 1888, pp. 106-112. 13. A preliminary list of the Myriapoda of Arkansas. In Ent. Amer., IV, pp. 1-8. (1888.) 14. List of fishes collected at Green Tur- tle Cay in the Bahamas, by Charles L. Ed- wards. (Joint author with David Starr Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 549-553. 15. Description of a new species of in- sect, Fontaria pulchella, from Strawberry Plains, Jefferson county, Tenn. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, p. 316. 16. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Cuba. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 335-338. 17. Notes on a collection of Myriapoda from Mossy Creek, Tenn., with a descrip- tion of a new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 339-342. 18. Notes upon some Myriapods belong- ing to the U. S. National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 403-410. 19. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Alba- tross. No. IV. Descriptions of a new species of fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and along the coast of the United States of Colombia, 1887-1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1889, p. 149. 20. Notes on a collection of Myriapods from the Bermuda islands. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1889, pp. 127-129. 21. A report upon the fishes of Kala- 255 Indiana University [ Bollman mnzoo, Cnlhoun and Antrim counties. Mich- igan. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 181)0. 22. The Myriapodn of North America. In Bull. r. S. Nat. Mus. No. 4(5, Wash- ington, 1893. Pp. 210. (Edited by L. M. Underwood. ) LEWIS BOLLMAN, A.B. (1831), LL.B. (1840). Died Sept. 3, 1888, at Bloom- iugton, Ind. 1. The State University of Indiana ; the causes of its want of prosperity consid- ered. Indianapolis, 1882. Pp. 37. MARIE (BOISEN) BRADLEY (Mrs. Morton C. Bradley), A.B. (1900), A.M. (1900). New York City. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1900. Pp. 288. EDITH CLEMENTINE BRAMHALL. A.B. (1895), Ph.D. Professor of History, Rockford College, Rockford, 111. 1. The origin of the temporal privi- leges of crusaders. In Am. Jour. Theol., V, pp. 279-292. (April/1901.) 2. The early Christian persecutions. (Joint author with D. C. Munro.) In Univ. Penn. Translations and Reprints, IV, No. 1. 3. Review of Ed. Heyck's 'Die Kreuz- ztige und das heilige Land.' In Am. Jour. Theol., V. (Oct., 1901.) JOHN CASPER BRANNER. Ph.D. (1885), LL.D. Professor of Geology, Indiana University, 1885-91. Now Professor of Geology, Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, Stanford University, Cal. 1. The course and growth of the fibro- vascular bundles in palms. In Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. for 1884, XXI, pp. 459-483. 12 figures. 2. The pororoca or bore of the Ama- zon. In Science, IV, pp. 488-492. (Nov. 28, 1884.) Published as separate, with ad- ditional notes. Boston, 1885. 4 figures. 3. Rock inscriptions in Brazil. In Am. Nat., XVIII, pp. 1187-1192. 2 figures, 3 plates. (Dec., 1884.) The separates con- tain also pp. 1192a and 1192b. 4. Preliminary report of observations upon insects injurious to cotton, orange, and sugar-cane in Brazil. In U. S. Dept. of Agr., Division of Entomology, Bulletin No. 4, pp. 6*3-69. (1884.) The same report reprinted as a separate, Boston, 1884. 5. The Batrachichthys. In Science, III, p. 37G. 1 figure. (March 28, 1884.) 6. Flexible sandstone. In Am. Nat. r XVIII, p. 927. (Sept., 1884.) 7. In.scripc.oes em rochedos do BraziL Translated by Dr. Joao Baptista Regueira Costa and published by the Institute Archeo- logico e Geographico Pernambucano. 4 plates. Pernambuco, Brazil, 1885. 8. Claciation of the Lackawanna val- ley. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1885, XXXIV, pp. 212-214. Abstract in Science, VI, ppu 221-222. (1885.) 9. The reputation of the lantern-fly. In Am. Nat., XIX, pp. 835-838. 1 plate. (Sept., 1885.) 10. A Gitiranaboia. In Liberal Mineiro, Ouro Preto, Brazil. (Dec. 19, 1885.) 11. Cotton in the Empire of Brazil: the antiquity, methods and extent of its culti- vation, together with statistics of exporta- tion and home consumption. Dept. of Agr. Special Report No. 8. Pp. 79. (1885.) 12. Cotton caterpillars in Brazil. Ap- pendix V. pp. 49-">4, Fourth Rep. U. S. En- tomological Comm. on cotton worm and bol! worm. (1885.) 13. Glaciation of the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys. In Proc. Am. Phil. 256 Branner] Bibliography : Alumni Soc. for 3886, XXIII, pp. 337-357, 2 maps. Abstract in Science, VIII, p. 422. (1886.) 14. Geographical and geological explora- tion in Brazil. In Am. Nat., XX, pp. 687- 690. (August, 1886.) 15. 'Notes upon a native Brazilian lan- guage. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1886, XXXV, pp. 329-330. (1886.) 16. The thickness of the ice in north- eastern Pennsylvania during the glacial epoch. In Am. Jour, of Sci., CXXXII, pp. 362-366. (Nov., 1886.) 17. Geological map of Indiana, colored according to the scheme of the Interna- tional Congress of Geologists, 2 f t.x4 ft. In- dianapolis, 1886. 18. The railways of Brazil. In Rail- way Age, XII, pp. 470-473. (July 8, 1887.) Reprinted with notes and additions. 26 pp., 2 maps. Chicago, 1887. 19. Annual report of the geological sur- vey of Arkansas for 1887. Pp. 15. (1887.) 20. Additional notes on the lantern-fly of Brazil. In Trans. New York Acad. Sci. for 1887, VII, pp. 66-68. 21. Notes on the glacial striae observed in the Lackawanna-Wyoming region. In Lackawanna Inst. Hist, and Sci., I, pp. 19- 27. Scranton, Pa., 1887. 22. Topographical map in ten-foot con- tours of a portion of the Lackawanna valley between Scranton and Carbondale, Lacka- wanna county, in the Northern Anthracite coal field; scale 1600'=!". Preliminary to- pographical map, Lackawanna valley sheets Nos. I and II. In Ann. Rep., 2d Geol. Surv. Pennsylvania for 1886. (1887.) 23. The so-called gold and silver mines of Arkansas ; an official report to Governor S. P. Hughes. In Engineering and Mining Journal, N. Y., August 18, 1888. 24. Notes on the fauna of the islands of Fernando de Noronha. In Am. Nat., XXII, pp. 861-871, 2 figures. (Oct., 1888.) 25. Notes on the Botocudus and their ornaments. In Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. for 1888, XXVI, pp. 171-173 ; 10 figures. 26. The Cretaceous and Tertiary geol- ogy of the Sergipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil. In Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. for 1888, XVI, pp. 369-434, 5 plates, 10 figures. 27. On the manufacture of Portland cement. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, II, chap, xxix, pp. 291-302. 28. Introduction to 'The Neozoic geol- ogy of Southwestern Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, II, pp. xi-xiv. 29. Administrative report and introduc- tion to 'Geology of Western Central Arkan- sas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, I, pp. xv-xxxi. 30. Preface to 'Geology of the coal re- gions.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, III, pp. vii-x. 31. Glaciation ; its relation to the Lack- awanna-Wyoming valley. In Lackawanna Inst. Hist, and Sci., I, pp. 3-18; 4 plates. Scranton, Pa., 1888. 32. Arkansas gold and silver mines ; an official report to Governor S. P. Hughes in reply to certain charges. In Engineering and Mining Jour., XLVI, pp. 325-327. (Oct. 20, 1888.) 33. Arkansas state weather service. Appendix V to the Ann. Rep. Chief Signal Officer, 1888, pp. 72-75. (1889.) 34. The geology of Fernando de Nor- onha. In Am. Jour. Sci., XXXVII, pp. 145-161, map, 7 figures. (Feb., 1889.) 35. The convict island of Brazil Fer- nando de Noronha. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXXV, pp. 33-40. (May, 1889.) 36. The age and correlation of the Me- sozoic rocks of the Sergipe-AlogOas basin of Brazil. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1889, XXXVII, pp. 187-188. 37. The age of the crystalline rocks of Arkansas. In Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1889, XXXVII, p. 188. (18) 257 Indiana University banner 38. The peridotite of Pike county, Arkansas. (Joint author with R. N. Brackett.) In Am. Jour. Sci., CXXXVIII, pp. 50-56; 1 figure, 1 plate. (1889.) Re- printed in Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1890, vol. II, pp. 378-391; 1 figure, 1 plate. Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1889, XXXVII, pp. 188-189 ; also in Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie for 1893, pp. 500- 501. 39. Analyses of Fort Smith clay shales. In Brick, Tile and Pottery Gazette, X, p. 114. (June, 1889.) 40. Building stones of Arkansas. In Stone, II, pp. 92-93. (Oct., 1889.) 41. Geology of Arkansas. Abstract of a lecture delivered at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. In Minutes State Teachers' Asso. Arkansas for 1889, pp. 34-38. 42. Professor Hartt in Brazil. In Cor- nell Mag., Ithaca, N. Y., II, pp. 186-192. (Feb., 1890.) 43. The training of a geologist. In Am. Geologist, V, pp. 147-160. (March, 1890.) 44. The aeolian sandstone of Fernando de Noronha. In Am. Jour. Sci., CXXXIX, pp. 247-257, 8 figures. (April, 1890.) 45. Geologia de Fernando de Noronha. No. 36 of the Revista do Institute Archae- ologico e Geographico Pernambucano. Per- nambuco, Brazil, 1890. Pp. 21; 1 map, 7 plates. 46. The relation of the state and na- tional geological survey to each other, and 10 the geologists of the country. In Am. Geol., VI, pp. 295-309. (Nov., 1890.) In Science, XVI, pp. 120-123. (August, 1890.) Also in Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1891, XXXIX, pp. 219-237. 47. The pororOca or bore of the Amazon. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXXVIII, pp. 208-215. (Dec., 1890.) 48. A preliminary report upon the bauxite deposits of Arkansas, with loca- tions and analyses. In Bien. Rep. State Comm. Mines, Mfrs. and Agr. for 1893-94, pp. 119-126 ; also in Bien. Rep. of the same for 1895-96, pp. 105-112. 49. Bauxite in Arkansas. In Am. Geol., VII, pp. 181-183. (March, 1891.) In Science, XVII, p. 171. (March 27, 1891) ; also in Engineering and Mining Jour., LI, p. 114. (1891.) 50. Introduction to 'The geology of Washington county' (Arkansas). In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, IV, pp. xi-xiv. 51. A list of the plants of Arkansas. (Joint author with F. V. Coville.) In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1888, IV, pp. 152-242. 52. Preface to 'The geology of Crowley's Ridge.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1889, II, pp. xi-xix. 53. Preface to 'Manganese ; its uses, ores and deposits." In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1890, I, pp. xxiii-xxvii. 54. Preface to 'The igneous rocks cf Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Ar- kansas, II, pp. xi-xv. (1891.) 55. Analyses of Hot Springs waters. In Rep. Supt. Hot Springs Reserv. to Sec. of Interior, pp. 9-16. (1891.) 56. David Starr Jordan, LL.D. A bi- ographical notice. In Delta Upsilon Quart., IX, pp. 195-198. (May, 1901.) 57. The mineral waters of Arkansas. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, I, pp. 144, map. 58. The cotton industry in Brazil. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XL, pp. 666-674. (1892.) 59. The training of a geologist. San Francisco, 1892. 3d ed. 19 pp. 60. Preface to 'Whetstones and the No- vaculites of Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1890, III, pp. xv-xviii. 61. Preface to 'The iron deposits of Ar- kansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1892, 1, p. xi. 62. The lip and ear ornaments of the 258 f Branner'\ Bibliography : Alumni Botocfidus. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XLIII, pp. 753-757, 5 figures. (Oct., 1893.) 63. The supposed glaciation of Brazil. In Jour. Geology, I, pp. 753-772, illus. (1893.) 64. Preface to 'Marbles and other lime- stones.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1890, IV, pp. xvii-xxi. 65. Observations upon the erosion in the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river above Little Rock. In Wilder Quarter- Century Book, pp. 325-337. Ithaca, N. Y. 1893. Also separate, Ithaca, N. Y., 1893. 66. The coal fields of Arkansas. In Mineral Resources of the U. S. for 1892, pp. 303-306, 1 figure. (1893.) 67. Proverbs from the Portugese. In the Overland Monthly, 2d ser., XXI, pp. 501-503. (May, 1893.) 68. Elevations in the State of Arkansas. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 77-152, 2 figures. (1894.) 69. Observations upon the erosion in the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas river above Little Rock. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 153-166. (1894.) 70. Magnetic observations and meridian monuments established in Arkansas. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 167-176, 10 figures. (1894.) 71. Introduction to Sampson's 'Prelim- inary list of the Mollusca of Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 179-180. (1894.) 72. Introduction to Meek's 'Catalogue of the fishes of Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 216-220. (1894.) 73. Bibliography of the geology of Ar- kansas. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1891, II, pp. 319-340. (1894.) 74. Introduction to and translation of the political constitutions of Brazil. In The Convention Manual of the Sixth New York State Constitutional Convention, 1894. Part 2, III, pp. 57-138. 75. Preface to 'The Tertiary geology of Southern Arkansas.' In Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Arkansas for 1892, II, pp. xiii-xiv. (1894.) 76. Report on road making materials in Arkansas. In U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Road Inquiry, Bulletin No. 4. (1894) ; also in 4th Bien. Rep. Bureau of Mines, Mfrs. and Agr. (of Arkansas) for 1895-96, pp. 90-101. Also in 5th Bien. Rep. of that bureau for 1897-98, pp. 131-141. 77. The geological survey of Arkansas. In Jour. Geology, II, pp. 826-836. (1894.) 78. Os gres eolios de Fernando de Nor- onha. In Institute Archeologico e Geograph- ico Pernambucano, 8 figures. Pernambuco, Brazil, 1894. 79. Syllabus of lectures on economic geology. (Joint author with John F. New- som.) Palo Alto, 1895. Pp. 282. 80. Great mountain railways. (Joint author with John H. Means.) In Chautau- quan, July, 1895, pp. 426-433. 81. Report upon the condition of the geological survey of Arkansas. Appendix to Bien. Mess, of Gov. Wm. M. Fishback to General Assembly of Arkansas, pp. 26-33 (1895). 82. Decomposition of rocks in Brazil. In Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., VII, pp. 255-314 ; 5 plates, 6 figures. (1895-96.) 83. Thickness of the Paleozoic sediments in Arkansas. In Am. Jour. Sci., II, pp. 229-236, 8 figures. (Sept., 1896.) 84. The phosphate deposits of Arkansas. In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers for 1896, XXVI, pp. 580-598, map. (1896.) 85. Bibliography of clays and the ce- ramic arts. In Bull. 143 U. S. Geol. Surv., 114 pp., 2961 titles. (1896.) 86. Review of F. H. King's 'The soil.' In Jour. Geol., IV, p. 243. (1896.) 87: The decomposition of rocks in Brazil. In Jour. Geol., IV, pp. 630-631. (1896.) 259 Indiana University \fBranntr 88. On the size of geological publica- tions. In Jour. Geol., IV, pp. 214-217. (189G.) 89. A supposta glaciacao do Brazil. In Revista Brazileira, VI, -pp. 49-55, 10G-113. (April, 189G.) 90. The study of science. (Part of a lecture delivered at the Mount Tamalpais Military Academy.) In Overland Monthly, Oct., 1896. 91. Abstract of F. Katzer's 'Oldest fossiliferous beds of the Amazon region.' In Jour. Geol., IV, pp. 975-976. (1896.) 92. Review of the proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences, geological sub- jects. In Jour. Geol., IV, p. 981. (1896.) 93. Geological map of Arkansas. Scale 80 mi.=l". (18960 94. Note on 'O fim da creagHo, pelo Visconde do Rio Grande.' In Revista Brazileira, August 1897, pp. 254-255, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; also in Annuario do Rio Grande do Sul, 1898, pp. 261-265, Porto Alegre (Brazil), 1897. 95. Bacteria and the decomposition of rocks. In Am. Jour. Sci., CLIII, pp. 438- 442 (1897), and as separate; abstract in Neues Jahr. f. Mineralogie, II, Referate, 84. (1899.) 96. The cement materials of southwest Arkansas. In Trans. American Inst. Mining Engineers for 1897, XXVII, pp. 42-63, 6 figures. Also separate, 22 pp., map, and illustrations. 97. Reply to criticism of R. T. Hill on 'The cement materials of southwest Ar- kansas.' In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining En- gineers for 1897, XXVII, pp. 945-946. 98. The bauxite deposits of Arkansas. In Jour. Geol., V, pp. 263-289, 2 plates, 2 figures. (April-May, 1897.) Also as sepa- rate with 10 pp. additional matter, Chicago, 1897. 99. The Red River and Clinton mono- clines. (Joint author with J. F. Newsom. ) In Am. Geologist, XX, pp. 1-13, 1 map, 3 figures. (July, 1897.) 100. Protection for American colleges. In Nation, May 27, 1897, p. 395. 101. The introduction of new terms in geology. In Science, V, pp. 912-913; VI, pp. 133-134. (June 11 and July 23, 1897.) 102. Mineral wealth of Arkansas. In Engineering and Mining Jour., August 7, 1897, p. 153. 103. Geology in its relations to topog- raphy. In Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers for 1897, XXIII, No. 8, pp. 473-495, 1 plate, 16 figures. 104. Introduction to Ashley's 'Geology of the Paleozoic area of Arkansas south of the Novaculite region.' In Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. for 1897, XXXVI, pp. 217-220. 105. The former extension of the Ap- palachians across Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. In Am. Jour. Sci., CLIV, pp. 357-371, 2 figures. (November, 1897.) Ab- stract in Rep. British Asso. for Advanc. Sci- ence, Toronto meeting, 1897, pp. 643-644 ; in Annales de Geographic, 7me Annee, pp. 245-246 (Sept. 15, 1898) ; in Nature LVII, p. 70 (Nov. 18, 1897) ; also in Jour. Geol., V, pp. 759-760 (Oct-Nov., 1897.) 106. Review of T. C. Hopkin and C. E. Siebenthal's 'The Bedford Oolitic limestone of Indiana,' published in 21st Ann. Rep. State Geologist Indiana. In Jour. Geol., V, pp. 529-531. (July- August, 1897.) 107. Reviews of the 'Unpublished reports of the Commissao Geologica do Brazil,' pub- lished in the Boletim do Museu Paraense. In Jour. Geol., V, pp. 756-757. (Oct.-Nov., 1897.) 108. Review of Katzer's 'Devonian fauna of the Rio Maecurfl,' published in the Bole- tim do Museu Paraense. In Jour. Geol., V, pp. 757-758. (1897.) 109. Geology in its relations to topog- raphy (with discussion). In Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, XXXIX, pp. 53-95, 18 plates. (June, 1898.) 260 Bibliography : Alumni 110. On the origin of certain siliceous rocks. (Joint author with O. A. Derby.) In Jour. Geol., VI, pp. 366-371. (May- June, 1898.) Abstract in Neues Jahrb. f. Mineralogie, I, p. 408. (1900.) 111. A geologist's impression (of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, and Black Crater, Flagstaff, Arizona). In Land of Sunshine Mag., IX, pp. 149-152, illustrated. (August, 1898.) 112. The Spanish University of Sala- manca. In Maryville Coll. Monthly for 1898, Maryville, Tenn. 113. Syllabus of elementary geology. Stanford University, 1898. Pp. 300; 69 plates. 114. Review of J. Geikie's 'Earth sculp- ture.' In Science, N. S., VIII, pp. 957-959. (1898.) 115. Some old French place names in the state of Arkansas. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XIV, No. 2, pp. 65-80. (Feb., 1899.) 116. The recent ascent of Itambe. In Nat'l Geog. Mag., X, p. 183. (1899.) 117. Notes upon the Sao Paulo sheet of the Commissao Geographica e Geologica de Sao Paulo. In Revista Brazileira, Rio de Janeiro, 1899 ; republished in the Cidade de Santos, Santos, Brazil, January 10, 1900. 118. The Sao Paulo sheet of the topo- graphic survey of the Sao Paulo, Brazil. In Jour. Geol., VII, pp. 788-789. (1899.) 119. The manganese deposits of Bahia and Minas, Brazil. In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers, XXIX, pp. 756-770, 5 figures. (Sept., 1899.) 120. The stone reef at the mouth of Rio Grande do Norte. (Joint author with C. E. Gilman.) In Am. Geol., XXIV, pp. 342- 344, 2 figures. (Dec., 1899.) 121. A recife de pedra na foz do Rio Grande do Norte. (Joint author with C. E. Gilman.) Traduzido por Dr. Alfredo de Carvalho. In Revista do Rio Grande do Norte, 1900, Nos. 1, 2, Natal, pp. 267-271. (Jan. and Feb., 1900.) 122. Note upon John M. Clarke's 'The Upper Silurian fauna of the Rio Trombetas, State of Para, Brazil,' and 'Devonian mol- lusca of the State of Para, Brazil,' published in Archives do Museu Nacional, X, pp. 1-48, 49-174. In Journal of Geology, VII, pp. 813-814. (Dec., 1899.) 123. Gold in Brazil. In Mineral Indus- try, VIII, p. 281. (1900.) 124. Diamonds in Brazil. In Mineral Industry, VIII, pp. 221-222. (1900.) 125. Ants as geologic agents in the tropics. In Jour. Geol., VIII, pp. 151-153, 3 figures. (Feb.-March, 1900.) 126. The oil-bearing shales of the coast of Brazil. In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining En- gineers for 1900, vol. XXX, pp. 537-554. Illustrated, map. Review in Neues Jahrb. f. Mineralogie, II, pp. 267-268. (1901.) Ab- stract in Engineering and Mining Jour., LXX, pp. 308-309. (Sept. 15, 1900.) 127. Syllabus of economic geology. (Joint author with J. F. Newsom.) Stan- ford University, 1900. 2d ed. Pp. viii, 368, 141 figures. 128. Review of G. D. Harris and A. C. Veatch's 'A preliminary report on the geol- ogy of Louisiana.' In Jour. Geol., VIII, pp. 177-179. (April-May, 1900.) 129. Two characteristic geologic sections on the northeast coast of Brazil. In Proc. Washington Acad. Science for 1900, II, pp. 185-201 ; 3 plates, 5 figures. 130. Beach cusps. In Jour. Geol. VIII, pp. 481-484, 3 figures. (Sept.-Oct., 1900.) 131. The zinc and lead region of North Arkansas. In Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey Ar- kansas, vol. V. Little Rock, Dec., 1900. Pp. xiv, 395; 38 plates, 92 figures, atlas of 7 sheets. 132. Review of F. W. Simonds's 'A rec- ord of the geology of Texas, etc.' In Jour. Geol., IX, p. 91. (1901.) 133. Review of Henri Carpentier's 'Geol- ogie et mineralogie appliquees. (Paris, 261 Indiana University 1900.) In Jour. Geol., IX, pp. 198-199. (Feb.-March, 1901.) 134. Os recifes de gres do Rio Formoso, Brazil. In Revista do Institute Archeolog- ico e Geographico Pernambucano, No. 54, pp. 131-136. Illustrated. (1901.) 135. The origin of travertine falls. In Science, XIV, pp. 184-185. (August, 1901.) 130. The zinc and lead deposits of North Arkansas. In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining En- gineers, vol. XXXI, pp. 572-603; 27 illus- trations. Republished in Lead and Zinc News of St. Louis, Mo., II, Nov. 4, 1901, pp. 4-6, Nov. 11, 1901, pp. 4-6, Nov. 18, 1901, pp. 4-6, Nov. 25, 1901, pp. 4-5. Abstract in Engineering and Mining Jour., Nov. 30, 1901, pp. 718-719. 1 figure. 137. Editorial upon giant ripples. In Jour. Geol., IX, pp. 535-536. (Sept.-Oct.. 1901.) 138. Apontamentos sobre a fauna das II- has de Fernando de Noronha. Publicacao do Institute Archeologico e Geographico Per- nambucano. Pernambuco, 1901. Pp. 14 ; 2 figures. 139. Depressions and elevations of the southern archipelagoes of Chile. Transla- tion (with introduction) of a paper by Francisco Vidal Gormaz in the Revista Nueva of Santiago de Chile, 1901. Trans- lation and introduction. In Scottish Geog. Mag., XVIII, pp. 14-24, 1 map. (Jan., 1902.) 140. Notes upon the surface geology of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. By James E. Mills. Edited from his letters. In Am. Geol., XXIX, pp. 126-127. (Feb., 1902.) 141. The occurrence of fossil remains of mammals in the interior of the States of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Brazil. In Am. Jour. Sci., CLXIII, pp. 133-137, 1 map, 1 plate. (Feb., 1902.) 142. Geology of the northeast coast of Brazil. In Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Roch- ester, XIII, pp. 41-98; 16 figures, 9 plates. 143. The palm trees of Brazil. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LX, pp. 386-412 ; 25 figures. 144. Discussion of Eric Hedburg's paper on 'The Missouri and Arkansas zinc region.' In Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers, XXXI, pp. 1013-1014. 145. The phosphate rocks of Arkansas. (Joint author with J. F. Newsom.) In Bull. 74, Arkansas Agr. Exper. Station, pp. 59-123; 23 figures, 15 analyses. (Sept., 1902. ) 146. Syllabus of a course of lectures on elementary geology. 2d ed. Stanford Uni- versity, 1902. Pp. 370. 109 figures, 25 plates. 147. The Carnegie institution. In Sci. ence, Oct. 3, 1902. N. S., XVI, pp. 527- 528. 148. Bibliography of the geology, miner- alogy, and paleontology of Brazil. (1288 titles.) Published by the Bibliotheca Na- cional de Rio Janeiro, Brazil. (1902.) 149. Geologia elementar. (An elemen- tary treatise on geology for the use of Bra- zilian students. Published in Portuguese.) Rio de Janeiro, 1902. Pp. 256 ; 264 figures, 15 plates. 150. Biographical notice of James E. Mills. In Bull, of the Geol. Soc. of Am., XIV. (1904.) (In press.) JAMES RONALD BRANSON, A.B. (1903), In- dianapolis, Ind. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1903. Pp. 287. WILLIAM L BRAY, A.B. (1893), Ph.D. As- sociate Professor in charge of School of Botany, University of Texas, Austin, Tex. I. Revision of the South American Cichlidae. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- 262 Brooks ] Bibliography : Alumni mann. ) In Ann. New York Acad. Sci., VII, pp. 607-637. (Jan., 1894.) 2. Synopsis of North American Ama- ranthaceae. (Joint author with E. B. Uline.) In Bot. Gaz., XIX, pp. 267-272, 313-320; XX, pp. 155-161; 337-344, 449- 453. (July, August, 1894 ; April, August, Oct., 1895.) 3. The geographical distribution of tin; FrankeniaceaB considered in connection with their general relationship. In Jahrb. f. sys- tem., Phlanzengeschichte u. Pflanzengeo- graphie, XXIV, pp. 395-418. (1897.) 4. On the relation of the flora of the Lower Sanoran zone in North America to that of the arid zones of Chili and Argen- tine. In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 121-147. (August, 1898.) 5. Texas as a field for botanical study. In the Univ. of Texas Record, I, pp. 153- 171. (April, 1899.) 6. The relation of plant physiology to the other sciences. Translation of an ad- dress by Dr. Julius Wiesner. In Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. for 1898, pp. 427-444. (1900.) 7. The relation of the North Ameri- can flora to that of South America. In Science, XII, pp. 709-716. (Nov., 1900.) 8. Botany in the high school. In Bul- letin No. 1 of Committee of Affiliated Schools, Univ. of Texas, pp. 55-61. (Feb., 1901.) 9. Destruction of timber by the Gal- veston storm. In Forester, VII, pp. 53-56. (March, 1901.) 10. Texas forests and the problem of forest management for the long-leaf pine lands. In Forester, VII, pp. . 131-138. (June, 1901.) 11. The ecological relation of the veg- etation of Western Texas. In Bot. Gaz., XXXII, pp. 99-123, 195-217, 262-291; 24 text figures. (Aug., Sept., Oct., 1901.) 12. Forest management by the Kirby Lumber Company. In University of Texas Record, V, pp. 36-45. (April, 1903.) 13. The tissues of some plants of the Sotol region. In Bull. Tor. Bot. Club, XXX, pp. 621-633, 10 text figures. (Nov., 1903.) 14. Forest conditions and forest re- sources in Texas. In Bull. U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bureau of Forestry. Numerous maps and plates. (In press.) 15. Relation of the timber covering the Edwards plateau in Texas to water supply. (A report now in hands of editor of Bureau of Forestry, U. S. Dept. Agricul- ture. ) 10 plates. 16. The vegetation of the Sotol country. (Bulletin of University of Texas.) (1904.) OLIVER W BROWX, A.M. (1896). See Fac- ulty list. ELMER BURRITT BRYAN, A.B. (1893). See Faculty list. WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN, A.B. (1884), A.M. (1886), Ph.D. See Faculty list. ROBERT CLARKSON BROOKS, A.B. (1896), Ph.D. Instructor in Economics, Cor- nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 1. The Merchants' Municipal Commit- tee of Boston. In Municipal Affairs, I, pp. 1-508. (Sept., 1897.) 2. Review of W. T. Stead's 'Satan's invisible world displayed.' In Municipal Af- fairs, II, pp. 304-306. (June, 1898.) 3. Review of Gustav Herzfeld's 'Gross New Y'ork, eine Studie zur Einverleibungs- frage.' In Municipal Affairs, III, pp. 351- 352. (June, 1899.) 4. The three-class election system in Prussian cities. In Municipal Affairs, III, pp. 396-433. ( Sept. , 1899. ) 5. Review of 'A municipal program.' (H. E. Deming and others, editors). In Mu- 263 Indiana University [ Brooks nicipnl Affairs, IV, pp. 235-238. (March, 1900.) 6. Political clubs in Prussian cities. In Municipal Affairs, IV, pp. 375-384. (June, 1900.) 7. A bibliography of municipal admin- istration and city conditions. New York, 1897. Pp. ix, 224. Second edition, revised and enlarged, New York, 1901. Pp. 346. 8. Translation of Karl Biicher's 'Die wirtschaftlichen Aufgaben der modernen Stadtgemeinde.' In Municipal Affairs, VI, pp. 167-179. (June, 1902.) 9. Review of Charles Zeublin's 'Amer- ican municipal progress.' In Charities, X, pp. 185-186. (Feb., 1903.) 10. Review of S. N. Patten's 'Theory of prosperity.' In Philos. Rev. XII, pp. 689-690. (Dec., 1903.) PERCY BENTLEY SUBNET, A.B. (1884), A.M. (1887). Professor of Modern Lan- guages, Iowa College, Grinneli, Iowa. 1. French-English and English-French dictionary. (Joint author with A. J. Ed- gren.) New York, 1901. Pp. xvi, 1252. 2. La Familia de Alvareda. New York, 1901. Pp. iv, 196 (30 pages of notes.) 3. Spanish grammar. Chicago, 1902. Pp. iii, 135. 4. Review of M. M. Ramsey's 'Lo Es- encial del Lenguaje Castellano.' In Mod. Lang. Notes, Dec., 1902. BESSIE BUSHING. Ridgeley. See Mrs. Douglas Clay AMOS WILLIAM BUTLER, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1900). Secretary Indiana State Board of Charities, Indianapolis. 1. The birds of Franklin county, Ind. In Atlas of Franklin County, Indiana, etc. (Chicago, 1882), pp. 11-12. 2. Ornithological notes from Brook- ville, I iid. In Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., V, pp. 192-193. (1882.) 3. Local weather lore. In Am. Meteor. Jour., I, pp. 313-317. (Dec., 1884.) Ab- stract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIII, pp. 609-613. (1884.) 4. Hibernation of the lower verte- brates. In Am. Nat., XIX, pp. 37-40. (1885.) Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIII, pp. 543-545. (1885.) 5. The habits of some Arvicolinse. (Joint author with Edgar H. Quick.) In Am. Nat., XIX, pp. 113-118. (Feb., 1885.) Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIII, pp. 539-542. (1884.) 6. The sacrificial stone of San Juan Teotihuacan. In American Antiquarian, pp. 149-152. (May, 1885.) Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIII, pp. 601-603. (1884.) 7. Observations on faunal changes. In Bull. No. 1, Brookville Society of Nat. Hist., 1885, pp. 5-13. Reprinted in Ornithologist and Oologist, X, p. 32. (1885.) 8. Land and fresh-water mollusca ob- served in Franklin county. (Joint author with D. R. Moore.) In Bull. No. 1, Brook- ville Soc. of Nat. Hist, 1885, pp. 41-44. 9. Observations on the muskrat. In Am. Nat., XIX, pp. 1044-1055. (Nov., 1855.) Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIV, pp. 324-329. (1885.) 10. The remains at San Juan Teotihua- can. Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIV, pp. 418-420. (1885.) 11. A list of the birds observed in Franklin county, Indiana. In Bull. No. 2, Brookville Soc. of Nat. Hist., pp. 12-39. (1886.) 12. Meadow mice in Southeastern Indi- ana. In Hoosier Naturalist, I, pp. 144-145. (April, May, 1886.) 13. The periodical Cicada in Southeast- ern Indiana. In Bull. No. 12, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, pp. 24-31. (1886.) Abstract in Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIV, pp. 328-329. (1885.) 264 Butler] Bibliography: Alumni 14. The cerulean warbler. In Ornithol- ogist and Oologist, IX, pp. 27-28. (1884.) 15. Zoological miscellany. In Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist., pp. 261-266. (Jan., 1887.) 16. Zoological miscellany- some notes on Indiana amphibians and reptiles. In Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist., pp. 147-150. (Oct., 1887.) 17. Zoological miscellany. In Jour. Cia. Soc. Nat. Hist., pp. 214-216. (Jan., 1888.) 18. Notes on the range of the protho- notary warbler in Indiana. In Ornitholo- gist and Oologist, XIII, pp. 33-34. (March, 1888.) 19. On a new subspecies of Amrno- dramus sandwicliensis from Mexico. In Auk, V, pp. 264-266. (July, 1888.) 20. A catalogue of the birds of Indi- ana. In Proc. Indiana Hort. Soc., appendix C, pp. 1-135. (1890.) 21. Our birds and what they do for the farmer. In Rep. State Board of Agric. In- diana for 1890, pp. 113-125. 22. Notes on the range and habits of the Carolina parakeet. In Auk, IX, pp. 49-56. (Jan., 1892.) 23. Our smaller mammals and their re- lation to horticulture. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1891, pp. 117-123. 24. Contributions to Indiana Herpetol- ogy. No. 3. In Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1892, pp. 169-179. (1892.) 25. Some notes concerning the evening grosbeak. In Auk, IX, pp. 238-247. (July, 1892.) 26. On Indiana shrews. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 161-163. 27. Notes on Indiana birds. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 164-166. 28. Further notes on the evening gros- beak. In Auk, I, pp. 155-157. (April, 1893.) 29. The range of the crossbills in the Ohio valley, with notes on their unusual occurrence in summer. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 63-72 ; in Am. Nat., XXVIII, pp. 136-146 (Feb., 1894 ) ; in Pa- pers presented to the World's Congress of Ornithology (1893), Chicago, 1896, pp. 47-58. 30. The fruit lands of southeastern In- diana. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1893, pp. 56-61. 31. Bibliography of Indiana ornithology. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 108-116. 32. Notes on Indiana birds. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 116-120. 33. Bibliography of Indiana mammals. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 120- 124. 34. Preliminary list of Indiana mam- mals. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 124-139. 35. Notes on the birds of 1894. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 73- 80. 36. The mammals of Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 81-86. 37. An orchard talk. In Trans. Indi- ana Hort. Soc. for 1895, pp. 149-152. 38. With the birds of Winona. In In- diana Synod, II, pp. 78-80. (Dec., 1895.) 39. Notes on the birds of 1894. In Oologist, pp. 73-80. (1895.) 40. Indiana a century of changes in the aspects of nature (President's address.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 31-42 ; in Inland Educator, II, pp. 313-318. (July, 1896.) Reprint in Studies in Indi- ana Geography, Terre Haute, 1897, pp. 72- 81. 41. Additional notes on Indiana birds. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 162-168. 42. From wilderness to civilization. In Proc. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1896, pp. 19- 29. 43. The bobolink (Dolichonyx oryziv- 265 Indiana University \_Butltr orus) iu I in ii. -111:1. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 189G, pp. 227-24:5. 44. Some additions to the Indiana bird list, with other notes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896, pp. 244-l>4f>. 45. Some Indiana crow roosts. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 175- 178. 46. Notes on Indiana heronries. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 201- 202. 47. The recent occurrence of the raven in Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 201-202. 48. The birds of Indiana. In 22d Rep. Indiana State Geologist for 1897, pp. 515- 1187. 49. Brunnich's murre (Uria lomvia), an addition to the birds of Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 180- 183. 50. The unusual occurrence of Brun- nich's murre (Uria lomvia) far inland, with notes on other rare birds. In Auk, XIV, pp. 197-200. (April, 1897.) 51. Bird life in Indiana. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1898, pp. 30-38. 52. Life in the forest Mammals. In Nature and Art, I, Chicago, pp. 53-57. (Feb., 1898.) 53. State care of dependent children in Indiana. In Ohio Bull, of Char, and Cor., June, 1899, pp. 5-9; in Indiana Bull. Char, and Cor., June, 1899, pp. 8-12. 54. The value of horticulture to our public institutions. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1899, pp. 119-124 ; in Indiana Bull, of Char, and Cor., March, 1900, pp. 10-16. 55. Notes on Indiana birds. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1899, pp. 149-151. 56. Development of the reformatory idea in Indiana. Read before the Local Council of Women, Indianapolis, 1899. Printed for general distribution by the Indiana Reform- atory, pp. 12. Republished in Ohio Bull. Char, and Cor., March, 1900, pp. 21-30. 57. Advantages and disadvantages of the present system of public care of the poor. Read before Indiana Trustees' Asso- ciation, Dec. 27, 1899. In Indiana Bull. Char, and Cor., March, 1900, pp. 2-10. 58. Facts about the operation of the new poor relief laws. In Proc. Sixth An- nual Meeting Indiana State Board of Com- merce, Feb., 1900, pp. 1-26 ; in Bull. No. 10, Indiana Bureau of Statistics, March, 1900, pp. 8-14 ; in Eighth biennial report Indiana Bureau of Statistics, 1900, pp. 289-297. 59. The condition and needs of our jails. From Proc. Indiana State Conference of Char, and Cor., 1899. In Indiana Bull. Char, and Cor., June, 1900, pp. 20-25. 60. Saving the children. In Proc. Nat. Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1901, pp. 204-213. 61. A notable factor of social degenera- tion. Vice-presidential address, Section of Anthropology. In Proc. A. A. A. S., for 1901, L, pp. 337-353. Reprinted for gen- eral distribution in England by the Lanca- shire and Cheshire Society for the Perma- nent Care of the Feeble-minded, pp. 10. Also in Science, N. S., XIV, pp. 444-453. (Sept. 20, 1901) ; and in Indiana Bull. Char, and Cor., Dec., 1901, pp. 17-27. 62. State visitation of children. In Proc. Illinois Conf. of Char., 1901, pp. 14-19. 63. Education and crime. In Ad. and Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso., Detroit, Mich., 1901, pp. 560-564 ; also in Ann. Rep. Supt. of Pub. Inst., for 1901, p. 13-20. 64. State supervision and administration the experience in Indiana. In Proc. Nat. Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1902, pp. 144-146. 65. The prevention of crime. In Proc. Minnesota State Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1902, pp. 61-68. 66. Report of committee on discharged prisoners. In Proc. Nat. Pris. Asso., 1902, pp. 283-323. Reprinted for general distri- 266 Callahan ] Bibliography: Alumni bution by the Indiana Boys' School, 1903, pp. 44. 67. County and municipal corrections. In Proc. Nat. Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1903, pp. 392-400 ; extract in Indiana Bull. Char, and Cor., Dec., 1903, pp. 4-7. 68. Child problems and their treatment. From Proc. Ohio State Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1903. In Ohio Bull. Char, and Cor., XIX. pp. 75-81. (Dec., 1903.) 69. Conditions affecting the distribution of birds in Indiana. (Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory, Indiana Univer- sity, No. 37.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. 70. Ethnology. Article in Encyclopedia Americana, VII. (1904.) 71. The success of an Indiana experi- ment. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., XXIII, pp. 202-204. (March, 1904.) RICHARD ELLSWORTH CALL, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1891). Curator, Children's Mu- seum, Brooklyn Institute of Arts, Brooklyn. 1. On the quaternary and recent Mol- lusca of the Great Basin, with descriptions of new forms. In U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. II, pp. 355-420. (1884.) 2. Memoranda on a collection of fishes from the Ozark region of Missouri. In Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Sci., V, p. 73. (1887.) 3. Description of new Unios from the Ozark region of Missouri. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1889, X, pp. 498-500, 2 plates. 4. On a new Post-Pleiocene Limna?id from California. In Am. Geol., I, p. 146. (1888.) In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, p. 17. 5. On the gross anatomy of Campe- loma. In Am. Nat., for 1889. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, p. 16. 6. On the ferns of the Ozark region of Missouri. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, pp. 15-16. 7. The parvus group of Uuionidse. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, pp. 45-51. 8. The geology of Crowley's Ridge, Ar- kansas. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, pp. 52-53. 9. The chemistry of soils. In North- west, VII, No. 404, p. 11 ; VI, No. 410, p. 7. 10. The geology of eastern Arkansas. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1889, pp. 87-95. 11. The life and writings of Rafinesque. (Publications Filson Club, Louisville, Ky., vol. X.) Louisville, 1895. Pp. 227. 12. Sketch of the life, the ichthyologic work, and the ichthyologic bibliography of Rafinesque. In Rafinesque-Schmaltz's 'Ich- thyologia Ohiensis' (Cleveland, 1899). Pp. 175. JAMES MORTON CALLAHAN, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. Professor of His- tory and Political Science, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va. 1. Outlines of physiology. Chicago, 1890. Pp. 50. 2. Outlines of civil government. Chi- cago, 1890. Pp. 48. 3. Outlines of United States history (with notes). Chicago, 1891. Pp. 60. 4. Outlines of geography. Chicago, 1891. Pp. 51. 5. Outlines and experiments in bot- any. Chicago, 1892. Pp. 53. 6. Outlines and experimental work in physiology. Boston, 1892. Pp. 121. 7. A guide to actual work in practical physiology. Chicago, 1893. Pp. 108. 8. The agreement of 1817 Reduction of naval forces on the American lakes. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Assoc. for 1895, pp. 369-392. (1896.) 9. The northern lake frontier during the Civil War. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. As- soc. for 1896, I, pp. 337-359. (1897.) 267 Indiana University [ Callahan 10. Cuba aud Anglo-American relations. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Assoc. for 1897, I, pp. 195-215. (1898.) 11. Review of Jesse Macy's 'The Eng- lish constitution.' In Citizen for July 1898. 12. The neutrality of the American Lakes, and Anglo-American relations. Bal- timore, 1898. Pp. 199. 13. Diplomatic relations of the Confed- erate States with England (1861-1865). In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Assoc. for 1898, pp. 267-283. (1899.) 14. Cuba and international relations. Baltimore, 1899. Pp. 503. 15. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East. Baltimore, 1901. Pp. 177. 16. Great heroes and leaders. New York, 1901. Pp. 250. 17. Central America and the American foreign policy. Washington, 1902. Pp. 25. 18. Confederate archives. In South At- lantic Quarterly for 1903, pp. 14. 19. The American expansion policy. Baltimore, 1904. Pp. 350. 20. Introduction to American foreign policy. I. The Monroe Doctrine and inter- American relations. 1904. Pp. 300. 21. The United States and Canada : A study in international history. Pp. 275. JOHN WESLEY CARR, A.B. (1885), A.M. (1890). Superintendent of Schools, Anderson, Ind. 1. The province of the supervisor. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1897, pp. 235-236. 2. Course of study for pupils who can not complete high school work. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1899, pp. 378-379. 3. Response to address of welcome at Charleston, S. C. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1900, pp. 52-54. 4. Does Indiana need additional Nor- mal School facilities? (In conjunction with R. A. Ogg and C. M. McDaniel.) In Rep. Indiana Town and City Superintendents' Asso. for 1902. 5. Best methods of electing school boards. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1903, pp. 159-161. 6. The school curriculum. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1903, p. 263. 7. Educational progress in Indiana. In Proc. Nat. Edu. Asso. for 1903, pp. 798-800. 8. Teaching of religion in the public schools. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Assoc. for 1903, p. 361. 9. Percentage of boys leaving high school. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Assoc. for 1903, p. 798. 10. Moral and religious training of chil- dren in the public schools. In Proc. Reli- gious Edu. Asso. for 1903. 11. Moral instruction in the Anderson public schools. In Proc. Religious Edu. Asso. for 1904. 12. Course of instruction in morals. In New York Sch. Jour. 13. A permanent teaching profession. In New York Sch. Jour. WILLIAM DAVIS CHAMBERS, A.B. (1898). Teacher, Muncie, Ind. 1. Mid-winter science. In Educator- Journal, III, p. 294. (Jan., 1903.) 2. Mid-winter science iron and steel. In Educator-Journal, III, pp. 344-345. (April, 1903.) OSCAR CHRISMAN, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1893), Ph.D. Professor of Paidology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 1. The hearing of children. In Ped. Sem., II, pp. 397-441. (Dec., 1893.) 2. Secret ' language of children. In Science, XXII, pp. 303-305; XXIII, pp. 18- 19. (Dec. 1, 1893, and Jan. 12, 1894.) 3. Child-study, a new department of education. In Forum, XVI, pp. 728-736. (Feb., 1894.) 268 Chrisman] Bibliography: Alumni 4. The science of the child. In South Dakota Educator, VII, pp. 11-12. 5. Vertical writing. In Texas Sch. Jour, for 1894. 6. Contribution to a symposium on child-study. In Interstate Sch. Rev. for June, 1894, p. 225. 7. One year with a little girl. In Edu. Rev., IX, pp. 52-71. (Jan., 1895.) 8. Paidologie, Entwurf zu einer Wis- senschaft des Kindes. Inaugural Disserta- tion der philosophischen Fakultat der Uni- versitiit Jena zur Erlangung der Doktor- wiirde. Jena, 1896. Pp. 96. 9. Children's secret language. In Child-Study Mo., II, pp. 202-210. (Sept., 1896.) 10. How a story affected a child. In Child-Study Mo., II, pp. 650-661. (April, 1897.) 11. The hearing of school children. In North- Western Mo., VIII, pp. 31-35. (July 1897.) 12. Child-study in Texas. In Child- Study Mo., Ill, pp. 287-289. (Nov., 1897.) (Rep. Child-Study Section Texas State Teachers' Asso., held at Waco, June 29-July 2, 1897.) 13. Motor control : Its place in the physical and psychical life of the child. In State Normal Mo., X, pp. 3-4. (Oct., 1897/1 14. The secret language of children. In North-Western Mo., VIII, pp. 187-193, 375- 379, 649-651. (Oct., 1897, Jan. and June, 1898.) 15. Exceptional. In State Normal Mo., X, pp. 51-52. (Jan., 1898.) 16. Religious ideas of a child. In Child-Study Mo., Ill, pp. 516-528. (Jan., 1898.) 17. Results of child-study. In Educa- tion, XVIII, pp. 323-332. (Feb., 1898.) 18. How to use the library. In West- ern College Mag., XIX, pp. 502-505. (March, 1898.) 19. Paidology, the science of the child. In Educ. Rev., XV, pp. 269-284. (March, 1898.) 20. The secret language of childhood. In entury, LVI, pp. 54-58. (May, 1898.) 21. Religious periods of child-growth. In Educ. Rev., XVI, pp. 40-48. (June, 1898.) 22. Review of Nathan Oppenheim's 'De- velopment of the child.' In Educ. Rev., XVI, pp. 279-282. (Oct., 1898.) 23. Child and parent. In North-West- ern Mo., IX, pp. 135-138, 180-183. (Nov. and Dec., 1898.) 24. Opening remarks as president of the Kansas Society for Child-Study. In Child- Study Mo., IV, pp. 451-452. (Feb., 1899.) 25. Editorial for the Child-Study De- partment. In North-Western Mo., IX, pp. 275-276. (Feb., 1899.) 26. The pubescent period. In Educa- tion, XIX, pp. 342-347. (Feb., 1899.) 27. Child and teacher. In Jour. Ped., XII, pp. 112-125. (May, 1899.) 28. Courses of study for Normal Schools. In Arena, XXII, pp. 56-60. (July, 1899.) 29. Outline in Paidology the child among ancient peoples. Arranged for the 'Study Outlines for Clubs,' prepared by the Educational Committee of the National Congress of Mothers, 1900. 30. Review of Stuart H. Rowe's 'The physical nature of the child and how to study it.' In Educ. Rev., XIX, pp. 87-89. (Jan., 1900.) 31. Evolution and definition of Paidol- ogy. In Paidology, I, pp. 2-20. (July, 1900.) 32. The science of the child. In Quart. Rep. Nat. Cong, of Mothers, I, pp. 35-46. (Sept., 1900.) 33. Review of Milicent Washburn Shinn's 'Notes on the development of a child.' In Educ. Rev., II, pp. 192-184. (Sept., 1900.) 34. One child's disposition toward the 269 Indiana University [Chrisman opposite sex. In Paidology, I, pp. 10C-112. (Oct., 1900.) 35. Bibliography of Paidology. In Paidology, I, pp. 200-226. (Jan., 1901.) 36. Education of the home-woman. In Paidology, I, pp. 303-333. (April, 1901.) 37. Editor of 'Paidology, the Science of the Child.' A magazine devoted to the scientific and practical study of children. Published quarterly. Volume I, 1900-1901. 38. Education for the home. In Arena, XXX, pp. 401-409. (Oct., 1903.) 39. The department of Paidology in Ohio University. In Jour. Childhood and Adolescence, III, pp. 50-56. (Jan., 1904.) WILBUR ADELMAN COGSHALL, A.M. (1903). See Faculty list. CHARLES PATTON CLARK, A.B. (1901). Student, Rush Medical College, Chicago. 1. Pneumococcal Bronchiolitis (capil- lary bronchitis). (Joint author with F. H. Batman.) In Jour, of Infectious Diseases, I, pp. 229-235. (March 19, 1904.) HOWARD WALTON CLARK, A.B. (1896), A.M. (1902). Preparator in Zoology, Field Columbian Museum, Chicago. 1. The flora of Eagle Lake and vicin- ity. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901, pp. 128-192. 7 plates. HAIRY EVAN COBLENTZ, A.B. (1894), A.M. Teacher of English, South Division High School, Milwaukee. 1. The blank verse of Matthew Ar- nold's 'Sohrab and Rustum.' In Poet-Lore VII, pp. 497-505. (Oct., 1895.) 2. A Rime-Index to the parent cycle of the York mystery plays and of a portion of the Woodkirk 'Conspiracio et Captio.' In Pub. Mod. Lang. Asso., X, pp. 487-557. 3. Irving's Life of Goldsmith. Edited with notes and questions. Boston, 1904. Pp. xxix, 296. EDWARD CONRADI, A.B. (1897), A.M. (1898). Fellow in Clark University, Worcester, Mass. 1. School hygiene. Translation of Dr. Ludwig Kotelmann's 'Ueber Schulgesund- heitspflege.' (Joint author with J. A. Bergstrom.) Syracuse, N. Y., 1899. Pp. 391. 2. Children's interests in words, slang, stories, etc. In Ped. Sem., X, pp. 359-404. JAMES B. COOK, A.B. (1890). Died July 19, 1895, at Brookville, Ind. 1. The sugar trust. In Statesman for 1890. JOHN MERLE COULTER, Ph.D. (1884). Pres- ident of Indiana University and Profes- sor of Botany, 1891-93. Now head of the Department of Botany and Profes- sor of Morphology, University of Chi- cago. 1. Botany of the U. S. Geological Sur- vey of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Pp. 747-792. (April, 1873.) 2. Snyopsis of the flora of Colorado. (Joint author with T. C. Porter.) In the U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey of Territories. Misc. publication No. 4. 180 pages. Washington. (March, 1874.) 3. A partial list of the flora of Jeffer- son county, Indiana. In Geological Survey of Indiana for 1874, pp. 230-273. (Dec., 1874.) 4. Koliftions of the scientific to the practical in botany. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1881, pp. 29-39. (Dec., 1880.) 5. Catalogue of the plants of Indiana. (Joint author with C. R. Barnes.) Craw- fordsville, Indiana, 1881. Pp. 38. 6. The native flora of Indiana. In 270 Coulter ] Bibliography: Alumni Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1882, pp. 70- 78. (Dec., 1881.) 7. Development of a dandelion flower. In Am. Nat., XVII, pp. 1211-1217. (Dec., 1883.) 8. Some lessons in botany. The seed ; germination, or the seed in action ; the root. In Indiana Farmer. (1884.) 9. Manual of the botany of the Rocky Mountain region. New York, 1885. Pp. xvi, 452. 10. Pollen spores of Tradescantia vir- ginica. (Joint author witn J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XI, pp. 10-14. (Jan., 1886.) 11. Sketch of Edmond Boissier. In Bot. Gaz., XI, pp. 39-40. (Feb., 1886.) 12. Revision of North American Hyp- pericacese. In Bot. Gaz., XI. pp. 78-88, 106-112. (April, May, 1886.) 13. Primula cusickiana Gray. In Bot. Gaz., XI, p. 91. (April, 1886.) 14. Synopsis of North American pines. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XI, pp. 256-262, 302-309. (Oct., Nov., 1886.) 15. Some notes on Hypericum. In Bot. Gaz., XI, pp. 275-276. (Oct., 1886.) 16. Notes on Umbelliferaj of the East- ern United States. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XII. (1887.) 17. Some western plants. In Bot. Gaz., XII, p. 252. (Oct., 1887.) 18. Evolution in the plant kingdom. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1887, pp. 322- 335. 19. Revision of North American Um- belliferse. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) Washington, 1888. Pp. 144. 9 plates. 20. Continuity of protoplasm. In Bot. Gaz., XIV, pp. 82-83. (March, 1889.) 21. Some notes on Hypericum. In Bot. Gaz., XIV, p. 200. (August, 1889.) 22. Notes on North American Umbel- liferse. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XIV, pp. 274-284 (Nov., 1889) ; XV, pp. 259-261 (Oct., 1890). 23. Manual of the botany of the North ern United States. (Joint author with Asa Gray and Sereno Watson.) New York, 1889. Pp. 760. 25 plates. 24. A new genus of Umbelliferae. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XV, pp. 15-16. (Jan., 1890.) 25. A revision of North American Cor- nacea?. (Joint author with W. H. Evans.) In Bot. Gaz., XV, pp. 30-39, 86-97. (Feb., April, 1890.) 26. Sketch of Charles C. Parry. In Bot. Gaz., XV, pp. 66-68. (March, 1890.) 27. Penicillium and corrosive sublimate. In Bot. Gaz., XV, pp. 69-70. (March, 1890.) 28. Geographical distribution of North American Umbelliferse. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XXXIX, pp. 292-298. (August, 1890.) 29. Pithecolobium texense. In Bot. Gaz., XV, pp. 269-270. (Oct., 1890.) 30. Actinella texana. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XVI, pp. 27-28. (Jan., 1891.) 31. New or noteworthy Compositse from Guatemala. In Bot. Gaz., XVI, pp. 95-102. (April, 1891.) 32. Some new Solanacese from Guate- mala. In Bot. Gaz., XVI, pp. 144-145. (May, 1891.) 33. Practical education. Indianapolis, 1891. Pp. 16. 34. The future of systematic botany. In Proc. A. A. A. S., XL, pp. 3-14. (August, 1891.) 35. The future of systematic botany. In Bot. Gaz., XVI, pp. 243-254. (Sept., 1891.) 36. Botany and horticulture. In Trans. Indiana Hort. Soc. for 1891, pp. 30-33. (Dec., 1891.) 37. Sketch of Sereno Watson. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, pp. 137-141. (May, 1892.) 38. Some new North American plants. (Joint author with E. M. Fisher.) In Bot. Gaz., XVII, pp. 348-353. (Nov., 1892.) 271 Indiana University [ Coulter 39. Sullivantia hapemani. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, p. 421. (Dec., 1892.) 40. Notes on North American Umbel- lifera 1 . (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XVIII, pp. 54-56. (Feb., 1893.) 41. Preliminary revision of North Amer- ican species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora. In Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb- arium, III, pp. 91-132. (March, 1894.) 42. Botany of Western Texas. In Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herbarium, li, p. 588. (1891, 1892, 1894.) 43. Formula? for life histories. In Bot. Gaz., XX, pp. 31-32. (Jan., 1895.) 44. New or noteworthy Composites from Guatemala. In Bot. Gaz., XX, pp. 41- 54. (Feb., 1895.) 45. Musineon of Rafmesque. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XX, pp. 258-260. (June, 1895.) 46. The botanical work of the govern- ment. In Bot. Gaz., XX. pp. 264-268. (June, 1895.) 47. The botanical outlook. Lincoln, 1895. Pp. 28. 48. Deanea, a new genus of Umbel- liferse from Mexico. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XX, pp. 372- 373. (August, 1895.) 49. Preliminary revision of the North American species of Echinocactus, Cereus, and Opuntia. In U. S. Nat. Herbarium, III, IV, pp. 355-462. (Dec., 1895.) 50. Plants in their environment. Chi- cago, 1896. Pp. 12. 51. Review of 'Missouri Botanical Gar- den, 7th Annual report.' In Bot. Gaz., XXII, pp. 59-60. (July, 1896.) 52. Review of E. Warming's 'Lehrbuch der b'kologischen Pflanzengeographie.' In Bot. Gaz., XXII, pp. 173-175. (August, 1896.) 53. Review of Mitford Freeman's 'The bamboo garden.' In Bot. Gaz., XXII, pp. 177-178. (August, 1896.) 54. Review of N. L. Britton and A. Brown's 'An illustrated flora of the north- ern United States, Canada and the British possessions.' In Bot. Gaz., XXII, pp. 269- 270; XXIV, pp. 120-121; XXVI, pp. 281- 282. (Sept., 1896 ; Aug., 1897 ; Oct., 1898.) 55. Evolution. Chicago, 1897. Pp. 14. 56. Notes on the fertilization and em- bryogeny of Conifers. In Bot. Gaz., XXIII, pp. 40-43. (Jan., 1897.) 57. Review of W. P. Hiern's 'Catalogue of the African plants collected by Dr. F. Welwitsch.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIII, pp. 210- 211. (March, 1897.) 58. Review of W. J. Beal's 'Grasses of North America.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIII, pp. 212-213. (March, 1897.) 59. Review of J. C. Willis's 'A manual and dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIII, pp. 213-214. (March, 1897.) 60. Revision of Lila?opsis. (Joint au- thor with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, pp. 47-49. (July, 1897.) 61. Review of Asa Gray's 'Synoptical flora of North America.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, pp. 121-122. (August, 1897.) 62. Review of M. Gurke's 'Plants Eu- ropaeae.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, p. 122. (August, 1897.) 63. Review of A. W. Chapman's 'Flora of the southern United States.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, p. 123. (August, 1897.) 64. Review of M. W. Morley's 'A few familiar flowers.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, p. 124. (August, 1897.) 65. Review of 'Cytologische Studien aas dem Bonner botanischen Institut,' by E. Strasburger, W. J. Osterhout, and others. In Bot. Gaz., XXIV, pp. 216-220. (Sept., 1897.) 66. Review of C. C. Curtis's 'A text book of general botany.' In Edu. Rev. for 1898. 67. .Review of J. R. Green's 'A manual of botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 62-63. (Jan., 1898.) 272 Coulter ] Bibliography: Alumni 68. Review of W. W. Bailey's 'Botan- ical note book.' In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 63-64. (Jan., 1898.) 69. Notes on Lilaeopsis. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 53-54. (Jan., 1898.) 70. Contribution to the life history of Ranunculus. In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 73-88. (Feb., 1898.) 71. Review of Mrs. L. L. Wilson's 'Nature study in elementary schools.' In Botanical Gazette, XXV, pp. 209-210. (March, 1898.) 72. Review of H. Christ's 'Die Farn- krauter der Erde.' In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 283-284. (April, 1898.) 73. Review of C. H. Clark's 'A labora- tory manual in practical botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXV, pp. 367-368. (May, 1898.) 74. The origin of Gymnosperms and the seed habit. In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 153- 168. (Sept., 1898.) Also in Science, VIII, pp. 377-385. (Sept., 1898.) 75. Review of C. R. Barnes's 'Plant life.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 280-281. (Oct., 1898.) 76. Review of 'Missouri Botanical Garden, 9th annual report.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 282-283. (Oct., 1898.) 77. Review of Th. Durand and H. Schinz's 'Conspectus Florae Africae.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 283-284. (Oct., 1898,) 78. Review of A. Schneider's 'A guide to the study of lichens.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 284-285. (Oct., 1898.) 79. Review of G. F. Atkinson's 'Ele- mentary botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVI, pp. 440-441. (Dec., 1898.) 80. Plant relations. New York, 1899. Pp. vii, 266. 214 plates. 81. Plant structures. 'New York, 1899. Pp. vii, 348. 289 plates. 82. Review of A. Engler's 'Monograph- ien afrikanischer Pflanzenfamilien und Gattungen.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, pp. 72- 73. (Jan., 1899.) 83. Review of S. H. Vine's 'An ele- mentary text-book of botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, pp. 141-142. (Feb., 1899.) 84. Review of D. Grecescu's 'Conspec- tus florei Romainei.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, pp. 142-143. (Feb., 1899.) 85. Review of I. Urban's 'Symbolse Antillanse seu fundamenta florae Indise occi- dentalis.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, p. 143. (Feb., 1899.) 86. Review of G. F. Atkinson's 'Ele- mentary botany.' In Sch. Rev., Feb., 1896, pp. 114-115. 87. Review of Gibb E. Hughes's 'The making of a daisy.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, pp. 217-218. (March, 1899.) 88. Review of Alice M. Davidson's 'Cal- ifornian plants in their homes.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, p. 218. (March, 1899.) 89. Review of D. H. Campbell's 'Lec- tures on the evolution of plants.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, p. 219. (March, 1899.) 90. Plant societies. In Pratt Institute Mo., May, 1899, 172-173. 91. Review of F. L. Parson's 'How to know the ferns.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, p. 484. (June, 1899.) 92. Review of J. M. Lawson's 'A text- book on botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVII, 484-485. (June, 1899.) 93. Review of Alice LounsDerry's 'A guide to the wild flowers.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVIII, p. 72. (July, 1899.) 94. Review of Maud Going's 'Field, forest, and wayside flowers.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVIII, p. 72. (July, 1899.) 95. Review of Edw. Knobel's 'The grasses, sedges, and rushes of the northern United States.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVIII, p. 72-73. (July, 1899.) 96. The origin of the leafy sporophyte. In Bot. Gaz., XXVIII, pp. 46-59. (July, 1899.) 97. Review of Engler and Prantl's 'Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien.' In Bot. Gaz., XXVIII, pp. 217-218. (Sept., 1899.) 273 Indiana University [Coulter 98. The proper use of science by the pulpit. In Amer. Jour. Theology, III, pp. G41-G53. (Oct., 1899.) !>'.*. Analytical key to flowering plants. New York, 1900. Pp. 93. 100. A synopsis of Mexican and Central American Umbellifera?. (Joint author with J. N. Rose.) In Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., I, pp. 111-159. 10 plates. (Jan., 1900.) 101. Review of L. II. Bailey's 'Cyclo- pedia of American horticulture.' Vols. I-IV. In Bot. Gaz., XXIX, pp. 282-283 ; XXX, p. 277 ; XXXI, p. 436 ; XXXIII, pp. 467-468. (April, Oct., 1900 ; June, 1901 ; June, 1902.) 102. Review of G. F. Atkinson's 'Lessons in botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXIX, p. 358. (May, 1900.) 103. A pattern flower. In Nature and Art, VIII, pp. 2-7. 1 plate. (June, 1900.) 104. Review of Harriet L. Keeler's 'Our native trees.' In Bot. Gaz., XXX, pp. 132- 133. (August, 1900.) 105. Review of Neltje Blanchan's 'Nature's garden.' In Bot. Gaz., XXX, pp. 132-133. (August, 1900.) 106. Review of Alice Lounsberry's 'A guide to the trees.' In Bot. Gaz., XXX, pp. 132-133. (August, 1900.) 107. Review of D. H. Scott's 'Studies in fossil botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXX, pp. 352- 354. (Nov., 1900.) 108. Morphology of Gymnosperms. ( Joint author with C. J. Chamberlain. ) New York, 1901. Pp. x, 188. 10 plates. 109. The polity of the Y. M. C. A. Chi- cago, 1901. Pp. 16. 110. The student Y. M. C. A. as it relates to the entire association movement. Chicago, 1901. Pp. 14. 111. Plant studies. New York, 1901. Pp. ix, 387. 336 plates. 112. Review of J. Percival's 'Agricul- tural botany ; theoretical and practical.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXI, pp. 67-68. (Jan., 1901.) 113. Review of L. H. Bailey's 'Botany, an elementary text-book for schools.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXI, pp. 129-130. (Feb., 1901.) 114. Some problems in education. In Educator- Journal, I, pp. 405-407, 459-460. (April, May, 1901.) 115. Review of W. L. Jepson's 'A flora of western middle California.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXI, pp. 435-436. (June, 1901.) 116. Review of Charles Mohr's 'Plant life of Alabama.' In Bot. Gaz., XXII, pp. 371-372. (Nov., 1901.) 117. Review of N. L. Britton's 'Manual of the flora of the northern states and Can- ada.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXII, pp. 426-427. (Dec., 1901.) 118. Organic evolution as illustrated by plants. Chicago, 1902. Pp. 20. 119. Review of D. H. Campbell's 'A university text-book of botany.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXIV, pp. 67-68. (July, 1902.) 120. Review of A. Schnedier's 'Powdered vegetable drugs.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXV, pp. 60-61. (Jan., 1903.) 121. Review of H. Kraemer's 'A course in botany and pharmacognosy.' In Bot. Gaz., XXXV, pp. 60-61. (Jan., 1902.) 122. The embryogeny of Zamia. (Joint author with C. J. Chamberlain.) In Bot. Gaz., XXXV, pp. 184-195. (Marcn, 1903.) 123. Morphology of Angiosperms. (Joint author with C. J. Chamberlain.) New York, 1903. Pp. x, 348. 113 plates. EDWIN COOK CRAMPTON, LL.B. (1889). Associate Editor, on editorial staff of West Publishing Co. and Keefe-Davisou Co., St. Paul, Minn. 1. 'Articles on : False pretenses ; false personation ; fixtures ; forcible entry and de- tainer ; grand jury ; health ; and infants. In Century Edition, American Digest of Law. (1900-1901.) 2. Articles on : Lis pendens ; licenses 274 Daily ] Bibliography: Alumni to enter on land ; life estates ; remainders ; reversions ; powers ; supervision of the power of alienation ; poor ; religious societies ; post- ponement ; principal and agent ; stipula- tions ; subscriptions ; recording written in- struments ; records, registers. In Abbott's New York Cyclopedic Digest. (1901-1903.) 3. Articles on : Account ; action or suit for cancellation of written instruments ; bill of review ; drainage ; discovery and inspec- tion ; election of officers ; equity ; eminent domain ; highways ; new trial ; garnishment ; attachment ; reformation of instruments ; in- toxicating liquors ; injunction ; rescission of contracts. In Illinois Cyclopedic Digest. (1902-1903.) 4. Articles on : Accounting ; accounts stated and open accounts ; agency ; arbitra- tion and award ; attorneys and counselors ; appeal and review ; alteration of instru- ments ; writs of assistance ; arrest and bind- ing over ; auction and auctioneers ; appear- ance ; attachment ; bail in civil actions ; bail in criminal proceedings ; breach of marriage promise ; brokers ; bridges ; canals, cancel- lation of written instruments ; confession of judgment ; clerks of courts ; contracts ; con- flict of laws ; contempt ; continuance and postponement ; discovery and inspection ; equity ; eminent domain. In Current Law for 1903-1904. NELSON KENDALL CROWE, A.B. (1851), A.M. (1854). Clintonville, Pa. 1. A history of the freedmen's mission of the Reformed Presbyterian church. ELLWOOD P CUBBERLEY, A.B. (1891), A.M. Associate Professor of Education, Le- land Stanford Jr. University. Stanford University, Cal. 1. Determinative mineralogy. Vin- cennes, 1895. Pp. xx, 200. 2. School organization. In Edu. Rev , XIII, pp. 163-171. (1897.) 3. Report of the public schools of San Diego, Cal., with courses or study. San Diego, 1897. Pp. 199; illustrated. 4. Report of the public schools of San Diego, Cal. San Diego, 1898. Pp. 15. 5. Courses of study for the public schools of San Francisco. San Francisco, 1900. Pp. 311. 6. A proposed act permitting of the consolidation of rural schools, rural super- vision, and the transportation of pupils. In West. Jour. Educ., V, pp. 3-11; VIII, pp. 180-186. (1900, 1903.) 7. Syllabus of school management. Boston, 1901. Pp. 19. 8. The school situation in San Fran- cisco. In Educ. Rev., XXI, pp. 364-383. (1901.) 9. A state tax for high schools. In West. Jour. Educ., VII, pp. 604-607. (1902.) 10. Our country school problem. In West. Jour. Educ., VIII, pp. 278-282. (1903.) 11. Consolidation of schools and trans- portation of pupils. In West. Jour. Educ., VIII, p. 80. (June, 1903.) 12. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education in Europe. New York, 1902. Pp. 302 ; 7 charts : 7 maps ; 39 illustrations. GEORGE ADAMS CUSTER, LL.B. (1897). Logansport, Ind. 1. Legal counselor and form book. (Joint author with Charles A. Hawkins.) Logansport, Ind., 1901. Pp. 645. WILLIAM MITCHELL DAILY, A.B. (1836), D.D. (1851), LL.D. President of the University, 1853-59. Died Feb. 5, 1877, at New Orleans, La. 1. Funeral discourse delivered in the 275 Indiana University I Daily chapel of Indiana University, Nov. 13, 1851, over the remains of the late Rev. Andrew Wylie, President of Indiana University. Indianapolis, 1852. Pp. 20. 2. Inaugural address as President of Indiana University, August 2, 1854. Indian- apolis, 1854. Pp. 20. 3. The heroic man : a baccalaureate to the graduating class of the Indiana Univer- sity at the commencement of 1855. Bloom- ington, Ind., 1855. Pp. 22. 4. Our banner : a baccalaureate to the graduating class of Indiana University, 1856. Bloomington, Ind., 1856. Pp. 22. 5. Zaph-nath Pa-a-ne-ah : a baccalau- reate to the graduating class of Indiana Uni- versity, 1857. Bloomington, Ind., 1857. Pp. 24. 6. Urim and Thummim : a baccalau- reate to the graduating class of Indiana Uni- versity, 1858. Bloomington, Ind., 1858. Pp. 23. CHARLES GIDEON DAVIS, A.B. (1898), Ph.D. Instructor in German, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 1. Die Substantiva auf ling im acht- zehnten Jahrhundert. Strassburg, 1903. Pp. 49. Louis SHERMAN DAVIS, A.B. (1891), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. See Faculty list. SdlUYLER COLFAX DAVISSON, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1892), Sc.D. See Faculty list. ALONZO ALVIN DEL.ARME, A.B. (1887), A.M. (1890). Pastor First Baptist Church, Paterson, N. J. 1. History of the First Baptist Church of Norristown, Pa. Philadelphia, 1897. Pp. 229. 20 plates. JOHN FRANKLIN DILLON, B.S. (1874), LL.B. (1876). Pierre, S. D. 1. Pleading and practice in Dakota. J. B. DOLAN, Student (1896-1897). 1. Temperature of Turkey Lake (Ind.). In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 235-239. WILLIAM COLUMBUS DRAPER, B.b. (1867), Trinidad, Col. 1. Esmeralda, and other stories. Trin- idad, Colo., 1902. Pp. 120 ; 3 illustrations. FLETCHER BASCOM DRESSLAR, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. Assistant Profes- sor of Pedagogy, University of Califor- nia, Berkley, Cal. 1. A review of the genus Semotilus. (Joint author with E. P. Bicknell.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1885. 2. A review of the mackerels (Scom- brinse) of America and Europe. (Joint author with Bert Fesler.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1887. 3. Fatigue. In Ped. Sera., II. pp. 102- 106. (June, 1892.) 4. A sketch of old schoolhouses. In Ped. Sem., II, pp. 115-125. (June, is'.fj. > 5. Some influences which affect the ra- pidity of voluntary movement. In Am. Jour. Psych., IV, pp. 514-527. (August, 1892.) 6. On facial vision and the pressure sense of the drum of the ear. In Am. Jour. Psych., \, pp. 344-350. (April, 1893.) 7. A new illusion for touch and an ex- planation for the illusion of displacement of certain cross lines in vision. In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, pp. 275-276. 8. A new and simple method for com 270 Edwards^ Bibliography : Alumni paring the perception of rate of movement in the direct and indirect fields of vision. In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, p. 312. 9. Psychology of touch. In Am. Jour. Psych., VI, pp. 50-54. 10. Outline for a study of habit-degen- eration. In Teachers' Handbook for Chil- dren, published by Illinois Society for Child-Study, I, pp. 21-23. (May, 1895.) 11. Preparation for history in the grades. In Normal Exponent for 1895. 12. The new psychology and its peda- gogical significance. In Proc. California Teachers' Asso. for Dec., 1895. 13. Experiments in psychology. In Overland Mo. for Aug.-Dec., 1896, and Feb.- June, 1897. 14. Education in Hawaii. In Educ. Rev., XV, pp. 50-54. (Jan., 1898.) 15. Genetic psychology. In Northwest- ern Mo., IX, pp. 355-358. (April, 1899.) 16. Guessing, as influenced by number preferences. In Pop. Sci. Mo., LIV, pp. 781-786. (April, 1899.) FRANK DREW, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1891), Ph.D. Instructor in Philosophy, Indiana University, 1895-96. Now Professor of Psychology, State Normal School, Wor- cester, Mass. 1. Field notes on the birds of San Juan county. Colorado. In Bull. Nuttall Ornith. Club, VI. (1881.) 2. On the vertical range of birds in Colorado. In Auk, II. (1885.) 3. Adenoids in children. In Ped. Sem., II, pp. 307-309. (March, 1893.) 4. Love poems of college students. In Ped. Sem., II, pp. 504-505. (Dec., 1893.) 5. Attention, experimental and criti- cal. In Am. Jour. Psych., VII, pp. 533-572. (July, 1896.) JOHN WALTER DUNN, A.B. (1897). County Superintendent of Schools, Knox, Ind. 1. The Starke County (Ind.) Child Study Association. In Child-Study Mo., V, No. 1. (May, 1899.) CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS, B.S. (1886), A.M. (1887), Ph.D. Professor of Natural History, Trinity College, Hart- ford, Conn. 1. The relation of pectoral muscles in birds to the power of flight. In Am. Nat., XX, pp. 25-29. (Jan., 1886.) 2. A review of the American species of the Tetraodontidse. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, p. 232. 3. The influence of warmth upon the irritability of frogs' muscle and nerve. In Studies from Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. 4. An expression of animal sympathy. In Am. Nat., XXI, p. 1129. (Dec., 1887.) 5. Winter roosting colonies of crows. In Am. Jour. Psych., I, pp. 436-459. (May, 1888.) 6. Notes on the embryology of Mulle- ria Agassizii. Sel., a Holthurian common at Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. In Johns Hopkins University Circular, VIII, p. 37. (1889.) 7. Folk-lore of the Bahama negroes. In Am. Jour. Psych., II, pp. 519-542. (August, 1889.) 8. Beschreibung einiger neuen Copepo- den und eines neuen copepoden-iihnlichen Krebses, Leuckartella paradoxa. In Archiv f. Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 57, Bd. I, p. 35. (1891.) 9. Some tales from Bahama folk-lore. In Jour, of Am. Folk-Lore, IV, pp. 47-54. (1891.) 10. Some tales from Bahama folk-lore. 277 Indiana University [Edwards Fairy tales. In Jour, of Am. Folk-Lore, IV, pp. 247-252. (1891.) 11. Bahama songs and stories. In Memoirs of the Am. Folk-Lore Soc., Ill, p. 111. (1895.) 12. Notes on the biology of Phrynosoma cornutum Harlan. In Zool. Anzeiger, No. 498. (1896.) 13. Variation and regeneration in Syn- apta inherens. In Science, N. S., XI, p. 178. 14. Animal myths, and their origin. (Address as president of the American Folk-Lore Society.) In Jour, of Am. Folk- Lore Soc., XIII. (Jan.-March, 1900.) 15. The lower temperature limits of in- cubation for the egg of the common fowl. In Science, N. S., XII, pp. 310-311. (Au- gust 24, 1900.) 16. Contributions from the biological laboratory of the department of Natural History, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Under the direction of C. L. Edwards. 17. The physiological zero and the in- dex of development from the egg of the do- mestic fowl, Callus domesticus. A contri- bution to the subject of the influence of tem- perature on growth. In Am. Jour, of Physi- ology, VI. pp. 351-397. (Feb., 1902.) Ab- stract in Science, N. S., XV, pp. 521-522. (April 4, 1902.) 18. A note on Phrynosoma. In Science, N. S., XVII, pp. 826-827. (May 22, 1903.) ROSA (SMITH) EIGENMANN (Mrs. Carl H Eigenmann.) Student, 1880-1882. 1. *On the occurrence of a species of Cremnobates at San Diego, California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1880, III, pp. 147- 149. 2. *Description of a new gobioid fish (Othonops eos) from San Diego, California. * Titles marked '' appeared under the name Rosa Smith. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 19-21. 3. *Description of a new species of Gobiesox (Gobiesox rhessodon) from San Diego, California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 140-141. 4. * Notes on a collection of fishes from Johnston's Island, including descriptions of five new species. (Joint author with Joseph Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1882, V, pp. 119-143. 5. *On the life coloration of the young of Pomacentrus rubicundus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1882, V, pp. 652-<;r,:;. 6. *Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea rhothea) from Spokane River, Washington Territory. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1882, V, pp. 347-348. 7. *The life colors of Cremnobates integripinnis. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1883, VI pp. 216-217. 8. *Notes on the occurrence of Gaster- osteus williamsoni Grd., in an artesian well at San Bernardino, California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1883, VI, p. 217. 9. * Notes on the fishes of Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1883, VI, pp. 232-236. 10. *Description of a new species of Squalius. In Proc. California Acad. Sci. for 1884. 11. *Notes on fishes collected at San Cristobal, Lower California, by Mr. Charles H. Townsend, Assistant, U. S. Fish Com- mission. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, VII, pp. 551-553. 12. *The fishes of San Diego, Califor- nia. A list in two parts. In W. Am. Sci. for 1885, pp. 45-47, 53-55. (July, August. 1885.) 13. *On the occurrence of a new species of Rhinoptera (R. encenadse) in Todos Santos Bay, Lower California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, IX, p. 220. 14. *On Tetraodon setosus. In Bull. Eigenmann] Bibliography: Alumni California Acad. Sci., II, No. 6, pp. 155-156. (Nov. 13, 1886.) 15. A chapter on sharks. In Golden Era for August, 1887. 16. A chapter on sting rays. In Golden Era for Sept., 1887, pp. 489-490. 17. Charles L. McKay. In W. Am. Sci. for 1887, pp. 189-191. 18. Women in science. In W. Am. Sci. for 1887, pp. 230-236. 19. A list of the American Gobiidse and Callionymidse, with notes on the specimens contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, Mass. (Joint author with Carl H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, pp. 51-78. (Jan. 25, 1888.) 20. South American Nematognathi. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat., XXIII, pp. 647-649. (July, 1888.) 21. Preliminary notes on South Ameri- can Nematognathi. I. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci. 2d ser., I, pp. 119-172. (July, 1888. ) 22. Cypriouodon californiensis, Girard. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., V, pp. 3-4. (Sept., 1888.) 23. Description of a new species of Cyprinodon. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., I, p. 270. (Jan. 8, 1889.) 24. Notes on some California fishes, with descriptions of two new species. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 7-8. (April, 1889.) 25. Preliminary notes on South Ameri- can Nematognathi. II. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., II, pp. 28-56. (August 18, 1889.) 26. On the phosphorescent spots of Porichthys margaritatus. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 32-34. (May, 1888.) 27. Contributions from the San Diego Biological Laboratory. I. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 44-47. (June, 1889.) 28. Notes from the San Diego Biologi- cal Laboratory. The fishes of Cortes Banks. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) In W. Am. Sci., VI, pp. 123-132. (Oct., 1889.) 29. Notes from the San Diego Biological Laboratory. II. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In W. Am. feci., VI, pp. 147- 151. (Nov., 1889.) 30. A review of the Erythriniiia 1 . (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmanu. ) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., II, pp. 100-116. 1 plate. (Nov. 8, 1889.) 31. A revision of the edentulous genera of Curimatina^. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Ann. New York Acad. Sci., IV, pp. 1-32. (Nov., 1889.) 32. Description of a new species of Euprotomicrus. In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., III. (1890.) 3.3. New California fishes. In Am. Nat. for 1890, pp. 153-156. 34. Additions to the fauna of San Diego. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci.. 2d ser., Ill, pp. 1-25. (March 24, 1890.) 35. A revision of the South American Nematognathi or catfishes. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Occasional pa- pers, Proc. California Acad. Sci., I, pp. 1- 508, plates, map. (July, 1890.) 36. Descriptions of new species of Se- bastodes. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., Ill, pp. 36-38. (May 28, 1890.) 37. A catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of South America. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1891, XIV, pp. 1-81. 279 Indiana University \_Eigenmann 38. A catalogue of the fishes of the Pa- cific coast of America north of Cerros island. (Joint author with C. II. Eigenmann. ) In Ann. New York Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 349-358. (June, 1892.) 39. Recent additions to the fauna cf California. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) Abstract in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 159-161. 40. New fishes from Western Canada. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat, XXVI, pp. 961-96-*. (Nov., 1892.) 41. Preliminary description of new fishes from the Northwest. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Am. Nat., XXVII, pp. 151-154. (Feb., 1893.) WILLIAM HARRIS ELSON, A.B. (1895). Superintendent of Schools, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1. Outlines of masterpieces of Ameri- can literature. Boston, 1893. Pp. 22. 2. The necessity of stimulating the child's full mental power in kindergarten work. In Kindergarten Magazine, X, pp. 357-363. (Feb., 1898.) BARTON WARREN EVERMANN, B.S. (1886), A.M. (1888), Ph.D. (1891). Assistant in charge Division of Scientific Inquiry, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. 1. California bird notes. In Ornithol- ogist and Oologist, VI, p. 7. (March, 1881.) 2. Least titmouse, its nesting habits . n California. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VI, p. 19. (May, 1881.) 3. Large clutches of eggs. In Ornithol- ogist and Oologist, VI, p. 40. (July, 1881.) 4. Unusual nesting site of the chewink. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VI, p. 61. (Oct., 1881.) 5. Animal analysis. Chicago, 1882. Pp. iv, 123. 6. The road-runner. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VI, p. 85. (Jan., 1882.) 7. American barn owl, Aluco flammeiw americanus (Aud.) Ridgw. In Ornitholo- gist and Oologist, VII, pp. 97-98, 109-110. (March, April, 1882.) 8. Bluebirds' eggs. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VII, p. 147. (August, 1882.) 9. American barn owl, further notes. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VII, pp. 166- 167. (Oct., 1882.) 10. The black-crested fly-catcher. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VII, pp. 169-170, 177-179. (Nov., Dec., 1882.) 11. Bird notes from Bloomington, Indi- ana. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VIII, pp. 27-28. (April, 1883.) 12. A review of the species of Gerres found in American waters. (Joint author with Seth E. Meek.) In Proc., Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1883, pp. 116-124. 33. Bird migration. In American Field, XXI, pp. 544-545. (1884.) 14. Arrivals of birds at Camden, Indi- ana, 1884. In Ornithologist and Oologist, IX, p. 74. (June, 1884.) 15. List of fishes collected in Harvey and Cowley counties, Kansas. (Joint author with Morton W. Fordice. ) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1885, p. 412 ; also in Bull. Washburn College Lab. Nat. Hist., I, pp. 184-186. (July, 1886.) 16. A list of the birds observed in Ven- tura county, California. In Auk, III, pp. 86-94, 179-186. (Jan., Feb., 1886.) 17. Birds observed in Ventura county, California. In Pacific Science Mo., I, pp. 77- 89. (Jan., 1886.) 18. A list of birds observed at Pensa- cola, Florida. In Ornithologist and Oologist, II, pp. 81-83, 97-98. (June, July, 1886.) 19. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Monongahela River. (Joint author with 280 Evermann~\ Bibliography: Alumni Charles H. Bollman.) In Proc. New York Acad. Sci. for 1886, pp. 335-340. 20. Descriptions of six new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico, with notes on other species. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, pp. 466-476. 21. A list of the fishes observed in the vicinity of Brookville, Franklin county, In- diana. In Bull. 2, Brookville Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1886, pp. 1-11. 22. A revision of the American species of the genus Gerres. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., for 1886, pp. 256-272. 23. The food fishes of Indiana. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Rep. Indi- ana State Board of Agriculture for 1886, pp. 156-173. 24. The yellow-billed magpie. In Am. Nat, XX, pp. 607-611. (July, 1886.) 25. A day with the birds of a Hoosier swamp. In Ornithologist and Oologist, II, pp. 99-101. (July, 1886.) 26. Some rare Indiana birds. In Am. Nat., XXI, pp. 290-291. (March, 1887.) 27. Bird migration. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XXXI, pp. 803-810. (April, 1887.) 28. Birds of Monroe county, Indiana. In Hoosier Naturalist, II, pp. 137-145. (May, 1887.) 29. An addition to the list of birds of Monroe county, Indiana. In Hoosier Nat- uralist, II, p. 164. (June, 1887.) 30. The occurrence in Indiana of the star-nosed mole. In Am. Nat., XXII, p. 359. (April, 1888.) 31. Ornithology from a railroad trnin. (Joint author with Oliver P. Jenkins.) In Ornithologist and Oologist, XIII, pp. 65-69. (May, 1888.) 32. Notes on Indiana fishes. (Joint author with O. P. Jenkins.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 43-57. 33. Description of eighteen new species of fishes from the Gulf of California. (Joint author with O. P. Jenkins.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 137-158. 34. Birds of Carroll county, Indiana. In Auk, V, pp. 344-351, 22-30. (Oct., 1888 ; Jan., 1889.) 35. The wood ibis in Indiana. In Auk, VI, pp. 186-187. (April, 1889.) 36. Description of the yellow-finned trout of Twin Lakes, Colorado. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1889, pp. 453-454. (1890.) 37. Description of a new species of fish from the Tippecanoe river, Indiana. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1890, pp. 3-4. 38. Report upon a collection of fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, with descriptions of new species. (Joint author with O. P. Jenkins.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1891, pp. 121-165 ; 2 plates. 39. A reconnaissance of the streams and lakes of western Montana and northwestern Wyoming. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1891 (1892), pp. 3-60; 27 plates. 40. A report upon investigations made in Texas in 1891. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1891 (1892), pp. 61-90, 9 plates. 41. Two-Ocean Pass. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 29-34 ; 1 plate. 42. The work of the U. S. Fish Com- mission steamer Albatross in the North Pacific and Bering Sea in 1892. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 56-57. 43. The ptarmigan of the Aleutian Islands. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 78-81. 44. The work of the United States Fish Commission and its relation to the farmer. In Rep. Indiana Fish Comm. for 1893-94, pp. 15-25. 45. Description of a new sucker, Pantosteus jordani, from the upper Missouri Basin. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1892 (1893), pp. 51-56, 1 plate. 46. The fishes of Texas and the Rio Grande Basin, considered chiefly with ref 281 Indiana University '.vermann erence to their geographic distribution. (Joint author with William C. Kendall.) In Bull. U, S. Fish Comm. for 1892 (1894), pp. 57-126, 31 plates. 47. The ichthyologic features of the Black Hills region. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1892, pp. 73-78. 48. Bibliography of Indiana mammals. (Joint author with Amos W. Butler.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893 (1894), pp. 120-124. 49. A preliminary list of Indiana mam- mals. (Joint author with A. W. Butler.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893 (1894), pp. 124-139. 50. Notes on the fur-seal rookeries of the Pribilof Islands, July 18 to 31, 1892. In Proc. Tribunal of Fur Seal Arbitration at Paris, 1893, VII, pp. 264-273. 51. The investigation of rivers and lakes with reference to the fish environment. In Bull. IT. S. Fish Comm. for 1893, pp. 69-73. 52. A skeleton of Steller's sea cow. In Science, p. 59. (Feb., 1893.) 53. Report upon the advisability of es- tablishing a fish-hatching station in the State of Tennessee. In Senate Mis. Doc. No. 52, 53d Cong., 2d Sess., pp. 1-3. (Jan., 1894.) 54. Report upon the advisability of es- tablishing fish-hatchery stations at suitable points in \Vyoming and the states of South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. Senate Mis. Doc. No. 53, 53d Cong., 2d Sess., pp. 1-5. (Jan., 1894.) 55. The salmon fisheries of the Colum- bia River Basin. (Joint author with Charles H. Gilbert.) Senate Mis. Doc. No. 200, 53d Cong., 2d Sess., pp. 1-55, 13 plates. (August, 1894.) 56. A report upon investigations in the Columbia River Basin, with descriptions of four new species of fishes. (Joint author with C. H. Gilbert.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894, pp. 153-207 ; 13 plates. 57. A list of the species ot fishes known from the vicinity of Neosho, Missouri. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894 (1895), pp. 469-472. 58. The fishes of the Colorado Basin. (Joint author with Cloudsley Rutter. ) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894 (1895), pp. 473-486. 59. Recent investigations concerning the redfish, Oncorhynchus nerka, at its spawning grounds in Idaho. (Joint author with J. T. Scovell.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 131-134. 60. The fishes of the Missouri Basin. (Joint author with J. T. Scovell.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 126-138. 61. Two-Ocean Pass. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XLVII, pp. 175-186; with plates. (June, 1895.) 62. In the Sawtooth Mountains. In American Angler, XXV, p. 285. (Oct., 1895.) 63. The whitefishes of North America. (Joint author with Hugh M. Smith.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894 (1896), pp. 283-324 ; 18 plates. 64. An annotated list of the fishes known from the state of Vermont. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall. ) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894 (1896), pp. 579-604. 65. Report upon the fishes of the Mis- souri River Basin. (Joint author with Ulysses O. Cox.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894 (1896), pp. 325-429. 66. Description of a new species of pipe- fish, Siphostoma scovelli, from Texas. (JMnt author with W. C. Kendall.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mas. for 1895 (1896), p. 113. 67. A preliminary report upon salmon investigations in Idaho in 1894. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895 (1896), pp. 253- 284. 68. The fishes of the Neuse River Basin. 282 Evermann ] Bibliography: Alumni (Joint author with U. O. Cox.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895 (1896), pp. 303- 310. 69. Description of a new species of shad (Alosa alabamse) from Alabama. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895 (1896), pp. 203- 205. 70. A check-list of the fishes and fish- like vertebrates of North and Middle Ameri- ca. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895 (1896), pp. 207-584. 71. The fishes of North and Middle America. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.^* Bull. 47, U. S. Nat. Mus., Part I, pp. lx, 1240 (1896) ; Part II, pp. xxx, 1241-2183 (1898) ; Part III, pp. xxix, 2183a-3136 (1898) ; Part IV, pp. ci, 3137-3313, 392 plates (1900). 72. Indian River and its fishes. (Joint author with Barton A. Bean.) Senate Doc. 46, 54th Cong., 2d Sess., pp. 5-26 ; 37 plates. Also in Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1896, pp. 223-262; 36 plates. 73. The opah (Lampris luna) in Monte- rey Bay. In Recreation, IV, p. 41. (Jan., 1896.) 74. Two-Ocean Pass. In Inland-Edu- cator, II, pp. 299-306; 5 plates. (July, 1896.) 75. Something about snipes. In Recre- ation, V, p. 147. (Sept., 1896.) 76. Review of E. T. D. Chambers's 'The ouananiche and its Canadian environment.' In American Angler, XXVI, pp. 359-360. (Oct.-Nov., 1896.) 77. In the Sawtooth Mountains. In Recreation, V, pp. 135-137, 196-197, 252- 253. (Sept., Oct., Nov., 1896.) 78. Idaho grouse. In Recreation, V, p. 274. 79. The mountain lion (Felis concolor). In Recreation, V, p. 332, 1 plate. (Dec., 1896.) 80. How many kinds of bears are there in this country? In Recreation, V, pp. 322- 323. (Dec., 1896.) 81. Trouting in Klamath Lakes. In Recreation, V, p. 336. (Dec., 1896.) 82. Report on the fish and fisheries of the coastal waters of Florida. In Senate Doc. No. 100, 54th Cong., 2d Sess., 1897, pp. 1-80 ; also in Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1896 (1897), pp. 263-342. 83. A report upon salmon investigations in the headwaters of the Columbia River, in the state of Idaho, in 1895. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1896, pp. 149-202, 6 plates. 84. U. S. Fish Commission investiga- tions at Crater Lake. In Mazama, I, pp. 230-238. (1897.) 85. The fish fauna of Florida. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1897, pp. 201-208; also in Recreation, XII, pp. 292-295 (April, 1900) ; and in Southern Sportsman, II, pp. 9-14 (Jan., 1899). 86. A report upon salmon investigations in the Columbia River Basin and elsewhere on the Pacific coast in 1896. (Joint author with S. E. Meek. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1897, pp. 15-84 ; 8 plates. 87. Review of Florence A. Merriam's 'A-birding on a broncho.' In Recreation, VI, p. 290. (April, 1897.) 88. Review of David Starr Jordan's 'Science Sketches.' In Recreation, VI, p. 290. (April, 1897.) 89. Review of W. Furneaux's 'Life in pond and stream.' In Recreation, VI, p. 291. (April, 1897.) 90. Review of Frank Cramer's 'The method of Darwin.' In Recreation, VI, p. 291. (April, 1897.) 91. Review of Nathaniel Lord Britton and Addison Brown's 'An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions, I.' In Inland Educator, IV, p. 251. (June, 1897.) 92. Lake trout from Montana. In Rec reation, VII, pp. 54-55. (July, 1897.) 283 Indiana University '.vermann t)3. Catfish in Louisiana. In Ilecrea- lion. VII, p. 56. (July, 1897.) 94. Trout culture in Montana. In Rec- reation, VII, pp. 140. (August, 1897.) 95. White and yellow perch. In Recre- ation, VII, p. 178, 494. (Sept., Dec., 1897.) 96. Descriptions of new or little known genera and species of fishes from the United States. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1897 (1898), pp. 125-133 ; 4 plates. 97. Notes on fishes collected by E. W. Nelson on the Tres Marias Islands and in Sinaloa and Jalisco, Mexico. In Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, pp. 1-3. (Jan., 1898.) 98. Crater Lake. In Recreation, VIII, pp. 18-20; 2 illustrations. (Jan., 1898.) 99. Note on the Columbia sturgeon. In Recreation, VIII, p. 301. (April, 1898.) 100. Crater Lake to be a national park. In Recreation, VIII, p. 396. (May, 1898.) 101. The teaching of biology in the pub- lic schools. In Plant World, I, pp. 119-122. (May, 1898.) 102. The teaching of biology in the pub- lic schools. In Inland-Educator, VI, pp. 141-143. (May, 1898.) 103. Review of Nathaniel Lord Britton and Addison Brown's 'An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions, II.' In Inland-Edu- cator, VI, p. 180. (May, 1898.) 104. Note on the Loch Leven trout. In Recreation, VIII, p. 465. (June, 1898.) 105. Key to the species of Lucius. In Recreation, IX, p. 207. (Sept., 1898.) 106. Artificial key to the families of true fishes or Teleostei of North and Middle America. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. 47, U. S. Nat. Mus., pp. 2875-2890. (1898.) 107. Report on investigations by the U. S. Fish Commission in Mississippi, Louisi- ana, and Texas in 1897. In Rop. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1898 (1899), pp. 285310; 29 plates. 108. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1899, pp. 35-103. 109. Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Puerto Rico. (Joint author with Millard C. Marsh.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1899, pp. 351-362. 110. Something about Porto Rico. In Inland-Educator, pp. 7-10; 5 illustrations. (August, 1899.) 111. Review of S. Reynolds Hale's 'Our garden.' In Recreation, XI, p. 234. (Sept., 1899.) 112. Review of Albert Gardner Robin- son's 'Porto Rico to-day.' In Recreation, XI, p. 322. (Oct., 1899.) 113. Review of Sir Edward Grey's 'Fly fishing.' In Recreation, XI, p. 322. (Oct., 1899.) 114. A note on Roccus lineatus, Roccus chrysops, and Morone interrupta. In Recre- ation, XI, pp. 287-288. (Oct., 1899.) 115. The ling and other fishes of Lake Chelan, Washington. In Recreation, XI, pp. 371-372. (Nov., 1899.) 116. Note on a specimen of the wolf-fish, Alepisaurus sesculapias. In Recreation, XI, p. 373. (Nov., 1899.) 117. Review of Frederic A. Ober's 'Puerto Rico and its resources.' In Recrea- tion, XI, p. 397. (Nov., 1899.) 118. Review of David Starr Jordan's 'Manual of vertebrates.' In Recreation, XI, p. 397. (Nov., 1899.) 119. Description of two new species of darters from Lake Maxinkuckee, Indiana. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1899 (1900), pp. 363-367; 1 plate. 120. Investigations of the aquatic re- sources and fisheries of Porto Rico by the United States Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk in 1899. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, pp. 1-350; 52 plates, 112 figures. 121. The fishes of Porto Rico. (Joinl 284 Evermann ] Bibliography: Alumni author with M. C. Marsh.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900, pp. 51-350 ; 164 plates. 122. Some observations concerning species and sub-species. In Science, N. S., XI, pp. 451-455. (March, 1900.) 123. Keview of William Dinwiddie's 'Puerto Rico.' In Recreation, XII, p. 399. (May, 1900.) 124. The United States Fish Commision. In Current Encyclopedia, I, pp. 457-461 ; 6 illustrations. (Oct., 1901.) 125. Investigations of the United States Fish Commission steamer Albatross. In Current Encyclopedia, I, pp. 689-693; 3 il- lustrations. (Dec., 1901.) 126. Bait minnows. In Rep. New York Forest, Fish and Game Comm. for 1900 (1902), pp. 307-352; 16 text-figures and colored plates of 12 species. 127. Notes on the fishes and mollusks of Chautauqua Lake, New York. (Joint author with Edmund L. Goldsborough.) In Rep. New York Forest, Fish and Game Comm. for 1900 (1902), pp. 357-366; 1 plate. 128. Notes on the fishes of Lake On- tario. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Rep. N. Y. Forest, Fish and Game Comm. for 1900 (1902), pp. 479-488. 129. Summary of the scientific results of the Fish Commission expedition to Porto Rico. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900 (1902), XI-XV, First Part. 130. General report on the investigations in Porto Rico of the United States Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk in 1899. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1900 (1902), pp. 1-26, Part 1. 131. List of species of fishes known to occur in the Great Lakes or their connecting waters. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 95-96. 132. A report on fishes collected in Mex- ico and Central America, with notes and descriptions of five new species. (Joint author with E. L. Goldsborough.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 137- 159 ; 8 text-figures. 133. Notes on the fishes and mollusks of Lake Chautauqua, New York. (Joint author with E. L. Goldsborough.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 169- 175. 134. Notes on the fishes of Lake Ontario. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 209-216. 135. An annotated list of the fishes known to occur in Lake Champlain and its tributary waters. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 217-226. 136. An annotated list of the fishes known to occur in the St. Lawrence River. (Joint author with W. C. Kendall.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 227-240. 137. Description of a new species of shad (Alosa ohiensis) with notes on other food- fishes of the Ohio River. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 273-288; 6 plates. 138. The fishes and fisheries of the Ha- waiian Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901 (1902), pp. 353-499; 7 plates. 139. Preliminary report on the investi- gations of the fishes and fisheries of the Ha- vvaiian Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In House Doc. No. 249, 57th Cong., 1st Sess., pp. 1-33. (Jan., 1902.) 140. Lopho, the quail. In Harper's Mo., CIV, pp. 487-492. (Feb., 1902.) 141. Facts about the eel. In Recreation, XVI, p. 222. (March, 1902.) 142. Lake Mashipacong. In Recreation, XVI, pp. 291-293. (April, 1902.) 143. Nature study and nature study books. In Recreation, XVI, p. 317. (April, 1902.) 285 Indiana University '.vermann 144. Porto Rico, its fishes and fisheries. (Joint author with M. C. Marsh.) In Cur- rent Encyclopedia, II, pp. 1274-1279 ; 8 text- illustrations. (April, 1902.) 145. The feeding habits of the coot and other water birds. In Osprey, I, pp. 57-64. (April, 1902.) 146. American food and game fishes : a popular account of all the species found in America north of the Equator, with keys for ready identification, life histories, and meth- ods of capture. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) New York, 1902. Pp. 1, 573; 10 colored plates, 63 photographic plates, and 220 text-figures. 147. Notes on some Mexican fishes. (Joint author with E. L. Goldsborough. ) In Science, N. S., XV, pp. 746-749. (May, 1902.) 148. A new species of shad from the Ohio River. In Forest and Stream, LVIII, pp. 408-409; 6 plates. (May, 1902.) 149. Strange fishes of the deep sea. In The World To-day, II, pp. 1398-1406; 18 plates. (June, 1902.) 150. A new species of shad. In Sports Afield, XXIX, pp. 63-66; 3 plates. (July, 1902.) 151. Fishes of the Great Lakes. In Sports Afield, XXIX, p. 70. (July, 1902.) J52. The mystery of the salmon. In Out- ing, pp. 562-568. (August, 1902.) 153. Pike, pickerel, muscalonge. In Forest and Stream, LIX, p. 193. (Sept., 1902.) 154. The big trees of California. In Sports Afield, XXIX, p. 272. (Sept., 1902.) 155. Some strange ocean fishes. (Joint author with M. C. Marsh.) In World To- day, III, pp. 1800-1805, 10 plates. (Sept., 1902.) 156. Hawaiian Island fisheries. In Sports Afield, XXIX, p. 273. (Sept., 1902.) 157. Water the birds. In Country Life in America, III, pp. 17-19. (Nov., 1902.) 158. Nerka, the blueback salmon. In World To-day, III, pp. 2221-2228; 9 plates. (Dec., 1902.) 159. Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1902 (1903), pp. 161- 208. 160. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., for 1902 (1903), pp. 209-210. 161. The cutthroat trout and its rela- tives. In Country Life in America, IV, p. 130; 1 illustration. (June, 1903.) 162. The United States Bureau of Fish- eries. In Pacific Fisherman II, pp. 16-18; 3 plates. (Jan., 1904.) 163. The fishes and other aquatic re- sources of the Hawaiian Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Conirn. for 1903 (1904) ; 73 colored plates, 300 lithographs and text-figures. 164. Preliminary report of the Alaska Salmon Commission. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In House Doc. No. 477, 58th Cong., 2d Sess., pp. 1-37. (Jan., 1904.) 165. The native fishermen of Hawaii. In Outing, XLIII, pp. 660-667 ; 7 illustrations. 166. Modesty itself, the brown towhee. In Recreation, XX, pp. 277-279; 1 plate. (April, 1904.) 167. Statistics of the fisheries of the Middle Atlantic States. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1902, pp. 433-540. (1903.) 168. Report of the Division of Statistics and Methods of the Fisheries. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, pp. 101-122. (1904.) 169. The Bureau of Fisheries. In Nat Geog. Mag., XV, pp. 191-212; 14 illustra- tions. (May, 1904.) 286 Fesler] Bibliography: Alumni BERT FESLER, A.B. (1889). Duluth, Miun. 1. A review of the mackerels (Scom- brinae) of America and Europe. (Joint author with Fletcher B. Dresslar.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1887. FRANK ALBERT FETTER, A.B. ( 1891 ) , Ph.D. Professor of Economics and Social Science, Indiana University, 1895-1898. Now Professor of Political Economy and Finance, Cornell University. 1. Versuch einer Bevolkerungslehre, Jena, 1894. Pp. 105. 2. History of the city of Peru, Indiana. In History of Miami county, (Chicago, 1887), pp. 362-392. 3. Theories of value and deferred pay- ments. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., V, pp. 882-896. (May, 1895.) 4. The gold reserve, its functions and its maintenance. In Pol. Sci. Quart., XI, pp. 237-247. (June, 1896.) 5. Review of Julius Lehr's 'Produktion und Consumption.' In Pol. Sci. Quart., XI, p. 336. (June, 1896.) 6. Review of F. W. Taussig's 'Wages and capital.' In Pol. Sci. Quart., XII, p. 146. (March, 1897.) 7. The improvement of methods of poor relief in Indiana. In Bull. Indiana State Board of Charities. (June, 1898.) 8. The essay of Malthus : a centennial review. In Yale Rev., VII, p. 153. (August, 1898.) 9. Review of John Davidson's 'Bargain theory of wages.' In Pol. Sci. Quart., XIII, p. 556. (Sept., 1898.) 10. Politics in the charitable institu- tions of the Pacific coast. In Proc. Nat. Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1899. 11. Social progress and race degenera- tion. In Forum, XXVIII, p. 228. (Oct., 1899.) 12. Recent discussion of the capital concept. In Quart. Jour. Econ., XV, pp. 1- 45. (Nov., 1900.) 13. The next decade of economic theory. In Pub. Am. Econ. Asso., Third series, II, pp. 236-246. (Feb., 1901.) 14. The passing of the old rent concept. In Quart. Jour. Econ., XV, pp. 416-445. (May, 1901.) 15. Public subsidies to private charities. In Proc. Nat. Conf. Char, and Cor. for 1901, p. 118. 16. An American economist (J. B. Clark). In Internat. Mo. (July, 1901.) 17. The maps, diagrams, data, and sta- tistical tables on housing conditions in Chi- cago (about 100 pages). In Report of the City Homes Association on Tenement Con- ditions in Chicago. Chicago, 1901. 18. The subsidizing of private charities. In Am. Jour. Soc., VII, p. 359. (Nov., 1901.) 19. Review of A. H. Gibson's 'Natural economy.' In Jour. Pol. Econ., X, p. 289. (March, 1902.) 20. Review of E. A. Ross's 'Social con- trol.' In Charities, VIII, p. 213. (March, 1902.) 21. Review of E. von Bohm-Bawerk's 'Einige strittige Fragen der Capitalstheorie.' In Pol. Sci. Quar., XVII, p. 169. (March, 1902.) 22. Editor of 'Papers and proceedings of the 14th annual meeting of the American Economic Association.' New York, 1902. Pp. 400. (Pub. Am. Econ. Asso., 3d ser., Ill, No. 1.) 23. The roundabout process in the inter- est theory. In Quar. Jour. Econ., XVII, pp. 163-180. (Nov., 1902.) 24. Review of G. B. Lockwood's 'The New Harmony communities.' In Jour. Pol. Econ., XI, p. 175. (Dec., 1902.) 287 Indiana University [Fetter 25. Review of I. Broome, 'The last days of the Ruskin community.' In Jour. Pol. Econ., XI. p. 177. (Dec., 1902.) 26. Editor of 'Papers and proceedings of the 15th annual meeting of the American Economic Association.' New York, 1903. Pp. 298. (Pub. Am. Econ. Asso., 3d sen, IV, No. 1.) 27. Taxation in the American States in 1902. In Legislative Bull. New York State Library, No. 19, p. 785. (1903.) 28. The relations between rent and in- terest. Paper read at the sixteenth annual meeting of the Am. Econ. Assoc., Dec., 1903. In Pub. Am. Econ. Assoc. 3d ser., V, pp. 176-198. (Feb., 1904.) Reprint, with dis- cussion, 74 pp. (April, 1904.) 29. Taxation in the American States in 1903. In Legis. Bull. N. Y. State Library for May, 1904. 30. Editor of 'Papers and proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of the American Economic Association.' Part I. New York, 1904. Pp. 250. (Pub. Am. Econ. Assoc., 3d ser., V, No. 1.) 31. Editor of 'Papers and proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of the American Economic Association.' Part II. New York, 1904. Pp. 210. (Pub. Am. Econ. Assoc., 3d. ser., V, No. 2.) 32. Principles of economies, with appli- cations to practical problems. New York, 1904. About 500 pp. (In press.) 3. Avoidable causes of mortality in tu- berculosis in the Southwest. In Cleveland Med. Jour., for Nov., 1903. GUY HARLAND FITZGERALD, A.B. (1896), M.D. Albuquerque, N. M. 1. Etiology of appendicitis. In Cleve- land Medical Gaz. for 1901. 2. The Southwest for pulmonary tu- berculosis. In Cleveland Med. Jour., X. (March, 1902.) ARTHUR LEE FOLEY, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1891), Ph.D. See Faculty list. MORTON WILLIAM FORDICE, B.S. (1886). Kussellville, Ind. 1. A review of the American Stromat- eidse. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1884, pp. 311-317. 2. A review of the American Eleotrid inse. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.j In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1885, pp. 66-80. 3. A catalogue of the fishes of Bean Blossom Creek, Monroe county, Indiana. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1885, pp. 410-411. 4. List of fishes collected in Harvey and Cowley counties, Kansas. (Joint au- thor with Barton W. Evermann. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1885, p. 412. 5. Some Kansas fishes. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Bull. Wash- burn College Nat. Hist, for 1885. 6. A review of the North American species of Petromyzontidae. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Ann. Aoad. Nat. Sci. N. Y., for 1886. 7. A review of the American species of Bellonida?. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat Mus., IX, pp. 338-361. (1886.) 8. A review of the sturgeons (Acipen- seridse) of North America. (Joint author with Philip H. Kirsch.) 7n Proc. Acnd. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1889, pp. 245- 257. 288 Foster ] Bibliography: Alumni FlNLEY MlLLIGAN FOSTER, A.B. (1876), Ph.D. Clergyman, New York. 1. The witnessing church. New York, 3890. Pp. 233. 2. A plea for the old church. New York, 1896. Pp. 44. JOHN MITCHELL FOSTER, A.B. (1871). Pas- tor Second Reformed Presbyterian Church, Boston, Mass. 1. Review of S. L. Loomis's 'Modern cities.' In Christian Statesman. (Sept., 1888.) 2. Reformation principles. Cincinnati, 1890. Pp. 448. 3. Review of Elisha Mul ford's 'The nation.' In Christian Statesman. (Sept., 1890.) 4. Distinctive principles of the Cove- nanters. Boston, 1892. Pp. 56. 5. Our triple foe. Boston, 1892. Pp. 48. 6. Romanism : The evil and its rem- edy. Boston, 1892. Pp. 64. 7. Principles of the covenanters. In Our Day (Boston) for March, 1894, pp. 102- 113. 8. Christ the king. Boston, 1895. Pp. 448. 9. Secret societies and the state. In Arena, XIX, pp. 229-240. (Feb., 1898.) 10. Review *of James Bryce's 'The American commonwealth.' In Christian Statesman. (June, 1900.) 11. Review of A. J. Gordon's 'The Holy Spirit in missions.' In Olive Tree. (1900.^ 12. Review of R. W. Thompson's 'The papacy and the civil power.' In Am. Citi- zen. (April, 1901.) 13. Review of James Bryce's 'The Holy Roman Empire of the Germans.' In Am. Citizen. (March, 1901.) 14. Review of Josiah Strong's 'The new era.' In Christian Statesman. (June, 1901.) 15. Review of Stephen L. Baldwin's 'Foreign missions of the Protestant Church.' In Olive Tree. (Dec., 1901.) 16. Ten lectures on Romanism. In Am. Citizen. (Boston.) 17. One hundred lectures on the Chris- tian state. In Christian Statesman. (Pitts- burg, Pa.) 18. Twenty lectures on foreign missions. In Olive Tree. (New York.) 19. Fifty addresses on the Messiah's kingdom. In Midland. (Chicago.) 20. Review of Harlan P. Beach's 'The geography and atlas of Protestant missions.' In Olive Tree. (Feb., 1904.) 21. Review of Josiah Strong's 'Twen- tieth century cities.' In Midland. 22. Review of A. T. Pierson's 'Evan- gelistic work.' In Christian Nation. JOHN WATSON FOSTER, A.B. (1855), LL.D. Washington, D. C. 1. Coffee cultivation in Mexico. Agri- cultural Department. (3876.) 2. International awards and national honor. Washington, 1886. 3. Visit to foreign mission lands, Pres. bd., New York, 1895. 4. Bering Sea arbitration. In No. Am. Rev., CLXI, pp. 693-702. (Dec., 1895.) 5. Biography of Matthew Watson Fos- ter. New York, 1896. Pp. 86. 6. The Viceroy Li Hung Chang. In Century, LII, pp. 560-571. (August, 1896.) 7. The Hawaiian Islands. In Nat. Geog. Mag., for Nov., 1899. 9. Rank of ambassadors. In Columbia Univ. Pub., for Dec., 1899. 10. A century of American diplomacy. Boston, 1900. Pp. i-xiii, 495. (20) 289 Indiana University [Foster 11. A foreign sovereign in an American court. In Yale Law Jour., May, 1900. 12. A permanent method of arbitration. In Independent, LI I, pp. 1420-1422. (June 14, 1900.) 13. The right of missionaries to protec- tion. In Rev. of Revs., August, 1900. 14. The great Chinese viceroy and dip- lomat. In Internat. Mo., II, pp. 584-596. (Nov., 1900.) 15. Reciprocity treaties and the Senate. In Independent, LIT, p. 289t>. 16. La Doctrina de Monroe. In Bull. Am. Republics, Dec., 1900. 17. The United States, is or are? In New York Sat. Rev., May 4, 1901. 18. The Clayton-Bulwer treaty. In In- dependent, LIU, pp. 1167-1171. (May, 1901.) 19. Latin-American constitutions and revolutions. In Jour. Am. Sci., Nov., 1901. 20. Treaty making power under the Constitution. In Yale Law Jour., Dec., 1901. 21. The New Mexico. In Nat. Geo. Mag., Jan., 1902. 22. Canada and the Monroe Doctrine. In Independent, LIV, pp. 721-723. (March 27, 1902.) 23. Pan-American diplomacy. In Atl. Mo., LXXXIX, pp. 482-491. (April, 1902.) 24. Gifts from foreign governments : Art. 1, Sec. 9, Cl. 8, U. S. Constitution. In Columbia Univ. Pub., Dec., 1902. 25. American diplomacy in the Orient. Boston, 1903. Pp. i-xiv, 498. 26. The Canadian boundary. In Nat. Geo. Mag.. March, 1903. 27. Porfirio Diaz : Soldier and states- man. In Internat. Quar., VIII, pp. 342-353. (Dec., 1903.) 28. The Alaskan Boundary Tribunal. In Nat. Geo. Mag., Jan., 1904. 29. What the United States has done for international arbitration. In Green Bag. March, 1904. ADDISOX LUTHKB FULWIDER, A.B. (1895). Principal of High School, Jacksonville, 111. 1. History in the high school. In In- land-Educator, VI, pp. 100-104. (April, 1898.) 2. Relative value of history. In Proo. Illinois State Teachers' Asso., Dec., 1899. CHARLES HENRY GILBERT, M. S. (1882), Ph.D. (1883). Professor of Zoology, Indiana University, 1888-1891. Now Professor of Zoology, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. 1. List of fishes of Indiana. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Indi- ana Farmer, Jan. 17, 1877. 2. On the genera of North American fresh-water fishes. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil- adelphia, XXIX, pp. 83-104. 3. Notes on the fishes of Beaufort Har- bor, North Carolina. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, pp. 365-388. (1878.) 4. Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 23-34. (1880.) 5. Description of a new flounder ( Xys- treurys liolepis) from Santa Catalina Is- land, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 34-36. (1880.) 6. Description of a new ray (Platy- rhina triseriata) from the coast of Cali- fornia. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 36-38. (1880.) 7. Description of a new species of rock cod ( Sebastichthys serriceps) from the coast of California. (Joint author with 290 Gilbert'] Bibliography: Alumni D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 40-42. 8. On the occurrence of Cephaloscyl- lium laticeps' (Dumeril) Gill on the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 40-42. (1880.) 9. On the oil shark of Southern Cal- ifornia (Galeorhinus galeus). (Joint author with U. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 42-43. (1880.). 10. Description of a new flounder ( Pleu- ronichthys verticalis) from the coast of Cal- ifornia, with notes on other species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 49-51. (1880.) 11. Notes on sharks from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 51-52. (1880.) 12. On the generic relations of Platy- rhina exasperata. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 53. (1880.) 13. Description of a new species of Se- bastichthys ( Sebastichthys miniatus') from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 70-73. (1880.) 14. Description of a new species of rock- fish (Sebastichthys carnatus) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 73-75. (1880.) 15. Description of a new species of ray (Raia stellulata) from Monterey, Califor- nia. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 133-135. (1880.) 1C. Descriptions of new species of Xiph- ister and Apodichthys, from Monterey, Cal- ifornia. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 135-140. (1880.) 17. Descriptions of two new species of Sebastichthys (Sebastichthys entomelas and Sebastichthys rhodochloris ) from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 142-146. (1880.) 18. Description of a new Agonoid fish (Brachyopsis xyosternus) from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author witn D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 152-154. (1880.) 19. Description of a new flounder ( Hip- poglossoides exilis) from the coast of Cali- fornia. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 154-150. (1880.) 20. Description of a new species of ray (Raia rhina) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 251-253. (1880.) 21. Descriptions of two new species of fishes (Ascelichthys rhodorus and Scytalina cerdale) from Neah Bay, Washington Ter- ritory. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 264-268. (1880.) 22. Descriptions of two new species of Scopeloid fishes (Sudis ringens and Mycto- phum crenulare) from Santa Barbara Chan- nel, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 273-276. (1880.) 23. Descriptions of two new species of flounders (Parophrys ischyrus and Hippo- glossoides elassodon) from Puget Sound. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 276-280. (1880.) 24. Description of seven new species of Sebastoid fishes from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 287-298. (1880.) 25. Description of a new Embiotocoid (Abeona aurora) from Monterey, California, with notes on a related species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 299-301. (1880.) 291 Indiana University [Gilbert 26. Description of a new flounder (Plat- ysomatichthys stomias) from the coast of California. (Joint author with I). S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. pp. 301-303. (1880.) 27. Description of a new Embiotocoid fish (Cymatogaster rosaceus) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 303-305. (1880.) 28. Description of a new species of deep-water fish (Icichthys lockingtoni) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 305-308. (1880.) 29. Description of a new Embiotocoid fish (Ditrema atripes) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 320-322. (1880.) 30. Description of a new Scorpaenoid fish ( Sebastichthys maliger) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 322-324. (1880.) 31. Description of a new Scorpaenoid fish ( Sebastichthys proriger ) from Monterey Bay, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 327-329. (1880.) 32. Description of a new Agonoid (Ago- nus vulsus) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 330-332. (1880.) 33. Description of a new species of Hemirhamphus (Hemirhamphus roses) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., III. pp. 335-336. (1880.) 34. Description of a new species of No- tidanoid shark (Hexanchus corinus) from the Pacific coast of the United States. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 352-355. (1880.) 35. Description of a new species of Nemichthys (Nemichthys avocetta) from Pugpt Sound. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 409-410. (1881.) 36. Description of a new species of Paralepis (Paralepis coruscans) from the Straits of Juan de Fuca. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 411-413. (1881.) 37. List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, with a table showing the distribution of the species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 452-458. (1881.) 38. On the generic relations of Belone exilis. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. T.T. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 459. (1881.) 39. Notes on a collection of fishes from Utah Lake. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, pp. 359-465. (1881.) 40. Description of a new species of rock-fish (Sebastichthys chrysomelas) from the coast of California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, p. 465. (1881.) 41. Observations on the salmon of the Pacific. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Am. Nat., XV, pp. 177-186. (1881.) 42. Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 29-70. (1881.) 43. Description of Sebastichthys mys- tinus. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 70-72. (1881.) 44. Description of a new species of Pty- chochilus (Ptychochilus harfordi) from Sac- ramento River. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 72-73. (1881.) 45. Note on Ilaia inornata. (Joint author with I). S. Jordan.) In Proc. I". S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 73-74. (1881.) 292 Gilbert] Bibliography: Alumni 46. Notes on a collection of fishes made by Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., on the west coast of Mexico, with descriptions of new species. (Joint author with I). S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 225-233. (1881.) 47. List of fishes collected by Lieut. Henry E. Nichols, U. S. N., in the Gulf of California, and on the west coast of Lower California, with descriptions of four new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 273-279. (1882.) 48. Descriptions of thirty-three new species of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 338-365. (1882.) 49. Descriptions of a new species of Pomadasys from Mazatlan, with a key to the species known to inhabit the Pacific coast of tropical America. (Joint author with I). S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 383-388. (1882.) 50. Description of a new species of Xenichthys (Xenichthys xenurus) from the west coast of Central America. (Joint au- thor with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, p. 454. (1882.) 51. Description of five new species of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint au- thor with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IV, pp. 458-463. (1882.) 52. Description of four new species of sharks from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 102-110. (1882.) 53. Description of a new shark (Car- charias lainiella) from San Diego, Califor- nia. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 110-111. (1882.) 54. Descriptions of nineteen new species of fishes from the Bay of Panama. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., I, pp. 306-335. (1882.) 55. Description of a new Cyprinodont (Zygonectes inurus) from southern Illinois. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 143-144. (1882.) 56. Description of a new species of Uranidea (Uranidea pollicaris) from Lake Michigan. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 222- 223. (1882.) 57. Notes on fishes observed about Pen- sacola, Florida, and Galveston, Texas, with descriptions of new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 241-307. (1882.) 58. Description of a new species of Con- odon (Conodon serrifer) from Boca Soledad, Lower California. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 351-352. (1882.) 59. Catalogue of the fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Cape San Lucas, which are now in the United States National Mu- seum, with descriptions of eight new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus., V, pp. 353-371. (1882.) 60. List of fishes collected by Mr. John Xantus at Colima, Mexico. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 371-372. (1882.) 61. List of fishes collected at Panama by Capt. John M. Dow, now in the United States National Museum. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 373-378. (1882.) 62. List of a collection of fishes made by Mr. L. Belding, near Cape San Lucas, Lower California. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 378- 381. (1882.) 63. List of fishes collected at Panama by Rev. Mr. Rowell, now preserved in the United States National Museum. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 381-382. (1882.) 64. Descriptions of two new species of fishes ( Sebastichthys umbrosus and Cithar- ichthys stigrnseus) collected at Santa Bar- 293 Indiana University [Gilbert barn, California, by Andrea Laroo. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 410-412. (1882.) 05. A review of the Siluroid fishes found on the Pacific coast of tropical Amer- ica, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with I). S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, pp. 34-54. (1882.) (56. List, of fishes collected at Mazatlan, Mexico, by Charles H. Gilbert. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, pp. 105-108. (1882.) 67. List of fishes collected at Panama by C. II. Gilbert. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, pp. 109-111. (1882.) 68. Description of a new species of Goby (Gobiosoma ios) from Vancouver's Island. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 437-438. (1882.) 61). List of fishes observed at Punta Arenas, on the Pacific coast of Central Amer- ica. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., II, p. 112. (1882.) 70. On certain neglected generic names of Lact-pede. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 570-576. (1883.) 71. On the synonymy of the genus Bothus Rafinesque. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 576-577. (1883.) 72. Description of a new species of Artedius (Artedius fenestralis) from Puget Sound. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 577-579. (1883.) 73. Description of a new species of Urolophus (Urolophus asterias) from Ma- zatlan and Panama. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., ' V, pp. 579-580. (1883.) 74. Notes on a collection of fishes from Charleston, South Carolina, with descrip- tions of three new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. N.H. Mus., V, pp. 580-620. (1883.) 75. List of fishes now in the museum of Yale College, collected by Prof. Frank H. Bradley at Panama, with description of three new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 6^0-632. (1883.) 76. Descriptions of two new species of fishes (Myrophis vafer and Chloroscombrus orqueta) from Panama. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 645-647. (1883.) 77. Description of a new eel (Sidera castanea) from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 647-648. (1883.) 78. On the nomenclature of the genus Ophichthys. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 648- 651. (1883.) 79. Contributions to North American ichthyology, based primarily on the collec- tions of the U. S. Nat. Mus., IV. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1145 p. (1883.) 80. Notes on the nomenclature of cer- tain North American fishes. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 110-111. (1883.) 81. Description of two new species of fishes (Aprion ariomnus and Ophidium beani) from Pensacola, Florida. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 142-144. (1883.) 82. A review of the American Carangi- nap. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 188-208. (1883). 83. Note on the genera of Petromyzon- tidsp. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) / Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, p. 208. (1883.) 84. Description of a new Murocnoid eel 294 Gilbert'] Bibliography: Alumni (Sidera chlevastes) from the Galapagos Islands. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 208-210. (1883.) 85. Description of a new species of Rhinobatus (Rhinobatus glaucostigma) from Mazatlan, Mexico. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 210-211. (1883.) 86. A list of fishes collected in the east fork of White River, Indiana, with descrip- tions of two new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. .199-205. (1884.) 87. Notes on the fishes of Switz City Swamp, Greene county, Indiana. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 206-210. (1884.) 88. Descriptions of three new fishes from Kansas. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 512-514. (1884.) 89. Notes on the fishes of Kansas. In Bull. Washburn Col. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, pp. 10-16. (1884.) 90. A review of the species of the genus Calamus. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 14-24. (1884.) 91. Descriptions of ten new species of fishes from Key West, Florida. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 24-32. (1884.) 92. Note on Caranx ruber and Caranx bartholomsei. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 32-33. (1884.) 93. Note on Calamus proridens, a new species of Calamus. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, p. 150. (1884.) 94. Description of Sciaena sciera, a new species of Scisena from Mazatlan and Panama. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, p. 480. (1884.) 95. Second series of notes on the fishes of Kansas. In Bull. Washburn Col. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, pp. 97-99. (1885.) 96. The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, prepared through the cooperation of the Commissioner of Fisher- ies and the Superintendent of the Tenth Census, by George Brown Goode, Assistant Director of the U. S. National Museum, and a staff of associates. Section I. Nat- ural history of useful aquatic animals, with an atlas of 227 plates. Washington : Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1884. (Feb., 1885.) Pp. 895. (Discussions of fresh-water fishes, chiefly by D. S. Jordan ; of Pacific coast fishes, in collaboration with C. H. Gilbert.) 97. Third series of notes on Kansas fishes. In Bull. Washburn Col. Lab. Nat. Hist., I, pp. 207-211. (1886.) 98. List of fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas, in September, 1884, with notes and descriptions. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., IX, pp. 1-25. (1886.) 99. Descriptions of new and little known Etheostomoids. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, pp. 47-64. (1887.) 100. Description of a new species of Thalassophryne (Thalassophryne dowi) from Punta Arenas and Panama. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, p. 388. (1887.) 101. Description of a new species of Bathy master from Puget Sound and Alaska. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, p. 554. (1888.) 102. A list of fishes from a small tribu- tary of the Poteau river, Scott county, Arkansas. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, pp. 609-610. (1888.) 103. The fisheries and fishery interests of the United States, by George Brown Goode and a staff of associates. Section II. A geographical review of the fishery industries and fishing communities for the year 1880. Pp. 787. Washington, 1887. (Part on fish- eries of California, Oregon, and Washington, by D. S. Jordan and C. H. Gilbert.) 104. Notes on the occurrence of Gillich- 295 Indiana University [Gilbert thys y-cauda at San Diego, California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, p. 363. (1889.) 105. Report upon certain investigations relating to the planting of oysters in South- ern California. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., IX, pp. 95-98 ; 3 maps, 34 plates. (1889.) 100. Report of explorations made in Ala- bama during 1889, with notes on the fishes of the Tennessee, Alabama, and Escambia rivers. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., IX, pp. 143-159. (1889.) 107. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Alba- tross. No. XII. A preliminary report on the fishes collected by the steamer Albatross on the Pacific coast of North America during the year 1889, with descriptions of twelve new genera and ninety-two new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 49-126. (1890.) 108. Description of a new species of Etheostoma (E. micropterus) from Chihua- hua, Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 289-290. ( 1890. ) 109. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Alba- tross. No. XIX. A supplementary list of fishes collected at the Galapagos Islands and Panama, with descriptions of one new genus and three new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, pp. 449-455. (1890.) 110. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Alba- tross. No. XXI. Descriptions of Apodal fishes from the tropical Pacific. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, pp. 347-352. (1891.) 111. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Alba- tross. No. XXII. Descriptions of thirty- four new species of fishes collected in 1888 and 1889, principally among the Santa Bar- bara Islands and the Gulf of California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIV, pp. 539-566. (1891.) 112. Report on the fishes of the Death Valley expedition collected in Southern Cal- ifornia and Nevada in 1891, with descrip- tions of new species. In North American Fauna, No. 7, pt. II, pp. 229-234, pi. v-vi. (1893.) 113. Note on the wall-eyed pollack (Pol- lachius chalcogrammus fucensis) of Puget Sound. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, pp. 315-316. (1893.) 114. A report upon investigations in the Columbia River Basin, with descriptions of four new species. (Joint author with Barton Warren Evermann.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., XIV, pp. 169-207, pi. xvi-xxv. (1894.) Also issued as part of Sen. Misc. Doc. 200, Fifty-third Congress, 2d Ses. 115. Notes on fishes from the basin of the Mackenzie River in British America. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm.. XIV, pp. 23-25. (1894.) 116. Description of a new species of ribbon-fish. (Trachypterus rex-.salmonorum) from San Francisco. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., IV, pp. 144-146. (1894). 117. List of fishes inhabiting Clear Lake, California. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., XIV, pp. 139-140. (1894.) 118. The ichthyological collections of the steamer Albatross during the years 1890- 1891. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1893, pp. 393-476, pi. xx-xxxv. 119. Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian Islands, with de- scriptions and figures of twenty-three new species. (Joint author with Frank Cramer.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX, pp. 403-435, pi. xxxv-xlviii. (1897.) 120. Descriptions of twenty-two new species of fishes collected by the steamer Albatross of the United States Fish Com- mission. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX, pp. 437-457, pi. xlix-lv. (1897.) 121. The fishes of the Klamath Basin. In 296 Griggs ] Bibliography : Alumni Bull. U. S. Fish Comin., XVII, pp. 1-13. (1897.) 122. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Colorado Basin in Arizona. (Joint author with Norman Bishop Scofield.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XX, pp. 487-499; pi. xxxvi-xxxix. (1898.) 123. The fishes of Bering Sea. In 'Re- port of Fur Seal Investigations, 1896-1897,' Part III, sec. xviii, pp. 433-492, pi. xlii- Ixxv. (1898.) 124. On the occurrence of Caulolepis longidens Gill, on the coast of California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XII, pp. 565-566. (1899.) 125. Report on fishes obtained by the steamer Albatross in the vicinity of Santa Catalina Island and Monterey Bay. In Rep. U. S. Fish Cornm. for 1898, pp. 25-29, pi. i-ii. 126. Results of the Branner-Agassiz ex- pedition to Brazil. III. The fishes. In Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., II, pp. 161-183, pi. ix. (1900.) 127. The fishes of Panama Bay. (Joint author with Edwin Chapin Starks.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci., IV, pp. 304, pi. xxxiii. (1904.) 128. Notes on fishes of the Pacific coast of North America. In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 1904. 129. Deep-sea fishes of the Hawaiian Islands. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1904. 3. Motion of a particle on the helix surface. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903, pp. 75-79. OLIVER EDMUNDS GLENN, A.B. (1902), A.M. (1903). Instructor in Mathemat- ics, Indiana University, 1902-1903. Now Harrison Fellow, University of Penn- sylvania. Philadelphia. 1. The existence theorem ; a compari- son of the proofs of Gauss and Cayley. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903, p. 75. 2. Method of transvection in the ac- tual coefficients. In Am, Math. Mo., XI, p. 10. (March, 1904.) WILLIAM EXHARD GOLDEN, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1889). Teacher of English in the Polytechnic Preparatory School, Brook- lyn, N. Y. 1. A brief history of the English drama. New York, 1890. Pp. 227. 2. Hearts, a one-act comedy. New York, 1901. DAVID KOPP Goss, A.B. (1887), Principal of the American College, Strassburg, Germany. 1. A review of the American species of Hemirhamphus. (Joint author with Seth E. Meek.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia for 1884, pp. 221-226. 2. A review of the American species of the genus Trachynotus. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1884, pp. 121-129. 3. A review of the flounders and soles of America and Europe. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1886. pp. 225-342 ; 9 plates. EDWARD HOWARD GRIGGS, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1890). Lecturer, Montclair, N. J. 1. The new humanism. Philadelphia, 1899. Pp. 239. 2. A book of meditations. Philadel- phia, 1902. NATHAN KIRK GRIGGS, LL.B. (1867). Lincoln, Neb. 1. The lilies. A collection of sacred songs. Chicago. 297 Indiana University [Griggs 2. Griggs' collection. A collection of sacred songs. Chicago. 3. Voices of the winds series: (a) Croouings of the winds 12 lullabies, (b) Sighings of the winds 12 love songs, (c) Meanings of the winds 12 sorrow songs. (d) Rumblings of the winds 12 bass songs. (e) Sportings of the winds 12 negro songs. (f) Windings of the winds 12 sundry songs. Chicago. 4. Lyrics of the lariat. Volume of poems. Chicago. 5. Hell's canyon. Illustrated poem. Chicago. FRANK SCHMIDT GRIMSLEY, A.B. (1899). Milwaukee. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1899. Pp. 247. RAYMOND LAWRENCE HALL, A.B. (1904). Kentland, Ind. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1904. Pp. 312. CLAUDE MC-DONALD HAMILTON, A.B. (1898). New York City. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' class annual, Indiana University), ington, Ind., 1898. Pp. 255. (Senior Bloom- JAMES HENRY HAMILTON, A.M. (1894), Ph.D. Head worker, University Set- tlement, New York City. 1. Syracuse water supply. In Munic- ipal Affairs, IV, pp. 60-70. (March, 1900.) 2. School finance. In Jour, of Ped. (March, 1900.) 3. History of the leisure class. In Jour, of Ped. (March, 1900.) 4. Review of Patten's 'History of Eng- lish.' In Jour, of Ped. (March, 1900.) 5. Review of Conrad's 'American col- leges.' In Jour, of Ped. (March, 1900.) 6. The neglected principle in civic re- form. In Am. Jour. Soc., V, pp. 746-760. (May, lyOO.) 7. Reviews of different authors in Am. Jour. Soc. and Jour. Pol. Econ. 8. Educational aspects of savings. In Jour. Pol. Econ. 9. The place of the service tax in mod- ern finance. In Jour. Pol. Econ., VIII, pp. 303-320. 10. Savings and savings institutions. New York, 1902. Pp. 436. 11. Savings banks vs. commercial banks. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., XI, pp. 44-53. ESTHER (ALLERDICE) HARDING (Mrs. Wil- liam Fletcher Harding), A.B. (1892). Died March 12, 1902, at Indianapolis, Ind. 1. Lucindy listens. Verse. In St. Nicholas, XXVI, p. 551. (May, 1899.) CAROLINE HIRST (BROWN) HARDING (Mrs. Samuel Bannister Harding), A.B. (1890). Bloomington, Ind. 1. Greek gods, heroes, and men : a primer of the mythology and history of the Greeks. (Joint author with Samuel B. Harding.) Chicago, 1897. Pp. vi, 195. Il- lustrated. 2. The city of the seven hills : a book of stories from the history of ancient Rome. (Joint author with Samuel B. Harding.) Chicago, 1898. Pp. 274. (Revised edition, 1902, pp. 2G8.) Illustrated. 298 Harwood~\ Bibliography: Alumni SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING, A.B. (1890), Ph.D. See Faculty list. WILLIAM FLETCHER HARDING, A.B. (1893), Ph.M. Washington, D. C. 1. State bank of Indiana. In Jour. Pol. Econ., IV, pp. 1-36. (Dec., 1895.) CHARLES HARRIS, A.B. (1879), Ph.D. Pro- fessor of German, Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio. 1. German composition. Boston, 1890. Pp. vi, 143. 2. German lessons. Boston, 1892. Pp. vi, 192. 3. German reader. New York, 1895. Pp. viii, 356. 4. Wichert's 'An der Majorsecke.' New York, 1895. Pp. 41. 5. Goethe's poems, selected and edited, Boston, 1899. Pp. xvii, 286. 6. Lessing's 'Hamburgische Dramatur- gie,' abridged and edited. New York, 1901. Pp. xl, 356. 7. Review of Gerhart Hauptmann's tragi-comedy, 'Der rote Hahn.' In Nation, LXXIII, p. 490. (Dec. 26, 1901.) 8. Review of Ompteda's novels. In Nation, LXXIV, p. 128. (Feb. 13, 1902.) 9. Review of Hermann Sudermann's 'Es lebe das Leben.' In Nation, LXXIV, p. 169. (Feb. 27, 1902.) 10. Baedeker and the modern guide- book. In Bookman, XVII, p. 495. (July, 1903.) 11. Gerhart Hauptmann. In Mod. Lang. Notes, XIX, p. 33. (Feb., 1904.) THOMAS LEGRAND HARRIS, A.B. (1892), A.M. (1895). Sheridan, Ind. 1. The evolution of the college curricu- lum in the United States. Indianapolis, 1892. (Magazine article.) 2. The Trent affair and relations with England at the beginning of the Civil War. Indianapolis, 1896. Pp. 288. NOBLE HARTER, A.B. (1895), A.M. (1896). Superintendent of Schools, Warsaw, Indiana. 1. Studies in the physiology and psy- chology of the telegraphic language. (Joint author with William Lowe Bryan.) In Psych. Rev., IV, pp. 27-54. 8 plates. 2. Studies on the telegraphic lan- guage the acquisition of a hierarchy of habits. (Joint author with W. L. Bryan.) In Psych. Rev., VI, pp. 345-375; 2 plates. SAMUEL ERNEST HARWOOD, A.B. (1876), A.M. (1892). Professor of Mathemat- ics in Southern Illinois Normal School, Carbondale, 111. 1. Harwood's writing speller. Carbon- dale, 111., 1879. 2. Heredity and the school. In Pub. Sch. Jour., XIII, p. 260. (Jan., 1894.) 3. Typical plans for teaching number ideas : the idea six. In Pub. Sch. Jour., XIV, p. 151. (Nov., 1894.) 4. Plan for teaching number symbols. In Pub. Sch. Jour., XIV, p. 206. (Dec., 1894.) 5. Conscious analysis of the learning process. In Pub. Sch. Jour., XIV, p. 340. (Feb., 1895.) 6. Some vital questions in education. In School News, 1895-1896. The introduc- tion (Oct., 1895). The center of the school course (Nov., 1895). Adjustment of men- tal and manual exercises (Dec., 1895). The one or the many (Jan., 1896). Sex in education (Feb., 1896). Interest and duty 299 Indiana University \_Harwood (March, 1896). The child and the race (April, 189G). Religion and the school (June. 1896). The school and the home (July, 1896). Shall the school prepare one for his calling or for living? (Sept., 1896.) 7. Happiness and the school. In In- land Educator, II, p. 256. (June, 1896.) 8. Homesick in heaven. In Inland Ed- ucator, III. p. 69. (Sept., 1896.) 9. Closer organization of the [Illinois] school system. In School News, 1896. A state board of education (Nov.). County and township institutes (Dec.). The town- ship system (Jan.). Examinations and certificates ( Feb. ) . 10. Notes on method in arithmetic. Terre Haute, 1897. Pp. 68. 11. Method in reading. In School News, XI, 1898-1899. The outline pre- sented (Sept., 1898). .The language group (Oct., 1898). Purposes in reading (Nov., 1898). Uses of definitions (Dec., 1898). Questionable devices (Jan., 1899). Steps in the process (Feb., 1899). A second-grade lesson (March, 1899). Classifying reading exercises (April, 1899). To be kept in mind (June, 1899). 12. Some relations of form and number. In School News. (Jan., 1900.) 13. The attitude of the school toward reforms in the English language. In Intelli- gence. (Jan., 1903.) PAUL LELAND HAWORTH, A.B. (1899), A.M. (1901). Instructor in History, Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York City. 1. The professor's scar (story). In Outing, XXXVI, pp. 161-165. (May, 1900.) 2. Negro disfranchisement in Louisi- ana. In Outlook, LXXI, pp. 163-166. (May 17, 1902.) 3. The skee tournament at Ishpeming (story). In Youth's Companion, LXXVII, pp.1-2. (New Year's number for 1903.) 4. Bread upon the waters (story). Accepted by Youth's Companion. 5. The dog sledge mail (story). Ac- cepted by Youth's Companion. 6. Articles on topics in biography and American history, about 150,000 words. In New International Encyclopaedia. 7. Tholocco Sam's canoe fight (story). Accepted by the Success Co. for a new mag- azine, the name of which has not yet been announced. 8. Frederick the Great and the revolted thirteen colonies. In Am. Hist. Rev., April, 1904. 9. Historical note continuing an ar- ticle on a proposed change in the method of electing the President, written in 1884 by Senator J. B. Doolittle. To appear in the Pol. Sci. Quart. THOMAS J. HEADLEE, A.B. 1902. Teacher, Rensselaer, Ind. 1. Discussion of botany requirements as outlined by the college entrance exami- nation board of the Middle States and Mary- land. In Proc. Central Asso. Math, and Sci. Teachers, for Nov., 1903. 2. Ecology of the mussels of Winona Lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1904. 2 plates. NOBVAL CHASE HEIBONIMUS, A.B. (1895). Principal Central Grammar School, Richmond, Indiana. 1. Type studies in American history for grammar grades. Missouri Compromise, Richmond, Ind., 1898. Pp. 39. Stamp act, Richmond, Ind., 1899. Pp. 38. Louisiana purchase, Richmond, Ind., 1900. Pp. 36. Colonial life, Richmond, Ind., 1901. Pp. 60. 300 Hooper] Bibliography: Alumni ROBERT HESSLER, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1893), M.D. Logansport, Ind. 1. Railroad migrants among Indiana plants. In Indiana Farmer, XXIII, No. 34, p. 1. (August, 1888.) 2. Notes on a rare form of brain tumor, Psammoma. In Indiana Med. Jour, for April, 1892. 3. The preparation of microscopical sections. In Indiana Med. Jour, for Jan., 1893. 4. An extreme case of parasitism. In Am. Nat., XXVII, pp. 346-352. (April, 1893.) 5. The adventitious plants of Fayette county, Ind. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, p. 258. 6. A case of Norway itch. (The first reported American case.) In Medical News, Philadelphia, LXII, p. 517. 7. The flora of lake Cicott and lake Maxinkuckee, Ind. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896, pp. 116-129. 8. Thyroid medication. In Indiana Med. Jour., XIV, pp. 431-435. (June, 1896.) 9. Epilepsy and erysipelas. (The use of Erysipelas antitoxin.) In Jour. Am. Med. Asso., XXX, p. 1157. (May, 1898.) 10. Lymphadenoma or Hodgkin's dis- ease. In Indiana Med. Jour, for July, 1898. 11. Blastomycetic dermatitis. (The fifth known case.) In Indiana Med. Jour., XVII, p. 48. (August, 1898.) 12. Mosquitos and malaria. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1900, pp. 74-81. 13. Featherbeds and colds. In Indiana Med. Jour, for August, 1901. 14. Reclreaming dreams. In Psych. Rev., VIII, pp. 606-609. (Nov., 1901.) 15. The mineral waters of Indiana. In Trans. Indiana State Med. Soc. for 1902, p. 365. 16. The medicinal properties of Indiana mineral waters. In 26th Ann. Rep. Indiana State Geologist, p. 159-224. 17. Cold and 'colds.' In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. 18. Myxedema. Notes on two cases. In Indiana Med. Jour, for June, 1904. 19. Dust A neglected factor in the production of ill health. In Trans. Indiana State Med. Assn. for 1904. MARTIN LUTHER HOFFMAN, A.B. (1885), Auburn, Ind. 1. A review of the American species of the genus teuthis. (Joint author with Seth E. Meek.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, pp. 227-231. CYRUS LAURON HOOPER, Ph.B. (1887), A.M. (1888). Instructor in English in the North-West Division High School, Chicago. 1. A Cloverdale skeleton. New York, 1889. Pp. 170. 2. XXth century Shakespeare. Julius Csesar. Edited with an introduction and notes. Chicago, 1901. Pp. 153. 3. XXth century Shakespeare. Mac- beth. Edited with an introduction and notes. Chicago, 1902. Pp. 155. 4. XXth century Shakespeare. Ham- let. Edited with an introduction and notes. Chicago, 1902. Pp. 208. 5. Gee-boy. Chicago, 1903. Pp. 271. 6. XXth century Shakespeare. As You Like It. Edited with an introduction and notes. Chicago, 1904. (In press.) 7. Lamb's literary motive. Introduc- tion to The Village Press's edition de luxe of 'A dissertation upon roast pig.' Chicago, 1904. (In press.) 8. Introduction to The Village Press's edition de luxe of William Morris's 'Hollow land.' Chicago, 1904. (In press.) 301 Indiana University \_Hornbrook ADEXIA ROBERTS HORNBBOOK, A.B. (1893), A.M. (1894). Principal of the Uni- versity Academy, Chicago. 1. The pedagogical value of number forms. In Educ. Rev., Ill, pp. 407-480. (May, 1893.) 2. Laboratory methods of teaching mathematics in secondary schools. New York, 1895. Pp. 16. 3. Concrete geometry for beginners. New York, 1896. Pp. 201. 4. An experiment in Latin teaching. In Education. (Dec., 1896.) 5. Geometry under the laboratory method. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLII, pp. 141-147. (March, 1897.) 6. The laboratory method again. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLII, pp. 512-516. (August, 1897.) 7. Hornbrook's primary arithmetic. New York, 1898. Pp. 252. 8. Hornbrook's grammar school arith- metic. New York, 1900. Pp. 416. 9. Key to Hornbrook's arithmetics. New York, 1901. Pp. 116. JENNIE E HORNING. See Mrs. Francis Marion Walters. WALTER RALEIGH HOUGHTON, A.B. (1871), A.M. (1873). Principal of the Prepara- tory Department, Indiana University, 1873-1884. Now Principal of High School, Connersville, Ind. 1. A history of American politics. In- dianapolis, 1883. Pp. x, 550. 2. Rules of etiquette and home culture. Chicago, 1884. 3. The lives of Elaine and Logan. Chicago, 1884. 4. New reversible political map and United States map combined. (A conspec- tus of the history of political parties and the Federal government.) Chicago, 1888. JOSEPH HENRY HOWARD, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1890), Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Latin, 1894-1901. Now Professor of Latin, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. D. 1. Case usage in Petronius' satires. Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1902. Pp. 95. 2. The quantitative reading of Latin verse. Chicago, 1898. Pp. 30. GEORGE MAXWELL HOWE, A.B. (1894), Ph. D. Instructor in German, 1893-1895. Now Instructor in German, Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y. 1. The artificial palate. One way of making it and of keeping its records. In Jour. Eng. and Ger. Philo., V, pp. 77-82. (Sept., 1903.) 2. German prose composition based ou Storm's 'Immensee.' New York, 1904. Pp. vi, 64. ELIZABETH GREEN HUGHES, A.B. (1875), M.S. (1886). Teacher, Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. 1. A review of the genera and species of Julidinse found in American waters. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, pp. 56-70. 2. A review of the American species of the genus Prionotus. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, pp. 327-338. 3. A review of the genera Archosargus, Lagodon, and Diplodus with definitions of related genera. (Joint autnor with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886. 302 Jenkins ] Bibliography: Alumni OLIVER PEEBLES JENKINS, M.S. (1886), Ph.D. (1889). Professor of Physiology, Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. 1. Natural science in the elementary schools. In Educational Weekly, Indianap- olis, IV, Nos. 16, 17. (1885.) 2. Notes on the fishes of Beaufort Har- bor, North Carolina. In Johns Hopkins Circulars, V, p. 11. (1885.) 3. List of fishes collected in Vigo coun- ty, Indiana, in 1885 and 1888. In Hoosier Naturalist, II, pp. 93-96. (1887.) 4. Notes on Indiana fishes. (Joint au- thor with Barton Warren Evermann. ) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 43-57. (1888.) 5. Ornithology from a railroad train. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Ornithologist and Oologist, XIII, pp. 65-70. (1888.) 6. Physiology in the college curricu- lum. In Addresses and Proc. Indiana Col- lege Asso., 14th Ann. Sess., pp. 39-46. (1890.) 7. Description of eighteen new species of fishes from the Gulf of California. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, pp. 137-158. (1889.) 8. Report on a collection of fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, with de- scriptions of new species. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1891, pp. 121-165, 17 plates. (1891.) 9. The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. In Zoe, IV, No. 1 ; 26 plates. (1893.) 10. Primary lessons in human physiol- ogy. Indianapolis, 1896. Pp. 211. 2d ed., rev. 11. Advanced lessons in human physi- ology. Indianapolis, 1896. Pp. 318. 2d ed., 12. Suggestions in nature study in the primary grades. Stanford University, Cal., 1896. Pp. 29. 13. Nature study. In School Report of Oakland, Cal., for 1896-97, pp. 1-44. 14. The passing of Plato. Address at the sixth annual commencement, Leland Stanford Junior University, May 26th. Stanford University, Cal., 1897. Pp. 23. 15. Nature study. In School Report of Oakland, Cal., for 1897-98, pp. 15-34. (Sup- plement to article in Report of 1896-97.) 16. Plan of report of subcommittee on nature study. In Overland Monthly, XXXI, No. 183; Educational Department, II, No. 9. (1898.) 17. Lessons in nature study. (Joint author with Vernon Lyman Kellogg.) In West. Jour, of Educ. A series of articles running through the years 1899-1900. 18. Lessons in nature study. (Joint author with V. L. Kellogg.) San Fran- cisco, 1900. Pp. 196. 19. Description of new species of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands belonging to the families of Labridse and Scaridse. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1899, pp. 45-65, 22 plates. (August 30, 1900.) 20. Description of fifteen new species of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands. In Bull, of the U. S. Fish Comm. for 1899, pp. 187-404, 16 plates. (June 3, 1901.) 21. The rate of the nervous impulse in certain mollusca. (Joint author with Anton Julius Carlson.) In Am. Jour. Physiology, VIII, pp. 251-268. (1903.) 22. Report on collections of fishes made in the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of new species. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., for 1902, p. 417, 54 plates. (Sept. 23, 1903.) 23. The rate of the nervous impulse in the ventral cord of certain worms. (Joint author with A. J. Carlson.) In Jour. Comp. Neurology, XIII, No. 4. (Dec., 1903.) 303 Indiana University [Jenkins 24. Physiological evidence of the fluid- ity of the conducting substance in the pedal nerves of the slug, Ariolimax columbianus. (Joint author with A. J. Carlson.) In Jour, of Comp. Neurology and Psychology. (1904.) 25. Description of a new species of Ranzania from the Hawaiian Islands. In Proc. California Acad. Sci., 2d ser., V, pp. 779-784, 1 plate. 26. Notes on the fauna of Beaufort, North Carolina. The fishes. In Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hop- kins Univ., IV, p. 83. FRED BATES JOHNSON, A.B. (1902), Super- intendent of Schools, Carlisle, Ind. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1902. Pp. 283. MANSON ULVAIN JOHNSON, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1892). Anderson, Ind. 1. The cotton-seed oil trust. In Lit. Rev., July, 1899. 2. The tariff as viewed from a taxation standpoint. Indianapolis, 1891. Pp. 525. NEWTON CARU JOHNSON, A.B. (1897), A.M. (1898). Dean of Normal Department, Oakland City College. Oakland City, Ind. 1. Habits of work and methods of study of high school pupils in some cities in Indiana. In School Review, V, pp. 257- 277, 11 plates. (May, 1899.) FRANK LEONARD JONES, A.B. (1898). Ex- State Superintendent Public Instruc- tion, Indianapolis. South Bend, Ind. 1. 20th biennial report of the Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Indianapolis, 1900. Pp. 800. 2. The rural schools. Indianapolis, 1900. Pp. 125. 3. 21st biennial report of the Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Indianapolis, 1902. Pp. 870. JESSIE (KNIGHT) JORDAN (Mrs. David Starr Jordan), A.B. (1890). Stanford University, Cal. 1. Red letter days : The Canyon of the Colorado. In Land of Sunshine, IX, p. 126. (1898.) ClIANCEY JUDAY, A.B. (1896), A.M. (1897). Acting Professor of Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. 1. Hydrographic map of Turkey Lake, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895. 2. The plankton of Turkey Lake. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896, 287-296; 1 map. 3. The plankton of Winona Lake. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902, 120-133; 2 plates. 4. The diurnal movement of plankton Crustacea. In Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts, and Letters. (In press.) 5. The plankton of Lake Maxinkuckee in 1899. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. (In press. ) In PP- In pp. WILLIAM HENRY KELLY, A.B. (1894), Win- amac. Ind. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1894. Pp. 120. 304 Kindle] Bibliography: Alumni OSCAR LYNN KELSO, B.S. (1884), A.M. (1890). Professor of Mathematics, In- diana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. 1. Arithmetic for high schools, acad- emies and normal schools. New York, 1903, Pp. x, 274. 2. Revision of Cook-Cropsey series of arithmetics. (Joint author with Robert J. Aley.) New York, 1904. Elementary book, pp. xi, 276. Advanced book, pp. xiii, 327. 3. Some contributions to geometry. In Add. and Proc. Indiana College Asso. for 1900, pp. 29-36. 4. The relations of mathematics to the sciences in the High School. In Proc. State Sci. Teachers' Asso. for 1900, pp. 62-69. 5. Some errors in teaching arithmetic. In New York Teachers' Monographs. (To be published.) CLARENCE HAMILTON KENNEDY, A.B. ( 1902 ) , A.M. ( 1903 ) . Scientific Assist- ant U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Wash- ington, D. C. 1. Unilateral coloration with a bilat- eral effect. (Joint author with C. H. Ei- genmann.) In Science, XIII, pp. 828-830. (May, 1901.) 2. Tne Leptocephalus of the American eel and other American Leptocephali. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1901, pp. 81-92. 3. Variation notes. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Biol. Bull., IV, pp. 227-230. (April, 1903.) 4. A list of the dragonflies of Winona Lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903, pp. 159-164. (1903.) 5. A new diagnostic character for the species of the genus Argia. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1902, pp. 164-169, 2 plates. (1903.) 6. On a collection of fishes from Par- aguay, with a synopsis of the American gen- era of Cichlids. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila- delphia for 1903, pp. 497-537. (Sept., 1903.) WALTER MCCULLOUGH KERN, A.B. (1896). Superintendent of Schools, Columbus, Neb. 1. Editor of 'The Nebraska Teacher,' published at Lincoln, Neb. EDWARD MARTIN KINDLE, A.B. (1893), Ph.D. Assistant Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey. New Haven, Conn. 1. Geologic literature of Indiana, strat- igraphic and economic. (Joint author with V. F. Marsters.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 156-191. 2. The South American cat-fishes be- longing to Cornell University. In Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 249-256. (1893.) 3. A note on rock flexure. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 49-50. 4. Dip of the Keokuk rocks at Bloom- ington, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 52-53. 5. Preliminary list of the birds of Brown county, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, pp. 68-73. 6. The whetstone and grindstone rocks of Indiana. In 20th Ann. Rept. Indiana Dept. of Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1896, pp. 329-368, with geologic map. 7. The relation of the fauna of the Ithaca group to the faunas of the Portage and Chemung. In Bull. Am. Pal., II, No. 6, pp. 1-54; 1 plate. (1896.) 8. On some Paleozoic fossils from Baf- finland. In Am. Jour. Sci., LII, pp. 455- 456. (1896.) 9. Pleistocene fossils from Baffinlaud (21) 305 Indiana University \_Kindle and Greenland. In Science, N. S., V, pp. 91-93. (1897.) 10. A catalogue of the fossils of Indi- ana, accompanied by a bibliography of the literature relating to them. In 22d Ann. Kept. Indiana Dept. of Geol. and Nat. Res. for 1898, pp. 407-514. 11. The Devonian and Lower Carbon- iferous faunas of southern Indiana and cen- tral Kentucky. In Bull. Am. Pal., No. 12, pp. 1-112. (1889.) 12. The Devonian fossils and stratigra- phy of Indiana. In 25th Ann. Kept. Geol. Nat. Res. of Indiana for 1900, pp. 530- 758 ; 31 plates. 13. Geological maps of southern Indi- ana limestones (Salem sheet and Corydon sheet). (Joint author with G. H. Ashley.) In 27th Rep. Indiana Geol. Surv. for 1901 and 1902. 14. The Niagara rocks of Hamilton county, Indiana. In Am. Jour. Sci., XIV, pp. 221-224. (July, 1902.) 15. The Niagara domes of northern In- diana. In Am. Jour. Sci., XV, 459-468; 4 plates. (June, 1903.) 16. The Niagara stratigraphy and pal- eontology of northern Indiana. In 28th Ann. Rep. Indiana Geol. Surv., 30 plates. (Not yet issued.) 17. The fossil faunas of the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. (Joint author with H. S. Williams.) In Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1904. (Not yet published.) 18. The folio of the WatkSns Glen quad- rangle. (Joint author with H. S. Wil- liams.) In U. S. Geol. Survey. (Not yet published. ) CYRUS AMBROSE KING, A.B. (1893), Ph.D. Instructor in Botany, 1900-1902. Now teacher of Botany in the DeWitt Clin- ton High School, New York City. 1. Explosive discharge of antherozoids in Conocephalum. In Torreya for April, 1903, pp. 60-61. 2. Observations on the cytology of Aroiospora pulchra, Thaxter. In Trans. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for Nov., 1903, pp. 211-245 ; 5 plates. PHILIP HENRY KIRSCH, A.B. (1888), A.M. (1889), Ph.D. (1893). Died Sept. 8, 1900, at El Paso, Texas. 1. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Rio Gila at Fort Thomas, Ariz., ob- tained by Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, U. S. A. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888. 2. A review of the American species of thread-fins ( Polynemidae. ) In Ann. New York Acad. Nat. Hist, for 1890. 3. A review of the sturgeons (Aci- penseridse) of North America. (Joint au- thor with Morton W. Fordice.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1889, pp. 245-257. OTTO PAUL KLOPSCH, A.B. (1896). Super- intendent of schools, Mascoutah, 111. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1896. Pp. 239. CHARLES TOBIAS KNIPP, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1896), Ph.D. Instructor in Physics, 1893-1900; Assistant Professor, 1900- 1903, Indiana University. Now Assist- ant Professor of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 1. A new form of make and break. In Am. Jour. Sci., V, pp. 283-284. (1898.) 2. Surface tension of water above 100 C. In Phys. Rev., XI, pp. 129-154. (Sept., 1900.) 3. The use of the bicycle wheel in illus- trating the principles of the gyroscope. In Phys. Rev., XII, pp. 43-46. (Jan., 1901.) 306 Loeb] Bibliography: Alumni 4. An automatic temperature regula- tor. In Phys. Rev., XII, pp. 47-49. (Jan., 1901.) 5. On the density and surfaee tension of liquid air. In Phys. Rev., XIV, pp. 75- 82. (Feb., 1902.) 6. A method for maintaining interme- diate temperatures. In Phys. Rev., XV, pp. 125-126. (August, 1902.) HENRY HIGGINS LANE, A.M. (1903). As- sistant in Zoology, University of Chi- cago, Chicago. 1. The green heron (Ardea virescens). In Birds and Nature, May, 1902. 1 full- page plate in color. 2. The solitary sandpiper (Totanus solitarius). In Birds and Nature, Oct., 1902. 3. The ovarian structures of the vivi- parous blind fishes, Lucifuga and Stygicola. In Biol. Bull., VI, pp. 38-54; 2 plates. (Dec., 1903.) ALEXANDER DOWNING LEMON, B.S. (1858), LL.B. (1859). San Francisco, Cal. 1. The union of the States must be maintained. Bedford, Indiana, 1861. Pp. 10. 2. Reconstruction of the States. Bed- ford, Indiana, 1868. Pp. Iz. 3. An address in support of the elec- tion of Samuel J. Tilden for President of the United States. San Francisco, Cal., 1876. Pp. 12. 4. Fourth of July Centennial address. San Diego, Cal., 1876. Pp. 10. 5. Prison reforms, and libraries for penal institutions. Phoenix, Ariz., 1883. Pp. 8. 6. An address on the silver question and bi-metallism. San Francisco, Cal., 1895. Pp. 15. WILLIAM HARRISON LEMON, A.B. (1854), Ph.D. Lawrence, Kansas. 1. Evidence of pre-glacial man, in Greene county, Indiana. Papers to Smith- sonian Inst. (1856.) 2. The valley of the Ghor, and the Noachian deluge. 1859. Pp. 200. 3. Olam Haba, or the world arrested at the theism of the Jews. 1882. Pp. 240. 4. Gisdubar, the pre-Adamite man. 1886. Pp. 180. 5. Bichloride of gold, or the skeleton in the closet. 1890. Pp. 200. 6. Ithuriel, or the legend of Eros ; n romance of eschatology. 1903. Pp. 450. JESSE LEWIS, A.B. (1901). Professor of History and Civics, State Normal School, Mayville, N. D. 1. A topical analysis of American his- tory and government. Chicago, 1902. Pp. 185. 2. The educational value of history. In Quar. Bull. State Normal School, May- ville, N. D. ERNEST HIRAM LINDLEY, A.B. (1893), A.M. (1894), Ph.D. See Faculty list. CLARENCE GUY LITTELL, A.B. (1.903). 1. The birds of Winona Lake (sum- mer). In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902; reprinted in Indiana Univ. Bull., I, No. 4, pp. 41-72; 27 figures (Nov., 1903). ISAAC ANDERSON LOEB, A.B. (1890 1, LL.B. Chicago, 111. 1. The Jewess of the Apocrypha. Chi- cago, 1901. 307 Indiana University \_Leeb 2. Editor of 'The Independent Order Free Sons of Israel.' I (1903), II (1904). Chicago. ROBERT EDWARD LYONS, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1890), Ph.D. See Faculty list. JEFFERSON MCANNELLY, Ft. Collins, Colo. LL.B. (1872), 1. A guide to administrators, execu- tors, and guardians. Fort Collins, Colo., 1886. Pp. 60. AMANDA McCoMB, A.M. (1900). Teacher High School, South Bend, Ind. 1. The development of the karyokinetic spindle in vegetative cells of higher plants. In Bull. Tor. Bot. Club, XXVII, pp. 451- 459, 2 plates. (August, 1900.) WILLIAM HARRISON MACE, A.M. (1889), Ph.D. Professor of History, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 1. A series of articles in Indiana Sch. Jour., Indianapolis, 1888-1890. 2. A series on method in history. In Inter-State Sch. Rev., Danville, 111., 1891- 1892. 3. The organization of historical ma- terial. In Papers Am. Hist. Asso., V, pp. 143-161 ; abstract in Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Asso. for 1890, pp. 103-107. (1891.) 4. Review of G. P. Fisher's 'The colo- nial era.' In Sch. Rev. for 1893. 5. A series of five syllabi on American history. Albany, N. Y. 1892-1897. 6. A working manual of American his- tory. Syracuse, 1895. 7. Method in history for teachers and students. Boston, 1897. Pp. xvii, 306. 8. Des Ultern Pitt, Beziehungen zur amerikanischen Revolution. Jena, 1897. 9. The central defect of the normal school. In Educ. Rev., XXI, pp. 132-139. (Feb., 1901.) 10. The method of the last course in history in the high school. In Jour. Ped. for 1901. 11. Political history in the elementary In Elementary School Teacher for school. 1904. 12. Graduate work and a school of edu- cation. In Michigan Alumnus for 1904. 13. Review of Frank McMurry's 'Spe- cial method in history.' In Educ. Rev., XXVII, pp. 203-205. (Feb., 1904.) DUDLEY ODELL McGovNEY, A.B. (1901). Cambridge, Mass. 1. Civil government in the Philippines. Chicago, 1904. Pp. xi, 209. 2. The navigation acts as applied to European trade. In Am. Hist. Rev., IX, pp. 725-734. (July, 1904.) CHARLES LESLIE McKAY, B.S. (1881). Drowned April 19, 1883, near Cape Constantine, Alaska. 1. A review of the genera and species of the family Centrarchidse, with a descrip- tion of one new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, pp. 87-93. ADAH MCMAHAN, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1892), M.D. Lafayette, Ind. 1. Membranous ententis. In Trans. Indiana State Med. Soc. for 1899, pp. 77-87. 2. Treatment of infantile convulsions. In New York Med. Jour., LXX\1, p. 461. (March, 1903.) 308 Martin ] Bibliography: Alumni JEROME FEE MCNEIL, B.S. (1886). Teach- er, Richmond, Ind. 1. Description of twelve new species of Myriapoda, chiefly from Indiana. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886. 2. Revision of the Truxalinae of North America. In Proc. Davenport Acad. Sci., VI, pp. 179-274; 6 plates. (1897.) 3. Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos expe- dition, IV, Orthoptera. In Proc. Washing- ton Acad. Sci., Ill, pp. 487-506. (Nov., 1901.) GEORGE WASHINGTON MARTIN, Ph.D. (1892). Professor of Biology, Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn. 1. The organology of Aster and Solid- ago. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, p. 5 ; 1 plate. 2. The embryology of Aster and Solid- ago. In Bot. Gaz., XVII, p. 6 ; 1 plate. 3. The Florideae. Indianapolis, 1894. Pp. 3. 4. Indiana Academy of Science. In Indiana Sch. Jour, for Dec., 1895, pp. 66-67. 5. Biology in secondary schools. Roch- ester, 1900. Pp. iii, 8. 6. The secondary school and prepara- tion for citizenship. Nashville, 1901. Pp. 10. WILLIAM ALEXANDER PARSONS MARTIN, A.B. (1846), A.M. (1849), D.D., LL.D. President University of Wuchong, Wu- chong, China. 1. Account of an overland journey from Peking to Shanghai made in February and March, 1866. In Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. North China branch, N. S. Ill, p. 26. (1866.) 2. On the style of Chinese epistolary composition. In Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. North China branch, N. S. XI, p. 113. <1877.) 3. Report on the system of public in- struction in China. (U. S. Education Bu- reau, Circulars of Information, No. 1.) Washington, 1877. Pp. 28. 4. Three systems of the religions of China. In New Englander, XXVIII, p. 223. (1877.) 5. Editor of 'The Peking Scientific Magazine' (Chinese). 1875-78. 6. The Chinese : their education, phil- osophy and letters. New York, 1881. Pp. viii, 319. 7. Mathematical physics (Chinese). 1885. 8. Tonquin ; or the French in Annam. In New Englander, XLV, p. 665. (1886.) 9. The advisability or the reverse of endeavoring to convey western knowledge to the Chinese through the medium of their own language. (Joint author with others.) In Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. North China branch, N. S. XXI, p. 1. (1887.) 10. The Lusiad : the epic of the opening of the east. In New Englander, LIII, p. 542. (1890.) 11. Does China menace the world? In Forum, X, pp. 433-441. (Dec., 1890.) 12. As the Chinese see us. In Forum, X, pp. 678-688. ( Feb. , 1891. ) 13. America's duty to China. In John H. Barrow's 'The World's Parliament of Religions' (Chicago, 1893), II, pp. 1137- 1144. 14. The Chinese (Hanleii papers). 1st ser., Shanghai, 1880 ; 2d ser., Shanghai and London, 1894. 15. Editor of 'Science Monthly' (Chi- nese), 1897-98. 16. A cycle of Cathay ; or China south and north, with personal reminiscences. New York, 1896. Pp. 464. 17. The fall of Peking. In Independ- ent, LII, pp. 2419-2421. (Oct. 11, 1900.) 18. The siege of Peking. In Nat. Geog. Mag., XII, p. 53. (Feb., 1901.) 19. The poetry of the Chinese. In No. 309 Indiana University [Martin Am. Rev., CLXXII, pp. 853-8G2. (June, 1901.) 20. Li Hung Chang. In Independent, LI 1 1, pp. 268G-2G88. (Nov. 14, 1901.) 21. The lore of Cathay ; or, the intellect of China. New York, 1901. Pp. iv, 480. 22. History of the classic ages of China. 23. Les vestiges d'un droit international dans 1'ancienne Chine. In Revue de Droit Internationale. 24. Natural theology and evidences of Christianity (Chinese). Reprinted in nu- merous editions in China and Japan. 25. Natural Philosophy (Chinese). 7 vols. "This work contained the first formal treatise on chemistry and the first regular course of physics ever published in the Chinese language." 26. Translations into Chinese of Whea- ton's 'International law," De Marten's 'Guide diplomatique,' Woolsey's 'Interna- tional law,' and Bluntschli's 'Le droit inter- national codifieV JAMES RARIDEN MEEK, A.B. (1897). Prin- cipal of High School, Durango, Colo. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1897. Pp. 287. SETH EUGENE MEEK, B.S. (1884), M.S. (188G), Ph.D. (1891). Assistant Cu- rator of Zoology, Field Columbian Mu- seum, Chicago. 1. A review of the species of Gerres found in American waters. (Joint author with Barton Warren Evermann.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1883, pp. 116-124. 2. Note on the genus Anguilla. In Bull. U. S. P'ish Comm. for 1883, p. 430. 3. A review of the American species of Scomberomorus. (Joint author with R. G. Ncwland.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1883, pp. 219-232. 4. A review of the genus Sphyrsena. (Joint author with R. G. Newland.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1884, pp. 67-75. 5. A review of the American species of Hemirhamphus. (Joint author with D. K. Goss.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia for 1884, pp. 221-235. 6. Notes on a collection of anchovies from Havana and Key West, with an ac- count of a new species (Stolephorus eury- stole) from Woods Hole, Mass. (Joint au- thor with Joseph Swain.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1884, pp. 34-46. 7. A review of the American species of the genus Synodus. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1884, pp. 130-136. 8. A review of the American species of the genus Trachynotus. (Joint author with D. K. Goss.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1884, pp. 121-129. 9. Note on the Cuban eel. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1884, p. 111. 10. List of fishes collected in the St. John's river at Jacksonville, Fla. (Joint author with David Starr Jordan.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1884, p. 233-237. 11. Description of Zygonectes zonifer, a new species of Zygonectes from Nash- ville, Ga. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, pp. 526-627. 12. Description of a new species of Hy- bopsis (Hybopsis montanus). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, pp. 526-527. 13. Description of four new species of Cyprinidse. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, pp. 474-477. 14. Notes on the pipe fishes of Key West, Fla., with descriptions of two new species. (Joint author with Joseph Swain.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, pp. 237- 239. 310 Meek'} Bibliography: Alumni 15. List of fishes collected in Iowa and Missouri, in August, 1884, with descriptions of three new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, pp. 1-17. 16. A review of the American species of flying fishes. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, pp. 44-67. 17. A review of the American genera and species of Batrachidae. (Joint author with E. A. Hall.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1885, pp. 52-62. 18. A review of the American species of the genus Scorpaena. (Joint author with R. G. Newland.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1885, pp. 394-403. 19. A review of the genus Esox. (Joint author with R. G. Newland.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1885, pp. 367-375. 20. A revision of the American species of the genus Gerres. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1886, pp. 256-272. 21. A note on the lamprey of Cayuga Lake. In Ann. New York Acad. Sci. for 1886, pp. 285-289. 22. Note on Elagatis bipinnulatus. (Joint author with C. H. Bollman.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1889, pp. 42-44. 23. Report on the explorations made in Missouri and Arkansas during 1889, with an account of the fishes observed in each of the river basins examined. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1889, pp. 113-141. 24. Note on Ammocoetes branchialis. In Am. Nat., XXIII, pp. 640-642. (1890.) 25. The native food fishes of Iowa. In Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1890, pp. 68-76. 26. Report on the fishes of Iowa based on observations and collections made during 1889, 1890 and 1891. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1890, pp. 217-248. 27. The fishes of the Cedar river basin. In Iowa Acad. Sci. for 1891, pp. 1-8. 28. A catalogue of the fishes of Arkan- sas. In Ann. Rept. Arkansas State Geol. for 1891, pp. 215-276. 29. A description of Etheostoma pagei. In Am. Nat, XXVIII, p. 957. (1894.) 30. A new Cambarus (Cambarus faxo- nii) from Arkansas. In Am. Nat., XXVIII, pp. 1042-1043, 1 plate. (1894.) 31. Report of investigations respecting the fishes of Arkansas conducted during 1891, 1892 and 1893, with a synopsis of previous explorations in the same State. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894, pp. 67-94. 32. Notes on the fishes of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1894, pp. 133-138. 33. Description of a new species of Go- biesox (Gobiesox muscarum). (Joint author with C. J. Pierson.) In Proc. California Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 571-573. 34. A list of fishes and mollusks col- lected in Arkansas and the Indian Terri- tory in 1894. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1895, pp. 341-349. 35. Salmon investigations in the Co- lumbia river basin and elsewhere on the Pacific coast in 1896. (Joint author with B. W. Evermann.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1897, pp. 15-84. 36. A list of fishes and reptiles obtained by the Field Columbian Museum East Af- rican Expedition to Somali-land in 1896. In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series, I, pp. 163-184. (1897.) 37. Notes on a collection of cold-blooded vertebrates from the Olympic mountains. In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series, I, pp. 225-236. (1899.) 38. Notes on a collection of fishes and amphibians from Muskoka and Gull lakes. In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series, I, pp. 307-311. (1899.) 39. Contribution to the ichthyology of 311 Indiana University [Meek Mexico. In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series III, pp. 63-128, 18 plates. (1902.) 40. The growth and variation of fishes. In Birds and Nature, VIII, pp. 84-89. (1900.) 41. The geological succession of fishes. In Birds and Nature, VIII, pp. 133-139. (1900.) 42. The geographical distribution of fishes. In Birds and Nature, VIII, pp. 161- 164. (1900.) 43. Notes on a collection of cold-blooded vertebrates from Ontario. (Joint author with H. W. Clark.) In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series, III, pp. 131-140. (1902.) 44. Contribution to museum technique. In Am. Nat, XXXVI, pp. 53-62. (Jan., 1902.) 45. Review of D. S. Jordan and B. W. Evermann's 'American game and food fishes.' In Am. Nat., XXXVI, pp. 557-558. (August, 1903.) 46. Distribution of fresh-water fishes in Mexico. In Am. Nat., XXXVII, pp. 771- 784. (Nov., 1903.) 47. The fresh-water fishes of Mexico. In Field Col. Mus. Pub., Zool. Series, V, pp. 1-300. (In press.) OSCAR MARION MEYNCKE, A.B. (1896). Brookville, Ind. 1. The flora of Franklin county, Indi- ana. In Bulletins Nos. 1-2, Brookville Soc. Nat. Hist. 2. The study of the bird's nest. In Teachers' Jour. Also in Nature Study Mo. GEORGE MOREY MILLER, A.B. (1892), A.M. Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, University of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1. The agitation about English. In Proc. Mod. Lang. Asso. of Ohio, pp. 46-57. (1898-1899.) 2. The dramatic element in the popu- lar ballad. In Univ. Cincinnati Bull., No. 19, Series II, Vol. II, pp. viii, 35. (1904.) JOHN ANTHONY MILLER, A.B. (1890), Ph.D. See Faculty list. KATE MILNER. See Mrs. Albert Rabb. GEORGE ELBERT MITCHELL, A.B. (1898). Teacher of Science, High School, Rens- selaer, Ind. 1. Note on the aberrant follicles In the ovary of Cymatogaster. In Proc. Indi- ana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 229-232, 1 plate. (1899.) WILLIAM J MOENKHAXJS, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. See Faculty list. HAMILTON BYRON MOORE, A.M. (1901). Instructor in English, Indiana Uni- versity, 1898-1901 ; Assistant Professor, 1901-1903. Now Instructor in English, Manual Training High School, Indi- anapolis. 1. Dickens's 'The tale of two cities.' Edited with introduction and notes. Bos- ton, 1901. 2. Thackeray's 'Henry Esmond.' Ed- ited with introduction and notes. Boston, 1904. WALTER PIETY MORGAN, A.M. (1900). As- sistant Professor of Mathematics, Indi- ana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. 1. Teachers' manual for Cook and Cropsey arithmetics. Terre Haute, Ind., 1902. Pp. 302. 312 Newsom ] Bibliography: Alumni SARAH PARKE MORRISON, A.B. (1869), A.M. (1871). Adjunct Professor of English Literature, Indiana University, 1873-75. Knightstown, Ind. 1. I'm coming home, song. (Sheet music.) St. Louis, 1888. Pp. 5. 2. A monody to a father's memory. Cambridge, Mass., 1891. Pp. 49, 1 plate. 3. Among ourselves : to a mother's memory. Vol. I, Out of North Carolina. Pp. 170, 6 plates. Vol. II, Catherine and her surroundings. Pp. 214, 5 plates. Plain- field, Ind., 1901 and 1902. ROBERT NEWLAND, A.B. (1887). in High School, Denver, Colo. Teacher WILLIAM LAGRANGE MORRISON, A.B. (1888). Superintendent of Schools, Scottsburg, Ind. 1. A review of the American species of Priacanthidae or big-eyes. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1889. CHARLES ALFRED MOSEMILLER, A.B. (1890), See Faculty list. DAVID MYERS MOTTIER, A.B. (1891), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. See Faculty list. ARTHUR LEROY MURRAY, A.B. (1901). Teacher, Muncie, Ind. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1901. Pp. 250. EDWIN MANSON NEHER, A.B. (1901), S.B. Student, Rush Medical College, Chicago. 1. The eye of Palsemonetes antrorum. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902. 1. A review of the American species of the genus Scorpsena. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1885, pp. 294-403. 2. A review of the species of the genus Esox. (Joint author with S. E. Meek.) In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1885, pp. 52-62. ADELAIDE (PERRY) NEWSOM (Mrs. John F. Newsom), A.B. (1894). Stanford University, Cal. 1. Editor of 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). (Joint editor with Clarence Arthur Zaring). Bloom- ington, Ind., 1895. Pp. 240. JOHN FLESHER NEWSOM, A.B. (1891), Ph.D. Instructor in Geology, Indiana Univer- sity, 1894-96 ; Assistant Professor, 1896-99. Now Associate Professor of Mining, Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, Stanford University, Cal. 1. Syllabus of lectures on economic geology. (Joint author with J. C. Branner.) Stanford University, 1895. Pp. 282. 2. A relief map of Arkansas. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., for 1895, p. 56. 3. A geological section across south- ern Indiana from Hanover to Vincennes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., for 1897, pp. 250-253. 4. The Knobstone group in the region of New Albany, Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 253-256. 5. The Red River and Clinton mono- clines, Arkansas. (Joint author with J. C. Branner.) In Am. Geol., XX, pp. 1-13, map, 3 plates. (1897.) . Indiana University [Nnusom 6. Notes on the distribution of the Knobstone group in Indiana. (Joint author with J. A. Price.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 289-297. Map. 7. The effect of sea barriers upon ulti- mate drainage. In Jour, of Geol., VII, pp. 445-451, 4 figures. (1899.) 8. Syllabus of economic geology. (Joint author with J. C. Branner.) Stan- ford University, 1900. 2d ed. Illustrated. Pp. viii, 368. 9. Drainage of southern Indiana. In Journal of Geology, X, pp. 166-181, map. (1902.) 10. The phosphate rocks of Arkansas. (Joint author with J. C. Branner.) In Bull. 74 Arkansas Agr. Exp. Sta., 1 plate, 23 figures. (1902.) 11. A natural gas explosion near Wal- dron, Indiana. In Jour, of Geol., X, pp. 803-814, 5 figures. ( 1902. ) 12. A geologic and topographic section across southern Indiana, from Hanover to Vincennes, with a discussion of the Knob- stone group in the State of Indiana. In 26th Ann. Rep. Indiana Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist. 13. Review of Davies's 'A treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining.' In En- gineering and Mining Jour., June 6, 1903, pp. 863-864. 4. Lists of Mollusca of Pike, Winona and Center Lakes, Kosciusko county, Ind. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901. (1902.) ALLEN ANSON NORRIS, A.B. (1902). Super- intendent of Schools, Syracuse, Indiana. 1. Studies in the life of St. Paul. (Joint author with Chas. O. Davis.) Bloomington, Ind., 1898. 2. Sabre alguns peixes de Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Joint author with C. H. Eigen- mann.) In Revista do Museu Paulista, IV, pp. 349-362. (1900.) 3. Maps of Winona, Pike, and Center Lakes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1901. (1902.) REUBEN EDSON NYSWANDER, A.B. (1901). Magnetic Observer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. 1. A modified Wehnelt interrupter. (Joint author with A. L. Foley.) In Elec- trical World and Engineer, XXXIX, pp. 373-374. (March 1, 1902.) 2. The lunar diurnal variation as ob- tained at the Cheltenham magnetic observ- atory from a single complete lunation during February, 1903. (Abstract.) (Joint au- thor with L. A. Bauer.) In Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, VIII, pp. 144-146. (Sept., 1903.) FREDERIC AUSTIN OGG, A.M. (1900). In- structor in History, 1902-1903. Now Graduate student, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1. Geography from Homer to Colum- bus. In Chautauquan, XXXII, pp. 473- 478. (Feb., 1901.) 2. Jay's treaty and the slavery inter- ests of the United States. In Ann. Rep. Am. Hist. Assoc. for 1901, pp. 273-298. (1902.) 3. On the literary decline of history. In Dial, XXXII, pp. 233-235. (April 1, 1902.) 4. Slav and Saxon. In Chautauquan, XXXVI-XXXVII. (Oct., 1902- June, 1903.) 5. The proportion of city and country population in the United States. In World's Work, V, pp. 3003-3005. (Jan., 1903.) 6. Indian money in the New England colonies. In New Eng. Mag., XXVII, pp. 749-760. (Feb., 1903.) 314 Rabb~\ Bibliography: Alumni 7. German iiiterests and tendencies in South America. In World's Work, V, pp. 3168-3170. (March, 1903.) 8. Coins and coinage in the New Eng- land colonies. In New Eng. Mag., XXVIII, pp. 739-752. (Aug., 1903.) 9. The Pope and the Italian nation. In Chautauquan, XXXVIII, pp. 14-19. (Sept., 1903.) 10. The opening of the Mississippi : a struggle for supremacy in the American in- terior. New York, 1904. Pp. viii, 656. 11. Review of Willis Fletcher Johnson's 'A century of expansion.' In Dial, XXXVI, pp. 47-48. (Jan. 16, 1904.) 12. Paper money in the New England colonies. In New Eng. Mag., XXIX, pp. 772-783. (Feb., 1904.) 13. Newspaper satire during the Amer- ican Revolution. In New Eng. Mag., XXX, pp. 366-376. (May, 1904.) 14. Review of William Garrott Brown's 'The foe of compromise, and other essays.' In Dial, XXXVI, pp. 323-324. (May 16, 1904.) ROY HENDERSON PEERING, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1896). See Faculty list. EDWARD CHARLES O'DONNELL, A.B. (1890). Mitchell, Ind. 1. The Standard Oil Trust. In States- man for 1890. CAM. WLLHELM FERDINAND OSTHAUS, A.M. (1890). See Faculty list. HENRY ALLISON PARSONS, LL.B. (1864). Kansas City, Kansas. 1. The rise and fall of nations. Kan- sas City, 1878. Pp. 28. 2. Abridged history of Greece from the earliest times to the present dynasty. Kan- sas City, 1904. Pp. 149. ADELAIDE PERRY. See Mrs. John F. New- som. BURR HARRISON POLK, LL.B. (1857). Died May 15, 1886, at Lincoln, Neb. 1. The big American caravan in Eu- rope. (Letters republished in book form.) JAMES P PORTER, A.B. (1898), A.M. (1901). Instructor in Psychology, Indiana University, 1900-1902. Now Instructor in Psychology, Clark Univer- sity, Worcester, Mass. 1. The psychology of the English spar- row. In Am. Jour. Psych., XV. (April, 1904.) WILLIAM HENRY PYLE, A.B. (1898). Su- perintendent City Schools, Vandalia, 111. 1. Nature study in the country schools, Vandalia, 111., 1901. Pp. 22. KATE (MILNER) RABB (Mrs. Albert Rabb), A.B. (1886), A.M. (1888). Indianap- olis, Ind. 1. Indiana in fiction. In Kate Field's Washington for May, 1892. 2. A Kentucky 'Harnt.' In New York Ledger for March 5, 1892. 3. The whitecaps. In Worthington's Mai?, for Jan., 1893. 4. To him who waits. In Interior for June 15, 1893. 5. Bjornson and Ibsen. In Dominion Illustrated Mo. for Sept., 1893. 315 Indiana University [Rabb 6. Mikado tea. In Kate Field's Wash- ington for Sept. 27, 1893. 7. Lias. In Worthington's Mag. for Nov., 1893. 8. The things which are Caesar's. In Once a Week for March 3, 1894. 9. A bit of Sevres. In Kate Field's Washington for August 29, 1894. 10. The snub. In Lippincott's Mag. for Oct., 1894. 11. At the institute. In N. Y. Sch. Jour, for July 13, 1895. 12. Claude Matthews. In Leslie's Weekly for May 23, 1895. 13. The destruction of a theory. In Kate Field's Washington for Jan. 12, 1895. 14. National epics. Chicago, 1896. Pp. 398. 15. A municipal experiment. In Les- lie's Weekly for May 13, 1897. 16. The pilgrim and the palmer. In In- terior for May 16, 1897. 17. Dido. In Self Culture for April, 1898. 18. A club election. In Designer for Sept., 1898. 19. The Boer boy. Philadelphia, 1900. Pp. 348. 20. The romance of a co-ed. In Delin- eator for Nov., 1900. 21. The institute at Glendeane. In De- lineator for May, 1901. 22. A letter from O. W. Holmes. In St. Nicholas for March, 1902. 23. Miss Petrie's avocation. In Atlan. Mo. for July, 1902. 24. Hyacinths. In Leslie's Weekly for August 7, 1902. 25. The plateau of fatigue. In Atlan. Mo. for Jan., 1903. 26. By grace of Linnseus. In Delin- eator for June, 1903. 27. The new hunting. In Atlan. Mo. for Jan.. 1904. ROLLA ROY RAMSEY, A.B. (1895), A.M. (1898), Ph.D. -See Faculty list. RICHARD RATHBUN, M.S. (1883), D.Sc. Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in charge of the U. S. Na- tional Museum. Washington, D. C. 1. On the Devonian Brachiopoda of Erere, Province of Para, Brazil. In Bull. Buffalo Soc. of Nat. Sci. for 1874, I, No. 4, pp. 236-261, plates viii-x. 2. Morgan expedition, 1870, Chas. Fred. Hartt, in charge. Preliminary report on the Cretaceous lamellibranchs collected in the vicinity of Pernambuco, Brazil. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1874, XVII, pp. 241-256. 3. The geological commission of Brazil. Additions to the Echinoid fauna of Brazil. In Ainer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d series, XV, pp. 82-84. (1878.) 4. The Devonian Brachiopoda of the Province of Para, Brazil. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1878, XX, pp. 14-39. 5. Notes on the coral reefs of the Island of Itaparica, Bahia, and of Parahyba do Norte. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1878, XX, pp. 39-41. 6. Observagoes sobre a Geologia as- pecto do Ilha de Itaparica, na Bahia de Todos os Santos. In Archives do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, III, pp. 159- 183. (1878.) 7. Sketch of Professor C. F. Hartt. In Pop. Sci. Mo., XIII, pp. 231-235, with por- trait as frontispiece. (June, 1878.) 8. Sketch of the life and scientific work of Prof. Charles Fred. Hartt. In Proc. Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1878, XIX, pp. 338- 364. Reprinted. New Haven, 1879. Pp. 38. 9. A list of the Brazilian echinoderms, with notes on their distribution, etc. In 316 Rathbun ] Bibliography: Alumni Trans. Connecticut Acad. of Arts and Sciences for 1879, V, pp. 139-158. 10. List of marine invertebrata from the New England coast, distributed by the United States Commission of Fish and Fish- eries. Series I. (Distributed in fifty sets, put up by Mr. Richard Rathbun, under the direction of Prof. A. E. Verrill. 1879.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1879, II, pp. 227- 232. 11. List of the dredging stations of the United States Fish Commission from 1871 to 1879, inclusive, with temperature and other observations. Arranged for publica- tion by Sanderson Smith and Richard Rath- bun. In Ann. Rep. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1879, pp. 1-43. 12. Prof. Hartt on the Brazilian sand- stone reefs. In Am. Nat., XIII, pp. 347- 358. (June, 1879.) 13. Review of O. A. Derby's 'The geol- ogy of the Lower Amazonas.' In Am. Jour, of Sci. and Arts, 3d series, XVII, pp. 464- 468. (June, 1879.) 14. Brazilian corals and coral reefs. In Am. Nat, XIII, pp. 539-551, one text figure. (Sept., 1879.) 15. Review of O. A. Derby's 'The geol- ogy of the Diamantiferous region of the Province of Parana, Brazil.' (Proc. Ameri- can Phil. Soc., May 16, 1879. ) In Am. Jour, of Sci. and Arts, 3d series, XVIII, pp. 310, 311. (Oct., 1879.) 16. The littoral marine fauna of Pro- vincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1880, III, pp. 116-133. 17. List of marine invertebrates, mainly from the New England coast, distributed by the United States National Museum. Series II. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 298-303. 18. List of marine invertebrates from the New England coast, distributed by the United States National Museum. Series III. Educational Series. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 304-307. 19. The giant squid. In St. Nicholas, VIII, pp. 266-270, 5 plates. (Feb., 1881.) 20. Dredging stations of the United States Fish Commission Steamer Fish Hawk, Lieut. Z. L. Tanner commanding, for 1880, 1881, and 1882, with temperature and other observations. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1882, II, pp. 119-131. 21. Notes on the shrimp and prawn fisheries of the United States. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1882, II, pp. 139-152. 22. The American initiative in methods of deep-sea dredging. In Science, IV, pp. 54-57. (1884.) 23. American appliances for deep-sea investigation. In Science, IV, pp. 146-151, 225-229, 400-404, with numerous text illus- trations. (1884.) 24. Annotated list of the described species of parasitic Copepoda (Siphonos- toma) from American waters contained in the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, VII, pp. 483-492. 25. Collection of economic crustaceans, worms, Echinoderms and sponges. (Great international fisheries exhibition, London, 1883; exhibit of U. S. of America.) In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, No. 27, pp. 107-137. 26. Descriptive catalogue of the collec- tion illustrating the scientific investigation of the sea and fresh waters. (Great inter- national fisheries exhibition, London, 1883 ; exhibit of U. S. of America.) In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1884, No. 27, pp. 511-622. 27. Notes on the decrease of lobsters. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1884, IV, pp. 421-426. 28. Crustaceans, worms, radiates and sponges. In The fisheries and fishery indus- tries of the United States, prepared through the co-operation of the Commissioner of Fisheries and the Superintendent of the 317 Indiana University [Rath bun Tenth Census by George Brown Goode, As- sistant Director of the U. S. National Muse- um, and a staff of associates. Section I. Natural history of aquatic animals. Part V, pp. 759-850, plates cclx-cclxxvii. Washing- ton, Government Printing Office, 1884. 29. Reports on the Department of Ma- rine Invertebrates in the U. S. National Museum for years 1883-1892, inclusive. By Richard Rathbun, curator. In Annual Re- ports of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the Institution for the several years. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, various dates. 30. Report upon the Echini collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross, in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, January to May, 1884. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, VIII, pp. 83-89. 31. Report upon the Echini collecteoTby the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Alba- tross in the Gulf of Mexico from January to March, 1885. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, VIII, pp. 606-620. 32. Notice of a collection of stalked crinoids made by the Steamer Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, 1884 and 1885. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1885, VIII, pp. 628-635. 33. Catalogue of the collection of recent Echini in the United States National Muse- um (corrected to July 1, 1886). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, IX, pp. 255-293. 34. Descriptions of parasitic copepods belonging to the genera Pandarus and Chondracanthus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886, IX, pp. 310-324, plates v-xi. 35. Notes on lobster culture. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1886, VI, pp. 17-32. 36. Catalogue of the species of corals belonging to the genus Madrepora, contained in the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X, pp. 10-19. 37. Annotated catalogue of the species of Porites and Synarspa in the United States National Museum, with a description of a new species of Porites. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X, pp. 354-366, plates xv-xix. 38. Descriptions of the species of Heli- aster (a genus of starfishes) represented in the U. S. National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X, pp. 440-449, plates xxiii-xxvi. 39. Descriptions of new species of para- sitic copepods, belonging to the genera Tre- bius, Perissopus, and Lernanthropus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1887, X, pp. 559- 571, plates xxix-xxxv. 40. The fishing grounds of North Amer- ica. Edited by Richard Rathbun. In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, prepared through the co-operation of the Commissioner of Fisheries and the Su- perintendent of the Tenth Census by George Brown Goode, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and a staff of as- sociates. Section III, pp. vii-xviii, 5-154, 49 charts. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1887. 41. Ocean temperatures of the Eastern coast of the United States, with thirty-two charts. In The fisheries and fishery indus- tries of the United States, prepared through the co-operation of the Commissioner of Fisheries and the Superintendent of the Tenth Census by George Brown Goode, As- sistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, and a staff of associates. Section III, pp. 155-238, 32 plates. Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1887. 42. The crab, lobster, crayfish, rock lob- ster, shrimp and prawn fisheries. In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, prepared through the co-operation of the Commissioner of Fisheries and the Su- perintendent of the Tenth Census by George Brown Goode, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and a staff of associates. Section V. History and methods of the fisheries. II. Part XXI, pp. 318 Reagan ] Bibliography: Alumni 627-841, plates ccxlvi-cclv. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1887. 43. Results of investigations by the schooner Grampus on the Southern mack- erel grounds in the spring of 1887. (Joint author with D. E. Collins and T. H. Bean.) In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1887, VII, pp. 217-267. 44. The transplanting of lobsters to the Pacific Coast of the United States. In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1888, VIII, pp. 453- 472, plate Ixxi. 45. Reports upon the inquiry respecting food fishes and the fishing grounds. In Ann. Reports U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner for years 1888-1889, inclusive. Washington, Government Printing Office, various dates. 46. The United States Fish Commission. Some of its work. In Century Mag., XLIII, pp. 679-697, 19 text figures. (1892.) 47. Jerome Henry Kidder. In Bull. Philos. Soc. of Washington, XI, pp. 480-488. (1892.) 48. Report of the joint commission of the United States and Great Britain relative to the preservation of the fisheries in waters contiguous to the United States and Canada, under agreement of December 6, 1892, by Richard Rathbun, representative on behalf of the United States, and William Wakeham, representative on behalf of Great Britain. Transmitted to the Congress of the United States by the President, under date of Feb- ruary 24, 1897. Washington, D. C. Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1897, pp. 178. 49. A review of the fisheries in the con- tiguous waters of the State of Washington and British Columbia. In Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1899, pp. 251-350, plates viii-xvi. 50. Reports upon the condition and pro- gress of the U. S. National Museum during the years ending June 30, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902, by Richard Rathbun, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in charge of the U. S. National Museum. In Annual Reports of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the Institution for the years ending June 30, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902. Reports of the U. S. National Museum. Washington. Gov- ernment Printing Office, various dates. WILLIAM A RAWLES, A.B. (1884), A.M. (1895), Ph.D. See Faculty list. ALBERT B REAGAN, A.M. (1903). Teacher, Indian Service. 1. Jarnez vocabulary. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnology. Pp. 14. 2. Grammar treatise of the Jamez lan- guage. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnology. Pp. 18. 3. Jamez open and secret. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnology. Pp. 60, 22 plates. 4. The Apache pole game. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnology; also in Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902. Pp. 14; 26 plates. 5. The Apache Indians, their manners, customs, etc. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnol- ogy, pp. 120. 40 plates. 6. The Jamez-Albuquerque region, N. M. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1902 ; also in Am. Geol., Feb., 1903. Pp. 45, 8 plates. 7. The Jamez coal fields. In Proc. In- diana Acad. Sci. for 1902. Pp. 3. 8. The Apache stick game. In Rep. U. S. Bureau Ethnology ; also in Proc. Indiana Acad Sci. for 1903. 9. Age of the lava flows of the plateau region. In Am. Geol., XXXII, pp. 170-177. (Sept., 1903.) 10. Geology of the Fort Apache region, 319 Indiana University [Reagan Arizona. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903 ; also in Am. Geol., XXXII, pp. 295- 358, 5 plates. (Nov., 1903.) 11. Age of the Aubrey limestone. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. Pp. 5. 12. The fossils of the Upper Red Wall of Arizona, compared with those of the Kan- sas coal-measures. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. Pp. 3. 13. Some fossils from the Upper Red Wall of Arizona. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. Pp. 14, 1 plate. 14. Geology of Monroe county, Indiana, North of Latitude of Bloomington. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903. Pp. 20. 15. The Apache medicine disk. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903 ; in Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1903. Pp. 2, 1 plate. 16. Some paintings from one of the Estufas at Jamez, N. M. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1903 : also in Proc. A. A. A. S. for 1903. Pp. 2, 6 plates. HERBERT GILSON REDDICK, A.B. (1887), A.M. (1898). Indianapolis, Ind. 1. The snakes of Turkey Lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 261- 262. WILLIAM ALLAN REED, A.B. (1898). Gov- ernor of Lepanto-Bontoc, P. I. 1. The Negritos of Zambales. Manila, 1904. Pp. xii, 65 ; 80 plates. ERNEST WILLIAM RETTGER, A.B. (1893), Ph.D. Instructor in Mathematics, Indi- ana University, 1898-1900. Now Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Missouri State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo. 1. Note on the projective group. In Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. for 1898, XXXIII, pp. 491-499. 2. On Lie's theory of continuous groups. In Am. Jour. Math, for 1899. LEO FREDERICK RETTGER, A.B. (1896), A.M. (1897), Ph.D. Instructor in charge of Bacteriology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 1. Septicaemia in young chickens. In New York Med. Jour., May, 1900, p. 803, and Feb., 1901, p. 267. 2. The liberation of volatile sulphide from milk on heating. In Am. Jour. Physiol., VI, p. 450. (1902.) 3. The formation of film on heated milk. In Am. Jour. Physiol., VII, p. 325. (1902.) 4. Experimental observations on pan- creatic digestion and the spleen. In Am. Jour. Physiol., VII, p. 387. (1902.) 5. An experimental study of the chem- ical products of bacillus coli communis and bacillus lactis aerogennes. In Am. Jour. Physiol., VIII, p. 284. (1903.) 6. Mucin as a bacterial product. In Jour. Med. Research, X, p. 101. (1903.) 7. On the spore germination of bacil- lus subtilis and bacillus megatherium. In Centralbl. fiir Bakt. Par. und Infek., XXXIII. (1903.) 8. A contribution to the study of pathogenic yeasts. In Centralbl. fur Bakt. Par. und Infek. (1904.) (In press.) BESSIE (BUSHING) RIDGELEY (Mrs. Doug- las Clay Ridgeley), A.B. (1893). 1. Annelids of Turkey Lake. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, p. 241. 320 Ridgway ] Bibliography: Alumni DOUGLAS CLAY RIDGELEY, A.B. (1893). Professor of Geography, Illinois State Normal University. 1. A preliminary report on the physical features of Turkey Lake, with hydrographic map. (Joint author with J. P. Dolan and Chancey Juday.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 216-239. 2. The school excursion and the school museum as aids in the teaching of geography. In Normal Sell. Quar., Series 2, No. 11, pp. 1-16. 3. Alexis Everett Frye's 'Grammar school geography.' In Jour, of Geography, I, pp. 341-342. (Sept., 1902.) ROBERT RIDGWAY, M.S. (1884). Curator of Birds, U. S. National Museum, Brook- land, D. C. 1. The belted kingfisher again. In Am. Nat., Ill, pp. 53-54. (March, 1869.) 2. Notices of certain obscurely known species of American birds. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1869, XXI, pp. 125-135. 3. A true story of a pet bird. In Am. Nat., Ill, pp. 309-312. (August, 1869.) 4. A new classification of the North American Falconidae, with descriptions of three new species. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1870, XXII, pp. 138-150. 5. Relationship of the American white- fronted owl. In Am. Nat., VI, pp. 283-285. (May, 1872.) 6. New birds in southern Illinois. In Am. Nat., VI, pp. 430-431. (July, 1872.) 7. On the occurrence of a near rela- tion of Aegiothus flavirostris, at Waltham, Mass. In Am. Nat., VI, pp. 433-434. (July, 1872.) 8. On the occurrence of Setophaga picta in Arizona. In Am. Nat., VI, p. 436. (July, 1872.) 9. Notes on the vegetation of the lower Wabash valley. I. The forests of the bot- tom lands. In Am. Nat., VI, pp. 658-065. (Nov., 1872.) 10. Notes on the vegetation of the lower Wabash valley. II. Peculiar features of the bottom lands. In Am. Nat., VI, pp. 724- 732. (Dec., 1872.) 11. On the relation between color and geographical distribution in birds, as exhib- ited in melanism and hyperchromism. In Am. Jour. Sci., IV, pp. 454-460 (Dec., 1872) ; V, pp. 39-44 (Jan., 1873). 12. Notes on the vegetation of the lower Wabash valley. III. The woods and prairies of the upland portions. In Am. Nat., VII, pp. 154-157. (March, 1873.) 13. Descriptions of the type specimen of Pyranga roseogularis Cabot. In Ibis, III, p. 126; 3 plates. (April, 1873.) 14. The prairie birds of southern Illi- nois. In Am. Nat., VII, pp. 195-203. (April, 1873.) 15. Description of Centronyx ochroceph- alus Aiken. In Am. Nat., VI i, p. 237. (April, 1873.) 16. The relation between the color and geographical distribution of birds. In Am. Nat., VII, pp. 548-555. (Sept., 1873.) 17. On some new forms of American birds. In Am. Nat., VII, pp. 602-619. . (Oct., 1873.) 18. Notes on the bird fauna of the Salt Lake valley and the adjacent portion of the Wasatch Mountains. In Bull. Essex Inst. for Nov., 1873, V, pp. 168-173. 19. The birds of Colorado. In Bull. Essex Inst. for Nov., 1873, V, pp. 174-195. 20. On some new forms of American birds. In Bull. Essex Inst. for Dec., 1S73, V, pp. 194-201. 21. Catalogue of the ornithological col- lection in the Museum of the Boston So- ciety of Natural History. Part II, Falcon- idse. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for Dec., 1873, XVI, pp. 43-72. (22) 321 Indiana University [.Ridgu'ay 22. Revision of the Falconine genera Micrastun, Geranospiza and Rupornis, and the Strigine genus Glaucidium. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for Dec., 1873, XVI, pp. 73-106. 23. The grouse and quails of North America, discussed in relation to their varia- tion with habitat. In Forest and Stream, I. pp. 289-290. (Dec., 1873.) 24. A history of North American birds. <. Joint author with S. F. Baird and T. M. Brewer.) Boston, 1874. Vol. I, pp. i-xxvii, 1-596 : 6 cuts ; 26 plates. Vol. II, pp. 1-590 ; 6 cuts; 29 plates. Vol. Ill, pp. 1-560; 1 cut ; 7 plates. 25. Letter to the editor of Forest and Stream concerning the question, argued pro and con by various correspondents, as to whether snakes hiss. In Forest and Stream, I, p. 327. (Jan., 1874.) 26. The nomenclature of American game birds. In Forest and Stream, III, pp. 210- 211. 226-227. (Jan., 1874.) -~. Catalogue of the birds ascertained to occur in Illinois. In Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., New York, for January, 1874, pp. 364-394. 28. Notes upon American water birds. In Am. Nat, VIII, pp. 108-111. (Feb., 1874.) 29. Why and how does the ruffed grouse drum? In American Sportsman, III, p. 322. (Feb., 1874.) 30. The lower Wabash valley, consid- ered in its relation to the faunal districts of the eastern region of North America ; with a synopsis of its avian fauna. In Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, for 1874, XVI, pp. 304-332. 31. Description of Hydrochelidon cu- coptera, from a specimen taken at Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. In Am. Nat, VIII, p. 189. (March, 1874.) 32. On local variations in the notes and nesting habits of birds. In Am. Nat, VIII, pp. 197-201. (April, 1874.) 33. Two rare owls from Arizona. In Am. Nat, VIII, pp. 239-240. (April, 1874.) 34. A remarkable peculiarity of Centro- cercus urophasianus. In Am. Nat, VIII, p. 240. (April, 1874.) 35. The dodo. In Forest and Stream. II, p. 244. (May, 1874.) 36. Notice of a species of tern new to the Atlantic coast of North America. In Am. Nat., VIII, p. 433. (July, 1874.) 37. Birds new to the North American fauna. In Am. Nat, VIII, pp. 434-435. (July, 1874.) 38. Discovery of a burrowing owl in Florida. In Am. Sportsman, IV, p. 216; 1 plate. (July, 1874.) 39. Description of a new bird from Colorado. In Am. Sportsman, IV, p. 241. (July, 1874.) 40. Opinion (requested by editor) as to question whether the excessive abundance of grasshoppers in Kansas, etc., has any con- nection with the decrease in number of game birds in the same districts. In Am. Sports- man, IV, p. 249. (July, 1874.) 41. Story of a wild goose. In Am. Sportsman, IV, pp. 258-259. (July, 1874.) 42. An unusually large wild goose. In Am. Sportsman, IV, p. 274. (August, 1874.) 43. Breeding ground of white pelicans at Pyramid Lake, Nevada. In Am. Sports- man, IV, p. 289. (August, 1874.) 44. Game birds and grasshoppers. A reply to Vix. In Am. Sportsman, IV, p. 356. (Sept., 1874.) 45. Concerning a 'strange bird' de- scribed by a correspondent in a preceding number. In Forest and Stream, III, p. 85. (Sept., 1874.) 46. The snow goose. In Am. Nat.. VIII, pp. 636-637. (Oct., 1874.) 47. List of birds observed at various localities contiguous to the Central Pacific Railroad, from Sacramento, California to 322 Ridgway ] Bibliography: Alumni Salt Lake Valley, Utah. In Bull. Essex Inst. for Oct., 1874, VI, pp. 169-174; Jan., 1875, VII, pp. 10-40. 48. A contribution to the sparrow war. In Am. Sportsman, III, p. 161. (Dec., 1874.) 49. Concerning the so-called English sparrow, Passer domesticus. In Forest and Stream, III, p. 309. (Dec., 1874.) 50. Note on Sterna longipennis, Nord- mann. In Am. Nat., IX, pp. 54-55. (Jan., 1875.) 51. A heronry in the Wabash bottoms. In Am. Sportsman, V, pp. 312-313. (Feb., 1875. ) 52. Big trees. In Am. Sportsman, V, pp. 321-322; 337; 353-354; 367-370. (Feb. 20 to March 13, inc., 1875.) 53. Snow birds and little owls. In Am. Sportsman, V, p. 393. (March, 1875.) 54. On Nisus cooperi (Bonaparte) and N. gundlachi (Lawrence). In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1875, pp. 78-88. 55. On the Buteonine subgenus Craxi- rex Gould. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1875, pp. 89-119. 56. More about the Florida burrowing owl. In Rod and Gun, VI, p. 7. (April, 1875.) 57. Notice of a very rare hawk. In Rod and Gun, VI, p. 65. (May, 1875.) 58. A monograph of the genus Leucos- ticte, or gray-crowned purple finches. In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, for May, 1875. No. 2, 2d series, pp. 51-82. 59. Outlines of a natural arrangement of the Falconidae. (Read before the Philo- sophical Society of Washington, April, 1875.) In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, for June, 1875, No. 4, 2d series, pp. 1-17. plates xi-xviii. 60. Nesting of the worm-eating warbler. In Forest and Stream, I, pp. 10-12. (July, 1875.) 61. The sparrow hawk or American kestril. In Rod and Gun, Vi, p. 109. (July, 1875.) 62. Description of a new wren from Florida. In Am. Nat., IX, p. 469. (August, 1875.) 63. First impressions of the bird fauna of California, and general remarks on west- ern ornithology. In Sci. Mon., I, pp. 2-13. (Oct., 1875.) 64. Our native trees. The tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera. In Field and For- est, I, pp. 49-53. (Dec., 1875.) 65. Studies of the American Falconidse. Monograph of genus Micrastur. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., for 1875, pp. 470- 502, figures i-ix. 66. Second thoughts on the genus Mi- crastur. In Ibis, VI, pp. 1-5. (Jan., 1876.) 67. The genus Glaucidium. In Ibis, VI, pp. 11-17, 1 pi. (Jan., 1876.) 68. Studies of the American Falconidae. Monograph of the Polybori. In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, for February, 1876, No. 6, 2d series, pp. 451-473; plates xxii-xxvi. 69. Studies of the American Falconidae. In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, for April, 1876, II, No. 2, pp. 91-182 ; plates xxx-xxxi. 70. Ornithology of Guadeloupe (lege Guadalupe) Island, based on notes and col- lections made by Dr. Edward Palmer. In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, for April, 1876, II, No. 2, pp. 183-195. 71. Notes on the genus Helminthophaga. In Ibis, VI, pp. 166-171. (April, 1876.) 72. Regarding Buteo vulgaris in North America. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club' for April, 1876. I, pp. 32-39. 73. Maximum length of the black snake. In Forest and Stream, VI, p. 318. (June, 1876.) 74. Giant pear trees. In Forest and Stream, VI, p. 337. (June, 1876.) 75. Notes on the catalpa. Catalpa big- 323 Indiana University [ Ridgway nonioides. In Field and Forest, II, pp. 27- 29. (August, 1876.) 76. The black snake again. In Forest and Stream, VII, p. 20. (August, 1876.) 77. On geographical variation in Den- drceca palmarum. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for Sept., 1876, I pp. 81-87. 78. Sexual, individual and geograph- ical variation in the genus Leucosticte. In Field and Forest, II, pp. 37-43. (Septem- ber, 1876.) 79. The little cypress swamp of Indiana. In Field and Forest, II, pp. 93-96. (Dec., 1876.) 80. Ornithology. In U. S. Geol. Surv. w. 40th Parallel, IV, part III, pp. 303-670. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1877. 81. On geographical variation in Turdus migratorius. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for Jan., 1877, II, pp. 8-9. 82. Mrs. Maxwell's Colorado museum. In Field and Forest, II, pp. 195-198; 208- 214. (May and June, 1877.) 83. Mrs. Maxwell's Colorado museum. Additional notes. In Field and Forest, III, p. 11.- (July, 1877.) 84. . The birds of Guadalupe Island, dis- cussed with reference to the present genesis of species. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, 1877, II, pp. 58-66. 85. Description of a new wren of the Tres Marias Islands. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for Jan., 1878, III, pp. 10-11. 86. Three additions to the avifauna of North America. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for Jan., 1878, III, pp. 37-38. 87. Eastward range of Chondestes grammaca. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for Jan., 1878, III, pp. 43-44. 88. Studies of the American Herodiones. Part I. Synopsis of the American genera of Ardeidse and Ciconiidse : including descrip- tions of three new genera and a monograph of the genus Ardea, Linnaeus. In Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., for Feb., 1878, IV, pp. 219-251. 89. On a new humming bird (Atthis ellioti), from Guatemala. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., for 1878, I, pp. 8-10. 90. Notes on some of the birds of Cal- averas county, California, and adjoining localities. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, for April, 1878, III, pp. 64-68. 91. Song birds of the West. In Har- per's Mag., LVI, pp. 857-880, 19 wood <-uts. (May, 1878.) 92. A review of the American species of the genus Scops, Savigny. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August, 1878, I, sig. 1, pp. 85-117. 93. Notes on birds observed at Mount Carmel, southern Illinois, in the spring of 1878. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Oct., 1878, III, pp. 162-166. 94. Editor of 'Notes on the ornithology of southern Texas, being a list of birds ob- served in the vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas, from February, 1876 to June, 1878.' By James C. Merrill, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1878, I, pp. 118-173. 95. Descriptions of several new species and geographical races of birds contained in the collection of the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Dec., 1878, I, pp. 247-252. 96. Description of two new species of birds from Costa Kica, and notes on other rare species from that country. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Dec., 1878, I, pp. 252- 255. 97. Editor of 'A partial list of the birds of central California.' By L. Belding, of Stockton. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for March, 1879, I, pp. 388-449. 98. Descriptions of new species and races of American birds, including a synop- sis of the genus Tyrannus, Cuvier. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April 1879, I, pp. 466-486. 324 Ridgway ] Bibliography: Alumni 99. Portion of letter to Mr. Geo. B. Grinnell in relation to the bird afterward described as Seiurus nsevius notabilis. In Forest and Stream, XII, p. 307. (May, 1879.) 100. On the use of trinomials in zoolog- ical nomenclature. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, 1879. IV, pp. 129-134. 101. On a new species of Peucaea from southern Illinois and central Texas. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Oct., 1879, IV, pp. 218-222. 102. Note on Helminthophaga gunnii, Gibfos. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Oct., 1879, IV, pp. 233-234. 103. Henslow's bunting ( Coturniculus henslowi) near Washington. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Oct., 1879, IV, p. 238. 104. On six species of birds new to the fauna of Illinois, with notes on other rare Illinois birds. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for June, 1880, V, pp. 30-32. 105. On current objectionable names of North American birds. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Jan., 1880, V, pp. 36-38. 106. Note on Peucsea illinoensis. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Jan., 1880, V, p. 52. 107. Late breeding of the blue grosbeak. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Jan., 1880, V, p. 53. 108. Description of an unusual (?) plumage of Buteo harlani. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Jan., 1880, V, pp. 58-59. 109. Revisions of nomenclature of cer- tain North American birds. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for March, 1880, III, pp. 1-16. 110. Notes on the American vultures ( Sarcorhamphidse ) , with special reference to their generic nomenclature. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, pp. 77- 84. 111. Description of the adult plumage of Hierofalco gyrfalco obsoletus. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, pp. 92-95. 112. The northern waxwing (Ampelis garrulus) in southern Illinois. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, p. 118. 113. Note concerning the capture of a specimen of the greenfinch (Ligurinus chloris) at Lowville, Lewie county, New York. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, p. 119. 114. On the supposed identity of Ardea occidentalis, Aud., and A. wurdemanni, Baird. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, pp. 123-124. 115. On the moult of the bill, or parts of its covering in certain Alcidse. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for April, 1880, V, pp. 126, 127. 116. On Rallus longirostris, Bodd., and its geographical races. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, ISS'O, V, pp. 138-140. 117. On Macrohsephus griseus (Gmel.) and M. scotopaceus ( Say ) . In Bull. Nutt Orn. Club for July, 1880, V, pp. 156-160. 118. On a new Alaskan sandpiper. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, 1880, V, pp. 160-163. 119. Scops flammeola in Colorado. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, 1880, V, p. 185. 120. The little brown crane (Grus fra- terculus, Cassin). In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for July, 1880, V, pp. 187-188. 121. A catalogue of the birds of North America. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August, 1880, III, pp. 163-246. 122. Description of the eggs of the Cas- pian tern (Sterna caspia). In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for October, 1880, V, pp. 221-223. 123. Note on Helminthophaga cincinnati- ensis, Langdon. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club for Oct., 1880, V, pp. 237-238. 124. Catalogue of the Trochilidse in the collection of the United States National Mu- seum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1880, III, pp. 308-320. 125. Nomenclature of North American 325 Indiana University \_Ridgway birds, chiefly contained in the U. S. Nat. Mus. Washington, Government Printing Office. 11881.) 126. Swainson's warbler in Texas. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, pp. 54-55. (Jan., 1881.) 127. Southern range of the raven on the Atlantic Coast of the United States. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. 118. (April, 1881.) 128. An unaccountable migration of the red-headed woodpecker. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, pp. 120-122. (April, 1881.) 129. The Caspian tern in California. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, p. 124. (April, 1881.) 130. A hawk new to the United States. In Forest and Stream, XVI, p. 206. (April 14, 1881.) 131. On a duck new to the North Amer- ican fauna. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 22-24. 132. On Amazilia yucatanensis (Cabot) and A. cerviniventris, Gould. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 25-26. 133. A catalogue of the birds of Illinois. In Bull. Illinois State Laboratory of Nat- ural History for May, 1881, pp. 164-208. 134. A review of the genus Centurus, Swainson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 93-119. 135. List of species of Middle and South American birds not contained in the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 165-203. 136. On a tropical hawk to be added Lo the North American fauna. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, pp. 207-214. (Oct., 1881.) 137. List of special desiderata among North American birds. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1881, IV, pp. 207-223. 138. On an apparently new heron from Florida. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, pp. 1-6. (Jan., 1882.) 139. Notes on some birds observed near Wheatland, Knox County, Indiana, in the spring of 1881. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, pp. 15-23. (Jan., 1882.) 140. On the generic name of Helmin- th ophaga. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, pp. 53-54. (Jan., 1882.) 141. The great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) from a new locality. In Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, p. 60. (Jan., 1882.) 142. Correction of an erroneous identifi- cation of Milvulus tyrannus for M. forfi- catus. In Ornithologist and Oologist, VI, p. 93. (Feb., 1882.) 143. Catalogue of Old World birds in the United States National Museum. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1882, IV, pp. 317-333. 144. Notes on some Costa Rican birds. .In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1882, IV, pp. 333-337. 145. Description of the adult female r y the naturalists of the U. S. Fish Commis- sion Steamer Albatross, Capt. Z. L. Tanner commanding. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1885, VIII, pp. 560-583. 251. Report on the department of bini-. U. S. National Museum, 1883. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution for 1883 (1885), pp. 220-225. 252. Report on the department of birds, U. S. National Museum, 1884. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. National Museum) for 1884 (1885), pp. 143-155. 253. On the proper name of the prairie hen. In Auk, III, pp. 132-133. (Jan., 1886.) 254. The scissor-tail flycatcher. (Milvu- 330 Ridgway ] Bibliography : Alumni lus forficatus) at Key West. In Auk, III, p. 134. (Jan., 1886.) 255. The vernacular name of Plectrophe- nax hyperboreus. In Auk, III, p. 135. (Jan., 1886.) 256. Arizona quail. In Forest and Stream. (Jan. 14, 1886.) 257. Birds and bonnets. In Forest and Stream, XXVI, p. 5. (Jan. 28, 1886.) 258. Is the dodo an extinct bird? In Science, VII, p. 190. (Feb. 26, 1886.) 259. Water birds of North America. 'A few corrections' rectified. In Auk, III, pp. 266-268. (April, 1886.) 260. Tringa damacensis (Horsf.) in Alaska ; a sandpiper new to the North American fauna. In Auk, III, p. 275. (April, 1886.) 261. Discovery of the breeding place of McKay's snowflake (Plectrophenax hyper- boreus.) In Auk, III, pp, 276-277. (April, 1886.) 262. On two abnormally colored speci- mens of the bluebird (Sialia sialis). In Auk, III, pp. 282-283. (April, 1886.) 263. Note announcing departure of the Fish Commission steamer Albatross on a sci- entific cruise among the Bahamas and other islands of the West Indies. In Auk, III, p. 286. (April, 1886.) 264. On the glaucous gull of Bering Sea and contiguous waters. In Auk, III, pp. 330-331. (July, 1886.) 265. A nomenclature of colors for natu- ralists, and compendium of useful knowledge for ornithologists. Boston, 1886. Pp. 1- 129 ; 17 plates. 256. Description of new species of oys- ter-catcher from the Galapagos Islands. In Auk, III, p. 331. (July, 1886.) 267. Preliminary descriptions of some new species of birds from southern Mexico, in the collection of the Mexican Geograph- ical and Exploring Commission. In Auk, III. (July, 1886.) 268. Descriptions of two new species of birds supposed to be from the interior of Venezuela. In Auk, III, p. 333. (July, 1886.) 269. Description of a new species of elf owl from Socorro Island, western Mexico. In Auk, III, pp. 333-334. (July, 1886.) 270. Description of a new genus of Oceanitidse. In Auk, III, p. 334. (July, 1886.) 271. Description of four new species of birds from the Bahama Islands. In Auk, III, pp. 334-337. (July, 1886.) 272. Description of a new genus of Ty- rannidse from Santo Domingo. In Auk, III, p. 382. (July, 1886.) 273. Remarks concerning certain correc- tions of alleged errors in 'Water birds of North America.' In Auk, III, pp. 403-404. (July, 1886.) 274. Descriptions of some new species of birds, supposed to be from the interior of Venezuela. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Sept. 17, 1886, IX, pp. 92-94. 275. On JEstrelata sandwichensis Ridgw. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Sept. 17, 1886, IX, pp. 95-96. 276. Catalogue of the animals collected by the Geographical and Exploring Commis- sion of the Republic of Mexico. By Fer- nando Ferrari-Perez, Chief of the Natural History Section. II. Birds. By F. Fer- rari-Perez. With descriptions of five new species, and critical remarks on others of greater or less rarity or interest, by Robert Ridgway. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1886, IX, pp. 130-182. 277. Description of the young and first plumage of Sterna fuliginosa. In Auk, III, pp. 433-434. (Oct., 1886.) 278. Description of a new species of the genus Empidonax from Guatemala. In Ibis, IV, pp. 459-460. (Oct., 1886.) 279. On Empidochanes fuscatus (Max.) and Empidonax brunneus, Ridgw. Iv Ibis, IV, pp. 460-461. (Oct.. 1886.) 331 Indiana University \_Ridgu. ay 280. On the species of the genus Empi- donax. In Ibis, IV, pp. 401-468. (Oct., 1886.) 281. Description of a melanistic speci- men of Buteo latissimus (Wils.). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1886, IX, pp. 248- 249. 282. Report on the department of birds, U. S. National Museum, Jan. 1 to June 30, 1885. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institu- tion (Report of U. S. National Museum) for 1885 (1886), pp. 85-91. 283. A singularly marked specimen of Sphyrapicus thyroideus. In Auk, IV, pp. 75-76. (Jan., 1887.) 284. Description of a recently new oyster- catcher (Hncmatopus galapagoensis) from the Galapagos Islands. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1887, IX, pp. 325-326. 285. Description of a new subspecies of Cyclorhis from Yucatan. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1887, IX, p. 519. 286. Description of a new species of My- iarchus, presumably from the Orinoco dis- trict of South America. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1887, IX, p. 520. 287. On a probable hybrid between Dry- ebates nuttalli (Gamb.) and D. pubescens gairdnerii (Aud.). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1887, IX, pp. 521-522. 288. Description of an apparently new species of Picolaptes, from the lower Ama- zon. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1887, IX, p. 523. 289. Description of a new plumed part- ridge from Sonora. In Forest and Stream, XXVIII, p. 106. (March 3, 1887.) 290. List of birds found breeding within the corporate limits of Mt. Carmel, Illinois. In Bull. Ridgway Orn. Club for April, 1887, pp. 26-35. 29.1. The imperial woodpecker (Campe- philus imperialis) in northern Sonora. In Auk, IV, p. 161. (April, 1887.) 292. The coppery-tailed trogon (Trogon ambiguus) breeding in southern Arizona. In Auk, IV, pp. 161-162. (April, 1887.) 293. Description of a new species of Co- tinga from the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April, 1877, X, pp. 1-2. 294. Description of a new form of Spin- dalis from the Bahamas. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April, 1887, X, p. 3. 295. Description of the adult female of Carpodectes antoniae, Zeledon, with critical remarks, notes on habits, etc., by Jos6 C. Zeledon. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April, 1877, X, p. 20. 296. Feathered songsters. Great western bird center. A list of the birds found breed- ing within the corporate limits of Mt. Car- mel, Illinois. In Mount Carmel Register, April 28, 1887. 297. Description of a new species of Por- zana from Costa Rica. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, Vol. X, p. 111. 298. Notes on Ardea wuerdemanni Baird. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, X, pp. 112-115. 299. Trogon ambiguus breeding in Ari- zona. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, p. 147. 300. Description of a new plumed part- ridge from Sonora. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, X, p. 148-150. 301. Description of a new genus of Den- drocolaptine bird from the lower Amazon. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, X, p. 151. 302. Description of a new species of Phacellodomus from Venezuela. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1887, X, p. 152. 303. Clarke's nutcracker (Picicorvus columbianus) in the Bristol Bay region, Alaska. In Auk, IV, p. 255. (July, 1887.) 304. Clarke's nutcracker from the Ko- wak River, Alaska. In Auk, IV, p. 256. (July, 1887.) 305. Yellow-headed blackbird (Xantho- 332 Ridgway ] Bibliography: Alumni cephalus xanthocephalus) in Maine. In Auk, IV, p. 256. (July, 1887.) 300. Note on Spizella monticola ochracea Brewst. In Auk, IV, pp. 258-259. (July, 1887.) 307. Letter to the editor concerning the supposed breeding plumage of Podiceps occi- dentalis Lawrence. In Ibis, V, pp. 261-362. (July, 1887.) 308. Description of two new species of Kaup's genus Megascops. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Aug., 1887, X, pp. 267-268. 309. Description of two new races of Pyrrhuloxia sinuata Bonap. In Auk, IV, p. 347. (Oct., 1887.) 310. On the correct subspecific title of Baird's wren (No. 719b, A. O. U. check- list). In Auk, IV. pp. 249-250. (Oct., 1887.) 311. A correction. In Ornithologist and Oologist, XII, p. 192. (Nov., 1887.) 312. Description of a new Muscisaxi- cola, from Lake Titicaca, Peru. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1887, X, p. 430. 313. On Phrygilus gayi (Eyd. and Gerv.) and allied species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1887, X, pp. 431-435. 314. Spencer Fullerton Baird. (In me- moriam.) In Auk, V, pp. 1-14. (Jan., 1888.) 315. Notes on some type-specimens of American Troglodytidae in the Lafresnaye collection. In Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, for March, 1888, XXIII, pp. 383-388. 316. Description of a new Tityra from western Mexico. In Auk, V, p. 263. (July, 1888.) 317. A review of the genus Dendrocincla Gray. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1888, X, pp. 32, 488-497. 318. Remarks on Catharus berlepschi Lawr. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August, 1888, p. 504. 319. Descriptions of some new species and subspecies of birds from Middle America. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August. 1888, X, pp. 505-510. 320. Note on the generic name Uropsila, Sc. and Salv. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August 1888, X, p. 511. 321. Descriptions of new species and ge- nera of birds from the lower Amazon. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August, 1888, X, pp. 529-548. 322. A review of the genus Psittacula of Brisson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Au- gust, 1888, X, pp. 529-548. 323. Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Mr. Chas. H. Townsend, on islands in the Caribbean Sea and in Honduras. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for August, 1888, pp. 572-597. 324. Charles Wiekliffe Beckham : Obit- uary. In Auk, V, pp. 445-446. (Oct., 1888.) 325. Supplementary remarks on the ge- nus Psittacula Brisson. In Auk, V, pp. 460-462. (Oct., 1888.) 326. Description of a new Psaltriparus from southern Arizona. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1888, X, p. 697. 327. Description of a new western sub- species of Accipiter velox (Wilson), and subspecific diagnosis of A. cooperi mexi- canus (Swains). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1888, XI, p. 92. 328. Note on ^Estrelata sandwichensis Kidgw. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1888, XI, p. 104. 329. Description of a new pigeon from Guayaquil, Ecuador. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1888, XI, p. 112. 330. Description of the adult male of Acanthidops bairdi. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for March, 1889, XI, p. 196. 331. Spring notes on migratory birds. In Forest and Stream, XXXII, p. 420 (Jan. 13, 1889.) 332. Notes on Costa Rican birds, with descriptions of seven new species and sub- 333 Indiana University [Ridgway species and one new genus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Sept., 1889, XI, pp. 537-546. 333. Report on the department of birds, U. S. National Museum, for 1885-1886. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. Nat. Mus.), for 1885-1886 (1889), pp. 153-162. 334. The ornithology of Illinois. Part I, Descriptive catalogue. In Nat Hist. Survey of Illinois. Springfield, 111. Vol. I, pp. viii, 520, 22 plates (1889) ; vol. II, pp. 282, 22 plates (1895). 335. Buteo brachyurus and B. fulgino- sus. In Auk, VII, p. 90. (Jan., 1890.) 336. Intergradation between Zonotrichia leucophrys and Z. intermedia, and between the latter and Z. gambeli. In Auk, VII, p. 96. (Jan., 1890.) 337. A chart of standard colors. In Gar- den and Forest, III, pp. 22-23. (Jan. 3, 1890.) 338. A review of the genus Xiphocolap- tes of Lesson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1890, XII, pp. 1-20. 339. A review of the genus Sclerurus of Swainson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb.. 1890, XII, pp. 21-31. 340. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Alba- tross. (Published by permission of Hon. Marshall McDonald, U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries.) No. I Birds collected on the Galapagos Islands in 1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1890, XII, p. 101-128. 341. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Alba- tross. (Published by permission of Hon. Marshall McDonald, Commissioner of Fish- eries.) No. II Birds collected on the Island of Santa Lucia, West Indies, the Abrolhos Islands. Brazil, and at the Straits of Ma- gellan, in 1887-1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1890, XII, pp. 129-139. 342. A northern station for Quercus lyr- ata. In Garden and Forest, III, p. 129. (March 12, 1890.) 343. Review of Salvin and Godmnn's 'Biologia Centrali- Americana Aves.' In Auk, VII, pp. 189-195. (April, 1890.) 344. Harlan's hawk a race of the red- tail, and not a distinct species. In Auk, VII, p. 205. (April, 1890.) 345. Further notes on the genus Xiph- ocolaptes of Lesson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1890, XIII, pp. 47-48. 346. Junco hyemalis shufeldti in Mary- land. In Auk, VII, p. 289. (July, 1890.) 347. A yellow-crowned Regulus calen- dula. In Auk, VII, p. 292. (July, 1890.) 348. Review of Allen's 'Birds from Quito.' In Auk, VII, pp. 380-381. (Oct. 1890.) 349. Review of Allen's 'Birds collected in Bolivia.' In Auk, VII, pp. 381-382. (Oct., 1890.) 350. Review of Allen's 'The genus Cy- clprhis.' In Auk, VII, pp. 382-384. (Oct., 1890.) 351. Review of Allen's 'Descriptions of new South American birds.' In Auk, VII, pp. 384-385. (Oct., 1890.) 352. Review of Allen's 'Individual and seasonal variation in the genus Elainea.' In Auk, VII, pp. 385-386. (Oct., 1890.) 353. Review of Allen's 'The Maximilian types of South American birds.' In Auk, VII, pp. 386-387. (Oct., 1890.) 354. Observations on the Farallon rail (Porzana jamaicensis coturniculus Baird). In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1890, XIII, pp. 309-311. 355. Report on the department of birds U. S. National Museum, for 1887-1888. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. Nat. Mus.) for 1888 (1890), pp. 145-150. 356. Falco dominicensis Gmel. versus Falco sparverioides Vig. In Auk, VIII, pp. 113-114. (Jan., 1891.) 357. A new name necessary for Selas- phorus floresii Gould. In Auk, VIII, p. 114. (Jan., 1891.) 334 Ridgway J Bibliography: Alumni 358. Note on the alleged occurrence of Trochilus heloisa (Less, and DeLatt.) with- in the North American limits. In Auk, VIII, p. 115. (Jan., 1891.) 359. Cistothorus marianse (i. e. C. gri- seus), Buteo lineatus alleni, and Syrnium nebulosum alleni, in South Carolina. 360. Fulvous tree duck in Missouri. In Forest and Stream, XXXVI, p. 435. (June 8. 1891.) 301. List of birds collected on the Ba- hama Islands by the naturalists of the Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. In Auk, VIII. pp. 333-339. (Oct., 1891.) "t'.J. Description of a new species of Avijippoorwill from Costa Rica. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1891, pp. 465-466. 303. Notes on some birds from the in- terior of Honduras. In Proc. U. S. Nat. .Mus. for Oct., 1891, XIV, pp. 467-471. 364. Notes on some Costa Rican birds. I,, I'roc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1891, XIV. pp. 473-478. 365. Note on Pachyrhamphus albinucha, Burmeister. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1891, XIV, pp. 479-480. 366. Description of two supposed new forms of Thamnophilus. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1891, XIV, p. 481. 367. Description of a new sharp-tailed sparrow from California. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1891, XIV, pp. 483-484. 368. Notes on the genus Sittasomus of Swainson. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct.. 1891, XIV,. pp. 507-510. 369. Directions for collecting birds. In Part A of Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 39, 370. Report on the department of birds, U. S. National Museum, for 1888-1889. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. Nat. Mus.), for 1888-1889 (1891), pp. 357-361. 371. Report on the department of birds, U. S. National Museum, for 1889-1890. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of the U. S. National Museum) for 1889- 1890 (1891), pp. 195-198. 372. Zonotrichia albicollis in California. In Auk, IX, p. 302. (July, 1892.) 373. Spring arrivals at Washington, D. C. In Auk, IX, pp. 307-308. (July, 1892.) 374. The humming birds. In Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1890 (published July, 1892), pp. 253-383, plates i-xlvi. 375. Descriptions of two new forms of Basileuterus rufifrons from Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1892, XV, p. 119. 376. The systematic position of hum- ming-birds. Reply to Dr. Shufeldt's 'Dis- cussion.' In Pop. Sci. News, XXVI, pp. 164-165. (Nov., 1892.) 377. Shufeldt on the anatomy of the humming birds and swifts. In Am. Nat., XXVI, pp. 1040-1041. (Dec., 1892.) 378. Nocturnal songsters, and other bird- notes. Science, XX, pp. 343-344. (Dec. 16, 1892.) 379. Report on the department of birds. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1890-1891. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. Nat. Mus.), for 1890-1891 (1892), pp. 207-211. 380. Destruction of crows during the re- cent cold spell. In Science, XXI, p. 77, (Feb. 10, 1893.) 381. On the local segregation of trees. In Garden and Forest, VI, pp. 148-149. (March 29, 1893.) 382. The American plane tree. In Mee- han's Monthly, for May, 1893, pp. 69-70. 383. Description of two supposed new species of swifts. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for June, 1893, XVI, pp. 43-44. 384. Age of guano deposits. In Science, XXI, p. 360. (June, 1893.) 385. Description of a supposed new spe- cies of Odontophorus from southern Mex- ico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for July, 1893, XVI, pp. 469-470. 386. Remarks concerning the type-spec- 335 Indiana University \_Ridgway imen of Malnooptila fulginosa Ridgway, de- scribed on pp. 572-573 of the same paper by Charles W. Richmond. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1893, XVI, p. 513. 387. Descriptions of some new birds col- lected on the islands of Aldabra and As- sumption, northwest of Madagascar, by Dr. W. L. Abbot. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct.. 1893, XVI, pp. 597-600. 388. Remarks on the avian gentis Myiar- chus, with special reference to M. yucatan- en.sis Lawrence. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct., 1893, XVI, pp. 605-608. 389. On a small collection of birds from Costa Rica. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Oct.. 1893. XVI, pp. 609-614. 390. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Alba- tross. (Published by permission of Hon. Marshall McDonald, Commissioner of Fish- eries.) No. XXVII Catalogue of a col- lection of birds made in Alaska by Mr. C. H. Townsend during the cruise of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross, in the summer and autumn of 1888. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1893, XVI, pp. 663-665. 391. A revision of the genus Formicarius Boddaert. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1893, Vol. XVI, pp. 667-686. 392. Description of a new storm petrel from the coast of western Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1893, XVI, pp. 687-688. 393. Report on the department of birds, U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1891-1892. In Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Institution (Report of U. S. Nat. Mus.) for 1891-1892 (1893), pp. 147-152. 394. Note on Rougetius aldabranus. In Auk, XI, p. 74. (Jan., 1894.) 395. Description of a new Geothlypis from Brownsville, Texas. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Feb., 1894, XVI, pp. 691- 692. 396. On geographical variation in Sialia mexicana Swainson. In Auk, XI, pp. 145- 160. (April, 1894.) 397. Description of Pipilo orizabse Cox. In Auk, XI, p. 161. (April, 1894.) 398. Picicorvus an untenable genus. In Auk, XI, p. 179. (April, 1894.; 399. Geographical versus sexual varia- tions in Oreortyx pictus. In Auk, XI, pp. 193-197, 6 plates. (July, 1894.) 400. Colinus virginianus cubanensis not a Florida bird. In Auk, XI, p. 324. (Oct., 1894.) 401. We, also, take exceptions. In Ni- dologist, II, p. 29. (Oct., 1894.) 402. Descriptions of twenty-two new spe- cies of birds from the Galapagos Islands. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Nov., 1894, XVII, pp. 357-370. 403. Descriptions of some new birds from Aldabra, Assumption, and Gloriosa Islands, collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., for Nov., 1894, XVII, pp. 371-373. 404. Additional notes of the trees of the lower Wabash Valley. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for Jan., 1895, XVII, pp. 409-421, 5 plates. 405. Letter to the editor concerning nearly total annihilation of bluebirds in the District of Columbia by the "blizzard" of February 7-9, 1895. In Christian Register, for May, 1895, p. 301. 406. On Fisher's petrel (^strelata foh- eri). In Auk, XII, pp.- 319-322, pi. Iv. (October, 1895.) 407. On the correct subspecific names of the Texan and Mexican screech owls. In Auk, XII, pp. 389-390. (Oct., 1895.) 408. Junco phsponotus Wagler, not J. cinereus (Swainson). In Auk, XII. p. 391. (Oct., 1895.) 409. Nesting of the duck hawk in trees. In Nidologijrt, III, pp. 42-44. (Dec., 1895.) 410. A manual of North American birds. Philadelphia, 1887. Pp. i-xi ; 1-631: 123 plates. Second edition revised, with uew 336 Ridgway ] Bibliography: Alumni preface and appendix. Philadelphia, 1896. tris Stejneger. In Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. for Pp. i-xiii ; 1-653 ; 123 plates. 411. Description of a new species of ground warbler from eastern Mexico. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April, 1896, XVIII, pp. 119-120. 412. Preliminary descriptions of some new birds from the Galapagos archipelago. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for April, 1896, XVIII, pp. 293-294. 413. Letter to the editor and publisher of The Nidologist concerning his contemplated return to California. In Nidologist, III, p. 98. (May, 1896.) 414. Description of a new subspecies of the genus Peucedramus, Coues. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for May, 1896, XVIII, p. 441. 415. Characters of a new American family of Passerine birds. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for June, 1896, XVIII, pp. 449- 450. 416. On birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbot in the Seychelles, Amirantes, Glori- osa, Assumption, Aldabra and adjacent islands, with notes on habits, etc., by the collector. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for June, 1896, XVIII, pp. 509-546. 417. Description of Oceanodroma macro- dactyla (Bryant). In Cat. Birds, Brit. Mus. for 1896, XXV, p. 351. 418. Description of Oceanodroma socor- roensis Townsend. In Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. for 1896, XXV, p. 352. 419. Description of Oceanodroma tristra- mi Stejneger. In Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. for 1896, XXV, pp. 354-355. 420. Results of comparison of a speci- men of ^strelata affinis (Buller) with the type of M. gularis (Peale) and IE. fisheri Ridgway. In Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. for 1896, XXV, p. 415. 421. Comparative characters of JEstrel- ata fisheri Ridgway and 2E. gularis (Peale). In Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. for 1896, XXV, pp. 415-4-6. 422. Description of ^Estrelata longiros- (23) 337 1896, XXV, p. 418. 423. Letter to Dr. G. Brown Goode con- cerning the writer's opinion of the services to ornithology of the eminent ornithologist, Dr. P. L. Sclater. In Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1896, No. 49, pp. xviii-xix. 424. List of private collections of birds containing over 1,000 specimens which have been presented at various times to the U. S. Nat. Mus. In Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1893-4, pp. 48-49. (1896.) 425. Melopelia leucoptera in Osceola county, Florida. In Auk, XIV, pp. 88-89. (Jan., 189Y.) 426. Note on Junco annectens Baird and J. ridgwayi Mearus. In Auk, XIV, p. 94. (Jan., 1897.) 427. Correct nomenclature of the Texas cardinal. In Auk, XIV, p. 95. (Jan., 1897.) 428. Dendroica caerulea vs. Dendroica rara. In Auk, XIV, p. 97. (Jan., 1897.) 429. Birds of the Galapagos archipelago. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1897, XIX, pp. 459-670. 430. Where Junco roosts. In Bull. Wil- son Orn. Chapt. Agassiz Assn. for May, 1897, pp. 25-26. 431. Description of the nest and eggs of Bachman's warbler. In Auk, XIV, pp. 309- 310. (July, 1897.) 432. An earlier name for Ammodramus lecontei. In Auk, XIV, p. 320. (July, 1897.) 433. On the status of Lanius robustus Baird as a North American bird. In Auk, XIV, p. 323. (July, 1897). 434. Review of Chapman's 'Bird Life.' In Auk, XIV, pp. 336-338. (July, 1897.) 435. Remarks concerning Megascops pinosus Nelson and Palmer. In Biol. Cent. Amer. Aves., Ill, p. 17. (Nov., 1897.) 436. An amateur's experiment. In Garden and Forest for 1897, pp. 504-507. Indiana University [Ridgway 437. Birds of the Galapagos Islands. In Am. Nat., XXXII, pp. 386-389. (May, 1898.) 438. Descriptions of supposed new gen- era, species and subspecies of American birds. I. Fringillidse. In Auk, XV, pp. 223-230. (July, 1898.) 439. New species of American birds. II. Fringillidre (continued). In Auk, XV, pp. 319-324. (Oct., 1898.) 440. Description of new species of hum- ming bird from Arizona. In Auk, XV, pp. 325-326. (Oct., 1898.) 441. Hemithraupis. A correction. In Auk, XV, pp. 330-331. (Oct., 1898.) 442. The home of the ivory-bill. In Osprey, III, pp. 35-36. (Nov., 1898.) 443. New species of American birds. Fringillidae (continued). In Auk, XVI, pp. 35-37. (Jan., 1897.) 444. On the genus Astragalinus cabanis. In Auk, XVI, pp. 79-80. (Jan., 1899.) 445. On the generic name Aimophila versus Peucsea. In Auk, XVI, pp. 80-81. (Jan., 1899.) 446. A fraud look out for him. In Osprey, III, p. 94. (Feb., 1899.) 447. New species of American birds. IV. Fringillida? (concluded). In Auk, XVI, pp. 254-256. (July, 1899.) 448. New species of American birds. V. Corvidse (concluded). In Auk, XVII, pp. 27-29. (Jan., 1900.) 449. New species of American birds. VI. Fringillidse (supplement). In Auk, XVII, pp. 29-30. (Jan., 1900.) 450. Concerning the use of scientific names. In Condor, II, p. 41. (March, 1900.) 451. Song birds of Europe and Amer- ica. In Bird-Lore, II, pp. 69-75. (June, 1900.) 452. Description of Buteo borealis socor- roensis. In Biol. Cent. Amer. Aves, for Nov., 1900, III, p. 64. 453. New birds of the families Tana- gridn> and leteridir. In Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. for April, 1901, III, pp. 149-155. 454. Descriptions of three new birds of the families Mniotiltidsc and Corvidse. In Auk, XIX, pp. 69-70. (Jan., 1902.) 455. The birds of North and Middle America. Part I. Washington, 1901, pp. i-xxx, 1-715, 19 plates. Part II. Washing- ton, 1902, pp. i-xx, 1-834, 22 plates. 456. The elf owl in California. In Condor, IV, pp. 18-19. (Jan., 1902.) 457. Review of Pycraft's 'Classification of the Falcon if ormes.' In Science, N. S., XVII, pp. 509-511. (March, 1903.) 458. Leophophanes vs. Baeolophus. In Auk, XX, p. 308. (July, 1903. > 459. Descriptions of new genera, species and subspecies of American birds. In Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash, for Sept., 1903. Vol. XVI, pp. 105-111. DAVID ANDREW ROTHBOCK, A.B. (1892), A.M. (1893), Ph.D. Sec Faculty list. EDWAKD EARNEST RUBY, A.B. (1897), A.M. Tutor in Greek, 1897-1898; Tutor in French, 1898-1899; Instructor in French, 1901-1902. Now Professor of Latin, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. 1. Register of graduates of the Indi- ana University, including advanced and hon- orary degrees. Third edition. Blooming- ton, Ind., 1901. Pp. 112. 2. The catalogue of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Seventh edition. Chicago, 1904. Pp. xvi, 650 ; 1 plate. HENRY WOLDMAN RUOFF, A.B. (1890), D.C.L. 1. Origin of the family ; ethical duties of the home ; the home and the state ; the 338 Shinn^ Bibliography: Alumni home in literature. Chapters contributed to 'Our Home.' Springfield, Mass., 1898. Pp. 98. 2. The century book of facts. Spring- field, 1899. Pp. 688 ; 8 plates. 3. Woman during the Dark Ages ; woman under medieval institutions ; the dawn of woman's power. Chapters contrib- uted to 'Woman.' Springfield, 1900. Pp. 121 ; 17 plates. 4. Leaders of men. Springfield, 1901. Pp. 695 ; 33 plates. 5. The capitals of the world. Spring- field, 1902. Vol. I, pp. 414; vol. II, pp. 532 ; 800 plates. 6. Universal manual of ready refer- ence. Springfield, 1904. Vol. I, pp. 741 ; 5 plates. 7. One hundred immortals. New York. (In press.) grammar and analysis, with diagrams. Con- nersville, Ind., 1891. Pp. 269. NEWELL SANDERS, B.S. (1873). Chatta- nooga, Tenn. 1. Wendell Sanders. 1893. Pp. 112; 37 plates. THOMAS E SANDERS, A.B. (1895). Super- intendent of Schools, Batesville, Ark. (After July 1, 1904, Editor Progressive Teacher. ) 1. Opening exercises for schools. Batesville, Ark., 1901. Pp. 150. 2. A guide to the study of literature in our schools. Batesville, Ark., 1903. Pp. 56. 3. Students' and teachers' aid to the study of civil government. Batesville, Ark., 1904. Pp. 136. WILLIAM FRANCIS LEWIS SANDERS, A.B. (1873). Teacher in High School, Con- nersville, Ind. 1. The English sentence, a treatise on (24) GEORGE L SCHERGER, A.B. (1894), Ph.D. Professor of History, Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. 1. The evolution of modern liberty. New York, 1904. Pp. xiv, 284. JOHN ANDREW SHAFER, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1895). Valparaiso, Ind. 1. Hygiene of school architecture. Tn Inland Educator, III, pp. 311-312 (Jan., 1897) ; IV, pp. 20-23 (Feb., 1897) ; IV, pp. 75-78 (March, 1897). JOHN WILKES SHEPHERD, A.B. (1896), A.M. (1898). Professor of Chemistry, Chicago Normal School, Chicago, 111. 1. The determination of methane, car- bon monoxide, and hydrogen by explosion in technical gas analysis. (Joint author with W. A. Noyes.) In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XX, pp. 343-348. EVERETT SHEPARDSON, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1892.) Assistant Professor of Psychol- ogy and Pedagogy, Los Angeles State Normal, Los Angeles, Cal. 1. Should fairy stories and folk tales be used in first and second grades? In Los Angeles State Normal Exponent, IV, pp. 150-158. (Jan., 1896.) FREDERICK LAFAYETTE SIIINN, A.B. (1901), A.M. (1902). Assistant in Physical Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 1. The quantitative determination of selenium in organic compounds. (Joint au- Indiana University \_Shi inn thor with H. E. Lyons.) In Jour. Am. stone of southeastern Indiana. In '2~tt\\ Ann. Chem. Soo., XXIV, pp. 1087-1093. 2. On double and triple thiocyanates of caesium, cobalt, and silver. (Joint au- thor with II. L. Wells.) In Am. Chem. Jour., XXIX, pp. 474-478. CLAUDE E. SIEBENTHAL. Student, 1890-93. Assistant, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 1. The geology of Dallas county, Ar- kansas. In Ann. Kept. Arkansas Geol. Surv. for 1891, II, pp. 279-318. (1894.) 2. The Bedford oolitic limestone of In- diana. (Joint author with T. C. Hopkins.) In 21st Ann. Kept. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. of Indiana for 1896, pp. 291-413. (1897.) 3. The Bedford oolitic limestone. In 19th Ann. Kept. U. S. Geol. Surv., pt. VI ( continued ) , pp. 292-296. ( 1898. ) 4. The Bedford oolitic limestone. In Mineral Industry for 1898, vol. VIII, pp. 479-482. (1899.) 5. The coal deposits of Indiana. (Joint author with W. S. Blatchley, G. H. Ashby, and others.) In 23d Ann. Kept. Dept. Geol. -and Nat. Res. of Indiana for 1898, pp. 1- 1741. (1899.) 6. Review of 24th annual report of the Department of Geology and Natural Re- sources of Indiana. In Jour. Geol., VIII, pp. 475-477. (1900.) 7. On the use of the term Bedford limestone. In Jour. Geol., IX, pp. 234-235. 8. Review of 25th annual report of the Department of Geology and Natural Re- sources of Indiana. In Jour. Geol., IV, pp. 354-356. (1901.) 9. Review of William Battle Phillips's 'Texas Petroleum.' In Jour. Geol., IX, pp. 637-638. (1901.) 10. The Silver Creek hydraulic lime- Rept. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. of Indiana, pp. 331-389; pis. xiii-xiv, (igs. Ixxi-lxxii. (1901.) 11. The Indiana oolitic industry in 1900. In 25th Ann. Rept. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Res. of Indiana, pp. 390-393. (1901.) FRANK DARIUS SIMONS, A.B. (1895), M.S. Assistant Chemist, Bureau Internal Revenue, U. S. Treasury Department, Washington, D. O. 1. The action of certain bodies on the digestive ferments. In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XIX, pp. 744-754. 2. Detection of caramel in spirits and vinegar. (Joint author with C. A. Cramp- ton.) In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XXI, pp. 355-358. 3. Detection of foreign coloring matter in spirits. (Joint author with C. S. Cramp- ton.) In Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., XXII, pp. 810-813. 1 plate. 4. Synthetic chemicals under the War Revenue Act. (Joint author with C. A. Crampton.) In Am. Jour. Phar., LXXI1, p. 107. VESTO MAXVIN SLIPHER, A.B. (1901), A.M. (1902). Assistant in charge of Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. 1. Spectrograms of Jupiter. In Pop. Ast., No. 101, pp. 1-4; 2 plates. (Jan., 1903.) 2. The spectroscopic binary /? Scorpii. In Lowell Observatory Bull., No. 1, p. 4. (June, 1903.) 3. A spectrographic investigation of the rotation velocity of Venus. In Ast. Nach., Nos. 3891-3892, pp. 35-52. (August, 1903.) 4. On the efficiency of the spectro- graph for investigating planetary rotations 340 Sparling ] Bibliography : Alumni and on the accuracy of the inclination method of measurement. Tests on the rota- tion of the planet Mars. In Lowell Observ- atory Bull., No. 4, pp. 19-23. (August, 1903.) 5. Variable velocity of 'k Scorpii in the line of sight. In Lowell Observatory Bull., No. 4, p. 23. (August, 1903.) FREDERICK MILLER SMITH, A.B. (1899). Associate Editor Woman's Home Com- panion, New York City. 1. Thoreau. In Critic, XXXVII, pp. 60-67. (July, 1900.) 2. The literary aspirant again. In Critic, XXXIX, pp. 270-272. (Sept., 1901.) 3. Christine : a serial novelette. In Ladies' Home Journal. (Nov., 1901-Feb., 1902. ) Illustrated. 4. Review of Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Essays.' In Poet-Lore, XIV, pp. 70-83. (Oct., 1902.) 5. The trilemma of Albertine. In Woman's Home Companion, '1903-1904. ROSA SMITH. See Mrs. Carl H. Eigen- mann. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER, A.B. (1880), B.S. (1880), A.M. (1886.) Librarian, 1881-1893. Auburn Junction, Ind. 1. Genealogy of the Weyer family in Germany. Bloomington, Ind., 1886. SAMUEL EDWIN SPARLING, A.B. (1892), Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Mad- ison, Wis. 1. Municipal history and present or- ganization of Chicago. In Bull. Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1898. Pp. 188. 2. The small city and the model charter. In Proc. Nat. Municipal League for 1899, pp. 15. 3. Uniform accounting for cities. In Proc. Nat. Municipal League for 1899, pp. 15. 4. Uniform accounting for Wisconsin cities. In Bull. League of Wisconsin Mu- nicipalities, No. 3, 1899. 5. Notes on municipal government. (League of Wisconsin Municipalities.) In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., XIII, pp. 269-270. (1899.) 6. Review of Frank Parson's 'The City for the people.' In Municipal Affairs, IV, pp. 405-406. (1900.) 7. Notes on municipal government. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., XIV, pp. lld-m. (1901.) 8. Responsible county government. In Pol. Sci. Quart., XVI, pp. 437-449. (1901.) 9. State boards of control. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., XVII, pp. 74-91. (1901.) 10. Syllabus on municipal government. In Pub. Nat. Municipal League. Second Report of Committee on Instruction in Mu- nicipal Government in American Educa- tional Institutions, June, 1902. 11. Chicago's voters' league. In Out- look, LXXI, pp. 495-498. (June, 1902.) 12. Municipal history and organization of Chicago. In Bull. No. 29. Pol. Sci. Series. University of Wisconsin. 13. Municipal conditions in Wisconsin. In Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. (Feb., 1904.) 14. An American Political Science As- sociation. In Review of Reviews, XXIX, pp. 212-213. (Feb., 1904.) 15. The work of the league of Wiscon- sin municipalities. In Proc. Mich. Pol. Sci. Asso., Feb., 1904. 16. History of the league of Wisconsin municipalities. In Iowa Hist. Rev., April, 1904. Indiana University \_Sparling 17.. Editor of 'The Municipality,' a monthly journal devoted to the discussion of municipal questions. In its fourth year. WILLIAM MCKENDREE SPRINGER, A.B. (1858), A.M. (1861), LL.D. Washing- ton, D. C. 1. The telegraph monopoly. In No. Am. Rev., CXXXII, pp. 369-382. (April, 1881.) 2. Gold and silver : what shall the ratio be? In No. Am. Rev., CLV, pp. 4-6. (July, 1892.) 3. Why the Democrats should elect the next President. In Arena, VI, pp. 198-201. (July, 1892.) 4. How to revise the tariff. In No. Am. Rev., CLVI, pp. 127-135. (Feb., 1893.) 5. The financial muddle. (Joint author with J. Sterling Morton and Henry W. Can- non.) In No. Am. Rev., CLX, pp. 129-156. (Feb., 1895.) EDWIN DLLLER STARBUCK, A.B. (1890), Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Educa- tion, Leland Stanford Jr. University, Stanford University, Cal. 1. A study of conversion. In Am. Jour. Psych., VIII, pp. 268-308. (Jan., 1897.) 2. Some aspects of religious growth. In Am. Jour. Psych., IX, pp. 70-124. (Oct., 1897.) 3. Child study and its possibilities as a science. In Northwestern Mo., IX, pp. 358-362. (March- April, 1899.) 4. The psychology of religion. With an introduction by Professor William James. London, 1899. Pp. xx, 423. WARDER W STEVENS, LL.B. (1867). Salem, Ind. 1. Swine husbandry. Indianapolis, 1899. Pp. 200. 2. History of Washington county, Ind. 1904. Pp. 600. (In press.) ELMER BRYAN STEWART, A.B. Pastor Third United Presbyterian Church, Chi- cago. 1. The tithe. Chicago, 1903. Pp. xxii, 82. 2. The tithe covenant plan for financ- ing the Kingdom of Christ. Chicago, 1903. Pp. 15. JOHN CHARLES STONE, A.B. (1897), A.M. (1897). Associate Professor of Mathe- matics, State Normal School, Y'psilanti, Mich. 1. Algebra by correspondence. (Joint author with E. A. Lyinan.) Chicago, 1902. Pp. 100. 2. Geometry by correspondence. (Joint author with E. A. Lyman.) Chicago, 1902. Pp. 100. 3. Monograph on teaching arithmetic. Boston, 1903. Pp. 25. 4. Southworth-Stone arithmetic. (Joint author with G. S. Southworth.) Boston, 1904. Book I, pp. 184; book II, pp. 237; book III, pp. 287. 5. Monograph on method in geometry. Boston, 1904. Pp. 36. EDGAR HOWARD STURTEVANT, A.B. (1898), Ph.D. Tutor in Latin, 1895-1898, In- structor in Latin, 1901-1902. Now Acting Assistant Professor of Latin, University of Missouri, Columbia. Mo. 1. Contraction in the case forms of the 342 Swain ] Bibliography: Alumni Latin to and ia stems, and of deus, is, and idem. Chicago, 1902. Pp. 36. 2. Latin rs from rss. In Clas. Rev., XVIII, 1904. JOSEPH SWAIN, B.L. (1883), M.S. (1895), LL.D. Instructor in Mathematics and Zoology, Indiana University, 1883-1885 ; Professor of Mathematics, 1886-1891; President of the University, 1893-1902. Now President of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 1. Notes on a collection of fishes from Johnston's Island, including descriptions of five new species. (Joint author with Rosa Smith. ) In Proc. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 119-143. (1882.) 2. A review of the Syngnathinae of the United States, with a description of one new species. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. V, pp. 307-315. (Aug. 15, 1882.) 3. A review of the species of Stole- phorus. found on the Atlantic coast of the United States, In Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1882, II, pp. 55-57. (Oct. 6, 1882.) 4. A review of Swainson's genera of fishes. /H Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia for 1882, pp. 272-284. 5. An identification of the species of fishes described in Shaw's General Zoology. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1882. Pp. 303-309. 6. A review of the genus Noturus, with a description of one new species. (Joint author with George B. Kalb. ) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, pp. 638-644. (May 23, 1883.) 7. List of fishes collected in the Clear Fork of the Cumberland, Whitley county, Kentucky, with description of three new species. (Joint author with David Stan- Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, pp. 248-251. (Nov. 27, 1883.) 8. Description of a new species of Hadropterus (Hadropterus scierus) from southern Indiana. In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, p. 252. (Nov. 27, 1883.) 9. Descriptions of Scaroid fishes from Havana and Key West, Fla., including five new species. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 81-102. (July 1, 1884.) 10. Notes on fishes collected by D. S. Jordan, Cedar Keys, Fla. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 230-234. (August 5, 1884.) 11. Notes on the pipe-fishes of Key West, Fla., with description of Siphostoma McKayi, a new species. (Joint author with Seth E. Meek.)- In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. -37-239. (August 5, 1884.) 12. A review of the American species of marine Mugilidae. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 261-275. (August 22, 1884.) 13. A review of the species of the genus Efemulon. (Joint author with D. S. Jor- dan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 281-317. (August 28, 1884.) 14. A review of the American species of Epinephalus and related genera. (Joint au- thor with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 358-410. (1884.) 15. A review of the species of Lutjan- in?e and Hoplopagrina? found in American waters. (Joint author with D. S. Jordan.) In Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VII, pp. 427-474. (Sept. 19, 1884.) 16. Inaugural address at Indiana Uni- versity. 1893. Published by Indiana Uni- versity, July, 1893. 17. The State University. In 17th Bien. Rep. Sup. Pub. Inst, Dec. 27, 1893, p. 111. 18. What should the high school do for the graduate of the elementary schools? In Proc. Nat. Educ. Asso. for 1896, pp. 362- 343 Indiana University [_Swait 19. University ideals at Stanford. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Asso. for 1897, pp. 366- 373. 20. College entrance requirements. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Asso. for 1899, pp. 630, 827. 21. The State University. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Asso. for 1900, p. 106. 22. State aid to higher education in Europe and America. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Asso. for 1900, p. 457. 23. Inaugural address at Swarthmore College. Published by Swarthmore College, Dec., 1902, pp. 457-463. 24. Address to Alumni of Swarthmore College, 1903. Published by Swarthmore College, July, 1903, pp. 1-8. Numerous other short papers and ad- dresses published in various years. 10. Articles on pedagogy. In Indiana Sch. Jour, monthly from 1890-1899; articles in school journals, at various times, on pedagogical subjects. ARNOLD TOMPKINS, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. Principal of the Chi- cago JNormal School, Chicago. 1. A graded course of study. Frank- lin, Ind., 1883. Pp. iii, 242. 2. The philosophy of teaching. Bos- ton, 1895. Pp. xii, 280. 3. The philosophy of school manage- ment. Boston, 1895. Pp. xiv, 222. 4. The relation of sociology and peda- gogy. In Am. Jour. Soc. for Nov., 1895. 5. Literary interpretations. Boston, 1896. Pp. vi, 204. 6. The science of discourse. Boston, 1897. Pp. xiv, 252. 7. Review of Vincent's 'The social mind and education.' In Am. Jour. Soc. (1897.) 8. Herbart's philosophy and his edu- cational theory. In Educ. Rev., XVI, pp. 233-243. (Oct., 1898.) 9. Review of J. O. Quantz's 'Problems in the psychology of reading.' In Educ. Rev., XVI, pp. 513-517. (Dec., 1898). FREDERICK WILSON TRUSCOTT, A.B. (1891), A.M. (1892), Ph.D. Instructor in German, 1891-1893. Now Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va. 1. Laplace's essay on probabilities. (Joint translator with F. L. Emory.) New York, 1902. Pp. iv, 196. 2. Wildenbruch's Kinderthriinen. New York, 1904. Pp. iii, 90. 2 plates. (In press. ) ALBERT BRENNUS ULREY, A.B. (1892), A.M. (1893). Instructor in Zoology, 1892-1894. Now Professor of Biology University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. 1. A review of the Embiotocidse. (Joint author with Carl H. Eigenmann.) In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1891, p. 176 (abstract) ; in Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1892, pp. 381-400. 2. Notes on the American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus). In Ornithologist and Oologist, XVII, pp. 76-77. (May. 1892.) 3. The fishes of Wabash county. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, pp. 229- 231. 4. Preliminary descriptions of some South American Characinidee. In Am. Nat., XXVIII, pp. 610-611. (July, 1894.) 5. On some South American Characin- idse. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1893, p. 226. (Abstract.) 344 Warthin ] Bibliography: Alumni 6. On the occurrence of Kirtland's warbler in Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1894, p. 224. 7. Contributions to the biological sur- vey of Wabash county. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 147-148, 8. Birds of Wabash county. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1895, pp. 148-159. 9. On the increasing abundance of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in North- ern Indiana. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1890, p. 279. 10. The South American Characinidae collected by Charles F. Hartt. In Ann. New York Acad. Sci., VIII, pp. 257-300. (Jan., 1895.) 11. On the occurrence of the Russian thistle (Salsola kali tragus) in Wabash county. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1896, p. 224. 12. Notes on the embryology of Para- gordius ( Gordinus ) varius ( Leidy ) . In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1897, pp. 232- 233. BENJAMIN VAIL, JR., A.B, (1878). Wash- ington, D. C. 1. The poet's tribute to Garfield. Cam- bridge, Mass. JAMES M. VAN HOOK, A.B. (1899), A.M. (1900). Plant Pathologist, Ohio Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. 1. Notes on the division of the cell and nucleus in liverworts. In Bot. Gaz., XXX, pp. 394-399 ; 1 plate. (Dec., 1900.) 2. Pink rotj an attendant of apple scab. (Joint author with J. Craig.) In Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., No. 207, pp. 161-171 ; 5 figures, 2 plates. 3. Diseases of ginseng. In Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 25 figures. (1904.) JOSEPH H VORIS, A.B. (1896). Teacher of Biology, High School, Evansville, Ind. 1. Material for the study of the vari- ation of Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque), in Turkey Lake and in Shoe and Tippecanoe lakes. In Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1898, pp. 233-239. FRANCIS MARION WALTERS, A.B. (1887), A.M. (1891). Professor of Chemistry, Missouri State Normal School, War- rensburg, Mo. 1. The elements of physiology. Co- lumbia, Mo., 1902. Pp. 198. JENNIE E. (HORNING) WALTERS (Mrs. Francis Marion Walters ) . Student, 1886-1888. Warrensburg, Mo. 1. A review of the American genera and species of Chaetodontidse. (Joint author with C. H. Eigenmann. ) In Ann. Acad. Nat. Sci., New York, for 1887, pp. 1-18. ALDEED SCOTT WARTHIN, A.B. (1888), M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Pathology and Director of the Pathological Lab- oratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1. Scheme for the systematic study of medical cases. Ann Arbor, 1892. Pp. 16. 2. Additional notes on the diazo-reac- tion. In Med. News, 1893. Pp. 12. 3. Some physiologic effects of music in hypnotized subjects. In Med. News, 1894. Pp. 13. 4. Accentuation of the pulmonary second sound an important sign in the di- agnosis of pericarditis. In Med. News, 1895. Pp. 15. 5. Report of a case of ectopic gesta- tion associated with tuberculosis of the 345 Indiana University \_Warthin tubes, placenta, and fetus. In Med. News, 1896. Pp. 16. 2 plates. 6. Ilypoleueocytosis in acute tubercu- losis. In Med. News, 1890. Pp. 8. 7. Fibrolipoma of the kidney. In Jour. Path, and Bact.,- 1897, pp. 404-411. 2 plates. 8. The diagnosis of primary sarcoma of the pleura from tlje cells found in the pleuritic exudate. In Med. News, 1897. Pp. 16, 5 plates. 9. Some experimental investigations as to the effects of the administration of yeast nuclein upon the leucocytes. In New York Med. Jour, for 1897. Pp. 45. 10. Practical pathology. Ann Arbor, 1897. Pp. 150. 11. The minute pathology of acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis associated with multiple fat-necrosis. In Phila. Med. Jour, for 1898. Pp. 19. 1 plate. 12. A primary polymorphous-cell sar- coma of the nose. In New York Med. Jour, for 1899. Pp. 18. 13. The statistics of fifty autopsies on tuberculosis subjects. Usual localizations of tuberculosis. In Med. News, 1899. Pp. 16. 14. The pathology of the Pacinian cor- puscle. (Prize essay.) In Phila. Med. Jour, for 1899. Pp. 20, 9 plates. 15. Multiple primary carcinoma. In Jour. Am. Med. Assoc. for 1899. Pp. 20. 16. The coexistence of carcinoma and tuberculosis of the mammary gland. In Am. Jour. Med. Sci. for 1899. Pp. 11, 1 plate. 17. A case of primary adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder with secondaries in both adrenals, melanosis of skin (Addison's dis- ease?), vitiligo, and hypertrophy of the pan- creas. In Phila. Med. Jour, for 1900. Pp. 28. 18. Multiple traumatic hemorrhage of the liver associated with multiple pulmo- nary emboli of liver-cells and giant cells re- sembling bone-marrow cells. In Med. News for 1900. Pp. 31 ; 1 plate. 19. Accessory adrenal body in the broad ligament. In Am. Jour. Obstet., 1900. Pp. 9, 2 plates. 20. Adenoma of both adrenals in the new-born, associated with retrogressive changes in the adrenals of Marchand. In Archives of Pediatrics. 1901. Pp. 16; 2 plates. 21. A case of endothelioma of the lach- rymal gland (myxo-chondro-endothelioma cylindromatodes), with an analysis of previ- ously reported cases of lachrymal gland tumors. In Archives of Ophthalmology, 1901. Pp. 20 ; 2 plates. 22. Multiple primary neoplasms in one individual. In Phila. Med. Jour, for 1901. Pp. 7. 23. Disappearing tumors. (Joint author with AV. A. Spitzler. ) In Med. News for 1901. Pp. 14. 24. A contribution to the normal his- tology and pathology of the hemolymph glands. In Jour. Boston Soc. of Med. Sci. for 1901. Pp. 22. In Jour. Med. Research, 1901, pp. 3-25. 25. The normal histology of the human hemolymph glands. In Am. Jour. Anat., I, pp. 63-79. 26. Section on 'The voluntary muscles, tendons, tendon-sheaths and bursse.' In Am. Textbook of Path. Philadelphia, 1901. Pp. 724-745. 27. The changes produced in the hemo- lymph glands of the sheep and goat by splenectomy, hemolytic poisons and hemor- rhage. In Jour. Med. Research, for 1902. In Vaughan Festschrift, 1903, pp. 21; 15 plates. 28. Are the hemolymph nodes organs sui generis? In Trans. Chicago Pathol. Soc. for 1902, pp. 151-174. 29. The pathology of pernicious anae- mia, with special reference to the changes 34 fl Wittier^ Bibliography : Alumni occurring in the hemolymph nodes. In Am. Jour. Med. Sci. for 1902, pp. 45, 7 plates. 30. Translator and editor of Ziegler's 'German pathology.' New York, 1903. Pp. 760 ; 586 figures. 31. A contribution to the casuistry of placental and congenital tuberculosis. (Joint author with D. M. Cowie. ) In Jour, of In- fectious Diseases, 1904, pp. 140-169. 32. A clinical and pathological study of two cases of splenic anaemia, with early and late stages of cirrhosis. (Joint author with G. Dock.) In Am. Jour. Med. Sci. for 1904. Pp. 32, 10 plates. 33. The development of hemolympy nodes in adipose tissue. In Trans. Phila- delphian Pathol. Soc. for 1904. 34. Editor department of pathology, Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences, 2d edition, New York, 1900-1904. Author of numerous articles for same. JOSHUA HOWE WATTS, A.B. (1857), Santa Cruz de Vojoa, Honduras. 1. Banana culture in Central America. In Self-Culture Mag., for May, 1900. LYDIA WHITAKER, A.B. (1900). of Latin, Terre Haute, ind. 1. The prophet of St. Pierre. York, 1904. Pp. 200. 6 plates. Teacher New JOHN EDWARD WILEY, A.B. (1885), A.M. (1889), LL.B. (1891). Anderson, Ind. The tornado (a story). Books and reading for pupils. HOWARD LAFAYETTE WILSON, A.B. (1889), A.M. (1891). Teacher of Literature and General History, State Normal School. River Falls, Wis. 1. President Buchanan's proposed in- tervention in Mexico. In Am. Hist. Rev., V, pp. 087-701. (July, 1900.) 2. The function of the high school. In South Dakota Educator, XV, pp. 43-47. (March, 1902.) 3. Intervention in Mexico. (1904.) Pp. xii, 250. (In press.) JOHN BENJAMIN WISELY, A.B. (1890), A.M. (1891). Head of Department of Grammar and Composition, Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. 1. Studies in the science of English grammar. Terre Haute, Ind., 1895. Pp. 185. 2. A new English grammar. Terre Haute, Ind., 1896. Pp. 227. . 3. Language for the grades. Terre Haute, Ind., 1896-1903. Pp. 237. CLARK WISSLER, A.B. (1897), A.M. (1899), Ph.D. Assistant Curator in Department of Ethnology, American Museum of Natural History. Assistant in Anthropology, Columbia University, New York City. 1. Interest of children in the reading work of the elementary schools. In Ped. Sem., V, pp. 523-541. (April, 1898.) 2. The diffusion of the motor impulse. (Joint author with N. R. Richardson.) In Psych. Rev., VII, pp. 29-38. (Jan., 1900.) 3. The correlation of mental and physi- cal tests. Monograph supplement to the Psych. Rev., No. 16, New York, 1901. Pp. 62. 4. The growth of boys : correlation for the annual increments. In Am. Anthropol- ogist, V, pp. 81-88. 5. Decorative and symbolic art of the Dakotas. In Proc. International Cong. Americanists, for 1902. New York. Pp. 10, 2 plates. ( In press. ) Indiana University [ffissler 6. Development of the decorative and symbolic art of the Sioux. In Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, for 1904, pp. 250, 40 plates. (In press.) JOHN ANDERSON WOOD, A.B. (1897), A.M. (1901). Superintendent of Schools, La Porte, Ind. 1. High school statistics. (Joint au- thor with W. H. Sanders.) In Kep. Sub- Committee to Indiana Town and City Su- perintendents' Assoc. for 1899, pp. 28-62. 2. Relations of the schools to growing disregard of authority. In Indiana Sch. Jour., XLIV, pp. 189-198. (April, 1899.) 3. Use of pictures in teaching geog- raphy. In Bull. Am. Bureau of Geography, for Dec., 1900, p. 309; in Educ. Jour, for Oct. and Nov., 1901, pp. 71 and 118; in N. Y. Teachers' Monographs, for June, 1903. 4. Work books. In Teachers' Jour., II, p. 554. (June, 1903.) 5. Heating, ventilating and fuel for school buildings. La Porte, Ind., 1903. Pp. 40. JAMES ALBERT WOODBURN, A.B. (1876), A.M. (1885), Ph.D. See Faculty list. WILLIAM THEODORE WYLIE, A.B. (1848). Sparta, 111. 1. Lessons and papers for the school and family. 2. Editor of 'The Christian Giver.' ALBERT HENRY YODER, A.B. (1893). Pro- fessor of Pedagogy University of Wash- ington, Seattle, Wash. 1. The study of the boyhood of great men. In Ped. Sem., Ill, pp. 134-156. (Oct., 1894.) 2. Investigations in pubescence. In Trans. Illinois Soc. for Child-Study, II, pp. 81-84. 3. Pubescence. In North Western Mo., VIII, pp. 592-600. 4. Editor of Journal of Childhood and Adolescence, 3 volumes, 114 issues. 5. Incorrigibles. In Jour. Childhood and Adolescence, II, pp. 22-54. 6. Mouth-breathing. In Jour. Child- hood and Adolescence, II, pp. 255-263. 7. Discussion on psychology of puberty and adolescence by Dr. Colin Scott. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Assoc. for 1897, p. 951. 8. Sex defferentiation in relation to secondary education. In Proc. Nat. Educ. Assoc. for 1903, pp. 785-790. 9. Numerous short reviews of peda- gogical literature. In Jour, of Childhood and Adolescence. PETER A. YODER, A.B. (1894), A.M. (1896), Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemis- try, University of Utah. 1. Ueber Dehydroschleimsaure : eine neue Darstellungsmethode, sowie verschie- dene Salze und Ester derselben. Disserta- tion. Gottingen, 1901. Pp. 63 ; 1 plate. 2. A new centrifugal soil elutriator. (Preliminary report.) In Proc. Fifth Inter- national Congress of Applied Chemistry, Sec. VII, pp. 9-21, 4 plates. 3. A new centrifugal soil elutriator. In Bull. Utah Agri. Exp. Sta. (1901). 13 plates. (In press.) 4. Some observations on farming in Germany. In 5th An. Rep. Utah Farmers' Institutes, for 1901, pp. 82-92. CLARENCE ARTHUR ZARING, A.B. (1895), LL.B. (1896). 1. 'The Arbutus' (Senior class annual, Indiana University). (Joint editor with Adelaide Perry Newsom). Bloomington, Ind., 1895. Pp. 240. 348 LD THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara STACK COLLECTION THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE "TAMPED BELOW. 819W 30w-8,'65(F644784)D482 ,., U .S,f?"L H REGIONAL LIBRARY FAC